y i •^5. I ' ■:^-' ■,*.-:t ':},-;■. .^V,X^ f LIBRARY UNIVESITY OF CALIfOnMA SAN DIEGO FREDERICK CllUWX nilNCE AND EMPEROR DD FREDERICK CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR ^A'y^ilh its great opportunities for good and evil, was spent in CROWX TRIXCE AND ILMrERUK. 19 unceasing devotion to duty, in j)atient prepara- tion for yet greater responsibilities, in iniweary- ing efforts for the good of others. And yet probably what will remain to after generations, when the passions and emotions of life around them enii'aii'e all their attention, and the keen interest with which we have followed the events of the past year is absorbed in other lives, will be that I'adlant and hei'olc tiu-ure, which children's eyes will follow on the canvases depicting the triumph of Germany, of the soldier-prince, wlio, in the liour of danger and uncertainty, succeeded in uniting the sym- pathies of North and South, and guided that irresistible wave of national feellno; throuii'li the bloody fields of Weissenburg and Worth, by the great strategic march to the crowning victory of Sedan, It may not be the immor- tality he would himself have chosen, but no man is master of his fate, and where so much must needs be left undone, where so many hopes and aspirations were disappointed, this at least will remain for ever associated with the most imperishable traditions of a great nation, of a Prince who did all things well. History has but few such figures to show us, B 2 20 FREDERICK : and the record of tlieir lives is soon told. The evil genius of many of tlie great characters of story has filled innumerable volumes, but a few lines will keep green the memory of our Sydneys and our Ba^^ards, As with nations, we say they are hapjjiest who atlbrd least material to the historian ; so ]jerhaps with great men, in proportion to the nobility and simplicity of their lives the work of the Ijio- grapher becomes easier, and truly of the Emperor Frederick, we niay say as of ie^\" othei's who have lived so niucli l)efore the ANorld : " He kept " The wliitness ol his soul, aud thus nieu o'er him wept." In the vear that ushered in tlie bii'tli of the Vouhl;- Prince, tlie most sanguino of patriots would scarcelv have ventured to prophecy the iiiiiiiiiicnt ascendency of tho Priissum star. King I'^rodcrick William 111., who liad ahvadv occupied the throni' for t liirt \-Konr xcars, had seen the disastrous (la\s ot -lena and Auerstadt, .iml had devoted hiniscH' lo tlio great t;isk of the resloi'ation of his coimlry. He had shared ill the \ic1orics which ciiih'd in the oNcrthroW CROWN rPJXCE AND EMPEROR. 21 of Napoleon, and after the lon^- and troul)loii.s reio;"n, which he epitomized himself in one proverbial sentence, " My clays in unrest, but my hope in God," desired only to end his life in peace. The dream of German unity had made but little progress. It was the interest of Austria and Russia to see that their Prussian neighbour should find no means of expansion, and the conservatism of the smaller German states looked with no friendly eye on a capital where the spii'it of opposition to the old order was most rife, and the speeches and writings of the new school of politicians assumed a more violent character. The C^rown Prince had married some eigiit years previously Princess Elizabeth of Bavaria, and the marriao;-e had remained childless. His young-er brother Prince William was tlierefore the heir presumptive, and it was the occasion tor no ordinary rejoicing when his marriage with Princess Aufj-usta of Saxe Weimar was blessed two years later with the l^irth of a son, and a direct hereditary succession was thus miaranteed in the house of Hohenzollern. The Prince was born in the palace to Avhich 22 FREDEPtICK : as Emperor he gave the name of Fi-iedrichskron, known till then only as tlie New Palace of Sans fSouci, the largest and the finest of the many palaces of Potsdam, to which his parents had then retired on account of the cholera, which was raging at that time in Berlin. It was built by Frederick the Great immediately after the close of the Seven Years' War, to the confusion of. those who thought that his treasury was exhausted, but Avhicli liad liitherto b,een little used. It was tliis palace tliat in later years, as Crown Prince, the Emperor Frederick uiade his summer residence ; here most of his cliildren were lx)rn, here all the interests and pursuits of country life were fostered and enjoyed, here were the lu'ightest associations of a liappy home, and it was hither that lie came to die. The Mark <»f P»i'andenburg is for the most part a flat unlovely disti'ict of sanely plains alternat- ing with wide tracts of fir forest, but, in the neighbourhood of Potsdam, the river Havel, widening in a series of considerable lakes sur- ioiiiid('(l with undulating wooded shores, has formed .•'. ])'easant oasis, and there are lew prettier s])ots in the early summer months than the frardciis and P;irk of Sans Souei, at the CROWN T'RIXCE AND EMrEROR. 23 further end of which, about a mile and a half from Potsdam, stands the gieat Piococo Palace of Friedrichskron. The christening' took jDlace on the 13th of November, in the presence of the King, the Crown Prince, and all the members of the lloyal Family. The absent god-parents, the Empresses of Austria and Russia, were repre- sented l^y their respective Ambassadors, and the baby Prince received from Bishop Eylert the names of Frederick William Nicholas Charles, The Princes of the House of Hohenzollern become soldiers almost from the cradle. Prince William, wJio had, while still a mere boy, entered Paris with the Allies, took a keen de- light in the military education of his son, and the little Piince vras only eight years old when, together with two young playfellows,* he was put through liis drill in a miniature private's uniform, and acquitted himself as a most cap- able recruit, under the orders of his instructor. Sergeant Bludau. Of the qualities which he inherited from his parents it- is not necessary to speak. The courage, simplicity, integrity, and '"Rudolf V. Ziistrovs' and Count Adolf Konicsmark. 24 FREDERICK : kindliness of the aged Emperor, who was in a truer sense than any who have borne the title the " father of his people," are known to all the jDresent generation. But of the friends and playfellows of his youth many have now passed away, and it may be interesting here to record that there Avas no one to whom, in these early days, he was more fondly attached than Princess Charlotte of Prussia, who afterwards became Hereditaiy Princess of Meiningen, and mother of his future son-in-law. He was idso much with his cousins Prince Frederick Charles and the two sisters of the latter. Princess, after- wards Queen Elizabeth, the wife of King Frederick William IV., had no children of her own, but it was her especial pleasure to gather her young nephews and nieces round her, and be a second mother to them. Prince Frederick William never forgot her kindness to him as a child ; and when she died at Dresden, in 1H73, after twelve years of widowhood, he took u})on himself the duties of a Son, and j)erf()rmod the last offices of kindness, bringing home her body to lay it l)eside her husband in the Church of Peace, at Sans Souci. The friendship formed in childhood f(n' his CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 25 cousin, Prince Frederick Charles, continued into later life, when their mimic games of \\tu\ with their resj^ective corps of cadets, became the grim earnest of the battlefield. They were appointed Field-Marshals upon the same day, when the news of the fall of Metz reached the headquarters of the German Army at Ver- sailles ; and by a singular coincidence their deaths took place on the same day of the month, and at the same hour of the day, at the same interval of three years that liad separated their births. The education of Prince Frederick William began under the auspices of Fran von Clause- witz, widow of the well-known General, and Madame Godet, his governess, a Swiss lady from Neufchatel, whose son became, a few years later, the Prince's first tutor. In 1844, wlien he had reached his thirteenth year, the noted German Hellenist, Dr. Ernest Curtius, was chosen to superintend his studies. No branch of general cultiu-e was neglected ; music and dancing, gymnastics and fencing, were all tauo'ht betimes, and the handicraft of book- binding was selected foi- the yoimg Prince to master, in accordance with the family 26 FREDERICK : tradition that all the Princes of the Ptojal House shall acquire practical knowledge of some trade. In the meantime several events occurred to break the quiet routine of study. In 1838 a sister was born, and christened Louise, after her grandmother, the Queen, whose beauty, courage and misfortunes, have made her the heroine of Prussian patriotism. In 1840 King Frederick William III. died, and the little Prince was, for<»-the first time, brought face to face with death. In accordance with precedent. Prince William now assumed the title of Prince of Prussia, and he was appointed by his brother, wlio had ascended the tlu'one under the name of Frederick William IV.. Stadtholder of Pome- raiiia. On reaching his tenth year, Prince Frederick William received a commission as Second Lieutenant in the First Pe2:iment of the Infantry of the Guard. He was presented to the oHicers ol' ilu* regiment by his imcle, the King, who said lo liini : "You are but a little fcllnw jis yet, V\\i'A, but do youi- best to get to know these gentlemen, niid some day y(Mi will betheii- ovei'seei". however nnich they may now see over vou. ' CTtOAVX rrJNCE AND EMPEROR. 27 A military instructor "was now attached to the Prince in the jierson of Colonel, afterwards General von Unriih, in company with whom, or with his tutor. Dr. Curtius, he began to make short journeys in the neiglibouring provinces and states. Thus he visited the toM'ns and islands of the Baltic, and made walkino- tours throuoh the Harz, Thuringia, Saxon Switzerland, and the Giant Mountains, acquiring that taste for travel wliich he preserved in later years, and studying by })ersonal observation " tlie cities and customs of many men.'" Otherwise, his summers were F-pent at Babelsberg, in the neiMibourhood of Potsdam, the country seat which the Prince of Prussia had himself planned and executed, and which became his favourite count rv- residence as Kino- ;iiid Emperor. It was here that the young Prince remained in seclusion with his mother through the troubled days of 1848, when the February Revolution at Paris o-ave the sio-nal for out- breaks in other continental cities. The con- cessions wliich the Liberal jDarty had anticipated from the reio-ninof Sovereio-n had not been granted, and the insurrectionists were fur a 28 FREDERICK : time masters of the situation in Berlin. A spirit of self-sacrifice induced the Prince of Prussia to take Tipon liimself a larg-e portion of the popular resentment, and the future hero of German unity lightened his brothers task in re-estal:>lishing order, l_)y withdrawing for a while from Berlin, and appearing to re- move in his 23erson the menace of the military element, against which a great part of the general discontent was directed. His intrepid character, however, resented giving colour to the appearance of fliglit, and lie only left on receivinij- written orders from the King to proceed immediately upon a special mission to London, aiul leport to the Court of St. James on recent developments at Berlin. Prince Frederick William was then just at that age when, on the threshold of manhood, llic mind is most iin])i'(>ssionahlo, and, unbiased b\- the teachings of past experience, is ;ipt to review with an inuneihatc^judgment the merits I A' eui-i-eiil events. Tlie scenes whieh he had l;itel\- \\itnra_y you alwaj'S to remain a frienih a brotlur, lo my son. Princes seldom CEOWX PJUNCE AND EMrEKOIt. ol have real friends, liis lieart requires a friendship of this kind, and }'oii may serve him in a number of ways. You have promised me this, and I rely upon your gratitude as well as your word of honour." * * This letter is given iu full iu '' L'Emporeuv Fredenc," by Edouard Simon, from v,-!iich this extract i^ translated. II. 1848—1858. II. 1848—1858. Ox the 3rd of May, 1849, Prince Frederick William entered upon acti^'e service with the recrimeiit to wliich lie was attached. The Prince of Prussia introduced him to the assembled officers with a few spirited words, in which he spoke feelingly of the admirable discipline shown liy the army in the recent troubles, and of the sympathy and fidelity which liis old comrades had testified towards himself " I entrust my son to you," he said, '' in the hope tliat he will learn obedience, and so some day know how to command ; " and t<^ his son he simj^lv said, "Now go and do your duty!" A month later the Prince was advanced to the rank of Fii'st Lieutenant. The Prince of Prussia was at this ])eriod a])pointed to conniiand the armv sent to put down the 36 FEEDERICK : military insurrection in Baden. He was accompanied on this expedition by the young Pi'ince Frederick Charles, who was three years senior to his cousin. Twenty years later the two Princes received the Field-Marshal's baton upon the same day ; and now the elder Pi'ince was to see soldiering in earnest for tlie first time. But it was judged prudent not to send the future heir to the Prussian throne upon the ungrateful mission of repressing an internal revolt. In October, upon completing his eighteenth year, Prince Frederick William came of age, according to precedent in the royal family of Prussia, and was solemnly invested with the Order of the Black Eao'le, the hiohest Prussian order, which corresponds most nearly to the Garter in England. The young Prince's first (juoted puldic utterance is the message in which lie thanked the Manic-i])adity of Potsdam for their conoi-atulatioiis on this occasion: ''I au) still very young,' he said, " but I will pre- ])are myself with love and devotion for my high calling, and endeavour some day to fulfil theee anticipations wliich will then become a duty (■iiti'ustefl to me l)y God." CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 37 After a few niontlis of service with his regiment, he left for tlie University of Bonn, attended liy Colonel Fischer and an Aide-de- cunp. It was a new de})artni'e, and typical of the changed order of ideas, that a Prince of the royal l)loo:l should enter as a student at a pul)lic univei'sity. The course of studies arrano-ed for him formed no exception to the ordinary routine ; and though he resided in the old Electoral Palace, his intercourse with the other students remained unrestricterl ; he attended the lectures of Dahlmann, Arndt. and Perthes, and com- pleted his education in history, law, and literature. But his studies A\ei'e not contined to the curricidum of the University. Mr. Copland Perry, ^v]|o was at that time residing in Bonn, was invited to assist him in masterino- the EnMish lanoauwe and litera- c? o o o ture. Mr. Perry writes : '' At the Prince's request I attended on him three times a week, and had the honour of directing his studies of English history and literature, in Avhich he took a very special interest. His love for England, and liis profound admiration for our Queen, Avere most remarkable, and tended, of course, to render our intercourse 38 FREDERICK : the more interest in*;' and contidential. Wliat- ever information I was al^Je to afford liim about Eno'lisli j)olitical and social life was received by liim with tlie greatest eaoeniess, and, when more solid study was concluded, we amused ourselves 1)V ^vritin^• imaginary letters to ministers and leaders of society." Sliortly afterwards the Prince of Prussia, who was in 1841J a})p()inted Military Governor of the lihine Provinces and West})l)a]ia, took up his residence at ( Jobleiiz. The reactionary policy of the Manteuffel Cabinet did not meet with his approval ; he considered that the pledges of 1848 must be respected, and Avas Sflad to absent himself for a while from the Cajiital, where the gatherings of the Liberal chiefs and sympathizers at his palace were sure to attract attention. The visits of Prince Frederick William to ( 'oblenz were frequent, and 1(h1 to maiiv ac(|iiaintances and conversa- tions on social and polilical topics with the remarkable men llie I'riiicess of I^'ussia gathorerl loimd lirr ('oiirl. Duiing his university career the area of his travels, which li;id hilliei'io boon conlinod to(!ei'nian territory, was con.sid(i;ibl\- oxtendod. In I 8 JU he visited CROWN ^KI^X"E AND EMPEROR. 39 Switzerlciiul, Nortlierii Italy, tiud the South of France. The following year he accompanied his parents to England to witness the opening of the Great Exhibition. May-day, 1851, was a proud day for England. The continent had hardly recovered fi'oni the recent shocks of revolution ; France, Austria, Germany, and the Italian States, had alike been torn by domestic strife, but in London all the nations of the earth had met together in friendly competition. The scheme had not passed witliout considerable opposition in England itself, but the energy and genius of the Prince Consort, the initiator of this international festival, had prevailed, and set an examjDle which other nations would not be slow to follow. The young Prince, who also paid a hasty visit to Liverpool and to the Isle of Wight, carried back to Germany a deep impression of the wealth and stability of England, of the free spirit and reasonableness which o-overned her institutions, and above all a charming domestic picture of her happy Court, and of a little Piincess, who was then just ten years old. He was, however, patriotic enough to say that he preferred Babelsberg to Windsor. Later in the year he accompanied his father on 40 FREDERICK : a visit to Kussia, A\'liere he Avas appointed Honorary Colonel of the Eleventh Eegiment of Hussars. He rejoined his regiment at Potsdam in time to take 2)art in the Aiitiann Manajuvres, and was advanced to the rank of Captain, returning' soon afterwaixls to Bonn to conclude his university course. At the university he lirst laid the foundation of that universal popularit}^ which characterized the Avhole of his suLsequent career. He succeeded in so merging the Prince in the student, that he was able to enter heart and soul into the s})irit of university life. He had a word for, eve.ryone, and by those numerous excursions :in the surrounding Khineland, which, he so particularly appreciated, he had become a familiar figure in all tlie country side. It was a source of -iniiversal regret in Bonn, when, at Easter, 1852, the short space of time which could be spared from the Prince's busy life drew to its close, and town and nniversity vied with one another in the ovations which mai'ked liis departure. Betniiiin"- to his regiment, the Prince devoted himself lo mihtaiy duties. He 'was now a Ca])tain, and the jiersonal interest which he took CROWN riilNCE AND EMrEROR. 