m: '/v..-.*;-'i<-:t>.*. ^!f.vf,f[)v/'Mfityf ^/■liV.^;ll^^W,^;^;ff^^;'H,VAV■.7 (Df tlie ■'■■<';i.w.^?.'.v'.iVj^«(t'yi'X(;wyiWTf?«ff^ty.'.'.vw.vi jparisf) of CroxalL THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES J THE EDITION HISTOR\^ OF CROXALL Is liinited to One Hundred copies, on the completion of zvJucJi the plates and stones zaere destroyed. No. 9 2 Yy AN HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE PARISH OF CROXALL. Fr.A TK. C UR20N OF Croxall Levett Ppinsep OF Croxall. FRONTISPIECE. AN HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THK PARISH OF CROXALL, IN THE COUNTY OF DERBY. BY RICHARD USSHER. WITH APPENDICES AND PLATES. LONDON : BEMROSE & SONS, 23, OLD BAILEY; AND IRONGATE, DERBY. MDCCCLXXXI. PKINTED BY BEMROSE AND SONS, •23, OLD BAILEY, LONDON; AND ISONGATE, DERBY. C'iO €79/ U % TO THOMAS LEVETT PEINSEP, ESQUIRE, LOED OF THE MANOB OF CEOSALL, AND THE EEVEEEND SIR GEORGE LEWIS WILMOT HOETON, BARONET, LORD OF THE MANOR OF CATTON, I DEDICATE THIS VOLUME. EICHAED USSHEE. 12121.S7 Contents — '^^^ CROXALL. Historical Sketch of Croxall ... Ancient Field Names of Croxall Field Names in Croxall Township Existing Roads in Croxall Township British Remains The Church of Croxall Painted Glass ... Monuments in Croxall Church Curzon Monuments HoRTON Monuments Prfnsep Monuments Various Monuments Church Plate . . . Exterior of the Church Monumental Inscriptions in the Churchyard Churchwardens' Accounts Charities Registers of Croxall Parish Burials in Woollen Briefs Collected in Croxall Church ... The Hall and Village Appendix to History of Croxall page 1 16 16 18 19 20 26 29 29 37 45 48 52 53 55 79 81 82 120 122 130 135 Contents. CATTON. page Catton ... ... 167 Ancient Field Names of Catton ... 179 Field Names in Catton Township ... 180 Existing Roads in Catton Township ... 182 The Chapel of Catton ... 184 Appendix to Catton ... 189 HoRTON Deeds ... ... 189 Explanations of Horton Deeds ... 208 Deeds relating to Catton ... 215 OAKLEY. Oakley ... 253 Roads in Oakley Township 257 Field Names in Oakley Town.ship 257 Index of Persons .. 259 Index of Places 263 i^., |IIiistni 110115. PLATES. I. Arms of Duke of Dorset. Curzon op Croxall. XX. V^vEious Monuments in Croxall Church, No. n. Levett Peinsep of Ceoxall. XXT. Vaeious Monuments in Ceoxall Chuech, XI. Arms of Geealine de Cuezon. No. V. in. Arms of John Curzon of Ceoxall. XXII. Ceoxall Chuech. — Hoeton Monument, IV. Arms of Joyce Coezon, Maetyr. No. I. V. Arms of Mart Cukzon, Countess of Dorset. XXIII. Croxall Church. — Horton Monument, No. II. VI Croxall Church, from the East. XXIV. Ancient Standard and Badge for- VII. Corbel over Pulpit, Croxall Church. merly AT Croxall House. VIII. Interior of Croxall Church, from XXV. Cro.x^ill Hall, from the South-east. the East. XXVI. Ceoxall Hall peevious to its Resto- IX. Cro.xall Chancel, from the South. EATION. X. Arms and Inscriptions in Croxall XXVII. Ceoxall Hall, from the South-west. Church, Debbyshiee, a.d. 1596. xxvni. Aems of Albini. XI. Croxall Church. — Cuezon Monument, No. I. St. Amand. Hoeton of Catton. xn. Croxall Chuech. — Curzon Monument, XXIX. Catton H.all, from the South. No. II. XXX. Catton Hall, from the North. xni. Ceoxall Church. — Cuezon Monument, XXXI. The ErvEE Teent feom Catton Hall. No. III. XXXII. M/Veks on the Bell in the Clock XIV. Ceoxall Chuech. — Cuezon Monument, TowEE AT Catton Hall. No. IV. XXXIII. Sem, of Roger de Hoetone. XV. Ckoxaxl Chuech. — Cuezon Monument, No. V. XXXTV. The Seals of John Pkustessone and Radulphus Heetesherne. XVI. Ceoxall Chuech. — Curzon Monument, No. VI. XXXV. Seal of Alianoea, Wife of Almeeic DE St. Amand. XVII. Croxall Chuech.— Cuezon Monument, XXXVI. Seal of Petee de Stanhop. No. VII. xxxvn. Seal of Thomas ap Geiffith. xvin. Croxall Church.— Cuezon Monument, No. IX. XXXVIII. British Urns, found in the year 1874, AT Oaklev, in Staffordshire. xrs. Croxall Church. — Hoeton Monument, No. VII. MAPS. I. Plan of the Manor and Township of III. PL an of THE Township of Oakley, in the Croxall, in the County of Derby. P.arish of Ceo.xall, in the County of II. Plan of the Township of Catton, in Stafford. THE Parish of Croxall, and County OF Derby. PEDIGREES. I. Pedigree of Cuezon, and Dorset of m. Pedigree op Albinl CROX^iLL. IV. P edigree of St. Amand. II. Pedigree of Peinsep of Ceoxall. V, Pedigree of Hoeton op Catton. Oil xtfixtt. " Every man's concern with the place where he lives has something more in it than the mere amount of rates and taxes that he has to pay." — Toulmin Smith. AVING in mind the above words, I have ventured to put together a few facts relating to the Parish of Croxall. I have endeavoured, in as simple a manner as possible, to show to the Parishioners that, although remote and rural as Croxall is, it can boast of a fair measure of antiquity. I am painfully conscious of the many shortcomings to be found in this History, but I hope it will be accepted as a plain and simple narrative of the Parish. I have copied largely from the Rev. J. Charles Cox's " Notes on the Churches of Derbyshire," that invaluable work to Derbyshire historians. A thorough knowledge of another work of his, " How to write the History of a Parish," is essential to anybody engaged upon such a work as this. I take this opportunity of tendering my sincere thanks to Lord Scarsdale, the Honourable E. C. Curzon, Llewellynn Jewitt, Esq., F.S.A., C. S. Greaves, Esq., Q.C., the Eev. W. C. Lukis, the Rev. Canon Greenwell, and the Rev. Ponsonby A. Lyons, for their valuable assistance. The excellent Platinotype Photographs are by Mr. Richard Keene, of Irongate, Derby. RICHARD USSHER. I. Page 194, Horton Deed, No. XII. This deed bears the Seal of Stretton. Margeria Baylly was daughter and heiress of John de Stretton. — Burton's HiMory of Leicestershire. n. In the Chartulary of the Gresleys of Derbyshire (See Reliquary, 1865-6, page 86), Kichard de Croxhall gi-ants to Geoffrey de Greseleye, and his heirs, his mill pond at Liillington. Errata. Page 89, line 4, for Brtiise read Brewse. Page 40, 1st column, line 16, for opreum read operum. Page 49, for Myner read Myners. Page 99, line 39, for Utrig read Utrique. Page 191, 1st line of Horton Deed, No. VI., for Castone read Cattoue. Page 218, line 28, for Hocton read Hanton. %\x |)i$torital Slictclj q( t|c f arislj of €xm\ll UCH learning has been expended in attempts to discover the origin of parishes. It is a popular, but very question- able conclusion to assert that the kingdom is indebted to Alfred for its present parochial distribution. It seems to be much more probable that the parochial distribution of dioceses was far from simultaneous. As Christianity spread itself among our forefathers, the Thanes, or gi-eat lords, gradually built churches upon their own demesnes, or wastes, for the accommodation of their tenants. They felt it to be both a duty and a privilege. In order to have divine service regularly performed in the churches, founded by their munificence, they obliged all their tenants to appropriate their tithes to the maintenance of one officiating minister, instead of leaving them as heretofore to con- tribute to whatever priest or church they pleased. Hence sprang a parish with its secular or parish priest. In a pi-ecisely similar way the early religious houses founded churches on their estates, reserving to themselves the great tithes, and serving the church either by a member of the Monastic body, or by a Vicarius or substitute, endowed with the less important tithes 2 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. and spiritual fees of the parish. In the former case we ha\'e the origin of the rectories, in the latter, of the vicarages of modern times. That the greater part of our parochial churches were in all probability established in the Saxon times, may be sufficiently inferred from the Domesday Survey. It is to be remembered however, that the object of William the Conqueror in commanding this survey to be made was purely of a fiscal character. The several commissioners therefore, in making it were mainly concerned in finding out what revenues the Crown was entitled to as Lord paramount according to the existing feudal system ; and as the Crown had no pecuniary interest in parochial property, they were very indifferent in regard to the parish churches. In some counties the churches are returned either completely or partially, but in an incidental or accidental manner, in others they are passed over in silence altogether. The non-mention therefore, of a church in this ancient record is no proof of its non-existence at the time; though mention of it there is, of course, conclusive evidence that it was then in being.* Croxall Church does not appear, from the reasons assigned above, to have been noticed in Domesday Book. The probability is however, that no church existed at Croxall then. There is reason to suppose, as will be seen hereafler, that a church arose a short time previous to the year 1239. We have proof by means of the Domesday Survey that a manor existed here then ; hence the manor pre-existed the parochial distribution, in all probability, by a couple of centuries at least. Manerium. In Crocheshalle habuit Siuuard. iij carucatas terras ad geldrnn. Terra, viij carncarum. Ibi nunc in doniinio ij carucsB, et xxxv uUlani et xj bordarii habentes viij Caracas. Tbi ij molini xviij solidorum et xxij acrse prati, Silua 'minutae ij quarentense longitudine, et i. quareutena latetudiue. Tempore Regis Edwardi ualebat iij. Ubras. Modo quatuor libras. Rogerins tenet. Manor. In CrocheshaUe Siward bad three carncates of land for geld. Laud for eight ploughs. Now in tlie demesne there [are] t%vo ploughs, and thirty five villaues, and eleven bordars, having eight ploughs. Two mills of eighteen shillings [value] [are] there ; and twenty two acres of meadow. Under-Wood, two furlongs in length, and oue furlong in breadth. In the time of King Edward it was worth three pounds; now, four pounds. Roger holds it. * See "History of Davenant, Kent," by Thomas Willement, F.S.A. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 3 Manor.-A district with its own peculiar rights, privileges, and perquisites, and suliject to the jurisdiction of its own Court-Baron. The name is derived from Maenau, or Maeuawr, a Manor, a district bounded by stones, from maen, a stone. Residence also involved— from Maneo, whence Maneus, Mansio. Caeucate.— A somewhat indefinite measure of arable land, being enough for a year's tillage with one plough, and the beasts attached to it. The quantity varied in different districts, and the mode of tillage also affected its extent. The term "plough land" is also derived from this source. Geld.— A tax paid for the support of the State; "laud for geld," land for which geld or tax was paid. ViLLANES.— Holders of land by a mixed tenure, who passed with the laud. The tenure is not clearly defined. After the Norman Conquest the condition of the villanes improved, they were bound to do stated services, due from themselves and from the land. BoBDAKS.— Cottage holders who held their homesteads (Bords) with small parcels of land, on condition of performmg defined services to the Lord. They were but a degree higher than the Cotarii; or Cottagers.* MODES OF SPELLING. Crocheslialle Domesday Book 1080 Croxhale Feet of Fines 1208 Ci-okeshale Ditto 1239 Crosal Hundi'ed EoUs 1275 Crocsal Ditto 1275 Crousliale Close EoUs 1317 Croxballe ... ... Placita de quo Warranto 1330 Croxliall Ciu-zon Monument in Croxall Church ... U50 Croxsalle Horton Deed 1490 Croksalle Ditto 1490 CroxsaU Ditto 1509 Croxal ... ... Ciu-zon Monument in Croxall Chiu'ch ... 1605 CroxaU Ditto ditto ditto ... 1G39 And as now used. Ci-och in a place name in Domesday Book, invariably is the debased or euphonic form of the Gaelic Cnoc, a hill. We have therefore here, Crock, meaning hill, and Halle or Hal, Saxon for hall, from the verb helan, to cover ; are we in error in concluding that the modern word Croxall means the Hall of, or at the Hill, especially as the old village of Croxall was situate on high land, and on which the Church now stands. The first mention in history we have of Croxall occurs in Domesday Book as above ; it was held then by this Eoger (whose identity it is impossible to determine )+ under Henry de Ferrers. Siward was the Saxon Thane who held it in Edward the Confessor's time; * Domesdaij Book of Serbi/s/ure, edited by LleweUynn Jewitt, F.S.A. t Lysous says he was probably an ancestor of the Curzono, which is an error. 4 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Henrv de Ferrers was a distinguished adherent of WilHam the Conqueror, he was rewarded for his services to him with Tutbury in Staffordshire, and one hundred and fourteen manors in Derbyshire, of which Croxall was one. Soon afterwards we find Richard de Curzon holding four knights' fees in Derbyshire from the Ferrers, viz., Croxall, Edingale, Twyford, and Kedleston.* William the Conqueror divided such parts of England as did not belong to the Church, and were not reserved for himself, into seven hundred baronies, which he bestowed on his principal adherents; these baronies were sub-divided into 60,215 knights' fees. The Curzon family held these four knights' fees from the Ferrers until the year 1266, when Robert de Ferrers, the last Earl of Derby of that family, took up arms ao-ainst the kinj: and was defeated at the Battle of Chesterfield, and his estates forfeited to Prince Edmund, first Earl of Lancaster. The Curzons then held from the Earls of Lancaster until the end of the fourteenth century, when they held direct from the Crown. Giraline de Curzon, of Breton origin, came into England with the Conqueror. He had three sons, Stephen, Richard, and Giraline. From Stephen, the eldest, descended the Curzons of Fauld, Co. Stafford, extinct 1 aOO. Richard, the second son, held the four knights' feest above mentioned ; of the third, Giraline, we seem to have no record. Richard had a son Robert, whose wife was a certain Alice, who married a Somerville for her second husband. This Robert had three sons, Richard, Thomas, and Robert. From Richard, the eldest, descended the Curzons of Croxall, Edingale, and Twyford; from Thomas, the second son, descended the Curzons of Kedleston, which manor was left him, doubtless, by his father. Richard, the eldest brother, married Petronelle, daughter of Roger de Caraville, and remained at Croxall. Thomas, who seems to have died young, left a son, also Thomas, • Ex. M S Sam Sanders, Ann. Cart. W. Com. Ferariis. t A Knight's fee in 3 Edward I. was estimated at twelve plonghlands, and its value (although it varied with the times), in the reigns of the Edwards, was stated at £20 per annum. The holder of a Knight's fee was bound to attend his lord to the wars for forty days in every year, if called upon, which attendance was his rent for the land he claimed to hold. If he held "half a Knight's fee he was only bound to attend for twenty days, and so on in proportion. Plate II From an Ancient Pedigree. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 5 by his wife Sjbyl. This child Thomas, with his Manor of Kedleston, was left in ward of his uncle Richard, but on coming of age he found he was debarred from taking possession by his grandmother Alice de Somerville. Thomas thereupon cited his uncle and guardian, Richard, to show cause why he was refused possession. Alice de Somerville produced in court a deed which gave her Kedleston as dower, and which had been given her by her late husband, Robert de Curzon, grandfather of the claimant Thomas. Eventually the dispute was decided by Richard de Curzon finding an equivalent in Croxall for Kedleston, whereupon she surrendered Kedleston to her grandson, Thomas. These deeds are given in appendix under Croxall, Nos. I and 11.^' Robert de Curzon, the third son, became the celebrated Cardinal Curzon. He was school and college friend of Innocent III., and became his legate at Paris, whence he preached the crusade against the Albigenses, and went with Simon de Montford to assist in persecuting them. He died at Damietta in Egypt, 1218. Sir Robert de Curzon, son of Richard, the eldest of these three brothers, gave the advowson of the Church of Croxall to the Austin Priory of Repton, at Michaelmas, 1239, 23 Henry III. See in appendix under Croxall, No. III. His grandson, "William, married Emma, daughter of Sir Roger le Brabazon. He left his son, also William, to the guardianship of this Roger, or his father. See in Appendix, Croxall, No. VIII. In the next few generations of the Curzons of Croxall, nothing seems to have occurred of interest. On the 25th of June, 1421, John Curzon, of Croxall, Escheator for the counties of Derby and Nottingham, conveyed the Manor of Twyford to John Creweker and Alice, his wife, Appendix under Croxall, No. XVIL, and so out of the four Manors in Derbyshire, ori"-inally possessed by the Curzons of Croxall, only two now remained, viz., Croxall and Edingale. His son, also John, married Senecha or Innocentia, * See also Cox's " Churches of Derbyshire," under Kedleston. 6 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. daughter of Sir Thomas Gresley, her name occurs under both forms, the former in her husband's will, and the latter on her tomb in Croxall Church. This John Curzon left, by will dated 1450, see Appendix, Croxall No. XIX., his body to be buried before the High Altar in the church of Saint John the Baptist at Croxall, his estates to his wife, Senecha or Innocentia (the former, perhaps, a shortened form of the latter), provided she did not marry again for her life, and the "Gate Hous " at Croxall to be repaired out of certain moneys left for that purpose. To this John, and the heads of the next four generations of the Curzons of Croxall, there are, or were, incised monumental alabaster tombs in Croxall Church ; they are fully described under that church in this volume. Thomas Curzon of Croxall, son of John and Innocentia Curzon, married Margaret Hartington, and left three children, one only survived in the person of John Curzon of Croxall, who married Anne daughter of William Ashby of Quenby, Co. Leicester, by whom he had, amongst others, Anne, who married John Ilorton of Catton. In the year 1513, John Curzon, son of the last-mentioned, fought in the war with France under Henry YIII. Among the Derby Banneret is found, "151.3, June IGth. The badges of the King's army." "John Curzon of Croksall bayreth a cockatrice displayed gouUs, with a hed in hys tayll, hys fytte, and hys wattels assur." Thomas Curzon, his son succeeded. He married two wives, the first was Anne, daughter of Sir John Aston of Tixall, Co. Stafford, and the second was Elizabeth, daughter of Kichard Lygon of ]\Iadresfield, Co Worcester. By his first wife, Anne, he had three sons, and several daughters, but only one of their names is recorded, in Joyce, of whom presently. By his second wife, Elizabeth, he had one son, George, and several daughters, amongst whom was Maud, who married first Kicholas Tatton of Cheshire, to Avhom there was formerly a monument in Croxall Church, and secondly her first cousin Christopher Horton of Catton. On the 18th of December, 1557, Joyce Curzon, mentioned above, was burned Plate HI- Plate IY From an Ancient Pedigree. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. / at Lichfield for rejecting the doctrines of the Roman Cathohc Church on the subject of transubstantiation. She married first George Appleby of Applebj, Co. Leicester, by whom she had a son, Richard ; and secondly Thomas Lewis of Mancetter, Co Warwick. Here she seems to have fallen under the influence of a Protestant family of the name of Glover. A full narrative of her life and martyrdom will be found in a small volume termed " The Martyrdom of Robert Glover and Mrs. Lewis," by the Rev. B. Richings, Vicar of Mancetter, also in " Foxe's Acts and Monu- ments," Vol. IIL, p. 40 L There was a monumental inscription to her memory on a board in Mancetter Church, which lately has been replaced by a marble one, bearing the same inscription as follows : — TO THE SACKED MEMORY OF MRS. LEWIS, MARTYR, A lady who having -witnesEed in the presence of her persecutors a good confession, sealed the truth "with her blood, and was burnt at Lichfield, a. d. 1557. First led by the cruel Persecution of the Church of Rome to doubt whether it could be the Church of Christ, she was afterwards indebted to the pious Family of the Glovers for that more perfect knowledge of the Truth, which became dearer imto her than Life itself. Her love to Christ enabled her to bear with patience a very long aud severe imprisonment ; yea, she was not only willing to be bound, but also to die for the Name of the Lord Jesus; meekly desiring that all the circumstances of her death might be so ordered that her friends might be comforted, her Saviour glorified, and His enemies confounded. When chained to the stake, she manifested a cheerful serenity, and a countenance so unchanged as to astonish all who beheld her ; and when the flames burst around her, standing unmoved, she only lifted up her hands towards Heaven, whither her triximphant spirit speedily ascended, entering into the presence and joy of her Lord. " Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a Crown of life." George Curzon, only son of Thomas and Elizabeth Curzon, formerly Lygon, succeeded. He married Katherine, daughter of Rowland Babington. With regard to this marriage a curious indenture, made by his father, is 8 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. extant. See Appendix, Croxall No. XX. There were three sons of this marriage ; George, who succeeded, William, and Henry. Both these latter died without leaving issue. The last named was the last male heir of the Curzons of Croxall. There is a mural monument to his memory in Croxall Church. Although most of his ancestors seem to have been buried in Croxall Church, Sir George Curzon, son of the above, who died in 1622, was buried in Saint Bride's Church, Fleet Street, London. There was a monument to his memory there, which bore this inscription : — Here resteth the body of Sir George Curzon, of Croxall, in the County of Derby, Knight; de- scended from ancient Gentry, and of long con- tinuance in that place; who like the Eace from whence he came was a man of upright Life, EeligiouB, and Hospitable. Hee tooke to wife Mary, the daughter of Sir Eichard le vison of Lelleshull, in the County of Salop, Knight. By whom he had Walter, who died young, and Mary, then his onely daughter and Heire. Who was married to Edward Sackvile, Earle of Dorset, Knight of the Honourable Order of the Garter. Which Lady caused this Monument to bee here infixed, to the Sacred Memory of her dear father. He departed this life the 17th of November, 1622. Saint Bride's Church was destroyed in the great fire of London, and with it this monument. Stowe fortunately gives the inscription. Mary, dauo-hter and heiress of the above Sir George Curzon, seems to have been a woman of some ability. She married Edward Sackville, afterwards 4th Earl of Dorset, Lord Chamberlain at the Court of Charles I ; hence probably his wife's appointment as governess to the King's children. Although her husband was a staunch Royalist, she was continued in that office by the Parliament. She died early in May 1645, and on the 17th of that month, in the same year, both Lords and Commons sitting at Westminster ordered that she should be honoured by a public funeral, which was carried out on the 2nd of September following. This, the following extracts from Whitelock's Memorials, will prove : — Plate Y mi^CURZ0NC0UNT^SSOfDOKS&l\ (JOVE/?NES5ET0THECH/LDREN0FK-CHARLES;fl THE OA/Lywo/v7/\/V£'l/ER HONOURED WITH \ A PUBLIC FUNERAL BY P/iRL/AME/Vr. '645:1 From an Ancient Pedigree. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. g May 17"> 1645. The Lords sent an order for the Funeral of the Countess of Dorset. The Commons concurred. Aug. 15"'. Order for the payment of i'600 ordered for the Countess of Dorset's Funeral. September 3'i. The Funeral of the Countess of Dorset in much state. Several writers have fallen into the error of stating that she was buried in Westminster Abbey, but that was not the case. She died early in May, and the public funeral was not carried out until September, as the above extracts prove. Her effigy was doubtless carried in procession in the Abbey, but the body had been most probably laid long before at the burial place of the Sackvilles, at Withyam, in Sussex. There is no record of her havin"- been buried in the Abbey, nor is there a monument to her memory there. Unfortunately the registers of Withyam have been lost, so that it cannot be conclusively proved whether she was buried there or not. She was the only woman for whom a public funeral was ever voted by Parliament. At her death in 1645, Croxall passed from the possession of the Curzons, by whom it had been held for five hundred years — fifteen generations — to her husband, Edward, 4th Earl of Dorset. He was at Croxall in the year 1613, where he received a challenge from Lord Edward Bruce. They fought a duel at Tergooze, in Holland, in which Lord Edward Bruce was killed, and Lord Dorset was dangerously wounded, but recovered. He was a most devoted Royalist, and served Charles L with great ardour. He fought at Edoehill besides taking an active part in all the Royalist movements of the time. Richard, the 5th Earl, his successor to Croxall, took the same active part for Charles XL, and was one of the judges of the Regicides. Charles the 6th Earl, was a most accomplished man, a statesman, courtier and poet. He was a friend of Dryden. Dryden dedicated to him his trans- lation of " Juvenal," wherein he describes his lordship's great genius. Prior also makes mention of the same. Pope designated him as — "Dorset, the grace of Courts, the Muses' pride," etc. Lionel Cranfield, 7th Earl and 1st Duke of Dorset, invested Georo-e L with the Order of the Garter at Hanover, and attended him on his lo Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. journe}- to England. In 1730 he was made Lord Lieutenant of Leland. Charles, the 2nd Duke, died unmarried, when Croxall became the pos- session of his nephew, John Frederick, 3rd Duke of Dorset, who sold it in 1779 to Thomas Prinsep Esq. This gentleman was a well-known breeder of long-horned cattle. Paintings of the most celebrated of the herd are now in Croxall Hall. After the death of his son, also Thomas, without issue, the Croxall estate passed by his will to his nephew, Thomas Prinsep Levett Esq., second son of his sister Frances, who had married Theophilus Levett of Wichnor, Esquire, in the county of Stafford. This gentleman, in the year 1835, assumed the name and arms of Prinsep, in conjunction with that of Levett, and his son Thomas Levett Prinsep Esq., is now owner and lord of the manor of Croxall. Pedigrees of Curzon and Dorset, as long as the latter held the manor, and Prinsep are here given. Croxall Parish in the Hundred of Repton and Gresley, is situate in the extreme south-western angle of the County of Derby. The River ]\Iaese, which flows within a stone's throw of the hall on its southern side, divides the Counties of Derbv and Stafford on the south. Soon afterwards it falls into the Trent, which river also bounds the two counties just mentioned on the west. Croxall Township is bounded on the north by the Township of Catton, on the south by the River Maese, on the east by the Parish of Edingale, and on the west by the River Trent. Croxall Parish consists of the Townships of Croxall and Catton in Derbyshire, the Township of Oakley in Staffordshire, with part of Edingale (that part of it which is in Derbyshire), in the Hundred of North Offlow in that county. Croxall township consists of 1,585 acres, 2 roods, of which Mr. Prinsep owns 1,450 acres ; Mrs. Honey, 77 acres, 1 rood ; Miss Smedle}', 47 acres ; Glebe, 7 acres, 2 roods ; and the Trustees of F. W. Green, 3 acres, 2 roods. Catton Township consists of 1,131 acres, and 15 perches, all of which belong to the Reverend Sir George Lewis Wilmot ■ii» t a ".2 f s ■32 B -I Anne, married John Horltiu of Cattou, died 1521. a "l2al^S =.82-| i .Sq-o- i o Eh 02 II "lis C.o°-o -i Mil II < II S "I 11 1 1 II SB |3 11' g 1 II H li fi 03'- 1 1 J i a 1 1 II 1 'I— CO ii _5 ,-i so i II. ll ■a SO II Ii lit III" 1 G 8 1 Sua -|1|H 1 i 1 3 _| -1 « B -1 S 1" 1 4 i. i gl i! -a 0" . ii «^ -|-§ -ll lull Is II if ■-3 a-S35 liWIi ^J .§!■ t a|o"E -Hi 1 ilsf llti i«! a3il §-■=- llii -III! II — l|:saj oaSffl . w^ laa-Ss •Sg.s-a -^332 B 3 111 Hi -I1PI sja |ls|l| s . .■•SsS 4il ^°.g 111 iffi III 1 1 P 11 . ° ■a'S 50 o 0» 12° EC o" 5| 2f i:e |a« 1 O Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 1 1 Horton, Bart. The Township of Oakley consists of 661 acres, 3 roods, and 33 perches, of which Howard F. Paget Esq., owns 524 acres ; the Reverend Sir George Lewis Wilmot Horton, Bart., 115 acres, 1 rood, and 33 perches ; and the Midland Railway Company, 20 acres, 3 roods, and 33 perches. The area of the entire Parish of Croxall tlius amounts to 3,378 acres, 2 roods, and 8 perches. The rateable value of Croxall Township amounts to £2,760 8s. Od. ; Catton to £2,292 7s. Id. ; and Oakley to £3,153 17s. 2d. ; thus the entire rateable value of Croxall Parish amounts to £8,205 12s. 3d. The population of Croxall Township consisted of in 1801 1811 1821 1831 1841 1851 1861 1871 137 154 185 188 180 137 150 165 The population of the entire Parish of Croxall at the last census in 1871 amounted to 299. Croxall proper merely consists of the Hall and two cottages, the remainder of the houses are scattered throughout the township. It is distant north-east from Lichfield, seven miles, which is the post town, a foot messenger carries the mails from there to Croxall ; from Tamworth, seven miles north ; from Burton-on-Trent, eight miles and a half south ; from Ashby-de-la-Zouch, twelve miles south-west; and one hundred and sixteen from London north-west. Croxall Township mostly consists of very good land, a red loam with a marl subsoil. All the lands lying in the valleys of the Maese and Trent are meadows. The crops are wheat, barley, beans, turnips, and seeds. In 1815, Mr. Farey describes the rotation of crops on Mr. German's farm at Croxall to have been — 1st, fallow with Breedon lime; 2nd, barley with seeds; 3rd, 4th, and 5th, seeds; 6th, oats; 7th, wheat. The course now adopted by his descendant on the same farm is — 1st, fallow ; 2nd, wheat; 3rd, seeds; 4th, oats; 5th, beans; 6th, wheat. Croxall was famous towards the end of the last century for its 1 2 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. herd of long-horned cattle, which were here introduced by Thomas Prinsep Esq. ^Ir. Farey reports him to have had the largest farm in Derbyshire, and his rate of wages to have been nine shillings in winter, and double that in jobs during the summer. Long-horned cattle have now given way to their opposite, the short-horn; but lately, in these same pastures and meadows of Croxall, an attempt has been made to revive their forgotten merits. Feeding in a park they are very picturesque, and their milk, although less in quantitj- than the short-horn, is much superior in quality. Mr. Prinsep's sale of long horns took place on the 25th of September, 1811, when the highest price given for ""White Lupin," a seven-year-old cow, was 220 guineas, and the highest price obtained for a bull was 130 guineas. It is stated that Mr. Prinsep once killed a cow, seven years old, which weighed 104 stone. Pitt's Agricultural Report of Staffordshire, says, "On May 20th, 1794, I viewed the herd of Long Horns at Croxall, the property of Thomas Prinsep Esq. ; his land is mostly but not wholly in Derbyshire, and more properly belongs to the report of that County. They have been brought hy him to a very high degree of superiority, large, thick, heavy and well made, and a great show for milking. The cows give on the average eight quarts of milk each, which the owner thinks equal from its superior quality to a much greater quantity from ordinary cows. Mr.Prinsep's bull, 'Bright,' is a majestic, noble animal. 'Bright Eye,' the son of 'Bright,' now three years old, is a beautiful, faultless animal." A Long Horn Ox fed at the Marquis of Donegall's (probably Fisherwick, in the immediate neighbourhood), was a noted one, the weight of the four quarters was 1988 lbs., tallow 200 lbs , hide 177 lbs. Another account says, when killed the total was 3472 lbs. and 350 lbs. of fat. The rich grazing land of Croxall must have contributed largely to their excellence. Croxall Township is in Tamworth Poor Law Union, and County Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 13 Court district, Rural-deanery of Lullington, Archdeaconry of Derby, and Diocese of Lichfield, but its connection with the latter must soon cease, as an Act for the Endowment of a Bishop's See at Southwell, to consist of the Counties of Derby and Nottingham, has been passed, and will take effect as soon as sufficient funds to endow it with £3,000 a year are obtained. It seems a somewhat bad arrangement that Croxall Parish, within sight of the Spires of Lichfield Cathedral, as it is, should be separated from it as its Cathedral Church, and given to Southwell, forty miles distant. Coming from Edingale to Croxall by the high road which leads from Lullington, and soon after passing the Vicarage and Church, the ground suddenly descends into the Valley of the Trent, and after just meeting the Burton-on-Trent and Tamworth Eoad, the river Maese is crossed into Staffordshire. A little to the west of this bridge the Rivers Tame and Trent unite, and a little further down the stream the River Maese falls into the Trent, which then becomes a large river and flows on by Catton. These rivers all abound with the usual English fresh-water fish, and although at some hundred miles distance from the sea as Croxall is, salmon have been sometimes taken here. During severe winters many rare aquatic birds are shot on the banks of these rivers, notably the Shoveller, the Pochard, the Goosander, the Golden Eye Duck, the Smew, and the Tufted Duck. The Sandpiper comes the end of July, and leaves the beginning of September. There is no lack of Kingfishers, and a Heronry is fast forming in Walton Wood not far off. Oaks grow most luxuriantly in these rich meadows. A magnificent avenue of elms a quarter of a mile long, and mentioned by Mr. Farey in his Agricultural History of Derbyshire, leads up to the Hall from the North. They appear to be about two hundred and fifty years old, which is the period that elms take in arriving at their best. Some of these are unfortunately showing signs of decay, and in summer 14 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. although without any breeze blowing, large branches, owing to the weight of foliage, suddenly crack and fall. Opposite the Hall, in another row of these trees, there is a well established rookery. To the east of this avenue, on the top of a gentle, beautifully wooded incline, stretches for about three quarters of a mile north and south, a most pleasantly situated walk, known to all the country round as Dryden's Walk, which must have taken its name from some connection with the Poet. A friend, as mentioned before, of Charles, the 6th Earl of Dorset, it is most likely that he passed some time with him at Croxall Hall, hence the appellation. When as Lord Chamberlain, Lord Dorset was obliged to take the king's pension from Dryden, he allowed him an equivalent out of his own estate. The view from this Avalk is very fine; on the left lie Lichfield and the Black Country, in the front Cannock Chase, the valleys of the Tame and Trent, the Villages of Alrewas, and King's Bromley, on the right the Town of Burton-on-Trent, Barton-under-Needwood and other villages. It is said that on a clear day, with the aid of a telescope, the Wrekin in Shropshire can be seen from here; "as the crow flies" the distance would be about thirty-five miles. Just previous to entering the Parish, the Derby and Birmingham Railway crosses the junction of the Rivers Trent and Tame over a wooden viaduct a quarter of a mile long, resting on wooden piles driven fifteen feet into the swampy ground; the cost of this was £14,000. A bridge, composed of iron girders, supported by stone piers, is being built to supersede this, at a cost of about £20,000. Nearer to Taraworth, on the same line, stands Croxall Railway Station, distant some five hundred yards from the Hall. Croxall can boast of lying contiguous to three rivers, the Trent, the Tame, and the Maese. These undoubtedly contribute greatly to the picturesqueness of the scene, but at the same time render all the low Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 1 5 lying lands subject to floods. The highest flood recorded in these districts took place on the 21st of October, 1875. The Trent (anciently Trivona or Treonta) rises on Biddulph Moor in Staffordshire, at an elevation of 500 feet above the level of the sea. It drains a district of 4000 square miles, is the third largest river in England, is 167 miles from rise to fall in length, and divides the Ecclesiastical Provinces of Canterbury and York. The Trent was popularly supposed to be so called from Trente, thirtv, as it was supposed to receive thirty auxiliary streams, or from thirty different kinds of fish being caught in it, or from thirty abbeys having been situated on its banks. Camden calls those who accepted these surmises as " Ignorant and Idle pretenders," but Milton in a Vacation Exercise says, "Or Trent, who like some earth-born giant, spreads His thirty arms, along the indented meads."* The real derivation of the name is most probably from the Gaelic word Tren^ meaning a stream. The Tame, deriving its name from the slow and placid nature of its stream, + rises on the borders of Worcestershire, near Dudley Castle. It flows about twentj'-five miles, mainly north north-eastward, and falls into the Trent in the Parish of Croxall. The Maese+ rising on Smisby Common, a little to the east of Ashby- de-la-Zouche, flows about 15 miles south south-westward, and turning abruptly to the north at Croxall, falls into the Trent, likewise in this parish. Formerl}', there is reason to believe from the nature of the ground, it turned towards the south-west and fell into the Tame. The point at which these three rivers meet is 150 feet above sea level. Croxall Hill, on the summit of which stretches Dryden's AValk, • Some editions print thirsty. f Tame is from the Gaelic Tam— qniet, still. J Maese — Gaelic, Maes — an open field. i6 1 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. forms a part of the Leicestershire range of hills, and is about 200 feet above the level of the sea. By means of the Tithe Commutation Map I am enabled to give the name of each field in Croxall Township. The numbers correspond with those on the map. CIjc Host %mm\i |ic(tr Hamcs of €xmi\\\, TAKEN FROM CURZON ^ SVILLS, INDENTUEES, ETC. Croxalle Wode. Eye Laudes. Gorsty More. Barlie Close. Mylfelde. Mese Meadow. Brig Close. Little Piugle. More Meadow. Meadow at Mese Bridge. Croxall Holme. Paugio Meadow. Erode Felde. Tbe Parke. Smythe's Close. Wygger's Close. Pesel Pittes. Goose Home Greene. Bii-cbenbay. Pyfordbay. Cliberlebay. Mylmedowe. Hodgkin Meadow. New Close. Cocksbotte More. Roiigb Holme. Conygrees. Horse Close. Jiicb games in Crnrall oTnlnnsbip. 1 Croxall Hall. 10 Town Meadow. 2 Cburcb Hill and Barn. 11 Do. Close. 3 Dove-bouse Close. 12 Long Meadow. 4 Little Eylands. 13 Plantation adjoining 14. 5 Great Mese. 14 Tbe Great Eylands. 6 Little do. 15 Dwelling House and Tbe Piece. 7 Little Meadow. 16 ■\Voodbill 8 Gorsty Moor. 17 Furtber Field. 9 Hokne ^Vitby Bod. 18 Lower Furtber Field.^ . — — 1 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 17 19 Middle Field. 61 Upper Seal's Gorsty Close. 20 Spinney. 62 Elwell's Upper Close. 21 New Field. 68 Great Thistley Field. 22 Laud Close. 64 House Pasture. 23 Eoad leadiug to Ediugale. 65 Pessell House. 24 The Park. 66 Wood Ground. 25 Park Meadows. 67 Piugle Field. 20 Lower Park. 68 Ley Ground. 27 Mill Holme. 69 Great Ley. 28 Mill and Mill Holme. 70 North Wheat Field. 2-J Freeboard adjoining Park. 71 Spinney. 30 Upper Park. 72 Moor of Matthew's Meadow 31 Great Broadfields. 73 South Wheat Field. 32 Dockey Close. 74 Elwell's Lower Close. 33 Bushy Broad. 75 Seal's Lower Close. 34 Lower Broadfield. 76 Lower Gorsty Close. 35 New Close. 77 Pimm's Meadow. 86 New or Ash Tree Close. 78 Dockey Close. 37 Kensel's Close. 79 Thistley Close. 38 Eensel's Meadow. 80 Foredi-aught, 39 New Close Meadow. 81 Garden. 40 Eoyle. 82 Do. 41 Mousley's Close. 83 School House and Close. 42 Thistley Field. 84 Cordwell Meadow. 43 Little Mousley's Close. 85 Great Cordwell Meadow. 44 Upper Ley. 86 Westholme. 45 Upper Ploughed Field. 87 Do. 46 Lower Ley. 88 Cordwell Meadow Slang. 47 North Nether Broad. 89 South Nether Broad. 48 Great Broadfields. 90 Westholme. 49 Broadfield Meadow. 91 East do. 50 South Grundy's. 92 The Meadow. 51 North do. 93 Do. 52 East Grundy's. 94 Do. 53 Little Close. 95 Pingle. 54 Marlpit Field. 96 Further Busty. 55 Eoad leading from Edingale to Burton. 97 Meadow. 50 Lower Close. 98 Elford School Laud. 57 Neville's House. 99 Lands called Glebe. 58 Upper Ley. 100 Chm-ch aud Churchyard. 59 Ploughed Field. 101 Vicarage House. (10 Seal's Gorsty Close. 102 Westholme. 1 8 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. DEKIVATIONS OF SOME OF THE ABOVE NAMES. 3 From a pigeon house, still standing. •I From laud where rye was cxiltivated. 5 From the River Maese. 8 Gore, a small nan-ow slip of gromid. 9 Holme, a river island. 37 Name occurs in registers of parish. W Do. do. do. 65 Peashill. 67 Pingle, a small field, an enclosure. 96 Buscus, or boscus, a wood. The high road from Lullington, etc., coining from the east, which Plot supposed to be a Roman Via Vicinalis, enters Croxall a little to the west of the Village of Edingale, it continues its course to the west, passing close to the Vicarage and Hall, distant some eighty yards from the latter ; further west, a little to the north of the bridge over the Maese, it meets the Burton-on-Trent and Tamworth Road. This latter enters Croxall from Catton and passes south till it reaches the Maese, where it passes into the Township of Oakley, in Staffordshire. A foot road enters Croxall from Catton, just below Catton Wood, and passing over Dryden's Walk, con- tinues its course past Croxall Church by a small bridge over the Maese into Oakley, and eventually finishes at Elford. Another foot road branching off to the east from Dryden's W^alk, passes along the boundary between Catton and Croxall, and so on to the Village of Coton-in-the- Elms through Catton. Another foot road coming from Edingale, passes northward over the Pessall Pits Farm, and joins the old Burton and Tamworth Road by Catton. Another foot road branches off to the south, from the high road to Lullington, and passing by an osier bed, leads into Croxall Mill. The old road from Tamworth to Burton-on-Trent, passes through Edingale and Croxall to the north, entering upon Catton at a point called the Brick Kiln Pits, this has been disused for many years for vehicles, but is still used for equestrians and pedestrians. In addition to the above, a bridle road passing from soutli to north, from the village of Edingale through Croxall, enters upon Catton at the Raddle Farm House. rtte ^, r2 ' (>,. ^^-+f4THE.C0UNTY0f • o We, the iinik'rsigncd Tithe Commissioners for Kngland ami Wales, do hereby certify this to be .1 Copy of the Maj) or Plan rtferred to in the apportiontnent of the Rent charge in lieu of Tithes iti the 'I'ownship of Oakley, in that part of the Parish of Croxall which is in the County of Stafford. As Witness our hands, Wm. BLAMIRE. T. W. BULLKR. Krttie (>rChmnfi l-,^-rtH-i-r,^ti^ 6 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 19 inttslj gemains. To the south east of Croxall Church, and just outside the Churchyard stands an Ancient British Tumulus ; its height measures twelve feet, and its circumference forty yards. About the year 1800, the late Thomas Piiusep Esq., intended to remove it, but on finding that it contained human bones, ordered the work of demolition to be stopped, and had it planted. There are evident signs on its north side of this excavation. There are a large number of arms, of the time of the Commonwealth, hanging in Croxall Hall, which tradition says were dug out of this mound, but tradition is here obviously in error. They were most probably brought here by the Earl of Dorset; his connection with the Civil Wars would readily account for his possession of numbers of these weapons. They were doubtless stowed away in the Hall, until more peaceful times permitted of their being brought to light. No Roman remains exist in the Parish. xj) C|e Cljitrclj of Crn^eall IFTEEN days after the Feast of St. Michael, in the twenty-third year of King Henry III., 1239, Sir Eobert de Curzon granted the advowson of Croxall Church to the Austin Priory of Repton. This grant is given in Appendix under Croxall No. III. This would tend to prove that a church had just begun to exist there, so that we may, perhaps, conclude the date of the erection of the present edifice to have been about the commencement of the thirteenth century. In the j'ear 127.5 the advowson of the church was acknow- ledged to have been the gift of Robert de Curzon — Appendix, Croxall, No. V. It would appear as if some difference of opinion had arisen between Richard de Curzon, son of the donor of the advowson of Croxall Church to Repton Priory, and the Prior, in the year 1269 — Appendix, Croxall, No. lY. 13 Kal., April, 1279, first of his con- secration. John Peckham,* Archbishop of Canterbury, confirmed to the above Priory, amongst others, the Church of Croxall, together with ♦ John Peckham, formerly a Franciscan Friar, was raised to the Primacy 1279. He was a reformer of Church discipline. Finding a Norman Bishop of Lichfield who could not speak English, and would not reside in his see, he obliged him to appoint a coadjutor Bishop, to whom he was to pay a good salai-y. — Churtou's Ch. Hist. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 2 1 the chapels of Edingale and Catton. This chapel of Edingale Mr. Cox supposes to have been in that part of Edingale which lay con- tiguous to Croxall. There seem to have been two chapels co-existent at Edingale at this period; one in that part of Edingale which was in Staffordshire, and the other in that part of it which was in Derbyshire. All traces of this latter one have long since disappeared. The Taxation Roll of 1291 gives the annual value of the Rectory of Croxall at £10 13s. 4d. Shortly after this the Priory of Repton obtained the episcopal sanction to the appropriating of the great tithes to their own use, and to the appointment of the Vicar of Croxall. When the Religious House acquired the great tithes of the parish, it invariably had the services carried on in the parish church by a member of its body, or by a Vicarius^ or substitute. The Valor Ecclesiasticus of 1585, estimates the annual value of the vicarage at £5, and the united value of the rectories of Croxall, and Willington in Derbyshire, and Badow in Essex, at £22. The rectory and advowson of the vicarage remained with the Priors of Repton until the dissolution of the monasteries. The impropriated tithes then reverted to the manor, as well as the advowson of the vicaraee, but the latter reverted to the Crown in the reign of Charles I. In 1617 we find Sir George Curzon presenting, and in 1637 the Crown. In the year 187-i the then Bishop of Lichfield, George Augustus Selwyn, exchanged the presentation of a living in the Diocese of Winchester for it, and so it has passed into the hands of the Bishop of the diocese. The Parliamentary Commissioners report of Croxall thus in an inquisition taken at Derby, June 3rd, 1650: — "Croxall, a Vicaridge. The parish lying one parte of it in the Countye of Stafford, it is really worth nine and fortye pounds, six shillings, and sixpence per annum, viz., Croxall and the hamblettes apperteyning in Derbyshire, nyneteen pounds, six shillings and sixpence, item forthe of parte in the Countye of Stafford thirtye 22 Historical Sketch of t/ie Parish of Croxail. pounds. Mr. John Hough is vicar and of noe good repute, ]\Ir. Hinglye is curate, a man of good repute." The living of Croxall is now worth per annum £509 15s., composed of Croxall Tithe £180, Oakley Tithe £218, Catton Tithe £91 15s., and rents of glebe laud in Edingale £20. Mr. Cox has only been able to discover the names of two of the rectors of Croxall, viz., Richard, who was Treasurer of Lichfield Cathedral and Rector of Croxall, as will be shown later, under Catton Chapel, and Thomas Persona de Croxall, witness to a Curzon deed. No. II. of Lord Scarsdale's deeds. The following list of vicars is chiefly taken from Mr. Cox's list. The names of the Pre-Reformation Priors of Repton : — 1236 William Mangopajnie. 1349 William de Eepyudone. 1377 Heury de Bakewell, ou the death of W. de E. .... Ealph de Hertesborne. 1429 Laurence de Sutton, Canon of Repton. .... Thomas Clyfton. 1443 Robert Burton, Canon of Eepton, ou the resignation of T. C. 1443, Dec. 4th. Richard Furbour.— Staf- ford Registers, f. 10. John, Arch- bishop to the Prior of the Conventual Church of Gresley, commission for instituting Richard Furbour to the vicarage of the Church of Croxall, during the vacancy of the See of Coventry and Lichfield. He was collated by the Ai-chbishop, the pa- tronage having fallen to him through lapse of time. 1451 John Basset, Canon of Repton. 1472 Thomas Sutton, Prior of Repton. By special dispensation on the resigna- tion of J. B. patrons are in each instance the 1476 William Aston, Canon of Repton, on the resignation of T. S. 1490 Edmimd Alcock. 1538 Richard Staudynought. .... George Higges, biu'ied at Akewas, May 4, 1617. 1617, May 8th. John Bentley. Patron, Sir George Ciu-zon. 1637, Nov. 18th. Samuel Willes. Patron, the Crown. 1650 John Hough. 1690, April lith. John Daniel. Patron, the Crown. 1728, Oct. 23rd. Obadiah Boiu-ne. Patron, the Crown. 1763, Nov. 1st. Samuel Pipe. Patron, the Crown. 1779, March 2nd. J. Batteridge Pearson. Patron, the Crown. 1809, May 13th. Samuel Holworthy. Patron, the Crowu. 1839 James Gisborne. Patron, the Crown. 1872, April 7th. Thomas Nettleship Staley (late Bishop of Honoluhi). Patron. the Crown. t/3 o 1-1 o o o Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 23 The Church of Croxall is dedicated to Saint John the Baptist, and now consists of chancel, organ chamber, nave, and tower. The chancel measures 24 feet 7 inches by 19 feet 2 inches, the nave 42 feet 2 inches by 26 feet 10 inches. It formerly had a south aisle, the built-up arcades of two arches are plainly visible in the south wall of the nave; the two decorated windows of the fourteenth century, which now light the south side of the nave, were most probably carried forward and inserted in the present wall when the south aisle was demolished. It is also likely that the Church possessed a north aisle, as the present north wall of the nave contains three windows of evidently late Perpendicular work, which do not at all coincide in character with the date of the building of the Church. If there was a north aisle, it was probably taken down about the year 1500, and the south aisle was likewise so treated either in the year 1619 or 1701-2, as will be shown by the churchwardens' accounts hereafter. These prove that considerable expense was incurred in the latter years with regard to works in the church, and the outside leaf of the Parish Registers record a levy having taken place for the repairs of the church in 1619. It is impossible to say at which time this side aisle was destroyed. The chancel arch is very wide, sixteen feet at the base, and is evidently of late construction, the gable outside is of brick. A good specimen of Early English Work exists in a small lancet window, coeval with the probable date of the building of the church, immediately above the priest's door, in the south wall of the chancel ; it is four feet high, and nine inches broad; unfortunately it is now blocked in on its inner side, by a mural monument to Henry Curzon. The east window consists of three lights, with good tracery of Decorated work above. The window in the north wall of the sanctuary is a trefoil ; its width has been tampered with in erecting a mural monument between 24 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. it and the east wall to Walter Horton ; there is a similar one opposite to it in the south wall. Below the latter further west, is a low side window, now blocked up by a mural monument on the inside, but glazed on the outside; it measures 23 inches by 18 inches, and in this instance is on the side where the village stood of old, which would signify that it was used to ring the Sanctus Bell out of, and so denote to the villagers the consecration of the elements. A priest's door having a circular arch exists in the south wall of the chancel, but was not always in its present position. During the last " Restoration " it was removed further east, where it now stands; formerly it was nearer to this low side window on its eastern side. Coming on further west, we find two two-light windows with trefoil- heads, which were most probably the south windows of the south aisle, as it formerly existed previous to the years 1619 or 1701. Westward is the church door without a porch, and over it a circular window. In the west wall, between the door and tower, is a large lancet window. The Tower, thirty-six feet in height, with an area of eleven feet by nine, rises on the west side, and contains a two-light decorated window in its western wall. Eight of the tower in the west wall is a similar lancet window to the one on the left. The north wall of the nave contains three windows of Perpendicular work ; the two towards the west are of two lights, and the one towards the east of three. In the tracery of these three windows there is a small transom, witb an embattled moulding. On the north side of the chancel is an organ chamber erected in the year 18G8, in which stands an organ presented in the same 3'ear. In the north-east angle of the nave stands the pulpit of Caen stone, also erected in the same year, and immediately above it in the wall is a stone corbel intended for the support of an ^'Sio^y of a Saint, upon which is carved a grotesque figure of which a drawing is given. This would seem to indicate that a side altar formerly stood pi&TE vn 1 M P O CO H 1^ O W o i-i t-:i •A o o Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 25 here. Against the east wall in their usual places are the Ten Com- mandments, the Creed, and the Lord's Prayer. Unfortunately, during the Restoration of 1868, the font was removed from its original position, and placed within the tower, immediately over five alabaster monumental slabs, which were likewise removed from various parts of the church and placed here; owing to this mistake, the inscrip- tions on these latter cannot now be deciphered. The font is circular, three feet six inches in height, and the bowl is of Derbyshire marble, fourteen inches in diameter; it has been so scraped and otherwise treated, that it is almost impossible to say what period of architecture it properly belongs to. Mr. Cox assigns it to the thirteenth century. Excellent oak seats were fixed throughout the church in the year 1868. The panels of the choir stalls are of old workmanship, and are ornamented with carving of the " napkin " pattern. Over the belfry arch is a plaster-cast of the Arms of England. The Altar is of oak, panelled on three sides. On Whit-Sunday, 1878, a handsome embroidered altar cloth was presented to the church; just previously the sacrarium had been lined with ornamental oak work. A small lectern was likewise then presented. The altar rails are of oak, sup- ported on iron uprights. There are no sedilia, almeries, or piscinas. The pavement of the church is comprised of incised tiles, made from the pattern of one found in the neighbouring church of Elford, Staf- fordshire. These tiles prevent slipperiness, a great desideratum in these days of smooth-tiled floors in churches. Most part of the floor of the sacrarium is covered with incised alabaster sepulchral slabs, which will be described hereafter. One step leads from the nave to the chancel, another from the chancel to the sacrarium. The roof is flat, of oak inside, and lead outside. 26 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 'IPaintctJ Oilass. In the year 1854, the then Vicar, the Rev. James Gisborne, had the tracery of the east window filled with painted glass; the Last Supper, a chalice, and a crown of thorns are represented upon it. In the top of a window in the south aisle, is a small representation in modern glass, of a group of angels carrying a child, and a Latin cross. The circular window over the church door, on the south side, contains a memorial window erected by her mother. Lady Wilmot Horton, in 1867, to the memory of the Hon*"'^ Mrs. Curzon, wife of the Hon*'*- Robert Curzon, afterwards Lord Zouche of Harj^ngworth, and daughter of the Right Hon''''' Sir Robert John and Lady Wilmot Horton, of Catton. It consists of a monogram in red and blue, of the initial letters, E. I. C, of Mrs. Curzon's name, Emily Julia Curzon, surrounded by a wreath of forget-me-nots and fruit, and these texts in Roman capital letters, " The Lord gave," 1821, "The Lord hath taken away," 1866, The two-light Decorated west window of the tower contains representations of the Baptism of our Lord, and St. John the Baptist preaching the Agnus Dei in the wilderness. With beneath, " This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased," and " Repent ye for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand," respectively. The western window in the north wall of the nave contains an heraldic window of six shields, erected by the late Lord Zouche of Haryngworth. Commencing from the left-hand top, we see the arms of Curzon, (1st) Argent, on a bend, sable^ three popinjays, or, collared and footed, gules, impaling those of Horton, sahlc, a stag's head, caboshed, argent, attired, or. On the sides, entwined round the shield, are the words, " Thomas Curzon and Margaret Horton," with beneath, "Married 1450." (2nd), on the right, Horton, as above, impales Curzon, as above, and, as in the first, "John Horton, Anne Curzon," with beneath, "Married 1500." (3rd), Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 27 oil the left, Quarterly 1st and 4tli, Horton, as above, and (for distinction) a canton, ermine ; 2nd and 3rd, Wilinot of Osmaston, suhle^ on a fess, or^ between three eagles' heads, couped, argent., as many escallops, gules, all within a bordure engrailed of the third, over all an inescutcheon bearing Horton ; and, as above, " Robert John Wilmot, Anne Beatrix Horton," beneath, "Married 1806." (4th), on the right ermine, on a bend, sable, three pheons, argent, Lord Dorchester impales Horton, as before ; " Hon"^- Richard Carleton, Frances Louisa Horton," beneath, "Married 1820." (5th), on the left azure, on a fess between three ostrich feathers, argent, as many martlets, sable, impales Horton as before ; with entwined round it the names, " Henry Tufnell, Anne Augusta Wilmot Horton," beneath, " Married 1830." (6th) Curzon, as in first shield, impales Horton as in ditto; as the others, "Hon"*- Robert Curzon, Emily Julia Wilmot Horton," beneath, "Married 1850." The first shield in the above window is unfortunately an error. Thomas Curzon did not marry a Horton, he married Margaret Hartington, and the arms of Ilartington being very similar to Horton, argent, a buck's head, caboshed, with a fleur-de-lis between the horns, gules, gave rise, I conclude, to this error. There is some attempt at painted glass in the remaining two windows in the north wall of the nave. There was formerly a great deal of heraldic glass in Croxall Church, all of which has long since disappeared Wyrley the StaflTordshire antiquary, visited this church in 1596, and relates of the glass there as follows :—Harl MSS. 6592, Folio 69, back. " Thes thre monimentes in glasse wrought alsoe with their pictures and vestementes of the same. Thomas Curzon and Margaret his wyff, obiit 1485. Thomas Curzon, Esquier, Lord of Croxhall and Ann and Elizabeth his 2 wyves, he died 1540. John Curzon and Ann his wyff, he died 1500, she died 1514. John Horton son and heyre of Roger Horton of Catton and Ann his wyff, daughter of John Curzon of Croxall Esqr. he died 1521. Roger Horton 28 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. and Joan his wvff." Drawings of the coats described by him as existing in the church are given. In another of the Harl MSS. (5809, foho 68) are some notes on Croxall Church " as in a booke of Mr. Kniveton," taken about fifty years after Wyrley's visit, in which mention is made of the figure in a window of " A Curzon in his coat armor, booted and spurred, wherein are three horse shoes about his neck in a collar, sahle^ and under upon his brast the same, his wife bears, azure^ 3 lions passant, argent." This was the coat of Camville. Richard de Curzon, father of Robert, the donor of the church to Repton, ^married Petronelle, sister and heiress of Roger de Camville. He also noted in sundry places in the same window ^^ gules, upon a bend argent, one martlet only, sable, in the uppermost part of the bend." From these Curzon memorials having been frequently described as being "in the chapel of the Curzons within the church," Mr. Cox supposes that the south aisle was specially appropriated to this family, and was probably screened off from the rest of the church. The Commissioners for taking the inventory of Church Goods, 6 Edward VI., thus report of Croxall Church : — " Croxall October 5tb 1553. Eich Standanoyght. j clialys of sylver — iij vestments — j cross of whyt taffeta — ij alter clothes — j crosse of copper — ij beUs — ^j lytyll belle in the stepyU — ij candylstycks of pewter — j siirples — ij cruetts of pewtar-leyd stolne of the Chiu'cbe porche in November last imto the valew of xls." -Tr X ^t ^^^/ A A A / ^ 1 OM-CXN^ ^^ ^O*^. MS. (^5-c>2 /o ic^ ' P^ DW^» S^ l0iutments in Crn^^all 0Efjnrt|. LL the alabaster monuments in Croxall Church described below, were in all probability made at the neighbouring town of Burton-on-Trent, which in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, was very famous for this manu- facture. The well-known alabaster mines at Hanbury, in Staffordshire, were worked by the Romans, and Burton-on-Trent being in proximity to them, took up the manufacture in later times. Leland says, Vol. vii., p. 36, of Burton-on-Trent, "Many marbelers working in alabaster." Camden likewise, "Burton-on-Trent, a town famous for its alabaster works." There was an Indenture made in 1580, between the executors of Thomas Fermor, Esq., of Somerton, Oxfordshire, and Richard and Gabreil Roiley, " Tumbe makers," Burton-on-Trent, for an alabaster tomb.