ESZti ./ V THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE NATIONAL INSURANCE BILL SUMMARISED BY L. WORTHINGTON EVANS, M.P. & PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL UNION OF CONSERVATIVE AND CONSTITUTIONAL ASSOCIATIONS AND THE UNIONIST SOCIAL INSURANCE COMMITTEE ST. STEPHEN'S HOUSE, WESTMINSTER JUNE, 191 1 PRICE ONE PENNY THE NATIONAL INSURANCE BILL SUMMARISED BY L. WORTHINGTON EVANS, M.P. & PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL UNION OF CONSERVATIVE AND CONSTITUTIONAL ASSOCIATIONS AND THE UNIONIST SOCIAL INSURANCE COMMITTEE ST. STEPHEN'S HOUSE, WESTMINSTER JUNE, 191 i PRICE ONE PENNY NL^i This Summary has been prepared for those who have some knowledge of the contents of the National Insurance Bill, to serve them as a reminder of its provisions. Those engaged in preparing or considering Amend- ments to the Clauses in the Bill will, of course, require to refer to the Bill itself, but there are many others who desire to remember the sense and not the actual legal phraseology of the Clauses. It is hoped that this Summary may be of use to them. It is intended to re-issue this Summary with Notes and Comments upon the various Clauses as soon as the consideration of the numerous Amendments now being suggested has been completed. L. W. R. 22 June, 1911. Note. — On page 32 will be found a full Index lo the Bill as printed. NATIONAL INSURANCE BILL PART I, HEALTH INSURANCE. CLAUSE 1.— Insured Persons. Compulsory. (i) ''Employed persons" engaged in manual labour, and others not being manual labourers but earning a regular salary of not more than ;£i6o a year, are insured compulsorily, and certain qualified persons may insure voluntarily. (2) " Employed persons " include men and women, whether British subjects or not, engaged in the following employments, specified in Part 1 of the 1st schedule: — (a) Employment in the United Kingdom or on any British ship. (b) Employment as an out-worker in such classes of work as may be specified in any special order under Part VI. of Factory and Workshops Act, 1901. (c) Employment in the United Kingdom in plying for hire with any vehicle or vessel leased from its owner. Exceptions from above. Part II. of 1st schedule — (a) Soldiers and sailors (included under special scheme, see Clause 36), but excluding Reserves and Territorials, except on active service. (b) Employment under the Crown or any local or public authoritv where employees get provision for sickness or disablement not less favourable than that given by the Act. (c) Employment as a teacher entitled to superannuation under certain Acts. (d) Agents paid by commission or share in profits, not ordinarily employed by one employer only. (e) Employment where no wages are paid, if employer is occupier of an agricultural holding of the annual value of less than ^20, or where the employer is the parent of, or person liable to maintain, the person employed, and that person is under 16. (f) Employment otherwise than in manual labour if getting a regular salarv or fixed remuneration of over ^160 a year. 398077 (g) Employmenl ol a casual nature, otherwise than fox pur- poses of the employer's trade or business, and otherwise tha purposes of an) game or recreation, where persons employed are paid through a club, and in such case the club is deemed to b employer. The [nsuranoe Commissioners have power to include by regulations persons now exempt. Voluntary. (3) Voluntary insurers are — (a) those engaged in some re, occupation, mainly dependent on their earnings, or (b) those who have been employed contributors for five years or upwards. (4) If a voluntary contributor for five years or upwards ceases to possess qualifications, he may, nevertheless, continue. No one over 65 not previously insured under the Act can become insured. CLAUSE 2. — Exemptions. (1) Exempts also an employed person who proves that he is not as a rule employed for more than 39 weeks in the year, and is either — (a) In receipt of pension or income of £26, not depe upon his personal exertions; or (b) Is ordinarily dependent upon some other person. (2) Certificates of exemption to be granted by Insurance Commis- sioners in accordance with regulations. Regulations may delegate the power of exemption to approved Societies or to Loral Health Commil CLAUSE 3.— Contributions. Funds for benefits and administration to be derived as to seven- ninths (women three-fourths) from contributions by insurers and their employers, and as to two-ninths (women one fourth) by the State. [Note the State's contribution is worth about i\d. a week.~\ CLAUSE 4.— Employed Rates. (1) Contributions by employed insurers are specified in the 2nd schedule of the Act. Em plover pays Insurer pa vs Men Women. If daily wages do not exceed is. 6d. 6d. 4 d. id. OS 5d. 4 d. 2d. ,, ,, ,, „ 2S. 6d. 4 d. 3d- Man. •3d- Woman If daily wages exceed 2s. 6d. ... 3d. 4 d. 3d- (2) Employer pays his own and the contributor's amounts, and deducts the latter from wages or recovers in accordance with rules in the 3rd schedule. (3) An employed contributor need not pay while unemployed, but may pay to prevent consequences of arrears (4) No contributions after 70. (5) Employer to pay his contribution, notwithstanding that his workman is not insured if the workman is 65 or has obtained certificate of exemption. Employers' contributions to be dealt with " as may be prescribed." CLAUSE 5.— Voluntary Rates. ( 1 ) Voluntary insurers are to pay at a rate appropriate to age. (a) [f under 45, and joining within six months, the voluntary rate is to be the same as the compulsory rate. If over 45, at a rate " according to tables to be prepared," sufficient to cover, for men seven-ninths and women three-fourths of the benefits. (b) A voluntary insurer who has contributed compulsorily for five years shall continue at the employed rate. (2) Contributions cease at 70. CLAUSE 6. — Change from Voluntary to Employed Insurance. (1) Voluntary contributor to an approved Society is to continue at the voluntary rate, notwithstanding his becoming employed, unless he gives prescribed notice to transfer to the employed rate. (2) If he gives notice, he is to contribute at employed rate, but benefits are to be reduced in accordance with tables to be prepared. (3) If he does not give notice, employer's contributions are to be at employed rate, and are to be credited on account of amount due from contributor as a voluntary contributor. (4) An employed contributor becoming a voluntary contributor without having subscribed for five years, is deemed in arrear to the amount of the difference between the value of the scales of contribution, his reserve value being cancelled. CLAUSE 7.— Cards and Stamps. Insurance Commissioners may make regulations — (a) For payment of contributions by stamps. (b) For entries on contribution cards. (c) For custody of cards and replacement of lost cards. CLAUSE 8.— Benefits. (1) The benefits are — (a) Medical benefit, i.e., treatment and medicine. (b) Sanatorium benefit, i.e., treatment in sanatoria for tuberculosis, or such other diseases as the Eocal Government Board and Treasury may approve. (c) Sickness benefit, i.e., weekly payments whilst unfit to provide their own maintenance by some specific disease or by bodily or mental disablement, commences from the fourth day after notice, and continues for 26 weeks. (d) Disablement benefit commences al the end of sickness benefit, and continues while unfit. (e) Maternity benefit. The sum of 30s. to be applied for the benefit of insured women, or wives of insured men. (f) Additional benefits mentioned in Part II. of the 4th schedule when funds permit. (2) Sickness and disablement benefits are specified in Part I. of the 4th schedule as follows: — Sickness benefit — Men ... ... ... ... 10s. for first 3 months. Women ... ... ... ... 7s. 6d. for first 3 months. Men and women ... ... ... 5s. for second 3 months. Disablement benefit — Men and women ... ... ... 5s. If under 21 and unmarried — Sickness benefit — Men ... ... ... ... 5s. for 6 months. Women ... ... ... .... 4s. for 6 months. Disablement benefit — Men ... ... ... ... 5s. Women ... ... .. ... 4s. If under 16 no Sickness or Disablement Benefits. If over 50 and under 60 at date of claim, and 500 weekly contri- butions have not been paid : — [Clause 9 (3)]. Sickness benefit — Men ... ... ... ... 7s. for 3 months. Women ... ... ... 6s. for 3 months. Men and women ... ... ... 5s for second 3 months. Disablement benefit — Men ... ... ... ... 