j LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF 3NIA .GO OLD ABE, fllPUTH WTCPflKMM WilB Mbii WIMUDIMN WAii A FULL ACCOUNT OF HIS CAPTURE AND ENLISTMENT, EX- PLOITS IN WAR AND HONORABLE AS WELL AS USEFUL CAREER IN PEACE. WITH AN APPENDIX, O } By F. A. F. MADISON, WIS. CURRAN AND BOWEN. 1885. Copyright, 1885, by JOHN \\. CCRRAN, of the 5th Wisconsin, and EUGENE BOWEN, of the 92d New York. CRAMER, AIKENS & CRAMER, Printers and Stereotypers, Milwaukee, Wis. NOTE. HTHIS little volume, concerning the most famous bird of . . ancient or modern times, was not written for display or fame. It was prepared to furnish a means whereby a few veter- ans, maimed in the service of their country, might turn an honest penny. It contains, as far as the author knows and believes, noth- ing false or discolored; and, though humble, forms as unde- niably a part of the history of the Eebellion as the doings of Grant or Sherman. F. A. F. MADISON, Wis., May, 1885. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Page. THE EAGLE'S ANCIENT FAME, .... .... 7 CHAPTER II. CAPTURE AND EARLY LIFE OF OLD ABE, 10 CHAPTER III. IN THE SERVICE, .... 15 CHAPTER IV. ON TO THE FRONT, - 18 CHAPTER V. CONDUCT IN BATTLE, - - 23 CHAPTER VI. ANTICS IN CAMP, 26 CHAPTER VII. CORINTH AND OTHER BATTLES, - 30 CHAPTER VIII. THE CAMPAIGN IN TENNESSEE AND MISSISSIPPI, 34 CHAPTER IX. THE SIEGE OF VICKSBURG, - 40 CHAPTER X. THE RED RIVER AND OTHER EXPEDITIONS, . 43 CHAPTER XI. OLD ABE AT HOME ON A FURLOUGH, 47 CHAPTER XII. RETURNING TO THE FRONT, - - - 50 CHAPTER XIII. MUSTERED OUT ; WAR REMINISCENCES, 55 CHAPTER XIV. THE WAYS OF PEACE ; NORTHWESTERN SANITARY FAIR, 60 CHAPTER XV. MILWAUKEE SOLDIERS' HOME AND SOLDIERS' ORPHANS' HOME, - - 64 6 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XVI. Pose. PITTSBURGH AND PEOKIA GATHERINGS, - 68 CHAPTER XVII. OLD ABE NOMINATES GRANT FOR PRESIDENT, - - - 71 CHAPTER XVIII. CELEBRATIONS AND REUNIONS, - 73 CHAPTER XIX. AT THE CENTENNIAL, - -77 CHAPTER XX. Two MONTHS IN BOSTON, CHAPTER XXI. MORE REUNIONS ; THE GRANT BANQUET, - . - - 85 CHAPTER XXII. OLD ABE'S SEMI-TRAGIC DEATH, - 90 CHAPTER XXIII. ANECDOTES AND CHARACTERISTICS, - 97 APPENDIX. OLD ABE'S BATTLES, - - 101 His ATTENDANTS IN WAR, -105 His ATTENDANTS IN PEACE, 105 TROOPS IN THE UNION ARMY, WITH BOUNTIES BY STATES, - 106 CASUALTIES, ... 108 (i EN K HALS OF THE AllMY, - - - 103 STATISTICS OF THE REGULAR ARMY, 1789-1879, - 109 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN FLAG, .... ... 100 CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE REBELLION, - 117 MARCHING THROUGH GEORGIA, - - 170 SHERMAN'S MARCH TO THE SEA, - 171 SHERIDAN'S RIDE, - - 172 OLD ABE AT CORINTH, - 173 ILLUSTRATIONS. OLD ABE, - - Frontispiece r. s. GRANT, ... 53 A\'M. T. SHERMAN, ... 95 PHILIP H. SHERIDAN, .... - 137 OLD ABE. CHAPTER I. THE EAGLE'S ANCIENT FAME. "Ah! that Eagle of Freedom! when cloud upon cloud Swathed the sky of my own native land with a shroud When lightnings gleamed fiercely and thunderbolts rung, How proud to the tempest those pinions were flung ! Though the wild blast of battle swept swiftly the air With darkness and dread, still the Eagle was there. I'nquailing and towering, his high flight was on, Till the Rainbow of Peace crowned the victory won." THE eagle had been the emblem of nations, courts and warriors for centuries before America was even discovered; so in painting him on our banners and grav- ing him on our shields and coins as heraldic of freedom, fearlessness and power, we but acted the part of imita- tors. Nevertheless, we can hardly be classed any longer as imitators, for the eagle is now as distinctively our own representative of spirit and valor as the lion is of Brit- ish bravery and strength, although he is also found on the insignia of other nations. And as the nations of the world now rank, this is well; for as the lion is king of beasts, so the eagle is king of birds. Homer called him " the strong sovereign of the plumy race," and another has written : " The banner of the tribe of Dan, borne by Prince Ahiezer, was of a bright green color, charged with an eagle as a component (2) 7 8 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. part of the cherubim, denoting wisdom and sublimity. The eagle was considered to be the symbol of Daniel, because he spoke with angels and received visions which relate to all time; of Christ, because of his divine nature; of John the Evangelist, because he soars to Heaven in the Revelations." The eagles of the Roman legions are familiar in his- tory, but Xenophon says the golden eagle, with extended wings, was the ensign of the Persian monarchs long before it was adopted by the Romans. He also declares that " it is probable the Persians borrowed the symbol from the Assyrians, on whose banners it waved till imperial Babylon bowed her head to the yoke of Cyrus." The Romans had for their earliest military standards the eagle, the boar, the horse and the minotaur, but soon abandoned all but the first. The Etruscans adopted the eagle as a token of both civic and military honor, and he was the sacred bird of the Hindoos, and of the Greek Zeus. With the Scandinavians he was the bird of wisdom, sitting on the boughs of the uggrasill tree. The double-headed eagle was in use among the Byzantine emperors, " to indicate their claims to the empire, both of the east and the west." In the 14th century the German emperors adopted an eagle emblem. The arms of Prus- sia were distinguished by the black and those of Poland by the white eagle, and Napoleon made him the emblem of imperial France, represented in natural style, with the thunderbolts of Jupiter in his talons. THE EAGLE'S ANCIENT FAME. 9 Thus has this mighty bird been more or less hon- ored by nearly all civilized nations, and even in America Columbus found the heads of aboriginal chiefs and war- riors plumed with the feathers of the eagle especially of the black eagle, the swiftest and fiercest of his kind. The present popularity of the eagle, as symbolic of the American nation, is a matter that has been growing upon us. For his earliest use on flags and banners there was no recognized authority, though nothing could have been more natural. After the Declaration of Inde- pendence, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were appointed to prepare a device for a great seal of the United States. The result of their labors underwent various modifi- cations until June 20, 1782, when our present great seal was adopted. It represents the escutcheon on the breast of the American eagle, holding in his dexter talon an olive branch, in his sinister a bundle of thir- teen arrows, and in his beak a scroll inscribed with the motto, E Pluribus Unum. The olive signified peace, the arrows themselves war, while their number, thirteen, represented the original thirteen colonies. " The escutch- eon is borne on the breast of the American eagle with- out any other supporters to denote that the United States of America ought to rely on its own virtue." From this device on the great seal of the United States doubtless arose the custom, which has grown into a law, of otherwise putting forth the eagle as our national emblem, in peace as well as war. CHAPTER II. CAPTURE AND EARLY LIFE OF OLD ABE. HAVING generalized thus briefly, we come now to Old Abe, the famous war-eagle of Wisconsin. He was captured during sugar-making time in 1861, on the Flambeau River, near the line between Ashland and Price counties, in Wisconsin, by a Chippewa Indian named Chief Sky. His birthplace was in a large tub-like nest of mud and sticks, on a tall pine, which the Indian felled, amidst the screams and menaces of the old birds, for the purpose of capturing the young. Chief Sky was the son of Thunder of Bees, chief of the Flambeau band of Chippewas, who, a few weeks later, led his people down the river for the purpose of disposing of their baskets, furs and moccasins. While on the road he sold the young bird to Daniel McCann, of Eagle Point, for a bushel of corn. And for this paltry sum was the noble bird sold from freedom to captivity, from barbarism to civilization, from the moan of pines to the crash of battles, from obscurity to fame. McCann carried the eagle to Chippewa Falls and attempted to sell him to a company just recruiting there for the First Wisconsin Battery. Failing in this, he proceeded a little later to Eau Claire and offered the 10 CAPTURE AND EARLY LIFE OF OLD ABE. 11 bird, now nearly full-grown and handsome, but spiteful as a scorpion, to what subsequently became Company C, of the Eighth or Eagle Regiment. Capt. John E. Perkins hesitated at first about accept- ing such a strange volunteer, but finally agreed to take him to the front. The following letter, written to the officers of the Wisconsin State Historical Society soon after Old Abe's death, seems to contain authentic information : BRADFORD, PA., May 23, 1881. GENTLEMEN: Having seen by the papers the death of the eagle, Old Abe, and having read so many stories of his early life up to the time of his enlistment, none of which conveyed the exact truth, I thought it might not be out of place for me to give the true history of him, as I had probably seen more of him up to that time than anyone else. I was at the house of my brother-in-law, T. W. Martin, at Chippewa Falls (he is still living there), when the eagle was brought to him by Daniel McCann, from up thejChippewa River, where he is still living. The bird was about the size of a full-grown hawk. McCann said he had bought him of an Indian, and wanted to sell him. Martin did not buy him, but allowed McCann to put him in the back yard, where he re- mained about a week. At that time Capt. Perkins was organizing a company at Eau Claire for the Eighth Regiment. I went to Eau Claire the day the company left to see some of my friends off, and while there McCann brought the eagle down and offered to sell him to the company. A subscription was started. A Mr. Mills, keeping a saloon, through some misunderstanding, refused to [give anything, which caused no little indignation among the boys; but he soon came to an understanding of the matter and bought the eagle himself of McCann, for $5.00, and presented him to the company. This is the true history of Old Abe up to the time of his enlistment. ******** Yours very respectfully, THOS. McEiEAN, Late of Chippewa Falls. 12 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. In due time the eagle was sworn in by putting around his neck red, white and blue ribbons, and on his breast a rosette of the same colors. Thus caparisoned, James McGinnis craved the privilege of being his keeper, to which all assented. In a few days he produced a re- spectable perch; and two patriotic ladies made little flags to be carried on either side of him when on the march. As familiar to all as the general appearance of the eagle is, it may, nevertheless, be proper to insert here a description of Old Abe before going farther, written by a close observer while the bird was living: His weight is ten and a half pounds. His breast is full and heavy, trembling with ardent emotions. His head is large, and well developed in front, towering up in moral aspect, and flattened a little toward the neck, where it is the widest. His beak, measuring two and three-quarter inches, bends in a semi-circle over the mandible, having its edges cut sharp clear to the point, where it is as hard as steel and of a beautiful flint color, but changing gradually toward the base into a sparkling saffron. The neck is short and thick, the body large and symmetrical; the wings are long and tail rounded; the legs a bright yellow, the tarsus three inches long, bare for the lower two-thirds, and covered with hard, tough scales; the foot short and full; the toes free, tuberculous beneath ; the four curved taloris on each foot have sharp ends, and look like grappling steels; the thighs are remarkably thick, strong and muscular, covered with CAPTURE AND EARLY LIFE OF OLD ABE. 13 long feathers pointing backwards; the conformation of the wings is admirably adapted for the support of so large a bird, measuring, from tip to tip, six feet and a half; length of one, two feet on the greater quills; the longest primaries, twenty inches and upwards of one inch in circumference where they enter the skin; the scapulars are very large and broad, spreading from the back to the wing to prevent the air from passing through . The plumage is compact and imbricated; the feathers on the breast, back and top of the wings are a dark brown with a changeable gloss; those on the head, neck and breast are narrow and pointed; the other parts more rounded. The general color of the plumage is brown with a golden tinge; the head and greater part of the neck and coverts are a fine snowy* white; the tail is also white, and spotted black on the upper feathers for about half their length; the quills are brownish black with lighter shafts. The eyes are clear and round, encircled with yellow papillary linings, fringed on their inside with thin, elastic, black bands or plates, like concentric rings; the iris is a brilliant straw color, and appears like the sky, changing in luster just as his moods change; the pupil is large, intensely black and piercing, contracting and expanding with microscopic and telescopic action at every light and shade. When looking backward, his head appears in a position as natural as when looking forward. The expression of his eye is most fascinating: when inspired with ambition it is a burst of sunlight 14 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. through a white cloud; when angry, every feather in ruffled rage, it is the lightning amidst the storm, and at all times it burns and glitters like fire. Indeed, the eye of an eagle is his most remarkable part. In addition to its intense power and brightness, he has, according to good authority, the power of altering the focus just as he pleases; he has only to look at an object at the distance of two feet or two miles, in order to see it with perfect distinctness. The ball is sur- rounded by fifteen little plates, called sclerotic bones. They form a complete ring, and their edges slightly overlap each other. When he looks at a distant object, this little circle of bones expands and the ball of the eye, being relieved from the pressure, becomes flatter; and when he looks at a very near object, the little bones press together, and the ball of the eye is thus squeezed into a rounder or more convex form. The effect is very familiar to everybody : a person with very round eyes is near-sighted, and only sees clearly an object that is close to him; and a person with flat eyes, as in old age, can see nothing clearly except at a distance. The eagle, by the mere will, can make his eyes round or flat, and see with equal clearness at any distance. CHAPTER III. IN THE SERVICE. ON September 6, 1861, with bands playing, banners flying and people shouting, the Eau Claire Eagles marched from camp down to the Chippewa River, on their way to Camp Randall, at Madison, where they were to be mustered in. Abe, though somewhat astonished, seemed to thoroughly enjoy the novel and inspiriting scene, perched proudly on his shield between the flags presented by the Ladies' Aid Society, his smooth, grace- ful neck encircled with ribbons of red, white and blue. Right heartily did the people cheer the boys as they marched away ! Many remarked : " They will never be whipped while they follow that bird," and the Free Press properly enquired : " Who could not fight under such glorious emblems ? " The boys boarded the steamer Stella Whipple amidst the sobs, blessings and good-byes which all soldiers have witnessed and will never forget, and in a gloomy rain-storm which nobody noticed. After steaming rapidly down the Chippewa and the Mississippi, the company reached La Crosse in the afternoon of the second day. As the boat was made fast to the levee, the guns of the First Wisconsin Bat- tery boomed forth a salute, the band struck up " Yankee Doodle" and the assembled throngs sent up a tremen- dous shout. 15 16 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. Abe, borne at the head and high above the marching column, attracted all eyes and brought forth a fresh huzza at each street and corner. The enthusiasm rose to such a height in La Crosse that an offer of $200 was made for Abe to Capt. Perkins, who promptly and proudly replied: "No, the eagle belongs to the com- pany and can't be bought." From La Crosse the boys were transported by rail to Camp Randall at Madison, the capital of the State, where they met a royal reception. The company marched to a martial quick-step through the principal streets of the city, passing the capitol, the colors and eagle displayed in fine style. At Camp Randall occurred a remarkable scene. As the company approached the hill, its musicians struck up the tune of " Yankee Doodle." The Seventh Wisconsin and fractional parts of the Eighth Avere there awaiting accessions; seeing the Eau Claire boys and their eagle coming, they ran to the gate of entrance and opened right and left. During all this commotion the majestic bird sat quietly on his perch; but just as .the company was passing the gate, defiling between the rows of spectators, with a dart of his piercing eye to the flag floating close over his head, he seized one end of it with his beak, and spread his wings with a continuously flapping motion. He held the flag during the time of crossing the grounds through the excited crowd to the front of Col. R. C. Murphy's headquarters. IN THE SERVICE. 17 The Madison State Journal of the 10th thus mentions the incident: An incident occurred yesterday, as the Chippewa company arrived at Camp Randall. They bore in advance of them a platform on which was a live eagle, surmounted by a small American flag. Just as they entered camp, the eagle expanded his wings and seized the flag in his beak. The incident attracted much attention, and if it had happened in other days, in a Roman camp, would have been regarded by the augurs as a singularly favorable omen. At Camp Randall the eagle's visitors numbered many thousands, among whom were governors, judges, generals, and other high dignitaries. And it was here that Capt. Perkins invested his living emblern of free- dom and valor with the title of Old Abe, in honor of the patriot President, Abraham Lincoln. By popular vote the men of Company C were styled the Eau Claire Eagles and the Eighth, of which they became a part, was named the Eagle Regiment, a proud and famous title in the military history of the Army of the Tennessee. As Old Abe was now a soldier, sworn into the service of his country, Quartermaster Francis L. Billings, at the expense of the State, had a new perch constructed. It was a shield in the shape of a heart, on which was drawn the stars and stripes, and along the base were legibly painted, "8th Reg. W. V." Raised a few inches above the shield, was a grooved cross-piece for the roost, on each end of which were three arrows, pointing out- ward, representing war. CHAPTER IV. ON TO THE FRONT. ON the 12th of October, 1861, the aggregate strength being nine hundred and ninety men, the regiment, under command of Col. Murphy, took its departure for the front. As the long train of cars passed through the villages and cities of Wisconsin, great was the enthusi- asm of the people. They poured forth rounds of cheers that fired the soldiers with patriotism. At Janes- ville the crowd was immense and intensely excited. Rock county, of which Janesville is the seat, had given the first fruits of her patriotism to the country Com- pany G, of the Eighth, led by Capt. Wm. B. Britton hence the peculiar interest of the people on that occasion. After a continuous ovation over the entire route, the regiment arrived in Chicago near the close of the day, and marched through the city with Abe under the col- ors. How the scene electrified Chicago! A correspond- ent of the Eau Claire Free Press says : Formed in platoons, we took our way through the ciiy, our Colonel and Governor Alex. W. Randall leading us on horse- back. Our progress was marked by many demonstrations of enthusiasm the regiment as a whole, and our "glorious bird " carried aloft at the head of our company appearing to divide about equally the general attention and applause. I fancied the eagle seemed for once to be of more importance than the Eagles, and received cheers and flattering comment enough to spoil any less sensible bird. 18 ON TO THE FRONT. 