RETURN AS TO WATER UNDERTAKINGS IN ENGLAND AND WALES. Local Government Board, ) 28 July 1914. / H. C. MONRO, Secretary. (Mr. Herbert Lewis.) <)rdi>retl. In/ The House of Commons, In tie I'rintfil, 2* July 1914. L N D O N : PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OK HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE BY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, LTD., EAST HARDING STREET, E.G., PRINTERS TO THE KINrt's MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. To lie purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from VVYMAN AND SONS, LTD., 29, BREAMS BUILDINGS, FKTTER LANE, E.C., and 28, ABINGDON STREET, S.W., und 54, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF ; or H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE (SCOTTISH BRANCH), 23, FORTH STREET, EDINBURGH ; or E. PONSONBY, LTD., 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN; or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United States of America and other Foreign Countries of T. FISHER UN WIN, LONDON, W.C. 395. 1915. Price 5s. Id. WATER UNDERTAKINGS (ENGLAND AND WALES). KETUKN lo ail Order of llic lIonoliniMe The Hou-r of Common:-, 'hited 2t November 1!)10 ;/'/, 11ETU11N " showing, as regards every Water Undertaking in England, and Wales, (a) the powers, if any, under which the undertakers are authorised to supply water ; (b) the limits within which the undertakers are authorised to supply water ; (c) the places actually supplied ; (d) the sources of the supply, their nature and sufficiency ; (e) particulars as to the works, the quantity and quality of the water supplied; and also, as regards every district in England and Wales : (a) the area and population of the district, and the number of houses therein ; (b) the number of houses supplied with water from a piped service ; (c) the names of the undertakers providing a supply of water ; (d) the source, nature, and sufficiency of the supply where there is no piped service." Local Government Board, 28 July 1914. H. C. MONRO, Secretary. (Mr. Herbert Lewis.) Ordered, l>y The House of Commons, to be Printed, 28 July 1914. LONDON: PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE BY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, LTD., EAST HARDING STREET. E.C., PRINTERS TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from VVYMAN AND SONS, LTD., 29, BREAMS BUILDINGS, FETTER LANE, E.C., and 28, ABINCIION STREET. S.W., and 54, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF ; or H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE (SCOTTISH BRANCH). 23, FOHTH STREET, EDINBURGH; or E. PONSONBY, LTD., 116, GKAFTON STREET, DUBLIN; or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United Stales of America and other Foreign Countries of T. FISHER UNWIN, LONDON, W.C. 1915. 395 Price ii Preliminary Memorandum. THE WATER SUPPLY OF THE METROPOLIS. 1. Early History of Metropolitan Supply. S to w' s " Survey of Londou," published in 1598, contains an interesting account of the rivers, brooks and wells of London, and of the artificial conduits and other works which had been constructed in early times to supply water to the various parts of the Metropolis, None of the works there enumerated now remain in use, but the names of some of them are commemorated in Conduit Street, Lambs Conduit, Clerkenwell, &c. The first private Act of Parliament relating to London water was the Hampstead Water Act of 1543, but nothing was done under it until 1589 when four " reservoirs " were formed. Meanwhile the London Bridge Waterworks had been established through the enterprise of a Dutchman, named Peter Morrys, who in 1581, with the consent of the Corporation, erected a water wheel under one of the arches of London Bridge ; this, being turned by the tidal stream, worked forcing pumps which impelled the water through leaden or wooden pipes in the streets, and thence by branches into the houses. The New River was authorised by an Act of 1605-6, followed by another of 1607, which empowered the City Corporation to undertake the work. However, they shrank from the task, and it was left for Sir Hugh Myddelton, a private citizen, to carry it out. The New River Company's charter is dated 1619 ; it recites a deed of arrangement made with King James the First in 1612. Owing to the difficulties of his task, Myddelton was com- pelled to appeal to the King, who furnished the necessary money to complete the work on condition that half the property in the undertaking was ceded to him. In 1613 the New River was completed, and brought water from the Amwell, Chadwell, and other springs in Hertfordshire to reservoirs at Clerkenwell. Waterworks to supply Shadwell were started in 1669. The patent for setting up the York Waterworks at Westminster was dated 1676. The works were destroyed by fire in 1690, and in 1691 an Act was passed incorporating the proprietors as the York Buildings Waterworks Company for supplying part of Westminster with water pumped from the Thames near Charing Cross. The Kent Waterworks were initiated in 1699, and obtained letters patent to take water from the River Ravensbourne in 1701. The works were bought up by a later company formed in 1809. The second in date of the great London Water Companies which survived to modern times was the Chelsea Waterworks Company, which was established in 1723 to supply Westminster and its neighbourhood from the Thames at Chelsea Reach. The West Ham Waterworks Company originated about 1745 to supply the lower part of Whitechapel, Stepney and Bethnal Green and the villages of Bow, Stratford and Bromley. The incor- poration of the Lambeth Waterworks Company followed in 1785. The Grand Junction Canal Company obtained power to supply water to Paddington and adjoining districts in 1798. Early in the nineteenth century other companies were 'ormed, and most of the smaller undertakings were absorbed, and about 1830 the Metropolis was supplied by eight large companies. The New River, Chelsea, East London, West Middlesex, and Grand Junction Companies supplied portions north of the River Thames, while the Lambeth, South London and Southwark Companies supplied portions south of the river. In addition, the Hampstead Water Works supplied parts of Hampstead and St. Pancras, and the Kent Company parts of Deptford, Greenwich, Lewisham, &c. The South London and Southwark companies were afterwards amalgamated to form the Southwark and Vauxhall Company, while the Hampstead Company was absorbed in the New River Company. 2. Powers and Limits of Metropolitan, Companies: Most of the companies were originally formed under special Acts of Parliament, but some of them derived powers also from letters patent. As, however, they had no statutory area of supply competition arose between them, and for a time very low rates were charged. The interests of the companies suffered to such an extent that in 1817 areas of supply were defined by mutual agreement, and the water charges were shortly afterwards considerably increased. As a result much alarm and discontent arose among the public, numerous complaints were made as to the high charges, and several petitions were presented to Parliament. The Marylebone Vestry introduced a Bill to empower them either to supply their parishioners or to enter into contracts with any company for a supply. A Bill was also presented prescribing the maximum charges which the companies might make. Both of these Bills, however, failed to become law. Ill 3. Select Committee of 1821. Eventually in 1821 a Select Committee of the House of Commons was appointed to inquire into the past and present state of the supply of water to the Metropolis and the laws relating thereto. The Committee reported that " a material improvement had taken place in the supply both in respect of abundance " and certainty," and that " the supply of water to London was very superior to that " enjoyed by any other city in Europe." Nevertheless, they pointed out the need for more effective control over the water companies, and recommended legislation to limit their charges and to enable regulations to be made for preventing the waste of water, arbitrary curtailment or withdrawal of supplies, &c. This report was followed by an ineffectual attempt at general legislation, after which the subject dropped, owing, it would seem, to certain steps taken by the companies to avoid occasioning any new cause for discontent. 4. Royal Commission, 1827-8. A few years later, however, the public became dissatisfied with the quality of the water supplied to them, and the inhabitants of Lambeth, Southwark and the western portion of the Metropolis petitioned Parliament for an inquiry into the state of the supply. With the exception of the water provided by the New River and East London Companies the whole of the supply to London was at this time derived from the tidal waters of the Thames at points between London Bridge and Hammersmith, and was distributed as a rule without nitration. In 1827 a Royal Commission was appointed to inquire into the quality and salubrity of the supply of water in the Metropolis, including the south and Surrey sides thereof. The Commissioners -reported that many of the complaints were well founded, that the supply required improvement, and that it ought to be derived from other sources and guarded by such restrictions as would at all times ensure its cleanliness and purity. In consequence of this report the companies endeavoured to improve their supplies by changing their sources, constructing new reservoirs and installing systems of nitration. 5. Select Committee of 1828. A Select Committee of the House of Commons in July 1828 fully endorsed the views of the Royal Commission, and recommended that Mr. Telford, an eminent engineer and member of the Commission, should be instructed to undertake the necessary surveys with a view to the formulation of a practicable and efficacious scheme for supplying the whole of the Metropolis with pure and whole- some water. The Committee commented on the ineqtiality of the rates charged by the various companies, and the need for their regulation in this respect. 6. Mr. Telford' s Report, 1834, Select Committees of 1834 and 1840, and Royal Commission of 1843-5. Mr. Telford was instructed accordingly, and in his report, made in 1834, he advised that the northern part of the Metropolis, then obtaining water from the Thames, should be supplied from the River Verulam at Bushey Mill near Watford, and the southern part from the River Wandle at Beddington Park. He recommended that the New River Company should take steps to safeguard the River Lee from pollution and to pump auxiliary supplies from that river at Tottenham. The East London Company had in the meanwhile carried out improvements designed to ensure a satisfactory supply. Mr. Telford's report was referred to a Select Committee of the House of Commons, which was unable to complete its inquiry, and merely submitted the evidence taken and recommended renewal of the Committee in the next Session of Parliament. The Committee, however, was not renewed. In 1840 a Select Committee of the House of Lords was appointed to consider the existing supply of water to the Metropolis, but it merely examined several witnesses and submitted the evidence. The Royal Commission on the Health of Towns devoted a portion of their second report, published in 1845, to the Metropolis, and as regards the water supply, stated that the principles of legislation which they recommended (see paragraph 35) were applicable to the Metropolis, with such modifications as the varied circumstances of the localities suggested in the constitution of the administrative body for the control and direction of local works. They called attention to the ruinous competition among the water companies then supplying water in London, and to the report of the Committee of 1821. 7. Cholera Outbreak of 1849 and Report of Board of Health, 1850.- Attention was again drawn to the matter in 1849 in consequence of an outbreak of cholera in London. The General Board of Health, which had recently been constituted under A 0.198 876 7/15 - a 2 342335 IV the Public Health Act, 1848, completed a detailed investigation of the question which had been commenced by the Metropolitan Sanitary Commission. They presented a report in 1850 dealing very fully with all questions affecting the water supply of the Metropolis, and strongly urged that the Thames should be abandoned as a source and that a supply should be taken from the Bagshot Sands in the Hindhead district of Surrey. They were also in favour of carrying out works of water supply and drainage at the same time, and of substituting for the water companies the Consolidated Metropolitan Sewers Commission. The Board attached great importance to the provision of an unlimited and constant supply and to the question of reducing the hardness of the water, and one of their chief arguments in favour of a supply from the Surrey Sands was the greater softness of that water. Detailed information respecting the yield of the proposed sources was given in reports and papers published by the Board of Health in 1851. 8. Eoyal Chemical Commission, 1851. In the same year a Bill was introduced bearing upon the supply of water from the River Lee. The Committee of the House of Commons, which considered it, criticised the Report of the Board of Health somewhat severely, and some of the conclusions were in consequence discredited. A scientific Commission was then appointed by the Government to inquire into the chemical quality of the water. In their report the Commissioners described the general qualities and defects of the water supply. They stated that if any considerable quantity of water should continue to be drawn from the Thames it should be taken at points removed from contamination and above tidal influence. In their view the abandonment of the Thames as a source of supply was only a matter of time, unless artificial means of purification could be devised and applied. The Commissioners were satisfied as to the purity of the water recommended by the General Board of Health, but doubted whether a sufficient quantity would be available. They favoured schemes for obtaining supplies from chalk springs near Watford for the north, and between Blackheath and Higham for the south of the Metropolis. During these investigations modifications in the drainage of London were gradually affecting the tidal waters of the Thames. It had long been penal to allow any solid matter to pass into the drains, but with a more plentiful supply of water it was at length made compulsory to wash all solid matter into the drains. But the increase of the population and the extension of the water supply had largely augmented the quantity of house drainage, and it was therefore thought a matter of vital importance to ensure that water for domestic purposes was no longer derived from the tidal waters of the Thames. In these circumstances and as the result of the preceding investigations the Government considered legislation to be essential. 9. Metropolis Water Bill of 1851. Accordingly, a Bill was introduced by Sir George Grey to amalgamate all the existing companies into one, to compel this new company to obtain water from such sources as the Secretary of State might direct, and otherwise to improve the quality of the water. The Bill empowered the Treasury to purchase the property, works and rights of the amalgamated " Metropolitan Water Company " upon giving six months' notice, and upon payment of a sum computed after the rate of 125L for every 100L capital stock of the Company. In introducing the Bill, Sir George Grey said that if a representative metropolitan municipality were in existence or could be provided, he had no doubt that the best plan would be to act through its instrumentality, as in the case of certain large towns, and that such an agency would be more satisfactory to the inhabitants than any other system. The Bill passed Second Reading, but failed to proceed further owing to opposition evidence given before a Committee presided over by Sir James Graham, which did not issue a report. Consequently the Metropolis Water Bill of the following session did not seek to disturb the companies. 10. The Metropolis Water Act, 1852. This Act was the first general Water Act applying to London. It confirmed the companies in their functions and introduced important provisions for their regulation. The chief of these were (a) that after the 31st August ] 856 the companies were prohibited from taking water from the River Thames below Teddington Lock, or from the tidal waters of any tributary stream ; (6) that all reservoirs and aqueducts within a direct distance of 5 miles from St. Paul's Cathedral were to be roofed or covered over, imless the water was subsequently filtered ; (c) that all water supplied for domestic use was to be efficiently filtered, unless pumped direct from wells into covered reservoirs ; (d) that no new source of supply was to be utilised without the approval of the Board of Trade ; (e) that formal complaints as to quantity and quality were to be investigated by the Board of Trade ; and (/) that after the expiration of 5 years from the passing of the Act a constant supply at high pressure was to be given where demanded, under certain conditions, by four-fifths of the inhabitants of the district. The immediate consequence of this Act was the removal of the intakes of all the water companies drawing from the Thames to places above Teddington Lock. The Lambeth and Chelsea Companies erected their new works on the south bank of the river at Long Ditton, while the West Middlesex, Grand Junction and Southwark and Vauxhall Companies constructed their intakes and pumping establishments on the north bank of the river at Hampton. The East London Company also removed its intake on the Lee to Ponders End, above the reach of the tide. Later the Kent Company, in 1862, abandoned the polluted Ravensbourne. 11. Inquiries by Board of Health, 1854-7. In consequence of an outbreak of cholera in 1851 the General Board of Health instituted an inquiry into the chemical composition of waters supplied in the Metropolis. From their report it appeared that some of the waters were very unsatisfactory, whilst the River Thames, even above Teddington Lock, was found to be liable to contamination by very objectionable impurities. In 185G the Board of Health directed chemical and engineering inquiries to ascertain the results of the works, on which about 2,500,OOOL had been expended by the companies in order to comply with the provisions of the Act of 1852. The chemical report showed that while the hardness and solid contents of the water remained about the same, there was a very con- siderable diminution in the amount of organic matter. This was attributed partly to the new intakes and partly to improved methods of collection, filtration, and distribution. The engineers reported favourably on the new works of the Companies and on the manner in which the provisions of the Act had been carried out. They suggested, however, that further inquiry should be made into the removable causes of contamination of the Thames and its tributaries above the sources of supply, and recommended the introduction of the constant service system. A microscopical examination of the waters made in January 1857 showed that, while the condition of the water was greatly improved, it still contained considerable numbers of living vegetable and animal organisms not found in pure waters. 12. Reports of Rivers Pollution Commission as to Rivers Thames and Lee. The condition of the River Thames was not further investigated until 1865, Avheu a Royal Commission was appointed to inquire into the best means of preventing pollution of rivers, with special reference to selected river basins. The inquiry was subsequently extended to include the subject of water supply. The Report of the Commissioners on the River Thames in 1 866 recommended that the whole river should be controlled by one governing body, empowered to ensure its freedom from pollution. An Act was therefore passed in the same year which gave effect to these recommenda- tions by establishing the Thames Conservancy Board. In the following year the Commissioners reported that the River Lee with its tributaries was liable to pollution by sewage and factory refuse, and that there were peculiar difficulties as to its purification and general management, and they recommended measures for its improvement. Accordingly, the Lee Conservancy Act of 1868 was passed con- stituting the Lee Conservancy Board and endowing them with powers analogous to those of the Thames Conservancy Board. 13. Cholera in East London, 1866. A severe outbreak of cholera in the East of London in the year 1866 was generally attributed to the water supplied by the East London Waterworks Company, and formal complaints by the inhabitants led to an investigation by a Commissioner appointed by the Board of Trade, under the provisions of the Act of 1852. The Commissioner reported that the River Lee was much contaminated by sewage, and that impure water therefrom found its way into the Company's reservoirs, and he advised improved filtration and storage. Meanwhile, with a view to improving and augmenting their supply, the Company, early in 1867, applied to Parliament for powers to enlarge their works, and as the very dry season of 1864 had led them to distrust the River Lee as a source from which to draw a sufficient supply, they also sought power to draw 10,000,000 gallons of water per day from the Thames at Sunbury. Both these Bills were passed with certain controlling provisions, and the Committee of the House A 0.198 a 3 VI of Commons to whom they had been referred was instructed to enquire also into the operation and results of the Metropolis Water Act, 1852, which had then been in full operation for 10 years. 14. Select Committee of 1867. The Committee reported that they were satisfied as to the quantity and quality of the water supplied from the Thames, and saw no reason to disturb the arrangements for safeguarding the supply made under the Act of 1852. As regards the River Lee, although they agreed with the Rivers Pollution Commission that it was liable to serious contamination, they considered that the water then supplied from the river was not only wholesome, but compared favourably with that supplied in other places. They suggested certain modifications in the remedial measures recommended by the Commission, and stated that when these improvements were carried out the river would be free from risk of contamination. They reported that the quality of the water supplied by the Kent Water Company was not questioned, and that the supply was in their opinion adequate. They recommended further that a constant service should be enforced under strict provisions for preventing waste and ensuring the suitable condition of all domestic water fittings, that the Metropolitan Board of Works should see that" the statutory obligations of the water companies were duly fulfilled, and that an Act should be passed embodying their suggestions and consolidating all the existing laws as to the water supply of the Metropolis. 15. Royal Commission, 1867-9. Uneasiness was still felt, however, as to the sufficiency and wholesomeness of the water supplies of London, and a Royal Commis- sion, with the Duke of Richmond as chairman, was appointed to inquire into the existing supply of tin- Metropolis and the practicability of obtaining unpolluted and wholesome supplies for London and other large towns in England and Wales. The first Com- mission, which was dated 2-lth December 1866, was revoked and a new Commission issued in 1867. In 1869 the Commission reported that, after detailed investigation of numerous schemes, including proposals to bring water to London from the mountainous districts of Cumberland and Wales, they preferred the existing sources of supply for the Metropolis. They stated that there was no evidence to show that the water supplied by the companies was not generally good and wholesome, though perfect filtration was highly essential and more efficient means of securing this were required. The Commission also considered that ample supplies were available, and they advised that a constant service system should be promptly introduced to the furthest extent possible. To accomplish this, however, they were of opinion that the control of the water supply should be entrusted to a responsible public body, with power to purchase and extend existing works and to levy water rates. 16. Metropolis Water Act, 1871. A Government Bill was introduced in 1871 to give effect to the recommendations of the Royal Commission. The Bill originally provided for compulsory purchase of the Companies' undertakings, but in con- sequence of opposition the clauses relating thereto were withdrawn. A Select Committee of the House of Commons was appointed to consider the curtailed Bill, the principal object of which was to secure for the Metropolis a constant supply of good water. The Committee reported that, as the provisions in the Act of 1852 for ensuring a constant supply had in practice proved inoperative, they had inserted clauses repealing these provisions and requiring the Companies, under certain conditions, to furnish a constant supply on the demand of local authorities or of the Board of Trade. The amended Bill was subsequently passed as the Metropolis Water Act, 1871. The Act required the Companies to make regulations, subject to approval of the Board of Trade, for preventing waste, &c. of water, and also empowered the Board of Trade to investigate and cause to be remedied any complaints respecting the quality of the water, and to appoint a Water Examiner, to be remunerated by the Companies, whose ,duty it should be to ascertain that all water, except that pumped from wells into covered reservoirs, was effectually filtered before distribution. The powers of the Board of Trade under the Act were transferred to the Local Government Board by the Public Health Act, 1872. 17. Miscellaneous Reports, &c., 1872.- Among various papers relating to the water supply of the Metropolis submitted to Parliament in 1872 were (a) Reports as to inadequacy at Bermondsey and impurity at Newington, by the Water Examiner appointed under the Act of 187]. (b) Reports on analyses of the waters supplied by the Companies during 1869-71. Vll (c) Reports on the constant service system of water supply. (d) Return showing all public surface wells in the Metropolis, specifying such as were permanently closed. (c) Regulations made by the Companies under the Metropolis Water Act, 1871, for a constant supply of water, approved by a Commission of Inquiry appointed by the Board of Trade. 18. Final Report of the, Rivers Pollution Commission, 1874. In 1874 the Royal Commission on the Pollution of Rivers issued their final report dealing with the domestic water supplies of Great Britain. The report contained a comprehensive historical and descriptive account of the water supply of the Metropolis, and the Commissioners stated that after careful consideration of the existing water supply and the possibility of its improvement, they were of opinion that both the. Thames and Lee ought to be abandoned as sources of supply. They considered it unnecessary to bring water from Cumberland or Wales, and suggested that abundant supplies of excellent water could be obtained from springs and deep wolls in the Valley of the Thames. To attain this end they recommended that the supply of the Metropolis should be controlled by a responsible public body with power to acquire existing works and construct any other works that might be necessary. 19. Hills of 1878 to 1880 and Select Committee of 1880. Two Bills were introduced by the Metropolitan Board of Works in 1878, one, based upon the dual system, sought to provide a new constant high-pressure service for drinking and cooking and for extinction of fires without interfering with existing supplies, whilst the other sought powers to purchase the Companies' undertakings. Both Bills were lost ; the District Auditor disallowed the heavy expenditure incurred without proper authority, and an Indemnity Act had to be passed in the following Session to relieve members of the Board of Works from liability. The Bill of 1880 arose out of this failure on the part of the Metropolitan Board of Works, for upon a motion by Mr. Fawcett in 1879 calling upon the Government to deal with the pressing question of 'London's water supply without further delay, the Home Secretary, Mr. Cross, undertook to bring in a Government measure. The Bill provided for the public control of the water supply by the formation of a Water Trust representing the ratepayers, metropolitan authorities, and various Government Departments. It was proposed to acquire the undertakings of the Companies by the issue to them of 3|- per cent, water stock in payment, the total purchase price being provisionally fixed at 31,()00,OOOL The Bill was strongly opposed by the City .Corporation and the Metropolitan Board of Works. A change of Ministry occurred before it could be considered by a Committee, and the Committee which actually considered it, and which was presided over by Sir William Harcourt, reported that the control of the water supply by a public body was very desirable, and suggested early legislation for the creation of a Water Authority representing the Corporation of London, the Metropolitan Board of Works, and the districts outside the metropolitan area which were supplied by the Companies. The Committee also thought it desirable to acquire the undertakings upon fair and reasonable terms, but as they were of opinion that the present terms of the Companies were excessive, they suggested that it should be the duty of the Water Authority, when constituted, to consider whether a new and better supply could not be obtained at less cost. No action was taken on this Report, and the Bill was dropped. The Metropolitan Board of Works introduced Bills in 1884, 1885 and 1886 to empower them to introduce Bills dealing with the water supply of London, but they failed to become law. 20. London County Council and City Corporation Committee's Reports, 1890. Select Committee, 1891. The water supply of the Metropolis engaged the attention of the London County Council soon after their formation in 1889, and, as a result of inquiries instituted by them under statutory authority, they reported that there were strong pnmd facie grounds for believing that the Thames would not long suffice for the needs of the rapidly growing population of the Metropolis. In view, however, of the limitation of their powers, they urged the Government to institute a com- prehensive inquiry into the matter. At the same time a Committee of the City Corporation recommended that the undertakings of the Companies should be transferred to a public authority controlling the whole supply of the Metropolis. These recommendations were embodied by the Corporation in the London Water in Vlll Commission Bill, 189 1, which, together with one promoted by Certain Metropolitan Vestries, and known as the Metropolitan Water Supply Bill, 1891, was referred to a Select Committee, presided over by Sir Matthew White Ridley, for inquiry. The former of these Bills proposed to constitute a Commission with power to introduce Bills in Parliament for the acquisition of existing waterworks and the construction of new works, and the latter to create a representative Trust to purchase the Companies' undertakings by agreement or on arbitration terms. Another Bill promoted by the London County Council was dropped. The Committee reported generally in favour of the London County Council becoming the Water Authority for London, and recommended that the Council should be empowered to promote Bills to enable them to investigate the whole question of the water supply, and to acquire, either alone or in conjunction with the Authorities of outside' areas, the undertakings of the eight Water Companies. It was suggested that failing agreement the transfer should be effected by arbitration within a limited period. 21. London County Council Water Committee's Report, 1891, and London Water Act, 1892. A report by the Water Committee of the London County Council on the proceedings in Parliament on the Water Bills of 1891 declared that the Council was unable to accept the condition contained in the third recommendation of the Ridley Report that the London County Council, if constituted a Water Authority, should be required to purchase the undertakings of the eight water companies by agreement or by arbitration within a fixed period. It accepted the recommendation of the Harcourt Report that for " certain purposes at least it would be desirable to acquire the ' undertakings of the existing companies if the same could be obtained on fair and ' reasonable terms " ; and that such terms should be based, not upon the price according to past dividends or Stock Exchange values, " but upon the true value of the undertaking, ' having regard to its legal position and liabilities, to the condition of the property, ' and to its ability to supply future wants." The London Water Bill, 1892, was promoted by agreement between the City Corporation and the London County Council to constitute a new Water Authority and to empower the County Council to promote Bills relating to the supply of Avater within the limits of the Metropolitan Water Companies and to make inquiries as to the existing supply of water within that area and as to other possible sources of supply. The Select Committee on the Bill struck out those portions which proposed to constitute a new Water Authority and the Bill was then passed. 22. Royal Commission, 1892-3. In 1892 a lioyal Commission under the presidency of Lord Balfonr of Burleigh considered the quality and adequacy of the water supplies available within the watersheds of the Rivers Thames and Lee, together with various schemes relating to the supply of the Metropolis. The Commis- sion stated that, in their opinion, the existing supply in the Metropolis was of a high standard of excellence, but they suggested measures for the prevention of pollution of the Rivers Thames and Lee and their tributaries, for treatment of the water after its abstraction from the rivers, and for augmenting the existing supplies. They were satisfied that if effect were given to their recommendations an ample supply would be secured to the Metropolis for a long time, without prejudice to the supplies of neighbouring districts. 23. Bills of 1894 -7 and Select Committee of 1896. Bills for the purchase of each of the eight Companies' undertakings were introduced by the London County Council between 1894-7. In 1895 the Bills were opposed by Mr. Chaplin, President of the Local Government Board, who had suggested that arbitration under the Lauds Clauses Consolidation Act should be assented to and that a new Water Trust should be substituted for the Council ; but to this the County Council would not assent. After the dissolution of Parliament in 1895, which suspended the Bills, the London County Council passed a resolution asking the Government to promote or assist legislation to place the entire control of the water supply within the area of the County of Ixmdon in the hands of the London consumers directly represented by the County Council and the City Corporation ; and recommending that the consumers in the Metropolitan water area outside the county should not be denied or deprived of similar rights in their respective areas, and that the purchase price should not be assessed under the provisions of the Lauds Clauses Consolidation Act but based upon the fair and reasonable value of the undertakings, due regard being had to the rights, special circumstances and obligations of the companies. A Bill was promoted by the Government in 189G for the formation of a Water Trust. Both this and IX the London County Council's Bills failed to become law. Several Bills were also promoted in 1896 by the Water Companies, and the Select Committee that reported on these Bills pointed out that no regulations existed for ensuring the purity of the water as recommended by the Royal Commission of 1893, that the powers of the Water Examiner were very limited, and that the position of the water supply was not in accordance with the public interest. 24. Metropolis Water Act, 1897. The Metropolis Water Act, 1897, enabled the Railway and Canal Commissioners to determine complaints by consumers and local authorities respecting the quality and quantity of the water, and empowered them to compel the Companies to remedy any default. 25. Royal Commission, 1897-9, and Metropolis Water Act, 1899. In view of the failure of several Bills proposing the purchase of the Water Companies' undertakings, a Royal Commission, with Lord Llandaff as chairman, was appointed in 1897 to inquire into the desirability of the establishment of a public authority to acquire and manage these undertakings, the constitution of such an authority, and the practicability of intercommunication of the companies' systems. Considerable distress in East London due to curtailment of supplies by the East London Water- works Company during a drought in 1898 led the Commission to issue an interim report recommending immediate legislation to render intercommunication possible. The Metropolis Water Act, 1899, accordingly enabled and required the companies to supply each other in cases of emergency. The Commission considered a scheme advocated by the London County Council for procuring an additional supply from Wales, but stated in their final report of 1899 that a good and sufficient supply was available from the watersheds of the Thames and Lee, provided that efficient measures were taken for its storage and protection. In view of the magnitude of the future requirements of the Metropolis, and the in advisability of relying upon private enter- prise for the necessary scientific treatment of the river water, the Commission recommended the constitution of a permanent Water Board as the best means of ensuring a pure supply, efficient distribution, and prevention of waste. They suggested that the members of the Board should be appointed by the County Councils concerned and the Thames and Lee Conservancy Boards, and that the Board should, be empowered and required to acquire by agreement or arbitration the Companies' undertakings, the expenses of purchase to be defrayed by the issue of a 3 per cent, stock on the security of the water charges in the whole area supplied. 26. Metropolis Water Act, 1902. As a result of the report of the Royal Commission, Bills were introduced in 1900 and 1901, but were defeated in each case on second reading. In 1902, however, the Metropolis Water Act was passed to establish a W'ater Board on the lines recommended. The Board was more representa- tive than that suggested by the Commission, as it included also members appointed by the local authorities of districts within the Companies' limits of supply. In order to secure the purity of the supply the Board were required to cause chemical and bacteriological examinations of the water to be made, and to afford facilities for inspection to the Government Water Examiner. The Act also conferred various powers upon the Local Government Board, to whom the Water Board were required to furnish an annual report on their proceedings for submission to Parliament. 27. Metropolitan Water Board. -The Metropolitan Water Board was established in April 1903, and was immediately occupied with the financial and other business arising from the proceedings of the Court of Arbitration, and in preparing for the organisation of the water undertakings under one administration. It was not until July 1905 that the whole of the Companies' undertakings were formally vested in the Board. The cost of acquisition of the several companies' undertakings was 46,939,258?, 28. Metropolitan Water Board (Charges) Act, 1907. One of the Board's first duties was the preparation of a Bill providing for uniform scales of charges throughout the Metropolitan area in lieu of the varying charges of the Water Companies, which had been temporarily retained. The Metropolitan Water Board (Charges) Act was accordingly passed in 1907 prescribing such scales, the charge for water for domestic purposes being fixed at 5 per cent, on the rateable value 1 of the premises supplied. Since this Act was passed there has been an annual deficiency in the accounts of the Water Board varying from 25,OOOL to 74,OOOL, which has had to be defrayed by a rate levied over the whole area supplied. 29. Water Examinations. In order to fulfil their statutory obligations for ensuring the purity of the water supplied by them, the Water Board decided, on the advice of a committee of experts, to organise a central research laboratory with a special staff under the control of a Director of Water Examinations. The utmost importance is attached by the Water Board to the frequent and systematic examina- tion of the water,'and periodical reports are made to them on the results of such examinations, whilst valuable reports on special researches as to water purification have been issued by them. 30. Particulars of Undertaking. Particulars of the undertaking as it existed on 31st March 1914 appear on pages 163-5 of the present return and the following summary includes some additional information : - The area and population of each county within the Water Board's statutory limits of supply is shown in the following table : County. Census 1911. Area in Statute Acres. Population. London Essex (part) - Hertford (part) Kent (part) - Middlesex (part) - Surrey (part) Total 74,816 68,536 14,636 101,842 62,511 35,360 4,521,685 867,391 11.221 238,753 914.696 220,199 357,701 6,774,245 The chief sources from which the Water Board obtain water continue to be the Rivers Thames and Lee, 59 '1 per cent, of the total supplies being derived from the former and 23 '6 per cent, from the latter, while only 17 '3 per cent, is obtained from wells and other soiirces. The Board's works of filtration include 172 filter beds with a total area of 170 acres, while a further 15 acres of filter beds are about to be provided. Eight patent filters have also been installed. The Board possess 49 storage and 84 service reservoirs, with a total capacity of about 12,908 million gallons, and when the works at present authorised are completed this total will be increased to 25,208 million gallons. The average daily supply per head in 1913-14 was 36 '16 gallons. The total average daily quantity of water supplied was over 244 million gallons or more than 200 million gallons in excess of that supplied by the Manchester Corporation, who own the second largest undertaking in the country. With the exception of the new water supply scheme for greater New York, which is said to provide a supply of 500 million gallons a day, the Metropolitan Water Board manage the largest water undertaking in the world. WATER SUPPLIES OUTSIDE THE METROPOLIS. 31. Early Municipal Undertakings. The authorities of a few provincial towns had at an early date provided piped supplies of water, probably under powers conferred by their charters. Municipal supplies were stated in a Parliamentary return of reproductive undertakings of municipal corporations issued in 1899 to have been established at Southampton in 1420, Hull in 1447, Bath in 1500, Plymouth in 1590, Rye and Oxford in the 17th century, and Pembroke, Haverfordwest, Richmond (Yorks.), and Aberystwyth between 1800 and 1844. On the other hand some towns which possessed early local Acts authorising a public supply of water did not claim in that return the date of those Acts as the date of the institution of their water undertakings, so that in all probability the early powers lapsed. The first local Act authorising a municipal water supply appears to be one of 1541 conferring powers on the Mayor and Dean of Gloucester. An Act of 1585, obtained by Sir Francis Drake, gave similar powers for Plymouth and one of 1593 for Stonehouse. The disturbed state of the country during the 17th century no doubt accounts for the absence of further legislation axithorising supplies of water to provincial towns, but it has been seen that several London supplies were XI inaugurated during this period. An Act of 1741 empowered the Corporation of Gloucester to contract with any person willing to undertake to convey water from certain springs to supply the city, and in 1747 an Act was passed for repairing, improving, and maintaining the public conduits and other waterworks belonging to the town of Southampton. An Act of 1766 empowered the Corporation of Bath to undertake works necessary for bringing water to the city from certain springs owned by them, all rights respecting water courses, &c., connected with the springs being vested in the corporation. Another Act passed in 1775 empowered Commissioners for the Borough of Brecknock to supply the town and liberties thereof with water obtained from various sources, to carry out all necessary works, and to contract for supplies of water. The Commissioners relied wholly upon the River Honddu for a supply, but as the Act limited the quantity of water to be taken from this source, only a very small part of the town was supplied by them. Between the years 1775 and 1840 a few other municipal authorities and a number of companies obtained by local Acts powers to supply water. 32. Select Committee of 1840. A Select Committee of the House of Commons in 1840 inquired into the circumstances affecting the health of the inhabitants of large towns and populous districts with a view to improved sanitary regulations, and reported that the provision of ample supplies of water within the reach and means of the poorer classes was of the utmost consequence, as in some places the existing supplies were lamentably deficient. 33. Mr. Edwin Ghadwiek's Report, 1842. fn 1842 a report by Mr. Edwin Chadwick to the Poor Law Commissioners on the sanitary condition of the labouring population of Great Britain again drew attention to defects in existing water supplies and the necessity of improved supplies for house and street cleansing. 34. Health of Towns Commission, 1843-5. In the following year a Royal Commission, with the Duke of Buccleuch as chairman, was appointed to inquire into the state of large towns and populous districts in England and Wales. The Commissioners issued reports in 1844 and 1845 reviewing, amongst other things, the question of water supply in towns and populous districts, and specially considering the supplies to the poorer classes. They printed a table setting out, in respect of 50 populous towns to which they sent a list of questions, the answers given (amongst other things) to the questions from what sources the town was supplied with water and how the poorer classes were supplied. The reports show that few local improve- ment Acts contained any provisions on the subject of water supply. Public supplies in large towns were generally afforded by joint stock companies under powers conferred by special Acts of Parliament, but the difficulty, delay and expense of obtaining these Acts formed a great obstacle in procuring such supplies, especially in smaller towns. The laws in force and the usages then prevailing with regard to the supply of water in the great majority of towns and districts provided only for carrying mains through the principal streets, and failed in the important matter of carrying supplies into the habitations of the poorer consumers under an economical and properly regulated system. In consequence many people were obliged to carry their supply of water considerable distances at much inconvenience, labour, and expense. A large number of people in towns were unable to avail themselves of the piped services, and depended for their supplies upon wells, springs, ponds, rainwater or adjacent streams sources which were frequently liable to pollution. The Commissioners summarised the results of their inquiries in regard to the water supply of the 50 large provincial towns referred to, in the statement that the supplies of 6 of the towns were good, of 13 indifferent, and of 31 bad. They quoted evidence showing (a) the expense and inconvenience of common standpipe or tank supplies, and the frequent and increasing pollution of wells in densely peopled districts ; (/>) the impurities and deterioration in water, comparatively pure at its source, through the use of butts or tanks for intermittent supplies ; (c) the advantages of constant supplies ; (d) the improved health and cleanliness of the labouring classes resulting from provision of supplies of water in their houses ; (e) the possibility of providing abundant and inexpensive supplies for the poorer inhabitants. Xll Their report states that from the returns received from the 50 towns visited, it appeared that 20 only were supplied with water under the provisions of any Act of Parliament. The supply in these towns was very delicieiit, and in many of them only extended to a part of the town, the poorest and most populous portions deriving little or no benefit. In some of the larger towns the proportion of the houses that received a separate supply was extremely small. Thus at Birmingham only 8,000 out of 40,000 houses were stated to be separately supplied and at Newcastle upon Tyne it was stated that the company supplied about one-twelfth only of the dwelling houses, and that very few of those had either tanks or tubs. In other towns not supplied by any public company or under any local Act, the inhabitants sometimes had the advantage of a supply by pipes from ancient springs belonging to the corporation or some private individual, but the supplies were generally inadequate to the demands of the population, in many instances owing to the defective system of distribution. Thus, at Coventry the springs on one side of the town, which were described as being sufficient to afford the means of giving a cheap and abundant supply, were under lease to an individual, and only between 300 and 400 houses out of 7,200 received a supply. The Town Council was stated to have a supply of water iinder their command, but it was let. At Norwich, where about one-fourth only of the houses were supplied, the waterworks were in the hands of four persons under lease from the corporation. Complaints were here made of the deficiency of water, and that the poorer classes often stole the water from pipes belonging to other estates. These instances of deficient quantities of water did not, however, always occur where the supply was under the management of private individuals. At Long-ton, a town in the pottery districts containing 2,000 houses, it appeared that nearly all of them had a separate and a constant supply. The city of Bath afforded an instance of a town generally well supplied with water without any legislative provisions for the purpose.* The facility with which water was obtained at Bath, without any expense of pumping, and requiring only the outlay necessary for its distribution, appears to have induced the owners of the several properties to lay down pipes for the supply of their own houses. About 3,000 out of 8,000 houses in the city were supplied by the corporation in 1845 ; the remainder of the city was supplied by seven companies as they were termed, though they were, in fact, owners supplying their own tenants. The Corporation of Bath supplied gratuitously six public conduits in some of the poorer districts, but from these the water could be drawn during five hours only in the morning. The Commissioners considered that if the duty of obtaining a supply of water was vested in one body, a large quantity of water that was allowed to run to waste at Bath might be most beneficially applied to the use of the poor in the worst districts of this city. The neighbouring city of Bristol, containing, with Clifton, 130,000 inhabitants, was not supplied with water under the provisions of any Act of Parliament, and the supply was probably more inadequate than in any town of equal size in England. It was estimated that not more than 5,000 persons, constituting the most wealthy families in Bristol and Clifton, were supplied with water by pipes laid into their houses. The remainder of the population were dependent on public and private wells, which were very numerous but frequently polluted. The system most commonly adopted for supplying the poorer classes with water was by standpipes or public wells. A striking instance of the injurious operation of this system was found at Newcastle upon Tyne. The poor there obtained water either from public fountains supplied by the Water Company, and paid for by the Corporation, or from " sale-pants " or standpipes, at which the water was sold at the rate of a farthing a " skeel," a vessel containing five gallons. This charge was more than four times the rate charged for a private supply to a house, and was the same sum that the water companies in some other towns charged for 79 gallons delivered in the house, and always at command. The mischievous operation of this system, both upon the interests of the Company and the public, was indicated by the fact that at the first erection of a sale-pant, and until the customers were numerous, the superintendent was paid two-thirds of the gross receipts. The eagerness to obtain water was, however, so great that the payment was soon reduced to one-third ; and notwithstanding the cost and the difficulty of obtaining the water, it was stated that a great improvement in the condition of the neighbourhood always followed the introduction of a sale-pant. ' The Commissioners ignore the local Act referred to in paragraph ;i|. Xlll The following quotation from a statement by Mr. Holme on the supply of Liverpool appended to the report illustrates some of the disadvantages which existed at that time in the supply of water by companies : " Liverpool is supplied with water by two public companies, each having an Act of Parliament which confers upon them a monopoly of supply. One is termed the Bootle Water Company ; the other the Liverpool and Harrington Water Company. The former Company raise their supply from springs at Bootle, distant from the Exchange three miles ; and the latter have wells in various parts of the town. The original shares of 100Z. in the Bootle Company are now worth, in the market. 380J., and those of the Liverpool and Harrington Company are worth 610L The charge for supplying water for domestic use is one shilling in the pound on the rental and it is usually supplied every other day. It therefore follows that had the corporation or the parochial authorities originally supplied the water from the public funds, and no legislative enactment had given to these companies exclusive privileges, that we should have been supplied with water at one-sixth of the present price ; or if we had paid the same price a large disposable revenue would have accrued to the public local exchequer, which would have diminished our taxation, or have enabled the authorities to have established public fountains and had public reservoirs for the use of the poor in every locality. ' The many calamitous fires which have occurred, and which since the commencement of the present century have destroyed buildings and other property exceeding two millions in value, have at length roused the attention of the whole community. It has frequently happened that at the commencement of a fire an hour or two has elapsed before any water could be obtained. There are stipulations in the Companies' Acts that they shall supply water in case of fire, but no penalty is attached, and as fires originate in the night it has so happened that we have seldom been supplied until a fire has widely spread and then not in sufficient quantities. " Power was therefore obtained during the last Session to levy a rate upon the inhabitants, sink wells, and lay pipes in such of the streets as the Commissioners may deem fit ; but from the opposition of the Water Companies, there is a restriction imposed, viz., that such water shall be used only for public purposes, viz., watering the streets and extinguishing fires ; and consequently the inhabitants will have to pay for water which they are prohibited from using for domestic purposes, and we shall yet be subjected to the exorbitant charges made by the two Companies. " In Liverpool the monopoly enjoyed by our two great water companies has been, I consider, prejudicial to the health of the community. Whatever is made a matter of sale pre-supposes two parties having opposite interests, viz., the seller and the buyer. It is the interest of the former to get the very highest price he can for his commodity ; and if there be no other means of supply, and no competition, the buyer is necessarily at his mercy. An understanding between the two companies can of course prevent competition, and consequently the" inhabitants of Liverpool have to pay a price for water which yields to the original proprietors of the first company or their successors 30 per cent on the original subscribed capital, and to the proprietors of the second company 19 per cent. This, considering that the shares are marketable, may be right enough and the proprietors are justified in getting as large a price as they can for their water ; but it is a great local misfortune and is severely felt. We have not in Liverpool a single public fountain, very few troughs for watering cattle, and those only near the docks, no stand-pipes for cleansing the foot-walks or fronts of our dwellings, nor any reservoir for washing out the public sewers. Water is purchased for nearly all our public buildings, our charitable institutions, and our private dwellings ; and its scarcity or price induces many of the poorer classes to obtain it surreptitiously and consequently irregularly, and thus obtaining it is not considered a crime. No individual possessing a steam engine, and a constant supply of water from his own well, can sell his surplus water to his neighbour, and the overflows have to be turned into the sewers. Water is as essential to the health and comfort of mankind as the air we breathe ; and when mankind congregate in masses, counted only by tens of thousands, it is essential to the public health that it should be most abundant, not doled out to yield to others 30 per cent, interest, but supplied from the public rates and at the net cost. That cost ought only to be the price of raising and distribution ; and in this town XIV pure water may be found in every direction and in superabundance at an average depth of 120 feet. If we had fountains, at once useful and ornamental in every direction, as in most cities of the continent, and baths in every locality so that water was free to all, the benefits would soon be perceived ; and I am convinced that if the interest of the two water companies was purchased by rates levied for the purpose even at their high premium the town would soon be the gainer, for it is impossible that the public will much longer be satisfied with the price and comparative scarcity of water, and the power recently obtained to distribute water for extinguishing fires will be sought to be increased ; and it will be impossible for Parliament to refuse such extension, unless a very great reduction in the present charges is speedily made." 35. Recommendations of the Commissioners. Asa result of their investigations the Commissioners were of opinion that the existing system of supplying and charging for water was most prejudicial to the interests of the poor, and they were satisfied that constant supplies of pure water could only be provided economically by independent and disinterested bodies. They therefore made the following recommendations : " That with the view of insuring a sufficient supply and proper distribution of water to all classes, it be made imperative on the local administrative body charged with the management of the sewerage and drainage to procure a supply of water in sufficient quantities, not only for the domestic wants of the inhabitants, but also for cleansing streets, scouring sewers and drains and for the extinction of fires, the said body to have power to contract with companies or other parties, or make other necessary arrangements. " That where any independent body has the management of the supply of water it be liable to comply with the demand of the local administrative body on equitable terms ; the local administrative body to be empowered to purchase the interest in waterworks, subject to the control of the Crown, whenever the proprietors are willing to dispose of them ; and on the establishment of new companies it be made a condition that the local administrative body be enabled to piirchase the works after the lapse of a certain number of years upon certain terms, and upon a rate of interest to be fixed ; and that, with a view to economy, competition between water companies be discouraged as far as practicable." 36. Towns Improvement Clauses Act, 1847. The reports of the Royal Commission were followed by the passing of the Towns Improvement Clauses Act, 1847, and legislation of a general character on the subject of water supply may be said to date from this year. The Act embodied sundry provisions usually included in local acts for paving, draining, cleansing, lighting and improving towns, but it only applied in those towns which obtained local Acts incorporating its provisions. Section 121 empowered the Commissioners for improving and regulating the towns or districts in which the Act applied to construct and maintain public cisterns, pumps, wells, conduits and' other waterworks, and to supply water to the inhabitants, subject as regards new works to the approval, after local inquiry, of H.M. Commissioners of Woods, Forests, &c. 37. Waterworks Clauses Act, 1847. The Waterworks Clauses Act, 1847, embodied provisions regulating the construction of waterworks and other matters incidental thereto usually inserted in local Acts relating to water undertakings, but, like the Towns Improvement Clauses Act, its application was limited to undertakings with local Acts incorporating its provisions. 38. Public Health Act, 1848. The Public Health Act, 1848, authorised the consti- tution of local Boards of Health, and sections 75 to 80 empowered them to furnish proper and sufficient water supplies in their districts, with the proviso that where a Company had statutory powers in a district no waterworks could be undertaken without its consent. The application of the Act, however, was confined to such towns and places as, after inquiry, the General Board of Health considered advisable. Local boards were also enabled to maintain public cisterns, pumps, &c. for gratuitous use, and to require a supply to be provided for any house without a proper supply where such supply was available at a cost not exceeding 2d. per week. Under the Act, also, penalties were imposed for injuring waterworks, diverting streams, wasting water, polluting reservoirs, &c. 39. General Hoard of Health Report, 1849. The general condition of town water supplies in 1849 may be appreciated from the first report of the General Board of Health on the measures adopted for the execution of the Public Health Act. The Board stated XV that inconsequence of the difficulties experienced in securing satisfactory sources of water the common practice had been to take as sources the nearest, river, stream or collection of water, without much regard to its quality. In order to avoid inconvenience and loss occasioned by river waters of high degrees of hardness, in some northern towns surface flood waters from lands suitable for gathering grounds were collected in reservoirs and thence distributed. As no arrangements existed for excluding water derived from cultivated land, the Board of Health proposed to make provision for the purchase of the rights to water derived from land drainage or shallow springs, with powers to prevent pollution, and also for the purchase of new gathering grounds. 40. Further Legislation. Minor amendments of the general law regarding water supply were made by means of incidental clauses in various Sanitary and other Acts. The Local Government Act, 1858, was made adoptive in towns and places in which the Act of 1848 had not been applied, and sections 51 to 53 extended the powers of local boards as to the provision of water supplies. The Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Act, 1800, by section 7. vested all public wells, fountains and pumps in the Nuisance Authority of each place. The Local Government Act (1858) Amendment Act, 18(31, by section 20, enabled the local boards of districts outside the statutory limits of water companies to secure supplies by agreement. The Waterworks Clauses Act, 1863, embodied further provisions not included in the Act of 1847, but generally inserted in local Acts relating to water undertakings. 41. Select Committee, 1865, and Sanitary Act, 1866. In 1865 a Select Committee of the House of Commons reported on a Waterworks Bill which proposed Government supervision of all plans and works for provision of large reservoirs. The Committee considered that, in view of the great loss of life and destruction of property that had occurred through accidents to reservoirs, it was the duty of the legislature to protect the public, as far as circumstances permit, from the possibility of such mischief. They recommended that the Bill should not be proceeded with, but that a Govern- ment Bill should be introduced in the ensuing session, requiring plans of new reservoirs to be submitted to a central authority, who should appoint competent persons to inspect and report on those plans, to inspect works under construction and on completion, and to continue the inspection of large reservoirs from time to time. The Bill recommended was not, however, introduced. The Sanitary Act, 1866, merely conferred the powers of local boards, with regard to water, on sewer authorities, and vested in those authorities all public wells, fountains and pumps previously owned by nuisance authorities. 42. Eoyal Commission on Water Supply, 1866-9. The Report of the Royal Commission on Water Supply appointed in 1866, and re-appointed in 1867 (paragraph 15), contains only a few general remarks and recommendations as regards the water supply of provincial towns, being chiefly concerned with the supply of the metropolis. The Commission advised that the use of distant sources should only be authorised in special circumstances, that places near lengthy conduits should be supplied therefrom, and that the scope of provincial water bills should embrace extensive districts and not merely particular places. 43. Eoyal Sanitary Commission, 1869-70. The Royal Sanitary Commission of 1869-70 stated that the question of water supply involved more serious difficulties than any other subject referred to them. They reviewed the existing law on the subject, and recorded that as early as 1388 measures were taken to prevent the pollution of water by the passing of an Act imposing a penalty of 201. upon persons who cast animal filth and refuse into riVers and ditches. They noted, however, that after the Public Health Act, 1848, the authorities of many towns discharged sewage and drainage into rivers, regardless of pollution and the consequent loss of piire water to the inhabitants of the valleys through which such rivers afterwards passed. They recom- mended that extensive supervisory powers with regard to water supply should be given to the new Central Public Health Authority proposed by them (which was established as the Local Government Board in 1871) ; that the new statute which they advocated for the consolidation of the existing sanitary law (afterwards passed as the Public Health Act 1872, which was repealed and re-enacted by the Public Health Act 1875) should incorporate the main provisions of the Waterworks Clauses Acts, 1847 and 1863 ; that a new Waterworks Clauses Act should be passed comprising further provisions usually inserted in Water Acts ; that powers should be given for the compulsory purchase of lands and water rights by Provisional Order ; that further steps should be taken to XVI secure the safety of reservoirs ; that a central authority should be empowered to take legal proceedings against any purveyors of water who wilfully or negligently distribute polluted water ; that every reasonable facility should be afforded for analysis of water ; that a constant service should he insisted on as far as possible ; and that houses in country districts should not be permitted to be occupied without some supply of wholesome water, or access to such a supply. 44. Ewers Pollution Commission, 1868-74. The second Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the pollution of rivers recommended in their first report (1870) that all rivers and streams in England should be placed under the superintendence of a central authority or board qualified to deal with questions connected with the pollution of water and with water supply, whose duty it should be to exercise surveillance over the quality and quantity of the water supply of towns, to guard domestic supplies from contamination, or to remove sources of contamination, to investigate all schemes for water supply and all proposals for public works connected with river conservancy, and to report on these matters to a Secretary of State. The Commission, however, reserved the results of their investigations of the domestic water supplies of Great Britain for their sixth and final report, which was issued in 1874. This report contained exhaustive information as to the classification, chemical composition, and wholesomeness of drinking water from various sources, and as to various important questions affecting water supply specially considered by the Commission, viz., the self-purification of polluted rivers, the propagation of epidemics by potable water, the superiority of soft over hard water, water softening processes, the purifying effects of filtration, the deterioration of water in pipes, and the advan- tages of constant over intermittent systems of supply. Besides describing the water supplies of the metropolis, the report contained detailed descriptions of the water supplies of many provincial cities, towns, and villages, which the Commission had visited or as to which they had received information. The Commission recommended that in schemes for supplying towns from particular river basins supplies should, when practicable 1 , be provided for neigh- bouring villages, that landowners should be permitted to charge their estates with the cost of village supplies, and that in order to obviate the necessity of utilising flood waters, ample storage reservoirs should be provided for supplies derived from rivers and streams receiving sewage effluents. 45. Gas and Water Works Facilities Acts, 1870 and 1873. Meanwhile, in 1870, the Gas and Water Works Facilities Act was passed, and by it the Board of Trade were empowered to authorise, by means of Provisional Orders subject to confirmation by Parliament, any company or person to construct or maintain waterworks and to supply water in places not within the statutory limits of supply of any other under- taker. The consent of the local authority of the district was made necessary before a Provisional Order authorising the construction of waterworks coiild be obtained. If the works were not substantially commenced within one year from the date of the Order, or such shorter period as was fixed by the Order, or after being commenced were suspended without sufficient reason, or were not completed within three years from the date of the Order, or such shorter period as was fixed by the Order, the powers given by the Order were to lapse. The Gas and Water Works Facilities Act, 1870, Amendment Act, 1873, enabled the Board of Trade to revoke, amend, or extend any Provisional Orders issued by them. The Sanitary Law Amendment 'Act, 1874 (section 50) enabled sanitaiy authorities to secure the closure of polluted wells. 46. Public Health Act, 1875, &c. The Public Health Act, 1875, and the Rivers Pollution Prevention Act, 1876, embodied the recommendations of the Royal Sanitary Commission and the Rivers Pollution Commission. The former consolidated, with amendments, the general law relating to water sivpply by local authorities in those Acts which it repealed, and incorporated the Waterworks Clauses Act, 1863, and certain sections of the Act of 1847. The provisions of the Act relating to water supply are contained in sections 51 to 70, and are still in force. Local authorities are empowered to supply water to the whole or any part of their districts, but not within the statutory limits of supply of a water company, so long as the company are able and willing to supply. They may also supply the authorities of adjoining districts with the consent of the Local Government Board. The Board are also authorised to unite by means of Provisional Orders districts or contributory places for the purpose of procuring common supplies XV11 of water, Local authorities are empowered to construct and maintain waterworks, to lease, or, subject to the consent of the Local Government Board, to purchase waterworks and water rights, and to contract with any person for a supply. Further, all existing sources and works used for gratuitous supplies are vested in local authorities. Section 299 of the Act provides that, where inquiry by the Local Government Board in consequence of complaint shows that a local authority lias failed to carry out its duties regarding water supply, that danger to the health of the inhabitants arises from the insufficiency or unwholesomeness of the supply, and that a proper supply can be got at reasonable cost, the Board may enforce the fulfilment of those obligations. The Rivers Pollution Prevention Act, 1876, makes provision for securing the purity of rivers and streams. The Limited Owners Reservoirs and Water Supply Further Facilities Act, 1877, enables landowners with limited interests to charge their estates with the cost of constructing waterworks, and to supply water to local authorities by agreement. The Public Health (Water) Act, 1878, requires rural authorities to provide or enforce the provision of satisfactory supplies of water for all occupied dwelling-houses within their districts, and to ascertain periodically the condition of water supplies in any parish or part of a parish. It also requires that no new house in a rural district shall be occupied unless it has within a reasonable distance an available supply of wholesome water siifficient for the needs of the household. The Local Government Board are empowered to invest urban authorities with any or all of the powers and duties of rural authorities under the Act. The Select Committee which considered this Bill reported that many points of great importance which were not dealt with by the Bill had been brought to their notice, and while they did not feel justified in dealing with them in the Bill, they recommended : That the Local Government Board should be authorised to issue Provisional Orders which, when confirmed by Parliament, would empower local authorities to purchase water rights compulsorily. That where local authorities provided a water supply, rates should be charged on the consumers at a maximum of 2s. and a minimum of 6d. in the on the rateable value of the house. That a local authority should be empowered to guarantee 10 per cent, for three years of the cost of the mains and pipes to be laid down by a water company, or 7 per cent, until the water rates and rents are sufficient to pay the company a proper return. That section 52 of the Public Health Act, 1875, should be made more explicit (see paragraph 68). That where a company or corporation go to a rural district for water, Parliament should, before giving the powers sought, be informed of the wants of the district from which the water is taken, or .through which the mains pass, in order to make provision for those districts. 47. Return of 1879.- In 1879 a Parliamentary return was issued showing the means by which drinking water was supplied in the 944 urban sanitary districts then existing in England and Wales. Information was given respecting the sources, works (filtration, reservoirs, &c.), quantities of water supplied and used daily, constancy and sufficiency of supplies, and the Act or other authority under which the works were executed, but this information was very incomplete in districts where supplies were furnished by water companies. From the return it appears that at that time piped services were furnished by local authorities in some 413 urban districts, and by companies or private undertakers in 290 districts, while there was no piped supply in 241 districts. In many cases only small parts of the district were supplied by piped services, but in several of these districts works were in progress for the provision of improved supplies. 48. Manchester and Liverpool Acts, 1879-80. The claim of local authorities to a supply of water from a conduit running through or near their district to supply another district was recognised by Parliament in 1879. The Manchester Corporation Water Act of this year contained a clause, which was introduced by the Parliamentary Committee on the Bill, enabling authorities of districts near the aqueduct from Lake Thirlmere to Manchester (a distance of 96 miles) to obtain supplies therefrom under certain conditions. A clause in the Liverpool Corporation Waterworks Act, A C.198 XV111 1880, secured similar supplies for certain districts on the aqueduct from Lake Vyrnwy to Liverpool. 49. Returns of 1882, 1883 and 1888. A Parliamentary return issued in 1882 showed, as regards the municipal water undertakings of Birmingham, Bradford, Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester, the area, population, and rateable value of the district supplied, the average daily supply, and the average daily quantities of water supplied (a) per head for domestic purposes, and (ft) for other purposes, the estimated daily- waste of water, and certain financial particulars. A return issued in 1883 contained further information respecting the financial particulars given in the return of 1882. A return issued in 1888 contained similar information to the return of 1882 respecting the water supplies of 16 large towns in England and Wales. 50. Legislation of 1883 to 1897. The Public Health Act, 1875 (Support of Sewers) Amendment Act, 1883, enables local authorities to safeguard their water- works from injury by mining operations. The Water Companies (Regulation of Powers) Act, 1887, restricts the powers of water companies as to cutting off domestic water supplies. The Local Government Act, 1894, which established parish councils, empowers them to utilise any well, spring, or stream within their parish, and to provide facilities for obtaining water therefrom, but without interfering with the rights of any corporation or person- or the obligations of district councils respecting supply of water. Section 16 of the Act provides that in cases of default by district councils respecting water supply, parish councils may complain to county councils, whose powers are similar to those of the Local Government Board under section 299 of the Public Health Act, 1875. The District Councils' Water Supply Facilities Act, 1897, enables landowners to charge on their lands contributions to district councils for works of water supply. 51. Seioage Disposal Commiss Ion, 1898. A Royal Commission appointed in 1898 to inquire into the treatment and disposal of sewage in their reports of 1901, 1903, and 1908 recommended the formation of Rivers Boards controlled by a central administrative authority. In the opinion of the Commission the constitution of these authorities was essential for the protection of rivers from pollution and for the safeguarding of water supplies, and their dtities should include the collection of information as to the water available and the need of water in various parts of the country. The recommendations of the Commission are referred to at greater length in paragraph 112. 52. Return of 1899. The Municipal Corporation (Reproductive Undertakings) Return of 1899 applied to the 265 municipal boroughs existing at that time, of which 173 had waterworks undertakings. The return gave the capital of these under- takings, the average annual income and expenditure, the average net profit and the capital charges. The total capital of the 173 water undertakings was 48,000,OOOL, all but 2,000,0007, of which was borrowed. About 6,000,OOOZ. had been paid off or paid to sinking funds, leaving about 40,000,OOOZ. of loans outstanding in 1899. The average annual income of the undertakings is given as 2,644,937?., the average expenditure as 902,612?., and the average annual net profit as ], 744,361?. The capital charges (principal and interest) amounted to 1,699,322?., and 15,211?. was set apart for depreciation. 53. Salmon Fisheries Commission, 1902. The Royal Commission on Salmon Fisheries in 1902 concurred in the recommendation of the Sewage Disposal Commis- sion for the constitution of a supreme Rivers Authority as a means of securing the purification of rivers. They were also of opinion that in order to maintain the volume of water in rivers further powers were required for regulating the use of sluices and preventing the depletion of streams. 54. Return of 1909. The Return as to Municipal Trading in the United Kingdom, issued in 1909, included a brief description of the municipal waterworks undertakings of 25 large towns in England and Wales. 55. The, Ro;/al Commission on Canals and Waterways, appointed in 1906, made a report in 19lO on the water supplies of canal routes, in which they discussed the existing smpplies, the new supplies, and compensation water that would be necessary if the improvements they recommended in inland waterways were carried out. XIX 56. Select Committee on Water Supplies Protection Bill, 1910. This Bill proposed to restrict the powers of authorised water undertakers (I) by prohibiting the acquisi- tion of fresh supplies without specific Parliamentary authority ; (2) by rendering the undertakers liable to give compensation for injury to private supplies caused by their works ; and (3) where water was taken from one district to supply another, by conferring on the local authorities of the districts from and through which the supply is taken the right to demand a supply from the works of the undertakers on terms to be agreed or fixed by the Local Government Board. A Joint Select Committee of both Houses of Parliament appointed to consider the Bill reported that it was inadvisable to restrict the abstraction of underground water by general legislation, as Parliamentary control could be more effectually secured by means of particular clauses in special Acts. The Committee were satisiied that the pumping operations of water authorities caused serious damage to private property, but as industrial and commercial enterprise undoubtedly did the same, they felt unable to make any recommendation on the subject of compensation without further investigation. On the question of distribution of water in transit, the Committee refrained from making a recommendation that a supply should be afforded to districts through which the mains passed, though they thought that local authorities of districts naturally having recourse to the source proposed to be appropriated should be entitled to a supply therefrom. The Committee drew attention to the inadequate powers of local authorities for the compulsory acquisition of water rights, which could only be obtained, otherwise than by agreement, by urban authorities through special Acts of Parliament. They endorsed the recommendation of the Select Committee on the Public Health Act (1875) Amendment Bill, 1878, that the Local Government Board should be empowered to issue Provisional Orders enabling local authorities compulsorily to acquire water rights. In view of the lack of reliable information as to water supply, especially from underground sources, and the manner in which local supplies were utilised, the Committee stated that there was urgent need for a comprehensive survey of the water supply of the country, and for the adoption of measures to conserve and dispose of water to the best advantage. They endorsed the recommendations of the Water Supply Commission, 1869, as to appropriation of sources, the Metropolitan. Water Supply Commissions, 1893 and 1899, as to the keeping of suitable records by water undertakers, and of the Sewage Disposal Commission as to the formation of rivers or watershed boards controlled by a central administrative authority. As the result of the Committee's report no further action was taken on the Bill, but later in the same year the present return was ordered by Parliament. The Committee's report is further referred to in paragraph 112. 57. Public Health (Acquisition of Water) Bills. -In 1911 the Government introduced a Bill to enable the Local Government Board by Provisional Order to give compulsory powers to local authorities for the purpose of the acquisition of water rights. The Bill did not proceed. It was re-introduced with some alterations in 1912, but it again failed to make progress. THE PRESENT RETURN. b 2 THE PRESENT RETURN. 58. Explanatory Notes. The abbreviations used in the return are as follows : C.B. = County Borough. B. = Borough (other than a County Borough . P.C. = Parish Council. R.D. = Eural District. R.D.C. = Rural District Council. T.C. = Town Council. U.D. = Urban District. U.D.C. = Urban District Council. Titles of Orders. The Provisional Orders issued by the Board of Trade under the Gas and Water Works Facilities Acts, and by the Local Government Board under the Public Health Act, 1875, are, for the sake of brevity, described under the heading " Powers " as e.g., " Aldeburgh Order, 1871," &c., without reference to the Confirmation Acts in which they are included. Date of Return. For the purpose of this Return the Board sent out over 3,000 schedules. Most of these were received filled up during 1911, but some were not returned completed until the end of 1913. In order to bring the information up to date the Board at the end of 1913 sent proofs of the Return to all local authorities and water undertakers, and the information now given is for the most part corrected to January 1914. Particulars of some undertakings received too late for insertion in their proper place are given as addenda to the Return, while other late information appears as footnotes. Reliability of Return. The information given in the schedules has been checked as far as possible, the annual reports of medical officers of health for 1913 and other papers in the Board's possession being consulted. The powers and limits have been verified by reference to local Acts and Orders. The area, population, and number of inhabited houses in each urban district mentioned in Part II. are taken from the Reports of the Census of 1911 ; the number of houses in each parish of a rural district, whicli is not given in the Census Reports, has been compared with the number of families given in those Reports. Particulars which cannot be checked are the quantity of water derived from each source and the additional amounts obtainable, the sufficiency of the pressure and the constancy of the supply, and the quantity and quality of the water supplied. In some instances information contained in the annual reports, and complaints which have been made to the Beard indicate that the evidence of the schedules on the question of the purity and sufficiency of a supply is not always reliable. Wales and Monmouthshire. In Part I. of the Return it has been found impracticable to classify separately the undertakings in Wales and Monmouthshire. Some undertakers in England derive water from sources in Wales, and some supply water both in England and Wales. In Part II. the districts are arranged in counties, alphabetically, but the Welsh counties, including Monmouthshire, are placed together, after the English counties. Undertakings. 59. Undertakings. In accordance with the terms of the Order of the House of Commons, the present Return has been divided into two parts. Part I. gives parti- culars of every water undertaking in England and Wales, and Part II. shows how each district and parish is supplied with water. The undertakings in Part I. are arranged in five different sections, as follows : Section I. Undertakings of separate local authorities. ,, II. ,, joint boards and joint committees of local authorities. III. ,, companies with statutory powers. ,, IV. ,, companies without statutory powers. V. private proprietors. The undertakers in Sections I. to IV. have been arranged alphabetically ; those in Section V. alphabetically under the name of the county in which they supply water. The counties are arranged alphabetically, and the Welsh counties, including Monmouthshire, are placed together after the English counties. 60. Definition of " Undertaking " for the purpose of the Return. The pro- vision of works necessary to supply from any natural source water for domestic purposes to not less than 10 houses or to standpipes has been considered an under- XXI taking, whether the supply be given under specific- statutory powers or not, and whether furnished gratuitously or for profit. Supplies which are regulated by special Acts, but in which the water distributed is obtained from other undertakings, have also been included. Particulars are given of the undertakings of 786 separate local authorities, the Metropolitan Water Board and 34 other joint authorities, 200 companies with statutory powers, 81 private companies, and 1,055 private proprietors. 61. Local Authorities' Undertakings. Of the 786 local authorities with separate undertakings, 51 are county borough councils, 151 councils of non-county boroughs, 298 urban district councils, and 286 rural district councils. Two authorities, the town councils of Rurton-on-Trent and Norwich, which do not supply water within their own areas but supply a few houses outside their districts in connection with their sewage disposal works, are not included in these figures. In some cases the undertaking of the local authority supplies only a part of their district ; in the case of most of the rural districts a supply is furnished in one or two parishes only. Some rural district councils supply different parts of their districts from different sources, but these have not been counted as separate undertakings. Some of the largest water undertakings in the country are owned by local authorities. The importance of the undertaking of Manchester Town Council can be appreciated from the fact that the average daily quantity of water supplied is 44 million gallons, of which nearly IS million gallons are obtained from Lake Thirlmere, 96 miles distant. Liverpool and Birmingham also obtain water from very distant sources, and supply respectively ol, -162,000 gallons and 21,705,000 gallons a day. Leeds, Bradford, Sheffield, and Kingston-upon-Hull each supply more than 12 million gallons per day ; 11 other local authorities supply between 5 and 12 million gallons, 65 others between 1 and 5 million gallons, and 17 between and 1 million gallons a day, making a total of 130 local authorities supplying over half a million gallons a day- Five hundred and forty-seven of the local authorities which possess separate water undertakings supply under the authority of the Public Health Act, while the remaining 239 have special Acts. Of the latter, 145 have districts or parts of districts other than their own within their statutory limits of supply. The following table shows the number of authorities of each class with special Acts and the number which supply water in other districts, both within and without their statutory limits, either direct to the consumers or in bulk to other authorities : Councils of Number of Authorities with special Acts. Number of these Authorities supplying Direct to Consumers in other Districts. In bulk to other Authorities. Within Limits. Without Limits. Within Limits. Without Limits. County Koroiijrlis Non-<:oiiiitv lioi-oiijilis Urliaii Districts Rural Districts - 51 72 111 5 43 42 49 23 . 19 23 ] 12 14 28 15 24 1 The majority of local authorities maintaining waterworks under the Public Health Act confine their operations to their own districts, but the Board have sanctioned the supply of water to adjoining districts by 106 local authorities under section 61 of the Public Health Act, 1875 (see paragraph 85). 62. Joint Authorities. The joint authorities are generally composed of repre- sentatives of local authorities combined for the purpose of supplying water to the districts of the authorities represented, but county councils and other public bodies are also represented on the Metropolitan Water Board and the Derwent Valley Water Board. The local authorities represented on joint boards and joint committees for supplying water are the councils of the 29 metropolitan boroughs, 10 county boroughs, 23 other boroughs, 78 urban districts, and 25 rural districts. Apart from the Metro- politan Water Board, which is referred to in paragraph 30, the largest joint undertakings are the Tees Valley Water Board, which distributes 1 5 million gallons daily, and the Derwent Valley Water Board, which supplies just over 10 million gallons daily in bulk to its constituent authorities for distribution by them. XX11 Besides the three boards mentioned there are 14 other joint authorities each of which supplies over half a million gallons daily. Generally speaking, the most important of the joint authorities have been con- stituted under special Acts of Parliament or Provisional Orders under section 279 of the Public Health Act, 1875 ; in the other cases they have been formed by agreement under the Public Health Act, 1875, or the Local Government Act, 1894. 63. Companies with Statutory Powers. The 200 companies with statutory powers comprise 152 which possess special Acts and 48 whose powers are derived from Provisional Orders issued by the Board oi; Trade under the Gas and Water Works Facilities Acts. The last-mentioned companies are generally of minor importance. The South Staffordshire Waterworks Company, supplying 16,090,793 gallons per day, has the fifth largest undertaking in England and Wales. The next largest companies and their daily supplies are Bristol Waterworks Company, 10,278,000 gallons ; Newcastle and Gateshead Water Company, 8,962,000 gallons ; Sunderland and South Shields Water Company, 8,520,000 gallons ; the Borough of Portsmouth Waterworks Company, 8,261,000 gallons; and Staffordshire Potteries Waterworks Company, 7,625,000 gallons. Altogether there are 66 companies each of which supplies over half a million gallons of water daily. Three companies merely distribute water purchased in bulk from other under- takers, while two others did not at the date of the return furnish any supplies. 64. Companies without Statutory Powers. These 84 companies are all of minor importance. The largest supplies known to be distributed by any of them are furnished by the Hetton le Hole and Easington Lane Water Company and by the Whitstable \Vater Company, which each supply 170,000 gallons per day ; the Combe Down Bath and General Waterworks Company comes next with 118,000 gallons per day. In many cases the quantity of water supplied is not known. Nine of the companies merely distribute water obtained in bulk from other undertakings. No less than 24 of the private companies are in the West Riding of Yorkshire, 13 being within the rural district of Skipton. 65. Private Proprietors. The 1,055 undertakings of private proprietors are generally very small and, as a rule, afford supplies only to the property of the proprietors. Particulars of the waterworks of parish councils, voluntary committees, and other undertakings of a private nature are also included in this section. Only 11 private undertakings possess powers under special Acts or Orders ; the most important being that of the Marquess of Exeter, which supplies 171,000 gallons per day, chiefly in the borough of Stamford. 66. Progress of the Provision of Piped Supplies. A comparison of the report of the Commissioners of 1844-5 with the return of 1879 and the present return shows that remarkable progress has been made in the last 70 years in the distribution of water by piped services. The Commissioners of 1844 reported that only 26 of the 50 large towns specially investigated were supplied with water under the provisions of any Act of Parliament and that the supply to these towns was very defective, and in many only extended to a part of the town. In the other towns there was sometimes a piped supply from ancient springs belonging to the corporation or a private individual, but the supplies were generally inadequate to the demands of the population. It was not until cast-iron pipes were introduced and lead pipes became cheaper that the provision of constant supplies at high pressure became possible. With this and with the growth and urbanisation of the population, the demand for a supply of water piped into the houses in the more densely populated districts became insistent, and could be profitably met. At first piped supplies were usually provided by private enterprise, and though in a few places the municipal body undertook a partial supply, the Report of the Commission of 1845 shows that in the few large towns in which there was then a water undertaking it was as a rule in the hands of a company, and sometimes of competing companies. The general legislation of 1848 to 1875 facilitated the provision of water supplies by dispensing with the necessity of a special Act in every case, and the impetus given to local government by the Acts of 1872 and 1875 stimulated the new local authorities to take the water supply of their districts into their own hands. According to the local taxation returns for 1871, the first year of their institution, 250 of the 783 urban authorities then in existence expended money on works of water supply. The Return of 1879, referred to in paragraph 47, shows that in that year 413 out of 944 urban authorities furnished supplies, and that there xxm were piped supplies of some kind in 703 of the districts. In 1899, 173 of the 265 municipal corporations possessed waterworks. The present Return shows that of the 1,130 boroughs and other urban districts outside London included in the Return there were only 29 without a piped supply to a part at least of the district, and these were very small places. 500 urban district councils controlled the water supply of their districts or of a part of their districts as a separate undertaking, and 111 as constituents of a joint board or committee. Many of the urban district councils with separate undertakings furnished a supply in other urban districts, and altogether 822 of the 1,101 urban districts with piped services were supplied municipally. In 309 urban districts or parts of urban districts water was supplied by companies and in 85 by private proprietors. Several urban districts obtain supplies from more than one undertaking. The provision of piped supplies in rural districts has naturally not kept pace with the supply to towns, but in 1914 out of the 12,869 parishes in rural districts 4,87-1 had a piped supply to some at least of their houses. Of the 97 towns with a population over 50,000 at the census of 1911 the following 26 were in 1914 supplied wholly or in part with water by a company : Birkenhead, Bournemouth, Bristol, Burton-upon-Trent, Cambridge, Chester, Dudley, Eastbourne, Gateshead, Gillingham, Great Grimsby, Great Yarmouth, llford, Lutou, Newcastle-on- Tyne, Norwich, Portsmouth, Southampton, Southend-on-Sea, South Shields, Stoke-on- Trent, Sunderland, \Valsall, West Bromwich, West Hartlepool, York. It is not possible to say what portion of the country is supplied municipally and what portion by companies, chiefly because some districts are supplied by more than one undertaker. Birkenhead, for instance, is supplied partly by the town council and partly by the Wirral Company. And in some c.ises local authorities distribute supplies obtained in bulk from companies and vice versa. The North Cheshire Company supply Altrincham and other districts with water obtained from Manchester Corporation, while Crewe Town Council distribute a supply provided by the London and North-Western Railway Company. From the particulars given in this paragraph, it seems likely that about two-thirds of the total population of the country is now supplied with water by municipal bodies, and that only a few million of the inhabitants of England and Wales depend on unpiped supplies. 67. Supersession of Water Companies by Local Authorities. Not only has the provision of a piped supply of water been undertaken by the local aiithority in many districts which depended on private supplies, but water companies providing a piped service have in a large number of cases been superseded by local authorities. Section 63 of the Public Health Act, 1875, enables a water company to sell or transfer its undertaking to a local authority by agreement. Apart from this provision, which has not been extensively used, about 100 special Acts have been passed since 1876 giving power to local authorities in England and Wales to purchase the undertakings of water companies supplying their districts, and in a great majority of cases these powers have been exercised. On the other hand, in a very few instances small water undertakings of local authorities have been transferred under Parliamentary sanction to water companies. The practice of Parliament in giving powers for the compulsory purchase by local authorities of water undertakings belonging to companies has varied with the circumstances of the case. Where companies have come to Parliament for powers or for further powers the local authorities concerned have frequently opposed the Bill in Parliament in order to obtain a clause authorising them to purchase the undertaking and requiring the company to sell on 'certain terms. In other cases local authorities that have desired to purchase the undertaking of a statutory company have themselves introduced a Bill for this purpose, often simultaneously with a Bill introduced by the company to obtain further powers. The principles on which Parliament has generally acted in giving these powers are illustrated by the decision of the House of Lords Committee on the Bill promoted in 1887 by the Sheffield Town Council. The chairman stated : " The Committee have come to a decision that it is expedient that the works of the Sheffield Water Company and the control of the water supply should be transferred to the corporation. They have come to this conclusion on the grounds of public policy. But they do not consider that there has been any proof of mismanagement or failure of duty on the part of the company ; and consequently they think the terms of purchase should be not only fair but liberal." b 4 xxiV On the motion lor the third reading of the Bill an amendment was moved that the Bill be read a third time that day six mouths, on the ground that the company had not failed in their duty, and that iJi such transfers ought to be authorised as matters of public policy the Government should undertake public general legislation on the 1 subject, but after a discussion the amendment was withdrawn. Parliament, however, has not always acted on this principle. Eastbourne and Southampton in 1897, Hartlepool and Norwich in 1898, Hartlepool again in 1901. and Cambridge in 1911, are amongst the larger local authorities which have made unsuccessful attempts to obtain from Parliament powers to supersede water companies. In 1909 the Glamorgan County Council promoted a Bill with the object of forming a large water board to acquire the undertakings of certain water companies and local authorities. The preamble was declared proved by the House of Commons Committee, but the Bill was rejected by the Committee of the House of Lords. Where a local authority whose limits of supply include the district of another local authority comes to Parliament for further powers Parliament lias in a number of cases inserted a provision in the Bill to empower the local authority of the outside district to purchase the portion of the undertaking which is within their district. 68. Limitation of the Power of Local Authorities to Supply their District with Water. The effect of the restriction in section 52 of the Public Health Act, 1875, on the powers of a local authority to supply its district with water is to give a monopoly to a company or local authority with special powers (which for this purpose is deemed to be a company) in whose limits the district is included by the special Act. The undertakers usually profess themselves able and willing to furnish a supply on terms, and the only terms on which they are under an obligation to supply are those of section 35 of the Waterworks Clauses Act, 1847, which is as a rule incorporated with the special Act. This section provides in effect that the undertakers shall supply any part of their limits if 10 per. cent, of the expense of laying down the necessary pipes is guaranteed to them for three successive years at least. In some places within the limits, but at a considerable distance from the works and mains of the undertakers, these terms have been found prohibitive, and although it has been ascertained that a supply could be obtained at much less cost from another source, the undertakers have insisted on their right to supply on the basis of the 10 per cent, guarantee, and have refused to allow the more economical scheme to proceed. The Select Committee on the Public Health Act (1875) Amendment Bill, 1878, drew attention to the defects of this section, and recommended that where a district within the limits of a company was unsupplied, the local authority should be empowered to require them either to allow the local authority to supply, to supply the district themselves, or to supply water in bulk to the local authority for distribution. This recommendation, which has not been adopted, does not meet the difficulty of the terms on which the company are able and willing to supply. A clause, known as a " re-entry " clause, inserted in some local Acts enacts that if the undertakers are not furnishing or prepared on demand to furnish a sufficient supply of water throughout the district of any local authority within the limits of supply within a specified number of years, the local authority may provide such supply in accordance with the Public Health Act. 1875. This clause, however, has not been found useful in practice, since the undertakers will generally profess themselves prepared on demand to furnish a sxifficieut supply on the terms authorised by the Waterworks Clauses Act. Some further observations on this matter are made in paragraph 83. Powers. 69. Common Law. In England and Wales under the common law every land- owner has the right to use w r ater flowing in known or defined channels, -i.e., the water naturally flowing through, past, or under his land, both for his domestic use and for his cattle, without regard to the effect of such use upon the landowners lower down the stream. Further, he has the right to use the water for any purpose, provided there is no interference with the rights of other landowners either above or below. He cannot, however, lawfully abstract from any stream water for sale or for the supply of the inhabitants of any neighbouring area. As regards underground water not flowing in defined channels, every landowner has the exclusive right to all water obtainable from his laud. The case of Chasemore v. Richards, decided in 1859, confirmed by subsequent cases, of which the best known is Bradford Corporation v. Pickles (1895), establishes the doctrine that water percolating tinder the surface of the ground belongs to the man who can catch it firat, and that there is no remedy in law against the owner of a Well which intercepts water whicli formerly flowed into a stream or another well. From early times many villages and small towns were provided with water by local landowners, and later also by private associations and by companies without statutory powers. The proprietors of these undertakings could only afford piped supplies to consumers by agreement and with the consent of the road authorities and inhabitants. 70. Charters, Warrants, and Special Acts.- Powers to construct waterworks were granted in early times by means of charters, and it was under such authority that some municipalities had established waterworks before 1800. Some of the early undertakings also derived some of their powers from Royal Warrants. But the chief authority for water undertakings before the middle of the 19th century was a private Act of Parliament. The first Act of this kind, as stated in paragraph 31, was that passed in 1541, which gave power to the Mayor and Dean of Gloucester to supply water. Many of the supplies furnished in early times in the metropolis were given on the authority of local Acts, and in several provincial towns the municipal authorities, or more commonly a company, obtained Parliamentary powers to supply water before the middle of the 19th century. In spite of the general legislation of 1848 to 1878, the practice of obtaining special Acts with regard to water supply has continued, and, as may be seen from the entries under " Powers " in Part I. of the Return, the number of special Acts in force is very large. Two hundred and thirty-nine local authorities and 152 statutory companies now possess local Acts relating to water undertakings. In a few cases one local Act onlv regulates an undertaking, but in the great majority of cases in which recourse is had to local legislation more than one Act is in force, and in the case of local authorities provisional orders amending local Acts have often been obtained. In some instances 10 or more local Acts and orders apply to the same undertaking. The eight metropolitan water companies which were absorbed by the Metropolitan Water Board in 1902 had 80 uurepealed local Acts in force, and these still apply in part to the undertaking of the Water Board (see page 103 of Return). 71. Pi-ovisional Orders altering or amending Local Authorities' Acts may be made by the Local Government Board under section 303 of the Public Health Act, 1875. The Board have made many provisional orders under this section empowering local authorities to construct or extend waterworks (where the powers sought do not involve the giving of compulsory powers of acquiring lands or water rights), conferring additional borrowing powers on local authorities for the purposes of their water undertakings, and making other provisions in regard to the supply of water by local authorities too numerous to mention in detail. Public notice has to be given of any proposed order, and a local inquiry is held, at which persons interested have a right to attend and make objections, and the Board, before making the order, must consider any objections which have been made. The order, before becoming law, has to be confirmed by Parliament. 72. General Acts of Parliament. The first general legislation on the subject of water supply was contained in the Towns Improvement Chuises Act, 1847, and the Waterworks Clauses Act, 1847 (paragraphs 36 and 37 above). The Public Health Act, 1848 (paragraph 38 above) was the first general Act which enabled local authorities, under certain conditions, to provide their districts with water, but this, and the later Acts which extended its powers, only applied to districts in which they were put in force by the machinery provided by the Acts. The Public Health Act, 1872, divided the whole of England and Wales into sanitary districts, and by the Public Health. Act, 1875, which repealed the Act of 1872, the general powers already conferred upon certain local authorities by the earlier Acts were consolidated and extended to every sanitary authority. This Act and the Public Health (Water) Act, 1878, are the chief general statutes which now regulate the supply of water by local authorities in England and Wales outside the metropolis. The Act of 1878 applies only to rural district councils, but urban authorities may be invested with all or any of its powers by the Local Government Board. As regards companies, the Gas and Water Works Facilities Acts, 1870 and 1873, provide machinery whereby powers for supplying water may be conferred by provisional order of the Board of Trade, which has to be confirmed by Parliament. The Acts themselves do not confer any powers to supply water. XXVI The main provisions of these Acts are set out in paragraphs 45 and 46 of this memorandum. 73. Insufficiency of the General Law. In consequence of limitations upon the powers which may be obtained by undertakers by means of provisional orders under the Gas and Water Works Facilities Acts and section 303 of the Public Health Act, 1875, and as the general powers given by the Public Health Act are insufficient in some cases to enable local authorities to undertake the schemes necessary for supplying their districts with water and to carry on their undertakings iu accordauce with their requirements, it is frequently necessary for both companies and local authorities to have recourse to local Acts. The cost of obtaining a local Act is often considerable, even where the Bill is not seriously opposed, and much in excess of the cost of proceeding under the general law. The cost of a provisional order under the Public Health Act, or of proceedings under the provisions of that Act relating to water supply, is usually trifling, being limited in most cases to the expenses attendant upon the local inquiry which is held by the Local Government Board into the application for the provisional order or for the loan for the carrying out of the works of water supply, as the case may be. Of course, if a provisional order had to be supported against opposition in Parliament the cost might approach much more nearly to that of a local Act. The fact that all the county boroughs with water undertakings (51) have obtained local Acts affords evidence that the powers of the Public Health Act in this matter have not sufficed, at any rate for the larger schemes. 74. Acquisition of Water Rights. One of the chief reasons why recourse is had both by companies and local authorities to special legislation on the subject of water supply is the difficulty which is experienced in acquiring water rights, i.e., the right to take water from any river or stream or from any watercourse flowing in a known or defined channel. For a short time it was thought that water rights could be taken compulsorily by means of provisional orders made under section 176 of the Public Health Act, 1875, and several orders were made accordingly, but in 1877 a Select Committee of the House of Lords decided that such a provisional order was ultra vires, and the Law Officers of the Crown advised that, in view of the protective provisions contained in the Act, and particularly sections 327 and 332, this view was correct. The Select Committee on the Public Health Act (1875) Amendment Bill of 1878 stated that this decision would produce serious inconvenience to sanitary authorities and would necessitate agreements with every riparian owner, lessee, and occupier below a proposed intake. The Committee therefore recommended that the Local Government Board should be empowered to issue provisional orders enabling local authorities to purchase water rights compulsorily, and though this recommenda- tion was repeated by the Select Committee on the Water Supplies Protection Bill, 1910, and though legislation has been introduced on several occasions to carry it out, nothing has so far been effected. At present, under the general law, water rights can only be obtained by agreement with the riparian owners, and in many cases these owners have proved obstructive. In one case one riparian owner out of 25 success- fully prevented a rural district council from providing a much needed supply. As rural district councils have no express statutory power to expend money out of the rates on the promotion of Bills in Parliament (though five have, in exceptional circum- stances, obtained local Acts with regard to water supply), schemes of water supply in rural districts have been abandoned owing to the impossibility of obtaining water rights. It may be observed that the Public Health (Ireland; Act, 1878, empowers the Irish Local Government Board to make provisional orders for the compulsory acquisition of water rights. 75. Borrowing Powers. With regard to local authorities, a further reason for recourse to local legislation may be found in the restriction placed by the latter Act on the borrowing powers of the local authority. Most local Acts contain a provision that loans borrowed under the local Act are not to be taken into account in deter- mining the borrowing power of the local authority under the Public Health Acts, and the borrowing power of the local authority is therefore increased by the full amounts authorised to be borrowed by its local Acts. Limits of Supply. 76. The Public Health Act, 1875, empowers each local authority to supply water within its own district, except where an undertaker already possesses statutory powers to supply. A local authority supplying its own district under this Act may, XXV11 with the sanction of the Local Government Board, supply the authority of any adjoining district. Undertakers having powers under special Acts or orders invariably possess areas or limits defined by the Act or order within which they are authorised to supply water. In the earlier Acts the limits are very variously defined, and usually the exact boundaries can only be ascertained by reference to deposited maps. The vague descrip- tions of the original limits, combined with subsequent changes of administrative areas, make it often difficult to ascertain exactly the present limits of supply. In later Acts the limits are usually defined by reference to civil parishes, and are made to include the whole of each parish. In the present Return the limits have been described in terms of boroughs, urban districts, and parishes in rural districts. Where part of a district or parish is mentioned it is to be understood that the whole area is not within the limits. The following table shows the total number of districts and parishes in England and Wales and the number wholly or partly within the limits prescribed in special Acts : Boroughs and urban districts Parishes in rural districts - Number of Districts and Parishes. Total. 1,130 12,869 Within Limits prescribed in Special Acts. 793 2,879 77. Limits of Local Authorities' Undertakings. Of the 239 local authorities with special Acts or orders, 145 have districts other than their own within their statutory limits of supply. The majority of these are rural parishes, but the authorities of 51 urban districts have 165 other urban districts either wholly or partly within their limits, including the town councils of Bradford with 18, Huddersfield 16, Manchester 10. Barnsley 9, Halifax, Liverpool, and Wolverhampton 8, Stockport 7, Bolton 6, and Nottingham and Rochdale 5. 78. Limits of Joint Authorities. All the joint authorities with statutory powers are authorised to furnish supplies in urban areas, and the limits of 20 joint authorities comprise either the whole or parts of 128 urban districts. In addition, the limits of the Abertillery and District Water Board, when its works are completed, will include four tirban districts at present within the areas of other undertakings. No definite limits are prescribed for the Derwent Valley Water Board, which is empowered to furnish water in bulk to the town councils of Derby, Leicester, Nottingham, and Sheffield, and to various authorities in the counties of Derby and Nottingham. The limits of the Metropolitan Water Board include 55 urban districte, of the Bury and District and the Fylde Boards 9, of the Ashton-uuder-Lyne, &c., Board, 8, of the Hey wood and Middleton Board 7, and of the Accrington and District and the Tees Valley Water Boards 6. 79. Limits of Companies, tOc. Of the 200 companies with statutory powers, 148 are empowered to supply within urban districts, and there are 292 urban districts wholly or partly within their limits. The limits of the South Staffordshire Company include 19 urban districts, Weardale and Consett Company 16, Newcastle and Gates- head Company 12, Colne Valley Company 8, Barnet, South Essex, and Sunderland and South Shields Companies 6, North Cheshire, Rbymney and Aber Valleys, Rickmansworth and Uxbridge Valley, Staffordshire Potteries, and West Cheshire Companies 5. The limits of 6 of the 11 private proprietors with statutory powers each include an urban district. 80. Local Acts of Enrol District Councils. The 5 rural district councils with special Acts mentioned in paragraph 74 are not empowered thereby to supply water outside their own districts. The limits specified in these Acts refer only to the works authorised therein, and do not take away the councils' powers under the Public Health Act to supply other parts of their districts. 81. Overlapping Limits. In some cases two undertakers have concurrent powers of supply in the same parish or district. It appears from the Return that 37 boroughs and urban districts and 72 parishes in 41 rural districts are situated wholly or partly within the limits of more than one undertaking. In these cases the limits actually XXV111 overlap, in others the parish or district is divided between the undertakings. The former are cases in which the limits were fixed by an early Act. It is not now the practice of Parliament to authorise the inclusion of areas within the limits of more than one undertaking. Places actually Supplied. 82. As in the case of limits, the places actually supplied are given in terms of boroughs, urban districts, and parishes in rural districts. The word " part " following the name of a borough, district, or parish may mean that there are outlying houses that are not reached by the mains, or that, although the mains extend all over the district, some of the houses still prefer to take their supply from private wells. It was found impossible to distinguish in the return between these two cases. The City of London and all the Metropolitan Boroughs are returned as wholly supplied by the Metropolitan Water Board, though it is known that many houses in London have private wells and do not use the Water Board's supply, which is, however, available for every house. In many of the districts of greater London supplied by the Board the mains extend throughout the district, but a few houses are returned as supplied from other sources. The number of houses actually supplied by the piped service in each district can be ascertained from Part II., and can be compared with the total number of houses in the district, but where more than one undertaker supplies within a district separate figures are not given for each. Some of the less important piped supplies are to standpipes ; it has not been possible to distinguish these cases. 83. Places within Limits and places actually supplied. The following table shows the number of districts and parishes within the statutory limits of the various classes of undertakers, and the number of them actually supplied with water : Undertakers. Number of Districts and Parishes within statutory Limits. Total. Actually supplied. Boroughs and Urban Districts. Parishes in Boroujrhs and I'viinil Districts. Urban Districts. Parishes in Unral Districts. Local authorities Joint authorities Companies Private proprietors Total 404 128 307 6 876 272 1,824 18 392 122 293 5 534 188 1,213 16 845 2,990 812 1,951 In this table 49 boroughs and urban districts and 100 parishes have been counted twice, and one urban district and two parishes three times, being partly or wholly within the limits of more than one undertaker. In the case of urban districts there are only 33 within statutory limits which are not supplied by the undertaking in whose limits they are placed, and this is to some extent accounted for by the fact that 50 urban districts are within the limits of more than one undertaking. In the case of rural parishes, however, it will be seen that there are no less than 1,039 parishes not supplied by the undertakers within whose limits they have been placed by statute, and in only 108 of these cases can it be assumed that they obtain a piped supply in virtue of their being also within the limits of another undertaking. Thirty per cent, therefore of the rural parishes which have been included within the statutory limits of water under- takings remain unsupplied, and when it is considered that by the mere fact of their being placed within those limits the local authority has lost its right to supply them under the Public Health Acts, provided the undertakers are able and willing to furnish a supply on the terms referred to above (see paragraph 68), it becomes apparent that the interests of a parish may be seriously prejudiced by being included within the statutory limits of a water undertaking. The Local Government Board have been accustomed to report to Parliament on Bills for Local Acts proposing to include new areas within water limits, urging the Committee which is to consider the Bill to satisfy themselves that there is a reasonable likelihood of the company or local authority, as the case may be, being able to provide XXIX a sufficiency of wholesome water for the supply of the places proposed to be taken into the limits, and that there is a bond fi.dc intention to supply them. As a result the limits proposed in local Bills have in a number of cases been curtailed. Nevertheless, cases have occurred in which a parish within the statutory limits of an undertaking which is willing to supply it only on exorbitant terms is badly in need of water, and could obtain it readily and cheaply from a separate scheme of the local authority, or from some other undertaking, and the undertaking with the monopoly will not give up its right to supply. In the case of a Bill promoted by the West Gloucestershire Water Company in 1914 the Local Government Board in reporting to Parliament on the Bill drew attention to the failure of the company to provide a supply in certain parishes in a rural district which had been added to the company's limits of supply by a local Act of 1899, and suggested that if the cost of supplying the parishes with water from the company's works was such that the income to be derived from the supply, at the rates authorised by the Acts of the company, was insufficient to give a reasonable return on the expenditure, the Committee should consider whether the proper course would not be to exclude the parishes from the company's limits, and thus to enable the local authority to provide a supply under the provisions of the Public Health Act, 1875. The Committee, after hearing evidence, took the course suggested by the Board. 84. Undertakers supplying Water outside their Statutory Limits. Special Acts sometimes contain clauses requiring undertakers to furnish supplies outside their limits by way of compensation, and authorising them to supply water in bulk to neighbouring authorities. The number of undertakers with special powers that supply water outside their statutory limits is shown in the following table : Undertakers with Special Powers. Undertakers supplying outside their statutory limits. Directly to Consumers. In bulk to Local Authorities. Local authorities 239 65 60 Joint authorities - 20 6 7 Companies - Private proprietors Total - 200 11 48 8 470 119 75 Twenty-two local authorities, two joint authorities, and two companies been, counted twice in the table, as they supply both directly and in bulk. have 85. Local Authorities supplying Water to the Authorities of other Districts under the Public Health Act, 1875. Section 61 of the Public Health Act, 1875,,enables a local authority to furnish supplies of water outside its district with the sanction of the Local Government Board. The Board have given such a sanction to 106 authorities, and the Return shows that 102 are furnishing supplies outside their districts 86. Places supplied by Joint Committees. Of the 12 joint committees constituted under the Public Health Act, 1875, or the Local Government Act, 1894, one supplies the borough of Tamworth and another the urban district of Highbridge. Parts of Ludgvan and Westbury urban districts are also thus supplied, and one committee supplies water in bulk to three urban district councils. The majority of the supplies, however, are furnished in rural districts, supplies being afforded in 49 parishes. 87. Places supplied by Private Companies and Private Proprietors. In addition to tho?e places which obtain water under statutory authority, a number of districts and parishes are supplied by companies and private proprietors withotit any powers. Of the 84 private companies one supplies a small part of the city of Bath (the greater part being supplied by the Town Council); 3 supply parts of the boroughs of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Colne, and Glossop ; 17 furnish supplies in 15 urban districts, but of these only the 3 small urban districts of Dolgelley, Hetton and Watchet are wholly supplied. The majority of private proprietors supply solely in rural districts. Of the total of 1,055, 17 furnish supplies in boroughs and 110 in urban districts, but in most cases to a very small number of houses only. XXX Sources of Supply, their Nature and Sufficiency. S8. Nature of Sources : Surface, and Underground Supplies. Full details as to the nature of the sources of supply were asked for and were generally obtained from the larger undertakers, biit in many cases the smaller ones gave only meagre information. In every case the situation and nature of the source, the geological formations of each underground source, and the extent of the gathering grounds of upland surface supplies have been described, so far as the particulars given by the undertakers have permitted. The sources of water supply are usually classified as surface supplies from lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and upland gathering grounds, and from springs, and under- ground supplies from wells and boreholes. The supplies from natural outlets issuing from the strata as surface springs are, however, as truly undergixmnd waters as those reached by wells, and their subterranean characters are equally pronounced. In many instances the returns do not distinguish clearly between water derived from springs and water obtained from streams. The source of many streams and rivers can be traced to springs, and many rivers are largely fed by springs throughout their course. A typical instance is the River Thames. It is difficult therefore to make a scientific division of water supplies into surface and underground supplies. For practical purposes, the most important of which is a survey of the supplies of each kind at present used for drinking purposes, the population for which they are used, and the further quantities available, the most convenient division is to class lakes, ponds, rivers and streams and upland sources as surface supplies and wells and springs as underground supplies. 89. Lakes. The principal natural lakes of England and Wales are situated in Cumberland, Westmorland and North \Yales, and some of these have been laid under contribution for purposes of water supply. The Royal Commission appointed in 1S(>0 to ascertain " what supply of unpolluted and wholesome water could be obtained by " collecting and storing water in the high grounds of England and Walts either by the " aid of natural lakes or. by artificial reservoirs, &c." considered a plan to provide the metropolis with water from Thirlmere, Ullswater and Haweswater, with an additional supply from Bala Lake in Merionethshire. The Commissioners made an independent investigation of the quality of the water from the lakes, and found it excellent as regards softness and purity, freedom from mineral contents and organic contamination, but slightly coloured with peat. They rejected the plan partly on this latter ground, and partly because of the uncertainty of the cost, the possible stoppage of flow in the conduit, the necessity of pumping, and the consideration that the sources of supply belonged geographically to the large and increasing population in the north of England. In 1878 Lake Thirlmere was appropriated by the Corporation of Manchester by a Bill which was considered by a Select Committee of the House of Commons. They reported that the lake was a particularly favourable source of supply because of the large rainfall (about 100 inches annually), the scant population in the vicinity, and the consequent abundance and piirity of the water to be derived from it, and because its elevation and situation were favourable for affording a gravitation supply to Manchester. The corporation were authorised to take 50 million gallons a day from the lake. At the end of 1913 they took, according to their return, 17,800,000 gallons a day. Lake Vyrnwy now affords a supply of water to Liverpool, Crummock Lake to Workington, Haweswater to Penrith, and Ennerdale Lake toWhitehaven. 90. Rivers and Streams. Many of the rivers and streams of England and Wales are utilised as sources of water supply, and from the Return it appears that 95 local authorities, 10 joint authorities, and 34 companies obtain water from them. R. Thames. The river affording the largest quantity is the Thames, which, besides furnishing over 130 million gallons a day to the Metropolitan Water Board, supplies 2} million gallons to the South-West Suburban and West Surrey Companies and 1,720,000 gallons to Oxford, while of its tributaries the Lee furnishes 64-J- million gallons to the Metropolitan W'ater Board and the Kennet 3 million gallons to Reading. R. Severn. The Severn supplies Worcester with 1,473,000 gallons per day, Bridgnorth with 240,000 gallons, and in summer Cheltenham with 649,000 gallons daily. Shrewsbury also uses 1,200,000 gallons a day of its water for purposes other than drinking. Of the tribxitaries of the Severn, the Avon furnishes 715,109 gallons a day to Rugby, the Chelt 991,000 gallons to Cheltenham and the Wye 1,000,OOU gallons * A third pipe from Thirlmere to Manchester has now been completed, and about 30,000,000 gallons a day will in future be derived from this source ; see page 89 of the Return. XXXI to Hereford, wkile from the head \vaters of the River Elan, a tributary of the Wye, 72 million gallons a day are available for the supply of Birmingham. R. Derwent. The River Derwent affords over 10 million gallons a day to the Derweut Valley Water Board. R. Tees. The River Tees and its tributary the Balder supply 15 million gallons daily to the Tees Valley Water Board. The Tees also supplies Darlington with 21 million gallons daily. 91. Upland Surfaces. Many undertakers rely upon water collected in reservoirs from the surface of uncultivated land, and such sources have been described in the returns as " upland surfaces," " gathering grounds," or " drainage areas." Iti some cases it is not possible to differentiate between supplies derived from upland surfaces and from rivers, streams, lakes, and springs, but it would appear that 13b' local authorities, 11 joint authorities, and 20 companies depend upon gathering grounds for the whole or part of their supplies. Among the more important of these are the local authorities of Blackburn, Halifax, and Huddersfield, with available supplies per day of 20,973,950 gallons, 13,500,000 gallons, and 9,750,000 gallons respectively, and the l>ury and District Joint Water Board, which obtains 5,962.000 gallons per day. Some undertakings with other sources derive very large quantities of water from gathering grounds, but the quantities obtained from the various sources are not always given. The local authorities include Leeds and Sheffield with available supplies per day of 30,062,025 gallons and 14,883,610 gallons (minimum estimate), and Oldham, which obtains 5,274,000 gallons per day. The Pontypridd and Rhoudda Joint Water Board obtains 3,123,785 gallons per day. Special Acts authorising the abstraction of water from upland surfaces invariably contain provision for compensating persons likely to be injured by this abstraction. Sometimes a money compensation is prescribed, but generally compensation in water, based on one-third of the mean available rainfall of three consecutive dry years. For the purpose of affording this compensation water the construction of special reservoirs, known as compensation reservoirs, is generally necessary. 92. Springs. The actual number of springs from which supplies are obtained by the various undertakings is not known, but from the information in the Return it appears that springs are among the sources of supply of 392 local authorities. 14 joint authorities, and 114 companies. Where the information has been supplied, the geological formations from which the water issues and the situation of the springs are stated in the Return. Though widely distributed in England and Wales, springs are seldom in great enough volume at sufficient elevation for large gravitation supplies. Few of the larger undertakings rely for their supplies solely upon springs, but the borough of Portsmouth Waterworks Company obtain 8,261,000 gallons and the Wisbech Waterworks Company supply 5,188,160 gallons of water per day from springs in chalk, while the local authorities of Lancaster and Bath each depend upon springs yielding about 2,000,000 gallons per day. Springs, however, furnish the staple supplies of many of the smaller undertakings and make important contributions to the supplies of many of the larger. Among these may be mentioned the Metropolitan Water Board, which obtains 1,712,000 gallons per day from the Chadwell Spring in Hertfordshire ; the Staffordshire Potteries Waterworks Company obtains 2,120,000 gallons, and the Bristol Waterworks Company 1,744,000 gallons per day from springs. 93. Underground Sources. Supplies from underground sources, excluding springs, are mostly obtained by means of wells and boreholes. The particulars of these sources given in the Return vary with the details furnished by the undertakers, some of whom describe the wells as " artesian," " bored," " deep," " tube," or with " adits," " headings," "borings," &c. The actual number of wells and boreholes from which supplies are obtained is not known, but where the returns furnished by the undertakers contained such details, their depth, situation, and particulars of the water-bearing strata have been given. More complete information on this point will be published later (see paragraph 112). For some years the supply of underground waters has been on the increase, and the proportion of underground to surface waters used has been constantly growing. Many important undertakings depend wholly upon wells or boreholes for their supplies. Of the local authorities, Kingston-upon-Hull obtains 12,304,000 gallons per day Widnes 5,500,000 gallons, St. Helens 4,700,000 gallons, Birkenhead 4,215,356 gallons, Southampton 3,650,000 gallons, and Warrington 2,543,075 gallons. The Southport, Birkdale, and West Lancashire Water Board obtains 2,658,230 gallons daily from wells, whilst among the companies, Sunderland and South Shields obtains 8,520,000 xx xn gallons per day from wells and boreholes, South Essex 4,804,000 gallons, Great Grimsby 4,295,000 gallons, and Colne Valley 3, 250,000 gallons. A number of under- takings with other sources also obtain large supplies from wells and boreholes, but the quantities derived from the various sources are not always given. The Metro- politan Water Board obtains 41,066,100 gallons per day from wells and borings, Nottingham 7,528,059 gallons, Croydon 4,053,698 gallons, and Wolverhampton 2,751,000 gallons, and the companies include South Staffordshire with 13,793,498 gallons, and Cambridge Univereity and Town with 1,132,000 gallons. The information in the Return shows that 340 local authorities, 13 joint authorities, and 14-2 companies derive supplies from wells and boreholes. 94. Geological Formations from which Underground Supplies are derived. The total amount of underground water supplied by piped services for domestic purposes may be put down very roughly as 285 million gallons a day. This does not include supplies from surface springs, nor water obtained from standpipes. The following table shows roughly the amount derived from each geological formation : Million Gallons daily. Chalk (including over 40 millions taken by Metropolitan Water Board) - Bunter Magnesian Limestone Superficial Deposits (shingle, alluvium, river, valley and plateau gravels, and glacial sands and gravels) Sandstones from Coal Measures - Millstone Grit Lower Greensand (Folkestone and Hythe beds) - Keuper Sandstones Lower London Tertiaries (Woolwich and Reading beds, and Thanet sands) - Carboniferous Limestone Ashdown Sand Lincolnshire Limestone - Corallian Beds Great Oolite Upper Greensand Lias Old Red Sandstone Other formations yielding less than 1 million apiece 139| 71i 13* 13 7 6J 51 3* 3 2| 2 2 2 If li 5* 285 95. Underground Supplies furnished by each County. The following table shows the approximate amount of water derived from underground sources in each county, and the principal formations from which it is obtained : Kent. Including 28 millions from Chalk (of which 17 millions are taken by Metropolitan Water Board) and 2 millions from Lower Greensand - 32 Staffordshire. Including 264- millions from Bunter and 1 million from Keuper 29 Yorkshire. Including 13^ millions from Chalk, 2 millions from Bunter, If millions from Corallian Beds, and H- millions from Coal Measures - 20^ Hertfordshire. Almost entirely derived from Chalk (over 7 millions of which are taken by Metropolitan Water Board) 19 Lancashire. Nearly 16 millions from Bunter, and over a million apiece from Coal Measures and Millstone Grit 18* Susoex. Including 11 millions from Chalk, 2 millions from Ashdown Sand, and f million from Tunbridge Wells Sands 14| Essex. Including 11 J millions from Chalk (of which 4 millions are taken by Metropolitan Water Board), and 2* millions from Lower London Tertiaries 14 * Surrey. Including llf millions from Chalk and 1* millions from Lower Greeusand - - 13f xxxm Durham. Including 12* millions from Magnesian Limestone - Nottinghamshire. Including 12| millions from Bunter - Hampshire. Including nearly 11 millions from Chalk - Middlesex. Almost entirely obtained by Metropolitan Water Board, and is apportioned between Chalk (over 61 millions) and gravel beds fringing the Thames (over 4|- millions) Cheshire. Including 9 millions from Bunter and -f- million from Keuper Lincolnshire. Including 4* millions from Chalk and 1^ millions from Lincolnshire Limestone Derbyshire. Including 2| millions from Alluvial deposits lining the valley of the Derwent and 2* millions from Millstone Grit County of London. The Metropolitan Water Board derive supplies from Chalk exceeding 5| millions Dorsetshire. Including 3 millions from Chalk and 1 million from gravel beds in the valley of the Stour - Somersetshire. Including 2 millions from Keuper and 1| millions from Carboniferous Limestone Berkshire. Including 3 millions from Chalk Bedfordshire. Including 1| millions from Chalk and 1 million from Great Oolite Warwickshire. Including 2 millions from sandstones of Coal Measures Suffolk. Including 3 millions from Chalk, and the remainder from Crag - Wiltshire. Including 21 millions from Chalk Worcestershire. Wholly represented by Bunter Buckinghamshire. Including 1-|- millions from Chalk - Gloucestershire. Derived mainly from Millstone Grit, Bunter, Old Red Sandstone and Inferior Oolite - Northamptonshire. Mainly derived from Marlstone (Middle Lias), Lincolnshire Limestone, Northampton Beds, and River Gravels Norfolk. Obtains over a million from Chalk and the remainder from Lower Greensand Cambridgeshire. Derives 1 million from Chalk and the rest from Lower Greensand Oxfordshire. Obtains the bulk of its supply from gravel beds bordering the Thames, and from Chalk - Cornwall. From Granite and Paleozoic Strata, including water from mine sinkings Glamorganshire ^ Shropshire Devonshire Northumberland Leicestershire - Monmouthshire - Herefordshire - Denbighshire - Huntingdonshire Flintshire Rutlandshire Pembrokeshire - Merionethshire - Cumberland Anglesey Brecknockshire - Cardiganshire - Carmarthenshire Carnarvonshire - Montgomeryshire Radnorshire Westmorland - Million Gallons daily. Small underground 1 million each supplies from | million to Less than \ million each > No underground supplies 13* 13 12 Hi 51 51 41 34 3* 3* 31 3 2| 21 Total - - 2S5 A 0.198 XXXIV 06. Sufficiency of Sources. As a guide to the sufficiency of sources, an attempt was made to ascertain the average daily quantity of water derived from each source and the further quantity available, and this information is given in the Return in respect of most of the principal undertakings. Some cases, however, only permit of the average daily quantity of water available being given, while in others the quantity of water available in excess of that taken is not known. Many of the smaller undertakers have no information as to the yield of their sources. It is impossible, therefore, to summarise accurately either the total quantity of water actually derived from existing sources or the total quantity available therefrom ; but it will be seen that, in the case of some undertakings, vast quantities of water are said to be available in addition to the amounts actually used. 97. Works.~-The particulars which have been given in the Return under this heading relate to filtration, reservoirs for storage and distribution, and the sufficiency of the pressure. The works of all undertakers naturally include the means of collecting the water and of conveying it to consumers. The nature of the sources sufficiently indicates the nature of the works, such as intakes, borings, wells, pumping stations, which are required in each case, and it has not been thought necessary to include them. As previously stated, it has not been possible to distinguish between supplies conveyed only to standpipes and those piped into dwellings. 98. Filtration. Wherever possible it has been ascertained whether the water is filtered, and, if so, whether the filtration is effected by means of ordinary sand filters or by mechanical, pressure, or patent filters. The rate of filtration through sand (in gallons per square yard per day) has been mentioned where known. It appears from the Return that surface water is generally filtered, whereas underground water, including that from springs, is not. Some important supplies from lakes, rivers, and mountain streams, however, are not filtered, e.g., the Manchester supply from Lake Thirlmere, the Whitehaven supply from Ennerdale Lake, and the supplies to Blackburn, Oldham, Plymouth, Preston, and Swansea from rivers and moorland gathering grounds. The Return shows that 200 local authorities, 14 joint authorities, 89 companies, and 116 private proprietors filter their water. 99. Reservoirs. The primary use of reservoirs is to store water, but while some are used solely for this purpose others, known as service reservoirs, are utilised also for equalising pressure, and others, known as compensation reservoirs, for ensuring the proper flow of rivers and streams. The name or situation and the capacity of every reservoir has been stated whenever possible, but those known to be used solely for purposes of compensation have been omitted. Storage have been distinguished from service reservoirs, but as a reservoir is often used for both purposes it is doubtful whether many of them have been rightly described by the undertakers. It has also been noted whether reservoirs are on a high or low level, and whether they are merely tanks or water towers. The Return shows that only 34 local authorities, 2 joint authorities, and 7 companies do not possess reservoirs. The small capacity of some of the reservoirs belonging to the less important undertakings indicates that they are little more than cisterns. 100. Pressure. Local authorities maintaining waterworks under the Public Health Act, 1875, have under section 55 of that Act a discretion as to whether the water they supply shall be constantly laid on at such pressure as to reach the top storey of the highest houses in the district supplied. The Waterworks Clauses Act, 1847, by section 35 lays this down as an obligation on all undertakers with special Acts which incorporate this section of the Waterworks Clauses Act, unless the special Act provides that the water need not be constantly laid on under pressure. This requirement is frequently modified in special Acts and orders, which generally provide that water need not be delivered at a pressure greater than that afforded by gravitation from the service tank or reservoir from which the water is supplied. According to the Return only 47 local authorities, 1 joint authority, and 5 companies furnish supplies with insufficient pressure. 101. Quantity of Water supplied. The average daily quantity of water supplied, both directly to consumers and in bulk to other water undertakings, has generally been given. In some cases the undertakers have professed themselves unable to give the quantity supplied, and their statement as to the adequacy or otherwise of their supply has been accepted. XXXV In several cases the quantity of water stated in the return to be obtained or to be available considerably exceeds the quantity distributed. Where the excess is in respect of water actually obtained it would appear from inquiries made in some typical cases that a great deal more water is taken by the works than is necessary for the supply, and that the excess goes over the overflow into a stream. Where there is an excess of water available, it means that the quantity of water taken is not separated from the quantity that could be obtained, and the excess over the amount distributed may be regarded as the extra quantity that could be obtained by means of the works. A comparison of the actual number of gallons of water supplied per day with the population or number of houses given in Part II. of the Return will often enable a calculation to be made of the number of gallons per head of the population per day supplied from, a particular undertaking. It has not been tho\ight worth while to set out the results of such calculations for the purpose of indicating the sufficiency or otherwise of the supply, since it is impossible to express a standard of sufficiency in gallons per head per day without knowing what is required in each case for trade and public purposes, whether efficient measures are taken to prevent waste, &c. The returns which have been obtained on this subject show the great diversity that exists in different districts in the number of gallons of water per day distributed by an undertaking. In the area of the Metropolitan supply, according to the last report of the Metropolitan Water Board relating to the year 1913-14, just over 36 gallons per head per day is distributed. In a Parliamentary Return of 1882 relating to water supplies of five large towns, it appeared that Liverpool then distributed only 4-|- gallons per head per day, while Bradford distributed 25 gallons and had an estimated waste of 15 to 20 per cent. A similar return of 1888 showed a variation in the amount of water distributed from 8 gallons per head per day in Oldham and 12 gallons in Leicester and Nottingham to approximately 24 gallons per head per day in Kingston upon Hull and in the area of the Newcastle and Gateshead Water Company, 25 in Preston, 27| in Swansea, 28 (including public purposes) in Dublin, 33 in Glasgow, and 35 in Edinburgh. Most of the authorities said the amount of waste per head per day could not be ascertained, but Belfast, Dublin, and Leeds Town Councils put theirs at over a million gallons per day and Glasgow at 15 gallons per head per day. 102. Constancy of Supply. A better test, of the sufficiency of a supply is its constancy, and it will be seen that the great majority of undertakers state that their supply is constant. Only 25 local authorities and 4 companies return their supplies as intermittent, but in a number of small undertakings it is admitted that the supply is inadequate, and in these cases no doubt there is not a constant supply. Section 35 of the Waterworks Clauses Act, 1847, requires water to be constantly laid 011 at such a pressure as will make the water reach the top storey of the highest houses within the limits, unless the special Act exempts the undertakers from this obligation, which it often does, but this provision is not incorporated with the Public Health Act, 1875. 103. Quality : Chemical and Bacteriological Examinations. The freedom of a water supply from danger of pollution, and from the consequent risk of producing disease, can only be determined by close topographical examination of its sources. Its actual quality can best be judged by the results of chemical and bacteriological examination, and in every case in which the water was subjected to such examination the Board endeavoured to obtain a copy of the latest analysis made. A brief summary of the results of these analyses has been inserted in the Return to illustrate the quality of the water ; the copies of analyses have been retained by the Board amongst their records. In some cases in which the water is only occasionally examined the last analysis is too old to be of value. In other cases the details of the analysis were given without any comment by the analyst on the quality of the water, and in the absence of information as to the circumstances in which the sample analysed was taken it has been considered inadvisable to insert in the Return an opinion on the figures of the analysis. From the Return it appears that the quality of the water supplied, in some cases from one particular source amongst several, by 20 local authorities and 2 joint authorities is not satisfactory, whilst that supplied by 5 other local authorities is liable to pollution. 104. Quality of Water from Upland Surfaces. The purity of water derived from these sources depends upon the freedom of the gathering grounds from contamination from human habitations, farm buildings and live stock. The Committee on British c 2 XXX VI Forestry, which reported in 1902, drew the attention of local authorities deriving their water supplies from gathering grounds owned by them to the advantages and profits to be derived from planting the catchment areas with trees, not only to contribute to the retention of the rain and assist in regulating the water supply, but to help to purify the water, and at the same time to yield a regular income on the capital expended. In connection with this report the Local Government Board obtained a return in 1903 showing which of the local authorities owning waterworks had acquired the freehold or long leasehold of the catchment areas from which their water supplies were derived. This return, which was not published, showed that at that time 5 joint boards and 74 town and district councils owned or had a long lease of a part or all of their gathering grounds. Where adequate steps are taken to free the gathering grounds from risk of pollution, the water from these sources is as a rule exceptionally pure. But where, as often, the gathering ground is of a peaty nature there is a risk that the peat may discolour the water and render it turbid, and though this may not detract from its quality it is apt to create a prejudice against it. A great part of the supply to Rhondda Urban District was at one time very discoloured from this cause, and the inhabitants resorted to neighbouring springs and rivulets, which were exposed to contamination, for their supply, with the result that outbreaks of typhoid fever occurred. The Commissioners of 1866 rejected Mr. Bateman's plan for bringing water to London from Wales partly because they thought that coloured water would be unacceptable to the inhabitants of London. Such water requires to be filtered, with or without previous treatment by a chemical which will precipitate the colouring matter. 105. Action on Lead. The chief danger of moorland waters is the tendency to dissolve lead which has been found to exist in waters derived from a soil containing peat, which usually have an acid reaction. The soft peaty water of the moors of Yorkshire and Lancashire are particularly acid. Such waters have in many cases caused serious attacks of lead poisoning among consumers of the water when delivered without treatment through lead pipes. The capacity of drinking waters to dissolve lead and to cause lead-poisoning has frequently been investigated by the Board. In his report for the year 1890 the medical officer to the Board estimated that upwards of 600,000 persons in the West Riding of Yorkshire aloue appeared to be, at one time or another, liable to lead poisoning by the drinking of water supplied in their districts. The latest special reports on the subject are those of Dr. Houston, published in 1903. In 1909 the Board obtained detailed information from local authorities in whose districts water from moorland sources was supplied as to the action of the water on lead and the steps taken to counteract such action, with particulars of any cases of lead-poisoning which had occurred in their districts as a result of drinking water from such sources. The results of this inquiry, which were published as an appendix to the Annual Report of the Board's Medical Officer for 1908-9, showed that most of the undertakers supplying water from moorland sources took steps to treat the water with lime or whiting to counteract the tendency to dissolve lead, while in some instances lead service pipes were prohibited. These results are confirmed by the present Return, which shows that nearly all of the undertakers whose water acts on lead require galvanised iron pipes or treat the water with soda, whiting, lime, or chalk. In several recent local Acts which authorise the abstraction of water from moorland gathering grounds Parliament has required the insertion of a provision compelling the undertakers to treat the water so as to prevent its acting on lead before distributing it. In modern schemes of water supply from moorland sources the precaution has been taken of removing all beds of peat within the area of the reservoir. 1,000,000 cubic yards of peat have been removed from the area to be covered by the Alwyn reservoir of the Birkenhead Corporation, and 100,000 cubic yards from the Delph reservoir of the Bolton Corporation. The fact that a water supply is derived from a peaty subsoil does not, however, necessarily make it plumbo-solvent at all times. Whitehaven Town Council obtain their water supply from Ennerdale Lake, and although the catchment area of the lake is covered with peat, it was found in the course of an investigation of an outbreak of enteric fever in Whitehaven in 1902 that water from the lake showed no plumbo- solvent tendency at that time. Consequently Penrith Urban District Council, who derive their water supply from Haweswater, a lake 24 miles due east of Ennerdale Lake with a similar catchment area, gave up treating their water with lime, and no action on lead has apparently since been observed in this water. XXXV11 106. Hardness. The total and permanent hardness of the water is given in each case in which it could be ascertained in degrees, according to Clark's scale. In some cases where the water is very hard a softening process is adopted, but it will be seen that many of the waters supplied are of a high degree of permanent hardness. I 'ART II. 107. Part II. of the, Return shows how every district and parish in England and Wales is supplied with water. The districts are arranged in counties, and the Welsh counties, including Monmouthshire, appear together after the English counties. County boroughs have been included in the geographical county within which they are deemed to be situated, and with the other urban districts in the county are arranged in alphabetical order, and these are followed by the rural districts with their respective parishes also in alphabetical order. The districts are given as they existed at April 1914. They comprise London, 80 county boroughs, 244 other boroughs, 806 urban districts, and 650 rural districts with 12,869 parishes. 108. Area and Population. The area and population of each district and parish inserted in the Return are those given in the reports of the census of 1911, but as far as possible corrections have been made for changes of area up to April 1914. 1 09. X innber of Houses. The number of inhabited buildings used as dwellings as shown in the census report has been given in the Return for all urban areas. Similar figures are not available in respect of each rural parish, and the figures furnished by the local authorities have therefore been inserted and have been checked with the number of families in each .parish as given in the census report, which probably corresponds closely with the number of houses in rural parishes. 110. Number of Houses supplied from Piped Service. The number of houses in each district and parish supplied from a piped service by the undertakers mentioned in Part I. appears in Part II. In addition some private proprietors supplying water to less than 10 houses have also been included in Part II. Information respecting the number of houses supplied has in each case been obtained from the local authority. The following table shows the number of districts and parishes supplied by various undertakers : Undertaker. Boroughs and Urban District >. Parishes in Rural Districts. Local authorities 822 2,331 Companies Private proprietors 309 85 1,395 1,505 Districts which are supplied by more than one class of undertaker have been counted more than once in this table. As stated in paragraph 66 a piped service is provided within 1,101 of the total 1,130 boroughs and urban districts and in 4,874 of the 12,869 parishes in rural districts throughout England and Wales, and only 29 boroughs or urban districts are at present without any piped supply. Sixty-seven urban areas, however, have no piped service to more than 50 per cent, and 320 to more than 5 per cent, of the houses in the district. Approximately 62 per cent, of the rural parishes are without piped supplies. For the purpose of the Return it has been found necessary to ignore supplies brought from a distance in pipes to single country houses, though where such a supply is made available for 10 houses or more it has been included as an " undertaking." 111. Where there is no Piped Service. A general statement of the sources, quality and adequacy of supplies where there is no piped service has been given in respect of each district and parish. Since many parishes depend on more than one source, and the quantity and quality of the supply from each source necessarily vary considerably, any general summary of the nature, quality and quantity of the unpiped supplies in a particular parish must be to a large extent misleading. Moreover, in a great many rural parishes no systematic action has been taken to ascertain the quality of the various unpiped sources of supply. Many of the wells in use would, no doubt, be found on examination to be liable to pollution and unsafe for drinking, but where they have been used for years without untoward results they are generally regarded by "the inhabitants and the council as pure and sufficient. The chief sources of c. 3 rxx vm un nined supplies are wells, which have been variously described as " artesian," bored/" tube," "deep," "dip," "draw," "surface," "shallow," " very shallow," "public," "private," "pump," or simply as " wells." These descriptions have been omitted 'in the Return, as it is not clear that they are used in the same sense in different parts of the country. This is especially the case with regard to " deep " and " shallow " wells. In order to distinguish between deep and shallow wells the Rivers Pollution Commission, in their report on domestic water supplies in 1874, classified all wells less than 50 feet as shallow, but the character of the stratum from which the water is derived is often more important than depth in feet when determining whether a well should be described as deep or shallow. Wells, no doubt, provide most of the unpiped supplies of the country, and most of them are shallow in the sense that their water is derived from the subsoil which is frequently liable to pollution from privies, leaking sewers, cesspools, drains, refuse heaps, and other sources of contamination in their neighbourhood. Many epidemics in rural districts have been traced to water derived from such wells. Many villages possess public wells, which are generally fitted with pumps. These supplies, which have existed in some cases from time immemorial, were vested in the local authority by section 64 of the Public Health Act, 1875. Springs are largely utilised as sources and the supplies obtained from them are generally described as adequate and of good quality. Supplies are in some places obtained direct from rivers, streams, canals, lakes, ponds and gathering grounds. Streams are variously described as " becks," " brooks," "burns," " mill races," and "rivulets," and lakes as "meres," while other unpiped supplies are returned as derived from "moorlands," " uplands," " ditches," " dykes," "field drains," "land drains," " reens," " rhynes," "spouts," "surface pits," and " ponds." All these sources- are often liable to pollution, and as the water is, as a rule, used without filtration, the supplies must be regarded as generally indifferent. Rain-water is the sole means of supply in some places, while in others it contributes largely to supplies where there is no piped service. The quality and sufficiency of this supply depend mainly upon the methods of collection and storage. In a few instances water is obtained from colliery workings and mines, and in one case from water cress beds fed by artesian wells. The only supply to four houses in the parish of Tankersley, in Wortley Rural District, consists of condensed steam, which is said to be not very satisfactory. CONCLUSIONS. 112. Utility of the Return. The Return may be regarded as the first instalment of the detailed and comprehensive investigation of the whole subject of surface and underground water supplies which has been recommended by various Royal Com- missions and Committees. The Joint Select Committee on the Water Supplies Protection Bill in 1910 referred to the apprehension expressed by several witnesses that " the water supply of the country is not being utilised to the best advantage, " owing to the want .of information on the subject of the general water supply, " particularly the subsoil supply ; the haphazard and arbitrary fashion in which local " sources of supply are sometimes wasted, sometimes withheld from use, and some- " times appropriated for the benefit of other, and often distant, places without regard " to the needs of the locality from which the water is taken or of the country as a " whole." The Committee were struck by the absence of trustworthy, and, indeed, often of any information as to the subsoil water supply available in any particular district, and as to the effect of rainfall on the water levels in various parts of the country. They saw some reason to doubt whether the powers for protecting rivers from pollution possessed by local bodies are effectively exercised by them. They considered that a remedy for this state of things was urgently called for, and they thought that it might be found by creating an organisation empowered to inquire into the whole question of surface and underground water supplies from a comprehensive standpoint ; to supervise the future allocation of supplies, and to serve as an authoritative adviser to Parliament in the consideration of particular schemes. They point out that this suggestion is really no new one. In 1869 the Royal Commission on Water Supply recommended " that no town or district should be " allowed to appropriate a source of supply which naturally and geographically " belongs to a town or district nearer to such source, unless under special circum- " stances which justify the appropriation." XXXIX In 1893 the Royal Commission, on Metropolitan. Water Supply drew attention to the importance of procuring accurate information as to the effect of pumping from the chalk on the level of the water in the wells from which it is pumped, and urged that definite obligations should be laid ou water authorities to keep and supply such records. The Royal Commission on Water Supply within the limits of the Metro- politan Water Companies (1399) concurred in this recommendation, and added : " We " do not think it necessary to specify in detail the observations which should be kept, " because we suggest later on in this Report that the Local Government Board should " have a general power of requiring the Companies to supply information as to their " works." A more specific recommendation as to the creation of a Water Authority is contained in paragraph 31 of the Interim Report of the Royal Commission on Sewage Disposal (published in 1901), which runs as follows: :< We are of opinion that the " general protection of our rivers is a matter of such grave concern as to demand the " creation of a separate Commission, or a new department of the Local Government " Board, which shall be a Supreme Ilivers Authority dealing with matters relating to " rivers and their purification." The question was further developed in the Third Report (referred to above) of the same Royal Commission, which was published in 19U3. In paragraph 44 of that Report it was stated : " In our opinion a properly equipped Central Authority is " essential, and we unhesitatingly recommend the creation of such an Authority." And in paragraph 48 : " The work of the Central Authority will be so intimately " connected with the work of the Local Government Board that it will be desirable " to make it a new department under the Local Government Board rather than an " entirely separate department." The same Report goes on to recommend the creation of Rivers Boards throughout the country, to be formed of Joint Committees of County Councils, each having jurisdiction over the whole of a watershed and river basin. The Central Authority would ascertain what grouping of counties was most effective, and then take steps to constitute Rivers Boards for these areas. With the aid of the Rivers Boards, the Central Authority would collect the information available throughout the country in regard to waste of water by pumping from mines, the use of water in industrial works, and the abstraction of water from one district for the supply of another. The Report stated in conclusion: "We entirely agree that the collection of such information " should precede the consideration of the question whether legislative interference " in regard to these matters is desirable." Finally, the Fifth Report of the same Royal Commission summarises their recommendations on this subject as follows (paragraph 356) : ' That ultimate control " should be vested in an adequately-eqtupped Central Administrative Authority, and " that, as far as practicable the local Rivers Board should, in accordance with regula- " tions framed by the Central Department, act as a first tribunal. Among the more " important questions which have to be dealt with under the new conditions of " administration which we are contemplating are the following : ... (iii) the " protection of water supplies from pollution ; (iv) the collection of information as " to the water supplies available in various parts of the country ; (v) the collection " of information as to the need of water in various parts of the country." The Committee state that they cannot find that any effective action they may indeed say any action at all has been taken on these repeated recommenda- tions, all of which assert the same principle, viz., that there is urgent need for a survey, at once comprehensive and in detail, of the water supplies and water needs of the country and for the adoption of measures for conserving the supply and disposing of it to the best advantage. A number of witnesses, confirming the recommendations of these Royal Commissions, have pointed out to the Committee the desirability of establishing some authority to take cognizance of all questions, both atmospheric and geological, which affect water supplies, and to serve as an authoritative referee when in any future inquiries before Parliamentary Committees the allocation of sources of supply comes in question. With this view the Com- mittee express their entire agreement, and they strongly recommend firstly the establishment (within the Local Government Board or independently as may seem best to the Government) of such a Central Administrative Authority as is con- templated in paragraph 356 of the Fifth Report of the Royal Commission on Sewage Disposal (quoted above) ; and secondly the division of the country into watershed areas, and the appointment for those areas of local Representative Boards, who, c4 xl subject to tiie guidance and control of the Central Authority, should prosecute -ysteinatic and continuous inquiries into the water supply of their jurisdiction, take all necessary measures to husband such supplies, both surface and subsoil ; secure their preservation from pollution ; and advise on their allocation for sanitary, industrial, and other purposes. In amplification of the information given in the Return and this preliminary memorandum the Board's Geological Adviser, Mr. J. B. Hill, is preparing a memoir, which will be published separately, as to underground and surface supplies. The underground supplies will be briefly described according to the geological formations, including the depths at which the water bearing strata are struck and the natural rest-level to which the water attains, and in typical instances the fluctuations in the water-levels affected by pumping. The quality of the water yielded by the respective formations will be illustrated by analyses. The extent of the outcrops of the chief water bearing strata will be represented by sketch maps, the more important of which will be accompanied by horizontal sections, and will show their underground extensions within the reach of deep wells or bores. The spring supplies will also be sub-divided, showing the geological formations from which they issue, and the qualities of these waters will be illustrated by analyses. The surface supplies will be grouped according to drainage areas. The characters of the stream supplies as determined by the geological formations which they traverse will also be shown. The drainage areas into which the surface supplies are grouped will be represented on a sketch map. 113. The main facts brought out by the Return may be summarised as follows: (1) Water is now supplied by a piped service practically to every densely populated place in England and Wales, and most of these supplies are wholesome and adequate. There are still, however, a very large number of niral parishes, some small urban districts, and many outlying houses in larger urban districts, which depend for their water on private sources. (Paragraph 66.) (2) Though some considerable undertakings are still in the hands of companies, the greater part of the population which has a piped service of water is now supplied municipally. (Paragraph 66.) (3) The powers of the general law have not sufficed to give local authorities or companies all the powers necessary for their undertakings. The chief defect in the general law is that it provides no machinery for taking water rights compulsorily. (Paragraphs 73 and 74.) (4) A great many rural parishes have been put by special Acts into the limits of undertakers who do not supply them, which, in view of the provisions of the Public Health Act, 1875, and section 35 of the Waterworks Clauses Act, 1847, may seriously prejudice them in obtaining a supply on terms which they can afford. (Paragraphs 68 and 83.) (5) In the case of some undertakings large additional quantities of water are available beyond the amounts taken and distributed ; in some instances a great deal of the water taken by the works runs to waste. (Paragraphs 96 and 101.) 114. Water Supplies from distant Sources. It has been seen that many towns now depend for their water on very distant sources. The Manchester supply from Lake Thirlmere is brought 96 miles, the Birmingham supply from the Elan Valley 80 miles, the Liverpool supply from Lake Vyrnwy 66 miles. Leicester, Nottingham, Derby, and Sheffield now derive some of their supplies from the head-waters of the Derwent. Bradford obtains water from the Nidd Valley ; Birkenhead is constructing a new supply from the River Alwyn. Barnsley, Batley, Cardiff, Tynemouth, and the Fylde Water Board all use sources which belong geographically to other areas. Water Bills have frequently been opposed in Parliament on the ground that they proposed to appropriate waters which did not belong geographically to the district to be supplied. As long ago as 1865 the House of Commons rejected a Bill on this ground. The provision recommended by the Royal Commission of 1869, and inserted in some Acts, requiring the undertakers of a distant supply to furnish water to districts on the line of the aqueducts, does not fully meet this objection. The Tendring Hundred Water and Gas Act, 1912, contained a provision, obtained by the Essex County Council, prohibiting the company from supplying water derived from any source in Essex in bulk or otherwise beyond or for use beyond that county without the consent of the county council. xli I I "), tiffed of New Works nn exlstiny Supplies. SerioUs questions in the matter 1 of water supply arise in connection with the utilisation of new sources in proximity to existing sources of water supply. In the case of surface supplies, it has been seen (paragraphs 81 and 91) that provision is made by Parliament in passing special Acts for compensation water. This principle has not been generally applied to underground supplies, though the effect of sinking a well and using powerful pumping machinery has often been to affect seriously the level of the water in neighbouring wells. The practice of the Court of Referees in Parliament used to be to refuse a locus standi to petitioners against a Bill who alleged that they would be injured by the abstraction of underground percolating water. This has now been altered, and a Standing Order empowers the Referees to admit such petitioners to be heard. Since 1899 clauses have been inserted for the protection of existing wells in several Acts authorising pumping schemes. 11.0. J'oircrs for srcurtny Water Supplies to Houses without a. Piped Supply. The provisions of the present law for securing a satisfactory supply of water to houses without a supply arc not wholly adequate. The power of the inhabitants of a district to compel a proper water supply U> be furnished is determined by the provisions of section 35 of the Waterworks Clauses Act, 1847, within the limits of an undertaking to which that Act applies. In places not within statutory limits the inhabitants' only remedy is that provided by section 299 of the Public Health Act, 1875, which enables them to complain to the Local Government Board that the local authority have made default in providing their district, or a part of it, with a proper supply. In certain cases the Board may make an order, enforceable by writ of Mandamus, limiting the time within which the local authority must perform their duty in the matter. Some orders have been made by the Local Government Board under this section requiring local authorities to provide their districts, or part of their districts, with a proper water supply, and as the Board point out in their annual reports, it frequently happens that they are able to secure a remedy in these cases without the issue of an order. The defect in the provision in the Waterworks Clauses Act as a means of obtaining a piped supply of water has already been referred to in paragraph 08 ; the defect of the Public Health Act is that the machinery is cumbrous and can be set in motion only by a local complaint. In the case of isolated premises it would, of course, be unreasonable to require the local authority to provide a supply of water, and machinery is provided to enable a local authority to compel a supply to be obtained in certain circumstances. A local authority may, under section 62 of the Public Health Act, 1875, compel houses within their district without a proper supply to obtain such a supply where it can be furnished at a cost not exceeding the water rate authorised by any local Act in force in the district, or, where there is no local Act, at a cost not exceeding 2d. a week, or such other cost as the Local Government Board may, on the application of the local authority, determine to be reasonable, and in default of the owner doing the necessary work the local authority may do it. This section, however, apparently applies only where there is a supply which can be brought from the mains of a water company or local authority. The cost referred to in the section is the cost of supply, and does not include the expense of bringing the supply to the premises. It does not, therefore, assist in securing a proper supply for an isolated house, where there is no question of connecting with a company or Local authority's main. Section 70 of the Public Health Act, 1875, enables the local authority to apply to a court of summary jurisdiction to close temporarily or permanently a well, tank, cistern, or pump used or likely to be used for drinking purposes so polluted as to be injurious to health. This section, however, gives no power to require a proper supply to be substituted. In London, by section 48 of the Public Health (London) Act, 1891, an occupied house without a proper and sufficient supply of water is a nuisance, and, if a dwelling-house, is deemed to be unlit for human habitation. There is no similar provision in the Public Health Act, 1875, and it is not clear whether a house without a proper water supply would come within section 91 (i) as premises in such a state as to be a nuisance or injurious to health. The contract which, by section 14 of the Housing, Town Planning, &c., Act, 1909, implies a condition that a house shall be in all respects reasonably fit for human habitation must perhaps be understood to imply that the house is provided with a proper water supply. In rural districts and in the few urban districts to which the power has been given, section 3 of the Public Health (Water) Act, 1878, makes it the duty of the authority to see that every occupied dwelling-house in the district has within a reasonable distance an available supply of A 0.198 A xlii wholesome water sufficient for the consumption and use for domestic purposes of the inmates of the house. Where there is not such a supply and the authority are of opinion that such a supply can be obtained at a cost denned by the section (amounting to 2d. a week, or 3d. a week if the Local Government Board so determine) the authority may take proceedings to secure such a supply, and the owner so required to provide a supply may, under section 4, appeal to the Local Government Board against the requirement. Action under these sections is comparatively rare. A further safeguard of a proper supply 1o houses in rural districts is contained in section 6 of the Act of 1878, which provides that houses in rural districts erected or rebuilt after the date of the Act shall not be occupied without a certificate from the sanitary authority that there is provided within a reasonable distance an available supply of wholesome water. A similar provision is contained in section 48 of the Public Health (London) Act, 1891, but there is no similar requirement applying to urban districts outside London. Moreover, the maximum penalty for occupying a house without a water certificate is 101. only. Outside London, therefore, the position is that rural authorities can, under a penalty of 10L, require a certificate to be obtained that a proper water supply is available be fore new or rebuilt houses can be occupied, while urban authorities cannot ; that all local authorities can compel a public supply to be taken where a main is available within the limit of cost laid down in section (52 of the Act of 1875, and that where there is no main available rural authorities may compel a supply to be furnished for existing houses within the limit of cost laid down in section 3 of the Act of 1878. Beyond those limits in rural districts, and where no main is available in urban districts, there is no power under the general law to compel the provision of a supply of water. 117. The following fresJi legislation lias been suggested on the subject of Water Supply :(!) That Rivers Boards should be established to control the watersheds of the various rivers of England and Wales, the prevention of pollution of their waters and the management and distribution of the water supplies derived from them, and of the underground supplies of their areas. (2) That the Local Government Board should be empowered to make Provisional Orders for the compulsory acquisition of water rights. (3) That in schemes for supplying towns from particular river basins provision should be made for supplies to be furnished to neighbouring villages. (4) That section 52 of the Public Health Act, 1875, should be amended so as to safeguard further the rights of local authorities with regard to parts of their districts placed within the limits of statutory companies and not supplied by them. (5) That local authorities should be empowered to make byelaws regulating the construction of shallow wells. (6) That local authorities should be empowered to make byelaws as to the provision of proper water fittings. (7) That it should be made the duty of the local authority to obtain orders to close polluted wells. (8) That local authorities should be empowered to provide, or to cause to be provided, a supply of water for a group of houses and to apportion the expenses as they deem just among the owners having houses within a reasonable distance of the source of supply, with an appeal to the county council or to a court of summary jurisdiction, (in place of the provisions in the Public Health (Water) Act, 1878). (9) That owners should be compelled to lay on water where a pure and wholesome piped supply is provided. (10) That further power should be given to prevent the occupation of a new house until a proper water supply is provided. (See paragraph 116.) (11) That county councils should be empowered to combine contributory places in different sanitary areas for the joint provision of a supply of water. PAKT I. Particulars as to every Water Undertaking in England and Wales. SECTION I -LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Throughout this section -where no specific powers (Local Acts or Provisional Orders) and limits are given, it is to be understood that the undertaking is under the Public Health Act, 1875, whicli authorises every Local Authority to supply water within its district. Aberavon Town Council.- Supplies Aberavon B. Sources of Supply (X/itni-i- />/ // Water supplied. The dailyaverage is 70,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (14th May 1906) that this is excellent water of great organic purity. Hardness: total, 16 '5; permanent, 6 ' 1. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Alfreton Urban District Council. Supplies Alfreton U.D. (part), and part of parish of Brackenfield (Chesterfield R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Borehole, 124 feet, through Millstone Grit to Shale, Lindwaj 7 : Upland surfaces (2) 76 acres, Dickfield ; (3) 81 acres, Wheatcroft ; (4, 221 acres, Lindway ; (5) 163 acres, Butterley : (6) Wraggs' Well and Gregory's Well in Millstone Grit. The average daily quantity of water available from (1) is 175,000 gallons, and (6) 27,000 gallons. Yield of (2) to (5) not known. Works. Pressure filters. Storage reservoirs: Butterley 6,200,000 gallons; Lindway, (a) 12,000,000 gallons, and (/>) 8,800,000 gallons. Service reservoir: Cotes Park, 770,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 300,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (December 1913) that after nitration the water is eminently satisfactory. Hardness, 7 '29. No action on lead. Alnwick Urban District Council.' 3 - Supplies Alnwick U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency. (1) Spring, Taffy's Well, Rugley ; (2) Spring, Rugley Wood Well ; (3) Boring, Rugley Wood ; (4) Twenty other springs and land drains ; (5) Rugley burn, intake at Rugley Wood. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 50,400 gallons; (2) 21,600 gallons ; (3) 50,400 gallons ; (4) 48,000 gallons ; (5) 28,800 gallons. Works. Part of the water is filtered, 100 gallons per square yard per day. Service reservoir : Near Alnwick, 210,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 199,200 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (28th Septem- ber 1906) that the water is free from organic impurity. Hardness, 12. . No action on lead ; contains oxide of iron and lime. Alnwick Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Alnmouth, (2) Birling, Brother- wick, Hauxley and Togston, (3) Craster (part) and Dunstan, (4) Egliugham, (5) Glanton * Alnwick U.D.C. and the Duke of Northumberland are about to provide a supply from sandstone springs in Hulne Parks yielding 115,200 gallons per day, with a reservoir of 97,000 gallons, when sources (4) and (5) will be abandoned. A 0.198 A 3 4 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. (part), (6) Greens and Glantlees and Newton on the Moor, (7) "Warkworth (part) (Alnwick R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Springs (1) over Coal Measures, &c. ; (2) and (7) from gravel heels ; (3) from limestone; (4), (5) and (6) from sandstone. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively (1) 28,800 gallons, (2) 57,600 gallons, (3) 86,400 gallons, (4j 4,320 gallons, (5) 7,920 gallons, (6) 10,080 gallons, (7) 14,400 gallons. Works. No nitration. Service reservoirs : (1) Bilton . and Snableazes (a) 50,000 gallons, (b) 250,000 gallons ; (2) Sturton Grange and Woodhouse (a) 35,000 gallons, (b) 50,000 gallons; "(3) Craster and Proctor Steeds (a; 10,000 gallons, (b) 5,000 gallons; (4) Eglingham, 3,000 gallons; (5) Glanton, 2,475 gallons; (6) Glantlees and Newton on the Moor 100,000 gallons; and (7) Warkworth (a) 12,000 gallons, (6) 10,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness from 8 to 20. No action on lead. * Alsager Urban District Council. Supplies Alsager LI.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).* (1) Two wells, 43 feet, in Glacial sands, Hole House Farm, Alsager ; (2} Supply in bulk from Staffordshire Potteries Water- works Co. (see page 217). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is respectively : (1) 48,000 gallons, (2) 10,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs* : The Hill, Alsager, 110,000 gallons; Newcastle Road, Linley, 5,500 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 58,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (2nd July 1913) that the water is exceedingly pure. Hardness: total, 26 '5 ; permanent, 5 '5. No action on lead. Alston with Garrigill Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Alston with Garrigill (Alston with Garrigill R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) Springs, &c., from limestone hills; (2) An old mine; (3) Springs; (4) Springs from limestone hills. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 70,000 gallons (2) 17,280 gallons, (3) 4,400 gallons, (4) 2,000 gallons. A further 27,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) ; 17,280 gallons from (2) ; 14,320 gallons from (3) ; and 3,000 gallons from (4). Works. Water is filtered at Garrigill only. Service reservoirs : Alston, 10,000 gallons ; Nenthead, 300 gallons ; Garrigill, 5,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate, except at Nenthead. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness: total, 12 '5; permanent, 1'75. No action on lead ; contains a trace of iron at Nenthead. Alton Urban District Council. Supplies Alton LT.D. (part), and part of parish of Chawton (Alton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Boring, 620 feet, through Chalk and Upper Greensand, Windmill Hill, Alton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 140,000 gallons, and a further 100,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Windmill Hill, 99,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 140,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Qualitu of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness, 19. No action on lead. Amble Urban District Council. Supplies Amble U.D., and furnishes a supply in bulk to Broomhill Collieries, Limited, who supply parts of parishes of P^ast Chevington and Hadstone (Morpeth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs and borehole in Carboniferous series at Hazon and Newton on the Moor. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 216,000 gallons, and a further 108,000 gallons per day could be olotained. Works.-*-No filtration. Storage reservoir: Hazon, 100,000 gallons. Service reservoir: Morwick, 1,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 188,000 gallons, and 28,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (22nd December 1913) that the water is quite suitable for drinking. Hardness, 15. No action on lead ; contains a little iron oxide in suspension. * Alsager U.D.C. A borehole and reservoir (capacity 200,000 gallons) are now under construction. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Ambleside Urban District Council. Supplies Ambleside U.D. (part). Power*. Ambleside Urban District Council (Gas and Water) Act, 1895. Limits. Ambleside U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Scandale beck, intake at Seandale, Ambleside. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 300,000 gallons, and a further 200,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No fdtration. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 300,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. rGood. and soft. No action on lead. Ammanford Urban District Council. Supplies Ammanford U.D. Power*. Ammanford Urban District Coimcil (Water) Act, 1908. Limits. Ammanford I T . I >. Sources of Supply (Nature ) 4,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs :- Billinge Road, 54,000 gallons ; Brockstedes, 30,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied.. The daily average is 240.000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (19th December 1913) that the water is not quite satisfactory. Hardness, 16 '3. No action on lead. ' Ashbourne U.D.O. A scheme is under consideration whereby an additional 50.000 gallons per day will be available. PART I : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Ashwell Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Ashwell (Ashwell R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk at Clay Bush Hill. The average daily quantity of water available is 75,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir near Ashwell, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water sullied. The daily average is 8,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (llth September 1911) that the water is excellent. Hardness: total, 24 ; permanent, 7 No action on lead. -c Atcham Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Conrlover, Meole Brace; (2) Meole Brace; and (3) Pontesbury (Atcham R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well (supplied by a spring) in drift overlying Longinynd Beds at Lyth Hill; (2) (a) Springs from gravel overlying Coal Measures at Moat Hall Colliery, (l>) spring from gravel overlying Coal Measures at Welbatch ; (3) Well (supplied by a spring) in subsoil overlying Arenig Qaartzite at Whitwell Bank. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 2,000 gallons ; (2) (a) 47,000 gallons, (b) not known ; (3) 7,000 gallons. A further 3.000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 10,000 gallons from (2) (a), and 2,500 gallons from (3). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Lyth Hill, 12,500 gallons ; (2) (a) Moat Hall Colliery, 105,000 gallons ; _ (6) Welbatch, 12,000 gallons; (3) Whitwell Bank, 1,800 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness, (1) 25. No action on lead. Atherstone Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Ansley, Atherstone, Grendon, Mancetter, Oldbmy ; and (2) Polesworth (Atherstone R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature ami Sufficiency). (1) (a) Well at Ansley, (V) Supply in bulk from Baddesley Collieries (see page 331) ; (2} Borehole at Warton. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) (a) 50,000 gallons, (b) 50,000 gallons ; (2) 50,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: (1) Ridge Lane, 100,000 gallons; (2) Dordon, 56,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied.- (1) Inadequate ; (2) generally adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 17 '5. No action on lead. Audley Urban District Council. Supplies Audley U.D. (part), and furnishes a supply in bulk to Newcastle under Lyme R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two wells (connected) with borehole in sandstone rock at Alsagers Bank. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 170,000 gallons, and a further 138,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs: Alsagers Bank, fa) 168,000 gallons, (b) 168,000 gallons ; Talke, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 167,500 gallons and 2,500 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness: total, 10 '61; permanent, 4 '4. No action on lead ; saline. Axbridge Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Blagdon (part), (2) Badgworth, Biddisham, Brent Knoll (part), Burnham Without, Compton Bishop (part), East Brent, Lympsham, Mark, Weare, (3) Churchill (part), Rowberrow (part), Shipham (part), and Winscombe (part) (Axbridge R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs at Ellick ; (2) Cross Springs ; (3) Rowberrow Bottom Springs. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is respectively, (1) 20,000 gallons; (2) 60,000 gallons: (3; 33,000 gallons ; and a further 40,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (2). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: (1) Blagdon Hill, 45,000 gallons; (2) Cross Hill, 150,000 gallons ; (3) Rowberrow Bottom, 60,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. (1 ) and (2) Adequate, (3) limited. Quality of Water. Excellent occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness not known. No action on lead. 8 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Axminster Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Axminster, (2) Axmouth, (3) Dahrood, (4) Meiubury, (5) Musbury, and (6) Uplynie (Axminster R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs collected underground, Furzleigh ; (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), Springs. The average daily quantity of water derived from (4) is 6,480 gallons ; yield of (1), (2), (3), (5), and (6} not known. Works. Water from source (1) is filtered. Service reservoir: (1), Lyme Road, capacity not known. (1) Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful, except from source (1). Quality of Water. Good, except (5) indifferent. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Aylesbury Rural District Council Supplies parish of Quainton (Aylesbury U.I).;. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring on Cimber Hill. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir, North End Quainton, 22,344 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness and action on lead not known. Aysgarth Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Askrigg (part),* (2) Aysgarth, (3) Bainbridge, (4) Burton cum Walden (part), (f>) Carperby cum Thoresby (part), (6) Hawes (part), (7) High Abbotside (part), (8) Newbiggin and Thoralby (part) (Aysgarth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) and (3) Springs from limestone ; (2) and (4) to (8) Springs from grit and clay. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 3,200 gallons; (2)' 3,200 gallons; (3) 2,220 gallons; (4) 3,200 gallons ; (5)2,000 gallons; (6) 17,200 gallons ; (7) 1,920 gallons ; (8) 4,000 gallons. A further 6,800 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) ; 6,8<)0 gallons from (2) ; 10,240 gallons from (3) ; 6,800 gallons from (4) ; 4,000 gallons from (5); 15,400 gallons from (6) ; 2,000 gallons from (7 ); and 26,000 gallons from (8). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : (1) Askrigg, 3,500 gallons ; (2) Aysgarth, 10,000 gallons; (3) .Baiiibridge, 6,710 gallons; (4) West Burton, 5,600 gallons; (R) Carperby, 1,250 gallons; (6) Hawes, 33,025 gallons; (7) High Abbotside, 390 gallons ; (8) Newbiggin and Thoralby, 4,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good except (1). Bacup Town Council. Supplies Bacup B. (part), and Rawtenstall B. (part). Powers. Uossendale Waterworks Act, 1853 ; Bacup Corporation Waterworks Act, 1894 ; Bacup Orders, 1897 and 1912 ; Bacup Corporation Water Act, 1898 ; Bacup Corporation Acts, 1896 and 1906 ; Bacup and Bury and District Joint Water Board Order, 1913. Limits. Bacup B. ; Rawtenstall B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Cowpe Brook, with moorland surface, 593 acres, over Millstone Grit ; (2) Upland surface, 150 acres, Sheephouses. Yield not known. Works. Filtration, 280 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Sheephouses, 19,000,000 gallons ; Cowpe, 150,000,000 gallons ; Cragg Holes, Cowpe, 1,500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 300,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Wate.r. Excellent. Hardness, 4 '5. Acts slightly on lead and is treated with aluminoferric and limestone. Baildon Urban District Council.- -Supplies Baiidon U.D. (part). Powers. Baildon Local Board Water Act, 1890 ; Baildon Order, 1894. Limits. Baildon U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Gathering ground, 379 acres, Rombalds Moor, Bingley, and spring at Horncliffe ; (2) Birch close spring, Bingley ; (3) Spink Well, Baildon Moor ; (4) Acre Well, Baildon Moor. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 184,000 gallons; (2) 50,000 gallons ; (3) 21,000 gallons; (4) 20,000 gallons ; and a further 90,400 gallons per day could be obtained from (1). * Aysgarth B.D.C. is about to supply Askrigg from another source. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : \Veccher, Itombalds Moor, 30,883,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Baildon Moor, (a) 1,31 8,000 gallons, (6) 3,242,000 gallons, (c) 4,800,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 252,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. -Good. Hardness, 2 "2. Acts on lead and is treated with soda and whiting. Bakewell Urban District Council. Supplies Bakewell U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Mature ami Sufficiency). Spring on Fallinge Moor. The average daily quantity of water available is 150,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Coombs, Nether Haddon, 385,000 gallons Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 95,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on lead. Bakewell Rural District Council. --Supplies parishes of (1) Ashford (part), Calver, Eyani (part), Froggatt, Great Longstone (part),. Hassop (part), Little Longstone (part), Kowland, Stoney Middleton (part) ; (2) Bradwell (part) ; (3) Chelmorton ; (4) Eyam Woodlands (part) ; (5) Sheldon (part) ; (f>) Taddington (part) ; and (7) Tansley (part) (Bakewell R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Percolating water, intercepted underground, at Stoke Flat, Baslow and Bubnell ; (2) Springs at Dead Man's Clough ; (3) Springs; (4) Spring at Eyain Woodlands; (5) Springs in Shacklow Wood; (6) Springs at Five Wells ; (7) Two springs in Tansley. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 88,000 gallons ; (2), (3), (6), not known ; (4) 22,000 gallons ; (5) 1,200 gallons ; (7) 57,600 gallons. A further 88,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) ; 30,000 gallons from (4) ; and an unlimited quantity from (5). Works. Water from source (1) is filtered. Service reservoirs: (1) Ashford 57,786 gallons, Rowland 165,000 gallons; (2) three at Bradwell, capacity not known; (3) Chelmorton, 10,000 gallons; (4) Eyam Woodlands, 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft occasional chemical examination. Water from (1) acts on lead, and is treated with lime. Bala Urban District Council. Supplies Bala U.D. and part of parish of Llanycil (Penllyn R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Arenig Lake, on Arenig Mountain, in Llanycil, 7 miles from Bala. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir at Fedwarian Hill, 25,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Soft, but iron pipes are used. Bampton Urban District Council. Supplies Bampton U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Bampton. The average daily quantity of water available is 18,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Bampton, 700 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Inadequate. Quality of Water. Frequent chemical examination. Analyst remarks (17th December 1913) that the water is exceedingly piire and well adapted for domestic purposes. Hardness 10. No action on lead. Banbury Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Bourton, Hornton, and Wardington (Banbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Bourton, Hornton, and Wardington. Yield not known. \Vorks. No filtration. Reservoirs: Bourton, 1,000 gallons ; Hornton, 300 gallons; Wardington, 2,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water.- Good, but bard. No action on lead. Bangor Town Council. Supplies Bangor B. (part) and parts of parishes of Llandegai, Llanllechid, and Pentir (Ogwen R.D.). Powers. Bangor Water and Gas Act, 1854 ; Bangor Local Board Act, 1878 ; Bangor Orders, 1885, 1887, and 1889. Limits. Bangor B. and parishes of Llandegai, Llanllechid and Pentir (Ogwen R.D.). 10 HM'tJfty AS i'o WAl'fiii SUPPLIES. - - " -- Kniirc.cs (.'f Supply (Nature, ami Hilfficiency). River Llafar intake in Llanllechid, '(.lit: average daily quantity of water obtained is 490,000 gallons. \\'i>i-l;x. No liltration. Service reservoirs: TwrgWyn, (a) 185,000 gallons, (1) 720,000 gallons; Bryniau, ]<>,.">(><> gallons; Nant, 410,000 gallons. .Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water sii]>plieil. The daily average is 490,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Writer. Suitable for domestic purposes occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness, 0'55. No action on lead. Barmouth Urban District Council. Supplies Barmouth U.l>. and parishes of Llanaber (part) anil Llanddwywe uwcli y sraig (part) (Dolgelley R.D.). 1'oicerx. Barmouth Local Board Act, 1891. /.units. -Bnrmouth U.I)., and parish of Llanaber (part) (Dolgelley R.D.). Source^ of Supply (Nature ) 17,500 gallons. Pressxire is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 41,250 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (20th February 1911) that the water is quite suitable. Moderately hard. The water contains some iron. Biddulph Urban District Council. Supplies Biddulph U.D. (part) and part of parish of Horton (Leek R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit :- (1) Biddulph Park; (2) Nettlebeds, Biddulph Moor; (3) Whitemoor. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 225,000 gallons ; (2) 60,000 gallons ; (3) 10,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Biddulph Park, 50,000 gallons ; Biddulph Moor, 30,000 gallons ; Whitemoor, 5,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 134,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness : total, 7 ; permanent, 5. No action on lead. Bideford Town Council. Supplies Bideford B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland surface, 153 acres, Gammaton. Bideford. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 135,100 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs: Gammaton, (a) 11,877,000 gallons, (V) 15,814,000 gallons. Pressure is insufficient.! * Bettws y Coed U.D.C. On completion of works now in progress for provision of an adequate and pure supply from Blsi Lake. River Llugwy source will be abandoned. t Bideford T.C. Auxiliary works are now in course of construction. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 17 Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 135,100 gallons. Supply is intermittent.! Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (20th Jiine 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness, 5. No action on lead. Billinge Urban District Council. Supplies Billinge U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Siijjicienci/). (1) Old quarry workings underground, Cobmoor, Billinge Hill ; (2) Tunnel through sandstone, Billinge Hill ; (3) Tunnel, tapping spring, Billinge Hill ; (4) Overflow from disused mine workings, Shaley Brow. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 20,000 gallons ; (2) 3,000 gallons ; (3) 10,000 gallons ; (4) 30,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Billinge Vicarage, 100,000 gallons ; Beacon Farm, 140,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 45,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water.- Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (May 1913) that the water is good. Hardness, 15 '61. No action on lead. Bilston Urban District Council. Supplies Bilston U.D. (part), Coseley U.D. (part), and parts of parishes of Himley. Swindon, Trysull and Seisdon, and Wombourn (Seisdon R.D.). Powers. Bilston Commissioners Water Act, 1893 ; Bilston Improvement Act, 1896. Limits. Bilston U.D. ; Coseley U.D. (part) ; and parishes of Himley, Swindon, Trysull and Seisdon, and Wombourn (Seisdon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in red sandstone, Wombourn. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 800,000 gallons, and a further 700,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Service reservoir : Goldthorn Hill, Penn, 838,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 800,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (1st September 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness : total, 18 ; permanent, 6 ' 9. No action on lead ; water is saline. Bingley Urban District Council. Supplies Bingley U.D. (part). Powers. Bingley Extension and Improvement Act, 1867 ; Bingley Water and Improvement Act, 1881. Limits. Bingley U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs and overflow from Coppice Pond (fed by springs from sandstone formation), St. Ives Estate, Bingley ; (2) Water in sandstone formation, tapped underground, (a) Lees Moor, Cullingworth, (&) Lord's Allotment, Cullingworth ; (3) Supply in bulk from Bradford T.C. (see page 22). Yield of (1) and (2) not known ; the average daily quantity of water obtained from (3) is 63,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Kettlewell Close, 3,750,000 gallons ; Harden Road, 250,000 gallons; Cullingworth, 1,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 300,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 2 to 5. No action on lead. Birkenhead Town Council. Supplies Birkenhead C.B. (part) and parish of Bidston cum Ford (Wirral R.D.). Powers. Birkenhead Corporation Acts, 1881, 1890, and 1902 ; Birkenhead Corporation (Gas and Water) Act, 1881 ; Birkeuhead Corporation Water Act, 1907.^: Limits. Birkenhead C.B. (part) and parish of Bidston cum Ford (Wirral R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells and boreholes in New Red Sandstone formation : (1) Spring Hill, (2) Flaybrick Hill, (3) Borough Road, (4) The Ford, Bidston, (5) Mount Road. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 1,397.276 gallons, (2) 928,90(3 gallons, (3) 706,782 gallons, (4) 727,596 gallons, (5) 454,802 gallons. A further 317,010 gallons per day could be obtained from (1); 499,671 gallons from (2); 7,503 gallons from (3): 130,689 gallons from (4). Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs: Greenway Road, Tranmere, (a) 588,550 gallons, .(ft) 906,692 gallons; Upton Road, 4,666,628 gallons; Balls Road, 800,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. 'The daily average is 4,215,356 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (15th January 1914) that the purity of the water is well maintained. Hardness: (1) total, 13 '6; . ; _ . . . t See f on page 16. J Birkenhead T.C. This Act authorises a new source of supply, viz,, the Rivers Alwen and Brenig in the County of Denbigh. The works are now under construction. B 2 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. permanent, 7 '3; (2) total, 9 '9; permanent, 7 "3; (3) total, 14 '9; permanent, 7 '3; (4) total, 29'4; permanent, 17 '2; (5) total, 12 '6; permanent, 6 '6. No action on lead. Birmingham Town Council. Supplies Birmingham C.B. (part) ; Perry Barr U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Alvechurch, Frankley (Bromsgrove R.D.) ; II ley (Halesowen R.D.) ; Bickeiihill, Castle Bromwich, Coleshill, Curd worth, Minworth, Sheldon, Water Orton (Meriden R.D.) ; Llanwrthwl (Rhayader R.D.) ; Solihull (Solihull R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Coventry T.C. (see page 41), Meriden R.D.C. and North Warwickshire Water Co. (see page 206). Powers. Birmingham Corporation (Consolidation) Act, 1883 ; Birmingham Corpora- tion Water Acts, 1892, 1896, 1902 and 1907 ; Birmingham Corporation Act, 1905. Limits. Birmingham C.B. ; Perry Barr U.D. ; parishes of Wythall (Bromsgrove R.D.) ; Uley (part) (Halesowen R.D.) ; Bickenhill, Castle Bromwich, Coleshill, Curd- worth, Minworth, Sheldon, Water Orton (Meriden R.D.) ; Elmdoii and Solihull (Solihull R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Rivers Elan and Claerwen with gathering ground, 45,562 acres. The average daily quantity of water available from this source is 72,000,000 gallons. The following sources are kept as standbys : (1) River Bonnie, with drainage area 17 square miles ; (2) Plant's Brook, with drainage area 12 square miles ; wells sunk in New Red Sandstone, under an impermeable layer of clay at (3) Short Heath; (4) Aston (two); (5) Selly Oak; (6) 'Longbridge. These sources are capable of yielding per day (1) 3,750,000 gallons ; (2) 2,500,000 gallons; (3) 2,000,000 gallons ; (4) 2,000,000 gallons ; (5) 653,000 gallons ; (6) 445,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 400 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs: Caban Coch, 8,000,000,000 gallons; Penygareg, 1,320,000,000 gallons; Craig Goch, 2,000,000,000 gallons ; Doly Mynach, 150,000,000 gallons ; Frankley, 200,483,132 gallons ; Shustoke, Upper, 20,286,505 gallons ; Shustoke, Lower, 422,601,176 gallons ; Whitacre, 32,303,491 gallons; Plant's Brook (a) 27,153,219 gallons, (b) 3,795,387 gallons, (c) 2,133,632 gallons. Service reservoirs: Frankley, 8,063,100 gallons; Warley, 1,262,357 gallons; Northfield, 1,349,270 gallons; Erdington, 11,846,999 gallons ; Hagley Road, 6,505,742 gallons ; Monument Road, 4,147,814 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 20,507,000 gallons and 1,198,405 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Pure monthly chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness, 3 '5. Acts slightly on lead and is treated with chalk. Bishop Auckland Urban District Council. Supplies Bishop Auckland U.D. and part of parish of Auckland St. Andrew (Auckland R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Gravel beds by the River Wear, Bishop Auckland ; (2) supply in bulk from Weardale and Consett Water Company (see page 223). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 379,000 gallons, (2) 8,000 gallons. An unlimited quantity could be obtained from (1), and a further 42,000 gallons per day from (2). Works. Filtration, 200 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir : Etherley Lane, 375,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 387,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (21st July 1913) that no exception can be taken to the water. Hardness : total, 6 '44 ; permanent, 2 '94. No action on lead. Bishop's Castle Town Council. Supplies Bishop's Castle B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland surface streams, Maesgwyn and Driboethwm, with 550 acres of moorland, Mainstone. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 28,000 gallons, and a further 32,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Filtration, 700 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir : Maesgwyn, Mainstone, 300,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Cabin, Bishop's Castle, 84,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 28,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness, 3 '92. No action on lead. Bishop's Stortford Urban District Council. Supplies Bishop's Stortford U.D. (part). Powers. Bishop's Stortford Water Act, 1869. Limits. Bishop's Stortford U.I). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two wells, 164 feet, connected by adits in chalk formation, Bishop's Stortford. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 182,045 gallons, and a further 825,955 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Service reservoirs ; Bishop's Stortford, (a) 300,000 gallons ; (b) 145,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 19 Quantity of W'ater supplied. The daily average is 182,045 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: total, 26 '6; permanent, 5'0. No action on lead. Blackburn Town Council. Supplies Blackburn C.B. (part), parts of parishes of Billington, Clayton le Dale, Livesey, Pleasington, Ramsgreave, Salesbury, Wilpshire (Blackburn R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Clitheroe R.D.C. and Lancashire Asylums Board, who furnish a supply to J. R. Aspinall, Esq., for part of parish of Little Mitton, Henthorn, and Coldcoats (Clitheroe R.D.). Powers. Blackburn Improvement Act, 1854 ; Blackburn Waterworks Acts, 18G1 and 1875 ; Blackburn Borough Gas Water and Extension Act, 1877 ; Blackburn Improvement Act, 1879 ; Blackburn Water Act, 1885 ; Blackburn Order, 1889 ; Blackburn Corporation Acts, 1892 and 1908 ; Blackburn Corporation (Tramways, &c.) Act, 1898 ; Blackburn Corporation Water Act, 1911. Limits. Blackburn C.B. ; Oswaldtwistle U.D. ; parishes of Billington, Livesey, Mellor, Pleasington, Ramsgreave, Wilpshire, Witton (Blackburn It.]).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Gathering ground of 6,820 acres in Whitendale and Brennand, the valley of the River Dunsop, about 20 miles from Blackburn. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,581,950 gallons, and a further 17,392,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Revidge, 3,500,000 gallons ; Fish More, 310,000,000 gallons ; Guide, 87,000,000 gallons ; Audley, 13,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,578,540 gallons and 3,410 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (13th December 1913) that there is no evidence of pollution. Hardness: total, 1'4; permanent, 0'21. No action on lead. Blackrod Urban District Council. Supplies Blackrod U.D. (part), and furnishes supplies in bulk to Adlington U.D.C., Horwich U.D.C. (see page 67), and Wigan R.D.C., who furnish a supply in bulk to Aspull U.D.C. Powers. Blackrod Local Board Act, 1876. Limits. Blackrod U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Tunnel, Brownlows Springs ; (2) Tunnel, Harpers Springs ; (3) Upland gathering ground of 73 acres, Wildersmoor ; (4) Upland gathering ground of 74 \ acres, Brownlows. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 60,000 gallons ; (2) 40 770 gallons ; (3) 126,000 gallons ; (4) 86,190 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir: Deane, Horwich, 19,182,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 50,300 gallons and 130,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: total, 4 '7; permanent, 4 '4. No action on lead. Blaenavon Urban District Council. Supplies Blaenavon U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) Springs from Mill- stone Grit ; (6) Edmund's Spring from Millstone Grit ; (7) Bunkers Spring from Millstone Grit ; (8) Forge Side Spring from Coal Measures. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 65,940 gallons ; (2) 44,290 gallons; (3) 99,690 gallons ; (4) 10,080 gallons ; (5) 87,930 gallons ; (6) 31,340 gallons \7) 18,000 gallons ; (8) 23,240 gallons. W orlts. Water is filtered. Reservoirs : Bunker's Tank, 60,500 gallons ; Elgam Farm. 750,000 gallons (effective capacity, 260,000 gallons) ; Llanover Road, (a) 1,000,000 gallons, (b) . 2,000,000 gallons; Forge Side, 1,500,000 gallons (effective capacity, 600,000 gallons). Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 240,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Generally good. Hardness: Bunker's Tank, 8 '3; Elgam Farm, 2'1; Llanover Road. 2 '5; Forge Side, 2'1. The water acts on lead, but is not treated ; contains some iron. Bletchley Urban District Council. Supplies Bletchley U.D. (part), and parts of parishes of Great Brickhill, Little Brickhill, Walton, Woughton 011 the Green, (Newport Pagiiell R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well in Lower Greensand at Great Brickhill ; (2) Well in Lower Greensand at Sandhouse, Heath and Reach. The average * Blaenavon U.D.C. A new service reservoir (508,700 gallons) is about to be provided, the existing works improved, and .Elgam Farm reservoir abandoned. A 0.198 B 3 20 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. daily quantity of water derived from each, source is, respectively, (1) 10,000 gallons ; (2) 120,000 gallons ; and a further 65,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 120,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Great Brickhill, 100,000 gallons ; Little Brickhill, 300,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 130,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: (1) 6' 1 ; (2) 10 '6. Acts on lead, but lead pipes are not allowed. Water from source (2) contains some iron. Blyth Urban District Council. Supplies Blyth U.D. (part). Powers. Blyth Order, 1875. Limits. Blyth U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Healey Wood Springs, Hepscott ; (2) Hepscott Pit; and supplies in bulk from (3) Newcastle and Gateshead Water Company (see page 204) ; (4) Tynemouth T.C. (part through Cramlington U.D.C.) (see page 145). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 60,000 gallons ; (2) 300,000 gallons ; (3) 267,000 gallons ; (4) 16,500 gallons. Works. Filtration of (1) and (2), 525 gallons per square yard per day. Reservoirs : Hepscott, 3,500,000 gallons; Bebside, (a) 220,000 gallons; (b) ' 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 643,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (2nd December 1913) that chemically the water is suitable for drinking. Hardness: (1)20 '4; (2) 21 '9. No action on lead. Bodmin Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of St. Winnow (Bodmin R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Bridgend. The average daily quantity of water available is 50,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir : Bridgend, 500 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good and soft. No action on lead. Bollington Urban District Council. Supplies Bollington U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Boreholes, (1) 210 feet, at Lowerhouse, Rainow ; (2) 426 feet, at Dane Bent, Rainow. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 70,000 gallons ; (2) 90,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Service reservoirs : Lowerhouse, 100,000 gallons ; Dane Bent, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 75,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (8th April 1911) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness: (1) total 3 '33, permanent 1"93; (2) total 4 ' 66, permanent nil. No action on lead. Water from source (1) contains sulphate of lime and (2) sodium carbonate. Bolton Town Council. Supplies Bolton C.B. (part), Farn worth U.D. (part), Kearsley U.D. (part), Little Hulton U.D. (part), Turton U.D. (part), Westhoughton U.D. (part), and Worsley U.D. (part), parishes of Clifton (part) (Barton upon Irwell R.D.), Ainsworth (part) (Bury R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Aspull U.D.C. , Atherton U.D.C. and Westhoughton U.D.C. Powers Bolton Improvement Acts, 1854, 1861, 1864, 1865, 1872, 1877, and 1882 ; Bolton Orders, 1888, No. 2, 1894, 1899, and 1904 ; Bolton Corporation Act, 1905. Limits. Bolton C.B. ; Farnworth U.D. ; Kearsley U.D. ; Little Hulton U.D. ; Turton U.D. ; Westhoughton U.D. (part) ; and Worsley U.D. (part) ; parishes of Clifton (Barton upon Irwell R.D.) ; Ainsworth (Bury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from Millstone Grit, Turton ; (2) Tunnel in Millstone Grit and gathering ground, 429 acres, in Bolton ; (3) Upland surfaces : (a) 2,160 acres in Turton and Darwen ; (b) 700 acres in Turton and Bolton. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 70,000 gallons ; (2) 538,000 gallons ; (3) (a) 5,000,000 gallons, (b) 1,218,000 gallons. Works.- Filtration, 350 gallons per square yard per day, and also pressure filters. Storage reservoirs : Crowthorne, 3,500,000 gallons; High Rid, 130,000,000 gallons; Entwistle, 762,000,000 gallons; Springs, 134,000,000 gallons; Dingle, 79,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Sweetloves, 90,000,000 gallons ; Heaton, 91,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 6,396,734 gallons and 370,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 21 Quality of Water. Pure weekly chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness : (2) total 3 '32, permanent 2-01; (3) (a) total 3 '5, permanent 2 "27; (b) total 2'1, permanent 1'57. Water from source (3) (b) acts on lead and is treated with carbonate of lime. Bonsall Urban District Council. Supplies Bonsall U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from basalt, Manor Farm ; (2) Springs from limestone, Boiling Pot; (3) Springs from basalt, Uppertown Town. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Manor Farm, 15,000 gallons ; Bye Way Lane, 10,000 gallons ; Well Head, 12,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 18,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness not- known. No action on lead. Bootle Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Bootle, (2) Drigg and Carleton, Irton with Santon, -Seascale, (3) Whicham (Bootle R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) and (3) Springs on mountain side ; (2) Stream. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Bootle Fell and Kiln Bank Estate ; capacities not known. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness : (1) 2; (2) 0'5; (3) 2 "5. No action on lead ; (1) is slightly saline. Bourne Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Corby, (2) Counthorpe, Creeton, (3) Morton (Bourne R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) and (2) Enclosed springs ; (3) artesian well. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 15,000 gallons; (2) 3,000 gallons; (3) 12,000 gallons. A further 10,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 47,000 gallons from (2) and 188,000 gallons from (3). Works. Filtration at (1) only, 375 gallons per square yard per day. Reservoirs : Irnliam Road, Corby, 18,000 gallons ; Counthorpe, 240 gallons. Pressure, (1) and (3) sufficient ; (2) insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Very good, but hard. No action on lead. Brackley Town Council. Supplies Brackley B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two wells, 220 feet, sunk through Oolites and Upper Lias to Marlstone, Manor Road. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 55,000 gallons, and a further 30,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Manor Road, 125,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 55,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (7th October 1907) that the water is organically pure. Moderately hard and no action on lead. Saline. Brackley Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Newbottle (Brackley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). ;Spring at Newbottle. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,520 gallons and a further 900 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Charlton, 6,955 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. No action on lead. Bradfield Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Stratfield Mortimer (Bradfield R.D.) Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Bore, 255 feet, through clay to Chalk and Reading Beds, at Stratfield Mortimer. The average daily quantity of water available is 50,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Tank at Stratfield Mortimer, 30,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (28th January 1914) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness: total, 14' 1; permanent, 5 '2. No action on lead. B 4 22 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Bradford Town Council. Supplies Bradford C.B. ; Calveiiey U.D. (part) ; Denholme U.D. " (part) ; Liversedge U.D. (part) ; Shelf U.D. (part) ; parish of Burnsall (part) (Skipton U.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Bingley U.D.C. (see page 17); Birkenshaw U.D.C. ; Birstal U.D.C. ; Calverley U.D.C. ; Clayton U.D.C. ; Cleckheaton U.D.C., who also supplies part of parish of Clifton (Halifax U.D.) ; Drighlington U.D.C. ; Farsley U.D.C., who also supplies Pudsey B. (part) ; Gildersome U.D.C. ; Gomersal U.D.C. ; Hunsworth U.D.C. ; Pudsey T.C. ; Queensbury U.D.C., who also supplies part of Clayton U.D. ; Addingham Waterworks Company, who supplies part of parish of Addingham (Skipton U.D.) ; and Shelf Waterworks Company, who supplies part of Shelf U.D. Also to Silsden U.D.C. when necessary (see page 130). Powers. Bradford Corporation Waterworks Acts, 1854, 1858, 1890, and 1892 ; Bradford Corporation Waterworks Act Amendment Act, 1855 ; Bradford Waterworks Acts, 1854, 1862, and 1869; Bradford Corporation Acts, 1866, 1900, 1903, 1910, and 1913 ; Bradford Waterworks and Improvements Acts, 1868, 1875, 1878, 1881, and 1885; Bradford Improvement Act, 1873 ; Bradford Order, 1886 ; Bradford Tramways and Improvement Act, 1897. Limits. Bradford C.B ; Bingley U.D. ; Birkenshaw U.D. ; Birstal U.D. ; Calverley U.D. ; Clayton U.D. ; Cleckheaton U.D. ; Denholme U.D. ; Drighlington U.D. ; Farsley U.D. ; Gildersome U.D. ; Gomersal U.D. ; Hunsworth U.D. ; Liversedge U.D. ; Pudsey B. ; Queensbury U.D. ; Shelf U.D. ; Shipley U.D. ; and Silsden U.D. ; parishes of Morton (Keighley U.D.), Addingham, Burnsall and Draughton (Skipton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- Drainage areas and streams : (1) Valleys of Rivers Aire and Wharfe ; (2) Valleys of Denholme Beck and Uiver Worth ; (3) Valleys of Rivers Nidd and Stone. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 6,500,000 gallons; (2) 2,500,000 gallons; (3) 7,000,000 gallons. A further 4,000,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) ; 500,000 gallons from (2) ; and 13,000,000 gallons from (3). Works. Filtration : (1) 450 gallons, (2) 510 gallons, (3) 620 gallons per square yard per day. Reservoirs, Low Level : Barden, Upper, 464,687,000 gallons ; Bard en, Lower, 483,404,000 gallons ; Chelker, 228,582,000 gallons ; Heatou, 33,891,000 gallons ; Calverley, 751,500 gallons; High Level: Thornton Moor, 175,000,000 gallons; Stubden, 93,184,000 gallons ; Horton Bank, 160,000,000 gallons; Brayshaw, 57,000,000 gallons; Chellow Heights, 32,000,000 gallons; Idle Hill, 5,500,000 gallons; Daisy Hill, 2,201,000 gallons ; Hartshead Moor, 845,000 gallons ; Owl Cotes, Pudsey, 751,500 gallons; Old Works : Chellow Dean, Upper 45,248,000 gallons, Lbwer 31,061,000 gallons ; Whetley Hill, 4,551,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 14,550,000 gallons and 1,450,000 in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (20th November 1911) that the water is pure. Hardness : 2 "4 to 4 '9. No action on lead. Bradford on Avon Urban District Council. Supplies Bradford on Avon U.D. (part) and part of parish of Bradford Without (Bradford on Avon U.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells, with adits, supplied by springs from Oolite formation at Avoncliff and Avoncliff Lane. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 98,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 307 gallons per square yard per day. Service reservoir, Winsley Road, 300,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water, a implied. The daily average is 98,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Qtiality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (20th April 1911) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness, 19 '5. No action on lead. Bradford on Avon Rural District Council. -Supplies part of parish of Westwood (Bradford on Avon U.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Great or Bath Oolite under Forest Marble and Bradford Clay, at Westwood. The average daily quantity of water available is 5,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir: Tank at Westwood, 21,500 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,580 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good and fairly hard. Brailes Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) to (4) Brailes, (5) llmington, (6) Long Compton, (7) Stretton on Fosse (Brailes R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs in (1) "Park"; (2) Hobbs Hole ; (3) Tushbroke Farm ; (4) Brailes Hill ; (5) Wedgnock ; (6) Coombs ; (7) on the property of Baldwin's Trustees. The average daily quantity of water derived from PART I : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 23 each source is, respectively, (1) 1,000 gallons ; (2) 500 gallons ; (4) 550 gallons ; (5) 6,650 gallons ; yield of (3), (6) and (7) not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: (1) "Park," 1,200 gallons; (2) Tank at Hobbs Hole, 800 gallons; (4) Mauley's Orchard, 300 gallons ; Tanks at (5) Wedgnock and (6) Coombs, capacities not known; (7) Jarrett's Orchard, 1,200 g-.Jlons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Hood, but fairly hard. No action on lead. Braintree Urban District Council. Supplies Braintree U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature ami Sujfieieney). Two wells in Chalk, Pods Brook Valley. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 123,000 gallons, and a further 200,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Workt. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Coggeshall Road (a) 40,000 gallons. (I)] 55,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water su/>/>l /wer Oolite at Potter Hanworth. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 3,500 gallons ; (2) 6,075 gallons. A further 2,260 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 18,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Dunston, 400 gallons; Potter Hanworth, 30,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but fairly hard. No action on lead. * Brampton B.D.C. also possess the following reservoirs for the supply obtained by them in bulk from Carlisle T.C. : Garthhead, 96,000 gallons ; Bleaberry Bent, 10,000 gallons ; Couran, 72,000 gallons. 24 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Brecknock Town Council. Supplies Brecknock B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Small brook, Cwm Llwch. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 270,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 562 gallons per square yard per day. Reservoirs : Baili helig Road (I) Storage 1,000,000 gallons, (2) Service 300,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 270,000 gallons. Supply, is constan t. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (November 1913) that the water is good. Hardness, 3. No action on lead. Brecknock Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Llanddetty, Llanfeigan, (2) Llandefaelogfach, (3) and (4) Llanfeigan, (5) Llanfillo, (6) Llanfrynach, (7) Llangasty Talyllyn, (8) Llangorse, (9) and (10) Maescar (Brecknock R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs at foot of Torfoel Mountain ; (2) Spring from red sandstone near Pwllgloyw, (3) Spring at Coitybach Farm ; (4) Springs at Pentwyn Farm ; (5) Spring from red sandstone at Llanfillo ; (6) Springs at Llanbrynean Farm ; (7) Spring at Brynllici Farm ; (8) Springs at Tynewydd Farm ; (9) Springs at Cwmllwyfog Farm ; (10) Cwmclydach Stream. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 7,500 gallons"; (2) 2,160 gallons ; (3) 2,000 gaUons ; (4) 3,000 gallons ; (5) 1,000 gallons ; (6) 9,000 gallons; (7) 1,000 gallons ; (8) 10,000 gallons; (9) 2,000 gallons ; (10) 12,000 gallons ; and a further 20,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (10). Works. Filtration at (9) only, 400 gallons per square yard per day. Service reservoirs: (1) Graiglas, 5,000 gallons, Upper Wenallt, 1,000 gallons; (2) Pwllgloyw, 525 gallons (3) Coitybach, 600 gallons ; (4) Pentwyn, 1,000 gallons ; (5) Llanfillo, 875 gallons; (6) Llanbrynean, 4,000 gallons ; (7) Brynllici, 600 gallons ; (8) Tynewydd, 4,000 gallons; (9) Cwmllwyfog, 11,000 gallons; (10) Cymclydach, 1,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample, except (3) and (7). Quality of Water. Good. Generally soft, but no action on lead. Bridgnorth Town Council. Supplies Bridgnorth B. (part), and parts of parishes of Oldbury and Worfield (Bridgnorth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. (1) River Severn, intake at Bridgnorth ; (2) Spring at Brid'gnorth. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 240,000 gallons, (2) 60,000 gallons, and an unlimited supply could be obtained from (1). Works. Pressure and sand filters. Storage reservoir : Bromley Hill, 247,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied.- The daily average is 300,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (12th April 1912) that the water is very good. Hardness, 16. No action on lead. Bridgwater Town Council. Supplies Bridgwater B. (part), and parts of parishes of Bridgwater Without, Cannington, Chilton Trinity, Durleigh and Wenibdon (Bridg- water R.D.). Powers. Bridgwater (Corporation) Water Act, 1877. Limits. Bridgwater B., parishes of Bridgwater Without (part), Cannington, Charl- inch, Chilton Trinity (part), Durleigh, Spaxton, and Wetnbdon (Bridgwater R.D.) Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Stream (Cockercombe and Seven Wells, Combe) at Ashford Mills. Yield not known. Works. Filtration, 908 gallons per square yard per day. Service reservoir at Wenibdon Hill, 690,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 430,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (26th August 1913) that the water is well suited for drinking. Hardness : total, 9 ' 5. No action on lead. Bridgwater Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Bawdrip, Bridgwater Without, Chedzoy, Chilton Trinity, Chilton upon Polden, Cossington, Huntspill, Middlezoy, North Petherton, Othery, Pawlett, Pnriton, St. Michael Church, Westonzoyland, and (2) Nether Stowey and Woolavington (Bridgwater R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Deep trenches filled with large stones, about 12 feet below the plane of saturation, in New Red Sandstone, at Willoughby, Broomfield ; (2) Wells in Devonian rocks. The average daily quantity of water available from (1) is 273,000 gallons ; yield of (2) not known. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 25 Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Willoughby, 60,000 gallons; Nether Stowey, 15,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied.-- Ample. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (May 1911) that chemically the water from (1) is good, but bacteriologically there is slight temporary contamination, and that (2) is a good potable water. Hani- ness : (1) total, 7'0; permanent, nil; (2) total, 1'96; permanent, nil. No action on lead ; (2) contains sodium carbonates. Bridlington Town Council. Supplies Bridlington B. (part), and furnishes a supply in bulk to A. G. W. Wright, Esq., who supplies part of parish of Bessmgby (Bridlington R.D.). Powers. Bridlington Water Act, 1895 ; Bridlington Order, 1908. Limits. Bridlington B. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 192 feet in Chalk at Bridlington. The average daily quantity of water available is 960,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Pumping Station, 1,330,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 506,000 gallons, and 3,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (19th August 1911) that the water is excellent. Hardness: total, 15 '2; permanent, 2'1. No action on lead. Bridlington Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Flamborough (Bridling- ton R.D.) Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Deep well, 220 feet, in Chalk near Flamborough. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Flamborough, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness : total, 21 '0 ; permanent 1 ' 5. No action on lead. Bridport Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Askerswell (part), (2) Catherston Leweston, and (3) Charmouth (Bridport R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs at Springhead ; (2) and (3) Springs from Greensand. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 15,120 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Charmouth, 6,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good annual chemical examination. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Brighouee Town Council. Supplies Brighonse B. (part). Powers. Brighouse Corporation Act, 1895. Limits. Brighouse B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs with gathering ground, 13| acres, Rastrick, Fixby ; (2) Supply in bulk from Halifax T.C. (see page 58). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 34,000 gallons, (2) 482,961 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Lands Rastrick, Fixby, 350,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied.- The daily average is 516,961 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness 8. No action on lead. Brightlingsea Urban District Council. Supplies Brightlingsea U.D. (part). Powers. Brightlingsea Water Order, 1889. Limits. Brightlingsea U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two bores, 300 feet, in Chalk at Brightlingsea. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 52,500 gallons, and a further 180,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Iron tank, 70,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 52,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (16th December 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness : total 24, permanent ' 7. No action on lead. 26 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Brighton Town Council. Supplies Brighton C.B. ; Hove B. ; Portslade by Sea U.D. ; Shore- lunn by Sea U.D. (part); Southwick U.D. (part); parishes of Falmer (part), Ovingdean, Rottingdean (Newhaven R.D.) ; Hangleton, Patcham (part) Portslade, Preston Rural, West Blatchington (Steyning East R.D.) ; Lancing (part) Old Shoreham, (Steyning West R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Cuck field R.D.C., Newhaven R.D.C., and the Earl of Chichester, who supplies the parish of Stanmer (Newhaven R.D.) Powers. Brighton Corporation Waterworks Acts, 1872 and 1883 ; Brighton Corpora- tion Water Act, 1896 ; Brighton Corporation Act, 1900. Limits. Brighton C.B., Hove B., Portslade by Sea U.D., Shoreham by Sea U.D., Southwick U.D. ; parishes of Falmer, Ovingdean, Rottingdean (Newhaven R.D.) ; Hangleton, Patcham, Portslade, Preston Rural, West Blatchington (Steyning East R.D.) ; Lancing, and Old Shoreham (Steyning West R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells and spring in Upper Chalk at (1) Falmer, (2) Goldstone, (3) Mile Oak, (4) Patcham, (5) Shoreham. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 1,880,000 gallons, (2) 1,910,000 gallons, (3) 915,000 gallons, (4) 1,090,000 gallons, (5) 618,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Shoreham, (a) 80,000 gallons, (b) 80,000 gallons; Aldrington, 500,000 gallons ; Red Hill, Patcham, 503,102 gallons ; Patcham, (a) 941,358 gallons, (6) 495,245 gallons ; Goldstone, Hove, (a) 1,500,000 gallons, (6) 600,000 gallons; Nunnery, The Drive, Hove, 1,000,000 gallons; Dyke Road, Brighton, 1,133,910 gallons; Lewes Road, Brighton, 1,000,000 gallons, Tslingwood Road, Brighton, 2,000,000 gallons ; Park Road, Brighton, 600,000 gallons ; White Hawk, Chalk Lane, Brighton, 500,000 gallons; Race Hill, Brighton, 600,000 gallons ; Lancing, 100,000 gallons; Falmer, 553,000 gallons; Portslade, 80,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 6,354,700 gallons, and 8,300 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very pure monthly chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness : (1) total 15 '9, permanent 2 '9; (2) total 14 '7, permanent 3 '6; (3) total 14 '5, permanent 3'0; (4) total 13 '7, permanent 3 "8; (5) total 14 '5, permanent 2 "9. No action on lead. Briton Ferry Urban District Council. Supplies Briton Ferry U.D. (part), and part of parish of Baglan Lower (Neath R.D.) Powers. Briton Ferry Urban District Council Act, 1908. Limits. Briton Ferry U.D., and parish of Baglan Lower (Neath R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Gathering ground 240 acres, Pantho- wellddn Goetref and Cefn Court Mountain. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 255,780 gallons, and a further 97,710 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Filtration, 900 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir : Cefn Court, 33,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 255,780 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Chemical and bacteriological examination thrice yearly. Analyst remarks (1st December 1913) that chemically the water shows no evidence of contamina- tion and bacteriologically it is satisfactory. .Hardness, 2 '3. No action on lead. Brixham Urban District Council. Supplies Brixham U.D. (part), and part of parish of Churston Ferrers (Totnes R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Ladywell and St. Mary's Well in limestone and shale, Higher Brixham ; (2) Supply in bulk from Paignton U.D.C. (see page 107). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 115,000 gallons, (2) 75,000 gallons ; a further 115,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 125,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs :- -Ladywell, 375,000 gallons ; Billhead, 300,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 190,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical examination. Analysis (26th November 1913) no comment. Hardness : total, 0'5; permanent, 0'5. No action on lead. Brixworth Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) East Haddon and (2) Great Creaton (Brixworth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) and (2) Upland surfaces at East Haddon and Great Creaton. The average daily quantity of water obtained from (1) is 4,000 gallons ; yield of (2) not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : (1) tower at East Haddon, 4,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. (I) Sufficient, (2) ample. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 27 Broadstairs and St. Peter's Urban District Council. Supplies Broaclstairs and St. Peter's U.I), and part of parish of Garlinge (Isle of Thanet R.D.). Powers. Broadstuirs and St. IVfcr's Water and Improvement Act, 1901 ; Broadstairs and St. Peter's Urban I )istrict Water Act. 1907 ; Broadstairs and St. Peter's Urban District Council Act, 1913. Limits. Broadstairs and St. Peter's IT. D., and part of parish of Garlinge, (Isle of Thanet U.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency], (1) Deep wells in Chalk, St. Peter Extra ; (2) Supply in bulk from Margate T.C. (see page 90). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 256,041 gallons, (2) winter 11,288 gallons, summer 53,844 gallons. A further 50,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and an unlimited supply from (2). Woi-ks. Water is filtered. Storage reservoirs: Rumfields tanks (a) 70,000 gallons, (b) 40,000 gallons ; Crampton Tower, Broadstairs, OG,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient'. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 281,451 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Weekly chemical and quarterly bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (December 1913) that the water is chemically satisfactory and of a high degree of bacterial purity. Hardness: total, 21 '9 (after softening 8); permanent, 3 ' 9. No action on lead. Bromyard Urban District Council. Supplies Bromyard U.D. (part), and parts of parishes of Avenbury and Winslow (Bromyard 1M.X). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Three springs, intercepted underground, from red sandstone at Buckenhill, Bromyard. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 14,000 gallons, and a further 33,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoir; Quarry Meadow, Bromyard, 100,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Flaggoner's Green, (a) 20,000 gallons ; (b) tower, 800 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 14,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical examination. Analysis (5th January 1914) no comment. Hardness, 20. No action on lead. Brumby and Frodingham Urban District Council. Supplies Brumby and Frodingham U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Inferior Oolite limestone at Appleby. The average daily quantity of water available is 95,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered and softened. Storage reservoir Appleby, 100,000 gallons. Pressiire is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 60,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good half-yearly bacteriological examination. Hardness, 34. No action on lead. Highly charged with calcium salts. Brynmawr Urban District Council. Supplies Brynmawr U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland surface, 200 acres on Cirn Mountain, about one mile from town. Yield not known.- Works. Filtration, 120 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir : Cirn Mountain, 11,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 120,000 gallons. Siipply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Very soft, but no action on lead. Buckfastleigh Urban District Council. Supplies Buckfastleigh U.D, (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland surface, 3 acres (water collected underground on a granitic gravel bed) at Lambsdowu, Buckfastleigh. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 40,000 gallons, and a further 15,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Work*. No filtration. Reservoir : Wallaford Hill, Buckfastleigh, 275,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 40,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. Action on lead not known. Buckingham Town Council. Supplies Buckingham B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) Two boreholes in Lower Oolite, Maids Moreton ; (2) Wells in Oolitic gravel, Gawcott. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 60,000 gallons, (2) 3,000 gallons. A further 60,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 7,000 gallons from (2). 28 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs -.Maids Moreton, 70,000 gallons ; Gawcott, 3,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied, The daily average is 63,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical examination. Analyst remarks (3rd Sep- tember 1912) that the water is satisfactory and suitable. Hardness,13'6. No action on lead. Buckingham Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Akeley, (2) Barton Hartshorn, (3) Charndon, (4) Padbury, (5) Preston Bissett, (6) Steeple Claydon, '(7) Twyford (8) Water Stratford (Buckingham R.D.). Sources of Supply [Nature and Sufficiency). Wells. The average quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 3,000 gallons, (2) 4 000 gallons (3) 6,000 gallons, (4) 3,500 gallons, (5) 3,000 gallons, (6) 6,500 gallons, (7) 7,000 gallons, (8) 3,900 gallons. Woi'ks. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : (3) Charndon, 10,000 gallons (7) Twyford, 10,000 gallons; (8) Water Stratford, 1,500 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Generally soft, but no action on lead. Budleigh Salterton Urban District Council. Supplies Budleigh Salterton U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Underground springs from gravel and sand (1) at Sherbrook ; (2) at Kersbrook. The average daily quantity of water available is 90,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Storage reservoirs : Sherbrook 244,000 gallons ; Kersbrook, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 38,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent half-yearly chemical examination. Hardness : (1) total 2 '8, permanent 2 '17; (2) total 15 '33, permanent 1'61. The water from source (1) acts on lead, but lead pipes are not used. Buglawton Urban District Council. Supplies Buglawton Q.I), (part), and part of parish of Eaton near Congleton (Macclesfield R.D.) Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Millstone Grit formation, Cloud Side Hill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 17,500 gallons, and a further 3,500 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Cloud Side, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 17,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (27th September 1911) that chemically this is a first-class water. Hardness: total, 8 ; permanent, 2. No action on lead. Builth Wells Urban District Council. Supplies Builth Wells U.D. and parts of parishes of Llanddewi'r Cwm (Builth R.D.), and Llanelwedd (ColwynR.D.) Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from Upper Silurian shale, Newry, Builth ; (2) Spring from Upper Silurian shale, Hengwn, Builth ; (3) Nearly a square mile of gathering ground, Tycapel, Builth. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 3,000 gallons; (2) 24,600 gallons ; (3) 19,950 gallons. Works. Filtration, 321 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir : Tycapel, 1,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs .-Brecon Road, 142,600 gallons; Newry Farm, 39.200 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 43,01)0 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness, 4. No action on lead. Buntingford Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Aspenden, Layston, and Wyddial (Buntingford R.D.) Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk, near Buntingford. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 18,000 gallons, and a further 72,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Baldock Road, Buntingford, 72,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical examination. Analyst remarks (2nd May 1.91 1 ) that the water is very good. Hardness, 17. No action on lead. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 29 Burley in Wharfedale Urban District Council. Supplies Burley in Wharfedale Q.D. (part). Powers. Burley Local Board Waterworks Act, 1873 ; Burley in Wharfedale Urban District Water Act, 1899. Limits. Biniey in Wharfedale U.D. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Moorland gathering ground of 300 acres at Burley in Wharfedale. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Carr Bottom, 17,241,700 gallons; Low Lanshaw, 2,577,425 gallons; High Lanshaw, 12,162,737 gallons; Hartley's, Coldstone Estate, 1,004,000 gallons. Service reservoir: Hollin Nook, 1 3 1,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 90,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory periodical chemical examination. Hardness : total, 4 '27 ; permanent, 4' 27. Acts on lead, and is treated with lime. Burnham Urban District Council. Supplies Burnham U.D., and furnishes supplies in bulk to Berrow Water Company, who supplies parts of parishes of Berrow and Brean (Axbridge R.D.), and G. B. Northcote, Esq., who supplies part of parish of Brent Knoll (Axbridge R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring and borehole in Devonian sandstone, Cox's Well, Winscombe. The average daily quantity of water available is 360,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Brent Knoll Hill, 100,000 gallons ; Brent Knoll Pumping Station, (a) 50,000 gallons, (6) 30,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 135,000 gallons and 12,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical examination. Analyst remarks (5th November 1913) that the water is quite satisfactory. Hardness: total, 19 '6; permanent, 14. Burnham on Crouch Urban District Council. Supplies Burnham on Crouch U.I), (part), and part of parisli of Creeksea (Maldon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Surface wells 30 feet in sand and gravel above London Clay ; (2) I )eep boring through London Clay to grey sand. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 15,000 gallons, (2) 25,000 gallons, and a further 25,000 gallons per day could 'be obtained from (1) and 50,000 gallons from (2). Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied.- -The daily average is 40,000 gallons. Supply is intermittent. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (July 1913) that the water is pure and wholesome. Hardness : total, 12 ; permanent, 8. No action on lead. Burnley Town Council. Supplies Burnley C.B. (part), and parts of parishes of Cliviger, Habergham Eaves, Ightenhill, Reedley Hallows (Burnley R.D.), and furnishes a supply in bulk to Burnley R.D.C. Powers. Burnley Borough Improvement Acts, 1871 and 1883 ; Burnley Corporation Acts, 1889 and 1908 ; Burnley Corporation Tramways Act, 1898. ' Limits. Biirnley C.B., and parts of parishes of Briercliff, Cliviger, Habergham Eaves (Burnley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Moorland gathering ground of 1,050 acres, Worsthorne Moors, Burnley ; (2) Moorland gathering ground of 985 acres, Extwistle Moors, Burnley ; (3) Supply in bulk from Padiham U.D.C. (see page 106). The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 1,518,298 gallons ; (2) 1,207,718 gallons ; (3) 54,794 gallons. Works. Filtration, 190 gallons per square yard per day (in summer), also pressure filters. Reservoirs* : -Cant Clough, 250,000,000 gallons; Swindon (a) 116,000,000 gallons, (b) 34,000,000 gallons ; Heckenhurst, 20,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,521,671 gallons and 28,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness, 3 C . The water from source (1) acts on lead, and is treated Avith soda ash. Heckenhurst water contains iron. Burnley Rural District Council. Supplies parts, of parishes of (1) Briercliffe, (2) Cliviger, (3) Foulridge, (4) Read, (5) Sabden (Burnley R.D.) Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Borehole, Herdhouse, Briercliffe ; (2) Artesian well, Mereclough.; (3) Adit, White Moor, Salterforth ; (4) Springs, Cob Car Nook, Read ; (5) Spring, Pendle Hill. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 40,000 gallons; (2) 33,000 gallons; (3) 30,000 gallons; (4) 18,500 gallons ; (5) 1,500 gallons ; and a further 20,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 1,500 gallons from (4), and 500 gallons from (5). * Burnley T.C. An additional reservoir (capacity 300,000,000 gallons) is under construction. 30 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : (1) Twist, 400,000 gallons ; Herdhouse, Briercliffe, 728,700 gallons; (2) Shedden Clough, Cliviger, 337,500 gallons ; (3) White Moor, Salterfortli, 186,550 gallons ; (4) Cob Car Nook, Read, 103,125 gallons ; (5) Pendle Side, Sabden, 10,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: (1) Twist, 3 '9; Herdhouse, 21; (2) 15 "2; (3) very soft; (4) and (5) not known. No action on lead, (l) Saline and (2) contains some iron. Burry Port Urban District Council. Supplies Burry Port U.I), (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Supply in bulk from Llanelly T.C. (see page 81). Springs from porous rocks and gravels overlying Coal Measures : (2) Furnace, (3) Stepney Road, (4) Mountain Lodge, (5) Clynddu, (6) Rhewlas. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively , (1) 25,000 gallons; (2) 15,000 gallons ; (3) 5,000 gallons ; (4) 2,000 gallons; (5) 12,000 gallons; (6) 15,000 gallons. (2) to (6) are seldom used. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 20,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. (2), (3), (5) and (6) satisfactory occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness not known. Acts on lead, but is not treated. Burton upon Trent Town Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Burnaston, Egginton, and Etwall (Repton R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 76 feet, at gravel pits, Etwall. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,000 gallons, and a further 2,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Tanks, Round House, Egginton, 5,000 gallons ; Blakeley Lodge, Etwall, 5,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,000 gallons. Supply is constant Quality of Water. Good. Bury St. Edmunds Town Council. Supplies Bury St. Edmunds B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Chalk, Bury St. Edmunds. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 296,700 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : West Hill, (a) 500,000 gallons ; (6) 70,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 296,700 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical examination. Analyst remarks (18th December 1913) that the water is good. Hardness: total, 20 '4; permanent, 4 '7. No action on lead. Buxton Urban District Council. Supplies Buxton U.D. and parts of parishes of Fernilee, Hartington Upper Quarter (Chapel en le Frith R.D.). Powers. Buxton Local Board Act, 1873 ; Buxton Urban District Water Act, 1902. Limits. Buxton U.D. ; parishes of Fernilee, Hartington Upper Quarter (Chapel en le Frith R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well in Millstone Grit, Manchester Road ; (2) Upland surfaces of 1,900 acres, Coombs Moss and Stanley Moor. The average daily quantity of water obtained from (1) is 22,500 gallons ; yield of (2) not known. Works. Pressure filters at Lightwood and Stanley Moor. Storage reservoirs : Bur- bage (two) and Lightwood (two), 23,500,000 gallons; Stanley Moor, 80,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Bur bage Old Cold Springs, Watford, 2,500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks that the filtered water is of good quality. Hardness : Coombs Moss 2 (after treatment) ; Stanley Moor, total, 2'C3 ; permanent, 1'19. Water from (2) acts on lead and is treated with lime. Caerphilly Urban District Council. Supplies Caerphilly U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from gravel and Pennant Grit, Blaengwawr Farm, Llanfabon ; (2) Supply in bulk from Merthyr Tydvil T.C. (sec. page 92). Yield of (1) not known ; the average daily quantity of water obtained from (2) is 17,300 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir: Gellihir Farm, Llanfabon, 22,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but fairly hard. No action on lead. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 31 Caistor Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Caistor, (2) Nettleton, South Kclscy (Caistor R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well, 110 feet in Chalk at Caistor ; (2) Stream in Nettleton Hills near Nettleton. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 27,000 gallons, (2) 10,000 gallons. A further 60,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 10,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Caistor, 27,000 gallons; Nettleton, 17,000 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water Excellent. Hardness : (1) 13 ' 7 ; (2) 13 ' 9. No action ou lead. Calne Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Bremhill (Calne R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Tytherton and Foxham. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Tanks at Tytherton, 4,158 gallons ; Foxham, 2,520 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Calstock Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Calstock (Calstock R.D.). Sources of Sujt/ily (\'.('. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs (1) in Rusby Wood, Denby ; '2) at Moisthokne, Denby ; (3) Supply in btfft from the executors of the late Walter Norton (see page 358). The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 36,000 gallons ; (2) 1,800 gallons; (3) 24,000 gallons (5,000 gallons taken). Wtrrks. No filtration. Reservoirs: Rusby 'Wood, 80,000 gallons; Moistholme, 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 20,000 gallons and 1,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, but fairly hard. Acts very slightly on lead. Derby Town Council. Supplies Derby C.B. (part) ; Alvaston and Boulton U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Daiiey Abbey (Helper R.D.), Mickleover (Repton R.D.), Breadsall, Little Katon, Littleover, Normanton, Spondon (Shardlow R.D.). Powers. Derby Waterworks Acts, 1848, 1868, and 1873 ; Derby Improvement Act, 1879; Derby Corporation Acts, 1890, 11)01 and 1913. Limits. Derby C.B. ; Alvaston and Boulton U.D. ; and parishes of Allestree, Darley Abbey, Mackworth, Markeatoii (Belper R.D.) ; Mickleover (Repton R.D.) ; Breadsall. Cliaddesden, Little Eaton, Littleover, Normanton, Siiifin Moor (part), Spondon (Shardlow R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Collecting tunnels in valley of River Derwent, in Little Eaton and Allestree ; (2) Supply in bulk from the Derwent Valley Water Board (see page 169). The average daily quantity of water obtained from each source is, respectively, (1) 2,775,951 gallons, and (2) 654,049 gallons. Works. Filtration, 500 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Breadsall, (a) 1,600,000 gallons, (b) 1,200, 000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Breadsall. (a) 1,000,000 gallons, (6) 800,000 gallons; Littleover, 925,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,430,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good half-yearly chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness : total, 8 ' 8 ; permanent, 3 ' 5. No action on lead. Desborough Urban District Council. Supplies Desborough UJD. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well, 45 feet, in Northampton Sands ; (2) Collecting drain in Northampton Sands and Upper Lias Clay ; both near Desborough. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 30,000 gallons ; (2) 50,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir, Desborough, 50,000 gallons. Service reservoir, Desbonnigh, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is siifficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 33,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical and annual bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (15th July 1913) that the water is of a high degree of organic and bacterial purity. Hardness: total, 25 ' 1 ; permanent, 5 '6. No action on lead; contains some iron. Deudraeth Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Llandanwg (Deudraeth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Caedu. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir : Caedu, 400,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good occasional examination. Soft, and acts on lead, but lead pipes are not used. Devizes Town Council. Supplies Devizes B. (part) and parts of parishes of Bishop's Cannings, Roundway (Devizes R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Three wells, in Lower Chalk, on the Downs, near Devizes. The average daily quantity of water available is 190,700 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir, near Devizes, 180,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (4th December 1912) that the water is of a very high degree of purity. Hard, and no action on lead. 46 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Devonport Town Council. Supplies Devonport C.B. (part) and part of parish of Western Peverell (Plympton St. Mary R.D.). Powers. Devonport Corporation (Water) Act, 1902 ; Devonport Corporation Act, 1907. Limits. Devonport C.B. and part of parish of Western Peverell (Plynipton St. MaryR.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. West Dart, Cowsic and Blackabrook Rivers, Dartmoor. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,096,000 gallons and a further 3,400,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Filtration, 450 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir : Crownhill, 38,500,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Belliver, 2,049,000 gallons ; Beacon, 1,140,000 gallons ; Rowdens, 2,071,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,096,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (llth March 1911) that the water is excellent. Hardness: total, 2 '73; permanent, 0' 91. No action on lead. Peaty. Diss Urban District Council. Supplies Diss U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}.- Two boreholes, 400 feet, near Diss. The average daily quantity of water available is 12,322 gallons. Works. Water is filtered and softened. Reservoir, tank at Water Town, 30,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 12,322 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness, 46 '4. No action on lead. Dolgelley Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Llanenddwyn and (2) Llangelynin (Dolgelley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs near Caerffynon Farm ; (2) Springs, intercepted underground, on Parthygwyddwch Farm, Llangelynin. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 57,600 gallons ; (2) 50,000 gallons ; and a further 50,000 gallons per day .could be obtained from (1) and 40,000 gallons from (2). Works. Water from source (2) only is filtered. Storage reservoir : Caerffynon Farm, 106,500 gallons. Service reservoirs : Brynbach Farm, Llanenddwyn, 70,000 gallons ; near Llwyngwril, 60,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness : (1) 1 '5. No action on lead. Doncaster Town Council. Supplies Doncaster B. (part); Balby with Hexthorpe U.I>. (part) Bentley with Arksey U.D. (part), and Wheatley U.D. (part) ; and parishes of Cantley (part), Carr House and Elmfield, Edlington (part), Warmsworth (part) (Doncaster R.D.). Powers. Doncaster Corporation Waterworks Acts, 1873 and 1880 ; Doncaster Orders, 1879 and 1883 ; Sheffield Corporation Water Act, 1896 ; Doncaster Corporation Act, 1904. Limits. Doncaster B. ; Balby with Hexthorpe U.D., Bentley with Arksey U.D., and Wheatley U.D. ; and parishes of Armthorpe, Cantley, Carr House and Elmiield, Coiiisbrough, Denaby, Kirk Sandall, Loversall, Sprotbrough, Warmsworth (Don- caster R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Pasture and arable land, 2,517 acres, Thrybergh ; (2) Supply in bulk from Sheffield T.C. (see page 128}. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 500,000 gallons; (2) 1,000,000 gallons ; and a further 250,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1). Works. Filtration, (1) 480 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir : Thrybergh, 254,500,000 gallons. Service reservoir: Warmsworth, 1,141,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,410,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (9th January 1914) that the water is good. Hardness, 9 '2. No action on lead. Doncaster Rural District Council. Supplies parish of Barnbrough (Doncaster R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- Spring above St. Helen's Lane. The average daily quantity of water available is 8,640 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Barmbrough, 42,750 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water, Good'. Hardness, 27 '8, No action on lead. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Dorchester Town Council. Supplies Dorchester B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and boring (300 feet), in Chalk, Bridport Road. The average daily qiiantity of water obtained is 387,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Bridport Road, Low Level, 230,000 gallons, High Level, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 387,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (November and December 1913) that the water is quite satisfactory. Hardness, 20. No action on lead. Dorchester Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Frome Vauchurch, Maiden Newton (Dorchester R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, supplied by a spring from yellow sand at Maiden Newton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 16,000 gallons, and a further 50,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Maiden Newton, 90,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (23rd December 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness : total, 15. No action on lead. Dore Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Longtown, (2) Peterchurch, and (3) Vowchurch (Dore R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at (1) Turnant, Llanveynol, (2) Stoatley Hill, (3) Vowchurch Common. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Longtown, capacity not known ; Tank at Peterchurch, 550 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness, 11. No action on lead. Dover Town Council. Supplies Dover B. (part), and part of parish of Hougham Without (Dover R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Deep well and headings in Chalk, Castle Hill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,250,000 gallons, and a further 1,250,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Service reservoirs : Castle Hill, (a) 1,000,000 gallons, (6) 500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,250,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (6th October 1913) that the water is very satisfactory. Hardness: total, 17 "9; permanent, 2 '3. No action on lead. Driffield Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Nafferton (Driffield R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nat-tire and Sufficiency). Well and boring (266 feet) in Chalk, Nafferton Wolds. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 24,000 gallons, and a further 70,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works No nitration. Reservoir : Nafferton, 48,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied, Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: total, 12, permanent, 4 '3. No action on lead. Dulverton Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Dulverton (Dulvertoii R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring near Dulverton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 6,480 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Rock, 6,500 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally adequate. Quality of Water. Good annual chemical and bacteriological examination. Fairly soft, but no action on lead. Dunmow Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Felsted and Great Dunmow (Dunmow R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Borehole, 302 feet, through clay to Chalk, Mill Lane, Great Dunmow ; (2) Spring from sand and gravel in clay, Mill Road. Felsted. Yield not known. A 0.198 1) 48 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Wo-rks. No filtration. Storage reservoir: Mill Road, Felsted, 10,000 gallons, Service reservoirs : Stortford Road, Dunmow, 50,000 gallons; Felsted, 6,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Qu/iut/t>/ of Wnter supplied. Ample. of Wuh'f. Ciood. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Dursley Rural District Council.- Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Coaley, (2) Dursley, (3) Kingswood, and (4) Wotton under Edge (Dursley K.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from Inferior Oolite arid Upper Lias Clay at Spring Tyning ; (2) Well in Lias; (3) Springs from Inferior Oolite and Lias at Sinwell ; (4) Springs from Fullers Earth at Hamblins Brake and springs over Lower Lias in Combe Valley. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) and (3) not known ; (2) 40,0(10 gallons, and (4) 200.1 " ID gallons. A further 80,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (2) and 250,000 gallons from (4). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: (1) Spring Tvning, 300 gallons; (2) Whiteway, 92,500 gallons ; (3) Sinwell, 6,000 gallons ; (4) Symoiui's Hall, 99,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (21st October 1913) that the water from (2) is unusually pure. (1), (3), and (4) good. Hardness, 9. No action on lead. Easingwold Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Aldwark (part), Alne (part), Carlton Husthwaite (part), Flawith, Huby (part), Husthwaite (part), Raskelf (part), Sutton on the Forest (part), Tholthorpe (part), Tollerton (part), Youlton, (2) Coxwold (part), (3) Easingwold (part), (4) Farlington (part) (Easingwold R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs: (1) Kilburn ; (2) Coxwold; (3) Hanover Farm, Easingwold ; (4) Johnson's Farm, Farlington. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 90,780 gallons; (2) not known; (3) 25,000 gallons ; (4) 6,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service Reservoirs : (1) Kilburn, 20,000 gallons; (2) New- burgh Park, 10,000 gallons; pressure, (1) and (4) sufficient; (2) and (3) insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. (1), (2) and (4) adequate ; (3) inadequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness : (1) 10 '1; (2) 22 "4; (3) 19 '9; (4) hard. No action on lead. East Ashford Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Hinxhill, Sevington, Willesborough , and Wye (East Ashford R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to the South Eastern and Chatham Railway Company, who supplies part of Ashford U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Borehole and well in Lower Grrrtisaml, Plumpton, Wye. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 70,000 gallons, and a further 30,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Water is filtered. Service reservoir, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (7th November 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness: total, 8 '9; permanent, 5 ' 3. Acts slightly on lead, but galvanised iron pipes are used. The water contains some iron. East Cowes Urban District Council. Supplies East Cowes U.I). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two wells, 104 feet, and boring 330 feet, Victoria Grove, East Cowes. The average daily quantity of water available is 170,700 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs: York Avenue, 1,000,000 gallons ; Old Newport Road, (a) 420,000 gallons ; (It) 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 100,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical and annual bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (15th July 1913) that the water is of satisfactory organic and bacterial purity. Hardness: total, 25 '5; permanent, 19 '5. No action on lead; saline. East Dean and United Parishes Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1), (2), (3) and (4) East Dean and (5) Little Dean (East Dean and United Parishes R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Heading driven into red sandstone, Cinderford ; (2) Deep well sunk into red sandstone, Green Bottom, East Dean ; (3) Spring at Blakeney Hill ; (4) Spring at Horsepool Bottom ; (5) Shallow well in red sandstone, and spring, Little Dean. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 130,000 gallons ; (2) 220,000 gallons ; (3) 9,000 PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 49 gallons; (4) 600 gallons ; (5) 2,000 gallons. A further 150,000 gallons per day could bo obtained from (1) and (2) ; 5,000 gallons from (3) ; and 100 gallons from (4). Works. -No nitration. Storage reservoir : (1) and (2) Greenbottom, 195,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : (1) and (2) Little Dean Hill, 260,000 gallons ; (3) Blakeney Hill, 14,000 gallons ; (4) Horsepool Bottom, 1,500 gallons ; (5) The Ruifett, Little Dean, 2,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. (iitality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (19th September 1!)07) that chemically the water from sources (1) and (2) is satisfactory, (3) and (4) excellent, and (5) good. Hardness: (1) and (2), total, 16 '52; > permanent, 10 '4. No action on lea< I . East Dereham Urban District Council. Supplies East Dereham U.D. (part). Source* of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 362 feet, in Chalk near East Dereham. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 50,000 gallons, and a further 100,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs, three at East Dereham, 30,000 gallons each ; Tower, .'1.1,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. (ii/initity of Water supplied, The daily average is 50,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of W ater. -- Excellent. Hardness: total 16 (after softening 8); permanent, 4. No action on lead ; contains carbonate of iron. East Kerrier Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Constantine, (2) Ma\vnan. (.">} My lor, (4) Perranarworthal, and (5) St. Gluvias (East Kerrier R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Stream, Churchtown ; Springs at (2) Mawnan Smith, (3) Flushing, (4) Perranwell, (5) Ponsanorth. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir: (3) Flushing, 63,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on lead. East Retford Town Council. Supplies East Retford B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells and borings, 350 feet, in Bunter Beds, near East tietford. The average daily quantify of water obtained is 600,000 gallons, and a further 400,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir: tower at East Retford, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 600,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (October 1913) that the water is good. Hardness, 9. No action on lead. East Westmorland Rural District Council. -Supplies parishes of (1) Brough (part), Brough Sowerby (part), Hillbeck (part), (2) Hartley (part), Kirkby Stephen (part), Winton (part), (3) Kirkby Thore, Newbiggin (part), Temple Sowerby (part), (4) Long Marton (part), (5) Milburn and Milburn Grange, (6) Murton (part), (7) Ormside (part), (8) Orton (part), (9) Tebay (part), (10) Warcop (part) (East Westmorland R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs at Thornthwaite, Hillbeck ; (2) Springs at Coldkeld, Kaber ; '(3) Spring at Newbiggin Mill ; (4) Spring, Knock Pike Allotment ; (5) Spring at Marble Scar ; (6) Springs from shale at (a) Murton, (b) Hilton; (7) Wakefield Spring; (8) Spring at Scarside, Orton; (9) Stream at Churngill, Tebay ; (10) Springs at (a) Bleatarn, and (b) Hayber Hill. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 15,000 gallons ; (2) 75,000 gallons; (3) 50,808 gallons; (4) 30,000 gallons; (6) (a) 2,160 gallons, (b) 2,160 gallons ; (7) 4,320 gallons; (8) 10,000 gallons; (9) 250,000 gallons; (10) (6) 34,000 gallons ; (5) and (10) (a) not known. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : (1) Thornthwaite, 40,000 gallons ; (2) Redgate, 60,000 gallons ; (3) Newbiggin, 60,000 gallons ; (4) Knock Cross, 12,000 gallons ; (5) Marble Scar, 6,500 gallons ; (6) Two tanks at Murton, 350 gallons each ; (7) Wakefield Spring, 8,500 gallons; (8) Scarside, 6,500 gallons; (9) Churn Gill, 1,875 gallons; (10) (a) Bleatarn, 3,060 gallons; (10) (b) Hayber Gill, 600 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied.- - (1) to (5) abundant; (6) to (10) sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness : (1) total 8 '5, permanent 0'5; (3) total 5'8, permanent 5 '4; (5) 12; (7) 17; (2), (4), (6), (9) and (10) not known. No action on lead. 1) 2 50 ttfiTtTRN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Ebbw Vale Urban District Council. Supplies Ebbw Vale U.D. (part) ; Trcdegar U.D (part) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Nantyglo and Blaina U.D.C. Pouwra. Ebbw Vale Orders, 1875 and 1880 ; Ebbw Vale Water Acts, 1904 and 1913. Limits. Ebbw Vale U.D. ; Tredegar U.I), (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland gathering ground, Llangynidr Mountain. The average daily quantity of water available is 2,000,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 450 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Llangynidr, 72,000,000 gallons ; Carno, 188,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 710,000 gallons and 230,000 gallons in bTilk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 3 '2. Acts on lead, but lead pipes are not used. Edeirnion Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Bettws Gwerfil Goch, (2) Corwen, Llansantffraid Glyn Dyfrdwy, (3) Gwyddelwern, (4) Llandrillo, (5) Llansantffraid Glyn Dyfrdwy (Edeirnion R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring ; (2) (4) and (5) Upland springs ; (3) Well. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 696 gallons ; (2) 3,000 gallons ; (3) 1,848 gallons ; (4) 6,480 gallons ; (5) 2,040 gallons. A further 464 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) ; 2,250 gallons from (2) ; 1,232 gallons from (3) ; 6,480 gallons from (4) ; and 1,360 gallons from (5). Works. No nitration. Service reservoirs: (1) Bettws, 1,200 gallons ; (2) Corwen, 5,250 .gallons; (4) Llandrillo, 7,520 gallons; (5) Glyndyfrdwy, 3,520 gallons. ( Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Moderate hardness. No action on lead and in (1), (3), .4) and (5) galvanised iron pipes are used. Water contains a trace of iron. Egremont Urban District Council. Does not yet supply any water. Powers. Egremont Urban District Water Act, 1912. Limits. Egremont U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wormgill Beck. Works. In course of construction. Ely Urban District Council. Supplies Ely U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well at Isleham, Cambridge. The average daily quantity of water available is 178,750 gallons. Works. No nitration. Service reservoir : Cambridge Road, 320,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 148,386 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (17th March 1909) that chemically the water is fit for drinking. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Ely Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Haddenham (Ely R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring in gravel pit, Aldreth. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 300 gallons, and a further 200 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Aldreth, 5,550 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Generally good, but rather hard. No action on lead. Epsom Urban District Council. Supplies Epsom U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two deep wells (connected by adit) with boring 400 feet in Chalk, East Street. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 663,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Epsom Downs, 781,700 gallons ; Burgh Heath Road, 149,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 663,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (23rd July 1913) that the water is satisfactoiy. Hardness: total 17 '6, permanent 2'1. No action on lead. Erpingham Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Holt (part), (2) Kelling (part), (3) Knapton (part), Mundesley (Erpingham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well in Chalk at Holt ; (2) Spring at Kelling ; (3) Well in Chalk at Mundesley. The average daily quantity of water i. i SECTION i. - LOCAL Ati'Moitil'iES. 61 derived from each source is, respectively, (i) 55,000 gallons ; (2) abundant ; (3) 25,000 gallons, A further 50,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 20,000 gallons from (3). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: (1) Shirehall Plain, 15,000 gallons; (3) Gimingham, 50,000 gallons. Pressure, (1) and (3) sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 15. No action on lead. Evesham Town Council. Supplies Evesham B. (part) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Evesham R,l>.('. and Pebworth R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Xalurc square miles) and spring from grit, Black Edge ; (3) Gathering ground (2 square miles) and spring from grit, Turner Lodge. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 13,000 gallons ; (2) 30,000 gallons ; (3) 40,000 gallons. A further 1,500 gallons per day could be obtained from (i), 80,000 gallons from (2), and 20,000 gallons from (3). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Waterswaliows Green, 100,000 gallons ; Black Edge, 1,000,000 gallons ; Turner Lodge, 4,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 80,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (29th January 1909) that chemically the water from sources (1) and (3) is satisfactory, and (14th June 1911) (2) very pure. Hardness : (1) total, 8 "26; permanent, 7 "7; (2) 3'0; (3) total, 4 '2; permanent, 4"0. No action on lead. Fareham Urban District Council. Supplies Fareham U.D. (part). Sources of Subtly (X attire and Sufficiency). Wells in Chalk, Portsdown Hills. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 291,800 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Portsdowu Hill, near Fort Wallington, 120,000 gallons; Uplands (a) 4,000 gallons, (b) 4,000 gallons; lied Barn Farm, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 291,800 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks that the water is satisfactory. Hardness, 12' 1. No action on lead. Faringdon Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Bom-ton, (2) Great Faringdon, (3) Kingstone Lisle, (4) Lechlade, (5) Ullington (Faringdon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from Chalk at Ashbury ; (2) Well and boring in Corallian formation at Faringdon ; (3) Spring from Chalk at Fawler; (4) Well and boring in gravel at Lechlade; (.1) Spring from Chalk at Britchcombe, USington. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 2,500 gallons; (2) 41,500 gallons; (3) l">0 gallons; (4) 10,000 gallons ; (5) 7,170 gallons, and a further 52,830 gallons per day could be obtained from (;j). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : (1) Ashbury, 10,001 ) gallons ; (2) Faringdon, 200,000 gallons ; (3) Fawler, 50 gallons ; (4) Lechlade, (a) 10,000 gallons, (6) 30,000 gallons ; (5) Britchcombe, Uffington, 2,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good, and not very hard. No action on lead. Faversham Eural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Boughton under Blean, Dunkirk, Hernhill (Faversham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 101 feet, in Chalk, Bushey Close, Boughton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 12,000 gallons, and a further 13,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoir, Horse Lees, Dunkirk, 00,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (J8th November 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness: total, 25 "9; permanent, 6 '2. No action on lead. Ffestiniog- Urban District Council. Supplies Ffestiniog U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland surface, 120 acres, and Morwynion Lake, Ffestiniog. Yield not known. Works* No filtration. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Wat-er supplied. The da-ily average is 232,300 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 1. Lead pipes are not used. Filey Urban District Council. Supplies Filey U.D. ; parishes of Hunmanby (part) (El-id-- lington R.D.) ; Gristhorpe, Lebberston (part) (Scarborough U.D.) ; and Muston (part) (Sherburn R.D.). Powers. Filey Water and Gas Act, 1898 ; Filey Improvement Act, 1904. * Pressure filters and a service reservoir are now under construction. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 53 Limits. Filey U.D., parishes of Gristhorpe and Lebberston (Scarborough R.I).), and Muston (Sherburn R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well with borehole, 375 feet, in calcareous grit, Filey ; (2) Gathering ground, 300 acres, and springs from Boulder Clay, Hunmanby. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 75,000 gallons; (2) 24,000 gallons, and a further 55,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1). Works. Water from source (2) only is filtered. Storage reservoirs : Hunmanby, (a) 3,000,000 gallons, (b) 2,500,000 gallons. Pressure is sullicient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (February and March 1912) that the water is of a high degree of organic and bacterial purity. Hardness : total, 14 ; permanent, nil. No action on lead ; contains some chlorides. Finedon Urban District Council. Supplies Finedon U.D. (part). Powers. Finedon Urban District Water Act, T.I02. Limit*.- Finedon T.D. Sources of Supply (Mature and Sufficiency). Wells sunk into Marlstone at Finedon. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 17,400 gallons, and a further 13,000 gallons per day could be obtained. U'lied. The daily average is 17,401 ) gallons. Supply is constant. Qualify <>f \\') 12,130 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) and (3) ample ; (2) inadequate. Quality of Water. Good, but fairly hard.: No action on lead. Water contains iron. Glanford Brigg Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (!) Bon by, (2) Horkstow, (3) Kirton in Lindsey, (4) Melton Ross, (5) Saxby All Saints, (6) South Ferriby, (7) Worlaby (Glanford Brigg R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1), (2), (5), (6) and (7) Springs on Avoids; (3) Aslrwell spring ; (4) Spring. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Bonby, 600 gallons ; Horkstow, 1,L ; 00 gallons ; Melton Ross, 728 gallons; Saxby, 9,625 gallons; South Ferriby, 2,162 gallons; Worlaby, 4,296 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water Good, but hard. * Geirionydd R.D.C. Source (3) (Crafnant kfike) is used jointly with Llanrwst tl.D.C. (Llanrwst and Trefriw Jojnt Water Committee). PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 55 (rlaslyn Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Dolbenmaen ((ilaslyn R.D.). Sourci-x of Snp/ily (Xahiiv and Sufficiency). Springs at Penmorfa. Yield not known. H'or/.-.s-. Water is filtered. Storage reservoir: Penmorfa, 10,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. Lead pipes are not used. Glastonbury Town Council. Supplies (llastoubury B. (part); and parts of parishes of Pilton (Shepton Mallet K.l>.); North Wootton (Wells R.D.) ; and furnishes a supplv in bulk to Wells R.D.C. Powers. Glastonbury Water Act, 189!). Limits. Glastonbury I?., and parishes of Pilton (Shepton Mallet R.D.), North Wootton, Sharphain, West I'ennard (Wells R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature mid Sufficiency). (1) Spring from I Momitic Couglomcrale, West I'ompton, Pilton; (2) Spring from Upper Lias, Ringwell, Pilton; (3) Spring from Midford Sand, Wellhoiise, ( ilastonbury. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 100,000 gallons; (2) 30,000 gallons- (.">) 28,000 gallons. H'or/.-.s-. No filtration. Storage reservoir: Edgarley, 5,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs: -Wellhouse. I .">S,< 100 gallons ; Stonedown, 100,000 gallons ; Summer House ( )rchard, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sulHcient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 90,000 gallons, and 4,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 21 '4. Glemsford Urban District Council. Supplies Glemsford U.D. (part). kXiiKcces of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian borehole, 520 feet, through Boulder Clay and sand into Chalk, Glemsford. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 7,000 gallons, and a further 53,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Tye Green, 30,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 7,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Pure occasional chemical examination Hardness : total, 28 '5, permanent, 10". No action on lead ; contains some iron. Glendale Rural District Council. Supplies parish of Lowick (Glendale R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, Lowick. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 4,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Service reservoir : Lowick, 1,200 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Inadequate. Quality of Water. Good, but rather hard. No action on lead. Glossop Town Council. Supplies Glossop B. (part). Powers. Glossop Waterworks Act, 1865. Limits. Glossop B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland surface, 500 acres, Blakemoor and Blackshaw Clough, Charlesworth. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 400,000 gallons, and a further 450,000 gallons per day could b? obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Swineshaw, 56,000,000 gallons ; Top, Swineshaw, 5,000,01)0 gallons ; Cote, 5,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 400,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent, and soft. No action on lead. Gloucester Town Council. Supplies Gloucester C.B. ; and parts of parishes of Barnwood, Brock worth, Hempsted, Highnam Over and Liuton, Hucclecote, Longford, Matson, Upton St. Leonards, Wotton St. Mary Without, Wotton Vill (Gloucester R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Neweiit R.D.C. Poicern. Gloucester Waterworks Act, 1855 ; Gloucester Corporation Acts, 1894 and 1911. Limits. Gloucester C.B., and parishes of Badgeworth, Great Witcombe (Chelten- ham R.D.) ; Barnwood, Brockworth, Churchdown, Hempsted, Hucclecote, Longford, Matson, Quedgeley (part), Sandhurst, Twigworth, Upton St. Leonards, Whaddon (part), Wotton St. Mary Without, Wotton Vill (Gloucester R.D.). 56 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Smirces of Supply (Nature and Suffic-trm-u'i. (1) Gathering ground, 260 acres, Robinswood'Hill ; ("2) (lathering ground, 1,500 acres, Wilconibe; (3) Well in New Red Sandstone, Oxenhall, Newent. The average daily quantity of water avail- able from each, source is, respectively, (1 ) 70,000 gallons ; (2) 900,000 gallons ; (3) 750,000 gallons. Works Water from sources (1) and (2) is filtered pressure filters. Storage reservoirs Robinswood Hill (a) 9,000,000 gallons, (b) 1,000,000 gallons ; Witcombe (a) 60,000,000 gallons, (6) 30,000,000 gallons, (<;) 30,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Madam's Wood, Newent, (a) 600,000 gallons, (b) 1,200,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,200,000 gallons, and 3,1)00 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant, Quality of Watei: Satisfactory- -(1) and <2) fortnightly, (3) occasional, chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness: (1) total, 22 '4; permanent, 7 '7; (2) total, 13 '6; permanent, 3 ' 8 ; (3) total, 28" 7-1 ; permanent, 9:23. No action on lead. Glyncorwg Urban District Council. Supplies Glyncorwg U.P. (part). Powers. Glyncorwg Urban District Council Act, 1908. Limits. Glyncorwg T.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Nantryallor Brook and gathering ground, 550 acres, over Pennant Grit ; (2) Springs tapped underground at Abergwynfi. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 80,000 gallons; (2) 70,000 gallons; and a further 150,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 90,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Glyncorwg, tanks (a) 30,000 gallons, (6) 30,000 gallons ; Abergwynfi, tank, 3,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 150,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (24th December 1913) that chemically there is no evidence of contamination and that the water is oJ a high degree of bacterial purity, Hardness, 2 ' 2. Lead pipes not allowed. Gnosall Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Gnosa II (Gnosall R.I >j. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Audmore. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 4,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir: Audmore, 11,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality* of Water. Good. Hardness: total, 15 "06; permanent, 11. No action on lead. Godalming Town Council. Supplies Godalming B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Compton, Godalming Rural (Guildford R.D.) ; Bramley, Hambledon, Hascombe, Shalford, Witley (Hambledon R.D.). Powers Godalming Corporation Water Act, 1899. Limits. Godalming B. ; and parishes of Compton (part), Godalming Rural (Guildford R.D.) ; Bramley, Elstead (part), Hambledon (part), Hascombe (part), Peper Harow, Shalford (part). Witley (part) (Hambledon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from Lower Greensand, Catteshall ; (2) Boring in Lower Greensand, Peperharow Road ; (3) Well in Lower Greensand, Peperharow Road ; (4) Well in Lower Greensand, Borough Road ; (5) Three wells in gravel beds, Wey Valley ; (6) Borings and wells in Lower Greensand, Ockford. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 120,000 gallons; (2) 130,000 gallons; (3) 30,000 gallons; (4) 160,000 gallons ; (5) 430,000 gallons ; (6) 500,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Frith Hill, (a) 411,000 gallons, (/;) tower, 21,000 gallons; Munstead, (a) 200,000 gallons, (b) tower, 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 500,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and frequent bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (25th October 1913) that the water is of a high degree of organic purity. Hardness: total, 14 ; permanent, 3 ' 1. No action on lead. Goole Urban District Council. Supplies Goole U.D., and furnishes a supply in bulk to Goole R.D.C. Powers. Goole and District Gas and Water Act, 1881 ; Goole Order, 1896; Goole Trban District Council Act, 1899. Limits. Goole U,D., and parishes of Airmyn, Hook, and Uawcliffe (Goole R.D.). I I PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 57 Sources of Sup/ili/ (Xatiin- nml Siijlicifin-i/). - -Three wells in red sandstone, Pollington. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 520,000 gallons, and a Furl her :?.">< ),OHO gallons per day could he ohtained. \\'<>rl.:t. No filtration: No reservoir. Pressure' is sufficient. Quantity of \VatiT xni>plicil. Th'> daily average is r>|X,611 gallons, and 1,.">8(> gallons in hulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good periodical chemical examination. Hardness, 10. No action nn lead. Goole Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Snaith and Cowick (Goole R.D.). Xouws of Supply (Xalnre ami Su jjii-lcin-i/). Boreholes in red sandstone at Pollington. The average daily quantity of water ohtained is 600,000 gallons. irfX-A-.s-.--.No filtration. No reservoir. Pressure is snllicient. Quantity of Water Niipplictl. The daily average is 600,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. (\oo<\ occasional chemical examination. Hardness, 8. No action on lead. Grange Urban District Council. Supplies Grange (M). (part); and part of parish of Upper Holker (I "Iverston R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in hulk to Ulverston R.D.C. Powers. Grange Order, 1877. Limits. Grange U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature ami Su$ieen) 12, 500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity <>f Water xiipplicd. The daily average is 155,000 gallons, and 30,000 gallons in hulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory annual chemical examination. Hardness : total, 3 '24 ; permanent, 1'49. No action on lead. Grasmere Urban District Council. Supplies Grasmere U.D. (part). Sonrct'K of Sitpply (Nature and Sufficiency). Tongue Ghyll Stream, between Fairfield and Helvellyn. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 25,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir: At head of Tongue Ghyll Stream, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Wafer supplied. The daily average is 25,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent, and soft. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Great Ouseburn Rural District Council. Supplies parish of Green Hammerton (Great Ouseburn R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Borehole in red sandstone at Green Hammertou. The average daily quantity of water available is 51,840 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, Green Hammerton, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 19,200 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (llth August 1909) that the water is organically pure. Hardness, 23. No action on lead. Great Torrington Town Council. Supplies Great Torrington B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Small streams and gathering ground, 150 acres, Darracott Moors. The average daily quantity of water available is (50,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 575 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir : Blagadon Farm, 13,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 50,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (16th October 1913) that the water is of good natural purity. Hardness: total, 2 '94; permanent, 1 ' 96. No action on lead. Guildford Town Council. Supplies Guildford B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Arlington (Guildford R.D.) ; Shalford (Hambledon R.D.). Powers. Guildford Corporation Act, 1886. Limits. Guildford B. ; and parishes of Arlington (Guildford R.D.) ; Shalford (part) (Hambledon R.D.). AS l j o viA of Supply (Xalim' and Siifficiencj/). (1) Well, 36 feet, and borehole, 334 feet, in Chalk, (2) Borehole, 328 feet, in Chalk (both on island in River Wey at Millmead), (3) Occasional supply in bulk from Woking Water and Gas Company If tee page 228), The average daily quantity of water available from (1) and (2) is 2,333,378 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs .-South Street, (a) 300,000 gallons, (6)150,000 gallons; Semaphore Road, (a) 400,000 gallons, (6)200,000 gallons; Albury Road, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 935,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical and quarterly bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (2nd October 11)13) that the water is excellent. Hardness: total, 14'5; permanent, 4'2. No action on lead. Guisborough Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) and (2) Dan In- (part) and (3) Newton (Guisborough li D.). XoH/rc.s' <>f Sujiply (X attire and Sufficiency). --Springs : (1) On .Moor, Castleton ; (2) On Moor, Ainthorpe; (3) Roseberry. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1)" 20,000 gallons; (2) 30,000 gallons ; (3) 3,000 gallons. A further 24,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) ; 27,000 gallons from (2) ; and 1,800 gallons from (3). Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : (1) Castleton, 20,000 gallons ; (2) Ain- thorpe, 11,000 gallons ; (3) Roseberry, 1,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. Water from source (l)acts slightly on lead, but is not treated. Gwyrfai Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Bettws Gannon, (2) Llamldeiniolen, (3) Llandwrog, (4) Llanfairis Gaer, (5) Llanllyfni, (6) Llanrug, (7) Llamvnda (Gwyrfai R.I).). Powers. Gwyrfai District Water Act, 1900, (parish of Llanllyfni). and Public Health Act, 1875. Source* of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Stream ; (2), (3), (4), (6), and (7) Springs ; (5) Cwm Dulyn Lake. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs: (2) Ebenezer, Llanddeiniolen, 4,000 gallons; (4) Port Dinorwic, Llanfairis gaer, 45,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. (1), (3), (5), (0), and (7) ample ; (2) and (4) very scarce. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. The water from source (5) acts on lead, but tin-lined pipes are used. Had ham Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Much Hadham (Hadham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 312 feet, in Chalk at Much Hadham. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 10,300 gallons, and a further 74,400 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir: Much Hadham, 68,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Very good. Hardness, 17. No action on lead. Halifax Town Council. Supplies Halifax C.B. (part) ; Luddenden Foot U.I). (part) ; Southowram U.D. (part) ; and part of parish of Norwood Green and Coley (Halifax R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Batley T.C. (see page 13) ; Brighouse T.C. (we page 25) ; Dewsbury T.C., who also supply part of Horbury U.I), and furnish a supply in bulk to Wakefield R.D.C. ; Morley T.C. (see page 94) ; Elland U.D.C., who also supply part of parish of Fixby (Halifax R.D.) ; Greetland U.D.C., Hebden Bridge U.D.C., Hipperholme U.D.C., who also supply part of parish of Clifton (Halifax R.I.).); Mytholmroyd U.D.C., Sowerby Bridge U.D.C., who also supply part of parish of Norland (Halifax R.D.); and Halifax R.D.C. Powers. Halifax Improvement Act, 1853 ; Halifax Park and Improvement Act, 1858 ; Halifax Corporation Waterworks and Improvement Act, 1868; Halifax Water and Gas Extension Acts, 1870 and 1876 ; Halifax Order, 1881 ; Halifax Corporation Waterworks Act, 1888 ; Halifax Corporation Acts, 1898, 1900, 1902, and 1911. Limits. Halifax C.B. ; Brighouse B. (part) ; Elland U.D. ; Greetland U.D. ; Hebden Bridge U.D. ;. Hipperholme U.D. ; Midgley U.I). ; Southowram U.D. ; Sowerby U.I). ; and parishes of Clifton, Hartshead, Norland, Norwood Green and Coley, Upper Greetland (part) (Halifax R.D.) ; Heptonstall, Wadsworth (Todmorden R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland surfaces (moorland over Millstone Grit) (1) Wadsworth and Heptonstall, 2,223 acres; (2) Walshavv Dean, Wadsworth, 2,325 acres ; (3) Warley, Midgley and Oxenhope, 1,444 acres ; (4) Ovenden, 1,330 acres. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 4,000,000 gallons; (2) 4,000,000 gallons; (3) 3,000,000 gallons; (4) 2,500,000 gallons. i. : SECTION i. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 59 Works. Part of the water is filtcivd, pressure filters. Storage reservoirs: (1) Widdop, 640,511,0(H) gallons ; (2) Walsliaw Dean, (a) 204,y45,(.XX) gallons, (6) 244, ' Dean gallons 5 x _,-., , . reservoirs : Ramsden Wood, Ovenden, 11,295,000 gallons; Royles Head, Halifax, (5,013,000 gallons; Albert, 27,:M 1,000 gallons; Victoria, 12,209,000 gallons; Hanson Lane, 2,594,000 gallons; Gibbet, 26,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quant it;/ of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,750,000 gallons, and 2,250,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. (Duality of Water. Fair bi-monthly chemical examination. Hardness, 4 '06. Acts on lead, and is treated with lime. Halifax Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Norland and (2) Upper Greetland (Halifax R.D.). ,So/mvs of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs, (1) at Norland Moor, (2) at Greetland Moor. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 47,000 gallons ; (2) 11,000 gallons. \Vorhs. No filtration. Storage reservoirs Norland Moor, 72,000 gallons; Upper ( Irci'tland Moor, 68,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. (Juality of Water.- Generally good, and soft. No action on lead. Halstead Urban District Council. Supplies Halstead U.D. (part). Sou ires f Sup/iIi/ 1 \uture and Sufficiency). Wells bored into Chalk, (1) Colne Road, ilalstead; (2) Parsonage Street, Halstead. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 50,000 gallons; (2) 140,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Colne Road, (a) 84,000 gallons ; (l>] 42,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 140,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks that chemically the water is satisfactory. Hardness, 20 '6. No action on lead. Halstead Rural District Council. Supplies Earl's Colne (part) (Halstead R.D.).* Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, with boring (265 feet), through London Clay to Chalk, at Earl's Colne. The average daily quantity of water available is 132,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, Earl's Colne, 39,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Not yet known. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (4th October 1912) that the water is quite well adapted for all the purposes of a puhlic supply. Hardness : total, 26 ; permanent, 6. No action on lead. Haltwhistle Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Bellister, Haltwhistle, Plenmeller ; (2) Haltwhistle ; (3) Melkridge ; (4) Thirlwall (Haltwhistle R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Carboniferous Limestone, (1) Coanwood. Fells ; (2) Haltwhistle ; (3) near Melkridge ; (4) Thirlwall. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 80,000 gallons ; (2) 4,500 gallons ; (3) 4,300 gallons ; (4) 9,100 gallons. A further 160,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) ; 4,500 gallons from (2) ; 11,000 gallons from (3) ; and 12,500 .from (4). Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : (1) Cawfields, Haltwhistle, 1 2,000 gallons ; (4) Loan Top, Gilsland, 18,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness : (1) and (3) fairly hard ; (2) 5 ' T ; (4) 13. No action on lead. Hambledon Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of St. Martha (Chilworth) and Wonersh (Hambledon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- Springs and wells, Brooks Wood, Tangley Mere. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 30,000 gallons, and a further 25,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir: St. Martha's Hill, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Biennial chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (10th May 1913) that the water is pure and wholesome. Hardness : total, 8 ; permanent, 4. Acts slightly on lead, but lead pipes are not allowed. Water contains a trace of iron. * Halstead B.D.C. This supply has not yet been completed (see page 268) 60 RETURN AS TO \VATER SUPPLIES. Hardingstone Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Brafield on the Green and (2) Den ton (Hardingstone R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells at (1) Brafield, (2) Denton. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectivelv (1) 34,000 gallons, (2) 36,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs: (1) Brafield, 12,800 gallons, (2) Denton, 12,000 gallons. Pressure (1) sufficient, (2) insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality' of Water. Good. Hardness: (1) total, 40 '88; permanent, 30 "32; (2) 37. No action on lead ; (2) contains faint traces of iron. Harrogate Town Council. Supplies Harrogate B. (part); Knaresborough U.D. ; and parts of parishes of Bilton, Follifoot, Goldsborough, Haverah Park, Killing-hall, Knaresborough Outer, Pannal, Scriven, Starbeck (Knaresborough R.D.). Powers. Harrogate Waterworks Act, 1897 ; Harrogate Corporation (Waterworks Transfer) Act, 1897 ; Harrogate Water Acts, 1901 and 19<).">; Harrogate Waterworks and Tramroad Act, 1904 ; Harrogate Corporation Act, 1911. Limits. Harrogate B. ; Knaresborough U.I). ; and parishes of Bilton, Haverah Park, Knaresborough Outer (part), Pannal, Scriven, Starbeck (Knaresborough R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Upland surface (moor and very rough pasture) : (1) Scargill ; (2) Beaver Dyke ; (3) Ten Acres; (4) Roundhill ; (5) " Tank " spring. The average daily quantity of water taken from each impounding reservoir is respectively, (1) 761,000 gallons; (2) 576,000 gallons; (3) 144,000 gallons ; (4) 60,000 gallons; yield of (5) varies from 13,000 to 150,000 gallons per day. Works. Filtration, 360 gallons per square yard per day, and also pressure filters. Storage reservoirs: Scargill, 192,125,000 gallons ; Beaver Dyke (upper) 118,500,1100 gallons, (lower) 28,500,000 gallons; Ten Acres, 36,000,000 gallons; Roundhill, Masham, 525,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Harlow Hill, 14,019,000 gallons ; Irongate Bridge, (a) 3,051,000 gallons ; (b) 4,469,000 gallons ; (c) 6,112,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,541,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Chemical and bacteriological examination nine times annually. Analyst rernarks (2nd October 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness : total, 3 ' 6 ; permanent, 3 ' 1. No action on lead. Hartley Wintney Rural District Council. -Supplies part of parish of Hartley Whitney (Hartley Whitney R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from Bagshot Sands, Hazley Heath ; (2) Spring from Bagshot Sands and upland surface, 450 acres, Warren Heath. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 9,000 gallons ; (2) 41,000 gallons ; and . further 6,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 59,000 gallons from (2). Works. Water from source (2) only is filtered. Storage reservoirs : Hazley Heath, (a) 60,000 gallons, (b) 30,000 gallons ; Warren Heath, (a) 1,250,000 gallons, (b) 500,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Warren Heath, (a) 72,000 gallons, (I) 80,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness, 4. Acts on lead, but lead pipes are not allowed. Hartshorn and Seals Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Hartshorn (Harts- horn and Seals R.D.) Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from New Red Sandstone at Hartshorn. The average daily quantity of water available is 56,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Hartshorn, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 5,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (13th April 1908) that the water is quite suitable for drinking. Hardness : total, 25 ' 7, permanent, 12 '8. No action on lead. Haslemere Urban District Council. Supplies Haslemere U.D. (part) and part of parish of Witley (Hambledon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Hythe Beds at Blackdown, Lurgashall. The average daily quantity of water available is 120,000 gallons. Works. No filtration, Res'ervoirs : Blackdown, (a) 100,000 gallons, (b) 400,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 60,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (18th October 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness : 3. Acts on lead, but lead pipes are not used. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 61 Basting's Town Council. Supplies Hastings ('.15. ; and parts of parishes of Hollington Rural, Westlield (Haltle R.D.); Fail-light, Ore (Hastings K.I).). /W/>ly (Nature ami Sitljiciency). Deep wells in Hasting? Beds: (1) BuckshoLe; (2) Hollington; (.'!) Filsham ; (4) Crowhurst ; (')) Pebsham ; (6) Fore- wood; (7) Silverhill ; (8) Brede. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, ( I ) 161), 575 gallons ; (2) 4.">,950 gallons ; (3) 244,525 gallons ; (4) 172,925 gallons; (5) 4(5,460 gallons; (6) 203,675 gallons; (7) 38,510 gallons ; (8) 442,400 gallons. \\'<>rl;x. Pressure filters. Service reservoirs : Fail-light, 2,158,200 gallons , Newgate, 077,000 gallons; West Hill, 646,500 gallons; Filsham, 505,200 gallons; Halton, 182,800 gallons ; Ma/e Hill, 176,500 gallons. Pressure is sulficient. Quant it ij of Wnli'i- .<>//>/>/ /<(/. -The daily average is 1,300,0(11) gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (2nd April 1913) that the water is very good. Hardness, 7 '25. No action on lead ; contains iron oxide. Hatfield Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Essendon (Hatfield R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Deep well at Essendon. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 9,000 gallons, and a further 18,000 gallons per day could be obtained. \\'orhx.- No iiltration. Service reservoir: Essendon, 12,000 gallons. Pressure is suflicient. Quantity of \\'t(',r xii/i/ilnnl. Ample. Quality of Water. (lood. Hardness, 19 '5. No action on lead. Haverfordwest Town Council. Supplies Haverfordwest B. (part). J'oiivrs. Haverfordwest Act, 183;! ; Haverfordwest Borough Act. 1868 ; Haverford- west Orders, 1885 and 1896. Limits. Haverfordwest B. 8owr,cea of .Supply (Nature attd Sufficiency). (1) Well at Crowhill, Haverfordwest; (2) Spring, The Fountain, Haverfordwest. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 108,000 gallons; (2) 35,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: The Fountain, Dew Street, 110,000 gallons ; Portfield, 180,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied,. The daily average is 143,000 gallons. Supply is intermittent. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (May and June 1913) that the water is suitable for drinking. Hardness : (1) total 11 "3, permanent 6'2 ; (2) total 19 '2 C , permanent 7 "6. No action on lead. Haverfordwest Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) and (2) Llangwm and (3) Walton West (Haverfordwest R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature ami ^ujjii-iency). (1) Springs, chiefly off clay, near Llangwm ; (2) Springs from ironstone rock on Nash Farm, Hook ; (3) Springs from ironstone rock near Little Haven. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 10,000 gallons ; (2) and (3) not known. \\'orkx. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Llangwm Village, 3,000 gallons; Nash Farm, Hook, 2,000 gallons. Pressure is suflicient. (hiniitity of Water mi/ipUed. (1) and (3) adequate ; (2) abundant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Haverhill Urban District Council. -Supplies llaverhill U.D. (part) ; and part of parish of Little. W ratting (Clare R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and borehole (255 feet) through Boulder Clay into Chalk, Burton End, Haverhill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 55,375 gallons, and a further 44,625 gallons per day could be obtained. Worlts. No filtration. Service reservoir : Burton End, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 55,375 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (8th November 1913; that the water is quite fit for drinking. Hardness -total, 30 '4; permanent, 9 ' 7. No action on lead . 62 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Hawarden Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Higher Kinnerton and Hope (Ilawardeu H,I>.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from red sandstone, Higher Kinnerton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,050 gallons, and a further 5,190 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Higher Kinnerton, 1,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied, Ample. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical examination. Analyst remarks (27th Decem- ber 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness: total, 10 "83; permanent, 7 '42 No action on lead ; contains some iron. Haworth Urban District Council. Supplies Haworth I". I), (part). Sources of Supply (Mature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from sandstone and shale, Haworth Moor; (2) Occasional supply in bulk from Keighley T.C. (sec page 70). The average daily quantity of water obtained from (1) is 86,600 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Hough, 650,000 gallons ; Church Hills, 185,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 90,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Hood. Hardness, 2'1. No action on lead. Hay Urban District Council. Supplies Hay U.D. (part), and part of parish of Cusop (Bredwardine R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs, (1) on Hay Common ; (2) at Llangwathan ; (3) in New Forest. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 10,000 gallons ; (2) 50,000 gallons ; (3) 20,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Storage reservoir: Hay Common, 385,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 40,200 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 12. No action on lead. Hay Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Bronllys, (2) Llanigon, (3) Talgarth (Hay R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring at Bronllys ; (2) Spring on Tyinawr Farm ; (3) Intake from brook near Pwllwrach. Yield not known. Works. Water from source (3) is filtered. Reservoirs : Bronllys, capacity not known; Tyinawr Farm, (500 gallons; near Brecon and Radnor Counties Asylum, 82,631 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory occasional examination. Hardness: (1) 9 '8; (3) 7 ' 0. No action on lead ; contains slight traces of iron. Hayfield Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Hayfield (Hayfield R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit on Kinder Scout. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 80,000 gallons, and a further 80,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Kinder Bank, (a) 25,000 gallons, (b) 6,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent, and soft. No action on lead. Hayle Urban District Council. Supplies Hayle U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Surface springs at Hayle, Trethingey, and Troon ; (2) Deep well in killas and greenstone, Wheal Ann, Phillack. Yield not known. Worfes. No filtration. Storage reservoirs: St. Erth, (a) 1,000,000 gallons, (b) 1,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Heading-ton Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Forest Hill with Shotover (part), (2) Garsington (part), (3) Horsepath, (4) Stantou St. John (part) (Headington R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs, (1) Church Hill ; (2) Gar- sington Hills; (3) Shotover Hill;. (4) Spring, Menmarsh Road. The average daily PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 63 quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 7,000 gallons ; (2) 10,000 gallons ; (3) 7,000 gallons ; (4) 8,000 gallons. A further 7,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (2) and unlimited supplies from (1), (3), and (4). \V a i-l;. No filtration. Storage reservoirs: ('2) (a) Clinkard Hill, 1,200 gallons, (6) South End Road, 700 gallons ; (3) Shotover Hill, 600 gallons. Pressure. (2) and (3) sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Generally soft, but no action on lead. Helmsley Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Ampleforth (Helmsley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from freestone or limestone, Ampleforth. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 20,000 gallons, and a further 30,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Ampleforth, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on lead. Hemel Hempstead Town Council. Supplies Hemel Hempstead B. (part), and parts of parishes of St. Michael Rural (St. Albans R.U.), and Abbots Langley (Watford R.D.). Powers. Hemel Hempstead Water Order, 1896 ; Hemel Hempstead Corporation Water Act, 1900. Limits. Hemel Hempstead B. ; and parishes of St. Michael Rural (part) (St. Albans R.I).), and Abbots Langley (part) (Watford R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature mid Sufficiency), Borings, 300 to 400 feet, in Chalk at Maiiowes. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 260,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs :- Chapel Street, 89,000 gallons ; Redbourn Road, 164,000 gallons; High Street Green Tower, 27,000 gallons; Felden Tower, '(0,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 260,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very satisfactory quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness: total, 19' 1; permanent, 1' 8. No action on lead. Hemel Hempstead Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Flamstead and Markyate (Hemel Hempstead R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Boring in chalk near Markyate. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 10,000 gallons, and a further 30,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Cheverells Green, 50,000 gallons. Pressiire is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (19th December 1913) that the water is of satisfactory organic purity. Hardness: total, 22 ' 5 ; permanent, 4. No action on lead. Hereford Town Council. Supplies Hereford B. (part), and parts of parishes of Burghill and Holmer (Hereford R.D.). Powers. Hereford Improvement Act, 1854. Limits. Hereford B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Wye, intake at Broomy Hill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,000,000 gallons, but an unlimited quantity could be obtained. Works. Filtration, 150 gallons per square yard per day, and pressure filters. Storage reservoir : Broomy Hill, 4,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : High pressure tank, 40,000 gallons ; Bobblestock, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly bacteriological, and chemical examination several times yearly. Chemical analysis (19th September 1913) and bacteriological report (15th December 1913), no comment. Hardness, 8. No action on lead. Hereford Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Pipe and Lyde (Hereford R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs in gravel on clay at Upper Lyde Farm. The average daily quantity of water available is 3,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good- occasional examination. Hardness, 20. No action on lead. i 0.198 K RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Hertford Town Council. Supplies Hertford B. (part), and part of parish of Bengeo Rural (Hertford R.l>.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well, 100 feet, in Chalk, Hertford ; (2) Well, 100 feet, in Chalk, Molewood ; (3) Well, 115 feet, in Chalk, Waterford ; (4) Well, 170 feet, in Chalk, Hertford. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 60,000 gallons ; (2) 190,000 gallons ; (3) 25,000 gallons ; (4) is a standby, from which 300,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Port Hill, 300,000 gallons ; Bengeo, 18,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 275,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness : total, 18 ; permanent, 5. Iron pipes are used ; water is saline. Hertford Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Bayford (Hertford R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- Well in Lea Valley, Roxford Farm, Bayford. The average daily quantity of water available is 8,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir: Bayford, 10,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. No action on lead. Hexham Urban District Council. Supplies Hexham U.I), (part), and part of parish of Hexhamshire Low Quarter (Hexham R.D.). Powers. Hexham Local Board (Water) Act, 1888 ; Hexham Orders, 1896, 1903, and 1905. Limits. Hexham U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit on moors, Hexhamshire Stinted Pasture. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 260,000 gallons. - Works. Filtration during three months of each year, 400 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir: Hexham, 17,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : High Shield, (a) 350,000 gallons, (b) 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 250,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very pure. Hardness: total, 2 '3, permanent, 2'0. No action on lead. Hexham Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Acorn b, (2) and (3) Allendale, (4) Aydon, Corbridge, Dilston, (5) Chollerton, (6) Haydon, (7) lied ley, (8) Hum- shaugh (9) Ovington, (10) Shotley Low Quarter, and (11) Wall (Hexham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring, Salmonswell Farm ; (2) Springs from Carboniferous Limestone at Park Gates Farm, Studdon Park Farm and Sunnyside Farm ; (3) Spring from Carboniferous Limestone, Woodhead ; (4) Springs from sandstones and shales overlying Carboniferous Limestone, (a) on Holeyn Hall, and (b) Shaw Well Farms ; (5) Spring from Carboniferous Limestone, near Northumberland Whinstone Quarry; (6) Spring from Millstone Grit, Nubbock Wood ; (7) Springs from .Millstone Grit, Hedley North Farm ; (8) Five springs from Carboniferous Limestone, Humshaugh ; (9) Springs from Millstone Grit, Ovington ; (10) Spring from Millstone Grit, Blackhedley Farm ; (11) Springs from sandstone and shales overlying Carboniferous Limestone, Wall. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respec- tively, (1) 7,000 gallons; (2) 11,088 gallons; (3) 2,060 gallons; (4) 61,000 gallons; (5) 2,500 gallons ; (6) 69,000 gallons ; (7) 2,700 gallons ; (8) 4,300 gallons ; (9) 3,500 gallons ; (10) 1,600 gallons ; (11) 7,500 gallons. A further 2,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) ; 12,200 gallons from (2) ; 1,190 gallons from (3) ; 30,000 gallons from (4) ; 300 gallons from (5) ; 30,000 gallons from (6) ; 5,000 gallons from (8) ; 3,800 gallons from (9) ; and 1,400 gallons from (10). Works. No -filtration. Storage reservoirs : (5) Barrasford, (a) 150 gallons, (b) 2,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : (1) Acomb, 35,000 gallons ; (2) (a) Park Gates, 28,000 gallons, (b) Partridge West Farm, 10,000 gallons, (c) Sunnyside, 6,000 gallons ; (3) Wood- head, 9,375 gallons ; (4) Shaw Well Farm, Corbridge, (a) 38,640 gallons, (b) 95,000 gallons ; (5) Barrasford, 50 gallons ; (6) (a) Elrington, 95,000 gallons, (b) Chesterwood, 30,000 gallons ; (7) Hedley North Fann, 28,000 gallons ; (8) Humshaugh, 9,000 gallons ; (9) Ovington, (a) 700 gallons, (6) 1,400 gallons ; (10) Snods, 2,900 gallons ; (11) Wall, 8,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate, except (1) and (7), which are precarious. PART. I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 65 Quality of Water. Occasional examination all the supplies are reported to be satisfactory. Hardness : (1) not known ; (2) 10 5 ; (3) 1 ' 75 ; (4) (a) 11 : 25, (6) 22 ; (5) 15 ' 5 ; (6) Soft ; (7) 14 ' 5 ; (8) 2 5 ; (9) 16 ' 5 ; (10) 3 5 ; (11) 11 5. Water from sources (8) and (10) acts on lead, but is not treated. Highworth Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Blunsdon St. Andrew. (2) Highworth, Inglesham, (3) Liddington, (4) Wanborough, and (5) Wroughton (HighworthR.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from Cornbrash ; (2) Well in sandstone ; (3) Spring from Upper Greensaiid ; (4) and (5) Springs tapped by a tunnel in Dpper Greensand. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 500 gallons; (2)5,500 gallons; (3) 200 gallons; (4)3,000 gallons ; (5) 4,000 gallons. A further 1,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) ; 4,000 gallons from (2) ; 10,000 gallons from (3); 7,000 gallons from (4); and 10,000 gallons from (5). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Blunsdon St. Andrews, 1,000 gallons ; (2) Red Down, Higlnvorth. 40,000 gallons ; (4) Wanborough, 10,000 gallons ; (5) Wroughton (a) .'JO ,000 gallons, (I) 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample, except (1), which is fair. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: total, 21; permanent, 4 '8. No action on lead. Hinckley Urban District Council. Supplies Hinckley U.D. (part), and parts of parishes of Snarestone, Swepstone (Ashby de la Zouch R.D.), and Market Bosworth (Market Bosworth R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Hinckley R.D.C. Powers. Hinckley Local Board Water Act, 1888. Limits. Hinckley U.D., and parishes of Snarestone and Swepstone (Ashby de la Zouch R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two shafts with headings 130 feet below ground level in red sandstone and conglomerates at Snarestone. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 282,000 gallons, and a further 318,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Hinckley, High Level, 90,000 gallons ; Low Level, 480,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 269,116 gallons, and 12,884 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent periodical chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness : total, 19 '07 ; permanent, 15 '47. No action on lead. Hinckley Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Stoney Stanton (Hinckley R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency.) Granite quarry, at Stoney Stanton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 7,500 gallons, and a further 75,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Pressure filters. Service reservoirs : Stoney Stanton, tanks, 12,200 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory occasional chemical examination. Hardness : total, 31; permanent, 17. No action on lead. Hinderwell Urban District Council. Supplies Hinderwell U.D. (part), and furnishes a supply in bxilk to Guisborough R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs on upland surface, 400 acres, Ellerby ; (2) Springs on upland surface, 400 acres, Runswick. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Ellerby, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 16,000 gallons and 2,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on lead. Hitchiu Urban District Council. Supplies Hitchin U.D. (part), and parts of parishes of Ippollitts and Walsvvorth (Hitchin R.D.)., and furnishes a supply in bulk to Hitchin R.D.C. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in chalk, Hitchin. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 260,000 gallons and a further 740,000 gallons per day could be obtained. K 2 66 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs, Windmill Hill (a) 98,000 gallons, (6) 100,000 gallons, (c) 300,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 254,000 gallons and 6,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (26th August 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Holme Urban District Council. Supplies Holme U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Drift in sandstone, Upper Close Farm Holme. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 8,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Upper Close Farm, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Fairly soft and acts on lead, but tin-lined iron pipes are used. Holmfirth Urban District Council. Supplies Holmfirth U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Headings in rock and shale (1) Snape, Upperthong; (2) Burr, Austonley ; (3) Knowl, Austonley; (4) Goosegreen, Cartworth ; (5) Brown Hill, Netherthong ; (6) Occasional supply in bulk from Huddersfield T.C. (see page 68). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 28,697 gallons, (2) 61,586 gallons, (3) 5,652 gallons, (4) and (6) not known, (5) 15,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs: (1) Snape Farm, Upperthong, 4,200,000 gallons; (2) Burr Farm, Austonley, 150,000 gallons; (3) Knowl Farm, Austonley, 5,000 gallons; (4) Goosegreen, Cartworth, 10,000 gallons; (5) Brown Hill, 7(10,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 111 ,100 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality <>f \Vuter. Good. Hardness, 3 '5. Acts very slightly on lead; contains traces of iron. Holsworthy Urban District Council. Supplies Holsworthy U.I), (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Gathering ground, 67.' acres, in Holla- combe and Cookbiuy. The average daily quantity of water available is 50,000 gallons. 11 i irks. Filtration, 450 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir : Holla- combe, 1,500,0"" gallons. Service reservoir: Holsworthy, 75,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 13, 600 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (10th July 1911) that the total number of organisms in the water is excessive, and that more efficient filtration is desirable. Hardness: total, 3 '5 ; permanent, 2 '2. Acts on lead, but galvanised iron pipes are used. Holywell Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Caerwys, (2) Holywell Rural, and (3) Whitford (Holywell R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Maen Efa wells, Caerwys; (2) Graig and Ffynnon Rhedyn springs, Bagillt ; (3) overflow from Mostyn spring. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 12,000 gallons, (2) 20,000 gallons, (3) not known, but an unlimited quantity could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : (1) Maen Efa, 150,000 gallons ; (2) (a) Ffynnon Rhedyn, 4,000 gallons, (b) Graig, 16,000 gallons: (3) Mostyn, 24,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water Good. Hardness : (1) total, 7 ' 14 ; permanent, 3 ' 90 ; (2) and (3). hard. No action on lead. Honiton Town Council. Supplies Honiton B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Upper Greensand over Upper Keuper Marl. (1) St. Gyres Hill, Coombe Raleigh; (2) Springfield, Honiton. _The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 75,000 gallons, (2) 12,000 gallons. Works. Filtration at (1) only, 700 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : St. Gyres Hill, 1,361,250 gallons ; Springfield, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. PAET I. : SECTION I. ---LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 67 Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 72,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination, Analyst remarks (16th October 111].?) that the water from (1) is suitable for drinking, and (2) is excellent. Hardness: 2' 1. No action ou lead. Hornsea Urban District Council. Supplies llornsea I". I), (part). Power*. Hornsea Urban District Council Act, 1911. Limits. Hornsea U.I). Source* of Supply (Nature mid Sufficiency). (1) Well and bore, 267 feet, in Boulder Clay, gravel and Chalk, Alwick Road, Hornsea; (2) Bore, 170 feet, Hornsea. The average daily quantity ol' water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 55,874 gallons ; (2) 26,612 gallons ; and a further 29,326 gallons per day could be obtained from (1). Work*. Filtration, 308 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir : Hornsea, 190,000 gallons. Service reservoir: Tower, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 82,486 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (31st March 1913) that, bacteriologically, the water is very satisfactory. Hardness, 23 '5. No action on lead ; contains some chlorine. Horsforth Urban District Council. Supplies Horsforth U.I), (part). Powers. Horsforth Waterworks Act, 1865 ; Horsforth Waterworks Extension Act, 1885; Horsforth Urban District Council Waterworks Act, 1899; Horsforth Order, 1905. Limits. Horsforth U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Upland surface, 215 acres, Hors- forth , (2) Borehole, 439 feet, Scotland Lane. The average daily quantity of water available from (1) is 180,000 gallons ; (2) is seldom used, but 216,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Filtration, 220 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : " Scotland," upper 8,000,000 gallons, middle, 27,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : "Scotland," (a) 260,000 gallons ; (6) 130,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient, Quantity of Water tuppHed, -The daily average is 170,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical examination. Analyst remarks (25th Septem- ber 1913) that the water is pure. Hardness, 8. No action on lead. H or sham Urban District Council. Supplies Hoi-sham U.D. (part) and part of parish of Hoi-sham Rural (Horsham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and borehole, 244 feet into Lower Tunbridge Wells Sand, Park Terrace East, Horsham. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 186,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Service reservoir : Crawley Road, Horsham, 500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 186,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (2nd March 1909) that the water is very satisfactory. Hardness, 1 ' 5., No action on lead. Horwich Urban District Council. Supplies Honvich U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) (lathering ground, Wildersmoor ; (2) Tunnel, Wildersmoor; (3) Tunnel, Stoneycroft and Mark lands ; (4) Supply in bulk from Blackrod LT.D.C. (see page 19) ; (5) Supply in bulk from Messrs. A. Mason & Sons, Collieries, Montcliffe (see page 286). ; (6) Supply in bulk from Liverpool T.C. (sea page 79). t The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 130,000 gallons ; (2) 75,000 gallons ; (3) 88,000 gallons ; (4) 50,000 gallons ; (5) 130,000 gallons ; (6) 107 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Marklands, 29,750,000 gallons ; Rock- haven, tank, 14,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 350,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical examination. Analyst remarks (16th October 1913) that the water is slightly turbid, but passable for domestic purposes. Medium hardness. No action on lead. t Horwich U.D.C. are about to obtain a supply from Boltou T.C. A o.l IKS 1C ;i 68 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Hucknall Torkard Urban District Council.- -Supplies Eucknall Torkard U.D. (part). Sources <>/ Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Bunter Pehble Beds, Salterford, Calverton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 249,000 gallons, and a further 139,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Wood Lane, 500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 249,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (23rd July, 1913) that the water is excellent. ' Hardness : total, 7 '2; permanent, 2 '8. No action on lead. Huddersfield Town Council.- --Supplies Hudderslield C.B. ; Golcar U.I), (part); Honley U.D. (part); Kirkburton U.I), (part); Kirkheatoii U.D. (part); Lepton U.D. (part); Linthwaite U.D. (part); Marsden U.D. (part); .Meltham U.D. (part); Mirfield U.D. (part); New Mill U.D. (part); Shelley U.I), (part); Shepley U.D. (part); Slaithwaite U.D. (part); South Crosland U.D. (part) ; Stainland with Old Lindley U.D. (part) ; Thurstonland U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Clifton, Fixby, Hartshead (Halifax R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Emley U.D.C., Thurstonland U.D.C., and (occasionally^ Holm firth U.D.C. (see page 66). Powers. Huddersfield Water Act, 1869; Iluddersfield Waterworks Act, 1871; Huddersfield \Vaterworks and Improvement Act, 1876 ; Huddersfield Corporation Acts, 1882, 1902 ; 1908, and 1913; Huddersfield Corporation Waterworks Act, 1890; Huddersfield Waterworks and Tramroad Act, 1894 ; Huddersfield Waterworks Act, 1896 ; Huddersfield Corporation Act, 1902; Huddersfield Corporation Amendment Act, 1901. Limits Huddersfield C.B. ; Farnley Tyas U.D. ; (Jolcar U.I). ; Honley U.D. (part) ; Kirkburton U.D. ; Kirkheatou U.D. ; Lepton U.D. ; Linthwaite U.I).; Marsden U.I). ; Meltham U.D. ; Mirfield U.D. ; Shelley U.I). ; Shepley U.D. ; Slaithwaite U.D. ; South Crosland U.D. ; Stainland with Old Lindley U.D. (part); Thurstonland U.D. (part) ; and parishes of Clifton, Fixby, and Hartshead (Halifax K.I).;. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Gathering grounds of high moorland pasture, with springs from Millstone Grit: (1) Blackmoorfoot, 1,871 acres; (2) Deer Hill, 1,000 acres'; (3) Wessenden, 2,825 acres ; (4) Deanhead, 500 acres ; (5) Longwood springs. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 2,800,000 gallons; (2) 1,500,000 gallons; (3) 4,200,000 gallons; (4)720,000 gallons; (5) 350,000 gallons. Works. Part of the water is filtered (sand and pressure filters). Storage reservoirs : Longwood, Upper, 50,000,000 gallons ; Lower, 17,000,000 gallons ; Blackmoorfoot, 696,000,000 gallons ; Deer Hill, 160,000,000 gallons ; Wessenden, 107,000,000 gallons ; Wessenden Head, 82,000,000 gallons; Blakeley, 80,000,000 gallons; Butterley, 403,000,000 gallons ; Deanhead, 100,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,393,000 gallons and 12,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory quarterly chemical and half-yearly bacteriological examination. Hardness, 3 '5. Acts on lead and is treated with carbonate of lime or powdered chalk. Huntingdon Town Council. Supplies Huntingdon B. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiently). Well in gravel of Ouse valley, Huntingdon. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 89,500 gallons, and an unlimited quantity could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir: Brampton Road, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 89,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 26 '4. No action on lead. Hyde Town Council. Supplies Hyde B. (part). Powers. Hyde Local Board (Waterworks) Act, 1870; Hyde Orders, 1877, 1895, and 1912 ; Hyde Corporation Act, 1903. Limits. Hyde B. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Supply in bulk from Manchester T.C. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 600,000 gallons, but the quantity is unlimited. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 600,000 gallons. Supply is constant and at sufficient pressure. Quality of Water. See Manchester T.C., page 89. Hythe Town Council. Supplies Hythe B. (part). Powers. Hythe Improvement and Waterworks Act, 1874 ; Hythe Order, 1884 ; Hythe Corporation Acts, 1889 and 1 9( )5. PART I. : SECTION T. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 69 Limits. Hythe 15. Sources of Supply (Xatinv ami S<( f/i<-i<] Spring from llytlie Beds, Cistern Field, North. Road. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 80,000 gallons; (2)30,000 gallons; (3) 10,00(1 gallons. A further 400,000 gallons per day could lie obtained from (I, 1 , ami 1*0.000 gallons from (2). \\'tirl:.t. Pressure filters. Storage reservoirs: Bluehouse, 120, 0011 gallons; Saltwood, 500,000 gallons; Town, 7:1,000 gallons; P>laekrock, :',0,OOO gallons. Pressure is sidlicient. (i a it n/ ity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1.31 ),( )< M ) gallons. Supply is constant. Vitality of Watt') 1 . Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (2nd September 11) 11) that chemically the water issatisfiu-iory. I lardness: total, 14 '5; permanent, 4 '7; '.2i and (3) total, 23 ' 5 ; permanent, 1' 7. No action on lead; (1) contains some iron before filtration. Ilfracombe Urban District Council. Supplies Ilfracombe U.I), (part); and part of parish of Morthoe (Tnirnstaple R.D.j. 1'iiiriTN. lll'racombe Improvement Act, 1900. Limit*. Ilfracombe IM>. ; and parishes of Berrynarbor, Combe .Martin, and Morthoe ( Harnstaple R.I).). Sources of Supply ''Xnlun' ami Sufficiency). (1) River Bray and its tributaries, ( 'liallarombe ; (2) West Wilder stream and its tributaries, Flfracombe. The average daily quantity of water available from (1) is S5, 000 gallons ; Slade, 33,366,500 gallons. Service reservoirs : Mullacott, 100,000 gallons; Folly Valley, 100,000 gallons; Slade, 100,000 gallons. Pressure i^ sufficient. (tnaiiliti/ of Waif)- supplied. Adequate. futility of Water. Monthly chemical examination. Analyst remarks that the water is of great purity. Hardness, 1 '9. Acts on lead, but lead pipes are not allowed. Ilkley Urban District Council. Supplie Ilkley U.1X (part) ; and part of parish of Middleton (Wharfcdale R.I).). Powers. Ilkley Local Board Acts, 1871 and 1893. Limits. Ilkley U.D. ; and parishes of Denton, Middleton, and Nesfield with Langbar (WharfedaleR.1).). Sources of Supply (Xature and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit, Ilkley Moor. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 350,000 gallons, and a further 1:")0,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Pressure niters. Storage reservoirs : Panorama, Ilkley Moor, 8,100,000 gallons ; Ghyll Head, 187,000 gallons , Hill Top, 160,000 gallons ; Old, 75,000 gallons ; Weary Hill, 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 350,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (10th January 1912) that the water is of high purity organically. Hardness : total, 2 ' 27 ; permanent, 2 ' 18. Water from Ghyll Head Reservoir only, acts on lead prior to filtration, but is treated with lime. The water contains some iron. Uminster Urban District Council. Supplies llminster Q.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells and springs from Upper and Middle Lias and Midford Sands, llminster. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Court Barton, 650 gallons. Pressure is insufficient Quantity of Water supplied. Generally sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Very hard, and no action on lead. Ince in Makerfield Urban District Council. Supplies Ince in Makerfield U.D. (part) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Golborne U.D.C. Powers.- luce Water Act, 1871 ; Ince in Makerfield Order, 1889. Limits. Ince in Makerfield U.I). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency.) (1) Wells and boreholes in red sandstone, Golborne; "(2) Supply in bulk from Liverpool T.C. (ace page 79). The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 190,000 gallons, (2) 750,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. E 4 70 HETITKN AS I'O tVATfift SUPPLIES. Quantity of Water irnpplied. The daily average is 130,000 gallons, and 60,000 gallons in hulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (28th March 1911) that the water is of high organic parity. Hardness: total, 25 'f>, permanent, 14" 5. No action on lead. Ipswich Town Council. Supplies Ipswich C.B. (part), and furnishes a supply in hulk to Bosmere and Claydon I*. IXC. Powers. Ipswich Waterworks Act, 1857; Ipswich Corporation (Purchase of Water- works) Act, 1892; Ipswich Corporation Act, 1911. Limits. Ipswich C. 1 >. Sources of ^uj>piy (Xalitre ami Sufficiency). Wells in Chalk : (1) Waterworks Street, Ipswich; (2) Whitton, near Ipswich; gathering grounds at: (.'5) Christcliurcli Park: (4) Brooks Hall; (5) Holy Wells; (6) Cauldwell Hall. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 1,510,000 gallons, (2) 2 000,000 gallons, (3) l."),8()0 gallons, (4) 47,500 gallons, (5) 66,000 gallons, (6) 57,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Park Road, (a) 1,500,000 gallons, (b) 4,500,000 gallons ; Spring Road, 500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water 8Uj>pLied.Tbe daily average is 1,740,000 gallons, and 3,000 gallons in hulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (25th April 1913) thai the water is of groat organic purity. Hardness, 20. No action on lead. Irthlingborough Urban District Council. Supplies Irtlilinghorough U.I), (part). Siiun-e a/ Supply (\ahn-e ami Sufficiency). Well in gravel, Irthlingborough. The average daily quantity of water obtained is (50,000 gallons, and a further 140,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir :WinclmiD Road, 700,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity <>/ \Valc.r xiipplieit. The daily average is 60,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (15th Decem- ber 1910) that the water is good. Hardness: total, 29 ; pern:a7icnt, 13. No action on lead. Ivybridge Urban District Council. Supplies Ivybridge U.D. (part). Powers. Ivybridge Urban District Water Act, 1912. Limits. Ivybridge U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) River Ernie, intake in Long Timber Woods ; (2) Two springs at Henlake. Yield not known. Works.] No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Ivybridge, 200,000 gallons (defective) ; Henlake Down, and Pit Hill Farm, capacities not known. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Inadequate. Quality of Water. Very turbid at times. Soft, but no action on lead. Keighley Town Council. Supplies Keighley B. (part) ; Haworth U.D. (part) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Haworth U.D.C. (occasionally) (see page 62) and Oakworth U.D.C. Powers. Keighley Waterworks and Improvement Acts, 1867 and 1872 ; Keighley Waterworks Extension and Improvement Act, 1869 ; Keighley Order, 1879 ; Keighley Corporation Acts, 1891, 1898, 1908, and 1912. Limits. Keighley B. ; Haworth U.D. ; Oakworth U.D. ; Oxenhope U.D. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Moorland gathering ground, 1,600 acres, overlying Millstone Grit, Oakworth, Stanbury and Trawden Moors. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,600,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 500 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir J : Water- shed dies, Trawden, 156,000,000 gallons. 'Service reservoir : Blackhill, 2,500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,576,000 gallons, and 24,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good weekly examination. Hardness, 2 '2. Acts on lead and is treated with carbonate of soda. Keighley Rural District Council.- Supplies part of parish of Steeton with Eastburn (Keighley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). New Brighton and Nut Head Springs, and springs in Redcar Wood, Steetou. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir: Whitley Head, Steeton, 342,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. t Ivybridge U.D.C. Works authorised by the Council's Act of 1912 are now in course of construction. J Keighley T.C. A new reservoir is under construction at Lower Laithe. PAUT I.: SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 71 Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate, Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (18th December 1913) that the water is of the very highest organic purity. Hardness, 3'0. No action on lead. Kendal Town Council. Supplies Kendal B., and parts of parishes of Helsington, Scalth- waiterigg, Strickland Ketel, Underbarrow and Bradleyfield (South Westmorland R.D,). Powers. Kendal Corporation Gas and Water Act, 1894. Limit a. Kendal B., parishes of Now Hutton (part), and Scalthwaiterigg (South Westmorland R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature es are used. Keswick Urban District Council. Supplies Keswick U.D. (part), and furnishes a supply in bulk to Cockermouth H.D.C. Puiccrx. Keswick Urban District Council (Water) Act, 1907. f limits. - -Koswick U.I)., parishes of Castlerigg St. John's and Wythburn (part), Underskiddaw (part) (Cockermouth R.I).). of Supjhj (\'nlun: and Sufficiency). (1) Millbeck Gill stream, Skiddaw ; ("2) Whitbeck Gill stream, intake at Brundholm ; (3) Burr Gill stream, intake on Skiddaw ; (4) Springs from Skiddaw Slate, The High. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 200,000 gallons; (2) 50,000 gallons ; (3) 5,000 gallons; (4) 5,000 gallons. A further 500,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) ; 70,000 gallons from (2) ; 8,000 gallons from (3) ; and 10,000 gallons from (4). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Millbeck, 250,000 gallons ; Underscar, 50,000 gallons ; (3) Ormathwaite, 80,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 250,000 gallons, and 10,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 1. No action on lead. Kettering Urban District Council. Supplies Kettering U.D. (part), and part of parish of Thorpe Malsor (Kettering R.D.). Powers. Kettering Water Acts, 1898 and 1906 ; Kettering Urban District Water Act, 1901. Limits. Kettering U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Loddington and Cransley Brooks (drainage area 1,800 acres), intakes in Loddington and Cransley; (2) Thorpe Brook (drainage area 1,330 acres), intake in Loddington ; (3) Well in Northampton Sand, Clover Hill. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 581,000 gallons ; (2) 442,000 gallons ; (3) 50,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 360 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Cransley, 1(50,000,000 gallons ; Malsor, 130,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Warren* Hill, 296,100 gallons; Clover Hill, (a) 296,000 gallons, (6) 184,000 gallons; High level tank, 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 620,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory quarterly chemical examination. Hardness, 13. No action on lead. Kettering Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Barton Seagrave, Burton Latimer, Warkton, Weekley ; (2) Pytchley ; (3) Stanion (Kettering R.D.). Powers. Kettering Water Act, 1906 (parishes of Burton Latimer and Weekley), and Public Health Act, 1875. Sources of Siin/iln (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well and headings in ironstone rock, Weekley ; (2) Well, Pytchley ; (3) Well in ironstone rock. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 25,000 gallons ; i,2) 3,500 gallons ; (3) 2,500 gallons. A further 75,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) ; 16,500 gallons from (2) ; and 77,500 gallons from (3). 72 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : (1) Warkton, 120,000 gallons ; (2) Broughton Road, Pytchley, 35,000 gallons ; (3) Corby Road, Stanion, 30,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Qn nit/I i/ <>/ Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Ketton Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Ketton and Timvell iKetton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Ketton and Timvell. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No' reservoir. Quantiti/ of Water H applied. Ample. Quality of Water. (iood. Hardness not known. Keynsham Rural District Council. Supplies part of pui-ish of Xortli Stoke (Keynsham R.D.). Source* of Supply (\uliu-<> and Sn Jjii-.ifncy). Two springs at Sw'mford. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir: Swinl'ord, 1,000 gallons. 1'ressnre is sufficient. Qitantili/ <>f Water euppli&df. Ani])le. Quality of Water. (lood quarterly chemical examination. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Kidderminster Town Council.- -Supplies Kidderminster B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Hartielniry (Droitwich R.D.), Kiddermimster Foreign, Wolverley (Kidderminster R.D.). Sources of Supply (\nliur nn,0 ( '<' gallons; Cae Cefn, 25,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 30,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and fairly hard. No action on lead. Kingfsbridge Urban District Council. Supplies Kingsbridge U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from shale: (I) Croft, (2) Combe Royal, (3) \Vestville, (4) Manor House. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 77,120 gallons, (2) 57,600 gallons (3) 115,200 gallons, (4) not known. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Westville -(a) 21,000 gallons, (b) 80,000 gallons ; Croft, 29,000 gallons ; Fore Street, 52,000 gallons ; Manor House, 1,500 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 60,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hard, and no action on lead. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAi AUTHORITIES. 73 Kingsbridge Rural District Council.- Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Bigbury, (2), (3) and (4) Blackawton, (5) Kingston, (6) Loddiswell, (7) Malborough, (8) and (!)) Modbury, (10) Slapton, (11) South Huish, (12) Stoke Fleming, (13) Stokenham, (14) West Alvingtoii (Kingsbridge R.D.). Soitrci'-t a/ Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) Spring at Bigbury; (2) Spring at Blackawton ; (3) Slmtc at West Down; (4) Spring at Burleston ; (~>) Five springs, Kingston; (6) Spring and ahnte from spring ; (7) Spring at Prawle; (8) Silver Well at Modbury; (9) Spring at BrowBton ; (10) Springs at Slapton ; (1.1) Spring at Galmpton ; (12) Two springs at Stoke Fleming; (13) Springs at Stokenham, Chellington and Beeson, Beesands, Hallsands, Bickerton and Kellaton ; (14) Spring at West Alvington. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) to ((>), (11), (13; and (14) not known ; (7) f>,76() gallons; (8) 5,000 gallons; (9) 2,880 gallons; (10) 5,760 gallons ; (12) 7,200 gallons. Works. Reservoirs at. Bigbury, Blaokawton, ( 'hivelstone, Malborough (two), Inner Hope, .Modbury, Browstnn, Slapton, Qalmpton (tank), Stoke Fleming (tanks), Stokenham (tank), Chellington, Beesands, West Alvington. Capacities not known. Pressure is sufficient except in parts of Modbury. - (linuiliti/ of Wti.te) 1 xi/ /i/il if.('. Powers. King's Lynn Waterworks and Borough Improvement Act, 1859 ; King's Lynn Corporation Act', 1880; King's Lynn Orders, 1889 and 1894. Limits. King's Lynn B. ; and parishes of Gaywood, North Lynn (Freebridge Lynn R.D.), West Lynn (King's Lynn R.I).). Sources of Suppli/ (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and borehole (160 feet) with headings through < 'halk, into Lower (ireensand at Gayton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 866,143 gallons. \\'o)-l;x. No nitration. Service reservoir: Bawsey, 1,000,UOO gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 847,300 gallons and 18,843 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Duality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (6th January 1913) that the water is very pure. Hardness : total, 14 ; permanent, 1 ' 1. No action on lead. Kingston upon Hull Town Council. Supplies Kingston upon Hull C.B. (part) ; Hessle U.D. (part) ; parishes of Anlaby (part), Kirk Ella, Willerby (part) (Sculcoates R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Cottingham U.D.C. and Sculcoates R.D.C. Powers Kingston upon Hull Corporation Acts, 1897, 1901, 1903, 1906 and 1911. Limits. Kingston upon Hull C.B. ; Cottingham I'.D. ; Hessle U.D. ; and parishes of Burstwick with Skeckling, Burton Pidsea, Easingtou, Halsham, Hilston, Hollym, Ho Imp ton, Keyingham, Kilnsea, Ottringham, Out Newton, Owstwick, Owthorne, Patrington, Paull, Hirnswell, Roos, Ryhill and Camerton, Skeffling, South Frodingham, Sunk Island, Thorngumbald, Tunstall, Waxholme, Welwick, Winestead (Patrington It. I).), Anlaby, Kirk Ella, Willerby (Sculcoates R.D.), Aldbrough, Atwick, Benningholme and Grange, Bewholme and Nunkeeling, Bilton, Bonwick, Brandesburton, Catfoss, Catwick, Coniston, Danthorpe, Dunnington, East Newton, Ellerby, Elstronwick, Fitliiig, Flinton, Ganstead, Garton with Grimston, Goxhill, Great and Little Cowdens, Great Hatfield, Hempholme, Humbleton, Lelley, Little Hatfield, Long Riston, Mappleton and Rowlston, Marton, Moor Town, North Skirlaugh Rowton and Arnold, Rise, Seaton and Wassand, Sigglesthorne, South Skirlaugh, Sproatley, Swine, Thirtleby, West Newton with Burton Constable, AVithernwick, Wyton (Skirlaugh R.D.). . Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Chalk at Cottingham and Springhead. The average daily quantity of water obtained is .12,304,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Keldgate, 10,000,000 gallons ; Kirk Ella, 500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 12,189,000 gallons and 115,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analysis (2nd October 1913) no comments. Hardness: Cottingham, total 15 '5, permanent 2; Springhead, total 17, permanent 2 '5. No action on lead. Kirkby in Ashfield Urban District Council. Supplies Kirkby in Ashfield U.D. (part), and part of parish of Blidworth (Skegby R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells (110 feet) into Bunter Beds in Sherwood Forest. The aA'erage daily quantity of water available is 619,000 gallon's." 74 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Forest Hill, East Kirkby, 100,000 gallons Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 300,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: total, 8 "5; permanent, 6 ' 5. No action on lead. Kirkby Lonsdale Urban District Council. Supplies Kirkby Lonsdale U.I), (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from gravel, with gathering- ground 300 acres. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir: Fleet, capacity not known. Service reservoir : Low Biggins, 15,903 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (6th March 1912) that the water is free from dangerous contamination and very suitable. Hard- ness : total, 5 ' 5 ; permanent, 1 ' 5. No action on lead. Kirkby Moorside Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Hutton le Hole, (2) Kirkby Moorside, (3) Norman by (Kirkby Moorside R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) and (2) Springs on moorlands from freestone and limestone ; (3) Spring from gravel. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 7,000 gallons, ("2) 44,000 gallons, (3) 4,000 gallons. A further 3,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 10,000 gallons from (2), and 1,000 gallons from (3). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: (1) Hutton le Hole, 5,000 gallons; (2) Kirkby Moorside, 25,000 gallons; (3) Normanby, 1,000 gallons. Pressure: (1) insufficient ; (2) and (3) sufficient. Quantity of Watei' supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on lead ; (2) contains a slight trace of iron. Knaresborough Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Burton Leonard, (2) Follifooi, (3) Killinghall (Knaresborough R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells and bores (1) at Burton Leonard, (2) at Follifoot, (3) at Killinghall. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 5,000 gallons, (2) 2,500 gallons, (3) 8,000 gallons. A further 7,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 11,500 gallons from (2), and 8,000 gallons from (3). Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs: (1) Burton Leonard, 108,000 gallons- (2) Follifoot. 99,000 gallons; (3) Killinghall, 159,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness : (1) 23 '6; (2) 11 '0; (3) 8 '5. No action on lead. Knighton Urban District Council. Supplies Knighton U.D. (part), and part of parish of Stow (Teme H.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring and well, Cwm Ifor, Upper Woodhouse, and Jackets Well. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Frydd, 32,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Wat-er. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (28th December 190'J) that chemically the water is very pure. Hardness, 5 '89. No action on lead. Lampeter Town Council. Supplies Lampeter B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland surfaces : (1) 9 acres in Capeli, Lampeter Rural; (2) 1 acre in Henfeddan, Lampeter Rural. The average daily quantity of water ' derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 40,000 gallons and (2)* J 0,000 gallons ; and a further 50.000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 12,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Service reservoir": Troedyrhiw, 40,000 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 50,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on lead. Lancaster Town Council. Supplies Lancaster B. ; parts of parishes of Aldcliffe, Ashton with Stodday, Bolton le Sands, Scotforth, Slyne with Hest (Lancaster R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Morecambe T.C. and Heysham U.D.C. who also supply part of parish of Heaton with Oxcliffe (Lancaster R.D.). Powers. Lancaster Waterworks and Gas Act. 1852; Lancaster Waterworks and (Jus Amendment Act, 1855; Lancaster Local Board of Health Act, 1864; Lancaster Water and Improvement Act, 187H; Lancaster Corporation Acts, 1880 and 1888; Lancaster Orders, 1887, 1894, and 1896. * Lampeter T. C. A new reservoir (capacity 100,000 gallons) is about to be constructed. PAKT I. : SECTION 1. LOCAL AUTHORITIES, 75 '. / lints. Lancaster B. ; Carnf( irth U.D. ; Morecambe B.; and T >arishes of Bi alton r> Ic Sands Sources Fell and gallons. Works. Mechanical (liters. Storage reservoirs: Damas Ghyll, 30,000,000 gallons ; Blea Tarn, 120,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir: Workhonse, 600,000 gallons! Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,160,000 gallons and 510,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (November 1913) that bacteriologically the water is satisfactory. Hard- ness, 1'5. No action on lead. Langport Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Barrington, Curry Rivel, Dray ton, Isle Brewers; (2) Kingsbury Episcopi, Langport; (3) Kingsdon, Somertoii (Langport R.D.) ; and parishes of llchester, Northover, and South Petherton (part) (Yeovil KM).). -Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Adit in Marlstone underlying .Mid ford Sands, at Barrington; (2) Borehole in Midford Sands in Compton Durville ; (3) Catchment pits, well and borehole in Lower Lias at Lytes Gary. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 17,000 gallons (2) 22,000 gallons, (3) 40,000 gal Ions. A further 13,000 gallons per day could be nhiainod from (1), 23,000 gallons from (2), and 60,000 gallons from (3). H 'orl; .s-. Sand and pressure niters at (2) only. Storage reservoir: Lytes Gary, 30,000 gallons. Service reservoirs: (1) Barrington, (a) 15,000 gallons, (b) 15,000 gallons; Gurry Rival (low level), (a) 15,000 gallons, (b) 15,000 gallons, (high level) (c) 30,000 gallons, (d) 30,000 gallons; (2) Compton Durville, (a) 30,000 gallons (&) 30,000 gallons; (3) Kingsdon, (a) 50,000 gallons, (b) 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sullicient. Quantity of Water siijtplied. (1) and (3) adequate ; (2) abundant. Quality of Water. Excellent occasional examination. Hardness: (1) 17; (2)19; (3) 20. No action on lead ; (2) contains some iron. Lathom and Burscough Urban District Council. Supplies Lathom and Burscough U.D. (part) ; and part of parish of Dalton (Wigan R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to West Lancashire R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two boreholes (150 feet and 250 feet) in New Red Sandstone, Dark Lane. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 138,426 gallons. Works. No nitration. Service reservoirs : Dark Lane, High Level, 17,000 gallons ; Low Level, 80,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 128,276 gallons and 10,150 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (22nd January 1914) that chemically the water is excellent. Hardness: total, 5 '74; permanent, 5 '6. No action on lead. Launceston Town Council. Supplies Launceston B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of St. Stephens by Launceston Rural, St. Thomas the Apostle Rural (Launceston R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Stream and springs between Bray Downe and Carne Downe in Altai-nun. The average daily quantity of water available is 150,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Service reservoir : Windmill, 387,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1 20,400 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 1'0. Acts on lead and use of lead pipes is discouraged. Ledbury Urban District Council. Supplies Ledbury U.D. (part) and part of parish of Ledbury Rural (Ledbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells with boring, 47 feet, in marl and limestone, Massington. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 35,000 gallons, and a farther 80,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs: Cross Hands (high level), 75,000 gallons ; Conigree (low level), 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 35,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (17th August 1910) that the water is very good. Hardness, 17. No action on lead. i 76 RETURN AS TO "WATER SUPPLIES. Leeds Town Council. Supplies Leeds C.B., Calverley U.D. (part), Farsley U.D. (part), Pudsey B. (part) and parts of parishes of Austhorpe (Tadcaster R.D.), Rigton, Weardly, Weeton, Wetherby, Wigton (Wetherby R.D.) ; Adel cum Eccup, Alwoodley, Arthington, Leathley and Pool (Wharfedale R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Garforth U.D.C., Rothwell (York's) U.D.C., Hunslet R.D.C. (who supply water in bulk to Tadcaster R.D.C.) and Tadcaster R.D.C. The T.C. also supplies parishes of Blubberhouses, Fewston (part) and Little Timble (Wharfedale R.D.) from adjacent springs and wells. Powers. Leeds Corporation Water Act, 1901 ; Leeds Corporation (Waterworks) Railway Act, 1904 ; Leeds Corporation (Consolidation) Act, 1905 ; Leeds Corporation Acts, 1907 and 1913. Limits. Leeds C.B. ; Burley in Wharfedale U.D. ; Otley U.D. ; parishes of Dunkeswick, East Keswick, Harewood, Weardly, Weeton, Wigton, Wyke (Wetherby R.D.); Adel cum Eccup, Alwoodley, Arthington, Bramhope, Denton, Esholt, Farnley, Hawksworth, Lindley, Little Timble, Menston, Newall with Clifton, and Pool (Wharfe- dale R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Upland surface, 17,047 acres, Washburn Valley, Otley ; (2) Washburn Foot intake ; (3) Upland surface, 10,588 acres, Colsterdale Valley, Masham ; (4) Upland surface, 7,334 acres, Laver Valley, Ripon. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 17,709,700 gallons, (2)^not known, (3) 7,495,829 gallons, (4) 5,456,496 gallons. Works. Filtration, 425 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Fewston, 866,000,000 gallons; Swinsty, 960,000,000 gallons; Eccup, 1,410,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Weetwood, 4,316,045 gallons ; Woodhouse, 5,142,228 gallons ; Wortley, 840,739 gallons ; Harehills, 5,346,936 gallons ; Bramley, 7,365,031 gallons; Moortown, 1,360,600 gallons. Pressure is suilicient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 15,696,000 gallons and 435,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical and weekly bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (13th November 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness : total, 3 '3; permanent, 2 '7. No action on lead. Leek Urban District Council. Supplies Leek U.D. Powers. Leek Improvement Act, 1855 ; Leek Order, 1876. Limits. Leek U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit, Upper- hulme. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 408,350 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Mount Pleasant, 2,000,000 gallons ; Debank, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 408,350 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (llth November 1913) that chemically this water is of an exceptionally high degree of purity. Hardness : total, 4 ' 75 ; permanent, 1 ' 75. No action on lead. Leek Eural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Grindon, (2) Longuor (Leek R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring at Grindon, (2) Spring at Longnor. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 1,499 gallons, (2) 2,800 gallons ; and a further 2,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 3,500 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Hillsdale, 13,096 gallons ; (2) Tunstead, 37,800 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 3 ' 85. No action on lead. Leicester Town Council. Supplies Leicester C.B. ; Oadby U.D. (part) ; Thurmaston U.D. (part) ; Wigston Magna U.D. (part) ; parishes of Anstey, Anstey Pastures, Barkby (part), Barrow upon Soar (part), Beaumont Leys, Birstall (part), Cossington (part), Cropston, Gilroes, Leicester Frith, Mountsorrel (part), Newtown Linford (part), Rothley (part), Seagrave (part), Sileby (part), Swithland (part), Syston (part), Thurcaston (part), Wanlip (part), Woodhouse (part), (Barrow upon Soar R.D.) ; Bushby (part), Evington (part), Humberstone (part), Thurnby (part), (Billesdon R.D.) ; Blaby (part), Braunstone (part), Braunstone Frith, Counteslhorpe (part), East Leicester Forest (part), Glenfield (part), Glenfield Frith, Glen Parva (part), Kirby Frith, Kirby Muxloe (part), Narborough (part), New Parks (part) (Blaby R.D.) ; Groby (part), Ratby (part) (Market Bosworth R.-D.); and furnishes supplies in bulk to Quorndon U.D.C. and Blaby R.D.C. Powers. Leicester Waterworks Acts, 1847, 1866 and 1875 ; Leicester Waterworks Amendment Act, 1851 ; Leicester Cemetery Amendment Act, 1860 ; Leicester Corporation Gas and Water Transfer Act, 1878 ; Leicester Corporation Waterworks PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 77 Act, 1890; Leicester Orders, 1891. and 1894; Leicester Corporation Acts, 1897, 1908 and 1913. Limit*. Leicester C.B. ; Oadliy I'.D. ; Thurmastoii I'.l). ; Winston Magna U.D. ; parishes of Anstey, Anstey Pastures, Bark by, Barrow upon Soar, Beaumont Leys, Hii-stall, Cossington, Cropston, Gilroes, Leicester Krith, Mountsorrel, Xewtown Linford, Rothley, Seagrave, Sileby, S\vithland, Syston, Thurcaston, Wanlip, Woodhouse (Barrow upon Sotir R. I ). ) ; Bushby, Evington, Mumberstone, Stoughton, Tliurnby (Billesdon R.D.) ; Blaby, Braunstone, BraiinStone Frith, Counteataorpe, Kast Leicester Forest, Glenfield, Gleniield Frith, Kirby Fritli, Kirby Muxloe, New Parks, West Leicester Forest (Blaby KM).); Ratby, Thornton (Market Bos \vortli R.D.). X/ Supply (Xaturc mul Sufficiency). (1) Gathering ground, 2,860 acres, over red marl and clay, Thornton, ten miles from Leicester; (2) Gathering ground, 4,400 acres, over red marl and clay, Bradgate Park, Cropston, six miles from Leicester; (3) Supply in bulk from the Dcrwent Valley Water Board (see page 169) ; (4) Gathering ground, 3,500 acres, over red marl clay and slate, Swithland, nine miles from Leicester. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 1,066,594 gallons, (2) 1,503,009 gallons, (3) 3,528,461 gallons, (4, is an emergency supply. \\'<>rlts. Filtration, 300 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs: Thornton, 333,000,000 gall. ins ; Bradgate, 556,000,000 gallons ; Swithlaud, 490,000,000 gallons (not used but kept in reserve). Service reservoirs : New Parks, 2,000,000 gallons; Gilroes, 2,000,000 gallons; Oadby, 1,000,000 gallons; Hallgates, 4,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 6,101,365 gallons, and 50,204 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (15th December 1913) that the water is good. Hardness, 4 to 8. No action on lead. Leighton Buzzard Urban District Council. Supplies Leighton Buzzard U.D. S'H/jvr o/ Supply (Nature awl Sufficiency). Well (202 feet), bored into Lower Greensand, Stanbridge Road. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 83,700 gallons, and a further 80,000 gallons per day could be obtained. U""r/,'.s. Pressure filters. Service reservoirs Stanbridge Road, 80,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. ('uantitij of Water supplied. The daily average is 83,700 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: total, 14; permanent, 3. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Leiston cum Sizewell Urban District Council. Supplies Leiston cum Sizewell U.I), (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Crag at Theberton. The average daily quantity of water available is 25,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir, tank near Theberton, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (2nd October 1912) that the water is organically good. Hardness: total, 28; permanent, 9 '71. No action on lead. Leominster Town Council. Supplies Leominster B. (partX Sources of Supply (N.atttre } 200,000 gallons, (c) 25,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 175,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (17th December 1913) that chemically the water is good but turbid. Hardness : total, 13 ' 02; permanent, 5 ' 6 C . No action on lead ; contains some iron. Lexden and Winstree Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of East Donyland (Lexden and Winstree R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Deep well in Chalk, Rowhedge. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 10,000 gallons, and a further 74,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Tower at Rowhedge, capacity not known. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness. 6 "5. No action on lead. 78 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Leyburn Eural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Bellerby, (2) Harmby, (:-'>) Ley burn, (4) Micldleham (Leyburn R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature awl Sufficiency). Springs (1) at Bellerby, (2) at Harmby, from limestone ; (3) Moorland spring from limestone, at Leyburn ; (4) Moorland surface water, Middleham. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 210,000 gallons, (2) 10,000 gallons, (3) 39,000 gallons, (4)30,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : (!) Bellerby, 2,000 gallons, (2) Ley burn Road, 1,000 gallons; (3) Leyburn, 30,000 gallons; (4) Middleham Moor, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. (1) Medium hardness ; (2) and (3) hard; (4) soft. No action on lead. Leyland Urban District Council. Supplies Leyland U.D. (part) ; and part of parish of Clayton le Woods (Chorley R.D.) Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Two boreholes (300 and 500 feet), in Millstone Grit, overlying Coal Measures, Clayton le Woods ; (2) Supply in bulk from Manchester T.C. (see page 89). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 215,000 gallons ; (2) 37,000 gallons. A further 60,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 213,000 gallons from (2). Works. No nitration. Storage reservoir : Clayton le Woods, 330,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 252,000 gallons. Supply is constan t. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness : total, 25 '5 ; permanent, 13 '0. No action on lead. Lincoln Town Council. Supplies Lincoln C.B., Bracebridge U.D. ; and parts of parishes of Boultham, Bracebridge Heath, Canwick, North Hykeham, Skellingthorpe (Branston R.D.), Saxilby with Ingleby (Welton R.D.), and furnishes a supply in bulk to East Retford R.D.C. Powers. Lincoln Waterworks Acts, 1846, 1856, and 1871 ; Lincoln Order, 1880 ; Lincoln Corporation (Water, &c.) Act, 1908. Limits. Lincoln C.B. ; Bracebridge U.D. ; parishes of Boultham, Bracebridge Heath, Branston, Canwick, Heighington, Mere, North Hykeham, Skellingthorpe, South Hykeham, Waddington, Washingborough (Branston R..D.) ; Hardwick (Gainsborough R.D.) ; Broxholme, Burton, Cherry Willingham, Greetwell, Nettleham, Reepham, Riseholme, Saxilby with Ingleby (Welton R.D.) Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Four boreholes in New Red Sandstone at Elkesley. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Bracebridge Heath, 6,000,000 gallons ; tower at Westgate, 300,000 gallons. Pressitre is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,618,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (30th September 1911) that chemically the water is excellent. Hardness : total 8 '05, permanent, 5 '32. No action on lead. Linslade Urban District Council. Supplies Linslade U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Greensand, Soulbury Road. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 32,000 gallons, and a further 64,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Water is filtered. Service reservoir: Soulbury Road, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 32,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 25. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Linthwaite Urban District Council. Supplies Linthwaite U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from shale : (1) Stocker Head, (2) Linfit Hall, (3) Upper Side, (4) Clough Head, (5) Upper Clough, (6) Lane, (7) Lane Top, (8) Smithriding, (9) Deep Lane, Milnsbridge. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 1,212 gallons; (2) 1,026 gallons; (3) 918 gallons; (4) 1,464 gallons; (5) 1,890 gallons; (6) 702 gallons; (7) 2,160 gallons; (8) 540 gallons ; (9) 2,160 gallons. A further 388 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 724 gallons from (2), 582 gallons from (3), 2,136 gallons from (4), 610 gallons from (5), 498 gallons from (6), 340 gallons from (7), 960 gallons from (8), and 1,340 gallons from (9). Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Deep Lane, Milnsbridge, 151,760 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 12,072 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and fairly soft. No action on lead. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 79 Liskeard Town Council. -Supplies Liskeard B. (part). J'ouvrs. Liskeard Corporation Act, 1898. Limits. Liskeard B., and parish of Liskeard (Liskeard R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Crylla stream at its junction with Trekieve stream, St. Cleer. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 200,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : St. Cleer Downs, (a) 250,000 gallons ; (6) 250,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 200,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (31st May 1911) that the water is of satisfactory organic purity. Hardness: total, 1'5; permanent, 0'8. No action on lead. Liskeard Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Menheniot, Talland (Liskeard R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs near Menheniot and at Talland Hill. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Trewint, 300 gallons; Talland Hill, 1,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness, 6 ' 5. No action on lead. Littlehampton Urban District Council. Supplies Littlehampton U.D. (part), and parts of parishes of Climping, Lyminster (East Preston R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature nwl Sufficiency). (1) Well and boring in Upper Chalk, Warningcamp ; (2) Two wells, boring and adits, Littlehampton (auxiliary supply). The average daily quantity of water derived from (1) is 250,000 gallons, and a further 470,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 240,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Warningcamp, 500,000 gallons ; Littlehampton, 80,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 250,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: total, 21 ' 3 ; permanent, 6 '2. Lead pipes are not used. Liverpool Town Council. Supplies Liverpool C.B. ; Bootle C.B. ; Chorley B. (part); Great Crosby U.D. (part) ; Huyton with Roby U.D. (part) ; Litherland U.D. ; Little Crosby U.D. ; Prescot U.D. ; Waterloo with Seaforth U.D. ; and parishes of Duxbury (part) (Chorley R.D.) ; Halghton (part), Hanmer (part), Overtoil (part), Penley (part) (Overton R.D.) ; Aintree (part), Croxteth Park (part), Ford, Ince Blundell (part), Kirkby (part), Netherton (part), Sefton (part), Thornton (part), West Derby Rural (part) (Sefton R.D.) ; Cuerdley (part) (Warrington R.D.) ; Melling (part) (West Lancashire R.D.) ; Eccleston (part), Halewood (part), Knowsley (part), Speke (part), Tarbock (part), Winston (part) (Winston R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Abram U.D.C., and Leigh T.C., both of whom give supplies in bulk to Leigh R.D.C., Wallasey T.C. (see page 147), Asliton in Makerfield U.D.C. (see page 6), Ellesmere U.D.C., who also supply part of parish of Ellesmere Rural (Ellesmere R.D.), Haydock U.D.C., Hindley U.D.C., Horwich U.D.C. (see page 67), Ince in Makerfield U.D.C. (see page 69), Oswestry T.C. (emergency supply) (see page 105), Runcorn U.D.C. (see page 120), Standish with Langtree U.D.C., who also supply part of parish of Worthington (Wigan R.I).), and Chorley R.D.C. and Wigan R.D.C. in bulk, Tarporley U.D.C., and Withnell U.D.C., Ellesmere R.D.C., Malpas R.D.C., Nantwich R.D.C., who also supply parts of parishes of Bickley (Malpas R.D.) and Beeston (Tarvin R.D.), Northwich R.D.C., Oswestry R.D.C. and Runcorn R.D.C., Sir Richard Brook, who supplies part of parish of Norton (Runcorn R.D.), and A. H. Talbot, Esq., who supplies part of parish of Aston by Sutton (Runcorn R.D.). Powers. Liverpool Waterworks Act, 179U ; Liverpool and Harrington Company Act, 1822 ; Liverpool Corporation Acts, 1846, 1889, 1890, 1893, 1902, 1908 (General Powers) and 1913 ; Liverpool Corporation Waterworks Acts, 1847, 1855, 1860, 1862, 1866, and 1880 ; Liverpool Corporation Water Amendment Act, 1850 ; Liverpool Corporation Waterworks (Deviation) Act, 1852 ; Liverpool Waterworks and Improve- ment Acts, 1871 and 1887 ; Liverpool Improvement Act, 1882 ; Liverpool Orders, 1895, 1896, 1901, and 1905 ; Liverpool (Extension) Orders, 1902 and 1913 ; Chorley Waterworks Acts, 1846 and 1851 ; Chorley Waterworks Transfer Act, 1856. Limits. Liverpool C.B. ; Bootle C.B. ; Chorley B. ; Great Crosby U.D. ; Huyton with Roby U.D. ; Litherland U.I >. ; Little Crosby U.D. ; Prescot U.D. ; Waterloo with Seaforth U.D. ; parishes of Aintree, Croxteth Park, Ince Blundell, Kirkby, Lunt, Netherton, Sefton, Thornton, West Derby Rural (Sefton R.D.) ; Halewood, Knowsley, Speke, Tarbock, Whiston (Whiston R.D.). 1 0.198 F 80 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Wells and boreholes in New Red Sandstone, Lodge Lane, Windsor, Green Lane, and Dudlow Lane, Wavertree ; (2) Gathering ground (10,000 acres) over limestone grit, Rivington ; (3) Lake Vyrnwy with gathering ground (22,742 acres) over Silurian formation, River Vyrnwy watershed, Montgomeryshire. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is respectively, (1) 3,000,000 gallons, \2) 12,016,000 gallons, (3) 19,446,000 gallons. A further 2,000,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 15,000,000 gallons from (3). Works. Water from sources (2) and (3) only is filtered. 475 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Roddlesworth, Upper, 178,000,000 gallons, Lower, 99,700,000 gallons; Rake, 79,900,000 gallons; Anglezarke, 1,019,000,000 gallons; Chorley, 48,300,000 gallons; Rivington, 1,841,000,000 gallons; Yarrow, 839,200,000 gallons ; Lianfoida, Oswestry, 46,000,000 gallons ; Prescot, 209,546,000 gallons. Service reservoirs: Kensington (a) 9,136,650 gallons, (6)7,221,193 gallons; Aubrey Street, 4,545,390 gallons; High Park Street, 1,750,000 gallons; Torr Street, 659,000 gallons; Breeze Hill, 6,007,000 gallons; Dndlow Lane, 1,014,000 gallons; Woolton, 1,164,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 30,808,000 gallons, and 3,654,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical and daily and monthly bacteriological examination. Chemical analysis (8th December 1913), no comment, but bacteriologist reports that the waters are excellent. Hardness: Green Lane Well, 15 "6; Dudlow Lane Well, 5 ' 8 ; Rivington, 2 ' 73 ; Vyrnwy, 1 ' 27. No action on lead. ' Llandaff and Dinas Powis Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Pentyrch (Llandaff and Dinas Powis R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs on Garth Mountain, Pentyrch. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1 1,210 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir, Garth Mountain, 500,000 gallons. Service reservoir, Garth Mountain, 8.750 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 3 '6. No action on lead. Llandilo Urban District Council. Supplies Llandilo U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. (1) Upland surface at Maesivan ; (2) stream at Llandyfaen. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 132,000 gallons, (2) 317,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir: Maesivan, 1,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 210,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 2'1. No action on lead. Llandilo Fawr Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Llandybie, Llan- fihangel Aberbythych ; (2) Llandilo Rural, Quarter Bach ; (3) Llanfynydd (Llandilo Fawr R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Carmarthen R.D.C. from source (1). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) River Loughor* ; (2) Springs on Black Mountain ; (3) Spring on Rallt Farm. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 180,000 gallons ; (2) 35,000 gallons ; (3) 20,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : (1) Llandybie, 5,000 gallons ; (2) Bryam- man, 30,000 gallons ; (3) Rallt Farm, 4,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample ; the daily average in bulk is 8,720 gallons. Quality of' Water. Good. Hardness : (1) 5 ' 7 ; (2) 1 ' ; (3) : 7. No action on lead. Llandovery Town Council. Supplies Llandovery B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Cynant spring and well, Cynghordy. The average daily quantity of water available is 50,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir, Llanfair Hill, 51,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 45,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 1 ' 36. Acts very slightly on lead. * Llandilo Fawr R.D.C. Source (1) viz. B. Loughor is owned jointly with Ammanford U.D.C. (Ammanford and Llandilo Fawr Joint Committee). PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 81 Llandrindod Wells Urban District Council. Supplies Llandrindod Wells L T .D. (part), and part of parish of Llandrindod Rural (Cohvyn K.I).). Powers. Llandrindod Wells Water Act, 1901. Limittt. Llandrindod Wells (J.D. ; and parishes of Llandrindod Rural (Colvvyn R.D.) ; LlanbadarnfawT (Rhayader R.D.). Sources of Supply (Xature and Sufficiency). (1) River Ithon, intake in Trefonen Field ; (2) Telpyii spring from rock ; (3) Gorse spring from rock. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 180,000 gallons ; (2) 12,000 gallons; (3) 1,000 gallons. A further 60,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (I) ; 2,000 gallons from (2) ; and 2,000 gallons from (3). Works. Filtration, 450 gallons per square yard per day. Reservoirs : Llanfawr, (a) 110,000 gallons ; (b) 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 193,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory periodical chemical examination. Hardness, 4. No action on lead. Llandudno Urban District Council. Supplies Llandudno U.D., and part of parish of Llanbedry Cennin (Conway R.I).). Powers. Llandudno Improvement Acts, 1854, 1876 and 1879. Limits. Llandudno U.T). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) Lakes, with upland surface water- sheds, 565 acres, Dulyn ; and 145 acres, Melynllyn ; (2) Spring from limestone, Gogarth, Great Orme. The average daily quantity of water derived from (1) is 1,114,000 gallons; (2) 13,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs : Llanbedr, 55,800 gallons ; Llwynon, Great Orme, 48,100 gallons ; Summit, Great Orme, 53,300 gallons ; Fach, 936,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,127,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (12th June 1909)that the water is excellent. Hardness . (1) 0'11; (2) 10'94 ; town supply, 0'8. No action on lead. Llanelly Town Council. Supplies Llanelly B., part of parish of Llanelly Rural (Llanelly R.D.), and furnishes a supply in bulk to Burry Port L\D.C. (see page 30). Powers. Llanellv (Local Board) Waterworks Acts, 1865 and 1891 ; Llanelly Local Board Act, 1888 ; Llanelly Waterworks Act, 1909. Limits. Llanelly B. ; and part of parish of Llanelly Rural (Llanelly R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Lliedi river, with gathering ground, 4,048 acres ; (2) Cwm Trebeddrod, gathering ground, 350 acres ; both in Llanelly Rural. The average daily quantity of water derived from (1) is 3,500,000 gallons; (2) is an emergency supply from which 70,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Filtration; 450 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Lliedi Valley, (a) 220,000,000 gallons ; (6) 200,000,000 gallons ; Trebeddrod 8,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Felinfoel, 830,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,475,000 gallons, and 25,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (31st December 1913) that the water is fairly satisfactory after nitration. Hardness, 2 ' 5. No action on lead. JLlanelly Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Llanedy, Llanelly Rural, Llannon, Pembrey (Llanelly R.I).). Powers. Llanelly Rural District Water Act, 1912. Limits. Parishes of Llanedy, Llanelly Rural (part), Llangennech, Llannon, and Pembrey (Llanelly R.I).,). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Intermittent. Quality of Water. Liable to pollution. Hardness : from 2 to 12. No appreciable action on lead. Llanfairfechan Urban District Council. Supplies Llanfairfechan U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -Glan y Sais stream with moorland gathering ground, 393 acres, Llanfairfechan Common, intake at Oamarnaint. The average daily quantity of water available is 250,000 gallons. t Llanelly BJXC. Worths authorised by the Council's Act of 1912, are now in progress. F 2 82 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. . Storage reservoir: Camarnaint, 2,500,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Terrace Walk, 76,500 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 98,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 1'5. Acts slightly on lead, but is not treated. Llanfrechfa Upper Urban District Council. Supplies Llanfrechfa Upper U.D. (part), and Llantarnam U.I), (part). Powers. Llanfrechfa Upper Local Board Waterworks Act, 1884 ; Llanfrechfa Upper Order, 1888. Limits. Llanfrechfa Upper U.D., and Llantarnam U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Llanvaur or Quarry spring from Cwmbran Mountain ; (2) Blaenbrau Spring from Cwmbran Mountain. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 118,500 gallons ; (2) 101,500 gallons. A further 9,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 8,500 gallons from (2). Works. No fdtration. Storage reservoir : Upper Cwmbran, 5,500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 220,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (14th October 1910) that the water is very pure Hardness, 3 ' 5. No action on lead. Llanfyllin Town Council. Supplies Llanfyllin B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring at Coedllan ; (2) Spring at Bodfach Park. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs : Bridge Street, 100 gallons ; Rhiwlas, 400 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of W T ater. Good fairly hard. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Llanfyllin Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (I) Llanfair Caereinion ; (2) Llanfihangel yng Ngwynfa ; (3) Llangynog (Llanfyllin R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from rock and gravel at Mount Pleasant, near Llanfair ; (2j Spring from shale at Folanog ; (3) Spring at The Mill. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 4,320 gallons ; (3) 3,500'gallons ; yield of (2) not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs: (1) Mount Pleasant, 3,425 gallons; (2) tank, 169 gallons ; The Mill, 1,687 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. (1) Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (27th September 1910) that the water is good, and fairly hard ; (2) and (3) good, and soft. No action on lead. Llangefni Urban District Council. Supplies Llangefni U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from schists: (1) Penlan Farm, Llangefni ; (2) Ty Coch, Cerrigceiiiwen. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir: Llangefni, 816,600 gallons (effective capacity 204,000 gallons). Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally adequate. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness: (1) 4 '4; (2) 3 '7. No action on lead. Llangollen Urban District Council. Supplies Llangollen U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Vivod Brook, intake above Berwyn. The average daily quantity of water available is 200,000 gallons. Works. No fdtration. Storage reservoir : Berwyn, 328,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 87,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on lead. Llangollen Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Llangollen Rural, and Llantysilio (Llangollen R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Cromwell Well, Gronwen Well, Brynmorfydd Well, and wells at Llanerch, Vron and Llantysilio. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoir : Vroncysyllte, 300,000 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 83 Llanidloes Town QoUJudL Supplies LJanidloes B. Source of Supply (Nature anil Sufficiency). Upland gathering ground, 260 acres, Llangurig. The average daily quantity of water available is 176,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir : Nantygeifr, Llangurig, 10,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 75,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (12th August 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness: total, 2- permanent, 1. No action on lead. Llanrwst Urban District Council. Supplies Llannvst U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Crafnant Lake, 64 acres.f The average daily quantity of water obtained is 60,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 60,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent, and soft. No action on lead. Llantrisant and Llantwitfardre Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of I lantrisant (Llantrisant and Llantwitfardre R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs and moorland gathering ground (66 acres), overlying Pennant series, Maendy ; (2) Springs and upland surface (409 acres), overlying Pennant series, Llanilid ; (3) Springs from the stratum overlying the Dolomitic Conglomerate, Tyclu ; (4) Springs overlying the Pennant series, Cross Inn. The average dailv quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 38,300 gallons; (2)" 157,700 gallons; (3) 37,900 gallons; (4) 5,200 gallons. A further 153,200 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 672,300 gallons from (2), 75,800 gallons from (3), and 10,300 gallons from (4). Works. Filtration at (2) only, 340 gallons per square yard per day. Reservoirs ;-- (1) Maendy, 22,500 gallons ; (2) Llanilid, 2,500,000 gallons ; (3) Tydu, 54,000 gallons ; (4) Cross Inn, 15,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. (1), (3) and (4), satisfactory ; (2) occasional chemical and bacterio- logical examination. Analyst remarks (22nd December 1913) that chemically the water is pure and bacteriologically satisfactory. Hardness: (1), (3) and (4), not known; (2) 1 ' 2. Acts on lead, but tin-lined iron pipes are used. Llanwrtyd Urban District Council. Supplies Llanwrtyd U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Llechywial Brook, intake one mile from source. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Storage reservoir : Waenicoly Farm, 222,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Henbant Farm, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. Acts slightly on lead, but galvanised iron pipes are used. Llanybyther Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1; Llanybyther, and (2) Pencarreg (Llanybyther R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from sandy soil (1) near Llany- byther ; (2) Treherbert The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 9,000 gallons ; (2) 7,920 gallons. , Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Treherbert, 9,000 gallons. (2) Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. Action on lead not known. eyn Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Nevin (Lleyn R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Nevin. The average daily quantity of water available is 43,000 gallons, Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Glanrafon, 300,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Rather soft and acts slightly on lead, but is not treated. f Llanrwst U.D.C Crafnant Lake source is used jointly with Geirionydd R.D.C. (Llanrwst and Trefriw Joint Committee). A 0.198 F 3 84 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Long Ashton Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Yatton, and (2) Easton in Gordano (Long Ashton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well and borehole (130 feet) at, Bishop's Farm ; (2) Spring at Failand. The average daily quantity of water derived from (1) is 20,000 gallons, and a further 144,000 per day could be obtained ; yield of (2) not known. Works.--No nitration. Service reservoir : (1) Cadbury Hill, 150,000 gallons. (1) Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) Ample ; (2) sufficient. Quality of Water. (1) Periodical bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (29th November 1911) that the water is quite satisfactory; (2) good. Fairly hard ; action on lead not known. Long- Eaton Urban District Council. Supplies Long Eaton U.D. (part) ; parish of Isley Walton (Castle Donington R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Castle Donington R.D.C. and Shardlow R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Millstone Grit, Stanton by Bridge. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 330,000 gallons, and a further 20,000 gallons per day conld be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Castle Donington, 500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 264,000 gallons, and 66,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (15th July 1913) that the water is palatable. Hardness: total, 24 '01; permanent, 9 '59. No action on lead. Long-town Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of Arthuret (part), Kirkandrews Middle, Kirkandrews Moat (part), Kirkandrews Nether (part), Kirklinton Middle (part), and West- linton (part) (Longtown R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from sand near Chapeltown. The average daily, quantity of water obtained is 160,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Netherby, 15,000 gallons ; Longtown, 45,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (February 1912) that chemically the water is good and fit for all purposes. Hardness, 9. No action on lead. Looe Urban District Council. Supplies Looe U.D. (part), and part of parish of Morval (Liskeard R.D.) Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Lower Devonian : (1) Wayland and East Lake Orchard, Talland ; (2) Wringworthy, Morval. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 55,000 gallons, (2) 32,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Wayland, 200,000 gallons ; Wring- worthy, 100,000 gallons. Pressure : (1) sufficient, (2) insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 67,000 gallons. Supply is inter- mittent. Quality of Water.- Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (21st December 1911) that 'the water is quite suitable for drinking. Hardness. 7 '5. No action on lead. Lostwithiel Town Council. Supplies Lostwithiel B. (part). Sources / Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs: (1) and (2) at Ford, (3) at MandJiii. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 16,464 gallons, (2) 10,800 gallons, (3) 7,200 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Bodmin Hill, Lostwithiel, 80,000 gallons, Ford, (a) 30,000 gallons, (b) 10,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 34,464 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. -Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness, 2 ' 81. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Loughborough Town Council. Supplies Loughborougli B. (part), Shepshed U.D. (part), and parts of parishes of Nanpanton and Prestwold (Loughborough R.D.). Powers. Loughborougli Local Board Acts, 1868 and 1886 ; Loughborough Corpora- tion Acts, 1897, 1899, and 1905. Limits. Loughborough B. ; Shepshed U.D. (part) ; parishes of East Leake, Normanton upon Soar, Stanford upon Soar, Sutton Bonington (Leake R.D.) ; Belton, Cotes, Garendon, Hathern, Hoton, Long Whatton, Nanpanton, Prestwold, Thorpe Acre, and Dishley (Loughborough R.D.). , PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 85 Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Wood Brook with gathering ground 1,050 acres, Nanpanton ; (2) Blackbrook with gathering ground 2,867 acres, near Shepshed. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 669,573 gallons, and a further 1,580,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Filtration, 279 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Nanpanton, 29, 000,000 gallons ; Blackbrook, 506 ,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Nanpanton, 321,000 gallons ; Blackbrook, 121,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 669,573 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Biennial chemical and occasional bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (18th August 1913) that the water is good. Hardness : total, 10 '43 ; permanent, 7 14. No action on load. Ludlow Town Council. Supplies Ludlow B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of East Hamlet and Ludford (Ludlow R.U.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from Silurian limestone, Whitcliffe Woods ; (2) Spring from glacial drift, at Burway. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 30,000 gallons, (2) 250,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: ( 1.) Whitcliffe Woods, 60,000 gallons; (2) Whitcliffe Common, 240,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 165,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness : total, 14 ; permanent, 3 ' 5. No action on lead. Ludlow Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Halford and Stokesay (Ludlow R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Borehole in Halford. The average daily quantity of water available is 14,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Halford, 93,750 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Inadequate in dry weather. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. No action on lead. Lunesdale Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Caton and Quernmore (Lunesdale R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland surface with intakes from Traitor's Gill and Bull Beck, and spring in Gregson's Lot, Oaton Moor. Yield not known. Works. Pressure filters. Storage reservoir: Caton Moor, 1,100,449 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. -Ample. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (2nd January 1914) that the water is in every respect fit for drinking. Soft, but no action on lead. Lydney Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Lydney and W'oolaston (Lydney R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from sandstone, (1) Ferneley, Aylburton ; (2) Woolaston. The average daily quantity of water available from (1) is 200,000 gallons ; yield of (2) not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: (1) Rockwood, Aylburton, (a) 90,000 gallons, (b) 90,000 gallons ; (2) Woolaston, (a) 17,000 gallons, (b) 17,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good occasional examination. Hardness : (1) total, 21 ' ; permanent, 6 35; .(2) total, 16 '1; permanent, 4 '2. No action on lead. Lyme Regis Town Council. Supplies Lyme Regis B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Greensand, (1) Colway Lodge ; (2) Rhode Farm, Lyme Regis. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 21,600 gallons; (2) 48,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Uplyme Road, 13,000 gallons ; Rhode Farm, 85,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 45,000 gallons. Supply is intermittent. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (24th Decem- ber 1913) that the water shows no signs of contamination. Hardness : (1) 8 '4, (2) 5. No action on lead. F 4 86 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Lymington Town Council. Supplies Lymington B. (part) ; and part of parish of Boldre (Lymington R.J).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian well (359 feet), Ampress, Lymington. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 89,413 gallons, and a further 110,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Reservoir : Tower, Queen Street, 75,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 89,413 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (28th August 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness : total, 10'6; permanent, 0'5. No action on lead. Lymm Urban District Council. Supplies Lymm U.I), (part) ; and part of parish of Agden (Bucklow R.D.). Powers. Lymm Urban District Council Act, 1913. Limits. Lymm U.D., and parish of Warburton (Bucklow R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Boreholes at the Dingle, Lymm, (1) 250 feet; (2) 300 feet; (3) 100 feet. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 47,000 gallons ; (2) 47,000 gallons ; (3) 36,000 gallons ; and a further 269,930 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs: Pennyhill, (a) 100,000 gallons, (b) 100,000 gallons ; Tower, 55,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 130,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks that the water is of great organic purity. Hardness: total, 17 '5; permanent, 5 ' 25. No action on lead. Lynton Urban District Council.* Supplies Lynton U.D. (part) ; and part of parish of Countisbury (Barnstaple R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). West Lyn River, Exmoor, intake at Barbrook. The 'average daily quantity of water obtained is 100,000 gallons, and a further 800,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Pressure niters. Storage reservoir : Station Road, 35,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 100,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (1st April 1913) that chemically the water is exceptionally pure. Hardness : total, 4'4 ; permanent, 3 '8. No action on lead. Macclesfield Town Council. Supplies Macclesfield B. (part), and part of parish of Henbury cum. Pexall (Macclesiield R.D.j ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Macclesfield R.D.C. Powers. Macclesfield Borough Waterworks Act, 1849 ; Macclesfield Corporation Act, 1882 ; Macclesfield Order, 1900. Limits. Macclesfield B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland gathering grounds in Sutton and Macclesfield Forest : (1) 980 acres ; (2) 420 acres ; (3) 450 acres ; (4) 350 acres. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 750,208 gallons ; (2) 332,500 gallons ; (3) 104,063 gallons ; (4) 398,880 gallons. Works. Filtration, 310 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Ridge- gate, 129,272,500 gallons ; Bottoms, 38,937,500 gallons ; Tegsnose Wood, 24,500,000 gallons'; Leadbetters, 9,345,000. Service reservoirs : Macclesfield, 1,912,294 gallons ; Round Fountain, 52,256 gallons ; Blakelow, 11,250 gallons. Pressure is generally sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 978,000 gallons, and 22,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (1st August 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness :- total, 4 '6; permanent, 2 '2. Slight action on lead, but tin-lined pipes are used for long services. Water contains a trace of iron. * Macclesfield Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Taxal (Macclesfield R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs near Oldfield. The average daily quantity of water available is 80,160 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Lane Head, Taxal, (low level) 20,000 gallons, (high level) 5,000 gallons, both in course of construction. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,600 gallons. Supply is constant. * Lynton U.D.C. Works leased from Lynton Water Company. PART SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 87 Quality of Water, Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks that the water is of a high degree of organic purity. Hardness : total, 1'9: permanent, 1'4. No action on lead. Machynlleth Urban District Council. Supplies Machynlleth U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nnture and Sufficiency}. Upland surface, 271 acres, Esgeireira, Llanwrin. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Esgeireira, 3,500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 7,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on load ; contains a trace of iron. Madron Urban District Council. Supplies Madron U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from granite at Higher Boskinning, Madron Well, and Tregavara. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs : Higher Boskinning, 150,000 gallons ; Tolcarne Round, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 3 '5. No action on lead. Maesteg Urban District Council. Supplies Maesteg U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Nant Sychbant Stream, Blaen cwm Cerwyn ; (2) Nantyffyllon stream (two intakes) ; (3) Tygwyn Bach stream ; (4) Nant- gwyn Bach stream; (5) River Llynii, at Blaen Caerau ; (6) River Llynfi, at Mynydd Caerau. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 250,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Brynmawr. 100,000 gallons ; Tonna, 80,000 gallons. Pressure is suflicient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 250,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (llth July 1913) that chemically the water sliows no evidence of contamination, but that bacteriologically it is of doubtful purity. Hardness, 2 ' 8. Acts on lead, but lead pipes are not used. Maldon Town Council. Supplies Maldon B. Powers. Maldon Water Act, 1898. Limits. Maldon B. Source* of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Three wells bored through London Clay to Reading Beds and Thanet Sands, Spital Road and Wantz Road. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 80,000 gallons, and a further 80,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoir : Spital Road, 69,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 80,000 gallons. Supply is intermittent. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 9. No action on lead. Maldon Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Althorne (part), Cold Norton, Hazeleigli, Latchingdon (part), Mayland (part), North Fambridge (part), Purleigh (part), Stow Maries (part), Woodham Mortimer (part), Woodham Walter (part); (2)' Asheldham (part), Southminster (part) ; (3) Tolleshunt D'Arcy (part), and Tolleshunt Knights (part) ; (4) Ulting (part) (Maldon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Surface springs at Woodham Walter ; (2) Springs from gravel at Asheldham ; (3) Well in subsoil at Inworth ; (4) Spring from gravel at Ulting. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 35,000 gallons ; (2) 70,000 gallons ; (3) 20,000 gallons ; (4) 600 gallons. A further 45,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) ; 10,000 gallons from (2) ; and 20,000 gallons from (3). Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs: (1) Woodham Walter, 32,000 gallons ; (2) Asheldham, 8,750 gallons. Service reservoirs : (1) Woodham Walter, 64,500 gallons; (2) Asheldham, 13,250 gallons; (3) Inworth, 64,500 gallons; (4) Ulting 200 gallons. Pressure is suflicient. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) and (3) abundant ; (2) and (4) suflicient. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (December 1913 and January 1914) that water from (2) is excellent, and (4) perfectly wholesome. (1) and (3) very good. Hardness : (1) total, 7, permanent, 5'5; (2) total, 9'5 b , permanent, 1; (3) total, 6, permanent, 4; (4) total, 13, permanent, 10. No action on lead. 88 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Mallwyd Urban District Council. Supplies Mallwyd U.D. (part). Sourees of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Mountain springs near Dinas Mawddwy. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Dinas Mawddwy ; 12,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and fairly hard. No action on lead. Malmesbury Town Council. Supplies Malmesbury B. (part), and part of parish of Malmesbury, St. Paul Without (Malmesbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from limestone at The Abbey. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 60,000 gallons, but the yield is unlimited. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : The Abbey, 55,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 60,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (26th May 1913) that the water is well suited for domestic use. Hardness : total, 21 ' 7 ; permanent, 3 ' 2. No action on lead. Malmesbury Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Malmesbury St. Paul Without and (2) Sherston (Malmesbury R.D.). Sourees of SwppLy (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from rock at Corston, (2) Well at Jubilee Allotments. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 300,000 gallons, (2) 14,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs: Corston, 2,000 gallons; Jubilee Allotments, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. No action on lead. Malton Urban District Council.! Supplies Malton U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Oolitic limestone, Orchard Fields, Malton. The average daily quantity of water available is 440,437 gallons. Works. No nitration. Service reservoir : Castle Howard Road, 250,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 163,948 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 19 '65. No action on lead. Malton Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Bulmer (part), (2) Hovingham (part), and (3) Welburn (Malton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from gravel at Bulmer " (2) Springs from limestone at Scackleton ; (3) Springs from Oolitic strata near Welburn. Yield of (1) and (.2) not known ; the average daily quantity of water available from (3) is 17,280 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : (1) Bulmer capacity not known ; (2) Scackleton, 2,400 gallons ; (3) Welburn, 30,000 gallons. (1) and (3) pressure is sufficient, (2) insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness : (3) 15. (1) and (2) hard. No action on lead. Malvern Urban District Council. Supplies Malvern U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Col wall (Ledbury R.D.) and Guarlford (Upton upon Severn R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Newent R.D.C. Poicers. Malvern Improvement Act, 1851 ; Malvern Water Acts, 1891 and 1905 ; Malvern Link (Extension and Water) Act, 1896. Limits. Malvern U.D., and parishes of Colwall, Mathon Rural (Ledbury R.D.) ; Leigh (Martley R.D.) ; Madresfield, Newland (Upton upon Severn R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Upland surface and springs from gneiss and syenite, Malvern Hills ; (2) Boreholes in New Red Sandstone, Broinsberrow Heath, Dymock ; (3) Borehole, Gas Works, Malvern Link (emergency supply). The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 363,600 gallons ; (2)" 900,000 gallons, and (3) 100,000 gallons. f Malton U.D.C. Works leased from Earl Fitzwilliam. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 89 " Works. Filtration, 350 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir : British Camp, 50,780,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : British Camp, 250,000 gallons ; Wyche, 780,000 gallons; Upper Wyche, 150,000 gallons; North Malvern, 750,000 gallons; Haysladd, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 347,400 gallons, and 1,200 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Fortnightly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (20th December 1913) that the water is very good. Hardness: total, 3 '3; permanent, 1'8. No action on lead. Manchester Town Council. Supplies Manchester C.B., Denton U.D., Droylsden U.D. (part), Eccles B. (part), Failsworth U.D. (part), Irlam U.D. (part), Little Hulton U.D. (part), Longridge U.D. (part), Oldham C.B. (part), Prestwich U.D. (part), Salford C.B. (part), Stretford U.D. (part), Swinton and Pendlebury U.D., Urmston U.D., Worsley U.D. (part); and parishes of Barton Moss (part), Barton upon Irvvell, Davyhulme (part), Flixton (part) (Barton upon Invell R.D.), Carrington (part), Partington (part) (Bucklow R.D.), Samlesbury (part) (Preston R.D.); and furnishes supplies in bulk to Hyde T.C. (seepage 68), Salford T.C. (see page 124), Stockport T.C 1 . (sec page 135), Wigan T.C. (see page 155), Atherton U.D.C., Croston U.D.C., Hollingworth U.D.C., l.eyland U.D.C. (see page 78), Mottram in Longdendale U.D.C., Tyldesley with Shakerley U.D.C. who also furnish supplies in bulk to Atherton U.D.C. and Leigh R.D.C., Walton le Dale U.D.C. (see page 147), Choriey R.D.C., Garstang U.D.C., Lancaster R.D.C., Lunesdale R.D.C., Preston R.D.C. who also supply parts of parishes of Balderstone and Mellor (Blackbtirn R.D.), South Westmorland R.D.C. and North Cheshire Water Conjpany (see page 205). Powers. Manchester Corporation Waterworks Acts, 1847, 1854, 1858, I860, 1863, 1865 and 1879 ; Manchester Corporation Amendment Acts, 1848 and 1851 ; Salford Waterworks and Improvement Act, 1850 ; Manchester Corporation Waterworks and Improvements Acts, 1867, 1869, 1872 and 1875 ; Manchester Orders, 1880, 1881, and 1886; Manchester Corporation Acts, 1882, 1889, 1891, 1896, 1897, 1903, 1904 (General Powers), 1906 and 1908. Limits. Manchester C.H. ; Denton U.D. ; Droylsden U.D. ; Eccles B. ; Irlam U.D. ; Prestwich U.D. ; Salford C.B. (part) ; Stretford U.D. ; Swinton and Pendlebury U.D. ; Urmston U.D. ; Worsley U.D. ; and parishes of Barton Moss, Barton upon Irwell, Davyhulme, Flixton (Barton upon Irwell R.D.) ; Carrington, Partington (Bucklow R. I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) River Etherow audits tributaries and springs from Millstone Grit, gathering ground 19,300 acres, Longdendale ; (2) Thirlmere lake, with drainage area of 11,000 acres, Cumberland. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 26,300,000 gallons ; (2) 17,800,000 gallons ; and a further 10,000,000 gallons per day will be available from (2) in 1914. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Arnfield, 209,000,000 gallons; Audenshaw, (a) 528,000,000 gallons, (fc) 371,000,000 gallons, (c) 542,000,000 gallons ; Bottoms, 407,000,000 gallons ; Denton, (a) 30,000,000 gallons, (6) 23,000,000 gallons ; Godley, 61,000,000 gallons ; Gorton, Upper, 123,000,000 gallons, Lower, 100,000,000 gallons ; Hollingvvorth, 73,000,000 gallons; Prestwich, (a) 20,000,000 gallons, (6)21,000,000 gallons; Rhodes Wood, 500,000,000 gallons; Torside, 1,474,000,000 gallons; Vale House, 343,000,000; Woodhead, 1,181,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 36,500,000 gallons, and 7,600,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Generally satisfactory. Hardness: (1) 2, (2) 0'5. No action on lead. Mansfield Town Council. Supplies Mansfield B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Teversal (Skegby R.D.) ; Clipstone (Southwell R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Mansfield Woodhouse U.D.C. who also supply part of parish of Pleasley (Blackwell R.D.) and Blackwell R.D.C. Powers. Mansfield Water Act, 1870; Mansfield Water Order, 1888; Mansfield Corporation Acts, 1901 and 1905. Limits. Mansfield B. ; parish of Clipstoue (Southwell R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Bunter Beds : (1) Rainworth ; (2) Clipstone. The average' daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 557,000 gallons, (2) 529,000 gallons; and a further 200,000 gallons per day could be obtained from each. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Nottingham Road, 240,000 gallons ; Berry Hill, 800,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of W r ater supplied. The daily average is 869,000 gallons, and 217,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 7. No action on lead. 90 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Margam Urban District Council. Supplies Margam U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Pennant grit, with mountain gathering ground 1,000 acres, Margam. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs : Cwm Wenderi, 50,000,000 gallons ; Cwm Gwineu, 170,000 gallons ; Letty Piod, 140,000 gallons ; Penycae, 20,000 gallons ; Bryn, 34,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (29th February 1912) that the water is of a high degree of organic purity.. Hardness, 1'6. Acts on lead, but lead pipes are avoided as far as possible. Margate Town Council. Supplies Margate B. ; and parts of parishes of Adisham, Beakes- bourne, Bishopsbourne, Bridge, Ickham and Well, Littlebourne, Patrixbourne, Wickham- breux (Bridge R.D.) ; Chilleiiden, Elmstone, Goodnestone, Nonington, Preston, Stourmoiith, Wingham (Eastry R.D.) ; Garlinge and Monkton (Isle of Thanet R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Broadstairs and St. Peters U.D.C. (see page 27), Eastry R.D.C. and Isle of Thanet R.D.C. Powers. Margate Corporation Act, 1900 ; Margate Corporation Water Act, 1902. Limits. Margate B. ; and parishes of Adisham, Beakesbourne, Bishopsbourne, Bridge, Ickham and Well, Littlebourne, Patrixbourne, Wickhambreux, Womenswold (Bridge R.D.) ; Chillenden, Elmstone, Goodnestone, Nonington, Preston, Staple, Stourmouth, Wingham (part) (Eastry R.D.) ; Garlinge (part) and Monkton (Isle of Thanet R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Deep wells and adits in Chalk, Adisham. The average daily quantity of water available is 3,000,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Fleete, 1,000,000 gallons ; Uffington, 80,000 gallons ; Woodlands, 30,000 gallons ; Margate, High Service, 25,000 gallons, Low Service, 200,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,060,000 gallons, and 30,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of W-ater. Half-yearly chemical and bi-monthly bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (14th December 1913) that chemically the water is satisfactory, and (27th August 1913) that bacteriologically it is of the highest degree of purity. Hardness : total, 19 '0; permanent, 2 '8. No action on lead. Market Harborough Urban District Council. Supplies Market Harborough U.D. (part). Soimes of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Wells in upper limestone bed of Lower Lias, North Kilworth and Husbands Bosworth ; (2) Wells in drift gravel overlying Lower Lias, North Kilworth. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 170,000 gallons, (2) 40,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Great Bowderi, 500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 150,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (7th June 1913) -that the water is excellent. Hardness, 30. No action on lead. Maiiborough Town Council. Supplies Marlborough B., and furnishes a supply in bulk to Marlborough R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Upper Chalk, Preshute Without. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 114,000 gallons, but the yield is unlimited. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Salisbury Hill, North Savernake, 120,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 110,000 gallons, and 4,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness : total, 23; permanent, 4. No action on lead. Hartley Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Clifton upon Teme (Hartley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring near Clifton upon Teme. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,000 gallons, and a further 4,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoir : Clifton upon Teme, 25,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water su])[)lied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. No action on lead. PART I.: SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 91 Maryport Urban District Council. -Supplies Maryport U.D. ; and parishes of Dearham, I ><>venby (part), Flimby (Oockermoutli It.!).); and furnishes a supply in bulk to Papcastle Water Company, who supply part of parish of Papcastle (Cockermouth It.!).). Powers. Maryport Improvement and Harbour Act, 18G6 ; Maryport District and Harbour Act, 1868. Limits. Maryport U.D. and parishes of Dearham, Dovenby, and Flimby (Cocker- mouth lit.]).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Goat Mill Race, off River Derwent. Cockermouth. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 413,000 gallons, and a further 447,000 gallons per day could be obtained. \Vorks. Water is filtered. Storage reservoir: Papcastle, 850,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Hayborough, 360,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 409,200 gallons, and 3,800 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Liable to pollution. Hardness, 2. No action on lead. Masham Urban District Council. Supplies Masham U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone, Agra. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir, Agra, 28,000 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on lead. Matlock Urban District Council. Supplies Mat-lock U.D. (part). Powers. Matlock Urban District Council Act, 1898. Limits. Matlock U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from Millstone Grit, (2) Artesian borehole, 300 feet in mountain limestone, Matlock Moor. The average daily quantity of water available is 253,630 gallons. Works. Part of the water is filtered. Storage reservoir : The Wolds, 2,250,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average 200,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical examination. Analyst remarks (12th November 1913) that the water is well adapted for drinking. Hardness : total, 40; permanent, 3 ' 7. No action on lead. Matlock Bath and Scarthin Nick Urban District Council. Supplies Matlock Bath and Scarthin Nick U.D. (part). Powers. Matlock Bath Waterworks Act, 1862. Limits. Matlock Bath and Scarthin Nick U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring at Cromford ; (2) Springs at Hill Side, Darley. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 91,500 gallons, (2) 37,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Cromford, 40,000 gallons ; Upperwood, (a) 40,000 gallons, (6) 40,000 gallons ; Darley Dale, (a) 110,000 gallons, (6) 110,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 51,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 1 ' 4. No action on lead. Saline. Mayfield Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Mayfield (May field R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Borehole 250 feet in red sandstone at Mayfield. The average daily quantity of water available is 60,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Mayfield, 55,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: total 8 '79, permanent 4 '4. No action on lead. Meltham Urban District Council. Supplies Meltham U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Moorland springs at Meltham. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 73,500 gallons, and a further 26,500 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs: High Moor, (a) 2,150,000 gallons,. (6)800,000 gallons. Service reservoir, Colders, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied.. The daily average is 73,500 gallons, Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 3 ' 2. No action on lead 92 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Melton Mowbray Urban District Council. Supplies Melton Mowbray U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from glacial clay and sand, Scalford, 3 miles from Melton Mowbray ; (2) Gathering ground, 300 acres, Scalford ; (3) Gathering ground and springs, Scalford. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 86,500 gallons, (2) 37,000 gallons, (3) 53,000 gallons (auxiliary supply). A further 15,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 13,000 gallons from (2), and 17,000 gallons from (3). Works. Filtration at (3) only, 1,5GO gallons per square yard per day. Reservoir : Scalford 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 176,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (10th February 1911) that chemically the water is fairly satisfactory and that bacteriologically it is doubtful. Hardness: total, 19 '47; permanent, 7'1 C No action on lead ; contains some iron. Menai Bridge Urban District Council. Supplies Menai Bridge U.D. (part). Powers. Menai Bridge Urban District Act, 1902. Limits. Menai Bridge U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs : (1) Rhosnadwdd, (?) Gors Golt, (3) Waen Tyddyn Mostyn, (4) Pen y Clip. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 10,000 gallons, (2) 13,000 gallons, (3) 11,000 gallons, (4) 1,000 gallons. Works.- Filtration : 840 gallons per square yard per day. Service reservoir, Tyddyn To Farm, 200,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 35,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analysis (6th January 1911) no comment. Hardness : total, 5 ' 88 ; permanent, 4 ' 48. No action on lead. Mere Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Mere and Sedgehill (Mere R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Sir H. H. A. Hoare, Bart., who supplies parish of West Knoyle (Mere R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Burton Field, Mere. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 20,000 gallons, and a further 230,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Service reservoir : Mere Down, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness: permanent, 3' 0. No action on lead. Meriden Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Fillongley (Meriden R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Fillongley. The average; daily quantity of water available is 4,830 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir: Fillongley, 3,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 11 '28. No action on lead. Merthyr Tydfil Town Council. Supplies Merthyr Tydfil C.B. ; and part of parish of Vaynor (Vaynor and Penderyn R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Aberdare U.D.C.* (see page 1) ; Caerphilly U.D.C. (see page 30) and Rhymney and Aber Valleys Gas and Water Company (see page 209). Powers. Merthyr Tydfil Water Acts, 1858 and 1865 ; Merthyr Tydfil Order, 1876 ; Merthyr Tydfil District Council Waterworks Act, 1 895 ; Merthyr Tydfil Urban District Council Act, 1903. Merthyr Tydfil Corporation (Water) Act 1911. Limits. Merthyr Tydfil C.B. ; and parish of Vaynor (Vaynor and Penderyn R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Taf Fechan, with gathering area, 5,188 acres, Breconshire Beacons. The average daily quantity of water available is 4,050,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 562 gallons per square yard per day and also pressure filters. Storage reservoirs : Upper Neuadd, 345,000;000 gallons ; Lower Neuadd, 75,000,000 gallons ; Pentwyn, 346,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Pengarnddu, 2,000,000 gallons ; Dowlais Top, 343,000 gallons ; Penbryn, 564,000 gallons ; Tarn Howell, 91,000 gallons; Treharris, 350,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,350,000 gallons and 1,217,300 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (16th September 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness, 4 ' 2. No action on lead. * Mertbyr TydEl T,G. ar e about to furnish Aberdare TJ D.C., wjtfc at least 150.000 gallons per day. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 93 Middleton Cheney Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Lower Boddington (Middleton Cheney R.D.). Sources of Supply (Xature, and Sufficiency). Spring at Lower Boddington. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,400 gallons, and a further 800 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir: Lower Boddington, 5,582 gallons. 1'ivssure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. No action on lead. Middlewich Urban District Council. Supplies Middlewich U.D. (part) and part of parish of Tetton (Congleton R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Congleton R.D.C. and Northwich R.D.C. (see page 102). Sources of Supi>ly (Nature and Sufficiency). Two wells and boreholes (300 feet) in New Red Sandstone, Del am ere Forest. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 140,000 gallons. \\~orks. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Delamere, 200,000 gallons; Kinderton, 520,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 101,902 gallons and 38,098 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (22nd August 1912) that the water is of a high degree of purity. Hardness: total, 9 '2; permanent, 2 ' 8. No action on lead. Midhurst Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Easebourne, Midhurst and West Lavington (Midhurst R.D.). Sources of Supply (Xature and Sufficiency). Two bored wells (150 feet) in Lower Greensand, Easebourne. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 30,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Knights Field, Easebourne, 250,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of W'ater supplied. Inadequate. Quality of Water. -Good. Hardness, 3 ' 6. No action on lead. Midsomer Norton Urban District Council. Supplies Midsomer Norton U.D. (part) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Glutton R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- (1) Spring from Dolomitic Conglomerate, Chilcompton ; (2) Supply in bulk from Radstock U.D.C. (see page 114) ; (3) Supply in bulk from Downside Abbey Waterworks (see page 316). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) not known, (2) 15,600 gallons, (3) 44,718 gallons, and a further 3,800 gallons per day could be obtained from (2). Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Chilcompton, 130,000 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate ; the daily average in bulk is 4,500 gallons. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and occasional bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (21st November 1913) that chemically the water is excellent. Hardness : total, 23 ' 1 ; permanent, 2 ' 1. No action on lead ; saline. Milford Haven Urban District Council. Supplies Milford Haven U.D. (part). Powers. Milford Improvement Act, 1857. Limits. Milford Haven U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature aud Sufficiency). Springs from red sandstone, clay and gravel and upland surfaces 82 acres at Fordway. The average daily quantity of water available is 167,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 350 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs Fordway, (a) 3,500,000 gallons, (b) 1,465,200 gallons, (c) 19,706,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Meads, (a) 1,000,000 gallons, (b) 300,000 gallons, (c) 132,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 132,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on lead. Millom Urban District Council. Supplies Milloni U.D. ; and part of parish of Whichara (Bootle R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Bootle R.D.C. Powers. Millom Gas and Water Act, 1875 ; Millom Local Board Act, 1894. Limits. Millom U.D. ; and parishes of Millom Rural, and Whicham (Bootle R.D.). / , , , . -______^_____ * Midhurst R.D.C. An additional well is being provided, RETURN AS TO WATER, SUPPLIES. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. (1) Whicham Beck, with gathering ground, 686 acres, Swinside Fells, Millom ; (2) Stoupdale Beck, with gathering ground, 372 acres, Whitcombe Fells, Whicliam. The average daily quantity of water available from (1) is 400,000 gallons ; (2) is an auxiliary supply. Works. No filtration^ Storage reservoir : Baystone Bank, Whicliam, 28,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 220,000 gallons, and 1,887 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (October 1913) that the water is extremely pure. Hardness: total, 1'5 ; permanent, 1. No action on lead. Milton Regis Urban District Council. Supplies Milton Regis U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two wells connected by adit, in Chalk, Highsted, Murston. The average daily quantity of water available is 143,200 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Stackers Hill, Rodmersham, 550,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 125,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water, Periodical chemical examination. Analyst remarks (14th January 1911) that the water is very satisfactory. Hardness: total, 20 '5; permanent, 2 '3. No action on lead. Minehead Urban District Council. Supplies Minehead U.D. and parts of parishes of Minehead Without and Wootton Courtney (Williton R.D.). Powers. Minehead Urban District Council Act, 1904. Limits. Minehead U.D. ; and parts of parishes of Dunster, Minehead Without, Selworthy and Wootton Courtney (Williton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland surfaces and springs : (1) Longcombe-, (2) Broadwood ; (3) Pinton ; (4) VVoodcombe. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 120,000 gallons ; (2) 57,600 gallons ; (3) 77,600 gallons ; (4) 7,200 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Turnhill Lea, 125,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 150,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. Action on lead not known. Montgomery Town Council. Supplies Montgomery B. (part). Sour-ecu of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Three springs from shale, Montgomery. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,064 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Montgomery, (a) 250,000 gallons (under construction) ; (b) 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: total, 20 '6; permanent, 6'0. No action on lead. Morley Town Council. Supplies Morley B. (part), and furnishes a supply in bulk to Ardsley East and West U.D.C., who furnish supplies in bulk to Hunslet R.D.C., Rothwell U.D.C., and Stanley U.D.C. Powers. Morley Corporation Water Act, 1890 ; Morley Corporation Acts, 1900, 1905 and 1913. Limits. Morley B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}.- (1) Withens Clough Stream (with gathering ground, 1,200 acres), impounded at Cragg Vale, Mytholmroyd ; (2) Supply in bulk from Halifax T.C. (see page 58). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 1,747,000 gallons, (2) 88,200 gallons, and a further 186,300 gallons per day could be obtained from (2). Works. Water is filtered. Storage reservoir : Withens, Cragg Vale, 330,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Bruntcliffe, 2,739,521 gallons ; Victoria, 9,628,195 gallons ; Churwell, 30,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied.- The daily average is 692,000 gallons, and 1,143,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (17th July 1912) that chemically the water is pure. Hardness, 2 ' 6. Acts on lead, and is treated with ammonia alkali. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 96 Morpeth Town Council. Supplies Morpoth B. Sources of Supply (Nature ami Snt)ici,'iicy). (1) Catch Burn stream, and springs at Trauwell Farm, 2 miles from Morpeth ; well and four boreholes in sandstone, Tranwell ; (2) Upland gathering ground, Morpeth Common, 1 miles from Morpeth; (3) Springs at Allery Banks ; (4) borehole in Morpeth (standby). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 12.1,000 gallons; (2) 10,000 gallons ; (3) 20,000 gallons ; and a further 10,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (3) and 50,000 gallons from <4). Works. Filtration (summer only), 50 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs: Tranwell, (a) 7,920,000 gallons; (/>) 4,850,000 gallons. Service reservoirs: Tranwell, 100,000 gallons; Morpeth Common, 130,000 gallons; King's or Allery Banks, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied.- The daily average is I55,OUO gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (April 1912) that the water is exceedingly good. Hardness 14. No action on lead. Mountain Ash Urban District Council. Supplies Mountain Ash U.D. (part). Powers. Mountain Ash Local Board Acts, 1886 and 1891 ; Mountain Ash Orders, 1893 and 18111); Mountain Ash Water and Gas Act, 1900; Pontypridd Waterworks and Tramroad Act, 11)08 ; Mountain Ash Urban District Council Act, 1909 ; Mountain Ash Water Act, 1910. Limit*. Mountain Ash I'. I). Sources of Siti>i>ly (Nature ami Sufficiency). (1) Clydach Brook, with gathering ground, 566 acres; (2) Sychnant Brook, with gathering ground, 165 acres; (3) Nantyrisfa, with gathering ground, 329 acres ; (4) Darenlas, with gathering ground, 205 acres ; (5) Ffrvvd Brook, with gathering ground, 170 acres. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 355,000 gallons; (2) 300,000 gal Ions; (3) 40,000 gallons ; (4) 175,000 gallons ; (5) 200,000 gallons. A further 892,000 gallons per dav could be obtained from (1), 37,600 gallons from (2), 61)3,000 gallons from (3), 243,600 gallons from (4), and 147,400 gallons from (5). Works. Water from source (4) only is filtered, 95 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Perthgelyn, 33,000,000 gallons; Clydach, Ynysybwl, 11,550,000 gallons; Darenlas, 3,000.000 gallons. Service reservoirs: Buarthy Capel, Ynysybwl, 500,000 gallons; Gilfachrhyd, Abercynon, 500,000 gallons; Penrhiwceiber, 500,000 gallons ; Cefnpciinar, 23,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,068,500 gallons. Supply is generally constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (llth October 1913) that the water shows no evidence of animal or sewage contamination. Hardness, 3'08. No action on lead. Nantwich Urban District Council. Supplies Nantwich U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- -Gathering ground (pasture and cultivated land, boggy land and willow beds), 500 acres, Baddiley. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 140,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 300 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs: Baddiley, (a) 4,500,000 gallons; (6) 7,500,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Baddiley, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of \\'at,-r supplied. The daily average is 140,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (13th January 1908) that chemically the water is highly charged with organic matter, and (19th July 1909) that bacteriologically it is polluted and not safe. Hardness : total, 21 ; permanent, 12. No action on lead. Narberth Urban District Council. Supplies Narberth U.I). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring at Bellman's Well, 1 miles from Narberth ; (2) Spring at Narberth. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs: Narberth, (a) 14,350 gallons, (6) 200 gallons. Service reservoir : Narberth, 200 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Inadequate at times. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on lead. Neath Town Council. Supplies Neath B. (part) ; and part of parish of Llantwit Lower (Neath R.D.). Powers. Neath Water Supply Act, 1861, Neath Water (Extension) Act 1865 ; Neath Water Order, 1876 ; Neath Waterworks Act, 1885. Neath Corporation Water Act, 1894. Neath Order, 1908. Limits. Neath B. ; and parish of Llantwit Lower (Neath R.D.). A o.ias G 96 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland surface, 843 acres, near Neath. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 500,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Storage 1 reservoirs: Mosshouse Wood, 20,000,000 gallons; Neath, (a) 5,000,000 gallons, (b) 15,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 500,000 gallons. Supply is constant. (Jiuiliti/ of Water. Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (21st June 1913) that the water is good. Hardness, 2'1. No action on lead ; contains a trace of iron. s "Neath Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Blaeugwrach (part), Coedffranc, Dylais Higher (part), Dylais Lower, Michaelston Higher (part), Michaelston Lower, Neath Higher (part),Resolven (part) ; (2) Blaenhonddant ; (3) Clyne (part)t ; (4) Dyffryn Clydachf ; (5) Neath Lower | ; (6) Ystradfellte | ; (7) Rhigos, (Neath R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Aberavon T.C. from source (1) (see page 1). Powers. Ystradfellte Water Acts, 1902'and 1912, and Public Health Act, 1.875. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1 ) River Tringarth at Ystradfellte, (2) to (7) Springs. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoir : (1) Ystradfellte, 650,000,000 gallons (almost completed). Service Reservoirs: JCwmgwrach, 18,700 gallons; Cilfrew, 24,318 gallons; Clyne, 300 gallons; JDarran, 440,000 gallons; JPantsais, 250,000 gallons ; |0nllwyn, (a) 250 gallons, (b) 250,000 gallons (under construction) ; Seven Sisters, 1,000,000 gallons; Crynant, .">.">, ono gallons; Poiitrhydyfen, 300 gallons; JCwmclais, 15,500 gallons; JCwmmawr, 30,000 gallons ; +Tynywoun, 500.000 gallons ; JGlynneath, 30,000 gallons ; JPontneatlivaughan, 250,000 gallons (under construction) ; JResolven, (a) 27,000 gallons, (b) 250,000 gallons; Rhigos, 1 5,000 gallons ; JAberdulais, 500,000 gallons ; JHendrefydd 2,500,000 gallons (under construction). Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average in bulk is 111,100 gallons. Supply from (1), (5) and (6) is constant and from (2), (3), (4) and (7) intermittent. Quality of Water. Temporary supply indifferent in 1913 occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness 3 ' 06. No action on lead. Nelson Town Council. Supplies Nelson B. (part) ; Barrowford U.D. (part) ; Brierfield U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Blacko, Reedley Hallows and Wheatley Carr Booth (Burnley R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Burnley R.D.C. Powers. Nelson Water and Gas Act, 1866 ; Nelson Order, 1871 ; Nelson Local Board Act, 1879 ; Nelson Improvement Act, 1886 ; Nelson Local Board Act, 1888 ; Nelson Corporation Act, 1903. Limits. Nelson B. ; Barrowfield U.D. ; Brierfield U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Moorland gathering ground, 400 acres, containing Catlow Brook and numerous springs, Boulsworth Hill, 2 miles from Nelson ; (2) Moorland gathering ground, 1,100 acres, and Ogclen Brook, Pendle Hill, 4 miles from Nelson. The average daily quantity of Avater available from each source is, respectively, (1) 400,000 gallons; (2) 1,625,000 gallons. Works. Sand and pressure filters. Storage reservoirs : Coldwell, 80,Q()0,000 gallons ; Ogden, (a) 54,500,000 gallons, (b) 160,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,560,000 gallons, and 80,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good monthly chemical examination. Hardness : (1) total, 6 ' 1 ; permanent, 4' 7 ; (2) total, 2 '03, permanent, 1 ' 75. No action on lead. Neston and Parkgate Urban District Council. Supplies Neston and Parkgate U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in New Red ' Sandstone, Hinderton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 170,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Little Neston, 200,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 170,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: total, 12; permanent, 3 '5. No action on lead ; contains magnesia and lime. * Neath R.D.O. Works not yet complete. t Parishes shortly to be supplied from (1). J Reservoirs supplied from (1). Neston and Parkgate U.D.C. Wkeu necessary supplementary supplies are obtainable from Liverpool T. C. and Birkenhead T.C. 1 PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 97 Newark Town Council. Supplies Newark B. ; and parts of parishes of Balderton, Coddington, Farndon, Hawton, Winthorpe (Newark R.D.) ; Averham, Edingley, Farnsfield, Halam, Kelham, Southwell, and Upton (Southwell R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Newark R.D.C. Powers. Newark Corporation Act. 1891; Newark Orders, 1893 and 1901; Newark Corporation Waterworks Act, 1897. Limits. Newark B. ; and parishes of Balderton, Coddington, Farndon, Hawton, Winthorpe (Newark R.D.) ; Averham (part), Edingley, Farnslield, Ilalain, Kelham (part), Southwell, and Upton (Southwell R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in sandstone, Farnsfield. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 647,570 gallons. Works. No nitration. Service reservoirs: Halam, 1,250,000 gallons; Newark, (a) 1,000,000 gallons ; (/>) 250,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 641, 718 gallons, and 5,852 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of \Vater. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (30th July 1912), that the water is quite suitable for drinking. Hardness : total, 8 ' 05 ; permanent, 5 '32. No action on lead. Newcastle Emlyn Urban District Council. Supplies Newcastle Emlyn U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from Upper Silurian .strata, Blaenffos Farm ; (2) Spring. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Cwm Farm, 60,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Intermittent. Quality of Water. Very good, and soft. No action on lead. New Hunstanton Urban District Council. Supplies New Hunstanton U.I), (part), part of parish of Hunstanton (Docking R.I).)., and furnishes a supply in bulk to Docking R.D.C. Powers. New Hunstanton Water and Gas Acts, 1897 (two); New Hunstanton Improvement Act, 190.">. Limit*. New Hunstanton U.I)., and parishes of Hunstanton and Ringstead (Docking R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Chalk at Old Hunstanton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 83,600 gallons, but the yield is unlimited. Works. No nitration. Service reservoirs: Water Towers, New Hunstanton, (a) 50,000 gallons, (b) 25,000 gallons, (e) 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient, Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 77,600 gallons, and 6,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (15th January 1911) that the water is of exceptional organic purity. Hardness : total, 15 '9; permanent, 4 '7. Acts on lead, but lead pipes are not used. Newmarket Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Stetchworth (Newmarket R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and SiiJJiclcn'cy). Bored well, .'525 feet at Stetchworth. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 21,100 gallons, and a further 23,772 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir: Stetchworth, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness :- total, 27 ; permanent, 9. No action on lead. New Mill Urban District Council. Supplies New Mill U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Borings, ( ioosehplea I )rift ; (2) Boring, Magnum Drift ; (3) Springs, Bank House, Fulstone. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 14,288 gallons, (2) 14,082 gallons, (3) 2,710 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir: Bank House, 500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 31, 680 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, .4 '5. No action on lead. New Mills Urban District Council. Supplies New Mills U.D. (part). Powers. New Mills Urban District Council Act, Iflod. Limits. New Mills U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Moorland gathering ground, Ollersett Moor ; (2) Spring in disused mine, Gow Hole. The average daily quantity G 2 98 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 80,200 gallons, (2) 40,000 gallons. A further 10,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 210,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Ballbeard, 1,176,000 gallons; Ollersett, 550,000 gallons ; Low Leighton, 1,190,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. -The daily average is 120,200 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical examination. Analyst remarks (30th September 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness: (1) total, 2 '5; permanent, 2 ' 4 ; (2) total, 24 ' 3 ; permanent, 15 ' 7. No action on lead. Newport (Mon.) Town Council. Supplies Newport C.B. (part) ; Caerleon U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes, of St. Bride's Netherwent (Chepstow H.D.J, Christchurch, Kemeys Inferior, Llangstone, Llanvaches, Llanwern, Penhow (Magor H.D.); Bettws, Graig, Henllys, Malpas, Rogerstone, and St. Woollos (St. Mellons H.I.).). Powers. Newport and Pillgwenlly Waterworks Act, 1854 ; Newport and Pillgwenlly Waterworks Extension Act, 1872; Newport and Pillgwenlly Water Orders, 1881 and 1883 ; Newport Waterworks Act, 1887 ; Newport Corporation Water Act, 1888 ; Newport Corporation Acts, 1897 and 1002. Limits. Newport C.B. ; Caerleon U.D. ; and parishes of St. Bride's Netherwent 'Chepstow H.D.), Christchurch, Goldcliff, Kemeys Inferior, Llangattock, Llangstone, Llanmartin, Llanvaches, Magor (part), Nash and Penhow (Magor H.I). ) ; Duffryn, Graig, Malpas, Rogerstone, St. Woollos (St. Mellons R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Pant yr cos and Henllys Brooks, intake at Henllys ; Castroggy Nant y prydd and Llanvaches Brooks, intakes at Newchurdi, Wentwood and Llanvaches. The average daily quantity of water available is 5,000,000 gallons. Works. Mechanicallilters. Storage reservoirs : Hogerstone, (a) 84,000,000 gallons, (6) 36,000,000 gallons; Pant yr eos, Henllys, 145,000,000 gallons: Wentwood, Llanvaches, 410,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,000,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good quarterly chemical examination. Hardness : Hogerstone, 9*66; Pant yr eos, 9 '38; Wentwood, 5 '11. No action on lead. Newport (Isle of Wight) Town Council. Supplies Newport B. (part) ; part of parish of [ ^Carisbrooke (Isle of Wight H.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Isle of Wight H.D.C. Source's of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and adits in Chalk, Idlecombe. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 718,986 gallons, and a further 282,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Alvington, No. 1, 200,000 gallons; No. 2, 800,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 596,236' gallons and 122,750 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (29th July 1913) that the water is of a high degree of organic and bacterial purity. Hardness : total, 14 ' 4 ; permanent, 2 ' 6. No action on lead. Newport (Salop) Urban District Council Supplies Newport U.D. (part), and furnishes a supply in bulk to Newport R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Three artesian wells bored into Bunter Beds, near Newport. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 100,000 gallons, and a further 50,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Service reservoir : Chetwynd Aston, 152,380 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 95,000 gallons and 5,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (October 1911), that the water is good. Hardness, 14. No /action on lead. Newport Pagnell Urban District Council. Supplies Newport Pagnell U.D. (part) ; and parish of Lathbury (Newport Pagnell R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two wells in Oolite at Ash Hill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 70,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir, Ash Hill, Lakes Lane, 38,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 69,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical examination. Analyst remarks (28th February 1912) that the water is satisfactory. Rather hard, and no action on lead. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 99 Newport Paguell Rural District Council. Sup]. lies parts of parishes of (1; Bow Brickhill ('2) Hanslope, (."> i X'-wlon Longville (Newport I'agnell It.l).). Si,iir<-i'.< <>f tiii/ipli/ (Xntui;' ntnl Sufficiency).- (1) Spring at, Drakewcll, Bow Briekhill ; (2) Well in Oolite, Northampton Road, ll'anslope; (3) Three wells at DraytoB Road, Newton Longville. Yield not known. H"ti/'/,-.s-.- No filtration. Reservoirs: (1) Drakewell, 5,000 gallons ; (2) Northampton Road, tank, 22,500 gallons. Pressure is sulHciont. (Quantity a/ \\ alcr supplied. Adequate. Qnaliti/ of Wnli'r. -dood. Hardness : (1) and (3) not known; (2) total, 44'7; permanent, 26 '2. No action on lead. Newton Abbot Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Bishopsteignton, ('2 Bovey Tracey, (3) Chudleigh, (4) Ideford, (5) Kingsteignton, (6) Lustleigli, (7) More ton Hampstead, (8) Ogwell, (9j Torbryan, and (10) West, Dawlish (Newton Abbot R.D.). tiiiurt-i'x of tinppli/ (\. Su/nvr.s- of Supply (Nature ) (a) 34,000 gallons; (b) 4,471 gallons ; (0) 34,000 gallons; (7) 42,000 gallons ; and a further 70,001) gallons per day could be obtained from (4). Works. Pressure filters at (5) only. Storage reservoirs : (1) Weaverham, 40,000 gallons ; (3) Barnton, 3o,< H < > gallons ; "(4) Oakmere, 4< l,00< > gallons ; (5) Moulton, 2(i,000 gallons; (6) Lostock Gralani, 57,000 gallons; (7) Aston by Budworth, 46,000 gallons. Service reservoirs: (1) Weaverham (tower), 19,000 gallons; (2) Anderton, (a) 100- gallons, (b) 100 gallons; (3) Barnton (tower), 12,000 gallons; (4) Oakmere (towers) (a) 20,000 gal Ions, (b) 1 10.000 gallons ; (5) Moulton (tower), 24,000 gallons ; (0) Lostock Gralani (tower), 13,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Qitaliti/ of Water. Good occasional chemical and bacteriological examination Hardness : (1) 11 '5; (2) 20 '6; (3) 3'0; (4) 10 '25; (5) 10 "25; (G) 30 '0; (7) 16 '0. No action on lead ; (2), (3), and (6) contain lime and magnesia. Norton (Derby) Eural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Dore (Norton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Sparkinson's spring; (2) Sheephill spring. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, about 3. No action on lead. Norton (Yorks.) Urban District Council. Supplies Norton 17. I), (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Oolite, Howe Hill, Norton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 100,000 gallons, but the yield is unlimited. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir . Howe Hill, 272,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 100,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 7. No action on lead ; saline. Norton (Yorks.) Eural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Rillington, (2) Set- trington, (3) Yedingham (Norton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from gravel, Thorpe Bassett ; (2) Springs from gravel, Settrington ; (3) Artesian well at Yedingham. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 9,915 gallons ; (2) 7,425 gallons; (3) 1,755 gallons. A further 11,685 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 15,615 gallons from (2), and 32,805 gallons from (3). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Rilliugton, 37,500 gallons; Settrington, 30,000 gallons ; Yedingham, 6,337 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness : (1) and (2) about 12 ; (3) not known. No action on lead. Norwich Town Council. Supplies part of parish of Whitlingham (Henstoad R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency.) Well in Chalk, at Whitlingham. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Reb Barn, Whitlingham, 3,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is .'(,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (4th March 1911) that the water is hatd, but of high organic purity. Nottingham Town Council. Supplies Nottingham C.B. ; Arnold U.I), (part) ; Beeston U.D. (part) ; Carlton U.D. (part) ; Eastwood U.I), (part) ; West Bridgford U.D. ; and parishes of Awsworth (part), Bestwood Park (part), Bilborough (part), Brinsley (part), Burton Joyce (part), Colwick (part), Gedling (part), Greasley (part), Kimberley (part), Linby (part), Nuthall (part), Papplewick (part), South Wilford (part), Stoke Bardolph (Basford R.D.) ; Oropwell Butler (part), Holme Pierrepont (part), Radcliffe on Trent (part), Saxon dale PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 103 (part; (Bingham R.D.) ; Haywood Oaks (Skegby I;. I).); Bidcote (part), and Oxton (part) (Southwell H.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Basford U'.D.C. ; Southwell R.DC. ; Lord Sa vile, who supplies parishes of Bilslhorpe, Boughton, liullonl (part), and Wellow (part) (Southwell H.I).,); and George Goode, Esq., who supplies part of parish of Cossall (Basford R.I).). Powers. Nottingham Waterworks Acts, 1845, 1874, 1878, and 1879; Nottingham Waterworks Amendment Act, 185-1 ; Nottingham Improvement Act, 1879 ; Nottingham Corporation Acts, 1882, 1883, 1899, 1902, and 1905 ; Nottingham and West Bridgford Order, 1892; Nottingham Order, 189(5; Nottingham Corporation Water Act, 1897. /"////.<(. Nottingham (IB.; Arnold !".!>.; Beeston U.I). ; Carlton LT.l). ; Eastwood I'.D. ; \Vest Bridgrord I'.l). ; parishes of Awsworth, Bilborough (part), Brinsley, Burton Joyce, Colwick, Gedling, (Ireasley, Kimberley, Liuliy, Nuthall, Papplewick, South Wilford, Stoke Bardolph, Wollaton (Basford B.D.); and Uadcliffe on Trent (Bingham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Deep wells and boreholes in New Red Sandstone : (1) Basford ; (2) Best wood ; (3) Papplewick ; (4) Burton Joyce ; (5) Boughton ; (6) Supply in bulk from the Der went Valley Water Board (see page 169). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1 ) 1,313,352 gallons ; (2) 1,475,469 gallons ; (3) 1,406,108 gallons ; (4) 500,243 gallons ; (5) 2,832,887 gallons ; (6) 147,034 gallons. A further 540,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) ; 540,000 gallons from (2); 880,000 gallons from (3) ; 1,930,000 gallons from (4) ; 1,770,000 gallons from (5), and 1,102,966 gallons from (6). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Wilford Hill, 3,588,496 gallons ; Belle Vue, 2,248,368 gallons ; Ramsdale Hill, 2,231,801 gallons ; Red Hill, 1,938,876 gallons ; Mapperley, 1,822,267 gallons; Papplewick, 1,487,394 gallons; Watnall Hill, 527,826 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 7,620,509 gallons, and 54,584 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (17th December 1910) that chemically the water is palatable. Hardness: total, 12 '18; permanent, 5 '46. No action on lead. Nuneaton Town Council. Supplies Nuneaton B. (part). Powers. East Warwickshire Waterworks Acts, 1882 and 1897 ; Nuneaton and Chilvers Coton Urban District Council Waterworks Act, 1899. Limits. Nuneaton B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells : (1) in Upper Coal Measures at Whittleford (360 feet) ; (2) in Cambrian at Midland Quarry ; (3) in Upper Coal Measures at Robinson's End (620 feet). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 636,000 gallons; (2) 21,000 gallons ; (3) 14,000 gallons ; and a further 80,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (3). Works. Filtration, 500 gallons' per square yard per day. Service reservoirs : Robinson's End, (a) 80,000 gallons, (b) 200,000 gallons, (c) 500,000 gallons, (d) 500,000 gallons ; Ansley (High Level) 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 671,000 gallons. Supply is constant. (Duality of Water. Annual chemical examination. Analyst remarks (20th November 1913) that the water is good. Hardness: total, 18 '7; permanent, 11' 0. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Ogmore and Garw Urban District Council. Supplies Oginore and Garw U.I), (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Carboniferous formation, Brynwith and Tylacoch Farms, Bettws. Yield not known. Works No filtration. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on lead. Okehampton Town Council. Supplies Okehampton B. (part) ; and part of parish of Okehampton Hamlets (Okehampton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Redaven stream with gathering ground 560 acres, intake at Yes Tor on Dartmoor ; (2) Springs with gathering ground, 100 acres, in Western Park, Dartmoor. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 110,000 gallons ; (2) 55,000 gallons. Works. Water from source (1) only is filtered. Service reservoirs : Western Park, (a) 59,400 gallons, (b) 59,400 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily aA-erage is 100,000 gallons. Supply is constant. (hhiiity of Water. Excellent quarterly chemical examination. Hardness. :' Acts on lead only after heavy rains. 104 RETURN AS TO WATER-SUPPLIES. Okehampton Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Belstone ; (2) Bratton Clovelly ; (3) Chagford ; (4) and (5) Drewsteignton ; (6) Hatheiieigli ; (7) North Tawton ; and (8) South Tawton (Okehampton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Suffieieney). (1) Springs from granite on Belstone Common ; (2) Well in culm measures ; (3) Springs from granite ; (4) Well in culm measures, Crockernwell ; (5) Well in granite, Sandy Park ; (6) and (7) Springs from new red sandstone ; (8) Springs from culm measures and granite. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 5,000 gallons ; (2), (4), (5) not known; (3) 28,000 gallons; (6) 20,000 gallons ;" (7) 11,000 gallons; (8) 28,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoir : North Tawton, 400,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : (1) Belstone, 5,400 gallons ; (3) Chagford, 40,000 gallons ; (6) Hather- leigh, 27,000 gallons; (7) North Tawton, 5,000 gallons; (8) South Tawton, 15,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient, except (7). Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness : (1) and (3), 1-5; (6) 10'0; (7) total, 7' 4 ; permanent, 1 3 ; (8) 1'2. No action on lead. Oldham Town Council. Supplies Oldham C.B. (part) ; Chadderton U.I), (part) ; Crompton U.D. (part) ; Failsworth U.D. (part) ; Lees U.D. ; Milnrow U.D. (part) ; Rochdale C.B. (part) ; Royton U.D. (part) ; Springhead U.D. (part) ; and parishes of Alt (part) and Crossbank (Limehurst R.D.). Powers. Oldham Borough Improvement Act, 1865 ; Oldham Corporation Water- .vorks Act, 1870; Oldham Corporation Water Act, 1875; Oldham Improvement Act, 1880 ; Oldham Corporation Acts, 1886 and 1909. Limits. Oldham C.B. ; Chadderton U.D. ; Cromptou U.D. ; Failsworth U.D. ; Lees U.D. ; Royton U.D. ; Springhead U.I), (part) ; and parishes of Alt (part), and Crossbank (Limehurst R.D.). Sources of. Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Moorland gathering ground, 5,480 acres, Pennine Range, Yorkshire ; (2) pumped from disused colliery workings. The average daily quantity of water obtained from each source is. respectively, (1) 5,274,000 gallons, (2) 750,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs: Castle Shaw Upper, 253,000,000 gallons; Strinesdale, Upper, 76,000,000 gallons, Lower, 140,000,000 gallons ; Readycon Dean, 83,000,000 gallons ; Crook Gate, 41,000,000 gallons ; Dowry, 163,000,000 gallons ; New Year's Bridge, 91,000,000 gallons; Rooden, 265,000,000 gallons; Norman Hill, 52,000,000 gallons; Hanging Lees, 21,000,000 gallons ; Plethora, 368,0 gallons; (2) is an emergency supply. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Penygwely, 25, 0< II (,( K )( I gal Ions. Service reservoirs : Mount Road, (a) l,4(K),Onn gallons. (/.) 1,400,000 gallons, (<) 3,000.000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of \\') 25,000 gallons. A further 70 gallons per day could be obtained from (2) (a), 18.50(1 gallons from (/>), and 20,000 gallons from (3). Worlts. No filtration. Reservoirs: (1) Pant, 100,000 gallons; (2) Nantmawr, 100 gallons, Trefonen, 20,000 gallons; (3) Mardy, 15,000 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water su/>i>liencif). (1) to (3), (5) to (16), (18) to (30), Springs; (4) .Spring and surface water ; (17) Stream. The average daily quantity of ,000 gallons; (4) 2,120 gallons; ons; (9) 5,000 gallons; (11) , (17) 2,040 gallons; (18)4,800 ?%l n o S Ann (19) 7 ' 600 S allons ; (20) and (29) 10,000 gallons; (21) 1,240 gallons; J1S onnn &}} > ( 24 ) 4 . () gallons; (26) 2,240 gallons; (28) 7,000 gallons; (30) 8,000 gallons ; (2), (3), (6), (10), (13 part), (14), "(15), (16) (23) and (27) 60,000 gallons. A further 2,480 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) ; 8,840 gallons PAKT I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 109 from (4) ; 18,920 gallons from (5) ; 28,520 gallons from (7) ; 88,980 gallons from (8) ; 2,560 gallons from (9); 10,000 gallons from (11), (13 part) and (25); 60,560 gallons from (12); 1,200 gallons from (18); 12,338 gallons from (19); 41,840 gallons from (20) and (29); 2,7(50 gallons from (21); 5,-JoO gallons from (22); 13,280 gallons from (24); 2,260 gallons from (26); 11,720 gallons from (28); 69,390 gallons from (30) ; 65,000 gallons from (2), (3), (6), (10), (13 part), (14),. (1 .",), (16), (23) and (27). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Ainstable, 2,500 gallons; Croglin, 1,158 gallons; Culgaith, 6,000 gallons; Dacre, 2,616 gallons; Gamblesby, 6,048 gallons; Glassonby, 4,506 gallons; Great Salkeld, 9,000 gallons; Hesket in the Forest, 50,000 gallons; Hunsonby and Winskill, 5,932 gallons; Kirkland and Blencarn, 4,200 gallons; Kirkoswald, 5,670 gallons; Langwatliby, 2,640 gallons; Lazonby, 35,000 gallons; Little Salkeld, 5,000 gallons; Melmerby, 3,862 gallons; Ousby, 3,840 gallons ; Renwick, 4,492 gallons ; Skirwith, 5,312 gallons ; Threlkeld, 8,270 gallons. Berrier and Murrah, Catterlen, Dacre, Greystoke, Hutton John, Hutton Roof, Hntton Soil, Newton Reigny, Skelton (Combined) 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Generally good occasional examination. Hardness varies from ( ) 75 to 11' 8. No action on lead. Penybont Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Coychurch Higher (part), Pencoed (part), (2) Llangymvyd Middle (part), (3) Newcastle Higher (part), Ynysawdre (part), (4) Lalestoii (part), Pyle and Tythegston Higher (part) (Penybont R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from Pennant Grit at Cwmrhydymilvvyr and Maundy ; (2) Springs at Waun Orest ; (3) Springs from Coal Measures at Cefn Carfan and at Pentwyn ; (4) Springs from limestone at Llwynhelig and Cwm Kenfig. A supply in bulk from Garw Water Company (see page 193) is mixed with water from sources (3) and (4). The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 295,200 gallons ; (2) and (3) not known ; (4) 110,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : (1) (a) Rhiwceiliog, 40,000 gallons, (b) Brynwith, 40,000 gallons ; (2) Llangynwyd, 40,000 gallons ; (3) (a) Pentwyn, 40,000 gallons, (6) Penylan, 40,000 gallons. (1) and (2) pressure is sufficient ; (3) insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. (1), (2) and (4) Adequate ; (3) Inadequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. Acts on lead, but lead pipes are not used. Water from source (1) contains some iron. Benzance Town Council. Supplies Penzance B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Moorland gathering ground, 500 acres, overflow from mine adit, and springs from granite, Madron ; (2) Polteggan Well, Madron. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 300,000 gallons ; (2) 210,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 10,000 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Boscathnoe, (o) 10,000,000 gallons, (b) 2,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir: Hoscatlmoe, 120,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 450,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (September and October 1913) that the water is free from contamination. Hardness: (1) 5 '5; (2) 6 ' 3. No action on lead. Pershore Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Bishampton and (2) Wyre Piddle (Pershore R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (\) Spring from Lias, Bishampton ; (2) Spring from sand and gravel, Wyre Piddle. Yield of (1) not known ; the average daily quantity of water available from (2) is 3,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir: (1) Niblett's Orchard, 4,500 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. (1) Not good ; (2) Good. (1) Hard ; (2) Soft. No action on lead ; (1) is saline. Peterborough Town Council. Supplies Peterborough B. ; Old Fletton U.D. (part) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Norman Cross R.D.C. and Peterborough R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian wells in Oolite at (1) Wilsthorpe ; and (2) Etton. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 1,883,976 gallons ; (2) 969,598 gallons. IK) KETUKN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. ll"i)r/;s. No filtration. Service reservoir: Thurlby, 1,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Qnauti/u of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,125,955 gallons and 53,141 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness: (1) total '2"2'1, permanent 6 '3; (2) total 16 "5, permanent .">'5. No action on lead. Peterborough Rural District Council. Supplies parish of Peakirk (Peterborough R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian bore at Peakirk. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of W 7 ater supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. No action on lead. Petersfield Urban District Council. Supplies Petersfield U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Sheet and Steep (Petersfield R.D.). of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Lower Greensand, Sheet, and springs at Oakshott, Froxfield. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 100,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 300 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Sheet (a) 174,000 gallons, (b) 185,000 gallons," Steep, 95,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 100,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks that the water is good. Hardness, 9 ' 5. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Petersfield Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Greatham, Hawkley, and Liss (Petersfield R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Doscombe, Hawkley. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 8,112 gallons and a further 13,488 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Doscombe, 60,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Hill Brow, Liss, 15,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: total, 8 '9; permanent, 4 '8. No action on lead. Petworth Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Petworth (Petworth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring near Petworth. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 50,000 gallons, and a further 50,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir: Pumping station at Petworth, 27,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Middle Fields Farm, 180,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (8th July 1914) that the water is organically pure and bacterially satisfactory. Hardness: total, 6 "93; permanent, 3 "57. No action on lead. Pewsey Rural District Council. Supplies pail of parish of Pewsey (Pewsey R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and borehole, 170 feet, in greensand, Wilcot Road, Pewsey. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Wilcot Road, 70,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: total, 16 '31; permanent, 3 "19. No action on lead. Phillack Urban District Council. Supplies Phillack U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from granite and elvan at Gwinear. The average daily quantity of water available is 300,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. 'Reservoirs : Wheal Alfred, Phillack, 104,000 gallons; Higher Tregliston, 4,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 40,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (21st July 1910) that the water is excellent, Hardness, 8. No action on 'lead. PAET I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Ill Pickering Rural District Council.* Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Cropton , (2) Ebherston, (3) Levisham, and (4) Thornton Dale (Pickering R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at (1) Rigg End, Hartoft, (2) Ebberston Dale ; (3) Rowl Spring ; (4) Spring at Nabgate. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 3,040 gallons; (2) and (3) not known ; (4) 29,600 gallons ; and a further 59,200 gallons per day could be obtained from (4). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : (1) Cropton, 20,000 gallons ; (2) Alfred's Hill, 2,058 gallons ; (4) Caulklauds, 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. (iiimitily of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. No action on lead. Plymouth Town Council. Supplies Plymouth C.B., Devonport C.B. (part), and parishes of Bickleigh (part), Compton Clifford, Egg Buckland (part), St. Budeaux (part), Tamerton Foliott (part), Weston Peverell (part) (Plympton St. Mary R.D.) ; Buckland Monachorum (part), Meavy (part), and Walkhanipton (part) (Tavistock R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to East Stonehouse U.D.C., Saltash T.C. (see. page 124), and Plympton St. Mary R.D.C. Powers. Plymouth Corporation Water and Markets Act, 1867 ; Plymouth Corporation Act, 1887 ; Plymouth Corporation Water Act, 1893 ; Plymouth Order, No. 2, 1897. Limits. Plymouth C.B., Devonport C.B. ; parishes of Bickleigh, Compton Gifford, Egg Buckland, St. Budeaux, Tamerton Foliott, Weston Peverell (Plympton St. Mary R.D.) ; Buckland Monachorum, Meavy, Sheepstor, and Walkhanipton (Tavistock R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Meavy and tributaries above Burrator Dam, with watershed of 5,360 acres on Dartmoor, in Meavy, Sheepstor, and Walkhampton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 6,218,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir: Burrator, 668,000,0(10 gallons. Service reservoirs : Hartley, 7,130,000 gallons; Drakes, 3,600,000 gallons; Crownhill, Egg Buckland, 1,100,000 gallons; Roborough, Bickleigh, 1,065,000 gallons; Yelverton, Meavy, 114,000 gallons. Pressure is sxifficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 5,465,000 gallons, and 753,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (23rd December 1913) that chemically no exception can be taken* to the water. Hardness: total, I'fil ; permanent, 1'61. No action on lead. Plympton St. Mary Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Corm\ood (part), (2) Holbeton (part), (3) Newton Ferrers (part), (4) Plympton St. Mary (part), Plympton St. Maurice, Plymstock (part), (5) Revelstoke (part), and (6) Yealmpton (part) (Plympton St. Mary R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) Springs from granite near Cornwood ; (2) Springs near Holbeton ; (3) Springs near Torre ; (4) Springs from granite at Bottle Hill and Lee Moor ; (5) Springs near Noss Mayo ; (6) Springs near Yealmpton and Dunstone. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 16,500 gallons ; (2) (3) and (5) not known ; (4) 298,000 gallons ; (6) 42,249 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Cornwood, 4,000 gallons ; (2) Holbeton, 3,678 gallons ; (3) Torre, Newton Ferrers, 4,000 gallons ; (4) (a) Plympton St. Mary, 365,000 gallons, (6) Elburton, 100,000 gallons; (5) Revelstoke, 1,000 gallons; (6) Hall Farm, Yealmpton, 62,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness : (1) per- manent, 6 ; (2) permanent, 12 ; (3) and (5) not known ; (4) total, 3 ; permanent, 2 ; (6) total, 11 ; permanent, 6. Water from sources (1) and (4) acts slightly on lead, but lead pipes are not used. Pocklington Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Barmby on the Moor, (2) Shipton, and (3) Thixendale (Pocklington R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Borehole, 280 feet m red shale at Barmby on the Moor ; (2) Borehole, 150 feet, at Shipton ; (3) Spring from chalk at Thixendale. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 5,000 gallons ; (2) 4,500 gallons ; (3) 400 gallons. A further 10,411 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 18,000 gallons from (2), and 2,600 gallons from (3). * Pickering R.D.C. are about to provide supplies in parishes of Aislaby, Middleton and Wrelton works it progress. A 0.198 H J12 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works.- -'No filtration. Reservoirs: (1) Barmby on the Moor, 40,000 gallons; (2) Gravel Pit Field, Shipton, 20,000 gallons ; (3) Thixendale tank, 1,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: (1) total, 20 '9; permanent, 8 ' 5 ; (2) total, 14 ' 2 ; permanent, 1 ' ; (3) total, 11 ' 9 ; permanent, 2 ' 7. No action on lead. Pontardawe Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Cilybebyll, Llangiwg, (2) and (3) Llangiwg , (4) and (5) Rhyndwyglydach and (6) Ynysymond (Pontardawe R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) to (6) Springs from Pennant Grit. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 300,000 gallons; (2) 267,500 gallons; (3) 250,000 gallons; (4) 300,000 gallons ; (5) 90,000 gallons ; (6) 12,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : (1) (a) Rhos, 60,000 gallons, (b) Hhy- dyfro, 10,000 gallons, (c) Ynismudw, 10,000 gallons; (2) Ystalyfera, 45,000 gallons; (3) (a) Brynamman, 30,000 gallons, (fr) Cwmgorse, 10,000 gallons; (4) Clydach, 40,000 gallons ; (4) Trebanos, 30,000 gallons ; (6) Upper Ynysymond, 10,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Fairly adequate except (3). Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness varies, l'9-7. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Pontefract Town Council. Supplies Pontefract B. (part), and furnishes supplies in bulk to Knottingley U.D.C., Pontefract R.D.C. and Hemsworth R.D.C., who also supply part of parish of East Hardwick (Pontefract R.D.), and furnish a supply in bulk to J. H. Hope Barton, Esq., for part of parish of Darrington (Pontefract H. 0.). Powers. Pontefract Corporation Act, 1906. Limits. Pontefract B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in New Red Sandstone, Roall, Whitley Bridge. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 697,428 gallons, and a further 382,572 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Park Hill (a) 366,000 gallons ; (b) 555,000 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 475,428 gallons and 222,000 gallons in biilk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical examination. Analyst remarks (January 1914) that the water is organically pure. Hardness, 11 '5. No action on lead. Pontefract Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Fairburn (Pontefract R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Gad Maer Spring. Yield not known Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Fairburn, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 36. No action on lead. Pontypool Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Llanfrechfa Lower (Pontypool R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 30 feet, near Ponthir. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Insufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 16. No action on lead ; contains slight traces of iron. Poole Town Council. Supplies Poole B. (part) ; and part of parish of Canford Magna (Poole R.D.). Powers. Poole Corporation Water Act, 1906. Limits. Poole B. ; and parts of parishes of Canford Magna, Lytchett Minster (Poole R.D.) ; Corfe Mullen (Wimborue and Cranborne R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk at Corfe Mullen. The average daily quantity of water obtained is '753,030 gallons, and a further 1,046,970 * gallons per day could be obtained. Works.No filtration. Storage reservoir : Forest Hill; 500,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Lytchett, 250,000 gallons ; Constitution Hill, 500,000 gallons ; Broadstone, 300,000 gallons; Broadstone Tower, 61,800 gallons ; Parkstone Tower, 61,800 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. PAKT I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 113 Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 753,030 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness, 15. No action on lead. Porthcawl Urban District Council. Supplies Porthcawl U.D. (part) ; and parish of Sker (Penybont R.D.). Sources of Suppl.i/ (Nature and Siitjiciency). Springs with upland gathering ground, 460 acres, Craig yr Aber Valley, Margam Hills. The average daily quantity of water available is 500,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Craig yr Aber Valley, 1,500,000 gallons; Tycoch, Porthcawl, 1 ,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 120,250 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Chemical and bacteriological examination every four months. Analyst remarks (November 1913) that chemically the water shows no evidence of contamination, and that bacterially it is satisfactory. Hardness, 3. Acts on lead, but galvanised iron pipes are used. Portland Urban District Council.- -Supplies Portland U.D. (part), and part of parish of Upwev (Weymouth R.D.). -Sources of Suppli/ (X attire and Sufficiency). (1) Two boreholes in Portland Sands, Friar Waddon, Upwey ; (2) Wells in Middle Chalk, Goulds Bottom, Upwey (emergency supply). The average daily quantity of water obtained from (1) is 525,000 gallons, and a further 300,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 225,000 gallons from (2). Works. No nitration. Service reservoirs : Upwey, 510,000 gallons ; Portland, 474,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 525,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly bacteriological examination. Bacteriologist remarks (19th Jamiary 1914) that the water is of a high degree of bacterial purity. Hardness: (1) total, 15 '4; permanent, 2; (2) total, 13 '5; permanent, 2 '2. No action on lead. Potterspury Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Hartwell, (2) Passenham, and (3) Potterspury (Potterspury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well at Hartwell; (2) Well, 15 feet, near Deanshanger ; (3) Well at Blackwell End. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Service reservoirs : Hartwell, (a) 7,000 gallons ; (b) 7,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally sufficient. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. No action on lead. Prestatyn Urban District Council. Supplies Prestatyn U.D. (part); and parts of parishes of Cwm, Dyserth, and Meliden (St. Asaph (Flint) R.D.). Powers. Prestatyn Water Act, 1901 ; Prestatyn Urban District Council Act, 1909. Limits. Prestatyn U.D. ; and parishes of Cwm, Dyserth, and Meliden (St. Asaph (Flint) R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature- and Sufficiency^ Spring from Carboniferous Limestone, Cwm. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 150,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 90 gallons per square yard per day. Service reservoirs : Cvviu, (a) 108,000 gallons, (b) 55,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 150,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness, 16 '3. No action on lead. Preston Town Council. Supplies Preston C.B. ; Longridge U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Hothersall, Ribbleton, Ribchester and Whittingham (Preston' R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Preston R.D.C., who also furnish a supply in bulk to West Lancashire R.D.C. Powers. Preston Waterworks Act, 1853 ; Preston Improvement Act, 1869 ; Preston Order, 1894 ; Preston Corporation Water Act, 1904. Limits. Preston C.B. ; Longridge U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) River Langden and Hareden Brook at Langden Valley and Hareden Valley ; (2) Cowley Brook and Dean Brook at Longridge Fells. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 4,500,000 gallons, (2) 1,000,000 gallons. H 2 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Alston (old), 94,300,000 gallons ; Alston (new), 196,000,000 gallons; Spade Mill, 230,000,000 gallons; Dilworth, 24,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs: Grimsargh, 60,000,000 gallons; Dilworth, 7,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,800,000 gallons and 200,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (12th September 1913) that the water is of satisfactory organic purity. Hardness : total, 4 ; permanent, 1 '3. No action 011 lead ; slightly saline. Pwllheli Town Council.- Supplies Pwllheli B. (part); and parts of parishes of Abererch and Llangybi (Lleyn R.D.). Powers Pwllheli Corporation Act, 1897. Limits. Pwllheli B. ; and parishes of Abererch and Llangybi (Lleyn R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two springs from gravel overlying slate and granite, Murcwymp. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 150,000 gallons, and a further 220,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoir : Nant Stigallt, 30,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 150,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent, and very soft. No action on lead. Queenborough Town Council. Supplies Queenborough B. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 400 feet, in Thaiiet sand, Minster. The average daily quantity of water available is 48,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Rushenden Hill, 80,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 36,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (20th February 1913) that the water may be safely used for drinking. Hardness : total, 29 '9; permanent, 5 '6. No action on lead. Eadstock Urban District Council. Supplies Radstock U.D. fpart) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Midsomer Norton U.D.C. (see page 93), Bath R.D.C., Llwydcoed Collieries, Ltd., who supply part of parish of Babington (Frome R.D.), and Lord Hylton, who supplies parts of parishes of Kilmersdon and Writhlington (Frome R.D.). Sources of Supjjly (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Old Red Sandstone and Lower Limestone Shales, at Downhead. The average daily qtiantity of water obtained is 117,734 gallons, and a further 73,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir: Downhead, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 73,734 gallons, and 44,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual examination. Analyst remarks (23rd December 1913) that bacterially the water is quite satisfactory. Hardness, 8 ' 5. No action on lead. Ramsgate Town Council. Supplies Ramsgate B. ; and parts of parishes of Minster and St. Lawrence Extra (Isle of Thanet R.D.). Powers. Ramsgate Local Board Act, 1877 ; Ramsgate Order, 1895 ; Ramsgate Order (No. 2) 1899. Limits. Ramsgate B. ; and parishes of Minster and St. Lawrence Extra (Isle of Thanet R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells and adits in Chalk, Ramsgate and St. Lawrence Extra. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,087,473 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Southwood Tower, 250,000 gallons ; Low Level, 750,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,087,473 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (20th November 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness: total, 24 '9; permanent, 7 ' 5. No action on lead ; saline. Raunds Urban District Council. Supplies Raunds U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in alluvial gravel of the Nene Valley, Raunds. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 35,000 gallons, and a further 207,000 gallons per day could be obtained. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 115 Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Hargrave Road, 255,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of \Vnler supplied. The daily average is 35,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (3rd September 1913) that the water is unpolluted, and fit for drinking. Hardness, 4 '5. No action on lead. Reading Town Council. Supplies Reading C.B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Eye and Dunsden (Henley R.D.) ; and Earley (Wokingham R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies In bulk to Coring R.D.C., and Wokingham R.D.C. Powers. Reading Union Waterworks Act, 1850; Reading Waterworks Acts, 1851 and 186S ; Reading Local Board Waterworks Act, 1868 ; Reading Local Board Waterworks, Sewerage, Drainage and Improvement Act, 1870 ; Reading Corporation Act, 1887 ; Reading Orders, 1873 (two) and 1899 ; Reading Water Order, 1903. Limits. Reading C.B. ; and parishes of Eye and Dunsden (part) (Henley R.D.) ; Earley (Wokingham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Kennet, intakes at Southcote and Fobney. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,206,000 gallons, and a further 5,460,666 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Filtration, 400 gallons per square yard per day, and also pressure filters. Storage reservoirs : Bath Road, (a) 4,000,000 gallons, (b) 4,000,000 gallons ; Tilehurst, 5,500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,196,236 gallons and 9,764 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyses (September and October 1913) no comment. Hardness: total, 8 '75; permanent, 2 ' 45. No action on lead. Redcar Urban District Council. Supplies Redcar U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring, at Upleatham Hill ; (2) and (3) Wells and boreholes in shale, Upleatham Hill. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 113,000 gallons; (2) 150,000 gallons and (3) 96,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : New Marske, (a) 500,000 gallons, (b) 9,000,00(3 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 150,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination (1) and (2) not entirely satisfactory, (3) of great organic purity and free from objectionable bacteria. Hardness : (1) and (2), total, 22 ' 5 ; permanent, 10 ' 5 ; (3) total 28, permanent, 7. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Redruth Urban District Council. Supplies Redruth U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs, Ac., collected in a disused mine adit : (1) Penstruthal, from granite ; (2) Gordon, from granite ; (3) Sandy Lane, from granite; (4) Trefula, from granite; (5) Drump, from Killas. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 86,900 gallons, (2) 14,557 gallons, (3) 132,480 gallons, (4) 12,098 gallons, (5) 20,109 gallons. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs: Sandy Lane, 5,781,700 gallons; near Wesley Chapel, 24,750 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. . Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 164,190 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (6th Sep- tember 1912) that the water is very pure. Hardness, 3. Reeth Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Arkengarthdale, (2) Grinton, (3) Marrick, (4) Melbecks, (5) Muker, and (6) Reeth (Reeth R.D.) Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from limestone, shale and grit ; (2) to (6) Springs from limestone. The average daily quantity of water available From (6) is 28,080 gallons ; yield of other sources not known. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Tanks at (1) Arkengarthdale, 70 gallons ; (2) Grinton, 80 gallons; (3) Marrick, 100 gallons; (4) (a) Callows, 70 gallons, (b) Blades, 70 gallons ; (5) (a) Muker, 100 gallons, (b) Thorns, 900 gallons ; (6) Calva Top, Reeth Moor, 1,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft occasional chemical examination. No action on lead ; (1) contains some iron. A 0.198 H 3 HO RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Rhayader Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Llanyre (part) and (2) Rhayader (Khayader R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Mountain springs ; (2) Mountain springs (supplemented when necessary by River Wye). Yield of (1) not known ; the average daily quantity of water available from (2) is 80,000 gallons. Works. Water from River Wye only is filtered. Reservoirs : (1) Newbridge on Wye 9,000 gallons ; (2) Conyn near Rhayader, 28,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Soft, but no action on lead. Rhondda Urban District Council. Supplies Rhondda U.D. (part). Powers. Ystradyfodwg Urban District Council (Gas and Water) Act, 1896 ; Rhondda Urban District Council Acts, 1899, 1902, 1905 and 1911. Limits. Rhondda U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Weir on Rhondda River, Blaenhondda Mountain ; (2) Nant Ystrad Ffernol ; (3) Nant Selsig, Tyisaf Mountain, gathering ground, 1,600 acres. The average daily quantity of water available is 1,650,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 2,300 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Llyn Fawr, Rhigos, 200,000,000 gallons. Tynywaun, Treherbert, 7,240,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Treherbert, (a) 470,000 gallons, (b) 135,000 gallons ; Tyntyla, 40,000 gallons ; Blaenclydach, 1 00,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,639,421 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (July 1913) that the water shows no evidence of organic contamination, but bacteriologically it is doubtful. Hardness, 2 ' 6. No action on lead. Rhyl Urban District Council. Supplies Rhyl U.D. ; Abergele and Pensarn U.D. ; and parishes of Abergele Rural (part), Cefn (part), Llanefydd (part), St. George (part) (St. Asaph (Denbigh) R.D.) ; Bodelwyddan (part), Rhuddlan, St. Asaph (part), Waen (part) (St. Asaph (Flint) R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to St. Asaph (Denbigh) R.D.C. Powers. Rhyl Improvement Act, 1852 ; Rhyl District Waterworks Acts, 1865 and 1871 ; Rhyl District Water Order, 1879 ; Rhyl District Water Act, 1892 ; Rhyl Improvement Act, 1901. Limits. Rhyl U.D. ; Abergele and Pensarn U.D. ; and parishes of Abergele Rural, Cefn, St. George (St. Asaph (Denbigh) R.D.) ; Bodelwyddan, Rhuddlan, St. Asaph, Waen (St. Asaph (Flint) R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs and streams, with gathering ground, 900 acres, Llanefydd. The average daily quantity of water available is 1,041,096 gallons. Works. Filtration, 547 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Plas Uchaf, 56,000,000 gallons ; Dolwen, 48,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Glascoed, Cefn , 1 ,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 468,920 gallons, and 11,148 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical and annual bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks that the water is of satisfactory organic and bacterial purity. Hardness ; total 4 '3, permanent, 0'7. No action 011 lead. Richmond (Surrey) Town Council. Supplies Richmond B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well in Chalk, Richmond ; (2) Well in gravel, Petersham, Richmond ; (3) Supply in bulk from Metropolitan Water Board (see page 163) ; (4) River Thames (auxiliary supply). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 189,885 gallons, (2) 240 266 gallons, (3) 559,000 gallons, (4) 257,601 gallons. Works. Water from source (2) only is filtered, 450 gallons per square yard per clay Service reservoir : Richmond Park, 750,000 gallons. Pressure is, in parts, insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,246,752 gallons. Supply is, in parts, intermittent. Quality of Water. Satisfactory weekly chemical and monthly bacteriological examination of (2). Hardness, 18. No action on lead. Richmond (Yorks.) Town Council. Supplies Richmond B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from limestone and gravel : (1) Coalsgarth ; (2) Aislabeck. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 123,000 gallons and (2) 38,000 gallons. 11 orlis No filiation. Service reservoirs : Victoria, Gallowgate, 75,000 gallons; \\ t-st Pield, 15,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 117 Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 80,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (1st August 1911) that the water is excellent. Hard, and no action on lead. Richmond (Yorks.) Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Dalton, (2) Downholmc, (3) Gayles (part), (4) Hudswell, (5) Skeeby (part), and (6) Whashton (part) (Richmond Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1), (3), (5), and (G), Springs ; (2) and (4) Springs on Downholme Moor. Yield not known. Works. Water from source (4) only is filtered. Storage reservoirs : (1) Dalton, 93G gallons; (3) Gayles, 1,000 gallons; (4) Hudswell, 930 gallons; (G) Whashton, 312 gallons. Pressure is suflicient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Gcod. (I) and (3) soft ; (2), (4), (5), and (6) hard. No action on lead. Ripley Urban District Council. Supplies Ripley U.D. (part). Sources of Supply Nature and Sufficiency. Supplies in bulk from (1) Derwent Valley Water Board (see page 169). (2) The Butterley Co., Ltd.- (see page 253). (3) Well (180 feet) with heading, Ripley. The average daily quantity of water obtained from (1) is 90,000 gallons, (2) 56,250 gallons ; (3) 10,000 gallons, and a further 20,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (3). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Ripley, 250,000 gallons ; High Level Tank, 60,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 156,250 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. (3) not very good occasional chemical examination. Hardness : (3) total, 27 ' 3 ; permanent, 16 ' 19. No action on lead. Ripon Town Council. Supplies Ripon B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Clotherholme, Grantley, Lindrick with Studley Royal and Fountains, Littlethorpe, North Stainley with Sleningford, Sharow, Studley Roger (Ripon R.D.). Powers. Ripon Corporation Acts, 1886 and 1901. Limits. Ripon B. ; and parishes of Aid field, Clotherholme, Copt Hewick, Givendale, Grantley, Lindrick with Studley Royal and Fountains, Littlethorpe, Newby with Mulwith, North Stainley with Sleningford, Sharow, Skelton, Studley Roger (Ripon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Holburn, Craven Gill, and South Gill Becks, tributaries of the River Laver, with gathering ground, 700 acres, Lumley Moor. The average daily quantity of water available is 814,900 gallons. Works. Filtration, 681 gallons per square yard per day. Service reservoir : Whitefields, 750,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 304,920 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Frequent chemical examination. Analyst remarks (19th Novem- ber 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness, 2'0. Acts very slightly on lead and is treated with limestone. Ripon Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Bishop Monkton, (2) Grewelthorpe, (3) Kirkby Malzeard, and (4) Markington with Wallerthwaite (Ripon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : (2) Grewelthorpe, (3) Kirkby Malzeard ; capa- city not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness.; (1) 17 '6; (4) 24 "2; (2) and (3) soft, No action on lead. Risca Urban District Council. Supplies Risca U.D.f (part) ; and Mynyddislwyn U.D.j (part). Powers. Risca Urban District Council Act, 1909. Limits. Risca U.D. ; Mynyddislwyn U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Nantydraenog and Cwmceasingrig streams, Mynyddislwyn Mountain ; (2) Springs at Tynyfynnoii and in Cwmcarn Valley ; (3) Supply in bulk from Rhymuey and Aber Valleys Gas and Water Company (see page 209). Yield of (1) and (2) not known ; the average daily quantity of water obtained from (3) is 59,868 gallons. * Ripley IT.D.C. The supply from the Butterley Co. will be discontinued from 1st September 1915. f Risca U.D. and Mynyddislwyn U.D. are within the limits of supply of the Abertillery and District Joint Water Board, and the Risca Urban District Council's undertaking is to be transferred to the Joint Board. II 4 118 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. Water from source (1) only is filtered. Storage reservoir : Nantydraenog, 12,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Nantydraenog, 200,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 500,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Fairly satisfactory. Hardness, 5. No action on lead. Rishworth Urban District Council. Supplies Rishworth U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from shale under peat, Rishworth Moor. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Rishworth Moor, 56,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 3. No action on lead. Rochdale Town Council. Supplies Rochdale C.B. (part) ; Littleborough U.D. (part) ; Milnrow U.D. (part) ; Norden U.D. (part) ; Wardle U.D. (part) ; and Whitworth U.D. (part). Powers. Rochdale Waterworks Acts, 1847 and 1866 ; Rochdale Improvement Acts, 1872 and 1875 ; Rochdale Orders, 1880 and 1882 ; Rochdale Corporation Acts 1884 and 1908 ; Rochdale Corporation Water Act, 1898. Limits Rochdale C.B., Littleborough U.D., Milnrow U.D., Norden U D Wardle U.D., and Whitworth U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland surfaces : (1) 964 acres, Whitworth ; (2) 558 acres, Whitworth and Norden ; (3) 497 acres, Whitworth and Wardle ; (4) 400 acres, Walsden Yield not known. Works. Filtration, at (1) and (2), 600 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Whitworth, (a) 227,850,000 gallons, (b) 133,543,700 gallons ; Whitworth, Wardle and Syke, Rochdale, (a) 47,010,448 gallons, (b) 73,532,152 gallons. Walsden 104,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Rochdale, 24,271,312 gallons ; Knott Hill, Shawforth, 500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,450,000 gallons. Supply is constant.. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (15th October 1913) that the water is not quite as good as usual. Hardness, 3 '4. Acts on lead, and is treated with kiln dried whiting. Rochester Town Council. Supplies Rochester B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Frinsbury Extra, and Strood Extra (Strood R.D.). Powers. Rochester City Improvement Act, 1880. Limits. Rochester B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells, 120 feet, in chalk at Strood Hill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 285,000 gallons, and a further 500,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works.- Charcoal filters. Service reservoirs : Broom Hill, (a) 200 000 o- a llons (6) 380,000 gallons ; Strood Hill, 168,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 285,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Liable to pollution, and is treated with chloros frequent chemical and monthly bacteriological examination. Hardness : total, 18 '69; permanent, 5 '6. No action on lead. Ross Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Llangarren (Ross R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Trereece. The average daily quantity of water available is 8,000 gallons. Wonts. No filtration. Service reservoir : Llangrove, 10,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 16 ' 3. Action on lead not known. Rothbury Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Harbottle (2) Long- framlington, (3) Mount Healey, and (4) Thropton (Rothbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) (a) Spring at the Hill, (b) Well in Castle Field ; (2) Spring at North Gate; (3) Spring on Lorginshaw Hill ; (4) Spring at Chirnells. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is respectively, (1) (a) 10,000 gallons, (b) 1,440 gallons (emergency supply) (2) 72 000 gallons ; (3) 57,600 gallons ; (4) 50,400 gallons. Works No filtration. Reservoir : (1) Castle Field, 540 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good, and soft, No action on lead. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 119 Rotherham Town Council. Supplies Rotherham C.B. (part) ; and parishes of Wentworth (part) and Whiston (Rotherham H.I).); and furnishes supplies in bulk to Greasborough U.D.C. and Hawmarsh U.D.C. Powers. Hotherham and Kimberwortli Local Board of Health Acts, 1863 and 1870 ; Rotherham Corporation Acts, 1875, 1877, 1896, 1900, 1904, and 1911; Sheffield Corporation Water Act, 1896 ; Derwent Valley Water Act, 1899. Limits. Rotherham C.B. ; Greasboroxigh U.D. ; Rawmarsh U.D. ; parishes of Brinsworth, Dalton, and Whiston (Rotherham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nat HIV and Sufficiency). Supply in bulk from Sheffield T.C. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,639,000 gallons. Works. Service reservoirs: Boston, 750,000 gallons ; Cranworth, 600,000 gallons ; . Keppels, 50,000 gallons ; and Kimbervvorth, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,292,000 gallons and 347,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. See Sheffield T.C., page 128. Rothwell (Northants) Urban District Council. Supplies Rothwell U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Northampton Sand, Rothwell. The average daily quantity of water available is 145,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Service reservoir : Rushton Road, 215,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. - - The daily average is 46,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical examination. Analyst remarks (llth January 1913) that no exception can be taken to the water. Hardness : total, 21; permanent, 3 ' 85. No action on lead ; contains iron and lime. Royal Leamington Spa Town Council. Supplies Royal Leamington Spa B. (part). Potrers. Leamington Corporation Act, 1896. Limits. Royal Leamington Spa B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two wells in New Red Sandstone: (1) Campion Well ; (2) Lillington Well, Rugby Road. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 650,000 gallons ; (2) 600,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Royal Leamington Spa, (a) 1,000,000 gallons, (6) 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 703,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (January 1912) that the water is good. Hardness: (1) total, 29 "6; permanent, 17 "6; (2) total, 17 '4; permanent, 10 "6. No action on lead. Rugby Urban District Council. Supplies Rugby U.D. ; and part of parish of Bilton (Rugby R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Rugby R.D.C. Powers. Rugby Waterworks Act, 1863 ; Rugby Water and Improvement Act, 1901. Limits. Rugby U.D. ; and parish of Bilton (Rugby R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) River Avon at Brownsover Mill ; (2) Upland gathering ground, 100 acres, Rugby and Hillmorton. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 715,169 gallons, (2) 52,000 gallons, and a further 884,831 gallons per day could be obtained from (1). Works. Filtration, 763 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Brownsover Mill, 2, 000,000 gallons ; A von Pumping Station, 1,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Barby Road Tower, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 757,445 gallons, and 9,724 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (16th September 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness : (1) 19 '5; (2) 17 '5. No action on lead. Rugeley Urban District Council. Supplies Rugeley U.D. (part) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Lichfield R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two boreholes, 156 feet, in Bunter, Cannock Chase. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 108,671 gallons. Worfcs. No nitration. Storage reservoir : Slitting Mill, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 101,843 gallons, and 6,828 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (21st March 1908) that the water is quite satisfactory. Hardness: total, 6 '2; permanent, 5 '4. No action on lead. 120 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Runcorn Urban District Council. Supplies Runcorn U.D. ; and parts of parishes of Haltoii and Weston (lluncorn R.D.). Powers. Runcorn, Weston and Halton Waterworks Acts, 1865 and 1870; Runcorn Commissioners Act, 1893. Limits. Runcorn U.D., and parishes of Halton and Weston (Runcorn R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well in Trias, Runcorn Hills ; (2) Supply in bulk from Liverpool T.C. (see page 79). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 120,000 gallons ; (2) 470,000 gallons. A further 230,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 530,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Runcorn Hills, 1,000,000 gallons; Weston Tank, 3C.,000 gallons ; Halton, 26,000 gallons. Pressure is suflicient. (iiiiiu/i/i) of Water supplied. The daily average is 590,00(1 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical and occasional bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (28th August 1913) that the water is quite satisfactory. Hardness : total, 9' 0; permanent, 6 "5. No action on lead ; saline. Runcorn Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Frodsham, Frodsham Lordship, (2) Helsby, and (3) Kirigswood, and Manley (Runcorn R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells and boreholes in red sandstone : (1) Frodsham ; (2) Helsby ; (3) Springs from sand and marl near Delamere Forest. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 76,750 gallons ; (2) 38,250 gallons ; (3) 25,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : (1) (a) Overton 125,000 gallons, (l>) Beacon Hill, 50,000 gallons; (2) Helsby Hill, capacity not known; (3) Tank a't Haycliffe, 31,590 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Very good occasional examination. Rather hard and no action on lead. Ruskington Urban District Council. Supplies Ruskington U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian bore and spring, Ruskington. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 20,000 gallons, and a further 60,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 20,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on lead. Ruthin Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Aberwheeler Rural, (2) Gyffylliog, (3) Llandyrnog Rural, Llangwyfen, Llangynhafal, and Llanychan (Ruthin R.I).). Sources of Supply (Natiire and Sufficiency). (1) Springs at Tynycelyn, Aberwheeler ; (2) Springs and upland gathering ground, 105 acres, at Foel Ganot Gyffylliog; (3) Springs and upland gathering ground, Fammau Range. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 520 gallons ; (2) 968 gallons ; (3) 20,000 gallons. A further 32,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 54,032 gallons from (2), and 46,237 gallons from (3). Works. Water from sources (2) and (3) is filtered. Service reservoirs : (1) (a) Waen, 900 gallons, (b) Geinas, 500 gallons ; (2) Gyffylliog, 10,000 gallons ; Nant y Ne, 60,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness : (1) 6 ; (2)7; (3)2-99. Acts on lead. Ryde Town Council. Supplies Ryde B. (part) ; St. Helens U.D. (part) ; and part of parish of Ashey (Isle of Wight R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to St. Helens U.D.C. and Isle of Wight R.D.C. Powers. Ryde Improvement Act, 1854 ; Ryde Water Act, 1861 ; Ryde Order, 1876. Limits. Ryde B. ; St. Helens U.D. (part) ; and parish of Ashey (part) (Isle of Wight R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) Well and headings in Lower Chalk and Upper Greensand, with auxiliary supply from borings in Lower Greensand, Knighton ; (2) Wells in chalk, Ashey. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 617,000 gallons ; (2) 64,000 gallons. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 121 W<-k*. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Ashey Down, (a) 500,000 gallons, (6) 600,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantitij of Water suppl led. The daily average is 610,000 gallons, and 71,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Frequent chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (20th January 1914) that the water is excellent. Hardness: total, 15 "5; permanent, 3 '2. No action on lead ; some iron in water from Lower Greensand. Rye Town Council. Supplies Rye B. (part) ; and part of parish of East Guldeford (Rye R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Rye R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Borehole in Ashdown Sands, Cadborough, Rye ; ('2) Spring, Military Road, Rye. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 62,000 gallons ; (2) 38,000 gallons. A further 100,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 3,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Military Road, 45,0"00 gallons. Service reservoir : Rye Hill, Playden, 160,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 87,000 gallons, and 13,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Wutei: Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (5th January 19 14) that the water is quite satisfactory. Hardness: ( 1 ) total, 14 ' 4 ; permanent, 4 ' 9 ; (2) total, 17 3 ; permanent, 8 ' 2. No action on lead. Rye Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Icklesham (Rye R.D.). ,So/urr.s uf Supply (Nature and Sufficiency), (1) Winchelsea Well ; (2) Newgate Spring. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respec- tively, (I) 12,500 gallons ; (2) 5,000 gallons ; and a further 8,500 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Winchelsea, 17,600 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analysis (10th February 1910), no comment. Hardness: total, 11' 1; permanent, 5' 1. Saffron Walden Town Council. Supplies Saffron Walden B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 350 feet, bored in Chalk, Saffron Walden. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 150,000 gallons, and a further 300,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Water is filtered. Service reservoirs : Debden Road, 220,000 gallons ; tower, 30,000 gallons ; Seward's End, 6,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 150,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory annual chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness : total, 25 "2 (after softening, 11) ; permanent, 6 "2. No action on lead. Saffron Walden Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Bartlow End, Elmdon, Hempstead, and Widdington (Saffron Walden R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs, Bartlow End, Elmdon (two), and Widdington capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Fairly satisfactory. Fairly soft, but no lead pipes are used. St. Asaph (Denbigh) Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Llanfair Talhaiarn (St. Asaph (Denbigh) R.D.) Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Nant Barrog stream. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Service reservoir : Llanfair Talhaiarn, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 2 '3. Tin-lined pipes are used. St. Asaph (Flint) Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Cwm, and (2) Tremeirchion (St. Asaph (Flint) R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs and wells : (1) Aelwyd (Telia and Church Woods ; (2) Mynydd Bychan and Rhuallt Woods. Yield not known. 122 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. Water from source (2) only is filtered. Service reservoirs : (1) (a) Aelwyd Uoha, 6,000 gallons, (b) Church Woods, 1,000 gallons ; (2) (a) Mynydd Bychan, 3,000 gallons, (b) Rhuallt Woods, 400 gallons, (c) 1,175 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good occasional examination. Hardness : (1) not known ; (2) total, 4 '6; permanent, 2 '9. No action on lead. St. Austell Urban District Council. Supplies St. Austell U.D. (part) ; and part of parish of St. Austell Rural (St. Austell R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from granite : (1) Carne Stents, St. Austell ; (2) Bojea. St. Austell. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 108,000 gallons ; (2) 72,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Trenance, 1,000,000 gallons ; Menna- cuddle, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 140,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (12th September 1911) that the water is quite suitable for drinking. Hardness, 2 '5. No action on lead ; contains some iron. St. Austell Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) St. Austell Rural, (2) St. Blazey, Tywardreath, (3) St. Ewe, and (4) St. Mewan (St. Austell R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) (a) Spring at Stenalees, (b) Well at Penwithick, (c) Spring at Carclaze, (d) Adit at Phernyssick, (e) Adit at Trenance ; (2) (a) Spring at Starrick Moor, (b) Adit at Carbis Moor, (c) Adit at Prideaux ; (3) Adit at St. Ewe ; (4) (a) Adit at Polgooth, (b) Spring at Sticker. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) (a) 28,800 gallons, (b) 72,000 gallons, (c) 11.520 gallons, (d) 28,800 gallons, (e) 36,000 gallons; (2) (a) 43,200 gallons, (b) 28,800 gallons, (e) 23,040 gallons; (3) 21,600 gallons; (4) (a) 21,600 gallons, (b) 14,400 gallons. Overflow from (2) (a), (b) and (c) is utilised by Fowey T.C. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : (1) Slades, 150,000 gallons, (a) Stenalees, 200,000 gallons, (b) Penwithick, 600,000 gallons, (c) Carclaze, 50,000 gallons, (e) Trenance, 100,000 gallons; (2) St. Blazey and Tywardreath, (a) 200,000 gallons, (6) 200,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient except (1) (b) and (c). Quality of Water. Good, and soft. Acts on lead, but lead pipes are not used. The water contains some iron. St. Columb Major Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of St. Columb Major (St. Columb Major R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Ruthross. The average daily quantity of water available is 45,360 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir: Ruthross, 30,000 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Inadequate in summer. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (12th July 1907) that chemically the water is good. Hardness, 2. No action on lead. St. Dogmells Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Cilgerran, (2) Dinas, (3) Moylgrove, and (4) and (5) St. Dogmells Rural (St. Dogmells R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring at Rhoshill ; (2) Springs from gravel at Jericko ; (3) Three springs at Moylgrove; (4) Two springs, near Penrhiw ; (5) Spring near Capel Degwel. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs : (1) Windy Hill, Rhoshill, 139 gallons ; (2) Jericko, 217 gallons ; (4) Penrhiw, (a) 350 gallons, (b) 3,500 gallons, (c) Degwel Chapel, 50 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. Action on lead not known. St. Germans Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Maker, (2) Millbrook, (3) Rame, (4) and (5) St. Germans, and (6) Sheviock (St. Germans R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs and Avells in sandstone, Blackendown ; (2) Upland surface, 60 acres, treganhawke ; (3) Springs from sandstone, Watergate ; Springs and wells in sandstone at (4) Trerieve, (5) Tideford ; (6) Springs PAET I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 123 from sandstone, Portwrickle. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 4,000 gallons; (2) 25,800 'gallons ; (3) 8,500 gallons; (4) 7,000 gallons; (5) 2,000 gallons; (6) 4,000 gallons. Works. Filtration at (*2) only, 600 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs: (2) Treganhawke, 2,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs: (1) Blacken- down, 17,000 gallons ; (3) Watergate, 14,000 gallons ; (4) Trerieve (a) 50,000 gallons, (1>) 50,000 gallons; (5) Tideford, 2,500 gallons ; (6) Portwrickle, 1,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity nf \Vdti-r supplied. (1) and (2) Inadequate ; (3) to (6) adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness varies from 7 to 14. No action on lead. St. Helens Town Council. Supplies St. Helens C.B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Kirkby (Sefton R.D.) ; Bickerstaffe (West Lancashire R.D.) ; Bold, Eccleston, Knowsley, Whiston, and Windlo (Whiston U.I).); and furnishes supplies in bulk to Rainford U.D.C., West Lancashire U.D.C., and the Earl of Sefton, who supplies part of parish of Simonswood (West Lancashire R.I >.). Pou-fi's. St. Helens Waterworks Act, 1843 ; St. Helens Improvement Act, 1869 ; St. Helens (Corporation) Water Act, 1882 ; St. Helens Orders, 1887 and 1894 ; St. Helens Corporation Acts, 1893, 1898, and 1911. Limits. St. Helens C.B. ; and parishes of Eccleston and Windle (Whiston R.D.). Sources of Sui>i>ly (Nature and Sufficiency), Deep wells in the New Red Sandstone : (1) Eccleston Hill ; (2) Whiston; (3) Knowsley ; (4) Kirkby ; (5) Melling ; (6) Collins Green Colliery (emergency supply.) The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 500,000 gallons ; (2) 400,000 gallons ; (3) 1,000,000 gallons; (4) 1,300,000 gallons'; (5) 1,500,000 gallons; and (6) 600,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Eccleston, 6,700,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Eccleston Hill, 500,000 gallons; Brown Edge, (a) 10,000,000 gallons, (b) 2,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,428,000 gallons, and 50,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks that the water is of a high degree of purity. Hardness: total, 20 '9 (after softening, 10 '2); permanent, 7'1. No action on lead. St. Ives (Cornwall) Town Council. Supplies St. Ives B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from granite, Penbeagle ; (2) Wheal Mary (disused) mine, Hellesveor Moors ; (3) Ayr mine ; (4) Upland gathering ground, Bussow Moors. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 1,440 gallons ; (2) 48,000 gallons ; (3) 4,320 gallons ; (4) 403,000 gallons. Works. Pressure filters. Storage reservoir : New Bussow, 22,651,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Penbeagle, 26,000 gallons ; Albert Tank, 16,000 gallons ; Ayr Tank, 20,000 gallons ; Hellesveor, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 264,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (July 1913) "that chemically the water is quite suitable for drinking. Hardness, 2 '75. No action on lead. St. Just Urban District Council. Supplies St. Just U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well in granite, Trewellard ; (2) Mine adit in granite, Boscaswell. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 10,000 gallons, and (2) 30,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 13,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on lead. 3t. Mellons Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Machen Lower, (2) Marshfield, Peterstone Wentlloog, and St. Bride's Wentlloog (St. Mellons R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from limestone, Lower Machen ; (2) Springs from red sandstone, above Castleton. Yield of (1) not known ; the average daily quantity of water derived from (2) is 11,000 gallons, and a further 65,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works.* Water from source (2) is filtered. Reservoirs : (1) Tank at Lower Machen, capacity not known (2) Castleton, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: (1) 11 '5; (2) 9. No action on lead. , 124 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. St. Neots Urban District Council. Supplies St. Neots U.D. (part) ; and part of pariah of Eynesbury Hardwicke (St. Neots R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Eaton Socon R.D.C. Powers. St. Neots Urban District Council Act, 1907. Limits. St. Neots U.D. ; parishes of Eynesburv Hardwicke and St. Neots Rural (St. Neots R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in gravel, Eynesbury Hardwicke. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 89,000 gallons, and a further 136,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir: Eynesbury Hardwicke, 250,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 88,000 gallons and 1,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Ouali/t/ of Water. Quarterly chemical examination. Analyst remarks that the water is pure. ' Hardness, 18. No action on lead. St. Neots Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Great Paxton (St. Neots R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in gravel overlying Oxford Clay, Great Paxton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 5,000 gallons, and a further 30,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir: Paxton Hill, 26,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Very good. Hardness about 19. No action on lead. St. Thomas Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Kenton and (2) Otterton (St. Thomas R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs: (1) Vennbridge, Starcrnss ; (2) Sidmouth Hill. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 75,000 gallons and (2) 12,500 gallons. A further 20,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 1,500 gallons from (2). Works. Water from source (2) is filtered. Reservoirs : (1) Staplake Farm, 20,000 gallons ; (2) Old Brickfield, 15,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on lead. Salcombc Urban District Council. Supplies Salcombe U.I), (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs : (1) North Sands Valley ; (2) Higher Park; (3) Lower Park ;< (4) Buddie; (5) Allenhays. The average daily quantity of water derived from 'each source is, respectively, (1) 31,200 gallons (2) 10,800 gallons, (3) 2,880 gallons, (4) 10,800 gallons, (5) 2,880 gallons ; and a further 15,600 gallons per day could be obtained from (1). Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Hanger, 38,500 gallons. Service reservoirs : Salcombe Hill, 83,475 gallons ; Allenhays, 6,450 gallons ; Higher Park, 18,000 gallons; Lower Park, 4,500 gallons; Buddie, 10,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 58,560 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 15. No action on lead. Salford Town Council. Supplies Salford C.B. (part). Powers. Salford Improvement Acts, 1862 and 1867 ; Salford Corporation Act, 1901. Limits. Salford C.B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Supply in bulk from Manchester T.C. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,450,000 gallons. Quality of Water. See Manchester T.C., page 89. Salisbury Town Council. Supplies Salisbury B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Salisbury. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 830,000 gallons.' Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Salisbury, (a) 294,950 gallons, (b) 47,110 gallons, (c) 19,919 gallons, (d) 5,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 830,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (16th October 1913) that the water is very satisfactory. Hardness, 18. No action on lead. Saltash Town Council. Supplies Saltash B. (part) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to St. Germans R.D.C. ^ Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) Spring from slate in disused mine adit, South Pill ; (2) Supply in bulk from Plymouth T.C. (see page 111). The average daily PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 125 quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 25,000 gallons, (2) 80,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. (Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate ; the. daily average in bulk is 11,578 gallons. (Duality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (31st December 1013) that chemically no exception can be taken to the water. Hardness : total, 14 ' 5 ; permanent, 7 "5. No action on. lead. Sandbach Urban District Council. Supplies Sandbach l : .l>. (part), and furnishes a supply in bulk to Congleton R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature ami Sufficiency). Borings, 70 feet in sandstone, at Arclid. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 140,000 gallons, but the yield is unlimited. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir: Sandbach, 194,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Tower at Sandbach, 60,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 101, 000 gallons, and ."/.I, 01 Ml gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Watw. Good. Hardness (after softening), 8. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Sandgate Urban District Council. Supplies Sandgate U.I). Source* of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Sandgate Beds : (1) (a) Upper Honywood, Seabrook, (b) Lower Honywood, Seabrook ; (2) Supply in bulk from Folkestone Waterworks Company (.sec page 192).* The average daily quantity of water available from (1) is 74,000 gallons, and (2) 10,600 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : (a) Upper Honywood, 26,252 gallons ; (b) Lower Honywood, 150,000 gallons ; (c) Sandgate high level, 200,000 gallons [(b) and (c) in course of construction]. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 63,970 gallons. Supply is intermittent. Quality of Water. Annual chemical examination. Analyst remarks (10th August 1912) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness : (I) (a) total, 22 ' 4 ; permanent, 4 ' 8 ; (b) total, 22 '5; permanent, 5 '9. No action on lead. Sandwich Town Council. Supplies Sandwich B. ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Eastry R.D.C. and Messrs. Pearson, who supply part of parish of Stonar (Isle of Thanet R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Chalk in Woodnesborough. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 230,000 gallons, and a further 118,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Woodnesborough, (re) 60,000 gallons, (b) 140,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate ; the daily average in bulk is not known. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (6th August 1912) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness : total, 22 ' 4 ; permanent, 3 ' 6. No action on lead. Scalby Urban District Council. Supplies Scalby U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Keld Runnels, Scalby. Ihe average daily quantity of water available is 35,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Keld Runnels, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 24,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 15. No action on lead. Scarborough Town Council. Supplies Scarborough B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Cayton, Irton, and Seamer (Scarborough R.D.). Powers. Scarborough Water Act, 1845; Scarborough Waterworks Amendment Acts, 1856 and 1863 ; Scarborough Corporation Water Act, 1878 ; Scarborough Improvement Act, 1889. Limits. Scarborough B. ; and parishes of Cayton, Irton, and Seamer (Scarborough R I) ) 'Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well in Corallian at Irton; (2) Well in Corallian at Osgodby ; (3) Spring from Oolite at Cayton Bay. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 1,345,000 gallons, (2) 644,000 gallons, and (3) 677,000 gallons. * Sandgate U.D.C. New works are in progress, which will obviate the need of this supply. 126 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Osgodby, 4,000,000 gallons ; Olivers Mount, Lower, 1,500,000 gallons, Upper, 1,500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,375,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Pure occasional chemical and bacteriological examination Hardness : (1) 11 27 ; (2) 13 44 ; (3) 13 ' 51. No action on lead. Scarborough Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Brompton, (2) East Ayton, and West Ayton (Scarborough R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) Upland siirface and spring from limestone at Brompton; (2) Spring at Ayton Forge. Yield of (1) not known; the average daily quantity of water available from (2) is 20,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs: (1) Cockmoor Cottage, capacity not known; (2 1 East Ayton, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and fairly hard. Action on lead not known. Sculcoates Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) North Ferriby. (2) Swanland and (3) Welton (Sculcoates R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Chalk ; (1) at North Ferriby, (2) at Swanland ; (3) Springs from Chalk at Welton. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 14,000 gallons ; (2) 6,000 gallons ; (3) 7,500 gallons. A further 10,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (2) and an unlimited quantity from (3). Works. No nitration. Service reservoirs : (1) Tower at North Ferriby, 28,000 gallons; (2) Tower at Swanland, 6,250 gallons; (3) Tank at Daleside, 400 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 18. No action on lead. Scunthorpe Urban District Council. Supplies Scunthorpe U.D. (part) ; Roxby cum Risby U.D. (part) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to W T interton U.D.C. and Glanford Brigg R.D.C. Powers. Scunthorpe Urban District Gas and Water Act, 1899 ; Scunthorpe Urban District Water Acts, 1903 and 1912. Limits. Scunthorpe U.D. ; Roxby cum Risby U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland gathering ground over limestone, 1,200 acres, Risby Warren. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 125,149 gallons, and a further 225,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Service reservoirs: Scunthorpe, 750,000 gallons; Roxby cum Risby, 200,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 95,884 gallons, and 29,265 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Wafer. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (30th April 1912) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness : total, 22 5 ; permanent, 7. No action on lead. Sedbergh Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Dent and (2) Sedbergh (Sedbergh R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Stream near Dent ; (2) Springs and streams, Sedbergh Hill. Yield not known. Works. Water from source (2) is filtered. Storage reservoir: (2) W T inder Hill, 3,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : (1) Dent, 500 gallons; (2) Sedbergh Hill, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness, 2 '5. Liable to act on lead. Seisdon Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Kinver (Seisdon R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in red sandstone at Kinver Mill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 21,911 gallons, and a further 98,496 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Gravel Hill, 120,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (19th March 1910) that the water is splendid. Hardness .total, 4'0; permanent, 3 ' 0. No action on lead. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 127 Selby Urban District Council. Supplies Selby U.D. (part) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Selby R.D.C. Powers. Selby Urban District Council Act, 1904. Limits. Selby U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Boreholes in new red sandstone, Brayton Barff, Bray ton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 300,000 gallons, and a further 564,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Brayton Barff, 800,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Tank at Selby, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 290,000 gallons, and 10,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory occasional chemical examination. Hardness, 13. No action on lead. Settle Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Airton, Hellifield, Otterburn, Scosthrop ; ("2) Austwick ; (3) Bentham ; (4) and (5) Clapham cum Newby ; (6) Giggles- wick, Settle ; (7) Horton in Ribblesdale ; (8) Ingleton ; (9) Langcliffe ; and (10) Thornton in Lonsdale (Settle R.D.) ; and furnishes from source (1) a supply in bulk to J. W. Morkill, Esq., for part of parish of Calton (Skipton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring on Airton Green ; (2) Spring from carboniferous limestone, Norber ; (3) "Bright Syke Spring" from grit on Burn- moor ; (4) Spring from limestone at Newby Cote ; (5) " Bullock's Well " spring from .Millstone Grit on Clapham Common ; (6) Springs from limestone at Settle ; (7) Spring from limestone at Brackenbottom ; (8) Springs from limestone at Swabeck ; (9) Spring from limestone at Langcliffe* ; (10) Spring from limestone at Great Scar. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 29,963 gallons, (2) 29,963 gallons, (3) 07,631 gallons, (4) 6,630 gallons, (5) 51,388 gallons, (0) 70,000 gallons, (7) 45,864 gallons, (8) 74,000 gallons, (9) 2,000 gallons, and (10) 11,482 gallons. \\'orks. No filtration. Storage reservoirs: (1) Airton Green, 42,000 gallons; (6) Settle, 3,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : (1) (a) Hellifield Moor, 50,000 gallons, (b) Airton Green, :',<>,< >:;,SO.", gallons, (b) .Mill Dam, 90,000 gallons; (4) Newby Cote, 4,500 gallons; (5) Wood Gill, 15,000 gallons; (6) Settle, 120,000 gallons; (7) Brackenbottom, 8,000 gallons; (8) Swabeck, 100,000 gallons; (9) Langcliffe, 22,500 gallons (under construction) ; (10) West Gate Farm, 10,600 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient, except (9), which is inadequate. iiuality of Water. Good. Hardness : (1) 11" 7; (2) ll'O ; (3) 4-0; (4) 10' 8; (5) 7'0; (6) 9'8; (7) 12 "0; (8) 7 '2; (9) not known; (10) 19 "0. No action on lead. Sevenoaks Rural District Council. -Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Chiddingstone, Leigh, Penshurst ; (2) Dunton Green, Otford (Sevenoaks R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) Spring from Tunbridge Wells Sand, Tubs Hole, Pensliurst ; (2) Springs from Lower Greensand, Dunton Green. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 11,000 gallons and (2) 30,000 gallons. A further 11,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 6,000 gallons from (2). Works .No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Smart's Hill, Penslmrst, 20,000 gallons ; (2) Polhill, Dunton Green, (a) 60,000 gallons, (I) 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Excellent occasional examination. Hardness: (1) total, 6 ' 3; permanent, 5 '3; (2) total, 12' 1; permanent, 3 '5. No action on lead; water from (2) contains some iron. Shanklin Urban District Council -Supplies Shanklin U.D (part) and part of parish of Gat- combe (Isle of Wight R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to the Isle of VV ight R.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs intercepted underground from Upper Greensand : (1) Greatwoods, Shanklin; (2) Crossmeadow,Wroxall; (3) Chillerton. The average daily quantity of water available from (1) and (2) is 100,000 gallons, and from (3) 478,000 gallons. * Settle E.D.C. -An additional supply is being provided for Langcliffe from Cawside Spring, which yields 10,600 gallons per day. A 0.198 128 BETUBN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES; Works No filtration. Reservoirs : Greatwoods, (a) 600,000 gallons, (6) 100,000 gallons, (c) 200,000 gallons, (d) 400,000 gallons ; Chillerton, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity l Water -s/^/ /<) 5,300 gallons, (c) 5,300 gallons ; and seven reservoirs, capacities not known. Pressure is sufficient. Qunutity of Water supplied, Plentiful ; the daily average in bulk is 13,200 gallons. (hmlily <>/ Water. Good. Hardness, 20. No action on lead. Sherborne Urban District Council. Supplies Sherborne U.D. (part). Source of Suj>ply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Midford Sands, Castleton. The average daily quantity <;f water obtained is 210,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Bristol Road, (a) 238,000 gallons, (b) 120,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 210,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (10th November 1913) that the water is of great organic and bacterial purity. Hardness, 1 7 ' 4. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Sherburn Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Folkton (Sherburn R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk on the Yorkshire wolds, Flixton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 5,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Flixton, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. (Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Excellent, and fairly hard. Action on lead not known. Shipley Urban District Council. Supplies Shipley U.D. (part). Powers. Shipley Waterworks and Police Act, 1854 ; Shipley Orders, 1860, 1865, and 1873 ; Shipley Local Government Act, 1874 ; Shipley Improvement Act, 1901 ; Shipley Urban District Council Acts, 1904 and 1912. Limits. Shipley U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland gathering ground, 1,200 acres, Rombalds Moor : (1) Surface water ; (2) Underground drifts (18 feet) in yellow sandstone. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 850,000 gallons, (2) 400,000 gallons. Works. Water from source (1 ) is filtered. Storage reservoir : Graincliffe, 95,530,< K )( > gallons. Service reservoirs: Upper Bank Top, Baildon, 4,517,625 gallons; Lower Bank Top, Baildon, 10,198,173 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 801,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical examination. Analysis (15th December 1913) no comment. Hardness, 4' 1; permanent, 3 '4. Water from (1) acts on lead and is treated with chalk and carbonate of soda. Shipston on Stour Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Blockley (Shipston on Stour R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from gravel at Paxford. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir : Paxford, capacity not known. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good, and fairly hard. No action on lead. I 2 130 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Shoeburyness Urban District Council. Supplies Slioeburyness U.J). and Southend on Sea B. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, with boring, 475 feet, into Thaiiet Sand, Waterworks Road, South Shoelrary. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 79,000 gallons, and a further 90,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No liltration. Storage reservoir: South Shoebury, 25,290 gallons, Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 79,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good- --occasional chemical examination. Hardness, 7. No action on lead. Shrewsbury Town Council. Supplies Shrewsbury B. Powers. Shrewsbury Waterworks Act, 1856 ; Shrewsbury Order, 1896. Limits. Shrewsbury B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency), (1) Well near Shrewsbury; (2) River Severn, intakes in Shrewsbury. * The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 25,000 gallons and (2) 1,200,000 gallons. A further 90,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 3,000,000 gallons from (2). Works. Pressure filters at (2) only. Reservoirs : towers, (a) 30,000 gallons. (6) 239,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,225,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. (1) Of high organic and bacterial purity; (2) Not potable. Hardness : (1) total, 23 '5; permanent, 6; (2) total, 2 '8; permanent, 2 '8. No action on lead. Silsden Urban District Council. Supplies Silsden II. D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Bradford's T.C.'s compensation reservoir at Silsden ; (2) Two streams near Silsden ; (3) Occasional supply in bulk from Bradford T.C. (see page 22). The average daily quantity of water obtained from each source is not known. Works. Part of the water is filtered. Storage reservoirs : -Silsden (two) and Barden, capacities not known. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 190,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and fairly hard. No action on lead. Sittingbourne Urban District Council. Supplies Sittingbourne U.D. (part) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Milton R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two wells and boring (420 feet) in Chalk, Keycol Hill, Bobbing. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 200,000 gallons, -and a further 250,000 per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Keycol Hill, (a) 300,000 gallons, (b) 147,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 153,000 gallons, and 47,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (23rd December 1913) that the water is very satisfactory. Hardness: total. 20'4; permanent, 2 '3. No action on lead. Skegby Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Blidworth (Skegby R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Bunter, Blidworth. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 10,620 gallons, but the yield is unlimited. Woi'ks. No liltration. Reservoir: Rickett Lane, 75,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Frequent chemical examination. Analyst remarks (2nd November 1911) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness: total 9 ; permanent, 8. No action on lead.] Skegness Urban District Council. Supplies Skegness U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Burgh le Marsh, Welton le Marsh, and Winthorpe (Spilsby R.D.). Pou-ers. -Skegness Water Act, 1905 ; Skegness Urban District Council Act, 1908. Limits. Skegness U.D. ; parishes of Croft (part), and Winthorpe (Spilsby R.D.). Shrewsbury T.C. Potable water is supplied from source (1) by means of stand-pipes in the streets ; water from River^ Severn is piped to houses, and although it is filtered and treated with chlorine to safeguard possible consumers it is not, intended for drinking. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 131 K of Supply (Xnluri' mill Sufficiency), Two boreholes in Spilsby Sandstone, \\Vltoii in tlie Marsh with Boothby. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 145,049 gallons, and a further I (Hi,!)")] gallons per day could be obtained Works. I'rrssure filters. Service reservoir : Welton in the Marsh, 400,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 145,049 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (3rd September 1913) that the water is quite suitable for drinking. Hardness: total, 3 '7. No action on lead. Skipton Urban District Council. Supplies Skipton U.l). (part), and furnishes an occasional supply in bulk to Carleton Waterworks Co., Ltd. (see page 232). Powers. Skipton Waterworks Act, 1870 ; Skipton Local Board of Health Act, 1874 ; Skipton Water and Improvement Act, 1904 ; Skipton Orders, 1883, 1895, and 1911. Limits. Skipton U.J ). Sources of Supply (Xalure and Sufficiency). Moorland streams and springs from Millstone Grit, Embsay Moor. The average daily quantity of water available is 700,000 gallons. Works. No (iltration. Storage reservoirs: Embsay Moor, 175,426,500 gallons; Rombalds Moor, 40,000,1)00 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 180,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (31st March 1911) that the water is organically pure. Hardness, 2 ' (5. No action on lead ; contains traces of iron. Skipton Rural District Council.- Supplies parishes of (1) Appletreewick (part), (2) Conistone with Kilnsey (part), (3) Embsay with Eastby (part), (4) (5) (Jargrave (part), (fi) Hebden (part), (7) Iletton, and (8) Kettlewell with Starbotton (part) (Skipton R.D.). Sources <>f Sup/ill/ {\iitnri' iind Sufficiency).- (V) and (3) Springs from sandstone; (2) and (8) Springs from limestone; (4) and (6) Springs from sandstone; (5) Springs from gravel ; (7) Spring from Millstone Grit at Rylstone. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectivelv, (1) 3,000 gallons; (2) 75,ooo gallons; (3) 4,000 gallons ; (4) 6,480 gallons ; (5) 145,000 gallons ; (6) 8,190 gallons ; (7) not known ; (8) (a) 5,094 gallons ; (6) 4,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: (1) Appletreewick, 3,750 gallons; (2) Conistone, 3,750 gallons; (3) Embsay with Eastby, 1,350 gallons; (4) Gargrave, 39,000 gallons; (li) Hebden, 1,800 gallons; (7) tanks at Rylstone, 380 gallons; (8) () Kettlewell, 13,750 gallons. (6) Starbotton, 400 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory occasional chemical examination. Hardness : (1) 2; (2) 12; (3) 7-5; (4) 2 "5; (6) 20; (6) 5 "4; (7) not known; (8) (a) 9 "2, (b) 16. No action on lead. Sleaford Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Anwick (part), (2) Evedou (part), (3) Ewerby (part), (4) Haverholme Priory (part), (5) Billinghay (part), Martin (part), North Kyme (part), South Kyme (part), Thorpe Tilney (part), Timberland (part), Wajcot near Billinghay (part), (6) liigby (part), (7) Dorrington (part), (8) Great Hale (part), (9) Hecking- ton (part), (10) Leasingham (part), (ll)Osbournby (part), (12) Scredington (part), (13) Svvaton (part), (14) Wellingore (part), (15) Wilsford (part), (16) Leadenham (part), (17) North Rauceby mart), South Rauceby (part), (18) Kirkby Green, Scopwick, (19) Burton Pedwardine (Sleaford R.D.) ; and (15) Ancaster (G ninth am R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) to (4) River Slea ; (5) Three borings; (6) to (14), (18) and (19) Borings; (15) (a) Boring, (b) Holywell spiing from limestone; (16) and (17) Springs from Oolite. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (I) 2,000 gallons ; (2) 2,000 gallons ; (3) 2,000 gallons ; (4) 1,000 gallons ; (5) 26,500 gallons; (6) 3,000 gallons ; (7) 2,500 gallons; (8) 6,000 gallons ; (9) 12,000 gallons ; (10) 4,500 gallons ; ( 1 1 ) 1 ,000 gallons ; (12) 400 gallons; (13) 2,500 gallons; (14) 6,000 gallons; (15) (a) 2,000 gallons, (6) 1,800 gallons; (16) 3,000 gallons; (17) 2,000 gallons; (18) 150,000 gallons; (19) 62,000 gallons. A further 2,000 gallons per day could be obtained from ( 1 ); 12,000 gallons from (2); 2,000 gallons from (3); 1,000 gallons from (4); 85,500 gallons from (5) ; 43,000 gallons from (6); 750,000 gallons from (?); 43,000 gallons from (8) ; 107,000 gallons from (9) ; 61,500 gallons from (10) ; 600 gallons from (11) ; 72,500 gallons from (13) ; 14,000 gallons from (14) ; 7,000 gallons from (15; (a) ; and 1,200 gallons from (15) (6) ; U,000 gallons from (16) ; and 2,500 gallons from (17). A 0.198 I 3 132 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. Water from (1) (4) only is liltered. Reservoirs: (1) Anwick, 3,500 gallons; (2) Evedou, 1,200 gallons; ('>) Ewerby, 3,500 gallons; (4) Haverholme, 5,00(1 gallons; (5) Billinghay, 67,500 gallons; (7) Dorrington, 12,000 gallons; () Great Hale, 12,500 gallons ; (9) Heckington, 30,000 gallons; (10) Leasingham, 22,000 gallons ; (12) Scredington, 2,500 gallons ; (13) Swaton, 1,000 gallons ; (15) Wilsford, 40,000 gallons ; (16) Leadenham, 6,500 gallons ; (17) Rauceby, 2,500 gallons. Pressure is sufficient except (11) and (12). Quantity of Water .si/^/j/iecZ. Adequate, except (12). Quality of Water. Good, except (12j. Hardness, about 23. No action on lead ; contains iron in some cases. Slough Urban District Council. Supplies SJougli U.I), (part); and parts of parishes of Datc.liet, Farnham Royal, Horton, Langley Marisli, Stoke Poges, Wexliam (Eton R.D.), and Stanwell (Staiiies R.D.). Powers. Slough Waterworks Acts, 1875 and 1910; Slough Water Orders, 1901 and 1906 ; South West Suburban Water Act, 1908 ; Slough Urban District Council Water Act, 1911. Limits. Slough U.I). ; and parishes of Burnham (part), Datchet, Farnham Royal (part), Fulmer (part), Horton (part), Langley Marisli, Stoke Poges, Wexham (Eton R.D.), and Stanwell (part) (Staines R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Well and boreholes in Chalk, Hear "Black Potts" Bridge, Datchet. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 750.000 gallons, and a further 1,500,000 gallons jjer day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir, Stoke Green, 1,250,000 gallons. Service reservoir, Stoke Common, 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 750,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (3rd February 1912) that, chemically, the water is good. Hardness : total, 15 '17; permanent, 3 '8. No action on lead. Southam Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of "Gaydon, Lower Shuckburgh, and Napton on the Hill (Southam R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good, but hard occasional chemical examination. Action on lead not known. Southampton Town Council. Supplies Southampton C.B. (part). Powers. Southampton Waterworks Act, 1836 ; Southampton Waterworks Amend- ment Act, 1850 ; Southampton Corporation Act, 1885 ; Southampton Orders, 1891, 1894, 1897, 1899, and 1902. Limits. Southampton C.B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells (100 feet) with adits, in Upper Chalk at Otterbourne. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,650,000 gallons. Works. Mechanical cloth filters. Service reservoirs : Otterbourne, 1,000,000 gallons ; Southampton Bassett, 4,500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantify of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,350,000 gallons in winter and 3,650,000 gallons in summer. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Weekly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (30th December 1913) that the water is good. Hardness : total, 16 ' 5 ; permanent, 6 ' (after softening, total 7, permanent, 3). No action on lead. Southborough Urban District Council. Supplies Southborough U.D. (part), and furnishes a supply in bulk to Tonbridge R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from sandstone, Bentham Hill Park ; (2) Well, 150 feet, in Ashdown Beds, Upper Haysden, Tonbridge. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 35,000 gallons; (2) 90,000 gallons. Works. Filtration at (2) only, 147 gallons per square yard per day. Reservoir : London Road, 120,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The, daily average is 86,473 gallons, and 5,000 gallons m bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (12th November 1 913), that the water is quite satisfactory. Hardness: total, 5 '4; permanent, 2 '4. No action on lead ; contains some iron. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 133 South Barley Urban District Council. Supplies South Darley U.I), (part). Son.rres of tiuppli/ (Nn/tirc a>nl ^iii''iri,-ii<-i/). .Spring from Millstone Grit, Stanton Moor, Kaki-well. The average daily quantity of water available is 12,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Wensley, 1)7,500 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 8,750 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 2'1. Acts slightly on lead, but tin-lined pipes are used. South Molton Town Council. Supplies South. Moltou B. Sources of Supply (Nature an/I Siijjinieitcy). Gathering ground, 400 acres, and springs on Exmoor, North -Molton Common. The average daily quantity of water available is 500,000 gallons. Wi-l;a. Pressure filters. Storage reservoir: North Molton, 7,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir : South Molton, 180,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Qixuititi/ of \V77,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of \Vatcr supplied. The daily average is 600,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (14th October 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness: total, 8 '16; permanent, 5. No action on lead. Stainland with Old Lindley Urban District Council. Supplies Stainland with Old Lindley II. I), (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit at Cold Acre Edge. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Cold Acre, 6,750,000 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 45,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Fairly hard, and no action on lead. Stanhope Urban District Council. Supplies Stanhope U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficient u). -Moorland springs fi-om sandstone, Stanhope. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 40,000 gallons, and a further 55,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoir : Near Stanhope, 25,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Stanhope, 4,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 40,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on lead. Startforth Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Boldron, and (2) Bowes (Startforth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from gravel, Smart Gill Farm ; (2) Highinoor's Spring from slate and sandstone, on moorland. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 1,500 gallons ; (2) 4,000 gallons. A further 4,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 2,990 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : (1) Smart Gill Farm, 2,000 gallons ; (2) Highinoor's Spring, 18,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on lead. Stevenage Urban District Council. Supplies Stevenage U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk, Rook's Nest, Stevenage. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 75,000 gallons, and a further 40,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Rook's Nest (a) 300,000 gallons, (b) 60,000 gallons ; (c) 3,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 75,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness : total, 14 ' 7 ; permanent, nil. No action on lead. PAftT li SECTlOft I. LOCAL AtTHOKItltiS. 135 Stockport Town Council. Supplies Stockport 0.15, (part), Alclerley Edge U.D. (part), Cheadle and Gatley l : .D. (part), Handforth U.D. (]>art), Hazel Grove and Bramhall U.D. (part), Wilmslow U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Martliall cum Warforcl, Northern Etchells, Styal (Bueklow R.D.); Disley (Disley R.D.) ; Chorley, Great Warlord, Nether Alderley, Poynton with Worth, and Woodford (Macdesfield R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bidk to Bredbury and Romiley U.D.C. and Marple U.D.C. Powers. Stockport Corporation Water Acts, 1899 and 1901 ; Stockport Corporation Acts, 1905 and 1908. Limits. Stockport C.B. ; Alderley Edge U.I). ; Bredbury and Romiley U.D. (part) ; Cheadle and Gatley U.D. ; Handforth U.D. ; Hazel Grove and Bramhall U.D. ; Marple I '.!).; Wilmslow U.D. ; parishes of Styal (Mncklow R.D.) ; Disley (Disley R.D.) ; Chorley, Lynie Handley, Nether Alderley, Poynton with Worth (part), and Woodford (Macclesfield R.D.). Sourrt'x <>( Supply (\atui-f mill Sufficiency). (1) Upland surface, 1,400 acres, Lyme I 'ark, Disley ; (2) Boreholes in New Red Sandstone, Wilmslow (not at present in use) ; (.">) Upland surface 2,130 acres, Kinder Hayfield ; (4) Supply in bulk from Manchester T.I'. (*<<' page 89). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 1,280,000 gallons; (3) 2,300,000 gallons; (4) 1,040,000 gallons; 1,000,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (2). \\'t>i-l;x.- -Filtration, (1) 256 gallons per square yard per day, (3) Mechanical filters. Storage reservoirs : Hollinlmrst, 84,460,000 gallons; Horse Coppice, 72,920,000 gallons; Kinder, 515,460,000 gallons. Service reservoirs: Alderley Edge, 2,000,000 gallons ; Stockport, 3,500,000 gallons ; Jacksonsedge, 4,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity <>f Water supplied. The daily average is 4,396,000 gallons and 224,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (16th June 1913; that the water is good. Hardness :- -total 3 '5; permanent, 1-4; (2) 14 (after softening 7 '6); (3) 2 '03; (4) 2 '45. Water from (I), (3) and (4) is liable to act on lead. Stone Urban District Council. Supplies Stone U.D. (part), and part of parish of Stone Rural (Stone R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and borehole, 520 feet, in New Red Sandstone at Longton Road, Stone. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 116,000 gallons, and a further 124,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Red Hill Stone, 300,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 116,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Qiinliti/ of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness: total, 11 '5; permanent, 4 '7. No action on lead ; contains traces of iron. 3tow on the Wold Urban District Council. Supplies Stow on the Wold U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well (166 feet) in Oolite, Stow on the Wold. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 20,000 gallons, and a further 40,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Tank at Stow on the Wold, 25,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 20,000 gallons. Supply is intermittent. Quality of Water. Quarterly examination. Analyst remarks (12th June 1913) that the water is well suited for a public supply. Hardness : total, 16 ' 1 ; permanent, 8 '8. Stow on the Wold Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Broadwell (2) Church Iccomb, (3) Great Rissington, (4) Naunton, and (5) Oddington (Stow on the Wold R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) to (5) Springs. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 10,000 gallons ; (2) 2,000 gallons ; (3) 2,000 gallons ; (4) 5,000 gallons ; (5) 10,000 gallons. \Vni'ks. No filtration. Reservoirs: Tanks at (1) Broadwell, 50 gallons, (2) Church Iccomb, 300 gallons ; (3) Great Rissington, 300 gallons ; (4) Grange Hill Road, Naunton, 1,000 gallons ; (5) Pegler's Close, Oddington, 4,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. 136 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Stratford and Wolverton Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of Calverton (part), Stony Stratford East, Stony Stratford West, and Wolverton (part) (Stratford and Wolverton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nat tin' ami Sufficiency). Tube wells in Oolite at (.'aJverton Road, Stony Stratford. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 72,603 gallons. Works. No nitration. Service reservoir: Calverton Road, 37,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (28th August 19.11) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness : total, 24 ; permanent, (5. No action on lead. Stratford on Avon Town Council. Supplies Stratford on Avon B. (part) ; and part of parish of Milcote (Stratford on Avon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Gathering ground, 490 acres, Snitter- field. The average daily quantity of water available is 315,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 478 and 2 .">'.) gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir: Suitterfield, 20,340,000 gallons. Service reservoir: Snitterfield, 80.500 gallons. Pressure is sufficient; Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 104,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory qiiarterly chemical examination. Hardness : total, 17; permanent, 11. No action on lead. Stratford on Avon Eural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Alveston (2) Beaudesert, Wootton Wawen, (3) Kineton, (4) Loxley, (5) Wootton Wawen (Stratford on Avon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Artesian well near Alveston ; (2) Springs from gravel at Fordhall ; (3) Heading and spring from limestone at Kineton ; (4) Spring from limestone at Loxley ; (5) Spring from gravel at Ullenhall. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 25,000 gallons; (2) 43,000 gallons ; (3) 0,400 gallons ; (-1) 9,000 gallons ; (5) not known. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs : - - (1) Alveston, 10,000 gallons; (2) Henley in Arden, 15,000 gallons; (3) Kineton, (a) 10,000 gallons, (b) 15,000 gallons ; (4) Loxley, 1,000 gallons ; (5) Ullenhall, 2,125 gallons. Pressure is suilicient ' except (5). Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory periodical chemical examination. Hardness:--- (1) 10; (2) 45; (3) 75; (4) 33; (5) 36. Water from (1) acts on lead, but iron pipes are used. Stratton and Bude Urban District Council. Supplies Stratton and Bude TJ.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Poughill and Poundstock (Stratton R.I).). Powers. Stratton and Bude Improvement Act, 1901. Limits. Stratton and Bude U.D. ; parishes of Marchamchurch, Poughill, Poundstock, and Stratton (Stratton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Tamar Lake supplied by overflow from River Tamar and two small streams, in the parishes of Bradworthy, Pancrasweek, and Kilkhampton. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Service reservoir : Launcells, 85,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 137,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (27th June 1913) that the water is suitable for drinking. Hardness, 4. No action on lead. Street Urban District Council. Supplies Street U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Godney, Rodney Stoke, and Wells St. Cuthbert Out (Wells R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Wells R.D.C. Powers. Street Urban District W T ater Act, 1902. Limits. Street U.D. ; and parishes of Meare, Rodney Stoke, and Walton (Wells R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from Carboniferous Lime- stone, Rodney Stoke ; (2) Boi'ehole in Old Mill Yard, Rodney Stoke. Yield of (1) not known ; the average daily quantity of water available from (2) is 66,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Street, Low Level, 300,000 gallons ; High Level, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. PART I: SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 137 Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 00,000 gallons; quantity in bulk not known. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (!)tli February 1914), that the water is unite satisfactory. Hardness: total, 14'8; permanent, 4 '^. No action on lead. Stroud Urban District Council.- --Supplies Sin. ml I". I), (part). S.iHrcr.y <>f Su/i/ily (X/iliin' iiinl Sufficiency). {l) Surface springs from Fuller's Earth in Cotswold Hills, Stroud; (2) Gainey's Well, spring from Upper Lias clay, Stroud Hill. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1)88,000 gallons, (-2) 70,000 gallons, and a further J:',,00<) gallons per day could be obtained from (1). \\'<>rl;x. No filtration. Storage reservoirs: Stroud Hill, (a) 2,100,000 gallons, (b) 1,736,000 gallons; Exchange, 1(), (HID gallons. Pressure is sullicient. Quantity <>( \\'nli'r .tii/i/ilied. The daily average is 158,000 gallons. Supply is intermittent. Duality of Water. Satisfactory half-yearly chemical and bacteriological examina- tion. Hardness : (1) total 20 '3 ; permanent, 3'8 ; (2) total 16 "7; permanent, 6 "6. No action on lead. Sturminster Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Ibberton, (2) Okeford Fitzpainc, (>) Sturminster Newton (Stnrrninster K.I).). Source* of Supphi (Xature ami Sufficiency). Springs from Chalk (1) and (3) at llilierton, (2) at Okeford Fit/paine. Yield of (1) and (2) not known; the average daily quantity of water derived from (3) is 17,000 gallons, and a further 30,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Worl;*. No filtration. Storage reservoir: (3) Sturminster, 30,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water *///)/*/ /) 1 !>,<)< X) gallons ; (4)36,000 gallons; (5) not known ; (6) 623,000 gallons ; (7) 54,000 gallons ; (8) 40,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : (1) Clasemont, 20,000 gallons ; (2) Bwllfa, 2,000 gallons ; (3) Demi, Morriston, 2,000 gallons ; (4) Cwmllwyd, 22,500 gallons; (5) Cefngoleu, 18,000 gallons; (6) Cwmcyrnach, 15,000 gallons; (7) Gelli, 30,000 gallons; (8) Treboth, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. ' Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate ; the daily average in bulk is not known. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on lead. Swindon Town Council. Supplies Swindon B. (part); and parts of parishes of Rodbonrne Cheney, Stratton St. Margaret, and Wroughton (Highworth R.D.). Powers. Swindon Water Act, 1894 ; Swindon Order, 1902; Swindon Corporation Act, 1904. Limits. Swindon B. ; and parishes of Rodbourne Cheney, Stratton St. Margaret, and Wroughton (Highworth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency.) (1) Adits in Chalk at Wroughton; (2) Well, 200 feet, in Chalk, Ogbourne St. George. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1)630,000 gallons and (2) 21)4,7(1.") gallons. Works. Filtration, 450 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir :-- Wroughton, 11,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs: Wroughton, 1(10,000 gallons; Swindon, 2,250,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 590,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (6th December 1913) that the water is very good. Hardness : total, 24'2; permanent, 4' 7. No action on lead. Swinton Urban District Council. Supplies Swinton U.D. (part). Powers. Swinton Local Board Act, 1894 ; Swinton Urban District Council Act, 1911, Limits. Swinton U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs; (2) and (3) Wells; (4) Borehole. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 40,000 gallons ; (2) 75,000 gallons, (3) 62,000 gallons ; (4) 386,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 1,200 gallons per square yard per day. Reservoir: Wath Road, 350,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 170,000 gallons. Supply constant. Quality of Water. Pure. Hardness, 21. No action on lead. * Swansea R.D.C. Supplies from sources (l)-(8) may be supplemented, when necessary, with water obtained m bulk from Swansea T.C. i. : sfictiox i. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 139 Tadcaster Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Tadcaster East and T:K I caster West; (2) South Mi I ford (Tadcaster R.I).). S.mnv.s- nf Supply (Niihirf ninl Sufficiency). (I) Upland surfaces at Bilbrough ; (2) Well at, South Mill'ord. 'The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 50,000 gallons; (2) '2,000 gallons, and a further 80,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and f>0,00(.) gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs: (1) Bilbrough, 220,000 gallons, and (2) South Mill'ord, 2,000 gallons. Pressure is sullicient. Quantity of Waif)- supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water Good. Hardness : (1) 21; (2) 3(5. No action on lead. Tamworth Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Kingsbury (Tamworth R.D.), and furnishes a supply in bulk to Meriden R.D.C. Source* of Supply (\ at tire ami Sufficiency). Spring at Bumbles. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 18,000 gallons, and a further 4,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Dumbles, 10,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient, Quantity of Water */lag< Ion, 7,281,839 gallons; Leigh,- 20,724,811 gallons; Luxhay, 120,580,281 gallons. Service reservoirs : Fulwood, (a) 300,000 gallons (b) 500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 550,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good quarterly chemical examination. Hardness, 5. Acts slightly on lead, but galvanised iron pipes are used. Taunton Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Bishop's Lydeard and Cothelstone (Taunton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring, 2 miles from Bishop's Lydeard. The average daily quantity of water available is 9,120 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 10. Acts on lead, but lead pipes are not used. [avistock (Jrban District Council. Supplies Tavistock U.D. (part), and parts of parishes of Tavistock Hamlets, Whitchurch (Tavistock R.D). Powers. Tavistock Urban District Council Act, 1912. Limits. Tavistock U.D., parishes of Tavistock Hamlets and Whitchurch (Tavistock R.D.) Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Upland surface, 109 acres, and springs, Kilworthy and Pitland ; (2) Upland surface, 18 acres, Sandypark. The average 140 RETURN AS TO \VATER SUPPLIES. daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 257,760 gallons ; (2) 270,000 gallons. A further 257,760 gallons per day could be obtained from (1). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Kihvorthy Hill, 290,000 gallons ; Trelawny Road, 45,000 gallons ; Whitchurch Down, Tavistock, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness : total, 4 ; permanent, 3 ' 5. No action on lead. Tavistock Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Bere Ferrers (2) Buckland Monacliorum, Sampford Spiney, Whitchurch, (3) Lydford, (4) Petertavy, (5) Walkhampton, and (6) Whitchurch (Tavistoc-k R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs, (a) Bere Ferrers, (b) Berealstone; (2) Old mine adit; (3) Old mine; (4) (5) and (6) Springs from shale The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) (a) 34,560 gallons/ (6) 5,760 gallons; (2) 20,000 gallons; (3) 30,000 gallons; (4) 4,680 gallons ; (5) not known ; (6) 3,400 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) (a) Bere Ferrers, 5,750 gallons, (6) Berealstone, 2,840 gallons; (3) Lydford, 1,500 gallons; (4) Old Mill, Petertavy, 3,400 gallons ; (6) Whitchurch, 15,11)5 gallons. Pressure is insufficient, except (3). Quantity of Water supplied.- Sufficient, except (6). Quality of Water.- Good. Hardness varies from 2 to 4. No action on lead. Teignmouth Urban District Council. Supplies Teignmouth U.D. ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Newton Abbot R.D.G. (see page 99). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from Greensand, Haldon ; (2) Mylor Well with borehole (332 feet), Coombe Vale, Teignmouth ; (3) Shallow well at Shaldon; (4) Supply in bulk from Paignton U.D.C. (seepage 107). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 31,504 gallons, (2) 21,880 gallons, (3) 3,665 gallons, and (4) 185,842 gallons. A further 64,158 gallons per day could be obtained from (4). Works.- Pressure filters at (2) only. Storage reservoirs: Hazel clown, 1,750,000 gallons ; Landscore, 313,480 gallons ; Shaldon, 109,550 gallons. ' Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 238,61)1 gallons, and 4,200 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant (high level), and intermittent (low level). Quality of Water. Satisfactory periodical chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness, (1) 3 '15 ; (2) total, 14 '7 ; permanent, 4 "2. No action on lead. Tenbury Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Tenbury (Tenbury R.D.) ; Burford, and Nash (Burfgrd R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Carboniferous Limestone, Glee Hills, four miles from Tenbury. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 50,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Rugpits, Burford, 90,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. -Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (31st December 1910) that the water is excellent. Hardness : total, 7 ' 7 ; permanent, 2 ' 0. No action on lead ; contains a trace of iron. Tenby Town Council. Supplies Tenby B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- (1) Ritec Stream with upland surface springs, St. Florence Valley ; (2) The Lady Well at Moysland, and springs at Rumbly Wells. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 185,000 gallons, (2) 15,000 gallons, and an unlimited quantity could be obtained from (1). Works.- No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Narberth Road, 700,000 gallons ; The Butts, 750,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 200,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Fairly satisfactory. Hardness, 15. No action on lead. Tetbury Urban District Council. Supplies Tetbury U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian well in Great Oolite, Fullers Earth, and Inferior Oolite, at Tetbury Upton. Yield not known. PART I.: SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 1 U H'or/.-.s- -No filtration. Service reservoir: Blind Lane, Tetbury Upton, 80,000 Dillons. Pressure is sullicieut. im infill/ of \Vdtfi' sii/i/ilicil. Inadequate. of Water. Good, but hard. No action on lead. Tewkesbury Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Bredon and (2) Kemerton (Tewkesbury R.D.). Source,? <>/ Sui>ph/ (Xlnre awl Sufficiency). Springs : (1) Bredon Hill, Springpiece ; (2) Bredon Hill, Mercombe. The average daily quantify of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 15,000 gallons, and (2) 9,500 gallons. A further 8,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 7,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Bredon Hill, (a) 4,000 gallons, (I) 4,000 gallons ; .Mercombe, (f X"i>i>lu (Xutitre and Sufficiency). Spring at Teffont Magna. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir :" Springhead," Teffont Magna, 800 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Good, and fairly hard. No action on lead. Tiverton Town Council. Supplies Tiverton B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Town Leat supplied by springs, Norwood Common ; (2) Springs at Allers (used in summer only) ; (3) Adit at \Varnicoinbe. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 250,000 gallons from (1) and (2) together, and 50,000 gallons from (3). Works. Filtration at (1) only, 600 gallons per square yard per day. Service reservoirs : Tiverton (a) 35,000 gallons, (1>) 250,000 gallons'; Warnicombe, 70,000 gallons. Settling Tanks, 180,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is '"500,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Generally satisfactory, but variable bi-monthly chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness: (1) 4 '8; (2) 11 '9; (3) 5 ' 3 (mixed 7 ' 1). Water from (3) acts on lead so slightly that no special precautions are required. - Tiverton Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Bradninchand (2) Silverton (Tiverton R.D.). Sources of Supply (XaLin-c and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from New Red Sandstone at Bradninch ; (2) Springs from New Red Sandstone and gravel at Silverton. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively (1) 19000 gallons and (2) 10,000 gallons. WorJis. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Bradninch, (") 46,000 gallons, (b) 11,< M 11 1 gallons; (2) Silverton () 1,200 gallons, (/>) 29,500 gallons (in course of construction). Pressure (1) sufficient (2) insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally sufficient but (1) intermittent in summer. Quality of Water. Generally good. Hardness : (1) 9; (2) 8. No action on lead. Todmorden Town Council. Supplies Todmorden B. (part). Powers. Todmorden Corporation Water Act, 1898 ; Todmorden Corporation Act, 1906. Limits. Todmorden B. ; and parishes of Blackshaw and Erringden (Todmorden R. I ).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland gathering ground, 690 acres, Inchfield Moor. The average daily quantity of water available is 690,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 350 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir : Gorpley Clough, 120,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Todmorden, 200,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 350,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 3'5. Acts slightly on lead and is treated with sand and limestone. Torpoint Urban District Council. Supplies Torpoint U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from rock, Crafthole. The average daily quantity of water available is 82,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 98 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir: Crafthole, capacity not known. Service reservoir : Carbeil, Torpoint, 196,000 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 55,736 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (26th January 1914) that chemically the water is satisfactory. Hardness: total, 15 '7; permanent, 2. No action on lead. Torquay Town Council. Supplies Torquay B. (part); Newton Abbot U.D. (part); and part of parish of Cockington (Newton Abbot R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Newton Abbot R.D.C. Powers. Torquay Waterworks Act, 1856 ; Tormoham Orders, 1860, 1865, and 1866; Torquay Orders, 1879, 1880, 1883, and 1911 ; Torquay Corporation Act, 1897; Torquay Corporation Water Act, 1903. Limits. Torquay B. ; Newton Abbot U.D. ; and parish of Cockington (Newton Abbot R.D.). PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 143 Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Trenchford stream with upland gathering ground, 2,339 acres, on granite in Hennock, Bovey Tracey, Christow, Bridford, and Moretonhampstead. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,81 ;"),()()() gallons, and a further 537,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Mechanical filters. Storage reservoirs : Kennick, 194,000,000 gallons; Tottiford, 103,000,000 gallons ; Trenchford, 171,000,0(X) gallons. Service reservoirs : Newton Abbot, 500,000 gallons ; Chapel Hill, 1,500,000 gallons ; Warberry, (a) 2,000,000 gallons, (6) 500,000 gallons ; Cockington, 50,000 gallons ; Barton, 70,000 gallons. Treasure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,789,000 gallons and 26,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical examination. Analyst remarks that the water is excellent. Hardness, 1 - 61. No action on lead. Totnes Town Council. Supplies Totnes B. (part). Powers. Totnes Market and Waterworks Acts, 1845. Limits. Totnes B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from limestone, (1) Broom- borough ; (2) Bowden ; (3) Follaton. Yield not known. Works. No fdtration. Service reservoirs : Totnes, (a) 100,000 gallons, (b) 100,000 gallons, (c) 200,000 gallons, (d) 126,000 gallons, (e) 13,000 gallons, (/) 8,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. No action on lead. Totnes Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) and (2) Corn worthy (part), (3) Dean Prior (part), (4) Dittisham, (5) Harberton (part), (6) Holne (part), (7) Kingswear, (8) Marl don, (9) South Brent, (10) Stoke Gabriel, and (11), (12), (13) Ugborough (Totnes R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Old Priory spring ; (2) Five Wells spring; (3) Springs at Churchtown, Dean Prior and Dean Coombe ; (4) Spring; (5) Two springs; (6) Moorland spring; (7) Springs; (8) Spring at Clapp's Shute ; (9) Springs at Gingaford, Overbrent and Aish; (10) Spring at Aish ; (11) Springs at Whitehouse Hill and Head Hill ; (12) Moorland gathering ground at Bittaford ; (13) Moorland gathering ground at Filham. _ Yield of (1), (2), (5), (7), (8), (10), (12) not known ; the average daily quantity of water derived from (3) is 2,500 gallons ; (4) 3,500 gallons ; (6) 3,500 gallons ; (9) 7,550 gallons ; (11) 6,000 gallons (13) 5,760 gallons. A further 3,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (3) ; 4,000 gallons from (6) ; 3,000 gallons from (9) ; 9,600 gallons from (11) ; and 7,200 gallons from (13). Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : (4) Dittisham, 500 g*allons ; (5) Harberton, 500 gallons ; (9) (a) Gingaford, 1,250 gallons, (b) Overbrent, 600 gallons, (c) Aish, 115 gallons ; (10) White Rock, Stoke Gabriel, .".2,000 gallons ; (11), (12) and (13) Ugborough, 20,000 gallons. (4), (5) and (10), pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample, except (5) and (8). Quality of Water. Good, but (6) liable to pollution. Hardness varies from 4 to 10. No action on lead. Towcester Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Abthorpe, (2) Blakesley, (3) Gayton, (4) Green's Norton, (5) Maidford and (6) Towcester (Towcester R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (l)-(5) Springs; (6) Spring and artesian well. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Service reservoirs : (1) Abthorpe, 400 gallons ; (4) Greens Norton, 12,000 gallons ; (6) Dockmill Mill, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Towyn Urban District Council. Supplies Towyn U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) Rhydyronen Brook with gathering ground, 158 acres, 2 miles from Towyn ; (2) Springs with gathering ground, 57 acres, at Bwlchgwyn. Yield not known. Works. Water from (1) is filtered. Storage reservoirs : Braichyrhiw, 20,000 gallons ; Bwlchgwyn, 2,562,240 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness :-(!) 0'79; (2) 2'0. Water from (1) is liable to act on lead, but tin-lined pipes are used and the water is regularly tested. A 0.198 K 1-14 RETURN AS TO WATER. SUPPLIES. Trawden Urban District Council. Supplies Trawden U.D. (part). Sources of Xii>l;/ (Nature and Sufficiency). Moorland springs from sandstone : (1) Boulswortli Hill; (2) Oaken Bank Farm, Trawden; (3) Naze End Farm, Trawden. The average daily quantity of water available from (1) is 113,862 gallons ; yield of (2) and (3) not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Boulsworth Hill Tank, capacity not known ; Oaken Bank Tank, 82,000 gallons ; Naze End Tank, 3,375 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 20,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and very soft. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Tredegar Urban District Council. Supplies Tredegar U.D. (part), Bedwellty U.D. (part) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Bedwellty U.D.C. (see page 14), and Mynyddislwyn U.D.C. Powers. Tredegar Water and Gas Acts, 1878 and 1882 ; Tredegar Order, 1888 ; Tredegar Waterworks Acts, 1892. Limits. Tredegar U.D. (part), and Bedwellty U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Tonyfedw spring with upland gathering ground, 160 acres, Tredegar; (2) Shon Sheffrey's well in Millstone Grit, Dukestown. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 156,000 gallons, and (2) 507,000 gallons ; and a further 93,000 gallons per day could be obtained from each source. Works. Part of the water is filtered, 1,200 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir : Tredegar, 14,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Tredegar, 1,500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 444,000 gallons and 219,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Bacteriologist remarks (28th July 1913) that the total number of organisms present in the water is below the normal standard. Hardness: (1) total, 4' 2 ; permanent, 2 '8; (2) total, 6 '65; permanent, 2 ' 8. No action on lead. Treguron Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Caron Uwch Clawdd and Upper Gwnnws, (2) Gorwydd, (3) Gwynfil (Tregaron R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring near Bont, (2) Spring from sand at Gorwydd, (3) Well in sand at Gwynfil. Yield of (1) and (3) not known ; the average daily quantity of water available from (2) is 50,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Truro Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) St. Agnes, (2) St. Just in Roseland, (3) Perraflzabuloe (Truro R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) Penhallow Moor, Gover and Gooninnis ; (2) Springs at Higher Newton ; (3) Springs and well at Golla. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 28,000 gallons, (2) 8,000 gallons and (3) 13,300 gallons. A further 8,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 5,500 gallons from (3). Works.- No nitration. Storage reservoir : (2) Castle Hill, 12,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : (1) (a) Seven Milestones, 165,000 gallons, (b) Mount Hawke, 20,000 gallons ; (3) Golla, 30,800 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied.- Sufficient. Quality of Water. Generally good. (1) Soft ; hardness of (2) and (3) not known. No action on lead ; (1) contains some iron. Tunbridge Wells Town Council. Supplies Tunbridge Wells B. (part) ; Southborough U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Frant (Ticehurst R.D.) ; Pembury, Speldhurst, anc Tonbridge Rural (Tonbridge R.D.). Powers Tunbridge Wells Water Act, 1865 ; Tunbridge Wells Orders, 1867, 1868, 1897, and 1903 ; Tunbridge Wells Improvement Act, 1890. Limits. Tunbridge Wells B. ; Southborough U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Frant (Ticehurst R.D.) ; Bidborough, Lamberhurst, Pembury, Speldhurst, and Tonbridge Rural (Tonbridge R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from Tunbridge Wells Sands, Pembury and Matfield ; (2) Borings through Wadhurst Clay into Ashdown Sands, Pembury. The average daily quantity of water derived from (1) is 772,250 gallons; yield of (2) not known. Works. Filtration, 450 gallons per square yard per day, and also mechanical filters. Storage reservoir : Pembuiy, 42,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Blackhurst, Pembuiy Road, 900,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 14-5 Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1114,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Frequent chemical and periodical bacteriological examination Analyst remarks (28th November 1912) that the water is in capital condition. Hardness : total, 3 '6; permanent, 1'2. No action on lead ; (2) contains some iron. Tutbury Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Tutbury (Tutbury R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well (30 feet) in gravel, Corn Mill Laub, Tutbury. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 9,000 gallons and a further 110,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Service reservoir : Elms Field, Tutbury, 70,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (23rd July 1913) that chemically the water is excellent. Hardness : total, 31 ; permanent, 22 ' 5. No action on lead. Tynemouth Town Council. Supplies Tynemouth C.B. (part) ; Whitley and Monkseaton U.D. (part); and parts of parishes of Hepscott and Newminster (Morpeth R. IX) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Bedlington shire U.D.C. (see page 14) ; Blyth U.D.C. (see page 20) ; Cramlington U.D.C., who also furnish a supply to Blyth U.D.C. ; Newbiggin by the Sea U.D.C ; and Seaton Delaval U.D.C., who furnish a supply in bulk to Whitley and Monkseaton U.D.C. Powers. Tynemouth Corporation Water Acts, 1897, 1898, and 1907. Limits. Tynemouth C.B. ; Whitley and Monkseaton U.D Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Font with gathering ground, llf square miles, peat over Carboniferous Limestone, Fontburn. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,816,700 gallons. Works. Filtration, 423 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir : Font, 721,500,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Moor House, 3,215,843 gallons ; Billy Mill 2,200,000 gallons; Brock Farm, (a) 8,004,000 gallons, (b) 1,439,000 gallons ; Ridges, 14,000,000 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,556,100 gallons and 2(50,600 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical and 'bacteriological examination. Hardness, 7 ' 6. No action on lead. Uffington Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Uffington (Uffington R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Bore at Uffington. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 9,500 gallons, and a further 12,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir: Uffington, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 23 ' 5. No action on lead. Dlverston Urban District Council. Supplies Ulverston U.D. ; and parts of parishes of Osmotherley and Urswick (Ulverston R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Ulverston R.D.C. Powers. Ulverston Waterworks Act, 1852 ; Ulverston Local Board Act, 1874 ; Ulverston Orders, 1885 and 1895. Limits. Ulverston U.D. ; parishes of Osmotherley, Pennington, [and Urswick (Ulverston R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Supply in bulk from Barrow in Furness T.C. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 400,000 gallons, and a further 200,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Service reservoir, Castle Hill, Pennington, 2,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 367,000 gallons, and 33,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. See Barrow in Furness T.C., page 11. Ulverston Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes^of (1) Aldingham, (2) Claife, (3) Coniston, (4) Hawkshead, (5) Kirkby Ireleth, (6) Satterthwaite, (7) Staveley, and (8) Upper Holker (Ulverston R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well and borehole at Baycliffe ; (2) and (4) Springs at Cunsey and Hawkshead ; (3) Spring and stream over slate at Couiston ; (5) and (8) Streams over slate at Grizebeck and Backbarrow ; (6) and (7) Springs from slate at Satterthwaite and Staveley. Yield not known. K 2 14(5 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. Water from (3) only is filtered. Storage reservoirs : (1) Baycliffe, 6,370 gallons; (2) Cunsoy, 5,625 gallons; (3) Coniston, 52,500 gallons; (4) Roger Ground, 52,500 gallons ; (5) Sturdy Bank, 1,688 gallons. Pressiire is sulliciont. (hiiintit;/ a f Water su/ijilicd. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: (1) 30, (2)-(S) not known. No action on lead. Upholland Urban District Council. Supplies Upliolland U.D. (part) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Wigan R.D.C. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in sandstone, Tontine. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 65,000 gallons, and a further 35,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Filtration, 300 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir : Tontine, 60,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Mill Lane, 300,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 56,000 gallons, and 9,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (24th August 1910) that chemically this is a first-class water. Rather hard. No action on lead. Upton upon Severn Rural District. Supplies part of parish of Powick (Uptou upon Severn R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Surface water at Powick. The average daily quantity of water available is 16,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : tanks at Powick (a) 175 gallons, (b) 400 gallons, (c) 485 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of. Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (28th March 1911) that the water is fit for drinking. Hardness: total, 27 '3; permanent, 13 '2. Leac pipes are not used. Uttoxeter Urban District Council. Supplies Uttoxeter U.D. (part) ; and part of parish of Doveridge (Sudbury R.D.). Powers. Uttoxetex Water Act, 1892 ; Uttoxeter Orders, 1898 and 1906. Limits. Uttoxeter U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring intercepted underground from sand and gravel, Bramshall ; (2) Springs from gravel, Somersal Herbert ; (3) Artesian bore at Uttoxeter (auxiliary supply). The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 105,911 gallons ; (2) 59,828 gallons ; (3) 100,000 gallons. Works. Water from (3) only is filtered. Storage reservoir: Bramshall, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Frequent chemical examination. Analyst remarks (27th January 1914) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness: (1) total, 6, permanent, 4 '7; (2) total, 11, permanent, 9 '8; (3) total, 15 '5, permanent, 6 '5. No action on lead; (3) is saline. Uwchaled Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Cerrig y Druidion (Uwchalec R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Hafod y Maidd. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,500 gallons, and a further 500 gallons per daj could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir: Glasfryn Tank, 100 gallons. Pressure sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (15th December 1911) that chemically the water is good ; and (1st January 1912) that bacteriologically it is satisfactory. Soft, but galvanised iron pipes are used. Uxbridge Urban District Council. Supplies Uxbridge U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells and bores into Chalk, Rockingham Parade and Waterloo Road, Uxbridge. The average daily quantitv of water obtained is 300,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Uxbridge Common, 80,000 gallons ; Tank, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 300,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water Good, but hard. No action on lead. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 147 Wadebridge Urban District Council. Supplies Wadebridge LID. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from slate 3 miles from Wadebridge. The average daily quantity of water available is 70,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Wadebridge, 200,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 50,000 gallons. Supply is. generally constant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. Acts on lead, but iron pipes are used. Wakefield Town Council. Supplies Wakefield B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Chevet and Crigglestone (Wakefield R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to ALtofts U.D.C., who supply part of parish of Newland with Woodhouse Moor (Wakefield R.D.) ; Castleford U.D.C., who furnish supplies in bulk to Pontefract R.D.C. and TadcasterR.D.C. ; Featherstone U.D.C., Methley U.D.C., Normanton U.D.C., Whitwood U.D.C., who furnish a supply in bulk to Pontefract R.D.C. ; and Wakefield R.D.C. , who furnish a supply in bulk to Stanley U.D.C. Power*. Wakefield Waterworks Acts, 1862, 1873, 1874, and 1876; Wakefield Improvement Act, 1877; Wakefield Corporation Waterworks Act, 1880; Wakefield Corporation Acts, 1887, 1889, 1894, 1899, and 1909. Limits. Wakefield B. ; Altofts U.D. ; Normanton U.D. ; Stanley U.D. ; and parishes of Alverthorpe, Chevet, Newland with Woodhouse Moor, Walton, and Warmfield cum Heath (Wakefield R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland surface, 2,737 acres, in Rishworth and Barkisland. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,816,700 gallons. Works. Filtration, 340 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Green Withers, Rishworth, 240,000,000 gallons; Ringstone, Barkisland, 244,000,000 gallons ; Ardsley, 334,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Lindale Hill, Alverthorpe, 1,250,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,500,000 gallons, and 1,316,700 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and periodical bacteriological examination Analyst remarks (3rd December 1913) that chemically the water is of a very high degree of purity. Hardness, 4 '7. Acts on lead, and is treated with lime and carbonate of lime. Wallasey Town Council. Supplies Wallasey C.B. Powrs. Wallasey Improvement Acts, 1858, 1861, 1864, 1867, and 1872; Wallasey Orders, 1883, 1894, and 1903 ; Wallasey Local Board Act, 1890 ; Wallasey Tramways and Improvements Acts, 1899 and 1906. Limits. Wallasey C.B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Two boreholes in New Red Sandstone, Seaview Road, Liscard ; (2) Supply in bulk from Liverpool T.C. (see page 79). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 1,253,403 gallons and (2) 1,200,000 gallons. A further 500,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 1,000,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Gorse Hill, New Brighton (a) 4,300,000 gallons; (b) 2,000,000 gallons; Tower, Mill Lane, Liscard, 150,000 gallons; Tower, Gorse Hill, 70,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,453,403 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Frequent chemical and occasional bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (14th August 1913) that chemically the water is very pure. Hard- ness : total, 11 ' 3 ; permanent, 6 ' 3. No action on lead. Wallingford Town Council. Supplies Wallingford B. ; and part of parish of Brightwell k;Wallingford R.D.) Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian well in Upper Greensand, Station Road, Wallingford. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 60,000 gallons, and a further 60,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Tank at Wallingford, 15,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 60,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical examination. Analyst remarks (21st November 1913) that the water is quite safe to use. Hardness : total, 11 ' 9 ; permanent, 1 ' 75. No action on lead. Walton le Dale Urban District Council. Supplies Walton le Dale U.D. (part) ; and part of parish of Brindle (Chorley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Borehole at Bamber Bridge ; (2) Well with adits, in Millstone Grit, Brindle ; (3) Supply in bulk from Manchester A 0.198 K 3 148 HETtJJRK AS *TO WATE& T C. (see page 89\ The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 250,000 gallons ; (2) 55,000 gallons ; (3) 200,000 gallons (minimum 20,000 gallons). Works. Pressure filters. Reservoir : Brindle, 250,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 270,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness : (1) 31, (2) 30; (after softening), (1) 9'5,' (2) 18. No action on lead. Wantage Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of East Challow (Wantage R.D.). fiourees of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well with adits in Upper Greensand, at East Challow. The average daily quantity of water available is 3,500 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir : East Challow, 3,600 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 250 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. No action on lead. Ware Urban District Council. Supplies Ware U.D. (part) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Ware R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Chalk, Ware. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 160,000 gallons, and a further 300,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Ware, 240,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 155,000 gallons, and 5,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (December 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Ware Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Broxbourne, Wormley (WareR.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and borehole at Broxbourne. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 34,394 gallons, and a further 16,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Cold Hall, Broxbourne, (a) 50,000 gallons ; (b) 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Periodical examination. Analyst remarks (2nd November 1912) that there is no indication of any objectionable impurities. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Wareham Town Council. Supplies Wareham B. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well at Worgret Hill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 33,060 gallons, and a further 66,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs: Worgret Hill, (a) 180,000 gallons; (b) 180,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 33,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 3-3. Acts slightly on lead, and is treated with lime. Warminster ifrban District Council. Supplies Warminster U.D. (part) ; and part of parish of Upton Scudamore (Warminster R.IX) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Warminster R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) and (2) Springs from Greensand ( (1) being intercepted underground) ; (3) Well, Crockerton. The average daily quantity i)l' water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) (50,000 gallons ; (2) 84,000 gallons ; (3) 26,000 gallons ; and a further 100,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (3). Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Botany, 300,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 166,000 gallons, and 4,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Hardness, 5. No action 011 lead. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 149 Warminster Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Upton Scudnmore (War- minster R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Upton Scudamore. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir: Upton Scudamore, 21,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (13th May that the water is potable. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Warrington Town Council. Supplies Warrington C.B. ; and parishes of Culcheth (part), Konyon (part) (Leigh R.D.) ; Acton Grange (part), Appletou (part), Daresbury (part), Grappeuhall (part), Hatton (part), Latch ford Without (part), Moore (part), Newton by Daresbury (part), Stockton Heath, Stretton (part), Thelwall (part), Walton Inferior (part), Walton Superior (part) (Runcorn 11. D.) ; Burtonwood (part), Great Sankey (part), Houghton Middleton and Arbury (part), Penketh (part), Poulton with Fearnhead (part), Rixton with Glazebrook (part), Southworth with Croft, Winwick with Hulme (part), Woolston with Martinscroft (part) (Warrington R.D.) ; and Bold (part) (Whiston R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Irlam U.D.C. Powers. Warrington Waterworks Acts, 1855, 1808, and 1878 ; Warrington Extension and Water Act, 1890 ; Warringtou Corporation Acts, 1899 and 1911. Limits. Warrington C.B. ; and parishes of Culcheth, Kenyon (Leigh R.D.) ; Acton Grange, Appleton, Daresbury, Grappenhall, Hatton, Keckwick, Latchford Without, Moore, Stockton Heath, Stretton, Thelwall, Walton Inferior, Walton Superior (Runcorn R.D.) ; Burtonwood, Great Sankey, Houghton Middleton and Arbury, Penketh, Poulton with Fearnhead, Rixton with Glazebrook, Southworth with Croft, Winwick with Huhne, and Woolston with Martinscroft (Warrington R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in New Red Sandstone : (1) Winwick with Hulme ; (2) Houghton with Middleton ; (3) Gathering ground, 1,360 acres, Appleton, Hatton and Daresbury. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 261,892 gallons, (2) 1,689,498 gallons, (3) 591,685 gallons. A further 989,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 61,000 gallons from (2) and 189,000 gallons from (3). Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Appleton and Walton Superior, 55,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. -The daily average is 2,542,395 gallons and 680 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water Monthly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (21st November 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness, 14 '7. No action on lead. % Warsop Urban District Council. Supplies Warsop U.D. (part) ; and part of parish of Sookholme (Skegby R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Deep well in Bunter Beds, Bradnier Hill, Warsop. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 65,000 gallons, and a further 150,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoir : Bradmer Hill, 300,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 65,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 8. No action on lead. Warwick Town Council. Supplies Warwick B. (part) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Sir F. Waller, Bart., who supplies part of parish of Leek Wootton (Warwick R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Adit in drift gravel overlying red marl, Haseley ; (2)' Well in sandstone, Woodloes. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 232,360 gallons, (2) 19,800 gallons. A further 70,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 130,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir: Hatton, 500,000 gallons Service reservoir : Hatton Hill, 250,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 249,666 gallons and_2,494 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical examination. Analyst remarks (27th Sep- tember 1913) that the water is quite satisfactory. Hardness : total, 18 ' 4 ; permanent, 14 No action on lead. K 4 150 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Watford Urban District Council. Supplies Watford U.D. (part) ; and part of parish of Watford Rural (Watford R.D.). Powers. Watford Urban District Council Act, 1900. Limits. Watford U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Three wells in Chalk at Watford Fields. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,199,360 gallons. Works. No nitration. Service reservoir : NewBushey, 1,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,199,360 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (18th December 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness : total, 21 ; permanent, 5. No action on lead ; contains a trace of iron. Watb. Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Hutton Conyers (part), (2) Melmerby, and (3) Rainton with Newby (part) (Wath R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1), (2) and (3) Springs. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Hutton Cony Melmerby and Rainton, capacities not known. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Very good. Hardness : (1) fairly hard ; (2) 17 ; (3) 37. No action on lead. . Wath upon Dearne Urban District Council. Supplies Wath upon Dearne U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Adwick upon Dearne (Doncaster R.D.) and Brampton Bierlow (Rotherham R.D.). Powers. Wath upon Dearne Urban District Council (Water) Act, 1898 ; Wath upon Dearne Order/1904. Limit?. Wath upon Dearne U.D. ; and parishes of Adwick upon Dearne (Doncaster R.D.) ; and Brampton Bierlow (Rotherham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).* Borehole, 162 feet, in Sandstone, Wath upon Dearne. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 240,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 615 gallons per square yard per day. Service reservoirs: Wath Wood, (a) 175,000 gallons, (b) 105,000 gallons ; (c) 354,000 gallons ; (d) 270,000 gallons; (o) and (d) under construction. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 240,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (27th August 1913) that the water is organically pure. Hardness: total, 18; permanent, 8 '4. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Weardale Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Edmondbyers ; (2) to (12) Stanhope ; and (13) and (14) Wolsingham (Weardale U.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Moorland springs : (1) Edmondbyers, (2) Frosterlejt Bridge End, (3) Hill End, (4) Crawleyside, (6) Rookhope, (7) West- gate and Daddryshield ; Springs from rock : (5) Eastgate ; Springs in pasture land: (8) Wearhead, (9) West Blackdene, (10) Irishopeburn, (11) Lanehead, (12) Cowshill, (13) Thornley, and (14) White Kirkley. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 2,000 gallons ; (2) 30,000 gallons ; (3) 2,000 gallons ; (4) 3,000 gallons ; (5) 1,400 gallons; (6) 5,000 galloiis; (7) 7,500 gallons; (8) 4,000 gallons ; (9) 1,400 gallons ; (10) 3,500 gallons ; (11) 2,000 gallons ; (12) 2,000 gallons ; (13) 2,500 gallons ; (14) 2,100 gallons. A further 4,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) ; 8,000 gallons from (2) ; 8,000 gallons from (3) ; 6,000 gallons from (4) ; 2,500 gallons from (5); 10,000 gallons from (6).; 12,000 gallons from (7) ; 7,000 gallons from (8) ; 3,500 gallons from (9) ; 7,000 gallons from (10) ; 6,000 gallons from (11) ; 4,000 gallons from (12) ; 3,500 gallons from (13) ; 3,000 gallons from (14). Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : A small tank near each village ; capacity varies from 4,000 to 10,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness varies from 4 to 8. No action on lead. * Wath upon Dearne U.D.C. An additional borehole is being provided. - PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 151 Wellingborough Urban District Council. Supplies Wellingborough U.I), (part) ; and parish of Hardwick (Wellingborough R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well (35 feet) in Northampton Sand, " Bushfield " ; (2) Surface water at Hardwick. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 184,000 gallons ; (2) 62,000 gallons. Works. Mechanical cloth fdters. Service reservoirs : Four at Baregrass, total capacity 900,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 226,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Pure periodical chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness : (1) total, 33 '0; permanent, 15 '5; (2) total, 32 '0; permanent, 12 '5 (mixed after softening, total, 15 '5; permanent, 12 '5). No action on lead ; contains some iron. Wellingborough Rural District Council.- Supplies parishes of (1) Earls Barton (part), (2) Ecton, (3) Isham (part), and (4) Wilby (Wellingborough R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) and (4) Wells ; (2) Spring from Oolite ; (3) Well in Northampton Beds. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 35,000 gallons ; (2) 7,200 gallons ; (3) 5,000 gallons ; (4) 10,000 gallons. A further 10,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) ; 19,000 gallons from (3) ; and 14,000 gallons from (4). Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs : (1) Earls Barton, (a) 20,000 gallons, (b) 20,000 gallons ; (2) Ecton, (a) 12,000 gallons, (b) 3,000 gallons ; (3) Isham, 25,000 gallons; '(4) Wilby, 20,000 gallons. Service reservoir : (1) Earls Barton, 53,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory, but hard. No action on lead ; contains lime and iron. Wellington (Salop) Urban District. Council. Supplies Wellington U.D. ; and parts of parishes of Hadley and Wellington Rural (Wellington R.D.). Powers. Wellington (Salop) Waterworks Act, 1860. Limits. Wellington U.D. ; and parts of parishes of Wellington Rural, and Wrockwardine (Wellington R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Wrekin and Buckatree streams ; (2) Borehole in New Red Sandstone near Wellington (auxiliary supply). The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 180,000 gallons, and (2) 216,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 350 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Wellington, (a) 17,500,000 gallons, (fe) 180,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Wellington, 175,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 150,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent occasional examination. Hardness : (1) total, 10 "9; permanent, 5'7 ; (2) total, 18 '5 ; permanent, 4 "5. No action on lead. Wellington (Somerset) Urban District Council. Supplies Wellington U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Old Red Sandstone at Westford and Payton. The average daily quantity of water available is 230,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoir: Westford, 81,500 gallons. Service reservoirs : Rockwell, Green Tower, 27,000 gallons ; Dark Lane Tower, 48,700 gallons, Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 187,200 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (21st Novem- ber 1911) that the water is good. Hardness: total, 18; permanent, 11. No action on lead ; contains a trace of iron. Wellington (Somerset) Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Bradford (2) Milverton, (3) Sampford Arundel, (4) West Buckland, and (5) Wiveliscombe Without (Wellington R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) Spring at Bradford ; (2) (a) Spring from New Red Sandstone at Furbear's Well, (b) Spring at Leigh Farm, Milverton; (3) Spring on Sampford Moor ; (4) Spring from Upper Greensand at Blackmoor, West Buckland ; (5) Sjring from New Red Sandstone at Langley. The average daily quantity of water availaffle from each source is, respectively, (2) (a) 14,000 gallons, (b) 3,500 gallons ; (4) 4,000 gallons ; (5) 3,000 gallons ; yield of (1) and (3) not known. 152 RETURN AS TO WATER, SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: (2) Furbear's Well, 45,000 gallons; (4) Rookey, 500 gallons ; (5) Langley, 1,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient at (2), (4), and (5). Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. Lead pipes are not used ; water from (4) contains a trace of iron. Wells Town Council. Supplies Wells B. (part), and part of parish of Wells St. Cuthbert Out (Wells ELD.). Powers. Wells Corporation Water Act, 1901. Limits. Wells B. ; and parishes of Wells St. Cuthbert Out, and Wookey (Wells R,D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Holes Ash spring, Rookham and Penhill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 140,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Milton Hill, (a) 150,000 gallons, (b) 220,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 140,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (13th November 1911) that the water is of the highest degree of organic and bacterial purity. Hardness : total, 8 '5; permanent, 3. No action on lead. Wells Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Wells St. Cuthbert Out, (2) West Pennard (Wells R.D.) ; and Piltoii (Shepton Mallet R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at (1) Watchett ; (2) Washing Stone, West Pennard. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 5,000 gallons ; (2) 2,000 gallons. A further 3,640 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 3,000 gallons from (2). Works. No nitration. Service reservoirs : (1) West Horrington, 10,000 gallons ; (2) West Pennard, capacity not known. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water.- Good. Hardness: (1) 20; (2) not known. No action on lead. Welshpool Town Council. Supplies Welshpool B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs, streams and upland surface at Blackpool. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 80,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 600 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Blackpool, (a) 5,000,000 gallons, (b) 1JOO.OOO gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 80,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (26th June 1913) that the water is fairly satisfactory. Hardness: total, 7 ; permanent, 0' 3. No action on lead. Welton Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Bardney (Welton R.D.) Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in gravel, near Bardney. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 8,000 gallons, and a further 15,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Service reservoir : Bardney, 15,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. No action on lead. Welwyn Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Digswell and Welwyn (Welwyn R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well, 80 feet, in Chalk at Welwyn ; (2) Well, 210 feet, in Chalk near Harmer Green, Welwyn. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 30,000 gallons, (2) 10,000 gallons ; and a further 30,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 183,900 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : (1) London Road, Welwyn, 94,500 gallons ; (2) Banner Green, 51,000 gallons, Burnham Green (tank), 2,700 gallons. Pressure, (1) sufficient, (2) insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) Adequate ; (2) the daily average is 10,000 gallons, but is intermittent. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, (1) 7 ; (2) 21 2. No action on lead. * Welwyn R.D.C. A reservoir, capacity 50,000 gallons, is about to be constructed at Bumham Green. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 153 Wem Urban District Council. Supplies Wem U.D. (part) ; and part of parish of Wem Rural (Wem R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Wem K.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and borehole in red sandstone, Preston Brockhurst. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 59,000 gallons, and a further 40,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Preston Springs, 90,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 58,600 gallons and 400 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness : total, 10 ' 8 ; permanent, 0. No action on lead. Wenlock Town Council. Supplies Wenlock B. (part) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Dawley U.D.C., who furnish a supply in bulk to Wellington R.D.C., and Shifnal R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well and boring into Bunter Beds, Harrington, Sutton Maddock ; (2) Well and boring in Wenlock Limestone, Much Wenlock. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 226,000 gallons, (2) 12,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Madeley, 460,000 gallons ; Posenhall, Broseley, 155,000 gallons ; Much Wenlock, 90,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 169,165 gallons, and 61,983 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness : (1) 17, (2) 25. No action on lead. Westbury and Whorwellsdown Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Steeple Ashton (Westbury and Whorwellsdown R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Corallian at Steeple Ashton. The average daily quantity of water available is 12.000 gallons. Works. Pressure filters. Reservoir: Stourton Hill near Steeple Ashton, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good after filtration. Permanent hardness, 9 '9. No action on lead. Weston super Mare Urban District Council. Supplies Weston super Mare U.D. ; and parts of parishes of Uphill and Worle (Axbridge R.D.). Powers. Weston super Mare Waterworks Act, 1853 ; Weston super Mare Improve- ment Commissioners Water Act, 1878 ; Weston super Mare Improvement Act, 1887 ; Weston super Mare Order, 1911. Limits. Weston super Mare U.D. ; and parishes of Kewstoke, Uphill and Worle (Axbridge R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Carboniferous Limestone, Weston super Mare. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Bristol Road, 520,000 gallons ; Worlebury Hill, 154,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 939,079 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very pure, but somewhat brackish periodical chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness, 34 '5. No action on lead. Test Penwith Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Gulval (part), (2) Marazion, St. Michael's Mount, and (3) Sennen (part) (West Penwith R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Adit (30 feet) at Gulval ; (2) Adit (36 feet) at Trenawen Ludgvan ; (3) Adit (62 feet) at Sennen. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 30,000 gallons, (2) 40,000 gallons, (3) 4,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Gulval, 95,000 gallons ; Marazion, 30,000 gallons ; Sennen Cove, 11,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample, except (2). Quality of Water. Good, and soft. No action on lead. Test Ward Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Barton, (2) Sockbridge, and (3) Yanwath and Eamont Bridge (West Ward R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Mountain springs (1) at Barton, (2) at Sockbridge and (3) at Yanwath. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 5,700 gallons, (2) 4,500 gallons, (3) 6,680 gallons, and a further 104,914 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Barton Fell, 80,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness : total, 2; permanent, 0'75. No action on lead. 154 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Wetherby Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Kirkby Overblow (Wetherby R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and borehole, 332 feet, in shale, at Kirkby Overblow. The average daily quantity of water available is 35,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir (temporary tanks), 4,800 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average, at present, is 2,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (10th September 1912) that the water is organically pure. Hardness, 7 '2. No action on lead. Wharfedale Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Great Timble, (2) Menston (Wharfedale ELD.) andGuiseley U.D. (part). Powers. Menston Waterworks Act, 1899 ; Menston Waterworks (Transfer) Act, 1900 (parish of Menston) and Public Health Act, 1875. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. (1) Spring ; (2) Moorland gathering ground, 4 square miles. .Yield of (1) not known; the average daily quantity of water derived from (2) is 34,000 gallons, and a further 3,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Water from (1) is filtered. Storage reservoir : (1) Four Lane Ends, capacity not known. Service reservoir : (2) Moor Lane, 2,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness : (1) not known ; (2) 4 '5. No action on lead. Whitby Rural District Council. Supplies, parts of parishes of (1) Aislaby, (2) Fylingdales, (3) Goathlaiid, and (4) Mickleby (Whitby R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs (1) from freestone at Aislaby, (2) at Fylingdales, (3) at Goathland, (4) Upland surface over clay and sand beds at Mickleby. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectivelv, (1) 440 gallons; (2) 29,950 gallons; (3) (a) 10,800 gallons, (6) 7,470 gallons ; (4) 1,510 gallons. A further 17,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (2) and 1,450 gallons from (3) (a). Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : (2) Robin Hood's Bay, 60,000 gallons ; (3) Goathland Moor, 6,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : (2) (a) Thorpe, 260,000 gallons, (6) Robin Hood's Bay, 30,000 gallons ; (3) Goathland Moor, 96,000 gallons ; (4) Mickleby, 5,550 gallons. (2) to (4) Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good occasional examination. (1) Fairly hard ; (2)-(4) soft. Water from (3) acts slightly on lead, but lead pipes are not permitted. Whitchurch (Salop) Urban District Council. Supplies Whitchurch U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells and bore, 60 feet, through claj sand and gravel, Fenns Bank, Whitchurch. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 130,000 gallons, and a further 35,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Pear Tree Lane, 180,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 130,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (31st December 1913) that if the water was clear it would be very fair. Hardness, 22 ; (after softening) 6. No action on lead ; contains a trace of iron. Whitehayen Town Council. Supplies Whitehaven B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Ennerdale and Kinniside, Hensingham, Lamplugh, Moresby, and Preston Quarter (Whitehaven R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Whitehaven R.D.C. and Moresby Coal Company, who supply part of parish of Moresby (Whitehaven R.D.). Powers. Whitehaven Waterworks Acts, 1849 and 1864 ; Whitehaven Harbour and Town Improvement Act, 1876 ; Whitehaven Town and Harbour Act, 1879 ; Whitehaven Town and Harbour (Incorporation) Act, 1885, and Whitehaven Corporation Act, 1899. Limits. Whitehaven B. and parishes of Hensingham and Preston Quarter (White- haven R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Enner dole Lake (740 acres), with gathering ground, 10,000 acres. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,220,000 gallons, and a further 780,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Scragill, 1,000,000 gallons; Hensingham, 50,000 gallons ; Harras Moor, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 155 (hiantlty of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,200,000 gallons and 20,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (16th May 1911) that chemically the water is very pure. Hardness: total, 1'2; permanent, 0' 8. No action on lead. Whitehaven Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Beckermet St. Bridget, Beckermet St. John, (iosfnrth, Hale, Lowside Quarter, Ponsonby ; (2)Lamplugh, and 3) and (4) Moresby (Whitehaven R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. (1) Springs from gravel over volcanic ash and breccia in the valleys of Scale Beck, Peagill, and Bengarthgill near Gosforth ; (2) Springs from gravel over slate, on 0\vsen Fell ; (3) and (4) Springs over sandstone at The High, Moresby. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 12,500 gaUons ; (2) 700 gallons ; (3) 1,500 gallons ; (4) 300 gallons. A further 87,500 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 21,300 gallons from (2), 20,500 gallons from (3), and 4,700 gallons from (4). Works. No nitration. Service reservoirs : (1) Howgate, 3,000 gallons ; (2) Lam- plugh, 10,000 gallons ; (3) Harras Moor, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. (Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: total, 1'2; permanent, 0'8. No action on lead. Whitland Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of J.Vidine (Whitland R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Pendine. The average daily quantity of water available is 14,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Pendine, 1,875 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks that chemically the water is excellent. Hardness, 7. No action on lead. Widnes Town Council. Supplies Widnes B. ; and parts of parishes of Bold, Crontoii, Ditton, Halewood, and Tarbock (Whiston R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Winston R.D.C. Powers. Widnes Improvement Act, 1867 ; Widnes Local Board Act, 1875 ; Widnes Corporation Act, 1908 Limits. Widnes B. ; parish of Cuerdley (Warrington R.D.) ; and parishes of Bold, Cronton, Ditton, Hale, Halewood, Rainhill (part), and Tarbock (Whiston R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Boreholes in New Red Sandstone: (1) Stockswell ; (2) Netherley ; (3) Belle Vale. The- average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 3,000,000 gallons ; (2) 2,500,000 gallons ; (3) is not in use. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs : Pex Hill (a) 1,400,000 gallons, (b) 11,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,453,100 gallons and 8,320 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical and -bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (24th December 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness : (1) total, 10 "7, permanent, 8" 6 ; (2) total, 7 ' 7, permanent, 7 4. No action on lead. Wigan Town Council. Supplies Wigan C.B. ; and part of parish of Worthington (Wigan R.D.), and furnishes a supply in bulk to Orrell U.D.C. Powers Vfigan Waterworks Acts, 1853 and 1860 ; Wigan Orders, 1886, 1897, and 1907 ; Wigan Corporation Act, 1898. Limits. Wigan C.B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Upland surfaces of 2,200 acres and 500 acres at Wrightington and Billinge ; (2) Nicholson's Well, 56 feet, in shale, Winstan- ley ; (3) Well, 160 feet, in sandstone at Wrightington (auxiliary supply) ; (4) Supply in bulk from Manchester T.C. (see page 89). The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 2,000,000 gallons ; (2) 200,000 gallons ; (3) 150,000 gallons ; (4) 500,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 500 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Arley, 110,000,000 gallons; Worthington, 120,000,000 gallons; Adlington, 10,000,000 gallons ; Orrell (four), 75,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Wigan Lane, 1,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,614,307 gallons and 60,277 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (13th December 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness: total, 7 - 75; permanent. 5 '5 No action on lead. 156 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Wigan Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Parbolcl, Wrightington (WigaiJ H.I.).), Bispham (West Lancashire R.D.) ; and (2) Wrightington (Wigan R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from rock, (1) Lancaster Lane, (2) near Raby Fold. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, '(1) 21,000 gallons, (2) 15,840 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Service reservoirs : (1) Parbold (two), 60,000 gallons ; (2) Wrightington, 30,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness: (1) total, 18 ; permanent, 2 ' 7. No action on lead. Wight (Isle of) Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of d) Bembridge, (2) Brading, (3) Brighstone and Mottistone, (4) Calbourne, (5) Chale, (6) Niton, St. Lawrence, and Whitwell, (7) Shalfleet and Thorley, (8) Wroxall (Isle of Wight R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs: (1) (a) from Bagshot Sands Home Farm, (b) from Bembridge limestone White Oak ; from Upper Greensand, (2) Carpenters, (3) Buddie Hole, (4) Calbourne, (5) Chale Farm, (6) Old Park, Whitewell. and Bierley, (7) Shal combe, (8) Wroxall. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) (a) 18,000 gallons, (6) not known ; (2) 1,200 gallons ; (3) 10,000 gallons ; (4) 12,000 gallons ; (5) 9,200 gallons ; (6) 25,700 gallons ; (7) 17,500 gallons ; (8) 15,600 gallons. A further 30,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) (a), 1,000 gallons from (2), 10,000 gallons from (3), 20,000 gallons from $, 25,000 gallons from (6), 17,000 gallons from (7), and 15,000 gallons from (8). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Bembridge, (a) 40,000 gallons, (b) 28,000 gallons ; (3) Brighstone, 375 gallons ; (4) Calboxirne, (high level) 70,700 gallons, (low level) 31,000 gallons ; (5) Chale, 34,000 gallons ; (6) Niton, (high level) 50,000 gallons, (low level) 20,000 gallons; Whitwell, 4,500 gallons; (7) Shalfleet, 24,000 gallons ; (8) Wroxall, 17,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good annual chemical examination. Generally hard. No action on lead ; (1) (a) contains some iron. Wigmore Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Leintwardine North (Wigmore R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring on Buck ton Park Farm. The average daily quantity of water available is 8,400 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Leintwardine, 5,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. No action on lead. Wigton Urban District Council. Supplies Wigton U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Boltons, Westward, and Woodside (Wigton R.D.). Powers. Wigton Waterworks Act, 1866. Limits. Wigton U.D., and parishes of Boltons (part), Westward (part), and Woodside (Wigton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) " Boiling Spring," Boltons ; (2) Thornthwaite Spring, Boltons. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 91,200 gallons ; (2) 193,110 gallons. Worfes.--No nitration. Service reservoir : The Dial, 140,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 165,200 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 11 '5. No action on lead. Wigton Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Caldbeck, (2) Low Ireby, (3) Uldale, and (4) Westward (Wigton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) to (4) Springs. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Caldbeck, Low Ireby, Uldale, and Westward ; capacities not known. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness and action on lead not known. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 157 Williton Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Porlock, (2) Stogumber, (3) Williton, (4) Wootton Courtney, and (5) Timberscombe (Williton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Three springs near Porlock ; (2) Spring near Stogumber ; (3) Spring at Rowden ; (4) Spring at Wootton Courtney ; (5) Springs near Timberscombe. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 18,720 gallons ; (2) 9,000 gallons ; (3) 15,000 gallons ; (4) 6,000 gallons ; (5) 1,500 gallons. A further 2,500 gallons could be obtained from (2), 4,000 gallons from (3), and 11,000 gallons from (4). Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs : (I) (a) Halscombe, 4,500 gallons, (6) Hawkcombe, 2,960 gallons ; (2) Stogumber, 18,000 gallons ; (3) Rowden Farm, 10,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : (3) Williton, 50,000 gallons ; (4) Wootton Courtney, 10,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient, except (1) in summer. Vitality of Water.- Good. Hardness : (1) Fairly hard ; (2) and (3) 6 ; (4) 8. No action on lead. Wilton Town Council. Supplies Wilton B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk, Groveley Wood. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 65,000 gallons. Woi-L-s. No filtration. Reservoir : Groveley Wood, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 65,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent frequent chemical Examination. Hardness : total, 14' 14 ; permanent, 1 '89. No action on lead. Wilton Rural District Council (see Addenda, page 598). Wincanton Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Bruton, North Brewham, Pitcombe, South Brewham, (2) Hentstridge, (3) Milborne Port, (4) Penselwood, Stoke Trister, and Wincanton (Wincanton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Collecting trenches near springs at Kingswood Warren, South Brewham ; (2) Catchpit or boreholes near Wigswell Spring, Henstridge ; (3) Collecting trenches and borings near spring, Bradley Head, Milborne Port ; (4) Collecting trenches near springs at Penselwood. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 45,000 gallons ; (2) 25,000 gallons ; (3) 16,000 gallons; (4) 60,000 gallons. A further 15,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) ; 6,000 gallons from (2) ; and 44,000 gallons from (3). Works. No nitration. Storage reservoir : (4) Penselwood, 400,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : (1) North Brewham, 90,000 gallons ; (2) Wigswell, 11,165 gallons; (3) Milborne Wick, 99,000 gallons; (4) Bayford Hill, Wincanton, 330,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness : (1) 4 ; (2) very hard ; (3) 20 ; (4) very soft. Action on lead not known ; (1) contains traces of iron. Winchcomb Rural District Council. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Beckford, (2) Bishop's Cleeve, (3) Winchcomb, and (4) Woodmancote (Winchcomb R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs, (1) Grafton Hill, Beckford ; (2) The Wickfields, Holders Hill ; (3) St. Kenelm's Well, Sudeley ; _(4) Cleeve Hill. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 4,000 gallons ; (2) 5,760 "ga^ons ; (3) 45,000 gallons ; (4) 2,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Grafton Hill, 10,000 gallons; (2) and (4) Holders Hill, 1,200 gallons ; (3) Sudeley, 36,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) Adequate ; (2), (3), arid (4) inadequate. Quality of Water.- Good. Hardness and action on lead not known. Winchester Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Owslebury (Winchester R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk at Owslebury. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,100 gallons, and a further 900 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs: Three tanks at Owslebury, 42,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Excellent annual chemical examination. Hardness, 15. Action on lead not known. 158 KMTURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Wing Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Wing (Wing R.D.). iSo/n-ww of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian bore into Greensand, Wing Hill, Linslade. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 18,000 gallons, and a further 20,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Filtration, (59 gallons per square yard per day. Reservoir: Linslade, 70,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Satisfactory occasional examination. Hardness : total 22 ; permanent, 7. No action on lead. Winsford Urban District Council. Supplies Winsford U.D. (part) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Northwieh R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Stretches springs, Little Budworth ; (2) Austins springs, Little Budworth ; (3) Butts springs, Little Budworth. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 131,130 gallons; (2) 60,750 gallons ; (3) 60,750 gallons. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs : Austins, Little Budworth, 300,000 gallons; Whitby's Lane, Over, 1,500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 220,000 gallons, and 4,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical examination. Analyst remarks (22nd April 1913) that the water is very good. Hardness: total, 8 '2; permanent 3 '5. No action on lead. Winslow Rural District Council. Supplies parishes of (1) Little Horwood (part) ; and (2) North Marston (Winslow R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Upland surface at Shucklow ; (2) Schorne Well, near North Marston. The average daily quantity of water available from (1) is 1,500 gallons ; yield of (2) not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Little Horwood, 1,500 gallons ; North Marston, 3,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Fair. Hardness not known. No action on lead ; (2) contains a trace of iron. Wirksworth Urban District Council. Supplies Wirksworth U.D. (part). Powers. Wirksworth Water Act, 1801 ; Wirksworth Order, 1880. Limits. Wirksworth U.D. Sources of Supply (Nat nre and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit, Wirksworth Moor. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 63,000 gallons, and a further 130,368 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Service reservoirs : Wirksworth .Moor, (a) 40,000 gallons. (b) 2,580 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 63,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness, 4 "5. No action on lead. Witham Urban District Council. Supplies Witham U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well with borings into Chalk, Braintree Road. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 70,000 gallons, and a further 100,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs : Towers Collingwood Road, 20,000 gallons ; Braintree Road, 25,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 70,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (20th May 1913) that the water is almost entirely free from organic matter and that bacteriologically it is excellent. Hardness: total, 7; permanent, 1'5. Iron pipes are used- Water contains chlorine and a trace of iron. Witney Urban District Council. Supplies Witney U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Curbridge and Hailey (Witney R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 50 feet, Quarry Ground, Witney. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 58,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir: Burford Road tower, 60,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 58,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical examination. Analyst remarks that the water is satisfactory. Hardness : total, 19 ' 6 ; permanent, 14 '2. No action on lead. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 159 Witney Rural District Council. -Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Asthall, (2) Bampton, (3 K\ iisham, (4) Kulbrook, and (5) Ramsden (Witney R.D.). .So/ore.-- of Supply (Nature ami tiufficifuc.i/',. (1) Spring at Kurd Wells, Chipping Norton;* (2) Well near Bampton; (3) Well in gravel, Cassington Road, Eynsham , (1) Spring at Westhall Hill; (5) I 'plane! surface at Mount Skippett. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) not known; (2) 5,000 gallons; (3) 15,000 gallons; (4) 1,200 gallons; (5) 1,000 gallons; and a further 50,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (3). Works.- No liltration. Reservoirs : (2) Tank at Bampton, 15,000 gallons ; (3) Mill Street, Eynsham, 30,000 gallons ; (4) Westhall Hill, 6,000 gallons ; (5) Mount Skippett, 10,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate, except (5). (hutl ilij of irate/ 1 . (1) to (4) good, (5) fair occasional chemical examination. Hardness: (1) not known; (2) 4 '6; (3) total, 20 '3; permanent, I'Ou"; (4) total, 1 1) ' 24 ; permanent, 1 ' 75 ; (5) total, 3 ' 5 ; permanent, 2 ' 45. No action on lead. Wiveliscombe Urban District Council. Supplies Wiveliscombe U.f). (part). tiniirec.i of Supply (\ntiirc ana Sufficiency). (1) Springs at W ithy combe ; (2) Artesian well in High Street. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoir : Withycombe, 600,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Withycombe, 36,968 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. ( t )ii 160 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. (4) is not used. A further 500,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) ; 150,000 gallons from (2) ; 1,810,000 gallons from (3) ; and 100,000 gallons from (4). Works. Pressure filters at (1) only. Storage reservoirs: Tettenliall, (a) 10,000,000 gallons, (l>) (5,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Goldthorn Hill, 1,500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,454,095 gallons, and 9,230 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (28th November 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness : total, 11 ' 61 ; permanent, 6 ' 2. No action on lead. Worcester Town Council. Supplies Worcester C.B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of North Claines (Droitwich R.D.) ; Worcester St. John Bedwardine County (Martley R.D.) ; and Kempsey (Upton upon Severn R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Pershore R.D.C. Powers. City of Worcester Water, &c., Act, 1823. Limits. Worcester C.B. Sources of Supply (Nature, and Sufficiency) River Severn, intake near Worcester. The arerage daily quantity of water obtained is 1,473,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 298 gallons per square yard per day. Service reservoirs : High Level, Elbury Hill, 250,000 gallons; Low Level, Rainbow Hill, 812,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,468,000 gallons, and 5,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical and weekly bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (December 1913) that the water is fit for drinking. Hardness: total, 7 '4; permanent, 3 '2. No action on lead. Workington Town Council. Supplies Working-ton B. ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Cockermouth U.D.C., who furnish a supply in bulk to Papcastle Water Company, for part of parish of Papcastle (Cockermouth R.D.) ; Cockermouth R.D.C. ; and Harrington and Distington Joint Water Committee, who supply Harrington U.D. (part) and part of parish of Distington (Whitehaven R.D.), and furnish a supply in bulk to Cockermouth R.D.C. Powers. Cockermouth and Workington Water Act, 1878 ; Workington Local Board Water Act, 1883; Workington Corporation Act, 1899; Workington Order, 1913. Limits. Workington B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Crummock Lake (644 acres), with gathering ground 25 square miles over Silurian formation. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,570,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Stainburn, 248,500 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 996,000 gallons and 574,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Pure occasional chemical examination. Hardness : total, 1 "75 ; permanent, 1 '25. No action on lead. Worksop Urban District Council. Supplies Worksop U.D. (part). Powers. Worksop Waterworks Acts, 1875 and 1909 ; Worksop Water Order, 1902 ; Worksop Urban District Council Act, 1910. Limits. Worksop U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Suffieienoy\WeH and bore-holes in red sandstone, Sunnyside. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 386,739 gallons and a further 250,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir: Sunuyside, 775,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 386,739 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of \\ ater. Half-yearly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (19th August 1913) that no exception can be taken to the water. Hardness : total, 15 '4 ; permanent, 9 '8. No action on lead. Worthing Town Council.- -Supplies Worthing B. (part) ; and part of parish of Durrington (East Preston R.D.). 8<>nn'.ex of ^n/i/ih/ i .\',,l inr u. Wells and headings in Chalk, South Downs. The average daily quantity ni' water obtained is 966,000 gallons, and a further f Water xuppl !<<]. The daily average is 1166,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Unuhiij ,,j \\ ,,/, T Annual chemir-al and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (30th August 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness : total, 15' 3"; permanent, 2. No action on lead. PART I. : SECTION I. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 161 Wortley Rural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Bradfield (Wortley R.D.). Sonm-ft of Supply (Mature yddaden. 2,500 gallons; (2) Yniswen, 50<> gallons; (o) Garwleisha, 10,000 gallons. Service reservoirs:- (1) Tonspyddaden, 20,000 gallons; (3) (iarwleisha, 100,000 gallons. 1'iessure is sufficient. Qniiiitilij <>'/' Water ,w/i/.; Bromley B. (part); Buckhurst Hill U.D. ; Carshalton U.D. (part); Chingford U.I), (part); Chislehurst U.D. (part) ; Chiswick U.D. ; Dart ford U.D. (part) ; Baling B. ; East and West Molesey U.D. ; East Barnet Valley U.D. (part); East Ham B. ; Edmonton U.D. (part); Enlield U.D. (part) ; Erith U.D. ; Esher and the Dittons U.D. (part) ; Finchley U.D. (part) ; Foots Cray U.I).; Ham U.D. (part); Hampton U.D. ; Hampton Wick U.D. (part); Hanwell U.D. ; Hendon U.D. (part); Hertford B. (part); Ilexton and Isle-worth U.D. (part); Hoddesdon U.I), (part); Hornsey B. ; Ilford U.D. (part); Kingston on Thames B. (part); l,cyton U.D. ; Loughton U.D. (part); Merton and Morden U.D. (part); Penge U.D. ; Southall Norwood U.I), (part); Southgate U.D. (part); Sunlmry on Thames U.I), (part); Surbiton U.D. ; Teddington U.D. ; The Maidens and Coombe U.D. ; Tottenham U.D. ; Twickenham U.D. (part) ; Waltham Holy Cross I'.D. (part) ; Walthamstow U.D. ; Wanstead U.I).; West Ham C.B. ; Willesden U.D. ; Wimbledon B. ; Woodford U.D. ; Wood Green U.D. ; parishes of Chelsfield (part), Cud ham (part), Downe (part), Farnborough (part), Hayes (part), Keston (part), Knockholt (part), Mottingham, Nortli Cray (part), Orpington (part), St. Mary Cray, St. Paul's Cray (part) , West Wickham (part) (Bromley R.D.); Addington (part), Mitcham (Croydon 11. D.) ; Crayford (part), Darenth (part), Eynsford, Farningham, Horton Kirby (part), Southfleet (part), Stone (part), Sutton at Hone (part), Swanscombe (part), Wilmington (part) (Dartford R.D.) ; Chigwell (part) (Epping U.D.) ; Cheam (part), Chessington (part), Cuddington (part), Ewell (part) (Epsom R.D. ); Tatsfield (part) (Godstone R.D.) ; Little Amwell (part) (Hertford R.D.) ; Lambonrne (part) (Ongar R.D.) ; Dagenham (part) (Romford R.D.) ; Brasted (part), Chevening (part), Halstead (part), Shoreham (part), Sundridge (part), \Vesterham (part) (Sevenoaks R.D.) ; Hanworth (part) (Stainos R.D.); Broxbourne (part), Great Amwell (part), and Stanstead St. Margaret's (part) (Ware R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Cheshunt U.D.C. (seepage 36), Croydon T.C. (*<<' page 43\ Richmond T.C. (see page 116), Herts and Essex Water Company (see page 197) and Barnet District Gas and Water Company (nee page 176). In certain districts the word " part" has been inserted because, 'according to the return furnished by the local authority, some of the houses do not take the Water Board's water. The number of these houses in the case of each district can generally be ascertained from Part II. In other cases, in which the whole district is shown as supplied, there are houses which, although the Water Board's water is available, obtain their supply from private wells or other sources. This is known to be so in the case of several premises in the County of London. Powers. Chelsea Waterworks. Chelsea Waterworks Acts, 1852, 1864, 1875, 1887 and 1896. East London Waterworks. East London Waterworks Act, 1853 ; East London Waterworks Extension of Time Act, 1854 ; East London Waterworks Act, 1862 ; East London Waterworks (Thames Supply) Act, 1867 ; East London Water- works (Powers) Act, 1867 ; East London Waterworks Company Act, 1881 ; East London Waterworks Acts, 1886, 1894, and 1897 ; East London Waterworks Act, 1900. Grand Junction Waterworks. Grand Junction Waterworks Acts, 1811, 1816, 1819, 1826, 1835, 1844, 1852, 1855, 1856, 1861, 1868, 1873, 187S, 1879, and 1902. Kent Waterworks. Kent Waterworks Acts, 1809, 1862, 1864, 1877, 1888, and 1902; Kent Waterworks Acts Amendment Acts, 181 1, 1850 ; North Kent Waterworks Act, 1860 ; I >artford Water Act, 1868. Lambeth Waterworks. Lambeth Waterworks Acts, 1848, 1856. 1869, 1871, 1883, 1886, 1896, and 1900. Xor Kiver \\'i*t>-irt- -Chislehurst, 450,000 gallons; Constitution Hill, 300,000 gallons; Dartford Brent, 370,000 gallons ; Deptford (two), 1,750,000 gallons; 'Eltham, ;'),( )( (0,000 gallons ; Farnborough, 1,40( >,00< ) gal Ions ; Greenwich Park, 1,125,1 )< >< ) gallons; Knockholt, 500,000 gallons; New Cross, 1,750,000 gallons; Plurnstcad, 200,000 gallons; L'lumstcad Common, 650,000 gallons; Southfleet, 1,000,000 gallons; Sundridge Park, Bickley, 1,500,000 gallons; West Wickham, 250,000 gallons; Westerham Hill, 68,000 gallons ; Westerham, 60,000 gallons ; Woolwich Common, 1,500,000 gallons ; Shooter's Hill Tower, 2< >_>,( >( ) gallons : New River District.* Bourne Hill, 1,500,000 gallons; Claremont Square, .">, 500,000 gallons; Cricklewood, Balancing Reservoirs (two), 2,000,000 gallons; Crouch Hill (two), 12,000,000 gallons; Downhills Tower, 00,000 gallons; Fortis Green (two), 10,000,000 gallons; Haileybury Tank, < (6,000 gallons; Hampstead Heath (two), 1,500,000 gallons; Highgate, 1,000,000 gallons; Holtwhite's Hill (two) and a tower, 1,774,000 gallons; Hornsey Lane, .",,< )( K ),( M 10 gallons ; Maiden Lane (Iwo), 15,000,000 gallons ; Southgate, 1,000,000 gallons : Southern District. Battersea, 3,000,000 gallons; Brixton (two), 12,000,000 gallons; Coombe, 1,150,000 gallons ; Crystal Palace Tank, 210,000 gallons ; Forest Hill (two), 1,000,000 gallons; Honor Oak (four), 56,322,000 gallons; Norwood, 5,0(X),000 gallons ; Nil ahead (four), 18,000,000 gallons; Hock Hill, 615,000 gallons; Selhurst, 2,500,000 gallons ; Streatham Hill (two), 7,500,000 gallons : Western District. Barrow Hill, 4,750,000 gallons; Campden Hill (three), 18,000,000 gallons; Baling (two), 53,000,000 gallons; Hampton, 2, 500,000 gallons; Kew Bridge (two), 2,500,000 gallons ; Kidderpore, 2,500,000 gallons; Putney Heath (five), 22,000,000 gallons; Shoot-up Hill, 6,000,000 gallons; Willesden, 2,500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average was 242,515,300 gallons and 1,823,600 gallons in bulk, during the year ended 31st March 1914. Supply is constant except in The Maidens (The Maidens and Coombe U.D.) and Long Ditton (Esher and The Dittons U.D.) Quality of Water. Daily chemical and bacteriological examination. Kent and Lee Valley well waters are very pure chemically and bacteriologically ; Thames and Lee filtered waters are efficiently purified, free from brown colouration, and contain moderate amounts of organic matter. Bacteriologically, over 75 per cent, of the samples examined contain no B. coli, even in 100 c.c. of water. The results of the chemical and bacteriological examination of the London waters are published in the monthly reports of the Government Water Examiner (Metropolitan Water Supply), and in the Annual Reports of (a) the Director of Water Examination, Metropolitan Water Board, (6) the Metropolitan Water Board and (c) the Local Government Board. Hardness (filtered waters) : Thames : total, 15 ' 6 ; permanent, 4 ' 6. East London (Lee) : total, 17 ' 3 ; permanent, 5 '3. New River (Lee and wells) : total, 16 '6; permanent, 3 '8. Kent (wells) : total, 21 ' 8 ; permanent, 5 ' 9. No action on lead. B. Other Joint Authorities. Abertillery and District Water Board. Does not yet furnish any supply. Powers. Abertillery and District Water Board Act, 1910. Limits. Abercarn U.D. ; Abertillery U.D. ; Mynyddislwyn U.D. (part) ; Risca U.D. Works. In course of construction. Accrington District Gas and Water Board. Supplies Accrington B. (part) ; Church U.D. (part) ; Clayton le Moors U.D. Great Harwood U.D. (part) ; Haslingden B. (part) ;' Rishton U.D. (part) ; parts of parishes of Altham, Huncoat (Burnley R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Burnley R.D.C. Powers. Accrington Gas and Waterworks Company's Acts, 1854, 1863, 1869, and 1893 ; Accrington District Gas and Water Board Acts, 1894, 1905, and 1906 ; Accrington District Gas and Water Order, 1911. Limits. Accrington B. ; Church U.D. ; Clayton le Moors U.D. ; Great Harwood U.D. ; Haslingden B. (part) ; Rishton U.D. ; parishes of Altham, Huncoat (Burnley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Upland surface, 460 acres, with springs from sandstone above Mitchell's Reservoirs, Accrington ; (2) Upland surface, 250 acres, with springs from sandstone, above Burnley Road Reservoir, Huncoat, Accrington; (3) Well, 160 feet, in grit, Altham, Accrington; (4) Upland surface, 540 acres, with springs from sandstone, above Dean Clough Reservoir, Great Harwood. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 379,400 gallons, (2) 321,900 gallons, (3) 356,700 gallons, (4) 1,055,000 gallons, and a further 700,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (3). * See * on page 164. L 4 RETUBN AS TO AVATEtt SUPPLIES. Works. Water from (Ij and (4) is filtered. Storage reservoirs : Mitchell's, 114,000,000 gallons (//) 70,000,000 gallons; Burnley Koad, 22,400,000 gallons ; 1 >oan dough, 212,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Smalley Thorn, Great Harwood, 1,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water xitjijilied. The daily average is 2,100,000 gallons, and 13,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. " Quality of Water. Good. Hardness :(!), (2) and (4) 6; (31 21. No action on lead. Askton under Lyne, Stalybridge and Dukinfield (District) Waterworks Joint Committee. Supplies Ashton under Lyne B. ; Audenshaw U.D. ; Dukinfield B. ; Hurst [I.D. ; Mossley B. (part) ; Saddleworth U.D. (part) ; Springhead U.D. (part) ; Stalybridge B. ; parishes of Alt (part), Bardsley, Hartshead (part;, Little Moss, Waterloo, Woodhouses (Limehurst R.D.). Powers. Ashton under Lvne, Stalybridge and Dukinfield (District) Waterworks Acts, 1870, 1875, 1885, 1892, and 1007 ; Ashton under Lyne Order, 1882 ; Ashton under Lyne, Dukinfield and Hurst Order, 1883 ; Audenshaw Urban District Council Act, 1908. Limits. Ashton under Lyne B. ; Andenshaw U.D. ; Dukinfield B. ; Hurst U.D. ; Mossley B. ; Saddleworth U.D. (part) ; Springhead U.D. (part) ; Stalybridge B. ; parishes of Alt (part), Bardsley, Hartshead, Little Moss, Waterloo, Woodhouses (Limehurst R.D.). Sources of Snji/ih] (.