5s. Women ... ... ... ... 4s. If over 60 — Men and women ... ... ... 5s. for 6 month-. (3) No sickness or disablement benefit for insurers under 16 and over 70. Other benefits continue through life, except the additional benefits. (4) Benefits are not payable while the insured is outside the British Isles, except with consent of Society or Committee. (5) Two periods of sickness of the same disease are deemed to be one continuous period, unless in the interval twelve months have elapsed and 50 contributions have been paid. (6) Where a woman is entitled to maternity benefit, no other benefit shall be paid to her during four weeks after her confinement. (7) Provides qualifying periods — (a) No medical benefit for six months after commencement of the Act. (b) No sickness benefit till 26 weeks have elapsed and 26 contributions have been paid. (c) No disablement benefit till after 104 weeks have elapsed and 104 contributions have been paid. (d) No sickness benefit shall be paid in respect of any disease or disablement which commenced during the 26 weeks, and no dis- ablement benefit in respect of any disease or disablement which commenced during 104 weeks next following insured's entry into insurance. (e) No sickness benefit or disablement benefit shall be paid while insured is provided with board and lodging by his employer. (f) No maternity benefit shall be paid until 26 weeks have elapsed and 26 contributions have been paid by employed insurers ; and double that qualification for voluntary insurers. (8) Extended benefits as Parliament may determine may be given when the amounts accumulated under the provisions of Clause 40 are sufficient to provide 3 per cent, on the sums standing to credit of all approved Societies. CLAUSE 9.— Reduction of Benefits. (1) Reduced benefits to be given to insured under age of 21 and unmarried. For rates see ante Clause 8 (2). (2) Sickness and disablement benefits may in any case, and shall where they exceed two-thirds of the usual rate of wages, be reduced to such an extent as the Society or Committee with the consent of the Insurance Commissioners determines. Where reductions made equivalent additional benefits are to be given. (3) Reduced sickness benefits to be given to those over 50 unless 500 contributions paid. For rates see ante Clause 8 (2). (4) In case an employed contributor joins the Insurance when aged over 16 after one year from commencement of the Act* the rate of sick- ness and maternity benefit shall be reduced "as may be fixed in accordance with tables " to be prepared by the Insurance Commissioners, but not to be less than 5s. for sickness and 15s. for maternity. Excep- tions are made in favour of employed contributor if he proves that his time since he attained 16 has been spent at school or college, or if he pays the difference between the voluntary rate and the employed rate or pays a sufficient capital sum to secure him full benefits or elects to be treated as in arrear from 16 or one vear after date of the Act. CLAUSE 10. — Reduced Benefits if Contributions in Arrear. (1) If an insured person belonging to a Society is in arrear for more than thirteen contributions a year on the average his right to benefits shall be suspended, and if at the end of a further year he is still suspended a lapse occurs. Any sums credited to his Society shall be transferred and dealt with '' as may be prescribed." If he again becomes employed he is to be treated as a new entrant into insurance; but apparentlv he may elect to be treated as in arrear from his entry into original insurance. s (2) Where an employed contributor is in arrear for less than 13 ■weeks on the average his benefits shall be reduced in accordance with the Table of the 5th schedule, which is as follows : — TABLE. (I) (2) Rates of Sickness Benefit during first Where the Arrears Thirteen Weeks. amount to Men. Women. s. (1. S. ( i. 4 contributions a year on average 9 6 7 3 5 i) 9 7 6 ii 8 6 6 9 7 11 8 6 6 8 11 7 6 6 3 q 11 7 6 b 10 ,, 6 6 5 < J 11 ,, 6 5 6 I 2 n ,1 11 5 6 5 . 3 13 1 1 5 5 / 5s. od. commencing 5th day after notice. a 11 11 6th 1 11 nj t1 7th 11 OJ c *.i 8th 1! te-l p '' „ ,, 9th » 11 ^ ' 10th £ ,, ,, ntli 1 1. 12th 1 1! ,, >) 13th ) 11 1 " 11 14th . NOTES. Where the insured person is by virtue of any of the provisions of Part f. of this Act, other than those relating to arrears, entitled to sickness benefit at a rate tower than the full rate, this Table shall nave effect as if the entries in the first column were so shifted down that the first entry therein was set opposite the entry in the second column next below the entry specifying the rate of sickness benefit to which the insured person is entitied. When the rate of sickness benefit during the first thirteen weeks to which the insured person is entitled by virtue of any of the provisions of this Act, other than those relating to arrears, less than 5s. a week, this Table shall have effect as if such lower rate were therein substituted for the rate of 5s. a week. (3) Where a voluntary contributor is in arrear he 'hall be liable to such reduction or suspension of benefits " as may be prescribed." (4) The following arrears are not to count: — (a) When in receipt of sickness or disablement benefits (b) When a woman is insured and entitled to maternity benefit — two weeks before and four weeks after her confinement. ;c) During the first 12 months after the Act. (d) While an employed contributor is under 16. With these exceptions, contributions are payable in respect of every week from the date of entrv into insurance. (5) Arrears accruing during the current year and the previous year may be paid up with 3 per cent, interest, and so save reduction of benefits except that if when the payment is made or within a month the insured becomes unfit through disease or disablement! the arrears shall be deemed to continue until one month after his recovery. CLAUSh II Workmen's Compensation — Accident. (1) Where an insured person is entitled to compensation or damages for accident or industrial disease the following provisions apply : — (a) Sickness benefit and disablement benefit is reduced to the difference (if any) between the weekly sum or weekly value of any lump sum paid in respect of such injury or disease. (b) The weekly value of a lump sum is to be determined by the Society or the Committee. (c) The workman is not to compound with his employer without his Society's or Committee's consent. (d) The employer may compound under the Workmen's Com- pensation Act, 1906; but if he does so must give notice to the Society or Committee. (e) Where an insured person is entitled to compensation or damages his Society or Committee may enforce his claim against the employer. (2) The Society or Committee may make advances to an insured person on account of the compensation or damages, and may subsequently deduct advances from benefits. CLAUSE 12.— Benefits while in Hospital. (1) No payment for benefits shall be made while insured is in workhouse, hospital, asylum, or infirmary, supported out of public funds or charity or in any sanatorium established under the Act. (2) During such periods (a) Benefits shall be paid or applied for dependants as Society or Committee think fit. (b) if no dependants, benefits to be paid to local Health Committee for general purposes. (3) Dependants include all near relatives if dependent on insured's earnings. (4) The Society or Committee may contract with convalescent home, etc., admission to which is conditional on payment of not less than one-half of the cost of maintenance, for paying over benefits to such home, etc. CLAUSE 13. — Administration of Benefits. (1) Sickness, disablement, and maternity benefits and medical benefit due to insured persons who are members of an approved Society shall be administered by their Society and for deposit contributors by the Health Committees. Sanatorium benefit in all cases shall be administered by the Health Committees. (2) With the consent of Insurance Commissioners, Societies may apply their existing rules or make new rules for the conduct of their , business, and tor infliction of penalties! including suspension from bun) If the amount is less, he is treated as being in arrear to the amount of the deficiency. CLAUSE 34.