19 The Chicago Tribune, under date of October 13, thus alludes to the reception : A noticeable feature among them was the Eau Claire Eagles Capt. Perkins' company a company of first-class, stal- wart fellows. The live eagle which they brought with them was an object of much curiosity. He is a majestic bird and well trained. When marching, the eagle is carried at the head of the company, elevated on a perch at the top of a pole. The eagle was caught on the head-waters of the Chip- pewa [Flambeau] River by an Indian. Capt. Perkins' com- pany takes it to the war. The men were offered a large sum for it in Madison, but they will not part with it. They swear it shall never be taken by the enemy. No doubt the Eau Claire Eagles and their pet bird will be heard of again. On the morning of the 14th, the regiment arrived at the Mississippi, opposite St. Louis. The ferry-boat steamed to the shore and received the Wisconsin cargo with brisk orders. When approaching the city, the band played the "Star Spangled Banner," hearing which, the ladies waved a proud welcome with their handkerchiefs. Knowing that Union soldiers had recently been fired upon by confederate sympathizers, difficulties were antic- ipated; but what was their surprise to find that, instead of confederates, Unionists showed signs of belligerency. What did it mean ? Like the confederates, our soldiers were then dressed in gray, and were at first supposed to bt Southerners; and though excessively hot, they were for this reason obliged to put on their blue overcoats to satisfy the patriotic Unionists that they were not rebels. When the regiment was preparing to enter one of the principal streets, a promiscuous crowd huddled around, 20 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. and seeing the eagle, cried out, " a crow ! " "a wild goose 1 " "a turkey buzzard ! " As if resolved upon a demonstration of defiance to these insults against his highness, Old Abe crouched low for a spring, half-pois- ing his wings, and darted impetuously upward, break- ing the cord that held him to his perch, and then scud just over the heads of the motley crowd, even flapping caps with the tips of his pinions; then shooting higher, he sailed up, up, a thousand voices shouting after him, and majestically alighted upon the chimney of an aristo- cratic mansion. The whole regiment was thrown into such excitement, especially Company C, that the men could scarcely be wheeled into rank and file for marching order through the city. In the general confusion several soldiers sped after the eagle, scattering in different alleys and con- stantly watching him on his inaccessible eyrie. The flight heightened the curiosity of the spectators. Being informed it was an eagle from the North, they were in ecstasies. Meantime, Old Abe sat on his new perch, leisurely surveying the crowds below. Within half an hour, however, he scooped down to an obscure sidewalk, where he was caught and conveyed thence to his regiment. This being the first band of warriors from the North- west, bringing, too, a live eagle, the reception extended to them by the loyal people was the heartiest that could be imagined. One old Dinah attracted particular atten- tion, she laughed so heartily, showing her white teeth ON TO THE FKONT. 21 and big eyes, and crying at the top of her voice: "Go in, boys ! go in! God bress ye! " Halting at one of the principal hotels, the regiment was welcomed to the city by Governor Gamble, who, in the course of his patriotic address, frequently pointed to the eagle, and was cheered by the soldiers. Arriving at Benton Barracks the boys were addressed by Secre- tary Simon Cameron and Gen. Thomas, who highly complimented them for their fine appearance, and threw in a good word for Old Abe. Here a wealthy and ardent Union man of St. Louis tendered $500 for Old Abe, to which Capt. Perkins re- sponded as before: " No price can buy him." Scarcely had the regiment unpacked at Benton Bar- racks ere it was ordered to advance, and on the evening of the 15th of October, 1861, the inexperienced band pushed forward on a long and perilous adventure. But it was a gala time. At Big River where the bridge had been burned by the enemy the men trans- ported their baggage across on their backs, wading waist deep. Abe, noticing the ripples and fishes, whistled a merry note with the rest. Thus the feeling became uni- versal that there could be no better companion to inspire hilarity and enthusiasm under difficulties. As he led the van of the column, in sight of all the soldiers, over that variegated country, and in all their subsequent marches, he was not only a constant reminder of their oath of trust, but of the loftiness of ambition. He often played under the waving colors, watching other birds in 22 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. the far-up blue which no human eye could reach, pant- ing and aspiring to rise on peerless wing, monarch of all. As all soldiers know, Company C is the " color com- pany;" so the color-bearer and the bearer of Old Abe marched side by side at the front. What leaders for patriot-warriors doing battle for the integrity of their beloved country ! CHAPTER V. CONDUCT IN BATTLE. ON the 20th the boys marched all night and slept in the streets of Fredericktown, Mo., until noon of the next day, when they were startled by the sharp and sudden blast of bugles. The enemy was discovered in the woods hard by, and an engagement was on. It was the first active service put upon the Eagles, and at this time, too, they were reserves. Chained on the roof of the court-house, only a half- mile distant from the scene of action, Abe watched with intense interest the dark-winged lines rush on to the shock of battle. His trepidation was plainly discern- ible, and as the rattle of musketry, the hastening of ambulances, the shouting of officers, the screams of pro- jectiles and the shrieks of the wounded burst upon his senses in the full tide of battle, he became wild with excitement, leaping and screeching, and gnawing his perch as if crazed by the tumult and destruction going on around him. After the battle he calmed down, apparently well pleased with the result victory. After winterquarters at Sulphur Springs, Mo., Old Abe moved up to Cairo, 111. He was now stern and heroic, from his military experience, although he had seen no fighting at closer range than from the court- house roof at Fredericktown. 24 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. The first pitched battle in which Abe was an active participant was at Farmington, Miss., on May 9, 1362, where a single brigade of Union men met Gen. Beaure- gard with 25,000 well-equipped confederates. The Eagles and Twenty-sixth Illinois were sent forth to rake the woods. Up rose the foe, quick and defiant; but these two regiments held the ground for half an hour under a raking fire. Anxious for the safety of Old Abe, Capt. Perkins ordered the bearer to keep well in the rear, but within hailing distance of his company. As the enemy pressed on with irresistible destruction, the boys were ordered to prostrate themselves on the ground in the open field behind a knoll. Not being conspicuously exposed, the bearer deter- mined to remain upright, but Abe, seeing the men on their faces, imitated their example. He was picked up, with stern orders to keep his perch, but refused to obey. This experiment failing for the fifth or sixth time, the bearer threw the perch on the ground and crouched low with the rest, whereupon the eagle crept close to his side, where he remained till the bugle sounded, when he leaped to his perch with the rising men. The author of "Army Life and Stray Shots from a Staff Officer of the Eighth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers," thus describes this scene : At the battle of Farmington, May 9, 1862, the men were ordered to lie down. The instant they did so, it was impos- sible to keep .Abe upon his perch. He insisted on being pro- tected as well as they, and, when liberated, flattened himself on the ground, and there remained till the men arose; when, CONDUCT IN BATTLE. 25 with outspread wings, he resumed his place of peril and held it till the close of the contest. i This strange piece of imitative sagacity is corrobo- rated by David McLane, a member of Company C, who, in a letter dated " Camp near Vicksburg, Miss., Feb. 18, 1865," wrote: The first fight the eagle was in was the battle of Farming- ton, Miss., where he showed a great deal of sagacity. When we were ordered to lie down on the ground, under a dreadful artillery fire from the enemy's batteries, he flew off his perch, getting as low as he could, and lay there until he saw the regi- ment rise to advance, when he flew upon his perch again, and remained there through the engagement. In this battle Capt. Perkins fell mortally wounded, and Lieut. Victor Wolf succeeded him in command. In his report, Gen. Palmer highly complimented the " regiment that bore the eagle." Old Abe was in the battle before Corinth, on the 28th of May. As the army sent up a shout when the Union flag appeared on the enemy's works, he, the emblem and herald of the victory, was seen " whirling, dancing and screaming in the wildest delight on his perch," apparently comprehending the situation to the fullest extent. A soldier avers that, soon after the cheering, and while Abe was eating a rabbit, the bugle of the regiment called to pursue the enemy. A convalescent soldier ordered him to mount his standard. As if appreciating the urgency of the moment, Abe devoured the remain- ing half of his rabbit at one swallow and leaped to his perch, wiping his beak as he rode to the colors as if to say, " You bet Fm well-fixed, boys." CHAPTER VI. ANTICS IN CAMP. ABE'S first bearer, James McGinnis, being taken sud- denly ill, Thomas J. Hill succeeded him at this point, though several others craved the honor. In shoulder- ing the perch and donning the socket-belt, Tom fell a little behind. As he rushed forward to regain his proper station he stumbled into a clump of bushes, to the great disgust of Old Abe, who, as soon as the dis- comfited pair emerged from the brush, struck his talons into the neck and face of his bearer. This was a grave military offense, but under the circumstances there was no court-martial. Soon after, the brigade went into quarters at Clear Creek, where for some time Abe had a gay frolic, learn- ing a great deal that was both mischievous and amus- ing running at large, catching bugs with his claws in puddles of water, fishing in the creek, catching bullets rolled upon the ground, running off with the ball in the hilarious game, tipping over water-pails, visiting the sutler's tent and tearing up soldiers' clothes. One day a soldier cut off the heads of some chickens and left them a few moments to flutter, while preparing to cook them. Old Abe noticed the movement at a lit- tle distance, and slyly hurried to the spot, passing some soldiers who warned the cook of the bird's foraging attitude. 26 ANTICS IN CAMP. 27 As the man turned to look for his chickens in one direction, Abe perceived one in the grass just behind him, and snatched it up and whirled off like a rocket, amid the cheers of the spectators. The cook, furious with rage, ran puffing and swearing after Abe, without overtaking him. At this point, Clear Creek, Abe always "went in swimming " with the boys, and was not behind them in enjoyment of the water-frolics. Day by day his fame extended. During one of his periods of excessive hilarity, a farmer accosted the bearer, offering to give the eagle a chicken for the privi- lege of exhibiting him to the children. Tom accepted, and on arriving at the house a fair young lady appeared among the children, who vainly coaxed the bird for the privilege of touching his royal plumage, remarking that she " never expected to see the celebrated eagle which she had heard was carried by a Yankee regi- ment." After satisfying the curiosity of the children, Abe was liberated among the fowls. He stalked toward the chickens, threw his head swiftly from side to side, as he always did on such occasions, walked around his selected victim with a stealthy air, and then made his terrible lunge. Drawing the chicken directly under him and stand- ing defiantly upon it, he opened his wings to a hovering position, bent down his tail spread out like a fan, rustled up his feathers and uttered a shrieking chuckle of satis- 28 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. faction. These incantations over, he plunged his beak into the heart and devoured it palpitating. Looking on and shuddering, the children exclaimed, "Oh ! Oh ! " But Tom gave the beautiful brunette a significant wink, saying: " He is from Wisconsin." To the soldiers he served as a barometer. If the weight of the atmosphere indicated a storm, he was uneasy to find a shelter ere it came on, and, if tethered, was very lively. No one but his bearer could approach him then without severe reproof. If the lightning flashed his eye was lighted with a new fury; and, as the thunder followed, he listened with rapt suspense, screaming in terrible revelry for minutes at a time; but if the rain continued steady and heavy, he grew calm, and hiding his head under his wing, slept contentedly until the sunlight appeared. Abe drank after the manner of all other birds, but when no better chance availed itself, he would throw back his head, open his mouth and permit his bearer to pour water down his throat from a canteen. He was also very friendly with his keeper, shaking hands with him and taking his fingers with a gentle pressure in his beak. Yet he was extremely sensitive as to his rights, and never forgot the person who abused him. One day a sergeant tormented him with rough hand- ling, and affronted him by mimicking his manner of self-defense. Like an Indian he laid up a store- of vengeance for the future and when, several months later, ANTICS IN CAMP. 29 the sergeant returned from a journey, Abe fixed his kindling eye upon him, and the moment he came into his presence flew at his head with fury, actually driv- ing him off. While taking a bath in the creek a mischievous Negro tormented him. After submitting as long as it was thought appropriate, he flew at the African with terrific force, chasing him out of camp. From that time on the colored brethren kept at a respectful distance; and Abe always hated them. He hated dogs, too, though early in the campaign he took a deep interest in a regimental dog named Frank, because Frank was a good hunter, bringing in numer- ous rabbits, rats and mice. Whenever he heard Frank's sharp bark in the adjoining brush or fields, he lowered his head and stretched forth his neck, listening with all the earnestness of an eager stomach. CHAPTER VII. CORINTH AND OTHER BATTLES. BEARER HILL having been promoted, David McLane, of Menomonie, Wisconsin, was placed in charge of Abe on August 18, 1862. On discovering that the enemy was concentrating for a grand attack on Corinth, then held, by our forces, Rose- crans rallied on the 3d* of October, 1862, to meet 42,000 Southern troops combined under Price, Van Dorn and Lovell. At this time the Eagles stood near the base of the hill, in front of the line, Old Abe in the advance. Before the battle commenced, Gen. Price, having heard of the eagle, and knowing his capture would electrify the South, ordered his men to take him at any hazard; and if they could not do that, to kill him. On this point McLane, who carried Abe through the engagement, wrote: The rebel Gen. Price saw him there and ordered his men either to capture or kill him at all hazards, stating that he had heard of that bird before, and would rather capture him than the whole brigade. I had this statement from rebel pris- oners and believe it to be true. Col. J. W. Jefferson verifies what others have testi- fied: One of Gen. Price's men, who was captured by us, told me Price said to his men that he would rather have them capture the eagle of the Eighth Wisconsin than a "dozen battle-flags," and that if they succeeded, he would give the lucky (or 30 CORINTH AND OTHER BATTLES. 31 unlucky) confederate "free pillage in Corinth!" The val- iant rebels did not succeed, however, but, instead, many of them were captured. A confederate soldier, brother of a guerrilla chief, visit- ing Madison in 1875, informed one of the eagle's attend- ants that while in the Southern service, during one of the battles, he heard his general say: "I would rather capture Old Abe than a whole brigade." During a lull in the battle, as the enemy was prepar- ing again to fire from the brow of the hill, distant not over thirty rods from the Eighth Regiment, the eagle being exposed in plain sight of the enemy, a confeder- ate officer was heard by several in Company C to say: " There he is the eagle capture him, boys! " No sooner was this command given than their artil- lery opened upon our forces, under the cover of which a column moved briskly over the crest to break and scat- ter our front, and capture the prize. During these move- ments Abe scanned with fire-lit eye every movement on the hill, and, as the confederate infantry came in sight, whistled a startling note of alarm. Instantly both armies met in a deafening shock, midst a boom and crash of cannon that trembled forest and valley. Shouts rent the air, while death mowed his swath through both armies, the bloody gaps closing up again and again. During the conflict the eagle leaped up with a des- perate spring, breaking his cord, if it was not cut by a Minie-ball, and was seen by the combatants circling and careering in the sulphurous smoke. 32 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. The enemy pressed on exultant, sending bullets thick as hailstones after the noble bird. Once he wavered and careened, as if wounded, but at once recovered and con- tinued to mount, circle and scream as if mad with excitement and exultation. After viewing the combat for a time from his sky- eyrie, he appeared suddenly to catch sight of his regi- ment and flag, and came sweeping down with frightful speed, alighting hard by with a peculiar whistle which everybody recognized as one of satisfaction. At the close of the battle the victory, bloody and dear though it was an examination revealed the fact that when Abe careened in his upward flight, he had been slightly struck by one of the many deadly missiles the confederates sent after him. Soon after the battle, some one in the regiment had the audacity to crop the tail and one wing of the eagle, to prevent him from flying away during an engagement. It was argued by the shabby party who did the crop- ping, that Abe u might get lost." He no longer looked like himself; and his disheveled appearance mortified the soldiers and regimental officers exceedingly. Disgusted with the treatment his bird had received, McLane resigned his eagle commission on the 1st of No- vember, 1862, and Edward Homaston, of Eau Claire, was tendered the honor. Having been reared among the Green Mountains of Vermont, where in boyhood he watched the flight of eagles every day, he took to Old Abe naturally. CORINTH AND OTHER BATTLES. 33 Their friendship for one another was very strong; they slept together like brothers. At Oxford, where the confederate citizens, especially the women, called Abe " a dirty crow," " a Yankee buz- zard," and the like, a squad of barefooted little urchins congregated about the bird, which was tethered on the ground. One boy, who drew especially near, was the possessor of a pair of feet which, by reason of mud and exposure, had reached the color and appearance of a large, lazy toad. The eagle fastened his eye on them at once, and began to throw his head from side to side, as was customary before pouncing upon game. An officer chanced to see the performance, and by a sharp yell drove the urchin back in great fright just in time to save his tawny feet from laceration. Abe was possessed of undoubted intelligence. When on the march he kept constantly on the watch, was alive to every sound, and invariably informed his bearer of any danger from the limb of a tree, or the approach of an enemy, by a note of alarm. Even when the army rested at night, if any one approached, however cau- tiously, he would suddenly withdraw his head from his wing and utter a short screech. His quick ear detected the faintest tread and his powerful eye the remotest appearance of danger, which he never failed to make known. CHAPTER VIII. THE CAMPAIGN IN TENNESSEE AND MISSISSIPPI. ON THE swift march to Grand Junction Abe was com- pelled to go several days without food. The boys had little or nothing to divide, so Homaston was forced to sally out in the night and capture a couple of plump confederate chickens with which to break the fast. As winter drew on at La Grange, Tennessee, no meat could be procured for the eagle. This was a very serious matter, for meat was his principal diet. Capt. Wolf attempted repeatedly to purchase some chickens of a well-to-do planter near by, but without success. Finally, taking the eagle with him, he went yet again to the farmer and threatened that if no chickens could be bought Old Abe should be let loose to capture whatever he pleased. Thereupon the Southerner came forth and said he would compromise on a Guinea-hen, provided Abe could kill her in a fair fight. As half a loaf is better than no bread, Capt. Wolf accepted this proposition. During the parley quite a crowd, including several regimental officers, gathered to witness the battle. Eying his prey with a measuring glance, Abe sprung forward, when the hen uttered her peculiar squall a sound entirely strange to his quick ear which so startled him that he paused for further examination. Improving 84 THE CAMPAIGN IN TENNESSEE AND MISSISSIPPI. 35 the cessation of hostilities the hen scud off to the oppo- site corner. Enraged at this procedure, the eagle made another dash, which was followed by the same unearthly squall. Thoroughly astonished, Abe paused again to look at the author of the strange squawk. There was no possibility of outflanking the hen, neither did she dare to meet the eagle in mortal combat; so round and round they flew, amid roars of laughter, till at length the Guinea escaped under a building, where the eagle, swelled and ruffled in anger, could not penetrate. This bit of fun mellowed the planter, who now per- mitted Abe to try his skill on a Shanghai. Quickly selecting his victim and poising himself for a spring, he caught up the pullet with an unerring sweep and was soon chuckling and ruffling his feathers over a feast. The cotton bales at La Grange, of which the breast- works were made, afforded immense sport for Abe. He plucked and tore the fleecy substance in great glee and cluttered the soft fragments into a bed on which to lie in the sun, or sleep at night. Capt. A. G. Weissert, of the Eighth, relates the fol- lowing : During the spring of 1863 the brigade of which the Eighth Wisconsin formed a part was for a short time encamped at Germantown, Tennessee, not far from the Mississippi line. A fort had been built on a commanding position north of the town, and near it was the camp of that regiment. The brigade commander was Gen. Joe A. Mower, who joined as a colonel and left a major-general. A braver soldier never lived. 