EXCHANGE MAN, THE LIFE FREE MAN, THE LIFE FREE By the Authors of "Thought for Help," "Will Higher of God," and "Man's Life of Purpose" WILLIAM C. COMSTOCK Amanuensis WITH A FOREWORD BY REV. JOSEPH A. MILBURN Pastor First Congregational Church, Chicago RICHARD G. BADGER BOSTON Copyright, 1916, by William C. Comstock All Rights Reserved «SraRY ^ EDUC. PSYCH. LIBRARY The Gobham Press, Boston, U. S. A. Made in the United States of America CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE The Writer's Preface vii Foreword xv Dr. Coulter's Preface xxv I. Man, the Life Free 3 II. Life Personal 31 III. Max, Worker On Earth for Life Im- mortal 43 IV. Work that Helps Life 55 V. Will for Life Worthy 67 VI. Man Wills for Wider Life When He Wills His Life Worthy .... 89 VII. Free Will Used Well Helps Life . . 97 VIII. Purpose of Life in Man 105 IX. Will Free Wins for Life Freedom . . 117 X. Will of Life Man Has 123 XL Worth of Life in Man 129 XII. Will Free Fulfills God's Purpose . . 1-13 XIII. Will Higher Rules Life While It Is . 163 XIV. Will Higher Wills ; Life Made Free Fulfills His Purpose 169 XV. Final Word 195 THE WRITER'S PREFACE IN the four volumes which it has been my privilege to transcribe at the dictation of in- telligences who are in the wider life beyond earth is contained a word intended to be help- ful to men's thinking. It is the wider life's inter- pretation of the man's life in its relation to the Life who is Infinite, of the man's work on earth in its relation to the whole work of the self of man, and of the man's free will and purpose in their relation to the Omnipotent Will and Purpose of man's Maker. It is the interpretation of personal selves who were men, who have finished the experi- ence of man's life, and have achieved, through that experience, the personal worthiness which makes personal life ready for its emancipation from earth. It is the interpretation of those who remember the man's life, who remember what helped and what harmed the personal self in the man's life, who know what men should be and do to win the life of freedom. It is the interpretation of those who were deep thinkers while they were men, who carried to the wider life minds disciplined by much thought, who viii Tlie Writer's Preface ■ are no longer limited as men are to one little world, who, in the life of broadened horizon and broadened powers, comprehend as truth that which men may- only conjecture. It is the interpretation of those who have not only lived the broadest man's life, but are now living the wider life which comes to per- sonal self after earth life is finished forever. It is the testimony of those who assert unequivocally that they have told truth. It is the concurrent tes- timony of several witnesses, each of whom asserts, in his own way and in his own words, the truths which they all know. It is given to men that it may be a help to wise thinking and wise living. And he who reads seeking wisdom for his own problem of daily living and daily thinking will find it an unfailing aid. It would help a man to have faith in God, the Creator, confirmed. It is by this word from life beyond earth confirmed. It would help him to have faith in Christ, the Son of God, confirmed. It is by this word confirmed. It would help him to have faith that God purposes for all that He made now and forever. That faith is by this word taught. It would aid him to have faith in the heljifulness of worship, and thanks, and honest prayer confirmed. It is by this word confirmed. It would help him to believe in the dignity and worth of his personal self; to believe that Omnip- The Writer's Preface ix otent God considers Ins life of self worthy His teaching; and to believe that he, the man, is able, by his own wise use of his own powers, and of his own free choice, to fulfill the purpose for his life while it is on earth of Omnipotent God. That very belief the word intends to put into men's minds and hearts. It would help him to find a meaning in his daily work that makes it far more than the mere drudgery of life on earth. That meaning he will find in this word. It would help him to believe that every hour of his work well done brings nearer, and every hour of his work ill done postpones, his higher life of personal self. It would help him to believe that his man's powers, his mind, his will, his purpose, his memory, those powers which he uses in his work, are the powers which his immortal life will forever use; that as he uses them his im- mortal life is using them; and that by his wise use of those powers his life can be made ready for wider thought and work in freedom from the little- ness and the limitations of earth. It would help him to believe that when he wins firm will and pur- pose, firm for his work whatever it may be, and firm to keep his personal life worthy, his immortal self has won firm will and purpose, and in the life beyond earth will hold them firm forever. These very truths this word teaches that men may be- X The Writer's Preface lieve and use as helps in daily life. It would help him to believe that, though his life is narrow and cramped and hedged in now, and may be so through all this lifetime on earth, he can choose to learn, in his cramped and hedged-in life, firm purpose that works well and keeps life worthy, and thus learn that which wins freedom from earth. This word teaches that the free life finds firm pur- pose when it chooses, and that firm purpose for both work and worthy life does win the wider life of self. And it does not teach that a man need be among the great on earth to win for his life free- dom from earth. . It would help a man to believe that he is an im- mortal life of personal self, that he, the life of self, will surely have a broader personal life beyond earth, and that the broader life will begin when this body which is his now dies if he, the man, chooses well. The lives who have won their free- dom tell him that he may so believe, and in this word they give him the thought that will help him to choose well. It would help him to believe that, in the end, there is no conflict between the free will of life and the purpose of life's INIaker; that no life fails in the end to overcome weakness and unworthiness ; that every life will finally be taught wisdom to choose that which accords with God's purpose. The Writer's Preface xi This is the cheerful belief which this word teaches. And it would help him to believe that the sooner he, the personal life, learns wisdom, the more lenient ^vill be his teaching; that another life of teaching on earth will be a penalty, if he, knowing the wise choice, deliberately chooses unwisely. That warn- ing this word gives. It would help him to have an abiding belief that, in the wider life, no longer limited in vision, in thought, and in purpose as man is, and with the w^ide universe instead of this little earth as work- ing place, his personal life will grow broader and fuller and wiser to immortality. This is the future willed bj^ God for the life of man, and that w^ider life of growth begins when man himself, by his own will and purpose, has won for his life its free- dom. This is the vital, energizing thought w^hich this word gives as truth. God's purpose for the life whom He made personal self is, and must be, fulfilled by the life's own free w^ill. These are some of the helpful thoughts which the man who reads this word seeking aid wdll find. And, pondering these thoughts and others which this word suggests, one may find an ideal of the man's life that is worth trying to realize — a man's life that is firm in faith in God, in Christ, in the help of worship and thanks and prayer; firm in faith in immortality of the personal self; firm in xii The Writer's Preface faith in the wisdom and love of God's purpose; a life thankful that God made man free and teaches him the value and dignity of personal freedom; a life which, understanding the meaning of earth- work and experience, is firm to do the man's part in the fulfillment of God's purpose that the per- sonal self win wider life through its own free and firm use of the means w4iich He places within its grasp. And that this word is in very truth from those personalities in the other world who have named themselves to me I believe with a firm faith. That the word has not come through my own will to think I know. That it is not wi'itten in words of my choosing I know. I have schooled myself to be the attentive scribe, whose duty is to hear and transcribe the thought given in the very words in which it is given. The thought is foreign to that which was my habit of thinking before I took up this work at Dr. Coulter's suggestion. The knowledge shown in the word is not knowledge which I possessed. The way of presenting the thought is not my way of speaking or writing. I have chosen neither the thought nor the wording, and I have not stated as facts the figments of my own imagination. I have been the scribe, and only the scribe. I have not sat down to my work as scribe in a mental haze, or under mental hallucina- The Writer's Preface xiii tion, or in hours of mental exaltation, but calmly, and in every way normally conscious, wishing to give to the words dictated to my mental hearing the same dispassionate but close attention that a good scribe should give to words orally dictated, and heard through the physical ear. And that the word thus given will help him who reads it thoughtfully I believe with as firm a faith. It has helped me more than I can tell. May God give it His blessing, that it may live to be a help for many. William C. Comstock. Auditorium Hotel, Chicago, May, WIG. FOREWORD THIS book on "IMan, the Life Free" makes a threefold appeal to the critical student of the mysteries of religion and psj^chology. First, it is arresting by virtue of the dignity and seriousness of its subject matter. Its master theme is "the free life" — the life that emancipates itself, by the earnest effort of the spirit, from the limitations of this mundane sphere. It is the faith of the writer of this volume that man has to work out his salvation, if not "with fear and trembling," at least by the persistent pressure of his will toward the things that are of eternal worth and beauty. One of the notable teachings of this book is that redemption lies in the synthesis of the will of man and the will of the Eternal. And, indeed, I know of no better solution of the enigma of a human free- dom that must be wrought out within the auto- cratic operation of the sovereign will of God than is to be found in this volume. Its theology is Pauline. Its philosophy enthrones the sovereignty of God with the reverence that we find in the teachings of Augustine and Calvin. It magnifies xvi Foreword the divine will and assigns to it an absolute regency ovxr the affairs of time and of humanity; and yet it conserves, with a loving solicitude, the freedom of the individual to expedite or to retard the great matter of his personal salvation. It is remarkable how meagre the literature is that pertains to the will in its bearing upon man's career, and in its relationship to the accomplish- ment of his destiny. There has been much writ- ten, in every school of theology, with the purpose of harmonizing, in a metaphysical synthesis, the divine and human wills; but ovu' literature is sur- prisingly barren in treatises that emphasize the dynamic power of the will and how vital the will is, not only to the realization of our talents, but to the felicity of life. Apart from the series of volumes for which this author is indirectly respon- sible, I know of only two treatises that sufficiently accent the will as an ethical force — "The Victory of the Will," by Victor Charbonnel, and "The Will to Believe," by William James. It is a singular omission, for surely if anything distinguishes man as man it is the power and the faculty of the will. In the sphere of the intelligence, man differs from the lower organisms only in the matter of the degree and the extent of the operation of his psychic ener- gies. The dog reasons, as man reasons. The dog is endowed with memory, as man is endowed with Foreword xvii memory. The dog is actuated by the mstinct of futurity, as man is actuated by the instinct of fu- turity. In the sphere of the emotions, man is one in kind with the world beneath hiin, and differs from the lowly creatures that surround him only in the quality and the compass of his passions and affections. The fidelity of a friend to a friend in the human world does not surpass the fidelity of the dog to its master. The lioness defends her whelps with a passion of affection and an audacity of courage that equal the highest fealty of the hu- man mother to her progeny. The thing that distinguishes man is the will. It is the will that makes or mars him. It is the will tha,t crowns or discrowns him. It is in and through the will that he has his apotheosis or his dethronement. However rigidly logical the dem- onstrations of the school of moral fatalists may be ; however we may be inclined, from the point of view of pure intellect, to assent to its metaphysical conclusions, as a matter of practical living, we are all believers in the freedom of the human will. The position of every thoughtful man is the position taken by the great Dr. Johnson, who said, in sub- stance, "I may not be able to refute the arguments of the necessarian philosophy — the philosophy of a predestined conduct determined by a predestined character — but when all is said, I know that I am xviii Foreword free." This seems to me to be at once the doctrine of experience and the doctrine of common sense. The will is the great motive power of hmiian life. It lies at the base of all intellectual culture. We do not find knowledge thrust upon us. We have to appropriate it. We have to select our environ- ment and also be critical of our intellectual nourish- ment, if we are to attain those qualities of thought, instinct and taste, the synmietry, the proportion and the charm that we associate with the accom- plishment of intellectual culture. Culture is will operating in the sphere of light. We are beginning to realize, also, how greatly the beatitude of life, its felicity and its fruitfulness in the matter of pleasant and agreeable experiences, is dependent upon our habitual volition. The joy of life is not, as we have been prone to think, a temperamental quality. It is a moral achievement that has its origin in a moral virtue. We create happiness by the magical efficacy of the will in- telligently applied to the problem of life, as the sun creates beauty in the flower through the appli- cation of its marvelous chemistry to air, moisture and soil. The kingdom of heaven is within us, and its inmost habitation is the faculty of the will. And the greatest of all of our attainments, the clear and certain vision of the spiritual verities, lies at the command of our will. We think of the Foreword xix mystical consciousness as an endowment, a gift, as having its roots in ancestral tendencies, and its inspirations in the special environment with which it may be surrounded — and, no doubt, tempera- ment, education and circumstances have their part to play in the spiritual as in the intellectual life — but as intellectual culture has its foundation chiefly in the will, so has the spiritual or mystical con- sciousness also its foundation chiefly in the will. The great Master of Israel tells us that the will is the source of spiritual vision. "If ye do His" (God's) "will, ye shall know the doctrine." Will is the way of holiness. Will is the key that un- locks the door that opens into "the house of many mansions." "Whosoever will, let him come and drink of the water of life freely." The cardinal theme of this volume is the glorification of the hu- man will and the power that inheres in it, through systematic and steady application, to achieve "the freed life" — the life whose element is an ethereal world in which vision is more immediately in con- tact with truth and the spirit more perfectly en rapport with the will of the Eternal than it is upon this earth plane. The will lies at the root of all material prosperity, all culture, all accomplishment, all art, all civiliza- tion, all spiritual vision, and the highest of all achievements — the beauty of holiness. And to this XX Foreword volume belongs the distinction of recognizing the divine value, the eternal and infinite importance of the highest of all human faculties — the will. There is yet a further virtue that stands out in the teaching of this unusual book. It affirms a universal salvation. There are no hopeless fail- ures in the divine process of discipline, in the divine education of humanity. Man may limp on his way to the City of God; his progress may be slow and involve many rebellions with sequential chastise- ments, but he is ultimately bound to reach his des- tination. There are no irreclaimables in all the vast host of humankind. Everj?^ child of God is sal- vable, and every prodigal — however far he may have wandered, however tardy his return — comes home at last. The w^ay is more arduous for some than for others, but all reach the goal. When the day is done, "the whole pile will be complete." It is a noble gospel — a gospel that the Church much needs to lay to heart ; a gospel which, when taught with a firm faith and a high courage by the Church, will do much toward restoring Christianity to its rightful place in the thought and reverence of mankind. The second reason why this volume is of unusual interest is because of its appeal to those who are interested in the problems of psychology. The writer tells us that he is merely an amanuensis. Forexoord xxi The style of the book is not his style. The phi- losophy of the book is not his philosophy. The structure and the order of it lie quite beyond the deliberate and purposive action of his mind. He is the echo of a voice. The word, articulate and audi- ble to the inner ear, comes to him and he writes it, consciously, though in implicit obedience to a power not his own, and to an intelligence that he believes to be higher than himself. The frivolous world, or the world that interprets everything in the terms of matter, and that con- fines its faith to what it tastes and sees and feels and hears with the physical senses, flouts all sug- gestion of the intervention of higher intelligences. Spiritism is laughed at and scorned as an aberra- tion of the mind of those addicted to it. Yet the great masters of the world of thought have be- lieved in the intervention of the higher intelli- gences in the affairs of time. The Old and the New Testaments are saturated with psychical phe- nomena — the apparitions and voices of angelic mes- sengers and guardian angels. St. Paul believed in the actuality of these spirit messengers and me- diators — so did St. John, and so did Jesus of Naza- reth. The history of the Christian church is rich with the stories of the visions and the voices of its canonized saints. It is not difficult for one who has an acute spiritual consciousness to believe in xxii Foreword the intercalation of the two worlds — the worlds visible and invisible. They belong to each other, as the earth and the sky belong to each other. And to my mind, faith in immortality and faith in spirit intervention rise or fall together. If man be im- mortal, if his spirit survive the shock of death, it is entirely logical that his spirit should seek to come in touch with those with whom its interests, its loves, its devotions have been bound up on this earth plane. The logic of immortality is clairaudi- ence, clairvoyance, inspirational writing and the intervention, for great ethical and spiritual pur- poses, of the angelic hosts in the affairs of time and in the crucial hours of the historic and indi- vidual life of mankind. I close this brief foreword with a testimony in regard to the writer of this book, who has been a dear friend of mine for many years. I have known him with great intimacy and affection through those j^ears, and I have known him to honor him with the lengthening of the days and the enlargement of the contact of my spirit with his spirit. He is a man of marked sagacity, most successful in the business to which he has devoted his talents; of rarely noble and beautiful ideals of life and conduct — a man of the highest and the fin- est integrity. I would accept his word in every situ- ation as a word of perfect and entire truth. And Foreword xxiii when he tells me that the message of this book has come to him from celestial intelligences with whom he is in touch and communion — that the words of this book are their words ; that the thoughts of this book are their thoughts ; that the philosophy of this book is their philosophy; that the morality of this book is their morality — I believe him with the same absoluteness of faith that I give to him when he speaks to me of the simplest affairs of life within the compass of my own experience and under- standing. Joseph Anthony Milburn. DR. COULTER'S PREFACE WE who wish by our thought to help men know that the word we have told is truth. We tell of man, the life, who fulfills by his free will the pur- pose of God, his Maker. The life of man wills of free will both on earth and forever. Man who wills of free will then, wins the worth which God pur- poses for life on earth. Will Higher, life's Maker, wills how life become worthy wider life. Man who wills of free will is life who fulfills God's pur- pose, but life who fulfills God's purpose wills for worth of free will. Will free, then, man's willed power, fulfills the purpose of man's Maker, God. Will for life worthy He who makes life free pur- poses that life find while it wills as man. Then that will man, the life, finally finds. When that worth which God purposes for life on earth is by free will won He translates life to higher life. Will free God wills to man, for he makes man personal life. When the personal worth which God wills that life find as man is by man's free will won, God translates life to wider personal life. That wider life wills of free will its worth. God pur- xxvi Dr. Coulter's Preface poses for life that wills of free will forever worth finally for His presence. The worth which man wills wins for life its first wider life. The will which man uses, life's free will, wins for life that worth which fits it finally for its Maker's presence. Wlien life has won first wider life it finds, by the free will which was made firm by man, the wider and wider worth purposed by God when He made life personal self. Will free wins life's first worth, will free wins life's worth forever. When life free of will wins worth that fits it for God's presence will free has won the worth which God purposed from the willing of all. Will free, life's power, makes life worthy forever. Man who wills to-day, think well. This life wills firmly. Will firm that life wins as man that life holds firm forever. Think, O man, think well. I MAN, THE FREE LIFE MAN, THE FREE LIFE Dr. Coulter. WE, the lives who won wider life through wise use of free will and purpose, would help men to under- standing of the life which they live. Man is the life personal who wins this wider life. His free will he uses while life wills on earth. He wills for that life wider which God purposes for personal self. When he wishes his will makes life personal worthy the wider life, then, for he wills the worth of life while it is man. His firm free will he uses when he wishes for worth; his wise free will wins for personal life the worth for wider life ; man who wills of free will fulfills by that free will God's purpose. Will Higher made man life. His purpose man, the life made, fulfills. His purpose that which is the universe made by Him fulfills. Man wills by will given by Him. That which He purposes the life given will free by Him fulfills. How then has life free will? Life is willed by its Maker to will as He wills using free will its own. Then free will, 3 4 Man, The Life Free though free, fulfills finally the purpose of Him who gives it. Free will, which man uses as he wishes, wins the worth which Higher Will purposes for life of man. When man by free will wins worth, he thus fulfills the purpose of Him who makes life free. When by man's free will life wins wider life, man has won it. Man, the life free, wills for worth finally, for thus God purposes. But life free wills for worth when it chooses. Then life chooses finally to will for worth, thus, by free will, fulfilling God's pur- pose. Then life who wills weakly fulfills not His purpose ; that follows of necessity. The worth pur- posed by God life must find, for Will Higher is Omnipotent Will. How then may life which must will for worth choose to will weakly, or unworthily ? Man, the life, is made free by Him who wills that life shall win worth. Man, then, wills for worth choosing worth finally, thus by his free will ful- filling the must for life on earth. A¥ill free life uses while it works the man's work. When life, willing freely, finishes man's work, God frees it from the world of man's life. Then man, who is life, wins freedom by his will. His purpose who made life free is by the willed free will fulfilled. Man, being life immortal, wills for life immortal. His free will wins the life's worth while life wills there on earth. Man then, Man, the Free Life 5 life immortal, wins by his free will the freedom purposed for life by God. Man wills as he wishes. Then when man wishes life finds worth for free- dom. What word for help, man of earth! Heed it well. Man who wills for life wider wills as life pur- posed life wider. That will which life finds free, that will which He who made life gives to life of man, fulfills the purpose for life of its Wilier. While life wills that which it wishes, life wills by willed power. While life purposes for itself its worth, that worth is by God purposed. That which life finds free pur- pose its own fulfills finally the higher purpose of life's Wilier. Man wills for life by will given then ; by will given he wins the worth which Higher Will purposes that life while it is man shall find. Life, though free, was made for worth, purposed worth found by will free, and life which wills that which it wishes wills, while it is man, that which Higher Will purposes, the worth which wins life wider. For life Will Higher purposes while it is. Man first wills for life ; man begins life of personal self. While that hfe wills for itself, while that life wills of free will, that free will fulfills the Pur- pose who made life free. When will free wins for life worth for life wider, life free has fulfilled God's purpose for it. While man, the life while it is on 6 3Iaih The Life Free Ccirth, Avills that which lie wishes he, as hfe, ^vills that which God purposes that life on earth shall will, ^lan then, who wills that which he wishes, finally wishes that which Will Higher purposes, and life free of will by free will fulfills the purpose of Him who made it free. Will Higher wills for life whom He made free. INIan, the life to whom He gives free will, by that free power fulfills His purpose. His purpose which life fulfills is that life free win life wider. All lives win wider life. Then finally the life who wills using free will fulfills His purpose. But what has life for help to fulfill God's purpose? JNIan's will, his free will, for by that free power life fulfills God's purpose. Will free helps life then. For man this thought will help when he thinks. Will free helps life when the life chooses. Purposed to become help, well used fi- nally by life because He who gives free will teaches life wisdom, life's free will, well and wisely used by man, fulfills the purpose for life on earth of its Wilier. Help men to understand, we pray Thee, O God. Man who wills of free will has the purpose for his life of Higher Will to fulfill. His will, though free, must then, since Higher Will must be fulfilled. What then is man's will? Power made man's power as life who must. But that makes life not 31 an, the Free Life 7 free. No, life is wholly free. jNIaii wills, while his hfe works on earth, as life which has God's pur- pose to fulfill, yet wills as he wishes. Then the must of God's purpose will be finally fulfilled by the life who is free. Man is that life. Then while life is man it fulfills God's purpose. But free life wills for worth if it thus wishes. The man who wills for life wills for life its worth; the life w^ho wills as man finally fulfills God's purpose; the will which is made life's power, free will, fulfills finally the purpose of Him who made life free. Taught life is while it wills on earth wisdom in use of free will. The taught life fulfills the purpose of its Maker. Man wills for worth finally ; rather the life while it is man finally wills, using free will always, the worth which it must by the purpose of its Maker. Man wills as life. Life frees itself then from man when it walls for worth, choosing for itself that will. We who live the wider life thus won it. Think, man who is free, think. Will Higher made life for earth man. His will the life obeys using the free will which He makes life's power. His will life fulfills by the way He purposes, by wise use of the free will with which He endows life. Man, who has from Him life, wills by the will He gives. Life willed worth finds worth itself, using the will He gives. Life willed wider life wins that wider life by its free will. Man 8 3Ian, The Life Free who wills for life has the will which God makes life's will. Thus man wills for life with will be- longing to life itself. Then this man who wills using life's free will has the must of life to fulfill? No, this man wills for that which he wishes. Whether for worth or unworthiness he chooses for himself. Then will which God makes life's free power man may use not well. That power is willed to life as free power ; life wills always as it wishes ; yet life which has for must to fulfill God's will wins finally the worth which it must win, for He who wills free will teaches free will. Have we made you understand, Man who reads? Man, who lives his life willing for that which he wishes, has his free will by the purpose of his Maker. Then the purpose for man of his Maker is to be fulfilled by man's free will. But life free of will wills weakly perhaps. Would that fulfill the purpose of life's Maker? That weak use of the will which God gives man himself chooses. Will free may be weakly used then, yet finally life of man fulfill the purpose for it of its Maker? Yes, life wills for wider life when man has learned the lesson which God purposes that man shall learn, the M^se use of free will. But this man wills for unAvorthiness