\niun' and Sufieieney). (1) (a) Upland surface, 1,170 acres, (1>) Springs from Millstone Grit, (c) Greenfield Brook intake at junction of I'irchin Clough and Holme dough near Rochdale ; (2) (a) Upland surface, 1,730 acres, (1)) Springs from Millstone Grit, (c) Chew Brook intake at Chew Clough and Small Clough, in Mottram in Longdendale ; (3) (a) Upland surface, 1,300 acres, (/>; Springs from Millstone Grit, (c) Swineshaw Brook, intake at Swineshaw Moor, in Mottram in Longdendale. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 1,484,600 gallons, (2) works in course of construction, (3) 1,41(5,000 gallons. A further 416,021 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 1,911,094 gallons from (2). Works. Pressure niters. Storage reservoirs: Brushes, 52,165,000 gallons; Lower Swineshaw, 55,500,000 gallons ; Higher Swineshaw, 168,908,000 gallons ; Yeoman Hey, 205,596,000 gallons ; Greenfield, 101,686,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Knott Hill, 64,000,000 gallons ; Dukinfield, 33,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied.- The daily average is 2,900,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Bi-monthly chemical and quarterly bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (23rd December 1913), that the water is excellent. Hardness, 3 5. Acts on lead, and is treated with carbonate of lime. Aspatria, Silloth and District Joint Water Board. Supplies Aspatria U.D. (part) ; parts of parishes of Plumbland (Cockermouth R.D.), Allhallows, Blennerhasset and Kirkland, Boltons, Low Ireby, Westnewton (Wigton R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Holme Cultram U.D.C., Cockermouth R.D.C., and Wigton R.D.C. Powers. Aspatria, Silloth and District Water Act, 1901 ; Aspatria, Silloth and District Order, 1908. Limits. Aspatria I*. D. ; Holme Cultram U.D. ; parishes of Allhallows, Allonby, Blencogo, Blennerhasset and Kirkland, Bromfield, Dundraw, Hayton and Mealo, Llangrigg and Mealrigg, Westnewton (Wigton R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Ellen, intake at Chapelhouse. Yield not known. Works. Mechanical filters. Storage reservoir: Chapelhouse, 22,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir: Quarry Hill, 750,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 372,000 gallons, and 30,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent occasional chemical examination. Hardness : total, 2 ' 75 ; permanent, I ' 5. Axbridge Rural and Highbridge Urban District Councils. Supply Highbridge U.D. ; parishes of Axbridge, Charterhouse (part), Cheddar (part), and Compton Bishop (part) (Axbridge R.D.). Srmm'.s- of Stii>j>]i/ (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Charterhouse and Cheddar. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 160,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Cheddar, 90,000 gallons ; Brent Knoll, Highbridge, 180,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. PART I. : SECTION II. JOINT AUTHORITIES. 167 Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 160,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent periodical chemical and occasional bacteriological examination. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Biffgleswade Water Board. Supplies Biggieswade U.I), (part); and furnishes supplies in hulk to Kempston U.D.C., who also supply part of parish of Eastcotts (Bedford R.I) ) through S. Whitbread, Esq. ; Bedford R.D.C., and Biggieswade R.D.C. Pmrers. Biggieswade Water Act, 1901. Limit*. Biggieswade U.I). ; parishes of Arlesey, Astwick, Blunham, Campton, Chieksands Priory, Clifton, Cockayne llatley, Dunton, Edworth, Lverton, Eyworth, Henlow, Laugl'ord, Meppershall, Moggerhanger, Northill, Old Warden, Potton, Sandy', Shefford, Sheft'ord Eardwick, Southill, Stotfold, Sutton, Tempsford, Upper Stondon, \Vrestlingworth (Biggieswade H.D.). Sonn-i'N of Snpj>li/ (Natiin'. and Sufficiency). Well (176 feet) in Lower Greensand, Great North Road, '2\ miles from Biggieswade. The average daily quantity of water available is ] ,800,01 Ml gallons. Works. Pressure filters. Service reservoirs: Toplers Hill, 1,500,000 gallons; Moxhiil tank, Northill, .-',0,000 gallons; Old Warden tank, 12,000 gallons; Ireland tank, Southill, 10,000 gallons. Pressure is sullicient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 185,945 gallons, and 84,509 gaHons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and occasional bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (5th September 1913), that chemically the water is quite free from organic matter, and liacteriologically (9th October 1912), it is good. Hardness: total, IS ' X ; permanent, 1'8. No action on lead. Bury and District Joint Water Board. Supplies Bury C.B. (part) ; Haslingden B. (part) ; Little Lever U.D. ; Prestwich U.D. (part); Radcliffe U.D. (part); Ramsbottom U.D. (part); Rawtenstall B. (part) ; Tottiugton U.D. (part); Whitefield U.D. (part); parts of parishes of Dunnockshaw (Burnley III).); Outwood, Unsworth, Walmersley cum Shuttle- worth (Bury R.D.i. Poicers. Bury Waterworks Act, 1846 ; Bury and Radcliffe Waterworks Act, 1853 ; Bury and Radcliffe Waterworks Amendment Act, 1858 ; Haslingden and Rawtenstall Waterworks Acts, 1853 and 1864; Bury Improvement Acts, 1872 and 1885; Bury Corporation Waterworks Act, 1889; Bury Corporation Act, 1894; Bury Corporation Water Act, 1899; Bury and District Water (Transfer) Act, 1900; Bury and District Joint Water Board Acts, 1903 and 1908; Bacup and Bury and District Joint Water Board Order, 1913. Limits. Bury C.B. ; Haslingden B. ; Little Lever U.D. ; Prestwich U.D. ; Radcliffe U.D. ; Ramsbottom U.D. ; Rawtenstall B. (part) ; Tottington U.D. (part) ; White- field U.D. ; parishes of Dunnockshaw, Hapton (Burnley R.D.) ; Ainsworth (part), Outwood, Unsworth (part), Walmersley cum Shuttleworth (Bury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Gathering ground, 2,185 acres, Haslingden Grane ; (2) Gathering ground, 2,030 acres, Clow Bridge, near Burnley, and Lumb in Water, near Waterfoot ; (3) Gathering ground, 244 acres, Edenfield, near Bury ; (4) Gathering ground, 163 acres, Walmersley, near Bury ; (5) Gathering ground, 200 acres, Shuttleworth, near Bury. The average daily quantity of water available from each soiirce is, respectively, (1) 2,663,000 gallons ; (2) 2,518, (KM) gallons ; (3) 380,000 gallons ; (4) 180,000 gallons ; (5) 221,000 gallons. Works. Filtration at (2) only, 300 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs Haslingden Grane, Ogden, 330,000,000 gallons; Calf Hey, 133,500,000 gallons; Holden Wood, 80,700,000 gallons ; Clow Bridge, 323,000,000 gallons ; Lumb in Water, Clough Bottom, 192,000,000 gallons; Edenlield, Scout Aloor, 47,750,000 gallons ; ' Walmersley, Gin Hall, 38,000,000 gallons ; Shuttleworth, Harden Clough, 12,760,000 gallons; Cross Bank, 3,350,000 gallons. Service reservoir: Whitefield, Clarke's Hill, 7,350,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,500,000 gallons. Supply is constant. (Duality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (March 1911), that the water is very good. Hardness : -total, 4 '5; per- manent, 4' 0. No action on lead. Cheltenham and Cirencester Rural District Councils. Supply parts of parishes of Cowley, Great Witcombc (Cheltenham R.D.) ; Brimpsfield (Cirencester R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Ridge well with upland surfaces, Birdlip. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 550 gallons. 168 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs: Brimpsfield (a) 48,000 gallons, (6) 30,000 gallons. Service reservoirs: Four tanks, 900 gallons each. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water sup/tiled. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical examination. Analyst remarks (2nd November 11(11) that chemically it is a safe spring water. Hardness. 9. No action on lead; contains a slight trace of iron. Chesterfield Gas and Water Board. Supplies Brain pt on and Walton U.D. (part): Chester- field B. ; Whittington and Newbold U.D. (part); and parishes of Brim in gt on (part), Calow (part), Hasland, Tapton (part), Wingerworth (part) (Chesterfield H.D.). Powers. Chesterfield Waterworks and Gaslight Company's Acts, 1855, 1871, and 1876 ; Chesterfield Waterworks and Gaslight Company's Extension Act, 1865 ; Chester- field Gas and Water Board Acts, 1895, 1904, and 1911; Chesterfield Gas and Water Board Order, 1900; Chesterfield Borough (Extension) Order, 11)10. Limits. Brampton and Walton U.I). ; Chesterfield B. ; Whittington and Newbold U.D. ; parishes of Brimington, Hasland, Tapton (Chesterfield H.I).). Sources of Suj>]>li/ (Nature and Sufficiency). - (1) Gathering ground, 1,333 acres, Linacre ; (2) Spring from Lower Coal Measures, Holymoorside ; (3) Spring from Lower Coal Measures, Walton ; (4) Borehole in Lower Coal Measures, Linacre. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1 i 1120.000 gallons; (2) 190,000 gallons ; (3) not known ; (4) 83,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 580 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Linacre, Upper 126,300,000 gallons, Middle 90,446,000 gallons, Lower 31,000.000 gallons ; Walton, 558,180 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,200.000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: total, 8 '57; permanent, 8 '29. Slight action on lead, but water is tested periodically. Conway and Colwyn Bay Joint Water Supply Board. Furnishes supplies in bulk to Conway T.C., Colwyn Bay and Colwyn U.D.C., and Conway H.D.C. Powers. Conway and Colwyn Bay Joint Water Supply Orders, 181(1, 1896, and 1898 ; Conway and Colwyn Bay Joint Water Supply Board Act, 1908. Limits. Colwyn Bay and Colwyn U.D. ; Conway M. ; parishes of Llangwstenin, Llansaintffraid Glan Conway, Llysfaen, Penrhyn (Conway H.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Lake Cowlyd, 4 miles from Llaimvst, near Capel Curig. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,447,500 gallons ; and a further 1,000,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,446,300 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Very soft, but no action on lead. Cwmtwrch Joint Water Committee. Supplies parts of parishes of Llangiwg (Pontardawe R.D.) ; and Ystradgynlais Lower (Ystradgynlais R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature, and Sufficiency). Springs from sandstone in Pennant formation. The daily average quantity of water obtained is 65,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir: Cwmtwrch, 15,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Fairly adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 6. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Deal and Walmer Joint Water Board. Furnishes supplies in bulk to Deal T.C., (who also supply parts of parishes of Great Mongeham and Sholden (Eastry R.D.)) ; and Walmer U.D.C. (who also supply part of parish of Hippie (Eastry H.D.)). Powers. Deal and Walmer Water Act, 1897. Limits. To furnish supplies in bulk to Deal T.C. and Walmer U.D.C; also for the parishes of Hingvvould (Dover R.D.) ; Great Mongeham, Hippie, and Sholden (Eastry R.D.). Sources of Supply ( Nature and Sufficiency). Wells and adits in Chalk, Waterworks Road, Deal. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 523,126 gallons, and a further 150,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Waterworks Road, Deal, 751 (,0< X ( galli >ns ; Dover Road, Ripple, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied .The daily average is 523,120 gallons. Supply is "\vcjVoT*r constant. 11 PART I. : SECTION II. JOINT AUTHORITIES. 169 Quality of ^ater Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (26th July 1913) that the water is of a high degree of organic and bacterial purity. I lardiH'ss : total, 17 ' 1 ; permanent, 2 ' 8. No action on lead. Derwent Valley Water Board. Furn is] ies supplies in bulk to Derby TO (see page 45)- Leicester T.C. (see page 76) ; Nottingham T.O. (sec page 102) ; Sheffield T.C. (see na^e 1*8) ' Ripley U.D.C. (sec page 117) ; and Chapel en lo Frith R.D.C. Powers. Denrent Valley Water Acts, IS 1 .)'.), 11)01, 1<)04, 1<)0<), and 1912- Sheffield Corporation Act, 1903. Limits. To furnish supplies in bulk to Derby T.C. ; Leicester T.C. ; Nottingham T.C. ; Sheffield T.C. ; and local authorities in the counties of Derby and Nottingham. Sources of Si/./ >/>/// i.W/nr mid S//.(//<-/Vm-//). River Derwent, with upland surface 13,220 acres, High Peak, Derbyshire and Yorkshire.- Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered, except that supplied to Sheffield T.C. Storage reservoirs : Howden, 2,050,000,000 gallons; Derwent, 2,000,000,000 gallons (con- si ruction nearly complete). Service reservoir : Ambergate, 25,000,000 gallons. 1'ivssnro is sufficient. Qmtiililii of Water supplied. The daily average is 10,090,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Qiutlilt/ ,>f \Viite): Organically pure. Hardness : total, 2 '3; permanent, 2 '3. Very slight action on lead. Dewsbury and Heckmondwike Waterworks Board. Furnishes supplies in bulk to Batley T.C. (seepage 1 :'.), Dewsbury T.C., Flockton U.D.C. (who also supply in bulk to Whitley Upper U.D.C.) ; Heckmondwike U.D.C. ; Skelmanthorpe U.D.C. (who also supply part of Clayton West U.D.) ; and Ossett T.C. (who also supply part of parish of Alvethorpe (Wakefield Pom-i-x. Dewsbury and Heckmondwike Waterworks Act, 1876; Heckmondwike Order, 1882 ; Dewsbury and Heckmondwike Orders, 1886 and 1887 Dewsburv Water Acts, 1890 and 1896 ; Dewsbury Order, 1898. Jjimits. Dewsbury C.B. (part) ; Heckmondwike U.D. Sources of /)7// (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland gathering grounds, (1) 1,300 acres. Penistone, Dunford Bridge ; (2) 702 acres, Upper and Lower Windleden ; (3) 277 acres, Harden; (4) 209 acres, Snailsden ; and the Don and Dearden streams at Dunford Bridge, Penistone. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Dunford Bridge, 245,849,487 gallons ; Upper Windleden, 137,794,740 gallons; Lower Windleden, 82,765,587 gallons'; Harden, 80,594,101 gallons ; Snailsden, 43,210,503 gallons. Service reservoirs* : Broadstoiie, 80,822,173 gallons ; Whitley, 45,009,767 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Witter Hiii>plied.-The daily average is 3,400,159 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Bi-monthly chemical and occasional bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (2nd January 1913) that the water is of high organic purity. Hardness: total, 2 '8; permanent, 2 '3. Acts on lead, but is treated with chalk. Evesham and Pebworth Rural District Councils. Supply parts of parishes of Bretfortou, Church I foneybourne, Cleeve Prior, North and Middle Littleton, Sedgeberrow, South Littleton (Evesham H.D.) ; Aston Somerville, Cow Honeybourne, Hinton on the Green, Pebworth (Pebworth R.D.). Sources of Slip/)!;/ (Nature and Hujjn-ienei/l- -Springs at Broadway and Buckland. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 35,000 gallons, and a further 90,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Broadway a-nd Buckland, 51,000 gallons; Church Honeybourne, 20,000 gallons. North Littleton, 15,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 35,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical and bi-monthly bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (23rd August 1913) that the water is good. Hardness : total, 12 "3 ; permanent, 3 '2. No action on lead. Fylde Water Board. Supplies (1) Bispham with Norbreck U.D. ; Blackpool C.B. ; Fleet- wood U.I). ; Kirkham U.D. ; Lytham U.D. ; Poulton le Fylde U.D. (part); Preesall U.D. (part); St. Amies on the Sea" U.D. ; Thornton U.D. (part); parishes of Bryning with Kellamergh (part), Carleton (part), Clifton with Salwick (part), Elswick (part), Freckleton (part), Greenhalgh with Thistleton (part), Hardhorn with Newton (part), * Pour additional reservoirs are utilised in connection with the Board's supplies, but are owned by local authorities, viz., Dewsbury T.C. (Boothroyd, 1,751,250 gallons ; Staincliffe, Old, 2,000,000 gallons) ; an! Heck- mondwike U.D.C. (Staincliffe, New (a) 1,000,000 gallons, (6) 1,000,000 gallons). 170 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Little Eccleston with Larbreck (part), Marton (part), Medlar with Wesham (part), Newton with Scales (part), Rib by with Wrea (part), Singleton (part), Treales Roseacre and Wharles (part), Warton (part), Weeton with Preese(part), West by with Pluraptons (part) (Fylde li.l>.) ; Barnacre with Bonds (part), Cabus (part), Catterall (part), Claughton (part:., Garstang, Great Eccleston (part), Hambleton (part), Inskip with Sowerby, Kirkland, Myerscough (part), Nateby (part), Out Rawcliffe (part), Pilling (part), vStalinine with Staynall (part), Upper Rawcliffe witli Tarnacre (part) (Garstang R.D.). (2) Easington (part) (Bowland R.D.). Power*. KyUle Waterworks (Transfer) Act, 1897 ; Fylde Water Board Acts, 1899, 1910 and 1912 ; Fylde Orders, 1904 and 1905. Limits. Bispham with Norbreck U.I). ; Blackpool C.B. ; Fleetwood U.I).; Kirkliani U.D. ; Lytham U.I). ; Poulton le Fylde U.D. ; Preesall U.I ). ; St. Amies on the Sea U.l ). ; Thornton U.I). ; parishes of Bowland Forest High, Bowland Forest Low, Easington, Newton, Slaidburn, (Bowland R.D.), Bryning with Kellamergh, Carleton, Clifton with Salwick, Elswick, Freckleton, Greenhalgh with Thistleton, llardhom with Newton, Little Eccleston with Larbreck, Marton, Medlar with Wesham, Newton with Scales, Ribby with Wrea, Singleton, Treales Roseacres and Wharles, Warton, Weeton with Preese, Westby with rlumptone (Fylde R.D.) ; Barnacre with Bonds, Bilsborovigh, Cabus, Catterall, Claughton, Clevely, Forton, Garstang, Great Eccleston, Hambleton, Holleth, Inskip with Sowerby, Kirkland, Myerscough, Nateby, Nether Wyersdale, Out Rawcliffe, Pilling, Stalmine with Staynall, Upper Rawcliffe with Tarnacre, Wininarleigh (Garstang R.D.) ; Cockerham (Lancaster U.D.) ; Goosnargh, Lea Ashton Ingol and Cottam, Whittinghani. and Woodplumpton (Preston R.D. i. Sources of Supply (Xntnrc ) River ('alder, with drainage area of 2,000 acres, intake at Luddock's Fell, Bleasdale. (2) Spring at Easington. The average daily quantity of water obtained from (1) is 4,500,000 gallons; yield of (2) not known. Work*. No liltration. Storage reservoirs : Grizedale, 80,000,0(1(1 gallons; North and South Barnacre, 156,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir:- Weeton, 1 (',000,000 gallons. Eak Hill Wood, Easington, 2,600 gallons. Pressure is sullicient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average from ( 1) is 4,230,< >0( ) gallons. Supply is constant. (2) ample. Quality of Water. (1) Annual chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (16th July 1913) that the water is good. Hardness : 3. Water from source (2) acts slightly on lead but tinned lead and galvanised iron pipes aa-e used. Harrington and Distington Joint Water Committee. See W T orkington T.C., page 160. Helmsley and Kirkby Moorside Rural District Councils. -Supply (1) parishes of Bead lam, Harome, Pockley (Helmsley R.D.) ; Nawton, Skiplani (part), Wombleton (part) (Kirklty Moorside R.D.) ; (2) East Newton and Laysthorp, Stonegrave (Helmsley R.D.) ; Nunnington (part) (Kirkby Moorside R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from freestone or limestone, on moorland at Piethoru ; (2) Springs from freestone or limestone at Grimston. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1)56,000 gallons, (2) 25,000 gallons, and a further 20,000 gallons per day coxild be obtained from (1) and 20,000 gallons from (2). WOJ-A-.S-. No nitration. Service reservoirs :(!) Pockley, 40,000 gallons; (2) Grim- ston, 25, (100 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. (inn ni il;/ a f Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Soft, but no action on lead. Heywood and Middleton Water Board.- Supplies Chadderton U.D. (part), I ley wood 15. (part), Middleton B. (part), Norden U.D. (part), Prestwich U.D. (part!, Rochdale C.B. (part); parishes of Birtle cum Bam ford (part), and Unsworth (part), (Bury R.D). Pou-era. Heywood Waterworks Amendment Acts, 1855 and iSfili; I Icy wood Improvement Act, 1867 ; Heywood Waterworks Act, 1877 ; Heywood Corporation Acts, 1883 and 1889; Heywood Order, 1888 ; Heywood Waterworks (Transfer) Act, 1898; Heywood and Middleton Water Board Acts, 1901 and 1907. Limits. Bacup B. (part); Chadderton U.D. (part); Heywood B. ; Middle-ton B. ; Norden U.D. (part); Rochdale C.B. (part); Whitworth U.D. (part); parishes of Birtle cum Bamford (part), Unsworth (part), and Walmersley cum Shuttleworth (part) (Bury R.D.). Soun-i'H oj Sitpjily (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Naden Brook and gathering ground, (2) Cheesden Brook and Ashworth Moor gathering ground, 935 acres, Norden, near Rochdale. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is. respectively, (!) 885,000 gallons, (2) 815,000 gallons. PART I. : SECTION II. JOINT AUTHORITIES. 171 H"or/;x. Filtration, 100 gallons per square yard per day, and pressure filters. Storage reservoirs: -Ashworth Moor, 350,000,000 gallons ; Naden Higher, 80,000,000 gallons; Nadeu Middle, 152,000,000 gallons ; Naden Lower, 38,000,000 gallons ; Clay Lane, ?."),( 100,000 gallons. Service reservoirs :-- Norden, 50,000 gallons; Clay Lane, 5,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sullieient. Vnaniiti/ of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,700,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of \\ uler. Periodical chemical examination. Analyst remarks (24th December 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness : total, 3'0; permanent, 2'64. Acts on lead, and is treated with carbonate of lime and free lime. Higham Ferrers and Rushden Water Board. Supplies Higham Ferrers B. (part), and Kushden II. D. (part); and furnishes supplies in bulk to Bedford R.D.C. and Welling- borough R.D.C. Powers. Higham Ferrers Water Act, 1900 ; Higham Ferrers and Rushden Water Board Act, 1902. Limits. Higham Ferrers B. ; Rushden U.I). ; and parish of Wymington (Bedford E.D.). (Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. (1) Upland surfaces, 1,747 acres, over Upper anil Lower Estuarine Clays and the Northampton Sand overlying the Upper Lias Clay, and two small streams at Sywell ; (2) Four wells in Northampton Sands, Wymington. The average daily quantity of water obtained from (1) is 200,000 gallons, and a further 400,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and (55,000 gallons from (-), which is an emergency supply. ll'/-/,-x. -Filtration, l.">6 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir: Sywell, 2:515,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Rushden, 826,436 gallons; Wymington, 262,500 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 191,071 gallons and 8,430 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Vitality of Water. Annual chemical examination. Analyst remarks (July 1913) that chemically the water is good, and bacteriologically of a high degree of purity. Hardness : total, 7, permanent, 6. No action on lead. Ilkeston and Heanor Water Board. Furnishes supplies in bulk to Heanor U.D.C. who also supply part, of parish of Shipley (Basford R.I).), and Ilkeston T.C. who also supply part ol parish of Shipley (Basford R.D.), Stanton by Dale (Shardlow R.D.), and furnish a supply in bulk to Lord Middleton (see page 308). I'oir-ers. Ilkeston and Heanor Water Act, 1901. Limits. Heanor U.D., Ilkeston B., Heage II. D., Ripley U.D., parishes of Codnor Park, Shipley (Basford R.D.), Denby, Holbrook, Horsley, Horsley Woodhonse, Kilbourne, Mapperley, Morley, Smalley (Belper R.D. ), Dale Abbey, Kirk Hallam, Stanley, Stanton by Dale, West Hallam (Shardlow R.D.). Sowrcw of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Meerbrook Sough (5 miles long) in .Millstone Grit, and limestone, intake at Hornesford, Whatstandwell. The average daily quantity of water available is 11,500,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoir: Chadwick Nick (Crich), 1,400,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Codnor, 425,000 gallons ; Shipley, 830,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient, Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,120,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Vitality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (10th December 191 o; that the water is well adapted for the supply of a community. Hardness; (after treatment) total, 9 '32; permanent, 7 '84. No action on lead. Kirkby Moorside and Pickering Rural District Councils. -Supply parts of parishes of Appleton i- Moors ( Kirkby Moorside R.D.); Lastingham and Spaunt.on (Pickering R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spindlethorne and Loskey springs from frees! one or limestone, on Spaunton Moor. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 25,000 gallons, and a further 10,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Work*.- No filtration. Service reservoir : Spaunton, 40,000 gallons Pressure is sufficient. Viinnlity of Water supplied. Adequate. Vnidili/ of Water. (Jood. Very soft, and acts slightly on lead, but tin-lined lead pipes are used. Water contains a slight trace of iron. Llaurhaiadr ym Mochnaut Joint Committee. -Supplies parishes of Llanrhaiadr ym Mo.-hnant (part) (Llanlylliu R.D.) and Llanrhaiadr ym Mochnant (part) (Llansihn R.D.;. 172 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs with gathering ground, 1 acres; (2) Springs near Rock House, both at Llaurhaiadr ym Mochnant. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 21,000 gallons, (2) 5,000 gallons, and a further 21,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Tynyfedw, Llanrhaiadr ym Mochnant, 21,0(10 gallons ; near Rock House, 5,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water Supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good.. Hardness, 0'05. Acts on lead, but iron pipes are used. :;: Llanrwst and Trefriw Joint Water Committee. Does not furnish any supplies. See Geirionydd R.D.C. (page 54) and Llanrwst U.D.C. (page 83). Long Rock Water Supply Joint Committee. Supplies Ludgvan U.D. (part) and parish of ( i ulval (part) (West Penwitli R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from basalt, Tremenheere, Ludgvau. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 16,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir : Tremenheere, 1,800 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness and action on lead not known. Mid-Sussex Joint Water Board. Supplies Cuckfield U.D. (part); llaywards Heath U.I), (part); parts of parishes of Wivelsfield (Chailcy !!.]>.!; Ardingly, Balcombe, Bolney, Clayton, Cuckfield Rural, Keymer, Lindfield, and Slaugham (Cuckfield R.D). Powers. Mid-Sussex Joint Water Order, 1 907. Limits. Cuckfield U.D. ; Hay wards Heath U.D. ; parishes of Wivelsfield (part) (Chailey R.D.) ; Ardingly, Balcombe, Bolney, ( 'layton (part), Cuckfield Rural, Keymer (part), Lindfield, and Slaugham (Cuckfield R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and SnJJii-it'ticy). Wells in Lower Tuiibridgr \Vclls Sand, Balcombe Forest. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 242,000 gallons, and a further 176,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Filtration, 538 gallons per square yard per day. Service reservoirs : Balcombe, 295,000 gallons ; Balcombe Tower, 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient, Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 242,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (December 1913) that chemically the water is excellent. Hardness : total, 8 ; permanent, 2 ' 8. No action on lead. Pontypridd and Rhondda Joint Water Board. Supplies Caerphilly U.I), (part) ; Pontypridd U.D. (part); Rhondda U.D. (part); and furnishes supplies in bulk to Llantrisant and Llantwitfardre R.D.C. Powers. Pontypridd and Rhondda Water Acts, 1910 and 1913. Limits. Caerphilly U.D. (part) ; Pontypridd U.D. ; Rhondda U.D. (part) ; and in bulk to Llantrisant and Llantwitfardre R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Gathering grounds, Pontlluestwen, 1,484 acres, and Castell Nos, 682 acres, in Aberdaro and Rhondda. Springs from Pennant Grit : (2) Mardy ; (3) Blaenhenwysg ; (4) Cilfynydd ; (5) Darranddu. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 3,123,785 gallons ; (2) 32,000 gallons ; (3) 190,000 gallons ; (4) 241,000 gallons ; (5) 30,000 gal Ions. Works. Mechanical filters. Storage reservoirs : Pontlluestwen, 240,000,000 gallons ; Castell Nos, 22,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Lan Wood, 2,125,000 gallons ; WUUamstown Tank, 45,000 gallons ; Cilfynydd, 1 ,000,000 gallons ; Rhiw Tank, 100,000 gallons ; Trebanog Tank, 675,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,616,785 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good periodical chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness, 3 (7 after treatment). Acts on lead, but is treated in mechanical filters. Southport, Birkdale, and West Lancashire Water Board. Supplies Formby U.D. (part) ; Southport C.B. (part); parts of parishes of A Hear, Aughton, Bickerstaffe, Downhollaiid, Halsall, Hesketh with Beccousall, Lydiate, Maghull, North Meols, and Scarisbrick (West Lancashire H.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Skelmersdale U.D.C. Powers Southport Water (Transfer) Act, 11)01 ; Southport, Birkdale and West Lancashire Water Board Acts, 1905 and 1907. Limits. Formby U.D. ; Southport C.B. ; parishes of Altcar, Aughton, Bickerstaffe, I >mvnholland, Halsall, Lydiate, Maghull, North Meols, and Scarisbrick (West Lancashire R.D.). * Tins Committee was formed .to carry into effect the terms of ;in Agreement made in 1902 by the Llanrwat and Geirionydd Rural District Councils for jointly taking a supply of water from Lake Crafnant. PART I. : SECTION II. JOIXT AUTHORITIES. 173 Soun-cft of Supply !\atiir< i ami Sn tjii-ienct/). Wells in l'p|>er Mottled Sandstone, (1) Springfield, Auglitnn; (1) Halsall" I.ane,' Aughton ; (3) Scarth Hill; (4) Well in Upper Mottled Sandstone and Pehble Beds, Royal Oak, BickerstalTe. Tlie average daily quantity of water obtained is '2, 658,230 gallons, and a further 1 ,(i!)7,S22 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. No reservoirs. Pressure is sullieient. (n/ii/il it;/ of \\'nl<'f Bttppitfld. -The daily average is L',f>L'7, ( .) I (I gallons and 130,.">L'0 gallons in l)nlk. Supply is constant. (inaiift) of Water. Periodical chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (August 15)13) that the water is: (1) and ('2) Satisfactory; (1 1 l-'iee from animal pollution, but contains a si nail quantity o! Olidisable organic matter. Hardness : (1) total 20-72, pemianent 10 '99; (2) total 16 '31, permanent 8 '19; (3) total 5 '53, permanent 5 '25; (4) total 31' 92, permanent 14 '07. Acts on lead at Scarth Hill oidy, where iron pipes are used. (1) contains magnesia. Stourbridge and District Water Board. Supplies Amblecote U.D. (part) ; Lye and Wollescote I'.D. (j>art) ; Slourbridge I'.D. (part); parts of parishes of Clent, Hagley, Pedmore (Brorasgrove H.I'.); and Kingswinford (Kingswinford K.D.). Powers. Stourbridge and District Water Hoard Act, V.I09. Limits. Amblecote I". I).; Lye and Wollescote I'.D.; Stourbridge U.D. ; parishes of Clent, Hagley, I'edmore (Bromsgrove R.D.) ; and Kingswinford (part) (Kings- win ford II. D.). Sources of Supply {Xntiirc and Sufficiency). Borehole in New Red Sandstone, (1) "Coalbournliroo'k," Amblecote; (2) " Mi'llmeadow," Amblecote; (3) "Tack," Wordsley, Kings \vinford. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1)1,200,000 gallons'; (2) 10,000 gallons; (3) 30,000 gallons. U'or/rx. - No filtration. Service reservoirs:- Amblecote Lane, 380,000 gallons; Wyehbury Hill, I'edmore, 85,000 gallons ; Careless G re< 1 1 , Wollescote, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sullieient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,240,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (23rd December 1913) that the water is very good. Hardness: total, 15 '68; permanent, 8 ' 58. No action on lead. Swadlincote and Ashby de la Zouch Urban District Councils' Joint Water Committee. Supplies parts of parishes of Hartshorn (Hartshorn and Seals R.D.) ; Bretby, Linton, Repton (Repton R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Ashby de la Zouch U.D.C., Ashby Woulds U.D.C., Swadlincote District U.D.C., and Hartshorn and Seals R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Milton Brook, intake at Orange Hill, a mile above Milton ; (2) Springs from Bunter formation, Repton ; (3) Boreholes in gravel bed, Milton, Repton. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 50,000 gallons; (2) 320,000 gallons; (3) 99,000 gallons. A further 75,000 gallons per (lay could be obtained from (1), 63,000 gallons from (2), and 185,000 gallons from (3). Wnr1;x. Filtration at (1) only, 540 gallons per square yard per day. Service reservoir: Blackfordby, 1,184,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient, it i] of Water supplied. The daily average is 8,500 gallons, and 460,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and half-yearly bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (9th June 1913) that bacteriologically the water is unsatisfactory. Hardness: total, 6 '79; permanent, 6 '3. No action on lead; (3) contains oxides of iron and alumina. Tamworth Waterworks Joint Committee. Supplies Tamworth B. ; parts of parishes of Polesworth (Atherstone R.D.) ; Amington and Stonydelph, Bolehall and (ilascote, Kazeley, Wigginton, Wilnecote and Castle Liberty (Tamworth R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Tamworth R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 150 feet, in New Red Sandstone, and Coal Measures, lldpwas, near Tamworth. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 537,000 gallons, and a further 543,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Glascote Heath, Tamworth, 750,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 520,000 gallons, and 17,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness: total, 16 '1, permanent, 6 '8. No action on lead. Tees Valley Water Board. -Supplies Estot i I'.D. (part); Middlesbrough C.B. ; Stockton on Tees B. (part; ; Thornaby on Tees B. ; parishes of Cleatlain, Gain ford (parti, Headlam (part), Langton (part), Marwood (part), Staindrop (part), Whorlton (part), Winston 174 RETURN AS TO AVATER SUPPLIES. (part), (Barnard Castle R.D.) ; Croft (part) (Croft U.D.) ; High Conisdiffe (part), Hurworth (part), Low Dinsdale (part), Middletou St. George (part), Morton Palms (part), Piercebridge (part), Sadberge (part) (Darlington U.I).) ; Wilton (part) (Uuisborough U.I).) ; Hemlington (part), Marton (part), Ormeshy part), Staintoii (part), West Acklani (Middles- brough R.D.) ; Bishopton, Little Staintoii (part) (Sedgefiekl R.D.) ; Cotherstone (part), Lartington (part) (Startforth R.D.) ; Billinghaiu (part), Caritou (part), Cowpen Bewley (part), Egglescliffe (part), Elton (part), Griudon (part), Long Newton (part), Norton (part), Preston upon Tees (part), Redmarshall (part), Whitton (part), Wolviston (part) (Stockton R.D.); Kirk Leavington (part), and Yarm (part) (Stokesley R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to South Bank in Normanby U.D.C. Powers. Tees Valley Water (Consolidation) Act, 1007. Limits. Barnard Castle U.D. ; Eston U.D. (part); Middlesbrough C.B. ; South Bank in Normanby U.D. (part); Stockton on Tees B. ; Thornaby on Tees B. ; parishes of Cleatlam, Gainford, Headlam, Ingleton, Langton, Marwood (part), Raby in Kever- stone (part), Staindrop (part), Streatlam and Stainton (part), Westwick, Whorlton, Winston (Barnard Castle R.D.) ; Cleasby, Cliff e, Croft (part), Man field (Croft U.D.!; Archdeacon Newton, Barmpton, Coatham Mundeville, Dentoii (part), Great Bunion, Haughton le Skerne, High Coiiiscliffe, Hurworth, Killerby, Low Coniscliffe, Low Dinsdale, Middleton St. George, Morton Palms, Neasham, Piercebridge, Sadberge, Summerhouse (part) (Darlington R.I).); Wilton (Guisborough R.D.) ; Hemlington, Ingleby Barwick, Maltby Marton, Ormesby (part), Stainton, West Acklani (part) (Middlesbrough R.D.) ; Aldbrough (part), Cafdwell, Eppleby, (lilling (Richmond R.D.) ; Bishopton, Little Stainton (Sedgefield U.I).); Barforth, Cotherstone (part), Egglestone Abbey (part), Lartington (part), Ovington, Uomaldkirk, Rokeby. Startforth (part), Wycliffe with Thorpe (Startforth U.D.) ; Aislaby, Billingham, Carlton, Cowpen Bewley, East Hartburn, Egglescliffe, Elton, Grindon (part), Long Newton, Newsham, Newton Bewley, Norton, Preston upon Tees, Redmarshall, Whitton (part), Wolviston (Stockton R.D.) ; and Yarm (Stokesley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) River Tees, intake about 2 miles west of Darlington; (2) River Balder, impounding reservoirs in Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite ; (3) River Lime, impounding reservoirs in Mickleton and Lime. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 8,0<>o.noo gallons ; (2) 7,000,000 gallons ; (3) works in course of construction. A further 2,1 )( 10,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 1 < 1,000,000 gallons per day will be obtained from (3). Works. Filtration: (!) 474 gallons, (2) 231 gallons, per square yard per day. Impounding reservoirs : -Hury. 858.837.* II III gallons; BLackton, 463.300,000 gallons; Grassholme (in course of construction), 1,300,000,000 gallons. Storage reservoirs: Whorley, 2,000,000 gallons ; Broken Scar, 12,856,840 gallons ; Fighting Cocks, 24,624,552 gallons; Sadberge, 12,022,034 gallons ; Long Newton, 231,877,000 gallons; Eston, 500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 14,800,000 gallons and 200,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (5th November 1913) that bacteriologically the water is very satisfactory. Hardness, 4. No action on lead. Supply is constant. Westbury and Dilton Marsh Joint Water Committee. Supplies Westbury U.D. (part), and part of parish of Dilton Marsh (\Vestbury and Whorwellsdown R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Well in Chalk Marl and Upper Greensand, Bratton Road, Westbury. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Newtown, Westbury, 180,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 95,000 gallons. Supply is constant . Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: total, 12 "75; permanent, 2 75. No action on lead. Woburn Sands Joint Sewerage and Water Committee. Supplies parishes of Aspley Guise, Aspley Heath (Ampthill R.D.), and Woburn Sands (Newport Pagnell U.D.), and furnishes a supply in bulk to tne Duke of Bedford, who supplies the parish of Woburn (Ampthill U.D.) Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Lower Greensand atBirchmoor Farm, Aspley Guise. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 80,000 gallons, and a further 200,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Bow Brickhill, 400,000 gallons; tank, 10,( gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample ; the daily average in bulk is 40,000 gallons. Quality of Water. Very pure. Hardness : total, 2 ' 8 ; permanent, 1 ' 0. No action on lead. PART I. : SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 175 SECTION III. -COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. Alcester Waterworks Company, Limited. Supplies parts of parishes of Alcester and Arrow (Alcester R.D.). Pmoers. Alcester Water Order, 1878. Limits. Parishes of Alcester, Arrow, and Oversley (Alcester R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well at Rock Mill ; (2) Spring ; (3) Borehole ; all in the parish of Arrow. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 31,000 gallons, and a further of), 000 gallons per day could be obtained. \Vorks. No nitration. Reservoir : Arrow, 52*500 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 31,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hard and no action on lead. Aldershot Gas, Water and District Lighting Company. Supplies Aldershot U.D. (part) ; and part of parish of Seale (Farnham R.D.). Powers. Aldershot Gas and Water Acts, 1866, 1896 and 1901 ; Aldershot Gas and Water Orders, 1879, 1890 and 1903 ; Aldershot Gas, Water and District Lighting Act, 1909. Limit*. AldtTshot I'.D. ; and part of parish of Seale (Farnham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian bores driven (240 feet) into Chalk, Boxall's Lane, Aldershot. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 883,391 gallons, and a further 1,145,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Service reservoirs: Cargate Hill, Aldershot, (a) 159,510 gallons, (l>) 217,930 gallons, (c) 1,513,314 gallons ; Tower, 60,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 883,391 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Of exceptional purity periodical chemical examination. Hardness: total, 17 '5; permanent, 5 '5. No action on lead; the water contains some chalk. Alresford Water Company, Ltd. -Supplies part of parish of New Alresford (Alresford R.I.).). Powers. Alresford Water Order, 1913. Limits. Parish of New Alresford (Alresford R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk at Alresford. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 23,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs at Alresford : Tower, 7,000 gallons ; rndergronnd tank, 56,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 23,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Wafer. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness: total, 22 ' 7 ; permanent, 3 3. Slight action on lead, but lead pipes are not used. Amersham, Beaconsfield and District Waterworks, Ltd. Supplies Beacousfield U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Amersham, Chalfont St. Giles, Chesham Bois, Coleshill, Penn (Amersham R.D.) ; Gerrard's Cross (Eton R.D.) ; and Chepping Wycombe Rural (Wycombe R.D.). Powers.- Amersham, Beaconsfield and District Water Orders, 189(i and 190.".; Amersham, Beaconsfield and District Water Act, 1904. Limits. Beaconsfield P.D. ; and parishes of Amersham, Chalfont St. Giles. Chenies, Chesham Bois, Coleshill, Penn, Seer Green (Amersham R.D.) ; and Gerrard's . Cross (Eton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sitjjicit'iici/). Wells through Chalk and (Ireensaml at Amersham.' The average daily quantity of water available is 300,000 gallons, but the supply is unlimited. WOT**. No filtration. Reservoir Coleshill, (a) 100,000 gallons; (b) 1,000,000 gallons (in course of construction) ; Tower, capacity not known. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Periodical examination. Analyst remarks (30th March 1913), that chemically it is a first class water for drinking purposes. Hardness : total 18' 2 ; permanent, 3'0. No action on lead. Banbury Water Company. Supplies Banbury 13. (part). Powers. Banbury Waterworks Act, 1865. Limits. Banbury B. ; and parishes of Bodicote, East Adderbury, West Adderl.mry (Banbury R.D.) ; and Warkworth (Middleton Cheney R.D.). A 0.198 ^' l7f> RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Cherwell, intake at Grimsbury Mill, one mile from Banbury. Yield not known. Works. Filtration, 161 gallons per square yard per day and also mechanical niters. Service reservoir : Oxford Road, Banbury, 250,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity <>f Water supplied. The daily average is 323,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (3rd September 1912) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness: total, 22 '5; per- manent, 7 '6. No action on lead. Barnet District Gas and Water Company. Supplies Barnet U.D. ; East Barnet Valley U.D. (part) ; Enfield U.D. (part) ; Finchley U.D. (part) ; Friern Barnet U.D. (part) ; Southgate U.D. (part); and parts of parishes of Ridge, Shenley, Totteridge (Barnet H.D.) ; Northaw, North Mimms (Hatfield R.D.), and South Minims (South Mimms R.D.). Powers. Barnet and District Gas and Water Acts, 1872, 1883, 1887 and 11)04. Limits. Barnet U.D. ; East Barnet Valley U.I). ; Enfield U.D. (part) ; Finchley U.D. ; Friern Barnet U.D. ; and parishes of Ridge (part), Shenley (part), Totteridge (Barnet R.D.), Northaw, North Mimms (Hatfield R.D.) and South Mimms (South Mimms R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Chalk: (1) New Barnet; (2) East Barnet; (3) Potter's Bar; (4) Tyttenhanger ; (5) Supply in bulk from the Metropolitan Water Board (see page 163). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 293,000 gallons; (2) 791,000 gallons; (3) 53,000 gallons ; (4) 972,000 gallons ; (5) 4,855 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : New Barnet, (a) 450,000 gallons, (6) 250,000 gallons, (c) 1,500,000 gallons, (a) 1,750,000 gallons ; Hadley, 64,000 gallons ; Arkley, 2,084,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,113,455 gallons. Supply is constant only in Finchley, Friern Barnet, East Barnet and Barnet Vale. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (29th November 1913) that the water is remarkably pure. Hardness: total, 15 '05; permanent, 4 '9. No action on lead. Barnstaple Water Company. Supplies Barnstaple B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Bishop's Tawton, Fremington, Instow, and West Pilton (Barnstaple R.I). ). Powers. Barnstaple Waterworks Acts, 1858 and 1888 ; Barnstaple Water Order, 1910. Limits. Barnstaple B. ; and parishes of Bishop's Tawton, Fremington, Goodleigh, Instow, Landkey, Tawstock, and West Pilton (Barnstaple, R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). North Yeo River, witli drainage area 25 square miles, intake at Bratton Cross. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 780,000 gallons, and a further 1,200,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Filtration, 800 gallons per square yard per day. Service reservoirs : Raleigh Park, Pilton (low level), 400,000 gallons ; Pickard's Down, Sowden Lane (high level), 300,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 780,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (22nd January 1912) that the water is excellent. Hardness: total, 4" 0; permanent, 3*0. No action on lead. Beccles Waterworks Company. Supplies Beccles B. (part). Powers. Beccles Waterworks Act, 1870 ; Beccles Waterworks Order, 1902. L/imits. Beccles B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian well in Chalk, Pudding Moor, Beccles. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 120,000 gallons, and a further 168,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Worlts. Pressure filters. Storage reservoirs : Ringsfield Road, Beccles, () 80,000 gallons, (b) 80,000 gallons, (c) 120,000 gallons, (d) 35,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 112,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (1st August 1908) that the water is organically of great purity. Hardness: total, 20 '2; permanent, 10 '3. No action on lead. Bexhill Water and Gas Company. Supplies Bexhill B. (part) ; and part of parish of Ninfield (Hailsham R.D.). Powers. Bexhill Water and Gas Acts, 1885, 1892, 1896 and 1904 ; Bexhill Water and Gas Order, 1901, PART I. : SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 177 Limits. Bexhill B. ; and parishes of Ashburnham, Catsfield (Battle R.D.), Herst- monceux (part), Hooe, Ninfield and Warding (Hailshani R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring, from Ashdown Sands, at Buckholt ; (2) Spring and boreholes in Ashdown Sands, at Sweet Willow Wood ; (3) Well in Ashdown Sands, at Hazards Green ; (4) Well at Wrestwood (emergency supply). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 81,087 gallons ; (2) 236,934 gallons ; (3) 224,734 gallons ; a further 138,913 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 03,066 gallons from (2), 50 266 gallons from (3), and 40,000 gallons from (4). Works. Filtration, 25 gallons per square yard per day. Service reservoirs : Standard Hill, Ninfield, 2,0(X),000 gallons ; Wrestwood, 675,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 542,755 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (22nd October 1913), that the water is highly satisfactory. Hardness, 6. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Blandford Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies Blandford Forum B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Blandford St. Alary, Bryanston, Durweston, Langton Long Blandford, and Pimperne (Blandford R.D.). Poicers Blandford Water Orders, 1893 and 1911. Limits. Blandford Forum B. ; and parishes of Blandford St. Maiy, Bryanston, Charlton Marshall, Durweston, Langton Long Blandford, Pimperne, Spettisbury, Stourpaine, and Tarrant Hinton (Blandford R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk, Langton Long Blandford. The average daily quantity of water available is 90,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Langton Long Blandford, (a) 154,000 gallons, (6) 368,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 80,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (October 1913) that this is a good potable water. Hardness, 3 '8. No action on lead. Bodmin Waterworks Company. Supplies Bodmin B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Blisland, Bodmin, Helland (Bodmin R.D.) ; and St. Breward (Camelford R.D.). Powers. Bodmin Water Acts, 1866 and 1893. Limits. Bodmin B ; and parishes of Blisland, Bodmin, Helland, Lanivet, St. Mabyn (Bodmin R.D.) ; and St. Breward (Camelford R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs intercepted underground at Hamatethy, St. Breward. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 180,000 gallons, and a further 120,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Water is filtered. Storage reservoir : Bodmin, 250,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 180,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness : permanent, 1'5. Acts on lead, but galvanised iron pipes used. The water contains iron. Bognor Water Company. Supplies Bognor U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Aldingbourne, Barnham, Bersted, Eastergate, Felpham, Pagham, Walberton, Yapton (Westhampnett R.D.). Powers. Boguor Water Act, 1891. Limits. Bognor U.D. ; and parishes of Tortington (East Preston R.D.) ; Aldingbourne, Barnham, Bersted, Boxgrove, Eartham, Eastergate, Felpham, Merston, Middleton, North Mundham, Oving, Pagham, Slindon, Tangmere, Walberton and Yapton (Westhampnett R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two wells in Chalk underlying London Clay, &c., South Downs. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Balls Hut, Walberton, 500,000 gallons ; Tower, London Road, 35,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. -The daily average is 250,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (13th January 1913) that the water is in every respect satisfactory. Hardness: total, 16 '45; permanent, 3 ' 29. No action on lead ; contains a trace of iron. Bolsover and District Water Company, Ltd. Supplies Bolsover U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Scarcliffe and Upper Langwith (Blackwell R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Bolsover U.D.C. Powers. Bolsover and District Water Orders, 1903 and 1906. M 2 Kiil'UItN AS Td WATEfi Limits. Bolsover U.D. ; and parish of Scarcliffe (Blackwell R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring in railway tunnel at Scarcliffe. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 118,342 gallons, and a further 97,658 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Mansfield Road, Hillstown, 60,000 gallons ; Carr Vale, 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 95,000 gallons and 10,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very satisfactory annual chemical examination. Hardness : total, 36 "42; permanent, 21 '19; after treatment, 10' 36. No action on lead; contains some iron. Boston Waterworks Company. Supplies Boston B. (part) ; and parishes of Skirbeck (part), Skirbeck Quarter (part) (Boston R.D.) ; Revesby (part) (Horn castle R.D.); Carrington, Frithville (part), Sibsey (part) (Sibsey R.D.) ; and West Fen (part) (Spilsby R.D.). Powers. Boston Waterworks Acts, 1846. Limits. Boston B. ; and parishes of Skirbeck and Skirbeck Quarter (Boston R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Miningsby Beck and Claxby Beck, with upland surface of 3 square miles, in Claxby Pluckacre about 14 miles north of Boston. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 400,000 gallons, and a further 300,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Filtration, 300 gallons per sqiiare yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Revesby, 80,000,000 gallons ; Claxby Pluckacre, 3,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Revesby, 225,000 gallons ; Skirbeck, 45,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 400,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Frequent chemical and periodical bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (17th December 1913) that the water is well adapted for the purposes of a public supply. Hardness : total, 17 ; permanent, 5. No action on lead ; contains ferrous carbonate. Bournemouth Gas and Water Company. Supplies Bournemouth C.B. (part) ; Poole B. (part) ; Wimborne Minster U.D. ; 'and parts of parishes of Holdenhurst (Christchurch R.D.) ; Kinson (Poole R.D.) ; Colehill, Hampreston, Parnphill, and West Parley (Wimborne and Cranborne R.D.). Powers. Bournemouth Gas and Water Acts, 1873, 1878,1896, 1902, 1903, and 1913, Limits. Bournemouth C.B. (part); Poole B. (part); Wimborne Minster U.D. ; and parishes of Holdenhurst (part) (Christchurch R.D.) ; Canford Magna (part), Kinson (Poole R.D.) ; and Colehill, Hampreston, Holt (part), Horton (part), Pamphill (part), Verwood (part), West Parley (Wimborne and Cranborne R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well, 300 feet, in chalk, at Walsford Bridge, Wimborne ; (2) Well, 130 feet, in chalk at Walsford ; (3) Auxiliary supply from shallow wells in gravels near River Stour, at Longham Mill, Wimborne. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 1,656,000 gallons ; (2) 51,000 gallons ; (3) 1,067,000 gallons ; a further 1,406,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 1,229,000 gallons from (3). Works. Filtration, 403 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir : Alderney Station, Newtown, 5,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Alderney Station, Newtown, (a) 1,000,000 gallons, (b) 3,000,000 gallons; Colehill, 185,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,774,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent monthly chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness: total, 14 '7; permanent, 5 '3. Bradfield Water Works. Supplies parts of parishes of Ashampstead, Bradfield, Frilsham and Yattendon (Bradfield R.D.). Powers. Bradfield Water Orders, 1904 and 1909. Limits. Parishes of Ashampstead (part), Bradfield, Frilsham (part), Stanford Dingley and Yattendon (part) (Bradfield R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well and borehole, 156 feet, in Chalk, Bradfield; (2) Well and borehole, 117 feet, in Chalk, Bradfield. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectivelv, (1) 6,000 gallons ; (2) 8,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Tutts Clump, 75,000 gallons ; Great House, 200,000 gallons; Burnt Hill, Yattendon, 500,000 gallons ; Hog Copse, 17,000 gallons; Red Hill, 7,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 14,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Moderately hard, and no action on lead. PART I.: SECTION III. -COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 17!) Bridgend (Glamorganshire) Gas and Water Company. Supplies Mridgend I'. I), (part) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Penybont R.D.C. ; Southerudown Water Company, Ltd., who supply part of parish of St. Brides Major (Penybont R.D. ), and J.I. I). Nicoll, Esq., who supplies }>art of parish of Merthyr .\lawr (Penyhont I!. I >.'. Powers. Bridgend (Glamorganshire) Gas and Water Act, 1861) ; Bridgend Gas and Water Orders, 1875 and l!M)i of Water. Satisfactory. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Bristol Waterworks Company. -Supplies Bristol C.B. ; and parts of parishes of Blagdon (Axbridge R.D.) ; Brislington (Keynsham R.D.) ; Abbots Leigh, Backwell, Barrow Gurney, Bishopsworth, Brockley, Dundry, Flax Bourton, Long Ashton, Nailsea, Wraxall (Long Ashton R.D.) ; and Henbury (Thornbury R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Clutton R.D.C. Powers Bristol Waterworks Acts, 1862, 1872, 1882, 1888, 1889, 1895, 1900, 1902; Bristol Waterworks Amendment Act, 1865. Limits. Bristol C.B. ; and parishes of Blagdon (Axbridge R.D.) ; Brislington (Keynsham R.D.) ; Abbots Leigh, Backwell, Barrow Gurney, Bishopsworth, Brockley, Flax Bourton, Long Ashton (Long Ashton R.D.) ; and Henbury (Thornbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency) (1) River Yeo and its tributary streams and springs with drainage area of 14 square miles, in Blagdon, Ubley, Compton Martin, Nempnett, Butcombe and Burrington ; (2) River Chew and its tributary streams and springs with drainage area of 13 square miles, in Chewton, Mendip, Litton, East and West Harptree, Hinton Blewett ; (3) Sherborne spring from Carboniferous Limestone, Litton ; (4) Cold Bath spring from Carboniferoiis Limestone, Barrow Gurney ; (5) Elwell and Dundry streams in Winford, Dundry and Barrow Gurney ; (6) Chelvey wells in Triassic formation at Chelvey (supplementary supply). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) not known ; (2) 3,000,000 gallons ; (3) 1,396,000 gallons; (4) 348,000 gallons; (5) 328,000 gallons; a further 30,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (4). Works- Water is filtered, except from (3), 259 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Yeo, 1,700,000,000 gallons ; Barrow Store, (a) 149,000,000 gallons, gallons ; Kuowle Tank, 60,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. ' Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 10,278,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent monthly chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness : total, 16'8 ; permanent, 5 '5. No action on lead. M 3 A 0.198 180 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Brompton, Chatham, Gillingham and Rochester Waterworks Company. Supplies Chatham B. (part) ; Gillingham B. (part); and Rochester B. (part). Powers. Brompton, Chatham, Gillingham and Rochester Water Acts, 1860, 1808, 1898, and 1905. Limits. Chatham B. ; Gillingham B. ; Rochester B. ; and part of parish of Wouldham (Mailing R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells and adits in Chalk, in (1) Luton Valley, Chatham ; (2) Capstone Valley, Chatham ; (3) Well bored into Lower Greensand in Luton Valley, Chatham. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 1,700,000 gallons ; (2) 380,000 gallons ; (3) 120,000 gallons ; a further 750,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 1,000,000 gallons from (2) and 30,000 gallons from (3). W (!;,?. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Rainham Road (Low Service), (a) 300,000 gallons, (6) 1,000,000 gallons, (c) 2,000,000 gallons, (<1) 5,000,000 gallons ; Woohnan's Wood (High Service), 1,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. (Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,200,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical and quarterly bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (27th November 1913) that chemically there is no evidence of pollution, and (2nd December 11)13) that bacteriological ly the water is good. Hardness : total, 19 "26; permanent, 3 '19. No action on lead. Broughton in Furness Water Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Broughton in Furness (Ulverston R.D.). Powers. Broughton in Furness Water Order, 1898. Limits. Parish of Broughton in Furness (Ulverston 11.]).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Woodhouse, Broughton in Furness. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 19,000 gallons, and a further 3,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir: Woodhouse, 06,800 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 19,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness : total, 5 ' 7 ; permanent, 3. No action on lead. Brymbo Water Company.- -Supplies parts of parishes of Llanfynydd, Tryddyn (Hawarden R.D.) ; Mold Rural (Holywell R.I).) ; Bersham, Broughton, Brymbo, Gwersy lit, and Minera (Wrexham R.D.). Powers. Brymbo Water Acts, 1869, 1888, 1895, and 1904. Limits. Parishes of Llanfynydd (part) (Hawarden R.D.) ; Mold Rural (part) (Holywell R.D.) ; Llanarmon, Llandegla (Ruthin R.D ) ; Bersham (part), Broughton (part), Brymbo, Gwersyllt (part), Minera, and Stansty (part) (Wrexham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Upland surface, 686 acres, Llandegla ; (2) Upland surface, 873 acres, Llandegla ; (3) Upland surface, 42 acres, Llanarmon. Yield not known. Works. Mechanical niters. Storage reservoirs : Llandegla, (a) 100,000,000 gallons, (b) 25,000,000 gallons ; Llanarmon, 100,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Minera. 180,000 gallons; Brymbo, 280,000 gallons ; Llandegla, 132,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 553,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. Lead pipes are tin washed and the water hardened. Burgess Hill Water Company. Supplies Burgess Hill U.D. (part) ; and parishes of Ditchling, Westmeston (part) (Chailey R.D.) ; Albourne (part), Clayton (part), Hurstpierpoint (part), and Keymer (part) (Cuckfield R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Cuckfield R.D.C. Powers. Burgess Hill Water Acts, 1886 and 1901 ; Burgess Hill Water Order, 1908. Limits. Burgess Hill, U.I). ; and parishes of Ditchling, Westmeston (part), Wivels- field (part) (Chailey R.D ) ; Albourne, Clayton (part), Hurstpierpoint (part), and Keymer (part) (Cuckfield R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Chalk of South Downs : (1) At Coornbe Bottom, Ditchling ; (2) At Whiteland, Keymer ; (3) At Clayton. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 60,000 gallons; (2) 100,000 gallons ; (3) 150,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Coombe Bottom, (a) 150,000 gallons, (6) 250,000 gallons; Clayton, 300,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 250,000 gallons, and 2.257 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. PART I.: SECTION HI. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 181 Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and occasional bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (18th November 1913) that chemically the water is excellent and (15th 'October 1913) that bacteriologically it is quite safe for drinking. Hardness: total, 11 '8; permanent, 2 '3. No action on lead. Burnham, Dorney and Hitcham Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Burnham, l;'arnham Royal, Hitcham, and Taplow (Eton R.D.). Poicera. Burnham and District Water Orders, 1896, 1899, and 1902. Limits. Parishes of Burnham, Farnhani Royal (part), Hitcham and Taplow (Eton R.D.). .SoH.rcea of Supply (X attire and Sufficiency). Bored wells, 300 feet, at Burnham. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 200,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Littleworth Common, 600,000 gallons; Rose Hill, Burnham, 200,01)0 gallons. Farnham Common, 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 200,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (23rd January 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness: total, 20 '7; permanent, 8 '2. No action on lead. Calne Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies Calne B. ; and part of parish of Calne Without (Calne U.D.). Power*. Calne Water Order, 1882. Limits. Calne B. ; and part of parish of Calne Without (Calne R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Chalk at Calstone. The average daily quantity of water available is 1,390,000 gallons. Works. No liltration. Service reservoir: Calstone, 3,500 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 168,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Camborne Water Company. Supplies Camborne U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Crowan (Helston R.D.) ; and lllogan (Redruth R.D.). Powers. Camborne Water Acts, 1867 and 1908 ; Cauibome Water Order, 1890. Limits. Camborne U.I).; and parishes of Crowan (Helston R.D.); and lllogan (Redruth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from granite : (1) Cargenwyn, Crowan ; (2) Boswyn, Camborne. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Storage reservoirs : Cargenwyn, (a) 18,000,000 gallons, (6) 12,000,000 gallons, (c) 6,300,000 gallons; Boswyn, 4,000,000 gallons; Troon, 1,000,000 gallons ; Beacon Tank, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 325,600 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (24th April 1911) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness: (1) total 3 "8; permanent, 1'7; (2) total, 2'1; permanent, 1'5. Acts on lead, but lead pipes are prohibited. Supplies Cambridge B. (part) ; Girton, Grantchester, Great Powers. Cambridge University and Town Waterworks Acts, 1853, 1855, 1866, 1871, 1886 and 1910. Limit*. Cambridge B. ; and parishes of Cherry Hinton, Cotoii, Fen Ditton, Fulbourn, Girton, Grantchester, Great Shelford, Histon, Impington, Madingley, Milton, Teversham, and Trumpington (Chesterton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency.) (I) Spring from Chalk, Springhead, Cherry Hinton ; (2) Well in Chalk, Cherry Hinton ; (3) Bore in Lower Greensand, Cherry Hinton ; (4) Well in Chalk, Fulbourn. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 720,000 gallons, (2) 12,000 gallons, (3) 300,000 gallons, (4) 820,000 gallons ; a further 280,000 per day could be obtained from (1) ; 280,000 gallons from (2) ; 50,000 gallons from (3) ; and 430,000 gallons Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Cherry Hinton, 1,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,841,OC ) gallons. Supply is constant. Ml lSi> ItfiTUiiN AS TO WATfili Quality <>/ \\'nti'r. -Quarterly chemical and daily bacteriological examination, Analyst remarks that chemically (26th July 1913), this is water of most excellent quality, and that bacteriological ly (2nd July 1913) it is good. Hardness : total, 1.7 "70; permanent, 3 "29. No action on lead. Canterbury Gas and Water Company. Supplies Canterbury (Mi.; and parishes of Haeking- ton (part), Herne (part), St. Dunstan Without (part), Sturry (part), West here (part) (Blean I.I.D.) ; Ford \vich (part), Harhledown (part), Nackington (part), and St. Nicholas Hospital (Bridge R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in hulk to Blean R.D.C. /Wee*. Canterbury Gas and Water Acts, 1866 and 1890 ; Canterbury (las and Water ( >rder, 1873. Limits. Canterbury C.15. ; and parishes of Hackington, St. Cosmus and St. Damian in the Blean, Stnrry, Westbere (Blean R.D.) ; Chartham, Fordwich, Harbledown, Lower Hardres, Milton, Nackington, St. Nicholas Hospital, Thanington Without, I'pper Ha rd res (Bridge R.D.); Wingham (part) (Eastry R.D.) ; Boughton under Blean, and Dunkirk (Kaversham R.D.). Sources 1 of Supply (Xatnrc mid Sufficiency). Wells and boreholes in Chalk at Thannington. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 7l ) 4,(M)0 gallons, but the supply is unlimited. Work*. No filtration. Service reservoir : St. Thomas' Hill, Harbledown, 3(50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Walcr xni>]>lied. The daily average is 720,900 gallons and 3,100 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good periodical chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness : total, 18 '9; permanent, 2 '2. No action on lead. Carnforth District Waterworks Company. Supplies Carnforth T.D. (part); and parts of parishes of Warton with Lindeth (Lancaster R.I).) ; arid Over Kellet (Lnnesdale It.D.). Powers. Carnforth District Waterworks Act, 1877. Limits. Carnforth I T .l). ; and parishes of Warton with Lindeth (Lancaster II. I).); and Over Kellet (Lunesdale R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Swarthbeck Stream, over Millstone (irit, at Over Kellet. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Storage reservoir : Over Kellet, 75,000,000 gallons. Pressure is suth'cient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 135,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good quarterly chemical examination. Chemical analysis (4th July 1913), no comment. Hardness, total, 5. No action on lead. Cefh, Acrefair, and Rhosymedre Water Company. Supplies parts of parishes of Llan- gollen Rural (Llangollen R.D.) ; and Cefn (Wrexham R.I).). Powers. Cefn, Acrefair, and Rhosymedre Water Act, 1866 ; Cefu, Acrefair, and Rhosymedre Water Amendment Act, 1871. Limits. Parishes of Llangollen Rural (part) (Llangollen R.D.) ; and Cefn (Wrexham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs and Trefynant Brook, intake at Trefynant- The average daily quantity of water available is 136,576 gallons. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs: Cefn y fedw, 1,500,000 gallons; Gronwen, in Trevor Issa, 1,000,000 gallons ; Gwernydd, 1,250,000 gallons ; Sygynypwll, 1,500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient, Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 120,049 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 8 '3. No action on lead. Dhelsham and Woldingham Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Chelsham, Oxted, Titsey and Woldingham, (Godstone R.D.). Powers. Chelsham and Woldingham Water Order, 1910. Limits Parishes of Chelsham (part), Limpsfield (part), Oxted (part), Titsey (part), and Woldingham (part) (Godstone R.I).). Sovrce of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk with headings, off Butlers Dene Road, Chelsham. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 60,000 gallons, }\ orks. No nitration. Service reservoirs :- -Oxted, 24,000 gallons ; Woldingham, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. PART I.: SECTION ill. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC fOWEftS. 183 Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 60,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (8th May 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness: total, 15 "7; permanent, 3'0. No action on lead. Chepstow Water Company. Supplies Chepstow U.I), (part) ; and parishes of St. Arvans (part), St. Arvans Grange, and St. Kingsmark (Chepstow R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in hulk to Pwllmeyric Water Company, Ltd., who supply parts of parishes of Mathern and St. Pierre and Mounton (Chepstow R.D.). Powers. Chepstow Water Works Act, 18 !.">. Limits. Chepstow U.I). ; and parish of St. Arvans (Chepstow R.D.). Sources of Sn]>i>l;i (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs and (2) two boreholes; all from Old Red Sandstone at Rogerstone (I range. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) ](5<),00<) gallons, (2) 150,000 gallons. A further lf>0,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) in winter only. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir: Nevvchurch East, 1,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir: Rogerstone Grange, :">( (0,000 gallons; Mountain Road, Chepstow. 200,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. , Quantity of Wafer supplied. The daily average is 120,000 gallons, and 1,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (21st February 1910) that the water is excellent. Total hardness, 3 '3. No action on lead. Chester Waterworks Company. Supplies Chester C.B. ; Hoole II. D. ; and parishes of Bache, Backfonl, Mlacon cum Crabwall (part), Caughall, Chester Castle, Christleton (part), Great Bough ton, Hoole Village (part), Lea by Backford (part), Littleton, Wellington (part), Moston (part), Newton by Chester, Upton by Chester (Chester R.D.); East Saltney (part), Sealand (part) (Hawarden R.D.) ; and Rowton (part) (Tarvin R.D.). Powers. Chester \Yaterworks Acts, 1857, 1874, and 1911. Limits. Chester C.B. ; Hoole U.I). ; and parishes of Bache, Backford, Blacon cum Crabwall, Chester Castle, Christleton, Claverton, Great Boughton, Hoole Village, Littleton, Marlston cum Lache, Mickle Trafford (part), Mollington, Moston, Newton by Chester, Upton by Chester (Chester R.D.) ; East Saltney, Hawarden, Sealand (Hawarden R.D.) ; Huntington and Row ton (Tarvin R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Dee, intake If miles above Old Dee Bridge, Chester. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2, 126,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 280 gallons per square yard per day, Service reservoirs : Sedimentation, 500,000 gallons ; filtered water, 413,000 gallons ; high level tank, 268,000 gallons ; all at Boughton. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water auppUed. The daily average is 1,726,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical and fortnightly bacteriological examination. Hardness, 8. No action on lead. Chiddingfold and District Water Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Chiddingfold, Dunsfold and Witley (Hambledon R.D.). Powers. Chiddingfold and District Water Order, 1912. Limits. Parishes of Chiddingfold, Dunsfold and Witley (part) (Hambledon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Two wells, 62 feet, in Lower Green- sand, Brook, Witley ; (2) Various wells in gravel, beds of Weald Clay series, Rickhurst Dunsfold. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 14,000 gallons, (2) 20,000 gallons, and a further 142,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Brook, 22,000 gallons; Rickhurst, 140,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 34,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good and soft. Water from (1) acts on lead, but lead pipes are not allowed ; contains traces of iron. Dhiltern Hills Spring Water Company. Supplies Aylesbury U.D. (part) ; Tring U.D. (part) ; and parishes of Aston Clinton (part), Buckland (part), Drayton Beaucharnp (part), Hal ton,. (part), Hartwell (part), Stone (part), Upper Winchendon (part), Waddesdon, Weedom (part), Westcott (part), Weston Turville (part) (Aylesbury R.D.) ; Aldbury (part), Tring Rural (part). Wiggintou (part) (Berkhampstead R.D.) ; and Wendover (part) (Wycoaibe- R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Aylesbury R.D.C. and Berkhampstead R.L'.C. ' Powers. Chiltern Hills Spring Water Act, 1870 ; Chiltern Hills Spring Water Order,. 1876. RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Limits. Aylesbury U.D. ; Tring U.D. ; and parishes of Aston Clinton, Bierton with Broughton, Buckland, Cholesbury, ])rayton Beauchamp, Fleet Marston, Ha] ton, Hardwick, Hartwell, Hawridge. Quarrondon. Stone, Upper Winchendon, Waddesdon, Weedon, Wostcott, Woston Tnrville (Aylesbury 11,1 ).); Aldbury, Tring Rural, Wigginton (Berkhampstead R.D.) ; and Wendover (\Vycombe R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature ami Sufficiency). Wells and borings in Chalk : (1) Dancers' End, Tring ; (2) Wigginton, Tring. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 201,000 gallons, (2) 347,000 gallons, and a further ,'347,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (2). \\~orkx. No nitration. Storage reservoir: Dancers' End, 2,140,ono gallons. Service reservoirs : Dancers' End, (a) 566,581 gallons, (b) 251,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 605,700 gallons, and 2,285 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (1st April 1911) that chemically the water is excellent. Hardness, 4 '25. No action on lead. Clevedon Water Company. Supplies Clevedon U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Kenn, Tickenham, and Walton in Gordano (Long Ashton R.I).). , Powers. Clevedon Water Act, L909. Limits. Clevedon U.D. ; and parishes of Kenn, Tickenham, and Walton in Gordano (part) (Long Ashton R.D.). of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well and borehole in New Red Sandstone, Tickenham Road, Clevedon ; (2) Well in Lower Limestone .Shales at Old Street, Clevedon (emergency supply). The average daily quantity of water available from (1) is 235,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Dial Hill, (a) 178,000 gallons, (b) 160,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 101,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good quarterly chemical and occasional bacteriological examination. Hardness, 23 '5. No action on lead. Cleveland Water Company. Supplies Loftus U.D. (part) ; Saltburn by the Sea U.D. ; Skelton and Brotton U.D. (part) ; and parishes of Kirkleatham (part), Marske and Upleatham (part) (Guisborough R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Redcar U.D.C. Powers. Cleveland Waterworks Acts, 1869, 1871, 1876, and 1889. Limits. Loftus U.D. ; Redcar U.D. (part) ; Saltburn by the Sea U.D. ; Skeltou and Brotton U.D. ; and parishes of Easington, Marske, Tocketts, Upleatham (Guisborough R.D.) ; Borrowby, Ellerby. Newton Mulgrave, and Roxby (Whitby R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) Moorland gathering ground, 1,150 acres, in Stanghow and Moorsholm ; (2) Springs on moorland from Middle and Lower Estuarine Series. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 400,060 gallons ; (2) 295,358 gallons, and a further 100,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1). Works. Filtration, 502 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir: Lockwood Moorland, 123,500,000 gallons. Service reservoirs: Buckrush, 1,000,000 gallons; Skelton, 590,000 gallons ; Upleatham, 790,000 gallons ; New Marske, 322,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 596,849 gallons, and 98,569 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness : total, 3 '5. No action on lead. Colne Valley Water Company. Supplies Bushey U.D. (part) ; Harrow on the Hill U.D. ; Hemdon U.D. (part) ; Kingsbury U.D. (part) ; Ruislip Northwood U.D. (part) ; Watford U.D. (part) ; Wealdstone U.D. ; Wembley U.D. (part) ; and parishes of Elstree (part), Ridge (part), Shealey (part) (Barnet R.D.) ; Edgware, Great Stanmore (part), Harrow Weald, Little Staiamore, Pinner (part) (Hendon R.D.); St. Stephen (part) (St. Albans R.D.) ; Northolt t) (Abridge R.D.) ; Aldenham (part) and Watford 'Rural (part) (Watford R.D.). Powers. Colne Valley Water Acts, 1873, 1885, and 1907 ; Alperton Sudbury Water Order, 1884 ; Central Middlesex Water Act, 1894. Limits. Bushey U.I). ; Harrow on the Hill U.D.; Hendon U.D. (part); Kingsbury U.D. ; Ruislip Northwood U.D. ; Watford U.D. (part) ; Wealdstone U.D. ; Wembley U.D. ; and parishes of Elstree, Ridge (part), Shenley (part) (Barnet R.D.) ; Edgware, Great Stanmore, Harrow Weald, Little Stanmore, Pinner (Hendon R.D.) ; Northolt (Oxbridge R.D.) ; AJdeaham and Watford Rural (Watford R.D.). Souvae* of Sujjply (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) Wells with adits in Chalk, Bushey ; (2) W,ell with adits in Chalk, Watford Rural (emergency supply). The average daily quantity of water derived from (1) is 3,250,000 gallons. PART I. : SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 185 Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Bushey fjeath/ 6,250,000 gallons; Wembley, 500,000 gallons; Shenley tank, 24,000 gallons ; 'Bushey Heath tank, 10,o, 250,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (loth December 191.'!) that the water is perfectly satisfactory. Hardness: total, 8 '4 (after softening). No action on lead. Connah's Quay Gas and Water Company, Ltd. -Supplies Connah's Quay U.D. (part). I'oircrs. Connah's Quay Gas and Water Order, 1876. Limits. Connah's Quay I'. I). Sources <>f Supply i \ntnre inn! Sufficiency). (1) Broad Oak Brook at Wepre; (2) Deep drains and wells in sand and gravel beds overlying Carboniferous strata, Connah's Quay. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is 200,000 gallons. U'or/.-x. Filtration, 41)7 gallons per sqxiare yard per day. Reservoirs: Wepre, Connah's Quay (old), 100,000 gallons, (new) 260,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of \Vater fitppkied. The daily average is 100,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Qualiti/ of \Yntcr. Good. Hardness: total, 24'3; permanent, 8 '86. No action on lead. Corsham Water Works Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Corsham, Lacock, and Pewsham (Chippenham K.I).). Pom-r*. Corsham Water Orders, 1889 and 1891. Limits Parishes of Corsham, Lacock, and Pewsham (Chippenham R. !>.). Source of Sit ]',[.] y (Nature and Sufficiency}. Spring in calcareous grit, Loxwell, 1'ewsham. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 60,000 gallons, and a further l.">0,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Worlts. No nitration. Storage reservoir: Loxwell, 30,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water sup]>lied. The daily average is 60,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Exceptionally good occasional chemical examination. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Cranbrook District Water Company. Supplies Tenterden B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Benenden, Cranbrook, Goudlmrst, Hawkhurst (Craiibrook R.D.) ; Biddenden, High Halden, and Rolvenden (Tenterden R.D.). Powers. Cranbrook District Water Acts, 1895 and 1898. Limits. Tenterden B. ; and parishes of Benenden, Cranbrook, Frittenden, Goud- hurst, Hawkhurst, Sandhurst (Cranbrook R.D.) ; Beckley, Northiam (Rye R.D.) ; Biddenden, High Halden, Newenden, Rolvenden, Stone cum Ebony, Wittersham, and Woodchurch (Tenterden R.D.). i I Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) Well and two boreholes in Ashdown Sands at Goudhurst ; (2) Well and headings in Tunbridge Wells Sands at Hawkhurst (emergency supply). The average daily quantity of water obtained from (1) is 200,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered at Goudhurst (sand and pressure niters). Service reservoir:- -Hartley, Cranbrook, 180,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 200,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (8th December 1910) that chemically the water is .very satisfactory after filtration and (21st January 1911) that it is of a high degree of bacterial purity. Hardness : total, 8 6 ; permanent, 5 ' 6. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Cranleigh Water Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Cranleigh and Wonersh (Hambledon R.D.). Powers. Cranleigh Water Order, 1886. Limits. Parishes of Cranleigh and Wonersh (part) (Hambledon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Lower Greensand at Nore Brook, Bramley. The average daily quantity of water available is 70,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Nore Brook, 140,000 gallons; Lamb's \Yood, 500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 50,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks '(18th December 1913) that chemically no exception can be taken to the water. Hardness ; total, 3'0 ; permanent, 3'0. Acts on lead, but lead pipes not need. 186 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Crawley and District Water Company. Supplies parts of parishes of Worth (East Grinstead R.D.) ; Crawley and Ifield (Horsham R.D.). Powers. Crawley and District Water Act, 1898. Limits. Parishes of Worth (part) (East Grinstead R.D.) ; Crawley and Ifield (Horsham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and boring (811 feet) and artesian well (923 feet) in Tunbridge Wells Sand at Crawley. The average daily quantity of water available is 126,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Ifield, 250,000 gallons; Tower at Crawley, 30,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 100,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical examination. Analyst remarks (19th April 1910) that chemically the water is suitable for drinking. Hardness, 3 & . No action on lead. Crowborough District Water Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Withyham (East Grinstead R.D.) ; Wadlmrst (Ticehurst R.I).); Crowborough, Mayfield, and Rotherfield (Uckfield R.D.). Powers. Crowborough District Water Acts, 1897 and 1899. Limits. Parishes of Withyham (East Grinstead R.D.) ; Frant, Wadlmrst (Ticehurst R.D.) ; Speldhurst (Tonbridge R.D.) ; Buxted, Crowborough, Hadlow Down, Mayfield. and Rotherfield (Uckfield R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs and wells in Ashdown Sands. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 155,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 36 gallons per square yard per hour. Service reservoirs : The Beacon, Crowborough, 21,000 gallons; High Service, Crowborough, 150.000 gallons; Cottage Hill, Rotherfield, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 155,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. 'Fortnightly chemical and half-yearly bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (6th January 1914) that the water is of good quality. Hardness: total, 3 '4; permanent, 2 "3. Acts on lead and is treated with chalk ami gypsum. The water contains iron. Daventry Water Works Company, Ltd. Supplies Daventry B. (part). Powers. The Daventry Enclosure Act, &c., 1806. Limits. Daventry B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Borough Hill, Daventry. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir: Borough Hill, Daventry, 90,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Intermittent. Quality of Water. Good. Very soft, but no action on lead. Dearne Valley Waterworks Company. Supplies Bolton upon Dearne I". I), (part); Darlield U.I), (part) ; Hoyland Nether U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Billingley (Barnsley R.D.) ; Great Hough ton, Little Houghton (Hemsworth R.D.) ; and Tankersley (Wort ley R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Wombwell U.D.C. Poicers. Dearne Valley Waterworks Act, 1880 ; Dearne Valley Order, 1901. Limits. Bolton upon Dearne U.D. ; Darfield U.D. ; Hoyland Nether U.D. ; Womb- well U.D. ; and parishes of Billingley (Barnsley R.D.) ; Great Houghton, Little Houghton (Hemsworth R.D.) ; and Wentworth (Rotherham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well at Everill Gate, Wombwell; (2) Supply in bulk from Sheffield T.C. (see page 128) ; (3) Well at Low Valley. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 329,715 gallons, (2) 54,000 gallons, (3) 250,000 gallons. A further 75,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 46,000 gallons from (2), and 150,000 gallons from (3). Works. Filtration, 586 gallons per square yard per day. Service reservoirs : Hoyland, 190,000 gallons ; Great Houghton, 25,000 gallons ; Goldthorpe, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity o/ Water supplied. Tie daily average is 380,000 gallons, and 230,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (14th October 1913) that the water is free from objectionable impurity. Hardness (after filtration) : total, 25 '8; permanent, 11 "3. No action on lead saJiuo. PART i. : SECTION in. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWEKS. 187 Denbigh Water Company, Supplies Denbigh B. (part) : and furnishes a supply in bulk to Denbigh T.C. Pouters. Denbigh Waterworks Act, ISO:.') ; Denbigh Water Orders, 1873, 1882, and 1 005. Limits. Denbigh B. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Borehole in New Red Sandstone, at Llwyrt Isa, Llanrhaiadr. The average daily quantity of water available is .">(>( ),000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir: Ty Mawr, Cliciedig, 5,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs: Love Lane, Denbigh, 140,000 gallons; Castle Common tank, 0,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water .sv/ Water. Quarterly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (22nd October 1913) that the water is palatable. Hardness: total, 16 '52; permanent, 3 - 92. No action on lead. East Surrey Water Company. Supplies Caterham U.D. ; Reigate B. (part); and parishes of Coulsdon (part), Sanderstead (Croydon R.D.) ; Newdigate (part) (Dorking R.D.) ; Headley (part) (Epsom R.D.) ; Bletchingley (part), Chelsham (part), Crowhurst (part), Farleigh (part), Godstone (part), Home (part), Lingfield (part), Tandridge (part), Warlingham, Woldingham (part) (Godstone R.D.) ; Betchworth (part), Buckland (part), Bui-stow (part), Chaldon (part), Charlwood (part), Chipstead (part), Gatton (part), Horley (part), Leigh (part), Merstham (part), Nutfield (part), and Walton on the Hill (part) (Reigate R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to East Grinstead R.D.C. Powers. Caterham Spring Water Company's Acts, 1862 and 1881 ; East Surrey Water Acts, 1885 and 1896 ; Caterham Water Order, 1873 ; East Surrey Water Orders, 1894, 1900, and 1912. Limits. Caterham U.I). ; Iteigate B. ; and parishes of Coulsdon, Sanderstead , Croydon R.D.) ; Newdigate (Dorking R.D.) ; Headley (Epsom R.D.) ; Bletchingley, Chelsham (part), Crowhurst, Farleigh, Godstone, Home, Lingfield, Tandridge, War- lingham, Woldingham (part) (Godstone R.D.) ; Betchworth, Buckland, Burstow, Chaldon, Charlwood, Chipstead, Gatton, Horley, Leigh, Merstharn, Nutfield, and Walton on the Hill (Reigate R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Boreholes in Chalk at (1) Purley, (2) Kenley. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respec- tively, (1; 1,361,581 gallons, (2) 1,053,735 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Selsdon Road, Sanderstead, 60,000 gallons; Reigate Park, 60,000 gallons; Reigate Hill, 80,000 gallons; Alderstead, Mers&am, 5,000,000 gallons; Caterham on the Hill, 1,100,000 gallons; Dry Hill, Lingfield, 800,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,382,165 gallons and 33,151 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (February and May 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness (after softening), 4 ' 4 No action on lead. East Worcestershire Waterworks Company. Supplies Bromsgrove U.D. (part) ; North Bromsgrove U.D. (part); Redditch U.D. (part); and parts of parishes of Ipsley (Alcester R.D.) ; Alvechurch, Bentley Pauncefoot, Grafton Manor, North Redditch, Stoke Prior, Tutnall and Cobley, Webheath (Bromsgrove R.D.);' Dodderhill, Hadzor, and Upton Warren (Droitwich R.D.); and furnishes supplies in bulk to Droitwich T.C., Alcester R.D.C., Bromsgrove R.D.C. , and Feckenham R.D.C. Powers. East Worcestershire Water Acts, 1877 and 1902. Limits. Bromsgrove U.D. ; Droitwich B. ; North Bromsgrove U.D. ; Redditch U.D. ; and parishes of Ipsley, Sambourn, Studley (Alcester R.D.) ; Bentley Pauncefoot, Grafton Manor, North Redditch, Stoke Prior, Tutnall and Cobley, Webheath (Bromsgrove R.D.) ; Crutch, Dodderhill, Doverdale, Elmbridgc, Elmley Lovett, Hadzor, Hampton Ixjvett, Hanbury, Ombersley, Upton Warren, Westwood Park (Droitwich R.D.) Feckenham (Feckenham R.D.) ; Chaddesley Corbett, and Rushock (Kidderminster R.D 190 RETURN AS TO AVATKR SUPPLIES. Sources of Supply (Nature, and Sufficiency). Artesian wells in New Red Sandstone : (1) Three at Burcot, (2) Two at Catshill. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 841,062 gallons; (2) 395,188 gallons, and a further 298,938 gallons per day could lie obtained from 1 i and 1 93, 81 '1 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Burcot, 3(10,000 gallons ; Lickey, 50,(i(i() gallons; Headless Cross, 200,000 gallons; Headless Cross Tower, 20,000 'gallons ; Whetty Rubeiy, 500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,010,572 gallons and 145,558 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Frequent chemical examination. Analyst, remarks (8th May 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness: (1) total, 8 '37'; permanent, 5 '6; (2) total, 11 '5; permanent, 5 '5. No action on lead. Elham Valley Water Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Elham, Lyminge, Saltwood, and Stanford (Elham R.D.). Powers. Elham Valley Water Orders, 1904 and 1912. limits. Parishes of Elham, Lyminge, Postling, Saltwood, and Stanford (Elham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Natitre and Sufficiency):- Well ~wiih adit in Chalk, at Lyminge. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 17,778 gallons. Works, "No filtration. Service reservoir:- Farthing Common, Lyininge, 50,ono gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water fni/i/iUcil. The daily average is 17,778 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (21ist July 1913) that chemically the water is very satisfactory. Hardness: total, 1(5 '7; permanent, 2 '3. No action on lead. Elloughton and Brough Water Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Elloughton with Brough, and Brantingham (Beverley R.D.). Powers. Brough Water Ord^er, 1908. Limits. Parishes of Elloughton with Brough, and Brantingham (Beverley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Chalk at Elloughton Dale. The .average daily quantity of water obtained is 30,000 gallons, and a further 40, oon gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Elloughton Dale, (50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 30,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness, 16. No action on lead. Ely Rural District Water Company. Works not yet commenced. Powers. Ely Rural District Water Act, 1911. Limits. Parishes of Coveney, Downham, G runty Fen, Hoddenham, Littleport (part), Mepal (part), Stretham, Sutton (part), Thetford, Wentworth, Wilburton, Witcharn, and Witchford (Ely R.D.). Falmouth Waterworks Company. Supplies Falmouth 13. ; Penryn B. (part) ; and parishes of Budock Rural (part), and St. Gluvias (part) (East Kerrier R.D.). Powers. Falmouth Waterworks Acts, 1847, 1862, and 1877 ; Falmouth Water Act, 1891. Limits. Falmouth B. ; Penryn B. ; and parishes of Budock Rural, and St. Gluvias (East Kerrier R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Gathering grounds (1,858 acres), 2% miles from Falmouth. Yield not known. Works. Filtration, 740 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir: Near Falmouth, No. 4 Pool, b'0,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs: (1) Pool, 10,000,000 gallons; (2) Pool, 5,500,000 gallons; (3) Pool, 1,000,000 gallons; High Level Pool, 2,000,000 gallons ; High Level Tank, 60,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 740,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good annual .chemical examination. Hardness, 2 '25. No action on lead. Farnham Water Company, Ltd. Supplies Faniham U.D. (part). Powers. Farnham Water Order, 1886; The Wey Valley, Frimley, and Faniham Water Act, 1898. Limits. Farnham U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Artesian wells in Upper and Lower Greensand at Darvill's Lane, Farnham ; (2) Springs from Bagshot Sand, at Heathy Park and Warren Corner, Farnham. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 245,000 gallons; (2) 15,000 gallons; and a further gallons per day could be obtained from (1). PART I.: SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 191 Works. Filtration, 585 gallons per square yard per day. Reservoir: "Victoria," Gravel Hill, Farnhnm, (>00,OOO gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Supply i., Quantity of \Vatcr supplied. The daily average is 2(>0,oi>h'/ (\ature and Sufficiency). (1) and (2) Wells in Chalk, Devizes Road, Salisbury. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, I respectively, (1)234,000 gallons; (2) 140,01(0 gallons; a further 200,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 120,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs: Devizes Road, (a) 20-1,000 gallons, (6) 10,000 gallons ; Pembroke Park Estate (High Level) 5,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 223,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. No action on lead. Flint Gas and Water Company, Ltd. Supplies Flint B. (part). Powers. Flint Gas and Water Order, 1870. Limits. Flint B. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from glacial drift : (1 ) Coedon. in Flint ; (2) Gwaith y Coed, in Coles Hill. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 80,000 gallons, (2) 20,000 gallons. W<>rl:s Filtration, (1) 500 gallons, (2) 250 gallons, per square yard per day. Service reservoirs : Coedon, 47,870 gallons ; Little London, 286,350 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1 JO.OC ) gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water, Good. Hardness : total, 24" 5 ; permanent o'o . No action on lead. A 0.198 192 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Folkestone Waterworks Company. Supplies Cheriton U.D. ; Folkestone B. (part) ; Sand- gate U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Alkham, Capel le Feme and Lydden (Dover R.D.), Hawkinge (Elham R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Sandgate U.D.C. (see page 125). Powers. Folkestone Waterworks Acts, 1848, 1864, 1871, 1888, and 1898 ; Folkestone Waterworks Act Amendment Acts, 1855 and 1858. Limits. Cheriton U.D. ; Folkestone B. ; Sandgate U.D. ; and parishes of Alkham, Capel le Feme, Lydden (Dover R.D.) ; and Hawkinge (Elham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Adits in Chalk at Cherry Gardens; (2) Spring from chalk at Cherry Gardens ; (3 1 ) Well and adits in Chalk at Lower Standen, Capel ; (4) Well and adits in Lower Greensand at Cherry Gardens. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 156,000 gallons, (2) 156,000 gallons, (3) 1,000,000 gallons, (4) 30,000 gallons; a further 700,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (4), which is an emergency supply. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : " Hart," 12,000,000 gallons ;"" Bateman," 2,000,000 gallons; " Spurgen," 6,000,000 gallons; High Service, 630,000 gallons; Shorncliffe Camp supply, Cherry Gardens, 120,000 gallons. Pressure is siillicient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,331,400 gallons and 10,600 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (loth December 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness: total, 18 '0; permanent, 2 '6. No action on lead. Freshwater and Yarmouth Water Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Freshwater, Shalfleet, Totland, and Yarmouth (Isle of Wight R.D.). Powers. Freshwater and Yarmouth Water Order, 1887. Limits. Parishes of Freshwater, Shalfleet (part), Thorley (part), Totland (part), and Yarmouth (Isle of Wight R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature ami Sufficiency). (1) Spring at Freshwater Gate ; (2) Well at Shalcombe. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 30,000 gallons, (2) 360,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : (1) Afton Down, 150,000 gallons ; (2) Shalcombe Down, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 80,000 gallons. Supply constant. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (20th October 1913) that the water is of great organic purity. Hardness : total, 12 ; permanent, 3 No action on lead. (1) is saline. Frimley and Farnborough District Water Company. Supplies Farnborough U.D. (part) Fleet U.D. (part) ; Frimley U.I), (part) ; and parts of parishes of Nately Sen res, Newnhair (Basingstoke R.D.) ; Crowthorne, Sandhurst (Easthampstead R.D.); Ash and Normandy (Farnham R.D.) ; Cove, Crondall, Crookham, Dogmerslield, Greywell, Hawley wiili Minley, Odiham, Rotherwick, South Warnborough, Winchiield, and Yateley (Hartley Wintney R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Wey Valley Water Company (see page 22(i). ^Powers. Frimley and Farnborough District Water Acts, 1893 and 1909; Wry Valley, Frimley and Farnham Water Act. 1898 ; Frimley and Farnborough District Water Orders, 1901 and 1904. Limits. Farnborough U.D. ; Fleet U.D. ; Frimley U.D. ; and parishes of Andwell, Mapledurwell, Nately Scures, Newnham, Up Nately, Upton Grey, Western Patrick (Basingstoke R.D ) ; Crowthorne, Sandhurst (Easthampstead R.D.) ; Ash and Normandy (Farnham R.D.) ; Bramshill, Cove, Crondall, Crookham, Dogmersfield, Elvetham, Eversley, Greywell, Hawley with Minley, Hecldield, Long Sutton, Mattingley with Hazeley, Odiham, Rotherwick, South Warnborough, Winchfield, and Yateley (Hartlej Wintney R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from gravel, Frimley railway cuttings ; (2) Wells and boreholes in Chalk at Itchell ; (3) Well in Chalk at Greywell. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 302,562 gallons; (2) 440,449 gallons; (3) 173,915 gallons. ~\\ orks. Filtration at (1) only, 225 gallons per square yard per day. Reservoirs : Frith Hill, Low Level (a) 250,000 gallons, (6) 750,000 gallons ; Heathy Park, High Level, (a) 311,000 gallons, (b) 613,000 gallons, (c) 613,000 gallons, (d) 677,000 gallons; Black Hill, 823,000 gallons ; Swameshill, High Level, 700,000 gallons ; Sturt Lane, Frimley (a) 564,000 gallons, (6) 1,044,500 gallons, (c) 1,009,500 gallons, (d) 783,000 gallons, (e) 103,000 gallons; Greywell, 1,150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient, Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 766,926 gallons, and 150,( gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory monthly bacteriological examination. Hardness :-- 18 (after softening, 7). PART I.: SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 193 Garw Water Company. Supplies Ogmore and Garw U.D. (part), and part of parish of St. Bride Minor (Penybont .H.I).) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Penvbont R I) C (nee page 109). Powers. Garw Water Act, 1889. Limits. Ogmore and Garw U.I), (part) ; and parishes of Newcastle Higher (part), and St. Bride Minor (Penybont li.l).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Blaengarw Streams, Garw Valley ; (2) Ocean Stream, Blaongarw ; (3) Nantyci Stream, near Blackmill ; (4) Dymbath Stream and its tributaries, Dymbath Valley ; (5) Nantgelliwern Stream ; (6) Ffynon Torgweli, Cwm Garw. Yield not known. (5) and (6) are emergency supplies. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoir --Nantyci Dingle, 2,500,00(1 gallons. Service reservoirs: Blaengarw (a) 10,000 gallons, (/<) 7,000 gallons; Ocean, 22,000 gallons; Nantgelliwern, 1,50(1 gallons; Nantgadlys, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. --The daily average is 550,000 gallons, and 80,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Soft, but no action on lead. Gosport Waterworks Company. ---Supplies Gosport and Alveratoke U.I), (part) ; and parts of parishes of Shed field, Swanmore (Droxford R.D.) ; and Wickham (Fareham R.I).). Powers. Gosport Water Acts, 1858 and 1904; Gosport Water Orders, 1872, 1883, and 1897. Limits. Gosport and Alverstoke U.I). ; and parishes of Shedfield, Swanmore (Droxford R.D.) ; Crofton, Rowner, and Wickham (Fareham R.D.). Sources of Siijtply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well, 155 feet, and heading 385 feet, in chalk under Tertiary Clays, at Mislingford, Soberton ; (2) Well shafts, with borings, 330 feet, in Bagshot Sands, at Bury Cross, Alverstoke. The average daily quantity of water derived from (1) is 950,000 gallons, and a further 450,000 gallons per day could be obtained ; (2) is an emergency supply. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Gravel Hill, Shedfield, 2,100,000 gallons ; Foxbury Point, Bedcnham, 230,000 gallons ; Bury Cross, Alverstoke, 70,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 950,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (21st July 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness : total, 16 ; permanent, 3 ' 5. No action 011 lead. Grantham Waterworks Company. Supplies Grantham. B. (part); and parts of parishes of Great Gonerby and Spittlegate Without (Grantham R.I).). Powers. Grantham Waterworks Acts, 1873 and 1909. Limits. Grantham B. ; and parishes of Manthorpe and Spittlegate Without (Grantham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Lincolnshire Limestone, River William Valley, and at Stroxton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 900,000 gallons and a further 2,100,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Filtration, 450 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs: Saltersford (a) 7,250,000 gallons, (fc) 400,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Spittlegate Hill, 800,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 900,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good periodical chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness : total, 13 ' 23 ; permanent, 3 ' 64. No action on lead. Gravesend and Milton Waterworks Company. Supplies Gravesend B. (part) ; Northfleet U.D. (part) ; and parish of Denton (part) (Strood R.D.). Powers. Gravesend and Milton Waterworks Acts, 1846 and 1897 ; Gravesend and Milton Water Order, 1909. Limits. Gravesend B. ; and Northfleet U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Chalk, at East Hill, Milton next Gravesend and Northfleet. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 800,000 gallons, and a further 2,200,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: East Hill, 500,000 gallons, Northfleet, 120,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 800,00 ) gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (2oth March 1914) that the water is fully up to its old standard of excellence. Hardness : total 21 ' IV ; permanent, 4' 1. No action on lead. N 2 I'M. RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Great Berkhampstead Waterworks Company. Supplies Great Berkhampstead I". I), (part); and parts of parishes of Ashley (!reen (Amersham It. I).), Great Berkhampstead Rural, and Northchurch (Berkhampstead R.D.). Poicers. Great Berkhampstead Water Order, 1885 ; Great Berkhampstead Water Works Act, 1900. Limits. Great Berkhampstead U.I).; and parishes of Ashley Green, Latimer ''Amersham R.D.) ; Great Berkhampstead Rural, Little Gaddesden, Nortliclnireh (Berkhampstead R.D.) ; Flaundeii, Great Gaddesden (Heniel Hempstead R.D.) ; Edlesborough, Ivinghoe, and Pitstone (Wing R.D.). Sources of Supply (Xuture nml Sufficiency). (1) and (2) Tube wells bored into Chalk at High Street, Berkhampstead. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 480,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : King's Hill () 260,000 gallons, (b) 106,000 gallons; Potter End, 15,000 gallons; Green Lane, 1)0,000 gallons! Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 480,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical examination. Analyst remarks (19th December 1913) that the water is well adapted for drinking purposes. Hardness : total, 14 '5 ; permanent, 5. No action on lead. Great Grimsby Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies Grimsby C.B. (part) ; Cleethorpes with Thrunscpe U.D. (part); and parts of parishes of Great Cotes, Healing, Immingham, Little Coates, Scartho, and Weelsby (Grimsby R.D.). Powov. Great, Grimsby Waterworks Act, 1S63 ; Great Grimsby Water Order, 1 ill Hi. Limits. Grimsby C.B. ; Cleethorpes with Thrunscoe U.I). ; and parishes of Aylesby, Bradley, Great Cotes, Habrough, Healing, Inimingham, Laceby, Tattle Coates, Scartho, Stallingborough, Walthain, and Weelsby (Grimsby R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature ntul Sufficiency). -Artesian borings in Chalk at (1) Little Coates, (2) Cleethorpes, (3) Immingliani, and (4) Healing. The average daily <|uantit.y of watei derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 2,750.000 gallons ; (2) 1,500.00* gallons; (3) 25,000 gallons; (4) 20,000 gallons"; a further 8,000,000 gallons per da\ could be obtained from (1) ; 1,500,000 gallons from (2) : 375,000 gallons from (3) ; am 2,000,000 gallons from (4). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Scartho, 350,000 gallons ; Cleethorpes, 400,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,285,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical and periodical bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (28th November 1913) that chemically the water is palatable. Hardness : total, 22.' 7 ; permanent, 4. No action on lead. Great Marlow Water Company, Ltd. Supplies Marlow I'.D. (part) ; and parts of parish of Bisham (Cookham R.I).), Chopping Wycombe Rural, Great Marlow, Little Marlow, anc Wooburn (Wycombe R.D.). Powers. Marlow Water Orders, 1889 and 1902. Limits. Marlow U.D. ; and parishes of Bisham (Cookham R.D. ), Medmenliar (Hambleden R.D.), Great Marlow, Little Marlow, and Wooburn (Wycombe R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Deep bore wells (1) at Chalk Pit, Marlow; (2) at Bourne End. The average daily quantity of water derived from eacl source is, respectively, (1) 169,000 gallons; (2) 106,000 gallons; a further 119,01 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 182,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Chalk Pit, Marlow, 160,000 gallons: Marlow Common, 200,000 gallons; Northern Woods, Wooburn, 200,000 gallons Northern Woods Tower, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 26 1,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. No action on lead. Great Yarmouth Waterworks Company. Supplies Great Yarmouth C.B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Caister next Yarmouth, Ormesby St. Margaret with Scratby, and Ormesby St. Michael (East and West Flegg R.D.). Powers. Great Yarmouth Waterworks Acts, 1853, 1857, 1869, 1880, and 1899; Great Yarmouth Waterworks and Lowestoft Water and Gas Act, 1907. Limits. Great Yarmouth C.B. ; and parishes of Caister next Yarmouth, Ormesby St. Margaret with Scratby, and Ormesby St. Michael (East and West Flegg R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Shallow lake supplied by springs and drainage area of 10,000 acres, Ormesby Broad, 8 miles from Great Yarmouth. ' Yield ll/"tf L- * *-tir*^ not known. u PART I.: SECTION III. COMPAXIKS WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 195 \\'orl;s. Water is twice filtered, firstly, 234 gallons per square yard per day, secondly, 520 gallons per square yard per day. Service reservoirs : Caister, 1,250,000 gallons ; (lorleston, 800,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. (I iiaul It i/ of Water suppl led. The daily average is 1,524,458 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality nf 11 aler. Good monthly chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness: total, 14'4; permanent, 3'8. No action on lead; contains some chlorine. Guisborough Water Company. Supplies Guisborough U.D. (part). Powers. Ouisboroogh Water Orders, 1871, 1880, and 1911. Lim !tn. ( ! uisborough 1 T . I ). Sources of Supply (Nature and 8uffieien6y).(l) Moorland gathering ground, 550 acres, (2) springs about two miles from Guisborough. Yield not known. Works. Pressure filters. Storage reservoir : Wentworth Plantation, 11,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir : tank 80,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quant it ;/ of Water supplied. The daily average is 130,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (3rd January 1.014) that the water is. satisfactory. Hardness: total, 5 '8; permanent, 4. Acts slightly on lead, and is treated with lime. Hailsham Water Company. Supplies parts of parishes of Hail sham and Hellingly (Hailsham R.I).). Powers. Hailsham Water Act, 1885. Limits. Parts of parishes of Arlington, Hailsham, Hellingly, and Herstmonceux (Hailsham U.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency)'. Three wells in Tunbridge Wells Sand at. Amberstone, Hellingly. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 115,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 324 gallons per sqiiare yard per day. Service reservoir : Carter's Corner, Hellingly, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 115,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (6th July 1910) that the water is safe for drinking. Hardness, 3 '4. No action on lead ; but contains some iron. Harpenden Water Company, Ltd. Supplies Harpenden U.I), (part) ; and parish of Harpenden liural (part) (St. Albans R.D.). Powers. Harpenden Water Orders, 1889 and 1899. Limits. Harpenden U.D. ; and parish of Harpenden Rural (St. Albans R D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Three wells with boreholes, Shakespeare Road, Harpenden. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 138,000 gallons, and a further 80,000 gallons per day could be obtained. U'orA's. No filtration. Reservoirs: Shakespeare Road (a) 100,000 gallons, (I) 35,000 gallons: Towers (1) 75,000 gallons, (2) 123,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 138,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical examination. Analyst remarks (29th July 11)13) that the water is excellent. Hardness: total, 20 "5; permanent, 3. No action on lead. Hartlepool Gas and Water Company. Supplies West Hartlepool C.B. (part) ; Hartlepool B. ; and parts of parishes of Greatham, Hart, Seaton, Stranton, and Throston Rural (Hartlepool R.D.). Powers Hartlepool Gas and Water Acts, 1846, 1867, 1878, 1898, and 1900; Hartlepool Gas and Water Amendment Act, 1874. Limits .West Hartlepool C.B. ; Hartlepool B. ; and parishes of Brierton, Claxton, Dal ton Piercy, Elwick, Greatham, Hart, Seaton, Stranton, Thorpe Bulmer, and Throston Mural (Hartlepool R.D.). Sources of Sup]>ly (Nature and Sufficiency). Boreholes in Magnesian Limestone, West Hartlepool. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,750,000 gallons, and a further 1,000,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : West Hartlepool (a) 190,000 gallons, (b) 400,000 gallons ; Naisberry Hart, 80,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,700,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Frequent chemical and periodical bacteriological examination. \nalyst remarks (10th April 1911) that the water is of a high degree of organic and bacterial purity. Hardness : total, 28 '2; permanent, 7 '4. No action on lead; slightly saline. A 0.198 N " 190 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Hawarden and District Waterworks Company. Supplies Buckley U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Hawarden, Sealand, West Saltney (Hawarden R.D.) ; Cilcain, Mold Rural, and Northop (Holywell R.D.)- Powers. Hawarden and District Waterworks Act, 1883. Limits. Buckley U.D. ; and parishes of Hawarden (part), Tryddyn (part), West Saltney (Hawarden R.D.) ; Cilcain, Mold Rural, and Northop (Holywell R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Garth Stream, Moel Fainma, near Cilcain. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 600,000 gallons, and a further 220,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Pressure filters. Storage reservoirs : Cilcain (a) 1,250,000 gallons, (b) 4,250,000 gallons, (c) 7,000,000 gallons, (d) 23,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs :- Buckley, 1,000,000 gallons; Hawarden (a) 500,000 gallons, (6) 15,000 gallons ; Shotton, 500,000 gallons ; Cherry Orchard, 15,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 570,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness :- -total, 2 '5. Acts on lead, but tin alloy pipes are used. Heathfield and District Water Company. Supplies parts of parishes of Heathfield (Hailsham R.D.), Burwash, Etchingham, Salehurst, and Ticehurst (Ticehurst R.D.), Waldron (Uckfield R.D.). Powers. Ticehurst and Robertsbridge Water Act, 1902 ; Ticehurst and District Water and Gas Act, 1904; Heathfield and District Water Act. 1913. Limits. Parishes of Heatlifield, Hellingly (part) (Hailsham R.D.), Burwash, Etchinghain, Salehurst, and Ticehurst (Ticehurst R.D.) Waldron (part) (Uckfield R.D.) Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian well, 65 feet, through Wadhurst Clay to Ashdown Sands, at Crowlmrst Crossing, Burwash. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 70,000 gallons, and a further 30,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Water is filtered. Storage reservoirs : Burwash Common, 150,000 gallons ; Heathfield, 70,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 63,800 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analysis (April 1913), no comment. Hardness, 9 '4. Acts on lead, but iron pipes only are allowed. Water contains some iron. Helston and Porthleven Water Company. Supplies Helston B. (part), and parts of parishes of Breage, Sithney, and Wendron (Helston R.D.). Powers. Helston and Porthleven Water Act, 1888. Limits. Helston B. ; and parishes of Breage, Sithney, and Wendron (Helston R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency), Four springs, intercepted under- ground, (1) two at Tregathenan, (2) one at Chyreen, and (3) one at Halavance. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 60,0(10 gallons ; (2) 20,000 gallons, (3) 15,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Tregathenan, 3,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 60,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good periodical chemical examination. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Henley on Thames Water Company, Ltd. Supplies Henley on Thames B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Badgemore, Harpsden, Rotherfield Greys, Rotherfield Peppard, Shiplake (Henley R.D.) ; and Remenham (Wokingham R.I).). Powers. Henley on Thames Water Orders, 1881, 1901, and 1912. Limits. Henley on Thames B. ; and parishes of Badgemore, Harpsden (part), Rotherfield Greys (part), Rotherfield Peppard (part), Shiplake (part) (Henley R.D.) ; and Remenham (part) (Wokingham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian well, 240 feet, in Chalk, Chiltern Hills, near Henley. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 280,000 gallons, and a further 350,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs' at Badgemore, 247,000 gallons, and Harpsden, 254,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 280,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness : total, 8 ; permanent, 4. No action on lead. Herne Bay Waterworks Company. Supplies Herne Bay U.I), (part) ; and parts of parishes of Herne, Hoath, and Reculver (Blean R.D.). Powers. Herne Water Act, 1867 ; Herne Water Orders, 1871, 1883, 1888, and 1906 ; Herne Bay Water Act, 1899. PAttT I. : SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 197 Limits. Kerne Bay U.D. ; and parishes of Herne, Hoath, and Reculver (Blean R.D.). Sounds of Supply (\0,() gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No fdtration. Service reservoirs : Mickleburgh Hill (a) 750,000 gallons, (6) 150,000 gallons; Herne Bay Tower, 60,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 320,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness: total 18, No action on lead. Herts and Essex Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies Epping U.D. (part) ; Sawbridge- worth U.l). (part) ; and parts of parishes of Epping Upland, Great Parndon, Harlow, Latton, Little Parndon, .Magdalen Laver, Matching, Nazeing, Netteswell, North Weald Bassett, Roydon, Sheering, Theydon Bois, Theydon Garnon (Epping R.D.) ; High Wych (Hadham R.D.) ; Bobbingworth, Chipping Ongar, Greensted, High Ongar, Lambourne, Shelley, Stanford Rivers, and Theydon Mount (Ongar R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Hatfield Broad Oak Water Company, Ltd., who supply part of parish of Hatfield Broad Oak (Dunmow R.D.) Powers. Herts and Essex Water Orders, 1879, 1885, and 1907. Limits. Epping U.D. ; Sawbridgeworth U.D. ; and parishes of Epping Upland, Great Parndon, Harlow, Latton, Little Parndon, Magdalen Laver, Matching, Nazeing, Netteswell, North Weald Bassett, Roydon, Sheering, Theydon Bois, Theydon Garnon (Epping R..D.) ; High Wych (Hadham R.D.) ; Abbess Roding, Beauchamp Roding, Bobbingworth, Chipping Ongar, Fyfield, Greensted, High Laver, High Ongar, Kelvedoii Hatch, Lambourne, Little Laver, Moreton, Navestock, Shelley, Stanford 1 !ivers, Stapleford Abbots, Stapleford Tawney, Stondon Massey, and Theydon Mount (Ongar R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well in Chalk at Sawbridgeworth, Yield not known. (2) Supply in bulk from Metropolitan Water Board (see page 103). The average daily quantity of water obtained from (2) is 205 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Rederick Lane, Sawbridgeworth, 395,000 gallons ; Windmill, Epping, 125,000 gallons ; Tower at Epping, 29,000 gallons ; Rye Mill, Parndon, 140,000 gallons ; Toothill, Greensted, 3,000 gallons ; Ongar 7,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 300,000 gallons, and 35,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness : total, 14 ; permanent, 6. No action on lead. Higham and Hundred of Hoo Water Company. Supplies Northfleet U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Allhallows, High Halstow, Hoo, St. Mary Hoo, Stoke (Hoo R.D.) ; ClilTe, Cobham, Cuxton, Frindsbury Extra, Higham, Ifield, Meopham, and Shorne (Strood R.D.). Powers. Higham and the Hundred of Hoo Water Acts, 1890 and 1905; Higham and the Hundred of Hoo Amendment Act, 1898. Tjimits. Pai-ishes of Allhallows, Cooling, High Halstow, Hoo, Isle of Grain, St. Mary Hoo, Stoke (Hoo R.D.); Chalk, Cliffe, Cobham, Cuxton, Frindsbury Extra, Higham, Luddesdown, Meopham, Shorne, and Strood Extra (Strood R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well in the Upper Chalk at Higham ; (2) Supply in bulk from Mid Kent Water Company (see page 202). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 151,631 gallons, (2) 46,173 gallons ; a further 150,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 18,827 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Pear Tree Lane, Shorne, 200,000 gallons ; Meopham, 200,000 gallons ; High Halstow 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 197,804 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (8th December 1913) that the water is quite satisfactory. Hardness : total, 15 ' 1 ; permanent, 5 ' 0. No action on lead. Hoddesdon Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies Hoddesdon U.D. (part). Powers. Hoddesdon Order, 1884. Limits. Hoddesdon U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well at Niddefield, Hoddesdon. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Westfield, Hoddesdon, capacity not known. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness : total, 22 ; permanent, 10. No action on lead. N 4 198 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Holyhead Waterworks Company. Supplies Holyhead U.I), (part); and parts of parishes of Holyhead Rural and Llanynghenedl (Valley K.D.j. Powers. Holyhead Waterworks Act, 1866; Holyhead Water Orders, 1885 and 1895; Holyhead Water Act, 1900. Limits. Holyhead U.D. and parish of Holyhead Rural (Valley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Cwm springs from schist and gneiss on Holyhead Mountain ; (2) two springs from schist and gneiss on Holyhead Mountain ; (3) Ffynnon Wrach and Ffynnon Wen springs from schist and gneiss on Holyhead Mountain; (4) gathering ground, 952 acres, at Llyn Traffwll, about miles from Holyhead. The average daily quantity of water derived from (4) is 62,500 gallons. Yield. of other sources not known. Works. Water from (1), (2), and (4) is filtered ; (I) 500 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs: Llyn Traffwll, 47,000,000 gallons; Holyhead Mountain, New, 5,000,000 gallons; Old, 2,500,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Mill Bank, 80,000 gallons; Capel Siloh, 150,000 gallons; Cwm, 2,500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 164,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (30th October 1913) that the water is good. Hardness: total, 5 "6; per- manent, 4' 2. No action on lead. Holyhead and North Wales Gas and Water Corporation, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Llanberis (Gwyrfai R.D.). Powers. Llanberis Gas and Water Order, 1895. Limits. Part of parish of Llanberis (Gwyrfai R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Paver, Afon Goch ; (2) River, Afon Hweh. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Storage reservoirs : Gellihybrant, and Afon Goch, Llanberis, capacities not known. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Medium hardness. No action on lead. Horncastle Water Company. Supplies Horncastle U.D. (part) and parts of parishes of Hemingby and West Ashby (Horncastle R.D.). Powers. Horncastle Water Act, 1882. Limits. Horncastle U.D. ; and parishes of Hemingby, Thornton, and West Ashby (Horncastle H.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Chalk and carstone, at Cawkwell. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir: Cawkwell, 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 80,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and frequent bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (26th January 1914) that the water is of great bacterial purity. Hardness, 14. No action on lead. Hoylake and West Kirby Gas and Water Company, Ltd. Supplies Hoylake and West Kirby U.D. (part) ; and parishes of Caldy, Frankby (part), Grange, Greasby (part), More ton, and Saughall Massie (Wirral R.I).). Powers. Hoylake and West Kirby Gas and Water Orders, 1878 and 1899 ; Hoylake and West Kirby Water Orders, 1887, 1893, 1900, and 1906. Limits. Hoylake and West Kirby U.I). ; and parishes of Caldy, Frankby, Grange, Greasby (part), Moreton, and Saughall Massie (Wirral H.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Two wells and boreholes with headings in red sandstone at Grange Hill ; (2) Deep borehole in red and grey sandstone with marl at Newton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 950,000 gallons, and a further 500,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Work." -No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Grange Hill, West Kirby, (a) 585,000 gallons ; (b) 2,804,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 900,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Duality of Water. Annual chemical examination. Analyst remarks (13th June 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness : total, 12 '6; permanent, 6 '3. No action on lead. Hungeriord Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Hungerford (Hunger- ford R.I).). Powers.- Hungerford Water Orders, 1901 and 1909. Limits. Parish of Hungerford (Hungerford R.D.). PART I. : SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 199 Sources of Supjily iNatun- mid Hujjideiiry). Well, 130 feet, in Chalk, Salisbury Road, Ilungerford. The average duily (|uantity of water obtained is 20,000 gallons, and a further 40,000 gallons per day could be obtained. H'orA.s-. No filtration. Service reservoir: Salisbury Road, 70,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. (hitmlili/ / Writer supplied. The daily average is 20,000 gallons. Supplv is constant. Quality of Witter. Hood, but hard. No action on lead. Kenilworth Water Company, Ltd.- Supplies Kenihvorth U.I), (part). Pon-ers. Kenilworth Water Order, 1882. Limits. Kenilworth I'. I). Sources <>/ Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Shallow adit in sandstone on red marl at the Common, Kenilworth ; (2) Borehole, 220 feet, through sandstone and marl at the Common ; (3) Borehole, 275 feet, through sandstone and marl at the Common. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 50,000 gallons, (2) 50,000 gallons, (3) 70,00:) gallons; a further 20,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 20,000 gallons from (2), and 7(5,000 gallons from (3). Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Tainter's Hill, Kenilworth, 24,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 170,000 gallons. Supply is constant. futility of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (14th August P.IK 1 )) that the water is good. Hardness, 19. No action on lead. Knutsford Light and Water Company. Supplies Knutsford U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Bexton, Tabley Superior, and Toft (Bucklow R.D.). Powers. Knutsford Gas and Water Orders, 1871 and 1902 ; Knutsford Light and Water Act, 1879. Limits. Knutsford U.I). ; and parishes of Bexton, Rostherne (part), Tabley Inferior, Tabley Superior, and Toft (Bucklow R.D.). Sources of Su]>ply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Pedley Brook and Marthall Brook, intake at Booth Mill on Mobberley Road, Knutsford. Yield not known. Works. Filtration, 146 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir: Mill Pond, Booth Mill, 3,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. (Quantity of W.); Ashtead, Cobham, Fetcham, Great Bookham, Little Bookham, and Stoke D'Abernon (Epsom R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Epsom R.D.C. Powers. Leatherhead and District Waterworks Act, 1883 ; Leatherhead and District Water Orders, 1890 and i.)(t:5. Limits. Leatherhead U.D. ; and parishes of Mickleham (Dorking R.D.) ; Ashtead, Cobham, Fetcham, Great Bookham, Little Bookham, and Stoke d'Abernon (Epsom R.D.). Entrees of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Borings into Chalk at Fetcham. The maximum daily quantity of water available is 1,000,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Highlands, 2,500,000 gallons ; Reigate Road, 125,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The maximum daily supply is 896,000 gallons and 4,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (4th December 1913) that a purer water could not be obtained. Hardness : total, 17; permanent, 3. No action on lead. Lewes Waterworks Company. Supplies Lewes B. (part). Powers. I, ewes Waterworks Act, ]868. Limits. Lewes B. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk, Kingston. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 400,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Kingston, 327,000 gallons; Western Road, St. Ann's, (a) 250,000 gallons, (b) 72,000 gallons; Race Hill, 284,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 400,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and half-yearly bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (8th December 1913) that the water is very good. Hardness: total, 13 '3; permanent, 2 '4. No action on lead. * This source has recently been abandoned and a third borehole sunk. 200 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Limpsfield and Oxted Water Company. Supplies parts of parishes of Limpsfield, Oxted, Tatsfield, and Titsey (Clodstone R.D.) ; Chiddingstone, Cowden, Edenbridge, Hever, and Westerham (Sevenoaks R.D.). Powers. Limpsfield and Oxted Water Acts, 1888 and 1902. Limits. Parishes of Limpsfield (part), Oxted (part), Tatsfield, Titsey (Godstone R.D.); Cowden, Edenbridge, and Westerham (part) (Sevenoaks R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Wells in Hythe Beds at Paines Hill, Limpsfield ; (2) Bored tube wells in Folkestone Beds at Westwood, Tatsfield. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 100,000 gallons, (2) 214,000 gallons ; a further 120,000 gallons psr day could be obtained from (1) and 510,000 gallons from (2). Works. No nitration. Service reservoirs: Pastings, Paines Hill, Limpsfield, (a) 70,000 gallons, (b) 30,000 gallons ; Kent Hatch, Crockham Hill, 240,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 314,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (12th December 1912) that the water is excellent. Hardness: (1) total, 9 "3; permanent, 4 '9; (2) total, 10 '9; permanent, 2'1. No action on lead. Littlestone on Sea and District Water Company. Supplies Lydd B. (part) and New Romney B. (part). Powers. Littlestone on Sea and District Water Act, 1904. Limits. Lydd B. ; New Romney B. ; and parishes of Dymchurch, Hope All Saints', and St. Mary in the Marsh (Romney Marsh R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in the beach with fenced catrli- ment area of 12 acres at Lydd. The maximum daily yield is 95,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs: Lydd, 60,000 gallons; Littlestone, 10,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 40,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (18th November 1012) that the water is of a high degree of organic purity and bacterially most satisfactory. Hardness : total, 4 ' 9 ; permanent, 2 ' 1. Acts on lead, but galvanised iron pipes are used. Louth Water Company. Supplies Louth B. (part). Powers. Louth Waterworks Act, 1871. Limits. Louth B. ; and parish of Louth Park (Louth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Chalk, (1) at Hubbard's Hill, Hallington ; (2) at Welton. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 300,000 gallons ; (2) 900,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Hallington, (a) 105,000 gallons, (6) 170,000 gallons. Service reservoir: Horn castle Road, Louth, 1,200,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 514,285 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 14. No action on lead. Lowestoft Water and Gas Company. Supplies Lowestoft B. (part) ; Oulton Broad U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Ashby, Belton, Blundeston, Gorton, Gunton, Hopton, Lound, Oulton, Pakefield, and Somerleyton (Mutford and Lothingland R.D.). Powers. Lowestoft Water, Gas and Market Acts, 1857, 1863, and 1877 ; Lowestoft Water and Gas Acts, 1897 and 1899 ; Great Yarmouth Waterworks and Lowestoft Water and Gas Act, 1907. Limits. Lowestoft B. ; Oulton Broad U.D. ; and parishes of Ashby, Belton, Blundeston, Carlton Colville, Gorton, Flixton, Gunton, Hopton, Lound, Oulton, Pakefield, and Somerleyton (Mutford and Lothingland R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from glacial sand at Hopton, Ix)und, and Belton Valleys. Yield not known. Works. Filtration, 600 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Hopton, Lound, and Belton, 40,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Lowestoft, 1,024,500 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 827,129 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Safe and wholesome monthly chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness: total, 12 '46; permanent, 8 '3. No action on lead; contains a trace of manganese. PART I. : SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 201 Luton Water Company. Supplies Luton B. ; and parts of parishes of Lilley (Hitchin R.D.) ; Leagrave, Limbury, and Stopsley (Luton R.D.). Powers. Luton Water Acts, 1865, 1897, and 191.1 ; Luton Water Order, 1880. Limits. Luton B. ; and parishes of Hyde, Leagrave, Limbury, and Stopsley (Luton H.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk, Crescent Road, Luton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,383,701 gallons, and a further 2,616,299 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Hart Lane, Luton, (a) 500,000 gallons, (b) 1,250,000 gallons, (c) 2,000,000 gallons ; Tower, 20,000 gallons ; Bailey Hill Tower, 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,383,701 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Half-yearly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (5th August 1913) that the water is quite suitable for all dietetic purposes. Hardness: total, 18 ' 5 ; permanent, 5 ' 6. Maidenhead Waterworks Company. Supplies Maidenhead B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Bisham, Bray, Cookham, Hurley, Shottesbrooke, Waltham St. Lawrence, White Waltham (Cookham H.I).); and Wai-field (Easthampstead H.D.). Pmcerx. .Maidenhead Waterworks Act, 1875 ; Maidenhead Water Orders, 1893 and litOi); .Maidenhead Gas and Water Order, 11)05. Limits. Maidenhead B. ; and parishes of Bray, Cookham, Hurley, Shottesbrooke, Waltham St. Lawrence, and White Waltham (Cookham R.D.). ; Ruscombe (part) (Wokingham H.D.). Sources of Supply (Xalure and Sufficiency). (1) Two wells in Chalk with headings, College Avenue ; (2) Two wells in chalk with headings, Ham Farm, Cookham. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 600,000 gallons; (2) 277,000 gallons; a further 600,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 432,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Pond House, Maidenhead, 600,000 gallons; Mount Hill, Cookham Dean, 450,000 gallons; Wellyers Lane, Warfield, 200,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 877,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (6th September 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness : (1) total 24 ' 2, permanent 7 ' 7 ; (2) total 22 '4, permanent 5 '6. Acts on lead, and use of lead pipes is discouraged. Maidstone Waterworks Company. Supplies Maidstone B. impart) ; and parts of parishes of Boxley (Ilollingbourne H.D.) ; East Banning, East Farleigh, Loose, West Farleigh (Maidstone R.D.) ; and Allington. (Mailing R.D.). Powers. Maidstone Waterworks Acts, 1860, 1863, 1882, and 1885 ; Maidstone Water Orders, 1873, 1874, 1879, 1896, 1899, and 1906. Limits. Maidstoue B. ; and parishes of Boxley (Hollingbourne R.D.) ; East Banning, East Farleigh, and Loose (Maidstone R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Chalk and Lower Greenland, at Boxley and Aylesford. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,000,000 gallons. Worlt*. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Boxley, 200,000 gallons ; Detling, 500,000 gallons ; Maidstone, 500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical and half-yearly bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (22nd November 1913) that chemically the water is excellent, and (19th August 1913) that bacteriologically it is satisfactory. Hardness : total, 13 '6; permanent, 4 "6. No action on lead ; contains a slight trace of iron. Market Drayton Water Company. Supplies Market Drayton U.D. (part; and parts of parishes of Tyrley (Blore Heath R.D.) ; and Norton in Hales (Drayton R.D.). Powers. Market Drayton Water Act, 189 L. Limits. Market Drayton U.D. and parishes of Tyrley (Blore Heath R.D.) ; Moreton Say (part), Norton in Hales (part) and Sutton upon Tern (Drayton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs near Burutwoods, Blore. Yield not known. Works No filtration. Reservoirs : Blore, (a) 300,000 gallons, (b) 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness : total, 12 ' 6 ; permanent, 5 ' 4. Acts on lead, but lead pipes are not allowed. 202 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Market Rasen Water Company. Supplies Market Rasen U.D. (part) ; ami j)urish of Tealby (part) (Caistor R.D.). Powers. Market Rasen Water Act, 1875. Li mil ,t. Market Rasen U.D. ; and parishes of Middle Rasen, Tealby (Caistor R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two springs from Chalk at Bully Hill, Tealby. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 150,000 gallons and a further 20.000 gallons per day could be obtained. Workt. No filtration. No reservoir. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Analyst remarks (23rd February 1914) that the water is good. Hardness: 20 '8, permanent -1 '4. No action on lead. Market Weighton Water Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Goodmanham, and Market Weighton and Arras (Pocklington R.D.). Powers. Market Weighton Water Order, 1884. Limits. Part of parish of Market Weighton and Arras (Pocklington R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Spring Wells near Market Weighton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 42,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Spring Wells, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 42,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Mexborough and District Water Company, Ltd. Supplies Mexborough U.I), (part). Poirertt. Mexborough District Water Order, 1879. Limits. Mexborough U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and borehole in Mexborough. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 250,000 gallons. Worlts. Filtration, 1,000 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Helena Street,. Clayfields, (a.) 80,000 gallons, (b) 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 250,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Waiter. Periodical chemical examination. Analyst remarks (24th December 1910) that the water is fairly satisfactory. Hardness, 23 '4. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Mid-Kent Water Company. Supplies Ashford U.D. (part) ; Northileet U.D. (part) ; Wrotham U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Barbani, Kingston (Bridge R.D.) ; Ash, Fawkham, Hartley, Kingsdown, Longfield, Ridley (Dartford R.D.) ; Boughton Aluph, Kennington, Wye (East Ashford R.D.) ; Doddington, Lynstead, Newnham, Norton, Stalisfield, Teynham (Faversham R.D.) ; Boughton Malherbe, Broomfield, Chart Button, East Sutton, Frinsted, Harrietsham, Hollingbourne, Langley, Leeds, Lenham, Otterden, Button Valence, Thornham, Ulcombe, Wielding (Hollingbourne R.D.) ; Bearstead, Boughton Monchelsea, Hun ton, Linton, Marden, Nettlestead, Otham, Staplehurst, Testori, Yalding (Maidstone R.I).); Addington, Aylesford, Birling, Burham, Ditton, East Mailing, Ightham, Leybourne, Mereworth, Offham, Ryarsh, Snodland, Stansted, Trottiscliffe, Wateringbury, West Mailing, Wouldham (Mailing R.D.) ; Bapchild, Borden, Bredgar, Kingsdown, Milsted, Rodmersham,Tonge, Tunstall (Milton R.D.); Kemsing(Sevenoaks R.I).) ; Hailing, Nurstead (Strood R.D.) ; Biddenden, High Halden (Tenterden R.D.) ; Bethersden, Charing, Egerton, Great Chart, Hothfield, Little Chart, Pluckley, Smarden, and Westwell (West Ashford R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to South Kent Water Company (see page 214), Higham and the Hundred of Hoo Water Company (see page 197), and Hollingbourne R.D.C. Powers. Mid-Kent Water Acts, 1898 and 1900; Mid-Kent Water Orders, 1888, 1890, 1895, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1906, and 1907 ; Mid Kent and East Kent District Water Act, 1913. Limits. Wrotham U.D. ; and parishes of Barham, Kingston, Petham, Upper Hardres, Waltham (Bridge R.D.) ; Frittenden (Cranbrook R.D.) ; Ash, Fawkham, Hartley, Kingsdown, Longfield, Ridley (Dartford R.D.) ; Aldington, Bilsington, Bircholt, Bonnington, Boughton Aluph, Brabourne, Brook, Challock, Chilham, Crundale, Eastwell, Godmersham, Hastingleigh, Kennington, Mersham, Molash, Orlestone, Ruckinge, Sevington (part), Sroeeth, Warehorne, Wye (East Ashford R.D.) ; Elmsted Stelling, Stelling Minnis (Elliam R.D.) ; Badlesmere, Doddington, Eastling, Leaveland, Lynstead, Newnham, Norton, Selling, Sheldwich, Stalisfield, Teynham, Throwley (Faversham R.D.) ; Bicknor, Boughton Malherbe, Broomfield, Chart Sutton, East Sutton, Frinsted, Harrietsham, Hollingbourne, Hucking, Langley, Leeds, Lenham, Otterden, Button Valence, Thornham, Ulcombe, Wielding, Wormshill (Hollingbourne PART I. : SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS.. 203 R.D.); Bearstcad, Bougliton Monchelsea, Hunton, Linton, Marden, Nettlestead, Otham, Staplehurst, 'IVslon, Yalding (Maidstone H.I).) ; Addington, Aylesforcl, Birling, Burham, Dilton, East. .Mailing, Ightliam, Leybourne, Mere \vorl h, Ollliarn, Hyarsh, Snodland, Stanstcd, Trottiseliffe, Wateringbury, West .Mailing, West IVckliam, Wopldhaiu (part) (Mailing ll.D.) ; Burden, Bredgar. Kingsdown, .M listed, Hodmersliam, Tonge, Tmislall (Milton K.I).) ; Keinsing (Sevenoaks H.I ).) ; Denlon, Hailing, Nurstead (Strnod H.D.); Biddcnden, High llalden (Tenterden H.D.); Bethersdcn, Cliaring, Kgerton, Great Chart, Hoth field, Kingsnorth, Little Chart, Pluckley, Shadoxhursf, Smarden, and Westwell (West Ash ford R.D.). Sources <>f Supply (Nature mul Sufficiency). (1) Tliree wells in Lower Greensand, Lower Hailing; (2) Well in greensand, Charing Hill ; (3) Weil in Greensand, Coppins Corner, Cliaring; (4) Spring from Kentish Hag, I'lnckley. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 880, gallons and 942,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent monthly chemical and weekly bacteriological examina- tion. Hardness : total, 13 ; permanent, 6'1. No action on lead. The Company also supplies part of parish of West Matfen (Castle Ward R.D.) from a spring at Matfen. The yield of the spring is not known, but a constant and adequate supply of good water is given through a tower of 6,500 gallons at Matfen. Newhaven and Seafprd Water Company. Supplies Newhaven U.D. (part) Seaford U.M. (part) ; and of parishes of Bishopstone (part), Denton, and Piddinghoe (part), (Newhaven R.D.), and furnishes a supply in bulk to Admiral Brand, who supplies parishes of Bedding- ham (part), Glynde (part), (Chailey R.D.) and South Heighten (Newhaven R.D.). Powers. Newhaven and Seaford Water Order, 1881 ; Newhaven and Seaford Water Act, 1898. Limits. Newhaven LT.D. ; Seaford U.D. ; and parishes of Bishopstone, Denton, and Piddinghoe (Newhaven R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature aud Sufficiency). Well in Upper Chalk at Poverty Bottom, Newhaven. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 282,900 gallons, and a further 717,100 gallons per day could be obtained. PART I.: SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 205 Works. No filtration. Service reservoir: Bullock Hill, East Blatchington, 290,0 ) 30,0on gallons. Works. Filtration, 500 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs: Cwmavon, 10,250,000 gallons ; Nantymailor, 4,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Varteg, 500,000 gallons ; Panteg, 250,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient, Qitantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 580,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good annual chemical and quarterly bacteriological examination Hardness : (1) 7 "4; (2) 7 "9; (4) 8 '5; (5) 7 '5. No action on lead. Portishead District Water Company. Supplies Portisheud U.I), (part); and parts of parishes of Easton in Gordano, and Portbury (Long Asliton K.I).). Potcera. Portishead District Water Acts, 1875, 1883, and 1907. Limits. Portishead U.D. ; and parishes of Clapton, Easton in ( iordano, iWtlmry. \Veston in Gordano, and Wraxall (Long Ashton 1 1.!).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs and wells in Lias limestone at Failand and Carter ; (2) Portbury Well in New lied Sandstone. Yield not known. \\'<-lis. No filtration. Reservoirs: "Carter's," 226,000 gallons; Portbury Well, 240,000 gallons ; Failand, capacity not known. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 185,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (30th May 1911) that chemically the water is satisfactory. Hardness, (1) 25. No action on lead. Portmadoc Waterworks Company. Supplies Ynyscynhaiarn U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Llanfrothen and Penrhyndeudraeth (Deudraeth K.D.). Powers. Portmadoc Water Act, 1880. Limits. Ynyscynhaiarn U.D. ; and parishes of Llandecwyn, Llanfrothen, and Penrhyndeudraeth (Deudraeth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Lake Tecwyn, with gat liering ground, 200 acres ; (2) Springs above Tanrallt, near Treinadoc. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Pressure is sufficient, Qiinutity of Water supplied. The daily average is ] 73, 100 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Rather soft, but no action on lead. The Borough of Portsmouth Waterworks Company. Supplies Portsmouth C.B. (part) ; Ilavani U.D. (part); .WarblingtonUJX ; and parishes of Waterloo (Catherington R.D.j ; Cosham (part) ; Portchester (part) (Fareham R.D.) ; Bedhampton (part), Farlington, North Havant (part) (Havant R.D.) ; and West bourne (part) (Westbourne R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to the Hart Plain Estate, Ltd., who supply part of parish of Catherington (Catherington R.I ).). Powers. The Borough of Portsmouth Waterworks Acts, 1857, 1861 1868 1873 1879, 1883, 1890, 1896, and 1906 ; the Cosham, Havant, and Emsworth Water Order .1872 ; the Borough of Portsmouth Water Orders, 1898, 1902, and 1913. PART I. : SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 200 Limits. Portsmouth C.K ; llavant U.D. ; Warblington I'. I).; and. parishes of Waterloo (Catherington R.D.); Cosham, Portchester (Fareham li.D.); Bedhampton, Farlington, and North Havant (llavant K'.D.). Smirccs of Supply (Nature and Snj)iciem-y). -- Springs From C!halk at llavant and Bedhampton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is .S.i'lil ,IMID gallons \\'orks. Filtration, 624 gallons per square yard per day. Reservoirs : IWtsdown Hill, near Portsmouth, (a) 2,(>7(>,607 gallons ; (b) 2,686,521 gallons; (e) 4,<>o| !),SD gallons; (d) 4,030,400 gallons; (e) 313,805 gallons; (/) 1S7..SI-] gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water su pitied. The daily average is 5,742,0 gallons and 2,5.19,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Qiinlili/ of Water. Good monthly chemical and periodical bacteriological exami- nation. Hardness, 22. No action on lead. Rainham Waterworks Company, Ltd. -Supplies parts of parishes of Hartlip, Newington, Rainham, and Upchurcli (Milton H.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Milton R.D.C. Powers. Rainham Water Order, 1904. Limits. Parishes of Hartlip, Ramliam, and Upclmrch (Milton R.I).). of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}- Well and borehole in Lower Greensand, BaiTsgrave Field, Rainham. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 90,000 gallons, and a further 150,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Barrsgrave Field, 300,000 gallons; Orchard Street, Uainham, 100,000 gallons ; Matts Hill, 350,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 80,000 gallons and 10,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. (hinliti/ of Wnli-r. -Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (23rd .May 19131 that the water is satisfactory. Hardness, total, 1'0. No action on lead'; contains a trace of gypsum. Rainhill Gas and Water Company. Supplies parts of parishes of Rainhill and Winston (Whiston R.D.). Pincers Uainhill Gas and Water Act, 1870. Limits. Parish of Rainhill (Whiston R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Deep boreholes in red sandstone, Rainhill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 70,000 gallons, and a further 80,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Rainhill Top, 35,000 gallons. Pressure; is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 70,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (llth September 1 913) that the water is perfectly safe. Hardness : total, 17 ' 94 ; permanent, 11 ' 48. No action on lead. Rhymney and Aber Valleys Gas and Water Company. Supplies Bed was and Machen U.D. (part). Bedwellty U.D. (part), Caerphilly U.D. (part), Gelligaer U.D. (part), Mynyddislwyn U D (part) ; and part of parish of Van (Llandaff and Dinas Powis R.D.), and furnishes supplies in 'bulk to Rhymney U.D.C., Gelligaer U.D.C., Risca U.D.C. (see page 117), and Bedwellty U.D.C. (see page 14). Powers. Rhymuey and Aber Valleys Gas and Water Acts, 1898, 1905, and 1908. Limits. Bedwas and Machen U.D. (part) ; Bedwellty U.D. (part); Caerphilly U.D. (part) Gelligaer U.D. ; Mynyddislwyn U.D. (part) ; Rhymney U.D. (part) ; and parishes of Llangynidr (part) (Crickhowell R.D.), and Van (part) (Llandaff and Dinas Powis R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) River and streams, Rhymney Bridge; Springs from Pennant Grit: (2) Fochriw ; (3) Deri; (7) Senghenydd ; (4) Springs from sandstone, Llanbradach ; (5) Nantybrock Stream, Bedwas ; (6) Nant Cwm Ceffyll Stream, Abertridwr ; (8) Supply in bulk from Merthyr Tydfil T.C. (see page 9 9 ) The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1H 000 000 gallons; (2) 40,000 gallons; (3) 135,000 gallons ; (4) 76,000 gallons; (5) 54,000 gallons ; (6) 52,000 gallons ; (7) 45,000 gallons ; (8) 700 000 gallons. Works --Filtration, 400 gallons per square yard per day and mechanical niters. Storage reservoirs : Rhymney Bridge, (a) 9,000,000 gallons, (b) 12,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Darran, 1,500,000 gallons ; Llanbradach, 9,0( J gallons ; Seng- henydd 900000 gallons; Cwm Ceffyll, Abertridwr, 70,000 gallons; Caerphilly, 2 500 000 gallons ; Fochriw, 90,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. * A new reservoir is about to be constructed. 210 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. QiiantUi/ / Water supplied. The daily average is 1,602, 000 gallons and 500,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (loth January 1914) that the filtration of the water is efficient. Hardness : total, 3 ' 5 ; permanent, 2 0. No action on lead. Rickmansworth and Uxbridge Valley Water Company. Supplies Chorleywood U.J). (part ; Greenford U.D. ; Hayes U.I), (part); Rickmansworth U.I).; Yiewsley U.D. (part); and parts of parishes of Chalfont St. Peter, Chartridge, Great Missenden, Lee, Little .Missenden (Amershacn U.D.) ; Denham, Fnlmer, Horton,Iver, Wyrardisbury (Eton R.D.) ; Bovingdon, Flaunden, King's Langley (Hemel Hempstead R.D) ; Harlington, Harmonds- worth (Staines R.D.) ; Cowley, Harefield, Hillingdon East, Ickenham, Northolt, West Drayton (Uxbridge R.D.) ; Abbots Langley, Rickmansworth Rural, Sarratt, Watford Rural (Watford R.D.), and Hughenden (Wycombe R.D.). Powers. Rickmansworth Waterworks Act, 1884 ; Rickmansworth and Uxbridge Valley Water Acts, 1885 and 1900 ; Rickmansworth and Uxbridge Valley Water Order, 1906. Limits. Chorleywood U.D. (part) ; Greenford U.D. ; Hayes U.D. (part) ; Rickmans- worth U.D. ; Yiewsley U.D. ; and parishes of Chalfont, St. Peter, Great Missenden, Little Missenden (Amersham R.D.) ; Denham, Fulmer, Hedgerley, Hedgerley Dean, Horton, Iver, Wyrardisbury (Eton R.D.) ; Bovingdon, Flaunden, King's Langley (Hemel Hempstead R.D.) ; Harlington, Harmondsworth (Staines R.D.) ; Cowley (part), Harefield, Hillingdon East (part), Ickenham, Northolt (part), West Drayton (Uxbridge R.D.) ; Abbots Langley, Rickmansworth Rural, Sarratt (Watford R.D.) ; Hedsor and Wooburn (Wycombe R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Borings in Chalk at (1) Batchworth, Rickmansworth ; (2) Mill End, Rickmansworth ; (3) West Drayton ; (4) Great Missenden ; (5) Hnnton Bridge. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 634,000 gallons ; (2) 34,000 gallons ; (3) 436,000 gallons ; (4) 45,000 gallons ; (5) 4,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service resorvoirs : Heronsgate (a) 250,000 gallons, (b) 25,000 galkvis ; Bovingdon, 250,000 gallons. Prestvvood, Great Missenden, (a) 25,000 gallons ; (b) 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,153,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (15th November 1909) that bacteriologically the water is excellent. Hardness, 12. No action on lead. Royston Water Company, Ltd. Supplies Royston U.D. ; and part of parish of Bassingbourn (Melbourn R.D.). Powers Royston Water Order, 1897. Limits. Royston U.D. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Chalk, at Royston. The average daily quantity of water available is 100,000 gallons. Works.- No filtration. Storage reservoir, 200,000 gallons. Service reservoirs: The Mount, Four Tanks, 85,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 80,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (24th September 1909) that chemically the water is very pure. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Ruabon Water Company. Supplies parts of parishes of Esclusham Above, Pen y Cae, Rhosllanerchrugog, and Ruabon (Wrexham R.D.). Powers. Ruabon Water Act, 1870. Limits. Parishes of Esclusham Above, Pen y Cae, Rhosllanerchrugog and Ruabon (Wrexham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Trefechan Brook, with gathering ground, 1,565 acres, intake at Ruabon Mountain, Pen y Cae. Yield not known. Works. Mechanical filters. Storage reservoirs : Pen y Cae, (a) 12,000,000 gallons, (b) 22,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 500,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Ruthin Water Company. Supplies Ruthin B. (part). Powers Ruthin Water Act, 1868 ; Ruthin Water Order 1877. Limits. Ruthin B. (part) ; and parishes of Llanfwrog Rural, and Llanrhvdd Rura (Ruthin R.D.). PART I. : SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 211 Source of Supply (Naliur nml Si,< K )() gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical examination. Analyst remarks (21st October 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness : total, (>' '2 ; permanent, 2' 1. No action on lead. St. Albans Waterworks Company. Supplies St. Albans B. (part) ; and- parts of parishes of St. Michael Rural, St. Peter Rural, St. Stephen, and Sandridge Rural (St. Albans R.I).). Powers. St. Albans Waterworks Acts, 1865 and 1900; St. Albans Water Order, 1879. Limits. St. Albans B. ; and parishes of St. Michael Rural, St. Peter Rural, St. Stephen, and Sandridge Rural (St. Albans R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Deep borings in Chalk, Holywell Hill ; (2) Wells with adits in Chalk, Stonecross. The average daily quantity of water derived from (1) is 7lO,(iOO gallons; a further 730,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 384,000 gallons from (2), which is seldom used. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Stonecross (a) 488,400 gallons, (l>) 85,400 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 696,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (31st December 1913) that the water is highly satisfactory. Hardness: total, 21 '5; permanent, 2 ' 1. No action on lead. St. David's Water and Gas Company. Supplies parishes of Cathedral Close of St. David's, and St. David's (part) (Haverfordwest R.D.). Powers. St. David's Water and Gas Act, 1899; St. David's Water and Gas Order, 1903. Limits. Parishes of Cathedral Close of St. David's, St. David's, and Whitchurch (Haverfordwest R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Nine Wells. The average daily quantity of water available is 50,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Service reservoir : Llanridwn, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. , Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 10,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Soft, but no action on lead. Selsey Water Company. Supplies parts of parishes of Selsey and Sidlesham (West- hampnett R.D.). Powers. Selsey Water Act, 1907. Limits. Parishes of Hunston, North Mundham, Selsey, and Sidlesham (West- hampnett R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Supply in bulk from Chichester T.C. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 10,000 gallons. Works. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 10,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. See Chichester T.C., page 3(5. Sevenoaks Waterworks Company. Supplies Sevenoaks U.D. ; and parts of parishes of Riverhead, Seal, and Sevenoaks Weald (Sevenoaks R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Sevenoaks R.D.C. Powers. Sevenoaks Waterworks Act, 1878 ; Sevenoaks Orders, 1892, 1900. 1904, and 1908. Limits. Sevenoaks U.D. ; and parishes of Riverhead, Seal,_ and Sevenoaks Weald (Sevenoaks R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Wells m Lower Greensand, Oak Lane, Sevenoaks ; (2) Well and borings to Atherfield clay, near Kemsing Station. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 158,000 o-allons- (2) 76,000 gallons; a further 62,000 gallons per day could be obtained fvom(1), and 424,000 gallons from (2). _ Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Bayieys Mill, Sevenoaks \Veald. 380000 gallons; Tonbridge Road, Sevenoaks, 200,000 gallons; St. Lawrence, Seal, 100,000 gallons ; Oak Bank, Seal, 500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. A 0.198 3 212 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Quantity of Water suppli&l. The daily average is 222,000 gallons, and 12,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Walci:-- -Occasional chemical and frequent bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (Jlth May 1912) that bacterially the water is entirely satisfactory. Hardness: total, 15; permanent, 3 '5. No action on lead. Shepton Mallet Waterworks Company. Supplies Shepton Mallet U.I), (part), and parish of (Wcombe (part) (Shepton Mallet R.D.). Powers. Shepton Mallet Waterworks Acts, 1859 and 1876. Limits. Shepton Mallet U.I). Sources of Supply (Nature ami Sutlic.iency).- Springs from Old Red Sandstone, (1) Yelling Mill, (2) Windsor Hill, (3) Lapwing Farm, all in Shepton Mallet, The average daily quantity of water available from (1) and (2) is 96l>,000 gallons ; and from (3) 38,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Downside, 126,000 gallons; Mendip, 15,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 52, 000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of \\'alt'r. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (25th January 1912) that the water is good and fit for dietetic purposes. Hardness, 16. No action on lead. Sheringham Gas and Water Company. Supplies Sheringham U.D., and part of parish of Beeston Regis (Erpingham R.I).). I'ntcers. Sheringham Gas and Wafer Orders, 1888 and 1911; Sheringham (!as and Water Act, 181JS. Limits. Sheringham U.D., and parish of Beeston Regis (Erpingham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) springs, and (2) wells, in Chalk, Sheringham and Beeston Commons. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 96,000 gallons ; (2) 220,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs : Sheringham Common, High Level, 250,000 gallons ; Low Level, (a) 250,000 gallons, (6) 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient, Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 130,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (5th January 1914) that the water is quite satisfactory. Hardness: total, 14 '0; permanent, 5 '5. No action on lead. Sidmouth Water Company. Supplies Sidmouth U.D., and parts of parishes of Salcombe Regis and Sidbury (Honiton R.I).). Powers. Sidmouth Water Act, 1886. Limits. Sidmouth U.D., and parts of parishes of Salcombe Regis and Sidbury (Honiton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Greensand near Sidmouth. The average daily quantity of water available is 280,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 320 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs. Stintway, 100,000 gallons; Peak, 600,000 gallons; Woolbrook, 200,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 180,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical examination . Analyst remarks (4th November 1913) that the water is of excellent natural purity. Hardness: total, 2'1; per- manent, 0'9. No action on lead. Sleaford Water Company, Ltd. Supplies Sleaford U.D. (part). I 'outers Sleaford Water Act, 1879 ; Sleaford and District Water Order, 1906. Limits.- -Sleaford U.D. ; parish of Kirkby la Thorpe (Sleaford R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Oolite limestone at Sleaford. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 180,000 gallons, and a further 180,1 K)U gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Sleaford (a) 343,000 gallons, (1) 590,< >< >< i gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 120,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (5th August 1913) that the water is of average organic purity. Hardness : total, 22 '8 ; permanent, 7. No action on lead. Southend Waterworks Company Supplies Southend on Sea C.B. (part) ; and parts of parishes ol Uasddon, Bowers Gifford, Downham, Dunton, Great Bui-stead, Laindon, Lee Chapel, Little Burstead, Mountnessing, Nevendon, North Benfleet, Pitsea, Ramsden Bell PART I. : SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWEES. 213 house. Ramsdeu ('rays, Vange, \Viek ford i ISillericay K.I).), Kumvell (Chelmslord K.D.), F.ast \VOIK! , Hadleigh, Haw k\\ ell, .llockley, Kayieigh, Koch ford. South lieulleet, Snfion am) Thundersley (Uocliford U.I).); and furnishes supplies in hulk to Orselt U.D.C. and Rochford U.D.C. Powers. Southern! Waterworks Ads, 1S7H, 18 ( J4, L8'.S, 190-1, 1907, .1.1)10, and 1913. Limits. Soothend on SeaC.B. ; Shoeliuryness on Sea U.D. ; and parishes of Hasildon, Bowers Gifford, Downluun, Dunton, Great Burstead, Laindon, Lee Chapel, Little Bur- siead, Mountnessiug, Xevendon, North Beniieet, Pitsea, Kamsdeu Hellhuuse. 1,'anisden ('rays, Vange, Wickford i Billericay R.D.); Ash'mgdon, Barling, Canewdon, Canvey Island, Fastwood 'parti. Foulness, Great Stambridge, Great \Vakering i pan i. Hadleigh, llawkwell, llockley, Little Stainbridge, Little \Yakering pail), North Shoebury, I'a'jesham, Kawreth. Kayleigh, Koch ford. Shopland, South Benfleet, South Fambridge, Siitton, and '.rhundersley (Hoehford R.I).). Son /(<'* nj Supply i Ait/tnr ami Sn '//rl;x. Xo filtration. Storage reservoir: Fobbing, 17,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs: Thuudersley, 3,5oo,ooo gallons ; Hadleigh, 3,500,000 gaUons ; Prittlewell, .".I'MOiiu gallons; Leigh, 100,000 gallons; Great Burstead, .'injioo gallons; Laindon Hills, 100,000 gallons ; South Benfleet, 4-0,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. (in, i n/ili/ of Wnlci- fmiipUcd. The daily average is 2,050,000 gallons, and 900 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. OiniUti/ nj Water. Periodical clieinical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks cMth October 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness : Soutliend, total (i'.V, permanent - u ; Leigh on Sea, total 7, permanent 1; Billericay, total 5'2, permanent 1 ' 2. No action on lead. Slightly saline and alkaline. South Essex Waterworks Company.- --Supplies Harking Town U.D. (part), Brentwood U.D. (part), Grays Thin-rock U.l>., II ford T.l). (part), Romford U.D. (part), Tilbury IM). (p, and parishes of Childerditch (part), Hutton 'part). Little Warley (part), Slienfield (part), South Weald (part), West Horndon (part) (Billericay R.D.) ; Aveley (part), Corringham i part). East Tilbury (part), Horndon on the Hill (part), Laindon Hills (part), Little Thurrock, Mucking (part), North Ockendon (part), Orsett (part), South Ockendon (part), Stanford le Hope, Stifford, West Thurrock, West Tilbury (part) (Orsett, R.D.) ; Cranham (part), Pagenham (part), Great Warley (part), Havering atte Bower (part), Hornchurch (part), Noak Hill (part), Rainham (part), Upminster (part), and \\'ennington (Romford R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Romford R.D.C. Powers. South. Essex Waterworks Acts, 1861, 1882, and 1901. Limits. Barking Town U.D., Brentwood U.D., East Ham B., Grays Thurrock U.D., Ilford ['.!>., Romford U.D., Tilbury U.D. ; and parishes of Little Warley, South Weald (Billericay R.D.) ; Aveley, Bulphan, Corriugham, East Tilbury, Horndon on the Hill, Little Thurrock, Mucking, North Ockendon, Orsett, South Ockendon, Stanford le Hope, Stifford, West Thurrock, West Tilbury (Orsett R.D.) ; Cranham, Dagenham, Great Warley, Havering atte Bower, Hornchurch, Noak Hill, Rainham, Upminster, and Wennington (Romford R.D.). Sources of Supply (X) 488,000 gallons; Little Warley, () 325,000 gallons; Towers, 110,000 gallons; Barking Tower, 22,ooo gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,538,000 gallons and 900 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality oj Wafer. Good occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. 1 lardness total, 13 ' 15 ; permanent, 3 ' 8. No action on lead. South Hants Waterworks Company. Supplies Southampton C.B. (part), Eastleigh and Bishopstoke U.D. (part), Itchen U.D. (part), Romsey B. (part); and parts of parishes of Bishop's Waltham, Curdridge (Droxford R.D.), Hook with Warsash, Sarisbury (Fareham R.D.) ; Chandlers Ford, North Baddesley, Otterbourne (Hursley, R.D.) ; Brockenhurst (Lymiiigton R.D.) ; Colbury, Copythorne, Dibden, Eling, Lyiidhurst, Marchwood, Netley O 4 214 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Marsh (New Forest R.D.) ; Mitchelmerah, Nursling, Romsey Extra, Rownliams, Tinisbtuy (Romsey, R.D.) ; Bitterne, Botley, Bursledon, Chilworth, Hamble le Rice, Hedge End, Hound, Millbrook, North Stoneham, South Stonehani, West End (South Stoneham R.D.) ; Compton, Fair Oak, Stoke Park, and Twyford (Winchester R.D.). Powers. South Hants Water .lets, 1876, 1878, 1894, 1899, and 1910; Bishop's Waltham Water Order, 1894 ; Bishop's Waltham Water Act, 1913. . Limits. Southampton C.B., Eastleigh and Bishopstoke U.D., Itchen U.D., Ronisey B. ; aud parishes of Bishop's Waltham, Curdridge, Durley (Droxford R.D.) ; Crofton, Hook with Warsash, Sarisbury, Titchfield (Fareham R.D.) ; Ampfield, Chandlers Ford, Farley Chamberlayne, Hursley, North Baddesley, Otterbourne (Hursley R.D.); Brockenhurst (Lymington R.D.) ; Col bury, Copythorne, Dibden,' Eling, Exbury, Fawley, Lynd- hurst, Marchwood, Netley Marsh (New Forest R.D.) ; Mitchelmersh, Mottisfont, Nursling, Romsey Extra, Rownhams, Timsbury (Romsey R.D.); Bitterne, Botley, Bursledon, Chilworth, Hamble le Rice, Hedge End, Hound, Millbrook, North Stone- ham, South Stoneham, West End (South Stoneham R.D.) ; Compton, Fair Oak, Stoke Park, and Twyford (Winchester R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells and headings, in Chalk, at (1) Timsbury, Ronisey ; (2) Twyford, Winchester; (3) Northbrook, Bishop's Waltham. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 1,004,749 gallons; (2) 801,479 gallons; (3) 55,600 gallons; a further 400,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 1,200,000 gallons from (2). Works. Water is filtered. Service reservoirs : Mitchelmersh, (a) 800,000 gallons, (6) 600,000 gallons; Twyford, 600,000 gallons; Chilworth, 100,000 gallons ; 'Bishop- stoke, 40,000 gallons ; Hedge End, 50,000 gallons ; Bassett, (a) 600,000 gallons, (6) 1,250,000 gallons; Lyndhurst, 105,000 gallons; Yew Hill, Compton, 310,000 gallons ; Bitterne, 600,000 gallons ; Vernon Hill, 190,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,861,828 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical and quarterly bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (25th November 1913) that bacteriologically the water is satisfactory. Hardness : (after treatment) total, 6 ; permanent, 2 "8. No action on lead. South Hayling Water Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of North Hayling and South Hayling (Havant R.D.). Powers. South Hayling Water Order, 1895; Hayling Water Orders, 1898, 1900, and 1905. Limits. Parishes of North Hayling and South Hayling (Havant R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk at North Hayling. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 50,000 gallons, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs : Tanks, (a) 50,000 gallons, (b) 50,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Tower, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 50,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (13th December 1910) that chemically the water is highly satisfactory. Hardness : total, 8 "5 ; permanent, 7. No action on lead. South Kent Water Company. Supplies parts of parishes of Headcorn (Hollingbourne R.D.) ; East Peckham (Mailing R.D.) ; Brenchley, Capel, Hadlow, Horsmonden, Lamberhurst, and Peinbury (Tonbridge R.D.). Powers. South Kent Water Act, 1889 ; South Kent Water Order, 1910. Limits. Parishes of Headcorn (Hollingbourne R.D.) ; East Peckham (Mailing R.D.j ; Brenchley, Capel, Hadlow, Horsmonden, Lamberhurst (part), and Pembury (part) (Tonbridge R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Supply in bulk from Mid-Kent Water Company. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 212,700 gallons. Works. Service reservoir : Kippings Cross, Pembury, 125,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 212,700 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Watei: See Mid-Kent Water Company, page 202. South Lincolnshire Water Company* (in liquidation). Do not yet furnish any supplies. Powers South Lincolnshire Water Acts, 1906, 1909, and 1910. Limits. Holbeach U.D. (part), Long Button U.I), (part), Sutton Bridge U.D. (part) ; and parishes of Fleet (part), Gedney (part), Little Sutton (part), Whaplode (part) (East * Part of this undertaking is about to be sold to the Spalding Rural District Council. PART I. : SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 215 Elloe R.D.) ; Deeping St. Nicholas (part), .Moulton (part), Pinchbeck, and Western (part) (Spalding IU>.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sntjii-icuci/). -Borehole at College Farm, about 4 miles from Pinchbeck. Works. Not completed. South Lincolnshire Pen Water Company (in liquidation). Supplies part of parish of Deeping St. Nicholas (Spalding H.I).). Powers. Spalding Water Act, 11)00; Soutli Lincolnshire Water Act, 11)0!). Limits. Part of parish of Deeping St. Nicholas (Spalding R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature unit Sufficiency). Artesian borehole at Deeping St. Nicholas. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness and action on lead not known. South Oxfordshire Water and Gas Company. Supplies parishes of Streatley (part) (Bradfield H.D.) ; Bensington (part), Crowmarsh Clifford, Newnham Murren (part), North Stoke (part), South Stoke (part) (Crowmarsh R.D.) ; (Soring (part), Whitchurch (part) (Goring R.D.) ; Bix (part), Checkendon (part), Eye and Dnnsden (part), Ipsden (part), Kidmore End (part), Rotherfield Greys (part), Rotherfield Peppard (part), and Shiplake (part) (Henley R.D.). Powers. South Oxfordshire Water and Gas Act, 190."). Limits. Parishes of Streatley(Bradfield R.D.); Bensington, Berrick Salome, Crowmarsh Gifford, Dorchester, Ewelme, Mongewell, Newington, Newnham Murren, North Stoke, South Stoke, Warborough (Crowmarsh R.D.) ; Drayton St. Leonard (Culham R.D.) ; Goring, Mapledurham, Whitchurcli (Goring R.D.) ; Badgemore, Bix, Brightwell Baldwin, Britwell Prior, Britwell Salome, Checkendon, Cuxham, Eye and Dunsden, Harpsden (part), Ipsden, Kidmore End, Nettlebed, Nuffield, Pishill, Pyrton (part), Rotlierfield Greys (part), Rotherfield Peppard (part), Shiplake (part), Stonor, Swyncombe, \Vatlington (Henley R.D.) ; and Shirburn (Thame R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk at Goring. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 85,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Cleeve, Goring, 85,000 gallons ; Green- moon Hill, Woodcote, 140,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied.- The daily average is 85,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical examination. Analyst remarks (15th December 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness: total, 18; permanent, 2 '8. No action on lead. South Staffordshire Water Works Company. Supplies Burton upon Trent C.B. (part), Dudley C.B. (part), Smethwick C.B. (part), Walsall C.B. (part), West Bromwich C.B. (part) ; Brierley Hill U.D. (part), BrownhillsU.D. (part), Cannock U.D. (part), Coseley U.D. (part), Darlaston D.D., Lichfield B. (part), Oldbury U.D. (part), Perry Barr DJX (part), Quarry Bank U.D. (part), Rowley Regis U.D. (part), Sedgley I'.D. (part), Sutton Coldfield B. (part), Tipton U.D. (part), Wednesbury B. (part) ; and parishes of Hunnington (part), Romsley (part) (Bromsgrove R.D.) ; Essington (part), Hatherton (part), Huntington (part), Teddesley Hay (part) (Cannock R.D.) ; Dudley Castle Hill (Dudley R.D.) ; Cakemore (part), Cradley (part), Halesowen, Hasbury (part), Hawne (part), Hill (part), Lutley (part), (HalesowenR.D.) ; Kingswinford (part) (Kingswinford R.D.) ; Alrewas (part), Brereton (part), Burntwood Edial and Woodhouses (part), Fisherwick (part), Freeford (part), Fulfen (part), Hammerwich (part), Ogley Hay Rural (part), Shenstoiie (part), Streethay (part), Swinfen and Packington (part), Wall (part), Whittington (part) (Lichfield H.D.) ; Bretby (part), Drakelow (part) (Repton R.D.) ; Enville (part) (Seisdon R.D.) ;. Colwich (part) (Stafford R.D.) ; Barton under Needwood (part), Branston (part), Outwoods (part), Stretton (part), Wichnor (part) (Tutbury R.D.) ; Aldridge (part), Great Barr (part), Pelsall (part), and Rnshall (part) (Walsall R.D.) ;" and furnishes a supply in bulk to Cannock R.D.C. Powers. South Staffordshire Waterworks Acts, 1853, 1866, 1875, 1878, 1893, 1909, and 1913 ; South Staffordshire Waterworks Act Amendment Acts, 1857 and 1864 ; South Staffordshire Water Order, 1901; Dudley Waterworks Act, 1834; Dudley Waterworks (Amendment) Act, 1852 ; and Burton upon Trent. Water Act, 1861. Limits Burton upon Trent C.B., Dudley C.B., Smethwick C.B., Walsall C.B., West Bromwich C.B. ; Brierley Hill U.D., Brownhills U.D., Cannock U.I)., Coseley U.D. (part), Darlaston U.D., Lichfield B., Oldbury U.D., Quarry Bank U.D., Rowley- Regis U.D., Sedgley U.D. (part), Sutton Coldfield B., Swadlincote District U.D., Tipton U.D., Wednesbury B., and parishes of Hunnington, Romsley (Bromsgrove R.D.) ; Huntington (Cannock R.D.) ; Dudley Castle Hill (Dudley R.D.) ; Cakemore, Cradley, Halesowen, Hasbury, Hawne, Hill, llley, Lapal, Lutley (Halesowen R.D.) ; Hartshorn (Hartshorn and Seals R.D.) ; Kingswinford (part) (Kingswinford R.D.) ; Alrewas, Brereton, Burntwood Edial and Woodhouses, Curborough and Elmhurst, 210 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Fisherwick, Freei'ord, Fallen, Hammenvich, Ogley Hay Rural, Shenstone, Streethay, Su-iiil'cn and Packington, Wall, Weeford, Whittington (LicMeld R.D.) ; Brctby, Castle Gresley, Caldwell, Drakelow, Findern, Linton, Newton Solney, Rcpton, \Villington (lieptou R.D.) ; Hints (Tamworth R.D.) ; Barton under Needwood, Branston, Outwoods, Stretton, Wichnor (Tutbury R.D.) ; Aldridge, Great Barr, Pelsall, and Rushall (Walsall R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Small streams and tunnel in rock, with gathering ground, 9 square miles, Cannock Chase and Lichlield ; (2) Well, Huntington, near Cannock; (3) Well, Moors Gorse, near Rugeley ; (4) Well, Fradley, near Lichrield ; (5) Well, Shenstone ; (6) Boreholes, Ashwood, Kingswinford ; (7) Well, Uinksford, Kingswinford ; (8) Well, Bourne Vale.-near Aldridge ; (9) Boreholes, Trent Valley, near Li chfield ; (10) Boreholes, Brindley Bank, near Rugeley ; (11) Boreholes, Pipe Hill, near Lichlield. All in New Red Sandstone formation. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1)2,897,295 gallons; (2) 454,303 gallons; (3) 1,400,564 gallons; (4) 1,026,808 gallons; (5) 1,130,645 gallons; (6) 2,885,363 gallons; (7) 1,414,196 gallons; (8) 1,504,207 gallons; (9) 1,529,676 gallons; (10) 628,948 gallons; (11) 1,818,788 gallons. A further 102,705 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 769,355 gallons from (5), 114,637 gallons from (6), 470,324 gallons from (9), 121,452 gallons from (10), and 181,212 gallons from (11). Works. Mechanical niters at (10) only. Storage reservoirs : Stowe, 55,000,000 gallons; Minster, 2,000,000 gallons; Hanch, 32,000,000 gallons ; Walsall, .",2,000,0(10 gallons. Service reservoirs: Scout House, Hednesford, 10,000,000 gallons; Barr Beacon, 10,000,000 gallons ; Burton on Trent, 4,000,000 gallons; Shavers End, nrar Dudley, 5,000,000 gallons; Langley, 1,000,000 gallons; Wednesbury, 1,000.000 gallons; Sedgley Beacon, 339,000 gallons; Cawney Hill, 100,000 gallons; Springs Mire, Dudley, 3,250,000 gallons; Turners Hill, 20,000 gallons; Wmehiil, 50,000 gallons ; Romsley, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 16,6 45, 203 gallons and 15,5; gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good bi-monthly chemical and occasional bacteriologies examination/ Hardness: (1) total, 13'2; permanent, 8'8; (2) total, 11 "1 permanent, 5'8; (3) total, 5'6; permanent, 4'1; (4) total, 19'8 ; permanent, 1.5'2 (5) total, 12'8; permanent, 6'2 ; (6) total, 10 '6 ; permanent, 5'1; (7) total, 17 "6 permanent. 7 ' 1 ; (8) total, 7 '2; permanent, 3 ' 8 ; (9) total, 13; permanent, 6 '6 (10) total, I!' 8; permanent, 6'8; (11) total, ]0'2 ; permanent, 5' 0. No actioi on lead. South West Suburban Water Company. Supplies Egham U.D. (part) ; Feltham U.D. (part) Hayes U.I), (part); Southall Norwood U.D. (part); Staines U.D. (part); Windlesham U.D. (part) ; and parishes of Chobham (part), Thorpe (part) (Chertsey R.D.) ; Winklicld (part) (Easthampstead R.D.) ; Ashford (part), Cranford (part), East Bedfont (part), Stauwell (part) (Staines R.D.) ; Old Windsor (part), Sunningdale, and Sunningliil" (part) (Windsor R.D.). Powers. Norwood, Middlesex, Water Orders, 1878 and 1880; Sunningdale Distric Water Act, 1877 ; South West Suburban Water Acts, 1883 and 1908 ; South Wes Suburban Water Orders, 1893 and 1900. Limits. -Egham U.I). ; Feltham U.D. ; Southall Norwood U.D. ; Staines U.I). Windlesham U.D. ; and parishes of Chobham, Thorpe (Chertsey R.D.) ; Winkfield (Easthampstead R.D.) ; Ashford, Cranford, East Bedfont, Hanworth, Laleham, Stairwell (Staines R.D.) ; Old Windsor, Sunningdale, and Sunninghill (Windsor R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Thames, intake at Egham Causeway. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,500,000 gallons, and a further 1,500,000 gallons per clay could be obtained. Works. Filtration, 392 gallons per square yard per day. Service reservoirs Chavey Down, Winkfield, 120,000 gallons ; Englefield Green, Egham, 120,000 gallons- Towers, (a) Southall Norwood, 300,000 gallons, (b) Charing Down, Winkfield, 75,01 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,500,000 gallons. Supply constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical and fortnightly bacteriological examinatic Analyst remarks (5th January 1914) that the water is excellent. Hardness, 15. No action on lead. Southwold Water Works Company, Ltd. Supplies South wold B. (part) ; and parish of Reydon (part) (Ely thing R.D.). Potters. Southwold Water Orders, 1886 and 1904. Limits. Southwold B. ; and parishes of Easton Bavents, and Reydon (Birthing R.D.). Sources of S><]>ply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Crag, (1) Common, South- wold ; (2) Quay Lane, Reydon ; (3) Alder Carr, Reydon. The' average daily quantity PART I. : SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 217 of water obtained is 57,090 gallons ; a further 42,000 gallons penlay could he obtained from (1), 70,000 gallons from (2), and 104,000 gallons Irom Works. No nitration. Storage reservoir: Soutluvold, 45,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied.- -The daily average is 57,090 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical and periodical bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (28th July 11)13) that the water is pure and wholesome. Hardness : total, 20 ; permanent, 6. No action on lead. Staffordshire Potteries Waterworks Company. Supplies Stoke on Trent C.H. (part) ; Kidsgrove U.D. (part); Newcastle under Lyme B. (part); Smallthorne U.D. (part); Wolstanton United U.I"), (part) ; and parts of parishes of Caverswall, Cheddlelon, Korshr. >ok (Cheadle R.D.) ; Baguall, Endon and Stanley, Longsdon, Norton in the Moors (Leek It. I).) ; Clayton, Keele (Newcastle under Lyme R.D.) ; Stoke Rural (Stoke on Trent It.D.) ; Barlaston. Eccleshall, Fulford, Stone Rural, Swynnerton, and Trentliam (Stone R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Alsager U.D.C. (see page 4), Kidsgrove I'.D.C. (occasionally) (sec page 72), Wolstanton United U.D.C., Congleton R.D.C., Newcastle nnder Lyme R.D.C., Sir Delves Broughton, who supplies part of parish of Chapel and Hill Chorlton (Newcastle under Lyme R.D.). ; and Sir Thomas Salt, who supplies part of parish of Standon (Stone R.D.). Powers. Staffordshire Potteries Waterworks Consolidation and Extension Act, 1853 ; Staffordshire Potteries Waterworks Amendment Act, 1861 ; Staffordshire Potteries Waterworks Acts, 1868, 1888, and 1912. Limits. Stoke on Trent C.B. ; Audley U.D. ; Kidsgrove U.l). ; Newcastle under Lyme B. ; Smallthorne U.D. ; Stone U.D. ; W'olstanton. United U.I). ; and parishes of Asliley (Blore Heath R.D.) ; Caverswall, Checkley (part), Cheddleton, Dilhorne, Draycott in the Moors, Forsbrook (Cheadle R.D.) ; Bagnall, Endon and Stanley, Horton, Longsdon, Norton in the Moors (Leek R.D.) ; Chapel and Hill Chorlton, Clayton, Keele, Madeley, Maer, Whitmore (Newcastle under Lyme R.D.) ; Stoke Rural (Stoke on Trent R.D.) ; Barlaston, Eccleshall, Fulford, Hilderstone, Standon, Stone Rural, Swynnerton, and Trentham (Stone R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from New Red Sandstone and Millstone Grit, Wall Grange, Longsdon ; (2) Well in New Red Sandstone, Meir, Caverswall; (3) Well in Millstone Grit, Stockton Brook, Norton in the Moors ; (4) Wells in New Red Sandstone, Hatton, Swynnerton ; (5) Spring from New Red Sandstone, Normacot, Longtoii ; (0) Spring from New Red Sandstone, Sutherland, Longtou. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 2,000,000 gallons; (2) 1,080,000 gallons; (3) 600,000 gallons; (4) 3,800,000 gallons; (5) 70,000 gallons ; (6) 50,000 gallons ; and a further 2,200,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (4). Work-s. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Tittesworth, 222,313,000 gallons. Deep Hayes, Cheddleton, 104,687,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Hauclmrch, Swynnerton, 3,000,000 gallons ; Birches, Milton, 2,200,000 gallons; Meir, Longtou, 650,000 gallons ; Goldenhill, 750,000 gallons ; Brownedge, Norton in the Moors, 890,000 gallons ; Newcastle, Stoke on Trent, 210,000 gallons; Normacot, Longton, 220,000 gallons; Sutherland, Longton, 540,000 gallons; Redheath, Keele, 60,000 gallons; Leycett, Madeley, 11,000 gallons; Keele, 11,000 gallons ; Bagnall, 30,000 gallons ; Roughclose, Fulford, 10,000 gallons ; Oulton, Stone Rural, 44,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 7,600,000 gallons, and 25,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (March 1 that the water is excellent. Hardness : (1) total 7 "84, permanent 6 "4; (2) 12-5, permanent 5 '7; (3) total 9 '74, permanent 84 5-3 5'9; (5) total 7-42, permanent 6' 9 on lead. total (4) total 9 ' 32, permanent (6) total 10'16, permanent 6 '9. No action Stapleford and Sandiacre Water Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Sancliacre (Shardlow R.D.), and Stapleford (Stapleford R.D.). Powers. Stapleford and Sandiacre Water Act, 1889. Limits. Parishes of Sandiacre (Shardlow R.D.) and Staplefprd (Stapleford R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and borehole in Boater Sandstone, Station Road, Sandiacre. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 120,000 gallons. Worlis. No nitration. Service reservoir : Sandiacre, 100,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 120,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness : total, 23 ; permanent, 6 ' . No action on lead. 218 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Steynmg and District Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Bramber, Steyning, and Upper Beeding (Steyning West R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Steyning West R.D.C. Powers. Steyning and District Water Orders, 1897 and 1900. Limits. Parishes of Bramber, Steyning, and Upper Beeding (Steyning West R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and headings in Chalk, Upper Beeding. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 60,000 gallons, and a further 180,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Upper Beeding Hill, (a) 123,000 gallons, (b) 200,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 44,700 gallons, and 15,300 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Stroud Water Company. Supplies Nailsworth U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Cainscross, Chalford, Horsley, King's Stanley, Leonard Stanley, Minchinhampton, Pains- wick, Pitchcombe, Rodborough, Stonehouse, Thrupp, Whiteshill, Woodchester (Stroud R.D.), Eastington, and Frocester (Wheatenhurst R.D.). Powers. Stroud Water Act, 1882. Limits. Nailsworth U.D. ; and parishes of Bisley with Lypiatt, Cainscross, Chalford, Horsley, King's Stanley, Leonard Stanley, Minchinhampton, Painswick, Pitchcombe, Randwick, Rodborough, Stonehouse, Thrupp, Whiteshill, Woodchester (Stroud R.D.), Avening (Tetbury R.D.), and Eastington (Wheatenhurst R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Upper Lias formation, Chalfor The average daily quantity of water available is 400,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Minchinhampton Common (a) 1,000; gallons, (6) 4,500,000 gallons ; Painswick, 1,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 300,000 gallons. Supply generally constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (20th January 1914) that the water is well suited for drinking purposes. Hardness : (after treatment) total 5 '6, permanent 1 ' 1. No action on lead. Sunderland and South Shields Water Company. Supplies South Shields C.B. ; Sunderland C.B. ; Hebburn U.D. (part) ; Jarrow B. ; Seaham Harbour U.D. ; Southwick on Wear U.D. ; and parishes of Burdon (part), Cold Hesledon (part), Dalton le Dale (part), Easington (part), East Murton (part), Hawthorn (part), Seaham, Seaton with Slingley (part), Shotton (part) (Easington R.D.) ; Newbottle (part), Silksworth (part) (Houghton le Spring R.D.); Boldon (part), Boldon Colliery, Harton, Monkton (part), Whitburn (part) (South Shields R.D.) ; Bishopwearmouth Without, Ford, Fulwell, Hylton, Ryhope, and Tunstall (Sunderland R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Houghton le Spring U.D.C., Chester le Street R.D.C Easington R.D.C., and Houghton le Spring R.D.C. Powers. Sunderland and South Shields Waterworks Act, 1852 ; Sunderland and " nd ds ) South Shields Waterworks Act Amendment Act, 1859 ; Sunderland and South Shiel Water Acts, 1868 and 1891. Limits. South Shields C.B. ; Sunderland C.B. ; Felling U.D. ; Hebburn U.D. : HettonU.D. ; Houghton le Spring U.D. ; Jarrow B. ; Seaham Harbour U.D. ; Southwick on Wear U.D. ; and parishes of Barmston, Bourn Moor, South Biddick, Usworth, Washington (Chester le Street R.D.) ; Burdon, Cold Hesledon, Dalton le Dale, Easington, East Murton, Haswell, Hawthorn, Seaham, Seaton with Slingley, Shotton (Easington R.D.) ; East and Middle Herrington, Great Eppleton, Little Eppleton, Moorsley, Morton Grange, Newbottle, Offerton, Painshaw, Silksworth, Warden Law, West Herrington (Houghton le Spring R.D.) ; Boldon, Boldon Colliery, Harton, Monkton, Whitbum (South Shields R.D.) ; Bishopwearmouth Without, Ford, Fulwell, Hylton, Ryhope, and Tunstall (Sunderland R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells and boreholes in Magnesian Limestone and underlying sand (Permian formation) : (1) Burdon ; (2) Cleadon ; (3) Dalton; (4) Fulwell; (5) Hawthorn; (6) Humbledon ; (7) North Dalton; (8) Ryhope; (9) Seaham ; (10) Seaton; (11) Shotton; (12) Stonygate ; (13) Thorpe. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 146,000 gallons; (2) 27,000 gallons; (3) 1,292,000 gallons; (4) 787,000 gallons ; (5) Nil; (6)472,000 gallons; (7)1,552,000 gallons; (8) 931,000 gallons; (9) Nil; (10) 446,000 gallons; (11)671,000 gallons; (12) 1,098,000 gallons; (13) 1,098,000 gallons. A further 160,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (2), 450,000 gallons from (3), 400,000 gallons from (5) 290,000 gallons from ((3), 100,000 gallons from (8), 250,000 gallons from (9), 200,000 gallons from (10), and 100,000 gallons from (11). PART I.: SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 219 Works. -No filtration. Service reservoirs: Cleadon, 1,920,000 gallons; Dalton, 3,976,000 gallons ; Downhill, .",,084,000 gallons; Fnhvell, 1,457,000 gallon* ; Humble- don (Low), 791,000 gallons, (High) 1,165,000 gallons; Murton, 297,000 gallons; Kyhopp, 3,635,000 gallons; Seaham (North) 186,000 gallons, (South) 512,000 gallons; Seaton, 2,889,000 gallons; Stonygate, 3,040,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Qiiuutjtu <>f \Vdlcr supplied The daily average is .S,:5i;;i,0) total 28. permanent 13 '7; (7) total 25-5, permanent 8 "8; (8) total 26 '3, permanent 11 '5; (9) total 23, permanent 8; (10) total 25 '4, permanent IT 9; (11) total 24 '9, permanent 8 "7; (12) total 25 ' 4, permanent 9 ' 7 ; (13) total 21 '6, permanent 9 '9. No action on lead. Sutton District Water Company. Supplies Carslialton U.I), (part) ; Mertou and Morden U.D. (part); Sutton U.D. ; and parishes of Beddington, Wellington, Woodmanstern), (Croydon R.I).), Banstead (part), Cheam (part), Cuddington (part), Ewell (part) (Epsom R.D. and Kingswood (part) (Reigate R.D.). Powers. Sutton District Waterworks Acts, 1871, 1887, 1903, and 1906 ; Sutton District Waterworks Order, 1910. Limits. Carshalton U.D. ; Merton and Morden U.D. (part) ; Sutton U.D. ; and parishes of Beddington, Wallington, Woodmansterne (Croydon R.I).) ; Banstead, Cheam, Cuddington, Ewell (Epsom R.D.) ; and Kingswood (Reigate R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Wells and adits in Chalk, Carshalton Road, Sutton ; (2) Borings in Chalk, Chipstead Bottom, Woodmansterne. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 1,520,369 gallons ; (2) 483,333 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Sutton, 500,000 gallons ; Carshalton, 1,000,000 gallons; Banstead (a) 36(1,00(1 gallons, (b) 470,000 gallons, (c) 20,000 gallons (tower) ; Woodmansterne, 1,385,000 gallons ; Beddington, 1,000,000 gallons ; Kingswood, (a) 25,000 gallons (tower), (b) 250,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,003,702 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Chemical and bacteriological examinations of (1) monthly, and (2) quarterly. Analyst remarks (December 1913) that the water is excellent. Hardness (after softening): (1) total 7 '3, permanent 5 '3; (2) total 6 '2, permanent 2 ' 6. No action on lead. Swaffham Water Company, Ltd. Supplies Swaffham U.D. (part). Powers. Swaffham Water Order, 1891. Limits. Swaffham U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and borehole, 230 feet, in Chalk, at Swaffham. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 60,000 gallons, and a further 120,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Tower at Swaffham, 16,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Qiiantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 30,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hard. Tendring Hundred Waterworks Company. Supplies Frmton on Sea U.D. ; Harwich B. ; Walton on the Naze U.D. ; and parts of parishes of Beaumont with Mo/e, Bradfield, Great Holland, Great Oakley, Kirby le Soken, Lawford, Little Clacton, Manningtree, Mistley, Uamsey, Tendring, Thorpe le Soken, and Wix (Tendring R.D.). Powers. Tendring Hundred Waterworks Acts, 1884, 1886, and 1901 ; Tendring Hundred Water and Gas Act, 1912. Limits. Frinton on Sea U.D. ; Harwich B. ; Walton on the Naze LV). ; and parishes of Dedham (Lexden and Winstree R.D.) ; Ardleigh, Beaumont with Moze, Bradfield, Great. Holland, Great Oakley, Kirby le Soken, Lawford, Little Bentley, Little Bromley, Little Clacton, Little Oakley, Manningtree, Mistley, Ramsey, Tendring, Thorpe le Soken, Weeley, Wix, and Wrabness (Tendring R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Chalk, (1) Mistley, (2) Lawford. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 53,000 gallons, (2) 621,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Dovercourt tanks, (a) 222,000 gallons, (b) 75,000 gallons ; Frinton on Sea, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. 220 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Qunnfiti/ of \Vater supplied. The daily average is 449,000 gallons. Supply is constant. ninilily <>f Rioter; Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (20th July 1913) that the water is of the highest degree of organic and bacterial purity. Hardness : --total, 20; permanent, 6. No action on lead. Thirsk District Water Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Boltby, Carl ton Miniott, Felixkirk, Newsham with Breckenbrough, South Otterington, Sowerby, Thirsk, and Thornton le Moor (Thirsk R.D.). Powers. Thirsk District Water Orders, 1879 and 1884. Limits. Parishes of Boltby, Carlton Miniott, Felixkirk, Sowerby, and Thirsk (Thirsk R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland gathering ground of 800 acres, Boltby, near Thirsk. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Boltby, 30,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 274,000 gallons. Supply is constant, Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (24th August 1912) that the water may be safely used for drinking. Hardness: total, 2 "9; permanent, 2 ' 7. Action on lead not known. Thorne and District Water Company. Supplies parts of parishes of Hatfield and Thorne (Thome R.D.). Pmcers. Thorne and District Water Act, 1910. Limits. Parishes of Fishlake, Hatfield, Stainforth and Thorne (Thorne R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and bores in Red Sandstone at Hatfield. The average daily quantity of water available is 132,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Hatfield, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Not known.* Quality of Water. Annual chemical examination. Analyst remarks (14th Januai 1914) that the water is suitable for a public supply. Hardness: total, 8 '8 permanent, 5. No action on lead. Tilehurst, Pangbourne, and District Water Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Pangbourne, Pnrlcy, Theale, Tidmarsh, Tilehurst (Bradfield R.D.), and Whitchurcl (Goring R.D.). Powers. Tilehurst, Pangbourne, and District Water Orders, 1894, 1896, 1899, and 1901. Limits. Parishes of Englefield, Pangboume, Parley, Sulham. Theale, Tidmarsh, Tilehurst (Bradfield R.D.), and Whitchurch (Goring R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk at Tilehurst. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 69,354 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Tilehurst, 180,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Thr daily average is 69,354 gallons. Supply is constant Quality of Water. Very good. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Tonbridge Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies Tonbridge U.D. (part) ; parts of parishe of Leigh (Sevenoaks R.D.), Hildenborough, and Tonbridge Rural (Tonbridge R.D.). ' I'.nccrs. Tonbridge Water Orders, 1886 and 1900. Limits. Tonbridge U.I). ; parishes of Shipbourne (Mailing R.D.), Leigh (Sevenoal R.D.), Hildenborough, and Tonbridge Rural (Tonbridge R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells through clay into gravel am borehole (350 feet) into Ashdown Beds, Old Race Course Meadows, Tonbridge. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 650,00<) gallons. Works. Pressure filters. Storage reservoir : Tonbridge, 800,000 gallons. Service reservoirs: Quarry Hill, Tonbridge, 500,000 gallons; Hangman's Hill, Tonbridge (two) 120,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 650,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (2nd December 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness: total, 18 '5; permanent, 8 '5. No action on lead. * Works only recently completed PART I. : SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 221 Totland Water Company. -Supplies part of parish of Totland (Isle of Wight IM>.). I'mn-rx. Totland Waterworks Act, 1890. Limits. Part of parish of Totland (Isle oF Wight KM).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland surfaces, about '.)o ;>crcs " Headon Beds," Head on Hill, Totland. The average daily quantity of water available is 4-2,850 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Storage reservoirs :----! leadou Hill, in) !! 1,000 galkns, (l>) 165,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. of Water supplied. The daily average is 20,000 gallons. Supply is constant. of Water. Annual chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (June and December 1913) that the water is good. Hardness: total, 12; permanent, 2. No action on lead. Trowbridge Water Company. Supplies Melksham U.D. (part) ; Trowbridge U.I), (part) ; and parishes of Hilperton, Melksham Without (part), Semington (part), Staverton (part) (Melksham R.I).), North Bradley (part), Soutlnvick (part), and West Ashton (part) (Westbnry and \Vhorwellsdown R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Bradford on Avon K.D.O.. Melkaham R.D.C., and Westbury and Whorwellsdown R.D.C. 1'oin'r*. Trowhridge Water Acts, 1873 and 1878. Limits. Melksham U.D. ; Trowbridge U.D. ; and parishes of Westwood, Winkfield (Bradford on Avon R.D.), Hilperton, Melksham Without, Somington (Melksham R.D.), Jleywood, North Bradley, and Southwick (Westbury and Whorwellsdown R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature- and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from Chalk, Biss Bottom, Upton Scudamore ; (2) Well in Malmstone, Biss Bottom, Upton Scudamore. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 408, .10(1 gallons, (2) '500,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir: Dilton, 250.000 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 494,130 gallons and 4,100 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good monthly bacteriological examination. Hardness, 16. No action on lead. Truro Water Company. Supplies Truro B. (part) ; and parish of St. Clement Rural (part) (Truro R.D.). L' Truro Water Acts, 187") and 190."); Truro Water (Extension of Time) Act, 1878. Limits. Truro B. ; and parishes of St. Clement Rural, and St. Erme (Truro R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Trevella Stream, St. Erme; (2) Penair Spring, St. Clement. Yield not known. Works. Filtration, 312 gallons per square yard per day, and pressure filters Service reservoirs : Mitchell Road, Truro, (a) 528,000 gallons, (b) 300,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 269,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (1 7th December 1913) that bacterially the water is of excellent quality. Hardness, 4. No action on lead. Uckfield Water Company. Supplies Uckfield U.D. ; and parts of parishes of Framfield and (ittle Horsted (Uckfield R.D.). Power*. Uckfield Water Act, 1888 ; Uckfield Water Order, 1902. Limits. Cck Held U.D. ; and parishes of Buxted (part), Fletching, Framfield, 1 1 ad low Down, Isfield, Little Horsted, and Maresfield (Uckfield R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two wells and artesian borings in Ashdown Sand, Hempstead Lane, Buxted. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 60,000 gallons, and a further 40,000 gallons per day could be obtained. \Yin-k-s. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Hempstead Lane, 250,000 gallons; Tower, Browns Lane, 15,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 60,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality' of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (September 1910) that chemically the water is excellent. Soft and acts on lead, but iron pipes are used. uppingham Waterworks Company. Supplies part of parish of Uppingham (Uppingham R.D.). Powers. Uppingham Waterworks Act, 1876. Limits. Parish of Uppingham (Uppingham R.D.). 222 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Wells at Uppingham ; (2) Well in gravel, Welland Valley, four miles from TTppingham. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 12,000 gallons; (2) 200,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. vStorage reservoir: Uppingham, 100,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Uppingham, 30,000 gallons ; Stockerston Road, Uppingham, 300,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 47,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (18th August 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness: total, 16' 1; permanent, 9'1. No action on lead. TTsk Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies Usk U.D. (part) ; and parish of Llanbadoc (part) (Pontypool R.D.). Powers. Usk Water Order, 1890. Limits. Usk U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Gwehelog, Llanbadoc, and Monkswood (Pontypool R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Upper Silurian and Old Red Sandstone, Pandy Field, Goytre. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 40 ,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness, 6 '9. No action on lead. The Ventnor Gas and Water Company. Supplies Ventnor U.D. ; and parts of parishes of Bonchurch, and St. Lawrence (Isle of Wight R.D.). Powers. Ventnor Gas and Water Act, 1866 ; Ventnor Gas and Water Order. 1879. Limits. Ventnor U.D. ; and parishes of Bonchurch and St. Lawrence (Isle of Wight R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Chalk, The Downs, Ventnor. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : The Downs, 150,000 gallons. Pressui is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied Supply is intermittent. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (28th October 1913) that bacterially the water is very satisfactory. Hardness :- total, 18 '6 C ; permanent, 5 '8. No action on lead. Wantage Water Company, Ltd. Supplies Wantage U.D. (part) ; and parishes of Charltoi (part), and Grove (Wantage R.D.). Powers. Wantage Water Order, 1876. Limits. Wantage U.D. ; and parishes of Charlton, Grove, and West Locking (Wantage R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs in tunnels in Berkshir Downs, H miles from Wantage ; (2) Two artesian wells, Manor Road, Wantage Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Service reservoirs : Manor Road, (a) 8,000 gallons, (b) 7,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Periodical bacteriological examination. Analyst remark? (12th February 1914) that the water is of good quality for drinking and domestic purposes. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Weardale and Consett Water Company. Supplies Annfield Plain U.D. (part) ; Benfieldsidt U.D. (part); Blaydon U.I), (part); Brandon and Byshottles U.D. (part); Chester le Street U.D. ; Consett U.D. ; Crook U.D. (part) ; Durham B. ; LeadgateU.D. (part) ; Shildon U.I). Spenuymoor U.D. (part) ; Stanley U.D. (part) ; Tarifield U.D. ; Tow Law U.D. Whickharo U.D. (part) ; Willington U.D. (part) ; and parishes of Auckland St. Andrew (part) Auckland St. Helen (part), Binchester (part), Byers Green (part). Coundoii, Coundon Grange (part), Eldon (part), Escomb, Evenwood and Barony (part), Helmington Row (part), Hunwick and Helmington (part). Lynesack and Softley (part), Merrington (part), Middlestone (part), Middridge (part), Middridge Grange (part), Newfield (part), Newton Cap (part), North Bedburn (part), Old Park (part), Pollard's Lands, West Auckland (part), Westerton, Whitworth Without, Windlestone (part), Witton le Wear (part) (Auckland R.D.) ; Cocken (part), Edmondsley (part), Harraton (part), Lamesley (part), Ouston (part), . Pelton (part), Plawsworth (part), Urpeth (part), Waldridge (part), Witton Gilbert (part), (Chester le Street R.D.) ; Redworth (part) (Darlington R.D.) ; Bearpark (part), Beln.ont (part), Brancepeth (part), Broom, Cassop cum Quarrington (part), Coxhoe (part), Fram- PART I.: SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 223 wellgate Moor (part), Hett (part), Kimblo>?worth (part), Neville's Cross, Pittington (part), St. Oswald's (part), Sherburn (part), Shinclifl'e (part), Sunderland .Bridge (part) (Durham R.D.) ; Medley (part) (Ilexham R.D.) ; East Rainton (part), Moor House, West, Rainton (part) (Houghton le Spring U.D.); Cornsay (part), Cragheaa (part), Ebchester (part), Esh (part), Greencroft (part), Heal ey field (part), Hedleyhope (part), Knitsley (part), Lanchester (part), Langley 'part), Medomslcy (part), Muggleswick (part) (Lanchester II. 1).) ; Bishop Middlehain, Chilton, Cornforth, Ferryhill (part), Alainsforth, Thrislington (Sedgefield R.D.) ; and Wol- singham (part) (Weardale R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in hulk to Bishop Auckland U.D.C. (see page 18), Auckland R.D.C., Chester le Street R.D.C., Durham R.D.C., Sedgefield B.D.C., Lambton and Hetton Collieries, Ltd., who supply pails of parishes of Shadforth ; Sherburn (Durham H.D.), and Raisby Hill Quarries, who supply part of parish of Garmonds- way Moor (Sedgefield R.D.). Powers. Weardale and Shildon District Waterworks, Acts, 1866, 1875, and 1879 ; Consett Waterworks Acts, 1860, 1869, 1894, and 1902 ; Weardale Water Act, 1902 ; Blaydon and Ryton Water (Transfer) Act, 1908. Limit*. Annfield Plain U.D. ; Benfieldside U.D. ; Bishop Auckland U.D. ; Blaydon U.D. (part); Brandon and Byshottles U.D. ; Chester le Street U.D. ; Consett U.D. ; Crook U.D. ; Durham B. ; Leadgate U.I). ; Shildon U.D,. ; Spennymoor U.D. ; Stanley U.D. ; Tanfield T'.D. ; Tow Law U.D. ; Whickham U.D. (part) ; Willington U.D. ; and parishes of Auckland St. Andrew, Auckland St. Helen, Binchester, Byers Green, Coundon, Coundon G-range, Eldon, Escomb, Evenwood and Barony, Hamsterley, Helmington Row, Hunwick and Helmingtoii, Lynesack and Softley, Merrington, Middlestone, Middridge, Middridge Grange, Newfield, Newton Cap. North Bedburn, <>ld Park, Pollard's Lands, South Bedburn, West Auckland, Westerton, Whitworth Without, Windlestone, Witton le Wear (Auckland R.D.) ; Cocken, Edmondsley, Lamesley (part), Ouston, Pelton, Plawsworth, Urpeth, Waldridge, Wittou Gilbert (Chester le Street R.D.) ; Heighington, Redworth (Darlington R.D.) ; Bearpark, Belmont, Braiicepeth, Broom, Cassop cum Quarrington, Coxhoe, Framwellgate Moor, Hett, Kimblesworth, Neville's Cross, Pittington, St. Oswald's, Sherburn., Sherburn House, Shincliffe, Sunderland Bridge, Whitwell House (Durham R.D.) ; Kelloe (Easington U.D.); Bedley, Ncwlands, Shotley Low Quarter, Whittonstall (Hexham R.D.) ; East Raintou, Moor House, West Rainton (Houghton le Spring R.D.) ; Cornsay, Craghead, Ebchester, Esh, Greencroft, Healeyfield, Hedleyhope, Knitsley, Lanchester, Langley, Medomsley, Muggleswick, Satley (Lanchester R.D.) ; Bishop Middleharn, Chilton, Corn- forth, Ferryhill, Garmondsway Moor, Mainsforth, Thrislington, Trimdon (Sedgefield R.D.) ; and Wolsingham (Weardale R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Gathering ground, 6,000 acres, on River Wear watershed ; (2) Gathering ground, 3,000 acres on River Derwent watershed; (3) Well in Millstone Grit, near Blanchland. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 6,417,901 gallons, and a further 322,099 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Filtration, 430 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs: \Vaskerh\v, 450,000,000 gallons; Tunstall, 520,000,000 gallons; Smiddy Shaw, 305,000,000 gallons ; Hisehope, 106,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs: Horsegate, Chopwell, 580,000 gallons; Barlow, 150,000 gallons ; Victoria, Garesfield, 45,000 -aliens; Consett, 1,500,000 gallons; Loud Hill, Annfield Plain, 660,000 gallons; Stanley, 750,000 gallons; Flint Hill, Dipton, 330,000 gallons ; Burnhope, Lanchester, 330,000 gallons; Plawsworth, 175,000 gallons; Sacriston, 260,000 gallons; Auton, Durham, 2,330,000 gallons ; Mount Joy, Durham, 750,000 gallons; Tow Law, 700,000 gallons; Mount Pleasant, Crook, 3,000,000 gallons; Billy Row, Crook, 2,000,000 gallons ; Stockley, Brancepeth, 2,000,000 gallons ; North Beeohburn, 3,000,000 gallons ; Spennymoor, 600,000 gallons; Ferryhill, 2,000,000 gallons; Westerton, 130,000 gallons; Etherley, 1,000,000 gallons; Shildon, 3,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 6,332,853 gallons and 85,048 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Oimlity of Water.- Good. Hardness, 3. Water from sources d) and (2) acts on lead, and is treated with ground lime. West Cheshire Water Company. Supplies Bromborough U.D. ; Ellesmere Port and Whitby I'D ; Higher Bebington U.D. (part); Lower Bebington U.D. ; Neston and Parkgate U.D. (part)' ; and parishes of Capenhurst (part), Chorlton by Backford (part), Great Saughall, Little Saughall (part), Little Stanney (part), Shotwick (part), Shotwick Park, Stoke, \Voodbank (part) (Chester R.D.) ; Arrowej Barnston (part), Brimstage, Burton, Childer Thornton, East- ham, (layton, Great Sutton, Heswall cum Oldfield, Hooton, Irby (part), Landican, Ledsham, Little Sutton, Ness, Noctorum, Pensby, Poulton cum Spital, Prenton, Puddington, Raby, Storeton, Thingwall, Thornton Hough, Thurstaston, Upton by Birkenhead, Willaston, Woodchurch (Wirral R.D.). A 0.198 '' 224 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Powers. West Cheshire Water Acts, 1884 and 1911 ; West Cheshire Water Order, 1894. Limits. Bromborough U.D. ; Ellesmere Port and Whitby U.D. ; Higher Bebington U.D. ; Lower Bebington U.D. ; Neston and Parkgate U.D. (part) ; and parishes of Capenhurst, Great Saughall, Little Saughall, Little Stanney, Shotwick, Stoke, Woodbank (Chester R.D.) ; Arrowe, Barnston, Brimstage, Burton, Childer Thornton, Eastham, Gayton, Great Sutton, Heswall cum Oldfield, Hooton, Irby, Landican, Ledsham, Little Sutton, Ness, Noctorum, Pensby, Poulton cum Spital, Prenton, Puddington, Raby, Storeton, Thingwall, Thornton Hough, Thurstaston, Upton by Birkenhead, Willaston, Woodchurch (Wirral R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).^ Boreholes in New Red Sandstone, Hooton, near Chester. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,062,121 gallons, and a further 400,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Water is filtered and softened. Reservoir : Tower at Heswall, 100,000 gallons, and Tower at Ellesmere Port, 200,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,062,121 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (15th December 1913) that the water is of the highest degree of organic and bacterial purity. Hardness: total, 8 '5; permanent, 1'5. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Westgate and Birchington Water Company. Supplies parts of parishes of Acol, Birching- ton, and Westgate on Sea (Isle of Thanet R.D.). Powers. Westgate and Birchington Water Acts, 1879 and 1900. Limits. Parishes of A'col, Birchington, and Westgate on Sea (Isle of Thanet R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells and adits in Chalk at Westgate on Sea. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 209,674 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Tower at Westgate on Sea, 30,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 209,674 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (14th January 1914) that chemically the water is satisfactory. Hardness : total, 20 ' 9 ; permanent, 4 ' No action on lead. West Gloucestershire Water Company. Supplies Kingswood U.D. (part) ; and parishes of Nettleton (part) (Chippenham R.D.) ; Acton Turville, Chipping Sodbury (part), Dodington (part), Doynton (part), Filton (part), Frampton Cotterell (part), Great Badminton, Hawkes- bury (part), Horton (part), Old Sodbury (part), Stoke Gifford (part), Tormarton (part), Westerleigh (part), Wick and Abson (part), Wickwar (part), Winterbourne (part), Yate (part) (Chipping Sodbury R.D.) ; Corston (part), Keynsham (part), Newton St. Loe (part), Saltford (part), Whitchurch (part) (Keynsham R.D.) ; Sopworth (Malmesbury R.D.); Didmarton (Tetbury R.D.) ; Almondsbury (part), Alveston (part), Olveston (part), Redwick and Northwick (part), Thornbury (part), Tytherington (part) (Thornbury R.D.) ; Bitton (part), Hanham Abbots (part), Mangotsfield (part), Oldland (part), and Siston (part) CWarmley R.D.). PowersWest Gloucestershire Water Acts, 1884, 1887, 1899, 1902, 1909 and 1914; West Gloucestershire Water Order, 1911. Limits. Kingswood U.D. ; and parishes of Nettleton (Chipponham R.D.), Acton Turville, Alderley, Chipping Sodbury, Dodington, Doynton, Dyrham and Hinton, Filton, Frampton Cotterell, Great Badminton, Hawkesbury, Horton, Iron Acton, Little Sodbury, Old Sodbury, Pucklechurch, Stoke Gifford, Tormarton, Wapley and Codrington, Westerleigh, Wick and Abson, Wickwar, Winterbourne, Yate (Chipping Sodbury R.D.), Chelwood, Chew Magna, Chew Stoke, Norton Malrewanl, PuMow, Stanton Drew (Glutton R.D.),"* Kingswood (part), Wotton Tinder Edge (part) (Dursley R.D.), Burnett, Compton Dando, Corston, Kelston, Keynsham, Newton St. Loe, North Stoke, Queen Charlton, Saltford, Whitchurch (Keynsham R.D.), Sopworth (Malmeslmry R.D.), Didmarton (Tetbury R.D.), Alkington, Almondsbury, Alveston, Berkeley, Breadstone, Charfield, Cromhall, Elberton, Ham and Stone, Hamf allow, Henbury (part), Hill, Hinton, Littleton upon Severn, Olveston, Redwick and Northwick, Rorkhampton, Thornbury, Tortworth, Tytherington (Thornbury R.D.), Bitton, Hanham Abbots, Mangotsfield, Oldland, and Siston (Warmley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Millstone Grit, Frampton Cotterell ; (2) Wells in Pennant formation, Cowhorn, Warmley ; (3) Well in Pennant formation, California, Oldland. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 798,000 gallons ; (2) 260,000 gallons ; (3) is not yet in use. IS L4)' , f The parishes in Glutton R.D. are exchided from the limits of supply by the Act of 1914. PART I. : SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 225 Works. Mechanical filters. Service reservoirs: -Kingsvvond (llnprwdl Mill), './) 2,250,1 II H) Dillons, (b) 1(10,01)0 gallons; Old Sodbuiy, 75,000 gallons ; IVlly Krance, 1(1,00(1 gallons; Thornlmry, 5(i,000 gallons; Whitchurdi, (KMIOO Callous. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,058,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (22nd December 1913) that bacterially the water is well adapted for a public supply. Hardness : (1) 10 "0, (2) 28 (18 after softening). No action on lead. West Hampshire Water Company. Supplies Bournemouth C.B. (part) ; Christchurch B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Christchurch East, Highcliffe, Boldenhurst, Hum (Christ- church R.D.) ; llordle, Milford on Sea, Milton, and Pennington (Lymington R.D.). Poioers.West Hampshire \Vak-r Acts, 1893, 1902, and 1913. Limtte. Bournemouth C.B. (part) ; Christchurch B. ; and parishes of Christchurch East, Highcliffe, Holdenhurst (part), Burn, Sopley (Christchurch R.D.) ; Boldre, Hordle, Milford on Sea, Milton, Pennington, Rhinefield, Sway (Lymington R.D.) ; and Ringwood (Ringwood R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Avon, intake at Knapp Mill, Christchurch The average daily quantity of water obtained is 297,000 gallons, but the supply is unlimited. Works. Filtration, 335 gallons per square yard per day, and pressure filters. Service reservoirs : St. Catherine's Hill, Hurn, 150,000 gallons ; tower at Southbourne, -10,000 gallons ; tower at New Milton, 220,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 297,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Fortnightly bacteriological and quarterly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (November 1913) that bacteriologically the water is excellent. Hardness : 14. West Surrey Water Company. Supplies Chertsey U.D. (part) ; Walton upon Thames U.D. (part); Weybridge U.D. (part); and parts of parishes of Byfleet (Chertsey R.D.) and Shepperton (Staines R.D.). Powers West Surrey Water Acts, 1869, 1877, 1888, and 1901. Limits. Chertsey U.D. ; Walton upon Thames U.D. ; Weybridge U.D. ; and parishes of Byfleet (Chertsey R.D.), Cobham (part) (Epsom R.D.), Littleton, and Shepperton (Staines R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Thames, intake near Walton Bridge, Walton upon Thames. The average daily quantity of water which may be taken is 3,000,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 102 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Walton Bridge,, (a) 16,000,000 gallons, (b) 16,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : St. George's Hill, Walton, (a) 250,000 gallons, (b) 1,750,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,080,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical and quarterly bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks that chemically (4th December 1913) the water is very good and bacterially (6th November 1913) it is very satisfactory. Hardness : total, 14 ; permanent, 3 ' 5. No action on lead. Wetherby District Water Company. Supplies parts of parishes of Bardsey cum Rigton, Boston Spa, Bramham cum Oglethorpe, Clifford, Collingham, East Keswick, Kirk Deighton, Linton, Micklethwaite, Scarcroft, Thorner, Thorp Arch, Walton, and Wetherby (Wetherby R.D.). Powers. Wetherby District Water Acts, 1899 and 1900; Wetherby District Water Order, 1901. Limits. Parishes of Angram, Bardsey cum Rigton, Bickerton, Bilton, Boston Spa, Bramham cum Oglethorpe, Clifford, Collingham, Cowthorpe, Dunkeswick, East Keswick, Harewood, Button Wandesley, Kearby with Netherby, Kirkby Overblow, Kirk Deighton, Linton, Little Ribston, Long Marston, Micklethwaite, North Deighton, Rigton, Scar- croft, Sicklinghall, Spofforth with Stockeld, Thorner, Thorp Arch, Tockwith, Walton, Weardly, Weeton, Wetherby, Wighill, Wigton, Wilstrop, Wothersome, and Wyke (Wetherby H.D.). Source ~<>f Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Millstone Grit, Bardsey. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 140,000 gallons, and a further 100,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Part of the water is filtered. Service reservoirs : Bardsey, 121,570 gallons ; Scarcroft, 28,437 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 140,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (1908) that chemically the water is remarkably pure. Bardness, 7 ' 5. No action on lead. P 2 220 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Weymouth Waterworks Company. Supplies Weymoutli and Melcombe Regis B. ; and parishes of Broadway (part), Chickerell (part), Preston, Radipole (part), Upway (part), and Wyke Regis (part) (Weymouth R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Weymoutli R.D.C. Powers. Weymouth Waterworks Acts, 1855 and 1897. Limits. Weymouth and Melcombe Regis B. ; and parishes of Broadway, Chickerell, Preston, Radipole, Upway (part), and Wyke Regis (Weymouth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Chalk, Button ' Poyntz, Preston. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 894,210 gallons, and a further 2,105,790 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Preston, 300,000 gallons ; Wyke Regis, 500,000 gallons ; Rodwell, 250,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. T\\.Q daily average is 893,090 gallons and 1,120 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (6tli February 1913) that the water is of a high degree of purity. Hardness, 15. No action on lead. Wey Valley Water Company. Supplies Farnham U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Binsted, Grayshott (Alton R.D.) ; Dockenfield, Farnham Rural, Frensham, Seale, Shotter- mill (Farnham R.D.) ; Puttenham, Wanborough (Guildford R.D.) ; Fernhurst, Linchmere, North Ambersham (Midhurst R.D.) ; Bramshott (Petersfield R.D.). Powers. Wey Valley, Frimley and Farnham Water Act, 1898 ; Wey Valley Water Orders, 1905 and 1913. Limits. Farnham U.D. (part) ; and parishes of Bentley, Binsted, Grayshott, Headley, Kingsley (Alton R.D.) ; Dockenfield, Farnham Rural, Frensham, Seale (part), Sliottermill (Farnham R.D.) ; Puttenham, Wanborough (Guildford R.D.) ; Fernhurst, Linchmere, North Ambersham (Midhurst R.D.) ; and Bramshott (Petersfield R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Three wells in Lower Greensand, Hindhead ; (2) Supply in bulk from Frimley and Farnborough District Water Company (see page 192). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 81,000 gallons, (2) 150,000 gallons, and a further 269,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1). Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Hindhead, Tower Road, 25,000 gallons ; London Road, (a) 30,000 gallons, (6) 320,000 gallons, () 400,000 gallons. Pressure is siifficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 231,01)0 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (21st April 1911) that chemically the water is quite satisfactory. Hardness, (1) 2 '8. No action on lead. Whitby Waterworks Company. Supplies Whitby U.I >. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Aislaby, Egton, Eskdaleside cum Ugglebarnby, and liawsker with Stainsacre (Whitby R.D.). Powers. Whitby Waterworks Act, 1864 ; Whitby Water Act, 1895. Limits. Whitby U.D. ; and parishes of Aislaby, Eskdaleside cum Ugglebarnby, Fylingdales, Hawsker with Stainsacre, and Newholm with Dunsley (Whitby R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from sandstone : (1) Wheeldale Moor; (2) Randymere ; (3) Sleights Moor. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 370,000 gallons, and a further 840,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Randymere, 13,000,000 gallons ; Sleights Moor, 45,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Sneaton Castle, Ruswarp, 288,000 gallons. Pressure is sxifficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 370,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness .-total, 9'3 C ; permanent, 2 '2. No action on lead. Isle of Wight Waterworks Company. Supplies Sandown U.D. (part) ; Shanklin U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Brading and Newchurch (Isle of Wight R.D.). Powers. Isle of Wight Waterworks Act, 1861. limits Sandown U.D; ; Shanklin U.D. (part) ; and parishes of Brading, Newchurch (Isle of Wight R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Yar, intake near Alverstone. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs : Sandown, 2,000,000 gallons; Brading Down, 250,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient, Quantity of Water suppliedThe daily average is 350,000 gallons. Supplv is constant. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness : total, 8 ' 4 ; permanent. 2 '9. No action on lead. PART I. : SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 227 Winchester Water and Gas Company. Supplier Winchester 1} ; and parts of parishes of Chilcomb Without and Weeke Without (Winchester R.D.). Powers. Winchester Water and das Acts, 1865 and 1903; Winchester Water and Gas Order, 1888. Limits. Winchester B. ; and parishes of Avington, Chilcomb Without, Easton, Headbourne Worthy, Itchen Abbas, King's Worthy, Martyr Worthy and Weeke Without (Winchester R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Chalk, liomsey Road, Winchester. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 710,4-52 gallons, is constant. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs: Romsey Road, (a) 472,000 gallons, (6) 230,001) gallons, (c) 13,600 gallons; Sarum Road, 50,000 gallons; Teg Down, Winchester, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. . Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 710,452 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness:- -total, 16 '52; permanent, 3'29 J . No action on lead. Windermere District Gas and Water Company. Supplies Windermere IJ.D. (part); and parts of parishes of Troutbeck and Undenuillberk (South Westmorland R.U.). Powers. Windermere District Waterworks Act, 1869 ; Windermere District Gas and Water Acts, 1889 and 1912. Limits. Windermere U.D. ; and parishes of Troutbeck and Undermillbeck (South Westmorland R.D.). Source of Supply (Mature and Sufficiency). Dubbs Beck stream, Applethwaite. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir: Applethwaite, 24,150,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Alice Howe, Windermere, 55,000 gallons.' Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 300,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Soft ; acts slightly 011 lead but is not treated. Wirral Waterworks Company. Supplies Birkenhead C.B. (part). Pmcers. Wirral Waterworks Acts, 1859 and 1911. Limits. Birkenhead C.B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells and boreholes in New Red Sandstone, Prenton Valley, near Birkenhead. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,181,000 gallons, and a further 400,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Prenton Hill, upper, 600,000 gallons, lower, 1,800,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,181,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (16th December 1913)" that the water is well adapted for a public supply. Hprdness : total, 14; permanent, 5 '5. No action on lead. Wisbech Waterworks Company. Supplies Downham Market U.D. (part) ; March U.D. (part) ; Walsoken U.D. (part) ; Wisbech B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Downham West, Fincham, Marham, Stow Bardolph, Watlington, Wiggenhall St. German, Wiggenhall St. Mary Magdalen, Wiggenhall St. Mary the Virgin, Wimbotsham (Downham R.D.) ; Emneth* Outwell, Terrington St. John ; Tilney St. Lawrence, Tilney with Islington, Up well, Walpole St. Peter, West Walton (Marshland R.D.) ; Doddington, Wimblington (North Witchford R.D.) ; Elm, Leverington, Outwell, and Upwell (Wisbech R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Chatteris U.D.C. and North Witchford R.D.C. Powers. Wisbech Waterworks Act, 1864; Wisbech Water Orders, 1876 and 1884; Wisbech Water Acts, 1901 and 1907. Limits. Downham Market U.D. ; March U.D. ; Walsoken 1 .1). ; Wisbech B. ; and parishes of Bexwell, Crimplesham, Denver, Downham West, Fincham, Fordham, Hilgay, Marham, Runcton Holme, Ryston, Shouldham. Shouldham Thorpe, South Runcto'n, Stow Bardolph, Stradsett, Tottenhill, Wallington with Thorpland, Watlington, Wiggenhall Si. German, Wiggenhall St. Mary Magdalen, Wiggenhall St. Mary the Virgin, Wiggenhall St. Peter, Wimbotsham, Wormegay (Downham R.I).); Setchey (Freebridge Lynn R.D.) ; Emneth, Outwell, Terrington St. John, Tilney St. Lawrence, Tilney with Islington, Upwell (Norfolk), Walpole St. Peter, West Walton (Marsh- land R.D.) ; Doddington, Wimblington (North Witchford R.D.) ; Elm, Leverington, Newton, Outwell, Parson Drove, Tydd St. Giles, Upwell (Cambs.), and Wisbech . St. Mary (Wisbech R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Chalk, Marham. Yield not known, but. the supply is unlimited. A 0.198 1 J ;t 228 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. No reservoirs. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 5,138,160 gallons, and 50,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: total, 17; permanent, 4 ' 6. No action on lead ; contains traces of magnesia. Woking Water and Gas Company, Supplies Wokiug U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Bisley, Pyrford (Chertsey R.D.); East Claudou, East llorsley, Merrow, Ockham, Pirbright, Send and Ripley, West Clandon, West Horsley, Wisley and Worplesdon (Guild ford R.D.) ; and furnishes an occasional supply in bulk to Guild ford T.C. (see page 57). Powers. Wokiug Water 'and Gas Acts, 1881, 1885, and 1899; Surrey and Hants. District Waterworks Act, 1887 ; Frimley and Farnborough District Water Act, 1893. Limits. Woking I'.D. ; and parishes of Bisley, Pyrford (Chertsey H.D.) ; East Clandon, East Horsley, Merrow, Oekham, Pirbright, Send and Ripley, West Clandon, West Horsley, Wisley and Worplesdon (Guildford H.D.,). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Chalk : (1) Dapdune, near Guildford; (2) West Clandon; (3) West Horsley; (4) Well in gravel, Chertsey; (5) River Thames, intake at Laleham. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 121,000 gallons; (2) 208,000 gallons; (3) 73,000 gallons; (4)311,000 gallons; (5) nil. A further 379,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 92,000 gallons from (2), 77,000 gallons from (3), 697,000 gallons from (4), and 3,000,000 gallons from (5). Works. Filtration, at (4) only 800 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs : Laleham, (a) 1 ,000,000 gallons, (b) 1,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Clandon (three), 1,000,000 gallons; Onslow, 30,000 gallons; Newlands, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 709,968 gallons, and occasional supplies in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent quarterly chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness: (1) total, 15 "75; permanent, 2 ' 8 ; (2) total, 15 '5; permanent, 5 ' ; (3) total, 17 '0; permanent, 7'0; (4) total, 20 ; permanent, 4 '5. No action on lead. Wokingham District Water Company, Ltd. Supplies Wokingham B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Binfield, Easthampstead, Warfield (Easthampstead R.D.) ; Wokingham Without (Wokingham R.D.). Powers. Wokingham District Water Orders, 1878 and 1901. Limits. Wokingham B. ; and parishes of Binfield, Easthampstead, Warfield (Easthampstead R.D.) ; Wokingham Without (Wokingham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Wells, 365 feet, in Chalk, Toutley ; (2) Well, 440 feet, in chalk, Finchampstead Road. The average daily quantity of wafer derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 144,000 gallons ; (2) 64,000 gallons ; a further 144,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 8,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Buckhurst Hill, Wokingham, (a) 100,000 gallons ; (6) 100,000 gallons ; (c) 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 208,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness : - (1) 16 ' 5 ; (2) 6 ' 0. No action on lead. Woodbridge District Water Company. Supplies Woodbridge U.D. (part^ ; and part of parish of Melton (Woodbridge R.D.). Powers. Woodbridge District Water Act, 1900. Limits. Woodbridge U.D. (part) ; and part of parish of Melton (Woodbridge R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well in Crag, 84 feet; (2) Bored well, 274 feet, through London Clay and Reading Beds to Chalk, Bredfield Road, Melton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 65,000 gallons, and a further 140,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Pressure filters. Service reservoir: Tower at Melton, 45,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 65,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Monthly chemical and periodical bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks that chemically (4th March 1911) and bacteriologically (23rd Septem- ber 1910) the water is perfectly satisfactory. Hardness : (1) total, 15 '8. No action on lead. Woodford Halse Water Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Woodford cum Membrib (Daventry R.D.j. Powers.- -Woodford Halse Water Order, 1902. Ltmtte. -Pariah of Woodford cum Membris (I (Daventry R.D.). PART I. : SECTION III. COMPANIES WITH SPECIFIC POWERS. 229 Source of Supply (Nature and Stifficii'm-i/).- -Well at Woodford Hill, Woodford liaise. The average daily quantity of water available is 10,000 gallons. Works No filtration. Reservoirs : Woodford Hill, (a) 23,000 gallons, (b) 8,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. (htaiililii of Water supplied. The daily average is 9,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Duality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Woodhall Spa Gas and Water Company. Supplies Woodhall Spa U.D. (part). Powers. Woodhall Spa ((las and Water) Act, 188!). Limits. Woodhall Spa U.D. ; and parishes of Kirkstead, Martin, Roughton (Horncastle R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Moorland stream, intake at Tattershall Thorpe. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 51,000 gallons. Works. Water is fdtered. Reservoir : Tor O'Moor, 120,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. (iiinntlti/ of Water supplied. The daily average is 51,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality <>/' Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (30th January 1911) that bacteriologically the water is satisfactory. Hardness and action on lead not known. Wrexham and East Denbighshire Water Company. Supplies Wrexham B. ; and parishes of " Dodleston (part,), Eaton, Eceleston, Lower Kinnerton, Marlston cum Lache (part). Poulton, Pulford i Chester R.D.); Hope (part), Llanfynydd (part), Marford and Hoseley (part) (Hawarden H.D.) ; Aldford (part), Buerton, Churton by Aldford (part), Churton Heath, Huntington (part), Lea Newbold (part), Saighton (part) (Tarvin R.D.) ; Abenbury Fawr (part), Acton, Allington (part), Bersham (part), Borras Hovah, Borras Riffre, Hroughton (part), Burton (part), Erthig, Esrlusham Above (part), Esclusham Below, Eyton (part), Gourton (part), Gresl'ord, (I \vcrsyllt (part), Llay (part), Marchwiel, Roy ton, Sesswick, and Stansty (Wrexham H.D). Powers. Wrexham. Waterworks Acts, 1864, 1874, 1880, and 1902; Wrexham Waterworks Order, 1898. I /i mils. \Vrexham B. ; and parishes of Dodleston, Eaton, Eceleston, Lower Kinnerton, Poulton, Pulford (Chester R.D.) ; Higher Kinnerton, Hope, Llanfynydd, Marford and Hoseley (Hawarden R.D.) ; Bangor (Overtoil R.D.) ; Aldford, Buerton, Churton by Aldford, Churton by Farndon, Churton Heath, Farndon, King's Marsh, Lea Newbold, Saighton (Tarvin R.D.) ; Abenbury Fawr, Acton, Allington, Bersham, Bieston, Borras Hovah, Borras Riffre, Broughton, Burton, Caeca Dutton, Dutton Driffeth, Dutton y Bran, Erbistock, Erlas, Erthig, Esclusham Below, Eyton, Gourton, Gresford, Gwersyllt (part), Holt, Llay, Marchwiel, Pickhill, Ridley, Royton, Sesswick, Stansty, and Sutton (Wrexham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Two boreholes, 650 feet, in Millstone Grit ; (2) Pentrebychan Brook, with gathering ground of 1,500 acres at Pentrebychan Hall, Esclusham Below. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 170,000 gallons; (2) 610,000 gallons; a further 120,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 390,000 gallons from (2). Works. Filtration, 400 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoirs: Packsaddle, Esclusham Below, 2,100,000 gallons ; Ty ma'wr, 130,000,000 gallons ; Cae Llwyd, Esclusham Above, 40,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Gronwen, 692,000 gallons; Talwrn, Esclusham Above, 85,000 gallons; Packsaddle, 520,000 gallons ; Marford Hill, 265,000 gallons ; Bryn y gaer, Hope, 40,000 gallons ; Saighton Tower, 18,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 795,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (27th June 1913) that the water is quite satisfactory. Hardness, 6 ' 9. No action on lead. Yeadon Waterworks Company. Supplies Rawdon U.D. (part) ; Yeadon U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Esholt and Hawksworth (W r harfedale R.D.). Powers. Yeadon Waterworks Acts, 1870 and 1889. Limits. Rawdon U.D. ; Yeadon U.D. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Moorland gathering ground, 600 acres. The average daily quantity of water available is 500,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs: Reva, Hawksworth, 100,000,000 gallons: Yeadon Moor, 4,000,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 180,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Soft ; acts on lead and is treated with lime. P 4 230 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. York Waterworks Company. Supplies York C.B. ; and parishes of Bishopthorpe (part), 1 h-ingliouses Without (part), Middlethorpe Without (part) (Bishopthorpe R.I).); Water Without (part), Huntington (part) and furnishes supplies in bulk to Acts, 1846 and 1876; York Waterworks of Bishopthorpe, I >ringhouses Without, Middle- I; Heslington, Water Fulford (Eserick R.U); Without, Huntington, Osbaldwick, Tcnvthorpe Fulford (Eserick R.D.) ; Earswick (part), Heworth (Flaxton R.I).); and Acomb (Great Ousebnrn K.D.) Bishopthorpe R.D.C. and Flaxton R.D.C. Powers. York New Waterworks Act,, 1895. Limits.- -York C.B. ; and parishes thorpe Without (Bishopthorpe R.D.) Clifton Without, Earswick, Heworth (Flaxton R.D.); and Acomb (Great ()nsel)iirn R.I.).). Source of Supply (Nature anil Sufficiency). River Ouse, intake at Acomb landing. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,784,000 gallons. Works. Filtration, 184 gallons per square yard per day and pressure filters. Storage reservoirs: Severns Hill, near Acomb, 2,000,000 gallons; tower, 300,000 gallons (in course of construction). Pressure. is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,764,500 gallons, and 19,500 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Waiter. Daily chemical and bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (December 1913) that the water is pure. Hardness: total, 11 '4; permanent, >}'(>. No action on lead. PAKT I. : SECTION IV. COMPANIES WITHOUT SPECIFIC POWERS. SECTION IV. -COMPANIES WITHOUT SPECIFIC POWERS. Addingham Waterworks Company.- -S^c Bradford T.C. (page 22 1. All Stretton Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of All Strctton (Church Stretton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Moorland spring on Longmynd Range. The average daily quantity of water available is 8,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir at All Stretton, 400,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water Supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness under 4. No action on lead. Avon Dassett Water Company.-- -Supplies part of parish of Avon-Dassett (Farnborough R.D.). Soiirrffi of Sii]>ply (Nature and Sufficiency), Spring near Avon Dassett. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Tank at Avon Dassett, 5,000 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Wider xiippl ied. The daily average is 4,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Berrow Water Company. See Burn ham U.D.C. (page 29). Bloxham and District Water Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Bloxham, Bodicote, East Adderbury, Milton, and West Adderbury (Banbury R.D.). Source.i of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Marlstone near Cumberford, Bloxham. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 4,000 gallons, and a further 40,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Hobb Hill, Bloxham, 55,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity <>( Water supplied. The daily average is 4,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (May 1912) that the water is of satisfactory organic and bacterial purity. Hardness: total, 18' 7; permanent, 2 '8. No action on lead. Bourne Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies Bourne IT. D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency), Artesian wells at Bourne. Yield not known. \\'orl;x. No filtration. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Bradley Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Bradleys Both (Skipton R.D.). Sou ire* of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Moorland spring from grit, Bradleys Both. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 11,520 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Bradleys Both, 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness : total, 2 ; permanent, 2. No action on lead. Burford Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Burford, Upton and Signet (Witney R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Tadpole spring near Burford. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 40,000 gallons, and a further 200,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Tanners Lane, Upton, 120,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Qua iitity of Water supplied. The daily average is 40,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (3rd June 1911) that' chemically the water is quite suitable. Hardness: total, 18 '5; permanent, nil. No action on lead. Burniston Water Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Burniston and Cloughton (Scarborougl i R . I ). ) . Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at stone quarries, Cloughton. Yield not known. 232 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : dough ton, capacity not known. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (12th November 1912) that the water is remarkably free from organic contamination. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Burton in Lonsdale Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Biirton in Lonsdale (Settle E.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from limestone, Stainderber Farm. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs near Burton in Lonsdale, (a) 11,000 gallons, (fc) 11,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Fair. Quality of Water. Good. Rather hard, and no action on lead. Callington Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies Callington U.D. (part) ; and part of parish of Stoke Climsland (Launceston R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from granite, Kit Hill, 1| miles from Callington. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 16,000 gallons, and a further 34,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Service reservoirs : Callington, (f Supply (Nctture and Sufficiency). Springs from flint gravel and Greensand, about one mile from Chideock. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,000 gallons, and a further 3,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Worm. No filtration. Service reservoir : Chideock, 12,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. -Annual chemical examination. Analyst remarks (22nd July 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Soft, but galvanised iron pipes used. The water contains a trace of iron. Chirk Water Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Chirk (Chirk R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sujjii-icm-y). Springs from Millstone Grit, near New Hall Farm, Chirk. The average daily quantity of water available is 130,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : New Hall, Chirk, 388,800 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water Hupplied. The daily average is 86,400 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (2nd February 1914) that the water is good. Hardness: total, 8 '58; permanent, 37. No action on lead. Cloughton Water Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Cloughton (Scarborough R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from rock (1) Widd Land, Cloughton ; (2) Newlaiids, Cloughton ; (3) Cloughton. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 5,000 gallons ; (2) 4,500 gallons ; (3) 4,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Newlands, 20,000 gallons ; Tea Well, Cloughton, 4,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 6,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 4 ' 7. No action on lead. Colne Water Estate Company, Ltd. Supplies Colne B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs in Colne and Trawden. Yield not known. Worlis. Water is filtered. Reservoirs : Three at Colne, capacities not known. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally adequate. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Combe Down (Bath) and General Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies Bath B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Claverton, English Combe, Freshford, Hinton Charterhouse, Monkton Combe, South Stoke (Bath R.D.), Limpley Stoke, and Winsley (Bradford on Avon R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Tucking Mill, Monkton Combe. The average daily quantity of water available is 180,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Hampton Down, Bathampton, 100,000 gallons ; Combe Down, 40,000 gallons ; Tucking Mill, 120,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Wafer mpplied. The daily average is 118,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical examination. Analyst remarks (22nd August 1913) that the water is of great organic purity Hardness, 23. No action on lead. Cononley Water Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Cononley (Skipton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland surface, 10 acres, at Cononley. Yield not known. 234 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. Part of the water is filtered. Storage reservoir :- -Gibside, Cononley, 20' I, (()(( gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Cononley Club Row Water Company, Ltd.- Supplies part of parish of Cononley (Skipton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Cononley. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Tank at Cononley, 3,842 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. , Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Soft, but no action on lead. Corwen Water Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Corwen (Edeirnion R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Nant Cawrddu stream and springs on Berwyn Mountain. The average daily quantity of water available is 150,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Berwyn Mountain, (a) 130,000 gallons, (b) 60,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient . Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 8( ),()()( ) gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Very soft, but no action on lead. Cottingley Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies Bingley U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Coal Measures, Enoch Holmes Farm, Cottingley. The average daily quantity of water available is 3,700 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Storage reservoir: Moor Road, 350,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Coppy Side, Cottingley, 450,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,1 H)< I gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 12. No action on lead ; contains some iron, calcium, and magnesium. Cowling Water Company. Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Cowling (Skipton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone, Cowling. The average daily quantity of water available is 37,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir: Cowling, 400,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 23,750 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 6 '5. Acts very slightly on lead, but lead pipes are used only for short services. Saline. Crewkerne Water Supply Company, Ltd. Supplies Crewkerne tU). (part) ; and part of parish of Misterton (Chard E.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Chard li.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Wayford. The average daily quantity of water available is 102,270 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Storage reservoir: Maiden Beech, Crewkerne, 140,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 70,000 gallons and 2,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 19. No action on lead. Crossbills Water Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Glusburn (Skipton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sn /jiricin-y). Springs from sandstone : (1) Royd House Farm, Crossbills ; (2) Great Gibb Farm, Royd House, Crosshil Is ; (3) Gibbside Farm, Cononley; (4) Malsis Estate, Sutton. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 16,500 gallons, ("2) 20,500 gallons. (3) 10,000 gallons, (4) 12,200 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Royd House Farm, (a) 547,053 gallons, (b) 526,114 gallons; Baxter Wood, Crossbills, 926,589 gallons; Malsis Estate, 745,400 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 28,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (21st March 1911) that chemically the water is excellent. Hardness, 2' 1. No action on lead. Dolgelley Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies Dolgelley U.D. ; and part of parish of Brithdir and Islaw'rdref (Dolgelley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Llyncynwch Lake, in Llanfachreth, about, .", miles from Dolgelley. Yield not known. PAfiT I. : SECTION IV. COMPANIES WITHOUT SPECIFIC POWERS. 235 Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Llaiifachroth, 65,000 gallons. Pressure is suflicieut. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 80,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (24th March 1911) that chemically the water is very good. Hardness: total, 1; permanent, 0'3. No action on lead. Draughton Water Company. Supplies part of parish of Draughton (Skipton IU>.). Source of Supply (Nature ) 65,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity a/ \\'f Supply (Xnlui-f nnd Sufficiency),, Spring near Embsay. Yield not known, Works.- Water is filtered. Service reservoir : Tank near Embsay, 6,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 12. No action on lead; contains a trace of iron. Farnhill Water Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Farnhill (Skipton R.D.). Sources nf Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from sandstone : (1) Farnhill High Moor ; (2) Farnhill Low Moor. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 11,504 gallons, (2) 2,520 gallons (emergency supply). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : High Moor, 80,000 gallons ; Low Moor, 6,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (18th June 1912), that chemically the water is pure. Hardness : (1) 2 ; (2) 2 ' 5. The water acts on lead, but is not treated. Fenny Compton Water Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Fenny Compton (Southam R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs half a mile from Fenny Compton. Yield not known. Works. No liltration. Service reservoir : Tank near Fenny Compton, 7,590 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Hardness not known. No action on lead; contains some iron. Glyn Water Supply. Supplies parts of parishes of Glyn Traian and Llansaintffraid Giyn Ceiriog (Chirk R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Moorland surface of some square miles near Nantyr. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Service reservoir, near Wynne Quarry, 6,500 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Soft, but no action on lead. Grassington Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Grassington (Skipton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- (1) Springs from grit and shale, and (2j borehole (auxiliary supply) at Edge Lane, Grassington. The average daily 236 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. quantity of water derived from (1) is 10,000 gallons; a further 12,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1). and 13,000 gallons from (2). Works. Water is filtered. Service reservoir : Low Edge Pasture, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1( ),0( X ) gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Soft, but no action on lead. Guiseley Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies Guiseley U.D. (part). Sources of Su/pfHy (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs and wells in sandstone, Guiseley Moor. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Service reservoir : Moor Lane, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 6. No action on lead. Haswell and Shotton Water Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Haswell . (Easington R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in limestone, Haswell. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 40,000 gallons, and a further 30,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Service reservoir : High Haswell, 180,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 40,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Very hard, and no action on lead. Water contains some lime. Hatfield Broad Oak Water Company, Ltd. See Herts' and Essex Waterworks Company, Ltd. (page 197). Hetton le Hole and Easington Lane Water Company, Ltd. Supplies Hetton U.D. ; parishes of Pittington (part) (Durham R.D.), Great Eppleton (part), Little Eppleton and Warden Law (part) (Hough ton le Spring R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 150 feet, in limestone at Eppleton Colliery. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 170,000 gallons and a further 273,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs : Eppleton, 460,000 gallons ; Easington Lane, 270,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 170,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (8th July 1913) that the water is suitable for .drinking. Hard, and no action on lead. Heytesbury Water Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Heytesbury (Warminster R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Mrs. Thomas Stanford, who supplies part of parish of Norton Bavant (Warminster R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Chalk: (1) Tytherington in Heytesbury ; (2) West Hill, Heytesbury ; (3) Bowlesbro Knoll, Heytesbury. The average daily quantity of water derived from (1) is 3,500 gallons, and from (2) and (3) together 20,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Bowlesbro Knoll, 80,000 gallons ; Tytherington, (a) 40,000 gallons, (6) 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 20,200 gallons and 3,300 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness, 11 '5. No action on lead. Hill Brow Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Liss (Petersfield R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Well at Hill Brow, Liss. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,000 gallons,_ and a further 500 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Tower at Hill Brow, 6,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,000 gallons. Supply is inter- mittent. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness not known. Acts on lead, but lead pipes are not used. Water contains a trace of iron. Hill Side Water Supply Company, Ltd. Supplies Rothbury U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone and gravel, at Rothbury. Yield not known. PART I. : SECTION IV. COMPANIES WITHOUT SPECIFIC POWERS. 237 Works.- No filtration. Reservoir at Rothbury, 22,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. (rood. Soft, but no action on lead. Holford Water Supply. Supplies parish of Holford (Williton R.D.). Source of Supply {Nature and Sufficiency)- Springs at Hodders Combe, Holford. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir: Holford, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Very soft, but no action on lead. Hurtwood Water Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Abinger (Dorking R.D.), Shere (Guildford R.D.), and Ewhurst (Hambledon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells at Netley, Gomshall. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 15,000 gallons, and a further 20,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Holmbury Hill, Hurtwood Common, (a) 100,000 gallons, (b) 30,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (3rd October 1912) that the water is eminently satisfactory. Hardness : total, 12 ; permanent, 4 '5. No action on lead. Kelbrook Water Company, Ltd. Supplies Earby U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from sandstone, Harden, Kelbrook. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Harden, 160,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Qtiality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness, 2 ' 8. No action on lead. Kington Water Company, Ltd. Supplies Kington U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring, Rhw Hill, Crooked Well, Kington. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 144,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : The Wvch, Kington, (a) 39,000 gallons, (b) 31,000 gallons; Tanks, Castle Hill, (a) 1,750 gallons, (6) 1,293 gallons, (e) 875 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 144,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness : total, 6 '7; permanent, fi'0. No action on lead ; contains some iron and lime. Laycock Water Company. Supplies Oakworth U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 41 feet, at Laycock. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Tank, at Laycock, 7,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (21st July 1913) that this is a very pure water. Hardness, 8. No action on lead. Lee on the Solent Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Crofton (Fareham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 24 feet, fed by a spring at Lee on the Solent. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Lee on the Solent, 15.000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Moderately hard. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Linton Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Linton (Skipton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two springs from Millstone Grit, at Linton. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Storage reservoir at Forelands Meadow, 25,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness, 2 ' 6. No action on lead. 238 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Llanbedr Water Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Llanbedr, Lianfair (Deudraeth R.D.), and Llanenddwyn (Dolgelley R.D. ). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from slate above Llanbedr. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Service reservoir at Llanbedr, 16,875 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantify of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness, 1'5. No action on lead. Long Preston Water Company. Supplies part of parish of Long Preston (Settle R.l>. . Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs on high moorland at Long Preston. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Long Preston, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness : total, 12 ; permanent, 5 '8. No action on lead. Lutterwprth Freehold Land, Building, and Waterworks Company, Ltd. (in liquidation). Supplies part of parish of Lutterworth (Lutterworth R.I). ). Scurces of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in drift gravel, Bitteswell Road, Lutterworth. The average daily quantity of water available is 24,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir, Tower at Bitteswell Road, Luttorworth, 31,500 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water H applied. The daily average is 22,0< )( I gallons. Supply is constant. Quality /' 11 ater. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (5th January 1914) that the water should be analysed from time to time. Hardness : total, 20 ; permanent 13 '5. No action on lead. Lynton Water Company. Works leased by Lynton U.D.C. (see page 86). Mellor Water Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Mellor (Blackburn R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -Spring on Mellor Moor. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 5,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoir: Mellor Moor, 70,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 5,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Moderate hardness. No action on lead. Mitcheldean Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Abinghall and Mitcheldean (East Dean and United Parishes R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, Skully Grove, Mitcheldean. The average daily quantity of water available is 15,500 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir . Stenders, Mitcheldean, 11,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 12,000 gallons. Supply is inter- mittent. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Morton Water Company. Supplies part of parish of Morton (Keighley R.I).). iS'cmm'x of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- Two springs: (1) Moorlands Farm. .Morton ; (2) Manor Heath, Morton. Yield not known. Work*. No Illtration. Storage reservoirs: Green End, Morton (a) 6,900 gallons, (b) 8,1*00 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (19th March 1913) that this is an organically pure water. Hardness, 8. Action on lead not known. New Cottenham Gas and Water Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Cottenham and Hampton (Chesterton R..I). ). Sunrces of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 41 feet, in Lower Greensand, 1| miles from Cottenham. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 15,000 gallons, and a further 75,000 gallons per day could be obtained. \\ oi-l;*.- No iiltration. Reservoir: Cottenham, 22,000 gallons.' Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water x applied. The daily average is 15,000 gallons. Supply is ; constant. . Quality of Water. Very good and soft. PART I. : SECTION IV. COMPANIES WITHOUT SPECIFIC POWERS. 239 Ogmore Gas and Water Company, Ltd. Supplies Ogmore ami Garw IM>. (part). tioitn-cN a/ Kiip/ily (Xiilnrc iiinl Sufficiency). Mountain springs and streams on Nantymoel Farm in Llangeinor and Llandyfodwg. Yield not known. \Vin-l;.--. Water is filtered. No reservoir. Pressure is suHieient. Qttatttity of Water fttipplicd. Adequate. Quality <>f Water. Excellent. Soft, but no action on lead. Papcastle' Waterworks Company. *<< Workington T.C. (page 160). Presteigne Water Company, Ltd. Supplies Presteigne U.D. (part;. iSo/,000 gallons per day cou\<] be obtained. A 0.19S ^ 240 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. Service reservoirs : Abbey Waterworks, (a) 25,000 gallons, (t) 50,000 gallons (under construction ), (V) 40,000 gallons (under construction). Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied.- --Tin- daily average is 15 ,()()() gallons. Supply is constant. (hud it;/ of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (10th January 1912) that chemically the water is exceedingly pure. Hardness: 4 "5 No action on lead. Slightly alkaline. Slindon Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Slindon (Westhampnett U.I).). Sotirees <>/ Sup])!;/ (Nature and Sufficiency). Borehole, The Folly, Slindon. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir :- The Folly, .Slindon, 10(1,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Excellent. Moderate hardness. No action on lead. South Cliff Waterworks Company, Ltd. -Supplies part of parish of Newhohn with Dunsley (Whitby R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. (1) Artesian well, 200 feet, and (2) spring; both at East. Row, Sandsend, near Whitby. The average daily quantity of water available is 7,000 gallons Works. Water from (I) only is filtered. Reservoir :- -East Row, Sandsend, 80,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000 gallons in winter, and 5,000 gallons in summer. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Ciood occasional examination. Medium hardness. No action on lead. Southerndown Water Company, Ltd. See Bridgend (Glamorganshire) Gas and Water Company (page 179). Stansted Water Company, Ltd.- -Supplies parts of parishes of Birchmger, Stansted Mount- fitchet, and Ugley (Stansted H.D.). Sources of Supply -Xalinr nn/l Sufficiency). (1) Well and borehole in Chalk; (2) Borehole in Chalk ; all at Chapel Hill, Stansted. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 40,000 gallons, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir : Bentfield End, 70,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 40,OOO gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Stocksfield Water Company. Supplies part of parish of Broomley (Hexham R.D.). ^ Source* of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit. Broomley Farm. The average daily quantity of water available is (5,000 gallons. Wnrkft. Filtration, 750 gallons per square yard per day. Reservoirs :- -Tanks at Broomley, 6,000 gallons. Quantity of \Vnler supplied. The daily average is 4,040 gallons. Supply is constant. Qinditijof \\': Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (llth March 1914) that after filtration the water is good and suitable for domestic use. Hardness : total, 9 ' 25 ; permanent, 5 '75. No action on lead, Sutton in Craven Water Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Sutton (Keighley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). SpnagB from sandstone, Stubbing Hill barm, Sutton : (1) Filer Raw Pasture ; '(2) Wicking Hole and Intake ; -(3) Crag I'ann, Sutton ; (4; Cranberry Hole Farm, Sutton. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (I) 11,000 gallons; (2) 11,100 gallons; (3) 11,000 gallons ; (4) 10,800 gallons. II <"/.;*. No filtration. 'Reservoir :-- Lane Top, Sutton, 258,< gallons. Pressure is sufficient. <>>,, it it;/ / Water it/,pliedThe daily average is 15,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Wtaltiyof IV a^,-. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (January 1910) that icaily the water is excellent, Hardness, 3 5. No action on lead. PART I. : SECTION IV. COMPANIES WITHOUT SPECIFIC POWERS. 241 Sutton Mill Water Company. Supplies part of parish of Sutton (Keighloy R.D.). Smirees of Hit]>pli/ (Nature / Water. Good. Hardness. .". '8. No action on lead. Tidenham Waterworks Company, Ltd. --Supplies part of parish of Tideuham (Lydney R.D.). Souree-x of Supply (Nature ami Sufficiency). (1) Spring from Carboniferous Lime- stone, Tidenliam Chase; ("2) Han y gor spring from Carboniferous Limestone. The average daily quantity of water derived from (I) (in winter only) is 10,000 gallons, and from (2) 18,000 gallons in summer only. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir: Ban y gor, 53,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Qiian/ili/ <>f \Valer xii/i/il !,'ln I Xaln re mid Sufficiency). Artesian well, Bridge or Sun Hill, Topsham. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 16,000 gallons. Worl;n. No filtration. No reservoir. (i mi nt it;/ of Water supplied. The daily average is 15,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (24th May 1912) that the water is of the highest available purity. Hardness : total, 7' 9; permanent, 2'1. No action on lead. Tweedmouth Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies Berwick upon Tweed B. (part). Source* of Si(i>]>l;j (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone, Well Road, Tweedmouth. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 24,000 gallons, and a further 25,500 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Well Road, Tweedmouth (a) 18,880 gallons, (6) 5,600 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 24,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Moderately soft, but no action on lead. Tatchet Waterworks Company, Ltd. Supplies Watchet U.I). ; and part of parish of Old Cleeve (Williton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Brandon Hill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 25,000 gallons, but the supply is unlimited. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir : t. Decuman's, Watchet, 25,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 25,000 gallons. Supply is. constant. Quality of Water. Good. Soft, but no action on lead. Whitfield Wells Water Company. Supplies Glossop B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from rock, Whitfield Cross, Glossop. Yield not known. 242 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. Service reservoir: Tank at Whitfield Cross, 3,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water snjiplied: Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Whitstable Water Company, Ltd. -Supplies \Yhitstable U.D. (part); and part of parish of Whitstable cmn Seasalter (Blean li.l>.). Sources of Supply (Nature ami Siiflicienri/).- -Wells in Chalk at VVhitstable. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 170,000 gallons, and a further 20,000 gallons per day could be obtained in winter. Work*. No filtration. Keservoirs : -Two at Bostal Hill, Whitstable, 180,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied,- The daily average is 170,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Writer. Quarterly chemical examination. Analyst remarks (24th December I HI,")) that the water is organically pure. Hardness: total, 21; permanent, 11. No action on lead. Willingham Water and General Supply Company, Ltd.- Supplies part of parish of Willingham (Chesterton H.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature mid Sufficiency). Well at Willingham. The average daily quantity of water available is 70,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir: Willingham, L">,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. (Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Wingate and District Water Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Castle Eden and Wingate (Easington R.I).); and furnishes supplies in bulk to Easington R.D.C., and Messrs. J. Nimmo "and Sons, Limited, who supply part of parish of Castle Eden (Easington R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 580 feet, in Magnesian Limestone at Wingate. The average daily quantity of water obtained is I i( 1,000 gallons, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No nitration. Reservoir: Pickering Hill, Wingate, 500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water KH/>/>lied. The daily average is /5?>,500 gallons, and 20,500 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: total, 10 ; permanent 8. No action on lead ; contains some lime and magnesia. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 243 SECTION V. -PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. Note. In the case of Private Proprietors marked with an asterisk * no returns were received, and such particulars as are given have been obtained from other sources. BEDFORDSHIRE. Capt. Trevor Battye. Supplies parish of Tingrith (Ampthill R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Four wells and spring, in Tingrith. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No'reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Duke of Bedford. Furnishes a supply in bulk to Ampthill R.D.C. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sand at Jackdaw Hill, Lidlington. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Jackdaw Hill, 5,000 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally ample. Quality of Water. Good. Capt. T. C. R. Higgins. Supplies part of parish of Turvey (Bedford K.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in limestone under clay, near Turvey. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 10,000 gallons, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Crown Farm, Turvey, 25,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 10,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water.- Good, S. Whitbread, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Knotting (Bedford R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Field drains in grass land, 15 acres, over Oxford Clay, Knotting Village ; (2) field drains in grass and arable land, 40 acres, over Oxford Clay, Knotting Green. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs: Knotting Village, (a) 132,075 gallons, (6) tank, 3,250 gallons ; Knotting Green, (a) 132,075 gallons, (6) tank, 3,250 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Intermittent. Quality of Water. Fair. C. T. Wingfield, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Bromham (Bedford R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Goral Oolite Limestone, in Bromham Village. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,000 gallons. Works. -No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Fair. BERKSHIRE. Earl of Abingdon. Supplies part of parish of Wytham (Abingdon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two springs from sand, near Wytham. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Broadmoor Asylum Estate. Supplies part of parish of Crowthorne (Easthampstead R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Surface water with a few springs, near Crowthorne. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs, near Crowthorne, (a) 3,300,000 gallons, (6) 1,200,000 gallons, (c) 700,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. -Intermittent. Quality of Water. Good. A 0.198 Q ^ 244 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Edgar Norton Disney, Esq.j Supplies part of parish of Sunningwell (Abingdon B.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Foxcombe Hill. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Foxcombe Hill (underground), capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Trustees of the late Gen. A. Cherry Garrard. Supply parish of Little Wittenham (Wallingford B.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Chalk, Wittenham Hill. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Very pure. Great Western Railway Company. Furnishes a supply in bulk to Wallingford R.D.C. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 63 feet, througli Greensand to Kimeridge Clay, at Appleford. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 60,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 16,874 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 14 '7. No action on lead. Rt. Hon. Lewis Harcourt, M.P. -Supplies part of parish of North Hinksey (Abingdon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Old conduit (formerly supplying part of Oxford), from springs in Portland Beds formation at North Hinksey ; (2) Springs. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Sir A. Henderson, Bart. Supplies part of parish of Buscot (Faringdon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Oxford Clay, Buscot. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Buscot, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Major Henderson. Supplies part of parish of Shellingford (Faringdon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Coral Rag, Shellingford. The average daily quantity of water available is 7,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Shellingford, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. Capt. H. E. A. Lindsay. Supplies part of parish of Sutton Courtenay (Abingdon R.I).;. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian well, 160 feet, at Sutton Courtenay. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. W. A. Mount, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Chieveley (Newbury R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Vf ell in Chalk, at Oare. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Chieveley, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Excellent. A.. W. Mayo-Robson, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Moulsford (Wallingford R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian well (100 feet; in Greensand, at Moulsford. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Moulsford, 24,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 14,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Pure. t This undertaking will shortly be transferred to Abingdon R.D.C. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 245 Royal Military College, Camberley. Supplies part of parish of Sandhurst (Eaathamp- stead U.D.). Source of Supply (Nature ami Sufficiency). Wish stream, intake at Sandhurst. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Sandhurst, 100,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Mrs. Armand Ruffer and R. Furner, Esq. Supply part of parish of Wootton (Abingdon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring and well near Wootton. \ield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir : Tank at Wootton, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. St. John's College, Oxford. -Supplies part of parish of Fyfield (Abingdon R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 28 feet, in Oolitic rock, at Fyfield. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Sir Richard V. Sutton, Bart. Supplies part of parish of Speen (Newbury R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk, at Benhatn. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. - -Excellent. Lady Wantage. Supplies part of parish of West Challow (Wantage R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from clay in the Downs, near West Challow. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Bridge Farm, 5,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Intermittent. Quality of Water. Good. The Commissioners of H.M. Woods, etc. Supply part of parish of Old Windsor (Windsor R.D.; ; and part of Egham U.D. (Surrey). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two wells, 25 feet, in gravel bed adjoining River Thames, at Old Windsor Lock. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 70,000 gallons, and an unlimited supply could be obtained. Works. -No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 70,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Woolhampton Parish Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Midgham and Woolhampton (Newbury R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian well at Woolhampton. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Lieut.-Col. W. G. Bowyer. Supplies part of parish of Weston Underwood (Newport Pagnell' R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone overlying Upper Lias clay, at Weston Underwood. The average daily quantity of water' obtained is 2,250 gallons, and a further 8,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Weston Underwood, 30,000 gallons ; tank, 2,400 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,250 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. 246 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Trustees of Dr. Busby's Charity. Supply part of parish of Willen (Newport Pagnell R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, half a mile from Willen. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Cheddington Waterworks Trustees. Supply part of parish of Cheddington (Wing R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Lower Greensand at Cheddington. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 5,(MXJ gallons, and a further 6,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Cheddington, 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good and moderately hard. No action on lead ; contains a trace of iron. Major J. B. Delap. Supplies part of parish of Lillingstone Lovell (Buckingham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from rock, at Lillingstone Lovell. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 8,640 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 8,640 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Desborough. Supplies part of parish of Taplow (Eton R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Chalk hills near Taplow. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Two tanks near Taplow, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Ewelme Almshouses Trustees. Supply part of parish of Marsh Gibbon (Buckingham R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Oxford Clay in "Stump Well Ground," near Marsh Gibbon. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. J. M. Enapp, Esq. Supplies parish of Little Linford (Newport Pagnell R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Greensand at Little Linford. The average daily quantity of water available is 1,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Tank at Little Linford, 700 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (20th July 1912) that the water is of satisfactory quality. Hardness : --totaf, 30 ; permanent, 13. London and North Western Railway Company. Supplies parts of parishes of Brad well (Newport Pagnell R.D.), and Wolverton (Stratford and Wolverton R.D.). .Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well and springs in Oolite formation, near Blue Bridge, Wolverton ; (2) Two borings, 600 yards from Blue Bridge, Wolverton. The average daily quantity of water derived from (1) is 176,000 gallons, and an auxiliary supply of 160,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (2). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Tanks, Green Lane, 55,000 gallons, and Osborn Street, Wolverton, 61,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical and occasional bacteriological examination. Well water good, but spring water doubtful. Hardness, 35 ' 7. No action on lead. J. P- Heywood-Lonsdale, Esq. Supplies parish of Poundon (Buckingham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Oxford Clay on Poundon Hill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 9,000 gallons, and a further 20,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. So filtration. Reservoirs, Poundon Hill, (a) 15,000 gallons, (b) 15000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 9,000 gallons. Supply is constant Quality of Water. Good. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 247 R. H. B. Marsham, Esq. Supplies parish of Edgcott (Buckingham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring near Edgcott. Yield not known Works. No filtration. Reservoir near Edgcott, 4,800 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Very good. Sir S. E. Scott, Bart, M.P. Supplies parish of Westbury (Buckingham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature ami Sufficiency). Spring at Westbury. The average daily uantity of water obtained is 15,000 gallons, and a further 24,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs, Westbury, (a) 20,000 gallons, (b) 20,000 gallons Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 15,000 gallons. Supply is constant Quality of Water. Very good. Stoke Goldington Water Committee. Supplies part of parish of Stoke Goldington (Newport Pagnell R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency) . (1) Spring at Stoke Goldington 1 2) Springs at Church Farm. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 18,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Tank at Stoke Goldington, capacity not known ; (2) Church Farm, 3,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Wafer. Good. W. Uthwatt, Esq.- Supplies part of parish of Great Linford (Newport Pagnell R.D.). Source* of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Great Linford. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Great Linford, 90,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Col. Harding. Supplies part of parish of Madingley (Chesterton R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 240 feet, in Greensand, at Madingley. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Madingley, 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,750 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Fit for drinking, but hard. CHESHIRE. A. E. Allen, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Rainow (Macclesfield R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Bull Hill Farm, Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Bull Hill Farm, Rainow, 88.988 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Col. W. B. Brocklehurst. Supplies Macclesfield B. (part), and part of parish of Hurdsfield (Macclesfield R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Stream, intake on Shoresclough Farm ; (2) Dodgemoor Spring, Shoresclough Farm ; (3) Spring on Lower Swanscoe Farm. Yield not known. Works. Water from (1) only is filtered. Storage reservoirs : Snapes Pool, 882,000 gallons ; Lower Swanscoe Farm, 14,847 gallons ; Saunders Farm, 8,893 gallons. Service reservoir, Hurdsfield Road, 94,300 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. W. P. Langford Brooke, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Mere (Bucklow R.Dj. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Over Tabley. The average daily quantity of water available is 8,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Over Tabley, 25,000 gallons ; Tower at Mere 25,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good and fairly soft. 248 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Messrs. Brunner, Mond & Co., Ltd. Supply part of parish of Winnington (Northwich K.D.), and furnish a supply in bulk to Northwich R.IXC. (see page 102). Sources of Supply (Nature am/ Sufficiency).- Well, 4.0 feet in gravel over clay, at Cogshall, near Northwich. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1)5,000 gallons, and a further of), 000 gallons per day could be obtained. ]\'nrks. No filtration. Reservoirs, Cogshall, 30,000 gallons; Wilmington, 25,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 48,000 gallons and 17,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good periodical chemical examination. Hardness: total, 13 "58; permanent, 7 '00. No action on lead. The Calico Printers' Association, Ltd. Supplies Bredbury and Romiley U.D. (part), Compstall U.D. (part), and (in D&fayvhire] part of parish of Ludwortli ((Jlossop Dale R.D.). Source of Su]>ph/ (Nature ami Sufficiency). Upland surface in Compstall. Yield not known. Woi'ks. No liltration. Reservoirs, School Lane, Compstall, and Mount Pleasant ; capacity not known. Pressure is sufficient, Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. B. Button, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Kelsall (Tarvin R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Kelsall. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir on Kelsall Hill, capacity not knovn. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Lord Egerton of Tatton. Supplies parts of parishes of Rostherne and Tatton (Bucklow R.D.) Source of Suj>ply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sand in Tatton Park. The average daily qxiantit.y of water available is 77,500 gallons. Works. Filtration, 4,000 gallons per square yard per day. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 75,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Earl of Harrington. Supplies part of parish of Bosley (Macclesfield R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit, Bosley. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Bosley ; capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied.- Sufficient. Quality of Water.- Satisfactory. London and North-Western Railway Company. Furnishes supplies in bulk to Crewc T.C. and Nantwich R.D.C. ; and supplies [in Staffordshire) part of parish of Whitmore (Newcastle under Lynie R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells and borings in red sandstone, Whitmore, Staffs. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,700,000 gallons. Works. Pressure niters. Storage reservoir, Whitmore, 11,259,000 gallons ; service reservoir. Madeley, 4,205,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate; the daily average in bulk is 715,000 gallons. Quality of Water. Good periodical' chemical and occasional bacteriological exami- nation. Hardness, 8 ' 6. No action on lead ; contains some iron. Trustees of the late John C. Needham. Supply part of parish of Kelsall (Tarvin R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Kelsall Hill. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Kelsall Hill, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. G. E. J. Charlton Parr, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Appleton and Grappenhall (Runcorn R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring near Grappenhall, Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Grappenhall, 100,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATK PROPRIETORS. CHESHIRE. 249 R. C. Parr, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Ashton, Hortou cum Peel, Kelsall and Mouldsworth (Tarvin R.D.). Source of Supply 'Xature and Sufficiency). Spring in Willow Wood, Spy Hill. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at T.ongley Hill, 20,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water*. Satisfactory. Col. W. Sidebottom. Supplies Mottram in Longdendale TT.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Millstone Grit, Gorsey Brow, Broadbottom. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Gorsey Brow, 596 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Trustees of the late Earl of Stamford and Warrington. Supply part of parish of Matley (Tintwistle It.]).). Source, of Xuppli/ (Xatttre and Sufficiency). Spring from Millstone Grit^ Gallows Clough, Matley. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Gallows Clough, 81,257 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. C. W. Tomkinson, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Delamere (Northwich R.D.) ; Duddon, Tarvin, and Willington i Tarvin R.D.). Source of Supply (Xnliire mid Sufficiency). -Spring from sandstone, overlying marl, Bigwood, Willington. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Bigwood, 60,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. W. H. Verdin, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Darnhall (Northwich R.D.) Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, fed by springs from red sandstone at Darnhall. Yield not known. Works. --No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Medium hardness. Lord Vernon.t Supplies part of parisli of Poynton with Worth (Macclesfield R.D.). Sources of Supply (X a /nre and Sufficiency). Borehole, 200 feet, in New Red Sandstone, at Poynton. The average daily quantity of water available is 62,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Poynton, 200,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 46,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Hardness: total, 17 ; permanent, 10. No action on lead. P. E. Warburton, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Great Budworth (Ituncorn R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from gravel and sand, Western Lane, Aston by Budworth ; (2) Spring, The Dene, Great Budworth. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 3,000 gallons ; (2) 6,000 gallons ; a further 2,500 gallons per day could be obtained from (I) in winter, and 5,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Reservoir, Church Street, Great Budworth, 3,000 gallons. Quantity of Wafer supplied. (1) The daily average is 3,000 gallons supply is intermittent; (2) adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Duke of Westminster. Supplies part of parish of Waverton (Tarvin R.D.) Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Borehole in New Red Sandstone, Waverton Quarry. The average daily quantity of water available is 4,800 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs (two) at Waverton, 21,000 gallons. Quantity of Water xupplied. The daily average is 2,300 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good occasional examination. Hardness:- total, 3 '4; permanent, 2 ' 7. f This supply is protected by Section 29 of the Stockport Corporation Water Act, 1901. 250 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. W. Whiston, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Sutton (Macclesfield RJ).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -Springs at Sutton. The average daily quantity of water available is 30,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Tanks at Sutton (a) 1,200 gallons; (b) 4,000 gallons ; (c) 80 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied Sufficient. Quality of Water. Excellent. CORNWALL. A. F. Basset, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Illogan (Redruth RJ).). Source of Supply (Nature and, Sufficiency). Spring from clay and slate, Nancekuke, Illogan. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs, Tolteggan Valley, (a) 3,675 gallons, (b) 3,675 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. The R. R. Bath and Newlyn Ice Company, Ltd. Supplies Paul U.D. (part) ; and furnishes an occasional supply in bulk to Paul U.D.C. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Horehole in granite at Sheffield, Paul. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,214 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir al Sheffield, 75,000 gallons. Quantity of Watrr supplied. The daily average is 500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Lieut.-Gen. Sir R. Pole Carew, M.P. Furnishes u supply in bulk to St. Germans R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs intercepted underground, from clay and slate, Higher Tregantle. The average daily quantity of water available is 40,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Viscount Clifden. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) St. Oleer (Liskeard R.D.), and (2) Feock (Truro R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from granite, with gathering ground, 50 acres, Gonamena Darite ; (2) Spring from Killas formation at Carnon Hill. The average daily quantity of water available from (1) is 26,000 gallons. Yield from (2) not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: (1) Darite, 3,125 gallons; (2) Carnon Hill 200,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) The daily average is 3,000 gallons supply is constant, (2) adequate. Quality of Water. (1) Good, (2) very good. Grampound Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of Grampound (St. Austell R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring, half a mile from Grampound. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 20,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Grampound, 20,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 20,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good. Sir Robert Harvey.- -Supplies part of parish of Tintagel (Camelford R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from slate at Trevillett and Downrow. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Downrow, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supjtlied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Very good. Lanner Village Supply. Supplies part of parish of Gwennap (Redruth R.D.). Source oj Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring on Lanner Green. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Very good. PART I. : SKCTION V. 1'RIVATE PROPRIETORS. 251 Lesohallas Trustees. -Supply parts <>!' parishes <,!' Korrabury and Minster (Camelford R.D.). Soun-en of Suj>ply (future f Supply (NaJtvare ami Sufficiency). Disused pit shafts (1) Codnor Park, (2) Butterley Row. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1)111,447 gallons ; (2) 56,250 gallons. \Vorks. Pressure niters. Storage reservoirs : (1) Codnor Park, 585,10(1 gallons ; (2) Butterley, 843,750 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is (1) 47,000 gallons, and (2) 56,250 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (6th April 1011) that the water from (1) is undesirably hard and that from (2) is undesirable. Hardness: (1) total, 41 '55; permanent, 23'6; (2) total, 45'11; permanent, 33 '04. No action on lead ; both waters contain sulphate of magnesia. Calico Printers' Association, Ltd. Sec Cheshire. Earl of Carnarvon. Supplies part of parish of Bretby (Repton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from gravel, Bretby Park. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. -Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Dnke of Devonshire. Supplies (1) Baslow and Bubnell U.D. (part) ; (2) parishes of Edensor (part) and Pilsley (Bakewell R.D.) ; and (3) Pleasley (part) (Blackwell R.D.). Source* of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring .from sandstone, Bubnell ; ('2) Springs from sandstone, Edensor ; (3) Springs, Rotherham Road, Stony Houghton. The average daily quantity of water derived from (1) is 1,550 gallons, and from (2) 10,300 gallons; a further 450 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 5,200 gallons from (2). Yield from (3) not known, but unlimited. Worsts. Water from (3) only is filtered. Reservoirs: (1) Bubnell, 2,000 gallons; (2) Edensor (a) 5,000 gallons, (b) 5,000 gallons, (c) 5,000 gallons, (d) 5,000 gallons ; (.">) Rotherham Road, Stony Houghton, 6,0(X) gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is (1) 1,550 gallons, and (2) 10,300 gallons supply is constant ; (3) adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Duffield Parochial Committee. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Duffield and (2) Milford (Belper R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit: (1) Cross o' th' Hands, Turnditch ; (2) Handley Wood, Shottle. The average daily quantity of water derived from (2) is 40,000 gallons. Yield of Jl) not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Handley Wood, 50,000 gallons. Service reservoir : Hazelbrow, Duffield, 50,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) Ample ; (2) the daily average is 40,000 gallons supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. H. Eastwood, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Clowne (Clowne R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well at North Road, Clowne. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at North Road, 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Intermittent. Quality of Water. Good. Executors of the late W. Evans. Supply part of parish of Darley Abbey (Belper R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Four springs : (1) Allestree Quarry Hole ; (2) Weir Field ; (3) Church Field ; (4) Darley House. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 5,000 gallons ; (2) 2,000 gallons'; (3) 3,000 gallons ; (4) 3,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Church Field, 5,000 gallons ; Weir Field, 10,000 gallons ; Hillside Field (two) 4,000 gallons ; Darley House Field, 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Very good. Sir H. M. FitzHerbert, Bart. Supplies part of parish of Tissington (Ashbourne R.D.). Source of Sitjiply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, TissingUm. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,500 gallons, and a further 5,000 gallons per day could be obtained. 254 RETURN AS TO tt'ATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Tissington, 6,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Lieut.-Col. H. A. Chandos Pole Gell. Supplies part oi' parish of Hopton and Griffe Grange (Ashbourne R.D.). Sources of Supply (Xahtre and Sufficiency). Fowc springs from Carboniferous Sandstone, Callow. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,600 gallons; and a further 1,800 gallons per day could be obtained. Work-s. Part of the water is filtered. Reservoirs : Hall Wood, Callow, 12,000 gallons ; Hopton, 6,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. W. Hall, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Hollington (Ashbourne R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Hollington. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Hollington, 3,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Lord Hindlip. Supplies parts of parishes of Eaton and Alsop, and Newton Grange (Ashbourne B.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, the "Nabs," Dovedale. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs, Hanson Grange, 46,800 gallons ; Newton Grange, (a) 26,775 gallons, (6) 1,280 gallons ; Alsop Hall, 11,600 gallons. - Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. H. S. Hodding, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Whitwell (Clowne R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Spring and borehole in grey rock beneath Magnesiaii Limestone, Hodthorpe. The average daily quantity of water available is 18,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Hodthorpe, (a) 15,000 gallons, (b) 8,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 8,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Lord Howard of Glossop. Supplies Glossop B. (part) and parts of parishes of Charlesworth, Chisworth, and Ludworth (Glossop Dale R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Moorland streams and springs, Peaknaze Moore. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered! Storage reservoirs : Ludworth, (four and tank) 2,000,000 gallons; Charlesworth, 250,000 gallons; Gamesley, 500,000 gallons; Dinting (two), 70,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Windy Harbour, (a) 875,000 gallons, (6) 750,000 gallons ; Padfield, 500,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally adequate. Qtiality of Water. Good. M. J. Hunter, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Stoke (Bakewell R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from grit: (1) Knouchley Farm ; (2) Meg Clough. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Knouchley Farm, 500,000 gallons; Meg Clough, 300,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,350 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good. W. Jowett, Esq. Supplies (1) part of parish of Mellor (Hayfield R.D.) and (2) New Mills U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from grit, () Knowle, (b) Towneliffe ; (2) Spring. The average daily quantityof water available from each source is, respectively, (1) (a) 5,000 gallons, (b) 12,000 gallons; (2) 12,375 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : (1) Apple Tree, 380,000 gallons; (2) Abbey Tree, 2,623 gallons. Service reservoirs: (1) Knowle, 30,000 gallons, Towncliffe, (a) 7,350 gallons, (b) 3,700 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is (1) 8,500 gallons supply is constant ; (2) scarcely adequate. Quality of Water. Analyst remarks that chemically it. is the purest of natural waters. Hardness : (1) total, 4 '5; permanent, 3 '5. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS DERBYSHIRE. 255 Mapperley Colliery Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Dale Abbey, Stanley, and West Hallam (Shardlow R.I).). Source of Supply (Mature nnd Sufficiency) . Pit shaft in Carboniferous formation at Dale. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 285,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir, at Smalley Common, 90,000 gallons. Quantity of Water xnppli.ed.-~ The daily average is 40,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. Marston, Thompson & Evershed, Ltd. Supply part of parish of Thorpe (Ashbourne Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Fenny Bentley, Thorpe. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Fenny Bentley 14,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,000 gallons, instant. Quality of Wafer. ({nod. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Midland Railway Company. - -Supplies part of parish of Edale (Chapel en le Frith R.I).). Sonn-cft of Supply {Nature and Sufficiency). Stream, intake at Parsons Piece, with gathering ground in Grindlow Knoll, Edale. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 5,000 gallons, and a further 20,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Parsons Piece, 4,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 5,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. (iood. J. Minkley, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Whitwell (Clowne R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature, and Sufficiency). Well, 222 feet, at Whitwell. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,340 gallons, and a further 20,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs, tanks at Whitwell, (a) 1,200 gallons, (I) 3,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,340 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Moira Colliery Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Overseal (Hartshorn and Seals R.D.). and (in Leicestershire) Ashby Woulds U.D.f (part) and part of parish of Oakthorpe and Donisthorpe (Ashby de la Zouch R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Triassic formation over Coal Measures, near Willesley Hall. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 5,000 gallons, and a further 5,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Moira, 14,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 5,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Pure. J. Moult, Esq. Supplies New Mills U.D. (part) and part of parish of Mellor (Hayfield R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Mellor. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Bull Hill Farm, 20,000 gallons ; tanks at Lower Cliffe, (a) 1,000 gallons, (6) 1,000 gallons ; Higher Cliffe, 500 gallons ; tanks at Mellor, (a) 200 gallons, (6) 200 gallons, (c) 200 gallons, (d) 200 gallons. Quantity of Wafe?- supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Wafer. Satisfactory. E. M. Mundy, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Mapperley (Belper R.D.) and Shipley (Basford R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Pumping shaft at Colliery, Shipley. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs, Shipley Hall and llkeston, capacity not known. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Hardness not known. No action on lead ; contains some iron. f The supply in Ashby Woulds U.D. IB about to be discontinued. A 0.198 R 256 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Pinxton Collieries, Ltd. Supply part of parish of Pinxton (Black well R.D.). Powers. Pinxton Water Order, 1902. Limits. Part of parish of Pinxton (Blackwell R.D.). of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from Coal Measures, Suff Lane; (2) Supply in bulk from Basford R.D.C. through Blackwell 1UXC. (see page 12). The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 17,280 gallons ; \2) 2,630 gallons. Works. Pressure filters. Reservoir at Pinxton sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness not known, some iron. 256,000 gallons. Pressure is is 19,910 gallons. Supply is No action on lead ; contains Governors of Sir John Port's Charity. Supply part of parish of Repton (Repton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and borehole, 204 feet, in Bunter at Repton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 6,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir, Tower at Repton, 9,700 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 0,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Duke of Portland. Supplies parts of parishes of Elmton and Whitwell (Clowne R.D.) ; and (in Nottinghamshire) Worksop U.D. (part) ; parts of parishes of Carburton, Cuckney, Hoi- beck, Nether Langwith, Norton, Welbeck, and Woodhouse Hall (Blyth and Cuckney R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring in sandstone at Cuckney; (2) Well in Bunter Beds, at Carburton. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 8,500 gallons and (2) 90,000 gallons; a further 25,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 700,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Cuckney Hill. 30,000 gallons; Manor Hill, Worksop, 400,000 gallons; Rough Break, 40,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 98,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. A. Potts, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Mellor (Hay field R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Mellor. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Mellor: (a) 4,688 gallons, (b) tanks, 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Duke of Rutland. Supplies (1) part of North Darley U.D. ; (2) parishes of Great Rowsley and Youlgreave (part) (Bakewell R.D.) ; and (3) Baslow and Bubnell 1 T .D. (part), and parish of Curbar (Bakewell R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from grit, Rowsley Wood; (2) River Lalhkill, Lathkill Dale; (3) Springs from grit, (a) Heathey Lea, (6) Jack Flat. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 30,240 gallons; (2) not known; (3) (a) 15,000 gallons, (6)57,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: (1) Rowsley Wood, 900 gallons; (3) Heathey Lea tanks, 4,052 gallons and 18,936 gallons ; Blackstone Edge tank, 2,933 gallons ; Staley's Field tank, 6,300 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) Ample, (2) and (3) a'dequate. Quality of Water. Very good. Lord Scarsdale. Supplies part of parish of Quarndon (Belpor U.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Lion's Mouth Spring from limestone shale,. Kedleston Park ; (2) Springs from gravel, Quarndon ; (3) Wells at Allestree and Barley Lanes. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 5,000 gallons ; (2) 2,000 gallons ; (3) not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Montpelier Farm, Quarndon (a) 10,000 gallons, (I) 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 7,000 gallons. Supply is ;, constant. - Quality of Water. Good. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS DERBYSHIRE. 257 Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Company, Ltd. Supplies Bolsover U.I), (part), parts of parishes of Ault Hucknall, and Scarcliffe (Blackwell R.D.) ; and (in Nottinghamshire) part of parish of Nether Langwith (Blyth and Cnckney R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and .Sufficiency). (1) Spring at Langwith ; (2) Spring at Glapwell and Doe Lea brook. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: (I) Laugwith, (2) Glapwell (two). Capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Shirebrook Colliery, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Shirebrook (Blackwell R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in Inilk to Blackwell R.D.C. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Magnesian Limestone, Sookholme. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 170,000 gallons, and a further 100,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. ReseiToir at Shirebrook, 259,825 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 20,000 gallons and 80,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (2 1st June 1913) that the water is free from organic pollution. Hardness, after softening, 12. No action on lead. A. A. Shuttleworth, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Hathersage and Outseats (Bakewell R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency)^ Moorland gathering ground and springs in Hathersage and Outseats. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Hathersage, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. J. B. M. Smedley, Esq. Furnishes ft supply in bulk to Belper R.D.C. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Dethick. The average daily quantity of water available is 156,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir : Lea, 140,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Lea, 80,000 gallons ; Upper Holloway, 100,000 gallons ; Crich, 40,000 gallons ; Parkhead, 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied.- The daily average 'is 60,000 gallons. Supply is constant.-- Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 4 '69. Action on lead not known. J. H. Smith, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Clifton and Compton (Ashbourne R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Clifton. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Three reservoirs at Clifton, 2,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water.- -Analyst remarks (29th August 1906) that chemically the water is excellent. Hardness : total, 8 '26 ; permanent, 8 '05. Staveley Coal and Iron Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Temple Normanton (Chesterfield R.D.). Source of Su^iply (Nature and Sufficiency). Pit shaft, 390 feet, Bonds Main Colliery, Temple Normanton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 150,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Tanks at Temple Normanton, (a) 7,000 gallons, (6) 7,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 6,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. G. Herbert Strutt, Esq. Supplies (1) Belper U.D. (part), and (2) part of parish of Brailsford (Ashbourne R.D.). Sources of Supfdy (Nature and Sufficiency).- (1) Spring,. Belper Lane ; (2) Well, 57 feet at Brailsford. The average daily quantity of water obtained from (1) is 24,600 gallons ; yield from (2) not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Belper Lane, 103,000 gallons ; (2) Brailsford, (a) 28,080 gallons, (b) 28,080 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally adequate. Quality of Water. Good. K 2 258 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Trustees of the late F. J. Sumner.- Supply part of paiish of Hayfield (Hayfield R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs, (1) Plantation, Brown Hill ; (2) Fairy Bank (two) ; (3) Hollingworth Clough ; (4) Higher Cliffe. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Brown Hill, capacity not krioVn. Qiiantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Tideswell Water Committee. Supplies parts of parishes of Litton and Tideswell (Bakewell R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Brookbottom, Tideswell Moor. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Brookbottom, 100,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. F. W. Verney Esq. Supplies part of parish of Pleasley (Blackwell R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Magnesian Limestone over Coal Measures, in Pleasley. The average daily quantity of M'ater obtained is 1,050 gallons, and a further 10,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Pleasley, 17,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of W 'ater. Excellent. Lord Vernon. Supplies parts of parishes of Doveridge, Sudbury (Sudbury R.I).) ; and (in Staffordshire) parts of parishes of Hanbury (Tutbury R.I).), Drayeott 111 the Clay, and Marchington (Uttoxeter R.D.). Sources of SitpjJy (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs : (1) Sudbury Coppice ; (2) Alclennoor, Windybank. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 10,000 gallons ; (2) 5,000 gallons; a further 12,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 5,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Sudbury Coppice, 65,000 gallons ; Houndhill, 12,000 gallons. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Soft, but no action on lead. Wig-ail Coal and Iron Company, Ltd. Furnishes a supply in bulk to Clowne R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Shaft in Bunter Beds and Magnesian Limestone at Manton Colliery, near Worksop. The average daily quantity of water available is 500,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. "f" Quantity of Water supplied. Not yet known. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Executors of the late J. Wild. Supply part of parish of Mellor (Hayfield R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and, Sufficiency). Well and spring at Birchenough. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Birchenough, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Winster Water Committee. Supplies part of parish of Winster (Bakewell R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- Spring from sandstone, Stan ton Moor. The average daily quantity of water available is 12,000 gallons. Work ft. No filtration. Reservoirs, two at Winster Bank, 420,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 10,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. DEVONSHIRE. Lord Ashcombe. Supplies part of parish of East Allington (Kingsbridge R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at East Allington. Yield not known. H orks. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. t Clowne R.D.C. have two reservoirs for this supply, viz . Speetly Plantation, Barlborough. 400.000 gallons, and Sparken Hill, Worksop, 150,000 gallons. PART I. : SECTIOK V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 250 Mrs. H. M. Basset. Supplies part of parish of Berrynarbor (Barnstaplc U.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Hagginton Hill, Berrynarbor. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Hagginton Hill, 1,010 gallons. Quantity of Water sup-plied. The daily average is 2,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Duke of Bedford. -Supplies part of parish of Milton Abbot (Tavistock R.I).;. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from chert overlying shale at Milton Abbot. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. Bigbury Bay Land Development Company. Supplies part of parish of Bigbury (Kings- bridge R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Six springs at Bigbury. The average daily quantity of water available is 10,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Bigbury, 50,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 5,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, but rather hard annual examination. Bow Parish Council (as Trustees under Charity Commissioners). Supplies part of parish of Bow (Crediton R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in red sandstone, Zeal Monachorum. The average daily quantity of water available is 4,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Bow, 50,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,250 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good. Mrs. Cornish Bowden (see Addenda, page 598). Bridestowe Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of Bridestowe (Okehampton R.D.). Source of Sup/>ly (Nature and Sufficiency}. Spring intercepted underground, at Bridestowe. The average daily quantity of water available is 1,440 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Bridhayes Meadow, 2,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. H. P. Brunskill, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Buckland Tout Saints, and Thurlestone (Kingsbridge R.I).;. Sources of Supply (Nature and. Sufficiency). Springs from slate at Buckland Tout Saints and Thurlestone. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Thurlestone, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Sir C. D. Cave, Bart. Supplies part of parish of Sidbury (Honiton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Sidbury. The average daily quantity of water available is 14,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir, near Sidbury, 2,500 gallons. Quantity of WaJtcr supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Executors of the late W. L. Christie. Supply part of parish of Braunton (Barnstaple R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from rock at Saunton. Ihe average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,000 gallons, and a further 1,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Saunton, 29,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied .The daily average is 1,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality' of Water. Excellent. Lord Churston. Supplies part of parish of Churston Ferrers (Totnes R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone and slate, about half a mile from Churston. Yield not known. Works.No filtration. Reservoir at Higher Alston, 8,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. 260 RETURN A& TO WATER SUPPLIES. Lord Clinton. (1) Supplies Seaton U.D. (part), parish of Beer (Axminster R.D.), and furnishes a supply in bulk to Seaton U.D.C. ; (2) supplies parishes of Bicton and East Budleigh (part) (St. Thomas R.D.). Powers. (1) Seaton and Beer Water Order, 1891. Limits (1) Seaton U.D. ; and parish of Beer (Axminster R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring on Couch'ill Farm, Beer ; (2) Springs from New Red Sandstone, Bicton Common, and Washmoor Farm,v East Budleigh. The average daily quantity of water derived from (1) is 116,000 gallons, and a further 50,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Yield of (2) riot known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Couchill Farm, Beer, (a) 50,000 gallons ; (6) 20,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) The daily averagers 61,000 gallons and 55,000 gallons in bulk supply is constant. (2) Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Colatou Raleigh Water Committee. Supplies part of parish of Colaton Raleigh (St. Thomas R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs on Popham's Farm, Colaton Raleigh. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Popham's Meadow, 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Very good. The Feoffees of Colyton. Supply part of parish of Colyton (Axminster R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Five springs, Slade Hill, Colyton. The average daily quantity of water available is 31,680 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Ridgway, Slade, (a) (two) 42,000 gallons, (6) 25,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 25,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Earl of Devon. Supplies part of parish of Kenton (St. Thomas R.D.). i Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Kenton. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Kenton, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Committee of Visitors, Devon County Asylum. Supplies part of parish of Exminster (St. Thomas R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Borehole through conglomerate to red sandstone, Pierce's Hill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 35,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Pierce's Hill, 300,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Oapt. G. Dowgiass. Supplies part of parish of South Milton (Kingsbridge R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from rock, Shute Orchard. The average daily quantity of water available is 4,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Shute Orchard, 17,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. J. Ford, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Newton Ferrers (Plympton St. Mary R.D.).' Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from shale, Newton Ferrers. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Newton Ferrers, 164,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Mrs. A. Froude. Supplies part of parish of South Pool (Kingsbridge R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- Springs at South Pool. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Halwell House, 1,200 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS DEVONSHIRE. 261 Mrs. C. L. Hamlyn. Supplies parish of Clovelly (Bideford R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs in Burscott and Hugglepit Valleys. Yield not known. Works. Ng nitration. Reservoirs: Burscott Valley, 5,600 gallons- Clovellv 8,750, gallons; Hugglepit Valley, 60,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. C. Hellyer, Esq. (see Addenda, page 598). A. F. Holdsworth, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Stokenham (Kingsbridge R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Stokenham. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good < J. S. Hurrell, Esq. (Trustee). -Supplies part of parish of Chivelstone (Kingsbridge R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). 'Springs with gathering ground " 300 acres, near Chivelstone. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. The Provost and Scholars of King's College, Cambridge. Supply part of parish of Sampford Courtenay (Okehampton R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency)'. Spring from New Red Sandstone at Sampford Courtenay. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, small tank at Sampford Courtenay. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Excellent. Trustees of the late Albert John B. Knight. Supply part of parish of Stokenham (Kings- bridge R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Stokenham. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. J. J. MacAndrew, Esq. Supplies Ivy bridge U.D (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from granite, Bridge Park. The average daily quantity of water available is 30,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Bridge Park, 9,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Messrs. Martin Brothers, Ltd. Supply part of parish of Shaugh Prior (Plympton St. Mary R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from granite on Dartmoor. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Qttality of Water. Good. Marquess of Northampton. Supplies part of parish of Charleton (Kingsbridge R.D.). Sources of Supply (Natitre and Sufficiency). Springs from slate, Charleton. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Charleton (a) 570 gallons, (b) ] 50 gallons ; Frogmore, 350 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Sir W. Peek, Bart. Supplies parish of Rousdon (Axminster R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- Springs from rock, Charton Cliff. The average daily quantity of water available is 18,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Rousdon Cliffs (three), 72,000 gallons ; two tanks, 50,000 gallons ; tank, 16,800 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 7,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. R 4 262 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Mrs. Bayer.- Supplies part of parish of TTolcombc Rogus (Cuhustock E.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Holcombe Court. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Holcombe Rogus, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. R. Rogers, Esq. Supplies part of parish of South Huish (Kingsbridge R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature, and Sufficiency). Springs at Kennel Lane and Westwells, South Huish. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Hope Cove, 2,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Trustees of St. Petrox Trust Lands. Supply Dartmouth B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Swannaton, Dartmouth. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 13,500 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir at Swannaton, 16,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 13,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good. Sticklepath Village Supply. Supplies part of parish of Sampford Courtenay(0kehampton R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- Spring at Sticklepath. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : tank at Sticklepath, 540 gallons. Quantity of W 7 ater supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent. E. R. Berry Torr, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Westleigh (Barnstaple R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well at Westleigh. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir, tank at Westleigh, 9,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Very good. Zeal Monachorum Waterworks Committee.! Supplies part of parish of Zeal Monachorum (Crediton R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}, Well at Zeal Monachorum. The average daily quantity of water available is HOO gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Zeal Monachorum, 13,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Very good. DORSETSHIRE. Trustees of the Bankes Settled Estates. Supply parts of parishes of (1) Corfe Castle, and (2) Studland (Wareham and Purbeck R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well at East Street, Corfe Castle ; (2) Spring at Studland Heath. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs: (1) Corfe Castle, 5,000 gallons; (2) Studland, (a) 50,000 gallons, (6) 20,000 gallons, (c) 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally adequate. Quality of Water. (1) Fair ; (2) good. Duke of Bedford. Supplies parts of parishes of Kingston Russell and Long Bredy (Dorchester R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs near Long Bredy. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Mrs. P. J. Browne. Supplies parish of Fifehead Magdalen (Sturminster R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring at Fifehead House ; (2) River Stour, below Fifehead House. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir at Fifehead House, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. f Zeal Monachorum Waterworks Committee. This undertaking is about to be purhased by the Crediton R.D.C. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 263 R. H. Brutton, Esq. Supplies parish of Osmington (Weymouth R.D.). Soiin-e of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Osmington. Yield not known. 'Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Osmington, 2,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. W. Burt, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Hinton Martell (Wimborue and Cranborne R.I).). Sources of Sup/ily (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from gravel underneath clay, Hinton Martell. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,500 gallons. Work*. No filtration. Reservoirs, Hinton Martell, (a) 1,000 gallons, (b) 3,600 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Colonel Colfox. Supplies part of parisli of Symondsbury (Bridport R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring^ and wells, at Symondsbury. Yield not known. \\'rks. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Intermittent. Quality of Water. Pure. H. K. Colville, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Loders (Bridport R.D.1. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Loscombe Bottom and Boars- barrow Hill. Yield not known. Works.- No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Intermittent. Quality of Water. (iood. Lord Digby. -Supplies part of parisli of Minterne Magna (Cerne R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Three springs from Greensand at Minterne Mugna. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs, two at Minterne Magna, 40,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent. Col. the Hon. E. Digby. Supplies parts of parishes of Wootton Glanville (Cerne R.D.), and Holwell (Sherborne R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk, White Hill, Wootton Glanville. The average daily quantity of water available is 3,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at White Hill, 14,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good. Sir R. G. Glyn, Bart. Supplies part of parish of Foutmell Magna (Shaftesbury R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Fontmell Magna. Yield not trorfe*. Part of the water is filtered. Reservoir at Fontmell Magna, 1,000 gallons. - Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Sir E. A. Hambro. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Hilton, (2) Milton Abbas, (3) Winter- borne Clenston, and Winterborne Stickland (Blandford R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -(I) Springs from sand at Higher Hilton Farm ; (2) Springs from Chalk at Milton Abbas ; (3) Springs from Chalk at Houghton. The average daily quantity of water available from (2) is 5,000 gallons. Yield of (1) No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Hilton, 10,000 gallons; (2) near Milton, 7,500 gallons; (3) two at Stickland and one at Winterborne Clenston, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. E. S. Hindley, Esq.- Supplies part of parish of Bourton (Shaftesbury R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -Sprmg from Greensand, lie Mount, Bourton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 5,01 9,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works No filtration. Reservoir at Bourton, 600 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 5,000 gallons. Supply is constant Quality of Water. Good. 264 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Earl of Ilchester. Supplies parishes of (1) Melbury Osmond (Bearninster R.D.), Stockwood (Sherborne R.D.), and (2) Abbotsbury (Weyinouth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Chalk : (1) Stockwood, (2} Abbotsbury. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Stockwood, (2) Storiey Lane, Abbotsbury, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied.- Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Kington Magna Property Owners. Sxipply part of parish of Kington Magna (Shaftesbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Mitchell's Well ; (2) Curdell Spring. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 4,000 gallons ; (2) 7,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs, two at Kington Magna 2,400 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (2nd Sep- tember 1911) that the water is suitable for drinking. Hardness not known. No action on lead. A. Douglas Pass, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Wootton Fitzpaine (Bridport R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature, and Sufficiency). Spring at Wootton Fitzpaine. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 700 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Wootton Fitzpaine, 8,750 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Col. Mansel Pleydell. Supplies parts of parishes of Winterborne Clenston and Winterborne Whitchurch (Blandford R.D.). ' Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Houghton. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir at Clenston, 7,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. Fortisham Parish Council. Supplies parish of Portisham ( Weymouth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Portisham. Yield not known. Works. ; No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Portisham, 200 gallons. Quantity of Wat,er supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Very good. Viscount Portman. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Bryanston, (2) Durweston, Winterborne Stickland (Blandford R,D.) ; (3) Shillingstone (Sturminster R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) River Stour, intake in Bryanston ; (2) Artesian boring in Chalk, Folly Hill, Durweston ; (3) Spring from Chalk, White Pit,. Shill ingstone Hill. Yield not known. Works. Water from (1) only is filtered. Reservoirs : (1) The Cliff, 1,000,000 gallons ; The Gallop, 500,000 gallons ; (2) Folly Hill (a) 30,000 gallons, (6) 50,000 gallons ; (3) Shillingstone, 50,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. (1) Good, and soft ; (2) Good ; hardness, 12 ; (3) Excellent. Pymore Mill Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Allington and Bradpole (Bridport R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells and springs in Allington and Bradpole. Yield not known, .but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. E. A. Sparks, Esq. Supplies parish of Langton Herring (Weyinouth R.D.). ^Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone and clay, Wans Plantation, Langton Herring. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,800 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Wans Plantation, 15,000 gallons; Langton Herring, 12,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. PART I. : SECTION V. 'PRIVATE PROPRIETORS DORSETSHIRE. 266 Messrs. Sparks and Blake. Supply part of parish of Gillingham (Shaftesbury R.D.). Source of Supply (Mature and Suffidenci/). Well at Rolls Bridge, Gillingham. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs, two at Wyke Road ; capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Stalbridge. Supplies Shaftesbury B. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Alcester, Cann, and Motcombe (Shaftesbury R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 140 feet, in Greensand, Barton Hill, Shaftesbury. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 65,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Little Down, Cann, 150,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 65,000 gallons. Supply is intermittent. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (8th August 1911) that the water is sufficiently pure. Hardness: total, 14; permanent, 8. No action on C. H. Stilwell, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Winterborne Steepleton (Dorchester R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Chalk and Greensand, near the Steepleton Ponds. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Thorncombe Voluntary Water Committee. Supplies part of parish of Thorncombe (Beaminster R.D.I. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Greensand, Sadborow, Thorncombe. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Sadborow (a) 150 gallons, (l>) 150 gallons, (c) 1,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Excellent. Mrs. U. B. Wallis. Supplies part of parish of Whitchurch Canonicorum (Bridport R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Morecombe Lake. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 260 gallons, and a further 200 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Water is filtered. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 260 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. F. Weld, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Chideock (Bridport R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs under Langdon Hill, QuarHill, Hardown Hill, Eype Down, in Great Orchard and Bottom Park. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Silver Bridge, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. . J. Weld, Esq. Supplies parishes of Chaldon Herring (part), Coombe Keynes (part), East 'Lulworth (part), West Lulworth, Winfrith Newburgh (part), and Wool (Wareham and Purbeck R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Chalk at West Lulworth, Winfrith Newburgh, and Wool. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at West Lulworth, 120,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. M. Scott Williams, Esq. Supplies parish of Woolland (Sturminster R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Chalk and Greensand, Woolland. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Two small tanks at Woolland. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. 266 RETURN , AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Lord Wimborne. Supplies part of parish of Oanford Magna (Poole R D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from white sand, Canford Heath. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 8,640 gallons. Works. Filtration, 176 gallons per square yard per day. Reservoir at Canford Heath, 128,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 8,640 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. DURHAM. Messrs. John Bowes and Partners, Ltd. Supply part of parish of Lamesley (Chester le Street R.I). ). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Coal Measures at Kibblesworth. The average daily quantity of water available from eaeh spring is, respectively, (1) 5,400 gallons, (2) 12,880 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Lamesley, (a) 7,900 gallons, (b) 215 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. -The daily average is 6,250 gallons. Supply is ('(instant. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. Thomas Brough, Ben M. Brough, H. W. Brough, and Representatives of the late John Brough. Supply part of parish of Sea ton with Slingley (Easington R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Magnesian Limestone, Sharpley Hall, near Seaton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,500 gallons, and a further 1,500 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, Sharpley Hall Tank, 4,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Pure. Earl of Durham. Supplies part of parish of Offerton (Houghton le Spring R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Magnesian Limestone, Penshaw Hill. The average daily quantity of water available is 5,600 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Three small tanks at Offerton. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. The Horden Collieries, Ltd. Supply parts of parishes of (1) Monk Hesledon and (2) Shotton (Easington R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Magnesian Limestone at (1) Blackball Colliery, (2) Horden Colliery. The average daily qiiantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 72,200 gallons; (2) 250,000 gallons; a further 400,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 500,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Blackball Colliery, 82,500 gallons ; (2) Horden Colliery, (a) 3,600 gallons, (6) 3,600 gallons, (c) 3,600 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 200,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (9th November 1911) that chemically the water from Horden is satisfactory, and (18th Jiily 1913) that from Blackball is of recommendable purity. Hardness : Blackball, total 28, permanent, 10'5; Horden, total 30 "8, permanent 11 '2. No action on lead. The Blackball water contains sodium and magnesian chloride. Lambton and Hetton Collieries, Ltd. Supply parishes of (1) Bourn Moor, Harraton (part) (Chester le Street R.D.j, Morton Grange, Newbottle (part), West Herrington (Hougliton le Spring R.D.); and furnish supplies in bulk to Houghton le Spring R.D.C. from (1), and to Houghton le Spring U.D.C. from (2). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Pumping shaft, East Herrington ; (2) pumping shaft, Houghton le Spring. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 301,000 gallons; (2) 170,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: (1) Herrington Hill, (a) 300,000 gallons, (b) 300,000 gallons; (2) Houghton Hill East, 228,000 gallons; West, 114,000 gallons; North, 114,000 gallons, Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average from (1) is 301,000 gallons, and from (2) 170,000 gallons. Supply is constant. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 2(57 Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (3<)th Decemlx r 1911) that chemically the water from (2) is satisfactory. Hardness.: (1) 30, (2) 45. No action on lead ; (1) contains magnesia. North Hetton Coal Company. Supplies parish of Moorsley (Houston le Spring R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Boring (25 feet) from limestone and sand at Moorsley. The average daily quantity of water available is 20,160 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Ix>w Moorsley, 23,930 gallons ; High Moorsley, 8,974 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,537 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. Walter Scott, Ltd. (1) Supply parts of parishes of Cassop cum Quarrington and Coxhoe (Durham R.D.) and furnish a supply in bulk to Durham R.D.C. ; (2) supply parishes of Kelloe, Wingate (part) (Easington R.D.), and Trimdon (Sedgefield R.D.). Sources of Siipjtli/ (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well in limestone at Trimdon Grange ; (2), (a) pumping shaft from red sandstone below Magnesian Limestone at Trimdon Grange, (b) pumping shaft at Trimdon Colliery. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 245,800 gallons ; (2) (a) 119,520 gallons, (?>) 96,480 gallons ; a further 21(5,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 30,000 gallons from (2) (a), and 264,000 gallons from (2) (6). Works. No nitration. Reservoirs: (1) Quarrington Hill, tanks, (a) 6,750 gallons, (b) 6,750 gallons, (c) 6,750 gallons; (2) tanks at Trimdon Grange, 10,000 gallons; Trimdon, 5,000 gallons; Deaf Hill, 5,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of \Vuter supplied. The daily average is (1) 108,000 gallons; quantity in bulk not known ; (2) 216,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. No action on lead. The Master and Governors of Sherburn Hospital. Supply parts of parishes of Sherburn House, Shincliffe, and Whitwell House (Durham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two springs from limestone, at Old Cassop. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,600 gallons, and a further 1,200 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Cassop (six), 5,375 gallons each ; and (two). 2,269 gallons each. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,600 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Wholesome. South Hetton Coal Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Haswell (Easington R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Pumping shaft from limestone at South Hetton. The average daily quantity of water available is 1,500 gallons. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Hard ; of great purity bacterially. The Steetley Lime Company. Supplies part of parish of Coxhoe (Durham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Magnesian Limestone at Quarrington Hill. The average daily quantity of water available is 6,120 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: West House Farm, 2,500 gallons ; Joint Stock Farm, 2,500 gallons; Pescott Hall Farm, 1,200 gallons; Quarrington Hill, 3,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 500 gallons. Supply inconstant. Quality of Water. Wholesome. Weardale Steel, Coal and Coke Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Shadforth (Durham R.D.) ; (2) Thornley and Wingate (Easington R.D.), and furnishes a supply in bulk to Easington R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Magnesian Limestone,.,, ( 1) Ludworth Colliery ; (2) Thornley Colliery. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Tanks at Ludworth Colliery, 35,000 gallons ; (2) tanks at Thornle} 7 and High Wheatley Hill, capacity not known. (2) Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) The daily average is 4,9 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Executors of the late William Adam. Supply parish of Buck land (Wincheomb R.D.). Sources of Sii/ipli/ (Xature and Sufficiency). Springs on North Cotswold Hills. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Laverton Hill, 2,500 gallons; Buckland, 2,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 12,960 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Pure. Alderley Private Subscription Supply. Supplies parish of Alderley (Chipping Sodbury R.D.). Sources of Supjily (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring near Monks Mill. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir, tank at Alderley, 11,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Good. Alvington Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of Alvington (Lydney R.D.). Sources of Supply (Mature and Sufficiency). Cone Brook, intake at Beanhills. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,800 gallons, and a further 500 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir at Duncastle Farm, 5,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,800 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Avening Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of Avening (Tetbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Longmans, Avening. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Aylburton Water Supply Committee. Supplies part of parish of Aylburton (Lydney R.D.). Sources of Suj>ply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, Berryfields, Lodge Lane, Aylburton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,000 gallons, and a further 37,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. R. R. Barker, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Fairford (Cirencester R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, Fairford Mill;' The average daily quantity of water obtained' is 34,000 gallons, but an unlimited supply could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Fairford, 20,000 gallons, Milton End Farm, 3,000 gallons; Park House, 4,000 gallons; Manor Farm, 1,400 gallons; Leafield Farm, 1,000 gallons ; P'ar Hill Farm, 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 34,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. BV. T. E. M. Barrow. Supplies parish of Randwick (Stroud R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Inferior Oolite, at Randwick. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs, six tanks at Randwick, 1,650 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good. irl Bathurst Supplies parts of parishes of (1) North Cerney and (2) Sappeiton (Ciren- cester R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Oolite and Fuller's Earth at (1) North Cerney and Perrott's Brook ; (2) Sapperton. . Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of W'ater supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. (I) Good, (2) very good, but rather hard. 270 llETUKN AS 'TO WATER SUPPLIES. Trustees of the late G. S. Bazley. Supply (1) parish of Hatherop ; and (2) part of parish of Quenington (Cirencester R. D.i. Sources of Supply (Nat it re and Sufficiency); (1) Artesian well, at the Grandage ; (2) Spring at South Farm. Yield not known, but an unlimited supply could be obtained from (1). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Quenington Farm Buildings, Castle (four), Glebe Farm (two), Dean Farm (three), Koine Farm, Barrow Elm Farm, Homeleaze Farm, South Farm ; capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. The Hon. M. H. Hicks-Beach, M.P. Supplies part of parish of Quenington (Cirencester K.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Stream at Coin St. Aldwyn. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs ; underground tanks at (a) Coin St. Aldwyn, (b) Quenington, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. W. F. Hicks-Beach, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Great Witcombe (Cheltenham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Oolite, at Great Witcombe. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, small tanks at Great Witcombe. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but rather hard. Bedminster, Easton, Kingswood, and Parkfield Collieries, Ltd. Supply part of parish of Pucklechurch (Chipping Sodbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Oolite in pit shaft, Parkfield Colliery. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 40,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 40,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Biddulph. Supplies parishes of Coates (part) ; Pool Keynes and Rodmarton (part) (Cirencester R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Oakwell. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Pool Keynes, 1,000 gallons ; Tarlton, Rod- marton, 6,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Capt. R. Brassey. Supplies part of parish of Upper Slaughter (Stow on the Wold R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Oolite, Aston Brook. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs .Upper Slaughter (a) 10,000 gallons, (I) 2,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 6,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Capt. Butler. Supplies part of parish of Wyck Rissington (Stow on the Wold R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from Oolitic formation on clay subsoil, Wyck Hill; (2) Spring, Holly Hill, Wyck Rissington; (3) Spring from gravel, Heath Hill, Stow on the Wold. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is. respectively, (1) 1,250 gallons; (2) 2,000 gallons; (3) 1,000 gallons. Wot**. No filtration. Reservoirs : Wyck Hill (a) 5,000 gallons, (b) 30,000 gallons ; Tanks at Heath Hill Farm, 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. R. J. and M. Calcutt, (Trustees). Supply part of parish of A veiling (Tetbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at A veiling. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Avening, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. PAKT I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. 271 Corpus Christ! College, Oxford. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Daglingworth (Cirencester R.D.) ; (2) Temple Guiting (Winchcomb R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from Oolite formation, Duntisbourne Rouse ; (2) Springs from Midford Sand and Oolites, at Temple Guiting. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Temple Guiting, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Excellent, but hard. T. Crewdson, Esq. Supplies parish of Syde (Cirencester R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Oolite, Syde. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 5,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs ; tanks at Syde, (a) 1,000 gallons, (b) 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. F. W. B. Cripps, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Ampney Crucis (Cirencester R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -Spring from limestone, Ampney Crucis. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Ampney Park, 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. C. Cunard, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Notgrove (Stow on the Wold R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Oolite and clay at Notgrove. The average daily quantity of water available is 12,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Notgrove, 30,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied Adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (25th September 1911) that the water is of satisfactory quality for drinking and domestic purposes. Hard. Lady Darwin and J. M. Collett, Esq. Supply part of parish of Brookthorpe (Wheatenhurst R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from limestone and gravel, with gathering ground, 50 acres, Brookthorpe. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Tank at Wynstone Place, 600 gallons ; Brook- thorpe, 68,360 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. J. T. Dugdale, Esq. Supplies parish of Sezincote (Stow on the Wold R.DA Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from limestone at Se/iiieote. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. H. D'Este East, Esq. Supplies parish of Bourton on the Hill (Campden R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Bourton on the Hill. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. The late Earl of Ellenborough (Court of Chancery). Supplies part of parish of Oxenton (Tewkesbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from rock, near Oxenton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 5,000 gallons. Works .No filtration. Reservoir at Oxenton, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. H. J. Elwes Esq.* Supplies part of parish of Colesborne (Cirencester R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Colesborne. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. A 0.198 S 272 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES, Lord Estcourt.t Supplies parishes of Shipton Moyne (part) (Glos.)and Long Newnton (Wilts) (Tetbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in Oolite limestone, Shipton Moyne and Long Newnton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 24,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Long Newnton, 120,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 24,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. M. Fenwick, Esq. Supplies parishes of (1) Lower Swell (part), and (2) Upper Swell (Stow on the Wold R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Inferior Oolite, (1) Lower Swell, (2) Abbotswood House. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Fitzhardinge. Supplies parts of parishes of Berkeley and Ham fallow (Thornbury R.DA Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Old Red Sandstone, Hamf allow. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Hamfallow, 50,000 gallons ; Berkeley Castle, (a) 3,000 gallons, (6) 5,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. The Misses C. L. and G. E. George. Supply parish of Cherington (Tetbury R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Forest Marble, near Cher- ington. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Cherington Park, 7,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Pure. Great Western Railway Company. Furnishes a supply in bulk to Lord Biddulph, who supplies part of parish of Kemble (Cirencester R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells near Kemble Station. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,000,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,890 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical and bacteriological examination. Hardness: total, 18 "4; permanent, 5 '5. No action on lead. S. G. Hamilton, Esq. Supplies parishes of Clopton and Mickleton (part) (Campden R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Marlstone over Lower Lias clay, Mickleton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 6,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir at Mickleton, 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Earl of Harrowby. Supplies pails of parishes of Aston Subedge and Weston Subedge (Pebworth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Poor's Piece. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 5,660 gallons, and a further 6,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Little Rodcombe, 3,000 gallons ; Poor's Piece, 200 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 5,660 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. J. H. Hewitt, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Maugersbury (Stow on the Wold R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spicing on Margerry Hill, near Maugersbury. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Tanks at Maugersbury, (a) 8,000 gallons, (//) 2,600 gallons ; Manor House, 5,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,500 gallons. Supply is constant, Quality of Water. Satisfactory. t The West Gloucestershire Water Company are under obligation to furnish a supply under their Act of 1914 and the existing sources will then be abandoned. I PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. 273 Hillesley Water Supply. Supplies part of parish of Hawkesbury (Chipping Sodbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and' Sufficiency). Two springs, at Hillesley, Hawkesbury. The average daily quantity of water obtained from each spring is respectively 2,880 gallons and 1,440 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Hawkesbury, (a) 2,000 gallons, (b) 4,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,320 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Moderate hardness ; no action on lead. Lieut.-Col. Sir G. Holford. Supplies parishes of Shipton Moyne (part), Tetbury Upton (part), and Weston Birt with Lasborough (Tetbury R.D.). Source* of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Oolite at (1) Lasborough, (2) Westonbirt. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 10,000 gallons, (2) 29,400 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir . Charlton Down, Tetbury Upton, 1,000,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 35,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. I. Horleck, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Cowley (Cheltenham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Oolite, at Cowley. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Cowley, capacity not known. Quantity t>f Water supplied. Adequate. Quality' of Water. Good. Hardness, 25 '8. J. Joicey, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Meysey Hampton, and Poulton (Cirencester R,D.) Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well at Hartwell Farm, Meysey Hampton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,756 gallons, and an unlimited supply could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Hartwell Farm, 30,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,756 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Leigh. Supplies parishes of (I) Adlestrop, and (2) Longborough -(Stow on the Wold R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from Inferior Oolite, one mile from Adlestrop ; (2) Spring from Inferior Oolite, Longborough. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively (1) 7,500 gallons, (2) 100,000 gallons. Works.- No filtration. Reservoir at Adlestrop, 1,620 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is (1) 7,500 gallons; (2) 25,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Lt.-Col. J. C. Caruthers Little. Supplies part of parish of Pitchcombe (Stroud R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Pitchcombe. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Magdalen College, Oxford. Supplies part of parish of Quinton (Campden R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Upper Quiuton. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir at Meon Hill, 9,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Very good. Col. T. W. Chester-Master. Supplies part of parish of Baunton (Cirencester R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring near Perrotts Brook, Baunton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 10,000 gallons and an unlimited supply could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs :: Whiteway Road, 5,000 gallons ; The Hare- bushes, 3,000 gallons ; " The Sisters," 1,000 gallons ; Dillies Farm, (a) 500 gallons, (b) 500 gallons ; Baunton Lane, 300 gallons ; Downs Farm, 100 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. S 2 274 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Mrs. Eyres Monsell. Supplies parish of Dumbleton (Winchcomb R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from limestone, (1) Chair (four) ; (2) Bradley. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 17,900 gallons; (2) 5,760 gallons ; a further 7,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 2,000 gallons from (2). Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs at Dumbleton, (a) 5,000 gallons ; (6)47,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Pure. A. M. Streatfeild Moore, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Little Rissington (Stow on the Wold R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two springs from limestone, Little Rissington. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Little Rissington, 6,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Redesdale. Supplies parishes of Batsford, and Lower Lemington (part) (Campden R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Lias, (1) Batsford Park ; (2) Lemington. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 9,000 gallons, (2) 50,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Batsford (four), 13,000 gallons ; Lemington, 5,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Lt.-Col. Fairfax Rhodes. Supplies part of parish of Charlton Abbots (Winchcomb R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Inferior Oolite at Charlton Abbots. The 'average daily quantity of water available is 3,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. M. Richards, Esq. Supplies parish of Hawling (Winchcomb R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs, New House Farm, Hawling. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 5,000 gallons, and a further 20,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Hawling, 14,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 5,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Pure. Lord Sherborne. Supplies part of parish of Standish (Wheatenhurst R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- Spring from Oolitic formation, Standish Wood. The average daily qua7itity of water obtained is 3,000 gallons, and a further 50,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs: Standish Wood, (a) 15,000 gallons, (b) 15,( gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. P. S. Stott, Esq.* Supplies parish of Stanton (Winchcomb R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Stanton Hill. The averag daily quantity of water available is 1,000,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, Stanton Hill, 1,012,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Pure. J. H. Taylor, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Colesborne, North Cerney and Rendcomb (Cirencester R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Marsden, Shawswell, and Green Meadow Farm. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Green Meadow, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and pure. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 275 J. G. Villar, Esq.- -Supplies parish of Gotherington (\Vinclicomb H.I'.' Sources <>/ Hupi>ly (Nature and Huffideney). Springs from limestone, intercepted underground, Nottingham Hill, Gotherington. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Manor Farm, Gotherington, <>,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Pure. J. R. West, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Saintbury ( Pebworth R.D.). Source of Supply (Xatuir and Sufficiency). Spring in Coombe NVoocl, Saintbury. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sullicieiit. Quality of Water. -Good. G. Lowsley- Williams, EfQi Supplies part. of parish of Aveuing (Tetbury H.I>.;. Sources of Supply (Xaturc ami Sufficiency). (1) Well at Lo\vesmoor ; (2) Well at Arton. The average daily quantity of water obtained from (2) is 1,500 gallons. Yield from (1) not known. Works. No filtration. Keservoirs : Arton, 30.000 gallons ; tanks at Lowesmoor Farm, 60,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. M. E. R. Wingfield, Esq. Supplies (1) parish of Great Harrington (Stow on the Wold R.D.) and (2) (in Oxfordshire) part of parish of Taynton (Witney R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Taynton. Yield not known. II orks. No filtration. Reservoir at Barrington Park, 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Mrs. G. C. Winthrop. Supplies part of parish of Hidcote Bartrim (Campden R.D.). Source of Supply (Xaturc and Sufficiency). Spring from Oolite, Hidcote Hill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 8,000 gallons, and a further 16,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Baldwyn Farm, Hidcote Hill, 8,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 8,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, but rather hard. Executors of the late S. W. Woods. Supply Newnham U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -Springs from red sandstone intercepted underground, and gathering ground, 20 acres, Blai/e Bailey, near Newnham. The average daily quantity of water available is 20,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Blaize Bailey, 60,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. No action on lead. HEREFORDSHIRE. larquess of Abergavenny. Supplies part of parish of Ewyas Harold (Dore R.I).). Sources of Supplii (Nature and Sufficiency). St. Martin's Well, fed by a spring from marl subsoil on Ewyas Harold Common. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Excellent. F. Ballard, Esq. (Trustee of the late S. Ballard.) Supplies part of parish of Colwall (Ledbury R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from igneous rock in Malvern Hills. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 4.500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Colwall, 80,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Excellent. Trustees of the late T. Blake. Supply Ross U.D. (part) and part of parish of Ross Rural (Ross R.D.). Powers Moss Water Orders. 1802 and 1898. Limits. Ross U.D,, parts of parishes of Bridstow and Ross Rural (Ross R,D.) A 0.198 S 3 276 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency), Artesian wells and borings in Old Red Sandstone, at Alton Court, Ross. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 120,000 gallons, and a further 200,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Alton Court, 400,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 120,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (7th January 1911) thai chemically the water is satisfactorj r . Hardness, 17 '8. No action on lead. Mrs. Nancy Burrell. Supplies parts of parishes of Bodenham and Hope under Dinmore (Leominster R.D.) Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Springs near Risbury Mill. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Sir F. Cawley, Bart., M.P. Supplies part of parish of Eye, Moreton and Ashton (Leominster R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from red sandstone, and wells, Ashton, Leominster. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Major A. Chambers. Supplies part of parish of Hatfield (Leominster K.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Hatfield. Yield not known. Works. No - filtration. Reservoirs: Tower at Hatfield Court, 2,000 gallons; Hatfield, 1,200 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Pure ; water contains some iron. Trustees of the late P. Coats. Supply parts of parishes of Clifford and Whitney (Bredwardine R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) River Wye, and (2) Springs from rock at Clifford and Whitney. Yield not known. Works. Water from (1) only is filtered. Reservoirs : Green Farm, 50,000 gallons ; Ton Farm, 25,000 gallons ; Whitney Court, 100,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Rev. Sir Geoffery Cornewall, Bart.' ;;; " Supplies parts of parities of Bredwardine, Clifford, and Dorsjtone (Bredwardine R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Old House. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. P. Foley, Esq.* Supplies parishes of Dormington (part) and Stoke Edith (Hereford R.D.), and Tarrington (part) (Ledbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring in clay and marl at Stoke Edith. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Stoke Edith, (a) 900 gallons, (b) 1,800 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. B,. G. Gr. Harley, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Brampton Bryan (Wigmore R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Ludlow Beds, Brampton Bryan Park. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir at Brampton Bryan Park, 17,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. PART T. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 277 Trustees of Jarvis' Chanty. Supply part of parish of Stuunton on Wye (Weobley H.I).). Soun-i' <>( ^upply (Nature and Sufficiency). Vf eft at Stuuntou on Wye. the average daily quantity of water obtained is 810 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs, towers at Staunton on Wye, (a) 500 gallons (6) 300 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 810 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. (iood. C. A. Boughton Knight, Esq. Supplies parishes of Aston and Leinthall Starkes (Wigmore H.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature nality of W T ater. Good. Earl Sondes. Supplies part of parish of Sheldwich (Faversham R.D.). Source of Suf>ply (Nature and Sujfhsi&ney). Well in Chalk in Lees Court Park, Sheldwich. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Shepherd's Hill, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. L. A. St. L. Toke, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Great Chart (West Ashford R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring at Goldwell Quarry ; (2) Spring at Chilmington Green. Yield not known. Works. Water from (2) only is filtered. Reservoirs : Goldwell tanks, (a) 11,500 gallons, (b) 3,520 gallons ; Chilmington, 500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Trustees of Wittersham Water Supply. Supply part of parish of Wittersham (Tenterden R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs tapped underground, from Wealden clay, at Wittersham. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,800 gallons, and a further 10,200 gallons per day could be obtained. ' Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Wittersham, (a) 5,000 gallons, (b) 14,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,800 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. LANCASHIRE. Earl of Abingdon. Supplies part of parish of Hapton (Burnley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from Coal Measures, at Great Hameldon Hill; (2) Moorland streams, with gathering ground, 380 acres, Great Hameldon Hill. The average daily quantity of water available from (1) is 180,000 gallons ; (2) is an emergency supply, yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Cronker Wood, 1,000,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 75,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. 282 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Mrs. A. A. Ainsworth. Supplies Ranasbottom U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sand, Ramsbottom. The average daily quantity of water obtained is l,00() gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water, Excellent. Mrs. M. Ainsworth. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Claife, and (2) Colton (Ulverston R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring at Wray ; (2) Spring from slate, Backbarrow. The average daily quantity of water available from (1) is 3,600 gallons ; yield of (2) not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Wray, (a) 39,000 gallons, (b) 10,000 gallons, (2) Backbarrow, 4,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) Intermittent; (2) sufficient. Quality of Water. (]) Good, and soft ; (2) satisfactory. Bi. C. Assheton, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Downham (Clitheroe R.D.), and furnishes a supply in bulk to Clitheroe R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- Springs from grit, on Pendle Hill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 50,000 gallons, and a further 100,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Reservoir, Dowriham, 12,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 20,000 gallons and 30,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Wholesome. Hardness, 1 ' 7 to 9 ' 2. No action on lead ; contains traces of iron. Messrs. A. Barlow and Sons. Supply Uamsbottom F.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone rock, Edenfield. The average daily quantity of Avater available is 3,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Plunge Farm, 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (4th August 1911) that the water is free from organic contamination, and, after nitration, excellent. Hardness, 10 '6. Executors ot the late Mrs. Beswicke. Supply Littleborough U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Shore Lane Brook, intake at Ealees. The average daily quantity of water available is 3,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Ealees, Littleborough, 4,700 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Col. J. E. B. Bowdon. Supplies part of parish of Pleasington (Blackburn R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit at Pleasington. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Pleasington, 80,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally ample. Quality of Water Good. British Insulated and Helsby Cables, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Whiston (Winston R.D.) ; and furnishes a supply in bulk to Whiston R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Tfwo boreholes, 350 feet in red sandstone, at Holt Lane Quariy, Whiston. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 160,000 gallons. Wo'fcs. No filtration. Reservoirs, tanks at Holt Lane, 60,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 110,000 gallons and 50,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 14. No action on lead. W. Fitzherbert Brockholes, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Claughton (Garatang R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Claughton on Brock. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good, PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. LANCASHIRE. 283 H. Brocklebank, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Hawksheacl and Satterthwaite (Ulverston R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs and streams from upland surfaces: (1) Gri/edale; (2) Satterthwaite; (3) Hawkshead. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 30,800 gallons, (2) 12,000 gallons, (3) 8,400 gallons. Works. Part of the water is filtered. Reservoirs: Grizedale (a) 1,500 gallons, (6) 26,000 gallons, (c) 800 gallons, (d) 200 gallons ; Satterthwaite, (a) 1,500 gallons, (6) 300 gallons, (c) 300 gallons ; Hawkshead (a) 12,000 gallons, (b) 20,000 gallons, (c) 800 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. The Calico Printers' Association, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Wiswell (Clitheroe R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Barrow. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Barrow ; capacity not known. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Richard F. Cavendish. Supplies part of parish of Lower Holker (Ulverston R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Holker Bank. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs : Holker Bank, 100,000 gallons ; tanks at Holker Bank, (a) 80,000 gallons, (6) 8,000 gallons, (c) 28,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Claughton Manor Brick Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Claughton (Lunesdale R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from grits and shales, Claughton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 34,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at West End, Claughton, 100,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. E. Clegg and Son, Ltd. Supply Littleborough U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Carboniferous formation at Higher and Lower Shore. Yield not known. Works. Filtration at Lower Shore only. Reservoirs : Lower Shore, 70,000 gallons ; tank at Higher Shore, 5,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. J. Coward, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Colton (Ulverston R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Colton. Yield not known. Works. So filtration. Reservoir, tank at Colton, 13,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Executors of W. Cragg, and F. Pearson, Esq. Supply part of parish of Arkholme with Cawood (Lvmesdale R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Arkholme with Cawood. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. S. H. Dawson, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Reedley Hallows (Burnley R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Reedley Hallows. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir, tank at Reedley Hallows, 590 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Excellent. Earl of Derby Supplies parts of parishes of Chipping and Thornley with Wheatley (Clitheroe R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from grit on Longndge Fell. Yield not known. 284 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Whitefold, 30,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. G. and R. Dewhurst, Ltd. Supply part of parish of Farington (Preston R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Farington. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 7,000 gallons. Works.- No filtration. Reservoir, tower at Farington, 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 6,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. J. and W. Eccles. Supply Trawden U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Spring from sandstone at Winewall, Trawden. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Winewall, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. T. B. Ecroyd, Esq. Supplies Nelson B. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian well in Lower Coal Measures, Nelson. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 6,000 gallons, and a further 2,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works.- No filtration. Reservoirs : Tanks in Lomeshaye Meadow, (a) 2,000 gallons, (b) 1,500 gallons ; Lomeshaye Road, 3,000 gallons. Quantity cf Water supplied. The daily average is 6,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good. A. Thornber Ellis, Esq. Supplies Trawden U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from rock at Wanless Farm, Trawden. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Wanless Farm, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Excellent. Messrs. Richd. Evans & Co., Ltd. Furnish an occasional supply in bulk to Haydock U.1XC. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in New Red Sandstone, Lyme Pits, Haydock. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 90,000 gallons, and a further 720,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Emergency supply. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 5 "57. No action on lead. Sir W. H. Feilden, Bart. Supplies parts of parishes of Livesey and Pleasington (Blackburn R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Millstone Grit and upland surfaces at Withnell. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Withnell, 4,150,560 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. R. K. Fenton, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Aighton Bailey and Chaigley (Clitheroe R.D.) ; and (2) Button and Ribchester (Preston R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring on Crawsbaw Farm; (2) Moorland springs and gathering ground, 400 acres, Gannow Fell. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. H. N. Ffarington, Esq. Supplies Leyland U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Leyland. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality oi Water. -Good. PART I. : SECTION -V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 'LANCASHIRE. 285 R. Fort, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Sabdeu (Burnley R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature, and Sufficiency). "Read Well" supplied by a spring, Black Hill, Sabden. The average daily quantity of water obtained is ( .)7,li2< gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Sabden, 800,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Good. Trustees of the late Col. Foster. Supply parts of parishes of Hornby with Farleton and Wray with Bottom (Lunesdale R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Roeburn, about IT} miles above Wray. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs : Backsbottorn, Wray, (a) 110,000 gallons, (b) 15,500 gallons, (c) 15,500 gallons ; and tank, 25,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. H. Garnett, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Ellel (Lancaster R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Croft Height Farm, Ellel. The average daily quantity of water available is 1,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. N. Garnett, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Hawkshead (Ulverston R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Hawkshead Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir, small tank at Hawkshead. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Pure. Greenbank Estate Company, Ltd. Supplies Rawtenstall B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit, Rawtenstall. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Rawtenstall, (a) 1,500,000 gallons, (b) 250.000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 28,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. Messrs. Joshua Hoyle and Sons, Ltd. Supply Ramsbottom U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well at Brooksbottom. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 25,000 gallons, and a further 25,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Mechanical filters. Reservoir: Crag Farm, Summerseat, 40,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 25,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water.- Good. Kays Trustees. Supply Ramsbottom U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -Spring from sandstone, with gathering ground, above Ramsbottom. The average daily quantity of water available is 40,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir near Bury Road, 638,540 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. -The daily average is 600 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. Laund Estate Company. Supplies Rawtenstall B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and. Sufficiency). Well and spring from shale, at Rawtenstall. Yield not known. Works. Part of the water is filtered. Reservoirs : Two at Rawtenstall, 1,000,000 gallons each. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. C. H. Lomax, Esq. Supplies Littleborough U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Lower Coal Measures, Heights Farm, Littleborough. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Higher Townhouse, 9,300 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water.- Remarkably pure. 286 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Executors of the late S. Longworth.. Supply parts of parishes of Whalley and Wiswell (Clitheroe R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from sandstone and limestone, and upland gathering ground, 200 acres, in Whalley and W T iswell Yield not known. Works. Upland water only is filtered. Reservoirs : Two at Whalley, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Lowwood Gunpowder Company. Supplies part of parish of Upper Holker (Ulverston R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Lake and upland surfaces, Bigland Hill ; (2) Well, Bigland Hill. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs: Bigland Hill, (a) 2,700 gallons, (b) 420 gallons, (c) 150 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Messrs. Adam Mason and Sons. Furnish a supply in bulk to Horwich U.D.C. (see page 67). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Pumping shaft, 390 feet, in Millstone Grit, Montcliffe, Horwich. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 130,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 130,000 gallons. Quality of Water.- Satisfactory occasional examination. Newchurch Spinning and Weaving Company, Ltd. - Supplies Rawtenstall B. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from shale at Rawtenstall. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Cloughfold, 1,500,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. R. Nuttall, Esq. Supplies Ramsbottom U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from shale, and upland gathering ground, 20 acres, Heycrofts. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,500 gallons, and a further 5,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Heycrofts Hill, 15,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. P. Ormrod, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Nether Wyresdale (Garstang R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring in Shyl Wood. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent. A. T. Porritt, Esq. Supplies Ramsbottom U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. (1) Spring from rock, near Ox-Hey Wood; (2) Spring from rock, Holcombe Hill, Buckden. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 25,000 gallons, (2) 180,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Ox-Hey Wood, 300 gallons ; Buckden Meadow, 15,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 6,600 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. T. Robinson, Esq. Supplies Trawden U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs in Lodge Holme and Lodge Holme Meadow. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Lodge Holme and Lodge Holme Meadow ; capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. J. L. Rushton, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Barnacre with Bonds (Garstang R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from gravelly subsoil over rock, at Barnacre. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied.- Ample. Quality of Water. Good, but rather hard. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. LANCASHIRE. 287 Executors of the late William Sager. Supply Littleborough U.l). (part). (Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Littleborough. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 10,392 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Whitelees, Littleborough, .">,031 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 10,302 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. G. H. Sandys, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Claife and Sattertliwaite (Diversion R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Sattertliwaite. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Earl of Sefton. Supplies part of parish of Over Wyresdale (Lancaster R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone, Wellbrook Fell, Over Wyresdale. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Over Wyresdale (a) .",(),( KK) gallons, (6) 20,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Good. Trustees of the late Earl of Stamford and Warring-ton. Supply part of parish of Hartshead (Limehurst R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone (Lower Coal Measures), Hazlehurst. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Hazlehurst (a) 5,000 gallons, (b) tank 6,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. E. A. le G. Starkie, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Pendleton (Clitheroe R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring in Yoredale Grits, on Mearley Moor, Pendle Hill. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Pendleton Hall, 4,700 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Sunnyside Estate Company Supplies Rawtenstall B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit, Craw- shawbooth, Rawtenstall. Yield not known. Works. -No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. Messrs. R. Trafford & Co., Ltd. Supply part of parish of Blacko (Burnley R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone in Blacko Hill. The average daily quantity of water available is 60,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. 'Reservoir at Blacko Hill, 8,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Turn Manufacturing Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Walmersley cum Shuttle- worth (Bury R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from shale, Scout Corner. Yield not known. 'Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. J. Whittaker and Son. Supply part of parish of Walmersley cum Shuttleworth (Bury R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Millstone Grit, at Walmersley cum Shuttleworth. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Walmersley cum Shuttleworth, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Excellent. A 0.198 T 288 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Mrs. M. Wild. Supplies Ramsbottom U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Holcombe. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Wilpshire Golf Club, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Clayton le Dale and Wilpshire (Blackburn R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Springs from black shale, Pyethorne, Wilpshire. Yield not known. Works No filtration. Reservoirs : Pyethorne (a) 595,000 gallons, (6) 875,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. LEICESTERSHIRE. Croft Granite, Brick, and Concrete Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Croft (Blaby R.D.). Powers. Croft (Leicestershire) Water Order, 1902. Limits. Parish of Croft (Blaby R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs in granite quarry, Quarry Bottom. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 100,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir at Croft, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. No action on lead. Moira Colliery Company. See Derbyshire. Capt. E. C. Packe. Supplies part of parish of Glen Magna (Billesdon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells at Glen Magna. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally adequate. Quality of Water. Fair. Stathern Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of Stathern (Melton Mowbray R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Tofts Hill, Stathern. Yield no!: known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Tofts Hill, 12,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Countess of Warwick. Supplies part of parish- of Thornton (Market Bosworth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -- Spring from Keuper Sandstone, Bagworth. Yield not known. Worki. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. The Hon. Sir R. R. Tyrrwhitt Wilson, Bart. Supplies part of parish of Tugby (Billesdon R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Tugby. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir in Middle Park, near Tugby, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. LINCOLNSHIRE (PARTS OP HOLLAND). Nil. LINCOLNSHIRE (PARTS OP KESTEVEN). Earl of Ancaster. Supplies part of parish of Swinstead (Bourne R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, Swinstead The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 289 The Governors of Browne's Hospital. Supply part of parish of Swayfield (Bourne It.]).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Well, 12 feet, The Church, Swayfield. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 350 gallons, and a further 2,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs, three tanks at Sway field, 2,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 350 gallons. Supply is constant, Quality of Water. Excellent. Earl Brownlow. Supplies parishes of Hough on the Hill (part), Londonthorpe (part), and Normanton (Grantham R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs. Yield not known. U 7 o7is. No filtration. Reservoirs, tanks at Hough on the Hill, Londonthorpe, and Normanton ; capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Good. Sir M. A. R. Cholmeley, Bart. Supplies parishes of (1) Burton Goggles, (2) Easton (Grantham R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from limestone : (1) If miles from Burton Goggles ; (2) near Easton. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 6,000 gallons, (2) 12,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : (1) Burton Goggles, 5,000 gallons ; (2) Easton, 41,850 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Good. Earl of Dysart. Supplies part of parish of Colsterworth (Grantham R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone in Stainley. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Colsterworth, 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Fair. Quality of Water. Satisfactoiy. Marquess of Exeter. Supplies Stamford B. (part) ; and (in the Sake of Peterborough) parishes ' of Stamford Baron St. Martin's Without, and Wothorpe (part) (Barnack R.D.). Powers. Stamford W T ater Acts, 18.37 and 1877. Limits. Stamford B. ; parishes of Stamford Baron St. Martin's Without and Wothorpe (Barnack R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Lincolnshire Limestone ; (1) Wothorpe ; (2) Charcoal Hollow and Bone Mill (within 3|- miles of Stamford). The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 80,575 gallons ; (2) 213,876 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Burghley High Park, (a) 100,000 gallons, (?>) 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 171,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (8th December 1913) that (1) is water of great purity, and (2) is a good potable water. Hardness : (1) total, 28; permanent, 12; (2) total, 24 '4; permanent, 8. No action on lead. V. R. Fane, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Fulbeck (Claypole R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -Spring from Oolite, Holy well, Fulbeck. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Holywell, 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Good. ie Hon. Mrs. M. Gifford. Supplies part of parish of Boothby Pagnell (Grantham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well at Boothby. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 4,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Boothby, 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Pure. T 2 290 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Col. J. Wolrige-Gordon. Supplies part of parish of Irnham (Bourne R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs (1) from gravel ; (2) from rock, near Irnham. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : The Park, 10,000 gallons ; Irnham, (a) 2,000 gallons, (b) capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. R. Heathcote, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Castle Bytham (Bourne R.D.) and furnishes a supply in bulk to Bourne R.D.C. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone at Castle Bytham. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness and action on lead not known. Trustees of the late C. E. Marneet. Supply parish of Boothby Graffoe (Branston R.D.'). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Boring, 182 feet to Lincolnshire Lime- stone, Boothby Graffoe The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,000 gallons, and a further 6,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Boothby Graffoe, 30,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3, 000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Market Deeping Water Supply. Supplies part of parish of Market Deeping (Bourne R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian bore, 121 feet, in Lincolnshire Limestone at Market Deeping. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 8. Saline. Lord Middleton. Supplies parish of Stapleford (Claypole Iv.IX). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well at Stapleford. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Stapleford, 9,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Ropsley Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of Ropsley (Granfrham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Ropsley. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Skillington Parish Council. Supplies parish of Skillington (Grantham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from ironstone, f- mile from Skillington. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,100 gallons. Works, No filtration. Reservoir at Skillington, 2,200 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,100 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. The Governors of Button's Hospital in Charterhouse. Supply part of parish of Dunsby (Bourne R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Bore near Dunsby Church. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir near Dunsby Church, 11,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent. E. S. Trafford, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Honington (Grantham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring at Honington ; (2) Upland gathering ground, 6,650 acres, at Honington. The average daily quantity of water available from (1) is 17,280 gallons. Yield from (2) not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Honington, (a) 10,000 gallons, (b) 500 gallons. 'Service reservoirs: Heath Farm, 1,000 gallons; Honington, (a) 2,000 gallons., (b) 2,000 gallons, (c) 400 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 291 C. H. Turner, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Colsterworth (Grantham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Oolitic limestone, Colsterworth. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at White Lion Yard, 1,400 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Sir C. G. E. Welby, Bart. Supplies parish of Braceby (Grantham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Great Oolite Limestone, between boulder clay and Estuarine day, Braceby. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Braceby, 18,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Fair. Quality of Water. Good. Welby Parish Council. Supplies parish of Welby (Grantham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Welby. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful, Quality of Water. Veiy good. LINCOLNSHIRE (PARTS OP LINDSEY). Governors of Bethlem Hospital. Supply part of parish of Wainfleet St. Mary (Spilsby R.D.) and furnishes a supply in bulk to Spilsby R.D.C. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Steeping, near Wainfleet Hall. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 10,000 gallons, and an unlimited supply could be obtained. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir at Wainfleet Hall, 16,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 10,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. W. Bramley, Esq. Supplies Brigg U.I), (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Bore at Westfield, Brigg. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,000 gallons, and a further 4,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Sir W. H. C. W. Cooke, Bart. Supplies part of parish of Ranby (Horncastle R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Bain, intake at Ranby. Yield not known. Works. Part of the water is filtered. Reservoir at Ranby Hill, 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Rev. T. G. Dixon. Supplies parts of parishes of Holton le Moor and Nettleton (Caistor R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from rock, Oxgangs Farm, Nettleton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 8,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Oxgangs Farm, Nettleton, 12,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Col. Fenwick. Supplies part of parish of Stenigot (Louth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Chalk, at Stenigot. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Stenigot, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. Glamford Briggs Waterworks (G. H. Gary Elwes, Esq.). Supplies Brigg U.D. (part). Powers. Glamford Briggs Waterworks Act, 1852. Limits. Brigg U.D. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from glacial gravel on Kimeridge Clay, Wrawby. Yield not known. Works. No "filtration. Reservoir at Wrawby, 50,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally adequate. .Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead. A 0.198 T 3 292 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Canon Jarratt's Trustees. Supply part of parish of Thoresway (Caistor R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Chalk, Thoresway. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs, live tanks near Thoresway, 2,000 gallons each. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. G. Milnthorpe, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Raithby cum Maltby (Louth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Spring from Chalk at Raithby. The average daily quantity of water available is 280,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Raithby, 5,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness, 20. Lord Monson. Supplies parts of parishes of Burton, North Carlton, and South Carlton (Welton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Three springs : (1) Burton, (2) North Carlton, (3) South Carlton. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 4,800 gallons, (2) 4.000 gallons, (3) 2,400 gallons. Works No filtration. Reservoirs : Burton Hill Top, (a) 5,000 gallons, (b) 8,000 gallons, (c) 25,000 gallons; North Carlton, 5,000 gallons; South Carlton, .",,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Excellent. . Morrison, Esq.* Supplies part of parish of Greetham (Horncastle R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 12 feet, in Boulder Clay and Chalk, at Greetham. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Inadequate. Quality of Water.- Good. R. J. H. Parkinson, Esq. Supplies parish of East Ravendale (Grimsby R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in sand at East Ravendale. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs -.East Ravendale, (a) 10,000 gallons, (b) 20,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. W. G. Smyth, Esq. Supplies parishes of North Elkington and South Elkington (Louth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Chalk at Welton Springs, near Louth. The average daily quantity of water available is 3,000,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Welton Springs, 3,000,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 15,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very pure, and fairly soft. C. H. Turner, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Wragby (Horncastle R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two springs from gravel overlying Boulder Clay, at Panton. The average daily quantity of water available is 18,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Wragby, 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 11,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. W. M. Wright, Esq. Supplies parish of Wold Newton (Grimsby R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and bore, 270 feet, through Chalk and Greensand, Wold Newton. Yield not known. Works. So filtration. Reservoirs : Wold Newton, (a) 50,000 gallons, (b) 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied.- Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 293 Earl of Yarborough. Supplies (1) Brigg U.D. (part); parts of parishes of (2) Brocklesby, (3) Caistor, (4) Claxby and Normanby le Wold, (5) Great Limber, (6) Hothwell, (7) Swallow (Caistor R.D.). Sources of Supjil;/ (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) Spring at Castlethorpe ; (2) Well with bores in Chalk, Brocklesby ; (3) Springs at Fonaby ; (4) Springs at (a) Claxby and (b) Normanby le Wold ; (5) Pimlico Well, in Chalk, at Great Limber; (6) Springs from Lower Cretaceous formation, Rothwell ; (7) Borehole in Greensand, Swallow. The average daily quantity of water available from (2) is 36,000 gallons ; (4) (a) 1,700 gallons, (6) 7,000 gallons ; (15) 400 gallons ; yield from other sources not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : (2) Tower at Brocklesby, capacity not known; (3) Fonaby Top, (a) 1,000 gallons, (to 15,000 gallons, Audleby Top, 7,500 gallons ; (4) Claxby, 700 gallons, Normanby le Wold, (a) 250 gallons, (b) 1,800 gallons;' (5) Great Limber, 24,000 gallons ; (7) Swallow, 6,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. MIDDLESEX. Nil. NORFOLK. His Majesty the King. Supplies parts of parishes of Sandringham, West Newton, and Wolferton (Freebridge Lynn II. D.). Sources of Sup/ili/ (Nature and Sufficiency). (!) Spi'ing from Chalk, Denbeck, Appleton ; (2) Spring from carstone and sand, Jocelyn's Wood, Dersingham. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoir at Appleton, 1,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : Tower at Appleton, 32,000 gallons ; Wolferton Heath, 70,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Very good. W. G. E. Wyrley-Birch, Esq. Supplies part of parish of West Bilney (Freebridge Lynn R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in carstone at West Bilney. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Good. R. J. Colman, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Trowse with Newton (Henstead R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well in Chalk, Bixley ; (2) Spring, intercepted underground, from gravel, Poringland Avenue, Framingham Pigot. The average daily quantity of water obtained from (1) is 3,100 gallons. Yield from (2) not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Mill Tower, Bixley, (a) 3,600 gallons, (b) 5,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 5,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. . J. H. Gurney, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Northrepps (Erpingham R.D.) Source of Supply (Nature and SufficiencijiWell in Bull's Row, Northrepps. The average daily quantity of water available is 4,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Northrepps, 4,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water.- Good. Capt. C. A. Howard. Supplies part of parish of Castle Rising (Freebridge Lynn R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Babingley River, intake near Mill House. Yield not known. Works .Water is filtered. Reservoir at Castle Rising, 25,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Very good. T 4 294 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. North Wootton Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of North Wootton (Freebridge ' LynnR.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at gravel pits in Castle Rising. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at North Wootton Green, 900 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Very good. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Lord Barnard. Supplies parish of Sudborough (Thrapston R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from gravel and peat, three- quarters of a mile from Sudborough. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 4,320 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Sudborough, 22,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Very good. H. L. C. Brassey, Esq., M.P. Supplies parishes of Apethorpe and King's Cliffe (part) (Ouudle R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Laws Field Spring, between Apethorpe and King's Cliffe. The average daily quantity of water available is 80,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir near Spa Farm, King's Cliffe, 150,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied.- Adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (20th Septem- ber 1912) that the water is fit for drinking. Hardness : total, 22 ' 4 ; permanent, 4 ' 4. Easton Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of Easton on the Hill (Easton on the Hill R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). " Clay Well " Spring, Easton on the Hill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Easton on the Hill, 5,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Hollowell Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of Hollowell (Brixworth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 10,000 gallons, and a further 20,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied.- Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Capt. G. Ward Hunt. Supplies part of parish of Wadenhoe (Oundle R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Nene, intake near Water Mill, and wells at W^adenhoe. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. -^-River water only is filtered. Reservoir at Wadenhoe, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. (!ood. Sir C. V. Knightley, Bart. Supplies part of parish of Preston Capes (Daventry R.D.). Source of Supply (N attire and Sufficiency). W T ell at Preston Capes. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Satisfactory, and rather soft. Lord Lilford. Supplies part of parish of Lilford cum Wigsthorpe (Oundle R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Nene, intake near Lilford Lock. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Storage reservoir, Cuckoo Pen Hill, Lilford, 300,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 20,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 295 Marquess of Northampton. Supplies parishes of Castle Ashby (part), Yardley Hastings (part) (Hardingstone R.I).) ; Easton Maudit and Great Doddington (Wellingborough R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from limestone at Castle Ashby, Easton Maudit and Great Doddington. The average daily quantity of water available is 61,200 gallons. Works. Water from Castle Ashby is filtered. Reservoirs : Easton Maudit, and Great Doddington (two), capacity not known. Quantity of Water sujtplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. (iood. The Castle Ashby water is very hard. Lord Penrhyn. Supplies part of parish of Wicken (Potterspury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in limestone : (1) " Twentylands," Manor Farm ; (2) " Washwell," Wicken. The average daily quantity ot water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 2,500 gallons ; (2) 4,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : " Twentylands," 20,500 gallons ; Sparrow Lodge Farm, 5,000 gallons ; Dagnall Farm, 5,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. The Hon. N. C. Rothschild. Supplies parish of Ashton (Ounclle R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Nene percolating to well in gravel, Ashton Mill, Oundle. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. Filtration, 400 gallons per square yard per day. Storage reservoir, Ashton Mill, 5,000 gallons. Service reservoirs at Ashton, (a) 3,500 gallons, (6) 3,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness : total, 15 ' 5 ; permanent, 7 ' 25. Messrs. E. Royds and H. H. P. Bouverie. Supply part of parish of Hardingstone (Harding- stone R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from ironstone, Hardingstone. The average daily quantity of water available is 30,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir at Hardingstone, 20,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adeqiiate. Quality of Water. Good. Capt. A. E. Watts Russell. Supplies parish of Benefield (Oundle R.D.). of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Lower Benefield. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Upper Benefield, 25,000 gallons ; Lower Benefield, 20,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 6,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. S. G. Stopford Sackville, Esq. Supplies parish of Lowick (Thrapston R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from limestone, Lowick. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at "Mill Close," Lowick, 30,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Very good. Lord Ashby St. Ledgers. Supplies part of parish of Ashby St. Ledgers (Daventry R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Gathering ground, 640 acres, near Ashby St. Ledgers ; (2) Springs and lake in Ashby St. Ledgers. The average daily quantity of water obtained from (1) is 12,000 gallons, and a further 68,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Yield from (2) not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir at Ashby St. Ledgers, 24,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 12,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, but rather hard. C. Smyth, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Little Houghton (Hardingstone R.D.) Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). 'Well, 27 feet, in Northampton Sands of Inferior Oolite Series, at Great Houghton. The average daily quantity of water available is 10,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Great Houghton, 7,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (] 9th June 1909) that the water is moderately soft and well adapted for domestic use. 296 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Earl Spencer. Supplies parts of parishes of Althorp, Brington, Chapel Brampton, Church Brampton, and Harlestone (Brixworth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency), Springs and deep well in Northampton Sands and Marlstone. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Great Brington, 180,000 gallons ; Harlestone, 60,000 gallons ; Brampton, 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adeqiiate. Quality of Water. Good. T. B. Clarke Thomhill, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Rushton (Kettering R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone and ironstone, three-quarters of a mile from Rushton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,000 gallons, and a further 4,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Rushton, 10,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Lord A. Thynne, M.P. Supplies part of parish of Norton (Daventry R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Northampton Sand on Borough Hill, Daventry. The average daily quantity of water available is 5,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Borough Hill, Daventry, 20,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Rather soft ; contains some iron. Lord Vaux of Harrowden. (See Addenda, page 598.) Lady Wantage. Supplies part of parish of Little Billing (Northampton R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Great Oolite, near Little Billing, l^ield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir near Little Billing, 3,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water.- Good, but hard (softened before distribution). Messrs. Wassel and Pain. Supply parish of Whiston (Hardingstone R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Spring from limestone, near Whiston. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Two at Whiston, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but rather hard. H. J. Manning Watts, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Harpole (Northampton R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring, intercepted underground, from Marlstone, north-west of Harpole. The average daily quantity of water available is 2,880 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Harpole, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (22nd July 1908) that the water is excellent. Hardness : total, 16 ; permanent, 10. NORTHUMBERLAND. S. H. Aitcheson, Esq. Supplies parishes of (1) Learchild, and (2) Lemmington (Alnwick R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from limestone, Corby's Crags ; (2) Well in limestone, near Branch Farm. The average daily quantity of water obtained from (2) is 1,000 gallons. Yield of (1) not known. Works. Water from (2) is filtered. Reservoir at Lemmington Hall, 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) Adequate; (2) the daily average is 1,000 gallons supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. R. L. Allgood, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Simonburn (Hexham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from freestone, Hall Barns Farm ; (2) Spring from limestone, Sharpley Farm. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Hall Barns Farm, Sharpley Farm, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 297 Lord Armstrong. Supplies parishes of (1) Cartington ; (2) Debdon (part), High and Low Trewhitt, Netherton South Side, Snitter (Rothbury R.D.) ; (3) Debdon (part) ; (4) Newtown, and Tosson (part) (Hothbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) (a) Spring, Cartington Farm, (b) Spring, near Blue Mill House ; (2) (a) Springs near Blue Mill House, (6) Spring near Westfield House, (e) Spring near Netherton ; (3) (a) Springs, Debdon Farm, (6) Springs near Tunbletoii Lake, (c) Springs near Debdon Lake; (4) (a) 20 moorland springs, (ireat Tosson Farm, (b) Moorland spring, Tosson Tower Farm. The average daily (|iiantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) (a) 1,000 gallons, (b) 700 gallons ; (2) (a) 8,000 gallons, (6) 1,000 gallons, (c) 300 gallons ; (3) (a) 200 gallons, (6) 2,600 gallons, (c) 500 gallons ; (4) (a) 2,000 gallons, (6) 1,500 gallons. A further 19,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) (a), 199,300 gallons from (6) ; 16,000 gallons from (2) (a), 6,000 gallons from (b), 13,700 gallons from (c) ; 99,800 gallons from (3) (a), 197,400 gallons from (b), 6,500 gallons from (e) ; 898,000 gallons from (4) (a), and 5,500 gallons from (6). Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : (2) Chapel Close, 10,000 gallons, Snitter, 1,000 gallons ; (3) (b) Crayside House, 200,000 gallons ; (4) (a) Great Tosson, 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is (1) 1,700 gallons ; (2) 9,300 gallons ; (3) 3,300 gallons ; (4) 3,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Armstrong and Duke of Northumberland. Supply parishes of Adderstone (part), Hamburgh, Hamburgh Castle, Bradford, Glororum, Newham (part), and Newstead (Belford R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two springs on Chatton Moor. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 25,000 gallons, and a further 61,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 25,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Ashington Coal Company, Ltd. Supplies (1) part of parish of Woodhorn (Morpeth R.D.) and (2) furnishes a supply in bulk to Ashington U.D.C. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Pumped from pit shafts (1) Woodhorn Colliery, (2) Ashington Colliery. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 15,000 gallons, (2) 100,000 gallons. . Works. Pressure filters. Reservoirs : (1) Woodhorn (a, 65,000 gallons, (b) 3,800 gallons ; (2) ten tanks at Ashingtou Colliery, 5,000 gallons ; two tanks at Hurst Farm, 5,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is (1) 3,000 gallons ; (2) 100,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. (1) Good, but hard ; (2) satisfactory. Annual chemical and occasional bacteriological examination. Hardness: (2) total, 20 '4; permanent, 4 '2. No action on lead. F. B. Atkinson, Esq.* Supplies parts of parishes of Bolani and Gallowhill (Castle Ward R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at East Shaftoe. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Bolam Hill Head, 20,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. G. B. Bainbridge, Esq. Supplies parishes of Benridge (part), and High and Low Highlaws (Morpeth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs at Heighley Gate ; (2) Springs, near Herons Close. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 2,500 gallons, (2) 4,800 gallons. Works. Part of the water is filtered. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 5,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. T. H. Bainbridge, Esq. Supplies parish of Eshott (Morpeth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two springs at Eshott. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. 298 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. C. L. Bell, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Prestwick (Castle Ward R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring in old coal working's, Old Pit Shaft, Prestwick. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,000 gallons, and a further 2,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Resei-voir at Pithead, Prestwick, 6,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000 gallons. Supply is generally constant. Quality of Water. Good. Sir C. W. Morrison Bell, Bart. Supplies parts of parishes of Otterburn and Troughend (Bellingham H.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, Davy Shield. The average daily quantity of water available is 7,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Otterburn Hall, 2,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. W. J. Benson, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Newbrough and Warden (Hexham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Carboniferous formation, Frankham Farm and Newbrough. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 5,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir, tank in Warden, 300 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Bentinck West Hartley Colliery Company. Supplies parishes of Bothal Demesne (part) and Pegswood (Morpeth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Pit shaft (sandstone over Plessey seam), Pegswood Colliery. The average daily qxiantity of water obtained is 14,241 gallons, and a further 36.000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No. nitration. Reservoirs : Pegswood, (a) 12,61)6 gallons, (b) 8,250 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 14,241 gallons. Supply is Constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (20th April 1907) that chemically the water is very pure. Hardness not known. W. L. Blackburn, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Riding (Hexham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs on Riding Hills Farm ; (2) Well, 33 feet, at Riding Hills Farm ; (3) Spring on Riding Hills Farm. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 5,000 gallons, (2) 1,500 gallons, (3) not known ; and a further 10,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (2). Works No filtration. Reservoirs : Riding Hills Farm, (a) 30,000 gallons, (6) 2,000 gallons, (c) 10,000 gallons, (d) capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Professor R. C. Bosanquet. Supplies parish of Rock (Almviek R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from limestone, (1) Heiferlau Bank, (2) Rock Moor House. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 4,320 gallons, (2) 2,880 gallons, and a further 12,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (-). Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Wisp Law Farm, 2,000 gallons ; Heiferlau Bank, 500 gallons ; Rock Moor House, 300 gallons ; Rock Midstead, 300 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 7, 200 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Broomhaugb Water Scheme (Subscription). Supplies part of parish of Broomhaugh (Hexham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Stream in Oaklands Park. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir in Oaklands Park, 5,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good, but liable to contamination. W. Brown, Esq., Miss Allgood, C. W. C. Henderson, Esq., and Canon Savage. Supply part of parish of Acomb (Hexham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Oakwood. The average daily quantity of water available is 19,000 gallons. PART I.: SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. NORTHUMBERLAND. 299 Works.-- No nitration. Reservoir at Oakwood, 25,000 gallons. Qiiuntili/ of Wnti'r supplied. Tin 1 daily average is 10,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Trustees of Alex. Browne, Esq. Supply parishes of (1) Embleton (part) (Alnwiek R.D.). ; (2) Spindlestono (Bel ford H.I'.); (3) Callaly and Yetlington (part); (4) Lorbottle (part) (Rothhury R.D.). Sources <>f Sni>i>ly (Nature anil Sufficiency). (1) Spring at Doxford ; (2) three springs at Outchester Farm, Chesterhill Farm, and Spindlestone Farm ; (3) spring at Callaly ; (4) two springs at Lorbottle Steads Farm and Lorbottle Farm. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: (2) Chesterhill Farm, Outchester Farm, Spindlestone Farm; (.">) Dancing Hall Hill; (4) Lorbottle Steads Farm; capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. (1 ), (2), and (4) Ample ; (3) sufficient. (Duality of Water. Good. Capt. Browne. Supplies parish of Brnnton (Alnwiek R.I).). ,SoHm> of Suj>i>ln (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Doxford. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water xu/>i>l !cd. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Captain W. N. Burrell. Supplies parishes of Abberwick and Broome Park (Alnwiek R.D.). Sources of Sup/ily (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Abberwick. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Lady J. Joicey Cecil. Supplies parishes of Newton Hall (part) and Stelling (Hexham R.D ). Sources of Sujijili/ (\ntnre and Sufficiency). (1) Well .through clay to gravel, at Shildon Hill ; (2) Spring at Well House. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 600 gallons; (2) 6,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Shildon Hill, 6,000 gallons ; Well House, 50,000 gallons ; Newton Hall, 30,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Wafer. Satisfactory. Sir W. S. Church, Bart., M.D. Supplies part of parish of Adderstone (Belford R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature, and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone on Belshill Farm. Yielil not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Belshill Farm at 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. G. D. Atkinson Clark, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Belford (Belford R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Lower Carboniferous formation on Blue Bell Farm. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 14,400 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Belford, 2,700 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied The daily average is 14,400 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good. Major E. F. Clayton. Supplies part of parish of Heddon on the Wall (Castle Ward R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at East Heddon. Yield not known. Works No nitration. Reservoir at Heddon, 15,856 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Mrs. Clayton. Supplies part of parish of Rothley (Rothbury R.D.) Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs and well at Rothley. lield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. 300 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. T. C. Fenwicke-Clennell, Esq. Supplies parishes of Farnham, Peels, and Sharperton (part) (Rothbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Springs at Farnham, Peels, and Sharper ton. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. E. G. Collingwood, Esq. Supplies parishes of (1) Dalton, (2) North Dissington (part) (Castle Ward R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (.1) Springs from sandstone, (a) Dalton Mill, (ft) Eastfield ; ('2) Spring and well at Dissington. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) (a) 0,000 gallons, (6) 7,000 gallons ; (2) not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs: Tanks at (1) Dalton House, 4,000 gallons, Cairn House, 1,000 gallons ; (2) Dissington Hall, 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) The daily average is 9,000 gallons supply is constant ; (2) sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Major Cookson. ; Supplies parishes of (1) East Thornton and West Thornton (part) ; (2) Meldon and Rivergreen (Morpeth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. (1) Upland surface over limestone, near Meldon ; (2) Well in limestone at Meldon. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs, tanks near Meldon, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water Good. Cowpen Coal Company, Ltd. Supplies parish of North Seaton (Morpeth R.D.), and furnishes a supply in bulk to-the Milburn Estates, Ltd., who give a supply in bulk to Ashington tJ.D.C. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Spring or feeder intercepted underground, North Seaton Colliery. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 144,000 gallons, and a further 26,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : North Seaton Colliery, 13,408 gallons ; Lane End Farm, 28,338 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 6,000 gallons and 33,600 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Hardness : total, 22 ' 7 ; permanent 13 ' 7. No action on lead. A. F. B. Cresswell, Esq. Supplies parishes of (1) North Charlton (Alnwick R.D.) ; '(2) Cresswell (part) ; (3) Ellington (Morpeth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring at North Charlton ; (2) Springs and well at Cresswell ; (3) Spring at Ellington. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, (1) tank at North Charlton, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Miss I. Baker Cresswell. Supplies parish of Preston (Belford R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Preston. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tower at Preston, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Trustees of Lord Crewe's Charity. Supply part of parish of Shotley High Quarter (Hexham R.D:). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from peat, sandstone, and shale at Blanchland. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 24,000 gallons, and a further 10,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Blanchland, 750 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Capt. J. H. Cuthbert, D.S.O. Supplies part of parish of Sandhoe (Hexham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from freestone, Fern Hill Farm. Yield not known. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. NORTHUMBERLAND. 301 Works.- Water is filtered. Reservoirs: Quarry Wood, 2,700 gallons; Woodhead, 1,160 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. D. Deuchar, Esq. Supplies parish of Low Buston (Alnwick R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Low Buston. The average daily quantity of water available is 7,200 gallons. Works, No filtration. Reservoir, tower at Low Buston, 2,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. William Dickson, Esq., and Miss C. H. Dickson. Supply Berwick upon Tweed B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature, niul Sufficiency). Springs from rocks in Spittal. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Billendean Fields, 21,408 gallons ; Billendean, 17,820 gallons; Srandywell, 25,12") gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (29th October 1910) that chemically the water is quite suitable. Hardness not known. Very slight action on lead. Lieut.-Col. R. H. Carr-Ellison. Supplies parish of Hedgeley (Alnwick R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Hedgeley. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,600 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs, tanks at Hedgeley, (a) 1,300 gallons, (b) 2,900 gallons. . Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Felton Water Committee. Supplies parish of Felton (Alnwick R.U.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two springs with gathering ground, 5 acres, Old Grap Fields. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 15,120 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs at Felton, (a) 6,000 gallons, (b) 50 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Mrs. H. Fenwick. Supplies part of parish of Brinkburn High Ward (Rothbury R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, Brinkburn. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Brinkburn, 9,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied.- Ample. Quality of Water. Good. C. D. Forster, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Burradon (Rothbury R.D.). . Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Springs about - mile from Burradou. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Burradon, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Quite pure. Mrs. Forster. Supplies part of parish of Newton by the Sea (Alnwick R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in basalt at Newton by the Sea. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 325 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. T. H. B. Graham, Esq. Supplies parishes of (1) Warenton (Belford R.D.) ; (2) Black Callerton (part) (Castle Ward R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (!) Springs at Newlands and Wareuton ; (2) Spring on Crescent Farm. The average daily quantity of water obtained from (2) is 7,000 gallons, and a further 3,000 gallons per day could be obtained ; yield from (1) not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Tanks at (1) (a) Newlands, (6) Warenton, capacity not known ; (2) Crescent Farm, 1,300 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) Ample ; (2) sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. 302 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Earl Grey. Supplies parishes of (1) (2), (3) Howic-k, (4) and (5) Littlehougliton (Alnwick R.D.) ; (6) West Chevington (Morpeth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from basalt, (a) Howick Heugh Cresswell, (b) Littlehougliton, Parkfield, (c) Backifords Field, (d) Littlehoughton Farm; (2) Upland pasture, .">0 acres, North Heuglifield ; (3) Well in limestone, Pasture House Cottages ; (4) Springs, (a) Maidens Hill Field, (6) from limestone, Gosling's Field, (c) from limestone, Little Mill Limekilns, (d) from limestone, Little Mill Farm ; (5) Upland pasture, 2(1 acres, Gosling's Field ; (6) Upland surface at Chevington Wood. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) (a) 1,000 gallons, (6) 1,000 gallons, (c) 500 gallons, (d) 900 gallons; (2) 100 gallons; (3) 150 gallons; (4) (a) 150 gallons, (b) 300 gallons, (c) 20 gallons, (d) 100 gallons ; (5) 00 gallons. A further 3,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) (a), 4,000 gallons from (1) (6), 500 gallons from (1) (c), 100 gallons from (1) (d), 1,350 gallons from (3), 1,350 gallons from (4) (a), 2,500 gallons from (4) (6), 680 gallons from (4) (c), 900 gallons from (4) (d), and 40 gallons from (5) ; yield of (6) not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : (1) (a) Howick Heugh Cresswell, 2,500 gallons, (6) Littlehougliton, Parkfield, 2,000 gallons, (c) South Hipsheugh Field, 500 gallons; (2) North Heughfield, 560 gallons ; (4) (a) Maidens Hill Field, 330 gallons, (b) Gosling's Field, 1,200 gallons, (d) Little Mill Farm, 200 gallons ; (5) Gosling's Field, 50 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. (l)-(5) The daily average is 4,280 gallons supply is constant ; (6) adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Rt. Hon. Sir E. Grey, Bart., M.P. Supplies parishes of Embleton (part) and Falloden (Alnwick R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Springs at Rock Estate, Charlton. and Doxford. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Very good. M. Hall, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Elsdon (Rothbiiry R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone at Elsdon. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Joicey.* Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Longhirst, and (2) Ulgham (Morpeth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Deep well at Longhirst ; (2) borehole at Ulgham. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. W. E. Lawson, Esq. Supplies parish of Hazon and Hartlaw (Alnwick R.D.J. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs in Hazon and Hartlaw. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Major G. F. Towlerton Leather. Supplies parishes of Detchant and Middleton (Belford R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from basalt, limestone, and sandstone, in Detchant and Middleton. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Long Horsley Village Supply. Supplies parishes of Bigge's Quarter (part), Freeholders' Quarter, and Riddell's Quarter (part) (Morpeth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from freestone, \ mile west of Long Horsley. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent and soft. The Hon. F. Bowes Lyon. Supplies parts of parishes of Henshaw and Thorngrafton (HaltwhistleR.n.i. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring near Thorngrafton. Yield not known. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATK PROPRIETORS. NORTHUMBERLAND. 303 Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Very goorl. Sir A. E. Middleton, Bart. Supplies part of parish of Belsay (Castle Ward R.D.). Sources of Supply (Xature and Sufficiency). Two springs from sandstone, in Belsay. Yield not known. Works. No liltration. Reservoirs : Two tanks in Belsay, (a) 39,800 gallons, (6) 4,600 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Mrs. Eyres Monsell. Supplies parishes of (1) Embleton (part), Stamford ; (2) Embleton (part), Newton by the Sea (part) (Alnwick U.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) (a) Spring from freestone, Embleton, (6) Spring in Rennington ; (2) Spring from freestone, Embleton. Yield not known. Wor/,-s. -No (iltration. Reservoirs : (1) Embleton, (a) 7,000 gallons, (b) 20,000 gallons, Reimington, capacity not known; (2) Embleton, (a) 20,000 gallons, (6) 7,000 gallons, (c) 3,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Newbig-gin Colliery Company, Ltd. -Supplies Newbiggin by the Sea I". I), (pail). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Pumped from freestone in pit shaft, Newbiggin. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 20. No action on lead. North British Railway Company. Supplies parts of parishes of Birtley, Corsenside, and Plashetts and Tynehead (Bellingham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Springs from sandstone, (1) Reedsmouth, (2) Woodburn, (3) Falstone. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 2,500 gallons, (2) 2,500 gallons, (3) 30 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. (I) and (2) Ample ; (3) inadequate. Quality of Water. Good. North Eastern Railway Company. Supplies part of parish of Easington (Belford R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Spring from limestone in Lucker. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Lucker, 1,490 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 140 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent, but hard. Duke of Northumberland. Supplies ( I ) Alnwick U.l). (part) ; (2) parishes of Bassingtou, Beanley, Broxlield, Denwick (part), Guy/aiice, High Boston, Lesbury, Longnonghtou (part), Morwick Reimington, Shilbottle, South Charlton, Sturton Grange (part), Walkmill, Woodhouse ( Alnwick R.D.), Lucker (part) (Helford R.I).) ; (3) parts of parishes of Bellingham, Birtley, Kirkwhelpington, Otterburn, I'lashetts and Tynehead, Rochester Ward, Tarset West, WeUhaugh (Bellingham R.D.) ; (4) part of parish of Horsley (Hexham J{.U.) ; (5) part of parisli of East and West Thirston with Shothaugh (Morpeth R.D) ; (6) parishes of Alnham (part) Healey and Combhill (part), Hesleyhurst, and Raw (Rothbury R.lU ' Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from sandstone, Brizlee Hill; (2) Springs from sandstone, Coal Measures, and gravel ; (3), (4), (5) and (6) Springs. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 52,400 gallons, (4) 525,600 gallons, (5) 4,320 gallons, (2), (3), (6) not known, and a further 250,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1). Works No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Hulne Deer Park, (a) 15,000 gallons, (V) 88000 gallons; Swansfield Park (two), capacity not known ; (3) Plashetts, 11,760 gallon's, and several of 300 gallons each ; (5) 5,900 gallons ; (6) several of 300 gallons each. (2) Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied (I}, (2) Sufficient ; (3), (4), (5) and (6) ample. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. A D.I '.IS l RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Northumberland County Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Benridge and Newminster (Morpeth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Carboniferous Limestone at Doe Hill. The average daily quantity of water available is 60,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Doe Hill, 30,000 gallons. Quantity of Water gupplied. The daily average is 50,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Northumberland County Council (Small Holdings and Allotments Committee). Supplies parish of East Hecldon (Castle Ward R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two wells and spring from Millstone Grit, East Heddon. The average daily quantity of water available is 10,900 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Heddon Laws, 5,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Trustees of the late N. C. Ogle. Supply part of parish of Kirkley (Castle Ward H.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two springs from gravel, Beacon Hill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 7,200 gallons, and a further 1,920 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Beacon Hill, 21,000 gallons ; Benridge, 1,100 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 7,200 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Lieut.-Col. W. Orde. Supplies parishes of Ewesley, Monkridge (part), Nunnykirk, Ritton Colt Park (part), Ritton White House, and Woodside (part) (Rothbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Ewesley Fell, Monkridge Fell, Ritton Bank, and Duvons. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. W. H. Pawson, Esq. Supplies parishes of Bolton (part), Crawl ey, Shawdon, and Titlington (Alnwick R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}.. Springs at Crawley, Shawdon, and Titlington. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Bolton, 300 gallons; Crawley, 500 gallons; Shawdon, (a) 1,000 gallons, (6) 400 gallons ; Titlington, (a) 500 gallons, (b) 300 gallons, (c) 200 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Waiter. Good. H. Pease, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Otterburn (Bellingharn R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Spring, from limestone, one mile north of Otterburn. The average daily quantity of water available is 4,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Girsonfield Farm, 8,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Pure. The Plashetts Coal and Coke Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Plashetts and Tynehead (Bellingham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Springs from Carboniferous Limestone, (1) Good well Syke, Plashetts ; (2) Far Colliery, Plashetts. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 2,900 gallons, (2) 2,160 gallons, and a further 6,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 1,200 gallons from (2). Works No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Shop Row, Plashetts, 2,475 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 5,060 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Duke of Portland.*' Supplies parishes of Cockle Park and Earsdon (Morpeth H.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Wells. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water suppliedAmple, Quality of Water. Good, PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATK PROPRIETORS. NORTHUMBERLAND. 305 Lord Ravensworth. Supplies parishes of Great Ryle (part), Little Ryle (part), Unthank, and Whittingham (part) (Rothbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supjjlied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Redesdale. Supplies part of parish of Rochester Ward (Bellingham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Stobbs Fell. The average daily quantity of water available is 5,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Horsley Plantation, 2,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. W. R. Buchanan-Riddell, Esq.- Supplies parish of Hepple (Rothbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs, (1) Whitefield, (2) Woodside, (3) Hepple, (4) Harehaugh. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 4,320 gallons, (2) 4,380 gallons, (3) 4,380 gallons, (4) 1,260 gallons. A further 8,640 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 13,140 gallons from (2), 5,000 gallons from (3), and 1,440 gallons from (4). Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 14,340 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. G. S. Riddle and Sons. Supply Berwick upon Tweed B. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Sunnyside. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,440 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,440 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Viscount Ridley. Supplies part of parish of Stannington (Castle Ward R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Boulder Clay, Duddo Hill, Stannington. Yield not known. Works.