41 ill each Individual member of liis company acquired him a proverbial })opularity. During- the Autumn Manoeuvres of 1853, wlien he was promoted to the rank of Mnjor, he learned the duties of an Aide-de-cam [>, being attached to the Staff of Count V. J. Groeben, who at that time conunanded the Corps of Guards. The Prince's life was one of constant activity : under General von lieyher he was instructed in the special branches of the Staff; while he found time to acquire a th(,>rough knoAvledge of the working of the various civil departments, and devoted himself to the study of the internal administration, under the guidance of the Chief President of the Province of Brandenburg. Durino- the Summer of this year he had accom- }ianied his father to the Manceuvres of the Austrian Army, and was assigned by the Emperor Franz Joseph the honorary command (if the Twentieth Regiment of Infantry. About this period he was also initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry, and the Prince of Prussia, who h;id taken this influential Order under his protection, availed himself of the occasion to protest, in his speech, against the attempt made by a certain section in the 42 FREDERICK : country, to cast discredit on this ancient institution. In December he had an attack of inflammation of the lungs, and after his recovery it was considered advisable for him to spend a Winter in the South, and thus, a long cherished plan of a tour in Italy was carried into eflect. The royal I3arty were conveyed from Tiieste to Ancona in an Austrian man of wai". and proceeded thence direct to Home. The old Papal Court was then in all its brilliancy, and Rome was still the city of Corinne and Trans- formation. No lines of railway pierced the circuit of her walls, there was no gas in the narrow alleys, but the quaint old gilded coaches of the Cardinals, the gay uniforms of the Papal troops, the numberless religious orders, tlie costume of the j^eojjle, wliicli was then not confined to ])rofessional models and beggars, filled lier streets with colour, and the Carnival was still a national fete. Italian Unitv liad assuredly no warmer sympathizer than Prince Frederick William, but the Ivome of his impressions never ceased to be an interesting and charming recollection. He was repeatedly I'eceived miIIi ovei'v mark of appreciation by Pope Pius IX., who j)rcser\ed a warm regard CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 4o f'oi' Ills royal i^'uest, wliicli the grave issues of later years Ijetween Prussia and the Yaticaii iu no wav diminished, and he assisted at the Consistory in Avhieh the present Pontiff received the Cardiiiats Hat. The story is told that at their first interview the Pope held out his hand to the young Prince for the customary kiss of homage, but the lattei', as representative of one of the two great Protestant States, did not feel called upon to render this sahite, and Nvarmlv grasped the extended hand. The Pope, whose sense of hunioiu' was well known. always at subsequent interviews greeted the young Prince on entering with his hand behind his back. The journey was extended to Naples and Sicily, and the royal party returned to Rome on their way northward to witness the Easter ceremonies. After six months' service with the Artillery, Prince Frederick William was transferred to the Drao'oons of the Guard. It mav be well here to explain that the Guards form an entire army corps, including, therefore, infantry, artillery, and cavalry of every arm ; they are distributed between Berlin. Potsdam, and the neighbouring fortress of Spandau. The 44 FREDERICK : infantry regiment to which the Prince was first attached is quarterecl in Potsdam; the Dragoons of the Guard, consisting then of one regiment only, but now of two, are stationed in Berhn. Colonel von Grieslieim, an old friend of the Prince of Prussia, who commanded the regiment, has left a record of an interview^ wdiich he had Avith the Princess, at the time they entrusted their son to his care. The Princess, he says, begged him in no way to spare his new officer, but to let him enter into every detail of duty, in order that he might really learn to appreciate the hard work which military service entailed. She bade him never lose sight of the fact that he was to teach his future Sovereign, and that it was essential to liis forming a just appreciation of thing's, tli;it he should see their Avorkino- side. The Prince of Prussia, Avho came in at the close op the interview, said, witli n. smile, " I taught him his business, and now lie is to teach our son ! " The ( 'olonel most conscientiously carried out his trust, and the Piincc; cuitcred u[)on the routine of his duties as Ca])tain. The riding lessons, the horse-breaking, the stable drill, the CROWX rrdxcE and EMrEROR. 45 gymnastic courses, tlie stores of his squadron, were all handed over to his personal control a.nd management, and so quickly and practically did he master the duties of a cavalry officer, that on the oLst i^ugust, 1855, he was appointed to command the regiment. About this time an officer, who has since been somewhat talked of, was appointed Aide-de-camp to the Prince ; a man of few words, but striking lucidity of expression and determination of character, and an enthusiastic lover of music, whose age was just that of the century. His name m'-ah Colonel von Moltke, and he was at the time Chief of the Staff of the Fourth Army Corps. During the Summer of 1855, the Prince went for a second time to England. Perhaps on the occasion of his former visit, four years pre- viously, a plan had already suggested itself to him which he now determined to realize, of askino- the hand of the Princess Roval in marriage. At any rate he now expressed a wish to visit the Queen and the Prince Consort, who invited him to stay at Balmoral ; and on tlie 20th of September the Prince Consort wrote to his old friend and confidant, Baron Stockmar, to tell him that the proposal, made 46 FREDERICK : ^^•ith the concurrence of the King, as well as of the Piince of Prussia, had been accepted, sub- ject, of course, to the consent of the Princess Koyal herself, from \vhom, he added, he did not anticipate any hesitation. It was, however, not to be broken to lier till after her Confirma- tion in the following Spring, and the marriage was on no account to take place until the Princess had passed her seventeenth birthday. But with all these excellent dispositions the natural impatience of the Prince prevailed, and on the 29th of September, when tlie royal party were riding unattended over the moors, a spray of the rare white heather, which the Prince dismounted to pluck and ofter to his future bride, drew the secret from his lips, and the happy alliance Avas arranged, not by the manoeuvring of diplomacy or the scheming of politicians, Imt naturally, and as in the every- day world, by the s))ontaiieoii.s impulse of two young hearts towards each other. Ou liis return to Porm the Prince unburdened liis lieail to Ml'. I't'iTN'. wliom lie had from the outset tiv.-ilcfl with the greatest confidence, and to w hoiii lie had s|)<»i\cn of his hojic of winning the liand of the l^i'incess lloxah "It was not CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEEOE. 47 politics,"' be said, " it was not aiiibitioii ; it was my heart.' On the 2n(l of ()et(>l)er the Prince C*unsort wrote to Baron Stockmar : " Prince Frederick Wilhani left us yesterday .... The youni;' people are genuinely in love with one another : the g-uilelessness, simplicity, and unselfishness of the young man are quite touching .... We are quite unprepared for any public announce- ment of the marriage at jDresent. The secret must be kept tout hieii que nudJ' But the secret leaked out, as such secrets always do ; the visits of the future Sovereign of Prussia were too sio^nificant to be disreei'arded. The eno'aDfement of Princess Louise to the Prince Regent, now the reigning Grand Duke of Baden, took place on the same day, September 29, at Coblenz. The following year the Prince returned to England, in May, where he was joined shortly afterwards by his future brother-in-law, and the two Princes received honorary degrees from the Univer.^ity of O::- ford, and were present at the festivities ci' Commemoration. In August he was for the first time entrusted with a })ul)lic mission, and sent to represent tlie King of ^Moscow, at the 48 FREDERICK : coronation of tlie Emperor Alexander II., wlio had succeeded his father in the previous year. On all these journeys he was accompanied In^ his new Aide-de-camjo, Avho was aliout tliis time promoted to the rank of Major- General. The latter lias testified in his correspondence to the remarkable natural tact and tiie happy faculty of the apropos displayed by the Prince in meetino- and conversino- \\\i\\ tlie number of notabilities who were here for the first time presented to him. On the 20th of Se2)tember the marriage of Princess Louise with the Grand Duke of Baden took place, and shortly afterwards Prince Frederick William received the command of the Eleventh Regiment of Infantry, which forms part of the garrison of Breslau, in Silesia. He had some time previously returned from his short term of service with tlie C/avalry, to the First Infantry of the Guards, and (pialified himself to take command of the regiment. No sooner, however, had the J-'ihico taken u]") his (juarters at Breslau, than anotluM- journey to England was determined on, and the visit, whose oslciisibl(> o])j(H-t was to congratidate the Princess upon hrr bir(h(l;iy, oxtcMidcd over i\ CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 40 montli. He returned by Paris, where he was most warmly received by the Emperor Napoleon III. and the Empress Eugenie. A letter from the latter describing the visit is not without its curious interest, read in the light of subsequent events. "The Prince is a tall, finely proportioned man, nearly a head taller than the Emperor, smart, fair, with light yellow moustache, a German, as Tacitus describes them, chivalrous in manner, and with a touch of Hamlet about him. His companion, a General Moltke, is a gentleman of few words, but nothing less than a dreamer ; always attentive and commanding attention, he sur- prises you by the most striking observations. An imposing race, these Germans. Louis sayrj, tlie race of the future. But we have not got to that yet." Prince Frederick William remained with his regiment in Silesia until September, 1857, findinof time, however, in the Summer for another visit to England. It was originally contemplated that the marriage should take place this year, but the health of King Frederick William IV., who had for some time been ailing, gave rise to considerable anxiety, and it was D 50 FREDERICK : decided to postpone It for a while. At length the malady, which had affected the brain, was declared to be incurable, and on the 23rd of October the Prince of Prussia was named Pegent for three months. This term was subsequently prolonged from time to time, and in the follow- ing year, when the King left Berlin for Italy, the Prince Regent assumed the full responsi- bility of government, which he retained until that Monarch's death. The marriaa-e was now o definitively fixed for January 25, 1858. It was with sincere regret that Prince Frederick William took leave of the officers and men of his Silesian regiment. Silesia is the favourite province of the kingdom ; the wealthiest and most influential of the Prussian nobility have their country seats there ; the forests offer great attractions to the sportsman ; and Breslau itself is within easy distance of the pleasant country sloping upwards to the giant mountains which mark the boundary of Bohemia. Besides, he had greatly appreciated the freedom of life which his sojourn here had ])oniiittc!l. ;iiid Avas much attached to and be- loved l)y the I'cgiineiit lie liad commanded. The close of liis ihre well s])eecli was remem- CROWN TRINCE AND EMPEROR. 51 bered a few years later, when, in the campaign of '66, he was entrusted with the conniiand of the Second Army, and with orders to protect the provinc3 of Silesia : " [ sliall ne->'er forget these ckys, nor you," he said ; " and my ardent desire, wliicli it v/onld give me the greatest joy to see accomplished, is that I may some day receive with you — who are, for the most part, my pupils — the baptism of blood before the enemy." Meanwhile, the day fixed for the wecfding ceremony drew near. On tlie 23rd of January, Prince Frederick William arrived in England to claim his bride. London had been ali-eady several days en fete. On tlie evening of the 23rd there was a State performance at Her Majesty's Theatre, where the Prince was, for the first time, present during the festival pro- ceedings, sitting beside the Princess Poyal ; and rarely has London witnessed such an en- tliusiastic scene. The sinmncr of the National Anthem was the signal for a burst of cheering, to which the Queen graciously responded. A cry of '■' Princess" tlien rang- throuo^h the house. The Queen beckoned the Princess Royal to the front of the box, and there she curtseyed her acknow- D 2 52 FREDERICK : ledgments amidst a display of feeling which made the pretty episode for ever memorable. The wedding took place at the ChapelRoyal, St. James's, on the following Monday. The accounts of the ceremony, read in the light and shadow of all that has passeci since, are eminently touching from the genuine and natural feeling evinced, and an eye-witness, describing the scene as the procession left the Ghapel Royal, wrote : " The light of happiness in tlie eyes of the bride appealed to the most reserved among the spectators, and an audible ' God bless you I ' passed from mouth to mouth along the line." The details of the ceremony, recorded by a loving hand in the Queen's diary, and published in Sir Theodore Martin's life of the Prince Consort, are too well-known to call for reproduction here. It sliall only be men- tioned that the wedding rings were made of 2)ure Silesian gold, and that the eight brides- maids — chosen from tlie fairest daughters of Enjj'land — wore tlie eml)leniatic white heather, in meiiiorv of the stranger- I^'inee's wooing. TIn'onghoiit the eoiiiiti-\- in Kngland tlie day was celebrated as a national holiday by public iv^joicings and i'wH^ dinners to the poor; and in CROWN i'ltlXCE AM) K.Ml'EKUH. 53 the evening' London was a blaze of illuminations, for the match had become thoroughly popular. Parliament had met the pro])osed vote with scarcely a dissentient voice ; and the young Prince had won a place in the heart of the nation, which learned to appreciate him ever more and more as time went on. The short honeymoon was s})ent at Windsor, and the dej^ai'tui'e was fixed for the second of Februaiy. The faie\\'ell })rocession left Buck- ingham Palace, and proceeded l^y the Strand, St. Paul's, and London Bridge, to the station in tlie Kent Boad, ^^•here the royal party were to take train for Gravesend. The Prince Consort, with his two eldest sons, accompanied Prince Frederick William and his bride, while the Queen watched from the l^alcony of Buck- ingham Palace till the })rocession Avound out of sight. The snow was falling fast, but they drove in open carriages to see the last of home. E^-ery })oint of vantage along the route was tilled to overflowino- and it seemed as if the whole nation felt keenly the sense of parting, and had come out in its thousands to speed on her way, with their love and kindly solicitude, one who, though still almost a child, was leav- 54 FEEDERICK : ing her country for ever, to make her home in an ahen land. It is a solemn moment, hard to realize for those ^^'ho stay at home, that in "\\4iich we turn our Ijacks for ever on the only life we have known, and ^o to meet the untried and the new, to dwell with .strange faces, different ideas and ideals, unfamiliar asso- ciations. At Gravesend, the royal yacht, Victoria and Alhert, Avas waitino- to receive them ; and the closing scene in England was thus desciibed in the Times of the 23rd of February : — "111 compliance with injunctions issued just hefore the a^n^•al of the royal party, there was little cheering on the pier itself. Still, however, it could not altogether prevent the cheers which greeted the bride, as she stood leaning on her hushand's arm. . . . Her roj'al husband "was, of course, received -with a most marked welcome, which he seemed to feel ; thougli, as usual, he always left liis bride to receive the ovations offered, and watched lier every movement "with the most affection- ate solicitude, " On the affecting fare"well "we need not dwell. Every heart can sympathize \\\{\i them, not as rulers or princes, but as a fatlier wlio jiarts from his eldest clilld — "witli 3'oung brotlu'rs, "who see tlieir sister leave them for the first time, to cast lier lot for ever in a CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 55 land of strangers. The Prince Consort was grave, but composed, though the effort it cost him to maintain an appearance of serenity was visible to all. AYith less self-command, the Prince of Wales and Prince Alfred made little attempt to conceal their grief As the paddles went round, the quick flashes of broad red flame through the snowstorm, followed by the sullen boom of cannon, showed that old Tilbmy was at last saluting for the departure. The Prince Consort waved his hand to the Po}'al Bridegroom again and again, but kept his composure ; but not so did the j'oung Princes, whose grief seemed only redoubled by the tokens of farewell round them. Neither could conceal his sorrow, and neither tried to do so, but stood brushing away the tears from their eyes On such an occasion there was not many who could resist the contagious influence of a sorrow so innocent and so sincere, and there were few who looked Avith dry eyes on this departure of the daughter of England." III. 1858—1863. III. 1858— 18G3. The bride and 1)ridegrooni',s journey home was one lono- triinnplial progress. At Herljesthal, where the German frontier was first reached, Count Kedern awaited them with a messaofe of welcome from the King, At Aix-la-Chapelle ; at Cologne, where they halted for the night ; at Hanover, where they alighted to 2:iay a brief visit to the King ; at Magdeburg, where a second night was passed, deputations were awaiting to receive them — triumplial arches and illuminations testified the enthusiasm and loyalty of the populations. A Ijrilhant recep- tion was prepared for them at Potsdam, where they arrived on the Gth February ; and the following day, a Sunday, was devoted to rest after their eventful journey. On