36 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. The Eighth was not so fortunate as to remain long in camp on any occasion, and so it proved at Germantown. One morning the regiment unexpectedly received orders to forth- with break camp and report to the brigade commander on the Memphis road. It took the old regiment but a few min- utes to strike tents and get itself into marching order, as it had often received similar orders before under like circum- stances. Old Slack, the regimental bugler, had sounded the assembly and orders were given to " fall in," and in less time than this incident can be told the boys were in line, ready to march. But they did not march. Again an aid-de-camp hur- riedly delivered orders to the colonel commanding, directing him to report with his regiment as before ordered still the regiment did not move. The rear companies asked the cause of the unusual delay, when their attention was directed to the eagle-bearer, out in a field near a great forest, looking skyward. There, soaring high above the bearer was Old Abe, the pet of the regiment. Gradually the eagle circled his way toward his keeper, who stood below with shield extended as a signal for him to return. This he did, and when the bearer with the eagle took his place near the colors, the regiment moved off with light hearts and soon reported to the brigade commander, but not until it had been ordered to do so for the third time. As the regiment came marching along with the long, swinging step so common with the Western soldiers, the colonel saluted Gen. Mower, who, in an impetuous manner, said : "Colonel, did you not receive orders to report here with your command some time ago ? " "Yes, sir," replied the colonel. "Then, why did you not report promptly you have kept the column waiting nearly an hour." " General," said the colonel, " Old Abe was off when your unexpected orders were received, and the boys of the Eighth would not march without their eagle." "I don't blame them, under the circumstances," said the old general, " d d if I would have marched, either." On the \ 1th of March, 1863, the Eagles were ordered to Memphis welcome news, for they anticipated a rest amid the gayeties and luxuries of city life. Old Abe remained on his perch all that day, watching the prep- aration. Having become impatient at what he must have regarded as unnecessary delay, the bugle-blast to THE CAMPAIGN IN TENNESSEE AND MISSISSIPPI. 37 march was so electrifying to his patriotic nerves that he snatched up the cord, stiff from a recent cold rain, and- bit it in twain as clean and smooth as if his beak had been a sharp knife; and then, with an unmistakable " come on, boys!" he soared over the regiment with a whirr of exultation, higher and higher, on easy wing, sailing round and round in the dark sky, and, when up to a shooting point, scooped far off in a grand circle and back over the army again, the whole brigade gazing and thousands of voices shouting, "Bravo, Old Abe!" After completing his gyrations he settled leisurely down near a spring where he had been accustomed to drink, and was easily captured and transferred to his perch, though his eyes glistened with a roguish twinkle. The stay at Memphis was unexpectedly short. The boys were ordered to Helena. On the journey they encountered a violent hurricane, which made no end of trouble for Old Abe and finally blew him, entangled in his cord, into a tree, severely bruising a leg. On April 1, 1863, they landed at Ducksport and went into camp on the Louisiana side, nine miles from Vicks- burg. Here the soldiers were addressed by Gen. G. H. Thomas. As his eye glanced over the stalwart ranks he caught a view of Old Abe, whom he had not seen since the greeting in St. Louis, about two years before. Brightening up as if he had unexpectedly met an old friend, he added : " I had supposed that all present were strangers to me, but I see one familiar personage at least 38 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. that majestic eagle of the Eighth Wisconsin, the emblem now of universal freedom in this Republic." Gen. Tuttle's Division soon passed further down, reaching Hard Times Landing on the 7th of May. Just as each company had stacked arms in the middle of the road, Generals Mower, Smith, Sherman and Grant came dashing by, inspecting the army. As they passed the old Eighth, Grant doffed his hat to the eagle, at which the regiment cheered, the bird responding with true military spirit by a shrill scream and a quick flap of his wings. Crossing the Mississippi and then marching to Grand Gulf, Fort Gibson and Rocky Springs, the Eagles skir- mished on the 12th with the enemy at Fourteen-Mile Creek. Here Gen. Sherman, frequently riding with his staff during the day in their rear, noticed the dash and skill of the men, and paid them a high compliment, remarking : " You are worthy to carry the American eagle." The next day, on entering Raymond, Abe witnessed another skirmish, during which the ememy was driven to Mississippi Springs; " and it was fun," says a soldier, " to see how drolly he watched the ' butternuts ' as they skedaddled into the tangled brush." The scene at the battle of Jackson, Miss., was such as to afford a revelry of delight to the wild and stormy spirit of an eagle. The federal attack was impetuous, but nature's battle the attack of the elements was even fiercer. The swift movements of the troops, the dashing THE CAMPAIGN IN TENNESSEE AND MISSISSIPPI. 39 rain, the rush and roar of battle, the flash of light- ning and the peal of thunder, all overhung by a black and angry sky that reached heavily down to mingle with the smoke of the conflict, combined to make a scene of sublimity which man is not often permitted to witness. Abe was all spirit and fire. He flapped his pinions and sent his powerful scream high above the din of battle. The federals won and Old Abe, with the " lightning playing on his pinions," entered the capital of Missis- sippi at the head of the victorious army. The confederate flag was soon hauled down and the Union colors hoisted in its stead, and Old Abe, the liv- ing emblem of our free and undivided country, perched on his shield of stars and stripes, was placed in the beautiful park in front of the steps of the capitol build- ing, on which, in other days, hundreds of human beings had been sold at auction into hopeless slavery. What a contrast! CHAPTER IX. THE SIEGE OF VICKSBURG. AT THE headlong assault on Vicksburg, a few days later, Homaston tripped and fell. At the very instant of the fall a bullet struck Abe a glancing blow on the breast, the shock of which so frightened him that he made a desperate upward spring, dragging Homaston some feet. Although both were somewhat injured by the mishap, the wonderful strength of the bird saved Hom- aston'slife; for as Abe dragged him along a bullet struck the spot he had that instant vacated. Noticing this series of accidents, Lieut. Butler ordered a sergeant to watch Homaston, and, if he should be killed, to secure Abe at all hazards. Recovering from the shock, Homaston hurried along to join his company. Having done this he planted the perch on which the eagle sat, by the side of the colors, under a large tree in plain view of the enemy's guns, less than a hundred rods distant. Evidently espying the eagle and colors, as one account has it, the rebels poured a special fire of grape upon the group, sending a well-aimed shell which struck the top of the tree and cut it off and burst, with a horrid scat- tering, the pieces tearing many holes in the flag, and killing several, among whom were Lieut. W. D. Chap- man, of Company F, and Capt. Stephen Estee, of Com- 40 THE SIEGE OF VICKSBURG. 41 pany H. The eagle sprung for a flight again, but was held fast, and both he and his bearer escaped unharmed. Lowering the colors and eagle, they lay down under the shivered tree expecting annihilation; but, resolving to die at the best price, continued to fire upon the enemy. Finally an adjutant rode briskly to the spot and an- nounced the order to " go forward into the ravine, and avoid the slaughter." The regiment recoiled over swaths of the slain, receiv- ing an appalling storm of shot. Many fell, but Old Abe and his bearer came out without a scratch. As the crowd gathered in the ravine, a soldier, chuck- ling over his trophy, brought a live rabbit which he had caught in the bushes. "Here, Abe!" said he, "you've earned this fellow," and threw it to the perch. The eagle caught it in his claws, and there, amidst the rage of bat- tle, as shell and shot were playing overhead, he devoured his prey, heedless of noise and excitement. His self- possessed demeanor pleased the boys, it was so brave and military. Leaving the eagle to enjoy his meal, the bearer took several canteens to fill with water at a spring directly under the enemy's guns. Whilst busy with this a shell fell near him with thundering crash and exploded, hitting his canteen and dashing it to pieces. Paying no atten- tion to it, he deliberately went on filling the remainder. "You take it cool, Ed," said a soldier standing by. " Yes, cool place, this," replied Ed; " but run and see if 42 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. Abe is hurt ! " The pet bird was still uninjured, gorging on his rabbit. So it was everywhere; the soldiers often forgot them- selves, but never forgot Abe, their playmate in camp and their companion and emblem of victory in battle. Finally, after forty-six days of struggle and priva- tion, hardship and peril, and during sixteen days of which the average for each man was but a single cracker per day, the federal army, with the Black Eagle of Illi- nois* at its head and the bald eagle of Wisconsin scream- ing at his left, entered Vicksburg amidst wild huzzas and the blare of trumpets, on July 4, 1863. The Eagle Regiment now turned further south. * Gen. John A. Logan. CHAPTER X. THE RED RIVER AND OTHER EXPEDITIONS. WHILE stationed at Messenger's Ford, during the lat- ter part of July, to protect property and life against guerrilla hordes, a squad of the Ninety-third Illinois came to see the eagle. Having heard of his dislike of strangers, they were careful not to approach within the length of his cord. But the boys of the Eighth, ever alert for fun, importuned one of the visitors to throw up his cap and " see the eagle catch it." Abe sat in a tree surveying his guests with severe scrutiny. Up went the cap, when the bird, catching it with his claws and glancing down at the soldier with a roguish whistle, trampled it under his feet, hovering and rustling his wings. Then tearing it up with his beak, he flung the shreds down with a disdainful chuckle. Soon after this incident, while Abe was on his perch surveying the trappings of war, a Negro passed under him carelessly. Quick as a flash he reached down and caught the darkey's cap and ripped it to threads with many demonstrations of satisfaction. Long, severe campaigning and absence from home and the influence of loved ones, frequently lead soldiers to do things that, in the quiet decorum of peace, may not be considered entirely orthodox. In this respect Abe was like his companions. 13 44 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. At Bear Creek he discovered a cup of peach brandy near a tent, which, at an opportune moment, he quickly swallowed. Whoever has seen a fifteen-year-old boy on his first drunk will know just what a figure Old Abe cut. His eye lost its fierce penetration and his feathers were drooping and disheveled. He tumbled and retched, lay flat on his side, lolled and twitched his head in short, made a general fool of himself. Abe's antics were very droll and laughable, yet the boys felt no little humiliation while contemplating the spectacle of the king of birds and the proud emblem of their country groveling in a drunken stupor. In September, 1863, Homaston resigned, and John Buckhardt, a sturdy German of Eau Claire, was chosen eagle-bearer. He first marched at the front, with Old Abe above him, at Logan's victorious charge on Browns- ville. He next, after guarding Vicksburg for a time, went on the Red River expedition. At Bayou de Glaise, in March, 1864, the Creole people greeted the Northern soldiery with many demonstrations of loyalty and delight. He eyed their waving banners and handker- chiefs in a quizzicaljway, as much as to say: " We take no stock in your sudden loyalty." Abe, screaming, was one of the first to scale the ram- parts and invest Fort de Russy. Thence the march was to Alexandria, where, the eagle having become so famous, there arose a general clamor to have him THE RED RIVER AND OTHER EXPEDITIONS. 45 become the property of the entire regiment, so each company could in turn have the honor of carrying, pro- tecting and fighting under him. To this proposition Company C protested with spirit. They simply wouldn't have any such plan carried out, and presented to Gen. Mower an elaborate document in writing, setting forth the manner in which they origi- nally came into possession of the coveted emblem at Eau Claire, how they had cared for and clung to him for over two years, and ending with a square declaration that Old Abe could not be had by peaceable means. That did the business, Gen. Mower deciding at once that Company C was the rightful owner of the bird. At Henderson's Hill Gen. Mower came upon the enemy strongly entrenched. He dared not attack them in front, so marched stealthily by night fifteen miles through a swamp, to reach the rear of the stronghold. Suddenly, at midnight, while the boys were creeping along, Abe gave his note of alarm. It was unmistak- able short, sharp and startling. They listened, heard a footstep, and prepared for an emergency. It was a confederate courier with dispatches to Gen. Taylor, ask- ing for re-inforcements. Thinking, very naturally, in the darkness, that he had fallen in with confederates, he gave the confederate countersign and was captured. Although enraged at the eagle, the Yankees and fate, he was compelled to lead the way back to the fort, where Abe had the pleasure of witnessing the capture of the 46 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. entire garrison, with its horses, arms, ammunition and stores. As some delicate eagle food was among the trophies, Abe had a feast to pay for his good work. Proceeding on their journey up the Red River, the boys found the enemy at Grand Ecore. Here another dispute arose as to what company should carry Old Abe, Company C having been detailed as provost guard at division headquarters. At last, with the regimental colors, he was assigned to Company I during the period covered by guard duty, and that was the only time Abe was out of the possession of the company in which he enlisted and to which he clearly belonged. From this time to May 24, 1864, when Abe and his regiment reached Vicksburg, the boys saw much hard fighting and much sickness. Nor was this all. Their rations were short sometimes very short and their clothing wholly insufficient; yet the tireless spirit and unwavering courage of Old Abe kept them up. CHAPTER XI. OLD ABE AT HOME ON A FURLOUGH. IT WAS now time to consider the question of re-enlist- ment. Would the fragments of the Eagle Regiment re- enlist? There was but one answer. Of course they would. They would veteranize, secure a thirty-day furlough in which to visit their homes, and then return to complete the overthrow of treason. Accordingly on June 19, 1864, the veterans and their eagle left Memphis for Wisconsin. Before reaching Madison the State authorities had been notified of their approach, and prepared to extend a royal welcome. An extract from the Wisconsin State Journal describes the scene : The re-enlisted veterans of the Eighth Wisconsin regiment arrived on the afternoon train, Tuesday, and after a good din- ner prepared for them at Mosher's Railroad House, marched up town to the Capitol Park, where the reception took place a little after (i o'clock. A large concourse of citizens had assembled to witness the spectacle. Flags were displayed along the streets, the bells of the city rung, and the national salute fired. The live eagle, Old Abe, and the tattered and riddled colors of the regiment attracted all eyes. Since we first saw him at Camp Randall, in 1861, Old Abe has grown considerably, and has acquired dignity and ease of bearing. He sits on his perch undisturbed by any noise or tumult, the impersonation of haughty defiance. He has shared all the long marches of this regiment, including Sherman's great raid and the campaign np Red River, and passed through a great number of battles, in which he has once or twice had some of his feathers shot away, but has never received a scratch from a rebel bullet sufficient to draw blood. He is the pet of the whole regiment. 47 48 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. Gen . Lucius Fairchild, in his eloquent address to the veterans, thus spoke of the bird: We welcome your eagle, that national emblem whose fame has been widely spread and become historic through pen and song. I have often wondered what sensations must have filled the minds of rebels as you bore him proudly with your regi- ment, and while they remember the present attitude they maintain toward our government, one would think that the very sight of Old Abe would cause them to hide their heads in shame. Bear him ever aloft with your advancing shout, and let the rebels remember yes, teach them that " Ne'er shall the rage of the conflict be o'er, And ne'er shall the warm blood of life cease to flow Arid still 'mid the smoke of the battle shall soar Our eagle till scattered and fled be the foe." At the conclusion of Gen. Fairchild's remarks, Col. Jefferson briefly responded, returning the thanks of the regiment for the cordial welcome that had been extended, and proposed " three cheers and an eagle " for the Union, the President of the United States, and the State officers of Wisconsin. Three cheers were given with "great en- thusiasm by the boys of the Eighth. The eagle evi- dently understood his part, for at the third hurrah he stretched himself to his full height and expanded his wings to the utmost. Early on the morning of Sunday, June 26, a remnant of Company C and Old Abe arrived at Eau Claire, and were greeted with booming cannon, martial music, patri- otic songs, and an abundant feast. Abe was given a pleasant place in a spacious yard under a large oak, where he received old acquaintances with his usual dignity so much dignity, in fact, that scarcely anyone dared to go near him. He had been OLD ABE AT HOME ON A FURLOUGH. 49 bothered so much by strangers that whenever anyone not known to be a friend approached, there was an unmistakable demonstration of war. After receiving a visit from nearly every citizen and laudation from every newspaper in Eau Claire, Abe was transported to his native county of Chippewa,* but his captors, Chief Sky and Thunder of Bees, who, in placing upon him the chains of slavery had given him greater fame than any other bird ever mentioned in history, were not present to greet him. Every newspaper in Wisconsin now contained articles about the war-eagle, and people went long distances to look upon the bird that had ridden at the front of battle and whose name was as familiar as that of President Lincoln. On the 4th of July, 1864, the Union people celebrated our Day of Independence at Chippewa Falls. The fur- loughed soldiers and Old Abe were present. A huge wigwam had been constructed for the purpose of serv- ing a feast, the proceeds to go to our suffering soldiers. Headed by a band of music and the eagle on his old perch followed by his companions in arms, the enthusi- astic procession marched through the streets singing patriotic songs and hurrahing for the Union and Old Abe. * The spot 011 which Old Abe was born is now in Price County. CHAPTER XII. RETURNING TO THE FRONT. THE furloughs of those who veteranized expired and the boys started for the front on or about the 1st of August. Buckhardt, with the eagle on his perch, boarded a passenger train on the Illinois Central Railway in Chi- cago, and took a seat for himself and Abe. When the conductor appeared a surly fellow declared by the boys to be a copperhead he demanded full fare for Abe. Buckhardt tendered his own fare, but refused to pay for his companion. " Pay for that thing, or I'll put you both out! " mut- tered the enraged conductor, placing his hand with heavy force upon the bearer's shoulder. " Te eakel is von free pirdt free 'Merigan eakel und he ride free, too," responded John, with some emphasis. Matters grew squally. The conductor seized John by the collar, when, with a menace, several soldiers circled around, demanding fair play. Seeing this unlooked-for demonstration, and realizing that nearly all the passen- gers sympathized with the German, the conductor showed his valor by sliding into another car. This incident afforded a deal of amusement for the passengers, many of whom gave John money with 50 RETURNING TO THE FRONT. 