— Married Women. (1) Where a woman employed contributor marries, she (unless she continues to be employed) is suspended from benefits until the death of her husband, and the sums credited to her Society are to be dealt with in such manner " as may be prescribed." After the death of her husband, if she becomes employed again, no arrears are to be counted between marriage and one month after her husband's death. If re- employed in her husband's lifetime, she again becomes entitled to benefits, and no arrears are counted between marriage and re-employment. (2) If married at the date of the Act, and she becomes an employed contributor and a member of a Society within one vear after her husband's death, she shall be entitled to full benefits notwithstanding her age. (3) If in arrear while married, arrears are disregarded on her husband's death. (4) No married woman shall become a voluntary contributor, and if she is a voluntary contributor before marriage she may not continue after marriage. (5) The provisions of the Act are otherwise to apply to a woman who has been married both during and after marriage in like manner as- if she had never been married. (6) Divorce and legal separation is to be counted as if the husband had died at the date of such separation. CLAUSE 35.— Aliens. (1) The Act is to apply to all persons over 16 at the date of entry into insurance who are not British subjects, with the following- modifications — (a) Aliens shall not be qualified to become members of a Society. (b) No State Subsidy shall be made to the benefits. (c) Sickness, disablement, and maternity benefits shall be reduced in cases of men to seven-ninths, and of women to three- fourths of the statutory benefits. (d) No part of medical and sanatorium benefits and adminis- tration expenses shall be paid out of State funds. (2) A widow who before marriage was a British subject shall be deemed a British subject, notwithstanding her marriage to an alien. (3) This section shall not apply to any person transferred to an approved Society, or the Post Office Fund in pursuance of an arrange- ment with the Government of a foreign State. '7 CLAUSE 36. — Soldiers and Sailors. (i) Twopence per week shall be deducted from the pay of every seaman and marine and every regular soldier, and there shall be con- tributed by the Admiralty and the Army Council, and by the State, such sum per week " as may be prescribed." This provision is not, however, to apply to a seaman, marine, or soldier who has Te-engaged for pension unless he so elects. (2) Sums deducted and contributions made shall be paid to the Insurance Commissioners to a separate account to which shall also be credited — (a) The '' reserve value " of such seaman, marine, and soldier serving at the commencement of the act. (b) In the case of a seaman, marine, or soldier already employed contributors, and therefore already insured before joining the service, his ''transfer value." (c) Two-ninths of the amount calculated in the prescribed manner which would have been payable in respect of benefits had the seaman, marine, or soldier been a member of an approved Society and employed within the meaning of the Act. (3) On the discharge of a seaman, marine, or soldier the separate account shall be debited, and the Society or Post Office Fund shall be credited with his transfer value provided that if he proves to the satis- faction of the Insurance Commissioners that he has been unable to obtain admission to an approved Society on account of the state of his health, instead of becoming a deposit contributor he shall become entitled to the benefits of a special scheme. (4) The Insurance Commissioners may prepare a special scheme, after consultation with the Admiralty and the Army Council, for con- ferring on men unable on account of health to obtain admission to approved Societies sickness and disablement benefit at the rate of 5s. a week, provided that — ■ (a) Two-ninths of the sum expended on such benefits shall be repaid to the special account out of State funds. (b) If a person who, having re-engaged for pension, is invalided without a pension or with a pension of less than 5s. a week he shall be entitled to benefits under the scheme sufficient to make up his pension to 5s. a week. (5) This section with %l prescribed modifications " shall apply to men belonging to the Fleet Reserve when called out on actual service, and to men of the Army Reserve when called out on permanent service, and to men of the Territorial Force when called out on embodiment. (6) When a man of the Fleet Reserve, Army Reserve, or the Territorial Force is called out for training, he shall be deemed to be in the employment of the Crown whilst so called out. CLAUSE 37. — Government Servants. Persons employed bv or under the CroAvn shall be deemed to be employed by the Head of their Department of the Royal Household. (See also Clause 1, exception b.) i8 CLAUSE 38 Persons under 1G. In the rase of insured persons under 16, 4s. 8d. for a boy and 4s. 6d. for a girl shall be credited from their contributions to his or her Society, or to the Post Office Fund, the balance being retained by the Insurance Commissioners. (Note the Government actuaries estimate that ^807,000 a year will be retained by the Insurance Commissioners under this Clause.) CLAUSE 39. — Insurance Lund. (1) All contributions and subsidies to be paid into the National Health Insurance Fund under the control of the Insurance Commis- sioners, and the sums required to meet expenditure incurred by Societies and Local Health Committees for benefits and administration shall be paid out of that fund. (2) Subsidies payable by Parliament shall be paid in such manner and at such times as the Treasury shall determine. (3) The funds shall be paid over to the National Debt Commis- sioners and invested in securities authorised as investments for Savings Bank funds. Preference to be given to the stock or bonds issued for the purposes of the Local Loans Fund, when capital is required for making advances for the purpose of the Housing of the Working Classes Acts, 1890 and j 909. (4) Insurance Fund is subject to Treasury audit. (5) Annual account of investments is to be submitted to Parliament. CLAUSE 40 Reserve Values. (1) The Insurance Commissioners are to prepare Tables of the capital sums referred to as "reserve values" necessary to meet the estimated loss arising from acceptance of members over the age of 16 at a rate applicable to the age of 16. (2) On a person over the age of 16 joining a Society the Teserve value applicable to him shall be credited to the Society, and bear 3 per cent, interest. (3) The Insurance Commissioners are to retain out of each weekly contribution 1 5"9ths of a penny for men and 1 W. for women to repay the credits given to Societies for reserve values. CLAUSE 41. — Insurance Commissioners. (1) Insurance Commissioners are to be appointed by the Treasury with a central office in London, and such branch offices as the Treasury may think fit. (2) Insurance Commissioners may appoint officers, inspectors, referees, and servants* at salaries to be determined by the Treasury, and paid out of monies provided by Parliament. (3) The Insurance Commissioners may empower any inspector to exercise the powers given by Section 76 of the Friendly Societies Act, 1896. Any complaint or report relating to any Branch shall be com- municated to the Central Bodv of the Societv. 19 CLAUSE 42 Advisory Committee. The Insurance Commissioners shall appoint an Advisory Committee for the purpose of assisting them in making regulations consisting of representatives of Associations of Employers and Societies and such other persons as the Commissioners appoint. CLAUSE 43.— Local Health Committees. (i) A Local Health Committee shall be constituted for every County and County Borough. (2) The Insurance Commissioners may fix the number of the Com- mittee, not to be less than nine or more than eighteen. (a) One-third consisting of members of a Local Sanitary Authority to be appointed by the Local Council. (b) One-third to be insured persons appointed by Societies. (c) One-third by any association of deposit contributors, or, if there is no such association, by the other members of the Committee, or by the Insurance Commissioners from deposit contributors. (3) Representation of several Societies in a locality is to corre- spond as far as possible with the number of insured persons Avho are members thereof. (4) The Insurance Commissioners may vary the proportion by regulations, which regulations are to be laid before Parliament as soon as may be after they are made. (5) The remaining members of the Committee not exceeding one- fourth of those previously mentioned shall be appointed by the Insurance CommisLsioners, two at least are to be duly qualified medical practitioners. (6) The Insurance Commissioners may make regulations as to the proceedings of the Committee and the use with or without payment of any offices of a local authority and for appointment of auxiliary Committees. (7) Any Local Health Committee may and shall if required by the Insurance Commissioners amalgamate with any other Local Health Committee. CLAUSE 44.