* Cur^oix IIIoiTitmntts. No. I. The first in chronological order is that of John Curzon and Inno- centia, his wife, daughter of Sir Thomas Gresley, Knight. Her name * Haines' Mou. Brasses, Vol. I., ji. xxxi., note. 30 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. occurs under various forms, Senecha, Senchia, and Sarah ; they are all probably short, or misnomers for Innocentia. In her husband's will she is termed Senecha. This monumental slab does not now exist in Croxall Church, but was noticed therein by St. Loe Kniveton, two centuries ago. By Lord Scarsdale's kind permission I have had it copied from the Curzon pedigree in his possession. Hie Jaoet Johannes Curzon axmiger Dus de Croxhall qui obiit iiij die Aprilis A<> Dom. MCCCCL cujus aie propiecietur Deus Amen et Innocentia uxor ejus fllia Dom Thome Gresley militis de. In this monument, curiously, the husband is placed on the wife's left hand. Their effigies rest under canopies supported at the ends by effigies of hounds ; between them is a shield on which no arms are visible. John Curzon is represented in a pointed helmet, pauldrons, coudieres, vambraces, breast-plate, taces here consisting of seven pieces, genouillieres, jambs, pointed sollerets, and rowell spurs ; a sword hangs from his right side. There seems to be a curious appendage round the neck, and behind the shoulders; the first may be a collar, and the second ailettes, or badly drawn pass guards, or the ^^%y may be lying on a shield. At his feet are the effigies of five sons, and three daughters, their names are given in the pedigree. Innocentia Curzon, his wife, is represented in a long gown, with deep sleeves turned back at the wrists. The headdress is too much defaced to say what it resembled. No. II. This monumental slab lies on the north side of the chancel floor, the inscription is — Hie jacent Thomas Curzon armiger et Margareta uxor ejus qui obiit VIII. die mens Augusti Anuo Domini quadrin gintessimo LXXXoV" quorum animabus propitietur omnipotens Deus Amen. Thomas Curzon is represented in plate armour, but only the upper Plate U. sm3 -(^^xSv OHw^>ou«^^3 VTw/j^ ^?i'Ct A,xf2o,J»u^ vn. <^ "Hie fncet lolifttiiJi| Croxall Church CuRZON Monument Plate Xll ,. ug.iiuagliO£vinD S'giuoMi xu9M Sint?^i'imo hyjty<'\t'' C R ox ALL Church, CuRzoN Monument, H" II Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 31 and lower parts of the Q^^y are now visible. Over his head is a shield bearing one of the coats of Curzon, gules^ on a bend argent, three popinjays, sahie. He wears the salades or bowl helmet, long pointed, escallopped tuiles, or thigh defences, genouillieres over the knees, jambs over the legs, pointed sollerets over the feet, and rowell spurs. The feet rest on a hound. The form of the helmet and tuiles are peculiar; one resembling the former is found at Sprotborough, York- shire, teinp. 1474. A representation of what must be intended for his sword hangs from his left side. Margaret, his wife, is represented in a high, peculiar head-dress, terminating in a rosette in front. Her dress is a tight-fitting gown, cuffed at the wrists, and confined round the waist by a belt, meeting in two rosettes, with an ornament suspended therefrom. Her shoes are long and pointed, and her head rests on a cushion. Over her head is a shield, the arms on which are no longer visible, but they most probably were those of Hartington, her maiden name, argent, a buck's head, caboshed, with a fleur-de-lis between the horns, gules. The slab measures 6 feet 10 inches, by 33 inches. No. HI. This monumental slab lies immediately in front of the Altar, and is to the memory of John and Mary Curzon, children of the foregoing Thomas and Margaret Curzon. The inscription is — Hie jacent corpora Johis Curzon et Marie Curzon liberoru Thome Curzon armigeri domini de Croxhall qui in innocencia ecru ab bac luce migraverunt Quoru aiab' ppicietur deus Amen. On a scroll above the bo}'s head, are the words, "Ego a innocencia mea igressus sum," over the girl's, "Redinie me 4* miserere mei;" be- tween the two, " Dns miserere mi." The boy is represented in a civilian's dress, turned back at the collar, with loose sleeves, and round tipped shoes. 32 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. The girl in a close-fitting gown, with flowing skirt. Her hair is long, and let down over her back and shoulders, confined by a fillet round her fore- head, thus signifying she died young and unmarried. She seems to have a necklet round her neck. Their heads rest on embroidered cushions. No dates are given, but they are the children of Thomas and Margaret Curzon, formerly Hartington, whose monument has just been described. In addition to this son John, Thomas had another son John, who married Anne Ashby. This slab measures 3 feet 4 inches by 2 feet 6 inches. No. IV. Only a part of the following monumental slab is now in the church lying against the east wall of the chancel. I am indebted to Lord Scarsdale, for allowing it to be copied from the same source as the first described. It commemorates John Curzon of Croxall (younger brother to the child John just mentioned), and Anne his wife, daughter of William Ashby, of Quenby, Co. Leicester. The inscription is — Hie jacet Johes Cursou annigeri Dns de Croshall et Anna ux ejus quiquidem Johes obiit die A" dni mOlimo d" ccccc Et dicta Anna obiit xxiiij die Septembris a" dni millimo d" xiiij quormn animabnE propicietur Deus Amen. These effigies are represented under canopies ; over John Curzon's head, •was a Curzon shield, arg^ on a bend sahle^ three popinjays, or, and over Anne Curzon's, the arms of Ashby, azure, two bars, or. John Curzon, grandson of Thomas, is bareheaded, his head rests on a helmet, a gorget encircles his neck. He wears breastplate, brassarts. coudieres, and vambraces. On his hands are gauntlets. Here the taces consist of eight pieces, and seem to show the rivets; from these are suspended long pointed tuiles, with apparently a baguette; genouillieres, jambs, with rounded sollerets, and rowell spurs complete his attire. His feet rest on a collared hound. The sword is on the left side. Anne Curzon wears the diamond- shaped head-dress. Her dress is long, circled at the waist, and cuffed at Plate XIH. ^3?aB^j^xiofj.-no ginorMcflxinj flii^JBc;:iii/s D^Qjcaall qui lu^nnoreucia eorn ab ^ Croxall Church, CuRZON Monument, NO III, 'In CroxTxeiU ChMrck m Corn^'^erby Plat£IIV Croxall Church, OuRzoN Monument N° IV. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 33 the wrists. From her waist hangs a pomander, by a long chain. Beneath them are depicted twelve children, ten sons and two daughters ; one of the latter, named Anne, married Roger Horton. The names of as many of the sons as are known, are given in the pedigree. No. V. On the North-East angle of the chancel floor, with the following inscription — Hie jacet Willielmus Ciirzon filiuB Johis Curzou armigeri Dni de Croxhall qui obiit festo Sci Swithini anno dni mcccclxxxvii. This William Curzon was the eldest son of the foregoing John and Anne Curzon. His effigy is represented in a chrisom,* thus denoting he died in infancy. His hair is confined by a fillet, and his head rests on an embroidered cushion. The slab measures 28 by 17 inches. No. VI. This monumental slab is not now in the Church, but formerly was. It is also copied from Lord Scarsdale's pedigree. It represents Thomas, younger brother of the ft)regoing, and his two wives, whose maiden names were Anne Aston, and Elizabeth Lygon. Hie jacent corpora Thoma3 Cursou armigeri dni de Croxhall Anna et EUzahetha uxorum ejus quiquidem Thomas obiit xxij die Aprilis ano dom MoccccoxL" quorum animabus propicietur Dens Amen. Thomas Curzon (son of John Curzon, whose monument has been given above) is represented in plate armour identical with his father ; his wives are depicted on each side ; over his head is a quartered coat * The chrisora was a white vesture put upon the child by the priest, with these words : " Receive a white holy and spotless vesture which thou shalt wear before the judgment seat of our Lord Jesus Christ, that thou mayest have eternal hfe. and live forever and ever. Amen." The chrisom was provided by the Chiu-ch and returned or a new one m its stead, by the mother, with other accustomed offerings, at her purification If 'the child died within this period, it was buried in its chrisom. 34 Historical Sketch of tJtc Parish of Croxall. of Curzon, 1st and 4th asurc, on a bend Ijetween two lions rampant, argent, three popinjays vert; 2nd, vah\ or, and c/ules, on a chief sahle, three horseshoes, argent; 3rd, argent^ on a bend, sable, three popinjays, or. The arms of the Ferrers, from whom in early times the Curzous held Croxall, were vair, or, and gules, on a bordure, asure, twelve horse- shoes, or. The name of Ferrers bore reference to the shoeing of horses. This charge of horseshoes the Curzons probabl}' adopted out of deference to the Ferrers for the tenure of Croxall. On his right is his wife Anne, represented in a long gown, frilled at the wrists, and on her head what seems like the diamond-shaped head-dress without the falling lappets; at her feet are the words, ''Ana erat fil : Johis Aston." On his left is his second wife Elizabeth in similar attire; at her feet are the words, '' filia Richardi Ligon." Beneath them are represented nineteen children. Beneath Anne his first wife are the effigies of three sons and seven daughters; none of their names seem to be recorded with the exception of one daughter, Joyce, who suffered Martyrdom. Beneath his second wife are represented two sons and seven daughters, all whose names, save one son, are to be found in the Pedigree. Over Anne Curzon's head is a shield bearing Curzon vair, or and gules, on a chief, sable, three horse-shoes, argent, impaling, argent, a fesse, sable, in chief, three lozenges, sable, Aston. Over Elizabeth Curzon's head are the same arms of Curzon impaling, gules, a fesse, or, two mullets, in chief of the last, Lygon. No. VII. On the South side of the chancel floor. This monumental slab commemorates George, son of the foregoing Thomas, by his second wife, Elizabeth, formerly Lygon — Hie jacet corpvs Georgi Cvrzon de Croxal armiger qvi obiit — die March Anno Dom et Katherina Txor ejvs qve obiit— die Avgvst, an" dom" 1605. Esto memor mortis. Plati X^v >J^IueJ'afptMliphims ^ amio iiiii ^ 9 . ,<:— ^ T i M JcwnnvilTXWf -^ . "S" ¥ 5' •«-• f^^^l >k c=^ J5> ^:^ < •3 *-* (^ ^ C3 to. en ^ !2> c^ SJ -JL ¥M j^ «3 (# 'B5"'Vfr r— '• ■r-. 'V tfl 4— ? tjs- w s \ C3- ■|8l|1fDA;) j^Ul ^ Croxall Church. CURZON Monument Plate I^.^. Jlri Cro^etV Church my Gmnln'i o/x>eriy ^ UdvtV S1t?(> 4.n^iO»t\oA.<^ s-^^wWfi/?^ ^ inl^l^ ^t: J Jzli-ittii.i-h.oi- jxo'cu.m e Tu S c\ iXi iaHlVOI iL3 Croxall Church, CuRZON Monument. N" VII Historical Sketch of tJie Parish of Croxall. 35 Their effigies are repi-esented under rounded canopies, between their heads is a shield bearing Curzon impahng Babington (the latter having been his wife's maiden name), Curzon as in No. II., and Babington, argent^ ten torteaux, four, three, two and one, gules^ a label of three points, azure^ with a mullet in chief. The registers of the parish give the 6th of April, 1591, as the day on which George Curzon was buried. George Curzon is represented in late armour. Mis head is un- covered, and he wears, as was then usual, a beard and moustache ; over the pauldrons which cover his shoulders he seems to wear a hood, probably of leather, which is "unusual, underneath which the plates of the gorget are visible. Over the shoulders the epaulieres appear issuing beneath the pauldrons. The elbow pieces are plain and not pointed ; the forearm is represented enclosed within an overlapping piece of plate termed the vambrace. The breastplate is pointed at the waist, and fringed with the escallopped border of the lining beneath. Over the trunk hose which appear on the right of the ^^^y below the waist, we see the tassels hanging from the breastplate, and sus- pended from the waist by a strap, which doubtless the fringe covers. In this instance they consist of eight overhanging plates rivetted together. The escallops below them are probably the folds of the trunk hose. The genouillieres or knee defences are pointed at the bottom, and seem to be composed of two overlapping plates rivetted back and front at the sides. Jambs cover the legs, and the sollerets have the toe pieces rounded. His wife, Katherine, is represented in the French hood, or Paris cap, ruff, pointed stomacher, and embroidered petticoat. This slab measures six feet two inches by two feet ten inches. 36 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. No. VIII. Against the south wall of the chancel. Arms above ; rfides^ on a bend, or, three popinjays, sahle^ Curzon ; impaling azwe^ three holly leaves, or^ Leveson. Here aboTe be engraven y* armes, of S' George Cvrzon of Croxall Knight; & of Dame Mai-y his wife, davghter to S' Richard Leveson of Lin- seil in y" County of Salop Knight ; avnte & sole heire to S' Richard Leveson y» yonger of Linseil in -f sayd County of Salop Knight, Shee had issue by her hvsband S' George Cvr- zon ; Walter Cvrzon, whoe died yonge & lieth bvried at Trentham in Staffordshire ; & Mary Cvrzon, married to S' Edward Sacvile, yonger sonne to Robert Sacvile Earle of Dorsett ; shee died in y yeare of ovr Lord God, 1612 y" 29 day, of October; and lieth bvried in this place. Shee lived honestly : & died godly. This Sir George Curzon was the son of George and Katharine Curzon, formerly Babington, whose monument has been just described. No. IX. Against the south wall of the chancel — Arms above ; gules, on a bend, argent, three popinjays, mhlc, crest a popinjay, gules. Here lieth the bodie of Henrie Cvrzon Esqr being y» last of y» Name & Family that lived & died at Croxall in y" County of Darby he was a man y' truly feared God & reueren- ced & highly esteemed Gods faithfnll Minister' & seniants was charitable to y' Widdowes, Fatherlesse & Godly poore. A good Muster, & a true reall friend to his friend, he lived godly & died comfortably the 2 day of July An": DnI. 1639. This monument is over the priest's door on the south side of the chancel, and blocks up what formerly must have been a very good lancet window. This Henry was the third son of George and Katherine Curzon, a Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. U formerly Babington, and the last male heir of the Curzons of Croxall, in him the family of Curzon of Croxall became extinct. A photograph of this monument is here given. lortoix Sloiuimcuts. No. I. On the floor of the tower, probably to Roger Horton and Jane his wife, formerly Hill of Houndhill. The following is all that remains of the marginal inscription : — Horton armigeri Johaunis millimo cccc ppicietur. Roger Horton's head rests on a bascinet. He is represented clad in plate armour, pauldrons, coudieres, gauntlets, genouillieres, jambs, and pointed sollerets. The body armour has been obliterated. A collar encircles the neck. His wife is represented in a tight-fitting gown, with pedimental head dress, and fropa her waist hangs a pomander. Her head rests on an embroidered cushion, with tassels at the four corners. No. H. (3n the north side of the chancel floor. Marginal in.scription, Hie jaceut Johes Horton Alius et lieres Rogei-i Horton de Catton Armig'' et Anna uxor ejus filia Johia Curson de Croxhall Armig Qui quide Johes Horton Obiit die Octobris anno Dni Millimo ccccc" xxi°et dicta Anna obiit die ix Anno dni MiUo v° quoru aiabus propicietur deus Amen. Beneath a canopy which contains a shield bearing sable^ a stag's head caboshed, argent^ attired, or^ Horton ; impaling argent, a bend sable, a label of three points gules. Saint Pierre, John Horton is repre- sented very perfectly in the armour of that period, viz. 1521. His head, covered with long hair, but without beard or moustaches, rests on a bascinet ; round his neck is a collar, and over his shoulders are 38 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. pauldrons, the coudieres or elbow pieces pointed, round-tipped gauntlets cover the hands, a breastplate the upper part of the bodj^, from which hang the taces or plates overlapping one another, and here consisting of five pieces, over which passes the belt buckled in front, which supports the sword hanging from the left side. From the taces hang the tuiles or thigh defences, here escallopped, and beneath them appears the shirt of mail ; he wears genouillieres, appearing as if in one piece (different in this respect to those of George Curzon mentioned above), jambs over the leijs, and pointed sollerets over the feet, which rest on a hound. Over his wife's (Anne) head appears another canopy, bearing a shield containing a quartered coat of Curzon, 1st, 3rd, and 4th argent., on a bend, sahle^ three popinjays, or ; 2nd, azure., two bars, or. This latter was her mother's coat, that of Ashby. Anne Horton's head rests on an embroidered cushion, with rosettes at the four corners, and on her head is the diamond, or pedimental head- dress. Round her neck is a necklace, from which a locket seems to be suspended. Her dress is a tight-fitting gown, cuffed at the wrists, and flows down to the feet, which are enveloped by it. Round her waist is a belt, ornamented in front with two rosettes, from which hangs a long- chain to which a pomander is attached. Pomanders were used to contain perfumes or supposed preservatives against diseases. Beneath John Horton's feet are three of his sons represented in civilian dress, and beneath his wife's are three daughters represented in their mother's costume ; the one on the left wears a long dress, the other two short ones. Between these latter appear a rebus for the name Horton. A tun or barrel bears upon it the word Hor; and a popinjay rising, with wings outspread, rests on the top, this latter being the crest of the Curzons. The day of the month upon which John Horton died is omitted, as well as the month and day that Anne his wife died. This slab measures seven feet, by three feet three inches. Plate XXII Croxall Church HoRTON Monument N" 1 -t'LATE AAiil, i^jgo^gadaiu^giiiiUTiOiiaDirgtJUogaiiaoBjrj^ 'ti: ^d(iitt-tiie(n)rtobm8niio^iii mtdiao e.te.rro Croxall Church A rr K\ -r Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 39 No. III. Against the south wall of the nave. Arms above — (1st) sable^ a stag's head, caboshed, argent^ attired, or, Horton ; (2nd) argent^ a bend, scMe^ a label of three points, guhs^ St. Pierre ; (3rd) azure^ a lion rampant, or, seme cross crosslets, or, Bruise ; (4th) argent, a cross fleury, asure, Malpas ; (5th) argent, a fess chequy, or and azure, in chief a fleur-de-lys, gules, Whittington ; (6th) or, three Dragons' heads, erased, sahle. Chamber ; impaling asure, a saltire engrailed urgent, Tyringham. Crest of Horton over — Out of the waves of the sea, proper, a spear erect, or, headed argent, entiled with a dolphin of the first. Hebe besteth the BODY or Christopher THE SOLE ISSVE AND HeIR OF Walter Hobton of Cat- ton Esq' who had issve by PaRNELL his wife FIVE SONNES Christopher who died aged nineteen years, walter, Thomas, Henry, Francis ; and 4 DAVOHTERS, JaNE, ELIZABETH, Parnell, Anne ; Hee was a friend to no man's vices, an enemy to no man's person ; jvdiciovs, seriovs, stvdiovs ; FOR zeale, TO God's Howse, FOR JUSTICE ON THE BENCH, FOE DEVOTION IN HIS FAMILY, FOR CHARITY TO THE POORE, & PROVIDENCE FOR HIS ISSVE, MEMORABLY EXEMPLAR: HeE DIED SATISFIED WITH YEARS, PEACEABLY AND COM- FORTABLY, EXCHANOEINQ THIS LIFE, FOB A BETTER THE IS"" DAY OF NOVEMBER Ano Domi 1659 ^TATIS SVJS 77. Here lies Parnell davgh- TER VNTO Thomas Tyringham Esq' wife VNTO Christopher Horton of Catton Esq' with whom shee lived tbirtie fovre yeers six moneths and TWENTIE FOVRE DATES ; A WOMAN OF EXTRAORDINARIE ENDOWMENTS BOTH OF MINDE AND BODIE; SOBER, CHEARBPVLL CHARITABLE, BOVNTIFVLL, Provident ; A loveinqe FAiTHFVLL Wife ; A dis- CREETE tender MOTHER AND NVRSE VNTO NINE CHILDREN, CONSTANTLY PRO- PESSINGE, AND ZEAL0V8LY PRACTISINGE, THE WAY OF Y' GOSPELL, PVLL OF FAITH SHEE WILLINGLY YEELDED VP HER SOVLE VNTO HER EeDEMER Y" 27"" OF March 1651 beinge THEN AGED 61. No. IV. Against the south wall of the nave. Arms above, same as last, with- out impaling Tyringham, and without crest of Horton. 40 Hist07'ical SkctcJi of tlic Parish of Croxall. JUXTA HUNC MUBUM JACEST GUALTERUS HORTON DE Catton in Agbo Derbiensi Abmioer & doiiothea conj0i ex antiqua noblique Ferrakiorum Familia in eodem agbo OUIUNDA flecunditate felix parens, qc^ vlbo clarissisio duodecem libekos peperit ; Mater tietate insionis Quj; KORUM PLEROSQ ; PROPRIA Mama enutritit. CHARITATIS AC BONOBUM OPREUM Exemplar QUORUM (ETEBNAM Mercedem peb Cheisti Merita acceptura ex hac vita migravit Anno ^tat 52 Dni 1680 mobtua muliebe optima OBBATDS Conjux Rei (Ecumenic^ DIUTIUS VACABE NESCmT Eebusq Familiaribus charissimo filio Christophobo comissis Theologicis DEIN studts ANIMDM APPULIT SACROSANCTIS SCRIPTURIS PEELEOENDIS IJSQ GRtECA POTISSIMUM LINGUA EXARATIS SeSE AC RELIQUAM (ETATEM : IN Sacrum transdidit otium Annorum porro satur hepotisq cognominis Mascdla gaudens prole Perennitatis (si pas sit.) Christophoriq filius hobtonensis domus piqnorb Lereft of a most excellent wife, ceased to pay attention to his domestic management : confiding his property to his beloved son Christopher, lie devoted his mind to theological pursuits, and in reading thoroughly the most Holy Scriptures, and those chiefly in the Greek tongue, he gave himself and his remaining life to sacred leisure, till at length, full of years, rejoicing in a male child, a grandson, the Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 41 pledge, if coafideuce may be placed in perennity, of the Hortonian family, he departed happy on the 19th of November, 1701, aged 76. Here also is deposited Christopher, the eldest and the deservedly beloved son of Walter, above mentioned ; he was a man, wise, prudent, and perspicuous in the conduct of his affairs. He was the honour and safety of his aged parent, and he with the strictest fidelity, managed the Cattonian possessions— he sustained, renovated, and enlarged them when they were on the decline. Here likewise is laid EUza, the very honoured wife of Christopher, who having enriched her husband with four chOdren, died in the 33rd year of her age, in the year of our Lord, 1681. Thence forward deprived of his beloved wife, Christopher surviving her, remained a widower during many years, having been in vain solicited to a second marriage. Having settled the Cattonian family according to his wish, he rendered back his soul to God, on the 9th of October, 1707, in the year of his age 52. Walter the grandson of the above extolled Walter, and the eldest son of Christopher placed this monument in testimony of his affection. No. V. Against the north wall of the chancel. Arms above, Horton impales, az.^ a lion rampant, or, within an orle of cross-crosslets of the second, Kynnersley. H. S. E. WALTERUS HORTON, Armiger, de Catton, in Agro Derbiensi, Qui Autiqua et illustri Familia Oriundus, iUustriorem propriis virtutibus reddidit. Egregiam Corporis Pormam Miro quodam morum suavitate; Mentem Candore, et limato Judicio ornatam, lugenuis Artibus expolivit, Academiae Cautabrigensis, et Divi lOHANNIS Baptists? Ornamentum. Literatorum Patrouus, ac Artium Liberalium Cultor ; Proecipue vero Peritissimus Musicaa Amator; necnon a Musicis Amatus. Felicissimo Conjugio se jmixit ELIZIBETH.S;, FilicB natu Maximse THOM^ KYNNERSLEY, de Agro Stafford, Armigeri, Ex qua suscepit quatuor Alios, CHRISTOPHERUM, WALTERTJM, THOMAM, et JOHANNEM; Filiaa BINAS, ELIZABETHAM, et MARIAM. Febre correptus, Qufe Medicorum elusit Artes, obiit Anno ^tatis XXXVIII., Salutis MDCCXVI. Optimo Marito Majstissima Conjux Posuit. TRANSLATION. Here lies buried Walter Horton Esquire, of Catton, in the County of Derby, who having sprung from an ancient and illustrious family, rendered it still more illustrious by his virtues. He polished the elegant form of his body by a certain wonderful suavity of manners, and his mind, which was adorned by candour, exquisite judgment, and the ingenuous arts, so that he was an ornament of the University of Cambridge, and (of the College of) St. John the Baptist. He was a patron of literary men, and a cultivator of the liberal arts ; and chiefly indeed a most skOful lover of music ; being naturally beloved by musicians. He 42 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. united himself iu happy wedlock with Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Thomas Kvnnersley, of Staffordshire, Esquire, by whom he had issue four sons, Christopher, Walter, Thomas, and John ; and two daughters, Ehzabeth and Mary. Seized with a fever which eluded the skill of the physicians, he died in the year 1716, aged 38. This monument was erected by his sorrowing wife. No. VI. This monument has been placed over the low-side window against the south wall of the chancel. Arms above, quarterly : — (1st) sable, a stag's head, caboshed, argent, attired, or, Horton ; (2nd) arg., a bend, sahle, a label of three points, gules, St. Pierre ; (3rd) a fess chequy, or and azure, in chief, a fleur-de-lys, or, Whittington ; (4th) or, three dragons' heads, erased, sable, Chamber. Crest of Horton — Out of the waves of the sea, proper, a spear erect, or, headed argent, enfiled with a dolphin of the first. Underneath this Monument are interred the Remains of Christopher Horton Esquire of Catton who died the 2 day of Jan 1764 at the Age of 63 years. In the Tear 1731 He married Frances— daughter and Sole Heiress of Sir Eusebius BusweU Bar of Cadeby in the County of Leicester by whom he had Ten ChUdi-en All now living ; except two who died universally regreted. Possessed of the most Amiable Qualities of mind and Person He exerted them in promoting the Happiness of all around him; and having excelled in each character, it were hard to say, whether as an Husband — Parent Friend — or Master, he is most to he admired and lamented. This short Memorial of gratitude, and affection was erected by Christopher Horton Esquire to the Memory of his Father. Xo. VII. Aeainst the south wall of the nave — Sacred to the Memory of Eusebius Horton Esq' of Catton Hall in the County of Derby who departed this life April IS"- 1823 in the Te"- year of his age, and of Phoebe Horton his wife who died May 23"' 1814 aged 58 years. This monument specially directed by the will of Eusebius Horton Esq*" to be erected in memory of a beloved wife whose loss he never ceased to deplore is dedicated to the united memory of their excellent and affectionate parents by their surviving daughters Anne Beatrix Wilmot Horton and the Hon"' Frances Louisa Carletou. Plate XIX. PLATINOTYPE. CEOXALL CHURCH.— HORTON MONUMENT, No. VII. B. KEENE, DEBBY. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 43 This is a marble monument by Chantrey, representing effigies of his surviving children, Anne Beatrix, and Frances Louisa, leaning against a tomb upon which appears the word Morton. The figures are five feet four inches high. A photograph of this monument is given. No. VIII. Against the south-east wall of the nave — Harriet Lousia Wilmot Hortou Boru January •23'-'' 1818 Died January 30'i> 1831. Here Harriet sleeps— once bright as orient day. In youth's full bloom, in beauty's early pride ; Though ardent, mild, though studious, ever gay, Loving aud lov'd by all — she droop'd and died. Yet o'er her grave let few regrets be east, Hush'd be the sigh, and dried the selfish tear ; Angel on earth, — one mortal struggle past. Her taintless spirit sought its native sphere. The above lines were composed by her father, the Right Flon. Sir R. J. Wilmot Horton, Bart. Above the inscription is a wreath of lilies encircling the word HORTON. No. IX. Against the north wall of the nave — Anne Augusta TufneU wife of Henry TufneU Bsq'= MP and eldest daughter of the late Et Hon'''« Sir R W Horton Bart. Born 16"' August 1810. Died 16"' July 1843, leaving one daughter Augusta Theresa, Bom 27"' April 1831. This tablet to the memory of an affectionate wife is erected by her surviving and lamenting husband. Oh God ! Receive her depaited spirit into thy heavenly kingdom and may her sufferings in this world be exchanged for eternal happiness in that which is to come. Above is a stem, broken in the centre, bearing a rose. 44 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. No. X. Against the north wall of the nave — Sacred to the Memory of the Right Honble. Sir Robert Wilmot Horton, Bart., G.C.H., who died at Sudbrook Park, in the County of Svirrey, on the 31st of May, 1811, in his 57th year, and was buried in the family vault of this church. He married in 1806, Anne Beatrix, eldest daughter of Eusebius Horton, Esq., of Cattou, by whom he has left four sons and two daughters. He represented the Borough of Newcastle-uuder.Lyne in three successive Parliaments, held the office of Under Secretary of State for the Colonies during 7 years, and was Governor of the island of Ceylon in the East Indies from 1831 to 1837. Throughout a long period of public service he earnestly sought to ameliorate the condition of his fellow subjects by investigating the causes of poverty at home, and by enabling the redundant labouring population to find new channels of industry and wealth in distant dependencies of the Empire ; thus endeavouring by a well regulated and extensive system of emigration to impart new energies to British enterprise, to substitute independence and comfort for pauperism and discontent, and strengthen the ties between the mother country and her colonies in every quarter of the globe. This monument is erected by his widow, who trusts through the mercy of God to be united with him in spirit hereafter. Beneath on plinth — Anne Be-itrls Wilmot Horton, Widow of the Right Honble. Sir R. J. Wilmot Horton, Bart, G. C. H. Bom, March 3rd, 1787, Died at Cattou Hall, February 4th, 1871. It bears two oval shields, upon them the Eoyal Arms of Hanover and Horton. Above are the crests of Horton and Wilmot in marble. No. XI. Against the south-east wall of nave. Above, are the crests of Horton and AVilmot — On the waves of the sea, proper, a spear erect, or, headed, argent, entiled with a dolphin of the first. Crest of Wilmot — An eagle's head, erased, argent, in the beak, an escallop, gules. To THE MeMOKT of Frederic William Horton Commander R N Born l.ji'' December 1819 Died at Catton 21"« Jantjabt 1855 DEEPLY lamented. Historical Sketch of the Pai^ish of Croxall. 45 No. XII. Against the north wall of nave — To the Memory of Christopher WiUiam Horton for some years Captain and Adjutant Coldstream Guards Born April 14th 1809, Died July 22nd 1864. ' The darkness is past, and the true light now shineth."— 1 St. John ii. 8. On the south side of the floor of the tower is an incised slab, with a figure just visible of a man in plate armour upon it. Another is just beneath the font. These are probably Horton monuments, but the effigies and marginal inscriptions are now completely obliterated. ipnnscp Hlonumciils. No. I. On a roll of marble surrounded with cypress branches, against the north-east wall of the nave— Sacred to the memory of Frances, wife of Theophilus Levett, of Wiohnor Park in the County of Stafford Esquire ; and daughter of Thomas Prinsep of Croxall, in the County of Derby Esquire; who died March 1" 1835, aged 64. The mortal remains of this truly excellent Christian, are deposited in the Parish Church at Wichnor Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew chap 5 ver 9. 46 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. No. II. On a roll of marble, surrounded with cypress branches, against the north wall of the nave — Sacred to the memory of Margaret the beloved and affectionate wife of Thomas Levett Prinsep of CroxaU Hall in the County of Derby Esquire, and daughter of David Monro formerly of Quebec in lower Canada Esquire she died March 17"" 1837 aged 28 years. Her mortal remains are deposited in a vault in the chancel. " Set your affection on things above not on things on the earth." — Colossians chap 3"', ver 2. Dear object of defeated care, Though now of Love and thee bereft, To reconcile me with despair Thine image and my tears are left. 'Tis said with Sorrow Time can cope, But this I feel can ne'er be true ; For by the death-blow of my hope. My memory immortal grew. No. III. I^On a roll of marble, against the north-east wall of the nave ; above is a dove bearing an olive branch, and a rose drooping over — Sacred to the memory of Caroline Mary the infant daughter of Thomas and Caroline Mary Levett Prinsep of Croxall. She died at Dolgelly Xorth Wales August 1V^ 1842 aged five months. Suffer little children, and forbid them not to come unto me : for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew chap ig"" verse 14". No. IV. On a similar roll of marble against the north wall of nave. Above is a dove bearing an olive branch— Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 47 In memory of Frances, eldest daughter of Thomas and Margaret Levett Prinsep. She died at Teignmouth, in the county of Devon, July 28, 1843. ^tat 9 years. Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my father which is in heaven. Matthew, 18th chap : 10th verse. Bright be the place of thy soul. No lovelier spirit than thine E'er burst from its mortal control. In the orbs of the blessed to shine. Young flowers, and an everlasting tree, May spring from the spot of thy rest. But nor cypress nor yew let us see, For why should we mourn for the blest. No. V. On a marble mural monument against the north wall of nave under a crocketted ogee arch with pinnacles, and a cinquefoil top — to tljc nuraorn of Sii^omas S^bctt llrinsep of Crosall Dall in tljis jarialr Esquire. pc bicir at §is()0|steignton in tj^c ffiountg of gcbou icrtmbtr sb"" Pbcrrjelix. %%tis SEsexbtii. i*|farB. " ^iTiJ nofa %at'ts tolrat is mj hope tnilg nijr Ijoje is iit ffbcc." — ^salra ^mi. biii. 48 Histor ical Sketch of the Parish of gl0numtnts. No. I. Croxall. 1 Against the south wall of the sacrarium is an incised slab, the effigies on which are now almost completely obliterated, a woman's gown with a pomander hanging from it is all that remains. The marginal inscription is legible, and is as follows : — Hie jaceut WUlmus Shepherd Junior de Okeley Esquier et Elena censors sue qui quidem Willmus obiit xi die mensis Februarii anno dni millimo ccccc et prsedicta Elena obiit xiv die mensis prsdicta eodem auuo quoni aiabus ppicietur Deus Amen. This slab measures 7 feet 4 inches by 3 feet 4 inches. Xo. II. Against the south wall of the tower is an incised slab bearing an ^^^'j of a child in a chrisom, the head rests on a cushion bearing rosettes at the corners, and four crosses. Marginal inscription — Hie jacet corp* Johis Bowea iili Johis Bowes, de Okeley, Armiger, qui qde' Johes, obiit s" Augusti, an" dni m" v» liii, cu' aie ppiciet' de' ame'. This slab measures twenty-nine by eighteen inches. No. III. Formerly there was a monument to Nicholas Tatton of Cheshire, first husband of ]\Iaud Curzon, who afterwards married Christopher Horton. The inscription was, "Here lieth Nicholas Tatton, obiit. 1551." It has now disappeared. L \TE TY aiejuiii-Xogoiu m^M hmt^ ^g Okeleg ^ Various Monuments in Croxall Church. Derbyshire^ N°ll Plat£ XSI. Various Monuments in Croxall Church, Derbyshire, N°V. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 49 No. IV. To the south of the altar against the east wall of the sacrarium is part of an incised slab. It bears a Latin cross with part of an inscription- — Here Ueth the bode of Thomas daye of Octobar in the yere of Our Lord God M» On whose soule God have mercy. Mr. Cox supposes it to be that of a sixteenth century vicar. In the same spot are two pieces of slabs bearing the words — Resnr Espergis and gam car respectively. No. V. This incised slab now lies north and south in the north-east angle of the tower ; formerly it lay under the Horton pew in the south-east angle of the nave. It represents a child in a chrisom. On a shield over the head, between the words Edward Myner, are the arms of Myner impaling Horton ; on a fesse, between three plates, a mullet, in chief a label, Myner ; a stag's head, caboshed, argent^ attired, or^ Horton. The Mynors of Co. Stafford now wear gules^ a fesse, argent^ between three plates. There is no family of this name now resident in the parish or neighbourhood, nor is there any mention of the name in the registers. A Myner must have married a Horton, but the reason why the eldest son is buried here is difficult to say. The name Myner frequently occurs in various Horton papers of the sixteenth century. No. VI. On a shield above the following are 1st and 4th argent, two chev- ronels, sable, on a canton of the last an eagle displayed, or, 2nd and 3rd argent, three torteaux, each charged with a fleur-de-lys of the field, 50 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. on a chief, azure, a bugle hoin, stringed, between two pheons, arrjent, Pearson. Over all, an inescutcheon of pretence — 1st and 4th, or, a falcon's head erased, gules, between three mullets azure, a bordure of the last bezantee ; 2nd and 3rd, argent, three seals' heads erased, sable, Falconer. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, or, an eagle displayed argent. Sacred to the memory of the Rev^. John Batteridge Pearson, LL.B., Vicar of this Parish during twenty-nine years, and Prebendary of the Cathedral Church of Lichfield. He died August 14th, 1808, in the o8th year of his age. He married EUzabeth, eldest daughter of the Rev. James Falconer, D.D., Archdeacon of Derby. ' Also James, his second son, who died of a decline, at sea off the Island of Ascension. on the 27th of September, 1821, in the 27th year of his age; also, John, his third son, who died on the 1st of December, 1855, in the 58th year of his age ; also Slizabeth, relict of the above Rev. John Batteridge Pearson, who died on the 8th of December, 1856, in the 93rd year of her age. No. VII. Marble mural monument against west wall of nave, south of the tower- Be ye also ready. Matt. '2.1th c, 44 v. Sacbed to the Memory of THE Rkvd. Samuel Holwortht, WHO DIED AT Bath, after a short illness, March 5th, 1838, in the Blessed .Asscbance of a blissfcl immortality, TRUSTING IN THE ALONE MERITS OP HIS SaVIOUR. He was for twentt-eight years A faithful Minister of this Parish. This tablet is erected AS A tribute OF AFFECTION TO HIS MEMORY BY HIS BEREAVED AND AFFLICTED WIDOW. Leave thy fatherless children, I will preserve them, and let thy widow trust in me. Jer"" 49"" c, 11 v. 3rd chap. Malacbi, 16th and 17th verses. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 5 1 No. VIII. Marble mural monument against the west wall, north of the tower Diana Sarah widow of the Eev. Samuel Holworthy Died on Good Friday A D 1861 aged 77 years. Edward John Holworthy third son of the above Major in the 14th Regiment Lost at Sea January 13th A D 1864 in his 48th year. " Jesus said, come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. No. IX. Mural monument against the west wall of north side of nave — To the memory op Anna Mabia WIDOW OF Charles Booth LATE of Oaklet gentleman deceased who died 11"' February 1870, AGED 86 years. ,The 'Chabitt which she so long practised HAS BEEN perpetuated BY AN ANNUAL GIFT TO THE POOR WIDOWS OF THIS PARISH. Her VENERABLE LIFE, BRIGHT WITH THE VIRTUES OF A CHRISTIAN, CLOSED IN PEACE. THE DEAD SHALL BE RAISED INCORRUPTIBLE. No. X. Marble mural monument against north wall of nave — In memory of James Gisborue who died on the 1st day of February 1872 in the 80th year of his age. "Blessed are the dead that* die in the Lord." For more than thirty years the humble minded, large hearted, faithful minister of this Parish. Woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel. By the grace of God I am what I am. * Should be which. 52 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Cljurrlj ^lalc, all of .Silbcr. The Chalice bears this inscription — Given for the service of the Communion in the Parish Chinch of Croxall in the County of Derby by the Will of Mrs. Francis Webb, Widow, deceased late of the said Parish 1748. Date letter of the year 1728. The Flagon bears this inscription — Bequeathed to rroxall Church by Frances Horton 5th September 1785. Date letter of 1727. The Alms Dish bears a similar inscription. Date mark, 1727. Credence Paten— '^o inscription. Similar date mark to the above. Paten — No inscription. Similar date mark to the above. O£dni0r 0f t\t €\^iixt\i AVING then described the interior of the Church, we will proceed to the exterior. The nave has an embat- tled parapet, and so has the tower. At the foot of the latter, on its northern side, there springs from the ground a gigantic stem of ivy, the branches of which cover nearly the whole of the church ; it measures four feet in circum- ference at the ground. On the south side is a sun-dial. The roof is of lead. The tower contains only one bell ; diameter at the mouth twenty-two inches ; it bears no inscription, but is, however, an old bell. There are places in the tower for two more bells, which tradition in the parish says were taken away for the neighbouring church of Edingale, and in which are now two bells. The main approach to the church and churchyard is from the east; a double gate opens immediately in front of the east window. Another approach leads up from Croxall Hall on the west. The churchyard is encircled by rows of magnificent elms, but there is no yew tree of any size. The church is situate 120 yards 54 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. from the high road, but a road through a field of Mr. Prinsep's gives access to it for vehicles and pedestrians. The area of the churchyard is about three-quarters of an acre. The following lines were written by the Rev. Samuel Holworthy, Vicar of Croxall, on Croxall Church, and published in The Christian Year for 1823. TO MY PAEISH CHURCH. Embosomed deep in consecrated shade, That seems for heavenly contemplation made, Sweet cburch, thoa stand'st ! for ine a lovelier spot Earth in her ample bounds possesseth not. Oft do I gaze on thy sequestered pile, When the sun gilds thee with its parting smile, And steal insensibly to that repose, That the soft summer eve around thee throws; Bright'uiug the dark green mantle of thy walls, That clust'riug o'er thy hoary turret falls, Which thus to fancy's eye, at twilight hour. Seems from yon point a bower within a bower. Far from a busy world's distracting din, A stillness reigns without like that within ; No sound is heard save of the river's trill, That gently winds beneath the churchyard hill. Or the reed shaken by the passing wind — . Sounds such as aid the contemplative mind ; And with each object that surrounding lies. Combine at ouce to soothe and harmonize — Lending their gentle influence to prepare The heart for holiest work — the work of prayer. Oh ! 'tis a spot the moralist should tread. And pause and ponder o'er each narrow bed, Where many a troubled one on earth's sad scene Sleeps peacefully beneath the covert green. Pain, want, and woe ! an unrelenting band. That wring the heart and enervate the hand. " There cease from troubling" — there they quit their hold, And their prey sinks into its native mould : ** Ashes to ashes " — there the strife is o'er, " The weary is at rest" — " the plague" is felt no more. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 55 onumtntal |iisniptinns in l^e Cburrjjgarti. Here lyeth beneath the body of Ann only daughter of John and Elizabeth Pimm of this parish She departed this life January 17* 1742. Aged 26. Here rest the remains of John Pimm who departed this life the 15"" day of July 1784 aged 67 years. In Memory of Ann wife of Jno Pimm who departed this life Jan 26'" 1804. Aged 69 years. In Memory of Mary wife of Jno Edden of Ediugale who departed this life Nov'- 8'" 1795. in the 24"" year of her age. Also of John Edden Husband of the above who deisarted this life May 8'" 1800. in the 38"' year of his age. 56 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Sacred to the memory of William Pimm, who died May 14'" 1833 aged 72 years; also of Maiy wife of "William Pimm, who died Aug 22'"' 1850 ; aged 82 years. Their time was come, no power ou earth could save The good old couple that rest within the grave ; Nor did they wish to live ; — prepared to die, Their souls were gathered to the Saints on high. So falls to earth at last the ripened grain, To perish not ; but rise and live again. Memento mori. Here lie deposited the mortal remains of Jane and William Pimm Jane died Nov 18'" 1825 Aged 25 years WiUiam died July 30'" 1832 Aged 28 years Eepent in time do not delay Death in oui- time took us away. Also Here lie deposited an infant son of John and Louisa Hanson who died March 2'' 1832. Aged 11 months. Sacred to the Memory of Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Simkiu of Ediiigale who departed this life March 5'" 1813. Aged 32. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 57 Sacred to The Memory of Elizabeth wife of Thomas Simkin who died January 8'" 1841. Aged 95 years. Sacred to the Memoi-y of Thomas Simkin who died September 21" 1811. Aged 63 years. Sacred to the Memory of Mary Anne Stanley Pimm Who departed this life June 16* 185.5. Aged 58 years. William Pimm Charles Worth, who died Jidy 4"" 1841 aged 14 years. He was an exemplary school child. In Memory of Eleanor the wife of Henry Webb who died June 25"' 1804 Aged 21 years. Here sleeps beneath this humble pile of earth. The mortal relics of transcendant worth, Tis virtues and Keligions paths she trod. And drew the model of her life from God. Serenely calm in hope resigned her health. And found her greatest kindest friend in death. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Here rest the remains of Andrew Hatchett who died Jan 6'" 1781 Aged 74 years. Also of Sarah his wife who died Jan^ 29'" 1779 Aged 67 years. Also of Dorothy their daughter who died July 27'" 1778 Aged 24 years. In Memory of Louisa Pimm Hanson who died April 20'" 1835 Aged 20 years. Her ways are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace. In Memory of George German who departed this life March 2.5'" 1801 aged 45. He was an affectionate hushand and tender parent and an honest, good, neighbour. In Memory of Aim the wife of George German who departed this life March 19'" 1809 Aged 51 years. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 59 In Memoi-y of Will-" Son of Ann and George German who departed this life Dec"- 6* 1810 Aged 26 years. Sacred to tlie memory of William son of Jobu and Mary German Who died August lO'" 1837 Aged 3 years. He's gone to the mansions of bliss, For ever to dwell with the Lord ; He now lives in sweet happiness According to God's promised word No more will his fond parents grieve For the loss of their dear little boy. In Jesus we all must believe Or to heaven we ne'er shall come near to. Underneath rest the mortal remains of John German who died April 27"' 1848 Aged 60. He lived an upright, and useful life, and after Suffering a long and painful alHiction, with Much patience, and Christian fortitude, he died In the full assurance of a blissful immortality. Underneath rest the mortal remains of Mary the wife of John German who departed this life October 27"" 1853 Aged 61. The Lord is my defence, and My God is the God of my refuge. Psalm 94 c 22 v. 6o Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. In affectionate remembrance of Thomas Goring German who died January 2(i 1868 Aged 36 years. Them also which sleep in Jesus, will God bring with him. j8t Thess iv c, xiv v. Maria Emily Sutton died Sep 28 1863 Aged 8 years. Sacred to the memory of Sarah daughter of Francis and Sarah Foster who died Deer 18"" 1819 Aged 1 year. Beneath a sleeping infant lies, To earth her body's lent, More glorious she'll hereafter rise, Though not more innocent. To the memory of Thomas sou of Thomas and Harriet Beach of Oakley Mill in this parish who died October 24'" 1851 Aged 10 months. Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God. Mark s 14. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 6i In Memory of Benjamiu Brown died at Catton November 29'" 1845 Aged 22 years. To the Memory of Anne Eliza Blizard who died at Catton May 7'" 1858 Aged 36 in the lO"" year of her service with Lady Wilmot Horton. of Sarah Goodall who died at Catton, December 23"^ 1857 Aged 6 yeai-s. In Memory Also of Lucy Goodall aged 5 years ; and of Elizabeth Goodall aged 3 years ; both died at Catton January 3^* 1858 children of Edwin and Mary Goodall. These lovely buds so young and fair. Called hence by early doom, Just came to show how sweet the flowers In Paradise would bloom. of Mary wife of Edwin Goodall who died at Catton November 15* 1861 Aged 37 years. 62 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Sacred to the Memoiy of Joseph Johnson who died Sep"^ 30'" 1842 Aged 52. Farewell my wife, and childi-en dear, I am not dead but sleeping here, And as I am you soon must be, Prepare yourselves to follow me. Sacred to the Memory of Charles Rowley who departed this life May 30'" 1869 Aged 64 years. "We sorrow not as those who have no hope. Also of Ann wife of the above who departed this life August 13"" 1838 Aged 30 vears. In Memoiy of Joseph Colliiigwood late of Ediugale who died Sep 8'" 1867 Aged 68 years. Also of Susannah his wife who died Feb 18'" 1838 Aged 33 years and of Ann their daughter who died May 10'" 1845 Aged 11 years. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 63 In affectionate remembrance of Elizabeth Goring (of Broad Fields) who died January 30'" 1865 Aged 71 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. — Rev xiv. 15. In Memory of Susannah wife of Eobert Emery who departed this life April y"" 1805 Aged 36 years. In Memory of Martha Miatt who died Sep-- 24'" 1797, Aged 78. She was — but words are wanting to say what — Think what a servante should be, she was that. In Memory of John Choice who died Dec 29'" ISC') Aged 72 years. Also of Mary his wife who died Nov 5'" 1813 Aged 82 years. Here rest the mortal remains of Charles Booth late of Oakley who departed this life December 31"' 1844, in the 58 year of his Age 64 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Haored to tlie Memory of the Right Hon"'' Heury Tufnell Boni X November mdcccv died XX June MDCccLiv \Mien thou hadst overcome the sharpness of death : thou didst enter iuto the kingdom of Heaven with all believers. This moimment has been erected bv his Widow, Lady Aune Tufnell. In Memory of James Hines who died Oct 8 18G2 Aged 58 His record is on high. In Memory of John Hines Who died February 27"" 1830 Aged 20 years. lu love he liv'd, in peace he died, His life desii-ed, but God denied. In Memory of Robert Riley of this parish who died June 26'" 1859 Aged 59 years. I am the Resmi-ection and the life saith the Lord, he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet Shall he live, and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die." St John xi. 25, 20. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 65 Sacred to tlie Memoi-y of Maria wife of "William Eiley who died December 28'" 1828 Aged 37 years. Say wouldst thou die in peace? then seek that blood Which reconciles a sinner to his God ; This was the scheme of heav'n the mighty plan, By which God's justice pardons sinful man. Also of Sarah Elizabeth daughter of the above, who died Jauuaiy 10"" 1856 Aged 30 years. Sacred to the memory of Robert Eiley who died Nov 15'" 1833 Aged 79 years. also of Sarah, the wife of Eobert Eiley who died May 17'" 1835 aged 78 years. To the Memory of Eobert Prinsep late of Croxall, gent who died Jan 12'" 1763. Aged 67. Here lieth the remains of Mary wife of Thomas Prinsep of Croxall Esq' who departed this life 6'" April 1779 aged 43. She was a woman of most amiable and exemplary character. 10 66 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Here lieth the remains of Thos Prinsep of Croxall Esq'- who died Aug 8'" 1795 aged 64. Here Ueth the remains of Tho* Prinsep of Croxall Esq'- who died Nov la"- 1814 Aged 57. Sacred to the memory of CaroUue Mary Levett Prinsep \\iJow of T Levett Prinsep Esq'- of CroxaU Hall in this parish she died at her residence at Kingswear Devonshire on the 7th of November 1867 iEtatis suae 4S. In Memory of James Mansfield who (after ha-ving hved thirty-one years in the family of Thomas Prinsep Esq'-) departed this life May the 20"- 1820. Aged 65 j'ears. Afflictions sore long time I bore, Physicians -were in vain, Till God did please -with death to seize, And free me from my pain. This design of a ( stone ] represents the size of one that -was taken from the above James Mansfield, -which -weighed four ounces and a half. Sacred to the Memory of Edward Walton, who depai-ted this life May 14'" 1870. Aged 55 years. Be ye therefore ready also; for The son of man cometh at an horn" when ye think not. Lukt 20"' 40 v. Historical Sketch of the Pai^ish of Croxall. 67 Sacred to the Memory of Sarah, wife of the late Johu Pycroft (of EoUeston in the County of Stafford,) who departed this hfe March 28* 1839. Aged 44 years. She was beloved and respected by all who knew her. Sacred to the Memory of Eleauor, Wife of Thomas Webb who departed this life April 9"" 1822. Aged 60. Sacred to the Memory of Johu Lager late of Croxall Hall who departed this life March 24"" 1852. Aged 57 years. In affectionate remembrance of Ann the beloved wife of Charles Smith of Croxall who died Jan 12'i' 1874 Aged 78 years. Her end was peace. Sacred to the Memory of Samuel Winter (late of Orgreave Hall) who departed this life 26"' November 1847. Aged 54 years. 68 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Sacred to the memory of Joliu Winter (late of Broadtielii) who departed this life the 6'" of November 1843 in the 77'" year of his age. To pei-petiiate the Memory of Mary Winter (of Broadfields) who died the la'" of February 1834 Aged 81 years. She that lies here was in her life A tender Mother, and a tender wife. Sarah the wife of Thomas Holmes of Tamworth, died November y" 24'" 1785 Aged 37 years. Sacred to the Memory of Matthew Webb who died September 19'" 1823. Aged 76 yeaj-s. Sacred to the Memory of Mary the wife of Matthew Webb who died Jime 13'" 1800 aged 49. She was au affectionate wife Sincere friend, and a truly good woman. Historical Sketch of tlic Parish of Croxall. 69 Sacred to the Memory of Thomas HoUin AUeu late of Elford Park who died March 23"' 1851. Aged 30 years. Sacred to the Memory of James Allen (of Elford Park) who departed this life August 27"" 1828. Aged 61 years Eepent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. In Memory of James infant son of James and Mary Allen who died 2* of March 1818. Aged 10 Mouths. Sacred to the Memory of Richard Allen, who died January 20 1848, Aged 33 years And now I am numbered among the dead let me be also Numbered among the redeemed and blest of the Lord. Sacred to the Memory of John Winter late of Broad Field in the County of Stafford, who died at Alrewas April 17"" 1859. Aged 62 years Watch therefore for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. JO Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. In memory of Charles Matthew iufant son of the Eev. Samuel and Diana Sarah Holworthy Died April 16"^ 1816 Aged 8 months. Of such are the kingdom of God. Marl; 10 ch. 14 v. Beneath this stone lie deposited the mortal remains of Deborah Holworthy, relict of the late Capt" Samuel Holworthy who departed this life at Barton under Needwood on Sunday Feb 19'" 1832 aged 87 years. To the United memory of his tender beloved parents this monument is inscribed by then- only son and child The Vicar of this parish. There's a pillow, dear mother, more soft and more sweet, Than the weary head finds in this peaceful retreat, 'Tis the pillow of faith — on which spite of the woes And temptations of life we may calmly repose, Of faith in a being whose love and whose power Delight to shine out in extremity's hour. In the dark vale of death, 'tis thy staff and thy rod And when the flesh fails 'tis thy bosom God ! Historical Sketch of ike Parish of Croxall. Here rest the mortal remains of the Eev'' Samuel Holworthj', Vicar of this parish twenty-eight years. Died at Bath March S"' 1838. Aged 53 years. Aiid I heard a voice from heaven saying iiuto me Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Sacred to the memory of Mary, relict of the late James Allen of Elford Park who departed this life March 24"' 1842 Aged 51 years. Be ye therefore ready for the son of man cometli in iin hour_when ye know not. Sacred to the memory of John, third son of the late Eev* John Batteridge Pearson, Captain in the Honourable East India Company's Maritime Service. Born February 19"" 1798. Died December 1" 18.55. For me to live is Christ, to die is gain. Phil. i. "21. Underneath this stone are deposited the remains of The Rev'' Samuel Pearson LL.B and P.A.S, late Eector of Weston, and Minister of Osmaston in this County. He died at Birmingham June G"" 1811. Aged 6-5. / - Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Here rest the mortal remains of the Rev"" John Batteridge Pearson, LL.B, Vicai- of this parish dm-ing twenty nine years. He died August l^'" 1808. His family, his friends, and his parishioners deeply lament their loss while they gratefully record his worth, esteem his precepts and Venerate his example. " Well done thou good and faithful servant enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Sacred to the Memory of Elizabeth Widow of the late Eev John Batteridge Pearson L L B. She was bom on the IT'" of July 1764. She died on the 8"' of December 1856 in her 93"* year. •• The path of the just is as the shining light, that Shineth more and more unto the perfect day." Prov iv 18. Beneath this store are deposited the remains of Henrietta Pearson who died March 1^' 1827 Aged 83. In Memoi-y of Jane Bakewell who died at Oakley 24"- November 1872. Aged 64 years. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. IZ In Memoi7 of James Gisbonie who died on the !»' Feb 1872, in the 80"" year of his age. " Blessed are the dead that* die in the Lord " For more than thirty years the humble minded, large hearted, faithful minister of this iDarish. " "Woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel." " By the grace of God I am what I am." Here rest in hope the Mortal remains of Susannah Cooper, (Housekeeper to Eusebius Horton Esquire of Catton Derbyshke) ; wlio died Feb: 12'" 1822 aged 48. She was an affectionate wife — a faithful and diligent servant, and a religious, good woman. " Be not slothful — but followers of them who through faith and Patience inherit the promises. Alice Tiu-ner Died 21"' May 1805, in the eS"* year of her age, and 32°* of her service to M'- and M"- Horton, who with Sorrow and gratitude inscribe this stone to the memory of the best of Servants. * Should be which. U 74 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Sacred to tlie Memory of Katlieriue Gripton widow ; who died at Catton on Saturday August 8"^ 1761. Aged 68 What once was comely, modest, just, Lies mingled here with common dust. When time had worn her strength away She found in kindness no decay, For tho in service undetain'd An humble friend she still remain'd, Beneath the roof her youth had spent In mild employ, and sweet content ; Her earthly reck'ning all made even. She waits her wages due from heaven. To the Memory of Jane, the wife of Robert Earp of Catton. She died September 8'" 1844. Aged 66 years. Sacred to the Memory of Eobert Earp, who died at Catton, March 9"" 1851 in the 75"" year of his age Having spent above fifty years in faithful service to the family at Catton. To the Memory of Anne, the wife of Joseph Campion, who died June 12"" 1765. Aged 29 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 75 Sacred to the memory of Ellen Burton, wife of George Burton, who departed this life December 3'' 1827. Aged 53 years. Also of George Burton, who died March 6"' 1839. Aged 76. In Memory of Catherine, wife of John Pipes, who died July 15'" 1802. Aged 45 years. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Also of John Pipes who died Jan 18"' 1822. Aged 66 years. Meek and unmurmuring the rod For many a year he bore, But now we trust he rests with God ; Where pain can reach no more. Sacred to the memory of Mary Koyle, who died Dec 27'" 1826. Aged 52 years. Mary Eoyle, who died April 2P' 1837 Aged 31 years. Blessed are the dead who * die in the Lord. Mourn not dear friends for my decease, I hope with Christ I've made my peace. Life is uncertain, Death is sure, Sin gave the wound But Christ the cure. Should be which. 76 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Sacred to the memory of John Eoyle, who died March 24'" 1840. Aged 69. Also of Ann his wife who died Jau^ 26'" 1844. Aged 60. How lov'd, how vahied, once avails thee not, To whom related, or by whom forgot ; A heap of dust, alone remains of thee It's all thou art and aU the proud shall be • God oiu- help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, A shelter fi-om the stormy blast, And our eternal home." In Memoiy of Ann wife of James Baxter, who died October 24'" 1837. Aged 59. Beneath this stone she sleeps whose memory dear. From weeping friends long claims the tender tear ; Alas how short the joys that earth can give, 'Tis bliss alone with Christ in heaven to live. In Memoiy of James Baxter formerly of Fradley, but late of this parish who died July 9'" 1869. Aged 88 years. "As for me I will call upon God, and the Lord shall Sacred to the Memory of Thomas Goodman, who departed this life November 20'" 1873 in his 78'" year. Here we have no continuing city But we seek one to come. Hehmos xii. 14. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. yj JOHN BOOTH died March 26'" 1757. Aged 47, also ELIZABETH his wife, died April 15'" 1782. Aged G9. Praises on tombs are vainly spent, But a good name is a monument. Here lieth the body of John Elwell who departed this life on Sunday Jime y*" 21" 1724 in y° 85'" year of his Age. also y"' Body of Jone Elwell wife of y" said John Elwell she departed this life on Sunday March y" 30'" 1729 in y' 86'" year of her Age. Here_,lieth also y'^ Body of Francis Eoyle who departed this life on Saturday February the 11'" 1743 in y= 72'' Year of his Age. Likewise y^ Body of Aune Eoyle Wife of y" said Francis Eoyle Daughter of John Elwell and Jone his Wife she Departed this Life on Saturday October y° 13'" 1744 in y" 74'" Year of her Age Eemember to Dye. Here rest the Mortal remains of Anna Maria, widow of Charles Booth late of Oakley who died February 11'" 1870. Aged 86 years. 78 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxail. Here rest the Mortal remains of George Booth, who departed this life May 7"> 1836. Aged 82 My flesh aud my heart faileth, hut God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. F.H(/m Ixxiii 25. Cljurclluarhits' |^cc0uiit.$, HE Churchwardens' accounts commence in the year 1698, but with very few exceptions contain no entries worthy of being recorded. The following possess a little interest — 1693. Item P** for our charges at Alrewas to meet Burton men about owning Oakley estate to pay to our parish before the Commissioners ... ... ... ... ... 00 15 00 Item Paid for Widow Owens Burial tax ... ... ... ... ... ... 00 04 00 1699. Item Paid for i sheets of stamp'' Paper ... ... ... ... ... ... GO 04 06 1700. Item Paid to John Prinsep on Tom Owens accounts ... ... ... ... ... 00 15 00 1700. Item Paid for a pair of stocken and shoes for Doll Brown ... ... ... ... 00 04 00 1701. Item Paid to Thomas Mously for going with Doll Brown to the Chirurgeon at Burton... 00 00 06 Paid for a load of coals and carriage from Measham for Elizabeth Hawksford ... ... 00 14 00 The accounts of John Daniel, Clerk, Vicar of Croxall, who was desired and instructed to look after the repairs of Croxall Church done in the years 1702 and 1703, stated and given us July 19th. 1703 Imprimis. Pd for timber & carriage of it Pd for Sawing Pd for Carpenters work ... Pd to y^ joyner Pd for stone Pd for lime lib d d . 