51 which to buy meat for Abe, who continued unmolested as a first-class passenger to Cairo. While at home on his furlough Abe underwent a marked change in appearance. The reason for this may as well be stated here as elsewhere, to do which we shall quote Maria I. Cummings in Our Young Folks : Old Abe belongs to the bald-headed, or more correctly, the white-headed family, a species that in some respects are all young veterans, inasmuch as, at three or four years old, their head-feathers, which were originally brown, have become snowy white, giving them a dignified and venerable appear- ance. The other name of bald-head is derived from a spot between the beak and eyes, which is almost wholly destitute of feathers, so that the bald eagle, which is the emblem of America, assumes in his youth the honors which belong to a bald head and a hoary crown, although one would think he might afford to wait longer for them, as the eagle is a very long-lived bird, instances having been known of his living to be a hundred years old. And so with the country of which the bald-head is the representative. Although America is a young nation, she has had so much experience and has progressed so much faster than the nations of the Old World, that, if she could see her- self in the mirror of history, she would appear with a fresh, ruddy face and a strong frame, but a little wrinkled and bald about the temples, and with hair which care and anxiety have turned prematurely gray. But long life to her, and a high place among the nations ! and if she, too, has become a veteran in her youth, may it be with her as with our eagle only the courage, strength and wisdom which she has acquired on her many hard-fought fields entitle her to the name. Abe participated in but one more engagement, which is thus described in J. 0. Barrett's "Old Abe's Last Battle " : Rallying again around the flag and the eagle in Gen. A. J. Smith's Division, there was a rush, on August 13, 1864, after Forrest and his hosts. Crossing the Tallahatchie River and skirmishing near Abbeville Old Abe, on his war-shield, car- ried by Mr. Buckhardt the Union army met the enemy at 52 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. Hurricane Creek, Miss. Having two batteries on a distant eminence to back his advance, Gen. Joseph A. Mower, who had so long distinguished himself, led his faithful brigade with- in a mile of the hill that peeved up a hundred feet above the open field. The batteries of the rival forces played upon each other until night, when, under its cover, our cavalry, by an expert movement, flanked the rebel lines on both sides, leaving the front open for a charge. On they rushed, inter- cepted by a muddy creek and thick clump of alders, but forming on the other side, the steady columns moved like a tornado, the Eagles wheeling to the back of the hill, when Old Abe, again in all his glory, with eye of lightning, with head and neck elongated to swiftest dash, with a whistle quick and startling to nerve and pluck, charged with them up, up the ramparts, flinging the enemy off as with the sweep of an eagle's wing, frightened, dismayed, broken, narrowly escaping at a fearful loss. As the dead and wounded lay side by side brothers there, as by right they should be, at the portal of death the very ground trembled for the shout of the victors, while the scream of the war-bird was heard clear and distinct amid the general carnival of groans and rejoicings. This was Old Abe's last battle in the Great Rebellion. He was the hero of about twenty-five great battles and as many skirmishes. To what agency may we attribute his " charmed life," when the story must be told again and again by patriot sires to their worthy sons, that, though in the fiercest fights, not a bearer of the colors or of the eagle ever conspicuous marks for the enemy was shot down ? The eagle seemed as protective to these bearers as was the standard of the cross in the battles of Constantine. In the great battle against Lucin- ius, which gave Constantine the undivided mastery of the Roman world, one man, who in terror transferred the stand- ard to another, was immediately pierced by a spear, while the bearer of it passed on unhurt amid a shower of javelins, and not a man in its immediate neighborhood was even wounded. If the eagle could dodge bullets, as the soldiers declare he did, not so the bearers. Many a sharp-shooter fired at these boys, but failed to kill one of them. In the bloodiest carnage they and their living standard were unharmed. Did it not portend the preservation of the Union ? CHAPTER XIII. MUSTERED OUT WAR REMINISCENCES. RETURNING to Memphis on the 19th, in pursuit of Forrest, who was then fighting Gen. C. C. Washburn, Old Abe parted with the regiment for the last time. Hav- ing served the three years for which they enlisted, a portion of Company C was to be mustered out. Now the serious question arose: What shall be done with the soldier-bird ? A discussion followed : some were in favor of giving him to the county of Eau Claire, others to the national government at Washington, others still to the State of Wisconsin. The last proposition seemed most reasonable and just, and finally prevailed by a unanimous vote. There- fore, twenty -six of Company C, with their precious charge, started for the North. They reached Chicago on September 21, 1864, where Buckhardt resigned his commission and was succeeded by John F. Hill as bearer. Having been severely wounded at Corinth, John was compelled to rest occasionally at the street corners, where crowds of citizens gathered eagerly to listen to the story of Old Abe's career, for his fame was in every- body's mouth. Arriving at Madison on September 22, the scarred and weary soldiers were paid for their services and dis- 55 56 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. charged. The State authorities then turned their atten- tion to Abe. Still clinging to the perch on which he was mustered in, and which he had learned to ride with dignity and grace, the eagle was borne through the shady avenues of the park and into the wide, cool aisles of the capitol, where, as though he were a king, he was met by Gov. James T. Lewis and Quartermaster-Gen- eral N. F. Lund. The official account of the latter fur- nishes some interesting information, as follows : MADISON, Sept. 26, 1864. Received from the governor the live eagle, Old Abe, of the Eighth Reg't Wis. Vol. Infantry. The eagle was formally presented to the governor, in his office, to-day at 3 o'clock, by Capt. Victor AVolf, of Com- pany C, in behalf of the company and the regiment, the above named company having brought the eagle into Camp Randall, in [September, 1861, from Eau Claire, and carried him through all the marches and battles of the regiment since that time. This having been the color company, the eagle has been borne by them beside the colors of the regiment. The majority of the company had within the past three days been paid off and mustered out of service. They arrived here on the 22d inst. In presenting the eagle to the governor, Capt. Wolf said he had been a good soldier, and never had flinched in battle or march; that he had been well cared for by Company C, and he hoped he would be as well taken care of by the State. In reply, the governor assured the captain that the eagle should be well and carefully taken care of and as safely kept as possi- ble, as long as he lived. N. F. LUND, Quartermaster- General. Old Abe's fighting days were now over, yet we may with interest refer a little further to his military career, especially to a description of his appearance in battle, quoting again from Barrett's brochure : The constant excitement of march and battle, of the hur- rying and affrighted populace, roused all the native fire and inspiration of our military bird. His appearance was per- MUSTERED OUT WAR REMINISCENCES. 57 feclly magnificent. To be seen in all his glory was when the battle commenced. At the sound of the regimental bugle, which he had learned to recognize, however engaged he might be, he would start suddenly, dart up his head, and then bend it gracefully, anticipating the coming shock; and when con- scious of its reality, his eyes would flash with uncommon luster. Then, with a silent, excited animation he would sur- vey the moving squadrons, and, as they rushed into line, his breast would tremble like the human heart, intensified to warring action between hope and fear and undaunted sus- pense a blending of caution and courage, a precipitancy of will, inspiring and sublime. Click would go a thousand locks, and he would turn again, curving that majestic neck, scrutinizing the ranks, and dipping his brow forward to await the crash; and when it came, rolling fiery thunder over the plain, he would spring up and spread his pinions, uttering his startling scream, heard, felt and gloried in by the soldiers. As the smoke enveloped him he would appear to be bewil- dered for a moment, but when it opened again, folding up from the soldiers like a curtain, he would look down intently, as if inquiring: "How goes the battle, boys? What of that last charge ? " Said a writer in the Washington Chronicle, who was often with Abe in battle : As the engagement waxed hot, as the roar of the heavy guns shook the earth, and the rattle of small arms pierced the dim and sulphurous cloud that hung about the line of battle, the eagle would flap his wings and mingle his voice with the tumult in the fiercest and wildest of his screams. Wrote another : When the battle is commenced, the eagle, with spread pinions, jumps up and down on his perch, uttering such wild, fearful screams as an eagle alone can utter. The fiercer ana louder the storm of battle, the fiercer, wilder and louder the screams. What a grand history he will have what a grand eagle he will be a hundred years hence! Pilgrims will come from all parts of the world to see the eagle that was borne through this, our second war for independence. Said an article in Harper's Weekly: When the battle raged most fiercely, and the enthusiasm of the soldiers was at its highest, then it was that Old Abe 58 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. seemed to be in his own element. He flapped his wings in the midst of the furious storm, and, with head erect, faced the flying bullets and the crashing shells with no signs of fear. Old Abe triumphs with the triumph of the flag, and seems in some measure conscious of his relationship with the emblem of a victorious Republic. Col. J. W. Jefferson testified: Old Abe was with the command in nearly every action. He enjoyed the excitement; and I am convinced, from his pe- culiar manner, he was well informed in regard to army move- ments, dress parade and preparations for the march and battle. Upon parade, after he had been a year in the service, he al- ways gave heed to "Attention! " With his head obliquely to the front, his right eye directly turned upon the parade com- mander, he would listen to and obey orders, noting time accu- rately. After parade had been dismissed, and the ranks were being closed by the sergeants, he would lay aside his soldierly manner, flap his wings, and make himself generally at home. When there was an order to form for battle, he and the colors were first upon the line. His actions upon those occasions were uneasy, his head turning anxiously from right to left, looking to see when the line was completed. Soon as the regiment got ready, faced and put in march, he would assume a steady and quiet demeanor. In battle he was almost con- stantly flapping his wings, haying his mouth wide open, and many a time would scream with wild enthusiasm. This was particularly so at the hard-fought battle of Corinth, when our regiment repulsed and charged, or, you might say, made a counter-charge on Price's famous Missouri brigade. David McLane, one of his bearers, also wrote : The eagle seems to have a dread, like all old soldiers, of heavy musketry; but is in all his glory when the roar of artil- lery commences. I have had him up to batteries when they were firing into the rebel ranks as fast as they could load, and then he would scream, spread his wings at every discharge, and revel in the smoke and roar of the big guns. Gen. Lucius Fairchild, in his welcome-home address, said: I have often wondered what sensations must have filled the minds of rebels as you bore him proudly with your regiment; and while they remember the present attitude they maintain toward our government, one would think that the very sight of Old Abe would cause them to hide their heads in shame. MUSTERED OUT WAR REMINISCENCES. 59 Gen. Fairchild was not far amiss. At Memphis and other places the confederate citizens showed great respect for Abe, purchasing meat for his dinner, though contin- ually arrayed in hostility against him. The confederate soldiery, too, both feared and re- spected Old Abe, as the following incident, written by Lieut. Lansing for the New York Ledger, will show: The only time I ever saw the eagle was at the rear of Vicks- burg, just before it was carried on the field at Champion Hills, during which engagement he was seen by thousands of soldiers, both federal and rebel. There are many stories circulating among the soldiers relative to the sensations and sad, regret- ful longings for loyalty and peace excited in the rebel soldier's heart, on beholding the American eagle hovering over the avenging army. To listen to them, as told by the private sol- dier, while sitting by his camp-fire, they are intensely inter- esting to the loyal mind, and I wish I had the power to repro- duce them with equal effect; but my pen must acknowledge its weakness. There is one incident, however, that came un- der my own observation. A large wooden building in the rear of the field at Big Black Ridge was filled with rebel wounded, and after our own soldiers' wounds were dressed, I was sent thither for duty. While extracting a ball from a rebel's leg, I was much surprised to find it round, and a buck- shot imbedded in the flesh with it, an indication of having come from rebel guns. It had entered at the back part of the thigh, and made its appearance just beneath the skin on the fore-side. As I cut on it and learned its nature, I inquired of the man how he received it for I was impressed with the belief that it was not discharged from a Yankee gun. " Well, sir," said he, "I have always been a great lover of French and American history, in which the eagle figures so extensively as an emblem of freedom; and when I saw a live eagle floating and fluttering over your soldiers yesterday, Justin front of my regiment, all my old love of American freedom and loyalty returned; and shortly after, when we were obliged to run, I believed our cause was unjust, and so haunted was I with thoughts of disloyalty, and being an enemy, too, and fighting against that eagle, that I determined to desert the rebel cause and come to his protection ! The first opportunity I saw was this morning, when I made a rush for your lines, and was fired on by one of our men." CHAPTER XIV. THE WAYS OF PEACE NORTHWESTERN SANITARY FAIR. "PEACE hath her victories no less renowned than war." As often as he cheered and brightened the Union boys, and as much as he exasperated and dis- couraged the confederates, Abe's civil was far more use- ful to his country than his military career. His presence at sanitary fairs and his numerous triumphant journeys through the country accomplished as much for charity and did as much to awaken patri- otism and elevate our regard for the soldier, as any other agency. During the winter of 1864-5 the enterprising and patriotic ladies of the Northwestern Sanitary Commis- sion projected a great fair at Chicago, the proceeds to be devoted to sick and wounded soldiers. J. 0. Barrett, of Glenbeulah, Wisconsin, suggested to Gov. James T. Lewis that Abe's presence at the fair would prove an additional attraction and source of rev- enue. The governor coincided with this view. Accordingly, in charge of John H. McFarland, state armorer, and John F. Hill, attendant, Abe marched away to Chicago amidst swords, guns and tattered flags, and was given the place of honor, surrounded by para- phernalia of war and specimens of our vast natural resources from all parts of the country. 60 THE WAYS OF PEACE SANITARY FAIR. 61 He proved even a more potent attraction than had been anticipated. No visitor to the fair went home without a close inspection of Old Abe. Such of his feathers as naturally loosened were eagerly sought, and frequently brought five dollars each. Mr. Barrett had prepared a little pamphlet history of the bird, which, with his photographs, were sold by A. L. Sewall, and netted to the fund for sick and dis- abled soldiers the handsome sum of $16,000. Many notable tenders were made at thfs time for Old Abe himself. A western gentleman of wealth offered $10,000, and P. T. Barnum, through Col. Wood, of the Chicago Museum, offered $20,000 for him. All advances of this character were, of course, rejected. The brave bird, sleek and well groomed as the ward of the State, received more distinguished homage than any person or thing at the fair. Benjamin F. Taylor thus paid tribute to him : And there the bird of our banner holds grand levee from day to day, his white crest like the snowy plume of Henry of Navarre, that eye upon you that can look undazzled on the sun. The Eagle of Chippewa the children have plucked the bird out of the old flag and have set him living at the head of their legions. We bare our brow to him, the grandest con- tributor to the fair, and we leave the strangely assorted group to the reader: the tattered, bloody colors yonder, and then the little shoemaker that has a heart in it, and the eagle that ought to have a soul to be saved harmonious workers in mercy's sweet rivalry. While Gen. Wm. T. Sherman was addressing the people at the fair, in the main room of the exposition building, enthusiastic over the recent victories of our 62 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. arms, he mentioned the emblems of the nation around him, and among them the eagle. As he did so he pre- cipitately put out his hand to stroke the plumage of our hero-bird, who sat in proud but quiet dignity near. Abe wheeled upon his perch with a savage screech at the general, his white feathers ruffled, prepared to fight against such presumption. The vast audience roared with laughter, and Gen. Sherman, quickly withdrawing his hand, smilingly observed: "I must retreat this time." So much did the incidents of the fair add to Abe's renown that Leonard W. Volk, the sculptor, proposed to make a statue of him. No other eagle ever sat in life for his statue. Volk himself has described the inter- esting event thus : In June, 1865, Abe was brought to my studio, and " posed " on his perch for a model in clay, full size, of his eagleship. Think I took six or eight sittings. I produced from it a model in plaster, with wings partly spread, and arranged to surmount a monumental shaft or column, holding a flag in its beak, the flag drooping down and covering part of the column. Two of these were made in marble for monuments one ordered by the cadets of West Point for a monument to a deceased com- rade, erected at Macomb, Illinois; the other for a soldiers' monument I forget where it was erected. When at work on the model of Old Abe I had to keep a sharp lookout for his beak and claws. When I applied the callipers to measure him, and would steal up to him in front, rear or flank as silently as possible, when he appeared asleep, instantly his keen eye would open with a flash; sometimes he would snatch the calli- pers with his claws from my hands and drop them to the floor. Occasionally he would give me a dig with his sharp claws and take a piece of skin from my hand with his needle-pointed beak. Sometimes with a shrill screech he would try and break away from his fastenings, floundering about with his powerful wings, which would of course raise a dust and knock things about the studio generally, especially during the absence of THE WAYS OP PEACE SANITARY FAIR. 63 his keeper. I think he was heartily glad when the sitings terminated, as he did not appear to relish the confinement, nor did he evince a very high regard for spread-eagle art. But he was a splendid old bird, and behaved himself quite as well as some other two-legged sitters who have honored my studio. Mr. Volk's model was destroyed by the great fire of 1871 in Chicago. CHAPTER XV. MILWAUKEE SOLDIERS 5 HOME SOLDIERS' ORPHANS' HOME. SOME time before the close of the war, Milwaukee had become a noted center for disabled Union soldiers. It is stated that during the last year of the Rebellion more than 8,000 of them were cared for in a single building on West Water street. This gave rise to the idea of establishing in that beautiful white city a permanent soldiers' home. Accord- ingly, before the Chicago fair had drawn to a close, preparations were made, mostly by the ladies, for a gigantic fair and bazaar. John F. Hill transported Abe direct from Chicago to Milwaukee, where he was placed in a large tent called " Tangle's Feature," presided over by " Tangle " McCracken, as queer a genius as one would care to see. In the center of this tent were extensive evergreen rings, rising one above another, and at the topmost was a pretty circular platform whereon the eagle perched. Below him were mud-turtles, peacocks, Devon cows, sheep, cranes, hawks, owls, rabbits, foxes, badgers, doves, a bloodhound, a bear, a coon which the