— Powers and Duties of Local Health Committees. (1) The Local Health Committee, in addition to other powers and duties imposed, shall have the following powers and duties: — (i.) Consider generally the needs of the locality with regard to all questions of public' health and make reports and recom- mendations ; (ii.) Make provision for giving lectures and for publication of information on questions relating to health. (2) At the request of the Committee, the Medical Officer of Health may attend the meetings of the Committee to give advice and assistance. CLAUSE 45 Income of Health Committee. (r) All sums available for sanatorium benefit and all sums payable by deposit contributors for medical benefit and administration shall be credited to the Local Health Committee at the commencement of the year. 20 ^ (2) A penn) in ever) year for each member of an approved Society having insured persons resident within the area; (3) The Insurance Commissioners may increase this penny to twopence if they consider the travelling expenses of members of the Committee should be repaid to them. (4) The Local Health Committees shall keep books and accounts in the prescribed form, to be audited by Treasury Audit, and shall make prescribed returns to the Insurance Commissioners. (5) The Local Authority may subscribe out of the rates towards the general purposes of the Local Health Committee. CLAUSE 46. — Excessive Sickness. (1) If a Society or Health Committee alleges that there is excessive sickness, and such excess is due to the nature of employment or bad housing, or insanitary conditions or defective water supply, or neglect of any person or authority to observe or enforce the provisions of any Act relating to the health of the workers in factories, mines, or other industries, or relating to public health or housing of the working-classes, the Society or Committee may apply to the Secretary of State or the Local Government Board for an inquiry, and a competent person may be appointed to hold an inquiry. (2) If the inquiry shows that the sickness has, (i.) During a period of not less than three years before the date of the inquiry, or (ii.) If there has been an outbreak of any epidemic or infectious disease during any less period been in excess of the average expectation of sickness by more than ten per cent., and that the excess was caused by any of the reasons com- plained of, the person holding the inquiry may order the expenditure caused to the Society or Committee to be made good, (a) Where the excess is due to the nature of the employment or the neglect of an employer, by the employer; (b) Where due to bad housing or insanitary conditions, by the Local Authority; (c) Where due to the water supply, by the Local Authority or Water Company; (3) The owner or occupier of any condemned premises may be required to repay the Local Authority. (4) The average expectation of sickness shall be calculated in accordance with tables prepared by the Insurance Commissioners. Any excessive sickness attributable to disease or disablement in respect of which damages or compensation are recoverable shall not be taken into account. (5) The cost of an inquiry may be ordered to be paid by the defaulter. (6) Any sum payable by the Local Authority may be deducted from its credit under the local taxation account. (7) Any sum repayable to the Local Health Committee shall be dealt with for the benefit of deposit contributors, in accordance with the regulations to be made by the Insurance Commissioners. CLAUSE 47.- Erection of Sanatoria. (i) The Local Government Board may, with the consent of the Treasury, make grants for the purpose of the provision of sanatoria and other institutions for the treatment of tuberculosis and such other diseases as the Local Government Board, with the Treasury, may approve. (2) If any grant is made to a County Council, the Local Govern- ment Board may authorise the County Council to erect such buildings and defray any expenses of the County Council out of the county fund. (3) The Local Government Board may by order make provision for the joint exercise by County Councils and other Local Authorities of the powers, and for Joint Committees, etc., and for apportioning expenses. CLAUSE 48. — Power to Insurance Commissioners to Make Regulations. The Insurance Commissioners may make regulations for any of the purposes of the Act, and for prescribing anything under this Act or its schedules. Such regulations shall have effect as if enacted in this Act. CLAUSE 49. — Determination of Questions by Insurance Com= missioners. Insurance Commissioners may make regulations determining any question arising — (a) As to whether a person is liable to become insured as being a person employed. (b) As to the rate of contributions payable by any insured person. (c) As to the rates of contributions payable by the employer and the contributor respectively ; Provided that — (i.) He may appeal from the Insurance Commissioners to the County Court, with a further right of appeal on a question of law to a High Court Judge whose decision shall be final. (ii.) Questions as to contributions by a person about to become a member of an approved Society may also be settled by the Insurance Commissioners. CLAUSE 50.— Disputes. (1) Everv dispute between an approved Society, a branch, a member, or a person who within six months has. been a member, or between branches, shall be decided in accordance with the rules of the Society, with the right to appeal to the Insurance Commissioners. (2) Everv dispute between a deposit contributor and the Local Health Committee shall be decided by the Insurance Commissioners. (3) Insurance Commissioners may authorise referees to decide any appeal. (4) Insurance Commissioners may make regulations as to pro- cedure on' any appeal, and the decision of the Insurance Commissioners or Referee shall be final. 22 CLAUSE 51.- Distress, Execution, &c, to be Illegal in Certain Cases. (i) It shall be illegal while an insured person is in receipt of sick benefit, and for 14 days after, for any distress or execution to be levied, or proceedings in ejectment, or for recovery of rent, or for enforcement of judgment to be taken against such person: penalty, fifty pounds. (2) On the application of the insured person ex parte, a Judge may extend the exemption period upon being satisfied of danger to life. No extension shall exceed 12 months, unless security is given for payment. CLAUSE 52.— Offences. (1) If false statements are made for the purpose of obtaining benefits: penalty, three months imprisonment. (2) If any person is guilty of contravention, or non-compliance with the Act or the regulations: penalty, fine not exceeding ten pounds plus any contribution an employer has failed to make, but no person is to be liable to a penalty if he has acted in conformity with any decision of the Insurance Commissioners. CLAUSE 53.— Civil Proceedings. (1) If an employer neglects to pay any contributions due in respect of a member of an approved Society, he may be ordered to pay to the Insurance Commissioners a sum equal to the value of the benefits, which sum is to be credited to the Society. The insured person is to continue to be entitled to benefits, as if not in arrear. (2) The remedy under this Clause and Clause 52 may be pursued at the same time. CLAUSE 54. — Repayment of Benefits Improperly Paid. Any person who has improperly received benefit is liable to repay to the Insurance Commissioners as a debt due to the Crown. Provisions as to the Application of Existing Funds of Friendly Societies. CLAUSE 55.