50 08 10 . 04 13 10 . 25 OS 11 . 00 16 00 . 13 01 08 . 04 09 10 8o Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 1703. 1704. 1707. 1709. 1715. 1717. 1719. 1720. 1722. 1723. 1726. Pd for carriage of stone ... Pd for carriage of lime Pd for Bricks Pd for carriage of y* same Pd for giving brickmen to drink ... Pd for carriage of sand Pd for letters and messengers Pd for a load of coals and carriage ... .. ... ■ ■ Pd for locks, hinges, and stonepins Pd for hair Pd for cleaning y* rubbage 6 days workmen and teams Pd to y" Mason for work ... Pd for pointing y* steeple ... Pd for Poles, cords for scaffolding .. . Pd for Seabble y* stone at y' quarry Pd to y* nayler Pd to two messengers to feteh nailes Pd to y» Blacksmith Pd to y* plumber for work Pd for 3 foether of leads ... Pd for carriage of y' lead .. Pd for charges when we went to buy y lead Pd for carriage of a load of drift sand Pd to y" blacksmith another biU ... Pd for a bell rope Pd for a pair of brasses ... Pd to Tom Dagley for iron work and hanging y« bell Pd for mending the clapper and making goodions... Pd to Will Burkley for 2 ffox heads Pd to Ffrancis Royle for a ffox head Pd to John Elson and Jo^ Goto for killing 3 urchins * Paid to M' Etheridge for glaseinge y« chnich windows Paid for a Proclamation and Prayers Paid for Elizabeth Hawksfords funeral charges, coffyn, jersey et cetera Paid at X'mas for washing y SiupUce and Table cloath ... [In this year many (niries ocair of charges for lodging Soldiers'] Given to two Turks who could not speak... [This year also charges for lodging Soldiers] Paid to M' "Webbs boy for sparrows Paid for a trained soldier and three quarters Given to 4 Saylers with a pass lih s d 23 11 02 01 19 00 04 17 09 04 12 06 CO 00 06 00 u 04 00 02 00 00 12 02 00 04 00 00 00 03 00 07 00 55 06 06 00 05 00 02 11 07 02 03 02 00 00 06 00 11 01 15 06 00 27 00 00 01 10 03 00 03 08 00 03 08 00 03 00 00 03 00 00 04 06 00 01 04 00 11 06 00 01 00 00 02 00 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 03 00 00 01 00 00 19 08 00 01 00 00 00 04 00 00 05 00 01 03| 00 00 06 After this year the Writing becomes very^bad, and no entries of terest are recorded. in- * Urchins =hedgehogs. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 8 1 William Alsop, about the year 1747, left £5 by will to the poor of Croxall, and in 1785, Frances Horton left £5 to the poor of Catton and Croxall. Both of these suras are stated to have been vested in Eusebius Horton Esq., and to have produced fifteen shillings per annum. It is stated that Eusebius Horton occasionally gave away money to the poor of Croxall and Catton, in which, possiblj'-, the interest of these sums may have been included. A few payments of Edmund Alsop's money are re- corded amongst sundry accounts contained in the Parish Chest, as follows : — a s d Disbursed three years interest paid this day by Christopher Hortou Esq', due by a legacy in y= will of M' William Alsop deceased y" principal money of £5 being in y" hands of y^ said M"- Horton. December 23'' 1750 Disbursed December 22** 1751. Received in trust of Christopher Hoi-ton Esq'... January 28* 1752. Received of Christopher Horton Esq' for interest of M' Alsop's money Received December 26"" 1753 of M' Christopher Hortou being M' Alsop's interest money At the Sacrament Christmas 175i. Received of Christopher Horton Esq' being the Interest money paid by him Christmas 1755. M' Alsops interest money paid by M' Horton Here the entries cease. Mrs. Booth, of Oakley, who died in 1871, left by will six hundred pounds, to the poor widows of that part of Edingale which lies in the County of Derby, and Parish of Croxall, the interest of which to be paid by the Minister and Churchwardens of Croxall. The exact words of the will are as follows : — " I leave out of my personal estate the sum of Six Himdi-ed Poimds to the Minister and Churchwardens of Croxall to be invested by them and the annual income thereof to be distributed either in money, clothing, or coals, or other goods on or about the First day of December annually amongst such poor widows inhabitants for the time being of that part of the Parish of Edingale which lies in the County of Derby and not in re- ceipt of Parochial relief as they the said Minister and Chm-chwardens or the major part in number of them shall determine or in their discretion think fit. And in case there shall be any overplus of such monies the same shall be distributed in like manner amongst such other poor persons inhabitants as aforesaid as the Distributors shall think fit." 15 5 5 5 5 5 12 Clje ^egislcrs d Cn^^aJI f Hrislj, HE oldest of these Registers is a folio in vellum, one foot long and six inches wide. The fly leaf contains the following : — In the year 1619 there was great difference amonirst the parishioners concerning the making of a levie for the repaire of the Church which difference could not be appeased till M*" Dorton Master being Chancellor of Lichfield catne to Crosall Church and he decided in the manner as followeth according to the taxation made 20"' of Februarii 1619 for a levie of thirtye pounds to be raised out of the Parish of Croxall for the sundrie repaires of the Church made in the Parish Church of Croxall as aforesaid. Firste it is thought that the decayes and ruines of the Church might be repaired for the sum of thirtye pounds. For the raisinge of which sum of thirtye pounds, firste it is thought that the proportion of the rate accordinge be levied, viz. that Catton and Oakley paye eleven poundes of the twenty, Croxall and Edingale nine pounds payeth of the twenty. The ten pounds remaineth to be raised after the repaires in proportion out of the Lordships aforesaid. In witness thereof we have subscribed our names these presente- John Matthew churchwarden John Bentley Vicar George Curzon Thomas Curzon In witriess of which Thomas Muusley and R Master Chancellor of Lichfield the 4«i> day of December. And according to this suggestion the twenty pounds was payd and was layd out by William Browne and .John Matthew churchwardens. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. On the next page we tiiid the list of Churchwardens given, commen- cing thus : — For a Wedding For a Christening For a Burial [The sums illegible.] CHURCHWARDENS FOR THE PARISH CHURCH OF CROXALL. ( Christopher Ensor of Edingale. ( Christopher Smith of Cattou. j Thomas Mousley of Edingale. ' Thomas Brown of Okeley. ( John Matthew of Croxall. ^ William Brown of Cattou. ( William Brown of Catton. \ William Milner of Okley. I Johannes Matthew of Edingale. I John Edwards of Catton. ( Thomas WagstafFe of Croxall. ' Thomas Milsom alias Morgil of Edingale. I George Smith of Edingale. \ Thomas Ensor of Croxall. ( William Bate of Croxall for his father. ' John Pymme of Edingale. Anno IB'S f Cristopher Smith of Catton. 1 Thomas Mousley of Edingale. anno 1626 S "'''''° Matthew of Edingale. \ Thomas Dakin of Okeley. anno 1627 ( •^°'"' ^y°'™° "* Edingale. \ John Bate of Catton. Anno Dni 1617 1618 anno 1619 anno 1620 anno 1621 Anno 1622 anno 1623 1624 anno 1628 [N xmes illegible.] Anno 1629 [ ditto ] Anno Domini 1630 John Owen of Catton. Anno Domini 1631 Francis Morgill. Anno Domini 1632 Walter Horton of Catton. Anno Domini 1633 George Dakin. 1586. The Weddings, Christenings, and bm-iala of Croxall church the xxij day of February. A.D. 1586. Maude the dawghter of Walter Kensall was baptized the xij daye of October. anno Dni 1587. Thomas Bentley and Elizabeth Cartwright were married the xxij daye of February. anno Dili 1588. Anne the dawghter of Thomas Mousley was baptized y» xj daye of Maie. Maria the dawghter of Richard Emly was baptized -j" xxij daye of June. Elizal-ieth Barnes was buried y*" xxij of July. Matthew Day was buried the x daye of August. anno Dni 1589. David Morgan and Sybil Milner were married the xxij day of januarie. 84 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. auno Dni 1590. Sybil the dawghtor of Christina Thomsen was baptized xx day of April. Isabella the dawghter of John llatthew wsvs baptized the xj day of June. E izabeth the dawghter of Richard Cave was baptized the xviij day of August. William Thompson was buried the xxij dave of August. Robert Aldridge and Joan Sargeut widow were married laste day of August. Margarie Bladen wixs buried the sxj day of October. Anno Domini 1591. George Curzon Esquier was buried the vj daye of April. Heurie Leigh and Katheriue Horton were married the vj day of July. Thomas Wood and Mai-garet Braddall were married xiij day of February. William Wai'd was buried the xxj day of December. John Malaber and Ales Tayler were married the vj day of February. George the sonne of Thomas Woodcock was baptised the vj day of Febniary. William the sonne of Thomas Mousley was baptized the vj day of November. Anno Domini 1592. Robert Bate and Eleanor Hunter were married the xvj daye of June. John Kyle was buried v day of February\ Anno Domini 1593. Thomas Rylee was buried the viij day of April. William Denston was buried the xxiiij day of Maye. Thomas Woodcock was buried xx daye of Augxist. Heurie the sonne of Robert Bate was baptized the ij day of September. At this point a page is missing ; the next one begins at 1G16, and the writing is very good. The record in English ceases, and Latin commences. 1616. Georgius Higgs Vicarius de Croxall Sepultus fuit octavo die Junii. Georgius Wildblood de Catton et Joanna Taylor de Cattou matrimonium contraxerunt decimo septo die Juuii apud Catton me adjuvante. Margareta filia Uenrici Kensall baptizata est vicessimo quarto die Junii. Anno Domini 1617. Sibilla uxor Roberti Palmer alias Edwards de Catton sepulta fuit quarto die Decembris. Anna Swan de Edingale sepulta fuit in csemeterio de Edingale vicessimo nono die Januarii. Thomas et Elizabetha gemelli Thomie Mousley de Edingale baptizati fuerunt prime die Martii. Thomas et Elizabetha gemelli Thomaj Mousley de Edingale sepulli fuerunt decimo nono die Martii (apud Edingale). Anno Domini 1618. Anna Matthew vidua sepulta fuit secundo die Aprilis apud Edingale. Gulielmus Cotton de Normanton juxta Derby et Joanna Matthew de Catton matrimonium se conjunseruin (apud Catton me adjuvante) sexto die Junii absque tarn bannis tam facultate. Laurentius filius Johannis Hatchet de Edingale baptizatus fuit vicessimo undecimo Junii. Thomas filius Thomse Wagstaffe de Edingale baptizatus est undecimo die Ootobris. Parnell filia Hugonis Milncr de Catton baptizata fuit vicessimo octavo die Octobris apud Catton me adjuvante. Riibertus Edwards de Catton et Joanna Sawley de Catton matrimonium contraxerunt tertio die Novembris apud Catton me adjuvante. Johannes filius Johannis Bentley vicarii de Croxall et Margai'eta; uxoris ejus baptizatus fuit vicessimo octavo die Docembrii. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 85 Anno Domini 1619. Florentia filia Gulielmi Mousley de Edingale baptizatus fuit decimo quinto die Aprilis. Elizabetha filia JohaDnis Ryley de Edingale baptizata fuit vicessirao quinto die Julii. Joanna Haseldine de Okeley vidua sepulta fuit nono die Decembris. Henricus Mousley de Edingale in parochia de Alrewas et Elizabetha Mousley da Edingale liujus parochis matrimouium se conjunxerunt decimo die Novembris. Robertus Lees de Croxall et Bridgetta Haseldine de Okeley matrioaoniura susciperunt vicessimo noao die Novembris. Tliomas filius Thomse Mousley de Edingale baptizatus fuit decimo sexto die Decembris. Thomas filius Heorici Keusall de Croxall baptizatus fuit decimo tertio die Februarii. Elizabetha fiiia Christophori Horton gouerosi baptizata fuit decimo septimo die Februarii in Cajpella de Catton me ' adjuvante. Erasmus filius Hugonis Milner de Catton baptizatus fuit decimo die Februarii in Capella de Catton me adjuvante. Anno Domini Ifi20. Robertus Smith parochite de Alrewas et Florentia Haseldine de Okeley matrimonium contraxerunt sexto die Julii. Dionisius Higginbottom de Egginton et Alicia Ai-nold matrimonium contraxerunt in eoclesia parochiali de Croxall octavo die Augusti virtute faeultalis rations defensus divulgatione bannorum. Anna filia Johannis Bentley vicarii de Croxall et Margaret* uxoris ejus baptizata fuit vicessimo septimo die Augusti. Gulielmus Hatchett de Coton parochiai de Lullington et Joanna Kensall de Croxall matrimonium se conjunx- erunt decimo septimo die Januarii. Stefacus Greensmith de Blocksitte in parochia de Walsall et Maria Haseldine de Okcly in parochia de Croxall matrimonium conjunxerimt vicessimo prinio die Januarii. Anno Domini 1631. Thomas Aldridge de Hoppwas in parochia de Tamworth et Joanna Bolton de Catton hujus parochiie matrimonium contraxerunt vicessimo quinto die Aprilis. Robertus filius Christopheri Smith de Catton baptizatus fuit vicessimo secundo die .\Iaii in Capella de Cattoiv me adjuvante. Amphilis filia ThoniEe Hewgill baptizata fuit vicessimo Septimo die Mail in Capella do Catton me adjuvante. Franciscus Hewgill alias Puilson de Edingale et Elinora Higgs de Edingale matrimonium contraxerunt duodecimo die Novembris. Anno Domini 1622 Ricardus Mousley de Edingale et Sarah Thorpe de Croxall matrimonium contraxerunt primo die Mali. Margareta filia Thomie Mousley de Eding.ale baptizata fuit seoundo die Mail. Johannes filius Henrici Kensall de Croxall baptizatus fuit primo die Septembris. Georgius Alius Francisci Hewgill alias Puilson de Edingale baptizatus fuit decimn nono die Septembris. Laiu-entius Brooke de Croxall et Margareta Taylor de Croxall matrimonium contraxerunt quarto die Februarii. Johannes Savage de Catton et Margeria Grame de Catton matrimonium contraxerunt in Capella de Catton vicessimo tertio die Februarii virtute faoultatis favente me ad istud matrimonium celebrandum non reijuisitus. Ricardus Bladon de Catton sepultus fuit duodecimo die Martii. Anno 1623. Thomas Wagstaffe de Croxall sepultus fuit quarto die Julii quem quidem Tbomam Wagstaffe ego Johannes Bentley vioarius de Croxall sepelivi in ea parte oemeterii de Eding.ale quaa ad parochiam de Croxall pertinet meo nomine et jure et ibique humo jussu meo sepultus et defossus fuit nomine contradicente. Johannes Arthur de Edinghale et Anna Matthew de Catton matrimonium contraxenint decimo septo die Octobris. Humphridus filius Hugonis Milner de Catton baptizatus fuit vicessimo tertio die Novembris in Capella de Catton me adjuvante. 86 Historical Sketch of the Pa7-ish of Croxall. Martha filia Johannis Savage de Catton sepulta fuit vieessimo tertio die Januarii. Joanna Poolalte Jlousley de Edingale sepulta fuit in csemeterio de Edingale vieessimo septimo die Febniarii. John Bentley Vicar. George Swan. \ Walter Horton. ) Anno 1624. Margareta filia Gulielmi Hatchet ile Edingale baptizata fuit die Aprilis. Joanna filia Francisci Hewgill alias Puilson de Edingale baptizata fuit nono die Mail. Daniel Owen de Catton sepultus fuit tertio die Septenibris. Edmundus Mousley de Edingale in Prebenda de Alrewas et Helena Matthew de Edingale hujus parochiae matrimonium se coujunxenint septimo die Octobris. Gulielmus Hurste de Catton et Maria Beale hujus parochiae de Edingale matrimonium se conjunxerunt un- decimo die Octobris. Jana uxor Christophori Ensor de Edingale sepulta fuit decimo quinto die Octobris in ecclesia paroctiiali de Croxall. Francisca uxor Walteri Cardy de Catton sepulta fuit decimo septimo die Februarii. Anno Domini 1625. Henricus filius Henrici Kensall de Croxall baptizatus fuit secundo die Aprilis. Henricus Kensall senex de Croxall sepultus fuit vieessimo sexto die Aprilis. Elizabetha filia Johannis Bentley vicarii de Croxall et Margareta uxoris ejus baptizata fuit primo die Junii. Joanna filia Henrici Kensall (nuper defunctii de Croxall sepulta fuit decimo die Julii. Christophorus Ensor de Edingale sepultus fuit decimo septimo die August! in ecclesia parochiali de Croxall. Maria Horton de Catton vidua sepulta fuit vieessimo quinto die Septembris. Sarah filia Thomse Mousley de Edingale baptizata fuit secundo die Octobris. Sarah filia Thomse Mousley de Edingale sepulta fuit decimo die Decembris in ea part© Casmiterii de Edingale quae ad Prsebendam de Alrewas pertinet. Qua propter ego Johannes Bentley vicarius de Croxall, cum corpus ejusdem Sarse ad sepeliendum afferetur, ibam obviam afferentibus et cos duxi per earn partem Coemeterii quae ad ecclesiam meam de Croxall pertinet, et scriptura locos sive partes ad sepulchrum pertinentes juxta librum publicarum precum Ecclesise Anglicanie auctoritate Regis editum recitavi, et cum limites nostros transissent magister BoydeU curatus CapeUse de Edingale obviam iUis venit et primo in CapeUam deinde ab sepulchrum eos duxit et corpus humo commissit. The Yicar of Croxall had the right, it seems, of burying those parishioners of Croxall who lived in the Derbyshire part of Edingale in the Derbyshire part of Edingale churchyard. The boundary of Staffordshire and Derbyshire passes close to the west wall of Edingale Church. The corpse could not be taken into Edingale Church without the permission of the Curate of Edingale; and the part of the Burials Office appointed to be read in the church was read by the Vicar of Edingale. Mr. Cox, in his History of Edingale Church, points this out clearly. The Yicar of Croxall had also the right to use the herba2:e in the Derbyshire part of the Churchyard of Edingale. A private account Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 8j book of a Vicar of Croxall, June 1698 to 1727, shows that he annually received a rent for this from the Curate of Edingale. These rights were perpetuated by the Inclosure Act of 1791.* Gulielmus filius Edmundi Mousley de Edingale baptizatus fuit duodecimo die Martii. Anno 1626. Jana filia Thomie de Etwall nata in Catton baptizata fuit septimo die Aprilis in parochiali Eoclesia de Croxall. Hugo Milner de Catton sepultus fuit octavo die Aprilis. John Bentley. parochialis de Norton juxta Twycross, et iVIousley de Edingale matrimonium se conjunxerunt quarto die Mali. Georgius de Edingale sepultus fuit vicessimo primo die Maii. Thomas filius Thomie Dakin de Okeley baptizatus fuit decesmo quarto die Junii. Gualterus filius Christopheri Horton de Catton generosi et Parnellae uxoris baptizatus fuit vicessimo die Julii quera quidem Walterum ego Johannes Bentley requisitus a Christophero Horton prajjicto baptizavi in Capella de Catton. Florentia filia Gulielmi Mousley de Coton moriens in Edingale parochia sepulta fuit in ccemeteno de Edingale vicessimo septimo die Julii. Gualterus Horton de Catton armiger sepultus fuit vicessimo primo die Decembris. Kobertus filius Roberti Arnold de Catton baptizatus fuit duodecimo die Martii (in Capella de Catton per magistris in Ebenti me sacrementum illud ministrandum non requisitus. uxor Roberti Arnold prsedicti gratias dedit post partum in eoclesia parochiali de Croxall. Anno Domini 1627. Gulielmus Terry de Croxall et Elizabetha Mousley de Edingale matrimonium se conjunxerunt vicessimo octavo die Maii. Robertus filius Roberti Arnold de Catton sepultus fuit septo die Junii. Collet uxor Roberti Bate do Croxall sepulta fuit primo die Julii. Walterus Bingham de parochialis Sancte Mariae in civitate Lichfieldia et Jana Matthew de Edingale matrimonium contraxerunt vicessimo die quarto die Septembris. Elizabetha Hewer de Catton sepulta fuit vicessimo nono Septembris. Emmot Crean 12°"' die Novembris, sepultus fuit. Anna filia Francisci Hewgill alias Puilson de Edingale baptizata fuit decimo octavo die Novembris. Gulielmus filius Thomae Dakin de Okeley baptizatus fuit secundo die Decembris. Gulielmus filius Thomse Dakin de Okeley sepultus fuit septimo die Decembris. Helena uxor Gulielmi Arbell de Catton sepulta fuit vicessimo die Decembris. Jocosa (Anglice Joyce) filia Roberti Smith de Croxall baptizata fuit decimo die Januarii. Ricardus Smith de Catton et Margareta Prettie de Edingale in prebenda de Ahewas matrimonium con- traxerunt. Gulielmus Assell de Catton sepultus fuit vicessimo secundo die Januarii. Walterus Astley de Remhorne in parochia Sci Michaelis in civitate Lichfieldis et Anna Smith de Catton matrimonium contraxerunt vicessimo primo die Februarii. Anno 1628. Johannes filius Edmundi Mousley de Edingale baptizatus fuit decimo quarto die Maii. Thomas filius Christopheri Horton de Catton armigeri baptizatus fuit decimo tertio die Augusti in Capella de Catton me ad sacrementum ministrandum. John Bentley Vicar. Anna filia Johannis Pimm de Edingale baptizata fuit vicessimo sexto die Novembris. * See " History of the Church of Edingale."— Coa;. 88 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Auno Domini 1629. Johannes filius Thomse Dakin de Okeley laptizatus fuit vicessimo nono die Aprilis. Gualterus filius Gualteri Bingham de civitatis Lichfield natus in Edingale baptizatus ftiit vicessimo die Septembris. Elizabetha filia Thomse Mousley de Edingale baptizata fuit vicessimo seoundo die Novembris. Thomas filius Roberti Smith do Croiall baptizatus fuit decimo die Januarii. Edwardus filius Johannis Bentley vicarii de Croxall et Margareta uxoris ejus baptizatus fuit octavo die Februarii. Anno Domini 1630. Gulielmus Marshal] puer ijuidam mendicans nattis in Uttoxeter morions in Catton sepultus fuit decimo die Mail. Henricus Horton filius Christopher Horton de Catton armigeri et Parnells uxoris ejus baptizatus fuit vicessimo quinto die Augu.-ti. Gkoigius filius Thomse Dakin de Okeley baptizatus fuit vicessimo octavo die Xovembris. Georgius Kensall de Croxall sepultus fuit nono die Decembris. Johannes Slott de Catton sepultus fuit prime die Februarii. Edwardus Perkins de Catton sepultus fuit nono die Februarii. Anno Domini 1631. Georgius Ullorbe de Swadlincote parochia; de Greasley and Anna Debarke de Catton matrimoniiun oon- traxertmt vicessimo septimo die Junii. Joanna uxor Roberti Edwards de Catton sepulta fuit vicessimo octavo die Junii. Winifreda Greenwood de Edingale vidua, sepulta fuit in coemeterio de Edingale uono die Octobris. Johannes Alius Johannis Pym de Edingale baptizatus fuit secundo die Xovembris. Helena Hatchet de Edingale vidua sepulta fuit in coemeterio de Ediugale prime die Jamiarii. Jana filia Johannis Bentley vicarii de Croxall et ilargareta uxoris ejus baptizatus vicessimo nono die Februarii. 1682. Maria filia Thomte Dakin de Okeley baptizata fuit tertio die Aprilis. Franciscus filius Christopheri Horton de Catton armiger et Paruellie uxoris eju-s baptizatus fuit vicessimo qtiinto die Junii. Gulielmus filius Gtilielmi Mannering de Budworth in comitatu Ccstrise natus in Croxall baptizatus fuit secundo die Septembris. Elizabetha filia Walteri Bingham de Alrewas nata in Edingale baptizata fuit vicessimo octavo die Octobris. Margeria filia Edwardi Atkinson de Marston in parochia de Kingsburie nata in Catton baptizata fuit in ecclesia parochiali de Croxall decimo tertio die Januarii. March 23, 1632. M" Elizabeth Horton being very sicke was licensed by me to eate flesh during her sicknesse. John Bentley Vicar. Anno Domini 1633. Robertus Palmer alias Edwards de Catton sepulttis frdt vicessimo septo die Martii. Margareta filia Johannis Allsopp de Catton baptizata fuit vicessimo septo die Junii. Jacobus Meacocke de Hartshorns ballivus Comitis et Comitess» Dorsetiaj dominae de Croxall sepultus fuit decimo die Augusti Elizabetha Startine de Edingale vidua sepulta fuit in coemeterio de Edingale decimo novo die Septembris. Margareta filia Johannis Alsopp de Catton sepulta fuit novo die Octobris. Thomas filius Johannis Alsopp de Catton sepultus fuit decimo octavo die Januarii Margareta filia Johannis Pym de Edingale baptizata fiiit vicessimo septimo die Januai-ii. Robertus filius Thomse Dakin de Okeley baptizatus fuit duodecimo die Martii. Robertus Bulman de Catton sepultus fuit vicessimo tertio die Martii. Anno Domini 1634. Franciscus filius Francisci Morgill alias Puilson de Edingale baptizatus fuit vicessimo secundo die Mali. Johannes Johnson de Stretton super Dunmore in parochia de Woolston et Margareta Darby de Croxall matrimonitmi contraxerunt vicessimo qtiarto die Junii. Historical Skctcli of tlie Parish of Croxall. 89 Gulielmus filius Johannis Alsopp de Catton baptizatus fuit secuudo die Augusti. Christophorus Milner de Catton et Joanna Heath de Catton matrimonium contraxerunt in ecolesia parocbiali de Croxall deuimo quinto die Decembris. Thomas Draper de Catton et Alicia Ellaston de Catton matrimonium contraxerunt in ecclesia parochiali de Croxall quinto die Octobris. Elenora uxor Francisci Morgill alias Puilson do Edingale sepulta fuit secundo die Novembris. Gulielmus filius Johannis Bentley vicarii de Croxall et Margareta uxoris ejus baptizatus fuit duodecimo die Novembris. Gulielmus Athorpe de Osgathorpe in comitatu Leicestrie et Jaua Mousley de Edingale matrimonium contraxerunt decimo septimo die Novembris. Anna filia Johannis Bentley vicarii do Croxall et Margaretse uxoris ejus sepulta fuit prime die Decembris. Jana Hortou de Catton (relicta Walter! Horton armigeri defuncti) sepulta fuit uudecimo die Martii. Anno Domini 1635. Anna filia Christopheii Horton de Catton armigeri et Parnellse uxoris ejus baptizata fuit vicesimo quinto die Aprilis in Capella de Catton. Anna filia Edwardi Abbs civis Londinensis et Sarse uxoris ejus uata in Edingale per me baptisata fuit vicesimo quinto die Septembris in Capella de Edingale (libertate a magistro ratione quarum exigentium ad ecclesiam parochialim de Croxall impedimentium. Edvai'dus filius Thomre Dakin de Okeley et Sarse uxoris ejus baptizatus fuit vicesimo prime die Januarii. Franciscus Morgell alias Puilson de Edingale et Jobauna Rose portis de Alrewas matrimonium contraxerunt decimo none die Februarii. Anno Domino 1636. Johannes Prinsope de Newton Regis et Elizabethee Hatchet de Edingale matrimonium contraxerunt vicesimo die Julii. Anna filia Edvardi Abbs civis Londinencis et Sarse uxoris ejus nata et educta in Edingale in hac parochia sepulta fuit vicesimo nono die Julii. John Bentley Vicar. Thomas filius Christopheri Milner de Catton et Joanna uxoris ejus baptizatus fuit in ecclesia parochiali de Croxall secundo die Octobris. Henricus Pase de Walton super Trent et Alicia Sanders de Walton super Trent matrimonium contraxerunt (virtute facultatis a cancellario misso concessge) nono die Octobris. Stephanus filius Johannis Alsopp de Catton et Sarse uxoris ejus baptizatus fuit in ecclesia parochali de Croxall quarto die Decembris. Helena filia Edmundi Mousley de Edingale et Helense uxoris ejus baptizata fuit decimo septimo die Februarii. ' Anno Domini 1637. Anna filia Johannis Bentley Vicarii de Croxall et Margarette uxoris ejus baptizata fuit decimo quinto die Mali. Franciscus Collier de Croxall et Isabella Brovme de Croxall matrimonium contraxerunt sexto die .lunii. Elizabetha filia Johannis Pym de Edingale et Margaretse uxoris ejus baptizata fuit nono die Julii. Johannes filius Roberti Arnold de Catton et Annse iixoris ejus baptiz.atus fuit decimo tertio die Augusti. Isabella filia Francisci Collier et Isabellse uxoris ejus baptizata fuit decimo die Decembris. Margareta filia Francisci Morgill alias Puilson de Edingale et Joannae uxoris ejus baptizata fuit decimo quarto die Januarii. Johannes Worrall .servus valde senex Georgii Curzon militis sepultus fuit octavo die Februarii. Anno Domini 1638. Johannes Thickebroom do Catton et Sybilla Panley de Catton matrimonium contraxerunt secundo die Aprilis. Helena filia Walteri Bingham et Janse uxoris ejus civitatis de LichfieM nata in Edingale baptizata fuit vicesimo die Junii. Thomas Beeke mendicans vagrans filius Johannis Beeke de Hanbury morieus apud Catton sepultus fuit tertio die Novembris. Edwardus Broughton de Longdon et Elizabetha Horton de Catton matrimonium contraxerunt in Capella de 13 90 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Catton octavo die Novembri virtvite facultatis a domino Cancellario me ad matiimouium ... celebrandum non adjuvante. Gulielmus Newbold serwis Roberti sepultus fuit secundo die Xovembris. Filia Johannis Grundy et Johannie uxoris ejus (sepulta fuit decimo septimo die Januarii non baptizata). Thomas filius Johannis Pym de Edingale et Margaretie uxoris ejus baptizatns fuit vicesimo sexto die Februarii. Cristopherus Smith de Catton sepultus fuit vicesimo die Martii. Anno Domini 1639. Filius Johannis Prinsope de Newton morieus apud Edingale sepultus fuit in ea parte cemeterii de Edingale quffi ad ecclesiam de Croxall pertinet vicesimo septimo die Martii. Georgius Alsopp filius Johannis Allsopp et Sarse uxoris ejus baptizatus fuit vicesimo sexto die Mali. Henricus Curzon de Croxall armiger sepultus fuit secundo die Julii. Pamella filia Christopheri MUner de Catton et Joannae uxoris ejus baptizata fuit vicesimo sexto die Octobris, nuam ego requisitus baptizavi in Capella de Catton. Maria filia Thomse Dakin de Okeley et Saraj uxoris ejus baptizata fuit undecimo die Novembris Maria filia Thomas Dakia sepulta fuit decimo quinto die Novembris. Jacobus filius Fraucisci Morgill alias Puilson et Joanna; uxoris ejus de Edingale baptizatus fuit decimo octavo die Novembris. Thomas Bloomer servus Cristopheri Horton de Catton armigeri sepultus fuit decimo octavo die Novembris. Johannes filius Johannis Grundy de Croxall et Joannsa uxoris ejus baptizatus fuit quarto die Februarii. Gulielmus Gresley parochite de Greasley et Margeria Frith hujus parochiae nupti fuerunt in ecclesia de Croxall vicessimo septo die Februarii virtute facultatis concessie. 1640. Samuel filius Samuelis Willes vicarii de Croxall et Eleonorse uxoris ejus baptizatus fait decimo septimo die Septembris. Maria filia Johannis Biowne de Edingale et Dorothese uxoris ejus baptizata fuit primo die Novembris. Anno Domini 1641. Franciscus Thacker de Comberford in parochia de Tamworth et Isabella Keinolds de Croxall nupti fuerunt vicessimo quarto die Junii. Catalogus nomiuum, eorum qui in Capella de Catton vel nupti vel baptizata fuerunt me ad ofEcia ista non requisite in registrario de Catton quceratur. Anna Ashmole vidua de Eding.ale sepulta fuit per me in ea parte coemeterii de Edingale quae ad ecclesiam de Croxall pertinet octavo die Decembris. Johannes Pether parochise de Appleby et Gratia Atkins parochise de Alderwayes nupti fuerant in ecclesia de Croxall decimo none die J.anuarii virtute facultatis mihi a Domino cancellario Jacobus filius Johannis Pym de Edingale et Margarita uxoris ejus baptizatus fuit decimo die M.artii. Anno Domini 164*2. Filia Thomre Dakin de Okely non baptizata sepulta fuit vicessimo septimo die Martii. Margeria filia Fraucisci Morgill alias Puilson de Edingale et Joannse uxoris ejus baptizata fuit decimo die Aprilis. Edvardus filius Edvardi Villiers de Catton generosi et Jana; uxoris ejus baptizatus fuit vices.simo octavo die Aprilis quem ego requisitus baptizavi in Capella de Catton. Johannes Willcoxe parochiie et Alderwayes et Katherina Wagstaffe de Croxall nupti fuerunt in ecclesia de Croxall quinto die Mail. Dorothea filia Francisci Kensall de Croxall et Dorotheae uxoris ejus baptizata fuit sexto die Julii. Maria filia Jacobi Gent hominis peregriuatis moriens apud Catton sepulta fuit none die Junii. Martha filia Samuelis Willes vicarii de Croxall et Eleoiiorie uxoris ejus baptizata fuit undecimo die Septembris. Gulielmus puer quidam mendicans moriens apud Catton sepultus fuit vicessimo tertio die Octobris. Jana Balman de Catton vidua sepulta fuit vicessimo die Ootobris. Amy filia Chi-istophori Mylner de Catton et Joannae uxoris ejus baptizata primo die Octobris. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 91 Franciscus Browne parochice de Walton super Trent et Parnella Mylner de Catton nupti fuerunt tertio die NoTombris. Johannes filius Johannis et Dorothe?e Browne baptizatus fuit decimo sexto die Januarii. 1643. Anna Collet sepulta fuit sexto die Octobris. 1644. Johannes filius Thomse et Ann® Wagstaffe baptizatus fait 30 die Marchii. Georgius Swan sepultus fuit quarto die Apiilis. Gulielmus filius Johannis et Dorothea) Browne baptizatus fuit circiter septimum Aprilis et non multo post sepultus. Here badly kept in consequence of the Civil War. Addin Band et Katherina Corbet matrinoouium contraxeruut. Joyce filia Francisci et Dorothese Kensall baptizata. Gulielmus Pymme filius Johannis et Margaretse Pymme baptiz.itus fuit vicessimo octavo die Octobris 1644. Addin Band baptizatus. Thomas Collet et Susanna Grimly matrimonium contraxeruut 30 June 1645. Samuel Twist et Parnella Horton matrimonium contraxerunt. Filia Thomse et Sarse Part non baptizata sepulta est. Gulielmus filius Gulielmi Russell iiothus baptizatus. Christophorus filius Samuelis et Parnella; Twist baptizitus. Gulielmus Russell et Anna Bulman matrimonium contraxerunt. Thomas Thickbroome et Ursula Massey matrimonium contraxerunt. Hugo filius Christophori et Joannae Milner baptizatus est. Jana filia Georgii et Janre Lea baptizata est. Thomas filius Thomte et Susannas Collet baptizatus est. Robertas Pretty et Elizabetha Shearpheard nupti sunt. Thomas filius Thomse et Anuse Wagstaffe baptizatus est 19 Novem 164G. Gulielmus Browne de Edingall sepultus est 20 Novem 1646. Robertus Arnold de Catton sepultus est 4 April 1647. Johannes filius Caroli et Lucije Agard baptizatus est 4** die Novemhris 1647. Susannah filia Ffrancisci et Dorotheas Kensall baptizata est 27 die Februarii 1647. Georgius filius Thomse et Susannre Collet baptizatus vicessimo sexto die Octobris 1648. Carolus filius Caroli et Lucise Agard baptizata 8 die Ffebraarii 1648. Georgius Collet sepultus est in ea parte cceraeterii Edingallensis quae ad Croxall pertinet 10 Februarii 1648 Sarab uxor Thomaj Dakiu de Oakeley sepulta est in ecclesia de Croxall 12 die Martii 1648. Infans Georgii et Janie Ley de Catton non baptizatus sepultus est iu ecclesia de Croxall 21 Martii 1648. Commences regularly again. Anno Domini 1G49. Anna fiiia Gualtheri et Dorotbese Horton de Catton baptizata est in Capella de Catton vicessimo nono die Martii. Emma filia Richardi et Katherinae Coke de Trusley baptizata est in cedibus de Croxall secundo die AprUis. Florentia Agard de Croxall vidua sepulta est in cancella de Croxall vicesimo die Julii. Catherina filia Thomae et Ann» Wagstaff baptizata decimo quarto die Novembris. Catherina filia Christopheri et Joannee Milner baptizata est septo die Novembris. Joyce filia Francisci et Dorothese Kensall sepulta est decimo septimo die Januarii, Franciscus filius Charoli et Lucise Agard baptizata est decimo secundo die Martii. Joanna filia Johannis et Joanna Grundy baptizata est vicesimo die Martii. A D 1650. Anonymus Georgii Ley de Catton sepulta est 27 Octobris. Sarah filia Johannis et Dorotheae Browne de E'lingale baptizata est 20 die Novembris. Johannes Cox de Stapenhill et E izabetha Gilbert de Haunton matrimonium contraxerunt undecimo die Februarii. 92 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Parnella filia Gualtheri et Dorothese Horton de Cattou baptizata est in sedibus Cattoniensis viccssimo dis Febniarii. Johannes filius ThomsB et Susannse CoUett baptizata est vicessimo septimo die Februarii. 1651. Parnella Horton de Catton sepulta est in cancella de Croxall vicessimo nono die Martii. Maria filia Thom^e Sane Feet de Oakley baptizata est decimo quarto die Aprilis. Lucia filia Caroli et Luciae Agard baptizata est septo die Mail. Franciscus filia Caroli et Lucise Agard sepultus est vicesimo quarto die Maii. Elizabetha Dilkes de Croxall vidua sepulta est octavo die Octobris. Elizabetha Higges de Edingale sepulta est octavo die Octobris. Sarah Grundy de Broadfields vidua sepulta est quarto die Decembris. Franciscus filins Francisci et Dorotbeae Kensall baptizatus est decime octave die Decembris. Johannes Grundy de Broadfields sepultus est decimo tertio die Februarii, payd a mortuary. Anna filia Thomce et Ancse Wagstaffe baptizata est octavo die Martii. 1652. Stephanus filius Johannis Alsopp de Catton et Sarah uxoris ejus sepultus est decimo octavo die Augusti. Alicia uxor Johannis Hatchett de Edingall sepulta est quarto die Decembris. Christophorus filius Christophori et Joannas Milner de Catton baptizatus est 14"' die Octobris. Christophorus filius Christopberi et Joannie Milner de Catton sepultus est 2° die Novembris. Maria filia Caroli et Luciae Agard baptizata est ultimo die Novembris. Christophorus filius Gualteri et Dorothese Horton baptizatus est octavo die Decembris. Anna Swan de EdingaU vidua sepulta est quioto die Martii. Humphridus filius Thom* et Susannse Collett baptizatus est decimo die Martii. Humphridus filius Thomse sepultus est vicessimo quarto die Martii. Anno Domini 1653. Johannes Houo-h vicarius hujus ecclesise et Dorothea Agard matrimonium contraxerunt vicessimo nono die Martii. Johannes Goodwin de DunstaU et Margareta Mousley de Edingall matrimonium contraxerunt 28<> die Junii. Johannes Hatchet de Edingall sepultus est vicessimo secundo die Augusti. Thomas Dakin de Catton sepultus est decimo qvarto die Decembris. Dorothea uxor Francisci Kensall sepulta est vicessimo secundo die Decembris. 1654. Maria filia Caroli et Lucite Agard sepulta est vicessimo die Junii. Francisca filia Caroli et Luciae Agard nata vicessimo septo die Julii baptizata est decimo die Augusti. Johannes Taylour de Catton sepultus est vicessimo primo die Augusti. Gualtherus filius Gualtheri et Dorotbeae Horton natus vicessimo secundo die Augusti baptizatus est ultimo die ejusdem mensis. Joanna filia Thomse et Susannse Collett nata vicessimo quinto die Octobris baptizata est nono die Novembris. Franciscus MorgiU alias Puilson de Edingale sepultus est in ctemeterio Edingallensi decimo octavo die Februarii. 1655. Dorothea uxor Johannis Hough sepulta est in cancella Croxallensi vicessimo die Aprilis. Johannes filius Johannis et Dorotbeae Hough natus decimo reuatus est vicessimo quarto die Aprilis. Anna Ffisher extranea sepulta est duodecimo die Junii. Johannes Mathew de Edingall sepultus est vicessimo sexto die Junii. Elizabetha Mathew vidua de Edingale sepulta est vicessimo sexto die Augusti. Johannes Pymme de Edingale sepultus est decimo sexto die Novembris. Elizabetha filia Gualtheri et Dorotbeae Horton de Catton baptizata est septimo die Februarii die post nativitatem suam nono. 1656. Sarah filia Francisci et Sarse Kensall nata nono die Martii 1655 baptizata est primo die Aprilis. Johannes filius Johannis Hough vidui et vicarii sepultus est quarto die Aprilis. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Civxall. 93 Joanna filia Thomie et Susannse CoUett sepnlta est vicessimo sexto die Aprilis. Thomas filius Caroli et Lucije Agard natus ultimo die Aprilis baptizata est vicessimo die Maii. Kebeccali filia Thorase et Sarse Perl de Oakley nata none die Julii baptizata est sexto die Augusti. Thomas filius Thomse et Annse Wagstaff sepultus est vicessimo secundo die Augusti. Thomas filius Caroli et Lucise Agard sepultus est vicessimo nono die Octobris. Maria filia Thomse et Aniise Wagstaff nata duodecimo baptizata est vicessimo die Decembris. Dorothea filia Gualtheri et Dorothete Horton nata vicessimo baptizata est vicessimo die Januarii. Susanna filia Thoma3 et Susannce Collett nata vicessimo quarto die Januarii baptizata est duodecimo die Februarii. 1667. Thomas Wall de Burton super Trent dum in nemore Cattoniensi charadrii nidum spoliare ausus pr^eeps summa delapsus arbore subitario seii^sura raorte mulctavit ! sepultus est vicessimo quinto die Aprilis. Alicia filia Richardi et Katheriua Thickbroome nata tertio baptizata est decimo octavo die Mail. Abraham Fowler de Salt in parochia See Marie Stafford et Anna Horton de Catton matrimonium con- traxerunt undecimo die Junii. Thomas filius Roberti et Marise Deakin natus octavo baptizatus est decimo octavo die Novembris. Thomas Deakiu senior de Oakley sepultus est sexto die Januarii. 1658. Susannah Kensall de Croxall vidua sepulta est tertio die Septembris. Anna Swan de Edingale virgo sepulta est in capella de Edingall decimo die Novembris. Maria filia Francisci et Sarse Kensall nata decimo quinto baptizata vicessimo septimo die Novembris sepulta est septimo die Decembris. Henricus filius Henrici et Elizabethce Kensall natus decimo sexto Januarii baptizatus est octavo die Februarii. Sarah filia Roberti et Sane Deakiu nata septimo baptizata est vicessimo sexto die Februarii. 1659. Alexander filius Gualtheri et Dorotheee Horton natus vicesimo primo Aprilis baptizatus est quinto die Mali. Johannes Alsop de Catton sepultus est vicesimo octavo die Julii. Joanna Morgill de Edingale vidua sepulta est quarto die Octobris. Christopherus Horton de Catton armiger sepultus est in cancella Croxalensi vicesimo tertio die Novembris. Gulielmus Alsop de Catton et Maria Williams de Leichfield Close matrimonium inierunt primo die Decembris. Joanna filia Francisci et Sarse Kensall natus vicesimo die Decembris baptizata est septimo die Januarii. 1660. Laureutius Hatchet de Edingale sepultus est vicesimo septo die Aprilis. Carolus filius Henrici et Elizabethae Kensall baptizatus est decimo septo die Julii. Thomas Speare in parochia de Tamworth et Anna Russell de Edingale matrimonium inierunt primo die Novembris. Thomas filius Georgii et Elizabethse Swanne de Edingale baptizatus est octavo die Novembris. Lsetitia filia Gualtheri et Dorothese Horton baptizata est quinto die Decembris. Richardus Ellis de Walton et Maria Gyers de Catton nuptias inierunt vicesimo septo die Decembris. Margereta filia Richardi et Joannse Winsor de Wasall nata apud Edingale baptizata est decimo tertio de Januarii. Georgius Thomywell et Jana Philips nuptias inierunt decimo quarto die Januarii. 1661. Elizabetha filia Roberti et Sarje Deakin baptizata est secundo die Octobris. Constantia uxor Thomaa Mousley sepulta est quarto die Novembris. Pamella filia Christophori et Joannas Milner de Catton sepulta est vicesimo die Novembris. Richardus filius Francisci et Sarse Kensall baptizatus est decimo die Februarii. Maria filia Gualtheri et Dorothese Horton baptizata est decimo octavo die Martii, 94 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 1662. Maria filia Gualtheri ot Dorothea Horton sepulta est vicesimo die Augusti. Elizabetha filia Johauuis et Mai-gerita Wylkins baptizata est decimo septimo die Decembris. 1663. Margerita filia Georgii et Elizabetlife Swan baptizata. vicesimo quinto die Octobris. Francisca filia Gualtheri et Dorothefe Horton baptizata est decimo quinto die Octobris. Johannes Grundy et JIaria Sealo matrimonivim inierunt vicesimo die Novembri.s. Jo.-iephus Sauuders viduus de Barton subter Needwood et Maria Moore de Alrewas matrimonium inierunt vicesimo nono die Decembrig. 166i. Sarah Alsop de Catton vidua sepulta est vicesimo octavo de Martii. Eliziibeth filia Thomas et Catherinae Gilbert baptizata est vicesimo nono die Martii. Sarah filia Georgii et Jana; Thornywell baptizata est undecimo die Aprilis. Ricardus Tomlyson de Walton sup Trent et Alicia Lockley de Catton matrimonium inierunt vicesimo octavo die Aprilis. Dorothea filia Johannis et Dorothea Brown de Edingale sepulta est decimo nono Augusti. Kobertns filius Roberti et Marias Deakin baptizatus est quinto die Octobris. Philadelphia filia Gualtheri et Dorothese Horton baptizata est tertio die Novembris. Henricus filius Richardi et Brigitta Sheaperd tertio die Novembris baptizatus est. Sarah filia Johannis et Elizabethro Arnold baptizata est decimo quarto die Novembris. Johannes filius Johannis et Marise Grundy baptizatus est secundo die Februarii. Lucia filia Johannis et Katherina Hough nata decimo octavo die Februai-ii circiter horam decimam ante meridiem baptizata est nono die Martii. 1685. Anna Arnold de Catton vidua sepulta est decimo die Junii. Johannes filius Georgii et Anna Alsop de Catton baptizatus est tertio die Augusti. Anna filia Georgii et Elizabethas Swan baptizata est vicesimo prime die Decembris. Johannes filius Johannis et Margai-eta Wilkins baptizatus est decimo quarto die Decembris. Jacobus Linford de Clifton et Anna Baxter hujus parochiae matrimonium inierunt vicesimo tertio die Januarii. Elizabetha filia Johannis et Elizabethse Arnold baptizata est vicesimo quinto die Janu.arii. GuUielmus Roades de Appleby et Dorothea Lakin de Fradley matrimonium inierunt vicesimo primo die Februarii. Johannes filius Francisci ct Saraha: Kensall baptizatus est vicesimo secundo die Februarii. 1666. Anna Boydell de Edingale sepulta est tertio die Aprilis. Timotheus St Nicholas de Stafford et Elizabetha Moore de Alrewas matrimonium inierunt vicesicno septo die Aprilis. Maria filia Roberti et Maria; Deakin baptizata est vicesimo septo die ApriUs. Sarah filia Georgii et Jance Thornewell sepulta est undecimo die Juuii. Francisca filia Thomse et Brigittai Brown baptizata est primo die Augusti. Henricus Baker de Appleby et Maria Palmer hujus parochise matrimonium inierunt Wcesimo septimo die Septembris. Maria filia Johannis et Maripe Gr\uidy baptizata est primo die Novemliris. Thomas Peg et Margareta Francis de Harlastone matrimonium inierunt vicesimo secundo die Novembris. Johannes filius Gualtheri et Dorothesa Horton baptizata est vicessimo nono die Novembris. Samuel filius Richardi et BrigitUe Sheapard baptizatus est decimo sexto die Decembris. Samuel filius Richardi et Brigittse Sheaphard sepultus est vicessimo quinto die Decembris. Johannes filius Gualtheri et Dorotheie Horton sepultus est undecimo die JIartii. Johannes filius Johannis et ElizabetliEe Arnold baptizatus est decimo quarto die Martii. Historical Skctcli of the Parish of Croxall. 95 1667. Thomas Hill de Wiohnour et Eleanora Baker tie Barton matrimonium inierunt undecimo die Maii. Johannes fiUus Johannis et Elizabethse Arnold sepultus est vicessimo quarto die Maii. Guilielmus tilius Thomje et Brigittie Brown baptizata est vicessimo quarto die Julii. Dorothea uxor Johannis Brown est sepulta vicessimo die Augusti. Thomas Mousley Senior sepultus est decimo nono die Septembris. Johannes Smyth de Barton et Elizabetha Yates de Walton matrimonium contraxerint decimo septo die Januarii. 1668. Thomas Mousley de Lichfield et Amia Milton de Croxall matrimonium inierunt prime die Aprilis. Anna filia Boberti et Marise Deakin baptizata est undecimo die Maii. Sarah filia Richardi et Brigittas Sheaphaa-d baptizata est undecimo die Maii. Thomas Baker de Appleby et Katherina Wilkins de Wytherly matrimonium inierunt duodecimo die Maii. Johannes filius Johannis et Elizabethse Arnold baptizatus est duodecimo die Octobris. Johannes filius Georgii et Elizabethse Seusanne baptizatus est vicessimo die Novembris. Elizabetha filia Thomje et Brigitta Brown baptizata est decimo quinto die Decembris. Anna filia Guilielmi et Amise Reynolds de Catton baptizata est secundo die Februarii. Anna filia Guilielmi et Amiie Reynolds prediota sepulta est undecimo die Februarii, Alicia Hatchet de Edingale sepulta est vicessimo die Februarii. 1669. Christophorus Milner de Catton sepultus est prime die Maii. Maria filia Roberti et Marise Deakin sepulta est decimo tertio die Octobris. Anna filia Johannis et Elizabethse Arnold baptizata est undecimo die Novembris. Anna filia Johannis et Ehzabethse Arnold sepulta est decimo octavo die Decembris. Maria filia Thomse et Brigittse Brown baptizata est vicessimo quarto die Februarii. 1670. Jana filia Thomse et Janse Pymme baptizata est nono die Maii. Johannes filius Georgii et Janse Thornywell baptizatus est decimo sexto die Maii, Elizabetha Prinsop vidua, sepulta est quarto die Augusti. Johannes Hatchet et Margeria Prinsop de Edingale matrimonium inierunt decimo quarto die Novembris. Joanna Milner de Catton vidua sepulta est vicessimo septimo die Novembris. Franciscus Kensall de Croxall sepultus est septimo die Decembris. Thomas Bolton de Catton sepultus est vicessimo quarto die Decembris. Joanna Grundy de Broadfleld vidua sepulta est decimo sexto die Januarii. Maria filia Richardi et Briggitse Sheapheard baptizatus est prime die Martii. Johannes Etwall et Joanna Podmore de Edingale matrimonium inierunt nono die Februarii 1670, 1671. Elizabetha filia Johannis et Margeriio Hatchet baptizata decimo tertio sepulta est decimo septimo .lie Augusti. Margeria uxor Johannis Hatchet sepulta est vicessimo die Augusti. Katherina Wagstaffe de Croxall vidua sepulta est decimo quarto die Novembris. Carolus filius Thomse et Brigittse Broom baptizatus vicessimo die Decembris. Anna filia Johannis et Joann® Ellour de Edingale baptizata est decimo octavo die Januarii, 1672. Johannes Wagstaffe de Edingale sepultus est vicessimo septimo die Maii. Joanna Kensall sepulta est decimo nono die Maii. Josephus filius Josephi et Annse Grundy baptizatus est quarto die Decembris, Robertns gemellus alter filius Anna gemella altera filia Johanis et Elizabethse Arnold baptizati sunt octavo die Novembris. "Jacobus filius Jacubi et Elizabethse Morgill baptizatus est tertio die Februarii. Johannes Brown de Edingall viduus sepultus est sexto die Februarii. Anna filia Johannis et Elizabethse Arnold sepulta est decimo die Martii. 96 Historical Sketch of tJie Parish of Croxall. 1673. Johannes filius Thomse et Brigittse Brown baptizatus est decimo die Mnii. Elizabetha filia Johannis et Joanu Anna filia Jacobi et Elizabeth® Morgill baptizata est vicessimo octavo die Aprilis. ' . Johannes Collett sepultus est undecimo Junii. Georgius filius Georgii et Sarahae Thorniwell baptizatus est undecimo die Jiilii. Maria Lakin sepulta est vicesimo die Augusti. Georgius Cox de Rosliston et Elizabetha Hatchet de Edingale matrimonium inierunt vicessimo none die Septembris. Thomas Sturges rector de Sudbury et Lucia Hough hujus parochial matrimonium inierunt vicessimo prinio die Martii. 1687. Anna filia Johannis et Anna; Mousley baptizata tuit tertio die Julii. Daniel filius Gulielmi et CatherinsB Thomas baptizatus est duodecimo die Septembris. Thomas Brown gen' sepulta est in cancella Croxallensi prime die Decembris. Elizabetha filia Johannis et Catherinae Owen baptizata est quarto die Decembris. Esther Wilson de Bretby morions apud Catton sepulta est vicessimo quinto die Februarii. 16S8. Sarah .\rnold of Catton virgo sepulta fuit vicessimo octavo die Martii. Henricus Marshall et Elizabetha Richards de Croxall matrimonium contraxerunt decimo tertio 13° May. Jacobus the son of James Pim and Alice his wife baptized the IS'i" of May 16S8. Martinus Swinson of Hanbnry et Elizabetha Lyndon do Lyntou in parochia de Griesley matrimonium con- traxerunt decimo sexto die Octobris. Elenora the daughter of George and Elenor Collet was baptized the S'"^ day of January. 1689. Elenora Mousley of Edingale widow was burietl the 29''' of July 16S9. Josephus filius Johannis et Catherinjt Owen baptizatus fuit septo die Octobris. Margeria filia Jacobi et Elizabethse Morgill de Edingall baptizata fuit decimo octavo die Novembris. 1690. Johannis Hough vicarius hujus ecclesire sepultus est in ecclesia parochiali vicessimo primo die Aprilis. Johannis Daniel de Newall et Edingale inductus fuit ad vicariam ecolesiie parochialis de Croxall vicessimo sexto die Aprihs. Jacobus filius Gulielmi et Catherinae Thomas de Croxall baptizatus fuit decimo die Augusti. Robertus Brown Gen : et divina sepultus fviit vicessimo quarto die Augusti. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 99 1691. Jobannes Mousley de Eddingal sepultus fuit decimo uono die Aprilis. Mortuarium recepi. Sarah filia Johanuis et Dorotheifi Kensal de Croxal baptizata fuit decimo die Maii. Joana filia Johannis et CatheriniB Owen de Croxal baptizata fuit vioessimo septimo die Maii. Joanna filia Johannis et Dorotheas Buller de Croxall sepulta fuit vicessimo octavo die Maii. Susanna filia Georgii et Elenora Collet de EdingaU baptizata fuit prime die Septembris. Jacobus Alius Jacobi et Aliciaj Pim de EdingaU Bed hujus parochiae sepultus fuit er pme in ccemeterio Eddingallensi duodecimo die Octobris. Henricus Cox de Rausleston parochia de Walton super Trent et Elizabetha Moseley ejusdem parochiffi matri- monium inierunt secunJo die mensis Februarii' Thomas Collet Senex de Pessall-Pitts hujus parochise sepultus fuit decimo tertio die mensis Martii he died poor and so paid no mortuary. Anno 1692. Daniel Alius Johannis et Joannfe Edwall de Edingale in parochia de Croxall sepultus fuit a me in ea parte caemeterii de Edingale quse ad parochialim de Croxall pertinet duodecimo die Septembris. Abrahamus Orgyll de Lynton in parochia de Greisly et Anna Thorpe de Tamworth matrimonium inierunt vicessimo die Septembris. Johannes Sykes de Ashby de la Zouche et Dorothea Choyre de Lynton in parochia de Greisly virtute acultatis a cancellario concessse matrimonium inierunt vicessimo prime die Septembris. Francisous filius Johannis et Dorothese Kensall baptizatus fuit primo die Novembris. Ricardus filius Johannis et Dorotheae Buller de Croxall baptizatus fuit vicessimo die Januarii. Eichardus filius Johannis et Dorotheas Buller de Croxall infans sepultus est vicessimo primo die Januarii. Benjamin filius Johannis et Catherinae Owen baptizatus est vicessimo quinto die JaEuarii. Anna Tow de Eddingale in parochia de Croxall sepulta fuit a me in ea parte caemeterii de Edingale quae ad eoolesiam paroehialem de Croxall pertinet tricessimo primo die Januarii Ricardus Wilcocks de Edingale et Maria Bond de Catton matrimonium inierunt decimo quarto die Februarii. Anno 1693. Dorothea uxor Johannis Kensall sepulta fuit sexto die Junii. Johannes Pim de Eddingale parochise de Croxall sepultus est primo die Augusti. Abel Low et Elizabetha Wildsmith matrimonium inierunt duodecimo die Octobris. Gulielmus Taylor de Oakley sepultus est undecimo die Januarii. Anno 1694. Gululmus Nevill de Catton et Elizabetha Newbold de Netherseale matrimonium iuieiniut decimo sexto die Aprilis. Maria filia Gulielmi et Katherinae Thomas de Croxall baptizata fuit octavo die Julii. Robertus Francis de Alrewas et Anna Dawson de Edingale matrimonium inierunt septimo die Octobris. Johannes Arnold servus Georgii Collet de Edingale sepultus fuit in ea parte caemeterii de Edingale que ad ecclesiam paroehialem de Croxall pertinet decimo quinto die Decembris. 1695. Josephus Wood et Ursila Ward Utrige de Burton super Trent matrimonium inierunt nono die Julii. 1696. Johanes Kensall de Croxall et Maria Ronnaldson de Alrewas matrimonium inierunt decimo nono die Aprilis. Johannes Hatchet in parochia de Croxall et Dorothea Walter de Staunton juxta Eccleshall matrimonium inierunt vicessimo sexto die Aprilis. Margeria filia Gulielmi et Elizabethae Nevill de Catton baptizata fuit octavo die Junii. Maria filia Christophori et Elizabethae Horton armigeri de Catton sepulta est duodecimo die Septembris. Gulielmus filius Johannis et Catterinae Hollier de Croxall baptizatus est decimo nono die Januarii. Gulielmus filius Johannis et Catterinfe sepultus est decimo quarto die Februarii. Susannah filia Francisci et Annae Royl de Wilsley baptizata fuit vicessimo die Martii. I oo Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 1697. Johannes filius Johannis et Dorothese Hatchet de Edingale baptizatus fuit decimo tertio die Mail. Thomas Whitterings et Catherina Watson de Bromley Abbots matrimonium inierunt quinto die Augusti. Elizbetha hlius Johannis et Mariie Kensall baptizata fait decimo sexto die Septembris. Johannes filius Ricardi et Maria Starlysh de Curborow baptizata fuit decimo nono die Septembris. Gulielmus Germane de Walton et Elizabeth Yates de Catton matrimonium inierunt octavo die Octobris. Catherina Owen vidua sepulta fuit vicesimo sexto die Octobris. Elizabetha filia Gulielmi et Elizabethse Nevile de Catton baptizata fuit nono die Februarii. Johannes Daniel et Margareta Smith de Blackstone in parochia de Sandbach in comitatu Cestrise matrimonium inierunt in ecclesia da Maveson Ridware quarto die Martii. 1693. Elizabetha filia Christophori et Elizabethas Horton de Catton armii?eri sepulta fuit decimo quarto die Maii. Gulielmus Harper et Elizabetha Rhodes matrimonium inierunt decimo quinto die Maii. Elizabetha uxor AbeUs Low de Edingale sepulta fmt tertio die Decembris. Thomas filius Johannis et Margeret.'e Daniel natus est uudecimo aie Decembris ad horam sesquiquintam post meridianam baptizata est vicessimo prime die Decembris. Johannes filius Francisci et Annae Royle de Willsley Kiptizatus fuit octavo die Februarii. Gulielmus filius Johaunis et Dorothea Hatchet de Edingale baptizatus fuit octavo die Martii. 1699. Maria filia Johannis et ilarise Kensall baptizata fuit decimo sexto die Aprilis. Maria filia Johannis et Marise Kensall sepiilta fuit decimo nono die Aprilis. Thomas Smith de Bothton in comitatu Cestrise nuper de Croxall sepultas fuit vicessimo die Aprilis. Anna filia Kichardi et Mariae Startyn de Curborow baptizatus fuit tertio die Maii. Johannes Harrison de Burton super Trent et Sarah Smith de Bretby matrimonium inierunt undccimo die Septembris. Christophorus filius Gulielme et Elizabethse Nevill de Catton baptizatus est vicesimo octavo die Novembris. Elizabetha filia Johannis et Margeretae D.aniel nata decimo octavo die Decembris ad horam sesquiduo- decimam baptizata fuit vicesimo septimo die Decembris. Johannes Walton de Faseley in parochia de Tamworth et Elizabetha Capenhurst de Barton subter Needwood in parochia de Tatenhill matrimonium inierunt duo decimo die Februarii. Willielmus Breedon et Anna Bath de Swadlincoat in parochia de Greisly matrimonium inierunt decimo sexto die Februarii. 1700. Johannes Baker de Barton subter Needwood et Elizabetha Erpe de Catton matrimonium inienmt nono die Aprilis. Anna Adams de Edingale in parochia de Croxall sepulta fuit undecimo die Aprilis. Maria filia Johannis et Katherinae HoUier baptizata fuit vicessimo tertio die Junii. Sarah filia Willelmi et Elizabetha Harper baptizata fuit vicessimo die Octobris. Johannes filius Francisci et Jauae Hall de Walton super Trent baptizatus fuit vicessimo die Xovembris. Thomas filius Johannis et Dorothese Hatchett baptizatus est vicessimo quarto die Novembris. Francisca filia Johannis et Margaretae Daniel nata trigessimo die Novembris ad horam sesquisextam ante meridianam baptizata fuit undecimo die Decembris. Daniel filius Francisci et Aunce Royl baptizatus et undecimo die Januarii. Christox)horus filius Gualtheri et Ehzabethae Horton simiigeri baptizatus est prime die Februarii. 1701. Francisca filia Johannis et Margaretae Daniel sepulta est quarto die Maii. Maria filia Johannis et Katherime HoUier sepulta fuit vicessimo die Junii. Martha Jonson omiiivaga mendicans Horreo ! de Etwallensi in lato agro morions sepulta est vicessimo septimo die Junii. Georgius Collet de Wyginton et Maria Goodwin de Eddiugale matrimonium inierunt tricessimo tlie Junii. Johannes filius Joseplii et Elizibethte Grundy de Croxall baptizatus est duodecimo die Junii. Historical Sketch of the Parisli of Croxall. loi Johannes Kensall sepultus est decimo septimo die Julii : and I forgave his mortuary. Maria Hauxford spuria baptizata fuit vicessimo quarto die Augusti. Gualtherus Horton armiger sepultus est vicessimo secundo die Novembris. Johannes Kensall posthunius baptizatus est decimo octavo die Januarii. Johannes filius Jnhannis et Margaretie Daniel iiatus decimo quarto ad horam quartam post meridianum baptizat : est vicessimo sexto die Februarii. Elizabetha filia Gualtheri et ElizahethfB Horton armigeri baptizata fuit nono die Martii. 1702. Gulielmus Page de Lullington et Susannah Eggiuton de eadem matrimonium inierunt vicessimo quinto die Martii. Gulielmus filius Gulielrai et Elizabethje Harpur baptizat: est duo decimo die Aprilis. Guliolmus filius Gulielnii et Elizabetbffi Harpur sepultus est decimo quarto die Aprilis. Maria filia Gulielmi et Marise Coton de Oakeley baptizuta fuit quinto die Augusti. Franciscus filius Francisci et Annse Royl baptizat est vicessimo secundo die Septenibris. Carolus filius Johanuis et Margaretse Daniel natus octavo die Martii ad horam quartum ante meridianam eodum die baptizat est. Infans primus ad novum Croxallinse baptizterium post templi reparationem in eoclesiam receptus est vicessimo nono die Martii. 1703. Esther filia Caroli et Elizabethse Hobson de Derby (ut diritur) mendicantium a domino Swan de Eddingale ob mortis metum baptizatus vicessimo septimo die Martii a me in ecclesiam recepta est vicessimo quinto die Aprilis. Botham Orme de parochia Burton super Treut et Elizabetha Holland de Caldwell matrimonium inierunt quarto die Maii. Maria filia Gulielmi et Elizabethse Nevill de Catton baptizata fuit sept'mo die Maii. Elizabetha filia Josephi et ElizaJjethiB Grundy de Croxal baptizata fuit vicessimo die Maii. Margareta filia Johannis et Margaretae Daniel nata decimo quiuto die Februarii ad horum semiundecimum post meridianam baptiz: fuit vicessimo quarto die Februarii. Anna filia Jaoobi et Elizabethaa Morgill sepulta fuit a me in ea parte ccemeterii de Eddingale quae ad ecclesiam parochialem de Croxall pertinet septimo die Martii. Gulielmus Dylke de Stapenal et Anna Chekley de Nether Scale matrimonium inierunt quinto die Martii. 1704. Gualterius filius Gualteri et Elizabethm Horton de Catton generosi b.aptizat : est in capella de Catton vicessimo nono die Muii ad petitionem prcedicti Gualthri. Johannes filius Gulielmi et Franoisca Webb de Croxall baptizat : fait vicessimo sexto die Junii in ecclesiam receptus est decimo .nono die Junii. Anna filia Francisci et Anna Eoyl baptizata fuit quinto die Julii. Andreas filius Johannis et Dorotbese Hatchet baptizatus est vicessimo secundo die Decembris. 170.5. Franciscus Dickins et Lidia Hall de Walton super Trent matrimonium inierunt tertio die Aprilis. Johannes filius Gulielmi et Elizabethse Nevill de Catton bapt-'zatus est vicessimo octavo die Maii. Ricardus Styrox de Lichfieldia et Sarah Baggaloy de Oakley matrimonium inierunt nono die Septembris. Frano'sca filia Gulielmi et Franciscae Webb baptizata fuit duodecimo die Septembris. Thomas filius Gulielmi et Marise Coton de Oakeley baptizatus est vicessimo quinto die Septembris. Gulielmus filius Gulielmi et Elizabethie Harpur baptizatus est vicessimo prime die Octobris. Gulielm\is filius Francisci et Annae Royle baptizatus est tricessimo prime die Januarii. Thomas filius Gualteri et Elizabethas Horton generosi baptizatus est a me in capella Cattonionsi prime die Februarii. 1706. Petrus et Anna Gemelli libsri Johannis et Margaretae Daniel baptizata sunt decimo tertio die Junii. Petrus et Anna Gemelli liberi Johannis et Margaretse Daniel sepulti fuerunt decimo quarto di Junii. Willielmus Wright et Elena Clownam ambo de Yoxall matrimonium inierunt prime die Octobris. I02 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Anna Wagstaffe senex sepulta est decinio nono die Octobris. Radulphus et Dorothea Hatchet de Edingal in parochia de Cnixall matrimonium inierunt vicessimo ocfcivo die Novembris. Jana mxot Thomre Pirn de Eddingale sepulta fuit vicessimo tertio die Februarii. 1707. Maria filia Gualteri et Elizabeths Horton generosi baptizata fuit a me in capella Cattoniensi decimo nono Aprilis. Gulielmu5 filius Gulielmi et Francisca Webb baptizatus est decimo nono die Julii. Eadulphus filius Radulphi et Dorotheie Hatchet baptizatus fuit vicessimo tertio die Septembris. Christopherus Horton de Catton Armiger sepultus est decimo tertio die Octobris. Elizabetha filia Francisci et Annie 1-ioyle baptizata fuit quarto die Novembris. Gulielmiis filius Gulielmi Rowley parochise de Stoe in civitate Lichfeldise qui morte obiit repentina in agro Oakliensi infra parochiam de Croxall sepultus est decimo nono die Novembris. 