fnih' m CHAKTER, CONSTITUTlOiX AND BY-LAWS OF THE xmM §^i)8it0tical 3mt% INCORPORATED AND ORGANIZED, NOVEMBER, 1864. frmott*: (J F F I C E OF THE ARIZONA MINER. ] 864. ^ ., : _ — , ^ ' » BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CHAETEK, CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE INCORPORATED AND ORGANIZED, NOVEMBER, ]864. ^^umU' OFFICE OF THE ARIZONA MINER 1864. F8D7 Bancroft Library OFFICERS.-l 864-5 PRESIDENT. RICHARD C McOORMICK. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Pima Count;/, - - Gilbert W. Hopkins. Yuma County, - - Thomas J. Bidwell. Mojave County, - - William Walter. Yavapai County, - - Capt. A. L. Anderson, U.S.A. corresponding secretary, W. Claude Jones. recording secretary, James S. Giles. James Garvin r. librarian, ' Lieut. Charles A. Curtis, U S. A. directors, Pima County, ]■ - - Norman S. Higgins. - Ammt M. White. Yuma County, |; ■■ - Herman Ehrenberg. Richard Gird. Mojave County, r ■ - Edward D. Tuttle Samuel Todd, Yavapai County, \- ^ - Henry A. Bigelow. King S. Woolsey. ^^ff^^ CHARTER. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE ARIZONA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona : Section 1. That Richard C. McCormick, W. Claude Jones, Allen L. Anderson, Gilbert W. Hopkins, King S Woolsey, Henry A. Bigelow, A. M. White, Charles A. Curtis, James S. Giles, James Garvin, Richard Gird, T. J. Bidwell, Edward D. Tuttle, William Walter, and Samuel Todd, and all persons who are now or may hereafter become associated with them as members of said association be and they are hereby made a body politic and corporation in law and in fact by the name, style and title of the Arizona Historical Society, and by this name shall have perpetual succession, and sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court of law or equity 5 to hold and reserve to them and their successors, either by grant, bargain, sale, will, decree, or otherwise, any lands, tenements, here- ditaments or any personal or real estate, and at their pleasure to grant, bargain or sell for the use of said association, and generally to do all and singular the things which it may be lawful for them to do for the welfare of said association. § 2. That the object of said society shall be the collection and preservation under their own care and direction of all historical facts, manuscripts, documents, records and memoirs, relating to the history of this Territory, geological and mineralogical specimens, geographical maps and information, Indian curosities and antiquities, and objects of natural history. § 3. That it shall be lawful for the Arizona Historical Society to provide itself with a seal, the device of which the same shall determine, and at its pleasure may alter, change or renew as it may think proper, and have and exercise all the rights and privileges necessary for the corporation hereby constituted, and as herein specified. § 4. That said society shall have power to form a constitution and adopt by- laws for its own government : Provided, they do not conflict with the second section of this act, or the constitution and laws of the United States or of this Territory. § 6. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. W. CLAUDE JONES, Speaker of the House of Representatives. COLES BASHFORD, President of the Council. Appuoved November 7, 1864. JOHN N. GOODWIN. A true copy of the original on file in my oflBce. RICHARD c. Mccormick, Secretary of the Territory CONSTITUTION PREAMBLE, We, whose names are hereto annexed, residents of the Territory of Arizona, fully impressed with the vast field for historical research which surrounds us ; determined to devote our best energies to the elucidation of the history of this country, hitherto unwritten ; and anxious to co-operate in combined effort for this object, do now form an Association, and ordain for our government the following CONSTITUTION . ARTICLE I. Name. This Society shall be called the Arizona Historical So- ciety. article ii. Object. The object of this Society shall be the collection and preser- vation, under its own care and direction, of all historical facts, 6 manuscripts, documents, records, and memoirs, relating to the history of this Territory ; Indian antiquities and curiosities ; geological and mineralogical specimens ; geographical maps and information ; and objects of Natural History. ARTICLE II Officers. Section 1. Its officers shall be a President, one Vice Presi- dent, from each county, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and a Librarian, and two Directors from each county. Sec. 2. The above officers shall hold their respective posi- tions for one year. The first election shall be held immediately after the adoption of this constitution, and be by ballot ; requiring a vote of two thirds of the members present. All subsequent elections shall be held at the regular meeting in December of each year, in the mode and manner above pre- scribed. Sec. 3. The President shall preside, preserve order, regulate the proceedings of the Society, and state and put all questions to vote. Sec. 4. The Vice President shall exercise all duties per. taining to the office of President, in the absence of the latter from any meeting. Sec. 5. The Corresponding Secretary shall give notice to all newly elected members, of their election ; and he shall manage all matters relating to the interests of the Society requiring