Monday, the 8th, the solemn entry into the capital took 60 FREDERICK : place. The sixteen miles from Potsdam to the capital were traversed by road. At the Belle- viie Palace, situated in the Thiergarten, or park, al30iit a mils from the Brandenburg Gate, the King was w^aiting to gi'eet his nephew and niece. After a shoi't interval the jjrocession reformed, the IdcIIs rang, the canons fired salutes, and the state coach, di-awn by eight horses, arrived at the Brandenburg Gate. Here the I'oyal pair were welcomed in the name of the garrison 1)y the venerable Field -Marshal, Count Wranti-el. A detachment of the Life Guai'ds rode before and after the carriage ; while the Prince's old regiment, the Dragoons of the Guard, formed the rest of the escort. Forty out-riders and deputations from the various Guilds headed tlie })rocession ; and so, between a surging mass of spectators, they passed down the Linden Avenue, the whole leuirtli of which was hunof with British and Prussian Hags to the old palace and its eastern extremity, where the Prince of Prussia was waitinii' to receive them at the foot of the great staircase. After the ceremonial introductions had been made, the Prince and Princess appeared on (lie l)alcoiiy, to receive the homage CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. Gl of the people, and watch the Guilds march past. In the evening tliey d]-ove throiioli the city, where there was not a windoAv unilluniinated, and no house so poor that it had not some decoration in honour of the festal day. It was still hard Winter in the northern city, Init its welcome was warm and generous. After a short residence in the old Schloss, a palace in the Linden Avenue, close to the operadiouse, and facing the arsenal, which liad l)een enlaro-ed and restored for King- Frederick William III., was assigned to the young couple, ■\\diere they took up their abode in the early Winter, and ever after, as Crown Prince and Princess, continued to live when in Berlin. The first Summer was spent at the Prince of Prussia's country seat of Babelsberg, tlie home of Prince Frederick William's boyhood ; and here, at Whitsuntide, they received a hasty visit from the Prince Consort, who returned in August with the Queen. This visit, the bright impression left by which is fully recorded in the Queen's diary, was the only one which Her Majesty was able to |)ay her daughter in her new home, until the sad and memorable journey of this year, when the shadow of death was 62 FREDERICK : already darkening its threshold, and the streets of the capital were still draped with black in monraing" for the first German Emperor. An heir to the Hohenzollern dynasty w^as born on the 27th of January, 1859^the reimi- ing Emperor, William IT. The apartments at Babelsbero' now became too small for the extended requirements of the young household, and from henceforth the New Palace, near Potsdam, became their Summer home. And here it was that the Crown Princess, as she soon afterwards came to be called, was able to set the example of that helpful and happy country life which she had learned in Enolaiid to value, so that it was not long before its 'simple domestic character became proverbial, and exercised a far-reaching influence. Under her fostering hand, the old formal pleasure-grounds and the neglected gardens became a pattern of taste and arran^jfement. In their neiijlibourina' farm of Bornstedt the Prince liimself superin- tended every detail, and taught himself tlie management of land and lal)0ur, wliile the daily and tlie poultry-yard were the particular cai-(! (»r ilie Princess. All the inhabitants of tbe neighbouring villages quickly learned to CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 63 apj)recicite tlieir kindly solicitude ; the .saiiita- tion of dwellings, the care for the sick and aged among their tenants, the schools, the children's holidays, all engaged their sympa- thetic interest. One of the Prince's most sti'ikino- characteristics was his love for the ]:)eople, his genuine sympathy with the humbler walks of life. It was his especial pleasure to visit the village school and listen to the children's lessons, and sometimes he would take the teacher's place and put the questions him- self It must have been on such an occasion that the pretty reply was given which is recorded in the following story : — " To what kinofdom does this belong- ? " the Prince had enquired of a little girl, touching a medal sus- pended to his chain. " To the mineral king- dom," was the answer. " And this ? " pointing to a flower. " To the veo-etable kinwlom." " And I m^^self," he asked ; to what kingdom do I belong ? " "To the kingdom of heaven," was the child's reply. Meanwhile, there were duties, and important ones, to perform. On the day of his marriage the Prince had been j^i'on^oted to the rank of Major-General, and when, during the Austrian 64 FREDERICK : and Italian AVar of 1859, it was determined to mobilize a portion of the Prussian troops, he was appointed to command the First Infantry Division, an appointment confirmed and made definite on the 25th of July. The Peace of Villafranca brought the war to an abrupt con- clusion before the Prussian mobilization was complete, but the experience had revealed serious defects in the existing state of the Army, and a Commission was immediately organized to consider the remodelling of the entire military system. The Prince assisted at all the deliberations of this Commission, and after its sittings were closed he started with the Princess for a tour in Silesia, and, later, paid a hasty visit to London. The following year a daughter was born, Princess Charlotte, now Hereditary Princess of Saxe-Meiningen. It was in the late Summer of this year tliat tlie Queen and the Prince Consort ])aid tlieii' last visit together to Germanv. Duriiii'' their stav at Coburff their fii'st grandchild, the little Prince William, was broiiglil by his ])areiits to be shown t<> his gi-aiidj)areiits. A clini iiiiiig ])icture is given in the (^)ueen's dinrv of tli(^ first ;ip])oarance of the CROWN PEINCE AND EMPEROR. G5 present German Empei'or "in a little white (li'ess with black bows." The measures of reform in the military system, which the Prince Regent held to be nro-ent and indispensable, led to protracted discussion, and eventually to the resignation of the Liberal Ministry. The question was still undecided when, on the 2nd of January, 1861, King Fi-ederick William TV. died, and the Prince Reofent ascended the throne under the name of Kino- William I. Prince Frederick William, who had in the previous year been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Genera], now assumed the title of Crown Prince. The Coronation took place with much pomp at Konigsberg, on his birthday, the 18th of October. He was on this occasion named Protector of the ancient University of Konigs- berg, as successor to the late King ; and shortly afterwards, in accordance with precedent, was appointed Stadtholder of Pomerania, though the formal announcement did not appear in the Gazette till the following year, on the birthday of Prince AVilJiam, tlie reigning Emperor, when it was couched in these terms : — " I have a])pointed vour Royal Highness to be Stadt- E 6Q FREDERICK. holder of Pomerania, and desire thus to mark the day, on which so hap]Dy an event in the liistoiy of our family is commemorated, by an especial token of my fatherly affection. — William." Early in the married life of the Crown Prince and Princess fell the shadow of those domestic sorrows which darkened so many of their years. On March 16th, 1861, the Duchess of Kent died ; and the loss of " this much-loved grand- mother " was soon to be followed by a still nearer and more untimely bereavement. It was not long after the festivities of the Corona- tion that tlie health of the Prince Consort began to give cause for anxiety. It had been his special desire that the Crown Princess, who liad herself been suffering in health, should not expose herself to the risk of a Winter journey, and she was therefore not present at that sad event which has cast a permanent gloom ovei- the British Court. Needless to say, the Crown Prince crossed to Engkmd immediately, to be of such service ns he might, and to attend the funeral of one to wliom he liad looked up with fond affection ; a guide and a counsellor, whose moderation and nolltlcal foresiirht lie never CROWN PRINCE AND KMPEROK. G7 ceased to regard Mitli respect and yeneration. Some luoutlis later, in the Spring of the follow- ing year, he was once more in England, to attend, at the special desire of the Queen, the opening of the second great International Exhibition, for which he was Prussian Com- missioner. A few days afterwards he was the guest of tlie Royal Academy at their annual banquet, and in his speech on that occasion he naturally referred to the loss which had cast a gloom over the festivities, and recalled the debt that was owed to tli"e initiator of those inter- national gatherings which have done so much to promote the interests of commerce, and, by teachino' the nations to know one another better, have so largely contributed to their peace and welfare. This speech, which later on in the evening was characterized by Lord Granville as " a speech remarkable for its simple and truthful eloquence, and which, by a touch of feeling concerning one of whom this country is proud, went directly to our hearts,'"' was as follows : — " Sir Chaki.es Eastlake, your Eoyal HIGH^•Ess, MY Lords akd Gentlemen, — I hope tliat the grati- tude which I feel for the cordiality ^vith which you E 2 68 FREDERICK : have Leen pleased to propose and receive my health will not be measured by the manner in A^'hich I return thanks for it, as I am sorry to say I fear I shall not be able to express my feeliugs as I should perhaps be able to do were I longer accustomed to the language of this dear country. I thank you first for the way in which you have been kind enough to speak of my near rela- tionship to the Eoyal Family of England ; nor can I on such an occasion omit referring to the loss which this country has recently sustained — a loss felt so intimately by your Itoyal Family and also by my own. We have all heard from the President how that loss has been felt here, and I am happy to say that in my own country the same monumental feeling will always remain associated with the memory of that dear Prince who was taken so suddenly' from us. " It is not necessary for me to say how happy I am to be able to be present at this great festival of peace, and at the same time to honour the great undertaking which we owe to the master-mind of him I was so proud to regard as my father-in-law. I have also, Sir Charles, to thank }-ou for the manner in which you spoke just now of the state of Art and Science in my own country, and especially of the articles sent to the Great International Exliibitiou. I am happy to think, from tlie way in which that reference of the President was received, tliat you all appear to agree with him on that point, and 1 liojio I can say that the same feeling for Fuglisli ait is reciprocated by my country. Perhaps CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. G9 I may be allowed to say, as I am proud to say, that tlie rrincess Royal of your country is one of the first representatives of English art in my country. Return- ing tlianks again for the kind way in which I have been received, I can only add that I hope it will be a new tie, strengthening those warm sympathies I have always felt for this great country ; and, more than this, tliat the strong sympathy which always existed in my own heart will in Prussia and the great Fatherland of Germany be more and more, and for ever, retained."* No mean achievement in a foreign tongue. Among tlie guests at this Academy banquet, of wdiicli the Crown Prince ever preserved a pleasant recollection, were Thackeray and Dickens, the latter of whom responded on behalf of Literature. A few months later, the Crown Prince was again at Konigsberg, where he was solemnly invested with the office of Hifjh Protector of the University, which he had consented to hll at the time of the Coronation. His speech on this occasion must also be quoted, for in it tlie aims and aspirations Avhlch were ever nearest to his lieart found expression : '• I looked upon the inheritance to which I have "* Times, May 5, 18G2. 70 FREDERICK : succeeded as a renewed invitatioii to contribute my aid to the development of Art and Science. That which my ancestors have estaljlislied and hononral)ly maintained will be sacred no less to me their successor ; and I promise, on my part, to support and extend the establisliment b}' all the means in my power. I have in my mind those great names whieli have made this University illustrious — above all, the name of one man, whose teachings have gone forth far over the bounds of our German Fatherland, and have enlightened the whole round world.* I have myself been a member of an University, and I liuow the spirit by which it is animated. The work of the Universities — the develop- ment of the mind and the strengtheuing of cliaracter — is a noble work, in that thej' fulfil tliis mission, not only for the advancement of kariiing, but in the service of the State. Thanks to the spirit which fires the youth of Germany, I count upon her students under- standing and appreciating the greatness of this work." Diirlno- tliift Summer, there was consolation in the house of mourning ; a second son was ])orn. Prince Henry, Avho lias become the sailor- Prince of Germany. In tlie meanwhile, the conflict between the Government and the (1ianil)('rs liad continued, and was now assuming- a more acute ])hase. \\]\c]\ in 8ep- CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 71 tember, 18G2, the King called ujDon Herr von Bismarck to take the reins of Government in hand. From this period began for Prussia that wonderful career of success, the extraordinary decade whicli culminated with the declaration of the German Empire at Versailles. Of the relation of the Crown Prince to political life it does not enter into the design of the present sketch to speak ; but it may here be placed on record that through the quarter of a century Avliich followed, he never broke the rule he liad laid down for himself to refrain from any open expression of opinion, and from taking any active part in political life. Differences of opinion there must always be, and the younger generation is not always patient of the views and methods of the older. But whatever may have been the feelings and sentiments of the Crown Prince himself, he cheerfully and loyally carried out the arduous duties which it fell to him to perform ; and, at a subsequent date, when called upon for a time to assume the Regency, he faithfully followed in the lines that were laid down for liim. It argfues no slight strength of character, and a paramount 72 FEEDERICK : sense of duty, to have so faithfully appreciated and conquered the difficulties of the position which it was his lot to fill. The Crown Prince and the Princess S]:»ent the Winter months of this year in a long tour throuoh Italy, during which an improvised expedition was made to Tunis and Malta. They had joined the Prince of Wales on the Royal yacht " Osborne," and at Naples cele- brated his coming of age on Ijoard, returning subsequently to Pvome, where they took up their abode in tlie Palazzo Cafiarelli. IV. 18G4— 1869. IV. 18G4— -18G9. Whex the Danish War l}roke out in 1864 tlie Crown Prince had no military command, Imt was attached to tlie Staff of Field-Marshal Count von Wrangel, who had the chief command of the united Austrian and Prussian armies. His task was to be one of conciUation. The allied armies were the allies of circumstance rather than of sympathy, and the rivalry of the commanding officers, the jealousy of the troops, could hardly f lil to produce a feeling- of friction which might, if not counteracted with tact and authority, have prejudiced the prospects of the campaign. In all such differences and disputes the Crown, Prince formed the court of reference, and the fact that the cessation of hostilities was so soon afterwards followed 1)y the out1)i'eak of the Austrian and Prussian War proves liow 7Q FREDERICK : difficult must have been the task imposed upon him, and how effectual was the influence of his tact and judgment in preventing these dis- agreements from assuming an acute phase before the war was Ijrouofht to a successful conclusion. At a skirmish before Dlippel he was for the first time under fii-e, and he assisted at the storming of the lines of Diippel on the 18th of April, 18G4. Throughout the severe Winter campaign he shared every hardship with tlie troops ; he was continually in their midst, and the sight of his familiar figure, in the long- military paletot, with his short pipe in his mouth, was a signal for general enthusiasm. It was now that the Crown Prince, in co-opera- tion with tlie (Jrown Princess, who had gone to meet him at Hamburo- as soon as the fighting was over, founded the first of those institutions for the relief of the victims of war, of which many were called into existence later, ill the stormy days which were yet in store for Prussia. After tlio conclusion of Peace the (Vow II Piiiice was entrusted witli the command of the S(^cond Army Corps, wliicli \\c retained until the war of 1870. On the 1 Ith of Septem- ber of the «ame year Prince Sigisnumd was CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 77 born, " a great source of rejoicing to Lis parents." The history of the family of Hohen- zollern is full of strange coincidences, but perhaps there are few stranger than that con- nected with the l^rief life of this little Prince, ushered into tlie world after the declaration of peace, with the Emperor of Austria for his godfather, to be taken away once more, almost on the very day his native land had drawai the s^vord against Austria. Tlie interval of peace was short. Since the Italian Avar of 185'J the relations between Austria and Prussia had continued strained, and the Danish camjoaign liad only served to widen the breach. The struo-ule for the hegemony of the German Confederation was at hand. Austria realized at length that Prussia Avas in deadly earnest, and meant not only to oust her from the headship she still claimed, but from the confederation altogether ; and long before appeal was made to the decision of the sword, rumours of war were rife, and hostile preparations continued. In May, ISGG, the Prussian army was mobilized. The lighting strength of the kingdom was divided into three armies, of which the second was placed under 78 FREDERICK : the command of the Crown Prince, with orders to pi'otect the province of Silesia, of which he was appointed Mihtary Governor during- the mobiHzation. So long as war still hung in the balance, the Crown Prince used his influence on the side of conciliation, and did all that was in his power to avert a conflict. Now that it appeared inevitable, he miis as ever ready to do his duty. A few days after the christening of his second daughter, who, having been baptized on the 24th of May, received the name oP Victoria, he rejoined his Staff* at Breslau ; and, as the veteran generals gathered round him, he said, with his genial smile : " It really is too l)ad that so young a man as I am should command you, w'lili all your experience, and 1 with none myself" On the l4th of June the Prussian pro})o.saLs were rejected in the Diet at Frank- fort ; Hanover and Hesse fell almost without a struggle, before the iron A\iJl of the great minister, and the dogs of war were loosed. The d<-iy after the issue of tlio Royal \n\)- clamatioii to the Army, the Crown Prince a(ldi-t-^;sc(l lus troo])s iVom bis licadcjuarters at iN'cissc : — CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 79 " Soldiers of the Second Akmv, " You liave heard the words of our King and Commander-in-Cliief. The efforls of Ilis ^lajesty to preserve peace for our country have Loeu vain. AVitli a heavy heart, but relying on the devotion and bravery of his ami}", the King- has resolved to fight for the honour and independence of Prussia, and for the effec- tual reorganization of Grermauy. "Placed at your head by the grace of my roj-al father, and thanks to the confidence he reposes in me, I am proud, as our King's first subject, to stake my life with you for all that our fatherland holds most sacred. " Soldiers ! For the first time in the last fifty years our army has to face a foe tliat is its equal match. Have confidence in }'oiu' strength, in the efficiency of yom' arms, and remember we have now got to beat the same enemy whom our greatest King once vanquished with a little army. " And now forward, under the old Prussian device, * With Grod for king and country ! ' " The Crown Prince liad left for the campaign under very painful circumstances, for a few days before his departure. Prince SIgismund, ' a beautiful boy, the joy and pride of Lis parents/ was taken very ill. Even the doctor who had attended him was summoned to the front by the fate of war, and the CroM'n 80 FREDERICK : Princess was left alone with her sick child. The illness, which was at first difficult to recognize, assumed a fatal form,* and on the 18tli of June the little Prince succumbed, leaving his mother well-nigh distracted and alone, AA'ithout anyone to share her sorrow. The news reached the Crown Prince just as the army was on the point of advancing. He had with him one tried and trusted friend, Captain Mischke, a companion of his early clays, and it ^^■as his warm sympathy on which the Crown Princess relied to help her husband at this critical moment to bear so hard and crushing a blow. There were perhaps many others in the camp who had their silent troubles ; such things must always be. It is not the least of the terrors of war, that, when the summons comes, the clahns of home and the affections of the individual must yield to the general welfare ; but it may have encouraged some of those who stood ill like case to see how bravely and unswervingly their leader A\ent about his duty, never allowing his private griefs for a moment to divert his energies from the grave * McijiiiKitis ccrobralis. CllOWN TEINCE AND EMPEROR. 81 task lie liacl in hand. Those who knew him well were aware how acutely lie suffered, but it was only aftei' the war was over, in a speech made to the Municipality of Berlin, when ten- dering their congratulations on his safe return, that he spoke of his personal loss : " It was a heavy trial," he said, " to be separated from my wife and my dying boy ; that I could not be there to close his eyes. Hard as it was at the time to have to be far from my home and family, I can now look back upon it Avith satisfaction, for it was a sacrifice which I offered to my coLUitry." The force commanded by the Crown Prince consisted of four army corps ; the first under General A^on Bonin, the fifth under General von Steinmetz, who AA^as commander of the First Army in the Avar of 1870, the sixth under General A'on Mutius, and the Corps of the Guards, under Prince August of Wtirtemberg. He Avas supported by an able adA^ser in the person of General A^on Blumenthal, avIio acted as Chief of the Staff. General A^on Blumenthal accompanied the Pi-ince in the same capacity durinof the Franco-German Avar, and one of the few j)ublic acts of his l)rlef reign Avas to bestow F 82 FREDERICK : a field-marslial's baton on tins old friend and faithful servant, for whose military capacity and private character he had unbounded esteem, which it was his especial pleasure to express whenever he had an opportunity. The instructions issued by General von Moltke, who as chief of the head-cpiarter Staff directed the operations of the three armies, were : to enter Bohemia through the passes of the Giant Mountains, and effect a junction with the armies of Prince Frederick C-harles and General Herwarth. A wide latitude was how- ever left to the judgment and initiative of the conmiandei", and it was pointed out that, if their concentration was not yet effected, cir- cumstances might admit of a series of attacks in overwhelming force on isolated bodies of the enemy, which might modify the scheme of campaign. The junction of the armies in the direction of Gitschin was ho^vever still to be tlie ultimate object, and the relative positions of the three ai'mies was evei' to be kept in sight, with a view to mutual support. This forecast was carried out in its double event. Four Ausii-iaii coips operating independently opposed tlic iii\;i(liiig Prussians; with the CROWN PHINCE AND EMPEKUll. 83 exception of a .slight check experienced by General von Bonin on the 27th, a series of rapid successes between the 2Gth and 28th cleared the way into Bohemia, and on the 30th the three advancino- Prussian corps re-united with the sixth, which had formed the rear- i^'nard. On the 1st of July the Crown Prince issued the following' proclamation : — " Only a few days have elapsed since we crossed tlie Bohemian frontier, and a series of brilliant victories lias marked our advance, and ensured the attainment of om- first object, to hold the passages of the Elbe, and unite with the First Army. " The gallant Fifth Army Corps, under its heroic leader (Greneral v. Steinmetz), has gloriously repulsed on thi'ee successive days as many fresh bodies of the enemy advancing against them. The Griiards have been twice engaged, and ha^e brilliantly succeeded in beating the enemy back. The First Army Corps has displayed the greatest bravery under the most trying circumstances. " Five flags, two standards, 8,000 prisoners have fallen into om- hands, and many thousands of killed and wounded, are evidence of how severe the losses of the enemy have been. " We have to mourn the loss of many gallant com- rades, killed or ^^■ounded, A\ho have made a gap in our F 2 84 FREDERICK : rauks. But the thought of having fallen for their King and their country, tog 'ther with the conscious- ness of victory, will have afforded consolation to the dying aud comfort to the suffering-. " God grant that we may continue in our career of victor}' I " I thank the generals, officers, and men of the ►Second Ai'my for their gallantry in battle, and for their patience in surmounting the great difficulties we have had to encounter, and I feel proud to command such troops." But the hardest striii'i'-le \\-us A^et to come. The First Army and the Army of the Elbe had also in the meantime entered Bohemia, and after a series of s accesses had converged u})on Gitschin, the point at wliich the three armies were to effect their union. The Kino- arrived at Gitschin on tlie 2nd of Jidy to take over the supreme command. It was decided that the troops sliould enjoy a short rest before the decisive eno-aoement with the forces of General Benedek, now concentrated in the neighbour- hood of Koniu-uratz; but a message from Brince Frederick Charles, who was not aware of the full strentith of General Benedek's army, that he should attack the (Vusli'iaii j)()siti«»ii on the CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 85 following- moi-iiinL;-, i-elying- on the support of the Second Anny and tlie Army of the Elbe, chanu-ed these dispositions, and the general attack was ordered for the 3rd. The Crown Prince's army was still some fourteen miles from Gitschin, and on the night of the 2nd orders were despatched for his immediate advance. On the safe delivery of these orders hung the issue of the day. An l.iour after midnight, Count Finkeustein started on his eventful ride through the enemy's country, while a second instruction was forwarded by a safe and more circuitous route. At a quarter past three on the morning of the third he reached the bivouack of the advance-guard of the Second Army, and warned General von Bonin to be prepared. By four in the morning the message was safely delivered at head- quarters, and by daybreak the cohnnns were advancino- without train or bao-o-ao-e, strainino- every nerve to reach the field in time. The (■rown Prince rode at theii- head, urging and encouraging his men, as they heard in the distance the thunder of the cannon of Sadowa growing nearer and nearer. The Prussians were heavily outnumbered in the morning, and 86 FREDERICK : victory hung in the scales. The Austrians fought, as ever, with tlie utmost bravery and determination, and had the Crown Prince reached the battlefiekl a Httle hitei' the whole issue of the Avar might liave been changed. But it was only one o'clock when the artillery of tlie Second Army opened fire upon the Austrian right, bv two o'clock the whole army was engaged, and General von Moltke, tin^ning to the King, said, " Now, no power on earth can take the victory froni your Majesty." It was the forced march of tlie Second Army that won tlie decisive l)attle of Sadowa. The Austrians lost in killed, wounded, and prisoners, upwards of 40,000 men, wdiile the rest of their ai-my was in full retreat over the Elbe or into tlie fortress of Konisfpfriitz. It was late in tlie evening before the Crown Prince found his father. Their meeting is thus recorded in bis diary : ''At last, after much questioning and se;n-cliing, we met the King; I reported to him tlio presence of my army on tlip field of l);dtle, and kiss(Ml bis band, and be embraced me. Vnv a time neither of us could fiiwl woi-ds. At last he said that he was i'<'j()ir'('d ;it my successes, and Ibat \ had shown CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 87 aptitude for command. He had confered on me, as I would know by telegraph, the Order ' le Merite.' I had not received this telegram ; and so my father and Sovereign bestowed upon me, on the field of a battle which I had assisted in winning, our highest Order of military dis- tinction. I was deeply moved, and those who assisted at the interview seemed to share my emotion." The interview was thus also briefly described by the King in a letter written on the following morning to the Queen. " At last I met Fritz with his Staff, quite late, at eight o'clock. What a moment after all we had gone through, and on the evening of such a day ! I gave him myself the Order ' Pour le Merite.' Tears started from liis eyes, for he had not received my telegram announcing it. It was a complete surprise." The Order " Pour le Merit " is so highly esteemed, because it can only be won for personal gallantry upon the field of battle, and it had an especial value for the Prince to whom so many decorations had fallen ex officio, in being the one Order which had to be earned. By the express desire of the Emperor William, this 88 FREDERICK : Order, which he had won hhnself m 1815, was huno- round his neck after death, and buried with him. The war was not over, but there was little more fiofhtino- for the Second Army to do. The Prussian troops pressed on to within sight of Vienna, and on the 26th of July preliminaries of peace were signed at Nikolsburg. The Treaty of Prague, signed in the following month, prepared the way for the unity of Germany. The immediate results were that the Sovereign of Prussia, whose territories had now been extended by the annexation of Hanover, Hesse, Schleswig-Holstein, Nassau, and Frankfort, became President of a new North German Confederation, including all the States of Northern and Central Germany, with absolute control of their military organization, while offensive and defensive alliances with the States and Southern Germany placed at his disposal the whole available fighting strength of the German nation. Such were the momentous changes effected by the brief but brilliant campaign of 1866, to whose success the C*rown Prince had so largely contributed. As he drove into Berlin beside CROWX PRTNT'E AND I'-MTRROR. 89 the King, on the 4th of i\.iigust, and the people closed in round tlie canlao-e with cheer on cheer, he may ^yell have felt a thrill of conscious pride at having so fully justified the high com- mand with which he had been enti'usted. The glory of the successful soldier is still man's fondest ambition ; we had nearly all of us rather have been Caesar than Socrates. But the scenes of the last weeks had left a dark im- pression on the quick sensibilities and the o'entle nature of the soldier-Prince, which the flush of triumph could not altogether efface, and he had seen upon what narrow issues the fate of battles buna-. There was still much more of this rouo-h work for him to do, inevit- able for the Prince as for the Private. But his inmost feelino-s are revealed in a few words which he made use of sometime afterwards in the course of conversation, when the Luxem- burg question was agitating the public mind, and the dano-er of hostilities was" ag'ain with- in measurable distance. " You have never seen war," he said to one who had lightly spoken of its probability, " or you would never pronounce that w^ord so calmly. I, who have been brought face to face with war, must tell you 90 FREDERICK : that it is a jDaramount duty to avoid it, if it be possible. To make war is to incur a terrible responsibility. A statesman, even when he foresees the necessity of war, ought not to pro- voke it l)y artificial means, unless he he a genius and is confident of success. Otherwise he is tempting God. On the other hand, to await the contingency of war with firmness, and not to shrink from it if it is forced upon one, is the duty of a man. In acting so, we shall have pul)lic opinion and Heaven on our side." After the war of 1866 the Crown Prince rejoined the Crown Princess in Haringsdorf, a little village on the shores of the Baltic, to wliicli the Princess and her children had retired on account of the cholera, Avhich was then very bad in Potsdam. Tlience they proceeded to Admannsdorf, in Silesia, not far from the Bohemian frontier, where the Princess occupied herself in tending the wounded soldiers, both Prussian and Austrian. And now once more it fell to liis lot to under- take tlie task of conciliation, and to gain tlie attacluTient of the new provinces ; and as he travellofl firnn one to tlio otlier. insjiocting their CrjOWX TRTXCE AND EMPEROR. 01 troops or visiting their cities, bis influence was ever at work, to temper the mortifications of surrender, l)y raising the ideal of an united Fatherland, and by liis personal charm and genial manner to reveal to them in the re2)re- sentative of Prussia a friend, and not a conqueror. As his lieart naturally went out to all men, and as be liad a real and strong affection for all Germans, to whatever state they belonged, the part he had to play was a very welcome one. Moreover, as he bad entered the campaign with a heavy heart, though fully convinced of its necessity, he never ceased subsequently to do all that was in his power to restore the natural bond between Austria ns and Prussians, and remove the traces of their temporary estrangement. Notwithstanding the ominous development of the Luxemburg question, and the tension with France, which never wholly subsided after the Treaty of Prague, the next few years were spent in peace, and the Crown Prince resumed his command of the Second Army Corps. At the end of 1866 he was once more in Russia, for the marriage of the Cesarevitch, and in the following year he visited the Paris Exliibition 92 FREDERICK : with the Crown Princess. While they were there Kmg WilHam also arrived, and for a while it seemed as if these visits had succeeded in dispelling somewhat the feeling of mistrust between the neighlwur nations. In 18G8 the Crown Prince went to Turin, to he present at the marriage of Prince Humbert. The latter had been in Berlin the previous year, and with this visit renewed the acquaintance the two Princes liad formed in Milan some years previously, and strengthened that cordial friendship between the future rulers of Ger- many and Italy which continued unbroken to the last. Their positions were not altogether dissimilar. The making of Italy Avas as yet only ] martially accomplished, but the campaign of 186G had greatly lightened the task of King Victor Emmanuel and Cavour. In every Italian city which was visited by the Crown Prince enthusiastic demonstrations testified how sen- sible the populations were to the debt they owed to Germany. The martial bearing and the wiiiiiiiig manner of the hero of Sadowa appealed directly to tlie warm tem])erament of tlie Italian people, who gave him a Southern welcome, and it was a soui'cc of unmixed pleasure to the Poyal GROWN PRINCE ANi) EMPKROR. 93 traveller to Unci that lie liad won the love of a people whose land he loved so well. Among- the many ]3ersonal fiiends of* the Crown Prince in Italy may be mentioned the celebrated Statesmen, Marco Minghetti, Giovanni Morelli, and Count Ptobilant. In the same year, the Wedding day of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, and the anniversary of the Princess Poval's christenino- was marked by another conspicuous event in the family of the Crown Prince. A fourth son Avas born, who seemed sent to fill the sad gap which the death of his little brother had made two years before. The present Emperor of Tlussia was sponsor to Prince Waldemar, and the christen- ing took place on the Emperor William-s seventy-first birthday, at Berlin. He was a child of unusual promise, who inherited all the brightness of his father's natui'e, Avith that physical beauty which is so often the privilege of those whom the gods love. His little life was lono- enoup-li to win the hearts of all who were brought near him, and his early death, in his eleventh year, left a gap which could never be filled. It was by the side of this much-loved child that the father chose his last resting-place, 94 FREDERICK : when the great tragedy which the passing year has witnessed drew to its close. In November, 18G9, the Sovereigns of all the Maritime Powers were invited to take part in the ceremonious opening of the Suez Canal ; and this invitation afforded the C'l'own Prince, who was deputed to represent the King, an opportunity of realizing the long-cherished plan of a journey tlu'ough the East. Pausing on his way to make a pilgrimage to Dante's m'ave at Pavenna, he crossed from Brindisi l^v Corfu to Corinth. Fi'om Atliens he sailed to Constantino})le, where the Sultan made over to his o'uest the concession of an ancient monaster v (jf the Knights of St. John in Jerusalem, which was to fm-nish the site for a German Protestant Church and hospital. Embarking thence, he arrived on the 3i'd of November at Jaffa, and, escorted l)y a detachment of Marines from the Hertha, started at once for the Holy City, which was reached oii the following day, after a night in camp at Bab-el-Wady. Jerusalem is now no longer the goal of })i]grims from the ( 'atholic countries of Euro])e ; but (h'eeks and Armenians still Jiiake their way iit uuiubers to the Holy Sepulchre, and iliey ^^•ere a motley CROWN PlllNCE AND EMPEROR. 95 throng- of all the peoples of the East that lined the narrow streets to witness tlie Pi-ince's entry. As ever, full of consideration for all about him, he turned to the Marines in his escort, and bade them keep close to him, that they might not miss any of the sights. The deep imj^res- sion made by the haunting spiiit of a spot so familiar thi'ough long and tender association, found record in the following entry in the diary in which he never failed to chronicle his obser- vations and expeiiences :— "■ I shall never, as long as I live, forget that first evening in Jerusalem, "wlien I saw the sunset from the Mount of Olives, and that "wondrous peace of Nature supervened which cAcn in any other place has a solemn character of its own. Here the spirit could lift itself over earthly things, and ch^xdi uninterru})tedly in those thoughts which move the heart of every Christian when he looks hack on that great work of redemption, which found upon this hallowed spot its loftiest expression. To read over again one's favourite passages in the Gospels at such a place is in itself an act of worship." From Jerusalem, Bethlehem and the graves of the Patriai'chs ^^'ere visited, and after a brief excursion to Lebanon and Damascus the Crown Prince re-embarked for Port Said. The 96 FREDERICK : ceremonies connected with the opening of the Suez Canal were over in time to enable him to reach the first cataract of the Nile, and even to })enetrate some distance into Nubia, before rejoining the ( -rown Princess and his family for the Christmas rejoicing at Cannes, Avhere they had l>een staying with Princess Alice, whose husband had accompanied the Crown Prince on his travels. The last days of the year were s|)ent at Paris, where the Emperor Napoleon })aid them a visit at their hotel. They were " struck 1)V lindino- him chani>-ed and ailing and much dejected." In the course of conversation the Emperor mentioned that he had appointed a new Minister, M. Ollivier. Thence, on the morning of the New Year, little anticipating ^\'hat eventful days it was to bring him, the Crown Prince retin-ned to Berlin. Before that yeai- was over he met the Emperor Napoleon once again — the morning after the capitulation of Sedan. V. 1870—1871. V. 1870—1871. The Spring and early Summer of 1870 had passed uneventfully ; the Crown Prince had been sent by his doctors for a cin^e to Carlsbad, from which he returned in April ; and the only event wliich liad marked the year witli importance in his family was the birth of a daughter. Princess Sophie, on the 14th of June. The Kino- had ffone to Ems, as was his annual habit, when suddenly the crisis came, and the vrai" which had so long- been anticipated took Europe by surprise. This is not a j)h\ce to enter into the causes, immediate or remote, which led to the eventful struggle, nor is any detailed description contemplated of that memorable campaign. So much only will be dealt with in the following pages as may serve to throw light upon the military genius G 2 100 FREDERICK: and character of the suhject of the present sketch. After his well-known intei'view with M. Benedetti, tlie King retmiied immediately to Berlin. He was met at Brandenljurg by the Crown Prince. Both appreciated the full gravity of the moment and the issues that were at stake ; for now, if ever, the question of an united Germany was to be finally decided, and Prussia was to triumph or to disappear. All along the route two private secretaires had been constantly occupied in deciphering the telegraphic messages which were handed in at every station ; and it was on the King's arrival at Berlin that the Ci'own Piince read to him, by the flickering light of a gas-jet in the station waiting-i'oom, a despatch from Pai'is announcing the stormy meeting in the French chambers, which clearly indicated the condition of the public mind in Paris. It was to be war ; and the King on learning its contents simply said : " I think I can only answer this message ])y ordering the mobilization of the whole German army, and in ]i;i]f an liour I shall he ready to sign the necessary papers.' Tlie gas- Iniiij) by wliicli tlie eveiitfid message was read CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 101 was afterwards taken from its place and I'etained as a cherished relic. The plan of campaign had long been pre- pared, and all went forward with order and precision. On the 19th of July the French Charge cl' Affairs at Berlin handed in the declara- tion of war, and the whole fio-htinof strenw-th of Germany was already mobilizing and streaming to the Rhine. The King assumed the supreme command of the united German Army, while General Moltke, as Chief of the Staff, accom- panied his head-quarters, and directed the military operations. The available forces were divided into three armies. The first, commanded by General von Steinmitz, was ordered to con- centrate on the Moselle, in the neighbourhood of Treves. The second was placed under the command of Prince Frederick Charles, whose head- quarters were first fixed at Mayence, and directed to press forward to the frontier. The Third Army, which was to concentrate on the Upper Rhine, and to foi'm the left, or soutlieiii wing, was similarly to advance across the frontiei", keeping up close communication \vith the centre. It was commanded by the Crown Prince. His 102 FREDERICK : Chief of the Staif was General von Bhnnenthal ; the Artillery were under the orders of Lieutenant-General Herckt, and tlie Engineers under Major-General Schulz. The Crown Prince was well fitted, both by his character and his rank, to assume the difficult task of leadinof and conciliatinof the various elements of which the Third Army was composed.. At least a dozen different dialects of German were spoken in its i-anks. It consisted of the two Bavarian Army Corps, the combined (Jorps of Baden and Wlirtemberg, and the Fifth, Sixth, and Eleventh Prussian Army Corps, with the Second and Fourth Cavalry divisions, amongst which might be found Westjjhalians, Hessians, and Thuringians, with the reo-iments from Waldeck and Frankfort. On the 25th of July, the christening of Princess Sophie took ])lace. It was an anxious party tliat met round the Imptismal font, foi- tliere wei'e few [)resent tliei-e who were not iindcr orders for the front. The gentlemen were already in tlioir liigh boots and campaigning accoutrements. Emotion, aiixletv, and excitement made the Kini>' CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 103 unable to hold liis little m-andauofhter at the baptismal font, according- to wont, and lie deputed the task to the Queen Augusta. On the 25th, the Crown Prince once more went to church, and received the Communion with the Princess, and early on the morning of the 26th he departed without taking- leave ; he wished to spare his wife the agony of parting. He first proceeded to Munich, to pay a hasty visit to the King of Bavaria. Tlie reception accoixled him wherever he showed himself, the enthusiasm which greeted his appearance by the side of the young King in the theati'e, augured well for the spirit of the Bavarian troops. Proceeding from Munich to Stuttgart, he paused on his way at Ingoldstadt to introduce himself as their commander to the assembled officers of the Bavarian Army, and addressed them in the following words : "I cannot sufficiently express to you the honour which I feel has been done me by your King in entrusting his army to my command. Let us not conceal from ourselves that we have before us a momentous struo-o-le, but the universal enthusiasm which we are witnesses of 104 FREDERICK: from every corner of Germany bids me hope that, with God's help, it will be a victorious struggle, which will lead at last to a peace that shall crown our German Fatherland with pros- perity. Let us then rely on our good cause, upon our good sword ! " By Stuttgardt and Carlsruhe he proceeded to Spires, where his head-quarters were first established, and at once began that difficult task, which it is his special merit to have carried through so successfully, of consolidating his army, morally as well as practically, and welding its many elements into one harmonious whole. On the day of his arrival, the 30th, he was in the camp of the Bavarians, observing, encouraging, asking a friendly question of this man and that, and spreading by his genial presence, that con- taofious enthusiasm which is worth so uiuch on the eve of battle. The same day he issued his Proclamation to the Army : — "Soldiers of the Tiiiiu) Aumv, " Appointed Ly my loyal I'atlier Com- ]u;uider-iii-(Jluet' of tliu Third Army, I greet the troops of Prussia, Bavaria, Wiirtemherg, and Baden, who are henceforth under my command. 11 fills nio with piido and satisfaction to Lc advancing' against the foe at the CROWX rillNCE AND EMPEROR. 105 liead of an army composed of men from every part of our common German Fatherland, for the national cause, for the right, for the honour of Grermany. AVe are marching to a great and grave struggle, but con- vinced of the justice of our cause, and relying on your bravery, your endurance, and your manliness, we have no misgivings as to its victorious issue. Therefore let us liold fast to our true brotherhood in arms, that with God's help we may unroll our banners to new victories for the glory and the peace of our united Father- land. ' Frederick William, " Crown Prince of Prussia." On the 3rd of August the Prince pushed on his head-quarters to Landau, and issued orders that on tlie folloAving day his troops should cross the Lauter, and enter hostile territory. Keconnaissances had proved that the French showed no disposition to strike the first blow, and the fact that the frontier lines were still unoccupied, justified the presumption that they were not yet fully prepared. The Seventh Frencli C'or])S d' An nee, under General Felix Douay, detailed to protect the Southern passes of the Vosges, which was the lii'st to come to close quarters with the Third Army, had been the last to complete its mobilization, and the 106 FREDEPJCK : General was quite unprepared to carry out an instruction despatched on the 27th of July to join the division of Marshal MacMahon, whose troops were concentrated near Strasburg. The stragetic plan of the Emperor Napoleon to unite the armies of Metz and Strasburo-, to cross the Ilhine wdth an overwhelmino- force o and occupy Baden and the Palatinate, was anticipated by the rapidity of the German mobilization and advance. As day broke on the morning of the 4th the Crown Prince advanced on Weissenburo-. Ihe town itself, situated on the river Lauter, was fortified with obsolete ramparts dating fi'om the last century, but the heiofhts to the south-west, known as tlie Geisburg, afforded a very strong position, and were occuj^ied by General Douay with eleven battah'ons of infantry and four batteries of artillery. Tlie Crown Prince ariived on the field of battle at a quarter j)ast nine, and directed operations in person. Before midday the town was in the hands of the Germans, and what remained of tlie garrison their ])risonerK. 'I'lie whole attack was then concentrated on the Geisberg. Many of the regiments had been as much as CROWN rillNCE AND EMPEROR. 107 eight hours on the inarch, hut their determined advance carried all before it, and tlie French, Avho were heavilv outnunil^ered, abandoned their positions one by one. A stubborn resist- ance was made in tlie Schloss, with its out- houses, crowninii' the summit, and a first attempt to carry the position by storm was repulsed ; but still new trt)ops succeeded. The French, with great coolness, reserved tlieir fire till the enemy was Avitliin certain range, and then opened a deadly hail from every point of vantaofe. The colours of the Seventh Royal Grenadiers, who led the advancing column, were passed from hand to hand, as one by one the bearers were sliot down. At length a battery was brought to bear upon the strong- hold, now suiTounded on every side by the Prussian and Bavaiian troops, and towards one o'clock the survivors surrendered, and the first battle of the war was won. The victorious I'egiments wei-e di*awn up on the heights as the C^rown Prince rode u}) the bloody slopes of the Geisberg, where the dead and wounded were lying on every side, in evidence of the severity of the struggle. On his way he paused here and there to s})eak 108 FREDERICK: to a wounded soldier, and then standing still in the midst of his young troops, still black with powder-smoke and soiled with the dust of battle, he addressed a few stirring words of gratitude to each and all for their steadiness and gallantry. The tattered flag of the Koyal Grenadiers was brought him, and he kissed it, and embraced the wounded commander of the regiment. Major von Kaisenberg, who had fallen at the head of the stormino- colunni, with the colours in his hand. Then, learning that General Douay had fallen in the battle, he desired to be shown the body of this distino-uished officer. The (Jiown Prince went in alone to the peasant's cottage where he lay ; it was a moving and suggestive sight ; in the morning their chances were equal ; in the flush of victory, the pathetic contrast of this brave man's fate now touched him deeply ; not a soul of all the thousands he had connnanded was watching at liis side, only his dog sat whining l)y tlie corj)se. The German troops had uiidoulikHlly out- numbered tlie French considerably. Some sixteen battalions had been engaged on their side, wln'le the* division of General Douay CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 10!) numbered less tlian 9,000 men ; but tlie strength of tlie French position had more than compensated for tlie inequaUtj of numbers, and the steadiness and determina- tion shown by the Germans liad been exem- plary. Besides, the first ordeal had been successfully overcome ; Prussians and Bavarians had conquered side by side. The importance of the victory could scarcely be over-estimated, Imt it was dearly bought, for ninety-one officers and upwards of 1 .400 men were left on the 1 battlefield. In the afteinoon of the 4th liead-quai'ters were advanced to Schweighofen, and on the following' dav to Sulz, some seven miles from the villasfe of Worth. The news of the defeat of his advance-guard reached Marshal MacMahon the same evening at Strasburg. He at once pushed forward with all the forces he could muster, to retrieve, if possible, the disaster, by covering the passes of the Vosges, and attempting to drive the invading army liack over the Alsatian frontier. With this object he took up a strong position, on the 5th, along a line of wooded heights to the west of the village of Wortli. in communication with 110 FREDERICK : the more distant fortress of Bitscli. In the rear of his 2:)osition lav TIeichshofen, connected with Worth by a high road ; to the north-east was the villao'e of Froschweiler, to the soutli Elsasshaiisen, the left and right centres of the French lines, the extreme riMit extendinuf as far as Morsbrunn, and the extreme left to Neuweiler, in the direction of Bitsch. The attack was expected on the 7tli, and it had been the intention of the Commander of the Third Armv to })ostpone the decisive encounter till that day, when he would have l)een able to bring all his five army corps into action simul- taneously ; but during the night of the 5th, and in the early mornino- of the Gth, a lively interchange of shots took place between the French ()iit])osts and the advance guard of the Fifth Prussian ( 'or|)s in the centre, and the Second Bavarian Corps on the right. The General in connnand of the Fifth Corps, noticing considerable movement in the French lines about 4 a.m., was under the impression that they were about to retreat from their positions, and ordered a reconnaissance in force. From tliis i-ocoiniaissanco the decisive battle developed itself: foi' tliough oidcMs were CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 1 I 1 despatched to the various coiiiiiianders to avoid bringing on a general action at present, matters had ah^eady gone too far to make this course practicable, and the French had assumed the offensive. The commander of the Eleventh Corps, which formed the left of the first line, seeing the Fifth Corps and the Bavarians engaged, prepared to render assistance, and by midday all three corps were fully employed. At half-past twelve, the Crown Prince and his Staff arrived on the field of battle, and about the same time tlie First Bavai'ian Corps and the Wilrtemburg division, whicli had had upwards often miles to march that morning, were draw- n^i' into line, while the Baden reofiments were following hard 1 behind. The first ol)ject of tlie Crown Prince was to drive the French out of Wortli, and having done this, to move forward and contest the positions held by the left wing of Marshal MacMahon's army, extending in a north- easterly direction to Froschweiler, while a sim- ultaneous movement was to be directed ae'ainst the French right at Elsasshausen, to prcA'ent the possibility of their attacking the Fifth Prussian Corps in flank. 112 FREDERICK : Immediately after the arrival of the Com- mander-in-Chief, an advance was ordered along tlie whole line. After a brief but severe struggle, Worth was carried by General von Kirchback, and two attempts to retake it were repulsed. Meanwhile the Eleventh Corps, advancing against the French right, drove them back from Morsbrunn to Elsasshausen, and joined liands with the centre, now moving upon Froschweiler. All along the road fi'om Morsbrunn they had fought a desperate hand to hand struggle, through woods and vineyards ; the ground did not permit of re-forming, and the ficrht was man for man. The dead and wounded lay clubbed or bayonetted, French and German, side by side or locked together in the death -grapple where they fell. Just outside Elsasshausen General von Bose, who commanded the corps, was severely wounded, but still man- aged to keep his seat in the saddle; an hoin- later he received a second wound at Frosch- weiler. Thus the French right, still fighting ^vitll unremitted courage, was forced to yield step ]jy ste]) along tlie whole position, and the progress of the German left was the signal for a concentrated attack on Fi-oschweiler. Alxmt CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 113 three o'clock in the afternoon the batteries opened lire upon it from three sides, and as the flames of the burning houses marked the havoc which the shells had made, the combined lio-ht and centre advanced to storm the heights. The Crown Prince, when he had issued his final orders, leapt upon his horse and rode after the storming columns, through Worth and across the field of battle. At four o'clock Marshal MacMahon recognized that his position was no longer tenable, and gave orders to retire. It was at this point, in order to cover his retreat on Reichshofen, and stay the pursuit of the victorious Germans left from Elsasshausen, that he ordered that desperate charge of the brigade of Cuirassiers, which, executed with the unfalteiing devotion of a forlorn hope, became one of the most tragic and heroic episodes in a story abounding in tragedy and heroism. If the roads l)eyond Ileichshofen to Bitsch, Zabern, and Strasburg were secured, it was at a frio-htful cost. Tlie French cavah^v charged into a valley of death ; mown down by the sinudtaneous fire of artillery and infantry, they lay in ordered ranks, with their faces to il 114 FEEDEEICK : the foe that few of them ever reached, a grisly army of the dead. The Freneli had fou^'ht with the utmost gallantry, and all that mortal men could do to avert disaster had been clone ; but attacked simultaneously on the North, East, and South, with his retreat threatened, the Marshal had no choice but to I'etire. He reached Zabern on the followinof dav, and withdi-ew thence to Chalons, while other portions of the army fell back on Bitsch and Strasburg", In the eveninof the Crown Prince rode over the battlefield and congratulated his troops on this decisive victory ; the massed bands were playing the national hymn as he rode up the heights of Froschweiler, greeted by the joyful cheers of officers and men. But it was a scene of deso- lation that met his eyes, the dead of Beich- shofen lay in grim and ghastly heaps, and there were terrible gaps in his own regiments. On the French side some 200 officers and i),000 men were prisoners, while the losses in killed and wounded amounted to uj)wai(ls of (5,000, but the victory A\'as oljtained at the cost of 500 officers and more than 10,000 men liors de combat. Amoni'st the distiiii''uished French CEOWN rillNCE AND EMPEROR. 115 officers who liad been ^vounded, the Crown Prince found General liaoult, who succumbed to his injuries a few weeks later, lying on his camp-bed, and, grasping his hand, spoke a few words of kindly solicitude, and while offering to convey any communication he might wish to his family, desired him to command his services. The following day, tlie 7th, Avas devoted to i-est. In the morninof the Crown Prince aoi-ain rode over tlie field of battle, and was then for the first time able to appreciate the full measure of the carnao-e and desolation that the dav's work had made. In the o-arden of a farm-house which had not sufiered from the passing storm, he found a Bavarian troo|)er, who had made himself verv much at home, enjoying a quiet breakfast, and as was his wont addressed a few friendly words to him. Stand- ing at attention with his hand at the salute, the honest Bavarian allowed his enthusiasm to carry him away, and exclaimed : "If oidy we had had vour Koval Hii^iniess to lead us in 1866, you would have seen how we would have thrashed those cursed Prussians ! ' — " I never," said the Crown Prince, " received a compliment that ])leased me better." H 2 116 FEEEERICK : The road now lay o^jeii into the heart of Fi'ance, and the advance was continued through the passes of the Yosges. The Baden contingent Avas told off to invest the fortress of Strasburg, and on the I 1th, from head-quarters at Petersbach, the following proclamation was issued to the victorious troojDS : — " Soldiers of the Third Army, " Having with the victorious battle of Weisseii- biu'g crossed the frontier into French territory, and then by the brilliant victory of Worth driven the French out of Alsace, we have by now ad^'anced across the Yosges far into France, and have established com- munications with the First and Second Armies, before whose successful arms Ihe foe has equally been com- pelled to retire.* It is your great gallantry, your high spirit, your endurance under every difficulty and exer- tion, that we have to thank for these important achieve- ments. In the name of the King of Prussia, our Connnander-in-C.'hii'l', and in ilir nainc art ill tlie eam])aign. ( )ri tlie "JOth the ( Vown Pi-iiice went to Pont-a-Moussoii, and saw the Kinjjf f(n' the first time after an (n-entful montli. The coveted v a cessati(jn of hostilities. ( )ii tlic rtli of Marcli the ( Vown i^'ince left A eisaillcs. 'I'hc war was over, aiid on the last Sunda\', as he sat at ser\ice in the little CROWX PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 135 church, which he had never failed to attend durino- his lono- residence there, the words of the text, '' How heautiful upon the mountains are tlie feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that pubhsheth peace," must have fallen upon his ears with a peculiar sweetness and a (leei)er meaning than ever before. After a l)rief jom-ney to Kouen and Amiens, to inspect the Army of the North,, and convey the Emperor's thanks to General von Goeben for his decisive victory at St. Quentin, he rejoined his Imperial Father at Nancy, where he issued Ids last address to his army. " I take my leave of you," it concluded, " Prussian and Bavarian corps, soldiers of Wilrtemberg and Baden, with the hope and in full confidence that the brotherhood of arms and the spirit of union cemented on the bloody field of battle may iievei' disappear, but increase in vitality and streiiuth, to the honour, the HorV', and the blessini'' of our common Fatherland.' But the })arting ANas not to be a final one, for, needless to say, he was at Munich in July, when the Bavarian troops returned to make their triumphal entry. It was a touch- ing meeting, and the words which he spoke at 136 FREDERICK : the ensuing banquet were a message to every man who had foug-ht under his command, which he might bear back with pride to his mountain village, and rej^eat in time to come with all those memories and episodes which many a cottage home throughout the length and breadth of Germany still teems with. " In this campaign," he said, " I learned what we may expect from Bavaria in good and evil days. With the help of the Bavarians we have Avon an honourable jjeace, which we hope will endure. And as in war they did their duty, so may they now emulate the rest of the German family in furthering the arts of peace, and in practising in peace the virtues of a soldier." After the war of 1870, it became the Crown Prince's annual duty to inspect the military contingents of the South German States, and the associations ol' the great campaign were thus continually refreshed. It was ever his aim to bind faster those bonds of union which his j)ersonal influence had done so much to pro- mote, and, by guaranteeing to the various component elements of the Empire respect for their individual character and institutions, to CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 137 enlist the public sympathy i'or the changed order of thintrs. o From Nancy it was one long triumphal pro- gress home. Berlin was reached on the 17th of March ; and, though no official reception was allowed, the Eoyal carriage in which the King and the Crown Prince were to be seen side by side could only proceed at a foot pace through the dense masses that crowded the streets, cheering them with the cheers of a triumphant nation. With one pretty picture the record of the great campaign may fitly close, when, a little later, in response to the call of the people who thronged about his Berlin Palace, a window opened, and they saw in the midst of his young family, and beside the Crown Princess, the hero of so many victories, happy in his own home, Avitli his youngest cliild in liis arms. Men have judged and ^^•ill judge his military genius differently. How thorough was his practical knowledge of the soldier's business is clear from the fact that the new drill regulations for the infantry, Avhich by order of the reigning Emperor are to supersede the old ones, had been long planned by him. It 138 FREDERICK: Avas his decisive march at Konio-g-i-atz which decided the fate of the day, it was his insistence on the necessity of leading the whole of his Army to Sedan that ensured the surrender of Marshal MacMahon's Army and the person of the Empei'or Napoleon. Few great leaders can show such an unvaiying recoi'd of successes, and none have possessed in a higher degree tlie most indispensable quality of the successful soldier, the power of attaching to himself the love and confidence of his followers. He showed a I'are and striking example of simplicity and unselfishness to his soldiers. He never admitted luxuries, and would not even accept necessaries if he knew that his men were without food and drink. His thouo'ht was always for others, nevei- foi' himself The verdict of an Englishman, who had the most excejjtional o[)p()rtunities of observing the events which have just l)een described, cannot l';iil I'l br iiileivsling (<> l^.nghsh readers. General Sir l>eauchaiii|) Walker, wlio in his capacity as iiritish Military Attache, and no less as a personal friend, accompanied the Crown ^ Prince's Staff through the cam])aigns of 18GG and 1870, writes :— CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 139 " The great cliaracteristic which distinguished him was his eoohiess in difficulty ; whatever happened, he and Bkinienthal kept their heads clear. His j udgnient was calm in action, his consideration was humane in success. What more can one say of the noblest man I have ever known !" " VI. 1871—1887. VI. 1871—1887. Hitherto we have followed in the Prince's footsteps, along- the path of pul)llc duty, and throiio-h scenes of continual activity. Now, a long- period of peace lies before us, and while considering- this quieter pictui-e, we may also oflance back aofain and see how the intervals of rest were spent, and what were the interests and occupations of one who, though circum- stances had made him a soldier, was at heart a man of peace. A love of study, an enthusiasm for Art, with a full consciousness of its lofty and ennobling- mission, continued with him through- out his life, while he found in tlie Crown Princess one who shared his cultivated tastes, and actively co-operated in directing- those labours of love which it Ijecame his especial mission to })romote. His own words will best testify what he held the aim of all true Art to be. Speaking at the opening of the Jubilee 144 FREDERICK : Exhibition of the Berhn Academy, in 1886, he said : " But look to it, that our Art be never untrue to its high cahing, to be for man- kind, liioh and low, rich and poor, that elevating and sjDiritualizing influence which helps man up to God. Then, after that, let it fulfil its other calling — the union of nations and individuals, with all their diflerent utter- ances, in the common worship of the ideal." Needless to say, their Court at Berlin was a meeting jDlace for all that was remarkable in various fields of culture. In Berlin and Vienna, of all the European capitals, the distinctions of class are still most rigorously marked, and there is accordingly less social intercourse between the various grades and faculties. Moreover, party spirit still runs very high, opinions coincide with social positions, and the mutual antipathy of the various political denominations is by no means confined to the precincts of the Chamber. The parties at the Crown Prince's Palace, however, formed a l)rig]it oxTM^ptioii to tliis somewhat monotonous uniformity of (■l.-iimishness, and there would be gathered togetlier scholars and theologians, archocologists ;ii)d explorers, artists and men of C'ROWX riUNCE AM) EMPEROR. 145 letters, without (listinctlon of birth or pohtical opinion. Many a young and unknown singer, and many a struofo-lino- musician, have owed tlieir first introduction to the pubhc notice to the Winter concerts at their palace, and all that was new in the field of design, all that waf? original or remarkable in Art, was assured beforehand of their interest and support. Our own countrymen can bear witness to the fact that no English author or painter of eminence whom business or pleasure took to Berlin, ever failed to find a warm welcome there ; and it was always matter for regret if any such passed through the capital unnoticed or unknown. It was therefore a pecidiar satisfaction to the Crown Prince, debarred as he was by the rule he had made himself, from any participation in affairs of State, when the ofBce of Protector of Public Museums was conferred upon him. Those who have seen them before his interest and energies were enlisted in their behalf, and since, have testified to the extraordinary de- velopment and improvement of these collec- tions under his sympathetic control. The Old Museum, founded but little more than fifty K 14G FREDERICK : years ago, has few rivals in Europe in com- pleteness, certainly none in arrangement. The pictures, judiciously added to by recent pur- chases, for the most part from England, though still comparatively few in inunl^er, are thoroughly representative of the various schools in their rise and evolution ; — the print room, enriched under the Prince's regime by the famous acquisitions from the Hamilton Collec- tion, is probably the best managed institution of its kind that exists ; — the marbles from Pergamos, recovered by the indomitable perse- verance of Herr Humann, have under his auspices been added to reinforce the weaker side of the Museum, its classical sculpture ; while it can show, what we in England, with all our wealtli of treasures, have not yet lieen able to afford ourselves, a galleiy of casts from the great sculptui-es of the world, which it was his aim to render complete. Tlie Museinn of Industrial Art, corresponding to our own Museum at Soutli Kensington, has grown u]) entirely luider the supervision of the Crown Pihico and Princess, A tliird institution, the Ethnological Museum, in wliicli lie took tlie keenest interest, is still in pi-ocess of ;n'i';nige- CROVVX PRTXCR AXD EMPKPvOli. 147 ment, and tliouii;-]i already open, will not be completed for some time to come.* But it was not only the moral and intellectual progress of the pso})le which the Prince and Princess have been ever zealous to promote ; the material prosperity was a matter of no less concern. And so Avell was their devotion to this work understood in Germanv that, on the celebration of their silver weddino-, the present wliich the country placed in their hands * In an eloquent and touching speech, at a meeting held on the 1st of Jul}-, Dr. llichard Schone, the Director-General of the Royal Berlin Museums, summed up the great services rendered to Art by the departed Emperor. He enumerated the new Museums that had been inaugurated under liis fostering hand, and described the efforts made by him to place the collections at Berlin on a footing of equaliiy with those of other countries. The excavations at Ol3mpia, he added, would remain a permanent monument of his zeal for, and devotion to, knowledge. "In the midst of a whole nation's mourning," lie said, " they may scarcely venture to raise their voices, whose privilege it was to serve and to labour under him, in that more restricted field to which the Emperor Frederick, as Crown Prince, on behalf of his Im- perial father, bestowed his special protection. But if, as long as the light of his eyes was not darkened, our mouths were closed in respectful reserve, now, at least, that he has gone from us, we may be permitted, over his grave, to give full expression to the reverence, the love, and the unalterable gratitude, which we had learned to feel for hira." K 2 148 FREDERICK : was a sum £50,000, collected from the highest and the lowest, and in every portion of the Empire, to be distributed as they judged fit, among tlie various charities with which they were connected. How thoroughly this gift was appreciated appears from their message of thanks: " We must express our especial satis- faction at the fact, that our silver wedding has been made tlie occasion of giving to the day on which we made our maiiiage vow, and founded, with God's help, the happiness of our lives, its fairest consecration, and a significance which our feelings and our aspirations approve, by the inauguration of charitable institutions, and by collections for objects at once noble and of public utility." Space would f; il to enumerate all the founda- tions and institutions wliich owe their existence to the initiative of the loyal pair, or in wliich they have taken an active interest. The so- called " Workmen's Colonies," whose olyect is the I'echiiiiiiiig of tramps ;iii(l linding tem2:)orary occiip.'it ion for the luicniploved ; the " Fort- bildiing's Schule " iiisiilutions for tlie technical ;iii(| pi;i(tic;il ('(hicntioii of working-meii in their leisure lioiii's. owe iinicli to the ( Vown Prince's CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 149 promotion and patronage ; while it needs Ijut to mention the Society for the Promotion of Health in the Home, the Victoria School for the Trainino- of Nurses, tlie Victoria Foundati(jn for the Trainino- of Younp' Girls in Domestic and Industrial Work, to show the practical nature of the public services to which they devoted themselves with the cordial co-opera- tion of the nRuiiclpal officers of Berlin. Broad and tolerant in religious oj)iiiioii. the (-rown Prince was a determined opponent of the anti- Semitic movement, and a firm supporter of the liberty of conscience. He was a zealous protector of the order of Freemasons, and a number of speeches made hy him to various lodges are on record, in which the same key- note is always struck, tlie })ractical work they have to do, and the necessity of obsolete customs and traditions yieldiug to the law of human progress. But it was especially at Potsdam, in the Summer months, away from the restraints of the capital and the absoi'bing calls of social and public duties, that the home-life of the Soldier-Prince displayed its brightest side. The occupations affi)i'ded by the little farm 150 FREDERICK: at Bornstedt, the A^isits to the schools, the care of poorer and humbler neighbours, have been already alluded to. A charming picture was afforded every year, as Christmas came round, when all the tenants of the Bornstedt estate and their children met I'ound the Christmas-tree and the lony tables rano'ecl AN'ith presents, to distribute which the kindly landlord and his family never failed to come fi'om Berlin. And aoain, in the Sunnnei', when the school-feast came round, and tlie playing ground of the little Princes and Princesses was filled with tiny beings, shy and full of awe at first, but before lono- Ijiinimini'- over with excitement and (le]ii;lit. and carrying away a memory which would never be forgotten of those wlio led their rom])S, and stood bv to watch theii- nierrv games. Indeed, the Crown Prince and Princess were never happier than when tliey were surrounded by the children of the ])oor ; and every school or instilulioii A\ith which they were in any way connected was sure of its amuial inxitation. The education of their own chikh'en liad IVnni the first absorlxd their anxioTis care. CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 151 The yoiiiiy Princes were brought up in the strictest simplicity, and early encouraged to take their part in those offices of kindness and cliarity in wliich their parents found a 2)leasura]:)le (hity, while by frequent association with their humbler brethren they were taught to understand the harder realities of life. The Crown Prince himself had been the first of his house to enter a public university. In the case of his two sons, a more striking departure from ancient usage was decided upon, and when Prince William was fifteen years of age, and Prince Henry twelve, they were sent to the Gymnasium at Cassel, M'hich occupies the jjlace in Germany of one of our greater public schools. They were left by their parents, who accompanied them thither, in charge of General von Gottberg, their military governor, and Dr. Hinzpeter, their former tutor. Prince William, who was placed at once in one of the higher forms, passed his final examinations after some two years' study, and when he came of age in 1877, on completing his 18th year, quitted Cassel to join the regiment in which his father had also begun his military career, 152 FREDERICK : nearly thirty years before. Prince Henrv, who was destined for a naval career, on leaving Cassel, joined the cadet shi]3 " Niobe," at Kiel, and after a year's a^^prenticeship, started in the " Prince Adalbert " for a two year's cruise round the world. The tAvo young Princes inherited from their mother their taste for English games and field sports. The first lawn-tennis coui-t in Berlin and Potsdam, where the i>ame is now i>Towini»' poj^ular, was, needless to say, in the gardens of the New Palace ; the river Havel, with its . wooded lakes, "^^'as near for bathing and boating ; and on a little model frigate pre- sented by oui- Kiug William IV. to the King of Prussia, they learned their first essays in navigation. There is no one who follows with a keener interest all great events ill the Avovld of sport and athletics in J^^iigland than tlie })resent German Emperor, The vounoest dauMiter of tlie Crown Prince and Princess was liorn on the 22nd of April, 1872, and njiiiicd Margaret, after her god- motlicr, the reigning Queen of Italy, wlio came lo P(jtsdam for tlio christening ceremonies. The close friendsliip ot" the heirs to the thrones CROWN miNCJE AND KMl'EUDR. 153 of Germany and Italy was bearing fruit, for in the following- year (1873) King Victor Emmanuel, who nntil the downfall of the French Empire had from a sense of obligation maintained sympathetic relations with the Emperor Napoleon, paid a visit to the Court of Berlin, which was i-eturned by the Crown Prince innnediately, and by the Emperor him- self as soon as jjul^lic duty admitted of his absenting himself fi'om the capital. Latterly there were few years when l:)usiness or ])Ieasui'e did not take the Crown Prince over the Alps. Many will remember, with special interest at the present time, an incident which occurred during his visit to Piome in 1878, when he went as the Emperor's representative to attend the funeral of the founder of the new Itahan kingdom. Appearing on the balcony of the Quirinal with King Humbert and Queen Mar- gherita, he lifted the little Prince of Naples in his arms to show him to the people. The quick imagination of the Koman crowd seized ori tlie symbolic side of this natural movement, and a"ave vent to the most enthusiastic demon- strations of delio-ht. o In the same year, after the marriage of his 154 FREDEKICK : eldest daughter, Piincess Charlotte, with the Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Meiningen, the Crown Piince had acconi])anied the Ci'own Princess to Eniiiand. During" their visit to Hatfield House in the Iseoinninu- of June came the news of the desperate attempt of the socialist Nobiling on the life of the Emperor William, The evening after the receipt of this alarmino- news the Crown Prince and Princess were once more in Berlin, where the Government was placed in the Prince's hands during the Emj^eror's temporary disablement. It was not until the last month of 1878 that the aged Monarch was sufficiently recovered to i-esume the reins of o-overnment. During" these six montlis the Congress of Berlin had met and separated. One famous State document, l)eaiiiii'- tlie (Sown Prince's signature, belongs to this ))erio(l of the llegency, a letter to Pope Leo XII 1., at the moment when those negotia- tions with the Vatican were re-opened, Avhicli ])aved tlie way for an uRimate reconciliation. Tlie f)]lowiiig extract contains the two essential points : tlie fii'm deteniiiiintion of the Prussian Sovereign to i('in;iin independent of the control of the ( 'hnrch, and 1 ho pi'oiession of i'eadines3 CEOWN PRINCE AND FMPEEOE. 155 to approach the questions at issue in a ccn- cihatory spirit : — "The demand advanced in your letter of the 17th of April, that the constitution and the laws of Prussia should be modified to meet the principles of the Roman Catholic Church, is one which no Prussian Sovereign will be able to admit, because the inde- pendence of the IVIonarchj, which it is now my duty to defend, as an inheritance received from my fathers and an obligation owed to my country, would cease to be absolute if the free development of its legislation were to be subordinated to the controlof another power with- out. Though it is therefore not in my power, and perhaps not in that of yoiu' Holiness either, to remove an antagonism of principles, whicli has for a thousand years been more keenly felt in the history of Germany than in that of any other country, I am nevertheless prepared to meet the difficulties which both parties have inherited in this conflict, in the peace-loving and con- ciliator}^ spirit which my convictions as a Christian enjoin." When the brief period of llegency was over the Crown Prince resumed his quiet, unobtrusive life once more ; but there was no work of 2:)ublic utility, no historic centenary, no inauguration of national monuments in which he did not take his part, sometimes by the side of the Emperor, 150 FREDERICK: sometimes as his representative. The Winter which followed these troublous times was indeed a sad one foi- tlie royal household — in De- cember Princess Alice died, and in March fell the crushing blow which has been already alluded to, the death of the beloved Prince Waldemar. / The small English connnunity of Berlin was sure of the Crown Piince's interest and j)ro- tection, and the buildinjif of the Enu-lish churcli, in the gardens of the Monbijou Palace, with the funds which were collected on tlie occasion of the Silver Wedding, was a source of continual occu|)ation to the Crown Princess, who studied every detail herself with an artist's care. There is a pleasant memory of liome al)out tlie little church, prettily situated in the Palace garden, and its completion was the realization of a lono" cherished dream. The speech made l)y the ( -rown Prince at the ceremony of laying the foundation stone will be especially interesting to English readers : — "1 l'(,'cl," he said, " a peculiar pleasure iu addressing those who luivo mot together to-da}^ to witness the lay- ing of tlie foundation-stone of the first English chmx'h in (liis t(j\v'ii ; for -lish church at Bonn, and 1 kept it, .-uid ahvavs cai-rv it aljout with me. 1 likc^ vour Enirlish serv^ice so mucli.' " And so the years went by l)i-iglitlv and use- fully, in s])ite of the ever-increasing dilHculty CROWN PRINCE AND KMPEROR. 159 of the position, as the heir to the throne grew older, witnessing in due course the marriage of Prince WiUiam to Princess Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein, witnessing the birth of grandchildren, and all the lights and shadows of home-life, varied l3y continual journeys as duty called or pleasure ; for the wandering spirit acquired in youth was strong to the last. One of these journeys calls for more than a passing record. It was towards the close of 1883 that the Crown Prince was chari'-ed to return on the King's behalf the visit that King Alfonso of Spain had paid to the Prussian capital. Circumstances had rendered it ex- jjedient that the nearer route through France should be aliandoned, and the journev made by sea from Genoa to Valencia. Tlie advent of the Prince in Italy was invaiiably mai'ked l)v popular demonstrations of aflPection ; and late as the hour was when the Royal paity arrived in Genoa, the streets were thronged to receive liim, for it was still fresh in the people's memory that the Crown Prince and Princess had initiated an appeal to their own countrymen on l^ehalf of the sufferers in the recent calamit}" of Ischia. After spending the night in the Poyal I no FREDERICK: Palace, he embarked on the " Prhice Adalbert," the vessel m which his son had sailed round the world, and arrived at Valencia, after a stormy passage, on the 22nd of November. At Madrid every form of festivity was instituted in his honour ; and at the Court Ball the veteran General von Blumenthal, who accompanied him, was forced to take })art in the royal quadrille, a performance which he said Aveighed more heavily on liim tlian the prospect of another campaign would have done. All was new ground to the Crown Prince, who spent every available moment in the j^icture galleries, and after a foi't night at Madrid he devoted anotlier week to a tour among the classic cities, finding a new revelation of Art in the marvels of the Alhambra, in the great Moscpie, with its thousand columns of the city of the Caliphs, in the vast design of the Cathedral of Seville. 1 )uri ni-- his stay at Madrid a telegTam reacheil him fi-om Berlin, instructing him to ret 1 nil 1)V Home, ostensibly to thank the King for 1 1 is hospitality at Genoa, but also to afford an o])portunity for a visit to the Pope, whose (•oiK-ili;itoi-v ]){)licy })romised to effect an end so ardently desii'cd by the Emperor William, the CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 161 re-establisliiiieiit of peace with the CathoHc Church and party. In Home the Crown Prince Avas the guest of the King- at the QuirinaL A visit direct from the Quirinal to the Vatican could scarcely, in the actual state of relations, have been acceptable. A curious compromise was therefore resorted to. From the Quirinal the Pi'ince drove first to the German Embassy. Tlience he proceeded to the official residence of the Prussian Minister accredited to the Poj^e, and there, dismountinof from the carriaofe which bore the arms of the house of Savoy, he drove with his Staff in the carriages of the Prussian Legation to the Vatican. He had previously disarmed the possibility of misinterpretation on the part of the national party, by placing, in the morning, a wreath on the grave of King Victor Emmanuel. There was no other person present at his interview with tlie Pope, and what passed remained at the time subject for conjecture. The incident is introduced here not on account of its j)olitical aspect, but in illustration of the admirable tact and judgment through which the Prince succeeded in offend- ing neither party. " Being the guest of the King of Italy," he said himself, "I have also L 162 FREDERICK: been able to ])ay a visit to the Pope. These are facts of (^reat importance, of which oiu- count I'v Avill reaj) the benefit.'- The mention of Ivome I'ecalls the memory of one who, having witnessed there the solution of the Italian question, was during thirteen yeai'S the Queen's representative at Bei-lin, and who acquired, as few foreignei's could ever hope to do, the confidence both of the Court and the Government. In Lord Ampthill, gifted as he was in an extraordinary measure with social and intellectual charm, the Crown Prince and Princess found a warm friend, and they took the greatest pleasure in the society both of himself and of his wife — a friend of the Crown Pi'incess's early days. His little villa on tlie hill near Sans Souci was a favourite spot with them, and the scene of many cherished recol- lections. An admirable scholar and a qualified critic, he Avas at the same time a thorough man of the world, a master of the literature of four languages, and lie possessed the gift of expres- sion in eacli ; liis mind was a storehouse of memories and portraits, and while it was a privilege to listen to his conversation, he possessed the i-are niid lovable quality of CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 163 seeming to bestow his best upon whomsoever he mio'ht for the moment be in contact with. His early death, in 1884, was a great grief and a genuine loss to the royal pair, in whose lives lie luid become such a flimiliar hii-ure. The day after liis death the Crown Prince came himself to the little villa to lay a wreath upon the coffin, and he took a rosebud from it away Avith him to keep. When in the summer of 188(j the Universitv of Heidelbei'u: celebrated its fifth centenar\% the Crown Prince was again the Emperor's repi'e- sentative. His speech on this occasion, ajjart from its intrinsic merit, and its telling force in the mouth of one who was looked on as the typical representative of United Germany, has also a touchino- interest from the fact that it is the last important public speech which he ever made in that clear, familiar, linging voice of his. So soon after the shadows began to close around him, and the silence fell. This sjjeech, which inevitably loses much in translation, is so remai'kable that it shall be oiven unabridii'ed. Addressing himself to the Grand Duke of Baden as Chancellor, and the assembled University, he said : — L 2 1G4 FREDERICK: "As bearer of tlie greetings and cougratulatious of His Majesty the Emperor, I am filled A\'itli pride and pleasm'e at the enthusiasm with which on these festal days her sons, both young and old, have gathered round their princely Chancellor, looking back with him on the glorious history of this University, aud realizing, with gratitude to God, that in the 500 years of her existence she has never known a brighter period than that in which w^e live. Founded in the dawn of our age of culture, the University of Heidelberg has experienced and shared in all the changeful phases through which the German character has passed, in the hard-won development of its individuality. She has fiomished and di'ooped in turn ; suffered and battled for the freedom of belief aud research ; has known sorrow and exile, that at last, sujjported by the firm and gentle hand of her royal protector, she might cover her honourable Avounds with the gala robe of victory. "Like the German nation, whose noblest possessions her voice was ever raised to defend, she has seen ful- filled the desire of centuries. Her shield of honour gleams the brighter in the suu of our united Father- land. With deep emotion I recall to-day the momentous hour* in which your Royal Highness was * At the oercmuii)' ut Versailles, Avlieii the Emperor assumed the Imperial dignity, the Grand Duke of Eadeu was the first io step forward and call foi' a cheer for the " (Jeriuaii Emperor." CliOWN" PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 1G5 the first to greet the leader of our victorious nation by the noble name of Emperor. This recollection has for me a deep significance at the festival wliich we are celebrating. To be the first to put in action a great and good resolve is a privilege of your illustrious house and of this famous University. " It is my pleasant duty in the mission I fulfil to acknowledge to her honour how loyally Heidelberg per- formed hor part in fostering those mental and social conditions wliich were the first step to oiu" national regeneration. She was ever liberally hospitable to teachers as to pupils. From every province they flocked to her, and in the loving arms of theu' Alma Mater, they realized once more that a greater mother was their parent. "So here in the quiet of the student's life was developing what history, after long wanderings, has vouchsafed us. In the south-western corner of the Empire, near the . old frontier, and therefore near the danger, the son of the North learned to love the son of the South as his brother, that he might return again to his home, and spread abroad the fair faith that all the people are one people, which faith is our treasure and our strength. " And now that we possess it once more, this blessing of unity, there is blown back from the mighty whole a breath which brings vigour to the dear old home where we were educated. Wider grow the aims of knowledge, wider our aspirations, more grateful the duty of the 166 FEEDERICK : teacher to proclaim them, and of the pupil to appreciate them. " The Fatherland and the Academic Commonwealth can only exercise a heneficial influence on one another if they preserve the same virtues in their respective spheres of activity. The higher the results we achieve in science and in history, the loftier the aims to which we aspire, the greater prudence and self-denial we shall need. " My dearest wishes and my confident hope, which I offer to the University to-day, are recorded in the appeal I make to teachers and to scholars, to bear in mind the duty most imperiously devolving on us, when elated with success, in learning as in living, to he conscientious and severe in intellectual discipline, and to promote the feeling of brotherhood among comrades, tliat from the spirit of independence and the love of peace may ensue the necessary force to develop all the forms of our national life. So may it be granted to this University, one of the oldest schools of German culture, to remain in energ}' lier youngest." In the Winter a severe cold In-onolit on a lioarseness, which Avas not at first regarded as of serious ini]X)rtance, and Avas lio-Utly treated l)y the Eniperor liiniself, wlio would say Avitli a smile, ''I cannot sing," ajiologizing I'oi' liis enforced silence. But as the Aveeks Avent by, and no improvement was reA'ealed, CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 1G7 there were not a few who began to feel a certain anxiety ; and the festivities on the 22n(l of March, when the Emperor Wilham attained his ninetieth birthday, and Prince Henry was formally betrothed to his cousin, Princess Irene of Hesse, when he was called nj3on to represent the aged Monarch at a number of functions, were a severe strain upon his overtaxed energies, A cure at Ems was recommended, but proved of no service ; and it was after his return from Ems that those sinister rumours first began to spread abroad, which enlisted for the royal patient not only the symj^athy of Germany, but that of Europe and of countries far beyond the seas, where his name had become a proverb for all that was lovable and generous and of good rejDort ; a sympathy whicli, we have the Chancellor's guarantee lor it, was the one source of cri-atification and consolation to the last dark weeks of the aged Emperor's waning life. He was nevertheless well enough to take part in the rejoicings at the Queen's Jubilee, and as lie rode in the procession in the white imiform of the ( ■uirassiers his stately 168 FUEDERICK : presence and his kindly, friendly face, together with the sentiment of some grave crisis hanging over the head of the soldier-hero, made a deep and lasting impression on all who were joresent at that memorable scene. Men spoke of nothing but the German Crown Prince, as if they, too, had a special claim upon him. They knew that he was gifted with all the virtues which Englishmen admire, and that he loved our country well, and throuo^h the dark vear that followed there was but one topic that all were al^sorbed in, one prayer that went up through the length and breadth of the land, that this man's life might be spared. It will have a pathetic interest to many who were witnesses of the last great pul^lic ceremony in which lie took part to know Avhat was passing in his own mind as lie rode jiast, the observed of all observers. His cpiick observation was at work, noting upon that day, as he ever did in foreign countries, anything Mdiich struck him as worthy of admiration, with a view to its subse((uent adaptation ill liis own. Aftei' his dcatli was found in a little pocket-book, which he carried with CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 169 him on that day, the following entry : " The ambulance arrang-ements on the day of the Jubilee. The drinkino--trouo;-hs for horses and dogs, and the cabmen's shelters in the streets of London." From London the Crown Prince went alone for a l)rief visit to Scotland, and appeared to derive efreat benefit from the fresh mountain air and the vio-orous life he led. Durino- his stay at Braemar he was asked by a gentleman to do him the honour of christening a steam- launch. He grave it the name of " The White Heather," showing how his thoughts still travelled l^ack to the memory of a day, neai-ly thirty years before, when in these same Scotch mountains he had plucked the sprig of white heather to give to his English bride. liejoin- inof the Crown Princess and his three vounu-est daughters, the Crown Pi'ince went from Scot- land to Toblach, in Tyrol, and later to Venice and Baveno. Finally, the Villa Zirio, at San Ilemo, was chosen as a Winter residence, and when he re-entered Berlin it was as German Emperor. The events of last year are still too fresh In the memory of all to need recapitula- tion here. We all remember too Avell the 170 FREDERICK : changing hopes and fears, the doubts that trembled into certainty, and left no room for hope. It was a gloomy New Year at Berlin ; and when the usual season of Carnival came i-oinid there Avas but little heart in the gaiety. Ever thoughtful of others, and mindful how important an interest is in- volved in the social season to large numbers of the working-classes, the Crown Prince had sent a message from San E,emo, desiring that all should take its usual course ; but at every meeting there was present an un- bidden guest — the sinister rumoin^ passing- through tlie tlu'ong. February the 9th, tlie day upon which the operation of tracheotomy was performed, had been fixed for the annual subscription ball in the Royal Opera House, tlie proceeds of which are devoted to the Berlin charities. The house was full, as ever, but through the dense crowd the unwelcome news began to spread, and there Wcis no mirth in any of llic lliousaiid faces — not a dance was danced that liight, and all the people seemed touched as bv the sense of a personal sorrow. A month later anxious ('r()\\'ds were gathered loiuid the Palace in Berlin. '11 le Em})eror was sinking CROWN PRINCE AND EMPEROR. 171 from the exhaustion of age ; far from the son who ]iad l)een ever at his side in the liour of danger, lie fought the last great hattle alone, Bnt gently sleep fell upon him, full of years and full of honour, and without a struggle, the long laborious life was closed. YIL 1888. YTT. 1888. On the night of the 11th of March the Eiuperor Frederick reached his ca})ital, in a wild stonn of sleet and snow ; he had borne the journey Avell, and the few who witnessed his ai'i'ival M'ere struck by his vigorous demeanour. His okl fiiend and ally, King Humbert, had travelled to Genoa to salute him as Emperor on his wav, and the last meetino^ betweeri the two Sovereigns, whose lives had had so much in common, was a verv touchini-" one. All along the line from the German frontiei', thousands had flocked to every railway station in the hope of obtaining a fleeting glimpse of the illustrious travellei', and silently but sincerely his people welcomed him home. The Chancellor and the Ministers of State had o-one as far as Leipzig to meet the Royal train, and transact 176 FREDERICK: with the Emperor such immediate business as required his personal direction. On his arrival, shortly after eleven, the Emperor drove straight to the Palace of Charlottenburg, which gives its name to a suburb some thi-ee miles from the citv. A little later, throuo-h the white snow-covered Linden Alley, lined by troops with flamino- torches, the bodv of the first Gei'man Emperor, dressed in his military cap and cloak, with the Order of "Merit" on his breast, was solemnly borne from the Palace to the Cathedral where he was to lie in State. On the following day the Emperor Frederick issued his proclamation to the German nation, and a rescript addressed to the Imperial Chancellor was simultaneously published, in which he paid a warm tribute of esteem to his father's faithful friend and coimsellor, and set forth the principles which were to characterize his government. These two remarkable docu- ments, which will be found in the Appendix, composed entirely by the Emperor's own hand, would jiloiie suffice to mark his brief and tragic reign, and tlieir lessons will not all be lost. At last, after the h^ug years of waiting and restraint, his own heart might find expres- CROWN TRTNCE AND EMPEROR. 177 sion ; and now, when tlie power came, it was already too late. He was not even able to look for the last time on the father he had loved and served so well ; only from the window of his palace he watched the funeral procession winding past to the Mausoleum in the garden of Charlottenburg, where Queen Louise and King Frederick WilUam III. lie side hj side in their marble sleep. It was a moving scene to many a war-worn veteran, that last farewell to the good old Emperor ; it was a moving scene to all who had lived through the mighty changes that his reign had witnessed ; but what must have been in the mind of the illustrious moui-ner, as he turned l)ack from the window into his silent chamber ! lie also had meant to be his people's father ; he had pre- pared himself with untiring devotion to duty for his great task, the thought of which in times before had almost overwhelmed him till his strong faith reconquered his misgivings of himself : he had not neo-lected to make acquaintance with people of every party, class, and calling, so as to be in touch with the inner life and aspirations of the nation ; he had kept his life clean and spotless, and above all little- M 178 FEEDER ICK : ness and spite, to be a bright exaiii[)le in the eyes of men. And now, when he came to be crowned at last, there was nothing left him to do but to husband what strength remained to him for the daily routine of duties that he must needs fulfil, to give up all the rest for ever, bravely to surrender himself and bow to the will of God. The service of man had been his life- long study, and now, when the time for realization should have come, it was only given him to teach one lesson, ]jut that the hardest of all to learn and the noblest of all to teach, the lesson of self-renouncement and unmurmur- ini'- resiii-nation. To tlie last his force of Avill maintained him, worn and harassed as he was by all that his disease entailed upon him, and bv the ()])|)ressi<)n of his enforced silence, he left no portion of his daily task undone, and on the s:ck-bed where otliers rest he still worked bravely on. When lie was well enough to spend the afternoons in the garden of the Palace, he would send for his horses, and watch his fivourites being exercised with a look of wistful interest. His love for animals was ])eniiig on a terrace facing the garden, and there a preliiniiiarv service took place. Then as tlic cotHii was |»lac(M| upon the bier, the soft and solcnni snignig ceased. aiise principles to lead the people of Germany and Prussia to new honours in the field of practical development, with the unanimous co-operation of all the organs of the Empire, the devotion of the psople's representatives, and all the official bodies, with the responsive confidence of every class of the population in Germany and Prussia. Not dazzled by the splendour of great achievements, I shall be content, if hereafter it be said of my government, that it was beneficial to my people, useful to my country, and a blessing to the Empire ! Your afi'ectionate, FREDEPJCK, LP. Berlin, Marc// 12, 1888. Henderson, Rait, & Spalding, Printers, Marylebone Lane, London, W. All x>'>'ofits arising from the sale of tin's volume, irill he (Irvotetl to the, funds of the Hospital for Diseases of the Throat, in Golden Square, vhich iras visited by the Emperor Fredericlc ivhen His Majesfi/ ivas for the last time in England, on the occasion of the Queen's Jubilee. BY MR. RENNELL RODD. THE UNKNOWN MADONNA, AND OTHER POEMS. Wilh a FroniiipUce by W. B. ItlCHMOSD, A.Ji A. Crown 8vo, clotli, price 5s. *,v* 2.') copies on Large Paper at 15.s. each. "Mr. Kciiiiell Rodcl i.s a poet. That is to say he lias tliat nature wliich Tennyson likens to the linnet's, ulio sings ' because he must.' . . . With Jlr. Rennell Eodd, it can be felt that be uses verse because it is the nature of l.ini to express himself in that way, because that is the form in which his thoughts come to him, and if lie gave thtm in prose, he would have to translate tli(m into '\i."—The Athenanm. FEDA, WITH OTHER POEMS, CHIEFLY LYRICAL; With an Etching by HARPER PENNINGTON. Crown 8v(i, cloth, Os. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. " Few readers of Mr. Rodd's poem can fail to be touched by its purity and grace ; many will return to it with pleasure when more sublime eCusiors are a burden." — Saturday Review. "Mr. Eodd, who, when a scholar at Balliol, woi; the Newdigate, has already proved his claim to a fair imsition among the minor i>oets of the day as dis- tinguished from the verse-writers."— ASVjec^cr/cir. " In' his lyrics Mr. Rodd, it seems to us, is still more happy in his blending of feeling and words into perfect hivcmony."— Scotsman. "A book in every way delightful is Feda, with other Poems.' The author has true poetic gifts; his verse is iiarticularly good and harmonious."— 6'ra_p/i(c. POEMS IN MANY LANDS. Second Edition. Crown Svo, cloth, gilt top, price 5s. "Mr. Rodd's special qualities are command of agreeable sounds, pathos, simjilicity, and sentiment. "^»Sa^((r(/<22/ Review. "There is an unmistakable ring in the verse. It may or may not be de- veloped into a real powerful music, the music that is full of thought, as w-ell ao of sound. Meanwhile it is there, and is quite sulficienD to raise this volume considerably above the average of contemporary \er&e."— Spectator . "Few more enjoyable volumes of verse have made their appearance of l:;te than Mr. E. Rodd's ' Poems in Many Lands.' ' — Scotsman. IJAVIU fSTOTT, ;j7u, OXPOKD S'lliEET, LO^UO^', W NEW WOEKS BY H.B.H. PEIXCES S CHKISTIAN. mejMOIrs of wilhelmine, MARGRAVINE OF BAIREUTH. Translatid and Edited by Her Boycd Ilighiess PKii;cp;gs Christian of Schleswig-Eolstein. With Antotype Fortrait. Dtmy 2ro,cloi/i. Price 12s. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "We ■welcome this admiral ile traiislatiuii as most interesting reading. The Margravine wrote her Memoirs in a plain-spckcn agp, vhtn gross court scandals were circulated in undisguised coarseness. She had strong feeling.*, strong prejudices, and a calmer temperament might well have been provoked by the grievances of which she was the victim, and the troubles of her chequered existence." — The Times. "The Princess Christian has at least paid the general reader a handsome compliment by translating the Memoirs of the Margravine of Baireuth for his benefit. It is not to be supposed that any one who has a real interest in the history of the eighteenth century, or in memoir literature at large, can be so ignorant of ihe French language as to require an English versiori of Wilhel- mine's delightful book. Therefore it must be meant for the reader of English only who has no particular subject, and it is decidedly to his credit that he should be supposed to wish to become acquainted with anything so good. And the compliment is not only well meant but well turned. The translator has given an English version which is thoroughly alive— as, indeed, it ought to be. In mere dictionary accuracy it is sound, and it has the higher accuracy of spirit. There are suppressions which Her Royal Highness justifies because of the coarse character of the original. Now Wilhelmine had that fine eighteenth century habit of being outspoken, ar.d has unquestionably spoken of certain matters in connection with Augustus the Strong and Peter the Great, which a lady of her position, or indeed any lady, in these days would leave among the tacenda." — The Satin-day Review. "The most curious piece of av.tobiography, written by one royal perscnape and translated by another of her own kindred, nearly one hundred and fifty years later, has more of interest and piniicse to our modern generation than appears at first in its small gossip and petty scandal of a gone-by period. It conve-ys a vivid picture, and we fear a true one, cf the ordinary run of court life at that time, such as would liardly be credible, were it not transmitted by one of those to whom such life was the ordinary thing, and it certaijily answers euii)hatically the question as to whether the general current of life, court or other, is improved in our day. It is scarcely possible to believe that sucii a st'ite of degradation, coarseness— we must call it brutality— could have been the ordinary condition of European life in the eighteenth century; and yet here we have it minutely portrayed by a member of the Prussian Royal family, who, bitterly as she complains of much that she underwent, does not seem to look ujion it all as an.'s thing very extraordinary, or to be greatly wondereel at." — The Literary Churchman. 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Pri c fi.s. TRUE RELIGION ; being- a Series of Short Essays touching the intimate Relation of Reli)j;ion to some Matters of Common Life. By the Rev. .Joll.\ \V. Dkigi.i;, Vicar of Moselcy Hill, Liverpool. Crown Svo. Price .5s. F1"]DA, and other Poems, cliietly Lyrical. Ry Renxell U'jIH). Crown Svo. Price tJs. rOi:MS IN MANY LANDS. Ry tlie same Author. Second Edition. Cnnvii Svo. Price .^s. THE UNKNOWN MADONNA, and other Poems. Ry the same Author. WiUi Frontispiece by W. B. Richmo.M), A.R.A. Crown Svo, f;!olh. I'i'Ice ."s. D.II'JI) STOTTS /'i^n/JrJTHlXS (n,ui;nm-<- of Fra[iiiiciils of Sap/iho'.f MS. Parchment, Fcap. 8vo. Second Edition. PRICE 7s. 6d. "A pi-ptty vohniie, in which Mr. H. T. Wharton has collected all the extant frairments "nttributed to tlie Greek poetess, together wiili a prose tnmslation and a liberiil selection of the English verse tianslations nnd iniittitioris which have appeared since the time of Addison. . . . The cliief novelty of the book is a series of translations, written e.vprcssly for it by Mr. J. A. Synionds." — Athencevvi, June 13th, 1S85. "A valuable addition to clnssical literature. . . . The work cainiot but prove interestiu'.', both to scholars ,ani to those whose isrnorance of Greek debars them from a study of the Lesbian's fragmeiitai'y works in the original." —Graphic, June 13th, 1885. "The little book will be treasured by all lovers of poetry, and, we may a(hl, by all bibliophiles, for its intrinsic beauty. . . . As tor Mr. Wharton's prose trnnsiations, thev are characterized by admirable fidelity and self-reitraint.' — The Literary u'orld, Boston, August i2nd, 1886. SIR PHILIP SIDNEY'S ASTROPHEL AND STELLA; Mlbcrcin the (L-vtcllciuc of .^tocct j-lorsn i.? coiulubcb. Eilitcd from ilw Folio of 15iW. 1!Y ALFRED W. POLLARD. With Portrait. Parchment, Fcap. 8vo. PRICE 7s. 6d. "Edited with great care." — Atlieneevui. "Jlr. Pollard'.s beautiful little volume shouUl attnut many lovers of fine verse."— /Vpcc/a^(;j'. " A very pretty and scholarly edition of a soiniet-cycle, which well de.serves all the cMre'lhat editor ami i)rmter can be.-itow. Mr. I'ollani's introduction is .-i cripital piece of literary woi-kmaiishij)."— i^i/^ Mall Uazette. "A pretty, an exact, and a presentable edition of Sidney's sonnets."— Maucit esic r O it ant inn . "Put forth ill a wny that does creilil lo both editor ami publisher."— A/Vdvc// World. OTHER VOLUMES IN PREPARATION. D.WID S'l'O'l'l", :!7(), (),\l"()|;|) ST!;!;i:'l', l.ONDOX, \v. F ^» a'.' .'tit',- ■.•-■*• ^'<' l^^l' CJ^^^' ^(■'vli .'■'■'- ,. ' '"^'-^C'^^X:':- ■>'■'*■■ %\i 3 ■!W '-. 'f ,', '^"^''/^ ,J^- - fc^)