170S. Elizabetha filia Gulielmi et Elizabethse Harpur baptizata fuit nono die Mali. Cristopherus fiUus Cristopheri Horton Armigeri de Catton sepultus est septimo die Julii. Anna filia Johannis et Margeretie Daniel nata undecima hora 3''» post merid baptizata fuit decimo septimo die Junii. Josephus Grundy de Harleston in parochia de Clifton sepultus est nono die Septembris. Anna filia Johannis et MargeretfB Daniel infans sepulta fuit in Cancella de Mavison Ridware tricesimi> die Septembris. Johannes filius Gualtheri et Elizabethse Horton de Catton armigeri baptizatus est decimo octavo die Decembris. Johannes Clark de Castle Greisley et Anna Pooley de eadem Villa matrimouiura inierunt vicesimo die Januarii. 1709. Elizabetha filia Gulielmi et Franciscie Webb baptizata fuit spptimo die Novembris. Johannes Mousley de Edingale parochiEe de Croxall et Maria Bradshaw de Alrewas niatrimonium inierunt vicesimo die Novembris. Francisca filia Johannis et Margeretse Daniel nata vice-imo nono die Novembris ad horem ante meridiem baptizata fuit undecimo die Decembris. Robertus filius Radulphi et DorotheiB Hatchet baptizata ost vicesimo quarto die Januarii. Edwardus Cox de Cauldwell p.arochise de Slapenhill et Anna Newbold de Catton matrimonium inierunt die Februai'ii. Humphridus filius Francisci et Annas Royle baptizatus est nono die Martii. 1710. Josephus Holding de Coton in Elms et Sarah Lunn de eadem Villa matrimonium inienint nono die Octobris. Johannes filius Johannis et Mariie Mousley de Edingale baptizata tertio die Octobris in ecclesiam receptus est septimo die Novembris. Anna uxor Thomre Burbridge de Catton sepulta fuit trigesimo prime die Januarii. Susannah fiiia Gulielmi et Elizabethfe Nevil de Catton baptizata est quarto die Martii. 1711. Johannes Taylor de Bolton in comitatu Staffordise clericus et Anna Shaw de Mavison Ridware in Comit;itu Staffordiie predictae ni.atrimonium inierunt decinio septimo die Aprilis. Margareta uxor Johannis Daniel clerici hujus ecclesife vie sepulta fuit -.indecimo die Junii. Johannes Minors pariochisc de Long.ion in Comitatu Staffordise et Elizabetha Partii gton parochite de Yoxall in Comitatu predict matrimonium inierunt quinto < P O w o W J o « o 4^ J J X > O en a O ►-5 o Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 131 In the garden is a very fine specimen of a mulberry tree, one of the largest in England ; at four feet from the ground its trunk measures fourteen feet in circumference. Tradition in the Parish says that Mary Queen of Scots lodged in the Hall for one night. There is no historical record extant which proves this, but she may have done so on her journey from Tutbury, in Staffordshire, not far off, to Fotheringhay, in Northamp- tonshire, or upon one of her numerous expeditions from the former during her captivity there. Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I., lodged here one night, so recorded in the Itinerary of Charles I., and the Royal Army, Movements of the Rebels, etc. (from DugdaWs Diary). " 1643, July 3d. The fight at Bradford Bridge by Bathe. Wallers forces driven from Log hill. The Queue removed from Newarke to Bunney. July 4th. To Ashby de la Zouche. July 7th. The Queue went to Croxal. July 8th. To Wassail. (Walsall?)" Sanderson in his History of Charles /., page 615, says that Henrietta Maria was accompanied on this march by 3000 foot, 30 com- panies of horse and dragoons, six pieces of cannon, and two mortars. Such a large assemblage as this would naturally impress the minds of the peaceful inhabitants of the villages it passed through, amongst which was Croxall ; hence the tradition of a Queen having been at Croxall. The visit of Henrietta Maria has fortunately been recorded; that of Mary Queen of Scots has not. Croxall formerly had a deer-park; it is so marked in the old maps of Derbyshire, is mentioned in Wolley's MS. History of Derbyshire, and is marked in Saxton's Survey. We have no record of when it was disparked. In a list of Alehouses, Innes, and Tavernes, existing in Derbyshire in the year 1577, we find under Croxall and Edingale, Richarde Startyn. Alehous. j. In Flower's Visitation of Derbyshire., 1596, Harleian MSS. 6592, leaf 69, b, mention is made of Croxall thus — " Croxhall or Crokcshall in Darbi- shier is placed at the South West corner thereof, even whar the Mease broke faleth into the Trent veri comodiouse for wood, water and fine 132 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. pastures. And although I read often of the sirname of Croxhall, yet know I not wheather he held the manore, or how he went from it. long hath it reraayned to that Ancient Family of Curson whos surname hath contynued in these parts long before the dating generally of evi- dences. It is now 1596 in the possession of George Curson Esquier, Sheriff of the Countie, the sonne of Georg, the sonne of Thomas, the Sonne of John, the sonne of Thomas, the sonne of John Curzon and Anne his wife daughter of Sir Thomas Gresley Knight." The village of Croxall formerly stood on the south side of the Church, on the high ground overlooking the River Maese; no houses are now standing there, but their foundations can still be traced in irregular patches, and they seem to indicate a somewhat small and compact village. Amongst the Registers of the neighbouring Church of Alrewas, in Staffordshire, we find the following entry recorded, 1593 — " This 9th of April 1593 was one — Boyle a servante of Coventre murdered in Croxall Meadow, which had received £20 of Mr George Curzon Esquier, the nj'ght before, and lodged in his house all that nyght, and in the mornyng about 5 of the clocke was slayne, intending to go from thence to Burton upon Trent." Croxall Parish seems to be singularly destitute of any important event having occurred within its environs. Nobody distinguished in his country's history has been born in it; let us hope that in the future there may be, and so the neglect of the past will be atoned. Formerly there was a great deal of Heraldic painted glass in Croxall Hall. From Harleian MSS. 5,809, leaf 60 back. In the Hall at Croxall these Hatchments antiently there stood, bat nowe remaine in the Bntterie there. HATCHMENTS. (1st) 1st and 4th, Barry nebulee of six, or and sable; 2d and 3d, or, a castle. Azure. Blount. Crest, an armed foot in the sun, proper. (2d) Argent, on a bend, sable, 3 popinjays, or, Curzon; quartering, Argent, a buck's head cabossed. with a fleur de lys, between the horns, gules, Hartington. Crest, a popinjay rising, supporters dexter, a popinjay, sinister, a stag. Historical SketcJi of the Parish of Croxali. 133 3d) Argent, on a bend sable, 3 popinjays, or. Curzon, quartering, 1st and 4th, Vair, ermine and gules; 2 and 3, Azure, a lion rampant, or, a quartered coat of Gresley. {4th) 1st and 4th, Vair, ermine and gules; 2d and 3d, Azure, a lion rampant, o?", Gresley as ahove, quartering Island 4th, Argent, a bend gules; 2d & 3d, gules, on a chief, 09% 3 cross crossleta of the last. Crest, a Hon passant. Supporters, dexter, a bear collared, gules, sinister, a popinjay. PAINTED GLASS. In the greate windowe in the Hall on the Right Hand. (1st) Vair, or, and gules, on a chief, sable, 3 horse shoes, argent. Curzon. (2d) G^des, on a bend, sable, 3 popinjays, or, Curzon, quartering, azure, two Bars, or. Ashby. (3rd) Argent, on a bend, sable, 3 popinjays, or, Curzon quartering, Argent, a buck's head, cabosaed, with a fleur de lys between the horns, guiles. Hartiugtou. (4th) Quarterly, first grand quarter, counter-quartered. 1st and 4th, a fess between six cross crosslets ; 2nd and 3rd, three chevi'onels. Second grand quarters, counter-quartered. 1st and 4th, argent, three fusils, conjoined in fess, gules ; 2nd and 3rd, or, an eagle displayed, vert, beaked and membered, gules ; third quartej, a saltire. Fourth grand quarter, counter-quartered. lat and 4th, cheeky, or, a chevron, ermine ; 2nd and 3rd, quarterly; 1st and 4th, a bend; 2nd and 3rd, a fret. (5th) 1st and 4th, Bary nebulefi of six, or and sable; 2nd and 3rd, or, a castle azure. Blount. (6th) Azure, 3 martlets, or ; quartering, gules, a fesse dancettee, argent ; between six hons rampant, or. Grifath. (7th) 1st and 4th vair, ermine, and gules; 2nd and 3rd, azure, a lion rampant, or. Gresley. (8th) Or, three piles sable, a canton ermine, Wrottesley. (l9t) In a window on the left hand in the Hall. Azure, a cross, gules. (2nd) Quarterly, 1st grand quarter, counter-quartered. 1st and 4th, argent, three fusils, conjoined in fess, gules; 2nd and 3rd, or, an eagle displayed, vert, beaked and membered, gules. 2nd grand quarter counter-quartered; 1st and 4th, three chevronels; 2nd and 3rd, a fess between six cross crosslets; 3rd quarter, a saltire, a label for difference. Counter-quartered : 1st, cheeky ; 4th grand quarter, a chevron ; 2nd and 3rd quarters, counter-quartered ; Ist and 4th, a bend ; 2nd and 3rd, a fret ; 4th quarters, blank. Arms of England differenced. Quartering first and fourth, azure, three fleur de lys, or. For France, 2nd and 3rd gules, 3 Uons passant guardaut, or ; for England, a label for difference, above a crowned cap of maintainance. In the gaUerie. (1st) Vair, or and gules, on a chief, sable, 3 horse shoes, argent, Curzon. Quartering gules, a fesse or, 2 mullets in chief, or. Lygou. (2nd) Curzon as above. (3rd) Curzon as above quarters. Azure, a fesse, sable; in chief 3 lozenges, sable, Aston. The only Heraldic painted glass now existing in the present Hall, is in the dining-room, and consists of a shield : 1st and 4th, gules, a lion rampant, or ; 2nd and 3rd, vair, gules and argent, quartering argent, on a bend, sable, three popinjays, or. Another is : Argent, a Latin cross, gules. Another : 1st and 4th, azure, three fleurs-de-lys, or ; 2nd and 3rd, gules, three lions passant, or, a label of three points, or. l^peiiM^ I0 |)i$t0ri| of CroralL Ceoxall No. I. Final Concord. Thomas de Curznn gives Alicia de Somerville land in Twyford, Stienestone, Croxhale, and Edelinghale, worth £9 9s. 6d. a year for her life, in exchange for her dower the whole towne of Ketelestone. Feet of Fines, Derhij, No. Tl. ■ [Collated with the copy in Harl. M.S. 3374 ff 316-346 Harl. readings marked H. Copy probably not much later than 1660, and made at a time when the record was probably uninjured.] 2 September, 1208. Hec est finalis concordia facta In Curia domini Regis apud Noting, in crastinum sancti Egidii Abbatis Anno Regui Regis Johannis decimo Coram ipso domino Rege, Simone de Pateshull, Jacobo [Poteme Harl. 3374] de Pot'riie Justiciariis et aliis fidelibus domini Regis tunc ibi presentibus inter Aliciam de [Smittervill Harl. — Someruille ? the word is worn and not quite legible] Sismuille et Ric. de Curzuu filium et warrautum ipsius Alicie de dote sua petentes et Thomam de Curzun Tenentem de villa de Ketelestone cum pertinenciis, Quam ipso Alicia clamabat esse rationabilem dotem tet inde H.] suam de libero tenemento quod fuit Roberti de Curzim quondam viri sui [ worn ] idem Thomas vocavit ipsum Ric. ad warrautum Qui venit et ei warantizavit et unde placitura fuit Inter eis in prefata Curia, [quod pioedictus H.l [concessit totam predictani H.J scilicet [ worn ]s Thomas Recognovit et concessit [ hofe in the parchment ] totam predictam villam [oomme dotis H ] de Ketelestone cum pertinenciis esse esse dotem ipsius Alicie, Teneudam vita sua [ worn ] doti Et pro hac Recoguicione et coucessione et iinem et concordiam Idem Ricardus fnUus et heres predicte Alicie [solidatas?] [sohdatas 11.] _ [Twyf..rdH,] concessit eidem Thome Novem libratas septem so[ hole J et sex denariatas terre In Tweiforde et [sen libratas H ] in Steinestone et in Croxhale et in Edelingehale, scilicet in Tweiforde et in stei[ji!Orjj]e6toue [ ho!e ] as et novem denariatos, scilicet quicquid idem Thomas habuit in eisdem villis preter servicium Willi filii. "Willi [molendimem H.] [quinqiiapenta U] quod Remanet ipsi Ricardo quietum et preter [ hole ] de Ediugehale cum pertinenciis pro quadrigenta [una virgata et H ] solidatis Redditus et in villain de Croxhale homagium et servicium Roberti filii Roberti de na v [ Jiole ] o decern et octo acre terre quas tenet In eadem viUa scilicet tres solidos per annum et forinsecum servicium et homagium et [Curzun] [de una virgata H] seirvicium Willis de [warn] rz [ hole ] e virgata et quindecim acras terre quas tenet in eadem villa [Roberto Clericil scilicet duodecim denarios per annum et forinsecum servicium et homagium et servicium [ hole ] de una virgata terre quam tenet in eadem villa scilicet tres solidos per annum et forinsecum servicium, et homagium et [terne quiim H] servicium Roberti Hare de dimidia virgata [ hole ] tenet In eidem villa, scilicet ii solidos per annum et forinsecum servicium et homagium et servicium Rogeri filii Willi de uno vergata terre quam tenet in eadem villa scilicit duos solidos per annum et forinsecum servicium et homagium et servicium Eudonis pincerue (villa H. de una virgata terre quam tenet in eidem [ %(mrn 1 la scilicet tres solidos per annum et forinsecum servicium et [GaufridiH.] lEduliugehale et 2s H.] homagium et servicium Galfridis de Edelinghale de novem acris terre quas tenet in Edelinghale [ tmrn ] et duos 19 J ,^ Historical SJcetch of the Parish of Croxall. solidos et novem denarios per anuum pro omni servicio, Habendam et tenendain ipsi Thome vel heredibns suis lindi H.| per servicium unius Militis, [ hole J faciendum pro omni servicio Et post decessom ipsius AJicie tota predicta [rcTertetur H ) TUla de Ketelestone cum pertinenciis [re ? worn Jverteretnr ad ipsum Thomam vel ad heredes suos Tenendam [dicte?) [predicte II. j de ipso Ricardo et heredibus suis per servicium vnius llilitis Inde faciendum pro omni servicio Et [ itoih ] (UbrateJJ llibrabE H.J (rcTertentar) novem [ worn ] et septem solidate et sex denariate terre cum pertinenciis Reverteretur ad ipsum Bieardum (qoicte H.] [heredibus?] [heredibus H.] vel ad heredes suos quietem de ipso Thome et [ irom j us suis in perpetuum, Et hec Concordia facta fuit [cODcedeutibus H.] tclerioo et Roberto H.] presentibus et cot hole Itibus predictis Roberto filio Roberti et Will'o de Curzun et Roberto [uoral 'hole~\ Rob. [SauWdo H,) [worn] Hare et Rogero filio Will'i et Eudone Pincema et Galfredo de Edeliugehale et servicium snum cognos- centibuB. This is the final concord made in the Court of the lord the King at Notingham on the morrow of St. Giles the Abbot in the tenth year of the reign of King John before the lord the King himself, Simon de Pateshnlle, James de Poterne Justices and other faithful men of the lord the King then present there, between Alicia de Somerville and Richard de Curzon son and warrantor of the same Alicia for her dower, plaintiffs, and Thomas de Curzon Tenant, concerning the town of Ketelestone with appurtenances, which the same Alicia claimed to be her reasonable dower of the freehold which was of Robert de Curzon formerly her husband, and Thomas then called the same Kichard to be his warrantor. Who came and warranted for him and whereof there was a plea between them in the said court, that is to say. that the aforesaid Thomas acknowledged and granted the whole aforesaid town of Ketelestone with appurtenances to be the dower of the same Alicia to be held for her whole life as dower. And for this acknowledgment and grant and fine and concord the same Richard son and iieir of the aforesaid Alicia granted to the same Thomas nine librates, seven solidates and six denariates of land in Tweiforde and in Steinestone and in Croxhale and in Edelinghale, that is in Tweiforde and in Steinestone sex Ubrates and nine denariates, that is whatever the same Thomas had in those towns, except the service of William son of William which remains to the same Richard quietly, and except the mill of Edingehale with appurtenances for forty shillings rent, and in the town of Croxhale the homage and service of Robert son of Robert of one vixgate and eighteen acres of land which he holds in the same town that is to say three shilliligs a year and foreign service, and the homage and service of WiUiam de Curzun for one virgate and fifteen acres of land which he holds in the same town that is twelve pence a year and foreign service, and the homage and service of Robert the Clerk for one virgate of land which he holds in the same town that is three shillings a year and foreign service, and the service of Eudo the baker for one virgate of land which he holds in the same town that is three shillings a year and foreign service, and the homage and service of Geoffrey of Edelinghale for nine acres of land which he holds in Edeliugehale and two shillings and nine pence a year for every service, to have and to hold by the same Thomas or his heirs as long as the same Alicia shall live from the same Richard and his heirs by the service of one knight to be done there for all service, and after decease of the same Alicia all the aforesaid town of Ketelestone shall be returned to the same Thomas or to his heirs to be held of Richard and his heirs by the service of one knight to be done thence for all service, and the aforesaid nine Ubrates and seven solidates and six denariates of land with appurtenances shall be returned to the same Richard or to his heirs quit from the same Thomas and his heirs for ever And this concord was made the aforesaid Robert son of Robert, and William de Curzon and Robert the clerk and Robert Hare and Roger son of William and Eudo the baker and Geoffrey of Edelinghale being present, granting, .snd acknowledging their services. Cboxall No. II. Eicbaril gave Thomas the whole of Ketelestone. Thomas gave him 9 marks. Alice quit claim and Thomas her right of dower in Ketelestone. Thomas gave Alice aU his land in Twyford (except the fine of William fits Wilham), Edelinghale mill, 2J virgates of land in Croxhale for which she was to pay 5s. a year, and 3 acres of domain as dower. Appendix to History of Croxail. ' -^ ^ Feet of Fines, Derby, No. 28. 5 October, liOt. Hec est finalis Concordia facta in Cnria domini Regis apud licht-ffelde v ilie Octobris Anno Eegni Kegis Johannis decimo coram ipso domino Rege Will'o Archidiacouo Herefordieiisi. Simone de Pat. [i.e. Patpshulle] Henrico de Puncliardone Justiciariis et aliis fidelibus domini Regis tunc ibi presentibus Inter Thomara de Curcou ex una parte et Bicardum de Curcon et Aliciam matrem suam ex altera parte de is libratis terre et vij solidatis terre et vj denariatis terre in twiforde et in Steinestone et in Croxliale, et in Edelingliale Que reraanerunt eidem Thome per finem factam inter eos In eadem curia In escambium uille de Ketelestone cum pertinenciis quam idem Thomas concessit eidem Alicie In dotem Et unde Idem Thomas conquestus fuit quod ipsi Ricardus et Alicia finem illam ei non tenuerant et unde placitum fuit Inter eos in eadem curia scilicet quod predictus Thomas remisit et quietum clamavit de se et heredibus suis Eicardo et heredibus suis predictas is libratas et vij solidatas et vj denariatas terre in Twiforde et in Steinestone et In Croxhale et in Edeliughale in perpetuum. Et pro hae remissions quieta clamacione fine et coucordia Idem Ricardus concessit predicto Thome totam predictam uiUam de Ketelstone cum pertinenciis Habendam et tenendam sibi et here- dibus suis de predicto Eicardo et Heredibus suis per servicium unius militis lude faciendum pro omni servicio Et Thomas dat istic [ ' ] ix marcas et ipso Alicia Remisit et quietum clamavit de se totvm Jus et clameum quod ipso habuit in predicto uilla de Ketelestone nomine dotis et pro hac remissione et quieta clamacione predictus Ricardus concessit eidem Alicie totam ten-am quam ipse habuit in twiforde In omnibus rebus preter finem Will'i filii Will'i quod remanet ipsi Ricardo quiete. Et preterea ipse concessit ei molendinum de Edeligliale cum pertinenciis, et ii virgatas terre et dimidiam in Croxhale quas ipsa ipsius habuit et tres acras de dominio ipsius Ricardi scilicet unam acram sub broille et unam acram sub Haie, et unam acram Scroifurlange Habenda et teuenda eidem Alicie nomine dotis de ipso Ricardo et heredibus suis facieudo de predicta terra In twiforde et in steinestone, et de Molendino de Edelinhale cum pertinenciis servicium tercie partis unius militis Et pro predictis ij virgatis terre et dimidia cum pertinenciis in Croxhale v solidos per annum redditus ad tres terminos scilicet ad rogaciones xxd, et ad festum Saucti Michaelis xxd., et ad purificacionem beate Marie xxd., pro orani servicio. This is the final concord made in the Court of the Lord the King at Lichefelde on the fifth day of October in the tenth year of the Reign of King John before the lord the King himself, William Archdeacon of Hereford, Simon de PatesluiUe, Henry de Punchardone, Justices and other faithfid men of the Lord the King then present there. Between Thomas de Curcon on tlie one part and Richard de Curcon aud Alicia his mother on the other part of nine hbrates of land and seven solidates of land and six denariates of land in Twiforde and in Steinestune and in Croxhale, and in Edeliughale, which have remained to the same Thomas by a fine made between them in the same court in exchange for the town of Ketelestone with its appurtenances which the same Thomas granted to the same Alicia in dower And as to which the same Thomas complained that the same Richard and AUcia had not kept that fine to him and as to which there was a plea between them in the same court, that is to say that the said Thomas remitted and quit claimed for himself and his heirs to Richard and his heirs the aforesaid nine librates and seven sohdates and six denariates of land in Twiforde aud in Steinestone and in Croxhale and in Edeliughale for ever. And for this remission, quitclaim, fine aud concord, the said Richard granted to the aforesaid Thomas the whole aforesaid town of Ketelestone with appurtenances to have and to hold to himself and his heirs of the aforesaid Richard and his heirs by the service of one knight to be doue therefore for all service. And Thomas gives him nine marks and the same Alicia remitted and quit claimed for herself all right aud claim which she had in the aforesaid town of Ketelestone in right of dower, and for this remission and quit- claim the aforesaid Richard granted to the same Alicia all the land which he had in Twiford in all things except the fine of William son of William which remains to the same Richard quietly. And besides he granted her the mill of Edeliughale with appurtenances and two virgates and a half of land in Croxhale which she had from him and three acres of demesne of the same Richard, that is to say, one acre under Broille and one acre under Hay and one acre of Scroffuiiong to have aud to hold to the said Alicia as dower from the same Richard and his heirs by doiug for the aforesaid land in Twiforde and in Steinestone and for the mill of Edelighale with appurtenances the service of the third part of one knight. And for the aforesaid two virgates and a half of land with appurtenances in Croxhale five shillings a year rent at three terms that is to say at Rogations xxd and at the feast of St. Michael xxd and at the Purification of the blessed Mary xxd for aU service. I ""S ■^'' Historical SketcJi of tlie Parish of Croxall. Croslall No. III. Kobert Curcim of Croxhale gave the Prior of Eapendone the advowson of Croxhale Chiu'ch, a toft and 3 acres of land in frankalmoyne for ever. F 4 E. 3. Eic'us Cnrznn quatuor partes nnins feodi in KeteUston. Eic'us Curzun tria feoda in Croxhale Keteleston et Queningburgh. Harl. 3374, /. 46. Assizes at Derby 19 Bic. U. [suit] for lands in Croxhale and for the manor there ■William Curson John Curson of Ketleston and WUliam Curson others cofeoffees there. William Curson of Croxhale plaintiff. Harl. 3374, /. 45. Fees of Henry Earl of Lancaster in Derby and Nottingham on which he caused to be levied a reasonable aid for making his eldest son a knight in 4 Edw. HI. Eichard Cnrznn four parts of one fee in Keteliston. Eichard Curzun three fees in Croxhale, Keteleston and Queningborough. Ckoxau, No. XV. Harl. 3374, /. 47. 1410-11. A» 12 H. 4 foUo 27. homage fait per Will'm Curson pxir terres et tenements in Croxhale et Stretton. 1410-30. Ex libro feodorum in Ducatu Lancastrise qnas tenebantur de Comite Derbias. 1429-30. A" 8 H. 6. homage fait pur le manor de Croxall per John Curson, folio 92. 12 Hen. IV. folio 27. homage done by William Curson for lands and tenements in Croxhale and Stretton. From the Book of the Fees in the Duchy of Lancaster which were held from the Earldom of Derby. 8 Hen. VI. homage done for the manor of CroxhaU by John Curson, folio 92. Croxall No. XVI. De Banco Rolls, Easter, 7 Hen. V., m. 114. April, 1419. Derby. Alicia que fnit uxor Willi' Cursone de Croxhale per Rogerum Wilnehale attomatum suum petit versus Eadulphum Herteshome terciam partem Manerii de Croxhale cum pertinenciis ut dotem snam ex dotacione predicti Will'i quondam viri sni etc. Appendix to History of Croxall. 145 Et predictuB Radulphus per Johannem Harpur attornatmn suum venit. Et dicit quod ipse non potest dedicere attoruatum predicte Alicie nee quin predictu3 Will'mus quondam vir ipsius Alicie ex eujus Dotacione et post sponsalia inter ipsoa Will'm et Aliciam celebrata fuerit seisitus de predicto Manerio cum pertinenciis unde etc. de tali statu. Item quod ipse semper a tempore mortis predicti Will'i paratus fuit et adhuc est reddendi inde eidem Alicite dotem suam et iam si hie ya. curia reddit etc. Ideo consideratus est quod predicta Alicia recuperet scisinam suam versus predictum Eadolplium de tercia parte predicta cmn pertinenciis. Et nichil de misericordia ipsius Baduljibi quia venit primo die per sunm etc. Croxall No. XVII. John Cursuu gave the manor of Twyford to John Creweker and Alice his wife for a rose rent. Harl. 3374, /. 48. [This fine is now among the Derby Feet of Fines.] 25 June, 1425. Finalis concordia facta apud Westm. in crastino sancti Johannis BaptistcB anno tertio regui Regis Henrici sexti. Inter Johannem Cursun de Croxhale quserentem et Johannem Creweker et Agnetem uxorem ejus deforcientes de maneris de Twyford cum pertinenciis Johannes et Agnes recognoverunt esse jus ipsius Johannis Cursun. Et pro hac recognitione etc idem Joh. Cursun concessit prscdictis Joh. Creweker et Agneti prsedictum manerium cum pertinentiis et illud eis reddidit, habendem eisdem et heredibus ipsius Johannis de corpore sue procreatis de prtedicto Johanne Cursun et hferedibus suis in perpetuum reddendo inde per annum unam rosam ad estum nativitatis sancti Johannis Baptiste pro omni servitio ad praedictum Johannem Cursun et hseredis sues pertiinente. Et faciendo inde cogitatibus dominis feodi illius pro praedicto Johanne Cursun et hffiredibus suis omnia alia servitia quse ad predictum manerium pertinent in perpetuum. Et si idem Johannes Creweker obierit sine hterede de corpore suo procreato tunc post decessum prEedictorum Johannis Creweker et Agnetis praedictum manerium integre revertetur ad praedictum Johannem Cursun et hseredes suos quiete de aUjs heredibus ipsius Johannis Creweker. Final concord made at Westminster in the octaves of St. John the Baptist in the third year of King Henry the Sixth, between John Cursun de Croxhale, plaintiff, and John Creweker and Agnes his wife, deforcients of the manor of Twyford, with appurtenances. John and Agnes acknowledged it to be the right of the same John Cursun. And for this recognition, etc., the same John Cursun granted to the aforesaid John Creweker and Agnes the aforesaid manor with appurtenances, and rendered it to them to he had by them and their heirs of the same John proci'eated of his body from the aforesaid John Cursun and his heirs for ever rendering thence yearly one rose at the feast of the nativity of Saint John the Baptist, for all service belonging to the aforesaid John Cursun and his heirs. And doing thence to the chief lords of that fee for the aforesaid John Cursun and his heirs all other services which belong to the aforesaid manor for ever. And if the same John Creweker shall die without an heir procreated from his body, then after the decease of the aforesaid John Creweker and Agues the aforesaid manor shall return entire to the aforesaid John Cursun and his heirs quit from the other heirs of the same John Creweker. Ceo.kall No. XVIII. Sir Kichard Vernoune sold Croxalehome to John Cursonne for twenty pounds. Feel of Fines, Derby, Heti. VI., No. 17. 18 Nov., 1429. Hec est finalis concordia facta in Curia domini Eegis apud Westmonasterium in Octabis Sancti Martini anno regnorum Henrici Regis Anglie et Prancie sexti a conquestu Octavo coram WiU'o Babingtone, Johanne Martyn Johanne Inyne Jaeobo Strangways Johanne Cottesinore et WiU'o Pastone Justiciariis et aliis domini Regis fidelibus tunc ibi preseutibus Inter Johannem Cursoune Armigerum quereutem et Eicardum Vernoune Militem deforcientem de sex virgatis terre et decem acris prati cum pertinenciis in Croxhale vocatis Croxhale- holme unde placitum convencionis summonitum fuit inter eos in eadem Cui-ia Scilicet quod predictus Eicardus 14^ Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. recognovit predicta tenementa cum pertinenciis esse jus ipslus Johannis iit ilia que idem Johannes habet de dono predicti Eicardi. Et ilia remisit et quietum clamavit de se et heredibus suis predicto Johanni et heredibus suis, imperpetuum. Et pro bac recognicione remissione quietaclamea, fine et coucordia idem Johannes dedit predicto Eicardo viginti libras sterlingorum. This is the final concord made in the Comi; of the Lord the King at Westminster on the Octaves of St. Martin in the Eighth year of the reigns of Henry King of England and France, the sixth from the conquest, before William Babingtone, John Martyn, John Inyne, James Strangways, John Cottesinore and William Pastone, Justices, and other faithful men of the Lord the King then present there. Between John Cursoune, Armiger, demandant, and Richard Vemoune, Knight, deforcient, concerning six virgates of land and ten acres of meadow with appurtenances in Croxhale called Croxaleholme of which a plea of convention was summoned between them in the same Court, To wit that the aforesaid Richard acknowledges the aforesaid tenements to be the right of the said John as those which the same John has by the gift of the aforesaid Richard. And he remitted and quitclaimed them for himself and his heirs to the aforesaid John and his heu-s, for ever. And for this acknow- ledgement, remission, quitclaim, fine and concord the same John gave the aforesaid Richard twenty pounds sterling. Croxall No. XIX. Will of Jolm Curzou of Croxall, died April 4, 1450 ; proved at Leicester by his widow, Senecha, on the lOtb May, 1450. hamheth Librarij, Seg'isters of Archbishop Stafford, f. 189. In Dei nomine Amen, primo die mensis Aprihs anno domini millimo cccc" L° et anno regni regis Eenrici Sexti post conquestum Anglie xxviii. Ego Johannes Cm-zon de Croxhall in comitatu Derbie armiger compos mentis coudo testimonium meum in hujus modum. Imprimis lego aiam meam Deo omnipotenti beate Marie et omnibus Sanctis eique corpusque meum ad sepeliendum in eeclesie Sanctj Johannis de Baptiste de Croxhall predictas coram alta cruce ibidem. Item volo, ordino et dispone quod Elizabeth et Alicia fihe me et qualibit, ipsarum heredeant, gaudeaut et possideant ad maritagem xx'" libras sterlingoram. Item volo et lego Margarete filie mee decem marcus sterlingorum. Item volo et lego Johanni Matthew servienti meo unum equum nignmi Item volo et lego Henrico Koo unum equum coloris donne. Item lego et volo Johanni Pati-icti duas juvencas Item volo et eego Hngoni Shaltby servienti meo duas juvencas. Item volo quod Thomas Blount Miles et alii feoffati mii in manerio de Croxhall cum suis pertinenciis quod ipsi feoffaverint seu feoEfavi fecerint Senecham uxorem meam in manerio de Croxhall cum suis pertinenciis ad terminum vite ipsius sub condicione que sequitur, scilicet quod si predicta uxor mea vixi sola sine viro heredeat et possideat pre- dictum maneriorum et proficia ejusdem cum pertinenciis durante vite ejusdem. Item volo quod feoffati mei in manerio de Pykebbell cum suis pertinenciis feoffent seu feoffavi faciant predietam Senecham uxorem meam in manerio predicto cum suis pertinenciis universis et singulis in comitatu Leioestrie eidem manerio contingentibus sine spectantibus ad terminum vite ipsius Seneche. Item volo quod feofiati mei in omnibus terris et tenementis situatis in villa et campis de Steteley juxta Lichfeld feoffent seu feoffare faciant Willelmo et Radulpho flUis mios ad terminum vite eorum et alterius eorum diurius viveut. Et postea decessus omnia predicta terra et tenementro cum suis pertinentiis remaneant michi et rectis heredibus imperpetuum. Item volo quod le gate hous in Croxhall predicta sufficiet et edificata et reparata de bonis meis. Item volo quod si Ricardus Courson filius mens non teneat neque perumpeat certos convenciones per me et eundem Ricardum confeete videlicet predicta terre et tenementa jacente in villa de Alderwas in dicto comitatu Stafford quod ex tunc dicta terra et tenementa reverteant et remaneant WiUelmo et Radulpho et Johanni filiis mils predictis et cuilibet eorum diucius vivent per visum executricis principalis Residua vno bonorum meorum superius non legatoribus debitis meis permittis per Salutia volo et lego dicta Senecha uxori mee Thome et Willielmo filiis meis. Ac dictum Senecham ordino facio et constituo meam priiicipalem executricem. Ac dictos Thomam et Willielmum fihoa meos co executores superiores ante hujusmodi testi mei facio ordino et constituo Thoma Stanley armigeri et Johannem Gresley armigerum. Appendix to History of Croxall. '47 Et quod iidem esecutores mei faeiant et permipleant istam meum ultimum voluntatera pro salute aie mee per ut coram snmmo judice voluint respondere. In cujus rei testimonem Sigillum meum apposui hiis testibus Nicholao Gresley Seniore Johanui Matthew, Henrico Roo Johauni Delo, Jobauui Partrich et multis aliis Datum die et anno supradictis. Croxall No. XX. ChancerTj, Iiii). p. m. 33. Hen. VIII., No. 22. 19 Sep. 1541. luciuisitio indentata capta apud Derbiam in Comitatu Derbie decimo novo die Septembris Anno regni Heurici octavi dei gracia Anglie Francie et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensoris et in teiTa Anglicane et Hibernie ecclesie suppremi capitis trioesimo tercio coram Vincencio Mundy armigero Escaetorem euisdem Domini Regis in Comitatu predicto virtute brevis euisdem domini regis de diem clausit extremum post mortem Thome Cursone armigeri eidem Escaetori direct! et huio Inquisicioni consuti per sacramentum Thome Latham Henrici Auger Henrici Kays Radulphi Orme ? Scouper? Willi' Wood [?] Willi' Hurling? Willi' Bm-bage Roberti Sowter Johannis Milner Johannis Bate Willi' Cruker Wilhelmi Nidyer? qui dicunt et presentant super sacramentum suum quod predictus Thomas Cursone armigeri dui ante obitum suum fuit seisitus in dominico suo ut de feodo de et in manerio de Croxall in comitatu predicto cum omnibus et singulis suis pertinencils. Et ipse sic inde seisitus expressit per certam cartam suam indentatam cuius altera pars Juratoribus predictis super capoionem huius iuquisicionis in evidencia fuit ostensa cujusis datum est viceasimo primo Octobris anno regni dicti domini regis nunc Henrici octavi quarto decimo dedit et concessit et per cartam iUam confirmavit Richardo Ligone armigero Christofero Savage armigero Thome Littletone armigero Edwardo Astoue militi per nomen Edwardi Astone armigeri Johanni morgaue armigero et Will'mo Curson clerico duas clausuras seu pasturas cum suia pertinencils in Croxall predicta pareellam manerii predicti quarum unam vocatam Brodfield et altera vocata Peyshylle pyttes habentas et tenendas predictas duas clausuras sive pasturas cum suis pertinenciis predictis Richardo Ligone Christofero Savage Thome Littleton Edwardo Astone Johanni Morgane et Willmo Curson heredibus et assignatis suis ad usam predicti Thome Cursone et Elizabethe uxoris eius et heredibus de corpora predicti Thomi Cursone legittime procreatis imperpetuum cuius quidam carte indentate teneri sequitur in heo verba Sciant presentes et futuri quod Ego Thomas Cursone de Croxalle in comitatu Derbie armiger filius et hores Johannis Cursone nuper de Croxalle predicta defuncti in complementam et execucionem quorundam convencionum et agreamentonim contentorum et speciflatorum in quibusdam indenturis inter Annam Ligone viduam unam flliarum et heredum Richardi nuper domini Beauchamp nuper? uxorem Richardi defuncti ex una parte et me dictum Thomam ex altera parte pro maritagio mei predict! Thome Cursone et Elizabethe Ligone uniua filiarum dicte Anne factia dedi concess! et hac present! carta mea indentata confirmavi Richardo Ligone armigero Christofero Savage armigero Thome Littleton armigero Edwardo Astone armigero Johanni Morgane armigero et Will'mo Cursone clerico unam clausuram sive pasturam in Croxalle predicta vocatam Le Brodefylde modo in tenura et occupacione mei predicti Thome Cursone annul redditus triginta librai-um et unam aliam clausuram sive pasturam in Croxalle predicta vocatam le Peyshelle pyttes similiter in tenura et occupacione mei prefati Thome Cursone armigeri redditus decem librarum cum suis pertinenciis que quidem due clausure sive pasture cum suis pertinenciis in toto se attingunt ad annuum valorem quadraginta librarum ultra omnia onera et reprisas habendas et tenendas predictas duas clausuras suie pasturas cum suis pertinenciis prefato Richard Ligone Christofero Savage Thome Littletone Edwardo Astone Johanni Morgane et Will'mo Cursone heredibus et assignatis suis ad vtimi mei dicti Thome Cursone et Elizabeth uxoris mee et heredibus de corpore mei dicti Thome Cursone legittime procreatis imperpetuum de capitalibus dominis feodi iUius per servicia inde debita et consueta Et Ego vero predictus Thomas Cursone et heredes mei predictas duas clausuras sive pasturas cum suis pertinenciis prefato Richardo Ligone Christofero Savage Thome Littletone Edwardo Astoue Johauni Morgane et Willo' Cursone heredibus et assignatis suis ad ustim predictum contra omnes gentes war antizabimus et imperpetuum defendemus per presentes ac insuper Sciatis me prefatum Thomam Cursone attouruasse diputasse et in loco meo posuisse delectos mihi in Christo Johanni Cursone et Edwardmn Agarde meos veros et legittimos attournatos couiunctim et divisim ad intraudum pro me vice et nomine meo in predictas duas clausaras cum suis pertinenciis ac possessionem et seisinam inde pro me ac vice et nomine f4^ Historical Skcich of the Paj-ish of Croxall. meo capiendam Et post huius modi possionem et seisinam sic inde captam et liabitam abiude deliberandam pro me vice et nomine meo prefatis Eichardo Ligone Cbristofero Savage Thome Littletone Edwardo Astone Johanni Morgone et Willo' Curson sen eorum alicoi aut eorum in hac parte attournato sen attoornatis plenam et pacificam possessionem et seisinam secundum veni foi-mam et effectum huius presente carte mee indeutate eis inde confecte ratum et gratum habendum et habiturum totum et quicquid dicti attomati mei nomine meo feceriut sen eorum alter fecerit in premissis sen in aliquo premissorum In cuius rei testimonium utraque parte huius presentis carte mea indentate Sigillum meum apposui Data vicesimo primo die octobris anno regni Henrici octavi quarto decimo Virtute cuius iidem Eichardus Ligone Christofems Thomas Edwardus Johannes Morgane et WUlm'us Cursone in predictus duas clausoras sive pasturas intraverunt et fuerunt inde seisiti ad usus predictum Et ipsi sic inde seisiti ad nsum predictum predicti Thomas Ligone Johannes Morgane et Will'mus Cursone obierunt et predict! Eichardus Christofems et Edwardus ipsos Thomam Johannem et Will'mum super vixerunt et se tenuenmt michis per ius accrescend et fuerunt de predictus duabus clausm'as sive pasturas seisiti ad usum predictum quousque statutum et inactum fuit in parliameuto domini regis nunc Henrici octavi tento in anno ... mo regni eusdem domini regis quod qualiter persona sive persone seisite de terris aut teutemeutis ad usus aliorum persouarum ratione barganie aut aliorum causarum quacunque qiu)d illi qui habuerunt usum in feodo simplia feodo taUiato vel pro termino vite vel annorum vel ahter postea fuerunt et stabunt et indicabunter lege in plena possessione et seisina de et in predictis terris et tenementis omnibus intencionibus pront in statuta predicta plenius continetur vertute cuius iidem Thomas Cursone et Elizabeth fuerunt inde seisiti videlicet iidem Thomas in dominico suo ut de feodo et eadem Elizabeth in dominico suo ut de libcro tenemento Et quod predictus Thomas Cursone postea obiit et quod predicta Elizabeth ipsium supervixit et adhuc superstes et iu plena vita existit. Et insuper dicimt Juratores predicti super sacramentum suum quod predictus Thomas Cursone dni ante obitum suum fuit seisitus de et in duabus moris iacentibus in Croxalle predicta quorum una se extendit usque aquam de Trent et altera iacet inter eandem moram et Croxalle woode ac de et in alia mora in Croxalle predicta vocata Gorcymore de et in una pastura voc Mylfylde et uno prate vocato Mylmeydowe iacente in Croxalle predicta et in una alia pastura ibidem vocata le Brigclosse [?] et uno prato ibidem vocata le More meydowe cum pertinenciis que quidem more pasture et pratum predicta cum pertinenciis sunt similiter parcellum manerii de Croxalle predicta Et sic inde seisitus existens voluit et legavit per suam ultimam voluntatem Georgio Greysleye militi Waltero Horton Cbristofero Savage Johanni Ligone Thome Rugeleye et Georgio Applebye armigeris inter alia predicta moras pasturas et pratum cum pertinenciis habenda et teneuda predicta moras pastm-es et pratum cum pertinenciis prefato Georgio Waltero Cbristofero Johanni Thome et Georgio et heredibus suis imperpetuum ad usus et intenciones in eadem ultima voluntas specificates et declaratos videlicet quod iidem Georgius Waltems Christofems Johannis Thomas et Georgius Appleby et heredes sui recepiant annuatim redditus exitus et proficua Elorum moranmi prati et pasturarum cum pertinenciis ad Boluenda inde debita predicti Thome Cursone et post debita euisdem Thome soluta ad soluendum de exitibus et proficius eorundem morarum prati et pasturarum cum pertinenciis cuUibet filiarum predicti Thome Cursone quarum nonina seqiueutur xl/. videlicet Matilde, Dorothee, Francisce, Agneti Marie Margarete et Brigitte ad earum maritagium vel cum at etatem viginti unius annorum provenerunt si tarn cito de exitibus et proficiis permissorum recepre potest Et si non tam brevi tempore recepre potest et post debita predicti Thome Cursone soluta et post dicte filie predicti Thome Cursone de porciouibus suis sunt satisfacte si vixerunt ad tempus predictum quod time predicta mora pratum et pasturas cum pertinenciis remaneant rectio heredibus dicti Thome Cursone imperpetuum prout per eandem ultimam voluntatem plenius liquet et apparet cuius quidem ulti me voluntatis teneri sequitur in hec verba In die nomine Amen the xxiiij day of Aprulle in the year of ower lord God a thousaude fyue hundreth fourtie & one I Thomas Cursone of Croxalle in the countie of Derbie esquier seek in mye bodye & hole in my mynde & of perfeyte remembraunce mak my testament & last wille in maner & forrme fulowing, That is to wytt Fyrste I bequeathe mye soul to almightie Gode & my body to be buried nigh unto my father in the churche of Saynt John the baptiste of Croxalle aforesaide, Also I demyse will & bequeath to sir George Greysleye knyght Walter Horton Christofer Savage John Ligon Thomas Eugeleye & George Applebye Esquires all mye measez landes meydowez pastures leseaz rentes revereions services & all other my hereditamentes approvemeutes in Aldrewas in the countie of Stafford & also my too Mores liynge in Croxalle in the countie of Derbie wherof thone extendethe to the water of Trent & thother more betweene the same More & Croxalle wode. Also I demyse will & bequeathe to them my other more there called the Appendix to History of Croxall. 149 Gorstymore k A pasture called Mylfeld & A Meydow there called eydow & another pasture called the Brigclose & one other meydow called More Meydow with thapportennaunoes in Croxalle aforesaid To have & hold the soule premisses to them & there heires the usez ententes & vppone condicion folowinge That is to wytte that they & there heires shall yerlie reyceyre thissuez & profittes of the premisses & therewith paye mye dettes & after my dettes paide thereof thissuez & proiittes of the premisses shall paye to mye daughters Mawde, Dorothee, Fraunnces, Agnes, Marie, Margarete & Erigitte to every of them xl" for & at theire manages ore all & at theire severalle ages of xxj yeres yf yt can [?] so sone be leuyed uppone the premisses And yf not then within a convenient tyme as yt maye ryse of & uppon the premisses And after mye dettes paide to thabovesaide daughters or suche of them as sail lyve to the said tymez satisfied of their said porcious, That then & from thensforthe thabovenamed persons & theire heires shall be duele eeased of the [premyjsses to the onelie vse of mye saide ryghte heires & theire heires for ever. And also I wylle that Elizabethe mye wiff shall have alle mye goodes & catalles moveable and vnmoveable which Elizabethe my sole executrix to perfourme this mye laste wylle these beynge witnez Cbristofere Savage John Ligone Thomas Moretone Robert Cursoue Richarde Stenynought vicare of CroxaUe John Cepreton [?] Savage with others Et predictus Thomas Curson postea obiit virtute cuius ultime voluntatis iidem Georgius Greysleye, Walterus Hortone, Christoferus Savage Johannes Ligone Thomas Eugeley, et Georgius Applebye fuerunt et adhuc sunt seisiti de predictis moris pasturis et prato cum pertinenciis ad usum et intencionem supra dicta Et vlterius dicunt Jnratores predicti super sacramentum suum quod predictus Thomas Cursone in dicto brevi nomiuatus diu ante obitam suum seisitus fuit in dominico suo ut de feodo de et in una pastura in CroxaUe predicta in dicto oomitatu Derbie vocata Croxalle holme annul redditus viginti marcarum ac de et in tribus campis arabibibus in Croxalle predicta jacentibus supra CroxaUe woode annul redditus septem librarum altra omnia onera et reprises parcellam manerii predicti Et sic inde seisitus existens per cartam suam indeutatam juratoribus predictis super capcionem huius Inquisicionis in evidencia ostensam cuius datam est vicesimo die octobris anno regni regis Henrici octavi vicesimo octavo in perfourmacionem quarundum convencionum et agremeutum in quibusdam indenturis juratoribus predictis simUiter ostentos cuius datam est ultimo die Septembris anuo vicesimo octavo supradicto inter prefatum Thomam Cursone ex una parte et Rolandmn Babingtone de Atlore ryge in dicto comitatu Derbie ex altera parte confectis et habitis de et super maritagium deo dante habendum et Bolempnizandum inter Georgium Cursone fiUum et heredem apparentem predicti Thome Cursone et Katherine Babingtone unam filiarum prefati Rolandi specificatnm et declaratum dedit concessit et per predictam cartam confirmavit Edmundo Alcocke clerico, et Christofero Deane dictam pasturam in CroxaUe predicto vocatam CroxaUe holme annul redditus xx" marcanim ac dictos tres campos arabilles in CroxaUe predicta iacentes supra Croxallwoode annul redditus septem Ubrarum ultra omnia onera et reprises habenda et tenenda dicta pasturam et tres campos arabiles cum suis pertinenciis prefato Edmundo et Christofero heredibus et assignatis suis imperpetuum de capitaUbus dominis feodi illuis per servicia inde debita et de hole J jure consueta sub forma et [condicio] uond sequenti videlicet quod prefati Edmundus et Christoferus infra duos dies proximo post datum dicte carte tradent concedent et ad firmam dimittent prefato Rolandi Babington tres partes dicte pasture vocate Croxalle holme in quatuor partes divise que quidem tres partes se attingunt ad clarum annuum valorem decern Ubrarum ultra omnia onera et reprises habendas et tenendas dictas tres partes dicte pasture cum suis pertinenciis prefato Rolandi Babingtone et assignatis suis pro termino novem annorum proximo sequencium post datum dicte carte plenarie complendorum videlicet quousque dictus Georgius Cursone ad etatem quindecem annorum provenerit vel venire potuisset remanere inde post dictum terminum sic finitiim sen elapsum dicto Georgio Cursone et Katherine pro termino vite eorum et alterius eorum duitius viuentis absque impechiamento aUcuius vasti voluutarie vasto omnino excepto nomine parceUe juncture dicte Katherine remanere post eonmi decessum et post decessum altei-uis eorum duicuis viventis heredibus de corpore prefati Georgii legittime procreatis pro defectu huius modi exitns remanere inde rectis heredibus prefati GeorgU imperpetuum sub condicione quod si dicta Katherina recusoverit desponsare et in virum ducere dictum Georgium Cursone sine causa racionabiti quod tunc immediate post talem recusacionem sic per ipsem factam scriptum illud et seisina inde deliberata fuerit vacua et pro nullo habeatur in lege ac eciam quod dicti Edmundus et Christoferus infra duos dies proximo post datum dicte carte tradent concedent et ad firmam dimittent prefato Thome Cursone dictam quartam partem eiusdem pasture vocate CroxaUe holme que quidem quartam partem pars se attingit ad claiirm annuum volorem quinque marcarum ultra omnia onera et reprises habendam et tenendam dictam 1 "o Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. qnartam partem dicte pasture cum suis pertinenciis prefato Thome Cursone et assignatis suis pro termino novem annorum prosime sequentium post datum dicte carte plenaerie complendarum remanere inde post dictum terminnm sic finitum sea elapsum dicto Rolando Babingtone habendam et teuendam sibi et assignatuB suis pro termino quinque annorum tunc proxime sequentuom plenarie complendorum remanere inde post dictum terminum quinque annorum sic finitum seu elapsum dicis Georgio et Katherine pro termino vite eorum et eorum alterins diucius viuentis absque impechiamento alicuius vasti voluntarie Tasto nomino excepto nomine alterius parcelle juncture dicte Katlierine remonere inde post eorum decessum et post decessum eorum ulterius diucius viventes heredibus de corpore prefati Georgii legittime procreatis et pro defecti huius modi exitus remanere inde rectis heredibus prefati Georgii imperpetuum et sub condicione quod si dicta Katheryne recusaverit desponsare et in vimm ducere dictum Georgium Cursone sine causa racionabili quod tunc immediate post talem recnsacionem sic per ipsam factum scriptum illud et seisina inde liberata fnerunt vacua et pro nullo habeantur in lege Et insuper sab condicione quod dicti Edmundus et Christofems infra duos dies post datum predicte carte indentate tradent concedunt et ad firmam dimittent prefato Thome Cursone dictas tres campos arabOes iacentes supra Croxalle woode annul valoris hbramm ultra reprises residuum terrarum et tentementonim predictorum habendos et tenendos dictos tres campos arabiles cum suis pertinenciis prefato Thome Cursone et assignatis suis pro termino quindecem annorum proxime sequen- cium post datum dicte carte indentate et plenserie eomplenorum videlicet quousque dictus Georgius Cursone ad etatem viginti annorum provenerit remanere inde post dictum terminum sic finitum seu elapsum prefato Georgio Cursone et Katheryne pro termino vite eorum et alterins eorum diucius viuentis absque impechiamento alicuius vasti voluntarie vasto omnino excepto nomine totuis iuncture dicte Katheryne remanere inde post eorum decessum et post decessum alterius eorum diucius viuentis heredibus de corpore predicti Georgii legittime procreatis et pro defectu huius modi exitus remanere inde rectis heredibus predicti Georgii imperpetuum et sub condicione quod sic data Katheryna recusaverit desponsare et in virum ducere dictum Georgium sine causa racionabili quod tunc immediate post talem recusacionem dicta eoncessio et scriptum illud et seisina inde hberata sint vacua et pro nullo habeantur in lege prout per easdem cartas indentatis plenius liquet qaarum quidem indenturarum tenor sequitur in hec verba This indenture made the laste daye of Septembre in the xxiij*** yere of tho reigne of ower souerynge lorde Mnge Henrye the viij"" betwene Thomas Cursone of Croxalle in the countie of Derbie esquiere of thone partie ^ Rolande Babingtone of Atlore in the same countie of Derbie esquiere of thother partie witnesseth that yt ys covenaunted gi-aimted concluded agreed & condiscended betn-ene the saide parties in maner & fourme folowinge that is to saye Firste the saide Thomas Cursone couenauntethe & grauntethe bye these presentes to & with the saide Eolande Babingtone that George Cursone sone & heire apparaunte of the saide Thomas Cursone before the feaste of the Natyuytye of Christe which shalbe in the yere of ower lorde gode a thowsande fyae hundreth & xxxvij"" bye the grace & sufferaunce of almightee gode shalle marye & take to wyfe Katheryne Babingtone doughter of the saide Eoland Babingtone yf the lawez of holye churehe shalle permytte & suffre the same & the saide Katteryne do therunto consent & agi-ee, And in the like mener the saide Eolande Babingtone couenaunthethe & graimthe bye these presentes to & withe the saide Thomas Corsone that the said Katheryne shall by the same grace and sufferaunce of almightie gode before the saide feaste of the Natyvytye of our lorde Jesu christe which shalle in the saide yere of ower lorde gode a thousaude fyve hundrethe xxxvij" mai-ye & take to husband the saide George Cursone yf the lawez of holye churehe wyUe permytt & saffre the same & the saide George Cursone do therunto cousente & agree also the saide Thomas Cursone couenauntethe iSi and grauntethe bye these presentes fore hyme & his executourez to and with saide Eolande Babingtone & hys executoiurez that the saide Thomas Carson before the feaste of all sayntes next ensuyug the date of this Indenture shall make or cause to be made vnto sir Kdmunde Alcocke preste & Christofer Deane yomane a goode su£S- cient laufulle & sure estate in the lawe of & in alle & singulere such parcelles of landes & tenementes as be next & imediatlie herafter expressed named & writtine That ys to saye A pasture called Croxalle holme in Croxalle in the countie of Derbie & iij arable feldes in Croxalle beforsaide aboue Croxalle woode which be of the clere yereU valu of xx" vj« viij"' ower & aboue alle charges & reprisses To have & to Lolde the saide landes & tenetmentes before expressede with theire oppourteuaunces rmto the same sir Edmunde Alcocke & Christofer Deane theire heirea & assignez to theire owne vse & vppone condicione that the same sir Edmunde & Christofer Deane within ij days nexte after the same estate so to them made shall deuyse graunte & let unto the said Eolande & his assignez landes & tenementes parcelle of the premisses to the yearlie valu of ten pounds over Appendix to History of Croxall. ' 5 ' all charges for terme of ix yeres that is unto the tyme that the saide George come or myghte come to the age of xv yeres And after that the remayndre thereof to the saide George and Katheryne To have & to hokle alle thafforsaide parcelles of lande unto the saide George & Katheryne- & to theires of the bodye of the saide George laufullye begottyne fore euer in the name & for parceUe of the ioynter of the saide Katheryne the remayndre therof to the righte heires of the said george & also uppon condicione that the same Sir Edmunde & Christofer Deane shalle of landes & tenementes of the yearlie value of v markes parcelle of the residue of the same landes & tenementes of the yearlie valu of tene poundes within ij dayes next after the same estate so made to the same Sir Edmunde & Christofer Deane malie or cause to be made a goode sure & laufulle estate vnto ye same Thomas Cursone & to his assiguez fore terme of ix yeres then next imediatlie folowynge the remaindre therof unto tlie saide Eolande & his assignez fore terme of yeres thene next folowynge the remaindre therof unto y" saide George & Katheryne & to theires of the bodye of the saide George begottyne the remaindre thereof to the right heires of the said George for euer And also uppone condicion that the saide Edmunde & Christofer Deane shall within ij dayes next after the same estate so made vnto the same Sir Edmunde & Christofer in forme beforsaide shalle make unto the same Thomas Cursone & to his assignez a goode sure & lawfuUe estate of all the residue of the same landes & tenementes of the yerehe valu of sx" appoynted for the ioyntour of the same Katheryne fore terme of xv yeres then next foUowynge that is vnto the tyme that the same George Cursone comme or myght comme to the age of xx" yeres and after that the remaindre therof to the same George and Katheryne for terme of theire livez without impochmente of waste volimtarye waste without exception & to theires of the bodye of the said George the remayndre therof to the right heires of the saide George for ever Also it is agread & graunted bitwixt the same partez y' yf y' said george dye or disagree to y' same mariage without cause reasonable before carnalle knowlidge had by twyxt y= saide George & Katheryne y' then the same Thomas cursone shall repaye unto the same Eolande & his executourz alle such sommez of moneye as he hath receyued of the saide Eolande & his executours or assiguez & alle other Bomez to be paide by y° same Eolande for y* same mariage after such death or disagrement to cease & no paiment therof to be made & likvise it is agred y' yf y" same Katheryne hereafter without cause reasonable disagre to y« saide mariage y' y™ she shalle loose here saide ioyntour of the same landes & ten of the yerelie valu of xx'' And that alle the estates be made to her of the same landes and tenementes with suche condicione Also y' ijs ferther couenauntethe & agreable bitwyxt the saide partiez that yf the saide Katheryne happyn to dye before carnall knowlidge had bitwixt here & the said George & before that the saide George shalle comme to & accompUsche the age of xviij yeres that thene the saide Thomas Cursone shalle reoontent & paye unto the same Eolande or thexecutoreres ore administratoures suche sommez of moneye as the saide Eolande hath paid beforehande unto the same Thomas Cursone wherof alle such sommez of moneye as the same Eolande Babingtone hath takene or receyued of the landes and tenementes appointed to the same Katheryne fore here ioyntour shalbe as & for parte of the same sommez that shallbe repaid sauynge v" yerelie therof that the saide Rolando shallbe alloued and kepe in his handes for the kepynge & fyndynge of the same George Cursone & fore the sure payment of the saide somme to be paid unto the said Eolande Babingtone the saide Thomas Cursone fore hyme and his executourz couenauntethe & grauntethe unto the saide Eolande & to his executourz that he before the feaste of Peutecoste next commynge shalle graunte one annuelle rent of xx" giuyn out of the same landes & tenementes appointed for the ioyntour of the same Katheryne the said rent to begyne to be paide at the feastes of Easter & Michelmas yerlie rent after the deathe of the saide Katheryne yf she shall happen to dye before that the same George shall accomplishe & comme to the saide age of xviii yeres without issue of here bodye unto such tyme & durynge such yeres as the same Eolande hath reyndre of suche tenementz of moietye [?] as the saide Eolande shuU be repaide of bye the saide Thomas Cursone & Ferthermore the saide Thomas Cursone covenauntethe & grauntethe for hym his heires & executours to & with the saide Eolande Babingtone and his executourz that he the saide Thomas Cursone shall before the feaste of the Natyuyty of our Lorde next commynge after the date of this indenture shall make a goode sure sufficient & laufulle estate unto the said Sir Edmunde & Christofer Deane as well of the residue of alle the landes & tenementes & heridita- mentea of the same Thomas Cursone selt lyynge & heynge in the countie of Derbie or elsewhere within the realms of Englande as of the reuercion of alle such landes & tenementes as Elizabeth now wife of the same Thomas Cursone hath in ioyntour fore terme of here life & of the revercion of certen landes in Croxalle beforsa de in the saide countie of Derbie beynge of the yerlie value of x" which one William Cursone now holdethe for terme of his liffe And of the reuercion of certen landes lyinge in the towne of ■^r 152 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Aldenvas in the countie of StafEorde beynge of the yerlie value of viij" which one Chadde Cursone holdeth for temie of his liffe. to have & to holde the forsaide reuercion of alle the laudes & tenementes & heredita- mentes aforsaide with the reuercion of the said landes and tenementes after the severaUe decesses of the saide William & Chadde unto the saide Edmunde & Christofer deane theire heires and assignez fore euer vppon condicion that the same Sir Edmunde & Christofer Deane & the survivor of them mthin ij dayes nexte ensuynge the same estate to b made shall deuyse graunte & lette the foresaide residue of alle the saide landes & tenementes & heriditamentes together with the reuercion of the saide landes & tenementes which the said William & Chadde holde fore terms of theire severalle livez as is aforesaide vnto the saide Thomas Cursone for terme of his liffe .... led without impediment of weste the remayndre thereof after the decesse of the same Thomas Cursone unto the said George Cursone & to the heires of his bodye laufuUye begottyne the remaindre therof fore lacke of such issue to the right heires of the saide Thomas Cursone alle which premisses the said Thomas Cursone couenaunteth & graunteth bye these presentes shallbe at the tyme the forsaide seueralle estates of the premisses in fourme aforesaide to be made dis- charged of alle fourmer bargeyns sales titles ioyntourz dowers incrementes recognisaunces execucions & of aUe other charges & incumbrauuees what so euer they be except oneUe the forsaide ioyntour & the dower of the saide Elizabeth & ye forsaide estates for terme of lives of the saide WUliam Cursone & Chadde Cursone the reuercion of all which landes & tenementes after the seueraUe decessez of the saide Elizabeth Cursone WLUiam & Chadde the saide Thomas Cursone couenauntethe & gi-auntethe to fynde the saide George at his propere costes & charges meyte & drinke & appareUe conveuiente & all other necessaries belongynge vnto hyme nntille the saide George shaUe accomplische thage of vij yeres after which tyme the saide Bolande Babingtone couenauntethe by these presentes to fynde the saide George & Katheryne at his propere costes & charges of the saide Eolande and his executourz untille such tyme as the said George shall accomplische thage of xx" yeres. Also the saide Thomas covenauntethe & grauntethe fore hyme his execu- toures unto the same Eolande & his executourz y' emediatie after the estate be made to hyme fore terme of his liffe of y« same landes & tenementes that the same Thomas Cursone within one monthe next after the times at saiue de shall gyve graimte one annueDe rent of the yerlie value of one hundrethe poundes Bterlinge .Toyntur out of the same landes k tenementes unto the saide George Cursone & to his heires & assignez paid at the feastes of Saynt Michelle & the Annunciacion of ower ladye by evyn porcionz with a clause of distresse for the same graunte to be made to destreyne in the same landes & tenementes for non paimente of the saide rent at euery of the saide feastes that y' oughte to be paide at. And the same rent to begyne to be paide & to be due & paiable unto the saide George his heires & assignez at the feaste of saynte Michelle next before that the same Thomas Cursone do not herafter obuiate the same landes and tenementes ore anye parceUe therof to anye persone ore persouz ore suffre any recouere or other acte to hurt ore disherite the same George Cursone & his heires of the same landes & tenementes ore of anye pacelle thereof ore of the reuercion fore which marriage & alle other the forsaid conenauntes grauntes & promisez uppon the behalf of the said Thomas Cursone to be well & trulie obsenied perfourmed fulfilled * kept accordynge unto the purport tenour and effect of this indenture the said Eolande Babingtone couenauntethe & grauntethe to content & paye imto the same Thomas Cursone y« some of CCxx" sterUnge in maner & fourme folowynge that is to saye the daye of the ensealinge of these indentures one hundreth poundes sterling ct the same daye to Elizabeth Cursone wiffe to y' same Thomas for her goode wille in the premisses ten poundes sterUnge & within vj monthez next after the same mariage fyftye poundes sterlinge & tene poundes unto the saide Ehzabeth & other fyftye pounds sterlinge within vj monethes thene next folowynge In witness whereof to these present indentures the parties abouesaide interchangeablie have sette there seales the daye & yere abouesaide. Sciant presentes and futuri quod Ego Thomas Cursone de Croxalle in comitatu Derbie armiger in perfourmacionem quarundem convencionum and agreameutorum in quibusdam indenturis gerentibus datum ultimo die septembris anno regni regis Henriei octani vicesimo octavo inter me prefatum Thomam Curzone ex una parte et Eolandum Babingtone de Atlowe rigge in dicto comitatu Derbie armigerum ex altera parte confectum et habitumde et sugur maritaguim deo dante habendum et solempnizendum inter Georgium Cursone filium et heredem apparantem mei prefati Thome Cursone et Katherinam Babingtone fiUum predict! Eolandi specificatum et declaratum dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea indentata confirmavi Edmundo Alcocke et Christofero Deane unam pasturam in Croxalle predicta in dicto comitatu Derbie vocatam Croxalle holme annul redditus viginti marcarum ac tres campus arabiles in Croxalle predicta iacentes supra Croxalle woode et sunt annul redditus septem librarum ultra omnia onera et reprises habenda et tenenda predicta Appendix to History of Croxall. i53 pasturam et tres campas arabiles cum suis pertinenciia prefatis Edmundo et Christofero heridibus et assignatis suis imperpetuumde capitalibus dominis feodum illorum per servicuia inde debita et de jure consueta sub fourma et condicione sequentibus videlicit quod prefati Edmundus et Christoferug infra duos dies post datum presencuim tradent concedet et ad firmam dimittent prefate Rolando tres partes dicte pasture vocate Croxalle holme in quatuar partes divise que quidem tres partes se attingunt ad clarum annuum valorem decern libranim ultra omuia onera et reprises habendas et tenendas dictus tres partes dicte pasture cum suis pertineaciis Rolando et assignatis suis pro termino novem annuum proxime sequencum post datum presencium et plevarie complendorum videlicit quousque dictus Georgius Cursone ad etatem quindecem annorum provenerit vel provenire potuisset remanere inde post dictum terminum sic fenitum seu elapsum dicto Georgio Cursone et Katherine pro termino vite covum et alterius eorum diuoius viventis absque impechiamento alicuius vasti voluntarie vasto omnino excepto nomine parcelle iuncture dicte Katherine remanere inde post eorum decessum et post decessum alterius eorum diucius viventis heredibus de corpore prefati Georgii legitti me procreatis et pro defeetu huius modi exitus remanere inde rectis heredibus prefati Georgii imperpetuum et sub condicione quod si dicta Katherina recusaverit dispousare et in virum ducere dictum Georgium sine causa raeionabili quod tunc immediate post talem recusacionem sio per ipsam factam scriptum illud et seisiua inde liberata sint vacua et pro nullo habeantur in lege ac ecium sub condicione quod dicti Edmundus et Christoferus infra duos dies proxime post datum presencium tradent concedent et ad firmam dimitent prefato Thome Cursone diotam quartern partem eiusdem pasture vocate Croxalle holme in quatuor partes diuise que quidem quartam pars si attingat ad clarum annuum volorem quinque marcarum ultra omnia onera et reprises habendam et tenendam diet quartam partem dicte pasture cum suis pertinenciis prefato Thome Cursone et assignatis suis pro termino nouem annorum proxime sequencium post datum presentium et pleuarie complendorum remanere inde post dictum terminum sic flnitum seu elapsum dicto Rolando Babingtoue sibi et assignatis suis pro termino quinque annorum tunc proxime sequencium et plenarie complendorum I'emanere inde post dictum terminum sic finit\im seu elapsum dictis Georgio et Katherine pro termino vite eorum et alterius eorum diusius piuentes obsque impechiamento alicuius vaste voluntaris vasto omnino excepto nomine alterius parcelle iuncture dicte Katherine remanere inde post eorum decessum et post decessum alterius eorum diucius viuentis heredibus de corpore prefati Georgia legittime procreatis et pro defeetu hujua modi exitus remanere inde rectis heredibus prefati Georgii imperpetuum et sub condicione quod si dicta Katherina recusaverit disponsare et in virum ducere dictum Georgium Cursone sine causa raeionabili quod tunc imediate post talem recuscionem sic per ipsam factam scriptum ilium et seisina inde liberata sint vacua et pro nullo habeuntur in lege. Et insuper sub condicione quod dictis Edmundus et Christoferus infra duos dies proxime sequencium post datum presencium tradent concedent et ad firmam dimitteut prefato Thome Cursone dictos tres campas arabiles iacentes supra Croxalle woode annul valoris septem librarum ultra reprises residuum terrarum et tenementorum predictorum habendos et tenendos dictos tres campos arabiles cu suis pertinenciis prefato Thome Cursone et assignatis suis pro termeno quim decern annorum proxime sequencium post datum presenciu et plenarie complendorum videlicit quousque dictus Georgius Cursone ad etatim viginti annorum provenerit remanere inde post dictum terminiim sic finitum seu elapsum prefati Georgii Curson and Katherine pre termino vite orum et alterua eorum diucius viginti absque impechiamto alicujus vasti voluntarie vasto omnino excepto nomine totius iuncture dicte Katherine remanere inde post decessum et atterius eoi"um diucius viuentis heredibus de corpore prefati Georgii legittime procreatis Et pro defeetu hujis modi exitus remanere iudi rectis heredibus prefati Georgii imperpetuum et sub condicione quod si dicta Katherina recusaverit desponsare et in virum ducere dictum Georgium suie causa raeionabili quod tunc imediate post talem recusacionem dictum concessum et scriptum illud et seisina inde liberata sint vacua et pro nullo habeantur in lege Et Ego vero prefatus Thomas Cursone et heredes mei dicta'pastura et tres campas arabiles cum suis pertinenciis prefatis Edmundo et Christofero heredibus et assignatis suis modi et forma ut prefertur contra omnes gentes warantizabimus et imperpetuum defendemus per presentes. Sciatis insuper me prefatum Thomas Cursone attoruasse deputasse et in loco meo posuisse dilectos michi in Christo Edmuudum Agarde et Philippum Cursone meos veros et legittimos altornatos conjunctira et divisim ad intraudum et ingrediendum in indictis pasturis campis et ceteris premissis cum suis pertinenciis et possessionibus et seisina inde capiendumet post hujus modi possessionem et seisinam sic inde capta et habita delude pro m vice et nomino meo inde plenum et paciflcum possesionem et seisinam prefatis Edmundo et Christofero seu eorum in hac parte attornatis seu attornato, deliberuudam secundum veram formamet effectum huius presentis carte mee indeutate confectam ratum et gratum etiam habiutum et habi turum totam et quicquid dixti attornati mei seu eorum alter nomine meo fecerit in premissis seu in I 54 Historical Sketch of tJie Pai'ish of Croxall. aliquo premissorum In cuius rei testimonium utraque parti huius presentis carte mee indcntate sigillnm meum apposui Datum vicesimo die octobris anno regni regis Henrici octavi vicesimo octavo virtuto cuius feo£famenti idem Edmundiss et Christoferus fuerunt seisiti de predictis pasturis et tribus compisaiabillibus in dominico sue ut de feodo et predicti Edmundus Christoferus sic inde seisiti esistentis per cartam suam. cuius datum est vicesimo die octobris anno vicesimo octavo supradicto tradiderunt et concesserunt prefato Rolando Babingtone tres partes dicte pasture vocate Croxalle holme in quatuor partes divisi que quidem tres partes se attingimt ad darum anuum valorem decern librarum ultra omnia onera et reprises habendas et tenendas dictas tres partes dicte pasture cum suis pertinenciis prefato Rolando et suis assiguatis pro termino novem anuorum tunc proxime sequencium post datum eiusdem carte videlicit quousque dictus Georgius Cursone ad etatem quindecem anuorum provenerit vel provenire potuisset remanere inde post dictum tenninum sic finitum sen elapsum dictis Georgio Cursone et Katherine pro termino vite eonmi et alterius eorumdiucius viventis absque impechiamento alicuius vasti voluntarie vasto omnino excepto nomine parcelle iuncture dicte Katherine remanere inde post eorum decessum et alterius eonim diuxius viventis heredibus de corpore dicti Georgii legittime procreatis et pro defectu talis exitus remanere inde rectis heredibus ipsius Georgii imperpetuum et sub condicione quod si dicta Katherina recusaverit dispensare et in virum ducere dictum Georgium Cursone sive causa racionabili quod tunc imediate post tatem recusacionem sic per ipsam factam idem scriptum et possessio inde liberata suntt vacua et pro nullo habeantur in lege prout per eandem cartam juro toribus predictis super capcionem huius inquisicionis in evidenciam ostensam plenius liquet cuius quidem carte tenor sequitiu: in hec virba. Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos hoc preseus scriptum pervenerit Edmundus Alcocke clericus et Christo- ferus Deane salutem in domino sempiterno sciatis quod cum Thomas Cursone de CroxaU in comitatu Derbie armigerum in perfourmacionem quarundam convencionum et agreamentum quibnsdam indenturis gerentibus datum ultimo die septembris anno Regni regis Henrici octavi vicesimo octavo inter dictos Thome Cursone ex una parte et quendam Rolandum Babingtone de Atlowe ryge in dicto comitatu Derbie armigenim ex altera parte confectis et habitis de et super maritagium deo dante habendum et solempnizandum inter Georgium Cursone filium et heredem apparentem prefati Thome Cm-sone et Katherine Babingtone filiam prefati Rolandi specificatum et declaratum per carta suam indentatum gerentem datum presencium dedit concessit et dictam cartam suam confirmaverit nobis prefatis Edmundo et Christofero unam pasturam in Croxalle predicta in dicto comitatu Derbie vocatam Croxalle holme annul redditus vigiuti marcarum ultra omnia onera et reprises ac tres campas arabUiles in Croxalle predicto iacentes supra Croxalle woode annul redditus septem hbrarum ultra omuia onera et reprises habenda et tenenda dictam post unam et campos arabiles cum suis pertinenciis nobis prefatis Edmundo et Christofero heredibus et assignatis nostris imper- petuum sub certis condicionibus prout per eandem indenturam et dictam cartam inde confectam super premissis iunct plane liquet Noveritis nos prefatos Edmuudum et Christoferum in perfourmacione dictarum condicionum in eisdem indenturis specificatum ac in perfourmacione dicte carte tradidisse dimississe et hoc presenti scripto nostro .confirmasse prefato Rolando Babingtone tres partes dicte pasture vocate Croxalle holme in quatuor partes divise .que quidem tres partes se attingunt in toto ad darum annuimi valorem decern libra ultra omnia onera et reprises habendas et tenendas dictas tres partes eiusdem pasture vocate CroxaUe holme cum suis pertinenciis prefato Rolando Babingtone et assignatis suis pro termino novem anuorum proxime sequencium post datum presencium et pleuarie complendorum videlicit quousque dictus Georgius Cursone ad etatem quindecem annorem provenerit vel provenire potmsset remanere inde post dictum terminum sic finitum sen elapsum dictis Georgio Cursone et Katherine pro termino vite eonim et alterius eonim diucius viventis absque impechiamento alicujus vaste voluntarie vasto omnino excepto nomine parcelle iuncture dicte Katherine remanere inde post eonmi decessum et alterius eorum diucius viventis heredibus decorpore dicti Georgii legittime procreatis. Et pro defectu hujus modi exitus inde rectis heredibus prefati Georgii Cursone impei-petunm. Et sub condicione quodsi dicta Katherina recusaverit disponsare et in virum ducere dictum Georgium Cm-sone sine causa raciouabQi quod time imediate post talem recusacionem sic per ipsam factam hoc presens scriptum nostrum et possessio inde liberata siut vacua et pro nullo habeantur in lege Noveritis insuper nos prefatos Edmuudum et Christoferum attornasse deputasse et in loco nostro possuisse dilectos nobis in christo Georgiimi Cursone de Alderwas generosum et Thomam Smythe pro nostros veros et legittimas attornatos coniunctim et divisim adintrandum et ingrediendum in dictis tribus partibus dicte pasture cum suis pertinenciis et possessionem et seisiuam inde capiendum Et post huius modi possessionem et seisinam sic inde captam et habitam deinde pro nobis vice et nomine nostro plenum et pacifice possessionem et seisinam inde prefato Rolando Babingtone vel suis in hac parte Appendix to History of Croxall. i55 attoruatis seu attoruato deliberandum secundum veni formam et effectum huius presentis scripti nostri inde confecti ratum et gratum habentum et habitumm tohun et quioquid dicti attornati nostri seu eorum alter nominebus nostris fecerint seu fecerit in premissis seu in alique premissonun. In cuius rei testimonium huic present! scripti nostro sigilla nostra apposuimus Dat vicesimo die octobris anno regni regis Henrici octayi vicessimo octavo vertute emus quidem tradicionis et dimissionis idem Eolandus Babingtone fuit poBsessionatus de predictis tribus partibus dicte pastiu-e per formau dimissionis predicte. Et ulterius predict! Edmundus et Christoferus sic ut premittitur seisti existentes de residus pasture predicte que se extendit ad quartam partem pasture iUius per cartam suam cuius datum est vicessimo die octobris anno vicessimo octavo supradicto tradiderunt et dimiseriint prefato Thome Cui'sone dictam quartam partem dicti pasture Tocate Croxalle holme que quidem quarta pars se attingitto ad clarum annum valorem quinque marcarum ultra omnia onera et reprises habendamet tenendam dictam quartam partem dicte pasture cum suis pertinenciis prefato Thome Cursone et assignatis suis pro termino novem annonim tunc proxime sequencium et plenarie complendorum remanere inde post dictum terminum novem annonmi sic finitum sui elapsum dicto Eolaudo Babingtone habendam et tenendam dicto Eolando et assignatis suis pro termino quinque annorum tunc proximo sequenciumet plenarie complendonmi remanere iude jjost dictum terminum quinque annonun sic finitum seu elapsum dictos Georgio Cursone et Katherine pro termino vite eorum et eorum alterius diucius viventis absque impediamento alicinus vasti voluntarii vasto omiuo excepto nomine alterius sine secunde parcelle iuncture dicte Katherine remanere inde post eorum decessum et post decessum alterus eorum diucius viventis heredibus de corpore dicto Georgii legittime procreatis et pro defectu huiusmodi exitus remanere inde rectis heredibus prefati Georgii Cursone imperpetuum et sub condicione quod si dicta Katherina recusaverit desponsare et in virum ducere dictum Georgium Cursone sine causa racionabih quod tunc imediate post talem recusacionem sic per ipsam factam scriptum illiod et possessio inde liberate suit vacua et pro millo habeautur in lege prout per eaudem cartam inratoribus predictis super capcionem huius inquissicionis in evidenciam ostensam plenius liquit cuius quidem carte tenor sequitur in hec verba. Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos hoc presens scriptum prevenerit Edmundus Alcocke clericus et Christoferus Deane salutem in domini sempiternam sciates quod cum Thomas Cursone de Croxalle in comitatu Derbie armiger in perfourmacione quarundam convencionum et agreamentonmi in quibusdam indenturis gerentibus datam ultimo die septembris anno regni regis Henrici octavi vicesimo octavo inter dictum Thomam Cursone ex una parte et quendam Eolandum Babingtone de Atlowe rige in dicto comitatu armigerum ex altera parte confectibus et habitis de et super maritagium deo daute, habendum et solempnizeudum inter Georgium Cursone filium et heredem apparentem prefati Thome Cursone et Katherinam Babiugton filiam prefati Rolandi specificatum et declaratimi per cartam suam iudentatam gerentem datum preseucuim dedit concessit et dicta carto sua confirmavit nobis prefatis Edmundo ei Christofero uuam pasturam in Croxalle predicto in dicto comitatu Derbie vocatam Croxalle holme annut redditus vigiuti marcarum ultra omnia onera et reprises ac tres (^ampos arabiles in Croxalle predicto iacentes supra Croxalle wood annul redditus septem librarum ultra omnia onera et reprises habenda et tenenda dicto pasturam et campos arabiles cum suis pertinenciis nobis prefatia Edmundo et Christofero heredibus et assignatis nostris imperpetuum sub certis condicionibus prout per eadem cartam et dictas indenturas inde coufeetas super premisses magis plane liquet Noveritis nos prefatos Edmundum Chris- toferum in perfourmacione dictarum convercioniim in eisdem indenturis specificatarum ao in perfourma- cione dicte carte tradicisse et per presentes ad firmam dimisisse prefato Thome Curson quartam partem dicte pasture vocate Croxalle holme in quatuor partes divise qui quidem quarta pars se attingit ad clarum annuum valorem quinque marcarum ultro omnis onera reprises habendam et tehendam dictam quartam partem dicte pasture cum suis pertinenciis prefato Thome Cursone et assignatis suis pro termino novem annorum proxime sequencium post datum presencium et plenarie complendorum remanere iude post dictum terminum novem annorum sic finitum seu elapsum dicto Rolando Babingtone habendum et tenendum dicto Eolando et assignatis suis pro termino quinque annorum tunc proxime sequencium et plenarie com- plendorum remanere inde post datum terminum quinque annorum sic finitum seu elapsum dicto Georgeo Cursone et Katherine pro termino vite eorum et alterius eorum diucius viventis absque impechiamento alicujus vasti voluntarii vasti omnino excepto nomine alterius sive secunde parcelle iuncture dicte Katherine remanere inde post eorum decessum et post decessiun alterius eorum diucius verientes heredibus de corpore dicti Georgii Cursone legittime procreatis et pro defectu hujusmodi exitus remanere inde rectis heredibus prefati Georgii Cursone imperpetuum et sub condicione quod si dicta Katherina recusavei-it desponsare et in virum ducere dictum Georgium Cursone sine causa racionabili quod tum imediate post talem recusationem [56 Historical Sketch of t lie Parish of Croxall. sic per ipsam lactam presens scriptnm nostem et possessio inde liberata sint vacnr et in lege pro nullii Noveritis insuper nas prefatos Edmondniu et Christofemm attoamasse deputasse et in loco nostro posuisse dilectos nobis in Christo Georgium Cursone et Alderwas generosom et Thomam Smyth notros veros et legittimos attoumatos coniunctom et divisim ad intrandum et ingrediendum in dicta quarta parte dioti pasture cum suis pertineuciis et possessionem et seisinam inde capiendum et post huius modi posses- sionem sic inde captmn et habitam deinde pro nobis vice et nomino nostro plenum et pacifice possessionem et seisiuam inde prefato Thome Cursone vel eius in hac parte attoumatis seu attoumato deliberandum secundum veni fomiam et efEectnm buius presentis scripti nostri inde confecti ratum et gratum habentum et habituram totum et quicquid dicti attornati seu eorum alter fecerint seu fecerit in premissis seu in aliquo premissorum in cuius rei testimonium huui preseuti soripto nostro sigilla nostro apposaismas Datum vicesimo die Octobris anno regni regesis Henrici octavi Ticesimo octaTo virtute cuius qaidem dimissionis idem Thomas Curson fuit possessionatus de predicto quarta parte pasture predicte cum suis pertineuciis per fuam dimissionis predicte Et insuper prefatus Edmundus et Christoferus sic ut premittitur seisiti existentes de dictis tribus campis arabilibns iacentes super Croxall woode annul valoris sepcem librarum ultra omnia onera et reprises residuum terrarum et tenementonim predictorum per cartam suam cuius datum vicesimo die octobris anno vicesimo octavo supra dicto tradiderunt et demisserunt prefato Thome Curson dictos tres campos arabiles annul valoris septem librarum per annum habendos et tcnendos dictos tres campos suis pertineuciis prefato Thome Curson et assignatis suis pro termino quindecm annorum tunc proxime seqencium post datum cuiusdam carte videlices quousque dictum Georgium Curson compleverit seu complere potuisset etatem viginti annorum remanere inde predicto termino quindecem annonam sic finitum seu elapsam prefats Georgio et Katherine pro termino vite eorum et alterius eorum dincius viventis absque impechiamento alicujis vasti voluntarii vasto omnio escepto nomine terce partis et totius iuncture dicte Katherine remanere inde post eorum decessum et alterio eorum diucius viueiitis heredibus de corpore dicti Georgii legitime procreatis et pro defectu huius modi esitus remanere inde rectis heredibus prefati Georgii imperpetuum Et sub condicione quod si dicta Katherine recusaverit desponsare et in virum ducere dictum Georgium sine causa racinabiti quod tunc imediate post talem recusacionem sic per ipsam factam indem scriptnm et possessio inde hberata sint vacua et pro nullo sabeanto in lege prout per eandem iuratoribns super capcionem huius inqniscionis in evidenciam ostensam plenius liquet cuius quidem carte tenor sequitur in hec verba. Omnibus Christi FideUbus ad quos presens scriptum pervenerit Edmundus Alcocke clericus et Christo- ferus deane salutem in domino sempetiruam Sciatis quod cum Thomas cursone de CroxaUe in comitatu Derbie armiger in perfourmacionem quarundem convencioniim et agreamentorum in quibnsdam indenturis gerentibus datum ultimo die Septembris anno regni regis Henrici octavi vicesimo octavo inter dictum Thomam Cursone ex una parte et quendam Rolandum Babingtone de Atlowe rige in dicto comitatu Derbie arigerum ex altera parte confectis et habitis de et super maritagium, deo dan, habendum et solempnizandimi inter Georgium Cursone filium et heredem apperentem prefati Thome Cursone et Katherinem Babingtone filieam diet Eolandi Babingtone specificatum et declaratum per cartam suam indentatam gerentem datum presencium dedit concessit et dicta carta sua confirmavit nobis prefatis Edmunde et Christofero unam pasturam in Croxalle predicta in dicto comitatu Derbie vocatam Croxalle hohue annul redditus viginti marcarum ultra onera et reprises ac tres campons arabiles in CroxaUe predicta vicentes super CroxaUe woode annul redditus septem Ubrarum ultra omnia onera et reprises habenda et teueda dictam pasturam et campas arabiles cum suis pertineuciis nobis prefatis Edmundo et Christofero heredibus et assignatis nostris imper- petuum sub certis condicionibus prout per eandem cartam et dictus indenturas inde confectas super premissis magis plenuis liqvet. Noueritis nos prefates Edmundmn et Christofemm in perfourmacionem dictorum convencionem in eisdem identuris specificatorum ac in perfourmacione dicte carte tradidisse concessisse et ad firmam dimississe prefati Thome Cursone dictes tres campos arabUes annul voloris septem Ubrarum habendos et tenendos dictas tres campos cum suis pertineuciis prefato Thome Cursone et assignatis suis pro termino quindecem annorum proxime sequencium post datum presenciumet plenarie complendorum videUcit quousque dictus Georgius Cursone etatem viginti annorum compleverit sen complere potuisset remanere inde post dictum terminum quindecem annorum finitum sen elapsum prefatis Georgie et Katherine pro termino vite eorum et alterius eorum diucius viventes absque impecheamenta alicuuis vasti voluntarie vasto omnino excepto nomine tercie partis et tocuis uincture dicte Katherine remanere inde post eorum decessum et post decessum alterius eorum diucius viventis heredibus de corpore dicte Georgii Cursone legittime procreatis et pro defectu hujusmodi exitns remanere inde rectis heredibus prefati Georgii Cursone Appendix to History of Croxall. :)/ imperpetuum Et sub eondicioue quod si dicta Katherina recusaverit desponsare et in veriem ducere dictum Georgium Cursone sine caasa racionebili quod tunc imediate post tatem recusacionem sic per iptam factam lioc presens scriptum nostrum et possesio inde liberata vacua sint et in lege pro nul habeantur. Noveritis insnper nos prefatum Edmundum et Christoferum attournasse deputasse et in loco nos posuisse dUectos nobis in Cbristo Georgium Cursone de Alrewas generosum et Thomam Smyth nostros veros et legittimos attournatos coniunctim et diviseni ad intraudum et ingredieudum in dictos tres campas arabiles cum suis pertinenciis et possesionem et seisinam inde capiendum et post huiusmodi possessionem et seisinum sic inde captam et habitam deinde pro nobis vice et nomine nostro plenarie et pacifice possessionem et seizanam inde prefato Thome Cursone vel eius in hac parte attournatis sen attomato deliberandum secundum vim fourmem et effectum huius presentis scripti nostri inde confecti ratumet gratum habendiun et habitunim totum et quicquid dicti attornati nostre sen eorum alterius fecereint vel feoerit in premissis sen in aliquo premissorum In cuuis rei testimonium huei presenti scripto nostro sigilla nostra apposuimus Datum vicesimo die octobris anno regni regis Henrici octavi vicesimo octavo virtute cuius dimissionis idem Thomas Cursone fuit possesionatus de predictis tribus eampis arabilibus cum suis pertinenciis per formam dimissionis predicte Et alterius juratores predicti dicunt quod predicta Katherina in vita predicii Thome Cursone in dieto brevi nominati fuit deponsata prefafto Georgio Cursone et adhuc est superstes et in plena vita existit Et ulterius dicunt juratores predicti quod predictus Thomas Cursone de residuo manerii de CroxaUe predicta cum suis pertinenciis obiit seisitus Et quod predictum maneruim de CroxaUe et cetera premissa in Croxalle predicta tenentur de domino rege ut de honore buo de Tutburie per due feoda et quintam partem unuis feodi militis Et quod predicte due clausture sire pasture vocate Broodfyld et PeyshiUe Pyttes sunt annul valoris xxxv s ultra omnia onera et reprises Et quod tres more et pasture vocate Milfyld et pratum vocatum Milmeydowe et pastura vocata Brygeclosse et pratum vocatum le Moremeydowe sunt annul valoris xviij s iiij d ultra omnia onera et reprises Et quod dicta pastura vocata CroxaUe holme et dicti tres campi arabiles super Croxalle woode sunt annul valoris xx" vj» viij'i. Et quod residuimi mauorii de Croxalle predicta et ceterorum premissorum ibidem cum pertinenciis sunt annul valoris xviiji' x» ultra omnia onera et reprises Et quod idem predictus Thomas Cursone obiit xxv die Aprilis ultimo preterito Et quod Georgius Cursone est fiUus et heres ejus propinquior et fuit etatis in festum sancte Elline regine proximum ante diem capcionis huius inquisicionis decem annorum Et quod predictus Thomas Cursone nulla alia sive plura terra sex tenementa redditus reversiones sive servicia habuit sen tenuit in comitatu predicto que se tenentur de domino Eege aut de ahquo alio in dominico revercione aut servicio In cuuis rei testimonium utraque parte huuis inguisceionis indentate tam predictus Escaetor quam Juratores predicti sigiUa sua apposuerunt Datum die anno primo supra scripto. Croxall No. XXI. Marriage Settlement of George Cm-zon and Mary Leveson. Wolley Charters, XII., 1S9. g j,^j jggj This Indenture tripartite made the Sixt day of February in the Three and Twentith yeare of the raigne of our most gracious souerigue Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Quene of England Frauuce and Irelend defendour of the faith et cetera betweue George Curzon of CroxaU in the countye of Derbie Esquier and George Curzon sonne and heire apparaimte to the said George Curzon on the first partie, and Dame Mary Leveson of Trentham in the countie of Staftorde wydowe on the second partie and sir Edward Fittou knight Thomas Greseley Walter Leveson and Humfrey Dethick Esquiers of the third parte Wituesseth that where there is a mariage alreadye had and solempnized betwene George Curzon sonne and heire apparaunt of the said George Curzon thelder and Mary daughter of the said dame Mary Leveson In consideraciou of which mariage so had and solempnized And for the conveyiuge and assuringe as weU of a convenient Joynture of the Landes tenementes and hereditamentes of the said George Curzon Esqiuer to the said Mary the daughter, And also for the estabUshinge of the inheritance of aU and singuler suche the landes tene- mentes and hereditamentes of the said George Curzon Esquier as are hereafter in these presentes mencioned to be assured and conveyed to the said George Curzon the sonne in maner and forme hereafter by these presents expressed and declared The saide George Curzon Esquier for hym and his heires doth Covenaunte 1 58 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxatl. and grannte by these presentes to and with the said Dame Mary Leveson her heires executors and administratours that before the feast of the Birth of our Lorde God next cominge after the date of these presentes he the said George Curzon Esquier and George his Sonne and theire heires shall and will suflicientlye and lawfully convey and assure to the said Sir Edward Fytton knight Thomas Greseley Walter Leveson and Humfrey Dethicke Esquiers and theire heires or the survivors or survivour of them and to the heires of the same survivour or survivours of them with warraunty only against hym the said George the father and his heares, As well all that the Mannour of Croxall in the County of Derby with all the deraayne landes to the same belonginge, And the Rectory and Parsonage of the parishe Churche of CroxaU aforesaid, And also the Advowsou of the Vicaredge of Croxall aforesaid, And also the seueral closes pastures meadowes groundes landes tenementes and hereditamentes with there appertenaunces in Croxall aforesaid hereafter particulerly named and specified viz. the Erode Felde, the Erode Felde Medowe, the Newe Felde, the New Close and Smythes Close, Pesell Pittes, Meadowe Mores, Gorstie Mores, Eye Landes, Croxall Wood, Barlie Cluse, Mese Meadow, the Meadowe at Mese Bridge, the Litle Pingle Meadowe, the Meadowe betwixt Barlie Close and Gorstie Mores Pangio Meadowe, The Parke, the Horse Close, the Milne Felde Wj-gers close to the Milne Holme, the Rough Holme, the Pingle Meadowe, the Longe Close at Croxall Lane. The water Myll, Goose Home Greene, The Milne Felde, the Mill Meadowe, the Three arrable feldes above CroxaU Wood, one pasture with one meadowe called Croxall Holme, And also all and singuler other his Landes tenementes meadowes woodes waters fishinges Rentes reuercions services advowsona patronages Rectories parsonages, tithes, profittes, commodities advantages and hereditamentes whatsoeuer with all and singuler theere appertenaunces scituat lyinge and beinge with in the Mannours lordshippe Towne shipps territories feldes and prescintes of Croxall and Catton in the said Countie of Derbie, and in Eddinghall in the said Counties of Derbie and Stafforde and in Ockley in the said Count! of Stafiorde or in any of them The same conveyance and assuraunce to be so made of the premisses at the equaU and indifferent costes and charges of the said Dame Mary Leveson her heires executours or administratours and of the said George Curzon the father his heires executours & administrators and in such manner and forme and by such lawfull wayes and zneanes as shalbe reasonably devised by the said Dame Mary Leveson her heires executours or administratours or theire learned councell and to snche vses intentes as hereafter by these presentes are expressed lymitted and declared And it is further covenaimted concluded and agreed by and betwene the said parties to these preseutss and eche and euery of them for them and theire heires seuerally Do grannte conclude and agree to and with the others and eche of them and thence and eueiy of theire heires That ymediatly from and after the said conveyaunce and assuraunce so had and made of the premisses mencioned in these presentes to be conveyed or assured as is aforesaid as well the same conveyaunce and assuraunce BO to be made of the premisses as is aforesaid before the said feast of the Birth of our Lorde God next coming as also all other conveyaunces & assurances what so ever with the said George Curzon the father And George the father and George the sonne and theire heires at any tyme hereafter duringe the space of two yeares next ensuinge make to the said Sir Edward Fytton, Thomas Greseley, Walter Leveson and Humphrey Dethicke or to any of them or theire or to any of theire heires of the premisses or any part thereof shalbe, And the said Sir Edward Fytton, Thomas Greseley Walter Leveson and Humphrey Dethicke and theire heires and the survivors and survivor of them and the heires of the same surWvor and survivors of them shall from thenceforth stande and be seised of in the said Mannour and Landes tenementes and hereditamentes and all and singuler the premisses with thappertenaimces whatsoeuer to the seuerall vses purposes and intentes and under the condicions provisors and lymitacions hereafter in these presentes expressed lymitted and declared and not to any other vse intent or purpose. That is to say of and in the said seueral closes pastures meadowes and groundes in Croxall aforesaid called Erode Felde, the Brodefelde Meadowe, the New Felde, the New Close and Smythes Close with thappertenaimces to the vse and behofe of the said George Curzon the sonne and of the sade Mary his wyfe and of the heires males of the said George Curzon the sonne lawfully begotten of the bodj' of the said Mary his wyfe, And for default of suche issue to the vse of the heires males of the body of the said George Curzon the sonne to be lawfully begotten And for default of suche issue to the vses of the right heires of the said George Curzon the sonne foreuer, And of and in the Mannour House of Croxall and all the residue of the landes tenementes and hereditamentes with thappertenaunces in Croxhall Catton Eddinghall and Ockley aforesaid to the use of the said George Curzon the father for and diuringe the terme of his naturall life without ympeachement of any mannour of waste, and after his decease to the vse of the executors administrators and assignes of the said George Curzon the father for and duringe the terme of one whole yeare next and ymediately ensuinge after Appendix to History of Croxall. 159 the decease of the said George Cm-zon the father, And after the same yeare ended, then to the vse of the cXorth f r^ .""'' '""'^ '° '"'^ ^''^ °* ^'^'^ ^"^^^ -'"- °* "- •^"■Jy of tl^e said Geo^e Cu-zon the Sonne to be lawfully begotten, And for default of suehe issue to the vse of the right heires o the sa.d George Cur.on the Sonne And the said George Cur.on the father for hym and his heire doth si 1 • o herTe orej; ^''"^ fr^""" °' '''"'^''' "'^^^"''^^^ "'"'^- *— '- -^ hereditanaentes and all ItTL^ZZZZoZ T ^'^.f P^'^-^T-^ -'^^*~ "ef"- - tl^ese presentes meneioued and appoint- be o the "r before ' ^1 T ^'^^'^ "^' "' "'' ""'^^ ^^^'^'^^'^ ^^^^^ ---- »"»>-- and to the vses before mencioned accord.nge to the tnie meaninge of these presentes cleirely exonerated c,u.ted and discharged or otherwise sufficiently saved harme les of and from all and almTnnL ba,~s sales leases Joyn ures dowers statutes, Recognisaunces rentes Judgementes intensions condicions charl a. d ZToTZZ%Tr T;'^' T '"''' ''°'"'' "' -^"^"^^'^ - -'^'^^'^ ™«-^ - hereafte: tot OSes m Croxall aforesaid whereof thone is called the Pingle Meadowe now in the tenure of Roger Kensall Co "^T'Tr "" '' '^' "°"'" "' ^"^^'^ ^'^^'^ y^' '° --« -^ '^°*'^-- is called the Longe the nombre of Fyve yeares yet to come And also except suehe estate of and in these seuerall parcelles of grounde followiuge as Katheryn the wvfe of the sa.Vl P„„,.„o r^ , ., ■ , cueiaii paiceiies ot natural] life Tb»f ;= t„ 7 ^ *^""°" ''^'^ '° Joynture for and duringe her naturall 1 fe That is to say one pasture with a meadowe lyinge to Mease called Croxall Holme and the three at : t:: :'" XwenT 'T ''-\''r' ^-"^ ^'-^^P— -^^ And also except le In^ tye yeareiy Kent or iwentie pouudes grauuted bv the snirl r^^,. r. i, , ,, '^ ^ ^'^ ^^''^ George Curzon the father unto William Curzon thTlIndT" d '''\'''"''' ''"'''''"' °"* "' *'^ ^^^'^ ^''"""^ °* ^--'1 ^'^ -- naturall hf favab e at'trr": "' "^t '"" °'^' ''"""^'^ "^'^^^ '"^^ '^^'^''^ °* "^« -"^ «-^g« ^-zon the father ITlaTl """" ^^' '^ ''''' ""'•"■"^ ■'■^'^ '^'^^ ^=^^^P* °- °"^- Annuity or yearly Rent of onl hundred Markes yssuinge out of the Mannour of Croxall aforesaid and out of all and singuler the said andes ineadowes pastures tenementes and hereditamentes in Croxall aforesaid and out of all the said landes tenementes and hereditamentes in Croxall afore said the Joynture of the said Mary the daughter afo e mencioned excepted graunted by the said George Curzon the father by his dede bearinge date the xxja. day aid behUf V iTr '""/ """ ""'"" ''''"'' *° '""""^'^ ^'^^'^''" -<^ Christopher Horton to the vse and behofe of Elizabeth Curzon daughter of the said George Curzon the father to be pereeyved and taken from and ymediatbe after thende and experiacion of one whole yeare next ensuign after the death of the said George Curzon the father vnto thende and terme of Three yeares payable at the above named feast by hke poreions. And also except one other Annuitie or yeareiy Rent of one himdreth Markes issuinge out of he said Mannour of Croxall and out of the said landes tenementes and hereditamentes in Croxall afores.id he Joynture of the said Mary the daughter afore mencioned excepted) graunted by the said George Curzon daul trof'H /r r ''"'""'" '"' "'"^'°'^^ °°^°° "''*° '"^^ -« "* ^"'^g'^" Curzon one other daughter of the said George Curzon the father to had be pereeyved and taken from thexperacion of one whole yeare next ensiuuge after the death of the said George Curzon the father for and duringe the terme ot Three years payable at the above named feastes by even poreions, And also except one Annuitye or yeareiy Rent of Two hundreth poundes yssumge out of tlie said Mannour of Croxall and out of all the Landes tenementes and hereditamentes iu Croxall afore said (the Joynture of the said Mary Leveson the daughter 22 ' 6o Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. before perticulerly named excepted) grauuted by the said George Cnrzon the f ither by dede bearinge date the xxj'i' day of September in the xxij"> yeare of her Ma«" raigue to Randell Manneringe and Edwiird Edgerson Esiuiers to the vse of all and euery the daughter and daughters of the said George Ciirzon the Sonne lawfully begotten of the body of the said George Curzon the soune and of the said Mary his wyfe for the preferment and advauncement in marriage of all and every such daughter and daughters The same Annuity or yearely Eent of Two hundreth poundes to be had perceyved and taken from and after the expiracion and ende of one whole yeare next ensuinge after the death of the said George Curzon the father and from and after the death of the said George Curzon the sonne vnto Thende and terme of Tenne yeares payable at the said last menciotied feasts by like porcions And also except the pasturage of Six kyue and of and for one geldinge, and of and for one Sowe and six Shotes yearely dm-iug the life of Richard Standanaught now vicar of Croxall in the said pasture called Brodcfelde, And also except all suche auncient cheife Eentes charges and duties as are and ought to be issuiuge or goinge forth of the premisses or any part of them to the Queues Ma"» that now is or to any other person So as the said auncient chiefe Rentes charges or duties payable either to the Queenes Ma'" or to any other person do not amount arise or growe above the some of Thirtie shillinge by yeare And wheras the said George Curzon the father standeth bouude unto the saido Dame Mary Levesou in the some of Three thousande Poundes by one Recoguisaunce or estatute merchaunts knowledged by the said George Curzon the father before Hugh Rogerson late Maior of the Cittye of Chester and Richard Birkenhead Recorder of the said Cittye bearinge date in the moneth of September in the xxij"" yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne Lady the queues Ma«" that now is It is neuertheles covenaunted graunted and agreed by and betwene the said parties to these presentes, And the said Dame Mary Leveson doth for her her Executors and administratours covenauut and grauute by these presentes to and with the said George Curzon the father his executours and administratours That if the said George Curzon the father his heires executours and administratours and euery of them Do on his or theire parte well and truly observe perfourme fulfille and kepe all and singuler the Covenauntes grauutes, proraisses, articles and agreamentes before in these present ludentures meucioned and expressed and whiche on the parte and behalfe of the said George Curzon the father his executours or administratours are to be observed performed fulfilled and kept. That then the said Estatute or Recoguisaunce shall lose his force and be vtterly voide and of none effect yeven as though the same had neuer been had nor made In Witnes whereof to the first parte of theis presents Indentoures remayninge with the said George Curson the father and George Curzon the sonne to the said Dame Mary Leveson Sir Edward Fyttou Thomas Greseley Walter Leveson and Humfrey Dethick have put theire seales, And to the seoonde parte of the same ludentm-es remaineiuge with the said Mary Levesou the said George Curzon the father George Curzon the sonne Sir Edward Fytton Thomas Greseley Walter Leveson and Humfrey Dethicke have putt theire seales And to the thirde parte of the same Indentures remaininge with the said Sir Edward Fytton, Thomas Greseley Walter Leveson and Humfrey Dethick, the same George Curzon the father George Curzon the Sonne and Dame mary Leveson have putt their seales yeven the day and yeare first above written, [sjjreed] E Fytton Kt Walter Leveson Mary Leveson The Gresley Humfrey Dethicke. ^JEndorsedLl Sealed and Delyvered ui the presence of John Newpork John Levatte Willm Kyle Henry Wotton Robtt Dethick Croxall XXII. Georgius Curzon miles. Court of Wards and Liveries. lug. p.m. Bundle 50, A'o. 247. 2 Sept. 7 Car. 1. 1631. Inquisicio iudentata capta apud Derbiam in Comitatu Derbie secundo die Septembris anno regni regis Caroli dei gracia Anglie Scocie Francie et Hibernie Regis fldei defensor s etc. Septimo coram Johnnnem Appendix to History of Croxall. \ 6 1 Stufson armigeri Escaetore eiusdem domiui Regis Comitatu predicto virtute brevis dicti domini Regis de Man- demus ad iuquireudum post mortem Georgii Curzon militis dicto Escaetori et liuic directe Inquisicione connexe per sacrameutum etc. Qiii dicunt super sacramentum suum quod prediotus Georgius Curzon in dicto brevi nominatus fecit seisitus de Manerio de Croxall in Comitatu Derbie predicto cum pertiuenoiis ac de Rectoria Ecclesie de CroxaDe ao de advocacione viccarie Ecclesie de CroxaUe prediote in domiuico sue ut de feodo taliato sibi et heredibus masculis ipsius Georgii procreatis de corpore Marie nuper uxoris eius remanere inde heredibus masculis de corpore predicti Georgii legittime procreatis remanere inde rectis heredibus dicti Georgii imperpetuum Et sic inde seisitus existens quidam Finis levatus fuit inter Ricardum Baker Militem Ricardum Smith Militem et Franciscum Englefield armigerum querentes et dictum Georgiiun Curzon deforcientem de predicto Manerio de Croxall cum pertinenciis Necnon de Rectoria de CroxaU predicta cum pertiuenciis ac de advocacioni viccarie Ecclesie de Croxall predicto quern quidem finem predictus Georgius recognovit predictum Manerium, Rectoriam et advoracionem predictus esse ius ipsius Ricardi Baker ut ilia que idem Eicardus Ricardus Smith et Franciscum habuerunt de dino predicti Georgii Curzon ut per eundem finem recordatum in Communi Banco termino Trinitatis anno regni Jacobi nuper Regis AngUe etc quarto et in Evidencium Juratoribus nunc ostensum plenius liquet Et quod postea quedam communis recuperacio debito modo iuris habita fuit per quod Franciscum Fitton Armigerum et Robertum Bonder armigerum querentes recuperaverunt per breve de ingressu super disseisinam in le post versus prefatum Ricardum Baker Ricardum Smith et Franciscum Englefield predictum Manerium de Croxal cum pertinenciis Rectoriam de Croxall cum pertinenciis ac eciam advocacionem viccarie Ecclesie de Croxall prout per Recordum remanento inter Placita terre irrolulatum apud Westmonasterium coram Justiciarios Jacobi nuper Regis Anglic de Banco Termino Sancte Trinitatis Anno regni sui Anglie etc quarto et un Evidenoiam Juratoribus predictis nunc ostensum plenius liquet Qui quidem Finis et recuperatio levatus et habitus fuit ad usus sequentes videlicit ad usum dicti Georgii Curzon et Marie uxoris eis pro termino vite eorum et eorum diucius revientis absque impeticione vasti durante vita natxirali ipsius Georgii. Et posidecessum predicti Georgii et Marie ad usum Edwardi Saokuile nunc con Dorsetie et Marie uxoris eius solius fiUe et heredis apparentis predicti Georgii et eorum diucius viventis absque impeticione vasti et j>ostea eorum decessum et decessum eorum diucius viventis ad usum filii primo genitu predicto Edwardi super corpus predicto Marie legittime procreati et heredibus de corpore predicto flHi primogeuiti Et pro defectu talis exitus ad usum filii secundi predicto Edwardi super corpus predicte Marie legittime procreati et heredibus de corpore predicti filii secundi Et pro defectu talis exitus ad usum filii tercLi predicti Edwardi super corpus predicte Marie legittime procreati et heredibus de corpore predicti filii tercii Et pro defectu taUs exitus ad usum cujuslibet alterius filii predicti Edwardi super corpus predicti Marie legittime procreati et heredibus cujuslibet alterius talis filii Et pro defectu talis exitus ad usum heredum dicte Marie legittime procreatis Et pro defectu talis exitus ad usum Henrici Curzon fratris predicti Georgii et heredibus masculis de corpore ipsius Henrici legittime procreatis Et pro defectu talis exitus ad usum rectum heredum predicti Georgii Curzon imperpetuum prout per indenturam tripotatem gerentem datum vicessimo die Maij anno quarto regni Jacobi nuper Regis Anglie etc factam inter predictum Georgium Curzon ex prima parte prenobilem Thomam Comitem Dorseti militem tunc Dominum Thesaurarium Anglie et Robertum Sackvile dominum Buckhirst de secund parte et predictum Ricardum Baker militem Ricardum Smith Militem Franciscum Englefield Armigerum et Franciscum Fitton armigerum de tercia parte et in Evidenoiam Juratoribus nunc ostensum plenius liquet virtute cuius et Statuti de vsibus in possessionem transferendam dicti Georgii Curzon et Maria fuerunt siesitii in dominico suo ut de libero tenemento pro et durante vita naturati eorundem et eorum diucius virentis remanere inde spectantem dictis Edwardo Sackvile et Marie uxoris eius pro et durante vita naturali eorum et eorum diucius virentis remanere inde primo secuudo et tercie filio per predictum Edwardum Sackuile super corpus dicte Marie procreati remanere inde cuilibet alteri filio predictionus Edwardi et Marie ut prefertur remanere inde Henrico Curzon et heredibus masculis de corpore dicti Henrici procreati remanere inde rectis heredibus dicti Georgii imperpetuum Et Juratores predicti dicessit super sacramentum suum quod dictus Georgius Curzon fuit seisitus de Capitali mesuagie sine Ferina et diversis terris pratis pasturis cum proficiens eidem pertinenciis sine cum eodem ganisio nuper in possessionem Ricardi Higg et nunc in tenure Radulfi Bayley ac de seperalibus terris pratis pasturis hereditamentis infra nomenatis videlicit Birchenhay Cliberlehay una parva pecia prati iuxta pontem de Wichnor in tenura Georgii Thorniwalle ac de mesuagio et dimidia virgata terre cmn pertinenciis in tenura Edwardi Wright ac de uuo mesuagio et dimidio virgata terre emu pertinenciis et de pecia prati vocato two leyes of meadow iuceute in prato de Essington et de una claustura cum pertiuenciis vocata Hodgkin Meadow in tenura Adami 1 62 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Cro.xall. Morrice et de uno cotagio et crofto adiacente in tenura Georgii Wildblood ao de duabiis claustuns sine pratis vooatis Cockshoote More et Conygrees in teuura Thome Worley ac de uua pasture voeuta Pyfordbay iu temira Georgii Thoruewalle et vie Culdacars situate et existeute infra maueriuni de Alderwas alias Allere was in Comitatu Staffordie Et Juratores predict! dicunt super sacrameutura suum quad dictus Georgius Curzon fuit seisitus de tribus messuagiis six tenementus cusau omnibus terris tenementis et hereditamentis cum eisdem •visitatis sine gauisie cum pertinenciis iu Eldinghalle in dicto comitatu Derbie nunc in seperalibus tenuris Johannis Hatchet Wiil'i Browne Johannis Mathew et quondam terris Michaelis Low et iinper perquisitis per dictum Georgium Curzon de quodam Semie Weston niiliti Authonio Bagott armigers Katheriua uxore eius et Roberto Hill in domiuico suo ut de feado prout per ludeuturam tripartitam gereuten datum quarto die Maij anno tricesim septimo Regine Elizribethe nuper Regine Auglie etc factam inter prefatos Simonem Weston Authonium Bagott Katherinam et Robertimi Hill de prima parte et Edwardum Bromley 4.rmigerum et Margaretam uxorem eius de secunda parte et prefatum Georgium Curzon de tercia parte cujus altera pars in evidencia Juratoribus nunc ostensa fuit Et Juratores predicti deciunt super sacramentum suum quod dictus Georgius Curzon fuit seisitus de duobus mesuagiis dimidia virgata terre et diversis terris pratis pasturis cum pertinenciis cum eisdem occupatis in Eddinghall et Croxall predicta nuper perquisetis de Christofero Endsor et Jana uxore eius in dominiico suo ut de feodo prout per quendam fiuiem iiide levatum inter dicum Georgium Curzon querentem et dictos Christoferum Endsor et Jauam deforcientes per quem qiiidam fiuiem diti Christopherus et Jana recoguovenmt dicta mesuagia dimidia virgata terre et cetera ultimo recitata premissa esse ius ipsius Georgii ut ilia que idem Georgius haberit de dono predictorum Christeforum et Jana ut per eueudem fiuem recordatum in communi Banco Termiuo Michaelis anno regni Jacobi nuper Regis Anglic etc decimo tercio et in Evidencia Juratoribus nunc ostensum plenius liquet Quiquidem finis levatus fuit ad usum dicti Georgii Curzon et heredum suorum imperpetuum prout per Indenturam indentatam gerentem datum primo die maij Anno Regui Jacobi nuper Regis Anglie etc tercio decimo inter dictos Christoferum Endsor et Janam uxorum eius ex una parte et dictum Georgium Curzon ex altera parte in evidencia nunc ostensam plenius liquet Et Juratores predicti super sooramentum suum dicunt quod dictus Georgius Curzon fuit eciam seisitus de Rectoria de Lullington in dicto comitatu Derbie cum pertinenciis et de omnibus et singulis terris et tenementis cum beriditatibus et proflcius eidem Rectorie pertinentibus nuper perquisitis de dicto prenobili Edwardo Comite Dorsetie Tliome Robinson et Roberto Goodwin in dominico suo ut de feodo prout per Indenturam in curiam cancellarii irrotulatara gerentum datum dvodecimo die Janunrij Anno regni Jacobi nunc Regis Anglie decimo quinto Factam inter dictos Edwardum comitem Dorsetie per nomen Edwardi Sackvile honorabilis ordinis Balnei Militia Thomam Robinson et Robertum Goodwin generosos ex una parte et dictum Georgium Curzon ex altera parte et Juratoribus in Evidencia nunc ostensum plenius liquet Et quod predictua Georgius sic inde seisitus existens per Cartam suam indentatam gerentem datum duodecimo die Octobris Anno regni nunc Regis Jacobi Anglie etc vicessimo factam inter dictum Georgium Curzon ex una parte et prefatum Henricum Curzon ex altera parte concessit et ad firmam tradidit dicto Henrico et assignatis suis dictam Rectoriam de Lullington et cetera premissa cum pertinenciis pro termino viginti uncius Annonun incipiendo imediate post mortem dicti Georgii Curzon si dictus Henricus tandem vixerit reddendum inde annuatim durante termino predicto annuale Redditus quadraginta solidum ad Festos Annuncionis beate Marie Virginis et Sancti Michaelis Archangel! prout per alterem partem Indenture predicte Juritoribus in Evidenciam mmc ostensum plenius liquet Et Juratores alterius dicunt quod dictus Georgius in dicto brevi nominatus de omnibus et singulis premissis cum pertinenciis seisitus existens decimo septimo die Novembri Anno Regni Jacnbi nuper Regis Anglie etc vicesimo obiit sci inde seisitu et quod dictum Manerium de Croxall cum pertinenciis in Croxall predicta tempore mortis dicti Georgii de dicto de nuper domino Rege et de domino Rege nunc tenebantur et adhuc tenentur ut de Manerio suo de East Greenewich iu comitatu Kancie in liberi et communi Sogacio et non in capite pro omnibus servicis et demandis quibuscunque Et Juratores diciunt quod dictum mesuagium terras pratos pastures et cetera premissa in Alderwas tempore mortis dicti Georgii tenebantur et adhuc tenentur de Henrico Griffith Baronetto in libero Socagio ut de Manerio suo de Alderwas pro fidelitate Et annuali redditu octodegim solidorum et duorum denariorum pro omnibus serviciis et demandis quibuscunque Et Juratores dicunt quod tres mesuagia et cetera premissa in Eddinghalle in seperali tenura Johannis Hatchet Wiil'i Browne et Johannis Mathew et dicta Michaelis Low tempore mortis dicti Georgii Curzon de dicto nuper domino Rege et de dicto Rege nunc tenebantur et adhuc tenentur ut de Manerio suo de Rhenston in Comitatu Staffordie per Fidelitatum tantum iu libero socaqio et non in Capite pro omnibus reddibus serviciis et demandis quibuscunque et quod predicto duo mesu:igin et dimidia virgata perquisite de Appendix to History of Croxall. 163 Christofero Endsor tempore mortis dicti Georgii Curzon tenebantur et adhuc tentur de dicto domino Eege ut de Hundredo suo de Greisley per fidelitatem et sectam curie a tribus septimanis in tres septimanus in hbero socaquio et non in Capite Et quod dictum Manerium de CroxaU cum pertinencii. volet per annum u tra omnibus exitus et reprisis quinquagintu libras Et quod dicta Rectoria et advocacio de CroxaUe valet u ra reprisis decern solidis Et quod mesuagio terra tenemento et permissa in Alderwas valent per annun, ultra repr.seB quatuer denarios Et quod mesuagio terra tenemento in EddinghaUe perquisito de Simone Weston etc. valent ultra reprisis unum solidum Et quod dictum mesuagim et premissu perquisitu de Endsor valent per annum in omnibus existibus ultra reprisis quatuor denarios et quod dicta Eectoria de Lullington valet per annum in omnibus exitibus ultra repri.sis duos solidos Et quod predicta Maria uxor dicti Edwardi ComrUs Dorsetie et sola fllia et heris eius propinquier et tempore mortis dicti Georgii Curzon fuit etatis tngmta annoi-um et amplius Et quod dictus prenobilis Edwardus Dorset et Marie uxor eius ratione premissorum post mortem ipsius Georgii in dictum Manerium de CroxaUe et cetera premis»a introderunt et exitus eorundem perceperunt ad usum eorum proprium. In cuius rei etc. Cboxall No. XXIII. Valor Ecclesiasticus. Under Tutbury. Mon. Ang. Dugdale. Receptio Pensionum. De Priore et couventu de Repingdon pro pensione Ecclesie de Croxall £o 18 Amongst a list of gentlemen of the county of Derby who compounded for their estates we find the following — 1655. 22 Novembris. Edward Earl of Dorset to settle £164 per annum for ever, viz., i80 per annum upon Saint Dunstan s in the West, and i'84 per annum upon the church of Lullington in the county of Derby for which he IS allowed .£1640, and so his fine of £2145 is reduced to £775. Settled. After the Restoration these fines were cancelled. -S«e "Churches of Derbyshire"; Cox, Vol. III., p. 38S. Choxall No. XXIV. EDINGALE CHURCHYARD. CROXALL PORTION. ■gISHOP HOBHOUSE having examined, at our joint request, all the Registers and Terriers of the two Parishes, and the Edingale Enclosure Act, 1791, and having reported at length, advises us to put in punt the following points for the information of the Parishioners. The Enclosure Act contains the foUowing saving Clause- 31 GEO. III., 1791. EXTRACT. '""t^/liZJ'ufvU^'r "NOTHING herein contained shall be construed to prejudice or alter the right of Croxo.ll. hertofore claimed and enjoyed by the Vicar of Croxall, and the Inhabitants of such part of Edingale as lies in the Parish of Croxall. of burying such Inhabitants of Edingale as die in the part of Edingale, which is in the Parish of Croxall, in the part of Edingale Churchyard usuaUy appropriated for that purpose nor to debar the Vicar of Croxall of the pasturage of that part of Edingale Clmrehyard lying within the said Parish of Croxall." 164 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. The Croxall Registers show that Croxall Parishioners were buried in Ediugale Churchyard by their own Vicar as of right down to 1750, when the last entry occurs. As many as ten of the Croxall Terriers specify this portion of Churchyard as appertaining to the Vicar of Croxall. In an Account Book kept by Bourne, Vicar of Croxall from 1C98 to 1727, it appears he received yearly fi-om the Curate of Edingale a rent for the produce and pasture of the Croxall portion of the Churchyard. The force of the Act of Parliament is to give the Parishioners of Croxall dying in Ediugale the riglit of burial in this Portion, and to the Vicar of Croxall the same rights and duties that he has in the Churchyard at Croxall. Nothing but the Repeal of the Act can alter this. Signed, STALET, BISHOP, Vicau of Ckox.4LL. F. C. BEAUMONT, Vicab of Edingale. Plate MYUl Alb I N S' Aman 0. H ORTO N. OF C A I T O N 1^ K EH C3 O m W EH O p^ ►J Hi w o E-i O o Catt0n. Manerium. — In Chetun habuit Siiiuard iij. carueatas terrffi ad geldiun. Terra iii. carucarum. Ibi nunc in dominio iii carucfe et xiiij. uillani et ii bordarii habent iiij carucas et xxiiij. acras prati. Silua minuta i. quarentena longitudine et i. quarenteua latitudine. Tempore Regis Edwardi et modo ualet Ix. Bolidos Nigellus tenet. Manok.— In Chetvn (Catton) Siward had three canicates of land for geld. Land for three ploughs. Now in the demesne there (are) three ploughs; and fourteen villanes, and two bordars have four ploughs, and twenty-four acres of meadow Under-wood, one furlong in length, and one fui'long in breadth. In the time of King Edward it was worth, and now, it {was, and) is worth sixty shillings. Nigel holds it.* HE name Chetun, Catton, has, according to Edmunds, its root in the following : — Cat, Cater, Cates, Cattas, Cata, Old English, or Anglo-Saxon, from Catta, Latin, a Cat, also a man's name, as Caterham, Surrey, Cattas- home ; Catesby, Hants, Cato's-abode ; Catthorpe, Leicestershire, Catta' s-^arm ; Cattistock, Dorset, Ca/to's-station ; Cats- field, Sussex, Catta' s -Heidi. It is supposed that many place names having for the initial syllable the name of an animal, especially those with the terminations "ton," "ham," or "by," have no direct reference to the animal whose name forms an element in the local name. In early times * Domesday Book of Derhyshire, edited by LleweUynn Jewitt, F.S.A. 23 1 68 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. it Mas customarj- for the owner of a " tun," " ham," or " bj," to assume the name of some animal as a personal one, especially those which were held in high estimation, amongst which may be included the cat. It is difficult, therefore, to determine accurately what connection Chetun would have with the animal cat. We find Adam le Kat, Patent Rolls; Milo le Chat, Close Rolls; Elyas le Cat, Hundred Rolls. The family of Le Cat were Lords of Beuvreiul, near Gournay, (see Histoire de Gournay). Roger le Cat held the manor of Repton Hall, Norfolk, in the reign of King John. ^lany references can be made to persons named Cat. The Kets, hanged as rebels, one a landed proprietor, were of the family of Cat — Chat, then Ket. It is but right, however, to add that a writer in the Reliquary derives Catton from the Scandinavian Kati, a kind of small ship. The termination " tun " in Anglo-Saxon was frequently used as almost synonymous with " ham ; " " ham " describing the chiefs home, or residence, and " tun " describing it as surrounded by a defensive enclosure, such as a mound, wall, or hedge. Hence " tun " in process of time acquired a much larger application, and was commonly applied to the enclosed part of the agricultural estate, within which the farmer dwelt, which we now term the farmstead. In Domesday book as above, we find the first mention of Catton. Siward, the Saxon Thane, it appears, held this manor, as well as that of Croxall, under the Confessor. In the time of William the Conqueror, Kigel de Albini held it, which he doubtless obtained from Henry de Ferrers, as dower for his daughter Amicia, whom he married. Henry de Ferrers held this manor also, as well as Croxall. Catton remained in the Albini family till about the year 1230, when Robert de Albini died without issue, leaving it in equal shares to each of his three sisters, Isabel, Joan, and Asceline. Joan died without issue, when Robert de Albini's possessions in Catton became divided between his two surviving •A H « O w O o H H -<: o Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 1 69 sisters, Isabel and Asceline. Isabel married William de Hanton, or Hocton, as her first husband, before 1236, and became a widow previous to 1244. Her connection with Catton is shown under the account of Catton Chapel later on. Asceline married Ralph de Saint Amand about 1 230, and thus brought her share of Catton to the great family of Saint Amand, as we find her son Almeric de Saint Amand died seized of it in the year 1311, 4 Ed II. A certain Simon de Albini, as his Inquisition proves (See Appendix, Catton No. IV.), held lands in Catton in the year 1273, without apparent issue, leaving three sisters also, Isabel, Christiana, and Joan, as his heirs. It is difficult to say how his share of Catton went. I am unable to identify him in the Albini pedigree; his share may have reverted to Asceline in default of male issue, and so passed to the family of Saint Amand. This Almeric, Ralph's son, left his brother John next heir, 19 Ed. II., 1326; he died likewise seized of it, leaving his son Almeric heir to Catton; this Almeric died seized of it 5 Rich. II., 1342, leaving as his heir Almeric, who died possessed of it in 1 Hen. IV., 1399. This Almeric, the last of the Saint Amands, married first, Ida, by whom he had one daughter, Alianore, who married Gerard Braybrooke ; his second wife was Alianore, by whom he also left but one daughter, Ida, married to Sir Thomas West,- and who died without issue in the year 1416. (See Appendix to Catton, No. VIII.) Gerard Braj'brooke, grandson of Almeric by his first marriage, left no male issue. Alianore, widow of Almeric, in default of issue from her own, as well as the first marriage, seems then to have acquired power over Catton, and sold it to Roger Ilorton, who married Alice St. Pierre.f His Inquisition P.M. (see Appendix to Catton, No. XI.) goes to * Wolley supposed, not having had access to the Horton deeds, that this Ida married the father of Roger Horton, which is an eiTor. + She was daughter and heiress of John St. Pierre, and niece to Urian St. Pierre. The latter married the daughter of David de Malpas, hy whom he acquired a great part of the Barony of Malpas, which was afterwards held by the Hortons. In 23 Hen. VII. Edward Sutton, Lord Dudley, bought large estates of the Hortons, in Malpas. 