^19l U585 A: A 1 2 6 5 9 6 TJnlt'=)d St^^t^s. uongress, rouse Union P^c'IfMn -pqilrnqri, "j^ stern division, '"^'om the r.ecretpvj of the treasury ^ J -^^'i |th Congress, ) 2d Session. i HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. {I Ex. Doc. No. 277. UNION' PACIFIC RAILROAD, EASTERN DIVISION. 1- C'^l(^ LETTER THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. IN ANSWER TO rvsolulion of (he House of February \th, last, transmitting report of the \president of the Union Paajic railroad, eastern division, for the years 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, and 1866. Iw (), ]8(iH. — Referred to the Committee on the Pacific Railroad and ordered to be printed. Treasury Department, yiay 6, 1868. Sir : I have the honor to enclose herewith a copy of the report of the presi- tnt of the Union Pacific Railway Company, eastern division, for the years 562, 1863, 1864, 1865, and 1866, received by the department on the 4th itant, and transmitted in conformity with House resolution of February 4, 1868. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, H. Mcculloch. Secretary of the Treasury. Hon. Schuyler C'olfa.x, Speaker House of Representatives. Office of Union Pacific Railway Co., Eastern Divlsion, St. Louis, Mo., March 24, 1868. Sir : In compliance with your letter of 6th instant, I have the honor to sub- lit the following report, to December 31, 1S66 : first. It appears from the records now in the possession of the company, thiit in 556 the stockholders in the orp^anization were as follows : J. M. Alexander. Jas. T. Boyle. M. P. Rively. Majors, Russell & Co. A. Macauly. Hugh Ewiiig. Jeremiah Clark, .lohn A. Holdermaii. Suin'l I).'Lpcpyppie. 1^. 15. Tr>T'-r; 459002 A. J. Isacks. D. A. N. Grover. Amos Rees. J. H. Day. Sam'l Harsli. Wm. H. Russell. H. B. Denman. A. Beach. :.. p. Nick?ei^., • * Wm ]i,iidV:. ■ UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, EASTERN DIVISION. Up to January 28, 1SG2, additional t^ub^criptions wero made in the name of J. C. Stone. It appear.-* by the books that the stock remained principally in the hands of the above ])arties until February 15, 1864, when J. C. Stone transferred to Samuel Hallett his interest, and on February 2G, 1864, a list of stockholders was made up as follows : James T. Boyle. :\I. P. Rively. A. I\racaulev. Hugh Pawing. Jererniah Clark. John A. llolderman. Samuel D, Lecompte. B. B. Taylor. J. M. Alexander. D. A. \. Grover. Amos Rces. J. H. Day. Samuel Harsh. H. B. Denman. A. Beach. J. P. Nickles. William Brindle. Samuel Hallett. G. B. Reed. E. L. Berthond. Charles A. Grover. Daniel L. Henry. James Davis. B, F. Simmons. Fred. Emory. Elijah Hughes. H. Miles Moore. J. H. McDowell. Luce & Marvin. 0. B. Holman. Thomas C. Shoemaker, A. C. Swift. G. W. Hindman. Wm. H. Russell. M. J. Parrott. Thomas S. Gladding. R. P. C. Wilson. S. A. Stinson. J. C. Fremont. Samuel Denman. James C. Kenned}'. J. D. Perry. J. B. Alexander. A. C. Anderson. J. K. Hale. J. P. Devereux. T. B. Edgar. R. J. Wood. The bocks do not show that the company had received any pay for this stock. Samuel Hallett was the contractor of the company for building the road and was to be paid partly in stock. If he had performed his contract he would have paid for the stock, in whoh; or in part, transferred to him by J. C. Stone. In the perfiirmance of his contract he earned l,7oG shares of stock, and this, with other full paid stock, was held on the 3d day of