— Verbatim. (1) Any registered Friendly Society or branch which provides benefits similar to those conferred by this Act shall submit to the Regis- trar of Friendly Societies a scheme for abolishing, reducing, or altering such benefits as respects members who become insured persons under this part of this Act, and for the application of the funds accumulated in respect of such members for the purposes of such benefits in any one or more of the following ways : — (a) In the payment of other benefits; (b) In the reduction of the contributions of members in respect of benefits payable by the Society independently of this part of this Act; 23 (c) In the payment of contributions under this part of this Act payable by its members; and any such scheme when confirmed by the Registrar shall have effect as if enacted in this Act. (2) This section shall come into operation on the passing of this Act. CLAUSE 56. — Provisions as to Existing Superannuation Funds. The employer may submit a scheme to the Registrar, allowing him to deduct any contributions payable by him for similar benefits from his contributions under the Act. CLAUSE 57. — Power to Remove Difficulties. The Insurance Commissioners, with the consent of the Treasury, may, by order, do anything which appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing the Act into operation, and any order may modify the provisions of the Act, so far as may be necessary or expedient for carrying the order into effect. 'CLAUSE 58.— Application to Scotland. Makes provisions for applying the Act to Scotland. CLAUSE 59.— Application to Ireland. Makes provisions for applying the Act to Ireland. Sub-section (3) reduces the number of members of a Society necessary to constitute an approved Society from 10,000 to 5,000. PART II, UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE. CLAUSE 60.— Right of Workmen in Insured Trades to Unemployment Benefit. Every workman who, having been employed in an insured trade, is unemployed, shall be entitled, subject to the conditions of the Act, to receive unemployment benefit at the rates mentioned in the 7th schedule so long as he is not disqualified. The insured trades are mentioned in the 6th schedule as follows : — (1) Building; that is to say, the construction, alteration, repair, decoration, or demolition of any building, or any part thereof. (2) Construction of works; that is to say, the construction, re- construction, or alteration of railroads, docks, harbours, canals, embankments, bridges, piers, or other works of construction. (3) Shipbuilding; that is to say, the construction, alteration, repair or decoration of ships, boats, or other craft, or any parts thereof, and of the tackle thereof, by persons not being members of a ship's crew. (4) Mechanical engineering, including the manufacture of ordnance and firearms. (5) Construction of vehicles ; that is to say, the construction and decoration of vehicles or any parts thereof. The 7th Schedule provides unemployment benefit for building and constructional trades, 6s. per week; engineering, shipbuilding, and construction of vehicles, 7s. a week. It commences after the first week of unemployment and lasts for not more than fifteen weeks. No work- man is to receive more than one week's benefit for every five wee k s' contributions paid by him, but a workman who satisfies the Board of Trade that he has habitually worked at an insured trade before the Act shall have five contributions added for each three months during which he shall have worked prior to the Act up to a maximum of twenty-five contributions. The Board of Trade may by regulations increase benefits to 8s. per week or reduce them to 6s. per week, and may make further alteration by a special order. CLAUSE 61. — Contributions by Workmen, Employers, and the Treasury. (1) Unemployment benefit is to be derived from contributions by workmen, employers, and the State. 24 25 (2) The rates of contributions are set out in the Eighth Schedule. A workman contributes every week 2^d., the employer contributes every week 2^d. ; less than a week counts as a week. The State contributes one-third of the total contributions received from employer and work- man, i.e., i§d. (3) The employer pays for the workman and deducts the workmen's contribution from -wages. (4) The employer may not deduct his oavii contribution from wages. (5) The Board of Trade may make regulations. — (a) For the payment of contributions by stamps on books or cards; (b) The issue, sale, custody, or delivery up of books or cards and the replacement of lost books or cards. (6) The State's contribution is equal to one-third of the total con- tributions received from employers and workmen, and is to be paid how and when the Treasury determines. CLAUSE G2. — Statutory Conditions for Receipt of Unemployment Benefit. (1) To receive unemployment benefit a workman must prove that he has been employed since the Act in an insured trade during each of not less than twenty-six separate weeks. (2) That he has made application for the benefit, and that since his application he has been continuously unemployed. (3) That he is capable of work but unable to obtain suitable employment. (4) That he has not run out of benefit. He is not bound to take a situation vacant in consequence of strike or lock-out or at a lower rate of wage than he habitually earns, or If in another district at a lower rate than the rate there current. v. CLAUSE 63 Disqualifications for Unemployment Benefit. (1) A workman who loses his employment by reason of a strike or lock-out by which he is directly affected is excluded from benefits. (2) A Avorkman who loses employment voluntarily or through mis- conduct is excluded from benefit for six weeks after loss of employment. (3) A workman imprisoned without the option of a fine, or suffering greater penalty, is disqualified for six weeks after his release. (4) A workman is disqualified whilst in a workhouse or public institution, or whilst abroad. CLAUSE 64.- Determination of Claims. (1) All claims for unemployment benefit are to be determined by insurance officers. Provided that — ■ (a) Workmen may require insurance officers to report the case to referees. In case of disagreement between referees and insurance officers there is an appeal to an umpire, whose decision shall be final. (b) The in'suranre officers may refer a case to Court of Referees, whose decision shall be final. 26 (2) Decisions ma) be reviewed on new facts. (3 and j) Arbitration Act not to apply, but in Ireland regulations may apply it. CLAUSh 65. — Provisions for Arbitration Appointment of Umpires, Insurance Officers, Inspectors, etc. (1) The Board of Trade, with consent of Treasury, may appoint umpires and insurance officers. (2) The Board of Trade may appoint other officers, inspectors, and servants, with sanction of Treasury, and salaries may be paid as Treasury may determine. Expenses of Board of Trade to be paid out of moneys provided by Parliament provided one-tenth of receipts from contributions shall be applied as an appropriation in aid for the purpose of the expenses. CLAUSE 06.— Courts of Referees. (1) The Court of Referees shall consist of one or more members chosen to represent employers, with an equal number chosen to repre- sent "workmen, and a chairman chosen by the Board of Trade. (2) Panels of employers' and workmen's representatives shall be constituted by the Board of Trade for districts and groups of trades, and the members of a court shall be selected from those panels ".in the prescribed manner." (3) The constitution of the Courts shall be determined by " regula- tions to be made " by the Board of Trade. (4) The Board of Trade may make regulations referring to referees' questions bearing on the administration of the Act. (5) The Board of Trade may pay the referees. Such payments are to be treated as expenses of the Board of Trade. CLAUSE 67.— Regulations. (1) The Board of Trade may make regulations for any of the purposes of the Act, or the Schedules, and for prescribing anything to be done thereunder ; and (a) For prescribing what occupations are to be deemed employ- ment in an insured trade; and for excluding — (i.) Occupations common to insured and uninsured trades, and ancillary occupations : (ii.) Occupations ancillary to the trade where the employer's trade is not an insured trade; and (iii.) Occupations concerned with the making of parts or materials for use in an insured trade which axe mainly carried on as separate businesses. (b) For determining whether contributions are payable in respect of any workman ; (c) For prescribing the evidence of unemployment, and for requiring attendance of workmen at offices; (d) For prescribing how claims are to be made and questions determined by insurance officers, referees, umpires, etc. ; Any regulation shall have effect as if enacted under the Act. (2) Regulations may provide for payment of unemployment benefit through the Post Office. 