1 70 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. prove this, as well as the Horton Deed numbered XX. His Inquisition shows that a charge of £10 per annum was placed upon the manor of Catton to be paid to Alianora as long as she lived. In the muniment room at Catton, are preserved the very interesting series of Horton Deeds, copies of which are given in the Appendix to this volume. The earliest names we find holding land in Catton are — Geffrey, Helot, Elyes, Glover, Tilton, Breakediche, Wileby, Cartere, Eobert le Piscator, Richard le Dispensar, Oky, Scot, Symenel, Hugo le Kynge, Nicholas le Fysshere, Mabille le Maistre, Murk, Le Prustussone, Hugge, Xikes, Prymme, Hopkynsone, Shepherde, Whytinge, Bayllj^, Gubbe, Ampe, Smythe, Lee, Yrpe, Dysen, Aston, Hylle. The Derbyshire family of Horton had its origin in Cheshire. The mesne manor of Horton-in-Tilstone, in that county, was held under the Barony of ^Nlalpas by one Griffith, temp. Hen. III., whose descendants, ac- cording to Dr. Williamson, assumed the local name and divided into two branches. The estates of one line passed by an heiress to a younger branch of the Aldersej's, and those of the other line became vested in John Catherall, in right of Alice de Horton, 30 Ed. I. The Hortons seem to have given name and held lands also in Hartford, Co. Chester. Simon de Hartford, and William his son, surrendered their lands in Hartford to Hugh Venables, who re-granted same, 35 Ed. III., to William de Horton. 4 Piich. IL, John de Iiedmore, Chaplain, grants to this AVilliam, son of Eanulph de Horton and Alisonia his wife, and his heirs male, other lands in Horton-in-Hartford, remainder to Eoger, Thomas, and John de Horton. 16 Richard II., the same William was grantee of lands in Hart- ford from Ranulph de Vernon. 6 Henry V., it appears that Maud de Horton brought this estate to her husband, William Massey, of Rixton and Horton, by whom she had two daughters heiresses: Ellen, wife of Hamonet Massey, of Rixton, and Margaret, wife of Piers IMassey, his brother. Margaret, daughter and co-heiress of Hamonet Massey, married PEDIGREE OF ALBINI. 4» Arms of Albini — Gules, a lion rampant, or. "WILLIAM DE ALBTNI, = a sifitcr of Grimont ft descendant of Bob. de du PleRsia, the traitor of Todenei, a Noble Norman. Valognes and Val de Danes, RooElt DE Ai.Bit(i=AuiciA, or AviTA, de Mowbeat. Bister of Geoflrey, Bishop of Coutances, and of Boger de Moutbrai, or Mowbray. WiLLUU DE AxBmuco, Piucerna Regis HeDiici, ob. 3rd Stephen, 1139; buried at ^>-moiidbBm, Co. Norfolk; founded the College of Wvmondham before 1107 (Slon. Augl.. EUis, iii,, 323); auceetor of the Earls of Sussex, Albiu), Bishop of St. AJbauB. let wife. I 2nd wife. Matilda, =Niokl de Albini, = Gdhdked, daw. of Bicher de Aisle, by hia held Lillebury and < dau of wife Judith, sieter of Hugh, Earl Eye, Co, Bucks; Gerald de of Chester, aud ^^-ife of Robert de buried in tbo Abbey i Gomay, Mowbray, Earl of Northd., of Bee, Normandy; i her marriage with whom was heir of Robert de dissolved for the purpose of her Moutbrai, or union with Nigel de Albini, by Mowbray. Pope Paachnll II. She, having no Owner of Catton, issue, was divorced by Nigel, who jure usoris. then married Guudred. 3rd wf e. Amicu. dau. of Henry de Ferrers, who doubt- less obtained the manor of Cation from her lather as Ler dower. Cattoniau MSS,, Dugd ale's Baronet - agt and Monunicon. c RooEB, sumamcd Mowbray, = Alice de Gant ancestor of the Earls of Descent to Nottingham, poBseaeed the 17 Edw. IV.. forfeited lands of Lord Mow- in Dngdale. bray, and by command of Eing Henry I., aseumed the name of Mowbray. A de- scendant, Margaret, married Sir Robert Howard, but., from whom DukoB of Norfolk. Berry's Biicks, p, 66. NlOBL, BOBEAT. ob. 1191. Hesrv de Albiki, Lord of Caynho,= Co. Berks, gave two hides to Sop- i well Nunneij, Co. Herts; ancestor of the Albinia of Cainho ; Hen. I. I long, and gave it to Henry de Albiniaco. (Roberts' Colend. Oen. p. 32,) He gave Streton one hide aud one virgate (one hide aud three virgates, Ibid, ii. 19J| to Abingdon Abbey, 18 April, U07 {Bui. Moimtterii de Abingdon, ii. lUO.) Cicely, {Sift. Afoii. dt Abingdon, ii. 101), co-founder with her sou Robert, circa IIJO, of the cell of Beauhou, Co. Hants, professed in Sopwell. (i/ori. Ana., No, 5(1.) Robert de Albi.ni,= ,, co-founder of Beau- lieu, and benefactor of Sopwell Nunnery, ob, 4 Rich. L, U03, 01 somewhat earlier. , I HOBEIIT DE ALUINI, paid relief 4 Rich. I., 1193; ob. 9 Hen. III.. ia-25 i 6 Rich. I , was with the King in Nor- mandy ; 13 John, was acquitt«d of payment for 25 kciglits fees. Nigel, had Wiche- forde Manor his brother Robert. William, living 14 Hen. m., 1230, ob. before May 16, 20 Hen. lU.. 1230. AOATHA, living 15th May,-20Heu. in,. 123tJ. William. living June '29th, 20 Hen. III., 123(i. Commended to take tlie land quie fuenmt Willelmi de Albini, Hth Sept., 20 Hen. in., 1-242, CZCBLY, a Votresa in Sopwell. (J/oii. Anifl.., Sopwell, No. 30.) 2n(l wife. BiSET, =Is*BEL, I 1st wife. ■Walter, = held Wicheforde, 13 Jan. 52 Hen. m., 1268; Inqui- Bition P.M.. S2 Hen. in.,No.U6. 2nd wife, AVELIUA, living in I Isabella, =Roiiewi de Ros, married before 3G died 13 Edw- 1., Hen. in,. BBt.50or 62 13 Edw. I., bom in 1232 or 1234. Smoit, : ob. 1 Ed. I., 1273;luq.P.M„ 15 April. 1-273; held Caynho. CO. Bedford, in from the King, aud Cat- ton de Ed mo Ferrers ; died 10 Dec, 1272. EUUA Pregnaus, ret. 23,' 1273. tHuoH de SaXCTA CltDCE, 1 CBniGTIANA, JOAK, who received with her ffit. 21. 1273; m. let. 191 aulam de Kaynho cum Peter de La Grave, 1273. porticu, and one-third of who did the manor, for which he homage for her did homage. 20 Aug, lands 6 Apr., 2 Ed. I.. 1274. 1273. (Fine Rolls, 1 Ed. I , m. 10.) (Fine Rolls. 2 Ed. I., m. 28) = HUOH DE LaCT, who received with his wife three granges cum placea et parte ad hue assignatis in Cayn- hau, for which be did homage. 20 Aug,. 1273, (Fine Rolls, 1 E. L, m. 10.) I WCLLIAM DE Bos, ffit. 30 or 32 18 Ed. I., 1284 ; born 1262, or 1264. Throe sons, died young. m., 1231, B.p. M, ward of William de Beauchamp, iGt. 1 and. ■ Nu.tI\U DE Hantos = Isabel, =Dbooo de Palettb co-heir of her brother 28 Hen. III., before 20 Heu. HI., Robert, aud her sister 1244, 123G. Joan. She gave sixty marks to tlie King for permission to mnrry again. Inherited half of the Manor of Catton. co Derby, from her brother and sister. A dispute arose in the year 1244 between the Rector of Croxall and Prior of Tutbnrj'. with regard to titlies due from her from Catton. CO. Derby, to Tutbury. of Robert, died a, p. before 25 Heu. III.. when Ralph de St. Amand paid 6fty marks, and Isabel. widow of WiBiam de Hauton. or Hocton, twonty- tive marks for relief of oue-tliitd of Caynho. AscELiNE, =RALpn de St, Amasd. sister and co-heir From whom Robert, and her sister Joan ; married before 20 Men. IH,, 1236; by her mar- riage brought balfnf the manor of Catton to the Saint Amanda. St. A mauds. {See pedigree of St, Amoud in this volume.) lISRHEIt's "HIeTORV OF CltoXALL."] PEDIGREE OF ST. AMAND. Finm Harleiiiii MSS., Earlwat, Fine, and CI. BoUs ; Dugdale's Baronage, Rennet's Paroch. Antiquities, Lincoln Registers, Dodsivort h'.s avd Willis's M>SS., Histories of Gloucestershire and Northamptonshire, Kite's Brasses of Wilts. Arms— Sahle, a fret Or, on a chief Gules, three Bezants. AIMABIC DE ST. AMAND, nephew and heir of Walter= de Verdon, Gov. of St. Briavel's Castle, Warden of the Forest of Dean, co. Gloucester, Sheriff of Herefordshire 18 to 24 Heu. III. Raiph de St. Amand, held part of=Asceline, dau. of Rob. de Albini, Bar. of Caynho, sist. and the Barony of Caynho jure uxoris ob. 30 Hen. Ill I cob. of Rob. de Albini, in ward of Almaric de St. Amand, 18 Hen. III., mar. before 21 Heu. III. She brought the Manor of Catton to her husband as dower. Almaric de St. Amand, in ward of Paul Peyure, and (.37 Hen. III.) = of John de Grey ; had livery of his lauds, 40 Heu. III. ; Lord of Grendon Underwood ; ob. 1285. Guy de St. Amand, =Lucia 17 years of age at had dower his father's death ; assigned ob. 1.5Edw.I.,s. p. 18Edw. I. I Almaric de St. Amand, hr. of Guy, = Mary of age 18 Edw. I. , Governor of Bor- had dower in deaux, ?1 Edw. I., sum. to Parliam. Grendon, with 28 Edw. I. to 4 Edw. II., dead 1310, the Manor House s. p. of Ludgershall. Johu de St. Amand, Profess, of Law. 32 years of age 4 Edw. II., had livery of his brother's lands 8 Edw. II., sum. to Par- liam. 6 Edw. II. till his death, 19 or 20 Edw. II., seized of Grendon, iSrc. Almaric, Lord de St. Amand, Ju.sticiary of=.Ioan, 4 Edw. III. Ireland, 31 Edw. III., Steward of Rockingham Forest, and Gov. of the Castle, ob. 5 Rich. II , 1382. Ida bur. in Friars Preachers, Oxford. = Sir Almaric de St. Amand, K.B., at=Alianore widow of Sir Tho. Wodelock, knt., willed. the coronation of Hen. IV., willed to be buried at the Friars Preachers in Oxford, ob. 13 June, 1403. 15 May, 1426, to be bur. near her 2nd husband, and provided masses for her 1st husband and children, in Ouselbury, Hants; held Grendon in dower, ob. 1426, 4 Hen. VI. Sold the Manor of Catton to Roger Horton, July 30th, 1405, 6 Hen. VI. Gerard de Braybroke, =Alianore, mort. 18 R. IL, 1395, sole dau. 8. p. I Ida, sole dau., of age 7 Hen. IV., had = livery of her share of the inheritance, ob. s. p., 1416. ^tat. 23. Thomas West, Esq., ob. 30 Sept., 1415. I Gerard de Braybrooke, set. 10 in 1403, = Parnell, dau. had livery of his purpartie of the in- of Lord Grey heritance of the St. Amand's lands. 4 and Wilton. Hen. 5, 1418, homage respited, ob. s.p. William, son and heir of Walter Beaucbamp. grandson of John, Lord Beaucbamp. 1| , Elizabeth, co-heireSB of Alianore de St. Amand, fet. 16, 4 Hen. IV. John = Maud, Babing- set. 15, 4 ton. Hen. IV. 31 Eleanor. r Richard, 3rd Lord Beaucbamp. [ussher's history of croxaxl. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. lyi John Holcroft, of Holcroft, in Lancashire, by whom she had Sir John Holcroft, of Holcroft, and Sir Thomas Holcroft, grantee of Vale Royal. Sir John Holcroft gave his second son, Hamonet, his lands in Hortou, Hartford, and Northwich, who sold them to Thomas Holcroft, of Vale Royal, for £900. The family of Massey, of Rixton and Horton, and the Hortons of Horton, sealed originally with a " squirrel seiaent," which has been given among the quarterings of Holcroft as the coat of Horton. It would appear the squirrel was the bearing of the family of del Wade or de Bosco, of Hassel, and that the proper seal of the Hortons, of Cheshire, was a stag trippant, pierced in the side by an arrow. The Hortons of Catton, Co. Derby, show their connection with this Cheshire family by their arms, viz., sable a stag's head, caboshed, ardent, attired, or. Roger Horton of Catton, Co. Derby, who bought that manor from the St. Amands about the year 1405, was in all probability descended from this family. He married about 1400, Alice, daughter of John St. Pierre, of Coole Pilate, Co. Chester. The St. Pierres of Coole Pilate branched off from a Norman family of that name settled at Malpas, Co. Chester, in the person of David de St. Pierre, younger son of John de St. Pierre, of Malpas, and bore, argent^ a bend sable, debruised in chief by a label of 3 points, gules. Inq. P. M. 33 Ed. HI., David de St. Pierre held from the Earl of Chester in capite per baroniam; Robert de St. Pierre next heir. In the same year Cecilia, widow of aforesaid, held in dowry a third part of her husband's lands in Coole as before. Inq. P. M. 3 Rich. II., Robert de St. Pierre held in fee simple lands in Coole from the King as Earl of Chester, by military service; John de St. Pierre son and heir. In a license granted 21 Henry VII. to Sir Roger Horton (as next of kin and heir to Sir Thomas Cokesey) to enter on the barony of Malpas, this John is stated to be the son of Robert, son of David, and to be the father of Alice, daughter and heiress, mother of William, son of Roger Hoi ton 17- Historical Sketch of the Parish of CroxalL. before-mentioned. Inq. P. M. 4 Hen, VI., Roger de Horton held in demesne, as of fee in right of Ahce his wife (the heiress above-mentioned) twenty acres of land, with its belongings in Coole, from the King by military service; William son and heir. Inq. P. M. 21 Hen. VIII. John Horton of Coole held lands in Coole as before.* Coole passed through the Horton family until the year 1 740, when that branch became extinct in the person of Ralph Horton. Who the immediate ancestors of Roger Horton were, who founded the Derbyshire family of that name, we have no means of knowing ; his Inquisition P. M. shows him to have held lands in Staffordshire, Leicestershire, Warwickshire, and Derbyshire. In the year 1 334, Richard de Stanope enfeoffed a Roger Horton of lands in Warton justa Polesworth, Co. Warwick ; he may have been this Roger's father. From Roger Horton of Catton descended the families of Horton, Co. Derby; Horton of Coole Pilate, Co. Chester, extinct 1740; Horton of Counties Worcester, Wilts, and Somerset, also extinct; of the latter family was Colonel Horton the Regicide. A very full account of this branch of the family of Horton will be found in " The History of Broughton Gifford," by the Rev. J. Wilkinson. The Horton Family have been resident at Catton, Co. Derby, as can be thus seen from the commencement of the fifteenth century. Roger Horton, the founder of the family of Horton in Derbyshire, married, as previously mentioned, Alice St. Pierre, heiress to her father of Coole Pilate, Co. Chester, and afterwards to her uncle Urian. Roger Horton, as his Inquisition proves, had three sons, William, John, and Thomas ; the eldest inherited Catton, the second Coole Pilate ; of the third we have no mention, except that his father left him the manor of Brisliugcote in Derbyshire ; but in case of his death it was to revert to William, his eldest son He probably died young, as we find William Horton's * See Onnerods and Lysons' Cheshire. Histoi'ical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. ■16 descendant died seized of it hereafter. In the Appendix will be found under Catton, No. XIL, an interesting document with regard to the proving of this William's age. His wife's name is not recorded ; his son was Roger, who married Jane, daughter of Eobert Hill, of Hound- hill, Co. Stafford, to whom there is a part of a monumental slab still extant in Croxall Church. By his will he left money to various poor, and £20 to Catton Chapel. (See Catton Appendix No. XHI.) Their son was John Horton, of Catton, who married Anne, daughter of John Curzon, of Croxall ; to their memory there is a large alabaster sepulchral slab before the Altar in Croxall Church. Representations of three sons and three daughters are found on this slab, but only one son, Walter, seems to have survived ; he died without issue in 1572, and left the Catton estate to his uncle's second son, z'.e., his first cousin Christopher, who married Maud (daughter of Thomas Curzon) his first cousin. (See Catton Appendix, No. XVI.) Christopher's elder brother was Thomas Horton, of Staunton, Co. Worcester. Christopher had a son, Walter, who married Jane, daughter and heiress of Gabriel Chamber, of Royston. Their son was Christopher, who married twice : first Margaret, daughter of Sir Walter Henengham, of Pipe, Co. Stafford, by whom he had no issue ; secondly, Parnell, daughter of Thomas Tyringham, of Nether Winchington, Co. Bucks, by whom he had five sons and four daughters. Christopher, the eldest son, died young ; Walter, the second son, succeeded his father. This Walter married Dorothy, daughter of Sir Humphrey Ferrers, of Tamworth Castle, Knight, by whom he had f(;ur sons and eight daughters. The eldest son, Christopher, succeeded, and married Elizabeth Berkenhead, of London ; the second son, Walter, was Rector of Walton-on-Trent, and will be described hereafter. The third son, Alexander, was private chaplain to the Bishop of Ely, and was ejected for refusing to swear allegiance to William and Mary. Christopher's eldest son was Walter, who married Elizabeth Kynnersley ; he had four 174 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. sons and two daughters. The eldest, Christopher,* succeeded, and married Frances, daughter and heiress of Sir Eusebius Buswell, of Clipstone, Northamptonshire, and Cadeby, Leicestershire ; the latter of which he had acquired through his marriage with the heiress of Pelsall. By this marriage, the Hortons acquired the estates of Clipstone and Cadeby. By Frances Buswell (whose mother was a daughter of Ralph Sneyd, of Keele, Co. Stafford) Christopher left six sons and four daughters. AValter, the eldest son, died young; Christopher, the next brother, married Anne Luttrell, but left no surviving issue; of her more hereafter; the next son, John, was an officer in the Guards, who died unmarried; the fourth son was Eusebius, who succeeded to the Catton estate. He married Phoebe, dauo^hter and heiress of Davies Davenport, of Capesthome, Co. Chester, by which marriage the estate of Davenport, in Cheshire, came to the Hortons, and in him the male line of the Hortons of Catton ended; his surviving issue was confined to two daughters ; he had but one son, who died an infant. He was succeeded in the Horton estates by his eldest daughter, Anne Beatrix, the second was Frances Louisa, \vho married the Honble and Reverend Richard Carleton, younger son of Guy, 1st Lord Dorchester. Anne Beatrix married Robert John Wilmot of Osmaston, in the County of Derby, eldest son of Sir Robert Wilmot, Bart., who succeeded his father in the year 1834. At her death in the year 1871 Catton came to her son. Sir Robert Edward Wihnot Horton, Baronet, who died 22nd of September, 1880, when he was succeeded by his next surviving brother, the Rev. Sir George Lewis Wilmot Horton, Bart. Eusebius Horton, Esq., of Catton, ordered by his will that the owner of Catton should assume the name and arms of Horton. In 1640 Christopher Horton was Sheriff of Derbyshire ; in 1657 ■ This Christopher built the present Catton Hall. T FAM ON, Till Ariui i>f WiIi>H>l IIorloD, gnaM lo U. J. Wilmot Ilurloii, io 1821). inv •]iiiirtoilj'. lit onJ 4tli Ilotton. wf^. n atntt'* hpnil caKickn), ■I'vnr, aUirnl ur, bdJ (for JiHinelionJ. > Mnlon fo-i..^ Uml and Bnl W.lroot WJf. on n fei» gr. Ixttntru IIiick caoln' limin cou|it>d nr^rTif, lu muiy MnllDpa, jwrA^ all williio > borilun' ciii^ailwl nl lliatliinl; rr«tar Ilorloa on a wnotb nf Ibn mlann, out of waiB* of tlio tea proiMr, i tUlinti apwr craol. or, liMded ■111] riiflt'ol witli a dolpliin. ttrtjml. fliinn], of, nnd cburcnl (for ilinynclioD) witL au osonllap, jrulu Ct»il a( Wilmot. an cojeIb'i Lend oruod, iiiij'ni. cnllnrfJ, aiurt. ill UiR bunk an suallnp. :riiJfi. Tho wimo without the dlOironnt wcto grantoJ b> Sit Robert Edwntd Wiltnot, llaH., on his auiimiDg tho uRine nf Ilnrtou, on (bn .Irnlh or hi> Uotlior, m 1871 Tire AiTn« ol Il.uiun, of Cullon, Co. Deflj, are "'-'•, , n hwtki tirad eabniliod aryrnl, Attinil, er. Tfaa folloiniis ooal mnt, hantrcr, granttJ Eo John Borton. of Ijullinglon, Co> 8omor»l ; — .ityrni, on a fcMC, , tlireo marllfts, or. The Inltcr wm boniB by tho Hoitolu, of Iford and WMtnood ; but Ihoto of DrouKblon GilTord Mid EhitoD rdainrd iIjp anut of tho originnl Dorhyihiro ramily. from nhinh Sir John Ilorton. of Broaghtori QilTord, ptorad Iil> dsiooiit. THE PEDIGREE OE THE ANCIEXT FAMILY OF HORTON OF CATTON. IN THE COTJ>s^TY OF nERBY, COLLECTED FROM TOE DOOKS ASD UECOBDS Hi THE COLLECE OF JUtMS. ANP OTUER AUTHENTIC PROOFS, TO THE YEAR 1880. TiUE anlhonlin (or thu Vtdignc aio Uia Hcnonli m lilt Ciill(«f of Arma. Ljuot' /irrtyiJirr >»( ('AiUm, Otorer-i Hrrly^ir,, C«i'- f*»rrAn -./ I'trbyAit,. Wfl- kinioa* /furory -f lA. raiut i/ ffrjujiAruii (ii/,.n<, »■«(«. JTii^Raw, v.. an, Kilo't AfvniUHnldJ ilrwu «/ l|-.(ti, Hflr(™>.\JUS. .V«. H43./0, 18a.;tVllOB,/„.B(l. B64fi ; Fatoilf Taptw. PoJidrooi-. RMordi, Croiall Chuwh Itntiaiuis. and Sun ri«»«.--l -ynu. » b*i.d. "M'. iii chief « Ub.U( Uire. pmoU, ^^^ Oaon.—.liuit. a hon nuopaut. widm cniW'«n>nl«t«. ur. Um#ul — .Iryni, a eroM lUary, nrurr. WuirmoTOH.— J fynK, it fm ohiwiny, or and am*, iu ohi*f • Oimr-dO'lji. CuuiBi>- — Or. ihtN dngoDi' Lead* snued, la&b. Tiaraoniii,— ^mrf, it laltim osgniliHl, aryml. t*UMn.~S«ilt, A fMM bgtvMii UirMp^MDi, irynf. Bmnij — titlm. % brad tapily bilimu lno eronMnuileb, aijuM. QoArUcod ooal of than.-drfM, &n lonagM in few. btltrwn Vino btmn' hcadt omwd, jula. lODIiln), w. Viraram.-Argml. ou a chavrou betitivii Uuw imn-eroMltU flCch.^ laWr, afowofilinllDld. 1423. 1 BOOEIl noRTOH. Kt.-«LICB. •luf 4 Cml*. C^, CbI Jon Urun.' Uni )i»i>i, lint. ftb«. IV. Ill 1^. lyTni/. ua jiunrc uill ud biilr bull »l HixM WlUJ» UiOD. B*)., lull Hill. WtillUDfUn, rl^iu' ° " "'"' "fti'^in* j d.«liUFnr^r™.ul.4 Koo J J, BSIII* (4 Olh )inHl>l>l.' Bh. rrS:"^: """•'" SV?^'^ Wniiu. n.™,. 1 Ili«.r«. SlU'i^o^.Q/llMlj. TW... . Mu-...., "ZTi ;.j'«,H'i . 1 Bdfuo. cd-diDtbui gf BU suoula, I Vr-^ an DorM •! I Oilirtil Cbunliu. v Biiki. tails I" yttlui Biuli. «f SUITbrd. ""i i° "wj """■ Iti'll^. olBUDNtllD.-dlllAM I'f IbCwo W(|oi. [Swam 111 n, InLv dJ*Alt '«it.. Diift AHuaiB. Apn. .ritaviaJI tHJUkvni. iviij.bii Htutair. VkitUI tvlavB, ObLSP. 4'' of ftobortBHanvfi. al Uroajbldu^xit^ of Balitfl tlvrloA. cf^di'oT Junn Uin % Jciiii. ». M«T, and •liiiM 10 Coib, VfUta. I CI«iU,ol Willi, Uarf, la j IMiuB, »( Aaut ■ BnwuiB < ^f Dri»M^ OUnoB. In Com. Bom'- Cdd.\VIIU.I ■ ■_ -... 1" *•«■•■ ■nly V J>»>|r. rf*"" ;3r — r.ir .._ -„>.„.„ ........ „ _ „ „,_ „„.,_,_ _ ii)Bi1w*Ilrimfh a* iiiStnis.l VnrUat. st Ctt.»U«.i 4' ol's' m. in Abnh A».«, JiiltU. ViTlmdllao- to«. of I^pl™. m Triri, e.( Cull- '""■.iS"' i?'n """!?"'•":'' f""'". ol «i SbBanl. Sl«, i. IB» B.BL !,«„b, slin. 1^ '«• lo— .- v ^ F=b.ll,llltar HorUu, uD-d. intJr IWB. DnrtrfMOnrtall SUi, inm, Jom 11.11 At«IM i«i.Ki .■I Tiim.r. tID. ■ "vvli. Upl'Slar. i', ir"-,' I. ]i>i. u.Tio.ina f.1. MMi. i>w«im. Biiuiirri*]. In OODi. l)>rtijr. Bl.slCrsull. BiBi. *■ L'nun. .ut.II.IMI, P>(..1,10n. Ilor. iioi, il-i.. (t. Lvtmu, -ILit.B.li rij™ ol luoit I>l>iliiii«(rTiBl,Di o irn ffurini •! on. i»b. Ill] Cnii4ll Julf Mill, Ulid AdiII imli. A£ oa<>i ID lilt JifKi K Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 175 Walter his son held the same office. His dismissal from that office by Oliver Cromwell is taken from one of the Horton Papers, and is as follows : Oliver Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Domioions and territories thereunto belougins to Walter Horton Esquier late Sheriff of our County of Derby send Greeting. Whereas we have comitted to Robert Eyre Esquire the custodye of the said County of Derby with the appurtenances to hould the same dureing our pleasure as in and by our Letters Patente to him thereof made is more fully coutynued. Wee doe hereby eomand and require you the said Walter Horton to forthewith deliver to the said Walter Eyre the said Countye with the appurtenances together with the Rolls, Writts, Remembrances and all other things to the said office of Sherriff of said Countye of Derbye belonging and appui-teyning which are in your custodye by indentures thereof to be made between you and the said Robert Eyre present Sherriff. Witnesse ourselfe at Westminster the three and twentieth day of November one thousand six hundred and flifty seven. LenthaU ■ John Over Clerk. In the year 1800, Eusebius held the same post. The Hortons seem to have been good Churchmen and staunch Royalists. Among the names of those who contributed to the defence of this country at the time of the Spanish Armada, we find Walter Horton of Cattoii for £25. Amongst a list of persons qualified to be made Knight of The Royal Oak, a dignity proposed by Charles 11. to be conferred upon his most distinguished adherents,"*' we find the name of Walter Horton of Catton, and his estate valued at £3000 per annum. The Reverend Walter Horton, formerly Rector of Waltoii-on-Trent, was Vicar of All Saints', Derby, in 1692 ;t and among the Worthies of Derbyshire we find the name of Frances Horton recorded ; she it was who gave by will the Communion Plate for Croxall Church. On Octo- ber 2nd, 1771, Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland, brother of King George III., married the Honourable Anne Horton, formerly Luttrell, widow of Christopher Horton of Catton, Esq., and daughter of Lord Irnham, afterwards Earl of Carhampton; Christopher Horton died in ♦ See Reliquary for 1860-1, p. 190, note by C. R. Colvile on a Silver Royalist Token in his possession, t In a family Bible at Catton are recorded some touching extracts relating to his childi-en, see Catton Appendix No. XXVII. 24 1 76 Historical Sketch of the Pai'ish of Croxall. the year 1769; Simon Luttrell was created a Peer, with the title of Lord Irnhara, September 28th, 1768, and in 1785 Earl of Carhampton, so that in 1771, when the Duke married her, she must have been the Hon. Mrs. Horton, not Lady Anne Horton, as some writers say she was. Christopher Horton probably made her acquaintance at her father's residence. Four Oaks, in Warwickshire, not far distant. The second marriage was celebrated between the hours of 6 and 8 p.m., in a drawing-room in Hertford Street, Ma}^ Fair, and the witness was the bride's sister. From this marriage arose the Royal Marriage Act. The proofs of the marriage are preserved in the Privy Council Office. The Duke died in 1790, the Duchess in 1803; there was no issue of the marriage. Horace Walpole writes of the Hon. Anne Horton as a "young widow of twenty -four, extremely pretty, well made, and remark- able for the great length of her eye-lashes, which veiled a pair of most artful and coquettish eyes." A portrait of her by Gainsborough is now in Catton Hall. Sir Eobert John Wilmot Horton, Bart., was Member for Newcastle- under-Lyne in three successive Parliaments, Under-Secretary for the Colonies, and Governor of Ce^-lon. Died in 1841. He took an active part in the legislation of the beginning of this century, and wrote many valuable works on " Emigration," " The Causes of Pauperism," etc. Lady Wilmot Horton, his wife, daughter of Eusebius Horton, Esq., of Catton, excited the admiration of Lord Byron, whose relation she was through her husband, and on returning from a ball where he had seen her dressed in mourning, with numerous spangles on her dress, composed the following lines in her honour. The original manuscript is now in the possession of her grandson. Lord Zouche of Haryngworth. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 177 HEBREW MELODIES. I. She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies ; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes : Thus meUow'd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies. n. One shade the more, one ray the less. Had half impair'd the nameless grace Which waves in every raven tress, Or softly lightens o'er her face; Where thoughts serenely sweet express How pure, how dear their dwelling-place. III. And on that cheek, and o'er that brow. So soft, so calm, yet eloquent. The smiles that win, the tints that glow. But tell of days in goodness spent, A mind at peace with all below, A heart whose love is innocent. How true the fourth hne of the last verse was, can be witnessed by the numerous acts of charity performed by her at Catton, and its neigh- bourhood. Her memory is, and will ever be, sincerely cherished there. She mainly contributed to the building of Coton-in-the-Elms Church, close to Catton, in which two painted windows have been erected to her memory. Catton Township consists of 1,131 acres and 15 perches, all the property of the Reverend Sir George Lewis Wilmot Horton, Bart. It is composed of excellent land, chiefly a red marl. It is bounded on the north by the Parish of Walton-on-Trent, on the east by that of Coton-in- the-Elms, on the south by the Township of Croxall, and on the west by the River Trent. Its rateable value is £2,292 7s. Id. The population in 1801 amounted to 65 ; 1811, 58 ; 1821, 89 ; 1831, 75 ; 1841, 47 ; 1851, 77 ; 1861, 76 ; in 1871, 97. Catton Hall stands close to the River Trent, which here divides itself into two branches, formintr an is- land called the Cherryholme. Although its connection with cherries is not very distinct now, formerly, perhaps, it was a cherry orchard. Catton Hall is six and a half miles south from Burton-on-Trent, eisht from 1 78 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Lichfield, and about the same from Tamworth. Croxall Station, on the Birmingham and Derby Railway, lies a mile and a half south. Catton is m the Repton and Gresley Hundred of the County of Derby, and the Burton-on-Trent Union. The Hall is a large, square, red brick building, devoid of all architectural beaut\-, and was built h\ Christopher Horton about the year 1742, as the following entries taken from the Edingale Registers testify : — May 20th 17-4'2 Charles Eider Sojourner at Walter Biiller's aud workman at Catton Hall was buried in Edint;ale Churchyard, Staffordshire. Memdm Mr. Pickford, overseer of the Building at Catton paid me the fees 6s. and 8d. for breaking the Turfi. It is very solidly built, and stands on arched vaults of brickwork. The interior contains some good work of the Georgian Period. Flower, in his Visitation of Derbyshire, 1557, writes of Catton thus: "Catton standeth belowe Croxhall, upon the Riuer Tam, the habitation of Walter Horton, Esqe., pleasaunte, fruteful and comodious." Flower must have mistaken the Trent for the Tame. No other record remains of what Catton Hall was in early times ; that there must have been such a building is obvious, but we know nothing of what it was, or what it resembled. There is no village now, all has been swept away, but in the Town Meadow the name lingers still. This meadow is situated about five hundred yards south of the present Hall. The village contained two alehouses, as the returns of such in Derbyshire in the year 1577 show: — Catton. Nicholas Danne. John Tomlenson, Alehowses ij. Catton cannot lay claim to the possession of any antiquities. All it can boast of in this respect is a copper coin of the Reign of Antoninus Pius, which a workman discovered in a gravel pit close to the River Trent, half a mile distant from the Hall. It presents features however of unusually pleasing river scenery ; the high ground, studded with thick foliage, rising from the valley of the Trent, adds considerably to the beauty of the scene. There are some large oaks upon the estate, notabl3' Historical Sketch of the Parish of Ci'oxalL 1 79 the Walton Oak, to the right of the footpath to Walton-on-Trent ; at four feet from the ground, its trunk measures twenty-five feet in circum- ference. Catton Wood mostly consists of oaks, and was planted by Eusebius Horton in 1782. Mr. Farey reports that when he visited it in 1800, it was very much choked with weeds. A wood had previously existed in this spot, which tradition says was cut down to pav the Duchess of Cumberland's debts. ]\Ir. Farey noticed large marl pits on this estate, which gave rise to the name of a farm, called Donk Hill Pits. These are still visible, but doubtless have decreased in size, as the practice of obtaining marl from them has long since ceased. On this farm of Donk Hill Pits, then farmed by Mr. Webb, Mr. Farey states the Rotation of Crops to have been 1st, fallow; 2nd, wheat; 3rd, barley seeds; 4th, 5th, seeds ; 6th, beans ; 7th, oats The course now adopted on the same farm, held by INIr. Humphrey, is 1st, turnips ; 2nd, barley ; ord, seeds, 4th, oats; 5th, wheat; 6th, beans; 7th, wheat. The meadows lying beside the Eivcr Trent are capable of producing heavy crops of hay, but they too, like those of Croxall, are subject to heavy floods, which carry it off. The Trent is here a large river, increased, as it is in Croxall just above, by the junction of the Elvers Tame and Maese. By means of the Tithe Commutation Map, I give the Field names. The numbers correspond with those in the Map. Ch Post %\\im\i Jficltr gamxs of Catton, FOUND IN THE HORTON DEEDS. Filures Meadows. ( Filum aqu£B, a Gotaker. stream of water). Fervsrode. Brolifurlong. Le Grene Cocsute Hill. Tonghul. Hulle. Caustede. 1 80 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Wiyienegrene. Oxmonne Meadow. Siche Furlong. (Sich, a small stream Le Orchard. that nms dry in summer). Short Croft. Blake Buttes. Neweyerde. Clay Buttes. Leylone. (Leyland. Pasture land). FuUes Meadow. Vymore. Kuylondes. Vendiles. S meres Meadowfurlong. Eowdiche. Fermysende. SoiTunhed. Syxteneakres. Hopemore. Lee Hurstes. (Hurst, a Little Wood). Sendium Acres. J^icltr games in CattniT Colnnsb'm. ■J 1r 1 Catton HaU. 2G Plantation in Cherry Holme. 2 Fii-st Paddock 27 Ditto ditto. 3 Second ditto. 28 Ditto ditto. 4 Garden in Cow Hay Bottom. 23 Ditto ditto. 5 Plantation. 30 Ditto ditto. 6 Cow Hay Bottom. 31 Ditto ill the Lawn. 7 Igsmore Bottom. 32 Eookery at top of Lawn. 8 Plantation in Igsmore Bottom. 33 Willow Bed. 9 Ditto ditto ditto. 34 Town Meadow. 10 Part of ditto Astle Hay. 35 Plantation in Town Meadow. 11 Part of Keeper's Lodge. 36 Lawn adjoining road. 12 Plantation of Lower Eylands. 37 Lower part of Cow Hay. 13 Piylauds. 38 Flaxlands. 14 Public Road thi-ough Lower Eylands. 39 Hop Yard. 15 Hamps Pij'lands. 39a Plantation m Flaxlands. 16 PubUc Eoad through Big Eylands. 40 Catton Wood. 17 Eylands. 1 41 Far Bow Wood. 18 House and Garden. 42 Plantation in Bow Wood. 19 House and Garden. 43 Near ditto. 20 Pool of Eiver. 44 Bow Wood. 21 New Meadow. 45 Ditto. 22 Top Ditto. 46 Plantation in Bow Wood. 23 Boatstake. 47 Waterhouse Plantation. 24 The Lawn. 48 Brick-kiln Close. 25 Cheriy Holme. 49 Plantation at top of Cow Ha\ n Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. i8i 50 Plantation in Big Brick-kiln. 92 Collier's Close. 51 Ditto ditto. 93 New Cow Close. 52 Ditto ditto. 94 Far ditto. 53 Ditto ditto. 95 Over House Close. 54 Upper part of Cow Hay. 96 Barn and House Close. 55 Public Eoad. 97 The Ten Acres. 56 Upper Igsmore Bottom. 98 Far Bradsford. 57 Cow Hay Bank Plantation. 99 Near ditto. 58 Catton Rough. 100 Gorsey Close. 59 Plantation. 101 Coton Field. 60 Marlpit ditto. 102 Square Close. 61 Hillocks ditto. 103 Nine Acres. 62 Little Hillocks. 104 Four ditto. 63 Far ditto. 105 Lower House Close. 64 Upper ditto, 106 Catton Farm Homestead. 65 Igsmore Hill. 107 Croft. 66 Doukhill Pits Close. 108 Little Hill. 67 Donkbill Pits Close. 109 Sucklesome. 68 Ditto New Plantation. 110 Big Hill. 69 Plantation. Ill Hullocks. 70 Ditto. 112 Withy Beds. 71 Little Brick-kiln Field. 113 Far ditto. 72 Plantation. 114 Near ditto. 73 Far ditto. 115 Mansditch Holmestead. 74 Plantation. 115a Eoad. 75 Shrews Meadow Field. 116 Mansditch Field. 76 Ditto ditto dito. 117 Brook Meadow. 77 Little Piugle. 118 Bailey's Field. 78 Big ditto. 119 Lullington Corner. 79 Far Tenants Close. 120 Barn Fold Pit. 80 Ditto ditto. 121 The Crosses. 81 Near ditto. 122 Ditto. 82 Croft. 123 Wilversgore. 83 Twamsditch Close. 124 Ditto. 84 Doukhill Pit and Homestead. 125 Holmestall. 85 Eoad. 126 Ditto Wood. 86 Near Smithfield. 127 Holmestall Meadow. 87 Donkhill. 128 Ditto ditto. 88 Draftcote Close. 129 Plantation. 89 Plantation in Draftcote Close. 130 Horse Pasture. 90 Thistley Close. 131 Rusty Dunstall. 91 Far Smithfield. 132 Big ditto. 1 82 Hist07'ical Sketch of t lie Parish of Croxall. DERIVATIONS OF SOME OP THE ABOVE. 7 Igsmore — probably a surname. i 83 Twamsditch — Twaite signifies a wood 15 Hamp — a man's name. grubbed up. 25 Holme — an island in a river ; iu a secondary sense, alluvial land by a river's side. 38 Shows that flax was grown here. 66 Donkhill— Donkey Hill. 77 Piugle — a small tielJ, an enclosure. 109 Sucklesome — derivation obscure. 112 Withy — -withe, a willow twig. 123 Wilversgore — derivation obscure ; gore, a narrow slip of laud. 125 Holmestall — a house, or home- stall. brisling ^oabs iit Cation CBtonsIjip. The high road from Tamworth to Burton-on-Trent enters Catton from Croxall, at the south end of the Park, and passes through it close to the Hall, on the east. Further north it meets, at right angles from the east, the road from Coton-in-the-Elms, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, and other villages '■> just previous to their juncture the latter road descends abruptly from the high lands above to the valley of the Trent. The Burton-on-Trent and Tamworth Road passes on through the Park close to the river, and enters Walton Parish further north. The road to Coton-in-the-Elms, etc., bounds Catton Township on the north from the Parish of Walton-on -Trent. A bridle road leaves the Burton-on-Trent Road a little to the south of the Hall, and passes eastwards by the Keeper's house, through the Brick-kiln Plantation, and so on through the Township of Croxall and Coton-in-the-Elms. At the Brick-kiln Plantation it meets the old road from Edingale to Burton-on-Trent, which latter keeps straight on to the north, passing by the Donk Hill Pits Farmhouse, meeting the Coton Road further north. A footpath leaves the Burton and Tamworth Road just opposite Catton Hall Gates, and passes eastwards by the Donk Hill Pits Farmhouse to Coton-in-the-Elms. Another footpath, coming out of Croxall Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. i8- from the south, enters the Donk Hill Pits Farm and passes through two fields, meeting the old Tamworth and Burton-on-Trent Road further north. In addition to the above, a bridle road from the Coton Road at Ladd's grave, on the Coton Road, passes westwards, meeting an occupation road below the Mansditch Farmhouse, and turning sharp to the south passes over the Raddle Farm, through Croxall to Edingale. An occupation road commencing a little to the north of Catton Farmhouse, passes south by the Homestall, and then becomes a bridle road to Edingale. 25 CIjc Cljaprl of Cattciu HERE is no church mentioned in Domesday Book as having existed at Catton \vhen that record was taken, but there was one shortly afterwards. Nigel de Albini, owner of Catton, soon ofter the Conquest built one there about the year 1100, as in the Tutbury Chartulary, in the Charter of Count Robert de Ferrers, grandson of Henry de Ferrers, the following mention is made of Catton Church. Nigel de Albini's connection with Catton has been previously explained. Carta Roberti Comitis junioris de Ferrers {temp. 1162). "Nigellus de Albiniaci et Amicia filia avi mei dederunt ecclesiam de Catton cum decima et pertinenciis suis."* The Cluniac Priory of Tutbury, in Stafford- shire, distant some twelve miles from Catton, was founded by Henry de Ferrers, in the year 1080. It was but natural, therefore, that his son-in-law and daughter should give the church of Catton to this particular Priory. The next thing we read of Catton is that about the year 1240 a dispute arose between Richard, Treasurer of Lichfield Dugdale's Monasticon, Vol. iii., p. 392. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 185 Cathedral, Rector of Croxall, and the Prior of Tutburj with others, concerning the tithes due from Ralph de Saint Amand, and Lady Isabel de Hanton, or Hocton, his sister-in-law, from Catton. It was originally referred to Hugh de PateshuU, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, but he passed the dispute on to the Pope. On the 8th of the Kalends of December, in the first year of his Pontificate, 1243, the question came before Innocent IV., and he, by Bull, appointed John de Taunton, Chancellor of Oxford, to act as arbitrator. Eventually the dispute was ended by the rights of the Rector of Croxall being recognized; but he was called upon to pay an annual pension of 18s. to the Priory of Tutbury. {See under Catton Appendix, No. II.*) 13 Kal. April, 1279, in the first year of his consecration, John Peckham, Archbishop of Canterbury, while confirming the Church of Croxall to the Priory of Repton, also gave the Chapel of Catton to it. We are unacquainted with the reasons why it was taken away from Tutbury. No. XXXVIII. of the Horton Deeds gives us the name of its patron Saint; it is there mentioned as " Capella de Sancti Nicholai de Catton." No. I. of the same mentions " Willi' quondam de Cattone Capellani," and Nos. IV. and VII. of the same, mention " Thome Clerici " and " Henricus le Persun." In the Probacio ^tatis of William Horton, taken in 1439, it is frequently mentioned. The inventory of Church goods, drawn up in 6 Edward VI., says of Catton : — 1553 October 5th. Wyll Fyssher, curate. ij vestyments of denies whytli red crosses of serceuet — ij towells of flaxen — ij candelstycks of brass — ij cruetts of pewter — a surples of shakadowne — ij sacryng belles — j baud bell. What the fate of this church or chapel, erected by Nigel de Albini and his wife Amicia was, we know not. No record or tradition of its decay or demolition is extant. Roger Horton, by will dated 1525, * Valor Bcolesiastious lemp. Hen. VIII. Eeceptio Pensionum de Tutbury. De Priore et oonventu de Bepingdon pro pensione eoclesie de Croxall 18s. Do., do. Vol. iii. p. 398. 1 86 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. bequeathed £20 to the building of a steeple for Catton Chapel. See Appendix to Catton, No. YIII. The following report of the Parliamen- tary Commissioners in the year 1650, would seem to indicate that this chapel had been allowed to go to ruin, or that some catastrophe had befallen it. " There is a chapel att Catton apperteyning to Croxall, in this Countye of Derby, lately consecrated for the conveniencye of Mr. Horton's Family." Christopher Horton, who owned Catton at this period, must have either restored the chapel that formerly existed here, or built a new one; the former is the most likely. This is evidently alluded to in his epitaph in Croxall Church as follows : — " For zeale to God's Howse, etc., memorably exemplar.'" There seems to have been no Chaplain at Catton in the year 1632, as the following interesting Post-Reformation entry from the Croxall Registers proves : — " 1632, March 23d, Mrs. Elizabeth Horton being sicke was licensed by me to eate flesh during her sicknesse. John Bentley Vicar " This later chapel, if it was one, has also disappeared. Glover, in his History of Derbyshire, states that it was destroyed by fire; but this is neither corroborated by record or tradition. It may however be correct. The last mention of a Chapel at Catton occurs in a Family Bible as follows : — " Aug. 13, 1743, Christopher Horton was born July 28th, 1743, and was received into the chapel of Catton, Aug_ 13th." From this date all the baptisms of the Hortons are recorded as having taken place in the Church of Croxall. We may reasonably conclude, therefore, that it ceased to exist about the middle of the last century.* No traces of either of the ground plans of these chapels now exist. Recently from the bed of the River Trent and out of the way corners, several moulded stones of these chapels have been rescued, and erected in the garden at Catton. They consist of the rude Norman font of the • The Croxall Terriers mention the chapel at Catton in the commencement of the eighteenth century, and as having no endowment. Plate IlXn, Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 187 first chapel, built by Nigel de Albini, and parts of the columns, with the mullions of the tower window, that may have existed in the second, restored or built by Christopher Horton ; they are of Decorated character. The bell which now hangs in the clock tower of Catton, was formerly one of the chapel bells. It bears upon it the marks of the Newcombes, bell founders, who flourished in Leicester towards the end of the 16th century. These marks are given. It was probably the bell placed in the later chapel of the two. Catton seems, therefore, to have possessed a chapel of its own from the year 1100 to about 1750. From the latter date, until the present time, Catton has been connected with Croxall Church for all its religious observances, but now a third chapel is about to be erected there; let us hope that this third one, surrounded as it will be, with the sanctifying influences and hallowed traditions of nearly eight centuries, will long stand in this place, and be an influence for good for many centuries to come, and to many generations yet unborn. |ipj)cnbii' U €Mm. HoETON Deeds, No. I. Undated. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Hugo de Sancta Cruce et Isabella uxor mea dedimus concessimus et preaenti carta nostra confirmavimus doraiuo Almarico de Sancto Amando et heredibus suis uuurn Mesuagium et unam virgatam terre cum pertiaenciis in Cattone. lUam scilicet quam Ivo prepositus de nobis tenuit in villenagio et dictum Ivonem cum tota sequela sua et omnibus catallis suis, dedimus etiam et concessimus eidem Almarico et heredibus suis tres denarios anuui redditus quoa idem nobis solvere consuevit pro diversis tenementis, dedimus etiam et concessimus eidem Almarico et heredibus suis quicquid habuimus vel habere potuimuB in toto tenemento quod Agnes le Glovere de nobis tenuit cum omnibus proficuis inde provenientibus. Dedimus etiam et concessimus eidem Almarico et heredibus suis sex denarios anuui redditus quos Robertus piscator nobis debuit pro una roda terre et piscaria de Treute cum omnibus proficuis inde provenientibus. Dedimus etiam et concessimus eidem Almarico et heredibus suis unum deuarium annul redditus de quodam tenemeuto quod Will's Elys de nobis tenuit cum omnibus proficuis inde provenientibus. Dedimus etiam et concessimus eidem Almarico et heredibus suis quicquid habuimus vel habere potuimus in toto tenemento quod Hawisia de Grangia de nobis tenuit in villenegio cum tota sequela sua et omnibus catallis suis et cum omnibus proficuis inde provenientibus. Dedimus etiam et concessimus eidem Almarico et heredibus suis unum denarium annul redditus pro quodam tenemento quod Walterus de Grangia de nobis tenuit cum omnibus proficuis inde provenientibus. Habendum et tenendum totum predictum tenementum et redditum cum omnibus proficuis suis inde provenientibus et quibuscumque pertinenciis suis dicto Almarico et heredibus suis vel suis assignatis de capitali domino feodi, libere quiete bene in pace absque aliquo retenemento nostri vel heredum nostrorum in perpetuum, fatiendo inde capitali domino totum serviscinm inde de jure debitum pro omni servicio seculari exaccione et demanda. Et nos Hugo et Isabella uxor mea et heredes nostri totum predictiim tenementum et redditum cum omnibus proficuis suis et quibuscumcjue inde provenientibus predicto Almarico et heredibus suis contra omnes gentes warantizabimus in perpetuum. Et ut hec nostra donacio concescio et warantizacio recte et stabiles permaneant in perpetuum, presentem cartam sigilli nostri imprescione roboravimus. Hiis testibua domino Eoberto de la Warde, domino Ricardo Corsun, militibus, Will'o de Coursun, Roberto de Stauntun, Will'o de Herteshorn, Will'o Elys, Roberto le rodman de Toxhale, Will'o Geffrey, Roberto le Glovere, Ricardo Elys, Waltero de Grangia, Johanne fil. Walteri Elot, Johaune de Briddestbom et aliis. [Endorsed] Carta Hugonis de Sancta Cruce et Isabelle vxoris sue de uno Mesuagio cum omnibus pertinenciis que habuerunt in villa de Cattone consesso domino A. de Sancto .^mando. 1 90 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. HoRTON Deeds, No. II. Undated. Sciant presentes et futnri quod Ego Thomas filius Willi' quondam de Cattone capellani dedi concessi et hac present! carta mea confirmavi Johanni Legamer de Cattone duas acras et dimidiam terre mee arrabilis et dimidiam acram prati in Libert, de Cattone. Quarum una dimidia acra terre buttat usque Croxhale, inter terram Radulfi Lecupere ex parte una et Eicardi Helot ex altera. Et dimidia acra jacet supra le rendiles ; juxta terram Stephani careotarii ex parte una et terram Roberti fiUi Eadithe ex altera et extendit supra le dede rode. Et una acra Bupra Eowdicke juxta terram 'Will'mi de Cxirsnne ex parte una et terram Koberti filii Eadithe ex altera. Et continet in se quatuor seliones. Et dimidia acra supra sorrunhed inter terram Willi' Geffrey ex parte una et terram Eoberti le gedie ex altera et dimidia acra prati jacet in hopemor juxta pratum Kadulfi le Mowere ex parte una et Thome filii Willi' capellani ex altera Habenda et tenenda de me et de heredibus meis sive de meis assignatis, aibi et heredibus suis sive suis assignatis, libere quiete bene et in pace cui vel quando dare legare vendere rel assiguare tarn in egritudene quam in sanitate voluerit. Reddendo inde annuatim in fine heredibus meis unum obolum argenti ad festum Assumcionis domini pro omnibus serviciis secularibus sectis cujuscunque curie et hundredi et pro omnimodis serviciis que possunt exigi racione tenementi et pro forinseco domini Regis. Et ego vero predictus Thomas et heredes mei et mei assignati predictas dnas acras et dimidiam terre una cum dimidia acra prati predicto Johanni et heredibus suis et suis assignatis, cum omnibus libertatibus et aziamentis in pascuis sive in pasturis ad predictam villam de Cattone spectantibus, contra omnes homines mortales et feminas in perpetuum warantizabimus aquietabimus et inperpetuum defeudemus, Pro hac autem donacione concessiona et carte hujus mee confirmacioue dedit mihi predictus Johannes quandam summam pecunie pre manibus. Et quod hec mea donacio concessio et carte huius mee confirmacio sit stabiUs et inperpetuum racionabilis sigiUum meum apposui, Hiis testibus WiU'o Geffrey, Roberto le Glovere, Johaune Helot, Ricardo Helot, Roberto Helya et multis aliis. Endorsed. Carta Thome fiUi WiU'e capellani de Cattone. HoRTON Deeds, No. III. 29 June, 2 Ed. II., 1309. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Thomas fiUus Michaelis Geffrey de Cattone dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Henrico filicS WilU' Geffrey de Cattone unum Mesuagium cum curtilagio in villa de Cattone quod quidem Mesuagium et curtilagium predicta jacent super le Grene juxta Mesuagium Thome clerici et eciam I acram et dimidia terre arabilis in Campis de Cattone quarum dimidia acra jacet super Tonghul inter terram Walteri atte Graunge et terram Ricardi Wildy et aha dimidia acra jacet in CaSSede' inter terram Stephani le cartere et terram WUU' Geffrey et aUa dimidia acra jacet apud le Wiyienegrene juxta terram Ricardi WUdy Habenda et tenenda predicta Mesuagium et curtilagium cum terra predicta "et omnibus pertinenciis suis de capitali domino feodi ilUus per servicia inde debita et consueta predicto Henrico et heredibus suis sive assignatis libere quiete bene et in pace cum omnibus libertatibus et aysiamentis predictis iMesuagio curtilagio et terre pertinentibus imperpetuum. Et ego vero dictas Thomas et heredes mei predicta [placea scored oui] Mesuagium curtilagium et terram cum omnibus suis pertinenciis predicto Henrico et heredibus suis jure assignatis contra omnes gentes warantizabimus acquietabimus et defeudemus. Et nt heo mea donacio concessio et presentis carte mee confirmacio rata sit et stabilis imperpetuum huic presenti carte mee sigillum meum apposui Hiis testibus Johanne le Glovere de Cattone, Waltero atte Grange de eadem, Will'o Geffrey de eadem Johanne Helot de eadem, Henrico clerico et aliis. Data apud Cattone die dominica proxima post festum Sancti Johannis baptiste anno regni regis Edwardi filii regis Edwardi secundo. HoRTON Deeds, No. IV. 27 June, 7 Ed. II. 1314. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Agnes relicta Walteri Geffrey de Cattone dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Johanni Helot filio meo et heredibus suis vel suis assignatis unum Mesuagium et tres acras terre arabilis et prati cum. pertinenciis in Cattone iUud scilicet Mesuagium quod jacet inter Mesuagium quod Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 191 Robertas clericuB tenuit ex uua parte et altam viam ex altera parte, et unum Croftum continentem dimidiam acram quod jacet inter Croftum Hoberti Elyes et Mesuagium Thome persun et una roda super Filuresmedue furlong inter terram meam et terram Jobannis le Glovere. Et una roda jacet in le Holm inter terram Roberti Elyes et terram meam, et una dimidia acra jacet super Brocfurlong inter terram Walteri de grangia et teiTam quam Eobertus Elyes tenuit. Bt una dimidia acra jacet super Cocscute HuUe inter terram meam et terram quam Robertas piscator tenuit. Et una roda jacet apud le Gotaore inter terram meam et terram quam Robertas Elyes tenuit. Et due buUe simul jacent apud Fernysrode inter terram Thome Persun et terram Johannis ritto'i^''°Et una dimidia acra prati jacet in le Brade Medue inter pratum quod Eobertus Elyes tenuit et pratum quod Robertus piscator tenuit. Tenenda et Habeuda de capitali domino feodi per servicia inde debita et consueta, predicto Johanni et heredibua vel assignatis suis, libere quiete bene et in pace imperpetuum. Et ego Agnes et heredes mei predietum Mesuagium et predictas trea acras terre et prati cum pertinenciis predicto Johanni et heredibas vel assignatis suis contra omnes gentes warantizabimus aoquietabemua et imperpetuum defendemus In cujus rei testimonium huic carte sigiUum meum apposui Hiia testibus, Thoma le Glovere, Willo Gof"e°8,°' Henrico de grangia, Eicardo le Cursun, Johanne Brekediche et aliis Data apud Cattone die veneris proxima post festum Sanoti Johannia Baptiste anno Regui Regis Edwardi fiUi Regis Edwardi septimo. HoETON Deeds, No. V. 16 July, 11 Ed. II., 1317. Sciant presentes et faturi quod Ego Johannes de Sancto Amando miles dominus de Cattone in Comitatu Derbie dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea conflrmavi Henrico filio WilH' Geffrey de Cattone jjro homagio et servicio suo et pro quinque libris sterlingorum quos mihi dedit pre manibus unum Mesuagium unam virgatam terre cum pertinenciis in Cattone. Habenda et tenenda de me et heredibus meis et meis assignatis predicto Henrico et heredibus suis et suis assignatis totum predietum Mesuagium cum dicta virgata terre et omnibus et singulis suis ubique pertinenciis libere quiete bene et in pace imperpetuum Faciendo inde annuatim michi et heredibus meis vel meia asaignatis septem solidos argenti ad duos anni terminos videlicet ad festum Sancti Michaelis trea solidoB et sex denarios et ad festum Sancte Pasche trea aolidos et tres denarioa et sectam ad Curiam meam de Cattone de tribus Septimanis in tres Septimanas pro omnibus serviciis, Salvo foriuseco servicio domini Regis quantum pertiuet ad tautum tenementum de eodem feodo in eadem villa. Et Ego vero predictus Johannes et heredes mei predicto Henrico et heredibus suis et suia assignatis totum predietum Mesuagium cum dicta vergata terre et omnibus et singulis suis ubique pertineuciis contra omnes gentes warantizabimus imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti carte sigillum meum apposui. Hiis testibus, Eicardo dispensario, domino Galfrido capeUano, Johanne le Glovere, Waltero atte Grange, Johanne Heylot, Will'o Geffrey et multis aliis. Datum apud Cattone die Sabbati proximo ante festum beate Margerete Virginis anno Regni Regis Edwardi filii Regis Edwardi undecimo. Endorsed. Dominus Galfredus Capewell. Tempore E. filii E ij. J« vij s'' f J virgata Tij Bolidi] HoKTON Deeds, No. VI. 5 July, 1 Edw. Ill, 1320. Sciant presentes et futuri qaod Will's filius Johannis le Glover de Cattone dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Roberto de Scheylle de Elleford undecim acras terre arabilis et tres rodas [ broken off ] prati in feodo de Cattone quarum tres acre simul jacent in le Brokforlonge videlicet in quatuordecim sellionibus ibidem inter terram Johannis filii Galfridi capellani et metaa et bundas de Cotem, una acra jacet in le siche forlouge, una acra jacet apud les Blakebuttes, una acra jacet apud le Claybuttes, dimidia acra super le WallehuUe, dimidia acra super le Milnewardesforlonge, una roda super le gote acre, una roda apud Watergalle, una acra super Cokschutehul, dimidia acra super fuUesmedow forlonge, una roda in le Holme, tres rode super Ruylonde, et una acra jacet similiter super Eiiyelonde, Habenda et tenenda totam predictam terram ac pratum cum 29 192 Historical Sketcli of t lie Parish of Croxall. omuibns et singulis snis pertinenciis predicto Roberto heredibus et assignatis suis de capitalibus domiuis feodi illins libere qniete et pacifice imperpetnom per servicia inde debits et de jure consueta pro omiiibus aliis Itorn off] serviciis Et ego predietus Will's [ et ] heredes mei totam predictam terram et prahim cum omnibus sms pertinenciis predicto Roberto heredibus et assignatis sois contra omnes gentes warantizabimus in perpetuum In cujus rei testimonium [huic presen] ti carte sigillum meum opposui. Hiis testibus, Will'o le Corzon de Crokes hole Cor]zon de eadem, Johanne Oky de Cattone, Johanne le Glover de eadem, Will'o Waleys de Waltone, et aliis. Datum apud Cattone die dominica proxima post festum Apostolonim Petri et Pauli anno regni Regis Edwardi tercii a conquestu primo. HoRTON Deeds, No. YII. 1 October, 2 Ed. III., 1328. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Johannes Helot senior de Cattone dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Thome fiUo meo unum Mesuaginm, tres acras et unam rodam terre arrabiUs, et dimidiam acram prati et tres denarios annul redditus cum pertinenciis in Cattone, videlicet ad percipiendum de Thoma le persun et heredibus suis ad diem Pasche. Quod quidem Mesuaginm jacet inter Mesuagium Johannis Elys, et altam viam, et Croftum continet dimidiam acram jacet inter croftum Johannis Elys et Mesuagium Thome persun, et una roda jacet super Smeresmeduefurlonge inter terram WiU'mi le Glovere et terram Johannis le Glovere, et vna roda jacet in le Holm inter terram Johannis Elys et terram WiU'mi le Glovere, et dimidia acra jacet super Brokfurlonge inter terram Roberti fabri et terram Johannis Elys, et dimidia acra jacet super CoksutehuUe inter terram Will, le Glovere et terram Nicholai Piscatoris et una roda jacet apud le gotaker inter terram WiU. le Glovere et terram Johannis Elys, et due butte simul jacent apud fermisende inter terram Thome persun, et terram Johannis Scot, et una roda iacet super Reyelond inter terram Thome persun, et teiTam WiU. le Glovere, et dimidia acra jacet super Syxteueakres inter terram Johannis le Glovere et terram Henrici Geffrey et dimidia acra prati jacet in le Brodemedue inter pratum Johannis Elys et pratum Xicholai piscatoris. Tenenda et habenda predicta Mesuagium terra pratum et Redditus de capitalibus dominis feodi iUius predicto Thome et heredibus suis et suis assignatis libere quiete bene et in pace cum omnibus suis pertinenciis imperpetuum Reddendo annuatim capitalibus dominis feodi servicia inde debita et de jure consueta. Et ego vero predietus Johannes et heredes mei predicta Hesnagimn, tres acras et unam rodam terre arrabiUs, dimidiam acram prati et tres denarios argenti annul redditus cum pertinenciis sicut predictum est, predicto Thome et heredibus suis et suis assignatis conti-a omnes gentes warantizabimus et defendemus inperpetuum In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti carte sigiUum meum apposui. Hiis testibus Johanne Oky, Ricardo le Cnrsun, Johanne filio Johannis le Glovere, Johanne Helot, Henrico Geffrey, Johanne Elys, Rogero Symenel, et aUis. Datum apud Cattone die sabbati proxima post festum Sancti Michaelis archangel! anno Regni Regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum secundo. HoKTON Deeds, No. VIII. 3 Nov., 17 Ed. III., 1334. Hec est finalis Concordia facta in Curia domini Regis apud Westmonasterium in crastino Animarum anno re"ni Regis Edwardi tercii a conquestu decimo septimo et regni ejusdem Regis Francie quarto coram Johanne de Stonore WiU'o de ShareshuUe et aliis etc. inter Rogerum de Cuylly querentem et Hugonem de Hegham capeUanum deforcientem de tresdecim mesuagiis duobus toftis quadraginta & tribns acris et una roda et duabus virgatis terre et dimidia, centum et quinque soUdatis redditus et quatuor denariatis redditus et redditus unius rose ct medietate unius acre prati et redditus unius hbre piperis cum pertinenciis in Wartone juxta PoUesworthe Wylmindecote Croddeworthe et Wisshawe unde placitum convencionis sommonitum etc. ScUicet quod predietus Rogems recognovit tenementa predicta esse jus ipsius Hugonis de quibus idem Hugo habet uniun messuagiimi centum et quinque solidatas et quatuor denariatas redditus et redditus unius rose cum pertinenciis de dono predicti Rogeri. Et pro hac recognicione fine et concordia idem Hugo concessit eidem Rogero eadem tenementa Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 193 et ilia ei reddidit in eadem Curia Habeuda etc. de capitalibus dominis feodi per serricia que adpredicta tenementa pertinent tota vita ipsius Eogeri. Et pretei-ea idem Hugo concessit pro se et heredibus suis quod quinque mesuagia due virgate terre et dimidia et redditus medietatis unius libre piperis cum pertinenciis in predicta vUla de Wartone que Eogerus de la Ward chevalier tenuit ad terminum vite Bimul cum revercione aliarum terrarum et tenementorum in predictis aUis villis remaneant predicto Eogero de CuyUy et post decessum ipsius Eogeri predicta tenementa etc. sicut prediotum est integre remanebunt Philippe Thome et Johanui filiis ejusdem Eogeri Tenenda etc. ad terminum vite etc. Et post decessum ipsorum Philippi Thome et Johannis predicta tenementa etc. remanebunt Hugoni filio Johannis de Cuylly et Katerine uxori ejus et heredibus de corporibus ipsorum Hugonis et Katerine exeuntibus Tenenda etc. At si idem Hugo et Katerina obierint sine herede etc remanebunt rectis heredibus predicti Eogeri de CuyUy chevalier Tenenda de capitalibus etc. Tenentes ad terminum vite mortui sunt et Hugo et Katerina tenentes in taliio habuerunt exitum quendam Eogerum qui mortuus est sine exitu etc. et predicta tenementa pro defectu exitus tenentium in taliio reverterunt Thome filio predicti Eogeri donatoris qui habuit exitum quosdam Eogerum et Johannem qui moriebantur sine exitu post quorum mortem descendebat etc. cuidam [ hlanh ] sorori predicti Eogeri donatoris que mortua est post cujus mortem descendebat jus etc. EHzabethe heredi et filie ejusdem [ Uank ] que Elizabetha habuit exitum Eicardum de Stanope chevaler qui feoffavit Eogerum Hortone de ten-is et tenementis in Wartone. Endorsed tenemeuta in Wartone And again Carta de tenementis in Wartone in Comitatu Warwioi. HoETON Deeds, No. IX. 21 April, 25 Ed. III. 1349. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Johanna filia Willi' filii Walteri Geffrey de Cattone dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Thome filio Nicholai le Fysshere Will'o fiUo Henrici Geffrey et Eoberto filio Nicholai le Fisshere de Cattone conjunctim unum Mesuagium cum crofto adjacente cum pertinenciis in Cattone, quod Mesuagium jacet inter Mesuagium Hugonis le kynge et Mesuagium Mabille le Maister et croftum jacet inter terram Henrici Geffrey ex una parte et terram Hugonis le kynge ex altera et extendit se de la grene usque boscum in longitudine, Habendum et tenendum predictum Mesuagium cum crofto cum pertinenciis predictis Thome, Will'o et Eoberto heredibus vel assignatis eorum de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta libere quiete bene et in pace in feodo et hereditate imperpetuum. Et ego vero predicta Johanna et heredes mei predicta Mesuagium cum crofto et cum pertinenciis ut predictum est predictis Thome Will'o et Eoberto heredibus et assignatis eorum contra omnes gentes warrantizabimus et defendemus imperpetuum In cujus rei testimonium huic carte mee sigillum meum apposui, Hiis testibus Johanne Oky de Lyntone, Henrico Geffray, Will'o le Glovere, Nicholao le Fisshere, Eicardo Helot et aliis. Datum apud Cattone die Martis proximo ante festum Sancti Georgii anno regni Eegis Edwardi tercii post conquestum vicesimo tercio. Endorsed. Mabill' Maistr' iiij HoRTON Deeds, No. X. \iSep.,WEd. 771., 1355. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Johannes Oky dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Johaui Alio Willi' le Glovere unam dimidiam acram prati in feodo de Cattone jacentem in le Brodemedwe super le hurstes juxta pratum Willi' Geffrey ex una parte et pratum Matildis filie Hugonis le smythe ex altera in excambium pro quadam dimidia acra prati in Oxmonne medwe Habendam et Tenendam predictam dimidiam acram prati cum omnibus pertinenciis suis predicto Johanni fiUo Will'i le Glovere heredibus et assignatis suis de capital! domino feodi illius pro servicia debita et de jure consueta libere quiete bene et in pace imperpetuum. Et ego vero predictus Johannes Oky et heredes mei totam predictam dimidiam acram prati cum omnibus pertinenciis suis predicto Johanni filio Willi' de Glovere heredibus et assignatis suis, ut predictum 194 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. est in omnibus contra omnea gentes warantizabimas et in perpetuum defendemus. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti carte sigillum meum apposui Hiis testibus Joharme le Glovere, Thoma le Fyshere Will'o Geffrey Will' le Glovere, Eicardo Murk (?) de Croxhale, [ Jaded ] le Prestessone et aliis Datum apud Cattone die Lune in festo Exaltacionis Sancte cmcia Anno regni Eegis Edwardi tereii post Conquestmn vicesimo nono. HoRTON Deeds, No. XI. 6 Apr., 4G Ed. III., 1372. Pateat universis per presentes me Hugonem Kned capellanum fecisse ordinasse et loco meo constituiese dilectum michi in Cristo TV'iU'm de Hortone generalem attomatum meum ad deliberandum seisinam plenariam Alicie filio Eoberti de Twenbroke in uno Mesuagio et in una Salina in Norwico cum omnibus sms pertinenciiB prout forma et efectuB cujusdam carte per me prefate Alicie inde confecta plenius testatur Eatum et gratum habiturum quicquid predictus Will's nomine meo fecerit in premissis. In cujus rei testimonium presentibus sigillum meum apposui. Datum apud Nortbwicum die Martis proximo post festum sancti Ambrosii anno regni Eegis Edwardi tereii a conquestu quadragesimo sexto. HoETON Deeds, No. XII. 9 Feb., 1 Hen. IV. 1400. Sciant presentes et futuri quod Ego, Margeria Baylly, de Catton dedi concessi et hac present! carta mea coniirmavi Eadulplio de Hertesborne vicario ecclesie de Croxhale, et Johanni Pymme de Catton omnia messuagia, terras, tenementa redditus et serricia mea que babeo die confectionis presentis carte in Catton sen quovismodo habere potero, cum omnibus suia pertinentiis, excepto uno cottagio cum curtilagio vocato le Neweyerd in eadem viDa. Habenda et tenenda omnia predicta messuagia, terras, tenementa, redditus et servicia cum suis pertinentiis, excepto predioto cottagio cum curtilagio, predictis Eadulpho et Johanni Pymine, heredibus et assignatis suis, libere, quiete, bene, et in pace, de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per serricia inde debita et de jure consueta imperpetuum. Et Ego predicta Margeria et heredes mei omuia predicta messuagia, terras, tenementa, redditus et servicia cum pertinentiis suis, exceptis superius exceptis predicto Radulpho et Johanni, heredibus et assignatis suis, contra omnes warantizabimus imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti carte mee sigillum meum apposui Hiis testibus Willielmo de Curson, domino de Croxhale, Eicardo de Euggeley, seniore, Willielmo Geffrey de Catton, Eicardo Smyth de eadem, Johanne Prestessone de eadem et aliis Data apud Catton die Dominica proxima post festum purificationis beate Marie anno regni Regis Henrici quarti primo. This deed bears the seal of Stretton. HoKTON Deeds, No. XIII. 15 Feh., 1 Hen. IF., 1400. Sciant presentes et futuri quod nos Eadulphus de Hertesborne vicarius ecclesie de Croxhale et Johannes Pymme de Cattone dedimus concessimus et hac present! carta nostra indentata confirmavimus Margerie Baylly de Cattone ad terminum vite sue omnia Mesuagia terras et tenementa redditus et servicia nostra in Cattone que nuper habuimus ex dono et feoffamento predicte Margerie coujunctim cum suis pertiuenciis Habenda et tenenda omuia predicta Mesuagia terre tenementa redditus et servicia cum suis pertiuenciis predicte Margerie ad terminum vite sue libere quiete bene et in pace de capitaii domiuo feodi illius per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta bole Et post decessum predicte Margerie volumus [et conced] imus quod omnia predicta Mesuagia terre tenementa hole hoi* redditus et servicia cum omnibus suis pertinenciis Henrico Prust de Catt[one et Ma]tildi uxori ejus et Pieredibus] de corporibus eorum inter eos legitime procreatis remaneant imperpetuum Tenenda de capitaii domino libere quiete bene et in pace per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta ut supra. Et si contingat predictos Henricum Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 195 et MatildiBineheredibus de corporibus eorum inter eos legitime procreatis obire tunc post decessum eorundem Henrici etMatUdi volumus et concedimus quod omnia predicta Mesuagia redditus terre tenementa et servicia cum suis pertinenciis rectia heredibuB precUcte Margerie Baylly integre revertentur Tenenda de capitali domino ut supra. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti carte nostre indentate sigilla nostra apposuimus Hiis testibua WiU'o Cursone domino de Croxbale, WiU'o Gardiner de Waltone, WiU'o Gefferey de Cattone, Johanna PrestesBone de eadem, Johanne Prust de Alrewas et aliis. Data apud Cattone die dominica proxima post festum Sancti Valentini anno regui Regis Henrici quarti prime. This deed, hears two seals, on one the letter R, on t/te other a fleiir-de-lys. HoRTON Deeds, No. XIV. 31 July, 3 Hen. IV., 1402. Omnibus ad quos presens scriptum Alianora que fuit uxor Almarici de sancto Amando militis salutem in domino sempiteruam Sciatis me feoisse et per presens scriptum constituisse dilectos michi in Cbristo Jobannem Cherteseye Eicardum Parker et Jobannem Yoxbale attornatos meos conjunctim et divisim ad intrandum et seisiendum nomine meo Maneria de Seint Elene juxta Abyndone et Etone juxta Comenore et unum Mesuagium uuam Carucatam terre et decern libratas redditus in Cbiltone et Etone cum pertinenciis in Comitatu Berk. Et Maneria de Pudlicots et Childestone cum pertinenciis in Comitatu Oxonie. Et Maneria de Nethirhavene et Haklestone cum pertinenciis in Comitatu Wiltes'. Et Maneria de Southcerneye et Cemewyks cum pertinenciis in Comitatu Gloucestrie. Et Manerium de Cattone super Trentam cum pertinenciis in Comitatu Derbie que quidem Maneria terre et tenementa quidem Henrioua Ingepenne Will'mus Tuderley et Philippus Sbepicre in Cm-ia domini Eegis Henrici quarti post conquestum Anglie apud Westmonasterium in Crastino ascenciouis domini anno regni sui tercio coram Will'mo Thirnyuge et sociis suis Justiciariis ipsius domini Regis de Communi Banco per quandam finem inde ibidem levatam concesserunt et reddiderunt michi et predicto Almarico Habenda et tenenda tota vita ipsius Almarici et mei dicte Alianore prout in eodem fine plenius coutinetur. Ac eadem Maneria terre et tenementa in manu mea per aliquem eorum sic seisita ad expensas et proficuum meum quamdiu michi placuerit tenere et possidere ratum et gratum habitumm quicquid iidem Johannes Ricardus et Johannes vel aliquia eorum feoerint vel fecerit in premissis. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti scripto sigillum meum apposui Datum ultimo die Julii Anno regni predicti domini Regis tercio supradicto. Endorsed. Litera Attornatis per Alianoram de Catton. This deed hears the seal of St. A viand. HoKTON Deeds, No. XV. 22 March, 6 Hen. IV., 1405. Sciant presentes et futnri quod Ego Stephanus Gardiner de Walton super Trent dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Johanni de Ffyndern heredibus et assignatis suis omnia terras et tenementa redditus et servicia cum suis pertinentiis in Walton super Trent que Johannes Alius Johannis Dunston de Walton dedit Thome Waleys et heredibus suis, una acra et dimidia quas dedi Johanni Eeynald tantomodo exceptis Habenda et tenenda omnia predicta terras et tenementa prefato Johanni de Ffyndern heredibus et assignatis suis exceptis preexceptis de capitalibus Dominis feodi illius per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta imperpetuum. Et Ego vero predictus Stephanus et heredes mei omnia predicta terras et tenementa prefato Johanni de ffyndern heredibus et assignatis suis exceptis preexceptis contra omnes gentes warantizabimus et imperpetuum defendemus. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti scripto sigillum meum apposui Hiis testibus Willielmo Boghhey rectore ecclesie de Walton, Johanne de Yoxbale, Willielmo Ampe de Walton, Johanne Reynald, Rogero Normanton et aliis Datum apud Walton super Trent die Dominica proxima ante festum Annunciacionis beate Marie Virginis anno regni Regis Henrici quarti post Conquestum sexto. 196 Historical Sketch of the Pai'ish of Croxall. HoRTON Deeds, No. XVI. 26 Mar., 6 Hen. IV., 1405. Noverint universi per presentes nos Johannem Prustessone de Cattone et Matildem uxorem meam, remisse relaxasse et omnino pro nobis et heredibus nostris imperpetuam quietum clamasse Johanni Hagge de Cattone et Matildi uxori sue, heredibus et assignatis predicti Johaunis totum jus nostrum et clameum quod habemus seu alter nostrum habet in una parcella teixe in Cattone vocata le Orchard prout certis metis et bundis dividitur cum suis pertinenciis Ita quod nos predicti Johannes Prustessone et MatUdis uxor mea, nee heredes nostri, nee aliquis alius nomine uostro seu jui'e nostro aliquod jus vel clameum in predicta parcella terre cum [sic] snis pertinenciis de cetero exigere seu Tendicare poterimus set per presentes inde scimus exclusi imperpetunm In cujns rei testimonium huic presenti scripto sigiUa nostra apposuimus. Hiis testibus Johanne Pymme de Cattone, Henrico Prust de eadem, Thoma Nikes de eadem et aliis Datum apud Cattone predictam die Jovis proxima post festum Annunciacionis beate Marie anno regni Regis Henrici quarti post conquestum Anglie sexto. This dted bears two seals, one the letter I crouned, and the other the letter E. HoETON Deeds, No. XYIL 30 ilar., 6 Hen. IV., 1405. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Johannes Prustessone de Cattone dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Johanni Hugge de Cattone predicta et Matildi uxori sue unam parceUam terre in villa predicta jacentem inter tenementum Johannis Prustessone ex una et tenementum Thome Kikes ex parte altera et extendit se in longetudine juxta altam viam prout certis metis et bundis dividitur Habendam et tenendam predictam parcellam terre vocatam le Orchard cum omnibus pertinenciis predicte Johanni Hugge et Matildi uxori sue heredibus et assignatis predicti Johannis Hugge de capital! domino feodi iUins per servicia inde prius debita et de jure consueta libere quiete bene et in pace impei-petuum. Et ego vero predietus Johannes Prustessone et heredes mei predictam parcellam terre vocatam le Orcharde prout certis metis dividitur ut supra predictis Johanni Hugfre et Matildi uxori sue heredibus et assignatis ipsius Johannis contra omnes gentes warantizabimus et defendemus imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti carte sigiUum meum apposui. Hiis testibus Thoma Nikes de Cattone, Johanne Pymme de eadem, Johanne Hopkynsone de eadem, Henrico Prust de eadem, Thoma Helot de eadem et aliis Data apud Cattone predicta die lune proxima post festum Annunciacionis beate Marie anno regni Regis Henrici quarti post conquestum AngUe sexto. This deed bears a seal on which is the letter I crowned. HoETON Deeds, No. XVIII. 4 May, 6 Ben. IV., 1405. Hec indentura facta inter Johannem Prustessone de Cattone ex parte una et Johannem Hugge et Matildem uxorem ejus ex parte altera testatur habent et tenent unam parcellam terre in Cattone vocatam le Orchard eis heredibus et assignatibus ipsius Johannis Hugge Tenendam de capital! domino feodi illius per servicia prius debita ac de jure consueta imperpetuum Xicholominus predietus Johannes Prustessone vult et conceditpro se heredibus Beu assignatis suis tenementum suum in quo manet tenementum quod predictis Johanne Hugge et Matildi uxori ejus et heredibus predicti Johannis Hugge solvent anuuatim pro predicta placea terre vocata le Ordiarde octo denarios bone monete ad terminos sancti Michaelis et Pasche equis porcionibus ad capitale tenementum sustentacione ? Johannis Prustessone in quo nunc manet in sust. septem solidos et sex denarios quos predietus Johannes Prustessone et heredes sui solvent annuatim capital! domino feodi illius pro predicto tenemento Pro quibus vero octo denariis sic annuatim solvendis predicti Johannes Prustessone et heredes sui predictis Johanni Hugge et Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 197 Matndi uxori predioti Johannis warautizabunt indempnes versus capitalem domiuum feodi et alios quos cunque aUquod annuale servicium pro prediota parcella terre exigentes et'adhoo''fideUter perimpleudum obUgat totum teuementum suum in quo manet in quoscunque manus devenerit. Et predictus Johannes Prustessone concessit predictis Johauni Hugge et Matildi uxori sue beredibus et assignatis ipsius Jobannis quod ipsi babeant et percipiant imperpetuum aquam in quodam puteo in superiori parte unius parceUe terre vocata le Orcbard ad omnia necessaria sua facienda cum libero ingressu et egressu ad eundem sine perturbacione seu impedimeuto predicti Johannis Prustessone seu beredum suorum knperpetuum In cujus rei testimonium presenti indenture partes predicte alternatim sigilla sua apposuerunt Hiis testibus Henrico Pruste de Cattone, Jobanne Pymme de eadem, Thoma Nikes de eadem et aliis. Data apud Catton epredictam die Lune proximo post festum luveucionis Sancte Crucis anno regni Begis Henrici quarti post conquestum Anglie sexto. Tliii indenture btars a seal with the letter I crowned upon it. HoETON Deeds, No. XIX. 12 Jult/, 6 Hen. IV., 1405. Noverint uuiversi per preseutes nos Tbomam Peyure Galfridum Ingepenne, Henrioum Duruforde clericum et Edmundum Daunvers remisisse relaxasse et omnino pro nobis et heredibus nostris quietum clamasse Alianore quondam uxori Almarici de Sancto Amando militis totum jus nostram quod babuimus babemus seu aliquo modo habere poterimus in Manerio de Cattone super Trentam cum pertiuenciis in Comitatu Derbeie Ita quod nee nos predicti Thomas, Galfridus Henricus et Edmundus nee heredes nostri aUquod jus seu clameum in predicto Manerio de Cattone cum pertinenciis in Comitatu Derebie exigere seu vendicare poterimus imperpetuum set per presentes simus totaliter exclusi In cujus rei testimonium presentibus sigilla nostra apposuimus Hiis testibus Jobanne Hyde, Thoma Abburbury, Jobanne Coterone Will'mo Coventre WiU'mo Dancastre et aliis Data apud Wydebay duodecimo die JuUii anno regni Regis Henrici quarti post conquestum sexto. Endorsed. Quieta clamacio de terra in Cattone. This deed bears 4 seals, l.it a chevron on a shield is all that is legible, %id a grij^n, Zi'd a vwnogram, ith the letters I H C. HoKTON Deeds, No. XX. 30 July, 6 Hen. IV., 1405. Noverint universi per presentes me Alianoram que fuit uxor Almarici de Sancto Amando militis constituisse et loco meo posuisse dilectos micbi in Cbristo Will'm Stokes et Eogerum de !a Bache conjunctim et divisim ad deliberandum seisinam nomine meo Eogero Hortone et heredibus suis de Manerio de Cattone super Trentam in Comitatu Derbie cum pertinenciis secundum formam vim et effectum cuiusdam carte mea indentate per me prefatam Alianoram inde confecte ratum et gratum babiturum quicquid iidem WiU'us et Bogerus seu alter eonim nomine meo fecerit vel fecerint in premissis In cuius rei testimonium presentibus sigiUum meum apposui Data apud Cattone die Jovis proxima post festum Sancti Jacobi ApostoU anno regni Begis Henrici quarti sexto. This deed bears the seal of St. Aviand, given in Appendix. HoETON Deeds, No. XXI. St. Thomas the Martyr, 3 July, 9 Hen. IV., 1408. Noverint universi per presentes nos Johannem de Cumberford, Johannam uxorem meam, Rogeram Belzetter et Aliciam uxorem meam (sic) attornasse et in loco uostro posuisse dilectum nobis in Cbristo Johaanem Uagatborp ad liberandum in nomine nostro Roberto Usgathorp plenariam seisinam de uuo messuagio in Catton 198 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. sicut includitnr cum vinariso et fossatis cum columbario simul cum omnibus terris et tenementis pratis pascuis pasturis cum omnibus libertatibus et piscariis in aejua et cum omnibus pertinentiis eidem messnagio adjaceutibus secundum tenorem vim et effectum cujusdam carte feoSamenti eidem Roberto per nos dictos Hogerum et Aliciam iude confecte Ratum et gratimi habituri qnicquid predictus attornatus noster fecerit seu duxerit faciendum nomine nostro in premissis. In cujus rei testimonium preseutibus sigilla nostra apposuimus Data apud Lichefeld in festo Translacionis Sancti Thome Martyris anno regni Regis Hem-ici quarti post Conquestum nono. This deed bears four seals all illegible except one which bears the letters I H C. HoKTON Deeds, No. XXII. 7 March, 10 Ben. IV., 1409. Noverint universi per presentes me Eogerum de Horton ordinasse posuisse et in loco meo confirmasse dilectos mihi in Christo Henricum Prust et Thomam Nye meos fideles attornatos ad deliberandum pro me et in nomine meo seisinam plenam et pacificam WiUielmo filio Eogeri Starky de Northwico Johauni Starky filio ejusdem Willielmi, Galfrido filio Johannis de Masty de Wyncham, Tliome le Brette, Johanni de WjTiyuton de Northwico, Johanni de Hokenhull de HokeuhuU, Bogero le Cartwryght capeUano, David del Hule et Eicardo teuementum in manerio meo de Cattou in Comitatu Derbeye cum pertinentiis secundum vym (sic, vim) formam et effectum cujusdam carte mee predictis WiUielmo, Johanni filio WiUielmi, Galfrido, Thome, Johanni de Wynyntou, Johanni de HokeuhuU, Kogero le cartwryght, David et Ricardo inde coufecte. Katum et gratum habentes et habituri quicquid predicti Henricus et Thomas Nye attoruati mei feceriut in premissis. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti Utere attornatorie sigiUum meum apposui. Data septimo die mensis Marcu anno regni Regis Henrici quarti post Conquestum decimo This deed bears the seal of Sort on, given in Appendix. Horton Deeds, No. XXIII. 2 November, 14 Sen. IV.. 1412. Noverint imiversi per presentes me Eicardum de Stanop mihtem attornasse et in loco meo posuisse dilectos michi in Chi'isto Johannem Theresby et Ricardum Tonne? conjuuctim et divisim meos fideles attomatos ad deliberandum pro me et in nomine meo Rogero Horton et WiUielmo filio ejusdem Rogeri plenam et pacificam seisinam in omnibus terris et tenementis meis redditibus et serviciis cum suis pertinentiis in AVarton in Comitatu Wai'wic et in WUUelmo Geffray nativo meo cum tota sequela sua procreata et procreanda secundum vim formam et effectum cujusdam carte mee predictis Rogero et WiUielmo filio suo et heredibus et assignatis ipsius Eogeri inde facte ratum et gratium tenentem et habitm-um quicquid predicti attomati mei vel alter eorum fecerit in premissis. In cujus rei testimonium presentibus sigiUum meum apposui Data secundo die mensis Novembris anno regni Regis Henrici quarti post Conquestum AngUe quarto decimo. Dies Uberacionis seissine apud Wartou dies Veneris proxima post festum Sancti Nicholai Episcopi. This deed bears the seal of Ulanhope, given in Appendix. Horton Deeds, No. XXIV. 2 Nov., 14 Hen IV., 1412. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Eicardus de Stanope mUes dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Eogero Hortone et WiU'o filio ejusdem Eogeri omnia terras et tenementa mea redditus et servicia cum suis pertinenoiis in Wartone in Comitatu Warr' simul cum redditu et servicio Roberti Overton, dedi eciam et concessi et hac present! carta mea confirmavi eisdem Eogero et WiU'o, WiU'm Geffray nativum meum cum tota sequela sua procreata et procreanda Habcuda et tenenda omnia predicta terre et tenementa Historical Sketcli of the Parish of Croxall. 199 redditus et eervicia cum suis pertinenciis simul et nativum predictum cum tota sequela sua predicta predictis Rogero et "Will'o filio suo heredibus et assignatis ipsius Eogeri de capitalilius dominis feodi per servicia inde debita et de jure conaueta Et ego vero predictus Ricardus et heredes mei omuia predicta terra et tenementa redditus et servicia cum suis pertinenciis simul et nativum predictum cum tota sequela sua predicta predictis Eogero et Will'o filio ejusdem Rogeri heredibus et assignatis ipsius Eogeri contra omnes gentes 'warantisabimus et imperpetuum def endemus In cujus rei testimonium huic present! carte mee sigillum meum apposui Hiis testibus Thoma de Gresley, Roberto Fraunceys, Jobaune Eokeyn militibus, Thoma Gruffyth, WiU'o Cursun et multis aliis Datum apud Wartone predictum secundo die mensis Novembris anno regni Regis Henrioi quarti post conquestum AngUe quartodecimo. HoBTON Deeds, No. XXV. 30 'Nov., 14 Ben. IV., 1412. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Radulfus Herteshoru vicarius ecclesie de Croshale dedi coucessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Johanni Shepherde de Cattone et Cecilie uxori ejus uuum mesuagium cum edificiis superedificatis in Cattone jacens inter mesuagium Thome Nyke ex una parte et le more eude ex altera parte cum orto eidem adjacente unum croftum vocatum Shortcroft et unam dimidiam virgatam terre et tres rodatas prati in upmore medwe cum pertinenciis que nuper habui inter alia terras et tenementa ex dono et feoffameuto Willi' filii Willi' Fyssher in Cattone Habenda et tenenda omnia predicta terre et tenementa cum pertinenciis predictis Johanni et Cecilie et heredibus ipsius Cecihe de capitalibus dominis feodi ilUus per servicia inde debita et de jure cousueta In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti carte mee sigillum meum apposui Hiis testibus Johanna Hopkinsone Henrico Preste, Thoma Nyke Johanne Whytinge Johaune Hugge et aliis Datum apud Cattone in festo Sancti Andree Apostoli anno regui Regis Heurici quarti post Conquestum Auglie quartodecimo. HoETON Deeds, No. XXVI. 29 Sep., 1 Hen. V., 1413. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Radulfus Herteshorne vicarius ecclesie de Croxhale dedi coucessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Rogero Hortone domino de Cattone unam virgatam terre unum croftum vocatum longhayrowe et unam acram prati cum pertinenciis in Cattone que nuper habui ex dono et feoffamenti WilU' filu Willi' Fysher de eadem villa inter alia terras et tenementa Habenda et tenenda omnia predicta terra et tenementa predicto Rogero heredibus et assignatis suis imperpetuum de capitalibus dominis feodi UUus par servicia inde debita et de jure consueta. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti cartec mee sigillum meum apposui Hiis testibus Johanne Hopkynsone Henrico Preste Thoma Nyke Johanna Why tynge Johanne Hugge et aliis Datum in festo Sancti Michaelis Archaugeli anno regui Regis Henrioi quinto post Conquestum Anglie primo. Endorsed Carta de tenementia que fuerunt WilU' Fissher in Cattone. This deed bears a seal with the letter R upon it. HoETON Deeds, No. XXVII. April 8, 4 Hen. V., 1416. Sciant presentes at futuri quod ego Johannes de Finderue dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Rogero Hortone omnia terras et tenementa mea redditus et servicia cum suis pertinenciis in viUis de Waltone super Trentam et Cattona simul cum boscis pratis pascuis pasturis piscariis moris marisois molendinis aquis stagnis gurgitibus viis semitis homagiis et serviciis tam libarorum quam nativorum wardis maritagiis releviis escaetis ac omnibus et singulis pertinenciis suis Habenda et tenenda omnia predicta terras 30 200 Historical Skclcli of the Parish of Croxall. et tenementa redditus et serv-icia ac omnia et singula predicta cum suis pertinenciis nniversis predicto Hogero [written tmisl heredibus et assignatis suis imperpetuum de capitaJibus domiuis feodorum illorum per seiTicia iude debita et de jure cousueta Et ego vero predictus Johannes et heredes mei omnia predicta terras et tenementa redditus ac servicia ac omnia et singula premissa cum omnibus suis pertinenciis et proficiis ubicumque spectantibus predicto Rogero heredibus et assiguatis suis contra omnes gentes warrantizabimus acquietabimus et defendemus imperpetuum In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti carte mee sigillum meum apposui Hiis testibus Thonia de Gresley milite, Thoma Gruffytbe, Eicardo Vernon de Horlastoue, Thoma Stanley, et Willo' Cursun scutiferis et multis aliis Datum apud Waltone predictam octavo die Aprilis anno regni Regis Heurici quinti post Conquestum Anglie quarto. Endorsed Carta J. Fynderne 4t Henry 5t. HoRTON Deeds, No. XXYIII. 10 Apr. 4 Ihn. V., 141G. Nouerint universi per presentes me Johaunem de Fynderne remississe relaxasse et omniiio pro me et heredibus meis imperpetuum quietum clamasse Rogero Hortone heredibus et assignatis suis totum jus meum et clameum quod habui habeo sen quovismodo habere potero in omnibus terris et tenemeutis redditibus et serviciis simul cvmi boscis pratis pascuis pasturis piscariis moris mariscis molendinis aquis staguis gm-gitibus viis semitis homagiis et serviciis tam liberorum tenencium quam nati-vorum wardis maritagiis releviis escaetis ac omnibus et singulis pertinenciis suis que idem Eogerus habet de done et feoffamento mei predicti Johannis in Waltone super Trentam et Cattone Ita Tero quod nee ego predictus Johannes nee heredes mei nee aliquis alius in nomine seu jure nostro aliquid jus vel clameum in predictis terris et tenementis redditibus et serviciis cum pertinenciis nee in premissis aliquibus cum pertinenciis nee in aliqua parcella eonindem de cetero exigere vel vendicare poterimus set per presentes simus exclusi imperpetuum Et ego vero predictus Johannes et heredes mei omnia predicta terras et tenementa redditus et servicia ac omnia et singula premissa cum omnibus suis pertinenciis predicto Rogero heredibus et assignatis suis contra omnes geutes warantizabimus imperpetuum In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti relaxacioni sigillum meum apposui Hiis testibus Thoma de Gresley milite Thoma Gruffyth, Eicardo Veruone de Horlaston, Thoma Stanley, Will'o Cursun scutiferis et multis aHis Data apud Waltone predictam decimo die Aprilis anno regni Regis Henrici quinti post Conquestum Anglie quarto. Endorsed. Eelaxacio terre Johanis Fynderne. This deed bears a seal on ivliich is a chevron engrailed between 3 cross crosslets. HoRTON Deeds, No. XXIX. 12 Apr., 4 Hen. V., 1417. Presens indentura testatur quod cum Johannes de Fynderne dederit et concesserit Rogero Hortone heredibus et assignatis suis quendnm annualem redditum decern marcarum habendum et percipiendum annualim de omnibus terris et tenementis suis redditibus et serviciis cum pertinenciis infra Comitatum Derbey ad festum Nativitatis sancti Johannis Baptiste prout in quodam scripto annualis redditus predicto Rogero heredibus et assignatis suis inde confecto plenius continetur predictus tamen Eogerus vult et concedit per presentes pro se heredibus et assignatis suis quod si ipse Eogerus nee heredes nee assignati sui non implaciteutur nee inquietentur de omnibus terris et tenementis redditibus et servicUs cum pei-tinenciis que idem Eogerus nunc habet de dono et feofamento predicti Johannis in villis de Waltone super Trentam et Cattone nee de aliqua parcella eoruudem per predictum Johannem heredes nee assignatos suos nee per Johannam uxorem predicte Johannis rations dotis sue, nee per aliquem alium eorum nomine vel jure nee per aliquem alium ratione ahcuius juris vel tituli ante datam presencium habiti Ita quod predicta terra et tenementa redditus et servicia cum pertinenciis nee aliqua parcella eorundem versus predictum Rogerum heredes nee assignatos suos per judicium in curia dcanini Regis redditum nee aliquo alio modo racione alicujus juris vel tituli ante datam presencium habiti non Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 20 £ recuperentur et ulterius si predictus Johannei5 et heredes sui conservent predictum Rogerem heredes et assignatos suos indempnes versus quoseunque quod nou implacitentur nee graTentur de predictis terns et tenementis redditibus et serviciis cum pertinenciis in Waltone et Cattoue nee de aliqua parcella eorundem raeione alicujus annuitatis de predictis terris et tenementis cum pertinenciis concesse nee raeione alicujus statuti mercatoruni Btapule vel recoguicionis ante datam presencium facte quod tunc predictum soviptum annuaUs redditus decern marcai-um omni suo robore careat et effeotum Bt si predicti RogeruB heredes vel assignati sui de predictis terris et tenementis cum pertinenciis vel de aliqua parcella eorundem implacitentur et versus ipsos vel aliquem ipsorum recuperentur aliqua raeione ut aupradictum est quod extuno dictum scriptum annualis redditus decern marcarum in suis permaneat robore et effectu In ciuus rei testimonium hiia indentaris partes predicte sigilla sua alternatim apposuerunt Data duodecimo die Aprilis anno regni Regis Henrici quinti post conquestum Anglie quarto. This indenture bears a seal on which is a chevron between 3 cross crosslets, and a motto, of which "summum honuvi " is all that is legible. HoETON Deeds, No. XXX. Easter Day, 23 April, 2 Hen. YI., 1424. Noverint universi per presentes me Thomam GrifBthe armigerum remississe relaxasse et omnino pro me heredibus et assignatis meis imperpetuum quietum clamasse Will'o Cheyne justiciario Thome Henster Rogero fartwrighte Ricardo Toune David Huls et Edmuudo Starky heredibus et assignatis suis totum jus meum et clameum quod habeo habui vel aliquo modo habere potero in omnibus terris et tenementis redditibus et serviciis cum suis pertinenciis in Waltone super Trent et Catton in Comitatu Derbie que iidem Will'mus Thomas Rogerus Ricardus David et Edmundus habent de done et feoffamento Rogeri Horton Ita vero quod nee ego predictus Thomas GrifBthe nee heredes mei nee aliquis alius nomine sen jure nostro aliquid jus vel clameum in predictis terris seu tenementis redditibus et serviciis cum pertinenciis de cetero exigere vel vendicare poterimus set per presentes simua exclusi impei-petuum. In cuius rei testimonium presentibus sigillum meum apposui Hiis testibus Thoma de Gresley milite, Tboma Stanley, Hugone Erdeswyke, armigero, et aliis Datum apud Whychenore in festo Pasche anno regni Regis Henrici sexti post conquestum AngUe secundo. Endorsed. Relaxacio Thome Gryffythe. This deed bears a seal with these arms, a fess lozengy between 3 eagles displayed, which St. Amand quarters. Given in Appendix. Horton Deeds, No. XXXI. 22 July, 3 Sen. VL, 1425. Omnibus Cristi fidelibus hoc presens scriptum visuris vel audituris Ego Thomas Griffythe armiger salutem in domino sempiternam cum pium et meritorium sit testimonium perhibere veritati vobis omnibus et singulis caritatis intuitu notifico quod cum Johannes de Fynderne de omnibus terris et tenementis suis redditibus et serviciis cum pertinenciis in Walton super Trent et Cattone me et alios iam defunctos feoffaverit habendis nobis et heredibus nostris imperpetuum causa fiducie ad faciendam inde voluntatem eiusdem Johannis Et postea requisicione michi et cofeoffatia meis predictis per ipsum Johannem ad se de eisdem terris et tenementis cum pertinenciis refeoffandis vel relaxacionem eidem de eisdem faciendam facta. Et de negacione per me et cofeoffatos predictos causa discordie inter nos et predictum Johannem prehabita ei inde facta, idem Johannes in predictis terris et tenementis reintravit et inde feoffavit Rogerum Horton Habendum sibi et heredibus suis imperpetuum Et postmodum ego predictus Thomas requisitione michi per predictum Johannem specialiter prehibita ut eidem Rogero totum jus et clameum quod habui in predictis terris et tenementis cum pertinenciis relaxarem, Will'o Cheyne juaticiario Thome Henatere Rogero Cartwryght David Huls Ricardo Toune et Edmundo Starky de predictis terris et tenementis cum pertinenciis per predictum Rogerum Horton feoffatis 202 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. totnm jas mem et clameum quod habm habeo sea quovismodo habere potero in predictis terris et tenementia cum pertiiienciis habendis sibi et heredibns suis imperpetuam post mortem predietomm cofeoffatonun meorum remisi et relaxavi imperpetuum prout per scriptnm meum relasacionis eis inde fact« plane liquet. In cnjus rei testimonium presentibus sigillum meum apposui Data in festo Sancte Marie Magdalene anno regni Eegis Henrici sexti post Conqnestimi Anglie tercio. Endorsed Littere testimoniales Thome Gryffithe. This deed bears a seal, upon it the arms of Griffi/th. Given in Appendix. HoRTON Deeds, No. XXXII. 18 Aug., 7 ffen. I'/., 1429. Noverint umyersi per presentes me Johannem Spencer filimn Rieardi Spencer de Burtone super Trent remississe relaxasse et omnino pro me et heredibus meis imperpetuum quietum clamasse Will'o Hortone armigero filio et heredi Eogeri Hortone totum jus meum et clameum quod habeo habui sen aliquo mode in futiiro habere potero in omnibus illis Mesuagus terris tenementis et pratis cum suis pertinenciis in villis de AValtone super Trent Cattone et Borowe in Comitatu Derbie que nuper fuerunt predicti Eogeri Hortone ac eciam in omnibus aliis Mesuagiis terris tenementis et pratis cum suis pertinenciis in viUis predictis que nuper fuerunt Eicardi TaiUour et Agnetis uxoris ejus jam defuncte Ita quod nee ego predictus Johannes Spencer nee heredes mei nee aliquis alius nomine nostro aliquod jus vel clameum in predictis Mesuagiis terris tenementis et pratis cum suis pertinenciis in vilhs predictis de cetero exigere vel vendicare poterimus iu future. Set ab omni accione Bumus exclusi imperpetuum per presentes. Et ego Tero predictus Johannes Spencer et heredes mei omnia predicta mesuagia terras tenementa vel prata cum suis pertinenciis ia viUis predictis prefato Will'o Hortone heredibus et assignatis suis contra omnes gentes warantizabhnus, et imperpetuum defendemus. In cujna rei testimonium huic presenti scripto meo sigillum meum apposui. Hiis testibus Thoma Stanley armigero, Eicardo Broune de Eepyngtone, GUberto Ives de eadem, WiU'o Patrik de Walton, Boberto Clerk de eadem et multis aliis Data apud 'Waltone predictam die Jovis proximo post festum Assumpcionis beate Marie virginis Anno regni Eegis Henrici sexti post conquestum Anglie septimo. HoKTON Deeds, Xo. XXXIII. Sat. 25 Apr., 22 Hen. 17., 1444. Sciant presentes et futuri quod Ego WiU'mus Fyssher de Cattone dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Eicardo Hugge unum Mesuagium tres acras et unam rodam terre arrabUis et dimidiam acram prati et tres denarios annul redditus cum pertinenciis in Cattone videlicet ad percipienaeum de Johanne Hugge et heredibus suis ad diem Pasche quod quidem mesuagium jacet inter Mesuagium Henrici Ampe et altam viam et croftiun continet dimidiam acram jacet inter croftum Henrici Ampe et Mesuagium Johannis Hugge et una roda jacet super SUuresmedowe furlong inter terram Bicardi Gubbe et terram Johannis Preste et una roda jacet in le Holme inter terram Henrici Ampe et terram heredum Eicardi Gubbe et dimidia acra jacet super Broke- furlong inter terram Henrici Ampe et terram heredum Koberti Smythe et dimidia acra jacet super Coekeshete- hulle inter terram heredum Rieardi Gubbe et terram heredum Roberti Fyssher et una roda jacet apud le Gotacre inter terram Henrici Ampe et terram heredum Eicardi Gubbe et due butte simul jacent apud Fernysende inter (sic) [sic] terram Johannis Hugge et terram Prions de Reptone et terram heredum una roda jacet super Ruyland inter terram Prions de Reptone et terram heredum Eicardi Gubbe et dimidia roda jacet super Sendium acras inter tenam heredum Johannis Glover et terram Henrici Ampe et dimidia acra prati jacet in le Brodemedowe inter pratum Henrici Ampe et pratum heredum Nicholai piscatoris Tenenda et habenda predietum Mesuagium terram pratum et redditum de capitalibus dominis feodi illius predicto Eicardo Hugge heredibus et assignatis suis libere quiete bene et in pace imperpetuum. Et ego vero predictus Will'mus et heredes mei predietum Mesuagium tres acras unam rodam terre arrabilis dimidiam acram prati et tres denarios argeuti annul redditus cum pertinenciis sicut predietum est predicto Eicardo heredibus et assignatis suis contra omnes gentes warantizabus et defendemus. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti carte mee sigillum meum apposui Hiis testibus Will'mus Yrpe, Johanne Preste, Johanne Whythynge, Johanne Smythe, Eicardo Nycke et aliis Datum apud Cattone die Sabbati proximo post festum Sancti Georgii anno regni Regis Henrici sexti post conquestum Anglie vicesimo secuudo. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 203 HoRTON Deeds, No. XXXIV. 23 Sept., 24 B.en. F/., 1445. Hec indentura facta inter Wiil'm Hortone armigerum ex una parte Gooldyssone Henriuum Botelere et Henricum Stoneley ex a[Uera parte] Testatui- quod predictu3 Will'mus Hortone veudidit tradidit et concessit prefato Roberto Henrico Botelere et Henrico Stoneley duo Maresca [ torn off ] jacentia infra campum de plumtonuys in parochia de Kynnysbury videlicet boscum et subboacum super ea orescentes. Et predict! Robertus Henricus Bo[telere] et Henricus Stoneley solvent sive eolvere facient prenominato WUl'o Hortone horedibus sive assignatis suis ad festum Pentecostes proximum futurum po[st] datum presencium triginta tres soUdos et quatuor denarios et ad festum Pasche proximum post hoc sequens triginta tres solidos et quatuo[r] deuarios per equales porciones. Et antedictus Will'mus concessit prefatis Roberto Henrico et Henrico ad vendeuda deliberanda et disponenda predicta bosca et subbosca spacium deliberacionis [hole diejrum et plenarie completorum post datum hujus indenture. Et prefati Robertus Henricus et Henricus sustentabunt et manutenebunt [hole die] ura dicta duo Maresca. Et decime et omnia alia onera super eos onerabuntur. Et Ego predictus Will's heredes et executores mei warantizabimus difteudemus et acquietabimus dicta duo Maresca predictis Roberto Henrico et Henrico durante termino predicto in forma supradicta. In cujus rei testimonium presentibus sigilla nostra alternatim appoauimus Dat. in festo Sancti Mathee Appoetoli anno regni Regis Henrici Sexti post conquestum Anglie vicesimo quarto. HoETON Deeds, No. XXXV. 16 Mar., 35 Hen. VI., 1457. Sciant presentes et futnri quod Ego Margareta relicta Henrici Ampe de Cattone in Comitatu Derbei in pura viduitate mea dedi concesai et hac present! carta mea tripartita indeutata confii-mavi Will'o Ampe filio meo omnia terras et tenementa mea redditus et servicia que habeo jure hereditario post mortem Aguetis Geffrey matris mee infra dominium et tentorium de Cattone predicta Habenda et teneuda omnia predicta terras et tenementa redditus et servicia cum omnibus suis pertinenciis predicto Will'o filii meo et heredibua suis masculis de corpore suo legitime procreatis de capital! domino feodi illius per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta imperpetuum. Et si contingat predictum Wiil'm filium meum sine herede masculo de coi-pore suo legitime procreate obire tunc velo et per presentes concedo quod omnia predicta terre et tenementa redditus et servicia cum omnibua suis pertinenciis integre remaneaut Johanui Pant de Yoxhale conjugal! ? meo Habenda et tenenda sib! et heredibus de corpore suo legitime procreatis de capital! domino feed! illius per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta imperpetuum. Et s! contingat dictum Johannem sine herede de corpore suo legitime procreato omitted [obire] tunc volo et per presentes concedo quod omnia predicta terre et tenementa redditus et servicia cum omnibus suis pertinenciis integre remaneant Henrico Vernone armigero fiUo Will'! Vernone de Harlastone mDitis Habenda et tenenda sib! et heredibus de corpore suo legitime exeuntibus de capitaU domino feodi illius per servicia inde debita et de jm-e consueta imperpetuum. Et si contingat predictum Henricum sine herede de corpore suo legitime exeunte obire tunc volo et per presentes concedo quod omnia predicte terre et tenementa redditus et servicia cum omnibus suis pertinenciis integre revertant et remaneant predicto Will'o Ampe et heredibus de corpore suo legitime exeuntibus. Et pro defectu heredum de corpore Will'i Ampe exeunte ego prefata Margareta volo et per presentes concedo quod omnia predicta terra et tenementa redditus et servicia cum omnibus suis pertinenciis integre remaneant excelentissimo principi et domino Henrico dei gracia Regi Anglie et Francie et domino Hibernie post conquestum sexto et heredibus eius imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti carte mee tripartite indentate sigilum meum apposui Hiis testibus Will'o Vernone milite, Thoma Stanley armigero Johanne Fraunceys de ALrewas et multis aUis Data apud Cattone predicta sexto decimo die mensis Marcii anno regni Regis Henrici supradicti post conquestum tricesimo quinto. 204 Historical Sketch of the Parisli of Croxall. HoRTON Deeds, No. XXXVL 2 Feb., 1 Edw. IV., 1461. Sciaut presentes et futnri quod Ego Johannes Hugge dedi concessi et hac present! carta mea confirmavi Kicardo Hugge filio meo et Margarete uxori mee unam parcellam terre in Cattone jacentem inter terram Hicardi Nikes et Henrici Irpe in latitudine et extendit se in longitudine juxta altam viam prout certis metis et buudis dividitur Habeudam et teuendam predictam parcellam terre vocatam Orcharde cum omnibus suis pertinenciis predictis Eicardo Hugge et Margarete, heredibus et assignatis dicti Ricardi Hugge de capitali domino feodi illius per sei"vicia inde debita et de jure cousueta imperpetuum. Et Ego vero predictus Johannes Hugge et heredes mei predictam parcellam terre cum omnibus suis pertinenciis prefatis Ricardo Hugge et Margarete heredibus et assignatis dicti Ricardi Hugge contra omnes gentes warantizabimus et imperpetuum defendemus per presentes. In cujus rei testimonium presentibus sigillum menm apposui Hiis tastibus Johanne Smyth, Rogero Lee, Henrico Wbythynge et aliis Data apud Cattone in festo Purificacionis beate Marie virginis anno regni Regis Edwardi quarti post conqnestum primo. HoRTON Deeds, No. XXXVII. 2 July, 8 Ed. IV., 1468. This bill endented tripertied and made the second day of July in the yere of the regne of kynge Edward the forthe the viij"" yere witeneseth that William [ hole ] nd Edmund Sterky of Strettone uppone Dunnesmore have delyured to Dan William Brenstone abbot of Burton uppon Trente and to the covent of the same place a ly[tejlle cofur ensealed undur the seales of the said William and Edmund with V paces of evejdences concemyng to the Maner of Cattone within the Counti of Derbe epon condicions foloynge that is to witt that the said abbot and covent shall delyver the said cofur with the said evidences to the said William and Edmund or to theyre heires or sufficient assignes at suche tymes as they shall requyre the delyveraunce for the defence snerte or recovere of the said Maner or of any parceUe thereof. Endorsed. Indentura pro quinque peciis evidencium de terra in Cattone. — Cattone. HoRTON Deeds, No. XXXVin. 23 Oct., i Ben. VII., 1488. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Henricus Irpe de Cattone dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Rogero Hortone de eadem unum Mesuagium cittuatum in Cattone predicta cum suis pertinenciis videlicet cum uno crofto eidem Mesuagio contigue adjacente una dimidia virgata terre arrabilis in eadem villa et uno Crofto ibidem vocato Baconscrofte necnon una parceUa prati ibidem jacente in Sheldemedowe eidem Mesuagio pertinentibus Habenda et Tenenda predictum Mesuagium cum crofto terra arrabile et prato predictis cum suis pertinenciis prefato Rogero heredibus et assignatis suis imperpetuum de capitaUbus dominis feodi illius per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta sub forma et condicionibus subsequentibus videUcet — Ego predictus Henricus solvam vel solvi faciam vel executores mei solvant vel solvi faciant predicto Rogero aut suo certo attomato heredibus vel executoribus suis in festo sancti Hillarii proximo futuro post datum presencium in Capella Sancti Nicholai de Cattone predicte viginti octo solidos et quatuor denarios sterUngorum videlicet quindecim solidos inde ad usum et profieunm gardianorum Capelle Sancti Johannis Baptiste de Marchyntone pro tempore existencium et in festo Sancti Hillarii quod erit in anno domini MiUesimo quadriugentesimo decentesimo in dicta Capella de Cattone predicta alios viginti octo sohdos et quatuor denarios sterUngorum videlicet quindecim solidos de eisdem ad usum et proflcuum dictorum gardianorum predicte Capelle de Marchyntone quod extuuo presens carta indentata ao seisina inde deliberata casse sint et vidue nuUiusque vigoris ac bene liceat michi prefato Henrico heredibus et assignatis meis in Mesuagium Croftum terram et pratum predicta cum pertinenciis revertere resesare et ea rehabere et meo pristino statu retinere ac prefatum Rogerum Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 205 heredes et assignatoa suoa inde totaliter expellere et anuuUere presenti carta indentata ac seisina iude deliberata in aliquo non obstantibus Et si detectus fiat in aliqua soluoionum predictorum contra foitnam predictam extuno presens carta indeutata et seisina iude liberata omue robur et effectus obtiueaut ac bene Uceat prefato Rogero heredibus et assiguatis suis Mesuagium Croftum terram et pratum predicta cum suis pertinenciis habere et pacifice gaudere imperpetuum In cujus rei testimonium uui parti hujus carte indentate pendente prefatum Rogerum remaneuti sigillum meum apposui alteri vero parti ejusdem carte pendente remanenti predictus Rogerus sigillum apposuit Hiis testibus Willo' Smythe de Cattone, Johanne Hugge de eadem, Ricardo Smyth de eadem et aliia Data apud Cattone predictam die Jovis proximo post festum Sancti Dunstani anno regni Regis Heurici Septimi post Conquestum Anglie quarto HoRTON Deeds, No. XXXIX. Saint Vincent Martyr, 22 Jan., 5 Een. VII., 1490. Sciant preaentes et futuri quod ego Henricua Irpe de Cattone dedi concesai et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Johauni Cursone de Croxaalle armigero unum Mesuagium cum crofto adjacente in villa de Cattone quod Henricua Koucure quondam tenuit Ac eciam dedi et eoncessi eidem Johanni unam dimidiam virgatam terre cum prato et uno crofto eidem pertineute jacentem in villa et campis de Cattone quod quidem croftum jacet in longitudine inter Ruylonde et Vymore medowe quam quidem dimidiam virgatam terre cum pertinenciis predictis Thomas Laverok quondam teuuit Habenda et Tenenda predicta Mesuagium et croftum cum omnibus et singulis suis pertinenciis prefato Johanni heredibus et assignatis suis libere quiete bene et in pace imperpetuum de capitalibus domiuis feodi illius per servicia iude debita et de jure consueta. Et ego vero predictus Henricua et heredes mei Mesuagium predictum cum crofto et dictam dimidiam virgatam cum omnibua aula pertinenciia contra omnes warantizabimus et imperpetuum defendemua prefato Johanni Cursone heredibus et assignatis suia. In cujus rei teatimonium huic presenti carte mee sigillum meum apposui Hiia testibus Thoma Gresley milite, Johanni Stretehay, Edmundo Alcok vicario de Croksalle, Johanne Dysen, Will'mo Shepharde et aUis Data apud Cattone in festo Sancti Vincentii martyris anno regni regis Henrici Septimi post conquestum Auglie quinto. HoRTON Deeds, No. XL. 18 October, 18 Hen. VII., 1502. This indenture made this xviij"" Day of the mouethe of October in the xviij"" Tere of the Reigne of Kynge Henry the vij"" by twyparte the Righte Mighty princes Margret Couutes of Richmoude Moder to the kynge our souerayn lorde of the one partie ande Roger Horton of Cattone in the Countie of Derive esquyer of the other parte witnesseth that the seyd Roger of hia gude free mynde hathe graunted by thes presentes to the seyde prynces that he his executura & assignea shall at all tymes agree that Roger his Sone and heir aparaunte shall be maryd to auche a gentilwoman aa hir grace or hir assignes shall thynke convenient to the whiehe manage so to be had the seid Roger the father shall at all tymea open resonable warnyng to hym to be gevin owe his gude wylle when he thereto shall be requyred And also to that extent shall delyuer his seyd son & heyre to the seyd princes & hir assigues & to cause hym by the advice of the seid princes to be founde at Scole or in Com'te to lerne the kyuges laws or to other wyse as the seyd princes shall avice from tyme to tyme and for these seyd promysea & grauntea thus made to the seyd princes grauntes That she hir executurs & assignes shall at the charges costea of the seyd Roger the father cause labour to be made to the kyngea highnes and otherwise to thentent that suche lawfull title as the seyd Roger Horton the fader or any to his vse hathe to euy manours londes tenements within the RoUme of yuglaude may be fully recoveryde to hym or to his heyrs or other to his vse by peticion acoion sewte entre or otherwyes as the counsell of the seyd princes shall therein advyse ande the seyd Roger grauutethe, also by this presentes that whensoeuer his seyd aon shallie maryd in forme aforeseyd he shall make or cause to be made to his seyd son cS; such as he shaU be maryed unto by thadvyse of the seyd princes hir executurs or assignes a 2o8 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. HoRTON Deeds, No. XLV. 4 September, 21 Ben. VIII., 1529. Sciant presentes et futuri quod Ego Will's Large de Newebold vordene in Comitatu Leycestrie husboudmane pro snmma sex librarum sex solidorum et octo denariorom michi per Thomam Sprott de Asshmerbroke gent. pre manibus fideliter solata dedi concessi vendidi et barganizavi et hac presenti carta mea eonfirmavi eidem Thome Sprott heredibns et assignatis snis unum Mesuagimn unum gardinum et duo erofta et dimidiam virgatam terre cum pertineneiis in Cattone in Comitatu Derbie modo in tennra Johannis Higes de Cattone. Et que michi jure hereditario dcscendebant post mortem Thome Large patris mei Ac eciam barganizavi et vendidi eidem Thome Sprott omnia cartas scripta et munimenta premissis concemencia Habenda et tenenda predictam Meauagium ac tota premissa cum omnibus eorum pertineneiis prefato Thome Sprott heredibns et assignatis sois imperpetunm de capitaU domino feodi iUius per serricia inde debita et de jure consneta. Et Ego vero predictus Will's Large et heredes mei omnia predicta Mesuagium gardinum ac cetera premissa cum eorum pertineneiis prefato Thome Sprott heredibus et assignatis Buis contra omnes gentes warantizabimus et defendemus imper- petaum per presentes Et ad seisinam et possessionem deliberandam secnndnm formam et efiectnm hujus Noverint ? prescntis carte Noverit me prefatum WiU'm Large attomasse deputasse et in loco meo posnisse dUeotos michi in Christo Kobertum Hylle et Will'm Aston de Catton meos veros et legitimes attomatos conjunctim et divisim Ratum et gratum habitivrum totum et quicquid dicti attornati mei nomine meo feceriut seu eorum alter fecerit in premissis sicnt ibidem personaUter interessem. In cujus rei testimonium hnic presenti carte mee sigillum meum apposui Hiis testibus Johanne Myners Thoma Campdene Johanne Broke de Hyneboley et multis aUis. Data apud Measham quarto die Septembris anno regni Regis Henrici Octavi yicesimo primo. ^^jjlnnatioits of portnn Jltcbs. Ax attempt has been made to state the substauce of each document iu plain and intelligible language. The names of the witnesses are in all cases omitted, as they may be seen in the deeds. Sundry of the deeds contain, first, a statement of the whole quantity of land, and then a particular description of the locality of the parts making up that quantity. The latter has been omitted, as such descriptions could hardly be identified at the present time, and therefore would be useless. Long statements of legal proceedings and other matters have been given in such short terms as are sufficient to convey the substance, devoid of forms. No. I. Grant by Hugh de St Cross and Isabella, his wife, to Almario de St. Amand, and his heirs, of a messuage and virgate of land in Catton, and Ivo with his family and goods, three pence of yearly rent paid by Ivo, all the right they had or should have in a tenement held by Agnes le Glover; six pence of yearly rent paid by Robert, the fiiiherman, for a rood of land and fishei-y m the Trent ; a penny of yearly rent paid by a tenement formerly held by William Elys ; all the right they had or should have in a tenement held by Hawisia de Grangia, with her familv and goods ; a penny of yearly rent for a tenement which Walter de Grangia formerly held. [There is no date to this deed, but as the first witness is Robert de la Warde, described as a knight, and he was Plate IHm dKi^ftt/^bopr i>(rjv<)W^&">>vi> ^ ^u ^tki. »J /■2*2-M. dU h^Um^ HoRTON Deeds Plate HKIV. t I 11^ (illlln^ ' lift w r! lkvCh\. Plate XDTV HoRTUN Deeds Plate HXYT. .^^^f-:^^ — I 5 IffVO U$l'^ ^^f^S^fVi ^ Ex. 17 E. 1. year, that the Tournament was at Bedford. Being thus out of Wardship; in 22 Edw. I. he went' into Gasooine on the « Claus. 22 E. 1. in dorso King's service, whereupon his wife had the Manor-house of LutgareshuU, with suffi- ™' ' cient fewel for her use, appointed'^ for residence of herself & family, until his return : ^ Ibid. 220 Historical Sketch of tJic Parish of Croxall. And in 25 Edw. I. was in an other expedition then made thither. lu 28 Edw. I. he was» also in the Scottish Wars. So likewise in' 31 Edw. I. And, having been governor* of Burdeaux, in 33 Edw. I. received command'' to bring in all the accompts of the issues & revenues of th.it place, during the time he had that trust. In 34 Edw. I. he was again' in the Wars of Scotland. And, having been summon'dJ to Parliament from 28 Edw. I. till 4 Edward 2, departed'' this life, before the end of that year, without issue then seized' of the Manners of Widhay & Ildesle, in Com. Berks. Catton upon Trent, in Com. Derb. Mulbroke, & Cotes, in Com. Bedf. Berkley & Grendon, with the Advouson of the Church of Grendon in Com. Bucks. Ipplepen in Com. Devon, & South Arneye in Com. Glouc. leaving John do St. Aiiiand, his brother™ & heir. Thirty two years of age: Mary his Wife, then surviving; who had for her dowry an Assignation" of the Manners of Cotes in Com. Bedf, Catton in Com. Derb, Brendon in Com. Buck, & Wamberge in Com. Wilts. Which John was then a Professor in the Civil or Canon Law as Syness, being called" Magister Johannes de Sancto Amando & doing his Fealty, had LiveryP of his Lands. In 8 Edw. 2. this John received oommandi to be at Newcastle upon Tine, on the Festival of our Ladle's Assumption, to restrain the Incursions of the Scots, And in 11 Edw. 2. obtained License' for a market every Thursday, at his Manner of Ipplepenne in Com. Devon: as also for two faires yearly, the one on the Eve, Day, & ."Vlorrow after the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle : the other on the Eve, Day, & Morrow after the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. Likewise' for a market every week upon the Thursday at his Mannor of Wydenay, in Com Berks., & a fair there, yearly on the Eve, Day, & Morrow of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin : with Free-warren' in all his Demesn-lands at Ipplepenne before specified. And having been summoned" to Parliament from 6 until 19 Edw. 2 inclusive departed'' this life shortly after ; leaving Almarick his son and heir ; who in 9 Edw. 2, making proof'' of his age had Livery" of his Lands : & the same year was? in the Wars of Scotland. So likewise in' 12 Edw. 3. And in» 16 Edw. 3, in that great expedition then made into France, as also in'' that of 20 E. 3. And in 21 Edw. 3, having been retain'd" to serve the King in all those Wars, in consideration thereof he obtain'd a granf of two hundred pounds per annum to be paid out of the Exchequer. In 29 Edw. 3, he was again^ in the Scotch Wars. Likewise in the same year in' those of France. And in 31 Edw. 3, being mades Justice of Ireland had Forty men at Armes, & One hundred Archers on horseback, assign'd'' to attend him there ; over and above the number of those men at Armes, which belong to that great Office. But, the next ensuing year, he was imploy'd again' in the Wars of France. So likewise in) 42 E. 3. And in 47 Edw. 3, was made'' Stewart of the Forest of Rockingham, & Governor of the Castle. And, having been summon'd' to Parliament, from 44 Edw. 3. till 5 Rich. 2. died the same year, as it seems : for then had Almarick his son & heir, Livery'" of his Lands doing his homage. After which, scilicet, in 8 Rich. 2, he was by Indenture" retain'd to serve the King in his Wars of Scotland, and in 1 H. 4. made" one of the Knights of the Bath at the Solemn Coronation of that King. In which year by his Testament,? bearing date, upon St. George's day, he bequeathed his Body to be buried in the Quire of the Friars Preachers at Oxford, near to the grave of Ida, his first wife. And hav- ing been summon'di to Parliament from 6 K. 2. until 3 H. 4. inclusive departed'' this life upon Thursday next after the Feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle (soil. 13 Junii) 4 H. 4. being then seised' of the Mannor of Ippelpenne in Com. Devon. Catton upon Trent, in Com. Derb., Netherhaven & Andeleston in Com. Wiltes. Bastleldon, Widhay, lldeste, St. Elenes, juxta Abingdon and Eton juxta Co in Cora. Berks, South-Cemeyo, & Cernedyke, in Com. Glouc, Alcrinton, Pudlicote, Childeston, Bloxham, with the Hundred and the third part of the Manor of Adder- " Rot. Scoc. 28 E. 1. m. 13. ' Rot. Scoc. 31 E. 1. m. 7. e •> Rot. Vase. 33 E. 1. m. 24. ' Rot. Soc. 34 E. 1. m. 2. 1 Claus. de iisd. ann. in dorso. k 1 n. Esc. 4 E, 2. n. 29. " Claus. 4 E. 2. m. 21. " P Rot. Fin. 4 Edw. 2. m. 11. 1 Rot. Scoc. 8 E. 2 in dor- so m. 9. ■' Cart. 11 E. 2. n. 82. ' Cart. 11. Ed. 2. 82. ' Ibid. » Claus. de iisd. ann. in dor- so. ' " » Claus 9. E. 3. m. 23. r Rot. Scoc. 9 E. 3. m. 30. ' Rot. Scoc. 12 E. 3. m. 23. » Rot. Franc. 16 E. 3. m.24. i" Rot. Franc. 2U E. 3. p. 2. m. 5. ' Rot. Franc. 21 E. 3. p. 3. m. 20. "i Pat. 25 E. 3. p. 1. m. 32. » Rot. Scoc. 29 E 3. m. 4. ' Rot. Franc. 29 E. 3. m. 7. s Pat. 31 E. 3. p. 2. m. 13. '' Cl.ius. 31 E. 3. m. 9. ' Rot. Franc. 32 E. 3. m. 4. i Rot. Fr-anc. 42 E. 3. m. 4. " Rot. Fin. 47 E. 3. m. 18. ' Claus. de iisd. ann. in dor- so. "> Rot. Fin. 5 R. 2. m. 21. " Exantogor. plenes cler. pell. "Ex cod. ml. plenes ousted . magna Garderobaa. P Ye March, f. 15. b. 1 Claus. de iisd. ann. in dorso. ' ' Esc 4. H. 4. n. 40. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 221 " " Claus. 7 H. 4. m. 6. " Rot. Fin. 4 H. 6. m 5. » Chicheley, Vol. 1. 392. b. bury, iu Com. Oxon, Grendon iu Com. Buck, Herlingdou, Cotes, Milbroke, Hough- ton, Ampthull, &Graunge, in Com. Bedf, leaving' Gerard Braybroke, son of Alianore, ' Esc. 4. H. 4. n. 40. his only daughter by Ida his first wife, and Ida his other daughter by Alianore his second wife, his next Heirs, the same Gerard & Ida being each of them at that time of the age of ten years. Which Ida afterwards became the wife" of Thomas West, & in 7 H. 4, mak- ing proof of her age, had Livery' of her jnirpartie of the Lands of her Inheritance. The like Livery" had Gerard Braybroke in 4 H. 5 of the other Purpartie, his Homage being respited. Alianore, the second wife of the said Almai'io still surviving, who by her Testament" bearing date 15 Mali An. 1426 (4 H. 6) beqiieath'd her Body to be buried in the Quire of the Fryers Preachers in Oxford, before the High Altar near to the grave of her said Husband. She likewise bequeath'd to the Priests & Children of New College, in Oxford forty shillings to pray for her soul. Also to the Fabrick of the Church of Oselbury in the Diocese of Winchester, twenty shillings to pray for the soul of Sir Thomas West Knight, her late Husband ; & for the souls of her Sons k Daughters there Buryed, & departed? this life upon Friday in Whit- ? ^ Esc. 4 H. 6. n. 17 sun-week, 4 H. 6. being then seised' of the Manner of Cotes, and third part of the Miinnor of Hertingdou, in Com. Bedf. leaving* Elizabeth the wife of William " Esc. 4 H. 6. n. 17. Beauohamp, Maud, the wife of John Babiugton, & Alianore Braybroke, her Cosins & Heirs: viz. Daughters of Gerard Braybroke Son of her the said Alianore, Daughter to the before specified Almario do St. Amand, & Ida his first Wife: the said Eliza- beth being at that time Sixteen years of age, & Maud Fifteen. (Dugdale, Baronage of England. Vol. II. pp. 20 — 2.) Catton, No. IX. Chancer)/. Itig. p. m. 4 Edw. II., 1311. No. 42, m. 6. Almaricus de Sancto Amando. Inquisicio capta coram Escaetorem domini Regis apud Cattone super Trentam xv" die Septembris Anno regni Regis Edwardi Quarto. De terris et tenemeutis de quibus Almaricus de Sancto Amando fuit Beysitus in dominico buo est de feodo die quo obiit, et quantum idem Almaricus tenuit de domino Rege in capite die quo obiit, et quantum de aliis, et per quod servieium et quantum terra ille valeant per annum in omnibus exitibus et quis propinquior heres eius sit et cuius etatis, per sacramentum Henrici de la Mare, Johauuis de Sancto Paulo, Johannis le Glouere, Henrici le Venour, Hugonis de Say, Walteri Selby, Petri de Boys, Henrici de Derby, Johannis Kempe, Will'i le Visshere, Johannis de la Hide, et Johannis Fabri, qui diount super sacramentum suum quod idem Almaricus tenuit Manerium de Cattone iu dominico sue ut de feodo die quo obiit de Comite de Lancastrie per servieium unius feodis militis, Et dicunt quod est ibi quoddam capitilae mesuagium cum curtilagio quod valet per annum vjs. viijd. Sunt ibidem iiij"' acre terre arrabilis que valent per annum xxvjs. viijd. precium acre iiijd. Et sunt ibidem xxx acre prati que valeut per annum iiijli. xs. precium acre vjs. Et est ibidem pastura seperabilis que valet per annum vjs. viijd. Et est ibidem quedam Graua cuius Boscis valet per anniuu iijs. iiijd. Est ibidem quod piscaria in aqua de Trente que valet per annum iiijs. Et sunt ibidem quatuor liberi tenentes qui tenent diversa tenementa et reddunt per annum iiijs. ad quatuor terminos usuales, Et dicunt quod Thomas Pikes teute unam virgata terre in villenagio et reddit per annum vjs. viijd. ad quatuor terminos videlicet ad festum Sancti Michaelis, Natalia Domini, Pasche et Nativitas Sancti Johannis Baptiste, et faoere tres Bedrippas in Autumno que valent iiijd. ob precium cuiuB libet id ob. Et debet de exennio? ad Natale Domini unum gallum et i gaUinam et valet ijd — Summa aperis predictis Custumarii vijs ijd. ob. Et sunt ib. xv. ViUani quorum qui libet eomm tantum tenet, reddit et facit sicut predictum Thomam Pikes. Et sunt ibidem iij Cotarii qiu reddunt per annum iijs. ad predictis quatuor terminos. Et dicunt quod proficcia et perquisita valent per annum vjs. viijd. Summa — xiijli. vs. viijd. Et dicunt quod magister Johannes de Sancto Amando frater Almarici et heres eius propinquior etatis xsxd. annorum et amplius In cuius rei testimonio predicti Jurati huio inquisicioni sigUla sua apposuerunt. 