Twelfth Wis- consin Battery had in the war and afterwards gave to the State, and three other eagles on their several perches, MILWAUKEE SOLDIERS 7 HOME ORPHANS' HOME. 65 of different species, called, respectively, Gen. Grant, Phil. Sheridan and Gen. McClellan . Abe had the uppermost seat of honor and attracted the most attention. The other birds had neither character nor history were not warriors and diplomatists like Old Abe, but merely imitated him in a vulgar way by assuming distinguished names. But at this time Abe possessed a deep interest for the people in addition to that imparted by his remarkable career of activity and achievement; he had received the name of Abraham Lincoln, recently assassinated by a desperate confederate, John Wilkes Booth. Near him, too, were the " assassination flags," so-called, loaned for the occasion, and consisting of the banner in which Booth caught his spur as he leaped to the stage in Ford's theater, and the one grasped by Lincoln as he fell by the assassin's bullet. Here even the smallest feathers of Abe's plumage commanded higher prices than ever, and were eagerly sought. Many distinguished people secured them in one way and another, one being officially presented by the lady managers to Gen. Benjamin F. Butler. There are few lovelier spots on the footstool than that magnificent charity, the Milwaukee Branch of the Na- tional Soldiers' Home, with its immense grounds, shaded with oaks, maples and elms. Old Abe materially helped to establish and endow that institution, the net proceeds of the fair being more than $110,000, a goodly portion of which came directly 66 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. from the enthusiastic interest felt by the people to see him and purchase his photographs. Louis P. Harvey, a great-hearted man, was elected governor of Wisconsin in the fall after Beauregard fired upon Fort Sumter. He took an active part in rais- ing and equipping troops, and entered with heart and soul into the work of defending the Union. Following his soldiers to the South, in order to see with his own eyes their sufferings and thus be able more intelli- gently to determine and minister to their wants, he met death accidently on the Mississippi River early in the spring of 1862. His wife, Mrs. C. A. P. Harvey, attempted to fill his place, and did so as far as was in her power, in allevi- ating the hardships of Wisconsin volunteers, and in pursuing this course conceived the idea of erecting a Soldiers' Orphans' Home at Madison. Her first step in this direction was to secure permis- sion from Gov. Lewis to exhibit Old Abe at the Wis- consin State Fair at Janesville, in September, 1865. The quartermaster-general gave her the use of two large tents and Wm. J. Jones, a one-armed soldier, was detailed to take the bird to the fair. In one of these tents Capt. Jones perched the eagle, accompanied by a coon brought from Georgia by the Twelfth Wisconsin Battery, and, charging ten cents for admission, cleared nearly 8500. In the meantime Mrs. Harvey circulated a subscription paper and obtained MILWAUKEE SOLDIERS' HOME ORPHANS' HOME. 67 such a large sum of money that the Home was at once begun. The Soldiers' Orphans' Home of Wisconsin, located on a beautiful shaded slope on the shores of Lake Mo- nona, was a noble charity, and Old Abe had the lasting honor of earning the first money with which it was erected. CHAPTER XVI. PITTSBURGH AND PEORIA GATHERINGS. IN 1866, when Congress and President Andrew John- son were in a struggle over what means should be adopted for the proper reconstruction of the lately rebell- ious states, a mass convention was called to meet at Pittsburgh, Penn., on September 25 and 26, to " sustain the measures adopted by Congress for the restoration of the Union." It was one of the most magnificent out- bursts of popular feeling ever manifested in the history of our country. There were representatives from all the Northern states and some of the Southern the great West pre- ponderating in numbers and, sitting side by side with them on the platform, to indicate the democratic spirit of the convention, were such privates as L. Edwin Dud- ley, " the patriotic clerk of Washington; " Robert Hen- dershott, "the Drummer Boy of the Rappahannock; " John Burns, the famous hero of Gettysburg; and Serg. Geo. Robinson, of Maine, who saved the life of Secretary Seward on the night of the assassination of President Lincoln. Old Abe had been invited, and, of course, accepted the invitation to be present. Having received many ovations on the journey, he reached Pittsburgh on the 68 PITTSBURGH AND PEORIA GATHERINGS. 69 24th in care of Capt. McDonald, and was quartered at the St. Charles Hotel with a large number of other war- riors not less distinguished than himself. The City Hall, in which the convention was held, was decorated with evergreens, flowers and flags. Between the windows hung badges of twenty-five army corps, and on the platform were the emblems of war and peace white flags and sheaves of wheat. Over the entrance was inscribed: " There can be no lasting peace while the flag of the Union can not wave unmolested over the graves oj our fallen comrades." The hall was densely packed; in one of the aisles stood delegates from a neighborhood sixty strong, every one of whom had been wounded in the service, with their colors. The jam of people was so great at the door that Capt. McDonald found it almost impossible to advance with his eagle. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler had just begun a speech, when the presiding officer, Gen. J. D. Cox, catching sight of Abe, interrupted and shouted to the dense throng to " make way for the veteran war-eagle of Wis- consin." The crowd parted like magic, and McDonald, with Abe perched like winged Jove above his head, marched up to the platform. The audience arose and sent up cheer upon cheer, fairly splitting the air, while the band played martial music. Abe, recalling the excitement of other days in which he reveled, flapped his wings and sent forth his wildest scream such a scream as was 70 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. never heard in the City Hall of Pittsburgh before or since. On motion of Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, Abe was assigned a position near the chairman, where he stretched up and flapped his pinions every time the people cheered Gen. Butler, who was speaking. On the evening of September 25 a torchlight proces- sion five miles in length marched through the city, led by Gen. Negley. "The streets," said a newspaper account, " were ablaze, and filled for miles with people. Such popular enthusiasm has seldom been equaled. The city was one glorious illumination of blazing ban- ners and sentiments steeped in fire. There was an unsurpassed display of beautiful designs and models in brilliant lights in moving lines." Old Abe, gayly decorated with red, white and blue, sat on his perch in an open carriage drawn by four white horses. As he moved along, the most conspicuous object in the procession, the people shouted and cast into his carriage wreaths, mottoes and bouquets without number. It was an inspiring scene, and one which Abe enjoyed, his eyes flashing like dots of lightning. CHAPTER XVII. OLD ABE NOMINATES GRANT FOR PRESIDENT. THE next public appearance of our plumaged warrior was at Peoria, 111., on October 11, 1866, whither he went with Capt. A. G. Weissert arid Capt. A. R. McDonald, state armorer, to dedicate a soldiers' monument. Forty thousand people, a large portion of them vet- eran soldiers, were present, and greeted Abe with shouts and huzzas. The great speeches were by Gen. John A. Logan, the Black Eagle of Illinois, Col. Robert G. Inger- soll and Gen. Benjamin F. Butler. Abe was perched near them on the grand stand, where he cheered with the crowd and in every way added spirit to the occasion. One of the notable gatherings of the period was the Soldiers and Sailors' Convention, which met in Chicago on May 19, 1868. The truth is, that caravans of soldiers gathered from all the Northern states to demand the nomination by the Republican- Union National Conven- tion, then in session in the same city, of Unconditional Surrender Grant; and a mighty gathering it was, The delegates marched in procession to Turner Hall, headed by Gen. Jeremiah M. Rusk, with the tattered battle-flags of Wisconsin, and on his right Old Abe. " The procession," said a current newspaper account, " was three-quarters of a mile in length and four sol- diers deep. The streets along the entire route were (4) 71 72 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. thronged with people. The march was full of life and incident, the line joining in singing their old battle- songs as in the Southern marches. Upon entering the hall the scene was one of wild enthusiasm, cheer upon cfcteer being given for the portrait of Grant which hung over the platform, the bust of Lincoln which stood upon the rostrum, and for Old Abe, the war-eagle." As his bearer marched with Abe up to the platform, on which sat such as John A. Logan, Daniel E. Sickles, Lucius Fairchild, Alfred Pleasanton, John Cochrane and Joseph B. Hawley, "At once there rose so wild a yell Within that dark and narrow dell, As all the fiends from heaven that fell Had pealed the banner-cry of hell." And in that great shout there was no sound so pierc- ing, wild and powerful as the scream of Old Abe. He caught up the spirit of the soldiers and reveled in the excitement and enthusiasm of the moment. Said the Chicago Tribune: When the resolution proposing Gen. U. S. Grant as candi- date for the Presidency was passed, as the vast multitude rose and cheered, and the band struck up " Hail to the Chief," Old Abe, as if understanding it all, stretched high his proud form and repeatedly flapped his wings in approbation of the nomi- nation. CHAPTER XVIII. CELEBRATIONS AND REUNIONS. DURING this year, 1868, Eugene Bowen, a one-armed veteran of the 92d New York, carried Abe to White- water, Wis., to participate in a Fourth of July celebra- tion. The bird rode on a cannon in the procession, attracting much attention. The weather was dry and the streets dusty. The heat, the long march and the clouds of dust caused Abe to become so thirsty that he whistled for water. It was brought to him in the usual form of glass goblets, out of which he drank with evident satisfaction. The pop- ulace were pleased to observe the eagle drinking with his bearer from the same glass. At a State soldiers' reunion, held in Milwaukee on September 27 and 28, 1870, Gen. Harrison C. Hobart formally presented Old Abe to the audience while cheers rent the air, and Col. Charles H. Clark read a poem which contained a clever reference to the bird. On the following day, with Abe by his side, Matt. H. Carpenter addressed, on the fair grounds, thirty thou- sand people. The eagle was cheered everywhere, and was showered also with sweetmeats and knickknacks. From this period on Old Abe was kept so constantly moving about to fulfill his reunion engagements that it is 73 74 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. almost impossible to follow him. He went with Capt. McDonald to Fond du Lac, Burlington, La Crosse, Evansville, Racine, Neillsville, and elsewhere, and at- tended several reunions at his home in Madison, and was always the center of attraction. At the reunion of the First Wisconsin Regiment in Madison on February 22, 1872, Abe sat beneath an archway in the Park Hotel, scanning the crowds in dignified silence. He listened to all the poems and ad- dresses without making any demonstration, but when he heard a ringing response to the toast, " The federal Union may wisdom cement what valor saved," he stretched up and screamed his hearty approbation. In the spring of 1875 Old Abe fell ill from neglect and hunger so ill, in fact, that he was pushed aside as dead by some unfeeling, if not hostile, habitues of the capitol at Madison. While in this condition he was dis- covered by a friendly veteran, who wrapped him in a warm blanket and for three days nursed and watched the old warrior, finally bringing him out all right. But for this timely discovery and tender vigilance, Old Abe would not have survived, having fallen, through a change of administration, into unfriendly hands. He had scarcely recovered his full strength and spirit when the reunion of the Grand Army of the Republic took place in Chicago, lasting from May 11 to May 14, 1875, at which he was an honored guest, with head- quarters at the Grand Pacific Hotel with Generals Sher- CELEBRATIONS AND REUNIONS. 75 man, Sheridan, Hartranft and other distinguished mili- tary leaders. On May 13 occurred the procession, which was wit- nessed by 150,000 people. The Chicago Times said that "Abe, perched on his shield, was loudly cheered when- ever the crowd caught sight of him," and that " he fre- quently flapped his wings and looked majestic." The Tribune also observed: The greatest feature of the procession, aside from the vete- ran organization, composed of men who know what it is to be a soldier, and whose tattered regimental flags indicated the services they had done, was the war-eagle, Old Abe, a noted leader of the Eighth Wisconsin; he was the chief lion of the day, sitting upon his perch with immense dignity, flapping his wings and screaming. While the procession was moving toward the exposi- tion building a band of patriotic ladies presented to the eagle, who rode in a splendid barouche, a large wreath of roses set in evergreens, which was at once placed around his perch. He appeared pleased with the gift, scanned it closely and then cast his flashing eye up to the crowded balconies as much as to say, " What do you think of that ? " During the same year Abe attended, in state, an extensive reunion at Milwaukee, during which, a cold steady rain setting in, he became so thoroughly chilled that he was compelled to retire from the procession. Usually he was a pretty rugged bird, but at this time, probably, there still lingered about him traces of the spring congestion which came so near taking his life. 76 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. While, at these many reunions, the boys never tired of singing " Marching Through Georgia" and other stir- ring songs, they frequently surrounded Old Abe and struck up L. J. Bates' composition, music by T. Martin Towne, entitled " The Battle-Eagle: " " They come, but the ranks are shrunken and thiu ; Oh! large be the welcome that gathers them in ! They come with the flags in the glad sunlight, A cloud of peace, that is feathery white. And still o'er the standards they bear on high, There hovers the Eagle of Victory- Hurrah for the Eagle, our bold battle-Eagle ! The terror of traitors and king of the sky ! " CHAPTER XIX. AT THE CENTENNIAL. IT WAS now time to prepare for the magnificent Cen- tennial celebration which took place at Philadelphia during the following year, the hundredth anniversary of the birth of freedom in America; and Old Abe was down on all the Wisconsin programmes. The " Women's State Centennial Executive " had been appointed, and the people were active everywhere throughout the State. For the purpose of kindling the fires of enthusiasm and patriotism, a meeting of the Centennial Club of the State was called to celebrate Independence Day at Madison, on the evening of July 5, 1875. For the occasion Mrs. Ole Bull, wife of the famous Swedish violinist, whose home was in Madison, designed a tableau which she called Old Abe. Although, as the Wisconsin State Journal declared, " the entire ovation " was one of which they " were proud to speak," the tab- leau was the principal feature. The assembly chamber in the state capitol had been transformed by artistic hands into a fairy grotto, a mys- terious curtain hanging near the speaker's desk. " The Day We Celebrate," the personation of King George's time by Gen. Geo. B. Smith, the floral exuber- ance, the eloquent addresses of E. G. Ryan and Col. W. 77 78 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. B. Slaughter, the representation of Gen. Washington making his " first visit to the fair young widow, Mrs. Custis, who, with her two children playing at her feet, is surprised at his entrance," the proffer of the services of Gen. LaFayette to Washington to help fight the battles of American liberty all these were, indeed, life-dramas of the Revolution seldom surpassed in beauty of per- sonation. But another scene eclipsed them all. When the curtain rose, there stood the famous war-eagle on his perch, surrounded by state and national flags and stands of arms, as the living ideal of our prowess a hundred years ago. Maj. C. G. Mayers, in the costume of Paul Jones, recited in a very spirited manner a poem by Lizzie Doten, entitled " The Eagle of Freedom." Under the auspices of this same committee, Abe received an invitation to attend a " Legislative Leap- year Party," given in the legislative halls of the capitol in Madison, on February 17, 1876. The terpsichorean drama, says J. 0. Barrett, opened with the Marseillaise hymn, by Mrs. H. M. Page, who, attired in appropriate costume, appeared as the " Daughter of the Regiment," admirably singing and tapping her drum, with accompaniments by Bach's band. The war-bird, on his Centennial perch, stood one side, a little in front of the vivandiere, listening with a noticeable dignity, animated most at the sound of the drum that recalled the reveille of other days; and when she finished the "Star Spangled Banner," feeling the AT THE CENTENNIAL. 79 deep inspiration of the audience, he encored with a loud clapping of wings. Of course Old Abe was going to the Centennial. The Wisconsin Legislature, by joint resolution, author- ized Gov. Harrison Ludington to detail a veteran sol- dier, at state expense, to take the bird to Philadelphia and care for him during the exposition. If any person or thing in this broad Republic was to remain quietly at home on such a splendid occasion, it would not be the plumaged warrior of the Eighth Wis- consin; so the utmost was made of his name and fame everywhere. Under the legislative resolution mentioned, Gov. Ludington appointed John F. Hill, of Eau Claire, one of the first volunteers in the original Company C, to go with Abe to the Centennial ; and he took with him, to sell to the millions of visitors to that stupendous pano- rama of progress and civilization, many copies of Bar- rett's "Old Abe," a little book which has been of much service in compiling the volume now in hand. Minnie B. Culver, of Madison, also painted a medall- ion of Abe for the Women's Department of the Wis- consin branch of the Centennial, concerning which, on March 26, 1876, she herself wrote the following happy letter : The portrait of the Eighth Wisconsin eagle, which is to be painted for the Centennial Exposition, I would say, is to he something less than half life-size, on a gilt medallion, to he framed in carved ebony and placed upon the top of an ebony cabinet. This state cabinet is to contain the books and music 80 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. written by the women of Wisconsin, also choice ornaments and specimens of art. The panels in the sides and doors of the lower part are to be decorated with flowers, grasses and vines, done in oil. The upper part is open, the shelves are irregular, after the Japanese style, and are surrounded by ele- gant hand-carving, executed by Mr. G. Haug, of Milwaukee. On Wednesday, the 15th of March, Old Abe honored me with a sitting; he was attended by his keeper, to whom he seems greatly attached. I was astonished at the color and expres- sion of his eye, which forcibly reminded me of the description given by a countryman, who said, " The eagle has a shrill eye! " and at the size and cruel strength of his beak, which had the appearance of yellow ivory. The sharp look of inquiry he gave me seemed to ask, " what is all this bother about, any- way? " Fortunately, for my peace of mind, the mahl-stick seemed to make this king of birds quaij. He stood upon his standard with the United States shield beneath him, gazing over the waters of Mendota with a far-off look, but a tap of my brush on the easel would recall his thoughts and cause him to turn his head quickly in the desired position. It was in one of these moments of surprise that I caught the expres sion of his " shrill " eye. When nearly through with the sitting, the flag was draped in his talons over the standard. The sight of the stars and stripes seemed to arouse old memo- ries, and he uttered several screams which I thought might mean a declaration of war. His keeper assured me, however, that it was only a feeling of joy that animated him; but as lie began to tear the bunting with his great beak in a very decided manner, and as his meal-time was approaching, he having fasted two or three days as is his custom, this part of the pict- ure was rapidly executed, and he went off to his dinner of rabbit, which I hope he enjoyed as fully as I did mv morning with Old Abe. Abe's presence at Philadelphia was one of the popu- lar features of the great Centennial celebration. He had a place in Agricultural Hall, and was constantly, dur- ing the entire period of the exhibition, surrounded with visitors. His fame had long before penetrated Europe, and foreigners appeared to be as interested and as numer- ous around his perch as Americans. AT THE CENTENNIAL. 