27 CLAUSE 68. — Unemployment Fund. (i) The Board of Trade shall establish an unemployment fund into Avhich all contributions are to be paid* and out of which benefits and other payments are to be payable. (2) Provides for Treasury audit. (3) Provides that the National Debt Commissioners shall invest surplus funds in securities authorised for Savings Banks' moneys. (4) An annual account of investments is to be submitted tQ Parliament. CLAUSE 69 — Treasury Advances. (1) The Treasury may advance not exceeding three million pounds, or such larger sum as the Treasury may fix. (2) Whilst any advance is outstanding, and if it appears to the Treasury that the unemployment fund is insolvent, the Board of Trade shall, if the Treasury direct, by order, modify (i.e., increase) the rates and contribution, or modify (i.e., reduce) rates or periods of unemploy- ment benefit, to secure the solvency of the fund. No order is to reduce the unemployment benefit below 5s.: or increase the rate of contribution from employers or workmen by more than one penny per workman per week; no order shall remain in force longer than three months after all advances and interest have been repaid. (3) The Treasury may borrow by means of Exchequer Bonds or Treasury Bills. (4) Exchequer Bonds shall be charged on the Consolidated Fund. (5) Moneys in the hands of the National Debt Commissioners shall not be applied in redemption of Exchequer T3onds or Treasury Bills under this section. CLAUSE 70. — Power of Employers to Compound at Reduced Rates. An employer may pay in advance for a year 15s. for his workmen, and his own contributions, and may deduct 2|d. a week, i.e., 10s. iod., from the workman, but if the workman becomes unemployed during the year, and is subsequently re-employed by the same employer, the sum paid in advance shall not cover any part of the period of re-employment. CLAUSE 71.— Return of Part of Contributions to Workmen at 60 or 55. (1) Any workman who satisfies the Board of Trade that he has paid contributions for five hundred weeks or upwards shall be entitled to receive at any time after reaching the age of 60 a sum equal to the balance of his contributions after deducting his benefits, together with 2\ per cent, compound interest, and the Board of Trade may make regulations as to whether the repayment is to be a lump sum or an annuity. (2) The Board of Trade may by regulations reduce the age of 60 to 55 in cases of workmen who prove that they have finally ceased to follow any insured trade. 28 CLAUSE 72. Refund of Contributions Paid in Respect of Workmen Working Short Time. If an employer satisfies the Board <'l Trade that during any period of depression in his trade workmen have been systematically working short time, and that the employer has paid the workmen s and his own contributions without deduction from wages, the payments may be re- funded out of thf Unemployment Fund " in accordance with regula- tions," but no refund shad be made it the hours of work haw .-xio-drd five-sixths of the number usually recognised as full time. CLAUSE 73.— Workmen Engaged Through Labour Exchanges. (i) The Board of Trade may on " prescribed " conditions arrange with any employer in respect of workmen engaged through a Labour Exchange to undertake the duties of the employer, and the employment of different workmen may for the purposes of the employer's contributions be treated as continuous employment of a single workman. (2) Where such arrangement has been made, employment by more than one employer shall be treated for the purposes of workmen's con- tributions as a continuous period of employment under one employer. CLAUSE 74. Subsidiary Provisions. (1) If a workman repeatedly fails to obtain or retain employment, and the insurance officer thinks it is due to a defect in skill or knowledge, he may arrange for the workman's attendance at a suitable course of technical instruction, and may pay out of the Unemployment Fund the expenses. If the workman refuses, or the teacher reports against the workman, such facts are to be taken into consideration in determining what is suitable employment for the workman. (2) The regulations of the Board of Trade may provide for re- payment to employers and workmen of contributions taken from them in the mistaken belief that the workmen were employed in an insured trade. (3) If a book or card is lost, a fine of one shilling may be inflicted. CLAUSE 75.— Offences. (1) If a false statement is made for the purpose of obtaining : penalty, imprisonment three months. (2) If contributions not paid, or Act or regulations not complied with : fine not exceeding ,£10, and also three times the amount of con- tributions not paid. (3) Proceedings not to be instituted except with the consent oi Board of Trade and within three months of knowledge of the offence. (4) Board of Trade may recover any sums due by civil proceedings as a debt to the Crown. (5) Any benefits improperly paid may be recovered as a debt to the Crown. 2 9 CLAUSE 76. — Periodical Revision of Rate of Contributions. After five years, if it appear to the Board of Trade that the Unemployment Fund is insufficient or more than sufficient for the liabilities, or that the rates of contributions are excessive or deficient in any trade, or branch of trade, the Board may, with the sanction of the Treasury, " by special order," revise the rate of contribution ; the revised rates to be substituted for the rates prescribed by the Act. Provided that' when once revised no further revision shall be made for five years, and no order shall increase the rates of contribution of employers or workmen by more than one penny per workman per week. CLAUSE 77.— Power to Extend to Other Trades. The Board of Trade, with consent of Treasury, may " bv special order " extend the Act to other trades, but no order shall be made which would, in the opinion of the Treasury, increase the State's contribution beyond one million pounds a year before the expiration of three years from the making of the order. CLAUSE 78. — Procedure for Making Special Orders. (i) Special orders are to be made as regulations are made under Sections 8o and 8i of the Factor}- and Workshop Act, 1901, as adapted in the 9th schedule of the Act. (2) Before a special order comes into force, it shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament for thirty days during the session, and if either House presents an address no further proceedings shall be taken. CLAUSE 79. — Arrangements with Associations of Workmen (Trade Unions) Paying Unemployed Benefits. (1) The Board of Trade may on the application of an Association, i.e., a Trade Union, make an arrangement with the Union that, instead of paying unemployment benefit to workmen who are members of the Union, to pay to the Union the aggregate amount which such workmen have received, not exceeding two-thirds of the unemployment benefit paid by the Union to the workmen. (2) Trade Unions mav treat contributions deducted from wages of members under the Act as contributions paid to the Trade Unions, and may reduce the rate of subscriptions of those members accordingly. (3 and 4) The Board of Trade mav make regulations settling questions arising under this Section. CLAUSE 80. Repayment to Associations Paying Unemployment Benefits to Workmen, whether in Insured Trades or not. (1) The Board of Trade may, with the consent of the Treasury. eithei annually or " as the Board mav prescribe," repay to any Associa tion paying out-of-work benefits to its members, h .\orkmen in an insured trade or not, not exceeding one-sixth of the aggregate amount paid by the Association for out-of-work benefit, exclusive of amounts paid 3° to Associations in the insured trades, and exclusive of payments in excess of 12s. a week. (2) No repayment under this Section shall be made in respect of any period before this Act. (3) The Board of Trade may make regulations to give effect to this Section. CLAUSE 81. — Interpretation and Application. (1) " Workman " means any person, including apprentices 18 years old and upwards, employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour working for an employer. Two periods of unemployment of not less than two days each, separated by not more than two days, or two periods of unemployment of not less than one week each, separated by not more than six weeks, shall be treated as a continuous period. Tem- porary work provided under the Unemployed Workman Act, or towards which anv central body or Distress Committee shall contribute, shall not be employment in an insured trade. (2) The Act applies to workmen employed by the Crown to whom the Act would apply if the employer were a private person, except to those serving in an established capacity in the permanent service of the Crown, unless an order in Council is issued to include the latter. PART III. GENERAL. CLAUSE 82.