April, 1865, by the follow- ing named parties, assignees of original subscribers : John D. Perry. John P. Devereux. Thomas L. Price. S. M. Edgell. Carlos S. Greeley. Henry Bennett. Adolphus Meier. Samuel T. Glover. Giles F. Filley. Samuel A. Stinson. Alex, C. Anderson. On the 3d and 4th days of July, ISG5, under and in pursuance of law, all stock of the company held by delinquent subscribers was forfeited and sold to the company at public auction at Wyandotte, Kansas, leaving at that time the parties named in the above list as the only stockholders of the company. On December 31, 1SG3, the stockholders were the following: John P^dgar Thomson, \ John D. Perry, trustees , ( Philadelphia. \ St. Louis. LKAVE.\Wt)RTH l^OL'N'TV, 1\A.\SAS. John D. IVj-r;^ *..; . ;.*; .^.'t^.' .*:;..: .»*.. .v'*^. .".i j..'.^. . .'.. .; i :St. iduis. John P. I JeJvep. •-•*.♦. V-j .V,.' ■] -:-,.. f ;• ',-.-..'- •'» *.^.* •. '•/ • j I'l^pre* Haute. Thomas A. Scott ^. • ; . • , - -.; - • .^. . . . . . Philadelphia. UNION PACIFIC KAILROAD, EASTERN DIVISION. 3 AVm. H. Clement Cincinnati. H. J. Jewett Zanesville. Thomas L. Price Jefferson City. Adolphus Meier , St. Louis. Aslibell Green New York. Jolm V . Devereux St. Louis. Samuel A. Stinson Leavenworth, Ks. On December 31, 1S66, the stockholders of the company were the following LEAVENWORTH COUNTY, KANSAS. H. M. Northrup New York. John Edgar Thomson Philadelphia. Seyfert, McManns & Co " M.W.Baldwin c\: Co H. H. Houston William Thaw Pittsburg. Wm. F. Leech Philadelphia. Thomas S. Clarke Pittsburg. Thomas A. Biddle Philadelphia. Edward .Miller Wm. J. Palmer St. Louis Edward Ely Philadelphia. D. S. Grey aud James Means Columbus, Ohio. W. A. Goodman Cincinnati, George H. Pendleton " A. L. Mowry " 0. H. Kilgour " George W. McCook Steubenville, H . Bancroft Columbus, S. Medbury J. Lough " W. Failing C. P. Cassilly Ashbell Green New York. John D. Perry St. Louis. C S. Greeley " Giles F. Filley Thomas L, Price Jefferson City, Mo. S. M. Edgell St. Louis. Adolphus Meier " .1 . P. Usher Terre Haute, Ind. .lames Archer St. Louis. Henry Martin Cincinnati. George Partridge St. Louis. O.D. Filley .John D. Locke New York. Horace Holton St. Louis. Robert E. Carr '' Glover & Shepley " George D. Hall " F. H. Jackson Philadelphia. Robert H. Lamborn " Chas. B. Lamborn St. Louis. J. B. Anderson Philadelphia. Edward Miller, trustee " 4 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, EASTERN DIVISION. R. M. Shoemaker Glendale, Ohio. Thomas L. Jewett Steubenville, Ohio. Alfred Gaither Cincinnati, H. J. Jewett Zanesville, J. N. Kinney Cincinnati, Thomari Sherlock . . . .' Wm. Dennison Columbus, W. n. Clement Cincinnati, " A. H. Barney New York. Andrew Gross '" L, Devinny Cincinnati, J. W. Kirk ... New York. Larz Anderson Cincinnati, " P. AV. Strader J. j\[. Davison Saratoga, N. Y. J. Ilarshmau Dayton, Ohio. Simon Gebhart .... " V. Winters & Sou " B. S. & W. C. Brown Columbus, B. E. Smith J. II, Rhodes Cincinnati, A. H. Lewis J. R. Swan Columbus, A. C. Anderson St. Louis. D. G. Gale James Smith " G. C. Swallow Columbia, j\[o. D. R. Garrison St. Louis. H. C. Cieveling William Myers U.S. army. Thomas A. Scott Philadelphia. Theodore Cook Cincinnati. Edward Miller, trustee R. M. S. & Co Philadelphia. Second — Names of Directors and other officers. Directors, Aj^ril, 1864. John D. Perry St. Louis. J. B. Alexander " John P. Devereux " J. C. Kennedy " T. B. Edgar R. B. Wood Leavenworth. A. C. Anderson St. Louis. J. K. Hale Wyandotte. S. A. Stinson . . .Leavenworth. JOHN D. PERRY, President. JOHN P. DEVEREUX, Secretary and Treasurer, Directors, April, 1SG5. John D. Perry St. Louis. Adolphus Meier " G. F.Filley C. S. Greely A. C. Anderson " J. P. Devereux " UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, EASTERN DIVISION. 