while he thus wishes. This man is but part of life immortal. Then this man may will unwortliily yet life immortal will Man, the Free Life 9 for worth finally. That thought we tell for help. You who know that will is free win for life the wider life when by your free will you make life worthy. You, as life, will fulfill God's purpose. Why not will for worth this time of life on earth? Think what this tells — man who wills for worth frees life immortal from earth. Have the words helped you, man who lives earth life? Think well, O man, think well. Man, the life free, wills his worth when he wishes ; but life, though made free, has God's purpose to fulfill. Man, the life free, wins his worth by will his own; yet life owns that power which man uses for his worth. Man, the life free, wins his worth through his wise use of his work and life of man; but his work, his life, are the work and life of per- sonal self on earth. Man, the life free, has for help in his winning the worth purposed by his Maker, God, the free power of personal self; but that power, though free, finally fulfills the purpose of God. While man wills on earth his power is free; while life wills, whether there on earth or here in the wider life, the power, will, is free; yet all life wins the worth purposed by God. Will free, then, fulfills for life God's purpose. Will free wins for life the wider, fuller life purposed when by Will Higher life was made. Think, who use now that free power. By wise use, which man 10 Man, The Life Free himself chooses, for the life was made free, you win the worth for wider life. Think, man of free will, think. Man, the free life, fulfills God's purpose, hut by his free choice he makes his life worthy. Man, the free life, wins by his will the higher life purposed by God. For life free man wills, yet that life is by Higher Purpose bound. The life free has for must to will that worth which wins higher life. Man, the life free, has for his must to win freedom for his life. Man, the life free, by his wise use of his free will fulfills God's purpose that his life win higher life. Man who has life to free, what use do you make of your free will? Your life must win worth, for God thus purposes. You are free to choose when this life fulfills God's purpose. The wise life chooses quickly, the unwise life chooses late; but that which God piu'poses life free fulfills finally. That higher life which God purposes will be won by life free. Choose then this time of life on earth, man who has free life. Your wise choice wins the higher, happier life of freedom. Think well, O man. Will Higher made life free; then man, who is life for earth, is free. Will Higher wills that life win by free will its worth for wider life; then man wills the worth for life wider than earth. When will free wins the worth which Higher Will pur- 31 an, the Free Life 11 poses for life on earth tliat will free fulfills the purpose of life's Maker. When life free wins the worth which Higher Will purposes, that worth frees life from earth. When man, then, wills that his life be worthy, he thus wins for his life immortal the wider life, freed from man's weakness, full of firm purpose for life worthy, willing then while it lasts for its worth firmly. What hope this gives to men! What help this word will be depends on the man himself. Think, O man, think well. By what purpose would life win freedom then? By man's free purpose well and firmly used for life worthy. You who read, will for life firmly, purpose firmly for life worthy, for thus your free will and purpose make your life worthy wider fuller life. Then this man wins freedom for his life if he thus wishes. Man who wills of free will has the purpose of his Maker to fulfill. Then, by free will man wins the worth of life which his Maker purposes. When by free will man wins that worth which fits life for freedom God frees the hfe from earth and man. What happy thought this for men! This thought will help when weak purpose threatens to harm life. When by free will man makes his Hfe worthy his free will wins for life freedom from earth forever. Think, man who wills to-day. Wise free will wins for life freedom. That wise free will God purposes 12 Man, The Life Free that life find, yet life finds it by man's free choice. Think well, O man. Man, the free life personal who has for will the will of life itself, wills that life immortal find worth for the wider life which God purposes for life immortal. Man, the free life, wills that immortal life win this happy life of freedom by willing that man be worthy. What for life whom He made wills its Maker, God? That will be free forever; that will free of life fulfill His purpose for life; that man who wills for life personal win by his life worthy the wider life which personal self is purposed by God. When the life wills as God wills He frees that life from earth. When free will becomes the help for life which He purposes that it become life wins freedom and this happy life. Think, man who wills as life, think well. Will Higher, man's Maker, was when life of man was not. His purpose was, when life of man was willed, formed for that life. His will that life has for its must to obey. His will that life finally fulfills with the power, free will, which He gives to that life. Man who wills as he pleases is life that must fulfill the purpose of Higher Will. Man who works as he wishes is life that finally is taught by work. The purpose of Higher Will life fulfills while it is man; while life is it fulfills the purpose of its Maker. Man who lives the weak Math the Free Life 13 life of earth is life purposed wider life won by his free will. Man, the life of little worth until it is taught by Higher Purpose, is life worthy finally His presence. God wills for the hfe that He made that worth. That worth, though the worth of free life, finally makes the life worthy its INIaker's presence. We who live the wider life know that we tell truth. Hear and heed the word, men of earth. Bishop Wilber force. Man who lives his earth life willing for life wider has for help the free will that Will Higher makes his power. But man wills not always well. His life wills as he wills. He wins the life wider which Higher Will purposes for personal self wisely using his own free will. Then life who finds worth for wider life using free will fulfills thus the pur- pose of Will Higher. Man, the life, wins wider life, not man the physical. What food for thought here, O men! Wise the man who heeds our word. His free will he will then use well, and his life will find the wider life. Will Higher, man's Maker, purposes that free will made man's power win for life of man the freedom willed for life personal when life was willed into being. Then man wills for life who must find worth, but when life finds worth the man 14 3Ian, The Life Free chooses, for he is life free. Then man who, freely willing, wins the worth which Will Higher pur- poses for life on earth fulfills His purpose. Would the life who fails to win worth fail to fulfill the will of its Maker? For the time it fails, but finally it wills well. God purposes; the life, freely willing, fulfills His purpose. Will Higher, life's Maker, purposes while life is for that life. His purpose that life fulfills using free will which He makes that life's power. His purpose that life fulfills, then, while it is man. Though life finds little worth in this man, finally it finds worth. Though this man, free in will for he is thus made, will weakly or wickedly, life of man, life immortal, wills for worth finally. No life wills weakly for always. All lives win the life wider. The will of life's Maker each life fulfills finally. Happy thought for men who work and live the little life of earth. Think what you must be and will, man who wishes wider life. Your own free will must make your life worthy freedom. Think for life, then, man of free will. Now you may find the firm will which wins freedom. Think well. Will Higher, man's Maker, wills for life that by free will it fulfill His purpose. But free will has then the must of God's purpose to fulfill. Will free is bound then? What would bound will mean? Mail, the Free Life 15 Forced worth, which men know is impossible thought. Will free fulfills the purpose of God when free life chooses. When life willed free will wins by free will worth, it fulfills the purpose which by God's will it must. For that worth which God purposes He permits life to will when it chooses, but teaches the life wise use of free will. Then the life taught fulfills His purpose who made it free. Man, the life, wills when he wishes the worth which life free must finally will. God pur- poses that free life win the wider life. His purpose the free life fulfills. Man wills for worth as life who finally learns by God's teaching wise use of the will made free. Will Higher, man's Maker, wills for life while it is man that by free will its own it win the worth that frees life from earth. His will life finally fulfills using free will. That life who, firmly willing, wins the purposed worth finds higher life. Then for itself life wins the higher life of freedom. What help for men this thought brings! Worth found by man's own free will wins for life immortal the higher life of freedom. Think, man of free will, think. Will free, life's free power, wins that worth of life which God purposes. While life is man, when life has won the higher life, will free must win its worth ; God thus wills. Life made free fulfills His 16 3Ia7i, The Life Free purpose. Man, the life of free will, whose life is made worthy by his own use of will free, works for teaching the work given to life on earth. Then that work teaches life, for man is life. But the life who wills freely may will to work weakly, may will to live weakly. Then the work which Purpose Higher makes teaching will but teach weakness, and weak life wins not freedom. The teaching of life in man will be help if man himself thus chooses, for he is life free. When then does life take the teaching which by God's purpose fits it for higher life? When the man chooses. But when man chooses weakness does work teach? Yes, that work teaches weak Avill, weak pur- pose. Why has life free will and purpose? Why was life made free? You know, who have read our word. Think then, for you must yourself find the firm free will, the firm purpose by which life wins the higher life. Will Higher made life man for earth. Will Higher places life on earth there to fulfill His purpose. Will Higher wills for the life whom He made man that by free will that life find the worth which He purposes. While life is man He pur- poses that it win by free will the worth for higher life. Won by life's free will used by man who is life on earth will be the freedom purposed for life by Higher Will. Self of man, his life personal, Man, the Free Life 17 wins that higher life; self of man is free; then that higher life which God purposes for life of self will be by the personal free will won. Man, the free life personal, wins by his free will the higher life purposed for self immortal bj?^ God. Will Higher wills that life in man find by free will the worth by which that life is made worthy wider life. Then think, who would win freedom. This man wins the worth for freedom when he thus wishes. Life free fulfills God's purpose. Man who wills this time of life on earth, will firmly that your life be worthy. Then you win for your life immortal wider life. Will Higher purposes that while life is man it win worth for higher life. That life win that worth using free will He purposes. That free life win wider life He purposes. Man, the life, fulfills, as He wills, His purpose. Free though man is, free though his will is, nevertheless man, the life, fulfills His purpose. Man who wills freely wins by his free will that worth which life's Maker purposes for life on earth. Yet man knows that his will is wholly free. Work for life then firmly, man who has life to free. Your firm purpose well used for life worthy will win for the life immortal wider, fuller life. Will for life worthy life finds on earth. Man who wills by free will finally wills as the Higher 18 3Ian, The Life Free Will purposes. What from this the helpful thought? This — when life free to will as it wishes wills for worth that life fulfills the purpose of God. May a life while it wills where life works but part of life's work become worthy wider life? Yes, for life fulfills God's purpose there where it is man. Free to will, free always to will as it wishes, life neverthe- less wills finally as God purposes. While it is man will for life worthy is found. While it works as man firm purpose is found. Man, then, who wills knowing his will is free, can will for life worthy, and, thus willing, wins for life immortal the wider life purposed from the willing of all. Will Higher, whose purpose that which He made fulfills, made life for earth man, willed that life use for work free v/ill, willed that life use for worth also free will. Each life wills as it pleases; no life but has free will ; and by free will the life for whom God purposes worth finds that worth. Finally each life wills as Higher Will purposes; finally life for whom wider, fuller life is by Will Higher purposed wins by its own free will the worth for wider, fuller life. Man free in will, life free in will, ful- fills finally the purpose of Him who makes life free. Will Higher, life's Maker, purposes that while on earth life find the worth for higher, fuller life. That purpose which life fulfills is the purpose of Man, the Free Life 19 life's Maker. Then life fulfills that purpose surely. Yet He who purposes the life higher wills that life be free. Then life free fulfills His purpose. But for that life who fails to purpose as He wills He purposes penalty of man's life again. Is that pen- alty? Yes. Well life finally purposes as life of man, but for man's life of work again it purposes if it weakly or unworthily uses the free will which He who gives it means for help. Think wisely then, man who may this time of life on earth find the worth for freedom. Would you wish the life of work on earth again? Would you think it well to incur that penalty? Think wisely, you who may free life if thus you yourself will. Will Higher wills for life freedom. His pur- pose frees life from earth finally. His will life ful- fills then by free will, for He makes life free. When by free will life finds the woi-th which He purposes that life in man find, He frees that life from man. From weak will then life is freed, from weak purpose, from the littleness which makes man unworthy. What help for men here! But man wills for himself that his life be worthy. Remember that, O man who has life to free, remember that al- ways. Will Higher, life's Maker, whose purpose life fulfills, wills for life free will its own. Then by that free will life fulfills the higher purpose of its 20 Man, The Life Free Maker. What food for thought there for men! Life who is free fulfills God's purpose. Then the life who wills in this man to-day will fulfill God's purpose, yet this life wills for worth when the man thus wishes. How then would life be free? Why have we worked, O men? That you understand that thought. Will free, which life when it thus wishes uses for worth, finally is well and wisely used by life in man. Then this man who is life to-day may will for life the worth which He who makes life free purposes. This man, then, wills if thus he wishes that worth by which life immortal wins freedom. Think well, you who will for life, think well. Power of life willed free will is. No life per- sonal would by other than free power will. Man who is free by his free will fulfills the purpose of his JNIaker. Then will free, but bound, is the power of life. Why that thought ? Would life find worth were it forced to will worth? Would life be not free because it fulfills His purpose who wills it to be life? Would life free win worth were it forced to will otherwise than by will free? Forced worth would be impossible thought. For life Will Higher purposes will for life worthy. His purpose life ful- fills. JMan who is wholly free wins finally the worth which He who made him free purposes. Self of man, life personal, wins wider life. Life free in Man, the Free Life 21 will, man's personal self, fulfills the purpose of God, using free personal will. Miltiades. Will Higher, who purposes for life while it is, made life for earth man. He wills to that life free will; He wills that life fulfill His purpose using free will. All life wins the life wider which He purposes. Though life will weakly, the purpose of Him who made life is unchanged. Will free may be weakly used, for He made life free, but that free will finally fulfills His purpose. Man wills as he chooses. Whether he wills for life worthy or for life unworthy he chooses himself. But man, as life, fulfills surely the purpose of his Maker, God. The free will which man has, life's free will, wins life's worth while life is on earth. Then that free will life uses while the worth for wider life is won. Will free, life's power, man has; will free makes his life worthy wider life ; by will free life wins that better, wider life purposed by God when He made life. By will free life, both while it is man and forever, wins its worth. Man uses that power while he wins for life its first wider life. Then, man who wills for life, think well. Will Higher, whose purpose that which He made fulfills, was the Wilier of life. Life which He willed fulfills His purpose. But that life was 22 Man, The Life Free willed free will its own. Then life fulfills His pur- pose using its own willed free will. But free will is bound then. No, will free man has, and by will free he, as hfe, fulfills God's purpose. But life which uses free will has God's teaching. Then when life is by God taught wise use of free will, it by free will fulfills His purpose. Wise free will man learns; wise free will wins for life its worth. God wills for life wider life won by its own free will. Will Higher, who purposes for life while it is, wills for life while it wills as man on earth that by its own free will life win the worth which fits it for higher life. When life, freely willing, wins that worth which He purposes, it thus fulfills His pur- pose. What has life for help while it fulfills His purpose? What help gives He to the life whom He made free? His teaching He gives life. That teaching which life finds on earth finally makes it wise, for man's life of work teaches firm purpose. That life win freedom by firm purpose its own. He wills; that life will for life worthy while it is man, He wills. His purpose life fulfills willing its worth by free choice. Man who is life where life first wills, on earth, wins by his free will the worth that frees life from earth. When for life worthy man wills, life thus wills. Man then, free to will for life worthy or unworthy, finally wills for life wor- Man, the Free Life 23 thy, and the free will which He who made life gives fulfills finally His purpose. What for hfe pur- poses He ? Worth for higher life won of free will. Heed the word, man who is life to-day. Will Higher, who purposes for life that He made, was when life made by Him was not. His will placed life on earth, there to find the worth for higher, fuller life. When life was by Will Higher made, that worth was by Will Higher pur- posed. His purpose who made life will be by life fulfilled. When by the free will made life's power that life wins the worth which He purposes, Will Higher frees that life from earth. Won then by the free will which God made life's power will be the higher life purposed by Him. When free life, willing by free will, wins the purposed worth, Will Higher translates that life to freedom. Won by man's free will, that power willed for his use while he is life on earth, will be the wider life purposed by God; j^et when man wills that worth he himself chooses, for he is life made free. When life free of will wins the worth for life higher man has him- self won that worth. Think, who have life im- mortal, think wisely. Will for life worthy is wise free will. All life finds that will finally, yet man finds that will when he wishes, for God made man free. Will free ful- fills for man the purpose of his Maker; will free 24 3Ia?h The Life Free fulfills for life the purpose of its Maker. Each life while it wills as man wins finally the will which makes life worthy. Will for life worthy each man who wills for life this day may find. Will free used wisely wins freedom, purpose firm, life wider. Think, then, man who wills for life to-day. You will the worth that wins freedom when you thus wish. Think well, O man! Man, the life of free will, man the life free to will worth or unworthiness as he wishes, is yet life for whom God purposes. That he win his worth himself using his free will, that he make life im- mortal worthy the wider life of freedom, He who made man free purposes. His purpose life fulfills while it is man. Though this man will unworthily, though many men who will for the one life on earth will unworthily, the life finally fulfills God's pur- pose. When life fulfills the purpose of its Maker, the man chooses. Then this man may will the worth which brings to life immortal its wider, fuller life. Think, man who is free, think well. God's purpose this man may fulfill if this man thus wishes. Then, you who would win the life wider, will firmly that your man's life be worthy. Then this man fulfills God's purpose. Free life man is; for life worthy life finally purposes; when depends on man's own choice. Think then, man who may win for life its freedom if thus you wish, think well. 31 an, the Free Life 25 Will Higher, life's JNIaker, purposes that life's free will fulfill His purpose for life which He willed into being. Man, who is life on earth, who wills for life using that free will which God makes his power, wills that which fulfills God's purpose finally. What purpose has life made? Willed free purpose. What must life for whom God purposes worth for wider life be then? Worthy through its free purpose, worthy the life wider there where it lives as man. Then life who wills of free will wins thus the wider life which He purposes who makes life free. Will Higher, who purposes for life while it is, made life for earth man. His purpose that life ful- fills while it is man, while it is. ISIan who wills for life on earth wills that life find wider life using the will which Higher Purpose gives. When life of man wills for that worth which by God's purpose life finds on earth He translates that life to wider, fuller, happier life. Won by life who is man for earth is the higher life purposed by Will Higher. From worth to worth life rises when God has freed it from earth. Happy life, worthy life, fuller life is won by the free will of man on earth. Think, who live the man's life, think well. Man who wills for worth when thus he wishes is life who must thus will. ]Man who is free then, is life who must. While life is man it fulfills the 26 Man, The Life Free purpose of Him who made it free. Will free wins for life the worth which it has by the purpose of its Maker to win. Will for life worthy is will taught by life of man, for that life is, by God's purpose, teaching for life itself. Then taught will wins for life the worth which life must find. Worth purposed by God life finds willing freely. jNIan wills for worth when he thus wishes. His free will, then, wins_the worth which by God's purpose life finds on earth. Life free fulfills the purpose of Him who made it free. Well life wills finally, taught by the work and the life on earth. Well then life wills finally in man, for while life works on earth it is man. Free life fulfills its must finally, taught by the purpose of its IMaker wisdom. Free life wins the wider life, for that purpose which life fulfills is the purpose of Omnipotent God. Well life wills when taught as God purposes it be taught. Well man wills when life is taught wise use of the willed free will. Will Higher made life for earth man. He wills for that life whom He made far wider worth than life finds on earth. He wills for life worth far greater than that which man finds. But that wider worth, as the worth of man, is won by free will. God made life free; His purpose life free fulfills using the will which He makes life's free power, will of personal self. When by will free life wins Mail, the Free Life 27 that worth which Pie purposes Hfe thus fulfills His will. INIan who is life, think. Wise you may make your will this time of life on earth. Life wins wider life if you make your life worthy. Life wins man's life again if you fail to make your life worthy. Think well, man who wills for life, think well. Will Higher, life's Maker, who wills for each life whom He made forever, wills for this life who is man to-day. Will Higher, who wills for the life wider, fuller life, wills for this life then wider life. But He wills for life wider life won by free pur- pose. Then this life wins its wider life using its own free purpose. Think what I tell you, man who is life, think. This man who wills, this life then who wills this time on earth, may win that higher life which God purposes by this man's free purpose. When life who wills using free purpose makes itself worthy God frees it from earth. Then this man who wills for life this time wins for his life of per- sonal self the higher life of freedom if this man thus purposes. Think well, O man, think well. II LIFE PERSONAL LIFE PERSONAL Dr. Coulter. WILL Higher, life's IMaker, purposes that life personal win wider life. Man is life personal, but man the physical is made for earth. It is man, the life of personal self, who wins higher life. Man the life of self, man the life of immortal per- sonal self, wins the wider life. Man, the wilier of life's worth on earth, that worth which brings to life its first wider life, wins that worth by his personal free will. Life willed wider life wins the worth for wider life while it is man on earth. Man who reads, think well. What makes life personal worthy? Its own free will. Work that life win personal worth then, man who would live wider life. Think what w^e tell — man who is free wins hy his own free will that worth which brings for personal self wider, fuller life. Worth of life man finds by wise use of his own powers, mind, will, purpose and memory. Those powers, made his powers by his Maker, win finally 31 32 3Ian, The Life Free the worth of hfe which God purposes. They win for man personal worth, that personal worth of life in man which wins higher life for his immortal self. Man who wills and purposes as he pleases is life who has God's purpose to fulfill. The Wilier of life, man's Maker, places that life on earth, there to find wisdom in use of the powers which man uses as life immortal. Will free, purpose free, life uses to win that worth which God purposes. While life is man it wins worth for life higher than that of earth; while life is man it wins that worth which wins higher life of freedom. Well must the man will, well must he purpose, to win that higher life. When by wise use of the powers willed to man as life personal man makes himself worthy, his life of personal self wins the higher life, freed from earth, which God purposed when He willed life into being. Will Higher, whose purpose life fulfills, made life personal self. The will of life personal must be free. For life worthy life personal wills itself then. That life personal win its worth for higher life using its own free will Will Higher purposes. Man, who wills for life while life is on earth, wills for life worthy when he thus wishes. Man, per- sonal life free of will, works the work for life on earth purposed by Will Higher. Work purposed to be teaching for life man does using free will. Life Personal 33 That work teaches hfe well. That will which by God's purpose wins life's worth forever man uses for the life of earth. When by free will its own life attains that worth which He who made life per- sonal self wills, life fulfills God's purpose. Man, life free, wins by free will the life wider. Think well, man who is life immortal. We tell this for help. Think well, O man. Man, who is life made, wills using the free will of life personal. That life who must win worth for wider life win that worth by its own free will God purposes ; that life made by Him fulfill His will as He purposes God wills ; none may for always evade the will of life's Maker; all lives win wider life. Then this life who is man to-day wins that higher life, but this life wins it willing for its worth by free will. Man who wills for life, think. When will is well and wisely used the life who wills as this man wins wider life. Think well, O man. Man, life personal, wills for life worthy when thus he wishes. Man, life willed worth by higher will of life's Maker, finds that worth using life's free will. Then life by man's use of free will wins the worth purposed for life on earth. Will free makes life worthy for life of earth and forever. Will free, man's free power, wins for life personal, life immortal, the wider life purposed by God when He made life. By will free life wins Heaven. 