— Provision as to Stamps. The Commissioners of Inland Revenue will prepare and issue the stamps, and they may be sold through the Post Office. CLAUSE 83 Outdoor Relief. In granting outdoor relief, a Board of Guardians shall not take into consideration any benefit, except so far as it exceeds 5s. a week. CLAUSE 84 — Priority of Claims for Contributions Due by Bankrupt Employers. (1) Claims for contributions by employers four months prior to failure to have priority over all other debts. (2) Such contributions axe to have like priority as is conferred on wages of miners. 3 1 (3) Section not to apply where a company is wound up voluntarily or for reconstruction or amalgamation. (4) Section applies to Scotland. (5) Section applies to Ireland. CLAUSE 85 Benefits to be Inalienable. Benefits are not to be assigned or charged or to pass to creditors. CLAUSE 86. — Powers of Inspectors. (1) An Inspector shall have power to do the following things: — (a) To enter at all reasonable times on premises where he shall have reasonable grounds for supposing employed contributors or insured workmen are employed. (b) To make examination and inquiry to see if provisions of the Act are complied with. (c) To examine any person in the place who is an employed contributor or insured workman, and to require such person to sign a declaration of the truth of his statements. (d) To exercise such other powers as may be necessary for carrying this Act into effect. (2) The occupier, the employer, and the contributor in such premises shall produce for inspection all registers, books, cards, and documents as the Inspector may reasonably require. (3) Penalty five pounds for obstructing the Inspector. Provided no one shall be required to answer any questions tending to incriminate himself. (4) Where such premises are liable to inspection of some other Government Department arrangements may be made with that other Government Department to cairy out the powers of an Inspector under this section. CLAUSE 87.- Short Title and Commencement. This Act may be cited as the National Insurance Act, 1911. It shall come into operation 1st May, 191 2. INDEX. (References are to Clauses of the Bill. ) Accident compensation, provisions for insured persons, II Accounts — of Approved societies to be audited. 28 (1) of Local Health Committees to be audited, 45 (4) Acts regulating constitution of approved societies overridden by clause 22, 22 (4) T, <= Additional benefits, see under Benefits, Part 1 Advisory Committee, appointment and duties, 42 Age limit, 1 (4) ; 8 (3) Aliens — Application of Act to, 35 Exclusion from approved societies, 35 (1) Reduction of benefits, 35 No State subsidy, 35 (1) Widow, British subject before mar- riage, to be deemed British subject, 35 (2) Amalgamations of Local Health Com- mittees, 43 (7) Appeals from decision of Insurance Commissioners, 49 (c) Approved Societies — Accounts to be audited, 28 (1) Acts regulating constitution over- ridden by clause 22, 22 (4) Advances to workmen on account of compensation, 11 Agreements with Health Committees for administration of medical benefits, 14 (3) Branches — Accounts, 21 (1) Administration of benefits, 21(1) Expulsions, 22 (3) S cessions, 22 (1) Suspensions 21 (1) Conditional approval, 18 (3) Conditions of approval, 18 Conditions of membership, 24 Deficiencies — 28 (1) Insurance Commissioners' powers where no scheme provided, 3i (1) Schemes, 31 (1) Dissolutions, 22 (2) Employers' funds, 19, 56 Establishment of Local Committees, 21 (2-4) Exclusion of aliens, 35 Expulsion of members, 24 (2) Government of society and branches, 21 (1) Meeting-places, 21 (5) Members liable to levy, 31 (2) Payment — of BenefH to convalescent homes, 12 (4) lo Visiting nurses, 17 Penalties, 13 (2) Power of exemption, 2 (2) Refusal of applicants, 24 (1) Representation on Local Health Committees, 43 (3) Returns to Insurance Commissioners, 28 (1) Rules for conduct of business, 13 (2) Securities to provide against mis- appropriation of funds, 22 Settlement of disputes, 21 (1) ; 1 (1); 50(1) Subscriptions to institutions and nurses, 17 Surpluses — 28 (1) Application of, 30 (1) Suspension — of Defaulting branches, 21 (1) of Members for arrears, 30 (2) Transfer — Clearances, 25 Value of persons leaving, and not becoming Deposit con- tributors, 33 (1) Transfers — from Deposit contributors, 33 (2) to Deposit contributors, 33 (1) of Foreign members becoming resident in United Kingdom, 28 (2) ; 35 (3) Valuations, 28, 29 Withdrawal of approval, 23 Arbitration, provisions for, 65 Army Reserve — Included, 1 (2) (Sch. 1) Provisions — for Men on permanent service, 36 (5) for Men in training, 36 (6) Arrears — Accruing during current and previous year, 10 (5) not Counted in certain cases, 10 (4) not Counted between marriage and re-employment, 34 (1) Payment in unemployment to pre- vent, 4 (3) , Reduction of benefits of unemployed contributor, 10 Suspension — of Approved society members from additional benefits, 30 (2) Suspension of benefits, 10 (1) of Voluntary contributors, reduction or suspension of benefits 10 (3) of Widows, not counted, 34 (1-3) Asylums, benefits not payable to insured persons in, 12 (1) INDEX. i] Bankrupt employers, 84 Benefits to be inalienable, 85 Benefits (Part I.)— Additional, 8 (1) (Sch. 4) ; 8 (3) Application of surplus for, 30 (1) Suspen iio 1 oi apprc» ed 01 ie1 y members in arrears, 30 (2) Administration, 13 Age limit, 8 (3) Amount, 8 (2) (Sch. 4) and Compensation for accidents, 11 (1) Defined, S (1) Deposit contributors, 32 (1) Disablement — Age limit, 8 (3) Amount, 8 (2) (Sch. 4) Period, 8 (1) Persons provided with board and lodging excluded, 8 (7) Extension, S (8) Improperly paid, repayment, 54 Maternity — Administration, 16 no other Benefit allowed, 8 (6) Defined, 8 (1) may be Reduced to make good deficiencies, 31 (1) Medical — Administration, 14 at Agreed sum per member, 14 (3) Defined, 8 (1) Payment of excess expenditure, 14 (4-5) 1 aymentsof deposit contributors 32 (0 may not be Suspended, 13 (4) Payable only in United Kingdom, 3 (4) Payment to convalescent homes, 12 (4) no Payment of insured persons in institutions, 12 (1) Payment to dependants of insured persons in institutions, 12 (2) Payments to visiting nurses from, 17 Period may be reduced to make good deficiencies, 31 (1) Persons in institutions, where no dependants, payment to Local Health Committee, 12 (2) Reduced — Aliens, 35 (1) in Certain cases, 9 if Contributions in arrears, 10 Exceptions, 9 (4) to Make good deficiencies, 31 (1) Same illness, 8 (5) Sanatorium— Administration, 15 Defined, 8 (1) Payments of deposit con- tributors, 32 (1) Sickness, persons provided with board and lodging excluded, 8 (7) Suspension — for Arrears. 10 (1), 30 (2) Marriage of women workers, 34(i) Period allowed, 13 (2) Waiting period may be extendi make good deficiencies, 31 (1) Benefits (Part II.)— Conditions of receipt, 62 Determination of claims, 64 Disqualifications; 63 Exclusions, 63 Improperly paid, repayment, 75 Increase or reduction by Board of Trade, 60 (Sch. 7) Payment through Post Office, 67 (2) Rates for building trade, 60 (Sch. 7) Rates for engineering, shipbuilding and construction of vehicles, 1 < 1 (Sch. 7) Reduction if fund insolvent, 69 (2) Board of Trade — Increase or reduction of unemploy- ment benefits, 60 (Sch. 7) Regulations for unemployment in- surance, 67 Branches of approved societies, see Approved societies, branches. Building trade, unemployment benefit rate (60) 7 C Cards, fines for loss of (Part 2), 74 (3) Cards and stamps, regulations by Insurance Commissioners (Part 2). 