- No filtration. Reservoir at Duddo Hill, 1,400 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. C. Noel Ridley, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Simonburn (Hexham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from freestone and Carboniferous Limestone, on Coushield Farm. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Rt. Hon. Walter Runciman, M.P. Supplies parish of Doxford (Alnwick R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Tinely and North Charlton. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Tanks at Doxford, North Charltoii, and Tinely ; capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied.- Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Seaton Delaval Coal Company, Ltd. Supplies Blyth U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from sand, Lavem-k and Horton Farms. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir, tank near Blyth, 12,979 gallons. Quantity. of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. lie Governors of Shaftoe (Educational) Foundation. Supply parish of Mousen (Belford R 1) ) Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Three springs at Mousen. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Good. U 2 306 RETURN AS To WATER SUPPLIED. T. Simpson, Esq. Supplies part of parish oi' Hepscott (Morpeth 11. 1).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from sand, Hepscott. The average daily quantity of water available is 2,880 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Hepscott, 250 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. duality of Water. Excellent, but hard. Mrs. G. E. Smith. Supplies part of parish of Whalton (Castle Ward H.I).). Source of Supply (X attire and Sufficiency). Spring on \Vliulton North Farm. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. (loud. F. Straker, Esq. Supplies parishes of High Angerton (part) and Low Angerton (Morpeth R.D.). Soiit-ft' of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at High Angerton. Yield not known. \Vnrks. No filtration. Reservoir at High Angerton, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. -Ample. Quality of Water. Good. J. H. Straker, Esq. Supplies parish of Wingates (Rothbury R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring on Wingates South Farm. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Wingates Village, (a) 0,000 gallons, (I) 500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied.-- Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Earl of Tankerville. Supplies parishes of El wick and Ross (I'elford H.l>. ). Source of Supply (Nature ) and (4) is intermittent. Quality of Water. Good. B/t. Hon. Sir G. 0. Trevelyan, Bart. Supplies parishes of Cam ho, South Middleton (part), and Wellington Demesne (part) (Morpeth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature anil Sufficiency). Springs from clay and limestone near llepples Farm, Cambo. Yield not known. Work6.-No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Pure and moderately hard. J. S. Trevelyan, Esq. Supplies parishes of Netherwitton and Witton Shields (Morpeth R.I).), Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring on Bellion Farm, Netherwitton, Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Netherwitton, 4,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. NORTHUMBERLAND. 303 Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Very good. Sir A. E. Middleton, Bart. Supplies part of parish of Belsay (Castle Ward H.I ). . Sources of Supply (future and Sufficiency). Two springs from sandstone, in Belsay. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Two tanks in Belsay, (a) 39,800 gallons (6) 4,600 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Mrs. Eyres Monsell. Supplies parishes of (1) Embleton (part), Stamford ; (2) Embleton (part), Newton by the Sea (part) (Alnwick It. I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) (a) Spring from freestone, Embleton, (b) vSpring in Rennington ; (l'i Spring from freestone, Embleton. Yield not known. TFor/vs.--No filtration. Reservoirs: (1) Embleton, (a) 7,000 gallons, (b) 20,000 gallons, Rennington, capacity not known ; (2) Embleton, (a) 20,000 gallons, (b) 1 000 gallons, (c) 3,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Newbiggin Colliery Company, Ltd. Supplies Newbiggin by the Sea U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Pumped from freestone in pit shaft, Newbiggin. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity <>! Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 20. No action on lead. North British Railway Company. Supplies parts of parishes of Birtley, Corsenside, and Plashetts and Tynehead (Bellingham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Xnture and Sufficiency). Springs from sandstone, (1) Reedsmouth, (2) Woodburn, (.'>) Falstone. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 2,500 gallons, (2) 2,500 gallons, (3) 30 gallons. Works. No ii It rat ion. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) and (2) Ample ; (3) inadequate. Quality of Water. Good. North Eastern Railway Company. Supplies part of parish of Easington (Belford R.D.). Source of Su/iply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone in Lucker. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Lucker, 1,490 gallons. Qnaul ill/ of Water supplied. The daily average is 140 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent, but hard. Duke of Northumberland. Supplies (I) Alnwick IT.l). (part); (2) parishes of Bassington, Beanley, Broxliehl, Denwick (part), Guyzance, High Buston, Lesbury, Longhoughtou (part), Morwick, Rennington, Shilbottle, South Charlton, Sturton Grange (part), Walkmill, Woodhouse (Alnwick R.D.), Lucker (part) (Belford R.I).) ; (3) parts of parishes of Bellingham, Birtley, Kirkwhelpington, Otterburn, Plashetts and Tynehead, Rochester Ward, Tarset West, Wellhaugh (Bellingham R.D.) ; (4) part of parish of Horsley (Hexham R.D.) ; (5) part of parish of East and West Thirston with Shothaugh (Morpeth R.D) ; (6) parishes of Alnham (part), Healey and Combhill (part), Hesleyhurst, and Raw (Rothbury U.Dj. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from sandstone, Brizlee Hill; (2) Springs from sandstone, Coal Measures, and gravel ; (3), (4), (5) and (6) Springs. The average daily quantity of water derived from eacli source is, respectively, (1) 52,400 gallons, (4) 525,600 gallons, (5) 4,320 gallons, (2), (3), (6) not known, and a further 250,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: (1) Hulne Deer Park, (a) 15,000 gallons, (b) 88,000 gallons ; Swansfield Park (two), capacity not known ; (3) Plashetts, 11,760 gallons, and several of 300 gallons each ; (5) 5,900 gallons ; (6) several of 300 gallons each. (2) Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. (1), (2) Sufficient ; (3), (4), (5) and (6) ample. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. A D.l'.lS C 304 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Northumberland County Council. Supplies parts of parishes of Benridge and Newminster (Morpeth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Carboniferous Limestone at Doe Hill. The average daily quantity of water available is 60,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Doe Hill, 30,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 50,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Northumberland County Council (Small Holdings and Allotments Committee). Supplies parish of East Heddon (Castle Ward R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Two wells and spring from Millstone Grit, East Heddon. The average daily quantity of water available is 10,900 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Heddon Laws, 5,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,500 gallons. Supply i&.coustant. Quality of Water. Good. Trustees of the late N. C. Ogle. Supply part of parish of Kirkley (Castle Ward R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two springs from gravel, Beacon Hill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 7,200 gallons, and a further 1,920 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Beacon Hill, 21,000 gallons ; Benridge, 1,100 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 7,200 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Lieut.-Col. W. Orde. Supplies parishes of Ewesley, Monkridge (part), Nunnykirk, Ritton Colt Park (part), Ritton White House, and Woodside (part) (Rothbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Ewesley Fell, Monkridge Fell, Ritton Bank, and Duvons. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. W. H. Pawson, Esq. Supplies parishes of Bolton (part), Crawley, Shawdon, and Titlington (Alnwick R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Crawley, Shawdon, and Titlington. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Bolton, 300 gallons ; Crawley, 500 gallons ; Shawdon, (a) 1,000 gallons, (b) 400 gallons ; Titlington, (a) 500 gallons, (ft) 300 gallons, (c) 200 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. H. Pease, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Otterburn (Bellingham R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring, from limestone, one mile north of Otterburn. The average daily quantity of water available is 4,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Girsonfield Farm, 8,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Pure. The Plashetts Coal and Coke Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Plashetts and Tynehead (Bellingham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Carboniferous Limestone, (1) Goodwell Syke, Plashetts ; (2) Far Colliery, Plashetts. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 2,900 gallons, (2) 2,160 gallons, and a further 6,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 1,200 gallons from (2). Works No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Shop Row, Plashetts, 2,475 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 5,060 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Duke of Portland.*' Supplies parishes of Cockle Park and Earsdon (Morpeth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. NORTHUMBERLAND. 305 Lord Ravenswortn. Supplies parishes of Great Kyle (part), Little Ryle (part), Unthank, and Whittingham (part) (Rothbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Redesdale. Supplies part of parish of Rochester Ward (Bellingham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).~Hpi-ing at Stobbs Pell. The average daily quantity of water available is 5,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Horsley Plantation, 2,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Wate-r. Good. W. R. Buchanan-Riddell, Esq. -Supplies parish of Hepple (Rothbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs, (1) Whitefield, (2) Woodside, (3) Hepple, (4) March augh. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 4,320 gallons, (2) 4,380 gallons, (3) 4,380 gallons, (4) 1.260 gallons. A further 8,640 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 13,140 gallons from (2), 5,000 gallons from (3), and 1,440 gallons from (4). Works. No filtration. No reservoir. 'Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 14,340 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. G. S. Riddle and Sons. Supply Berwick upon Tweed B. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Sunnyside. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,440 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,440 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Viscount Ridley. Supplies part of parish of Stannington (Castle Ward R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Boulder Clay, Duddo Hill, Stannington. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Duddo Hill, 1,400 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. C. Noel Ridley, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Simonburn (Hexham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from freestone and Carboniferous Limestone, on Conshield Farm. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. -Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Rt. Hon. Walter Runciman, M.P. Supplies parish of Doxford (Alnwick R.D.), Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- Springs at Tinely and North Charlton. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Tanks at Doxford, North Charlton, and Tinely ; capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Seaton Delaval Coal Company, Ltd. Supplies Blyth U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from sand, Laverick and Horton Farms. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir, tank near Blyth, 12,979 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. The Governors of Shaftoe (Educational) Foundation. Supply parish of Mousen (Belford R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Three springs at Mousen. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Good. U 2 aETtJRisf As TO WATER, SUPPLIES. T. Simpson, Esq. Supplies part of pariah of Hepscott (Morpeth R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from sand, Hepscott, The average daily quantity of water available is 2,880 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir, tank at Hepscott, 250 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent, but hard. Mrs. G. E. Smith. Supplies part of parish of Whalton (Castle Ward R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring on Whalton North Farm. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. F. Straker, Esq. Supplies parishes of High Angerton (part) and Low Angerton (Morpeth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at High Angerton. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at High Angerton, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. J. H. Straker, Esq. Supplies parish of Wingates (Rothbury R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring on Wingates South Farm. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Wingates Village, (a) 6,000 gallons, (b) 500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Earl of Tankerville. Supplies parishes of Elwick and Ross (Belford R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Elwick. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Elwick Farm, 2,000 gallons; Ross Farm, 2,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. T. Taylor, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Widdrington (Morpeth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- (1) Borehole at Druiidge, (2) Springs at Widdrington, (3) Springs at Stobswood, (4) Pitshaft, Stobswood ; all from Upper Coal Measures. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respec- tively, (2) 6,000 gallons, (3) 600 gallons, (4) 12,000 gallons, and a further 1,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (2), and 10,000 gallons from (4) ; yield of (l)not known. Works. Filtration, (4) only, 800 gallons per square yard per day. Reservoirs : Stobswood (a) 10,000 gallons, (b) 5,000 gallons; North Steads, 3,000 gallons; Wid- drington, 10,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 6,450 gallons. Supply from (.'!) and (4) is intermittent. Quality of Water. Good. E/t. Hon. Sir G. 0. Trevelyan, Bart. Supplies parishes of Cam bo, South Middleton (part), and Wellington Demesne (part) (Morpeth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from clay and limestone near Hepples Farm, Cambo. Y'ield not known. Works.- ^o filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Pure and moderately hard. J. S. Trevelyan, Esq. Supplies parishes of Netherwitton and Witton Shields (Morpeth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring on Bellion Karm, Netherwitton. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Netherwitton, 4,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient, Quality of Water. Good. I. : V. -PUIVATE PROPRIETORS. 815 Sir Offley Wakeman, Bart. Supplies part, of parish of Fitz (Atcham U.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and SttJ^Zcieaet/). "Spring at />! i,-d.-- The daily average is 32,093 gallons, and 140,141 gallons in hulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Quarterly chemical and annual bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (24th December 1913) that chemically the water is excellent, but that bacteriologically it is doubtful. Hardness, 22 '5. No action on lead. Mrs. P. L. Dyson. Supplies part of parish of Merriott (Chard R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature am] Siifficicitci/).- Three springs in West Crewkerne. The average'daily quantity of water obtained is 1,500 gallons. Works. No Illtration. Reservoirs: Tanks in Merriott, (a) 400 gallons, (6) 400 gallons. Quantity af Water supplied. The daily average is 1,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. E. Wheler Galton, Esq. Sxipplies part of parish of Loxton (Axbridge R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Loxton. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs at Loxton, (a) 10,000 gallons, (b) 6,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Very good, but hard. Mrs. A. T. Chafyn-Grove. Supplies part of parish of East Coker (Yeovil R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sand and limestone, at Burton, East Coker. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 15,000 gallons, and a further 8,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Very good. Mrs. D. M. Heneage. Supplies parts of parishes of East Coker, Pendomer, and Button Bingham (Yeovil R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring at Isles, East Coker; (2) Spring at Burton, East Coker ; (3) Spring at Kithill, Peiidomer ; (4) Wells at Sutton Bingham. The average daily quantity of water obtained from (2) is 15,000 gallons ; yield of (1), (3) and (4) not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Pendomer and East Coker; capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. (I), (3) and (4) ample, (2) occasionally limited. Quality of Water. Good. G. A. Hodgkinson, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Wells St. Cuthbert Out, and Wookey (Wells R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Axe. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Sir J. Homer. Supplies parts of parishes of Leigh upon Mendip, and Mells (Frome R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springe from Oolite and Carboniferous Limestone, at Leigh upon Mendip and Mells. Yield riot known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Wholesome. [. W. Paget Hoskyns, Esq. Supplies part of parish of North Perrott (Yeovil R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from_ Fuller's Earth, at North Perrott, The average daily quantity of water available is 3,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at North Perrott, 5,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. 318 UETUBN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Earl of Ilchester. Supplies parts of parishes of Oh iselbo rough and West Chinnock (Yeovil R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs on Chiaelhorough Hill, and spring at West Ohinnock. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Or. C. L. Insole, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Luxborough (Willitou R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Springs and wells at Luxborough. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Capt. W. Vaughan Jenkins. Supplies part of parish of Priston (Keynsham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Nailwell. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Nailwell (underground), capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Good. Gen. Inigo Jones. Supplies part of parish of Ivelston (Keynsham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Lias and sand at Kelston. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. W. W. Kettlewell, Esq. Supplies part of parish of East Harptree (Glutton It.]).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Two springs from Dolomitic Conglomerate, Grove Wood ; (2) Spring from Mendip flint, Smitliam Hill. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) (a) 3,000 gallons, (b) 3,000 gallons ; and (2) 9,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Tanks near Grove Wood, (a) 4,000 gallons, (b) 2,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. A. L. Langman, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of South Cadbury and Weston Bampfj'lde (Wincanton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Cadbury Rings and East End. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Cadbury Rings, 2,500 gallons ; and East End, 1 ,300 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Sir A. W. Lawrence, Bart. Supplies part of parish of North Stoke (Keynsham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs in Lansdown Hill, North Stoke. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Lansdown Hill, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Col. A. V. H. Vaughan Lee. Supplies llminster U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Ilminster Without and White Lackington (Chard R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Marlstone : (1) Chink, Kingstone ; (2) Long Orchard Hill, Ilminster. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 17,500 gallons, (2) 3,000 gallons. Works.- No filtration. Reservoirs: Chink, (a) 400 gallons, (b) 4,800 gallons ; Long Orchard Hill, 3,000 gallons; Butts, Ilminster, 4,800 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Tine daily average is 12,600 gallons. Supply is intermittent. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. PAttT I, : StiCl'ION V. -PUlV.Vi'i; PHOPKIETORS. 315 Sir Offley Wakeman, Bart. Supplies part of parish of Fit/ (Atchaiu Li. I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Grafton. The average daily cjuantity of water obtained is 1,500 gallons. \\'<>i-l;s. No lihration. Reservoirs: Grafton, 200 gallons; Kit/,, 1,201) gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Col. F. A. Wolryche-Whitmore. -Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Quatt .Malvern (Bridg- north I {.I).). ; (2) Leebotwood (Church Stretton R.l.).). Sources of Supply (Nu.lnre and Sufficiency). -(1) Two springs from sandstone, and a well, Quatt Malvern; (2) Spring in Wolstaston. Yield not known. Works. No liltration. Reservoirs : (1) Quatt Malvern, (a) 40,000 gallons, (6) 500 gallons ; (2) Leebotwood, 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality <>f Water. Excellent. R. S. Wilson, Esq. -Supplies part of parish of \Voriield (Bridgnorth It.l).). Sou of Supply (Nature ami Sufficiency). Springs from red sandstone at Chesterton. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Chesterton, 2,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Excellent. Major Wingfleld. Supplies part of parish of Shrewsbury St. Alkmond (Atcham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -Well in Shrewsbury St. Alkmond. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. SOMERSETSHIRE. Sir C. T. D. Acland, Bart. Supplies parishes of Luccombe (part) and Selworthy (Willi- ton It. IX). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -Springs in Luccombe and Selworthy. Yield not known. Works. -No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. H. Allen, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Bathampton (Bath R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Oolite on Bathampton Down. The average daily quantity of water available is 150,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Hampton Down, 14,000 gallons. Quantity .of Water supplied. The daily average is 8,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Marquess of Bath. Supplies part of parish of Selwood (Frome R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Greensand, Selwood. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Cole Hill, 5,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. H. H. Pleydell Bouverie, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Cutcombe ( Williton R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature, and Sufficiency). Well, Wheddon Cross. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,500 gallons, and a further 1,500 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Wheddon Cross, (a) 30,000 gallons, (6) 30,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Trustees of the Bristol Municipal Charities. Supply part of parish of Burnett (Keyn- sham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -Springs from New Red Sandstone, near Burnett. The average daily quantity of water available is 2,000 gallons. 316 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Burnett, 2,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. E. Colston, Esq. Supplies part of parish of West Lydford (Shepton Mallet R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs, Naidens Wood, West Lydford. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,200 gallons, and a further 800 gallons per day could be obtained. Worl:s. No filtration. Reservoir at Naidens Wood, 2,980 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is ] ,200 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. (rood. Messrs. R. T. Combe and T. B. Clarke. Supply part of parish of Donyatt (Chard R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Donyatt. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Donyatt, capacity not known Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Croscombe Voluntary Committee. Supplies part of parish of Croscombe (Shepton Mallet. R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Croscombe. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Croscoinbe, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. G. B. Darby and A. D. Paul. Supply part of parish of Chard (Chard R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well at Crimchard. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,200 gallons, and a further 9,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Crimchard, 5,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,200 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. H. J. Davis, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Sutton Montis (Wincanton R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Midford Sands, Pen Hill, Sutton Montis. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 5,760 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Pen Hill, 5,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Duke of Devonshire.- Supplies part of parish of Long Sutton (Langport R.D,). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well at Long Sutton. The average daily quantity of water available is 19,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Long Sutton, 15,860 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. F. J. B. Wingfield-Digby, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Charlton Horethorne (Win- canton R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone, at Charllon Horethorne. The average daily quantity of water available is 55,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Charlton Gorse, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Downside Abbey Waterworks. Supplies part of parish of Stratton on the Fosse (Shepton Mallet R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Midsomer Norton U.D.C. (see page 93), Clutton R.D.C., and Shepton Mallet R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency*. Spring from Carboniferous Limestone, intercepted underground, at Gurney Slade. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 172,234 gallons ; and a further 1,228,000 gallons could be obtained. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. SOMERSETSHIRE. 317 Work*. No filtration. Reservoir : -Downside, Stratton on the Fosse, 600,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quautjlij of W.ilcr supplied. The daily average is 32,093 gallons, and 140,141 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Duality of \\':- --Quarterly chemical and annual l.arteriologieal examination. Analyst remarks (24th December 1913) that chemically the water is excellent, but that bacteriological!}' it is doubtful. Hardness, 22 '5. No action on lead. Mrs. F. L. Dyson. Supplies part of parish of Merriott (Chard R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). T\iree springs in West Crewkerne. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,500 gallons. Work*. No filtration. Reservoirs : Tanks in Merriott, (a) 400 gallons, (6) 400 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The "daily average is 1,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. E. Wheler Galton, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Loxton (Axbridge R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Loxton. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs at Loxton, (a) 10,000 gallons, (6) 6,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Wa,ter. Very good, but hard. Mrs. A. T. Chafyn-Grove. Supplies part of parish of East Coker (Yeovil It. IX). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sand and limestone, at Burton, East Coker. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 15,000 gallons, and a further 8,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. (Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Very good. Mrs. D. M. Heneage. Supplies parts of parishes of East Coker, Pendomer, and Sutton Bingham (Yeovil R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring at Isles, East Coker ; (2) Spring at Burton, East Coker ; (3) Spring at Kithill, Pendomer ; (4) Wells at Sutton Bingham. The average daily quantity of water obtained from (2) is 15,000 gallons; yield of (1), (3) and (4) not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Pendomer and East Coker ; capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. (1), (3) and (4) ample, (2) occasionally limited. Quality of Water. Good. G. A. Hodgkinson, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Wells St. Cuthbert Out, and Wookey (AVells I ;.!>.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). River Axe. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Sir J. Homer. Supplies parts of parishes of Leigh upon Mendip, and Mells (Frome R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Oolite and Carboniferous Limestone, at Leigh upon Mendip and Mells. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. QiiaUty of Water. Wholesome. H. W. Paget Hoskyns, Esq. Supplies part of parish of North Perrott (Yeovil R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Fuller's Earth, at North Perrott. The average daily quantity of water available is 3,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at North Perrott, 5,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. 318 HETURN AS TO WA'l'EK SI I'PIJES. Earl of Ilchester. Supplies parts of parishes of Chisel borough and \Vest Chinnock (Yeovil U.I).). Sources of Sup/ily (Nature mid Sufficiency). Si>rings on Chiselborough Hill, and spring at West Chinnock. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water xnppl it'll, Ample. Quality of Wafer. Good. Q. C. L. Insole, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Luxborough (\Villiton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature ami Sufficiency). Springs and wells at Livxborough, Yield not known. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Capt. W. Vavtghan Jenkins. Supplies part of parish of Priston (Keynsham H.D.). Sourcn of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Nailwell. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Nailwell (underground), capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. (Duality of Water. Good. Gen. Inigo Jones. Supplies part of parish of Kelston (Keynsham K.I).). of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Lias and sand at Kelston. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. W. W. Kettlewell, Esq. Supplies part of parish of East Harptree (Glutton K.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Two springs from Dolomitic Conglomerate, Grove Wood ; (2) Spring from Mend ip flint, Smitham Hill. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) (a) 3,(><)<) gallons, (ft) 3, 000 gallons; and (2) 9,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Tanks near Grove Wood, (a) 4,00(1 gallons, (6) 2,000 gallons. (Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. A. L. Lang-man, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of South Cadbury and Weston BampJYlde (Wincanton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Cadbury Kings and East End. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs: Cadbury Rings, 2,500 gallons ; and East End. 1 ,300 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Sir A. W. Lawrence, Bart. Supplies part of parish of North Stoke (Keynsham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs in Lansdown Hill, North Stoke. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir, tank at Lansdown Hill, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Col. A. V. H. Vaughan Lee. Supplies Ilminster U.D. (part) ; and parts of parishes of Ilminster Without and White Lackington (Chard R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Marlstone : (1) Chink, Kingstone ; (2) Long Orchard Hill, Ilminster. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 17,500 gallons, (2) 3,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Chink, (a.) 46() gallons, (b) 4,800 gallons ; Long Orchard Hill, 3,000 gallons ; Butts, Ilminster, 4,800 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 12,600 gallons. Supply is intermittent. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. SOMERSETSHIRE. 319 A. F. Luttrell, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Carhampton, Withycombe ; (2) Dunster ; (3) East Quantoxhead, Kiltoii with Lilstoek, Kilve, Old Cleeve ; and (4) Minehead Without (Williton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Upland surface, 200 acres, at Higher Redhuish and Combe Farms; (2) (a) Upland surface, 200 acres, Broad wood Common, (ft) Upland surfaces, 150 acres, at Longcombe ; (3) Upland surfaces, (a) Quantock Hills, (b) Quantock Hills, (c) Lower Redlmisli ; (4) (a) (fathering ground, 100 acres, Hopcott Common, Wootton Courtney, (b) Upland surfaces on North Hill, Minehead, (c) Upland surfaces, 140 acres, on Perriton Hill, Minehead. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 21,000 gallons; (2) (a) 30,000 gallons (6) 15,000 gallons ; (3) (a) not known, (6) 10,500 gallons, (c) 30,000 gallons (4) (a) 3,500 gallons, (6) 18,000 gallons, (c) 6,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: (1) Carhampton, 10,000 gallons ; Withycombe 3,000 gallons; Combe Lane (a) 100 gallons, (&) 100 gallons; (2) Dunster Castle 45,000 gallons ; Staunton Alcombe, 15,000 gallons ; Broad wood, 500 gallons Longcombe, KM) gallons; (3) East Qnantoxhead (a) 5,000 gallons, (b) 8,000 gallons Kilton, 6,000 gallons ; Lower Redhuish, 6,000 gallons ; Townsend Farm, 200 gallons ; Dunscombe, 500 gallons; (4j Higher Hopcott Farm, 3,000 gallons ; North Hill, 3,000 gallons; Grexy, 5,000 gallons; The Beacon, Minehead, 30,000 gallons; Hopcott Common, 50 gallons ; Woodcombe, 200 gallons ; Perriton Hill, 200 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good and soft, but lead pipes are not used. The water contains some iron. E. D. Marden, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Marston Magna, and Rimpton (Yeovil R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian well 208 feet in Marlstone, Rimpton Hill. The average daily quantity of water available is 90,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Rimpton Hill, 15,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 7,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. M. Notley, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Monksilver (Williton R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Devonian formation. The average daily quantity of water available is 3,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Notley, 1,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. "The daily average is 2,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good, and moderately hard. Sir R. A. S. Paget, Bart. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Doulting, and (2) East Cranmore (Shepton Mallet R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from Oolite formation at Doulting ; (2) Springs from Old Red Sandstone, East Cranmore. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : (1 ) Doulting, 6,000 gallons ; (2) East Cranmore, 40,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) The daily average is 2,500 gallons supply is constant ; (2) plentiful. Quality of Water. (1) Good ; (2) of great organic purity. B. S. D. Penny, Esq. Supplies part of parish of West Coker (Yeovil R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Font Hill, West Coker. The average daily qxiantity of water obtained is 9,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Font Hill, (a) 12,000 gallons, (&) 14,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Fair. Quality of Water. Veiy good. A. Poole, Esq. Supplies Ilminster U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two wells, 60 feet, in Midford Sands at Ilminster. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Scotches, 10,000 gallons. . Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. R. P. H. Batten Poole, Esq. Supplies parish of Woolverton (Frame R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs in Woolverton, Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir at Woolverton, 60,000 gallons, Quantity of Water supplied. Ample, Quality of Water. Good. A 0.198 X 320 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Viscount Portman. Supplies parishes of (1) Thurloxton (part) (Bridgwater R.D.) ; (2) Puckington (Langport R.D.) ; (3) Downhead (part) ; (4) Evercreech (part) ; (5) Pylle (part) (Shepton Mallet R.D.) ; (0) Bickenliall (part), Curland (part), Staple Fitzpaine (part) ; (7) Thurlbear (part) (Taunton R.D.) ; (8) Gorton Denliam (part) (Wincanton R.D.) ; (9) Closworth (part) ; (10) East Chinnock (part), Haselbury Pluck nett (part) ; (1 1) Hardington Mandeville (part) ; (12) West Coker (part) (Yeovil R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Shepton Mallet R.D.C. from (4), and Taunton R.D.C. from (6). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from Middle Lias, Thurloxton; (2) Well in Lias, Puckington; (3) Springs from Carboniferous Limestone, Downhead ; (4) Spring from Middle Lias, Evercreech Park Farm ; (5) Springs from Middle Lias, Easton Hill, and Writh ; (0) Springs from Upper Greensand, Staple Hill ; (7) Springs from Rhsetic formation, Thurlbear; (8) Spring from Inferior Oolite, Corton Ridge; (9) Well in Cornbrash, Closworth ; (10) Spring from Oolite, Eastfield Farm, West Chinnock ; (11) Spring from Oolite, Manor Farm ; (12) Spring from Oolite, Coker Hill. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs, tanks: (1) Flood's Bottom, Thurloxton, 1,500 gallons ; Higher Clavelshay Farm, North Petherton, 2,000 gallons ; (2) Puckington, 10,000 gallons; (3) near Heale Farm, Downhead, 1,000 gallons; (4) Park Farm, Evercreech, 1,000 gallons ; (5) Easton Hill, Pylle, 2,000 gallons ; (6) South Hill Farm, Staple Fitzpaine, 100,000 gallons; Staple Fitzpaine, 10,000 gallons; Bickenhall (a) 25,000 gallons, (6) 100,000 gallons ; (7) Thurlbear, 3,000 gallons ; (8) Wheatsheaf Hill, Corton Denham, 2,000 gallons ; Sandford Orcas, 1,000 gallons ; (9) near Manor Farm, Closworth, 1,000 gallons ; (10) Barrows Hill, Haselbury, 13,000 gallons ; Chinnock Hollow, East Chinnock, 2,000 gallons; (11) Pig Hill, Hardington, 1,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. Earl Poulett. Supplies parts of parishes of Hinton St. (leorge, and Lopen (Chard R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs (1) at Hinton Park, (2) at Lopen. The average daily quantity of water derived from (1) is 11,000 gallons, and a further 25,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Yield of (2) not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Hinton Park. 80.000 gallons, and tank at Lopen, 450 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 11,250 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Lord St. Audries. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Sampford Brett, and (2) Stogursey (Williton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well at Sampford Brett ; (2) Spring from limestone in an old mine, at Dodington. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 6,000 gallons, (2) 100,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs: (1) Sampford Brett, 20,000 gallons ; (2) Dod- ington (two), capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) Adequate ; (2) the daily average is 2,000 gallons- supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. Col. E. C. A. Sanford. Supplies part of parish of Langford Budville (Wellington R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs near Langford Budville. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Langford Budville, 7,000 gallons ; and Bear Farm, 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water.- Very good. Miss M. J. Seymour (in lunacy H. H. P. Bouverie, Esq.). Supplies part of parish of Charlton Horethorne (Wincanton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Midford Sands, Charlton Hills. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Charlton Hill, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. W. H Shepstone, Esq.* Supplies part of parish of Nailsea (Long Ashton R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well at Nailsea. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir, tower at Nailsea, 4,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. SOMERSETSHIRE. 321 Capt. Quantock Shuldham. Supplies part of parish of Norton sub Hamdon (Yeovil R.B.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Oolitic limestone, Norton Wood, Norton sul) Hamdon. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 27,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Norton Wood, 600 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Good. C. E. Small, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Chard (Chard R.D.). Source* of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Chalk and Greensand, at South Chard and Perry Street. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Dyke Hill, 9,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Duke of Somerset. Supplies part of parish of Wit hum Friary (Frome R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Five springs from Upper Greensand, in West End Wood, three miles from Witham Friary. The average daily quantity of water available is 35,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs : West End Wood, 15,000 gallons ; Witham Friary, 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 25,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Pure. A. F. Somerville, Esq.* Supplies part of parish of Binder (Wells R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency.) Spring from Old Red Sandstone, at Masbury. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Binder, 7,500 gallons; Sharcombe, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. - Ample. Quality of Water. Good. F. Spencer, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Ash wick, and (2) West Cranmore (Shepton Mallet R.B.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) and (2) Springs from limestone and Old Red Sandstone, Mendip Hill. The average daily quantity of water derived from (2) is 2,640 gallons. Yield of (1) not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Tank at Ashwick, 9,000 gallons ; (2) Mendip, 18,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) Plentiful; (2) the daily average is 2,500 gallons supply is constant. Quality of Water. Pure. Earl Temple.- -Supplies parts of parishes of Corston, Newton St. Loe, and Stanton Prior (Keynsham R.B.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Lower Lias formation : (1) Corston ; (2) Newton St. Loe ; (3) Stanton Prior. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 7,000 gallons ; (2) 10,800 gallons ; (3) 6,170 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Corston, 13,500 gallons ; Newton St. Loe, 11,625 gallons ; Stanton Prior, 5,175 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Hon. Mrs. Trollope. Supplies part of parish of Crowcombe (Williton R.B.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs on Quantock Hill. Y'ield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs in Crowcombe Park (a) 2,301 gallons, (b) 2,880 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent. 3. C. Tudway, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Wells St. Cuthbert Out (Wells R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring on Bulcote Hill. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. X 2 322 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. G. R. Wainwright, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Christoii (Axbridge R.D.). Source of Supjtly (Nature and Sufficiency.) Spring from Dolomitic Conglomerate, Christen. The average daily quantity of water available in winter is 30,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Christen, 11,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. - - The daily average is 450 gallons. Supply is intermittent. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. Earl Waldegrave. Supplies part of parish of Chewton Mendip (Wells R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Old Red Sandstone, Eaker Hill, Chewton Mendip. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Eaker Hill, Chewton Mendip, (a) 10,000 gallons, (6) 10,000 gallons, and (c) 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Welton Breweries, Ltd. Supply part of parish of Elm (Frome R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring, intercepted underground, from Carboniferous Limestone, Buckland Denharn. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, underground tank at Buckland Denham, 500 gal Ions. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. SOUTHAMPTON. S. Bostock, Esq. Supplies parishes of Lainston, Littleton (part), and Sparsholt (part) (Winchester R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Chalk at Crabwood, near Winchester. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Crabwood, 110,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 12,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. The Hon. Mrs. A. G. Calthorpe. Supplies part of parish of Elvetham (Hartley Wintney R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs on Star Hill, Elvetham. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,000 gallons, and a further 2,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Star Hill, Elvetham, 4,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Very good. Sir G. A. Cooper, Bart. Supplies parts of parishes of Farley Chamberlayne and Hursley (Hursley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well, 14(3 feet, in Upper Chalk, Hursley Park ; (2) Artesian borehole, 500 feet, in Upper Chalk, at Home Farm, Hursley Park. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 8,079 gallons, (2) 18,996 gallons. Works. Filtration (1) 1,000 gallons, (2) 1,781 gallons per square yard per day. Reservoirs : Violet Hill, 157,500 gallons ; Farley, 59,000 gallons ; Hursley, 90,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 27,074 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Capt. W. V. Faber, M.P., and E. H. Jellett, Esq. Supply part of parish of Kimpton (Andover R.D.) and (in Wiltshire) part of parish of Ludgershall (Pewsey R.D.). Powers. Ludgershall Water Order, 1903. Limits. Parishes of Kimpton (Andover R.D.) and Ludgershall (Pewsey R.D.) Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 220 feet, in chalk at Faberstowi Ludgershall. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Faberstown, 20,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 45,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Periodical chemical examination. Analyst remarks (6th January 1910) that chemically the water ig excellent, Hardness : total, }5'9; permanent, 3. No action on lead. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 323 G. A. Gale, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Blendworth and Catlierington (Catherington R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 180 feet, in Chalk, at Crookley. The .average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Crookley, Horn dean, 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Hotham, Supplies part of parish of East Meon (Petersfield R.D.); and furnishes a supply in bulk to Petersfield R.D.C. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk at East Meon. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 6,500 gallons, and a further 39,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : East Meon, (a) 30,000 gallons, (6) 10,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,500 gallons and 3,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead. Sir Eustace Clark Jervoise, Bart.* Supplies part of parish of Idsworth (Catherington R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk at Rowlands Castle. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tower at Rowlands Castle, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Montague of Beaulieu. Supplies part of parish of Beaulieu (New Forest R.D.) Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from white gravel, Hill Top, Beaulieu. Yield not known. Worlts. Water is filtered. Reservoirs at Beaulieu, (a) 30,000 gallons, (6) 40,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Excellent, and soft. H. C. Stephens, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Amport, Quarley, Shipton Bellinger, Thruxton (Andover R.D.), and (in Wiltsliire) parish of Cholderton (Amesbury R.D.). Powers.- Cholderton and District Water Order, 1904. Limits. Parishes of Amport (part), Quarley (part), Shipton Bellinger (part), Thruxton (part) (Andover R.D.) ; Bulford (part), and Cholderton (Amesbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells, 215 feet, in Chalk, at Thruxton Hill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 20,000 gallons, and a further 40,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Thruxton Hill, (a) 200,000 gallons, (6) 100,000 gallons, (c) 100,000 gallons, (d) 25,000 gallons, (e) 25,000 gallons; Middlecot Hill, 100,000 gallons ; Ann's Farm, 50,000 gallons ; Cholderton, 30,000 gallons ; Shipton, 30,000 gallons ; Shipton Wood, 30,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 20,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 13. No action on lead. STAFFORDSHIRE. Messrs. Thomas Bolton and Sons, Ltd. Supply part of parish of Oakamoor (Cheadle R.D.) Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from red sandstone, Springfield, Oakamoor. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. ev. Sir R. Boughey, Bart. Supplies parts of parishes of Forton and Gnosall (Gnosall R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from red sandstone at Meretown, Forton, Wilbrighton, Button, and Broadhill. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Meretown, Forton, and Wilbrighton, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. A 0.198 2C. 3 324 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. H B. M. Buchanan, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Tyrley (Blore Heath R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from New Red Sandstone, Tyrley. The average daily quantity of water available is 250,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir at Park Springs Farm, Tyrley, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 10,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Water contains some iron. The Dowager Lady Burton. Supplies part of parish of Tatenhill (Tutbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sutfii-iency). Deep wells at Rangemore. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 16,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Rangemore. tanks, (a) 16,000 gallons, (b) 12,000 gallons, (c) 8,000 gallons ; tower, 16,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Cannock Conduit Trustees. Supply Cannock U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Rumer Hill and The Newlands. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Rumer Hill, and The Newlands ; capacity not known. Pressure is insufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Intermittent. Quality of Water. Good occasional bacteriological examination. Soft, but no action on lead. Mrs. Cathcart (in lunacy The Official Solicitor). Supplies parish of Ramshorn (Mayfield R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from red sandstone, conglomerate, and Yoredale sandstones, Ramshorn. Yield not known. Works. Part of the water is filtered. Reservoirs : Ramshorn, 5,000 gallons ; Eid Low, Ramshorn, 12,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Mrs. Chadwick. Supplies parish of Hints (Tamworth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- Spring at Hints. The average daily quantity of water available is 40,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Hints, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample Quality of Water. Good. Draycott in the Clay Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of Draycott in the Clay (Uttoxeter R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from gravel, at Hanbury. The average daily quantity of water available is 1,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but fairly hard. C. E. Morris Eyton, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Church Eaton (Gnosall R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring at High Onn, Church Eaton ; (2) Spring at Wood Eaton Hall Farm, Church Eaton. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 720 gallons. (2) 12,300 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : High Onn, 500 gallons ; Wood Eaton, 40,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is (1) 100 gallons, (2) 500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Fair. Lady Feilden.* Supplies part of parish of Dilhorne (Cheadle R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit, at Stanemore. The average daily quantity of water available is 30,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : two near Dilhorne Hall, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. STAFFORDSHIRE. . 325 Mrs. A. L. T. Greaves. Supplies part of parish of Mayfield (Mayfield H.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Mayfield. Yield not known. Worlds. No filtration. Reservoir at Mayfield, 18,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. The Hamstead Colliery Company, Ltd.- Supplies Perry Barr U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone, Hamstead. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 50,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Hamstead, 16,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 6,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory occasional chemical examination. Very soft, but no action on lead. Earl of Harrowby. Supplies part of parish of Sandon (Stone R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from grey sandstone, at Sandon, The average daily quantity of water obtained is 10,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Sandon, 1,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Sir A. P. Hey wood, Bart. Supplies part of parish of Denstone (Dttoxeter R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from clay at Denstone. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Denstone, 40,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but rather hard. A. J. Hoole, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Gnosall (Gnosall R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Chatwell. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs ; two tanks at Gnosall, 3,000 gallons each. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Pure. Earl of Lichfield. Supplies part of parish of Colwich (Stafford R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs in Hay wood Park. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir ; White Barn tank, Great Haywood, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Excellent. Lichfield Conduit Lands Trustees. Supply Lichfield B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1 ) Wells and boreholes in red sandstone, Walsall Road, Lichfield ; (2) Boreholes in sandstone, Aldershaw, near Lichfield. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 238,000 gallons, (2) 35,000 gallons, and a further 760,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1). Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Beacon Street, Lichfield, 360,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 273,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical anil occasional bacteriological examination. Analyst remarks (13th November 1913) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness : (1) total 11 ' 05, permanent 5 ' 10 ; (2) total 14 ' 64, permanent 9 ' 0. No action on lead. J. B. Lloyd, ESQ. Supplies part of parish of Mucklestoiie (Blore Heath R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 156 feet, in red sandstone Mini Bank. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Mucklestone, 16,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. London and North Western Railway Company. See Cheshire. 326 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Mrs. E. J. Cavanagh-Mainwaring 1 . Supplies part of parish of Whitmore (Newcastle \uuler Lyme R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring, near Wliitmore ; (2) Well, at Limpits. Yield.not known. Works.- -No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Whitmore, 8,000 gallons ; (2) Limpits, 4,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. F. H. L. Meynell, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Mucklestone (Blore Heath R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Mucklestone. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Middleton. Supplies part of parish of Middleton (Tamworth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Two springs at Middleton. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Middleton, 16,000 gallons ; Button Lane, 5,000 gallons ; Aller End, 3,000 gallons. Quantity nf Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but rather hard. Sir 0. Mosley, Bart. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Rolleston and (2) Tutbury (Tutbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and. Sufficiency). (1) Borehole, 500 feet, at Rolleston Hall ; (2) Well, 60 feet, Chapel House, Tutbury. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 288,000 gallons, (2) 9,500 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : (1) Rolleston, 50,000 gallons, (2) Chapel House, Tutbury, 12,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) Adequate ; (2) the daily average is 1,000 gallons Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. North Staffordshire Railway Company. Supplies parts of parishes of Cauldon, Cotton, and Farley (Cheadle R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Cheadle R.IXC. and Mayfield R.D.C. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency.) Borehole at Cauldon Lowe, Cotton. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir at Farley, 165,750 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,140 gallons ; quantity in bulk not known. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (30th November 1911) that the water is suitable for drinking. Hardness: total, 68; permanent, 5 ' 2. Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Alton (Cheadle R.D.) ; (2) Hopton and Coton, Ingestre, and Tixall (Stafford R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from limestone, Ganderwall,. Cotton ; (2) (a) Well in sandstone, Salt Heath, Hopton, (b) Spring from sandstone, Weston, (c) Spring from clay and rock, Tixall Hall. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (I ) not known ; (2) (a) 3,000 gallons, (6) 7,200 gallons, (c) 1,400 gallons, and a further 15,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (2) (6). Works. Water from (1) only is filtered. Reservoirs : (1) Lickshead, Ramshoru, 26,000 gallons ; Alton, 2,000 gallons ; (2) Hopton, 9,000 gallons ; Ingestre, 20,000 gallons ; Tixall, 72,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) Fair ; (2) adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. Simpson Brothers, Ltd. Supply part of parish of Mayfield (Mayfield R.D.). Source of Supply (N attire and Sufficiency). Well in gravel and red sandstone, Mayfield Mill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,600 gallons, and a further 750 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Mayfield Mill, (a) 2,900 gallons, (b) 3,700 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,830 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. PAKT I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 327 Duke of Sutherland. Supplies part of parish of Stone Rural (Stone R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Beech. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Tittensor, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Vemon. See Derbyshire. SUFFOLK, EAST. R. J. Colman, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Gorton (Mutford and Lothingland R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sand and gravel, The Common, Gunton. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Gorton, 14,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. Greene, King, and Sons, Ltd. Supply Stowmarket U.D. (part) and part of parish of Stowupland (East Stow R.D.). Powers. Stowmarket Water Order, 1887. Limits. Stowmarket U.D. ; parish of Stowupland (East Stow R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two wells, Station Road, Stowmarket. The average daily quantity of water available is 70,000 gallons. Works. Pressure filters. Reservoir at Finboro' Road, Stowmarket, 200,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied.- Abundant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness : total, 25 ; permanent, 12. SUFFOLK, WEST. Earl Cadogan. Supplies part of parish of Culford (Tliingoe R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk at Culford. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Culford, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, bnt hard (softened before distribution). Lord Loch. Supplies part of parish of Stoke by Clare (Clare R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk, Stoke by Clare. The average daily quantity of water available is 3,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir at Stoke by Clare, 50,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. t n E. Cumberledge-Ware, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Poslingford (Clare R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well at Poslingford. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Poslingford capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. John Wood, Esq., M.P. Supplies part of parish of Risby (Thingoe R.D.) Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Chalk, at Risby. The average daily quantity of water available is 770 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Risby, 1,850 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. SURREY. Sir R. M. Bray. Supplies part of parish of Shere (Guildford R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Three wells in gravel and sand. Shere. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 51,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Shere, 100,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 35,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good. C. Heath, Esq. (See Addenda, page 599.) 328 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. G. McKibbin, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Wanborough (Guildford R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency.) Spring kt Wanborough. Yield riot known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Tank at Xmas Pie, 1,750 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. Duke of Northumberland. Supplies part of parish of Albury (Guildford 11.1).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) Spring at Postford, Albury ; (2; Spring, at Sherbourne ; (3) Spring at Brook, Albury. The average daily quantity of water derived from each soxirce is, respectively, (1) 8,640 gallons ; (2) 4,320 gallons ; (3) 1,230 gallons. A further 1,440 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), 5,760 gallons from (2), and 1,650 gallons from (3). Works. Filtration at (1) only, 843 gallons per square yard per day. Reservoirs : The Warren, Albury, 50,000 gallons ; Sherbourne, 7,800 gallons ; Brook, 7,200 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) Sufficient; (2) the daily average is 4,320 gallons, and (3) 1,230 gallons supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. E. Spooner, Esq. Supplies Windlesham U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Lake fed by springs, Penny Hill Park, Bagshot. The average daily quantity of water available is 90,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir at Saw Mills, Bagshot, 500,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1 ,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good. The Commissioners of H.M. Woods, &c. Sec Berkshire. SUSSEX, EAST. W. R. Arbuthnot, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Forest Row and West Hoathly (East Grinstead R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs and wells in Plaw Wood and Mays Wood. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs at Plawhatch : (a) 20,000 gallons, (b) 20,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Executors of the late W. L. Christie. Supply parts of parishes of Glynde and Ringmer (Chailey R.D.j. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -Well with boring to Lower Greensand, near Middleham, Ringmer. The average daily quantity of water available is 10,000 gallons. Works. -No filtration. Reservoirs at Glyndebourne Hill, 150,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 8,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Messrs. A. H. and B. A. Clough. Supply part of parish of Hartfield (East Grinste'ad R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency.) Spring near Atchford Wood. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 10,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Spyfield (a) 120,000 gallons, (b) 35,000 gallons, (c) 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 10,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Fulking Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of Fulking tSteyning East R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency) .Spring from Chalk, Fulking Hill. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. W. W. Grantham. Esq. Supplies part of parish of Barcombe (Chailey R.D.). ^Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells in sand and gravel at Barcombe. Yield not known. Works No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Barcombe, 7,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. PAET I. : SECTION V.- PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 329 London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Company. Supply Newhaven U.D. (part) and part of parish of Bishopstone (Newhaven B.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well at Denton. The average daily quantity of water available is 320,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Denton, 175,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Mrs. Montefiore.* Supplies part of parish of Worth (East Grinstead R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Deep well in Tunbridge Wells sand and East Grinstead clay, at Worth. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir at Worth Park, 150,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Poynings Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of Poynings (Steyning East R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Chalk, Dyke Hill. The average daily quantity of water available is 14,400 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Poynings, 4,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. J. and H. Robinson. -Supply part of parish of Iford (Newhaven R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Ohalk at Iford. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Iford, 50,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. SUSSEX, WEST. W. B. M. Bird, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Eartham (Westhampnett R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian well, 350 feet, in Chalk, Eartham House. The average daily of water obtained is 1,000 gallons, and a further 12,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Eartham Mount, 18,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Cowdray. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Cocking, and (2) Easebourne (Midhurst R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature 'and Sufficiency).- (1) Pond fed by spring from Chalk, over Upper Greensand, Brookhouse Meadow, Cocking ; (2) (a) Springs from Lower Greensand overlying Atherfield Clay, at Henley, (b) Spring from Lower Greensand, Knightons Well; Easebourne, and (c) two springs from Lower Greensand, Upper Easebourne. Yield not known. Works. Water from (1) and (2; (a) only is filtered. Reservoirs : (1) Cocking, 23,400 gallons ; (2) (a) Verdley Farm 23,400 gallons, (?>) Upper Easebourne 178,000 gallons, (c) The Beeches, Cowdray Park, 41,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is (1) 800 gallons, (2) (a) 3,000 gallons supply is constant ; (6) and (c) plentiful. Quality of W r ater. Good. C. Goring, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Wiston (Thakeham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Upper Greensand, Wiston. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. J. Grover, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Linchmere (Midhurst R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 60 feet, in sandstone, Hammer Rise. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 6,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Linchmere, (a) 7,300 gallons, (6) 22,000 gallons, (c) 70,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Very good, and soft. 330 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Executors of the late W. James. Supply part of parish of West Dean (Westbourne R.D.). Sources of- Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells, West Dean, Brick-Kiln, and Staple Ash. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at West Dean, (a) 45,000 gallons, (b) 45,000 gallons, (c) 45,000 gallons, (d) 10,000 gallons, (e) 45,000 gallons, (/) 45,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Leconfield. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Tillington (Midhurst R.D.), (2) Duncton, (3) Fittleworth, (4) Petworth, and (5) Sutton (Petworth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from rock, Petworth Park, (2) Spring from Chalk, Duncton Manor Farm, (3) Spring from rock, Bognor Common, (4) Spring from sandstone, Byworth, (5) Spring from Chalk, Glatting Farm. The average daily quantity of water derived from (2) is 5,000 gallons, and (4) 3,000 gallons. Yield of other sources not known, but an unlimited supply could be obtained from (5). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: (1) Upperton, 500 gallons; (2) Duncton Manor Farm, (a) 1,000 gallons, (b) 1,000 gallons ; (4) Byworth, 3,000 gallons ; (5) Sutton Court Farm, 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is (1) (a) sufficient, (b) 1,000 gallons ; (2) 5,000 gallons, (3) adequate, (4) 3,000 gallons, (5) 6,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Duke of Norfolk. Supplies Arundel B., and parts of parishes of Burpham, Lyminster, Poling, Tortington, Warningcamp (East Preston R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk, near Swanbourne Lake, Arundel. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 153,000 gallons, and a further 90,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Arundel Park, (a) 302,000 gallons, (b) 201,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied.- The daily average is 153,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (24th January 1910) that chemically the water is of satisfactory organic purity. Hardness, 14 ' 8. No action on lead. H. G. Recketts, Esq. (See Addenda, page 599.) T. Summers, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Rustington (East Preston R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian well in Chalk, at Rustington. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,000 gallons, and a further 12,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tower at Rustington, 12,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied Plentiful. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (4th October 19.10), that the water is satisfactory. Rather hard. G. Whittaker, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Westbourne (Westbourne R.D.). Sources of Supply .(Nature and Sufficiency). Springs and River Ems, Stoughton Valley. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Good. WARWICKSHIRE. The Ansley Hall Coal and Iron Company, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Ansley and Hartshill (Atherstone R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Hartshill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 30,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Ansley, 30,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. The Arley Colliery Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Arley (Nuneaton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (I) Arley Bourne Brook, (2) Well, 114 feet, at Alley Colliery. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 240,000 gallons, (2) 144,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Tanks at Arley, 9,000 gallons; Gun Hill, 5,800 gallons ; Arley Colliery, 5,800 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 331 Baddesley Collieries. Furnish supplies in bulk to Atherstone R.D.C. (sec page 7) and Tamworth K.D.C. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well at Haxterley. Yield not known. Works. Pressure niters. Reservoir at Bentley, 150,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 65,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Sir F. Burdett, Bart.* Supplies parish of Seckington (Tamworth R.I). ). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well at Seckington. The average daily quantity of water available is 2,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Seckington, 5,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water Good. Earl of Camperdown. Supplies parishes of (1) Cherington, (2) Little Wolford, and (3) Whichford (Brailes H.D.). Sources of Supph/ (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Two springs from limestone near Cherington, (2) Springs from gravel, near Wolford, (3) Springs from limestone, near Whichford. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 2,100 gallons, (2) 1,800 gallons, (3) 13,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. (Ij The daily average is 2,100 gallons, (2) 1,800 gallons, (3) 13,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. W. I. Iliffe, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Allesley (Meriden R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and spring from red sandstone, at Allesley. Yield not known. Works.- -No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Allesley, 7,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and moderately hard. Kiinbells Charity. Supplies part of parish of Burton Dassett (Southam R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring in Burton Dassett Hills. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs, two at Burton Dassett, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent. Messrs. W. S. and H. C. Lardner and L. L. Yelf. Supply part of parish of Little Compton (Brailes R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Inferior Oolite at Little Compton. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Little Compton, (a) 800 gallons, (b) 800 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Newdigate Colliery, Ltd. Supplies parts of parishes of Bedworth (Foleshill R.D.), and Astley (Nuneaton R.D.), and furnishes a supply in bulk to Foleshill R.D.C. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Upper Coal Measures in pit shaft, Newdigate Colliery, Bedworth. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 150,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000 gallons, and 75,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness: total, 15 '4; permanent, 6 '2. Action on lead not known. Lord Redesdale. Supplies parish of Great Wolford (Brailes R.D.), and (in Worcestershire) part of parish of Blockley (Shipston on Stour R.D.), and furnishes a supply in bulk to Shipston on Stour R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from Lias, Bourton Wood, Blockley ; (2) Springs from Lias, Great Wolford. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 60,000 gallons, (2) 25,000 gallons, and a further 40,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1). Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Blockley, 40,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient ; the daily average in bulk is 20,000 gallons Quality' of 'Water. Good. Hardness not known. No action on lead. 332 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Mrs. F. Shepard. Supplies parish of Sutton under Brailes (Brailes R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from gravel over clay at Sutton under Brailes. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. (Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Sir Grey H. d'E. Skipwith, Bart. Supplies parish of Honington (Brailes R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring intercepted underground from Lower Lias formation at Honington. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs, tanks at Honington, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Lord Southampton. Supplies parish of Idlicote (Brailes R.D.) . Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring on Whitehouse Farm, Idlicote. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 6,900 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Idlicote, 2,000 gallons ; tower, 3,000 gallons ; tanks, (a) 900 gallons, (6) 460 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Lady Trevelyan.* Supplies part of parish of Snitterfield (Stratford on Avon R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from gravel, at Snitterfield. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, small tank at Snitterfield. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Trustees of Tysoe Utility Estate. Supply part of parish of Tysoe (Brailes R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency.) -Springs: (1) Wells Farm, Upper Tysoe, (2) Glebe Farm, Middle Tysoe, (3) Old Lodge Farm, Lower Tysoe. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Upper Tysoe, 900 gallons ; Middle Tysoe, 1,000 gallons ; Lower Tysoe, 800 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. J. F. Ward, Esq.* Supplies part of parish of Radway (Farnborough R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Radway. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Radway, 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. -Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Warmington Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of Warmington (Farnborough R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at the Hill, Court Close, Warmington. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 230 gallons, and a further 90 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs, tanks at Warmington, (a) 1,000 gallons, (6) 320 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 230 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Willoughby De Broke. Supplies parts of parishes of Combrook and Kinetonf (Stratford on Avon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from limestone over clay, (1) Combrook, (2) Kineton. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs, tanks at Combrook-and Kineton, 35,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. WESTMORLAND. Lady Henry Bentinck. Supplies Kirk by Lonsdale U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Moorgate and High Park. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Moorgate, 11,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient, Quality of Water. Excellent. t Lord Willoughby De Brake's Kineton works are leased to Stratford on Avon R.D.C. PART I. : SECTION V.- -PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 333 Messrs. Braithwaite & Co., Ltd. Supply part of parish of Scalthwaiterigg (South Westmorland K.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Patton. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Patton, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Clergy Daughters School and other Property Owners. Supply part of parish of Casterton (South Westmorland R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from limestone, Casterton Fell. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Casterton, 8,400 gallons. (Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. James Cropper & Co., Ltd. Supply parts of parishes of Strickland Ketel, and Strickland Roger (South Westmorland R.U.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs in Strickland Roger. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Storage reservoirs : Gurnal Dubs, 5,000,000 gallons ; Potter Tarn, 22,000,000 gallons. Service reservoir at Potter Fell, 800,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Dufton Voluntary Scheme. Supplies part of parish of Dufton (East Westmorland R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -Spring from chert and limestone, at Dufton. The average daily quantity of water available is 2,500 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir, tank at Dufton, 120 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. J. W. Fothergill, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Ravenstoneclale (East Westmorland R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring on Ravenstonedale Common. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, small tank on Ravenstonedale Common. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. T. A. Metcalfe-Gibson, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Ravenstonedale (East Westmorland R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Stream and springs from lower silurian formation, on Ravenstonedale Common. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir on Ravenstonedale Common, 3,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Excellent. Hardness, 4. Great Langdale School Trustees. Supply part of parish of Langdales (South West- morland R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Thrang Ghyll stream, intake at Langdales. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Langdales, 450 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Sir Richard Musgrave, Bart. Supplies part of parish of Hartley (East Westmorland R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, at Hartley. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, small tank at source. Quantity of Water Supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. G. H. Pattinson, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Undennillbeck (South Westmorland R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from slate, Cartmell Fell. Yield not known. Works. Part of the water is filtered. Storage reservoir at Ghyll Head, 10,000,000 gallons ; tank, 15,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate, Quality of Water. Good. 334 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Messrs. W. H. Wakefield & Co., Ltd. -Supply parts of parishes of Preston Patrick,, and Preston Richard (South Westmorland R.D.). . Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Fall Beck from Upper Silurian formation, near Grasslands, Old Hutton ; (2) Stream and springs from Upper Silurian formation, Gatebeck Fell. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 40,000 gallons, (2)2,000 gallons; a further 15,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 10,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : Fall Beck, Grasslands, 1,400,000 gallons ; Gatebeck, Preston Patrick, 400,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3, 560 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. WIGHT, ISLE OP. Sir G. E. W. Hamond Graeme, Bart. Supplies part of parish of Yaverland (Isle of Wight R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 68 feet, in sandstone, near Yaverland. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,000 gallons, and a further 1,500 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Yaverland, 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Sir C. Seely, Bart. Supplies parts of parishes of Brook and Mottistone (Isle of Wight R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Upper Greensand, in Brook. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Brook, (a) 11,000 gallons, (b) 12,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. WILTSHIRE. The Dowager Lady Arundell of Wardour. Supplies parts of parishes of Ansty, Donhead St. Andrew, Donhead St. Mary, Semley, and Wardour (Tisbury R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Greensand, Donhead St. Andrew. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,000 gallons, and a further 25,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Wardour Castle, 20,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Marquess of Bath. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Corsley, (2) Hill Deverill, Horningsham, (3) Longbridge Deverill (Warminster R.D.) ; and from (1) furnishes a supply in bulk to Warminster and Westbury and Whorwellsdown R. IXC's, for Chapmanslade, which is partly in the parishes of Corsley (Warminster R.D.) and Dilton Marsh (Westbury and Whorwellsdown R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Greensand, (1) Corsley, (2) Horningsham, (3) Swancombe. Yield not known. Works. Part of the water from (2) only is filtered. Storage reservoirs : (2) West Common, Horningsham, 2,000 gallons ; Horningsham Common, 2,400 gallons ; (3) Shute Farm, 2,600 gallons ; (4) Chapmanslade, 10,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : (1) Whit- bourn, (a) 1,200 gallons, (b) 900 gallons, (c) 50 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate ; the daily average in bulk is 5,000 gallons. Quality of Water. Good. H. Blackburn, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Donhead St. Mary (Tisbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, stream, and gathering grounc Donhead St. Mary. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. S. J. Blanchard, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Donhead St. Mary (Tisbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. W$\\$ and springs at Donhead St. Mary. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water, Good, PART T. : SECTION V. -PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 335 Messrs. A. H. Bond and R. H. Edwards. Supply parish of J/auntsay (Malmesbury U.D.). Sources <>/ Stipply (Nature and Suffi<-i-uru). Spring IVon'i rock, at Danntsey. The average daily quantity of water available is 300,f Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring intercepted underground from Chalk at Bishopstone. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Bishopstone, (a) 1,000 gallons, (b) 1,000 gallons, (c) .1,000 gallons, (d) 500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Estcourt. See Gloucestershire. Eton College. Supplies part of parish of Hullavington (Malmesbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Borehole, 220 feet, in great oolite at Hullavington. The average daily quantity of water available is 6,400 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir :- -Tower at Hullavington, 2,000 gallons. Quantity of Water sup2)lied. The daily average is 500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (ICth February, 1912) that the water is satisfactory. Hardness not known. Capt. W. V. Faher, M.P., and E. H. Jellett, Esq. See Southampton. G. P. Fuller, Esq. -Supplies part of parish of Atworth (Bradford on Avon R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Poplar Farm, Atworth. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs, Atworth (two), 30,000 gallons. Service reservoirs, Atworth (two), 130 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. R. F. Fuller, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Broughton Clifford and Holt (Bradford on Avon 1 ;.]>.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. --Spring from gravel at Great Ciialfield, Atworth. The average daily quantity of water available is 22,500 gallons. A n.l'JS Y 336 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Brougliton Gifford, 38,000 gallons; The Holt, 07,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 16,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Sir H. H. A. Hoare, Bart. Supplies parts of parishes of Kilmington and Stourton (Mere R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (l)-Well, 180 feet, in Greensand, near Stourhead Mansion ; (2) Spring from Greensand at Stourhead (auxiliary supply). Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir at Stourton, 175,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Pure. H. Thomas Holloway, Esq. Supplies part of parish of West Lavington (Devizes R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from (Jrcensand, West Lavington. The average daily quantity of water available is 100,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Rams Cliff, West Lavington, (a) 40,000 gallons, (b) 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (9th May, 1913) that the water is good. Soft. Mrs. Huth. Supplies part of parish of Tie] combe and Fosbury (Ramsbury R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Borehole, 250 feet, in upper chalk, Fosbury. The average daily qiiantity of water available is 36,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Fosbury, 20,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,250 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. Lord Islington. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) and (2) Corsham ; (3) Slaughterford (Chippenham R.D.) ; and furnishes supplies in bulk to Chippenham R.D.C. from sources (1) and (2). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring at Box and Colerne ; (2) Springs from limestone, (a) Monks Wood, Colerne, (b) Colletts Bottom Wood, Biddestone ; (3) Spring from sandstone, Carters Well Farm, Slaughterford. Tin- average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 14,000 gallons, (2) (a) 30,000 gallons, (6) 36,000 gallons, (3) 4,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoirs : (1) Box Hill, 18,000 gallons ; (2) Hart- ham Park, 100,000 gallons. Service reservoirs : (2) Hartham Park, 2,000 gallons ; Cutte Lane, Biddestone, 6,000 gallons ; (3) Slaughterford, 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is (] ) 6,000 gallons ; (2) 4,C gallons ; (3) 1,000 gallons ; and 2,500 gallons in bulk from (1) and (2). Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Marquess of Lansdowne. Furnishes a supply in bulk to Chippenham R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from calcareous grit, in Derr Hill Wood. The average daily quantity of water available is 2,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Deny Hill Wood, (a) 1,000 gallons, (b) H gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 350 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Pure. W. F. Lawrence, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Whiteparish (Salisbury R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and borehole, 300 feet, in Chalk, at Whiteparish. The average daily quantity of water available is 4,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Whiteparish, 11,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (13t February, 1906) that the water is good. Hardness : total, 13 "5 ; permanent, 4 '5 C. H. Maidment, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Highworth (Highworth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Highworth. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. WILTSHIRE. 337 Trustees of the late Sir H. Meux. Supply part of parish of Christian Mai ford (Chippenham i ;.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and spring near Wootton Bassett. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quantity of Water. Good, but hard. Monkton Parleigh Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of Monkton Farleigh (Bradford on Avon R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Bath Oolite, Monkton Karleigh. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Farleigli Down, 600 gallons ; Monkton Farleigh, 9,000 gallons ; Farleigh Wick, 7,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Hugh Morrison, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Chilmark, East Tisbury, and Fonthill Gilford (Tisbury H.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Portland Beds, Fonthill Pondhead. The average daily quantity obtained is 13,500 gallons, and a further 28,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs : Little Ridge Wood, (a) 4,000 gallons (b) 500 gallons ; Fonthill House, (a) 70,000 gallons, (6) 12,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. G. E. Northey, Esq. --Supplies part of parish of Box (Chippenhatn R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring in White Wood, Box. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,200 gallons, and a further 6,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Washwell, 20,000 gallons; Kingsdown, 10,000 gallons ; Lutteridge (a) 9,000 gallons, (b) 9,000 gallons ; tanks at Kingsdown (a) 2,000 gallons, (ft) 2,000 gallons, (c) 2,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,200 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Executors of the late E. Northover.* Supply part of parish of Wardour (Tisbury R.D.;. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring in Wardour. The average daily quantity of water available is 250 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : tank at Wardour, 125 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of. Water. Good. North Swindon Estate Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Rodbourne Cheney (Highworth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two wells in Oolite, Rodbourne Cheney. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Rodbourne Cheney, 34,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. Marson Owen and Me. Naught. Supply part of parish of Broad Town (Cricklade and Wootton Bassett R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Chalk at Broad Town. Yield not known, but the supply is -unlimited. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. H. T. and C. E. Parsons. Supply part of parish of Pitton and Farley (Salisbury R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, in Chalk, at Farley. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Farley, 7,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Inadequate in summer. Quality of Water,-^ Good, but hard. Y 2 338 RETURN AS TO AVATEIl SUPPLIES. Earl of Pembroke. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Swallowcliffe iTisbury R.I).); and (2) Dinton (Wilton H.I).). Sources of Subtly (Xdlnn- nn/1 Sufficiency), ill Well, (50 feet, in sandstone, Swallowcliffe; (2) Well, 40 feet, in sandstone, Dinton. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 2,000 gallons, and (2) 5,000 gallons; an unlimited quantity could be obtained from (2). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: -(]) Swallowcliffe, 1,200 gallons; (2) Dinton, 60,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is (1) 2,000 gallons, c2) 5,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (3rd September 100!)) that chemically the water is excellent. Hardness, 12 '5. F. Pike, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Semley (Tisbury R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring on Semley Hill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 6,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Semley Hill, 13,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent. Earl of Radnor. Supplies parts of parishes of Aldcrbury, Britford, Nunton and Bodenham, Odstock, and West Grimstead (Salisbury R.I). ). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Spring from Chalk in Longford Park. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 22,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Ivychurch, Alderbury (a) 50,000 gallons, (I) 100,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 22, (XX) gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. W. T. Robinson, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Wanborough (High worth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 200 feet, in Chalk at Wanborough. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : WanborougL, (a) 0(5,000 gallons, (6) 10,000 gallons, (c) 100,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Semley Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of Semley (Tisbury R.D.). Source ()/ Supply ( Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Green sand, Wardour Estate, Semley. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 4,200 gallons, and a further 4,200 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Wardour, (a) 728 gallons, (b) 1)7 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,200 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Miss Seymour and the Executors of the late G. Wyndham. Supply part of parish of East Knoyle (Mere R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well in Greensand, East Knoyle; and (2) Spring, Milton. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 2,500 gallons, (2) 1,500 gallons ; a further 15,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 500 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Milton, 20,000 gallons; East Knoyle, 23,00< gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good. Duke of Somerset. Supplies part of parish of Maiden Bradley (Mere R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring in Upper Greeusand, at Dunkerton, one mile from Maiden Bradley. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 18,000 gallons, and a further 27,500 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs : Mapperton Hill, (50,000 gallons ; Maiden Bradley, (a) 4,000 gallons, (I,) 4,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 18,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Pure. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. WILTSHIRE. 339 Capt. J. Benett Stanford. Supplies parts of parishes of Semley, Wardour, and West Tisbury (Tisbury R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature mid S/itjidem-i/). Hath House Spring, at West Tisbury. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs at Tisbury, (a) 600 gallons, (b) 120 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied, Ample. Quality of Water. Good. H. C. Stephens, Esq. See Southampton. Lady Octavia Shaw Stewart. Supplies parts of parishes of Fonthill Clifford, Semley, and West Tisbury (Tisbury U.D.). Sources of Supply (\ntuiv and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from Portland sand, Lawn Water ; and (2) Springs from (Ireensand, Semley Hill. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 6,000 gallons, (2) 5,500 gallons, and a further .">0,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1), and 5,000 gallons from (2). Works. No liltration. Reservoirs: (1) Fonthill Abbey, 50 ,000 gallons ; (2) Semley, 8,000 gallons. Quantity of \Vuter anpplied. The daily average is (1) 6,000 gallons, (2) 5,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. R. C. Warner, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Oaksey (Malmesbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring intercepted underground, from conglomerate under clay, at Oaksey. The average daily quantity of water available is 40,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Tank, 7,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied.--The daily average is 600 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. (iood. W. J. E. Warry Stone, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Chisledon (Highworth R.D.L Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well in Greensand at Coate ; (2) Wells in Chalk at Badbury ; (3) Stream at Badbury. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Badbury Farm, 3,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. G. Wilder, Esq. (Se.e Addenda, page 599.) Mrs. F. A. Wilson. Supplies part of parish of Clyffe Pypard (Cricklade and Wootton Bassett R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Chalk at Clyffe Pypard. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, at Clyffe Pypard, 6,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. ie Commissioners of H.M. Woods, &c. Supply part of parish of Bishop's Cannings [Devizes R.D.J. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk, about H miles from Bishop's Cannings. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Bishop's 'Cannings, 60,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Executors of the late G. Wyndham, Supply part of parish of East Knoyle (Mere R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well in Chalk, Knoyle Down; (2) Borehole in Chalk, Sutton Bottom ; (3) Spring from Greensand, Underbill. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (].) 4,000 gallons, (2) 5,000 gallons, (3) 2,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Knoyle Down, 10,000 gallons ; Higher Pert- wood Farm, 20,000 gallons ; Madden Hill, 20,000 gallons ; Underhill, 6,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Qtiality of Water. Very good. F. Young", Esq. (See Addenda, page 599.) A 0.198 Y 3 340 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. WORCESTERSHIRE. W. H. Bagnall, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Bricklelmmpton (Pershore R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring From gravel, Brick lehampton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 6,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Briteklehamptan, 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Earl Beauchamp. Supplies part of parish of Madresiield (Upton on Severn R.I).). Sources of Supply (Xalnre and Sufficiency). Springs at Cowleigh. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 10,000 gallons. Works, No filtration. Reservoir : Woodsfield, Madresfield, 30,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 10,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. fi. G. Spencer Churchill, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Blockley (Shipston on Stour K.U.). Source of Supply iXntnre and Sti fluency). Spring from limestone, Draycott. Yield not known. Works. No liltration. Reservoir, tank at Draycott, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Major-General F. J. Davies. Supplies parts of parishes of Ehnley Castle and Netherton (Pershore R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Bredon Hill. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Sir Charles Swinfen Eady. Supplies part of parish of Norton and Lenchwick (Evesham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from gravel and sand over clay, Counsel Green, Norton and Lenclnvick, Evesham. The average daily quantity of water available is 10,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Norton, 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 800 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (18th April 1!)10) that chemically the water is fit for drinking. Hardness: total, 31; permanent, 10. Earl Portescue. Furnishes a supply in bulk to Shipston on Stour R.D.C. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Ebrington. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Ebrington, 40,000 gallons. Quantity of Water xnpplied. The daily average is 40,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Annual chemical examination. Analyst remarks (6th May 1911), that chemically the water is tit for drinking. Hardness : total, 24 ' 5 ; permanent, 9'1. No action on lead. Executors of the late Hugh Gurney. Supply part of parish of Bayton (Rock R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency.) Spring from clay above Coal Measures, at Bayton. The average daily quantity of water available is .">,i ; 50 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : two at Bayton, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,200 gallons. Supply is constant, Quality of Water. Excellent ; moderately hard. Major R. Hanford. Supplies part of parish of Great Comberton (Pershore R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from clay, Bredon Hill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Bredon Hill, 200 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Little Comberton Parish Meeting. Supplies part of parish of Little Comberton (Pershore H.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two springs from Lias clay on Bredon Hill. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Bredon Hill, 30,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. PART I. : SKCTTMN V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 341 Sir R. B. Martin, Bart. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Conderton, (2) Overbury, and (3) Teddmgton (Tewkesbury R.D. ). Sources of Supply (Nature mid Sufficiency). Springs at (1) Conderton, (2) Overbury, and (3) Oxenton Hill. Yield not known. Works. No liltration. Reservoirs: (1) Conderton Hill, 2,500 gallons- (2) Over- buy Hill, 12,000 gallons; (3) Teddington Hill, 15,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is (1) 2,000 gallons, (2) 14,000 gallons, (3) 1,200 gallons. Supply is constant. Qu-ality of Water. Excellent. Lord Redesdale. See Warwickshire. Sir N. W. G. Throckmorton, Bart. Supplies part of parish of Tlirockmorton (Pershore R.D.). Honrce of Supply (Nature inul Sufficiency)-. Well in clay, gravel, and sand at Throckmorton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 150 gallons, and a further 100 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. (lua nl it;/ of Water fin ji/>l led. The daily average is 150 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Miss Z. M. Woodhull. -Supplies parts of parishes of Bredon and Bredon's Norton (Tew kes- bury H.IK). Ho i nre. of Supply {Nature ami Sufficiency). Spring at Westmancote Hill. Yield not known. U'nrA'.s. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity f Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Wfiter. Good. C. E. B. Young, Esq. Supplies parish of Daylesford (Stow on the Wold It.]').). Sources of Snjiply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Lias and Great Oolite. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Daylesford, 2,000 gallons. Quantity of Wafer supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. YORKSHIRE (EAST RIDING). A. J. Cholmley, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Wintringham (Norton R.I).). Source of Siijtply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Wintringham. Yield oot known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Good. ieut. G. F. Cholmley, R.N. Supplies part of parish of Thorpe Bassett (Norton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Upper Cretaceous formation at Thorpe Basset. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 11,520 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Thorpe Bassett, 5,700 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Hotham. Supplies parts of parishes of Holme on the Wolds and South Dalton (Beverley R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). We]\ in Chalk at South Dalton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 12,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Holme on the Wolds, 90,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied The daily average is 12,000 gallons. Supplj is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Earl of Londesborough. Supplies part of parish of Londesborough with Easthorpe (Pock- lington R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Chalk at Londesborough with Easthorpe. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Londesborough, 50,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. 342 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Trustees of the late G. G. Macturk. Supply part of parish of South Cave (Beverley R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two springs from Chalk, (I) Springhead, (2) Wind Hills Spring, Little Wold. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Springhead, 4,000 gallons ; Wind Hills, 200 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 17,50(1 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. -Good. Lord Middleton. Supplies parishes of Birdsall, North Grimston (part), and Scagglethorpe (part) (Norton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Mature and Sufficiency). Springs from Chalk at Birdsall and North Grimston. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water sullied. Abundant. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. J. H. Preston, Esq. -Supplies part of parish of Burythorpc (Norton R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, Burythorpe. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 13,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Burythorpe, 150 gallons. Quantity of Wat/'r supplied. The daily average is 13,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality <>( Water. Very pure. Mrs. S. Ronnshaw, Mrs. M. A. G. Bourne, Mrs. M. A. Rockett, and Rev. F. A. Overton Supply part of parish of Scagglethorpe (Norton R.D.). Source of Supply (Mature- and Sufficiency). Spring at Scagglethorpe. The average daily quantity of water available is 6,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Scagglethorpe, 0,000 gallons. Quant it if of Water atijiplied. The daily average is 3,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good. Sir J. Sherburn. Supplies part of parish of Brantingham (Beverley R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Brantingham. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. C. A. V. Sykes, Esq. -Supplies parish of West Ella (Sculcoates R.D.). Source of Sujrply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk at West Ella. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at West Ella, 14,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Sir Mark Sykes, Bart. Supplies part of parish of East Heslerton (Norton R.D.) Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Chalk at East Haslerton. The averaee daily quantity of water available is 20,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. The Hon. E. F. L. Wood, M.P. Supplies part of parish of Kirby I'nderdale (Pocklingtmi R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Chalk at Kirby Underdale. ^ ield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. H. Wrigley, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Ganton and Willerby (Sherburn R.D.). sources <>f Supply (Xatnre and Sufficiency). Springs at Fishponds and Windlebeck. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 20,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good, but liable to pollution, PAIIT I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 343 YORKSHIRE (NORTH RIDING). Barningham Voluntary Subscription. Supplies part of parish of Baniinghain (Startforth B.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring near Barningham. Yield not known. Worlts. No filtration. Reservoir ; tank on Barningham Moor, capacity not known. Quantity of Watey supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Good. Sir Hugh Bell Bart. Supplies parts of parishes of East Rountou and Ingleby Arncliffe (Stokesley R.D.) Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone in Arncliffe Wood. The average daily quantity of water available is 5,760 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Arnclifi'e, 6,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (14th August 1013) that the water is excellent. Hardness: total, 5 '9; permanent, 1'v. Lieut. Col. J. M. Benson. Supplies part of parish of Oswaldkirk (Holmsley R.D.). Source* of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two springs at Barnfields, Oswaldkirk. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 70,000 gallons", (2) 2,500 gallons. \Vorks. No filtration. Reservoir at Hallfields, Oswaldkirk, 38,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,5W gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. C. Blades, Esq. Supplies parish of Caldbergh with East Scrafton (Leyburn R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Stream at Caldbergh. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water sufiplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. Bolckow, Vaughan & Co., Ltd. Supply Guisborough U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs on Eston Moor. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 4,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,888 gallons. Supply is constant. Q utility of Water. Good. H. W. F. Bolckow, Esq. Supplies parish of Scawton (Helmsley R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- -Spring from limestone at Scawton. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Scawton, 3,000 gallons. Quantity of Water nujtplied. The daily average is 1,440 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. ' Lord Bolton. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Castle Bolton, (2; Preston and (3) Wensley (Leyburn B.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring in Bolton Parks ; (2) Spring near Preston ; (3) '(a) Springs near Wensley Plantation, (b) Well in Wensley. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 2,500 gallons; (2) ' 5,000 gallons ; (3) (a) 6,000 gallons, (b) not known. Work*. No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Bolton Parks, 1,0(X) gallons; (2) near Preston, 4,000 gallons ; (3) near Wensley, (a) 600 gallons, (b) 500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Borrowby Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of Borrowby (Northallerton R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells and springs at Borrowby. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 72 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. E. C. Brooksbank, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Sneaton (Wliitby R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs (1) at Pokehain Brow, about 2 miles from Sneaton, (2) Hodges Field near Sneaton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 15,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Pokehain Brow, and Hodges Field, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 15,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. . Earl Brownlow. Supplies parish of Caldwell (Richmond R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature uwl Sufficiency). Spring at Caldwell. The average dailv quantity of water obtained is 1,500 gallons, and a further 500 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No iiltration. Reservoir at Caldwell, 4,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Rosalind, Countess of Carlisle. Supplies part of parish of Coneysthorpe (Mai ton R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring, from limestone, in Coneysthorpe. The average daily quantity of water available is 3,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Coneysthorpe, 5,000 gallons. Qucnitity of Water xujipl led . The daily average is 1,050 gallons. Supply in- constant. Quality of Water. Good. Carlton Town Water Committee. Supplies parish of Carlton Town (Ley burn R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, at Carlton Town. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. The Trustees in Bankruptcy of Sir G. E. A. Cay ley, Bart. Supply parts of parishes <>l (!) Allerston (Pickering R.I*.), (2) Brompton (Scarborough R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring near Allerston Saw Mill ; (2) Springs from limestone, Brompton. Yield not known, but an unlimited quantity of water could be obtained from (2). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Home Farm, Brompton, 4, III Ml gallons ; Sawdon I;ane, Brompton, 4,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. (1) Ample ; (2) the daily average is 20,000 gallons. Qualiy of Water. Good. H. C. Fairfax-Cholmeley, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Brandsby cum Stearsby lEasingwold R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring in Brandsby cum Stearsby. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent, but hard. H. Christie, Esq. Supplies part of parish of East Witton Within (Leyburn R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit, near East Witton. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at East Witton, 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Major R. Chichester-Constable. Supplies part of parish of Hutton Magna (Start forth R.1U Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Warden Hill, in Huttnn Magna. The average daily quantity of water available is 20,000 gallons. \\'orks. No filtration. Storage reservoir, Warden Hill, Hutton Magna, 0,00(1 gallons. Service reservoir, Hutton. 200 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,500 gallons. Supply in constant. Quality of Water.- Excellent. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. YOKKS., NORTH RIDING. '.} I "> Col. H. D. Wade-Dalton. Supplies part of parish of East llauxwell (Leyburn R.P.). Source of Supply (\'nl tin- mill Sufficiency). Wei! at East llauxwell. Yield not known. \Vorks. No filtration. Reservoir at East Hauxwell, capacity not known. QiKiuiiti/ of Water suppUc/l. Fairly adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hon. F. Dawnay. .Supplies parts of parishes of Hildenley, and Huttons Ambo (Malton R.I).;. Source of Supply {Nature mid Sufficiency). Spring from calcareous grit, Hut tons Aniho. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Hildenley, 6,800 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Capt. The Hon. J. Dawnay, D.S.O. Supplies parts of parishes of Hutton Buscel and Wykeham (Scarborough R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature ply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring on Golden Hill, Liverton. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir at Golden Hill, 187 gallons. Quantity <>]' Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. J. L. Dugdale, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Crathorne (Stokesley It. I >. ) Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well at Crathorne. Yield not known, ' but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, Crathorne, 50,000 gallons. (luanlity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Excellent ; fairly hard.. 346 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Miss Easton. Supplies parishes of Ravensworth (part) and West Layton (Richmond R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature ami Sufficiency). Spring from rock, Greenbank. The average daily quantity of water available is 5,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at West Layton, 30,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. B. V. Eyre, Esq., R.N. Supplies part of parish of Middleton Tyas (Richmond R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from freestone, at Merrybent, Middleton Tyas. The average daily quantity of water available is 10,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs at Kneeton Hall, Middleton Tyas, 17,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Earl of Feversham. Supplies part of parish of Helmsley (Helmsley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency), Springs at Fort Head, Beckdale. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Beckdale Howl, 100,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Vury good ; moderately hard. No action on lead. E. Fisher, Esq. Supplies parish of Gilling East (Helmsley R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Grimstone. The average daily quantity of water available is 20,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Gilling, 16,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Earl Fitzwilliam. See Malton U.D.C., page 88. J. Kenneth Foster, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Egton (Whitby R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from Upper Lias in Esk Valley ; (2) two springs from Estuarine Beds of Lower Oolite at Egton ; (3) Spring at Egton Bridge. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 6,480 gallons, (2) 16,660 gallons, (3) 400 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Esk Valley, 1,110 gallons; Egton, (a) 5,000 gallons, (b) 2,475 gallons ; Egton Bridge, 1,200 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent. A. Gladstone, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Eskdaleside cum Ugglebarnby (Whitby R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from freestone, Fairhead Grosmont. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,000 gallons, and a further 3,500 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Grosmont, 7,200 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Glaisdale Water Supply. Supplies part of parish of Glaisdale (Whitby R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from freestone, Sway Moor, Glaisdale. The average daily quantity of water available is 3,600 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Glaisdale, 3,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,230 gallons. Supply constant. Quality of Water. Good. J. B. Hodgkin, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Great Ayton (Stokesley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and' Sufficiency). Springs from Upper and Middle Lias, Cleveland Hills, Great Ayton. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Analyst remarks (June 1912) that the water is excellent, soft, and contains a slight trace of iron. TAUT I.: SECTION V. - PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. YORKS., NORTH RIDING. 347 Lord Hotham. Supplies parish of Wilton (Pickering R.D.). Source of Supply (Xat/ire and Sn\r-ien<-n). -Spring from freestone near Wilton. The average daily quantity of water available is 4,000 gallons. Work*. -No filtration. Reservoir, near Wilton, 12,000 gallons. ijuuntity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional diemieal examination. Analyst remarks that it is a first-class drinking water. Hardness : total, 9'4 ; permanent, 3. J. T. D'Arcy Hutton, Esq. ---Supplies part of parish of Marske (Richmond R.J).). Source of Supply (Xatttre and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, near Marske. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. L. Jaques, Esq. -Supplies parishes of Easby, and Skeeby (part) (Richmond R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and. Sufficiency). Four springs from limestone, in Easby and Skeeby. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs at High Wathcote, Easby, 40,0) 6,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied.- -The daily average is 1,000 gallons. Supply is constant. of Water. Good. Sir Francis Ley, Bart. Supplies part of parish of Glaisdale (Whitby R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from freestone in High Park Wood. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at West Grosmont, 20,000 gallons. (Quantity of Water supplied.. Fair. (hiulity of Water. Very pure. Soft, but tin-lined pipes are used. Melmerby Water Committee. Supplies part of parish of Melrnerby (Leyburn R.l>.>. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from rock, Melmerby Moor. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank on Melmerby Moor, 150 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Pure. 348 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Milburn Estates, Limited. Supply part of parish of Rosedale East Side (Pickering R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Moorland springs with gathering ground, 3,000 acres, in Rosedale East. Yield not known. Works.- No nitration. Reservoirs, three in Rosedale East, capacity not known. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water su]i]ilied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. Action on lead not known ; contains some iron. H. E. Morritt, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Brignall, and Rokeby (Startforth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Springs at-Rokeby. Yield not known. Works. Part of the water is filtered. Reservoir at Hukoliy, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Good. Marquess of Nonnaiiby.- -Supplies part of parish of Lythe (Whitby R.D.). Sources of Supply (Xatitra and Sufficiency). Springs at Lythe, Sandsend, and Goldsborough. The average daily quantity of water available is 40,020 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Lythe, 60,000 gallons ; Sandsend, 5,000 gallons ; Goldsborough, 5,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 2,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. North Eastern Railway Company. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Inglcby Grcenhow, Kirby in Cleveland ; (2) Picton and Potto (Stokesley R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring in railway cutting near Kildale Station ; (2) wells at Battersby. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Duke of Northumberland.- Supplies part of parish of Aldbrough (Richmond R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring, near Aldbrough. The average daily quantity of water available is 21,600 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank, near Aldbrough, 100 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. -Good. Osmotherly Water Committee.- Supplies part of parish of Osmotherly (Nort.hallerton R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring in the Pinfold, Osmotherly. The average daily quantity of water available is 50,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Osmotherly, 5,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied.- The daily average is 40,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent, and soft. W. Pickering, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Hutton Lowcross (Guisborough R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Moorland stream above Hutton. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Storage Reservoir at Hutton, 142,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. F. H. Pyman, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Lythe and Newholm with Dunsley (Whitby It.]).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Suffieiency), Springs from shale, and freestone, Raven Hill, Newholm with Dunsley. The average daily quantity of water available is 10,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Raven Hill, 56,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,500 gallons. Supply is constant. tonality of Water. Satisfactory. The Ravenscar Estate, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Staintondale (Scarborough R.D.). Sources of Supply (Xature and Sufficiency). Moorland springs at Ravenscar. Yield not known. Woi**.-No filtration. Reservoirs .Ravenscar, (a) 123,981. gallons, (I) 280,218 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. VART I. . SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. YORKS., NORTH RIDING. 349 Redmire Parish Council. Supplies part of parisli of Uedmire (Leyburn R.I).). Source* i>f X/tppli/ (Nature ami ^itjji<-/cii<-i/). Two springs near Uedmire. Yield not known. \Voi-ks. No filtration. No reservoir. (Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Qualiti/ of \Vater. Good. Sir B. Samuelson & Co., Ltd. Supplies Skelton and Brotton I'. I), (part). .sVvmv of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Oolite, Hollin Hill Farm. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 80,400 gallons. \Vorka. No filtration. No reservoir. Quant!!;/ <>f Water supplied. -Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Hon. G. Savile. Supplies parish of Hawnby (llelmsley R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature ami Sufficiency). Spring from Hawnby Hill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is ,'!,00!) gallons, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at ITawnby, ,">0(t gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Vitality of \Vatcr. Good. Spennithorne Water Committee. Supplies parish of Spennithorne (Leyburn R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from limestone, Spennithorne. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Spennithorne, 7,478 gallons. Quantity of Wati'r supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good, but rather hard. Earl of Strathmore. Supplies parts of parishes of Holwick and Lunedale (Startforth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at (1) Lonton, (2) Bowbank. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. (Duality of Water. Excellent. Trustees of the late Sir C. W. Strickland, Bart. Supply part of parish of Hawsker with Stainsacre (Whitby R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone, at Row, Fylingdales. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 4,320 gallons. Works. No liltration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,320 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Thornton Rust Water Committee. Supplies parish of Thornton Rust (Aysgarth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone at Thornton Rust. The average daily quantity of water available is (5,480 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Thornton Rust, 2,250 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. R. B. Turton, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Kildale (Stokesley R.D.). Sources of Supply .(Nature and Sufficiency). Several springs in Kildale. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, Kildale, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. I. C. de Grey Vyner, Esq. Supplies parish of Marton le Moor (Wath R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Artesian borehole, 190 feet, in New Red Sandstone at Marton le Moor. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Marton le Moor, (a) 40,000 gallons, (6) 40,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 700 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. 350 11KTUUX AS TO AVATER SUPPLIES. West Scrafton Water Committee. Supplies parish of West Serafton (Leyburn R.D.). Source of Supply (Xahtre. and Sufficiency). M.oorland spring over clay near West Scrafton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is .100 gallons, and a further 1,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No liltration. Reservoir at West Scrafton, 750 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. West Witton Water Committee. Supplies parish of West Wit ton (Leyburn H.D.). Source, of Suppli/ (Nature awl Sufficiency). Spring from clay and black shale, Capel Bank. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 24,000 gallons, and a further 48,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Worlrx.- No filtration. Reservoirs, two tanks at West Witton, 112 gallons each. Qitaiililti <>/ Water supplied. The daily average is 24,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Writer. Good. W. H. A. Wharton, Esq.* Supplies part of parish of (iilling (Richmond R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature ami Sufficiency). Spring on Gatherley Moor Top, near (rilling. Yield not known. Work-s. No filtration. Reservoir at Rock Castle Farm, Milling, 2,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplier!.-- Ample. Quality of Water, -flood. Sir G. 0. Wombwell, Bart. -Supplies parish of Byland with Wass (Helmsley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Hambleton llills. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs, tanks at Wass and Byland Abbey, 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Wat-er supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Excellent. W. Ainsworth Wood, Esq. Supplies parish of Middleton Quernhow (Wath R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Borehole, 7!) feet, Coldstone Farm, and (2) Borehole, 126 feet, Middleton Quernhow. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Tank at Coldstone Farm, 2,500 gallons; Middleton Quernhow, 4,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Oood. Majrquess of Zetland. Supplies (1) Lof'tus T. IX (part); and (2) parts of parishes of Aske and (rilling (Richmond R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sitjliciem-y) (1) Spring from freestone and shale, Westfield Farm ; (2) three springs from limestone at Aske. The average daily quantity of water derived from (1) is 16,000. gallons, and a further 8,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Yield of (2) not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: (1) Westfield Farm, 170 gallons; North Road, Loftus, 11,200 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. (1 ) The daily average is 16,000 gallons supply is constant ; (2) ample. Quality of Water. Good. YORKSHIRE (WEST RIDING). Addingham Estate Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Addinghani (Skipton R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone. Addinghani. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 10,080 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Addinghani, 90,00(1 gallons. Quantity of Water .supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. W. W . Warde Aldam, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Clayton with Frickley (Doncaster R.I).). Source of Supply iXalnre and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone at Unwell. Ulayton with Frickley. Yield not known. H orfes ; No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. PAKT I. : SECTION V. -- PRIVATE PJIOPRIKTORS. 351 Mrs. Warde Aldam. Supplies parish of Hooton Pagnell (Doncaster R.D.). Source of Supply (.Mature and Sufficiency). Well, 106 feet, in Magnesian l.imestono. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tower at Hooton I'agnell Hall, 0,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied, The daily average is 4, 100 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good, but hard. Major E. L. Swinburne Anne. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Burgliwallis, (2) Button (Doncaster R.D.). Sources of Supj)ly (Mature and Sufficiency). Springs from limestone at (1) Burgli- wallis, (2) Sutton. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is respectively (1) 4,000 gallons, (2) 1,000 gallons. Works. Water from fl) is filtered. Reservoirs: Burghwallis, 1,000 gallons; Lady Gap Lane, 2,200 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is (1) 1,000 gallons, (2) 1,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks that the water is (1) organically pure, but hard, (2) of high organic purity. W. D. Arton, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Azerley (Ripon R.D.). Source, of Supply (Mature and. Sufficiency). Well in sandstone at Mickley. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 10,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Mickley, 300 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Trustees of the late T. Ash worth. Supply Midgley U.I), (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -Spring near Delph Hill, Midgley. Yield not known. Works. -No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally adequate. Quality of Water. Good.- Askern Coal and Iron Co., Ltd. Furnishes a supply in bulk to Doncaster R.D.C. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well, 40 feet, in limestone, at Askern. The average daily quantity of water available is 500,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Askern, 1,500,000 gallons. Quantity of Water Supplied. The daily average is 22,001) gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (26th March 1912) that the water is suitable for drinking and general domestic purposes. Hardness 33 '5. Mrs. Atkinson. -Supplies part of parish of Kirkby Malhain (Settle R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone at Malham. The average daily quantity of water available is 32,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs, small tanks at Malham. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. C. Bairstow, Esq. Supplies Oakworth U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring near Haworth. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, near Haworth, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. James Bairstow, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Sutton (Keighley R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone, at Sutton. The average daily quantity of water available is 10,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Sutton, 90,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Analyst remarks (20th June 1910) that the water is admirably suited for drinking and domestic purposes. Hardness 5. cecutors of the late W. Barrett. Supply part of parish of Steeton with Eastburn (Keighley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from sandstone, Clough Moor Allotment. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,5.">6 gallons, and a further 1,536 gallons per day could be obtained. A 0.198 Z 352 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Excellent. C. Beverley, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Halton East (Skipton R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from grit near Halton East. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Halton East, 8,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. T. H. Bingley, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Ecclesfield (Wortley R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone at Grenoside. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Grenoside, 3,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Trustees of the late A. N. Brigrgs. Supply Rawdon U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from freestone, Yeadon. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 9,600 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Harrogate Road, Rawdon, H0,000 gallons. Quantity of Water unppUed. The daily average is 9,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Brodsworth Main Colliery Company, Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Adwick le Street (Doncaster R.D.) and furnishes a temporary supply in bulk to Doricaster R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Pumped from pit shaft at Brods- worth Colliery, (2) borehole in limestone at Adwick. The average daily quantity of water available from (2) is 20,000 gallons. Yield of (1) not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs, tanks at Brodsworth Colliery, 100,000 gallons, and 1,700 gallons.. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water Good. (1) Hardness 43 (softened to 18) ; (2) fairly hard. No action on lead. Messrs. Jonas Brook and Bros., Ltd. Supply Meltham U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Harden Foot and Royd Edge, Meltham. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Excellent. Rev. Oliver Burton. Supplies part of parish of West Bradford (Bowland R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Stream at Taglemire Fell. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Mrs. H. Calvert. Supplies Midgley U.D. (part), Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).^Well at Midgley. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. F. Carter, Esq. Supplies Sowerby U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone, at Sowerby. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and moderately hard. P. T. Davies-Cooke, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Owston and Skellow (Doncaster R.D.) Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Borehole, 285 feet, in Magnesian Limestor and sand, Owston. The average daily quantity of water available is 36,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Owston Park, 13,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 13,500 gallons. Supply is constant Quality of Water. Excellent, but rather hard. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. YORKS., WEST HIDING. 353 Mrs. Bewicke-Copley. Supplies parishes of Cadeby and Sprotbrough (part) (Doncaster R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Cadeby and Sprotbrougb. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Cadeby, 14,200 gallons; Sprotbrough, 8,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Good. Executors of the late S. Crabtree. Supply Oxeuhope U.D. (partj. Source of Supply (Nature and Suffi&vency). Spring at Great Brink, High Binns Farm, Oxenhope. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 14.500 gallons. Works. No iiltration. Reservoirs: Yatc Farm, 2,1)00 gallons, and Lowertown Farm, (a) 800 gallons, (b) 700 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Earl of Dartmouth. Supplies (1) Farnley Tyas U.D. (part), and (2) Slailhwaite I'.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs (1) (a) Farnley Moor, (l>) from sandstone, Farnley Tyas ; ("2? from Millstone Grit at Slaitbwaite and Lingards. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) (a) 3,000 gallons, (6) 1,000 gallons; (2) not known; a further 7,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) (b). Works. No nitration. Reservoirs: (1) Farnley Tyas, (a) 50,000 gallons, (b) 12886 gallons ; (2) Lingards 1,600,000 gallons ; Woodhill Ing, Slaithwaite, 300,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is (1) 4,000 gallons, (2) 60,000 gallons. Supply (1) intermittent, (2) generally constant. Quality of Water. Good, but (1) hard. F. Darwin, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Arthington (Wharfedale R.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from sandstone at Creskeld Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Bury Farm, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Very pure. Capt. Dawson. Supplies parishes of Askwith (part) and Weston (Wharfedale R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) East Beck at Askwith, (2) Wells and streams at Weston. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Four tanks at Askwith, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Messrs. J. Delaney, Ltd. Supply part of parish of Horton in Ribblesdale (Settle R.D.j. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone at Horton in Ribblesdale. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. The Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries, Ltd. Supply parishes of Conisbrough (pait) and Denaby (Doncaster R.D.), and furnish a supply in bulk to Doncaster R.D.C. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two boreholes, 279 feet, at Cadeby Main Colliery. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 288,000 gallons, and a further 110,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs : North Cliff, Conisborough, (a) 535,666 gallons, (b) 162,000 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 182,000 gallons, and 106,000 gallons in bulk. Supply is intermittent, Quality of Water. Frequent chemical examination. Analyst remarks (24th Decem- ber 1913) that the water is suitable for drinking. Hardness : total, 28 ; permanent, 16 ' 7. No action on lead ; contains a trace of iron. Duke of Devonshire. Supplies parishes of Barden (part), Beamsley (part), Boltou Abbey, and Hazlewood with Storiths (Skipton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit at Summer- scales, Barden and Storiths. Yield not known. Z 2 ,'5,-J, JiKTL'KX AS TO WATER Work*. No filtration. Reservoirs: Sumrnerscales, Hazlewood, 4,500 gallons, Deerstones, (5,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Good. Executors of the late John Eastwood. Supply Midgley U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone, Mill House, Luddenden. The average daily quantity of water available is 10,800 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Luddenden, 588 gallons. Qtmulitii <>/ \\'alc.r Kiipplieil. The daily average is 150 gallons. Supply is constant. Qnalili/ of \\'dter. Pure. J. C. Eckersley, Esq.^ Supplies part of parish of Carlton ("Wharfedale R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature. and Sufficiency). Spring and well at Carl ton. The average daily (inantity of water available is 6,550 gallons. II 'orbs. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied.- The daily average is 2, 000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. W. E. J. Green-Emmott, Esq. Supplies Rawdon U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs and artesian well, 290 feet in Millstone Grit, Billing Hill, Rawdon. Yield not known. Works. No liltration. Reservoirs : Billing Hill, Rawdon, (a) 50,000 gallons, (b) 60,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 15,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Lord Estcourt. Supplies part of parish of Harrington (Pontefract R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two springs under Wenthill, near Darrington. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 4,500 gallons. . Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Darlington, 40,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. W. F. Wailes-Fairbairn, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Askham Richard (Bishopthorpe R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Spring at. Askham Richard. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Askham Richard, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. A. G. D. Farrer, Esq. Supplies Midgley U.D. '(pail). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone and clay, Jerusalem Farm. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Jerusalem Farm, 2,688 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. J. A. Farrer, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Clapham cum Newby (Settle R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from limestone and sandstone, Ingleborough Fell. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works.- Water is filtered. Reservoir at Clapham, 9,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. F. H. Fawkes, Esq. Supplies parishes of (1) Castley, (2) Clifton with Norwood (part), (3; Farnley, i'4) Hawksworth (part), (5) Leathley (part), (6) Lindley, (7) Pool (part', and (8) Stainburn (Wharfedale R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- (1) to (8) Springs from Millstone Grit. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 864 gallons, (2) 1,782 gallons, (3) 23,116 gallons, (4) 11,013 gallons, (5) 3,600 gallons (6) 4,607 gallons, (7) 4,886 gallons, (8) 5,584 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. YORKS., WEST RIDING. 355 Earl Pitzwilliam. Supplies parish of lioolon Roberts (Rotherham R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -Spring from limestone, Houton Cliff, Yield not known. Work*. -No liltration. Reservoir, tank at Hooton Cliff, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. -Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. W. and H. Foster, Ltd. Supply Denholme L'.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -Spring on Thornton Moor. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 17,000 gallons. Work*. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 17,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good. G. R. Lane Fox, Esq., M.P. Supplies parishes of (1) Rimington (part) (Rowland H.D.), and (2) Elslack (Skipton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Springs from Carboniferous Lime- stone, Higher GilLs Farm, Rimington, and (2) Spring from' Millstone Grit, near Mill Fold, Elslack. The average daily quantity of water available from (1) is 10,000 gallons. Yield of (2) not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: (I) Higher Gills, (a) 520 gallons, (b) 520 gallons ; Tewit Hill, 7,000 gallons ; (2) Elslack, 0,750 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. (1> The daily average is 5,000 gallons supply is constant ; (2) sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Mrs. L. E. Geldard. Supplies part of parish of Rathmell (Settle R.D.). Son we of Sii]>ply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Rathmell Fell. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Rathmell Fell, 3,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. -The daily average is 3,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. C. Hare-Gill, Esq. -Supplies part of parish of Felliscliffe (Knaresborough R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -Spring from clay, at Felliscliffe. Yield not known. Works. -No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Felliscliffe, 2,300 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good ; moderately hard. Capt. C. S. Greenwood. Supplies part of parish of Morton (Keighley R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Millstone Grit, Rivock Edge, Morton Banks, Bingley. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at West Riddlesden, Morton Banks, 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 5,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. F. W. Hadwen, Esq. Supplies Sowerby U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Sowerby. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory, and soft. The Misses Hammond. Supply part of parish of Arncliffe (Settle R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, Dirgill. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir, tank at Dirgill, 520 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. _rl of Harewood. Supplies parishes of (1) Plompton (Knaresborough R.I').), and (2) Harewood (part) (Wetherby R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from grit, (1) Plompton, () Harewood. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 10,000 gallons, (2) 20,000 gallons; a further 60,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 15,000 gallons from (2). \ 0.198 Z 3 356 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : (1) Plompton, 50,000 gallons ; (2) Harewood, 52,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is (1) 10,000 gallons, (2) 20,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good ; (2) moderately hard. J. A. Hellowell, Esq. Supplies Sowerby U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- Spring at Sowerby. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. No reservoirs. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Eev. B. Hemsworth. Supplies part of parish of Monk Fryston (Pontefract R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in limestone, Monk Fryston Hall. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tower at Monk Fryston Hall, 11,200 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent. Sir J. C. Horsfall, Bart. Supplies Oxenhope U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Uppertown and Bents. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Pure. Lord Hothfield. Supplies part of parish of Stirton with Thorlby (Skipton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit, Thorlby. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 64,800 gallons ; and a further 97,200 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No' filtration. Reservoir, tank at Thorlby, 1,276 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Sir William Ingilby, Bart. Supplies part of parish of Ripley (Knaresborough R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone, over clay, two miles from Ripley. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 10,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Kettle Spring, 8,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 10,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Mrs. Heywood Jones. Supplies parish of Badsworth. (Hemsworth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Well; (2) Well; (3; Spring and wells ; all at Badsworth. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 8,640 gallons, (2) 1,860 gallons, (3) not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs : Badsworth, 13,000 gallons ; and Upton, 6,300 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Fairly good. Messrs. Kershaw Bros. Supply Oxenhope U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Smithy Farm, Oxenhope. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 15,600 gallons ; and a further 10, 000 gallon* per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Oxenhope, 6,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,600 gallons. Supply is constant Quality of Water. Good. T. Foster Knowles, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Stainforth (Settle R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, Billinger Pasture. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Giggleswick, 28,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness: total, 11 '6; permanent, 2 '18. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. YORKS., WEST RIDING. 357 Col. G. L. Bence Lambert and other property owners. Supply part of parish of Morton (Keighley R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Morton. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. (Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks ilSth March 1913) that the water is organically pure. Hardness, 9 ' 5. Sir A. T. Lawson, Bart. Supplies part of parish of Bramhope (Wharfedale R.D.j Sources of Sup/il i/ j Xulure and Sufficiency). (1) Spring at Otley Chevin ; (2) Borehole at Otley Chevin; (.">) Well on Bramhope Moor. The average daily quantity of water available from (1) is 8,000 gallons. Yield of (2) and (3) not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Bramhope, 1,078,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 8,000 gallons. Suppiy is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Leeds and Liverpool Canal Co. Supply parish of Eshton (Skipton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Streams at Winterburn. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Winterburn, 281,600,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Luddenden and District Industrial Co-operative Society, Ltd. Supplies Midgley U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from sandstone at Luddenden. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally adequate. Quality of Water. Good. The Manvers Main Collieries, Ltd. Supply part of parish of Ad wick upon Dearne (Doncaster R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone, Adwick upon Dearne. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Adwick upon Dearne, 25,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Col. W. W. Maude. Supplies part of parish of Oracoe (Skipton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone at Oracoe. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir, tank at Cracoe, 1,490 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (13th March 1914) that the water is organically pure. Hardness, 4 '2. Messrs. Edwin Merrall, Ltd. Supply part of parish of Morton (Keighley R.I). >. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Morton. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 16,560 gallons. WOTK. No filtration. Reservoirs, tanks at Morton, 6,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1 6,560 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good ; hard. M. F. Middleton, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of 'Middleton and Nesfield with Langbar (Wharfedale R.D). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit, Middleton and Langbar Moors. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Midgley Co-operative Industrial Society, Ltd. Supplies Midgley U.D. (part;. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- Spring on Midgley Moor. Yield not known. Works.- No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Good. Z 4 358 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Midland Railway Company. Supplies part of parish of Hellifield (Settle U.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). -Spring from gravel, Hellifield. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 130,000 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir, tank at Hellifield, ,36,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. F. J. 0. Montagu, Esq. Supplies part of parish of High Melton (Doncaster It. IX). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency).- Ludwell Spring from limestone, Melton. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Ueservoirs : Melton Warren, (a) 20,000 gallons, (ft) 20,000 gallons ; tank at Melton Brand Farm, 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Good. Trustees of the late William Morris. Supply Sowerby U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit at Triangle. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and fairly soft. W. Morrison, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Malliam (Settle U.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from shale and grit (Yoredale Rocks). Weets and Knoupe Fell. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. J. Murgutroyd, Esq. Supplies Midgley U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from moorland at Midgley. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Pure. New Brighton Property Owners. Supply Shipley U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring and stream at Stoney Ridge. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir at New Brighton, 22,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. North Eastern Railway Company. Supplies part of parish of Arthington (Wharfedale R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone, near Arthington. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,500 gallons, a further 13,500 gallons per day could be obtained. Worka. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. T. Norton, Esq. Supplies Thurstonland U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Ingwell Spring from Millstone Grit, Thurstonland ; (2) Hollowgate Well in Millstone Grit, Thurstonland Bank ; !.'3) Inghead Springs from Millstone Grit. The average daily quantity of water available from each source is, respectively, (1) 4,000 gallons, (2) 1,400 gallons, (3) 150 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Ingwell Spring, 1,120 gallons ; Inghead Springs, 120 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,200 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. Executors of the late Walter Norton.* Furnish a supply in bulk to Deiiby and Cumberworth U.D.C. (see. page 45). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs in Square Wood, Denby. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 5,000 gallons, and a further 240,000 gallons per day could be obtained. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS YORKS., WEST RIDING. 350 Works. Reservoir at Square Wood, Denby, 2,000,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 5.000 gallons. Quality of Water. Very good. Messrs. F. E. and C. A. Pawson. Supply Oxenhope U.I), (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs, (I) Bull Hill, (2) Fern Hill. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively (1; 13,000 gallons, (2) 4,000 gallons; a further 10,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (1) and 3,000 gallons from (2). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Bull Hill, 2,rc of Slip/ill/ (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sand and clay, Hoyle Syke Farm, Oxenhope. The average daily quantity of water available is 2,880 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tower at Lower Marsh, Oxenhopr. 656 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 1,776 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. -Good, Mrs. MacDougall Rawson. Supplies Sowerby U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency.) Spring at Sowerby. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Sowerby, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. J. Selwyn Rawson, Esq. Supplies Sowerby U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs and mines, Sowerby. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs, underground tanks at Sowerby, 140,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. 360 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. John Reddihough, Esq. Supplies Oxenhope U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone at Oxenhope. The average daily quantity of water available is 24,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs, tank at Moorhouse, Oxenhope, 93 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 800 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. Lord Bibblesdale. Supplies part of parish of Gisburn (Rowland R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, Little Park, Gisburn. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 7,500 gallons, and a further 100,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Fiddle Case Meadow, Gisburn, 50,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 7,500 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. The Ribblesdale Lime Company, Ltd. Supplies part ,of parish of Morton in Ribblesdale (Settle R.D.J. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Silurian formation, Foredale, Helwith Bridge. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Riddlesden Water Supply. Supplies part of parish of Morton (Keighley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from sandstone, Moorcock Farm, Ilkley Moor. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (18th March 1913) that the water is organically very pure. Hardness, 2 '8. The water is liable to act on lead. S. Robertshaw, Esq. Supplies Midgley U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Millstono Grit, Midgley Moor. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent. Rossington Main Colliery Co., Ltd. Supplies part of parish of Rossingtoii (Doncaster R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in triassic red marls and sand- stones at Rossington. The average daily quantity of water available is 300,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 11,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good occasional chemical examination. Hardness, 60. (Softened before distribution). R. F. Roundell, Esq. Supplies parishes of Coates (part) Martons Both (Skipton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from freestone, Higher Park Farm, near Barnoldswick ; (2) Spring, from limestone, Keld Well ; (3) Spring from limestone, East Marton. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) not known, (2) 6,000 gallons, (3) 6,000 gallons ; and a further 4,000 gallons per day could be obtained from (2). Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Barnoldswick, 3,500 gallons ; West Marton, 57,000 gallons ; East Marton, 22,500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 14,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Lord St. Oswald. Supplies parts of parishes of Hessle and Hill Top, and Huntwick with Fctilby and Nostell (Hemsworth R.D.). Smuw. . o/ Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Pumped from pit shaft, 180 feet, Nostell Colliery. Yield not known. Works Water is filtered. Reservoir, tank at Nostell Colliery, 70,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS YORKS., WEST RIDING. 361 Messrs. J. and J. Schofield. 'Supply Midgley U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Millstone Grit and elland Flagstone at Trayroyd and Scotland, Midgley. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir, tank at Scotland, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Good. Rev. T, Sheepshanks. Supplies parts of parishes of Arthington and Pool (Wharfedale R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from freestone, Arthington Hanks. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 17,500 gallons Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Arthington Banks, 8,000 gallons. Quantity of Wnter supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Mrs. Skipwith. -Supplies parish of Loversall (J)oncaster R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, St. Catherine's Well. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 6,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 6,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Very good. W. Spencer, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Lothersdale (Skipton R.D.). Sources of Sujiply (Nature, and Sufficiency). (1) Spring from sandstone, Hawshaw, Lothersdale, and (2) Spring from limestone, Knott Field, Lothersdale, (3) Spring at Bent Hall. Yield not known. Works. No liltration. Reservoirs : Knott Fields, 156 gallons ; Hawshaw, 900 gallons; Wintergappe, 700 gallons; Back Croft, 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Capt. J. Stansfeld. Supplies Sowerby U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Springs at Sowerby. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, near Triangle, 4,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Mrs. E. Sutcliffe. Supplies Midgley U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone, Midgley. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Pure. nource.8 oj nuppiy \~\aiure. aria synjgiaunimpi. opniigs aim smaii subciins, c Bashall Eaves. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 2,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Bashall Eaves, capacity not known. W. Worsley Taylor, Esq., K.C. Supplies part of parish of Bashall Eaves (Bowland R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs and small streams, Black Hill, "ashall Eaves. The average daily quantity i ' Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Basl Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Fairly good, and soft. Major Tempest. Supplies part of parish of Broughton (Skipton R.D.). Source of Supply (Native and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, at Broughton. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity o/ Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Excellent, but hard. C. Thellusson, Esq. Supplies parish of Brodsworth (Doncaster R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone, Brodtnvorui. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. ,362 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Mrs. S. Thomas. Supplies Midgley U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well at Midgley. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Qvanlity of Wulcr supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. T. B. Clarke-Thornhill, Esq. Supplies Calverley U.I), (part). Source* of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Stanningley Hock, and Canister Beds, Woodliall Hills, Calverley. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoirs: Harper Hills, Calverley, .".00,( .MM') gallons; Mudge Hank, Calverley, 3,375 gallons. Quantity of Water supplien. Adequate. Quality of Water. (food. G. A. Titterington, Esq. Supplies Sowerby U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature an/I Sufficiency). Spring from grit, at Sowerby. Yield not known. 11 i irks. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. Executors of the late T. Titteringion. Supply Midgley U.D. (part). Sourer of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Spring from grit, at Midgley. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. T$ie Towneley Owners. Supply parts of parishes of Bowland Forest [High, and Rowland Forest Low (Bowland R.D.). Source of Supjily (Nature and Sufficiency)." Witcher Well " spring on Staple Oak Fell. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Staple Oak Fell, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Good. Waddington Property Owners. Supply part of parish of Waddington (Bowland R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Waddington Brook. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Feaz-or, 50,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Abundant. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. Earl of Wharncliffe. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Thurgoland (Penistone R.I).); ('2} Tankersley and Wortley (Wortley R.D.). S/mree of Supply (Xature and Sufficiency). (1) Spring at Thurgoland ; (2) Moorland gathering ground, Wharncliffe Chase, Wortley. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Storage reservoir, Wharnc-liffe Chase, 25,000,000 gallons. Service reservoirs, Wharncliffe Chase, 500,000 gallons, " Ashes Pond," Wortley, 3~>i >,( SwpfHy (\atn,re and Sufficiency). Spring from shale rock at Llangadwaladr, near Tregciriog. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 1,440 gallons. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. D. Jones, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Cerrig y Druidion (Uwchaled R.D.). SDH fee of Supply ( \'ature and Sufficiency). Spring at Maesy Llan, Cerrig y Druidion. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Maes y Llan, 4,500 gallons. Quantiti/ of Water supplied. Plentiful. Qualit;/ of Water. Good. Mrs. E. J. Tudor Jones. Supplies part of parish of Llantysilio (Llangollen R.D.). Source of Suppli/ (Xu/itre ami Sufficiency). Spring at Pentredwr. The average daily ((iiantity of water obtained is b', gallons. \\<>rks. No filtration. No reservoir. (>iin nt 'it i/ of Water supplied. The daily average is ti, 000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. J. Jones, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Efenechtyd (Ruthin R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring in Efenechtyd. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir, tank in Efenechtyd, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Sir A. E. H. Naylor Leyland, Bart. Supplies parts of parishes of Clocaenog, Llanelidan, Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd Rural (Ruthin R.D. >. Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Streams or springs near Llanelidan, Brynclwyd, Nantclwyd Cottage, Gwyrch Bedw, Plasyresgol, Tynewydd, and Cricor. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Siamher Wen, 9,000 gallons; Brynclwyd, 800 gallons ; Nantclwyd Cottage. 600 gallons ; Gwyrch Bedw, 400 gallons ; Plasyresgol, (a) 350 gallons, (b) 500 gallons ; Tynewydd, 800 gallons ; Cricor, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Trustees of Llanrhaiadr Hall Estate. Supply part of parish of Llanrhaiadr yn Cimmerch Rural (Ruthin R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Pandy ; stream, intake at Brynmorfydd ; and spring in the Dingle. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Llansilin Water Committee.- Supplies part of parish of Llansilin (Llansilin R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well and springs from gravel, Plas Newydd. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. A 0.198 A a i 368 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Col. S. Pare Lynes. Supplies part of parish of Llangwm (Uwchaled R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs, intercepted underground, near Llangwn. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoir tank near Llangwm, 788 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. Messrs. R. McAlpine and Sons. Supply part of parish of Cerrig y Druidion (Uwchaled R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Stream and surface water from moor near Hafod Llan Isa. Yield not known. Works. Mechanical niters. Reservoir at Hafod Llan Isa, 100,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied.- The daily average is 14,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water Oood. North Wales Asylum Committee. Supplies part of parish of Nantglyn (Ruthin R.D.), and furnishes a supply in bulk to Ruthin R.D.C. Powers. North Wales Counties Lunatic Asylum (Water Supply) Act, 1896. I/imits. Denbigh B. (part), and parish of Nantglyn (Ruthin R.I).) Sources <>f Supply (Xature ly (Nature and Sufficiency). Streams and springs, Llandyrnog Rural. Yield not known. Works. Part of the water is filtered. Reservoirs : Caerfedwen Field, 2,000 gallons ; Gader Goch Field, 2,000 gallons. Q'uantit i/ of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Col. S. Sandbach. Supplies part of parish of Llangerniew (Llanrwst R.D.). Source of Supply (Xnture and Sufficiency)". Spring from slate, Cr el Farm. Yield not known. Works. No nitration. Reservoirs at Shop Farm and Smithy Field, capacity not known. Qttantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. | f FLINTSHIRE. M. Rowley Conwy, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Llanfynydd (Hawarden R.D.) Sourer, of Supply i Nature find Sufficiency). Spring from Millstone Grit at Cefnybedd. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 300 gallons, and a further 1,500 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir, tank at Cefnybedd, 1,125 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 300 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 369 Messrs. G. and F. Ledson. Supply part of parish of Sealand (Hawarden R.D.). Source of Suppli/ (Xntin-c ami Sufficiency). Spring at Sealand. Yield not known. U'.i/7/x. - No filtration. KcM-rvoir at Sealand, 1T),0(X) gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. D. F. Pennant, Esq.- -Supplies part of parish of Bodfari (St. Asaph (Flint) B.I).). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs and wells at Bodfari. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 300 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. GLAMORGANSHIRE. E. Evans Bevan, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Dylais Higher (Neatli R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Seven Sisters. Yield not known. Worfes.-'-Water is filtered. Reservoir at Bryndiilais Farm, 1,000,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 50,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Pure. Britannic Merthyr Coal Company, Ltd. Supplies Ogmore and Garw U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland surfaces, Ogwr Fach, Glynllan Mountain. The average daily quantity of water available is 00,500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Glynllan Mountain, 59,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 36,000 gallons. Supply is intermittent. Quality of Water. Good. Marquess of Bute. Supplies Peuarth U.D. (part). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Lias limestone, Llandough. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. R. Cory, Esq., and Miss Cory. Supply part of parish of St. Nicholas (Llandaff and Dinas PowisR.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from gravel and clay, near St. Nicholas. The average daily quantity of water available is 93,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, on Homri Farm, St. Nicholas, 250,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (25th September ] 909) that the water is reasonably good and safe. Hardness: total, 17; permanent, 5. The Lewis Merthyr Consolidated Collieries, Ltd. Supply Caerphilly U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Senghenydd. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Senghenydd, 500,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Pare Newydd Estate. Supplies Caerphilly U.D. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from rock, at Senghenydd in Eglwysilian. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Senghenydd, 1,000,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. D. Williams, Esq. Supplies Caerphilly U.D. (part). Sources of Supply 'Nature and Sufficiency). (]) Spring from Pennant Grit, Mynydd Mayo, and (2) Nant Cwmbyr Stream, Mynydd Mayo. Yield not known. A a 2 370 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Mynydd Mayo, (a) 34,800 gallons, (b) 425,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 10,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. M. E. Gr. Rhys Wingfield, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Pentyrch (Llandaff and Dinas Powis R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from limestone at Pentyrch. The average daily qiiantity of water available is 6,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs at Pentyrch, (a) 7,000 gallons, (fo) 14,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 4,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Hardness, 15 '4. MERIONETHSHIRE. Great Western Railway Company. Supplies part of parish of Corwen (Edeirnion R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Nant ffrid isel Brook, intake at Carrog. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 3,000 gallons, and a further 200,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks ( 4th June 1912) that chemically the water is of passable quality for drinking purposes. Hardness: total, 2'1; permanent, 2'1. Slight action on lead. Llanaber Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of Llanaber (Dolgelly R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Tyn y cornel stream. Yield not known. Works. No fdtration. Reservoir at Bontddu, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Llangur Commemoration Fountain. Supplies part of parish of Llangar (Edeirnion U.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from slate, at Llangar. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Generally sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. W. E. Oakeley, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Maentwrog (Deudraeth R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring From Silurian formation at Maentwrog. The average daily quantity of water available is 9,861 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Two tanks at Maentwrog, 700 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Excellent. P. Peacock, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Llangelynin (Dolgelley R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland surface near Fairbourne. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Executors of the late Mrs. M. Roberts. Supply part of parish of Talsarnau ( . Deudraeth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Talsarnau. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Talsarnau, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Pure, and soft, Talyllyn Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of Talyllyn (Dolgelley R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Upland surfaces, Penrhiw, Tyriycennain Bine Cottages, Tynycei, and Garneddwen. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. PART I. : SECTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 371 Major Tottenham. Supplies part of parish of Corwen (Edeirnion R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from slate on Tycerrig Farm. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Tycerrig Farm, 430 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. J. Williams, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Corwen (Edeirnion R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from disused stone quarry, Corwen. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 400 gallons, and a further 1,500 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, tank at Corwen, 450 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. MONMOUTHSHIRE. G. E. Bevan, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Grosmont (Abergavenny R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature ami Sufficiency). Spring from loam and clay, Graig Hill. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 7,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs: Graig Hill, 200 gallons; Grosmont, 1,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 7,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. E. C. Curre, Esq. Supplies parts of parishes of Kilgwrrwg and Newchurch East (Chepstow R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Old Red Sandstone, at Kilgwrrwg. The average daily quantity of water available is 13,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Kilgwrrwg, 10,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (10th February 1912) that the water is very pure. Hardness, 6 '4. No action on lead. Great Western Railway Company. Furnishes supplies in bulk to Chepstow R.D.C. and Magor R.D.C. Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring in the Severn Tunnel. The average daily quantity of water available is 22,000,000 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 51,281 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality af Water. Occasional chemical examination. Analyst remarks (10th March 1911) that the water is excellent. Hardness: total, 26 '6; permanent, 98. No action on lead. Llandogo Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of Llandogo (Monmouth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Llandogo. Yield not known. Works. Water is filtered. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Very good. Lord Llangattock. Supplies part of parish of Llangattock Vibon Avel ^Monmouth R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs and wells, at Llangattock Vibon Avel. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Skenfrith Parish Council. Supplies part of parish of Skenfrith (Monmouth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from marl, Skenfrith. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 5,760 gallons. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 5,760 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. A 0.19s A a 3 372 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. The Commissioners of H.M. Woods, &c. Supply part of parish of Raglan (Monmouth R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring, 1|- miles from Raglan. The average daily quantity of water available is 4,300 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Raglan, 9,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,600 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Excellent. MONTGOMERYSHIRE. David Davies, Esq., M.P. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Llandinam and (2) Tregynon (Newtown and Llanidloes R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). (1) Mountain stream and gathering ground over rook on Llandinam Hills ; (2) Gogwia Lake. The average daily quantity of water available from (1) is 10,000 gallons ; yield of (2) not known. Works. Water from (1) is filtered. Reservoirs: (1) Near Llandinam, (a) 8,000 gallons, (6) 500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but slightly peaty occasional chemical examination. J. Marshall Dugdale, Esq. Supplies Llanfyllin B. (part). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Lhvyn. Yield not known. . Works. No nitration. Reservoir at Llanfyllin, 5,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Very good. Kerry Village Supply. Supplies part of parish of Kerry (Newtown and Llanidloes R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency}. Spring from Silurian formation, Penarran Hill, Kerry. The average daily quantity of water available in winter is 2.500 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir, near Kerry, 3,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Inadequate in summer. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. Richard Williams, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Bettws (Newtown and Llanidloes R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Silurian formation, at Chalet Bettws. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs, two tanks at Chalet Bettws, (a) 1 500 gallons (b) 250 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied.- Generally adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. PEMBROKESHIRE. Representatives of the late Percy Arden. Supply part of parish of Puncheston (Haverfordwest R,D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Puncheston. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. Trustees of Earl Cawdor.* Supply parishes of Bosherston, Castlemartin, St. Petrox, St. Twynnells, Stackpole Elidor, and Warren (Pembroke R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Wells and springs. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Castlemartin (three), St. Petrox (three), St. Twynnells (two), Stackpole Elidor (three), Warren (one) ; total capacity, 260,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Mrs. A. E. Colborne. Supplies part of parish of Walton West (Haverfordwest R.I).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring on Swanswell Farm. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Swanswell, 12,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. PART I. : SKCTION V. PRIVATE PROPRIETORS. 373 Great Western Railway Company. Supplies Neyl;m/ Sn^ily (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from red sandstone, near Tiers Cross. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 394,986 gallons. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at \\Ystfirld Mill, 1,053,500 gallons. Quantity of Water si/>l /<'/ Water mi/i/died. The daily average is 3,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of \Vatrr.- (.nod. B. G. Johns, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Steynton (Haverfordwest R.I). 1 . Sonn-i- of Su/ijily (Natwe and Sufficiency). Well, 80 feet, at Steynton. Yield not known. W i >rks.- No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Good. C. Mathias, Esq. SuppBes part of parish of Lampti&y i Pom broke R.I).). Sources of Su/if>ly (Nature ami Sufficiency). Springs at Lamphey. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Lamphey, 1,500 gallons. Quantity of Water Hii/ijilied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Col. R. W. B. Mirehouse. Supplies part of parish of Angle (Pembroke R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Old Red Sandstone and limestone, North Hill and the Common. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Tanks at North Hill and the Common, Angle ; capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. Col. R. V. Lloyd Philipps. Supplies part of parish of Dale (Haverfordwest R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs at Hayguard Hay. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Hayguard Hay, 27,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. F. L. Phillips, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Lawrenny (Pembroke R.I).). Source of Simply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from sandstone, Lawrenny Park. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 5,000 gallons, and a further 5,000 gallons per day could be obtained. Works. No filtration. Reservoir at Lawrenny, 65,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 5,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good. Saundersfoot Water Committee. Supplies part of parish of St. Issells (Narberth R.D.). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Old colliery level, Saundersfoot. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. RADNORSHIRE. R. H. Baskerville, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Clyro (Painscastle R.I). ). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring on Penland Farm. Yield not known. Works No filtration. Reservoir at Penland Farm, 3,200 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Sufficient. Quality of Water. Pure. A B 4 374 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Capt. W. De Winton. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Boughrood, (2) Llaribedr Pains- castle (Paiuscastle R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Silurian formation, (1) Boughrood, (2) near Painscastle. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Painscastle, 4,000 gallons ; Boughrood, capacity not known. Quantity of Water supplied. Ample. Quality of Water. Good. London and North Western Railway Company. Supplies part of parish of Llanelwedd (ColwynR.l).). Source of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring near Dyserth. The average daily quantity of water obtained is 17,5 916 250 2 Ampthill U.D.C. - Cranfield 3,998 1,199 317 Eversholt 2,146 609 174 r litton - 1.061 463 132 Flitwick 2,165 1,424 380 iravenhurst - 1,6'J5 377 103 . Harlington - 1,904 609 145 , Haynes - 2,607 676 204 Hi-rliara (iobion 1,298 76 18 Holcot - 905 49 12 Houghton Conquest 3,431 535 139 Husborne t'rawley 1,610 365 98 Wells - Good and generally suffi- Lidlington 2,544 502 155 134 Duke of Bedford (bulk) cient ; Flitton and Mars- Marston Morel aine 4,290 1,025 254 ton Moretaine fairly Maulden 2,605 1,101 316 1 Ampthill U.D.C. - good. Millbrook 1,784 201 51 Milton Bryant 1 ,552 199 58 1'otsgrove 1,417 108 24 Pulloxhill 1,627 419 109 i Ridgmont 2,308 540 153 Salford - 871 136 39 Shillington 5,003 1,588 437 Silsoe - 2,158 561 148 Steppingley - 1,309 254 72 Tingrith 1,119 129 36 36 Capt. Trevor Battye Toddington - 5,535 1,948 543 ' Wdlla \ Good and generally suffi- Westoning 1,627 494 129 ' TY CllS - \ cient. Woburn 3,446 1,122 286 286 Woburn Sands Jt. S. Jc Water Comtee., thro' the Duke of Bedford. Bedford R.D. : Biddenhara - 1,586 451 116 20 Bedford T.C. .... Bletsoe - 2,250 312 75 Bolnhurst 2,333 184 48 Bromham 1,827 350 80 45 C. T. Wingfield, Esq. - Cardington 2,523 423 105 97 Biggleswade Water Bd. (bulk) Carlton - 1,530 314 98 | Chellington - 549 113 30 Clapham 1,995 748 187 Colmworth - 2,323 276 72 Cople - - . 2,132 377 95 Eastcotts 2,816 848 203 37 Biggleswade W. Bd., through Kempston U.D.C. & S. Whit- bread, Esq. Elrtow - - - 1,617 499 115 82 Bigglesvrade Water Bd. (.bulk) _ Wells, springs, Doubtful. Felmersham - 1,991 345 94 and ponds. Goldington - 2,588 967 241 195 Biggleswade Water Bd. (bulk) reat Barford 2,868 726 189 arrold 3,242 851 241 Cempston Rural - 3,770 648 151 ieysoe - 3,699 504 129 knotting 1,739 120 32 27 S. Whitbread, Esq. rlehbonrne - 2.638 184 41 ilton Krnest 1,599 868 92 akley - 1,786 330 79 Odell - 2,902 252 66 'avenham 1,370 308 90 'odington 3,516 461 120 avensden 2,290 366 95 enhold 2,211 396 123 123 Biggleswade Water Bd.(bulk) Riseley - 8,103 663 176 Rorton - 2,941 396 109 Sharnbrook - 2,418 755 189 Wells, spring.'., Doubtful. Souldrop 1,076 176 48 ^ and ponds. Stagsden 3,419 435 110 Btevington - 1,821 479 128 370 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Popula- No. of louses. Names of Undertakers Where there is no Piped Service. County, Area in . Supplied District and Parish, i Acres. 2. 1911. 3. Total. 4. from Piped Service. 5. providing a Supply of Water. (i. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Bedfordshire '"' Bedford R.D.- -<;>nt. Thnrleigh 3,418 433 129 i Turvey ... 4.011 841 210 4(1 Capt. T. 0. R. Higgins - Wildcn - 2.21)5 303 88 ! Wells, springs, Willington 1,660 370 90 | ami ponds. Wilshamstead 3,131 587 168 Wootton 3,788 1,3!)4 801 J Wyraington - 1,760 493 95 95 Hicham Ferrers and Rushden Water Board (bulk). Yelden - 1,960 177 53 WeJls, springs. Doubtful. and ponds. Biggleswade R.D.: Arlesey - 2.344 2.04 551 996 Bigglcswade Water Bd. (bulk) I Astwick 065 59 13 Blunham Campton Chicksands Priory - 1,205 969 1,439 603 415 39 166 115 10 62 91 [ Biggleswade Water Bd.(lmlk) ! Wells - Generally not good. Clifton - 1,422 1,223 348 277 Biggleswadc Water Bd. (bulk) | Cockayne Hatley - 1.175 110 25 I Dunton - - - 2,650 413 113 J Edworth 1,122 86 19 lit Biggk-swade Water Bd. (bulk) Everton 1,350 195 53 1 Ey worth 1,2.-, 4 122 31 Hen low - Langfnrd 2,377 2,070 914 1,205 222 306 157 291 | Biggleswade Water Bd.(bulk) HeppershoU - 1,965 610 172 Moggerbanger 1,815 430 115 85 1 Northill 4,140 1,292 B16 289 !> Bigcleswade Water Bd.fbulk) . 0!d Warden - 3,364 406 107 48 i Potton - 2,676 4 276 2,156 ) 377 505 783 629 ~i 1 Wells - Generally not good. Shefford 144 842 226 194 SliefEord Hardwick 360 79 23 8 ) Biggleswade Water Bd.(bulk) Bouthill Stotfold Button - Tempsford Upper Stondon Wrestlingworth Eaton Bray R.D. : Billington Chalgrave Eaton Bray - G,7S4 2^398 2,234 2,352 428 1,700 1,209 2,430 2,417 989 3,128 217 431 51 45 ,247 573 979 292 477 61 127 15 145 65 148 279 230 297 103 1 Biggleswade Water Bd. (bulk) i 1 Egginton Heath anil Reach - 1,372 2,390 236 1,028 59 265 z J. Wells Good ami adequate. Hockliffe 1,028 255 66 - Stanbridge - 1,514 368 85 Tilswr-rth Eaton Socon R.D. : Dean - 1,'246 2,472 206 342 52 101 j Wells. ponds, and brooks. Fair and sufficient. Eaton Socou - 7,602 2,319 581 65 St. Neots U.D.C. (bulk) - Do. Good and sufficient. Little Barford 1,200 151 32 Do. Do. Little Staughton - 1.741; 262 86 Do. .Fair and sufficient. Pertcnhall I,fil5 237 64 Do. Shelton - - - 946 93 29 Do. Fair. Swineshead - 1,354 138 54 Do. Fair, but inadequate. Luton R.D. : Barton in the Clay 2,319 746 201 Wells Fail-. Caddington - 3,703 1,508 355 Do. Good. Houghton Regis - 4,042 1,369 399 * Dunstable Gas & Water Co. - Do. Fair. Hyde - 4,426 649 142 Do. Good. Kensworth - 2,553 528 163 Wells and rain- Fair. water. Leagrave 1,127 1,270 300 201 1 i Wells Fair. Limbury 2,454 972 225 185 \ Luton Water Co. - -< Do. Not very good, but, fairl sufficient. Stopsley 4,296 943 199 178 !' ( Do. Good. Streatley 2,500 248 67 Do. Do. Studhau, 3,026 320 88 Do. Do. Sundon - 2,150 358 85 Do. Do. Totternhoe 2,321 450 121 _ Do, Do. Whipsnade 928 113 38 Do. Do. BERKSHIRE. AWngdon B. Maidenhead B. - Newbury B. - New Windsor B. - 728 2,125 1,828 2,717 6,809 15,219 12.107 13,681 i.5t;i 3,377 2,927 2.5112 1,557 3,257 2.918 2^441 Abingdon T.C. Maidenhead Waterworks Co. - Newbury Disl . Water Co., Ltd. New Windsor T.C. > Wells - \\Ylls Good. Good. Reading C.B. 9,106 87.693 18,605 18,879 Heading T.C. Do. Good and ample Wallingford B. - 380 2,716 618 618 Wallingfoul T.U. Wantage U.D. - 8,478 3,628 755 446 Wantage Water Co., Ltd. Wells fc springs - Good. Wokingham B. - 557 4,853 1,022 1)711 Wiikingliam District Wak-r Wells Satisfactory fc adequate. Co., Ltd. Houghton liegis. Connections with the piped service arc now being made. PART II. BERKSHIRE. 377 County, District anil Parish. 1. Arv:i in Acres. 2. l'o|illl:l- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers |>rovidinL r a Supply of Water. 6. WlicM-c tlinre is no Piped Serviei . Total. I. jupplleS from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature ami Sullicieucy . of Supply . 8. Berkshire emit. Abingdon R.D. : Abingdon, St.Helen 2,744 326 71 16 Abingdon T.C. Without. Appleford 862 233 62 Appleton - with - 2,077 493 122 Baton. Besselsleigh 906 68 21 Cumnor :,,962 1,1(13 205 Draycott Moor 1,084 190 48 Dravton 1,861 513 143 Frilford 1,238 132 29 Fyfield - 1.604 251 C6 60 St. John's College, Oxford Garford 1,057 127 35 Kingston Bagpuize Lyford - ' 1,109 773 188 109 53 16 ~ ! Wells - Good and adequate. Marcham 2.424 692 |69 Milton - 1 .466 363 105 93 Abingdon R.D.C. - Nortli Hinksey 797 225 45 30 Rt.Hon. Lewis Uarcourt,M.P. Radley - - 8,706 !I27 1 48 South Hinksey 779 226 40 Steventon 2,401 XI 1 206 180 Abingdon R.U.C. - Sunningwell - 1,881 425 104 60 E. Norton Disney, Esq.* Sutton Coiirtenay - 2,1 W 790 214 100 Capt. H. E. A. Lindsay and Trustees of the late Mrs. Mary Goodson. Sutton Wick - 1,247 218 57 8 Abingdon T.C. Tubney - 1,152 155 43 Wootton 1,824 463 110 SO Mrs. A. Buffer & R. Furner.Esq. Wythain i .'.ma 222 60 44 Earl of Abingdon - Bradfield R.D. : Aldermaston- 3,742 669 121 -\ Aihampstead 2,082 :',;, 1 86 5 Bradtield Water Works - Basildon 3,139 5116 127 Beech Hill - 949 808 r> 5 Beenham 1,817 528 120 Bradfield 4,360 1,606 B72 87 Bradtield Water Works - Bucklehury - 6,131 1.136 2711 Burghfield 1,809 1,348 BIO Englefield 1,437 299 67 Frilsham 678 219 57 12 Bradfield Water Works - Grazeley 519 31 6 Padvvorth 1,188 263 62 i Pangbourne - 1,940 1,677 B55 84 Tilehurst, Pangbourne and Parley - - - 1,166 23K 11 27 f District Water Co., Ltd. Stanford Dingley - 964 139 31 Stratfieiil Mor- timer. 3,081 1,423 353 14 Bradfield R.D.C. - Wells - Satisfactory. Streatley 3,655 732 179 160 South Oxfordshire Water and Gas Co. Sulham 711 116 80 Sulhampstead 1,417 264 60 Abbots. Sulhampstead Ban- .-,76 125 28 nister Lower End. SulhampBtead Ban- 555 138 31 nister Upper End. Theale - 1,619 1,032 232 8 i Tidmarsh 786 158 38 2 \ Tilehurst. &c. Water Co. Ltd. Tilehurst l.:,ls ISII 109 67 ) Ufton Nervet Wokeficld - 2,189 866 267 128 59 33 Yattendon 1.4tm 293 64 29 Bradfield Waterworks - Cookham R.D. : Bisham 2.178 761 190 61 | Maidenhead Waterworks Co. ) Great Marlow Water Co.. Ltd. Bray - 7JB20 3,400 S60 591 1 Cookham 5.666 4.915 1,360 1,213 Hurley - 4,15!) 1,290 300 mo Wells - Variable, but generally Shottesbrooke 1 .:).-, 181 40 20 ^Maidenhead Waterworks Co. sufficient. Waltham St. 3,640 B87 240 91' i Lawrence. White Waltham - 2J643 818 21)0 128 j J Easthampstead R.D. Binfield - 3.4 s!) 1,912 473 402 Wokingham D. Water Co., Ltd. 1 Crowthorne - ajosu 3,936 611 506 ( Frimley&Farnboro' D.W.Co j liroadmoor Asylum Estate - 1 Easthampstead 5,295 1,95!) 397 310 Wokingham D. Water Co.. Ltd. Sandhurst 2,506 3,265 626 351 Frimley A: Farnboro" IX W. Co. <. Royal Military College, Cam- ( berley. j. Wells and springs. Doubtful, bnt fairly ade- quate. \Varfield 3,435 2,283 557 375 j Wokingham D.WaterCo.,Ltd. / Maidenhead Waterworks Co. Winkfield 10,278 4,193 926 636 South WestSuburban WaterCo. j Faringdon R.D. : Ashbury 5.609 660 141 Balking Bourton U680 1.260 190 296 43 70 50 Faringdon R.D.C. - - Wells - I Good. Buckland l.:,05 682 129 3 Sir Maurice FitzGerald. Bart. ) Sunningwell. This undertaking will shortly be transferred to Abingdon R.D.C. 378 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Xames of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied Iroin Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. t . Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Berkshire <"' Faringdon R.D. runt. Buscot - 2,887 429 114 80 Sir A. Henderson, Hart. 1 Charney Bassett - 1,209 164 53 Coleshill 2,014 312 80 ' Compton Beau- 1,812 125 81 champ. Eaton Hastings 1,570 149 32 Fernhain 1,010 215 56 Great Coxwell 1,435 284 76 Great Faringdon - 5,897 3,079 711 220 Faringdon R.D.C. - Hatford 993 106 28 Hinton Waldrist - 2,016 272 59 Kingston Lisle Lechlade (Glos.) - 2,040 3,870 263 1,167 64 279 19 200 j Faringdon K.D.C. Wells - Good. Little Coxwell 887 225 68 Longcot 1,894 334 77 Longworth - 2.291 507 123 Pusey - 1,040 113 25 Shellingford - 1,761 237 43 33 Major Hc-ndersun - Shrivenham - 2,695 602 16ri Stanford in the Vale 2.927 859 820 Offington 2,929 528 1 33 124 Faringdon R.D.C - Watch field - 1,517 291 79 Woolstone 1,942 158 46 j Hungerford R.D. : Avington 1,185 113 22 Combe - 2,212 64 16 East Garston - 4,409 His 95 East Shefford 1,069 80 20 SWells - Satisfactory. Hungerford - 6.729 3,040 671 293 Hungerford Water\vks.Co.,Ltd. Inkpen 2,886 693 159 Kintbury 7,778 1,737 40(5 J Lambourn 14,873 2,336 544 , _ Wells and spring! Generally satisfactory. West Sheflord West WootHiay - 2,243 1,432 398 138 102 33 Wells - Satisfactory. Newbury R.D. : Boxford Brimpton Chieveley Cold Ash Enborne Greenham 2,819 1,705 5,328 1,929 2.501 2,M* 516 430 1,066 986 483 642 125 100 288 230 118 160 14 3 9 W. A. Mount, Esq. 1 Xewbury District Water Co., f Ltd. ' Hampstead Mar- 1,852 239 Bfl J. Wells and Satisfactory and sufficient. shall. springs. Leckhampstead 1,777 261 74 -- Midgham Sandleford Shaw cum Don- nington. Speen Thatcham Wasing - 1,436 520 1,996 3,491 5,937 690 308 37 626 1,255 2,416 54 62 7 180 319 590 14 1 90 126 7 Woolhampton P.C. Newbury Dist. Water Co., Ltd. ( Sir R. V. Sutton, Bart ') Newbury Dist. Water Co.,Ltd. Newbury "Dist. Water Co.. Ltd. J J Wells - } Good. Welford 5,228 722 195 } Wells and Satisfactory and sufficient. Winterbourne 2,112 227 67 i springs. Woolhampton 719 489 106 16 Woolhampton P.C. J WallingfordR.D. : Aston Tirrold 1,753 320 50 1 Aston Upthorpe - 1,322 120 28 Brightwell 2,064 724 120 24 Wallingford U.D.C. - Cholsey 4,438 2,248 362 } Wells - Generally good. Clapcot 876 126 29 6 G. D. Faber. Esq. - Didcot 1,120 707 329 274 G.W. Railway Co. (bulk) - East Hagbourne - 1,758 1,287 334 J Little Wittcnham - 888 129 22 22 Trustees of the late Gen. A. - Cherry Garrard, Esq. Long Wittenham - 2,275 472 84 1 Moulsford 1,441 186 40 11 A. W. Mayo-Robsun, Esq. North Moreton Sotwell 1,102 708 256 225 50 41 Wells - Generally guod. South Moretou 1,350 302 50 West Hagbourne - Wantage R.D. : 1,057 143 50 J Aldworth 1.806 234 53 1 Ardington 2,693 471 120 Beedon - 2,012 238 58 _. Blewbury 4,246 564 138 . Brightwalton 2,054 310 75 Catmore 710 78 18 Chaddelworth 3.400 349 101 ^Wells - Good and plentiful. Charlton 1,884 346 76 4 Wantage Water Co.. Ltd. Childrey - 2,929 500 122 _ Chilton" - 1,448 224 M Compton 3,863 665 158 Denchworth - 1,041 182 43 East Ctiallow 1,657 490 129 34 Wantage R.D.C. - . . PART II. BERKSHIRE. 379 No. of House.-. County, Area in Popula- N'nnes of I'ndertakers Where ther : is no Piped Service. tion, Supplier ... District and I'arish. Acres. 1911. Total. from Piped Supply i f Water. Sources of Nature and Sufficiency Seivice. Supply. of Supply. ' 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Berkshire '"' Wantage R.D. East Hanney 8,300 37S 115 _ East llendred 3.198 728 187 East, llsley - 3.017 1 1 5 ISO Bast l.ockinge 2,083 264 I'rl .-_ ,' Wells - Good and plentiful. Kuril borough - 1,886 1 52 83 Fawley - 2,190 176 39 Goosey - 968 128 31 J Grove 1,791 590 145 145 Wantage Water Co., Ltd. _ Ilamsiead Norris - 6.046 1,817 291 j Harwell Let com bu Hassctt - 2.521 1,631 663 174 162 53 <. Wells - Good and plentiful. Let combe Regis 2.155 439 109 _ Do. Unsatisfactory, but plenti- ful. IVasemore 2,019 887 58 1 Sparsholt 3.329 335 gfi - Dpton - 1.413 209 54 West I' ha How West, Hanney 1.070 1,334 209 323 13 78 28 Lady Wantage Do. - - Good and plentiful. \\Y-l Hendred 2.002 338 75 West llsiey - 3.037 313 69 West Lockingu 837 66 19 J Windsor R.D. : Clewer Without 1,900 8,886 1.495 1.391 New Windsor T.C. Wells 1 Old Windsor - 4.321 2.112 414 408 i Commissioners of H.M. < Woods, Sec. [ Generally satisfactory f and sufficient. ( S.W. Suburban Water Co. - Wells J Sunningdale - 1.211 1.537 349 349 Do. do. Sunninghill - 3.135 5,886 1,216 1,206 Do. do. Wells Generally satisfactory and sufficient. Wokingham R.D. : Arborfield 1,169 234 64 _ I'rarkham 1,388 261 59 Karley - 1.917 456 110 53 Reading T.C. Finchampstead 3,913 866 201 Hurst, St. Nicholas 2,9 SS 1,069 262 Newland 1,227 298 70 Kemcnliam - 1,573 498 120 19 Henley on Thames Water Co. Ruscomlie 1.291 332 72 -- Shinlield 4.313 2,372 561 262 Heading T.C. (bulk) Wells - Fair and adequate. Sonning Town 1,247 '418 102 100 Wokingham R.D.C. Swallowfield - 3.745 1,533 382 40 Reading T.C. (bulk) Twyford Wargrave 694 4,461 1,157 2,112 301 527 245 510 j Wokingham K.D.C. - Winnersli 3,046 679 160 Wokingham With- 7,931 3,333 744 328 Wokingham District Water out. Co., Ltd. Woodley and 3,609 1,034 247 -- Sandford. BUCKINGHAM- 1 SHIRE. ylesbury U D. 3,288 11,048 2.515 2,495 Chiltern Hills Spring Water Co. Wells Generally good. Beaconsfield U.D. 4,501 2,511 573 553 Amersham, Beaconsfield and Do. Good. District Waterwks. Co., Ltd. Bletehley U.D. - 3.714 5,166 1,209 1,164 Bletehley U.D.C. - Do. - - Satisfactory. Buckingham B. - 5.006 3,282 789 748 Buckingham T.C. ... Wells Good and adequate. Chepping 1,620 20,387 4.550 3.736 Chepping Wycombe T.C. (a) Wells, (ft) (a) Good, (A) variable. Wycombe B. rain-water. Chesham U.D. - 1,386 8,204 1,875 1,858 Chesham U.D.C. - //)Wellsttsprings. (a) Satisfactory, (A) fair. (b) rain-water. Eton U.D. - 299 3,192 493 492 New Windsor T.C. Well Satisfactory. Linslade U.D. 1,693 2,262 550 542 Linslade U.D.C. - Wells Good. Marlow U.D. 968 4,683 1.115 1 .065 Great Marlow Water Co., Ltd. Do. Fair, but liable to pollution in. some cases; adequate. r port Pagnell 3,432 4,238 1,030 991 Newport Pagnell I'.D.C. (a) Wells. (A) () Generally good ; D. rivers ^ streams (A) good and adequate. (filtered). igh U.D. 1.684 11,982 3,294 2.304 Slough U.D.O. (,;) Wells. (A) (a) Doubtful, (A) fair and Chalvey Urook. abundant. irsham R.D. : nersham 6.119 3,392 799 470 Amersham. &c.. Waterwks. ( 'o. 1 hley (irecn 3.29 1 5S7 124 5 i reat Berkhampstead W'wks.Co. alfont St. Giles - 3.726 1,762 414 187 Aniershani. A:e.. Waterwks. Co. I'lialfont St. Peter - 1 Cartridge 1 'denies - 4,362 1,992 1.7r9 2,808 712 361 656 186 90 440 29 i Kickmansworth and Ux- 1 bridge Valley Water Co. ; Wells, springs, ponds and rain- wa tor. Satisfactory, but fre- quently iiiideqi..t;e. Uhesham Uois Coleshill 910 1.S50 1 ,253 570 335 138 177 48 Amersham, &c., Waterwks. Co. Great Mis.end^n - 5.315 2.555 654 298 Rickmansworth, &c., Water Co. J 380 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. ( iounty, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there Sources of Supply. 7. is no Piped Service. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Buckinghamshire | Amersham R.D. runt. Latimer 3,080 609 144 1 Lee ... 2,201 775 190 16 j Rickmansworth and Ux- Wells, springs, Satisfactory, but fre- Little Missenden - 3,214 1,293 349 80 1 bridge Valley Water Co. ponds, and quently inadequate. Penn - 3,992 1,472 338 40 Amersham, BeaconsnYld. and | rain-water. Dist. Waterwks. Co., Ltd. | Seer Green - 889 371 93 J Ayleslmry R.D. . Ashendon 2,128 227 53 1 Aston Abuots 2,198 312 70 Aston Clinton 3,809 1,178 308 264 Chiltern Hills SpringWater Co. Aston Sandford 679 41 12 Bierton - with - 2,477 633 159 Broughton. Buckland 1,609 689 180 13 Chiltern Hills S. Water Co. - Chearsley 943 276 68 Cholesbury - 178 107 28 Creslow 887 8 1 Cublington - 1,223 178 55 Cuddington - 1,308 479 114 Dinton - - - 3,897 616 160 Drayton Beau- 1,319 147 42 7 Chiltern Hills S. Water Co. . Wells and Satisfactory champ. Fleet Marston 934 50 11 springs. Grendon Under- 2,565 303 91 wood. Haddenham - 3,274 1,409 363 . Halton - 1,456 195 41 35 Chiltern Hills S. Water Co. - Hardwick 1,213 167 49 Hartwell 918 139 30 13 Chiltern Hills S. Water Co. - Hawridge 696 239 1 60 Hulcott 741 113 24 Kingswood - 261 22 7 Lower Winchendon 1,554 208 53 Ludgersball - 2,732 301 85 Oving i . . 990 318 84 - Pitchcott 925 32 7 . Quainton 5,346 895 220 220 Aylesbury R.D.C. - Qnarrendon - 1,948 73 17 Wells and springs Satisfactory. Stoke Mandcville - 1,499 309 80 80 ChilternHills S.Water Co.(bulk) Stone - 2,642 1,610 230 51 I Chiltern Hills Spring Wells X springs - Satisfactory. Upper Winchendon Waddesdon - 1,202 5,003 172 1,569 32 323 26 323 | Water Co. Do. Do. Weedon I,79fi 332 97 10 ) Westcott 1,411 253 70 3 \ Do. Do. ' Weston Turville - 2,323 737 165 16 } Whitchurch - , 1,717 625 152 Wells & springs Satisfactory. Wingrave 2,884 774 188 ' Woodham 838 64 14 Wotton Underwood 2,600 223 53 . Buckingham R.D.: Addington 1,303 149 28 _ ^_ Wells Satisfactory. Adstock 1,166 286 81 Do. Fair. Akeley - Barton Hartshorn - Beachampton Biddlesden - Charndori Chetwode Edgcott Foscott - 1,325 892 1,528 3,201 1,911 1,171 1,140 719 297 83 193 114 240 142 127 54 85 23 39 36 54 33 32 17 20 13 52 32 Buckingham R.D.C. Do. Buckingham R.D.C!. R. H. B. Marsham, Esq. Do. Spring Wells Do. Do. Spring and wells Wells Good. Do. Fair. Do Do. Good. Good. Hillesdcn 2,606 205 34 Do. Do. Leckhampatead 2,571 243 54 Do. Fair. Lillingstone Dayrell Lillingstone Novell Lnffield Abbey Maids' More ton 1,873 1,667 216 1,366 248 131 7 371 48 30 2 113 22 Major J. B. Delap - Do. Spring and wells Wells Spring and wells Good. Do. Marsh Gibbon 2,818 587 152 41 Ewelme Almshouses Trustees Wells Fair. Middle Claydon 2,640 257 54 _ Do. Do. Pad bury 2,029 442 133 110 Buckingham R.D.C. Do. Good. Poundon 980 95 17 17 J. P. Heywood-Lonsdale, Esq. Preston Bissett 1,523 285 77 12 Buckingham R.D.C. Wells Fair. Ratclive 1,186 294 83 Do. Good. Sbalstone 1,383 166 40 Wells and spring Excellent. Steeple Claydon - 3,329 840 211 121 Buckingham R.D.C. Wells Fair. Stowe 3,088 251 52 Do. Do. Tbornborough 2,392 443 142 Do. Some doubtful. Thornton 1,347 86 17 Do. Fair. Tingewick 2,178 663 197 . Do. Fair, but inadequate. Tnrweston 1,295 243 61 Do. Good. Twyford Water Stratford - 1,567 1,102 358 135 89 28 85 22 1 Buckingham R.D.C. - Do. Do. \\Ystlmry 1,381 287 72 72 Sir S. E. Scott, Bart., M.l'. - - Eton R.D. : I'.uveuy 483 583 146 1 Buruham - 6,810 3,715 876 594 Burnham Dorney and Hitcham } Wells - Good and ample. Waterworks Co.. Ltd. J PART II. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. 381 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where thi-ri' is no l'i]>el S.- : Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Nature and Suf)i< Supply. of Supply. 7. 8. Buckinghamshire runt. Eton R.D. <;>nt. Datchet 1,386 1,066 4'jj 866 Slough U.D.C. 1 Denham 3.939 1,290 803 57 Kickmansworth and Ux- i bridge Valley Water Co. Dorney 1,133 262 64 Eton Wick 6.28 523 122 M X.-w Windsor T.C. Famham Royal - l,6f,4 1,681 :!;.-, K6 1 Burnham, &<.. Waterwk-. < '< | Slough U.D.C. - Fulmer 1.37(1 255 61 IS Kickmansworth, Arc. Water Co. Gerrard's Cross - L'.nr, 1,612 354 317 Amersham, Beaconsfiekl and Dist. Waterworks Co., Ltd. Hedgerley - Hedgerley Dean - i.n:7 551 l :i5 2i.HI 32 63 . Wells - Good and ample. Hitcham - 1,484 846 161 58 Burnham. kc., Waterworks Co. Horton 1,867 871 20C 111 1 Slough U.D.C. - | Rickmansworth,*c..WaterCo. Iver - 5.531 S.767 61 19 396 Do. do. Langley Marisli Stoke Poge.8 3,160 3,194 8,120 1,433 67S 341 436 117 | Slough U.D.C. - Taplow 1,762 1,1*7 251 183 I Burnliam,&c., Waterworks Co | Lord Desborough Wexham - 1,061 253 55 8 Slough U.D.C. Wyrardisbury 1.679 956 222 61 Rickmansworth. &c. Water Co. J flambleden R.'D. : Fawley Hambleden 2.213 6.598 218 1.367 65 353 ~ | Wells and Good and plentiful. Meilmenham 2,142 390 109 1 LongCrendonR.D. : Boarstall - SJM6 160 36 Wells Brill - 2.939 1,121 272 Wells and springs Chilton 2,069 280 64 Wells Dorton 1.477 139 31 Springs Ickford Long Creadon - Oakley 1,025 3.348 2,806 279 1,082 411 74 261 99 Wells Wells and springs Wells ^Generally good and adequate. Shabbininou 1.630 245 63 Do. ITowersey - 1,380 260 72 Do. \Vdrminghall 1,510 253 71 Do. ) Newport Pagnell R.D. : A -t wood 1,281 14(1 40 Ponds and wells Impure, but adequate. Bow Brickhill 1,848 483 111 100 Newport Pagnell R.D.C. Wells Not good and inadequate Bradwell '.'17 3,938 989 689 L. & N.W. Railway Co. Do. Not good and generally insufficient. Bradwell Abbey - 447 34 5 Do. Good and adequate. Broughton 937 127 27 Do. Do. Castle Thorpe 1,372 514 128 Wells and springs Good and adequate. Chicheley 2,070 230 46 Wells Impure, but adequate. Clifton Reynes 1.454 135 32 Do. Impure and inadequate. Cold Brayfield Emberton 744 1.887 95 458 20 124 Do. Do. Impure, but adequate. Do. do. Gayhurst 1.351 108 34 . Do. Do. do. Great Brickhill 2.383 43n 125 120 Bletehley U.D.C. - Do. Not good, but adequate Great Linford 1.836 577 126 120 W. Uthwatt, Esq. - Do. Do. do. Great Woolstone - 514 33 14 Do. Not good, but adequate. Hanslope 5,801 1.3H8 338 298 Newport Pagnell R.D.C. Do. Good and adequate. Hardmead 1,211 63 17 Do. Not good, but adequate. Haversham 1.634 185 53 Wells and springs Good and adequate. Lathbury 1,056 tM 30 30 Newport Pagnell U.D.C. Lavendon 2,353 687 173 Wells Impure, but adequate. Little Brickhill - 1,367 241 62 60 Bletehley U.D.C Do. Not good, but adequate. Little Linford 727 64 23 23 J. M. Knapp, Esq. Little \Voolstone - 631 66 18 Wells Not good, but adequate. Loughton 1.536 359 88 Do. Do. do. Milton Keynes 1,909 208 63 Do. Good, but inadequate. Moulsoe 1,654 202 40 _ Do. Not good and generally insufficient. Newton Blossom- 1,014 153 40 Do Impure, but adequate. ville. Sewton Longville - 1,735 435 114 50 Newport Pagnell R.D.C. Do. Not good, but adequate. North Crawley 3,366 546 141 ) Olney - Olney Park Farm - 2,153 206 2,871 20 754 5 i [.Wells - Impure, but adequate. Petsoe Manor 411 3 2 Ravenstone - L'.o7.-, 193 70 Springs Not good, but adequate. Shenley Church 1,662 217 53 Wells Do. do. End. Sherington - 1,805 496 140 Do. Impure, bnt adequate. Stantonbury - Stoke Goldington - Tyringham with 806 2,352 1,792 37 529 198 8 160 55 90 Stoke Goldington Water Comm. Do. Do. Wells and springs Good, but inadequate. Good and adequate. Do. do. Filgrave. Walt, in - 772 105 26 24 Bletehley U.D.C. - Wells Not good, but adequate. Warrington - 1,008 54 18 Wells and springs Good and adequate. Water Eaton - 1,016 160 38 Wells Not good and inadequate. Wavendon 1,832 514 165 Ml Do. Do. do. Wetton Underwood 1,873 275 80 71 Lient.-Col. W. G. Bowyer Do. Good and; adequate. 382 RETURN AS TO "WATER SUPPLIES. No. of Houses. County, Area in Popula- Names iif 1' rule) takers Win re there is no 1'iped Service. tion, supplied providiiif: a Di.-trii-t ami 1'arish. Acres. 1911. Total. I'ipod Srrvioi . Supply of Water. Sourrrs of Supply. Nat urr and Sufficiency of Supply. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. N. Buckinghamshire rtint. Newport Pagnell . R.D. runt. Willen - 678 81 21 18 Trustees rayton Parslow - Dunton - East Claydon Grandborongh 1,780 1,197 2,396 1,580 333 89 334 27(1 95 14 81 67 = Great Horvvood Hoggeston 3,271 1,571 584 138 163 34 \ Wells - Good and adequate. Hogshaw 1,322 57 12 Little Horwood 1,948 293 66 3f> Winslow R.D.C. Mursley Nash - North Marston Shenley Brook End Stewkley 2,975 1.247 1,983 1,659 3,982 888 264 465 187 1,13d 95 62 109 40 280 109 Wimlnw H. !>.('. J ] Sw.inbourne - Tattenhoe 2,552 647 427 43 93 9 1 Wells - Good and adequate. Whaddon 2.525 314 81 1 Winslow Wycombe R.D. : Bledlow 1,920 4,1C>9 1,698 954 379 221 J Wells& rain- water (iocd and sufficient. Bradenham - 1,101 142 37 _ Wells Good. Chepping Wycombe 4,855 2,424 602 108 ( Great Marlow Water Co., Ltd. - Chepping Wycombe T.C. (^ Wells and rain- water Good and sufficient. Rural. ( Amersham, &c. Waterwks Co. Ellesborough - 3,595 519 146 Wells Good. Fingest - 1 ,285 334 84 1 Great and Little 2,414 424 108 .Wells and rain- Good and sufficient. Hampden. f water. Great and Little 3,415 478 141 j Kimble. Great Marlow 5,732 1,193 299 48 Great Marlow Water Co., Ltd. I Wells &, rain- Good and sufficient. Hedsor - 542 171 39 ( water. Horsenden - 535 18 7 . Wells Good. i Rickmansworth and Ux- Wells and rain- Good and sufficient. Hughenden - 6,828 2,134 539 39 bridge Valley Water Co. water. ( Chepping Wycombe T.C. Ibstone - 1,121 222 67 Rain-water Good and sufficient. llmer - - . - 698 58 15 Wells Good. Little Marlow 3,328 1,001 267 116 Great Marlow Water Co., Ltd. Wells and rain- Good and sufficient. water. Monks Risborough 2,873 650 195 Do. do. Good and sufficient. Princes Hisborough 4,697 2.322 658 Do. do. Do. do. Radnage 1,39 316 96 Do. do. Good and sufficient. Saundertou - 1,725 +43 52 Wells Good. Stokenchurch 5,920 1,592 416 1 Turville 2,328 328 QO Wendover West Wycombe 4',594 6,453 1,856 2,931 JJO 504 699 192 21 Chiltcrn Hills Spring Water Co Chepping Wycombe T.C. Wells & rain- ' water. Good and sufficient. Wooburn 3,139 4,047 989 557 Great Marlow Water Co., Ltd. J PART II. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 383 No. of Houses. County, Area in Popula- tion, Supplied Names of Undertakers Where there is no Piped Service. District and Parish. Acres. 1911. Total. from ( .^...^i.. g o Piped Supply of Water. Service, Sources of Nature and Sufficiency Supply. of Supply. 1. 2. 3. 1. :,. 6. 7. 8. CAMBRIDGE- SHIRE. Cambridge B. 6,457 55,812 13,150 13,120 Cambridge University and Town Waterworks Co. Wells Satisfactory and adequate. Caxton & Arling- ton R.D. : Arlington 1,407 215 54 Wells Good and sufficient. Bourn - 4,175 666 184 161 East Hunts Water Co. - Do. Do. do. Caldecote 948 160 44 Do. Do. do, Caxton - 2.242 488 93 Pond Very indifferent and in- sufficient. (Jroxton 1,!)()9 244 59 Wells Indifferent, but sufficient. Croydon cum Clap- 2,784 321 70 Do. Fairly good and sufficient. ton. East Hatley - 1,189 78 19 Do. Satisfactory and ample. Elswortli 8,839 566 139 Do. Very indifferent. Eltisley 1,970 320 90 Do. Good, but distant from some houses. Gamlingay - 4. Hid 1,797 444 Do. Very good and ample. Graveley 1,582 178 55 . Do. Indifferent, but ample. Great Evorsdan 1.400 201 56 Do. Good. Hardwick 1,438 113 38 . Weir Very indifferent.but ample. Hatley St. George - 1.011 76 18 Wells Fair and adequate. Kingston Knapwell 1,907 1,236 190 129 48 33 33 East Hunts. Water Co. - Do. Very good and ample. Little Eversden 790 186 52 Well" Good and ample. Little Gransden 1.1120 219 00 Do. Do. do. Long Stowe - 1,544 288 04 50 Knst Hunts. Water Co. - Do. Very good and ample. Orwell 2,088 507 141 Do. Very good and sufficient. Papworth Everavl 1,167 166 47 Pond Indifferent it inadequate. Papworth St. Agnes 1,298 128 33 Do. Do. do. T:idlow - 1.743 159 88 ) Tofl 1,888 228 5.> \ Wells - Very good and ample. Wi in pi ile 2,468 238 63 1 Chesterton R.D. : Barton - 1,834 270 70 1 Cherry Hinton 1.671 1,008 215 102 Cambridge, .Sec. Waterwks. Co. Childerley 1.069 26 6 -- Comberton 1,964 438 97 Coton - - - 970 310 02 Cottenliam 7,224 2,410 630 500 New Cottenham Gas and Water Co., Ltd. Dry Draytou - 2,421 434 80 \ Wells - Good. Fen Ditton - 1.915 759 200 58 1 Fulbourn 5,863 1,901 324 250 1 GirUm 1,081 534 107 2 \ Cambridge 4ce., Waterwks. Co. Grantchester - 1,891 :,l(i 129 74 1 Great Shelford 2,258 1,466 370 230 j Great Wilbraham - 2.921 407 116 Harlton 1,201 210 57 J Harston 1,741 071 163 Wells & springs - Good. Haslinglield - 2,573 583 147 Wells Do. Hanxton 60] 244 52 Wells & springs - Do. Histon - 2,102 1.385 300 280 Cambridge, &c. Waterwks. Co. 1 Horningsea - 1,647 361 94 Impingion 1,668 742 170 105 ( 'ambridge, iiigton 1,815 742 188 175 Cambridge, &c. Waterwks. Co. WahTbeach - 5,750 1,430 " 324 Westwiek 333 62 14 Willingham - 4,059 1,695 407 300 Willingham Water & General Supply Co., Ltd. Linton R.D. : Babraham 2,387 291 65 Wells Unsatisfactory. Balshatn 4,550 804 195 Do. Bartlow Carltoii cum Wil- 377 2,415 90 279 24 62 I Do. Wells, spring, & j- Fairly satisfactory. lingham. Castle Camps 3.184 670 170 ponds. Do. do. Satisfactory in parts. Duxford 3,239 764 180 Wells ] Great Abington 1,588 255 65 Do. Hildersham - 1,511 201 46 Do. > Fairly satisfactory. Hiuxton 1 ,564 325 80 Do. ! Horselieath - 1,922 411 93 . Spring and pond 1 (filtered). J A 0.198 R h 384 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 6. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Cambridgeshire cunt. Lin ton JR.D. o. Fairly good & adequate. Little Chishall l,21i; 119 32 Do. Good. Melbourn 4,480 1,422 401 Do. Fair and adequate. Meldreth 2.513 596 178 Wells A: springs - Good and fairly adequate. Shepreth 1,318 426 116 Wells & stream - Good and adequate. Shingay 768 45 13 Wells Good and abundant. Steeple Morden 3,846 704 192 Do. Fairly good. Thriplow 2,501 426 98 Do. Moderate and sufficient. Wendy - 1,023 93 28 Do. Good and abundant. Whaddon 1,515 250 67 Do. Do. do. Newmarket R.D. : Ashley cum Sil- 2,225 561 130 Do. B'airly adequate. verley. Bottisham 2,854 704 160 Do. Fairly satisfactory. Brinkley 1.803 246 55 Do. Do. do. Burrough Green 2,272 444 90 Wells springs - Do. do. Burwell 7,446 2.144 540 Wells Do. do. Cheveley 2,559 724 160 4 Newmarket Waterwks. Co., Ltd. Wells iV springs - Not satisfactory. Chippenham - 4,301 513 120 Wells Not very satisfactory. Dullingham - 3,387 765 170 Wells, springs \ Fairly satisfactory. ponds. Fordhara 4,204 1,410 350 , Wells and stream Not satisfactory. (occasional). Isleham 5,230 1,643 390 Wells and River Liable to pollution, but Lark. adequate. Kennett 1,431 182 40 ) Kirtling 3,126 627 145 \ Wells - Fairly satisfactory. Landwade 127 22 4 1 Lode - 3,133 679 150 River and wells - Not very satisfactory. Snailwell 2,034 207 43 . Wells ic springs - Satisfactory. Soham - 12,999 4,682 1,100 t . Wells Generally unsatisfactory, but fairly adequate. Stetchworth 2,891 776 175 127 Newmarket R.U.C. Do. Satisfactory. S waff ham Bui beck 4,110 714 160 Do. Do. Swaffham Prior 5,587 934 240 Do. Fairlv satisfactory. Westley Waterless- 1,149 208 46 Do. Do. do. Wicken ... 3,965 682 180 Do. Do. do. Wooddittoii - 4,768 997 220 26 Newmarket Waterwks. Co., Ltd Do. Not satisfactory. Swaveaey R.D. : Boxworth 2,602 233 62 Do. Fair. Conington 1,522 127 36 13 East Hunts. Water Co. - Do. Do. Fen Drayton - 1,492 237 79 Wells and ponds Do. Lolworth 1,110 184 47 Wells Do. Over ... 3,737 899 248 .Do. - - Do. Swavesey 3,982 904 268 125 East Hunts. Water Co. (bulk) Do. Impure and inadequate. ; , CHESHIRE. Alderley Edge U.D Alsager U.D. 678 2,241 3,143 2,743 699 634 693 600 Stockport T.C. Alsager U.D.C. and Stafford- Wells Wells & springs - Satisfactory. Satisfactory and suffi- shire Potteries Waterworks cient. Co. (bulk). Altrincham U.D. - 662 17,813 3,877 3,877 Manchester T.C., through North Cheshire Water Co. Ashton upon Mer- sey U.D. 1,623 7,234 1,684 1,609 Do, do. Wells & spring - Satisfactory and plentiful. PART II. CHESHIRE. 385 No. of Houses. County, Area in Popula Names of Undertakers Where there is no Piped Service. j 1 i i tion, Quppiie* provitlintj ji District and Parish. Acres. 1911. Total. from Piped Supply of Water. Sources of Nature and Sufficiency Service Supply. of Supply. 1. 2. 3. 1. 6. 6. 7. 8. Cheshire <"'"' Birkenhead C.B. - 3,848 130,794 24.343 24,343 Birkenhead T.C., and Wirra Watcrwurks Co. Bollington U.D. - 1,291 5.224 1,200 1,143 Bdllingtoii U.D.C. - Wells Satisfactory. Bowdon U.D. 860 3,044 (ill 6S4 Manchester T.C., thmuu'l Do. Gobi North Cheshire Water Co. Bredbury and Romiley U.D. 3,990 8,683 2,103 2,001 Stockport T.C. (bulk) ; The Calico Printers' Association Wells, springs ponds, & rain- Satisfactory and suffi- cient. Ltd. water. Bromborough U.D 1.1178 1,974 393 393 West Cheshire Water Co. Buglawton U.D. - 2,911 1,438 887 297 Buglawton U.D.C. Wells, springs Satisfactory, but scarcely & rain-water. adequate. Cheadle and Gat- ley U.D. 5,087 9,913 2,152 2,140 Stockport T.C. Wells Satisfactory. Chester C.B. 2,862 39,028 8,386 8,386 Chester Waterworks Co. _ Compstall U.D. - Congleton B. 903 2,572 908 11,309 238 2,662 161 2,586 Calico Printers' Association ,Ltc Congleton T.C. Wells Wells & springs - Satisfactory & adequate. Good. CreweB. - - 2,1*4 44,960 9,831 9,831 L. & N.W. Railway Co. (bulk) Dukinfield B. - 1.407 19,422 4,571 4,571 Ashton under Lyhe, Staly- bridge, and Dukiufield (Dis- trict) Waterworks Joint Committee. EllesmerePort and 3,451 10,366 1,757 1,750 West Cheshire Water Co. Wells Doubtful, but sufficient. Whitbv U.D. Hale U.D. - - 1,288 8,351 j,898 1,888 Manchester T.C., through North Cheshire Water Co. Do. Satisfactory and adequate. Handforth U.D. - 1.311 'J34 211 199 Stockport T.C. Do. iood. Hazel Grove and 5,447 9,631 2,262 2,217 Do. ... Wells & springs - Fairly good. Bramhall U.D. Higher Bebington 699 i 1,689 352 352 West Cheshire Water Co. . __ U.D. HollingworthU.D. 2,086 2,580 628 550 Manchester T.C. (bulk) - Veils, springs, Generally good. j and brook. Hoole U.D. 334 | . r i,!)29 1,214 1,214 Chester Waterworks Co. Hoylake and West 2,m>i; 14,029 $801 2,798 Hoylake and West Kirby Gas Wells fairly good. Kirby U.D. and Water Co., Ltd. Hyde B. - - 3,079 33,437 7,9'JO 7,932 Manchester T.C. (bulk) Do. Good. Knutsford U.D. 1,760 5,760 1,099 1,092 Kuutsford Light & Water Co. - Do. Satisfactory & adequate. Lower Bebington 1,051 11,401 2,259 2,259 West Cheshire Water Co. U.D. Lymm U.D. - - 4,37-1 4,989 1,098 998 Lymm U.D.C. Wells Potable and adequate. Macclesfield B. - 3,214 34.797 8,360 8,224 Macclesfleld T.C. & Col. W. B. a) Wells, (*) a) Mostly shallow, (i) Brocklehurst. jrings, (e)rivers, good, (c) liable to pol- & streams, (atisfactory. Neston and Park- 3,267 4.596 913 909 Neston and Parkgate U.D.C. Wells & springs - Satisfactory & adequate. gate U.D. and W. Cheshire Water Co. Northwich U.D. - 1,398 18,151 3,794 3,794 Northwich U.D.C. - Runcorn U.D. 1,275 17,353 3,693 3,693 iuncorn U.D.C. & Liverpool T.C. (bulk). Sale U.D. 2,006 15,044 3,526 3,516 Manchester T.C., through N.. Wells Satisfactory. Cheshire Water Co. Sandbach U.D. - 2,694 5,723 1,280 1,210 Sandbach U.D.C. - Veils & springs - Satisfactory & abundant. Stalybridge B. - 3,132 26,513 6,373 6,373 Ashton under Lyne, Staly- bridge, &c., Jt. Comtee. Stockport C.B. - 7,059 119,862 29.566 29,548 Stockport T.C. & Manchester Wells & springs - Generally good and suffi- T.C. (bulk). cient. Tarporley U.D. - 6,195 2,604 596 339 Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - Do. Fairly satisfactory and adequate. Wallasey C.B. 3,349 78,504 16,324 16,324 Wallasey T.C. & Liverpool T.C. (bulk). Wilmslow U.D. - 5,090 8,153 1,936 1.659 Stockport T.C. Wells i\iir and adequate. Winsford U.D. - 6,779 10,770 2,352 2,348 Winston! U.D.C. - Veils & springs - Good, but hard. Yeardsley cum 1,323 1,659 388 350 Yeardsley cum Whaley U.D.C. prings Satisfactory & abundant. Whaley U.D. Bucklow R.D. : Agden - 607 102 18 ' 2 Lymm U.D.C. Ashley - 2.263 418 75 40 Manchester T.C., through North Cheshire Water Co. Aston by Budworth 2,957 406 80 _ Baguley 1,806 970 213 128 Manchester T.d, through Bexton - 635 101 16 6 North Cheshire Water Co. Knutsford Light & Water Co. Wells - Satisfactory and generally adeo. nutc Bollington 647 193 44 Carrington 2,340 522 116 15 Manchester T.C. - . Dunham Massey - 3,713 2,928 640 383 Manchester T.C., through North Cheshire Water Co. High Legh - 4,522 778 149 * Stockport C.B. As extended from 9th November 1913. B b 2 386 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion. 