81 Of course Abe went further into history by receiving honorable mention in the great tomes comprising the official report of the Centennial exposition, and his photographs and pamphlet copies of his life were sold to visitors by the thousand. CHAPTER XX. TWO MONTHS IN BOSTON. PERHAPS the most satisfactory trip Old Abe ever made was that to Boston, where for nearly three months, in the winter of 1878-9, he was a conspicuous and admired figure at the Old South Church fair. This church is an ancient building in Boston in which, during the Revolution, the British stabled their horses. In order that it should not fall a prey to the destroying march of business, and that it might remain to nourish our pride and love of country in the future, patriotic ladies purchased the structure for the sum of $400,000, and began holding fairs therein for the pur- pose of raising money to liquidate the debt. It was proper, under these circumstances, that Abe should attend the fair of 1879 and aid in swelling its income. Gov. Wm. E. Smith, therefore, consented to grant the request of the lady managers, and despatched Peter B. Field with the proud old bird to Boston in December, 1878. He attracted a great deal of attention and received more callers, probably, than any other feature of the fair. He had a roomy cage in the church, and Field had per- mission to go to market daily and purchase, at the expense of the fair, fish, pigeons, pheasants, chickens and other delicacies for his bird, who lived like a prince all winter. 82 TWO MONTHS IN BOSTON. 83 For the amusement of the visitors he would perch upon Field's arm or head and march through the crowds, and, to show his powerful spread of wing, would sail grace- fully over their heads and return to his proper place. On speech-making occasions, when the audience cheered Abe flapped his wings and screamed, to the amusement and delight of the Bostonians, who never knew before that an eagle understood the proprieties of enthusiastic public meetings. The bird became so popular in Boston that many persons who were unable to leave their rooms asked to have him brought to them. Whenever possible, Field complied with these requests, and on one occasion received a liberal check from a helpless but wealthy lady in Beacon street. He also attended a private theatrical given at the Tudor mansion, in Beacon street, for the benefit of the Old South Church fund, and was royally welcomed. Field drolly relates that he was " not compelled to take a check for his overcoat, which was of such common stuff he knew he would get it back again; no one would take it." Among Abe's visitors in church were some blind children who wished to touch the plumage of the old warrior. Field placed his arm over the bird's neck and head, so his terrible beak could not reach their tender hands, and the sightless sight-seers smoothed the eagle with many expressions of delight. While strangers were never allowed to lay hands on 84 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. him, Abe received the caresses of soldiers in uniform with apparent satisfaction. Scores and scores of times had this been illustrated, and was again proven in Bos- ton when a uniformed soldier from the arsenal entered the church, walked straight up to the bird and stroked his plumage. On these occasions Abe curved his neck gracefully and said gently: " Teete-teete, teete-teete." CHAPTER XXI. MORE REUNIONS THE GRANT BANQUET. DURING the three years of his stewardship Field also carried Abe to many soldiers' reunions to St. Paul, Minn., Newark, 0., and other places. In relation to these gatherings it is the same old story: the boys cheered the old bird and he cheered them; they all marched, ate hard-tack and " sow-belly," sang " March- ing Through Georgia," and had a glorious good time. At the Newark, 0., reunion, in July, 1878, Abe had a rousing reception. A military delegation, headed by a band, met him at the depot and escorted him to the residence of Col. C. D. Miller, where he was quartered under a shady walnut-tree. And when Maj. Miller issued the report of the Newark reunion, in a handsome volume of 300 pages, he could not resist the temptation to devote Chapter II to " Old Abe, the War Eagle," and to adorn the book with a portrait of the famous bird. Mark Smith succeeded Field as keeper, in 1879, and carried Abe more or less continuously for a year. At the soldiers' reunion at Aurora, 111., in the autumn of 1879, where there were 150,000 present for several days, Smith was pretty thoroughly tired out. He stood day after day and answered the countless ques- tions of strangers, each and every one being anxious to know all about the bird what he ate, how he slept, 85 86 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. where he was caught, how he acted in battle, etc., etc. When night came, after these sieges, he was so hoarse he could not speak aloud. At this reunion Smith slept on a cot in the City Hall and Abe was locked in one of the cells, of which there were a large number, in the basement. He says he could have sold every one of the bird's wing and tail feathers at $10 each. Partisan newspapers had repeatedly asserted that Abe was dead, and that the eagle alleged to be the gen- uine war-eagle was a fraud. In 1879 Smith carried the bird to a reunion at Menomonie, Wis., near the place of his birth and enlistment. Numbers of the old Eighth Regiment were present and instantly recognized the eagle as Old Abe, though they had not seen him in fifteen years. And the boys emphatically claim the bird recog- nized them, too, and was delighted to see them. One of the memorable occasions to which Abe lent grace and spirit was the banquet given to Gen, U. S. Grant in 1879, on the return from his trip around the world. He had been on the road for some days and was, therefore, weary and sleepy. He did not take a place in the parade, but had a conspicuous position at the banquet in the Palmer House. On arriving at the door of the banquet hall the man- agers proposed to take in Abe, but not his keeper, Smith. " No, sir," said Mark. " Where this bird goes, I go." MORE REUNIONS THE GRANT BANQUET. 87 "But," interposed the esthetes, "this is a private dinner and you have no invitation." "All right," responded Mark. " I was good enough to fight with Grant, if I am not good enough to eat with him. If this place is too good! for me, it is too good for Abe," and he turned to go. That speech did the business, and Mark, with his long raven locks, broad sombrero hat and flashing black eyes, stumped up to the head of the hall on his wooden leg, and sat by the side of his plumaged veteran until 3 o'clock of the following morning. Abe was so tired that he did not take a very lively interest in the proceedings, but when Col. Wm. F. Vilas mounted a table and uttered the splendid tribute to Grant which made him famous, and, the Chicago Tribune claims, made him also Cleveland's postmaster-general, he flapped his wings and responded with one of his piercing battle- screams. During the Northern State Fair at Oshkosh, Wis., Smith and Abe were present, quartered in a tent, for entering which a fee of ten cents was charged. The proceeds went to the Methodist Church Association. He had many visitors. While there Smith gave his bird a fine Dominique rooster for a feast. Crowds gathered to see how he killed and devoured his prey; but, curiously enough, he looked kindly on the handsome young rooster, made friends with him and thereafter the two roosted con- 88 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. tentedly together on the same perch until the fair closed, when the Dominique was released. Smith was succeeded in the spring of 1880 by George Gillies, a sturdy Scotchman, who was Abe's last keeper. The latter had much more traveling to do than the earlier keepers, because, as Abe's fame spread and soldiers' reunions became more numerous, the demand for his presence on such occasions was almost constant. At the great reunion in Columbus, 0., in 1880, George and his bird were quartered in a fine private residence in the suburbs. When night of the first day came the hostess gave Abe one of the nicest rooms in the house. " Oh! " ex- claimed the practical keeper, " Don't give to the bird the like of that ; let him sit in his cage on the porch." " No," insisted the ladies, " nothing is too good for Old Abe and his keeper ; put him in there." And so in he went, into a room richly carpeted and elegantly fur- nished. George also carried the bird to the reunion at Canton, O., during the same year, where the veterans enjoyed themselves heartily. " Man, man," says he yet, " but Ohio is the State for you. There was nothing good enough for Old Abe or me in the entire commonwealth. We rode free, ate free, and had the best of everything everywhere." In 1880, while 100,000 people were assembled in Chicago in the Republican National Convention, a soldiers' reunion on a vast scale was being held in Mil- MORE REUNIONS THE GRANT BANQUET. 89 waukee. The veterans published a daily newspaper and also a " Reunion Roster " a quarto volume of liberal thickness, containing names, regiments and similar infor- mation in relation to soldiers. Old Abe was there, sleek and majestic, but well- pleased. In that great procession, which required hours to pass a given point, no two figures attracted so much attention as the eagle and Gen. Grant. The two were close together near the head of the columns, with front and rear covered by bands of music and either flank by veterans bearing tattered regimental colors. It was a stirring scene. No outward sign on the face of the grim commander indicated that he knew aught about the desperate strug- gle of three giants of the Republican party Roscoe Conkling, John A. Logan 'and J. Donald Cameron only eighty miles away, to compass the defeat of Elaine and the nomination of himself for the Presidency; and Abe, close to a noisy drum-corps, was equally complacent and self-satisfied, though his magnificent eyes blazed with the inward excitement and pleasure always manifested on military occasions. That was the last public appearance of Old Abe in Wisconsin. The people cheered him lustily, showing that though he had been before the public for twenty years his popularity had increased rather than dimin- ished. CHAPTER XXII. OLD ABE'S SEMI-TRAGIC DEATH. TOWARD evening of a cold day in the winter of 1881 a fire started mysteriously in a quantity of paints and oils stored in the basement of the capitol, near Old Abe's large cage. The blaze created an enormous vol- ume of black and offensive smoke, which at once filled the cage to suffocation. Abe, understanding full well the nature of what was going on around him, sent forth such a scream as had never before been heard in that building. Attendants and watchmen rushed below to learn the cause of the startling outcry, and before attacking the flames, opened the door of the perch-room. The eagle, with another piercing screech, swept swiftly out and away from the smudge. He seemed to be either frightened or injured by the smoke, for his breast heaved, his heart labored heavily and his plumage was disheveled. Nor was he ever well thereafter. He ate sparingly or not at all; his eyes lost their wonderful luster; he sat around in a half-comatose condition fora few days, and on March 26, 1881, with a slight tremor and a few feeble flaps of his wings, expired in the arms of his stout keeper, George Gillies. George said that Abe seemed to know he was about to die, for when he asked solicitously, " must we lose 90 OLD ABE'S SEMI-TRAGIC DEATH. 91 you, Abe?" the old bird raised up his head and looked wistfully into his keeper's face and then sunk back into his arms and passed away. Around him were numbers of one-legged and one-armed veterans whose sad faces showed that they had lost a beloved comrade. At first the general desire among the soldiers was to have Abe buried in the beautiful Forest Hill Cemetery, where rest two hundred Union and one hundred and fifty confederate dead, with appropriate military cere- monies, and under a handsome monument. The suggestion that the taxidermist's art would pre- serve him to the sight for an indefinite period dispelled these notions, and he was turned over to Maj. C. G. Mayers, who, after preserving and stuffing the warrior- bird, fixed him firmly to a neat perch, as he now stands in the War Museum of the capitol. Maj. Mayers was familiar with Abe's habits and appearance and was, therefore, successful in securing that majestic poise of the head, graceful curve of the neck and animated flash of the eye which are remem- bered by those who have seen him when a strain of lively martial music first fell on his ear. While preparing Abe's carcass for preservation, Maj. Mayers discovered that the lungs had grown firmly to the ribs, which fact explains the fatal result of the smoke and fright. The cause of this malformation is alleged to have been numerous colds and congestions resulting from 92 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. changing the bird suddenly from his warm cage in the basement of the capitol to the cold outer air in winter. On the day following the death of Old Abe the Mil- waukee Republican contained an interview with Maj. W. J. Dawes, who commanded a company in the Eagle Regiment. It contains some interesting points, stated in a soldier's hearty way, as follows : Old Abe was well known all over the world. His reputa- tion is as wide-spread as that of any general who fought in the same battles with him. My first acquaintance with him was in the spring of 1861, just about twenty years ago. now. The Eighth Wisconsin Regiment, a company of which I had the honor to command, was going into camp at Camp Randall, in Madison, and with one of the companies that commanded by Capt. Perkins came the eagle, then a chicken about half or two-thirds grown. Whether the idea had been formed before he came into camp of making him a part of the regiment for the war, or whether it was developed afterwards, I do not now recollect; but it was understood before we left camp that the bird had enlisted, and he was christened Old Abe. One of the tallest men in the regiment was detailed to carry and take care of him, with the understanding that at the end of the war he was to convey him to Washington and present him to his namesake, the President. A standard, with a slanting platform on it, over which was a carved quiver and arrows for him to stand upon, was obtained, and upon this he made his way when on the inarch. A cord attached to his leg secured him to this standard, and standing on his perch, over the shoulder of his bearer and near the colors of the regiment, he was the observed of all observers. Several times he escaped from the boys, but never for a long time. The most noted was the battle of Corinth. Gen. Mower's horse was shot under him; I lost one-third of all the men I had, either killed or wounded; was shot myself, and a bullet cut Old Abe's cord all in a moment of time. The Johnnies were down on us with a whoop and a yell. I saw our eagle soaring (that is a pretty classical word to us, but it alone can express the dignity of the flight) away over OLD ABE'S SEMI-TRAGIC DEATH. 93 the rebels, and supposed he was gone for keeps, as did we all, and sorry enough we were. We were in trouble enough: licked for the time being, our friends killed and wounded, old Joe's horse shot (we all liked the old fellow on his master's account), and, above all, our engle gone over to the rebs. Some of the men gathered me up in a blanket and took me along the best they could, and we had not gone far before Old Abe came swooping back to his perch, which was being brought along, for we did not mean to let the Johnnies crow over that, anyhow. This sounds almost too poetical to be believed, but there were too many eye-witnesses to it to be successfully contra- dicted. I know these things of my own knowledge, and assert them to be true. How do you account for the eagle knowing the regiment, and where to find his place ? was asked of Maj. Dawes. I don't account for it. All I have to do is to state facts. If you want reasons and causes, you must go to some philoso- pher. I believe the eagle knew our regiment as well as we knew it ourselves, and that he could tell it as far off as any of us. When soldiers from other regiments visited us and called on him, as they usually did, he did not appear the same before them as before any members of the Eighth that happened to be near him. It was a common understanding among the boys that Old Abe knew who belonged to his regiment and who did not. This was not a peculiarity of the eagle alone. The colonel had a dog with us that evidently knew the per- sonnel of the regiment entirely better, perhaps, than any one belonging to it. I ani not superstitious, but 1 fully believe that bird could think. As to food, confederate chicken seemed to agree with his constitution remarkably well. He never suffered for want of edibles as the rest of us sometimes did. I have seen the whole regiment on chase after a rabbit for his supper across the field, after a hard day's march, whooping like fiends. Of course it was fun, but being in behalf of the eagle helped the fun wonderfully. During an engagement he was always in the thickest of the fight, near the colors, usually on the ground, occasionally flying to his perch and screaming terrifically. He seemed to know that business was being transacted and the nature of it. He would stand by a cannon which was being served with the greatest rapidity, without flinching, and the rattle of small arms appeared to delight him. Of course he did not know what it was to be hurt by the balls, but I believe that he ap- preciated that trouble came to those about him by this means. 94 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. Army men were then and have been since enthusiastic about Abe. He was a bird only, but he was the embodiment of a principle, a companion of our service, which was a good deal. And there will be a great many wet eyes when the news of his death reaches the survivors of the Eighth Regiment. I have about as much dignity as people generally have, but I would not feel that it was in the least compromised by my acting as pall-bearer at the funeral of Old Abe, should he be buried. W. T. SHERMAN. CHAPTER XXIII. ANECDOTES AND CHARACTERISTICS. ABE was like a person; he had individual peculiari- ties which all who knew him remembered. Capt. Britton says that, although the old fellow was often given his freedom while in camp, he never straggled away or fell behind, as did other soldiers. He loved rabbits, squirrels, robins, pigeons, chickens and fresh meat, but he loved rats best of all. He could discern a rat at a great distance and the approach of his attendant with one of these rodents in hand was the signal for the liveliest manifestations of anticipation. On such occasions he jumped up and down, swung his neck in graceful curves from side to side and kept up a low but gleeful chuckle. It was not unusual, after he had partaken of a good meal, to see Abe go for several days without tasting food of any kind. Sometimes this was because he did not like what was thrown to him; but generally, when he went on a journey of two or three days, he would eat nothing until his return. It is probable that Abe fully understood a joyous sound, for the regiment or any audience of which he formed a part, never sent up a hearty cheer without a resounding scream from him. And such screams ! The human voice could no more imitate their startling in- 97 98 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. tensity than man could follow an eagle's magnificent nights. Abe never indorsed the XIV amendment. He seemed to entertain a malicious hatred of the Negro race. No colored person could approach him without meeting a terrific attack. He hated dogs, too, and if one came within reach of his powerful beak and talons the result invariably was a cyclone of yelps, barks and fur. But his hatred was not confined to dogs and colored people. His dislike of certain members of his regiment was emphatic. While it was never safe for strangers to approach and touch him, it was always dangerous for those whom he believed to be his enemies to get within his reach; he would tear them with his beak and talons with vicious vigor. Homaston, one of his bearers, said Abe had a lan- guage and that it was easy to understand. When sur- prised, he whistled a wild melody, toned to a melan- choly softness; when hovering over his food, he gave a spiteful chuckle; when pleased to see an old friend, he would say, " how do you do ?" with a plaintive coo- ing; but his scream in battle was wild and commanding, consisting of five or six notes uttered in quick succession with a wild trill that was perfectly inspiring to the soldiers. His memory was as keen as his all-piercing eye. After the war, it is related by J. 0. Barrett, Edward Homaston chanced to see the eagle in a crowd at the ANECDOTES AND CHARACTERISTICS. 