7 Casual labour for games included, 1 (Sch. 1) Casual labourers excepted, 1 (Sch. 1) Cessation of contributions at 70, 4 (4) Charitable institutions, subscriptions from approved societies, 17 Civil proceedings against employer, 53 Commencement, S7 Commission agents excepted, 1 (Sch. :) Compensation — for Accidents, benefits (Part 1) and, 11 (1) Advances on account of, from ap- proved societies, 11 Compulsory contributors, see Contribu- tors, compulsory. Contributions (Part i) — ■ Cessation at 70, 4 (4) Deposit contributors, 32 (1) of Employers for exempted persons, 5 (1) Insurance Commissioners' regulations, 49 of Insured persons, 3 Payment by employers, 4 (2) Soldiers and sailors, 36 (1—2) State, not made to aliens, 2 5 in Unemployment, 4 (3) Contributions (Part 2) — ■ Employers, 61 (1) Refund in respect of short time, 72 Increase if fund insolvent, 69 (2) Penalty for non-payment, 75 (2) 398< INDEX. Rate . 61 (2) Ri |i.i\ iir 11I it workman not in insured I rade, 74 (2) Return ol pari to workman at 55 or 6o, ,1 Revision <>t rates, 7'' Si a 11. <> Responsibility for contributions (Parts 1 and 2). 61 (3) Superannuation funds, provisions, 19, 56 Employment where no wages paid excepted, 1 (Sch. 1) Engineering, shipbuilding, &c, unem- ployment benefit, rate, 60 (7) Exceptions of employed persons 1 (Sch. 1) Excessive Sickness — Provisions for inquiry, 46 Sums to be used for deposit contri- butors' 46 (7) Exchequer Bonds, 09 (3-5) Execution, 51 Exempt persons, Insurance Commis- sioners' power to include, 1 Exemption — ■ Certificates granted by Insurance Commissioners, 2 (2) of Employed persons, 2 (1) Expulsions from approved societies, 24 (2 Fines for loss of cards, (Part 2), 74 (3) Fleet Reserve — Provisions for men in training, 36 (6) Provisions for men on actual service. 36 (5) Friendly societies, application of existing funds, 55 Funds — of Approved societies, security against misappropriation, 22 Friendly society, 55 National Health Insurance, see National Health Insurance Fund Unemployment, see Unemployment Fund Young persons under sixteen, 38 G Games, casual labour in, included 1 (1) Government servants, employer defined, 37 H Hospitals — Benefits not payable to insured persons in, 12 (1) Subscriptions to by approved societies, 17 I Inalienable benefit.;, 85 Income limit, 1 (Sch. 1) Infirmaries, benefits not payable to insured persons in, 12 (1) Inspectors — may be appointed (Part 2), 65 Powers (Part 2), 86 INDEX. IV Insurance Commissioners — Appointment, .(i Determination of questions, 49 Power — to Include exempt persons, 1 to Make regulations, 48 to Remove difficulties, 57 Powers and duties, 41 (2-3) Sanction of excess expenditure on medical relief, 14 (4) Settlement of disputes, 50 Insurance fund, see National Health Insurance Fund. Insurance officers may be appointed (Part 2), 65 Insured trades, do (Sch. 6) insurance Investments — of National Health Insurance Fund, 39 Unemployment fund, 68 (3—4) Ireland — Application of Part 1 to, 59 Bankrupt employers, priority of claims for contributions due by, 84 (5) Reduction of number of members to constitute approved society, 59 Labour Exchanges, engagement of work- men through, 73 Legal separation, provision for, 34 (6) Levies, members of approved societies liable to, 31 (2) Local Health Committees — Accounts to be audited, 45 (4) Advances to workman on account of compensation, 1 1 Amalgamations, 43 (7) may Apply for separate local funds entitled to own surpluses, 32 (2) Appointment of medical practitioners on, 43 (5) Attendance of medical officer, 44 (2) Benefits of persons in institutions paid to, where no dependants, 12 (2) Constitution, 43 (1-7) Income, 45 Insurance Commissioners may make regulations re proceedings, 43 (6 ) Payment of benefits to convalescent homes, 12 (4) Payments from deposit contributors, 32 (1) Power of exemption, 2 (2) Powers and duties, 44 Representation of approved societies on. 43 (3) Rules for conduct of business, 13 (3) Subscriptions from rates, 45 (5) Lock outs, 03 (i) M Married Women — Re-employment in husband's life- time, 34 Suspension from benefits, 34 (1) Voluntary contributors, exclusion, 34 (4) See also Widows. Maternity benefit, see under Benefits (Part 1). Medical Benefit, see wider Benefits (Part 1). Medical Officer of Health, attendance on local Health Committee, 44 (2) Medical practitioners, appointment on Local Health Committees, 45 (5) Medicines, provisions for supply, 14 (2) Meeting-places of approved societies, 21 (5) Misappropriation of funds of Approved societies, security against. 22 Misconduct, workman losing employ ment through, excluded from Part 2, 63 (3) Municipal servants excepted, 1 (Sch. 1) N National Health Insurance Fund — Accouuts of investments, 39 (5) Investments, 39 (3) Receipts and disbursements, 39 ((1) Subsidies payable by Parliament, 39 (2) Treasury audit, 39 (4) Nurses — District, subscriptions from approved societies, 17 Visiting, payments by approved societies, 17 Offences under the Act (Part 1) 52, (Part 2) 75 Outdoor relief, benefits under 5s. not to be counted, 83 Penalties of approved societies, 13 (2) Post Office— Fund — ■ Surpluses, 32 Valuations, 32 Unemployment benefit, payment through, 67 (2) Public Health, local Health Committees' powers re, 44 Qualifying period (Part 1) 8 (7) Rebates to employers (Part 2) 70 Referees — (Part i) to decide appeals, 50 (3-4) (Part 2) Settlement of claims, 64 Court of — (Part 2) Constitution, 66 Payment by Board of Trade, 66 (5) Research, Insurance Commissioners may retain State contribution to sanatoria for, 15 (2) Reserve values, 40 INDEX. Sailors, sec Soldiers and sailors. Salary limit, 1 (Sch. i) Same illness, benefits (Part i). 8 (5) Sanatoria — Benefits not payable t<> insured persons in, 12 (1) I 1 ection of, 47 Expenses of treatment, 15 (2) Patients, Health Committee to decide fitness, 15 (3) Sanatorium benefits, see under I'.enefits, Part I. Scotland — Application of Part 1 to, 58 Bankrupt employers, priority of claims for contributions due by, 84 (4) Settlement of Disputes — Approved societies, 21 (1), }i (1), 5°(i) Deposit contributors, 50 by Insurance Commissioners, 50 Short time, employer's contribution may be refunded, 72 Short title, 87 Sickness — Average expectation, 46 (4) Benefits, see under Benefits, Part 1. Excessive, 46 Soldiers and Sailors — Excepted, 1 (Sch. 1) Provisions on discharge, 36 (3) Schemes for men unable to enter approved societies, 36 (4) Special rates, 36 (1-2) Stamps — , To be prepared by Commissioners of Inland Revenue, 82 See also Cards and stamps. State- Contributions, see under Contribu- tions, State, Parts 1 and 2. Strikes and lock-outs, workmen losing employment by excluded from Part 2, 63 (1) Subscriptions, to approved societies, 17 Superannuation — Funds, 19 ; 56 Teachers entitled to, excepted, 1 (Sch. 1) Surpluses, see under Approved societies and Post Office Fund Teachers entitled to superannuation ex- cepted, 1 (Sch. 1) Technical instruction for workmen un- employed through lack of skill, 74 Territorials — Included, 1 (Sch. 1) Provisions for men called out on embodiment, 36 (5) Provisions for men in training, 36 (0) Trade unions paying unemployed benefits — Arrangements with, 79 (1) Repayments to, 80 Transfers, see under Approved societies and Deposit contributors Treasury — Advances to unemployment in- surance, 69 Payment of excess expenditure on medical benefits, 14 (4-5) Power to borrow, 69 (3) U Umpires (Part 2) — may be Appointed, 65 (1) Decision to be final, 64 (1) Unemployment — Benefits, see under Benefits (Part 2). Defined, 81 (1) Due to lack of skill, provisions for technical instruction, 74 (1) Fund — Investments, 68 (3-4) Provisions if insolvent, 69 (2) Provisions for, 68 (1) Treasury audit, 68 (2) Insurance — Application to workmen em- ployed by Crown, 81 (2) Board of Trade regulations, 67 Exclusion of certain trades, 67 (1) May be extended to other trades, 77 Insured trades defined, 60 (Sch.o) Persons entitled to benefits, 60 Special orders, 78 Treasury advances, 69 Payment in, to prevent arrears, 4 (3) Valuations — Approved societies, 28, 29 Post Office Fund, 32 Voluntary Contributors, see Contributors, Voluntary. W Waiting period, 31 (1) Widow — of Alien, British subject before marriage 35 (2) Re-admission to benefits, 34 (1-3) Wives, see Married women Women visitors, 13 (2) Workhouses — Inmates excluded — From Part 1, 12 (1) From Part 2, 63 (4) Workman defined, 81 (1) Young persons (under sixteen) disposal of fund, 38 PRESS PRINTERS, LTD , 69, LONG ACRE, W.C, A C UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOKN4A AT LOS ANGELES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. JUN 18 195k. Form L9-25m-9,'47(A5618)444 UNIVE\ NLA AT HD 7166 E92n 1911 1THERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 961 681 4 M