34 3Ian, The Life Free Wide life becomes when freed from earth, high the worth it finds by God's purpose. jNIan, using his own free will, makes life personal, life immortal, worthy the higher life purposed by God. Will free, man's will used for life worthy firmly, wins life higher. jNIan wills that life immortal win higher life then. Think, O man who this day wills for life, think well. He who wills for life wills for life well. He wills for life free will its own; He wills for life worth found through free will; He makes life personal that it win its worth itself. That word we tell for help. Man who wills for his own life wills that by his life worthy personal self immortal find worth for higher life. That worth which life finds by man's will wins for life personal the wider, fuller life pur- posed by God. Willed life fulfills the will of its Maker by its free will. INIade free, purposed life higher, personal life of man, immortal self, wins by its own free will that higher life which Will Higher purposes. All that He made fulfills His purpose. Will free life has by His will ; will free fulfills His purpose. JNIan is life personal. His worth then, being the worth of life personal, life immortal, wins for life personal its wider life. What will wins the wider life? Man's will well and firmly used. What pur- pose helps both man and life wider ? Purpose kept Life Personal 35 firm, firm for both work well finished and for life worthy. Man who is life, think. Why fail in will or purpose ? They win, if well and firmly used, the wider personal life purposed by life's Maker. Think then well, O man. Miltiades. Will Higher, life's Maker, purposes for life while it is. While life is man on earth He purposes for it ; when life has found wider life He purposes for it; yet He made life free personal self. That wider life which He purposes for man's life is per- sonal wider life. For that life man wills on earth finally. Work for that life, man who wills as life immortal, work to find worth personal. Man who is free wills his own personal worth. Wider life for personal self God purposes, yet life is free. Then that wider life purposed by God must be won by the life's own free will and purpose. Think well, you who have life to free, think well. The power of life personal, free will, man has. While he works the work purposed for life on earth that free power he uses. Then by free will his own man works that work which teaches life. Well life learns to will finally, but will free may be weakly used, for life wills for work as it wishes. Then that power which man has, his personal free will, finishes well or not the work purposed for life on 36 3Ian, The Life Free earth. Well that work must be finished; thus Higher Purpose wills. Then what work teaches life free? The work finished well; that work helps life to win firm purpose, and life personal, who wills well for work when it thus wishes, finally learns that which God purposes, firm use of free personal will. The purpose of Him who makes life free free will of life fulfills. Man, the life willed, was willed free will his own. But for man the free will must win his worth. Will Higher purposes for life worth found of free will. God wills that life free win the wider life. Per- sonal life wills for w^orth using free will. Personal life wins the wider life. When free will is well and firmly used for worth personal life wins the freedom from earth which God purposes. Then the man who is life to-day may will that worth which brings wider life. His free will he may use well, and thus this life may, if this man thus chooses, by this man's free will win wider personal life. We tell this for help. Think well, man who wills for life to-day. Will Higher, life's Maker, wills for life higher life, and that life higher be won by free will that He gives. JNIan, the life of personal self, who wills as he pleases worth or unworthiness, is yet life which fulfills the purpose of Higher Will. All wills finally fulfill His will. No life made wills unwor- thily for always. Weak though the life be while it Life Personal 37 is this man, worthy tliough it be while it is this man, its weakness and its worthiness are its own free choice. But finally each life wills worthily. Life free wins higher life; will free wins the worth for higher life. Finally weak will life learns to make firm will, finally life unworthy wills to be life wor- thy. Thus man, who wills for his life whether it win life higher or work man's work once more, wills either because he is free; but the life who is man finally wills for life higher. Would this man wish life higher, or work on earth again? Think which to choose, man who wills for life, think wisely to- day. Will Higher, who purposes for that which He made forever, purposes that life find while it is man worth for life higher. Then what has life to be to fulfill His purpose? Worthy by its own free purpose. God makes life free; His purpose life fulfills using free purpose. But when life weakly uses that power which He who wills for life pur- poses for help, that life wins but man's life of work again. Life wills well finally, for thus its Maker wills; yet free life wills weakly perhaps. Then life has penalty, penalty till will is made firm for work and for life worth^^ Would the man who wills for life to-day wish that penalty? Why let life weakly purpose, man who is free? When the man who is life purposes firmly his life will win 38 3I(nh The Life Free freedom. Think wisely, you who have life to free. Will Higher, mIio wills for life while it is, wills for life ^^'hile it is man that it find worth for higher life than that of earth. His will all life fulfills. Yet life free may will for unworthiness, and thus find but worth for earth life again. That God permits, since he made life free. But worth for higher life will be found while life is man, will for life worthy life will find, will firm for worth life will find. That which God purposes is worth won by life's own free will. ]Man who is life free, think. When the man wishes that worth is found. Think then wisely, O man. Will Higher, whose purpose that which He made fulfills, wills that life for earth be man, wills that will of life be free, wills that by that free power life fulfill His purpose, wills for life higher life won of life's free choice. Then, though the life will unworthily for the life of this man, finally life who fulfills the purpose of its JMaker wills for life worthy. All life thus wills finally; not one but finally finds worth for higher life. For that life worthy life wills by free will. Then this life in man finds worth for higher life finally, but finds it by free will. You who are life this time on earth win that worth if thus you choose. Think, then, what use of free will you will make. The life who wills well finds higher life, the life who Life Personal 89 wills uiiAvorthily finds life on earth again. Which would you wish? You will for that which you wish. Free you are made; by free will life must win the life higher. Man who wills for life to-day, think. Will Higher, man's Maker, wills that life while it is man win the worth for life higher. What for life purposes the man who is life to-day? Will for life worthy he finds if thus he wishes. Will the life win this time the higher life, or will it win man's life once more? This life wills as this man wills; life worthy it finds if this man thus wills. Your life, man of earth, it is who finds higher life or man's life of work again by your will free. Think then well, O man. Will Higher wills for life while it prepares on earth for wider life. His will man fulfills when he works well for life; His purpose man fulfills when he makes life worthy. Wider life purposed by God is won then by man who wills of free will. Self man was made, personal self. Each life pur- poses for its worth itself; each life wills for that worth which God purposes using its own free will; then each life fulfills the higher purpose when thus it chooses. But the free life for whom Higher Will purposes worth must win that worth. Will free man has, purpose free. When his free will, his free purpose, make life worthy life fulfills God's will for life on earth. Think what you read, man 40 Man, The Life Free who is free. By your will free, by your free pur- pose, you can win for life the wider life of freedom. Choose well, man who has life to free, choose well. Will Higher, life's Maker, purposes while life is for that life. What purposes He for life? Worth won by free will ; worth that fits life for wider and wider life won by free will. Help this work that we do for help with Thy blessing, we pray Thee, O God. Ill MAN, WORKER ON EARTH FOR LIFE IMMORTAL MAN, TTORKER ON EARTH FOR LIFE IMMORTAL Dr. Coulter. MAN, the life on earth, whose life is full with potentialities of being higher ; who works the man's work because thus life learns wisdom in use of will and pur- pose; man, who wills for that work well or ill as he wishes because God made life free, wills and purposes for his work with the powers willed to life itself. Mind, will, purpose that life uses while it is man, life uses while it is. Those powers, made life's free powers by life's Maker, man uses for the life's work on earth. Then man fulfills God's purpose for life on earth by his use of those powers. Will free, purpose free man has. Will free fulfills God's will, purpose free fulfills His purpose. Will free, purpose free fulfill the purpose of life's Maker. Will Higher, man's Maker, wills for the life of man while it works on earth for wider life. What purposes Higher Will for life free? Worth won by its own free will. Then life who wills for life worthy fulfills God's purpose. Why was life made 43 44 Man, The Life Free free? That it win by free will its own the wider life which God wills for it. Then this life who is man fulfills His purpose who made it free. When for life worthy life wills, when free purpose life keeps firm, life fulfills God's purpose. Then, man who is life immortal, will and purpose firmly that your life win worth, for thus life wins freedom. Were life forced to worth, will of personal self it would not have. Man is made free life. Then his free will fulfills for his life God's purpose. The worth which God purposes, worth for life wider, must be found by free will. Then life free fulfills by its free will God's purpose. But that which life wills may but win life of man again. Then life works further the work which teaches. Man who wills for life, think. What use of free will do you make, wise or unworthy? Wise firm use wins wider life, unworthy use keeps life working on earth. Think then, man who wills for life, think well. Will Higher made life man that while on earth it work the work purposed to be teaching for firm purpose. Man, then, works life's work when he w^orks man's work, and life wills in man how that work be done. We who live wider life worked man's work, finished that work well, won this higher life by will used well, had while we were men the teach- ing of man's life and work. The wider life works 31 an. Worker on Earth for Life Immortal 45 wider work, using in its wider work the will that it used while it was man. Then life who uses free will to finish man's work uses free will to finish the wider work of life freed. That thought will be help to the man who works. The work of life while it is man teaches life firm purpose, firm will needed in life higher. Think then, who work man's work. Your work, your man's work of to-day, teaches life if you thus wish. Think wisely then, O man. Will Higher made life for earth man. His pur- pose for life on earth man fulfills. That Purpose who made man life gives to man the work on earth of life. Man works by the purpose of Him who wills for life worth. The life who wills on earth wills there for that worth, taught by the man's work firm purpose. But life who wishes it wins that worth. Then life who wishes it wins that firm pur- pose which God wills that life find on earth. What from this follows ? This man who is life to-day may, if he wishes it, win that firm purpose. Think then, man who wills for life. That firm purpose which wins for life its freedom you may find if thus you, the man, wish. Think well, O man. Man, the life who works for life wider, man, the life of free will, works on earth the work purposed to teach free will. That work which man has, being life's work, teaches life. Firm purpose life is taught by the work of man if thus the man wishes. Firm 46 Man, The Life Free purpose won by man life holds firm when freed. That firm purpose man finds who finishes well his work, and firmly wills to live worthily. Has this man won that firm purpose? His life has won it then. Think, man who works life's work. Your firm purpose is life's firm purpose. Think well, O man. When man works firmly, finishing well his work, his life has won firm purpose for work, — yes, but perhaps he wills for unworthy life. What follows that use of free will? The life of man again, the life for whom work is teaching again. Would this man wish that life again? When his purpose makes his life unworthy he finds that life again. Then purpose firmly for both work and life worthy, man who would win freedom. Why wait to find that firm purpose which frees life? This time life may find it, this man may find it. Then think for life, man who works to-day, think for life. Man the life, who has from his Maker will free, wills for life worthy when he thus wishes. Then man wills when life becomes worthy wider life. The free will made life's power man uses for the worth of life. Man who wills for life wills finally for life worthy. But this man may, for he is free, will for imworthiness. Then life remains held to earth. For life worthy will, man who has life to free. You will that life win wider life, or that it be man again. Remember this, you who are life immortal, for by 31 an. Worker on Earth for Life Immortal 47 will your own, your free will, life may, if you choose, win freedom and wider, fuller life. Think then, man of earth, think well. Will Higher was when life made by Him was not. His purpose follows life while it is. He pur- poses, while the life is, worth for wider and wider life. While the life is working as man on earth it finds firm purpose, willed to find it there, which firm purpose wins for life the wider and wider worth purposed by God when life was by Him made. His will all life fulfills. His will the life fulfills as He wills, using its free will and purpose. Then the life who is man to-day will win the wider life purposed by God, and that life it will win using its free will and purpose. Yet life this time on earth may will unworthily, for God makes life free. But finally each life learns through the life of man the firm purpose which makes it worthy wider life. Then, holding firm its purpose, it wins, freely pur- posing always, the wider and wider life willed for life immortal when God's will called life into being. ISIan who wills for life's work of earth, who wills how that work be done, wins by work finished well tlie firm purpose which life must win while it is on earth. Man, the worker free, wills when life work well. His will God made his power, his will God made free. Will for work finished well Hfe holds while it is when that will has by man been won. 48 Math The Life Free Purpose firm for life worthy life holds firm while it is when that firm purpose man has won. Think, man who works life's work, think well. Will Higher made life man for earth; Will Higher made life immortal self; then man is life immortal. While the life wills on earth it is man. While the life wills its will is free. That life work man's work Higher Will purposes; that life im- mortal win by the work of man firm purpose Higher Will purposes. Life works on earth the work that helps life while it is. Man, the life, pur- poses that work be well or ill finished. Man, the life, finds by will used well that firm purpose which life holds firm forever. Then the work of man, well and firmly finished, helps life forever. Think, man who is life immortal, think well. We who have won the higher life purposed by God won it through His help. He helps life whom He made free. That help life wins by work and prayer, work to be and do as He wills, prayer hon- est for His help. That free life who has His pur- pose to fulfill finds the free will which He made its power helped by Him when that life honestly prays for His help. Would life free, then, be by him ruled? Would He lielp life which He rules? The will of God wills for life His help when life needs His help, for that will which he made free He knows may be unwisely used. He who made life Man, Worker on Earth for Life Immortal 49 free, who rules life, whose purpose life fulfills, helps life who asks Him honestly. All lives fulfill His purpose; not one but wins this higher life finally. When by His help life wills well He frees that life from weak will, from weak purpose, from life of man. Wilherforce. That life learn firm purpose man works. His life's work the man has; for that work he uses the life's free purpose. When he uses well that pur- pose life finishes well the work willed for it on earth. Then this man who works the life's work to-day may learn firm purpose, and life freed prof- its thereby well, for in life wider it uses the firm purpose won on earth by man. Work that teaches life man finds help when thus he wishes. Man works life's work for earth pur- posed. Man wills how that work be finished. When life finishes well the work purposed for teaching on earth Will Higher frees that life. Work that helps life man has, but that work helps life only when firmly done and firmly finished. The life works on earth by God's purpose. The work given to life by Him teaches life, but when it teaches life itself chooses. Why wait for the firm purpose which you may find now, man who works life's work, why wait? This time life on earth, this 50 3Ian, The Life Free man who is life now, finds that firm pm'pose if this man thus chooses. Think then, think well, O man. Wide life is when freed, firm its purpose to keep worthy. High its purpose when life has found, while it is man, firm purpose to win worth. Help men to understand the word from freed lives, we pray Thee, O God. Will free man uses for his work; life wills as man ; then life wills how man works. Yet man wills using his own free will. Have we taught you then wrongly, men who work? No. Man is the life who wills how work be done. While that life ^/orks on earth man wills, for he wills as life. For his work willing well he wills well for life's work. Life wills for life wider then when man wills firmly for his work. Think, who work life's work to-day. Why work weakly? The firm life wins freedom. You, life free, work the work which life has by God's purpose to finish well. Then think wisely, O man. Miltiades. Will Higher, who purposes for life while it is, wills for life man's work as teaching. Then this man's work teaches life for whom God purposes. Will firm work teaches when it is well and firmly done. Finished work teaches firm purpose. Work that man has, then, teaches life firm purpose. But 31 an. Worker on Earth for Life Immortal 51 this man works weakly perhaps. This man then finds httle help from his work, and the life who is this man fails to fulfill God's purpose. When life finds through work firm purpose, that life finds purpose which is help forever. Think, man who works. Your work teaches life if you wish. Think well then, for life profits by man's wise thinking. Will Higher, life's Maker, wills for life man's work that by that work life learn firm purpose and firm will. Help life finds while it is through the work of man then, for that work teaches the pow- ers that life uses in wider life. Purpose firm won in life of man helps life higher. Purpose firm won by man, then, helps life higher, for man is the life on earth. Work then, the work man has to-day, will teach life firm purpose needed while life is, if the man thus chooses. Think then, O man, think well. IV WORK THAT HELPS LIFE WORK THAT HELPS LIFE Dr. Coulter. WE who live wider life tell for men thought full of help. Knowing man's life, believing that our words will be help, we tell thought which life of man needs. Word full of help men will find this book, we pray God. Full of meaning for men is this thought — man works life's earth work. But what meaning would men find from that word without the help we give? Man works life's work. His life, being willed worth for life higher, worth which fits life for wider being, lives where man is life, working that work by which it prepares for wider work beyond earth. When by that work well done life learns purpose firm for work life is ready for wider work. But for life further purpose is by God willed than for work only. Life worthy man finds by firm pur- pose. Man wills what 'life be while life is on earth. Man purposes while he lives the man's life for life wider unknowing that thus he purposes perhaps. 55 56 Man, The Life Free But life is willed to find worth for higher, fuller life. Where man wills as life that worth will be found ; where man is life that worth must be found, for life's Maker thus wills. His purpose who wills for life its being must be fulfilled by free will, for He makes life free, and when by the firm purpose won through work finished well man wins worth of life, thus Will Higher is fulfilled. When man who wills for life its earth worth wishes that firm pur- pose is by life won. Then the higher purpose of man's Maker fulfilled by man's free will frees life from man and earth. When by wise free will life while it is man reaches the worth which God pur- poses for life on earth He translates life to free- dom, wider life, fuller life. While life wills as man on earth then, the wise purpose of Him who makes life free teaches wisdom in use of free purpose. But what for life who fulfills that purpose late ? When life who wills as man purposes worthily God frees it from man and earth ; but when life purposes un- worthily He wills for it the life of teaching again. Why was life willed work of man then? The meaning of man's work we tell thus — God purposes that while life wills as man it find firm purpose, use that purpose for worth, prepare while it is man for wider life. Firm purpose then, won by life as man is willed for life. But life made free purposes well or not as it wishes. Firm pur- Work that Helps Life 57 pose won by life that wills to work well helps life to worth. If man needs work life needs work, for life on earth is man. Then man who works well finds the purpose by which life wins that worth which He who made life wills, and work which life has by God's pm*pose teaches wise, free purpose by which life wins the higher life purposed by life's Wilier. While life, then, wills for man, while life purposes that which helps man, it wins by God's purpose that wise firm free purpose by which it makes itself worthy wider, fuller life. Worth of man is worth of life itself. While man works, then, life wins by God's purpose the firm, wise, free pur- pose which brings for life its worth for freedom. Man wills to-day for life. Wise life wills firmly; feeble man's life wills unworthily. Man who works life's work, think. As you will for work life itself wills. Firm purpose wins freedom, weak purpose wins but life of man once more. Well life pur- poses when thus man purposes. Work teaches life that which wider life needs, firm purpose. Think well, man who works life's work, think well. Work that life has while it is man helps life when it works wider work. Then finish well the man's work, life who would work wider work. Help life thus. Why work weakly, man who is life? Why will weakly for your work? You find that firm purpose which helps life forever when you find it 58 Man, The Life Free through work well finished. Work then well, O man; will well for your man's work; thus help life freed. Why has life work? That it win firm pur- pose. Then win that firm purpose this life may who is this man to-day. Think, life of man, think well. Work helps life. That life work on earth for wider work God wills; that life work in wider life than that of earth He wills. Work of man is life's first work. Work of life in wider life is helped by the firm purpose which life learns through man's work. The work that man has helps life when through it life wins firm purpose. When firm pur- pose is found, life wins worth for life wider. Man thinks his work helps man only. This life works helped when man by his work has learned firm pur- pose. What for life purposes life's Maker? Wider life won, wider life working for worth wider, life helped by man, wider life won through the firm purpose found by man. Then think, man who works. We help the man who thinks well. Will Higher, man's Maker, purposes that man find the firm purpose which helps life forever. That purpose won, life wins wider life. That purpose won, life holds it firm while it is. What food for thought, man who wills for earth life! What has the word been of help to your work? The life works the man's work, the life muIIs as man. The Work that Helps Life 59 life purposes that the work be well done when man thus purposes. Heed the word, man who would win wider life. That which you do this time of life in man concerns the life immortal. Think then, that life find help. Wilberforce. Will Higher, life's Maker, wills for life the work of man on earth. What life wills as man? The life who is immortal self; that life works man's work, lives man's life, wills as man. When man wills then, life immortal wills, and that which life immortal wills for the life of man holds the life to earth or wins for the life freedom. What has life willed while it is this man? Has it willed well? Then life finds freedom. Has it willed not well? Then the life wins further work that teaches. Firm purpose life finds where it is man ; thus God wills. Then this life who is man to-day, this life who wills to-day, wins, if the man thus chooses, firm purpose that wins freedom, or weak purpose that wins fur- ther life on earth. What life wins freedom? This life, if this man thus chooses. Then think well, O man. Will Higher, who purposes for life while it is, purposes for life work that work be teaching. Life for whom wider life is purposed learns by work that which wins wider life. Firm purpose that life 60 31 an. The Life Free learns thus wins for life the worth wliich permits life higher. Firm purpose which life learns by work helps life forever. Think, man who is life to-day. Work teaches firm purpose when you thus wish. This freed life wins its yet wider life using firm purpose which life must find while it is man. This life wills for life wider by the firm will won through work on earth. Think, man who is life to-day, think well. Will Higher, who purposes for life while it is, purposes that by life's free purpose it win the life wider which His will makes life's portion beyond earth. Will for life worthy fulfills God's purpose. Man who wills for life, think. The life worthy of man wins that life wider which God purposes. When life wins the wider life depends on man's purpose. When life finds life wider life wills itself. Man is the life on earth. His free purpose, then, well and wisely used, makes life immortal ready for life higher. Think well, man who is free. Purpose for life worthy, man who is life to-day. Purpose for work well, purpose for life worthy firmly. Then you purpose for life well. Has the word we tell helped the man who reads? Then this life thanks God. Miltiades. AVill Higher, man's JNIaker, purposes for life Work that Helps Life 61 while it is man. He purposes for life work that life win firm purpose. He purposes for life firm pur- pose that helps life forever. He purposes that life while it is man find that firm purpose. That pur- pose which man makes firm life holds firm while it is. What food for thought here, what word for help to men ! Will Higher gives to life work that through work life learn firm purpose. When that firm pur- pose is won man himself chooses. When that firm purpose is won life wins wider life. Then what would the life who wills to-day wish to find, firm purpose that brings higher life, or weak purpose that brings but man's life again? The man who thus wishes finds firm purpose. The life who finds firm purpose wins wider life. Then think, man who is free, think well. The work that life wills finished well helps that life. When man wills that his work be well finished that helps life. When life finishes the life of man on earth wider life begins. Work is still life's por- tion. Life works both while it is man and when it has found wider life. Work is help for life. While life wills firmly life wins worth ; when life purposes firmly life wins freedom. Help men to under- stand, we pray Thee, O God. What helps life while it is man? Firm purpose. That firm pur- pose life is taught by the work of man on earth. 62 Man, The Life Free When life finds firm purpose it wins the wider hfe. When Hfe weakens in purpose hfe remains working man's work. Then this hfe, this man who is hfe now, helps life to win wider life when he works his man's work firmly. Purpose firm wins wider life; purpose weak wins man's life once more. Think, man who purposes for life, think well. Will Higher, life's INIaker, wills for life worth won by itself. When life wins worth on earth he frees the life from earth. Man is the life on earth. Then when man wills that his life find worth he wills that life fulfill God's purpose that life find finally the worth which frees. JNIan wills for life while it prepares on earth for wider life. What wins life freed? Firm purpose. Work well fin- ished teaches firm purpose. Work then firmly, man who is free life, work firmly. Man wills that life win wider life when his firm purpose makes his life worthy. When life finds firm purpose by man's free will life immortal wins life higher. When man, the life, finds firm pur- pose, life holds firm its purpose forever. Think what this means, man who wills on earth. What has purpose been of help for you ? Think well, that life profit thereby. This life won, life purposes for yet wider life. When man finds firm purpose his will wins that which helps life wider to find yet wider life. Tliink, man who is life to-day. When Work that Helps Life 63 man, the life, finds firm purpose, life immortal has found it. Think then, man who is life, think well. Work that helps man helps life. When life by man's work wins firm purpose life has won help while it lasts. We who have won wider life worked man's work. Now life freed finds help to win yet wider life through firm purpose won while we were men. Will Higher, life's Maker, purposes that, while it is man, life find firm purpose. His purpose life fulfills while it works as man, while that work which He wills for teaching of life itself, man's work of earth, is done. He purposes for life work to be help. Work done well and finished well helps man, helps life itself. That help man finds when he thus wishes. Work, to be help, must be well and firmly done and finished. Work helps life, then, when man wishes, for man wills how work on earth be done. Then help that is help for life forever is found when man works well. This life works firmly. Work helps this life then, for work helps life forever. But work, to be the help which God purposes, wins firm purpose, firm will. This life wills firmly. But life wins firm purpose while it works man's work. Then think, man who works for life, think well. Why falter, man who works life's work? Work helps life if you thus choose. Think well, vou who work for life, think well. V WILL FOR LIFE WORTHY WILL FOE LIFE WORTHY D?