99 depot in Madison. He knew the bird, but feigning otherwise, exclaimed, " Why, here is an eagle ! " and put out his hand to pat him on the head. The bird's attendant checked him, saying, " Take care, there, the eagle will hurt you ! " " Hurt me ? " said Homaston. " See here, man ! " and he actually embraced the eagle, who extended his wings and screeched and cooed, well pleased at once more greeting his old bearer. Abe's idea of justice was simple revenge. A Rocky Mountain eagle, named Andy Johnson a lean and un- prepossessing bird when compared with Abe was given to the State by the Forty -ninth Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. Although vicious and compara- tively unattractive, he had a home near his companion. During pleasant days the eagles sat on perches in the large and beautiful park that surrounds the capitol at Madison. One evening the eagle attendants went out together to bring in their feathered charges for the night, each driving a bird by means of a long cord attached to the legs. Abe was sick and weak. Andy, watching his oppor- tunity, darted fiercely upon his companion the moment the length of his tether would permit. Both keepers did their utmost, in the darkness, to part the combat- ants, but before they succeeded, Abe, ill-prepared for a fight, was partially vanquished. The battle was a terrible one, the combatants being in such a powerful embrace that their keepers could 100 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. hardly separate them. After that, of course, the utmost caution was exercised to keep the birds apart. Abe, however, never forgot the fight nor took his piercing eye from the ruffled plumage of his adversary; and a year later, as Andy passed under his perch, he darted upon the poor bird with a wild scream of re- venge, and in a few moments, before attendants could put a stop to the engagement, had nearly killed him. It is probable that Andy received a fatal wound from Abe's powerful talons, for he was never himself after that, and after pining for a brief period, died in the spring of 1874. His skin was set up by a taxidermist, and occupies a place in the same room with Abe, in the War Museum, but no one enquires for or takes much interest in him. He was not a thoroughbred, not a patriot, not a diplomatist. His inferiority in grace, beauty and majesty was, and is even in death, clearly apparent to those who have never before seen eagles. Had it not been for the propensity of boys and strangers to bother Abe thrust sticks at him and other- wise disturb and annoy him he could have been taught anything, almost, save to speak. In his cage was a small table on which he fed. Keeper Gillies, drawing near in the morning, would fre- quently ask: "Are you hungry, Abe ?" Silence was the bird's negative answer; but in case he desired to reply in the affirmative, he instantly jumped down and began picking on the bare table. More than once has the writer, when Gillies was ANECDOTES AND CHARACTERISTICS. 101 taking strangers to see the bird, observed how well Abe understood what was wanted of him. To the com- mand, " Come out here, Abe ! I want you out," he would fly down with a gentle whistle and jump along out of his cage. "Now, get up on that stool and show yourself," would be the further order, and up he would go, with a rustle of his feathers. What may seem strange to many, Abe loved his home, his cage. He didn't enjoy the hundreds of trips he was compelled to make to reunions and other gather- ings, and at every return manifested the greatest delight. He was exceptionally cleanly, bathing at least twice a week, and always in clean water. For this purpose he had a large tub made expressly for him. After having been out for several days on a journey he would scream when within sight of the basement entrance leading to his cage, and on being released would scamper down the hallway and plunge into the tub for a bath. A great number of Old Abe's pictures have been sold in the form of photographs, chromos, lithographs and engravings. Many of these were fair representations, but more were random sketches of the eagle family with Abe's name forged upon them. He was in every respect a more spirited and hand- some bird than any portrait can represent him; never- theless the picture in this volume is a faithful outline of 102 OLD ABE, THE EIGHTH WISCONSIN WAR EAGLE. the old bird, made from a photograph taken from life as he sat on a bronze cannon in the capitol park. Volke's, Culver's, and other representations of Abe have already been mentioned. Stewart, a Louisville artist, painted, life-size, a portrait of the eagle which hangs in the Executive Chamber at Madison, in a costly frame, and while in Boston he was painted from life by two unknown artists. One pleasant morning, says Peter B. Field, who had charge of Abe at the Old South Church Fair, a bright- faced woman approached and asked whether she might not hang up a shawl and " sit behind it in the corner and watch the Wisconsin war-eagle." Peter, though white-haired, is gallant to the fair sex. He thought this a strange proceeding, yet he could not refuse a request so gentle from lips so sweet. The " watching " continued for hours, the fair watcher hidden away from the crowd. When the shawl was removed Peter discovered that his quiet visitor had sketched Old Abe in oil, life-size. What became of the painting or who the lady was he never knew. A wealthy lapidarist of Boston also had an oil por- trait made of Abe, and photographs in great number have been made in Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Madi- son and elsewhere. They may be found in almost every album in the North, especially the Northwest. Abe's feathers as well as his photographs are pretty widely distributed. They are held largely by governors, congressmen, judges, generals and people of wealth who ANECDOTES AND CHARACTERISTICS. 103 purchased them at round figures. A New York gentle- man has one mounted in gold, and many important documents have been signed with pens made from Abe's quills. Some of them are in Europe and every one is highly prized. The handsome octagonal case of black walnut and plate glass in which Abe is enclosed, stands in the War Museum at Madison, near long rows of tattered battle flags carried by Wisconsin regiments. His visitors are as numerous now as before death, except among children, and questions relative to his life and career do not diminish. He looks the warrior even now, and stands in the majestic and animated poise shown in the portrait of him presented in this volume. No other bird ever achieved so much fame or reached such a distinguished place in history. APPENDIX. OLD ABE'S BATTLES. Fredericktown, Mp., Siege of New Madrid and Island No. Point Pleasant, Mo., Farmington, Miss., Before Corinth, Miss., luka, Miss., Burnsville, Miss., luka, Miss., Corinth, Miss., Tallahatchie, Miss., Mississippi Springs, Miss., . Jackson, Miss., Assault on Vicksburg, Miss., Mechanicsburg, Miss., Richmond, La., Vicksburg, Miss., Surrender of Vicksburg, Miss., Brownsville, Miss., Fort Scurry, La., Fort de Russy, La., Henderson's Hill, La., Grand Ecore, La., Pleasant Hill, La., Nachitoches, La., Kane River, La., Clouterville and Crane Hill, La., Bayou Rapide, La., . Bayou La Moore, La., Bayou Roberts, La., . Moore's Plantation, La., Mansura, La., Maysville, La., Calhoun's Plantation, La., . Bayou de Glaise, La., Lake Chicot, La., Hurricane Creek, La., 101 Oct. 21, 1861 10, Mo., M'handAp, 1862 . M'ch 20, 1862 May 9, 1862 . May 28, 1862 Sept. 12, 1862 . Sept. 13, 1862 Sept. 16, 18, 1862 . Oct. 3, 4, 1862 Dec. 2, 1862 . May 13, 1863 May 14, 1863 . May 22, 1863 June 4, 1863 . June 15, 1863 June 24, 1863 . July 4, 1863 Oct. 14, 1863 . M'ch 13, 1864 M'ch 15, 1864 . M'ch 15, 1864 April 2, 1864 . April 8, 9, 1864 April 20, 1864 . April 22, 1864 April 23, 1864 . May 2, 1864 May 3, 1864 . May 4-6, 1864 May 8-12, 1864 . May 16, 1864 May 17, 1864 . May 18, 1864 May 18, 1864 . June 6, 1864 Aug. 13, 1864 OLD ABE'S ATTENDANTS IN WAR AND IN PEACE. 105 HIS ATTENDANTS IN WAR. 1. James McGinnis, of Eau Claire, from Sept. 1. 1861, to May 30, 1862. 2. Thos. J. Hill, of Eau Claire, from May 30, 1862, to August 18, 1862. 3. David McLane, of Menomonie, from Aug. 18, 1862, to October, 1862. 4. Edward Homaston, of Eau Claire, from October, 1862, to September, 1863. 5. John Buckhardt, of Eau Claire, from September, 1863 to September, 1864. 6. John F. Hill, during transit from Chicago to Madison, September, 1864. HIS ATTENDANTS IN PEACE. 1. John McFarland, State Armorer. 2. Angus R. McDonald, State Armorer, Eleventh Wiscon- sin Infantry. 3. John G. Stock, State Armorer, Fourth Wisconsin Cav- alry. 4. E. G. Linderman, State Armorer, Fifth Wisconsin In- fantry. 5. William J. Jones, Sixteenth Wisconsin Volunteer In- fantry. 6. Geo. W. Baker, Nineteenth Wisconsin Volunteer In- fantry. 7. I. E. Troan, civilian. 8. John F. Hill, Eighth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. 9. Peter B. Field, civilian. 10. Mark Smith, Seventh Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. 11. George Gillies, Second Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. 106 APPENDIX. 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Held for Service. in co o o i-"N i}< C^ OO^'I^O C^ ej 8 | ||!| CO ic CC CO CO X.' O ' CO r- CNrtUJWrt a ITS H 1^-4 /- * oo o -M if CO fl-.CCO.-JlC ^ 'E a! a * S! |gl||3 s IP CO s r-i 1C C> C/l C?i 1 1 Number Drawn. C OJ T-I Ci C?l O f :i co Ic rn T 1 -r S H -fi co ~f e> o> 1-1 co "SSils ifjfl yH H ^ ~ CC .^D -^< O CJ CN_ S 1^ CO S cocood'od' 3 -T iho I C- iC C* -r :~ f ~ CJD O ^7 V 'r- 1' -r iH 1C_ . cc :- r segs 186,017 ^ "" i- ic tr ? d a S & . i CO CO O CO i-l O -i S tooo 588 ~ - iO r-* f 3 i.O S'cor c t2,85S>,182 CO O O O CI M 1-H i-l t- 1C O CO C400r-l IT CO F I I 0. 1 o._o S T-. ^. X ^- :: - 1 O O O O C-I S CN *"t -T *T 7 1 iis 7 SI -';";; \~ y '-C- ^ 38*^8 1 ills X C ssg '=. c c o ? o t- sT STATES AND TER- RITORIES. Delaware .'. District of Columbia Kentucky Maryland Missouri Border States i!,- 500,000, the balance of sixes of 1881. The Chicago Convention nominates George B. McClellan, of New Jersey, for President, and George H. Pendleton, of Ohio, for Vice-President of the United States. SEPTEMBER. 1. Simeon Draper appointed Collector of New York. 2. Atlanta, Ga., captured by Union troops under Majo General Sherman; 27 guns and 1,000 rebel prisoners taken. Fight in the Shenandoah Valley, near Berry ville, Va. ; defeat of the rebels; 20 wagons, 2 battle-flags and many prisoners captured. 4. Fight with rebels at Greenville, Tenn.; John Morgan, the notorious gueirilla, killed, and his force dispersed. 5. President Lincoln issues a proclamation of thanks to Admiral Farragut and Generals Can by, Granger, Sherman and Sheridan for their signal victories over the rebels. 8. General McClellan accepts his nomination for the Presidency. 9. Successful night attack by Union troops on the rebel lines in front of Petersburg, Va. ; an important position gained. 16. Daring raid by the rebels near Petersburg, Va.; they capture 3,000 head of cattle. 158 APPENDIX. 18. Averill's corps at Martinsburg, Va., attacked by the Confederate General Gordon; the latter repulsed. 19. Desperate fight with rebels at Opequan Creek, She- nandoah Valley ; the Union troops, under General Sheridan, capture 3,000 prisoners, 15 battle-flags and 5 guns Some rebels capture the steamers Parsons and Island Queen, on Lake Erie, and convert them into pirates. 20. The British Government order that no vessel belong- ing to the Confederates or United States shall enter British ports for the purpose of being dismantled or sold. 21. Two steamers, seized by the rebels on Lake Erie, re-captured, and the pirates arrested. General J. C. Fremont and General John Cochrane withdraw from the Presidential contest. 22. General Sheridan gains a great victory at Fisher's Hill, Shenandoah Valley ; captures 20 guns, beside caissons, horses and 1,100 prisoners; Union General Russell killed. 26. Gold panic in Wall street, New York. 27. Potosi, Mo., captured by the rebels. 29. Rebel fortifications on Chapin's Farm, Richmond, Va., stormed and taken by Union troops; 15 guusand 200 prisoners captured. 30. Invasion of Missouri by the rebels; railroad property at Franklin destroyed. The rebels make three unsuccessful attempts to drive the Union troops from Chupin's Farm, in front of Richmond. Advance of Union troops and defeat of the rebels at Poplar Grove, near Petersburg, Va. OCTOBER. 1. Secretary Fessenden advertises for a loan of $40,000,000. Pilot Knob, Mo., attacked by the rebels, without important results. 4. Severe fight between General Sherman's forces and the rebels at Allatoona, Tenn. Great excitement in Missouri in consequence of the invasion of the State by the rebels under General Price. Capture of Athens, Ala., by the rebels. 7. The rebel pirate Florida, with 12 officers and 58 of her crew, captured in the Bay of Bahia, Brazil, by the United States steamer Wachusetts. 8. Desperate fight with the rebels near Richmond; severe loss of life on both sides. Rome, Georgia, re-capture i by the rebels; some officers and 3,600 Negroes taken prisoners. 9. Fight with the rebels near Strasburg, Va.; about 350 rebels and 1J guns captured. 12. Election in Maryland to decide upon the adoption or rejection of a new Constitution abolishing slavery; the new Constitution adopted. Death of Chief Justice Taney. CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OP THE REBELLION. 159 14. Bids opened for $40,000,000 loan at the Treasury Department; $20,000,000 offered in excess of the amount asked for. 17. Capture of Ship's Gap, Tenn., by General Sherman. Lexington and Warrensburg, Mo., occupied by the rebels. 18. A party of twenty-five armed rebels enter St. Albans, Vt., and rob three banks of $150,000, and shoot five citizens; then flee to Canada, where they are arrested by the Cana- dian authorities. 19. Great battle in the Shenandoah Valley between Union forces, under General Sheridan, and the rebels, under General Early; defeat of the latter, and capture of 43 guns, beside cais- sons, horses and prisoners. 22. General Blunt defeated by the rebels under General Price at Lexington, Mo. 28. The rebel ram Albemarle blown up in Roanoke River by a United States torpedo boat, under the command of Lieu- tenant Gushing. Fight between General Pleasanton's Union army and General Price's rebel army at Newtown, Mo. ; defeat of the latter; 1,000 rebels and 7,100 stand of arms captured. 30. The State of Nevada admitted to the Union, officially announced. 31. Capture of Plymouth, N. C., by Union troops. NOVEMBER. 3. Fight between the Union forces under General Sher- man and the rebels under General Hood; defeat of the latter. Armed bands of rebels appear on the likes and occasion great excitement and alarm along the Northern frontier. Rebel troops under General Price attack Fayetteville, Ark., and are repulsed with a loss of about 1,000 in killed and wounded. 4. Destruction of six United States vessels by two new rebel cruisers, the Chickamauga and Oluslee, announced. 7. Night attack by rebels on Union troops in front of Petersburg, Va.; repulse of the former. 8. Presidential election; Abraham Lincoln carries every State except Delaware, Kentucky and New Jersey. 9. Advance of 12 per cent, in the price of gold. Gen- eral Sherman 'starts on a march through Georgia to the coast. 11. Rebels rush into Atlanta, supposing it to have been evacuated by Union troops, and are handsomely whipped; 900 of them taken prisoners. 14. The rebels under General Breckinridge attack the Union troops under General Gillem at Bull Gap, and capture 400 Union troops. 160 APPENDIX. 17. The rebels repulsed in a night attack on Union lines at Bermuda Hundred. 18. Severe fight between the rebel and Union troops at Strawberry Plains, Tenn., without decisive results. Forty-five Union scouts captured by the rebel General Mosby, near Charlestown, Va. 19. Norfolk, Va., Fernandina and Pensacola, Florida, opened for trade, the blockade being partially raised by proclamation of President Lincoln. The pirate Florida collides with the Alliance in Hampton Roads. 20. Decline in gold to 216. 22. Battle between the rebel and Union troops at Rood's Hill, Va., without important results. 24. Waynesboro, Tenn., occupied by rebel troops under General Hood. 25. An agent from England, with a numerously signed peace petition to be presented to President Lincoln, arrives at New York. Several hotels of New York City set on fire by Southern incendiaries. 26. General Hood makes an assault on Union lines at Columbus, south of Duck River, Tenn. 27. General Butler's despatch steamer Greyhound de- stroyed by fire; General Butler, General Schenck and Admiral Porter have a narrow escape. 28. Rebels under General Paine occupy New Creek and Piedmont, and destroy considerable property; they are finally driven from the last named place. The Florida sinks in Hampton Roads. 29. Roger A. Pryor, of Virginia, captured by Union pick- ets in front of Petersburg. DECEMBER. 1. Gold 228. Hood moving his forces against Thomas at Nashville. The President orders the organization of the First Army Corps by General Hancock. Hon. Wm. L. Dayton, Minister to France, dies at Paris. 2. General Sherman's advance reaches Millen. 4. Six Southerners arrested in New York by order of General Dix, on suspicion of being engaged in a plot to fire the city. 5. General Burbridge moves against Breckinridge at Bean Station, Tenn. The second session of the Thirty-eighth Con- gress opens at Washington. James L. Speed, of Tennessee, nominated for Attorney General, vice Bates. General Sher- man's army united and marching on Savannah. A fight near Pocotalgo, S. C. 6. General Sherman skirmishes with the rebels 25 miles CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE REBELLION. 161 from Savannah. General Foster and Admiral Dahlgren land near Pocotalgo and cut the Charleston road. 7. Mr. Stevens' Gold Bill tabled by the House. The Elec- toral Colleges of the several States meet and cast their votes for President. General Warren moves down the Weldon Road toward Hicksford Junction. General Rosecrans relieved by General Dodge, in command of Department of Missouri. The gunboat Narcissus blown up in Mobile Bay by a torpedo. 9. The rebel General Lyon crosses the Cumberland, above Fort Donelsou, for a raid into Kentucky. General Foster reaches the Meherrin River, having destroyed the railroad thus far. Captain Duncan, of General Ho ward's scouts, leaves Sherman's Army to communicate with the coast. 12. The House passes the Bankrupt Bill. Heavy skirmish- ing between Hood and Thomas. Admiral Dalilgren and General Sherman in communication. The rebel General Lyon enters Hopkinsville, Ky. 13. The Senate authorizes the construction of six revenue cutters for the lakes. A bill authorizing the President to ter- minate the Reciprocity Treaty passes the House. The Cana- dian Courts decide that they have no jurisdiction in the case of the St. Albans and Lake Erie pirates, and release them. General Sherman investing Savannah. Admiral Porter's ex- pedition leaves Fortress Monroe lor Wilmington. 14. General Dix issues an order directing pursuit of rebel raiders over .the Canada border. The Canadian imbroglio discussed in Congress. Resolution offered demanding in- demnity from England for the depredations of rebel pirates. The House passes a bill naturalizing aliens who have been in the Army or Navy. Fort McAllister carried by storm. 15. General Thomas defeats Hood in front of Nashville. Generals Stoneman and Burbridge at Glade Springs, Va., raiding on the Tennessee Road. 16. General Thomas again victorious over Hood; the rebel army in full flight. 17. Secretary Seward orders that passports be required of all persons entering or leaving the country. General Thomas still pushing Hood. Peace resolutions introduced in the rebel House. General McCook defeats Lyon at Ashbyville, Ky. The exchange of prisoners completed at Charleston. 18. General McCook again defeats Lyon at Hopkiusville, Ky., taking all his artillery. 19. Gold 211 i. Call of the President for 300,000 more men. Fifteen steamers at Nassau, waiting to run the block- ade. 20. The bill creating the rank of Vice-Admiral passes Congress. Gold 224. Re-arrest of one of the St. Albans raid- 162 APPENDIX. ers in Canada. Reaction of sentiment. Hood crosses Duck River after losing half his army, 51 guns and nearly all his Generals; General Thomas in close pursuit. Hardee evacu- ates Savannah by the Union causeway. Saltville, Va., occu- pied by Union troops, and the works destroyed. 21. Rear Admiral Farragut confirmed by the Senate as Vice Admiral. Admiral Porter's fleet in Bight of Wilmington. Hoke's Brigade of Longstreet's Corps, leaves Richmond for the South. General Palmer occupies Bower Hill, eight miles from Portsmouth, Va. General Sherman makes a triumphal entry into Savannah. 22. Hood at Pulaski in full retreat, with a demoralized mob, and a victorious army upon his heels. General Custer attacks Rosser near Harrisonburg, Va.,and then moves toward Gordonsville. 23. All of Porter's expedition in sight from Fort Fisher. 24. Gordonsville occupied by a Union force. The naval and military expedition under Porter and Butler make an attack on Fort Fisher, and the powder boat is exploded with- in 300 yards of the fort. 25. General Stedman moving on Decatur on Hood's rear. The attack on Fort Fisher renewed, and troops lauded in the rear. Capture of three of the St. Albans robbers at Con- cord, N. H. 26. Admiral Porter continues the bombardment of Fort Fisher. 27. The expedition against Wilmington withdrawn. Ad- miral Porter continues the attack. Hood crosses the Tennes- see on pontoons; General Thomas pursuing. 28. Brilliant success of Generals Stoneman and Burbridge ; Tennessee and Kentucky clear of rebels. 30. General Stoneman returns to Nashville from his great raid in Tennessee and Virginia. General Thomas announces the close of his campaign. 31. General Thomas countermands his order for winter- quarters, and directs a concentration of his command for a renewal of hostilities. 18O5. JANUARY. 1. The head of Dutch Gap Canal blown out, but it results in a fiasco. Admiral Farragut commissioned as Vice-Admiral. 