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7: Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Cheshire <<>' Bucklow R.D. - CO -it. Marl hall cum War- 1,798 521 4(1 16 Stockport T.C. 1 fold. Me.e - 2,619 467 87 23 W. P. Langford Brooke, Esq. - Millington 747 233 69 Mubberlcy 5,2(16 1,406 834 Northendea - 1,439 3,097 805 748 Manchester T.C., through North Cheshire Water Co. Northcn Etchclls - 2,322 823 191 86 Stockport T.C. Ollerton 1,884 259 2 Partington - .SI IS 758 149 Sfi Manchester T.C. - Peovcr Inferior - 800 UK 26 Peover Superior 2,974 573 126 I'ickmere 1,061 235 47 3 Nurthwich R.D.C. - ^Wclls - Satisfactory & generally Plumley 1 .695 359 8(1 adequate. Eingway 2,136 452 93 6 Manchester T.C., through North Cheshire Water Co. Eostherne ,524 382 92 47 Lord Egerton of Tatton Stya> ,688 1,309 181 140 Stockport T.C. Tabley Inferior ,206 148 26 Tabloy Superior ,671 478 81 9 Knutsford Light A: Water Co. Tatton - ,890 119 88 9 Lord Egerton of Tatton Timperley ,638 4,090 1,019 986 Manchester T.C., through North Cheshire Water Co. Toft 1,312 187 86 1 Knntsford Light & Water Co. Warburton - 1,872 403 93 J Chester R.D. : Bache - Backford M 765 402 155 4 20 4 20 Chester Waterworks Co. Blacon cum Crab- 1,175 267 57 40 Do. ) wall. Bridge Trafford 273 53 20 > Wells - Fair. Capenhurst - 1,204 146 35 27 West Cheshire Water Co. Caughall Chester Castle 848 10 23 221 4 2 4 2 Chester Waterworks Co. Chorlton by Back- 544 . 70 19 4 West Cheshire Water Co. I ford. 1 Wells - Fair. Christleton 1,502 937 181 86 Chester Waterworks Co. I Claverton 264 Nil. Nil. Croughton 281 36 7 ] Dodleston 1,673 303 68 (i2 Wrexham and East Denbigh- shire Water Co. 1 Wells - Fair. Dunham on the Hill 1,404 284 62 Eaton - Eccleston B99 1.392 204 321 40 71 40 71 j Wrexham & E.D. Water Co. Elton - ' 1,143 208 42 Wells Fair. Great Boughton 723 1,336 345 345 Chester Waterworks Co. Great Saughall 1,082 819 174 174 West Cheshire Water Co. Hapsford 562 107 19 1 Hoole Village 415 251 48 37 Chester Waterworks Co. Ince - Lea by Backford - 1,780 697 271 104 64 21 3 Chester Waterworks Co. [Wells Fair. Little Saughall Little Stanney 576 831 148 163 30 34 18 7 | West Cheshire Water Co. - Littleton 274 276 60 60 Chester Waterworks Co. Lower Kinnerton - 537 120 28 28 Wrexham & E.D. Water Co. . . ' ___ Marlston - cum - 998 113 28 3 Do. Wells Fair. Lache. Mickle Trafford - 1,163 274 60 j Mollington - 1,082 246 54 31 Chester Waterworks Co. \ Wells - Fair. Moston -.. 303 53 11 1 Do. ! Newton by Chester 441 1,852 445 445 Do. Picton -.. 860 90 21 Wells Fair Poulton ... Pulford - 1,406 1,183 155 254 33 66 33 66 j Wrexham i E.D. Water Co. Shotwick 506 77 18 4 West Cheshire Water Co. Wells Fair Shotwick Park 987 29 2 2 1 Do Stoke - 668 74 40 40 / A-JU. Thornton le Moors - 1,232 178 29 Wells Fair. Upton by Chester - 1,154 1 .559 120 120 Chester Waterworks Co. Wervin - 743 94 22 1 Wimbolds Trafford 724 86 20 } Wells - Fair. Woodbank - 222 85 16 9 West Cheshire Water Co. | Congfleton R.D. : Arclid - Betchton 552 2,665 397 714 37 171 5 92 j Sandbach U.D.C. (bulk) - ] Blackden 749 119 26 Bradwall 2,117 1,245 270 244 Sandbach U.D.C. (buk) Brereton - cum - 4,599 529 107 Smethwick. Church Hulnie Church Lawtou 905 1,504 926 849 224 192 70 129 Middlewich U.D.C. (bulk) Staffordshire Potteries Water- Wells & springs Variable. works Co. (bulk). Cotton - 375 24 5 Cranage 1,975 410 84 Davei.|:ort - 770 87 18 __ . Elton ... 1.084 374 86 65 Sandbach U.D.C. (bulk). Goostree cum Barn 1,795 405 94 J sbaw. PART II. CHKSHIKE. 387 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in i Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 8. No. of Total. 4. Houses. Supplied from I'iped Service. 5. Names of I'liderlakcrs providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no I'iped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Cheshire -<"' Congleton R.D. cunt. Hassall- 1,Q46 301 73 21 Sandbiiuh U.D.C. (bulk)- 1 Hulme Walfleld - 1,058 84 18 Kerinincliam - 1,282 152 28 Leese - 547 113 86 Moreton cum Al- 1,095 132 26 cnmlow. Moston - 714 145 :ui Newbold Astbnrv - Od.l Mode 2.907 8,760 527 3.326 124 736 291 Congleton R.D.C. - \ Wells it springs Variable. Small wood 2,180 548 129 Somerfonl 1,520 119 21 Summerford Booths 1.305 172 36 Swettenham - 1,010 181 38 Tetton 1 .050 150 33 4 Mi.ldlewich U.D.C.'. Twcmlow 953 120 25 Whcelock 690 672 162 137 Sandbach U.D.C. (bulk) DisleyR.D.: Disley 2,466 2,958 816 688 Stockport T.C. Wells A: springs Satisfactory and generally adequate. Macelesfield R.D. Adlington 3,899 083 114 ] Birtles - 599 55 9 Bosley - 3,197 388 82 42 Earl of Harrington > Wells & springs Butley - 1,810 4til 127 65 Macclesfleld T.C. (bulk) I Capesthorne - 744 83 26 Chelford 1,182 384 72 Wells Chorley S50 439 1(15 43 Stockport T.C. Eaton near Couglc- 1,229 333 104 29 Buglawton U.D.C. - totl. Fallibroome - 242 39 9 Gawsworth - 5,71 it 567 112 > Wells & springs Great Warford 1,313 622 97 32 Stockport T.C. - Henburjr cum Pex- 1,934 860 90 1 Macelesfield T.C. - all. Hurdsficld - 626 447 120 80 Col. W. B. Brocklehurst Kettleshulme 1.233 358 100 Springs - Lower Withington Lymc llatKllcy 2,393 3,747 533 241 122 68 Wells & springs Macelesfield Forest 3,499 181 37 Springs - Marton - Mottram St. An- 2,194 1,792 282 380 53 93 Generally satisfactory ; some indifferent. drew. Nether Alderiey - 2.773 614 114 3 Stockport T.C. Newton 267 44 9 North Undo - 1,566 274 49 Old Withingtcm - Over Alderiey 1.115 2,204 148 366 27 82 i Wells & springs Pott Shrigley 1,706 326 80 Poynton - with - Worth. [- 2,967 2,793 661 556 1 Lord Vemou Stockport T.C. - Prestbury 746 314 81 62 Macelesfield T.C. (bulk) Rainow 5, 74 f 1,175 288 53 A. E. Allen, Esq. - Siddington 2,159 383 73 Snelson 427 201 46 Wells Sutton - Taxal - 5,095 3,799 1,257 568 327 143 104 130 W. Whiston, Esq. - Macelesfield R.D.C. Wells & springs - Springs Tytherington Upton - 938 480 338 217 73 46 23 42 Macelesfield T.C. (bulk) Wildboarclough 5,066 182 45 Wells & springs Winnie - - - 2,792 248 54 Woodford - 1,461 338 79 19 Stockport T.C. Malpaa R.D. : Agden - 547 73 18 Bickley 2,473 394 78 56 Liverpool T.C. through Nant- wich R.D.C. Bradley Chid low 890 157 117 16 26 2 Chorlton 468 90 22 Cuddington - 1,354 271 58 , , Duckingtou - 671 62 11 Edge - l.fiOl 251 50 Hamilton 1,243 346 81 Larkton Macefen Malpas - 403 340 1,988 46 73 1,166 6 12 281 230 Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - - Wells - Generally good and ample. Marbury with 2,166 317 66 IQuoisley. Newton by Malpas 226 15 4 Nor bury 1,553 322 74 Oldcastle 845 88 18 Overtoil 736 112 21 Stockton 271 24 4 Tlireapwood - 249 275 79 TushiiiL'ham with 1,351 252 54 I! rind ley. A 0.198 B b 3 388 RET [TUN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Arm in Acres. 2. Popula- tion. 1911 3. No. of Total. 4. Houses. Suppliei from Piped Service. 5. Name-. :>f I'mkTtakcrs providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Cheshire- >"' Malpas R.D. cunt. Wigland Wirswall Wychough . r >69 973 332 154 11)2 17 32 31 2 Springs & wells Wells - 1 Generally good and i ample. Nantwich R.D. : Acton ... Alpraham 771 1,624 226 407 56 92 48 90 [ Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - Wells, springs & rain-water. > Fair and adequate. Aston juxta Mon- 1,257 200 42 42 L. & N.W. Railway Co. (bulk] drum. Auillem 2.348 1,480 375 1 f Fair, inadequate at times. AusterBou 950 54 6 1 Do. Baddiley 1,777 237 53 9 Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - Fair and adequate. Baddington - 1,446 142 30 Do. Barthomley - 1.961 295 70 Good and adequate. Basford 671 70 12 Wells, springs | Fair and adequate. Batherton 428 28 12 11 L. ,fc N.W. Railway Co. (bulk and rain-. Do. Bickerton 1,694 326 71 water. Good and adequate. Blakenhall - 1,644 227 40 Fair and adequate. Bridgemere - 1,130 1G3 35 Do. Brindley 1,250 154 31 13 Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - Do. Broomhall 1.332 131 22 Do. Buerton 2,981 151) 95 } Good and adequate. Bulkelcy 975 152 S3 31 ) ^ Bunhury Burland 1,160 1,610 943 636 231 153 230 94 I Liverpool T.C. (bulk)- Calveley 1,545 316 60 59 I Checkley - cum- Wrinchill. 1,429 240 50 J- Do. do. Fair and adequate. Cholmoudeley 2,657 287 62 48 ) Cholmondeston 1,749 170 36 33 ', Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - Chorley 1,400 140 28 26 i Chorlton 839 92 15 14 L. & N.W. Railway Co. (bulk) Church Coppenhall 794 731 180 180 Do. do. Church Min'shull - 2,346 314 70 60 I Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - ( L.\ N.W. Railway Co.(bulk) Wells, springs & rain-water. ! Fair and adequate. Coole Pilate - 715 62 12 Do. do. Doubtful and inadequate. Crewe - 2,088 365 71 40 L. & N.W. Railway Co. (bulk) i Dodcott cum 5,758 626 124 Wilkesley. , Wells, springs A. Fair and adequate. Doddington - 597 61 16 f rain-water. Edleston Egerton 640 942 73 106 16 24 14 7 J- Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - j Faddiley 1.217 232 50 18 Do. Do. do. Fair, but inadequate. Hankelow 712 224 51 Do. do. Fair, but inadequate at times. Haslington - 3,789 2,359 565 539 L. 4: N.W. Railway Co. (bulk) 1 Hatherton l,(i6 280 75 Haughton HenhulJ 1,087 509 218 120 43 26 42 15 ^ Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - \ Do. do i Fair and adequate. Hough - 987 327 70 62 L. & N.W. Railway Co. (bulk) Hunsterson - 1,570 180 44 j Hurleson 1.375 123 24 24 Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - Lea 427 51 10 Wells, springs & Fair and adequate. . rain-water. Leighton 1,266 136 32 32 L. ic N.W. Railway Co. (bulk) Minshull Vernon - 2,736 288 60 5'J Do. 1 Wells, springs k Fair and adequate. ( rain-water. Newhall 4,156 764 170 Peckforton 1,754 183 47 Do. do. Good and adequate. Poole - 702 131 33 31 L. & N.W. Railway Co. (bulk) 1 Ridley - 1,458 137 19 11 Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - Rope ... Shavington cum 613 1,090 74 1,270 13 294 12 291 [ L. & N.W. Railway Co.(bulk) } Do. do. Fair and adequate. Gresty. ) Sound ... 1,089 246 53 Spurstow 1,832 373 79 79 Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - Stapelcy 1,250 652 16! 130 L. & N.W. Railway Co. (bulk) Wells, springs & Fair and adequate. rain-water. Stoke - 662 211 48 48 Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - Walghertan - 883 151 35 Wardle - 1,062 154 37 ' 36 Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - Warmingbam Western ... 2.121 1.943 247 530 47 119 42 86 j. L. & N.W. Railway Co.(bulk) Wells, springs 4 Wettenhall - 1,976 219 39 35 Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - rain-water. Willaston Wistaston 1,010 1,431 2,715 697 fi34 162 617 151 L. & N.W. Railway Co.(bulk) Woodcott 162 26 5 , Woolstanwood 612 131 27 27 L. & N.W. Railway Co. (bulk) Worleston 1,773 540 94 73 Do. Wrenbury cum 2,184 494 115 Wells, springs & Fair and adequate. Frith. rain-water. Wybunbury - 850 599 148 142 L. fc N.W. Railway Co. (bulk) Northwich R.D. : Acton ... 1,177 533 120 72 Norlhwich R.D.C. - Wells Allostock 3,017 4S4 106 Wells&rain-water Anderton 526 353 67 67 Northwich R.D.C. PAIIT II. CHESHIRE. 389 No. of Houses. County, Area in Popula- tion, Names of Undertakers Where there is no Piped Service. Suppliei District and Parish. Acres. 1911. Total. from Piped Service. pro v i< li nT a Supply of Water. Sources of Supply. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 1. 8. 8. 4. :,. 6. 7. 8. Cheshire "'"A Northwich R.D. - cunt. i Northwich R.D.C. j Barnton 760 3,051 679 669 < Mint's. Brunner, Mond & Co. ( (bulk). . Wells - Good and adequate. Bostock 1,165 t96 86 14 Middlewich U.D.C. (bulk) - 1 Byley - 1,731 178 34 \Vrllsta-ain-water U.-nl ami inadequate. Clive - 482 14.-, 35 26 Winsford U.D.C. (bulk) Wells 1 Cngshall :,:'.(> 84 24 6 Messrs. B runner, Mono! \- Co. Wells&rai n-watcr Comberbach - 370 880 92 Crowton i ,7:-ss 487 110 Cuddington - 1,161 503 114 97 Northwich R.D.C. - Mamhall 2,709 281! 58 22 1 W. H. Verdin, Esq. - ) Winsford U.D.C. (bulk) - l>:ivonh;un 196 616 150 147 Northwich R.D.C. & Middle- 1 widi U.D.C. (bulk). Wells Dclamere Eaton - 1,969 156 666 go 162 4 51 2 ( C. W. Tomkinson. Esq. | Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - Northwich R.D.C. - ^-Good ami adequate. Eddisbury 2,085 804 58 Hartl'onl 917 883 199 I'.M Norlhwicli K.D.C. - Kindcrton 1 ,9911 467 90 64 Mi, Idlewieh U.D.C. (bulk) - Wells&rain-water Lach Dennis 1*619 164 33 Leftwich 721 s H; 194 ISO Northwieh R.D.C. & Middle- wich U.D.C. (bulk). > Wells - Little Bud worth - 3,868 554 122 I Little Leigh - 1,896 352 82 Lostock Gralam - 1,781 2,196 416 402 Northwich R.D.C. Wells&rain- water Marlmry 385 51 12 8 Do. Wells J Marston 841 807 164 164 Do. Marton - 2,750 598 129 10 1 Winsford U.D.C. (bulk) 1 Northwich U.D.C. 1 ] Moulton 475 1,210 246 243 Northwich H.D.C. &Middle- wich U.D.C. (bulk). f Wells 1 ^Good and adequate. 1 Nether Peover 969 220 45 Wi'llsicrain-water Oakmere 2,962 421 87 52 | Northwich R.D.C. Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - [ Wells - j Rudheath 2,297 950 207 135 Northwich U.D.C. - Wells and rain- Bail and inadequate. Sproston 1,284 172 40 20 Middlewich U.D.C. (bulk) - water. Stauthorne - 1,113 191 43 22 I Winsford U.D.C. (bulk) | Middlewich U.D.C. (bulk) - .Wells - Good and adequate. Weaverham cum 3,623 1,989 472 423 Northwich R.D.C. - Milton. Whatcroft 1.24IJ 186 23 2 Do. ... Wells&rain-watcr Bail and inadequate. WimlKildsley Wincham 1,732 1,246 194 1,01)1 38 228 8 224 Winsford U.D.C. (bulk) - Northwich R.D.C. - '. Wells - Good and adequate. 579 1 603 361 358 Messrs. Brunner, Mond & Co., Do. Fair, but inadequate Ltd., and Northwich U.D.C. Runcorn R.D. : Acton Grange 971 142 34 16 Warrington T.C. - Wells Good and fairly adequate. Alvanley 1,513 306 69 Do. Fairly good & adequate, but distant from houses. Antrobus 2,114 387 97 Do. Not good, but adequate ; distant from houses. .Apple-ton 3,186 794 194 76 ( G. E. J. Charlton Parr. Esq. j Warrington T.C. - 1 Liverpool T.C. thro' A. H. J- Do. Good and fairly adequate. Aston by Sutton - 1,408 276 56 29 < Talbot, Esq. ( Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - J Aston Grange 458 48 7 . Do. Good and adequate. Bartington - 312 71 16 Spring and well Good and adequate, but distant from houses. Clifton - 657 204 39 Springs Good and adequate. Crowley 1,400 172 34 1 Daresbury 607 135 36 23 Warrington T.C. - - ' - Dutton - 2,089 484 53 23 Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - Frodsham 2,517 3,049 676 596 Runcorn R.D.C. - Frodsham Lordship 2,630 1,637 358 310 Do. Grappenhall - 1,610 1,803 436 366 j G. E. J. Charlton Parr, Esq. | Warrington T.C!. - Wells - Fairly good and adequate. Great Bud worth - 903 486 108 69 P. E. Warburton, Esq. - Halton - 1,852 1,294 324 280 Runcorn U.D.C. - Hat ton - 1,049 303 76 20 Warririgton T.C. - Helsby - 1,320 1,891 420 365 Runcorn R.D.C. ... Higher Whitley - 1,020 336 82 Do. Good and fairly adequate. Keckwick 528 64 16 Do. Fairly good and adequate. Kingsley 2,709 1,014 256 Springs it wells - Very good and abundant. Kingswood 1,918 463 63 3 Runcorn R.D.C. - Wells Good and adequate, but distant from houses. Latchford Without 184 755 202 193 Warrington T.C. - Lower Whitley 1,136 171 43 Mauley - 1,337 327 73 56 Rimcorn R.D.C. - Moore - 916 440 no 87 Warrington T.C. - Newton by Dares- 785 160 33 15 Do. ... bury. }-Do. Good and fairly adequate. Newton by Frod- 442 311 32 sham. Norley - 1,411 740 192 166 Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - Norton - 2,236 277 69 16 Liverpool T.C. thro' Sir Richard Brooke, Bart. , B b 4 390 i 2! rURX AS TO \VA1 ( EK SUPPLIES. Xi>. of Houses. County, Ponula- Area m lion, Supplied Names of Undertakers providing a Where there is no Piped Service. District and Parish. Acres. 1911. Total. Piped Service. Supply of Water. Sources of Supply. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 1. 2. :!. 4. , 5. 6. 7. 8. Cheshire-""" 1 - 1 Runcorn R.D.-<-tif. Preston on the Hill 1,154 140 106 86 Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - ) Seven Oaks - 68] 1411 38 ( Wells - Good and fairly adequate. Stockham 381 32 6 \ Stockton Heath 189 1,370 1.076 1,076 VVarrin;t(m T.C. - St retton 1,188 846 82 -1 6 Do. Sntton - 1,197 409 9] 73 Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - i Thclwall Walton Inferior 1,266 B40 517 1,068 117 268 68 249 > Warriiiiiton T.C. - j. Wells - Good and fairly adequate. Walton Superior - 437 200 44 35 \ \Yeston - 1 I)-'.", 2,145 468 425 Runcorn I'.D.C. - 1 Tarvin R.D. : J A Mersey 802 109 21 } Aldford - 1,276 431 90 88 Wrexham and Kast Dcnl>i>j'n- shire Water Co. \ Ash ton - - - 1,324 421 81! 67 R. C. Parr, Esq. - Barrow - - - Barton - 3,OSS 580 C!9 105 149 22 z [ Wells & springs Satisfactory and sufficient. Beeston - 1,866 308 62 50 Tarvin R.D.C. ; Liverpool '!'.( !. thro' Nantwieh R.D.C. Broxton 8,132 541 116 Bruen Stapleford - 754 118 25 J Buerton - 678 62 16 16 ; Wrexham and K.I>. Water Co. Burton by Tarvin - 345 41 10 1 Burwardsley - 1 .( i:,s 31 8 82 Caldecott 666 56 9 Carden - - - Chowley 830 798 1 ,58 33 52 7 I j> Wells & springs Satisfactory and sufficient. Chureh Shocklach - 1,278 159 30 1 Churton by Aldford 574 220 55 17 Wrexham and E.D. Water ( '. .. Churton by Farndon 445 136 29 J Churton Heath 133 16 1 1 Wrexham ami B.D. Water Co. Clotton Hooflcld - 1,552 360 73 i Glutton - 633 60 14 Coddington - 1.422 108 24 Cotton Abbotts 292 . 11 1 Cotton Kd mu nds - 622 66 10 Crewe - L".I2 54 12 Duddon ... 662 203 65 5 C. \V. Tomkinson. E^q. Edgerley 121 12 2 Farndon 1,071 546 118 Fonlk Stapleford - 1,332 238 15 Golborne Bellow - 608 85 17 Golborne David (160 62 14 Grafton - 39C 7 1 Guilden Button 974 397 65 Handley 1,861 246 59 Harthill 4!I3 101 26 Hatton - 1,468 131 25 Hockenhull - 344 28 4 Horton ... 807 129 26 Horton cum Peel - 343 42 5 2 R. C. Fair, Esq. - Huntingdon 1,448 117 22 4 Wrcxham and E.D. Water Co. Huxley - 1,666 883 66 J- Wells ifc springs Satisfactory and sufficient. Iddinshall 479 12 6 j R. C. Parr, Esq., Trustees of Kelsall - 1,241 709 169 75 < the iate John C. Needhain. 1 B. Dutton, Esq. King's Marsh 823 65 12 5 J. Williams. Esq. - Lea Newbold 729 47 9 4 Wrexham & E.D. Water Co. - Mouldsworth - 886 167 37 30 B. C. Parr, Esq. - Newton by Tatten- 622 219 36 hall. * Prior's Heys - 106 9 2 Rowton 591 165 25 1 Chester Waterworks Co. Saighton 1,777 327 6!) 55 Wrexham and E.D. Water Co. Shocklach Oviatt - 1,048 193 86 ' Stretton 937 80 16 Tarvin - 2,044 1,137 390 2 C. W. Tomkinson, Esq. Tattenhall - 2,925 1,043 210 Tilston - 799 382 77 .._ Tilstone Fearnall - Tiverton 889 1,705 175 544 27 110 11 94 [Tarvin R.D.C. Waverton 1,186 538 119 30 Duke of Westminster - Willington - 1,030 139 32 18 C. W. Tomkinson, Esq. - J Tintwistle R.D. : , Hatterslcy - 1,059 256 67 j Matley -" - 705 289 89 44 Trustees of the late Earl of Stamford i: Warrington. > Springs & wells Good and sufficient. Tintwistle 11 855 1,648 416 350 Tintwistle Waterworks Co., 1 (1911), Ltd. Wirral R.D. : Arrowe - 758 111 21 21 West Cheshire Water Co. Barnoton 1,108 641 135 127 Do. Wells Good and adequate. Bidston cum Ford - 1,713 969 168 168 Birkenhead T.C. - Brimstage Burton - 1,019 1,988 189 2(14 32 55 32 55 [ West Cheshire Water Co. - Caldv - 7M 183 43 43 Hoylake & West Kirby Gas &'. j Water Co., Ltd. PAKT II. CHESHIRE. 391 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. .'!. No. of Houses. N'ames of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. \V h"rc there is no Piped Service. Supplied Tntil from lotal> Piped Service. 4. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8 Cheshire eont. Wirral R.D. t Water Co. \\Ytls Good, but occasionally insufficient. (fnvton - - - 7(17 238 47 47 West Cheshire Water Co. Grange- - - 1.3SS 445 103 103 Hoylake, &c., Gas ,fc Water ( Greasby - - j 809 47H 104 98 Co. Ltd. - - - '( Wells Good, but occasionally insufficient. Great Sutton - 1.151 414 78 78 j Heswall rum Old- field. 1,330 3,616 772 772 West Cheshire Water Co. Hooton - 1,194 226 42 42 Irby - 842 161 31 26 Do. Wells Good, but occasionally insufficient. Landican 626 80 13 13 i Ledsham 825 152 31 31 Do. Little Sutt'm 1,130 1,327 280 280 Moretnn 1 ,202 970 237 237 Hoylake, kc., Gas & Water Co. NYss ... 1,434 451 114 114 1 Noctorura 330 203 23 23 1'ensby ... :!.-> t 74 16 Id Poulton cum Spital 856 551 411 49 West Cheshire Water Co. - Trenton - - i 640 1,303 267 S87 Puddington - - ; 1,391 205 50 50 Raby - - - 1,758 351 71 71 Saughall Massif - 942 210 40 40 Hoylakc, &c., Gas & Water Co. Storeton - - 1,372 280 50 50 1 Thingvvall 377 200 3fi 36 Thornton Hough - 1,536 602 123 123 Thurstaston - Upton by liirken- 946 9*3 13S 1,0011 27 198 27 1 9S [ West Cheshire Water Co. - head. Willaston 1,1194 806 180 180 Woodehurch - 338 138 32 32 J CORNWALL. Bodmin B. - - u'.7:i7 Callington U.D. - 2.531 5,734 1,712 1.012 427 962 860 Bodmin Waterworks Co. Callington Waterworks Co., Ltd. Springs Wells Satisfactory. Good and adequate. Camborne U.D. - 6.932 15,829 3,844 2.1106 Caiuliorne Water Co. Wells & springs Gooil and sufficient. Falmoutu B. - 7!il 13.132 2,428 2,416 Kalraouth Waterworks Co. Fowey B. - - 1,954 2,276 500 400 Kowev T.C Wells Good and adequate. Hayle U.D. - - 247 1.028 241 241 Hayle U.D.C. Helston B. - - 1 :tu9 2.1137 699 420 Helston & PorthlevcnWaterCo. Wells & springs Satisfactory. Launceston B. - 2.1SJ 4.117 944 884 Launceston T.C. - Wells Fair. Liskeard B. - - 2,704 4.371 1,049 1,011 Liskeard T.C. - Wells & springs Good. Looe U.D. - 590 2,718 S66 659 Looe U.D.O. - - - - Springs A; rain- Good and fairly adequate. water. Lostwithiel B. 988 1 .373 886 357 Lostwithiel T.C. - Wells A; springs Good. Ludgvan U.D. 4,648 2,213 546 60 Loii}; Rock Water Supply Wells, springs & Good and plentiful. Joint Committee. streams. Madron U.D. 5,67] 3,710 819 744 Madron U.D.C. - Wells, springs, Generally good and ade- rivers. & streams. quate. Newquay U.D. 865 4,415 992 977 Newquay& District Water Co. Wells Fairly good. Padstow U.D. 191 2,480 429 429 Padstow U.D.C. - Paul U.D. - 8,4*8 6,014 1 .359 659 Paul U.D.C. ; The R.R. Bath Wells & springs Satisfactory. & Newlyn Ice Co., Ltd. (occa- sionally part in bulk). Penryn B. - Penzance B. 286 362 3,092 13,478 775 3,002 749 3,002 Falmouth Waterworks Co. Penzance T.C. Wells Satisfactory and adequate. Phillaok U.D. 2.1109 3,611 880 800 Phillack U.D.C. - Wells Good and ample. Redruth U.D. MW6 10,814 2.lill 2,058 Redruth U.D.C. - Wells & springs Satisfactory. St. Austell U.D. - 1WB 3,365 812 798 St. Austell D.D.C. - Wells (iixx! ami adequate. St. Ives B. - - 1,8S9 7,170 1,796 1.665 St. Ives T.C. - ... Wells & springs Satisfactory. St. Just U.D. - 7,084 5,753 1,380 320 St. .lust U.D.C. Do. Satisfactory, but many in- adequate. Saltash B. - - 193 4,130 708 658 Saltash T.C. & Plymouth T.C. Wells Good and sufficient. (bulk). Stratton and Bude 1,882 2,976 674 619 Stratton and Bude U.D.C. - Wells A: springs Satisfactory. U.D. Torpoint U.D. - 973 4.282 794 789 Torpoint U.D.C. - Wells, springs Good. and ponds. Truro B. Wadebridge U.D. 1,139 864 11,325 2,889 2,680 575 2,550 570 Truro Water Co. ... Wadebridge U.D.C. Wells Do. Generally unsatisfactory. Good. Bodmin R.D. : Blisland - - 6.145 539 130 1 Bodmin Waterworks Co. 1 Bodmin - - 3,417 305 78 3 Do. 1 Cardinham - - 9,034 583 132 1 1 Eglosbayle - Helland 5,399 2,493 430 209 113 43 1 Bodmiu Waterworks Co i Wells - Good and sufficient. Lanhvdrock - 1,786 : 256 48 Lanivet - - 5.426 970 249 Lanlivery Rural - 6,497 ' 607 a 153 392 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion. 1911. 3. No. of Housus. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 6. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiencj' of Supply. 8. Cornwall '<""' Bodmin R.D. Wells >V: springs Good and adequate Otterham 3,295 209 39 St. Breward - 9.435 845 282 41 Bodmin Waterworks Co. Wells Do. St. Clether - 2,966 172 16 ) St. Juliot 2,712 230 50 Wells & springs Do. St. Teath 5,905 1,892 542 Tintagel 4,422 989 322 84 Sir Robert Harvey Do. Good, but occasionally inadequate. Trevalga 1,325 ' 81 211 Do. Good and adequate. East Kerrier R.D. : Budock Rural - 3,589 1,551 337 126 Falmouth Waterworks Co. Springs ) Constantine - 8.024 1,615 442 150 East Kerrier R.D.C. Wells .- Sat isfactory. Mabe ... 2,574 624 155 ! Mawnan 2,117 493 94 35 East Kerrier R.D.C. Do. Generally satisfactory. Mylor - - - 3,593 1,979 550 217 Do. Wells and spring 1 Perranarworthal - 1,782 896 270 50 Do. ... Satisfactory. ( T) n Wells I St Gluvias - 2,550 851 222 110 J-/U. | Falmouth Waterworks Co. - Helston R.D. : Breage ... 7,265 2,349 670 95 Helston & Porthleven Water Co. I Crowan 7,496 2,066 569 220 Camborne Water Co. Cury 2,822 359 83 Germoe - - - 1,331 392 105 Grade - 1,959 328 89 Gunwalloe 1.472 152 42 Lamlewednaek 2,050 595 140 Manaccan 1,746 357 95 Mawgan in Meneage Mullion - 5,453 5,015 690 732 172 165 j- Wells & springs Generally satisfactory Kuan Major - 2,533 88 18 Kuan Minor - 704 250 75 St. Anthony in 1,420 196 45 Meneage. St. Keverne - 10,299 1,913 450 St. Martin in 2,372 341 85 Meneage. Sithney - 5,824 2.691 750 300 Helston and P. Water Co. Wendron 13,259 3,693 1,008 42 Helston and 1'. Water Co. J Launceston R.D. : Altarnun 15,018 Wfl 230 1 Boyton - 4,206 286 Bfl Egloskerry 3.262 366 86 Laneast 2,555 185 48 Lawhitton Rural - 2,339 256 65 Lewannick - 4,065 466 123 , Lezant ... l.sll 638 158 North Hill - 7,260 771 21(1 SI. Strphens by 3,425 308 79 2 Launceston Rural St. Thomas the 1,944 237 58 3 Launceston T.C. - J- Wells - Good and adequate. Apostle Rural. South Petherwiu - 5,075 647 170 Stoke Climsland - 8,856, 1 430 52 Callington Waterworks Co., Ltd. Tremaine 1,062 80 20 Treneglos 2.760 131 28 Tresmeer 1,374 19] 41 Trewen - 094 108 30 Warbstow 4,151 344 88 Liskeard R.D. Boconnoc Broadoak 2,065 3,404 249 264 62 50 Spring Wells [Good. PART II. CORNWALL. 393 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Aeres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Suppliei m . from lotal Piped Service. 4. 5. Sources ( Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Cornwall '' Liskeard R.D. runt. Duloe - 5,829 687 162 Spring 1 Lanreath 4,966 446 102 | Lansallos 8,0(18 607 143 2 Tlionias Mills, Ksi|. V Wells - Lanteglos 3.249 1,360 347 160 Polnian Town Charity - 1 Linkinhorne - Liskeard 7,924 5.925 1.451 938 891 235 , Wei Is & springs , lioml and suflieienl. Menheniot 7.002 1.126 278 100 Liskcanl It. IXC. - j Morval - 8,568 648 147 15 I e U.D.C. - } Wells - Pelynt - 4.676 494 122 ( St. Cloer 10,943 1,648 459 40 Viscount Clifden - Wells & springs j St. Dominick H.I 82 728 172 Wells Good. St. Ive - St. Keyne 6,899 1)42 1,267 136 351 30 ~ - Wells & spring* ] St. Martin - 3,070 290 71 Wells St. Neot 14,168 1,074 242 Springs St. Pinnock - 3,488 376 84 Wells )-(iood and sufficient. St. Veep :i,iu 487 113 Springs South Hill - 8,349 444 106 1 Tallaml 2,190 730 186 163 1 Liskeard R.D.C. - | Thomas Mills, Esq. - V Wells - J ' Redruth R.D. : Gwennap 6,630 5,467 1 .4S3 112 1.. inner Village Supply - 1 Gwinear 1.647 1,327 826 I Gwithian Illogan - - - 2,418 8,490 741 8,883 179 2,161 966 ( A. F. Basset. Esq. j Camborne Water Co. - (Wells, streams f & rainwater. Good except at Carnkie, Illogan ; inadequate in parts. Stithians 4,361 1,584 4111 St. Austell R.D. : Creed ... 2,606 239 50 _ Grampound - 198 430 117 80 (irampound P.C. - Mrv;i-_'issev - 1.378 1,849 472 Roehe - 8,471 1,827 362 | St. Austell R.D.C St. Austell Rural - 12,028 1(1.244 2,004 1,708 j R. E. Pearce Martyn, Esq. - / St. Austell U.D.C. .St. Blazer 1,792 3,086 800 755 St. Austell R.D.C. - St. Dennis 8,240 2,030 361 St. Ewe 6,963 921 238 22 St. Austell R.D C. - Wells - Good and adequate. St. Goran 4,9(51 729 186 St. Mevvan 2,662 1 ,327 262 68 St. Austell R.D.C. - St. Michael Caer- 861 117 33 hays. St. Sampson - 1,483 349 60 St. Stephens in 9,292 4,881 899 Brannel. Tywardreath 3,387 2,414 527 457 St. Austell R.D.C. - St. Columb Major R.D.: Colan - 2,049 181 40 4 Newquay & District Water Co. Crantock Bural 2,062 308 81 Cubert - 2,510 317 74 Little Petherick 1.224 175 34 1 Padstow U.D.C. - Mawgan in Pyder - 5,524 718 138 Xewlyn - 8,371 1,119 262 Padstow Rural 3,162 399 97 54 Padstow U.D.C. - St. Brcock 7,478 730 161 1st. Columb Major - St. Columb Minor Rural. St. Enoder - St Ervan St. Eval St. Issey St. .Merryn - 12,884 5,298 7,275 3,142 2,918 4,500 3,946 2,860 1.290 1,412 265 205 441 464 605 278 292 60 48 97 119 270 64 ( St. Columb Major R.D.C. - < Newquay & Dist. Water Co. Do. Wells & springs Good, but occasionally inadequate. St. Wenn - 4,(i95 378 81 St. Germans R.D.: Antony ... 2,323 671 167 35 Lt.-Gcn.SirR.Pole-Carew,M.P. Botus Fleming Landrake with St. Erney. Landulph Maker - Millbronk 1,145 3,610 2.116 1,897 1,093 276 654 478 1.238 2,013 50 162 126 258 500 200 448 (bulk). St. Germans R.D.C. Do. Springs - Wells - prings - jpland surfaces Good. ''air. Pillaton 2,901 405 86 Wells Good. Quethiock 4,562 407 103 Ranie ... 1.272 681 155 133 St. Germans R.D.C. prings - St. Germans - 10,161 2,050 553 100 Do. Wells St. John 7.",:! 175 43 prings FAIT. St. Mellion - 8,984 287 59 Wells St. Stephens - 5,142 2,422 598 320 Sallush T.C. (bulk) Do. Sheviock 2.l!'l 516 124 18 St. Germans R.D.C. prings & wells - (f(KMI. Stratton R.D.: Jacobstow -1,471 372 86 Kilkhampton Launcells 8,206 f.,186 sac 517 180 110 Wells - Do. Good and adequate. Roan Lanihorne - 2.208 248 69 I St. Agnes 8,442 3,886 1,075 875 Truro R.D.C. Wells, springs, Good. A: rain-water. St. Allen 3,506 400 118 St. Anthony in 753 105 32 Roselanil. St. Clement Eural - 3,306 814 140 12 Truro Water Co. ... St. Erme St. Just in Uoseland 4,552 2,6.11 414 985 117 306 200 Truro R.D.C. j- Wells - Good and adequate. St. Michael Pen- 1,213 171 41 kevil. Tregavethan - 1,002 43 8 Tregoney 141 4C.7 162 J Veryan - 6,716 970 297 Wells cfc springs - Do. West Penwith R.D. : \ West Pcnwith U.D.C. Gulval - 4,368 1,322 328 328 s Long Rock Water Supply _ ( Joint Committee. Marazinu 719 1,237 318 318 West 1 'en with R.D.C. - Morvah 1,271 108 27 Wells Perranuthnoe 1,101 798 222 Rain-water i St. Buryan 6,978 1,236 274 Spring - (tuod St. Erth Rural 3,80.1 1,210 298 St. Hilary - 2,923 72S 187 . Wells - ! St. Levan 2,406 731 147 } J St. Michael's Mount 21 74 18 15 West Penwith R.D.C. - . Sancreed 1,608 805 184 Wells Good. Sennen - 2,290 644 181 53 West Penwith R.D.C. - Wells Good and adequate. Towednack 2,842 381 102 Wells I Uny Lelant - 3,524 1,599 363 195 R. W. G. Tyringham, Esq. - Wells ) liable to (/) rain-water. pollution. Whitehaven B. - 1,810 1 9,044 ' 3 893 3.890 Whitehaven T.C. - Springs Satisfactory. Wigton U.D. - 1,002 3,687 881 818 Wigton U.D.C. - Wells Fair. "Workington B. 2,466 2.1.092 .-,.oi:, 6,046 Workington T.C. - Carlisle C.B. The piped service is being extended. FART II. CUMBERLAND. 395 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion. 1911. 3. No. of Huuso. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Supplied r.i t , from lotal, ,.- , Piped Service. 4. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Cumberland -'''"if- Alston with Garri- gill R.D. : Alston with Garri- 36.971 3.(i75 S75 170 Alston with Garrigill R.D.C. - Springs Liable to pollution, but Sill. generally ample. Bootle R.D. : Birker and Austh- 8,245 62 15 1 waite. Bootle - 6,856 746 154 104 Bootle R.D.C. Corney - 4,354 195 33 Drigg and Oarleton 3,827 447 97 93 Bootle R.D.C. Eskdale & Wasdale 17.4L'l 358 81 Irton with Saiiton - Milloin Rural Mum-aster 6.181 7^239 481 1,800 529 B8 256 116 14 118 93 Bootle R.D.C. Milloin U.D.C. (oulk) . Lord Muncaster ... i Rivers, springs, and wells. Satisfactory. SiMscali' 1.441 6!)9 146 134 Uootle R.D.C. I'lplia - 13,090 308 M Waberthwaite 1,850 r.4 44 Whichum 4,909 891 80 67 j Milloin U.D.C. - 1 Bootle R.D.C. - Whit beck 1,536 154 28 J Brampton R.D. : Askerton 1 1,303 235 52 Wells & springs - Good. Brampton 6.466 2,392 883 786 | Carlisle T.C. (bulk) - | Brampton R.D.C. | Wells - Doubtful and deficient. Burtholme Carlatton 2,683 1,462 241 57 62 9 Wells & springs Good. Castlo ( 'arrock 3.031 287 70 43 Carlisle T.C. (bulk) Wells Doubtful and deficient. Cumrew 2.773 94 91 Springs Good. Cumwhitton - 5,823 429 101 42 Brampton R.D.C. - Wells Doubtful and in part deficient. F li 5,310 1,022 312 248 Do ... Do - Doubtful and deficient Geltsdale 5.247 12 2 Do. Good. Havton 7.844 1,068 318 180 Carlisle T C (bulk) Do - ' - Doubtful and ID part ! deficient. Irthington 7,391 708 180 90 Do. ... Do. Doubtful and deficient. Kingwater 18,770 233 72 Wells & springs - Fairly good. Midgehohnu - 5,147 223 60 44 Brampton R.D.C. - Wells Doubtful and deficient. Nether Denton 4,981 36S 86 Do. Good. Upper Denton 1,037 149 31 27 Brampton R.D.C. - Do. Doubtful and deficient. Walton - Waterhead - 3,813 4,616 303 264 77 53 ~ > Welh& springs Good. Carlisle R.D. : Beaumont 1,580 214 49 5 Carlisle T.C. - Wells & springs - Satisfactory. Burgh by Sands Crosby upon Kden- 6,060 2.410 777 252 199 62 40 Do. Do. do. - Unsatisfactory. Cummendale 1,582 522 120 68 Carlisle T.C. .... Do. do. - Satisfactory. Dalston Grinsdale 12,417 1,440 1,700 143 408 38 4 Carlisle T.C. - Do. do. - Unsatisfactory. Kingmoor 3,018 950 231 161 ( Carlisle R.D.C. - / Carlisle T.C. Do. do. - Satisfactory. Kirkandrews upon 1,019 132 33 10 Carlisle T.C. - - - - Do. do. - Unsatisfactory. Eden. Orton - 4,286 443 87 Do. do. - Unsatisfactory, except in part of Gt. Orton village. Rockcliffe 5,089 545 152 Do. do. - Unsatisfactory. St. Cuthbert With- 7,040 2,040 211 41 Carlisle T.C. - Do. do. - Satisfactory in parts. out. Stanwix 3,950 958 168 67 Carlisle T.C. Do. do. - Satisfactory. Warwick Wctheral Wreay - 1,857 11,735 1,110 257 3,228 167 69 814 35 40 651 Carlisle H.D.C. j Carlisle R.D.C. - | Carlisle T.C. Do. do. - Do. do. - Do. do. - Satisfactory in parti. Doubtful in parts. Doubtful. Cockermouth R.D. : Above Dorwent 14,753 1,047 228 166 I Cockermouth R.D.C. 1 Kesvvick U.D.C. (bulk) Surface water Good. IBassenthwaite 6,915 428 105 Stream Polluted. Bewaldeth and I,6u8 61 12 Wells Good. Snittlegarth. Blindbothel 1,261 88 16 Do. Doubtful. Blindcrake, Isel 4,251 262 65 Do. Polluted. and Redmaine. I,* fifj-j 446 100 18 (a) Springs : (ft) (tf) Some good * (/*) liable Borrowdalc 10, DUO R. Derwent. to pollution. Bothel and Threap- 3,390 350 79 Springs & wells Popple spring polluted. land. Brackenthwaite - 4,384 93 19 . Wells Doubtful. Bridekirk - 1,044 113 25 Do. Do. Brigham Broughton 1,759 1,360 659 1,363 175 305 175 305 t Workington T.C. (bulk) Broughton Moor - 1.Z36 997 194 190 Do. do. Surface water - Good. Buttermere - 6,848 131 19 Camerton 787 258 59 59 Workington T.C. (bulk) Caatlerigg, St.Johh'& 19,589 735 142 Springs & rivulets Good. and \\ythburn. Crosscanonby 2,398 758 177 177 Aspatria, S. & D. Jt. Water Bd. (bulk). Dean - 6,529 666 150 54 Cockermouth R.D.C. - Wells Some bad and scarce. Dearhatn Dovenby 2,149 1.764 2,127 216 478 42 478 35 | Maryport U.D.C. ( ) Wells - Doubtful. Eaglesfield - - 1,998 226 57 Wells Some polluted. ' 396 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water'. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Suppliei from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Cumberland f. Cockermouth R.D. / cont. Embleton 3,951 377 82 Wells and surface Doubtful. water. Flimby- 1,685 2.487 501 501 Maryport U.D.C. - Gilcrux - - 2,0)7 Great Clifton - 997 Greysouthen - - 1,646 415 1,191 535 95 217 lid 213 81 ' Workington T.C. (bulk) j 00 Wells and springs ; (*) j surface water. (a) Good and plentiful ; (Ji) bad and inadequate. Isell Old Park - 1,844 77 13 _. Wells Some good. Little Clifton 1,080 494 104 102 Workington T.C. (bulk) Do. Doubtful. Lorton ... 5,501 311 77 1)0. Doubtful and poor. Loweswater - 9,410 256 64 Do. Some good. Mosser - - - 1.491 73 12 Do. Good. Oughterside and 2,203 559 117 108 Aspatria, 8. & D. Jt. Water Be Do. Doubtful. Allerby. (bulk). Papcastle 1,241 556 145 145 Workington T.C. & Marypor U.D.C. through Papcastle Water Co., Ltd. Plumbland - 2,568 568 129 2 Aspatria, S. & D. Jt. Water Bd Wells & springs - Doubtful. Eibton -.. Seaton - 615 2,040 23 1,801 2 413 2 413 i Workington T.C. (bulk) . | (a) Surface 00 Good ; (i) filtered. Setmurthy 2,780 198 41 I water ; (J) Skicldaw 2,967 3 1 ) Bassenthwaite ( Lake. Stainburn 1,22,7 270 61 61 Workington T.C. (bulk) Sunderland - Tallentire - 806 1,991 55 200 18 48 48 Cockermouth R.D.C. Wells & spring - Spring polluted. i (a) Surface (a) Liable to pollution ; Dnderskiddaw 5,747 242 55 8 F. Green, Esq. water ; (b) (i) good. Whinfell 1,747_ 67 15 "j wells and springs. Winscales 975 99 17 Wells Good. Workington Rural - 1,715 248 52 9 i Workington T.C. thro' Har- < Tington and D. Jt. Water ( Committee (bulk). ( Wells, springs j and rivulets. Doubtful. Wythop 8,353 102 20 Do. Do. Longtown R.D. : Arthuret 12,949 2,255 568 512 j Longtown R.D.C. J Kir K. J. Graham, Bart. | Wells - | Doubtful and inadequate j in parts. Bellbank 1,445 70 13 Wells & springs - Satisfactory. Bewcastle 28,559 618 149 5 Sir R. J. Graham, Bart., and Do. - ' Doubtful and inadequate others. m parts. Hethersgill - 5,466 530 132 Do. Doubtful and inadequate in some parts. Kirkandrews Middle 4,309 198 48 48 Longtown R.D.C. Kirkandrews Moat 1,701 124 34 21 1 Longtown U.D.C. Messrs. Dodd ... Wells - - Good and sufficient. Kirkandrews Nether 5,114 280 55 53 Longtown R.D.C. - Well - - - Fair and ample. j Do. ] Kirklinton Middle - 3,044 331 76 6 < Messrs. G. G. Kirklinton and 1 Wells - Doubtful and inadequate ( E. Norman. 1 in parts. Nichol Forest 8,493 485 123 9 Various property owners Wells & springs Do. do. Scaleby ... 3,647 330 93 Wells - - Doubtful in parts ; but adequate. Solport - 3,236 174 36 12 Captain I. S. Irwin Do. Doubtful, but adequate. Stapleton 4,743 296 76 1 J. Kyle, Esq. Wells & springs Doubtful and inadequate in parts. Trough - 2,337 79 22 Wells Satisfactory,t'xcept Trough Head Farm. Westlinton 3,432 397 95 9 Longtown R.D.C. - Do. Impure and inadequate in Penrith R.D. : parts. Ainstable 4,433 376 87 57 Penrith R.D.C. 1 Berrier and Murrah 2,554 91 17 15 Do. ... Bowscale 1,261 27 6 Castle Sowerby Catterlen Croglin - 8,646 1,560 7,118 609 119 221 151 21 59 12 29 Penrith R.D.C. 1 Wells, springs and streams. Fair and generally ade- quate. Culgaith 2,910 313 ^67 66 J. Penrith R.D.C. - Dacre - 7,395 890 194 130 ) Edenhall 3,431 256 52 35 Sir K. G. Musgrave, Bart. Gamblesby - 5,392 193 49 49 Penrith R.D.C. - Glassonby 1,580 144 29 24 Great Salkeld 3,707 415 104 86 Greystoke 7,510 545 124 63 Hesket - in - the - 16.399 1,872 394 160 Forest. ) Do. ... iVells, springs, Fair and generally ade- Hunsonby and Win- 1,687 276 70 to ' and streams. quate. skill. Huttou - in - the - 2,462 234 42 13 Forest. Button John 556 26 4 4 Do. Hutton Roof - 2,641 125 27 16 Hutton Soil - 4,483 334 84 58 Kirkland and Blen- carn. 4,064 134 30 27 Do. Wells, springs, Fair and generally ade- Kirkoswald - 5,739 526 124 82 and streams. quate. Langwathby - 2,086 340 77 76 PART II. CUMBERLAND. 397 No. of Houses. County, Area in Popula- tion, Supplied Namrsof Undertakers Where there is no Piped Service. IHstrirt and Parish. Acres. 1911. rn t i from TotaL Piped Service. Supply of Water. Sources of Supply. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. !. 2. 3. 1. 5. 6. 7. 8. Cumberland nt. Penrith R.D. runt. Laznnby Little Salkeld 8,378 1,142 715 96 148 23 * [ IVnrith K.D.C. - 1* ) ] Mattcrdale 7,223 249 59 Melmerby - - 5,358 Mlddleuceugh and 2,(Hll 209 117 45 23 43 Pcnrith R.D.O. ! Wells, springs, and streams. Fair ami generally ade- quate. Braithwaile. Mosedale - - 2,421 43 9 Mungrisdale - - 6,594 169 81 i_ Nevvlon Reigny - 1,013 148 38 38 Penrith H.D.C. Ousby - - - 7,470 232 64 53 ] Plumpron Wall - : 3,052 301 5."> 30 Itenwick - - 4,299 205 49 40 | Skelton - - - 7,417 611 136 98 ) Do ... \VelIs, springs F'lir and irpnfrallv n IP Skirwith - - .V-'"> 1 2:>2 54 37 and streams. ([iiate. Stafficld - - .-'.634 11)7 36 10 Threlkelcl - - 5.957 521 106 73 1 Watcrmillock - 9,797 4 IS 95 Do. Do. Whitehaven R.D. : Beckermet St. .'.,077 684 140 77 1 Executors of the late T. H. fj 1 lirultrnf < Uymcr. 1 >I 1' 1L< 1 . 1 Whitehaven R.D.C. - Beckermet St . 2,941 760 159 118 Do. do. John. j Moresby Coal Co. Dislington 8,066 2,159 407 340 J Workington T.C. thro' Har- j rington & D. Jt. Water 1 Comtee (bulk). Knnrnlaleand Kin- 22.407 409 82 25 ( Wbitehaven T.C. - niside. | 1 Messrs. Ain.sworth Gosforth - - 7,124 Hale - - 2,673 931 259 218 56 j* } Whitehaven R.D.C. - H.-nsiiigham - - 2.24!) 2,269 486 483 Whitehaven T.C. - j Do. ... Lamplugh 6,343 1.089 232 155 Ai Irrdon 4c Frizington U.B.C. | Whitehaven R.D.C. - y Springs & wells Good and plentiful. Lowside Quarter - 1,964 355 81 34 Do. j Whitehaven T.C. - Moresby 2,116 1,086 203 141 ) Whitehaven T.C. through ) Moresby Coal Co. (bulk). I Whitehaven R.D.C. - Nether Wasdale 8,674 ISO 33 Parton - 63 1,595 310 309 Whitehaven T.C. (bulk) Ponsonby - - i 2.420 146 28 12 Whitehaven R.D.C. 1'ivstcm Quartet - 1,265 171 28 19 Whitehaven T.C. - Kottington - Si. ilees 847 2,081 64 1,436 14 270 13 257 i Cleator Moor U.D.C. (bulk) - Salter and Kskett - 638 193 34 32 Arlecdon & Frizington U.D.C. through Egremont U.D.C. Sandwith 1,365 347 69 66 Whitehaven T.C. (bulk) Weddiear 1,151 44 7 J Wigton R.D. : Aikton - - - 6,178 620 131 i Wells I Good, except part of Allhallows - - 1.692 968 205 190 Aspatria, S. & D. Jt. Water Bd. j Aikton. Allonby - - 1.350 426 159 159 Do. do. (bulk) Blenoogo - - 1,778 137 31 1 r.lnmerhasset and 1,262 455 91 25 Aspatria, S. & D. Jt. Water Bd. Kirkland. Boltons - 8,458 887 190 62 ( Do. do. (part in bulk) | Wigton U.D.C. - l!mvness 11,439 1,088 265 Bromfield - - 3,027 355 79 Caldbeck - - ' 13,74:i 821 231 104 Wigton R.D.C. Dundraw - - ; 2,367 218 49 Hayton arid Mealo 1,872 340 74 70 Aspatria. S. & D. Jt. Water Bd. (bulk). High Ireby - 2,733 94 26 Kirkbaiupton 3,733 391 83 Kirkbride 1,692 387 96 Langrigg and Meal- 2,138 281 53 [Wells - Generally good except in rigg. Blencogo, Bowness, Low Ire by 1,199 281 75 69 ( Wigton R.D.C. - 1 Aspatria,S.&D.Jt. Water Bd. Dundraw, Kirkbride, Langrigg and Mealrigg, Oulton - 2,882 284 65 Oultou, and part of Seljergham 5,555 412 89 Westnewtou. Thursby 3,140 507 117 . . Torpcnhow and 2,742 270 61 Whitrigg. fl.lale - 5,813 236 55 24 Wigton R.D.C. . Waverton 4,169 422 87 Westnewton - 2,411 308 72 55 Aspatria, S. & D. Jt. Water Bd. (part in bulk). Westward 13,232 862 223 11 j Wigton R.D.C. - | Wigton U.D.C. - Woodside 3,972 333 83 7 Do, 398 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District ami Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Total. 4. louses. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Nature and Sufficiency Supply. of Supply. 7. i 8. DERBYSHIRE. Alfreton U.D. 4,626 19,046 4,118 4,115 \ Alfreton U.D.C. - 1 The Butterley Co. Ltd. Wells - - Satisfactory. Alvaston and 1,591 1,398 331 87 Derby T.C. - ... Wells & springs Fairly good and plentiful. Boulton U.D. Ashbourne U.D. - 573 4,059 920 847 Ashbourne U.D.C. - Wells & springs Fair and adequate. Bakewell U.D. - 3,061 3,078 628 600 Bakewell U.D.C. - ()Wellsicsprings; () Good and adequate ; (ft) ponds &rain- (//) fair and adequate; water : (<) sur- (<) doubtful. face water. Baslow and Bub- 5,634 858 194 183 ; Duke o Rutland - I Duke of Devonshire - Springs - - Ample. nell U.D. Belper U.D. - 3,183 11,640 2,48 2,436 1 Helper U.I i.e. - | G. Herbert Strutt, Esq. | Wells - Fair. , liolsover and District Water Bolsover U.D. 4,955 11,214 2,093 1,793 Co. Ltd. (part in bulk). i Shc-epbridge Coal & Iron Co. Wells & springs Generally good. Ltd. Bonsall U.D. 2,447 1,248 298 268 Bonsall U.D.C. - () Springs, () Satisfactory and suffi- rivers & j cient ; (//) doubtful. streams ; (ft) rain-water. Brampton and 9,734 2,125 485 215 Chesterfield Gas & Water Bd. Wells, springs. Satisfactory. Walton U.D. streams and rain-water. Buxton U.D.- - 1,310 ' 10,024 1,843 1,843 Buxton U.D.C. Chesterfield B. - 2,643 37,406 7,609 7,609 Chesterfield Gas & Water Bd. Clay Cross U.D. - 1,467 , 8,365 1,733 1,704 Clay Cross U.D.C. Wells A: springs Fairly good and adequate. , Derwent Valley Water Bd. j Derby C.B. 5,272 123,410 27,405 27,355 (bulk). 1 Wells - Not very good. 1 Derby T.C. .... Dronfield U.D. 1,045 3,943 931 930 Chesterfield R.D.C. (bulk) - Do. Satisfactory. I Fail-field U.D. 3,457 4,114 865 843 j Fairfield U.D.C. - I Chapel en le Frith R.D.C. - Springs - Good and ample. j Glossop T.C. Q-lossop B. - 3,052 21,688 5,169 5,080 < Lord Howard of Glossop Wells & springs Fairly good. ! Whitfield Wells Water Co. - I Heage U.D. - 2,367 3,474 722 682 Belper U.D.C. (bulk) - Do. Generally good and suffi- , cient. Heanor U.D. 3,509 19,851 4,164 4,130 llkeston & Heanor Water Bd. Wells, springs, Fair and sufficient. (bulk). and rain .water. Ilkeston B. - 2,526 31,657 6,418 6,396 Ilkeston and Heanor Water Bd. Wells Satisfactory. (bulk). Long Eaton U.D. 2,099 19,207 4,111 4,094 Long Eaton U.D.C. Do. Ample. Matlock U.D. 4.2i in 6,745 1,406 1,276 Matlock U.D.C. - Wells & springs General 1 y sat isf act i >r y. Matlock Bath and 335 1,802 420 406 Matlock Bath and Scarthin Springs Satisfactory and generally Scarthin Nick Nick r.D.C. adequate. U.D. ( New Mills U.D.C. / New Mills U.D. - 5,204 8,998 2,027 1,832 ! J. Moult, Esq. - .. Wells & springs Satisfactory and adequate. ( W. Jowett, Esq. - i North Darley U.D. 5,142 3,317 696 567 ) North Darley U.D.C. - | Duke of Rutland (a) Wells ; (ft) 1 springs. () Liable to pollution ; (ft) good. i Derwent Valley W.Bd.(bulk) i () Wells and () Satisfactory. Ripley U.D. - 2,815 ) 11,848 2,506 2,206 J. Ripley U.D.C. - springs ; (i) 1 TheButterlcyCo., Ltd. (bulk) rain-water. South Darley U.D. 2,008 809 192 164 South Darley U.D.C. - Wells, springs i!c Satisfactory and fairly rain-water. adequate. Swadlincote Dis- 3,670 18,674 3,858 3,858 Swadlincote and Ashby de la trict U.D. Zouch Jt. Water Committee. Whittington and 4,179 17,213 3,536 3,508 Chesterfield Gas & Water Bd. Wells & springs 1 Newbold U.D. - Wirksworth U.D. 3,027 3,888 958 873 Wirksworth U.D.C. Wells, springs & i J- Satisfactory. rain-water. J Ashbourne R.D. : Alkmonton - 715 67 14 Wells ^ 1 Allow ... 1,277 118 23 Wells iV springs Ballidon 1,947 86 14 Wells Biggin - 643 94 27 Wells & springs Bradbourne - 1,445 134 30 ] ' Bradley - 2,423 191 47 i Brailsford 4,366 644 139 22 G. Herliert Strutt. Esq. - Good. Brassington - 4,222 638 156 . Wells I Callow - 1,259 79 13 Carsington 1,141 181 40 Clifton 4: Compton 967 570 129 22 J. H. Smith, Esq. - Eaton and Alsop - 1,527 69 11 6 Lord Hindlip J Edlaston & Wyastoi 1,379 196 44 Wells&rain water j Fenny Bentley 1,038 201 50 Wells & springs Good and adequate. Hartington, Nether 3,898 374 82 Wells& rainwater Good. Quarter. Hartington, Town 3,394 400 97 ] Quarter. i Hognaaton Hollington 1,110 1,034 225 172 63 42 18 W. Hall, Esq. i. Wells - Good. Hopton and Griffe 1,450 85 19 13 Lieut. Col. H. A. Chandos Orange. Pole Gell J PART II. DERBYSHIRE. 399 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Po l' ula - tinn, Acres. 1!m _ 2. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 6. Sources of Nature and .Sufficiency Supply. of Supply. 7. 8. Derbyshire- <"'. Ashbourne R.D. cunt. Hullan.l 1,080 198 45 Wells & springs I Doubtful and occasion- Hulland Ward 2,040 333 84 f- Wells 1 ally inadequate. Hulland Ward 451 25 5 Wells &. spring Good and adequate. Intakes. Hungry Bentlev - 1,086 67 11 Do. Do. Ililc 424 47 13 Rainwater and | springs. > Good and adequate. Kirk trcton - 1 .952 452 112 100 Ashbourne R.D.C. ... Wells 1 Kniveton 2,077 20* 61 Do. Good, but occasionally in- adequate. Lea Hall 455 27 3 Spring Good and adequate. Longford 3,0(11! 302 67 j Mapleton 809 182 40 ', Wells - Good. Mercaston 1,158 89 16 1 Middle-ton - by - 991 989 249 240 Ashbourne K.D.C. - Spring Occasionally inadequate. Wirksworth. Newton (trailer 1,414 63 11 5 Lord Hindlip ... Wells it rainwater Fair. Off cote & Underwood Osnuiston 1,606 254 1,208 2111 50 66 | Wells - Good, and adequate. Parwic-h 3,2f.4 517 10)5 W ells & rain watei 1 Rodsley- Shirley - 820 ' 122 1.030 221 27 55 [ Wells - J-Good. Snelston 2.17." 290 63 Wells and spring j Sturston 824 209 40 Wells ) Tliorpe - 1.125 178 42 10 Messrs. Marston, Thompson i: Do. Fair. Evershed. Ltd. 'l'issingtn 2,307 266 do 20 Sir H. M. FitzHerbert, Bart. - 1 Yeaveley 1.378 205 39 V Do. Good, and adequate. Yclderslev 1,505 172 30 i Bakewell'R.D. : Abney and Abnoy 1,350 55 14 Springs Very good and adequate. Grange. Aldwark 967 37 8 Springs and rain- Good, but moderate. water. Ashfonl 2,554 703 ITS 152 Bakewell R.D.C. - Wells and meres Gooil and fairly adequate. Beeley ... 3.237 313 65 ._ Springs Very good and adequate. Birchover 761 99 25 Springs it wells Good, but limited. Blackwell 1.083 61 8 Springs Good and fairly adequate. Bradwell 2,174 I 1.325 390 370 Bakewell R.D.C. - Do. Good and abundant. lirushfield 649 20 4 Do. - - Hard, but fairly adequate. Calver - 775 386 96 96 Bakewell R.D.C. - Cliatsworth - 1,292 70 12 Spring Good and adequate. Chelmorton - 2,028 372 82 82 Bakewell R.D.C. - ' 'roinford 1.324 1,015 234 234 K. C. Arkwright, Esq. - Curbar - - - 1.153 300 72 72 Duke o Rutland - . Kdensor 2,336 224 57 36 Duke of Devonshire Wells, rainwater Good and adequate. and meres. Elton - 1,464 440 125 Wells it springs Fairly good and adequate. Eya'm - 2,543 1.224 332 36 Bakewell R.D.C. - Springs and sur- Good, but inadequate. face water. Eyain \Vo! and ample. Netlier Haddon - 1,499 34 ~t 1 Kether Padley 308 108 19 Springs at Fiog- ] gatt Edge. Offerton Outseats 621 20 4,315 258 6 78 30 A. A. Shuttleworth, Esq. Springs Springs it wells J (.rood and adequate. Over Haddon 1,513 228 51 - Springs and 1 i Lathkill River. \ Pilsley - 465 195 81 i 51 Duke of Devonshire Rowland 303 46 12 12 Bakewell Il.D.C. - 1,070 128 30 27 Do. Meres, sti rf ace Good and adequate. and rain water. A o.i ys C c 400 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County. District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. Popula- tion. 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Derbyshire <'<""' Bakewell R.D. Stanton 1,928 896 210 . Springs, wells iV: surface water. -Good and adequate. Stoke - 512 60 18 12 M. J. Hunter, Esq. Meres, wells and rainwater. Stony Middleton 1,181 508 121 106 Bakewell R.D.C. - Do. do. Good and fairly adequate. Taddington - 3,008 370 97 89 Do. ... Meres, surface & Good and adequate. rain water. Tansley 1,137 781 182 147 Do. Springs and rain- Good and abundant. wat er. Tideswell 3,231 1,985 506 461 Tideswell Water Committee - Streams it wells Wardlow 626 138 26 Springs. wells. V Good and adequate. ainwater & meres ) Wheston 1,322 51 12 Rainwater - I Sufficient. Winster 1.123 791 212 198 Winster Water Committee Springs Very good iV abundant. Youlgreave - 2,398 1.157 272 240 Duke of Rutland ... Meres, wells and Good and adequate. Belper R.D. : rainwater. Alderwasley - Allestree 3,156 368 5119 7S 138 ~ | Wells - 1 Ashlcyhay 1,89! 170 44 j { ( 'rich - 3,531 3,070 725 570 1 Helper R.D.C. - '( J. B. M. Sturdier, ICsq.(bulk) v Springs & wells Darley Abbey 368 870 200 176 ( Derby T.C. - " - 'i Exors. of the late W. Evans 1 Wells - J Satisfactory. Denby - - - 2.437 1,791 357 320 Belper U.D.C. (bulk) - ( Dethick, Lea and 2,038 1,332 322 257 J. B. M. Smedley, Esq. (bulk) Springs \ wells Holloway. Duffield 2,310 2,136 549 618 Dufh'eld Parochial Committee Wells j Hazlewood 1,232 341 92 () Spring and () Good and adequate ; (//) Wells. (h) good, but inadequate. Holbrook 887 1,261 272 246 Belper U.D.C. (balk) - 1 Horslcy 1,296 347 7li 70 Do. Horsier Woodhonse (127 1.324 282 230 Do. Idridgehay & Alton Kedleston 1,552 959 297 7d 101 22 }- Wells - Satisfactory. Kilbournc 905 1,672 370 330 Belper U.D.C. (bulk) - Kirk Langley 2,552 r,'_>7 123 Mack worth - 1.407 218 44 J Mapperley Markeaton 982 1,866 417 179 90 34 56 E. M. Mundy. Esq. Do. - - Satisfactory, but inade- Milford - 1.111 1,161 267 182 1 Duffield Parochial Com tee. - '( Belper U.D.C. (bulk) - quate. Do. - - Satisfactory. Morley - 1,853 358 72 . Do. - - Satisfactory, but inade- quate. Pentrieh 1,256 290 56 43 J. B. M. Smedley, Esq. (bulk) Quarndon 803 432 107 54 Lord Scarsdale ... Raven si lale Park - Sho'tle and Postern 688 3.808 52 8 410 81 Do. - - Satisfactory. Smaller 1,718 1,402 279 250 Belper U.D.C. (bulk) - South Wingfield - 3,364 1.647 343 291 J. B. M. Smedley, Esq. (bulk) J Turnditch 812 270 , 72 Do. Satisfactory, but insuffi- cient. Weston Underwood Windley 3,178 1,158 362 82 212 42 [ Do. Sa' ist'actory. Blaekwell R.D. : Ault Hucknall 4,428 1,953 374 220 SheepbridgeCoal &Iron('o.,Lti Blaekwell 1,738 4,662 : 907 895 1 SuttoninAshfieldU.D.C(bulk) 1 Mansfield T.C. (bulk) - Glapwell 774 93 19 I'inxton 1.253 5.105 1,042 971 i I'inxton Collieries. Ltd. '/ Basford R.D.C. (bulk) - f Mansfield T.C. (bulk) - I Mansfield T.C. thro' Mans- Pleasley 1,807 2,416 442 434 no Piped Sen lee, Snpplici District a.ud Parish. Acres. 1911. Total. from Piped Service. provi< In iir a Supply of Water. >" Hi-el's of Supply. Nature und Sufficiency of Supply. 1. '. 3. 1. 5. 0. 7. 8. Derbyshire <"' Chapel en le Frith R.D. i-intt. Edale 7,043 451 110 35 Midland Kaihvav Co. j Fern i Ice 2,763 1,588 370 343 ! Buxton U.D.C.' - 1 Chapel en le Frith K.D.C. > Wells A: springs Fairly g Chesterfield R.D.C. - Beighton 3,137 4,74s 1,136 1,090 \ ) Wells & springs Satisfactory. lir:\ekenfield - 1,551 327 68 ! 2 Alfreton U.D.C. - Bi-inim'_'toii - - 1,343 5,299 1,228 1,162 Chesterfield Gas k Water Bd. J Calow - - - 1,267 1.106 249 7 Do. Do. Unsatisfactory. Coal Aston - - i 1.535 O.Vi 157 140 I Dronficld Wood- house. 1.544 831 208 195 Chesterfield R.D.C. - Do. Satisfactory. Eckington 7,125 12,164 2,600 2,537 1 Hasland 1,092 3,372 679 679 Chesterfield Gas k Water Board Heath - 1.070 2,182 376 292 1 Holmcsfield - 4,699 484 124 69 i Killamarsh - - 1,662 4,544 970 955 Morton - - - : !,12.-> 9S9 240 220 North Winsflield - 1,551 4,667 950 SS9 V Chesterfield R.D.C. - Wells A: springs Satisfactory. Pilslev - - - 1,493 2,746 591 543 ! Bhirland i. Higham 2.950 4,126 827 792 Staveley - - 6,872 12,018 2.375 2,356 St ret ton - - 1,574 Old 135 65 Sutton cum Duck- 4,369 1,475 205 265 Do. manton. Tapton - - - 699 441 92 57 Chesterfield Gas& Water Board 1 Temple Nonnanton 520 717 142 103 ( Staveley Coal & Iron Co., Ltd. 1 Chesterfield R.D.C. - Tupton - - - 735 Unst >ne - - 2,003 2,010 423 2,117 501 423 466 . . - Wells & springs Satisfactory. We^inirton - - 973 714 134 27 1 Wingerworth - 2.95S 354 76 49 Chesterfield Gas & Water Board Woodthorpi- - - 1,031 263 i 53 43 Chesterfield R.D.C. J Clowne R.D. : Barlborough - - 3,454 2,080 433 205 WiganCoal & IronCo.Ltd.(bulk) Wells & spring - Clownc- - - 1,913 6.037 1,213 ., I Do. , J. H. Eastwood, Esq. - y. ,, ' JNot satisfactory. Ehnton - - - 2,830 5,361 1.071 i Duke of Portland 965 - Wigan Coal & Iron Co., Ltd. (bulkl 1 Do. - j Doubtful, but fairly | adequate. ( H. S.Hodding. Esq.; J.Mink- 1 WhitweU - - 5,231 4,366 890 464 J ley, Esq.; Duke of Portland; I Wigan'Coal & Iron Co., Ltd. [ Wells - 1 ( Fairlygood and plentiful, | except at Baxton Moor. ( (bulk). G-lossop Dale R.D.: Oharleaworth - 15,380 Chisworth - - 865 1,919 364 502 429 97 80 ( - Lord Howard of Glossop Dn Wells & springs Good and sufficient. Lud worth - - 1,646 1 .726 460 448 1 U\3. '/ Calico Printers' Association Hartshorn and Seals R.D. : Calkc --- 682 54 12 ) j Swadlineote and Ashby de)a 1 Hartshorn - - 2,626 1,384 305 143 Zouch JointWater Committee Do. Satisfactory. ' Hartshorn and Seals R.D.C. 1 Netherseal - - 2,612 704 177 \ Do. Do. Overseal - - 1,182 1.809 406 30 Moira Colliery Co., Ltd. Do. j Smisby - - - 1,270 319 76 Do. v Generally satisfactory. The Boundary - 4 64 15 . Wells ! Ticknail - - 2,639 734 206 Do. Unsatisfactory. Woodville - - 464 2,871 628 592 Swadlineote. &c.. Jt. Water Do. Satisfactory. Committee (bulk). Hayfield R.D. : , Hayfield R.D.C. - Hayfield 7,920 3,459 707 553 Trustees of the late F. J. ' jiunmer. I F. C. Arkwright, Esq. ; W. Wells 4; springs Fairly good. Mellor - 2,362 1.711 496 338 Jowett, Esq. ; J. Moult, IEsq.: A. Potts, Esq.: Exe- cutors of the late J. Wild J Norton R.D. : Bcanehief - - 439 43 6 3 Sheffield T.C. ( Vnrtnri It 1 1 P Pore - 3,603 1,656 391 'l Sheffield T.C. Do. Variable. Norton - 2,844 1,256 312 270 1 Do . . Totlev - - - 1,852 964 244 \ 240 1 l - * Ticknail. Hartshorn and Seals K.D.C. are about to supply. C c 2 402 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County. District and Parish. I. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Supplied ,., , from Iotal - : Piped Service. 4. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Derbyshire '' Repton R.D. : Ash 703 77 13 Barton Blciunt 1,201 47 8 Wells - Fair and ample. Bearwardcote i 463 43 7 ) Swadlincote, A;c. .It. Water Bretby - 2,317 414 92 74 Committee. Earl of Carnarvon South Staffs. \Vat rr Works Co. Burnaston 979 239 54 7 P.urton upon Trent T.C. Caldwcll - - 1,055 150 ; 2! Castle Gresley - 014 1,353 2*5 . Catton - - - 1,099 111 21 'Church Broughtou - 2.210 4:,1 1(17 1 Ooton in the Elms - 1,192 498 107 Dalbury Lees - 1,192 142 32 Drakelow - - 1,884 99 20 2 South Staffs. Water Works Co. Eggintou - - 2.4(1(1 431 96 9 Burton upon Trent T.C. - Eiwall - - - 2,081 094 171 11 Do. Findern - - 1.079 300 87 . Foremark - - I,2o7 57 13 FostonandScropton 2.85O f>3(i HO Hatton - - - 874 900 203 Hilton - - - 1.835 816 197 Hoon ... 789 52 !) Ingleby- Linton - 925 84 20 906 1,103 219 67 Swadlincote, A:c. Jt. Water ! Wells - Fair and ample. Committee. Lullington 1,822 220 47 Marston on Dove - 1,009 87 10 Mickleover - - 2.422 2.3S9 375 ];, Derby T.C. .... Newton Solney - 1,805 476 110 Osleston and Thur- 1,745 j 298 67 : vaston. Radbotirne - 2,183 191 42 Swadlincote. &c. Jt. Water Repton - 4,042 1,858 341 64 C'ommittee ; The Governors of Sir John Port's Charity. Rosliston - - 1.220 418 93 Suttonon the Hill- 880 112 24 Trusley - - - 1,086 113 20 . Twyt'ordamlStenson 1,770 107 30 Walton upon Trent 2,377 100 93 Willington - - 1.325 641 155 Shardlow R.D. : i Aston npon Trent - 1.899 525 135 i Barrow upon Trent 1,204 231 64 Breadsall 2,441 524 129 36 Derby T.C. .... Brcaston 1,493 1,200 315 Chaddesden - - 2,077 571 122 Chellaston - - 851 795 206 . Dale Abbey - - 1,599 390 89 4 Mapperley Colliery Co. Ltd. - . Wells - Good. Derby Hills - - 323 32 8 Draycott and Church] 1,452 Wilne. 2,218 545 Elvaston 2,055 463 112 Hop well - - 017 36 s Kirk Hallam - - 755 103 18 Little Eaton - - 573 1,058 209 129 Derby T.C. .... Do. Fair. Littleover - - 1.465 1,385 388 288 Do. Do. Good. Melbourne - - 3,500 3,722 910 714 Long Eaton U.D.C. (bulk) - Do. Fair. Normanton - - 984 565 103 83 Derby T.C. .... 1 OcUbrook - - 1.853 2.807 694 Wells - Good. Risley - 1,152 269 68 , ( Sandiacre 1,224 3,317 849 501 Stapleford i: Sandiacre Water Wells Fair. Co. Ltd. Sawley and Wils- 1,860 3,288 780 50 j thorpe. Shardlow and Great 1.204 1,001 207 1 'Long EatonU.D.C. (bulk) - Wilne. ^ Do. Good. Sinfhi and Arlcston 810 35 8 1 Sinfin Moor - 1,151 r>9 12 Spondon - - 2.859 2,787 701 136 Derby T.C. - - - - Do. Fair. Stanley- - - 1,1?9 1,435 302 279 Mapperley Colliery Co., Ltd. - Do. Not satisfactory. Stantun by Bridge - 1,433 133 30 20 Long Eaton U.D.C. (bulk) - 1 Staiiton by Dale - 1,462 (161 146 90 Ilkeston. Eleanor Water Bo Axminster R.D.C. - Do. Satisfactory. Hawkchurch - Kilmington - 4.088 1,797 524 527 93 105 z Wells A: springs - Doubtful and inadequate. Mcmbury Mugbnrv 4,394 2,229 644 410 127 85 16 37 Axminster U.D.C. - Do. ... Wells Wells & springs - [ Satisfactory. 255 89 10 10 Sir W. Peek, Bart. - Shute - Stot'khiml 2.739 5,1118 440 702 93 155 Wells Wells & springs - Satisfactory. Doubtful and inadequate. U ply me 3,584 833 165 54 Axminster R.D.C. - Wells Satisfactory. Barnstaple R.D.: Arlington 2,590 197 44 1 , Ashford 367 130 26 .Springs - - Fait 1 and sufficient. Atheringtoii - 3.337 487 103 1 1 HI Wells I Berry narbnr - 1'ishop's Tawton - 4. 982 3,879 594 780 144 213 iuy 143 I Barnstaple R.D.C. / Itarnstaplc Water Co. - . Springs - Good. I'.ittadon Bratton Fleming - 1,050 5,893 49 480 11 121 I Upland surface - Fair and sufficient. 1'H'aunton 10,355 2,328 597 375 i Barnstaple R.D.C. Exors. ot the late W. L. () Springs; (/) wells; j () (iood : (ft) fair. ( Christie. * Exeter C.B. As extended from 9th November 1913. A 0.198 C c 3 404 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County. District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. uf ileuses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Tutnl. 4. Supplied from Piped Service'. 6. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. 1 Devonshire '-<'' Barnstaple R.D. cunt. Brendon Challacombe - 6,780 5,498 251 197 50 45 springs Wells Fair and sufficient. Combe Martin 8,670 1,733 387 : Springs - . Fair, but inadequate. Couniisbury - East Down - 2,9:>8 3,677 302 275 65 45 Lynton U.D.C. 76 Do I Spring - ! I Fair and sufficient. Fremington - 6,119 1.200 266 43 Barnstaple Water Co. - Springs - - Good. Georgeham - 4,056 7.V, 166 Do. - - Doubtful, but ample. Goodleigh 1,167 255 r.t; '. Wollc Heanton Punchar- 2,447 441 89 vy ejis - - 1 don. Viair niid sufficient. High Bray - 4,013 215 4:; Springs Horwood 878 119 26 Wells Instow - - - 1,700 648 140 100 Barnstaple Water Co. - Springs - - Good. Kentisbury - 3,149 285 64 Do. Fair and sufficient. Landkey 3,188 624 150 Springs & wells Very doubtful & scarcely adequate. Loxhore 1,553 159 51 Do. - - i Martinlioe 2.583 150 34 ^ . > Fair and sufficient. Marwood 5,375 654 165 Springs - - ) Morthoe 3,811 908 170 180 llfraconibe U.D.C. - Do. - - Good. Newton Tracey 338 116 29 . Wells - - i Parracombe - J.4.->1 347 66 1 j . Fair and sufficient. Shirwell 4,759 351 76 . Springs - \ Stoke Rivers - 2.44.-, 193 34 Do. - Sat isfactory and sufficient. Swirabridge - 7. HO 1,089 272 84 lianistaple R.D.C. - Do. - Good. Tawstock Trentishoe 6,381 1,599 832 87 187 15 Springs - Fair and sufficient. West Down - 4,082 467 121 Do. - Doubtful, but sufficient. \Vcstleigh 2,466 431 96 34 E. R. Berry Torr, Esq. - Do. - (Jood and sufficient. West Pilton - - , 1.028 110 20 2 Barnstaple Water Co. - Springs - - Good and sufficient. Bideford R.D. : Abbotsham - 1.878 400 94 42 Nortbam U.D.C. - -i Alwington 2,682 355 78 Buckland Brewer - 6,111 641 140 Bulkworthy - 1,504 102 24 Clovelly 3,395 623 183 90 Mrs. C. L. Hamlyn East Putford - 2.379 155 31 | Hartland Landcross 17,307 355 1,570 78 364 15 } Wells - Good. Littleham 1,324 309 70 Monkleigh 2,176 385 96 Newton St. Petrock 1,98 211 47 i Parkham 5,925 701 161 Welcombe 1,787 147 86 Woolfardiswortliy - i C,119 629 139 \ Broadwood Wid- ger R.D. : Broadwood Widger 10.655 764 178 1 Nortlicott - - fi86 48 8 North 1'etherwin 8,208 r>39 150 St. Giles on the 3.147 279 59 [ Wells Good and adequate. Heath. | Virgingtow - 1,293 104 27 Werrington 5,305 556 130 ] Crediton R.D. : Bow ... 2,867 569 156 100 Bow P.C. (as Trustees under ] Charity Commissioners). Brushford 923 54 12 Chawleigh 5,682 601 138 Cheriton Bishop 4,940 451 112 Cheriton Fitzpainc ; 4,855 598 148 . Claunaborough 1,008 78 17 Coldridge 3,676 348 83 Colebrooke - - 4,778 631 150 Crediton Hamlets - 11,243 1,207 269 3 Crediton U.D.C. - Down St. Mary - 2.129 ; 332 81 . Eggestord 1.329 104 24 ._ Ilittisleigh - 1,983 137 34 Kennerleigh - 731 68 16 Lapford 3,581 456 118 ! Wells - Generally good and ample Morchavd Bishop - 7,173 962 248 occasional surface pollu Newton St. Cyres - 4,436 677 162 . tion Nymet Rowland - 606 78 16 Poughill 1,735 223 55 1'uddington - 1,385 157 39 Sandford - ' - 7,962 1,141 274 1 Crediton U.D.C. - Shobrooke 4,259 587 140 Stockleigh English 1,10:> 57 11 Stockleigh Pomeroy 1,277 160 36 Thelbridge 4,00fi 283 66' . Upton Hellions - j 819 83 19 Washford Pyne - ', 1.1 14 119 28 Wembwortby 2.439 288 67 ' Woolfardiaworthy - 2,136 172 88 } Zeal Monachorurn . 3,313 298 78 28 Zeal Monachorum Waterworks Wells Generally good and ample. Committee. I , PART II. DEVONSHIRE. 405 County, District and Parish. 1. Vi'ca in Acres. g Popula- tion. 1911. 3. Nn. ni' 1 louses. Xanirs of Uiidertak'-rs providing a Supply of \Vater. 6. Where tln-iv is no Piped Srrvitv. Suppliec , . fl'CIIM iot!lL Piped Service. 4. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Devonshire <' Culmstock R.D. : I'.urleseombe - - 3.1145 693 166 I i'layliidon - - +,741 467 118 Culmstock - - :>.(;.-. 7 Nil 213 [ Wells - GIT c rally good & sufficient. Memyock 6,90] SS| 215 Holcombe Rogos - 3,028 501 138 30 Mrs. Rayer - J Holsworthy K.D. : Abbots Bickington 1.o'J7 57 12 _ "* Aslnvnter - - 8,710 679 165 Black Torringti.n - 5,68) 586 137 . F.radford - 1.1 33 -102 91 Bradworthy - - !>.7!>2 883 1 95 Clawton - - 5.3S7 360 81 Cookbury 2,736 146 31 East Brid'_terule 1,618 109 19 . Halwill - - 3,472 410 90 Hollacombe - - 1,230 59 18 Holsworthy Hamlets Luttincott K,2ti2 ',+77 721 1 156 83 18 j> Wells & springs Gooil and adequate. Milton Damcrel 1.4 Hi 44!) 111 N't ii-th Tamerton 5,802 328 77 (Cornwall). I'anerasxveek - 1,089 327 89 _ 1'y worthy 5,700 488 108 Sutcombe. 2,878 880 67 Tetcoit - 1,721 165 39 . Thornlniry 2.S1S 322 74 \Ves; Hridgernle - l.Olli 27C 86 West Putford 2. Jo:. 2 Hi 4!) Honiton R.D. : Awlificombe - 2,626 419 120 ] Branscombe - 3,128 608 194 . Broadhembury 4,822 611 140 Buckeroll - , - i.:;m 214 59 Comlir Itak'igh 1,623 2o;i 44 Cotk-igli 1,270 160 86 Duiikeswell - 4,588 330 76 Fans-ay - 8,587 237 58 Fenilon - 1,846 374 92 <;iitisham 2,344 848 80 Harpford 1,686 201 51 Luppitt S07S 441 116 Monktion 1,441 132 29 Ni.rthleigh 1.172 167 44 Wells & springs Good and satisfactory. Offwell - 2,038 278 70 . li'.'mbury - 2.737 426 100 Plyinirjr 2.222 398 93 SalooMii." lleu'is 2,566 541 130 56 Sidraouth Water Co. Si-Idol! 1,700 117 26 Siilbury . 6,76fi 1,374 345 206 ( Sir C. D. Cave, Bart. - '( Sidmouth Water Co. - Southloigh 3,396 196 53 Talatori- 2,411 41!) 105 L'potcrry 5,898 574 149 Venn Ottery - 918 81 18 1 Vv'idworthy 1,43 148 31 . 1 Yareombe ,238 599 140 _ J KingsbridgeR.D.: Avetnn Uifford 8,846 668 177 ' j Norringtons Estate; Bigbury Bigbury 2,884 309 96 59 Bay Land Development . Co. ; Kingsbridge R.D.C. Blaekawtou - fi.560 966 266 34 Kingsbridge R.D.C. Biu-khind Tout 1^872 230 64 20 H. F. BrunskiU, Esq. - Saints. 1 1 Charleton 1,099 224 54 45 Marquess of Northampton rhivelstone - 2,71(i 439 96 10 J. S. Hun-ell, Esq. (Trustee) - Ch'.uvhstow - 2,885 259 71 East Allington 3,702 350 101 44 Lord Ashcombe - East Portlemouth - 1.981 221 67 2 .\I r. Tod Heatly's Trustees - Kingston 2,180 358 95 50 j l.oddi>well Malborough - Modhury 3,597 3,926 5,876 678 616 1,203 172 154 321 40 110 212 1 Kingsbridge R.D.C. - Wells - Generally good &, suffi- cient. Ringmore 1,295 182 51 . Sherford 2,345 322 85 Slapton - 3,343 539 143 40 Kingsbridge R.D.C. South Huish - 1,166 318 79 32 | Do. | R. Rogers, Esq. - Smith Milton 1,550 332 83 23 Capt. G. Dowglass and others South Pool - 1,991 257 74 17 Mrs. A. Froude Stnke Fleming 3. 1 55 592 152 60 Kingsbridge R.D.C. j A. F. Holdsworth, Esq. Stnkciiliam - 5,040 1,374 347 161 J Trustees of the late A. J. B. , Knight ; Kingsbridge R.D.I '. Thiirlestone - 1.713 419 104 50 H. F. Brunskill, Esq. - \Vcsi Alvington :!,611 535 133 126 Kingsbridge R.U.C. Woodleigh 2,655 254 52 J 406 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. No. of Houses. County. Area in ; P I )ul "Supplied ^nies of Undertakers Where there s no Piped Service. District and Parish. Acres. lion, 1911. Total. from Piped Supply of Water. Service. Sources of Supply. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 1. 2. 8. 4. 5. 0. 7. 8 Devonshire-"'^. Newton Abbot R.D. : Abbotskei swell 1.480 ' 474 100 94 Torquay T.C. (bulk) Wells 4c springs - Fair and sufficient. Bickington Bishopsteignton 1,403 4,449 219 1,108 50 : 220 158 1 Newton Abbot R.U.C. I Teigumonth U.D.C. (bulk) - Wells *t Wells it springs I Satisfactory, but scarcely sufficient. Bovey Tracey 7.567 2.809 630 503 Newton Abbot R.U.C. - Do. Fair. Broadhempston 2,200 437 110 Wells Do. Bucklaud in the 1,493 80 18 Uo. Satisfactory it abundant. Moor. Chudleigh 6,125 2,005 450 417 Newton Abbot R.U.C. - Wells it springs - Fair. Cockington - 1,471 299 66 40 Torquay T.C. - Wells Fair and sufficient. Coffinswell 1.152 108 42 Do. Good. Haecombe with 1,983 376 90 Do. Combe. v Satisfactory it sufficient. Hennock 3.299 733 155 77 Torquay T.C. (bulk) Spring Ideford - 1,440 239 58 20 Newton Abbot R.U.C. - Wells it springs - Fair. Ilsington 7,843 989 210 Stream Unsatisfactory, but suffi- cient. Ipplcpeu 2.887 753 180 i 145 Paignton U.D.C. (bulk) - Wells Good and sufficient. Kingskcrswell 1,797 989 255 226 Torquay T.C. (bulk) I Kingsteignton - 3,972 2,240 530 440 Newton Abbot R.D.C. - > Wells it springs Good. Lnstleigh 2,978 434 100 i 09 Do. Manaton 0.422 286 68 ( Do. Satisfactory & sufficient. Moreton Hampsteati 7,910 1.561 370 280 Newton Abbot R.D.C. - Do. Good. North Bovey - 5,589 380 82 . Wells Doubtful, but sufficient. Ogvvell - 2,089 230 50 36 Newton Abbot R.D.C. - Wells it springs - Fair. Stokeinteignhead -. 2,107 461 100 Wells - - Satisfactory & sufficient. Tdgngrace - 1,498 165 38 Do. Moderate and sufficient. Torbryan 3,002 431 105 74 Newton Abbot R.D.C. - Wells it springs - Good. Trusham 625 175 38 i Do. Not very satisfactory. West Dawlish 3,908 663 150 j 84 Newton Abbot R.D.C!. - Wells and rain- Fair. water. Widecombe in the 10,786 633 150 Springs Good and abundant. Moor. Woodland - 1,634 158 34 Wells - - Abundant. Okehampton R.D. : Ashbury - - . 1,748 58 13 . Wells Fair, but acts slightly on lead. Beawortliy - - i 3,824 Belstone - - ! 1,790 253 277 64 82 39 Okehampton R.D.C. {Do. - - (iood and sufficient. Bondleigh - - 1.633 129 36 Do. Good, but scarcely suffi- cient. Bratton Clovelly - ' 7,254 413 102 34 Okehampton R.D.C. ) Bridestowe - - 5,687 523 130 50 Bridestowe P.C. - \. Do. - - Good and sufficient. Broadwocd Kelly - 3,012 228 . 56 i Chairford - - 7,459; 1.548 381 230 Okehampton E.D.C. Wells it springs - Do Drewsteignton - 0,189 717 189 24 Do. Wells J Exbourne 2,135 351 96 Do. Good, but scarcely suffi- cient. Germansweek 2,625 207 49 _ i Gidleigh 3,507 111 30 1 Hatherleigh - 7,168 1,240 332 238 Okehampton R.D.C. 1 Highampton - 3,815 241 54 1 Iddesleigh 2,986 324 79 Y Do. - - ' Good and sufficient. Inwardleifli - 6,108 409 100 . Jacobstowe - 2,893 174 38 Meeth - 2,582 230 45 Monk Okehampton 1,145 171 40 , J Northlew 7,179 655 169 Do. Fair, but scarcely suffi- cient. North Tawton 5,967 1,455 374 237 Okeliampton R.D.C. 1 Okehampton Ham- 12,486 933 158 22 Okehampton T.C. - lets. 'DO. Good and sufficient. ( The Provost and Scholars of Sampford Courte- , 8,071 759 200 70 King's College, Cambridge 1 nay. Sourton - - ' 5,040 354 87 _ j Stieklepath Village Supply - J Springs Good, but distant from South Tawton - 10,988; 1,173 314 165 Okehampton R.D.C. j houses. Spreyton - - : 3,04 1 853 83 } Wells - Good and sufficient. Throwleigh - - 2,981 284 71 . 1 Plympton St. Mary R.D. : 1 Bickleigh - - 2,370 309 71 54 Plymouth T.C. Wells & springs Good. ( Good, but doubtful it in- Brixton - - 3,128 074 158 Do. adequate at Brixton 1 village. Compton Gifford - 166 358 87 87 Plymouth T.C. t'ormvood - - , 10,117 i 1,056 Egg Bucklaud -- 3,275 2,o70 232 272 150 114 Plympton St. Mary R.D.C. - Plymouth T.C. (part in bulk) Wells & springs Do. Good. Satisfactory, Krmington - 4.945 842 205 __ Do. Fair. Harford - - 3,331 127 20 Do. i (. Good. Holbeton - - 4,035 795 194 100 Plympton St. Mary R.D.C. - Wells Newton Ferrers 3,320 742 175 100 | Do. '( J. Ford Esq. Wells it springs Doubtful and insufficient. P 1 y IT. p ton St. Maurice 232 1,103 368 265 Plympton St. Mary R.D.C. Plympton St. Mary 10,391 3.910 897 867 Do. Springs it wells - Good. Plvmstoek - - 3,500 :>>.',7 07 774 Do. Do. Fair and sufficient. Kavelstuke - - 1,544 400 i 07 80 Uo. Wells Good a PART II. DEVONSHIRE. 407 County, 1 )ist rict and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Total. 4. louses. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Devonshire -<' Plympton St. Mary R.D. cunt. St. Kudeaux - 1 ,725 1,711 868 860 Plymouth T.C. Wells - - j Shaugh Prior 8,862 761 177 loo Messrs. Martin Bros., Ltd. Springs and up- J.Good. land surface. Tamerton Foltott - 4,772 1 .076 260 150 Plymouth T.C. Wells - - Some good, some in- different. Wembury 3,133 522 111 Wells & springs Some good, some doubtful. Weston Peverell - 701 186 34 24 Plymouth T.C. and Devonport Wells - - Generally satisfactory. T.C. Yealmpton - 3,1'J4 901 211 180 Plympton St. Mary U.D.C. - Do. Doubtful & insufficient. St. Thomas R.D. : Alphington - 2,743 1,131 264 75 Exeter T.C. - Ashcombe Ashton - - - 1,971 2,182 135 176 80 48 ~ Wells - Satisfactory, Aylesbeare 2,878 281 57 1 Bicton - 1,305 129 30 30 Lord Clinton ... Brampford Spekc - 1,163 296 80 "\ Bridford 4.151 414 72 Broad Clyst - 9,326 1,904 483 Oliristnw 3,263 564 143 Clyst Honiton 1,786 270 64 Clyst Hydon - 1,764 298 67 Clyst St. George - 1,040 212 53 Clyst St. Lawrence 1.027 114 26 Clyst St. Mary 589 131 37 . . Colaton Raleigh - ' 3,979 452 119 68 Colaton Raleigh Water Com- mittee. Doddiseonibsleigh - 2,441 220 49 Dunchideock - 968 134 30 Wells - Satisfactory. Dunsford 6,042 570 128 East Builleigh 2.394 767 195 84 ( Lord Clinton ... | Exmouth U.D.C. - Exminster 4,844 2,711 279 17 Committee of Visitor Devon County Asylum. Farringdon - 1,466 l!)8 48 Holcombc Burnell - 1,858 178 40 . Huxhiim 779 116 26 Ide - 1.712 647 187 Kenn - 5,331 794 205 . Kcnton - 5,192 1.711 339 187 ( St. Thomas R.D.C. | Earl of Devon ... J Lympstonc '.173 999 288 Do. - - Unsatisfactory. Mamhead 1,182 171 30 1 Net her Exe - 685 73 15 Newtmi 1'opi'leford 644 450 135 Otterton 3.446 617 164 110 St. Thomas R.D.C. - Pinhoe - 2.903 1.141 265 135 Exeter T.C. - Poltiinore 1,740 291 58 21 1'owdi'rnam - 1,485 189 47 } Do. Satisfactory. Re\vc - 1,835 212 51 Rockbeare 2,334 431 103 Shillingford - 415 46 12 Sowton - 1,699 446 105 Stoke Canon - 1,265 380 84 ITedburn St. Mary - 4,527 468 132 J Topsliam 2,833 3,278 771 33 Topsliam and District Water Co., Ltd., and Exeter T.C. Do. Unsatisfactory. rpton Pvne - 2.446 394 120 Whimple \Vhitestone - 3.038 5.738 730 562 173 132 4 Exeter T.C. ... - Do. Satisfactory. Woodburv - 6,720 1,603 419 1 South Mol ton R.D. : Bishops Nympton - 9.623 870 196 1 Burringtoii 5,349 662 43 Charles - 2,410 213 53 Cheldon 1.116 53 13 Chittlehamholt 1,999 273 51 Chittlchani]>tii ( 'iuilmleigh - 5,954 8.906 911 1.264 211 287 131 South Mol ton R.D.C. - ( 'reaeombc 1,145 63 11 East Anstey - 3,303 236 51 East Buckland 1.612 107 22 East Worliiigton - 5,348 324 67 Filleigh - 2,102 288 72 George Xympton - King's N'ympton - 1,706 5,586 165 483 36 108 . Wells and springs. Generally good, but occa- sionally inadequate. Kn.nvstoue - 5,144 352 71 Mariansleigh - 2.030 212 51 Mcshaw 2.095 183 43 Holland 6,362 370 87 North Mnlton 15,046 1,067 260 26 South Molton R.D.C. - Queen's Nynipton - 544 31 7 Rackenford - 4.011 349 72 Romansleigh - g,80i? Kit 29 Rose Asli 5,058 429 92 Satterleigh and 2,976 289 60 J Warkleigh. 408 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Survive. Total. ' 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Devonshire <""' SouthMoltonR.D.: --runt. Twitehen 3.<>02 141 35 West Angtey - 3.01(1 202 15 Wells and. Generally good, but occa- West Buckland 2.592 442 75 springs. sional!}' inadequate. Witheridge - 7.001 7'.i5 185 103 South Motion It.U.C. - 1 Tavistock R.D. : Bere l-'erriTS- 0,161 1.X03 496 88 Tavistock K. !>.('. - Wells Sat isfactory. Bradstone 1.2S4 103 21 Do. Good and ample. Brentor - 3.563 507 127 _. Do. Very good and abundant. Bncklaml Mona- choruiu. f 6.715 2,050 52! 204 | Tavistock E.D.C. I Plymouth T.C. - D,.. Good and ample. Cory ton 1.520 159 45 Do. Satisfactory. 1 imiterton 1,206 85 20 Do. Good and ample. Kelly - 1,778 188 41 . Do. Very good and abundant. Lamerton 8,019 638 153 Do. Good and sufficient. Lewtrenchard 2,238 242 56 Do. Good and ample. Lifton - 5,376 819 232 Do. Unsatisfactory. Lvdford 50,861 3,030 163 37 Tavistock K.D.C. - Do. Vevy good and ample. Marystow 2,927 237 7! Do. Good and sufficient. Marvtavy - - 4,:>i,7 1-2:, 191 Do. Very satisfactory. Meavy - - - 3,42-2 289 67 6 Plymouth T.G. Do. Good and ample. Milton Abbot 6,748 660 178 5(1 Duke of Bedford - Do. Good and sufficient. Fetevtavy 9,460 359 82 25 Tavisiock U.D.C. - Do. Good and plentiful. Sampfovd Spincy - 1,601 42C, 108 15 Do. ... Do. (>iio,l and iibundam . Shcepstor - - 3,424 83 18 Do. Very good ,,nd ample. Stowford - - : 2,080 299 86 Ho. Good and ample. .Svdenham Damerel 1.396 271 si! Do. Very good and Mitlieicnt. Tavistock Hamlets i 9,979 I 847 184 30 Tavistock U.D.C - Wells St. springs Good and ample. Thrushelton - - ' 4,378 307 #6 Wells 1 iood and sufficient. Walkhampton -! 630 147 _ ( Tavistock K.D.C. il | Plymouth T.C. - Do. Good and ample. Whitchurch - 6.207 1,484 , 398 1 Tavistock U.D.C. lz * | Tavistock U.D.C. | Wells & springs Very good and sufficient. ' Tiverton R.D. : - Bickleigh 1,827 - 200 51 ] Bradninch 4,399 1.494 376 269 ' Tiverton E.D.C. - Butterleigh - 485 s:; 30 Cadbury 1.880 173 38 Cadeleigh 2,182 ; 189 50 Clayhanger 2,120 162 33 Crmvys Morchard - (1.044 517 111 Cullompton - - 8.175 2.1123 740 Halberton - - 7,553 . 1,280 298 Hockworthy - - L'.732 275 r.n Huntsham - - 1.737 223 43 Kenrisbeare - Loxbeare Morebath Oakford 4,501 1.343 3,474 6,783 751 169 159 i 33 450 ! 466 96 [Wells & springs Generally good and suffi . cient : but poor in Cul- lompton. Sanipford Peverell- 2,221 (113 143 Silverton 4,729 1.141 266 169 Tiverton K.D.C. - Stoodleigh 4,473 389 74 Templeton 1,906 159 35 Thorverton - 4,104 734 , 191 Uffculme - - 6,158 1,595 396 Uplowman - - 3,210 374 81 \Vashrield 3,310 861 75 Willand 1,012 424 90 } Torrington R.D. : Alverdiscott - 2,364 236 52 Ashreigney 5,723 55S 138 Beaford- - - 3,295 427 101 - Buekland Filleigh - 3,<)14 173 38 Doll on - - - 3,616 550 148 Dowlnnd - - 1,747 127 24 Frithelstock - - 3,669 404 86 High Bickington - 1,053 558 124 Huish - - 1,015 116 23 Huntshaw 2,082 144 32 I.angtrce - - 4,741 589 131 Little Torrington - 3,140 390 90 J. Wells - Good and sufficient . Morton - - - 4.0:111 475 112 I'eters Marland - 2,5:t'.i 323 84 Petvockstow - - 4.295 4(1(1 95 Koborough - - 3,214 301 69 St. Giles in the 5.014 539 124 Wood. Shebbear 5.75S S02 16.' Sheepwash 2.032 284 8C Weave Giffard 1.714 306 73 Winkleigh H.2I8 1,013 248 Yavnseombe - - i 3,470 255 52 . Totnes R.D. : Ashprington - - 2.25(1 424 96 Wells Good. Berry 1'omcvoy 1,235 387 S5 i T. B. Bolitho, Esq. ) Clnivston Ferrers - 2.53S 577 139 139 Lord Clmrston ... i f ( Erixham r.H.O. - 1 PART II. DEVONSHIRE. 409 Ci unity, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Se> Supplied from 1:i rt ilm'tori 8,056 54 1 186 Wells - Good. I lean Prior - 4.13C, 264 56 IS Torres li.D.C. Hiptford Dittisliam 4,107 453 2.95(1 54(1 99 25 .Mrs. Cornish Bowden - Totnes R.D.C. Spring Good and adequate. Haiwell 3.335 291 6!l liar) <''-'on Holne - 6,606 6,101 1,189 244 L'29 Nil 66 23 | T.nnrs U.D.C. - Wells - Good. Kingswear 101 819 207 207 Do. ... Little llempston - 1,249 174 42 Wells JIarldon 2,547 475 128 83 | Paigiiton U.D.C. (bulk) j C. Hellyer, Esq. - Do. Good and a.lequate. iu'h 1,186 100 27 Wells 1 North Hnish - Rattery - 2,733 2S2 2.92C. 318 62 71 - Wells k springs Good. South Brent - 9,422 1.624 287 204 Totn.s li.D.C. Springs - - Good and adequate. Stavertiui 6,204 c,r,s 168 Wells A: springs Good. Stoke Gabriel 2.3(i6 591 152 152 Totnes R.D.C. - Ugborough 8,781 1,739 4:i9 439 West Bnckfastleigh 1.517 251 64 Wells Good, but insufficient. DORSETSHIRE. Blandford Forum 145 3477 821 868 I'.landford Waterworks Co., Wells Unsatisfactory, but ade- B. Ltd. quate. Bridport B.- 672 5,919 1.475 1.41(1 Bri.l port Water Works Co. - Do. Potable. Dorchester B. 1 64G 9,842 2.014 2.01 I Dorchester T.C. - Lyme Regis B. - l',237 2.772 540 506 Lyme Regis T.C. - Wells & springs ; Satisfactory and adequate; rainwater. variable. Poole B. 7.964 88,886 8,2(15 S.205 ( Poole T.C. .... ) BournemouthGas&Water Co. Portland U.D. - >,908 17,'iM 2.001 1,995 Portland U.D.C. - Rainwater - Variable. Shaftesbury B. - Sherborne U.D. - 156 923 1,878 6,988 467 4.V, 1,294 1,284 Lord StalbridL'c Sherborne U.D.C. - Wells - - Satisfactorj'. Do. - Satisfactory. Swanage U.D. 2,669 4,689 1,069 1,009 Swana.L'r L'.D.C. - Wells, springs. Doubtful, but adequate. jonds, rainwater. Wareham B. 250 2,002 459 45S Wareham T.C. Well Good and sufficient. Weymouth and 1.317 22,324 4,298 4,298 Weymouth Waterworks Co. - MelcombeRegia B. Wimborne Min- 523 3,711 890 608 Bournemouth Gas & Water Co. Wells Good. ster U.D. Beaminster R.D : Beaminster - 5,190 1,860 47(1 240 Beaminster R.D.C. () Wells and (i)' () Not good, (A) good ; springs. adequate. Bettiscombe - 660 37 11 Wells - - Good. Broadwinsor - 8,803 930 248 Wells Jc springs ! Satisfactory n parts. Burstock 931 123 34 Springs - - ") Cheddington - 785 136 31 Wells Corseombe 8,008 437 1 36 Springs and wells ] Kast Chelborongh - Evershot 967 1,569 92 325 17 86 , [Good and adequate. Halstock Hooke - 3,216 1,255 305 141 82 39 > Springs & Wells 1 Mapperton 821 48 12 1 [cient. Marshwood - 3,530 314 72 Wells Satisfactory, but insuffi- Melbury Osmond - 1,222 284 75 75 Earl of Ilehe&ter - - . M'-Hiury Sampford 1,041 100 21 Springs and wells ~| Mostertou Nctherbury - 975 6.274 197 1,261 52 314 Wells Springs and wells North 1'oorton 684 50 10 Pilsdon - 660 33 12 Wells - Powerstock - 4,146 668 168 f Kumpisham - Si 'aborough - 2,095 585 225 83 48 15 z Springs and wells '. Wells Good anil adequate. South Perrott 1,488 205 60 Stoke Abbott Thorncombe - 2J327 5,416 430 787 105 i 220 50 Thorncombe Voluntary Water Wells & springs Committee. West Chelbnrough 587 58 15 Wells i Wraxall 968 84 12 Wells and springs J Blandford R.D. : Anderson 597 56 14 . Blandford St. Mary 1,894 355 81 50 Blandford Waterworks Co.,Ltd. Bryanston 1,925 315 60 42 j Di .. ( Viscount Portman Charlton Marshall 2,300 499 135 ( 'hettle - 1,126 116 26 ( Viscount Portman Durweston 1,850 381 83 66 < Blandford Waterworks Co.. ( Ltd. Wells - Gcod and sufficient. Farnham 1,421 263 65 Hilton - 3,044 517 124 34 Sir E. A. Hambro- 1 \verne Courtney - 1,968 451 114 Langton Long 1,811 255 53 4 BlandfordWatenvorks Co.,Ltd. I'.landford. Milbourne St. An- 1,747 229 60 drew. 410 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County. District and Parish. I. Area in Acres. a. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6 Where there is no Piped Service. Supplied from total. Pipe( i Service. 4. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Dorsetshire <"' Blandford R.D. gout. Milbounie Stilcham 885 205 35 _ _ Milton Abbas - 4.SHO 689 164 57 S : r E. A. Hambro - Pimpcrne - - 3,252 709 148 146 Blandford Waterworks Co.,Ltd. Spettisbury - - : 2,250 441 108 Stcepleton Ivvernc 823 40 9 Stnurpaine - - 2,375 402 126 Tarrant Crawford - 543 48 10 Turraiit (iunville - [ 3,409 292 74 Tarrant Hinton - 2,321 187 45 Tarrant Keynston - 1,348 208 52 Tarrant Launcesttm Tarraut Monkton - 1,659 2,176 83 179 16 39 } Wells - Good and sufficient Tarrant R-.iwston - 697 43 11 Tarrant Rushton - 2,073 137 36 Turnworth - 1,176 128 20 Winter-borne Clen- ston. 1,312 79 20 11 ( Sir E. A. Hambro '( Col. Maiisel i'leydell - Winterborne 1,974 187 50 Houghton. Winterborne King- 3,669 383 105 i J ston. Winterborne Stick- land. 2,111 341 80 80 I Sir E. A. Hambro 1 Viscount Portman ! - Winterborne Tom- 477 22 6 son. Winterborne Whit- 2,922 322 89 18 Col. Manuel Pleydell - I Wells - Good and sufficient. church. f Winterborne Zel- 848 : 137 35 . stone. J Bridport R.D. : Allington 806 254 62 23 | Bridport. Water Works Co. 'I Pymore Mill Co., Ltd. | Wells & river - ] Askerswcll - - | 1,721 218 42 31 Bridport R.D.C., & several Wells, springs, property owners. stream, ami rainwater. Bothenhampton - 960 481 137 102 j Bridport Water Works Co. - < J. Gundry, Esq., W. J. ( Coburn, Esq., and others. Wells, spring Good and adequate, and stream - i Bridport Water Works Uo. - I Brailpole - - 797 524 120 24 1 < G.W. Kailwav Co. '> Wells - 1 ( Pymore Mill Co., Ltd. Burton Bradstock - ' 2,714 522 155 120 Bridport Water Works Co. - Uo. J Catherston 245 32 6 6 ) Leweston \ Bridport R.D.C. Charmouth - - 445 575 154 154 \ Chideock 1,978 535 152 | ( ChideockWaterworl;sCo..Ud. ! 1 H. F. Weld. Ksq. Wells & stream 1 Chilcombe - - 451 21 5 Rainwater Litton Cheney - 2,028 297 89 ' | Bridport Water Works Co. - | H. Gladwyn, Esq., Sc others Wells, spring, 1 and river. Liiers - - - j 2,279 576 155 14 H. K. Colville Esq., .t others Wells iV: stream - Puncknowle - - 2,576 371 51 Wells, springs, I ' Shipton Gorge 1,404 , 203 58 _ and stream. Do. do. [> Good and adequate, i Sta-.iron St. Gabriel 1,07(1 51 10 Stream Swyre - - - 1,129 139 37 6 Duke of Bedford - Wells Symomlsbury - 3,850 823 202 j Col. Colfox - --- 1 W. J. Cousins, Esq., i: others Well, spring, Whitchurch Canoni-! 4,253 657 176 58 Mrs. U. B. Wallis and numer- * ami stream - conun. ous property owners - Wootton Fitzpaine 3,389 452 89 22 A. Douglas &M, Esq. - Wells Si spring - J Cerne R.D. : Alton Pancras 2,280 168 37 . . ] T$atcombe - - 1,120 65 21 Buckland Newton 6,250 694 204 . Cattistock Cerne Abbas - 3,073 3,149 457 586 131 170 ^Wells - Good and sufficient. Cheselbourne - j 3,031 233 55 Frome St. Quintin - 1,032 165 42 . Godmanstone 1,172 119 28 J Gorewood 51 Hermitage 756 88 24 6 T. W. Dampier Bide, Esq. HillfieM 1,599 109 29 8 Lord Digby - i Mappowder - 1.901 168 46 Mel bury Bubb 1,243 108 23 13 Yeovil T.C. - - - - Melcombc Horsey - 2,157 151 40 ^ Wells Minterne Magna - Nether Cerne 2,806 850 300 69 77 10 30 ! Lord Digby .... [Good and sufficient. 1'iddletrenthide 4,<97 540 155 Pulham - 2,416 200 55 SydliiiLr St. Nichola * 5,130 417 113 J Up Cerne 1.123 68 19 Wells and Wootton Glanville - 1,705 211 55 8 Col. the Hon. E. Digby - I springs. PART II. DORSETSHIRE. ( 'ounty, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1'Jll. 3. Xo. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Sllpplirc from Piped Serviee. :,. Sources of Supply. 7. -Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Dorsetshire '' Dorchester R.D. : Athelhampton 477 62 18 1 Bradford Peverdl - 2,932 283 70 Broiidmaync - 997 365 78 Burloston 366 64 15 Chariniuster - 4.3S1 1.857 300 ( hilfrome 971 94 20 . Compton Abbas 857 42 10 Compton Valence - 1,322 83 22 . , Dewlish 2,134 298 62 Fnunpton 3,295 356 75 Frome Vauchurcb - 488 120 23 2 Dorchester R.D.C. ^Wells - Very good and sufficient. Kingston Kusscll - 1,1 66 42 15 4 Duke of Bedford ... Little Bredy - l.tilS 178 40 Long Bmly - 3,466 265 85 30 Duke of Bedford - Maiden Newton - 2,893 600 156 128 Dorchester R.D.r. - Pidillebinton - 2,921 326 60 Puddk'town - 7,18(i 928 190 Stinsford 3,338 378 74 Stratton 1,716 304 62 ] Tincleton 9(K) 177 32 Toller Fratrum 506 50 10 6 Lord Wynford J Toller I'orcorum - 3,1 73 335 67 7 Mrs. Tope and Mrs. Symonds Do. Inferior, but sufficient. Tollpuddle - 2,053 232 56 I Wannwell 1,698 155 27 Watercombe - 435 44 7 West Knightou 3,228 360 66 West Stafford 1,015 206 fs \Vhitcombe - 745 60 15 Wintcrbonie Abbas 1,514 225 35 Winlerborne Came 1,544 112 20 Wintcrbonie Her- ri ngstone. 587 76 13 \- Do. i Very good and sufficient. Wintcrbornc Slonk- 1,246 78 18 ton. Winterborne St. 3,546 457 80 m Martin. Wintcrbornc Steep- 1,831 103 27 18 C. H. Stihvell, Esq. leton. Woodsford - 1,761 138 30 Wynford Eagle - 1,788 161 25 . Poole R.D. : Canfurd Magna 7,855 2,031 485 305 ( Lord Wimborne - | Poole T.C. .... Do. Good and adequate. Kinson - 2,769 2.752 550 510 Bournemouth Gas & Water Co. Wells and stream Fair. Lytcbett Matravers Lytchett Minster - 3.413 3,325 647 875 193 236 Wells - Fairly good and adequate. Shaftesbury R.D. Alcestor 51 275 47 12 Lord Stalbridge ... Wells Indifferent. Ashmore 2,376 205 51 Pond and rain- Bad and inadequate. water. Bourtun 922 724 193 170 E. S. Hindley, Esq. Wells and spring Fair and usually plentiful. Buckhoin Weston - 1,705 395 90 Wells ^ Doubtful and inadequate Cann ... 3,002 723 180 30 Lord Stalbridge - Wells and springs ^ in parts. Compton Abbas 1.491 256 72 Wells Generally fair & sufficient. East Orchard S3!) 120 22 Do. Very indifferent and in- adequate. ' East Stour - 1.781! 402 106 . Wells and springs Indifferent. Koutmell Magna - 2,896 533 135 80 Sir R. G. Glyn, Bart. 1. Do 1 Indifferent and inadequate Uillingham - 7.739 3,570 888 30 Messrs. Sparks and Blake 1 U0 - ) in parts. Iwcrnc Minster 2,865 531 135 Do. Good and adequate. Kington Magna 1.990 399 102 34 Kington Magna Property Springs and wells Fair ami usually plentiful. Owners. Margaret Marsh - 552 54 13 Wells it surface Very indifferent and in- soakage pits. adequate. Mel bury Abbas 2,374 226 41 Wells and springs jood and adequate. Motciunbe 5,063 .1,192 293 212 Lord Stalbridge ... Do. Fair in parts. Silton - 1.225 208 48 Wells 3ood and adequate. Stour Provost 2,815 522 150 Do. Very indifferent and in- adequate. > ton Waldron 1,153 184 52 Bo. Doubtful, but generally sufficient. Jdber - 379 156 3(1 __ Do. <'air, but inadequate. st ( >rchard 669 95 25 Do. Doubtful, but adequate. st Stour - 1,040 140 39 Wells and springs Doubtful and inadequate. borne R.D. : eer Hackett 918 77 21 . Well - Good. Imp's Caundle - 956 247 62 Veils and springs Satisfactory, but insuffi- cient. radford Abbas 1,216 428 88 Well r; nn . i tletou B.,607 440 80 . Wells and springs VJUOd. nidlc Marsh 950 111 26 . Do. Satisfactory, but insuffi- cient. etnole 732 207 56 80 YeoyilT.C. - Spring Ion/' i ^ Well - ion .HavbanK ke - tZVu 2,120 92 330 lo 79 Wells and springs Good. nathill 298 41 12 Veil - ydon 468 89 18 Do. Colnest - 2,270 125 29 Do. fair. * Gillingham. A supply is about to be provided in this parish by the Mere and Shaftesbury E.D.C.s (jointly). 412 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8 Dorsetshire font. Sherborne R.D. emit. Hohvell- 2.423 Ml 107 7 Col. the Hen. E. Digby - Veils and springs Satisfactory, but insuffi- cient. Leigh - 2.02.-. 324 91 Wells - - Not good. Leweston 814 37 7 . Do. - - Hood. Lillington 1,830 12.-) 32 Do. - - Satisfactory, but insuffi- cient. Long Burton - 1.041 292 74 Do. - Good. Nether Compton - 956 24.-> 58 - Do. - - Verv good. North Wootton - j lif.S 73 17 . Do. - - Good. Oborne - - - 607 115 29 Do. - - j Over Compton 088 117 23 Do. - - ^ Very good. Poyntington - 1,020 109 23 Wells and springs 1 Purse Caundle - 1.55S 170 39 Well - - - Good. Ryme Intrinseca - 1,102 167 43 1 Veovil T.C. - --- Wells - - Fail'. Sandford Orcas 1.104 194 ! 49 Wells and springs Good. Stockwood 898 31 10 10 Earl of llcliester - Thornford i,4iir, 362 99 Wells - ) Trent - 1,818 889 94 Do. - - ': \ Very u'ood. Yetminster - 1,480 620 (68 26 Yeovil T.C. Do. - - ) Sturminster R.D. : Child Okeford 1,678 602 174 Springs and wells Fairly good, but many welis unsatisfactory* Fifehead Magdalen 973 118 33 33 Mrs. P. J. Browne - Fifehead Neville - 1.3.VI 157 41 Hammoon 688 61 IS Hanford 601 1 48 9 Haselbury Bryan - 2.4 IS r.4!l 170 Hinton St. Mary - 1,068 237 60 Ibbertoii 1,384 117 , 38 20 Sturminster R.D.C. Lydlinch Manston 3,3!I8 1,373 300 155 84 40 - Springs & wells Fairly good, but many Marnhull 3,83:3 1,292 352 wells unsatisfactory. Okefonl Fitzpttine - 3,742 - 686 163 100 Sturminster R.D.C. Shillingstone- 2.272 58G 145 18 Viscount Portman Stalbridge 5,883 1,383 361 Stoke Wake - 1,087 78 24 Stourton Caundle - 2,004 239 75 Stnnninstor New- 4,646 1,787 454 364 Sturminster R.D.C. ton. Woolland - 1,137 140 29 29 M. Scott Williams, Esq. Wareham and PurVjeck R.D. : Afipuddle - 3.630 340 62 Arne (1,034 733 132 Bere Itegis - 8,312 1,059 208 Bloxworth 2,827 203 44 Chaldon Herring - 3,095 24fi 54 3 R. J. Weld. Esq. - Church Knowle 2,922 472 110 Coombe Keynes - 2,01 1 109 24 , 20 R. J. Weld, Esq. - Corfe Castle - 8,981 1,406 250 8 Trustees of Bankes Settled Estates. East Holme - 1,070 71 15 1 I East Lulworth Kast Stoke - 2,804 4,631 301 868 79 47 81 R. J. Weld, Esq. - Wells & springs I Mostly good and snffi. cient. Kimmeridge - 99") 117 24 i Langton Matravers 2.316 878 165 65 Swanage U.D.C. (bulk) Morden 3,677 473 100 Moreton 2.157 341 79 Steeple - 3.368 208 46 Studland 5,073 848 94 72 Trustees of Bankes Settled Estates. Turnerspuddle 1,999 68 16 Tyneham 2.967 209 60 Wareham St. 8,886 506 109 * / Martin. j West t.uhvortli Winfrith Ne\vburgr 2,57'. 5,015 478 768 127 196 127 44 R. J. Weld, Esq - Do. Wells and springs _ Mostly good and suff cient. Wool 2..">87 463 103 103 Do. Worth Matravers - y,7l2 217 48 Wells and springs Mostlj good and sufl Weymouth R.D. : cient. Abbotsbury - - 1 4.270 664 177 177 Earl of Ilchester - ; Bincombe - - 982 146 39 Wells j Broadway 1,1 51 854 245 155 Weymouth Waterworks Co. - Wells and spring ;-Good. Chickerell 1,580 970 169 139 Do. (part in bulk) i Wells Fleet - 966 110 H4 j Langton Herring - 974 172 37 37 E. A. Sparks, Esq. Osmington Owermoigne - 2.208 1,044 331 331 94 94 84 R. H. Brutton. Esq. Spring and wells Good. I'ortisham 4,:.l 1 660 139 139 Portisham P.C. Poxwell 834 88 16 Wells Good. Preston - - - lladipole 2.618 2,017 691 310 184 76 184 23 Wevmouth Waterworks Co. Da Wells } II Upway - 1,792 871 242 Q1 I Wevmouth Waterworks Co. al l Portland U.D.C. - Springs and wells. | [ Good. \Vyke Itfgis - 1,154 2,330 52:-! 504 Wevmouth Waterworks Co. Spring - - | J j PART II. DORSETSHIRE. 413 No. of Houses. ( 'iiunty. Area in Popula- Names of 1'iidertaLer.- Where there is no I'iped Service. District and Parish. Acres, tion, 1911. Total. Buppiiec from I'iped pi-uvidinj; a Supply of Water. Sources of Nature and SufiV Service. Supply. of Supply. 1 2. 3. 1. 5. 6. 7. 8. Dorsetshire '"' Wimborne and . Cranborne R.D.: Alderholt - - 3.709 741 193 - ( t Aimer - - - l.lTu 127 80 Challmrv - - sis 133 3G Coleliill - - - 1,605 1,174 295 97 Bournemouth (ias & Water Co Corfe Mullen - 3,231 939 241 Cranborne - - 4,421 702 174 Kast Wood vales - 279 . Edmondsham - 1,803 214 58 Gussaze All Saints 2.473 299 76 Glissade St. Michael 2.1111 l.Mi 43 llamprestoh - - 5.351 2,130 51(1 22 Bournemouth t 1'arley - - 3.954 S34 222 84 Bournemouth Gas & Water ( 'o We^t Woodyates - SI 7 48 B Wimborne St. Giles 5.947 ; 597 144 _ _ Witehampton - 2.111 I 472 135 _ WcodlamU - - 2.594 SM KX:> j DURHAM. Annfield Plain U.D. it.isii 10.552 Barnard Castle .ion 4.757 U.D. " 2,922 1,032 2.906 1.02H Weardale A: Consett Water Co. Barnard Castle U.D.C. - Wells Do. Satisfactory and adequate. Satisfactory. Benfieldside U.D. - 1,525 8.355 Bishop Auckland 091 is.834 1.07.- 8,90(8 1,667 2,900 Weardale A: Consett Water Co. Bishop Auckland D.D.C. am Do. Satisfactory (soft). U.D. Weardale &. Consett Water Co. (bulk). | i Blaydon U.D. - 9,314 31.139 5.U36 5,470 i Newcastle 6 55,031 11,918 11,918 Darlington T.C. - , Durham B. - - l.ooe 17,550 2,722 2.722 Weardale i; Consett Water Co. Felling U.D. - - 2,(184 25.026 Gateshead C.B. - 3,132 110,917 I.OS5 1 5,908 4,079 Newcastle \- (iat eshead W. Co. 15,908 , Do. do. S|>rin<.'> Satisfactory. Hartlepool B. 735 20.615 3,789 3,789 Hartlepool Gas and Water Co. Hebburn U.D. 1,241 21,763 3.147 3,143 Sunderlnnd and South Shields Wells - - Satisfactory ami plentiful. Water Co. Hetton U.D. - 1,617 15,678 3,083 3,083 Hettoii le Hole and Easington Lane Water Co., Ltd. i Smiderland. to., Water Co. Houghton le Spring U.D. 1.551 9.753 1,858 1,844 (bulk) ILambton & Hetton Collieries, Ltd. (bulk). > Springs - Doubtful. 1 Jarrow B. 783 33,72(1 4,606 4,606 Sunderland. Sic.. Water Co. - _ Leadgate U.D. - 1 Ryton U.D. - 3eaham Harbour 1,836 ; 4.990 5.169 ! 12,948 1,101 15,757 1.025 2,525 2,147 1.015 2,475 2.147 Weardale i; Consett Water Co. Newcastle & Gateshead W. Co. Sunderlaiid, A:c., Water Co. - Wells Yells k springs - Satisfactory & sufficient. Satisfactory. U.D. I Shildon U.D. - 1,066 13.488 3,009 3,009 ! Weardale & Consett Water Co. _ South Shields C.B. 2.399 108,647 13,768 I3.7H8 Smiderland. &c., Water Co. - Southwick on 856 13,784 2,256 2.256 Do. __ Wear U.D. Spennymoor U.D. 3,388 17,909 3,556 3.544 Weardale & Consett Water Co. iprings Fair and adequate. Stanhope U.D. 2 H> 2.010 438 438 Stanhope U.D.C. - 1 Stanley U.D. 3,593 23,294 3,960 3,903 Weardale A: Consett Water Co. a) Wells and () Good, (i) fairly good. (A) springs. Stockton on Tees B. 5,355 58,657 ll,8tl 11,797 Tees Valley Water Board Veils Potable and adequate. Sunderland C.B. - 3,357 151,159 23,546 23,546 Sunderland. &c., Water CM. - _ Tanfteld U D. 4,779 10,101 1.922 1.922 i Weanlulf & Consett Water Co. __ Tow Law U.D. 477 4,324 928 928 Do. Vest Hartlepool 2.684 63,923 12,930 12,900 Hartlepool Gas and Water Co. Veils Satisfactory. Stockton on Tees B. -As extended from 9th November 1913. 414 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. * 'ounty, District and Pariah. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Durham <' i Newcastle and Gateshead ) Whickham U.D. - 5,914 18,332 3,153 3,149 j Water Co. V Springs - - Variable. ( Weardaie A: Consett Water Co. i ' Willington U.D. - 3,793 8,731 1,715 1,705 Weardale it Consett Water Co. Do. - - Satisfactory. Auckland R.D. : Auckland St. An- drew. 1.275 5,605 j 1,233 1,233 ) Bishop Auckland U.D.C. | Wean laic & ( 'onset t Water Co. 1 1 Auckland St. Helen 1,510 1,622 345 341 Do. WelJs i; springs - ) Binchester - 596 50 10 8 Weardale &Consett Water Co. Spring 1 Good and generally Bolam - 1,013 124 27 Wells & springs - j adequate. Byers Green - 935 '2,349 490 489 Weardale & Consett Water Co. Springs ) Coundon 794 6,912 1,430 1,430 Do. Coundon Grange - 669 3,627 781 780 !>.>. Spring - - Good and generally Eldon - 1,421 1,657 313 297 Do. Springs - - adequate. Esconib 1,029 2,783 706 706 Do. Kvenwood and 5,437 '4,987 1,000 960 Do. (part in bulk) Wells A: springs " Barony. Hamsterley - - ! 2,985 425 106 Do. Hclmington Row - 1,303 4,841 948 935 Weardide.Sc Consett Water Co. Springs Hunwicfc and Hel- i 1,977 2,464 580 573 Do. Springs i: River mington. Wear. Lynesack and Softley. Merrington - Middlestone - 3,742 1,646 893 2,706 882 1,9S4 587 547 190 187 392 385 ( Barnard Castle H.D.C. (bulk) | Weardale & ( 'onsett Water Co. Do. Do. Springs A: wells Well - Spring A: surface Good and generally adequate. water. Middridge - - 1,132 452 122 116 Do. Springs A: wells- Middridge Grange- 977 79 14 11 ST)f\ i Newfield - - 341 1,340 249 247 U\J, , Spring! - Newton Cap- - 1,304 1,192 237 230 Do. (part in bulk) ) North Bedburn - 2,843 2,542 510 498 Weardale A: Consett Water ( 'o. Springs A; wells- Old Park - ' 414 885 154 149 Do. Springs - - j Pollard's Lands - 1,896 1,123 215 215 Do. South Bedburn - 10,039 226 56 I Wells and , Good and generally West Auckland - 3,407 4,471 940 936 Weardale & Consett Water Co. ) springs. adequate. Westertou - - 699 521 94 94 Do. Whitworth With- 583 ', 77 16 16 Do. out. Windlestoue - - i 1,188 188 39 10 Do. I Springs and Good and generally Witton le Wear - 3,192 i 2,271 458 439 Do. j wells. adequate. Barnard Caatle R.D. : Cleatlam 1,124 78 20 20 Toes Valley Water Board Cockfield 1,606 2,672 i 540 540 Barnard Castle K.D.C. - Eggleston Forest and Frith - 8.042 461 133 17.699 537 123 [ Springs - Good and plentiful. Gainford - - 2^45 1,172 201 164 Tees Valley Water Board Wells Fair, but plentiful. Headlam - - 808 Hilton - - - 1,096 90 17 ; 7 119 20 Do. j Do. Good and plentiful. Ingieton - - 847 322 79 Do. - - Moderate, but plentiful. Langleydale with ; 4,GtiO 195 40 ] 1 Shoiton. I Do Langton - - 1,085 1)4 18 1 Tees Valley Water Hoard ' UO. Marwood - - 7,225 378 70 4 Do. 1 Middleton in Tees- > 10,495 1,863 498 395 Barnard Castle R.D.C. - Springs - dale. Morton Tinmouth - 416 33 7 Wells Ncwbk'gin - - j 4,640 316 92 Springs Raby with Kever- 2,814 259 51 Springs & wells - [Good and plentiful. stone. Staindrop 2,006 1,380 335 127 Tees Valley Water Board Wells Streatlam and 2,938 313 73 Springs A: wells- Stain tun. Wackerfield - 751 132 30 Wells Westwick 1,467 78 12 . Springs A; wells - Whorlton Winston 1,969 220 3,044 312 49 2 87 65 | Tees Valley Water Board - Wells . Woodland 2,884 657 130 130 Barnard Castle R.D.C. - Chester le Street R.D. : Barmston 919 492 102 94 Sunderland and South Shields ) Water Co. (bulk). ', Wells - Fair. Birtley - 1,429 8,409 1 ,662 1.655 Newcastle, A;c., Water Co. \ Bourn Moor - 513 1,320 258 258 Lambton & Helton Collieries. Ltd. Cocken - 464 190 34 32 Weardale A: Consett Water ( !o. I (part in bulk). <> Wells - Fair. Edmnndsley - 2,104 2.222 456 449 Weardale i: Consett Water Co. I Great Lumley 1,642 2,177 448 425 Do. (bulk) Do. tfostly fair, some doubtful i Weardale &. Consett Water Co. ) Harraton 3,002 3,399 664 648 J Lambton, &c. Collieries, Ltd. j Newcastle. Azc., Water Co. - 1 Do. - - Fair. ( Sunderland, A:c.,W. Co. (bulk) 1 Lambton 691 130 30 27 Newcastle, 4cc., Water Co. Wells Fair, some insufficient. j PAIIT II. DURHAM. County, Jiistrict, and 1'arish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. .Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Nature and Sufficiency Supply. of Supply. 7. 8. Durham '''"' Chester le Street R.D. cant. C Weardale & Consett Water 1 Co. (part in hulk). Lamesley 7,177 6,369 1,325 1,264 <( Newcastle & Gateshead Water - Wells - Fair, but some insufficient. Co. ; it Messrs. John Bowes (. & Partners, Ltd. j Little Lumley 867 1 .2:19 325 318 Weardale & Consett Water Co. 1 (bulk). Ouston - Pelton - Ml 1,1178 942 8,118 n;.-, 1,78.1 157 1,783 1 Weardale & Consett Watci ! Do. Fair. Plawswortli 1.320 1,333 291 286 \ C - South Biddick - 352 57 20 17 Newcastle, itc., WaterCo. Urpcth - - - l,8(i(l 3,32(1 713 672 Weardale & ('onset! Water (V Usworth - -1 2,134 7,986 1.552 1,540 Newcastle, la:., Water Co. (bulk) ' TV, Tin Waldridge (iso i.i?.-,r, 283 274 Weardale & Consett Water Co. 1 U - U\J. iSimderland ic South Shields Washington - 1,973 7,821 1,549 1,491 Water Co. (bulk) ; & New- Do. - - Fair, but some insufficient. castle, itc., Water Co. (bulk). Witton Gilbert 3.2.15 7,098 1,562 1,555 Weardale & Consett Water Co. Do. Fair. Darlington R.D. : Archdeacon Newton 1,004 48 8 , j Barmpton 1.545 87 20 [ Wells - Good. Blackwell l,64 405 87 36 Darlington T.C. - Brafferton 2,428 144 40 Do. Some good. Coatham Mundeville 1,745 129 34 Cockerton 1,421 1,099 250 227 Darlington T.C. - > Do. Do. Denton - 987 96 18 Great Aycliffe 2,078 750 175 149 Darlington R.D.C. *Great Bunion 605 94 21 Do. Bad. Haughton le Skcrue 1.743 1,349 329 292 P.'irlington T.C. - Do. Doubtful. Heighington - 2,209 658 179 Springs and wells ) High Coniseliffe - 2,140 312 75 32 Tees Valley Water Board Wells V Some good. H'uighton le Side - 1 ,1 >5 82 16 Spring and wells | Hurworrh 2,488 1,452 380 286 Tees Valley Water Board 1 Killerby 686 70 30 Low Coniscliffe 1,037 149 30 Low Dinsdale U74 252 40 21 1 Middleton St. George. 2,5 1C, 1,531 345 313 1 Tees Valley Water Board - Morton Palms 1,359 71 14 7 1 *Neasham 1'ioTcebridge - 1,637 973 336 209 83 51 46 Tees Valley Water Board 1 Wells - Some good. Red worth 1,886 451 93 44 Weardale i. Consett Water Co. Sadberge 2,088 412 95 93 Tees Valley Water Board School Aycliffe 540 21 3 Sockburn 712 61 12 Summerhouse 830 131 31 Walworth 2,156 147 30 Whessoe 1,444 368 75 62 Darlington T.C. - J Durham R.D. : Bearpark 1,137 1,758 304 302 ) Belmont 1,604 3,246 680 677 > Weardale, &c., Water Co. Wells Good and adequate. Brancepeth - 3,752 384 73 50 \ Broom - 1,086 3,260 694 694 Do. Cassop cum Quar- rington. | 3,257 2,967 565 525 | Weardale, &c., Water Co. - < Messrs. Walter Scott, Ltd. ( (part in bulk). 1 Coxhoe - 1,058 3,833 726 724 ( Do. do. 1 The Steetley Lime Co. j. Wells - Good and adequate. ( Weardale, &c., Water Co. - Framwellgate Moor 3,745 2.552 503 450 Hett - 1,279 369 80 65 I Do. Kimblesworth 626 1,221 244 238 I Neville's Cross 305 962 220 220 Do. ( Weardale, &c., Water Co. - 1 Pittington 2,371 2,130 459 431 ; Hetton le Hole it Easington j Lane Water Co. Ltd. St. Oswald's - 2,227 631 141 130 Weardale & Consett Water Co. f Weardale, &c., Water Co. (bulk) & thro' Lambton k Shad forth 2,904 1,744 416 396 \ Hetton Collieries, Ltd. | Weardale Steel. Coal & Coke [ Co. Ltd. i Weardale, &c., Water Co. j. Wells - Good and adequate. Sherburn 1,310 2,918 635 626 & through Lambton & Hetton Collieries, Ltd. j Master & Governors of Sher- Sherburn House - 740 217 37 33 burn Hospital. ) Weardale, &o., Water Co. (bulk). Weardale, &c., Water Co. - Shincliffe - 1,378 1,015 275 260 < Master & Governors of Sher- ( burn Hospital. J * Great Burdon and Neafham. Tees Valley Water I Board is about to furnish supplies in these parishes. A 0.198 416 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplici from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Durham font. Durham R.D. -eont Sunderland Bridge 1,438 1,431 282 277 Weardale & Consett Water Co ) Whitwell House - 643 152 31 26 Master & Governors of Slier \ Wells - Good and adeouate. burn Hospital. f Easington R.D. : Burden- - - 1,135 . 124 25 10 Sunderland and South Shields 1 Water Co. f Wingate and District Water Castle Eden - 1,949 1,829 400 370 Co., Ltd. ; also through j Messrs. J. Nimmo & Son, j> Wells - - Satisfactory. Ltd. Cold Hesledon - 1,030 833 130 112 Sunderland, .Sec., Water Co. - Dalton le Dale - 812 472 90 82 Do. Easington 5,073 2,711 650 493 Do. Wells A: spring - Good. East Murton - 1,496 7,721 1,500 1,500 l)i>. (part in bulk' ( Haswell and Shotton Watei "i Co., Ltd. Haswell 3,224 5,860 1,240 1,240 j South Helton Coal Co., Ltd. I I Sunderland A:e., Water Co 1. (bulk). J Hawthorn Hutton Henry 1,520 2,017 412 90 3,247 700 67 616 Do. (part in bulk' Wingate, &c., Water Co. (bulk) [ Wells - Satisfactory. Kelloe - 1,596 996 185 185 Messrs. Walter Scott, Ltd. i The Horden Collieries, Ltd. - 1 Monk Hesleden 2,540 2,093 500 433 \ Wingate, &c.. Water Co. Ltd. 1 Wells - - Satisfactory. ( (bulk). 1 Nesbitt - 333 19 2 Do. - - ! Satisfactory. Seaham - 1,525 6,342 1,115 1,115 Sunderland, ice., Water Co. - - f Do. ) | Messrs. T. Brougb, B. M. Seaton with Sling- 1,392 388 80 68 ( Brough, H, W.Brough, am] > Wells - - Satisfactory. ley. j Representatives of the late 1 John Brough. ) Sueraton and 2,346 - 162 i 35 Wells & springs- Good. Hulam. 1 Shotton 3,707 12,561 2,21(1 2,182 1 Sunderland, 4c., Water Oo.- ) The Horden Collieries, Ltd. - \ Wells - - Satisfactory. Thornley 1,148 3,380 . 70M 636 Weardale Steel, Coal and Coke f Co., Ltd. (part in 'bulk). l' Wingate, &c., Water Co., Ltd. I Wingate 4.17.'! 10,890 1,940 1,940 ) Weardale Steel, kc., Co., Ltd. 1(part in bulk). - , Messrs. Walter Scott, Ltd. - ) HartlepoolR.D.: Brierton 762 29 6 1 Claxton - 881 67 11 - i Dalton Piercy 1,006 86 22 Elwick - 1,537 188 60 ; Elwick Hall - 4,438 185 39 Greatham 2,491 972 230 188 Wells A: springs Satisfactory. Hart Seaton - 2,373 2,831 276 58 347 75 32 7 Hartlepool Gas & Water Co. 1 Stranton - 826 149 29 11 ' Thorpe Bulmer 852 21 4 Throston Bural 1,093 1,035 25 15 Haitlepoo! Gas fc Water Co. - J Houghton le Spring R.D. : East and Middle 998 248 56 '48 Sunderland, &c., Water Co. Springs - - Satisfactory. Herrington (bulk). East Rainton 1,091 1,503 318 280 Weardale .t Consett Water Co. Do. - - Fairly satisfactory. Great Eppleton 706 73 13 9 Hettou le Hole and Easington Do. - - Satisfactory. Lane Water Co. Ltd. ' Little Eppleton 337 30 7 7 Do. do. Moor House - 282 71 18 18 Weardale 4: Consett Water Co. Moorsley 603 1,038 227 227 North Helton Coal Co. - Morton Grange 462 1,190 2 tO 240 Lambton & Helton Collieries - Newbottle - 1,454 7,191 1.102 1,402 | Sunderland, &c., Water Co. - j Lambton, &c., Collieries, Ltd. Offerton 926 318 111 56 Earl of Durham - Springs & wells - Some satisfactory. Painshaw 1,087 6,431 1.360 1 ,360 Lambton, &c., Collieries (bulk) Silksworth - 1,993 1,161 i 2.1(1 240 Sunderlaud. kc., Water Co. - Springs - - Fairly satisfactory. Wanlen Law - 499 91 , 17 10 Helton le Hole. &c.,Water Co.* Springs it well - : Satisfactory. West Herrington - 979 3,828 720 720 Lambton, kc., Collieries, Ltd. West Rainton 1,775 2,354 518 500 Weardale & Consett Water Co. Springs - Satisfactory. Manchester R.D. : Cornsay 3,039 2,0d9 407 401 ) ' Craghead 1,242 3,896 706 700 Ebohoster 599 510 140 134 Esh Greencroft - 3,148 1,676 10,175 381 1,995 75 1,975 68 } l>o, do, Wells iS? aprings Good and generally ade- quate. Healeyfield . 2,168 904 204 154 Hedleyhope 1,607 808 241 237 J Lambton and Helton Collieries, Ltd., convey the water to Warden Law by rait. PATIT II. DURHAM. 417 Ciiunty, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula tion, 1!)11. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers 1 ... providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no 1'iped Service. Total. 4. Supplio from Piped Service 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Durham cunt. Lanchester R.D. emit. Knitsley 2,201 881 187 165 \ Lanchester - 13,483 5,208 929 849 ' Langley Medomsley - 2,404 8,769 513 6,281 118 1,267 112 1.153 } Weardale & Consett Water Co Wells k springs Good and generally ade- quate. Muggleswick - -I 12,465 367 83 3 J Satley - - - 3,350 302 69 Do. Do. do. Sedgefield R.D. : Bishop Middleham 2,087 668 156 156 Weardal.- \ ( 'otisett Water Co. __ - Bishopton - - 2,178 ! 349 77 77 Tees Valley Water Board Bradbury - - 2, 1 1 1 229 36 36 Weanlale i ( tonsett Water Co. (bulk). Butterwiek ami 1,548 50 9 Wells Good and adequate. Oldacree. Ohilton ... i 'ornforth 2,422 1,768 6,070 S,8M! 1,087 1 .352 1,087 1,352 J; Weardale k ( 'onsett WaterCo. East and West 852 48 7 1 Newbiggin. Elstob - 738 61 12 1 Wells - Good and adequate. Erableton 3,4M 128 25 . | FerryliiU 2,196 10,133 2,007 2,007 Weardale & Consett Water Co. (part in bulk). t ~"~ Kishbuni 2,126 331 67 67 Do. (bulk). I Foxton and Shotton 1,803 61 10 ( i annondswayMoor 1,149 1 25 26 20 1 Weardale & ( 'onsett Water Co. / thro' Raisby Hill Quarries. 1 Wells - 3ood and adequate. Little Stainton 1,145 5S 12 4 Tees Valley Water Board j Mainsforth - 6M 147 49 in Weardale & Consett Water Co. - - Morden- 1'reston le Skonie - 1,572 8,683 140 134 26 20 z } Wells Good and adequate. Sedgelield 5,26 3.327 348 348 Weardale, &c. Water Co. (bulk) . _ _ Stainton le Street 1,258 92 18 or Croat Staintoii f Wells Good and adequate. Stillington - 1,153 87 12 i Thrislington - 5*6 105 20 20 Weardale A; Consett Water Co. Trimdon 2,495 5,269 991 991 Messrs. Walter Scott, Ltd. - Wood ham 3,809 180 24 Wells 3ood and adequate. South Shields R.D. : Boldon - 2,483 2,982 689 686 Sunderland and South Shields Wells . - Satisfactory. Water Co. Boldon Colliery Harton - 1,851 1,038 4.374 2,064 845 198 845 198 Do. do. Monkton Whitburn 2,750 3,960 655 4,406 135 873 131 870 Do. do. Wells Satisfactory. Stockton R.D. : Aislaby 1,810 99 17 _ Billinghani - 3,036 4.463 915 883 1 ( 'arlton - 1,500 251 56 25 ( 'owpen Bevvley 3,348 965 175 127 Egglescliffe - 1,523 ! 1,383 365 329 ; Tees Valley Water Board - Elton - 1,889 184 36 15 Grindon 3,511 428 98 30 Lougnewton - 4,311 305 63 31 J Wells - Good and adequate. \o\vsbam - - 1,561 67 15 Newton Bewley - 1,564 132 31 Norton - 2,790 301 67 30 I Preston upon Tees - 1,117 775 213 203 Redmarshall - 875 55 13 1 J- Tees Valley Water Board - Whitton 784 1,113 224 195 \Volvistou 2,446 655 158 58 J Sunderland R.D. : Bishopwearmouth Without. K.l - Kul well - Hylton - 460 1,029 649 2,593 346 3,113 5,075 3,038 33 645 1,047 544 33 Hfl 1,047 544 1 ! Sunderland and South " Shields Water Co. Ryhope - - - 1,441 11,185 1,838 1,838 Tunstall 808 6,245 1,102 1,102 J Weardale R.D. : Edmondbyers 5,103 221 61 20 Weardale R.D.C. - Hunstonworth 8,039 247 67 Stanhope 60,620 5,769 1,441 478 i Weardale R.D.C. - [Springs - Good. Wolsingham - 21,909 3,414 686 < 553 1 Weardale & ConsettWater Co, Weardale R.D.C. - J ELY, ISLE OF. Ohatteris U.D, - 13,719 5,259 1.257 924 Wisbech Waterwks. Co. (bulk) Wells Fair. Ely U.D. . -; 16,742 7,917 1,844 1,602 Ely U,D,C, .... Rivers Ouse and Suitable for domestic Lark at Ade- ! purposen after being laide Si Prick- boiled, filtered nt Ade- willow ; rain- laide ; abuncinnt, water at Ohot- . Ugh am. Dd 418 KETl'RN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, district and I'arisli. i Irea in Acres. 2. 'opula- tion, 1911. 1 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. S Total. 1 4. applied from Piped service. 5. Sources of Nature and Sufficiency Supply. of Supply. 7. 8. Ely, Isle of <"' IB March U.D. - 19,777 8,403 2,018 1,558 Wistech Waterworks Co. Rainwater - Adequate. WhittleseyU.D. - 362 4,207 1,047 () Wells ; (ft) () Some fairly good ; (ft) 1-ivers.Scstreams; &(<;) doubtful; adequate. (<) rainwater. Wisbech B. - - 6,477 10,822 J2.640 2,610 Wisbech Waterworks Co. Rainwater - Moderate. Ely R.D. : Coveney ?,170 445 118 . Wells, springs, i: "| pond (filtered). Downham 10.154 1,887 439 Rain-water, wells, springs, river, & Fen drains. Grunty Fen - 1,793 88 15 Rain-water Haddenham - 8,925 1.678 433 20 Ely E.D.C. .... Wells, springs, Fen drains, X rain-water. Littleport 17,208 4,477 1,016 Wells, R. Ouse (some filtered), Fen drains, & rain-water. Mcpal - 1,708 341 93 Wells, river, rain-; water, & Fen drains. Rcdmere 632 50 8 Rain-water Satisfactory. Stretham 4,019 961 265 Springs, stream. rain - water, wells, & Fen drains. Button - 7,145 1,531 384 Wells, rain- water, river, & Fen drains, j Thetford 1,078 209 42 Wells, spring, rain - water, \- 1 liver Ouse. Wentworth - 1,369 116 26 Wells Wilburton 2.437 . 475 128 Wells, springs, & rain-water. Witcham - - 2,205 268 76 ( _ i Springs, rain- < water, wells. ] Witchford - 2,156 390 105 & Fen drains. North Witchford R.D. : Benwick 3,208 862 212 . Rain-water and Doubtful, but adequate. River Nene (fil- tered). Uoddington 7,054 1,486 323 114 Wisbech Waterworks Co. (Rain-water i: Fair and adequate in !><>d Manea - - - 5,676 1,473 342 225 Do. (bulk) ) wells. dington : unfit, but suffi cient in Manea. Welches Dam 2.388 156 29 Rain-water & Old Doubtful, but adequate. Bedford River. Wimblington 7,762 1,238 272 55 Wisbech Waterworks Co. Rain-water and Fair, but scarce in parts, wells. Thorney R.D. : Stanground North - 1,117 31 5 1 Rain-water and Fairly satisfactory.) Thorney 17,842 1,871 400 150 Thorney Drainage Board j drains. Whittlesey R.D. : Whittlesey Rural - 25,837 3,380 744 Wells, rain -water. Liable to pollution, but river, stream, sufficient. &. dyke. Wisbech R.D : Elm 11,402 2,140 515 307 Wisbech Waterworks Co. 1 Leverington - 4,298 1,424 362 110 Do. i Newion - 3,103 494 122 Outwell - - - Parson Drove 591 4,096 376 786 110 195 23 Wisbech Waterworks Co. [Rain-water & Good and generally wells. sufficient. Tydd St. Giles 4,761 907 191 Upwell -.. 7,675 1,505 350 96 Wisbech Waterworks Co. Wisbech St. Mary - 10,187 2,099 535 ^~ - 1 ESSEX. Barking Town U.D. Braintree U.D. - j 3,805 2,224 31,294 6,168 5,714 1,49!) 5,698 1,468 j South Essex Waterworks Co. | Metropolitan Water Board Hraintree U.D.C. - - - - Wells - - Satisfactory and adequate. (<) Wells, springs, ( no Piped Service. providing a Supply of Wat IT. 6. Soiinvs iif Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Essex ' / - Clacton U.D. 4,069 9.777 2,098 2,067 Claoton U.D.C. Wells - - Fairlv L'ood. Colchester B. 11,333 43,452 8,699 3,687 Colchester T.C. (a) Wells, (A) () Fair and abundant, (i) East Ham B. 3,324 133,487 24,263 24,263 Metropolitan Water Board - springs. satisfactory k plentiful. Epping U.D. - 1,420 4,868 950 910 Herts and Essex Waterworks Wells, springs, & Generally doubtful. Co., Ltd. pond. Frinton on Sea 422 1,610 313 313 TuiKlriiis Hundred Water- U.D. works < '< i. Grays Thurrock 1,351) 16,998 2,936 2,936 Soutli Essex Waterworks ( 'o. - U.D. Halstead U.D. - 647 6,344 1 ,575 1,573 Halstead U.D.C. - Wells Fair and adequate. Harwich B. - 1,541 13.622 1,964 1,964 Tendring H. Waterworks Co.- Ilford U.D. - 8,496 78,188 1 5,832 15.779 Snutli Kssex Waterworks Co. Metropolitan Water Board - Wells - Satisfactory. Leyton U.D. - Lousfhton U.D. 2,594 3.901 131,736 5,433 22,101 1,178 22,101 1,177 j Metropolitan Water Board - Well Doubtful. Maldon B. - 3^028 64163 1.407 1.407 Maldon T.C. .... Romford U.D. 5,630 16,970 3,560 3, 31 IS South Essex Waterworks Co. Wells, springs, Satisfactory and ample. ponds, & rain- water. Saffron Walden B. 7,502 6,311 1,450 1,428 Saffron Walden T.C. a) Wells, springs (a) Satisfactory ; (A) bad. and (A) ponds. Shoeburyness U.D. 1,036 5,004 801 801 Shoeburyness U.D.C. Southend on Sea C.B. 7,082 70,626 17,204 17,176 \ Southend Waterworks Co. - / Shoeburyness U.D.C. - Wells - Fair and adequate. Tilbury U.D. 1,855 6,429 799 747 South Essex Waterworks Co. - Wdls, springs Good. and rainwater. Waltham Holy 11,017 0,795 1,489 1,347 Metropolitan Water Board - O) Wells, (A) (a) Very poor ; (A) satis- Cross U.D. springs and (a) factory ; (r) serviceable. rainwater. Walthamstow U.D. 4,343 124.580 20,083 I20.6S3 Metropolitan Water Board - Walton on the : 2,040 2,172 515 515 I Tendring Hundred Water- .-. Naze U.D. works Co. Wanstead U.D. - West Ham C.B. - 1,679 4,683 13,830 289,080 2,843 44,336 2,843 44,336 Metropolitan Water Board - Witham U.D. 3,713 3,480 830 736 Witham U.D.C. - Veils, springs, Satisfactory. rivers, streams Wivenhoe U.D. 1.564 2,375 021 522 Wivenhoe U.D.C. - & ponds, a) Wells and () Good ; (A) fair ami (A) springs. adequate. Woodford U.D. 2,161 18,496 3,816 3.816 Metropolitan Water Board Belchamp R.D. : Alpbamstone 1,709 176 : 68 Belchamp Otton - 1,737 198 68 Belchamp St. Paul 2,554 482 161 Belchamp Walter - 2,194 391 122 - Borley - - - 794 176 38 Buhner - 2,801 661 177 Hures ... 1,840 463 139 Fnxcarth 1,724 335 91 48 Messrs. Ward and Son - IGestingthorpe Great Heimy Lamarsh Liston - - - 2.708 1,034 940 627 488 183 198 100 177 71 62 22 Wells & springs Good (generally hard) and adequate. Little Henny 419 51 13 Middlcton 876 133 40 North Wood - 261 4 3 Pentlow 1,898 224 68 Twinstead Wickham St. Paul 1,153 1,225 170 243 57 92 Billericay R.D. : Basildon Bowers Gilford Childerditch - Downhara Dunton - 1,615 2,496 1,635 2.204 2,31(1 505 222 221 443 246 160 65 44 107 30 35 32 4 36 6 > Southend Waterworks Co. - South Essex Waterworks Co - > Southend Waterworks Co. - Wells & filtered rainwater. 1 Kast Horntlon 1,530 420 n Wells Great Burstead 3,709 2,116 474 212 Southend Waterworks Co. Wells & filtered Hutton ... 1,699 1,774 198 123 South Essex Waterworks Co. rainwater. Ingrave- 1,822 512 134 Veils j Laindon Lee Chapel - 2,049 475 738 56 195 16 59 2 > Southend Waterworks Co. - Generally good and ade- quate. Little Burstead 1,839 382 41 29 j Little Warley 1,595 1,007 35 6 South Essex Waterworks Co. Mountnessing Nevendon 4,206 1,012 959 223 230 56 10 30 i - Wells & filtered North Benfleet 1'itsea - 1,601 1,693 ass 721 60 175 42 139 [> Southend Waterworks Co. - rainwater. Ramsden Bellhouse 2,737 576 154 63 Ramsden Grays 1,458 256 70 39 . A 0.198 Dd 3 420 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. ."). Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Essex <* Billericay R.D. , aoat. . Sbeufield - - 2,459 2,311 South Weald- - 4,(i32 5.670 Vange - - - 1,411 817 r>24 827 201 - ( |- South Essex Waterworks Co. 114 Southend Waterworks Co. ] Wells& filtered Generally good & adequate West Horndon - 1,397 1 123 19 | 8 South Essex Waterworks Co. rainwater. Wickford 1,S10 1,028 287 224 Southern! Waterworks Co. J Braintree R.D.: Black Notley 2,309 815 131 1 Booking 4,639 3,448 669 84 Braintree Ll.D.C. - Bradwell 1,205 259 43 Cressing 2,595 574 113 Fairsted 1,963 242 50 _ Faulkbourne - 1.151 176 29 i Feering - - - 3,204 830 212 1 Braintree R.I >.C. - Finchingfield -' 8,430 1.340 266 Great Coggeshall - 2,832 2.365 576 377 Braintree R.D.C. - Great Saling - 1,599 264 56 Hatfield Peverel - 4.866 1,332 242 Kelvedon Little Coggeshall - 3,212 1,020 1,597 329 ' 09 Braintree E.D.C. . O* io ^Wells - Good and plentiful Markshall - 813 33 8 _ Panfield 1,498 261 45 ; Pattiswick 1,337 281 59 . Rayne - 1,707 389 77 , Kivenhall 3,428 639 125 1 Shalford 2,472 508 103 1 Stisted - 3,035 r.64 146 i 116 C. Sebag Montefiore, Esq. 1 Terling - 3,142 821 198 121 Terling P.O. - - - - Wethersfield - 4,223 1,055 2211 -- White Notley 1,868 341 67 Bumpstead R.D. : Ashen - 1,500 254 60 Springs and -wells ] Birdbrook - - j 2,072 432 120 Wells Helion Bumpstead 2,853 558 140 _ Wells i filtered ! pond water. J- Fairly satisfactory. Ovington 688 113 30 -i- Well Steeple Bumpstead 3,766 916 226 _ _ ( Well Sturmer 995 321 80 ) iJ Chelmsford R.D. : Boreham - - 3,801 881 203 Broomfield - - 2,332 '. 1,209 304 ! j Wells & springs Good and sufficient. Buttsbury - - 2,113 697 166 , Wells Good, but insufficient. Chignall - - i 2,027 Danhury - - 3,4'J5 370 1,008 94 253 177 Chelmsford tt.D.C. Wells & springs 1 East Hanningfleld 2,682 453 96 85 Do. Wells, spring. and pond Good Easter - - 1,988 454 103 : Wells Great Baddow - 3,911 2,582 652 393 Chelmsford R.D.C. Wells & springs Good and sufficient. Great Leighs - 3,146 643 171 Wells Great Waltham 7.451 2,063 513 63 1 Ingatestone and 4,133 Fryerning. 1,915 465 'Si 1 *l 1 V Chelmsford R.D.C. Wells & springs Little Baddow - 2,756 545 147 66 > Little Leighs - 1,079 116 33 Wells Good, but insufficient. Little Waltham - , 2,310 i 640 167 54 Chelmsford R.D.C. Wells & spiings Margaretting - ; 2,24 677 Mashbury - - ! 898 159 136 41 1 Wells - Good and sufficient. Pleshey 732 262 71 I ) Rettendon 3,708 835 189 i 168 Chelmsford R.D.C. Do. Good, but insufficient. Roxwell 4,782 714 180 Wells i; springs j Runwell 2,070 316 87 65 ( Southend Waterworks Co. - / Chelmsford R.D.C. Wells and rain- I water - VGood and sufficient. Sandon - 2,408 524 127 55 Do. Wells ! South Hanningfield 1.488 230 50 Wells & springs Good, but insufficient. Springfield - 2,268 482 110 Wells Good and sufficient. Stock ... West Hanningfield 2,724 2,839 587 441 151 112 j Do. Wells & springs Good, but insufficient. Widford - - i 680 Woodham Ferrers - 4,482 355 984 80 : 54 Chelmsford T.C. - 250 241 Chelrjosford R.D.C. Wells Rainwater Good and sufficient. Writtle - - 8,458 2,649 CQ|) ORO 1 I'O. Chelmsford T.C. - - - I Wells and rain- f water. Good, but insufficient. Dunmow R.D. : Aythorpe Roiling - ' 1,394 202 49 1 \Vollc Bardfield Saling - 1,198 270 58 ( w ens Barnston - - 1,349 163 3S Spring & wells - Broxted - - 3,179 :.|> 129 ) Chickney - . 713 ffi 7 ', Wells - Felrted - - 6,426 1,969 490 50 Dunmow R.D.C. - 1 Great Bardfield - 3,668 858 197 1 Spring A: wells - Great Canfield - , 2,490 Great Dunmow - 6,795 305 2,792 63 700 217 Dunmow R.D.C. - 1 'f Very variable. Great Easton - 2,559 648 155 Hatfield Broad Oak 8,810 1,672 418 162 Herts, and Essex Waterworks Co., Ltd., thro' Hatfield J. Wells - Broad Oak Water Co., Ltd. High Easter - 4,902 669 158 High Rod ing 1,778 414 94 Leaden Roding - 913 175 40 PART II. -ESSEX. 421 County, District and I'arisli. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, I'.Hl. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 1. Supplied from 1'ipr.l Service. 5. Sources of Nature and Sufficiency Supply. of Supply. 7. '. 8. Essex 'ww. Dunmow R.D. cont. Lindsell Little Hardfield - 1,986 1,80(5 202 2*4 40 55 ( Wells & ponds - 1 Little Canfield - 1,492 231 60 > Little Duiimnw - 1,728 320 BO 1 Little Eastern - I,fi02 274 76 _ Margaret Roding - 1,285 214 47 '. 1 Wells } Very variable. Stebbing 4,383 976 X2 Takeley - - 3,188 811 97 - } Thaxted - - li,251 1,672 406 Wells i: ponds - Tilty - . - - 1,068 85 20 1 ~ur i| White Ruding - 2,540 338 87 i w eus } Epping R.D. : Chigwell - - 4,13(5 2,742 64 5 584 Metropolitan Water Board - lipping Upland - 4,743 '80(5 205 48 ' Great Parndon - . 2.281 556 142 14 Harlow - - - 4,015 2,980 763 636 Latton - - - 1.1525 269 59 36 Little Parndon - 524 76 21 12 Magdalen Laver - 1,239 143 34 12 i Matching - - 2.417 554 134 9 ! Herts, and Esses Water- } Wells - Fairly satisfactory. Nazeing - - 3,952 847 21(1 128 works Co. Nettcswell - 1.552 (533 154 88 North Weald Bassett 3,422 1.146 295 878 Roydon - - 3,031 1,138 291 ' 103 Sheering I,fi4(i 664 171 127 Theydon Bois 2,121 1.134 28.-, - 273 i 1 Theydon Garnou - 2,401 271 ! 67 38 } } Halstead R.D. : CastJe Hcdingham 2.436 988 2(58 } C"!ne Kngaiiu- - ; 2.42!) 583 147 > Wells - Good and adequate. Karl's ('nine - 2,9(55 1,871 477 139 MCSM-S. U. Hunt and Co.. Ltd.* ) GosfieH - 3.033 4(13 134 Do. Satisfactory. flreat Maplestead - 1,824 411 82 . Great Yeldham 1.S71 600 150 . Halstead Rural 4,986 776 192 i Little Maplestead - 1,212 234 69 Little Yeldham 1,0(19 279 61 Pcbmarsh 2,062 392 124 Do. Good and adequate. Uiilgewcll 1,410 455 144 Sible Hodingham - 5,?72 1,789 483 Stainboiirne - 2,204 326 108 Tilbury juxta Clare 1,026 176 44 Toppegfield - 3.360 604 173 1 White Colne - 1,513 385 100 Do. Unsatisfactory in parts. Lexden and Wins- tree R.D. : Abberton 1,068 179 54 Wells Poor and uncertain. Aldham- 1,865 383 100 .. Do. Uncertain. Birch - 3,413 772 182 Wells and spring Boxted - 3,177 1,015 189 Wells . Pair Chapel - 1,149 . 390 90 Wells and springs Copford - - - 2,135 711 156 Wells 1 IDedhara Kast Donyliind Kasthorpe Ka-t Atersea - Kiiigriiighne - Fnrdham Great Horkesley - Great. Tey 2,568 1,377 991 1,991 2,560 2,522 3,204 2,798 1,500 1,395 108 216 525 626 779 601 390 432 19 70 129 166 177 157 290 Lexden and Winstree R. D.C. - Do. - - Very fair. - n P- 1 i Fair. Wells and spring \ Wells - - Doubtful. Springs and wells Fair, but springs distant , from houses. [.Wells - - Fair. 1 Great Wigborough - Inworth 2.157 1,688 205 806 53 164 z z Ponds & ditches, Wells Unsatisfactory. Fair. Langenhoe 2,091 197 49 Do. - - 1 Bad. Langham Layer Breton Layer de la Haye - Layer Marney Little Horkesley - Little Tey 2.977 1,260 2,695 2,200 1,02(5 343 594 250 653 298 184 73 162 61 187 61 3(5 15 1 Do. Do. Do. Spring and wells [ Wells - Fair. Fair, but inadequate. Fair. Spring and one well good ; many supplies bad. Fair. Little Wigborough- 1,105 45 IS .. . 1 Ponds & ditches Unsatisfactory. Marks Tey - 1,180 586 126 - Wells Fair. MrsMllg- 2,<515 770 165 Wells and spring Doubtful. Mount Bures - 1,293 241 54 | Wells Poor. Peldon - 2,252 409 106 - Salcott - 274 187 48 Ponds & ditches, Bad. Stanway 3,327 1,302 235 126 | Colchester T.C. (bulk) | C. Moy, Esq. [ Wells - Unsatisfactory. Virley - 34(5 68 18 Ponds & ditches Bad. * Earl's Colne. This supply is about to be discontinued and one furnished by Halstad R.D.C. Dd 422 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1 Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of I Total. 4. louses. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. i 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Essex <<">' Lexden and Wins- tree R.D. runt. Wakes Colne - 2,059 501 113 Wells and stream Fair. West Bergholt 2,287 1,156 258 Wells and springs Uncertain. West Mersea - 3,185 1,600 337 Do. do. Unsatisfactory. Wormingford 2,307 Ml 103 Wells and .spring Very fair. Maldon R.D. : Althorne 2,242 339 104 103 Maldon R.D.C. Well Good. Asheldham - 1,309 189 -44 17 i Do. Wells Gem-rally good. Bradwell near the 5,239 831 225 Do. Fair. Bea. Cold Norton - 1.692 233 59 59 Maldon R.D.C. Creeksea 866 98 25 10 Burnham on Crouch U.D.C. - 1 Dengie - 2,85(5 224 4!) . I Goldhanger - 1,802 369 97 ' ^Wells - Fair. Great Braxted 2.635 285 85 1 Great Totham 3.351 727 198 J Hazeleigh 992 127 26 26 Maldon R.D.C. Heybridge 1,833 1,922 487 ,, 9r ( Messrs. E. H. Bent-all k Co., 1 | Ltd. (part in bulk). J- Wells - Generally good. Langford 1,047 205 43 . Do. Good. Latchingdon - 4,005 450 112 103 ; Maldon R.D.C. - Do. Do. Little Braxted 622 '.17 23 Do. Fair. Little Totham 1,292 402 76 Wells and spring Mayland 1,875 363 80 7 . ( Maldon R.D.C. - | Joseph Fels, Esq. ! Rain-water \ Generally good. Mundon 3,091 255 64 Wells - - Fair. North Fambridge - 1,249 144 45 44 Maldon R.D.C. Rain-water - Generally fair. Purleigh 5,794 821 206 200 Do. Wells Good. St. Lawrence 2,131 144 43 Wells k rainwater Poor. Southminster 6,520 1,567 427 357 Maldon R.D.C. DM. (10. - Poor in parts Steeple - 2,726 353 106 Wells Fll'r Stow Maries - 1,018 170 44 32 Maldon R.D.C. Well - JWr. Tilliiigham - 4,927 787 232 Wells Poor. Tollesbury 5,027 1,858 4M> Do. Bad. Tolleahunt D'Arcy - 4,442 852 220 26 Maldon R.D.C. Do. - - Fair. Tolleshuut Knights 2.246 591 182 127 Do. Wells & rainwater! Generally fair. Tolleshunt Major - 2,265 350 89 . . Wells Poor in parts. Ulting - 1,034 163 43 9 Maldon R D C Generally "o* >i i Wickham Bishops - 1,607 518 142 1 wells. Woodham Mortimer 1,386 267 66 40 Maldon R.D.C. Do. do. B'air. Woodham Walter 2,621 463 123 8 ( Do. | Chelmsford R.D.C. (bulk) - j Wells - Genera'ly good. Ongar R.D. : Abbess Koding 1,619 206 49 Wells and ponds 1 Beauchamp Roding 1,262 193 49 ) Berners Roding 1,073 96 20 . ( Springs, wells, Blackmore 2,588 613 140 ( and ponds. Bobbingworth 1 ,642. 309 54 23 Herts and Essex Waterworks 1 Co., Ltd. Chipping Ongar 511 1,392 198 161 Do. do. Wells Doddinghurst 1,917 346 80 Springs, wells, and ponds. Fyfield - 2,451 534 105 Springs, wells, & River Roding. Greensted 683 92 23 9 Herts, &c. Waterworks Co., Ltd Wells High Laver - 1,894 387 85 Wells and ponds High Ongar - 4,519 1,176 268 132 ( Herts, &c. Waterworks Co., < Ltd. ( J. Newall. Esq. - { Springs, wells, I and ponds. Kelvedon Hatch - 1,684 384 105 . . Wells ( Herts, &c.Waterwks.Co., Ltd 1 Lambourne - 2,470 811 192 83 j Col. A. R. M. Lockwood ( Metropolitan Water Board - > Springs and ) wells. ! Fair and sufficient. Little Laver - 965 108 25 . Wells Moreton 1,475 398 90 Springs, wells, 1 Cripsy Brook, and land-drains. Navestock 4,518 740 168 Wells and ponds Norton Mandeville 775 122 27 1 Shelley - 609 232 53 21 Herts, &c. Waterworks Co., Ltd | Sbellow Bowells 469 86 22 w (Springs, wells, Stanford Rivers 4,414 864 178 46 Herts, &c. Waterworks Co., Ltd f and ponds. Stapleford Abbots - 2,365 433 108 17 Lord O'Hagan Stapleford Tawney 1,657 216 34 J Stondon Massey 1,126 240 58 Wells and ponds Theydon Mount 1,564 166 40 3 Herts, &c. Waterworks Co., Ltd Springs, wells, and ponds. Willingale Doe 1,766 318 72 Springs, wells, River Roding, and ponds. Willingale Spain - 1,220 192 34 Wells and ponds 1 PART II. ESSEX. 423 County, District ami Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2, Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of t'ndertaki'rs providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Essex cant. Orsett R.D. : Aveley - 2,968 1,226 248 223 South Essex Waterworks Co. - Wells, springs, > & rain-water. Bulphan 1,713 447 99 Wells Corringham - East Tilbury - Fobbing 8,868 2,121 2,UO 698 424 423 208 78 133 187 70 70 ' S. Essex Waterworks Co. - Southern! Waterwks. Co. (bulk) 1 Wells, springs, [Good and sufficient. Honuloti on the Hill 2,615 617 152 129 South Essex Waterworks Co.- > and rain- water. 1 Laimlon Hills 1,816 567 158 78 Do. J Little Thurrock 1,349 2.0'.)4 421 421 Do. Mucking 2,029 440 116 92 ) North Ockendon - Orsett - 1,709 309 4,246 ; 1.452 69 329 62 279 Do. Wells, springs. Good and sufficient. South Ookendon 2,105 1.329 294 279 ) & rain-water. Stanford Ic Hope - , 2,627 2.545 544 544 Do. . Stiilord - 1,594 1,617 300 800 Do. West Thurrock 2,996 3,849 716 716 Do. West Tilbury - 1,861 411 88 79 Do. Wells, springs, Good and sufficient. & rain-water. Roohford R.D. : Ashingdon 1,166 243 58 Barling 1.291 : 334 77 Wells - Fairly good. Canewdon - - 5.2:tl 511 127 Canvey Island - 4,400 583 136 Wells and rain- Do. water. Eastwood - - 3.23(i 1.617 34K 237 Southern! Waterworks Co. Foulness - - 6,133 479 99 Great Stainbridge - 2,463 314 72 Great Wakcring - 2,771 1,842 436 353 Southern! Waterwks. Co. (bulk) Hadleigh 1.824 1.707 387 231 Southern! Waterworks Co. Havcngorc 298 10 2 Hawkwell Hockley 1.365 565 4.474 932 124 212 86 151 / Southern! Waterworks Co. - Little Stambridge - 606 171 39 Little Wakering - '. 2,403 North Shoeburv - 1,098 396 277 92 68 ! Wells - Do. Paglesham - - 2,038 405 95 Uuwreth - - 2,372 441 102 . Rayleigh - - 2,906 Rochford - - 1,867 2,471 1,821 582 376 395 303 | Southern! Waterworks Co. - | Shopland 1.055 65 13 . . South Benfleet 1,950 1,305 324 241 Southend Waterworks Co. South Fambridge - 1,192 247 52 Sutton - 699 205 45 1 Southend Waterworks Co. Thundersley - 2,545 1,434 257 106 Do. J Romford R.D. : Cranham 1,879 489 80 51) South Essex Waterworks Co. - Springs j Dagenham 6,556 7,930 2,063 1,517 j Metropolitan Water Board - 1 South Essex Waterworks Co. Springs & wells VGood and adequate, Great Warley 2,888 2,051 400 374 Do. Wells ) Havering - atte - 2,093 399 90 5 Do. Uo. Village good ; elsewhere Bower. not very good. Hornchurch - 6,783 9,461 2,000 1,893 Do. Do. Good and adequate. Noak Hill - 1,594 222 55 4 Do. Wells, ponds, and Indifferent & insufficient. rain-water. Rainham Upminster 3,251 3,375 1,972 2.468 382 506 373 484 Do. Do. (part in bulk) Wells & springs Good and adequate. Wennington - 1,301 364 53 53 South Essex Waterworks Co, Saffron Walden R.D. : Arkesden 2,181 290 70 Wells and ponds Ashdon 3,950 594 150 Wells, spring, and ponds. Bartlow End - 1,070 121 33 15 Saffron Walden R.D.C. - Ponds Chrishall 2,789 497 110 Wells, springs, & Clavering 3,831 836 220 _ _ ponds (filtered). Wells, springs, Fairly satisfactory. and ponds. Debden 4,653 641 166 Wells and ponds Elmdon 3,461 533 130 62 Saffron Walden R.D.C. - Ponds & springs Great Chesteiford - 2,917 825 190 Wells Great Sampford 1,737 391 101 Wells & springs - J Hadstock 1,731 383 90 Spring & ponds - Good and adequate. Henipstead - 3.591 509 130 37 Saffron Walden R.D.C. - Ponds ' Langley Littlebury 1,660 3,537 302 595 78 146 I I Wells & ponds - Little Chesterford - 1,207 235 55 Wells Little Sampford Newport 3,322 1,730 353 918 90 240 ! ~ Spring & ponds - Wells Fairly satisfactory. Quendon 657 179 40 Wells and ponds Badwintar 3,876 641 165 - Spring & wells - Rickling 1,392 339 93 1 Wells and ponds Strethall 629 50 13 ~~ Spring. 424 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County. District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3, No. of Total. 4. Houses. Supplies from Piped Service. 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. J, Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Essex cot. Saffron Walden R.D. coni. Wenderi Lofts 799 72 12 Well and ponds -i Wendens Ambo 1,439 390 87 Wells Wicken Bonhunt - ; 850 163 40 Wells - - J- Fairly satisfactory. Widdington - 2,046 352 90 51 Saffron Walden R.D.C. - Rain-water and ; | ponds. Wimbish 4,920 601 150 Wells and ponds Good and sufficient. Stansted R.D.: Berdon - - 1,800 296 75 1 Birchanger - 1,066 919 206 7 Stansted Water Co., Ltd. Elsenham 1,852 422 105 Farnham 2,021 391 98 Great Hallingbury 2,688 490 117 Henham 2,995 741 181 J- Wells - Satisfactory. Little Hallingbury 1,656 552 123 Manuden 2,531 576 152 Stansted Mount- 4,224 2,344 600 464 1 fitchet. \ Stansted Water Co., Ltd. - Ugley - 2,121 335 91 8 f j Tendring R.D.: Alresford 1,436 246 64 Wells Fair. Ardleigh 5,062 1,420 382 Do. Some doubtful and inade- quate. Beaumont with Moze 2,890 394 110 9 | Tendring Hundred Water- 1 Do. Fair. Bradfield 2,153 758 199 17 ) works Co. I Do. Fair, some poor. Elmstead 3.711 839 218 5 Wivenhoe U.D.C. - Do. 1 !.,,. Frating - - - 1,185 216 53 Wells and brook Great Bentley 3,236 1,106 289 -' Clacton U.D.C. (bulk) - Wells - - , Many poor i: inadequate. Great Bromley 2,996 689 175 Great Holland 2,155 483 135 13 Tendring &e., Waterworks Co. i ]>Do. Great Oakley 3,329 801 215 20 Do. do. Kirby le Soken 3,854 1,094 290 86 Do. do. j Lawford 2,711 896 233 50 Do. do. Well* and spring Little Bentley 2,094 308 84 1 Little Bromley 1,844 361 89 Fair. Little Clacton 3,009 712 199 91 Tendring &C., Waterworks Co. ^ Wells Little Holland 648 131 39 Little Oakley 1,224 293 71 Manningtree - 22 887 ! 226 182 Tendring kc., Waterworks Co. j Mistley 2,125 1,781 461 100 Do. do. Wells and spring Ramsey - - - 3,987 3,277 662 359 Do. do. Wells St. Osyth 8,993 1,391 374 ' Do. Bad in many cases. Tendring 2,873 833 159 1 Tendring kc., Waterworks Co. | Thorpe le Soken 3,315 1,144 306 56 Do. do. s Do. - - Fair. Thorrington - 2,058 391 118 Weeley - 1,984 587 167 Do. Fair, insufficient in vill Wix 3,129 624 157 58 Tendring &c., Waterworks Co. I Do. Fair. Wrabness 1,108 295 71 GLOUCESTER- - SHIRE. Awre U.D. - 4,317 1,070 264 Wells it springs Good. Bristol C.B. - 17,460 357,048 67,426 67,426 liristol Waterworks Co. - Charlton Kings 3,399 4,495 1,094 744 Cheltenham T.C. - 00 Wells, (ft) 00 Mostly good, (ft) Good. U.D. springs, rivers. and streams. Cheltenham B. 4,726 48,942 10,623 10,573 Cheltenham T.C. - Wells Doubtful. Cirencester U.D. - 5,286 7,631 1,687 858 Cirencester U.D.C. Do. Good and generally adequate. Coleford U.D. 2,060 2,604 599 368 Coleford U.D.C. - 00 Wells, (ft) () Generally very good, springs, and (c) (ft) good and (c) un- rain-water. satisfactory. Gloucester C.B. 2,318 50,035 10.781 10,781 Gloucester T.C. Kingswood U.D. - 1,530 12,700 2,709 2,662 West Gloucestershire Water Co. Wells and springs Fairly satisfactory. Nailsworth U.D. - 1,596 3,031 769 361 Stroud Water Co. - (a) Wells, (ft) 00 and 00 Variable, (*) springs, and (c) generally good. rain-water. Newnham U.D. - 1.937 1,021 250 76 Exors. of the late S. W. Woods. Wells & springs - Excellent. Stow on the Wold 45 1,301 334 334 Stow on the Wold U.D.C. U.D. Stroud U.D. - 1,168 8,767 2,024 1,834 Stroud U.D.C. (a) Wells and () Variable, (ft) fair. (ft) springs. PART II. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. 425 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Aorra. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Supplied Total. f': on l Piped Service. 4. 5. Names 'if I'ndtM'takers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. ' Gloucestershire cunt. Tetbury U.D. 114 1,758 445 445 Tetbury U.D.C. Tewkesbury B. 2,532 6,887 1,204 894 Cheltenham T.C. (bulk) Wells & springs - Gencrally.not suitable for Westbury on 8,257 1,812 too .Do. drinking purposes. Good. Severn U.D. Campden R.D. : Admington - 1.47!) 115 : 28 Campden R.D.C. - Wells Good and sufficient. Batsford '.172 118 20 20 Lord Redesdale - Biiurton on the Hill 2,975 379 108 105 H. D' East. Esq. - Chipping Campden 4,699 1,680 390 201 Campden R.D.C. - Wells it spring - Good and sufficient. Clopton 600 34 7 7 S. G. Hamilton, Esq. - Ebrington 2.974 505 125 Wells & spring - ) Hidcotc Bartrim - 618 48 11 10 Mrs. G. C. Winthrop ] Lower Lcmington - 869 78 13 12 Lord Redesdale - 1 Mickleton Moreton in Marsh - 2,600 1,014 OiM 149 143 S. G. Hamilton, Esq. - - ; 1,400 375 36,S Uimpden Il.D.C. - ^Wells - J- Good and sufficient. Quiiiton 2,460 MB 98 . | M.-iirihilcn College. Oxford - / I'ampdcn R.D.C. - j Todenham 8,481 262 78 J Cheltenham R.D. : i Cheltenham R.D.C. - ) Badgeworth - 3,330 831 209 72 \ J. Sheffield Blakeway, Esq. - V Wells & springs Uncertain. ( Cheltenham T.C. - } Cuberley 3,03!) 376 74 S 11. I'.ubb, Esq. Do. Variable. i I. Horleck, Esq. - 1 Cowley - 1,898 317 66 00 ' Cheltenham and Cirencester - / R.D.C.s - j Great Witcombe - 1)12 115 26 .,, 1 Do. Do. / W. F. Hicks-Beach, Esq. - j Wells - Doubtful but adequate. Leckharapton 1,289 ioa , ( The Misses H.C.&C.S.Barnan: JiO O ', r\i -i. rn f 1 Cheltenham T.C. - | Wells & springs .1 Prestbury 3.0.-) 1 1,806 406 35 Do. ... Wells } Variable. Shurdington - 1,069 402 97 Archdeacon Sinclair - - Wells & springs - Staverton 1,022 409 9!) 57 Cheltenham T.C. - Wells Swimlon 730 297 62 10 Do. ... Do. Variable, but ample. Uckington SSI 147 40 40 Do. ... Up Hatherley 538 126 30 20 Do. Wells Doubtful. Chipping Sodbury R.D. : Ai'ton Turville 1,015 298 60 66 West Gloucestershire Water Co. Alderley 818 92 20 20 ! Alderley Private Subscription Supply. ( Ihipping Sodbury - 107 977 268 196 W. Gloucestershire Water Co. Wells & springs - (>oil and adequate. Cold Ashtou - 2,289 293 69 Do. Good and plentiful. Dodingtun 1,496 80 20 10 W. Gloucestershire Water Co. i Doynton 1,728 324 76 40 Do. Dyrham and Hin- ton. 3,020 337 78 - 1- Do. Good and adequate. Filton - 1,025 658 158 155 i W. Gloucestershire Water Co. 1 Frampton Cotterell 1,927 2,068 488 219 Do. j Great Badminton 1,794 475 108 108 Do. Hawkesbury - 9,912 1,597 407 46 ( Hillesley Water Supply | W. Gloucestershire Water Co. > Wells & springs Doubtful, but fairly ) sufficient. Horton - 3,582 365 79 5 W. Gloucestershire Water Co. Do. Good and plentiful. Iron Acton - 2.943 1,048 270 Do. Poor. Little SoHbury 1,098 147 38 Do. Good, but insufficient. Marshfield - 5,907 1,189 300 Do. Good and plentiful. Old Sodbury - 3,729 763 176 121 W. Gloucestershire Water Co. Do. Good and adequate. Pucklechurch 2,261 1,298 298 44 Bedminster.EastoiijKingswooii Wells, springs, Poor and scarce in & Parkfield Collieries, Ltd. and rain-water. summer. Stoke GifEord Tormarton 2,397 2,656 806 327 95 73 70 52 W. Gloucestershire Wa'er Co. Do. Wells i!c springs - Do. J Good and adequate. Wapley and Cod- 2.598 242 57 Do. Good and generally plen- rington tiful. Westerleigh - 4,466 1,128 258 184 W. Gloucestershire Water Co. Do. Poor and insufficient. West Littleton 1,013 77 11) Do. Good i: generally sufficient. Wick ami Abson - 2,521 1,006 226 82 W. Gloucestershire Water Co. Do. Good and plentiful. Wickwar 2,328 860 212 116 ] Winterbourne 3,030 3,191 763 657 \. Do. Do. Good and adequate. Yate 4,081 1,309 303 97 ) Cirencester R.D. : Ampuey Crucis 2,621 436 112 35 F. W. B. Cripps, Esq. - Wells Good. Ampney St. Mary - 1,604* 183 36 - Do. ' Good, but inadequate. Ampney St. Peter - Bagendon 625 1,146 203 179 46 40 z | Do. Good and adequate. Barnsley 2,16* 240 58 [DO. ( Good, but short in dry Baunton 1,367 108 24 17 Col. T. W. Chester-Master / weather. Brimpsfiold - 2,729 338 83 15 Cheltenham and Cirencester Do. Good., but inadequate in R.D.C.S. summer. Coates - 2,568 360 77 62 ( Cirencester R.D.C. } Lord Biddulph - |DO. Good. Colesborne 2,198 235 56 56 J J. H. Taylor, Esq. I H. J. Blwes, Esq. I f Daglingworth 1,923 300 78 70 Corpus Christi College, Oxford Wells Good, but short in drv . . j - weather. 426 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County. District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. f Popula- tion, 11)11. 3. No. of Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Gloucestershire cvnt. Cirencester R.D. ctmt Down Ampney 2,777 347 74 Wi-lls Driffield 1,264 111 2!) . . D u n t isbourne 2,332 232 63 Spring Abbots. Duntisbourne Rouse 2.260 111 27 Springs & wells - Good and adequate Edgeworth 1,598 129 29 5 A. J. James, Esq. - ' Wcl 1 Elkstone 2,116 219 51 ^> TV ens - Fairford 4,012 1,410 347 57 R. R. Barker, Esq. - Wells & R. Coin Harnhill 708 82 17 Wells Hatherop 2,123 298 73 73 Trustees of the late G. S. Bazley Kemble - 3,322 528 120 65 Great Western Railway Co. j Kempsford 4,963 752 201 through Lord Biddulphi V Wells - Good and adequate. Meysey Hampton - 2.022 264 80 3 J. Joicey, Esq. ... I North Cerney 4,176 603 134 101 ( J. H. Taylor, Esq. I Earl Bathurst Spring - Good and adequate. Poole Keynes 1,216 143 27 27 Lord Biddulph . Poulton - 1,600 385 110 17 J. Joicey, Esq. ... Wells Very good and adequate. Preston ... 2,042 249 48 Do. Good, but inadequate in summer. Qnenington - 1,996 388 93 93 j Trusteesof the late G.S.Bazley ) Hon. M.H. Hicks-Beach, M.P. Rendcomb 2,586 253 59 52 J. H. Taylor Esq. - Spring Good. Rodmarton 4,145 446 104 84 Lord Biddulph Wells' Good and adequate. Sapperton 3,960 468 120 16 Earl Bathurst Wells & spring - (iood. but short in dry weather. Siddington 2,137 524 118 . j Somerford Keynes - South Cerney 2,087 3,062 300 806 70 S!35 i '. Do. Good and adequate. Stratton 1,424 802 203 98 Cirencester U.D.C. Syde - 628 44 10 10 T. Crewdson, Esq. - Winstone 1,491 210 43 Wells Good, but inadequate ill summer. Dursley R.D. : Cam - 3,301 1,834 430 1 Coaley - - - 2,498 073 160 108 Dursley - 1,055 i 2,601 700 519 V Dursley R.D.C. - Kingswood 2,:!(i. r , 870 200 40 i North Nibley Nympsfield - Owlpen - - - 3,283 745 1,546 293 811 77 180 60 20 i Welle, springs, and streams. Generally good & adequate , Slimbridge 3,879 808 180 Stinchcombe - 1,676 332 70 Dley - 1,512 973 250 Wot ton under Edge 4,950 3,021 800 632 Dursley R.D.C. J East Dean and United Parishes R.D. : | Abinghall 763 188 45 4 Mitcheldean Waterwks.Co.,Ltd. 1 Blaisdon. 950 230 50 Bulley - 963 136 37 . Churcham 2,275 362 93 East Dean 13,285 14,594 3,219 2,228 East Dean and United Parishes R.D.C. Flaxley - 1,066 91 21 Wells - Good and sufficient. Huntley 1,439 435 101 . Little Dean - 718 823 186 120 East Dean & U. P. R.D.C. - Longhope 3,153 864 226 Minsterworth 1,825 330 83 Mitcheldean - 579 626 157 90 Mitcheldean Waterwks.Co.,Ltd. *Ruardean 1,630 1,273 279 J Gloucester R.D. : Ashleworth - 1,760 385 90 1 Barnwood Brock worth - 1.341 1,957 1,337 467 250 100 67 18 J Gloucester T.C. - fChurchdown - - ] 2,692 1,126 266 Down Hatherlcy - 855 213 40 Elmore - 1,821 334 82 . Hempsted Highnam Over and Linton. 1,290 2,038 513 341 80 61 19 3 1 Gloucester T.C. - Wells & springs Generally good and ade- quate. Hucclecote 1,487 " 1,103 220 176 ! Lassington 546 44 15 . Longford 914 690 130 19 Gloucester T.C. - Maisemore 2,055 462 103 Matson - 501 47 15 2 Gloucester T.C. - Wells, springs, ] and Sudbrook. 1 Norton - 1.968 309 84 . Wells & springs - Do. do. Prinknash Park 223 8 3 Wells, springs, f and Sudbrook. J * Ruardean. East Dean and United Parishes R.D.C. are about to provide a supply, t Churchdown. Gloucester T.C. are about to provide a supply. PART II. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. 427 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Total. 4. Houses. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 0. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Gloucestershire cunt. Gloucester R.D. nuil . Quedgeley 1,5911 740 190 : Sandhurst 2,175 486 9d Wells & springs 1 1 Twigworth 493 181 40 I Upton St. Leonards 2,8t>3 1.124 240 12 Gloucester T.C. Wells, springs, and Sudbrook. [Generally good and ade- Whaddon 914 45!! 80 quate. Wotton St. Mary Without. 1,140 1,4117 391 283 Gloucester T.C. - Wells Jcspriugs Wotton Vill - 42 745 7 5 Do. 1 j Lydney R.D. : Alvington 1,582 306 83 53 Alvington P.C. "I Aylburton 1,872 817 179 102 Aylburton Water Supply j- Wells - - Generally good. Committee. Hewelsfiekl - 1,692 419 110 | Lancant 218 10 2 ' IV, Lydney 6,188 3, (76 772 578 Lydney R.D.C. Do. Good. St. Briavels - 4.777 1,128 200 Tidenham 6,846 1,71(1 440 110 TidenhamWaterworks Co., Ltd. Wells A: rainwater Fairly good. Woolnston 2,!)83 779 197 90 Lydney R.D.C, Wells Doubtful and scarce in summer. MarstonSiocaR.D. : Clifford Chambers - Dorsington - 1,728 989 357 96 S3 15 1 Wells - Good and adequate. 'Long Marston 1,580 284 72 Ponds Bad and inadequate Preston on Stour - 1,769 267 68 ) Welford on Avon - 1,843 516 117 ( Wells - Good and adequate Weston on Avon - 917 89 16 Newent R.D. : Bronisberrow 1,810 269 60 18 Malvern U.D.C. (bulk) - 1 Corse - 2,220 367 100 Dymock 7,iK i! 1,297 328 43 Malvern U.D.C. (bulk) - Hartpury 3,670 691 173 Highleadon - 647 96 22 Kempley - - | 1,593 222 54 Newent Ozcnhall 8,091 2,485 2,250 220 591 51 74 Gloucester T.C. (bulk) - \ Wells - Generally good and ade- I'auntlcy 1,630 154 33 quate. Preston 897 86 19 j - Rudford 566 109 25 Taynton 2.521 501 115 Tibberton 1,406 285 71 Upleadon 1.230 182 53 Northleaeh R.D. : Aldsworth 3.350 312 73 Wells & springs Aston Blank - 2.360 254 56 . Wells Bibury - 5,198 688 183 Wells & R. Coin Chedworth - 4,781 710 204 J. Wells Coin Rogers - 1,574 111 24 Coin St. Aldwyn - Coin St. Dennis 2.666 1,798 313 167 87 48 River Coin Wells Good and adequate. Compton Abdale - 2,188 142 41 ~i 1 Dowdeswell - 2,413 267 61 Ka-tington - 3,954 353 69 i- Springs - 1 Eastleaoh Martin - 1.877 135 36 , Eastleach Turrille 2,784 341 93 J J Farmington - 2,201 212 63 Wells i: springs Satisfactory, but deficient in dry weather. Hampnett 1,431 126 31 Springs Good and adequate. Hazleton 1,566 100 25 Wells & springs Satisfactory, but occa- sionally deficient. Little Harrington - 1,113 114 37 Springs Good and adequate. Northleaeh 43 639 191 191 Northleaeh R.D.C. Salpcrton Sevenhampton Sherborne 1,401 3,377 4,567 140 413 527 36 111 124 | Springs - Springs and River Windrush. Shipton Southrop 2,816 1,582 317 272 78 66 Springs Wells Good and adequate. Stowell ... 851 73 18 Springs Tnrkdean 2,178 134 42 Springs and wells Whittington - Windrush 1,479 1,835 200 48 211 58 Springs River Windrush Winson - 1,216 125 35 Springs Withington - 6,105 522 158 Springs ic Rivei Coin. Doubtful and river supply turbid in dry weather. Yan worth 1,263 108 25 Wells Good and adequate. Pebworth R.D. : Ashton under Hill - 1,664 350 83 75 Pebworth R.D.C. - Aston Somerville - Aston Subedge 1,004 728 126 117 27 28 25 Evesham & Pebworth R.D.C.'s 27 Earl of Harrowby - . Wells - Good and sufficient. Childs Wickham - 1,898 492 112 110 Kvesham T.C. (bulk) - , Long Marston. A supply is about to be provided by and Pebworth R,p.C,'s, 428 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Gloucestershire cent. Pebworth R.D. cont . Cow Honeybourne 1,377 476 116 114 1 1 Hinton on the Green. 2.291 232 55 54 I EveshamAcPebworth R.D.C.'s Pebworth Saintbury 3,056 1,379 539 125 140 29 136 26 J. R. West, Esq. - ;> Wells i Good and sufficient. Weston Subedge - 2,658 330 75 79 ( Earl of Hariowby | Pebworth B.D.C. Willersey 1,271 452 103 100 Do. j Stow on the Wold R.D. : Adlestrop - - ; 1,306 156 41 41 Lord Leigh - ' - Bledington Bourton on the 1,539 2,470 403 1,153 90 281 z :: Wells - Good and ample. Water. Broadwell Church Iccomb 1,817 513 329 120 96 36 DO 1 Stow on the Wold R.D.C. - at 1 Wells A: springs Good and ample. Clapton Condicote 819 1,250 140 125 28 31 Springs - 1 . Daylesford (Wore.) 670 88 25 25 .C. E. B. Young, Esq. - Donuington - 1053 116 32 i Evenlode (Wore.) - 1,619 223 67 V Wells - - Good and ample. Eyford - - - : 1,241 82 22 Great Barrington - 2,99' i 400 108 108 M. E. R. Wingfield, Esq. Great Rissington - 2.49!! 335 82 so Stow on the Wold ll.D.C. Wells A: springs Good and ample. Iccomb - - - 671 38 7 7 G. H. S. Hayward. Esq. - Little Eissington - 1,475 201 49 40 A. M. Streatfeild Moore, Esq. Wells A: springs Good and ample. Longborough - 3,036 470 127 127 Lord Leigh - ... Lower Slaughter - 974 244 59 Lower Swell - Maugersbury Xaunton 2,347 1,863 3.177 423 : 98 222 -41 440 ! 128 89 35 109 M. Fenwick, Esq. - J. H. Hewitt, Esq. Stow on the Wold R.D.C. f Wells A; springs [-Good and ample. Notgrove 1,724 156 -38 16 C. Cunard, Esq. - Springs - - | Oddington - - 1,813 412 118 113 Stow on the Wold R.D.C. Wells & springs J Sezincote - - 1,438 72 17 17 J. T. Dugdale, Esq. Upper Slaughter - 2,003 270 67 <>H Capt. R. Brassey - - - Wells & springs Good and ample. Upper Swell - - 1,376 111 23 23 M. Femvick, Esq. - Westcote Wyck Eissington - 1,548 1,267 192 193 55 44 38 Capt. Butler - ^ Wells it springs Good and ample. Stroud R.D. : Bisley with Ly- 7,699 1,936 591 piatt. Cainscross - - i 552 Chalfcrd - - 1,108 2,190 2,913 591 794 366 217 | Stroud Water Co. Cranham - - 1.914 282 ! 33 Horsley - - 3.628 1,079 273 57 i i f Wells A: springs Satisfactory and adequate. King's Stanley - 1,719 Leonard Stanley - j 824 1,877 r>52 518 197 161 86 I Stroud Water Co. Minchinhampton - i 4,338 3,702 963 492 ) Miserden - - 3,218 361 506 I Painswick - -| 5,911 2,638 728 88 Strond Water Co. - j Pitchcombe - 502 190 58 18 j Lt. Col. J. C. Caruthers Little 'l Stroud Water Co. Springs - I>a Randwick 349 689 183 183 Rev. T. E. M. Barrow - Eodborough - 1,317 3,721 937 402 Stroud Water Co. - Wells & springs : "| Stonehouse - Thrupp - WhiteshiU - 1,224 912 502 2,304 1,361 1,342 557 341 368 444 107 41 Do. ... Do. ... Wells Wells & springs [Satisfactory and ade- quate. Woodchester - 1,206 831 203 74 ) J Tetbury R.D. : Ashley (Wilts.) - 952 72 21 Springs & wells Good, but short in summer. i Avening P.C. ; Messrs. R. J. Avening 3.724 823 227 16 A: M. Calcutt (Trustees). Do. Good. 1 G. Loweley -Williams, Esq. - Beverstona 2,150 170 37 Wells Satisfactory. Boxwell with 2,312 253 56 Wells and rain- Satisfactory, but inade- Leighterton. water. quate in summer. Cherington - 2,267 210 30 30 Misses C. L. and G. E. George Didmarton - 2,068 360 100 100 West Gloucestershire WaterCo. Kingscote 1,879 210 54 Wells Satisfactory. Long Newnton 2,319 301 63 63 Lord Estcourt ... (Wilts). Newington Bag- 1,975 174 42 1 path. > Springs k wells Good. Ozleworth 1,148 133 25 ( Shipton Moyne 2,36\> 331 74 74 Lt. Col. Sir G. Holford Lord Estcourt - , - 1 Tetbury Upton 4,513 1,043 247 20 Lt. Col. Sir G. Holford , Springs. wells Unsatisfactory. and rainwater. Weston Birt with 1,904 206 35 35 Do, , Lasborough. Tewkesbury R.D. : Ash church 4,274 786 202 96 Cheltenham T,C, - Pool and wells - Bad and poor. Boddington - 1,982 316 78 20 Po, ... Wells Poor and moderate, PART II. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. 429 ( V,unty, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 11)11. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. Gloucestershire COIlt. Tewkesbury R.D. eont. Bredon (Wore.) - 3,187 l.d.V, 200 182 J Miss Z. M. Woodhull - | Tewkesbury R.D.C. - | Wells - Variable and modeiate. Bredon's Norton 1,106 168 40 4 Miss Z. M. Woodhull - Do. Variable, but ample. (Wore.). Chaceley (Wore.) - 1,763 183 45 Do. Variable and poor. C'onderton (Wore.) 800 180 35 20 Sir R. B. Martin, Bart. - Do. Satisfactory. 1 leerhurst 3,138 694 145 30 Cheltenham T.C. - Do. Variable and modoatfl. Elmstone Hard- 1,746 207 58 11 Do. ... Do. Poor and moderate. wicke. Forthampton Hasfield 2,540 ,446 388 197 68 40 J Do. Fair and moderate. Kemerton ,664 468 110 90 Tewkesbury R.D.C. Do. Fair. Leigh - ,504 329 65 9 Cheltenham T.C. - Do. Poor and moderate. Overbury (Wore.) - .271 426 76 68 Sir R. B. Martin. Bart. - Do. Variable, but ample. Oxenton ,114 1(12 25 20 Late Earl of EHenboroiigh Do. Satisfactory. (Court of Chancery). Pendock (Wore.) - 1,14:, 194 45 Do. Variable and moderate. Stoke Orchard 1.378 134 28 Well Fair and moderate. TeiUlington (Wore.) 747 107 24 12 Sir R. B. Martin, Bart. - Do. Tirley - 1,924 357 75 Wells > Variable and moderate.' Tredington - 1,021 104 25 Do. 1 Twvning 3,191 862 198 Do. Poor and moderate. Walton Cardiff - 61!) tf 12 8 Cheltenham T.C. (bulk) Do. Fair. Woolstone - - 795 87 20 Do. Polluted with minerals, but fairly adequate. Thornbury R.D. : Alkinifton - - 4.114 815 180 "I Almondsbury - 7.00!) 2,213 522 273 | West Gloucestershire Water Alveston - - 2,563 733 196 85 J Co. Aunt - - - 1.216 146 88 Berkeley 57 826 201 40 Lord Fitzhardinge Breads! one - 1,202 130 26 Charrield 1,383 607 171 Cromhall - - 2,594 566 J43 KlbiTton - - 1,531 140 30 Falneld- 2,154 534 130 Ham and Stone 4,410 779 171 . . , ' Hamfallow - - 2,871 1,113 229 10 Lord Fitzhardinge Henbury - - 7,927 2,062 466 133 Bristol Waterworks Co. Hill - - - ! 2,053 193 40 Wells - Good. Hinton - 1,934 1,885 326 Littleton upon 940 172 36 Severn. Oldbury upon 4,120 556 164 Severn. Olveston 4,571 1,406 381 129 W. Gloucestershire Water Co. Rangeworthy 896 235 6(1 Redwick and ,246 425 106 81 W. Gloucestershire Water Co. North wick. Rockhampton Thornbury 972 4,665 147 2,646 46 660 220 W. Gloucestershire Water Co. Tortworth 1,577 210 46 Tytherington 2,236 541 127 63 W. Gloucestershire Water Co. J Warmley R.D. : Bitton - - - 3,665 3,244 752 475 W. Gloucestershire Water Co. Wells & springs 1 Hanham Abbots - Mangotsfield - Oldland 1,057 2.564 970 734 9,936 1,880 161 2,709 422 . 100 2,150 338 Do. Wells , Generally good and ade- | quate. Siston ... 1,833 1,394 317 250 ) J West Dean R.D. : English Bicknor - 3,209 568 132 ) Newland Staunton West Dean - 5,825 1,530 10,905 2,203 123 10,570 473 36 2,334 h - - Liable to pollution and scarce in parts. Wheatenhurst R.D. : Arlingham Brookthorpe - 2,458 1,094 423 220 120 45 20 Lady Darwin and J. M. Do. - Satisfactory and ample. Wells & streams Satisfactory. Collctt, Esq. Eastington - Frampton on 2,018 2,361 1,202 730 350 220 277 Stroud Water Co. - Wells - - Good. Wells and rain- Satisfactory. Severn. water. Fretherne with 1,187 698 200 Springs Satisfactory and ample. Saul Frocester 1,870 217 59 5 Stroud Water Co. - Springs & wells Fail. Hard wi eke 2,150 610 133 Wells and rain- Satisfactory and generally water, sufficient, Harescomb - 1,352 288 70 . Wells & springs Good, Haresfield 2,948 445 112 Wells, springs Do. - and rainwater. Longnev 1,5S6 813 90 -W Wells & spring Not satisfactory and in- , sufficient in some oases. 430 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Gloucestershire cunt. Wheatenhurst R.D. cunt. Moreton Valence 990 266 66 Wells Satisfactory. Standish 3,211 37-.I 98 I 29 Lord Sherborne - Springs - - , Some good. Whcatenhurstr or 1,207 312 92 Wells and rain- Fair. Whitminstcr. water. Winchcomb R.D. : Alderton 1,579 397 107 . Alstone - 626 69 14 Wells Beekford Bishop's Cleeve 2,778 1,2!)7 466 657 127 156 [ Winchcomb R.D.C. - IOU ) Wells and springs > Good. Buckland 2,275 283 62 62 Exors. of the late W. Adam - _ Charlton Abbots - 1,544 !3 21 12 Lt. Col. Fairfax Rhodes j Cutsdcan (Wore.) - 1,560 116 32 '. Wells - Good. Didbrook 536 151 34 \ Dumbleton - 2,185 431 94 94 Mrs. Eyres Monsell Gotherington 1,643 369 108 108 J. G. Villar. Esq. - Great Washbourne 638 96 17 Wells Good. Guiting Power 2,199 470 120 Do. Good, but inadequate. Hailes - 1,147 111 24 Do. Good. Hawling 2,211 145 31 31 M. Richards, Esq. Little Washbourne 465 25 6 1 Pinnock and Hyde 2.359 85 20 - Wells Prescott 603 50 16 Springs f-Good. Roel 1,158 43 8 i Snowshill 2,325 190 52 Wells J Southam and 3,368 344 69 Do. Good, but inadequate. Brockhampton. Stanley Pontlarge - 684 69 14 _ Do. Good. Stanton 1,818 343 82 82 P. S. Stott, Esq. - Stanway 3,860 312 74 . ) Sudeley Manor Temple Guiting - Toddington - 1,864 6,004 1,828 83 452 333 17 108 78 45 Corpus Christi College, Oxford > Wells - Good. Winchcomb - Woodmancote 6,720 983 .2,930 462 715 114 500 90 1 Winchcomb R.D.C. - Wells and springs Good, but inadequate. Wormington - 532 82 21 Wells Good. HEREFORD- SHIRE. Bromyard U.D. - Hereford B. - 213 5.031 1,703 22,568 388 4,%1 386 4,810 Bromyard U.D.C. - Hereford T.C. Wells Do. Fairly satisfactory. Very fair. | Kington U.D. 857 1,819 465 328 Kinj'ton Water Co., Ltd. Wells and springs Generally satisfactory. Ledbury U.D. 499 3.358 750 256 Ledbury U.D.C. - Wells Good and ample. Leominster B. 8,728 5,787 1,310 1,045 Leominster T.C. ... Do. Good. Ross U.D. 536 4,682 1.053 1,003 Trustees of the late T. Blake -i Do. Good and adequate. Bredwardine R.D.! J Bredwardine - 2,262 247 80 10 Rev. Sir Geoffrey Cornewall, 1 Bart. 'Clifford - 6,543 747 190 52 | Do. Do. | Trustees of the late P. Coats Cusop ... 2,294 404 110 68 j Hay U.D.C. | Trustees of C. J. Lilwall ; Springs - Good and sufficient. T. P. P. Powell, Esq. - Dorstone 5,376 383 110 29 I Rev. Sir Geoffrey Cornewall, i Bart., & Trustees of Peter- church & Clifford Charities. Whitney 1,513 214 60 28 Trustees of the late P. Coats - J Bromyard R.D. : A<*,ton Beauchamp 1,544 168 44 Wells Avenbury Bishop's Frome 2,912 3,983 335 720 68 2 161 Bromyard U D.C, - Wells and springs Do. Bredenbury - 852 90 21 i / Brockhampton 1,696 132 26 }. Wells - Collington 1,000 120 24 __ I Cradley 5,783 1,135 278 Wells and springs Edvin Loach 533 27 7 1 Kelvin Ralph - 1,228 79 20 Evesbatch 975 55 10 Felton - - - 1,151 56 14 _ > Wells Good ami adequate. Grendon Bishop 1,698 135 27 Hampton Charles - 481 82 16 __ j Linton - 2,331 468 89 Wells and springs Little Cowarne 693 160 36 Wells Moreton Jeffreys - 708 60 9 Do. Much Cowarne 3,330 439 96 . Wells and springs ' Norton - - - 1,734 374 98 Ocle Pychard 1,905 307 66 TJIT ,1 Pemcombe with 4,764 280 58 , .Wells r Grendon Warren J Sriltmarshe - Stanford Bishop - 129 1.514 6 189 1 38 1 Theot]or Barneley, Esq. 1 Stoke Lacy - 2,584 318 76 Tedstone Delamere Tedstone Wafer - 1,692 687 189 64 39 18 ! Wells - Goal and adequate. Thornbury 2,399 168 44 i Ullingswick - 1,665 251 60 r-j J PART II. HEREFORDSHIRE. 431 County, Area in District an! Parish. Acres. 1. 2. Popula- tion. 1911. 3. Xo. of Houses. : - Names of Undertakers Supplied ,, . , fro,,, provuhnga tdl - Piped Supply of Water. Service. 4. 5. (J. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources i'f Supply. 7. \atu,e ami Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Herefordshire cintt. Bromyard R.D.- Upper Sapey - - 2. 1 7 1 279 02 Wacton- - - 1.217 121 23 Whitliourne - - 3,104 621 166 ! Wells - Good and adequate. Winslow - - 3.101 412 84 1 I'.roinyard U.D.C. - Wolferlow- - - 1.5X3 88 21 " Dore R.D. : Abbev Dore - - 5.5(13 470 83 Wells & springs i Itacton - - - 1.178 1 09 27 Wells j' '' ;l ' '' Ci'.iswall - - 5.1711 225 63 Wells A; springs Fair, but some inade- quate. Dulas - - - S6-.I 72 16 Do. ' Fair. Eu-yas Harold - 1,853 Keiiderchurch - S46 471 56 113 12 27 .Marquess of Abergavenny 1 io. 1 1 . iod and adequate. Do. Iv'iitehurch - - 3.353 307 68 32 Col. E. S. Lucas Soudamore - Do.' Kilpeck - - 2.16!) 177 49 Wells - - ;- Fair. Kintrstone - - 2.026 346 101 Do. - - I Llancillo - - 1.0*7 52 14 . Wells A; springs - Llanveynoe - - 4.6o;i I.oiigtow-ii - - 6.260 201 556 47 157 20 Dore R.D.C. Do. Fair, but inadequate. Maciley - - - 5.35s 723 172 Wells - - Good and adequate. Michaelchureh 4.5*6 253 85 Wells A; springs - Fair. Escley. Xcwton- - - 1,754 186 48 Do. Fair, but inadequate. Orcop - - - 2.465 396 115 Do. , Fail- Peterchurch - - 5.164 565 150 90 Dore R.D.C. Wells, streams. Good and adequate. springs. IloNvlstone - - 1.667 103 29 Wells - - 1 Si. Dcvereux- - 1.IO2 174 47 Wells A: springs - St. Margaret's - 2.609 198 66 Do. Thruxton 428 69 13 . Wells - - <- Fair. Treville - 1.625 104 30 Do. Turnastoue - 539 83 11 Do. Tyberton 1.126 137 32 Do. - - i j Vowchurch - 2,716 277 79 57 Dore R.D.C. .... Wells A; springs - Good and adequate. Walterstone - - 1.254 127 35 Wells - - i Good, but some inade- (iiiate. Wormbridge - - 732 74 15 Do. - - Goixl and adequate. Hereford R.D. : Aconbnry - - 1.692 1S4 38 . Do. - - Fair. Allensmore - - 2,024 480 129 Do. - - Fair, but inadequate. Bartestrec 421 278 19 Do. - - | Good and adequate. Bolstone 674 43 12 Do. - - Good and fairly adequate. Breinton 1.647 447 93 Do. - - Fair and mostly adequate. Burghill 3,765 1,497 210 12 Hereford T.C. Do. - - Good and adequate. Callow - 631 87 24 Do. Fair. Clehonger 2. 1 52 444 107 Do. - - Fair and mostly adequate. Credenhill 1>58 272 54 Wells & springs- Good and adequate. Dew-sail 693 39 9 Do. Fair and adequate. Dinedor 1 .66 4 231 57 Do. Fair, but inadequate Dinmorc - - 58O 25 4 Wells Fair. Dormington - - 977 98 22 12 P. Foley, Esq. Wells it springs - Fair, bat some inade- quate. Eaton Bishop - 1,660 326 61 Do. Fair. Fownhope 3.524 737 206 Do. j Grafton - - 1.042 Hamilton Bishop - j 2,072 119 365 32 69 1 Wells - v Good and adequate. 1 Haywood - - | 1,565 155 35 1 Holme Lacy - 3.261 263 70 Wells it springs - I Holmer - - - 1,371 518 118 1 Hereford T.C. Wells } Fair. Kcuciiester - 545 115 25 Do. f 1 Little Birch - Little Dewclmrch - Lower Bullingham Lugwardine - Mirden - - - 1,019 1,726 1,106 2,116 3,995 239 233 458 656 768 68 64 57 183 194 Do. Wells A: springs - Do. Wells, springs, river. Wells it springs - Fair, but inadequate. Fair, j Fair, but Inadequate in j P- :: Mordiford 1,516 446 130 Wells, springs, : 1 and river - ] Fair. Mordon on Lugg - 896 79 18 Wells - - \ Much Birch - 1.301! 410 110 Wells A; springs - Good and adequate. Much Dewchurch - 4,921 539 128 Do. Fair, but some inade- quate. Pipe and Lyde - 1,640 238 49 12 Hereford R.D.C. - Wells - - Good, but inadequate. Preston Wynne - 874 156 36 Do. Fair, but inadequate. Stoke Edith - 1,014 162 39 39 P, Foley, Esq. . nmSugw - 1,389 325 80 ' Wells - - I Sutton - 1,504 394 76 Do. - - . > r 11 T Wellington - 3,060 641 156 Do. - - f rair - W.sthide Wilton Beggard Withiugton - Kington R.D. : 1.246 925 2,201 147 244 797 38 66 182 Wells it springs - Do. Weils I Fair, but inadequate. Fair, but inadequate in places. Brilley - 3.926 393 100 ] livton - 959 102 10 \ Wells it springs ; Good and adequate. mbe - 652 57 10 ~ ~ 1 E e 432 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. ( 'ouuty, District ami Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Herefordshire cunt. Kington R.D. com. . Eardisley 4,560 746 175 . 1 Huntingtoii - - 1,982 180 45 Kington Rural - 7,17(1 652 : 190 Kinsham - - 1,538 lo"> , 19 Knill - 819 47" 15 Lower Harpton - 843 66 15 Lvonshall - - 4,760 660 175 Pembridge - - 7,074 ! 995 280 J- Wells .S; springs Good and adequate. Raid, Nash, and 2,025 118 30 , Little Brampton. Stapleton - - 1,344 ; 126 35 - St nun ton on Arrow 2,968 311 65 . Titlcy - - - 1,899 296 70 Willersley - - 392 14 -2 Winforton - - 1,114 128 30 j Ledbury R.D. : Ashperton - - 1,693 344 70 Wells & spring Fairly uooii and adequate. Avlton - - - 839 95 18 ) Bosbuty - - 4,827 852 200 ^Wells - Do. Canon Frome - 1.053 121 20 ) (Castle Frome - 1,567 183 37 , Tin * Fairly good, but not very Coddington - - ; 1,028 133 33 f D0 ' | adequate. Colwall - 3,835 2,010 490 126 F. Ballard. Esq. (Trustee of the late S. Ballard) ; Malvern U.D.C. Do. Good ami fairly adequate. Uoimington - 1,038 103 20 Eastnor - 3,193 392 115 115 Lady Henry Somerset - Ef-leton- - - 738 Ledbury Rural - 6,666 122 744 30 166 6 Ledbury U.D.C. - Wells - Fairly good, and adequate. Little Marcle - ! 1,249 Mathou Rural - | 3,040 176 428 36 91 z ! Do. Good and adequate. Much Marcle 4,595 705 150 Do. Fairly good, but not very adequate. Munsley Pixley - 1,485 182 1,086 183 41 40 [ Do. Good and adequate. Pulley - 1,110 270 55 Wells and rain- Good and fairly, adequate. water. Stretton Grandison Tarrington - 841 2,236 116 472 23 111 71 P. Foley, Esq. /Wells - - Good and adequate. J Wellington Heath - Woolhope 1,032 4,414 396 94 584 : 139 ~ 1 Do. Not very gooi 1 < >r adequate. Yarkhill 2,302 448 100 j Leominster R.D. : Bodenham 5,295 735 176 2 Mrs. Nancy Biirrell Wells k springs Fair anil fairly adequate. Brimfield 1,853 593 136 Wells Good and fairly adequate. Croft - 1,059 25 6 Do. Fairly good and adequate. Docklow Eye, Moreton and 1,285 2,736 164 305 32 59 12 Sir F. Cawley Bart., M.P. - Do. Do. j Goixl and adequate. Ashton. Evton - 1,015 142 32 Do. Fairly good and adequate. Ford - Hampton Wafer - Hatfield 303 333 1,948 21 13 214 4 2 48 10 Major A. Chambers Do. Do. Good anil fairly adequate. Not good, but fairly adequate. Hope under Dinmore 3,854 450 117 80 Mrs. Nancy Burrell Wells & springs Good and fairly adequate. Humber Kimbolton 1,836 4,140 196 529 68 152 Do. Fairly good and adequate. Kingsland Laysters 4,931 1,995 944 177 258 55 Wells Do. Fairly good and adequate. Good, but not very ade- quate. Little Hereford Lucton - 3,539 1,051 425 161 84 30 Dot Wells 4: springs ' Good and adequate. [Alston - Middleton on the Hill. Monkland 1,300 2,997 1,108 379 273 206 97 75 52 Wells - ' Fairly goo*! and adequate. Do. Do. do. Do. - - Good and adequate. New Hampton 148 16 2 . Do. - - Fairly good and adequate. Newton - Orleton - 515 2,606 69 584 17 154 Fairly good ic adequate. Wells k springs ( 1'iulleston 1,778 225 r>7 . Wells - - Good and adequate. Richards Castle SI dke Prior - Varpole - 2,500 2.333 2,534 218 358 493 59 87 122 . Wells and (' springs. Fairly good and adequate. Ross R.D. : Aston Ingbam 2,366 439 112 1 Ballingham - 910 152 36 1 Brampton Abbotts 1,520 203 51 . . Bridstow Brockhampton 2,232 1,661 578 254 140 54 ~ ~ } Wells \: springs i Satisfactory. Foy 2,360 279 65 ' Goodrich 1,945 188 128 1 Harewood 668 77 18 J PART II. HEREFORDSHIRE. 433 - County, District ami Parish 1. Area i Acres 2. Popula tion. ! 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names oi Undertakers (1 providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Supplic Totil from ** Piped Service 4. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency (if Supply. 8. Herefordshire nntt. Ross R.D. cant. Hentland 8,647 477 121 "> HM]H> Mansol- 1,123 175 i 49 How Caple - 1,015 115 29 King's Caple - 1.K15 272 63 Lea 793 208 57 Lint on - 2,775 738 ! 192 ,_ 1 Llandinabo - 500 M 12 Llangarren 5,411 761 220 100 Ross R.D.C. - Llan \varne 2,473 365 80 _ . Marstow 2,010 341 93 . IVnc'iyd 890 122 36 1'eterstow Ross Rural 1,274 2,620 264 436 ill - 100 : 22 Trustees of the late T. Blake - ' Wells & springs Satisfactory. St. \Veonards 4.561 501 130 Hellack - 2,066 334 83 __ Sollers Hope 1,152 100 27 Tretirc with - 1,382 151 26 Michaelchurch. Upton Kishnp 3,986 582 151 Walford 4,340 1,025 247 Wcston under Pen- 3,210 766 187 yard. Yatton - 1,452 160 43 Weobley R.D. : Almeley Birley - 3,4411 1,295 476 193 126 43 ~ Wells & springs Wells Good & fairly sufficient. Good. Bishopstone - Blakemere 1,016 1,121 165 104 48 ' 32 Do. Do. Good & fairly sufficient. Good. Bridge Sellers 788 47 12 Do. Good & fairly sufficient. Brinsop ... 1,413 135 24 Veils & springs Good. Brobury 530 54 11 Veils ) Byford - 5(42 148 41 Veils & springs J- Good & fairly sufficient. Canon Pyon - 3,741) 575 142 Do. Dihvyn - 6,423 956 234 Do. Good. Eanlisland - 3,656 508 122 Do. Good &. fairly sufficient. King's I'yon 2,407 385 96 Do. Good. Kintiersley 2,249 242 60 ! Veils Good & fairly sufficient. Letton - Manscll damage - 1,214 1.376 146 116 39 26 - Veil? & springs Do. [Good. Mansell Lacy Moccas - - - 1,316 1.190 201 197 47 39 Do. Good & fairly sufficient. Moniiington on Wye L023 75 18 Wells Good. Norton Canon 2,148 245 65 Do. ) Preston on Wye Sarnesfield 1,380 1,021 185 117 52 19 Wells & springs Wplls \ Good & fairly sufficient. Staunton on Wye - 2,376 457 134 16 Trustees of Jarvis' Charity - V* clla . . ! 434 35 7 Do. Good. Weobley 3,899 702 164 Do. | Wormslev 1,249 57 17 Do. Good & fairly sufficient. Yazor -" - - 2,063 178 38 Veils Wells & springs Good. Stevenage U.D. - 4,545 4,856 1,128 1,019 Stevenage U.D.C. - j Tring U.D. 4,407 4,481 1,105 810 Chiltern Hills Spring Water Co Wells Variable, but sufficient. Ware U.D. - 629 5,842 1,291 1,287 Ware U.D.C. .... Do - -'-. Satisfactory. Watford U.D. 2,061 40,939 8,900 8,900 ( Watford U.D.C. - 1 Colne Valley Water Co. j - Ashwell R.D. : Ashwell 4,109 1,284 346 201 Ashwell R.D.C. - Springs & wells - Variable, but generally ample. Barkway 3,252 671 185 Wells Variable, but adequate. Barley - 2,725 560 151 Wells imd ponds ' Fair Hinxwcrth - 1,463 198 64 Wells i x a11 - Kelshall 2.360 217 52 Wells and ponds Not very good. Nuthampstead 1,!I59 123 42 Ponds, rain- 1 water, A; wells. ( Not very good and Reed Therfield 1,477 4,704 214 681 53 180 Wells & ponds ( inadequate. ) Barnet R.D. : Elstree - 1,510 1,939 425 414 Colne Valley Water Co. Wells 1 Ridge - 3,615 537 108 36 \ Do. | Barnet Dist, Gas & Water Co. [DO. - Good and sufficient. Shenley - - - 4,091 1,598 350 227 i Colne Valley Water Co. ) Barnet Dist.'Gas & Water Co. | Wells and river Good & fairly sufficient. Totteridge - 1,604 895 180 132 Do. Wells Good and sufficient. Berkhampstead R.D. : Aid bury 2,027 782 195 148 | L. & N.W. Railway Co. 'I Chiltern Hills S. Water Co. [ Wells - Good and sufficient. Great Berkhamp- 3,264 479 116 82 Great Berkhampstead Water- Wells and rain- Do. stead Rural. works Co. water. Little Gaddesden - 2,458 552 143 143 Earl Brownlow Nettleden 781 140 39 Wells ] Northchurch - 3,798 1,279 304 210 Great Berkhampstead Water- Wells and rain- ' * works Co. water (filtered). Puttenham - 796 90 27 22 Chiltem Hills S. Water Co. (bulk). Wells t [> Good and sufficient. Tring Rural - 3,584 600 187 49 Chiltern Hills S. Water Co. - Wells, springs, & stream (filtered). Wigginton 1,675 gB 179 171 Do. Veils k. rain- water ] Buntingford R.D. : Anstey 2,150 365 85 . Wells Good cfc fairly sufficient. Ardeley - - - 2,424 870 104 Do. Fair, but some inadequate Aspeden 1,711 714 171 58 Buntingford R.D.C. Do. Fair. Broadfield 878 14 4 Do. Good. * Baldock U.D. and Rickmansworth U.D. As extended from 1st April, 1913. f St. Albans B. As extended from 9th November, 1913. PART II. HERTFORDSHIRE. 435 County, ' District and Parish. 1. Area in "'"' tion, Acres. ,, ( ., 2. :i. No. of Houses. Supplier Service 4. 5. Names of 1'ndertakers providing a Supply of Water. 8. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. i Hertfordshire eant. Buntingford R.D. eon*. Buckland 1,629 258 66 Wells Fair. Cottered 1,832 316 96 Do. (Jjod, but, sctirce in parts. Great Hormead 1 1)68 425 126 , I i . Layston 1^434 772 177 89 Buntingford K.D.C. < D - - ' 1 AH . Little Hormead 1,066 M4 25 i G 1 Meesden 1,009 144 86 ) - . Rushden 1,509 196 58 . Do. Fair. Sandon - 4,061 544 147 , Wells Jc ponds - Poor Throcking 1,048 44 9 Wells Gocd. 'allington - 2,043 147 41 . Do. Good but distant from houses e^-ttnill 2,670 866 99 Do. Fair. .Vyddial 1,542 250 65 13 Buntingford R.D.C. Do. Good. Hadham R.D. : Albury - - - 3,248 547 142 Braughing 4,368 949 250 Brent Pelham 1,637 243 54 Furneux Pelham - 2,585 437 117 High Wych - 3,961 798 177 32 Herts 4: Essex Waterworks Co. -Wells - Satisfactory. Little Hadham 8,082 744 189 Much Hadham 4,490 1,6116 355 188 Hadham R.D.C. - Stocking Pelham - 647 129 37 Thorley - 1,450 347 93 > Hatfield R.D. : Bishop's Hatfield - 12,884 5,806 1,110 640 Marquess of Salisbury - Essendon Northaw 2,331 3,305 601 656 120 130 83 16 Hatfield K.D.C. - ' - Barnet District Gas A: Water Co. i [Wells A; springs Good. North Jlimms 4,966 2,029 440 52 Do. do. j Hemel Hempstead R.D. : Bovingdon 3,957 1,179 300 210 Rickmansworth and Uxbridge 1 Valley Water Co. , Wells 1 Flamstead 5,491 972 240 5 Hemel Hempstead R.D.C. i Flaunden Great Gaddesden - 919 4,149 161 752 47 204 39 RickmanswoiM h, Ace., Water Co. Wells, springs, & rain-water. Generally satisfactory 1 and sufficient. King's Langley Markyate 3,481 1,997 2,166 1,335 600 347 475 300 Rickmansworth, &c., Water Co Hemel Hempstead R.D.C. - Wells Wells and rain- Doubtful. water. Hertford R.D. : .Won ... 2,070 580 144 Wells and spring 1 Bay ford 1,853 318 71 86 Hertford R.D.C. - Wells Bengeo Rural 2,778 565 117 30 Hertford T.C. Wellsand spring Satisfactory. Beimington - 3,060 518 123 12 Various property owners Wells Bramfield 1,609 198 50 Well - Brickendon Rural - 1,348 293 58 Wells and spring 1 *Datchworth - 1,553 550 127 Wells and rain- Wells satisfactory. water. Hertingfordbury - 2,645 667 167 20 Lord Desborough - Little Aniwell 469 847 196 156 Metropolitan Water Board - Little Berkhamp- 1,587 398 100 stead. Sacombe St. Andrew Rural - St. .Iiilin Rural 1,534 1,040 1,662 216 85 262 48 17 33 Wells - Satisfactory. Stapleford - 1.355 209 47 *Tewin - 2^695 485 110 Walkern 2,992 779 185 Watton at Stone - Hitchin R.D. : 3,585 689 169 " ~ Bygrave RCaldecote 1.761 32C 355 35 57 ;"> WelU - Good. Clothall Codicote Graveley Great Wymondley - 3.525 2.531 1,988 1.491 244 1,174 386 262 75 224 111 78 Wells Veils & boreholes Wells Poor. Fair. Fair. ,-, i Hexton ... 1,485 188 47 Spring jood Holwell 870 242 60 Wells fair. lekleford 1.036 630 149 122 Hitchin U.D.C. (bulk) - Veils and river - I'm If. Ippollitts 2,936 833 233 4 Hitchin U.D.C. - Veils Good. P . Kimpton 3.677 909 241 1 ><>. r air. Kings Wai. leu Knebworth - Langley 4,392 3,489 1,626 974 1.252 127 260 218 42 218 Earl of Lytton Do. Wells Kair. Li'tehworth - 3,652 5.324 1,512 1,512 First Garden City, Ltd. Lilley - 1,795 418 121 7 Luton Water Co. - Veils Fair. Little Wymondley - 1,007 330 80 Do. 3ood. Newnham Offley - 975 5.569 115 1,045 33 269 Veils A: boreholes Good. Pirton - 2,783 814 220 Veils Poor. * Datchworth and Tcwin. Welwyn R.D.C. are about to supply in bulk. A 0.198 E e 3 43 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. ^Jn nf TTnnc County, District and Parish. Area in Acres. Popula- tion, 1911. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. Where there is no Piped Service. Supplied Total from tal - Piped Service. Sources of Supply. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. i 6. 7. 8. Hertfordshire cont. Hitchin R.D. cont. Preston - 1,119 247 1.3 . _ Wells Good, but inadequate. Radwell 743 95 18 Do. Good. St. Paul's Walden - 3.720 873 221 Do. Poor. Shephall - - 1,156 167 34 Do. Fair. Walsworth 1,051 592 137 76 Hitchin U.U.C. - Wells & boreholes Good. Weston - 4,502 834 196 196 M. R. Pryor, Esq. - Willian 827 201 50 50 First Garden City, Ltd.- St. Alban's R.D. : Harpenden Kural - 3,479 383 85 17 Harpenden Water Co. - Redbourn 4,563 2,060 510 18 | Earl of Verulam - | J. B. Joel, Esq. - {Earl of .Verulam - St. Michael Rural - 6,131 747 177 129 J. B. Joel, Esq. - Hemel Hempstead T.C. St. Alban's Waterworks < '<>. f Do. do. | Marquess of Salisbury - ) Wells - Satisfactory. St. Peter Rural 5,256 4,796 563 292 { Committee of Visitors, Herts Co. Asylum ; A: Middlesex [ Co. Co. (Xapsbury Asylum I i St. Stephen - 6,991 1,348 458 113 | St. Alban's Waterworks Co - j Colne Valley Water C'o. Sandridge Rural - 5,466 792 202 5 St. Alban's Waterworks Co. - Wheathampstead - 5,187 2,850 695 7 J. B. Joel, Esq. - J Ware R.D. c Broxbourne - 1,932 758 209 146 ( Metropolitan Water Board - ] Ware R.D.C. I Springs and \ well. Good. Bastwick Gilston - 841 985 101 241 27 69 25 A. S. Bowlby, Esq. Wells Do. , Good and abundant. Great Amwell 2,289 .2,047 362 253 ( Ware U.D.C (bulk) ; Trustees < of the late R Glasspool ; ( Metropolitan Water Boarc ; Springs and ( rt-ells. Good. Great Munden 3,758 350 89 Wells ) Hoddesdon Rural - 1,110 65 18 Wells and springs (.Very good A: fairly nde- Hunsdon 1,971 477 132 . ' Wnl 1 1? f unate. Little Munden 1,774 483 100 .- vv ens I Standon Stanstead Abbots - 7,745 2,612 2,494 1,518 579 345 Wells and spring Wells - * 1 Stanstead St. Mar- 408 ' 179 51 7 Metropolitan Water Board Do. / Good & abundant. garet's. 1 Thundridge - 2.206 43 117 Wells x s| rings j Ware Rural Widford 4,208 1,1(18 885 472 208 116 Do. Wells j- (lood \ fairly .-icleijuat Wormley !I46 931 224 209 Ware R. !>.('. .... Springs and wells Good. Watford R.D. : Abbots Langley 5,281 3,909 982 ! 875 J Are. Water Co. ) / Hemel Hempstead T.C. 1 Wells - Good. Aldenham 6,114 3,894 865 855 Colne Valley Water Co. - i Rickmansworth 7,460 1,609 372 206 Kickmanswortli and Uxbridge Cress beds with Fair. Rural. Valley Water Co. artesian wells. Sarratt - 1,540 667 182 123 IJo. do. | Watford Rural 8,854 5,750 567 444 ( Do. do. - Watford U.D.C. ;. Wells - Good. ( Colne Valley Water Co. Welwyn R.D. : Ayot St. Lawrence - 751 130 30 _ W-Olo i Ayot St. Peter 1,093 180 i 50 ''113 Digswell 1,674 401 | 136 12 Welwyn R.D.C. - 1 Do - Wells and stream (Mimram). i i Satisfactory. Welwyn 2,962 1,708 284 24!) 1 Karl of Lytton Wells - - j J HUNTINGDON- SHIRE. Godmanchester B. 4,907 2,130 525 Wells, ponds, Liable to pollution, r.ut A: rain-water. abundant. Huntingdon B. 1,074 4,003 934 922 Huntingdon T.C. - Wells Satisfactory Old Fletton U.D. - 3,029 5,005 . 1,086 1,074 Peterborough T.C. Do. Satisfactory. | Ramsey U.D. 17,033 5,328 1,198 Wells and rain- Unsatisfactory, but suffi- water. cient. Wells - Shallow, but plentiful. St. Ives B. 2,32fi 8,015 737 317 East Huntingdonshire Water River Ouse Liable to contamination. Co. (bulk) (at Staunch) I St. Neots U.D. 1.090 4,171 1,036 513 St. Xeots U.D.C. - Veils and spring Good. PART II. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. 437 ('.unity. District anil Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. NIL of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Wat cr. 6. Where there is no I'iped Service. Toial. , ' Supplicc from I'iped Service. 5. Sources of Nature and Sufficiency Supply. of Supply. 7. 8. Huntingdonshire <<> at . Huntingdon R.D. : Abbots lliptoii 4,191 !79 92 1'ond - Indifferent, but plentiful. Alconbury - - 3,797 ->18 : 151 Wells - - Good and adequate. Alronbury \\Yston 1,735 till !2 "" - 4) H;u ham 742 4!) 14 Pond - - '-Fair ami adequate. Brampton - - 3.557 895 261 Wells A: springs - 1 Buckworth - - L'.ML>:! 15(1 36 Do. - Good and plentiful. Conington Coppingford - 3.175 829 261 411 65 9 z Wo"? and pond - I Fair and ""fluent. East on - - - 1,353 93 29 Well and spring- 1 Ellington - - 2.7 277 72 Wells A: springs - > Good and plentiful. Great Raveley -' 1.781 His 39 weii - - - ; ! (Jiral Stukeley - , 2,875 Hamertnn - - 2,184 352 90 159 4(1 Wells and ponds / -, . IVnds - - )' sufficient. Hartford - - 1,879 461 110 Wells - - Indifferent, but plentiful. Kinsrs Kipton - 1,169 112 30 Ponds and brook Indifferent, but sufficient. Leighton - - 3,128 275 73 Ponds - - Fair and sufficient. Little Kavoley - 751 46 10 Do. - - Indifferent, but plentiful. Little Btukeley - 1 .523 241 P 71 Wells - - Fair. Sa\vtry All Saints' 3.341 813 ; 214 Wells A: springs - Good and sufficient. iiml St. Andrew. Sawtry St. Judith - 2.932 1S1 39 Wells and ponds Indifferent & inadequate. Spaldwick - - 1.552 968 80 Springs - , Good and ample. Steeple Giddinv - 1,102 Upton - - - 1,216 81 1(10 24 26 - I'ond Wells and pond Fair and sufficient. Upwood - - 2.141 376 93 Wells Good and fairly sufficient. Wood Walton - 3,898 Woollcy - - 1,148 281 54 63 15 Wei Is and pond Wells Fair and sufficient. Norman Cross R.D. : Alwalton - - 974 219 i) . t Caldecote - - 795 Chesterton - - 1.349 28 no 7 25 > Wells - Satisfactory and sufficient. Denton - - - 1,031 67 18 Farcet - - - 4.4S7 1,284 277 Wells&rainwater Not very satisfactory. l-'olksworth - 896 111 36 . Wells and pond Not very satisfactoiy in dry season^. Glatton 8,176 154 ; 54 . Weils Haddon 1.224 1118 24 1 Hiilme - 4.435 1148 137 WellsA: rainwater Morborne ] .205 61 16 _ Orton Longueville - Ortun Waterville - 2.4(19 1.4(10 272 219 60 36 67 Peterborough T.C. (bulk) . Wells - Satisfactory and suffi- Stilton - - - 1,638 491 145 Wells&rainwater cient. W.'ishingley - - 1,295 64 17 . Wells Water Newton - 883 91 32 Yaxley - - - 4.298 1,697 420 Wells&rainwater 1 } St. Ives R.D. : Bluntisham - cum - 3,454 1.022 288 Earith. Broughton 2,372 260 74 Bury - 1,4(6 379 82 Colne - 1,753 339 61 Fen Stauton - 2.581 869 231 56 EastHunt ingdoi ishircWaterCo. Hemingford Abbots 2,421 364 89 Hemingford Grey - 1,849 800 183 Hilton - 1,326 273 71 . Holywell cum 2,911 607 161 . Wells - Fair. Needingworth. Houghtoii 1,549 350 98 Old Hurst - 1,077 98 23 . I'idley cum Fenton 3,752 366 100 .Somersham - 4,516 1,404 361 Warboys 8,435 1,790 429 Wistnw - 2,408 370 84 \Voodhurst 1,823 247 70 Wyton 1,470 169 43 St. Neots R.D. : Ab>X)tsley Buckden 1,723 3,114 328 995 89 250 80 Col. W. H. O. Duncombe Wells, ponds, Fair and sufficient. Catworth 3,094 420 108 and brooks. 1 Hddington - Eyiiesbury 1,298 2,649 186 131 43 29 8 St. Neots U.D.C. - Do. do. Poor and insufficient. Hardwicke. Grafham 1,927 223 58 Do. do. Poor. < iroat Gransden Great Paxton 3,402 1,407 470 268 116 69 65 8t Neots R.D.C. - Do. do. Fair and sufficient. Great Staughton - 6,407 763 196 Do. do. Generally fair A: sufficient; poor in Dillington Ham- let. Hail Weston - Kimbolton - 1,590 5,140 258 913 71 222 Do. do. Fair and sufficient.' E c \ 438 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. > I'opula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of 1 I Total. 4. louses. liecl from Piped Service. 5. Name* of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Nature and Sufficiency Supply. of Supply. 7. 8. Huntingdonshire runt. St. Neots R D. /lint. Little Paxton 1,522 214 46 j Midloe - 881 87 8 I Wells, ponds, Fair and sufficient. Offonl Ciiiney 1,062 221 62 ( and brooks. Oft'ord 1 >arcy - 1,866 358 84 ) St. Neots Rural 2,69'J 88 15 ! Do. do. Poor and insufficient. Southoe - 1.499 229 57 ) Stow - Tetworth 844 ' 2,236 102 178 26 40 4 Col. W. H. O. Imncombe V Do. do. Fair and sufficient. Tilbi-ook 1,683 256 72 j Toscland 1,342 151 40 Do. do. Poor and insufficient. Warealey Yelling - 2,032 1,848 192 246 53 60 7 Col. W. H. 0. Duncombc Do. do. Wells and ponds. J Fair and sufficient. KENT. , Ashford U.D. 2.850 13,668 3,119 2,889 E. Ashford R.D.C. thro 1 the Wells, springs, p S.E. & C. Rly. Co. ; Ashford and rain-water. 1 U.D.C.; Mid Kent Water Co. } Satisfactory. Beckenham U.D. - 3.890 31,692 6,227 6,223 Metropolitan Water Board - Wells 1 Bexley U.D. - 4.942 15,895 3,422 3,420 Do. Wells & springs J *Broadstairs and 3,029 ] 0,045 2,520 2,520 Broadstairs & St. Peters U.D.C. St. Peter's U.D. and Margate T.C. (bulk). Bromley B. - 4,696 33,646 6,776 6,775 Metropolitan Water Board - Well Fairly satisfactory. Canterbury C.B. - 3,975 24,626 5,388 5,388 Canterbury Gas k Water Co. - Chatham B. - 4,356 42,250 8,782 8,770 Brompton, Chatham, Gilling- Rain-water Variable. ham&RochesterWaterwks.Co. Cheriton U.D. 1,159 7,577 840 840 Folkestone Waterworks Co. - Chislehurst U.D.- 2,791 8,666 1,765 1,706 Metropolitan Water Board Wells Generally good. Dartford U.D. 4,242 23,609 4,084 4,049 Do. Do. Satisfactory k adequate. Deal B. - 1,114 11,295 2,687 2,671 Deal and Walmer Jt. Water ( Wells - Satisfactory. \ Board (bulk). | Rain-water Unsatisfactory. i T)f\vr*-r T ( ' i Dover B. 2,961 43,645 8,389 8,377 I uovur L ,\ . | East Kent Dist. Water Co. - Wells - Satisfactory & adequate. Erith U.D. 3,859 27,750 5,129 5,129 Metropolitan Water Board - Faversham B. tFolkestone B. - 685 2,482 10,619 33,502 2,488 6,351 2,384 6,333 Faversham Water Co. - Folkestone Waterworks Co. - j Wells - Satisfactory k adequate. Foots Cray U.D. - 2,043 8,493 1,644 1,644 i Metropolitan Water Board - I Gillingham B. 4,988 52,252 10,237 10,048 Brompton, kc., Water Co. Wells& rainwater Good and sufficient. Gravesend B. 1^260 28,115 5,499 5,495 Gravesend and Milton Water- Wells Good. works Co. Herne Bay U.D. - 887 7,780 1,704 1,702 Herne Bay Waterworks Co. - Do. Satisfactory. Hythe B. 2,608 6,387 1,468 1,464 Hythe T.C. - Springs Good and sufficient. Lydd B. 12,082 2,874 513 366 Littlestone on Sea & District Wells Indifferent, but adequate. Water Co. Maidstone B. 4,008 35,475 7,298 7,230 Maidstone Waterworks Co. - Do. Generally excellent and sufficient. {Margate B. - 2,961 29,000 6.376 6,376 Margate T.C. Milton Regis U.D. 2,554 7,475 1,565 1,515 Milton Regis U.D.C. Wells k springs Satisfactory. New Romney B. - 1,364 1,333 296 196 Littlestone on Sea, &c., Water Wells Very doubtful, but ade- Co. quate. Northfleet U.D. 3,932 14,184 2,834 2,762 Gravesend k H. Watcrwks. Do. Satisfactory. Co. : Mid Kent Water Co. ; Higham & Hundred oi Hoo Water Co. Penge U.D. - 770 22,330 3,849 3,849 Metropolitan Water Board Queenborough B. 656 2,738 524 524 Queenborough T.C. Ramsgate B. 2,306 29,603 6,503 6,503 Ramsgate T.C. Rochester B. 2,936 31,384 ecu- ecu- I Rochester T.C. - 6 ' G1(> | Brompton. kc,, Water Co. - 1 ) fSandgate U.D. - 273 2,367 287 287 Sandgate U.D.C. & Folkestone . Waterworks Co. (part in bulk Sandwich B. 707 3.040 699 699 Sandwich T.C. Sevenoaks U.D. - 3,259 9,182 1,969 1,969 Sevenoaks Waterworks Co. - Sheerness U.D. 864 17.487 3,414 3,414 Sheerness U.D.C. - Sittingbourne U.D 1,004 8,38il 1,840 1,820 Sittinghourne U.D.C. - Wells - - Fair and ample. Southborough U.D. j 1,702 7,001 1,617 . ,.. ( Southborough U.D.C. - 1>bu " ' | Tunbridge Wells T.C. - Wells i; springs Satisfactory and adequate. Tenterden B. 8,946 ?,379 765 341 Cranbrook District Water Co Wells and ponds Good and adequate. Tonbridge U.D. - 1,356 14,796 3,271 3,177 Tonbridge Waterworks Co.,Ltd Wells - - Satisfactory. * Broadstairs ami St. Peter's U.D. As extended from 1st April, 191J. f A small part of Sandgate U.D. is included in Folkestone B. t Margate B. As extended from !)th November, 1913. Queenborough B. As extended from 9th November, 1912. PART II. KENT. 139 No. of Hoti^ 1 ^. County. Area in Popula- Sui >pli' '' 1 Names of Undertakers Where there is no Piped Service. District and I'arisli. Acres. 1911. Total. from Piped [>I O\ Hllllir (I Supply of Water. .Sources of Nature and Sufficiency Service. Supply. of Supply. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. s. Kent ''"'' Tunbridge Wells B. 3,991 35,697 7,51 17 7. li;:, Tunbridge Wells T.C. - Wells Good. Walmer U.D. 988 5.3 i 7 980 923 Deal and Walmer Joint Water Do. Good and plentiful. Hoard (bulk). Whitstable U.D. - 795 7.982 1,924 1,824 Whitstable Water Co., Ltd. - Do. Fairly good. Wrotham U.D. 8,883 -I.16!> 879 716 ( Mid Kent Water Co. - | W. M. Ca/.alet, Ksq. - Wells ,V rain- water. Very fair and satisfactory. Blean R.D. : Chislct - 6,808 961 286 .V.I Canterbury Gas & Water Co. Wells (bulk). Hackington - 1.SU7 7C8 180 108 Canterbury Gas & Water Co. Stream i' Do. j Hcrne - 4,025 1,900 426 423 1 Home Kay Waterworks Co. j Guardians of the Poor, > Spring - Blean Union (bulk). Hath - lieculver 915 1,309 324 444 62 110 51 96 Herne Bay Waterworks Co. - Wells i-Good. St. Cosmus and St. 3,886 584 123 Wells & springs - Damian in the Blean. St.DunstanWithout Slurry - 121 3,148 230 1,227 18 261 9 189 ', Canterbury Gas & Water < '. Wells Swalecliffe 927 224 53 Do. Westbere 1,176 373 75 37 Canterbury Gas A: Water Co. Do. ; Whitstable cum 4,351 632 145 87 Whitstable Water Co., Ltd. - Do. Fair and ample. Seasa'.ter. Bridge R.D. : Adisham 2,082 451 101 70 Margate T.C. ] Barhnin 4,699 900 219 51 Mid Kent Water Co. - Beakesbourne 1,091 348 79 16 ) Bishopsbourne 2,023 289 77 IS / Margate T.C. Bridge - 1.171 823 178 44 1 Chartham 4,569 2,935 390 i Canterbury Gas & Water Co. Fordwich 426 254 C9 64 < Fordwich Water Supply Harbledown - 1,644 828 189 88 ( Committee. Canterbury Gas & Water Co. - ^Wells - Good and sufficient. Ickham and Well - 2,819 542 126 66 Margate T.C. Kingston 1,242 229 53 4 Mid Kent Water Co. Littlebourne - 3,491 888 217 72 Margate: T.C. Lower Hardres 1,180 256 64 Milton - 403 3 2 NacUington - 762 99 19 4 Canterbury Gas k Water Co. - Patrixbourne 1,559 185 45 9 Margate T.C. Petham 3,338 552 128 J St.KicholasHospital 7(1 24 17 17 Canterbury Gas & Water Co. - Stodmarsh 7(MI 121 26 Thaninjrton Without 1,074 104 21 Upper Hardres 2,037 295 76 Waltham 3,236 350 84 , Wells - Good and sufficient. Wickhambreux 2,059 452 118 41 Margate T.C. Womenswold 1,722 271 56 54 East Kent District Water Co. i through Margate T.C. J Bromley R.D. : Chdstield 3,378 1,790 4(17 419 Metropolitan Water Board - Rain-water and Satisfactory ; wells ade- wells. quate. Cudham Downe - - - 5,926 1,668 1.604 649 427 155 263 149 Do. Rain-water Satisfactory. Farnborougli Hayes - 1,429 1.282 3,21(1 92.-, 529 221 523 216 Da. Do. Wells Hain watei Satisfactory and adequate. Satisfactory. Kesti.n - 1,487 986 217 231 Do. Ruin-wat-:]' and Satisfactory ; wells ade- wells. quate. Knockholt - 1,701 943 242 217 Do. Rain-water Satisfactory. Nottingham - North Cray 642 1,484 1,534 655 346 140 346 136 Do. Do. Wells Satisfactory and adequate. Orpington 3,517 5,OM 1,100 1.079 Do. Wells and rain- Satisfactory ; wells ade- water. quate. St. Mary (/ray 8,088 1,857 450 432 Do. Wells Satisfactory and adequate. St. Paul's Cray West Wiekham 1,654 2,660 1,467 1,803 320 257 320 246 Do. Do. Rain-water Satisfactory. Cranbrook R.D. : I'cnendcn 6,693 1.434 317 83 \ Cranbrook District Water Co. 1 Cranbrook Frittenden - Goudtmrst 10,372 3,509 9,797 4,061 898 3,019 885 194 5U1 445 335 1 ' Cranbrook District Water Co. Wells, rain- f water, springs, Jand ponds. Satislactory. Hawkhurst - 6,523 3.344 732 336 ) Sandhurst 4,421 ' 933 217 440 RETURN AS TO AVATER SUPPLIES. County. District anil Parish. 1. Area in Acres, 2. Popula- tion, 11)11. 3. Xo. of Houses. ; Names of Undertakers providing: a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. it. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Kent font. Bartford R.D. : Ash - - - : 3.074 Cravfonl - - 2.455 DareBtb - - 2.223 603 6,284 3,44'. 128 1,400 203 84 1.39(1 180 Mid Kent Water Co. Metropolitan Water Board - ' Wells >t rain- Good and sufficient. \ water. Eynsford 9,644 2,147 450 450 Hr> Farningham - 2,739 1 .28(1 280 280 1JQ. Fawkham Hartley - 1.198 231 55 ! 47 | ... , ,. 1,211 278 1 im 48 fMttrKent Water Co. - - i Horton Kirby Kingg'.lown - Longfield 2,841 2.813 605 1.927 407 824 320 : 2(15 Metropolitan Water Board - 99 (il ... . ,, . ... . jgg ,..; Mid-Kent Water Co. - ! Wells and rain-water. Lullingstone - Kidley - 1,557 834 113 66 1.-, " 14 6 Mid-Kent Water Co. - > Good anil sufficient. Rain-water Southrleet 2,409 1,151 243 231 ' Stone - 3,009 5,732 936 926 Sutton at Hone 3,625 5.541 1.060 1.04(1 J- Metropolitan Water Board - Wells and rain- 1 Swauscombe - 2.142 7.093 1.630 1,610 water. j Wilmington - 1,718 2,227 680 500 } Dover R.D. : Alkham Capel le Feme 3,215 1,571 612 246 144 57 39 1 Folkestone Water Co. - 1 Coldred- 1.552 165 37 6 East Kent District Water Co. Denton - 1,184 : ii'.i 41 East Laogdon - i 1,086 Guston - - - i 1,418 353 1,628 82 175 55 66 East Kent Dist. Water Co. - 1 \Vcllsandrain- Fairly good and adequate. Hougham Without , 2,263 521 120 8 Dover T.C. - [ water. Lydden- - - 1,445 214 45 12 East Kent Dist, Water Co. - / Folkestone Water Co. - Oxney - 319 21 B 3 East Kent District Water Co. Poulton - - - 1.061 62 11 Ringwould 1,601 751 160 129 East Kent District Water Co. } River - - - 1,284 224 1 21 21 Do. St. Margaret's at , 1,845 1,072 252 247 1 "i Cliffe. " Sibertswold - - 1,850 803 187 183 Temple Ewell 1,600 813 177 126 \ East Kent Dist. Water Co. - ! Wells and rain- Fairly good and adequate. West Cliffe - 1,179 118 30 11 | water. West Langdon 706 110 24 1 Whitfield 913 307 102 67 Wootton 1,029 160 47 East Ashford R.D. : Aldington 3,446 549 130 Wells and rain- ; Generally satisfactory. Bilsingtou 2.844 285 76 t water. Bircholt 300 17 4 Wells Satisfactory. Bonnington - 1,113 152 38 Wells and rain- Generally satisfactory. water. Boughton Aluph - Braboume 2,425 3.528 532 57(1 117 146 2 Mid-Kent Water Co. - Wells Springs and wells Satisfactory. ) Brook - Challock 589 2,828 138 234 31 60 Wells and stream 1 Wells andrain- > Generally satisfactory. Chilham 4,398 1,167 284 i water. ! Crundale 1,593 216 52 Do. Satisfactory, except in drought. East-well Oodmersham - 898 3.107 66 ! 22 250 70 | Wells - Satisfactory. Hastingleigh - 1,553 184 38 Wells&rain water Satisfactory, except in drought. Hinxhill 727 115 21 6 East Ashford R.D.C. Wells Satisfactory. Hurst - 489 29 5 Do. Generally satisfactory. Kenntngton - - 1,391 1,087 248 68 Mid-Kent Water Co. Wells and rain- Satisfactorv. l water. Mersham 2,680 565 147 ) Molash - Orlestone 1,401 1,774 210 60 354 100 Do. Generally satisfactory Ruckinge Sevington 3,449 833 278 72 161 43 19 East Ashford K.D.C. Wells Satisfactory Sineeth - 1,620 489 130 Wells, springs j \Varehorne - 2,928 369 t 85 and rain-water. Wells and rain- > Generally satisfactory. water. 1 Willesborough 1,478 4,188 900 785 East Ashford R.D.C. Do. Satisfactory. Wye 7,348 1,411 326 111 ( Mid-Kent Water Co. - ( East Ashford R.D.C. - . Do. Generally satisfactory. Eastry R.D. : Ash 7,021 2,055 553 340 ( Sandwich T.C. (bulk) - '/ Messrs. Gardner & Co., Ltd.- . Wells Satisfactory. Barfrcston 498 104 22 19 East Kent District Water Co. Betteshanger - 395 91 15 8 Lord Xorthbourne ( Do. - Good and adequate. Chilleaden - 202 144 36 17 Margate T.C. PART II. KENT. ill - ( 'ouiity, District and Parish. 1. Area in Araes, 2. Popula- tion. 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing.' a Supply of Water. 6. Where ther" is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. Sources ol Supply. 7. Nature and Sufticieiiey of Supply. c Kent '' Eastry R.D. emit. East ry - 2,733 1.467 300 174 1 Sandwich T.t '. (bulk) - 1 l.or.l Korthbourne 1 Elmstone 4311 78 19 5 Margate T.C. - - - - Eythorne 1,323 716 146 80 Kast Kent District Water Co. Goodnestone - 1,865 434 108 67 Margate T.C. 1 Groat Mungeham - 784 411 101 3 1 ical and Walmer Joint Water Hoard thr.ui.L'h Heal T.C. Hani 321 72 17 4 Lord Northliournc - . Knowlton 4oO 43 5 4 Margate T.C. (bulk) Little Mongeham - 1.147 ! 211 54 28 Kast Ker.t District Water Oo. NnniiiL'ton 8,808 774 211 117 Margate T.C. - Northhourne - Preston - 3,660 1,489 754 47H 201 ISO 68 53 ( Kast Kent District Water Co. i LI 'rd Xorthbourne Margate T.C. } Wells - Good and adequate, 1 Deal and Walmer .It. Water Ripple - - - 1,021 326 73 57 Bd., through Walmer T.C. ' Kast Kent District Water CD. Sholden 1.813 61fi 161 M Deal and Walmer Joint Water Hoard through Deal T.C. Staple - l.iilO 4(i2 124 StniirnKiuth - SIM; 289 79 22 Margate T.C. Button - 1.072 133 33 26 ) Tilmanstone - 1,160 376 83 73 } East Kent District Water Co. Waliler-hare - 1,030 127 27 2 1 WiiiL'liani 2,637 1,364 319 233 Margate T.C. (part in bulk) - WCMM! ne borough - Worth - 2,940 4,008 970 776 247 205 134 128 | Sandwich T.C. (bulk) - j Elham R.D. : Acrise - 1,088 146 39 Rain-water ] Elnnm - 6,699 1.201 307 42 Elham Valley Water Co. Wells&raimvater Klinsted 2,690 340 80 Rain-water Hawkinge 3,852 472 142 12 Folkestone Waterworks Co. - Do. - Lyminye 4,t;i7 1,467 257 98 Elham Valley Water Co. Wells & raimvat er Lyinpne 2,!) 1 5 4 'JO 9fl Wells and springs .Monks Horton 1,084 122 26 i Newin^ton 2.473 370 81 40 F. D. Brockman, Esq. - j- Springs - Paddlesworth 562 50 13 Rain-water - Good. Postling 1 .564 92 23 Wells and springs Saltwood 2,387 799 150 142 Elham Valley Water Co. Wells Sellindge 1,928 740 159 I ~ Stanford 1,192 348 76 43 Elham Valley Water Co. > Do. Stelling Stcllini|- Minnis 1,409 S2 186 79 53 16 z i Rain-water Stowtintr 1,682 178 39 Springs SwinL'tield 1,689 361 73 Rain-water } Faversham R.D. : Badlcsmere - 782 115 24 Wells & rainwater 1 Boughton under Blean. 2,355 1,441 370 205 Faversbam E.D.C. ( Wells and rain- wa er. Buckland 836 103 21 Daviugton 541 132 42 16 Faversham Water Co. - Wells Doddington - 1,944 495 97 22 Mid-Kent Water Co. Wells A; rainwater Dunkirk 5,336 811 204 18 Faversham R.D.C. Wells, streams, and rain-water. Eastling Favcrsham Without (.ioodncstone - Graveney Hernliill Leaveland Luddenham 1,934 1,721 340 1,998 2,823 381 1,334 451 1,074 H 217 867 74 194 90 170 16 49 176 22 45 22 2 9 Faversham Water Oo. Faversham R.D.C. Faversham Water Co. - Wells A: rainwater Wells Wells, springs, and rain-water. VVells& rainwater Wells, springs, and rain-water. Wells & rain water Wells & stream - Lynstead 1.827 1,100 280 49 Mid-Kent Water Co. Wells and rain- Satisfactory. Newnham 1,285 309 75 11 Mid-Kent Water Co. i water. Xortli Preston 528 934 232 126 Faversham Water Co. - Wells Without. Norton - 904 154 31 4 Mid-Kent Water Co. 1 Wells and rain- Oare (158 421 103 98 i-'aversham Water Co. - water. Ospringe 2,873 908 242 98 Do. Wells, stream, and rain-water. Selling - 2,454 747 167 Wells, springs, Sheldwich 1,948 588 134 30 Earl Sondes - - - - & rain-water. .South Preston 919 401 74 48 Faversham Water Co. - 1 Wells and rain- Without. Stalisfield 2,294 259 68 3 Mid-Kent Water Co. ( water. Stone - 758 69 12 _ Wells &. stream - Teynham 2,472 1,701 390 75 Mid-Kent Water Co. - Wells, spring, and streams. Throwley 3,257 509 125 Wells and rain- watei . i 442 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Pipe.! Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Kent' 1 '"" 1 . Hollingbourne R.D. : Bickuor- c: J ,4 48 6 Rain-water Boughtou Malherbc 2,710 376 93 70 Mid-Kent Water Co. Wells, ponds, & . Doubtfuland insufficient. rain-water. 1 Boxley - 5,786 1.420 339 133 Maidstone Waterworks Co. - Wells& rainwater Fairly satisfactory. Bredhurst 802 182 37 Do. do. - Doubtful and insufficient. Broomfield 1.449 134 32 1 Mid-Kent Watei Co. Wells, springs, Doubtful; springs vari- and rain- water. able. Chart Sutton - 2,188 043 150 38 Do. Wells it rainwater Fairly satisfactory. Detling - 1,589 270 73 Do. do. - Doubtful and insufficient. East Sutton - 1,598 319 79 5 Mid-Kent Water Co. Wells, springs, Doubtful ; springs liable to and rain-water. pollution. Frinsted 1,291 141 36 6 Do. Wellsit rainwater Doubtful and insufficient. Harrietsham - 2,484 688 184 131 Do. Do. do. - Fairly satisfactory. Headeorn 5,077 1,485 399 275 | Mid-Kent Water Co. through / South Kent Water Co. Wells, pond, & rain-water. P'uid liable to pollution ; insufficient. Hollingbourne 4,612 993 208 95 Mid-Kent Water Co. Wei Is & rainwater Fairly satisfactory. Hacking 1.2(15 98 27 . Do. do. - Doubtful & insufficient. Langley 1,496 398 104 40 Mid-Kent Water Co. Wells, pond, & Pond liable, to pollution ; rain-water. insufficient. Leeds - Lenham l,83 7,144 617 1,780 168 480 41 168 Do. Do. Wells, springs, k rain-water. Doubtful and variable. Otterden Stockbury 1,520 2,952 154 434 38 125 1 Do. Wellsand rain- f water. Doubtful & insufficient. Sutton Valence 2,172 1,076 270 158 Mid-Kent Water Co. Wells, springs, Springs liable to pollution; and rain-water. occasionally insufficient. Thornham 3,403 686 146 70 Do. Wellsfc rainwater Fairly satisfactory. Ulcombe 3,520 648 143 37 Mid- Kent Water Co. (part in Wells, springs, Springs liable to pollution ; bulk). and rain-water. occasionally insufficient. Wielding 1,111 117 29 3 Mid-Kent Water Co. - 1 Wellsand rain- Doubtful and insufficient. Wormshill 1,470 138 38 water. Hoo R.D. : Allhallows 2,385 250 62 30 Higham and Hundred of Hoo 1 Water Co. Cooling - 2,077 143 33 High Halstow Hoo 2,946 4,359 382 1,789 85 330 52 279 I Higham & H. of Hoo Water f Co. !> Wells & springs Some good ; generally limited Me of Grain - 3,124 455 85 St. Marv, Hoo 1,943 251 64 31 Higham & H. of Hoo Water Co. Stoka '- 2,631 682 157 121 Do. do. J IsleofThanetR.D.: Acol ... 1,137 247 56 8 Westgate and Birchington ] Water Co. Birchington - 1,071 2,275 043 628 Do. do. j Margate T.C. Dwells - Good and adequate. Garlinge 1,287 485 106 65 < Broadstairs & St. Peters ! D.D.C. J Minster 5,241 2,379 450 354 Ramsgate T.C. River Stour and River not satisfactory ; wells. wells good ; adequate. Monkton 2,370 385 99 33 Margate T.C. i St. Lawrence Extra 1,250 558 124 85 Ramsgate T.C. St. Nicholas at 3,555 495 130 28 Margate T.C. (bulk) ! Wells - Good and adequate. Wade. Sarre - 667 135 38 J Stonar - 680 66 13 8 Sandwich T.C. through Messrs. River Stour Unsatisfactory, but ade- Pearsons. quate. Westgate on Sea - 604 3,538 748 744 Westgate and Birchington Wells Good and adequate. Water Co. Maidstone R.D. : Bearstead 574 883 212 191 Mid-Kent Water Co. Springs, wells & Fair, except river. river. Boughton Monchel- 2,382 1,233 254 67 Do. Ponds, stream, Fair, except ditches and sea. ditches, springs, ponds. wells, & rain- water. East Banning 760 897 181 151 Maidstone Waterworks Co. - Wells& rain watei ' Kast Farleigh 1,907 1,554 296 183 Do. Wells Hunton 2.075 K07 189 106 Mid-Kent Water Co. - j . Linton ... 1,961 840 120 100 ( F. S. W. Cornwallis, Esq. - ) Mid-Kent Water Co. - V Springs & wells > r air. Loose - 1,054 1,807 315 40 Maidstone Waterworks Co. - Stream, springs, J and wells. Harden - 7,749 2,614 642 370 Mid-Kent Water Co. - Ponds, stream, Fair, except ponds, stream, ditches, springs ditches, and a few wells. wells, & rain- water Nettlestead - 1,305 613 123 87 Do. Wells A: rain watei I 1 TTI Otliam - .- 966 328 01 21 Do. Springs & wells - f r Jin, Staplehurst - 5.897 1,802 445 363 Do. Ponds, spring, Fair, except ponds. wells & rain- water. PART II. KENT. 443 _ ._. County. District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. g \o. of Houses. Names of I'ndertakers providing a Supply of Water 6. Where there is no Piped Serviee. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Kent <''' Maidstone R.D. mitt. Teston - 520 255 Ill 17 MM-Kent \V:it IT Co. - Wells fl XX 1. West Harming - 332 21 4 Wells and rain- I water. > Fair. West Karleigh - 1,107 453 81 11 Maidstone Waterworks Co. Wells Ac springs I Yalding - - Good. Sevenoaks Weald - 2.439 872 ' 160 64 Do. Wells - - 1 Shorcham - - 5,599 1,490 \ 351! 219 Metropolitan Water Board - (a) Wells & (A) O) Good ; (A) very good. spring. Sundridge - - ' 4,141 2,015 378 43 DC,. Wells - - ; Good. AVesterham - r>,804 3,049 674 558 | Metropolitan Water Board - ) Litnpsfield & Oxted Water Co. Wells and spring Wells good; spring very good. Sheppey R.D. : Eastchurch - - 7,000 91.'. 232 Elmley - - - 1,977 BO 35 Harty -. - - 2,774 87 25 Leysdown Minster in Sheppey 2.189 7,055 151 3,207 50 600 440 Sheppey Water & Lighting -Wells - Good and adequate. Co., Ltd., & Mrs. M. J. Copland. AVanlen - 202 17 7 Strood R.D. : Chalk - 1,849 476 102 1 Cliffe - Cobham Cnzton - 5,669 3,056 1,692 2,465 833 683 533 239 151 448 191 126 H igham and Hundred of Hoo \ Water Co. Wells k rain- I water. D'enton - - - 437 931 210 190 Gravesend & Milton Watenvks. Wells Co. Rochester T.C. - - ) Frindsbury Extra - 2,960 2,958 670 422 < Higham & II. of Hoo Water V Wells Si rainwater ( Co. i Hailing - 1,851 2,337 503 501 Mid-Kent Water Co., LW. - Wells - - ; Satisfactory. Higham 3,075 1.586 378 362 Higham A: H. of Hoo Water Co. Wells & ra i n water I field - 313 58 13 11 Do. do. Well Liiddesdown - 1,995 226 51 } Wells 3.11(1 ruiii- Meopham 4,713 1,342 351 223 Higham &H. of Hoo Water Co. Nurstead 522 48 8 3 Mid-Kent Water Co., Ltd. - wftter. Shorne - 3,227 935 210 152 Higham * H. of Hoo Water Co. Wells, rain-water and ponds. Strood Extra - 1,139 476 102 91 Rochester T.C. Wells and rain- water, j j Tenterden R.D. : Appleclore 3,008 547 141 Wells and ponds 1 Biddenden - 7,191 1,103 280 1(V 7 i ( Mill-Kent Water Co. 1U ' | Cranbrook Water Co. 1)^ 1 Inferior and variable ; High Halden 3,751 560 150 -, [ Do. | Mid-Kent Water Co. f LHj. distant from houses. Kenardington 2,163 209 51 . Do. , Newenden 1,046 139 39 Wells and spring Good. Rolvenden Stone cum Ebony - Witteraham - Woodchurch - 5,754 4,839 3,625 7,001 1,287 308 403 110 694 183 1,059 274 79 Cranbrook Water Co. - 35 ; Trustees of Wittersham Water Supply. Wells and ponds. 1 J I Wells, good ; pom! water only potable when boiled ; variable and distant from houses. Tonbridgre R.D. : Ashurst - Bid borough Brencbley 900 2,106 7,804 169 41 353 91 3,853 943 68 i Southborough U.D.C. (bulk) - 737 Mid Kent Water Co. thro' Wells & spring O)Wells and Good. () Good, (i) fair. South Kent Water Co. springs, (i) rain-water. Capel --. 3,057 1,241 ' 268 208 ( Do. do. j O.E.d'AvigdorGoldsmid,Esq. (rt)Wells and springs, (*) (a) Fairly good, (A) fair. rain-water. Hadlow 5,936 2,423 628 234 Mid-Kent Water Co. through O)Wells and ] South Kent Water Co. springs (J) rain-water. ; (a) Fairly good, (A) fair. Hildenborough Horsemonden 4,855 4,605 1,607 392 1,400 316 354 195 1 A. F. Buxton, Esq. ) Tonbridge Waterwks.Co.Ltd. Mid-Kent Water Co. through (fl)Wells, (^rain- water. () Wells, (i) j (a) Fairly good, (A) good, South Kent Water Co. springs, (<0 (f) indifferent. Eiver Tiese, & j ponds. ( Messrs. Smith & Co. - () Wells and () Good, (A) indifferent, Laroberhurst - 5,476 1,651 388 237 I 0. W. Norland, Esq. - *i Mid-Kent Water Co. thro' springs, (ft) Hog Hole and (c) fair. ( South Kent Water Co. Sweetbourne st reams, (c) rai n water. TW\ *1/i 1 (rt) Wells, () () Fairly good. (*) good, Pembury 3,650 1.747 440 336 | Do. do. - - i | Tunbridge Wells T.C. - 1 springs, (tf) BadswellStivuni (f) indifferent. PAHT II. LANCASHIRE. 145 County, Area in District and Parish. Acres. 1. , 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Kent -<""' Tonbridgre R.D. cunt. i Mrs. D. M. Barrow Speldhurst 2,993 1,963 484 374 Mi- E. S. Saint - ' Tunbridge Wells T.C. - () Wells, (>.) (<0 Fairly good, (A) good. j Tunbridge Wells T.C. - springs. Tunbridge llural - 5,471 1,362 176 : 110 Tonbridge Water Co. - 1 O.E.d'Avigdor GoMstnid,Esq. _ West Ashford R.D. Bethersden Charing 8,876 4,681 972 21ii US 1,223 299 96 [ Mid-Kent Water Co. 1 Egerton 2,786 728 178 23 1 F. S. W. Cornwallis, Ksq. - I Mid-Kent Water Co. - Great Chart, - 3,276 701 154 36 I L. A. St. L. Toke, Esq. 1 Mid-Kent Water Co. - Wells. ponds Good and adequate. Hothfield 1.829 !156 74 5 Mid-Kent Water Co. - and rain- Kingsnorth - 3.252 604 97 1 Ashford U.D.C. - water. Little Chart - Pluckley 1,607 357 78 19 3,093 : 913 185 110 | Mid- Kent Water Co. - Shadoxlmrst - 1,982 171 ' 42 . Smarden Westwell 5,886 5,222 1,038 250 901 173 130 30 Mid-Kent Water Co. - J LANCASHIRE. i Abram U.D. - - 1,984 6.893 1.280 1,280 Liverpool T.C'. (bulk) - Accrington B. 3,427 45.02!) 10,671 1(1.302 Accrington District Gas and Wells A: springs - Satisfactory ic abundant. Water Board. Adlington U.D. - Ashton in Maker- 1.062 4.457 92S 6,251 21,543 3,883 935 8,878 Blackrod U.D.C. (bulk) Ashton in Makertield V.D.I'.. Do. Sat isfactory and adequate. Wells and land Satisfactory. field U.D. and Liverpool T.C. (bulk). drains. Ashton under 1,345 45,172 10,204 10,204 Ashton under Lyne, Stalv- . Lyne B. briilge and Dukinfield (Dis- trict) Waterworks Jt. Comtec. Aspull U.D. - 1,906 8,276 1,615 1,610 Bolton T.C. (bulk) & Blackrod Wells and rain- Satisfactory & abundant. U.D.C. thro' Wigan E.D.C. water. (bulk). Atherton U.D. 2,255 18,982 3,652 3,647 Manchester T.C. (bulk) & Wells, rain-water Satisfactory and ample. thro' Tvldeslev with Shaker- and streams. lev U.l'l.C. (bulk), & Bolton T.'C. (bulk). Audenshaw U.D. - 1,241 7,977 1.794 1.794 Ashtnn under Lyne, &c., Joint ( 'i niimittee. Bacup B. - | 6,120 22,318 542 3,400 Bacup T.C'. - - - - Wells, springs, A: Varies considerably. surface water. Barrowford U.D. - 1,385 5,527 1,353 1,301 Nelson T.C. .... Springs - - Satisfactory. Barrow in Fur- 11,023 63,770 11,583 11,583 Barrow in Furness T.C. - ness C.B. Billinge U.D. 4,596 4,903 !):u 921 Billinge U.D.C. Wells Fairly good. Bispham with 1,346 2^244 572 572 Fylde Water Board Norbreck U.D. Blackburn C.B. - 7,418 133,052 30,330 30,281 Blackburn T.C. - Wells - - Satisfactory. Blackpool C.B. - Blackrod U.D. 3,601 58,371 2,392 ; 3.S!)6 13,149 S22 13.14!) 805 Kvlde Water Board Blackrod U.D.C. - Wells&rain water Good and sufficient. Bolton C.B. - 15,27!) 180,851 40,260 40,180 Bolton T.C. .... Wells, springs Satisfactory. and ponds. Bootle C.B. - 1,947 69,876 12,402 12,402 Liverpool T.C. Brierfield U.D. - 807 8.259 1,863 1,802 Nelson T.C. - Springs Satisfactory. Burnley C.B. 4,619 106,765 23,911 23,821 Burnlev T.C. and Padiham Wells & springs Some doubtful : others U.D.C. (bulk) generally satisfactory. Bury C.B. 5,925 59,040 13.583 13.474 Bury and District Joint Water Do. Satisfactory. Board. Carnforth U.D. 1,505 3,141 731 652 Carnforth District Water- Wells, springs, i: Satisfactory. 1 works Co. rainwater. Chadderton U.D. 3,082 28,299 6,355 6.199 Oldham T.C. and Heywood Wells Good. and Middleton Water Board. Chorley B. - 3,614 30,315 6,520 6,286 Liverpool T.I '. Wells & springs Fairly good. Church U.D. - 529 6,888 1,584 1,584 Accrington Dist. G. k Water Bd.and Oswaldtwistle U.D.C. Clayton le Moors 1,059 8,868 1,964 1,964 Aecrington Dist. G. ic Water U.D. Board. Clitheroe B. - 2,385 12,500 2,879 2,879 Clitheroe T.C. Colne B. 5,063 25,689 5,824 5,739 ) Colne T.C. .... / Colne Water Estate Co., Ltd. j. Wells & springs Good. Crompton U.D Croston U.D. 2,865 2,347 14.750 2,041 3,420 450 3,274 375 Oldham T.C. - ... Manchester T.C. (bulk). Wells A: springs Satisfactory and adequate. Do. - Generally good. Dalton in Furness 7,990 10,763 2,466 2,436 Harrow in Furness T.C. - ()Wells\:springs, () Generally bad ; (1>~) not U.D. (b) rain-water. satisfactory. Darwen B. - 5,959 40,332 9,649 9,599 Darwen T.I '. - Wells - - \ Satisfactory". Denton U.D. 2,594 16,877 3,967 3,967 Manchester T.C. - Droylsden U.D. - 1,009 13.259 2,946 2,943 Do. Wells Good and adequate. Eccles B. 2,057 41,944 9,241 9.207 Do. Do. Satisfactory. Failsworth U.D. - 1,072 15,998 3,483 3,482 Oldham T.C.icManchestcrT.C. Well - Good and adequate. Farnworth U.D. - 1,504 28,131 5,899 5,896 Bolton T.C. - Wellsfc rain-water Satisfactory. Fleetwood U.D. - Formby U.D. 2.510 6,613 15,875 5,947 2,917 1,146 2,917 1,132 Fylde Water Board Bonthpoit, Birkdale and West Wells Good and satisfactory. Lancashire Water Board. Fulwood U.D. 2,116 6,578 956 955 Fulwood U.D.C. - 446 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing ;i Supply of Water. 6. Where .there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 9. Lancashire 18,451 3,658 3,641 Newton in Makerfield U.D.C. Wells Satisfactory and adequate. Makeraeld U.D. Norden U.D. - 5,358 3,797 978 834 Heywoixl & Middleton Water Do. Satisfactory and sufficient. Board and Rochdale T.C. Oldham C.B. 4.736 147,483 33,106 33,042 | Oldham T.C. Manchester T.C. - Do. - { Generally satisfactory and adequate. Ormskirk U.D. - 574 i 7,407 1,433 1.433 Ormskirk U.D.C. - Orrell U.D. - - ! 1,617 6,318 1,282 1,378 Wiuau T.C. (bulk) Wells Good and adequate. Oswaldtwistle 4,885 15.714 3,525 3,410 Oswaldtwistle U.D.C. - Wells. springs Good and adequate. U.D. and streams. Padiham U.D. - ! 970 13,635 3,186 3.180 Padiham U.D.C. - Poulton le Fylde 915 2,424 598 596 Fylde Water Hoard Wells Fairly good, but inade- U.D. quate in summer. Preesall U.D. - 3,232 1,718 382 354 Do. Wells A; springs Satisfactory. Prescot U.D. - 297 ' 8,154 1,702 1,702 Liverpool T.C. Preston C.B. - 3,971 117.088 25,806 25,806 I'reston T.C. .... Manchester T.C. - - - Prestwich U.D. - 2,448 17,195 3,358 3,258 j Bury & Dist. Joint Water B,5U 7,257 7,1,S4 { Estate Co.: Newehureh Spinning and Weavin<_' Co. } Wells it springs Generally satisfactory. Ltd.; and Sunnyside Estutt Co. J Rishton U.D. 2,985 7.441 1,625 1,57! Accrington Dist. G.&WaterBd. Wells & springi Satisfactory, but inade- quate at times. Rochdale C.B. 6,446 91,428 22,845 22,687 | Rochdale T.C. ; Oldham T.C. ; 1 Hey wood, Sac.. Water Board Wells, springs and streams. Good and adequate. Royton U.D. St. Anne's on the 2,147 3,342 17,069 9,837 3,897 1.980 3,833 l,9 Oldham T.C. - Fylde Water Board Wells & springs Generally satisfactory. Sea U.D. St. Helens C.B. - Salford O.B. - 7,284 5,202 96.551 381,867 17,585 46,397 17,569 46,397 St. Helens T.C. Manchester T.C. (part in balk) Wells Satisfactory and adequate. Skelmersdale U.D 1.942 6,822 1,285 1,285 Southport, Birkdale and West Lancashire Water Bd. (bulk) Southport C.B. 9,426 68,648 14,572 14,55! Southport, Birkdale and West Lancashire Water Board. Wells Excellent and ample. Standish with Langtree U.D. 3,266 7,280 1.378 1,371 Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - Do. Satisfactory. Stretford U.D. - 3,240 42,496 9,056 9,054 Manchester T.C. - Do. Fairly satisfactory & suffi- cient. Swinton and Peu- 2,284 3(1,759 6,285 6,285 Do - dletmry U.D. Thornton U.D. - 2,996 4,669 997 979 Fylde Water Board Wells and rain- Satisfactory. water. Tottington U.D. - 2,544 6,769 1,571 1,464 Bury and District Joint Water Board. Wells Generally satisfactory and adequate. Trawden U.D. 6,815 2,963 735 665 Trawden U.D.C., A. T. Ellis, Esq., Messrs. J. and W. Springs Generally satisfactory and adequate. Eccles, T. Robinson, Esq. Turton U.D. - 17.335 12.648 2.11 1 9 2,607 Bolton T C Do Fair. Tyldesley with 2,490 1 5.582 3.045 3,045 Manchester T.C. (bulk) - Shakerloy U.D. Ulverston U.D. - 3,172 9,552 2.131 2,131 Barrow in Furness T.C. (bulk) _ Upholland U.D. - 4,686 5.233 1,049 1,026 Upholland U.D.C. - Wells Satisfactory. Urmston U.D. 991 7.912 1.854 1,854 Manchester T.C. - Walton le Dale 4,658 12,880 2,683 2,625 Walton le Dale U.D.C. am Wells & springs - Fair. U.D. Manchester T.C. (bulk). Wardle U.D. Warrington C.B. 3,192 3,057 4,720 72,166 938 14,046 638 14,046 Rochdale T.C. Warrington T.C. - Do. do. Fairly satisfactory. Waterloo with 986 26,396 5,491 5,491 Liverpool T.C. Seaforth U.D. Westhoughton 5,560 15,046 3,097 2,997 Bolton T.C. (part in bulk) - Rain-water and Generally fair. U.D. springs. Whitefleld U.D. - 1,404 6,967 1,634 1,633 Bury &. Dist. Joint Water Bd. Spring Good and adequate. Whitworth U.D. - 4,483 8.872 2,263 675 Rochdale T.C. Wells Good and adequate. Widnes B. - 3,093 31,541 6,038 6,035 Widnes T.C. - ... Wigan C.B. - 5,083 89,152 16,979 16,979 Wigan T.C. & Manchester T.C. (bulk). Withnell U.D. - 3,705 3,399 749 741 Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - Springs, rivers & Good. streams. Worsley U.D. 5,413 13,906 3,178 3,178 Bolton T.C. & Manchester T.C. Barton upon Irwell R.D. : Barton Moss - - , 1,470 208 40 21 Manchester T.C. ... Wells Fairly good and adequate. Barton upon Irwell 21 27 11 11 Do. ... Clifton - 1,196 2,743 582 549 Bolton T.C. .... Davyhulme - j Flixton 2,659 1,447 1,447 4,845 323 1,279 296 1,272 Manchester T.C. - Wells - Fairly good and adequate. Blackburn R D. : Balderstone 1,807 454 116 47 Manchester T.C. thro' Preston "I illington 3,136 1,993 406 332 R.D.C. Blackburn T.C. - Clayton le Dale 1,714 404 89 64 Blackburn T.C. - Wilpshire Golf Club - Dinckley - - 610 75 20 Eccleshill Livesey - Mcllor - 629 1,581 1,743 342 1,766 1,145 91 387 291 52 311 133 Jarwen T.C. - Blackburn T.C. - Sir W. H. Feilden, Bart. Mellor Water Co., Ltd. Manchester T.C. thro" Preston R.D.C. Wells, springs, Fairly good. Osbaldeston - 1,059 153 46 _ f & rain-water. Blackburn T.C. ; Col. J. E. B. easington - 1,703 475 107 54 Bowdon ; Sir W.H.Feilden, Bart. Itamsgreave - Salesbury 778 1,215 420 266 150 74 104 19 Blackburn T.C. - Tockholes 1,991 362 120 Blackburn T.C. ... Wilpshire 1,004 1,068 204 192 Wilpshire Gob ' Club, Ltd. - Witton - 328 37 10 Yatefc Pickup Bank S52 476 115 iurnley R.D. : Padiham U.D.C. (bulk) Althain - 1,438 923 197 197 Accrington Dist. (i. A: Water ' Board. 0.19S F f 418 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Lancashire cant. Burnley R.D. emit- Barley with Wheat- 2,629 352 81 7 Nelson T.C. (bulk) 1 ley Booth. 1 Blacko - 974 502 132 i Nelson T.C. 1 Messrs. R. Trafford it Co.,Ltd } Wells, t springs Generally good. Briercliffe 4,148 3,042 738 670 Burnley R.D.C. \ Cliviger 6820 1,891 352 .,, I Burnley R.D.C. - I Burnley T.C. 1 Do. Doubtful. Dunnockshaw Foulridge 666 2,458 517 ' 133 1,399 338 130 Bury it Dis. Joint Water Boar 294 Burnley R.D.C. - Do. 1 Generally good. t Goldshaw Booth - 1,557 156 50 Do. Some good. Habergham Eaves 1,914 249 61 23 Burnley T.C. - ... Do. Generally good. Hapton 3,577 2,137 4.17 457 ( Padihain U.D.C. - ) Earl of Abingdon j Higham with West 1,387 759 194 100 Nelson T.C. (bulk) Wells it springs Doubtful. Close Booth. i Huncoat 991 1,494 I 343 302 Accrington District Gas am: 1 Water Board (part in bulk) Ightenhill Northtown 770 1,041 113 31 133 34 22 Burnley T.C. 9 Padihain U.D.C. - Do. Generally good. Old Laund Booth - 681 802 194 178 Nelson T.C. (bulk) Read - l,23'.l 958 245 200 Burnley R.D.C. - J ( Nelson T.C. ; Burnley T.C. ; 1 Recdley Hallows - 1,1 06 698 148 148 S. H. Dawson, Esq. ; various 1 ( property owners \ Roughlee Booth 1,140 352 80 Wells it springs Some good. Sabden 2,453 1,725 i 357 357 j Burnley R.D.C. - 1 R. Fort, Esq. I Simonstbne - WheatleyCarr Booth 1,027 251 491 128 54 12 70 1 Padiham U.D.C. - Nelson T.C. .... Wells it springs Generally good. Worsthorne with 3,507 1,101 275 275 Burnley T.C. (bulk) Hurstwood. Bury R.D. : Ainsworth 1,460 1,903 442 412 BoltonT.C. - 1 Birtle cum Bamford 2,410 1,676 366 266 Heywood it Middleton Water Ontvvood 1,938 "2,099 460 441 Board. Bury. Are., Joint Water Board . {Wells it springs Good. Unsworth 3,067 2,707 | 700 626 j Do. do. Heywood, itc.. Water Board J j Messrs. J. Whittakeraud Son Walmersley cum 3,141 658 : 170 100 < Bury, itc., Joint Water Board Do. Fair. Shuttleworth. ( TurnManufacturingCo., Ltd. j Chorley R.D. : Anderton - - i 1,230 Anglezarke - - 2,792 973 i 207 63 13 186 4 j Manchester T.C. (bulk) | Springs, wells, i it rain-water. [Fair. Bretherton - - 2,428 774 ! 178 120 Do. do. Do. do. Fair and moderate. Brindle- - - 3,106 1,040 243 55 Walton le Dale U.D.C. - Do. do. Fair. Charnoek Richard - 1.916 749 154 131 Manchester T.C. (bulk) Do. do. Fair and moderate. Clayton le Woods - 1,431 1,053 258 179 ( Leyland U.D.C. - j Manchester T.C. (bulk) > Do do F-itr Coppull - 2,282 4,480 950 940 ( Liverpool T.C. thro'Standish ) with Laiigtrce U.D.C. (bulk) i (111 . Cuerdeu- 805 384 86 1 Manchester T.C. (bulk) - Do. do. Fair and moderate. Duxbury 1,011 250 71 7 Liverpool T.C. ... Kcclestou 2,092 1,376 304 26! Euxton - Heapey - - - 2,932 1,466 1,205 ! 273 606 141 212 107 I Manchester T.C. (bulk) J- Do. do. Fair. Heath Charnoek - 1,59!) 1,239 275 213 Heskin ... 1,242 656 131 95 Do. do. Do. do. Fair and moderate. Hoghton 2.223 913 207 Do. do. Fair. Mawdesley - 2,947 1,081 j 237 Do. do. Doubtful in parts moderate. Rivingtou 2,771 250 52 Do. do. Good and adequate. Ulncs Walton 2,107 575 124 91 Manchester T.C. (bulk) - Do. do. Doubtful in parts moderate. Welsh Whittle Wheelton 596 1,625 117 1,267 22 300 12 193 Do. do. Do. do. Fair. Whittle le Woods - 1,357 2,442 553 496 Do. do. Do. do. Doubtful in parts Clitheroe R.D. : fairly sufficient. Aighton Bailey and Chaigley. (.'hat burn j- 6,289 896 1,359 861 220 219 94 217 ( H. K. Fenton, Esq. ) Blackburn T.C. (bulk)- R. C. Assheton. Esq. (bulk) - Wells, springs, anil streams. Fair. Chipping 5,631 810 192 18 Earl of Derby Do. do. Poor. Downham 2,302 227 54 52 R. C. AsHheton, Esq. Do. do. FfUT Leagram 1,512 99 17 Little Bowland 3,153 108 20 Springs and wells Good. Little Milton, Hen- thorn, and Cold- i 875 86 14 "H Blackburn T.C. thro' Lanca- shire Asylums Board it J.R. '| Aspinall, Esq. ; it Clitheroe Wells, springs, and streams. Fair. 1 T.C. thro',Esq. Mearley 1,509 48 1 8 1 I Springs Good. Pendleton 1,998 202 50 37 E. A. le G. Starkie, Ksq. Wells, springs, Fair. Thornley with siis 316 ! <;:, 33 Earl of Derby and streams. Wheat ley. Tvviston - 861 63 ' 19 Springs - Moderate. Whalley 1,C,()1 1,327 310 271 Exors. of the lateS. Longworth 1 Wiswell 1,232 731 : 157 112 | Do. do. Calico Printers' Association, Wells, springs, and streams. Fair. Will'HtoM 1,090 i on as 17 R, C. AsshetonTEsq. (bulk) - II PART II. LANCASHIRE. 149 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. a. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. C. Where there is n.i I'iped Service Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5 Sources of Supply. '. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Lancashire mat. Fylde R.D. : Bryning with Kel- 1,061 134 25 19 1 1 lamergh. Carleton 2,013 862 217 200 ! Fylde Water Board - Wells Clifton with 8alwick 3,373 425 X4 70 Elswiok 1,038 230 66 58 j Freckleton - 2,207 1,812 348 276 Do. Wells & rainwater Greenhalgh with 1,898 379 94 fi7 1 Thistleton. Hardhorn with 2,653 ; 858 145 121 - Newton. Do. Wells Little Eccleston 1,158 , 184 46 40 with Larbreck. Marton - 3,:>03 2,086 475 420 J Do. Wells & rainwater Gocxl and adequate. Medlar with Wes- 1,967 2,155 407 396 1 ham. Newton with Scales 1,472 257 67 GO Uibby with Wrca - 1,390 598 134 125 Singleton 2,730 355 74 GO I r\.. Wolla Truales, Roseacre 4,100 45S 95 46 f L*O. M ens and Wharles. Warton - 1,633 439 102 80 Weeton with Preese 2.972 370 74 67 West by with 3,600 478 113 74 Plumptons. I Garstang R.D. : ( Fylde Water Board ; Man- Wells and springs Good and plentiful. Barnacre with 4,969 1,546 311 217 \ Chester T.C. (bulk); and Bonds. ( J. L. Rushton, Esq. Bilsborough - 851 ', 172 47 Do. Good. Kleasdale 7,298 ! 265 52 24 Lord Ashton ; H. Jackson, Springs Good. Esq. ; W. Garnett, Esq. Cabus - 1.392 162 33 1 Fylde Water Board Wells Doubtful. Catterall 1,279 320 81 7G Do. Do. Good. {Do. Claughton 3,788 510 125 46 W. Fitzherbert Brockholes, I Wells & springs Generally good. Esq. Cleveley Forton - 604 1.278 65 496 12 143 Do. Wells [Good. Garstang 488 836 209 209 Fylde Water Board Great Bccleston 1,467 598 158 122 Do. Wells Doubtful. Hambleton 1,445 387 105 75 Do. Do. Holleth - 359 32 5 Wells and springs Good. Inskip with Sowerby Kirkland 2,984 975 418 253 97 (il 97' 64 i Fylde Water Board - Myerscough - 2,708 427 96 21 I FulwoodU.D.C. - | Fylde Water Board - 1 Wells - Doubtful. Nateby - 2,088 292 60 20 Do. i Nether Wyresdale - 4.24 3 497 110 50 P. Ormrod, Esq. Wells and springs Good. Out Rawcliffe 4,501 675 136 25 Fylde Water Board Wells Doubtful. Pilling - 6,175 1,390 307 7 Do. Do. Not good. Stalmine with Stay- 2,303 540 116 52 ) Inall. Do. Do. Doubtful. Upper Rawcliffe with Tarnacre. Winmarleigh - 3,842 2,343 520 290 110 58 60 ) Do. Fairly good. Lancaster R.D. : Aldcliffe 779 98 18 9 Lancaster T.C. [ Wells and rain- Fairly good and adequate. Asliton with Stod- 1,522 167 39 10 Do. ) water. day. Bolton le Sands Cockerham - Cockersand Abbey Ellel - 1,530 5,809 346 5,811 941 596 36 1,942 24:. 118 6 454 200 311 Do. I Manchester T.C. (bulk) I H. Garnett, Ksq. - Wells | Wells and rain- f water. i Wells - Do. do. Some good, others doubt- ful ; occasionally in- adequate. 1 Heaton with Ox- cliffe. Middleton 2,032 1.370 175 178 29 40 15 Lancaster T.C. through Heys- liam U.D.C. I I Wells and rain- Some good, others doubt- ful ; adequate. Overton 1,840 ' 294 87 ) water. Over Wvresdale 17.3 1C 47C 93 11 Earl of Sefton Moorlands Good and adequate. I'riest Mutton l,OSj 186 45 Wells and rain- water. Some good, others doubt- ful ; adequate. s< 'ut forth 2,126 304 59 21 Lancaster T.C. Wells Good and adequate. Silverdale 1,461 713 207 Kain-water Some good, others mode- rate ; inadequate at times. Slyne with Host 1,803 541 US 124 Lancaster T.C. Wells Good and adequate. Thurnham 1,658 561 120 Wells and rain- Some good, others doubt - water. ful ; inadequate. Warton with Lind- 1,267 1,380 398 . 30G Carnfortli District Water- Kain-water Some good, others mode- deth. works Co. rate ; adequate F f 2 450 RETUUN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. ^applied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Lancashire '' Lancaster R.D. font. Yealand Conyers - Yealand Redmayne 1,582 2,136 303 194 63 17 . ) Wells andrain- 1 water. Some good, others doubt- ful ; fairly adequate. ' Manchester T.C. thro' Ty Ides- Leigh R.D. : ley with Shakerlev L'.l ).(.'. Astley -.. 2,685 3,556 727 598 { (bulk; - - " - ! Liverpool T.C. thro' Leigh Culcheth Kenyon 5,373 1,686 2,765 327 611 t;i 414 44 I T.C. (bulk) / Warrington T.C. - -Wells - Generally good, and ade- quate, except in very dry seasons i Liverpool T.C. thro' Abram Lowton - 1,830 3,429 779 758 I U.D.C. (bulk); & Newton 1 in Makerfield U.D.C. (bulk) j Limehurst R.D. : ( OldhamT.C.; A; Ashton under ) Alt ... 1,114 1,032 249 228 \ Lyne, &c., Waterworks Jt. 1 Wells - Good and adequate. Committee. ( Bardsley 883 2,214 499 499 Do. do. Crossbank 86 1,268 333 333 Oldham T.C. j Ashton under Lyne, tec., Jt. \ Hartshead 1,019 700 178 66 Committee ; Trustees of *) the late Earl of Stamford /Wells - Good and adequate. and Warrington. j Little Moss - Waterloo Woodhouses - 704 341 628 556 3,966 830 141 950 211 141 950 211 ( Ashton under Lyne, ice., Jt. ( Committee. Lunesdale R.D. : ] Arkholme with Ca- 3,018 319 62 50 Exors. of W. Cragg ; and 1 wood. F. Pearson, Esq. Berwick 846 -138 33 Burrow with Bur- row. 2,425 188 39 y Wells Jt springs Good. Cantsfiekl 1,221 106 18 Caton - 8,393 1,219 286 265 Lunesdale K.D.C. - Claughton 1,581 124 26 18 Claughton Manor Brick Co.,Lt(: i Gressingham - 2,019 120 31 J Halton - 3,921 889 187 187 Manchester T.C. (bulk) Hornby with Farle- 3,010 439 96 60 Trustees of the late Col. Foster ] ton. Ireby - 1,145 72 13 Leek ... 