222 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Cation, No. X. Chancery. Inq. p.m., i Ben. IV., No. 40, m. i. 3 Oct., 4 Hen. IT., 1402. AiJiiRicus DE Sancto Amaxto, Died 14 June, 1401. Inquisicio capta apud Eepyngdone tercio die Octobris Anno regni Regis Henrici qnarti post conquestum qnarto coram Roberto Twyforde Escaetore domini Regis in Comitatu Derbie virtute cuinsdam brevis domini Regis Eidem Escaetori directi et huic Inquisicioni consnti per Sacramentum Walteri llarreys de Rostlastone, WiU'i Warde de Cotone, Henrici Packet de Eadem, Robert! Derby de Meysham, Johannis Perier de eadem, V^Ul'i Childecote, Thome Cartwrythe de eadem, Johannis Scheperde de Rostlastone, Henrici Bellow de Tyknalle, Johannis Deye de eadem, Johannis Etware de eadem, WiU'i Chyche et Henrici de Caldowalle Qui dicnnt super sacramentum sunm quod Almaricus de Sancto Amando in predicti breTi nominatns fnit seisitus in dominico suo ut de feodo de Manerio de Cattone super Trentam cum pertinenciis in predicto Comitatu qui quidem Almaricus dedit predictum Manerinm in pertinenciis et concessit quibusdam Henrico Inge Penne, Will'mo Tuderley, et Philippo Shiprene, Habendum et tenendum eis dem Henrico, WUl'o, et Philippo heredibus et assignatis snis imperpetuum virtute quarum donacionis et concessionis predicti Henricus Will's et Philippus fuerunt inde seisiti in dominico suo ut de feodo et postea in crastino Ascencionis domini Anno predicti domini Regis nimc tercio [5 Apr. 1402] coram Will'mo Thimeyng et Eociis suis justiciariis domini Regis nunc apud Westmonasterium in Curia ejus dem Regis levatus fnit quidam finis inter predictos Henricum, Will'm, et Philippum qnerentes et predictum Almaricum Chevaler et Alianoram nsorem ejus deporcientes de Manerio predicto cum pertinenciis unde placitum conTencionis summonitum fnit inter eas in eadem Curia Scilicet quod predictus Almaricus recognovit predictum Manerinm cum pertinenciis esse jus ipsius Henrici ut illud quod Alianore predictum Manerium cum pertinenciis et illud eis reddiderunt in eadem Curia Habendiun et tenendum eisdem Almarico et Alianore de capitaUbus dominis feodi illius per servicia que ad illud Manerium pertinent tota vita ipsorum Almarici et Alianore Et post decessum ipsorum Almarici et Alianore predictum Manerium cum pertinenciis integre remaneret Thome Penne Galfrido Ippelpenne, Henrico Dumeforde Clerici, et Edwardo Daunvers, Et heredibus ipsius Edwardi tenendum et habendum de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia inde debita et consneta imperpetuum prout in quodam fine Juratoribus Inquisicionis predicte ibidem monstrato plenius continetur Et dicunt quod predictus Almaricus et Alianora in vite ipsius Almarici post finem predictum leuatum nunquam fuerunt seisiti de Manerio predicto cum pertinenciis, et dicunt quod post mortem predicti Almarici predicta Alianora intravit in predictum Manerium cnm pertinenciis virtute finis predicti et iUud modo tenet et exitus et proficna inde prouenencia post mortem predicti Almarici viri sni percepit et adhuc percipit virtute ejusd finis Et dicnnt quod predictum Manerium cum pertinenciis valet per annum nltra reprises x marcas. Et dicunt quod predictum Manerium tenetur de domino Rege ut de Ducatu Lancastrie per que servicia ignorant. Et dicunt quod predictus Almaricus in brevi nominatus obiit xiiij die Jnnii ultimo preterito Et quod Ida filia euisdem Almarici et Gerardus Braybroke filius Alianore alterius filie et heredis predicti Almarici sunt heredes eiusdem Almarici propinquiores. Et quod predicta Ida sexto die mensis Maij ultimo fuit etatis decem annorum et ampUns. Et quod predictus Gerardus est etatis decem annorom et ampUus. Et dicunt quod predictus Almaricus die quo obiit non tenuit aliqua alia terra sen tenementa de domino Rege neque de ahquo alio in dominico neque in servicio infra Comitatem predictum. In cuius rei testimonium Juratores predicti huic Inquisicioni SigUla sua apposuerunt. Data die loco et Anno snpradictis. lb. m. 2. — Devon Inq. taken in crastino Apostolorum Petri et Pauli Anno etc tercio. dicti Almarici et Johanne uxori ejus et heredibus nasculis de corporibus suis exenntibas. Almaricus filius Almarici et Johanne etc Predictus Almaricus fihus predicti Almarici et Johanne uxor eius in sine herede nasculo de corporibus suis exeimte. Et dicunt quod predictus Almaricus in brevi nominatus obiit die Martis proximo post festum Sancti Bamabe apostoli que quidem Ida est maritata Thome filio Thome West festo Sancti Johannis ante portam Latinam ultimo preterito etatis decem annorum et ampUus. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 223 Gerard Braybroke filius Alianore alterius filiarnm pretUoti Almarici iu pretiicto brevi nominati sunt heredes eiusdem Almarici in bre nom prop foit etatis decern annorum et amplius die capciouis Inquisicionis predictae. {This membrane is much injured by damp at the eud.'\ lb. m. 9. — Inq. capta apud Oxon. die lune proximo ante festum Sancti Petri in Cathedra anno etc quarto. Et quod Gerardus Braybroke filius Alianore filie et unuis heredum predict! Almarici et Ida filia, altera et beres predicti Almarici sunt heres ipsiua Almarici propinqiiiores. Et quod dictus Gerardus est etatis X annorum et amplius et quod dicta Ida sexto die Maij ultimo preterito fuit etatis x annorum et amplius et quod prediotus Almaricus obut xiiij die Junii Anno regni domini Regis Hcnrici quarti post oonquestum tercio lb. m. 15. — Befordshire. Almaricus de Sancto Amando pater Almarici de Sancto Amando in dicto brevi nominati fuit seistus etc. Ita quod post mortem eiusdam Almarici partris Manerium predictum cum pertinenciis Almarico filio predicti Almarici patris in breve nominato et Ide uxori predicti Almarici Alio et heredi de corpore ipsius Almarici filii exeuntibus remanere Et eidem Almaricus Alius sine herede de corpora bug exeunte obierit tunc post mortem ipsorum Almarici filii et Ide Manerium predictum cum pertinenciis rectis heredibus predicti Almarici patris remaneret imperpetuum quarum et concessionis predictus Almaricus pater fuit inde seisitus et postea idem Almaricus pater obiit in taU statu inde seisituB Almaricus filius in predicto brevi nominato et Ida uxor eius intraverunt in Manerum predictum cum pertinenciis ut inremanere sunt predicti et habuerunt Alianoram, que quidem Alianora habuit exitum quendam Gerardum Braybrooke qui modo superste " est. Et postea eadem Ida obiit post eius mortem Idem Almaricus filius in brevi nominatus cepit in uxorem quandam Alianoram modo super stiten et habuerunt exitum filiam nomina Idam que modo maritata est Thome filio Thome West. Et postea idem Almaricus in brevi nominatus obiit in tali etc. Cation, No. XI. KOGER HORTON, DIED 30 APRIL, 1423. (Inq. p.m. I. Hen. VI., No. 36, M. 7.) Derby Inq. takeu Saturday, October 17th, 1423, with translation. Inquis.' capt.' apud Repyngton die sabbi px' ante festum Sci luce Evangeliste anno regni Eegis Henr' sexti post conquestum Angl primo coram Nicho GonshuU Escaet' dni Eegis in Com' Derb. virtute bris dni Begis eidem Escaetori direct! & huic inquisicoi consuti p sacrm' Eobti Clerc de Walton sup Trent Henr' Ampe de eadem Willi Warde de Coton Johis atte Walle de Rostlaston Willi Calangewode de CaldwaU Alaine Dawesoue de Repyngton Henr' Wayte de eadem Eobti Hanneson' de eadem Eici' Wombewell Willi Gleyde Rici Nyk & Rici Smyth • Qui dicunt sup sacrm' sum qd, Eog'us Horton in bri huic inquis consut' noiatua nulla tenuit t'ras neqz ten de dno Eege nee de aUjs in p'dco com die quo obijt sed dicunt qd p'dcus Eog'us diu ante obitum sun fuit seisitus in dnico suo et de feodo de man'ius de Catton & Brysyngcotes & de quatuor mesuagiis & vno tofto ducentis acr' t're & vna acr' p'ti cu' ptin in Walton sup Trent et quod p'dcm man'iu' de Catton tenetur de dno Rege in capite vt de ducatu suo lane' vt de honore suo de Tutbury p Suicui medietat' feodi vnius militis et qd, p'dcm' man'iu' de Brysyngcotes tenetur de dnis de Eepyngtou p sectam cur' sue de Eepyngtou bis p annm videlicet ad cur' tent' ibm ad festu' Pasch & ad cur' tent' ad fest sci Michis archi & p quatuor solid, redditus Boluend, ad eadem festa equis porconibz set p que alia s'uic' ignorant. Et qd, p'dict' mes' t're & ten' in Walton p'dca tenentur de dno de Ferrarijs de Groby p sectam cur' sue de Walton bis p annm videlt de cur' tent' ibm ad festum sci Michis archi & ad cur' tent' ibm ad festu' Pasch p't' vnu' mes. & vigiuti acre terre que Nichus Durant tenet que tenetur de p'dco dno de Ferrarijs p nouem solid, redditus annuatim soluend, ad festa sci Michis archi & Pasch p equales porcones set p que alia s'uic' ignorant. Et dicunt qd, p'dcus Eog'us Horton de p'dcis manerijs de Catton & Brysyngcotes & de p'dcis t'ris & ten' cum p'tin in Walton diu ante obitum sun' feoffavit Willm Cheyny vnu' Justic' de banco dni' Eegis Thomam Henster Eog'um Cartwryght capellm David Hulo Eicm' Towne & Edmudum Starky hend, & tenend, eisdem Willmo Cheyny Thome Henster Rog'o Cartwryght David Hulo Rico 3.3 224 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Towne countrey he is, and hath there an estate of y" value of £250 per anom, i;200 of w''' he being a youger brother was given him by an uncle the other i'oO since purchased by his own good husbandry, and he is now abuying a couusell's place in the Marshalsea, there are but four of them the meanest of which gets about £150 yearley, the other i'3 or 400 a piece, some of the most eminent lawyers namely Judge Wylde, Mr. Pemburton and others have made their firste practice in y' Court, & have confessed to have great experience & advantage by it, & have since risen to great estates, & it is not improbable but he may doe y» like, being a person noe wayes extravagant & as I am informed dilligent & careful! iu what he undertakes, now it is expected & I hope you will bestow £1000 iipou y' daughter, since it y" no more than I know my brother can doe both for her and her elder sisters and though distant from you, I am sure her duty and affection to her father & y selfe is not inferiour to any & so speake noe more but truth, I know her to be as sober a well inclined young woman as any is in y® world, & now if y^ portion w* yon give her y' gentleman doth not desire to meddle with any part of it, but y' it should be layed out upon something for lives or otherwyse, as her father and you shall think fit, and y» like libertye he desires I should take in whats doe for her & he will settle i'200 per anom of his o«-n estate in joynture upon her, & y" whole upon childe or children after their decease y" estate of inheritance I confosse is snialle y« distance from hence greate but I think not above 60 miles from you for his estate lyes but 3 miles from Ruthin in Denbighshire i not above 10 miles from Chester they tell me it lyes in y« best part of Wales & their rents are .is well payed as any iu England. Y® present maintenance and joynture wilbe better than in most places you can Ihinke to match her & it is better I conceive to marry to one whoe is likely to increase his fortune than to one whoe though possest of more according to y' times extravagantly wastes it. I have bin importuned these five or six weeks to present you with y» gentleman's request to be admitted a servaunt to y' daughter but I have heatherio delayed desiring as much as I could to inform myselfe of all things before I acquainted you with it & for y« conversation of y» man I can heare nothing but very good, for y« estate it cannot for ye present be made more but if my brother & you thinke worthy to be accepted, you can easily inform y selves of y ti-uth of it, being as I said not far distant from you, pray consider well of all things, & with what speed you can lett me know y pleasure for till then injoyned him not to make any particular addrcsse to y« girle, si'^ he looks upon as a very hard instance & is a little impatient to beare it much longer, for he often sees her with his relations in y house (whoe are very sober persons) & we being comonly together, I am further to tell you as an inducement to y' approbation y' if y« business succeed to settle about town, as being most proper for his place & imployment he would now h.ave waited on you himself, but I thought y« not convenient until I had first acquainted you w' it. I suppose my brother wilbe in town ere long upon other business, and then he may dispatch both together but in y« meane time I beg to know with what speed you can, whether these proposalls in y" general may be accejited, W'' y« gentleman assures me shalbe made good in every particular I am so weary with writting, y' I can only ad my affectionate services to my good brother and y self, beseeching God to direct you both. Y' faithfully loveing sister Eliza : Hyde AprQ y 16"". P S The name of the gentlem.in's house is Brithtyr. Cation, No. XXIV. Will of W.u,teh Horton, October 17th, 1707. Being somewhat indisposed in body, etc., he left his soul to God & his body to be buried .at the direction of his executors. He left his children his greatest riches upon earth, to the care of Sir John Floyer, Brother Clement Kynnersley, and his wife, so long as she continues a widow, he left to his eldest son Christopher as much of his gooas & chattels as may be thought convenient for him to keep, the remainder to be Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 2^} equally divided amongst his younger children. His second son, Walter, to have a double proportion to any one of the others, to his eldest son Christopher Horton, all ye broade gold left me by my father, and 20 gyneaa to by him mourning, also ye annuity or rent charge of five pounds per annum due to me out of an estate in ye county of Notts or Lester at present in the possession of one Davies, all his personal estate he leaves to his younger children, to be equally divided amongst them, with the exception of his plate, which he leaves to his second son Walter, and one hundred pounds more than the other younger children, for as much as he bears my name. He wishes that his father's will may in all things be observed. He leaves to his wife ye broade gold, usually in her possession to dispose of as she shall think fit amongst her children, and to her my wife Elizabeth Horton forty gyneas, either of my coaches, a pair of my best mares, and the furniture of her own, or any other chamber, and he leaves twenty pounds to his uncle Alexander to buy him mourning, and he appointed Elizabeth his wife, and his uncle Alexander, guardians to his children. Catton, No. XXV. Memorandum of a Vicab of Ckoxall. Memorandum June 17th 1717. On the 28th of the same month I went to the several tenants of Catton Lordship, and before witnesses made a demand of al theii- Tythes in Catton, corne onely excepted. And presently upon this about Midsummer 1717, Mr. Clement Kynnersley, and Mr. Smithsou of Uttexer, came to my house, and earnestly importuned me to let things rest till ye young heir of Catton came to age, and offered me a gynea in hand as a earnest of Madam Horton's kindnesse, and said that she by her kindnesse for the future, should make it out yt I should be no loser by my forbearance, but I refused it, and so we parted. On the 10th of October following, being frequently invited j went down to Catton, and Madam Horton earnestly importuned me that I would not shue for the Tythes, but that their might be a friendly end made in that matter, and said that tho she could not make an agreement for her son's estate he being under age; yet she would engage that as soon as he came to Age he should make a friendly agreement for them, and in the mean time she would by her kindnesse make it out that j should be no considerable loser by my forbearance, and praid me to accept of a gynea at present, as an earnest of her future kindnesses for the 4 years to come. Then j told her yt this was but an underhand way of dealing, which j did not like, and j told her more over that tho for peace sake upon soe many promises from her, I would yeild to her maine request to forbear shueing her out of ye same, yet she must not expect j should give any more recepts for the Tythes in the forme that ye former receipts had been in, because of the ill uses that they would make of them. And that whatsoever she gave to prevent suits at present should be entered in the receipts as a part of his rent for tythes used that j would no longer give a receipt for a fore hand rent of Tythes for the year currant, and so after many importunitys and promises of kindnesse and compl.aints of my unkindnesse to the widdow and fatherlosse, if j should shue her, how I should undoe her and her children, and drive her from her house with many like complaints and wars. [A part of the memorandum is miss>n(f here.] An amiable end made of that busynesse either before or at least as soon as young Mr. Horton came to his age, which earnest importunity of his I at length yeilded to, and so he went up into Madam Horton's Chamber to tell her what he had done, and she promised immediately to come down againe into the parlour to us, and accordingly did soe, and then I told that at Mr. Smithson's importunity, and upon his fair promises, I would not shue for the Tythes till that time. I at last took the gynea as an earnest of her promises of kindnesses to make up the price of tythe till her son came of age, and so we parted very good friends. Catton, No. XXVI. Will of Eevd. Waltek Hokton, Canon of Lichfield, Feb. 7th, 1720. He desired to be buried near his dear daughter Lettice. He bequeathed JE20 to the Parish of Walton upon Trent for four poor children to be put out to some honest trade, to the poor of Rcslinstone five pounds to be distributed amongst them as my executor shall think fit. He bequeathed his library, & manuscripts to 36 24S Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. his cousin Thomas Horion if he should be brought up to the study of Divinity. To his dear sister Wynne the sum of fifty pounds. To his faithful servants Thomas Pickering, and Mrs. Patience Crompton the sum of twenty pounds a piece, if they continue in my service to the time of my death ; he appointed his dearest kinsman Christopher Horton, to whom he bequeaths a close meadow in or near Litohnrch in the county of Derby, which is known by the name of Litchurch Holme, and leased out for several years to Samuel Lockoe of Derby for the rent of fifty pounds yearly, and he would earnestly beg this estate to remain in that very ancient family, as a lasting testimony of my esteem, and my gratitude to that worthy house for the benefit of my education. And he leaves all his personal property and residue, to be divided equally between his executor's mother, and brothers and sisters. In a codicil he leaves three hundred pounds to Christopher Horton's mother. and to his two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Adderly and Mrs. Mary Horton, the sum of three hundred pounds, and the same to Mr. John Horton. Codicil dated Feb. 12th, 1727. Cattok, No. XXVII. EsTBiES IS A Bible at Catton by Kev. 'Walteb Horton. Walterus Horton Pilus natu secundus Walteri Horton armiger natas xxii. Augusti, Baptizatiis xxxii. Anno Domini MDCLIV., nuptus in Ecclesia de Walton super Trent in Comitatu Derbie per Thomas Desborough Rectoum de Hartshorue. Bathiya Filia Rogeri AJstree generosi nata ixx. Junii anno salutis MDCXLIX. Walterus nuptus Bathijse Novembris xxviii. anno MDCLXXXI. Libert Maria nata xxiv. Octobris 16S2. Baptizatus 31, siisceptoribus '^'ilielmo Alstree armigero Doniina Maria Turner et Domina Horton de Catton Rogei-us nuptus Martii xxiv. Baptizatus April 2 susceptoribus Waltero Horton armigero de Catton et Seth Alstres generoso et Domince Rachel Goodwin de Derbie denatus xxx. Decembris MDCLXXXIV. Eodem anno Decembris xxiii. scitus puer alius natus et qnam citissime animalam efllavit suam. Sarah nata Novembris XV. Baptizata xxviii. susceptoribus Christophero Horton generoso de Catton et Dominis Ijoetitiae et Dorothea Horton anno 1685 et Maia 30 denatu. Walterus Horton natus Derbie circiteo Horam septiniam matuti' am Feb 3 168f. Baptizatus 17 in ecclesia omnium sanctorum susceptoribus Domino Thome Goodwin et Willelmo Turner generoso et Domina Carey de Burg : Derbie. Lcetitse nata 17 Aprilis 1688 Circiter horam octavam matutinem 28 Aprilis babtizata susceptoribus Honerablli Loetitiae Stanhope et Honeranda Elizebetha Ferrers et Waltero Horton de C.itton armigero. W'illelmus natus Jan 1 cisciter horam nonam Vespertiuam strene loco missus susceptoribus W'Ulelmo Alstree armigero et Willelmo Turner generoso et Domina Gratia Turner anno 16|^, Baptizatus Jan 17 in ecclesia Omnium Sanctorum Derbie denatus April 29 ad horam secundam noctis sepultus in ecclesia Omnium Sanctorum Dsrbie 1691 die Philippi et Jacobi Apostolibus Male prime. September x. 1692. Cbarissima ac fidelessima uxor Bathijah annumam agebat inter horam quartam et quintam pomeridiauam maestissimus maritus morienti lamina clausit sepulta erat September xii. inter horam septimam et octavam Vespertinam in navi ecclesie Omnium Sanctorum Derbie. March 22 ITjjL. Maria fili.i natu maxima (heu mihi) annum agens decimum nonum leclissima Virgo cujus pietatem pratis luctuosus desiderat, obiit. Is lumina morienti clausit labeutem inferiorem maxillam confermavit, lachrymis consumptis infixus animn hoeret dolor. Sepulta erat festo annuntiationis Bealissime Viginis inter horam xi. et xii. Vespertiuas navi ecclesie Omnium Sanctorum Derbie. Obiit inter horas x. ac xi. martutinas peractis precibus, plaside obdormivit. July 30th 1708 Walterus Horton filius unicus egregia forma ac aetato integra annum agens Vicesiuum primum eximia suavitate morum coUegii Orielensis Oxon Commensalis per annos duos et dimidium. Assiduo ae vehemento studio ruptis pulmonibus. Derbie occubuit xxviii. Juli lumina clausit. Luctuosisimus pater, et sepultus erat in navi ecclesia Omnium Sanctorum Derbie cineris, ac ossibus matris ac sororis consopitus, inter horas viii ac ix. Vespertinas. 1720 Feb. vi. Lcctitia inter horam sestam et septiniam an animam Deo reddidit, Acerbissimum funus pater curavit, et die novo sepulta erat in chore Beat* Virginis in ecclesia Cathedrali Lichfieldiensi, Anno cetatis xxxi. Omnibus orbatus pater liberis semivivus oculas morientes clausit. Walter Horton second son of Walter Horton Esqe. born xxii. of August. Baptized xxxi. of August in the year of our Lord MDCLIV. Bathijah daughter of Roger Alstree Gent born xxx of June in the year of salvation MDCXLIX. Walter married to Bathijah November xxWii. in the year of MDCLXXXI. Historical SketcJi of the Parish of Croxall. 249 ill tlib Clmreli of Walton upon Trent, in the County of Derby hy Thomas Desborough Rector of Hartshorn. Children. Mary born xxiv, of October 1682. Baptized 31, her sponsors being William Alstree Esqe, Mistress Mary Turner, and Mistress Horton of Catton. Roger bom March xxiv., Baptized April 2 his sponsors being Walter Horton of Catton Esqe. Seth Alstree Gent and Mistress Rachel Goodwin of Derby. Ceased to be xxx of December MDCLXXXIV. In the same year December xxiii. another goodly son was bom and as quickly as possible breathed away his little soul. Sarah born November xv. Baptized xxviii. sponsors being Christopher Horton Gent of Catton and Mistresses Loetitia and Dorothy Horton of Catton, in the year 1685 and on May the 30th, ceased to be. Walter Horton born at Derby about seven o'clock in the morning Feb. 3d 1687. Baptized 17th in the Church of All Saints' Derby, his sponsors being Thomas Goodwin, WiUiam Turner, gentlemen and Mistress Cary of the Borough of Derby. Loetitia born 17th of April 1688 about the hour of 8 o'clock in the morning, 28th of April baptized her sponsors being the Honourable Loetitia Stanhope the to be honoured Elizabeth Ferrers, and Walter Horton of Catton Esquire. William born January 1st about 9 o'clock in the evening sent in the stead of a New Year's gift, his sponsors being William Alstree Esqe, & William Turner, and Mistress Grace Turner, in the year 16fJ^ he was baptized January 17th in the Church of All Saints' Derby, ceased to be April 29th at two o'clock at night. Buried in the Church of All Saints' Derby 1691 on the eve of SS. Philip and James the Apostles, May 1. September x 1682 my most dear and faithful wife Batliijah departed this life between the hours of four and five in the afternoon. Her most sorrowful husband closed her eyes when dying. She was buried September xii between the hours of seven and eight in the evening in the nave of All Saints' Derby. March 22 175V M'^^y ™y eldest daughter, alas me ! When in her nineteenth year a most choice maiden, whose affection a mourning father has to regret, is dead. He closed her eyes when dying, and fixed the dropping lower jaw. Having expended his tears, sorrow remains fixed in his heart. She was buried on the Feast of the Annunciation of the most Blessed Virgin, between the hours of xi. and xii, in the evening, in the nave of the Church of All Saints' Derby. She died between the hours of X, and xi, in the morning. When prayers had been duly offered she fell asleep. July 30, 1708, Walter Horton my only son of excellent figure, and full age in his 21st year, of rare sweetness of character, a Fellow Commoner of Oriel College, Oxford, for two years and a half, having ruptured his lungs through assiduous and vehement study, died at Derby xxviii. of July. His most sorrowful father closed his eyes, and he was buried in the nave of the Church of All Saints', Derby, sleeping with the ashes, and bones of his mother and sister, between the houi-s of viii, and ix, in the evening. 1720 Feb. vi, Loetitia between the .sixth and seventh hours, gave up her soul to God, her father took the charge of her most bitter funeral, and the ninth day was buried in the choir the Blessed Virgin, in the Cathedral Church of Lichfield, in the year of her age xxxi. Her father dein-ived of all his children, himself lialf dead, closed her dying eyes. Catton, No. XXVIII. EXTKACTS FKOM THE WiLL OF MaBY HoKTON, 1765. I give to my eldest brother, Christopher Horton my sisters Lady Littleton, Lady Carbery, the sum of five guineas a piece to buy them rings, or other token for me. I give to my sister Honor the sum of six hundred pounds, I give to my brothers John, Eusebius, Edward, and Clement the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds. I give to Lord Carberry, Sir Edward Littleton, Bart., and my sister Horton, one guinea a piece to buy them rings. I bequeath two guineas to the poor as my executrix shall think fit. I leave all my residue to be divided equally among my brothers John, Eusebius, Edward, Clement, and my sister Honor. I appoint my mother my sole executrix, and I leave her twenty guineas, and my five guinea piece as tokens of my love and duty to her. Signed 27th of August 1765. She was buried at Crox.all 25th of September, 1765. 2;0 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. Cattox, No. XXIX. Will of Christopher Horton, Hcsband of Anne, .o-teewards Duchess of Cumberland, 1768. In the Name of God Amen, I Christopher Ilorton of C'atton in the County of Derby Esqmre, being in reasonable good health, but desirous to make a disposition of my affairs, do make and ordaiu this my last will and testament (that is to say) I desire to be buried in the family vault at Crosall, in as private a manner as may be. Fiist I will and order that all my debts legacies and funeral expenses shall be paid, and do charge my real estates with the payment thereof in case my personal estate shall fall short. Also I give to my mother. Lord and Lady Carberry, Sir Edward and Lady Littleton, five guineas a piece to buy them Kings. Also I give to every one of my brothers, and sister Honor, fifty pounds a piece in case I shall die without issue. Also I give to my old servant James Lucas, five pounds a year, payal'le quarterly during his life out of my estate at Catton. Also I give and devise all my messuages, lands, and estate in Tatenhill unto my dear & loving wife during her life. And in case I shall die without a son, then I give and devise all and every my real estates whatsoever and wheresoever whereof I have power to dispose, unto my dear & loving wife during her widowhood . And after the determination of that estate I give and devise all and every my said real estates uoto my brother John for his life, without impeachment of waste with remainder to the said Lord Caibery and Sir Edward Littleton and their heirs in trust to preserve the contingent remainders with remainder to the firet and other sons of my said brother John successively in tail mail with remainder to my brother Eusebius for his life, without impeachment of waste with remainder to said Lord Carhery and Sir Edwarti Littleton and their heii-s in trust to preserve the contingent remainders with remainder to the first and other sons of ray said brother Eusebius successively in tail male with remainder to my brother Edward for his life, without impeachment of waste with remainder to said Carbery and Sir Edward Littleton, and their heirs in trust to preserve the contingent remainders with remainder to the first and other sons of my said brother Edward successively in tail male with remainder to my brother Clement, etc. And in case I shall have but one daughter then I bequethe to her the sum of two thousand pounds over and besides what she is entitled to by my marriage settlement. Also I bequeathe to my dear and loving wife, the use of my plate and furniture during her widowhood. In case I leave children I appoint my said wife their sole guardian. And all the residue of the estate I give unto my said wife. Signed the nineteenth day of December 1768. Catton, No. XXX. Notes. Under Repton Priory in the Monasticon Anglicanura is the following, under valuation of Priory Lands, etc. Catton. Firma tenementa et terra ±'0 11 0. In a roll of estreat indented of the first payment of the two subsidies within the Hundred of Morleston and Litchurch temp. Charles I., we find Catton. Walter Horton in terris i'OO 10 10. '^i*>a£"^ k'fT.^sA ->=^^ !u-p^?^ §Mq, IN THE COUNTY OF STAFFORn. Aclea — Acleia — Acle — Ockle — Okeley — Oakley. N the reign of King Ethelred, nine hundred years ago, this manor was held by Wulfric Spott, who was a distinguished person in that King's reign. He was Earl of Mercia, of Royal descent, and he died in 1010. B}- his will he — gave this manor of Oakley, anciently Acle, or Acleia, to his daughter foi- life, and after her death to Burton Abbey, which he founded. The grant to her is made in the following manner. Extract from the will of Wulfric Spott :— " And I give to my poor daughter the land at Elford, and that at Oakley, with all that thereto now belongs, the while that her day shall be, and after her day let the land go to the Convent at Burton, because it was my godfather's gift. But let her have the use of it while she be deserving of it, but she may not on any account impair it. And 1 will that yElf helm be her guardian, and of the land." ^^If helm was her brother. Earl of Northampton, by whose daughter Algiva, Canute the Great had Sweyn, King of Norway, and Harold, King of England. Burton Abbey did not long continue to hold it, if it ever did, as we 254 Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. find in Domesday Book that Count Algar held it in the time of the Confessor. Oakle}' is not mentioned b}' that name in Domesday Book ; it was more than probably included in the three hides of Elford. Domesday Book. Rex tenet Elford. Algar comes teunit Ibi sunt v. hidre Terra est xj. carucatas. lu dominio sirnt iij et xxiiij uillaui et viij bordarii cum viij carucatas. Ibi xxiiij. ac prati et ij molini de xx soUdi. Tempore regis Edwardi valebat xj libras modo xij. Oakley may have been the Acle of which Domesday Book says — Ipse K (Kobertus de Stafford) tenet in Acle ij hidre et Helio de co Vluminus tenuit et liber herus fuit terra est iiij carucatas. In domiuio est una et ij villani et yj bordarii cum j carucatas. Ibi iiij ac prati valet xx solidi. It is most probable that these lands at Oakle}-, which were held bj' Wulfric Spott with the rest of the possessions of that famil}-, became a fief of the Crown by confiscation, and would appear by the later extract from Domesday Book, given above, to have been granted first to Robert de Stafford. Oakley does not appear to have stayed with him ; perhaps it was forfeited with the great Stafford forfeitures in the twelfth century, when almost all the lands went temporarily to the Earl of Chester. It afterwards passed with the Ardernes to Elford. Thomas Arderne held at his death, with Elford, Ockle, four messuages, 1 carucate of land (I. P. M. 15 Richard II., J\I. 3.) Elford passed from the Ardernes downward through the families of Stanley, Staunton, Smj'thes, Huddleston, Bowes, and Howards. Richard Bowes devised an estate at Oakley to his daughter, Elizabeth Heveningham, for ten years. This estate reverted to the Bowes, to whom the Howards succeeded. The Howard estate in Oaklev was bequeathed by Mrs. Howard in 1878 to Howard F. Paget, Esq., son of the Reverend F. Paget, Rector of Elford. To those who may wish to know further particulars of the descent of the IManor of Elford, I must refer them to Richardson's Memoirs of the Lords of Elford, and the Reverend F. Paget's Volume on Elford. Shaw, in his History of Stafford- shire, writes of Oakley, thus — " Oaklej-, anciently written Acley, is an old Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 255 manor, situated about a mile north-west of Elford Church, beyond Elford Park, and seems to derive its name from the fine oalc trees still orowino- in this vicinity." In this derivation Shaw is most probably correct. Burton, in his additions to Erdeswick, writes — " There is on the borders of Staffordshire, near Tamworth, a little manor called Oakley, whereof Sir Maurice Berkeley is found to be seized (13 Henry VIII., 1522), and John was his son and heir, aged three years, this manor being then held of Edward Lord Grey, as of his manor of Ardern in soccage; another Sir Maurice Berkeley was seized thereof 6 Edward VI." From this date the particulars regarding Oakley are scanty and few. There seem to have been two manors or estates at this time in Oakley ; one passed with the owners of Elford, the other through the Berkeley s, from whom the Eoopers obtained it either by purchase or marriage. These latter sold it in 1695 to the Barnetts, who again sold it to Christopher Horton, Esq., in 1703, with whose descendant it still remains. Oakley township forms part of Croxall Parish, and is situated at the extreme eastern corner of the County of Stafford. It forms part of the North Offlow Hundred of that county. It is bounded on the north and east by the River Maese, which here divides the Counties of Derby and Stafford ; on the west by the River Tame, and on the south by the Parishes of Elford and Haselour. It is four miles N.N.W. from Tamworth, of which Union it forms an integral portion. Howard Francis Paget, Esq., is Lord of the Manor, and owns 524 acres ; the Rev. Sir George L. Wilmot Horton, Bart., 115 acres, 1 rood, and 6 perches ; and the Midland Railway Company, whose line passes for about a mile through it, 30 acres, .3 roods, and 33 perches. The total average of Oakley is thus 660 acres, and 39 perches. Rateable value, £3,153 17s. 2d. The population in 1801 was 27; 1811, 27; 1821, 31; 1831, 29; 1841, 21; 1851, 20; 1861, 25; 1871, 37, with six inhabited houses. The soil is a rich loam, subsoil various. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, 37 256 Historical Sketch of tJie Parish of Croxall. and turnips, witli a large proportion of rich meadow land bordering on the Rivers Maese and Tame. The rotation of crops on ^Ir. William Smith's farm here is seeds, wheat, barley, oats, and turnips. The River Tame, before described, flows through Oakley. It is crossed here by means of a bridge, known as Salter's Bridge. Shaw ascribes this appellation to salt having been conveyed this way formerly from the Staffordshire brine pits. The following extracts are taken from the same source: — "1601. This year, the 1st of July, the bridge upon Tame, called Salter's Bridge, being greatly in decay and broken down, was of new begonne, and made broder by two foote, which coste the workmanship two hundred poundes, whereof this Hundred of Offeley paid one hundred poundes, the other four Hundreds paide the reste, the 17th of July, the foundationes began to be laide." " 1795. After the great flood of this year the bridge is thus written of: — It is remarkable that Salter's Bridge, on the river Tame, sustained very little damage, which is supposed to be from the breadth of the centre arch and the great sweep it commands." This bridge was taken down, and another built in the year 1824. It bears an inscription to this effect, and states that Sir George Chetwynd was then Chairman of Quarter Sessions. In this neighbourhood there were formerly some ancient tumuli, or barrows; only one now remains, on the top of which grows an oak tree. In the year 1874:, when some workmen were digging gravel from a pit, a little to the west of Oakley farmhouse, on the land of the Rev. Sir George L. Wilmot Horton, Bart., they discovered, at four feet from the surface, three ancient British urns, which have been deposited in the Lichfield Museum. According to the accepted terms that have been bestowed on these antiquities, one was a cinerary urn ten inches high, and eight and a half inches in diameter at the mouth; the others were smaller. Plates of these are given. A diligent search was made for more, but with no result. The ground in which these were found presented no PiATr :^T^vi]: Probable Height io inches Diameter AT MOUTH 8i Do •■*/*■; .'1 r %- /-^ /■/.i 0-H ' i '-• ^" '"' / Probable height 62 inches D lAMETER AT BASE oi Dn '^<<^!>?^^^: He:ght= 4i inches Diameter at mouth 4« inches Do Do. Base 2b Do »^;^^"^^ =:gBa^**ri _^:^ ^'^i British Urns found in the year 1874 at Oakley in Staffordshire Historical Sketch of the Parish of Croxall. 257 indication whatever of a tumulus or barrow, but the field in which they were found is considerably higher than the surrounding district, which would tend to prove that it formed an habitation of the early Britons. By means of the Tithe Commutation Map I am enabled to give the names of the fields in Oakley; the numbers correspond with those in the map. loabs ill #ahlcn CDbnsbip. The high road from Tamworth to Burton, which also passes through Croxall and Catton, passes from north to south through Oakley, turning to the east at Oakley turnpike gate. At this gate a road turns to the west for Lichfield, &c,, and passes through Oakley from east to west, bridged over the River Tame by Salter's Bridge mentioned above. A foot road, commencing at Croxall Church, passes through Oakley over the Maese, and on past Oakley Farmhouse under a railway arch to Elford. This is a continuation of the footroad commencing in Catton, which passes over Dryden's Walk. An occupation road, commencing close to Salter's Bridge, on its eastern side, passes by Broadfields House, and continues onwards to Elford Park House. A footway, commencing at Broadfields House, passes in the same direction. Jficltr Ultims in #ahlcn CobjusMp. 1 Mytholme Meadow. 2 Plantation. 3 East Mytholme. 4 West Do. 5 Cottage Garden Lands and Plantation. 6 Bank Planted between Koad and Mytholme. 7 Toll Bar Close, including Public Eoad. 7a Garden Thereto. 7b Oakley Gate House. 8 Turnpike Piece. 9 Part of Little Meadow cut off by Eoad. 10 Ploughed Piece. 11 Little Hill. 2^8 Historical Sketch of the ParisJi of Croxall. 12 Middle Close. 40 Willow Bed. 13 Hall Meadow. 41 Far Bank. 14 Baru Close. 42 Stitch. 15 Mill Meadow. 43 Middle Piece. 16 Do. do. 44 Clover Piece. 17 Little Mill Close. 45 Far Hill. 18 Great Do. Do. 46 Butts Close. 19 Carter's Great Close. 47 Far Horse Close. 20 House and Garden. 48 Elford Park Road Close 21 Remainder of Near House Close. 49 Carter's Little Close. 22 Part of Near House Close. 50 Coppice. 23 Croft. 51 Sheep Close. 24 Oakley Farm House. 52 Road adjoining Do. 25 Eailway through Township. 53 Oakley Brand. 26 Eickyard Close. 54 Middle Brand. 27 Big Meadow. 55 Hovel Brand. 28 Little ileadow. 56 River Brand. 29 Slang adjoining Eailway. 57 Great Brand. 30 Broadfield. 56 Little Meadow. 31 Horse Piece. 57 Great Brand. 32 Shed Piece. 58 Little Meadow. 33 Low Piece. 59 Big Meadow. 34 Ashmuck Piece. 60 Wright's Close. 35 Broadfield's Farm House. 61 Little Hopleys. 36 Croft. 02 Mill Meadow. 37 Barn Piece. 63 Pingle. 38 Lower Ingstones. 64 Great Hopleys. 39 Upper Do. 65 New Close. In the marriage settlement of George Curzon and IMary Leveson, his father is described as holding land in " Ocklej." There is a tradition which says that Edward IV. used to stay at Oakley while hunting in Needwood Forest. \r\ liiwnvhtf III' llti.-ifltiiif Uir hu-iak oi' S'. Mufiuel LuhtUid loli't'i'^'^'"'"" I'rotn l>ei-t>y. • -O |nire^ d |!ers0HS. A. Abbs, 89 Abburbury, 197 Abell, 234 Adam, 218 Adams, 100, 126 Adcocke, 106, 110, 113 Adderley, 105, 248 Adkins, 114 ^Ifbelm, 253 Agard, 91-3, 147, 163,243-4 Albini, 168-9, 184, 187, 218-19 Alcocke, 22, 149, 154, 205, 207 Aldersey, 170 Aldridge, 84-5, 239 Algar, 253 Algiva, 253 Alleu,69, 71, 105 AUine, 233 Alrett, 234 Alroid, 96 Alsop, 81,88-90, 92-4,106, 109, 234 Alstree, 248-9 Amand, St., 139, 169, 185, 189, 191, 195, 197, 208-10, 216-17, 219-25 Ampe, 170, 195, 202-3, 213, 223, 229-31 Ansty, 227 Antouimis Piua, 178 Appleby, 148 Arbell, 87 Arderne, 253 Arnold, 85, 87, 89, 91, 94-9, 120, 239 Artbur, 85 Ashby, 16, 38, 133 Asbmole, 90 Ashton, 234-5 Assell, 87 Astle, 239 Aston, 6, 22, 32-4, 133, 147, 170, 2n8, 215 Athorpe, 89 I AtkiuB, 90, 114-15 Atkinson, 88 Auger, 147 Aviryll, 106 B. Babington, 7, 35-7, 145, 148, 150-1, 221 Bache, 197 Bagally, 101 Bagley, 97 Bagot, 111, 162 Baily, 105 Baker, 95, 100, 161 Bakewell, 22, 72 Ball, 243-4 Band, 91 Banks, 110, 231 Barker, 237 Barnes, 83 Barnett, 255 Barton, 226 Basset, 22, 72 Bate, 83-4, 87, 147 Bath, 100 Bathonensi, de, 138 Bayley, 101, 170, 194-5, 210, 220, 229-31, 244-5 Baynton, 125 Beach, 60 Beale, 86 Beaucbamp, 147, 221 Beaumont, 164 Beeke, 89 Beet, 239, 243 Bekyngbam, 141 Bellield, 117-18 Bellis, 109 Bellow, 222 Belon, 115 Belzetter, 197, 211 Berkeley. 255-6 Binfleld, 117 Birch, 106, 12.5 Birkenhead, 160, 173 Blackwell, 97 Bladen, 84-5, 115 Blizard, 61 Bloomer, 90 Blount, 105, 132-3, 146 Bodewell, 118 Boghey, 195 Boldynge, 231 Bolton, 85 Bond, 99 Booth, 51, 63, 77, 81, 108-11, 113-17 Bosco, 171 Botelere, 203 Bourne, 22, 162 Bowes, 48, 253 Boydell, 86 Boyer, 126 Boyle, 132, 238 Boys, 221 Brabazon, 5, 141-3 Braddall, 84 Bradoil, 97 Bradshaw, 162, 234 Braybrooke, 169 Breakdiche, 170, 191 Breedon, 100 Brenstone, 204, 214 Brewse, 39 Briddle, 215 Briggs, 104 Briudle, 121 Bristeu, 243 Bristowe, 239 Broke, 208 Bromley, 162 Brompton, 124 Broom, 95-6 Brooke, 85 Brown, 61, 79,82-3,89-91, 94-8, 103, 107, 121, 162, 202 Brougbton, 89 Buckley, 109 Budworth, 239 Bugham, 87-9 Bulintou,226 Buller, 99, 178 Bulman, 88, 90-1 Burbage, 147 Burbridge, 96, 98, 102-3, 121 Burcher, 115 Burdett, 159,238 Burkley, 80 Burton, 22, 114, 118,255 Buswell, 42, 107, 174 Butter, 239, 243 ByrchaU, 109-11 Byron, 176 Bywater, 106 Cadman, 109, Calangewode 223-4 Camden, 15, 29 Campdene, 208 Campion, 74, 112, 243-4 Camville, 4, 28 Cantrell, 239 Canute, 253 Capenburst, 100 Carbery, 249-50 Cardy, 86 Carey, 248 Carbampton, 175-6 Carleton,27, 42, 174 Carter, 108 Cartere, 170 Cartrell, 244 Cartwrigbt, S3, 201, 212 222-3, 225, 228 Catherall, 170 Cave, 84 Cavendish, 237 Cawser, 107 Cepreton, 149 Chamber, 39, 42, 173 Chamberlain, 114 Chantrev, 43 Chat, 168 Chaumbres, 141 Chekley, 101 Chertseye, 195, 210 26o Index of Persons. Chester, 110 Dispensar, 170 Fowler, 93 Helot, 170, 190-3, 196, Chetwynd, 256 Dixon, 109 Francis, 94, 127 209, 218, 226 Cheyue, -JOl, 212, 223, Dobson, 10^-9 Fraunceys, 179, 203 Henengham, 173 224, 225 Dolphin, 97, 111 Freman, 226 Hengham, 141 Childecote, 222 Donegal. 12 Freville. 2-23 Henrietta Maria, 131 Choice, 63 Dorchester, 27, 174 Frith, 90, 116 Henster. 201. 212, 223-5 Choyre, 99, 117 Dorset, 8, 9, 10, 14, 19, Frostun, 238 Henworth, 104 Chvche. 222 36, 130, 227 Fuderlev. 210 Heppelotte, 226 Clare, 96 Doughty, 104 Fuller, 106 Herle, 143 Clark, 102, 104, 127, 239 Draper, 89 Fui-bour, 22 Herig. 215 Clerk. 202. 223-4, 226-8 Drjden, 9, 14, 18, 257 Fynderue, 200, 234-5 Herteshonie, 22, 144, 212 Clopton. 123 Dudley, 206, 214 Fysshere, 170, 185, 193, Heveuingham. 254 Clownam. 101 Dun, 215 199, 202, 210, 212 Hewer, 87, 239 Coaliff, 108 Duuston, 195, 218 Fytton, 158, 100-1 Hewgill. 85-7, 121 Coekaiue, 243-4 Durant, 218, 223-5 Hide, 221 Coke, 91 Durueforde, 197, 211, 222 Higges, 22, 81-5, 159, 208, Cokesey, 171, 235-6 Dylke, 101 G. 215, 239 Colclough, IIU Dysen, 170, 205 Higginbotham, 85 Coles, 110 Gadsby, 105-6, 114-15 HiU, 37, 95, 162. 173 Collet, 91-3, 96-9, 100-3, Gainsborough, 176 Hiuckes, 115-16, 118 106, 121 E. Gardiner, 195 Hinds, 116 Collin, 89 Garner, 105 Hines, 64, 118 ColUngwooa, 62, 113, Earp, 74 Geffrey, 170. 189-95,197-8, Hinglye, 22 116-18 Ebor, 215 203, "209, 211 Hobhouse. 163 Columbelle. 235 Edden, 55 Gent, 90 Hocton, 169. 185, 216-17 Colvile, 175 Eddins, 116 German, 11, 58-9, 100, Hokeuhull, 198, 211 Cook, 113 Edgerson, 160 116-18 Holcroft, 171 Cooper, 73, 97, 104 Ednidge, 108 Gibbins, 98 Holding, 102 Cossell, 105 Edwall, 99. 107 Gibson, 108 Holland. 101, 239 Coterone, 197 Edwards, 83, 84, 88, 109 Gilbert, 91, 94 HoUier, 99, 100, 111-17 Cotes, 226, 239 Eggington, 101, 103, 109 Gisbome, 22, 26, 51, 73 HoUingshed, 238 Cotton, 84, 106 Eld, 97 Glevde, 223-4 Hollis, 116 Coulton, 244-5 EUaston, 89 Glover, 7, 170, 185, 189, Holmes, 68, 115 Coventre, 197 Ellis. 93 190-4, 208-10, 221 Holworthy, 22, 50, 51, 54 Co^\-per, 239 EUour. 95-7 Goodall, 61 Honey, 10 Cox, 21 25,28,49.86,91, Elot, 189 Goodman, 76 Hopkins, 110, 196 98, 99, 102-4 Elson, 80 Goodwin, 92, 100, 162, Hopkynsone. 170, 196-9 Creweker, 5, 145, 234 ElweU, 77-8, 97 2489 Hough, 22. 92, 94, 98 Croix, St., 189, 208, 218 Elwer, 106 Gooldyssoue, 203 Howard, 254 Cronipton, 248 Elyes, 170, 189, 191-2, Goring. 63 Huddleston, 254 Cromwell, 175 208 Gote, 80 Hudson, 239 Cruker, 147 Emery, 63, 112-13, 119 Gosseford, 227-8 Hugge, 170, 196-7, 199, Culworthe, 138 Ernes, 114 Gresley, 6. 133 204, 205, 207. 211, 213 Cumberland, 175-8, 250 Empson. 125 Griffith, 133 Hukyne. 229, 230-1 Euglefield, 161 Gripton, 74 Huls, 201, 212, 223-5 Ensor. 83, 86, 162-3 Gubbe, 170, 202 Humphrey, 178 D. Erdeswyke, 201, 255 Erpe. 100 Gusman, 123 Hunter, 84 Hurling, 147 Dagley, 80, 110 Ethelred, 253 Hurste, 86 Dakin, 83, 87, 90-2, P8 Etheridge, 80 H. Hutchinson, 245 Daniel, 22, 79, 98. 100-2, Etwall, 95, 97, 103, 106 Hyde, 197, 246 106, 113. 125 Everard. 239 Haddock, 107 HVUe, 17(1. 215 Danne, 178 Eyre, 175 Hall, 100-1, 106 HyUyng, 234 Darby, 88 Hallond, 234 Daulmann, 104 Halom, 227 Daunvers, 197, 211, 222 F Hanson, 58. 223-4 I. Davenport, 1(4 Hanton, 169, 185, 216-17 David, 201 Fal.ri, 221 Hapds, 110 Ingenenne. 195, 197, Davis, 96 Falconer, 50 Harden, 107 210-11, 222 Dawson, 99, 118, 223-4 Farey, 11, 12, 13, 178 Hare, 135 Innocent. Pope, 5, 185 Day, 83 Farlington, 113 Harold. 253 Ireland, 227 Deakin, 93-6 Faweu, 234 Harper. 97, 100-3, 107, Irnham. 175-6 Deane, 149-51 Fermor, 29 110-li, 145 Irpe, 204-7, 229-33 Delo. 147 Ferrers, 3, 34, 39, 168, Harrison, 100 Ives, 202 Denston, 84 173, 184, 218, 234-6, Hartington, 6, 27, 31-2, Ivo, 189 Deuum, 143 248-9 132-3 Derby, 222 Finlay, 239 HartweU. Ill J. Derrick, 232 Fisher. 92 Haseldine, 85 Desborongh, 248 Fitchett, 97 Hawkins, 106 James, 218 Deye, 222 Fittou, 191 Hawxford, 101 Jenkynsone, 229-31 Deykeyn, 226 Fitzharbert, 233 Hazeldoun. 106 Jervis, 107 Dickenson, 106 Flower, 131, 178 Heame, 128 .Tewitt, 3, 169 Dickins, 101 Flover, 246 Heartwell, 118-19 Johnson, 62, 88, 100, 116, Dilkes, 92 Ford, 110 Heath, 89, 106 118-19 Dimston, 210 Foster, 60 Heleys, 197, 218 Juvenal, 9 Index of Persons. 261 K. Marler, 113 p. Rede, 227-8 Marreys, 222, 234 Redmore. 170 Kat, 168 Marshall, 88, 98 Page, 103 Resall, 243 Kempe, 221 Martyr, 145 Paget, 11, 254-5 Reynals, 210 Kensall, 83-6, 88, 90-3, 95, Mason, 117, 126 Palmer, 84, 94, 226, 239 Reynolds, 95, 97, 121,195 99, 100-1, 103, 109, 159 Massey, 170-1 Pauley, 89 Rhodes, 100 Kent, 107-8, 115 Master, 82 Parker, 195, 210 Richards, 98 Ket, 168 Masty, 198 Part, 91 Richardson, 113-18, 254 Kinston, 104 Matthew, 81-5, 92-3, 121, Partington, 102 Richings, 7 Kned, 194, 210 146-7, 162 Partrich, 147 Richmond, 205 Kniveton, 28, 30 May, 220 Pase, 89 Rider, 178 Kuylle, 207 Maylour, 230-1, 299 Pastone, 145 Riley, 64-5, 106, 116 Koucure, 204 Meacocke, 88 Pateshull, 135, 137 Roades, 94 Kyle, 84, 160 Melbourne, 239-43 Patricti, 146 Roaper, 96, 98, 121 Kynge, 170 Meynell, 234 Pitrik, 202 Robinson, 111, 115, 162 Kynnersley, 41, 173, 246, Miatt, 63, 116 Peake, 106 Robotham, 124 247 Middleton, 102 Pearson, 22, 50, 71 2, 116, Roe, 243-4 Kysse, 227 Miller, 103-4, 106 119 Roger, 2, 3 Milner, 83, 85, 87, 89, 90-2, Peckham, 20, 185 Rogerton, 160 93-9, 102-4, 116, 121 Peet, 92 Roiley, 29 L. Milsom, 83 Pek, 140 Rokeyn, 199 Milton, 15 Pemberton, 246 Rollesley, 234 Laoy, 218 Minors, 102 Penefather, 233 Ronaldson, 99 Ladd, 183 Montford, 5 Perberne, 227 Ronde, 226 Lager, 67 Monro, 46 Perkin, 239 Roome, 243-4 Lakin, 94, 98, 108-9 Moore, 94 Perrier, 222 Roo, 146-7 Lancaster, 144 Moretone, 148 Pert, 93 Rooper, 255 Large, 208, 215 Morewood, 117 Pevell, 109 Rowley, 62 Latham, 147 Morgan, 83, 106-9, 111-12, Peyure, 21, 197 Royle, 75-6, 80, 99, 100, Laverok, 204, 214 147 Philips, 93, 115, 121 102, 107-10, 112-14, Lawley, 111 Morgill, 83, 88-90, 93, 95- Pickering, 103, 248 117-18 Lea, 91, 113 98, 101, 103-5, 107-11, Pickford, 178 Rugleye, 148 Lecupere, 190 116-18, 121 Pickhardt, 244 Russell, 93, 238 Lee, 110, 170,204 Morley, 237-8 Pidcock, 110 Rylcy, 84-5, 105, 107-9 Leedhara, 106 Morrice, 162 Pierre, St., 37, 39, 42, Ryngold, 227 Lees, 85, 107 Morris, 125 171-2 Legamer, 190, 209 Mott, 88, 239 Pikes, 221 Leland, 29 Mousley, 79, 82-9, 92-9, Pim,65-7, 87, 98-9, 102-3, S. Lessone, 229-31 102-4, 116-21 124 Levatte, 160 Mulgrave, 246 Pincerna, 136 Sacheverell, 232-35 Leveson, 36, 157-9, 160, Muudy, 147 Pipe, 22, 118-19 SackviUe, 8, 9, 36, 161-2 162, 165, 168 Murk, 170, 194 Pipes, 73, 114, 117 Sanders, 4, 89, 243 Levett, 10, 45 Myner, 49 Pitt, 12 Sanderson, 131 Lewis, 7 Myners, 208, 232-4 Plot, 18 Sargent, 84 Lewlyn, 227-8 Mynors, 49 Podmore, 95-6 Saunders, 94, 207 Lexintoue, 138 Pooley, 102 Savage, 85-6, 147, 149 Ley, 91 Porte, 2,32-3 Sawley, 84 Lightwood, 103 N. Porter, 239 Saxtou, 131 Limer, 116-17 Poterne, 135 Say, 221 Liuford, 94 Nazareth, 239 Nessall, 239 Pratt, 117, 119 Scarsdale, 30, 32-3 Liimey, 118 Preste, 199, 202, 206-7, Scheylle, 191,209 Littleton, 111, 147, 233, 214 Scot, 17U 249-60 Nevill, 99, 100-2, 106-7, 110-13 Newbold, 90 Newcombe, 187 Nicholas, St., 185, 204 Nidyer, 147 Nikes, 170, 196-7 Normanton, 195 Norton, 97 Nutt, 106 Nye, 198 Nyke, 199, 202, 223-4 Preston, 138 Scouper, 147 Loekley, 94 Prettie, 87, 91 Seale, 94, 243 Longford, 233 Longforthe, 235-6 Prinsope, 89, 90, 95 Prust, 195-7, 210-11 Selby, 221 Selwyu, 21 Low, 99, 182 Pnistessone, 170, 194, 198 Seusanne, 95 Lunn, 102 Prymme, 170 Shakespeare, 206 Luttrell, 174-5 Piyst, 229-31 Shattby, 146 Lygou, 6. 33-4, 147 Puilson, 85, 87-9 90-2 Shaw, 102, 254-56 Lyndon, 98 Punchardone, 137 Shearpheard, 91, 95, 96 Pycroft, 67 Shepheard, 243-4 M. Pym, 88-90, 97-8, 105, 108, 112-14, 117 Shepherd, 48, 94, 170, 205, 212, 222 Shepicre, 195, 210 Malrille, 193 Shipreue, 222 Maistre, 170 0. Q- Shiplon, 113 Mallaber, 84, 239 Simkin, 56-7, 114-15, 119 Maloue, 206 Oky, 170, 192-3, 210 Quenby, 106 Siward, 2, 3, 167-8 Malorde. 141 Onley, 96 Slaney, 121 Mangepayne, 22 OrgeUe, 99, 207 Sleigh, 108 Malpas, 39 Orme, lUl, 147 R. Smedley, 10 Mauneriiig, 88, 160 Overton, 198 Smith, 67, 83, 85, 87, 100. Mansell, l05 Owen, 79, 83-6, 99, 100, Rainolds, 96 103, 107, 161 Mansfield, 66, 104-5 106, 109, 111 Eawlyne, 230 Smithson, 247 262 Index of Persons. Smyth, 95. 97. 194, 202, 204-5, -.^07, 215, 223-4, 227-9, 230-1, 243, 254 Smythe, 170 Sneyd, 111. 174 Somerville, 4, 5, 135 Sowter, 147 Speare, 93 Spencer, 108, 112, 114, 202, 213 Spooner, 112 Spott, 253 Sprott. 208, 215, 235-8 Stafford, 254 Staley, 22, 164 Standynought, 22, 28, 149 Stanley, 146, 200, 201, 203, 254 Stanope. 172, 193, 198, 209, 211 Starkey, 201-2, 211-14 Startyn, 131 Staunton, 254 Sterky, 204, 223-25 Stokes, 197 Stoneley, 203, 213 Strangways, 145 Stretchay, 205-7 Stretton, 105, 194, 234 Stufson, 161 Sturges. 98 State, 125 .Styrex, 101 Sutton, 22, 60 Swan, 84, 91-4 Swain, 104 Sweyn, 253 Swinson, 98, 105 Sykes, 99 Symenel, 170, 192 Tatton, 6, 48 Taverner, 109 Taylor, 84-5, 92, 99, 102, 106, 109, 113, 202, 213, 226. 234, 236, 243, 244 Teesdale, 106 TerrT, 87 Thacker, 90 Thanley, 115 Thickbroome, 89, 91, 93 Thirynge, 195 Thomas, 97, 99, 104 Thomsen, 84, 107 Thoresbv, 212 Thornewelle, 94, 98, 121, 162 Thorpe. 85 Tilton, 170 Tomleusou, 94, 178 ToniU, 96 Tonoure, 212 Tonne, 178, 201, 213, 223- 225 Tow, 99 Towers, 103 Townaend, 109 Tricklebauk, 105 Tuderley, 195, 222 Tufinell, 27, 43, 64 Turner, 73, 110, 111, 114, 248, 249 Twigge, 243-4 Twist, 91 Tymigham 39, 173 U. UUorbe, S3 Upen, 106 Upton, 109 Uriel, 123 Usgathorp, 197 Vanghan. 103-4, 108-9 Venour, 221 Vernon, 170,200, 203,213 Vernoune. 145 Vilckard, 243-4 VUiers, 90, 110 Virgol, 128 Visshere, 221 Vyncent. 235 W. Wade. 171 Wagstaffe, 84-5, 90-3, 95, 98, 102 Wakelev, 124 Waldeffe. 229 Waleys, 192, 210 Walker. 227, 232 Walle, 93, 224 Waller, 131 Walpole, 176 Walter, 99 Walton, 66, 100, 114, 116, 118 Ward, 84, 99, 113, ISn, 193, 208, 222-3 Warden, 109-10, 113, 115 Watson, 100 Webb, 57, 67-8, 80, 102, 104,111, 114-17,178 Wells. 232 Weseham, de, 217 West, 169, 221-3 Weston, 162, 226 Wheatley, 243 Whitebrede, 227 Whitelocke, 8 Whitmore, 111 Whitteriugs, 100 Whittingham, 105 Wliittington, 39, 42 Whytinge, 170, 199, 202, 204, 229-31, 243 Wildblood, 84 Wildy, 190 Wilder. 243-4 Wilbraham, 125 Wildsmith, 99 Wilkinson. Ill, 116, 172 Wilkins, 94 Wilson, 97, 104-5 Willcoxe, 90, 99, 106 Willement, 2 Willes, 22 WilUams, 93, 109, 111 Williamson, 170 Willis, 90 Wilmot, 27, 44, 174 Winsor, 93 Winster, 67-9, 115.16 Wodforde, 207, 232, 233 Wolley, 105, 107, 131 Wolston, 104 Wood, 84, 99, 105, 107, 109-10. 116, 118, 147 Woodcock, 84 Woodhouse, lU-12, 116 Worley, 107, 162 Worth, 57 Wotton, 160 Wragge, 234 Wrigge, 232 Wright, 126, 161 Wrotteslev, 133 Wylcoke. 229 Wylde, 246 Wynne, 246 Wyrley, 27-8 T. Yates, 95-6 Trpe, 170,202, 207, 214-15 Zouche, 26 176 Iltte 0f ^luts. A. Abbots Bromley, 100, 123 Abyndone, 210 Aclea, 254-8 Adderbury, 221 Addington, 128 Albans, Saint, 128 Alcester, 129 Alcombury, 125 Alcrinton, 220 Aldertord, 128 Alderways, 90 Algiers, 123 Allowe, 152, 156 Allrington, 128 Alrewas, 14, 22, 79, 85, 88-9, 94, 98-9, 102, 105, 108-9, 129, 156-7, 162, 195, 203, 226, 232 Atnberley, 127 AmpthuU, 221 Andeleston, 220 Andrews, Saint, 129 Appleby, 7, 90, 94-5, 104 Areley, 127 Arnold, 127 Ascension, Island of, 50 Ashbourne, 106, 127 Ashby-de-la-Zouche, 11, 15, 99, 129, 182 Asshmerbroke, 208 Aston, 106, 125 B. Badow, 20 Bakewell, 128 Bangor, 128 Barnston, 127 Barrow, 232 Barton-under-Needwood, 14,69, 94-5,100-1,104-6 109, 126, 232, 236-7, 242-3 Basford, 124 Bath, 50, 69, 129 Battlebridge, 126 Battledou, 220 Beauvrfiiul, 168 Beccles, 123 Bedford, 219 Bedford Row, 127 Bedwin, Great, 126 Bendley, 125 Benonden, 126 Berg, 125 Berkeley, 220 Bermondsey, 123 Betstoue, 103 Beverley, 124, 138 Bickley, 127 Biddulph Moor, 10 Biggleswade, 127 Birmingham, 71, 96, 106, 178 Bishopsteignton, 47 Blackburn, 122 Blackstoue, 100 Blandford, 126 Blocksitte, 85 Bloxham, 220 Blymhill, 126 Boddeley, 129 Bolton, 102 Bosworth, 227 Bothbon, 100 Bottisham, 126 Boult, 123 Bourdeaux, 220 Bowlas, Great, 128 Bradmere, 124 Brampton, 128 Bramston, 129 Branson, 105 Breedon, 11 Brendon, 220 Bretby, 98, 100 Briddestborn, 189 Brighthelmstone, 128 Brithtyi-, 146 Broseley, 124 Broughton, 123-4 Broughton Giflord, 172 Brysyngcotes, 223-5, 232, 234-6 Buckingham, 128 Budworth, 88 Bunney, 129 Burcott, 127 Burton Joyce, 129 Burton-on-Trent, 11, 13, 14, 18, 29, 79, 93, 99, 100-1, 104-6, 109, 126-7, 129, 177, 182-3, 202-3, 214, 226, 232, 235-6, 243 C. Cadeby, 42, 174 Caldecott, 128 Caldwell, 101, 102, 105, 2^2, 234 Cambridge, 41, HI, 129 Campeshall, 128 Cannock, 14, 113 Canterbury, 15, 185 Capesthorne, 174 Cardigan, 125 Castle Greisley, 102 •Caterham, 167 Catesby, 167 Catthorpe, 167 Cattistock, 167 Cernewyke, 210 Ceylon, 44, 176 Chagford, 123 Chalfout, 125 Chatteris, 124 Chelmarsh, 126 Cheltenham, 127 Cherringtou, 127 Cherry Hiuton, 128 Chester, 124, 129 Chestertield, 4 Chibborue, 123 Childerstoue, 210, 220 Chilcoat, 106, 109 Chilton, 125-6 Chipping Wycombe 127 Churchill, 123 Cliffe, 126 Clifton, 94, 102, 105-6 Clipstone, 174 Cockei-mouth, 123, 125 Colande, 234 Colchester, 125 Coleorton, 125 Comenore, 210 Comberford, 90 Condover, 126 Coole Hilate, 171-2 Cotes, 220-1 Coton, 18, 85, 87, 102, 105-6, 177, 182-3, 222, 244 Coventry, 129, 185, 232 Crediton, 128 Cricklade, 128 Croddeworthe, 209 Cumberford, 197. 211 CuyUey, 192-3, 209, 227 D. Damerham, 127 Damietta, 5 Darlaston, 128 Darlington, 124 Davenant, 2 Derby, 13, 101, 126, 138, 178, 245, 248-9 Disseworthe, 128 Dolgelly, 46, 127 Dorchester, 126, 128 Dowuton, 128 Dravidge, 123 Draycott, 124 Droxford, 125 Dudley Castle, 15 Dunesmore, 204, 214 Dunimear, 116 DunsfciU, 92 Duraut, 125 Dursley, 124 Drympton, 126 >64 Index of Places. E. Eccleshall, 99, 124 Eddiu^n, 125 EdgehiU, 9 Edinburg, 125 Eggington, 85 Elford. 17; 18, 25.68,71, 96, 104, 191, 209, 254, 255, 257-8 Ellingham, 127 Elseworth, 123 Ely, 123 Ensden, 127 Ensham, 125 Eperton, 128 Esseborne, 141 Etone, 210, 220 Etwal], S7, 100 Eusdeu, 127 F. Fadmore, 125 Falmouth, 128 Farringdon. 124 Faseley, 100 Fauld. 4 Ffeodshaw, 128 Fisherwick, 12. 107, 116 Fitty. 127 Fordingbridge. 124 Folkestone, 128 Fotheringhay, 129 Four Oaks, 176 Fradley, 94, 98, 106 Frampton, 127 Fyndeme, 195, 200, 212 Giles, Saint, 124 Gloucester, 127-8 Gournay, 168 Grandcbester, 123 Gratwode, 128 Greenwich, 162 Greisley, 163, 178, 207, 222 Grendon, 107, 220 Gresley, 10, 22, 90, 93 Grimsby, Great, 127 Grimston, 128 Habberley, 127 Habentree, 124 Haddeuham, 124 Hagelbv, 124 flakleston. 210 Halifax, 128 Hambleton, 128 Hamshill, 105 Hanbury, 29, 89, 98, 105 Hanover. 9 Hareworth, 141 Harlastone, 94, 102, 109, 200, 213 Harlow, 125 Harstoft, 126 Hartford. 171 Hartlepool, 127 ' Hartsease, 128 Haseloiir, 255 Hassel, 170 Hastings, 126 Haughley. 125 Hault Huckuall, 1-26 Haunton. 91 H.lvant, 123 Headiiigton, 127 Heath, 126 Hedon, 123 Hegham. 192 Hereford, 137 Hertesborne, 189, 194, 210, 232 Hethwaite, 126 Hexham, 128 Hinglock, 127 Hiustou, 127 Hinton-in-the-Hedges, 129 HokenhuU. 193 Holcroft, 171 Holderuess, 123 Hollmarket 125, 128 Holt, 128 Honolulu, 22 Hopwas, 85 Hornsea, 124 Horsemonden, 124 Horwood, Great. 128 Houndhill, 36, 172 Honnsditch, 126 Huistin, 127 Hyneboley, 208 Udesle, 220 Ilkeston, 128 IniskiUing, 124 Tppelpenne, 220 Ives, Saint, 123, 128 Jngmanthorpe, 127 Kedleston, 4, 5, 135-6 Keele, 174 Kemhuton, 128 Kenewarton, 222 Kentford, 126 Kidymount, 126 King's Bromley, 14 Kiiigston-upon-Hull, 127 Kiugswood, 127 Kirkdrighton, 127-8 Knighton, 128 Kynnesbury. 211 Kyrton-m-Lindsey, 124 L. Laintwerdine, 128 Lambeth, 123 Lanatoflf, 128 Lancaster, 123, 129 Langeley, 234 Lapley, 127 Leake, 96 Lee, 102 Leicester, 129, 146, 187 Leighton, 126 Letchlad, 127 Leominster, 124 Lichfield, 7, 11, 13, 14, 20-1. 50, 82, 86, 88-9, 93,95-6.101,103,108-10, 126, 178, 184-5, 198, 216-17, 226, 232, 247-9 Linseil, 36 Lisburne, 125 Litchurch, 248, 250 Littleport, 124, 129 Little, St. Andrews, 127 Liverpool, 126 Llanvilling, 125 Log Hill, 131 London, 113 Longdon, 89, 102 Louth, 127 Lnwdwater, 127 Luddleton, 123 Lullington, 13, 18, 100, 105, 109. 162-3,242 LutgarehiU, 219 Lynton. 98-9 Lyons, 128 Lythewood, 126 M. Madresfield, 6 Maiton, 141 ilalanes, 123 Malpas, 170-1 Maucetter, 7 Mappleton, 127 Marehyntone, 214 Market Rayson, 125 Market Lassington, 128 Marston, 88 Massingham, Great, 124 Mavesyn Eidware, 100, 102 Meanstorke, 127 Measham, 208, 222, 230-1, 234 Melford, Long, 125 Merriden, 124 Mimhead, 123 Mitcham. 126 Mittaw, 125 Morden. 'East, 128 Morgan's Lane, 124 Morleston, 250 Morpeth, 123 Mount Sorrel], 123 Monskerley, 124 Molbrooke, 220 N. Neath. 128 Netherhaven, 123, 210 Netherseale, 99, 101, 103 Nether Winchington, 173 Newall. 98 New Alresford, 123 Newarke. 129 Newbolde Vordene, 208. 222 Newbury, 123 Newcastle-uuder-Lyne, 44, 126, 176 Neweut, 128 Newington, 127 Newland, 127 Newport, 128 New Shoreham, 126 Newton, King's, 89, 90 Normanton, 84 Northampton, 218 Northenbtiry, 129 Northfleet, 125 North Marden, 124 Northwich, 171, 194, 198, 210-11 Norton, 87, 127 Norwich, 123, 215 Nottingham, 128, 136, 215-ti 0. Oberbarmen, 125 Olave's, St., 123, 125, 127 Oldbiiry, 127 Orange, 124 Orford, 125 Orgreave, 67 Ormskirk, 128 Osbaston, 234 Osgathorpe. 89 Osmaston, 27, 71, 174, 234 Oswestrv, 123 Ottery St. Mary, 126 Overton, 125 Oxford, 111, 124, 185, 217, 220 Osstead, 127 Palatines, 125 Peanslane, 104 PelsaU. 174 Penrith, 127 Pensford, 126 Pipe, 173 Poland, Great, 126 Polesworth, 103, 172 Preston Bagot, 126 PudUcote. 220 Putley, 127 Q Quatford, 126 Quebec, 46 Quenby, 6, 32 Queningborough, 144 R. Radcliffe, 232-33 Randwith, 128 Eepton, 5, 10, 20. 22, 28, 138, 143-4, 164, 185, 202, 217, 223, 233-4, 250 Index of Places. 265 Bepton Hall, 168 Bidware, 216 Bixton, 170-1 Bockingham, 220 Kokeby, 227-8 EoUeston, 67, 124 Bosliston, 98-9, 103, 105, 222, 239, 245, 247 Eotherith, 125 Boyston, 173 Euddington, 128 Budgeley, 126, 194 Buthin, 126, 24G Ryton, 126 Salden, 128 Sally, 123 Salop, 104 Satt, 93 Sandbaeh, 100 Selby, 124 Shadwell, 124, 126 Shakerstone, 96 ShareshuUe, 192 Shefnall. 126 Shene, 236 Shen stone, 162 Sherifhales, 126 Sherrington, 128 Shilton, 129 Sliipnall. 104 Shipedash, 126 Sliipstone, 128 Shire Lane, 124 Shirholt, 236 Shraward, 127 Shrewsbury, 124 Sibertoft, 142 Sibgon, 129 Slimbridge, 126 Smisby, 15 Smith'field, 123 Somertou, 29 Southam, 124 South Armaye, 220 Southberg, 128 Southcarrey, 210 Southover,'l26 South wark, 123-4 Spaldeu. 126 Spilby, 124 Spitalflelds, 124 Spotborough, 29 Stafford, 93-4, 128. 255 Stamford, 129 Stanton, 97 Stanton Lacey StapenhiU, 91, 97, 101-2, 105, 232, 235 Staunton, 99, 172, 189 Staverton, 128 Stoak, 125 Stoe, 102 Stockton-on-Tees, 125 Stone, 104, 106 Stoney, 128 Stretton, 88, 204, 214, 234 Streatham, 123 Sudbrook, 44 Sudbury, 98 Sunderland, 126 Swadlincote, 88 Swavesay, 127 Tamworth, 11-14, 18, 68, 93, 99, 100, 103, 105-6, 108-11, 115, 173, 178, 182-3, 228, 255, 257 Tatenhill, 100 Taunton, 185, 216-17 Tedbury, 123 Teignmouth, 47 Tempsford, 126 Tergooze, 9 Tewkesbury, 127 Thirsk, 123 Thorutouhough, 127 Thrapstone, 127 Tixall, 6 Torksey, 126 Torrington, 124, 128 Towcester, 125 Trentham, 36, 157 Trusley, 91 Tutbury, 108, 129, 184-5, 216-17 Tuxford, 124 Twenbroke, 194, 210 Twycross, 87 Twyford, 4, 5, 145 TydwoU, 127 Tynemouth, 123 U. Upton, 126 Usk 127 Uttoxeter, 88, 105, 247 Vale Royal, 171 W. Walkeritb, 126 Walton-on-Trent. 13, 89, 91, 93-5, 99-101, 107, 121, 173, 175, 1; 7, 182, 192, 195. 199, 200-2, 212- 13, 226, 232, 233, 236, 247 Waraberge, 220 Wapping, 124, 128-9 Waresby, 128 Warmingham, 126 "Wartou, 171, 192-3, 198, 199, 209,211-12, 232-3 Warwick, 1211, 126 Wedgbury, 96 Welshpool. 127 Wensley, 127 Westherby, 128 Westhoug'hton, 129 Westminster, 8, 9, 125, 138, 144-5 West Tylburn, 125 Wlieatley, 127 Wheaton Aston, 127 Whitechurch, 125, 129 Wbitefriars, 126 Whittingtou, 110,126 Wichnor. 10, 45, 95, 108, 161, 201 Widderiugton, 123 Widhav. 220 Wilbraham, Gt., 129 WUcott, 127 Williugton, 20 Wilsley, 99-100 . WinshuU, 232 Winstanton, 125 Wirksworth, 128 Wisbeach, 127 Wisshawe, 209 Witheridge, 126 Withyam, 9 Wolverhampton, 123 Woodford, 242 Woodham, 126 Woodhill, 16 Woodhouse, 107 Woudhurst, 124 Woolstou, 88 Woolwich, 125 Worcester, 128 WorlestoD, 125 Wrekin, The, 14 Wrexham Abbott, 126 Wrockwardine. 123 Wrottesley, 124 Wydebay, 197 Wygiuton, 100,105-7, 113 Wj-lmiudecote, 209 Wyucham, 211 Wytherly, 95 T. Talden, 123 Yarmouth, Great, 125 Yarrow, 129 York, 15, 123 Yoxall, 101-4, 106, 189, 195 BEMUOSE AND SONS, PBINTEES, LONDON AND DERBY. i^' This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-75m-7,'61 (0143764)444 I ' I llllilll D 000 452 764 yy^^t i^g? /»'! W •'», i