5 Thomas S. Price Jefferson City, Mo. S. A, Stinson Leavenworth. J. P. Usher Terre Haute. JOHN D. PERRY, President. JOHN P. DEVEREUX, Secretary and Treasurer. Directors, April, 1866. John 1). Perry St. Louis. Adolphus Meier " John P. Devereux " Thomas L. Price Jefferson City, Mo. H. J. Jewett : Zanesville, Ohio. William H. Clement Cincinnati. Thomas A. Scott Philadelphia. John McManus Philadelphia. George Partridge St. Louis. JOHN D. PERRY, President. ADOLPHUS MEIER, Vice-President. WM. J. PALMER, Secretary and Treasurer. TlllHL) — Amount of Stock subscribed and the amount thereof actually paid in December 31, lS6o. Total stock subscribed S2, 399,000 Stock issued 564,800 Stock earned but not issued 615,000 Stock subscribed December 31, 1866 5, 001,000 Stock issued 2, 401,000 Fourth — Surveys. It is impracticable at this date to make au accurate statement of the cost of the surveys of the company up to December 31, 1806. Preliminary surveys were made of the line as far as Fort Riley, by the com- pany, but the lines were rcsurveyed under the supervision of its contractors, and the expense of such work was a part of the cost of construction. In 1865 preliminary surveys were run up the valley of the Republican river, and from Fort Riley to Denver via the Smoky Hill route ; the cost of which was also charged to the accoiuit of construction, and borne by the contractors, as stated in my report dated February 29, 1868. FrKTH. Prior to October 16, 1866, the completed portion of the road was in the bauds of, and operated by, the contractors, who were in receipt of its earnings. In 1864 the gross receipts for passengers were $634 58 In 1865 the gross receipts for passengers were .32, 152 40 In 1866 the gross receipts for passengers were 209, 523 63 Sixth. In 1864 the gross receipts for I'reight Avere $663 28 In 1865 the gross receipts for freight were (^5, 817 50 In 1866 the gross receipts for freight were 217, 730 11 Miscellaneous earnings, 1 865 2, 555 99 Miscellaneous earnings, 1866 15, 073 46 459(1 >02 () UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, EASTERN DIVISION. Seventh and Ekihth. Coutiacts had been made for the construction of the entire road, which were not performed. In accordance with the terms of these contracts considerable advances were made to the contractors, and their faihire to perform their agreements subjected the company to heavy losses. These losses are all carried into the cost of the road, and embraced in the indebtedness of the company, as contained in full in my report of February 20, ISCS. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, JOHN 1). PERRY, P/rsiihvt. lion. Hi (;h McCulloch, Sccri'tary of the Treasury. ¥^f University of California Library Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L-!) 23m-2, '13(5203) THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CM-IFORNIA 1X)S ANC^LES M: .V nVEBSITV OF CALIFOBNIA-LOa ANQEl Lit ^onount ' , binder P Stockton, Calif L 007 965 957 9 t PLEA<5^ DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD I!!! o 5 o — T<^0JI1V3J0>^ I University Research Library ■III! , J "''-^ i96 J %.^