correspondence. He shall read to the Society all communica- tions, and replies, which he may have made and received during the preceding recess, and then deliver them to the Recording Secretary. He shall perform such other duties, pertaining to his office, as the President or Society may direct ; and shall preside during the absence of the President and Vice President. Sec. 6. The Recording Secretary shall keep a fair record of all the proceedings of the Society. He shall keep a correct list of all the members, and furnish the Corresponding Secre- tary with the names and places of residence of all newly elected members, and the time of their election. He shall keep in his possession all communications, records and other papers belonging to the Society, and to which all members shall have access. . Sec. 7. The Treasurer shall take charge of all funds, and report quarterly on the condition of the Treasury. Sec. 8. The Librarian shall take charge of, and classify, all Indian antiquities and curiosities ; geological and miner alogical specimens ; geographical maps, and objects of natural his- tory. Sec. 9. In the absence of the presiding officers above desig- nated, the Society may elect a President pro tern.; and in the absence of other officers, the presiding officer may appoint pro tern. article IV. Meetings. The regular meeting of the Society shall be held on the second Monday of each month ; and special meetings may be called at any time, by the President, upon the appKcation of five members, or by the resolution of any previous meeting. ARTICLE V. Membership. Section 1. Application for membership must be made to the Society, at one of its regular meetings, in writing, and recom- mended by two members ; which application shall lie upon the table until the next regular meeting thereafter, when a ballot shall be had. A vote of two thirds of the members present shall be necessary to an election. Sec. 2. Persons, not residents of the Territory of Arizona, may be proposed as honorary members of the Society, by a member, and may be elected at any regular meeting, provided three-fourths of the members concur therein. Sec. 3. Corresponding members may be elected, by a vote of two thirds of the members present, at any regular meeting. Sec. 4. All persons who shall subscribe to this constitution, or be elected members of the Society in accordance with its provisions, shall pay to the Treasurer five dollars, as an initia- tion fee. article VI. Specific Objects. Section 1 . To render effective the action of the Society, it shall be divided into permanent Sections ; each Section to be composed of three members, to be chosen by ballot, and each Section to choose its own chairman. These Sections shall be designated as follows, viz : 1. The Section on History. 2. The Section on Geography. 3. The Section on the Indian Races. 9 4. The Section on Geology and Mineralogy. 5. The Section on Antiquities and Collections. 6. The Section on Natural History. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of each Section above designated to take cognizance of all details connected with that particular department ; keep a record of its sessions and proceedings, and submit its papers and reports, when completed,**to the Society, for its action, and for preservation among its archives. Sec. 3. Vacancies may be filled by the President, and the permanent officers shall not be precluded, by virtue of office, from election to any Section. - Sec. 4. All documents, maps, manuscripts, specimens, anti- quities, curiosities, &c., collected by the Sections, shall be deposited, as heretofore directed, with the Recording Secretary or Librarian, for the use of the Society. ART ICLE VII. Seal and Certificate of Membership. The Society may provide a suitable seal and device, and issue certificates of membership, under such regulations as may be deemed necessary. ARTICLE VIII. By-Laws. The Society may make sTich by-laws as may be deemed necessary, in accordance with the objects and powers of the constitution. 10 ARTICLE Seven members of the Society shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting ; but a less number may adjourn to the next regular meeting. ARTICLE X No amendments shall be made to this constitution unless submitted in writing at a regular meeting of the Society, and concurred in at the next regular meeting by a vote of two thirds of the members present. BY-LAWS. A RTIC L E I, The annual meetings of this Society shall be held on the second Monday in December, of each year. The election of officers for the next ensuing year shall then be made. ARTICLE II. All committees shall be appointed by the President, unless otherwise ordered by resolution. ARTICLE III. Section. 1. The Recording Secretary shall keep, in addition to the records of the meeting, a book containing the Constitu- tion and By-laws of the Society, which shall be subscribed by the members thereof on the evening of their admission, with their place of residence and date of admission ; he shall also enter in said book all amendments made to the constitution and by-laws. Sec. 2. The Treasurer shall keep a Cash Book, in which he shall enter all moneys received by him, from whatever source- and all payments made on account of the Society. He shall also keep a check or warrant book, from which he shall fill up all checks for the signature of the President, and such other 12 books as the Society or the President may deem necessary. The Treasurer shall not pay out any money unless on a warrant drawn by the President, under the seal of the Society ; and, at the expiration of his term, and upon a final settlement of his accounts by the Finance Committee, he shall turn over any balance of money in his hands to his successor in ofiice, taking his receipt therefor. ARTICLE IV. On the evening of his installation into office, the President shall appoint two committees, consisting of three members each, to be styled the " Finance Committee " and the " Com- mittee of Arrangements," who shall serve for one year : Provided, that all the committees required to be appointed under these by-laws, for the first term shall be appointed immediately after their adoption. ARTICLE V. It shall be the duty of the Finance Committee to inspect the books of the Secretaries and the Treasurer, examine and audit all accounts for purchases and expenditures made by the Secretaries, or Committee of Arrangements, and report the same to the President for payment. They shall keep a book in which shall be entered the number of each account audited, in whose favor, and the amount thereof. At the expiration of their term, they shall render a report of the financial condition of the Society, stating the amount received and expended, as well as the amount of funds in the hands of the Treasurer at the expiration of his term of office. ARTICLE VI. Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Committee of Arrangements to procure a suitable room or rooms for the use of the Society ; procure all furniture and other articles which may be necessary for the preservation of the archives and cabinets of specimens belonging to the Society, or tending to its comfort and accommodation. They shall superintend the publication of all documents, reports, &c., ordered to be printed, and shall have the supervision and management of all matters having reference to the internal arrangements and well-being of the Society. They shall present all bills for purchase and expenditures made by them to the Finance Committee, to be audited and settled. Sec. 2. An appeal may be taken from the decision of the Finance Committee by the Committee of Arrangements, when- ever necessary, to the Society, in session, at any regular monthly meeting. ARTICLE VII. The Recording Secretary shall procure printed, engraved, or illumined, diplomas or certificates of membership, which he shall fill up with the name of each member and the date of his admission, stating the class of his membership, whether a member, a corresponding member, or an honorary member ; and after causing it to be signed by the President, and affixing the seal thereto, duly attested, he shall deliver the same to the Corresponding Secretary, for transmission. ARTI CLE vin. Bach member shall pay into the Treasury, quarterly, the sum of two dollars, as dues, which may be increased or dimin- ished only upon a motion in writing made at a regular meeting, and which shall lie over until the next regular meeting and be adopted by a vote of two thirds of the members present. 14 ARTICLE IX Any member failing to pay his dues for six months, upon being notified by the Secretary, stating the amount due, shall forfeit his membership, unless a sufficient excuse be given and accepted by the Society. ARTI CLE X Any member may withdraw from the Society upon present- ing a written resignation, accompanied by the Treasurer's receipt for all indebtedness on his part to the Society. ARTICLE XI . Section 1. The following shall be the order of business after the meeting is called to order, viz : 1. Reading the minutes of the last stated and intervening meetings. 2. Application of candidates for membership. 3. Election and admission of new members. 4. Unfinished business. 5. Reports of committees and action thereon. 6. Election of officers. 7. Resolutions. 8. Communications received, read, and disposed of. 9. Reports from Sections. 10. Reading of papers by members present, and addresses on subjects embraced within the objects of the Society. 15 Sec. 2. The above order of business may be dispensed with by a vote of the Society. ARTIC LE XII. No other matter shall be discussed at any special meeting except that for which it has been called, and no appropriation of money shall be made except at a regular meeting. ARTICLE XIII, All proceedings at the meetings of this Society shall be governed by the most approved parliamentary rules. All motions shall be reduced to writing when required by the President, and an appeal may always be had to the Society from the decision of the chair. ARTICLE XIV . Upon the death of a member of this Society, in good standing, if a resident of the place where the meetings of the Society are held, his funeral shall be attended by the Society in a body, and the members thereof shall wear the customary badge of mourning for thirty days. A RTICLE XV. The hour of meeting of this Society shall be, from November 1st to April 30th, at 7 o^clock P.M., and from May 1st to Octo- ber 30th, at 8 o'clock P.M. 1^ ARTICLE XVI . All donations made to the Society shall be reported and entered upon the minutes. ARTICLE XVII. No additions or amendments shall be made to these by-laws unless submitted in writing at a regular meeting of the Society, and concurred in at the next regular meeting by a vote of two thirds of the members present.