\ Coulter. WILL Higher, life's Maker, places life on earth, there to attain will for life worthy. Man, the life purposed to find that will, wills for that will when he wishes, for the Maker of life made it free. Yet life for whom that will is by God purposed while it is man finds that purposed will. Then, though this man win it not, life will surely win it in a man. While life works on earth to find that will it is more than one man. Then, though this man will weakly or unworthily, the life finds, for thus God purposes, that will while it lives as man. That Will who lives forever, purposing while life is for life made by Him, will finally by life for whom He wills free will be fulfilled. All lives fulfill that Higher Will; none Avill unworthily for always. Man who wills as life, who is life, finally wins that will for life worthy purposed for life by its Maker, God. Will Higher, man's Maker, wills for the life 67 68 Man, The Life Free while it is man. Life of personal self man is by Him made. That life has His purpose to fulfill. To that life while it is there on earth He gives pow- ers which that life uses to fulfill His purpose. To that life He wills teaching by man's life of work. Then His purpose life fulfills, taught by His pur- posed teaching, the life and work of man. Man then, the life free in will, the life willed worth by Him who made it, wins the purposed worth by his wise use of those powers which God gives. Life free fulfills God's purpose itself. Man, the life of free will, the life free of purpose, wins by wise use of those powers the worth of life on earth, purposed thus to win it. Then life wins by man's free will the worth purposed for it by God. Will free wins for life its purposed worth for life higher. Will free makes life of man wor- thy. Have we helped the man who wills for life? That will which life uses in man, that will which wins life's worth for higher life, is the will of man. What use will this life now man make of its free will, wise or weak ? You who live the man's life win freedom by wise use of that free will which the man uses now. Think, who have life to free, think well. Will for life worthy life finds by His purpose who made life free. Then the free will which He makes life's power fulfills His purpose for life. Will for Life Worthy 69 That life for itself will worth He wills; that life win on earth worth for life higher He wills. Self of man, that personal life who wills of free will, wins by its own use of the will God makes its power the worth which He purposes. Man, the life free, wins by wise use of his will the life higher purposed by Him who made life. For worth willing, choosing thus to will, life fulfills God's purpose. That life who, firmly purposing while it wills as man, wins wider life, finds firm purpose its help. Firm purpose which life finds in man it holds firm in life higher. Firm purpose that wins life's worth there on earth wins the worth of life freed. While life wills as man it finds that firm purpose which helps life wider. The man who is life to-day finds that firm purpose if thus he wishes, for he purposes as life immortal. For life man purposes well who finds firm purpose, firm for both work and for life worthy. Man wills for life worthy when he thus wishes, and by his life worthy life immortal wins freedom. Then work for that will, man who has life to free. While you will that will may be won. Think well, man of earth. Why wait to win that will? This time of life on earth life will win freedom if you the man thus will. Life willed worth by Higher Will finds that worth using will free. But life free finds that worth 70 3Ian, The Life Free wlien it wishes. Will for life worthy is free will taught. That free power which life uses in man and forever wins for life its worth. His purpose wlio made life free will be by that life fulfilled. For life free He purposes worth won by itself. Then when man wishes life fulfills God's purpose. That which life wills for itself finally fulfills God's purpose. Then this life who is man to-day fulfills God's purpose if this man wishes. By will free, man's power while life wills on earth, life fulfills the purpose of Him who made life free. This life won, life wills firmly for worth; this life won, firm will life uses while it is. Then, man who to-day wills for life immortal, will worthily. Firm will won by life in man, firm purpose won by life in man life holds firm to eternity. What food for thought for men here! We tell it for help. His purpose who made life free the free purpose of life fulfills. Man, who has for his life to win the worth which frees life from earth, wills for life worthy when he thus wishes. Man free in use of his power, life's will, has that free power by God's will, and that power, then, wins for life the worth of life in man purposed by God. That free power man uses well finally, though this man may use it unworthily. Made life for whom freed life is by God purposed, willed worth won by free will, man, as life, finds that worth. But this man wins that Will for Life Worthy 71 worth when by his wise use of free will he himself makes life of personal self worthy. His free will, life's free power, he uses well when he wishes. This man, then, may by his free will find that worth which wins for life personal the higher life. Won by man himself when he wishes to win it is the wider life which God purposes. Will Higher, who purposes that life find firm purpose while it is man, wills for life the teaching of work. On earth life works man's work. With free will to work well or ill as it chooses life works man's work. Then by free will life works the work for teaching purposed. Will free man has as life which, by the purpose of its Maker, learns firm pur- pose. Firm purpose that God wills life learns by work well done and well finished. Well finished work then helps life to win the firm purpose through wise use of which firm purpose it wins life wider. The life wills as man wills. Think, man who works life's work, think well. Will Higher, life's Maker, who wills that life win its worth itself, purposes that life win that worth which helps life forever while it is man on earth. Life free wins worth by free will its own. Will Higher purposes that life win thus that worth which brings higher life. Then the worth which man wins by free will wins for his life personal higher life. That life who wins worth while it is man, that life 72 3Ian, The Life Free who wins the wortli purposed for life on earth, thus wins higher hfe. Tlien man, the life on earth, wills himself the worth wliich wins for life personal, his immortal self, the higher life of freedom. Wide life becomes when freed, high its purpose becomes. That life who wins higher life is the personal self of man ; that life who wins life higher wins it while it is man; then this man who is life to-day may, if thus he wishes, win for his personal self the higher life. Full with meaning for men is the word we tell. Heed it, man who has free will. Why wait to win that worth which frees? This time that worth may be won. Then this life, this life who is this man, wins higher life if this man thus wishes. Think well, who live man's life, think well. Will Higher, man's INIaker, was when life of man was not. He who made man is the Wilier of life. He who willed life to be is Wilier of that which men name the Universe. His will rules all that He made. To life willed being by Him He wills free will its own. His will for life is to be fulfilled by the will which He wills to life. Man, the life on earth, fulfills His will by his own free will. Life while it is fulfills His will by its own free will. The will which the life uses in this man fulfills God's pin'pose, then, when this life wishes, for this life, as all life, He made free. What for life purj^oses God? Will for life worthy. Then Will for Life Worthy 73 God's purpose for life will be fulfilled when life finds firm will for life worthy. He who wills for life gives life the means by which to fulfill His will, and life that wills for itself its worth finally finds that firm will for life worthy which Higher Will purposes. Well has the Wilier of life pur- posed. His purpose life fulfills finally and surely. Not one life but fulfills God's will. His purpose that life win by free will the worth that wins higher life all lives fulfill. Then this man who wills for life worthy wins for his life the higher life pur- posed by God from the willing of life. Think, who will to-day, think well. Will Higher, who wills for life wider life than that of earth, purposes that by free will its own life find the worth which fits it for the wider life. When life free of will wins that worth it chooses itself. But the will of God life fulfills surely. Then the life that is man to-day will fulfill God's will, for He who wills that life be free purposes that it win wider life. Fulfilling then of free will its own God's purpose, making life worthy of man's choice, life thus wins the wider life purposed by Him who wills for life forever. When life finds worth man himself chooses. Think then, man who would win wider life. Your own will may, this time of life on earth, win it. Think well, O man. Will for life worthy, man who has will free. 74 Man, The Life Free ]Man wills whether life find wider life or work man's work again. Man wills whether life find freedom from earth or life where man lives again. The firm will of man, well and wisely used, wins life wider. Will firmly then, man of earth. This time life may win freedom if you thus will. Heed my word, man who has life to free. Will Higher made life man for earth ; His pur- pose man fulfills willing for life worthy himself. Will Higher made life immortal; His purpose life immortal fulfills willing its worth of free will. When life wills well He frees that life from earth ; when life wills unworthily He wills for that life further life on earth. Man himself finds, then, the worth which wins wider life. Man who wills using free will wins by free will finally the worth which God purposes for life on earth. Man, the free life, wills as God purposes finally. When man thus wills life immortal wins freedom. Then will for life worthy, man who is life to-day. Your will wins freedom from earth for your life immortal if thus you wish. Think well, man who wills for life, think well. Will of life man has. His will by which he makes life worthy is his as life who must will finally for life worthy. Then his will, his free will, wins for life the purposed worth for wider life. Man who has life to free, think. Whv wait to win that will Will for Life Worthy 75 for life worthy which life finally must win? This time of life on earth man may find that will. Then this time life wins freedom. Think then, man of free will. You win for life immortal wider life if you thus choose. Will Higher, who willed for life its being, wills that life on earth be man, wills for life free will its own. Will Higher purposes for that life whom He made free worth for wider, fuller, higher life. Will Higher wills for life worth far wider than it finds on earth. Will Higher wills that while life works where it is man it find firm purpose for life worthy. His purpose for life life fulfills using the free will which He makes life's power. Man, the life, wills finally that worth which Will Higher purposes for life on earth. When life freely willing finds that worth which God purposes for earth, His will frees life from man and earth. Will for life worthy man finds as life who by God's will wins higher life. When by firm purpose man makes life worthy he chooses for himself. Then God's purpose for life on earth is fulfilled by life of free will. Man is that life. When life free chooses worth that life fulfills God's purpose. Then think what man has to find, man who is free; firm purpose for life worthy. We who have won the wider life wish to help men. The word we tell will help if men think. 76 3Ian. The Life Free Wilhcrforce. JNIan, life for whom He wlio made it purposes, wills his worth of hfe himself. Won by free life is the life higher purposed by God when His will made life free. Man, life free, wills for that life wider then, using the power which He who made him gives. That power willed to life fulfills God's purpose for life. When life wins worth it chooses itself, for God makes life free. Then this life who wills to-day will win freedom by its free will, yes, for thus God purposes. But this life is a man to- day. ]Man wills when life wins higher life, for man wills the worth of life on earth. Think well, man who is free, think well. His purpose who made life free the free life ful- fills. ]Man, the life, finally wins that worth which God purposes. Yet this thought helps only the man who thinks wisely. Free will life uses for its worth always. Think then, man who would win freedom for life, think wisely. Will Higher, who purposes that life find worth while it is man for life wider, purposes that the life will for life worthy then, in this man? Yes, if this man thus chooses. But this man wills that his life be worthy by free will. That free will which God made life's power wins for life its wider life by man's choice then. For what would the man Will for Ufe Worthy 77 will who wishes wider life? What would this man will then, I mean? When this man wishes higher life he wills for it himself. But this man keeps life to earth when for life unworthy he wills. You who may free life, think. What would you think well to choose, life higher, or life of man again ? Think well, man of life free, think well. Will for life worthy man finds himself. Will that he uses for life worthy life uses thus in higher life. AVhen man wins that will, life has won it. Firm will for life worthy life freed uses. Work for that will, man who would find life higher, will firmly always, keep purpose firm. Work finished well helps life while it wins the firm purpose that wins freedom. Then will firmly for both work and life worthy, that your life may this time win freedom. Will for life worthy life finds in man ; thus life's Maker wills ; yet life free wins that will. How will that help men? Thus — will for life worthy life learns by the teaching of life on earth. Man wills that which he wishes, but life finally finds will for life worthy. Taught by life of man life is surely. Will free wins life worthy, will free is taught on earth wisdom. Then life taught wise use of free will, life finally taught by life on earth, wins the will for life worthy which helps life forever. jNIan wills whether life immortal work earth work 78 Man, The Life Free again or win life higher. What food for thought this gives for men ! What help it may give ! Man himself, who is wholly free, decides whether im- mortal life work man's work once more or live higher life. Think, man of earth, think well. Will Higher, life's ^laker, wills for life worth for v/ider life won by life as man. Will free life uses while it is. Man, who wills for life on earth, finds his ^\'orth willing it himself. When man firmly wills for life worthy life immortal finds firm purpose by which it keeps worthy in life wider. What then has life while it is man to find? Firm purpose. Then life wider is firm to eternity. Will Higher, life's Maker, Will Higher, man's Maker, wills for life this wider life when by will for life worthy life wins this life itself. What food for thought this will give to the man who thinks! Man, life personal, wills with free will, purposes his worth himself. JNIan, life inmiortal, wills when life finds this life then, for wiien man wins the worth which God purposes for life on earth, that life He frees from earth. Think then, man who wills for life, think well. Will Higher, life's Maker, who purposes for life while it is, purposes that while life works on earth it win the firm purpose that keeps life forever worthy. The work of man teaches that firm pur- pose when man thus wishes. Has life found firm Will for Life Worthy 79 purpose while this man works? Think, man who works. Life finds when man thus chooses the firm purpose which helps life forever. Think well, O man. Will Higher purposes that while life is man it find firm purpose, yet His will makes life free. He purposes for life worth won by itself; His pur- pose life fulfills by free purpose its own. What food for thought this gives for men, what food for deep thinking! That free purpose by which man wins his life worthy God makes life's power. That firm purpose by which life wins the freed life man uses to make his life worthy. Think then, man who has life to free, think well. Will Higher, life's Maker, purposes for life worth for higher life won by free will. Life's will, that power which life uses while it is, life uses while it is man on earth. The life who wills freely be- cause made free by Higher Will wins higher, fuller life ; but the life who wins higher life wins the worth for higher life by will free. Man who is life on earth wills for life's worth using life's free will. That purposed worth, that purposed life higher, are won then by life while it wills as man. Heed the word, man who has life to free. The life which finds higher life by God's will finds the worth for higher life by its own free will. Will Higher, who purposes while life is for that 80 Man, The Life Free life, wills that life find, while it is man on earth, the worth for higher, fuller life. That which He purposes life fulfills. But for life His will is that it be free to will when it make itself worthy. His purpose life free fulfills; His will life free fulfills; His will all life fulfills. Man, the life on earth, wills when life immortal become worthy for higher, fuller life. What food for thought, here, man who is free! Why let life wait for freedom? You will that life immortal find wider life when you thus choose. Think well, who would win freedom, think well. Will for life worthy life finds willing by free will, yet life finds that will for life worthy by God's purpose. When life wills for life worthy, then, it fulfills His purpose who made it free. Wise life becomes while it is taught by life on earth. Wise life wills for life worthy. Man, who is life while life wills on earth, himself finds will for life worthy, freely choosing that will, for God makes life free. He purposes for life while it wills freely. Man who is life finds will for life worthy himself, but finds that will by God's purpose. Then life finds worth because it nuist, and will is but free while life wills for unworthiness? No, life free wills for life worthy. Man who knows his will is free wills for life worthy. Free while life is will is. Man wins, freely willing himself, the freedom purposed Wilt for Life Worthy 81 by God when He made life free. When life wins its worth itself, willing by wise firm free will, God frees that life from man. Think well, man who is free, think well. Will Higher, life's JNIaker, purposes for life worth for life higher won while life is man. What food for thought there for the man who is life! What help he may find from it! JNIan himself wins freedom for life immortal. Think for life then well, man w^ho wishes higher life. You win it this time if thus you will. Keep firm, O man, keep firm. Then happy freed life you win. Help men who live the life of earth by Thy help, O God. Miltiades. Will Higher, life's Maker, purposes for life worth won by its free will. Man then, who is the life for earth, wills for that which He purposes who made him life. This man who wills for life this time fulfills the purpose of God if he thus wdlls. Yes, man who is free, this man who knows he is free, may be worthy choosing worth. His w^orth won by his free will makes his life worthy higher life. Then life free in will fulfills the higher pur- pose of its Maker willing for its w^orth itself. Will Higher, man's INIaker, who for life pur- poses forever, wills that life be man on earth. Life then fulfills as man His purpose. When for life 82 Man, The Life Free worthy man wills firmly, life fulfills the purpose of its Maker. Then this man now life on earth, this man who makes when he wishes his life worthy, by making his life worthy fulfills God's purpose for life on earth. Think well, man of life immortal, think well. Will for life worthy man finds who thus wishes. Man, who is life, wills how life live when this man dies. Would this man wish earth life then? That life who this time on earth finds firm will for life worthy wins higher life. Would this man prefer earth life again ? Then will firmly, man who would win freedom. Each life finally wins freedom, but the worth for freedom man must find himself. Think then, man who fives earth life, think well. Will Higher wills for life of man that it find will for life worthy ; but life free finds of free choice that will. When life wins this life will free has made it worthy. Will for life worthy life finds then when this man thus wishes. What has life to fulfill while it is man? The purpose of its Maker. What has life with which to work to fulfill that purpose? Purpose its own, free purpose. Willed life worthy, helped by Him who made it free, self of man, life immortal, wins the purposed worth by wise use of its own free purpose. When by life will and purpose are well used, life wins freedom. This man uses them well Will for Life Worthy 83 if thus he wishes. This man then wins freedom for his hfe immortal if thus he wishes. Think, man of free purpose, think well. Man, life personal, wills for life worthy when thus he wishes. For life who wins that worth which Higher Will purposes He wills wider, fuller life. Well has man willed whose life wins that wider life, well has he purposed. When life wins free- dom man has won it. That life who firmly pur- poses for life worthy on earth wins the higher life. Will for life worthy life finds while it wills in man. That life who wills in this man finally wills well. But perhaps life wills unworthily this time. Will life who wills for itself unworthily finally find wider life? Yes, thus God wills, but for the life who wills unworthily He wills further life as man. Then life wills whe7i it find freedom, though God purposes that it find freedom. That firm free will which wins for life its freedom this man finds if he thus wishes. Then will firmly for life worthy, man who wishes higher life ; will firmly this time of life on earth. Thus this man may free from life weak, unworthy, feeble of purpose, his life im- mortal. Will firmly for life worthy then, man who is life immortal. Man wins the freed life for his immortal self who wills that his man's life win worth. Keep firm then, man who wishes wider life, keep firm. 84. Mem, The Life Free INIaii wins this life who firmly keeps his man's life worthy. Have I helped you, man who wills for life? Help this word for help with Thy blessing, we pray Thee, O God. That life win while it works man's work firm purpose God wills. That the work of life on earth teach that firm purpose finally He purposes. Why has life free purpose, why has life free will? For help God makes life free, for helj) will and purpose are made free. What has life from its Maker for help then? Will that it uses for life worthy when it thus wishes, purpose that makes life worthy when life thus wishes. Free life is while it wills and purposes, but the free will wisely used, the free purpose wisely used, win that worth which frees from earth. When man wisely uses his free will and purpose his life wins freedom and higher life. Then will firmly, who would find the freed life this time, purpose firmly. Then this time life wins freedom. Think well, O man. Will Higher, who wills that life be man while it wins the worth for higher life, purposes for life the work of man that life find througli that work firm purpose. What food for thouglit this gives to men! High life becomes when it has found free- dom. For what life is freedom purj^osed? For the personal life of man. What purpose wins the fuller life? Man's own free purpose. What life Will for Life Worthy 85 finds fuller lil'e^ JNlaii's life of personal self. Then this man, this life who is man to-day, wins fuller l^ersonal life when this man, freely willing, wins worth himself. Heed the word, man of earth. Will Higher, man's Maker, purposes for life while it works the work of earth. What purposes He for life while it works the work of earth? Firm purpose won through that work well finished. Firm purpose that helps life forever may be won by the life who works in this man. Will that firm purpose be won? This man wills for himself whether it be won. Think then, who would find higher life, think well. Higher Will of life's Maker follows life while it wills for itself. Will for life worthy is purposed by Higher Will, but He makes life free to find that will when it thus wishes. Firm purpose is by Higher Will purposed for life, but His will makes life free to find firm purpose when thus it wishes. Will for life worthy man finds as life for whom that will is purposed. Then the man who thus wishes fulfills God's purpose, and thus wins higher life, free from weak will, full with firm purpose, happy while it is to will for life worthy. Man who purposes to-day, think. Will for life worthy life finds while it wills as man on earth. That free will which life has from its Maker wins that worth which He purposes. 86 Man, The Life Free Will free, life's power, made life's power by God, wins life's worth for time and eternity. That life who this time wills well thus wins fuller life. Think well, O man, think well. VI MAN WILLS FOR WIDER LIFE WHEN HE WILLS HIS LIFE WORTHY MAN WILLS FOR WIDER LIFE WHEN HE WILLS HIS LIFE WORTHY Dr. Coulter. WILL free man uses to make his life worthy. Man free wills for life wider when by his wise free will he wins the worth which life is by God purposed to find on earth. What for life purposes Higher Will? Worth won by free will. Then worth won by man's free will fulfills God's purpose. What for life purposes He who made it? Man's life till it finds by free will worth for wider life. What for life purposes its Maker? Wide life full of firm purpose, high life full of worth, full life worthy His presence finally. Man begins life's wise use of free will. Then this life by its free will wins finally that higher life purposed from the willing of life. That life high which He who wills for life forever purposes is won by the free will used to-day by this man. Why wait then to make your life worthy, man of earth, why wait? Will Higher, who wills for life while it is, made Ijf^ man for earth that life immortal there learn 90 3Ian, The Life Free firm purpose for life worthy. His will life ful- fills, for His will is the will of Omnipotent God. Will for life worthy is purposed then. That life win the worth which frees from earth Will Higher purposes, but for life He wills free purpose its own. Free life, purposing as it wishes, finally fulfills His will. Then the life who is man to-day finally will fulfill His purpose, for His purpose life must fulfill. But this life is free, and the man who wills for this life is free. Then free life finally wills as God purposes. How may that be? The life free is taught firm purpose for life worthy. Taught life fulfills the purpose that it win life worthy, taught through man's life of work, man's life weak of purpose perhaps, man's life weak of will, and man's life firm. What teaches life then? The life of man on earth. What is life taught by that life of man? Wise use of free purpose, firm use of free purpose. Wise life becomes, taught by the life of man. Life taught fulfills as God pur- poses His will. Life firm wins freedom, life worthy wins freedom. Think what I tell, man who is free. Will Higher purposes for your life worth for life higher, but by your own free purpose must life win the worth for freedom. Think wisely, O man. Will Higher, who purposes for life while it is, purposes that by will free life win the worth which makes it worthy wider life. Man, who wills as life, Man Wills for Wider Life 91 ^\\\o wills of free Avill, makes the life while it is on earth worthy life higher. For that which Higher Will purposes, the life wider, man purposes by free purpose. Well has life purposed when it has won freedom; well has life willed when it has won higher life. The life who purposes of free pur- pose wins the higher life purposed by God willing its worth itself. What for life wills the man who is life now? Has that life won the worth which frees? We tell that life finds its worth itself, though that worth is by Higher Will purposed. When will this life find the purposed worth? This time, if man thus wills. That word helps the man who heeds it. Think, man who purposes for life, think well. Man, the worker on earth, wills for his worth with the will of life itself. When man wills well life itself wills well. Then life who is man wills that which man wills. Hope then, man who is life, hope for wider life. When you will that life be worthy life itself wins worth. You will that worth which brings for life freedom using life's free will. I who tell you this was man. I willed well, for the life was freed. You may will well. You then, life immortal, win freedom. Think, man who is life, think well. Man, life of personal self, wills for life wider than he may understand. While he wills his life 92 3Iajh The Life Free prepares for that life wider. This Hfe for wliich hfe prepares on earth prepares for yet higher life by the free will whieh it uses while it is man. Man, the free life, wills for that worth which God pur- poses. Then man wills that life find worth for freedom. When life wills well, winning the worth whieh God wills for life on earth, His purpose who wills for life frees that life. Then man who wills well wins for his life freedom and wider, fuller life. Think, man of earth, think well. Wilberforce. Will Higher purposes for life that by purpose its own it find the worth for higher life. When life finds that purpose firm which it must find because Will Higher thus wills, He frees that life from earth. While life works man's work it finds firm purpose if thus it chooses. The life free wins by God's purpose the worth for higher life ; when that worth is found life chooses for itself. Would the man who is life to-day win higher life? Purpose firmly he must each day he lives. ^lan wills the worth which life finds on earth. Man wins that worth by his free will. God pur- poses that life find that worth, but makes life free. Life free wins on earth the life wider, and by free will its own wins that worth which prepares life for life wider. Wheii life finds that worth it 3Ian Wills for Wider Life 93 chooses by its own free choice. Man, who is the life on earth, wills for life wider, then, when his free will makes his life worthy. Have the words helped one man to will for life worthy? Then life freed thanks God. Will Higher, who wills for life while it is, wills for life while it wills as man. That which He wills life fulfills. Life whose will He makes free wins finally the worth which He purposes. What