2. The passport system goes into operation on the fron- tier. 6. General Sherman and his army thanked by Congress; he crosses New River and moves on Grahamsville, S. C. CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE REBELLION. 163 8. General Butler relieved from command and ordered to Lowell, Mass. 11. F. P. Blair, Sen., goes to Richmond on a peace mis- sion. 12. Admiral Porter's and General Terry's joint expedition arrives off Fort Fisher, N. C. 13. The attack on Fort Fisher commenced; troops landed above the Fort. 14. Parson Brownlow nominated for Governor of Tennes- see. Missouri declared a Free State. Capture of Pocotalgo. S. C. 15. Fort Fisher, N. C., captured. Hon. Edward Everett died. 16. " Sunset " Cox's peace resolution tabled by the House. Explosion of the magazine of Fort Fisher. 17. Loss of the monitor Patapsco in Charleston Harbor. Fort Caswell and the pirates Chicamauga and TallaJiassee blown up by the rebels. 18. General Ord assigned to the Army of the James. Five blockade-runners enter New Inlet, N. C., and are trapped. The Harriet Lane destroyed at Havana. 19. Congress thanks Terry, Thomas, and Porter. 20. Mr. Blair, Sen., leaves on a second mission to Rich- mond. The rebel Secretaries of War and State resign. Gen- eral Thomas reports 13,189 prisoners and 72 cannon taken from Hood between September 7, 1864, and date. 23. General Butler sends a challenge to Hon. James Brooks. General Schofield's corps leaves Louisville for opera- tions in the East. Hood relieved of his command; Dick Taylor succeeds him. 24. The rebel iron-dads descend the James, but are driven back, and the Virginia blown up. H. S. Foote expelled from the rebel Congress. 25. Congress thanks General Sheridan. George B. Mc- Clellan leaves for Europe. General Lee made General-in- Chief by Jeff. Davis, who also appoints a Fast Day. 26. The rebel rain Stonewall leaves Nantes, France. Twenty-five blockade-runners lying idle at Nassau, N. P. 28. The rebel House resolves to arm the Negroes. An at- tempt to destroy Savannah by fire. 30. Stephens, Hunter and Campbell enter General Grant's lines as Peace Commissioners. General Sherman commences his South Carolina campaign. 31. The Constitutional Amendment prohibiting slavery passes the House by a vote of 119 to 56. General Lee made General-in-Chief of the rebel army. The gunboat Honduras refused anchorage at Nassau, N. P. 164 APPENDIX. FEBKUAEY. 1. Mr. Seward goes to Fortress Monroe to meet the rebel Peace Commissioners. Maryland House, and Illinois ratify the Constitutional Amendment. John S. Rock, a colored lawyer of Massachusetts, admitted to practice in the United States Supreme Court. 2. The President leaves Washington to meet the rebel Peace Commissioners. The New York Senate and Rhode Island Legislature ratify the Constitutional Amendment. The Canadian Alien Act passes the Lower House. General Sher- man's advance at Braxton's Bridge. 3. The New Nork Assemby, and Massachusetts, Pennsyl- vania and Maryland Senate ratify the Constitutional Amend- ment. Louisiana left out of the Electoral College. 4. Failure of the Peace negotiations; Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Seward return to Washington; the rebels demand recognition, and it is refused. Fernando Wood makes a war speech. Gold in Richmond 4,400. General Sherman flanks the rebels at Solkahatchee, and they retire to Branchville. The rebel ram Stonewall puts in at Ferrol, Spain. 6. Engagement at Hatcher's Run, Ya.; a reconnoissance of the left. 7. Maine ratifies the Constitutional Amendment. The amended Enrollment Bill passes the Senate. The rebel Sen- ate refuse to employ Negroes in the army. 8. Colonel Baker makes a raid on the bounty-jumpers and brokers. Official declaration of the Presidential vote; Abraham Lincoln, 212, and George B. McClellan, 21. Dela- ware refuses to ratify the Constitutional Amendment; Ohio, Minnesota and Kansas ratify it. 10. Indiana ratifies the Constitutional Amendment. The President signs the notice to Great Britain for the termination of the treaty respecting the naval force on the Lakes. Gen- eral Gillmore takes command of the Department of the South, and moves against Charleston. The rebels repulsed from Fort Meyers, Fla. 11 . The Senate thanks General Thomas. II. S. Foote, late rebel Senator, leaves in the City of Cork for Europe. 13. The national debt, $2,153,735,444.26; interest, $93,131,- 901.36. 16. General Sherman shells Columbia, S. C. 17. Columbia, S. C.. captured by General Sherman. Fort Anderson, Cape Fear River, shelled by our forces. General Schofield advancing from Smithfield, N. C. Rebel dollar esti- mated by the rebels as worth two cents in specie. Charleston evacuated. Louisiana ratifies the Constitutional Amendment. CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE REBELLION. 165 18. Charleston surrendered to General Gillmore. Gen- eral Lee urges the employment of Negroes in the army. 19. Fort Anderson, N. C., captured by General Terry. 20. The rebel House passes the bill to raise 200,000 Negro soldiers, but the Senate rejects it. 21. The draft commenced in Brooklyn. Generals Crook and Kelly captured by guerrillas. Wilmington evacuated. 22. The Kentucky Senate rejects the Constitutional Amendment. Wilmington, N. C., occupied by General Scho- field. 23. General Johnston takes command of the forces operat- ing against General Sherman. Camden, S. C., captured. Georgetown, S. C., surrendered. 24. Columbia, S. C., burned. Beall, the pirate and spy, bung on Governor's Island. Wisconsin ratifies the Constitu- tional Amendment. 26. The pirate Shenandoah arrives at Melbourne, Australia. 27. General Sheridan leaves Winchester, Va., on an expe- dition. 28. General Sherman's forces enter North Carolina. Lord Lyons resigns as British Minister, and is succeeded by Sir Frederick Bruce. MAKCH. 1. The President officially notified of his re-election. 2. Staunton, Va., captured by General Sheridan; General Custer has an engagement at Waynesboro, Va. 3. Chesterfield Court-house, S. C. , captured by the Twen- tieth Corps. 4. President Lincoln and Vice-President Johnson inaugu- rated. The rebels defeated at Natural Bridge, Va. 6. General celebration of the recent victories; a proces- sion and fireworks in New York. General Sheridan raiding on the James River Canal, destroying the great feeder to Richmond. 7. Hugh McCulloch confirmed as Secretary of the Treasury. 8. The Canadian passport order rescinded. General Sherman at Laurel Hill, N. C. 9. Bragg repulsed at Kingston, N. C., by Schofield's advance. 10. Jeff. Davis's Fast Day. Cavalry engagement near Fayetteville, N. C., and the fight at Kingston, N. C., renewed; the rebels defeated; Fayetteville captured. General Sheridan occupies Columbia, Va. 1 1 . The President orders the disfranchiseinent of non-re- 166 APPENDIX. porting deserters. General Sheridan opens communication with Wilmington, N. C., by means of scouts. 13. Generals Crook and Kelly exchanged. 14. Sheridan pursuing Early and his body guard, all that is left of his army. General Sherman leaves "Fayetteville, N. C., destroys the arsenal, and moves on Goldsborp. 16. The rebel Congress declares that it is impossible to issue any more Treasury Notes. The rebels undermine and blow up Fort Hell, but no damage is done. Hardee defeated at Averysboro, N. C., and falls back on Bentonville. 17. John Bigelow appointed Minister to France, vice Day- ton, deceased. 18. The rebel Congress adjourns sine die. A movement against Mobile commenced. 19. General Sheridan's entire command arrives at White House, Va. Johnston defeated at Bentonville, N. C. Golds- boro evacuated, and the rebel forces fall back on Smithfield. General Steele leaves Pensacola, Fla., to attack Mobile. . 21. Gold falls to 153, creating a panic in the market. Gen- eral Schofield occupies Goldsboro,N. C. 1 The pirate Stonewall leaves Ferrol, Spain, but is pursued by the Niagara, and returns, afraid to fight. 22. Concentration of Sherman's, Schofield's and Terry's forces at and around Goldsboro, N. C. 23. The President leaves Washington for General Grant's headquarters. The first company of Negro State troops raised in Richmond. 25. Captain Kennedy, the spy and incendiary, hung at Fort Lafayette. The rebels attack and carry Fort Steadman, but the fort is re-taken by a vigorous charge of the Ninth Corps; the President witnesses the action. General Granger commences a co-operating movement against Mobile. 27. General Sherman arrives at General Grant's head- quarters. General Stoneman captures Boone, N. C. General Wilson moves on Greenville, Ala. A general advance made on Spanish Fort, Mobile Bay. The Stonewall arrives at Lisbon, Portugal, having escaped from Ferrol, Spain, and is ordered to leave the harbor. 28. A Council of War held, at which the President, Gen- erals Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and Ord are present; the Army of the Potomac moves. The fleet moves tip Mobile Bay against Spanish Fort. 29. The St. Albans raiders discharged at Montreal. Mr. Seward visits the President at City Point, Va. General Sheri- dan passes through Dinwiddie Court-house; the advance of Meade encounters the enemy near Gravelly Run. General Steele joins General Canby at Blakely, Ala. The Niagara and CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE REBELLION. 167 Sacramento fired upon by the Portuguese forts at Lisbon ; the Niagara struck on the poop and both vessels then anchor. 30. Genera] Meade's left threatening the South Side Road. 31. The rebels drive our left from Dabney's Milis, but are in turn forced back. The transport General Lyon burned off Hatteras, and nearly five hundred lives are lost. 1. Battle of Five Forks, Va.; the rebel right doubled up on the center, and a portion of the wing cut off. 2. General Grantorders an attack on the whole line, and, after desperate fighting, both wings are rested on the Appo- mattox; the South Side Road is cut, and during the day and night RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG ARE EVACUATED, and Lee's army is in full retreat for Danville; the rebel General A. P. Hill killed. Selma, Ala., captured by General Wilson's cav- alry, together with the greater portion of Forrest's and Roddy's commands. 3. The evacuation of Petersburg and Richmond dis- covered, and General Grant starts in pursuit of Lee; General Weitzel occupies Richmond. Gold closes at 146. Jeff. Davis at Danville, Va., a fugitive. 4. The steamer Harriet Deford captured on the Patuxent River by rebels. The President visits Richmond and holds a levee in Jeff Davis's house. Spanish Fort, Mobile Harbor, completely invested by land and water. 5. Mr. Seward thrown from his carriage and breaks his arm and jaw. General Sheridan and an infantry column reaches Burkesville, Va., heading off Lee, who is at Amelia Court-house; an engagement at Lamer's Cross Roads in which the rebels are defeated. 6. Governor Fenton appoints the 14th as a day of thanks- giving. H. S. Foote returns to New York in the steerage of the Etna. General Sheridan attacks Lee west of Burkesville and routs him, capturing Ewell and a number of other gener- als. The news of the capture of Richmond announced to Sherman's army. 7. General Grant urges Lee to surrender to save the fur- ther effusion of blood; Lee asks for terms. An informal meet- ing of the Virginia Legislature held in Richmond to consider a proposition from Mr. Lincoln. 8. General Grant states the terms of surrender, upon which Lee asks an interview. Governor Fenton postpones the thanksgiving to the 20th inst., by request. 9. GENERAL LEE SURRENDERS THE ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA TO GENERAL GRANT. The President and Mrs. Lincoln (6) 168 APPENDIX. return to Washington. Mobile captured; 300 guns and 3,000 prisoners. 10. General rejoicing all over the country. All the St. Albans raiders, except Young, released. The President issues a proclamation closing certain Southern ports. 11. The President makes a speech in which he defines the States of the rebellion and hints at plans for restoration. He issues a proclamation respecting the treatment of our national vessels in foreign ports, and threatens retaliation for discourt- esey. A Te Deum chanted in Trinity Church. Lyuchburg, Va., surrenders to a Union scouting party. 12. A convention of prominent men in Virginia called for the 25th, with the intention of bringing the State back into the Union. 13. PRACTICAL END OF THE WAR; General Grant arrives in Washington and advises that the draft be stopped, that recruit- ing cease, and that the military establishment be reduced. Lee reported to have advised Johnston to surrender to Sher- man. 14. The Europa arrives with news that the American Min- ister at Lisbon has demanded satisfaction for the outrage on the American flag. THE PRESIDENT ASSASSINATED IN FORD'S THEATER, WASHINGTON, BY J. WILKES BOOTH, who escapes; another assassin proceeds to Mr. Seward's residence and seriously stabs him in the throat, also assaulting Mr. Freder- ick W. Seward. 15. The President dies about half- past seven o'clock; Andrew Johnson becomes President of the United States. 18. Paine and Powell, who endeavor to assassinate Secre- tary Seward, arrested at Mrs. Surratt's house in Washington; Mrs. Surratt arrested. General Sherman arranges prelimi- naries for the surrender of all the remaining confederate forces with General Johnston, commanding Southern army in North Carolina, with consent of Confederate Secretary of War and Jeff. Davis. It includes the basis of general peace and a policy of re-construction. It is sent to the federal gov- ernment for their approval or rejection. 19. Funeral ceremonies Of President Lincoln at Washing- ton. Funeral services all over the North. The body is carried in state to Springfield, 111., stopping at prominent places on the route, and visited by great numbers of people; 700,000 were said to have been in the procession at New York. 21. General Sherman's arrangements with Johnston dis- approved by the government, and he is ordered to resume hostilities. Steamboat Sultana blows up on the Mississippi, and about 1,300 TL S. soldiers returning home were killed. 24. General Grant visits Sherman. CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE REBELLION. 169 25. J. W. Booth, the assassin of the President, taken prisoner near Port Royal, Va. Refusing to surrender, Boston Corbett, a soldier, shot him, contrary to orders; he died in four hours, amidst universal execration. 26. Johnston surrenders to General Sherman all the con- federate troops in his command, on terms granted to General Lee. 29. Arms and stores of General Johnston's army delivered to U. S. authority at Greensboro, N. C. 2. Reward offered for capture of Jeff. Davis of $100,000, as President Johnson believed him accessory to the murder of Lincoln. 4-9. All the confederate forces disband or surrender to U. S. officers, east and west of the Mississippi River. 10. Jeff. Davis captured in Georgia, in a woman's water- proof, just at break of day, by General Henry Harnden, of Wisconsin, and Colonel Pritchard, of Michigan, between whose commands the reward of $100,000 was divided. 170 APPENDIX. MARCHING THROUGH GEORGIA. Bring the good old bugle, boys ! we'll sing another song Sing it with a spirit that will start the world along Sing it as we used to sing it, fifty thousand strong, While we were marching through Georgia. CHORUS : Hurrah ! hurrah ! we bring the Jubilee ! Hurrah ! hurrah ! the flag that makes you free ! So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea, While we were marching through Georgia. How the darkies shouted when they heard the joyful sound ! How the turkeys gobbled which our commissary found ! How the sweet potatoes even started from the ground ! While we were marching through Georgia. Chorus Yes, and there were Union men who wept with joyful tears, When they saw the honored flag they had not seen for years Hardly could they be restrained from breaking forth in cheers, While we were marching through Georgia. Chorus Sherman's dashing Yankee boys will never reach the coast! So the saucy rebels said; and 'twas a handsome boast, Had they not forgot, alas ! to reckon with the host, While we were marching through Georgia. Cliorus So we made a thoroughfare for Freedom and her train, Sixty miles in latitude, three hundred to the main; Treason fled before us, for resistance was in vain, \Vhile we were marching through Georgia. Chorus SHERMAN'S MARCH TO THE SEA. 171 SHERMAN'S MARCH TO THE SEA. Our camp-fire shone bright on the mountains That frowned on the river below, While we stood by our guns in the morning, And eagerly watched for the foe ; When a rider came out from the darkness That hung over mountain and tree, And shouted, "Boys, up and be ready, For Sherman will march to the sea." Then cheer upon cheer for bold Sherman, Went up from each valley and glen, And the bugles re-echoed the music That came from the lips of the men. For wo knew that the stars on our banner More bright in their splendor would be, And that blessings from Northland would greet^us When Sherman marched down to the si ;i. Then forward, boys, forward to battle, We marched on our wearisome way, And we stormed the wild hills of Reseca God bless those who fell on that day ! Then Kent-saw, dark in its glory, Frowned down on the flag of the free, But the East and the West bore our standards, And Sherman marched down to the sea. Still onward we pressed till our banners Swept out from Atlanta's grim walls, And the blood of the patriot dampened The soil where the traitor's flag falls ; But we paused not to weep for the fallen, Who sleep by each river and tree, Yet we twined them a wreath ot the laurel, As Sherman marched down to the sea. Oh, proud was our army that morning, That stood where the pine proudly towers, When Sherman said, "Boys, you are weary, This day fair Savannah is ours !" Then sung we a song for our chieftain, That echoed o'er river and lea. And the stars in our banner shone brighter, When Sherman marched down to the sea. And now, though our marching is over, And peace and the Union are sure, We think we will finish our labor, And all that we fought for secure, By voting for wise men and true men That they may our sentinels be, To guard what our gallant men went for, When Shermau marched down to the sea. 172 APPENDIX. SHERIDAN'S RIDE. By T. Buchanan Read. Up from the South at break of day, Bringing to Winchester fresh dismay, The affrighted air with a shudder bore Like a herald in haste to the chieftain's door, The terrible grumble, aud rumble, nnd roar, Telling the battle was on once more, And Sheridan twenty milts away ! And wider still those billows of war Thundered along the horizon bar ; And louder yet into Winchester rolled The roar of that red sea uncontrolled, Making the blood of the listener cold As he thought of the stake in the fiery fray, With Sheridan twenty miles away! But there's a road from Winchester town, A good broad highway leading down: And there thro' the flash of the morning light, A steed as black as the steeds of night Was seen to pass, as with eagle flight, As if he knew the terrible need, He stretched away with the utmost speed: Hills rose and fell, but his heart was gay, With Sheridan fifteen miles away. Under his spurning feet the road Like an arrowy Alpine river flowed, And the landscape flowed awiy behind, Like an ocean flying before the wind; And the steed, like a bark fed with furnace-ire, Swept on with his wild eyes full of fire ; But lo! he is nearing his heart's desire, He is snuffing the smoke of the roaring fray, With Sheridan only five miles away! The first that the General saw were the groups Of stragglers, and then the retreating troops; What was done what to do a glance told him both, And, striking hisspurs, with a terrible oath He dashed down the lines 'mid a storm of hurrahs, And the wave of retreat checked its course there, because The sight of the master compelled it to pause. With foam and with dust the black charger was gray; By the flash of his eye and his nostril's play He seemed to the whole great army to say : "I've brought you Sheridan all the way From Winchester town to save the day ! " Hurrah ! hurrah I for Sheridan ! Hurrah ! hurrah ! for horse and man ! And when their statues are placed on high, Under the dome of the Union sky The American soldier's temple of fame There with the glorious general's name Be it said, in letters both bold and bright, 1 ' Here is the steed that saved the day By carrying Sheridan into the 1'mht From Winchester, twenty miles away ! " OLD ABE AT CORINTH. 173 OLD ABE AT CORINTH. By J. H. Whitney, of the Twenty-First Massachusetts. Above the lines of glistening steel That swiftly into buttle wheel, Borne bravely up by loyal hands, The peerless bird of freedom stands, Beside the banner of the free, A sentinel of liberty; Before the host arrayed in blue, A living symbol of the true. Above the crash and angry roar, Awhile he seeks in vain to soar; One mighty effort more and see, The fetters break, and he is free ! Then upward toward his native sky He mounts, and with prophetic eye, Surveys the fearlul scene below, A target for the angry foe. Unharmed, he sweeps across the plain Of fire and smoke and leaden rain; Then hovers o'er his own brave men, As if to cheer them on again. O, Eagle-King ! Thou hfidst thy part In strengthening the nation's heart, When men lost faith, and treason stood In the way of human brotherhood. Heroes, with strength arid fortitude Thy dauntless spirit hath imbued, And taught the land from sea to sea The greatness of true loyalty. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed.