mi mum '.feyjjy y THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OE CALIEORNIA LOS ANGELES A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS IN THE ADVOCATES' LIBRARY EDINBURGH, AND ELSEWHERE IN SCOTLAND BY DONALD MACKINNON, M.A. 1>K0FESS0R OF CELTIC LANGUAGES, ETC. ETC. IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH Compiled at the instance of JOHN, FOURTH MARQUESS OF BUTE, through whose liberality it is published EDINBURGH PRINTED BY T. AND A. CONSTABLE PRINTERS TO HIS MAJESTY AND PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM BROWN, 5 CASTLE STREET 1912 Ja 1' "i PREFACE In issuing this Catalogue, I beg to acknowledge the courtesy and kindness which I have received from the owners and custodiers of the Manuscripts herein described. In particular, my grateful thanks are due to the Curators of the Advocates' Library for the exceptional arrangements kindly made by them which enabled me to read their large collection of Gaelic MSS., and to the Keeper of the Library and his staff for the courteous manner in which they carried out these arrangements. The frequent references to Mr. Standish Hayes O'Grady's Catalogue of Irish MSS. in the British Museum show my indebtedness to that excellent work. In reading the Medical MSS. of the Scottish Collection, the Chapter on Medicine, etc. in Mr. O'Grady's Catalogue was of much benefit to me. I have also received Avilling aid from Professor Kuno Meyer, LL.D., now of Berlin, in a variety of ways. DON. MACKINNON. University of Edinburgh, March, 1912. a 2 CONTENTS Introduction, PP- 1-4 MSS. IN ADVOCATES' LIBRARY A— MSS. I-LXV CHAPTER I. Medicine, etc., pp. 5-71. MSS. II, III, IV, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XVII, xviii, xx, xxi, xxii, XXIII, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXXIII, XLI, LX. II. Religious and Ecclesiastical, pp. 72-105. MSS. I, V, VI, VII, XXIV, XXV, XXVI, xxix, xxxi, XXXVI, XXXIX, XL, XLVII, XLVIII, XLIX, LIA^, LV, LVI, LVIII, LXIV, LXV. III. History and Genealogy, pp. 106-28. MSS. I, II, V, VI, VII, VIII IX, XXVIII, XXX, xxxvi, XXXVIII, xxxix, XLI, XLTI, XLIIT, XLIV, XLVIII, XLIX, L, LI, LII, LV, LVIII. IV. Legend and Lore, pp. 129-76. MSS. V, XVI, XIX, XXVIII, XXXIV, XXXVI, XXXVIII, XXXIX, XL, XLIl, XLV, XLVIII, LIII, LIV, LV, LVI, LVII, LVIII, LIX, LXI, LXII, LXV. V. Legal, Lexical, Grammatical, pp. 177-82. Legal, MS. vii ; Lexical, MSS. vii, xxxviii, lxv ; Grammatical, MSS. I, VI, VII, LVII, LVIII. VI. Maxims, Triads, Proverbs, pp. 183-93. Maxims (Sayings, Instructions), MSS. i, ii, vii, xlii, lvii ; Triads, MSS. I, VII, XLII ; Proverbs, MSS. lxii, lxv. VII. Gaelic Versions of Classical Epics, pp. 194-202. MSS. VIII, XV, XIX, xLvi. VIII. Miscellaneous, pp. 203-16. MSS. V, XIX, XXXVI, XXXVIII, XXXIX, XLVIII, LV, LVII, LVIII, LXII, LXIII, LXV. IX. Special Account of Three MSS., pp. 217-46. MSS. xxxii, XXXV, xxxvii. viii CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS B— APPENDIX I, pp. 247-82, and pp. 327-8. I. MSS. Lxvi-civ, pp. 247-06 :— (1) Dictionaries and Vocabularies : MSS. lxvi-lxxvi, lxxxi, xci- xcviii, c, CI. (2) Transcripts : MSS. lxxvii-lxxxi, lxxxiti-lxxxvi, lxxxix, xc, civ. (3) Analysis of Gaelic MSS. : MS. lxxxii. (4) Heroic Verse: MSS. lxxxvii, i.xxxviii, cii. (5) Translations : MS. xcix, cm. II. MSS. IN Boxes, pp. 267-81 :~ (1) The Skene Box— (a) Life of St. Patrick ; (b) Grant's MS. (Ossianic Ballads) ; (c) two MSS. in Scots ; (d) Translations and Extracts in English and Welsh ; (e) fugitive papers. (2) Box 2 — Sundries : Portion of large medical MS. ; Ossianic collec- tions of Pope, Fletcher, Macdonald of Staffa, Campbell, Portree ; Turner (?) MS. ; Tale of the Big Fool ; Vocabulary ; D. C. Macpher- son's Texts from the Dean of Lismore ; papers on the Ossianic Controversy ; stray ballads. (3) Box 3 — Dr. Macdonald's Collection ; specimens of Ewen Maclach- lan's Translations from the Iliad ; papers on the Ossianic Contro- versy ; individual ballads and poems. (4) Box 4 — Fragmentary vocabularies ; papers on the Ossianic Controversy and the Highland Society's Dictionary ; a few poems and ballads. III. Mr. J. F. Campbell's MSS., pp. 281-2. APPENDIX II, pp. 283-312. MSS. IN OTHER LIBRARIES I. MSS. IN Edinburgh University : — (1) Beaton Medical MS., pp. 283-6. (2) Jerome Stone's MSS., pp. 286-90. (3) Portion of a Gaelic Grammar, p. 290. (4) Dr. Irvine's Collection, p. 291. (5) MSS. of Rev. Thomas Innes and Rev. Robert Kirke, pp. 291-2. (6) Collection of Irish Poems and Songs, pp. 292-4. (7) Volume of Translation by Rev. D. Maclnnes, p. 294. TABLE OF CONTENTS ix II. MSS. IN H. M. Register House, Edinburgh :— (1) The Islay Charter, p. 295. (2) Contract of Fosterage, p. 296. (3) Elegy on Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenurchy, p. 297. III. MS. IN THE LlHRARY OF THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND: — A Gaelic Version of the Lilimn Medicinae, pp. 298-301. IV. MSS. IN THE University of Glasgow : — (1) The Maclagan Collection, 302-10. (2) The Fernaig MS. (described pp. 267-271). (2) Papers, etc., of the Rev. Dr. Cameron, pp. 310-12. (4) MS. of Dr. Macbain's Etymological Dictionary, p. 312. APPENDIX III, pp. 313-22. MSS. IN PRIVATE POSSESSION I. MSS. IN the Writer's Possession :— (1) An Imperfect Copy of the Treatise on Materia Medica, p. 313. (2) Portion of Commentary on Aristotle's De Anima, pp. 313-4. (3) Portion of Ricardus's Treatise on Medicine, pj). 314-5. (4) Two volumes compiled by Rev. John Smith. Contents miscellane- ous, pp. 315-8. II. Dr. Henderson's MSS. :— (1) A Ratisbon MS., pp. 318-9. (2) The M'Nicol Collection, 319-20. III. Dr. Hew Morrison's MS. :— A MS. copy of Rob Donn's Poems, p. 321. IV. Rev. John W. Macintyre's MSS. : — (1) The Second Transcript, by Mr. Ewen Maclachlan, of the Dean of Lismore's MS., p. 321. (2) An English-Gaelic Dictionary, p. 321. (3) A copy of Macdiarmid's Collection of Gaelic Proverbs, p. 321. V. Captain Matheson's Collection of Poems and Songs : — Three Small Volumes, pp. 321-2. X CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS APPENDIX IV, pp. 323-6. MSS. Lost or Missing : — (1) The Records of the Isles, p. 325. (2) Translation of the Old Testament, p. 325. (3) Farquharson's Collection, p. 326. [Note on MSS. of Scottish oriii;in on the Continent, in England, and in Canada, ])p. 3-23-4.] ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS, pp. 327-8. INDEX :— I. Authors and principal Persons, pp. 329-39. II. Principal Subjects and Treatises, pp. 339-45. III. Other MSS. quoted or referred to, pp. 345-6. IV. Books and Periodicals quoted or referred to, pp. 346-8. ABBREVIATIONS Arch. Brit, = Archseologia Britannica, by Edward Lhuyd. Oxford. 1707. Arch. fiir. Celt. Lexih. = Archiv fiir Celtische Lexikographie. Atk. — Passions and Homilies from Leabhar Breac, by Professor Atkinson . . . Dublin. 1887. B.B. = Book of Ballymote, published in photograjjli, by the Royal Irish Academy. B.L. = Book of Lismore, a MS. in Lismore Castle, Ireland. Boil. = Bodleian Library, Oxford. B. of iec. = Book of Lecan, a MS. in R. I. A., Dublin. Brit. Mils. = British Museum. Celt. Mag. = Celtic Magazine. Celt. Rev. = Celtic Review. CeZ^. &o<. = Celtic Scotland, by W. F. Skene. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1876-80. i).L. =Dean of Lismore's Book. Edinburgh, 1862. D.L. MS. = Manuscript of the Dean of Lismore ( = No. xxxvii). Dr. M'L. = The Rev. Dr. Thomas MacLauchlan. % = Egerton { = MSS. in Brit. Mus.). E. M^L. = Ewen Maclachlan, of Fortwilliain and Aberdeen. Fasti = Fasti Ecclesia? Scoticame, Hew Scott, D.D. i'^.M. = Annals of the Four Masters, edited by John O'Donovan, LL.D. Gael. Journ. = Gaelic Joui-nal (Dublin). G. S. I. = Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness. High. Soc. of Lond. = Highland Society of London. High. Soc. of Scot. = Highland (and Agricultural) Society of Scotland. J/./S.Z>. = Highland Society's Dictionary. It. Texte. = Irische Texte, Stokes and Windisch. 4 vols. Leipzig. Ir. Texte mit Wort. = Irische Texte mit Worterbuch, by Professor Windisch. Leipzig. 1880. Juh. — Essai d'un Catalogue de la Literature Epiques de I'lrlande . . . par H. d'Arbois de Jubainville. Paris. 1883. K.M. =Dr. Kuno Meyer. L.Br. = Leabhar Breac or Speckled Book, published in facsimile by the Royal Irish Academy. Dublin. 1876. jC.O. = Leabhar Caol 'Narrow Book' (No. lxxxiii), a vol. of Transcripts by Ewen Maclachlan. Jf.F. = Leabhar na Feinne. London. 1872. xii CATALOGUR OF OAELIC MANUSCRIPTS L.L. -The Boitk of Loinster, piililisliod in fiicsiiiiile by tlie Royal Irish Acafleniy. 18H0. I/.f7. = Loahh:ir na h-l'i.lhri or Book of the Dun (Cow), published in facsimile by the Royal Irish Acadciny. 1870. Mann, and ('H.s^ = Manners iimi Customs of the Ancient Irish, by Eugene O'Curry, M. K. I. A. 3 vols. Dublin. 1K73. MS (S). 3/(i^ = Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish History, by Eugene O'Curry, M. R. I. A. Dublin. 1878. CfC. = Eugene O'Curry. O'Gr. C^ = Rawlinson (MSS. in Bodl. Library). U«^. Oeii. = Reliquia? Celticje. 2 vols. Inverness. 1892,1894. Rej). on Oss. = Report of the Committee of the Highland Society of Scotland. . . . (upon) the Poems of Ossian. Edinburgh. 1805. Rev. Celt. = Revue Celtique. R. I. J. = Royal Irish Academy. R. M'fK = Ranald Macdonald (Collection of Gaelic Poetry, Edinburgh. 1776). Sil^c). (?(((/. = Silva Gadelica, A Collection of Tales by Standish H. O'Grady. 2 vols. Williams and Norgate. 1892. St. Baiih. Hos2). = St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. T. a i). = Trinity College, Dublin. W. H, r. = Wfst Highland Tales, by J. F. Campbell. 4 vols. Edinburgh. 1860, 1862. Y.B.L. = YcWow Book of Lecan, published in photograph by the Royal Irish Academy. Dublin. Zeit.fur Celt. Fh il . — Zeitschi-'dt fiir Celtische Philologie. INTRODUCTION The Collection of Gaelic Manuscripts known as the Scottish or Advocates' Library Collection contains nearly all that now remains of the old literature of the Gael written or preserved in Scotland, together with a considerable amount of literary debris written or transcribed in comparatively recent years. The origin of the Collection is explained in the following note (Dean of Lismore's Book : Edinburgh, 1862, p. vii. n.) written by the late W. F. Skene, LL.D., D.C.L., etc. etc. :— ' This collection has been formed within the last few years mainly through the instrumentality of the writer. When he commenced, the Faculty of Advocates possessed four Gaelic MSS. The collection now consists of sixty-five. ' The waiter formed the plan of collecting the remains of the MS. Gaelic literature of Scotland, which was rapidly disappear- ing, into one place, where they could be preserved, by inducing the possessors of Gaelic MSS. to deposit them in some public library for preservation ; and as the Faculty of Advocates were already in the possession of some MSS., their library was evidently the most appropriate depository for this purpose. The valuable MSS. belonging to the Highland [now the Highland and Agricultural] Society of Scotland formed the basis of the collection ; the Directors and their Secretary, John Hall Maxwell, Esq., C.B., having at once responded to the call, and the fortunate discovery of the Kilbride Collection, which its possessor likewise agreed to deposit, added a large number. The remainder consists of MSS. deposited by individual possessors, and the collection now embraces nearly all the MSS. known or believed still to exist. ' It is hoped that, if any Gaelic MSS. still remain in the hands of individual possessors, they will add to the value of A 2 CATALOGUE OF GAKMC MANUSCRIPTS this collection b}' making- tJiuiii known, :ui'l dejiositint^^ tlicin in the Advocates' Library for preservation. 'The MSS. ai-o preserved in a hacked cabinet, and a general catalognc of the whole has been prepared by the writer.' The following information regarding the ownership of these sixty-five MSS. is taken from Dr. Skene's Catalogue:— MSS. I-IV are the jjroperty of the Facnity of Advocates. MSS. V-XXXVI, as also MS. LIII, were the property of the MLachlans of Kilbride in Nether Lorn. Major M'Lachlan gave five of these (XXXII-XXXVI) to the Highland Society: LIII was obtained by Sir William MaeLeod Bannatyne, through the Rev. John Mackinnon of (llendaniel, and sent to the Society. The remainder (V-XXXI) disappeared, and were eventually found in the repositories of a deceased man of business in Glasgow who had been agent for the family, and deposited by his successors in the Advocates' Library. These twenty- seven MSS. are marked 'Kilbride Collection,' and are numbered 1 to 27 as well as V-XXXI. The signature ' H. Kerr ' (or ' H. K.'), that of the agent who handed them over to the Library, appears frequently on the pages. {Gf. also pp. 280-4 and p. 290 of Appendix to the Report of the Committee of the Highland Societ}' on the nature and authenticity of the Poems of Ossian. Edin. 1805.) MSS. XXXVI-LII were obtained from the Highland Society of London. MSS. LIV-LVII were evidently at one time the property of Peter Turner, a soldier, who published a collection of Gaelic Poetry in LSI 8. MSS. LVIII-LXV are the property of the Highland Society, but from whom obtained is unknown. Dr. Skene appended to his Catalogue an account of other fifteen volumes which are ' Copies of, or Transcripts from, ancient MSS. and modern collections of poetry made chiefly from recitation.' These are: (1) Analysis of the contents of fourteen MSS. belonging to the Highland Society by Ewen M'Lachlan; (2) Copies and extracts from these MSS. by Ewen INTRODUCTION 3 M'Lachlan ; (3) A transcript of the MS. of the Dean of Lismore by Ewen M'Lachlan ; (4) Copy of the small volume erroneously called the Leahhar Dearg or Red Book of Clanranald by Donald M'Intosh ; (5) A volume containing the Tale called Olrjcdd Gloinne Tuirenn; the Poems of Ossian in Gaelic from the printed edition, and the Span Da na, written in the Irish charac- ters, by John Sinclair, Glasgow; (6) The first collection of Ossianic poetry by Duncan Kennedy; (7) The second collection of Duncan Kennedy (two vols, bound in one) ; (8) Copy by Mr. D. M'Intosh of a transcript of two ancient Gaelic MSS., the first by Ewen Macphadric at DunstafFnage, 1603, the second by Ewen Maclean for Colin Campbell before 1690 ; (9) A paper portfolio, containing a fragment of a poem ascribed to Ossian, with the Gaelic text on one page, and a translation on the other ; (10) A paper MS. containing in Gaelic Sgeula no Laoidh an Amadain mlioir, ' The Tale or Lay of the great Fool'; (11) A small paper MS. containing a translation of the above (no. 10) ; (12) A paper MS. containing copies of poems collected by Macdonald of Staffa; (13) A small MS. collection, containing six Ossianic ballads; (14) A MS. collection of poetry com- mencing with Marhhrainn Eoin Diuc Earraghaoidheil Elegy on John, Duke of Argyll'; (15) Loose leaves containing copies of Gaelic poems. Considerable additions have been made to the Collection during the last forty-five years. The late Mr. J. F. Campbell bequeathed several MS. Volumes to the Advocates' Library con- taining, among other matter, many Gaelic Tales not printed by him. A number of MSS., apparently overlooked by Dr. Skene and Mr. Maxwell, have in recent 3^ears been transferred from the Library of the Highland Society to the Advocates' Library. Dr. Skene himself bequeathed the Celtic MSS. collected by him to the same Library, while others have been deposited by various benefactors. Dr. Skene's Catalogue was hurriedly done, and gives but a vague account of the MSS. in the Collection even at that time. It has thus become desirable to prepare a more detailed Catalogue of the larger Collection now in existence, and to add, as an 4 CATAmaUK OF aARLIO MANUSCHTI'TR Appendix, an acciount, of (iaclic MSS. elsewhere in Scotland, so far as known to the writer. For Facility of reference, an attempt has hecn made to classify the MSS. according- to the natnre of their contents. Hut inasnuich as many of them as now bonnd up treat of a variety of snbjects, there is frc(|ii(;ntly an a])piir('nt overlapi^ini:^. Still it is to bo lioped tliat (laeru; S(;holars will benefit by the arrannement adopted, imperfect in some respects though it be. In printing the (iaelic extracts the orthography of each MS. is preserved ; ordinary contractions are silently extended, except in doubtful cases when the extension is shoAvn in different ty]ic : and the mark of aspiration (a dot over the consonant) is, in deference to the usage in printing Scottish Gaelic, represented by the letter h following the consonant. CHAPTER I MEDICINE, ETC. ETC. The old Physicians whose works the Gaelic-speaking practi- tioners of Scotland and Ireland studied, translated, and com- mented upon, included within the sphere of their study not merely Medicine and the Physical Sciences as known to them, but also Astronomy and Astrology, as well as Philosophy and Metaphysics. In this extended sense the Medical section of the Scottish Collection of Gaelic MSS. is very large. The fact is mainly due to the zeal and industry of a family of the name of M'Beath, latinised Betonus, now Beaton, who flourished for several centuries in Islay as hereditary physicians, and who spread from the original home to Mull, Skye ^ and Uist in the Isles, as well as to Sutherlandshire and other places on the Mainland. According to the pedigree of the family preserved in the Laing MS. (fol. 103a) in the University of Edinburgh, the founder Beath{a), a descendant of Niall of the Nine Hostages, came from Ireland to Scotland, and tradition has it that he came in the train of the Lady O'Cathain or O'Kane who married Aonghas Og of the Isles, the warm friend and supporter of Robert the Bruce. Another family of the name of O'Conacher, later M'Conacher, also from Ireland as the name would indi- cate, settled as physicians in Lorn in Argyllshire, and prac- tised their profession for many generations in the district, latterly in Airdoran near Oban. This family did not attain to the celebrity of the Beatons. But the name O'Conacher appears on several of the MSS., and MS. LX, one of the largest in the Medical section, Avas written for Duncan O'Conacher early in the seventeenth century. These hereditary physicians practised their profession in the Highlands and Islands down to compara- 1 The Skye Beatons or Ik'thunes, or some of them, claim to be descended from the Bethunes of Balfour in Fife. 6 6 CATAT-OniTE OF (lAETJU MANUSCKIITS [MS. II tivcly recent times, and hence the MSS. whicli lliey rated so highly were preserved more carefully than others. The old documents, it need hardly he said, are of little or no medical value in our day; but in the liistory of the Highlands and of the Gaelic Language and Literature, they Avill always remain of the greatest importance. The MSS. whose contents arc wholly or largely Medical are the followini'- : — MS. II This is a collection of fragments of several j\lSS. of various dates. The volume, like i\lSS. I and III, is bound in calf, and stamped in gold letters : ' Bibliotheca Advocatorum. MSS. in Literis Hibernicis.' The MS. was sent to the Advocates' Library by the Rev. Donald Macqueen, minister of Kilmuir, Skye (Rep. on Oss., App. p. 294), who also sent a copy of the Gaelic translation of Bernard Gordon's Lilium Medichiae to the Society of Scottish Antiquaries. At present, the MS., count- ing the merest scraps, consists of 148 leaves, 104 of parchment and 44 of paper. From a note on fol. 65b it would appear that at a former time it consisted of 106 leaves only : an med duilog ata aim sa leahharsa .|. G as 5 xx, 'the number of leaves in this book is six and five score.' Several memoranda, in Gaelic and English, are entered here and there on margins and blank spaces of the MS. On fol. 16b e.g. the scribe complains of his bad handwriting. On fol. 42b is the following note: — Mhefer na droc/t litracJt, do graihli no a haile tlilyherna blieinne Edair .\. Eoin Mc DomJiuadl J is fa da am dh/iitJifdJt an diufgJi me. ' I, John sonof Donald, am the inferior scribe who wrote this in the stead of the lord of Ben Edar (the Hill of Howth), and far from my country am I this day.' This John son of Donald may well have been the father of Duncan son of John son of Donald son of Duncan O'Conacher for Avhom MS. LX was written. The following entry on fol. 65b shows that the MS, or a portion of it belonged to Malcolm M'Beath or Bethune, probably one of the Skye physicians: Liher Malcohni Betune. Ag so Icahar Giolla Colaiin Meighethadh 7 tabhraid gach MS. II] MEDICINE, ETC. 7 neach a Irgfas so hendaelrf ar aninvAnfir an leahJiair si. Amen. ' The book of Malcolm Bethime. Here is the book of Malcolm MacBeath, and let every one who reads this bestow a blessing on the owner of this book. Amen.' Again on fol. 66a the MS., or that section of it, is claimed for Duncan M'Conachcr, probably the Duncan for whom MS. LX was written, while on fol. 124a is the entry on the top margin leahar Eoin rnic Conatbair, ' the book of John M'Conacher,' the father, evidently, of Duncan, and the John son of Donald mentioned above. A small portion of the contents of the MS. is non-medi- cal : e.r/. On fol. 17b are two lays, the first addressed to one of the sons of Tuirenn, commencing : — (Jabh na cinn-si ar li-ucht a uair A meic Tuirinn arm-maidh ' Receive these heads oa thy breast betimes Red-weapoiied son of Tuirenn ' ; and the second, one of the lays of Deirdre, — that commencing A Naisi decha do ncll ' Naise look ou thy cloud ' (wraith ?) and printed in Irische Texte, ii, 133, and Celtic Revieiv, i, 116, of which two quatrains, the fourth and seventh, are here awanting. Fols. 20-26 consist of notes in Latin (the last sentence in Gaelic) on months of the year. Apostles, and Saints. Fols. 66-70, contain a copy of the well-known Tecosc Chorbma Ic, ' the Precepts of Cormac' Fol. 79 and fol. 88 are taken up with Annals. On fol. 116 is a wordy description of an unsightl}^ caillcneli or hag, written in the exaggerated, alliterative style met with in the so-called runs or rctorics of Gaelic Tales. Owing to the number of separate MSS. contained in the volume there is great overlapping. The following is a very brief summary of the contents : — Fols. 1-3 are of small folio size, parchment. The subject is the commencement of a well-written tract on the Constellations, 8 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. II openin<]c thus : Fiarfa'ujter aiinso calin renn fwil dim {s)ii/n(U'r edit' Ueisccarf j tmiisceart. Nl insa. ' It is enquired here how many stars are in the sky, north and south. Not difficult (to tell).' There are thirteen in the south and eight in the north. The names are given, with explanatory legends from Greek and Roman mythology. From Aries onwards they are figured. Fols. 4-19 are of ordinar}' quarto size, parchment. These may possibly have formed part of one MS. at one time ; if so, it is now very fragmentary, and the leaves are, besides, mixed up in bind- ing. Thus on fol. 6 commences a detailed treatise on the lenna or ' humours ' following an earlier one, now lost, on the ' com- plexions ': Coinposisiones sunt qivator, etc. do lahramur do na coimplexaib don taib tuas dinn labhruni anois do na lennaib, ' Having spoken above of the complexions let us now speak of the humours.' The subject is concluded on fol. 12a, with the docquet Finid. Amen. But fols. 4 and 5, as also fols. 14, 15, are a part of the treatise. A number of authors are cited, chiefly Aristotle, xAvicenna, Constantinus, Galen, Hali, Hippocrates, Johanisius, Isaac.^ Detached paragraphs, physical, metaphysical, and astrological, appear on fols. 12, 16, 17, 19, with, occasionally, medical matters interspersed. Authorities cited, — Plato, Liconsis ( = Liconensis ?), Pythagoras, Paulinus, Jacobus de Forlivio. On fol. 13 (continued on fol. 18) are several para- graphs on the medical virtue of quickliTne, lilium, etc., — a subject treated systematically in MSS. Ill and LX. Particularly notice- able here are the virtues attributed to the strecus (stretits), properly stercus, of goat, sheep, cow, pig, mouse, wild duck, pigeon, dog, swallow and hen. Avicenna and Rhazes are cited. Fols. 20-26 are small leaves of parchment measuring only 3 in. by 2. The handwriting is particularly good. The subject has been referred to above. Fols. 27-70 are of paper, of various sizes of quarto. The writing is in different hands, all evidently of the seventeenth or early eighteenth century. Fol. 27 is written in English; subject, — the bones of the head. Fols. 28-32 contain a fragment of a treatise on Urine, opening ^ For notices of the principal authorities quoted in the Gaelic Medical MSS. V. O'Grady'a Catalogue of Irish MSS. in the British Museum, p. 173, et seq. MS. II] MEDICINE, ETC. 9 with a ' canon ' of Hippocrates : qiiihus urine grose vel (/rase .|. ised ader Ipocraid is in canoin so, etc. : ' This is what Hippo- crates says in this canon.' Besides Hippocrates, Bernard Gordon, Egidius, Galen, Isaac and Theophihis are cited. Fols. 33-58 are reversed in binding. The contents cover a wide field, with not infrequent repetition. Interspersed are many charms, with mnemonic words or a pater to make them efficacious. One such was (fol. 33) applied by Fionn (the great Gaelic hero) to the eye of (St.) Moling; another makes the hair of the colour of gold; a third restores reason to the insane. Thereafter (fol. 34) is an account of the thirty-four veins that may be opened, and the ailments which they relieve. The symptoms of Causon and a list of the dis- eases prevalent in Autumn follow. Fols. 35-6 give an elaborate section on Definition, in which Feallsam ' The Philosopher ' {i.e. Aristotle), Socrates, Plato, and Prophorius are quoted. Then comes (fol. 37) a quotation from the fourth book of Hippocrates's Ainprismorwm on Pregnancy, with a commentary in Avhich Gilbertinus, John of Damascus, ' the Latin authors,' and others are cited. A section on the Planets (airdrenna), their position (siiidiugud), their harmony (comaentugud) with the four elements (duile) and with each other, follows. Fols. 44-47 are taken up with definitions and explanations of Sp>iritus, dolor, inedicina, the various varieties of fevers, etc. Boesius Boethius), Betrus (Petrus) Mustinus, Athteothus (Tateus ?)) and Gilbertinus are cited. The last named is credited with the maxim : Porta mentis est visus, which is rendered into Gaelic, — Is e dorus na menonan an radarc. Detached para- graphs follow (fols. 48-50), including an elaborate prescription for the cure of Gout in the joints (guta nan alt); the medical properties of gold ; the nine adhara or materials which make up triacla ; also the nine of which neir)ih or poison is composed. On fols. 51-55 is an abstract of a portion of an elaborate tract on Urine in which a number of technical terms are given in Latin and Gaelic, with the riagla or regulae pertaining to each, according to Egidius. From fol. 55 to end of 58 the subject is chiefly metaphysical : the three principles (tosaigl) of Nature, — Materia, Forma, Privacio — in explanation of which Feallsam (Aristotle) is quoted. Then follow the three cuisi or ' causes ' 10 CATAI.OdlTK OF (IAKI-K; manuscripts [MS. II of tho 'humdiirs' with tlio medicines tliiit purge and evacuate them. Fols. 5!)-(!") arc of larger quarto and in a different liand, large and fresli, the suhject rather miscellaneous. Jleat and moisture are the influencing causes of many diseases. A list of the diseases caused by each is given with their sub-varieties. Lithra, ' Leprosy,' e.;/., has twelve varieties. The tract goes on to explain, Infer alia, such matters as, — how food avoids the wind-pipe and enters the gullet ; how a drunk man preserves the use of his limbs but not of his faculties; how cnuimk cinn na droma (the bone of the neck?) once broken Avill not join again, the reason given being that it does not have fiviir ' marrow ' but inchinn ' brain (matter) ' ; the three bones that form after birth,' — land hafhaisi ' fontanellc,' jiacail 'tooth,' and fairdi gluioie 'the patella or knee cap ' ; directions for taking baths, etc. etc. The last layer of paper (fols. 66-70) contains Tecosc Cliorhmaic, already referred to. The remainder of the volume consists of not fewer than eleven separate layers of parchment, all of quarto size, some larger, some smaller. Three of them, fols. 79, 88 and 130, are detached leaves. Fols. 79 and 88 are non-medical, — Annals, as already stated. Fol. 130a gives the last sentence of a lost text 7 is cumacldaclt marbiis gach uile pestif, 'and it effectually kills all kinds of worms Under this four concentric circles are roughly drawn, with notes accompanying each. At the foot of the page, and in a different hand, is a charm written in Latin, with direction, in Gaelic, to put it under the belt of a pregnant woman and that she will bring forth the infant at once. On the verso of the leaf two concentric circles are neatly drawn, with numerals representing the years, and the days of the months of March and April. Superimposed on the centre of these circles is a circular disc on which a grotesque figure, said in the text to represent an angel, is drawn. This overlapping circle is neatly fastened to the leaf with a thong, and revolves. The text explains how the hand and foot of the angel will point to the day on which Easter falls in any year, vv^hether in March or April. At the foot of the page charms are given in Latin and Gaelic. Fols. 71-8 are written in a good hand, sometimes in single, MS. II] MEDICINE, ETC. 11 sometimes in double, column. Various diseases and their cures are named. Among tlie cures, in addition to special recipes, clysters, baths, with suitable foods and drinks, are prescribed. The directions regarding baths on fol. 65 {supra) may be from this older text, — the two are practically the same. The authorities cited are chiefly Ebe Mesne, Isaac, Macer, and Platearius. Fols. 80-87. The tract is written in a good clear hand, in double column, with space left for capitals at the beginning of chapters. The contents are various : (1) A chapter on Avounds, external and internal, with their cure. Avicenna and Galen are cited. A version of this chapter is found also in MS. XIII, (6) fol. 7b. (2) On Hydrophobia, or as the Gaelic writers have it, Idrofoirhia. The symptoms are vividly described, and various remedies are suggested, Gilbertinus being the authority cited. This chapter is also in MS. XIII (6) fol. 8b. (3) An interesting chapter, also found in MS. XIII (6) fol. 7a, is entitled Be amove hereos. It is explained that hereos in Greek is equivalent to generosus in Latin, and to uasal in Gaelic. Ovid is quoted to show that love is a partial judge, and that the lover is blind. The origin of the malady is traced and its symptoms described in detail. As to the cure, if the afflicted one is otherwise a rational person, an ecnaidJt or 'wise man' is recommended to reason or frighten him out of his infatuation. If he is an irrational youth, the first remedy suggested is a good sound whipping. Ovid's cure for such cases — continuous hard work — is mentioned, as also that of Pythagoras, — travel, change of country and scone. If none of these avail, the last remedy recommended is to introduce to the demented one a ragged ugly old hag who is to revile his mamorain to her heart's content. Should this final efibrt fail, the man must be possessed of a devil, and his case is hopeless. (4) Recipes for various dis- orders and ailments are given on fols. 82-3, among them one said to be used by the women of Salerno to promote fecundity. (5) Detailed remedies for the cure of lenn ruad ' choler,' lenn fuar (occasionally written lenn Jinn) ' phlegm,' and lenn duhh 'melancholia' are given; the proper quantity of the medicines to be used, and the mode of preparing them. Ebe Mesne is the authority cited, and he is referred to for further informa- tion. The chapter is headed quoniam quidem de amicis meis 12 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. II (fol. 84a), and compares with a more elaborate cha))ter on the same subject in MS. XXVII, fol. 4, which is similarly intro- duced : Do guidider mo qut caniid is fen' agaiiii sgrihilut cu citmair, etc.: ' My best friends have rc(|ucsted mc to write con- cisely,' etc. A paragraph, after Platearius, on the cure of Gout, follows (fol. 86a), which concludes thus: Et muna leor andubram- ar and so rith cum in eefJtrmnad caihdel dJicg de Gilihertinus 7 do geabhair co leor aim jrL ' And if what we have said does not suffice speed thee to the 14th chapter of Gilbertinus, and you will find enough there,' etc. (6) A paragraph on the virtues of aqua vitae or uisge hefJiad 'water of life' (whisky?) follows (fol. 88b). They are many. Every virtue found in balsam is in uisge hetliad. It boils eggs, preserves fish and flesh, and is good for a variety of diseases, ailments, sores, etc. Then comes a paragraph on Eggs and the proper mode of cooking them. The author tells us that hens' eggs are the best, and of these the 3^olk is the best part; and that wild ducks' eggs are not so nourishing nor so digestible as geese's egorg. Fols. 89-95 consist of seven leaves of smaller quarto written in several hands, beginning with diseases of the qjq, and specially Cataract. Various salves are recommended, one of which applied by the writer cured a patient who had been blind twenty-five years. Another favourite remedy was communicated by the author to his companions, and was thereafter known as uisge nan companacJi, 'companions' wash.' Among other ailments itch in. the eyebrows, shedding of the eyelashes, redness of eyes caused, inter alia, by reading minute script, are treated of. Then comes Toothache ; a special cure for Sciatica, Podagra, etc. On p. 93 is a ' precept ' which the writer received o seinn liaigh errisdin- each ar hrigaih an rosa marincc, ' from an old Saracen physician (cf. Revue Celtique, xix. 385) on the virtues of Rosemary.' These are named, and are even more numerous than those of aqtva vitae. After a paragraph on heart diseases, several recipes are given for Epilepsy (galar tuiteniacli), among them an urchasg do rinne deamlian do mhnaoi ar techt cuige a richt duine, 'a specific which a demon who had come to her in the guise of a man gave to a woman.' A short paragraph from Rhazes on the veins of the hand Avhich may be opened ; various rules in medical practice ; and tables of weights and measures conclude MS. II] MEDICINE, ETC. 1 3 tliis layer. [A fuller tabic of the weights and measures of physicians and apothecaries is given in MS. LX.] Fols. 90-100 consist of eleven loaves of which the last four are of smaller size and reversed in binding, but the te.xt is contiiuious. Epilepsy is considered in its three varieties of Epilencia proper, Analincia,, and Catalincia. The subject is again taken up later (fol. 98), where, on the authorit}' of Almasor, the disease is said to be under lunar influence, and where, as on fol. 95, several recipes and charms are given as remedies. There is a paragraph on ' the doses of the inird>ri(/'iiS'e so lehar Nel oig ' This is the book of Neil junior.' The name of the scribe who wrote the MS. from fol. 25 onwards appears here and there on blank spaces, and at the end (fol. 99a) he adds the following colophon : Misi Mael{s)ecJdainn ni illainn m in Icglia ruaidJt do scrib sin do Niall n% Neill Meighethadh .|. mo sesi: 'I, Malachy, son of (G)il(f )linn, son of the red leech, wrote this for Neil son of Neil MacBeath, i.e. my friend (comrade).' In the family pedigree in the Laing MS. there is a Niall og or Neil junior, but he is the son of Hector, son of Neil. This last Neil is a grandson of Fergus Finn or the Fair who, it has been suggested, wrote the Islay charter of 1408. If he was the scribe of the first twenty-two folios of this MS. the date would be about 1450, which may well be the case. The remainder of the MS. was 26 CATALOOTTE OF GAELIC ^rANUSCUIPTS [MS. IV undoubtedly written later, and if the Neil junior of the MS. was Neil senior's grandson ho Avould flourish about 1500 or a little later. That date, say, 1500-1550, is about the date of the latter portion of the little MSS. At the foot of 99a are two memoranda, of which misl an rjilhi dnhli. '1 (aiu) the swartliy lad' is the only part legible to me. MS. IX — Kilbride Collection, No. 5 This MS. consists of a single leaf of faded paper, — the writing upon Avhich is in an inferior hand of the middle or latter half of the eighteenth century. The contents are a prescription for Strangiuy, and a genealogy of the MacDougalls of Dunolly. MS. X — Kilbride Collection, No 6 MS. X is a very large parchment, 15 in. by 10 J, written in double cohunn, with fifty lines and upwards to the page. It is but a fragment, breaking off in the middle of a sentence at the foot of the tenth folio. It is in fair preservation, as Gaelic MSS. go. The inner edges of the leaves are worn away at the top, so that several words and phrases are lost, while the outer edges at the top and bottom are frequently curled or broken. The handwriting is fairly clear, but by no means fine. The scribe writes both in Latin and Gaelic carelessly. The ortho- graphy is often at fault ; words are sometimes omitted, some- times repeated and then roughly deleted, while the Gaelic idiom is not always pure. The text is occasionally corrected or supplemented in a later hand by writing over the line, or on the margin, or at the foot of the page. A mannerism, not confined to this scribe, is show^i here and there by writing a letter, word, or phrase twice, even thrice, as if to fill up a line. Thus, fol. 2a2, 11. 9-11 : an tan disgailter lenna cintacha an cuirp glnaister na ddd roch caili J o ghiaiseacht nan droch caileadh muchar an teasss nachirra "] o muchadh an teasa iiadnrra tig am has. When the peccant humours of the body are dispersed, evil MS. X] MEDICINE, ETC. 27 qualities are set in motion, and by the motion of the evil qualities the natural heat is quenched, the result of which is death.' Again, fol. 4al, last line : . . . an caibdil so Hum an caihdil so Hum an caihdil so Hum. ' (is closed) this chapter by me, this chapter by me, this chapter by me.' There is not a Avord to indicate who the author was be- yond the fact that he refers twice (fol. 6al, 6bl) to another Treatise by him entitled de sperinaite (of Sperms).^ As to its date, one should say that it must have been put together early in the fourteenth centur}^, although this copy was tran- scribed considerably later. The author cites Bernard Gordon of Montpelier as two persons, — Bearrnard 7 Oordoni (fol. lal). He heard of the doctors of Montpelier and speaks of them as Boctuircdha nua t-sleibi Pisalaiu (fol. 9b2), ' the 'new' Doctors of Montpelier.' In MS. XIV the same author refers to William of Montpelier, and cites Bernard Gordon several times. But he does not at any time cite the Lilium Medicinae of the latter author, a work which was known pretty early in the fourteenth century. One should expect that so erudite a writer as this would possess a copy of so important a work as the Lilium, and his usual practice is to cite the book as Avell as its author. It would thus appear that this treatise was composed before the Lilium Medicinae came into general circulation. The Treatise of which this is a fragment is a learned and elaborate commentary on the Aphorisms of Hippocrates, whose name, when written in full, appears in Gaelic as Ipocrait, Ipocraid, in Latin Ipocras, After quoting, in Latin, a maxim from the Liber e2yitirniaruin of Hippocrates, who is here desig- nated Righ arbttm Prindsa aboali ' King (of) A., prince (of) A.,' and a saying of Hali from the first book of his Teagusc i-iglia or Liber regalis to the effect that every one ought to cherish this Treatise of Hippocrates alike in his bosom and in his mind, the author proceeds thus: Ln ncmiine Dei riiisercordia .|. an ainni Dia trocdiri tind- ^ In a later MS. (XIV) the same author refers to other treatises written by him. 28 CATALOfUTK OF CIAELIC MANdSCRIlTS [MS. X sgaintluT an Icabar-sa d'uraile {Mti. (larrkdl) ainiiu amprtH- tnoruni 7 fuig leat gru rahadar trl h-aicmedha a n-aimltsir Ipocraldk vis in lelghes .\. Empirrisi 7 metoisi 7 loisi. Et as iat as cmpirisi and .\. an drong ag amm{h)idi8 araidhi 7 urcaisc 7 do creidis gu leigistis gach ((en g<(lar leo sin, 7 as iat so a n-anmanda .\. Orohasius 7 Alhxmassar 7 Macometus. Metoisi umorro ((icini ele iat sein noch. do gnatJadgltedh creideamain do gotlia ihJi en aimdl ai<( it sdi-iiic^ jfi(( icJi 7 feada fosgair"- gun a cosmailes. Et as iat so a n-((nmanda ]. And- tapiis 7 Sacarias 7 Rufus 7 Serajnonn. Loitisi umorro na featlsamain nadui'd/ia. noch faair na h-ealadha saeramail ata Arsmetricacht j Geomtricacht 7 Astroil- aidhecht J Fisigecht. Et as iat so a n-anmanda .|. Ipocraid fuair ar dus an ealadha leighis 7 do sgrib h-i and sa teangaidh Afraicci 7 do sgrib and sein a teangaidh na h-Araipi 7 and sen a teangaid Laidianta. Et, n<( deaghaid sin tainic An. 7 Rasis 7 Tolamens 7 Constantinus 7 Almasor 7 Isaac 7 Egidius 7 Johanes 7 Damasenus 7 Gendldus 7 De Sola 7 Bearrnard 7 Gordoni 7 onilti (31S. muilti) aili. Ipocraidi umorro noch do rine an leabhur so re n-ahur a')nprismorum 7 as uime aclerar amprismorum .]. as (MS. as asinann) inann ampros as in Greigh 7 definisio as in Laidhin 7 crichnugliudh as in G{aidh- e ilg) oir as and so do crichnaidheadh "inearrdanacht 7 seachran na droingi adubramiar romainn .|. impirisi 7 ^metoisi 7 as ann {sa) leabur-sa do gebthar aithni jfaistiiie gacha teagraa 7 leiglies gacha h-uili galar 7 cohnedh na sldinti gu dleistinach : ' In the name of the merciful God, this book, by name Amprismorum, is begun. And be it known to you that in the time of Hippocrates there were three schools practising the healing Art, the Empirics, the Methodists, and the Rationalists.^ ' Now the Empirics were those who used charms and specifics, ^ Borrowed from L. strix (Gr. crrpl^) ' night bird,' 'screech owl.' ^ No bird appears to be now known by this name, although several are named from their cry. Cf. feadag 'the plover' (lif. the whistler). In the Southern Hebrides the 'Nightjar' is known as a' chnidheall mhor 'the big (spinning) wheel.' Inffdfosc glosses fiibihtH ' hiss.' Cf. Irish Glosses (Dublin Irish Archaeol. and Celt. Soc, p. 25). ^ For Isodore's account of these three schools, v. infra MS. XIII (1) fol. Ia2. Of. also O'Gr.'sCat. p. 239. MS. X] MEDICINE, ETC. 29 and who believed that all diseases could be cured by these. Their names are Orobasius, Albamasar, and Maconictus. ' The Methodists again were another sept who put faith in the cries of birds such as owls and ravens and . . . and the like. And these are their names, — ^Antapus and Sacarias and Rufus and Serapion. ' The Rationalists on the other hand were the natural philo- sophers who discovered the noble sciences of Arithmetic, Geometry, Astrology and Physics. These are their names, — Hippocrates who was the first to discover the healing Art, and who wrote it (his discovery) in the language of Africa, there- after in the language of Arabia, and finally in Latin. After him came Av(icenna) and Rhazes and Ptolemy and Constantine and Almasor and Isaac and Egidius and John of Damascus and Geraldus de Sola and Bernard de Gordon and thousands besides. ' It was Hippocrates, moreover, who wrote this book, which is called AviprisTnortciyi from the Greek word annxpros ( = d(f)apicr- /Ao?), which is equivalent to the Latin definitio and the Gaelic crichnughndh ' ending,' so called because it makes an end of the rashness and error of the Empirics and Methodists afore- said. In this book are also to be found the (means of) recogni- tion and issue (lit. prediction) of every ailment, and the cure of every disease, and the preservation of health, duly set forth.' The Treatise proceeds thereafter in systematic order. The aphorisms of Hippocrates are quoted, in whole or in part, in Latin, followed by a Gaelic translation or paraphrase, and then by the comment in Gaelic. The first line of the aphorism, as well as the first letter of paragraphs, is Avritten in capital letters, and is commonly daubed red or yellow. A large space is left for writing the initial letter, but in only one instance is this space filled in. At the foot of fol. Ibl the divisions of the Treatise, with their contents, are given : — FogJiailtear an leabur-sa amprisinorum as VII rannaibh .|. a VII paArteaglaihli 7 lahliraidh Ipocraid and sa cet pairtedgall don leahiir so don hrig{sic) nadiirda 7 da h-oibrig]dh ihh 7 hialdh in II "pairtedgall (MS. pi. part.) don hrigh aininitJiiglii 7 da li-oihrighthihh 7 h(iaidh) in III payirtedgall do brig na betha 7 do na ballaib spirutallta 7 b{iaidJt) in I I II pairtedgall 3(» ('Al'AhOClIK OK CAKLK" iVl A N USl MM I'l'S |MS. X <'>7'/6v/i 7 o do hilxii^' Ipocraid is no pairtidud)h. letJi, (i inas diim do comtarthalhh, 7 do aicidih morain d'eashdntihh lahraldJi, .se ann sa pairtlcei delghinec/i (so) do taisceltaib hois'J bethad 7 do na comarfaib an niolta 7 in dimolta. Et tulcter tri nethi cum droch comartadh 7 tri nethi cum dedh comartha dib. Cum dedk comartha maitlt 7 nisferr 7 nin ro ferr. Cum a ni as dimolta mar ata olc 7 ro olc 7 marblitdch. Et tuc let an tan adelr Ipocraid malum .|. olc as mo ata sin do leth na bethad na do leth an bais. Et an tan do (jnatliaighes Ipocraid an foccd so .|. peissimwin .|. ro olc tuicter sin cunntahirtach etir bas 7 bethaidli. Et an tan gnathaidhes don focal so mortale .|. marbldacli tuicter ann sin Ipocraid ac diultadli na betli.adh 7 ac faistine an bhais. Et is ed adeir is in canoin so da m-betit na rainn imeallacha co fuar is na h-easlaintih gera as ro olc an comartha sin oir foillsichidh muchadh an teasa nadurdha is na ballaib prinnsipalta. Et as iad so na rainn imeallacha da labraid Ipocraid .|. sron 7 cluas 7 barr mer na cos 7 na lamh 7 buind 7 dernanna. ' In acute diseases cold in the extremities is a bad symptom. Now here is begun the seventh chapter of the Amprismorum. And as Hippocrates spoke in the previous chapters of the symptoms {lit. signs) and accidents of many diseases, he speaks in this last chapter of the prognostications of death and life, and of the symptoms that are favourable and unfavourable. We must understand that there are three words (lit. things) which express bad symptoms, and three which express good symptoms. To express good symptoms are maith " good," wis ferr " better," and nis ro ferr " best." Three express unfavourable symptoms such as olc '"bad," ro olc " very bad," and marbldacli "fatal." And note that when Hippocrates uses the word malum " bad," he means that the indications point to recovery rather than to death; when he uses peissimum " very bad," he means that the issue between life and death is doubtful ; but when he uses the word mortale " fatal," he believes that recovery is hopeless and death certain {lit. indicated). What Hippocrates says in this canon is this, — that in the acute diseases cold in the ex- tremities is a very bad symptom, for this shows that the natural heat is quenched in the principal organs. And the MS. XIJ MEDICINE, ETC. 33 extremities of which he speaks are the nose, ear, the tips of the toes and fingers, the soles and the palms.' Thereafter the commentary proceeds maxim by maxim as in MS. X. Among the new authorities cited in this chapter of the Amprismorum are Gilbertus Anglicus and Rogerus oi- Rogerius. Towards the end of the chapter (fol. 4al) several recipes for plasters, and salves for wounds and sores are given, the last of which runs thus : — Item, gnh haindi gahair 7 mln ruis lin (7) surjh fleagha urdail rlu uile 7 herhter co maith dentaib no co m-bia rigin, curter cermfon m-hraiged 7 is Qmir sin leighister an cned daruh ainm sginannsia maille grasaih dia j na li-ecdadhna : 'Also, take goat's milk and flaxseed meal and a quantity of the juice of chickweed equal to both ; boil well together until the com- pound assumes consistency ; apply an emplaister of this to the neck, and it, by the grace of God and the (healing) Art, heals the sore called Quinsy.' Immediately thereafter comes the subscription : Finit Amen. Feargus o caisidi do sgrib so a tig mwigli i caisidi e cer faithchi caerach so tarn rolrii la limasa etrl. ' Fergus O'Cassidy wrote this in the house of Henry O'Cassidy . . . sheep green(?), on Saturday before Lammas-day,' etc. A copy of this Chapter, written by Gilpatrick the Scot, and dated 1413, is found in the Yellow Book of Lecan (Y.B.L.), pp. 456-462. The remainder of the MS., so far as legible, is taken up with paragraphs on various subjects, — medical, physical, philo- sophical, e.g. : On fol. 4al-2 is a note on facthvgud, now ffhl, 'first in thought': and do rcir i'h {'iiwioicl = mctkodica) iiocJt do nig odn-ingud/i le ballad) na n-alnimiidteg'^ 7 do creideag^ d'an gothad^h ; 7 tfu; h-egsamlact na droingl so cxaridacJd do heit{h) ar an drolng tainlc hi a n-dlaig cum tuicsina na h-ealadan leigJiis : ' The Empirics who profess to cure {lit. work) by salves made from plants ; the Rationalists Avho cure by metals ; and the Methodists who work by the organs of animals and put faith in their cries. And the difference between these has caused a diversity of views in their successors in understanding the healing Art.' The Treatise ends abruptly at the foot of fol. 8 ; but other parts of it are found in MS8. XVII, XXII, and XXIil. Among the many authorities cited are, in addition to Damascenus and Isodore, Algazel, Aristotle, Averroes, Avicenna, Constantine, Galen, Hali, Hippocrates, Isaac, Johanisius, and Orbacius. Of non-professional authors, the writer quotes Senaca (Seneca) and Salumon (Solomon) on reading, — the saying of the former, La;7f/(/ an legad 7 tarhaigi an t-atJdegadh ' Reading is pleasant, re-reading is more profitable'; that of the latter, — Legere et non inteligere est ne leg ire — is dimmn ni do legadh 7 ga.n a tuicsin ' It is profitless to read anything without under- standing it.' The Syntax of the Gaelic Article enables the writer to turn a dictum of the feallsam. neatly to his native idiom: Medicus sanat Socratini et non Jiorninem .\. Leigisldh an liaigh Socrates 7 ni leigisi in diiine: ' The ph3'sician heals Socrates (but) not Man.' Nothing very definite can be said about the age of this laj^er. It may be of the early fifteenth or even of the fourteenth century. 2. The second layer also consists of eight leaves of parch- ^ The unaspirated y for dh may be due to ' localism.' A similar phoneticism is observable in the neighbourhood of Kintail and elsewhere iu Scotland. MS. XIII] MEDICINE, ETC. 43 raent, folio, written in doul)le column and in a good hand. Capitals are plain and, except on the first page, uncoloured. A rent in the third leaf is repaired with red silk thread. To a footnote on fol. 4a is appended, in a comparatively late hand, the initials 2I.B. which may be for Malcolm Bethune. This layer is of later date than the first. The orthographical com- bination ao, e.g., is common, and the graph 2 stands for (in, ta, as well as for est. The MS. is defective at the commencement. The last page is largely illegible, but the text of the second column is con- tinued across the page at the bottom, suggesting that the end of a chapter, if not also the end of the MS., is reached. The contents are various, the author showing a tendency to turn aside now to Astronomy, now to Metaph3'sics. He gives his own views with confidence, and does not seem to put much faith in his contemporaries. The text opens with a new section, but with evident reference to preceding matter, thus : /y iad so oiprlghtJii an leighis aonda J adeir G{alen) go full tri h-oiprighthi ag an leighes aonda .|. oipriugud uilidJd J olpriug- ud rannaighi j oipriugud coitcind: 'These are the actions of simple medicine, — and Galen says that uncompounded medicine has a threefold action, — universal, particular, and general ' (cf supra , p. IG, where a similar statement is attri1)uted to Avicenna). The author proceeds to explain these from vari- ous points of view, both of the medicine and of the patient. He states that the doctiiire otuaglnt ' the doctors of to-day,' mistak- ing the teaching of their elders, have forbidden a certain treatment (fol. Ia2) ann sa chuid is gaire don F(h)rainc do Saxanaihk 7 a Saxanaib fein 7 an Albain 7 an Eii-inn, 'in the part of France nearest England, in England itself, as also in Scotland and Ireland.' On fol. 3a2 detached paragraphs are given on ine{a)nibra spermatis\ the euingill (MS. cuincliill) or qualities oi full derg 'sanguis,' and lenn ruadli ' choler ' ; hruidemlacht 'brute instinct ' which according to the text is of two kinds, criadham- ail 'clayey,' and aerda' aerial,' the former having as its dilus or property snain ar fud na, tahnan 'to wander (lit. swim) over the earth,' Avhereas the latter's dilus is in case of birds flying, and in case of cows loAving, thus showing a higher stage 44 CATALOdUK OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS | MS. XIII of ffticNtii ' intclli^tj^cncG' ; and Jlidii 'inoisturc' in its three varieties, as shown respectively in plants, wine, and water. On fol. 8bl a new subject is thus introduced: Adeir an fealhani (joroh e fi'ialli. h/ds an brigJt dhilcagluich "j na hriga ciirthar do congnum did ag dennm an cct dlleagha a fear lenna fiuiir se h-uaire. Et is- e fad hJd.s a fear lenna duih nai uaire. Et is e fad his ag denum an cct dileagJia a fer lenna ruaidli tri h-uaire co leth. Et Ik e fid h/ds a fer fhola deirge cethir h-uaire co leth: 'The Philosopher says that the time which the digestive force, together with the forces that co- operate therewith, takes in completing the first digestion is, in the case of a person of phlegmatic complexion, six hours; of one of a melancholic complexion, nine hours ; of one of a choleric complexion, three and a half hours ; and of one of a sanguine complexio]i, four and a half hours.' Then follows the time which the various digestive processes take in performing their respective functions in the case of persons of the four ' complexions,' with the disorders and diseases attendant upon each stage, and in each complexion. The treatment of the diseases is not much entered upon, but metaphysical discussions and the influence of the planetary sj^stem on disease are unusually full, and continue until the last page, where defini- tions of several technical terms are given. The authority chiefly cited is Avicenna (Au, Aui, once Ian). Animatus is frequently cited on the first two leaves, but not afterwards. Galen, Hippocrates, Damascenus, Isaac, Apolonius, and Henricus (MS. Hanricus) are also cited. Fcall- sarii (Aristotle), The Philosophers, The Doctors, are often referred to. This author does not appear to be too well versed in medical Bibliography. On fol. 2bl he mistakes the title of a book for its author: vis na, gallraih eile ainmighes iiainn- thegni in a leahur fein, ' to the other diseases which Pantechni mentions in his own book.' Hippocrates and Galen are each credited with a Treatise named Pantechni. 3. The third layer also consists of eight leaves of parchment, folio. The skin is white and fresh. The handwriting is large and good, somewhat angular. The writing is in double column. The first letter is highly elaborated. Elsewhere capitals are plain, but on the first five pages and the last frequently dashed MS. XIII] MEDICINE, ETC. 45 with red. Emendations appear over the hne and on the margin. There is a blank space on fol. 4bl. On the top of the first page is written, In nomine patris 7 Jilii 7 sj^iritus sancti. The author announces his purpose thus: — Trachtadh cumair tarbach solusta and so d'foilUiiiq- adh onen^nan lucht an eitseachta a noua {sic) ^nentori: 'Here follows a concise, useful, and clear Treatise to illumine the mind of the reader (lit. hearers) by a new Expounder.' The Treatise is more elaborate than concise, and is occasional!}' want- ing in clearness. But it is a comprehensive exposition, by an able and learned man, of the science of Medicine, as understood at the time. Who the ' new mentor ' was we are not told. The work is theoretical rather than practical, and continually passes from Medicine to Metaphysics. The practice of the author is to summarise the views of the authorities on every subject he takes up, to point out their discrepancies, and endeavour to explain if not to reconcile them. He states his own views with confidence, even when they differ from the highest authorities. The Treatise is divided into two main parts: (1) Regarding Medicine generally, and (2) Regarding the classification and functions of the various organs. But in the course of the work various distinctions are made, and explanations given of many things. Thus ' Theory ' and ' Practice ' take up a large space. So do things ' natural,' ' non-natural,' and 'contrary to nature' (c/. supra, p. 24). A cha|)ter on the divile or ' Elements ' gives the views of the philosophers from Plato and Aristotle down- wards, with a comment upon each. The second part of the Treatise commences with the Heart (fol. 4b2). Then follow paragraphs on the Brain, Marrow, Liver, etc. A chapter on the huAll seirhhislgJil ' ancillary organs,' such as the Veins and Arteries, comes next, followed by a long chapter on the hru/a or 'powers,' 'faculties.' The briga are first considered generally, and then specially. Among them is the brig 7iadurda or ' natural force,' in the exposition of which the author tells us that the Philosophers use the term Nature in eight different senses, and the Physicians in nine (fols. 7b2 — Sal). Individual briga, such as the brig oilemhna ' the nutritive force,' the brig fastaigtheach ' the constrictive (?) 46 rATAT.OGUE OF GAELIC MAXUSCRIPTS [MS. XIII force' arc then taken up, but before the discussion of the latter is concluded the text comes to an abru])t close. A large array of Authors is cited, in i lie case of Aristotle, Avicenna, Constantine, (ialcn, Hali, lli])|)ocratcs, Isaac, Johannes (Damascenus ?) and Isodore, the particular Treatise quoted from is frequently named. Among the less common authorities cited are Plato on vXrj (fol. 4a2), and on 'nature' (fol. 7b2), Almogesto Tomoei, Boethius, Turius, and Tolameus (Ptolemy). The writer makes an occasional mistake in his bibliography. Thus he attributes the De aiilmn of Aristotle to Hippocrates. But this may be a mere slip of the pen, and ought not to count much against an author so learned and generally so accurate. 4. The fourth layer is a fragment of four leaves of parch- ment, folio size. It is defective at the beginning and end, and when compared with MS. XIV it is found that three leaves are awanting between the (present) second and third. The writing is in double column, and in the same hand as j\IS. X. In onl}^ two cases are capitals inserted, but space is left for them. A rent in fol. 1 is repaired with green silk thread. The subject is a portion of the second book of Hippocrates's Amprismorwin. In the commencement of the text the dis- cussion is on csldiitl ffcra 'acute diseases,' from which the author proceeds to Fevers, which are described in great detail. The subject is not concluded on fol. 2b2. On fol. Sal the author has passed on to pnrgoide ' emetics,' which are con- sidered in their several varieties and suitability, until the text breaks off on fol. 4b2 in the middle of a sentence. In this portion of the Amprisono7"um two new authorities are cited, — 3[ai(/isfer U'dlialmvs o Sliab Pimknoi- and Aonudklus de uilla noua ' William of Montpelier and Arnaldus of Villanova.' 5. The two leaves which form the fifth layer of the MS. are put together in an unusual way. Four leaves of quarto vellum written in double column were taken asunder. A strip of the skin, including some of the text, was cut from the side of each, and used to stitch the four quarto leaves as two folios. These were bound into this MS., but were found to be longer than the others. They were then folded in at the top and bottom so as to make them rnore or less uniform with the adjacent leaves. MS. XIII] MEDICINE, ETC. 47 The text is not continuous. The page now shows in four cokimns. The hand is large, round and clear. Capitals are large and finely executed, but not coloured. The subjects discussed are j^urgoide, — their varieties, when they ought to be given, and how they operate ; Foods, especi- ally the flesh of sheep, cows and pigs ; and i\lilk (including butter, whey, curds and cheese) of cow, sheep, goat, mare and ass. Among the authorities cited are Hippocrates, Galen, and Alexander. 6. The sixth and last layer of MS. XIII consists of eight leaves of thick parchment, large quarto. This layer is a com- plete MS. in itself, written in double column, and in a clear but somewhat rough hand. The MS. was for long without a cover, and the first and last pages are not easily read. A marginal note here and there supplies an omission of text. On the last page the subject being unfinished at the foot of the second column is continued on the bottom margin and written across. The author writes in clear, idiomatic Gaelic, with a turn of happy illustration. Six different subjects are treated of, and each is concluded, the usual docquet (Fin it. Amen.) being appended. (1) The first subject discussed is the doctrine of the four grcuhis or ' degrees,' in Gaelic celmeniui {cf. MS. II, sujjra, p. 16). Foods, drinks, and the materials from which medicines were composed were, in respect of quality, classed as hot, cold, dry, or moist, in one or other of four (ri/menna or degrees. The exposition opens in Latin, the words being legible only in part : {N)otan(him (tri)plex est doctrlna g(raduuvi), which rendered into Gaelic reads : is follus go fuilid tri forcedail ar na celmennaih, 'it is manifest that the doctrine of the degrees is threefold.' The three are then defined, and commented uj)on at great length, the discussion taking up rather more space than the other five subjects put together. At the foot of fol. 2al, the author states that the ' truly noble men ' who formulated and developed ' the science of the degrees ' were in succession G(alen), Jacobus Alcinndi, Averroes, and Arnaldus of Villanova. To himself, being an unripe youth, was given by grace the privi- lege of collecting and putting together these maxims and other ' secrets.' In speaking of climate in connection with the quantity 48 CATALOOTTE OF CJAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. XIII of medicine to bo given, he instances larlid nri(/ li'i iiinhjlil "J da h-olhrnj/itih lidjrdid se is in 2)t so don hri;/ J>('ofh!iiL of the chapter on Scrofula (cap. 21) ; cap. 22, don Liihni. ' on Leprosy ' ; cap. 23 ' on Morphea'; cap. 24, ' on Scabies'; and the opening sentences of cap. 25, 'on Pustules' {t/oraln). An occasional note on the margin supplies an omission of text, otherwise there is nothing in this excerpt to indicate author or scribe. [An account of the Lilium Mcdicinac will 1)0 given later.] MS. XX— Kilbride Collection, N(j. 16 MS. XX is a fragment consisting of six leaves parchment, large folio (12 in. by 9). It is written in a plain, regular hand, in double colunni, with fifty lines and upwards to the page. Beo"innin£rs of sections are written in capital letters, but there is no ornan:ientation or colouring. The ink is dull, and the MS. has been roughly used, so that in some parts, especially the last page, it is difficult to read it. Rents in the skin are stitched with red silk thread. This MS. was written or transcribed at a later date than most of the medical parchments, the script ao for ae, e.rj. aon, rood, taohh, being common throughout. The commencement of the text is awanting, but the Treatise closes on the eighth line of the last column (fol. 0b2). Then comes a docquet giving the date, which is illegible. Another note follows: Aoif^ (in tigherna an fan do niarhadh CohthacJi o inadadh . . . ' The age of the Lord when C. Avas killed by the hound . . .,' but again the date cannot be fixed. Lower down is Misi Eoin Macbetha A'pril 16 . . 'I (am) John MacBeath, April 16 ... ' with other illegible matter. At the foot of the previous page (fol. 6 a) is written across the margin in English, and in inferior hand, 'This was writin by me, Luke T(?F)ully, the first of November, 1679,' which, considering the ortho- graphy, may be about the date of the transcript. The text opens with the latter part of a prescription to be given in the first aicid or accident in the aixis of fever. The other aicidi, with their symptoms and appropriate remedies, in which blood-letting has a prominent place, follow. Tart ' thirst ' is treated of thereafter. MS. XXIJ MEDICINE, ETC. 53 A subsequent section opens with the statement that there is a longer period in the aixii^ of the fevers called quinctana, sexana, etc. to decena than in quartaita, with an explanation of the fact. Feihris sang in is is thereafter discussed, including sinoca, sinocus, and kindred varieties. A section follows ' Regarding the diseases which are not adburdha ' (material), or, as afterwards explained, those in which there is not adhur or ' matter ' which must be got rid of. Here efemera which may he fire, i.e. 'real efemera,' or nach fir ' what is not so,' and eitic 'hectic fever,' are the chief subjects of discussion. Other sections treat at length oi diahcticii 'p<'^''i^io and min- gitus sainginis (fols. 4b]-5b"2), their cause, symptoms, and cure. The last section is on the mamilla and the various disorders to which they are subject. A feature of the Treatise is the full and detailed recipes pre- scribed for the diseases treated of. The recognised authorities, Hippocrates, Galen, Avicenna, Averroes, Constantine, Hali, and Isodore are cited, as also Alibertus, Bartholomeus, Dioscorides, Egidius, Gilbertinus, and Serapion. In referring to the vicAvs of Avicenna and the Doctors who agree with him, the author makes the observation (fol. 2al): ucus ni coir dwinne techt an aighe raite nan doctuiri add an adlacad onaill h-anoir ' It does not become us to contradict the dicta of the Doctors, but to bury them Avith honour.' MS. XXI— Kilbride Collection, No. 17 MS. XXI consists of eight leaves of parchment, ordinary folio size, written in double column, and in a very small but good hand. The initial letter is large and highly elaborate, showing that the treatise is complete at the commencement. It is incomplete at the end, the text breaking off in the middle of a sentence. Several memoranda appear on the margins, one or two supplying an omission in the text. There is nothing to indicate author or scribe. The subject is a part of the Aniprisniorum of Hippocrates, written in the same style as the portions contained in MSS. X, XI, XIII (4-), and XIV. The 'aphorisms' or 'canons' are 54 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. XXI quoted in whole or in part, in Latin, written in capital letters and for the greater part coloured, while the coniiiicnt follows, in Gaelic. Here the several books or ' particles ' of the lar^i^e Treatise are not distinguished, but from the table of contents given in MS. X they are shown to be, in whole or in [lart, Books 4, 5, and G. The text opens with an exposition of various disorders attend- ing Pregnancy and the diseases resulting therefrom. Among these Leprosy, Dropsy, and others are named; but that chiefly dwelt upon is Syncope, — its varieties, treatment, and cure. Side issues, ejj. barrenness in the male as well as in the female, arc considered in some detail. A large section is devoted to Milk,— its composition, together with its nutritive qualities. A variety of questions propounded by ' Comentatur,' — whether the milk of an animal partakes of the nature of the animal, like its flesh and blood; whether the milk is affected by the kind of grass the animal feeds upon ; why animals are milk-producing while birds are not — are discussed. Some observations follow on Wounds and Sores, with or with- out swelling. Spasms, Rigor, etc., with the diseases to which these give rise. Then follows (fols. 5a2-6a2) a long section on ictericia or huidlieacliair (in Scottish Gaelic a hhiiidheach) ' Jaundice.' Three varieties of ' Jaundice ' are named, — crocJida, _ or yellow, uaine or green, and duh or black. Various remedies, external and internal, are prescribed. On fol. 6a2 commences the exposition of Lienteria, and on the inner margin opposite is marked in vi pi. This clearly means the sixth ijairteagal or book of the Treatise, and shows that the preceding sections on wounds, sores, etc., formed the fifth book, as the portion on pregnancy, etc., formed the fourth book. The discussion on Lienteria is followed (fol. Ia2) by Disentirla, after which come diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Remedies in the form of potions, plasters, electuaries, baths, and special diets are prescribed in great detail. The text comes to an abrupt close on fol. 8b2. Among the authorities cited in this part of the Ampris- 7noruin are, in addition to Hippocrates, Galen, Isaac, Avicenna, Aristotle, Comentatur, G(il)b(ertinus), Gerallterus (fol. (jal) and Ricardus. MS. XXVj MEDICINE, J:TC. 55 MS. XXII— Kilbride Collection, No. 18 MS. XXII consists of eight leaves of parchment, folio size. It is written in double column, in a good, clear, but plain hand. As already stated (v. supra, p. 51) the subject is a continuation of the Treatise on canons or maxims of Isodore, commenced in MS. XIII (1). Here the first line of the canon, quoted in Latin, is written in round capitals, and daul)ed in red. The text is a fragment opening and ending in the middle of a sentence, but continuous, and covering a wide field. Various ailments and diseases, with their cures, are considered, but in somewhat general terms. Prescriptions are few, but baths, clysters, electuaries, unguents, and plasters are frequently recommended. Blood-letting, in the two forms of cuidr ' vein ' and adore ' horn,' 'cup,' is discussed at length; as also the influence of climate, seasons and planets upon health and disease. Egidius and Ptolemy, not referred to in MS. XIII (1), are here cited. MS. XXIII — Kilbride Collection, No. 19 MS. XXIII is a fragment consisting of six leaves of parch- ment, small folio size. It is written in double column, in a good, plain hand, without ornamentation or colouring of any kind. The tirst and last pages are more or less illegible. There is a gap in the text between fol. 2 and 3, and 4 and 5, which is supplied by MS. XXII. The subject, as stated above {v. p. .51), is a part of the Commentary on maxims or canons of Isodore. In comparing the texts of this treatise conunon to MSS. XIII (1), XVII, XXII, and XXIII, one is led to the conclusion, not- withstanding slight differences in diction and the occasional omission of a clause or quotation in one or other of them, that they are not independent translations, but copies of a common original. MS. XXV— Kilbride Collection, No. 21 The contents of MS. XXV are mainly Religious. But the MS. proper is covered by four leaves, two at the beginning and two at the end, of small quarto, parchment. The text of these 56 CATALOGUE OF OAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. XXV is chietiy medical. Some Memoranda were written on fol. la, but they are undecipherable. Fol. 4b is blank. Tlic writing is in double column, in a plain but clear hand. A few marginal notes, not too legible, appear. There is no colouring or orna- mentation of any kind. The te.xt on fol. Ibl opens abruptly, — somllis no ni elli incoch iiK(ctli(is 7i(( leanna, .... 'very sweet or any other thing that mollifies the humours.' Then follow prescriptions for (jaUtr nan duas, 'disease of the ears,' especially cnuic na chuts or parotide {=7rap(OTl'i) 'tumours of the cars'; disorders of the uvula (cioclh-hhraii/lted); nose- obstructions {sron oiiucJiadJi); pleurisy; heat and cold in the Htonv.icAx : fastidium (eimeltus) ; luas craidlil 'palpitation.' Thereafter come paragraphs on diets, — fish, apples, beans, and milk, among which sleep and water are included. Hippocrates is cited. There is a lacuna between fols. 2 and 3. On fol. 8al the text treats of milk, curds, cheese, and butter. Fol. 3a2-b2 gives the proper diet in pleuro-pneumonia (pplemonia), diseases of the liver, spleen, and kidneys. A paragraph on the foods suit- able when the vein of the arm is opened (fol. 4al) closes this medical fragment, with the usual Finit. Amen. Two short poems, not always legible, fill up the remainder of the page. The subject of the first is ' Death ' ; the second is attributed to G{o)fraidli o Cliinia. MS. XXVI— Kilbride Collectiox, No. 22 The medical portion of MS. XXVI consists of six leaves of parchment, quarto. The writing is in double column. The text begins and ends abruptly. Six different subjects are treated of: — 1. The hlasa or tastes (c/. supra, pp. 13, 37), in connection with which Gilbertus is cited. 2. A chapter headed don fi.lun ' Of Felon. The text con- sists of a number of prescriptions in the form of plasters and potions for Felon, Fistula, Cancer, Carbuncles, and Furunculus. This chapter ends on fol. 4b2, and the remainder of the column is blank. 3. On fol, 5al-2 is a fresh chapter which professes to treat MS. XXVII] MEDICINE, ETC. r)7 of Elephantiasis, Morphea, Scabies, Apostemata, and Pruritus. Only the first two are mentioned. Under Elephantiasis, Arnaldus is cited, and under Morphea, Hippocrates. 4. On fols. 5bl-6al are named the foods etc., suitable for each of the twelve months of the year, beginning with March and ending with February. The account professes to follow a leahar ' book ' which is not named. 5. The days and hours on which Sun and Moon enter the same comartha or Sign in each month of the year are given on fob 6al-2. 6. On fob 6bl-2 the subject is Sleep. The last couple of lines are illegible. In this paragraph oi?- ' because' is written oigh, a phoneticism which recalls, in Scotland, Tiree and Uist. Several notes are found here and there on the mai'gin. The following evidently refers to some calamity threatening Mull, written perhaps by one of the Mull M'Beaths. Uch, a Mltuire is onairg do feraihh Muile ata am. hetliaidlt an meid mairjis dih a nocJd, ' Alas, Mary, woe to the living men of Mull who will survive this night.' MS. XXVII— Kilbride Collection, No. 23 The MS. proper consists of five leaves of parchment, rather small folio. It is enclosed in a cover formed of four leaves of parchment, firmly stitched together with a thong. These are written upon in Latin. The outer pages are now illegible. On the inner pages the hand is apparently the same as that of the cover of MS. XIV. On one of these is a copy of the Gospel of St. Mark xiv. 47-xv. 1. On the other, which is broken, there are verses of the Gospel of St. John (cap. xi); of the Epistle to the Philippians (cap ii.) ; and of Psalm xxii. (Vulgate xxi). On the inner side of the end cover is the note : Me fein leahJtar Ghillanndrias duihh "j ni 'maitlh an litir so again, ' I am the book of swarthy Gillanders, and this my script is bad.' Gillanders Avas doubtless a MacBeath, and probably the father of Neil son of Gillanders Avho appears on MS. XIV {v. supra, p. 49). The contents of the MS. are varied, but mainly Medical. The text opens with a note by Jacobus de Forlivio on r.S CATALOnUK OF aAKLTO MANUSCRIPTS [MS. XXVII Electuaries, the openinc^ sentences of which are quoted by the late Dr. M'Lauchlau in Celtic Glraniiiijs, p. 101, but. the writer takes up a variety of topics. Avicenna is cited. A succeeding cliapter (fol. Ib2) is on 'How to know things,' based upon the views of the philosophers, and especially of ' C!onientatur' in the beginning of the first book on Physics. 'Vho, discussion is chiefly on Miller la prima, Forma, and Prieacio, the last being rendered into Gaelic esbaidh, na foirme 'absence of Form.' ('hapters on Himoea inJiatiiKi (fol. 2a2) which is not translated, and J!J/ica (fol. 21)1) 'hectic fever' follow. Bartholo- meus is the authority cited in both chapters. An interesting chapter on Music is given on fols. 2b2-3al. Musica est 'pliirimum disionilium in unum, redactorwin Con- cordia .|. is ed is ceol vo is hindes and raoran do netltih neamchosmaile do tanking co h-aentadhach an aen ceol amain, ' Music or melody consists in uniting many diverse sounds (lit. things) harmoniously in one musical sound.' ' Aristotle (or Arnaldus?) says that there is music in the domun or universe, in daendacht or humanity, and in indstriiminti or instruments. The various divisions and subdivisions of each are named. Of ' human music ' e.g. some is in the body, some in the soul, and some in both combined. Of musical instruments some are 'stringed' like timpan or lyre; some are 'wind', or 'air' like the organ; while others are 'voiced,' like gahail dan ' singing songs,' and candairecht ' chanting.' Paragraphs by Arnaldus on the duile (cf. supra, p. 45) or elements, and datlia or colours follow on fol. Sal ; the causes of the aicida or 'accidents' in disease (fol. 3a2); and the difference between trlstitia, timor, and ira (fol. 3a2, but continued not on 3bl, but on 3b2). On fol. 3bl is a paragraph by Egidius to the effect that hetJia 'life' may be regarded from three points of view: volujjtiiosa or sanntach ' covetous ' or ' selfish ' ; politica or saethrach ' industrial ' ; and conteinplatiiia or smuaintigtecJt or intsamlaigtech 'intellectual' or' imaginative.' Man shares the first with the brutes, and where it predominates he is unworthy of the name ; he shares the second with his fellows, and where it predominates he is a man merely ; he shares the third with the angels, and where it predominates he is more than human. MS. XXVII] MEDICINE, ETC. 59 Paragraphs by Avcrroes in secundo de coilictorio on the administration of medicine, and on duinte ' obstructions ' fill up the remainder of the coliinm. Fol. 3b2 is partly blank. On fol 4al a different subject is introduced thus: Do guididcr me na caruid is f err ayvAii sf/rihtlta cu cwmair cugu leigheas dileagtha 7 folmuigldJii diuidi j comsnidighthi neoch gnatJtaiges wtfisigi in a 2)'fciiticecJda J ar in guidi H%n 7 ar maitJii 7'ium fcin htibeorad ar (hts do na leighesaihh diuidi 7 comsuidigldhi fohnaigea gacJi en lenn 7 do leighes dUeag/d/ia 7 foliiiuightliigacha lenna in gach hall am hi .sy, etc. (cf. sfcj^ra, p. 12), ' My best friends have entreated me to write to them succinctl}' (regarding the) digestive and purgative medicines, both simple and compound, which physicians use in their practice ; and in obedience to this request as well as for my own benefit, I shall first name the simple and compound medicines which purge each individual humour, and (then) the digestive and purgative medicines of each humour in each organ, etc' The author certainly does write succinctly. The medicines are named, simple and compound, in orderly sequence, Avhich dissolve the three humours, — len7i ruadh ' choler,' lenn fiiar ' phlegm,' lenn duhh ' melancholia.' Then he goes on : do lahrumar don leighes dileaglias gach lenn labrumar a nois don leighes tairrnges he ar na, dileaghtha et atait tri neithi is insmuain- tighthi cuigi sin. An cet ni dih ca leighes is dilus do gach lenn do tarring. An dara ni ca med da gach. leighes is coir cum gach adb^ir dih sin do tarring. An tres ni cindiis follm- nuiglder an leigh-es cum na lennand do tarring, ' Having spoken of the medicines which dissolve each humour, let us now speak of the medicines which ' draw ' the humour, after being dissolved. For this purpose three things are to be kept in view, (1) what medicine has, as its property, the power to attract each humour, (2) what quantity of each medicine is necessary in order to draw the matter in each case, and (3) how are the medicines to be regulated in order to attract the humours.' These points are laid down in the same concise manner (fol. 4a2). On fol. 4bl comes the second part of the tract, — the treatment of the humours in the individual organs, which is continued to fol. 5al. Thereafter comes the third part ' the medicines which give relief, and draw forth from the organs GO CATALOrUTE OF aAKLTC MAXrSfMMlTS [MS. XXVII the "evil complexion" which the hiinioiirs leave there.' This section is fragmentary. A space left blank on fol. rr.il is filled in, in inferior hand and different ink. The treatise comes to an end on fol. 5a2 with an enumeration of the many medical virtues of iioriiwiit ' wormwood.' The remainder of the colunm is taken up with the various colours of urine and their medical significance,, a subject that turns Tip frequently in these documents {v. aj. pp. (S, 62). Fol. .5b is not written upon. John Mesne is cited in the last tract, the name being written in Gaelic, — ^:ieon Mcmic, and in the (jonitivc case (do iwlr) Hein MeKiw (fol. 4a2). Explanatory and other notes, not alwaj's too legible, appear occasionally on the margins and blank sjiaces. Thus on fol. 8b2 : Bennaclit ann so o Niall do cJntm -jxo cJiompandAcJii fain .|. Ruairi Siaghail, 'A blessing here from Neill to my own companion Rory O'Shiel.' MS. XXXIII— Highland Society, Kilbride, No. 2 Two MSS. covered by very old skin are enclosed in the wrapper labelled XXXIII, and both have been described by Dr. Donald Smith {Rep. on Oss., App., pp. 293-4). I. The first is a parchment of eight leaves, small folio size. It contains a Calendar, carefully written in a good, clear hand. On fol. lb are two well-executed fissured circles, with accom- panying text explaining how to iind the Dominical Letter and Golden Number of any year. Most of the entries and all the numbers in the Calendar are in the same hand, written in black or red. Other entries, chiefly footnotes naming the appropriate foods, drinks, and days for blood-letting for each month, are in a different and inferior hand. Under March e.g. is the following : An treas oni .|. 9ni tnarta caith figedha 7 risin 7 hiada onillsi ele 7 leig full anns an xmad la 7 anns an ochtinad la as do laiinh dels an aigid rigur a coitcldnne. (In) the third month, viz., the month of March use figs and raisins and other sweet foods, and on the tenth and eighth days open the vein of your right arm specially to prevent Rigor. Fols. la and 8b are blank, with the exception of a few MS. XXXIII] MEDICINE, ETC. fil memoranda. Among- these are, on I'ol. la, Eoin Ma'ujbhdlia est hujus libri possessor. Gidraithne. 22 don mith April 1700, ' John MacBeath is the owner of this book. Coleraine, April 22nd, 1700'; and on fol. 8b Orra an chlnn 'Head charm,' which ColumciUe 'Cokimba' prescribed for his [jille 'attendant,' when going through a pass in a wood. The charm is in part obscure to me. At the foot of fol. 1 b is written in phxin hand ' Major John M'Lachhxn, Kilbride, No. 2.' II. The second MS. is of paper, quarto. The paper is much tattered, and many words and sentences of the text have disap- peared. There are at least two hands, one rather common, the other liner. The MS. is paged, and written in single column. Its contents are various : 1. Verses on the Year, its divisions, festivals. Saints days, etc., take up the first seven pages (p. 4 being blank). The verses are (on p. 7) attributed to: Gillihiart o Dut duinn ah Cuimh nach crion conihrvinn Maith agnaoi da dcarbadh do saoigh mr dealhadh an diian so. ' Gilbert O'Dubhagaii Abbot of C. -whose contentions shall endure, His goodly countenance attests the sage who composed this i^oeni.' A copy of the same composition is in MS. XLVIII, and there attributed to O'Dubhagan (A Roman Calendar in verse O dubhagan cc). The verses are printed from MS. XLVIII in Reliquiae Celticae, vol. i. p. 141 et seq. 2. Pp. 9-30 contain an anatomical tract based on Galen's Anatomia, but with other authorities cited, — Aristotle, Avi- cenna, Constantino, Hippocrates, and, generally, na. li-ugluJair ' the authors.' The same tract, Avith some difference in arrange- ment and phraseology, is in MS. LX, pp. 239-260. Both begin: Adeir Galen a leahhar anatomia gurab lad so na baill oiredha .|. inchinn J croidhe aoi 7 tcirrjJie, 'Galen says in his book on Anatomy that these are the cardinal organs, — brain and heart, liver and testes. 8. Several prescriptions and charms are written on the fragments which make up pp. 31-36. 4. On pp. 37-40 are written Latin maxims translated into Gaelic, commencing thus: quod 'male ineipitur male jinitur .\. Gach ni tinnscainter go Ic-olc is co h-olc cricJcnaighfer, ' whatso- 62 CATAF.OGLTR OK CAKMC M AN l'S( '1:1 1'TS | MS. XXXIII ever is l)eL;un badly is badly liiiishcd.' [([/'. MS. LX, p. iSl, where a much lar^^er collection is given, beginning as here.] To page 37 is gummed a strip of paper which was evidently the end of a letter in which the son of the laird of Coll is men- tioned, and signed Jf i.si Lacldainn Mac Giolla Eoiii, ' I (am) Lachlan Maclean.' 5. Pp. 41-60, contained a copy of the Hcliola Salernitana, or rules which the physicians of that School prepared, in Latin verse, for the use of the Duke of Normandy. Pp. 41-2, the very leaf from which Dr. Smith made his quotation (K<"p. 07i Oss., App. p. 294), are now awanting from the MS. [The leaf may have been borrowed by Dr. Smith, and owing to his sudden death {Oss. Rep., p. 343) not returned.] The number and subject of the various paragraphs are given on the margin. [A complete copy of this tract is given in MS. LX, pp. 126-154.] 6. Pp. 61 to the end (p. 84) are taken up with an elaborate Treatise on Urine, found also, but with variations, in MS. LX, pp. 155-1(S0. The contents and colour of the urine are specially dwelt upon, with their value in diagnosis. Hippocrates, who is on p. 80 designated ro eolacJi naduire, ' the great student of Nature ' is cited once or twice. The following docquet is on p. 84 : Afise Domhncdl Mac an Ollaimh. Et is olc an liter sin J do ho mor n . . . Et is mar tno tiiirrsc toreis Donnchaidh Ulltaigh 7 ffronsies Ulltaigh. Et is dursan lem nach hfuighini cunntapart do chuir an en focul diomaigh siad. F. i. n. i. d. air Eghidius. Et me an dun na gall. ' I (am) Donald son of the physician. The handwriting is bad and great was. . . . And very sorry I am after Duncan of Ulster and Francis of Ulster. And sad I am that since their departure 1 get no one to discuss a single word. An end here to (the Treatise of) Egidius. I am in Donegal' [For the reference to Egidius V. supra pp. 8, 9, and O'Gr. Cat., p. 173.] Lower down on the same page is Leabliair Giolla, choluiiii Meigheathadh, ' The book(s) of Malcolm MacBeath.' MS. XLI— Highland Society, J. M'Kenzie, No. 5 The MS. proper consists of fourteen small leaves of thick parchment. It is enclosed in a cover of two leaves of skin of MS. LX] MEDICINE, ETC. 63 still suiiiUcr size. This cover is written upon, and, where lej^ible, contains Latin maxims on JDiets by Hippocrates, with transla- tion and comment in Gaelic. MS. LX — Miscellaneous, No. 3 MS. LX is of paper, quarto size, with beginning and end awanting. It consists at present of 476 pages. The last page is numbered 474, but two pages (162, 163) were omitted. Pages 5 to 14 properly belong to the end of the MS. There is a lacuna between pp. 4 and 15. In two places (pp. 300-1 and 424-5) a leaf with writing upon it has been cut out, but the text is continuous. In several cases parts of pages are left blank, and pp. 5(S and 464 are entirely blank. This is the largest and in several respects one of the most interesting MSS. in the Library. It was written, for the greater part at any rate, by Angus son of Farqiihar son of Angus for Duncan son of John son of Donald son of Duncan O'Conacher in 1611 to 1614. This is, beyond doubt, the MS. of M'Conacher of Lorn, of which the Rev. Donald M'Nicol of Lismore, in his spirited reply to Dr. Samuel Johnson, says that it was seen by many gentlemen still alive in that country. It appears, from scraps of paper used as reading marks, that about the time M'Nicol wrote (1775) the MS. was in the possession of some person who had transactions in Skye and Uist. It came to the Highland (and Agricultural) Society in the beginning of the nineteenth century and is marked on p. 1, ' 34 J. M'H. No 7.' It is not known when the O'Conachers settled in Lorn as physicians. Their OAvn tradition is that they came from Ireland, as the name would suggest. The family do not figure so prominently in the Literature of the Highlands or in Records as the MacBeaths or Beatons. But the name appears on several of these MSS. (v. supra pp. 6, 7, and cf. also MS. XXXIV, infra). In 1530 John M'Conchra of Stronecormik ( = Sro7i Chormaig ' Cormac 's nose ' or ' headland,' at the head of Loch Feochan) pays to ' my lord ' forty merks ' for ye grassum of ye office of chirurgeon.' Early in the seventeenth century (about 1639) the 'famous medicinar Dr. Donald O'Chonacher' was brought from Argyll to Irvine to attend one of the family G4 CATALOdlM': (>K CAKLK" M ANUSOKI I'I'S (MS. LX of Argyll. Ill l.iiu uiglitAjuuLh ccjulur}' Lhu lU'Couuciiurs lived aL Airdoran on tlio northern shore of Loch Feochan, holding their lands in feu from Argyll and Breadalbane. In 1715 M'Conacher of Airdoran was invited to Inveraray, among other proprietors and principal men of the county, to consult regarding the measures to bo taken on behalf of the government and the peace of the county. In 17 GO the M'Conacher of the day was summoned, as heritor in Kilmore, to consider regarding the rebuilding of the parish church. B}^ the end of the century Airdoran became part of the adjoining estate of Gallanach. But the Doctor's house was standing in the middle of the nineteenth century, and its site is still visible. It contained a deep recess where the physicians stored their drugs. In the adjoining garden medicinal plants were reared, while a cup in a rock hard by served as a mortar in which to pound them. Two hands are clearly discernible in the MS., one more free and flowing as e.y. on pp. 42-56, and some lines on p, 281. On the top margins of pp. 251, 253 are written DonncJuidh mac duhhsleiblite and j\Iisi JJonncJiadk mac. D. S. ' Duncan M'Don- levy '(?)) ' I (am) Duncan Mac. D. S.'. But the M8. was for much the greater part written in a plain hand by Angus son of Farquhar, already mentioned. The scribe travelled about, and wrote on broken lines and blank spaces personal memoranda of ' an interesting character. Some are of the usual type of pious ejaculations: 'God be with me; grant me sense and wisdom; bring this book to a good issue,' etc. etc. Others name the places, sometimes Avith dates, which he visited from time to time ; — Lismore ; Achnacroish in Lismore ; Muckairn ; Trum- pan(theraisa Trumpan in Sk3'e); Ollen mi Stalcaire 'Island Stalker'; AvrdcltonghaiL "Ardchonnel'; Gleann Craibhrlonn •' Glencreran,' etc. At Dunan EacJiain (a place not identified) he meets Mac Domnaill Buihh ' Lochiel ' ; and at Dunolly, where he frequently is, he meets Mac Bhughaill 'Dunolly,' and Duncan O'Conacher. One or two of the scribe's docquets are somewhat extended. Thus on p. 260 : Finis don {A)natoinia o Aonghus mac Fear- chair mic Aongu{i)s. An Airdcongail da7nJi a bhfochair Dhonncaidh i Goncubhair agus is e Donnchadh tug an leabar so dliamhsa re na sgriobhadh agus tugadlh gach aon leidhis e MS. LX] MEDICINE, ETC. 65 heannacht ar anmain an DonncJiaidh sin agus giiidhimfii iad fatli gan cionta do tahairt damh phfein air son olcas a sgriohh- tJta air is e an ced leabhar do sgriohh mi riaTnh uime sin gacli aon a leighis e gabadh e mo letJisgeid aois an tigerna 1612 an. 11. Januarrius: 'Ends the (book on) Anatomy by An^iis son of Farquhar son of Angus. I am in Ardchonnel with Duncan O'Conacher. And it is Duncan who gave me this book to write. And let every one who reads it bestow a blessing on the soul of that Duncan. And I entreat them not to blame myself for the badness of the handwriting, for it is the first book I have ever written, wherefore let every one who reads it excuse me. The age of the Lord 1G12, the eleventh day of January,' Occasionally he signs his name in crypt, as on p. 302, 3fisi hhdlnglifts mhhcfschhrchhngr { = Aonglms mac Fear- cair), ' I am Angus son of Farquhar.' The contents of the large MS. are varied. Dr. O'Conacher had evidently the idea of compressing a small medical library into one volume. Thus pp. 1-4 and 15-126 are taken up with definitions and explanations of a great number of diseases and related matters. The text is in Latin, accompanied by a Gaelic translation or paraphrase, but as a rule without comment. The scribe, up to p. 56, is evidently copying from a connected treatise. On p. 15 top margin is ' liber tertius' which is repeated on pp. 17 and 19. Liber 4- is on p. 28, and liber 6 on p. 34. Here the paragraphs of the various sections are numbered con- secutively. At the foot of p. 56 comes Jin It. On p. 57 is a charm against bleeding of the nose. The rest of the page is blank. P. 58 is all blank. P. 59 opens with : Febris est calor innaturalis mutatus in eigneum .\. is ed is frius and teas mi nadurda ar na daoch- ladh a theinntigeacht, ' Fever is unnatural heat changed to fieriness.' The various kinds of fever with their sub-varieties are thereafter defined. Other diseases are similarly treated, and as a rule without comment. On p. 75 a new class of ailments is prefaced by: Sicut scribit Galenus octauo de iuuamentis membrorutn cerebrum creatum est propter oculos, ut octdi esent in eminentiori parte corporis sicut speculator in arce .|. ^mar a sgribhas G. sa 8 leabhar do socar na mball is ar son na sul do crut]iaighi £ G6 CATALOGUE OF OAKI.IC MANriSCRTPTS |MS. LX an inchuul innas (jo inhethd'iH lui ntUl sa ranu is atirlihir- al(jhl don corp iiuir hiofi fear cohnheda na Icathrach san gairedh is airdi, ' As Galen writes in the eighth book on aid to the organs, the brain was formed for the sake of the eyes, in order that the eyes, like the guardian of a city occupying the highest watch tower, should be placed in the uppermost division of the body.' The Eye, with its diseases. Ophthalmia, Cataract etc. etc. is then considered. Thereafter come sections defining a variety of diseases and animal processes and functions on to p. 126, when this division of the MS. ends with a docquet by the scribe, dated at Ardchonnel, August 23rd 1612. Pp. 126-154 contain a complete copy of the tSchola Saler- nitana, with the following prefatory note : Anglm^um regi scripsit schola tola Salerni .]. is iad seal salerni co h-uilidhe do sqriohh na fersada so do chiiTYi ri Sacsan do coimhed a slainte, ' It was the whole school of Salerno that wrote these verses to the King of England for the preservation of his health.' As the Gaelic extracts made by Dr. Smith (Rep. on Oss. p. 294) are somewhat inaccurate, they are transcribed here from this copy (the leaf of MS. XXXITI from which Dr. Smith transcribed being now lost, v. supra p. 62) : Si uis incolumen, si uis te reddere sanum, Curas toUe graves irrasci crede prophanum. .{. Mad ailt heth follan T iniulh ail heth slan cuir na h-im- snimha troma diot J creid guroh dimhaoin dititferg do denamh, ' If you wish to be sound and healthy, banish heavy worries and believe that it is foolish to be angry.' Parce uino cennato parum non sit tibi uanum Surgere post aepulas somnum fuge meridianum. .|. coigill fion "J hhi do sniper bee j nar hudlc dimaoin let ceimniughadh tar eis na codach J seachain codlad in medhoin laoi, 'Use wine sparingly and let your supper be light. Do not neglect a walk after the repast, and avoid sleeping at noon.' Non mictum retine : nee comprime fortiter anum. j. Na eonnuipli co fada ar fv.al 7 na It-eigin go laidir do ttmperaeht, ' Do not retain long the urine, nor press forcibly your anus.' Haec bene si serues tu longo tempore uiues. MS. LX] MEDICINE, ETC. 67 .|. JJa coimedurna nethe .so (iduhhraiiiar cjo imcifh ffidiLr hetJi ahnser fada ad hetha, ' If you observe carefully Avhat we have said, you may live a long time.' The copy in this MS. and that in MS. XXXIII agree very closely, and have clearly a common source. In O'Gr.'s Cat., p. 238, a quotation from ' Arundel 333 ' would suggest that a different translation of the Rcf/imen SalernitanuTU was in circu- lation among the Gaelic physicians. Here is the description of /ear lenna ruaidJt, ' the man of choler ' from the three MSS. Arundel 333 (O'Gr. Cat., p. 238) : Arstutus (sic) gracilis siccus croceique coloris Irstutus fallax irraciens (sic) prodigus audax. fer lenna maid [.|.] ard cael tirini maille datk huidhe finnfach fallsa fergach nenidvjhalaclt dana. MS. x:xxiii : Hirsutus: fallax: irascens: prodigus: audax: Astutus : gracilis : siccus : croceique coloris. .j. Dligid fer lenna ruaid heith finfadach fallsa fergacli ain- niuid {leg. aindiuid) andaonnachtaclt glic caol tirim maill datli crocUa. MS : LX. Hirsutus, fallax, irascens, prodigus, audax, Astutus, gracilis, siccus, croceique coloris. .]. dligliidk fear lenna ruaidh heith Jinn fadacJt fallsa fergach ainniuid {leg. aindiuid) andaonnachiach glic caol te tiri^u maill dath crochda : ' The man of choleric complexion must be hairv, deceitful, irascible, forward, churlish, cunning, slender, hot, dry, of saffron colour ' [the te of MS. LX is evidently a slip of the pen, te tirini being constantly associated]. On pp. 155-180 is a copy of the Treatise on Urine, ascribed in MS. XXXIII {v. supra, p. 62) to Egidius. This copy is more clearly written, but differs somewhat in arrangement from that in MS. XXXIII. The colours of the urine and their signifi- cance are treated of at length (pp. 179-80). On pp. 181-209 many maxims, medical, metaphysical, moral, are given in Latin with a Gaelic translation; e.g. (p. 181) Quod male incipitiir male finitur .1. gach ni tinnsgainter co h-olc is 68 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. LX olc cricli/iiaichter. Omiic honwin a fmnvnio Deo procedit .|. r/ac/i, nile ni 'niaith is o Bla it;/. Occasionally, as on pp. 188-9, the author is named on the margin. Thus on p. 188 Arn. (Ariialdus or Aristotle?) gives Omne simile covfortat suum svinilcm .'. gacJi ni cosmail nertuigJie se a chosmalus. Hali is credited with Generans et generatuni asimfiulantiir in complexlone .|. an ni ginis J on genter hid cosmail ina coimplex (p. 1 89). On the same page the following is attributed to Av(icenna) Egritudo incognita a medico non curatur .|. in eslainti nach aithentar on liaigh ni leighister uadha h-i. An interesting Tractate entitled : Don cneid do niter le piler ann so no lei.s in uile innstruinlnt gluasis mar an cetna secundum, johanem de uigo genuensis, ' Of the wound made by a bullet here, and by every instrument similarly propelled, by Johannes de Vigo of Genoa (?),' is given on pp. 210-214. A paragraph on Urine follows on p. 214. Pp. 215-235 contain a Tract with the heading : aon leahhar ann so o her do hlathuih na died ann so sios, ' A book here (taken) from Ber(nard ?) on the choicest {lit. flowers) of Diets.' The ' Diets ' treated of include Barley, Wheat, Beans ; Flesh, Fish, Eggs ; Wine, Water, Milk (with its various pre- parations) ; and many others. On p. 235 is the docquet : Finis air an leabar so daruh ainm hlath nan diedh an Duin ollaigh, ' This book named ' Flower of Diets ' is finished in Dunolly.' The three following pages (236-8) are again taken up with maxims and aphorisms translated from Latin to Gaelic. Here is the last in this list: Omnis homo primum proponit nohile uimvm .|. dlighi gacli uile dhuine in jion uasal do tahairt roimh gach en digh oile, ' Every person ought to offer the noble wine before any other liquor.' The Tract based on Galen's Anatomy, noticed above in MS. XXXIII (v. p. 61), is given on pp. 239-260. The version here is somewhat different in detail, but the two begin and end in the same way. On p. 261 commences another Tract entitled do na dreguih an so, ' Of Drugs here.' The Drugs are divided into two classes, aoiic?(X ' simple,' and comhsuidhiglithi or comhcoirigJdJd 'com- pound.' The list is very full, and is frequently accompanied by the names of the diseases for which the medicines are a remedy, MS. LX] MEDICINE, ETC. 69 and by directions for their preparation. On pp. 279-281 the autiior gives, as an appendix, an interesting paragraph on the weights and measures used in medicine (f/. sx/pra, p. 12). Lahli,- riiin (tun so do com/Uartdibk J do 'misiirulhli a-ib leigJds do reir Nicolauis 7 Salaiinn{i)s "j droinge ele do na Ji-ur/hdariUbh j tuic let da mad do nctJUbh ealaxlhiiacha mar ata hiaighi no ndan no ngcosmaile do gnatocadis na poitigair no iia leagha comldrom no mimir an leighis do denanih ata so maillta air an med sin on usacht na nethe sin do laigidiugud no do medughudh tar an misur coir guruh uinie sin is o ni nadurda nach fedur do claochladh mar is innill fundament no misur do tarraing inar ata gran cruithneachta ionnus da gclaona an comtrom do niter do ni ealadlinacli dioph a loiged no a meid tar an iriod coir go hfedur an afJiugadha J a gceartugud o na sechran leis an gcruithneacld : ' Let us speak here of the medical weights and measures according to Nicolaus and Salatinus and some other authorities. And observe that where the Apothecaries and Physicians make their balances and measures of artificial material such as lead, brass, and the like, these become so far untrue through frequent use, in that they diminish or increase beyond the exact measure, wherefore it is a product of nature which cannot be changed that ought to provide the standard measure, like a grain of wheat, so that if the balance made from any artificial product were to deviate by diminution or increase from the true standard it could be renewed and its error corrected by the wheat.' He goes on to explain that the particular grain selected b}^ the physician as a standard ought to be a grain of wheat of average size, full ripe, and not too fresh or too old. Twenty such grains make a scruple; 60 a drachm ; 90 an exagium or solitas or aureus, for these differ only in name ; six aureii make the ounce ; and twelve ounces the medical pound. The sextuarius ( = sextarius) again, by which wine, oil, and vinegar are measured, weighs two and a half pounds. A sentence, in a different hand, adds (p. 281) that there are many other weights and measures, but not being in common use they are ignored by the writer, who concludes with lor sin ' that sufficeth.' The next Tract in the vol. (pp. 281-302) is on a kindred subject, and is thus introduced : Pharmacorum omnium quae in 70 CATALOaUE OF C;AI-:L1C MANUSCKIITS [MS. LX comviniii siiiif J tract leant LUtn usu talntla 10. RcDiaclo f(isico) lymtnLrr/eiisl autorr, quarum jyrima de siritpis unum quciniibet liUTiioreiii conco qurentih^Ls. Ac/ so 10 (/ciair ina hhfuilid an uile Irighis noch ata an gnathach a voitcdiii a/f na practiiph .|. an cet clar diohlt noch laurus do slroipnit>h dileaj/JdJia f/acJia leanna: 'Here are ton tables wherein are fouiKl all kinds of medioincs in conniion use anion^' practitioners, the first of which speaks of the syrups which dissolve every kind of humour.' The tables are thereafter given in order, with accoiujianying text giving directions. Paragraphs on Liniments, Em])laisters, and Cataplasms are given at the end {pp. 301-2). The colophon (p. 302) says that the tables are those of Bernard Gordon. The large Treatise on Materia ]\Tedica, already described under MS. Ill (v. pp. IS, 19) takes up fully a third of the whole MS. (pp. 303-463). The writer of this copy must have tran- scribed from a different but very similar MS. to MS. III. This copy has 27 additional Articles, and wants one {Feibrid fucca) found in MS. III. He has frequent additions to, and occasional divergencies from, the text of the earlier MS. He has no indices. The colophon to both shows a common origin. Here is the colophon in this MS. Gurah amlaidli sin fagmaid crioch inmolta cuimir tarhhaeh air an leahhar so neoclt do tarraing- eadh a li-ainntitairihTi 7 a Iherhulairibh catltracli salernitani ■7 do reir sduider comihaontaiglii dochtuirihh tsleibhi pisidain f a dubJiradar na maigJiisdrecJia sin gach ni tinnsgainter an ainm Dia gnrab dingbhcdla a chriochnudhadh an aintn Dia : ' And thus we bring to a close in a praiseworthy, concise and profitable manner, this book which has been extracted from the AntidotarW^ and Herbularii of the city of Salerno and the kindred resear"aes of the Doctors of Montpelier. And these Masters said that whatsoever was begun in tlie name of God it was fitting that it should be ended in the name of God.' It will be observed that in so far as the text is common to both MSS. it differs only in one word — herbidairibh in LX for eisimlairibJi in III (v. supra p. 21). The last Treatise in the MS. begins on p. 465, goes on to the last page (474), and is continued but not completed on pp. 5-14, Avhich should follow. The subject is of a general kind. On the * V. supra, p. 22, n. MS. LX] MEDICINE, ETC. 71 top margin is written (in ahim 1)'i) Columba's directions to Baethin, his successor in lona, regarding the apportionment of his dues among his churches in Scotland and Ireland ; and (c), the rights and privileges conferred by the Saint on the churches founded by him. (3.) There is a detached leaf of parchment, live inches by eleven, which probably formed part of fragment (2). The writing on this leaf is illegible, save only cot cc ' Columba cecinit ' on the second page. It is marked ' H. Kerr 28.' MS. XL] RELKJIOUS AND ECCLESIASTICAL 91 (4.) A torn scrap of paper, with writing, marked H. Kerr, xxxi. MS. XXXVI— Highland Society, Kilbride, No. 5 In MS. XXXVI, of which later, are two religious pieces in verse : (1) On fol. 85b four quatrains beginning — Mairg ni vaill rt.s- nige. ' Woe to him M'ho makes his youth his pride.' The verses, extending there to nine quatrains, are in MS. XLVIII attributed to 'Giolla colluimM'Jllebhride mlticpJirrsoin Chille Chomain,' Malcolm, son of Gilbert, son of the parson of Killchoman ' (Islay ?), v. Rd. Celt, i. 136. (2.) On fol. 94a, nine quatrains, beginning — A dhnine cnimJniich am hd-f, Sa dibail ag tcacht gaclb aon Id. ' Remember Death, man, You witness liis presence daily.' MS. XXXIX— Highland Society, J. M'Kenzie, No. 3 MS. XXXIX, of miscellaneous contents, contains the two following religious poems : (1.) On fols. 27a-28a, twenty-three quatrains attributed to Tad(j og, beginning — At a an saoghal ag seirmoir Nifnil anil add nuil gloir. (2.) On fol. 30b, ten quatrains of the poem already noticed {v. supra, p. 89), commencing — lonulha rod direch ag Dia. MS. XL— Highland Society, J. M'Kenzie, No. 4 This is one of the oldest and most valuable MSS. in the Collection. There are five separate layers, of different dates, written in different hands, all vellum, quarto, and consisting 92 CATALOCIK OF (JAKIJC .MAXISCKHTS |MS. XL in cwnido of thirty- ei,t^ht leaves. They arc paged consecutively 1 to 76. The MS. is bound up in a tattered leaf of parchment, upon which a fragment of a Latin religious treatise is written in uncials of perhaps the twelfth century. This is again en- closed in a strip of deer-skin. The contents of the MS. are varied, the following being ecclesiastical : — 1. The second layer, consisting of eight- leaves, written in a ])lain hand, in double column, is taken up by a copy of the Old (iaoHc Jjife of St. Coluniba. Other copies known are — one in L.Br., pp. 29b-34a, printed, with translation, by Dr. Stokes (Calcutta LS77) . and one in B.L., fols. 7bl-lla2, also printed, with translation, by Dr. Stokes (Lives of Saioits from the Book of Llsmure, Oxford 1890). The Life, says the late Dr. Reeves (Vita Smicti ColiiinhcB, Dublinii. mdccclvii. p. xxxii), 'is a composition probably as old as the tenth century, and was originally compiled, to be read as a discourse on St. Columba's festival, on the text Exi de terra tua et de coyiiatioiie tua, et de domo 'p(dri,s tui, et vade in terrain quam tibi monstravero.' When Martin made his tour of the Hebrides in the end of the seventeenth century there were two copies of this Life in the Outer Isles. Martin writes (Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, p. 264), ' Tlie Life of Goluinhus, written in the Irish character, is in the custody of John MacNeal, in the Isle of Barry ; another copy of it is kept by Macdonald of Benbecula.' This in MS. XL may well be one or other of these copies. The copy here is of later date than that of L.Br., and probably also than that of B.L. One would be inclined to place it in the end of the fifteenth or early in the sixteenth century. The three agree pretty closely in the text which is common to them all. Our version and B.L. further agree in discarding a con- siderable amount of the Latin text which appears in L.Br. On the other hand, in one or two cases this copy joins with L.Br, in giving lines of verse which are wanting in B.L. But MS. XL differs from both L.Br, and B.L. in giving here and there matter not found in these MSS. The late Mr. W. M. Hennessey of Dublin collated the three versions, and made a translation, with notes, which is printed in Celtic Scotland, vol. ii. pp. 468-507, where the additional text of MS. XL is triven within brackets. MS. XL] RKLKilOrS AXD ECCLESIASTICAI. 93 Apart from mero words and phrases, the additional matter in our version is found, on p. 18a, 1. 26 to 18b, 1. 4, Loiscis c. c. an baile .... is ail do simid : (King Aed gave his fort in Derry to Cohimba wlio built a church there, and afterwards) set fire to the place which spread rapidly, but was stayed when Columba made the imann 'hymn' ar anacal an doire 'to protect the wood' .|. i noli dant in duile gciri^; p. 20b, 11. 16-26, when Columba leaves one of his clerics in Derry, and visits Drum- clifif; p. 22b, 1. 26 to p. 26a, 1. 15, being an account of Coliunba's visit to Ireland in 575, when he attended the Convention of Druimceatt, together with the various public questions in which he took a prominent part, — the future position of the Bards, the release of Scanlan, son of the King of Ossory, and the future relation of the Scottish Dalriada to Ireland ; p. 26b, 11. 10-12, where it is stated that Columba ' used to go to Heaven every Thursday whilst he was alive, when he wished'; p. 26b, 11. 18-30, where among other matters we are told that Columba left Bishop (Aedan ?) and Colman of Innis-bo-finne (Bophin Island, ofi" the coast of Mayo), preaching the word of God to the Saxons : visited Brude, son of Maelchu, King of the Picts, — the open- ing of the locked doors of Brude's Castle, and the death of the King's son and that of his druid ; and finally, on p. 27a, 1. 24 to p. 27b, 1. 23, where various statements are made re- garding the Saint's abstinence and devotion, the churches which he planted, especially those of lona, Down, and Derry, — sup- ported by quotations from the poets, among whom Dalian Forgaill and St. Berchan are named. On the last page (28) the two paragraphs regarding Derry and Drumcliff are repeated from p. 20b, and on the second column of the same page (28) arc seven quatrains, only in part legible. One runs — Eglus fuar, 7 cleirech tana, truagh ; Sinaclit for coluinn, sniglii der : Ag rigli nel mor a luagh. ' A cold church, An emaciated, poor cleric ; ' The line is obscure, but the reference must be to the Latin H^'mn, attri- buted to the Saint, beginning. Noli pater indulgere tonitrxia cum fvhjore. 94 CATALOLJUK OK CAKLK; MAXnsCRirTS IMS. XL The l)0(ly in subjection, slieddinif tears: Great their reward in tlie (eyes of the) Kinjj of lieaven (lit. doiuls.)' 2. In the third layer of the MS., which consists of ten leaves of thin vellum, written in a very good hand, with highly illuminated capitals, is a version of Fennaid Adaim, 'The Penance of Adam,' (pp. 45b-4Sb). This copy has been printed, with translation and variant readings from Y.B.L., by Mr. A. 0. Anderson, in Rev. Celt, xxiv. pp. 244-253. The copy in Y.B.L. (pp. 158a-159b) corresponds closely to our copy. There is another version in L.Br. (pp. 111b-] 13a) where the texts differ more widely. Thus the first paragraph in XL reads : — Doroine Dia talu7)i do Adnin 7 do Eha iar n-imarhus a parrtliiis. Is annsin do hai Adam sechtmuin iar n-dichor a 2^ci'>''rtlius can dig, can hiadJr, can edach, can teach, can teine, acid fo aithmela J fo atoirrsi. Et ro hadar ag aifir iinaifir ar a cheile. Et aspert: as onor do maith lucad duinn, iiiuna beth Luitcifir da fhaslach orainn in Coimde do sharugadh .|. comrad fri h-ain- gliu, '1 iia h-uile duile de ag ar n-anorugad ; 7 ni loiscfi teine sinn, ar se, 7 ni haigjid uisce 7 ni theascfad faebur 7 ni gebar gahir .|. an anoir in Choiingeadh,ar as an anoir in Choimgead ata each duil co cotarsna frind, 7 ni h-e roba chintach, ach sinn fein : ' God made the earth for Adam and Eve after their sin in Paradise. It was then that Adam was for a week after he was cast out from Paradise, without drink, or food, or clothing, or house, or lire, but in grief and sorrow. And they reproached each other mutually. And he (Adam) said : much of good was given to us, had not Lucifer persuaded us to disobey the Lord, — converse with angels, and honour done to us by every creature of God. Fire would not burn us, said he, and water would not drown us, and sword (lit. edge) would not wound us, and disease would not overtake us, and (all this) in honour of the Lord, for it is in honour of the Lord that (now) every creature is hostile to us. And it was through no fault of his, but of our own.' The corresponding paragraph in L.Br, is as follows : — Do rid- nacht din Dia do Adam in talmain coitchindsea iar n-iviarbus i partus, 7 nibad dionmdachsum de sin mina beth ercJira iar n-amsir do. Bivi din Adam sechtmain iar na dicltor a parthus cen etach cen dig cen biad cen tech cen tenid fo thorsi 7 aithmela MS. XL] RELiaiOUS AND ECCLESIASTICAL 95 dermalr, conaithber 7 imaitkber occufria araile, conid and sin atbert Adam frl h-Eua : Ro-n-laad a partus tria chinaid im- arbois, ol se, 7 is mor forfhacsum da cech maith ann, uair rohui jjarthus con a uile airmitin for ar comas J. aitte aille, j slanti cen (jalar, 7 aibnes cen erchrai ; brilige blathi ; luibe amirai ; oirfited bith buan ; sasad cen saethar ; betha cenbron; aibnes cen erdibad ; noime diar n-anmandaib ; comrad cunnail fri h-aingiiu ; bithbetJca cen bas ; ecus na li-uile d4 oc ar n-air- mitin 7 oc dr n-oenoir; 7 na h-uile anmand batarfor bith isind no-s-ordaif/ed ; 7 ni-n-loiscfed tene ; 7 ni-s-baifed usee; 7 ni- s-tescfad foebur no iarn ; 7 ni-s-gebad galur no saethar. Ni boi dill in nim no h-i talum duil tisad frind tnine thisad Lucifer. Oeus cid Lucifer din, ni co emsad ar n-aimles cen ba mar fo chumachf^ in Choimded. ro sharaigsimar din in Coimdid ata cech duil i cotarsna frind, "j ni h-e Dia ba cintach frind sed^ sinne rosharaig esium, 7 fucsum cech maith dun din bamar fo cJiumachtsiim. A fourth version of this Tract, further amplified, is in Saltair net Rann, in verse. This version is printed by Stokes, without translation (Oxford, 1883). The Tract begins with Book xi (p. 22), and opens thus : — Ri doridnacJd talam tlackt Do Adaum iarnatharmthecht Nirbo dimdach do Dia dein Manbad airchra dia aimsir. 3. The last Tract in the MS. is that known as the Cain Domnaig, or The Law of Sunday, for an account of which v. Eriu, vol. iii. p. 189. Our copy of this Tract does not contain the ' Epistle of Jesus on the Observance of Sunday,' which is pre- fixed to it in other MSS. It begins, Soire domnaig o trat{h) Esparton Diashathuirn go fuined itiaitni Diahiain, ' The privi- lege of Sunday from Vespers of Saturday till the end of Monday morning'; or,as mL.Br. , Silire Domnoig o Espartii int ShdtJturnd CO h-ergi grene Dialiiain, 'The privilege of Sunday from Saturday Vespers till sunrise on Monday.' Then follows a list of things that ma}' not be done on Sunday, as also of things that may. ' MS. Sumacht. " Sed, the Latin word, of which the contracted form was s. This contrac- tion was adopted by Gaelic authors for both sed and acht ' but.' lt(i CATAI.()(;UK OF UAKLK; MANUSCRIPTiS |MS. XL Aiiiong the former arc, — beginning a journey, buying, soiling, shaving, washing, bathing, grinding meal, baking, churning, splitting firewood, with several others. Among the latter are named, — for clerics and nuns, going to church : for people in general, going to sermon and mass; pursuing thieves and law- breakers; seizing (escaped) prisoners; giving warning of enemies; preparing food for guests ; tending cattle, etc. Then comes in detail the legal procedure in the various cases of violation of the Sunday law, with the fines and punishment proper to each case. MS. XLVII— Highland Society. J. M'Kenzie, No. 11 The MS. pro[)er consists of two leaves of parchment, quarto, written in one column in a fairly good round hand. The first and fourth pages are quite illegible, while the second and third can be deciphered only in part. Moreover there is a gap in the text bet\veen the two leaves. Traces of a large capital are visible on top of page 1, and it would seem that the writing came to an end with some eight or ten lines on page 4. So that very probably the MS. contained at one time a complete copy of the Tract. The subject is the Tenga hith nua ' EverncAv Tongue,' of Avhich Dr. Stokes has given an account in Eriu, vol. ii. p. 96. Professor Dottin had previously printed in the Rev. Gelt., xxiv. pp. 365-403, with translation into French, the copy in the Rennes MS. Dr. Stokes considers that the copy of this Tract in B.L. is unique, and that the other six copies which he mentions {Erin, vol. ii. p. 97) are abridgements of it. He ac- cordingly prints the B.L. text, with translation and notes, in Erin, vol. ii. pp. 98-162. There is a complete copy of this Tract in the Turner MS. LV {infra). The legible parts of our fragment show that the Tract was in this MS. largely compressed. Page 2 opens with daferthain do tshaccartaib J do ceilidihh de 7 do onacoibh eagailsi ar cheano. Et ha h-e adbur in tinoil sin ag feroib in domain co himst ag techt d'estecht re ceoluibh nenihe ag a g-cantoin a nellaib an aieoir os a g-cind. Et ba h-e so tosach an cheoil MS. XLVII] RELIGIOUS AND ECCLESIASTICAL 97 do chandis .\. gloria in excelsis deo, etc., 'to give(?) to priests and culdees and young clerics generally. The occasion of that gathering of the world's men to Jerusalem was to hear the heavenly music which was chanted in the clouds of the air above them. And the beginning of the music chanted was gloria, etc' Thereafter other and terrible sounds were heard, and then the ' Evernew Tongue ' spoke. The listeners asked who the speaker was and whence he came, the reply to which was that he was the Apostle Philip, born of earthly parents, and sent by the Lord to preach to the heathens (our version adds i crichaib Lochlainn, ' in the territories of Scandinavia ') ; that his tongue was cut out of his head by the heathen seven times (B.L. has nine times, Rennes MS. three times); and that the language which he now spoke was the speech of heaven, and was understood by all kinds of animals and reptiles. When our text opens on page 3, the terrors of the fifteen days preceding the Judgment Day are being described in separate paragraphs. The narration has reached the tenth day : An .x. mad la .". inurf 7 isleocfi an tat indus nach biaid . . . ' On the tenth day, moreover, the earth will be con- vulsed and will sink, so there will not be . . .' The reading is very uncertain, but one gathers that on the thirteenth day such men and animals as are then alive will fall upon each other promiscuously, and should their children or friends approach any of these men they will not speak to them, because of their shame for the evil deeds they had committed. At this point and to the end of page 3 our text bears some similarity to that of Y.B.L. (86a, 1. 12 et seq.). The wise men of the Jews ask whether the universe will be destroyed by day or by night, and on what hour did Christ rise from the dead. The 'Evernew Tongue ' replies that Christ did indeed rise from the dead at break of day; but by night he was born; by night he was crucified, darkness coming at noon ; by night he descended into hell. The text proceeds to tell of the glory, the majesty, the justice and goodness of the Judge. Two detached leaves of quarto (parchment) are also enclosed in this cover. They are in different hands and on different subjects. The clearer of the two gives sentences and maxims G 98 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. XLVIII chiefly in verse on a variety of persons, places, and things. Of the other not much can be made. The usual docquet of ' John Mackenzie ' does not appear on any of the leaves. MS. XLVIII— Highland Society. J. M'Kenzie, No. 12 This is a small quarto MS. (6 in. by 4) consisting of thirty-four leaves of paper. The first leaf is torn away, and the last four are detached. It was covered by a strip of deerskin, of which one side now remains. The MS. is quoted in the Highland Society's Dictionar}' as Bianf{eid}i), ' deerskin ' (v. a bhos). A considerable portion of its contents is printed in Rel. Celt, vol. i. pp. 119-149. It evidently formed at one time part of the library of the Mac Mhuirichs, the hereditary bards of Clanranald in South Uist, several of the pieces being composed by one or other of this family. The MS. was probably written by the middle of the eighteenth century. It contains one or two pieces composed by Neil M'Vurich, who wrote an elegy upon the Clanranald chief who fell at SherifFmuir. The name ' Donald Johnstone ' appears on the margin of folios 27b and 2Sb. The contents are miscel- laneous. There are some thirty separate compositions, all, save one, in verse, several of them consisting of only one or two quatrains. The following may be classed as religious : 1. Fol. lb-2b (counting the torn leaf). The beginning is lost, and what remains is not very legible. The first line, repeated at the close, is : {D)wiaom gan umal do Chriosd, ' Vain (it is) not to submit to Christ.' 2. Fol. 3b. Three quatrains, beginning : A ri an bheatha hi gam leighis, ' King of the world, do thou save me.' 3. Fol. 4b. One quatrain : (Ni) e mo ghradh amhain acid Dia nan Did, ' The Lord of all, my only love.' 4. Fol. 7b-8a. Eight quatrains : Caoin ihu fein, a dhuine bhochd, ' Weep for thyself, poor man.' MS. XLIX] RELIGIOUS AND ECCLESIASTICAL 99 5. Fol. 13a-b. An incomplete tractate, in prose, on Confes- sion : Ge go n-duhlirainar go hfuilid cas airicUt eile in nach eidir absoloid do tabhairt a onach gan na peacuidh idle d'eistacht, etc., 'Although we have said that there is another special case in which Absolution may not be given without confessing all the sins,' etc. 6. Fol. 20a-21a. Nine quatrains : Mairg do ni uaill [MS. uaile] as oirje^ ' Woe to liiiu -who boasts of his youth.' Giolla coluim mac Ilebliride mic phersoin Chille cmnain do roin in laoidh si, ' Malcolm son of Gilbert son of the parson of Kilchoman made this lay ' (v. supra, p. 91). 7. Fol. 32b. Two quatrains : Mor an teas ar aire an t-sluaiyh, Agus go deid gach ni uadha air ccid. [This may be only a fragment. A leaf or tAvo may be amissing.] 8. Fol. 33a-b. Nine quatrains : A dhuine cuimhnich an bus, 'Remember Death, man.' {v. sufra, p. 91.) To this last piece the following note is here appended : Ag sin roinn do rinnis do dhuine do chonnairc me ar ti peacaAdh do dhenamh nach raibe iomchubhaidh dho pecadh ar bioth do dhenamh, ' These verses I composed to a man whom I saw bent on committing sin, when he was unfit to commit any sin.' MS. XLIX— Highland Society. J. M'Kenzie, No. 13 The MS. consists of twenty leaves of paper, small quarto, 7i in. by 9i. It is but a fragment, defective at the beginning, probably also at the end. The leaves are tattered and broken, text in places lost, often difficult to decipher. The contents are all in verse, of much the same general character as MS. XLIV. The four following pieces are religious : — Fols. First Line Quatrains Autlior lb-2b. Ar fhaosamh dhamh, a Dhe Athau- 24 Eochy O'Hoscy 2b-3a. Haii ...... 13 Duncan mor O'Daly 4b-5a. Or na m-ban bainchcnn niiiilie 14 Anon. (D. mor O'Daly in O'Gr. Cat., p. 345) lCa-17a. Nior togb eruic losa 30 Tuathal an Cainti 100 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS IMS. LIV MS. LIV — Highland Society. P. Tuuneii, No. 1 The MS. contains eif^hty-eij^ht pages of paper (6^ in. by 4), half of the first leaf being torn away, enclosed in skin cover, Peter Turner was a soldier, Mr. Campbell adds ' Pauper ' (L.F. in.), and attained to the rank of corporal, which he frequently ap- pends to his signature, ' Paruig Tuarnair, coirpleir.' In 1818 he published a collection of Gaelic Poetry, collected in the High- lands of Scotland. The greater part, if not the whole, of MSS. LIV-LVII, which bear his name, came apparently from Ireland. In this MS. (LIV), the first piece, fragmentary and nearly illegible, is religious. On pp. 43-59 is a composition entitled, ' Faoisidin Semuis na Srun alias Paor,' 'The confession of James of the Noses or Power,' — elsewhere (p. 18) designated Sinnisgal 'Seneschal.' Following the 'confession' is Ahsoloid, ' Absolution,' by Father Proinsias ' Francis,' with reply by James, counter-reply by the priest, concludmg with a hagra or threat by James. The piece is composed partly in prose and partly in verse, and as a burlesque is of no great merit. On pp. 77-87 is a long composition of date 1650 {mile go leith coig deich is ced leis) describing the political and religious state of Ireland. A Sioguide Romanach 'Roman Sprite' ap- pears to the author, whose name is not given, and recites the poem, commencing — Innisiglmn Jios is ni fios breige, ' I relate a vision which is not a sham vision.' The versification is good, and the poem concludes — Slan don mhnaoi bhi raoir ar uaimh ui Neill Le cradh croidhe ag caoine uaisle Ghaodhailj Cia d'fhag si mo chroidhe go suaidhte treith, Mo ghrddh i is gach ni dha gcuala me. ' My blessing to the l;idy who last night visited O'Neill's grave, With anguish of heart bewailing the (vanished) glory of the Gael ; Although she left my heart bruised and sore, My darling she and her message.' MS. LVI] RELiaiOUS AND ECCLESIASTICAL 101 MS. LV— Highland Society. P. Turner, No. 2 The second of Turner's MSS. consists of three hundred and eii^hty-six pages of paper, octavo, Gh in. by 4, enclosed in a padded skin cover. The first two leaves are now awanting, and here and there are mistakes in the pagination. The MS. was written in 1738 by Sea{a)n Mac G(i)ca7' or John Short, probably in Con- naught. The contents are mainly Tales and Romances, with a few Ossianic lays. On p. 211 are verses beginning A corpain, cuinmigh do clirioch, here attributed to an Ollamli eigin, but elsewhere (O'Gr. Cat., p. 659) said to be by St. Columba. On pp. 339-385 there is a complete copy of the Tenga bith nua, ' Evernew Tongue.' This version is shorter than that printed by Stokes (v. supra, p. 96), but the literary form, though differing in arrangement and detail, is the same. The speaker is the Apostle Philip, who was sent to preach to the heathens a ccriocJiaibh Lochlainn, ' in Scandinavia,' and whose tongue was cut out by them seven times. The Apostle communicates his information in reply to questions asked by the Hebrew sages, but no specimen of the ' Evernew Tongue ' is given. Ewen M'Lachlan (Analysis of Gaelic MSS., pp. 77-80) states that he transcribed this Tract, as also one of the Tales in the MS., with a view to print them, ' when his situation will admit of it,' MS. LVI — Highland Society. Peter Turner, No. 3 This valuable MS. (of which later) contains two fragments of a religious character : 1. On p. 399 and following page, a fragment of a Tract on Repentance. 2. On p. 361 (second layer), twenty-two lines of Verse, commencing — Naomhtha an obair iomrddh De, a poem attributed to Mahon O'Higgin (v. O'Gr. Cat., p. 380. Cf. also O'R. cxliii). 102 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS |MS. LVIII MS. LVIII— Miscellaneous, No. 1 MS. LVIII is a thick MS. made up of three layers of quarto paper of slightly varying dimensions, bound in thick skin cover, but now loose. It must have passed through various hands, the names of several owners appearing here and there on margins and blank spaces : Seamus O'Crualaoigh, dated 1733, Patrick M'Farland, David Doherty, and otliers. The pages are much tattered in places, and are at the end quite illegible. The contents are varied, — the following being in whole or in part religious or ecclesiastical : — Pp. 239-41. Sixteen quatrains, anonymous, of a politico- ecclesiastical character, commencing — Ce (jur hhfada me am mhaiglmtir dheagathach dheasmumhnach. Pp. 267-70. Twenty-five quatrains, of much the same char- acter, so far as legible, and signed Domhnall Mheagh Carrtha na Tuile, commencing — Am luidhii go cliute is mefaon ageas. Pp. 281-2. Twenty quatrains, anonymous, but with ' Timothy Cronine ' on the margin, commencing — MaUocht ort (a bhdis). Pp. 283-91 contain a Tract in prose, BeotJut Sdint Margread Naomlitha, ' The Life of the holy St. Margaret ' (of Antioch in Pisidia), being an account of the virtues and graces of a holy Jewish maiden of Antioch, and of her persecution, sufferings and death at the hands of Oliverus the governor (cf. Martyrology of Qorrtian, edited by Stokes for the Henry Bradshaw Society, London, 1895). On pp. 293-308 is found another Tract, in verse, with this title : An ced cJcaibidil don obuirso thraclitus air chriithugliad an domhuin, air uahhar an aingil, air bhrisedh na h-aithne, air chur Adhaimh as Parrthus, air aimsir na ngras, air guidhe na naingeal, feolghahJtala na hreitlire diadha, fiosruighe S. Elizabeth, breith an Tiagarna. a representation. ' The first chapter of this work treats of the Creation of the World, the Pride of the Angel, the Transgression of the Com- mandment, the Expulsion of Adam from Paradise, the Period MS. LXIV] RELIGIOUS AND ECCLESIASTICAL 103 of Grace, the Intercession of the Angels, the Incarnation of the Divine Word, the Visit of St. Elizabeth, and the Birth of the Lord.' Tiie title indicates the contents. The Tract is boldly and clearly written. There are references in text and margin to Holy Scripture, Apocrypha, and St. Anselm. The verses have no literary merit. Of the chapter Do Representation an Tiaglmrna only four lines are given when the composition comes to an abrupt close. MS. LXIV— Miscellaneous, No. 6 MS. LXIV is of paper, 5| in. by 8, much tattered and torn. It contains at present thirty-eight leaves, unpaged, but the first five are legible only in part, and the last nine are frag- mentary. In the others are broken lines, with blank spaces here and there. So far as can be gathered now the contents were religious verse. The first piece (fols. Ob-7b) to which a legible author's name is attached, consists of thirty-eight quatrains. It is attributed to S. Pilij) hoclit li. liiiigind^ and begins Fnigell bennacht brugh Muire. This is followed (fols. 8a-9a) by some thirty-seven quatrains, commencing Tuar fcirge foighide De, and headed : Duan an so o S. Pilip mac Cuinn crosaigh ann a d . . itn 7 dentar tuarusghhail uath . . laithe an braich agus an modJt ar adtiocfa Criosd do chum an bhretheamnais J na briathra adera ann, ' A poem here by S. Philip son of Conn Crosach in d . . ., in which is given a description of the Day of Judgment, the manner in which Christ will appear, and the words which He will speak.' The rest of the contents, so far as legible, are as follow : — Fols. First Line Quatraiiis Author 9a-10a. Ataid tri coniraig am chind 29 Tadfj og (v. O'G. Cat., p. 363) lOa-lOa. Aithimne dod t'oide a Eoin 19 „ „ lOb-lla. Cia gabus m'anamain se ais 28 „ „ lla-12a. Bee nach tainic mo terma 44 ,, „ (v. sivpra, p. 89) 12a-13b. Gabh mheghnecb, a Eoin Baisdi 62 „ „ (v. supra, p. 89) ' I have not come upon this author's name elsewhere. 104 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. LXV FoU. 13b-14a. 14b-15a. 15a-16a. IGa-lTl). I7b-18k 18b-19a. 19b-20a. 20a-21a. 21a-22a. 22a-23a. 23a. 23a. 23b-24b. 24b-25b. 25b-26a. 26b-27a. 27a-27b. 27b. 27 b. 27b. 28a. 28a. 28b. 29a. 29a-29b. 29b. First Linu (inaLiains Ag SO bragha dot, a Dho 34 Tadg og Mairg danab soirbli an saegal 30 „ „ Namadh dan caraid clann Adhaini 38 Anon. Clabliaiii dechniaidli ar ndiin 74 Anon. Duncan nior O'Daly. Author Aitrigc sunn diiit, a Dhe Tene ar na fadodli fcrg De Ceangal .sodenta sfogh ])e Bennachd a mathar ar mac n-De Ben g(l)as dom croidi, a Chohndhe Fada me ar merughadh .sligheadh (First line illegible) (First line illegible) Do geinedh ingen onumla Tri gluine ginelach mic De Tri mic do Muire, mac De Do chodail ar bfer faire Suntacli sin a cliolainn criadh Na dena diomus, a dhuine Sir ... si a Muire an duilimh (?) Cionta na colla is cuis truaigbe Teach lega leaba S. Padraig Linn ro Padraig na purt solus Mana beth cruaide croidhe Slan uaim ag oilen Padraig Mo chen teid d'fecjais 3. Padraig (AtLrilMited to O'G. Cat., p. 345) Donnchadh mor O'Dalaigh Tadg og (v. sujira p. 89) Anon. S. Pilip bocht Fergal og 32 40 37 38 30 40(?) Anon. Tugais dam, a Dhe nimi 3 Mad . . O'Cleirigh 2^ Tadg dall 44 S. Pilip bocht 38 Anon. (Attributed to St. Columba in O'Gr. Cat., p. 663) 37 Anon. Cf. O'R., p. cxl. 27 Anon. 15 Anon. 11 Fergall og (Angus O'Daly in O'Gr. Cat., p. 6G1) 4 Fergall og 3 Solamh mc Conmidhe 1 3 Tadg mac Mathgamuin 9 Fei'gal og O'huiginn 21 (Name torn) 8 Fergal og mac an bhaird 23 Aongus mac Aoda ruaidh i uiginu (?) TuilHna (?) Fols. 30 onwards are broken. On fol. 33 begins a piece by Donnchadh mor O'Dalaigh — Lochran soillsi do siol Aduim, also quoted in O'R., p. cxc. MS. LXV MS. LXV consists of forty-nine leaves of paper, 8 in. by 4i, bound endwise in pasteboard which is roughly covered with skin. The MS. is paged from both ends, A and B, and on the cover at both ends is written in modern hand ' Miscellaneous Poetry, Scots and Irish.' There are also a number of proverbs. The writing is mainly in the Gaelic hand, with here and there MS. LXV] EELIGIOUS AND ECCLESIASTICAL 105 some lines and a few proverbs in the current hand. It contains copies of Alexander Macdonald's poems on Summer and Winter, and cannot therefore date further back than about the middle of the eighteenth century. The verse is chiefly secular, but it contains two short pieces of a religious character. The subject of both is practically the same, — an exhortation to piety, because of the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death and judgment. The first piece (end A, pp. 47-8) begins Duisg a cJt,olmt(n) as do chadal, 's fada dhuit a n-oidhche ad shuain, ' Wake up, body, thy night of sleep lias been (too) long.' Ewen M'Lachlan says, but erroneously, that the hymn is found in Macdonald's Collection (cf. R. Macdonald's Collection, 1776, p. 310). The second ' hymn ' (end B, pp. 1-2) begins Slid ayaibh laoi na n-cuig rann, gun aon fhocall ann ach Jior, ' Here the hymn of five quatrains, without an untrue word,' and ends thus : {\S h)eg orm ifrioym fuar flinch, {h)aile bithbhuan is serbh deoch, 'S ota gun chill gun chrois, (cha) dteid vii ann a chois no dh'ech. ' I hate hell, wet and cold, an eternal abode of bitter drink, Seeing it is without church or cross, I shall not fare thither on foot or on horseback.' (Cf. Beauties of Gaelic Poetry, p. 182, note.) There are several religious and ecclesiastical pieces in MS. XXXVII, otherwise known as the Dean of Lismore's MS. But the contents of that MS. are so varied and so voluminous that it must be treated separately. 106 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. I CHAPTER III History and Genealogy Among the Gael, as among other peoples, Legend and History are not always sharply distinguished. A large portion of the contents of this Chapter is manifestly legendary, while in a subsequent Chapter, ' Legend and Lore,' the reader will find historic facts imbedded. MS. I As already stated {v. supra, p. 72), MS. I consists of two separate MSS. bound in one cover. The first leaf of the first MS. is covered with genealogies. The writing is indistinct, and the reading is in many cases uncertain. Chemicals were applied to this portion of the MS. by Dr. Skene, which did not per- manently improve matters. The first page is written in five irregular columns and the second in four, with occasional side- notes. The genealogies are those of the kings of Scotland, beginning with David i., and of the principal Highland Clans. The descent of David is given step by step to Kenneth the Scot son of Alpin, and through him to the kings of Dalriada up to Fergus of Kintyre son of Ere, and from Ere through the tradi- tional Irish pedigrees up to Noah and Adam. King Lulach is in the same way traced up to Loarn Trior, brother of Fergus and son of Ere. These pedigrees were first printed by Dr. Skene in Collec- tanea de rebus Albanicis, p. 50 et seq. Thereafter, with the lists of kings omitted, the same author printed the genealogies of the Highland Clans, supplemented and corrected from Irish MSS., in Celtic Scotland, vol. iii. p. 458 et seq. The second MS. of which MS. I is made up consists of fifteen leaves of parchment, very large folio (15 in. by 10|). Like several of the MSS. in the Scottish Collection it was at MS. I] HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 107 one time enclosed in leaves taken from a fine old Latin Hymnary, the front cover still adhering. The MS. is old, dating back, one should say, to the fourteenth century. The hand is particularly good throughout. Towards the end a portion of the pages is well-nigh illegible, evidently the effect of rain-ooze to which the MS. nuist have been subjected for a time. As now bound, the first leaf is reversed, and the fourth ought to be the second. Leaves are awanting between the fourth and fifth, and between the seventh and eighth. They are paged in pencil according to the sequence of their contents. The writing is in two columns, in a few pages in four. The contents are varied. The following may with more or less pro- priety belong to this chapter. 1. A paragraph, nearly the whole of Avhich is illegible, on the Milesians, commencing, Ag milidh espainnc (p. 4b). 2. A Tract covering pp. 5-8a giving the names of distin- guished men and women, with explanation of names and epithets attached to them, complimentary or otherwise. The list here given begins with Art aenfer, ' Art the Solitary,' and ends with Ulaid, ' Ulster-men.' As if glad that his task was done, the scribe appends Sella. Sella. Sella. (Selah.) Another version of the same tract is in MS. VII, fols. l-4a. A third, with slight variations, is in B.B. fols. 249a-255a. A version con- taining a longer list is printed by Stokes entitled Coir aninann ' Fitness of names' (Irische Texte iii. (2), Leipzig, 1897). 3. On p. 8b is given the pedigree of Goll, the great rival of the hero Find or Fionn : Goll mac Corinaic {in)ic nemaind mic Morna inoirmic Garaig glunjlnd mic Aeda duanaig mic Aeda chindclairi mic Conaill 'mic StJiamb mic Ceit mic Magach, ' G. son of C. son of N. son of great M. son of Garadh white- knee son of poetic Aed son of Aed flathead son of Conall sou of S. son of Cet son of Magach.' Several notices of the family are given, with an account of Goll's feud with Find. The last three lines of the column commences, but does not complete, a similar paragraph on Find : Find mac Cumaill mic Trenmoir TYiic Treditim mice Buain mic Boga mic Baiscni, ofuilet Clann Baiscni, mic Shedna SitJibaic mic in Jiledh Ahratruait ut putant alii (col. ends), ' F. son of C. son of T. son of T. son of B. 108 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. I son of B. son of H., from whom arc the Cl.an Baiscno, son of S. S. son of the poet Abratruadli (brown eyebrow) as some think.' 4. On pp. Oa-ll are <;iven the following genealogies and notes : — (1) Slainge the first king of Ireland, with his four brothers, Rudraigi, Sengand, Gand, and Genand, the five sons of Deala. The pedigree of this family is given up to Adaiah mac Be hJd, ' Adam, son of the living God.' (2) The first Irish king of the Taat/ia De Danmm, viz. Breas son of Ealadan, is traced up to Neimed son of Agnoman. Other distinguished names of this race are also noticed, their descent given, and relationship indicated — Nuadu of the Silver-hand ; Ogma, grianach, 'Sun-bright'; MacCuill, ' son of hazel,' MacCecht (the physician), and MacGrene, ' son of the Sun,' being the three sons of Cermait ' honey- mouth,' son of the Dagda, son of Ealadan, etc. (3) The descent of Mile of Spain, son of Bile, is given step by step through Goedel glas (grey), son of Niul, to Japhet who is the common ancestor of the Firbolg, the Tuatha De Danann and the Milesians. Thereafter the descendants of Eremon and Eber, sons of Mile of Spain, are given down to Ruaidri Mac Toirr- dealbhaigh, in whose time presumably the Tract was originally compiled. (4) On p. 11, col. 4, Breas MacEaladan is again taken up, his descent is given step by step to Noah, and a note is added to the effect that this is the true genealogy of Breas, and that although he had been adjudged to be of the Tuatha De Danaan he is in reality of the blood of Morch, seeing that Eve daughter of Fiachna son of Dealbaeth was his mother. On p. 9 dates are inserted on the margin, in later hand, and in both reckonings A(nno) M(undi) and A(nte) C(hristum). A few notes, not very legible, also appear, — one to the effect that the Clanna Neimhidh ' Nemidians ' were expelled from Ireland in A.M. 2213, and that they returned again in a.m. 2714. MS. II {v. supra, p. 6) Two leaves of Annals (fols. 79 and 88) are inserted in the MS. as now bound. To judge from the skin, handwriting, and MS. V] HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 109 dates the two are consecutive leaves of the same MS. The skin was subjected to rough usage, so that some of the entries are rather difficult to read. The year is written in Arabic numerals. Fol. 88 contains entries from 1360 to 1370, and fol. 79 entries from 1371 to 1402. The events recorded all relate to Ireland. On fol. 79b are two notes written on blank spaces, in a different and later hand, and dated 1589. MS. V (v. supra, p. 79) Fols. 2bl-4a contain a full and readable account of the pro- ceedings at the Convention of Drumceat, held a.d. 575. The story is given in several MSS. from L. U. downwards. The version given here is slightly less detailed at the beginning and end than that in L. Br. fol. 238 c-d, otherwise the two accounts are practically the same. As is Avell known. King Aidan of Dalriada and St. Columba attended the Convention. Three questions of great interest to Columba were discussed: (1) The future position of the Bards. (2) The case of Scanlan, prince of Ossory, and a ward of the Saint. (3) The future relation of Dalriada to Ireland. The eloquence of Columba, himself a poet, secured a fresh lease of life, although with diminished privileges, to the Bards. He was unable to persuade King Ainmire to consent to the release of Scanlan from prison, but the liberation of the prince was accomplished otherwise by the Saint. The resolution regarding the third question, which made Scottish Dalriada practically an independent kingdom, was sub- mitted by Colman, a young priest, not by St. Columba. In connection with this last question, it is stated that a colony of Irishmen came to Argyll in the time of Cairpre rigfota, ' tall king ' or ' long arm,' who removed from Munster to Ulster in the end of the second or beginning of the third century, in time of famine; that the territory occupied by Cairpre's followers in Ireland and Scotland came to be called Dalriada; and that there was continual contention between these men and the men of Ireland. The statement of Bede is practically to the same effect, his Reuda being no doubt the rigfota of Gaelic MSS. But the Annalists make no mention of such a migration, and Skene gives no credence to it. no CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. V He quotes the statement of oiir oldest Scottish chronicler re- garding Fergus son of Ere {Celt. Scot., vol. i. p. 140) : ' i'pse fuit primus qui de semine Chonari susce/pit regnum Alban,' as if it were conclusive of the matter. The silence of the Annalists regarding this colony is surprising, unless we assume, what was most probably the case, that there was frequent crossing and re-crossing between Argyll and Ulster before and after Cairpre Longarm's day. But surely the Scottish chronicler's language suggests an inference different from that drawn by ])r. Skene. That Fergus was the first of Conaire's race to set up a kingdom in Alba is historically true. But does not the use of regnum rather imply that he was by no means the first of his race to colonise a district of Alba ? MS. VI — Kilbride Collection, No. 2 MS. VI is enclosed in two leaves of parchment. The writing on this cover is illegible on the outer pages (1 and 4). Pages 2 and part of 3 are taken up with the adventures of Serlus (Charlemagne?) and Roland (the brave?) Then comes (p. 8, 1. 19) a legend of a certain oclaech, 'warrior' (youth?), in the apdaine, ' abbacy ' (the Scottish Appin) of Drumenach, who gave a great feast and had wonderful experiences thereafter. This is followed by not very legible paragraphs about Mocho (here Mochae) of Noendruim {v. stqwa, p. 84). The writing on these two leaves is later than that on the MS. proper, and is probably of the late sixteenth century. The MS. proper consists of 11 leaves of parchment, all except the last genealogical. The leaves were formerly stitched together with thong and thread, but are now in four divisions, 2, 4, 3, and 2. The skin is fresh, and the writing is very good, bold and clear, with capitals crudely drawn, and as a rule roughly coloured. Bits of the parchment are worm-eaten here and there, but the text is not nmch encroached upon. An occasional note is found on the margin. One runs as follows -.A De "J a Muire is mor do na genelachaib sin nach hfuil fis agam ar hith ce Jt-iad, ' God and Mary, of many of these genealogies I know nothing in the world.' Another gives step by step the pedigree of a certain individual whose name MS. VI] HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 111 is illegible through Neills and Lachlans and Farquhars and Ferguses and others to Baedan son of Muridhadh son of Lodarn (Lorn) mor son of Ere son of Eachaidh muinrea'tnair ' fatneck,' and several generations beyond. The explanatory text is for the most part in Gaelic, but occasionally in Latin. The writing, probably of the fifteenth century, is in two coliunns, but on some of the pages in four and even five. The genealogies are of the ancestors and de- scendants of the leading men of the Gaelic race, legendary and historical. The descendants of Fergus's four sons by Meave of Connaught, of whom was Mog Ruith, the pupil of Simon Magus ; the descendants of Conall Cernach ; of Conchobar son of Ness ; and of other Ulster heroes are conspicuous. The individuals and tribes are mostly Irish, but now and again references to Scotland, and especially to Dalriada, appear. Thus on one of the pages it is mentioned that Aedan son of Gabran submitted to Baedan son of Cairell, who was King of Scotland (Dalriada only is meant) as well as of Ireland. The MS. of which these eleven leaves are a part is of great importance. One of the leaves begins : Seacht -prmifiata d'uUaib ini Concobar macNeasa : ' Seven chief nobles of Ulster attended Conor son of Ness.' The succeeding text follows the same order, and gives practically the same names and incidents as those given under a similar heading in M'Firbis's Genealogies, written in 1649. M'Firbis professes to quote from Sabhall Padruig, ' Patrick's Barn,' a MS. now lost (O'Curry's MS. Mat., p. 20). Our MS. is much older than M'Firbis's, but is probably of the same origin. On the first page of the last leaf are written in a different, inferior, and later hand : — (1) Verses on various metres : Setnad long and short : Rannaideoht big and little ; Casbhairne, etc. etc. In L.L., p. 38a, 1. 19, the verses are attributed to Cellach hua Ruanada. They begin : Sloindfead duih dead aisde in dana, bid dicjlaim ratha. (2) The legend of the beautiful Ciarnaid, a Pictish captive princess from Scotland, and King Cormac {v. Keating). The lay quoted by Keating is referred to here, but not given. 112 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. VI (8) The otynioloi^^y of Hibernia (Iroland) from Hiberiis in Spain and in Armenia. The last page is also written upon, but only a word here and there can now be read. MS. VII {v. s^qwa, p. .S4) On fols. l-4a is found another copy of the names of noted persons already mentioned {v. swpra, p. 107). The copy here, like that of MS. I, begins witti Art the Solitary and ends with Ulstermen (ulaid). Although the two occasionally differ in arrangement and detail, they are practically the same, Fols. 4b-5b. Here we have a list of distinguished women, with, for the most part, the names of their husbands and children, beginning with Scota the daughter of Pharaoh, wife of Niul and mother of Gaedel glas, and ending with Derborgaill daughter of Tadg (Teigue), son of Gilla Patraig, King of Ossory. A corresponding list in B.B., pp. 282a-286, which does not always follow the same order, begins with Eve and ends abruptly with Dunlait daughter of Murcertach. Cf. also Poem by Gilla Moduta in L.L., pp. 136-141. MS. VIII — KiLBEiDE Collection, No. 4 MS. VIII consists of thirty-six leaves of parchment, large folio. There are in reality two MSS. stitched together, the first containing twenty-six leaves, 12| in. by 9, and the second ten leaves, 13 in. by 9. Both layers, especially the second, have been subjected to rough usage. The first section contains a Gaelic version of the Thebaid of Statins, and the second a con- siderable portion of the Legend of Troy (of both of which later). On fol. 27 a paragraph which begins and ends abruptly relates an advance by Ceallachan King of Munster, accompanied by the Clan Eogan, to attack the Norsemen in Luimneach (Limerick). On the same page is a satirical paragraph on the Kings of Ireland and their followers, by ' Fergus from Scotland.' Fol. 36, the last leaf, is written in a large hand. The first page is legible only in part and the second is wholly illegible. The readable portion consists of memoranda regarding Kings MS. XXVIII] HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 1 1 3 of Munster from Artri onwards : Raig oirrdirc ardmeanrnnach 7'ogahasdair JiaitJi.us J forlaniiis da coiced Muman dar ho coTYiainin Artri mac Cathail rfiic Fiiiguini, J is re lind rogahadar Lochlannaig neart ar tus an Eirinn, ' A famous high-spirited king named Artri son of Cathal son of Fingen assumed sovereignty and sway over the province of Munster, and it was in his time that the Norsemen first invaded Ireland in force.' Cf. Wars of the GaidJdll with the Gaill. London, 1867. App. B., p. 237.' MS. IX {v. supra, p. 26) The chiefs of the Macdougalls of Lorn, afterwards of Dunolly, are named from Allaster mor son of John ciar up to Dugald son of Somerled (of Argyll) son of Gillabrigde. The writer accounts for the indifferent caligraphy by stating that he wrote in great haste and by candle light. MS. XXVIII— Kilbride Collection, No. 24 This MS. consists of seven leaves of parchment of irregular form, 4 to 6 in. tall by about 9 in. in breadth. The writing is in one column, by different hands, none of them very good. The MS. is old, probably of the fourteenth century. The contents are in part historical. The fourth leaf is reversed in binding. The MS. was amissing for nearly thirty years. It was borrowed from the Library by the late Dr. M'Lauchlan of Edinburgh, and in the spring of 1864 it accidentally dropped from his pocket on to the street. No trace of it could be found. In 1888 the identical MS., enclosed in its cover, was presented to the late Rev. Dr. Campbell of Dundee by an old man, to whose son Dr. Campbell had been of some service. On being satisfied that the MS. was that lost by Dr. M'Lauchlan twenty-nine years previously. Dr. Campbell returned it to the Library. Pp. 1-4 (1. 5) contain an old and valuable copy of the Synchronisms of Flann of Bute. Flann died in 1056 A.D., but the Synchronisms were continued by an unknown author to 1119. The Tract is of special value to Scottish students, for H 114 CATALOGUE OF CxAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. XXVIII Flanii includes the kings of Dalriada (whom he calls kinu^s of Alba) in his survey. Dr. Skene found four principal' copies of the Tract, two without the continuation, this and a copy in the Bodl. Oxford (Hawl. B. 486); and two with the continuation, — one in the Book of Lecan (R. I. A., Dublin), and another in the Bodl. (Rawl. B. 512). He regarded the text of this copy as containing ' the Avork of Flann in its original shape,' and printed it with translation and variants from Rawl. B. 512 and Lecan in the Chroniclcfi of the Picts and Scots, pp. 18-22 (c/. also Preface, pp. xxx, xxxi). Pp. 4 (1. 7)-6 (1. 7) contain an historical poem, commencing: Enna, dalta Cairpri Cruaidh, JRo gab tir Enna arm ruaidh, ' Enna, ward of the stern Cairbre, seized Tir-Enna of the red weai)ons.' The poem is ascribed by O'R. (p. Ixxviii) to Flann of Bute, but is claimed by O'Cnrry (Mann, and Gust., ii. 164) for MacNamee. There follows a Calendar, in prose, with the dates of the Feasts and Saints' Days. Pp. 7 and 8 (reversed in binding) contain two poems, attributed to Flann (O'R. p. Ixxvi, O'C, Mann, and Gust., ii. 160), the first beginning : A Uuba{i)r, ata ar do lar Senchas comcuhaidh comlan, ' book ! there is in thy contents a consistent, perfect history ' ; and the second : Ata sivim Senchas nach suaill, ' Here is no trifling history.' This poem concludes as follows : — Padraic ro fhacaib doib sin, Uadh rosgribadh a lebraih; Gach andligid linib la, Crisd da coimcd mar ata. ' Patrick decreed it thus, And from him was written down ; The dues levied on successive days. May Christ preserve them unaltered.' Thereafter follows a series of letters, significant no doubt, — g.m.m. 7 g. 7 cm. etc. etc. A paragraph, written in small hand, and in a rhetorical, exaggerated style, on the fruitfulness and peacefulness of the land at one time, fills up the rest of the page. MS. XXX] HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 115 MS. XXX — Kilbride Collection, No. 26 Here are eight strips of vellum of various dimensions, the largest being 6 in. by 11, and the smallest 5 in. by 8. There is a piece torn from the fifth leaf and some text lost. The front page is wholly illegible, while pp. 2, 3, 4 and 5 are largely so. From the top of p. 3 to middle of p. 7 there is an ironical laudation of Filib mac Briain inic Felimi hi Raighallaigh in prose, interspersed with Rosg or Retoric. [F. M. under A.D. 1508 record the death of 'Philip, the son of Brian, son of Felim O'Reilly, a captain, and a man who kept a house of hospitality, and who was full of knowledge of each science, after gaining the victory of Unction and Penance.'] What follows is in verse and, with the possible excej)tion of the last piece, evidently inspired by the preceding characterisa- tion of Philip O'Reilly. (1) On pp. 7-9 Cerball O'Dalaigh (a C. O'D., poet of Corcamroe, died in 1404, v. O'R., p. cxii) has thirty-three quatrains, beginning : Ni ar deis tartar mine in defence of Philip, and in disparagement of his censor. (2) On pp. 9-10 Tadg dec Cianan has twenty-eight quatrains, as if in reply to Cerball, first line : Trian Connacht ar coimet aeinfir. (3) The same Cerball replies in twenty-six quatrains (pp. 10-11) beginning: Da coimed tech tigerna. (4) Lughaid O'Daly now joins in with forty quatrains (pp. 11-13). This author is more concerned with the uncer- tainties of life than with the merits of the controversy. He visits Ath TruiTTi, where Felim was slain, searches for his grave, and, when he finds it, is not much edified. This piece commences Truag ar n-echtra gu h-Ath Truim. (5) On pp. 13-15 Cerball (the name is written in a different hand) gives some thirty-seven quatrains, beginning : Ni mar each as cainte Brian. IIG CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. XXX (()) On the last page (16) are fifteen quatrains, not always legible but seemingly on the same subject, by . . . O'Cuirnin, beginning : Ra{i)th Temraig ota Dornna{i)ll. If the sul)ject of the composition on pp. 3-7 be the Philip O'Reilly who died in 1508, it is clear that his apologist is not the Caroll O'Daly who died in 1404. A Lughaid O'Daly's death is recorded in 1337, who was Bishop of Clonmacnois. He also is impossible. Tadg occ Cianan and . . . O'Cuirnin I have not come upon elsewhere. MS. XXXVI — Highland Society, Kilbride, No. 5 The MS. is of paper, ordinary quarto size, written in 1690-1 in a very good clear hand, in one column, by Eoghan MacGilleoin (Ewen MacLean), for Colin Campbell, otherwise ' Caillain Caimpbel mac Dhonchaidh mic Dughil mic Chaillain Oig mic Maisfhister Archibald.' The scribe on one occasion resorts to crypt : Scdlghbhn inc gngllscdlngn ddl scrngbh sdl = Eoghan Mac Oilleoin do scribh so, ' Ewen Mac Lean wrote this ' (v. pp. 79a, 110b). The leaves are numbered on every second page up to 133, but the text is now defective at the beginning and end._ The first fourteen leaves are awanting, and fols. 15 to 21 are tattered. The last four leaves are also mutilated, and there were at least a dozen more which are still traceable in the binding. Of the skin covering, only the back portion now remains. At present the leaves are enclosed in a sheet of blue paper, on which is written, in Dr. Skene's hand, ' MS. belonging to the Society of Advocates,' and in another hand, in pencil, ' XXXVI, Highland Society, Kilbride 5.' On fol. 95b is written, ' This manuscript is the property of John M'Lachlan of Kilbride.' The contents are chiefly Heroic Tales and Romances. There is a considerable amount of verse, — short poems, detached couplets, and epigrams. Three of the pieces may be classed as Historical. 1. On fols. 79b-81a thirty- nine quatrains, beginning: Triath nan Gaoidheal Giolleaspag. Subject, — the greatness, power and lineage of Archibald (the MS. XXXVI] HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 117 Marquess) of Argyll. His descent is traced through King Arthur to Adam. Names are not given, but the number of progenitors is said to be sixty- four. In O'Hart's Pedigrees (Dublin, 1876), the late Queen Victoria is the hundred - and - thirty - sixth in direct descent from Adam, all the names being given {v. pp. 24-30). 2. On fols. 81a-82a is another piece of twenty-six quatrains in praise of the Marquess, commencing : Rug edrain ar iath n-Alban, ' We fought on Scottish soil.' To this poem the following note is appended, presumably by the author, who may have been one of the Irish contingent who fought with Montrose : Benacht chugaibh, a Thigerna, arson na h-aithne do rin{n) sibh ar an dan so, J feacJdaire do chur da iar{r)iiidh, seach moran do chach oile do chuala e, 7 se is locht Horn air anois olcas a sgriobhneorachta o iomarcaidh deithfire, 7 nar sgribas an oiread-sa do Ghaoidhealg o tangas an Albuin, J ni h-iongnadh sin, o{i)r ni bfuil moran do lucht tuigsean san chuit a bfuili/ni an(o)is. Ni beg sin acht tabhair mo benacht d'Eoin mhac Mhaigliisdir Domhnall. Do i-serbonntuigh fein go feadh a chumhacht MURIS MHUILGHIRIGH. ' A blessing to you, my Lord, for your appreciation of this poem, and for sending a messenger for it, — so different from many others who heard it. My chief regret now is that, because of excessive haste, the handwriting is so inferior. (But) I have not written this much of Gaelic since I came to Scotland, nor is this surprising, for in the district in which I now am, there are not many who understand the language. No more at present, but give my blessing to John, son of (the Rev.) Mr. Donald. — Your own servant to the extent of my power, M. O ' M.' 3. The third poem consists of fourteen quatrains (fols. 114a-b) on the capture of Archibald, ninth Earl of Argyll, who is here described as buachill an cliruin, ' the shepherd [guardian] of the crown.' The verses commence, Is maith mo leaba, is olc mo sJniain, ' Easy my bed, disturbed my sleep. 118 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. XXXVIII MS. XXXVIII— Highland Society. J. M'Kenzie, No. 2 The MS. is of paper, 71 in. by 6. It is paged from 5 to 193, the first four pages being now awanting. Pp. 5 and 6 are but a fragment, and loose. Caih Cnucha go nuvje sin, ' The battle of Knock thus far,' written on p. 5, suggests the conclusion of the story of that fight, in which Cumhall, the father of the hero Fionn, was slain. Mish lenhar Mhanus APMuirish, ' I [am] the book of Magnus son of Maurice,' is also written in inferior hand on p. 5. On the last page (198) is ' J. Everitt for J. M'Kenzie, Esq., Secretary of the Highland Society.' The MS. Avas covered by leaves of an old Latin Hymnary, part of which still adheres. There are several hands, all good, one particidarly fine and clear. The writing may not be of uniform date, and, one should say, is not older than the end of the sixteenth or beginning of the seventeenth century. The contents are various, — heroic tales and ballads, a vocabulary, annals, etc. The MS. was analysed by Ewen M'Lachlan, who also transcribed some of its contents. The following may be included in this chapter, 1. On p. 171 six lines of annals, with dates inserted, but afterwards deleted. Then follow some forty quatrains of a semi-historic poem, found also in MS. XLII, where ninety-six quatrains are given, beginning : Aoihhinn sin, a Eire ard. 2. The last eleven quatrains of an elegiac poem (of which the first five are in MS. XLII), — ' on a distinguished ecclesiastic ' says E. M'L., Analysis, p. 51 Repeating line, Bennacht De go m'dhaingen-si. MS. XXXIX— Highland Society. J. M'Kenzie, No. 3 This is a paper MS. of thirty-two leaves of small quarto, un- paged. It is enclosed in skin-covered pasteboard, and looks to have been Avritten in the seventeenth century. The hand is fairly good. Several memoranda in English, with names of MS. XLI] HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 119 Kennedy, Cameron, Alex. M'Donald and others appear on the margin, under dates 1786-9. One of the poetical pieces is written semi-phonetically in Roman hand on a blank space of fol. 28a. Several of the poems may perhaps be classed as historical. Among them are e.rj. : 1. A fragment on fol. 22b, on the death of Angus, of the Clanranald family. 2. Verses on fols, 29a-30a, on the valour of MacEoin (son of John — a Maclain of Ardnamurchan ?) in foreign parts, beginning : Meisneach niiledha mic Eoiu, An laibh troda a thir aincoil. 'The military ardour of Muclain, On the battlefield in foreign lands.' 3. On fols. 31a-32a are verses of uncertain reading and not very intelligible drift, beginning : Tuar freasdal ar feirg . . . The author is speaking of the Macleods and names several of them, — Rory, Norman, William, and Alexander. They are the bravest of the brave, even among Gaols. But they are as liable as meaner men to be deceived and cheated by fawning, flattering rhymers. MS. XLI — Highland Society. John M'Kenzie, No. 5 The cover of the MS. is written upon {v. supra, p. 62). The MS. proper consists of fourteen leaves of parchment, small quarto (6 in. by 4i). On fol. 13b a prayer is asked for the soul of the man for whom the book was written, viz. Neill, and at the foot of fol. 12b in very small hand is the entry : Misi Magnus J is amcja/r atairri tareis Neill i Neill. ' I am Magnus, and dis- tressed I am after Neill O'Neill.' On fol. lb 'John Smith,' evidently in the hand of Dr. Smith of Campbeltown, is written. The subject of the MS. is difficult to classify. It pur- ports to be a copy (foirm) of a letter which Sar Seon, Priest 120 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRITTS [MS. XLI and King of India, sent to the Roman Emperor and the King of the Franks, desiring the friendship of these potentates, pro- mising great wealth and honour to such of their subjects as might enter his service, and giving a detailed account of his country, its wealth and grandeur and wonders, together with the strange beasts and birds to be seen there, as well as of the people, their laws, religion, and manners. On fol. 18b, filling up a gap in the text, are bits of lore, of one of which Shakespeare may have heard : ' Three women- wizards in the eastern land, by name Behhinn, Becuill cladJiach, and Be chairm coinramacJi, were in an empty, secluded house boiling a cauldron full of wizardry (drai(jhecJit). Balar haluan hladh was watching them through a hole in the door-leaf. One of the hags threw a ladleful of the poison through the hole and destroyed his eye.' Another is in verse, beginning : Don{n)al con re tech aniar, is rabadh re creich co cian, ' Howling of dogs against a house facing the west is ever a token of spoil.' MS. XLII — Highland Society. J. M'Kenzie, No. 6 A very tattered paper MS. in small quarto, of which twenty- four leaves are entire. It is enclosed in a double cover, the outer being of skin stitched with thong, the inner a leaf of an old Latin Hymnar3^ Of the fragments, little or nothing can be made. Corrections are made on some of the verses. Several pages are blank. Fol. 2a is taken up with genealogies, historical and mythical, ranging from Adam to Don Philippe. Fols. 3-7 contain fragmentary poems. One (fol. 4b) is headed Ni comthrom cogadh Banbha, ' Ireland's warfare is not a fair one '; but the text here is different from the poem with the same opening line quoted in O'Gr. Cat., p. 479. From fol. 7 to fol. 14 there is a variety of matter, chiefly lore, of which later. Fols. 14a-17a contain a copy of the poem already noticed (v. supra, p. 118), which here extends to ninety- six quatrains, Aoibhinn sin, a Eire ard. MS. XLII] HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 121 On fol. 17 is another long poem, anonymous, beginning, Eisdigh^ a eigsi Banhha, Re h-iomradh na h-ealadhna, ' Listen, Irish Poets, to the voice of your craft.' Gf. Poem in O'Gr. Cat., p. 535, and O'R., p. clvi, attributed to John O'Clery, Eistidh, a eigsi Bhanba, tabhraidh dJminn cead agallmha. On fol. 18b commences an anonymous poem, Eire og, inis na naem, ' Chaste Ireland, isle of saints,' found also in B.B., 49b, 1. 40. Fols. 20-24 are detached. Fol. 20 gives the last five quatrains of one poem, and the first twenty of another, the latter beginning, An sith do roga, a rig Fionngall ? ' Do you prefer peace. King of the Norsemen 1 ' On fol. 21 is a portion of a poem, which can hardly be described as historical : Ataim a g-cds eider da chomairle, ' I am in a strait between two counsels.' The poem is found in MS. XLIV (v. infra, p. 123). It is also quoted in O'Gr, Cat., p. 478, and there attributed to Eochy O'Hosey. Fol. 22 contains twenty quatrains of a poem, anonymous, beginning : A eolcha Eirinn airdi, sloinnidh do chach gan cJiairde, ' Ye learned of illustrious Ireland, relate forthwith to all.' Fol. 24 contains twenty-six quatrains attributed to Dr. Clerk, beginning : A Emuin, an agadfein, ' Edmund, restrain yourself,' and the first five quatrains of a piece already noticed (v. supra, p. 118), attributed here to the same author (Dr. Clerk), begin- ning: Bennacht De go vi' dhainghen-sa, ' The blessing of God [be] on my stronghold.' 122 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS IMS. XLIII MS. XLIII— Highland Society. J. M'Kenzie, No. 7 The MS. consists of forty leaves of paper, small quarto (6^ in. by 6|), written in a plain but good hand of the late seventeenth century. It contains a carefully written copy of Keating's History of Ireland, from the commencement down to the departure of the Milesians from Gothland for Spain. {Cf. also MSS. LI and LVIII.) The Title is given first in English, then follow Title, Introduction and Text in Gaelic. MS. XLIV— Highland Society. J. M'Kenzie, No. 8 MS. XLIV is now but the tattered remains of what Avas at one time a valuable collection of poetry by comparatively modern Irish Bards. At present the MS. consists of eighty leaves, of which several are mere scraps. Many are loose, some out of place, while a number are altogether lost from the body of the MS. as well as at the beginning and end. The cover was of thick pasteboard, enclosed in old and brittle skin. The back of the cover has disappeared, and the sides are slowly crumbling away. The page is of unusual form, *J^ in. by 2i. Two if not three hands are discernible, one — in which much the greater part of the MS. is written — very good, round and regular; another sharp and free, but firm and clear. The MS., which is of paper, ma}^ be of the late seventeenth century. The poems are mainly historical, with a few religious and didactic. Many of them are quoted in O'Gr.'s Cat. They are here given, in so far as legible, in the order in which they appear in the MS. without any attemj)t at classification. Fol. First Line. Author. 1. A Fragment 2. Beginning of poem wanting .3. Da gradh do fagbas Eirinn Tadg (in modern hand) i.e. Teigue O'Daly. Cy: O'Gr. Cat., 355, and O'R. xcix 5a. Ein fer feisd ag milledh Muman Diarmai(d) mag Craith 7a. lomdha uaisle ar iath Laigen Eogan mag Craith (v. O'Gr. Cat., 359) 9a. Da roinn cotroma ar crich Neil An fer cedna {v. O'Gr. Cat., 363) lib. Dlighidh ollamh urrum riog Maolmuire bacach mag Craith 12a. Tanag aghaigh go h-eas g-Caoill Anon. (Tadg dall in O'Gr. Cat., 423) MS. XLIV] HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 123 Fol. First Line. 14a. dig do mheanma a maoilir 16a. Ag so aa chomairce, a C(h)orraaic 17b. Imda sochar ag siol Neill 20b. ( )raoid sunn go siol Colla 21a. Illegible 22b. Coir De eadram is Uilleam 24a, Daoine saora siol Colla 27b. An aill leibh senchus siol g-Cein Author. An fer cedna )> )) An fer cedna (Tadg dall in O'Gr. Cat., 40.9) Illegible An fer cedna „ „ (Tadg dall O'Higgin in O'Gr. Cat, 408) Anon. Tagd dall in O'R., p. clxxi 32b. D' fior chogaid comaillter sidchain Anon. (Tadg dall in O'Gr. Cat., 413) 36a. Ferann cloidmi crioch Banba An fer cedna. (Tadg dall in O'Gr. Cat., 427) Anon. An fer cedna. {Cf. O'Gr. Cat., 386) Anon. (Eochy O'Hosey in O'Gr. Cat., 476) An fer cedna. „ „ (Eochy O'Hosey in O'Gr. Cat., 478). v. supra, p. 121 464 455 Fergal og mac an bhaird. (So O'Gr Cat., 384) 38b. Meallfflrf/i ionilaoi De ar Eirinn 42a. Cred anois fairges Eniann 46a. Suirghecli sin a Eire ogh 48b. Diol d(ru)idhe inis Eogain 51b. Ataim eider da chomairle 53a. Roinn leitlie ar anbuain Eirinn 56a. Slan fad lot a laiui Aodha 58a. Maith do suidighedh siol Neill 59,60. Leaves loose 61b. At(h roinn ar Inisfail. (Repeated at end of poem) 61b. Gaoidil meallta no mac Neill 64a. Gluais, a t(h)echtaire teid siar 64b. Cia as sine cairt ar crich Neill 67a. Mor ata ar thegosg flatha 70a. Anois diolam an dechmoid 72a. A mhacaoim senas mo sheire 72b. T' aire ort, a Ricaird oig 76a. A Mhor, cuimnigh an cumand 78b. (B)iaid a tromm ar Inisfail An fer cedna „ „ (c/. O'R., p. clxxiv) Domnall mac Daire. (So O'R., cxl) Tadg mac Daire mic Bruaidedha. (So in O'Gr. Cat., 388) An fer cedna. (So in O'Gr. Cat., 390) Brian O'Domnallain {v. O'Gr. Cat., 401) Tadg dall. (So O'Gr. Cat., 41 ; O'R., p. clxxii) Uilleam mac an Bhaird 80a. Mairg fhechus ar inis g-Ceithlenn Anon. (Tadg dall in O'Gr. Cat. . 430, and O'R., p. clxxii) 81a, (D)eit(f)rig chugainn a chalbaig (con- clusion on 76a) Tadg dall 5 Niall inor mac Muiriche 8(?) Anon. 11 Niall mac Muiredchaidh 11 Anon. 28 Cathelaes mac Muriche 13 Anon. 17 Niall mac Muirichedh 124 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. XLIV Thereafter are three scraps of verse without the beginning or end of the pieces. A detached leaf of fresher paper follows, with writing in prose and in two hands, the one ending, the other commencing, some scraps of lore. MS. XL VIII (v. supra, p. 98). The following poems may lay some claim to be historical :- Fol. First Line. Quatrains. Author. 4a. Se h-oidhce dhamhsa san dun 9b. Clann an iaria o iomluibh Banba „ Dia beatha (cui)r ar aos a leinb lib. T'aire riut a Gliiolla easbuig 14b- 16b. Cionnus mhaireas me am aonar 17a-18a. Fuaras cara ar sgath na sgoile 18a-20a. Mor an len-sa air aicme He The first piece celebrates a visit by the bard to the too hospitable Rorj^ ^nor M'Leod in Dun vegan ; the third was written on the birth of an heir to Macdonald ; the fifth is a lament for the death of many Gaelic poets, and especially John, son of Brian ; the sixth is an eulogy on Sir James, the heir of Donald, and his wife, daughter of M'Leod ; and the last is on the high descent and numerous branches of the old Macdonalds of Islay. MS. XLIX {v. supra, p. 99). In addition to the religious pieces already noted (v. supra, p. 99), the following are more or less legible : Fol. First Line. Quatrains. Author. la-b. lonmhuin tech re tugas cul 24 Eochy O'Hosey (r. O'Gr.,474) 3b-4a. 'S ionmhuin fert iona bfuil Brian 12 Anon. (So O'Gr., 348) 4a-b. Mian Cormaic tighe Temhra 11 Anon. (So O'Gr., 652) 5a-6a. Cuirfed so ionnad (a) Aodh 20 Maolmuire mac an Bhaird. (In O'Gr., 456, ascribed to Eochy O'Hosey) Gh-Sa. Slan fad lot a lamh Aodha 37 Eochy O'Hosey (So O'Gr., 455, V. siipra, p. 123) 8a-9b. Nodluig do chuamar don Chraoib 14 TadgdallO'Higgin (SoO'Gr., 433) 38 „ (So O'Gr., 364) 36 Anon. 6 Anon. 7 Anon. 25 Lochlainn mac Taidhg i Dha- laigh. (O'Gr. 374) 31 O'heodhusa (?). MS. L] HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 125 Fol. First Line. Quatrains. Author. lOa-b. Mor do ni daoine dibli fein 19 (Illegible.) In O'Gr., 555, ascribed to Ferfeasa o an Cainte lla-12a. La a ttemhraigh ag Toirrdheal- 31 Tadhg O'huigin bhach 12b-14a. On aird thuaidh tig an chabair 14a-15b. Re Mn ^sga an fhir einigh 17b. Ni diobhtha dhamhsa riom fein l7b-18a. Mairg do bhur gradh letromach 18a-19a. C'dit ar ghabhadar Gaoidhil 19b-20b. Cred mhosglas macraidh eirne MS. L — Highland Society. J. M'Kenzie, No. 14 Here are twenty-six leaves 8vo (6 in. by 4) of faded paper in pasteboard cover. Along with these were pp. 11-16 of the (so-called) Red Book of Clanranald. These pages were returned to Clanranald some fifteen years ago, after a copy of the text was made which is now kept in this cover. There are several hands, and the writing is usually in one column, occasionally in two. The contents are largely memoranda and paragraphs regard- ing the Macdonalds, with genealogies of the family and of the Gael generally, together with legends of the race. The volume was evidently a sort of commonplace book of the M'Vurichs of South Uist. The text is in several places illegible, in others uncertain, Fol. la is blank, and lb is illegible. On fol. 2 the death in 1600 of James M'Sorley is recorded. Black Archibald, son of Angus, was slain in 1607 in the island Mac i Carmuic and buried in Kilmory in Knap(dale). Argyll took possession of Kintyre in the same year, and Alexander junior, son of Angus, was drowned in the Sound of Islay. In 1614 (fol. 3) Angus, son of James, died in Rothesay, and was buried in Saddell. He was the best (most powerful) Macdonald of his time, — Lord of Islay, Kintyre, Jura, Colonsay and Gigha, of the seven tribes of the Glens (of Antrim), and many others. In 1616 Dunnaomhaig (in Islay) was taken by the Lord of Calder and Sergeant Campbell, with Englishmen ; and Angus junior, son of Angus, son of James, was hanged. In 1626 James junior {i.e. Sir James 126 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. L Macdoiiald of Islay) died in London, after his exile. In the same year died Ruaidri (Rory mor) MacLeoid, the best Gael in Scottish Gaeldom of his time (fol. 4). Notices of the three sons of John of Islay, Donald (of Harlaw), John mor (of Dun- naomhaig and the Glens), and Alastair Carrach, with their wives, follow. Through his wife Maire Bised, sllocJtd Iain mhoir (the descendants of John mor) inherited the glens of Antrim. The execution of John Cattanach and his three sons at Barramuir, and their burial in the temple of St. Francis, now called Teamjndl nua, ' new Temple,' are noticed. Then follow memoranda regarding the surviving son of this family, Alexander, his sons and descendants ; and the Clanranalds. On fols. 7-10 are notes on Parthalon and his race; the Aitheach Tuatha; the Tuatha De Danann; Scota the daughter of Pharaoh, etc., etc. Fol. 12 gives the pedigree of King David, son of Malcolm, through the Dalriadic line on to Aonghus Tuirinn of Tara, and of Charles i. to Robert Bleire (Bruce ?), who died in 1330. Fol. 13, under the heading ' Kings of Ireland here/ begins with Heremon son of Mile of Spain, and goes on to the several branches of the Gaelic race, their names and genealogies, with notes of events and dates, first in a.m., and later in a.m. and a.d. The text of the three leaves (pp. 11-16) restored to the Red Book of Clanranald opens with the statement that Colla Uais died at Royal Tara in a.d. 335, when on a saor chuairt, ' free circuit,' in Ireland. He left four sons, whose affairs and those of their descendants are briefly treated of until the time of Gillebrighde son of Gilladomnan, and father of Somerled of Argyll. This man appeared in Ireland among his kinsmen, asked and obtained help to have the Lochlannaigh or Norsemen driven from his possessions in Scotland. It is incidental!}' stated that the title of the family from Reginald son of Somerled to Colla Uais was O'Colla and Taoisech (thane) of Argyll. MS. L — Highland Society. J. M'Kenzie, No. 15 This MS. is a continuation of MS. XLIII, written in the same hand, and on the same paper. There are eighteen leaves MS. LII] HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 127 in two sheets. The first gives continuous text. There is a gap between the first and second sheet, and possibly also elsewhere in the second sheet, several of the leaves being here detached and fragmentary. The narrative of Keating is in this section carried down to the period of Criomthann Niathmar. MS. LII — Highland Society. J. M'Kenzie. Fragments, Nos. 16, 17, 18, 19 The litter gathered together within this cover consists of some forty-five separate items, mostly written in verse, with one or two in prose. The writing is mainly in the Gaelic hand, but two or three scraps are in current Roman hand. The subjects are varied, — mainly secular, but two or three are religious, a hymn or two and a prayer, and there are one or two medical notes. They are nearly all written in Gaelic, but there is a scrap in Latin, and another in English. The following pieces are complete : 1. A Mhor, cuinnhnigh an cumann (v. sujpra, p. 123). 2. Maith an chairt ceannas nan Gaidheal, ' A good charter, the supremacy of the Gael.' [This poem, consisting of fifty-one quatrains, is anonymous, with a preface in prose. The ceannas of the Gael is with Argyll, after whom come the Macdonalds and other clans]. 3. A poem of twenty-four quatrains, anonymous, beginning : Clu oirbirt uaislighes necli, "Tis a reputation for great deeds that ennobles one.' 4. A carefully written version of the well-known Ossianic ballad, Goll mear Tnileta. 5. Verses headed An ainm a n-athar agas an mhic j an shiorad naomh. Ainen. Niall mac Mhuiradhuigh cecenit, ' In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Neill M'Vurich sang,' beginning : Maith an sgeiil do sgaoil 'nar miosg, ' Good the news circulated among us.' 128 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS LII 6. Thirteen quatrains, anonymous, commencing: An bfaca dusa thufein? ' Have you seen [i.e. known] yourself [as you really are] ? ' MS. LV {v. suiira, p. 101) A long poem of ninety-five quatrains beginning, Teamhair teach am hi mhac Guinn, ' Where the race of Conn dwells, that is Tara,' may properly belong to the Historical class. MS. LVIII {v. siqora, p. 102) The first one hundred and eighty pages of this MS. are taken up with a copy of Keating's History. The narrative is carried down to the death of Cet viae Magach. E. M'L. transcribed several extracts from this portion of the MS. in Leabhar Caol (LXXXI. pp. 159-163). CHAPTER IV Legend and Lore Legend and Lore form a large portion of the contents of the MSS. While several of the pieces included in the previous Chapter are more legendary than historical, much of the con- tents of this Chapter contains a background of history. Under Lore are included the Tracts known as Bmnshenchus, which give the legendary accounts of the origin of the names of noted places. MS. V {v. supra, pp. 79, 109) The MS. contains several interesting pieces which belong to this chapter. 1. On fols. lb-2b is given an account of the battle of Leitir Ruide, fought between Fachtna Fathach, father of Conchobar son of Ness and monarch of Ireland, and Eochaid Feidlech, father of Meave of Connaught. Fachtna was slain in the battle (a.m. 5057 according to F. M.), and his opponent succeeded him. According to this account his three sons, Oilill, Eochaid, and Conall, accompanied their father, Eochaid Feidlech, on this expedition. Oilill and Eochaid were slain. The tract concludes with the arrangement made for the division of Ireland into five provinces, the establishment of Fergus Mac Roich as king of Ulster, and his displacement by Conchobar through the intrigues of the latter's mother Ness. Four daughters of Eochaid Feidlech are named, Meave, Muman, Clothru, and Eithne; but there is no mention here of the three sons, Breas, Nar, and Lothar, who at a later date revolted against their father. For MSS. containing other versions of Cath Leitreach Ruide (or Ruige), v. Essai d'un Catalogue de la Litterature I 130 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. V JiJpique de VIrlandc, par H. d'Arbois do Jubaiiiville, Paris, LS83, p. 72 (quoted here as ' Jub.'). 2. Fol. 6a2-bl : Duncan, son of Flann son of Malachy, made a muster in order to build a wall and foss around SaujJiir Clarain, urged thereto by his wife. While the men were busy at this work, the body of the lady's father, Duncan the Fat, King of Ossory, was brought to the church and buried forthwith. When night came there appeared nine hairy, jet-black crosain (a word srlossed f^cnrra elsewhere), and after the manner of their kind from all time they began chanting over the grave. ' White as snow were their teeth and eyes, while black as smith's coal was every other limb of them. Each had a poem with him, and to every one they gazed on they brought disease which en- dured a day and a night.' The poems are quoted. The question arose among laymen and clerics how such demons could pursue so religious a king as Duncan the Fat, who when in life had, among other pious deeds, imposed upon each house in Ossory th.rQQpellic8, i.e.j^dlic declitnaide J pellic mirend'^ j)ellic. tuirtin ciric, for providing food and drink in the churches of Ireland. It was resolved to ask the clerics to pray to God to reveal to them why the demons pursued the king thus. An angel appeared and told them this was the third time demons came out of hell to Ireland. He told them to fast, offer Mass on the morrow, and afterwards to consecrate grave, churchyard, and church, and that the demons would depart. The demons now assumed the form of birds, for they dared not tread on conse- crated ground. But they still pursued the king's body, for the}^ were powerless against his soul. For another version, cf Gael. Journ., vol. iv, p. 106. Dr. Meyer derives pellic from L. pelliciwni, ' basket of untanned hide,' and translates ' a basket of tithes, a basket of broken meat, and a basket of waxen tablets.' 3. Fol. 7al-2 gives a paragraph opening : Cetna ailges rogabadh an Eirinn, cuich h-el ' What was the first [unlawful] claim made in Ireland ? ' The answer is that Crichinbel, the satirist of Bres son of Ealadhan, preferred the first ailges from the Dagda. Unfortunately the text is broken, and the exact terms cannot now be read. But the sequel shows that the Dagda was circumvented, and deprived of the third part of his food by the satirist. By the aid of Mac Occ, however, Crichinbel MS. V] LEGEND AND LORE 131 was in turn overreached, and the Dagda's full share of provisions was restored to him. 4. Fol. 7a2-bl gives a legend, not very legible or intelligible, in wliich Michael the Archangel and St. Patrick figure. 5. Fol. 7bl : Kins: Cormac son of Art, while in Tara after sunset, saw two beautiful women approaching him. They said they came over the sea from Alba ; they were of the tribes of glaisdig and of the race of geilti glinni : the slcJtuire did not acknowledge them. They wrought woe wherever they Avent. They made great havoc in Scotland; and now they came to harass Cormac and Tara. Their names were Mael, ' bald,' and Elgin, ' violence.' Whomsoever Mael laid hold of lost his fingers, toes, eyebrows, eyelashes and ears. Elgin pierced the heads of her victims. For four years they roamed about Tara destroying and maiming. Thereafter they approach Cormac and threaten him with similar violence, unless he worships them and does homage to the seven demons that dwell in each of them. The king appeals to the protection of the true God who rules heaven and earth. ' You cannot escape us,' said they, ' for we will secure that only the worship of images and idols shall flourish in Ireland henceforth and for ever.' ' I am a smith of the great God,' said Cormac. 6. Fols. 7b2-8a2 : The Aided or Tragical Death of Conchobar son of Ness. For MSS. in which this legend appears, v. Jub. p. 13, and ' Todd Lecture Series,' vol. xiv., where Dr. Kuno Meyer prints, with translation, the various versions, with the exception of this in MS. V. The L.L. version is also printed, with transla- tion, by O'Curry (MSS. Mat. pp. 637-642). Another copy of the Aided of Conchobar is given in MS. XL (v. infra), where the beginning of the Tale is illegible. Here in MS. V it is complete, except a few words of text lost at the foot of a column. This account agrees with the L.L. version, with slight variations, until towards the end, when it agrees pretty closely with MS. XL. MS. V adds, . . . dian-ebra, ' whence is said ' : Ba sgel gach muighi go mur, Oigheadh in righ ConcMibair ; Ba mor na en giiine gan cath. Do laim Get moir meic Madach . etrl. 7. Fol. 8a2 gives notes on the four Manannans : (a) M. son 132 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. V of Allot; (b) M. son of Cerb, — ho it was who wooed Tuagh, from whom TuiKjli Inbir (v. infra) is named ; (c) M. son of Ler, the great merchant and pilot between Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man; (d) M. the son of Agna. It was he that commanded the great expedition to avenge the sons of Uisneach, who dwelt for sixteen years in the North of Scotland, having expelled and slain the three sons of Gnatgoile who held that land by violence, 8. On fol. 8b are several items : The lands and privileges which Conall Echliiath gave to Torna eiges ' poet,' — Caimfind, daughter of Conall, being Torna's mother; the genealogy of Ocaim uirri Fermuide Mnie; the genealogy and original home of Find son of Cum all, with notes on the powers and privileges of the feindid (cf. Airem muintiri Find, printed by Mr. O'Grady from Eg., 1782 (Brit. Mus.), in vol. i. p. 92 of ^ilva Gadelica : Williams and Norgate, 1892) ; the parentage and origin of Fithal, King Cormac's ollamh. Fithal and Cith- ruadh were the two sons of Fercaegat, '• man of fifty,' or Fachtna, whose first name was Fercaegat, and he was from Leinster, as the poet says : Mac Fircaegcd Fithil fial, Ollam eirenn fa maith miadh ; Ollam Cormaic fa cruaidh cath, Gilla do Luignib Teamrach. Following a note on the destruction by pestilence of the race of Partholan, in punishment of Partholan's slaying his father and mother and three brothers, when contending for his tuath, it is added : ' Scotania in stony Scoitia was the name of that tuath, and it is from them, and not from Scota the daughter of Pharaoh, that the Gael are called Scots.' Then follow an explanation of the names Dun MacNeclitwin and Loch Eirne ; and the conditions upon which the children of Conall Cearnach held Murthemne. 9. On fol. 10a2 are sixteen quatrains on the name Tuag Inbir, beginning : Tuag Inbir alaind gaeth ghlas, in eol duib a dindsenchas. Cf. also MS. XVI (infra); L.L., p. 152 yS; Folk Lore, vol. iii. p. 509. 10. Fol. lObl contains a very interesting piece of lore, found MS. V] LEGEND AND LORE 133 also in Eg. 1782, entitled Fulacht na ^morrigna, 'The cooking of the great Queen,' as the wife of the Dagda, the famous king of the Tuatha de Danann, was traditionally named. A paragraph under the same title but of different text is found in Y.B.L., p. 419a. The indeoin of the Dagda is described in MS. H. 3, 18 (T.C.D.), p. 433. (Cf Trans, of R. I. A. vol. xviii. Part ii. p. 213.) The reading, except a word or letter obscured by soot, is clear, but the meaning of several words is doubtful. Fulacht na morrigna and so .\. crand a roth j crand a niol ediir teine J uisci 7 iarand i corp 7 da nai rethlen as an moil sin. Foluath athlam ic impo h-e. Tricha bir dohid ass J tricha drol 7 tricha fertas. Seolfoai jfo h-ingnadh a cruth re luth a drol 7 a retlen. Fulucht na morrigna do gres . . . ger ur gaband do. Indeoin an dagdai ^ dogres. Grinde mac luchair do [7'inde] .\.tri noai [m-bera] 7 tri noai tuill indtib. Aoen bir ro fuilnged re fuin 7 focer Eochaig Ollathar de. Aen sgiath ro cuired ar luth e 7 aenfer ro h-inledh. Bir Deichen, im^orro, Goibnend fouair Deichen an bir sin ; an glinn Treichen fouair Deichen an bir sin. Ar seilb loga, imorro, rotaisged in bir sin attireib Nuagatt. Aen fer deg, imorro, do clanduib Eithlend ised ronidh an fulacht sin .j. Lugaid, Aengus anbroga, Cermat, Midir, Mac Sgail, Cii, Cian, Cethen, Uar, luchraidh, lucharua. Re Unci Eremoin, imorro, ix.nur do clanduib Miled donid an fulachta .\. Lubair, Ttibar, Tenfa, Confa, Gaither, Enna nior, Enna becc, Gola mend, Cesron. Re lind Ugaini viii.ur fo tualuing bir d{eichen) doimcoimet .\. Aidid, Lugaid, Crom, Arc, Illann, tri meic Glais a glind in Sgail. 7 re lind eachach F(eidlig ?) fo tualuing b{ir) D(eicJien) d(o) c{oimet) .|. Eogan, Eochaidh, Cobtach, Lugaid, Fiacha, Merorand, Daire. Cuiger laech 7 aen ben re lind Conchubuir donid an fulachta .\. Naisi, Cethernd, Conchubar, Cuculaind, Mesdega, Felini nocrothach. Cethrur isin Fein oca innill .]. Find feisin, Oissin, Diarmait, Cailte. x. slesa 7 x. faebuir ar in nibir sin o aimsir Logach co li-aimsir Eathach Fi4idlig ?). aimsir Eathach co Goncubar 8 slesa 7 8 faebuir fair. 6 slesa 7 6 faebair fair iarsin co Find. 4 rinda 7 4 faebuir oc Find fair. Finit. ' The F. of the great Queen here. Its wheel was of wood ; and of wood its shaft [axle ?], between fire and water; its frame was of iron. Twice nine pulleys [?] were in that shaft. Smoothly and ^ MS. da gai. 131 CiVTALOGUE OF OAKLIO MANUSCRIPTS [MS. V swiftly it revolved. Thirty spits projected from it, thirty hooks, and thirty spindles. It had a sail, and wonderful it looked when its hooks and pulleys were in motion. The V. of the great Queen had always . . . The anvil [?] of the Dagdathus: Grinde the son of Luchar [made it] ; thrice nine spits it had, and thrice nine holes in them. One spit it carried when roasting, and E. Ollathar perished by it. One wing set it in motion, and one man put it in gear. As to the spit of ])eichcn now, Deichen had that spit from Goibniu, and it was in the glen of Treichiu that Deichen found it. The spit was, moreover, kept, because of its value, in the lands of Nuadu. Besides, they were eleven men of the race of Ethliu who did the cooking [?], viz. L., Angus of the [fairy] mansion, C, M., Mac S., C, C, C, U., 1., and 1. In the time of Heremon, nine men of the Milesians did the work, viz. L., T., T., C, C, big E., little E., Gola the stutterer, and C Durinof the time of U. eight men had the charge of tending the spit of D., viz. A., L., C, A., I., and the three sons of G. from the glen of S. In the time of E. F. seven men looked after D.'s spit, — E., E., C, L., F., M., and D. Five heroes and one lady performed the work in C.'s time, — N., C., C., C., M., and Felim, the ever blooming. Four of the Fianna attended to it, — F. himself, O., D. and C. The spit had ten sides [faces] and ten edges [angles] from the time of L. to the time of E. F. ; eight faces and eieht anoies from the time of E. to that of C. There- after until Find's day it had six faces and six angles. Find had four points [faces] and four angles upon it. It ends. 11. Immediately following, on the same page, is a paragraph on the four rivers of hell. MS. XVI— Kilbride Collection, No. 12 The MS. consists of six leaves of parchment, large foho (12 in. by 9). It is written in two columns, in bold, clear hand. Capitals are large, very frequently daubed with ochre. The date, according to Dr. Stokes, is probably the end of the fifteenth century. The MS. is imperfect. There is a gap of perhaps one leaf between fols. 1 and 2, and another of probably three leaves MS. XVI] LEGEND AND LORE 135 between fols. 3 and 4. The subject is Dinnshenchus, or legends in prose and verse, about the names of noteworthy places in Ireland. Copies are found in L.L., B.B., Y.B.L., H. 3. 3. (Trinity College, Dublin), llawlinson B. 506 (Bodl), a MS. in the town library of Rennes, and this MS. (v. Folk Lore, vol. iii. p. 469). Dr. Stokes printed the Bodl. MS. in Folk Lore, vol. iii. ; the greater part of this MS. in Folk Lore, vol. iv. ; the prose of the Rennes MS. in vols. xv. and xvi. of the Rev. Celt; while ' Poems from the Dinnshenchus ' form the subject of the ' Todd Lecture Series,' vols, vii., viii., ix., by Mr. Gwynn. Fol. la of our MS. is mostly illegible. It (presumably) gives the Preface and the beginning of a poem by Cuan O'Lochan. Fol. lb gives the end of this poem, with the Articles on Teamh- air, Magli m-Breagli, and beginning of Laighin. The verses or retoric by the king-poet Find, son of Ross the Red, beginning Moen doen, quoted by Stokes {Folk Lore, vol. iii. p. 472), are so far glossed in our MS. Fol. 2al gives nine quatrains of Eochu Eolach's poem on Loch Garman (for the whole poem, v. L.L., p. 196), and then agrees, article for article, with the Bodl. copy to fol. 3b2. Fol. 4al gives the end of the article on Tuag Inhir: Do luid Fcr FivgniJ fuKchdha, Mac Eogabail ardbrnacha, Mosfuc Tuarj, nir do daincj dath, Tngin Conaill Colhtmrach. Thus translated by Stokes : ' For Fiugail the hurtful went, The son of Eogabal the high stately : He carried oft' Tuag— it was not. . . . Daughter of Conall Collamair.' 7 conid de sin fos adubrad an duan, Tnag hihir ajaind gaetli glas, etc. And it was because of this the poem was composed ' Tuag Inbir lovely,' etc. The poem as here given, and also in MS. V (v. supra, p. 132), differs considerably from that attributed to Bard Maile in L.L., p. 152. {Of. also B.B., pp. 395-6.) AVith the Article on Tuag Inhir the Bodl. MS. ends, and 136 CATALUCiUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. XIX Dr. Stokes {Folk Lore, vol. iv. p. 478 H tic iii-huaidh, ' Victorious, ever victorious, Goll ! ' Thereafter larnach comes out fully armed and challenges all the Feinn. They all decline the combat. Fionn himself is about to engage her, when Goll interposes with the plea that it is not meet that the great leader should fight a cailleach. He fights the Amazon himself, and slays her. He then demolished and burnt the Bruigh/lon, after removing the treasure. Fionn gave his daughter Caom chnes geal .\. jinn, ' the fair white skin,' to Goll in marriage. She became the mother of Fedh mac Guill, and on that very fort seventeen years afterwards the Feinn slew him (Fedh). A version of the Tale is printed in Silv. Gad., vol. i. p. 306. A copy is also in T. C. D., H. 5. 4. 5. Pp. llla-113b (additional paging 31-36) contain an heroic poem of fifty-six quatrains, beginning : — Greis ar caithrem an fliir m]i{oir), ' A while on the martial career of the great warrior.' K 14G CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. XXXVI This is the well-known ballad, entitled Dm/vy, ' the Red,' or Dearg mac Drdoidlibhill, as here written. It is common in Ireland and Scotland,— u MSS. LV, LVII (infra), and O'Gr., Cat. pp. 592, 5i)i), 62C), 681, 636, 644, where the opening line is usually Iniuosad caithrcm aiifhir mhoir. For the various versions of the ballad found in Scotland, v. L. F., pp. 107-123. Dr. Smith's Dearg mac Drui'bheil (Sean Dana, 1787: 4to ed. p. 112; 8vo p. 223) seems founded on this ballad, although Smith's poem bears little resemblance to it. 6. Pp. 116a-127a give the Tale of the ' Ceithirncach,' — an adventurous juggler, O'Domhnallan, who visited several Irish mansions and performed wonderful feats : La n-aon da raihh 0' Domhnall .|. Aodh ruadh inac NeUl (jhairhJt inic Toirdhealhh- aigli an fhiona go mfiaithihh a mtiuintire 7 a tJnre, etc., ' One day as O'Donnell, viz. Red Hugh son of Neill the Rough son of Turlogh the Bibulous, with the nobles of his people and district,' etc. There is another copy in MS. LV {infra). Popular versions were found by Mr. Campbell in various parts of the Highlands (v. W. H. T., vol. i. pp. 289-319). For an older version, cf. Silv. Gad., vol. i. p. 276 et seq. 7. Pp. 1276 to the end of the MS., in so far as legible, contain theTtileoi Alurchadh mac Brian 7 an Dirioch. Brian Boruidh (leg. horoimlie ' of the tribute ') and his two sons Duncan and Murrough organised a great hunt, when Murrough lost his way and went through some mavellous adventures. A popular version of Muracho/lli MacBrian is printed by Mr. Campbell (ir. H. T., vol. ii. pp. 195-217), but it bears little resemblance to that of this MS. ' Murachadh ' is the brother of Dimcan, both sons of Brian Borr, and gets lost at a hunt, — these facts common to both show their common origin. MS. XXXVIII {v. supra, p. 118) The MS. contains the following legends : — 1. The violent Death of Cuchulainn (pp. 7-69). The account is NQxy long and detailed. A transcript was made by E, M'L. in Leabhar Gaol (L.C), ' Narrow Book,' pp. 1-44. Another version, defective at the beginning and illegible at the end, is MS. XXXVIII] LEGEND AND LORE 147 found in an older MS. (MS. XLV infra), and a third, defective at the end, in MS. LIX {infra). The heroes of Ulster, after the battles of Fincora, Gaire, and Ros-na-rig, had returned victoriously to Emain Macha, and Cuchulainn repaired to Bundealcjain. The Uilidians were suffering from the cess noinclen. Of all his victories at the Tain none gave greater satisfaction to Cuchulainn than the deaths of Calatin and his sons. But after his death, six children were born to Calatin at one birth, three sons and three daughters. The orphans were brought up by Queen Meave at Cruachan. She had their right feet and left hands cut off. When they were seven years of age she enjoined them to travel the Avhole world, and to become the pupils of the best wizards they might hear of, so as to fit them to avenge their father's death. They obeyed. They were three years in Alba, and two in Saxonland. Thereafter they went to Babylon and to every land from the rising to the setting of the sun, and finally to Hell, where Vulcan made for them three spears, three swords, and three shields, the best he ever forged. He prophesied that three great kings would fall by these weapons, — Liathmacha the king of Irish horses, Cuchulainn the king of Irish heroes, and Laeg son of Riangabra the king of Irish charioteers. When the children of Calatin returned to Cruachan, Meave summoned Lugaid son of Curoi from Munster ; Macniadh son of Finn, and Conchobar son of Ros from Leinster ; and Ere, son of Cairbre, whose fathers were slain by Cuchulainn. A great muster was resolved on, and an expedition to Ulster to compass the destruction of Cuchulainn. King Conchobar of Ulster heard of the preparations made, and sent Lebarcham to Dundealg- ain, with injunctions from himself and his counsellors to the great hero not to bide the hosts alone in Dundealgain, but with his wife (Eimhir) and his charioteer (Laeg) to repair to Eamain Macha. The hero reluctantly consented. Queen Meave and the forces of the four provinces of Ireland were laying waste the possessions of Cuchulainn. The children of Calatin were endeavouring by Avizardry to make him face the hosts alone. Conall Cearnach was in foreign parts, and Niamh his wife extracted a promise from Cuchulainn that he would not meet the enemy without her consent. She persuaded the hero to 148 CATALOGUE OF CxAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. XXXVIII accompany her and others to (ilnin-da-hodur, where the shouts and challenut Conall will not hear of it. lie must first find tlie head, and avenge the hero's death. He follows in pursuit of the hosts. He overtakes Lugaid and Maine, slays them, and cuts ofi' their heads. He takes a sapling of hazel, ' thick enough to fill his grip,' makes a withe {(jad) of it, and strings the heads on the withe. He fares to Tara, finds youths playing at hurley, with Cuchulainn's head as ball. He slays them and puts the heads of Maol and Miodhna on the withe. At Tara he meets an Ulster man, Ceann Biorraidhe, and sends him with Cuchulainn's head to Eimhir. He now attacks Ere and his warriors, slays them all, and puts Erc's' head and that of the chief of his household, Muireadhach, on the withe. The next head for the withe was that of Colla Fathach, one of Lugaid son of Curoi's warriors. Cuilleann of Breg fared the same fate. Conall's next feat was to slay the six children of Calatin, notwithstanding their druidism and wizardry. He now falls in with Connla, foster brother of Lugaid son of Curoi, and his numerous followers. He slays them all, except a few that run away, and puts Connla's head on the withe. He next comes to the plain of Airgead Ros, ' Silver wood ' (or promontory), and there finds Lugaid son of Curoi who beheaded Cuchulainn, with his battalion. Lugaid was one-handed, and before the combat began he pleaded that he and Conall were unfairly matched. To enable them to fight on equal terms Conall must allow his left hand to be fastened to his side. Conall chivalrously agreed to this arrangement. The two warriors fight furiously, and in one of his thrusts L. cuts asunder the fastenings on C.'s hand. He asks that the hand be tied up again, but C. declined, adding that he agreed on the first occasion with reluctance, but seeing that L. himself freed the limb, it would not be fastened the second time. The fight was renewed and C. proved the victor. ' Were it not that it was your hand that cut off Cuchulainn's head,' said Conall, ' I should be sorry to cut off yours.' But what must be must be, and so Lugaid's head was put on the withe. MS. XXXVIII] LEGEND AND LORE 151 Thereafter he slew fifty of the chief men of the Clanna Deagh- aidh and strung their heads upon the withe. The gad was now ' full,' and Conall swung the grim burden on his back and pro- ceeded to Dun Dealgain where Cuchulainn's body lay. Eimhir came forward and asked, A Chonaill, (jidh iad na cinn, As dearbh linn gur deargais fairni. And the lay which in modern ballads is known as ' The lay of the Heads' (Laoidh nan Ceann, v. siijpra, p. 144) proceeds. There- after Cuchulainn was fittingly interred, Eimhir ordering Conall to make the grave broad and spacious that she might have room to lie beside her beloved, and the lay was made. [Here MS. XXXVIII breaks off, the lay not being given.] A version, from which ours differs considerably, is in L.L. 119-123. An abridgement of this version is printed by Stokes in Rev. Celt, vol. iii. pp. 175-185. For later MSS. in which the Death of Cuchulainn, and the Bearcj ruathar of Conall Cearnach are found, v. Jub., pp. 15, 100. 2. Pp. 71-114 contain a well- written and detailed account of the battle of Afagh Mucrulmhe {v. supra, p. 139), including the adventures and intrie^ue of King Art before the battle, in which he was slain. This version is transcribed in L.C., pp. 45-79. For a list of the copies of the Tale in other MSS., v. Jub., p. 75. The oldest of these, that in L.L., is printed, with Introduction, Translation and Notes, by Stokes in Rev. Celt. vol. xiii. p. 426 + . 3. Oileamuin Concidainn j oigheadh CJionnlaoich, ' The Education of Cuchulainn and the Violent Death of Conlaoch.' This tract is transcribed in L.C., pp. 81-105. There are many copies of later date than this MS. entitled Foghlum Chonculainn enumerated by Jub. (pp. 140-1) and one of these, of date 1715 (Brit. Mus. Eg. 106), is printed by Stokes {Rev. Celt., vol. xxix. p. 110). The tragedy of Conlaoch is found in prose in several MSS. (v. Jub., p. 16), but in the Scottish collection this is the only copy. In verse it is one of the most common of our ballads both in Scotland and in Ireland. Cf. Miss Brook's Reliques of Irish Poetry (ed. 1789, p. 9), L.F., pp. 9-13 ; v. L.L., Introduction, p. 55. 4. On p. 154 are found five quatrains attributed to Ossian. 152 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. XXXVIII The lines are profusely glossed. They were printed, some- what inaccurately, with suggested translation, by Skene in D.L., Ixxxiv. The same short poem, also glossed, is in L.L., p. 208a, and this copy, with the Edinburgh version and Skene's translation, is printed by Professor Windisch in Irische Texte iiiit Wortcrbuch, ^^. 162-164. Some of the obscurer words — genam, 'sword,' ditais, 'hand/ cuib for cit, 'dog,' cribuis, 'pig' — are quoted from this poem by O'Davoren {v. L.L, Introduction, p. 55; Rev. Celt, vol. ii. p. 470; Archiv. fur Gelt. Lexik. ii. O'Dav. Gloss.). 5. Pp. 155-170 give a copy of the well-known tragedy of the children of Lir or Lear. This version is transcribed in L.C., pp. 106-118. Another copy is found in MS. LVI (infra). 6. A version of the Legend of Bruighionn ChaortJiuinn (v, supra, p. 140) is found on pp. 175-192. This copy is tran- scribed in L.C., pp. 132-148. MS. XXXIX (v. supra, pp. 91, 118) More than two-thirds of the MS. is taken up with a Tale or series of Tales difficult to classify, — a sermon in legendary form. The text is defective at the beginning, but from the con- text we gather that an emperor's wife accused his son of insult- ing her. The emperor sentenced his son, who declined to defend himself, to death. The Tales are told by the emperor's council- lors with the view to secure the son's pardon. The first Tale opens abruptly with the case of a lady whose husband had been hanged. She was left in a lonely hut near his grave. A knight, whose duty it was to watch over executed criminals still hanging on the gallows, in case they might be re- moved, visits the Avidow. Meanwhile a culprit was taken away, and the knight was in danger of his life. For love of him the widow with her own hands placed the body of her husband, who was by this time buried, upon the gallows, and knocked out two of his teeth that he might personate the stolen body of the culprit. The knight declined to have anything further to do with such an abandoned woman. This story secured a night's respite for the emperor's son. MS. XL] LEGEND AND LOEE 153 In the next Tale the city of Rome and Christianity are threatened by the Saracens. But a clever device was hit upon by which all danger was averted. Another night's respite was granted to the youth, who still declined to say a word in his own defence. The third Tale is that of a knight who had a vision of a lovely lady, and he must needs go in search of her. He found her confined in a castle by an old jealous husband. By various mancEUvres he not only contrives to free the lady but to get her husband to give her away in marriage to himself. Upon hearing this Tale the emperor pardons his son, who now tells the last Tale of the series. There was a knight whose father cast him into the sea, be- cause the son was wiser and more learned than himself. But the son survives and prospers, while the father is reduced to poverty. He visits his father and stepmother, showing them all respect. The son then declared himself, revealed the truth of the matter, which the empress confirmed. She is put to death. The Tract concludes with the observation that this is the way that tigharnadha, ' rulers,' deal with evil men unless they reform, and by repentance secure the everlasting life. MS. XL (v. swpra, p. 91) The first layer of the MS. (pp. 1-12), is of exceptional value in that it provides us with an account of the deaths of many of the Ulster Heroes, as well as of Queen Meave and Get MacMagach of Connaught, several of which are found nowhere else except in Keating, who must have had access to this MS. or to another copy, now lost. They are all well entitled to be called Aideda ' violent Deaths.' This section of the MS. is transcribed in L.C, (pp. 224-282) under the heading, in modern Scottish Gaelic: Leabhar Bian an Fheidh . I . Bas nan Laoch Eirionnach. ' From the Deer-skin Book . I . The Death of the Irish Heroes.' The beginning of the account of Conchobar's death is illegible, but the omission is supplied by L.L., and by MS. V (v. supra, 154 CATALOdUE OF (JARLIC MANUSCRIITS [MS. XL p. 131), with wliich latter MS. tlic Iccjibic portion of MS. XL substantially agrees. The personages whose deaths are recorded in this section of our MS., which Dr. Kuno Meyer would assign, from the hand- writing, to the fourteenth century, are Conchohar, Ailill, Conall Cearnach, Fergus mac Roich, Queen Meave of Cruachan, Get mac Magach, Laoghairc Buadhach, Ccltchar mac Uthechair, Blai bringa, ' hospitaller,' and Conganchnes, ' Horny-skin.' An ab- stract of the account of Meave's death is given by Dr. Meyer in Gelt. Mag., vol. xii. pp. 211-212. The text of the Aided of Ailill and of Conall Cearnach, with translation, notes, and variants from the R.I. A. MS, H. I. 17, is given by the same scholar in Zeit fur Gelt. Phil. (vol. i. p. 102 + ), while all the other texts are printed by him, with translation and notes, in vol. xiv. of the Todd Lecture Series (Dublin, 1906). In the same volume references are given to the other MSS. in which copies of these texts are found : L.L. ; Liber Flavus Fergus lorion; R.I.A., 23 B. 21 ; 23. G. 21. Gf. also Jub., pp. 7, 8, 13, 23, 26, 28. The third layer of MS. XL (pp. 29-48), contains : (1) Aided Guill oneic Garbada J aided Gairb Glinde Rige, ' The violent death of Goll son of Garbad, and of Garb of Glen Rige.' Both these heroes were slain by Cuchulainn. The first was one of three brothers, ' sons of the King of Northern Germany of the world.' They had cast lots for the conquest of the islands of Britain, of Denmark, and of Ireland. The last fell to Goll. A mighty warrior was Goll. One eye was in his head as big as a heifer's caldron. The other eye no crane could pick out of his skull. Four troops of ten men would find room on his shield ; his sword measured thirty feet in length. By wondrous feats of agility and valour, Cuchulainn slew this hero, and carried off his head to Emain Macha. Meanwhile the Ultonians, with Conchobar, had gone to feast with Conall, son of Gleo Glas, to Dun Colptha in Cualgne. When passing through Glen Rige, Garb came forth, and slew fifty heroes of the rearguard of the cavalcade. Cuchulainn followed Concho- bar's party to Cualgne, passed through Glen Rige, and saw the slaughter which the two-headed Garb had made. He fights and conquers him, cuts off his two heads, and carries them, with that of Goll, to Cualgne. The version in L.L. (pp. 107b-lllb), MS. XL] LEGEND AND LORE 155 with variants from our version, translation and notes, was printed by Stokes in Rev. Celt, vol. xiv. p. 396, et seq. Cf. also Jub., p. 25. (2) Tain bo Fraich, 'The Cattle-spoil of Fraoch,' son of Fidach, a great hero and chief of the Gamhanraidh. Variant versions are found in L.L. (pp. 248a-252b); Y.B.L. (pp. 55b-60a); Eg. 1782 (Brit. Mus.), fols. 82b-87b. O'Beirne Crowe printed the L.L. version in R.LA., Ir. MS. Series, in 1870; Dr. Kimo Meyer the Eg. version, with variants from L.L., Y.B.L., and our version in Zeit. fur Celt. Phil. iv. pp. 32-47 ; and Mr. A. O. Anderson this text, with translation and notes, in Ptev. Celt. vol. xxiv. pp. 128-154. Jub. (p. 217) mentions a riiodern copy in T. C. D., H. 1. 13, p. 349. Popular versions of the Tale have been found in the Scottish Highlands in prose and verse, framed upon one of the incidents in the old Saga, — that in which Oilill sends Fraoch to fetch the berries of the rowan tree. In the modern ballad it is Meave, through jealousy, that sends him. The rowan tree is guarded by a monster. In the old version Fraoch kills the monster; in the ballad both perish, v. L.F., pp. 29-33. Jerome Stone took down the ballad with others in Perthshire, and sent a rhymed paraphrase of it in English to the Scots Magazine, where it was printed under the title of ' Albion and the daughter of Mey,' in January 1756. This version of the ballad, with Stone's paraphrase and a literal transla- tion, is given in Rep. on Oss., App. vii. pp. 99-117. Stone's MS. is now in the Library of the University of Edinburgh. The Heroic Ballads, with an account of the MS. and the Collector, are printed in vol. xiv. p. 314 et seq. of the Trans, of the Gaelic Sac. of Inverness. The fourth layer of the MS. (pp. 49-68) contains the only complete copy of the Mesce or BaetJirem Ulad, ' The Intoxica- tion ' or ' Wild March of the Ulstermen,' known to exist. The late Mr. Hennessy edited the first part of this legend from L.L., pp. 26lb-268b, and the conclusion of it from L.U., pp. 19a-20b, with translation and notes, and this edition was printed in the Todd Lecture Series, vol. i. (Dublin, 1889). Our MS., which was not known to Mr. H., supplies the gap between these two MSS., and gives variant readings of value in addition. Our text opens somewhat differently from L.L. but concludes as in L.U. It is 15G CATALOGUE OF GAETJC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. XL docqueted: Gonad e, haot{h)rem Ulad co Temuir Luachra conuige sin. Finid. Amen. Ocus a Minaird do {s)gribneadh 7 do he aos an tigerna an tan sin .viii. bliadna .xxx. 7 .v.c. 7 mile hliadan Mksh sfb {n)chh mhc gJdl crJcst mice fpfn ( = Misi Seancha mac G'dlcrUt mic eoen), ' This is the wild march of the Ulstermen to T. L. thus far. The end. Amen. And in Minaird it was written, and the year of the Lord at that time was 1588. I am Sea(n)cha son of Gilchrist son of John.' E. M'L. made a transcript of this copy (0 Leahhar Bian an FMidh, ' from the Deerskin Book ') in L.C, pp. 22'i-248. The last page (G8) is for the greater part illegible. The legend, in abstract, runs : In Conchobar's reign Ulster was in three divisions, — one under C. himself, one under Cuchulainn, and one under Fintan of Dun- da-bend. Conchobar's councillors pursuaded Cuchulainn and Fintan to resign their provinces in his favour for a year. There- after Cuchulainn and Fintan invited the king and nobles to a feast, and unfortunately on the same day. There was fierce contention as to which invitation should be accepted, and ultimately it was arranged to accept both, — to spend the first half of the night with Fintan, and the second half with Cuchu- lainn. Cuchulainn sends Laeg to watch the stars for the exact hour of midnight. By this time the company were intoxicated. They start, however, for Cuchulainn's castle. The route is de- scribed in detail, and the names are of value for the old topography of the country. But now the revellers find that they have lost their way. They are no longer even in Ulster. Cuchulainn is able to fix their position. The night turns out very wild, and to attempt to find their way to Dun Dealgain, Cuchulainn's abode, is hopeless. So they make for Teamair Luachra, the seat of Curoi mac Dairi, with Cuchulainn as guide. Ailill and Meave of Cruachan were on a visit to Curoi at the time, and the ever wary queen had a watch set. When it became known that the Ulstermen had arrived, she and Curoi resolved to trap them. Ailill with his seven sons, on the other hand, took the part of the Ultonians. Mainly through the prowess and agility of Cuchulainn, with the assistance of Ailill, the Ulstermen were able to deliver themselves from the toils of their enemies, and in the general fight which followed they were victorious. They destroyed Temair Luachra and MS. XLV] LEGEND AND LORE 157 returned to Dun Dealgain, where they feasted for forty days. Ailill paid them a friendly visit {ceilidh) and he and his sons were loaded with presents, — hai iarum Conchohur iarsin con coscrad a rige imbi an gein do bed a m-bethaigh, ' and Con- chobar was thereafter without destruction of his sovereignty as long as he lived.' The fifth and last layer of the MS. (pp. 69-76) opens with the short Tale known as Gennadh an Ruanado, ' The Bargain or Purchase of the Champion ' (pp. 69-72). It forms an episode in the Fled Bricrend, and is printed by Windisch from L.U. with variants from Eg. 93 (Brit. Mus.) in Irische Texte init Worterbuch, pp. 301-303. L.U. is defective, and Eg. is in part illegible, as is also a version in a Leyden MS. (v. Celt. Mag. vol. xii. p. 215). Our version is complete. A full abstract is given of this short Tale by Dr. Meyer in Celt. Mag., vol. xii. pp. 215-218, while the text with translation is printed by the same scholar in Rev. Celt., vol. xiv. pp. 450-459. E. M'L., in his Analysis of this MS., says of these pages that ' no sense can be collected from their legible remains.' The orthography, it must be allowed, is rather uncommon. MS. XLII {v. supra, p. 120) On fols. 12a- 14a is a copy of the DindsJienchas in verse, as in MS. XIX (v. supra, p. 137). This copy like the former one is defective at the beginning, but complete at the end. In so far as the text of the two is common and legible, they agree pretty closely. Fol. 19, which is detached and not very legible, seems a fragment on the same subject. MS. XLV— Highland Society. J. M'Kenzie, No. 9 The MS. consists of six leaves of parchment, large 4to (11 in. by 7^). It is written in two columns, in a good plain hand, pro- bably of the fifteenth century. There is not a note to indicate transcriber or date. The subject is the Death of Cuchulainn. The text begins : ar in faiti J doronad comairle les j isi 158 CATALOGUE OF OAELIC MANUSCKIPT8 [MS. XLV comuirle, etc., 'on the t^^reen, and they took counsel together, and what [they] resolved on was,' etc., — i.e.. when Corichobar's messengers reached ( ■iichulaiini at Dim Dealgaiu. The last page is only in small part legible, but it does not carry the narrative so far as MS. XXXVIII does. In E. M'L.'s transcript of the copy in MS. XXXVIII a blank in that MS. is filled in (in a different hand) from this MS. MS. XLVIII (v. supra, pp. 98, 124) Among the miscellaneous contents of this MS. are copies of the following heroic ballads : — Fol. 2b. Soiridh soir go h-Albain uaim. 6a. Goll mear onilenta. „ 21a. Gnoc anair an cnoc-sa siar. „ 23a. Be la gus an de (o) nacJi faca me Fionn. They are printed in Rel. Celt, vol i. pp. 119, 124, 137, 139. MS. LIII— Highland Society, Glenmasan MS. This valuable MS. consists of twenty-seven leaves of parch- ment, large 4to. It was sent to the Highland Society by Lord Bannatyne, who himself received it from the Rev. John Mackinnon of Glendaruel. It formed at one time, Mr. Mackinnon was told, part of the Kilbride Collection. The MS. is so far described and quoted from by Dr. Donald Smith (v. Rep. on Oss., pp. 283, 297-298). The first and last leaves form the cover, upon the back of which a strip of brown paper is pasted. The MS. is written in double colunm, in a good clear hand. The third leaf is misplaced in binding — it should be the fifth — and there is at least two leaves (perhaps three) awanting between the fifth and third (as now bound). After the third (properly the fifth) leaf the MS. reads continuously. But unfortunately it is not always legible. The lower corner of fol. 7 is cut away, and a couple of sentences are rendered unintelligible. Several passages on other pages are quite illegible. On fol. lb is written, in a larye, rouyh, modern hand, Gleann- 7nasain an Cuige la deug don . . . Mi . . . do hklian ar tsaorrse MS. LIII] LEGEND AND LORE lo9 Alile da Chead Trichid sa hocht. ' Glenmasan, the fifteenth day of the . . . month ... of the year of our Redemption, one thousand two hundred thirty and eight.' Seeing that he is so particular as to the day of the month, the scribe is evidently copying an older entry to the same effect. This MS. does not date further back than 1500, but it may well be a copy of an older one of date 1238. There are several notes on the margins and blank spaces. Thus on fol. 9 is written, ' Robert Campbell at Glensluan.' He probably was the Robert Campbell, forester for Argyll in Cowal, who wrote in Gaelic a congratulatory ode to Edward Lhuyd, which is printed in Arch. Brit. (Oxford, 1707). A grandnephew of Robert Campbell, the Rev. William Campbell, minister of Kilchrenan and Dalavich, was for a time owner of the MS. (fol. 15a). The name of John M'Tavish appears two or three times, and one of the entries (fol. 19a) runs: Leahhar Echdra ata ami so ar a scriobha le Eoin Mc Tauis, ' This is a Book of Adventures written by John M'Tavish.' The entry is written much later than the body of the MS. but it probably records a tradition that a John M'Tavish was the scribe. 'James M'Intyre his book,' with ' his book ' deleted, appears on another page. He no doubt was James M'Intyre of Glenoe, a well-known Gaelic scholar of the late eighteenth century. Of him it is said that he showed this MS. to the Rev. William SliaAv, when that sfentleman ' turned it about several times, and at last fixed his eyes upon it, with the wrong end of it up.' The subject, which occupies the whole of the MS., is con- nected with the Tale of the Sons of Uisneach and Deirdre, but is by no means confined to that Tragedy. With the exception of the gap above mentioned, the text here is continuous. The large and elaborate capital at the beginning indicates the commencement of the Tale, while the usual docquet Finit shows its conclusion. Naoise and Deirdre, with their party, managed to escape from the pursuit of Conchobar and to cross over to Alba. Our Saga opens with a great feast given by the king to the nobles and poets of Ulster, at which pro- posals were made for the recall of the sons of Uisneach, under suitable guarantees for their safety. Conchobar first asked Conall Cearnach to undertake this mission, but that hero declined. He then approached Cuchulainn, — -he also refused. The king then 160 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. LIII sounded Fergus MucUoich, who consented. Elsewhere we are told that C'oniiac Conloingcs son of Concliobar, and Du'bthach Dae^^e/j/ya, 'chafer-tongue,' became joint guarantors with Fergus for the safety of the exiles. Fergus with his two sons came across to Scothmd and found the hidy and the heroes on the shores of Loch Eitchi (Etive). Despite the protestations and forebodings of Deirdrc, the party return to Ireland As soon as tliey laud, Fergus is treacherously separated from them, and they go forward with Fergus's two sons to Emain Macha. One of Fergus's sons, Buinne Borb Ruadh, turns traitor; but the other, Illann Finn, remains loyal to Naoise's party. A fight ensues, in which Tllann Finn is slain under misapprehension by Conall Cearnach. At this point comes the gap in our MS. From other versions we learn that the sons of Uisneach, after an heroic defence, were eventually slain ; and that Deirdre was carried to Conchobar's palace, where she pined away, until at length, stung by a brutal insult, she dashed her head against a rock, and was killed. Also that Fergus, on his arrival in Emain, finding his guarantee of safe conduct violated, the sons of Uisneach and his own son slain, and Deirdre in captivity, collected a party, afterwards known as the Dnhloinges, ' black exile,' of three thousand (in some accounts fifteen hundred) men, and fought against Con- chobar and his abettors, when three hundred Ulstermcn Avere slain. The Dubloinges were compelled, however, to retire from Emain, but for sixteen years they ravaged the district so furiously that during that time Ulster was not for a single night without wail and terror {gol 7 critk). When our text resumes, offers of peace were made on behalf of Conchobar, but the negotiations came to nought. Fergus with the chiefs of the Duhloinges, (Jormac, Dubthach, the poet Bricne and others, took service with Meave of Connaught, and the raiding to Ulster was continued. Fergus led for the most part a life of inglorious ease at Cruachan. Queen Meave was an indulgent hostess. His restless coimsellor Bricne obtained leave to make an excursion westwards to the land of the Gamhanraidh, ' stirk-folk,' a powerful people who occupied the west and north- west of Ireland in a sort of semi-dependence on Connaught. The poet soon returned to Cruachan, laden with presents. He MS. LIII] LEGEND AND LORE 161 head wonderful stories to tell of the greatness and power of the Ganihanraidh ; of the magnificence of Dun-atha-fen, the palace of Oilill Finn, ' Oilill the Fair,' son and heir of Doiiuiall Dual- buidhe, ' Donald Yellowlocks,' king of the Gamhanraidh ; of the great beauty of Flidais, Oilill's wife ; of her love for Fergus : and of her wonderful cow, the Mael-flidaise ' the hummel [cow] of Flidais.' Fergus, inflamed by these tidings, resolves to go West and carry Flidais away. Bricne, in his cups, betrays his master's intention to Oilill. A great fight follows, in which Fergus and his men have the worst of it. Fergus himself is captured, and subjected to great indignities. Bricne escaped, and with all speed made for Cruachan. The hosts of the other provinces were there at the time prepared to march against Ulster, and to carry away the famous Donn (brown bull) of Cualnge. Meave per- suades the leaders to join her in an expedition to the West to rescue Fergus. By bribes and flattery she managed to detach the heroes of the Gamhanraidh from Oilill Finn, while the latter foolishly allowed Fergus to join his friends. In the fight that followed Oilill was slain. The Irish hosts immediately departed for Cruachan, carrying Flidais, her cow, and immense booty away with them. And now the whole force of the Gamhanraidh under Donald Yellowlocks, the king, and Muiredach Menu, ' Stutterer,' son of Oilill Finn, set off in pursuit to rescue Flidais, They inflict heavy losses on the retreating foe, but in a fight the old king of the Gamhan- raidh is slain by Fergus. Still the pursuit continues, and eventu- ally Muiredach Menn by a coiq^ rescues Flidais and her cow. The pursuit then ceases. The Irish hosts proceed to Cruachan. The Gamhanraidh return to their own country. They place Muiredach Menn on his grandfather's throne. Queen Flidais dwells with him for a season. Thereafter, with her cow, she retired to Loch Letriach, ' to hide her secret, and never was heard of more.' The Saga is written in spirited prose, with many fine lays and three vigorous Retorics interspersed. It throws light upon the life of a people, — the Gamhanraidh, of whom was Fer-diad, Fraech son of Fidach, and others who ruled in the west and north-west of Ireland during the Cuchulainn period. L 162 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. LIII A copy of II portion of this Tale is found in Y. B. L. (pp. 331-400), otherwise, so far as known to me, ours is the only one pre- served. In addition to the Lay in which iJeirdre bids farewell to Alba, printed in Oss. Rep., p. 298, Dr. Stokes printed the first four leaves of our MS. (fols. 1, 2, 4, 5 as bound), with translation and notes, in Irische Texte, vol. ii. pp. 122-142 (Leipzig, 1887). Dr. Cameron transcribed the same leaves, and this transcript is printed, without translation, in Rel. Gelt, vol. ii. 464-474. Ewen M'J^achlan read the whole MS. and made a transcript of it, which is preserved in L.C. Recently the whole MS., in so far as legible, has been printed, with translation and notes, in the Celtic Review, vols, i.-iv. MS. LIV (v. supra, p. 100) The MS. contains the following heroic poems, written as a rule very carelessly : — Pp. 3a-l7a: Coabhagal (leg. comhagallamh) Phadruig is Oisin, seventy-seven quatrains, beginning : Oisin isfadadh do shuain. V. O'Gr. Cat., pp. 631, 652. Pp. 19-22. Lidhe (laoidh) an Tiiirc Ghlana Sgail, nineteen quatrains, commencing : An clon {cuwiline) lat an le (la) ud Fhinn ? Pp. 22-31. Sthelig (leg. sealg) shliohh Guillnig, fifty-four quatrains, first line : A Phadruig, in g-coula (cuala) ho an telg (t-sealg). V. O'G. Cat., pp. 574, 591, 601. Pp. 32-34. Lidhe (laoidh) an arrachta hhinga cuib (beinne cailce in O'Gr. Cat., p. 629), fifteen quatrains, beginning : IShelig a chomorne (chomoradh) re (le) Fionn. Pp. 34-41. Tarrngaireachd inhic Cunihaill ar Eirinn do reir Oisin, forty-six quatrains, first line : A Oisin, iomradhsi linn. (Padruig, Oisin, and Fionn take part in the dialogue). Cf. O'Gr. Cat., p. 656. A Oisin, in raidhi rinn ? MS. LV] LEGEND AND LORE 163 Pp. 60-63. Laoidh mhna an hhruit, twenty-one quatrains, beginning : La da n-decha Fionn ag {a dh') ol. Pp. 63-64. Five quatrains, headed Oisin ut dixit, and beginning : Atafaoi thonnaibh na ttoun. (cf. O'Gr. Cat., p. 652 ; L.F., p. 139), enumerate deich cced uinge derg oir and other treasures of the Feinn, now concealed under rock and gravel beneath the waves. Pp. 64-76. A long poem of eighty-two quatrains, headed Oisin is Caoilte cc, begins : An cuimin, a Oisin fheill : Ar thurus go Teamair treain? ' Rememberest thou, generous Ossian, our journey to mighty Tara?' MS. LV {v. supra, pp. 101, 128) The MS. contains several modern Tales or Romances, with copies of two or three well-known Ossianic Ballads. 1. (pp. 5-67). Each{tra) Cloinne Tomas, 'The history of the Clan Thomas.' A wealthy widower of the Clan, by name Mn^rcliadh Maoltuascertach, sends envoys to a nobleman, Magnus 0' Madagan, asking his daughter in marriage. O'M's druids object to the alliance, the bridegroom's ancestry were geinte ifriandha, ' hellish heathens,' and ever opposed the nobility. But the bride's mother favoured the match, and she had her way. There was a great feast in the bridegroom's house, and a great quarrel. Murchadh makes the peace, dis- misses the members of the Clan Thomas present in a formal speech full of sage advice. The Clan for many years followed Murchadh's counsels, and prospered in their bondage. In Henry viii. and Elizabeth's time they became troublesome, and the local king summoned a Council to deal with the matter. The Clan Thomas were blamed for raiding beyond their proper territories ; for not rendering due services to their superiors ; and for providing a superior education for their children. The Council issued a proclamation, ordering that the Clan resume their subject condition, and that the education of their children be limited to instruction in the elements of the Christian faith. 1G4 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. LV But tho vi'^oroiis (Jlaii Thoiuas still assert themselves. In a certain year the fields of Cashcl were under wheat. The crop was excellent, but when it was ripe, reapers could not be got. A substantial and sagacious member of tho Clan Thomas had a beautiful daughter, and he suggested that it should be made known that her hand would be the reward of the best reaper on the fields of Cashel. From all Ireland reapers trooped to Cashel. A row got up at meal-time which developed into a general fight between Munster and Leinster on the one side, and Ulster and Connaught on the other. It was eventually adjudged that Cathal O'Croinicinn was the best reaper and the best fighter, and he carried off his bride to Sligo. The Thomases flourished under King James. Thereafter bad times came. There was war between O'Neill and Mac- gruder. Land was dear, and the Clan Thomas were be- coming extravagant. A ' Parliament ' was summoned in 1622 to consider the situation. The first meeting broke up in con- fusion. At the next, arrangements were made for preserving order in debate, but the session ended in a scrimmage, caused by the sharp tongues of two women. At the third assembly laws were passed about turnips, surnames, and forbidding the use of tobacco. At this stage an English-speaking tobacconist appears, and a member who professes a knowledge of English is deputed to converse with him. The composition ends with samples of the talk of the two, in mixed Gaelic and English. The docquet, dated May 16, 1738, makes Maurice son of David (the) Black, the author, and John MacCiar or ' Short ' of Clochar, in the east of Tirowen, the scribe. 2. The next Tale (pp. 85-210), written by the same scribe in the same year, is entitled Sdair aobhinn Eumdnd Ui Cleirigh do reir Sean Ui Neachtain, ' The entertaining History of Edmund O'CIeary, by John O'Naughtan.' It was transcribed by E. M'Lachlan, with the view to print it. The writer has some know- ledge of Greek and Roman Mythology. As in the former Tale, English is made use of now and again. There is a gap in the MS. between pp. 157-177. This Tale, with notices of the author, is printed in the Gaelic Journal (Dublin), vols. iii. and iv. 3. Pp. 217-266. Gath lisin ui Dunagan, 'The fight on Liosan' (little lios, ' fort,' ' enclosed field,' 'garden') ' O'Dunagan.' MS. LV] LEGEND AND LORE 165 A braggart couple arrange to fight at a place and time agreed on. One of the party is of the Clan Thomas. A formal challenge (salens) is sent by the aggrieved party. But neither combatant is too anxious for the fray. There is considerable humour shown in the description of the heroes, and English influence is manifest throughout. There is a gap in the MS., so that the Tale breaks ofip abruptly, but the conclusion is near. On the last page there is an ode in praise of tobacco. 4. Pp. 287-300. A copy, defective at the commencement, owing to a gap in the MS., of the Tale formerly mentioned (v. supra, p. 146), written by Sean Mac Clear, October 31, 1738. On the top of the pages is Cearn ui Doinhnall, and at the end Sgel an Cern caoil riabhaich .1 Cern ui Donihnaill. The hero describes himself now as Cathal O'Cein, again as Gille deacair. He was born at Oileach na righ, ' royal Aileach '; he was a night in Islay, a night in Kintyre, a night in Man, etc. This shows confusion of two Tales on the part of the reciter. The Ceath- arnach caol riahhach, ' Kern in the narrow stripes,' or the ' Slim, swarthy Kern,' and the ' Pursuit of the Gille Deacair,' ' The Lad difficult (to catch),' are two different Tales. They are both printed in Bilv. Gael, vol. i. pp. 257-289. The following are the heroic Ballads in our MS. : — Pp. 301-311. Laoi an Deirg cc., fifty-four quatrains, be- ginning : Inneosad cathrem anflnr mhoir. Cf. su2)ra,-p. 145; O'G. Cat., pp. 592, 599, 626, 631, 636, 644; L.F., p. 107 + , etc. Pp. 312-326. A Chleirigh chanas na psaitm, forty-nine quatrains. This is commonly known as Laoidh MJtanuis, ' The Lay of Magnus.' Cf. O'Gr. Cat., pp. 599, 655 ; L.F., p. 71 + . Pp. 326-335. Duan bheann gualann sonn, eighty -six quatrains beginning : Dubhach sinn, a Bhenn Ghualann. The Lay contains many fine quatrains. Cf. a Lay in O'Gr. Cat., p. 644, beginning : A bheinn Bhoilbhin, dubhach anni. ' Benbulbin, dismal art thou this day.' 166 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS |MS. LVI MS. LVI (v. supra, p. 101) The MS. is of paper, lcir,' in . . . near Argyll in . . . the year 1801. The following pieces belong to this chapter : — 1. Fols. l-6a. Laoidh an Deirg, sixty-one quatrains. First line : Insim caithriom anfhir mhoir. (v. sii2?ra, pp. 145, 165), and L. F., p. 107 + • 2. Fols. lla-14a. Tuairisgeul Chath Gabhradh marfhuaradh e san t-shean Ghailig Eirionnaich, ' An account of the Battle of Gabhra, as it was found in old Irish Gaelic' (Reference is made to O'Halloran's History of Ireland, p. 280.) Seventy quatrains. Begins : Innis sin, a Oisin, air h-eineach 's air h-iowjnadh. Of. O'Gr. Cat., pp. 598, 636 ; L. F., p. 180 ; Rel. Celt, vol. i. pp. 56, 110, 283, 329. 3. Bits of Lore, — e.g. : (1) Fol. 17b. The seven languages that originated at the Tower (of Babel), — Hebrew, Latin, Gaelic, Greek, Arabian, Chaldee, Assyrian. (2) How Fionn's sister arranged her brother's men and those of Dubhan. Fionn and Dubhan, each with fourteen men, were at sea. Provisions failed, and it was arranged that the half of the party should be thrown overboard in order to save the other half — every ninth man as they stood to be selected. Fionn's sister arranged them in such a way that Dubhan and his com- panions were all drowned, while Fionn and his friends were all saved. A version, entitled Aireamh inuinntir Fhinn agus Dhubhain, ' The Reckoning of Fionn and Dubhan's men,' is printed in A. and D. Stewart's Collection of Poems (Edin., 1804), pp. 547-548. Cf also L. F., p. 86. MS. LVIII {v. supra, pp. 102, 128) On pp. 197-237 is a version of Cath Fionntragha, ' The Battle of Ventry' (White Strand), dated 1733. A portion of another copy is found in MS. LXI (infra). Cf. Cath Fionntragha or MS. LIX] LEGEND AND LORE 173 the ' Battle of Ventry,' printed, with translation, from Rawl. B, 487 (Bodl), by Dr. Kuno Meyer (Oxford, 1885). For other versions of Cath Fionntragha, v. Jub., p. 67. For the Ballad version, v. L. F., p. 137. Pp. 243-264 contain the greater part of a version of Bruigh- ean Chaorthuinn (v. supra, pp. 140, 152). This copy breaks off abruptly on p. 264. Cf. L. F., p. 86. Pp. 309-354, forming the last twenty-three leaves of the MS., are practically undecipherable. Some of the writing on the first ten can be read, especially towards the middle of the page. The remainder is quite illegible. The subject is the Battle of Magh Mucruimhe, as in MS. XXXVIII (v. suiwa, p. 151). On the last page of the MS. is written, in modern hand : ' This MS. is a part of Dr. Keating's History of Ireland, written in the reign of Charles i. ' N.B. This and the 21 leaves preceding contain the tale of Art, the father of the celebrated Cormac, King of Ulster, as may be deduced from the middle spaces of some of the fore- going pages. J. M' H., No. 4.' MS. LIX— Miscellaneous, No. 2 The MS. at present consists of fifty-five leaves of paper 7^ in. by 5|, unpaged, and without a cover. The first thirty-seven leaves were at one time detached, and are increasingly defective at the outer edge. The hand is good, and about uniform throughout. Capitals are plain, but well executed. The date is the end of the seventeenth or beginning of the eighteenth century. Arithmetical sums are worked out on the first and last leaves. Several notes appear at the foot of the pages. Thus on p. 19 : ' Trocuire co faghha an t{e) scriobh sin .|. Ferfesa Duihgennain. Amen.' ' May F. O'D. who wrote this obtain merc}^ Amen.' On p. 22, the following jargon: Fuicearlan mac Fice Faice Ficoice Fe Faice Faoi. Eog {an) mac Ghilleoin . . . ' Hugh Maclean ' . . . appears on p. 27. On p. 44, OcA, ?^c•/^, ach, a Oliuia, is aoihhinn duit, ' Alas and alas, glad you may be, Olivia,' a phrase repeated several times on other pages in 174 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. LIX variety of form. Misi Mag Falii . . . do sgriohh, ' I, M. F. wrote ' (the entry is deleted by rubbing) appears on p. 6'5. On p. 108 are four eulogistic quatrains, in English, ' upon the death of the most accomplished gentleman, Archibald, Laird of Largie.' The contents of the MS. proper are : 1. Pp. 1-26. A version of the battle of Ros-na-righ. The text begins — Baoi Conchuhar mac Fachtna Fhathaigh, aird-righ Uladh i merten meanman J onhor chumhadh re cen . . . ; and ends, Conadh e Cath ros na riogh for hoinn conuig sin. Finis. Jacobus Cahan scripsit. ' Conchobar, son of F. F., high king of Ulster, was (for a long time) in distress of mind and great grief. Thus far the battle of Ros-na-righ on the Boyne. The end. James Cahan is the scribe.' Our text differs considerably from the older version in L.L., as also from the modern version printed with translation, preface and indices, by Father Hogan (Todd Lecture Series, vol. iv.). For other versions, v. Jub., p. 81, and cf. Introduction to L.L., p. 46. 2. Pp. 27-74 contain a version of the death of Cuchulainn as in MSS. XXXVIII and XLV. This copy gives the beginning as in MS. XXXVIII, but it breaks off abruptly at the point where Laeg brings the hero mortally wounded to the stone pillar and lays him down to die. 3. Pp. 75-107 are detached leaves, and not continuous in text. They contain fragments of a modern version of the Tain bo Cualgne. Since the disappearance of MS. XXXII, of Avhich later, this is the only MS. in the Scottish Collection which contains any part of the great Saga. Our sixteen leaves give some 885 lines of text, commencing at line 1690 or thereabout of Windisch's great edition of the Tain (Leipzig, 1905), and continuing, with breaks, to the end. Our text, so far as it goes, corresponds pretty closely with Windisch's. MS. LXI— Miscellaneous, No. 4 The MS. contains twenty leaves of paper, 9 in. by 7. It is paged, and written in one column in a round, rather small, hand of the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century. The initial letter is large and plain. There is no other capital letter, but spaces are MS. LXII] LEGEND AND LORE 175 left for such at the beginning of paragraphs. The orthography- is somewhat pecuHar, due evidently to the ignorance of the scribe. Apart from the name ' J. Nott ' and the numbers ' 19 ' and '11,' there is no note or mark of any kind. The subject is a portion of the 'Battle of Ventry.' As com- pared with the copy in MS. LVIII (v. supra, p. 172) and that printed by Dr. Meyer, this one is much more verbose. Cf. for example the descriptions (pp. 1-3 of this version) of the King of the World ; of Glas mac Dreguinn or Dreamhain \ of the leaders of the expedition ; of the shijos, storm, etc. This copy breaks off abruptly with the achievements of Duhhan tnac Cais, — at about the 780th line of Dr. Meyer's text. MS. LXII — Miscellaneous, No. 5 The MS. is a fragment of fifteen leaves of paper, 7| in. by 6. Leaves which were written upon have been cut out at the be- ginning and end, as also at p. 23. The pagination 1-30 shows that the leaves were cut out before the MS. was paged. The writing is partly in the English, but mostly in the Gaelic, hand. The MS., hke MSS. LXIII and LXV, is bound endwise, and the three seem to have been written in the same hand, — that of the poet Alexander Macdonald. Several pages are wholly blank, others partly so. The contents are miscellaneous, English and Gaelic, prose and verse, and are printed entire in Rel. Celt., vol. i. pp. 151-166. The following heroic poems and lore are included : — 1. Pp. 1-3. A Lay of Deirdre, twenty-nine quatrains, beginning : Tri manuinn a hh'aig riogh hretann. 2. P. 23. Lay of Cuchulainn and Conlaoch, ten quatrains First line : Fithiod bliadhona bhetham soir a foghlum gaisgeadh om mhathair. 3. Pp. 23-24. Faighdoireckt amadan Emhna Mhacha, ' The prophecy of the fools of Emain Macha,' four quatrains, beginning : Tig don choill is gerruidh croinn is denuidh curacain. 4. Pp. 24-26. Laoidh an Tailleoir, 'The Tailor's Lay,' twenty-six quatrains, beginning : Dida rhiuiidh mi dhenamk aodidh do chlanna Baoisgn ann a n-Almuinn. 176 CATALOaUI-: OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. LXII For another version (from Irvine's MS.), v, L. F., pp. 201-202. This is a modern composition, and is a clever parody upon the old ballads. It will be observed that the Tailor passes from rnchulaiiin's house in Dundealgain to Fionu's abode in Almu without the least consciousness of anachronism. The two cycles of Gaelic legend got mixed up in the Central Highlands before James Macpherson's day. 5. Pp. 26-28. Eadar Oisin 7 Padruig, ' Between Ossian and Patrick,' seventeen and a half quatrains, beginning : Oisin gur fad in do s^iain, ein/h suas is eisd na sailm. Cf. supra, p. 162. 6. P. 30. Laoi Dhiarmuid/T\\Q Lay of Diarmaid,' beginning : dleyiv sioth an (jlenm rem tliaobh. Cf L. F.,^. 157 + . The Lay is here defective, the leaf following being cut out. MS. LXV {v. sujjra, p. 104) The following heroic pieces are in this MS. End A. Pp. 12-13. (The Feinn and the Gruagach), twenty-three quatrains. First line : () ro qhruagach creiq na tulaigh. Cf L. F, p. 61. Ark a Ohruachan Chraig an Tullich. Pp. 27-29. Catli Caphtharrus an so sios ' The Battle of Gabhra here.' The poem is printed in Rel. Celt., vol. i. p. 110. It begins : Hilar do chualas turns Finn. Cf. supra, p. 172, and L. F., p. 180 + . Pp. 32-33. La da n-rab Padraic na inur, clia sailm ar uigh ach ol. Cf. L. F., p. 98. ' The best battle that the heroes ever fought.' Latha bha Padraig na mhnir Clia robh ISailm air nigh ach sgeul {ag ol). Pp. 34-35. La da n-rahlimar an Fian uile orfsa tulach Almuin. Cf. Laoidh na h-ighinne, L. F, p. 137. CHAPTER V Legal, Lexical, Grammatical These three subjects are here taken together because they are treated rather summarily in these MSS. and are otherwise connected. I. Law Reference has already been made (v. supra, p. 14) to a few- paragraphs in MS. II on the rights and responsibilities of the physician, and to the defective Tract in MS. XL on the Law of Sunday {supra, p. 95). The only other class whose privileges are commented upon are the poets. There is not a copy of any of the Law Treatises, properly so called, in these MSS. MS. VII {v. supra, pp. 84, 112) Fols. 6a-7a contain an account of the seven orders of poets, their grades, rights, and privileges. Although here in a different order, the contents of the paragraphs are practically the same as in B.B. 338a, 1. 8— 343a, 1. 17. On fol. 8a, b, are named three things which are said to be the exclusive privilege of the ollain or chief poet. These are teiniiv laegda, itnbas forosnai, and dicheadal do c[h]eannaih. Teinin laegda is not satisfactorily explained. Professor Atkinson (Glossary to Brehon Laws, s.v. teinm) suggests that the phrase ' would mean something like incantation, and probably denoted simply the recital of some metrical charm.' Imas forosnad or himbas forosnai and dicheadal do cheannaih are described by Cormac : Imhas forosnai, ' Knowledge that enlightens,' i.e. it dis- covers everything which the poet likes and which he desires to M 178 CATALODUK OF GAELIC MANUSCIUPTS [MS. VII inanifcst. Thus it is done. The poet chews a piece of the flesh of a red pig, or of a doL,' or cat, and puts it afterwards on the tlao' behind the door, and pronounces an incantation on it, and otfers it to idol-gods, and afterwards calls his idols to him, and then finds them not on the morrow, and pronounces incanta- tions on his two palms, and calls again unto him his idol-gods that his sleep may not be disturbed ; and he laj^s his two palms on his two cheeks and (in this manner) he falls asleep ; and he is Avatched in order that no one may interrupt (?) nor disturb him till everything about which he is engaged is revealed to him (which may be) a minute or two or three, or as long as he was supposed to be at (the offering) ; et ideo imhas dicitur, i.e. (his) two palms (boiss) upon {im) him, that is (one) palm over (?) and another hither on his cheeks. Patrick abolished this and the teinm laegda, and he adjudged that Avhoever should practise them should have neither heaven nor earth, because it was renouncing baptism. Dicetal dochennaib (extempore recital), then, was left, to be composed in right of (their) art ; for this is the cause : it is not necessary in it to make an offering to the ■demons, but there is a revelation at once from the ends of (the poet's) fingers.' (Cormac's Glossary, Translation, p. 94). A note in our MS. adds that the poet (eicis) Maine was the first to chant (can) the teinm laegda, Lugaid of Connaught the first to practise the imhas forosnai, and Find Jtua Baiscne (the great hero) the first to use the dicheadal do cheannaih. The text thereafter gives the secJd comartadha dec droch- ■thagra, ' seventeen marks of bad pleading,' with a few variations, as in § 22 of the Instructions of Cormac (infra), and then the secht comartadha dec deagta^gra, ' Seventeen marks of good pleading.' Only nine of these latter are given, viz. : — dathagud seel, scannrud hriatliar, hrodlach n-urlabra, ait/d inntlccJdach, innsce fossaid, atkcur n-aineolais, imradad fis, fonts fegi, fechemnus feig, when the text breaks off abruptly with the end of the folio (cf. ' Todd Lecture Series,' vol. xv. pp. 40, 55). II. Vocabularies From earliest times Gaelic scholars were in the habit of glossing in Gaelic by word, phrase, or short comment important MS. XXXVIII] LEGAL, LEXICAL, AND GRAMMATICAL 179 Latin MSS. which they valued. The practice was extended to old native writing^s where the diction and idiom were felt to be obscure or archaic. Frequent examples of this practice are met with in our MSS., a few of which have been noticed (c/. pp. 135, 152). Formal vocabularies were also compiled early, the oldest and most important now existing being Sanas Cormaic, prepared by Cormac son of Cuilennan, prince and bishop of Cashel, who was killed in battle in a.d. 903. Cormac's Glossary was printed, with O'Davoren's Glossary and a Glossary to the Calendar of Oengus the Culdee, by W[hitley] S[tokes] in 1862 (Williams and Norgate). The same Glossary, translated by O'Donovan and edited by Dr. Stokes, was printed by the Irish Archaeological and Celtic Society in 1868, A number of later glossaries and vocabularies have recently been printed in the Archiv fur Celtische Lexikogyxqjhie (Stokes and Meyer), vols. i. ii. iii. Our Scottish Collection of MSS. contains only two vocabu- laries of importance. These are found in MSS. VII and XXXVIII. MS. VII {v. supra, pp. 84, 112, 177) On fol. llbl, at 1. 13, commences a vocabulary, headed in red ink Duhfhocail ann so, ' obscure words here.' The list con- sists of only eighty-four words with their synonyms. There is no alphabetical order of any sort attempted, the first word being url.\. tosach, 'beginning,' and the last, of which both lemma and gloss are obscure, iarc .\. elad (creeping along ?). The list closes on fol. llbl, 1. 38. MS. XXXVIII (v. supra, pp. 118, 146) A vocabulary of between 750 and 760 entries is found on pp. 140-153 of MS. XXXVIII. The list is arranged alphabetically as to letters, according to the order of the Gaelic alphabet, but within the individual letters alphabetical order is not preserved. Thus under 'A' the first entry in the first column is annoid .j. eagluis, ' church,' while ah . \. maith, ' good,' is found in the second 180 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. LXV column, and n . . avd, ' hit,'h,' in the third. Similarly ha . . viaitk, ' good,' comes near the onook of Slane, a MS. now lost, into L.V., and printed by Professor Windisch (Irisrhe Texte mit Worterhiich, pp. 205-227). The Tale was previously printed, with translation, by O'Curry, in Atlaniis, vols. i. and ii. ; and the briatharthecosc has been printed, Avith translation several times (cf. Todd Lecture Series, vol. xv. p. v). The next in order of time is the Audlcacht or Udhaclit, ' Testament ' or ' Bequest ' of Morann son of Moin, or, according to others, son of Cairbre Cat-head, a judge whose period is placed in the first century of our era. The third, and the best known, collection of this class is the tecosca or Instructions of Cormac son of Art, a man renowned for his greatness, wisdom, and learning, who was High King of Ireland, in the traditional chronology from 213 to 253 a.d. Dr. Kuno Meyer thinks that Tecosca Cormaic must have been com- piled not later than the first half of the ninth century (Todd Lecture Series, vol. xv. p. xi). Of about the same date are the 'Sayings' (hriathra) attri- buted to Fithal, a chief judge in Cormac's day. A list of Sayings, different in literary form, and also to some extent in substance, is anonymous. These are the Triads. With the exception of briatharthecosc Concidaind, copies of these, all more or less defective, are in our Collection. Collections of Proverbs and favourite Sayings of the Scottish Gael appear in two of the later MSS. I The Uclhacht, in other versions called [Auraicecht, ' Lessons,' and Tecosca, ' Instructions ' of Morann. MS. XLII {v. supra, p. 120, 157) Fols. lOa-llb contain a copy of the uclhacht or 'Testament' of Morann to Feradach Fechtnach. Morann was the son of Cairbre Cathead, and according to F. M. (vol. i. p. 94), quoting the Leabhar Gahhala or ' Book of Invasions,' Avhen the disastrous reign of that usurper came to an end by his death, the Aitheach Tuatha ' offered the sovereignty of Ireland to Morann, son of MS. XLII] MAXIMS, TRIADS, AND PROVERBS 185 Cairbre. He was a truly intelligent and learned man, and said that he would not accept of it, as it was not his hereditary right ; and, moreover, he said that the scarcity and famine would not cease until the}^ should send for the three legitimate heirs to the foreign countries ' (where they were), ' namely, Fearadhach Finnfeachtnach, Corb Olum, and Tibraide Tireach, and elect Fearadhach as king, for to him it was due, because his father ' (the last monarch) ' had been killed in the massacre we have mentioned' {cf. siqora, p. 138), 'whence his mother, Baine, had escaped. This was done at Morann's suggestion, and it Avas to invite Fearadhach to be elected king that Morann sent the celebrated Udhacht or Testament.' To the same effect is the prefatory note prefixed to this copy : In a inm De in t-udhacht Morainn-si Ghiolla Padraic mic Aodhagain. Incipit autacht Morainn mic Moin innso do Fheradach Fhinn Fhecldnach mac CrioTnhthainn Nianair mic Luigdech Sriah n-derg. Mac sidhe do ingeine Lose [sic] onic Deibn do cruitheantliuaith. Pert a mathair ass ina bru iar n-dilgenn tigernadh n-Erenn do na h-Aitheach Uudhaih acht Feradach nama a m-hru a mathar. Do luidli sidhe iartim go slogh fairis J faidis Morann in Udacld-sa cuigi, 'In the name of God this (cojjy of the) Testament of Morann (by) Gilpatrick Mac Egan. Begins here the Testament of Morann son of Moen to Feradach Finnfechtnach son of Criomthann Nianar son of Lugaid Sriabhderg. This (Feradach) was son of the daughter of Lose \sie'\ son of Deibn [B.B. Luath mac Derera; MS. XXVIII Luath mac Dereine] from Pictland. His mother escaped with him in her womb after the destruction of the nobles of Ireland by the Aitheach Tuatha, save Feradach who was in his mother's womb. Thereafter he went across with a host and Morann sent him this Testament,' by the hand of his pupil Nere. The udhacht then proceeds in anything but clear text in our MS., and ends abruptly. A copy in L.L., pp. 293a-294b begins Audacht Morainn nviic Moin do Fheradach Fhind Fhechtnach. Mac side ingine Loith mic Delaraid de Chruthentuditli. Here the text is quite clear, and it differs considerably in contents and arrangement from that of our MS. 186 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. XLII A copy is also in Y.B.L., pp. 413b-414b. Hero the head- ing is: Incipit auraicaept Morainn no teccosca Murainn for Feradach Finn Fech{t)nach : ' Begins the teaching or precepts of Morann for Feradach Finnfechtnach.' The tecosca end witli assurance of long life, prosperity, victory and every blessing to cip h4 do gn4 inso huili, ' Avhosoever will do all [enjoined] here.' For other copies, v. Jub., p. 41. Morann is said to have become chief jndgc under Feradach, who according to F. M. reigned prosperously from a.d. 15 to a.d. 36. ' Good was Ireland during his time. The seasons were right tranquil. The earth brought forth its fruit ; fishful its river-mouths; milkful the kine; heavy-headed the woods.' For legends regarding Morann, his deformity, and how he came by his three ' collars,' v. Irische Texte, vol. iii. (1) pp. 188-190. II The Tecosca or Ixstructioxs of Cormac A critical edition of the Precepts of Cormac from a number of MSS. with Preface, Translation, Notes, and Vocabulary has been printed by Dr. Kuno Meyer in vol. xv. of the Todd Lecture Series (Dublin, 1909), quoted here as K. M. Our Collection contains three copies, all imperfect. MS. I {v. supra, pp. 72, 106, 180) The text of Cormac's Instructions begins on the top of p. la. It is headed by a sentence which is so far illegible, but which is an eulogy on the greatness, wisdom, and learning of Cormac {v. MS. II; K. M., p. 2, n. 1). The treatise thereafter proceeds in paragraphs or sections, Cairbre Lifechair (of the Liffey) asking his father Cormac, grandson of Conn Cetchathach, certain questions which with the father's answers constitute the text of the Tract. Thus: A Itui Chttind, a Covniaicc, cia deach do rig? Ni ansa, ol Cormac. Deck do Fosta cen fJteirg,ainine cen debaid, etc., ' O grandson of Conn, O Cormac, what is best for a king ? ' ' Not hard to tell,' said Cormac. ' Best for him is, — Firmness without anger, patience without strife,' etc. Our MS. VII] MAXIMS, TRIADS, AND PROVERBS 187 text goes on with little variation from that of K. M. to the end of § 18 of the latter (p. 2a, 1. 49). The sayings of Fithal now begin, and proceed, apparently in continuous text, to p. 3a, 1. 10, when ' Corniac ' is written on the margin. Then Cormac's text resumes where it left off at p. 2a, 1. 49, with Ni hdga fri rig, ni coimris fri baeth, etc., ' Contend not with a king, do not forefather with a fool,' etc., and continues to 1. 28 of the same column, giving the whole of § 19 as in K. M., and ending with Jlnit. On 1. 29 is Cid imonageib trehath ? ol a mace fri Fithal, and the text goes on without a marginal mark to the end, on 1. 53. But it is evident that the two texts of Cormac and Fithal are so far mixed up in this part of MS. I {v. the Sayings of Fithal, infra). MS. II {v. supra, pp. 7, 10) A defective copy of the Instructions of Cormac is found on fols. 66-70 of MS. II. It is written, not very correctly, in a large hand of the late seventeenth or early eighteenth century. This copy opens with the prefator}^ note on the greatness of Cormac, and gives a continuous text from the commencement to near the middle of § 21 of K. M.'s text, when it ends abruptly. At the foot of the page a blessing from the reader is asked for the soul of the writer ' although he may not have deserved it.' MS. VII {v. sux>ra, pp. 84, 112, 177, 179, 181) Fol. 9a-9b, 1. 29, contains a third copy of Tecosca Cormaic. This copy is well written, and agrees very closely with that in MS. I {supra). It ends with the close of the eighteenth section of K. M.'s text (as in MS. I, p. 2a, 1. 49). Here there are none of Fithal's Sayings. Pregnant sentences of this kind were associated with the name of Cormac in popular memory down to quite recent times, and were sometimes thrown into verse. Thus, in Gillies's Collection of Gaelic Poetry (Perth, 1786), p. 296, we find several quatrains entitled Comhairlin Chormaig do mhac, ' Cormac's Counsels to his Son,' the purport of which is of much the same character as several of Cormac's Precepts. Others of the same class are 188 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. LVII attributed to a Duine glic, 'wise man,' in the same collection (Gillies, p. 295). MS. LVII {v. supra, pp. 171, 182) Of like import are eight quatrains in MS. LVII, fols. 14b-15a, beginning : — Luigh agus cirigh air do Laimh Dheis. ' Lie (down) and rise (up) on your right hand (side ?).' The verses here are entitled Teagasg Righ Artuir do a cldolnn mh((c, 'The Instruction of King Arthur to his Sons.' Cf. O'Gr., p. 577, where the same verses are entitled An teagasg 7^iogJul}ia, ' Royal Precepts.' Ill The Sayings of Fithal In our MS. I, p. 2, 1. 49, the Sayings of Fithal are intro- duced simply by Fithal dixit. Elsewhere they are spoken of as briathra Fithil, senrdite Fithil, ' yfOTds of Fithal,' 'old sayings of F,' Our collection contains two copies, both defective. As already mentioned, the Sayings of Fithal commence on p. 2a, 1. 49, of MS. I (v. supra, pp. 72, 106, 180, 186) A number of the sayings are arranged under certain leading words. They commence with Tossach augrai athc{h)ossan, ' Reproof is the beginning of strife ' ; Tossa{ch) eithig airlicud, ' Lending is the beginning of perjury ' (litigation ?), followed by seventeen other ' T's.' Then come thirty-three ' A's,' beginning with Araile maith mesrugud, ' Another good thing is modera- tion,' Seven sayings are given under ' B,' the last being — Ba humal corbo uasal, ' Stoop to conquer.' Then come forty-seven under ' F ' : Ferr dan orbba, ' Better is art than inheritance ' [cf. the modern Gaelic saying, ' Better a handful of trade than a handful of gold '] ; Ferr mag morsliab, ' Better a (little) plain than a great mountain.' This section closes with twenty-seven ' Dligid's.' MS. XLIIj MAXIMS, TEIADS, AND PROVERBS 189 Thereafter comes seclit comartha dec droch ca . . (droch- thacra, K. M.), ' Seventeen marks of bad pleading,' which con- stitutes the twenty-second section of Cormac's Instructions in K. M.'s text. The next paragraph begins : 7s ail dam cofessariwi cinas beo etir baethu 7 gaethu, etir gnathchib 7 ingnathcJdb, etir senaib 7 occaib, etir ecnaid 7 anecnaid. Ni ansa, em, ol Fithal, 'I desire to ascertain how to conduct myself among the foolish and the wise, among friends and strangers, among the old and the young, among the learned and the ignorant. Not hard to tell, indeed,' said Fithal. This again is the heading of § 29 of K. M.'s Instructions of Cormac. Our text goes on without seeming interruption to p. 3a, 1. 10, ending with Millsem each corma a chetdeog, ' The sweetest part of ale is the first draught,' a saying found near the end of the thirty-first Section of the text of Cormac. It is thus clear that Fithal and Cormac are hopelessly mixed up in our MS. I. As already stated Cormac resumes at p. 3 a, 1. 11, and goes on to 1. 28, when Fithal takes up the text again and continues to the end of the Tract, at p. 3a, 1. 53. MS. XLII {v. supra, pp. 120, 157, 184) On p. 55 of his edition of Tecosca Cormaic K. M. quotes from the Sayings of Fithal the fifteen virtues of good women and the fifteen vices of bad women. On fol. 7b of our MS. XLII several matters regarding women are discussed by way of question and answer, such as, Cidh as deach do m^iaibh ? ' Who is best among women ? ' Cia bean as Tneasamh do mnaibh ? ' Who is the worst among women ? ' The writing is not always clear, but at the end we have Cuig airdeana deg droch inhna, ' fifteen marks of a bad woman,' viz., doinnmhe, dibe, diomhaine, labhra, leisge, leontaighe, glor, grainni, ceasacht, cuairt, gold, ceilidhi, druis, baois, bradaighe. This list is followed by the fifteen marks of a good woman, which are : ciall, caoimi, cunnlacht, naire, aillni, ailghine, saoire, saidhbri, soinnsge,tlds,fos,feile, gaois, iodna, ionnracus. Finis. We may assume that this fragment is the conclusion of a version of the Sayings of Fithal. 190 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. I IV The Triads The Triads of Ireland is the subject of vokiine xiii. of tlie ' Todd Lecture Series.' In this vohime Dr. Meyer gives us a critical version from a number of MSS. of the Triads, as these sayings are called, with Preface, Translation, Notes, and Vocab- ulary. The number of entries in Dr. Meyer's edited list is two hundred and fifty-six. These enumerative sayings are not by any means all Triads. The first thirty-one entries in the list are, with one exception, which is a Duad, all Monads. There are also Tetrads, Pentads, even Enneads. The literary form is based probably upon the frequent enumerative sentences of the Old Testament, although Dr. Meyer points out that the old scholars could have borrowed the form from Latin and Greek sources. The Triad became the favourite form both among Gaels and Britons, and sayings of this class, whether Duads, Tetrads, or Pentads, go now by the name of Triads. An echo of the Triad still survives among us. Dr. Meyer gives (p. ix) several examples from modern Irish. Here are a few, which could easily be added to, from the Scottish Highlands : Three of the coldest things, — a man's knee, a cow's horn, a dog's nose. Three that come unbidden, — love, jealousy, fear. Three that will not bear caressing, — an old woman, a hen, a sheep. The three curses of a farmer, — May frost, July fog, and the Tutor of Kintail. Our MSS. contains three copies of the old Triads, all defec- tive. Dr. Meyer considers, on linguistic grounds, that they must have been put together, in their present form, in the latter half of the ninth century. MS. I (v. supra, pp. 72, 106, 180, 180, 188) On p. 3a, 1. 54, with the heading, Incipit Trecheng hreth, ' The triads begin,' Cend erend Ardmacha, ' The Head of Ireland — Armagh.' The list then proceeds, with one or two omissions and occasional variations, pari passu with Dr. Meyer's, to No. 129 of Meyer's list: tri comartha lathraig MS. VII] MAXIMS, TRIADS, AND PROVERBS 191 inallachtan : tromm, fradna, nenaid, ' Three marks of a cursed site: elder, corncrake, nettle' (according to K. M.). There is then a large gap in our MS., the next entry being No. 284 in K, M. ' Four on whom there is neither restraint nor rule : the servant of a priest, a miller's hound, a widow's son, and a strip- per's calf.' Here our MS. concludes with Finit. Amen. But one or two others are again added, the last being K. M.'s No. 251, ' Four elements (lit. alphabets) of wisdom : patience, docility, sobriety, well-spokenness ; for every patient person is wise, and every docile person is a sage, every sober person is generous, every well-spoken person is tractable.' Our MS. gives again Finit, otherwise one would be disposed to think that the scribe included the paragraph immediately succeeding among the Triads. The literary form is different, but the substance is not dissimilar. It runs as follows (p. 4a, 1. 5): Marcaidh na hedaisi a sagairt. A scuab a heasgub. A sgiath a righ. A cathbdrr a cluiccfJteach: ' The rider of the church is her priest; the bishop is her broom ; the king her shield ; her belfry her helmet.' After giving some twenty-seven other sayings of a similar kind, the paragraph concludes: A ceand j comoircce in Coimdhi cumachtach. Is bainde neime j is bainde dilind ac digail a saraithi in Eglas naemda. Finit. Finit : ' Her Head and Protector is the Almighty Lord. Holy Church is a torrent of venom and of flood avenging her oppressors. It ends. It ends.' MS. VII (v. siLpra, pp. 84, 112, 177, 179, 181, 187) On fol. 9b2, 1. 29, comes Tre cing bvedtlt ann so, ' The Triads here,' and the list goes on to fol. 10 b 1, 1. 12. This list and that of MS. 1 are clearly of common origin. They agree ver}^ closely, and in both the same gap occurs between Nos. 129 and 234 of Meyer's text. As in MS. I, so here, one or two Triads follow, but not the same. The last in this MS. is No. 255 (the last but one of Meyer's): Tri guala donti fess fudomain : guala flatha, giiala ecalse, gilala nemid filed, ' Three coffers whose depth is not known : the coffer of a chieftain, of a church, of a privileged poet.' 192 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCltlPTS |MS. XLII MS. XLII (v. snj>m, pp. 120, 157, 184, 189) Owing to a gap in the MS. the copy of the Triads given here begins abruptly on fol. 8a, and goes on to fol. 10a, 1. 7. The first Triad is Tri hingena herto miosgais do miothocod : lahra, leisce, ainiodhna, 'Three maidens that bring hatred to mis- fortune,' corresponding to No. 109 of Meyer's text. Our text, not very carefully written, proceeds, with some variations in orthography and an occasional omission of a Triad, as in Meyer's text, to No. 253: Teora siorachta flatha: cuirmthech gan faisneis, buidhen gan ardanail, dirim gan chona, translated by K. M., ' Three tabus of a chief: an ale-house without story- telling, a troop without a herald, a great company without wolf- hounds.' The last three Triads in Meyer's list are not given in our MS. V Proverbs Although Proverbs are frequently quoted in the texts and on the margins of our MSS., the old Gaelic scholars do not appear to have attempted a collection of them on a large scale. The two MSS. in our Collection which give lists of Proverbs are Scottish and modern. MS. LXII (v. supra, p. 175) Upwards of a hundred and ninety proverbs are given in this MS., arranged under certain letters of the Alphabet, and interspersed with other matter. With one or two exceptions, they are written in English script. They are all printed in Rel. Celt, vol. i. pp. 151-159. MS. LXV {v. supra, pp. 104, 176, 180) On pp. 5-10 (End B) of this MS., under the heading Gnafhoc- aill Ghaoidheilge, ' Gaelic Proverbs,' and written, with one or two exceptions, in the Gaelic hand, are found a considerable number of Proverbs and sayings current among the people. MS. LXVJ MAXIMS, TRIADS, AND PROVERBS 193 The Rev. Donald Mackintosh printed a Collection of Gaelic Proverbs and Familiar PJirases in 1785, which was republished in 1819. An edition, based on Mackintosh's little volume, but much enlarged and improved, Avas published by the late Sheriff Nicolson in 1881 (Edinburgh : Maclachlan and Stewart). This edition is now out print. Lists of hitherto unpublished sayings of this class appear frequently in our periodicals and newspapers, all in evidence of the hold which the Proverb has taken of the mind of the Scottish Gael. CHAPTER VII Gaelic Versions of Classical Epics The Gaels seem to have been the iirst to turn the great Epics of antiquity into a modern tongue. Although they had access to the Iliad only in such Latin versions as were current at the time, the Togail Troi, or Destruction of Troy, was the favourite among them. A portion of this version is found in L.L., which may have been done many years before the MS. was written {circa 1147), while the first French version of the Legend of Troy (the next in date) was not done until about 1180. These Gaelic versions are all prepared on one general plan, — that of the Gaelic Tale. A prefatory note gives the leading events from some important date down to the time when the action commences. Sometimes the descent of the principal hero is traced step by step to Adam. Thereafter the sequence of events in the councils of the gods and in the movements of the leading men are followed more or less closely. But a translation of the text, as we understand the term, is not attempted. The version is presented in plain, often bald, prose. The ' translator ' compresses or expands the original text at pleasure. Compres- sion is largely used in passages pertaining to the gods and to religion, Avhile descriptions of favourite heroes, fights, battles, games, together with storms on land and sea, are largely expanded. Explanatory notes, culled from other authors, are frequently incorporated in the Gaelic text. Occasionally the ' translator ' points to discrepancies, and tries to remove them. He sometimes explains a custom, not from his knowledge of Greek or Roman antiquities, but from Gaelic folk-lore. His aim, in short, is to construct a Gaelic Tale based upon the Classical Epic. Of such versions Dr. Whitley Stokes published, with transla- MS. VIII] GAELIC VERSIONS OF CLASSICAL EPICS 195 tion, the Tofjail Troi from L.L. (Calcutta, 1882), and from H., ii. 17 (T. C. D.), in Ir. Texte,yol ii. (1), Leipzig, 1884; Dr. Kuno Meyer has printed, with translation, Merugud JJilix iiuoicc Leirtis, ' The Wanderings of Ulysses the son of Laertes ' (based upon an unknown Latin echo of the Odyssey), Lond. : D. Nutt, 1886 ; and the Rev. George Calder, M.A., has edited and trans- lated the jEneid from B.B. (Irish Texts Society, vol. vi.). Our MSS. contain copies, more or less complete, of the Thebaid of Statins, the Togail Troi, and the Pharsalia of Lucan. MS. VIII {v. supra, p. 112) I. The first layer of this MS. (fols. 1 to 26) contains a copy of the Thebaid of Statins. Another copy is found in Eg. 1781 (Brit. Mus.), pp. 173-253 ; and a fragment in H. ii. 7 (T. C. D.), pp. 457a-460b. The story opens Avith the following simple statement : Aroile righ uasal oirinhuinneach onorach ro gabh forlamhus acus ferannus ar an ard-cathraig n-aibinn n-alainn .|. Teibh is in n- Greig dar ua comiainm Laius, ' A certain noble, revered, and honourable king, named Laius, took sovereiofnty and rule over the pleasant and beautiful chief city in Greece, Tliebae to name.' This Laius was the father of Oedipus, whose two sons, Polynices and Eteocles, slew each other contending for the sovereignty of the place and people. The author then proceeds to relate the foundation of Thebae by Cadmus, son of Agenor; the story of Oedipus ; and the fraternal hatred of his two sons with all its disastrous consequences. The Tale concludes thus : ' The number of kings and common people slain in these wars, and the melancholy fate of those who survived, historians do not record. But here has been given somewhat of their deeds, their story and their adventures. Sella. Sella. Sella. Finit' Our cop3' is unfortunately defective. The first page is now quite illegible. At the end of fol. 7, the transcriber missed a column, which he afterwards wrote out on a narrow slip of thin parchment. This slip was for a time included in MS. XXXI (hence the docquet, H. Kerr, '27), but is now restored to its place. Between fols. 21 and 22 there is a gap which corresponds 19G CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCitlPTS [MS. VIII roughly to Books ix. 1. 2.S0-X. 1. 75 of Statius's text. The last tivo leaves (22-G) are written in a different hand. The copy in the Brit. Mas. is complete. It is written in a bold, clear hand, and very largely contracted. It is dated 1487. The Edinburgh version must have been done much about the same time. The two are clearly copies of the same original Gaelic text. It would have been impossible to produce two independent versions so different from the original Latin text and so similar to one another as these two are. On fol. lal the poet Statius is thus described : do Stait don airdfhilid Frangach socinelach, ' to Statius, the nobly born chief French poet.' Does this suggest that the Gaelic version of the Thebaid was done not from the original Latin of Statius, but from the old French version of the Epic ? This version, edited from the original MSS., with an elaborate Introduction, Dissertation, Notes and Vocabulary by Professor Leopold Constans, has been published in two large volumes by the Societe des Anciens Textes Francais (Paris. Librairie Firmin Didot et Cie, 1890). As to the way in which the Gaelic 'translator' uses his native lore to explain the customs of other peoples take the following : — (1) Mercury is sent to hell to fetch King Lains back to earth in order to foment hatred between his grandsons Eteocles and Polynices. He has his wand (flesc), which is thus described : cadruca ainin na fleisci sin. Acus is amlaid ro bai in fhlesc h-i sin, — ro thoduiscfed in dara cenn di inairb in domain acus ro mairfead jiru in domain in cend aile, ' Cadu- ceitm was the name of that wand, and such it was, that the one end of it would waken up the dead of the world, while the other end would put to death the world's men,' — a description applicable to the letter to the slacan-druidheachd or ' druidic- beetle' of Gaelic Tales. (2) Eteocles, accompanied by the blind soothsayer Tiresias and his daughter Manto, visits the infernal resrions to seek aid for the Thebans. Manto sees, among others, the judges Minos, Aeacus, and Rhadaman- thus, who arrive at their decisions in the following manner : Acus is amlaid co her aid hretha .|. cilarnd comthoTnais acco 7 lecana jinna ann 7 lecana duha 7 in tan ticed in lecan find annis artus ua fir in fuigell, 7 in tan ticed in MS. VIII] GAELIC VERSIONS OF CLASSICAL EPICS 197 lecan dub annis ua anfliir in breth, 'And this is the way they gave judgment, — they had an urn of a certain size, and there were white stones and black stones in it, and when a white stone came up first the decision was according to truth, but when a black stone came up the judgment was wrong.' Compare with this the ordeal of the Three Dark Stones (Ir, Texte, vol. iii. (1), p. 191 j : A bucket was filled with bogstuff and coal and every other kind of black thing, and three stones were put into it, even a white stone and a black stone and a speckled stone. Then one would put his hand therein, and if the truth were with him, he would bring out the white stone. If he were false, he would bring out the black stone. If he were hall guilty, he would bring out the speckled. Marginal notes are comparatively few. On fol. 15 the text describes the institution of the Nemean games by the Greeks, in honour of Archemorus, child of Lycurgus, slain by a dragon. On the top margin runs : Is mor in tnagadh do Gregaibh ar millset da inaitlms 7 da maoinibJc ar son leiniph big, ' What fools these Greeks must have been to have wasted so much of their means and substance on account of a little child ! ' II. The second layer of MS. VIII (fols. 27-36) is of some- what larger and thicker parchment than the first. The writing is also larger, less easily read, and one should say older, — dating to the early fifteenth if not to the late fourteenth century. Apart from the historical paragraphs above mentioned (pp. 112-113), the subject is the Argonautic expedition and the destruction of Troy. On fol. 27a2 comes the heading, repeated in later hand, In nomine Patris et FilU et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. There- after comes a prefatory note, repeated on 27bl, regarding the descendants of Adam : They were harassed until the Flood. They were, because of their sins, destroyed by the Flood, save Noah and his three sons. The first sin was the slaying of Abel by Cain through jealousy. His ten sons told Adam that it was about their youngest sister that Cain slew Abel. During the following sixteen hundred and fifty-six years, they continued in that sin dishonouring God, who, to avenge these evils, brought the Flood, which destroyed all persons save only eight, viz. Noah and his wife, with his three sons, Semh, Camh, 198 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MAXUSCKTPTS [MS. VIII and Idfi'dh, and their wives. Notih divided the world among his three sons. He gave Asia to Shem, Africa to Ham, and Europe to Japhet ; and the chief sovereignty of the world went first, according to heathen story, to the descendants of Shem. Thereafter the narrative proceeds on the lines of L.L., as printed by Stokes, but with considerably less detail, to the foot of fol. 35b, corresponding to MS. XV, fol. I7a, and Torjail Troi, p. 27, 1. 1074, when this version comes to a close. Beyond a trial of the pen there is hardly a marginal note on this layer of MS. VI IL I^ut where Saturn is made by fraud to eat a stone instead of the infant Jove, MS. VIII adds : Aiivm na cloichi sin onadh co fheasur, apbas don a h-ainm J aipbitus a miudh eile. Et tucad in clock doson j rodmeilt iarum gov mengoraid a dlieda corofaricsiun sin ge miad clanninhcir ni had caithmeac ar a claind asaitle, ' Should you wish to know the name of the stone it was apbas, otherwise aipbitus. And the stone was given to him, and he crunched it until it injured his teeth ; and ho felt that so much, that though he had children afterwards, he showed no desire to devour them.' MS. XV — Kilbride Collectiox, No. 11 The MS. consists of twenty- six leaves of parchment, folio, twelve and a half inches by eight and a half. The first and last leaves form the cover. Apart from a few scribblings the first leaf is not written upon, but the text is continued on the first column of the last leaf, the lower half of which is now cut away. The writing is in two columns, large, good, but plain. Capitals are large, and in the chief divisions elaborately drawn but not coloured. The date can hardly be earlier than the middle of the fifteenth centurv. The subject, not named, is the Togail Troi, of which the version here may be regarded as the best and most complete. The story opens with the prefatory paragraph regarding the descendants of Adam until the deluge, and the settlement thereafter by Noah, found also with hardly a change in MS. VIII (v. swpra p. 197) and in B.B., p. 411. Thereafter the narration proceeds, with minor differences as in the other MS. XV] GAELIC VERSIONS OF CLASSICAL EPICS 199 versions. But it may be said generally that MS. VIII (so far as it goes), MS. XV, and B.B., pp. 411-445 agree more closely with each other in arrangement and detail than they do with the versions printed by Stokes from L.L. and H. ii. 17. Thus in several passages, e.g. the building of the Argo (Togail Troi, 11. 120-146), details given in L.L. are all but passed over in our MSS. On the other hand other incidents, e.g. the fight of Achilles and Hector, the state of Troy and the Trojans after the death of Hector, and the dragging of the latter's body round the walls of the city are given with much greater detail in B.B. and MS. XV. Both B.B. and our MS. quote from Barieth, ' Dares Phrygius,' descriptions of the personal appearance and character of the leading personages of the Greeks and Trojans. Here, e.g., is the account given of Achilles and Polyxena (MS. XV, p. 23) : Achil imorro fer drd mor cliahremui' curata co sonairti hall onong cas dond fair cneas oengel hnmi ruisc glasa corra ina, cind is e drecli letlian fhir alaind forfhbaeiidh suairc socJtarthe cennaisfri cardib calma i cathaib fri ndimdi, 'Achilles on the other hand was tall, big, thick-chested, courageous, with great strength of limbs. His hair was brown and curly ; his skin was exceeding fair; grey piercing eyes in his head; his face was broad and very beautiful ; (he was) pleasant, affable, affectionate, gentle to friends ; bold in battle against enemies.' PoUxena ingen Priaim ben drd mor airegda JtisidJie. Corp geal coem cruthacJi ionpe. Braghe sheta shuairc sJcochraidh aid. Rose glas coem cruthaclb ina cind. Mong fhota fldndhuide fuirre. Baill coema comdirge aid. Mera slemna sithfliota, colptha cori comdirge, traighthe tana toghaighe. Ferr a delh andas delb each mna ina h-aimsir, ' Polyxena, daughter of Priam, — a tall, large, stately lady she was. Her body was white, beautiful, shapely. Her breast majestic, affable, loveable, A grey eye in her head, lovely, shapely. Her hair was long, of colour pale yellow. Limbs comely and straight. Her fingers were smooth and very long ; her calves erect and even, her feet thin, beauti- ful. Her figure was the handsomest of any woman of her time.' On fol. 35b, our version, after relating in detail the slaying of Hector by Achilles, gives another account : ' At that moment Hector's back was to him (Achilles). Achilles struck Hector 200 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. XIX from behind, so Virgil says.' Then this redactor adds : ' But history is more to be relied upon (firm) than poetry, and the first account given is truer than this. It was his friendship for the Emperor Augustus that caused Virgil to write thus ; for the emperor was of the race of Aeneas and of the stock of the old Roman kings.' Several notes and quatrains are scattered over the margins of the MS. Thus on p. 2 :— A I'hir ata an ifern riani, An facca tu plan budh mh6 Na dhul d'iaraidh neich ar neach, Sas nach maith a thabhairt do. Again on top of p. 28 — Tieio- ail doiuhan is mo chen, Donihan, deamhan agus ben. Ge be duine bias da I'eir Biadh a peinn Is nisroithend nemh efrl. At the foot of p. 35 : Truagh lem in hds so tuas (the death of Hector). MS. XIX {v. siqwa, p. 136) On fols lbl-3a2 of this MS. the Argonautic expedition and the siege and capture of Troy are summarised in verse (one hundred and one quatrains in all). The author is Fland Mainn- istreach, according to an entry at the commencement of the piece. The following are the first and last quatrains : — Luid lasou na luing loir, Co catraig na Golach g6ir, Do chuingidh in crocind cain, Co lai n-orda n-ina;antaio;h. Mairg rug in coblacli cruaidh cain, Sluagh nan n-Grec da n-innsaighidh ; Ni thernaidh don turns tai, Dorad mor-laech a lighi. MS. XLVI] GAELIC VERSIONS OF CLASSICAL EPICS 201 MS. XLVI— Highland Society. John M'Kenzie, No. 10 The MS. consists of seven and a half leaves of pale parch- ment, 10 in. by 8. The fourth leaf was cut down the centre, and the piece given (v. Ossian, ed. 1807, vol. iii. p. 577) to Mr. Astle for use in his Origin and Progress of Writing. The leaves are numbered by capital letters from A to M. The word 'Emanuel' is written on nearly all of them, and the MS. has been frequently referred to under this name. It is one of the oldest (if not the very oldest) MSS. now in the Scottish Collec- tion. Mr. Astle judged the handwriting to be of the ninth or tenth century, and gave a facsimile of a sentence of it in his Origin and Progress of Writing (t^. 124 of the Reprint: London, 1876). The Gaelic forms and orthography are of much later date than this. But the late Dr. Graves {Proc. of the Royal Irish Acad., vol. iv. p. 258) thought that he read at the end of a much defaced footnote on p. 4 . . . an aimsir . . . an leab . . . Tio dl M''''"^ XV, ' the time . . . the book ... in the year of the Lord, 1315,' which may be the date of the MS. The MS., which is only a fragment, is written in two columns in a very good and clear hand. The text begins and ends abruptly, and is not continuous. It was transcribed by E. M'L. in L.Cpp. 149-158. The subject is a Gaelic version of Lucan's Pharsalia. The text opens with an account of a Roman officer, named Curio, when viewing the surrounding country from a height above the camp in Libya, falling in with a native of the district, who gives him names and legends ot the locality, among them that of Hercules and Antaeus. Dr. Donald Smith {Rep. on Oss., p. 305) gives an extract from this legend, with the corresponding passage from Lucan, which, adds Smith, ' this ancient author appears to have had in his eye.' Dr. Smith further states that ' the whole of this interesting work is still extant,' and he quotes a couple of sentences from another section of it (Rep. on Oss., p. 309). As matter of fact Dr. Smith, when in Ireland as surgeon of the Black Watch, in 1798, tran- scribed the work, of which this MS. contains a portion, ' from a copy in the possession of the Rev. J. Kelly at Hall's Miln near 202 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS (MS. XLVI IJunbridgc' The MS. from wliieli the transcript was made was supposed to bo about three hundred years old at the time. This transcript found its way to the Scottish Collection. It is bound in two volumes (v. infra) and entitled Caih iiior muigJie na Teasaile, ' the great battle of the plain of Thessaly. There are references to the Pharsalia, with illustrative passages quoted therefroni, as also to MS. XLVI, but Dr. Smith did not recognise that the text was a Gaelic version of Lucan's Epic. CHAPTER VIII Miscellaneous There are several compositions, mainly in verse, scattered through the MSS., especially those of more recent date, which do not readily fall under any of the foregoing chapters. The more interesting and important of them are gathered together here. MS. V (/'. supra, pp. 79, 109, 129) Among the poetical pieces in this MS. not previously noticed (cf. pp. 81, 83, 132) are, on fols. 9 and 10, (1) Verses in praise of Oilill hocld, ' poor Oilill.' (2) Sixteen lines addressed to students, beginning : — A iiiacu leiginn lidha. ' Ye polished students.' (3) Nineteen lines, headed, he boirche ingen Cinaet i crich Boirche .|. bean Beic is i ro can, ' Be B. daughter of Kenneth in the territory of B., viz., the wife of Bee who sang,' beginning : — Bee a beind Boirche na rig. ' Bee in regal B. B.' Becc Boirche was king of Ulster, and died in 716 a.d. F. M. quote verses by this prince in connection with the death ot Mongan, son of Fiachra Lurgan, which occurred in 620 a.d., beginning : — As h-uar an gaeth dar Hi do fail occa i cCiunn tire. ' Cold is the wind over Islay which they have in Kintyre.' Cf. also Annals of Ulster, yoI i. pp. 127, 131, 155, 167; L.L. p. 41. (4) Ten lines, with the following heading in different and 204 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. V later liand : Comortus ann so o Rudliruldlie re fear sgriohldha an leaha ir-so, ' A challenge here from R. to the writer of this book.' First line: — Labra cibe dia n-imda, ' Speaking though of many kinds.' (5) Forty lines, commencing : — Oclaech bis an ulcai naini. 'A youth who is in a saint's beard' {'i.e. defies him). This piece is also in the Brit. Mus. MS. ' Additional, 1 9, 995 ' (v. O'Gr., Cat., p. 329). (6j Eighteen lines, with reading rather uncertain, contrast- ing Laick thosaigh na h-aimsire, ' the heroes of old times,' with Laicli deirigh na h-aimsire, ' the heroes of to-day.' (6) On fol. 10b2 are spirited quatrains, commencing : — Meisi fuillechan feidil Etir tuind 7 tenid ; Baidig an tond , brisid nech, Loisgid an tenid tuaidlech. After two years' experience in this uncomfortable position, the writer proceeds to record his reflections. MS. XIX (v. suj^ra, pp. 136, 200). On fol. 6a2-6b2 is a poem on a subject unique in these MSS. — Generation or Reproduction. Our MS. is unfortunately ille- gible on fol. 6b. There is another copy in the Book of Hy Maine (Stowe Collection, R. I. A., Dublin), fol. 103b2. (Cf. Archiv filr Celt. Lexilc, ii. p. 140.) The cases described are four — those of Man, Salmon, Bee, and Dove. The first quatrain runs : — Ceithri compertta caemha Ud[i]sli [cuibhi] comhshaera Do dheoin Dia nach fand i bhos Dandentar eland chneas [shjolos. Cuibhi, in the second line, is awanting in our copy. MS. XXXVI] MISCELLANEOUS 205 MS. XXXVI {v. supra, pp. 91, IIG, 142) This MS. contains several epigrams and short poems of diverse character and of various degrees of merit. Thus : — Fol. 79a. Three quatrains, beginning : — Ni me tenga lem let, Cha bheithiin le h-aithis chugad. 0/ O'Gr. Cat., p. 613. Fol, 82b. Twelve quatrains, commencing : — Bregach sin, a bhen, beg an seal do bhaois. Fol. 83a. Several lines without a heading, rhymed but not spaced, beginning : — Go m-ben(u)uigh Dia an tigh sa miiinter. A greeting, somewhat similar, entitled Cuid Nolluic, is found in MS. LXV {infra, p. 216), end B., fol. 1. Fol. 85a. Eight vigorous quatrains of a 'flyting' between a man and his wife, attributed by Mr. Mackintosh and Rev. Dr. Smith to Bishop Carsewell. First line : — Na maoi(dh) h-uaisle orum fein. Fol. 85a. Three quatrains, addressed to a lady, beginning : — Innis disi giodh be nie, A techtara theid na cenn. Fol. 85b. Seven spirited quatrains, beginning : — Soraidh slan don aoidhche reir. On the top margin, in modern hand, is written : ' This poem is in Clanranald's book.' There are only six quatrains in Clan- ranald's book, where the verses are attributed to Niall mor mac Mhuiredhaigh, and from which they are printed in Rel. Celt, vol. ii. p. 290. Fol. 92b. Twenty-six quatrains with the heading na fiiatha dligthes na daoine lochtach nach bedh ra . . ., beginning : — Is fuatli lioni oinsach gan oran. Is fuath liom ochan gan tinnes, and ending : — Is fuath lioiu filidh gan tuigsi, Agus sin duitsi nis fuath liom. 206 CA.TALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS L^S. XXXVI Fur parallel lists of ' things hateful,' cf. O'Gr. Cat, pp. 492, 652, and Booh ofihe Dean of Lismore (Edinburgh: Edraonston and Douglas, 1862), pp. 78, 79 (Gaelic text). Fol. 93b. Five quatrains addressed to a fair Lady Disdain, commencing: — Ni b-fuigheadh iiiisi has dnit, A bhen lul an chuirp mar ghei.s. Fol. 95b contains the following epigrams : — Nech sin bhios cor(r)ach do ghnath, Is ionan(n) gne dho is don dris, An ti sin nach Ij-fiiithar ach cearr, Fdighdne is ferr a dhenanih leis. Mar fhdda(dh) tinne fuidli loch, Mar thiormachadh cloch an g-cuan, Tegasg thabair(t) ar mnaoi bhuirb, Mar bhuille uird air iaruin(n) fuar. Fols. 114a-115a give, among others, the following: — Na srotha is edoimne is iad labras go dana ; Sinn fein ni mholfamar, balbh bhios na linnte lana. Mas i an tuigsi mas i an toil, Ata ga do chu(i)r-si tar r(d)o cheil, Leig ormsa an tuigsi chosg, Is biodh chosg do thoile oi't fein. MS. XXXVIII {v. supra, pp. 118, 146, 179) On pp. 115-116 are seven quatrains, beginning: — Mallacht ort, a cinneamhuin, lear togbhadh m^ o thosaig. MS. XXXIX {v. supra, pp. 91, 118, 152) Fols. 23a-27a contain a copy of the Metrical Calendar already noticed (r. p. 61). Here also the Calendar is attri- buted to Gilibeart o' Dubh- duinn Ab Cunga nach crion crobhuing. ' Brown Gilbert 0' D., Abbot of Conga, whose reputation [lit. cluster] shall not wither.' MS. LVII] MISCELLANEOUS 207 This long composition, beginning : — Bliadain so solus a dath, is attributed by O'R., p. ci, and in Brit. Mus. MS. Eg. Ill (v. O'Gr. Cat., p. 356) to John Mor O'Dugan, the author of several poems which have survived, who died in 1372. MS. XL VIII (v. siipra, pp. 98, 124, 158) Apart from the extracts already noted on the above pages, this MS. contains a number of pieces, nearly all of which are printed in Rev. Celt, vol. i. pp. 119-149. The following may be of some interest : — Fol. First Line. 4b Ge h-iomdha mart agus molt 4b Dferuibli He mxr thoill toiglibhem 5a lochd maith mo ghenar do ni 5b Luaithe cu na cuideachd 5b Cetlirar tainig anoir 8a Clann Raghnaill fa Eoin san n-oilenn aoibhin-si 8b Gabh a inhic mo mhunadh 24a Mairg duine bhrathis e fein 32a Namha an cliird nach tathuidher In addition to these there are (fols. 25b-31b) sixty-nine quatrains of the Metrical Calendar alread}'- noted {v. supra, pp. 61, 206), with the heading here: 'A Roman Calendar in verse. Dubhagan cc' First line : — Bliaghuin so sholas a dath. The copy here is incomplete. MS. LV (v. supra, pp. 101, 128, 163) On p. 68 of this MS. is written an English quatrain of no merit; and on the last page appear five quatrains written apparently on a decapitated woman. MS. LVII (v. sujjra, pp. 171, 182, 188) This MS. contains a number of poems and epigrams, some of interest. Among them are the following : — jatrain s. Author. 1 Anon. 2 Anon. 5 Anon. 3 Anon. 5 Anon. 2 Cathelus M'Muires cc 8 Anon. 14 Anon. 8 Anon. 208 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. LVII Fols. 6a-7a. Ten quatrains, entitled, Laoidh aii' riiulairt na h-oige arson na h-aoise, ' A lay on the exchange of youth for old age,' beginning : — Maluiit iim lihuil mi dourach. Fols. 7b-9b. Aodhair do Dhoctuir Whealy, 'A satire on Dr. Wh.' About one hundred and eight lines, very coarse. Begins : — Ciod an tost no'n sprochd so tli'air Ghaoidhile, and ends :— 'Se m'ainm go dilis IMiNico Latus. Of. O'Gr., Cat., p. 578 : ' Caineadh Whaley ' i.e. 'Abuse of Whaley,' being Fardorogha mac Cormac O'Daly's lampoon on James Whaley, the almanack-maker of Dublin.' Fol. lOa-b. Comhairle do na mnae, eleven quatrains, bo- ginning : — Gabh mo tlieagasg, a bhean og. O'R., p. clxxv, attributes the verses to Maurice, son of David (ii(,^' Fitzgerald, who flourished in the early seventeenth century. Fol. 14a-b. Among other lines, the following: — A chleirigh a leigheas gach dubh air a bhan, 'S gach Years do'n Ghaoidhlig am pros 's an dan. Caith 7 gheabhar o Tdiia ; Caith gu fial agus gheabhar ni's mo ; An ti ler leoir leis beagan o Dhia, As leoir le Dia beaga(n) do. Fols. 15b-l7b. Piearaca{cli) na Ruarcach, ' The florics of the O'Rourkes,' ninety-six lines, beginning : — Plearaca na Euarcacli An cuimhne n-uile dhuine. An English paraphrase of a portion of the verses is given in adjacent columns, but deleted. O'R, p. ccx, and O'Gr. Cat. p. 577, ascribe the poem to Hugh M'Gauran. Fol. 18a. A quatrain on the transitoriness of riches, and four quatrains by a jilted swain. Fols. 18b-19b. Eleven quatrains on Molamh na Triucha, with space left for an additional one, beginning : — Cha rabh mi riamh ann san Triucha. Several of these are of considerable merit. MS. LVIIJ MISCELLANEOUS 209 Fol. 20a-b contains twenty-eight lines, headed, Rann Eitnid Ui Cleirigh an seana phoiteir, air dha hhi bochd, sa bhean a chall, ' The verse of the old toper, E. O'C, when ill after losing his wife.' First line : — Och, mo nuar, mo chor truagh, 's as bochd mo chaoi. At the end it is added that the author, upon concluding these words, fell into a deep sleep and died, ' as Ave must all do.' Fol. 20b. Four lines repeated at the end of the MS., and found elsewhere on the margins of Gaelic MSS. (cf. O'Gr., Cat., p. 592) :— A leabhrain bhric bhain, Thig an la gu fior Gu'n abair fear os ceann clair, Och ! cha mhairionn an lamh do sgriobh. Fols. 21b-23a. Ninety-six lines. Le Aodh Buidh{e) mac Cuirtin, Ughda{i)r an fhoclair Eirionnaich Ghaoidhlig, 'by Hugh Boy [ = yellow] MacCurtin, author of the Irish Gaelic Dictionary.' MacCurtin wrote a Grammar (Louvain, 1728) and a Dictionary (Paris, 1732). This poem begins : — Uaisle Eire ann an ail. Fol. 24b. On this, the last page of the MS., Turner writes the following lines, whether his own or another's does not appear, in the Gaelic hand, to Bolg an t-solair, ' Collecting Bag,' or ' Common- place Book,' a happy descriptive title for the volume. Bolg an t-solair m'ainui gun gho A chleirich choir, guidh gu geur, An Sgribhneoir bhi gun bhron, Aig dol san rod gu flaitheas De. Is measa gu mor na am bas, Ciod e'n trath no ciod e 'n uair, No c'aite 'n d-teid m'anam bochd, Air dol do'n chorp anns an uaigh. A leabhrain bhig bhain, Thig an la ort gu fior, Gu'n abair neach os ceann clair, Och ! ni maireann an lamh do sgriobh. 210 CATALOfJlTH OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. LVIII MS. LVIII (v. supva, pp. 102, 12S, 172, 1.S2) " The contents hitherto unnoticed of this large MS. are not of much interest, and as a rule are difficult to read. Thus on pp. 195-190 are five quatrains, anonymous, addressed to a lady; on p. 238, written leni^Lhwise, twenty-four quatrains of some merit, also addressed to a lady, and anonymous. On p. 242 come two quatrains on the influence of the weather on St. Paul's day on that of the rest of the year, beginning, La St. Pol ma fli(')grann grian go glan. Two poems hy Domlinull Mhelyli CdrrtJie natuile, 'Donald Mac Carthy of the flood ' (c/. O' Gr., Cat., p. 632) are given, one of twelve quatrains (pp. 265-6), where the author contrasts the life in present and past times ar hanncaibh na Bandon, 'on the banks of the Bandon'; and another of twenty-five quatrains (pp. 267-270), which E. M'L calls a 'Love Song,' where the writer in his similes introduces Bridget as superior to the goddesses and beauties of classical antiquity (M edea, Helen and others). In the third layer (pp. 273-280) is a long composition, of which only detached fragments are legible, closing with 'Finit per me Thadaeum Croneen.' Lastly, on pp. 282-283, with ' Timothy Cronine ' on the margin, are three quatrains, commencing : — . . . boicht as craighte do sgeal gach laoi. MS. LXII {v. sivpra, pp. 175, 192) In addition to the heroic Ballads, Lore, and Proverbs pre- viously noted, this MS. contains the following, in Gaelic and English, all of which, as already stated (p. 175), are printed in Rel. Gelt, vol. i. pp. 151-166. I. English: — (1) li(eci)pe : A groats worth of herypickery 2 pence worth of Corriander seed A penny worth of white ginger po(u)nd the Corriander and the ginger MS. LXIII] MISCELLANEOUS 211 put theiu altogether in a bottle with a mutchkin of strong Spirits. After 48 hours take a large morning dram every other day, and keep for that day from salt meat. (2) An Epitaph inscribed on the tomb of Margt. Scott who died in the town of Dalkeith, Feby. 9th, 1738. (3) On the death of Handel :— To melt the soul, to captivate the ear, Messia heard his voice, and Handel dy'd. IL Gaelic : (1) P. 9. Tuiri'inh Bhrighid, in Gaehc script, repeated in the English hand, beginning : — Gair(i)m is guid(i)m tu, a cloch, na leig Brighid a mach. (2) Pp. 21-22. Twenty quatrains, signed, ' William M'Mhuir- ach(aidh),' on the happenings upon a certain night, to the author presumably. First line : — So rinnas an tigh marcaidJi, eivadh nar thapadh an oidhche. (3) Pp. 28-29. Fourteen quatrains of high literary merit, bewailing the sale of certain lands in Kintyre, beginning : — 's tuirsech anocht ataim, 's mo chroidh briste baitht' am chom. MS. LXIII— Miscellaneous, No. 6 This MS. is of paper, small folio or large octavo size, written in the Gaelic hand about the middle of the eighteenth century. It is but a fragment, defective at the beginning, probably also at the end. There are, besides, two gaps. Pp. 122-130 and 135-142, both inclusive, are awanting. As we have it now, the MS. begins with p. 118 and ends with p. 184, On p. 133 is written ' Mary Mc Donald Eachen.' Beyond this there is nothing to indicate author, scribe, or owner. But there can be no reasonable doubt that the fragment is what remains of the MS. of the poems of the great Jacobite poet, Alexander Macdonald, after his death in the possession of his son Ranald Ccf. Beauties of Gaelic Poetry, p. 125). The MS., as we now have 212 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. LXIV it, contains eighteen separate compositions, in whole or in part. Of these, four were printed, more or less altered, by the' author in 1751. The remainder are all, with the possible exception of the last piece, written in Macdonald's well-known manner, and could not have been composed by any other modern Gaelic poet. They are all pronouncedly Jacobite. Many of them are very coarse, while a number of quatrains are unprintable. Long pieces are devoted to foul abuse of prominent Hanoverians, and especially of a lady of the name of Campbell, who for a time kept an hotel in Oban, and who had in her youth composed a poem advocating the Hanoverian cause. The MS. is very pro- bably in the poet's handwriting, which is bold and clear, and probably also among the last written in the old Gaelic script in Scotland. The contents have recently been printed, with notes, in instalments in the Celtic Revieiv (vol. iv. p. 289 to vol. v. p. 294), so that it is not necessary to give further details here. MS. LXV (v. supra, pp 104, 176, 180, 192) Much the greater part of the contents of this MS. is of a miscellaneous character. Several of the pieces are of consider- able merit, not a few are coarse, obscene even. The MS. is paged from both ends. End a. Pp. 1-2. Marhna Eignechain Ui Gellaigh an so sios, ' Elegy on E. O'Kelly here below.' First line : — Neimhnech cnedh chriche Mhaine. Pp. 3-5. A rather long poem in praise of Kintyre, begin- ning:— Soridh soir uam gu Cinntire le caoine disle J failte. For a portion of this poem, v. An t- Oranaiche (Glasgow : Archibald Sinclair, 1879), p. 435. P. 6. Moladh na pio {ba le) Eoin Mc Ailain, ' The praise of the Bag-pipes, by John son of Alan (Maclean ?).' First line (cf. Rel Gelt, vol. ii. p. 338) :— A Gioleasbuig, mo bennacht re m' bheo d'fer aitlileis do (i(h)niomh. MS. LXV] MISCELLANEOUS 213 P. 7. Eascaoin molaidlt na (pioba le) Lachlann M'aleoin, ' The dispraise of the Bag-pipes, by Lachlan M'Lean,' beginning (cf. Rel Celt, vol. ii. p. 340) :— (A) (T(h)iolasbuigh, mo inollacht re lu'bheo ar do c(h)olain(n) gun bhriogh. P. 8. (' Panegyric on Alex"" Macdonell, Esq. of Glengary.' — E. M'L.) First line :— Ailastir a Gleanna Garadli . . . n-diugh gal ar mo suilibh. P. 9. (' On the Macdonalds.'— E. M'L.) First line :— Cha ghardechus gun Chloinn Donihnuill, cha mhor toil gun Shiol CoUa. Cf. Dean of Lismore's MS. (infra). P. 10. E. M'L., referring to ' Macd... p. 178 ' (a reference which I have been unable to trace), says the poem, beginning, Nach truadh leibh na scela so d'eist mi Di-domhnuich, is on Sir Lachlan Maclean. P. 11. A poem beginning, 'S maith thig clogada cruach duit ar gruaig na n-ciabli amlach, is, according to E. M'L., ' part of a song by Mary ni'n Alastair Enaidh (Mary Macleod),' and refers to ' Macd., p. 107,' a reference which, again, I have been unable to trace. P. 16. has the following epigram : — Dill gach conn(a)idh fearna fliucli, diii gach sin(n)e fiich rcodh ; Dill gach betlia mil ma is sen, diii gach fine droch bhen. Pp. 17-19. A rather vulgar piece, beginning: — Chualas alladh gun bhith scriophte Ar Willeam mac Murchaidh in filar. Pp. 20-21. Coarse verses, signed Collum Columbine, begin- ning : — A Lachuinn scuir do d'bhardachd, 's nach urtha thu moladh na cainedh. Cf. Bel. Celt, vol. ii. p. 328. P. 22. Five quatrains, commencing : — Bidh duine in pein is e beo, 's bidh duine beo 's gun e slan, are given, with nine others, in Rel. Celt, vol. ii. p. 404. P. 22. Six quatrains, beginning : — Tochar do iarr ormsa ben, 's och gur mor iongnadli. 214 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. LXV P. 23. Five compliincntary quatrains, also given in Rel. Celt, vol. ii. p. 408, addressed to A c(h);ullech a tainican tir. Pp. 24-25. Coarse verses in the form of a 'flyting' between a married couple. First line : — Folbainuid is gluaisaiiiuid. Pp. 26-27. A piece which E. M'L. describes as ' Consolatory suggestions to a young gentleman, whom his wife had forsaken in a pet,' beginning : — A mliarcidli ud, na bi eadiuur mas feidir leat a bhith tuicsech. Pp. 30-31. Elegy on Conn O'Neill:— A Chuinn ui Neill, a I'eul eolais. Pp. 36-37. ' Satire on a Merchant,'— E. M'L. ; Moladh vihic Cairhre, ' Panegyric on the son of Cairbre ' {Rel. Celt., \o\. ii. p. 322). First iine :— 'S cian o chualas alladli Bdsdain. P. 37. Sixteen lines, apparently on winter. Pp. 38-40. Sixteen quatrains (' Rude Sketch of Macdonald's Winter.'— E. M'L.):— Tarruing Sol ri na in-pla(na)id 's na n-rell. Pp. 40-43. ' Mr. MacCairbre's satir in return to my satyr,' beginning : — Saoil mi bhith comfada n-deislaimh 'Sa bha bannrionn Seaba eir Solamh. Pp. 43-45. Uisceheatha, ' Whisky ' Eleven quatrains. First line : — Failt ort, Uilleim ghrinn mhic an Tdisigh sin. P. 45. Five quatrains ' On breach of trust.' — E. M'L. P. 46. Names of nine persons written in English. P. 48. Four quatrains. Jacobite. First line : — Gur binn lem na sceala so leigh mi Di-lnain. P. 51. 'On a steady adherent to the Stewart family.' — E.M'L.:— Gu ma h-iomlan do ghaisfrech n<^ fhacas o n-de. MS. LXVj MISCELLANEOUS 216 Pp. 52-53. ' By an unfortunate Bard.' — E. M'L. Fourteen Stanzas. First line : — Ceiid Contrachd ort, a M(h)if(h)ortuin. Cf. Rel. Celt, vol. ii. p. 335. P. 54. On this page is given, in English, ' the dimensions of a Harp,' to which is added, ' Widow Black who keeps a pinnery in Frances Street sells all kinds of harp wire.' Pp. 55-58. ' Kude sketch of Macdonald's Summer.'— E. M'L. First line : — Moch's me 'g eirigh sa mhaduinn sa n-dealt air a choill. Pp. 58-59. Tmre77iA, ' A lament.' Coarse. Begins: — Edoil a dh'feraib an achair?/t. Pp. 59-61. Caoi mhic ui Maolciaran, ' Elegy on the son of 0' M.' Ten quatrains, beginning (v. Rel. Celt., vol. ii. p. 332) :— Mac ui INIhaolchiarain, mo ghradh, Mo ghrianan's mo choille chno, Thig an Samhradh, thig an Samh ; Thig a ghrian go lanach gheal ; Thig a m-bradan as a b(h)ruaich ; 'S as an uaidh cha dig mo mhac. P. 61. An Cat. Ten quatrains, v. Rel. Celt., vol. ii. p. 349. First line : — Mile failte dhuitsi, a chait, O n-tra tharla duit bi m'ucht. P. 62. Aonas na n-aor an Dunstaiphnis, ' Angus the Satirist {i.e. Angus O'Daly) in Dunstaffnage ': — Caol mo sgenan re li-am longaidh, Rusg mo bheidh ni iosaid na coin ; Fada mo shnil siar 'ga semadh, Man bhiadh nach cuis gena dhamh. and ending :- Aofain : — Uailsin a baile ag ithe na fema?i» Islin a baile scriobadh na gainemh. Similar characterisations are given of Oilen an Btalcair, ' Island Stalker,' and Ardchattan. For satiric Angus's description of Ardgour, v. Macpherson's Duanaire (Edinburgh : Maclachlan and Stewart, 1868), p. 45. For an account of this Angus O'Daly V. O'Donovan's Tribes of Ireland. Dublin: 1852. 21(3 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. LXV Pp. (VA-Gi. Versos which I']. ML. suggests may be by Mary Macleod, beginning : — Ta oiy(h)ra '.s tir is iirrainiid <,'nioinli, Le 'n oilte fioii S'o^rtir (Collecting Book, Common- Place Book). He also speaks of a Balg-Solair of Macleod's, but neither his own nor Macleod's Balg-Solair is in the Library. 1. The first fortj^-one leaves of this volume are unpaged, and contain a rough draft of a Gaelic-English Dictionary from A to Buillsgein. 2. Thereafter the MS. is paged from p. 1 to p. 147, and these are occupied (except pp. 139-140) with transcripts from the Dean of Lismore's MS. To this section Mr. M'Lachlan prefixed the following sentences : A Zeabhar lamli-sgrihlite MJiaighistir Mhic Griogair, Easpaig Leasmor, a bhuineas do'n Ghomunn Ghaidh- ealach. Anns an laimh Rbimhich, ach ann an litrichibh an Easpuig fein, a reir a mliodha Mhanuinnich. Di-luain, an 25G CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. LXXXI Cuiticamli 1(1 deiuj doii I'Jdrvarh ur, ISl)^, ' Fioni Mr. i\[ac(ircgor the Bishop of Lismore's manuscript which is the property of the Highhuul Society. In the Koniaii hand, but in the Bishop's own orthography, in accordance with the manner of the Isle of Man. Monday, the fifteenth day of sj)ring (new style) 1813.' Here the Decanus Lismorensis of the MS. is rendered ' Bishop of Lismore,' and this no doubt suggested the name given to the volume, — An t-Easjouig. M'Lachlan transcribed his extracts not in the order in which they appear in the MS., but evidentl}- as he found them easiest to read. Thus the first piece transcribed, an Ossianic ballad, appears on p. 220 of the MS., the second on p. 230, etc. etc. Again on p. 109 of this volume he remarks, ' whatever else occurred worthy of preservation has been inserted in the following pages. They were omitted in their proper places, as I could not at that time read them with any certainty.' A note at the end of these transcripts, — Amen : Alleluia : Kyrie Eleison ! ' — expresses his gratification that the task was finished. And yet the indefatigable scholar immediately proceeded to make a second copy which, as formerely stated {supra p. 227) he sent to Sir John Macgregor Murray. 3. On pp. 139-140, two modern songs are written, the first consisting of fifteen stanzas, beginning : — Cha b'e tachan a' chrattain So dliuisg mi sa mhadin, and the second of thirteen stanzas, commencing : — Gur a muladach tha mi A's' tir Abraich gun chas diom, with the docquet, ' The two preceding songs, written by Donald MacLachlan, 2nd May 1814.' 4. Colonel Macdonnell of Glengarry sent to Mr. Maclachlan a MS. containing twenty-five poems relating to the Glengarry family. Of these seven are anonymous ; and five are by John Lo'in Macdonald, a well-known Gaelic poet. Four are attributed to Aonghiis MacAilean {Tuathach, ' northern Highlander '), and one each to Fear Lead Chluain (laird or tacksman of L. C.) ; Dunnchadh Tiiac Dhonnhmiill ruaidh; Iain dubh mac 'Ein 'ic Ailein; Silidh na Ceapaiche (Julia of Keppoch); Ant-aosdana MS. LXXXII] APPENDIX I 257 mac Mliathain (the poet Mathieson) ; Bean fir Acltadliuainidh (the wife of the laird or tacksman of A) ; Fear Aird-na-Bidhe (the laird or tacksman of A) ; Aonghus macEin duihh ruaidh ; and Aonghus mac Alastair Ruaidh. Maclachlan transcribed eighteen of these poems on pp. 148-161 of the MS. The other seven were not transcribed, having been already printed in the collections of R. Macdonald, Campbell, and Turner. 5. Two Irish poems are given on p. 162, the first consisting of eight quatrains by Maurice, son of black David Fitzgerald {v. supra, p. 253), beginning : — Do bhronnadh dhomh caraid ceilg, UUamh glan tana nach tilg, and the second, an ode of twelve lines, by Goiridh Ceitinn, Ard- sheanchaidh na h-Eirionn, a cur bheannachd dltachaidh, 'se fhein am Breatann, ' Geoffrey Keating, chief historian of Ireland, sending home his greetings, he being in Britain,' beginning : — Beannachd leat a sgribhinn go h-innis aoibhinn Ealga. 6. Pp. 163-180 are blank, with a leaf cut out. 7. Pp. 181-187 give the ' Contents of MacGregors's MS. as they stand in the Original, with reference to its pages, as well to those of the transcript.' 8. The remaining pages (187-195) are taken up with sug- gested etymologies and cognates of Gaelic words, the com- parisons being mainly with Latin, Greek, and in two or three cases Hebrew. (Supra, p. 3 (3).) MS. LXXXII (v. supra, p. 2 (1)) In 1812, the Highland Society sent fourteen of the more important MSS. in their possession at the time to Mr. Ewen M'Lachlan, Aberdeen, with the request that the distinguished scholar should examine the MSS. and report upon them. The Report extends to one hundred and seventy-two pages, quarto, and forms the contents of this volume, which is stoutly bound and backed ' Analysis of Ancient Gaelic MSS.' The title of the volume, which is in M'Lachlan's hand, as is also the Report, runs ' Analysis of the contents of Celtic Manuscripts belonging R 258 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. LXXXIII to tho Honourable CoinmiLtee of the Highland Society of Scotland, Antiqiuo laudis et urtis Ajfjfrcilior, sanctas ausus recludere fontes. — Vikgil. by Ewen Maclachlan. Old Abd", May 25th., 1812.' Tho MSS. examined and reported upon are those numbered above XLYI, LVIII, XXXVIII, LYI, LXII, LIV, LXV, LV, LIU, XL, XXXIII, XLI, XXXII, and XXXVII. The only MS. of the fourteen here analysed regarding the identity of which there can be any doubt is our XLI (M'Lachlan's No. XII). Mr. M'Lachlan states that his No. XII 'is the fifth Manuscript noticed by Mr. Macintosh in his Catalogue of ancient Gaelic works then in the Highland Society's possession.' Referring to this Catalogue as printed in Ossian (ed. 1807), vol. iii. p. 566 + , Mr. Macintosh's fifth MS. ma}^ possibly be that at present numbered XLI. But both Macintosh and M'Lachlan speak of their MS. as wholly medical, whereas only the leaves forming the cover of MS. XLI are medical (v. supra, pp. 62, 119). The present MS. XLI must have been rebound and otherwise manipulated if it is to be identified with Mr. M'Lachlan's No. XII, and Mr. Macintosh's No. 5. The other thirteen MSS. were carefully read and summarised by Mr. M'Lachlan ; and his observations upon them in this Report, as Avell as his transcripts in MSS. LXXXI and LXXXIII, are, considering the state of Gaelic scholarship in Scotland at the time, a lasting tribute to the capacity, knowledge, and integrity of this distinguished scholar. MS. LXXXIII (v. supra, p. 2 (2)) This volume, which contains two hundred and sixty pages and is bound in boards with leather back, is appropriately named by Mr. M'Lachlan Leahhar Gaol, ' Narrow Book,' the page being about 16 in. by 6. M'Lachlan gives it the title of 'Celtic Repository or A Collection from the Ancient Gaelic MSS. of the Highland Society ... by Ewen M'Lachlan of Fort William,' and dates it at Old Aberdeen, 1812. He also gives an index of the contents, but without always naming the MSS. from which the extracts are made. The transcripts are as a whole very faithfully MS. LXXXIII] APPENDIX I 259 done. Contractions are rarely extended, and when they are the extension is frequently marked with a query. Occasional notes and references are given. The Transcripts are these : — 1. The Oigheadh or ' Violent Death ' of Cuchulainn (pp. 1-44), from MS. XXXVIII, with a few paragraphs inserted at pp. 258-259 from MS. XLV to fill up obscure paragraphs in pp. 29-30 of MS. XXXVIII, v. supra, p. 146 + . 2. The Battle of MagJi Miwruiinhe ox Mucrainha (pp. 45-79), from i\IS. XXXVIII, v. supra, p. 151. 3. The Education of Cuchulainn and the Violent Death of Conlaoch (pp. 81-105), from MS. XXXVIII, v. supra, p. 151. 4. The Tragedy of the Children of Lir (pp. 106-118) from MS. XXXVIII, V. siqjra, pp. 153, 167. 5. The Tragedy of Deirdre and the sons of Uisneach (pp. 119-131) from MS. LVI, v. siipra, pp. 159, 169. [M'Lachlan, after Macpherson, in his Index calls Deirdre Darthula.] 6. The Tale known as Bruighean Caorthuinn, ' The Rowan (fairy) Mansion or Castle' {y. supra, pp. 140, 173). M'Lachlan in his Index names the tale ' Rebellion of Mac Colgain against Fingal' The transcript (pp. 132-148) is partly from MS. LVIII {v. supra, p. 173), but chiefly from MS. XXXVIII {v. sup)ra, p. 152). 7. Pp. 149-158. A transcription of the whole of MS. XLVI, called here ' Emanuel,' v. supra, pp. 201, 249. 8. Extracts from Keating's History (pp. 159-163). The transcripts here are from MS. LVIII, v. supra, p. 128. 9. A transcript of the Avhole of MS. LIII, in so far as legible, with the exception of the first eight columns (pp. 164- 223, with corrected paragraphs on pp. 556-557). MS. LIII is named here the ' Glenmasan Manuscript,' v. supra, p. 158-(-. 10. Pp. 224-232. A transcipt of the first section (pp. 1-12) of MS. XL, relating the deaths of Irish heroes, v. supra, pp. 153-154. 11. Pp. 233-248. A transcript of the fourth layer of MS. XL (pp. 49-68), containing the only complete copy as jQt known of the Mesce Ulad, ' Intoxication of the Ultonians,' or as here entitled Baethrem Ulad co Temuir Luachra, ' The wild (mad) march of the Ulstermen to T. L.' v. supra, pp. 155-157. 260 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MAXCJSCRIPTS [MS. LXXXV 12. Pp. 240-251 and pp. 255-"2,")G, contain transcripts from the parchment portion of MS. XXXIIL v. siqira, p. 60. The extracts made aro the paragraphs and figures relating to the Dominical Letter and Golden Number on fol. lb ; the paragraph and verses on ff. 6 and 7 ; and the footnotes to the Calendar naming the appropriate foods, drinks, and days for bloodletting for each month of the year. 13. Pp. 251-254. Transcript of the opening sections of the missing MS. XXXII, which Mr. M'Lachlan here designates Leahhar Chille Bride, ' the Kilbride Book.' For details, v. supra, pp. 219-220. 14. Pp. 259-260. Transcript of an article on Vinum .|. an Jin, 'wine,' 'from Mr. Thomson's Vellum Manuscript.' This extract must be from a copy of the Tract on Materia Medica used by the Gaelic physicians (v. siq^ra, p. 18), most probably from MS. Ill, which might have been in Mr. Thomson's pos- session at this time. For MS. Ill, v. supra, p. 17 + . MS. LXXXV (v. siipra, p. 3 (4)) This is a quarto MS. in pasteboard cover, containing 196 pages. It is a transcript by the Rev. Donald Mackintosh, dated ' Edinr. 3rd Octr. 1806,' of the so-called Red Book of Clanranald. The original MS. was imperfect, thirty-two pages being awanting at the beginning, and several leaves torn away at the end. Mackintosh professes to have ' faithfully copied, word for word and letter for letter,' but the transcript is imperfectly done. The transcriber was not quite a master of the old Gaelic hand and of its numerous marks of contraction, and still less of the grammar of the language. The principal contents of the Red Book of Clanranald, checked by the Black Book, are printed in Bel. Celt, vol. ii. p. 148 to p. 309. MS. LXXXVI (v. siiiwa, p. 3 (5)) A folio volume of about 170 pages bound in calf, written in 1812-1813 by John Sinclair of 70 Bell Street, Glasgow. Mr. Sinclair writes a preface in English, addressed to Sir John Sinclair, in which he explains his purpose, and the liberties MS. LXXXVI] APPENDIX I 261 he took with the printed texts of Macpherson and Smith. Apart from this the volume is written wholly in Gaelic, and in the old Gaelic hand which Mr. Sinclair, evidently an accom- plished scribe, learned to write with ease. The contents of the volume are : — 1. A portion of the Tale known as Oigheadh Chlainne Tuireann, ' The Tragedy of the Children of T,' The extract occupies five pages, and Mr. Sinclair explains in a note that he had the Irish MS. from which he transcribed on loan, but was obliged to return it, Avhich brought the tran- scription to an end. Gf. supra, MS. LVI, p. 166. 2. The whole of the Gaelic text of Macpherson's Ossian. This takes up one hundred pages. There is a descriptive title- page with the thistle, and the legend ' Nemo me impune lacessit,' turned into Gaelic, CJui docJininn duine mi gun dloladh. In his preface Mr, Sinclair explains how he has attempted to restore from the English of Macpherson the passages — Address to the Sun, Maid of Craca, and Fainne-soluis — which are not found in the Gaelic text of 1807, together with minor changes in orthography, such as us for is, 'and,' etc. The poems follow the same order as in the printed text of 1807. But Mr. Sinclair, beside the Address to the Sun, adds largely to the text of Carthonn. He has 624 lines against the 333 of the 1807 text. Besides, he inserts between the poem of Calthonn is Caohnhal and Fionnghal, a Lay of Deirdre, beginning: — Fada la gun Clilann Uisneacli. The Lay is evidently taken from MS. LVI (supra, p. 170), pp. 453-454, from which it is printed in Irische Texte, vol. ii, (2) pp. 145-148. At line 446 of Fingal, Duan in., Sinclair in a footnote adds thirty-six lines and in his text eighty-two others not in the 1807 text. At the end of Temora, Duan i., Sinclair adds a note in which he gives Deirdre's well-known Farewell to Alba, as in MS. LVI. In Temora, Duan ii., he has 551 lines as against 452 in the 1807 text. 3. The whole of the text of Dr. Smith's Sean Dana, with such minor alterations in orthography and diction as Mr. 2G2 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS [MS. LXXXVII Sinclair thought proper to make. Smith's texts take up fifty- six pages of the transcript, and the several poems are written in the order in which they appear in print. Mr. Sinclair has written a title-page to Smith's texts as to Macpherson's. Here he mentions that 'some changes' — hnigau atliarravhuidh — are made. The design on this title-page is a scallop shell, with the legend Vair mun cuairt an t-slige chreacltuinn, 'Pass round the Seallop-shell.' 4. The fourth and last extract in Mr. Sinclair's volume is a copy of the composition formerly noted {v. supra, p. 100), en- titled An SiogiiUlhe Romanach, ' the Roman Sprite.' Sinclair's chief reason for selecting these verses apparently was that they seemed to him to satisfactorily establish the locality of Tir-fo- thibinn, ' Land-under-wave,' so frequently mentioned in Gaelic Tale. MSS. LXXXVII, LXXXVIII (v. supm, p. 8 (6, 7)) These two volumes contain the Collection of Ossianic poetry mq,de by Duncan Kennedy throughout Argyllshire from 1774 to 1783. The collection is in three volumes folio, but roughly bound in two volumes. Kennedy was schoolmaster of Kilmelford, and afterwards for a time accountant in Glassfow. Later he re- sided in Lochgilphead. In 1786 Kennedy printed anonymously a small volume of Gaelic Hymns by several authors, which was reprinted with additional matter in prose and verse, and recommended, at Kennedy's request, dated ' Glasgow, 11th March, 1834 ' by the Rev. Dr. Norman Macleod of Campsie and the Rev. Mr. Maclaurin of the Gaelic Chapel, Glasgow. Mr. Kennedy gave the perusal of a part of his Ossianic Col- lection to the Rev. Dr. Smith who had been making a collection on his own account. When Dr. Smith's Sean Dana were published in English (in 1780) Kennedy threatened an action against Smith for a share of the profits from Sea7i Dana, on the ground that they were ' translations of his collections of poems.' Kennedy afterwards sold his ' Collection ' to the Highland Society, giving ' a statement of those parts of the poems he had really taken down from recitation, and those he claimed to have composed. It is strange that the passages he claimed as his MS. LXXXIX] APPENDIX I 263 own composition are just those which have been most clearly established to be genuine ' (D. L., p. lii, note). It is unnecessary to enter upon further detail regarding this large and valuable collection, as it is fully indexed, described and printed in L. F. (pp. vi, xviii-xxii, and 10 to 197). MS. LXXXIX (v. supra, p. 3 (8)) This is a quarto MS. of 257 pages (pp. 1-27 and pp. 1-230) half-bound, containing transcripts by the Rev. Donald Mackintosh from MS. XXXIV and XXXVI. 1. Pp. 1-27. A transcript of the Tale known as Bruighean Caorthuinn from MS. XXXIV. The other extracts in the volume are all from MS. XXXVI. 2. Pp. 1-123. (new paging). Imtheacht Conaill Gulbanfon domhan in{K)or, cf. supra, p. 142 -f . 3. Pp. 124-127. A copy of Conall Cearnach's Lay, be- ginning : — A Chonuill ca sealbh na cinn, V. supra, p. 144, et aliis. 4. Pp. 127-128. Verses attributed to Bishop Carsewell, begin- ning:— Na maoi h-naisle orum fein, V. supra, p. 205. 5. P. 128. Three quatrains addressed to a lady. First line: — Innis disi giodh b'e me, V. siqjra, p. 205. 5. Pp. 129-140. The Tale of MacDatho's Pig. Cf. sup)ra, p. 144. 6. Pp. 141-157. Bruighean hheag na h-Almhuin, ' The little mansion of Almu,' v. supra, p. 141 -f-. [This Tale was omitted from the list of Tales in MS. XXXVI, supra, pp. 142-146.] 7. Pp. 157-168. Bruighean Cheisi Coruin, v. supra, p. 144. 8. Pp. 169-178. Dearg MacDruihheil, v. supra, pp. 145-146. First line : — T(Gr)reis ar caithrein an fhir mhoir. 9. Pp. 179-180. Poem on the Earl of Argyll, v. supra, p. 117. First line : — Is maith mo leaba is olc mo sliiiain. 2G4 CATALOGUE UF GAELIC MAXCSCUIPT.S [MS. LXXXIX 10. Pp. LSI -182. Lmcs on Y). 12^,' Inni.^ disi giodhh'e 'iiie' repeated, as also a few couplets, epigrams, and charms. 11. Pp. 183-201. An Ceithirneach, v. srujpra, p. 146, [Pp. 107-280 are detached from the bound portion of the MS. They are stitched together, and the text and paging are continuous.] 12. Pp. 202-204 arc blank, and p. 205 contains one or two epigrams and couplets. 13. Pp. 206-211. Triath nan Gaoidheal Giolleaspag. V. su2'>ra, p. 116. 14. Pp. 211-216. Rug edrain ar iath n-Alban, Avith appended note signed Miiris Mhiiilgliirigh. V. supra, p. 117. 15. Pp. 216-221 are partly blank, partly contain some verses and couplets. 16. Pp. 222-226. Na faafha,—' the things hateful' here enumerated are over one hundred. V. supra, pp. 205, 241. 17. Pp. 226-230. Short poems and epigrams, e.g. p. 226. Ni bfuigheadh misi bas duit. V. supra, 206. „ 227. A Dhuine, cuimlmich am bas. ,, „ 91. „ 228. Neach sin bhios cor(r)acli do ghnath. ,, ,, 206. )) 229. Mairg ni naill as oige. „ ,, 91. „ 230. Soraidh slan don aoidhche reir. :, „ 205. As already stated {supra, p. 260), the accuracy of Mr. Mackintosh's transcripts cannot always be relied upon. MS. XC This is a quarto MS. stoutly bound in calf, and backed 'Lismore Manuscript, Transcript, 1897.' It is the transcript, page for page and line for line, in so far as legible, made by the Rev. Walter Macleod of the Dean of Lismore's MS. Cf. sup)ra, p. 228. MSS. XCI to XCVIII These eight MSS. with MS. LXXVI {supra, p. 248) connect with the Highland Society's Dictionary, published in 1828. MS. XCI is a thick volume of ruled foolscap, containing the copy sent to the printers of the Gaelic Articles under the letter ' C MSS. C, CI] APPENDIX I 265 [The copy of the Articles under 'A' and ' B ' appears not to have been preserved.] The copy of ' C ' is in very large clear hand, with many deletions, and slips without number pasted thereon containing additional shades of meaning, references, and very doubtful etymologies. MS. XCII of similar make and binding contains copy of 'D,' 'E,' 'F.' MS. XCIII gives, in smaller hand, copy of 'G' to end of ' O.' MS. XCIV, with return to the larger hand, contains ' P ' to Subhailceach, while MS. XCV completes the copy of the Gaelic text, — Subhaltach to tltraiseachd. The copy of the English-Gaelic part of the Dictionary is contained in two volumes (XCVI, XCVII) of even make and binding with the others. MS. XCYIII is long, narrow, and thick. It contains the 'proofs' of the three parts of the Dictionary which passed between Dr. Macleod of Dundonald, the Convener of the Highland Society's Committee, and Dr. Mackintosh Mackay, the acting editor in charge of the Press. In these proof-sheets, between the Gaelic-English and Anglo- Gaelic parts, four leaves of print headed ' Specimen of English- Gaelic Dictionary ' were somehow inserted, to the annoyance of Dr. Macleod. MS. XCIX This is a Portfolio containing loose sheets which were the property of the Picv. Dr. Ross of Lochbroom, and Avhich were sent to the Library in May 1894 by Dr. Ross's son-in-law, the late Rev. W. Sinclair of Plockton. They consist of translations of portions of Temora, Cath Lodin, Carraic-thura and other Ossianic poems, with some notes by Dr. Ross, as also a letter or two by Dr. Ross regarding the projected publication of these. Some of the notes are evidently in E. M'L's hand, and the trans- lation of Temora is backed, apparently in error, as being by E. M'L. MSS. C, CI These two volumes contain a glossary of terms and phrases associated with the Music and Poetry of the Gael, compiled by Angus Eraser. The first volume is written on 202 pages of a Regimental Defaulters Book, which is roughly bound, while the second, bound in dark calf, is backed ' Register of Admission to 2(;g catalogue of Gaelic manuscripts [ms. cii Sabbath School Reading Class.' The glossary is in a crude state, and was written in quite recent times, The Beauties of Gaelic Poetry, published in 1841, being among the authorities cited. According to a note in the first volume the MSS. were purchased from James Beaton, Castle Street, Inverness, and were the property of Sergeant Gardiner his son-in-law ' who died in this town a few years ago.' MS. CII This is a copy of the Lay of Conn, in the handwriting of the late Mr. J. F. Campbell. It was sent to the Library with explanatory letters by Miss M. Ferguson, who also printed the Lay, with notes, in 1909. MS. cm This is a thin MS., of paper, small quarto, half-bound. Pro- fessor Buttner, for missionary purposes, wrote in dialogue form a short tract recommendins: the Christian Protestant faith. The tract was meant to be translated into many languages. The Rev. Alexander M'Aulay, at one time chaplain to the 88th Regiment (cf Rejy. on Oss., App. p. 23 ; Ossian, ed. 1807. vol. iii. p. 456) translated the tract into Gaelic, and we have it in this MS., with English and Gaelic on opposite pages, thirty-seven pages in all. The MS. was purchased at a sale by the Rev. Donald Maclean, Duirinish, and presented by him, some sixteen years ago, to the Library. MS. CIV No. CIV is not a MS. but the printed copy of the Dean of Lismore's Book on which the late Mr. D. C. Macpherson marked his corrected reading of the Dean's Ossianic poems. Mr. Macpherson thereafter wrote out in fair hand these poems as corrected (v. infra). The remaining Gaelic MSS. preserved in the Library, with the exception of Mr. J. F. Campbell's, are at present stored in four boxes. The principal contents of these are briefly as follows : — APPENDIX I 267 I. — A Locked Box containing the MSS. of the late Dr. W. F. Skene By his will the late Dr. Skene bequeathed his Celtic MSS. to the Advocates' Library. The most important Gaelic MSS. which Dr. Skene possessed were the Fernaig MS. and the Black Book of Clanranald. At his death, neither of these was found in his library. It afterwards transpired that Dr. Skene ' not merely granted the [Fernaig] MS. [to the editors of Reliquiae Celticae] for comparison and complete transcription, but kindly presented it to Mr. Kennedy ' (Rel. Celt., vol. ii., preface). Mr. Kennedy in turn left the MS. by his will to the Library. The ' Black Book ' was restored by Dr. Skene ' to the representative of its ancient possessors . . . and is now safe in Clanranald's possession' (Rel. Celt., vol. ii. p. 139). The Fernaig MS. This MS. is fully described, with illustrative extracts, in the Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, vol. xi. pp. 311-339, while its contents are printed in Rel. Celt, vol. ii. pp. 1-139, so that a brief account suffices here. It consists of two small volumes of paper, seven to eight inches by three, covered in pasteboard. The first volume contains thirty-six leaves, three of which are blank. The second has at present twenty-eight leaves, of which three at the beginning and five at the end are blank. ' One of these leaves is double and folded in, and there are two loose pieces, half leaves, written upon.' It contains in all about four thousand two hundred lines of Gaelic verse. Six leaves, all written upon, have been cut out of the second volume, so that at one time the Collection must have contained about four thousand eight hundred lines. The MS. was written, beyond reasonable doubt, by Duncan Macrae of Inverinate, in Kintail, a gentleman locally remem- bered as Donnachadh nam Plos, ' Duncan of the (Silver) cups,' between the years 1688 and 1693. On the top of the first page is the heading: Doirligh Loijn di sJcrijivig lea Donochig Mac Rah, 1688, ' A number [handful] of Lays written by Duncan Macrae, 1688.' In 1807 the MS. was in the possession of Mr. 2G8 C'ATALOdL'E OF CAFMC .MANUSCRIPTS Matheson of Fcrnaig (Ossian, ed. 1807, vol. iii. p. 572). After- wards it passed into the hands of Dr. Mackintosh Mackay, by whose trustees it was presented to J)r. Skene. In the late seventies I identified the MS. among Dr. Skene's Celtic MSS. Subsequently I transcribed the whole of it, transliterated and annotated a considerable portion, and gave an account of it in the Transact ions of tlie Inverness Gaelic Societi/ (vol. xi., pp. 311-339). Thereafter the MS. was borrowed by the late Dr. Cameron, who transcribed the greater part of it. In 1899 an elaborate article by Herr Christian Stern on the first poem in the Collection and its author appeared in Zeit. filr Celt. PJtil , vol. ii. pp. 566-586, while in the previous year many of the poems in this MS. were transliterated and printed by Dr. George Henderson in Leahhar nan Gleann, pp. 198-300. This Collection is a valuable contribution to Scottish Gaelic Literature. Next to the Dean of Lismore's it is the oldest Collection of a general kind which we possess. Like the Dean's, the Fernaig MS. is written phonetically, and in the current Scottish hand of the day. Macrae may possibly have copied from MS. in one or two cases, but much the larger portion of the contents must have been written down from memory or from recitation. Man}^ of the poems by local authors show that the intonation of the people in the west of Ross-shire has hardly changed since the Revolution. The Collection is singularly pure in tone, while the quality of the poetry is as a rule high. More than one half of the contents is political and ecclesiastical. Feeling ran high at the time, but the authors discuss burning questions with temper, knowledge, and judg- ment. There are in all fifty-nine separate pieces, one or two of which are single stanzas, while several consist of only a few quatrains. Two pieces profess to be translations, one (p. 117 of Rel. Celt., vol. ii.), entitled ' Couh Joan Vreittin or Jock Breittan's complent Irished to the toon q° the King corns home in peace againe. Julie 1693'; the other (p. 120) ' Another Irished by the same author, called the true Protestants complent, anno 1693.' The originals of these I have not been able to trace. Several pieces are anonymous, some of which, as e.g. the poem on the battle of Killiecrankie or Raon Ruaraidh, as Highlanders APPENDIX I 269 spoke of it, are among the best in the Collection (v. Ret. Gelt, vol. ii. pp. 36, 83, 84, 90, 101, 106, 109, 120). Macrae included in his Collection a few poems composed long before his time by men living far beyond his district, and it is not surprising that he made mistakes regarding their authorship. The first poem in the Collection, entitled by Macrae Krossanighk Illevreed, is, according to O'R. (CLXIX), ' a transla- tion from a Latin work of Saint Bernard's ... by Giolla Brighid, alias Bonaventure, O'Heoghusa, a Franciscan friar of the College of Saint Anthony of Padua, in Louvain.' A copy is printed by Herr Christian Stern from a Brussels MS. in Zeit. filr Celt. Phil., vol. ii. p. 583, where the poem is also attributed to Giolla Brighde. {Cf. further, Ratisbon MS. infra.) The poem entitled by Macrae Bhreishllgh Ghonochi Voihr, by whom is no doubt meant Duncan mor O'Daly, and attributed to that poet by others {cf. supra, p. 251), is no doubt more correctly ascribed in the Ratisbon MS. and elsewhere to Baothghalach mac Aodhagain. Macrae attributes two poems to Bishop Carsewell of Argyll (pp. 9, 14). The first of these, ChoUjn, huggid j bais, ' Body, death is upon thee,' is ascribed in Irish MSS. to Donn- chadh mor O'Dal}' ; the second. Ha seachh seydhin er mj hj, ' Seven arrows assail me,' is in D. L. assigned to Dunchaa Ogga, ' Duncan the younger ' {v. supra, p. 238), and cannot possibly be Carsewell's. Two pieces are attributed to Sir John Stewart of Appin (pp. 23, 24), who flourished about a hundred years before Macrae, and whose Faoisid or confession is printed in Calvin's Catechism (v. Reid's Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica, Glasgow, 1832, p. 173). On p. 27 are didactic verses attributed to (Mac) Eaghin vyck earchir, an author otherwise unknown. [For sayings and verses of similar character, cf, among others, supra, p. 187 ; Nicolson's Proverbs, p. 394 + ; and Loudin or Lothian's Pro- verbs in Verse, Edin. 1797, 1834, 1844.] Nine quatrains are ascribed to Oishen M'Phyn (p. 89), and it is interesting to know that these were recited, with hardly a change, in Kin tail in 1886. ((7/.L.F.,p. 106.) But the great bulk of the contents of the Fernaig MS. belongs to Macrae's day and district, composed for the most part by himself, his relatives and neighbours. With respect to these, there would be little danger of error by so capable and 270 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS woll-infonncd a iiiau. The ' scribe ' is the acknowledged author of thirteen pieces (pp. 25, 30, 32, 34, 37, 38, 4G, 51, 58, G2, 91, 93, 98) (?). He is also, if I mistake not, the author of the poem on p. 127, ascribed to 'a certain Harper . . . and pretended to be conipon'i \jq on Gillimichell M'Donald tinkler,' as also of ' Gilliuiichells ansr to the ford lyns ' (p. 132). One of the stanzas of the latter poem was recovered in Kintail and attributed to Donnachadh nam Pios. Fear iia Pairce, ' the Laird of Park,' has six pieces in the Collection (pp. 6, 10, 12, 12, 15, 16). Macculloch of Park was Macrae's great-grandfather. A poem on p. 114 is ascribed to a Perse Eglise, anno 1692, who lived in Kilduich. Kilduich was the old name of the parish of Kintail, and Donald Macrae, Duncan's brother, was minister of Kintail in 1692. The Laird of Raasay has live quatrains on p. 89. Macrae's wife was a daughter of Macleod of Raasay. Of the other contributors to the Fernaig MS. there is Alexander Munro with two poems (pp. 19, 21). He was a/ear- teagaisg ' teacher,' ' lector ' in Strathnaver, and died before De- cember 22nd, 1653 (Fasti Eccl. Scot, vol. v., p. 346). The religi- ous character of his verses would appeal to Macrae. All the other authors are of the district. John Mackenzie has two poems (pp. 81, 85), elegies both, — one on ' the death of Kenneth bg, who died in 16 — ' [can he be Kenneth bg, fourth Earl of Seaforth, who died in Paris, in 1701 (v. History of the Machenzies, Inverness, 1879, p. 216)?]; the other on the death of John of Applecross, evidently Iain Molach, ' hairy John ' (Hist, of the Machenzies, p. 443). The others are known by their patronymics only. One of these was Murchadh mac mhic Mhurchaidh, who has six short poems attributed to him (pp. 67, 68; 69, 70, 71, 83). He is probably Murchadh mor mac mhic Mhurchaidh, fear Eichildi, to whom two very spirited jDoems are ascribed in Ranald Macdonald's Collection (ed. 1776, pp. 23, 185). Another is Donnachadh Mac Ruairi, who has four short, but very meritorious poems (pp. 74, 75, 76, 77). He is doubtless the poet of the same name mentioned in Rep. on Oss., App., p. 40, who held the lands called Achadh-nam-bard in Trotternish, Skye, as Bard of the Macdonalds of Skye. A third is Alister M'Cuistan, 'Alexander, son of Hugh' (p. 54), and the fourth and last is Allistjr M'Curchj, ' Alexander son of APPENDIX I 271 Murdoch/ to whom three, if not four, poems are ascribed (pp. 72, 73, 78, 84 ?). It is somewhat surprising that there is no extract in the Fernaig MS. from the works of the famous Jacobite bard John Lom Macdonald of Lochaber or of Mary Macleod, the Skye poetess. Many of the poems of these well-known authors must have been known in Kintail in 1688. The Black Book of Clanranald The volume now known as the Black Book of Clanranald was, with several other Gaelic MSS. and papers, bought in Dublin by Dr. Skene many years ago. It is a sort of commonplace- book, like the so-called Red Book of Clanranald, written for the greater part in Gaelic, with occasional excursions into English, by members of the Macmhuirich family, the hereditary bards of Clanranald in South Uist. The MS. with its contents, as also the kindred Red Book, is described in detail in the second volume of Rel. Celt, where the principal parts of both MSS. are printed. Further reference is made to Rel. Gelt, vol. ii. pp. 138-309. Cf. also Celt Scot vol. iii. pp. 397-409. The contents of the Skene box are the following : A, Gaelic. 1. XVII. I. 1. This is a Gaelic MS., small quarto with leather cover, written in a plain Gaelic hand of the eighteenth century. It consists of 104 pages. The edges are frayed and a few leaves are awanting at the end. The subject is a life of St. Patrick, divided into twenty-one chapters. A detached sheet written in English and signed P. O'Keefe, July 10th 1884, gives the head- ings of the chapters. On p. 1, in modern hand, is ' Life of S^ Patrick,' and on p. 3, ' Charles M'ara, Bachelor's Walk.' 2. XVII. I. 2. A thin volume of paper, folio, written in English. Only the first 27 pages at the beginning, with a pao-e at the end, are written upon. It is a fragment of a ' translation of the Clanranald Book commonly called the little Book,' done by Angus Macdonald, Insh, in 1835. The translation was evidently made for Mr. Donald Gregory {v. margin of j3. 26). Within the same cover, but detached, are 10 leaves of foolscap 272 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS stitched iirinly tojj^etlicr, and containing a translation of a portion of the Red Rook of Chinranald beginning at p. 83 (v. supra, ^IS. LXXXV, p. 260). 3. XVII. I. 3. A quarto paper MS. written in Enghsh. On the fly-leaf (in Mr. Gregory's hand ?) is ' Copy Fragment History of the Macdonalds from MS. possessed by Major Macdonald, Knock, father of the late General Donald Macdonald. . . . (In pencil) ' Belongs to Sir W'". Bannatyno. Lent 16 Augt 1833 to Wm. F. Skene by Donald Gregory. To be returned to Mr. Gregory when Mr. Skene has done with it.' The contents of the MS. are printed in Collectanea de rebus Albanicis. Edin., 1839. Pp. 282- 324. Seventy-two pages are written upon ; the remainder is blank. 4. XVII. I. 4. A thick paper MS. quarto, half-bound. The volume is written from both ends in English, but almost the half is blank. The contents are mainly genealogies and genealogical history, largely of the Craignish family. There are several hands, Dr. Skene's among them. 5. XVII. I. 5. Portfolio A. In this Portfolio are included several papers : e.g. (1) The leaf amissing from MS. XXXIII (v. supra, p. 62). (2) A copy of Sir James Grant's MS. This contains the following : (a) Coradh edir Cuchullin agus Laogre { = Laeg) taris la Cath Muirthemhne {v. supra, p. 149) s^ na neasabh ris an cliara chum eug. (b) Tuiriomh eimre air CiicJiullin. (c) Le Conall Gearnach, oide Chucliullin. (d) Laoi nan Ceann. (e) Dan mhic Dliiarmaid descended (' from Arthur mor mac Mortough.') (/) Moladh, no taogha nam Ban. (3) Another copy of Sir James Grant's MS. with translation. [In this copy, the last poem is awanting.] (4) Copy of a trans- lation into Gaelic of twenty-eight of Vi^att's Hymns by Uistean Mac Aoidh Scerrath (Hugh Mackay, Skerray), (5) A printed English translation of Fingal, with notes by Rev. Dr. Ross of Lochbroom. (6) Two or three Gaelic sermons (anon.) (7) Interesting anecdotes, in English, of Blar Leine, the disaster at Gaick, etc. etc. (8) Inventory of MSS. etc., belonging to Mr. Donald Gregory handed over to the lona Club. 6. XVII. I. 5. Portfolio B. This Portfolio contains several letters, with notes and excerpts from books and MSS. 7. XVII. I. 5. Portfolio C. The chief contents of this port- APPENDIX I 273 folio are excerpts from the principal old Irish MSS., with trans- lations by O'Curry, W. M. Hennessey, and Dr. Skene himself, together with many notes in rough draft, afterwards embodied in Celtic Scotland. 7. XVII. I. 6. Portfolio B. Here are two MSS. written in Scots, with a detached leaf or two. One is a Diary for the use of his children by Walter Pringle of Green Know, begun in August 1662, and dated at the end ' Elgine, Nov. 21, 1665.' The other contains pp. 3-90 of a folio MS. regarding the history and fortunes of the house of Drummond. At the end is written, Nulla desunt. B. Welsh. 1. XVII. 11. 1. A MS. copy of the Gododin of Aneurin, octavo, bound in calf Suggested emendations of text and etymologies are numerous. On the fly-leaf are ' William Owen, lonor. 1, 1784,' and 'John Williams, lonawyr, 2nd, 1790.' 2. XVII. II. 2. Another copy of the Gododin — a thin, half- bound quarto — bearing to be from a Vellum MS. of date about 1200. There is no translation. In a different hand from the text is ' Ab Ithel Llanenddwyn [i.e., The Rev. John Williams, M.A., Llandovery] Dyffryn, N. Wales. May 28, 1862.' 3. XVII. II. 3. A volume of rather small quarto bound in leather, and containing, in Dr. Skene's handwriting, extracts from old books and Chronicles, bearing for the most part on Welsh and British History. 4. XVII. II. 4. A Portfolio containing, in Dr. Skene's hand- writing, a number of extracts from Welsh MSS. 11. A Box, LABELLED ' GAELIC, SUNDRIES.' Lying at present at the bottom of this box is a very large thick medical MS., wrapped in brown paper. Along with it are two or three fragments of leaves which did not originally belong to it. One of these gives several technical terms in Latin and Gaelic, descriptive of the colour of urine, which we have met with more than once (cf sujpra, pp. 9, 62, et aliis). Another gives two leaves containing a fragment of a calendar, also common in the Medical MSS. Cf. i^iter alia, pp. 22, 35, 60. s 274 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS The first leaf of the MS. proper is paged ' 20.' Tlie earlier leaves are much broken, but when the text becomes continuous, it is seen that this portion of the MS. is a copy of a Gaelic version of the Lilmm Medlcinae of Bernardus Gordonius of Montpelier. The fragmentary MS. XVIII {v. supra, p. 51) is evidently a part of this MS., which in all probability is that described by the Rev. Donald Mackintosh {Ossian, ed. 1807, vol. iii. p. 571) thus: (No.) 7 (of the Kilbride Collection), 'A thick folio paper MS., same character, medical, and written by Duncan Conacher at Dunollie, Argyleshire, 1511.' The MS. is a paper folio, written in two columns in a plain but clear hand, with no ornamentation of any kind. The pagination is fairly regular at the commencement, but later it becomes very irregular, in 2:»arts non-existent. The Treatise is divided into seven books or Pairteagals. The first Pairteagal ends on p. 125 6. The second contains thirty-one chapters, but the heading on the top of the page throughout is d'eslaintibJt an cJtinn, ' Of the diseases of the head.' The paging is defective, and there may be gaps in the text, but at j)resent this Pairteagal covers 44 i leaves. The third contains 27 chapters on 26 leaves. Subject, diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, mouth. The fourth Pairteagal has 13 chapters on 27 leaves. Subject, diseases of the spiritual organs. The fifth has 21 chapters on 35 leaves. Subject, diseases of the nutritive organs, etc. The sixth is on the diseases of the liver, kidneys, etc., — 16 chapters, 18 leaves. The seventh has 20 chapters, covering 20 leaves. The subject is the diseases of the generative organs, but the last few leaves are headed leigJteasa coinsuidighthi, ' composite medicines.' At the end of the seventh Pairteagal comes a blank space. Thereafter four leaves, which so far as appears were not written upon, are cut out. Then comes a new section, commencing (S)enectu8 domina ohliuione est, followed by translation and comment. At the foot of the page we are told this part of the work is divided into five Pairteagals: (1) reminnsgni 'foretell- ing,' ' prognostication ' of the disease ; (2) its period or duration ; (3) its paroxismus ; (4) its axis ; and (5) its crisis (laeithi hfaoi- thighti). The exposition of these five points covers 30 leaves, and ends this version of Bernard Gordon's treatise. APPENDIX I 275 No small part of the interest attached to the volume is due to the biographical and other notes scattered through it. It will be remembered that Mackintosh says that his Kilbride, No. 7, was written by Duncan Conacher at DunoUie in 1511. If this MS. is to be identified with Mackintosh's, the place and date are both inaccurate. Our MS. was written partly by Donn- chadh ua Concubhair (the same name) in various places in Ireland, and by others who assisted him, in the years 1596-1597. There are three persons of the name of Donnchadh ua Con- cubhair named in these notes ; one is plain D. O'C without an epithet, another Donnchadh hg (younger or junior) O'C, and the third is Donnchadh Alhanach (Scot) O'C. The second was resident in Ireland ; but it is not quite clear whether the first and third were different individuals or the same. Thus, at the end of the second Pairteagal, is a note to this effect : ' An end here, by the help of God, to the second book. And in the stead of D. og O'C it was written, for it is that D. bg O'C who gave this book to be written to D. Alhanacli O'C on the last day of June, 1596.' Again, at the end of the third Pairt- eagal : ' The third Pairteagal of the Lili is here finished by D. Alhanach O'C, by the help of the Saviour in the jjresence of D. og O'C in Achadh rtihic Airt on the 6th of August, 1596 . . .' At the end of the fourth Pairteagal : ' Written by D. O'C, A.D. 160- [evidently an error], May 30. At Culchoill mic gilla Padraig, in the presence of D. ug O'C At the end of the fifth Pairteagal : ' Finished November, 1596. In Ath niic aran the above portion was begun and finished by Giollapatrig, son of D. og O'C At the end of the seventh Pairtea.gal is a long note on the disturbed state of Ireland, with the following : 'Finished on February 10th in AcJiadh (?) mhic Airt in the presence of D. og O'C, who gave me this book to write. Thanks to all who gave me help and specially to Cathal mac Cuinn, for he wrote a great deal for me . . . Alas, God, I long to be Avith Duncan, for it is M'Dougall that keeps me here for a month, but, by the will of God, I shall soon be in the Province of Leinster (?) with Grainne and Duncan and Fineen and all the rest of them.' At the foot of the first page of the Section on Prognostications is this note : ' I began to write this (section) on the 24th August in Baile 27C CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS CiUhad when attending Finin son of Derniad of the Pass who was snftering from Cancer hogadL At the end of the Treatise conies the note : ' Here ends the Prognostica of Bernardns Gordonius, October 9th. I am in Baile Cuthad (here the names of friends present and absent). And 1 ask the mercy of the King of Heaven for the author Bernardus Gordonius, and for the translator into Gaelic, Cormac O'Duinn- slebhi, and for the scribe D. O'C. I pray for the mercy of God to my soul, and, God, send me safe to Dunolly if it be thy Avill.' Another note gives ' the number of leaves written upon in this book is 247,' signed John O'C, Further notes in different hands and ink follow : e.g. ' iJuncan O'C was born on 24th June 1571 ; the Laird of Dunachach five years thereafter.' ' Duncan M'Dougall of Dunolly died, last day of August, 1616, annsa clwdaltai bhreac (in the speckled bedroom ?) in Dunolly. He was buried in Kilbride, in the stone chest nearest the door on the back of the temple. And Father Intercessor, send comfort to me speedily and mercy for my soul. I, Duncan O'Connor, have written this with a bad pen.' Uch ! a Dhia, on Uch ! a Dhia, Mairg ata a nocht gan triath : Ni fada bheris (mhaireas) mi beo, Mo chraidhe da bhreo na dhiaigh. ' Duncan O'Connor died in Dundainis (Dunstaffnage) February 13, 1647, and was buried in Caibel iiihic Aonguis (the Chapel of Campbell of Dunstaffnage). John M'Dougall of Dunolly died in the codaltai breac on April 14th, 1669. The Laird of Lochnell was killed in air invir (Inveraray) on the last day of March, 1671.' [For the last entry, v. the House of Argyll . . . and the Clan Campbell, Glasgow, 1871, p. 169, where it is stated that ' Colin [of Lochnell] was shot through a window at Inveraray, March, 1671]. Following a blank leaf comes a portion of another Treatise, a summary or compendium of Auicenna, introduced thus : Anno Boviini, 1598. An ainm an Atliar 7 a mhic 7 an spirait Nairn, tinnsgnam an leuar-sa .|. Petrus de ergelata ar haille mhic cathail. Misi Donnchadh conchubair do tinn- scnus e an 14 la, do mi lanuarius, 1598. ' A.D. 1598. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I APPENDIX I 277 commence this book, i.e. Petrns de ergelata in the stead of the son of Cathal. I, Duncan O'Connor begin it, on the 14th day of January, 1598.' The reading is not very clear, nor do I under- stand what de ergelata stands for. The purpose of the author is to give in clear and concise form the teaching of Auicenna, whom he designates jjrionnsa glormhur, ' glorious prince.' This treatise runs to seventy leaves or 140 pages and ends abruptly. The last eight or ten leaves are much broken, nor is it known how much text is lost at the end of the MS. The subject of discussion is usually named on the top of the page. On the first thirty leaves Phlegmon, Formicae, Erysipelas, Carbunculus Bubones, Undimia, Nodi, Scrophula, Sclerosis, Cancer and others with their cure, are discussed, when the end of the exposition of the third fen of the fourth book of Auicenna is reached. Another section now begins with a definition of vulnus, and after a discussion of Wounds in general goes on to treat of the aicidi 'accidents' of wounds, and then enters into detail re- garding venomous wounds, bruises, vomiting of blood, injuries to the eye, nose, ear, etc., with the appropriate remedies in each case. There is no pagination. The writing is in one column throughout, plain but clear. There are no blank spaces, and hardly a note. At the foot of fol. 7a, in blacker ink and later hand, is : Cotnmortus riot a Neill rahic lovihair, ' A challenge to thee, Neil son of Ivar.' At the foot of fol, 45a: Uch a Mharsili, is fada ata tu gun teachd air chuairt chugam, j gan again acht me fein. On the last page, at the foot : 1599, an la roinih la casga am haile (s)cait, ' On the day before Easter, 1599, (I am) in Ballyskate(?)' There is a Ballyskate near Tobermory. In addition to this large MS., Box No. 2 contains several other MSS.and items of some importance and interest, such as, e.g. : — 1. The collection of Ossianic ballads made as early as 1739 by the Rev. Alexander Pope, minister of Reay. The contents of this Collection are given in L. F., p. v, and the text, in so far as legible, printed in L. F., pp. 218 et seq. 2. Fletcher's Collection of Ossianic poetry. This Collection, begun about 1750, is fully described by Mr. J. F. Campbell, who 278 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MAXUSClilPTS set in inferior Scottish hand, but under Gaelic influence, is a para- graph in Gaelic headed ' Signs of Life and Death.' Thereafter on to fol. 95 the handwriting and language are Scottish, the subject astrological On fol. 99b, in pencil and in an unformed hand of the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century, is the entry, ' Thomas Nealson, his Book, God give him grace therein to look.' On fols. 102b, 103a are written in Gaelic hand the pedigrees of six members of the M'Beath family, with notes in current hand, in Latin. Fols. 104-107 contain what the writer calls a ' short and useful tract ' on Astronomy or rather Astrology. The chief interest of this volume is in the pedigrees of the APPENDIX II 285 M'Beaths given on fols. 102b and 103a, the famous family of physicians to whose zeal and learning we owe so many of the Medical MSS. in the Scottish Collection. The writer of these genealogies gives the names of six men (presumably physicians) of the clan, and traces the pedigree of each up to a common ancestor Fergus jinn or Fair. Fergus the Fair is then traced back step by step to Beath or Beatha who lived in the neighbour- hood of Dublin on O'Kane's lands. Beath(a)'s pedigree is in turn given up to Neill of the Nine Hostages, monarch of Ireland. There were no doubt other M'Beaths beside these six alive at this time. In the British Museum MS. ' Additional 15,582,' written by David and Carbery Kearney for John M'Beath in 1563, there is an entry dated 158(?9)8 by James son of Rory son of Neill son of Gilchrist son of Fergus son of Gilchrist son of Fergus the Fair, and naming Fergus son of John son of Fergus as the owner of the MS. at that date {cf. O'Gr. Cat., p. 279 ; Caledonian Medical Journal, vol. v. p. 76). The writer of the pedigrees in our MS. was Christopher (or Gilchrist) M'Beath. Unfortunately he does not say where the men he names were located, nor does he date the note which he writes in current hand : de his rebus satis dictum et scriptum i^er me Chris- topherum M' Veagh. One should say that the pedigrees and the note were written about 1600; In Highland tradition Beath(a), from whom the famous physicians derive their surname, was one of the twenty-four heads of families who accompanied the Lady O'Kane from her father's lands to Scotland when she married Angus Og of Islay, the friend and supporter of Robert Bruce. Fergus M'Beath is the first of the clan one meets with in a Gaelic record. He witnesses, if he did not also write, the Islay Charter of 1408. It has been suggested that he may be the Ferghus Finn of these genealogies. If this be so, there are two men of the name of John, both great-grandsons of Ferghus Finn, for either of whom this MS. may have been originally written. Its date would thus be early in the sixteenth century. But there are other two Johns, father and son, in these pedigrees, fourth and fifth in direct descent from Ferghus Finn. It is in all proba- bility for one or other of these that the British Museum MS. ' Additional 15,582 ' was written, and not improbably ours also. 28G CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS In soveral respects the two MSS, bear strong rcscnibLance. Donald M'Jieath appears with a rather inferior hand in both. Is he the Donaldus Betonus, who in 1674, placed the stone in lona in memory of Joannes Betonus Maclenoruni familie medlciis who died in 1657. The MS. was at one time or other in the possession of several members of the M'Beath family. Next to the original text, the oldest entry in the MS. is dated 1587, and runs, Is se so leobhar Giolla Colaim Mic Gioila Enndris Mic Domhnaill Mic Bhethafh, ' This is the book of Malcolm son of Gillanders son of Donald M'Beath.' The writer of the pedigrees was presumably the possessor of the MS. when he wrote them. On the same page (fol. lOtSa), also undated, comes in current hand Hie Liber est Fergusii APVeagh liabitantis Peanagross. This entry is very probably not much later than the other Latin entry, early seventeenth century. Peanagross is Penny- cross in Mull, where the site of the Ollamh Muileach or Mull Doctor's house is still pointed out, and where a cross with date ' 1582,' and inscription ' G. M. B., ' D. M. B.' is said to com- memorate two of these famous men. Donald M'Beath, with date 1657, has been already mentioned. Later entries, to judge from the handwriting, are ' Fergus,' ' Fergus Beattoun,' ' Fergus Beattoune.' 2. Jerome Stone's MSS. Jerome Stone, a native of Scoonie, Fife, and a graduate of St. Andrews University, was appointed in 1750 assistant in, and a few years afterwards rector of, Dunkeld Academy. He died of fever in May 1756 in the thirtieth year of his age. Stone was a distinguished student, especially in languages. In Dun- keld he studied Gaelic to purpose, and made a collection of Ossianic poetry, as also of modern Gaelic poems and songs, some at least of which have survived. He sent a translation, or rather paraphrase, of one of the former — Bcis Fhraoich, ' the Death of Fraoch,' which he called ' Albin and the daughter of Mey ' — to the Scots Magazine, to which he Avas a frequent contributor. [For further references to this distinguished scholar, cf. Old Stat. Ace, vol. V. p. 110 ; Ency. Perthensis, ' Stone ' ; Scots Mag., APPENDIX II 287 vols. xiv. p. 283, xvii. pp. 92, 295, xviii. 16, 314; Trans, of Gael. Soc. of Inverness, vol. xiv, p. 314.] Two volumes of Stone's MSS. (or a copy of them), are in the University Library. (1) The first and largest of these is Laing, No. 251. From notes on the inner cover and flyleaf we learn that this volume was sent from Edinburgh in 1790 to Mr. John Turcan, late schoolmaster at Kirkcaldy, for behoof of Mr. George Stone, brother of the author ; that it was purchased from the author's brother for Mr. Chalmers, and that it was bought at the sale of Mr. Chalmers's library in 1842 by Dr. Laing. The name of ' Geo. Chalmers, Esq., F.R.S.S.A.,' is pasted on the inside of the front cover, and frequent marks on the margin show that the learned author of Caledonia read some parts of the MS. very carefully. The MS. is a folio of some two hundred and seventy pages, stoutly bound in calf, and fastened with thongs. It is written very carefully in one hand, with occasional explanatory notes. One of these (on p. 122) states that the piece to which it is appended, ' is not inserted in his [Stone's] own collection,' thus showing that this MS. is a copy. The contents of the MS. are in three divisions : (1) Five letters written in 1755-6 by Stone to a clergyman [evidently the Rev. Thomas Tullidelph, Principal of the United College of St. Andrews], explaining at considerable length his studies, and his progress in writing a treatise on the origin of the Scots. These are followed by six sections of the treatise itself, which is entitled ' An Enquiry into the Original of the Nation and Language of the Ancient Scots, with Conjectures about the Primitive State of the Celtic and other European Nations.' This part of the MS. is not paged, but it covers (including blank leaves) one hundred and twelve pages. (2) The second division of the MS. consists of Gaelic Ballads and Poems, covering pp. 1-68. First come ten Ossianic Ballads. Here are the Gaelic titles : Ora7i a Ghleirich ; An Comhrag a bha ag an Fhein re Conn onac-an-Dearg ; Tean- tach{t) inor na Feine ; Tigh Tormail ; Cath na'n Seishiar ; A Chiosh Chnamhadh; Sealg onhor a GJdinn ; Bas Chonlaoich; Bas Osgair ; Bets Fhraoich. With the Gaelic title is given an English translation and a sentence explanatory of the subject of 288 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS the ballad. English glosses on the words which Stone con- sidered obscure are frequent. The ballads are written with great care, and a correctness unusual in Gaelic MSS. of the period and later. They are printed verbatim et literatim in Trans, of Gaelic Soc. of Inverness, vol. xiv. p. 320 et seq. Aversions of all of them have been found elsewhere, and are printed in L. F. Those of Stone and of Mr. N'Nicol, Lismore, collected a few years later, show great similarity. In particular two of these ballads, the first and ninth, and the version of the same ballads printed by Mr. Campbell (L. F., pp. 72, 182) from a MS. written in 1762 by Eohhan MacDiarmid, are even in point of faulty orthography so much alike that Mr. MacDiarmid must have had access to Stone's papers, or that both transcribed from the same MS. Mr. Chalmers sent Stone's collection to the Committee of the Highland Society (Rep. on Ossian, p. 24), and it is disappointing to find that Dr. Donald Smith, a Gaelic scholar, should sanction the somewhat disparaging terms in which this collector and translator of Ossianic poetry is spoken of in the Committee's Report (p. 23). Following the Ossianic Ballads is 'A Collection of such modern songs as are remarkable upon account of their Beauty or the interesting Nature of their Subject.' They are seven in number. The first is on the ' Massacre of Glenco, compos'd by one of the Persons who made their Escape,' commencing Clio bi sud an flauil shalach A bha bruchta re Talamh sa ghleann. The poem, with some variations, is printed in Beauties of Gaelic Poetry, p. 375; Gillies, p. 253, and elsewhere. It is ascribed in the Beauties of Gaelic Poetry to the bard Mucanach, ' The Isle of Muck Bard.' The second is on the Keppoch murder, by John Lorn Macdonald, and has been often printed. First line — Is tearc aniugh (an diugh) mo chuis gliaire. The third is by the same author, on the same subject, com- mencing (cf. Beauties of Gaelic Poetry, p. 387) — Trom Easlaint air m'aigne. The fourth is here entitled 'Craig Guanach, a Poem upon Hunting and the Beauties of Nature by a Forrester.' It is the poem more commonly known as A' GhomhacJiag, or 'The Owl' (of APPENDIX II 289 Strone), and ascribed to Donald Macdonald {Domiltnall Mac FhionnlaidJi nan Dan), a. famous huntsman of Lochaber. This very beautiful poem is found in nearly all the Gaelic collections. It begins in this version — Mi m shuigh air Shibhri ( = sith-bhrugh) nam beann An taobh sa do cheann Locha Treig.] The fifth is styled ' Oran Rinroridh, a Song upon the Battle of Kilicrankie,' beginning Se do la a Rinroridh Dhfag luaineacli am dhuisg mi. Here the poem extends to thirty-seven stanzas. The versions in Gillies (p. 142), and R. Macdonald (p. 188), give only twenty- three stanzas. The sixth and last is headed simply ' Oran/ and begins S truagh gun bhi san aite San d'araighe m oig air thus. The verses are printed in A. and D. Stewart's Collection, p. 323. (3) The third and last division of the MS. (pp. 75-148) is headed ' Poems on Various Subjects. The contents are of a very miscellaneous character. There are in all some three dozen separate items of prose and verse, written mainly in English, but with two in Latin and two in Scots. In prose there are several letters, and extracts from letters to friends and rela- tives, with a rather long article entitled ' Of the Immortality of Authors, a Vision by Mr. Stone.' There are fugitive verses on several subjects. There is a poem in Latin on the battle of Killiecrankie, with a translation thereof into Scots. Then there are translations or imitations of passages from Latin, French, and Italian authors. Chief among these are a passage from the Fourth Book of Tasso's Gierusalemme liberata; 'The Joys of Elysium, from the xix'^ Book of Telemachus ' ; ' Description of a May Morning, by Gavin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld.' This last, with a few others, appeared in the Scots Magazine. A carefully prepared index to the second and third divisions of the MS. closes the volume. The second volume of Jerome Stone's papers that has T 290 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS come to the University is also a paper folio, of uniform size and binding with the tirst. It is written Avith the same care, and in a hand similar to, if not the same as, the other. This volume was picked up somewhere by the late Principal Lee of Edin- burgh. It was purchased at the sale of Dr. Lee's books by Mr. David Laing, who afterwards presented it to the Rev. Dr. Clerk of Kilmallie when that accomplished clergyman was editing and translating Ossian's poems. After Dr. Clerk's death the volume was acquired b}^ the University. This MS., which may have been written somewhat earlier than the former, does not contain the letters and treatise Avhich form the contents of the first section of the other. The third section may also be somewhat less full. But the Gaelic section is exactly the same in the two MSS. 3. A iiortion of a Gaelic Grammar. Laing, No 569. This is a quarto MS. of some one hundred and eighty pages, bound in strong pasteboard. On the inside of the front cover is written '15 May 1762. Ex^- F. C Apart from this there is no name or date. The title of what was meant to be a com- plete grammar is ' An Introduction to the Scotish Gallic, containing (1) Ceart-ghraipheachd [Orthograph}^], or the proper Uses and Sounds of the Letters ; the Division of Syllables, and the use of Points. (2) Fuaim-grith [Prosody], or the Art of Pronouncing Syll- ables and Words, with their proper Accents. (3) Sain-fhios [Etymology], which treats of the Several Kinds of words, their Derivations and Endings. (4) Coimh-eager [Syntax], or the Art of joining words to- gether in a Sentence or Sentences.' The first division here given. Orthography, is treated of in five chapters, with considerable fulness and knowledge. On page 49 it is remarked that ' no words in the Dictionary order begin with h ; neither did any words of old, except the Exotic, begin with p.'' With the conclusion of the section on Ortho- graphy on page 82, the treatise comes to an end. The remainder of the MS. is blank. APPENDIX II 291 4. Dr. Irvine's Collection of Gaelic Poetry. Laing, No. 475. This is a collection of Ossianic poetry made by the Rev. Alexander Irvine of Kannoch (afterwards of Fortingal, and Little Dunkeld) in 1801-S. The MS. consists of some one hundred and eighty leaves of paper, quarto, half bound. It is paged and written upon one side only, an occasional note and variant reading being given on the blank side of the leaf. This MS. is evidently a copy; a note in Gaelic at the end (p. 166), and signed 'J. M'D.', stating that the poems were ' collected by the Rev. Dr. Alexander Irvine, minister of the Gospel in Little Dunkeld.'' The names of the reciters are given as a rule — a farmer from Kintail, the Rev. Mr. Macdiarmaid of Weem, and Captain Morrison among them. But they are mainly farmers, servants, foxhunters, etc., in Dunkeld, Rannoch, and Breadalbane. Some of the pieces are modern, one a pared}' on the Fians in the guise of a vision (p. 145), and a second a spirited satire entitled ' The Tailor of the Feinn' (p. 149), and attributed to the 'Tailor MacNicol,' whom the poet Duncan Ban M'Intyre castigated so severely. A version of this composition appears in MS. LXII. {v. su^yra, pp. 175-6). There are altogether some forty separate composi- tions in the volume. An index, which omits the last four pieces, being variants, is prefixed. The MS. is fully described in L. F. pp. vii, xxv, xxvi, and its contents printed in the same publication (pp. 6 to 216). On the inner front cover is ' D. Laing, 1862,' which is probably the date on which the MS. came into Dr. Laing's possession. On one of the blank pages following the text is a quotation from the article ' Ossian,' in the Edinhurcjh Encyclopcedia, vol. xvi. p. 182, citing this collection in proof of the view that ' Macpherson never could have been the author of the poems which he ascribed to Ossian.' According to Dr. Scott (Fasti Eccl. Scot., iv. 810), Dr. Irvine was himself the Avriter of the article. It has been already stated {siipra, p. 280), that Irvine at one time contemplated the publication of a volume of Gaelic poetry. 5. In the Laing Collection (No. 513) are five MS. volumes which at one time belonged to Thomas Innes, M.A., author of ' A Critical Essay on the Ancient Inhabitants of the Northern 292 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS Parts of Britain or Scotland,' now forming volume eight of the Historiaufi of Scotland. These volumes are written for the most part in Father Innes's own hand, and include, inter alia, several Gaelic pedigrees and notes extracted mainly from the Book of Lecan (R. I. A., 141G a.d.). There is also (Laing, No. 54-5) a most interesting little volume written in 1689 by the Rev. Robert Kirke when he was in London attending to the printing of what is known as Kirke's Bible, being the Irish translation printed in Roman characters for the use of Scottish Highlanders. In this volume Kirke records the changes of text which he made in this edition of the Scriptures. 6. A Collection of Irish poems and songs. This is the sixth of sixteen volumes, willed in 1865 by Peter Gillegan, the scribe, to Mr, Eugene G. Finnerty. From Mr. Finnerty it passed to the Hon. J. Abercromby, who presented it to the University a few years ago. The volume is of paper, quarto (or octavo), stoutly bound in thick j)asteboard covered with leather, and fastened with a strip of skin and brass button. It contains xx + 'J'02 pages, and was transcribed in 1841-4. Gillegan is described by Mr. Finnerty as the last of the hedge- schoolmasters, not a learned man, but of high and upright character, and an enthusiastic collector and transcriber of Irish MSS. This volume is very carefully done. Mr. Gillegan's English hand is plain but good ; the Irish text is written in a tirm and very clear Gaelic hand. The title-page and the head- ings of several of the principal pieces are written with special care, and frequently done in red. The first five hundred and ninety-nine pages are extracted from ' Peter Daly's MS.' ; the rest of the contents is gathered from various sources. The scribe gives at the beginning a carefully prepared table of contents, arranged under two hundred and sixty separate heads, many of which contain several items. At the end he enumerates fifty poets, with seven of whom he was himself intimately acquainted. The contents of this large and valuable collection are of a miscellaneous character. The greater portion is comparatively modern, but several poems date as far back as the year 1400 or thereabout. There are a few prose compositions, e.g. (p. 159) Eachtra an Cheithearnaidh chdoil riahhaidh (v. supra, pp. 146, APPENDIX II 293 165, 264) ; Siahhrugh Sigh 7 Inneiridh Mhic na Miocliomhairle (Hallucinations of the Enchanted House, and Adventures of the Ill-advised Youth), in three chapters, prose and verse (u O'Gr. Cat., p. 579), together with other shorter pieces. There are several Ossianic ballads, among them, 1. (P. 94.) Laoidh na innd moire no Seilg ghleann naSmoil, beginning Oisin, is binn liom do blieul. Here are 89 quatrains recited by Ossian to St. Patrick; the entire poem, we are told, being given in volume v. 2. (P. 299.) Laoidh an Doirnn, ' The Lay of the Fist,' 28 quatrains, first line Chuadhamuir-ue air Thoisg na Teamhrach. Cf. O'Gr. Cat., p. 592 ; L. R, p. 166. 3. (P. 304.) Laoidh Chruimlinn na Ccath, 24 quatrains commencing Seacht ceatha do bhi san bhfiain. 4. (P. 310.) Laoidh an Amadain Mhoir, here in 66 quatrains, beginning Do chualas sg^ul uaigneach gan bhreig. For prose version, v. supra, p. 279, and for other versions of this ballad, cf. O'Gr. Cat., pp. 564, 598 ; L. F., pp. 203-8. 5. (P. 321.) Beasa na bhfian, where Caeilte, at St. Patrick's solicitation, recites the virtues of the Feinn in 29 quatrains, first line Aithris dhuinn b^asa na bhfian. 6. (P. 326.) Ldoidh na s4 bhfear dheug, 40 quatrains, com- mencing Aithris dhuinn, a Oisin fheil Fath bhur thurais go Teamhair na Righ. Cf. supra, p. 163. But the chief contents of the collection are historical poems ; patriotic, pastoral, religious poems ; eulogies, elegies, satires, love songs, and humorous verses, with here and there proverbs and epigrams in prose and verse. The scribe frequently gives rhymed translations into English, one or two by himself, of the more popular poems and songs, together with many notes, biographical, occasionally critical, 294 CATALOGUE OF GAKLIC MAXUSCUIPTS always interesting, regardinu^ their authors and the occasion of their composition. On p. 1 of this vohime are quoted the three quatrains which Peter Turner writes at the end of MS. LVII. (supra, p. 209). If the other eleven volumes of Gillegan are equal in interest to this, the collection must be of no small iinportancc in the history of Irish literature. 7. A Folio volume, being a translation into Gaelic of L. Gaussen of Geneva's Creation of tJic World, by the late Rev. Duncan Maclnnes of Oban, editor of vol. ii. of Waifs and Strays of Celtic Tradition. The MS. was sent by Miss Maclnnes, the translator's sister, to the Library for the benetit of Gaelic- speaking students of divinit3\ II. In the Register House, Edinburgh In the National MSS. of Scotland four Gaelic MSS. are repro- duced and described. One of these is the Book of Deer, which is not in Scotland but in the University of Cambridge. The first four leaves of it are photozincographed in Part I. (No. 1) of our National MSS. The Book of Deer contains a Latin version of the Gospel of John, with parts of the other three Gospels, and a colophon of one sentence in Gaelic, written in a beautiful hand of the ninth or tenth century. Its great value in Gaelic literature and history consists in the Gaelic memoranda written on its margins and blank spaces, sometime in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. The volume has been printed by the Spalding Club under the able editorship of John Stuart, LL.D. (Edin- burgh : 1859). These Gaelic entries have been printed with translation more than once. The translation given by Stuart in the Book of Deer is by Dr. Stokes. The same scholar printed, translated, and annotated them in his Goidelica (2nd edition. London : Triibner and Co., 1872). But the most exhaustive examination of the Gaelic portion of the con- tents of the Book of Deer has been by the late Dr. Macbain in G. S. I., xi. pp. 137-160. A detailed account of this most important MS., inasmuch as its home is not in Scotland, does not come within our province. The other three MSS. photographed, transliterated, and APPENDIX II 295 translated in the National MSS. are deposited in the General Kegister House, Edinburgh. They are — 1. The May Gaelic Charter of 1408 : National MSS. of Scotland, Part II., No. LIX. This is a single strip of goatskin, upon which Donald, Lord of the Isles, dispones eleven and a half merks of land in Islay to Brian Bicaire MagaodJi on the sixth day of the month of Bealtuin (May) 1408. The MS. was discovered by the late Bishop Reeves in the possession of Mr. John Magee, County Antrim, a descendant of a family of Magees who were at one time followers of the Scottish Macdonalds who settled in Antrim. Dr. Reeves printed a reading of the Charter, with translation, in the Pro- ceedings of the R. I. A. of January 1852. The document was afterwards purchased by the Treasury, and deposited in the Register House in Edinburgh. The text is now largely illegible. But the Scottish authorities were fortunate enough to have an old transcript of the Charter (also preserved in the Register House) which enabled them to read it ' except a single word.' They acknowledge indebtedness to John O'Farrell of the Ordnance Survey, Dr. M'Lauchlan of Edinburgh, and Hector Maclean of Islay, in reading and translating the document. The lands conveyed are ' Baile bhicare, Machaire, learga riabhoige, Ciontragha, Graftol, Tocamol, Wgasgog, Da ghleann astol, Cracobus, Cornubus, agas Baile neaghtoin,' being the present farms of Cornabus and Kintraw, and those adjacent to them on the south and west, with the doubtful exception of ' Wgasgog,' which is a name now unknown. The ' feu ' or 'ground annual' is four fat cows (ionmharhJdha), or, failing these, forty-two merks yearly. Donald of Harlaw signs strong and clear M'Domhnaill, with the figure of a sword under the name. The witnesses are Eoin Mac Domhaill, Pat M'Bhriuin, Fercos Mac Betha and Aodh M'Cei. These, with the exception of Fergus M'Beath, sign with a mark. To judge from the handwriting Fercos Mac Betha is probably also the scribe of the Charter, and may well be the Fergus Finn of the M'Beath pedigrees mentioned above (supra, p. 285). The value of the document is largely due to the fact that it is the only Gaelic Charter that has survived out of many 296 catalog; UE OF OAELIC MANUSCKll'TS that must have been written. Jt has since been printed in the Booh of Ishtij (1.S95— privately printed), p. IG, and elsewhere. 2. Contract of FostenKjc : National MSS. of Scotland. " Part III., No. LXXXIV. The contract is somewhat carelessly written on a single page of quarto paper in a plain Gaelic hand, with several deletions and insertions. It is of considerable interest, as being the only instance of such contracts, written in Gaelic, as has survived. The document is dated October 8th, 1614, and details the terms upon which Macleoid gives his son Norman to Eoin mac 'niic Cainnigh in fosterage. Macleoid in 1614 was Rory mor Macleod, the famous chief. Eoin mac in{h)ic Cainnigh, as written at that date, should read ' John, son of Mackenzie ' (the chief of the clan). In 1614 mac Coinnich was Red Colin, second Lord Mackenzie. He had a younger brother John, whose Gaelic designation would be Eoin mac mhic Coinnich. But the contract goes on to say that, in the event of John's death, the fostering of the child shall be with his brother Angus nuw mic Cainnigh, and in the event of his death, with his brother Donald onac mic Cainnigh. But among the sons of the first Lord Mackenzie there are none named Angus or Donald (v. History of the Mackenzies, pp. 166-7). The translation of the designation must thus be vague and awkward : ' John, son of a son of Kenneth.' There are four witnesses, and in the document they are described thus : ' Maighisdir Eogan mac Suibhne minisdir dhiuirinnsi agus domhnall mac pail duibh agus Eoin mac colgan minisdir bracaduil agus toirdealbhach omurgheasa.' The signatures, except the last named, are in English, as follows : S[ik] R[uairaidh] Macleoid. Jo^ M^CoLGAN, tv'nes. Donald M'quien, ivitnes. ToiKDELBHACH OmURGEASA MAR FIAGHNAISI, M". EwiN m'quien, xoitnes. Mac Suibhne, it will be observed, is here Englished ' M'Quien,' as is also mac pail duibh, ' son of black Pal ' or ' Paul.' With Tiirlough O'Jfur^/ieasa compare DoniicJiadh Muirighesan who APPENDIX II 297 composed the elegy on Sir Norman Macleod, who died in 1705 {supra, p. 281). 3. Elegy on Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenurchy : National MSS. of Scotland. Part III., No. XCVI. This MS. consists of a large leaf of thick parchment, with elaborate border, brightly illuminated. The MS. was given by James Macpherson to John Campbell of the Bank of Scotland (the poet M'Intyre's patron). It Avas afterwards found among the family papers of the late William M'Farlane of Portsburgh, W.S., and presented by his son to the Lord Clerk Register for preservation in the General Register House. The Elegy is written very carefully and correctly in a clear and resrular Gaelic hand. There are no contractions and no accent marks. The heading runs : Marhhrann dhonncJiaidh ditihh mhic chailin leith nfihic chailin oig mhic dhonnchaidh mhic chailin duihh na romha mhic dhonncltaidh aii agha, ' The death-verse of black Duncan, son of grey Colin, son of Colin the younger, son of Duncan, son of black Colin of Rome, son of Duncan the prosperous.' Black Duncan is remembered among Highlanders as Donnchadh dubh a Churraichd, ' Black Duncan of the Cowl' He was the seventh Laird and first Baronet of Glenurchy {House of Argyll and . . . Clan Campbell, Glasgow, 1871, p. 132). The elegy consists of 22 quatrains, of which these are the first and last : Mor an broinsgel bas idhuibhna, deaghmhac Chailin ceannan druagh. fear do chuir acMu gu halmhuin, mo ghuin anu aadhbhuidh fuar. Gion gur lionmhur andun donnchaidh, deaghlaoch druagh ainnir is ogh. far thriath cciomhchoir do bfhearr dfearuibh, gearr gur chliochloigh meadliair mhor. ' Great the tale of grief the death of O'Duibhne, excellent son of Colin head of the wise ; A man whose fame reached Almu,i my grief this day his abode being cold.' ' Although there be many in Duncan's castle, noble hero, sage, girl, and maid ; Your fine-tressed lord, best of men, soon great mirth changed.' ^ Now Allen, the residence of Fionn in Ireland 298 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS The date of Sir Duncan's death is thus recorded at the end of the elegy : Mile aon trioch;id slan se ced cuig nihi o oijfhre uir fir thred. Moniiar an cas cuimhne sin, go bas iduibhne dlieidghil. ' A thousand, a full thirty, six hundred, five months, from the pure heir of true flocks, Alas ! sad subject of remembrance, to the death of white-toothed Duncan.' i.e. May-June 1631. I have not seen this elegy in print, but there is a copy in the Maclagan MSS. (infra). III. — In the Library of the Society of the Antiquaries of Scotland The MS. in this Library is a copy of the Gaelic version of the Lilium Medicinae by Bernard de Gordon of Montpelier, It is the largest of the Gaelic MSS. now in Scotland. It is a thick paper folio of 714 pages, 11 in. by 1-^, bound in old calf. The MS. was sent to the Society of Scottish Antiquaries by the Rev. Donald Macqueen of Kilmuir, Isle of Skye (who also sent MS. II to the Advocates' Library (v. supra, p. 6)) on June 3rd, 1784. The following interesting Memorandum is prefixed : ' The Lilium Medicanum of Bernardus Gordonius, Professor of Physic in the University of Mont-iielier, was publislied in the year 1305, was early translated into Gaelic, and became the physical pandects of the Beatons, the hereditary physicians of the Lords of the Isles, being, according to Dr. Freund in his History of Physic, a book of high credit in its time. The price of tran- scribing a copy was sixty milk cows. The copy possessed by Farchar Beaton of Husibost five generations ago, now laid iip in the Antiquarian Museum at Edinburgh, was of such value in his estimation that when he trusted himself to a boat, in passing an arm of the sea, to attend any patient at Dunvegan, the seat of Macleod, he sent his servant by land, for the greater security, with the Lilium Medicamim. ' N.B. — Some descendant of these hereditary physicians was established in every great family in the Isles. ' This was written on the 10th of May 1784.' This Farquhar or Ferquhard must have flourished about 1630. In a pamphlet on the Beatons or Bethunes of Skye, written, it is said, by the Rev. Thomas White, minister of Liberton, who was married to Anna Bethune, a descendant of the Skye physicians, Dr. Ferquhard is described as having ' the APPENDIX II 299 gravity of the Divine, as well as skill of the Physician.' It is not, however, to Ferquhard, but to his son Dr. Angus, that our MS. is ascribed in this pamphlet. Of him it is said : ' He got a liberal education, and wrote a system of physic, entitled The Lilly of Medicine, which he finished at the foot of Montpelier, after he had studied physic twenty-eight years. The system is yet extant in manuscript. ... It is in the Irish character and abounds with contractions. . . . None of his posterity since the death of Mr. John Bethune, Minister of Bracadale, is able to read it' (v. An Historical and Genealogical Account of the Bethunes of the Island of Sky (Edinburgh, 1778. Reprinted, Glasgow, 1887), pp. 5-6). The Lilium Medicinae of Bernard de Gordon is dated 1303 (in this copy, in error, 1305). Strictly speaking, the writing of it, according to the author's preface, was begun in the month of July 1303. The comprehensive treatise was held in great repute throughout Europe for several centuries. Apart from the MSS. that circulated during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, eleven editions of the Latin text were printed on the Continent, at Naples, Ferrara, Lyons, Venice and Frankfort, be- tween 1480 and 1617 ; a Spanish version was published at Seville in 1494, and a French version at Lyons in 1495. Translations were also made into Gaelic and English, but these have not been printed {cf O'Gr. Cat., pp. 202-3). The copy of this work noticed above (p. 276) is said to have been translated into Gaelic by Coronac 0' DuinnslehJd, no doubt the Cormac mac DuinntJdebi who, in 1459, translated the tract Gualterus de Dosihus (O'Gr. Cat., p. 177). This copy of the Lilium Medicinae is almost complete. It is written in a very good, plain, legible hand of the early seven- teenth century, with comparatively few contractions, and with such care and correctness that sixty milk cows Avould hardly be considered an extravagant fee for the scribe. The writing is in one column throughout, and the pagination is by leaves only. The outer margin is somewhat broken at the top of a few leaves at the beginning of the MS., and a word or two of the text lost here and there. Between the first and second folios as the MS. now stands two leaves are lost, otherwise there is no lacuna in this large MS. A leaf is cut out between folios 300 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS 213 and 214, but the text is continuous. A portion of 207a and the whole of 207b, 208a are written in a freer and less careful hand. The author's preface bej^ins on folio la, which is so far broken, with some text lost, and is continued on folio lb. Here it is stated that the Treatise is divided into seven Particles, or Books. Immediately after the preface, our text proceeds : ' Here is begun the first Particle, which treats of Fevers gene- rally. It contains thirty-one chapters, and speaks first of Fevers in general.' The number of the ' Particle ' is given on the top of the right-hand page, and the special subject treated of on the top of the left. But occasional omissions are met with. There is also, in one or two cases, a discrepanc}^ as to the number of chapters named at the beginning of the ' Particle,' and the number treated of in the text. Thus the third ' Particle ' is said to contain twenty-seven chapters, but the twenty-seventh is not separately discussed. As to the number of chapters, our copy gives thirty-one chapters in the First and Second Particles, while the copy in the British Museum (Eg. 89), described in O'Gr. Cat., pp. 202-222, gives only thirty in each of these. Apart from discrepancies such as these, our copy contains, the translation of the large treatise in the following order : Particle I containing 31 chapters on folios 16 to 75b. II 31 „ 75b „ 131b. III 27 „ 132a „ 171a. „ IV 13 „ 171a „ 213b. „ V 21 „ 214a „ 269a. „ VI 16 „ 269a „ 303b. „ VII 24 „ 303b „ 338b. The last paragraph of the Treatise (fol. 338b) opens : Leigheas ann so chum namhan do dhenamh sgiartiliach 7 ma doniter arson a hfer fen ata se fuilngtech, ' Here is a specific for making women beautiful, and if this be done for their own husbands it is allowable.' Then come two or three prescriptions for the purpose, after which is Finis. There is no author's colophon, as in the British Museum copy (v. O'Gr. Cat., p. 210). Marginal notes for explanation or extension of text are fairly frequent. They are in three hands: (1) a very good hand, not unlike that of the scribe; (2) a later and plainer hand, in APPENDIX II 301 which the greater number of these notes are written; (3) a third (on foho 35b), where the hand is English, but the text is in Latin. Some of the leaves were clipped in binding, so that an occasional letter or syllable is lost. Of notes of another kind there are hardly any. A few not very legible scribblings in current hand and in English are on folio 338b : ' God made man and man made . . .' ; 'In my beginning God me speed,' etc. etc. After the translation of the Lilium Medicinae come three leaves, blank and unpaged. On the fourth leaf commences a tractate with the heading: Ag so giiathugliadh iia mule l^raitice neach ata coitcioima J ataid x. eclair orra sin an .c. clar dihh neach labrus do na siroijyibh dileacha gach aon .1"-. ( = leanna), ' Here are the recipes of all practitioners which are in common use. There are ten tables of them, the first of which gives the digestive syrups for each individual humour.' The ten tables are given, plain and clear, on ten leaves which are neither ruled nor paged. The headings of the tables are in Latin — Tabida prima, tabula secunda, or in numerals . . . 9, X. (cf. supra, p. 70, where the authorship of these tables is attributed to Bernard Gordon). Following the tables is the beginning of another tract, the heading of which is in small capitals, and runs: Incvpit tabula Magistri Bernardi de Gordonis de ingen[i]is curandi Tnorbos .|. tinnsgainter ann so clar Bernard Gordoni dintlecht leigheas nan galur. Et adir Bernard go bfuilid x. ninnlechta ann so ar leighis na ngalur. An .c. intlecht dibh is on galur do gebhtir e mar ader G. annsa 4 leabur de ingenio an radh so. Semper, etc. * Here begins the Table of Bernard de Gordon on the method of curing diseases. And Bernard states that there are ten ways of curing diseases, the first of which is ascertained from the [nature of the] disease itself, as G[alen] makes in the fourth book de ingenio this statement. Always,' etc. Four folios, neither ruled nor paged, are given to this tract, when the writing comes abruptly to an end. From folio 290 the writing becomes gradually obscured, and the last four or five leaves are much broken. 302 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCKIPTS IV. In the University of Glasgow. The following MSS. have recently been deposited in the University of Glasgow : — I. The Mdclagan Collection. This large and miscellaneous Collection was made in the latter half of the eighteenth century by the Rev. James Maclagan, minister of Amulree, chaplain of the Black Watch — the famous 42d Regiment — and afterwards minister of Blair Atholl. Mr. Maclagan was a correspondent of James Macpherson, to whom he supplied Ossianic material. He afterwards sent papers to the Committee of the Highland Society, which have disappeared. But the original MSS. were carefully preserved, and were pre- sented to the University by Mr. Maclagan Wedderburn, W.S., of Edinburgh, the representative of the family. The MSS. are all of paper, enclosed in an old wooden box, about fifteen inches long and eight to nine inches in breadth and height. The box is without lid. The papers are in four layers, separated by sheets of paper. Several of the larger items have numbers, but a later reader (the late Dr. MacBain, probably), has recently numbered each separate item continu- ously from 1 to 241. One or two are now amissing, while a few unnumbered items are enclosed in an envelope, and placed on the top. The largest MS. contains 86 pages octavo, others are smaller quarto and octavo, of 48, 32, 16, 8, and 4 pages. There are, besides, a number of sheets and single leaves of folded folio, and many of smaller size, some of which are scrajDs of only a couple of inches. The handAvriting is various. AVith the excep- tion of a few short pieces written carefully, but with apparent effort {e.g. No. 98) in the old hand, one MS. (No. 73) of eight leaves quarto written semi-phonetically in Scots hand, the tests, in English and Gaelic, are written in the current hand of the day. The greater number are in a plain clear hand, and written with considerable care and uniformity of orthography. Other pieces are in the handwriting of the various correspondents who supplied them, some of them rather crude and in very defective orthography. APPENDIX II 303 In the following brief summary of the contents of this Collec- tion the number attached to the principal items is the number of the MS. or leaf which marks its order in the collection : 1. There are several pieces of some interest written in Eng- lish, and one or two translated pieces. Among these are a paragraph on Beregonium (14) ; a letter from the Rev. Kenneth M'Aulay, Lismore, recommending a ' tour ' through the Hebrides to Mr. Maclagan (64) ; literary and historical notes of interest (122); historical notes, evidently copied from an older docu- ment (120, last page) ; a copy of a grant by William, King of Scotland, to Norman Hunter of the Hope and the Hopeton . . . from above the Earth to Heaven, from under the Earth to Hell . . . (195); 'Celtic names in Greece' (238); verses 'in Scotch by a lady who lost her bridegroom in the murder of Glencoe (36) ; a copy of the ' Garb of Old Gaul ' said to have been com- posed by Sir Harry Erskine to the Royal Highland Regiment, and a translation thereof by Morrison, Foi-leigh do chath- hhuidhinn an Fhrisealaich, Assistant-surgeon to Eraser's Regiment (37) [v. Gillies's Coll., p. 64 ; and cf Fasti, iv. p. 793, where the translation is wrongly attributed to Maclagan him- self] ; ' Woo'd and Married .and a',' with translation, and ' My wife had taen the gie,' without translation (62); a copy of the Latin verses on the Battle of Killicrankie (31) [cf. sujira, p. 289] ; three pieces in Manx, MyUecJiarrane, Cadley Kinne, and Ronniaght (ISO) ; translations into Gaelic verse from Latin (54, 217), and Duanag Sappho (54). 3. There are a number of sayings, epigrams, love-charms, etc., here and there, with the following pieces, among others, in Gaelic prose : Cinn Reachdaidh a riaghladJi nam Feachd Breatuinn- cach,' Heads of Regulations for the British Army ' (11) ; Mounting Ewen on a horse (133, cf. L. F., pp. 210, 211) ; 'An Address to the Soldiers of the 42d Regiment' (135) ; Tiomnadh Thulaich, ' The Bequest of [the] Tulach ' (155), clever; Altachadh nam meir- leach, ' The Thieves' Grace ' (160), by Alastair mor mac a Lon- ahhidh (big Alexander M'Gillony) ; Anainn of the white bosom, daughter of the King of Loitheann, a fragment (240). 4. There are several genealogies, more or less fragmentary. Thus item 100 is a scrap enumerating the badges, castles, and followers of Macdougall of Lorn. No. 143 is a folded folio. 304 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS broken, containing the genealogy of the Stewarts through Banqiio, and attested as correct by Messrs. D. Macnicol (Lis- niore), J. Maclagan (Blair Atholl), John Stuart, minister of Strachur, and James Macintyre of Glenoe. No. 196 contains the genealogy of MacCailein (Argyll), by D Mhuirgheasain, and that of Maclain (Macdonald) of Glencoe, attested by Macintyre of Glenoe and John Stuart, minister of Arrochar. But much the largest portion of the Maclagan Collection consists of Gaelic verse. 1. Some of the poems profess to be very old, and without doubt many of them were composed long before the collector's day. Passing by such poems of spurious antiquity as ' Mordubh,' Book IL (223), printed in Gillies's Collection and in Mackenzie's Beauties of Gaelic Poetry ; The Aged Bard's Wish (94), printed in most Gaelic collections ; the Addresses to the Sun (80), as at the end of Macpherson's Carthon and beginning of Carraic Thura; and Malvina, we have here copies of St. Columba's well-known ' Farewell to Aran ' (229) ; twenty quatrains attributed to Cor- mac mac Cuileannan (author of Cormac's Glossary), beginning, Mithed teacht tar mo thimna (llfi) ; a Prayer and Address from the ' Missal which was in the family of Perth, and sup- posed to be 700 years old in 1728' (182); Cormac's Advice to his Son (69, 145), as printed in Gillies's Collection, pp. 295-8 (cf. sux)ra, p. 187); a Song to Calum Macleoid, from whom the chief living in 1780 was the twelfth in line, — da ghlun deug air ais (195) ; a copy of the Duan Alhannach (79), with notes, printed in Chronicles of Picts and Scots, p. 57; the first forty- eicht lines of Lachlann mor mac Mhuirich's Incitement to the Macdonalds at Harlaw (97), attested by Macintyre of Glenoe to have been copied ' from an old MS. in Galic Character,' v. R. Mac- donald's Collection (1776), p. 5; Ode by 31ac Gailein (probably Colin, 4th Earl) to the daughter of Macdonald of Dun-naomh- aio- (172), printed in R. Macdonald's Collection (p. 347) and elsewhere; the Duanag Ullamh, or ' Handy Lilf (187), said in R. M'D.'s Collection (p. 253) to have been composed in 1569 by Maclean's Bard to Colin, Earl of Argyll ; the lines quoted above (supra, pp. 205, 263), and attributed, as here, to Bishop Carsewell (30): verses to Dugald Macdougall, younger of Lorn, who won APPENDIX II 305 a prize for archery in England in the reign of James the Sixth (195) ; a copy of the Lament for Black Duncan of the CoavI (225) mentioned above (p. 297), and others. 2, The Collection contains a large number of Ossianic Ballads. With the exception of the ballads supplied to Gillies by Maclagan, Mr. Campbell had not access to this source, Maclagan's Collection of Ossianic Ballads becomes thus of great value. It consists of two parts : (1) Sixteen ballads contained in No. 9 of the Collection. These are a copy of a collection made by Mr. Peter M'Farlane in Argyllshire, and are all printed in Rel. Gelt., i. p. 245-294. (2) Variant versions of eleven of the above sixteen, with over a score of others collected by Maclagan himself, or sent to him by various correspondents who are frequently named. These are found here and there throughout the Collection ; but details are unnecessary, for they are all printed in Rel. Celt, i. pp. 295-370. 3. A large part of the contents of Maclagan's MSS. consists of poems by well-known Bards whose works have been printed in whole or in part since the Collection was made, but, with the exception of some of Alexander Macdonald's poems, were not in print until 1767, and later. Thus we have here two or three copies of the well-known Comhachag or ' Owl ' (of Strone), attributed universally to Donald Macdonald (Domhnall Mao Fhionnlaidh nan Dan), a forester or gamekeeper who, accord- ing to the tradition of Lochaber, lived in the days of Black Duncan of the Cowl (v. Gael, v. p. 329), i.e. in the sixteenth- seventeenth century. There are, besides, specimens of the works of the following well-known poets, all of them repre- sented in the Beauties of Gaelic Poetry : Mary Macleod (18, 120, 122); John (Lorn) Macdonald ; Neil M'Vurich (26) ; Archibald Macdonald alias Ciaran Mabach (154) ; Silis Ni' Mhic Raonaill, or Julia of Keppoch (146) ; Mac Mhathain or Matheson (26, 120) ; Lachlan Mackinnon (105) ; Alexander Macdonald ; John M'Codrum (68); Hector Macleod (139); Dugald Buchanan; Robert (Donn) Mackay ; Duncan Maclntyre ; Macpherson, Strathmashie (64) ; and John Roy Stewart (3, 18). There are also several less known authors named, a few of whom find a place in some of the older Collections, although not in Mackenzie's Beauties of Gaelic Poetry. Among these u 306 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS Ciithal Mac IMlmiricli, who lived in the early seventeenth century, has two pieces here (one in an unnumbered item, one in No. 38); the Rev. John M'Innes {Iain mac Aong- huLs oif/), a native of Inverness-shire, minister of Crathie, Braemar, afterwards of Logie Coldstonc (Fasti, vi. pp. 529, 535), has several songs, poems (some ecclesiastical), and transla- tions in Nos. 1, 2, 54, 73 ; John Stuart of Strathspey has very meritorious verses to Mairie Grant in Nos. 20 and 137, which are printed in G. S. I., xxiv. p. 175 (the poet may be John Roy Stuart, the name in No. 20 being written E. R, S') ; Fear Ghealanie has verses in No. 27 to his first wife, a daughter, we are told, of Balnespic ; Dugald Macpherson of Skye has religious pieces in Nos. 48 and 192 (a long poem on Death by the same author is printed in R. M'Donald's Collection, p. 10) ; Murcha mor (Murchadh mor mac mhic Mhurchaidh), has an elegy on Macdonald of Sleat in No. 54, which is printed in R. M'D., p. 23, as also another on p. 185, as well as several in the Fernaig MS. {v. supra, p. 270); the bard Mac Ciche (R. M'D.'s Mac ithich) or Keith, has two pieces — one in No. 67 on Argyll beheaded at Edinburgh, printed in R. M'D., p. 138, the other, Laoi Mhic Ciche, in No. 230, beginning Mo clhuil ann Criost, printed by Kennedy in 1786 and 1834 ; one of the many poems on the battle of Killiecrankie, 'S e do latha, Rinn-ruaraidh, in No. 73, attributed here to Aonghus onac Alistir Ruaigh mhic mhic Ian Ghlinnecomhann, printed in R. M'D., p. 188, and in Gillies, p. 142 ; verses on the Macgregors in No. 73, repeated in No. 122, by Ailean mac Ghilleasbuig, fear Lag-na-h-adhai, de theaghlach Ghlinne Comhann ; a Dialogue in Verse between Queen Anne and the Laird of Appin (No. 122), by Macdonald of Dalness, printed in G. S. I., xxii. p. 173 ; a piece (No. 122) by Macintyre of Glenoe on Dr. Samuel Johnson, v. G. S. I., xxii. p. 177 ; another in the same No. (122) by the Laird of Kilbride on hearing of Cromwell's death ; a song in No. 137 by Alastair Robertson a Botheaspuic a rinn fbs Laeth Ranndabo 'n t-Sleibhe, ' A. R. in B., who also composed the Day of Ranndabo { = 1 Rendezvous) of the Hill,' — subject naimlidin na tuatha, ' the enemies of the tenantry,' printed in G. 8. I., xxiv. p. 161 ; verses on the capture of Lord Huntly, by Major Menzies, in the same No. (137), v. G. 8. I., xxiv. p. 164, and also Highland APPENDIX II 307 Monthly, vol. i. p. 278 ; an elegy in No. 152 by Nighean mhic ic Raonaill, ' daughter of Keppoch,' to her husband, who fell at Killiecrankie, v. G. S. I., xxii. p. 168; verses in No. 154 by Am Bard ban, ' The fair Poet ' (Sir Ewen Cameron's Bard) ; a short piece in No. 162, entitled Cluas a' bhuic, ' the Buck's ear,' attri- buted to Duncan M'Intyre, but which is not found in that poet's published works ; the song known as Cuachag nan Craobh, ' The Cuckoo of the Trees,' in No. 164, and dated 1765, thus showinsr that "William Ross, born in 1762, could not have been the author of these melodious verses, — v. also Turner's Collection, p. 298, Avhere thirteen stanzas are given as against Ross's nine ; a poem against strong drink, by Domhnull Donn Bojiondruinn, ' Brown Donald of (?) Bohuntin ' (cf. Macdonald Bards, Edin- burgh, 1900, p. 12), and several others. There are a large number of anonymous pieces in the Collection, some of which are important from their literary merit, while others are otherwise interesting. A number of the former class are printed in Gillies's Collection, to which Mr. Maclagan was evidently the chief contributor. Among the latter may be mentioned Sheurlus an Dobhair, or Charles of Doure, given Avith more or less completeness in Nos. 13, 85, and 137. The poem is printed, translated, and commented upon in the Highland Monthly, vol. i. pp. 148, 213, the editor regarding it as a Norwegian ballad which somehow floated down among the people of the Central Highlands for over five hundred years. There is a Dialogue between the Gruagach Soluis and Raibeart Gabha in Nos. 35 and 85. It also is printed and translated in the Highland Monthly, vol. i. p. 416. The Gruagach professes to be the best informed of Eve's progeny, apart from ' readers of books,' and ' Robert Smith ' asks about the various important happenings in the history of the Gael, the wars and exploits of Art, the ' vision ' of Charles of Doure, the doings of Cuchulainn, Fionn, and the heroes of the Feinn, the Battle of Clontarf, and such matters. The reply of the Gruagach is not given. There is a copy of '>S'e do bheatha, Mhuire mhaighdin, ' Hail, Virgin Mary,' in No. 47 ; a copy of the verses composed at Alexander the Great's grave in No. 122 {v. supra, p. 241). The poem on the Massacre of Glencoe, so often printed, is here (No. 59), as in Gillies (p. 253), anonymous. 308 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS R. M'D. (p. 241) and John Mackenzie (Beauties of. Gaelic Poetry, p. 875) ascribe it to the Bard Mucanach, the latter adding that the author was of the Glencoe family, and after the Massacre lived in the Isle of Muck (v. siqira, p. 288). Among other pieces may be mentioned Altachadh an t-Snaoisein, in No. 68, and marked incerto auctore, — the verses are printed in Conflicts of the Clans, p. 136 ; an elegy on Rob Roy in No. 73, iprmtod in the Hir/hland Monthly , vol. i. p. 209 ; a Bard's Blessing of the House of Tongue (No. 120); verses addressed to Sir Ewen Cameron on killing the English officer by cutting open his throat with his teeth (No. 204) ; and a poem in No. 210 on FdsachadJt na GaidJiealtachd Alhannaicli, ' The desolating of the Scottish Highlands,' beginning A Bheinn-neamhais ard nan neul. ' Thou cloud-capt lofty Bea Nevis.' Two MSS., Nos. 73 and 122 of the Collection, are of excep- tional interest. No. 73 consists of eight leaves quarto, with one or more leaves awanting. The writino' is in the Scottish hand of the period, and the spelling is semi-phonetic. The MS. is thus of value in the history of the orthography of Scottish Gaelic. In this connection No. 73 may be compared with a Lochaber MS. noticed by the late Dr. Maclauchlan of Edin- burgh in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, vol. iii. p. 307. The first poem in the MS. is the Comh- achag, or as it is here called, as in Jerome Stone's MS., Creag g{h)uanach (v. suijra, p. 285). A long explanatory Gaelic preface is prefixed, and the writer adds a note at the end, dated July 1st, 1725, to the effect that if he had time, he would have given a description of the huntsman-author, his appearance, dress, and arms, together with an account of the wild animals that fre- quented the district in his time. No. 122 consists of eight leaves quarto, and is of interest for the literary notes it contains. The authority for the statements is occasionally given. Thus Mr. ( = Rev.) N. M'Leod says that the last Bard of the M'Vurichs who composed poems, died about fifty years previously {i.e. about 1725). Mr. M'Tavish, minister of Torosay, says that the last of the M'Ewen Bards to Argyll was minister of Kilchoan in Nether Lorn. Mr. APPENDIX II 309 MacTavish in 1743 saw in (Prof.) C. MacLaurin's possession, in Edinburgh, the genealogy of the Macdonalds in GaeUc, which was carried from Tiree by his great- or great-great-grandfather. [This is doubtless the present MS. I of the Advocates' Library Collection, v. siq'>ra, p. 72.] ' Several Gaelic MSS. were sup- posed to be in the Laird of M'Farlane's custody.' ' M'Lachlan of Kilbride has several MSS., particularly a translation of Augus- tine's De civitate Dei done at lona, seen and read by Mr. Archibald Lambie.' Mr. Lambie was minister of Kilmartin 1738 to 1767. [This tract is not now in the Kilbride Collection.] Dr. Campbell at Achnamba says that books which were in Zona were brought to Douay. ' There were poetical schools or academies in Skye and Inverness.' ' The proceedings before the Parliament in Ardchattan when Macdougall was forfeited were in Gaelic' The Duanaire Ruadli in Glenaladale's family, and given by them to M'Donald of Kills in Cnoideart, contained a number of Ossianic poems, Highland tales, was in folio, and came into the hands of (James) M'Pherson.' ' A MS. in Glenoe's hands contains the adventures of Smerbie ^mor, a predecessor of Argyll who lived in the fifth century, also Claim Uisneachan ' [MS. LIII was for a time in Glenoe's hands — v. Celtic Review, vol. i. p. 5 — but it contains no notice of Smerbie mor\. ' A Treatise on Physick was written in Gaelic by Beaton, commonly called U{\eg.O)llamh Ileach' (Islay Doctor). ' Charles Stewart, Notary Publick, now in the Isle of Shuna, saw several poems in the Gaelic character and language among M'Leod's papers in the hands of Rod. Macleod, W.S.' ' Thos. Fraser of Gortleg in Stratharig knows of Lord Lovat's papers ' [and among them] ' a Treatise on Physick wrote by Conchar of Ardoran in the Gaelic language.' 'The Ollainh Ileach and his brother U{leg.O)llam}i MuileacJi {Mull Doctor) were educated in Spain; knew Greek and Latin, but no English.' ' Charles Stewart, Shuna, saw the Ollamh Ileach's book with Dr. William M'Farlane, now Laird of M'Farlane, in 1775.' A few erroneous ascriptions of authorship are noticeable in the Collection. In an unnumbered item Ian M'Mhuirich is given instead of Lachlann as the author of the ' Incitement ' at the Battle of Harlaw. In No. 73 Rorie Morison, clarsair 310 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS Mhicleoid, ' Macleod's harper, ' is iiaiiied as the author of the poem beginning Latha sinhhdl sleihhe ilhumJt. The aiitlior was Lachlan Mackinnon. In No. 189 the poem known as Coirc an Easiain) is ascribed to EuadJiraidh Ball, ' bhnd Rory.' The author was John Mackay, piper, who was also blind. 2. MSS. etc. hcqiLeatlied by the late Rev. John Kennedy These consist of — 1. The Fernaig MS., described under Skene's MSS., supra, p. 267 + . [It was thought that the valuable Fernaig MS. went, under Mr. Kennedy's will, to the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh, but this was found not to be the case Cf. supra, p. 267J. 2. A number of volumes of MSS., a few printed items, and a pile of miscellaneous sheets in writing. The following are in Mr. Kennedy's handwriting : — (1) Transcripts of poems and songs, mainly from the Maclagan Collection, and for the most part printed in volumes xxi. to xxvi. of the Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness. (2) Papers on ' Words and Phrases,' ' Wisdom in Books, Eachdraidh nan Ceard, ' History of the Tinkers.' (3) A sheet containing the declension of some Gaelic nouns. (4) A notebook kept by Mr. Kennedy when attending one of the Greek classes in the University of Glasgow. The rest belonged to the Rev. Dr. Cameron. With the exception of three of the volumes and a few sheets, they are all in his handwriting. Dr. Cameron's library was purchased for the University of Edinburgh by the late Sir William Mackinnon, Bart. The books, with some exceptions, went to Edinburgh, but no MS. was sent. The contents of these Cameron papers are briefly : (1) A parcel containing a translation by the late Angus Macpherson of London of the first volume of Her Majesty Queen Victoria's Leaves from the Journcd of Our Life in the APPENDIX II 311 Higlilands, with relative papers. The translation was printed but not published. The main facts of Dr. Cameron's connec- tion with it are given in Ret. Celt., i. p. clix, et seq. (2) Twenty-three volumes of various sizes and bindings. Three of these contain a MS. copy of Dr. Love's Sermons. The others, so far as written upon, are all in Dr. Cameron's hand. They contain jottings of his ecclesiastical activities and Gaelic studies, the latter consisting of copies of several Gaelic hymns, with or without corrections, and a translation of one or two ; transcripts from the Dean of Lismore's MS. ; an Ossianic Ballad or two, with a few extracts from Macpher- son's texts ; lists of Gaelic books, with dates of publication, and lists of such books as were in Dr. Cameron's library ; notes regarding the Gaelic class taught by him in Glasgow ; meanings of words from the ' Four Masters ' (F.M.) and the ' Wars of the Gaidheil with the Gaill ' (GG) ; notes on the Gaelic article ; a study of St. Patrick's Hj^mn ; and lists of errors contained in the edition of the Scriptures published by Dr. M'Lauchlan and Dr. Clerk in 1860. (3) A pile of sheets: contents miscellaneous. There are among them, in print, a Gaelic sermon by Dr. Clerk of Kil- mallie on the Headship of Christ, printed in 1865 ; two or three copies of three Gaelic sermons by the late Rev. John G. Campbell, Tiree ; a few articles on Gaelic Etymology and Topography ; and a number of copies of a letter to the Edin- burgh Courant on the errors in Drs. M'Lauchlan and Clerk's edition of the Gaelic ScrijDtures. This parcel contains a translation of Professor Windisch's Grammar of Old Irish, by Dr. Cameron. For the rest, there are a number of sheets of paper entirely blank, and a still larger number with only a few lines of writing in large part de- leted. The others contain for the most part notes of the same character as those in the volumes described above, — repetition of studies in St. Patrick's Hymn and other old texts, of errors in the 1860 edition of the Gaelic Scriptures, of the correct mode of writing such words as gion, duCn, bheil, etc., together with a number of proverbs, specimens of examination papers and answers of students, lists of book purchases, etc., etc. The transcripts of important MSS. which Dr. Cameron made and 312 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS Iho MSS. which he possessed (v. JUL Celt, i. xii, et seq.) are not among these papers. 3. — The MS. copy of Dr. Machain's Etymological Dictionary. This volume was presented by Dr. Macbain's executors to the University. APPENDIX III 313 APPENDIX III Gaelic MSS. in private possession I. In the iu7-iters possession. 1. A parchment MS. quarto size, consisting of thirteen leaves, without cover. The MS. was evidently written in the late fifteenth or early sixteenth century. The hand is very good and regular. Capitals, except in the last four leaves, are splashed with red, otherwise there is no ornamentation. The writing is in two columns, and largely contracted. The text is an imperfect copy of the Tract on Materia Medica formerly described {v. supra, p. 17 e^ seq.). There is nothing to indicate author, translator or scribe. The copy is complete at the commencement, but defective at the end. Several leaves are also awanting here and there. Thus after a continuous text of two leaves, containing the articles Aron barba to Agnus Castus, there is a break of two leaves. Our third leaf gives the concluding part of the article on Aurifrigmentum, and ends with that on Auena. Then comes another gap of probably three leaves, the next article being Camolea quinquefolium, with a continuous text to Caprifolimn nnater silua(e). Then follows a further gap of say three leaves, the text now resuming with the concluding part of the article on Fraxinus. The remaining articles in ' F,' and the first five articles in * G ' to Gariojilus tollow. Thereafter comes another break of two or three leaves. The MS. now begins with the last four lines of the article on Licrisia, and goes on with eight leaves of con- tinuous text, ending abruptly with Jarap>igra Galieni, i.e. within an article or two of the end of the Tract. 2. Eight leaves of parchment, small folio, stitched together with stout linen thread. The writing on the first six leaves is in two columns, in a plain, clear hand of the fifteenth century. 3U APPENDIX 111 'J. J.' (? Jacobus Jack) is written in quite a modern hand on the foot margin of fol. 'la, otherwise there is nothing to indicate author, date, or scribe. The text is continuous, and the subject is given in Latin, written in small capitals: (q)u{i)nque sunt potencie ainme, etc. Then follows : Ised adeir Ar. in secundo de animd cofuilit cuig cmnachta co generalta ag an anim, ' What Aristotle says in the second (book of the) De anima is that the soul has in general five faculties.' Of these brutes have four {tuicsiu or understanding being the only one denied them), while plants have only one, fas or growth. After explaining technical terms, 2)otencia, object and others, the exposition thereafter proceeds to the senses, of which there are ten, five exterior (foirimillach) and five interior (inmedonach) ; the organs with their objects and media; vision, which is elaborately treated; hearing; taste and smell. The interior senses, under the division of Auicenna — Sensus communis, imaginatiua,fantastica, estimatiua, and memoratiua — are but briefly handled. The tract ends with finit on fol. 6b 2, the remainder of the column being taken up with short definitions of elementum (dicil), uita {hetha), teine, etc., of which last the following definition is offered : Is ed is teine ann duil ata inann do gnath 7 gamairind a dilus do gnath amail ata in teine nemtuicsinacli, ' Fire is an element which is ever the same, the property of which ever endures, as fire is non-sensitive.' Several authors are quoted in course of the discussion, — Af. = (Aristotle) ; Ar. ( = Arnaldus, probably at times = Aristotle) ; Au. (Aui- cenna) ; Algazel ; Alibertus ; YeWsam, ' philosopher ' (=Aristotle). Fols. 7 and 8 are written in one column, and in a rougher and later hand. The subject is charms and nostrums for the cure of various ailments, for the furthering of desirable ends, and the preventing of possible mischances. Sometimes herbs are recommended for a suitable drug or plaster, but in all cases cabalistic letters and words are essential for repetition, or for being carried about the person. 3. A fragment consisting of three leaves of parchment, one of which is detached. On the foot margin of the first leaf ' John Smith ' is written. Across the page of the last leaf is written in large, firm, modern hand, ' Enter not into quarrelsom APPENDIX III 315 company,' and, apparently in the same hand, down the middle space of the detached leaf,' ' Jacobus Jack Aught this Book,' The text is written in two columns, in a plain, legible hand, and probably dating from the late sixteenth century. The besfinning and end of the tract is ofiven, but the text is not continuous, there being a gap between the first and the detached leaf, and between this again and the third leaf. The subject is a summary or abstract of the Treatise oi Maigh- ister Ricairdi (cf. supra, p. 71). The tract opens with the words formerly quoted and the former tract may well be a copy of this. After stating that Ricairdi's treatise is itself compiled from Hippocrates, Galen, Auicenna and Rhazes, the writer adds that inasmuch as the greatest danger arises when the ignorant physician fails to appreciate the symptoms and prognostications described by these authorities in the case of the acute diseases, the discussion of these must have the foremost place. Accordingly, in the exposition which follows, the illustrations in this fragment are confined practically to the symptoms of the various kinds of fevers. The tract concludes on fol. 3 b 1 thus : giir amlaid sin crichnaidlder suirii J derridus .r. do toil de. finit., ' And thus is concluded the substance and secret of R(icardi) by the will of God. It ends.' The remainder of the last page is written upon, but in faded ink, and is only in part legible. The first line is meant for a cure for poisoned veins : Deoch ar neim cuislenn ann so . Gab macall, ' A potion for poisoned veins. Take avens.' The next line reads, Sgiath luireach Colum Cilli ann so sis. finid (v. Erin v. p. 13, n. 6). Then comes a blank space followed by illegible text. When the text becomes fairly readable, the subject is religious and metrical. Several saints are invoked, among them Geoirghi, Mach(a)omhog, Malaisi, Ronan, Molinn. But the luireach which the writer specially seeks to protect him is ' God, Christ Son of Mary, and the Holy Spirit.' 4. A paper MS. of a hundred and eighty pages, half bound. The volume consists of a large number of extracts from various sources, mainly Gaelic and Celtic. The compiler Avas (the Rev.) John Smith, eldest son of Dr. Smith of Campbeltown, who died early, and the date is about 1810. A table of contents is prefixed. 31G APPENDIX III Among the more important Celtic items arc: (p. 13) the well- known Ossianic ballad, ' Oran a ' Chleirich (L. F,, p. 72" et seq.), called here An Deilgneach MIlov, and said to have been copied from Mr. Sage's MSS., with translation ; (p. 29) verses on ' Anna,' with translation ; (p. 30) the reckoning of Fionn and Dubhan's men {v. supra, p. 172); (p. 33) a fragment of Sliahh nam Ban fionn {v. L. F., p. 142 et seq. supra, p. 232); (p. 58) words in the Oriental languages, which have an analogy to Gaelic roots, copied from Ossian, vol. iii., p. 426-9, with other com- parisons between Hebrew and Gaelic vocables; (p. 62) long extracts from Ossian, vol. iii., pp. 543-569, etc., about books and MSS. illustrative of the history and civilisation of the Celts; (pp. 84-9) an account of the proceedings, minutes, members, etc. of a Gaelic Literary Society in Glasgow College in 1809-10; (pp. 101-6) notices of the principal Gaelic books published from 1567 to the writer's day, with those in his own possession separ- ately marked; (p. 110) translations of passages from Sean Dana by Alex. Stewart of Moulin; (pp. 114-47), copy of hymns by Duncan Macfadyen in Stralachlan (published in Glasgow in 1770); (pp. 148-60) copy of elegy on Dr. M'Lachlan, the Duanag Ullanih and other verses, printed in Glasgow (no date, but evidently about the same time as Macfadyen's hymns); (pp. 161-9) comparison of Gaelic vocables with Hebrew, Greek, Latin and English words, grammatical notes, etc.; (pp. 170-5) a Gaelic poem, ' The Gael leaving his native land,' ascribed here to Alexander Stewart; (p. 176) satirical verses; (178-9) trans- lations from Anacreon, by (the Rev.) Daniel Kelly. Along with these, there are scattered throughout the volume extracts from Beattie, Dr. Johnson, Boswell and others, mainly about Ossian, quotations from Tillotson's Sermons, etc. 5. A paper MS. of some seventy pages of large quarto, covered in pasteboard with leather back. The volume is written upon from both ends. Some leaves are cut out at the beginning, and there are blank pages and spaces. On inner front cover is ' John Smith, 6th February 1810, eVea irrepoevra.' Then follows a fragment of a Gaelic Etymological Dictionary, beginning with maireach, ' morrow,' and continuing to the end of the Gaelic alphabet. Thereafter come additional vocables under on, s, and APPENDIX III 317 a few under g, h similarly treated. Excerpts from the Glossaries to Gavin Douglas's poems, glossary of the Lancashire dialect, and grammar prefixed to Johnson's Dictionary follow. At the other end of the MS. a page is given to linguistic notes and comparisons, culled from various sources, — African, American, Indian, Gothic and other languages. Thereafter come the following poems : 1. Taihhseadh na h-Ei7)ihir h-ailne, ' The Shade of Evir- allin,' by Dr. Donald Smith. With these verses, compare the very different version in Fingal, iv. 11. 85-114. 2. Agalladh Fhinn 's a' Ghairbh mlcic Stairn, ' The colloquy of Fionn and the Rough son of Starn,' by Dr. D(onald) S(mith). The verses are evidently Dr. Smith's composition. Five quatrains are put into Fionn's mouth, and five in the Garbh's. Cf. the popular ballads (which are quite different) in L. F., pp. 3-8. 3. ' Oran, Dr. D*^ Smith.' The subject is the disrespect shown to Gaelic in Dr. Smith's day. 4. A long poem of ninety- six quatrains or three hundred and eighty-four lines by J(ohn) S(mith), D.D., ' on the Times, being a Dialogue between two poor Highlanders in the year 1794.' An English translation of the first eighteen quatrains is given by the author. 5. Three quatrains by the three daughters of a mariner, endeavouring to keep their father at home. 6. Verses attributed to Bishop Carsewell(v. sit29ra,pp.205,263). 7. Eight quatrains, anonymous. 8. Bds Artuir. Here in twelve quatrains. 9. The Elegy of Murcha MacBrian. The poem is printed with variations in A. and D. Stewart's Collection, p. 549, to which the reader is here referred. 10. Laoidh na Muigh finne. Nine quatrains, lamenting the present desolation of the once gay abode of the fair M. 11. Rosg Fhinn. Nine quatrains in which the hero lauds his followers. 12. Twelve quatrains, beginning, Gabh mo theagasg, a bhean og. This copy is extracted by Dr. Donald Smith from the Bolg- solaraidh of Bryan Kelly, Kilmainham. Cf. su2'>ra, p. 208. 318 APPENDIX III 13. Six lines, descriptive of heaven, from the same source as No. 12. 14. Hymnus Christo. Four quatrains, beginning, A ilhuine nacli luir dliuit creiiclula an chroidhe on dall. 15. Columba's farewell to Aran, beginning, Ceileabhradh uaimsi d'Aruin. The poem is accompanied by an explanatory note sent by Dr Donald Smith from Euniskillen in 1798 to his brother Dr. John Smith. These MSS. came to the writer from Mrs. Macfadyen, formerly of the Manse, Kildalton, grandnicce of the brothers Dr. Donald Smith and Dr. John Smith. n. In the possession of Rev. George Henderson, M.A., Ph.D. 1. Ratisbon MS. This is a MS. of the seventeenth century, brought from Ratisbon in 1862, by the late Rev. Donald M'Coll, a native of Ardgour, priest in South Uist, Laggan, and Morvern, and pre- sented by him to Dr. Henderson. The MS. is of paper, some 9 in. long, 4 in. broad, and about 1 in. thick, covered in white vellum, with notches for thongs which are now worn off. The MS. evidently went to Ratisbon from Louvain. The contents are : — 1. A copy of the poem in the Fernaig MS. entitled Bhreishlirjli Ghonochi Voihr, ' The vision of Donnachadh Mor (O'Daly),' but here attributed, and no doubt more correctly, to Baothghalach onac Aodhagain {v. supra, p. 269). 2. A large Treatise, entitled Sgathan Shacrmnaint na h-Aithrighe . . . Aodh Mac Aingil, leghtheoir diadhachta a ceolaisde na m-hrathar n-eirionnach a lohhdin, ' The Mirror of the Sacrament of Penitence ' by ' Hugh Mac Caghwell, Professor of Divinity in the College of the Irish Brothers in Louvain.' Several transcripts were made of this Treatise, and it was printed in Louvain in 1618. The learned author wrote other works in Latin, in particular on the philosophy of the famous Duns Scotus. 3. A long poem with preface, also in Gaelic, by Gillebrighde, APPENDIX III 319 alias Bonaventura, h-Eodhusa on the somewhat mixed affairs, social and ecclesiastical, of Meiler Magrath, Archbishop of Cashel. O'Hosey was the author of the first poem in the Fernaig MS., entitled Krossanighk Illivreed (v. supra, p. 2G9). He also wrote the Treatise known as the Teagasg Criosdaidhe, printed at Lou vain in 1608, at Antwerp in 1611, and at Rome in 1707. 4. Two or three religious quatrains follow^ing O'Hosey's Poem on Magrath and his affairs, beginning, A righ na ccreaclit fhuair eug am barr an chroinn. 5. The last seven leaves of the MS., Avhich probably did not originally belong to it, are ' written in the English hand of about the reign of Charles ii., and consist of a short account of the devotion to the Rosary.' For a more detailed description of this MS, v. ' A manuscript from Ratisbon, by George Henderson,' in vol. xxvi. of the Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, p. 87. 2. The M'Nicol Collection. The M'Nicol collection, which disappeared more than once, is at present in the custody of Dr. Henderson. It bears consider- able resemblance to the Maclagan Collection described above (supra, p. 302 et seq.), only that the latter is more extensive and more exclusively Gaelic. The contents may be briefly summarised as follows : — 1. A larsfe collection of Ossianic Ballads. Details are un- necessary. Mr. J. F. Campbell had access to the M'Nicol MSS. He gives a full account of the Ossianic portion in L. F. v, xv, and prints the texts on p. 3, et seq. 2. There are here, as in the Maclagan Collection, poems and songs by well-known Gaelic Bards, such as Mary Macleod, John Lom Macdonald, Alexander Macdonald, John M'Codrum, Dugald Buchanan, Duncan M'Intyre, the blind piper Mackay, James Shaw, and others. The elegy on Sir Lachlan Maclean of Duart, entitled A' chno SJtamhna, 'The Martinmas nut,' beginning, Thriall ar bunadh gu Pharras, ' Our chief has gone to heaven,' 320 APPENDIX III is here attributed to 'lame raul,' but is ascribed, more correctly, to EdcJiauu Jnicach, 'Hector the Lainc,' a well-known Maclean poet, by R. MM), (p. 85), John Mackenzie (Beauties of Gaelic Poetry, p. 77), and Kev. A. Maclean Sinclair (Gaelic Bards, i. p. 45). 3. Various poems and songs, some of which were more common in M'Nicol's day than now. Copies of such favourites as the Comhachag, Duanwj Ullamh, Aged Bard's Wish, are here. So are also such pieces as Baran Siq^air (v. Conflicts amiong the Clans, p. 101), the ' Snuti-grace ' (ibid. p. 136), Buabastar na Beirte (v. Gillies, p. 138), with many others. 4. There are several verses and sayings of Aonghus nan Aoir (v. Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, vol. xxvi. et suiyra, p. 215). 5. A translation into Gaelic of ' Auld Robin Gray,' printed in Am Bolg Solair (Glasgow : Sinclair, p. 73), and a copy of the Latin poem on the Battle of Killiecrankie (v. supra, pp. 289, 303). 6. The Tale of Murchadh Mac Brian (v. supra, p. 146). 7. ' The Black Prince,' of which the title alone is in English. 8. A number of Gaelic Sermons by Mr. M'Nicol. 9. A Journal in Gaelic from 1809 to 1813, by Major Dugald M'Nicol, a son of the minister, who was himself a writer of verse. The Collection contains also, among other matter, the follow- ing written in English. 1. Papers and Letters on the Ossianic Controversy. 2. An Abstract or First Draft of the Author's Remarks on Johnson's Journey to the Hebrides. 3. Several Genealogical Papers, including the Genealogy of Neil M'Vurich, the Bard of Clanranald. 4. A MS. History of Scotland, 1419-1550, and 1520-1564. 5. Extracts from Guthrie's History, and from Lhuyd's Archaeologia Britannica. 6. A number of Sermons, with a Journal giving the dates on which the Sermons (in Gaelic and English) were preached in Lismore, Appin, and elsewhere. In addition to the above, Dr. Henderson has several papers of interest which belonged at one time to the Rev. Dr. Mackintosh Mackay and to John Morrison of Harris. APPENDIX III 321 III. MSS. of Rob Bonn's Poems Two copies of this famous bard's poems were taken down during his lifetime. One was written by the Rev. ^Eneas Macleod, afterwards minister of Rogart. This copy was last seen in the possession of the late Rev. Dr. Mackintosh Mackay, and, it is to be feared, is irrecoverably lost. The other was done by Miss Thomson, daughter of the minister of Durness. This copy is now in the possession of Dr. Hew Morrison, Edinburgh. IV. In the possession of the Rev. John Walker Macintyre, Kilmonivaig Mr. Macintyre possesses three MSS. 1. The second transcript of the Dean of Lismore's MS., written by Ewen M'Lachlan, of Aberdeen. This MS. was given to the late Rev. Dr. Macintyre of Kilmonivaig by its former possessor, who emigrated. 2. A bulky volume, being an English-Gaelic Dictionary, compiled in the latter half of the eighteenth century. The volume probably came into the possession of the late Dr. Macintyre, through his relative, James Macintyre of Glenoe, who, with several others, did a great deal of useful work, in collecting material for a Gaelic Dictionary at that time (of suj^ra, p. 281). 3. A copy of a collection of Gaelic Proverbs made in 1769, by Ewen Macdiarmid, which was in the possession afterwards of the late Mr. John Shaw, Kinloch Rannoch, v. Nicolsons Proverbs, p. xxxiii. For other MSS. possessed by Mr. Shaw, cf. L. F., p. xvii. V. The late Captain Matheson of Dornies Collection Next to Mr. J. F. Campbell of Islay's MSS. {v. supra, p. 281), the most meritorious collection of the nineteenth century that has come under the writer's notice is that by the late Captain Alexander Matheson of Dornie. This collection consists of three volumes, one of foolscap, thin, neatly bound, but only in small X 322 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS part written upon; a second of large octavo, 206 pages of which arc written upon ; and the third of smaller octavo wholly written upon. The contents of the three volumes are practically the same, an extensive collection of songs and poems composed in the west of Ross-shire and neighbouring districts, by Mathesons, Macraes, Mackenzies and others, and recovered from old people by the industrious collector. Some of the songs and poems have been published, in Avhole or in part, in various collections. But much the greater number have not hitherto been printed. A valuable feature of the collection is the notes attached to nearly all the poems, naming the author and the date or probable date of the composition, with frequently an anecdote or interesting tradition regarding them. The third volume is more of the nature of a scrap book, and is less carefully written ; but the greater part of the contents of this collection, if competently edited, would be a valuable addition to modern Gaelic literature. The writer is indebted to the sister of the collector, Miss Betsie Matheson, for the privilege of perusing this collection. There are several other literary remains of the nineteenth century that one meets with, or hears of, here and there. Con- spicuous among recent collectors, not to speak of those still living, were Dr. M'Lauchlan of Edinburgh, Rev. J. G. Campbell of Tiree, and the Rev James Macdougall of Duror. But a con- siderable portion of presumably the most valuable part of the labours of these and other such men have been published at one time or other. APPENDIX IV 323 APPENDIX IV Gaelic MSS. lost or missing In addition to the MSS. catalogued above there are many Gaelic papers of interest in private libraries. The late Dr. M'Lauchlan e.g. possessed sermons written in Gaelic by the Rev. James Stewart of Killin. Dr. Cameron had access to Gaelic MSS. and papers by Dr. Stuart of Luss. A great-grand- daughter of Duncan M'Intyre has papers and memoranda con- nected with the poet's life and work. There are no doubt many such here and there. Older and later many MSS. of Scottish Gaelic origin have found their way out of the country. A few such are still traceable. Thus the oldest book now existing which can be proved to have been written in Scotland, a copy of Adamnan's Vita Columhae, transcribed by Dorbeneus, who died as Abbot- elect of lona in 713, is now in the public library of SchafFhausen. The Book of Deer is in Cambridge. One or two old Scotic MSS, are in Rome. These and others such, apart from the Gaelic colophon and memoranda in the Book of Deer, are written in Latin. To come to a later date : one or two of the Gaelic MSS. in the British Museum are from Scotland. The so-called Red and Black Books of Clanranald are in the possession of the Chief of that name. Papers of Ewen M'Lachlan, including his transla- tions from the Iliad into Gaelic, are at present in England in private possession. In recent times, emigrants have occasion- ally carried Gaelic MSS. abroad, and one or two have been written in the Colonies. The Rev. A. MacLean Sinclair of Pictou, Nova Scotia, a MS. collection of Gaelic litera- ture, made by Dr. Mackenzie of Gruline, whose daughter, Mary, in the absence of her father, entertained Dr. Samuel Johnson ; another collection made by his own grandfather, the 324 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS poet John Maclean from Tiree, who owned and brought with him to the Island Dr. Mackenzie's MS. ; and a third, a rhymed version of the Psalms of David, with other matter, written by the late Rev. Dr. Blair, in the Colony. But much the greater number of the MSS. written by the old Gaelic scholars are, it is to be feared, lost for ever. Occasional references to some in the older period — the ' obits ' of lona e.g., from which a portion of the Annals of Ulster would be compiled, are made in Reeves's edition of Adamnan's Vita Columbae. Beyond that they were of great value, we know little of the contents of the old Library of lona. It used to be said that many volumes went from lona to Glasgow ; Dr. Campbell (supra, p. 309) says that some went to Douay. The Latin section would be much larger than the Gaelic. The dispersion of the considerable Gaelic library of the M'Vurichs, bards to the Clanranald chiefs, is described in 1800 by the illiterate de- scendant of that distinguished family (v. Rep. on Ossian, p. 275). The M'Yurichs lost their lands and their literary zeal. He him- self, not having been taught to read, was indifferent as to the fate of the volumes. Some went here and some went there. Clanranald ordered his uncle to give the Red Book to James Macpherson from Badenoch. Alexander Macdonald the poet took some volumes away; his son Ranald took others; he saw tailors cut some of the parchments into stripes for measuring-tapes. Martin in his description of the Western Isles mentions two copies of the old Gaelic Life of St Columba existing in his day, one with M'Neill of Barra, the other with Macdonald of Benbecula. One of these may be that in our MS. XL (u supra p. 92). The same author describes the medical Library of Dr. Fergus Beaton of Uist, some portion of which may well form part of the medical section of our Scottish Collection now. Mr. M'Nicol, in his reply to Dr. Johnson, remarks again and again upon lost Gaelic MSS. Further references on the same subject are met with in L. F. and Rel. Celt Cf also supra, pp. 217-225, 255, 308. Special mention must be made regarding three such MSS. APPENDIX IV 325 1. The Records of the Isles. During the administration of the Lords of the Isles, records seem to have been pretty regularly kept. This department, we are told, was in charge of MacDuffie or M'Phee of Colonsay. These would, in part, be written in Gaelic. The disappearance of these records is a great loss not merely to the History of the West Highlands but to the History of Scotland. 2. A translation of the Old Testament into Scottish Gaelic. During Cromwell's regime the Synod of Argyll showed un- wonted litarary activity. They turned the Psalms of David into Gaelic verse, and printed, in 1659, the first fifty of them in a little volume, now extremely rare, called the Caogad or ' fifty.' At the same time they took steps to translate the whole of the Scriptures into Scottish Gaelic, and portioned out the Old Testament, up to and including Canticles, among their members. From the Synod Minutes we gather that the Books of Job Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Canticles were translated before October 1657, and the Pentateuch by November 1660. Other parcels were also completed, but details are not given. After the Restoration the zeal of the Synod waned. Apart from the first fifty their rhymed version of the Psalms was not printed until after the Revolution. No part of this translation of the Old Testament was ever printed. Mr. M'Nicol says that the MS. was in the library of the Duke of Argyll shortly before he wrote. Dr. Hew Scott (Fasti, v. p. 14) states that Duncan Campbell, minister of (North) Knapdale translated the two books of Chronicles, and that the MS. still existed, in 1851. But all efforts to trace any portion of this work have hitherto proved fruitless. The loss of this MS. to Scottish Gaelic Literature is very great. The translation was made independent of the Irish translation, for although the latter was done earlier it was not printed until later, in 1685. This great work, even though a translation, would be a most important addition to our meagre stock of Scottish Gaelic prose. 326 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS 3. Farquharson's Collection of Gaelic Poetry. Father Farquharson, at one time student, afterwards Prefect, of the College of Doiiay, when a young priest in this country made a collection of Gaelic poetry. From the account given in the 1807 edition of Ossian, vol. i. xl-lviii, this collection must have been very extensive. The MS. is said to have been of folio size, three inches thick, and closely written. The priest brought the volume to Douay with him. It appears to have been specially rich in Ossianic poetry. When Macpherson's Ossian appeared, Mr. Farquharson carefully compared Macpherson's English version with his own MS., and was delighted to find the latter superior and fuller. After the Prefect's day his MS. fell on evil days in Douay. The last heard of it is that the students used its leaves to light their fires. If we had this large and valuable MS. now, it would probably throw little light on the Ossianic controversy, but it would consider- ably enlarge our knowledge of the literature current in the east of Inverness and Ross in the middle of the eighteenth century. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS Page 2 line 7, add, ' also IVa, IVb, being MSS. CIV, CIII of this Catalogue, described on p. 2G6.' „ „ 25, for XXXVI read XXXVII. 5 „ 27, add 'as also the large medical MS. described on pp. 274-277, and probably MS. XVIII {v. p. 51).' 7 „ 25, 6e/ore ' copy' ?'ead 'defective.' 8 „ 6, add 'This tract is printed by Alan 0. Anderson, M.A., with translation and notes, in Bev. Celt, xxx. p. 404 + .' 18 „ 11, for 'Vive' read 'Six.' „ „ 35, add '6. A copy in Ireland, dated 1466. v. O'R. p. cxxx.' 23 „ 21, 31, for ^ (Saiiitatis) ' read ' scientiae.' 25 „ 32, for ' (G)il(f)inn' read ' Illann,' and cf. Bev. Celt., xi. 401. 51 „ 21, after ' 14,' add ' Cf. medical MS. described on pp. 273-277.' 52 „ 24, after ' C ' add ' O'M.,' and delete ' by the hound.' 54 „ 31, /or 'la2' read 7a2.' 61 „ 24, add ' v. pp. 206-207.' 62 „ 13, after 'returned' «(/(? 'v. p. 272, line 20.' 72 „ 29, add 'v. p. 309, 1. 1.' 75 ,, 37, add 'According to Trans. B. I. A., xxvi. 31, there is a copy of this Passion in Liber Flavins Fergusiorum.' 77 „ 39, add 'But v. Eriu, iv. 173.' 79 „ 10, add ' For religious passages in MS. IV. v. p. 23.' 87 „ 27, after ' Christians' add ' cf B. L. xx.' 89 (foot) /or 'O'Gr. Cat., p. 661,' read ' Y. B. L., p. 20b.' 90 line 24 for ' Text ' read ' Texts.' 95 „ 14 /or ^chumacht' read ^ smacht.' 98 „ 9 add ' MS. XL not MS. XLVIII must be the Bianf of H. S. D. MS. XL is so named (v. p. 153) by E. M'L., one of the chief compilers of the Dictionary.' 113 „ 27 delete 'late.' 126,, 34 /or 'L' read 'LI.' 128 „ 14 /or 'LXXXr read 'LXXXIIL' 133 „ 1, after ' 1782' add 'but with much shorter and different text.' 136 „ 22, add ' There is a copy in the Book of Hui Maine, cf. Archiv fur Celt. Lexih, II. 145.' 141 „ 6, for 'hearers' read 'companions.' 144 „ 26, add '3a. Pp. 96a-104a contain a copy of Bruighean bheag na h-Almhuin. Cf. p. 141.' 156 line 8, after 'John' add '[Minaird "little height" is met with in Scotland and Ireland. There are two in Argyllshire, one a small estate on Loch Fyne ; another, a farm near Airdoran, at one time the seat of the O'Conachers or M'Conachers, physicians of Lorn].' 328 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS Page 1G4 lino 28, (nld ' This coinpo.sition is sometimes attributed to the poet Egan O'Rahilly, and extracts from it have been printed in the second edition of the poet's works published by the Irish Texts Society, 1911.' Cf. also Zeit. filr Celt. Phil, v. 541. „ 182 (foot), add ' The Tract is printed, with translation, in Celt. Rev., vii. 52-62, bv the Rev. George Caldcr, B.D.' „ 184 line 13, for '2 3' read 213. „ 195 „ 7, add ^ The Phar.'^nl in, other wise, In Cath Catharda, ^^ The Civil War," with translation, notes, and vocabulary, was printed by Whitley Stokes, and published after the great scholar's lamented death. Irische Te.de (iv, 2. Leipzig, 1909.) The Thebaid is being printed, with translation and notes, by the writer in Celt. Rev. (vii. 106 et seq.).' „ 201 „ 14,/or 'Proc.'rearf 'Trans.' ,, 202 (foot), add 'The Gaelic versions give only the first seven books of the Pharsalia.' „ 208 line 13, add 'This satire is printed by O'Donovan in The Tribes of Ireland, p. 284. (Dublin, 1852.)' „ „ „ 31, /or 'column 'rcrt(? ' columns.' „ 219 „ 34, after 'Finit' add 'The text is printed in the Todd Lecture Series, vol. xvi. p. 24 + .' „ 240 „ 3, 32, for ' Phil.' read ' Lexik.' „ „ „ 23, for ' MSS.' read ' MS.' „ 242 „ 27, after 'son ' insert ' ?.' „ 249 „ 1, for ' 220' read '202.' „ 255 „ 19, add ' The Legend is printed by Eoghan O'Neachtain in Erin, iv. 49 + , and has been published by Gill and Son. Dublin, 1911.' „ 260 „ 17, insert 'MS. LXXXIV. This MS. is the copy made for Dr. Skene of E. M'L.'s transcript of MS. XXXVII {cf p. 227). „ 260 „ 30, for ' 158, line 3, to p. 299 ' read ' 148 to p. 309.' „ 267 „ 11, after ' Library' add ' Cf p. 310, 1. 11.' „ „ „ l9,for '129' read '137.' ,, 288 „ 22, for ' seven,' read ' six.' „ 291 „ 18 after ' severely ' insert '(The subject of Macintyre's Satire was Mac Neacain, not MacNicol).' „ 295 ,, 12, /or ' Proceedings' reafi 'Transactions.' , 297 „ 2, add ' The Contract, with translation by the Rev. Dr. M'Lauchlan, is printed in the Gael, ii. pp. 155, 156.' 298 „ 17, for ' al,so ' read ' also.' „ 300 „ 30, add ' Cf. p. 274. It would appear that this copy was not made from the copy of earlier date there described.' „ 307 „ 4, after 'Bard' add 'A poem by Domhnall Ban Bard is printed in Gaelic Bards, ii. p. 113.' „ 315 „ 2S, for ' Erin ' read ' Eriu,' and after ' 6 ' insert (.). INDEX I. Names of Authors and Principal Persons Aaron, 78, 219. Abercromby, Hon. John, 292. Ab Ithel ( = Johu Williams), 273. Abratruadh, 108. Achadhiianaidh, Bean fir, 257. Achilles, personal appearance of, 199. Adam, 77-78, 94, 1U8, 117, 120. Adamnan, 323. Aed (King), 93. son of Dagda, 136. Aegeas (Proconsul), 74. Aidan (King), 109, 111. Ailill (King of Connaught), 156. Ainmire, King, 109. Aird-na-bidhe, Fear, 254. Aitheach Tuatha, 126, 138, 184. Alexander (Physician), 21, 47. the Great (verses at grave of), 307. Albannach, Dubghall, 72. Duncha 6g, 237. • Muireach, 237, 239, 240. Algazel, 40, 42, 48, 314. Aliabas, 35. Alibertus, 17, 40, 48, 53, 314. Almasor, 13, 28, 30. Almogestus Tomoei, 46. Allan, son of Rory, 230, 233, 235. Amergin, 180. Anacreon (translation from), 316. Anderson, A. 0., 7, 94, 155. Andrevr (Apostle), 73. Andtapus, 28, 30. Aneurin, 273. Angus (of the Isles), 244. (of Islay), 285. bg (of the Isles), 5. son of Farquhar, son of Angus, 63, 65. Animatus, 44. Anna, 79. Anne, Queen, 306. Anselm (St.), 74, 85, 103. Antipater, 76. Apolonius, 44. Appin, Laird of, 306. Aquinas, Thomas, 24, 38. Archibald (Laird of Largie), 174 Argyll, Countess of, 246. Earls of, 117, 244, 263, 304. Library of, 325. Marquess of, 117, 264. Taoisech of (v. O'Colla), 126. Aristotle, passim 8-71, 314. Arnaldus, 13, 16, 57, 58, 68, 314. Arnalldus of Villa Nova, 46, 47. Artaenfer, 107, 112, 138, 173. Arthur, King, 117, 188. Artri (King of Munster), 113. Artur, death of, 317. Astle, 201. Athteothus (Tateus?), 9. Atkinson, Professor, Glossary to Brehon Laws, 177. On Irish Metric, 181. Passions and Homilies, 73, 74, 76, 79, 86. Augustine, 24 ; (De Civitate Dei), 309. Averroes (v. Colliget), 16, 21, 31, 42, 47, 53. Avicen na, ^a^sj'm 8-71, 276, 277, 314, 315. Bade (daughter of Calatin), 149. Baedan, son of Oairell, 111. Baitin (Baithin), 79, 90. Balar baluan, 120. Bannatyne, Lord, 2, 158, 272. Bard ban, 307. Bard in Leymm, 238. Bartholomeus, 53, 58. Beatha — whence M'Bheath(adh), M'Beath, M'Veagh, Beaton, etc., 285. Beaton, Christopher M'Veagh, 285. Donald, 62, 283, 2S6. Eoin (John), 14, 17, 21, 52, 61, 79, 88, 283, 284, 285. 329 330 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS Beaton, Faruhar (Fiirquliar), 298. Fergus, 285, 2S6, 295, 324. Fergus /inn, 25, 285. Gillaudcrs, 49, 286. dubli, 57. Gille Coluim (Malcolm), 6, 22, 88, 286. Gille Crist (Christopher), 285. Hector, 25. James, 88, 89, 285, 286. Neil, 25, 285. Niall dg, 25. mac Giollandris, 49. tjlas mac Giollandris, 49. mac Neill Meigbethadh, 25. • Rory son of Neill, 285. D. M. B., 286. G. M. B., 286. M. B., 43, Beattie, Professor, 310. Bebhinn, 120. Be Boirche, 203. Be chairm, 120. Becuill, 120. Becc Boirche, 203. Bede, 109. Bedus, Sanctus, 9. Beirbhe ( = Bergen), 143. Berchan, St., 93. Bernardus Gordonius, 6, 9, 16, 25, 27, 28,51,68, 70, 274, 283, 298, Bethune, Angus, 299. Anna, 298. John, 299. Betrus (Petrus?), 9. Bile (father of Mile), 108. Blair, Rev. Dr., 324. Bleire (Bruce?), Robert, 126. Boesius (Boethius ?), 9. Boethius, 46. Boswell, James, 316. Bove the Red, 168. Breas son of Ealad(h)an, 108, Bricne (of tlie venomous tongue), 160. Bridget, St., 88. Bris so uolus (?), 71. Brooke, Miss, 151, 233, 234, 252, 253. Browlingych, Gillecrist, 238. Bruce, Robert the, 5, 285. Brude, son of Maelchu, 93. Buchanan, Dugald, 305, 319. Buttner, Professor, 266. CfflSAR, Emperor, 13. Cahan, James, 174. Cairpre Cindihait, 138. Lifeachair, 186, 236. ri({fota, 109, 110. Calatin, 147. Calder, Rev. George, 195. Cameron, Rev. Alexander, LL.D., 162, 228, 208, 323 ; papers of, 310. Sir Ewen, 307, 308. Campbell, Colin, 116. Rev. Colin, D.D., 113. Colin, of Lochnell, 276. Duncan, 243. Rev. Duncan, 325. Sir Duncan, Elegy on, 297, 305 ; pedigree of, 297. (Duncan?), 'new Gaelic Song Book,' 257. Rev. Du., 281. John (of the Bank of Scotland), 297. John F., 3, 142, 146, 228, 266, 281, 321. Rev. J. G., Tiree, 311, 322. Miss, 212. Dr., Achnamba, 309, 324. Robert, 159. Rev. William, 159. Caoilte mac Ronain, 230, 233. Carmichael, Alexander, LL.D., 170. Carsewell, Bishop, verses attributed to, 205, 263, 269, 304, 317. Catherine, St., 241. Ceallachan King of Munster, 112. Celsus(MS. Selsus), 71. Celtchair mao Uthechair, 167. Cennfaeladh, 180. Cermait, 108. Charles I., descent of, 126. Chalmers, George, 287, 288. Christ Jesus, print of feet, 173 ; per- sonal appearance of, 79 ; passion of, 75, 85. Cian, 166. Ciaran, St., 87. Ciarnaid, 111. Cithruadh, 132. Claen (poet of Alba), 138. Clerk, Rev. Dr. Archibald, 121, 236, 290, 311. Cochondacht mac Thearlaieh bhuidh(e), 238. Colgan King of Lochlann, 140. Colla Uais, 126. Colliget (title of MS.), 16 ; common designation of Averroes [q. v.). INDEX 331 Collum Columbine, 213. Colman, 93, 109. Columba, St., 61, 90, 92, 93, 104, 109, 251, 304, 315, 318. Life of, Gaelic, 92. Latin, 92. Poems attributed to, 81, 104, 251, 304, 315, 318. At Drumceatt, Charm attributed to, 61. Directions to Baithin, 90. Dues of Churches, 90. Com(m)entator, 16, 31, 40, 41, 48, 54, 58. Conaire mac Mhogli Lamha, 249, Conall Cearnach, HI, 230. Clairingnech, 90. Echluath, 132. Gulbau, 142. Conaran mac Aimidil, 144. Conchar of Ardoran (v. O'Conchubhair), 309. Duncan (v. O'Conchubhair), 274. Conchobar mac Nessa, 111, 157. Conlaoch son of Cuchulainn, 236. Conn Cetchathach, 136, 249, 250. Connellan, Owen, 249. Constans, Professor Leopold, 196. Constantine, 8, 17, 21, 24, 28, 42, 46, 53, 61. Cormac Conloiuges, 160. mac Airt, 7, 111, 186-189. 'mac Cuilennan, 177, 178, 180, 304. Corrgend, 136. Craca, Maid of, 234, 236, 261. Craigie, W. A., 138. Crichinbel, 130. Croneen, Thadeus, 210. Crowe, O'Beirne, 155. Cuchulainn, death of, 146, 183, 230. Cu Cuilleasc (satirist), 148. Curoi mac Daire, 156. Currie, Sir Donald, 248. Daelbaeth, 108. Dagda, 108, 130. Damascenus. v. John of Damascus. Dalian Forgaill, 93. Daly, Peter, 292. Darieth (Dares Phrygius), 199. Darthula (Macphersonese for Deirdre), 170, 259. David I., genealogy of, 106, 126. David, King of Israel, 73, 78, 324, Deirdre, 159 (v. Heroic Lays). Derborgaill, 112. Diaferus, 31. Dioscorides, 21, 53. Dobhair, Seurlus an, 307. Domnall Dualbuide, 161, Donald, prince of Oileach, 222. Dorbeneus, 323. Dottin, Professor, 96. Douglas, Gavin, 289, 317. Drummond, House of, 273. Drummond-Ernoch, 237. Duauach (wizard, poet), 143. Dubthach dael-tenga, 160. Duucha og, 237, 238, 269. Dunlait daughter of Murcertach, 112. Ealad(h)an, lOS. Ebe Mesue (v. Mesne), 11, 21, 71. Eber, 108. Egidius, 9, 28, 30, 53, 55, 58, 62. Eimhir wife of Cuchulainn, 147, 218. Eimliir aluinn, shade of, 317. England, King of, 66. Eochaidh Feidlech, 129. Muinremar, 111. Eochu Eolach, 135. Eoghan vior {v. Mogha Nuadat), 249. Ere father of Fergus of Kintyre, 106, 110. Eremon, 108. Erskine, Sir Harry, 303. Eve, 112. daughter of Fiachua, 108, Fachtna Fathach, 129. Fainesoluis, 234, 23(i, 261, Farquhar son of Patrick, 245. Feallsam. v. Aristotle. Fenius Farsaidh, 78, 180. Fercaegat, 132. Ferceirtne, 180. Ferdiad, 161, 232. Ferfeasa o an Cainte, 125. Fergal og, 104. dg, mac an bhaird, 104, 123. Fergus, v. Beaton. Fergus /^«. 145, 230, 233, 235, from Scotland, 112. Mac Roich, 111, 160. of Kintyre, 106, 110. Ferguson, Miss M., 266. Sir Samuel, 170. 332 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCKU'TS Fiacbna, lOS. Filetus, 74. Find, 9, 13'2, 178. genealogy of, 107. son of Koss (kiiig-poet), 135. Findchua of Bri Ciobann, 84. Fiudlay, the good Bard, 245 ; the red Hard, 245 ; ==Finlay M'Nab (?), 245. Findtan, sou of Bochru, 137. Fingal, Macphersonese for Find, Fionn. Finnerty, E. G., 292. Fionn {v. Find), 9, ci aliis. Fithal, ollamh, judge, 132, 184, 187, 188, 189. Fithil mac Flaithrig mic Aodho, 219. Fitzgerald, Gerald, 239. Maurice, son of David Duff, 208, 253, 257. Flann of Bute, 113, 114, 143, 200. Fleming, Edward, 80. Fletcher, Archd.. 247, 277. Flidais, Queen, 161. Forrester ' on Beauties of Nature ' (v. Domhnall Mac Fhionnlaidh), 288. Fraech, son of Fidach, 155, 161, 232. Franciscus of Montpelier, 24. Fraser, Angus, 265. Thomas, of Gortleg, 309. Frigriu, 136. Fulgentius, 71. Gabha Raibeart (= Robert Smith), 307. Gabran, 111. Gadisten ( = John of Gaddesden), 24. Gaedhel .v/as, 78, 108, 112, 219. Gaidoz, Henri, IS. Gail- (?), 31. Ga\en, passim 8-71, 301, 315. Gamhanraidh, 155, 160. Garbh Glinde Rige, 154. Mac Stairn, 88, 317. Gathelus. v. Gaedhel (/las. Gaussen, L. , of Geneva, 294. Gealanie, Fear Gh., 306. Georghi ( = St. George), 315. Ger., 25. Geraldus de Sola, 16, 28. Gerallterus, 54. Gerardus, 17. GilbertinuB, 9. 11, 12, 16, 17, 25, 53, 54. Gilbertus, 21, 56. Anglicus, 33. Gilla dubh, 26. Gilla Moduta (poet), 112. Gillacoluim, 22. . . ., son of the parson of Kil- choman, 99. Gilladomnan, 126. Gillebrighde, 126, 240. Gillegan, Peter, 292. Gilpatriek King of Ossory, 112. the Scot, 33. Goll son of Garbad, 154. sou of Morna, genealogy of, 107. Grant, Laird of, 281. of Rothiemurchus, 281. Graves, llev. Dr., 201. Gregory, Donald, 230, 271, 272. of Rome, 80, 82. Grey, Dugald, 246. Gruagach Soluis, 307. Gualterus, ' de dosibus,' 299. Guido, 24, 35, 36. Gwynn, Edward, 135, 136. Hali, 8, 27, 42, 46, 53, 68. Harris, . . ., 250. Henderson, Rev. George, 268, 318. Hennessy, W. M., 92, 155, 232, 273. Henricus, 35, 44. Hermeas, 38. (H)ermogenes, 74. Herod, 76, SO. Herodias, 80. Hippocrates, passim 8-71, 315. Hogan, Rev. Father, 174. Homer, Gaelic translation of parts of, 280, 323. Hunter, Norman, 303. Huntly, capture of, 306. Hyde, Dr. Douglas, 249. Innes, Rev. Thomas, 291. Irvine, Rev. Dr., 176, 280, 291. lsa,a.e, passim 8-71. Isodore, 31, 41, 42, 46, 50, 51, 53, 55. Jacob, 78. Jacobus Alcinndi, 47. Jacobus de Forlivio, 8, 57. James (the Apostle), 174. James vi., 305. Japhet, 108. Johanisius, 8, 16, 25, 31, 42. Johannes (Damascenus?), 43. Johannes de sancto mando, 48. Johannes de sangto naiido Anglic., 31. Johan(n)es de vigo genuensis, 68. Johannes Hispolensis, 31. INDEX 333 John of Damascus, 9, 28, 31, 41, 42, 44. John (the Apostle), 74, John (the Baptist), 76, 80. Johnson, Samuel, 63, 306, 316, 323, 324. Joshua, 78. Joyce, P. W., LL.D., 167, 168. Joyce, Dr. R. D., 170. Jubainville, H. D'Arbois de, 130, 131, 151, 154, 155, 167, 173, 174, 186, 249. Kearny, Carbery, 285. David, 14, 285. Keating, Geoffrey, History of Ireland, 111, 122, 127, 128, 138, 170, 173, 249 ; verses by, 257. Kelly, Bryan, 317. (Rev.) Daniel, 316. Rev. J., 201. Kennedy, Duncan, 3, 262, 306. Rev. John, 267 ; (papers of), 310. Kenneth son of Alpin, 106. Keppoch, Julia of, 256, 305. 307. Kerr, H., 2, 79, et passim on the Kil- bride MSS. (v-xxxi). Kevoc, St., 169. Kirke, Rev. Robert, 292. Knoydart.Dyane (Dean? John?) of, 243. Labarcenn {v. Philip), judge, 76. Laeg charioteer of Cuchulainn, 147. Laegaire, King, 87. Laing, David, LL.D., 283, 290, 291. Lambie, Rev. Archibald, 309. Lamont, Robert, 246. Lead Chluain, Fear, 256. Lee, Rev. Principal, 290. Lennox, Duncan from, 243. Lhuyd, Edward, 159. Liconsis (Liconensis?), 8. Liddall, W. J. N., 228. Loarn (Lodarn) moi- son of Ere, 106, 111. Loisgenn, poet, 144. Lord Clerk Register, 297. Loudin (Lothian), Duncan, 269. Lovat, Lord, 309. Love, Rev. Dr., 311. Lucan, 249. Lug lamhfhada, 166. Lugaid of Connaught, 178. reoderg, 183. Lulach, King, 106. Mac-a-Bhriuix, Pat., 295. Mac aie vig, Neil, 244. Mac Ailain, Eoin, 212. Mac Ailein, Angus, 256. MacAlastair ruaidh, Aonghus, 257, 306. Mac-an-Bhaird, Feargal og, 222. Maolmuire, 124. Uilleam, 123. Mac-an-Ollaimh {v. Beaton), Domhnall, 62. Gillacoluim (v. Beaton), 231, 243. (Beaton ?), Seumas, 18. MacArdg. mic Lochluinn, Domnall, 222. MacAulay, Rev. Alexander, 206. Rev. Kenneth, 303. Macbain, Alexander, LL.D., 294, 302, 312. MacBrady, F., 250. MacBrian, Murcba, 317. MacCabe, Duncan, 245. MacCaghwell, Hugh, 318. MacCailein mor, 246. MacCairbre, 214. MacCarthy, Donald (of the Flood), 210. MacCecht, 108. M'Cei ( = Mackay), Aodb, 295. MacCiar, Sean [v. John Short), 101, 164, 165. MacCiche (Keith), 306. MacCodrum, John, 305, 319. MacColgan, John, 296. MacCoU, Rev. Donald, 318. MacComie, Baron, 246. Mac-con, 138. M'Conacher. v. O'Conacher. Duncan, 7. John, 7, MaoConmidhe, Solamh, 104. MacConmidhi, Gillabri(gh)di ( = Gilbert Macnamee, q. v.). MacCorkindale, Euphemia, 245. MacCowle Roy, Ayne, 244. MacCuileannan, Cormac, 304. MacCuill, 108. MacCuinn, Cathal, 275. MacCuinn, S. Pilij), 103. MaeCuirtin, Aodh Buidh(e), 209. M'Cuistan, Alistir, 270. MacCulloch of Park (Fear na Pairce), 270. M'Curchj, Allistjr, 270. MacDaire, Domnall, 123. 334 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS MacDhoinhnuill ruaidh, Dunncbadli, 256. MacDiarmaid, Eobhau, 288. Macdiarniaid, Kev. Mr., 291. MaoDiarmid, Ewen, 321. Lay by, 272. Macdonald, Alexander, the poet, 105, 175, 212, 214, 215, 305, 319, 324. Angus, Insh, 271. Archibald, 305. Donald, v. MacFhionnlaidh, Donibuall. (Macdouald?), Donald donn of Bobuntin(?), 307. Macdonald (Donald of the Isles), 295. Gillimiuhell, tinkler, 270. Hugh, 280. John loin, 256, 271, 288, 305, 319. of Benbecula, 92, 324. of Dalness, 306. of Kilis, 309. of Staffa, 3, 278. Macdonalds of Islay, historical notes on the, 124, 125. Poems in praise of the, 213, 241, 243. Macdonell. Alexander, of Glengarry, 213, 255. Macdougall, Duncan, of Dunolly, 276. John, 276. Dugald, j'ounger of Lorn, 304. Rev. James, 322. Phelim, 244. of Dunolly, 26, 64, 275. Macdubhsleibhe, Duncan, 64. MacDuffie (Macphee) of Colonsay, 325. MacDuinnthl^bi, Cormac, 299 {v. O'Donlevy, Cormac). Mac Eachag(?) 243. Mac Eachran, John, son of Ewen, 245. (Mac) Eaghin vyck Earchair, 269. MacEgan, Baothghalach, 251, 269, 318. Gilpatrick, 185. Mac ein duibh ruaidh, Aonghus, 257. Mac ein 'ic Ailein, Iain diibh, 256. MacEwen, last of the Bards, 308. Macfadyen, Mrs., 318. Macfarlane, Peter, 305. William, 297. Laird of, 309. MacFhionnlaidh, Domhnall ( = Forres- ter, 288), 289, 305. MacFirhis, . . .,111. Duald, 253. Giolla losa, 254. Mac Gawran, Hugh, 208. Mac Ghilleasbuit.', Ailean, .306. Mac Gillony, Alex., 303. MacGregor, Donald son of Dugald, 246. Duncan, 225, 242. Sir James, 225. Kob Roy, 308. MacGrene, 108. Macgruder, . . ., 164. Maclaiu ( = Macdonald) of Glencoe, 304. MacIUainn, Maelsechlainn, 25. Maclnnes, Rev. Duncan, 294. Rev. John, 306. Maclntyre, Duncan, the poet, 291, 297, 305, 307, 319, 323. James (Glenoe), 304, 306, 309, 321. Rev. Dr. John, 227. Rev. John Walker, 227. . . . (poet), 244. Mackay, Hugh, 272. John, 310, 319. Rev. Dr. Mackintosh, 248, 265, 268, 320, 321. Rob donn, 305, 321. Mackenzie, Henry, 281. John, 270. of Applecross, 270. Kenneth og, 270. Mary, 323. ■ ■ Dr., of Gruline, 323. Lord ( = Seaforth), 296. Mackermont, Sir Duncan, 245. Mackinnon, Professor Donald (MSS. of), 313-318. Rev. John, 2, 158. ■ Lachlan, 305, 310. Sir William, 310. Mackintosh, Andrew, 244. Rev. Donald, 3, 140, 141, 142, 193, 258, 260, 263, 274. M'Kowle wain, Ailein, 244. MacLachlan, Donald, 250. Ewen, 2, 3, 101, 105, 118, 128, 156, 158, 162, 166, 201, 213-217, 226, 241, 255-258, 265, 280, 321. ■ Gilpatrick, 243. William, 244. Dr. (elegy on), 316. ■ of Kilbride, 2, 61, 116, 222, 309. Maclagan, Rev. James, 302, 304. MacLaghlan, Edmond, 222. INDEX 335 MacLaghlin, Ardle, 222. MacLauchlan, Rev. Dr. Thomas, 58, 113, 227, 295, 308, 311, 322, 323. MacLaurin, Alex., 248. (Professor Coliu?), 72, 309. Maclean, Donald, 278. ■ Rev. Donald, 266. Eachann bacach, 320. • Eweu, 116. ■ Hector, 295. Hugh, 173. John (the Tiree Bard), 324. . Rev. John, 216. Lachlan, 62, 213. Sir Lachlan, 213. Maclean's Bard, 304 Macleod, Rev. ^neas, 321. Calum, 304. Hector, 305. Mary, 213, 216, 271, .305, 319. Rev. Norman, 308. Sir Norman, 280, Roderick, W. S., 30f). Sir Roderick ( = Ruairi mor), 296. Rev. Walter, 228, 264. Rev. Dr., of Diindonald, 265. Laird of Raasay, 270. Macleod s, genealogy of, 219. l)a[)ers relating to, 309. MacLintock . . ., 246. MacMathgamuin (Mahon), Tadhg, 104. MacMhath, an t-aosdana, 257. Mac mhic Coinnich. Angus, 296. Donald, 296. Eoin, 296. Mac mhic Fail, Dubghall Albannach, 72, 73, 75. Mac mhic Mhurchaidh, Murchadh, 270. Mac Mhuireach(aidh), William, 211. Mac M(h)urchaidli, William, 213. Mac Mhiiirich, Cathal, 124. 205, 306. Ewen (John?), 244. John, 278, 309. Lachannmo)-, 304, 309. Neil, 98, 124, 127, 207, 305. Neil ?7ior, 124. MacMhuirichs, 98, 271. last poet of, 308. dispersion of library of, 324. MacNab, Finlay, 245 ; v. Finlay, the good Bard, 245. MacNamee, Gilbert, 86, 87, 114, 239. M'Neill, Gillespec, 246. John, of Barra, 92, 324. M'Neill, ... of Castle Sween, 245. MacNia, 138. MacNiadh vior mac Lugaid, 249. Macnicol, Rev. Donald, 63, 232, 231, 288, 304, 319, 324, 325. MacNicol, Donald ('the Tailor '), 291, 328. r. Mac Neacain. MacNicol, Major Dugald, 320. Mac Occ, 1.30, Mac Neacain, Donald, 328 (v. Mac- Nicol, Donald). Macphail, Edmond, 140. Macpherson, Angus, 310. Donald C, 227, 266, 279. Dugald, 306, Duncan, 244. James, 170, 226, 231, 235, 259, 291, 297, 302, 309, 324, 326. Lachlan (Strathmashie), 305. Malcolm, 279. Mac Phyn, Oishen (=Ossian), 269. MacQueen, Rev. Donald, 6, 298. Macquien, Donald, 296, Ewin, 296. MacRae, Rev. Donald (= Perse Eglise), 270. Duncan ( = Donnachadh nam Pios), 242, 267. MacRichard of Connaught, 241. MacRuairi, Donnachadh, 270. Mac Tavish, John, 159. Rev. Mr., 308. M'Ynneis, Aane leith, 245. Mag Aodb, Brian b{h)icaire, 295. MagCraith, Diarmaid, 122. Eogan, 122. Maolmuire bacach, 122. Magee, John, 295. Magrath, Meiler, 319. Maguire, Elizabeth, 250. James, 253. Turlou^h, 253, 254. MakGurkych, blind Arthur, 237. Mhic Cailein, Iseabal Ni', 246. Mhic ion . . ., Dughall, 243. Mhic Raonaill, Nighean, 307. Mic Bruaidedha, Tadhg mac Daire, 123. Macer, 11, 17, 21. Machaomhag, 315. Macometus, 28, 30. Mag Falu . . ..174, Magnus son of Maurice, 118. Maile (Bard), 135. Maine, poet, 178. Malaisi. 315. 336 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS Malcolm (Kcmiioii'), King((le8cendant8 of), L>1.'9. Malcolnie, liov. David, 72, iMalvina, 304. Mananiiaiis, The four, 131. Maolcoblia, 254. Maoldoinlinaicb mac Venis Villi-, 243. Margaret (St.) of Pisidia, 102. Martin, Martiiius, 92, 324. Mary (the Blessed Virgin), 74, 85, 243. Matheaon, Captain Alexander, 321. Miss Betsie, 322. of Feruaig, 209. Mathieson, poet {v. MacMhatb), 305. Maurice (son of) David, 164. Maxwell, John Hall, C.B., 1. Meave, Queen, 111, 147, 148, 154, 160. Meuzies, Major, 306. Mesue, 71. Ebe, 11, 21, 71. Seon, 60. Meyer, Dr. Kuno, 83, 130, 131, 144, 154, 155, 157, 173, 175, 184, 186, 187, 189, 191, 192, 195. Mhuirgheasain, D ,304. v. O'Muir- ghesan, Duncan. Mile of Spain, 108. Milesians, 107, 108. Miodhach of Lochlann, 140. Mochae of Noendruim, 84, 110. Mochuda, 87. MoghaNuadat, v. Eoghan mor, 249. Mogh Ruith, 77, 111. Moling, 9, 83, 87, 305. Montrose, 117. Legend of, 237. Moore, Norman, M.D., 18. Morann, 184, 185, 186. Morch, 108, Morrigan, wife of Dagda, 133. Morrison, Captain, 280, 291. Dr, Hew, 321. John, 320. Rorie, 309. . , , Assistant Surgeon, 303. Morrisone, John, 88. Moses, 78, 219. Muck (Isle of) Bard, 288, 308. Muiredach, 111. menn, 161. Muirguis, 217. Munro, Alexander, 270. Murray, Sir John MacGregor, 227, 279, 280. Mustinus, 9. Nemidians, 108. Niall Naoighiallach (of the nine hostages), 143,285, Nicolaus, 17, 09. (Il)i8j)anus, 48. Nicolson, Sheriff, 81, 193, 269, 321. X Ni' Fhlaith, Gormlaith 239.; Niul (father of Gaedel Glas), 78, 108, 112. Noah, 78, 108. Normandy, Duke of, 62, Norsemen, 112-113, 126, 141, Nuada of the silver hand, 167, 219. Nutt, Alfred, 167. O'Cairbre, Diarmaid, 243. O'Callanan, Gilpatrick, 22. O'Carrthaoidh, Aodh Ollbhar, 241. O'Cassidy, Fergus, 33. Henry, 33. O'Cathain (O'Kane), Lady, 5, 285. O'Cellaigh, Eignechan, 212. O'Cendamhain, Cairpre, 283, O'Cleary, Edmund, 164. O'Cleirigh, Mad.,., 104. O'Clery, Eimid, 209. John, 121. Michael, 250. O'Cluan, Caech, 232. O'CIuane, John, 232, 238, O'Cluma, Gofraidh, 56, O'Colla ( = Taoisech of Argyll), 126. O'Conacher. v. O'Conchubair. Donald, 6, 63. Duncan, 5, 7, 63, 275, 276, 277, Albannach, 275. dg, 275. Gilpatrick, son of Duncan dg, 275. John, 6, 7, 63, 140, 276, O'Conchubair (Physicians of Lorn, notices of), 5, 63, 64. O'Connor, John, 75, 86. Turlough, 222, O'Cuirnin, . , ,, poet, 116. O'Curry, Eugoue, 77, 81,87, 168, 170 180, 184,241, 273. O'Curtin, Hugh Boy, 209. O'Daly, Angus, 104, 237. Aonghas nan Aor, 215, 320. Aonghus mac Chearbhaill bhuidhe, 238. Carol], 115, 116. INDEX 337 O'Daly, Duncan mor, 99, 104, 237, 238, 251, 269, 318. Fardarogha ma(c) Cormac, 208. GoSrsiidh. Jionn, 239. Lochlainn mac Taidhg, 125. ■ Lugliaid, 115, 116. Muireach Albannach, 237, 239. Muireach Lis an daill{ = Muireach Albannach), 240. O'Daly, Tadhg, 122. camchosach, 238. og, 89, 91, 104. O'Davoren, . . ., 152. O'Domnallain, Brian, 123. O'Donlevy, Cormac, 38, 276, 299, O'Donovan, John, 179. O'Duhhagan (?), Gilibeart, 61, 206. O'Dufify, R. J., 167. O'Dugan, John, 137, 207, 255. O'Duibgennain, Ferfesa, 173. O'Duibhne ( = Campbell), 297. O'Dunn, Gilla-na-naomh, 137. O'Farell, John, 295. O'Feely, Duncan, 75. O'Finigan, Patrick, 252. O'Flanagan, . . ., 170. O'Gara, Fergal, 253. O'Giarain, . . ., 253. O'Growney, Professor, 83. O'Halloran, . . ., 172. O'Hart, John, 117. O'h-Iffirnan, Diarmaid, 238. O'Higgin, Aong(h)as mac Aod(h)a rua'idh, 104. Fergal bg, 104. Mahon, 101. S. Pilip hocht, 103, 240. Tadhg, 125. dall, 104, 122, 123, 124, 251 og, 89, 91, 104, 240. O'Hosey, Eochy, 99, 121, 123, 124. Giolla Brighde, 269, 319. (?)... 125. O'Lochan, Cuan, 135. O'Madadh (?), Cobthach, 52. O'Maolciarain, son of, 215. O'Molloy, F. (Prosodia), 241. O'Muirghesan, Duncan, 281. Turlough, 296. O'Mulconry, Torn a, 73, 241. O'Nachtan, Gillepatrik, 246. O'Naughtan, John, 164. O'Neill, Conn, 214. O'Quinn (cuinn), Tadhg, 22. O' (hua) Rnanada, Cellach, 111. 0'Siag(h)ail, Eoghan Carrach, 89. O'Siaghail, Ruairi, 60. Oengus the Culdee, 179. Ogma grianach, 108. Oilioll 6o(.7t(;, 203. jinn, 161. Olum, 138. Orbacius, 42. Orobasins, 28, 30. Oscar son of Ossian, 236. Ossian, verses attributed to, 151. and Find, 219, 328. son of Fionn v. Heroic Poems. Ostracus, 31. Ovid, 11. Owen, William, 273. Pal crubach, 320. Paphnutius, 79. Partholan, 126, 132. Patrick, St., 87, HI, 143, 179, 311; life of, 271. Paul, the Apostle, 80. Paulinus, 8. Petrus, 9, 25. de ergeJata, 277. Philaretus, 71. Philip, the Apostle, 73, 97, 101. Philip, judge [v. Labarcenn), 76. Philip son of Brian, 115. Philippe, Don, 120. Pilate, 85. Platearius, 11, 12, 17, 21, 51, 71. Plato, 8, 9, 16, 24, 39, 45 ; on v\r], 46 ; on Nature, 46. Polyxena, personal appearance of, 199. Pope, Rev. Alexander, 277. Pringle, Walter, 273. Prophorius, 9. Ptolemy, 28, 30, 46, 55. Pythagoras, 8, 11. QuiGGiN, Dr. E. C, 238. Reeves, Bishop, 93, 295. Reginald son of Somerled, 126. Reinaclus (de) Lymburgensi, 70, 71. Reuda, 109. Rhazes, 8, 12, 14, 21, 28, 31, 71, 315. Ricairdi, Maighister, 71, 315. Ricardus, 17, 54. 338 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC iMANUSCRIPTS Robertson, Alastair, 30G. Alexaiulcr, 247. Rogei(i)u8, 10, 33. Kolaml, 110. llonaii, St., 315. Rosa, Rev. Dr. Thomas, 2G5, 272. William, poet, 307. Ruaidri mac Toirrdealbhaigb, 108. Rufus, 28, 31), 38. SACARIA.S, 28, 30, 53. Sadhbh, 136, 138. Salatiiius, 69, 71. Sappho, 303. Sar Seon, 119. Saracen Physician, 12. Saul, 78. Scaulan, 93, 109. Scota daughter of Pharaoh, 112, 126. Scott, Rev. Hew, D.D. v. Fasti. Scotus, 71. Duns, 318. Seancha mac Gillacrist, 156. Selsus ( = Celsus), 71. Seneca, 42. Serapion, 28. Serlus (Charlemagne?), 110. Shaw, James, poet, 319. .John, 321. Sheridan, Thomas, 248. Short, John, 101, 164, 165. Simon Magus, 77, HI. Sinclair, Rev. A. Maclean, 320, 323. (Archibald), Glasgow, 320. — — John, 3, 260. Sir John, 260, 281. Rev. W., 265. Skene, W. F., D.C.L., 1, 3, 72, 106, 109, 110, 114, 152, 267, 268, 272, 273. Slainge, 108. Smerbie mor, 309. Smith, Dr. Angus, 170. Dr. Donald, 60, 62, 66, 158, 201, 202, 217, 219, 221, 223, 248, 249, 250, 254, 288, 317. Rev. Dr. John, 119, 146, 231, 249, 261, 262. .Rev. John, 315, 316. Socrates, 9, 20, 42. Sofista, 16. Solomon, 42, 73. Somerled of Argyll, 113, 126. Statius, 112. Stern, Christian, 228, 268, 269. Stewart, Alain, 18. Alexander, 316. Rev. Dr. Alexander, 316. Charles, Notary, 309. Duncane, 18. Rev. James, 323. Sir John, of Apj)in, 269. John Roy, 305, 306. Stuart, Rev. Charles, 281. John, LL.D., 294. Rev. Dr. John, Luss, 323. Rev. John, 304. Stokes, Whitley, LL.D., D.C.L., 18, 83, 84, 87, 92, 95, 96, 102, 107, 134, 135, 1315, 151, 155, 162, 170, 179, 180, 194, 249, 294. Stone, Jerome, 155, 232, 281, 286, 287. Supair, Baran, 320. S., 16. S. Pilip hocht, 104. S. Pilip mac Cuinn Crosaigh, 103. Tadhg occ Cianan, 15, 116. dall {v. Tadhg dall O'Higgin), 104, 122, 123. b'j (v. Tadhg dii O'Daly ; Tadhg Oil O'Higgin), 89, 91, 104. Talchend (St. Patrick), 168. Tasso, 289. Tateus (Athtothus? 9), 24 de Bonaensis, 71. de Bonionia, 31. Taj'lor, Gilchrist, 243. Gilleglas, 246. Telemachus, 289. Themisteus, 40, 41. Theophilus, 9, 31. Thomson, Thomas, 217. Mr., 260. Miss, 321. Thurneysen, 181. Tibraide Tirech, 136. Tillotson, Archbishop (quotations from), 316. Toirpda. v. Torpeist. Tolameus [v. Ptolemy), 23, 46. Torna, poet, 132, 254. Torpeist, Senchan, 218. Tuathal an Cainti, 99. Tuilllna, 104. TuUideljih, Rev. Thomas, 207. Tully, Luke, 52. Turglesta of Lochlann, 218. Turius, 46. INDEX 339 Turner, Peter, 2, 96, 100; Collection of Gaelic Poetry by, 257, 307 ; MSS. of, 2; MS. called after, 276. Ualescus de Taranta, 71. Ulster, Duncan of, 62. Francis of, 62. Victoria, Queen, 117,310. Ware, Sir James, 250. Wedderburn, Mr. Maclagan, 302. Wlialey, Dr. (Satire on), 208. William King of Scotland, 303, William of Montpelier, 27, 46. Williams, Rev. John, 273. Windiscb, Professor, 107, 144, 152, 157, 170, 174, 184, 221, 231, 232. Yule, Miss, of Tarradale, 228. ZiMMER, Professor, 218. II. Principal Subjects and Treatises Absolution, on, 100. Address to Soldiers (42nd Regiment), 303. Aged Bard's Wish, 304, 320. Ailges, the first in Ireland, 130. Albannach, Duan, 304. Amore hereos, de, 11, 48. Analysis of Gaelic MSS. (EwenM'Lach- lan), 217, 219, 220, 226, 257-258. Anatomia (Galen), 31, 60, Anima, de (Aristotle), 40, 314. Annals, 7, 108. of Ulster, 203. Antbologia Hibernica, 250. Antidatorii, 21, 70. Aphorisms of Hippocrates : — Anonymous Commentary on, 26- 31, 32-33, 46, 49-50, 53-54. Commentary by Galen on, 31. Translated to Gaelic, 30. Apostles, personal appearance of, 79. Apothecaries, 69. Arcanum (of Hippocrates), 13. Astrology, v. Astronomy. Astronomy, 8, 57, 284. Auld Robin Gray (in Gaelic), 320. Authors, 16, 61, 09. (Latin), 9. Bagpipes, in dispraise of, 213. in praise of, 212. Beregonium (Paragraph on), 303, Blar Leine, 272. Blasa (Arnaldus), 13, 16. v. Taste. Bolg an-t-solair ( = MS. LVii), 209. Bones, 35. Book of Clanranald, 205. (Black Book), 267, 271, 323. (Little Book), 271. (Red Book), 125, 126, 271, 272, 323. Books, List of, published, 316. Brain, 35. Briga, 'powers,' 'forces,' 34, 37, 45, et aliis. Cabalistic letters and words, 314. Cain Domnaig (Law of Sunday), 95, 96. Calendars, 17, 22, 35, 60, 61, 84, 114, 206, 207, 273, 283. Canons of Damascenus, 41, 55. Isodore, 50, 51. Carthonn, (additions to), 261. Casbhairne, 111, 181. v. Metres. Cath mor muighe na Teasaile, 249. Cautery, on the, 14. Charms, 9, 10, 14, 61, 65, 283, 314. Civitate Dei, de, 309. Clanna Neimhidh, 108. Clans and Tribes of Ireland, 254. Climate in relation to health, 43, 47,55. Clontarf, Battle of, 307. Coelo et mundo, de, 40. Coilictorio, de, 59. Collection of Irish Poems, 292. Comhachag (Gaelic poem), 285, 305, 308, 320. 340 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS Coinmamlments (Treatise on), SG. Complexions, on the, 8. C()in|)mictione, de, 76. Confession of James Paor, 100. Confessione, de, 75, 79. Coustellations, on the, 7. Creag Chuauach (v. Comhachag), 285, 305, 308. Creation of the World (Gaelic transla- tion of), 294. Crypt (names written in), 05, 114, 116, 156. Cuachag nan Craobh, 307. Definition, 9, 23, 24, 25, 26, 65. Derg ruathar (Conall Cernach), 150; 151. (Conn Cetehathach), 250. Desolating of Highlands, 308. Dialects, 42, 57, 219. Dieheadal do cheunaib, 177. Dictionary, (Taelic-English, 247. (Fletcher), 247. (M'Lachlan), 255. (Robertson), 247-248. English-Gaelic (M'Laurin), 248. Highland Society's — Gaelic-English, 264-65. English-Gaelic, 2G5. Latino-Gaeliciim, 248. Etymological (fragmentary), M'Lachlan, 257. (fragmentary). Smith, 316. MS. of Dr. M'Bain's, 312. Diets, on, 56, 63.— (1) Bernard, 68. (2) Hippocrates, 03. (3) Isaac, 36. Dinnshenchas, 129. Claen Loch, 138. Dun Macnechtuin, 132. Laighin, 135. Loch Eirne, 132. Loch Garman, 135. Magh m-Breagh, 135. Teamhair, 135. Tuag Inbir, 132, 135. in verse, 137, 157. Diseases and Cures, imsslm 8-71, 273, 274, 277, 284. Doctors, 16, 31. old, 37, 38. recent, 43. . of Montpelier, 27. Dominical letter, 60, 260, 283. I)osil)U8, (le, 29!). Drugs, OS. Druuneeatt, 9.S, 109, 254. Duanag UUamh, 304, 316, 320. Duauaire lluadli, 309. Dubhan, I'ionn and D.'s men, 172, 3 1 6. Dubloinges, 160. Duile ( = Elements), Arnaldus, 58. Novus mentor, 45. Dunmonaidb, 218. Easbuig, An t- ( = MS. lxxxi), 255. Eggs, 12. Eisimlaire (specimens), 21, 299. Emanuel ( = MS. xlvi), 201, 249, 259. Epigrams, 42, 89, 90, 93, 200, 206, 208, 213, 214, 264, 303. Etymological and Linguistic, 29, 112, 132, 181, 316, 317. Etymologies, — Ewen M'Lachlan, 257. Rev. J. Smith, 316. Excerpts from Irish Books and MSS., 253, 272, 273. from Glossary of Lancashire Dialect, 317. from Guthrie's History, 390. - — — from Lhuyd's ^?vA. Brit., 320. ■ from Scripture, 23, 49. from Welsh Books, 273, 571. Eyes, Diseases of, and remedy, 12. Feinn, Parodies on, 291. Fermanagh, poem on, 252. Figured illustrations, 10, 60, 73, 284. Find (Fionn), reckoning of his men, 132. Fionn and Dubhan's men, 172, 316. Foods for different seasons (v. ' Calen- dars '), 57, 260, 284. Fosterage, contract of, 296. Franciscan Monastery, Dublin, Library of, 249. Fuatha Na (things hateful), 205, 241, 264. Fulacht na Morrigna, 133. Gaelic Society in Glasgow College, 316. Gaick, anecdotes of, 272. Gall, Innse, 218. Garb of Old Gaul, 303. INDEX 341 Genealogies, HI, 120, 253, 255. Genealogy of Argyll family, 117, 209, 304. Clans, 106. Craignish family, 272. Glencoe family, 304. Lamonts, 253. — — •M'Dougalls, 113, 303. M'Gregors, 229. M'Lachlans, 253. ■ Neil M'Vurich, 320. Stewarts, 304. Generation (reproduction), Poem on, 204. Glencoe (poem on), 307. Glen-da-Ioch (Library of), 144. Gleumasain ( = MS. liii), 158. Glossary of Terms of Music and Foetry, 265. to Gavin Douglas's Poems, 317. in MS. VII, 179. in MS. XXXVIII, 179. in MS. Lxv, 180. Golden Number, 60, 260, 283. Gradibus, de, 47. Grammar (translation of Windisch's), 311. Grammar and Philology, Treatise on, 180. Grammars — Uraicecht, 181. The Alphabet, 182. Fragment of Grammar, 182, 290. Greece, Celtic names in, 303. Harlaw, Incitement to the Mac- donalds at, 304. Healing, Ten Methods of, 301. Heat and cold, on, 31. Hemlock, 20. Herbularii, 70. Heroic (Ossiauic) Laj'S and Poems : — A chiosh Chnamhadh, 287. Albin and Daughter of May {v. Fraech), death of, 286. An Deilgneach mhor ( = Oran a' Chleirich), 316. Anvin in no* nart mo lawe, 232. Arthur, Death of, 317. Assaroy ( = Maighre Borb), 234. Ata faoi thonnaibh na ttonn, 163. Beasa na bhfian, 293. Binn gow duni in teyr in oyr, 232. Cath nan seishear, 287. Cnoc an air an cnoc-sa siar, 158. Conlaoch, Coming of, to Ireland, 252. death of, 231, 287, and Cuchulainn, 175. Conn Cetchathach, Assassination of, 136. Cuchulainn and Conlaoch, 175. Cuchulainn and Laeg, 272. Cumhall, death of, 231. Eini(h)ir, jealoiisy of, 231. Eim(h)ir's lamentof Cuchulainn, 272. Fionn and Garbh, 317. and Ossian, 219, 328. household of, 232. ■ Rosg of, 317. Fleyg woir rinni lay finni, 232. Fraech, death of, 232, 281, 287. Gabhra, Battle of, 172, 176, 234, 235, 236. Goll mac Morna, 127, 145, 158 233, 253. Heym tosk zoskla fynn, 233. Is fadda no* ni nelli finni, 232. Lay of Ben Gualann, 165. Lay of the Boar of Glen Scail, 162. Lay of Bulbin, 165. Lay of Children of Lear (Lir), 169. Lay by Conall Cearnach, 272. Lay of Conn, 266, 287. Lay of Cruimlinn na Ccath, 293. Lay of Diarmaid, 176, 233. Lay of Lady of the Mantle, 176. Lay of the Fist, 293. Lay of the Heads, 144, 151, 231, 263, 272. Lay of the Maiden, 176. Lay of Magnus, 165, 252. Lay of the Red (Dearg), 128, 145, 146, 162, 165, 172, 251, 263. Lay of the Sixteen, 293. Lay of Tuiriu (or Tuirenn), 7. Lays of Deirdre, 7, 158, 175, 252, 261. Maighre Borb. v. Assaroy. Moytura, Tuesday in, 136. Nenor a quhym fa chyill, 233. Oscar at Gabhra, 252. Oscar, death of, 287. Ossian and Caoilte, 163, Ossian and Finn, 219, 328. Ossian and Patrick, 162, 176. Ossian and the Sow of Tallann, 151. Ossian's Prayer, 234, 287. Proi)hesy of the Fools of Emain Macha, 175. Sealg mhor a' Ghlinn(e), 287. Y 2 342 CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS Seilg a choinor.adh le Finn, 1G2. SeilgSleibh Giiillnig, 162. Se la gus an ' ll'";:)^ If ',^1 feilH st^* ^i'^m^.