has life from its Maker? Powers free. Life wills of free will, life purposes of free purpose. Yet life which has for must to fulfill God's purpose ful- fills that purpose by its own free will and purpose. What for life purposes God? High life, worthy life, worthy His presence finally. His purpose life fulfills. Life of man, personal self, wins this worth finally. But life, to win that high life which God purposes, must win its worth by free will. Man who is life, think. Your life finds worth when you the man choose. Your worth wins life's first higher life. Then, firm of purpose, life works and wills for that worth which makes it worthy God's presence. Will free wins life's worth while it is. Remember that, man who would win liigher life. Miltiades. Man, the free personal life, wills for his life worthy when he thus wishes. Then man fulfills 94 Man, The Life Free God's purpose for his life when he thus wishes. For life purpose and will are by God made free, and free life finally purposes for life worthy wish- ing thus to purpose. Man while he works life's work on earth finds that which God purposes for life, firm purpose for life worthy. What helps man in his work? Firm purpose. What wins life worthy? Firm purpose. When life wins firm purpose for both work and life worthy life fulfills God's purpose. Then think, who would win higher life. You may wun it this time. Firm purpose well used wins life higher. That life who finds firm purpose on earth wins life higher; when life finds that firm purpose man wills; this man finds that firm purpose if thus he wishes ; then this life wins freedom if this man finds firm free purpose. What helps man to worth? Firm purpose used well this day, to-morrow, each day he lives. Man who would win for life wider, fuller life, think. Why wait to find firm purpose, why wait? Has will helped you, the life, while the fife is this man? Think what the word from freed life tells. Well has life purposed who has won freedom. Has your life willed well, O man? You, the life, find purpose free your help if you, the man, will that it help. Think then, man who wills for life, think. VII FREE WILL USED WELL HELPS LIFE FREE AYII.L USED WELL HELPS LIFE Dr. Coulter. WILL for life worthy man finds using free will. Man who finds firm will for life worthy uses will well. Weak purpose lets life wait for freedom. But firm purpose life is willed, and by will firm used always life wins firm purpose. Firm purpose life finds when the man chooses. Will free, will that God makes life's free power, wins for life the worth which life by His purpose finds finally. When life purposes well God wills for it wider life. Then the man who purposes firmly for life worthy, using free purpose well, wins by that purpose this wider life. Heed the word, man of weak purpose. When you find firm purpose life finds it; when you pur- pose weakly you fail to win for life its freedom. Then firmly purpose for life worthy, man who has life to free. Man, who wills as he wishes, has for his work that work which God makes teaching for life im- mortal. Man, then, works for life immortal the 97 98 Man, The Life Free man's work, learning througli that work, if he wishes, that which helps life immortal. When life of man finds firm purpose man wins it. Man who works life's work wins for life the purpose which frees life from man. Well has man worked, well has he purposed then, when life immortal wins freedom. Well must this man will and purpose if he would free from earth his life. Think, man who is free, think. Help from Him who purposes for life life willed by Him finds when with prayer it asks that help. Man who wills for life worthy finds that help, but life, to receive that help, must firmly purpose to keep itself worthy. Then firm purpose for life worthy wins His help who gives free will. The man who wills for life worthy wills that life im- mortal win freed life ; the man who wills weakly or wickedly holds fife immortal to earth. This life wills for life worthy firmly, taught by life in man. We who live freed life thank Him who purposed for us this wider life of freedom. That purpose by which this life is won is life's purpose used by man. Then man himself wins for life immortal this wider, fuller life. Will for life worthy then, man who would free life immortal, will firmly, pray- ing for His help who made life free. Free Will Used Well Helps Life 99 Wilherforce. Free will man has, being willed that power by his Maker. Then by that power life of man ful- fills the purpose of its Maker. When free will well and firmly used wins that worth which life's Maker purposes, life fulfills, as He wills, His pur- pose. When free will life weakly uses, life has for help the penalty of man's life again. Penalty that is then? Would this man who works to-day think that man's work once more is not penalty? Think, who read. Work of man teaches life when man thus wishes ; man who weakly works finds but weak purpose; his life is for penalty given man's life again. Why life wills for itself its worth we have made you understand, O men. Why life must firmly purpose we wish to make you understand. Weak will holds life to earth, firm will wins free- dom. Man who has free will, think. For life man wills, for life he purposes. When will firmly used wins freedom man has fulfilled the purpose of life's Maker. Will Higher, life's Wilier, who purposes for life while He permits it to be, wills for life free pur- pose its own. Life willed free purpose wills and purposes itself its worth; but life purposed worth by its Maker finds that purposed worth surely. Will free life has; then man who wills as life wills 100 Man, The Life Free of free will; his worth or iinworthiness he Avills for himself. His will, being life's will, makes life worthy higher life. He wills that life find higher life when by his free will he makes his life worthy. Will Higher, man's Maker, wills while life is man for that life. His will that life fulfills. But when man wishes to will weakly is that fulfilling the will of his Maker? No. Yet life willed free will may thus avoid fulfilling God's purpose. May a life always work or will weakly? No. Life is taught finally ; will is well used finally ; no life may for always avoid fulfilling the purpose of its Wilier, God. Man wills that life be weak if he wills weakly, and life who is weak finds but man's life again. Has man then penalty? Perhaps not, but life has penalty for weakness while it is man. Free life is, free God makes life. Then free life finally wins the worth which God purposes. That free will with which He who made life endows it finally fulfills His purpose. No life fails. While life wishes it may be weak; when life is taught by life weak it learns to firmh^ purpose. Life weak then is teaching? Yes, for life weak learns through penalty for weakness. Man who wills freely is life who finds penalty for man's weakness. Have we helped yovi, O men, to find firm will? We pray for God's blessing on the work He permits us, the work for help of men. Free Will Used Well Helps Life 101 Miltiades. Free will well and firmly used helps life for which life worthy is by Him who made it purposed. When life, freely willing, wins the worth that life's Maker purposes, life wins wider life; when life weakly wills, purposing only for earth, that wins but man's life again. Then firm purpose, firm for life worthy, wins by God's purpose the higher life of freedom, but weak purpose wins for life man's life again. Think, who have life to free, think well. Will Higher, man's Maker, who wills for life free will, purposes that life free fulfill His will. That purpose life will fulfill, though this man wills weakly. But that work which helps life life works this time. When that work helps life, however, man wills. Though life be willed worth, God pur- poses that it win that worth by free will. Happy life is when freed. Then this man who wills life worthy if he thus wishes may thus win for life im- mortal life happy forever. Think, life who would win freedom, think, man who is life now, think well. VIII PURPOSE OF LIFE IN MAN PURPOSE OF LIFE IN MAN Dr. Coulter. WILL Higher, who was when life made by Him was not, formed His purpose for life when that life He willed into being. His purpose governs life while it is. Man, the life on earth, pur- poses as He purposes finally, though, being made free, he purposes that which he wishes. Man, the life of free purpose, wins by his free purpose the worth which Higher Will purposes for him. Though man is free, Will Higher purposes that of free will he make his life worthy. Has this man wdlled for life worthy? God wills for his life free- dom ; man wills for himself the worth for freedom. How would the man who wishes freedom will then? Think, man of free purpose. What use do you the man make of purpose? Will Higher, life's Maker, purposes for life w^orth won by free purpose its own. That worth which He purposes for life while it is man man purposes by his free purpose. That worth which 106 Man, The Life Free He purposes for life beyond earth, that worth which finally fits life for His presence, life wins by its free purpose. That worth which makes life ready for its first wider life man wins by his free purpose. Wider life wins wider worth to eternity by the same free purpose that life uses in man. Then man who uses firm purpose fits life for its first wider life. Think, man who purposes for life, think well. Wilherforce. Will for life worthy life finds when for that will it purposes firmly. Man who purposes for life on earth finds firm purpose when he thus wishes. Then life finds firm purpose for life worthy when the man thus wishes. Think then, who would free your life. Your purpose wins for life worth that frees when you yourself thus wish. Think well. Purpose Higher rules life whom He made. His purpose rules life both while it works in man and when it finds higher life. What purposes He for life on earth? Worth won by life's free purpose, worth won by life free. His purpose life fulfills using the free powers He gives. Man wills that worth which wins freedom then, for he is life for earth. His free purpose makes life worthy wider life. Think, man who is free. Why wait to use your purpose well? This time that life wins free- Purpose of Life in Man 107 dom if you will well. Think, who would find higher life. You win it by your free purpose if thus you wish. Purpose Higher follows life while it purposes for itself. Free life is made. Free to will worth or weakness, free while it lasts life is. This life who lives the life of man wins, if it thus wishes, the wider fuller life. Full of help for men this word. Their thought needs this help from life freed. Think then, man of free purpose. Your life finds this life if this man finds worth for this life. Now man may will the worth that frees. Will Higher, will of Him who purposes for life while it is, wills for life that He made man life wider; then life while it wills on earth becomes worthy wider life. Will Higher made life free; then life wins its worth of free will. God wills for life that, finding worth of free will, it become worthy life wider. Have we helped the man who reads? He himself, this man who is life to-day, finds the life wider when by his own free will he makes life worthy. Then this man may if thus he wishes win wider life for his immortal self. What has purpose won to-day, man who has life to free? Was purpose the help of life to-day? For life man purposes well who helps life each day. Why then wait to find firm purpose, life who would be freed? You who know from freed life the word 108 Man, The Life Free you need, think. The will of man, the purpose of man, firmly and wisely used win freedom from earth for life immortal. Then purpose firmly to- daj^, to-morrow, each day, man who has life to free. Will Higher, life's Maker, wills that by man's will life win the freedom that He purposes. Then the life who is man now has His purpose to fulfill. Yet He makes life free. How then must life win freedom? By wise use of its own free will. God's purpose life fulfills while it is. Man, the life who has free will, uses his free will well or weakly as he wishes, but life purposed freedom will finally win it. What help the man who is life to-day finds from this thought he himself chooses. But the word means much. Will free wickedly used means further work on earth; will free firmly and wisely used brings worth for life higher. Think then, who work. Think well, who live man's life to-day. Will Higher, who governs life whom He made, wills for life worth for life wider won by itself. What life wins that worth? The life who firmly purposes that life be worthy. That life works well, that life finishes the work of man well, that life finds will firm a help, that life wins freedom. Purposed life higher, willed man's life of work and experience as teaching, life personal wins by free will that life wider which God purposes. Well to Purpose of Life in Man 109 think what this means to you, O man. What life wins freedom? This hfe if thus it chooses. Will Higher, life's Maker, wills that while life is man on earth it win worth for higher life. Work that life has, man's work that is, teaches life firm purpose. Work then helps life of man. Work has helped life when it has found higher life. While life works as man, free to work well or ill always, it wins, by the teaching God purposes, firm purpose which helps life forever. Wise free purpose life finds taught by the life on earth ; wise free purpose wins life's worth for the higher life freed from earth ; wise, firm free purpose wins life's worth forever. Work then firmly, man who is life, for thus life wins help that lasts forever. Think then well, who work to-day, that life find firm purpose. Miltiades. Will for life worthy man, the life, finds by the purpose of his Maker. Man, the worker on earth, has for teaching the work which by God's purpose life must work on earth. Man, who wills for that work well or ill, is the life who finds finally the worth of life which God purposes. Man then, be- ing life, and being life who is by God pin-posed worth, and also being life free, wins that purposed worth using free will. God purposes; that which He made fulfills His purpose. Man, the willed 110 Man, The Life Free life, finds for that life the firm purpose which by God's purpose life must find. Work that teaches life man has for his work. Each life is by man's work taught firm purpose finally, but life works well when thus it wishes. Then life is taught firm purpose when thus it wishes. Help work is purposed to be; help it is when by it life wins firm purpose. The life on earth is man. The life wins firm purpose then by man's free choice. When man works well, firmly purposing, when man keeps life worthy, firmly pur- posing thus, man finds firm purpose which helps life forever. Think, man who purposes for life, think well. Will Higher, life's Maker, who purposes for life worth for higher life, wills how life attain its worth. His purpose for life life fulfills working for worth first as man on earth, there finding (for thus God wills), the firm purpose by which it makes itself worthy wider life. That firm purpose life is taught by the work of man. Yet firm pur- pose that work teaches life may use unworthily. He who purposes for life while it is wills that life finally win wider life. His will life finally fulfills. Life willed worth finds worth. Though it will for life unworthy this time on earth, life finally finds the purposed life wider using for its worth the free purpose which He who made it free gives. Purpose of Life in Man 111 Then the will of life free, the purpose of life free, finally win that worth which God purposes. But when life wins that worth it chooses itself. When the life who is man to-day wishes life wider it must firmly will for life worthy. Heed the word, man who purposes for life. Your purpose must make your life worthy. Your firm purpose well and wisely used will free your life immortal from earth. Think well, O man. Will Higher, life's Maker, purposes for life wider life won by the life while it wills as man. That life wider is won by free will and purpose, for Will Higher made life free. But that worth, being purposed for life by Will Higher, life must find. Then life who is free finds that life wider using free will and purpose. What would life working for worth be were it not free? Worth nothing, for life to win worth must be free. Life willed freedom by Higher Will wins the worth for that purposed freedom using its own free will, for thus Higher Will purposes. Then when life wills for unworthiness it fulfills not God's purpose. True, but life finds worth nevertheless finally. The will given life, free will, is by work of man taught. Wise life becomes, taught by life of man. Wise life, taught wisdom by the work which Higher Will purposes for teaching, wins freedom. Wise life, free to will as it wishes, wills, choosing thus to 112 Man, The Life Free will, for life worthy. His purpose who made life free life free fulfills. Wise life, taught by Higher Will, fulfills the purpose of Higher Will. Will Higher, who purposes for life while it is, purposes for life while it is man that, using free purpose, it win the worth for higher life. Then the man who is life to-day must firmly purpose if he would win the higher life. What has purpose won for this life ? What use has this man made of God's gift of free purpose? What man wins life wider for personal self? This man who is life to-day, if thus he chooses. Then firmly purpose while you are working this time, man of free purpose. Then life wins higher life. Think, man of earth, think well. Will for life worthy man finds who thus wishes. Will for life worthy won by man wins firm pur- pose for life immortal. Think what we tell. Man wins if thus he wishes, this time of life on earth, the firm purpose which life holds for always. Man who is weak, think. What has purpose been for you to-day? Has it helped life? We tell for help the word you read; think upon it well. Will Higher, life's Maker, wills for life that while it is man it find the worth by which it wins freedom. Why let life wait to find that firm pur- pose which makes life worthy, why weakly purpose, man of earth? Your firm purpose wins freedom; Purpose of Life in Man 113 you win firm purpose when thus you wish. Then this time of life on earth win that firm purpose, and this time life wins wider, fuller life. Think, man who is life, think. We who live freed life win by free will the worth which we find. That worth Will Higher purposes that we find thus. We find, then, purposed worth as man finds it, wisely and firmly using free will. That will which wins for life freed its wider life is the free will given to life of man. Then life freed wills for its wider life by the will used while it lived on earth. Think what we tell. You who will to-day for life higher, using free will your own, will, when life has won freedom, use the will that you now use. Think well, O man, think wisely. IX WILL FREE WINS FOR LIFE FREEDOM WILL FKEE WINS FOR LIFE FREEDOM Dr, Coulter. MAN wills for life while life is on earth ; man purposes that life win freedom when he purposes that his man's life win worth ; man wills for life whom God made immortal; man purposes for life for whom God wills wider, fuller life; man wills, using free will, the worth which permits freedom. Then this man wills whether life win freedom this time or no. Think, man who is life immortal, think well. Man who wills that his man's life be worthy wills that life immortal be worthy. Man who wills that his life be worthy wills that his life win higher life. Will for life worthy then, man who is life im- mortal. Why wait for the will for life worthy that you may find to-day? Why wait to find the worth that wins freedom? Think, who will for life. You will this day for life. What will have you, will to win higher life, or to keep life on earth? Think well, O man. Man, who is life immortal, who wills on earth 117 118 Man, The Life Free for life immortal, wills whether life immortal win wider life or life on earth again. INIan, who wills of free will, wills for that worth which brings to life immortal freedom from earth or life on earth again. Then this man who is to-day life inmiortal wills whether his life find wider life or work of man again. Think what I tell, man who wills. Your free will, life's free power, wins for your life the freedom which God purposes if thus you choose. Think wisely, O man. Wilberfo?'ce. Will for life worthy, man who is life immortal. Why, I tell you thus — For that life personal which is this man you yourself win the worth that permits freedom if thus you wish. Your will, your free will use well then. Thus you win for life personal the wider life that God wills. You the man, for the man has that purpose by which life is made worthy, win for your life personal its wider fuller life if thus you choose. Think then, man who wills for life, think well. Will Higher, who purposes for life while it is, purposes for life of man worth for wider, fuller life. Man who is free wills for life while it is on earth. Then life wins when free man thus wills the wider life purposed by God. Think what you read ! This man, this man who Will Free Wins for Life Freedom 119 is life to-day, wins for his life wider, fuller life if thus he wishes. The wider life purposed by life's JNlaker is won when man thus wills. Heed the word, you who will for life. Miltiades. jNIan, the personal life who wills that life win personal wider life by willing that man's life keep firm and keep worthy, has the free will which he uses from his Maker. That power which he uses for personal worth is life's power. For life worthy man wills when he chooses. Yet his life fulfills the purpose of its ^laker surely. Then that worth which wins wider life man, the life, finds, though life as this man may will unworthily. Hope then, who wish wider life; hope, but keep firm. If by this man life is kept firm this life wins freedom. Think then, man who wills for life, think well. Will Higher, life's Wilier, who purposes for life while it is, wills that while life is man it win worth for wider life. That worth life wins by free will, for God made life free. But free will finally be- comes wise free will. Wise, firm free will, taught by the work and life of man, wins for life its worth for wider life. All lives find that will for life worthy which God purposes finally. No life may for always will unworthily. None lives who fails to win life wider. None lives who wins worth 120 Man, The Life Free forced. When free life wills for life worthy firmly life fulfills God's will. Think well, man who is life, think well. Now will free may be well used. This life who wills to-day in this man wins free- dom finally. This life may win the worth for freedom while this man wills. Think, who will for life, think well. X WILL OF LIFE MAN HAS WILL OF LIFE MAN HAS Dr. Coulter. MAN was made finite. His power, will, is finite. By that finite power, though, man fulfills the purpose of his Maker. The life wills as man on earth, the life immortal wills as man. That life who by finite will wins the worth purposed for life on earth wins wider life. Then wider life is won by man's free will, for man is the life on earth. This life is won by life personal, man's life of immortal self, and that which Higher Will pin*poses for life immortal, wider personal life, is won by man's free will. Then by man's free will (which is life's free will, for life on earth wills as man), is won the higher life of personal self. Think, who will for life to- day, think well. Man who wills for life worthy wills by free will his own. Man who is life immortal wins the worth that life immortal is purposed to attain on earth. That he win for life immortal firm purpose God wills; that he, w^hile his work he finishes, find pur- 123 124 Man, The Life Free pose firm for worth God wflls; yet his will God makes wholly free. Then man when he wishes fulfills the purpose for life of its Maker. When by man's free will life wins that worth which Higher Will purposes, his life fulfills the purpose of God. Why then wait to will for life worthy, man who is life to-day? You win for life the worth for life higher if thus you wish. Think then, and think well, man of earth. Wilber force. Will Higher makes life man. By free will man wins his worth, for God makes him free. Will free that man uses is free will of life. By life's free will, then, man wins that worth for wider life which God purposes. Worth for the higher life purposed by God is, and must be won by life who is free. Then while life is man it finds that worth which permits wider hfe. While life wills on earth it is man ; while life wills as man it finds that worth for higher life which God purposes. Being life personal, being life free then, that worth will, and must be found by man's free choice. For that worth which Higher Will purposes man wills as life free. His life wills as he wills. Then his will, and that will is life's will, wins the higher life which God purposes. Will Higher, whose j)urpose hfe fulfills, made WiU of Life Man Has 125 life man for earth. Will Higher rules life which He made both while it is man on earth and for- ever. Will Higher purposes for life while life is. Then that which He purposes life fulfills, for His will is omnipotent. Why then may life who must fulfill God's purpose will for worth or unworthi- ness as it pleases? Man was made free; that an- swers. Then that which Higher Will purposes life fulfills using free will. God purposes for life worth for life wider ; that worth life attains willing for itself; then life whom God made fulfills by free will His purpose. Man who is life for earth has for his must to find the worth that frees life im- mortal from man. That free will which God makes life's power finally fulfills His will. All lives find the worth for freedom while life wills as man. While life wills on earth it finds by God's purpose that worth which brings wider, fuller life. Man wins that worth by his free will. Think, man who is life. You will for that worth when you thus wish. Think well, O man. Will free man has, life's free power. That power wins life's worth always. This time of life where it is man, this time when life may win worth, the man who is life wins that worth if he thus wishes. Think then, man who is life. Free your life you may this time. Is it worth work hard to do this? Think, man who is life, think. XI WORTH OF LIFE IN MAN WORTH OF LIFE IN MAN Dr. Coulter. HE who made life man wills that while life is man it find the worth for higher, fuller life. JVIan's will free was made his power that he will worth for himself. Will free was made man's power by Him who purposes for life of man worth. Would life free win forced worth? Would forced life win worth at all? Would that which life must find to fulfill God's purpose be forced worth? The will which He who purposes for life worth made free wins that worth. Then life free fulfills God's purpose. Man, the free life, wills for worth when he wishes ; man, the bound life, wills for worth when his life is taught wise use of free will. God teaches that free life for whom He purposes worth. By the work of man, by the weak will of man, by the weak- ness that brings to the life penalty. He teaches life wisdom. Man who knows he is free wills that worth which life is by its Maker purposed. Man, the free fife, wins by free will the fuller life. Then 129 130 3Imh The Life Free man who wills this time for worth wins for his life immortal the higher, fuller, worthier life of free- dom. He who made man life made liim life free. He who made man free life purposes for that life which He made. He who made life for worth wills that life win by free will its worth. Will free, then, fulfills for life the purpose of its JNIaker. Will free makes life that is by God purj^osed higher life than that of earth worthy that higher life. Man who wills for worth when he wishes is life that finds worth by God's purpose. Man's free will finally makes life worthy wider life. Will free, will made life's power by the Life who is Infinite, wins for life the finite worth purposed when that life was made. Man who is life, think. What use will you make of that will free which must make that life worthy higher life? You will for life this time of life on earth. Will free, your own free will may, if thus you firmly purpose, win for your life im- mortal the higher life of freedom. Think well, O man. Man, who is life personal, has for his power the will of life personal. His life, being willed life, being also willed its free will, has for its must to fulfill by free will the purpose of its Maker. Life who wills using free will finally wills as its Maker purposes. Free will fulfills for life the Worth of Life in Man 131 purpose of Him who made it free. God wills; that which He made fulfills as He wills, by the wise use of its willed free will, His purpose. Wise the life becomes while it wills as man on earth. Wise life, taught wisdom by the purpose of its Maker, fulfills His purpose. Man who is free wins for his life personal the higher life of per- sonal self. Will free, that power which He who made life wills to be that life's power, fulfills finally His purpose that life win the worth which frees it from earth. His purpose who made life free life free fulfills. He who willed life into being wills for that life while He permits it being. Will free He made the life's power, will that the life uses while it is. Then His purpose for life must by the will that He made life's power be fulfilled. INIan, who wills as he wishes always, wins for life the wider life purposed by life's Maker. Then will free of man fulfills the purpose which life must fulfill on earth. That worth which God purposes that life win on earth it wins using free will. Always its worth is won by free will. God wills for life, and His purpose life fulfills by the way He wills, the free use of the power will which He makes life's power. All that He who wills for life purposes that life fulfills. But while it is man free will it may use weakly, for He who made life man made life free. 132 Man, The Life Free The will which life uses in man, taught wisdom by God's purpose, wins the worth that by His pur- pose life finds while it is man. That which life finds of God's purpose it wins, through His purpose also, using free will its own. Man wills that which God purposes that life will when he, as life, is taught by his work and life of earth. Taught life wills as its Teacher purposes finally. Will free finally fulfills for life the purpose of its Maker, God. Man free wills the worth of life on earth. He who wills to-day is life personal, life immortal. Will free he has from Him who purposes that life win the worth for freedom from earth. What has life to find to fulfill the purpose of its Maker? Worth for higher life. Worth of life free will necessarily be found through wise use of the life's free will. That wise use God purposes, but wise use man chooses when he thus wishes. Yet life free fulfills the purpose of God. Willing its worth by its will free, life personal wins wider life. Man who is life on earth wills that worth himself, but man wills unworthily perhaps. Has life then ful- filled God's purpose? Has free will then been used as God purposes? That free life win higher life, that free life win worth to eternity life's Maker purposes. Then life while it wills on earth finds by wise use of its free will that worth which God Worth of Life in Man 133 purposes for life on earth. That worth found, hfe wins higher life. That firm, wise free will which makes life worthy for yet wider life is found, and must be found while life is man. God purposes, and life fulfills finally His purpose. Wilbej'force. Man who has free will is life of free will. God wills for life that free will win its worth, for He made life personal self. Then forced worth life is not purposed, but worth won by life's free will. He who purposes for life made life free; His pur- pose life free fulfills. Worth which life finds it finds of free choice. Man who wills for life wins for life its worth using life's free will. That will which life uses while it is man is man's free will. He who purposes for life worth purposes that the life free win that worth, and His purpose life ful- fills willing for itself that worth. He who made life free teaches the life wise use of free will. Life wins that worth which God purposes, then, taught by His purpose wisdom in use of free will. Will Higher, who purposes for life worth won by its free will, was when life made was not. He who willed life into being was when the Universe was not. His will, the will of Omnipotence, wills for all that He made. Will for life worthy He pur- poses that life find while it is man on earth. Free 134 3Ian, The Life Free is the life made. By free will that its JNIaker gives it life fulfills His purpose. Well life wills on earth finall3\ Will free taught by life on earth, free will taught wisdom by God's jDurposed teach- ing, wins for life the higher life purposed by God when life was by Him made. Man who is wholly free, for he is life whom God made free, wins for life personal, his immortal life, the worth by which that life is made worthy the higher life purposed by God. Will Higher, life's JNIaker, purposes for life while it is. Man, life immortal, who finds through his work teaching that helps both him and life itself, man the life for whom life wider is purposed, wins the worth which prepares for wider life using his free will. His free will is life's free will. His worth becomes life's worth. His wise free will wins for life the worth purposed by life's Maker. That worth which man by free will wins frees life from earth. God wills that freedom be won by man, the life for whom free will is made help. While life freely wills on earth life finds the worth which God purposes, the worth for wider life, and life's free will, made life's power for help, fulfills God's purpose when man well and wisely uses it for worth. Win freedom life may then if this man firmly uses his free will, for that which makes life worthy wider life is the worth won by man. Worth of Life in Man 135 Will Higher places life made by Him in man who lives earth life. What purposes He for that life? Will firm, purpose firm, worth for wider, fuller, more glorious life. What for life purposes He? Man's life of work, man's life of weary work perhaps, and by that work firm purpose found. What purposes He for life? Weak will for life worthy overcome, weak purpose not used. For what life wills man by His purpose? For wide life, freed from weakness, full with worth won by free purpose, worth far beyond man's thougiht. Then, man who has free will, think well. God's purpose for life you may fulfill while this man is life. For what then would the man purpose who wishes wider life? For his man's life worthy. All life fulfills God's purpose finally. Your life will fulfill His purpose, but this man, you who purpose this time of life on earth, may, if thus you wish, fulfill God's purpose that your life immortal find worth for the wider, fuller, happier life of freedom. Think well then, man of life immortal, think well. Will Higher, whose purpose life whom Pie made finally fulfills, was when life was not made. His purpose that which He willed being must fulfill. Well the life willed being by Him wills for itself finally. His purpose the life willed to be free ful- fills, winning its worth itself. Man, who is the life willed, whose power, will, He who made him 136 Man, The Life Free life made free, fulfills by that free power His pur- pose. Though many men will weakly for the one life, that life finally wills well. Man, who uses for his worth the free power of life immortal, by that free power wins for life immortal the higher life purposed by Will Higher when He made life. Will free fulfills for life the purpose of its Maker. Life finite, willed free will by the Life Infinite, ful- fills itself His purpose. Will Higher, who willed life into being, purposes for that life while it wills as man, while it wills for the life wider. Forever Will Higher purposes for life willed being by Him. That which life finds freely willing, the worth for wider life, it finds through the purpose of its Maker. Then life forced wills worth? No, free life wills the worth which God purposes. Will for life personal is made free. Will for life worthy is will free wisely used by life personal. Wide worth life finds willing for itself. While it wins that worth wide life becomes through the wise use of free will? No, wide life becomes by the purpose of its Maker. Yet life wins the worth for better life using for its worth the free will given by its Maker. Man wins by his free will the worth which life finds on earth. From life of earth freed forever, sdf of man, life personal still when freed, wins the wider worth purposed by God wisely using the free will which won its worth Worth of Life in 3Ian 137 for freedom from earth. Well life finally wills on earth. Then freed, and willing for worth firmly forever, life personal fulfills thus the purpose of its Maker, God. Miltiades. Will Higher, life's Maker, man's Maker (for life on earth He wills to be man), was when life which wills for itself was not made. Will Higher, life's Wilier, made life's will free. Man who is life for earth wills for that worth which God purposes using the free will which God makes his power. Will free, will willed to be free, makes life made by Will Higher worthy the higher life purposed by Will Higher. What food for thought! Man who has from Life Infinite his finite life, man who wills finitely being made finite life, man whose purpose and will were by God made powers of life itself, wins finally, using those powers, the higher life purposed by God. Will Higher, who wills for life while it is, made man for life worthy? No, made life for worth. Man wins, however, the worth that God purposes for life on earth using life's free power. Life purposed wider, fuller, worthier life, wins on earth the worth which prepares for the higher, worthier, fuller life purposed when life was by God willed to be man. Will free, life's will, man uses for the worth which wins wider, fuller, worthier 138 Man, The Life Free life. Help men to understand, we pray Thee, O God. Will for life worthy man finds. That his life win that will God purposes ; that life win that will while it is life of man He purposes. When free life wins the worth which its Maker purposes that it shall win while it is man. He frees the life from earth. His purpose life free fulfills. Man, the life, wins finally that worth which brings freedom for life itself. Man, the life free, wins himself that worth which makes personal self worthy higher life. Will of life in man, will that man uses while life is man, wins for that life the wider, better life. Think, man who wills for life, think. Will Higher, man's Maker, wills for life which He made that by will free it win the worth that it finds while it is man. That worth frees life from man; yet by man's free will that worth is finally found. Will for life worthy, purposed will for life while it is man, wins by God's purpose life's worth for freedom from man and earth. By will free life wins the worth purposed by its Maker. Will free, life's willed free power, fulfills finally God's pur- pose for life of man. While life wills as man on earth it finds that worth which permits freedom from man. Will for life worthy, will that life finds for itself, makes that life worthy the higher, fuller Hfe purposed from the willing of all. Man, the Worth of Life in Man 139 life who wills freely while he works on earth, is life who finally wins the worth which frees life from man and earth. Will for life worthy found as He who wills for life purposes, by the life who thus wishes, wins for that life the wider life which He who made life free purposes. Man using for worth firmly his free will thus fulfills God's purpose for life on earth. Will Higher purposes for the life whom He made far wider life than that of man. That wider life begins when man has won for life immortal worth for freedom. Will for life worthy life finds by God's purpose, yet finds it of man's free will. Well for life the man will purpose who wishes the first wider life of self. His will for life worthy will be firm, his purpose for life worthy will be firm. Man himself wins the first worth of immortal life, which first worth wins life's first wider life. Then firm, full of will to keep worthy, happily purposing to win yet wider life, self thanks life's Maker for- ever for His purpose. What food for thought we give you, O men. Heed well our words. XII WILL FREE FULFILLS GOD'S PUR- POSE WILL FREE FULFILLS GOd's PURPOSE Dr. Coulter. MAN, who is life for earth, wins by his free will the worth which God purposes that life on earth shall find. Man, who wills that which he pleases, is life for whom God's purpose is the must. When life ful- fills the purpose of its Maker, free will has made life worthy. Man is life for whom wider life is by God purposed. He wills for his worth by free will, being made life of free will. His free will is by Higher Will ruled then? No, free is the will of life always. Yet the free will fulfills God's pur- pose. Then life made free has the must of God's purpose for its must. That must is that of free will life fulfill His purpose. Then man who wills of free will chooses the worth which God purposes finally. When life free to choose worth or un- worthiness chooses worth it fulfills the higher pur- pose of Him who made it free. But life free in will has the purpose of God for its must. How may that be? men may think. ^lan wills by will 143 144 Man, The Life Free given by life's Wilier. Life free to will as it wishes finally wills as God purposes. Then life free finally wills as God purposes by free will. Must compels life then? Yes, but life is taught wisdom by its JNIaker. When life is by Higher Purpose taught wise use of free will it chooses worth. Higher purpose of Him who made life is finally by free will of life fulfilled. Then life which wills as it wishes finally wishes to fulfill God's purpose. Man who has free will by that free will makes life which is purposed worth ready for the wider, fuller life which, from the willing of all, God purposed. Will Higher, man's Maker, was when life of man was not. His will, the will of Life Infinite, wills for the life made finite. That which life finite wills is willed by the power made his by Life In- finite. Man has for will given power. His use of that power, free though it be, is by Higher Will limited. Then life finite must will within the limit set by Life Infinite, and the will which is by Will Higher made free fulfills as Will Higher wills His purpose. Man who is life finite has will made his, and that will fulfills, as the Higher Will pur- poses, His will. God, who is Will Higher, made life finite. Life finite fulfills God's will by the power, free will, which God makes life's power. Will free, made free by Higher Will, fulfills the Higher Will. Then life while it is man wills that Will Free Fulfills God's Purpose 145 which, by God's purpose, it must will. Man, the life, fulfills the purpose of life's Maker by will made free. Man who wills with willed power, free will, who has for his use life's free power, makes his life worthy by that power. His will, being willed power, will be while he uses it subject to the will of Him who gives it. But that would make free will bound. That would not mean bound will, for free life is while it wills, we know. All lives use free will by which to win that worth which Higher Will pur- poses. Life free fulfills God's purpose; life free wins higher, worthier, fuller life. Man wills his worth himself, though that worth is by Higher Will purposed. Man knows his will is free. Man who uses free will fulfills the purpose of the Wilier of his life. Man who wills worth when he wishes wins finally that worth which brings for life immor- tal freedom from earth. Man who is wholly free wins for his life personal, his immortal self, higher, worthier, fuller life. Thank God we do who have won this life for His purpose that life free win wider fife. Man free, life free fulfill God's will, and all lives made by Him finally fulfill His will. Man who wills using his free power, who wills that which he himself wishes, is life who must fulfill the purpose of its Maker ; yet to that life its Maker gives free will. That life win its purposed worth 146 Man, The Life Free using free power God wills. Life fulfills the will of its Maker, using the power which He makes free. Will for life worthy is finally won by the life free to will as it pleases. Will for life worthy life finds while it wills as man, for life's JNIaker purposes that that will be found on earth. Free will, made life's power by its Maker, finally fulfills His purpose for that life. Will Higher, whose purpose life finally fulfills, was when life made by Him was not. Life made has powers willed. Man, who is the life for earth, wills, then, using the willed power of life made. His will, being free, was made free; his purpose, which he uses for the worth which life finds while it wills on earth, is willed power. Man, the life on earth, wills as the Maker of life purposes then, for that which He who made life purposes for the life made that life fulfills. Yet life was made free, and that free will which He who made life wills to be free fulfills His purpose. When life taught wise use of free will wins the wider life purposed by life's Maker man wills. Though life be free, life finally wills for the worth which God purposes ; man is life for earth ; then finally life, as man, wills that which wins the wider life purposed by God when He made life. Though man will weakly, life finally wills well. Each man wills as he pleases. Life taught wise use of free will finally wills for Will Free Fid fills God's Purpose 147 the worth which God purposes. Life is taught that wise use while it is man. Then while life is man on earth wise use of free will, purposed wise use (for thus Will Higher purposes) is learned, and man, the life made, who wills always using free will, finally wills the worth which wins freedom from earth for life immortal. The personal will of man makes life personal worthy wider, fuller life. That will, made man's power by the Wilier of his life, wins, when man wisely uses it, that worth which fits life personal for higher life. That will, made free by God, wins for life its worth when man thus wishes, for life free wins its worth itself. Wide life becomes when freed, high its purpose. AVise the life be- comes when taught by God's teaching. Man who wills the worth of life on earth thus fulfills for life the purpose of its Maker. When life free wins worth that fits it for wider life God translates it to the wider, fuller life. But man himself, man who wills for worth when he thus pleases (for he is made free life by God), must win the personal worth which makes personal life worthy the wider, fuller life. IVIan himself wins freedom, then, for life immortal. Will Higher made life free of will, free to will worth or unworthiness then; but the purpose of Omnipotent Will is by the will of life made ful- 148 3Ian, The Life Free filled. Man who wills as he wishes is life bound by God's purpose, and will that God made free is will that fulfills the purpose of Him who made it free. How would life willed freedom find worth? By free will. How would life willed w^orth, yet made free, find worth? By free will. What for life pur- poses God, its Maker? That by free will life ful- fill His purpose. Then man, who is life while life wills on earth, wins the worth which God purposes for life there using his free will. For that worth which life finds by the purpose of God life wills of free will. Then life free thus fulfills God's pur- pose. Man wills the worth of life on earth ; by free will that worth is won; thus will free, made man's power by Will Higher, fulfills for life the purpose of Will Higher. IVIan, then, who wills for life on earth, fulfills God's purpose when he wills for worth. All life finally fulfills God's purpose. But man who Mills unworthily has not fulfilled God's purpose, and his life waits for freedom. That which for life fulfills God's purpose is man's free will; thus Will Higher wills. Then life while it wills as man finally wills that which makes life wor- thy. For that worth which life finds by Higher Purpose it wills of its free will, thus fulfilling as He wills the higher purpose of its JNIaker. Man who wills of free will has his will from God, his Maker. Will, the power of personal self, will Will Free Fulfills God's Purpose 149 which man uses for life, his Maker makes his power. Will that is life's will man has, for life while it is on earth is man. Will Higher, man's Maker, pur- poses for that life which he made man worth for life wider won by the free will that He makes life's power. Man then, the life on earth, wills the worth purposed by God for life on earth. While life wills as man it finds firm purpose for life worthy, willed to find firm purpose by life's Maker; yet life wins of free will that purpose. His purpose who made life free is fulfilled by the free will that He gives life. Man, then, when his free will makes his man's life worthy, fulfills the purpose of the Life Infinite, God. Man who wills of free will is life that, by the pur- pose of its Maker, wins wider life than that of earth. Man, who wills using the free will of life personal, wins by his wise use of that free will his worth. When will free is well and firmly used for life worthy by man, life immortal wins the wider life which God purposes. While life wills as man that wider life is won. By man's free will that wider life is won. Think, man who wills for life immortal. That wider life is, and must be won by man. You will for life what it becomes this time on earth. Why then will unworthily? Wise will well used frees life, weak will unworthily used keeps life to earth. Think well, O man, think well. 150 Man, The Life Free Wilherforce. Will Higher, man's Maker, life's Wilier, wills for that life while it wills, free to vAW as it pleases. JNIan who finds worth finds it by his free will. God wills for life that, freely willing, it win the higher life which for life He purposes. Man wills using the will made his, free will. Then life who wins higher life has won it by its own free will. Will Higher, who made life for earth man, rules that life while it is. But He made life free in will. Then life willed worth by Higher Will finds that worth of free will. Man, the life, finally wills for worth. Self personal, life for worth purposed, must by free will find that worth. Will Higher, whose purpose all that He made fulfills, was Life Infinite when life finite He willed into being. Life willed by Him fulfills as He wills His purpose. Man who wills using the free will which He gives, man who fulfills God's purpose by his free choice, is life which was made free. Then will free fulfills the purpose of Him who made life free. Then life who wills unworthily fulfills not God's purpose. What for that life then? Penalty of life on earth again, penalty of life weak perhaps again. For life who wills unwisely He who made life free exacts penalty. What for the life who fulfills as He wills His will? Life higher, work Will Free Fulfills God's Purpose 151 higher, worth fuller. Heed the word, man who purposes for life to-day. Will free must make life worthj^ purpose free must keep life worthy if you would win higher life. Tliink well, O man. Will free, man's power, finally wins for life its worth for wider, fuller life. Will free wins for life its worth forever. Man wills for life while life is on earth. Life wills forever with the will that man uses while life is man on earth. Man himself, who wills for life while life is working on earth, wins by his free will the worth which brings for life its wider life, freed from weakness, freed from life unworthy, thankful forever for God's purpose that it find freedom willing for its worth itself. Man who wills as life, think, and think well. Man whose power, will, is life's free power, man who is life for earth, man who wills for life while he is life on earth, man the life made by Will Higher, wills when the life win will firm for the worth purposed by God. When life finds firm, wise free will, life wins the worth which frees from earth. Wide life becomes when freed from earth, wide its vision, full and firm its purpose to keep worthy. Wide the worth attained finally by its free will and purpose. But while life wills there where it is man it first wins firm free will. Wise, firm, free will wins life's worth while it is man, while it is. Man who is life, think. This time of 152 Man, The Life Free life on earth will firm, wise free will, may be won. The man who thus wishes wins that will. Think well then, you mIio use to-day life's free will. To- day life may win firm, wise, free will. This time will firm would win freedom. Then think well, O man. Happy the life who wins freedom. Wise the life who wills for life worthy. Wide the life when freed, high its purpose, wise its will. Keep firm then, you who would win freedom. This time of life on earth you, life immortal, win the wider, hap- pier life if you thus purpose. Keep firm, man who has life to free, keep firm. Will Higher, life's Maker, who purposes for life while it is, wills that life free by free will fulfill His purpose. Man who is life for earth, who wills the worth of life on earth then, finds that worth by free choice. Man willed to win freedom for life, willed free will his own, by his free will wins the purposed worth of life on earth. Then this man may win the worth that frees life by his will. He was willed that he thus use it? No, his free will he uses for worth when he thus chooses. Life free, made free by Him who purposes for life worth, wins the purposed worth when life thus wishes. All life finally wins that purposed worth; all life fulfills God's purpose; yet this life wins its worth when it thus chooses. Free will made life's power Will Free Fulfills God's Purpose 153 by Him who made life finally wins for life its worth for wider life, and life willed freedom finds worth for freedom by its own free will. Will for life worthy life finds while it is man; thus life's Maker purposes. Man who is life for earth wins by his life worthy wider life for personal self immortal. Then by man's free will life per- sonal wins wider, fuller, happier life. Think, man who wills for life to-day. Why will for life un- worthy? You win freed life when you will well and firmly for your man's life. Think well, O man. When life wins this life it wins that which it is purposed by Will Higher to win. This life wills firmly, for life won firm purpose on earth. This life wills for life worthy always, for that firm pur- pose which keeps life worthy was won while life was man. While life is, firm purpose is help. While life wills to keep worthy it wins wider and wider life. Think, man who is life immortal. While life keeps worthy it wins wider and wider life. Man by his firm purpose wins for life per- sonal its first wider life. Then, firm forever, life wins finally worth for its Maker's presence. This future life is willed by God. But that firm purpose which wins this future must be won while life is man. Think then, man who is life immortal, think well. 154 Man, The Life Free Miltiades. Will Higher wills for life which He made worth won by itself. Man, the life on earth, finds worth by his free choice. Life which is by Higher Will made free fulfills His purpose using free will. Would this mean that life forced to worth finds it? No, worth purposed by Higher Will must by free will be won, since man is willed that way to worth. Then life for which worth is by Higher Will purposed finds that worth when it pleases. That worth which life must find life finds using free will, and God's purpose is fulfilled by life which wills free to will as it wishes. But what life wins the worth which fulfills God's purpose? That life who wins worth, choosing worth; that life ful- fills the purpose of God. Will Higher, who purposes for life worth found by its own free will, made life free. He wills for life which he made free will its own; He wills for life worth won by itself; His purpose free will ful- fills. Man, the life personal, using will wholly free wins that worth which life has for must to win. He who willed life, who gives free will, made life who wills of free will for worth, and life finds the worth it must find by free will its own. Man who wills of free will fulfills by free will the purpose for his life of Higher Will. Man who Will Free Fulfills God's Purpose 155 uses free will for his worth wins finally by that free will the worth which God purposes for life on earth. God purposes that life free win wider life; His purpose life fulfills using the power which He makes life's power, free will. That life who wills as it pleases wins worth for the wider life which God purposes. Thus all lives win freedom. Man wills that worth which frees life when he wishes, but life who has for must to win that worth finally fulfills its must. God wills, and all that He made fulfills His will. Will free, life's power, man uses while life wills on earth. Then free will which man uses fulfills finally God's purpose for life on earth. His free will man uses for worth when he thus wishes. Then life fulfills God's purpose when the man thus wishes. Free life is while it wills, free forever life is, but by free will it fulfills God's purpose while it is man and forever. Life willed being by Him who made all that is beside Himself fulfills by free will, willed to be its power by its Maker, His pur- pose. Free will, made life's power by God, fulfills His purpose for life forever. Man who wills for life, think. Why wait to fulfill the purpose of God that your life find freedom? Your own free will wins for you, the life, that worth which brings free- dom. Think well, O man. Will Higher, who purposes for life worth, Will 156 Man, The Life Free Higher who wills that life find the purposed worth of free will its own, wills, while life works on earth, that work teach life. Will firm, will purposed to be firm finally, but will firm found by life's free purpose, wins hfe's worth. Wise the life becomes when taught by God's teaching. Wise life wins freedom because wise life wills as God purposes. Would this life who is man now become wise? The purposed work of man teaches if life firmly wills to finish it well. Each life finds work that teaches if it thus pleases. When will firm life finds, when firm will keeps life worthy, then life fulfills God's purpose. Then this man who is life to-day finds firm will to fulfill the purpose of God if he thus wishes. Free to will for worth or unworthiness always, but taught finally by the work and life of man on earth, personal life, man's life of self, wins finally by free will wisely and firmly used the wider life which God purposes. Think well, who will for life to-day, think wisely. Your free will this time well and wisely used will win freedom. Man who wills for life, think well. Will Higher, man's Maker, purposes for life while it wills on earth as man. He purposes for life while it is. Then man, who wills using the power willed to him by his Maker, by that power fulfills his Maker's purpose. Life who fulfills its Maker's purpose He rewards with wider, fuller, Will Free Fulfills God's Ptirpose 157 happier life. Will for life worthy to-day, man who would be wise. You fulfill then God's purpose for life of man. Help this word for help by Thy blessing, we pray Thee, O God. Will Higher, life's Maker, whose purpose life fulfills, was when life made by Him was not. His purpose life fulfills as He w^ills, using for its worth its own free will. Then man fulfills that purpose thus, for he is life for earth. But man uses free will unworthily many times. His will then fulfills not the purpose of his Maker. Would free will forced be right thought? You know that will is free who have will. But that free will was made your power by life's Maker whose purpose life ful- fills while it is man. You may fulfill that purpose and win life wider. Then this man who wills for worth when he thus wishes finds his life freed when he thus wills? Yes, for life was willed wider life, willed free will, and will made life's power by God wins for that life its wider life when man wisely, uses it. Think well, man who would find life higher. You yourself, when you thus wish, win for your life its freedom. Think well, O man. That free will by which man makes his life wor- thy God gives to life. Man wins by given will the purposed worth that life finds on earth. His wise free will makes life worthy in man. His wise free purpose keeps life worthy. Then that which by 158 Man, The Life Free God's purpose life in man must win it wins through man's wise use of free will and purpose. That higher life purposed for life by God life wins by man's wise use of Hfe's free will and purpose. Then this man who is life to-day wins, if he thus wishes, that worth which permits to life the higher life of freedom. Will free, life's power, man has, for he is life on earth. Will free, life's power, man has by which to make life worthy wider life. Will free, hfe's power, man has by the will of life's Maker. Will free, life's power, man uses for life worthy. On earth life wins freedom. While life wills as man it wins the worth for wider life purposed by God, life's Maker. Will free, life's power, life uses while life wills for the life wider purposed by God. Life wills in man many times. Will for life wor- thy is finally won. Life for whom God purposes wider life wins the worth for the purposed wider life using its own free will. Man, the life on earth, finally wills as God purposes. While life wills as man life worthy is surely won. Help men to will well, for they need Thy help, God who made life man, we pray Thee. Man who Avills his worth himself, man who wills his life worthy when thus he wishes, is life who by God's purpose wins that life worthy. JMan who is life personal wins by his free will the wider life of Will Free Fulfills God's Purpose 159 personal self, for man wills the life worthy that wins that wider life. Man who wills for himself wills as life personal; as he wills life wills; his life wins worth by the will which man uses. Then the will which man uses will win for life personal the wider life purposed by life's Maker. What food for thought this! Man, who wills his life worthy when thus he wishes, by thus willing wins for his life immortal far wider life than that of earth. Think well then, man who is life, think well. XIII WILL HIGHER RULES LIFE WHILE IT IS WILL HIGHER RULES LIFE WHILE IT IS Dr. Coulter. WILL Higher, life's JNIaker, wills that life on earth be man. His will that life fulfills while it is. By Him life was made life. His will governs all life that wills. He gives to life free will its own. He gives to life free purpose its own. His will rules the life whom He made free, and that which He purposes for life the life fulfills using the free powers He gives. Man, the life who wills and pur- poses as he wishes, while he lives the life of earth fulfills the purpose of God for his life. Then, while life wills as man, by the free will and purpose which man uses life wins the wider life purposed for im- mortal self when life was by Will Higher made. Will Higher wills; that which He made He gov- erns while it is. Wilherforce. Will Higher made life man, purposes for life while it is man, purposes for life when it has found 163 164 Man, The Life Free freedom from earth, and to eternity He purposes for the life for whom He willed free will. Has the word helped your thought, men who read? Will Higher was Life when the life whom He made was not. But for that life His eternal pur- pose is its must. While life wills using for worth the free will He gives, that life fulfills His purpose. Will free fulfills for life finite the purpose of Life Infinite. The will which God makes free fulfills His pur- pose. Life while it wills in man fulfills God's pur- pose that it win worth, freely willing, for life higher. No life fails to win that worth. God's purpose for life the life fulfills by its free will. All lives fulfill finally, and fulfill by their own free will, the higher purpose of God. Man lives the life of earth. His purpose will win the worth that God purposes for life on earth. Wise life becomes while it is man. That life who, willing wisely by its free will, wins worth, thus fulfills God's pur- pose. Will Higher, who wills for all that is, wills for life worth won by free will its own. Life purposed worth, made free, wins that worth using free will. God wills for life will firm, purpose firm. Life finds that firm will, finds that firm purpose finally, for life obeys the will of its Maker surely. That will which God makes free fulfills finally His pur- Will Higher Rules Life While It Is 165 pose. Man wills as he wishes, life wills of free will, but taught life wills as its Wilier purposes finally. Taught wise use of free will, taught wisdom by man's work and life, taught wise free purpose, per- sonal self, life willed free will and purpose its own, by its own free will fulfills its Maker's purpose. When life free wills well, firmly purposing to keep worthy, working well the work that God purposes as teaching, it wins the wider life purposed by its Maker when He willed life into being. That which men name the Universe is made the Universe by the wilLof God. By His will life works as man. By His will life finishes the work of earth and finds higher life. Will Higher wills for life free powers for help. By the powers that He wills to life life fulfills His purpose. Will Higher was when life finite was not. His will all that He made fulfills. Omnipotent, He wills for life. His purpose the life fulfills as He wills. What help for men here! What food for thought here! Will Higher governs that which He made forever. XIV WILL HIGHER WILLS; LIFE MADE FREE FULFILLS HIS PURPOSE WILL HIGHER WILLS *, LIFE MADE FREE FULFILLS HIS PURPOSE Dr. Coulter. WE who live wider life were men. We who tell this thought for men were men. This life remembers its earth life. We remember what was help in man's life, what was harm. Then this life has learned what men need to know, what helps and what harms the life while it is man. We who were men, then, help men by tellfng what we think men need. Man has life personal, life free, for personal life is necessarily free. Man is life personal who lives where life personal is taught wisdom which it will need in wider life. Then man, free personal life, learns by the life of earth that which wider life finds help. Think, who live man's life. We who live the higher life of freedom from earth tell for help that thought which men need. Will Higher was when life made by Him was not. His purpose follows that life to eternity. The life willed by Him worth finds that worth by the way He wills, wise use of the free will He makes that life's power. He who made life purposes for 169 170 3Ia7h The Life Free that life while that life wills using free will. Man wills his worth using life's free power. INIan finds that firm purpose which Will Higher purposes that life find on earth. Will Higher wills; that which He made fulfills His will. All lives win the life freed. While life is man on earth it fulfills by His way God's purpose. Man who wills of free will, that power willed for life to be its power forever, wins that worth which Higher Will purposes for life while it is on earth. Will free wins for life the worth purposed by life's IVIaker. Will Higher, life's Maker, wills for life worth won by free will and purpose. That worth fits life for higher, worthier life beyond earth. By the Higher Purpose of life's Maker life attains that worth on earth. Then life attains that worth of man's free will and purpose. But worth that life thus attains is purposed worth. Then life free at- tains worth purposed by Higher Will. Yes; for life Higher Will purposes wider life won by its free will and purpose, and life who lives on earth as man finally attains by free purpose its own that higher life which God purposes. The life free wins of free will and purpose the worth which wins higher life. God wills, and life made by Him ful- fills His will. All lives fulfill His will; all lives find worth while life wills as man that wins the higher life purposed by God. Will Higher Wills 171 Will Higher purijoses for life that He made while that life is. Then life willed worth must find that worth, for God's purpose is fulfilled by all that He made. Free will life is given; by free will life wins its worth; wise free will, taught by God's teaching, fulfills His purpose for life. Will Higher, w^io purposes for life while it is, made life for earth man, willed to life personal powers, willed that life be free, willed for life worth won by itself. Found there reconciliation between Higher Will and man's free will. Life willed worth finds worth finally. Life who wills for life worthy thus fulfills God's purpose. Life who wills for life unworthy waits to fulfill that purpose. While life wills for itself the higher purpose of its Maker it must fulfill. All life fulfills God's pur- pose; all life is finally taught wise use of free will. Man who wills for life worthy wins life wider for his personal self; man who wills for life unworthy wins life of earth again. Then think, who would win life wider. Wise use of your free will wins it. Think well, O man. That life win by free will the worth purposed by God He wills ; that life will for life worthy while it is man He wills ; that life win freedom by will free He wills ; that life win wider and wider life willing of free will He wills. Man is life on earth. Then man willing as life wins life's first worth, for that 172 Man, The Life Free which man wills life wills. But, being free, man wills for life worthy when he thus wishes. Then the will of God is fulfilled by life while it is man when the man wishes. Higher will of man's Maker will be fulfilled by man of free will, and life who wills for life worthy while it is man thus fulfills God's will. Will Higher, man's Maker, purposes for life while it is man that it attain worth for fuller life. That worth will be won by life while it is man, and God's purpose will be fulfilled by that life whom He made free. Yet while life is it wills using free will. Then while life is that worth which Higher Will purposes is won by use of life's free will. All lives win worth finally; each life who is man wins finally worth for higher life. JNIan, the life, ful- fills the purpose of his Maker, God. Will Higher, man's Maker, rules the life whom He makes man for earth while that life is. His purpose follows that life while it is. Man, the free personal life, wills for life wider on earth, purposed thus to will, yet life is made free of will. Made life fulfills by the willed power, free will, the pur- pose for it of its Maker. Willed life, willed power free will, willed free purpose, all fulfill the higher purpose of Him who made life. For life worthy the life wills finally, willed thus to will, yet life wills always of free will. That which life wills finally Will Higher Wills 173 using free will life's Maker purposes that it thus will. For life free He wills life wider won through wise use of its own free will and purpose. Then life free fulfills God's will ; that free will which God gives fulfills His will; that free purpose which He gives fulfills His purpose. We who live wider life hold firm the purpose for life worthy found while life was man. That which life free wills fulfills God's purpose that life win wider and wider life. While life is the free will which God gives fulfills for life His purpose. We, the lives freed, won this life while life was man. We, freed lives, will win life still higher by the firm purpose which life won while it was man. Think what we tell. We who live the wider life won it using free will and pur- pose our own. Then, life who would win this happy life, firmly will to-day, to-morrow, each day of man's life, that life be worthy. Will Higher, who purposes for life that He made, wills for life worth won of its free choice. Man, who wills the worth of life on earth, wills that worth using free choice. Man, who lives the life of earth, wills for that life and for higher life to follow life on earth when by his free will he makes life worthy. His will who rules life is by life free fulfilled. That worth which He purposes for life life wins by wise use of the power He gives, free will. Then this life who is man to-day may, if thus 174 Man, The Life Free this man chooses, win the worth purposed for hfe on earth. Think well, O man. Will Higher, man's JNIaker, life's Wilier, was when life whom He made was not. His will made that which men call the Universe. His will rules all that is. By His will man, His creature, wills for that wider life which He purposes for immortal life. His purpose follows life whom He made while it is. Life full with worth He wills for life that He made immortal, life worthy His pres- ence finally. The life who is man wins that worth finally. The life who is this man wins that worth. Yet life free wills as it wishes. The Purpose who made life wills for life free will, and by will made by God free life fulfills His purpose. Will Higher, man's Maker, wills for life made by Him worth that permits wider life. His will life fulfills willing of free will. No life fails to win by free will the wider life purposed by God. Then this life when it wills firmly for life worthy wins wider life, but will unworthily used by this life wins but life on earth again. Then, man who is life, think. What will have you, that will which wins wider life, or that will which wins man's life again? Think well, man who is free, think well. INIan who lives working the work purposed to teach life, man who works for both life of earth and life wider, man who lives his life willing for that Will Higher Wills 175 which he wishes, is Hfe who by God's purpose wins higher, fuller life. Willing its worth itself life wins that higher life. Willing while it is man that which wins the purposed higher life, the personal worth of man, life willed freedom wins freedom. When life who wills using free will uses that will for life worthy, life thus fulfills the purpose of Will Higher for life on earth. Will Higher purposes that life free win, while it is man, the life wider which He purposed when He made life. Well must man will, well for life must man purpose to fulfill God's purpose. Then think, who would this time on earth win the wider life of freedom. Will for life worthy firmly, purpose for life worthy firmly; then life can this time wan fuller, happier life. Think well then, man who would win free- dom, think well. Man, life personal, wills using free will; man, life immortal, is purposed will for life worthy; life worthy, then, man wins by free will. But life free wills worth when it thus chooses. Then life, while it wills as man, chooses will for life worthy. Man, being free, wills by his free will the worth which life by God's purpose must will. But free will is bound then. No, free will life has from its Maker, God. What from this follows? Man, while life is on earth, finally wills for life worthy ; his free choice makes life worthy; life willed worth by God finds 176 Man, The Life Free that worth using free will its own. What worth purposes life's Maker for the life made by Hun? Worth for life wider, worth growing while life lasts, worth finally for His presence. That worth while life wills using free will it wins. Man, who is life immortal, wins for life its first worth, the worth which brings first life wider. Will free life uses then for that worth which finally fits life for its Maker's presence. What food for thought, O man, this will give you. Think upon it well. Will Higher, man's Maker, life's Wilier, wills for life whom He made while that life is. Man, the life on earth, fulfills His will. Life when freed fulfills His will. No life may for always evade ful- filling the will of its Maker. Will Higher was when life made by Him was not. Eternal Will, Omnipotent Purpose He is. Will Higher rules ail that is beside Himself. Will Higher, life's Maker, who wills for life for- ever, purposes for life whom He made free worth far wider than that of earth. Man, life personal, wills of his free will that worth which permits wider life. Man, life personal, wills as life who must finally fulfill God's purpose. When by man's free will life attains worth for wider life, the will still is free. For life worthy life still wills of free choice. Will free wins life's worth forever. By will free life finally wins that worth which God purposes, Will Higher Wills 177 worth for His presence. Man by his free will wins for life its first worth; man by his free will wins for life its first wider life. What food for thought we give you, O men. Man wins the first worth of life personal, life immortal. His free will makes life worthy wider life than that of earth. When life has won that worth which frees from earth, it wins by the free will made firm by man the wider worth which fits it for God's presence. Think well, man who is life, think well. Man wills his worth of life himself, though God purposes that he, as life, find worth. Man's will, being free, wins that worth which life while it is man is purposed to find. Then will free, man's power, wins for life that worth which Will Higher purposed when He made life man. Man who wills his worth by free will is yet life who fulfills the pur- pose of Will Higher. Man is life on earth. Then man, the life who wills as he wishes, wills finally that which life's Wilier purposes. When by life's will free man wins that worth which personal life must by God's purpose find on earth. Will Higher wills for life higher personal worth. Yet while life is will is wholly free. Will of life man uses, will that life uses while it is. Life free, man's immor- tal self, fulfills by wise use of the power which God gives His purpose. 178 3Ian. The Life Free Wilherforce. Will Higher, whose purpose life will finally ful- fill, made life free. His purpose life fulfills through the means He provides. Life personal man is made. Life who wills as man is life immortal. Wise free will, free will taught wisdom by the teaching of life where man wills and works, makes life immortal worthy freedom from man and earth. That wise free will man finds when he thus chooses. Then life free, taught wisdom by God's teaching, wins the wider life which by Him was purposed when His will made life. That life win worth for higher life while it is man He who wills for life forever purposes; that life win worth by its free will He purposes. When free life wills as He purposes free life fulfills the will of its Maker. Man, who is life on earth, wins by his free will the worth for the wider life pur- posed for personal self by life's Maker. What food for thought we give you, O men. Think well, for then j^ou will profit by our word. Will Higher, who purposes for life whom He made free, wills that wider life be won by life's own free will. His purpose life free fulfills. JNlan, life of personal self, man who is free to will worth or unworthiness, while he wills for life personal wins the worth for that wider life purposed by God. Will Higher Wilh 179 IVIan, life free, wins wider life willing life's worth himself. Will Higher, man's Maker, purposes for life while it wills of free will. That worth which He wills the life finds. When by His teaching life be- comes wise, it fulfills by free will His purpose. JNIan, then, wills for life the worth which brings wider life, for he wins finally that worth which life on earth is by God willed to find. But life in man, being free, wins that worth when thus it chooses. Why was life willed free will? That it win its worth itself. Why was man made free? That his free will, life's free w411 it is, win for life the worth which God purposes for life on earth. Think well, who would win for life immortal wider life, think well. Will Higher, man's JNIaker, purposes for man, the life made by Him, that by free will he make life immortal worthy higlier life. Will free, then, wins by man's wise use freedom from earth for per- sonal life. When man freely willing makes his life worthy, personal self, man's immortal life, wins wider, fuller life. Well has life willed when it wins this life, well has it purposed. Well then must man will and purpose to win life freed. That free will by which life finds worth is, for life on earth, man's free will. Then this life who is this man finds worth that life's INIaker purposes 180 Man, The Life Free by man's use of free will. That life who finds will the help that God purposes finds life wider. When life freely willing makes itself worthy freedom, life has fulfilled God's will for life on earth. Then why postpone finding worth, you who will for life? Why wait to will firmly for life worthy? Your will wins for your life the freedom God wills when you wisely use it. Think well then, man who is life, think well. Man who is life personal, who wills for his life worthy when he wishes, man, life immortal who finds life higher by God's purpose, wins for life immortal the worth for higher life using that free will which God makes his power. Life wins higher life by man's free will. Then this life who is man to-day wins higher life if this man wills for life worthy. Then this life who is this man wins life higher if this man chooses. Think, man who wills for life, think well. Will Higher, life's Maker, purposes that while life wills on earth that worth which permits wider life be found. While life wills as man it finds that worth surely, for life finds that worth by God's purpose. But life, being free, may postpone by free choice winning that worth. Then Will Higher exacts penalty. What penalty? Man's life again, man's work for teaching again, man's little life again. For life man wills well when his will is for Will Higher Wills 181 life worthy. Will free wins life wider when the man wishes. You who will for life, remember that you win by your free will, if you thus wish, the higher life of freedom. Will Higher, man's Maker, purposes that while life is man it win the w^orth for wider life. Willing for worth itself life wins that worth. Then this life who is man to-day wins wider life if this man wills for life worthy. Have our words helped the man who reads? The help he finds depends on himself. Think well, man who has life to free, think well. Will Higher, man's Maker, wills for life while it is man that worth be found by life's free will and purpose. His purpose that which He made fulfills. Man, the free life, wins finally that worth which He who made life man purposes. While life is God purposes for it. While life wills using free will given by God it wins the worth which He pur- poses it shall win. Then this life who is man to-day fulfills God's purpose finally, yet this man wills for worth when he thus pleases. But this man is life who is made to find worth by free will its own. Then this life who wills as this man fulfills God's purpose if this man thus wishes. Think what we tell you, man who is life, think well. Will free life uses while it wills as man and for- ever. Man, who is life for earth, wins by his will free the worth that permits for life personal its 182 3Ian, The Life Free wider life. Will for life worthy life finds by God's purpose. Every life finds that will. But the life while it is man, being free, wills for that life worthy when the man thus chooses. Then this man who wills for life may win that worth which brings fuller life. But will this man choose that worth? Life finally wins that worth, but would you think life may will for unworthiness, and be freed, O man? Think well, for then life profits by our word. Purpose Higher, purpose of Him who made all beside Himself, wills for life its free will. Life free fulfills by free will His purpose. Will for life worthy life finally finds, for thus purposes Higher Will ; yet life free finds that will for life worthy it- self. When free will used wisely wins for life the worth purposed by Will Higher life finds wider life. Man, who is life while life wills on earth, finds will for life worthy, then, by God's purj^ose, and that which life free finally wills for itself fulfills the higher purpose of life's Maker. This man who is life to-day may will unworthily, but life while it is man wins that will for life worthy which Higher Purpose wills. When depends on man's own wish. Think then, man who is life. Will you this time win that will for life worthy? Man has free will, but life finally wins freedom. This man, then, may by his will for life worthy win freedom for his im- mortal self. Will Higher Wills 183 Will Higher, who purposes for the life whom He made, wills that life by free will win worth for wider life. He purposes then for life made free. His purpose life free fulfills when that worth it finds willing itself. But free life wills well or weakly. When it wills well life wins higher life, when it wills unworthily life wins but further life in man. Then this man who is life to-day wills whether life immortal find higher life or life of man once more. What would this man wish ? His will free wins that which he wishes. Think then, man who wills for life, think well. Will Higher, life's ^laker, purposes that while life is man it find will for life worthy. No life may will for life unworthy always. The purpose of Him who rules life forbids that life will unworthily always. But life is free w^iile it is. Then life by purpose of Him who made it free wills for life wor- thy while it is man. What will uses life ? Free will always. What worth wins life? Worth piu'posed by God. Will free, then, wins for life who is by its Maker purposed w^orth that worth. Think then, man who wills for life immortal. Till will free life uses for worth Will Higher wills for it man's life. When will free life uses as He purposes it must finally He, wills for life wider, fuller life. Then think what you must will, man who is life, if you wish wider life. Think well, O man. 184 Man, The Life Free Will Higher, life's Maker, purposes for the life whom He made while that life is. Man, who is that life, wills for his worth by his free will. Man, who is that life, wills that worth which God pur- poses for that life while it wills on earth. Man, who is that life, wins by his worth the wider life purposed by God for that life. When life finds worth as man He who purposes for life forever frees that life from man and earth. His purpose follows that life while it wins personal worth both on earth and in wider life. Then wider life pur- posed by life's Maker, worth growing wider to immortality, worth far wider than life itself comprehends while it is man, is won by life free. What food for thought we give you, O men. Think upon it well. You, the life, win finally by will free, the will that you, the man, use to-day, that life wider, that worth far wider than man may comprehend. What thought for help this! You who will for life, think upon it well. Will Higher, life's Maker, purposes that will free win life's worth while life is. Man is the life on earth. His will, then, wins the worth of life on earth. What for life purposes its ISIaker? Wider life, fuller worth, worth for His presence finally. May life win that worth by its own free will? Only thus may life made win that worth. Will Higher Wills 185 Life free wins finally by wise use of the will God makes life's power, free will that is, worth for His presence. This word helps the man who will think. We tell that life who on earth is man, this life who is this man, may, and will finally win worth for God's presence. But life for whom that worth is purposed wins that worth by its free will. Thought helpful, man who is life. Will Higher, life's Maker, purposes that by free purpose its own life find that worth which frees life from earth. He purposes, too, that life find worth for His presence by the free purpose which He wills to life. Man, who is life while it wills on earth, wins for life its first worth. That worth fits life for wider life beyond earth. Then by the pur- pose which won for life its freedom life wins its worth for God's presence. When life finds firm purpose as man it takes to wider life firm purpose. That firm purpose wins life's worth forever. Think what I tell, man who purposes to-day for life. Your firm purpose well and wisely used wins for life personal its first wider life. Then that firm purpose life holds him forever. What food for thought, O men. What life finds freedom? This life, if this man thus purposes. What life wins worth for God's presence? All lives win that worth, thank God! But all lives must find firm purpose for life worthy on earth. While life is 186 Man, The Life Free man, then, firm purpose must be won if life would be freed. What for life purposes its Maker? Worth for His presence won by its own firm pur- pose, and life first finds firm purpose on earth as man. Then, firm forever, life wins worth for God's presence. Will Higher, life's Wilier, purposes for life far higher worth than it finds while it is man on earth. What food for thought here, man v/ho is life im- mortal! Life who wills freely wins the higher life which God purposes using free choice whether worth be found or unworthiness. Then life who Mdlls that it find worth fulfills God's purpose. But when life wills unworthily what for life wills its JMaker? Work of man again, life on earth again. Keincarnation God wills for life who needs the teaching which He wills for life while it is man, reincarnation that helps life, for by further life of man life purposed wise use of free will learns that wise use. God wills that teaching for all lives. Then when by life's free will wisely used life per- sonal wins the worth God purposes. He frees that life forever from man and earth. What will has the man who is life to-day ? That thought will help the man who wishes life worthy. Help this word for help by Thy blessing, we pray Thee, O God. Um Higher Wills 187 Miltiades. Will Higlier, who wills for life while it is, made life for earth man. His purpose life while it is ful- fills. His purpose man fulfills then. While life wills it wills of free will, for God made life free. His purpose life fulfills, then, willing for worth by free will. Will Higher, life's Maker, purposes that life while it wills as man win worth for wider, fuller life. Then life who wills using free will wins worth while it is man for wider life. For both man who is life and for life freed the Higher Will purposes. Then man has Higher Purpose for his must? Xo, life personal for whom Higher Will purposes has that Higher Purpose to fulfill. But while life wills on earth it wills as man. Then life who has God's purpose to fulfill forever has while it is man His purpose to fulfill. But man wills freely, choosing that which he wishes. Yes, for life while it is man and while it is God made free. Yet, taught by the work of man, by the life of man, wisdom in use of free will, life finally chooses to will that which God purposes. Will Higher purposes that life while it wills as man find worth for higher life. INIan himself wills that worth, for life while it is on earth is man. But what has life to purpose to fulfill its must? Worth won by free will, worth won by man as life. Then for life Will Higher 188 Man, The Life Free purposes wider life won by the free will of this man? No, this man chooses perhaps will unwor- thy. Then this life works again man's work, and this life who wills unworthily wins not the higher life. What food for thought here for men! We tell that life while it wills as man finds the worth for the wider life which God purposes; that man wins that worth of free will his own ; that this man wins that worth if thus he chooses. Think, man who has life to free, think wisely. Man, the life free, wins worth for wider life when he thus wishes. But life must finally win that worth ; God thus wills. Free will He makes man's will, and life free finally wills for worth using free w^ill. That which Higher Will purposes life free fulfills using the free will He gives. Then this life, this life who is man to-day, may win the worth which God purposes. Life wins freedom when by man's free will it becomes worthy. Think well, man who has life to free, think well. Will for life worthy man finds through his wish to find it. Will for life worthy life finds as man by God's purpose. But life wills for worth freely. Then life while it wills as man fulfills God's pur- pose, and wins worth for higher, fuller life, yet life wills always by free will. Help men to understand this word, we pray Thee, O God. Will Higher, w^ho purposes for life while it is. Will Higher Wills 189 wills that life win its freedom willing for its worth itself. ]Man who lives earth life is life of personal self. Will free, the power of personal self, wins for life its worth. God made hfe for worth, made life free personal self, and the worth which life finds is by personal free will won. But life perhaps wills unworthily. Will free life may use well or weakly. Then the purpose of Him M^ho made life free is fulfilled when life wills its worth itself. Will for life worthy life finds finally, but life who uses free will weakly or unworthily finds penalty. What penalty? The life of work on earth again. That penalty Higher Will purposes for life who in man fails to will for life worthy. Heed the word, man who wills for life. Your free will you may use well. Then think, and think wisely. Will Higher, life's Maker, purposes that free will of life win its worth while it is man and for- ever. Then this life who is man to-day finds, if the man wishes, that firm, wise, free will by which life wins its first worth. While life is God purposes for it; while life wills of free will He purposes for it ; when life wins firm, wise, free will, then life ful- fills God's purpose. When life finds that firm, wise, free will man chooses himself. Then think well, who would win freedom for life, think well. Will Higher, whose purpose all life fulfills, was when life which He made was not. His purpose 190 Man, The Life Free follows life forever. That which He purposes for life the life fulfills by its own free will and purpose. Then this life who is man to-day fulfills His pur- pose, must, for God's will is omnipotent. Yet He wills that by its own free will life fulfill His pur- pose. JNIan who is life, think. What will have you to-day ? Will helps life if you thus wish ; will wins freedom for life if you thus wish. Think well, man who is life, think well. JNIan who lives earth life is life who by God's purpose lives after earth wider life. Will free God makes man's power. Will for life worthy He pur- poses that life find while it is man. Will for life worthy, then, life finally wins while it is man. But will free life may use unworthiljT". Why has life free will? By God's purpose life wills for its worth as personal life. Free will He gives to life per- sonal. Will for life worthy life wins while it is man by God's purpose. All lives who will as men while they are men find that will. None wills for life unworthy for all life on earth. What then wills life's Maker for life of man? Will for life worthy that life finds itself. What food for thought I give you, O men. Think why I tell it; to help men who will freely to will well. May this word help many, I pray God. Will Higher, whose purpose that which He made fulfills, made life for earth man. Then man Will Higher Wills 191 fulfills His will, though He made man free. Would man free will always as God wills then? Why was he made free ? What help from free will were it forced to win worth? Man free wills that which Higher Will purposes, for the Will who made him free teaches him wise use of free will. God made life free, wills that life be finally taught wise use of free will while it is man. Then man who is life finally wins worth, freely willing, be- cause life is by Will Higher taught wise use of free will, and that which Higher Will purposes life taught fulfills of its own free will. Will Higher, who wills for that which He made forever, wills for life that He made life. His will governs that life while it is. His purpose that life fulfills. That which He wills life fulfills by the powers which He gives. Free will, free purpose He wills shall fulfill His purpose. His Purpose Omnipotent, His Will Omnipotent, all that He made fulfills. Higher Will of man's ^laker who w^lls for life forever man, the life, fulfills. All that He made fulfills the Higher Will of God. XV FINAL WORD FINAL ^VOED Dr. Coulter. WILL Higher, life's Wilier, made life for worth far wider than that which earth may bring. IMan who lives earth life is personal self. Life who wins wider life remains personal self. Wide life becomes when freed from earth ; wider life becomes to eternity then. IVIan lives the little life purposed for life while it wins worth for wider life. Man prepares life for the higher life beyond earth. Will Higher wills for life worth high after earth; man cannot reach that worth; but man prepares life for the life wider which finds that worth. Think, who live man's life. Will Higher made you life, purposes for you life wider, made you free that you yourself win that life wider than earth through your own will and purpose. Think well then, man of life immortal, think well. Will Higher, who wills for life that by its own free will it win that worth which He purposes it shall find. Will Higher, who purposes for life while 195 196 Man, The Life Free it is, made life for earth man, made life for wider life than that of man, wills for life worth far greater than it may find while it wills as man. His purpose who made life the life fulfills. His will all life fulfills. Man, the life for whom Will Higher purposes worth for higher life, wins that worth which life has for must to find on earth using his free will. God wills that life while it wills as man find worth for life higher than man's life finds. But while life wills the will is free. God's purpose for life life fulfills of its own will. Life made life by God wins, using the will He makes its free power, the worth He purposes. Man, life immor- tal, wins by his wise use of free will the worth for higher life purposed for life personal when life was by Will Higher made. Man, who is life personal, wins worth for wider personal life by his free will. His worth, which is life's worth, wins for life the wider life purposed by God. While life wills as man He who purposes for life forever wills that it win worth for wider life. His will life fulfills forever. No life willed being by Him fails to win the worth that He wills it to find. Man, the life free, wills always as he wishes ; man, the life bound by God's piu'pose, wins finally of free will that life wider purposed for life personal when God made life. Free will made life's power by its Maker fulfills His wise purpose. Final Word 197 Free will, God-willed power, man uses to win the worth of life on earth. That free will which God gives to life fulfills His purpose for life. Will for life worthy life finally finds while it is man. Will for life worthy, free will wisely and firmly used, wins for life personal the higher life purposed for it by God, its Maker. Wise life fulfills finally God's purpose. Wise life, freely willing its worth itself, wins the higher life which was from the will- ing of life purposed by God, life's Maker. Will Higher, man's Maker, purposed when He made life man that by free will life win the worth which fits it for wider life. But man wills for that worth which Higher Will purposes by his free will. Wise life becomes while it is man, for all lives win wider life. Fitted for earth, made life personal, life who perceives itself as life personal wins, by free will that Higher Will made its power, its worth. Wide life becomes when wise free will has won freedom from earth. But the will is still free. Wide life wills for the yet wider worth which Will Higher purposes, using always free will its own. Man, who first wills for life, who makes life worthy by his free choice, wills for life the worth which brings its first wider life. Then by man's free will life for whom Higher Will purposes wider life wins the first wider life. Full of meaning for men is the word I tell. Think upon it well, O man. 198 3Ian, The Life Free ISlan, the life who wills for worth of free will, was willed his power, free will, by his JNIaker. When by free will man makes his life worthy, the free will which man's Maker gives to man fulfills His purpose for life of man. When free will, then, man uses well, his life fulfills God's purpose for life on earth. That life will always of free will God wills ; that life win its worth of free will God wills. But the free will which finally fulfills God's pur- pose man uses unworthily many times. What wills life's Maker for that life who wills on earth un- worthily? JNIan's life again, which then is made penalty. Will free, then, wins for life worth for this happy, free, full life, or man's life again. Then will free fulfills God's will if the man thus chooses. For the man who to-day wills for life this- word will be help we hope. Think well, O man; we help you if you think well. Free, full, happy life will be won by every life immortal ; yet the man himself, free of will always, chooses when that life be won. Think then well, you who will for life im- mortal, think well. What purposes God for life? That for life wor- thy it will while it is man. But His purpose life fulfills when thus it chooses. For life worthy each life finally wills; all lives finally choose to find will for life worthy. Will free, life's power, made free by hfe's jNlaker, fulfills His purpose for life. Man Final Word 199 who wills for life worthy thus fulfills God's pur- pose. What food for thought for men this gives! Think upon it well, man who is life. Think what man finds by free will if thus he wishes — worth for freed life. Freed life wills for far wider worth than life on earth finds. Freed life wills of free will. All lives made by God fulfill as He pur- poses His will. Made free, willed life wider, '^ach life wins of free will the worth for life ider. Help men to understand, we pray thee, O God. Will Higher, life's Wilier, man's Maker, was when life whom He willed was not. He wills for the life whom He made wide life beyond the little life of earth, wide, full, worthy life, firm life, will- ing for worth always; this for life wills its Maker, God. What for life on earth wills its Maker? Worth finally, will firm for life worthy finally. What follows life on earth? Freed life, freed life won through man's will used firmly and well; for life of man He wills this future. Think then, man who wills this time for life on earth. His purpose who made your life will be fulfilled. Why fail to fulfill that purpose this time on earth? That free will which He gives fulfills His purpose, but only when free will has won the firm life which God purposes does He free life from man. Then, you who will for life, think. Why let purpose fail? 200 Man, The Life Free For life worthy purpose firmly always. Thus win this fuller, worthier, happier life. Will Higher wills for life whom He made worth for wider life than that of earth. Will Higher wills for life whom He made worth for His pres- ence finally. That worth will be found by life free to will as it wishes. But free will beyond man's life is firm for life worthy. Then will which life may use worthily or unworthily is worthily used when life has won freed Hfe? Yes, life wills for life worthy firmly then. But will for hfe worthy is free will still. What is freed life? Men would but partly understand were we to try to tell. Freed life is wider life, the Universe its working-place. Freed life wills for wider life than that which it had while it was man. For life worthy freed life wills firmly, yet uses free will. For life worthy freed life purposes firmly, yet purpose is free. Man wins that firm purpose by which life wins its wider worth, and while life is man on earth that firm purpose will be won. For life while it wins that worth which its Maker purposes the will and purpose will forever be free, yet life wills for life worthj^ when freed. What for life wills its Maker? Worth won always of free will; worth finally for His presence won of free will. Will free wins life's worth forever; will firm, free will made firm while life is man, free will which life's Maker wills to Final Word 201 be life's power forever, wins life's worth forever. Man, the personal life, wills that which he wishes ; man, the life purposed worth by God, wins finally the worth which God wills that he find. Man who is life personal wills by personal free will ; man, the life bound by Higher Will, wills finally that which Higher Will purposes. Will free, then, wins for life the worth purposed by life's Maker. Will worthy life finds finally, taught by the life which God wills to be teaching, the life of man on earth. Then man who wills that which he wishes, when life is taught by the purposed life on earth wins by free will, and of free choice, that worth which God purposes that life find on earth. Will Higher wills; the life whom He made free ful- fills His purpose. Will Higher, God who made the Universe, Will Higher, God who willed life its being. Will Higher, God who governs all that He willed being, was when all that is the Universe was not. He Om- nipotent, Omnipresent, Will who wills for life for- ever. Will who purposes for life while He wills it to be life. Will who made life man, He wills for life while it is man, while it is. jMan, His creature, wills with the will He gives; man purposes with the purpose He gives; man, finite life, fulfills by finite will and purpose His Omnipotent purpose; man, finite life, wins by his free purpose the wider 202 3Ian, The Life Free finite life which He who made hfe purposes. While life is God wills for it; while life is God purposes for it; while life is life fulfills His purpose. Will Higher, Will of Omnipotent God, rules all that is forever. Wilberforce. Will Higher, life's Maker, purposes for life while it is. His purpose life which He made ful- fills. He wills for life worth for wider life. Life worthy of man wins that wider life. ]Man, who wills of free will, himself wins that worth which brings wider life. Help men to understand our word, we pray thee, O God. Will Higher, life's Maker, wills for life worth won by life's free will. No free life would win forced worth. God makes life free; His will life free fulfills. Using free will life wins that worth which Will Higher purposed when He made life. Will free that He wills to life fulfills His purpose for life. Will free, life's power, wins life's worth forever. Will for life worthy, free will well and wisely used, wins life's wider, fuller life. Think, man who is life, think well. Will Higher, man's Maker, purposes for life wider life than that of man. Wide life begins when life by firm purpose its own has won freedom. Wide life won, life wins yet wider, fuller, worthier Final Word 203 life. But what frees life from earth? JNIan's free purpose firmly used for life worthy. Then, man who wills for life, think well, tliink wisely. What frees life from earth? Man's firm purpose. What wins yet wider life? The purpose made firm for life w^orthy by man. Think well, you who would win that higher life. Wide life becomes when life by man's firm purpose has won freedom; high life becomes when purpose firm has been found; that high life which God purposes, wide life full of worth, begins when by man's firm purpose life frees itself. Think well, man who is life, think well. Will Higher, life's Maker, who for life purposes forever, wills for life far wider life than that of man. What purposes He for life? Worth high, worth great, worth for His presence finally. Will free must make life worthy high life ; will free must make life worthy great life; will free must make life worthy its JNIaker's presence. Think then, while life wills this time, that life find worth for high life. Think while life is man for life wider. Think now for life well. What life finds worth for higher, greater, worthier life? This life finds that worth finally. But this life wins its worth it- self, this life wins its worth using free will. Then how has this life willed for life this time, well or ill? This life wins freedom willing well, wins life 204 Man, The Life Free on earth again willing ill. Then think, man who is life, think well. Will Higher, will of Him who wills for life for- ever. Will that all His Universe fulfills. Will of Omnipotent God, made life man. What purposes life's Maker for that life? Wide, full, happy life, firm life, full of firm will and purpose, full with worth He purposes. Then life who wills on earth wins that wide life which its Maker purposes. But life wills of free will, worth of life free is won by free will. Then He who made life free wills that by free will life fulfill His purpose. No life but finds by free will that worth which God purposes; yet life wills always by free will. Man, the life on earth, wins his worth of free will ; life wider wins its worth by free will. No life fails to find free will the help which God purposes it shall be. When free life wills for life worthy firmly, then God wills for it wide life, full life, firm purpose for life worthy while life is. Man who is life to-day, think well. Will Higher, who wills for the life whom He made forever, Will Higher, who purposes for that life while it is, wills for that life wider life than that of man, wills for that life far wider worth than that which man finds. What purposes He for life? Wider life, fuller life, far greater life than that of earth. Wise life becomes while it wills for that Final Word 205 wider worth which God purposes. Wide life be- comes when it has won freedom from earth. Wide Hfe finds yet wider life willing for its worth by free will. Wide life wins far wider life than life may understand till God frees it from man. Wide life, willing for worth freely, wins that far greater worth which God purposes. Man wins by his free will the first wider life. Life freed then wins the wider worth which God purposes using for life worthy its free will. All lives win that worth which God purposes ; none fails to win that worth. Freed life, willing for life worthy itself, fulfills, as life of man fulfills, God's wise purpose. No life can fail to win that life wider, that worth far greater than that of man. All lives finally win that worth which fits life for its Maker's presence. That will which God gives, free will, wins for life that wider life, that far greater worth, which Will Higher purposed when He made life. Glorious thought for men! Wide life begins when man has won for his life freedom. Think well, man who wills for life to-day. When by will your own, free will, you win life worthy, you win for life wider life. Think well, O man. Will Higher, life's Maker, wills for life this higher life when free will, life's free power, has made life worthy life higher. Will for life worthy then, man who is life, will for worthy life this time 206 Man, The Life Free while you will as man. This time will firm wins freedom if this man purposes firmly. Wide life begins then, full, happy, free life. Well for men to think what life finds of firm purpose well and wisely used, — this full, happy, free life. Will Higher, who purposes for life wider, fuller life than that of earth, makes life free, wills that life by free will find worth for the wider life which He purposes. His will that which He made ful- fills. All lives made by Him win the wider life. Will free of life man uses. That will life has by the purpose of God. That will, free always, wins for life the worth for the wider life purposed by God when He willed life into being. Then this life who is man will find the worth for wider, fuller life, but this life finds that worth by free will wisely and firmly used. Will free, the will which this man has, will free, the will which this life uses well or ill as this man wishes, wins finally that worth which God purposes. And the will which you, the man, now use must win for you, the life, that which wins wider, fuller, happier life. Think well, man who wills for life to-day, think well. Will Higher, will of Him who wills for all that He made, wills for life of man worth that brings wider, higher life. Worth willed by Him life wins using its own free will. Worth which life finds Final Word 207 freely willing for life worthy itself wins for life the higher life purposed by God, life's Maker. Well for life purposes He. Man, the life personal. He makes free; will of personal life fulfills God's purpose for personal life; when by personal free will life wins that worth which He purposes, He frees that life from earth. Wise the life becomes working the work which He wills to be teaching. No life fails to learn the firm purpose which wins life wider. Have we made you understand, who read? Will free, man's own will, wins that worth which Will Higher wills that life find. When by free will life becomes worthy wider life, God frees the life from earth. Have you who will for life won that worth? Think well, man who is life, think well. Miltiades. Will Higher, life's Maker, Will who purposes for life while it is, made life for earth man. Will Higher purposes for life while it is man; Will Higher purposes for life forever. The life made by Him fulfills His purpose. Man then, who wills of free will, fulfills the Higher Will for life made man. Man who wills for his worth himself, since Will Higher made life free, fulfills that Higher Purpose who wills that life find worth on earth. That purpose which God wills to be life's power. 208 Man, The Life Free free purpose, fulfills for life God's purpose. Man who is life, man who wills for worth when he thus wishes, is life who fulfills God's purposes. Man then, life on earth, wins by his free purpose the worth which God purposed for life on earth when He made life. Will Higher, who purposes for life that it find worth for life higher willing its worth by free will, made life personal self whose power, will, He made free. When by free will life wins that worth which Higher Will purposes, life wins wider life. Then life itself wins that freedom which Higher Will purposes for it. Life's free will, made life's power by life's Maker, fulfills His purpose. When by free will life makes itself worthy freedom, life wins that wider life purposed by God M'hen life was by Him made. Will free of life, will free made life's power by Will Higher, fulfills for life the purpose of its Maker. When by wise free will life wins this life it is freed from earth forever, freed from weak purj^ose forever. Wise life frees itself then? Yes, for life by God's purpose wills that worth which brings freedom. Wise the man who, firmly will- ing, makes his life worthy. Thus he wins for his life immortal wider, fuller, happier life. Man who wills for life, think. Will Higher purposes for life worth far wider than that which it finds as man. He purposes for Final Word ' 209 life Avorth far wider than life on earth may find. When by life's free will that worth which He pur- poses for life on earth is won, He translates life to wider, fuller life. His will life to whom He wills free will fulfills of free will. His purpose for life to whom He wills free purpose free purpose ful- fills. Man, life free, by free will and purpose ful- fills His purpose for life on earth. Then life who wills to-day fulfills of free will His purpose. What has life from Him for help? Work that teaches wise free will and purpose. What for life free purposes He? Wider life won by its free will and purpose. Then the life who wills as man to-day may, if this man wishes, fulfill His purpose that personal life, immortal life, find worth for higher life. Think, who will for life this time on earth, think well. Will Higher who is life's Maker, Will Higher who purposes for the life whom He made, wills that life find wider life. His purpose life fulfills forever. But free life neglects its duty many times; free life wills for unworthiness perhaps. Then Will Higher penalizes life. What penalty imposes He upon life who neglects its duty? What penalty imposes He upon life who wills for unwor- thiness? Work of life on earth again. This life works the work purposed for life who wills well. For life who wills for unworthiness, life of man 210 Man, The Life Free again, work of man again. Wliat is the work which man has? Work purposed to teach wise, firm will and purpose. When life finds wise will and pur- pose Will Higher frees that life from work and life of earth. When life wins the worth which God purposes, freely willing, freely purposing, God wills for that life, wider, fuller life. Think then, man who is life, think well. Will Higher, life's Maker, wills for life which He made wide life, full life, happy life, when man by his free will and purpose makes life worthy wider life. Will Higher purposes that life free it- self from earth. Man then, life of personal self, wills when that life win freedom from earth. Think what I tell, man who is life immortal. Win this life the life may this time; but win it life must by man's life worthy. That higher life which God purposes for immortal personal self will, and must be won by man. Think, man who wills for life to-day, think well. Will Higher, life's Maker, wills for the life whom He made forever. His will all that He willed being obeys. The firm purpose which he wills that life find on earth life finds ; the firm free purpose which life has when freed life wins of its own free will; yet God purposes that life find firm purpose on earth. Man wills for his worth himself, yet God wills that life of man find worth. His will Final Word 211 life of man obeys. That life win freedom willing its worth itself He purposes. Then man who wills firmly that his life be worthy wins for personal life the wider life which God purposes. His free will wins that worth which fits life for higher life. Think then, man who is life, think well. That you who use free will use it well finally God purposes; yet you are free. Why let weak will hold your life to earth? Higher life God wills for life who is on earth man. Wider, fuller, happier life He wills for self of man. His will life fulfills as He wills, by wise use of personal free will. His purpose life fulfills by the way He wills, wise use of personal purpose. Man, life personal, wills his worth himself, though that worth is by God purposed. This life who is man to-day will win the worth which God pur- poses, and this life will win it choosing worth itself. But this life to-day wills unworthily. Will this life win freedom this time then? Not till will free is used firmly for worth is life freed. Man who is life, think. Think what this life may find, you willing firmly and well. Freed life, wide life, full life, happy life, life firm forever too, will this life find if you, the man, find firm will and purpose. Think well, then, man who is life, think well. Purpose Higher, purpose of Him who made life free, follows life while it is. Will free life is given 212 3Ian, The Life Free by Him; will free fulfills His purpose; will free win's life's worth while it purposes on earth and forever; will free, man's power, life's power too, wins for life the worth for first wider life; will free, life's power, wins the wider worth which God purposes ; will free given to life by its Maker, God, fulfills while life is God's purpose. Man who wills this time for life on earth, will free, your free will, wins that wider worth finally. For will firm pur- pose then always, for by free will firmly used for life worthy must, and will finally, that life who is you to-day win its first wider life, and its worth while it is. Life free wins wider life. Will life of this man win wider life? Surely, but when this life determines of free choice. When by your free will you win life wider you enter upon glorious, happy life. Think then, O man, think well. Will Higher, life's Maker, will of Him who is Omnipotent God, wills for life forever. Worth won by free will He wills that life find. Worth which wins for life this wider life He wills; worth for His presence finally He wills that life find. But will of life is free. Then that worth which God wills for life life finds by free will its own. Life personal, life free, finally of free will wins wider life. Life immortal wins of free will worth to immortality. What wills life's Maker? That life Final Word 213 forever will of free will ; that life find finally worth for His presence. That will which Will Higher makes life's power, free will of personal self, wins that worth which fits life for its Maker's presence. What food for thought we give you, O men. Think what God wills for you, man who wills for life to-day. Think how you find worth of life. By your own free will you find it. By your own will life finds freedom. By will free life wins worth for its INIaker's presence. You who will for life to-day win finally that worth. But for this life of man you will weakly perhaps. Then Will Higher purposes for you further work of man. Think well, who would win freedom. You win it firmly purposing worth yourself; you win this life when by man's life worthy you make life personal fit for this life. Think well, O man. Will Higher, life's Maker, wills for life that it win wider life through the life of man on earth. That thought men need, for too often they think for life of earth only. That thought which helps life of man we tell that men may win this life more quickly. Full of meaning for men is the word this life tells for help. Word full of help men will find it if they think well. This life, won while life is man, this life full of happy purpose, the man who lives now may win. Then think well, O men. 214 3Ian, The Life Free Dr. Coulter. Has the word helped the man who reads? Has it helped him to firm purpose for worthy life? We pray God to bless our work for help with His blessing. 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