4,631 212 50 Melling with Wray- 1,064 187 39 ton. Nether Kellet 2,081 243 54 Over Kellet - 3,213 428 92 4 Carnforth Dint. Waterworks Co. J> Wells & springs Good. Quernmore - 7.323 591 119 1 Lunesdale R.D.C. - Boeburndale - 8,824 106 20 Tatham 8,551 442 98 Tunstall 1,077 109 21 Wennington - 980 133 28 Whittington - 4,418 356 72 Wray with Botton 6,526 462 110 60 JTrustees of the late Col. Foster J Preston R.D. : Barton - 3,055 432 107 69 Fulwood U.D.C. (part in bulk) ( Wells and rain- i Broughton 2,357 722 161 137 Fulwood U.D.C. - 1 water. Cuerdale 689 52 9 5 Manchester T.C. (bulk) Springs, wells and rain-water. Button -.. 1,908 232 56 33 R. K. Fenton, Esq. Springs Elston - 959 50 10 3 Fulwood U.D.C. - 1 j Preston T.C. (bulk) - ^Fair. Farington 1,862 2,321 Ml 524 - Messrs. G. & R. Uewhurst, 1 Ltd. .Wells and rain- Goosnargh 8,329 1,068 225 34 } ' water. Grimsargh with Brockholes. 1,748 494 116 84 1 Fulwood U.D.C. - Haighton 1,077 204 53 41 j J J flothersall - 1,056 148 38 11 Preston T.C. - Wulls, ponds and Bad, but the piped service rain-water. is available. Howick Hutton - 745 2,667 81 472 27 112 27 112 Do. (bulk) Lea, Ashton, Ingol 3,098 799 166 23 Fulwood U.D.C. - Wells, springs *: 1 and Cottam. rain-water. 1 Little Hoole - 1,236 524 134 133 j ] Longton Much Hoole - 3,383 1,757 2,362 627 617 164 607 153 > Preston T.C. (bulk) - (_ Wells and rain- ; Fair. 1'enwortham - 1.975 3,517 927 918 1 f water. Kibbleton 305 77 15 I Fulwood U.D.C. - / Preston T.C. J J Kibchester 2,224 1,315 323 257 1 Do. I R. K. Fenton, Esq. / Wells, springs 1 & rain-water. Bad. County, District iiiicl I'arish. 1. Lancashire '<'. Preston R.D. <- of! 59 4.-, "I-iverpoolT.C. Do. Good. 2.592 2,351 437 430 1 4,712 936 212 30 l"l version R.D.C. - i () Wells and springs ; () Doubtful, but sufficient; ('<) inferior and inadequate. ( (*) rain-water. 918 30 4 2.998 133 37 , 1,907 221 47 20 Grange r.D.C. (bulk) 1 | Barrow in FurnessT.C. } 6.943 1,073 -80 141 -, Broughton in Furness Water 5.029 244 1 Co., Ltd. 73 Wells and f streams. Satisfactory. i G. H. Sandys, Esq. 4,458 540 148 24 - Mrs. M. Ainsworth - ' Ulverston R.D.C. 14,329 1,589 W4 17 1 J' Coward. Esq. - ) Mrs. M. Ainsworth - 10,427 1,006 3oo 114 Ulverston R.D.C. - Wells 10.273 223 57 Streams - -, Satisfactory. 3.704 936 ; 252 Springs & wells - Doubtful, but sufficient. ( H. Broeklebank, Esq. ; N. 1 4.713 627 173 92 < Garnett, Esq. ; Ulverston 1 I R.D.C. .... j 8,730 1,432 373 ,.,., i Barrow in Fnrneas T.C. (bulk' ' 1 Ulverston R.D.C. 1 Wells and [ stream. Satisfactory. 3,087 905 214 131 Grange U.D.C. (bulk) - 3,332 1,068 268 166 | Lord R. F. Cavendish - ' Grange U.D.C. (bulk) - j 2,271 326 69 Springs & wells - 1 569 49 10 1 1.931 368 p. .... Barrow ill Furuess T.C. thro' '/ Ulverston U.D.C. ^Springs - }-Good and sufficient. 2.S50 1,361 .,|u ,. | Barrow in Furness T.C. thro' ' i | Ulverston U.D.C. (bulk). j j I H. Broeklebank, Esq. ; G. H. J 7,139 409 96 45 ! Sandys, Esq. ; & Ulverston \ Wells 1 R.D.C. i 2,834 300 P3 Wells 4: streams 4,295 363 95 24 Ulverston R.D.C. - Wells 1,236 95 24 I 3,817 3,438 181 776 52 200 115 Grange U.D.C. (bulk) - ! Wells and Satisfactory. {Lowwood Gunpowder Co. - streams. 7,247 833 198 123 Grange U.U.C. (part in bulk) Ulverston R.D.C. J 3,899 974 259 23* Barrow in Furness T.C. thro' Ulverston U.D.C. | Wells - J 4,195 2,408 441 387 Warrington T.C. - 1 1,558 183 28 10 Liverpool T.C. 1,922 1,363 345 296 * 855 222 54 47 1,008 1,234 1,713 1,472 398 367 346 277 I Warriiitfton T.C. - i [Do. Good. 2.993 987 222 19 1,887 951 220 220 Do. 2,080 3,957 375 290 j 1,623 489 106 77 y DO. ... Wells Good I ) ' 4,210 488 91 55 Southport, Birkdale and West Wells and rain- 1 4,612 3,657 813 774 | Lancashire Jt. Water Board. Ormskirk U.D.C. Southport itc. Water Board water. Wells - Variable but adequate. * Ince Blundell. Lunt, aiut Thornton Works for extension of piped services are in progress. F f 3 452 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. No. of Houses. County, Area in Popula- Names of Undertakers Where there is no Piped Service. Supplied District and Parish. Acres. tion, 1911. Total. from Piped providing a Supply of Water. Sources of Nature and Sufficiency Service. Supply. of Supply. 1. 2. 3. '4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Lancashire <''' West Lancashire R.D. cunt. ( Ormskirk D.D.C. Bickerstaffe - 6,463 2,029 891 182 < Southport, &c. Water Board Wells & rain- 1 St. He'lens T.C. - - . - water. Bispham 929 280 60 2 Wigan R.D.C. 1 Downhollarid - ! 3.475 Halsall - - - 6,995 666 1,426 149 130 308 i 253 j Southport. Sec Water Board ( Southport, &e. Water Hoard Hesketh with 3,662 1,057 263 259 < Preston T.C. thro' Preston Becconsall. R.D.C'. (bulk) Dwells - Lydiate - 1,994 1,046 222 146 Soutbport, &c. Water Board - Maghull 2,099 1,756 300 286 j Southport, &c. Water Board I St. Helens T.C. (bulk) | Varies considerably. ) Some fair, others not Melling - 2,119 1,098 209 206 i St. Helens T.C. (bulk) - | Liverpool T.C. j good ; adequate. North Meols - 5,299 1,830 423 383 Southport, &c. Water Board - Wells & rain- water. Rufford - 3,120 794 182 : 177 Lathom & Burscough U.D.C. Wells (bulk). Scarisbrick 8,398 2,231 496 411 Southport itc. Water Board - Wells & rain- water. Simonswood - 2,645 328 6? 45 St. Helens T.C. thro' the Earl of Sefton. Tarleton 5,545 1,997 473 4i7 Preston T.C. through Preston Wells J Whiston R.D. : Bold - 4,484 1,309 439 314 R D.C. (bulk). ( St. Helens T.C. ; WidnesT.C. ; i Warrington T.C. Cronton - 1,126 574 110 100 Widnes T.C. .... Ditton - 1,936 2,900 577 573 Do. .... Eccleston 2,632 3,141 467 389 j St. Helens T.C. - I Liverpool T.C. - Hale - 1,654 496 103 87 Widnes T.C. (bulk) Halewood 3,883 2,467 518 493 Liverpool T.C. & Widnes T.C. Knowsley Kainhill Speke - 5,061 1,658 2,526 . 1,317 2,442 449 277 640 99 177 533 38 ( St. Helens T.C. - | Liverpool T.C. Rainhill Gas and Water Co. - Liverpool T.C. - Dwells - Generally unsatisfactory and some inadequate. 1 Widnes T C Tarbock 2,413 500 107 63 j Liverpool T.C. - Do. j St. Helens T.C. - Whiston 1,788 4,704 708 704 Springs - ( Wigan T.C. I Wrightingtovi 3,917 1,928 458 259 Upholland U.D.C. (bulk) and Wells and springs J Wigan R.D.C. LEICESTER- SHIRE. Ashby de la Zouoh U.D. 3,949 4,927 1,083 1,059 Swadlincote & Ashby de la ZouchJt.WaterComtee.(lmlk) Wells and springs Good. Ashby Woulds 1,941 2,783 568 393 Swadlincote Spring & wells Good. Heather - - 1,042 702 159 . ) Measham - - ' 1,749 2,303 535 Do. Poor. Normanton - le - 1,36ft 143 37 Do. Good. Heath. Oakthorpe and 1,805 2,444 5(13 12 Mi lira Colliery Co.. Ltd. Wells Poor. Donisthorpe. Osgathorpe - 923 Packington - - 2,396 898 443 80 113 ^ Springs & wells Good. Ravenstone with 2,245 1,670 385 SVells Fair. Snibston. Snarestone - - 1,334 Staunton Harold - 1 .699 277 206 N4 49 3 """" Hinekley I'.D.C. - > Springs & wells [Good. Stretton en le Field 1,048 57 11 Wells Swannington 1 ,501) 2,030 413 36 Coalville U.D.C. (bulk) - Springs & wells - I'nor. Swepstone 2,31 8 570 145 32 Hinekley U.D.C. - Do. Good. Thringstone - 878 1,279 304 Do. Poor. Willesley 808 40 12 Do. Good. Worthington - - : 1,732 1.01(1 235 Wells Fair. Barrow-upon-Soar R.D. : Anstey - Anstey Pastures 796 147 2,976 48 620 6 620 6 1 Leicester T.O. Barkby - - 1.916 670 180 70 Do. I Barkby Thorpe - 955 58 15 > Wells - Good and sufficient. Barrow upon Soar - 2,497 8,481 570 520 Leicester T.C. Beaumont Leys - 1, 651 174 34 34 Do. Beeby - - - 1,435 95 23 Birstall - Cossington 1,189 1,668 751 388 175 112 163 5 J Leicester T.C. - - Wells Good and sufficient. Cropston 430 310 75 75 Gilroes - 185 158 7 7 V Leicester T.C. Leicester Frith 246 50 7 7 j Mountsorrel 554 2,491 600 500 ( T) n Newtown Linford - 4.388 419 90 6 1 1JO. Queeni borough 2,182 557 133 . Katcliffe on the 852 101 27 Wreak. Rearsby 1,72 409 107 Rothley 2,129 2,006 370 300 Seagrave 2,515 396 78 5 \ Leicester T.O. - Sileby - 2,295 3,082 050 550 | South Croxton 1,663 211 55 Wells - Good and sufficient. S with land Syston - 1,145 1,869 182 3,087 46 740 3 700 | Leicester T.C. - Thrussington Thurcaston 2,033 1,177 445 345 114 86 25 Leicester T.C. Ulverscroft 1,889 89 22 . Walton on the 1,549 225 48 Wolds. Wanlip - Woodhonse - 977 4,642 96 1,458 28 392 2 320 1 Leiceter T.C. - Belvoir R.D. : Barkstone 2.087 253 60 Belvoir - - - 715 111 19 Bottesford - 4,978 1,174 354 Croxton Kerrial - 3,333 452 114 . Harston Knipton 1,041 1,271 157 280 42 70 60 Belvoir R.D.C. Wells & ipringf Good. Muston - 1,696 262 72 Plungar 979 184 50 Redmile 1,771 382 110 Eesdon R.D. : lexton llesdon 1,027 , 2,150 46 594 17 172 Wells Do. Fairly good and sufficient. Some good, others indif- ferent ; adequate. irton Overy 1,899 304 90 - ishby - Carltou Curlieu 679 1,406 116 93 23 17 5 Leicester T.C. Do. Doubtful, but adequate. Cold Newton 1,556 107 24 East Norton - 1,13S 120 37 Evington Frisby - 1,191 963 958 18 107 4 52 Leicester T.C. Do. Fair and sufficient. Galby - 940 68 18 Glen Magna 2,134 776 211 31 Capt. E. C. Packe - Do Doubtful, but usually sufficient. . 1 F f 4 454 KETUEN AS TO AVATEH SUPPLIES. No. of Houses. Popula- Vni^rtij i^f rT|),| t |.f .^^j.^ Where tlier i: is no Piped Service. Comity. A rea in tion Supplied from District and Parish. Acres. 1911. Total. pi))e(| Supply of Water. Service. Sources of Supply. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I Leicestershire cunt. | Billesdon R.D. cant. Goadby - 961 62 17 Wells Fair and sufficient. Halstead 1.441 174 44 Do. Doubtful and inadequate. Houghton on the 1,914 271 % | Hill. \ Do. Doubtful, but adequate. Humberstone 1,174 538 145 140 Leicester T.C. I Hungerton - 3,593 MO 66 Do. Not very good in some eases, but adequate. Illston on the Hill - 1 .3fi3 212 56 Do. (iood and adequate. Keyham 948 130 34 j King's Norton Launcle - - - 1,010 1 .263 48 58 13 18 V Do. Fairly good and moderate. Loddington - 1,873 128 27 ) Lowesby 1,424 147 31 Do. Doubtful and somewhat deficient. Marefield 520 17 1 ' Do Fair. Newtown Harcourt 1,148 148 42 Do. Good anil ample. Noseley 1,304 68 13 _ 1 Owston A: Newbold 3,075 121 37 j Rollest.m Scraptoft 1,094 1.711 59 118 16 23 I Do. Doubtful, bur sufficient. Skeffington - 2,189 163 42 Stougliton 1,512 136 31 i Stretton Magna 703 43 9 Do. Doubtful, but usually sufficient. Stretton Parva 704 73 21 ! Do. Fairly good and moderate. Thurnby 614 221! 59 4 Leicester T.C. Do. Fair and ample. Tilton - 1 .528 190 38 Do. Doubtful and generally inadequate. Tugby - 2.209 300 80 60 TlieHon.SirlME.T.Wilsun.Rart. Do. Satisfactory. Whatboroogfa 477 13 A j Do. Fair. Wistow - 910 54 11 Do Good and suflicient. Withcote 747 46 g Do. Fairly satisfactory. Blaby R.D. : Blaby - Braunstone - 1,332 1,489 1,959 125 4 gjj 1) J Leicester T.C. Wells Variable. Braunstone Frith - 232 6 1 1 Do. Cosby - 2,318 1,560 359 Wells Doubtful. Countesthorpe 1,382 1,450 314 4 Leicester T.C. Do. Do. Croft - 897 742 154 104 Croft Granite Brick and Con- Do. Good. crete Co., Ltd. East Leicester ti20 100 26 1 Leicester T.C. Do. Doubtful. Forest. East Wigston Enderby 1,175 1,672 87 2,667 21 624 300 Leicester T.C. (bulk) - j- Do. Good. Foston - 1,333 51' 11 Do. Doubtful. Glenfield 772 1.105 264 243 Leicester T.C. Do. Good. Glenfield Frith 294 17 3 3 Do. Glen Parva - 855 620 84 56 Do. Wells Good. Huncote 908 610 152 (Do. Doubtful. Kilby - 1.068 253 65 1 Kirby Frith - 244 11 2 2 Leicester T.C. - Kirby Muxloe Lubbersthorpe Narborougli - 1,702 2,693 1,698 1.063 81 1,839 255 181 Do. 20 297 6 Leicester T.C. | Wells. - Do. Good. Unsatisfactory in village. New Parks - 812 161 25 18 Do. Do. Good. Potters Marston 703 30 7 1 Thurlaston - West Leicester 2,807 309 54) 41 144 Q j-Do. Doubtful. Forest. J Whetstone 2,113 1,386 313 Do. Many polluted. Oastle Donington R.D. : * Breedon on the Hill 3,143 752 164 ) Castle Donington - 3,839 2,529 611 476 Long Eaton L'.D.C. (bulk) - V Wells & springs Good anil adequate. Disevvorth 1,961 331 90 _ 1 Hemington - 1,439 383 81 Wells Do. Isley Walton 484 36 6 6 Long Eaton U.D.C. Kegworth 2.289 2,220 515 418 Do. (bulk) - Wells A: springs - Good and adequate. Langley Priory 564 22 ^ '. Wells Do. Lockington - 1 .870 143 31 Hallaton R.D. : Blaston - 1.2X7 Wells VAKT II. LEICESTERSHIRE! 155 . No. of Houses. County, District and Parish. Area in ' s u , ,|j ( ,,j Names of Und. rtnkers '. tion ' ,, . ' f'o'rn" providing a Aol ' CS - 11.11. Pined Supply of Water. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Natur; and Sullicicney Service. Supply. of Supply. 1. 1 3. 4. 5. ,[. 7. 8. Leicestershire - null. Hinckley R.D. : Aston Klamville 1,091 78 17 I i Barwell- 2,387 8,998 622 261 Hinekley U.IJ.O. (bulk) Burbage 3,106 2,412 553 )- Wells - - Variable, but adequate. Earl Shilton - 2,077 1,1 90 1)89 290 Hinckley U.D.C. (bulk) Elmesthorpe - 1,305 84 15 J Higliam on the Hill 2,681 614 100 . j Sapcote - Sharnford 1,555 1,431 872 373 18S 100 1 Do. - - Variable, but plentiful. Stoke Golding 1.291 013 133 Stoney Stanton i.:>7L> 1,539 357 265 Hinckley R.U.C. - Do. - - Vaiiable. Wigston Parva 387 52 10 Do. Variable, but plentiful. Loughborough R.D. : Bclton - 2,345 807 180 Burton on the Wolds 2,585 293 5 . Charley - 1 .334 138 86 . Cotes (89 57 10 Garendon 1,193 46 12 I Hatliern i.:ui 1,209 310 Hoton - l.onjr Whatton 1,410 2.051 26] 571 66 160 !> Wells - - Fairly good and adequate. Nanpanton Prestwold 1,64!) 111 4 316 84 70 16 S9 1 ' ' V LoBghborougb T.C. Thorpe Acre and 1.117 174 40 Dishley. Woodthorpe - 411 56 15 i _ Wymeswold - 3,373 777 190 . Lutterworth R.D. : Arnesby 1.415 354 89 Ashby Ma^na I ,937 262 63 _ Ashby Parva - 1 ,369 126 47 Bittosby 750 38 !) _ Bitteswell 1,820 308 !)3 j Broughton Astley - 8,472 1,339 316 Bruntingthorpe ),2(ii! 227 71 (.'atthorpe 645 17ti 40 Claybrooke Magna 1,090 321 98 Claybrouke Parva - 53*; 75 22 Cotesbach I,24ti 104 29 Dunton Bassett 1,861 482 122 Frolesworth - 1,515 243 81 , Gilmorton 2,471 464 152 _ Kiiucote and Walton 3,091 483 150 Knaptoft 1,420 65 9 Loire ... 1.107 279 83 . Wells - Very variable, polluted in Lutterworth - 2,58!) 1,896 479 150 Lutterworth Freehold Land, Bitteswell, Broughton Building, and Waterworks Astley. Claybrooke. Co., Ltd. (in liquidation). Magna, Frolesworth, Misterton 3,892 435 112 Leire, and Ullesthorpe ; North Kilworth 2,099 MM 105 . sufficient, except in Peatling Magna 1,862 183 59 . Ullesthorpe. Peatling Parva 9114 120 32 Shawell ... 1,424 173 43 Sliearsby 1,128 180 55 South Kilworth - 1,481 275 88 Swinford 1,633 311 88 _ Ullesthorpe - 1,480 395 108 Westrill and Star- 1,467 5 1 more. Willoughby Water- 1,166 207 74 less. Market Bosworth R.D. : Atterton (i40 34 a Bagworth 2,244 1,419 281 Barlestone 1,087 1,042 220 Barton in the Beans 810 151 38 Bilstone 713 7'J 17 Cadeby 1,008 114 30 Carlton 747 178 44 Congerstone - Dadlington - 814 1,028 19S 189 50 42 _ ^ WelU - - Satisfactory. Deaford 2,502 1,118 249 Fenny Drayton 1,174 113 27 Gopsall 72!) H 7 ilroby - 2,070 910 200 50 Leicester T.C. 1 bstock 2.335 4,940 1,000 Kirk by Mai lory 2.041 219 48 Market Bosworth - 2.710 729 168 16 Hinckley U.D.C. - 456 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Leicestershire COtlt, Market Bosworth R.D. cant. Markfield 2,303 1,757 408 ? Nailstone 1,954 346 74 Newbold Verdon - 1,862 1,064 237 Norton juxta Twy- 1,868 217 60 cross. Odstone 1,134 142 30 . Orton on the Hill - 2,033 183 44 Osbaston 1,325 307 62 Peckleton 2.180 239 56 _ Ratby - 3,065 2,112 401 4 Leicester T.C. Ratcliffe Culey 1,238 205 46 Shackerstone - Sheepy Magna 1,186 3,100 229 492 55 107 z } Wells - Satisfactory. Sheepy Parva 613 77 14 Shenton 1,547 181 43 Sibson - - - 2,602 258 60 Stanton under Bar- 1,447 657 139 don. Stapleton 1,365 227 56 Button Cheney 1,697 182 52 Thornton 2.092 673 139 50 Countess of Warwick Twycross 1.581 248 63 Upton - 1,327 109 25 Witherley 844 482 105 Market Har- borough R.D. : Cranoe - 805 89 21 _ ^ East Langton 992 244 61 Fleckney 1,271 1,852 418 . Foxton - 1,893 324 79 Glooston 973 70 27 Gumley 1,385 172 42 Husbands Bosworth 3,560 779 209 . Kibworth Beau- 1,312 1,361 364 champ. Kibworth Harcourt 1,475 446 116 Laughton 1,151 115 30 Lubenham 2,729 661 ir>7 Do. Good and plentiful Mowsley 1,305 169 54 Saddington - 1,713 210 51 Shangton 1,268 42 15 Slawston 1,501 134 43 Smeeton VVesterby - 1,391 336 89 Stonton Wyville - 1,217 42 21 Tbeddingworth 1,627 228 55 Thorpe Langton - 1,175 103 31 Tur Langton - 1,413 237 75 Welham 1,143 61 17 West Langton 829 95 17 Melton Mowbray R.D. : Ab Kettleby - 870 267 65 Asfordby 1,568 1,336 298 Ashby Folville 1,796 139 32 Barsby - 1,147 180 45 Bescaby 1,227 22 4 Branston 1,837 222 51 Brentingby and 1,389 105 24 Wyfordby. Brookesby 867 58 14 . Buckminster - 1,964 246 66 Burrough on the 1,580 200 47 Hill. Burton Lazars 2,780 238 52 Cold Overton 1,729 116 28 Coston - - - 1,766 78 15 Eastwell Eaton - 1,361 1,769 194 436 37 96 Wells & springs Good and adequate. Edmondthorpe 1,803 207 50 . Freeby - 1,395 143 32 Frisby on the Wreak 1,508 385 97 Gaddesby 1,725 273 61 Garthorpe 1,635 71 20 ' Goadby Marwood - 1,650 176 37 Great Dalby - 2,383 341 84 * Grimston 1,064 176 39 Harby - 2,062 603 155 Hoby - 1,691 294 67 Holwell 1,408 249 45 . Hose - 2,337 441 112 Kirby Bellars 2,754 271 67 Knossington - 1,469 247 62 Little IJalby - 1,885 151 38 Lung Clawson 3,581 735 185 Nether broughton - 2,301 380 87 1 PART II. LINCOLNSHIRE (PARTS OP HOLLAND). 457 County, District and Parish. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Supplied Total. p f . ro Piped Service. 4. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Leicestershire- Melton Mowbray R.D. cunt. Old Dalby - 3,181 368 82 1 Pickwell with Lees- 2,378 217 52 thorpe. Ragdale 1,447 92 19 . Rotherby 792 156 32 Saltby - 2,442 207 48 Saxby - 1,412 116 22 Saxelby 1,052 109 19 _ Scalford 2,521 688 163 _ Sewstern 1,117 189 54 Shoby - '.Mill 23 6 Somerby 1,470 507 114 Sproxton 2,338 282 71 Stapleford - 2.273 170 36 s Statheru Stonesby 2,141 1,423 578 152 172 49 100 Stathern P.C. ... {Wells and springs. Good and adequate. Sysonby 1,240 214 ' 42 ' Sysonby with Eye 793 115 15 Kettleby. Thorpe Arnold 1,788 119 26 Thorpe Satchville - 1,880 256 56 Twyford 1,205 332 i 82 Waltham on the 2,797 543 124 Wolds. Wartnaby 749 89 25 Welby - 1,185 70 13 . Wycomb and Chad- 781 103 25 ^_ well. Wymondham 2,928 626 1 70 ~ j LINCOLNSHIRE (PARTS OF HOLLAND). Boston B. 2,727 16,673 4,012 3,991 Boston Waterworks Co. Rain-water k Doubtful, but generally wells. adequate. Holbeach U.D. 22,666 5,259 1,201 (a) Wells; (*) () Bad in town, elsewhere Long Sutton U.D. 3,931 2,837 678 _ rain-water. good ; (>) satisfactory, (a) Wells ; (*) () Generally good and rain-water. adequate. Spalding U.D. 10,747 10,308 2,493 1,763 Spalding U.D.C. - Wells and rain- Satisfactory. water. Sutton Bridge 6,176 2,156 516 Wells Good. U.D. Boston R.D. : Algarkirk 2,735 485 100 ) ' Amber Hill - 5,439 529 120 (Wells and rain- Benington 2,778 440 120 | water. Bicker - 3,782 664 160 1 Brothertoft - 2,194 408 65 Wells, rain-water and R. Witham. Butterwick - 1,632 523 120 Wella and rain- water. Copping Syke 475 18 5 Wells, rain-water and R. Witham. Fishtoft 4,222 669 180 Fosdyke 2,163 449 120 Wells and rain- Frampton 5,554 861 200 . (' water. Freiston - . 4,917 1,024 260 I Hart's Grounds Kirton - - - Leverton Old Leake - Pelham's Lands Skirbeck Skirbeck Quarter - Sutterton 576 9,942 3,137 5,923 1,225 2. SKI i.on; 3.108 62 2,444 559 1,340 99 4.03(1 1,201 885 10 610 130 410 40 880 234 230 550 200 Boston Waterworks Co. ) Wells, rain- water and i River Kyme. 1 Wells and rain- 1 water. Wells, R. Witham & rain-water. ( Wells and I rain-water. J. Some wells good, others fair ; rain-water fair ; Rivers Witham, fairly good ; Kyme, very good ; South Forty Foot, of medium quality ; ample, except in very dry weather. Swineshead - 7,1 '.12 1,902 450 Wells, rain-water and South Forty Foot River. Wigtoft 3,717 726 175 1 Wells and Wrangle Wyberton 6,563 3,917 1,080 653 259 150 f rain-water. Crowland R.D. : Crowland 13,450 2,683 650 River WelUnd Soft, potable, and gener- and rain-water. ally adequate. 458 RETUBN AS TO AVATER SUPPLIES. County, District ami Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names nf I'mln-takers providing a Supply of Water. r>. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Suppliec from Piped Seryice. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. - - 8. Lincolnshire (Parts of > Holland) coat. East Elloe R.D. : Central Wingland - 4,217 296 50 _ Fleet - 6,837 1.155 250 Gedney - 11,673 1,834 370 Gedney Hill - 1.865 347 88 . Little Button 743 52 12 Wells 4c rain- Fairly good. Lutton - 3,799 657 1(6 water. Suttoii St. Edmunds r>,622 652 140 Sutton St. James - 2,707 573 130 Tydd St. Mary 4,726 854 195 Whaplode 10,688 2,270 540 Spalding R.D. : Cowbit - 1,952 507 127 > Deeping St. Nicholas 15,033 1,439 295 48 South Lincolnshire Fen Water Co. (in liquidation). Doiiington - 5,835 1,564 396 137 Donington Water Co. Gosberton 8,269 1,973 457 47 Do. Wells k rain- Doubtful anil uncertain. Moulton 11,986 2,226 540 , water. Pinchbeck 14,460 2.836 694 12 Spalding L'.D.C. Quadring 4,148 814 192 22 Donington Water Oo. - Surtteet 4,149 1,010 249 Wcston - 5,566 817 195 J ' LINCOLNSHIRE (PARTS OF KESTEVEN). Bourne U.D. - - 10,103 4,343 1,047 467 Bourne Waterworks Co., Ltd. Wells Satisfactory. Bracebridge U.D. 348 2,281 516 516 Lincoln T.C. .... G-rantham B. - 1,723 20,07U 4,466 4,086 Grantham Waterworks Co. - Wells Satisfactory. Ruskington U.D. 3,957 1,214 298 273 Ruskington U.D.C. Do. Fairly good. Sleaford U.D. 4,550 6,427 1,387 1,346 Sleafor.l Water Co., Ltd. Wells and R. Slea i Doubtful. Stamford B. - 1,918 9,647 2,154 2,152 Marquess of Exeter Stream I Bourne R.D. : Aslackby 4,078 400 88 Wells I Aunby - 664 41 7 Springs, stream, well, and rain- fFair. water. 1 Baston ... 2,514 589 135 Wells Bad, but fairly adequate. Billmgborough 2,374 964 265 Springs and wells Springs good, wells bad ; ample. Birthorpe 632 40 10 Well Good. Careby - Carl by - 1,501 1.433 133 141 28 29 ' Wells - 1 (Jood and fairly adequate. Castle I'.ytham 4,080 553 140 60 K. Heathcote, Esq. (part in Do. - Good and moderate. bulk). Corby - 2,906 710 164 140 Bourne K.D.C. Do. - Good and fairly adequate. Counthorpe - 1,155 50 12 10 Do. ... 1 Wells and Wells good, stream doubt- Creeton - - | 1,049 67 13 10 Do. stream. ful ; fairly adequate. Deeping St. James 4,293 1,544 380 . . Wells Doubtful, but adequate. Dowsby 1,905 205 40 Do. Fair and ample. Dunsby 2,671 280 52 35 Governors of Sutton's Hospital Do. Good. in Charterhouse. Edenham 7,030 465 115 Wells and rain- Fair and fairly adequate. water. Folkingham - 1,940 479 118 Wells & spring - Fair, but insufficient. 329 80 ; Wells Doubtful, but fairly ade- Hacconby 2,596 quate. Holy well 1,272 96 19 Wells ik stream Good. Horbling 3,143 434 94 Springs, wells, Wells and stream doubt- and stream. ful ; fairly adequate. Irnham Kirkby Underwood 3,809 1.C94 271 155 60 37 31 Col. J. Wolrige-Gordon - Wells Wells and rain- Good. Fair. water. Langtoft 2,133 496 112 Wells Doubtful, but fairly ade- quate. Laughtou Little Bytliam 1,160 1.233 70 419 14 92 Wells - Good. Manthorpe 978 93 18 Wells & stream - Fair. Market Deeping 1,648 966 260 150 Market Deeping Water Supply Wells Good and fairly adequate. ;e. PART II. LINCOLNSHIRE (PARTS OF KESTEVEN). 459 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1811. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Suppliei from . Piped Service. '5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Lincolnshire (Parts of Kesteven) -co*t. Bourne R.D. nmt. Morton - 4, Sol 899 I S'.l 160 Bourne R.D.C. Wells and rain- 1 Wells good and abundant. water. Point mi 1,851 878 X2 Wells Shallow wells doubtful and poor. Rippingale 3,544 469 103 Wells and rain- Doubtful and poor. water. Semprlngham 1,949 115 21 Wells Shallow wells doubtful, but fairly adequate. Swayfield Swinstead 1,553 1,789 186 299 18 70 23 20 Governors of Browne's Hospita Earl of Ancaster - - - ( Wells - Good and fairly adequate. Thurlby 3,936 756 182 Veils and rain- [ Shallow wells doubtful, Toft and Lound 1,432 136 27 _ ._ water. Wells & stream - but fairly adequate. Witham on the Hill 2,167 223 45 " Springs & wells Good and fairly adequate. Branston R.D. : Aubourn 1,860 196 48 Wells See below. Boothby Graff oe - 2,086 178 Ifi 45 Trustees of the late C. E. Marfleet. Boultham 1,330 1,028 211 208 Lincoln T.C. - ... 1 Itracebridge Heath 1,179 1,523 69 20 Do. .... Branston 5,679 1,324 291 Wells Canwick 2,118 292 59 3 Lincoln T.C. .... Coleby - 2,773 368 93 Doddington - 2,527 155 29 1 iimston 3,372 577 118 95 Brnnston R.D.C. - Dunston Beck - Eagle - 1,468 351 96 1 Eagle Hall - 1,156 .1." 12 Haddington - Harmston llcighington - Mere ... Metheringham 1,049 2,571 2.962 1,395 5,899 91 277 647 77 1,526 16 77 162 10 348 ^ ^Wells - Wells and delphs or dykes. Wells, mostly shallow ; water generally clear and palatable, but usually contains an excess of solids, Dunston Beck, fair Morton - Navenby Nocton - North Hykeham - 498 2.677 5,968 1,979 22 796 566 1,406 2 159 100 345 45 Lincoln T.C. - and adequate ; delphs, liable to pollution ami sometimes scanty. 1 'otter Han worth - 3,573 434 94 81 Branston R.D.C. - Skellingthorpe 5,946 953 195 26 Lincoln T.C. - ... Skinnand 668 28 5 ( Wells South Hykeham - 1,201 86 20 Swincthorpe - 1,048 44 8 Thorpe on the Hill 1,835 291 74 Waddington - 3,333 864 200 Washingborough - 2,118 674 173 Whiaby - 1,677 84 15 J Claypole R.D. : Allington 2,066 214 60 . . Wells I Barkston 2,118 390 103 Wells and River V Good and plentiful. Witham. I Bassingham - Beckingham Bennington Grange 3,057 1,964 281 647 245 11 153 70 3 "~~ Do. do. - Do. do. - Do. do. - Variable and scarce. Bad, very hard i; scarce. Good and adequate. Brunt lirougliton - ( 'arlton le Moorland Caythor[>e Claypole 2,990 2,252 4,272 2,915 531 256 867 494 139 64 226 135 Wells - Do. iVells and River Witham. Fairly good and plentiful. Good and plentiful. Bad and scarce. Dry Doddington - Fenton - 1,603 1,231 124 52 37 18 Wells Do. Fairly good and plentiful. Good and plentiful. Koston - 2,068 248 75 Do. Fairly good and plentiful. Fulbeck Hotighani 3,733 2,477 611 230 161 50 16 W. V. R. Fane, Esq. - Do. Veils and River Witham. Very good and plentiful. Fairly good and plentiful. Long Bennington - Marston Xorlh Searle- Norton Disney s.ilgebrook - Stapleford Stragglethorpe Sf ulit on - - 4,333 2,470 2,020 2,341 1,676 2,725 729 1,177 701 265 447 163 168 191 74 117 188 61 108 43 48 38 18 28 38 Lord Middleton ... Do. do. - Do. d". - Wells Do. Do. Wells Do. Fairly good, but scarce. Fairly good and plentiful, (iood and plentiful. Fairly good and plentiful. Fair and plentiful. Good and plentiful. Fair and plentiful. Swiniierbv - 2,192 484 106 Do. Fairly good and plentiful. Svston - Thurlby \\'estborough - 1,653 1,847 2,070 177 110 151 47 27 40 1 Wells & springs - Wells Do. Good and plentiful. Very good and plentiful. Fair and plentiful. G-rantham R.D. : . Ancaster Barrow by 2,869 4,440 536 861 139 208 139 Sleaford R.D.C. - Wells Good and fairly adequate. 460 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Po ' mla - tion, Acres. ml 2. 3. No. of Houses. Name of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Lincolnshire (Parts of Kesteven) <""' Grantnam R.D. coat. i Bassingthorpe 1,811 116 28 j Belton - 1,745 181 39 1 Wells - Good and plentiful. Bitchfield 1,357 j 97 27 1 Boothby Pagnell - 1.817 109 29 29 Hon. Mrs. M. Gifford - Braceby 951 89 2.1 25 Sir C. (i. E. Welby, Bart. Barton Goggles 2,676 186 50 j 50 Sir M. A. H. Cholmeley, Bsrt. Oarlton Scroop 1,372 260 65 i Colsterworth - 3,624 789 242 30 Earl Dysart and C. H. Tumor, } Wells - Good and plentiful. Esq. j Denton - 2/>44 578 140 Do. Good and sufficient. Kaslon - 1,784 16!) 39 39 Sir M. A. H. Cholmeley, Bart. Great Gonerby 2,943 1,296 304 110 Grantham Water Co.. Ltd. - Wells 1 Great 1'onton 2,744 42ti 89 ! Springs A: wells 1 Gunby - 1,008 128 31 1 Haceby 733 60 16 -Good and plentiful. Harlaxton 2,683 401 94 J- Wells - HaiTowby Without 1,323 73 13 1 Haydour 2,892 320 73 j Honington - 1,486 182 39 20 E. S. Trafford, Esq. Do. Fair and plentiful. Hough on the Hill- 4,028 496 119 6 Earl Brownlow Springs \ wells Humby - - - 1.494 110 32 j Ingoklsb}' 2,367 262 70 > Wells ^-Good and plentiful. Keisby - 1,272 83 15 . I I Lenton - 1,880 118 29 I J Little Ponton 1,987 189 47 3 C. H. Turner, Esq. Do. Good. Londonthorpe Manthorpe 1.722 786 181 177 43 49 18 Earl Brownlow ... } Do. Good and plentiful. Normanton - 1,509 165 35 35 Earl Brownlow - North Stoke - 1,874 146 26 Springs - ] North Witham 2,437 126 38 ] 1 Old Somerby - Osgodby 2.050 1,113 198 38 43 9 ^Wells - } Good and plentiful. Pickworth 1,474 185 47 Ropsley 3,061 510 150 140 Ropsley P.C. J J Sapperton 679 41 11 Do. Good A: fairly adequate. Skillington - 2,240 321 84 14 Skillington P.C. - South Stoke - 1,429 120 38 Springs - 1 South Witham 1,764 410 110 ) Spittlcgate Without 1,790 205 44 35 Grantham Water Co., Ltd. - i Wells - j-Goo wens Dembleby - - 1,101 73 15 1 Digby - 2,494 341 103 81 Sleaford R.D.C. Wells and Ri ver Witham. Dogdyke 813 174 24 Wells Doubtful. Dorrington - 1,978 360 107 84 1 Evedon - 1,651 78 23 19 I Ewerby Great Hale - Haverholme Priory 2,923 3,696 312 357 530 19 106 162 8 81 128 6 1- Sleaford R.D.C. - Wells A: River Witham. Hcckington - 5,302 1,666 458 361 J J Helpringhara 3.410 732 221 Wells Bad and scarce. Howell - Kelby - 1,583 1,054 83 77 26 19 | Do. Doubtful. Kirkby Green 446 117 30 30 Sleaford R.D.C. - Kirkby la Thorpe - 2,578 229 67 Wells Doubtful. Leadenham - Leasingham - 3,628 2,082 537 319 165 132 89 72 | Sleaford R.D.C. - ( Wells A: River \ Witham. Do. Little Hale - 2,488 282 76 Wells Bad and scarce. Martin - - - 3,777 719 206 176 Sleaford R.D.C. - Wells and River } Witham. | Newton - 1,361 153 43 Wells North Kyme - North Eauceby Osbournby - 3,868 3,211 1,471 549 251 387 165 72 112 130 68 91 i Sleaford R.D.C. - | Wells A; River | Witham. ) Doubtful. j PART II. LINCOLNSHIRE (PAETS OF LINBSEY). 461 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Total. 4. Houses. Silppliet from I'ipOd Service. 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Lincolnshire (Parts of Kesteven) -'/. Sleaford R.D.mut. Rowston - - 1,879 164 7 Wtlls Some doubtful, others good. Roxholm - - 935 126 34 Do. Doubtful. Scopwick - - 3,537 351 91 91 Sleaford R.D.C. - Scott Willoughbv - 578 | 35 9 Wells 1 Scredington - ' - 2,634 322 81 63 Sleaford R.D.C. - Well and River Witham. Silk Willoughby - 2.590 231 65 Wells South Kyme - - 4,892 444 South Raucebv - ' 2,608 432 120 113 99 92 | Sleaford R.D.C. - j Wells & River '( Witham. Spanbv- -" - 1,041 104 24 Wells Swarby - - - 997 127 43 Do. Swaton - - - 3,274 251 72 55 Sleaford K.D.C. - Wells and River Witham. Temple Bruer with 3,785 208 45 Wells Temple High i- Doubtful. Thorpe Tilney 1,929 126 28 21 Sleaford R.D.C. - Wells and River 1 Witham. Thrcekingham - 1,540 1 14 45 Wella Timherland - - 2,760 ' 45 Walcot (near Bit- 3.3311 Isl 125 135 98 106 1 Sleaford R.D.C. - I Wells & River | Witham. liughay). ) Walcot (near Fal- 1,773 145 23 Wells kingham). Welbourn 3,305 556 169 Do. Wellingore Wilsford 3,208 584 3,007 648 169 186 135 147 | Sleaford R.D.C. - Wells & River Witham. Uffington R.D. : Barholm 1,104 151 40 Braceborough 1,767 169 40 Great ford 1,447 188 43 Stowe ... Tallington 419 25 1,791 210 4 56 i Wells - Good and ample. Uffington 4,165 419 100 44 Uffington R.D.C. - West Deeping 1,296 302 68 Wilsthorpe 909 80 17 LINCOLNSHIRE (PARTS OP LINDSEY) Alford U.D. - ' - 1,138 2,394 658 30 North East Lincolnshire Water Wells Some good, but many liable Co. to pollution ; adequate. Barton upon Hum- 6,343 6,673 1,533 600 Do. do. Do. Satisfactory. ber U.D. ( Earl of Yarborough - - ~\ BriggU.D. - 4f,2 3,343 752 454 W. Bramley, Esq. - - j \ Glamford Briggs Water- \ works (G. H. Cary Elwes, I Esq.). Do: Springs Satiifactory and plentiful. Satisfactory, but not always adequate. Broughton U.D. - 7,073 1,381 322 Wells & springs Generally satisfactory. Brumby and Fro- 4,043 2,931 584 548 Brumby & Frodingham U.D.C. Wells and rain- Fair. dingham U.D. water. Cleethorpes with 1,185 21,417 4,917 4,907 Great Grimsby Waterworks Wells Satisfactory and ample. Thrunscoe U.D. Co., Ltd. Crowle U.D. . 6,926 2,853 705 iVells & rainwater Good and sufficient. Gainsborough U.D. 2,406 20,587 4,516 4.479 Gainsborough U.D.C. - () Wells ic (ft) River Trent. () Fairly good, (ft) re- quires boiling ; adequate. Grimsby C.B. Horncastle U.D. - 2,868 1.121 74,659 15,729 3,900 1.010 15,563 955 Great Grimsby. &c.. Co., Ltd. Horncastle Water Co. - Wells & springs Wells Excellent. Fair and adequate. Lincoln C.B. - 3,755 57,285 13,024 13,024 Lincoln T.C. - ' Louth B. 2,749 9,880 2.626 1,450 Louth Water Co. - Wells Good and sufficient. Mablethorpe U.D. Market Rasen U.D. 3,168 976 1,232 2,296 320 596 578 Market Raseu Water Co. Do. Do. Potable and satisfactory. Fairly good. Roxby cum Risby 4,908 378 82 38 Scunthorpe U D.C. Do. Satisfactory. U.D. quate.] Scunthorpe U.D. - Skegness U.D. Winterton U.D. - 1,032 1,922 3,818 10,170 *,775 1,426 2,015 802 366 1,274 789 185 Scunthorpe U.D.C. SkegncB* U.D.C. - Scunthorpe U.D.C. (bulk) Do. Do. Do. Fairly satisfactory * ade- Satisfactory. Good, but generally in- adequate. WoodhallSpaU.D. 1,874 1,484 332 283 Woodhall Spa Gas & Water Co. Wells & springs Part satisfactory ; part very indifferent. Caistor R.D. : Atterby - Bigby - 1.051 3,500 115 235 18 52 z Wells Do. Fair and sufficient. Moderate and sufficient. Bishop Norton Brocklesby - Buslingthorpe Cabourne 2,449 3,939 1,407 2,927 300 225 88 170 68 55 16 29 40 Earl of Yarborough Do. Wells and springs Wells Good and sufficient. Moderate and sufficient. Good, but very inadequate. Caistor - 3,304 1,544 336 237 ( Earl of Yarborough j Caistor R.D.C. - Do. j Very variable, but suffi- 1 cient. Claxby - 1,728 202 50 28 Earl of Yarborough Do. Fair and sufficient. Clixby - Croxby - Cuxwold 1J640 1,590 32 110 79 6 19 17 Do. Do. Fair, but insufficient. Moderate, but insufficient. East Torriugton 1,527 115 21 Do. Fair and sufficient. (ilcntbam Grasby Great Limber 2,811 1.0S9 5,228 351 373 483 82 91 105 90 Karl of Yarborough Do. Do. Moderate and sufficient. Fair and sufficient, some distant from houes< i 462 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. i Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. iSuppliec from Piped Serrice. 5, Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Lincolnshire (Parts of Lindsey) <'"'' Caistor R.D. emit Holton le Moor 1,892 176 42 30 Rev. T. G. Dixon - Wells Moderate and sufficient. Keelby - 1,860 667 185 Do. Good and sufficient. Kingerby 1.463 66 17 Do. Moderate and sufficient. Kirkby cum 1,761 337 88 Do. Bad. but sufficient. Osgodby. Kirmond le Mire - 1,120 100 17 Do. Good and sufficient. Legsby - 2,922 L'4o 58 ) Linwood 2,371 160 37 V Do. - Fair and sufficient. LisBington 1,533 199 47 1 Middle Rasen 3,622 711 200 \ Do. Bad, but sufficient. Nettleton 3,0(12 410 98 50 ( Rev. T. G. Dixon / Caistor R.D.C. - [DO. Moderate and sufficient. Newton by Toft 1,009 68 14 i Normauby le Wld 1,981 106 24 10 Earl of Yarborougli Do. Fair, but insufficient. North Kelsey 6,227 S19 190 Do. Variable and sufficient. North Owersby North Willinghain - 3,443 2.332 283 194 62 44 i Do. Wells and spring | Fair and sufficient. Riby - Rothwell 2,803 2,872 268 188 59 40 12 Earl of Yarborough Wells Well and stream | Good and sufficient. Searby cum Owraby 2,459 189 13 Wells Moderate, but insufficient. Sixhillg - 1 .968 120 30 Do. Good and sufficient. Snitterby Somerby 1,737 989 210 90 53 17 9 F. Chatterton, Esq. Do. Fair and sufficient. South Kelsey South Owersby 4.198 1,446 487 105 125 30 20 ; Caistor R.D.C. } Do. - Moderate and sufficient. Stainton le Vale - 3,032 171 33 Do. Fair, but insufficient. Swallow 2,650 203 39 9 Earl of Yarborough Do. Moderate, but inadequate. Swinhope 1,323 84 18 ! Do. Good and sufficient. Tealby - , - 3,318 488 150 ' 23 Market Rasen Water Co. Do. Variable and insufficient. Thoresway 2,845 190 42 17 Canon Jarratt's Trustees Do. Fair and sufficient. Thorganby 1.569 152 27 i -8 J. Bingham's Trustees - Do. Good and sufficient. Thornton le Moor - Toft next Newton - 1.583 1.305 96 70 18 11 I - [Do. Bad, but sufficient. Usselby - 853 '52 9 Do. Moderate and sufficient. Waddingham 3,752 561 140 Do. Generally bad, but suf- ficient. Walesby 3.695 292 65 Do. Moderate and sufficient. West Basen - 3,180 171 44 Do. Moderate, but insufficient. Gainsborough K.D. : Blyborough 2,446 178 46 1 1 Blyton - 4,705 822 189 1 Brampton 952 72 19 i-Wells - Ooates -.. 1,034 37 7 _ Corringham - 6,366 597 122 East Ferry - East Stockwith - 489 488 140 375 33 97 ~ | Rain-water Fenton - 1,206 253 58 1 Fillingham - 3,596 232 56 Gate Burton - 1,114 96 20 Glentworth - 3,128 278 67 Grayingham - 1,726 165 30 Greenhill and Red- 412 10 2 _ hill. Hardwick 978 81 21 Harpswell 2,165 127 20 > Wnllc Haxey - 8.587 2,035 531 ' W CUR Heapham 1 .238 132 32 ; Hemswell 2,663 310 77 Kettlethorpe 2.164 174 49 Kenby - 1.577 325 81 Knaith - 1 .:i;i 139 30 . Laughton Lea 3,686 1.968 254 |S.| 58 38 - Satisfactory. Marton - 1.277 426 10 Morton 819 1,043 4 179 Gainsborough U.D.C. Wells and rain- water. Newton upon Trent 1,575 26!) 65 Wpllc Northorpe 1,837 169 41 vv Kllb - Owston - - - 5,126 1,159 307 ^ain-water Pilham - 665 64 15 Wells Scotter - 5,361 1,083 255 Wells and rain- water. - Scotton - 1,849 212 41 Southorpe 467 41 6 Springthorpe 1,186 161 38 Stow 2,786 309 76 Wollu Sturton - 2,104 586 154 W (11;- - Thonock 1,041 82 16 Torksey 1,489 183 40 Upton 2,062 201 48 Walkerith 275 8(1 18 West Butter wick - 2,395 623 159 Rain-watr Wildsworth - 1,089 IIS 22 Willingham - 2,307 465 111 \T 11 Willoughlon - 2,799 433 111 Wells PAKT II. LINCOLNSHIRE (PARTS OF LINDSEY). 4,63 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is r, I'ipi-d Srrvice. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 6. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Lincolnshire (Parts of Lindsey)-""" 1 . Glanford Brigg R.D. : Alk borough - 3,006 418 96 Wells Good, but distant from houses. Applc:by 5,6!)3 609 119 Wellsandspriii"s ( T7I : Ashby - 2,235 3,237 712 Wells > r air. Barnetby le Wold - 2,584 1,668 SM Wells and springs 1 Barrow upon Hum- 5,067 2,734 7iir, Wells ber. VGood and adequate. Bonby - 2,467 322 87 24 Glanford Brigg K.D.C. Wells 1 Bottesford 1,778 308 65 Do. Fair Bnrringliain - 1.555 581 133 () Wells; (*) (a) Fairly good ; (*) doubt- River Trent. ful ; sufficient. Burton upon Slather 3,510 914 220 \\Ylls Very good and sufficient. Cadncy cum Hows- 4,548 452 112 Do. Good & adequate at Cad- ham. ney ; fair at Howsham. Cleatham 1,094 1211 23 Do. Good and adequate. Crosby - 3.181 3,339 709 117 Scunthorpe U.D.C. (bulk) - Do. Fairly good. Croxton 1,617 119 24 , Do. Good, but inadequate. East Butterwick - 1.034 313 67 R. Trent, rain- Doubtful, and pure water water & wells. inadequate. East Halton - 3,326 567 146 ) Elsbam - - - 4.154 424 99 Flixborough - 2J652 239 40 V Wells - Good and adequate. Goxhill - 5,728 1,181 321 Gunness ' 509 92 18 Do. Good and fairly sufficient. Hibaldstow - 4,557 834 204 Do. Good and adequate. Holme - 1,077 61 17 Spring Good and plentiful. Horkstow 2,138 207 46 17 Glanford Brigg R.D.C. - Wells Good and adequate. Kirmington - 1,904 :577 102 Do. Good and fairly sufficient. Kirtori in Lindsey - 4,690 1,602 450 49 Glanford Brigg R.D.C. - Do. Man ton - 2,176 122 25 Springs Good and adequate. Melton Ross - 1,812 175 34 29 Glanford Brigg R.D.C. - Wells } Messiugham - 5,828 1,141 256 Do. F;,ir. Newstead 477 47 8 Do. Good, but inadequate. North Killingholme Kaventhorpe - 2,799 641 211 23 38 5 z ~ Do. Spring | Good and adequate. Eedbourne 8,978 347 80 Well sand spring Good, but inadequate. Saxby All Saints - 2,406 274 66 33 Glanford Brigg R.D.C. - 1 Scawby - South Ferriby 3,350 1,598 989 725 240 184 145 Glanford Brigg R.P.C. - 1 Wells - Good and adequate. South Killingholme 2,820 1,021 215 1 Thornton Curtis - 4,934 452 107 Do. Good, but inadequate. Twigmoor 1,244 56 9 Spring Good and adequate. Ulceby - - - 3,61)4 947 245 Wells Good, but inadequate. West Halton - 1,979 303 67 Do. G ood and fairly sufficient Whitton 1 .375 167 44 Do. Good. Winteringbam 3,471 606 163 Wells and spring Satisfactory. Wootton 3,067 463 119 Wells Good, but inadequate. Worlaby Wrawby 3,349 3,036 477 747 126 185 18 Glanford Brigg R.D.C. - | Do. Good and adequate. Grimsby R.D. : Ashby cum Fenby - 1,696 188 40 Wells Aylesby 2,134 128 24 ) IBaruoldby le Beck - Beelsby - Bradley - 1,305 2,248 1,554 134 155 78 30 36 19 VDo. I Good. Brigsley 925 123 26 Wells and springs J East Kavendale 817 93 20 20 R. J. H. Parkinson, Esq. Great Cotes - 2,687 364 86 17 G.GrimsbyWaterworks Co.Ltd. Wells Good. Habrough 1,622 396 96 HatclifEe 1,395 151 30 Wells and springs Fair and adequate. Hawerby cum 1,202 76 15 Wells Good and adequate Beesby. Healing - - - 1,336 514 128 30 G.Grimsby Waterworks Co Ltd. Do. Good. Humberston - 2,965 388 77 Do. Goal and adequate. Immingham - 4,125 2,681 560 501 G.GrimsbyWaterworks Co.Ltd. Do. Good. Irby 1,828 164 32 Do. Good and adequate. Laceby - 2.122 1,027 277 Little Coates - 1,049 1,866 427 401 | Great Grimsby Waterworks f Do. Good. Scartho - 1,252 474 106 58 j Co. Ltd. Stallingborougb 4,517 469 100 1 Waltham 2,196 821 210 Do. Fairly good. Weelsby 1.459 131 24 4 G.GrimsbyWaterworks Co.Ltd. \ Do. Good. West Ravendale - 771 64 12 Wold Newton 1,996 144 29 29 W. M. Wright, Esq. Horncastle R.D. : Asgarby 792 77 14 1 Ashby Puerorum - 1,631 127 26 Asterby - Bag Enderby - Baumber Belchford Benniworth - Bucknall A 0.198 1,103 627 3,361 2,542 3,024 2,543 137 43 354 323 320 269 39 9 78 101 74 63 \ Wells A: stream J Generally goixl and fairly adequate. Gg 464 AS TO WATER STJPLIES. Cotlnty, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion) 1911, 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undert utters providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Soitrces of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency Of Supply. 8. Lincolnshire (Parts of Li ad sey) '"' Horacastle R.D. i nnt. Cawkwell 687 43 9 1 Claxby Pluckacre - 861 59 12 Coningsby 3,645 1,084 283 Dalderby 448 42 6 East Barkwith 1,325 308 71 Edlington 2,739 162 39 Fulletby 1,867 16H 39 Gautby - 1,457 97 23 Goulceby 1,178 107 43 Great Sturton 1,588 101 26 (froetham 1,280 154 32 11 Morrison, Esq. - Hagworthinglwm - 2,403 350 103 Hulthani 1.234 112 30 Hameringhain 1,238 111 29 Hattoii - - - 1.847 166 35 Hemingby 2,306 321 82 j 14 Horncaslle Water Co. - High Toynton 932 125 31 Horsington 1,992 224 62 Kirk by on Bain 1,808 257 66 Kirkstead 1,446 117 24 Langton 695 75 17 i Langton by Wragby 2,399 188 41 Low Toynton Lusby - Mareham le Fen - 1,001 900 2.286 75 91 661 18 20 173 J* Wells & streams Generally good and fairly adequate. Mareham on the 1,298 144 32 Hill. I Market Stainton 1,204 104 20 Martin - - - 758 55 12 Miuingsby 1,109 77 17 Minting - 2,598 262 64 Moorby - 788 85 18 Panton - - - 2.018 124 28 JRanby - 1,291 135 28 20 Sir W. H. C. W. Cooke, Bart, Kevesby 4,462 448 110 : 12 Boston Waterworks Co. - Roughton 1,066 118 29 Salmondby 1,001 71 17 Scamblesby - 2,002 245 65 Scrafiekl 692 35 8 Scrivelsby 2,132 145 29 Somersby 611 47 9 Sotby - 1,646 111 25 Stixwould 2,421 170 41 Tattershall - 1,684 415 113 Tattershall Thorpe 2,986 222 50 Tetford - 1,818 374 112 j Thimbleby - 1,387 195 63 Wells Good. Thornton 1,213 83 16 1 Tnraby - 3,988 295 61 Tupholme Waddingworth West Ashby - 1,797 941 2,459 72 59 308 18 11 92 35 Horncastle Water Co. - [Wells A: streams Generally good and fairly adequate. West Barkwith 904 110 22 J West Torrington - 1,151 125 35 Wells Good. Wildmore 4,307 633 146 ] Wilksby 550 47 8 Winceby 853 43 to Wispington - Wood Enderby 1,209 815 95 106 18 28 ) Wells Jc streams Generally good and fairly adequate. Woodhall 2,241 187 40 Wragby 1,580 454 113 81 C. H. Tumor, Esq. J Isle of Axholme R.D. : Althorpe 1,352 643 139 1 Amcotts 2,109 278 65 Belton - 8,308 1 ,531 381 Eastoft - 1.313 439 113 Epworth 6,152 1,836 483 j> Rain-water Satisfactory. Garthorpe 2,185 473 120 Keadby - 1,591 709 167 Luddington - 1.674 527 117 Wroot - 3,386 379 90 j Louth R.D. : Aby with Green- 1,493 253 73 1 field. Alvingham - 1,794 260 60 Authorpe 941 130 34 Beesby in the 1,200 126 28 Marsh. Belleau - 704 60 12 _ ! Wells - Good and adequate. Binbrook 5,391 874 260 1 Biscathorpe - 861 50 10 Brackenboi'ough - 736 77 14 Burgh on Bain 1.597 176 42 Burwell 2,044 163 32 Spring & wells J PART II. LINCOLNSHIRE (PARTS OF LINDSEy). 465 County, Area in District and Parish. Acres. 1. 2 Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Supplied Total from tal ' Piped Service. 4. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Lincolnshire (Parts of Lindsey) Ht. Louth R.D. cunt. Calcethorpe - 1,103 107 16 ^ \ Castle Carlton 471 29 6 1 Claythorpe - 761 63 12 _. Conisholme - 1,240 126 28 Covenham, St. Bar- 1,309 188 51 tholomew. Covenham, St. Mary 974 77 28 Donington on Bain 1,801 325 104 East Wykehara 684 34 6 Farforth cum Maid- 1,970 107 23 en well. Wells Fotherby 1,342 209 72 Fulstow 2,844 456 110 Gayu>n le Marsh - 2,279 224 54 Gayton le Wold - 1,161 120 24 Grainsby 1,168 116 25 Grainthorpe - 4,387 616 ; 173 Great Carlton 2,402 212 57 Grimblethorpe 632 23 2 Grimoldby 1,854 280 78 Hainton 2,324 283 60 J Hallington - 1,511 85 21 . Do. & River Lud Hannah cum Hag- naby. 974 87 19 1 Good and adequate. Haugh -.. 585 46 7 ^^ Haugham 1,908 114 26 Holton le Clay 1,516 276 71 J. Wells Keddington - 1,045 104 29 Kelsteni 8,686 188 36 I.cLcboiinie 2,S(iS 357 106 Little Carlton 948 122 38 J Little Cawthorpe - Little Grimsby 471 823 141 4 49 12 Springs Louth Park - 841 92 27 Ludborough - 2.164 233 60 Ludford Magna 2,712 24fi 69 Ludford Parva 1,076 299 78 Maltby le Marsh - 1,409 230 66 Wells - Manby ... 1,281 150 34 Marsh Chapel 3,182 551 145 Muckton 1,082 103 25 North Coatee 2,231 233 73 North Cockerington 1,750 215 49 , North Elkington - 1,001 68 10 10 W. G. Smyth, Esq. North Ormsby 1,716 120 32 1 North Reston 793 47 9 North Somercotes - 6,345 1,031 285 [.Wells - North Thoresby 2,571 595 172 Oxcombe 1,015 60 10 . J Raithby cam Malt- 1,963 150 34 14 G. Milnthorpe, Esq. ) by. v Springs & wells Ruckland 734 36 7 Saleby with Tho- 1,789 176 42 1 resthorpe. Saltfleetby All 1,211 130 36 Good and adequate. Saints. Saltfleetby, St. Cle- 1,466 79 21 ment. ). Wells - Saltfleetby, St. 2,254 275 85 Peter. Skidbrooke with 2,901 325 97 Saltfleet Haven. South Cockerington 2,167 203 53 South Elkington - 3,085 351 61 61 W. G. Smyth. Esq. South Reston 803 166 50 j 1 South Somercotes 2,642 314 94 ' TVulla South Thoresby 952 115 25 > V* G1JS ~ * South Willingbam 2,043 252 62 1 Stenigot 1,330 96 27 16 Col. Fen wick Springs & wells Stewton 1,030 106 24 ~t Strubby withWood- 2,081 201 56 thorpe. Swaby - 1,556 274 81 Tathwell 4,356 343 75 Tetney - Theddlethorpe, All 5,420 2,053 717 210 211 62 Good and adequate. Saints. Wells - Theddlethorpe, St. 2,302 281 89 Helen. Tothill - 891 44 11 Trusthorpe - 1,498 342 94 Utterby 1,577 218 54 Waithe - 751 67 13 Walmsgate 827 66 16 Welton le Wold - 2,690 222 55 Springs & \vt;lls Withcall 2,544 208 44 Wells . Gg 2 466 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Total. 4. Houses. Suppliui from Piped Service. 5. Names o Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Lincolnshire (Parts of Lindsey) <' Louth R.D. cunt. Withern with Staii 2.7BO 407 101 Worlaby Wyhamcum Cadeb; 875 1,498 53 94 10 23 > Wells - Good and adequate. yarburgh 1,880 101 43 ) Sibsey R.D.: Carrington - 3,587 509 100 100 Boston Waterworks Co. - Frithville 4,W1 647 141 81 Do. ) Langriville 3,891 398 80 Sibsey - 0,088 1.004 230 6 Boston Waterworks Co. } Rain-water Generally good and de- Thornton le Fen - 1,066 296 60 quate. Westville 2,042 131 20 J Spilsby R.D.: AddJethorpe - 2,293 213 56 Anderby 1,44:1 203 S2 Ashby by Paitney 1,026 110 24 Aswardby 744 88 20 Bilsby - 2,901 377 100 .._ Bolingbroke - 1,031 307 99 Bratoft - 1,833 178 45 Brinkhili 873 118 26 Burgh le Marsli 4,399 937 240 7 Skfgness U.D.C. - Calceby 034 48 10 Wells - Good ami adequate. Candlesby 1,061 177 44 _.. Chapel St. Leonards 1,440 261 72 Claxby - 1,087 86 21 Croft - 5,002 670 154 Cumberworth 1,274 172 50 ; Dalby - 1,356 116 27 1 Driby - 1,370 75 20 East Keal 1,934 296 73 East Kirkby - 2,050 298 67 J Eastville 2,749 290 61 Dykes and rain- Variable. water. Farlesthorpe - Firsby - 1,077 1,107 - 90 227 20 57 Wells - Good and adequate. Friskney 7,509 1,373 319 Dykes and rain- Variable. water. Great Steeping 1,746 225 54 ] Gunby - 675 77 16 Hagnaby 837 75 15 Halton Holegate - 2,106 388 106 Hareby 763 44 10 Harrington - 1.069 94 19 Hogsthorpe 3,300 590 157 Hundleby 1,027 498 113 11 North East Lincolnshire Water Co. ^Wells - Good and adequate. Huttoft 3,452 468 128 Ingoldmells - 1,252 208 50 irby in the Marsh 770 139 37 1 angton by Spilsbyi 1,368 168 34 Little Steeping 1,090 185 59 Markby- 648 88 19 Mavia Enderby 1,167 101 24 J Midville 2,619 205 36 Dykes and rain- Variable. water. Mumby - - - 1,852 285 78 Wells Good and adequate. New Leake - 3,537 489 109 Dykes and rain- Variable. water. Orby - 2,051 306 82 1 Partney 943 268 71 Raithby 891 135 33 Rigsby with Ailby 1,058 72 17 Sausthorpe 748 122 30 Scremby 1,342 161 34 Skendleby 1,540 204 52 . South Ormsby cum 2.456 211 45 Wells - Good, and adequate. Ketsby. Spilsby - 1,23H 1,464 388 52 N.B. Lincolnshire Water Co. Stickford 2,331 443 103 Stickney 2,106 596 171 Sutterby 477 28 6 Button le Marsh 1,806 835 273 147 N.E. Lincolnshire Water Co. thro' East Coast Water Co. J Thorpe St. Peter - 3,147 457 114 Dykes and rain- Variable. water. Toynton All Saints 1,392 325 87 1 Toynton St. Peter - 1,608 196 55 II Ulceby with Ford- 1,947 185 38 ington. Wainfleet All Saints 1,819 1,258 348 146 Governors of Bethlem Hospital Wells - Good and adequate. Wainfleet St. Man- Well - Welton le Marsh - West Fen - 0,916 1,008 2.508 2,507 680 128 280 255 146 20 73 53 38 2 4 (bulk). Governors of Bethlem Hospital Skegness U.D.C. - Boston Waterworks Co. Dykes and rain- Variable. water. \V,st Keal 2,007 284 72 - Wells Good and adequate. i PART II. LONDON AND MIDDLESEX. t07 County, District a ad Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6 Where there is m> Piped Si-rvi'-r. Total 4. Supplied from Piped Servirc. 5. Sources ;>f Nature and Sufficiency Supply. ,,f Supply. 7. 8. Lincolnshire (Parts of Lindsey) "W- Spilsby R.D. mitt Willoughby with 5,14(i 519 135 Sloothby. Winthorpe - 2,368 511 127 M Skcgness U.D.C. - - Wells - Good anil adequate. Welton K.D. : Aisthorpe 828 76 20 Wells 1 Apley - 1,670 149 24 Wells and pond Bardney 5,418 1,302 381 240 Welton R.D.C. Veils & rain water Barlings 1,686 360 65 Wells and beck - Brattleby 1.142 127 L'l Broxholme 1,861 106 22 Bullington - 891 51 10 Burton - 2,390 275 50 30 Lord Monson ... Caenby - 1.450 103 24 J- Wells - Cammeringham 1,820 125 26 Cherry Willingham 1,080 161 30 Cold Han worth M 7 63 16 Coldstcad 87 4 1 Dunholme 2,261 323 47 - Wells & springs East Firsby 544 31 6 . Faldingworth 2,589 269 45 Fiskerton 2,817 399 75 Friesthorpe - 698 45 10 _ Fulnetby 1,131 83 10 Goltho - 1,382 105 14 j. Wells Grange de Lings - 852 59 11 Greet well 1,227 74 11 Hackthorn - 2,748 237 46 Hoi ton cum 1,889 118 22 Beckering. Ingham 2,126 459 96 Nettleham 3,491 1,012 200 Wells A; springs Excellent. Newball 1,667 65 19 Wells Norman by by 1,755 312 60 Do. Spital. North Carlton 1,840 134 20 18 Lord Monson Wells & rainwater Owmby - 1.721 200 46 Rand - 98!l 58 12 Reepham 1,819 370 75 Kiseholme 695 57 16 Wells - Saxby - 1,3118 88 21 Saxilby with 4,432 1,310 210 1 Lincoln T.C. ... - Ingleby. Seampton 1,908 194 30 Wells i: springs Scothern 2,445 433 82 I Snarford Snelland Soiitli Carlton 1,146 1,281 1,947 82 85 166 18 20 33 27 Lord Monson ... > Wells - Wei Is & rain water Spridlington - 2,298 221 50 Stainfield 2,101 143 30 Stainton by Lang- 1,453 105 16 worth. >Wells - Sudbrooke 873 85 20 Thorpe in the 873 35 7 Fallows. Welton - 3,910 608 120 Wells & springs West Firsby - 682 51 10 . Wells - Wickenby 2,033 204 43 J LONDON - 74.816 ,521,685 573,265 573,265 Metropolitan Water Board MIDDLESEX. Acton U.D.- Brentford U.D. - 2,305 1 ,090 57,497 16,496 9,445 3,073 9,445 3,073 > Metropolitan Water Board - Chiswick U.D. - 1,250 38,772 6.687 6,687 Do. Baling B. Edmonton U.D. - 2,947 3,894 61.222 64.797 12,123 11,023 12,123 10,975 Do. Do. WellsA: River Lee Satisfactory and plentiful. Enfield U.D. 12,601 56,338 10.992 10.928 | Do. Barnet Dist. Gas i: Water Co. Wells, springs, and rain-water. i Fair. Feltham U.D. 1,790 5,1 35 1,093 904 S.W. Suburban Water Co. - Wells Variable. Finchley U.D. - 3,384 39,419 7,642 7,635 | .Metropolitan Water Board - | Barnet Dist. Gas A; Water Co. Do. Satisfactory. Friern Barnet U.D. 1,304 14,924 2.252 2.250 Do. Do. Bad. Greenford U.D. - 3,04! 1,064 211 211 Rickruansworth and Uxbridge Valley Water Co. Hampton U.D. Hampton Wick U.D. 2,044 | 1,306 9,220 2,417 1,980 514 1,980 484 Metropolitan Water Board - j Do. Do. | H.M. Office of Works - Wells - Satisfactory and adequate. Hanwell U.D. 1,067 19,129 3,441 3,441 Metropolitan Water Board - Harrow on the 2,028 17,074 3,493 3,493 Colne Valley Water Co - Hill U.D. Hayes U.D. - 3,311 4,261 866 760 ( Rickmansworth. ice., W. Co. | S.W. Suburban Water Co. - Wells - Poor, but adequate. Hendon U.D. 8,382 38,806 6.710 6,703 J Metropolitan Water Board - | Colne Valley Water Co. Wells c.t springs Satisfactory. Heston and Isle- 6,859 43,313 8,006 7,931 Metropolitan Water Board Veils Fair, but unsafe; adequate. worth U.D. Hornsey B. - 2,875 84,592 15,427 15,427 Do. * A 0.198 Gg 3 468 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers ' prnvidiiig a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Middlesex > f - Kingsbury U.I). - 1,889 821 178 177 Colne Valley Water Co. Well - Good. Ruislip Northwood 6,585 6,217 1,238 1,1% Do. Wells Very doubtful and in- U.D. adequate. Southall Norwood U.D. j. 2,575 26,323 1,431 4.424 ( S.W. Suburban Water Co. - | Metropolitan Water Board - Wells - Satisfactory. Southgate U.D. - 3,597 33,612 ;.269 7,257 ( Do. I Barnet Gas and Water Co. - * Wells - Somewhat unsatisfactory. Staines U.D. 1,!)18 6,755 1,434 1.374 S.W. Suburban Water Co. (o.) Wells; (i) (a) Fair and adequate ; Rivers Thames (li~) variable, but ade and Colne. quate. Sunbury on 2,659 4,607 1,000 950 Metropolitan Water Board - Wells Satisfactory. Thames U.D. Teddington U.D. - 1,2U 17,847 :i.72.s 3,728 Do. Tottenham U.D. - 3,014 137,418 22,487 22,487 Twickenham U.D. 2,421 29,367 5,W6 5.852 Do. Wells Satisfactory. Uxbridge U.D. - 868 10,374 2,327 2,325 Oxbridge U.D.C. - Do. Good and ample. Wealdstone U.D. - 1,061 11,923 2,170 2,170 Collie Vallev Water Co. - Wembley U.D. - 4.564 10,696 2.208 2,204 Do. Wells Satisfactory. Willesden U.D. - Wood G-reen U.D. 4,384 1 ,625 154.214 49,369 21,525 9,132 21,525 9,132 | Metropolitan Water Board - Yiewsley U.D. - 896 4,315 863 845 Kickmausworth. Sec., Water Co. Wells Good and adequate. Hendon R.D. : Edgware 2,090 1,233 286 286 Colne Valley Water Co. Great Stanmore - 1,484 1,843 405 402 Do. Well Good. Harrow Weald 2,374 2,220 504 504 Do. Little Stanmore 1,591 1,761 413 413 Do. Pinner - 3,782 7,103 1,736 1,735 Do. Well - Satisfactory. South Mimms R.D. : South Minims 6,105 2,805 676 631 Barnet Dist. Gas & Water Co. Wdis & springs Moderate and fairly ade- Staines R.D. : quate. Ashford 1,4(12 6,763 1,427 776 j 1 Cranford 737 615 145 40 1 S.W. Suburban Water Co. - East Bedfont 1,926 2,426 529 376 1 Haiiworth 1.373 2,J88 519 393 Metropolitan Water Board Harlington - 1,465 2,374 538 362 | Rickmansworth & Uxbridge Harmondsworth - 3,307 2,081 450 35 I Valley Water Co. J>Wells - Satisfactory. Laleham 1,301 478 141 Littleton 1,037 399 91 Sheppertoii - 1,492 2,337 580 360 West Surrey Water Co. - Stanwell 3,924 2,265 444 187 ( S.W. Suburban Water Co. - I Slough U.D.C. - Uxbridge R.D. : Cowley - 525 1,021 235 224 ) "1 Harefleld 4,621 2,402 515 388 1 Rickmansworth & Uxbridge Hillingdou East - 2,955 3,068 641 618 f Valley Water Co. Ickenham 1,464 396 92 78 | \ Wells - Good and adequate. Northolt 2,180 685 136 131 I Do. do. ) Colne Valley Water Co. West Drayton 878 1,668 397 383 Rickmansworth, &c., Water Co. J NORFOLK. Cromer U.D. - 1,062 4,073 874 859 Cromer U.D.C. Wells and rain- Satisfactory. water. Diss U.D. 3,674 3,769 906 318 Diss U.D.C. .... 0) Wells; (I') (a) Doubtful and inade- ponds & rain- quate ; (K) bad and in- water. adequate. Downham Market 1.003 2,497 607 187 Wisbech Waterworks Co. Wells Variable, but adequate. U.D. East Dereham 5.313 5,729 1,405 587 East Derebam U.D.C. Do. Good, but hard ; adequate. U.D. Great Yarmouth 3.598 55,905 13,097 13,073 Great Yarmouth Waterworks Do. Satisfactory. C.B. Co. Kings Lynn B. - 3,067 20,201 4,783 4,783 Kings Lynn T.C. - _ New Hunstanton 359 2,611 516 513 New Hunstanton U.D.C. Wells Good. U.D. North Walsham 4,256 1,384 1,006 696 North Walsham U.D.C. - Do. Satisfactory. U.D. Norwich C.B. 7,8% 121,478 27,824 27,381 City of Norwich Waterwks. Co. Do. Do. Sheringham U.D. 877 3,376 800 800 Sheringham Gas & Water Co. Swaffham U.D. - 7,592 8,234 813 726 Swaffham Water Co., Ltd. - Wells Satisfactory and sufficient. Thetford B. - 7,096 4,778 1,072 1,053 Thetford T.C. Do. Fairly gocxl and adequate. Walsoken U.D. - 4,907 3,898 961 901 Wisbech Waterworks Co. Rain-water Good and sufficient. Wells U.D. - 2,670 2,565 (57(1 Wells Liable to pollution. Aylsham R.D. Alby with Thwaite 1,437 404 92 1 Aylsham 4,330 2,627 662 Banningham - 938 215 59 Belaugh H7K 161 36 Blickling 2,126 297 74 Brampton 527 169 46 } tee. p. 469. Sec p. 469. Burgh - 816 223 49 ! Buxton - 1,316 480 134 Calthorpe 1,09] 183 43 . Cawston 4.361 1,023 263 Colby 1,121 285 64 J PART II. NORFOLK. 169 No. of Houses. County. District and Parish. Area in Acres. Popula- tion, 1911. Total. Supplied from Piped Service. Names of Undertak'-rs providing a Supply of Water. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Norfolk emit.. Aylsham R.D. cunt. Coltishall 1,190 !IS| 241 Corpusty 1,027 449 112 Krpingham - j,400 867 90 Koulsham 8,276 '.122 243 lircat llautbois 111 IS 182 37 Guestwick 1,664 194 46 Haekford 888 614 191 Hevingham - 2,881 727 180 1 ley don - 1,988 220 58 Ilindolveston 2,640 630 166 Ingworth 523 150 3!) Irmingland - 786 22 4 Itturingham - 1,468 2S3 71 Lammaa with Little 840 230 (12 Hantbois. Little Barningham Matinington - Marshani Oulton - Oxnead - - - Reepham with 1,251 66] 1,881 1,886 860 J,497 189 80 661 881 72 414 45 4 145 84 15 ill Wells (in a few instances the supply i* to a small ex- tent from a Generally good, but some wells are liable to pollu- tion ; trenerally ade- quate, but some houses have no supply of whole- Kenliston. stream) some water within a convenient distance. Sail 1,870 192 51 ___ Saxthorpp. 2,124 281 74 , Scottow - 2,12(! H71 92 , Skeyton- 1,803 291 70 Stratton Strawless- 1,609 174 45 Swanton Abbot, 1,174 475 122 Themelthorpe 664 99 20 Thuruing 1,698 148 33 Tuttington - 841 181 39 Whit well 1,688 405 107 Wickmere 998 212 55 Wolterton 751 54 12 Wood Dalling 2,443 427 115 Wood Norton 1,729 316 65 Blofleld R.D. : Acle 3,533 942 237 Beighton 1,029 207 59 Blofield - 2,321 1,105 281 Brundall 1,012 490 116 Buckenhara - 928 77 19 Burlingham St. 753 179 37 __ Andrew. Burlingham St. 657 80 17 . -, Edmund. Burlingham St. 410 69 15 Peter. Cant ley - 1,847 259 61 Freethorpe 906 380 97 Great Plumstead - 1,433 327 83 ,__ Halvergate 2,712 473 109 . Hassingham - 580 103 21 Hemblington - 749 190 52 Limpenhoe 1,127 153 45 Wells - Satisfactory. Lingwood 668 495 93 Little Plumstead - 1,399 350 82 Moulton 1.039 219 56 Postwick 1^812 340 71 Ranworth with 2,454 318 75 Panxworth. Reedham 3,322 825 209 South Walsham 3,210 528 128 Southwood 439 47 11 Strnmpshaw - 1,381 310 81 Thorpe next 1,855 2,601 319 29 City of Norwich Waterwks Co. Norwich. Tunstall 1,595 97 19 . Upton with Fishley 2,169 483 114 Wickhampton 1,661 116 28 Witton - 581 134 31 Woodbastwick 2,203 262 59 J Depwade R.D. : Alburgh 1,585 449 120 Ashwellthorpe 1,007 351 79 __ Aslacton 1,206 280 63 Billiugford 1,041 185 43 Bressingham - 2,421 504 129 Brockdish 1,092 363 91 1 Bunwell 2,495 771 205 ) Wells & ponds Fairly satisfactory. Buraton - - - 1,466 314 84 Carleton Rode 2,695 666 165 Denton - 2,493 376 98 Dickleburgh - 2,356 776 179 Earsham 3.128 603 140 Fernfield 1,396 261 55 ~ Gg 4 470 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District ami I'arish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Total. 4. louses. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there Sources of Supply. 7. is no Piped Service. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Norfolk wnt. Depwade R.D. cont. Forncett St. Mary - 760 199 51 1 Forncett St. Peter - 1.9(11 524 138 _ Fritton - 896 180 48 Fundenhall - 1,394 231 61 Gissing - 2,005 364 86 Hapton 700 161 34 Hardwick 887 811 51 Hempnall 3,669 792 190 Morning Thorpe - 1,011 186 28 Moulton St. 1,398 31 S 81 Michael. Needham 1,157 307 81 Pulham St. Mary 2,985 i.ooi 213 Magdalene. i Pulham St. Mary 8,029 738 179 the Virgin. Redenball with 8,892 1,882 481 Harleston. Eoydon - - - 1,371 698 169 Kushall - 1,178 190 49 'f Wells & ponds Fairly satisfactory. Scole - 1,587 610 153 . ShelfaDger 1,726 360 82 Shelton - 1,814 179 a? Shimpling 797 157 86 Starston 2,227 444 106 Stratton St. Mary - 1,460 635 168 Stratton St. Michael 1,086 244 63 Tacolneston - 1,592 308 73 Tasburgh 915 355 95 . Tharston 1,633 296 78 Thelvetqn 1,068 194 43 . Thorpe Abbotts 1,160 188 50 Tibenham 3.296 539 132 Tivetshall St. Mar- 1,701 . 400 84 garet. Tivetshall St. Mary 1,149 247 02 Wacton ... 1,124 199 52 Winfarthing - 2,670 397 114 Wortwell 1,135 357 94 } Docking R.D. : Anmer - - - 1,448 152 32 ~\ Bagthorpe 755 84 16 Barmer - 1,483 52 9 Barwick 1,302 44 10 Birchain Newton - 1,168 87 23 Birchain Tofts 1,508 118 28 Brancaster 3,522 994 237 Broomsthorpe - : 435 8 2 Burnham Deepdale , 1,048 80 21 Burnham Norton - j 2,320 103 20 Burnhara Overy - 2,019 484 120 Burnham Sutton - 1,473 411 92 ' Burnham Thorpe - 2,364 294 82 Burnham Westgate 3,078 937 234 Choseley 678 40 7 Dersingham - 3,581 1,499 372 Docking 6,378 1,237 276 East Kudham 3,995 691 176 Wells Good in some parishes, Fring - 1,711 169 42 but very inferior in Great Bircham 3,780 3(16 93 others ; generally ade- Heacham 3,574 1.764 428 260 New Hunstanton I'.D.C. (bulk) quate. Holme next the Sea 1,732 274 70 Houghton 1,564 151 45 Hunstanton - 1,822 560 122 112 New Hunstanton U.D.C. Ingoldisthorpe 1,390 319 76 North Creake 3,701 545 139 . Ringstead 2,753 458 114 Sodgeford 4,217 694 169 Shernborne - 1,391 140 29 Snettisham 5,747 1,440 368 South Creake 4,175 750 190 Stanhoe 1,497 367 91 Syderstone - 2,455 423 110 Thornbam 2,768 610 162 Titchwell 1,536 166 38 Waterden 805 28 8 West Rudham 2,918 403 104 J Downham R.D. : Barton Bendish 4.123 419 95 1 Bexwell 1,180 77 It Wells and rain- Moderate. Bough ton - - l,35:i 210 56 water. Crimplesham - 1,635 231 61 ! Denver - 3.114 731 152 J Downham West - 1,71)4 420 106 56 Wisbech Waterworks Co. Rain-water Doubtful. Fincham 2,973 627 171 27 Do. Wells | Fordham 2,213 216 45 Wells and rain- > Moderate. water. PART II. NORFOLK. 471 County, District and Parish. Ami in Acres. Popula- tion, 1911. No. of Total. Bouses. Supplied from Piped Service. Namea of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Norfolk ctmt. Downham K.D. cant. Hilgay - 6,816 1,590 379 Wells and River Doubtful. Wissey. Marham 3,981 643 160 22 Wisbech Waterworks Co. Wells } Roxham 606 55 10 Runcton Holme 1,093 223 54 ' Wells and rain- Ryston - Shouldham 599 3,965 27 513 8 129 ^ wat'T. Wells J- Moderate. Shouldliain Thorpe 1,462 L'55 .V.I Wells and rain- water. J Southery 3,868 1,171 280 Wells, rain-water Doubtful. and River Ouse. South Runcton 836 137 30 ~i Stoke Ferry - 2,298 662 1 46 1 Wells and rain- Stow Bardolph 6,898 1.347 292 1 15 Wisbech Waterworks (Jo. C water. Stradsett 1,346 118 29 Wells Tottenhill 1.459 388 75 j 1- Mmlerate. Wallington with 1,172 57 10 . 1 Wells undrain- Thorplatid. ( water. Watlington - 1,692 548 147 45 Wisbech Waterworks Co. ) 1 Welney - - - 3,485 449 82 Rain-water ami Doubtful. River Delph. Wereham 2,228 498 142 Wells, stream & \ rain-water. 1 West Dereham 3,341 442 118 Wells and rain- V Moderate. water. j West Welney 1,817 559 120 Rain- wa ter and Doubtful. Hundred Foot River. Wiggenhall St. 1,242 496 135 126 Wisbech Waterworks Co. ] German. Wiggenhall St. 4.254 761 189 119 ) Mary Magdalen. Wiggenhall St. 2,767 269 70 50 > Wisbech Waterworks Co. - Wells and rain- water. Mary the Virgin. ) Moderate. Wiggenhall St. 894 216 47 Peter. Wimbotsham 1,578 548 141 107 Wisbech Waterworks Co. Wells Wormegay 3.012 391 89 1 Wells and rain- Wretton 1,031 344 84 water. East and West j Flegg R.D. : Ashby with Oby - 1,392 103 20 . Billockby - " - 396 85 17 Burgh St. Margaret 1,700 613 143 Caister next Var- 2,828 1,938 543 286 Great Yarmouth Waterworks mouth. Co. Clippesby 867 138 30 Kast Somerton 831 82 16 Filby - 1,430 532 144 H emsby 1,739 713 200 Martham 2.680 1 .260 328 Mautby - - - 1,935 119 20 Oroiesby St. Mar- Varet with Scratby 1,668 1,232 318 75 I Great Yarmouth Waterworks r r*n ^Wells - Good and abundant. Ormsby St. Michael 1,039 300 92 8 1 \jO. Repps with Bast- 1,250 294 72 wick. Rollesby 1,689 502 120 Runham 1,638 304 73 Stokesby with 2.1112 351 95 Herri ugby. Thrigby 585 43 14 Thurne - 652 152 39 West Somertou 1,208 253 70 Winterton 1,367 915 220 Erpingham R.D. : Aldborough - 795 346 92 } ] Antingham - 1,514 198 50 Aylraerton 1,697 244 64 Baconsthorpe 1,365 300 62 (Wells Barningham Nor- 836 51 10 wood. Barningham Winter 871 110 20 or Town. Beeston Regis 702 85 27 14 Sheringham Gas & Water Co. Wells & spring - Bessingham - Boilham 495 1,720 141 300 34 74 ~~ . Wells - J-Gooil and adequate Briston - 2,955 1,392 320 i Cley next the Sea - 2,088 769 200 Wells & spring - East Beckham 790 66 18 i Edgerield 2,482 477 120 ' Wells 1 Felbrigg 1,557 181 36 27 Cromer U.D.C. 1 1 Giminghain - 1,493 398 80 Glandford with 1,172 133 28 Wells Bayfleld. Gresham 1,319 388 96 Wells and spring J i 472 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. G. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Norfolk emit. Erpingham R.D. COIlt. Gunton - 943 80 17 Hamvorth 1,352 226 62 | Wells Hempstead - 1.777 259 Oil Wells and Hoii - 3,009 2.104 478 398 Krpingham R.D.C. spring. Hunworth Kelling - Knapton 858 2,324 1,490 '198 39S 346 47 75 96 48 15 | Erpingham R.D.C. 1 v. Wells ) Good and adequate. Ijetheringsctt 849 254 73 Matlask 176 149 36 Metton - 071 83 21 J Mundesley 599 770 274 271 Erpingham R.D.C. Northrepps - 2.c,ir, 564 111) 39 ( Cromer U.D.C. - '( J. H. Gurney, Esq. / Wells and I spring. 1 Overstrand - 408 429 147 125 Cromer U.D.C. 1 Plumstead 1,279 167 47 Roughton Runton - - - 1,785 1,2G6 527 907 126 255 2 172 J Cromer U.D.C. {Wells - Salthouse 1,562 246 64 Sidestrand 414 114 30 15 Cromer U.D.C. J Southrepps - 2,092 829 196 Wells anil sprint.' Stody - Suffield - 1,112 1,466 140 206 35 47 z 1 ) Good and adequate. Sustead - 522 127 36 Thornage Thorpe Market 1,262 1,318 344 238 89 57 \ Wells - Thurgarton - 972 236 58 Trimingham - BBS 250 59 Trunch - 1,357 408 100 J Upper Sheringham 1.520 307 80 Wells and spring West Beckham 766 322 39 Wells Weybourne - 1,715 330 92 J Forehoe R.B. : Barford 1,083 282 79 I Barnham Broom - 1,788 - 348 87 Bawburgh 1,421 848 92 Bowthorpe 644 63 14 Brandon Parva 1,005 151 37 Carleton Forehoe - 734 134 30 Colton - 920 188 68 Costessey 3,031 895 209 Coston - 355 37 12 Crownthorpe - 714 67 18 Deopham 1,661 341 95 Easton - 1,545 238 55 Wells - Good and sufficient. Hackford 758 188 48 Hingham 3,698 1,382 407 Kimberley 1 ,569 155 44 Marlingford - 717 253 62 Morley St. Botolph 808 196 59 Morlev St. Peter - 1,067 180 43 Ruuhall 850 187 47 Welborne 753 154 38 Wicklewood - 1,601 634 140 Wramplingham 856 168 44 Wymondham 10,950 4,794 1,260 J Freebridge Lynn R.D. : Ashwicken 1,336 100 24 1 Babingley Bawsey - 861 1,029 92 75 20 17 3 Kings Lynn T.C. - 1 Castle Acre - ;i 9([i i 1,055 302 Castle Rising - 2,186 268 84 59 Capt. C. A. Howard Congliam 2,896 253 68 > Wells Good. East Walton - 2,669 173 38 i East Winch - 2.r,l! 338 88 Flitcham with 4,223 460 102 Appleton. Gayton - 3.2S7 780 188 Gayton Thorpe Gaywood 8,868 2J73 143 1,411 31! 379 300 Kings Lynn T.C. (bulk) () Wells; (ft) () Good ; (ft) indifferent. Uiver Gaywood. Great Massingham - 4.242 723 206 Wells Good. Grimston 4,264 1,197 291 Wells ii springs Fair. Harpley 2,295 421 104 1 1 I 1 Hillington Leziate - - - Little Massinghi'.m- 2.539 1,480 2,289 262 196 211 64 50 46 1 Kings Lynn T.C. - >> Wells - Middleton 3,oi.-, 7117 211 ) Good. Mintiyn 1,111 39 10 1 Kings Lynn T.C. - J North Lynn - 800 86 23 Rain-water North Runctou North Wootton 3,SA,S Ado 317 75 69 20 North Wootton P.O. Wells - Pentney 2;567 406 113 Do. Fair. Roydon - 1,141 174 ! 47 Do. Good. Saudringham 1.171 104 22 19 His Majesty the King Do. Do. PART II. NORFOLK. 473 County. District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Total. 4. Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sullieicncy <>f Supply. 8. Norfolk oont. Freebridge Lynn R.D. i-n/it. Setchey 794 87 22 South Wootton 1,896 169 41 Wells Good. West Aero 3,579 Kill 100 () Wells ; (/;) () Good ; (/) indifferent. liivrr Nar. West Bilney - West Newton 2,387 i.arn.) 192 826 60 7.-, 10 68 W.Q. K. Wyrley-Uiirh, Ks.[.- Ilis .Majesty the King - Wells - Good. West Winch - 1,183 863 112 Wells Fair. ' Wolferton Henstead R.D. : 8,947 1!>4 17 43 His Majesty the King Do. - 1 Good. Arminghall 672 101 28 . liixley - 667 1 .is 34 Bracon Ash - 989 269 66 Braraerton 731 212 53 Caistor St. Edmund 1,070 188 86 Colney - IMS 164 30 Cringleford - 1,000 288 64 32 City n Norwich Waterwks.Co Dunston 636 98 23 East Carleton 1,226 291 69 Flordon 938 190 14 Framingham Earl - 688 1 r,c, 42 Framingham 1'igot (134 247 58 Great Melton 2,627 842 77 Hethel - 1,443 156 30 Hethersett 2,695 1,093 278 Holv.erston - 355 l!l 5 . Intwood 28 19 13 Keswick 738 152 38 Wells - Good and plentiful Kctteringham 1,609 167 42 Kirby Bedon 1,896 293 67 Little Melton 681 291 82 Markshall !i49 52 10 Mul barton 1,364 481 123 Newton Flotman - 1,200 240 62 Poringlaiul - 1,560 466 112 Eockland St. Mary 1,868 402 96 Saxlingham Nether- 1 ( 463 121 gate. V 2,112 \ Saxlingham Thorpe 1 ( 139 . 2!) Shotesham All 1,579 306 86 Saints. Shotesham St. Mary 2,006 223 50 Stoke Holy Cross - 1,664 424 96 Surlingham - 1,813 372 100 Swainsthorpe 834 284 42 Swardeston - 930 418 98 J Trowse with Newton 1,130 704 166 1(16 ( R. J. Colman, Esq. ) City of NorwichWaterwks.Co. 1. _ Whitlingham Wreningham - 546 1,542 67 360 15 90 10 Norwich T.C. [ Wells - Good and plentiful. Kings Lynn R.D.: *Wcst Lynn - 1,638 !)35 213 73 King's Lynn T.C. - tVells & rain- WH ter Satisfactory. Loddon and Claver- ing R.D. : Aldeby - 3,084 588 134 1 1 Alpington 539 136 44 IAshby - 503 174 46 Bedineham - Bergh Apton - Brooke - Broome - Burgh St. Peter - Carleton St. Peter - Chedgrave Claxton - 1,366 1,988 2,153 1,458 1,951 786 1,448 1,007 245 424 605 470 314 69 326 168 64 112 152 119 82 20 78 48 j. Wells - foood. Ditchingham - 2,117 1,137 252 Ellingham 1,392 286 83 Geldeston 842 295 79 Wells ami stream (iillingham - 2,033 4411 98 . Wells tHaddiscoc 2,033 439 103 . Do. Hales - 986 289 71 Wells and ponds Hardley 1,491 226 60 Wells Heckingham - 1,099 271 42 J Hcdeiiham 1,802 212 58 () Wells ; (*) (a) Good ; (J) indifferent. Hellington - Howe ... Kirby Cane - K instead 528 790 1,512 1,034 73 118 336 200 18 23 98 49 ponds. .Wells - Good. Langley 2,713 289 73 Loddon - 3,046 1,023 267 Mumlham i,r,62 234 62 () Wells ; () (a) Good ; (/;) indifferent. ponds. Norton Subcourse - 1,902 321 90 . Raveninghain 2,423 323 70 Wells Good, Seething 1,675 816 84 * West Lynn. Some 80 houses in part of parish west of River Ouse are supplied with water carted from the piped service, t Haddiscoe. The inhabitants of some houses obtain supplies of water from the railway station. 474 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. i Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Norfolk eont. Loddon and Claver- ing R.D. cant. Sisland - - - 469 73 15 1 Stockton - - 1,040 136 31 I j Thorpe next 834 Haddiscoe. 66 21 ^Wells - Good. Thurlton - - 1,196 383 100 Thurton 783 212 50 Thwaite - "- 681 114 30 Toft Monks - - 2,216 382 88 Wells & ponrls Wells good ; ponds Topcroft - - 1,917 272 80 indifferent. Wheatacre - - 1,144 151 34 Woodton - - 2,185 343 110 . Wells - Good. Yelverton - - . r >4f> 72 17 Marshland R.D. : Clenchwarton - 2,952 628 140 ] Emncth - - 3,551 Outwell - - 2,499 1,082 959 287 236 110 132 j Wisbech Waterworks Co. - Terrington St. 10,965 2,393 552 Clement. Terrington St. John 2,414 651 168 100 Wisbech Waterworks Co. Tilney All Saints - 2,591 584 136 R a i n-w a t e r Generally good and ade- Tilney 'St. Lawrence 3,458 782 188 77 j and wells. quate. Tilney with Isling- 1,732 243 60 46 V Wisbech Waterworks Co - ton. Upwell - 9,353 2,229 538 137 j Walpole St. Andrew 2,419 630 163 Walpole St. Peter - West Walton - 7,126 5,512 1,217 984 300 232 40 90 | Wisbech Waterworks Co. - i Mitford and Laun- ditch R.D. : Bawdeswell - 1,206 384 107 * Beeston with 2,502 374 92 Bittering. Beetley - 2,121 318 75 Billingford - 1,815 293 69 Bintree - - - 1 1,478 603 86 Brisley - - - . 1,209 333 68 Bylaugh - - 1,590 70 18 Colkirk - - - 1,564 409 95 Granworth - - 1,138 202 B4 East Bilney - - j 557 149 36 East Lexhani - ' 1,225 189 44 East Tuddenham - 2,093 441 102 Elsing - - - 1,565 320 76 . Foxley - - - 1,643 185 44 Garveston - - 823 284 78 Gateley - - - 1,516 128 31 Great Dunham - 2,023 364 85 Great Fransham - 1,932 286 68 Gressenhall - - 2,647 654 137 Guist - - - 1,681 352 75 _ Hardingham - - 2,418 438 107 Hockering 2,001 308 80 Hoe 1,471 137 36 . Horningtoft - 1,416 229 48 Kempstone - 816 42 8 Letton - 1,287 105 23 Litcham 1,937 663 167 Little Dunham 1,851 255 65 ) Wells Good and adequate. Little Fransham - 1,069 175 36 Longham 1,335 247 HI Lyng - 1,973 452 107 Mattishall 2,316 738 185 Mattishall Burgh - 623 144 30 Mileham 2,882 424 112 . North Klmham 4,742 919 248 North Tuddenham - 2,325 324 79 Oxwick & Pattesley 1,058 98 16 Reymerston - 1,648 259 68 Eougham 2,676 304 74 Scarning 3;.t94 707 160 Shipdham 4,634 1,303 334 Southburgh - 1,249 225 68 Sparham 1,785 245 <>2 Stanfield 938 134 38 Swanton Morley - 2,753 562 143 Thuxton 1,115 78 20 Tittleshall 3,414 427 98 Twyford 528 52 13 Weasenham AH 2,020 336 73 Saints. Weasenham St. 1,428 241 57 Peter. Welliugham - 1,083 114 27 Wendling 1,472 272 77 Westtield 580 82 24 West Lcxham 1,180 104 24 J PART II. NORFOLK. 475 County. District and Parish, 1. Area in Aeres. >. Popiihi- tiou, 1911. 8. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Serviee. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Serviee. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Norfolk font. Mitford and Laun- ditch R.D. emit. Whinburgh - 1,270 197 68 _ Whissonsett - 1,377 433 116 Woodrising - Worthing 1.421 817 80 108 21 29 Wells - Goo:l and adequate. Yaxham 1,641 404 102 St. Faith's R.D. : Alderford 443 .").") 12 -. Attlebridge - 1,303 73 16 Becston St. Andrew 688 82 19 Booton .-. 1,079 210 54 Brandiston 776 137 38 Catton ... Crostwick 764 706 1134 158 149 32 80 City of Norwich Waterwks. Co. Drayton 1,353 514 140 Felthorpe 2,314 356 91 Frettenham - 1,486 323 54 Great Witchingham 2,255 488 127 Hainford 1,71)6 528 135 Baveringland 2,043 ISfl 30 Hellesdon 1,198 826 64 18 City of Norwich Waterwks. Co. Honingliam - 2,606 338 77 Horsford 4,24!) Tlfl 173 Horsham St. Faith 2, 359 926 222 Wells - Good and adequate. with Newton St. Faith. Horstead with 8,849 547 135 Struminghall. Little Witchingham 743 56 12 Morton on the Hill 1,009 103 27 Kackhcath 2,000 271 62 _ Ringland 1,246 233 55 Salhouse 8,072 650 156 Spixworth 1,235 62 15 Sprowston 2,476 906 212 81 City of Norwich Waterwks. Co. Swannington 1,456 322 75 Taverham 2,167 198 45 Weston Longville - 2,777 345 82 Wroxham 1,538 729 185 Smallburgh R.D. : Ashmanhaugh 665 109 26 Bacton - 1,122 473 123 Barton Turf - 1,614 297 75 Beeston St. Law- 525 34 7 rence. Bradfield 759 166 39 Brumstead 797 122 26 Catfield 2,461 525 140 . Crostwight - 766 83 16 Dilham - 1,573 381 94 East Huston - Edingthorpe - !,B08 1.204 642 187 158 45 Felraingham - 1,896 420 99 Happisburgh 1,948 517 134 Hempstead with 1,221 113 30 Eccles. Hickling 4,244 761 201 . Honing - 1,409 325 78 Horning 2.604 363 96 Horsey - 2,061 157 34 Hoveton St. John - 1,593 334 72 Hoveton St. Peter - Ingham !)75 1.516 102 388 22 102 } Wells . Generally good and ade- quate. Irstead - 1,009 119 26 Lessingham - 641 177 42 Ludham 2,993 706 179 Neatishcad 1,908 518 139 Palling - 860 366 92 Paston - 1,384 280 ii4 Potter Heigham 2,543 411 111 Kidlington 64.-) 223 53 Sco' Euston - 499 105 24 Sloley - 752 249 57 Smallburgh - 1,289 428 98 Stalham 1,800 958 258 . . Button - 1,569 374 100 . Swafield Tunstead 832 2,295 172 459 44 96 Walcott 682 99 24 _ Waxham 1,809 108 21 \Vestwick Witton - \\'orstead 1,206 1,764 2,631 194 227 747 46 55 188 476 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, Area in District and Parish. Acres. I. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service' Total. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency i'f Supply. 8. Norfolk <"'. Swaffham R.D. : Ashill 3,030 539 140 Beechamwcll 3,996 278 65 Bodney - 2,621 105 21 Buckenham Tofts - 666 54 11 Caldecote 707 44 9 Cockley Cley 4,430 246 53 Colveston 863 34 8 . Didlington 1,875 98 21 East Bradenham - 2,384 275 68 Foulden Gooderstone - 3,418 2,791 340 296 81 88 J- Wells & springs Dee]) wells and springs, generally good ; many Great Cressingham 2,431 3-10 83 shallow wells, polluted ; Hilborough - 3,10'J 256 69 variable. Holme Hale - 2,642 301 82 Houghton on the 609 42 9 Hill. Ickburgh 1,600 128 32 Langford 1,413 49 8 Little Cressingham 1,866 199 51 Narborough - Narford 3,472 2.397 336 99 92 27 liiver Nar Fairly good and adequate. Necton 3,830 660 160 Newton by Castle 1,078 63 15 _ Acre. North Pickenham - 1,615 239 67 Oxborough 2,566 214 62 Saham Toney 4,063 1,031 250 Shingham South Acre - South Pickenham - Sporle with Pal- 970 2,511 1,870 4,255 45 67 170 563 10 17 40 151 Wells & springs Deep wells and springs, generally good ; many shallow wells, polluted; variable. grave. Stanford 2,696 131 27 Threxton 1,074 57 16 West Bradenham - 1,702 272 65 J Thetford R.D. : Bio' Norton - 1,142 279 72 1 Brettenham - 2,006 85 19 Bridgham 2,734 254 70 Cranwich 1,829 57 15 Cioxton 4,685 307 71 East Harling 2,613 972 246 East Wretham 2,800 136 33 Feltwell 13,181 1,347 369 Feltwell Anchor - 103 66 11 Garboldisham 2,757 545 151 . Gasthorpe 871 70 20 Great and Little 2,155 46 16 . Snarehill. Hockwold cum 7,671 805 196 Wilton. Kilverstone - 2,048 100 23 _ Wells and rain- Good and adequate. Lynford 1,500 115 22 water. Methwold 13,370 1,325 347 Mundford 2,056 274 80 North Lopham 2,018 606 167 Northwokl 5,283 1,157 350 Riddlesworth 1,167 94 24 Rushford 2,353 145 30 Santon - 1,527 46 8 South Lopham 1,954 430 127 Sturston 1,930 52 13 ..., Weeting with 6,234 312 74 Bromehill. West Harling 3,116 126 26 West Tofts - 3,082 165 39 West Wretham 3,688 145 32 j Walsingham R.D. : Alethorpe 243 5 1 Bale - 1,067 241 45 Barney - 1,408 254 55 . Binham 2,293 446 90 Blakeney 1,500 708 148 _ __ Briningham - 1,224 220 55 Brinton - 629 109 22 Cockthorpe - 552 67 12 Dunton cum 1,747 173 31 Doughton. East Barsham 1,194 139 36 [Wells - Fair and sufficient. East Raynham 1,679 139 33 Egmere - 1,251 97 17 Faksnham 2,231 3,181 581 Field Balling 1,632 280 65 Fuimodeston cum 2.356 300 67 . _ Croxton. Great Rjburgh 1,576 612 132 Great Snoring 1,692 484 97 Great Walsingham 2,448 351 75 II. JfORFOLK, 477 " ( .".ii'ty, District and Parish, 1. Artfa in At' res. 2. Popula- tion. 1911. 3. No. of Total, 4. Houses. f*pplii'd from Piped Service. 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water, 6. Where there i no Piped Service. Sources of Btippiy, 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Norfolk ''"' Walsingham R.D. cont, Gunthorpu 1,114 215 42 . 1 Helhoughton - 1,687 326 67 Hempton 532 489 94 Hindringham 3,391 582 121 Hnlkham 4,717 427 'J2 _ Hougbtoti St. (i ilcs !)ipplie< from Total. pil , c . (1 Service. 4. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Northamptonshir I'HIlt. Kettering U.D. 2,814 29,972 6,254 4,654 Kettering U.D.C. - Wells Generally satisfactory. Northampton C.B 3,469 90,064 18,950 18,710 Northampton T.C. Do. Variable, but adequate. Oundle U.D. - 2,228 2,749 555 508 Oundle U.D.C. Do. Satisfactory. Raunds U.D. - 4,460 3,873 896 818 Raunds U.D.C. Do. Many liable to pollution, but generally sufficient. Rothwell U.D. 3,638 4,416 9'Jo 810 Rothwell U.D.C. - Do. Satisfactory & sufficient. Rushden U.D. 3,777 13,354 2,80 2,733 Higham Ferrers and Rushde Water Board. (11) Wells; ,(*) springs rain- () Satisfactory ; (A) fairly good. water. Wellingborough 4,265 19,753 4,417 4,241 Wellingborough D.D.C. - Wells Good. U.D. Brackley R.D. : Astwell with Fal 2,044 76 16 ] cutt. Aynho - 2,542 489 119 Croughton 2,162 402 114 Culworth 2,299 453 113 Evenley 3,164 363 99 Eydon 1,675 431 104 Farthinghoe - 1,525 266 93 Great worth - 882 159 42 Helmdon 1,799 489 136 Hinton in th 1,494 147 31 Hedges. King's Button *,175 1,181 285 } Wells - Good and sufficient. Marston St. Law 1,702 326 82 rence. Moreton Pinkney 2,438 400 106 Newbottle - 2,181 417 85 76 Brackley R.D.C. - Radstone 1,315 85 27 Steane - 1,167 76 16 Stuchbury 1,058 30 1 Sulgrave 2,035 364 103 Syresham 3,735 654 179 Thenford 1,028 130 29 Thorpe Mandeville 1,030 126 34 Whitfield 990 143 42 . Brixworth R.D. : Althorp 808 48 19 15 Earl Spencer 1 Boughton 2,061 431 105 8 Northampton T.C. Brington 3,068 681 175 144 Earl Spencer Brixworth 3,148 1,209 303 Chapel Brampton - Church Brampton - 1,275 1,160 242 169 54 48 49 41 \ Earl Spencer Cold Ashby - 2,159 238 72 Coton ... 709 76 25 Cottesbrooke - 2,824 190 53 Draughton - 1,480 122 30 East Haddon - 2,753 478 135 121 Brixworth R.D.C. - Faxton - 1,851 41 9 Great Creaton 1,312 336 96 31 Brixworth R.D.C. - Guilsborough - 2,248 535 139 Hanging Houghton 1,316 104 27 Hannington - 1,248 149 39 Harlestone - 2,563 536 133 117 Earl Spencer Haselbech Holcot - 1,653 1,399 121 289 41 94 Wells & springs Good and adequate. Holdenby 1,865 202 46 Hollowell 1,064 180 46 30 Hollowell P.C. Lamport 1,438 175 40 Maidwcll 1,803 179 49 Mawsley 442 20 4 Moulton 3,139 1,240 362 . Moulton Park 853 142 30 15 Northampton T.C. Naseby ... 3,419 456 131 Old ... 2,076 337 79 _ Overstone 1,764 214 65 Pitsford 1,460 464 132 Ravensthorpe 1,497 322 91 8 Northampton T.C. Scaldwell 1,247 274 78 Spratton 2,248 718 185 . _ Teeton - 684 73 19 Thornby 1,232 208 54 Walgrave 2,381 634 174 Crick R.D. : Barby - Claycoton 3,469 988 457 69 125 20 - Wells - Fair and usually snffi- cient. * Chapel Brampton. Northampton T.C. supply 30 of these houses during summer months. PART II. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. 179 County, District and Parish. 1. Arca in Acres. 2. No. of Houses. Popula- """ SU f'r"!, il " ni . , from 11M1. 1 "' : ' 1 - Pjprd Service. ' 3. 4. 5. N'ain.-s of I'ndcnakcrs providing a Supply of Water. i 6. Where thei Sources uf Supply. 7. e is no Piped Scryice. Nature .'111(1 Sullieieiicy ill' Supply. 8. Northamptonshire fll/lt. 1 Crick R.D. eont. Crick 3,356 6a 19.1 1 Elkington 1.984 67 1.1 ', Wells - Fair and sufficient. Kilsby - 2.576 530 140 1 Lilbourne - - 1,710 198 60 Do. Fair, but occasionally Stanford 2.143 33 10 _ Do. inadequate. Kair and sufficient. Yelvcrtoft 2,321 360 116 Do. Indifferent and insufficient at times. Daventry R.D. : Ashbv St. Ledgers - 1.935 226 50 40 Lord Ashbv St. Ledgers Badby - - - l,75 423 120 38 Daventry R.D.C. - Braunston - - 3,281 1,059 270 Brockhall 874 45 8 Bylield - 2,760 809 210 Canon's Ash by - 1,830 82 ir, Oatesby - - - 2,017 94 23 Charwelton - - 2,353 182 40 I) Do. - Good and sufficient. Lower Boddington 1,352 164 48 40 Middleton Cheney R.D.C. Middleton Cheney - 2,320 1,126 260 Upper Hoddington 1,792 237 52 Warkworth - 1,329 65 15 J NorthamptonR.I). Bugbrooke 2,242 761 214 1 ] Dallington 1,343 263 63 3 Northampton T.C. I Do. - 1 Duston - - - 1,604 1,229 302 101 Do. - - 1 } Satisfactory A: sufficient. Great Billing 1,387 297 85 Wells & spring - 1 Harpole 1,943 870 227 14 H. J. Manning Watts, Esq. - Wells J Kislingbury - 1,844 609 170 170 Northampton R.D.C. Little Billing 871 65 19 13 Lad}' Wantage - Wells } Nethev Heyford 1,197 696 187 171 Northampton R.D.C. Springs Upoer Heyford Upton - Weston Favell Oundle R.D. : Apetliorpe 900 984 1,913 1,784 96 1,186 627 241 23 38 155 50 30 50 Northampton T.C. H. L. C. Brassey, Esq., M.P. - j. Wells - } Satisfactory & sufficient. ' _ Armston - ' 853 26 6 Wells and pond - Good and generally adequate. Ashton - 1,848 207 41 41 Hon. N. C. Rothschild - Barnwell All Saints 1,781 96 29 _ Wells and Good and adequate. Barnwell St An- 1,681 238 50 . springs. drew. Beuefield 5,664 412 101 101 Capt. A. E. Watts Russell - Blatherwycke 2,012 102 28 1 WelU and ' Bulwick 2,154 227 56 . ) springs. Cotterstock - 706 144 32 ] Deene - Ueenethorpe - 1,831 1,338 160 132 42 34 S- Wells - Good and adequate. Elton (Hunts) 3,758 607 147 25 Col. D. J. H. Proby K'ntheringhay 2,109 200 35 J i Gliipthorn 1,481 248 65 Wells & springs - Great Gidding 2,348 313 74 Pond and rain- ) (Hunts). water. J- Doubtful & inadequate. Hemington - 1,354 124 24 Rain-water 1 King's Cliffe - 3,749 1.086 271 240 H. L. C. Brassey, Esq., M.P. - Wells & springs - Wells mostly polluted. Lilford cam Wigs- 1,858 '158 36 12 Lord Lilford - Wells Good and adequate. thorpe. Little Gidding 3,724 48 11 Ponds and rain- Doubtful and inadequate. (Hunts). water. Luddington - 1,104 66 21 Wells A; springs - Fair. Lutton - - - 1,490 150 42 Pond and rain- Doubtful and inadequate. water. Nassington 2,507 517 129 Wells & springs - ] Pilton - 1,406 98 30 Springs Polebrook 1,837 317 69 ] Southwick 4,625 212 40 1 Good and adequate. Stoke Doyle - 1,570 113 24 J> Wells - Tansor - 1,492 219 44 I Thorpe Achurch - 1,609 177 49 J J Thurning 1,016 116 32 Pond, wells, and Doubtful and inadequate. rain-water. Wiulrnhoe 1,199 191 42 30- Capt. G. Ward Hunt - Springs Good and adequate. Wimiiiii<-rton - 4,013 544 128 Wells Fairly good, but in- adequate. i PART II. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula tion, 1911. 3. Total 4. Houses. SuppliiM from Piped Service 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Northamptonshire Oundle R.D. oont. Winwick (Hunts.) - Woodnewton - 1,781 1,396 172 2S8 39 67 Wells and pond Doubtful and inadequate. Ynrwell 1,210 238 62 f Wells - Good and adequate. Oxendon R.D. : Arthingworth 1,756 177 47 ' Ashley - 1,230 191 62 Brampton Ash 2,2*9 ISO 37 Braybrooke - 2,893 268 81 > Wells - Good and ample. Clipston 2,896 497 130 Dingley 1,353 135 27 . East Farndon 1,538 193 51 51 Oxendon R.D.C. - Great Oxendcn 1,866 173 58 Hothorpe 954 48 11 Kelmarsh Marston Trussel 2,8()7 1 ,318 152 164 36 42 Wells - Good and ample. Sibbcrtoft - 2,043 245 68 Stoke Albany 1.728 292 77 77 Oxendon R.D.C. - Sulby - 1,580 07 12 Sutton Bassett 748 70 24 Thorpe Lubenliain- 365 22 3 Welford 3,132 849 270 Wells - flood and ample. Weston by Welland I.H29 140 43 Wilbarston - 2,876 4f,:i 133 Potterspury R.D. : Alderton 882 114 28 Ashton - 1,317 280 76 _ Cosgrove 1,445 668 176 Furtho - 693 29 6 Graftou Regis 1,415 92 26 Hartwell Passenham - 2,049 3,253 362 1,001 106 246 97 199 Potterspiiry R.D.C. Wells - Doubtful, but generally adequate. Paulerspury - 3,038 902 244 * Potterspury .- 1.283 873 229 26 Potterspury R.D.C. Wicken 2,321 362 103 92 Lord Penrhyn Yardley Gobion 1,080 506 122 Thrapston R.D. : Aldwiukle St. Peter 2,886 383 104 Wells Good. Brigstock 6.147 1,000 224 224 Thrapston R.D.C. - Brington (Hunts.) - Bythorn (Hunts.) - 1,055 1.570 96 148 35 50 z Wells - Fairly good. Chelveston cum 1,806 352 92 Do. Very good. Caldecott. Clopton Covington (Hunts.) Denford 1,953 1,294 1,755 186 113 415 38 30 105 = Wells and ponds Do. Wells Fairly good. Not very satisfactory. Great Addington - 1.261 L'71! 64 64 Thrapston R.D.C. - Hargrave Islip - Keyston (Hunts.) 1,429 1,392 2,691 242 638 181 65 165 43 Veils and ponds Wells - Not very satisfactory, fairly good. Little Addington - 1,143 290 75 . ' Do. Good. Lowick - 2,028 320 86 86 8. G. Stopford Sackville, Esq. Molesworth(Hunts.) 01dWeston(Hunts.) Ringstead 1,787 2,051 2.021 120 205 934 31 49 246 Wells Veils and ponds Wells fairly good. f ot very satisfactory. ?airly good. Slipton ... 825 102 25 Do. Good Stanwick 2,023 922 220 Do. Fairly good. Sudborough - 1,819 194 52 52 jord Barnard ... Thrapston 1,150 1,836 414 Wells Some satisfactory, others unsatisfactory Titehmarsh - 3,988 597 170 Do. 'airly good. Twywell 945 460 114 Do. Very good. Woodford - 2,265 1,505 357 357 Thrapston R.D.C. - Towcester R.D. : Abthorpe 1,973 324 87 77 'owcester R.D.C. - - - Adstone 1.430 137 36 Blakesley 2,391 423 130 114 'owcester R.D.C. - Wells - Blisworth 1,064 823 215 Bradden Cold Higham 1,0.15 1,730 90 276 28 70 Springs - Good and ample. Easton Neston 1,749 149 40 Gaytou - Green's Norton 1,736 2,361 357 791 100 208 85 188 Towcester R.D.C. Wells - Litchborough 1,752 258 84 Do. Good and adequate. Maidford 1,086 223 70 64 Towcester R.D.C. - Pattishall Plumpton 2,689 894 882 24 220 9 z -Do. rood and ample. Shutlanger 1J363 323 84 ) Silverstone - 1.856 981 270 Veils & springs Good and adequate. Pottergpury R.D. An additional supply is beingiprovided in Potterspnry. II b.2 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion. 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 6. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Northamptonshire emit. Towcester R.D. emit. Slapton - 659 108 34 Springs Good and adequate. * Stoke Bruerne 1,270 381 100 Do. Good and generally ade- quate. Tiffield - 1,267 273 46 1 Wnllo Towcester 3,634 2,349 590 550 Towcester E.D.C. - > vv eiis Wappenham - Weedon Lois - 2,313 2,304 386 354 120 109 I Springs 1 } Good and ample. Whittlebury - 3,243 371 120 1 Wells - Woodend 1,758 199 60 J Wellingborough R.B. : Bozeat - - - 2,605 1,192 342 1 Earls Barton - 2,307 2,656 671 402 1 Wellingborough R.D.C. < Higham Ferrers and Kushden V Wells - Satisfactory. ( Water Board (bulk). j Easton Maudit 1,800 144 35 35 Marquess of Northampton Ecton - 2,303 504 140 140 Wellingborough R.D.C. - Great Doddington - 1,628 482 119 119 Marquess of Northampton Great Harrowden Grendon 1,481 1,727 146 416 26 120 15 Lord Vaux of Harrowden 1 Wells - Doubtful. Hardwick 1,269 113 29 29 Wellingborough U.D.C.- Higham Park 600 6 2 ') Irchester 2,788 2,224 544 110 Higham Ferrers, &c., Water Board (bulk). Isham - 1,40) 358 101 80 Wellingborough K.D.C.- Little Harrowden - 1,574 682 168 j. Wells - Satisfactory. Mears Ashby 1,670 372 99 Newton Bromswold 828 84 23 Orlingbury - 1,939 283 70 Strixton 812 57 15 Sywell - 2,177 158 50 J Wilby - 1,161 418 107 107 Wellingborough R.D.C. - Wollaston 3,045 2,44!l 560 60 Higham Ferrers, &c., Water Wells Satisfactory. Board (bulk) NORTHUMBER- LAND. Alrrwiek U.B. 4,777 7,041 1,417 1,397 f Alnwick U.D.C. - 1 Duke of Northumberland - Wells A; springs Satisfactory it generally adequate. Amble U.D. - 1,258 J.881 971 971 Ample U.D.C. Ashington U.D. - 3,041 24,583 4,027 4,023 Cowpen Coal Co., Ltd., thro' Wells Not very satisfactory. Milburn Estates, Ltd. (bulk) ; ami Ashington Coal Co., Ltd. (bulk). Bedlingtonshire 8,533 25,440 4,790 4,789 Bedlingtonshire U.D.C. and Springs Wood and adequate. U.D. Tynemouth T.C. (bulk). f Berwick upon Tweed T.C. - 1 Tweedmouth Wrwks. Co., Ltd. j Wells, springs, Very doubtful & seriously Berwick upon 6,396 13,075 1,810 1,442 - 1 Tynemouth T.C. (bulk), and thro' Cramlington U.D.C. Cramlington U.D. 4,583 8,093 1,634 1,626 Tynemouth T.C. (bulk)& New- Wells Fair and adequate. castle, &c., Water Co. Earsdon U.D. 4,705 10,568 1,896 1,890 Newcastle, <5cc.. Water Co. Well Fairly good. (bulk). Gosforth U.D. 1,303 15,490 2,557 2,549 Newcastle, &c., Water Co. Wells Satisfactory and adequate. Hexham U.D. 5,149 8,417 1,652 1,614 Hexham U.D.C. Wells 4: springs Fairly good. Longbenton U.D. 5,347 12,443 2,277 2,271 Newcastle, &c. Water Co. Wells Good and sufficient. Morpeth B. - 328 7,433 1,369 1,369 Morpeth T.C. tNewbiggin by 631 3,719 932 932 Tynemouth T.C. (bulk), and the Sea U.D. Newbiggin Colliery Co., Ltd. Newburn U.D. 4,673 17,155 3,086 3,063 Newcastle, &c. Water Co. Wells & springs Good, but inadequate at times. Newcastle upon 8,452 266,603 32,808 32,808 Do. Tyne C.B. Prudhoe U.D. 3,889 8,212 1,620 1,564 Do. Wells Doubtful and variable. ) Rothbury Waterworks Co., ) Rothbury U.D. - 970 1,147 261 246 I Ltd. v Wells A; springs Satisfactory. j Hill Side W. Supply Co., Ltd. j Seaton Delaval 5,348 7,174 1,638 1,475 Tynemouth T.C. (bulk) - Wells and sur- Fair and sufficient. U.D. face water. Seghill U.D. 1,427 2,049 407 397 Newcastle & Gateshead Water Wells Satisfactory. Co. (bulk). 1 * Stoke Bruerne. Towcester R.D.C. are about to provide a supply. t Newbiggin by the Sea U.D. As extended from 1st April, 1913. PART II. NORTHUMBERLAND. 483 County, District and I'arish. 1. Arr;i in Acres. I. Popula- t ion. 1911. 3. No. of Total. 4. Houses. Nimies ill' I'ndertakiTs Supplied from providing a Piped Supply of WaiiT. Sei virc. 5. 6. Where theie is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Northumberland font. Tynemouth C.B. - 4,872 58,816 91,892 9,886 TvntMiioiith T.< '. - - Wells A; springs Satisfactory & adequate. Wallsend B. - 8,420 41,461 5,1 l.'il 1 5,050 NY\vi;:ivlIr. A:.-., Water Co. Weetslade U.D. - 2.I9K 6,700 1,046 1,041 DM. do. (bulk) Well- - Siitisfaetory A: adequate. Whitley and 1,978 14.457 . 1 5S :i. 1 58 Tyneinontli T.C. and through . Monkseaton U.D. Seaton l,-!aviil I'.D.C. Alnwick R.D. : A } 1 ' L 1,680 83 14 14 ('apt W N Burrell Aeklinirton - 2,121 230 50 Wei Is A: springs - Wells polluted ; springs satisfactory A; sufficient. Acklington Park - 788 SO 14 () Field drain. ('/) Inferior Jt insufficient. (A) springs. (M satisfactory. Acton A: Old Felton 1,588 07 it; Wells Satisfactory. Aliimoutli 327 5 f! i:)o i:(o A In wick K.D.G. - ' Bassington 236 7 .1 2 Muku of Northumberland Beanley 2,828 inl !. 19 11' Do. BirliiiL' - 906 67 1 19 19 Alnwick K.D.I '. - BoltOtl - 2,062 98 21 81 W. II. I'awson, Ksq.. and other propei-tv owners. Brootne Park 472 39 ;i 9 C;i|l. W. X. Hal-roll i Hrotliersviek - 18B 29 1 1 Alnwic.k U.D.O. - liroxli.'ld 319 22 I 4 Duke of Northumberland Bruutiiu 971 48 11 11 *'a|ii. l'-]-"\vne - Crastcr 652 182 45 15 I Viscount Howick / Alnwick R.U.C. - Crawley 388 17 4 4 W. II. I'awsoii, Esq. Demvick 11, 972 713 117 24 Duke of Northumberland (rt)Surface water, () Inferior A: insufficient, (A) springs. (If) satisfactory. Ditchburn 1,604 32 8 8 W". Carr, Esq. | Doxt'ord (109 74 17 17 Rt. Hon. W. Runcimau, M.P. [ f Dunstan 1,749 263 57 57 Alnwick li.D.C. - \ Edlingham 5,818 78 18 () Well, (*) () Polluted, (i) satisfac- s|irings. tory. Eglingham -'.007 218 is 48 Alnwick H.D.C. - Klyhaugh 2 s:s IS 4 4 (.'. Riddell, Esq. - 1 Trustees of Alex.Bro>vne,Esq. 1 Embleton 2,086 SAO 189 100 - Mrs. Ei-rcs Monsell > Springs - 1 i' 10, 1 and adequate. 1 Rt.Hon.3ir K.Oivv, Hart., M.I'. I F.-illoJen l,0lil 62 15 15 Do. l-Ylton - 1,070 153 125 125 Kelton Water Oommittue (jlanton l,8s2 H7 115 IIHI Alnwick K.D.C. - Springs (Jooil and adequate. i; h.stet- Hill - 213 86 H .._ Wells Good, (Inviis X lihuitlees 998 2H 1 4 Alnwick It. D.I \ - Guyzance 1,403 166 In 10 Duke of Northumberland Harelmpc 580 39 8 a A. K. l>. Cresswell, Esi(. llauxlry 774 1,756 301 301 Almviok R.D.C. - Hazon A: Hart law - 1,447 75 15 15 W. E. Lav.-sou, Esq. Hedgcley 709 96 22 22 Lieut. Col. R. H. Carr-Ellison High Huston - 737 80 22 22 Duke of Northumberland Howick ... 1,689 198 56 56 Earl Grey .... i Learchild 474 19 5 5 S. H. Aitcheson, Esq. ( Lemmington - 2,041 66 14 14 Do. Lesbury 4,059 921 190 190 Duke of Northumberland Littlehoughton 824 10S 20 2ii Earl (irey - - - - Longhoughton 3,192 689 182 132 1 Viscount Howick I Duke of Northumberland - Low Boston - 906 77 17 17 1). Deiu-har. Esq. - 1 Mot-wick 766 (ili 1 1 14 Duke of Northumberland Newton by tin- Sea 1,250 192 47 43 I Mrs. Eyres Monsell 1 Mr>. Korster Wells * springs Satisfactory. Newton on the Moor 940 179 42 42 Alnwick U.U.C. - North Oharlton 2,809 132 33 33 A. F. B. Cresswell, Esq. Itennington 1,774 230 53 53 Duke of Northumberland >. Hock - 2,054 163 42 42 Prof. It. (.'. Hosanquet - r Shawilon 1,232 95 20 20 W. H. Pawson, Esq. Shilbottle 3,000 423 87 87 Duke of Northumberland Shipley - 2,038 54 13 3 J. Harrington, Esq. Sprinas A: stream Very bad. South Charllon 1,881 116 27 27 Duke of Northumberland ( _ Stamford 1,661 1 05 22 22 Mrs. Eyres Monsell 1 Sturion (! range 1,119 125 28 12 I Duke of Northumberland - ') J. Fenwick. Esq. /() Well, (*) | springs. (//) Polluted and insurh- eiiMit. (//) satisfactory. Swarland 2,212 101 22 -- Springs - Satisfactory. TitlinL't.m 2,267 62 12 12 W. II. Paw>on. Esq. 1 Toirsion- 1,077 623 162 162 Alnwirk K.D.C. Walkmill 123 5 1 1 Duke of Northumberland Wiirkworth - 1,140 710 165 165 ) J. Forster, Esq. - ) Alnwick H.D.C. \ - ~ Whittle 550 10 6 6 A. Barlow, Esq. - Woodhouse - 567 39 5 5 Duke of Northumberland } f Lord Armstrong and Duke Belford R.D. : of Northumberland. Adders! line - 2,693 245 57 50 ; Sir W. S. Church, Bart,, M.D. . Wells ' Satisfactory. (,'. K. Dixon Johnson, Esq. - T. 11. l>. (iruhani, Esq. ' Hamburgh 1.SJ50 417 111' 110 Lord Armstrong and Duke of Korthumli -rl.-uiil. | liumbnr^h Castle Beadnell 6 805 10 317 3 72 3 69 Do. do. North Sunderland Waterworks Wells Fair. Co. (bulk). , , A 0.198 Hh a RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. District and Parish. 1. Acres. 2. tion, 1911. TotaL 3. 4. UUL/UUm from Piped Service 5. I Sii| Northumberland cant. Belford R.D. nmt. Belford - 2,86 743 17 6 ( T. H. B. 1 G. D. A1 Bradford 56 43 1 1 Lord Arr of North Budle - 76 57 1 Burton - 1,08 76 1 -- Chathill 43 58 1 N. Sundoi Detchant 2,17 81 2 2 Maj.G.F I T R R Easington 865 121 3 1 ) i . n . r>. I N. E. R( Easington Grange - 40 SO Elford - - - l,07o 55 1 Col. Hails Ellingham 3,176 209 B< 14 N. Sundei and Sir . Elwick - 884 3o 9 9 Karl of 'l\ Fleetham 570 63 13 1 N. Sunder Glororum 460 44 8 | Lcird Ann Northun Lucker - 1,602 184 42 36 Duke of N Middleton 1,232 139 32 32 Maj. O. V. Monks House 1 1 Mousen - 792 54 12 12 Governors tional) F Newham 2,690 158 42 h Lord Ann Northum Newstead 2,056 89 21 21 Do. North Sunderland 1,178 1,069 220 200 N. Sunder Outch ester 1,067 92 17 1 .1. Hunter, Preston - 455 60 14 14 Miss I. B. Ratchwood - 154 13 2 Ross 1.715 6( 8 8 Earl of Ta Shoreston 697 7+ 15 8 N.Sunderl Spindlestone - 461 86 20 JO Trustees o Swinhoe 1,578 134 28 18 North Sum Co. (bulk Tughall - 1,537 72 20 6 Duke of N Warenford 666 17 3 a R. W. Mai Warenton 1,585 79 20 20 T. H. B. G Bellingrham R.D. : Bellingham - 19,724 1,358 379 238 Bellinghai of Nort various p Duke of Birtley - 6,979 387 89 50 N. Britis other p Carrycoats - 1,720 34 10 2 Exors. of t Catcherside - 614 >6 2 Chirdon 6,514 58 11 Coldwell 305 4 1. Corsenside 11,506 640 171 49 Newcastle Co., N. B and vario Crookdean 357 7 1 Fawns - 272 5 1 Great Bavington - 1,575 36 13 1 1'. Hall, Ee Hawick - 1,281 9 1 Kirkharle 2,103 92 24 Kirkwhelpington - 2,863 193 48 31 Duke of N( Little Bavington - 1,815 43 13 Little Harle - 710 43 8 4 G. Anderso H. Pease Northu Otterburn 8,565 333 80 51 Morriso Trustee Bunion Plashettsand Tyne- 29,225 597 124 55 'lashetU C( heail. Duke of North Hr various pr Lord Re Rochester Ward 23,283 394 84 33 Northn castle, i Army Smalesmouth 13,458 124 31 4 pencer Tri Sweethope 1,026 10 2 Tarset West - 18,789 98 19 7 )uke of No J. W. Wat Thockrington 2,452 24 7 Thorneyburn - 2,980 113 28 Troughend 26,470 210 48 19 ewcastle, C. Morriso other prop Wark - 23,539 665 186 121 ellingham property o Wellhaugh - 33,802 175 60 3 )uke of Noi Wett Harle - 652 11 2 West Whelpington 4,002 70 17 10 ir C. A. Pa Messrs. Th do. R.D.C., Ouke Northumberland and iperty owners. Northumberland. Esq., Duke of jerlnd. Sir. C. Bell, Bart., and es of the late R. 'unilerson. .l&CokeCu., Ltd., Morthnmberland, Uritish Rly. Co., and property owners. Redesdale, Duke of land, New- J- Wells J . Wells Wells Wells Wells Well Springs Wells Wells V Wells [Wells springs. and Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. PART II. NORTHUMBERLAND. 485 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of I'ndertakers providing a Supply of Water. Where then Sources of Supply. 7. ; is no Piped Service. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Total. 4. Supplier from Piped Service. 5. Northumberland coat. Castle Ward R.D.: Belsay - 2,543 231 52 38 Sir A. E. Middleton, Bart. - Springs & wells - Good. Berwick Hill - 1,776 73 17 Do. Good, but several distant from houses. Bitchfield 739 22 4 I Wells Good Black Callerton 1,884 614 104 I Newcastle & Gateshead Watei 1 | Co. ; T. H. B. Graham. Esq Wells & springs I Good, but several distant I from houses. Black Heddon 1,669 34 7 Wells Good. Bolam - 1.119 99 19 10 F. B. Atkinson, Esq. Springs Very good. Bolam Vicarage Bradford 139 1.093 11 29 a 5 [ Wells - Good. Brenkley 1,043 59 10 10 Newcastle, &c., Water Co. . " Capheaton Cheesebiirn Grange 2.317 819 168 60 46 15 6 F. Riddell Blount, Esq. - Wells & springs I Good. Coldcoats 1,078 31 7 Wells | Dalton - 1,058 78 18 18 E. G. Collingwood, Esq. Darras Hall - 424 17 6 6 Newcastle, &c., Water Co. Dinnington - 937 976 209 196 Do. do. Wells | r>__J Eachwiek 983 98 19 Wells & springs IrOOd. East Brunton 956 187 36 36 Newcastle, te., Water Co. East Heddon - 1,017 85 15 15 Northumberland Co. Council (Small Holdings. &c. Com.) East Matfen - East Shaftoe - 2,101 22 135 31 28 6 Wells ik springs Good. Fawdon - 527 261 52 62 Newcastle, itc., Water ( 'D. Fenwick 1,647 56 11 i j Gallowhill - 628 108 19 16 F. B. Atkinson, Esq. | Wells VGood. Harlow Hill - 1,022 80 20 Wei Is & springs - 1 Harnham 701 51 11 Springs Good, but dittant from houses. Hawkwell 591 108 35 . Wells & springs Good. Heddon on the Wall 1,190 718 150 150 ( Newcastle, &c., Water Co. - I Major E. F. Clayton - 1 _ Heugh - 2,289 294 68 Higham Dykes 224 37 7 High Callerton Horton Grange 1,027 1,594 103 56 24 14 Wells & springs Good. Houghton & Close 614 189 36 21 Newcastle & Gateshead Water House. Co. Ingoe ... 2,136 102 30 10 1 Duke of Northumberland - Sir H. D. Blackett Wells & springs | Good, but distant from 1 houses. Kearsley 539 9 2 2 Sir H. D. Blackett Ken ton - 1,245 462 89 85 Newcastle, &c., Water Co. Well Good. Kirkheaton - 2,060 118 26 i Kirkley - 1,863 114 32 10 Trustees cf the late N. C. Ogle. > Wells & springs Good. Little Callerton - 591 42 13 9 Newcastle, &c., Water Co. Mason - 1,365 1,713 325 325 Do. Milbourne 1,242 78 18 Milbourne Grange . 618 ! 24 4 Nesbit - Newbiggin 869 537 42 68 7 13 6 Newcastle, &c., Water Co. i j> Wei Is & springs Good. Newham - 1.348 41 10 North Dissington - 1,131 90 17 9 E. G. Colliugwood, Esq. J (North Gosforth 1,090 162 34 34 Newcastle, &c., Water Co. Ogle - - - Ouston - Ponteland Prestwick Riplington 2,185 517 1.958 1,012 378 94 17 1,029 255 5 25 3 137 47 1 40 10 Newcastle, &c.. Water Co. j Do. do. ) C. L. Bell, Esq. - 1 ^ Wells A: springs Wells 1 j-Good. 1 Rudchester - 648 23 5 6 James, Esq. Ryal - 2,133 64 15 Wells & springs - Good. tSbilvingtou - Shortflatt South Dissington - Stannington - Trewick 1,541 517 1,349 10,312 762 65 27 53 1,194 20 10 6 13 198 4 94 I Newcastle. &c., Water Co. - 1 Viscount Ridley - Do. ] 1 Do. Good, but distant from houses. Good. Twizell ... 776 44 9 . Wallridge - - 1 153 8 1 West Brunton - I 1.142 93 18 3 Newcastle, &c., Water Co. West Heddon West Matfen West Shaftoe 346 2.004 501 46 258 21 13 56 3 13 36 R. Burdon, Esq.* - Newcastle, &c., Water Co. Wells & springs Good. Whalton 2,125 289 70 30 j Mrs. G. E. Smith - Surface water - Doubtful. Whitchester - 816 40 10 Wells & springs - Good. Whorlton Woolsington - 845 609 69 72 18 15 18 IB | Newcastle, &c., Water Co. - Glendale R.D. : Akeld - 2,268 138 31 Brandon 1,087 70 15 Branton 1 , 1 7a 89 15 Branxton 1,507 175 38 - Springs - Good and a;nple. Carham 10,712 910 195 Chattou 17,331 869 216 Chillingham - 1,764 113 2o . * West Heddon. Supplies to small groups of houses, Hh 4 486 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in - Acres. 2. Popula- tion. 1911. 3. No. of I Total. 4. louses. ' Supplied' from Piped Service. 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there Sources of Supply. 7. s no Piped Service. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Northumberland cont. Qlendale R.D. emit. Coldsmouth and 1,435 12 2 Thompsons Walls. Conpland 1 ,542 118 16 Crookhouse - 480 14 4 Doddington - 4,917 169 34 Earle 1,281 75 15 East Lilburn - 911 68 13 Ewart - 1,502 108 20 Fawdon and Clinch 1,471 44 8 Ford - 11,726 1,051 268 Grey's Forest Heathpool 6,620 1,124 31 20 6 3 ,z I j> Springs - Good and ample. Hepburn 2,105 5!) 14 Howtel - 1,162 90 21 Humbleton - 1,614 122 30 Ilderton 5,336 88 18 Ingram, Linhope, 7,158 67 15 Greenghaw Hill and Hartside. Kilham - 2,871 116 28 Kirknewton - 2,028 76 14 Lanton - 972 65 14 Lowick - - - 12,879 1,039 257 257 Glendale R.D.C. - Middleton Hall - 1,102 36 9 Springs Good and ample. Milfield - 1,541 124 31 Wells Doubtful and sometimes inadequate. Nesbit - 2,510 221 i 50 1 New Bewick - 1,141 84 17 Newtown 1,133 48 13 North Middleton - 2,080 90 22 Old Bewick - 5,521 107 25 Paston - 2,355 143 24 Reaveley 2,310 34 6 )> Springs - Good and ample. Roddam 1,204 69 17 Roseden 893 55 11 -- Selby's Forest 11.501 39 8 South Middleton - 1,611 52 12 - West Lilbnrn 2,004 181 40 Westnewton - 1,118 64 15 J Wooler - 3,180 1,382 349 349 Wooler Public Water Supply Wooperton Yeavering 930 866 54 5 12 2 [ Springs - Good and ample. Haltwhistle R.D. : 'Belh'ster 1.071 118 29 3 Haltwhistle R.D.C. Wells Good and fairly adequate. Blenkinsopp - Coanwood 2.488 3,318 595 94 125 23 Springs and wells Wells Good and adequate. *Featherstone - 2.994 215 48 Snrings and wells Good, but inadequate. Haltwhistle - 3,134 3,979 847 844 Haltwhistle R.D.C. - ' Do. Good and adequate. Hartleyburn - 3,532 142 30 Do. Good and sufficient. Henshaw 13.179 646 147 29 Hon. F. Bowes Lyon I . Kirkhaugh 6,694 139 27 Do. Good and plentiful. Knarsdale 15,589 289 75 Lambley Melkridge Plenmeller - 3,059 4,451 5,045 420 433 118 100 94 30 43 14 Haltwhistle R.D.C. Do. Do. Springs Wells (iood & fairly adequate. Fairly good & adequate. Good and adequate. Ridley - 3,774 180 39 Springs and wells Fair and moderate. Thirlwall 8,014 545 126 96 Haltwhistle R.D.C. Do. Good and adequate. Thorngrafton 4,522 271 66 18 Hon. F. Bowes Lyon Do. Good and plentiful. Wall Town - Whitfield 2,981 12.478 78 283 13 61 - Do. Good and adequate. Hexham R.D. : Acomb - 2,897 989 218 169 rW. Brown, Esq., Miss All- good, C. W. C. Henderson. <. Esq. and Canon Savage (jointly) ; and Hexham 1 ^Wells and f springs. Good, R.D.C. J Allendale 14.379 2,185 625 281 Hexham R.D.C. - Springs Generally pood & sufficient Aydon - - - 1.227 96 19 2 Do. Wells and springs Generally good, but inade quate in part.-. Aydon Castle Bearl - 415 425 21 58 :i 12 Spring - Sprin a s - Good and adequate. Bingfield Black Carts and 2.082 292 70 10 15 4 I ' Do. Fair and adequate. Ryehill. Broomhaugh - 881 251 611 48 Broomhaugh Water Scheme Wells and springs (Subaeription). Broomley 4.134 1,493 355 297 | Htockstield Water Co. - '( Newcastle. &c., Water Co. - Wells - Byweli - 1,646 181 34 Springs 1 Chollcrton 14.148 1,132 260 34 Hexbam R.D.C. - - - Do. Good Clarewood 1,292 73 12 Wells Cockla K 3,765 155 86 Springs Fair & generally adequat . Corbridge Dilston - 3,531 3,277 2.213 237 511 58 448 9 Hexham K.D.C. - Do. Wells and springs Do. Good. Good &generally adequal :. Belligter and Featherstone. Piped services will shortly be provided by Haltwhistle R.D.C. PART II. NORTHUMBERLAND. 187 County, District and 1'arish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. Nn. Of Total. 4. linisi's. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Names of 'Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where t|,rye i-, no Piped Serviee. S.unves of Supply. 7. Nalui'e and Suliieieney of Supply. 8. Northumberland font . Hexham R.D. cunt. Dukes Hat;;.' - 115 7 1 Spring Fairly good and adequate. Espershields 3,733 120 23 Springs Fairly good, but inade- quate. Fallowrield - 667 26 5 Spring Good, but inadequate. Great Whittington 1,495 201 51 . Springs and wells Good, but doubtful in village. Halliugton 1,714 79 18 Wells, springs, i ami stream. l_. Halton - 841 47 7 Wells VQood. Haughton Haydon - 1,841 14,360 106 2,297 21 540 382 Hexham K.D.C. Springs Wells and springs 1 Generally good. Healey 2.389 105 16 Do. ) j Weardale and Consett j Hedley - 2,ii34 880 fil 45 \ Water ( !i .. v Springs - ^Good. 1 Hexham R.D.C. - Hexliamshiiv High 6,536 131 36 (a) Wells, (*) (a) Good, (A) indifferent. Quarter. s iringsik streams. Hexhamshire Low 3.649 316 77 5 Hexham U.D.C. - {a) Wells. (A) () Good, (A) good, but Quarter. streams. somewhat inadequate. Hexhamshire Mid- 4.L'L'2 188 42 ( Wells & springs Good and plentiful. High and Low 1,370 85 18 18 G. B. Bainbridge, Esq. - Highlaws. High Angcrton 1,293 114 1!) 8 F. Straker, Esq. - ) Highlaws 312 9 2 '> Wells & springs Good and plentiful. Longhirst 1,789 326 88 17 Lord Joicey - ... I Longshaws - 796 17 4 4 Major Cookson I Longwitton - 2,400 104 2H Wells & springs Good and plentiful. Low Angerton 1,069 70 14 14 F. Straker. Esq. - Lynmouth 338 17 3 Wells & springs Good and plentiful. Meldon - 1,029 128 28 28 Major Cookson ... Mitford 1,896 193 39 ) Molesdon 827 35 7 4 Captain Mitford - V Wells & springs Good and plentiful Morpeth Castle 1,452 3H7 68 46 Numerous property owners - 1 Netherwitton 3,930 192 37 37 J. S. Trevelyan, Esq. - Newminster - 1,073 1,116 51 34 1 Tynemouth T.C. - I Northumberland Co. Co. ] Newton Park 371 14 2 j- Wells & springs Good and plentiful. Newton Underwood 906 12 11 4 Captain Mitford - 1 North Middleton - 1,145 61 15 2 F. Straker, Esq. j North Seaton 1,169 1,9'04 400 400 Cowpen Coal Co., Ltd. - Nunriding Old Moor 660 957 26 73 4 15 2 4 Captain Mitford - A. F. B. Cresswell - Wells & springs Good and sufficient. Pegswood 1,237 2,559 500 500 Bentinck West Hartley Col- liery Co. Pigdon - 1,125 32 6 6 Captain Mitford Biddell's Quarter - 2,173 107 25 17 Long Horsley Village Supply Wells k springs Good and sufficient. Bivergreen 529 52 10 10 Major Cookson ... Sheepwash - 256 66 13 9 Hon. W. C. Ellis - ] South Middleton - 638 11 3 2 Rt. Hon. Sir G. 0. Trevelyan, Bart. } Wells & springs Good and sufficient. Spital Hill - 157 22 3 2 Captain Mitford ... Stanton 2,273 57 16 4 R. Crawford. Esq. - J Throphill 960 31 6 6 Captain Mitford - Todridge 60 6 1 1 Forster Coull, Esq. Tranwell 1,230 103 20 8 Messrs. Burn Bros. 1 Tritlington 1,280 90 20 9 Duke of Portland - 1 Ulgham 3,740 683 140 20 Lord Joicey - - - - } Wells & springs Good and sufficient. Wallington Demesne 1,851 121 31 10 Rt. Hon. Sir G. O. Trevelyan, Bart. J West Chevington - 1,858 433 119 119 Earl Grey - ... West Thornton 1,066 62 15 13 Major Cookson ... j Whitridge 201 5 1 Wells & springs Good and sufficient. Widdrington 3,901 843 177 142 T. Taylor, Esq. i Witton Shields 570 6 1 1 J. S. Trevelyan, Esq. Woodhorn 1,552 183 41 11 Ashington Coal Co., Ltd. Wells & springs Good and sufficient. Norham & Island- shires R.D. : Ancroft 12,111 1,629 378 . ] Cornhill 4,944 644 143 Duddo - 1,887 135 42 F&kington - 1,464 64 22 Grindon 1,493 84 21 Holy Island - ),338 359 117 HornclifEe 622 272 78 Kyloe - Loan End 9,783 866 745 96 175 26 i ~ i- Springs - Satisfactory and adequate. Longridgc 561 70 17 Norham 2,345 757 216 147 Norham & Islandshires R.D.C. Norham Mains 1,105 88 21 Ord - - - 3,693 454 130 Shoreswood - 1,212 149 49 Thornton 1,375 98 24 Twiwll - 2,273 186 47 Rothbury R.D. : Alnhani 10,345 106 22 15 Duke of Northumberland Wells Some good, but distant from houses. Alwinton Barrow - 1,180 1,008 53 7 10 2 ^ Do. Satisfactory ami ample. HickiTtnn 542 13 3 _- Do. Good. Biddlcstoiic - 4,863 107 23 23 W. A. Selby, Esq.* Brinkbuni High 2,862 132 28 15 Mrs. H. Fenwick - Wells Some good, but distant Ward. from houses. Biddlestone. Several supplies to small groups of housei. PART II. NORTHUMBERLAND. iS9 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in P "P ula - tion, Acres. m , 2. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Semi-... Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Suth'eieney of Supply. 8. Northumberland Cdllf. Rothbury R.D. cunt. Brinkburn Low 592 28 5 Well Good. Ward. Burradon Cai stroii 1,540 400 58 24 12 5 10 5 C. D. Forster, Esq. Representatives of the late J. Springs Satisfactory, Daglish. Callaly Jt Yetlington 3,990 198 48 42 Trustees of Alex. Browne, Esq. Springs Good and sufficient. Cartington 1.908 58 13 IS Lord Armstrong ... Clennel - 1,070 20 5 B A. Wilkinson, Esq. Coatyards 236 6 1 1 M. Y. Nicholson, Esq. - Debdon 5,235 106 28 23 Lord Armstrong - - - Springs & wells Generally good and suffi- cient. Elsdon - 6,489 243 45 26 11. Hall, Esq. Wells & springs Doubtful. Ewesley 946 13 4 4 Lieut, Col. W. Orde Fairliaugh 521 6 1 ) Fairnley 21(i 10 3 1 Wells - Doubtful. Fallowleea 1,504 8 1 1 Farnham 931 88 8 8 T. C. Fenwicke-Clennell, Esq. Flotterton 767 55 9 9 H. G. Phillips, Esq. Great Ryle - Greenleighton 1,099 1,671 45 10 9 2 5 2 Lord Ravensworth Rt. Hon. Sir G. O. Trevelvan. Wells & springs Not very good. Bart. Harbottle 2,384 121 32 30 Rothbury R.1XC. - Wells Good. Hartington - Hartington Hall - 2,012 1,001 41 2! 9 8 9 8 j- 0. Trevelyan, Esq. Harwood Healey & Combhill 3,959 851 21 1!) 4 5 3 Duke of Northumberland Well Wells Generally not good. Good. Hepple - 5,920 83 20 20 W. R. Buchanan-Riddell, Esq. Hesleyhurst - 2,415 71 15 15 Duke of Northumberland High and Low 1,682 65 10 10 Lord Armstrong ... Trewhitt. Hollinghill - 5,016 97 18 Well & springs - Generally not good. Holystone 5.468 79 17 Wells Good. Kidland 17,064 71 17 Do. Good, but distant from houses. Linbridge 3,735 32 5 Do. Good. Linsheeles Tattle Ryle - 14,832 528 52 27 11 6 3 5 W. A. Selby, Esq. - Lord Ravensworth / Wells & springs Not very good. Longframlington - 5,101 435 116 114 Rothbury R.D.C. - j Lorbottle 2,435 63 14 12 Trustees of Alex. Browne, Esq. 1 Wells - Good. Monkridge - 5,798 81 15 10 Lieut.-Col. W. Orde } Mount Healey 294 18 2 1 Rothbury R.D.C. - Springs Good. Netherton North 762 31 8 8 W. A. Selby, Esq. - Side. Netherton South 731 51 14 14 ) Side. > Lord Armstrong ... Newtown 1,017 30 8 8 1 Nunnykirk 117 35 8 8 Lieut. Col. W. Orde Peels - 1,427 38 10 10 T. C. Fenwicke-Clennell, Esq. Prendwick 1,415 35 7 7 Lieut. Col. R. H. Carr Ellison Raw 1,690 74 14 14 Duke of Northumberland Ritton Colt Park - 1,071 60 11 5 Lieut. Col. W. Orde Wells Good. Ritton White House 648 203 33 33 Do. - - Rothley 2,820 91 21 17 Mrs. Clayton ... Wells Good. Screnwood 1,061 34 7 7 W. A. Selby, Esq. - Sharperton - 965 48 14 2 T. C. Fenwicke-Clennell, Esq. Wells Good. Snitter - 1,001 107 26 26 Lord Armstrong - Thropton 847 189 49 47 Rothbury R.D.C. - Spring ) Todburn 693 14 3 Well VGood. Tosson - 3,799 101 25 23 Lord Armstrong - Wells 1 Unthank 177 17 3 3 Lord Kavensworth Warton 650 28 8 8 Lord Armstrong - Whittingham 6,216 424 106 104 Lord Ravensworth Wells Good. Whitton 696 56 14 14 Rothbury Waterworks Co. Wingates 2,616 105 21 21 J. H. Straker, Esq. Woodside 6,641 79 15 3 Lieut. Col. W. Orde Wells . - Good. Wreighill 411 7 1 1 H. G. Phillips, Esq. NOTTINGHAM- SHIRE. Arnold U.D. - 4,613 11,146 2,460 2,437 Nottingham T.C. - Wells & springs Gonerally good and ade- quate. Beeaton U.D. 1,601 11,336 2,644 2,632 Do. Wells Satisfactory and adequate. j Do. ... 1 Carlton U.D. 1,459 15,581 3,545 3,482 < London & N.W. Railway Co. V Wells t>: spring Good. ( Great Northern Railway Co. ' 490 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 8. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied) from Piped Service. i>. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Nottinghamshire cent. East Retford B. - 4,656 13.385 3,022 2,899 East Ketford T.C. and E. E. Wells Some satisfactory, others Harcourt Vernon, Esq. doubtful and bad. Eastwood U.D. Hucknall Torkard 951 3,282 4,092 15,870 1,004 3,151 992 3,411 Nottingham T.C. - Hucknall Torkard U.D.C. - Do. Wells & springs Satisfactory. U.D. Huthwaite U.D. - 1,199 5,231 1,046 1,026 Sutton in Ashfield U.D.C. Wells Good and adequate. (bulk). Kirkby in Ashfield U.D. 5,814 15,378 3,177 3,177 i Kirkby in Ashfield U.D.C. - 1 The Butterley Co., Ltd. _ ( Basford R.D.C. - 1 Mansfield B 7,068 3,888 7,492 7.4S4 Mansfield T.C. Wells Fairly good. Mansfield Wood- 4,834 11,015 2,080 2,060 Mansfield T.C. (bulk) - Do. Satisfactory and adequate house U.D. Newark B. - 1,931 16,408 3,789 3,789 Newark T.C. i Dement Valley Water 1 Nottingham C.B.- 10 935 259.904 59,372 59,372 Board (bulk). i _ I Nottingham T.C. Sutton in Ashfield 4,879 21,708 4,396 4,877 Sutton in Ashfield U.D.O. Wells A: springs Satisfactory. U.D. Warsop U.D. fi,183 4,221 845 841 Warsop U.D.C. Wells Good. West Bridgford 1,128 11.632 2,813 2,813 Nottingham T.C. - U.D. . Worksop U.D.C. ; Duke of Worksop U.D. 17,935 20,387 4,284 3,442 Newcastle ; Kt. Hon. F. J. j Savile-Foljambe ; & Duke Wells & springs Satisfactory and adequate. { of Portland. 1 Basford R.D. : Annesley 3,125 1,183 260 194 Basford R.D.C. through Annes- ) ley Colliery Co. V Wells - Fair. Awsworth 367 1,617 346 339 Nottingham T.C. - } Barton in Fabis - 1,554 271 60 . Do. Fair, but liable to pollu- tion. Bestwood Park Bilborough - 3,729 1,098 619 197 120 44 92 2 j Nottingham T.C. Do. ) Good, except in dry weather. Bradmore 1,254 199 60 13 Do. (bulk) Do. Doubtful. Brinsley 957 1,691 410 406 Nottingham T.C. - Do. Good. Bunny - 2,137 211 60 10 Do. (bulk) Wells & springs Doubtful. Burton Joyce 1,388 963 235 231 Nottingham T.C. - *i Calverton 3,424 1,101 275 250 Sir 0. Seely, Bart, - Clifton with Glap- 1,921 350 75 ton. Wells Good, except in dry Codnor Park 1,458 788 175 159 The Butterley Co.. Ltd. - weather. (Derby). Colwick 1,340 1,055 225 220 Nottingham T.C. - j Cossall - 987 991 210 178 Nottingham T.C. through G Wells and canal Wells fair ; canal unsatis- Goode, Esq. factory. Felley - 413 32 7 1 Basford R.D.C. j Gamston 448 74 18 \ Wells - Good, except in dry Gedling 1,918 1.543 340 317 Nottingham T.C. - f weather. Gotham 2,563 1,086 250 250 Basford R.D.C. Greasley Kimberley - 5,424 838 5,970 5,174 1,350 1,150 1,277 1,118 | Nottingham T.C. Wells / Good, except in dry Lambley 2,174 834 190 Wells A: springs ) Linby - 1,488 273 60 49 Nottingham T.C. - "I Newstead 3,258 961 190 160 Newstead Colliery Co., Ltd. Nuthall Papplewick - 1,349 1,986 682 320 160 65 158 47 1 Nottingham T.C. Ruddington - 2,990 2,771 645 428 Do. (bulk) Selston - Shipley (Derby) South Wilford Stoke Bardolph Strelley 3,318 2,111 1,549 1,115 1,069 8,982 662 633 196 ' 197 1,900 130 150 50 44 1,861 111 136 50 24 Basford R.D.C. I llkestoufc Heanor Water Bd I thro' Ilkeston T.C. & ) Heanor U.D.C. ( E. M. Mundy, Esq. - Nottingham T.C. - Do. Do. (bulk) } Wells - J Wells Do. do Thruinpton - 1,014 133 39 Wells & R. Trent 1 (filtered). , Good, except in dry Trovvell - 1,621 404 80 29 Lord Middleton ' weather. Wollaton 2,097 550 130 56 Do. 1 Wells - i Woodborough 1,945 698 190 ) j Bingham R.D. : Aslockton 1,273 359 105 ] i Bingham 3,070 1,700 462 j Car Colston - 1,642 2-23 56 Clipston 938 47 11 _ J- Wells j- Good. Colston Basset 2,455 323 70 Cotgrave 3,722 686 193 Crupwell Bishop - 1,647 589 156 Wells & springb ' PART II. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. 491 | , No. of Houses. ( 'oimty. Aivn in reputa- tion, N:i s df I'lidcrtakers providing a Where there is no Piped Service. Supplied f ruin District mid I'arish. , Acres. ToHl 1911. Piped Supply ol' Water. Sources of Nature and Siilliciency Service. Supply. of Supply. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. 1 8. . Nottinghamshire Cllllt. Bingham R.D. cunt . Cropwell Butler 1,890 489 147 12 Nottingham T.C. - 1 1 East Bridgford 1,943 797 230 3 Earl of Carnarvon 1 Edwalton 831 -'II-, 46 Elton - 991 58 15 Flawborough - 981 57 18 Flintham 2.201 3 Hi 96 Wells - Granby - 2.311 323 90 Hawksworth - 698 156 46 | Hickling 2,866 357 113 Holme 1'ieiTcpont - 2,245 207 46 4 Nottingham T.C. - Keyworth 1,438 787 222 , J Kinoulton 3,089 267 73 Springs & rain- water. Kneetoii 983 113 30 21 Dowager Countess of Car- } narvon. Laiigar cum Barns- 3,870 453 117 ^Wells - ton. 1 Normanton on the 803 388 1119 J Wolds. Orston -' Owthorpe 1,955 1 .649 361 110 11.-. 23 Wei Is and springs Good riumtree - , 1,859 ' 244 55 Radcliffe on Trent - 2.173 2,735 570 243 Nottingham T.C. - Saxondale 684 a- ,ji ., | Earl of Carnarvon 1 Nottingham T.C. Scarringtim - 932 184 46 Screveton 1.152 163 54 Shelford 3.193 394 108 21 Earl of Carnarvon - Shelton - 853 97 23 Sibthorpe 951 90 23 ^Wells - Stantxin mi tin- 1,406 112 25 Wolds. Thoroton 786 100 35 Tollerton 1.216 169 32 Tythby - 583 87 19 Upper Bruughton - 1,902 323 80 . Whatton 1,759 250 66 Widrnerpool - 2.106 175 38 Wiverton Hall 1.026 28 4 Blyth and Cuckney R.D. : Blyth - Carbiirton 1.347 2.276 63S 141 158 36 120 12 F. Willey, Esq. - Duke of Portland - | Wells - Satisfactory. Carlton in Lindrick 4.053 1,013 240 Do. Doubtful, but sufficient. Cuckney 1.120 487 100 5 Duke of Portland - Do. Satisfactory. Harworth - -' 4,533 579 146 Do. Doubtful, but sufficient. Hodsock - - 4,236 230 45 1 Holbeck - - 1,293 233 47 29 Duke of Portland - Nether Langwith - 1.304 533 ion 40 | Do. ... Shcepbridge Coal and Iron [ Do. Satisfactory. 1 Co., Ltd. Norton - - - ! 1,607 315 64 22 Duke of Portland ... J Styrrup - - - 3.046 601 130 Do. Doubtful, but sufficient. Wallingwells - - 603 1!) 3 | Wrlbeck - - 2,792 Wood house Hall - 303 104 163 23 36 19 31 j- Duke of Portland Do. Satisfactory. East Retford R.D.: Askham - - 1,312 250 60 Wells Poor, but adequate. Babvvorth - - 6,344 752 140 Barnby Moor - 1,982 260 50 Boreholes and j Good and adequate. Bevcrcotes - - \ 734 39 ' 7 wells. Bothamsall - - 2,481 269 55 Clarborough - - 2,222 ; 341 85 Wells & Ches- Clayworth - - 2.139 434 100 Cottam -.. 599 102 20 Darlton- - - 1.506 125 30 f terfield Canal. n Wells and rain- , j>r<*T, but adequate. water. Dunham - - 1,065 298 60 Do. Good and adequate. East Drayton - 1.555 174 40 Do. ; Fair and adequate. East Markham - 2.755 790 160 65 Lincoln T.C. (bulk) Do. Good and adequate. Eaton - - - 1.526 157 28 Wells Do. Elkesley - - 2.661 313 70 Wells and rain- Do. water. Everton 3.819 618 165 Finningley 2,397 337 i 75 Klrdborough - - 1,449 Inn 20 i-Welh - Do. (Jamston - - 1,974 244 50 Gringley on the 4,352 741 160 -- Hill. Grove - - - 1,325 148 26 E. E. Harcourt Vernon. Esq. - Wells and rain- Do. water. lluughtoii Hayton - 1,020 2,406 50 14 L'115 60 Do. Fair, adequate. Well and canal - Good and adequate. 492 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in ALTOS. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no I'iped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Nottinghamshire cunt. East Retford R.D. cnnt. Headon - 2,847 186 42 : Wells&rainwater Poor, but adequate. Laneham 1,589 303 72 Do. do. 1 Littleborough 146 33 10 Wells and River Trent. Lound - - - 2,373 Markham Clinton or 1 .1 n!7 342 165 75 30 I Wells and bore- holes. } Good and adequate. . i West Markham. Marnham 2,306 171 30 Wells&rainwater Mattersey 2,459 347 90 - Boreholes &wells J Misson - 6,172 719 .135 : " Normanton upon 1,208 286 70 Trent. } Wells & rain- Good and adequate. North Leverton 2,404 382 105 water. with Habbles- thorpe. J North Wheatley - 2,192 404 85 Do. do. Very poor and sometimes inadequate. Hagnall - 1,803 190 45 Hampton 2,159 497 85 1 Kanskill 1,817 MB 105 J> Do. do. Good and adequate. Scaftworth 1,084 100 25 Scrooby 1,608 243 50 J South Leverton 2.202 367 96 Dn. do. Fair and adequate. South Wheatley - 648 38 9 Lo. do. Very poor and sometimes inadequate. Stokeham 604 51 10 Do. do. Good and adequate. Sturton le Steeple - 4,084 49" 95 Wells and rain- Poor, but adequate. water. ' Sutton - Torworth 2,178 1,377 8a 2I 75 50 Wells - Good and adequate. Treswell 1.570 236 42 Wells and rain- Poor, but adequate. water. Tuxford 2,893 1,154 260 133 Lincoln T.C. (bulk) Wells Good and adequate. West Drayton 680 86 18 Do. Poor, but adequate. Wiseton 1,066 157 25 Do. Good and adequate. Leake R.D. : Costock 1,688 301 75 -\ East Leake - 2,530 973 230 Normanton upon 1,449 280 5 Soar. Rempstone 1,579 257 65 Stanford upon Soar Sutton Boningtun - 1,515 1,184 165 956 40 245 J. Wells - Fairly good and adequate. Thorpe in the Glebe 863 30 7 West Leake - 1,608 139 30 Willoughby on the 2,103 433 100 Wolds. Wysall - 1,554 186 45 j Misterton R.B. : ' Beckingham - 2,634 532 130 Wells and rain- Good, but hard ; plentiful Bole 1,337 144 37 water. Misterton 4,313 1,694 429 Canal & rain- Doubtful. water. Saundby 1,415 101 2(1 Wells Good and adequate. Walkeringhiim 2,997 829 200 Wells&rainwater Good. West Burton - 958 49 10 Wells - - Good, but hard. West Stockwith - (188 666 175 () Wells, (A) () Good, but very hard ; rainwater & adequate ; (A) doubtful. River Trent. Newark R.D. : Alverton 415 33 6 1 Balderton 3,790 2,824 650 551 Newark T.C. - | Barnby in the Wil- 1,852 250 63 lows. Besthorpe 1.302 lf,4 40 Broadholme - 64(1 ! 84 22 Coddington - 1,970 480 110 89 Newark T.C. - [Wells - < 'othani - 1,355 130 30 Farndon 1,881 738 170 57 Newark T.C. .... (Jirton - - - 1,062 122 33 UlWr. Harby - l.L'L'll 341 77 Hawton 2,181 238 45 29 Newark T.C. .... Kilvington - 4!i3 28 1 . Langford 2,1H6 159 36 7 Newark T.C. (bulk) Wells & springs - Meering 486 5 1 North Clifton 1,097 175 45 - North Collinghani - 2.479 784 203 74 Newark T.C. (bulk) - > Wells - South Clifton 1 ,2'.i:i ess 62 South Colliugbam - 8,028 627 167 74 ; Newark T.C. (bulk) J PART II. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. 493 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. ! 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Suppliec total. l rom , Piped Service. 1- 4. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency ' if Supply. 8. Nottinghamshire eimf. Newark R.D. nm/ South Scarle - 1,093 1 39 32 Spalford 1,043 63 10 Stannton 1,372 116 25 Thorney West Newark 2,250 2:i2 167 114 48 28 ! Wells Fair. Wigsley 1,283 67 22 __ Winthorpu 638 LT.I 60 47 Newark T.C. - j Skegby R.D. : Blidworth Fulwood 5,473 178 1,184 270 4 i 2 248 1 Skt-L'bv li.D.C. - I KirKhy in Ashtield U.D.C. - Wells Jt springs Wells > Good and ample. Haywood Oaks 677 19 i 4 4 Nottingham T.C. - j ' Lindhurst 89 1 Sntton in Aslifield U.D.C. - (. _ Skegby - - - 1,467 5,057 1,009 1,069 |i,,. do. rbulkl Sookholnio 991 232 52 :16 Warsop IM>.C. j Tevereal - - a,7i:-l i,;- qi - 7 1 Manstield T.C. ; Sutton in ( Aslitiel.l r.D.C. (bulk). Wells - - , Good and ample. Southwell R.D. : Averham - 2,169 118 34 9 Newark T.C. - ... Bathley 1,216 136 42 _ Wells - Kair. Bilsthorpe 1.58(1 1 68 88 35 Nottingham T.O. through _ _ Lord Savile. Bleasby- - - 1,538 278 82 _ _ Wells - - Kair Boughton - - 1,:!7I 269 77 77 Niittinghain T.C. through M Lord Savile. Bulcote - - ii.-.M 142 34 21 Nottingham T.C. - "I Carlton on Trent - 922 150 5(1 Caunton - - :un| 378 103 Caythorpe - - 315 189 64 Clipstone 4,n:i:i 304 (19 .'.H MansficM T.C. Cromwell - - 1.423 157 38 * Eakring - - 2,567 33J 83 East Stoke - - 1 ,087 179 4t Edingley - - 1,759 30] 81 30 Newark T.C. - ... Edwinstowe - - 4,107 883 236 169 i Earl Manvers Egmanton - - L'.L'1 7 227 5! Elston - - - 1.610 316 102 Epperstone - - ' L'.filU 380 110 6 Sir F. Ley, Bart. - Farnsfleld - - 1,550 1167 257 202 Newark T.C. - Fiekerton cum Mor- 1,573 H50 103 ) Wells - Fair. ton. Gonalston - - 1,3 Mi 113 28 Grassthorpe - - 711 52 15 Gunthorpe 1 , 1 57 415 118 Halam - - - 1,623 294 75 36 Newark T.C. .... Halloughton -' - 988 56 14 Hockerton - - l,38ti 66 16 i_ Holme - - - 1,128 94 23 Hoveringham - 934 359 106 Kelham - - 2.KI4 333 61 19 Newark T.C. .... Kersall - - - 669 49 19 Kirklington - - 1,9X9 218 49 4 T. Craven, Esq. - Kirton ... 998 119 32 Kneeaall - - 2,311 253 61 60 Earl Manvers Do. - Inadequate. Laxton - - - 4,007 389 99 69 Do. | Lowdham - - 1,691 982 270 Maplebeck - - 1,196 75 22 North Muskham - 1,203 526 133 Norwell - 2,568 350 90 Do. Fair. Norwell Woodhouse 455 61 17 . Ollerton - - 1,773 711 189 129 Nottingham T.C. (bulk) Ompton 614 51 10 Ossington - - 2,412 196 41 Do. - Not good. Oxton - Perlethorpe cum 3,618 5,532 405 352 109 82 2 Nottingham T.C. - Spring & wells - Wells Fair. Budby. Rolleston 1,679 181 46 1 Rufford 9,938 312 70 24 Nottingham T.C. through Lord Savile. South Muskham - 2,807 194 48 Southwell - 4,937 3,349 825 582 Newark T.C. .... Wells - Staythorpe - 661 55 12 Sntton upon Trent 2.657 927 260 Syerston 770 106 33 POI'I. Thorpe - 722 62 20 r air. Thurgarton - 2,573 288 68 Jpring & wells Upton - 1,4112 490 104 61 Newark T.C. .... Walesby 1,474 233 59 Wellow - 1,001 251 87 78 Nottingham T.C. through Wpl] Lord Savile. w euB Weston - 1.740 290 76 Winkburn 2,371 93 25 j Stapleford R.D. : Bramcote 1,064 683 164 Chilwell 1,449 1.359 380 " Stapleford - 1 ,253 7,789 1,832 1,380 Staplet'ord k Sandiacre Water Wells - Uood and sufficient. Co., Ltd. Toton - 1,388 176 39 494 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Po l mla - tion. Acres. ]im 2. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. ti. Where there i> no I'iped Service. Supplied Total from tal ' Piped Service. 4. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. OXFORDSHIRE. Ban bury B. - 4.633 13,458 8,021 2.799 Banbury Water Co. Wells ..V: springs Satisfactory & adequate. Biceater U.D. 3,73'j 3.385 769 733 Hieesier L'.D.C. - Do. - - Good and generally ade- quate. Chipping Norton 2.456 3,972 903 843 Chipping Norton T.C. - Do. - Satisfactory. B. Henley on Thames 549 6,456 1,472 1,472 Henley on Thames Water Co., -- B. Ltd. Oxford C.B. - 4,719 53,048 11,669 11,619 Oxford T.C. - Wells Satisfactory. Thame U.D. - :>,:>29 2,957 687 637 Thame I". IXC. Do. Good. Wheatley U.D. - Witney U.D. - 378 966 3,529 243 829 (J6!l Witney II.D.O. Wells A: springs - Wells Good and adequate. Woodstock B. 1 50 1,594 363 S68 1 Hike cit Marlborough - Banbury R.D. : Alkerton Barford St. John - 74J 726 102 68 33 14 Spring A: wells Good. Barford St. Michael 1,134 248 66 Wells Do. Bloxham 3,142 1,335 312 30 Bloxham and District Water Do. Good and adequate. Co., titil. Bodicote 1,299 657 167 11 Do. do. Do. Unsatisfactory, Bourton 1,681 406 111 70 Banbury K.D.C. - '- Do. 1 Broughtou 975 132 37 1 Clattercote - 338 5 1 Well - . Claydon 1,199 210 49 j ; Good. Cropredy 1,828 405 114 44 lirazenose College, Oxford '> Wells - i Drayton 926 164 45 . j J East Adderbury 2,058 858 209 31 llloxhtim, A:c. Water Co., Ltd. Do. Good and adequate. East Shutford 409 16 4 ^ Do / Epwell - 1.140 187 57 1 U0 ' I Good. Hanwell 1,270 194 46 Wells & springs 1 Hook NortoYi 5,496 1,349 329 Do. Doubtful. Horley - 1.192 222 58 j Hornton 1.422 379 95 74 Banbury R.D.C. - 1 Wells - Good. Milcombe 1,254 138 41 - Milton - 810 161 35 30 Bloxham, fcc. Water Co., Ltd. Do. Good and adequate. Mollington 1,442 - 176 54 ) North Newington - 1,108 367 89 Prescote 554 18 3 } Do. Good. Shenington - 1,628 260 71 40 The Provost and Scholars of Oriel College, Oxford. } Sibford E'erris 1,008 265 48 . Springs Good, but part inadequate. Sibford Gower 1,758 368 112 Wells Ik. springs i South Newington - 1,437 222 65 \ Wells vQood. Swalclifie 1,679 234 66 Tadmarton 2,070 318 76 Wells A: springs ) Wardington - West Adderbury - 2,070 1,160 563 334 145 95 72 6 Banbury R.D.C. - Bloxham, &c. Water Co., Ltd. Wells -' - Good and adequate. West Shutford 952 299 71 _ Wells and spring Good. Wigginton 1,187 226 60 Wells Doubtful and inadequate. Wroxton 2,543 569 145 -- Wells A: springs Doubtful, but adequate. Bicester R.D. : Ambrosden - 605 141 32 Ardley 1,493 162 39 Arncot - 1,700 174 42 Blackthorn - 2,031 249 65 Blechingdon - 2,654 488 120 Bucknell 1,894 221 56 Caversfield 1,278 101 19 Charlton on Otmoor 822 269 72 Chesterton 2,527 348 89 Cottisford 1,068 150 42 Fencot and Murcot 1,139 156 38 Finmerc 1,570 222 64 Fringford 1,460 374 97 Fritwell 1,743 453 128 Godington 1,019 65 13 Hardwick 389 62 12 Hethe - 1,425 296 83 Islip - Kirtlington - Launton 2,003 3,582 2,818 566 616 544 151 142 136 ^ Wells, springs and ponds. Variable, but sufficient Lower Heyfonl 1,765 455 107 Merton - 1,932 143 34 Middlcton Stoney 1,853 273 66 Mixbury 2.449 235 60 Newton Purcell 602 130 27 Noke 800 104 24 Oddington 1,363 131 32 Piddiugton - 2,354 191 61 Shelswell 822 42 8 Somerton 1 ,'.177 274 55 Souldern l,49 :!!<; 117 Stoke Lyne - 3,901 403 109 Stratton Audley - 2.308 352 SI Tusmore 788 79 14 Upper Heyforl 1,628 314 87 Wendlebury - 1,151 171 42 I Westoni'ii the Green 2,29.') 271 70 j PART II. OXFORDSHIRE. 495 t 'oiml y. District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. ! 'i 'pula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Total. 4. Houses, Supplied from Piped - Service, 5. Names uf Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6, Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. 1 Oxfordshire <<>'. Chipping Norton R.D. : . Ascot under \Vycli- ; 1,83!) 365 95 84 Chipping Norton R.D.C. wood. Itruern ... 1,876 82 15 Chadlington 3,460 57S 151 .... Earl of Ducie 1 Chip], in'.' Norton R.D.C. ( 'harlbury 2,572 1,307 353 1S5 Cliarlburv Waterworks Co.. Ltd. Chastleton - - 1,769 Churchill - - 2.S42 175 515 42 117 93 Earl of Ducie } Wells & springs Good and sufficient. Cornbury Park - 632 56 17 Cornwall - - 849 711 19 Enstone - - >: 6.245 932 288 Kawlcr - - - 1.6.15 169 37 Fifiold - - - 1,16(1 226 56 50 Chipping Norton R.D.C. Finstoek - - 883 tireat Rollright - 2.41-1 431 3411 117 1)1 z Do. } Rather deficient. Great Tew - - : 3,007 369 102 lleylhrop - - L763 Idliury - - - 1.565 247 157 17 42 25 I'eters, Esq. Do. Good and sufficient. Kinsrham - - 1.S77 876 159 Lanirlev - - 31)3 45 11 J Leafield - - 901 671 167 Do. Rather deficient. Little Kollright - 627 31 8 Lit tie Tew - - 1.579 186 53 Lyncham - - 1.943 214 52 35 Earl of Ducie ... Milton under Wych- 2.oxn 707 207 1115 Chipping Norton B.D.C. wood. Over Norton - - 2,345 343 S!i 75 Lt. Col. W. O. Dawkins Salford - - - 1.567 313 -. , Chipping Norton R.D.C. Chipping Norton T.C. - Sarsden- - - 1.431 176 311 Do. Good and sufficient. Shipton under | .., Wyehwood. ( 654 1 Chipping Norton R.D.C. Kill llo J Shipton under Wychwood Water Committee. Shorthampton or 1,678 173 42 36 Chipping Norton R.D.C. Chilaon. Spelshury - - 4,304 438 112 S5 Viscount Dillon ... Srt-crford - - 1,925 292 83 53 Swert'onl P.C. \Vych\vood - - 3.7S2 1117 49 J Croirmarsh R.D. : Bensington - 2,921 985 250 1 SouMi Oxfordshire Water >t Wells Fair, but adequate. lias Co. IVrrick Salome 603 143 30 Do. Good and adequate. Crowmarsh Gifford 662 277 55 55 S. Oxfordshire Water. &c. Co. Dorchester Kwrlnn'- l.'.C> I 2,487 804 479 170 86 Wells - Good and adequate. Mongewell 1,634 170 an Wells & springs Fair, but adequate. Newington 2.111 235 50 Wells and River Wells gmxl, river in- Thaine. different ; adequate. Kewnham Murren - 1.852 North Stoke - - 853 216 169 50 47 !,' S. Oxfordshire Water, &c. Co. Wells (iood and adequate. Smith Stoke - - | 3,370 928 200 45 Do. do. () Wells, (A) (//) Fair and adequate ; rainwater! (4) inferior & variable. Warborough - 1,697 608 180 Wells Good and adequate. Culham R.D. : Burcot - 679 161 39 i Chiselhampton 939 118 27 Clifton Hampden - 1,245 305 76 Culhpni 2,052 450 87 7 Abingdon T.C. Drayton St. Leo- 1,301 184 59 oard. -Wells - Good and adequate. Marsli Haldon 829 253 63 NnnehamConrteney 2,108 304 79 Samlfoi'd on Thames 1,005 360 83 Stadhampton 623 263 71 Toot Haldon - 1,566 216 53 J Goring R.D. : | i Exors. of the late Sir C. D. Goring - - - 4,611 1,785 441 356 M Rose. Bart. ( S. Oxfordshire Water, &c. Co. Mapledurham 3,068 547 119 10 Reading T.C. (bulk) S. Oxfordshire Water, &c. Co. }-Do. Satisfactory. Tilehurst, Pangbourne and Whitclmrch - 2,049 847 197 126 < District Water Co., Ltd. j Exors. of the late Sir C. D. ( Rose. Bart. J Headington R.D. : Kcckley 3,620 248 74 1 Gliippinghurst 314 12 5 Covvlcy - - - 909 2,510 491 383 Oxford T.C. .... (.'iiddusdon 956 274 61 27 Magdalen College, Oxford Hent-on - 545 157 30 1OQR 1 R'-t 0.4 30 -Do Good'. Klsticld - Forest Hill with ,^95 1,979 loo 399 O* 108 75 I Shotover. i Headington K.D.C. - (larsiiiLTton - 2,233 579 138 105 ) Headington - 1,955 4.488 1,100 800 Oxford T.C. .... Holtou - 1;717 201 54 Horsepath 1,154 38 92 92 Headington R.D.C. :_ A 0.198 li 496 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. No. of Houses. Cimnty, Area in Popula- tion Names of Undertakers Supplied ,,rr,,-,M-',,,r o Where there is no Piped Service. District ami Parish. Acres. 1911. Total. from Piped Service. Supply of Water. Sources of Nature- and Sufficiency Supply. of Supply. L 2. 3. 1. B. 6. 7. 8. Oxfordshire -''-'/rf. Headington R.D. Horton cum Studley 1,287 246 61 SO Sir Francis Bertie - 1 Iffley - - -i 398 357 99 SI i Littlemoor 877 1.909 273 100 ^Oxford T.C. Marston Stanton St. John - 1.227 2,731 716 397 178 69 \ 123 90 Headington R.D.C. ''Wells - - Good. Stowood 593 84 8 Studley - 952 52 13 Woodeaton 788 80 16 J Henley R.D. : 1 i Hadgemore 1,530 399 93 40 Henley on Thames Water Co. Wells - - ') Bix - 3,078 418 1 10 6 S. Oxfordshire W. & G. Co. - Wei Is&rai n water Brightwell Baldwin 1,612 18S 49 Wells, springs Jc rain-water. Britwell Prior 72n 64 15 Wells and rain- water. Britwell Salome 884 136 37 Wells and spring Cbeckendon - 3,092 435 99 52 S. Oxfordshire W. fc G. Co. - WelKVrain water Good. Cuxham 492 127 33 Wells Eye and Dunsden - 4,089 1.246 _ | Reading T.C. i S.Oxfordshu-e Water, &c. Co. / Wells, springs 1 A; rain -water Harpsden 2.021 313 SI 74 Henley on Thames Water ( ',.. Wells Ipsden - 3.127 654 172 38 S. Oxfordshire W. & G. Co. - Wells and rain- water. Kidmore End 2.475 549 149 103 Do. do. Wells - - j Nettlebed 1,172 551 145 | Numeld- 2,104 232 50 > Wells and rain- Fair. Pishill - 793 148 44 water. Pyrton - 3,306 299 76 1 _ Do. do. \ Rotherfield Greys - 2.606 606 141 48 / Henley on Thames Water Co. Rotherfield Peppard! 2,194 Shiplake - - 2.740 606 1,236 149 347 103 119 . South Oxfordshire Water and \ Gas Co. Wells - - VGood. Stonor - 1.541 170 56 Wells and rain- 1 water. Swyncombe 2,708 314 81 Do. do. Fair. Watlington - 3.687 1,548 436 Wells and springs Good. Thame R.D. : Adwell - 434 45 13 Albury - K74 27 6 Ascot 581 34 5 Aston Rowant 2,924 532 138 J. Wells - - 1 Attington 444 20 5 Chalgrove 2,433 364 93 Chilworth 1,082 89 18 J Chinnor 2,712 975 268 Wells and rain- water. Crowell - 996 83 21 Easington 295 25 6 ' Wells - - i Emmington - 740 42 10 Great Hasely 3,255 517 130 Wells and springs Great Milton - 1,444 439 122 Do. do. Kingsey Lewknor 1.431 2,667 138 379 34 97 J Wells - ; Generally good and Little Milton 1.348 256 73 Wells and springs adequate. Shirburn 2.421 298 68 j South Weston 485 81 19 1 Stoke Talmage 869 102 21 ' * . Sydenham 1,548 239 68 Tetsworth 1,179 316 85 - - Wei Is and springs | Thomley 564 14 3 Tiddington - 422 156 40 Warpsgrove - 335 37 6 L Wells - Waterperry - 1.936 149 34 Waterstock - 963 125 29 ) Wheatfield - 740 72 15 . Wells and rain- water. Witney R.D. : Alvescot 2,081 351 74 _ . | Wells - - Doubtful, but adequate. Asthall - 2,259 319 81 18 Witney R.D.C. 1 () Wells. i (a) Donbtful,but adequate, 1 (If) rain-water. (J>) doubtful. Aston and (Jote Bampton 2,997 4,530 617 1,240 149 299 , 55 Witney R.D.C. '- Wells - - Doubtful, but adequate. Black Bourton 2,352 577 140 j Co) Wells, () Doubtful.lmt adequate, 1 (li) rain-water. (A) doubtful. Brighthampton 626 42 18 Wells - - Doubtful, but adequate. Brize Nortfin 3,266 511 132 | () Wells, () Doubtiul. but adequate, Broadwell 1,778 190 50 18 W. H. Fox, Esq. - (?/) springs. (b) good and adequate. Hroughton Poggs - 909 83 22 1'urford ?60 1,047 248 220 Burford Waterworks Co.. Etd. Chimney Iili8 33 5 i Clanfield 1.7118 535 116 i- Wells - Doubtful, but adequate. Cogges - LVJS5 888 IS! i Crawley 1,128 192 46 Curbridgfi 2,867 678 90 12 Witney U.D.C. J PART II. OXFORDSHIRE. 497 No. ()!' III -UM'l-v County, Area in Popula- tion. Supplied f r< nil Name- of Undertaker- providing a \\ iierc there is no Piped Service. District and Parish. Acres. 1911. T " tal - Piped Service. Supply of Water. Sourees of Nature and Sufficieney Supply. of Supply. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9, Oxfordshire -vit adequate. Grafton 626 72 15 H alley - 2,819 972 Jl II 1 S Witney U.D.C. Handliorough 2,27(1 858 214 Hani wick 142 at 29 J Holwell 1,068 99 24 24 W. H. Fox, Esq. - Kelmseot [,087 159 30 -- "I Keneott 1,088 149 44 | Langford 2,117 888 72 62 Ecclesiastical Commissioners >. Wells - Doubtful, but adequate. Lew 1,042 118 22 Little Farinjrdon - 1,168 IM 27 25 Lord de Mauley J Minster Lovell 1.951 Its 118 | (a) Wells, (ti) Doubtful.bul adequate. / (Ji) rain-water. (A1 doubtful. North Leigh - 2,423 1)50 157 4 .1. F. Mason, Esq.. M.P. - Northmoor 2,049 226 H Osney Hill - - 77 141 7 20 \ ^Wells - Doubtful, but adequate. Ramsden 920 343 79 60 Witney U.D.C. Shifford 77:> 37 i) j Shilton - 1,604 201 58 () Wells. (<0 Doubtful.but adequate. | (?/) springs. (A) good and adequate. South Leigh - 2,365 288 t',.~. . j Standlake 2.f>21 560 133 _ 'Wells - - Doubtful, but adequate. Stanton Harcourt - 3,447 465 124 1 Swinbrook 1.714 207 45 I 45 Lord Redesclale Taynton Upton and Signet - 2.IKI4 2,179 212 236 55 36 36 20 M. E. K. Wingficld. Esq. Burford Waterworks Co.. Ltd. Wells Springs Doubtful, but adequate. Good and adequate. West well 1.445 92 21 Do. - - j Widford Wilcnte - 552 319 30 8 g 2 ' T - ( \V e ll s ' "oubtful, but adequate. Yelford - 336 17 3 I ! Woodstock R.D. : Begbroke BlftdoD - - - 577 851 93 374 17 111 z Wells Wells & springs - Satisfactory A: sufficient. Blenheim Park 2,27(1 162 25 25 Duke of Marlborough Cassington 2,299 296 78 -* 1 1 Combe - 1.417 437 .116 Cutteslowe - 282 20 4. \ Wells Dcddmgton - 4,271 1.466 392 Duns Tew - 1.7411 233 53 i Glympton 1.259 167 34 Spring Gosford - 260 78 16 j Hamptun (iay 684 45 8 1 Well? - Jlanipton Poyle - 807 116 23 ( Kensington Without 560 141 28 16 Duke of Maryborough 1 Kiddington with 2,190 244 50 Spring Asterleigh. Kidlington 2.191 1,087 269 _i- i n > Middle Aston 898 64 17 Wells Nether Worton North Aston - 734 1.288 51 221 12 47 Spring ; Satisfactory & sufficient. Over Worton 681 68 . 14 Buusham 1,068 123 26 - ] SandfordSt. Martin 2.292 329 84 1 Shipton on Cherwel 1.H58 89 20 f Wells - - | Steeple Aston 1,076 551 154 ' Stecjile Barton Stunesficlil 3.046 817 074 494 190 124 Wells & spring - Taekley 2.913 4M 110 ] Thrup - 816 127 27 Water Eaton - 1.501 141 27 Wrsteot Barton 910 150 37 ^Wells Wolvercot 1.065 1.297 250 110 Oxford T.C. - Wool ton 4.223 610 155 Yaniton 1,493 312 64 J j PETER- I BOROUGH, SOKE OF. Peterborough B. - 1,878 33,574 7,960 7.96(1 Peterborough T.C. Barnaek R.D. : Kninton - Karnaek Sibson emu Stib- 1.739 2,961 1,542 218 (ios 432 62 167 110 113 Harnaek R.D.C. Wells Wells and sprint's Wells / Good an 1 ample. Inferior in parts. biiigton (J(uuts). Snut h< irpe 1.881 1X3 44 Do. , Good and ample. Stamford Baron St. 1.011 288 36 36 Marques- of Kxcter ~ Martin's With- out. I i > 498 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. No. of Houses. ( 'ounty, Area in Po l' ula - f JriTi Names of Undertakers 8u| ' |llied nrovidin" a Where there is no Piped Service. District and Parish. Acres. 1911. T , , from r ta1 ' Piped Supply f Water. Service. ' Sources of Supply. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Peterborough, Soke of coat. Baraack R.D. CIIHf. Thoruhaugh - 2,726 233 BO . Ufford - 1,188 183 37 Wansford 396 82 21 Wells - Good and ample. Wittering 2,720 233 56 Wothorpe 637 122 28 14 Marquess of Exeter J Peterborough R.D. : Ailesworth 1..">7I 240 66 Wells Gocxl and sullieient. Borough Fen 2.884 166 30 Fen dykes and Bad and insufficient. rain-water. ( 'astor - 3,405 :,86 154 Wells Good and sufficient. Deeping Gate 691 180 40 Do. Not good and inadequate. Etton - 1.313 148 37 j Eye 2,711 1.352 333 218 Peterborough T.C. (bulk) Glinton - Gunthorpe 1.368 322 -'I '2 87 87 16 R Peterborough T.C. (bulk) ' Wells - ' iood and sufficient. Hclpston I.M',I> H88 165 . i T.i>ngihorpe - 1.804 287 73 52 Peterborough T.C. (bulk) Marholm 1.412 146 36 Wells and sprim.' Good and sufficient. Maxey - 1.483 349 88 Wells Indifferent. Newborough - 5,531 - 723 162 : Ken dykes and Bad and insufficient. rain-water. Nort hborough l.-'o:, 204 60 Wells Indifferent. I'aston - 892 80 26 2 Peterborough T C. (bulk) Do. ( iood ami sufficient. Peak irk 616 244 63 63 Peterborough R.D.''. _- Peterborough With- 2.876 ]..|9S 348 82 Peterborough T.C. (bulk) Wells - , - Some good, some bad : out. sufficient. Sul,ton - 921 85 23 ) Upton ... Walton - 1.213 90 940 864 20 ; 198 170 Peterborough T.O. (bulk) I Do. liood and sufficient. Werrington - 1.420 708 203 75 Do. do. ! RUTLAND- t SHIRE. Oakham U.D. 2,250 3,667 847 654 Oakham Water Co. Wells Variable, lint sufficient. Ketton R.D. : Clipsham 1.669 i 134 34 Essendine 1.477 215 44 Great Casterton 2,303 288 63 Ketton - 3.338 992 258 85 Ketton R.D.C. Little Casterton - 1.227 189 44 J- Wells - Good and ample, but Pickworth 2,486 154 33 limited in Groat ,( 'asterton Ryhall - 2.681 701 169 and Ryhall. Tinwell - 1.711 218 52 30 Ketton R.D.C. Tixover - 843 49 18 J Oakham R.D. : Ashwell - 1.835 246 55 1 Oakham Water Co. ] Barleythorpe - 995 261 40 1 Do. Barrow ... 1,031 130 25 i Braunston 1,577 357 96 8 i Oakham Water Co. Brooke - 1,439 ; 80 18 ' f Do. Fair and ample. Hurley - - - 3.051 203 50 1 i Oakham Water Co. Cottesmore - 2.504 459 102 C,(i Karl of Gainsborough - Edith Weston 1.8.-.2 268 f*t* DO i Egleton 923 , 120 29 Empingham - 4.875 639 160 100 Earl of Ancaster - / Wells and Good and adequate. Exton - 4,072 613 146 120 Earl of Gainsborough - 1 springs. Greetham 3,081 531 134 Wells Excellent and ample. Gunthorpe - - > 476 40 7 llainblctou - * -' 2.--W2 241 55 Horn - - - , 946 (2 6 Langham 2.1120 625 175 : 1 Oakham Water Co. Leighfield - 2.3.>' 35 8 \\ells - Fair and ample. Lyndon - 911 97 30 _ Man ton - 1.181 291 70 Market Overton 1,806 403 97 .- Martinsthorpe 539 4 1 Xormanton - 720 64 10 10 Earl of Ancaster - Stretton 1.976 170 35 Teigh - 1.2S9 110 24 1 Thistleton - - | 1.379 114 27 > Wells - Fair and ample. Tiokencote, 1.293 110 30 Whissendine - 4.033 673 190 \Vhitwell Uppingham R.D. : 629 78 20 15 Earl of Gainsborough - Wells - " - Good and adequate. Ayston - 904 75 20 ; Weils Good and jioneiaily sufficient. Barrowden 1,813 460 110 Wells & springs - Unsatisfactory. Bcamont (Ihase I 463 17 ', ' Wells Good. I i PART II. RUTLANDSHIRE. i99 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Total. 4. louses. Supplied from Piped Service. 6, Names nf I'ndertukers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where (her Sources of Supply. 7. is no 1'ijicil Service. Nature ami Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Rutlandshire <"< Uppingham R.D. cunt. ' Belton - 1,024 297 75 Wells Good and generally sufficient. Bisbrooke 1,144 190 43 . j Caldecott Glaston 1,162 1,170 270 188 60 IS i ~ Vl)o. Good & generally sufficient. Liddington - Morcott 2,127 1,363 366 392 80 98 Wells Do. Bad&gciicrally insufficient. Satisfactory, but insuffi- cient. North Lutfenham - 2,034 131 101 Wells & springs - Good. Pilton - 347 36 7 j Preston - Ridlington 1,207 2,081 243 221 50 ,05 - 1 Wells - Sal i>fartory ami sufficient. Beaton - 1,446 198 50 Wells Do. do. South Luffenham - 1,442 329 66 Wells & springs - Good. Stoke Dry Thorpe by Water - 992 689 61 48 14 14 | Wells - Good and sufficient. Uppinghara - 1,463 2.573 470 310 Uppingham Waterworks Co. - Do. Good. Wardlev 748 43 10 Do. Good and sufficient. Wing - 1,116 297 78 Do. Good icgenerally adequate. SHROPSHIRE. Bishop's Castle B. Bridgnorth B. 1,867 3,018 1,409 5,7f>8 348 1,311 322 1,336 Bishop's Castle T.C. Bridgnorth T.C. - Wells it springs - Do. G enerall v good & su fficient . Good. Church Stretton 978 1,455 278 273 Church r.U.C. Wells & spring - Good & adequate. U.D. Dawley U.D. Ellesmere U.D. - 2,790 1,206 7,7(11 1,946 1,678 444 1,488 442 Wenlock T.C. (bulk) - Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - Wells Do. Satisfactory. Excellent. Ludlow B. - Market Drayton 420 1,216 5,926 4,937 1,334 1,172 1,332 930 Ludlow T C - Do i Market Drayton Water Co. - Do. / (satisfactory. U.D. Newport U.D. Oakengates U.D. - 768 2,329 3,250 11,744 732 2,432 713 2,175 Newport C.D.C. - I Duke of Sutherland (bulk) - 1 Lilleshall Company, Ltd. Do. Do. Rain-water Satisfactory & adequate. > Unsatisfactory. {Oswestry T.C. - j Oswestry B. 1,887 9,991 2,252 2,231 Liverpool T.C. (bulk- occasionally). V Wells - Good. Lord Harlech ... ) Shrewsbury B. - 8,636 29,389 6,541 6,541 Shrewsbury T.C. - - - Wellington U.D. - 700 7,820 1,702 1,702 Wellington U.D.C. Wem U.D. - 452 2,273 602 495 Wem U. D.C. ... - Wells Good. Wenlock B. - 22,657 15,244 3,507 2,691 Wenlock T.C. Wells & springs Fairly good. Whitohurch U.D. 4,783 5,757 1,284 1,212 Whitchurch U.D.C. Wells Satisfactory. Atcham R.D. : Acton Burnell 1.656 246 46 30 Sir W. Smythe, Bart. - } Alberbury with 7,908 758 160 Cardeston. [Wells - Variable, but adequate. Albrighton - 771 88 18 Astley - 1,204 257 56 J Atcham - 2,988 3(13 70 . Do. Good and adequate. Battlefield - 1,025 105 20 Do. Variable, but adequate. Berrington - 4,374 1,083 128 ! Do. ( Good, but sometimes in- Bicton - 5,312 1,936 269 1 adequate. Buildwas 2,181 294 56 30 Capt. H. R. Moseley Do. Good and adequate. Church Preen Church Pulver- 1,174 4,233 94 419 23 90 6 Sparrow's Trustees Do. Variable, but adequate. bateh. i Atcham K.D.C. - ) Condover 7,5 12 1,7G5 359 130 < Col. Hope-Edwardes - V Do. Some good and adequate. ( E. B. Fielden, Esq. i Cound - 3,772 560 104 43 A. C. McCorquodale, Ksq. Cressage Eaton Constantine 2,316 945 328 206 61 50 30 12 Lord Barnard - V Do. Variable, but adequate. Fitz 1,587 3*7 66 18 Sir Offley Wakeman, Bart. - j Ford - 1,202 321 79 Do. Doubtful, but adequate. Frodeslcy 2.262 207 37 8 Sir W. Smythe, Bart. - 1 Great Hanwood 422 358 73 Habberlev - 804 99 22 Barley -" - 2,075 173 46 25 Lord Barnard ... ; Do. Variable, but adequate. Hughley - - 1,105 80 17 Kenley - 1,914 202 40 Leighton 1,712 268 58 J Melverley 1,444 177 45 Do. Variable and inadequate. Meole Brace - 2,935 2,140 4Hi 263 Atcham R.D.C. Do. Good and adequate. Minsterley 2,773 747 181 i 31 '-17 1 i '. ~. 1 w eiio - * i 1 Deuxhill 493 40 9 Ditton Priors 5,566 619 114 30 The Hon.F.G. Hamilton-Russell Wells A: springs Eardington - 1,307 330 76 Wells Glazeley 639 42 8 Do. Middleton Scriven 802 -111 25 Wells & springs Monkhopton - 2,369 160 37 11 t Lord Barnard ... 1 Lord Wenlock - 1 J- Good and sufficient Morville 3,963 377 85 - Neenton 1,172 91 24 Oldbury Qnatt Malvern 817 1,379 322 137 72 37 10 20 Bridgnorth T.C. - Col. F. A. \Volryche-Whitmore Romsley 1,375 105 26 Rudge - 1,585 131 28 Wells Sidbury 1,281 70 12 Stanton Long 2,725 212 52 Tasley - 1,059 106 17 Upton Cresset t 1,648 42 9 iMrs. Davenport - Worfield 10,370 1,544 363 104 W. H. Foster. Esq. - R. S. Wilson, Esq. Bridgnorth T.C. - J J Burford R.D. : Boraston 1,455 261 63 -\ Burford - 1,558 347 72 18 Tenbury R.D.C. - i Greet - 1,644 156 30 ^Wells - Sufficient. Nash - 2,331 448 100 9 Tenbury R.D.C. - Whitton 810 96 21 J Chirbury R.D. : Brompton and 1,817 149 29 Wells Fair. Rhiston. Chirbury 11,317 1,125 250 30 Earl of Powis Do. Good. Worthen 13,911 2,030 532 Do. Bad. Church Stretton R.D. : Acton Scott - All Stretton - 1,934 4,565 185 671 41 139 53 All Stretton Waterworks Co., V Wells & springs Good. Ltd. 1 Cardington - 6,685 587 126 Do. Good ; inadequate in parU. Easthope 817 95 22 1 Eaton under Hey- 4,885 362 75 i wood. Hope Bowdler 1,729 144 29 _ _ > Wells & springs Leebotwood - 1,287 189 39 20 Col. F. A. Wolryche-Whitmore Little Stretton 4,743 309 75 34 Church Stretton U.D.C. J Longnor 821 178 39 Wells Good and sufficient. Rushbury 6,304 576 126 -_ Wells & springs Shipton 1,753 154 26 I Sibdon Oarwood - 769 70 12 ( Wells - Smethcott 2,742 274 54 1 Wistanstow Woolstaston - 5,231 841 907 96 202 18 - Wells & springs Cleobury Mortimer R.D. : Aslon Hntteroll 2280 154 35 3 Lord Boyne - ... | Cleobury Mortimer 7,21K 1,531 464 180 Cleobury Mortimer R.D.C. J- Wells & spriiiL's Fairly good. L'oreley - 2,205 597 122 9 Lord Alexander Thynne J PART II. SHROPSHIRE. 501 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Total 4. I !rvirc. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Shropshire ''""' Cleobury Mortimer R.D. cunt. Farlow - 2,117 819 69 1 Highley 1,578 1,48? 250 180 Highley Mining Co., Ltd. Hoptoti Wafers 1,874 423 97 Kinlet - 8,164 536 112 Lougbton 1,035 72 15 Milson - Neen Savage 1,031 3,808 121 380 21 72 Wells & springs Fairly good. Keen Sollars - 1,797 205 40 Silvington 496 11 8 Stottesdon 9,486 1,008 216 Wheathill - 1.44(1 90 21 Woodbonsc - 109 4 1 Clun R.D. : Bishop'sCastle Rural 4.0o.-, !>< IS 40 ' * Clun 20,536 1,878 ita 214 Clun 11. [).('. .... CUmbury 7,24 758 186 65 Do. ... Clungunford - 3,769 485 US 22 K. M. Kocke, Ksq.(partin bulk) Edgton ... 1,683 166 34 Hopesay 4,166 613 132 ' Hopton Castle 2,656 11 it 26 21 Sir IT. W. A. Ripley, Bart. - i E&rl of Powis ~ Lydbury North 8,195 80S 169 .75 1 Clun R.D.C. Wells & springs Generally good, but Lydham 1.927 133 22 variable. Mainstone 4,993 175 32 More - - . 3,512 181 36 Myndtown 3,256 150 35 Norbury 2.330 162 39 Ratlinghope - 5,533 198 40 Slielve - 1,846 131 32 Wentnor .3ti3 412 110 J Drayton R.D. : Adderlcy 2,870 313 62 Cheswardine - 5,490 794 , 196 29 K. ( '. Donaldson-Hudson, Esq. (bulk). Cliild's Ercall 3,749 377 84 . Hinstock 3,266 668 180 Hodnet ... 9,625 1,524 379 40 Lord Marchamley ... Wells Variable. Moreton Say 6,641 903 183 Norton in Hales 4,067 613 127 14 Market Drayton Water Co. - Stoke upon Tern - 5,683 740 192 Sutton upon Tern - 3,739 517 106 Tittenley 581 29 6 Woore - 4,457 926 206 , Ellesmere R.D. : Baschurch 8,491 1,601 350 Wells & springs Kail-. Cockshutt 5,362 682 127 Do. Good. | Liverpool T.C. (bulk) ; and 1 Ellesmere Rural 19,88!) 3,066 624 134 < thro' Ellesmere U.D.C. ( Lord Trevor Great Ness 3,981 561 123 llailnall Hordley 2,444 2.541 588 398 123 64 Do. Generally good. Little Ness - MOfi 277 65 Myddle 4,691 744 168 Pet ton - 834 58 8 Welsliamptim 1,476 500 112 J Ludlow R.D. : Abdon - 2,189 116 32 1 Ashford Bowdler - 596 104 19 Ashford Carbonell 1,521 HI.', 73 liitterley Bromtield 6,879 6,322 1,090 539 218 118 ~ Caynham 2,569 1,180 255 Clee St. Margaret - 1.583 212 54 Cold Weston 419 19 5 Culmington - 3,558 493 115 Diddlebury - 8.690 690 145 IEaat Hamlet - Halford Heatb - Holdgate Hope Bagot - Hopton Cangeford Ludford Munslow Onibury 1,194 1,348 850 1,254 464 1,279 1,849 3,101 2,632 153 212 52 85 85 72 250 485 451 38 47 10 18 17 14 59 115 89 3 40 41 Ludlow T.C. --- - Ludlow R.D.C. Ludlow T.C. - } Wells .kspiinps Fair & sufficient. Richards Castle - 2,409 456 102 Stanton Lacy 5,745 673 155 stoke St. Mil- 4,990 434 98 borough. St< ikesay 3,661 1,142 240 151 Ludlow R.D.C. Tngford 1,346 100 21 . Newport B.D. : ICherriiiKton - Ch.'twynd Aston Rural. Chetwynd Kural 1,086 1,228 4,884 157 313 610 35 . 72 147 37 Newport U.D.C (bulk)- Wells Wells & spring - Wells I Good. I i 4 502 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Name.- of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Shropsnire "* Newport R.D.-ocod. Woodcote 1,983 220 48 1 Do. Wells & spring - J Oswestry R.D. : Kinnerley 6,105 1,022 214 ' Wells - Knockin 1,610 242 45 Llanyblodwel 4,809 840 160 j Llanymynech 1,345 577 105 31 Oswestry R.D.C. - f Wells k springs Oswestry Rural 14,347 U71 804 125 Do. ... 1 Ruyton of the 4,828 934 190 Wells Kleven Towns. r St . Martin's - 2,925 1,406 260 218 j Oswestry R.D.C. - j Lord Trevor / Wei Is & springs Selattyn 5,604 997 208 8 Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - Wells Sychtyn 1,459 145 30 Springs West Felton - 6,108 892 200 Wells Weston Rhyn Whittington - 2,560 1,863 8,666 2,354 305 440 270 160 Oswestry R.D.C. - Liverpool T.C. (bulk) - | Wells & springs Shifnal R.D. : Albrighton 3,472 : 1,076 250 171 Wolverhampton T.C (bulk) - 1 Badger - 924 132 29 Beckbi"-y 1,346 286 74 70 ( Wolverhampton T.C. - } F. Capel Cure, Esq. Blymhill (Staffs.) - 3,024 479 110 Boningale 1,015 177 42 14 Wolverhampton T.C. - Boscobel 581 13 2 Donington 2,773 410 86 1 Wolverhamplon T.C. - Kemberton - 1,433 241 58 40 Wenlock T.C. (buik) - Ryton - 1.449 177 29 Sheriff Hales - 5,437 744 154 138 Duke of Sutherland ' f Wells & springs Good. i The Lilleshall Co., Ltd. Shifnal - 11,165 3,436 : 780 606 \ Wenlock T.C. (bulk) - ( Wolverhampton T.C. - Stirchley 840 177 39 Stockton 3,202 459 99 Sutton Maddock - 2,739 347 71 Tong - 3,539 480 98 Weston under 2,438 319 74 Lizard (Staffs.). J Teme R.D. : Bedstone Bettws y Ci \ryn - 831 9,083 126 381 30 88 7 Sir H. W. A. Ripley, Bart, - '/ Wells k springs ( Bucknell Llanvair Waterdine 2,446 8,005 445 422 114 95 / Wells, springs, V Fair. Stow - 2,725 270 59 7 Knighton U.D.C. - f and river. 1 Wellington R.D. : Bolas Magna - 1,897 283 67 1 Ercall Magna 11,404 1,672 367 Eyton upon the 1,395 184 35 Weald Moors. Hadley - 2,483 3,108 675 274 Wellington U.D.C. Kinnersley - 1,846 2H6 46 25 Duke of Sutherland Longdon upon Tern 823 84 20 Preston upon the Weald Moors. 990 228 40 j. Wells - Fair, but adequate. Rodington 2,206 457 113 Waters Upton 727 185 54 f Wenlock T.C. thro' Dawlcy Wellington Rural - 5,121 3,614 774 575 U.D.C. (bulk). I Lord Barnard ( Wellington U.D.C. - Wrockwardine 4,580 1,070 256 J Wem R.D. : Broughton 904 159 37 Wells Moderately good and Clive ... 1,500 403 94 28 T. Meares, Esq. Wells&rainwater adequate. Grinshill - | 840 366 76 30 Trustees of the late Sir W. 1 Corbet, Bart. Lee Brockhurst 685 97 24 Loppington - 3,466 608 110 ( Trustees of the late Sir W. Moreton Corbet 2,243 254 52 20 { Corl>et, Bart. ( Wem U.D.C. (bulk) - 1'rees - Shawbury 10,346 7,367 1,866 812 439 183 9 Trustees of the late Sir W. -Wells - Do. do. Corbet, Bait. Stanton upon Hine 5,662 661 136 Heath. Wem Rural - 13/.46 1,903 411 54 Wem U.D.C. (part in bulk) - Weston and Wixhill 2,243 231 49 19 Lord Marchamley - under Redcastle. Whixall 3,397 i 1,113 242 J Whitchurch R.D. : Iglitlield Whitehurch Rural - 1,615 i 277 10,087 ! 1,658 60 379 Wells - j Generally good and | adequate. i PART II. SOMERSETSHIRE. 503 No. of Houses. ( 'i unity, Popula- Area in tion, Supplied Names of Undertakers providing a Where there is no Piped Service. District ami Parish. Acres, 1911. Total. Piped Service. Supply of Water. Sources of Supply. Nature and S'lllieicncy f Supply. 1. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. \ SOMERSET- SHIRE. . {Bath l.C. and Combe Down ) Bath C.B. 5,152 69,173 14,080 14,080 (Bath) and General Water- i works Co., Ltd. ) Bridgwater B. - 930 1C..SH2 3,674 3,672 Bridgwatcr T.C. - Wells Good and adequate. Burnham U.D. 919 3,948 859 859 Bnniham I'.D.C. - - - . Chard B. 442 4,568 1,008 282 Chard T.C. - Springs Variable and insufficient. Clevodon U.D. - 3,017 6,111 1,303 1.290 Olevedon Water Co. Weils, springs. Satisfactory and streams. Crewkerne U.D. - 1,243 3,939 929 845 Crewkerne Water Supply Co., Springs Good. Ltd. Frome U.D. - - 1.194 10,901 2.618 2,583 Krome U.D.C. Wells ic springs - Satisfactory. Glastonbury B. - 5,019 4.250 998 986 (i lust onbury T.C. - Wells Good and plentiful. Highbridge U.D. - 744 2,343 .'45 545 Axbridgc 11. X Highbridge U.D.C.'s. i Ilminster U.D.C. - i Ilminster U.D. 5H1 2,4C7 586 386 < Col. A. V. II. Yaughan Lee - ( > Wells - Satisfactory. I A. Poole, Esq. \ Midsomer Norton 3,970 7.2'.l'.l 1,522 1,407 Midsomer Norton U.D.C.. Rad- l Wells - Satisfactory. U.D. stock- U.D.C. (bulk), Ac Down- < Springs - Good, but liable to pollution. 1 side Abbey Waterwks. (bulk) 1 Rain-water Doubtful. Minehead U.D. - i 691 3.45s 729 Minehead U.IJ.c. - Portishead U.D. - 1,029 3.32!) 656 567 Portishead District Water Co. Wells and springs (it I'.rcnt - Hutton - 3,631 1,877 638 295 180 79 180 Axbridge R.D.C. - Wells and rain- Generally good and ade- water. quate. Kewstoke - .- 1,782 401 1 06 ' Do. do. Generally goodx sufficient, but sometimes inade- j quate. Locking - - . 1,030 Loxton - - - 1,199 116 128 31 35 21 E. Wheler Galtou, Esq. Wells Do. Good and sufficient. Good and sufficient. Lympsham - - 2,083 Hark - - - 4,944 4(15 105 925 246 105 246 | Axbridge K.D.C. - -- Nylanil <;um Bat- ' 830 47 10 Wells Good and adequate. combe. Puxton - - - 1,030 166 40 Wells ami river i Unsatisfactory. 1'owi XT-row - 94S ' 7S 21 18 Axbridge R.D.C. - Wells Fair and adequate. i 504 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. No. of TTniiKPs. County, Area in Popula- tion, Names of Undertakers prov iding a Where there is no Piped Service. Supplied District and Parish. Ari'es. 1911. Total. Piped Service. Supply i'f Water. Sources of Supply. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Somersetshire^ cont. Axbridge R.D. Shipham - - 772 359 93 64 ; Axbridge R.D.C. - Wells Fair and sufficient. Uphill - - - . 887 648 156 140 Weston super Mare U.I'.C Do. Fair and adequate. Weare - 1,729 385 112 112 Axbridgc R.D.C. - Wedmore 10,280 2,562 7(14 - River, rhines it Generally good and ade- wells. quate. Wick St. Lawrence 11-7 197 42 Wells Unsatisfactory. \Vinsconibc 4,158 1,542 342 320 1! DC. . Do. Worle - 1394 1,497 3.1(1 9 Weston super Mare U.D.C. Wells and rain- Variable ; part inadequate, water. part fairly adequate. Wringtou 5,913 1,367 319 Do. do. Good and adequate in parts. Bath R.D. : Bathampton - 934 427 lit) 6S | H. Allen, Esq. - 'l Until T P Batheaston - 1,880 1,585 390 283 Bath T.C. - Wells \' springs Good and sufficient. Bathford 1,819 889 22(i 193 Bath U.D.C. - ... Camerton i 789 >! -.-, mi 1 Badstock U.D.C. (bulk) 1 Bath H.D.C. Wells Fairly good. Charlcombe - 594 204 :'.."> * Claverton 1.21.1 507 115 56 Combe Down (Bath ) \ Genera' Waterworks Co., Ltd. Combe Hay - 1,054 176 33 j Hath R.D.C. Dunkerton 1,222 624 1.13 51 i Haddock U.D.C. (bulk) English Combe 1,838 380 si 3 Combe Down, &c., Co., Ltd. - Freshford 59 1 .1(11 130 6.1 I Do. 1 Bath R.D.C. Hinton Charier- house. 2,483 433 111 99 1 Do. ) Combe Down, &c., Co.. Ltd. - J- Wells A: springs Good and sufficient. Langridge - - 773 92 17 Monkton Combe - 686 1 ,936 4411 390 1 Bath R.D.C. ( 'ombe Down, \c., Co., Ltd. - St. Catherine - - 1,041 129 26 South Stoke - - i 868 348 68 18 Combe Down. A;c.. Co.. Ltd. - Swainawick - - 835 547 140 107 Bath T.C. .... Wellow - - - 5,387 2,033 4(1(1 393 Bath R.D.C. Hadstock U.D.C. (bulk) Weston - - - 1,934 1,516 387 272 Bath T.C. .... Woollev 381 81 16 Bridgwater R.D. . Aisholt - 878 48 18 1 Ashcott - 2,382 612 ]6d Bawdrip 1,898 347 79 64 Bridgwater R.D.C. Bridgwater Without 3,158 1,179 238 219 Bridgwater R.D.C. / Bridgwater T.C. - Broomficld - 4,080 306 6.1 Catinington - 4,076 1,007 23.1 33 Bridgwater T.C. - Catcott ... 2,302 472 129 -- Charlinch 1,355 175 38 -- Chedzoy 1,619 323 71 62 P.iidgwater R.D.C. Chilton Trinity 1,183 1 59 37 9 Bridgwater R.D.C. Bridwater T.C. - Clu'lton upon Polden 1,880 374 91 3 Hridgwater R.D.C. Cossington 1,442 206 46 38 Do. Durleigh 755 100 23 1 Bridgwater T.C. - Edington 2,191 415 105 En more 1,426 265 65 Fiddington 1,314 169 46 Goathnrst 1,673 23S 57 _.. Greinton 881 98 21 llnntspill 6,156 1,129 310 337 Bridgwater R.D.C. J. Wells - Generally fairly good. Lyng 1.165 285 6.1 Middlezoy 2,546 5.13 129 77 i Bridgwater R.D.C. Moorlinch 1.125 2.11 59 Nether Stowey t,10S 870 143 140 North Petherton - 10,484 3.33S 816 606 Bridgwater E.D.C. Othery > 1,944 iso 126 20 Otterhamplon 2.02.1 121 104 Over Stowey - 5,696 36(1 89 Pawlett - 3,108 374 98 85 ] ) Puriton - 1,571 612 147 1)6 Bridgwater R.D.C. St. Michael Church 16 28 5 1 1 Sbapwick 3.567 321 7(1 S|iaxton 3,6 j 6 8116 1 99 Stawell - 977 . 129 38 Stockland Bristol - 827 99 26 Sntton Mallet SSH 11(1 20 Thurloxton - - .16:! 1 15 36 29 Viseuiint 1'ortnian - Wembdon - - 2.365 522 124 93 Bridgwater T.C. - Weston /.oylanil 3.321 574 11.1 29 I'.i id "water R.D.C. Wnolavin^toii 1,708 307 76 38 Do. Chard R.D. : Ashill - 2,7 to 469 113 Broadway Buckland St. Mary 2,057 311 3,654 491 85 120 -Wells \ springs Generally satisfactory. Chaffcombe - 1,016 232 50 16 Chard R.D.C. Worle. Houses are now being connected to the piped service. PART II. SOM KRSETSHIRE. 505 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. No. oi Popnla- t ion. 1911. 3. 4. louses. Nairn-, ol 1 I'li.l.Ttakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there' is no Piped Service. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Somersetshire aont. Chard R.D. c2 221 (15 12 Karl Poulett .... Merriott 1.750 1.274 311 20 Mrs. F. L. Dyson - Misterton 1,861 612 150 81 Crewkerne Water Supply Co., Ltd. (part in bulk). Seavington Si. Mary 1,106 222 Ho Seaviugton St. 286 137 35 Michael. Shepton Beaurhann 811 (130 137 Stocklinch 51 s 1:111 35 Wambrook 1,867 21o 50 Wayford 1 .955 3S5 80 West Crewkerne - 4. S'Hl 759 170 12 Chard U.D.C. West Dowlish 5SI1 42 lo White Lackingtoii - 1.183 182 40 17 Col. A. V. H. Vaughan - Whitestaunton 1,918 205 13 Winsliam 3,806 (193 172 2s Chard ii.D.C. Glutton R.D. : Camely - - - 1,648 403 100 66 Downside AbbeyWwks.(bulk) Chel wood 1,118 164 37 Chew Magna - 4,623 1,570 389 2 Bristol Waterworks Co. (bulk) Chew Stoke - 2.162 598 174 Chilcompton - 1.257 666 165 134 Downside Abbey Wwks. thro' Midsomer Norton U.D.C. (bulk). Cluttou - 1,698 1 ,34 1 264 210 Downside Abbey Wwks.(bnlk) Coinpton Martin - 2.1114 394 \ 114 East Harptree 2.59(1 582 142 82 W. W. Kettlewell, Esq. - Fiinuborough Farrington Gurney 1 .508 928 !. 41 262 }^\ { Downside Abbey Waterworks (.98 149 . 140 [ n,,,n,i High Littleton Hinton Blewett 1,303 1,130 1,008 205 228 180 1 51 i Wells - Fairly good. Litton - 1,125 163 52 Nempnett Thrub- 1,800 200 48 well. North Widcombe 711 65 12 Norton Malreward 1,677 148 34 Paulton - 1,055 2,732 640 419 Downside AbbeyWwks. (bulk) Publow - - - 1,375 491 111 Stanton Drew Ston Easton - 2,078 1,430 790 328 195 84 70 Downside Abbey Wwks.(bulk) Stowey - 1,269 145 36 Timsbury 1,161 1,701 424 279 Downside AbbeyWwks.(bulk) Ubley : 1,821 328 73 West Harptree 3,046 313 85 Dulverton R.D. : Brorapton Regis 9,029 624 139 Brushfurd " 2,848 384 79 ' Dulverton 8,741 1,526 346 90 Dulverton R.D.C. - Exford - 5,956 412 88 1 Exmoor 20,344 257 56 Exton - 4,230 268 69 Wells and Good and adequate. Hawkridge - 3,395 81 16 springs. lluish Champflower 3,334 264 66 Skilgate 2,135 154 39 Upton - 3,845 220 55 Winsford 8,740 403 91 Withiel Florey 2,483 6(1 14 Withvpool Frome R.D. : 3,900 178 46 ' Babington 606 137 38 10 Radstock U.D.C. thro' Llwyd- "1 coed Collieries, Ltd. Beckiugton - 2,099 726 209 Berkley - 1,981 376 86 Buckland Denham - 1,432 342 98 70 Frome R.D.C. Cloford - Elm 2.2(11 763 130 195 42 55 46 Welton Breweries, Ltd. - J. Wells - Good and sufficient. Farleigh Hunger- 906 128 35 ford. 1 Foxcote or Forscot( 610 87 16 Hardinttou - Hemington silo 3,133 38 727 9 151 28 Frome R.D.C. j . 506 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion. 1911. 3. No. >>f Houses. Names of 1'iidertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Suppliei from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Somersetshire cunt. Frome R.D. 1 99 27 Leigh upon Mendip 1,437 414 no 95 i Sir J. Homer 1 Frome R.D.C. - - r Lullington Marston Bigot 7(13 2,077 101 166 33 54 9 Frome R.D.C. ! Wells - Good and sufficient. Mells - 3,829 336 158 89 / Frome R.D.C. Norton St. Philip - 1,547 474 140 Nunney 2,505 800 236 30T Frome R.D.C. Orchardleigh - 780 52 11 Koad - yiu 440 141 Bodden - 968 137 34 34 Krome U.I >.C. (bulk) - Selwood 6.419 915 251 93 1 Marquess of Bath / Frome U.D.C. (bulk) - ] Tellisford Wanstrow 698 2,099 63 317 20 83 61 Frome K.D.C. 1 Wells - I Good ami sufficient Whatley 1,391 300 98 Witliam Friary 5,466 376 101 98 Duke of Somerset - j Woolverton - 932 104 30 30 U. P. H. Batten Poole, Esq. - Writhliugton 781 497 119 72 liadstook U.D.C. through Lord Wells Good and sufficient. Keynsham R.D. : llylton. Brislington 1,782 3,238 810 881 Bristol Waterworks Co. - / 1 Burnett 619 71 20 17 Trustees of the Bristol Muni- UVells - cipal Charities. 1 Com]iton Dando 1,979 286 80 Springs i; wells- Canton 1.217 360 101 iil i Karl Temple ; A: West Glou- / cestershire Water Co. ( Kelsion - 1,111 179 BO 32 Gen. Inigo Jones - > Wells Keynsham 4,235 3,720 1.046 823 W. Gloucestershire Water Co. 1 Marksbury 1,293 224 63 Springs and wells Newton St. Loe 1,593 321 90 69 I W. i i loueestershire Water Co. / Earl Temple ; Many polluted. but adequate. 1 Krynsham R.D.C. North Stoke - 791 146 40 37 Sii 1 A. W. Lawrence, Bart. j> Wells ' ami Sir ("'. Cave, Bart. Priston - 1,864 267 74 40 !'apt. W. Vaughan Jenkins - J Queen Charlton 970 90 24 Springs i: wells - Saltford 890 590 165 108 W. Gloucestershire Water Co. / Stanton Prior 833 89 24 20 Kurl Temple - - - - V Wells - Whitchurch - 2,225 560 157 87 W. a - * | rain-water. Bishopsworth Brocklcy 1,764 1,148 1,071 106 2211 25 122 IS < Wells Gtxxl k ai!<:<|imtr, oxn'pt Clapton 1.3:,.-, Hill 3:, ' Dn in Krim, Kingston Dundry 2,89'7 870 148 M Bristol Waterworks Co. ( Do. j Suynnuir. ami pint of Eastor. in Gordano 1,818 2,395 578 -ISO 1 Long Ashton R.D.C. - 1 Ponishead Hist. Water Co. - / Wells, spring *' 1 rain-water. r:iuk\vt'll ( l.i'iwnsiilt'). i Flax Bourto; 680 830 54 41) Hristul Waterworks Co. J Kenn - 830 2i:, .-,.-, .) Cleredon Water Co. '. Wells - Kingston Synjour 2,052 257 54 j PART II. SOMERSETSHIRE. 507 \o. of Houses County, Area in Populn tion, Nnin.-. of ru.Ir|-t;iki-rs | n'ovi Winford and part of Fatten (Hewish). Winford 3,840 816 210 Wells and rain- water. Wraxall 4,125 829 202 39 Bristol Waterworks Co. Yatton - 5,602 1,962 501 162 Long Ashton K. D.C. Wells . ' Shepton Mallet R.D.: Ashwick 1,807 1,114 261 220 j F. Spencer. Esq. : Downside Abbey Waterworks (bulk) ' Wells & springs 1 ' Shepton Mallet R.U.C. Bat combe - - \ 3.238 Hinegar- - - 1,197 439 391 105 76 25 68 Do. Downside, &c., Wwks. (bulk) Wells and springs Wells 1 Shepton Mallet Watern-ks.l '<> | Croscombc 1,853 630 157 14."> > Croscombe Voluntary Com- 1 Wells and rain i mittee. / water. ( Shepton Mallet R.D.C. | Ditcheat - - 3.703 705 171 150 Do. Doulting - - 3,522 638 140 120 j Sir R. A. 8. Paget. Bart. - / Shepton Mallet R.D.C. /Wells & springs , Generally good and plentiful. Downhead - - 1,573 144 32 29 Viscount Portman j East Cranmore East Lydford 1,059 644 107 .156 23 33 19 Sir R. A. S. Paget, Bart. Wells and springs Wells East Pennard Emborough - 3,042 1,877 554 152 126 29 M 27 Shepton Mallet R.D.C. -' - Downside, &c., Wwks. (bulk) Wells and spring i Viscount Port-man (part in Evercreech - 4,110 1,275 308 268 bulk). [.Wells - 1 Shepton Mallet R.D.C. Holcombc 711 467 117 97 Do. J J Hornblottoii - 1,106 85 22 22 Shepton Mallet R.D.C. thro' _ Trustees of Thring Estate. Lamyatt Milton Clevedon - 1.028 1,243 147 129 40 32 86 j Shepton Mallet R. D.C. Wells 1 (ilastonburv T.C. \ Pilton - 4,626 865 218 124 !! Wells B.D.C. - ( Wells , and 1 Shepton Mallet R.D.C. springs. Pylle - - - 1,117 201 50 30 Viscount Portman Wells Stoke Lane - - 2,081 Stratton on the 1,180 Fosse. 729 345 174 74 132 Shepton Mallet R.D.C. - 43 Downside Abbey Waterworks (part in bulk). I 'f- Generally good and plentiful. Upton Noble - West Bradley 679 1,410 158 202 42 54 -^ J Shepton Mallet R.D.C. } Wells 4: springs West Cranmore 1,858 299 75 . 1 F. Spencer, Esq. - / Shepton Mallet R.D.C. J West Lydford 1,897 251 68 40 E. Colston, Esq. Wells Taunton R.D. : Angersleigli - 425 54 6 6 Taunton T.C. Ash Priors 641 125 25 1 Bickenhall - Bishop's Hull Without. Bishop's Lydeard - 1,143 1,441 4,832 199 ' 1,074 1.895 45 220 270 43 Viscount Portman 150 Taunton R.D.C. - Cheddon Fitzpaine 971 247 65 Churchstanton 5,435 558 130 Combe Florey 1,382 261 60 Corfe - 1,165 270 65 Cothelstone - 1,455 192 45 1 Taunton R.D.C. - Creech St. Michael- 2,298 994 240 Curland 648 139 30 11 Vi-r.iunt Portman - Durst on 1,013 186 40 ; Halse 1,320 31)9 80 ll:iteh Beauchamp - 1,408 356 90 78 Viscount Portman (bulk) Heathfield - - 696 7" Kingston - - \ 3,028 897 16 200 .Wells - 1 jenerally good and Lydeard St. Law- ' 2,748 3!)7 90 1 rence. North Curry - - 5,822 1,437 340 10 Viscount Portman (bulk) Norton Fitzwarren 1,358 630 140 Orchard Portman - 683 49 12 Otterford 2,446 319 75 Pitminster 5.355 1,133 250 9 Taunton T.C. Kuishton - - 1,027 457 110 Staple Fitzpaine - 3.029 228; 60 4', Viscount Pnrtninn - Staplegrove - - 1,034 267 70 21 Taunton T.(J. Btoke St. Gregory - 4,135 1,286 300 276 ' discount Portman (bulk) Stoke St. Mary - j 94!) 197 50 Taunton St. James 808 : 300. 50 8 i Without. 1 Tauuton T.C. - Tauntou St. Mary 1,283 282 60 17 1 MagdaleuWithout. ] 508 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Somersetshire Taunton R.D. oottt. Thorn Falcon 822 161 36 1 Thurlbcar 982 162 40 15 Viscount Portman - Tolland - 842 96 27 Trull - 2.281 1,013 210 44 Taunton T.C. [Wells - - Generally good and West Bagborough - 2,006 318 SO sufficient. West Hatch - 1,619 339 80 West Monkton 3,190 937 210 J Wellington R.D. : Ashbrittle 8,158 219 5(1 Bathealton - 946 135 25 Bradford 1,814 361 108 26 Wellington R.D.C. Chipstable 1,936 252 69 Fitzhead 1,247 227 56 Kittisford 966 86 22 Langford Budville 1,899 351 85 47 Col. K. C. A. Sanford - j Milverton .),!!< 1,437 395 206 Wellington R.D.C. Wells and springs Xvnehead 1,597 283 64 . 1 ,- Generally good and ade- (lake - 1,754 4.V, 1 22 quate, except in Brad- Raddington - 1,519 76 1! ford, Xynehead, and Uunnington - 355 7!t 19 West Buckland. Sam pf orcl Arundel 1,216 314 83 12 Wellington R.D.C. ' W '11- Stawlev 1,697 244 66 f e * Thorne St. Mar- 824 112 25 . garet. West Buekland Wivcliscombe 3,697 5,904 679 764 185 192 12 13 i Wellington R.D.C. J j Without. j Wells R.D. : Baltonsborough 2,720 609 140 139 Shepton Mallet R.D.C. (bulk) Hain-watcr Fair. Butleigh 3,928 . 636 180 Wells - - Good. Chewton Mendip - 5.8:.5 663 167 86 Earl Waldegrave ... Wells, springs, Some fair, some good. ,t rain-wain. Dinder - 1,080 201 51 38 A. F. Somerville, Esq. - Wells Good. Godney ... 3,270 299 74 59 Street U.D.C. Kain-water Fair. Meare Xeirth Wootton 5,063 2,129 969 262 220 60 5 Glastonbury T.C. - Wells and river Unsatisfactory. Prieldy - 1,375 188 41 Wells and spring Good. Rexlney Stoke 2,726 603 170 16 Street U.D.C. Do. do. Fair. Sharpham 2.119 69 19 16 Do. (bulk) - Wells Good. 8,108 462 111 Do. Unsatisfactory. Wells St. Cuthbert Out. 14,843 3,669 522 20 j Wells R.D.C.. Wells T.C.. Street U.D.C., G. A. IHodgkinson, Esq., & C. C. Tudway, Esq. 1 () Wells, (ft) springs and stream. (a) Good ; (ft) fair. Westbury 2,997 532 135 () Wells : (A) () Fair ; (ft) poor. st reams. West Pennard 3,255 638 181 181 | Glastonburv T.C. (bulk) - 1 Wells R.D.C. Wookey 3,596 933 226 14 G. A. Hodgkinson, Esq.- Wells, springs Fair. and streams. Williton R.D. : Bicknoller 1,912 260 70 Wells - Unsatisfactory in some cases. Brompton Ralph - 2,736 324 77 Do. - - Good anel sufficient. Carhamptou - 2,788 385 94 80 A. F. Luttrell, Esq. Wells and springs Good. Clatworthy - 2,964 141 28 . Wells - - Good and sufficient. Crowcombe - 3.271 408 92 70 Hon. Mrs. Trollope Wells and springs Doubtful. Culbone 1.337 30 7 Wells - - Goexl and sufficient. Cutcombe 7.143 468 106 80 H. H. Pleydell Bouverie, Esq. Wells and springs Good. Dodington 1,335 64 18 Wells - - Good and sufficient. Dunster East Quantoxhead 2,887 2,338 1,380 138 346 45 285 40 (A. F. Luttrcll, Esq. Wells anil springs Good. Elworthy 1,768 95 28 Wells Good, but inadequate ir summer. Holford - 1,083 143 35 35 Holford Water Supply - Kiltejn with Lil- 1,689 86 19 13 ) stock. \ A. F. Luttrell, Esq. - Wells & springs - Good. Kilve - Luccombe Luxborough - Minehead Withou Monksilver - Ncttlecombc - Oare 1,755 3,870 3,728 3,334 783 3,073 4,018 167 465 -287 294 156 263 84 45 118 65 66 39 66 18 32 106 45 56 2.'. \ Sir C. T. D. Acland, Bart. (i.e. L. Insole, Esej. | A. F. Luttrell, Esq. - | Minehead U.D.C. M. Notley, Esq. - Wells A: springs Wells Do. Wells and springs Good. j Satisfactory. Good and adequate. Old drove - 5,201 1,376 889 250 | Watchet Waterworks Co. Ltd. / A. F. Luttrell. Esq. - { Wells - Doubtful. 1'ipi'lock,.-, 744 188 173 Williton R.D.C. - Wells and springs Gcxxl and adequate. Saiiipford Itrett Sclworthy Stogumber Steigursey 1,161 8,959 5,349 5,964 178 411 790 938 47 112 202 248 20 112 100 50 Lord St. Auelries - Sir C. T. D. Aclanel. Bart. Williton R.D.C. - Lord St. Audries ... Wells - '- Good. Wells and springs Good. Wells - - Good. PART II. SOMERSETSHIRE. 509 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Suppliei Service. 4. Source-, ,ii Supply. 7. Nature and Sulricieiicy of Supply. 8. Somersetshire Williton R.D. ctmt. Stoke Pom - Stringston 3,508 859 32 7 101 21 Wellsand spring.'' \Vclls Good and adeount. Good. Timberscombe 2,858 ! 314 81 40 Willi .D.O. Springs Troborcmgh - - 1,829 West Quantoxhead 1.4d7 Williton - - 2,983 Withycombe- - 3,565 113 154 1,269 343 23 39 285 80 7(i 65 Willilon R.D.C. - A. F. Luttrell, Esq. [ Wells & springs- Do, do. 1 I Good, but inadequate in 1 very dry season. Some doubtful. Wootton Courtney- 3,299 270 r ., ,, ( Williton R.D.C. - 1 I Minehead U.D.C. > Do. do. Good. Wincanton R.D. : ' Abbas and Temple- combe. 1.910 705 170 Wells Some unsatisfactory. Alford - 720 125 26 22 Castle Gary Water Co. Ltd. Wells and rain- Unsatiiifactory. (bulk). water. Ansford 841 323 S5 43 Castle Gary Water Co., Ltd. Wells Fair. Blackford 724 104 26 Do. Brat-ton Seymour - 1,486 Bruton - - - . 4,007 161 1,755 33 379 ! 332 Wincanton R.D.C. Wells and springe- Wells I Good. Part goixl. Castle Gary - 2,629 1710 448 293 | Col. A. L. Kelly - | Castle Gary Water Co., Ltd. | Do. Fair. Charltoti Hore- 2,380 442 109 95 Miss M.J.Seymour (in lunacy H. H. P. Bouverie, Esq.) f Springs & wells Good. thorne. [ F .1.1!. Win-field- Digby. Esq Charlton Musgrove Compton Paunce- foot. 3,755 i 373 673 141 92 30 Wells Springs and wells Some unsatisfactory. Good. Gorton Denham 1,392 247 58 4!l Viscount Port man Do. do. Fair. Cucklington - 1,795 215 57 6 Cucklington Private Sub- Do. do. 1 sription. L , Henstridge - 4,255 1,139 282 190 Wincanton R.D.C. i J-Good. Holton - - - 1,269 274 64 > Wells 1 Horsington - - 3,130 Lovington - - 828 647 155 165 40 22 Castle Gary Water Co., Ltd. Springs and wells Rain-water and Some unsatisfactory. Some unsatisfactory, (bulk). wells. others fair. Maperton 1,152 160 40 ( Springs and Milborne Port 3,381 1,630 409 315 Wincanton R.D.C. 1 wells. . Good. North Barrow North Brewham - 770 111 25 1,870 : 197 43 37 Wincanton R.D.C. Wells Do. Unsatisfactory. Doubtful. North Gadbury 2,686 686 183 10 | Castle Gary Water Co.. Ltd. | Col. A. L. Kelly - r Wells & springs Fair. North Cheriton 857 186 46 . Do. do. | Penselwood 1,112 275 79 7 Wincanton R.D.C. - Wells ^Good. Pitcombe 2,250 39 1 83 15 I Do. I Castle Gary Water Co., Ltd. [Do. Fair. Queen Camel Shepton Montague 2,303 461 2,168 251 113 56 Do. Do. Some unsatisfactory. ' South Barrow South Brewham 764 92 3,852 290 24 67 32 Wincanton R.D.G. - Do. - Wells and ditches Fair ; some unsatisfactory. Unsatisfactory. South Cadbury 695 142 34 23 A. L. Langman, Esq. Wells Fair. Sparkf on 1 1,026 220 59 -_ Do. Unsatisfactory. Stoke Trister 1,659 ] 347 95 20 Wincanton R.D.C. Springs - i Stowell - - - 932 81 21 Wells (, Good. Sutton Montis 514 137 32 15 H. J. Davis, Esq. - Wellsand springs j Weston Bampfylde 636 92 22 1 A. L. Langman, Esq. Wells Very hard ; some unsatis- factory. Wheatliill - 325 29 6 Wells Fair. Wineanton 2,590 1,976 481 409 Wincanton R D C Do Good. Yarlington 1,204 159 41 4 Castle Gary Water Co., Ltd. - Wells and springs Fair. Yeovil R.D. : Ash 1,966 390 105 9 Yeovil B.D.C. Wells Fair. Ashington Barwick 529 785 36 475 9 115 31 Yeovil T.C. - ... Do. Unsatisfactory. Brympton 576 140 29 Do. Good and ample. Chilthorne Domer - 1,398 161 47 Do. Fair. Chilton Cantelo - 634 126 25 Do. Unsatisfactory. Chiselborough 797 i 262 70 10 Earl of Ilchester - Wellsand springs | Closworth East Chinnock 1,083 110 1,360 381 25 94 18 80 / Viscount Port man Wells I Good. East Coker - 2, IS.', 731 211 107 | Mrs. A. T. Chafyn-Grove - 1 Mrs. I). M. Hencage - Do. '- Very fair. Ilardington Mande- 2,677 397 116 19 Viscount Portman - - - Wellsand springs I ville. Haselbury Pluck- 2,0X3 476 135 120 Do. Wells Good. nett. Ilchester 714 464 174 174 Langport R.D.C. Limington 1,686 189 60 Wells Good and ample. Long Load 1,452 217 56 - Do. Fair. Lufton ... 2!I7 42 10 Do. Good and ample. Marston Magna 1,893 311 76 27 E. D. Marden, Esq. Do. I'li-atisfaotory. Martock 3,820 2,035 527 489 Yeovil R.D.C. Do. Fair and ample. Montacute 1,511! 713 194 181 Do. Veils and sprints Cixxl aii'l ample. Mudford 2,263 343 83 Veils Unsatisfactory. Nortuover 435 53 16 16 Langport R.D.C. - ^~ North Perrott 1,281 227 70 51 II. \V. Patret Hoskyns. Esq. - Veils - - Fair. 510 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply o Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Supplied from Total - Piped Service. 4. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Xature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Somersetshire /nut. Yeovil R.D. -rout. Norton sub Hamdon 631 409 118 55 Capt. Quantock Shuldham Wells anil sprint's Verv fair and ample. Odcombe 1,119 514 148 Do. Good and ample. Pendomer 1,114 51 14 9 Mrs. D. M. Heneage Do. Fair and ample. Podimore 1.0(15 99 22 Wells Good and ample. Preston Plucknett - Rimpton 721 1,010 451 234 108 58 20 42 Yeovil T.C. - --- E. D. Marden, Esq. Wells and springs Wells Kair and ample. Sock Dennis - 688 26 6 o W. Wyndham, Esq. Do. Good and ample. ( V Anvil "R Ti P South Petherton - 3,494 1,935 549 202 1 i eo\ 11 -it.j-/.^. | Langport R.D.C. - Wells & springs Very fair and ample. Stoke sub Hamdon 1,380 1,622 357 Do. Good, but inadequate at * times. Sutton Bingbam - 556 59 15 12 Mrs. D. M. Heneage Wells Very fair and ample. Thome - 413 82 23 Do. Good and ample. Tintinhull 2.083 465 110 109 Yeovil R.D.C. Do. Very fair and ample. West Camel - 1 .9113 224 66 Do. Kair. West Chinnoek 1,161 325 96 4(1 Earl of Ilchester - Wells and springs Good and ample. West Coker - 1,419 871 223 104 I Viscount Portman ) B. S. D. Penny, Esq. - Do. Very fair and ample. Yeovilton 1,779 148 44 Wells Kair. Yeovil Without 3,414 663 147 25 1 Yeovil T.C. - i H. A. Troyte-Bullock, Ksq. - Wells i springs Very fair and ample. SOUTHAMPTON. Aldershot U.D. 4,176 35,175 3,668 3,662 Aldershot Gas, Water and Wells Fair and adequate. District Lighting Co. f 00 Do. - 00 Satisfactory, (l>) liable Alton U.D. 3,925 5,555 1,290 1,216 Alton U.D.C. - - - \ (i) springs to pollution ; ade- ( (c) rain-water - quate. Andover B. 8,664 7,596 1,753 1,433 Andover T.C. Wells Satisfactory. Basingstoke B. - 4,195 11,540 2,473 2,457 Basingstoke T.C. - Wells & rainwater Satisfactory & sufficient. Bournemouth C.B. 5,742 78,674 14,225 14,225 ( Bournemouth Gas & W. Co. I West Hampshire Water Co. Christchurch B. - 2,352 6,053 1,304 1,171 Do. Wells Doubtful, but adequate. Eastleigh and Bis- 2.029 15,247 3,075 3,052 South Hants Waterworks Co. Do. Good. hopstoke U.D. Fareham U.D. 6,376 9,674 1,777 1,654 Fareham U.D.C. - Wells & R. Meon Satisfactory, Farnborough U.D. 2,331 14,199 1,640 1,560 Frimley and Farnborough Wells Satisfactory & sufficient. District Water Co. Fleet U.D. 1,531 3,281 804 483 Do. do. Do. Very liable to pollution ; sufficient. Gosport and Alver- 3,869 33,300 6,295 6,283 Gosport Waterworks Co. Do. Good and adequate. atoke U.D. Havant U.D. 1,391 4,092 921 881 Borough of Portsmouth Water- Wells & springs Satisfactory X abundant. works Co. Rivers& streams Polluted. Itchen U.D. - 2,089 19,484 3,808 3,333 South Hants Waterworks Co. Wells & springs - Fair, but some liable to contamination ; sufficient. Lymington B. 1,510 4,329 1,051 1,007 Lymington T.C. ... Wells Good and adequate. Petersfleld U.D. - 1,631 3,947 851 818 Petersfield U.D.C. - Wells & springs- Good. Portsmouth C.B. - 6,100 231,141 45,048 45,036 Borough of Portsmouth Water- Wells Fairly good and adequate. works Co. Romsey B. - 533 4,669 1,080 696 South Hants Waterworks Co. Do. 1 Satisfactory. Southampton C.B. 4,604 119,012 22.565 22,509 Southampton T.C. and South Wells and springs ' Hants Waterworks Co. Warblington U.D. 2,438 3,771 897 897 Borough of Portsmouth Water- - works Co. Winchester B. 1,930 23,378 4,577 4,577 Winchester Water A: Gas Co. - Alresford R.D. : Beauworth 1,508 164 34 . 1 Bighlon 2,095 200 50 Bishop's Sutton 3,746 439 110 Bramdeau Brown Candover - Cheriton Chilton Candover - Godsfteld Hinton Ampner - Itcben Stoke - Kilmcston New Alresford 1,237 2,811 3,268 1.450 509 2,378 2,717 1,670 692 243 178 690 103 18 411 235 238 1,706 58 38 161 19 4 85 58 56 392 152 Alresford Water Co.. Ltd. Wells,stream8 k , rain - water ' (Roplev and Highton). Wells good ; streams and rain-water liable to contamination and in- adequate during dry weather. Northington - 2,414 241 52 Old Airesford 3.670 566 114 (Jvington 1,300 187 34 Ropley - Swarraton Tichborne West Tisted - 4^684 755 3,055 2,356 1,371 110 286 195 356 27 72 48 1 PART II. SOUTHAMPTON. 511 " County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 1 6 - Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Suppliec from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Southampton - rout . Alton R.D. : Bentley - 2,299 671 176 Wells -. Bcntworth 3.763 586 150 Rain-water Binsted - 6,980 1 .376 867 8 Wey Valley Water Co. - Wells and raii.- \vater. Cliawton 2,674 714 94 1 Alton U.D.C.--= - ) ( 'oldrey - 198 22 5 \ Wells East listed - 2,648 246 59 1 Kast Wcirldham 1,800 241 64 Wells & springs Knringtlon 2,357 428 128 16 l-'royle - 3.<><>5 670 157 Wells (irayshott Hartley Mauditt - 700 1,018 1,404 110 S58 22 214 Wey Valley Water Co. - Wells it springs Headley 6,223 7.576 735 {Satisfactory. Holybourne - 1,406 565 112 Wells - Kingsley 1,801 336 98 Lasham 1,797 157 41 _ Medstead 2,847 668 210 Rain-water Neat ham 1,117 97 20 1 Xewton Valence - 2,2r>8 ; 287 70 Wells - Selborne 7,!14 2,118 529 Wells & springs Shalden 1,586 140 40 West Worldhara - (06 4!) 15 | Wells - Wield - 2,104 224 58 Wells and rain- water. Andover R.D. : Abbots Ann - 3.396 534 133 I Am port - 3,961 648 174 7. H. C. Stephens, Esq. Appleshaw - 713 274 71 Barton Stacey 6,027 542 123 Bnllington 1,635 157 40 i Chilbolton 3,134 402 118 Faccombc 2.669 132 32 . Foxcott - 900 37 10 Fyfield - 1,291 1!18 51 Good worth Clatford 2.823 436 123 ( 1 rateley 1,861 266 66 Hurstbourne Tar- 4,841 719 186 rant . Kimpton Knights Enham 2,795 794 377 169 82 27 8 j Capt. W. V. Faber, M.P. and / E. H. Jellett, Esq. >Wella - Good. Linkenholt - 1,073 89 22 Longparish - 5,326 729 193 Monxton 1,157 273 59 Pen ton, Graf ton or 1,892 377 95 Weyhill - Penton Mewsey 1,059 234 65 Quarlcy - 1,693 168 40 1 H. C. Stephens, Esq. - Shipton Bellinger - 2.r,61 553 124 3 Do. South Tidworth - 2^03 4,840 102 Tangley 1,634 164 48 Thruxton 1,565 288 85 6 H. C. Stephens, Esq. - Upper Clatford 2,209 654 166 Vernham's Dean - 3,920 506 144 . rWherwell 3,633 529 125 a s i n g sto ke R.D. : Andwell 148 22 6 Wells Basing - 5,917 1,353 267 Veils & springs Bradley 975 82 17 Bramley 2,298 417 102 Cliddesden - 1,918 324 77 Wells Deane - 1,587 126 29 Dnmraer with 2,774 376 91 Kempshot. Ellisfield 2,349 266 60 Wells & rain- Farleigh Wallop - 1,725 86 22 water. Hartley Wespall - 1,399 225 59 Wells Bernard 2,977 357 94 Wells and lain- watcr. Mapledurwell 829 199 48 Monk Sherborne - Mortimer West End 2,985 2,292 494 477 143 118 Good and adequate. Nately Scares 521 355 92 17 | Frimley and Farnborough Wells - Newnham 1,404 577 137 18 | District Water Co. North Walthani - 1,958 372 93 Nutlcy - 1,524 131 28 Oakley - 1,631 214 57 Wells and rain- water. Pamber - Popham Preston Candover - 2,185 1,440 3,457 715 114 407 190 24 97 E Sherborne St. John Sherfield upon Lod- 3,972 2,337 627 629 154 164 j. Wells , don. Silchester 1,945 423 110 . I Steventon 8,155 250 60 J A 0.198 K k 512 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. * Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. , 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Southampton emit. Basingstoke R.D. emit. Stratfieklsaye 2,743 460 117 - 1 Stratfield Turgis - 1,062 188 48 Tunworth 1,105 99 25 tip Nately 1,149 103 26 Upton Grey - 2,636 369 99 , ^Wells - Western Corbet t - Weston Patrick 513 1,183 21 93 6 25 } Good and adequate. Winslade 712 87 21 WoodmaiK'nti - 1,404 65 14 J Wootton St. Law- 4 405 952 276 Wells and rain- rence. water. Worting 1,145 316 73 Wells Ca t herington R.D. : Blendworth - 2,334 321 55 5 G. A. Gale, Esq. - ] ( G. A. Gale, Esq. - Catherington 5,279 1,663 344 75 ) Borough of Portsmouth i Watcrwks. Co. thro' Hart ( Plain Estate, Ltd. ) Wells and rain- Good. Chalton l,74!l 166 43 water. Clanfield 1,404 228 50 Idsworth 1,729 411 97 51 Sir E. C. Jervoise, Bart. J Waterloo 649 887 214 214 Boro' of Portsmouth Wwks. Co. Christ church R.D. : Christchurch East - HighclifEe 6,754 1,753 2,125 1,198 526 332 33 189 West Hampshire Water Co. i Holdenhurst - 3,083 1,081 326 204 Do. 1 Bournemouth Gas &Water Co. S Wells - Satisfactory & adequate. Hum ... 6,539 413 86 5 West Hampshire Water Co. - Sopley - - - 4,77S 817 195 J Droxford R.D. : Bishop's Waltham - 5,151 2,488 654 353 South Hants Waterworks Co. -\ Corhampton - 1,246 115 30 Curdridge 2,167 805 205 40 South Hants Waterworks Co. 1 Droxford 2,483 572 130 Durley - 2,497 655 153 Exton - Hambledon - Meonstoke Shedfield 3,567 9,446 2,055 2,003 306 2,139 458 1,310 67 564 125 347 38 Gosport Waterworks Co. Wells ; also Good, except in part of '/ River Meon in Swaumore. Meonstoke. Soberton 5,885 1,302 346 Swanmore 2,362 1,139 303 8 Gosport Waterworks Co. Upbam - 2,884 622 169 Warnford 3,178 196 . 70 West Meon - 3,773 799 212 J Fareham R.D. : Boarhunt Cosham Crofton Hook with War- sasb. Portchester - Bowner - Sarisbury 2,538 3,096 4,180 2,271 1,348 1,245 4,451 492 2,528 2,337 1,096 901 314 3,202 81 527 510 276 226 29 778 490 243 2 11 1 Boro' of Portsmouth Wwks. Co. LeeontheSolentWwks.Co.,Ltd. South Hants Waterworks Co. Boro' of Portsmouth Wwks.Co. South Hants Waterworks Co. Well | Wells - Do. Do. - Do. Satisfactory. Fair. Satisfactory. Indifferent. Satisfactory. Sonthwick 3,883 540 144 . . Titchfield 4,825 1,608 390 Well - Potable and adequate. Wickham 2,447 1,198 276 41 Gosport Waterworks Co. Wells Fair. F o r d i n g To ridge R.D. : Ashley Walk - 8,404 393 70 , 1 Breamore 2,677 505 123 Damerham - 4,680 549 138 . Fordingbridge 6,303 3,456 763 . Hale - 1,378 J15 30 ! Martin - - - 4,566 390 104 . North Charford 874 98 23 _ ^Wells - Good. Rockbourne - 3,924 447 109 , South Charford 863 87 18 Toyd Farm and C47 25 4 Allenford. Whitsbury 1,823 182 38 , Woodgreen - 47 197 60 J Hartley Wintney R.D. : ; Bramshill 2,118 142 28 Wells Fairly satisfactory, bu short in dry seasons. Cove - 1,972 1,761 407 335 Frimley and Farnborough Wells Some good, others bad District Water Co. sufficient. Crondall 4,201 1,374 307 48 Do. do. Wells Variable and some ir adequate. Crookham 4,039 2,739 498 178 Do. do. Do. Some fair, others indifiei ent ; some inadequate. PART II. SOUTHAMPTON. 513 County, District ami Parisli. 1. Area in Acres. J. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No, of HCIUM-S. Names nf Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where' then Sources of Supply. 7. is no Piped Service. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Southampton i'ltfl/. Hartley Wintney R.D. -emit. 1 1..-. 1 miTsfield - 1.731 228 51 7 Friinley and Farnborough Wells and stream Indifferent, but sufficient. District Water I'o. Kl vet ham 3,278 378 90 31 Hon. Mrs. A. G. Calthorpe - Wells Fair and sufficient. Evcrslcy 3,141 841 202 * Wells Indifferent ; sometimes in- adequate. Grey well 876 246 62 2 Friniley. Mr. Water Co. Wells and stream Indifferent Jc inadequate. Hartley Wintney - 2,451 2,172 49li 447 Hartley Wintney R.D.C. Wells Indifferent, but sufficient. Hawlcy with Min- 4,1)48 1,736 360 Its Krimley and Farnborough Do. Variable, but sufficient. ley. District Water Co. Heokfield 3,232 471 105 Wells Doubtful, but sufficient. Long Sutton - 2,290 268 70 Wells and rain- Wells good ; inadequate. water. Mattingley with 2,548 494 116 Wells Fairly satisfactory, but in- Hazeley. adequate in dry seasons. Odiham 7,354 2,674 670 183 Friniley and Farnborough O) Wells, (*) O) Some good, (*) District Water Co. stream & (c) douotful, () bad ; canal. adequate. Rotherwick - 1,988 483 109 1 Do. do. Wells Not good, but adequate. South Warnborongh 2,053 300 76 7 Do. do. Do. Some good, but inadequate. Winchfield - Yateley 1,682 3,222 466 1,879 62 417 4 129 | Friinley, &c. Water Co. Wells Indifferent, but sufficient. Havant R.D. : Bodhampton - Farlington North llavant 2.4(15 2,401 1,649 775 2,019 692 197 414 163 160 414 126 j Borough of Portsmouth \ Waterworks Co. WelU - I Wells - Good and sufficient. Good and sufficient. North Hayling South Hayling 1,355 2,575 465 1,844 118 474 18 236 South Hayling Water Co. - Do. Fair. Hursley R.D. : Ampfield 2,724 406 70 ' Wells 1 Chandlers Ford 1,836 1,641 370 298 South Hants Waterworks Co. Farley Chamber- 1,794 114 27 15 Sir G. A. Cooper, Bart. - Wells and rain- laync. water. [ Doubtful, but generally Hursley - - - <>,959 940 216 139 Do. adequate. North Baddesley - Otterbourne - 2,029 1,414 280 1,012 65 234 28 171 V South Hants Waterworks Co. . Wells - Kingsclere R.D. : Ash mans worth 1,822 180 43 Pond Good. Baughurst 1,798 542 127 1 I?urghlere 5.269 816 183 Crux Easton - -< 1.121 80 18 East Woodhay 5.080 1.642 423 _ Ecchinswell - 2,349 371 100 Ewhurst 477 58 12 Hjuinington L',i)45 210 62 Highclere :< 184 428 103 J- Wells - Good. Kingsclere I3,ii,<; 2,475 588 Lit eh Meld 1,811 116 27 Newtmvn 480 237 53 Sydmonton - 2,145 146 37 fudley - 2,079 1,293 285 \Volverton 1,453 166 44 Woodcott 1,444 82 17 J Lymington R.D. : Boldre - 10,444 2,504 630 4 Lymington T.C. 1 Brockenhurst - 5,994 2,048 601 190 South Hants Waterworks Co. Hurdle - 3,361 1,065 |811 38 ) Milford on Sea Milton - 3,426 5,Sd3 1,618 2,741 388 716 1* I West Hampshire Water Co. J-Do. Good and sufficient. Pennington - 1,751 880 239 103 1 Khinetield 4,682 39 11 : Sway 2,209 1,010 261 J New .'Forest R.D. : Beaulieu 8,625 986 222 100 Lord Montague of Beaulieu - Bramshaw 3,502 510 120 Collmry ICopythorne - 5,472 5^550 1,008 1,602 218 405 3 ;j South Hants Waterworks Co. Dennv Lodge Dibden - East Bramshaw Eling - - - Bxbory - Fawley - Lyndhurst Marchwood - 11,776 2,235 1,579 2.132 2,124 6,855 3,825 1,600 258 1,047 233 3,125 244 2,033 2,406 620 57 267 59 778 70 524 565 154 73 554 442 22 South Hants Waterworks Co. South Hants Waterworks Co. South Hants Waterworks Co. Do. Wells and springs. Goo ! and adequate. Minstcad 10,346 892 200 Netley Marsh 3,886 1,409 304 41 South Hants Waterworks Co. Petersfield R.D. : Bramshott 6,494 2,453 583 5 Wey Valley Water Co. - Wells Unsatisfactory in parts. Buriton - 5,265 771 176 Do. Good and ample. Colemore 1,472 79 17 Rainwater Generally satisfactory and ( filtered). adequate. East Meon - 8,823 1,013| 231 140 Lord Hotham (part in bulk) Wells Good and ample. 1 K k 2 51-1 BETI7RN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in A ores. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there Sources of Supply. 7. s no Piped Service. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Totnl. 4. iiipplied from Piped Service. 5. Southampton cant. Petersfield R.D. C'tlltt . Empshott 701 167 40 Rain-water (fil- Generally satisfactory and Froxfield 4,909 716 167 1 tered) A: wells. adequate. Greatham 2.030 1.772 123 n Petersfield R.D.C. - Wells 1 Hawkley 1,446 339 76 4 Do. Piaiii-water and Langrish 2,553 477 125 ._ _ wells. i } Good and ample. Lisa 3,fil9 2,334 549 291 l Petersfield K.D.C. | Hill Brow Waterwks. Co., Ltd > Wells - J Priors Dean - 1,596 83 24 Privett - 1,279 225 54 Rain-water (fil- Generally satisfactory and Sheet - Steep - 1,359 2,658 635 966 2 ? i Petersfield D.D.C. 21o 1 j" tered) & wells. ample. Ring-wood R.D. : Broomy - - - 4,712 157 25 1 Burley - 11,327 1,208 250 | Ellingliam Harbridge 2,559 4,214 223 2*9 52 50 z i- Wells Good and adequate. Ibsley - 1,793 211 40 1 Ringwood - - 11,842 5,055 1,033 j Romsey R.D. : ' Dun wood - - 261 18 3 1 East Dean 1,073 191 63 East Wellow - 2,468 393 81 Lockerley 1,647 561 165 Melcbet Park 536 24 3 Mitcheimersh 4,178 1,058 261 9 South Hants Waterworks Co. Mottisfont Nursling 2,790 1,531 559 661 155 165 12 South Hants Waterworks Co. ^Wells & springs Fair. Plaitforcl 1,323 165 35 Romsey Extra Eownhams 9,017 1,486 1,989 521 215 133 , \ South Hants Waterworks Co. Sheffield English - 1,848 , 318 96 Timsbury 1,434 ' 200 47 10 South Hants Waterworks Co. West Wellow - 1,401 646 158 j South Stoneham R.D. : Bitterne 615 3,142 750 700 1 Botley - 1,986 1.012 254 37 Bursledon 1,129 1,018 289 26 Chilworth 1,540 272 43 5 Hamble le Rice 582 695 146 86 Hedge End - 1,708 1,242 317 7 J> South Hants Waterworks Co. Wells Good and adequate. Hound - 2,475 3,478 500 297 Millbrook 984 1,195 300 122 North Stoneham 4,132 1,962 430 373 South Stoneham - 1,324 1,934 384 364 West End 2,984 1,871 308 147 J Stockbridge R.D. : Ashley - 1,834 88 23 -\ Bossington 1,593 77 22 . Broughton 3,458 872 238 Buckholt 1,102 16 5 East Tytherley 2,678 360 82 Frenchmoor - 379 75 14 Houghton 2,672 395 101 King's Somborne - Leckford Little Somborne - 6,813 2,267 1,933 1,263 257 43 311 57 11 j> Wells A; springs Potable; shortage in some parts in drought. Longstock 2,985 : 413 104 Nether Wallop 7,391 701 189 Over Wallop - 4,673 543 152 Stockbridge - 1,323 ; 915 194 Upper Eldon - 295 8 3 West Tytherley - 2,918 458 115 Whitchurch R.D. : Ashe 2,128 172 43 Freefolk Manor 1,594 178 39 Hurstborne Priors - 3,249 389 102 Laverstoke Overton 1,966 6,762 151 1,616 30 366 1' Wells - Good and adequate. St. Mary Bourne - 7,746 1,152 307 Tufton - 1,546 93 23 Whitchurch - Winchester R.D. : Abbott's Barton Avington Chilcomb Without - Compton Crawley 6,367 454 2,953 2,420 2,804 3,606 2,370 55 231 182 767 48] 560 10 40 40 180 120 9 131 Winchester Water A: Gas Co. - South Hants Waterworks Co. 1 Easton - East Stratton 2,172 1,987 375 297 110 75 ^Wells - Generally satisfactory. Fair Oak i,;si 751 180 23 South Hants Waterworks Co. Headbourrie Worthy 1,7X6 240 50 Hunton - 1,075 , 89 20 f Itchen Abbas 1,951 232 50 King's Worthy 2,243 464 110 J PAUT II. STAFFORDSHIRE. 515 . No. nl House-. County, Area in ropuia Names of Undertakers Where there is rm Piped S.'tvire. District and Parish. Acres. tion, 1911. Total. Suppliei from Piped Service. providing a Supply of Water. Sources of Supply. Nature and .Sufficiency of Supply. 1. 8. . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Southampton cant. Winchester R.D. CUIlt. Lainston 120 43 6 6 S. Bostock, Esq. - Littleton 1,302 218 80 26 Do. i Martyr Worthy 2,01fi 853 60 . Mieheldever - 7,819 997 BOO Morestead 1,701 1 55 25 . Owslebury 5413 819 200 42 Winchester R.D.C. Sparsholt Stoke Charity 3,552 1,841 878 121 100 30 31 S. Bostock, Esq. - S- Wells - Generally satisfactory. Stoke Park - Twyford 1,251 4,230 306 2,048 59 600 21 261 South Hants Waterworks Co Weeke Without - 755 10S 35 29 Winchester Water & Gas Co. Wonston 5,493 856 MO STAFFORD- SHIRE Amblecote U.D. - 665 3,155 711 700 Stem-bridge & Dist. Water Bd. Wells & springs - Good and abundant. Audley U.D. - 8,313 14,776 3,073 3,003 Audley D.D.C. Wells Satisfactory. Biddulph U.D. - 5,671 Bilston U.D. - 1,867 7,422 38,681 1,466 5,281 1,235 5,231 Biddulph U.D.C. - Bilston U.D.C. Wells*: springs - Wells Good and sufficient. Satisfactory. Brierley Hill U.D. 1,016 12,263 2,581 2,573 South Staffs. Waterworks Co. Do. Good and ample. Brownhills U.D. - 6,307 16.852 3.321 3.109 Do. do. 1)0. Not very good. Burton upon Trent 4,203 C.B. 48,266 10,784 9,345 Do. do. Do. Poor, but adequate. Cannock U.D. - 8,010 28,586 5,466 5,305 ( Do. do. ) Cannock Conduit Trustees - Wells & springs Generally good & adequate. i S. Staffs. Water Works Co. - Coseley U.D. 3,737 22,834 4,824 4,813 ] Bilston U.D.C. - Wells - Fair and adequate. 1 Wolverhampton T.C. - Darlaston U.D. - J8 17,107 3,438 3,438 South Staffs. Water Works Co. Heathtown or 885 12.276 2,435 2,428 Wolverhampton T.C. Wells Some bad. Wedne s fl eld Heath U.D. Kidsgrove U.D. - 3,114 9,012 1,840 1,750 Kidsgrove U.D.C. and Staf- Do. Good, but inadct]iiatt>. fordshire Potteries Water- works Co. (part in bulk). Leek U.D. 1,459 L6.8C8 3,749 3,749 Leek U.D.C. .... Liehfield B. - 3,475 8,616 1,834 1,804 1 Liehfield Conduit Lands Trustees. Wells. Some doubtful, others very 1 S. Staffs. Water Works Co. - 1 good. Newcastle under 671 20,201 4,146 4.144 Staffordshire Potteries Water- Springs - Doubtful, but plentiful. Lyme B. works Co. i Birmingham T.C. Perry Barr U.D. - 4,084 2,403 44.-. 335 S. Staffs. Water Works Co. - Wells - Satisfactory. 1 H:imstead Colliery Co., Ltd. Quarry Bank U.D. 666 7,393 1,499 1,468 South Staffs. Water Works Co. Do. Good and adequate. Rowley Regis U.D. 3,828 37,000 7,495 7.462 South Staffs. Water Works Co. Wells Si springs Doubtful and uncertain. Rugeley U.D. 651 4,504 ; 979 952 KuLTlcy U.D.C. - Wells Satisfactory. Sedgley U.D. 3,854 16,527 3,199 3,139 i S. Staffs. Water Works Co. - i Wolverhampton T.C. - Wells and rain- water. Doubtful. Short Heath U.D. 1,055 4.075 833 812 Wolverhampton T.C. Wells Satisfactory and plentiful. Smallthorne U.D. 2,688 13,559 2,567 2,562 I K.idspTove U.D.C. (bulk) - i Staffs. Potteries Water Co. - Do. Generally satisfactory. ' Smethwick C.B. - 1,929 70,694 14,466 14,454 South .Staffs. Water Works Co. Do. Satisfactory and adequate. Stafford B. - 1,084 23,383 4.450 4,450 Stafford T.C.- Stoke on Trent 11,142 234,534 46,331 46,328 Staffordshire Potteries Water- Wells - Fairly good. C.B. works Co. Springs - Satisfactory. Stone U.D. - 1,063 5,688 1,177 1,075 Stone U.D.C. - Wells Satisfactory and adequate. Tamworth B. 284 7,738 1,661 1,661 Tamworth Waterworks Joint Committee. Tettenhall U.D. - 1,531 5,381 1,225 1,160 iVolverhampton T.C. Veils Good. Tipton U.D. - 2,171 31,756 6,712 6,560 South Staffs. Water Works Co. Do. Satisfactory and adequate. Uttoxeter U.D. - 1,037 5,717 1,200 1,161 Uttoxeter U.D.C. - Wells & springs Satisfactory. Walsall C.B. 7,483 92,115 18,723 18,477 South Staffordshire Water Pells & springs Fair. Works Co. Wednesbury B. - 2,287 28,103 5,686 5,636 Do. do. Wells Satisfactory. Wednesfleld U.D. 2,539 6,488 1,255 1,204 Volvertiampton T.C. Wells Doubtful, but adequate. A 0.198 K k S 516 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County. District, and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Total. 4. louses. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no piped Serfice. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Staffordshire cont. West Bromwich 5,859 68,332 13,830 13,780 South Staffordshire Water Wells & springs Generally fair & adequate. C.B. Works Co. i Rain-water Adequate. Willenhall U.D. - 1,277 18,844 3,784 3,778 Wolverhumpton T.C. Wells - I Springs - Satisfactory. Liable to pollution. Wolstanton 5,422 27,335 5.7L'i I 5,692 Staffordshire Potteries Water- Wells Satisfactory. United U.D. works Co. (part in bulk). Wolverhampton 3,525 95,328 20,264 20,264 Wolvcrhampton T.C. . C.B. Blore Heath R.D. : Ashley - 2,821 756 200 1 Mucklestone - 4,252 764 171 43 ] J. B. Lloyd, Esq. ) F. H. L. Meynell, Esq. !> Wells - Variable. Tyrley - 6,589 767 164 41 ( Market Dravton Water Co. - ) H. B. M. Buchanan, Esq. - J Cannoek R.D. : Acton Trussell and L-..V.M 523 112 Wells Good and sufficient. Bednall. Brewood 12,152 2,567 631 Do. Poor and insufficient. Bushbury Cheslyn Hay - 3,520 819 3,594 3,309 789 680 585 651 Wolverhampton T.C. Cannoek R.D.C. - [DO. Variable, but ufficient. Coppenhall - Dunston 907 1,448 108 245 19 60 }D O . Good and sufficient. Essington 3,054 2,298 445 349 i Wolverhampton T.C. - ! S. Staffs. Water Works Co. - (DO. Variable, but sufficient. Featherstone - 504 39 8 Do. Good and sufficient. Great Wyrley Hatherton 1,648 2,015 1,953 497 441 113 406 8 S. Staffs. Waterworks Co.(bulk i South Stalls. Waterworks Go. Do. Variable, but sufficient. Hilton - 810 57 14 1 Huntington - Kinvaston 1,303 303 300 21 69 4 68 South Stuffs. Water Works Co. }>Do Good ami sufficient. Lapley - 3.542 788 185 ] Penkridge 10,788 2,386 553 288 S. Staffs. Water Wks. Co.(bulk) Do. Variable, but sufficient. Saredon 1,938 375 79 Do. Good and sufficient. Sbareshill 889 ' 370 85 Do. Variable, but. sufficient. Stretton Teddesley Hay 1,615 2,625 232 45 124 23 13 South Staffs. Water Works Co. /Do. Good and sufficient. Cheadle R.D.': Alton - 2,308 i 1,279 290 140 Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot Wells Good, but inadequate. Bradley in the 677 65 13 Do. Good and adequate. Moors. ( North Staffs. Railway Co. j i Canldon 1,494 483 111 100 (part in bulk). 1 Cheadle R.D.C. - 1 Wells - > Good, but inadequate. Cavers wall - Cheadle 5,011 6,137 5,264 5,841 1,100 1,230 810 950 Staffs. Potteries Waterwks. Co. Cheadle (Staffs.) Waterworks Co., Ltd. Wells & springs Do. 1 Good and adequate. Checkley 5.5C6 2,280 B73 Do. Variable and inadequate. Cheddleton - 7,017 3,221 495 10 Staffs. Potteries Waterwks. Co. Do. Part good and adequate ; part doubtful and in- adequate Consall - - - 2,159 222 50 Wells and rain- 1 water. Cotton - 2,063 533 95 24 North Staffs. Railway Co. - 1 Dilhorne Draycott in the 2,478 3,907 657 368 141 88 60 Lady Feilden ,_ Wells and \ Good & fairly adequate. Moors. springs. Farley - 2,152 261 67 8 North Staffs. Railway Co. J Forsbrook 1,298 1,852 431 335 Staffs. Potteries Waterwks. Co. Wells Ipstones 6,086 1,482 ' 354 80 Cheadle R.D.C. - Wells & springs Doubtful and part inade- quate. Kingsley 4,261 1,905 430 209 Cheadle H.D.C. Wells and springs Doubtful and inadequate. Oakamoor 1,555 993 200 125 Messrs. Thos. Bolton & Sons, Wells Good and fairly adequate. Ltd. Dudley R.D. : Dudley Castle Hill 69 12 3 3 South Staffs. Waterworks Co. G-nosall R.D. : Adbaston 4,638 684 117 Wells Good, but part insufficient. Church Eaton 4.2^3 593 141 18 C. E. Morris Eyton, Esq. ] Forton - 3J46 497 110 33 Rev. Sir R. Boughey, Bart. - ( A. J. Hoole, Esq. i Gnosall - 10,007 2,069 548 58 \ Gnosall R.D.C. - !-Do. Good. I Rev. Sir R. Boughey, Bart. - High Offley - Norbury West on Jones Kingswinford R.D. : Kingswinford Leek R.D. : Bagnall- 2,7<;i 2,102 1.259 5,691 1,712 686 245 121 20,803 662 157 53 23 1,545 140 4,264 41 ( Stourbridgefc Dis. Water Bd. ) S. Staffs. Water Works Co. - Staffs. Potteries Waterwks.Co. J Do. j ,, Bradnop and Caw- dry. 3,568 432 86 > Wells & springs Good and sufficient. Butterton 1,499 279 78 i PART IT. STAFFORDSHIRE. 517 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3, No. <>f HllUM'S. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. (I. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Pi pal Service. 5. Siiurer- i .I Supply. 7. Nature and Stiflieienev of Supply. 8. Staffordshire cunt. Leek R.D. - 1!)2 33 Good and sufficient. Norton in the Moors 8,449 5,29!l 1J029 765 Staffs. Potteries Waterwks. Co. Onecote - - 4.93K 364 80 Wells Quarnford - - : 3,141 311 87 1 Rudyard - - 1,435 81 14 Rusliton , Fames - 1,390 237 55 liusliton Spencer - 1,860 Sheen - - - 2,893 333 321 82 88 Wells A; springs Tittesworth - - 1,514 96 22 Warslow and Elk- 3,598 464 125 stones. J Liehfield R.D. : Alrewas - - 6,116 Armitage - - 1,948 1,461 1,565 3110 343 245 19 South Staffs. Water Works Co. Rugeley U.D.C. (bulk) - Wells - Fair. Brcreton - - 7,798 2,675 54S 412 1 S. Staffs. Water Works Co. - | Rugeley U.D.C. (bulk) > Wells & springs | Wells variable, springs 1 good. Huriit\V(Kul, Edial 4,425 8,OM 1,645 1,295 South Staffs. Water Works Co. Wells Variable. and Woodhouses. Colton - - 3,7f>2 688 165 19 Rugcley U.D.C. (bulk) - Do. Not good. Curborough and 1,294 lltfl 42 Do. Fair. Elmhurst. Elton 1 - - - 2,024 358 88 Do. Some good, some fair. Farewell i Chorley 1,031 205 38 Do. Fair. Kislierwick - - 1,313 129 27 6 South Staffs. Water Works ( V Do. - - ' Moderate. Freeford - - 378 75 15 10 Do. Do. Good. Fulfen - - - 250 43 13 1 Do. Do. Variable. Hammerwich - 1 1,779 1,611 341 229 Do. Do. Fair. Hamstall Ridware 3.124 330 77 Do. Moderate. Haselour - - 586 38 6 Do. Good. Kind's Bromley - 3,477 King's Bromley 510 002 17 128 4 Do. Fairly good. Hays. Longdon 4,545 1,358 325 Do. Moderate. Mavesyn Ried Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Staffordshire cant , Newcastle under Lyme R.B cunt. Chapel and dill Chorlton. 1,983 352 85 12 Staffs. Potteries Waterwks. Co. thro' Sir D. Broughton. Wells & springs - Good, but insufficient. Clayton 1,807 312 r,3 3 Staffs. Potteries Waterwks. Co. *i 1 1 Staffs. Potteries Waterwks. Kele - 2,888 1,156 252 Ki4 1 Co. (part in bulk). ( Audley U.D.C. (bulk) - [Wells - Good and sufficient. i Staffs. Potteries Waterwks. Madeley 5,864 2,797 608 421 i Co. (bulk). 1 Audley U.D.C. (bulk) - J Maer 2,750 443 97 Do. I 1 Mrs. E. J. C'avanagh-Main- ) 1 Good, but some insuffi- Whitmore 2,015 326 80 48 ! waring. J- Do. ( cient. ( L. and N.W. Railway Co. J Seisdon R.D. : Bobbington - - 2,680 332 90 1 Codsall - 2,994 1,634 116 177 Wolverhampton T.C. Enville - 4,980 712 165 47 South Staffs. Water Wks. Co. - Himley - 1,221 307 72 3 Bilston U.D.C. Kinver - - - 9.011 2,348 695 377 Seisdon R.D.C. Lower Penn - 2,005 344 83 50 j Wolverhampton T.C. Patshull 1,824 222 42 Wells - Good. Pattinghara - 2.529 , 755 193 _ Swindon Trysull and Seisdon 1,783 3,UO 442 574 105 138 2'J j Bilston U.D.C. - Upper Penn - 1.998 4,560 1,117 1,030 Wolverhampton T.C. - Wombourn - - 2,576 I,fifi9 P80 315 Bilston U.D.C. Wrottesley - - 6,775 1.275 287 Ki4 Wolverhampton T.C. J Stafford R.D. : Baswich, Milford am* Walton. | 2.038 849 194 178 I Stafford T.C. 1 L. and N.W. Railway Co. - . Bradley 4,948 395 81 Brocton Castle Church 2,341 241 3,445 1,660 59 410 $ [Stafford T.C. - - - Chartley Holme - 1,707; .49 10 i Earl of Lichfield ; Stafford Colwich 7,464 1,527 356 54 T.C. ;S. Staffs. Water Wks. i Co. ; L. & N.W. Rail. Co. ; North Staffs. Railway Co. Cresswell 828 46 9 Kllenhall 2,549 212 48 Fradswell 1,442 184 38 . Clayton - 1,515 201 43 Haughton Hopton and Coton 3,119 3,479 507 643 122 102 55 ( Stafford T.C. ( Earl of Shrewsbury it Talbot } Wells - Fair and sufficient. Ingestre 879 134 34 5 Do. Marston 1,296 115 19 Button 1,843 . 277 61 Salt and Enson 1,609 400 94 Seighford 4,741 1,251 284 5 L. & N.W. Railway Co. - Stowe - 5,363 850 203 Tillington 1,236 1,450 300 291 Stafford T.C. Tixall - 2,367 222 46 ' 1 Stafford T.C. 1 Earl of Shrewsbury A: Talbot Wcston upon Trent 831 361 83 Whitgreave - 1,201 132 32 Worston 172 21 3 Yarlet - 400 50 4 . *. Stoke-upon-Trent R.D. : Stoke Kural - 3,270 4,774 878 765 Staffordshire Potteries Water- Wells & springs - Good and adequate. works Co. Stone R.D. : Barlaston 2,184 790 191 134 Staffs. Potteries Waterwks. Co. Chebsey 2,852 470 100 . Cold Norton - 1,319 69 12 Eccleshall 19,755 3,683 882 36 1 Staffs. Potteries Waterworks [Wells - Fulford - 3,168 759 171 49 j Co. Hilderstone - 2,015 380 86 1 Milwioh 3,042 452 110 Sandon ... 8,574 508 109 20 Earl of Harrowby - Spring & wells - [- Good and adequate. Standon 2.1)20 438 73 29 Staffs. Potteries Waterworks I Co. through Sir T. Salt. i Stone U.D.C. Stone Rural - 14,086 2,948 653 199 < Staffs. Potteiies Wat erwks.Co. S- Wells i 1 Duke of Sutherland - Swynnerton 6,481 831 180 64 Staffs. Potteries Waterwks. Co. Trentham 6,260 3,059 644 519 , Do. Wells &; springs - Tamworth R.D. : Amington A: Stony- 2,318 1,396 279 269 Tamworth Waterworks Joint delph (Warw.). Committee. Austrcy (Do.) 2,125 335 67 Bolehall & Glaseot-3 1,213 4,711 942 939 Tamworth Waterworks Joint i- Wells - vjuvu aim BUUIVICIIL. (Warw.). Committee. Canwell 560 141 28 Clifton Campville 3,349 460 92 1 and II aunt mi. PART II. STAFFORDSHIRE. 519 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Hou>c-i. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature ami Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Staffordshire emit. Tamworth R.D. cunt. Croxall - 8,985 218 44 Prayton Bassett - 3,155 370 74 Edingale 870 136 27 Fazeley 2,084 1,830 36 360 Tamworth Waterworks Joint . Wells - Good and sufficient. Committee. Harlaston 1,524 226 45 Hints - 1.889 203 40 40 Mrs. Chadwick ... Hopwas Hays 354 4 1 i Tamworth Waterworks Joint Kingsbury (Warw.) 8,070 3.831 757 728 Committee (bulk). Baddeslev Collieries (bulk) - ) Wells - Good and sufficient. Tamworth R.D.C. Middleton (Do.) - 3,914 418 83 17 Lord Middleton ... Newton Kegis (Do.) 1,33!) 450 90 . i Seckington (Do.) - 848 84 21 21 Sir F. Burdett, Bart. - Shuttiiigton (Do.) - 1,420 (ill 123 115 Tamworth Waterworks Joint ] Committee (bulk). Statfold 455 57 11 Syerscote 483 43 8 . Wells - Good and sufficient. Thorpe Constantino 9f>l 105 21 Wigginton 3,667 1,320 250 244 | Tamworth Waterworks Joint Wilnecote & Castle 1,818 4,196 739 735 j Committee. Liberty (Warw.). Tutbury R.D. : Anslow ... 1,664 382 75 Wells } Barton under Necd- wood 3.775 1,554 350 150 I South Staffordshire Water Do. Branston 2,457 801 175 116 1 Works Co. Dunstall 1,710 263 50 Wells and spiiuc Hanbury 3.288 523 100 3 Lord Vernon - - - - 1 Good. Outwoods 1,045 862 200 60 ' South Staffs. Water Wks. Co. i Rolleston 2,037 872 180 10 Sir O. Moslev, Bart. 1 Wells - Stretton 1.247 804 182 100 South Staffs" Water Wks. Co. [ Tatenhill 3,159 673 130 30 i Dowager Lady Burton - j j Tutbury 4,145 2,186 400 .,., ( Sir 0. Mosley, Bart. " d | Tutbury R.D.C. - Do. Bad. Wichnor 1,642 167 30 5 South Staffs. Water Wks. Co. Do. Good. Uttoxeter R.D. : Abbots Bromley - 9,476 1,467 270 . ) Blithfield S,219 322 55 . I Do. Bramshall 1,328 148 40 i Croxden 2,447 179 40 Spring Dqpstone 1,252 724 80 10 | Sir A. P. Heywood, Bait. ) Draycott in the Clay 1,930 528 110 7 Lord Vernon ... I Draycott in the Clay P.C. - > Spring * wells Field - 982 58 15 Kain-watvand Gratwich 865 50 15 . f wells. Kingston 2,037 195 60 ^- Rain-water and [ Fair. Kingston brook. Leigh - 6,223 746 170 ~j Marohington - 2,493 561 120 18 Lord Vernon Marchington Wood- 2,525 319 65 lands. } Wells - Newhorough - 2,872 521 110 . Kocester 1,992 1,263 260 Uttoxeter Rural - 8,174 1,071 240 J Walsall R.D. : Aldridge 2,939 2,812 601 487 South Staffs. Water Wks. Co. Bentley 1,448 385 70 28 Wolverhampton T.C. 1 Great Barr 5,252 1,657 384 61 South Staffs. Water Wks. Co. J- Wells - Good. Pelsall - 1,263 3,491 801 793 ( Do Rushall - 1,230 2,646 562 534 ) SUFFOLK, EAST. Aldeburgh B. Beccles B. 1,633 2,1117 2,374 7.139 570 1,657 668 1,532 Aldeburgh T.C. - Beccles Waterworks Co. Springs Wells Satisfactory and adequate. Satisfactory. Bungay U.D. 2,642 3.359 817 . Wells and springs Bad and inadequate. Eye B. - - - 4,410 2,000 455 Wells, rivers, Generally poor, but suffi- streams, ponds, cient. and rain-water. Felixstowe and 3,962 8,666 1,636 1,611 Felixstowe and Walton Water- Wells Satisfactory, but liable to Walton U.D. works Co. pollution. Halesworth U.D. - 1,132 2,258 557 Do. Liable to pollution, but adequate. Ipswich C.B. 8,112 73,932 16,682 16,592 Ipswich T.C. - Wells Fair. Leiston cum Size- well U.D. | 4,994 4,359 934 690 Leiston cum Sizewell U.D.C. - Wells - Ponds Inferior, but adequate. Inferior. Lowestoft B. 2,112 33,777 7,331 7,086 Lowestoft Water and Gas Co. Wellsand springs Satisfactory . Oulton Broad U.D. 1,215 4,109 918 329 Do. Wells Very unsatisfactory, but adequace. Saxmundham U.D. 1,107 1,404 353 Wells and pomis Bad, but usually adequate. 520 RETTTKN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County. District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Uousi-s. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Suffolk, East- -eoat. Southwold B. 590 2,655 666 665 Southwold Water Wks.Co.,Ltd. Well Satisfactory. Stowmarket U.D. 1,038 4,230 1,015 840 Messrs. Greene. King, & Suns. Wells - - , Generally polluted, but Ltd. sufficient. Woodbridge U.D. l.iili: 4,623 1,183 554 Woodbridge District Water Co. Do. Fairly gmxl. Blything R.D. : Aldringham with 1,739 642 133 . 1 Thorpe. Benacre 2,544 213 55 Blyford - 874 138 34 - Blythburgh - 4,330 747 120 Bramfield 2,601 522 137 Brampton 2,074 3f5 70 Chediston 2,496 301 76 . Cookley 1,727 200 45 Covehithe 1,404 153 34 Crattield 2,127 387 98 Darsham 1,594 342 84 Dunwich 1,144 156 46 Easton Barents 277 17 3 Frostenden - 1,322 372 96 Henham 1,803 139 27 Henstead 1,959 524 118 Heveningham 1,669 273 59 Holton - 1,236 557 132 Huntingfield - 2,147 298 68 Kelsale - - - 3,620 957 243 Knoddishall - 1,850 531 126 Linstead Magna - Linstead Parva Middleton Peasenhall 1,325 567 2,041 2,184 74 122 515 697 18 33 126 174 ) Wells, springs, Variable, rivers, streams, ponds & rain- water. Reydon - 2,729 971 210 60 Southwold Water Wks.Co.,Ltd. Rumburgh 1,538 295 79 Sibton - 2,777 399 !I3 Sotherton 1,095 141 32 South Cove - 1,212 148 37 Spexhall 1,839 249 51 Stoven - 806 139 31 Theberton 2,001 502 118 * Thorington 1,448 148 31 Ubbeston 1,205 155 32 Uggeshall 1,493 258 55 Walberswick - -1,983 372 95 Walpole 1,675 347 90 Wangford 897 561 130 Wenhaston - 2,401 831 222 . Westhall 2,318 397 98 Westleton 6,122 769 198 Wissett - 2,181 359 80 Wrentham 2,334 981 234 Yoxford 2,730 976 243 J Bosmere and Claydon R.D. : Akenham 1,017 102 20 Wells , 1 Ashbocking - 1,412 270 60 Ponds and well Ashfield 1,580 208 46 Badley - Barham 1,078 1,802 102 571 18 92 Fonds Wells and ponds Barking 3,] 57 432 91 [ Wells - Battisford 1,581 406 98 Baylham 1,357 258 60 . Wells and ponds Bramford 3,140 1.281 296 144 Ipswich T.C. (bulk) j Claydon 975 556 152 . Wells Coddenham - 2,733 647 176 Greeting St. Mary - 2,710 416 107 Wells and ponds Crowfield 1,731 3H7 82 Ponds Debenham - Earl Stonham 3,322 1,196 2,550 617 310 140 Wells - - } Variable, some wells Do. polluted : sufficient, Flowton 492 139 33 Pond and well - except ponds. Framsden 2,862 550 144 Wells Gosbeck 1,475 209 43 Moats Great Blakenham - 875 358 92 Wells Great Bricett 926 192 47 Helmingham - 2,454 308 71 / Ponds & wells - Hemingstone 1,449 249 63 Henley - l,L>:i5 243 56 Little Blakenham - 1,070 170 38 Wells Little Stonham 1,202 326 81 Ponds Miekfield 1,274 216 49 . i Needham Market - 151 1,313 337 Wells J PART IT. SUFFOLK, EAST. 521 County. IHstrirt ami Parish. 1. Area in Acres. -'. Copula- tion. mi. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there Sourcc-i of Supply. 7. is no Piped Service. Nature' and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Supplied Total. '"" Piped Service. 4, 5. Suffolk, East -<<roke 3,796 1,012 216 Ponds, rain- water & wells. Syleham 1,615 262 47 ] Tanuington - Wevbread 1,63* 2,501 175 565 32 109 z | Ponds and rain- Wilby - 2,130 343 73 [' water. Wingneld Worlingworth 2,495 2,473 467 575 85 99 J 522 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Suffolk, Ea8t"<. Mutford and Loth- ingland R.D. : Ashby - IJOS 107 23' 2 Lowestof t Water and Gas Co Wells -i Barnby ... 1,093 309 85 Wells, springs and stream. Belton - Blundeston - 2,030 1,583 850 694 214 176 8 38 \ Lowestoft Water and Gas Co Wells Bradwell 2,339 598 146 Wells and filtered dyke water. Burgh Castle - 1,492 529 131 Wells and rain- water. Carlton Oolville - 2,105 644 181 Wells it springs Gorton - Flixton - 1,144 604 546 75 139 15 54 / R. J. Colman, Esq. | Lowestoft Water and Gas Co Wells - I Unsatisfactory but adequate. Fritton - 1.473 227 61 1 Gisleham 1,341 375 77 Wells and pond Gunton - - 629 65 12 5 Lowestoft Water and Gas Co. Wells Herringfleet - 1,303 282 60 Wells and rain- water. Hopton - 1,291 304 77 16 Lowestoft Water and Gas Co. 1 Kessingland - 1,692 1,845 489 i Lound ... 1,263 348 88 31 Lowestoft Water and Gas Co. Mutford 1.597 403 102 1 Oulton - - - Pakefield 1,304 651 698 1,599 105 412 62 352 / Lowestoft Water and Gas Co f Wells Rushmere 761 160 28 I Somerleyton - 1,371 526 132 3 Lowestoft Water and Gas Co. - J Plomesgrate R.B. : Benhall 2,165 603 148 Wells and ponds Good. Blaxhall 2,018 505 123 Wells - - [ Very good and sufficient. Brandeston - 1,246 313 88 Wells and ponds Wells, good ; ponds, fairly good ; sufficient. Bruisyard 1,138 243 55 Do. Fair and plentiful. Butley - 1,981 283 79 Do. Very good and plentiful. Campsey Ash 1,825 341 89 Do. Wells, very good ; ponds. fair ; plentiful. Chillesford - 1,855 228 54 . Wells & stream - Wells, very good ; stream. fair ; plentiful. Cransford 1,202 204 49 Wells and ponds Wells fair ; ponds good ; fairly sufficient. Cretingham - 1,649 238 70 ' Do Good. Earl Soham - 1,977 583 158 1 U - Easton ... 1,484 415 92 Do. Wells, very good ; ponds fair ; plentiful. Eyke - 2,784 372 93 Wells Very good. Farnham 1,199 147 46 . Do. Very good and sufficient. Framlingham 4,688 2,400 579 Wells and ponds Wells, very good ; ponds, fairly good ; sufficient. Friston - Gedgrave 1,737 1.810 478 68 119 14 Wells Do. f Very good and sufficient. Great Glemham 1,918 319 70 Wells and ponds | Good. ' Hacheston 1,779 463 109 Wells Havergate Island - 268 3 1 Rain-water Variable. Hazlewood - 1,739 126 25 . Wells Good, Hoc 1,217 170 36 Wells and ponds Wells, good ; ponds, fairly good ; fairly sufficient. Iken - 2,668 278 73 Wells Very good. Kenton - 1,229 209 53 Wells, ponds and Wells, good ; ponds, fair ; stream. moderate. Kettleburgh - 1,446 259 69 Wells and ponds Wells, good ; ponds, fairly good ; sufficient. Letheringham 1,153 182 | 48 Do. Wells, good ; ponds, fail. Lit'tle Glemham 1,285 249 66 Do. Good and plentiful. Marlesford 1,301 388 103 Wells and river - Wells, good ; river, fair ; plentiful. Monewden - 1,101 158 38 Wells and ponds Wells, -good ; ponds fair ; fairly sufficient. Orford - 2,703 842 331 Wells Good. Parham 2,215 338 89 Wells and ponds Wells, good ; ponds, fair ; sufficient. Aendham ;i,736 307 75 Wells, ponds and Wells, good ; ponds and river. river, fair ; sufficient. Rendlesham - 2,036 288 71 Wells and pond - Wells, very good ; pond, fair ; sufficient. Snape -.. 1,984 576 135 Wells Very good. Sternfield 1,108 213 50 Do. Fairly good and sufficient. Stratford St. 800 165 45 Wells and ponds Wells, very good ; ponds, Andrew. fair ; sufficient. Sudbourne 4,878 474 115 Wells Very good. Swefling 1,136 258 68 Wells and pond Wells, fairly good ; pond, fair ; sufficient. PART II. SUFFOLK, EAST. 523 County, District am] Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. Nu. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Supplied If* P. Service. 4. 6. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Suffolk, East ''". Plomesgate R.D. cunt. Tunstall 2,852 591 155 Wells Wantisden 2,133 88 22 Wells and stream Hood. Wickham Market - l,18fi 1,343 227 Wells and ponds Wells, good ; ponds, fair. Samford R.D. : Belstead 1.018 254 68 1 Bentley - 2,875 . 428 94 . Brantham 1,882 989 211. Borstal! 768 237 66 Capri St. Mary 1,917 616 126 ! Chattisham - 724 123 37 . Ohelmondistou 1,277 727 200 , Copdoek 96") 2!I8 78 {Wells - Good, except in part of East Bergbolt 3,140 1,512 'Ml Brantham (Cattawade). Erwarton 1,309 203 50 Freston - 1,460 ! 255 .57 Great Wcnham 1 133 18fi 51 Harkstead 1,740 389 93 Higham 900 169 41 ; Hmtlesham - 2,804 561 129 Holbrook 2,054 741 186 Wells Doubtful. Holton St. Mary - 848 173 4.'. J Little Weuham Kaydon 940 68 2.374 492 13 124 1 Wells - Good. Shelly - 916 102 24 1 Shotley - 2,047 2,243 203 . Do. Doubtful. Spronghton - 2,181 680 154 Wells and springs ~) Stratford St. Mary 1,503 472 131 1 Stutton- 2,30! 526 142 Tattingstone - 1,671 598 116 \ Wells - - !- Goo.330 Kill 42 i Wells Charsfield J .35* 397 117 . Wells and ponds Clopton - 2,098 325 78 Ponds ' Culpho - Dallinghoo 726 l..',3i; 87 271 17 71 ~ Wellsand ponds J Dallinghoo Wield - 38 Debach - 464 130 32 . Wells and ponds 1 Falkenham - ,752 238 61 1 Foxhall - ,849 177 51 Great Bealings ,036 302 71 Grundisburgh ,909 743 186 Hasketon ,680 468 117 Hemley - 744 90 20 Wells - Hollesley 3,974 881 136 Kesgrave 867 89 17 Kirton - 1,854 500 139 Levington 1,016 157 40 Little Bealings 798 308 65 J - Martlesham - 2,630 442 116 Wells, spring. .V: stream. Melton - 1,417 2,042 250 42 Woodbridge District Water Co. Nacton - 1,917 455 102 . Wells - . Newbourn 909 106 36 f \ Good and ample. Otley - 2,18 523 143 f Ponds - . Pettistree 1.779 222 63 Playford 1,329 23n 59 ] Purdis Farm - 596 22 4 Ramsholt 1,803 150 24 Rushmere St. An- 1 .523 463 95 drew. Wells Shottisham - 1,134 25C 81 Stratton Hall 474 45 7 Sutton - 5,433 459 108 Trimley St. Martin 2.534 781 185 8 / Felixstowe A; Walton Water- Trimley St. Mary - 1,543 758 195 77 | works Co. J Tuddenham - 1.274 362 87 / Wells, spring. Ufford - 1,163 47! 151 ( and stream. Waldringfielil Westerfield - 904 401! Mtt 108 57 16 ( Wells - Witmsham - 2,046 498 131 I PART II. SUFFOLK, WEST. 525 County, District and 1'arish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Supplied ri> . , from lota1 ' Piped Service. 4. 6. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. ' 6. Where there is no 1'ipcd Service. Si mi' Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. SUFFOLK, WEST. Bury St. Edmunds B. 2,94.7 16,785 3,805 3,463 Hury St. Edmunds T.C. Wells Doubtful, but plentiful. Glemsford U.D. - 2,246 1,499 401 296 Glemsford U.D.C. - Wells, springs Generally good, but liable and ponds. to pollution ; usually adequate. Hadleigrh U.D. - 4.317 3,200 760 Wells Good and adequate. Haverhill U.D. 2,530 4,748 1,078 903 Haverhill U.D.C. - Wells and ponds Wells generally fair, ponds moderate. Newmarket U.D. - 5,661 10,482 2,268 1,918 Newmarket Waterworks Co., Wells Good. Ltd. Sudtmry B. - 1,925 7,141 1,773 1,726 Sudbury T.C. Wells Jic springs Satisfactory. Brandon R.D. : Barnham 5,291 422 102 -i Barningham - 1,020 412 106 Brandon 6,783 2,409 570 451 Brandon R.D.C. - Coney Weston 1,351 233 60 Euston - 5,410 257 74 Fakenham ,854 162 44 Hepworth Honington ,693 ,201 416 221 114 66 1- Wells - Good and adequate. Hopton - ,397 606 180 Knettishall - ,059 58 18 Market Weston 979 193 61 Santon Downham - 3,921 103 21 Sapiston ,282 197 50 Thelmetham - ,919 272 84 J Clare R.D. : ISarnardiston - 1,123 130 33 Wells Satisfactory. Clare 2,285 1,183 41)11 294 Clare R.D.C. - - - - Wells and ponds 1 Cowlinge Denston 3,071 1.200 524 199 140 50 | Wells - (ireat Bradley 2,34(1 247 62 Wells ami ponds Great Thurlow Great Wratting 2,055 1,348 317 283 72 76 f Wells - Fairly satisfactory. Huiulon 4,551 727 182 150 Clare R.D.C. .... Wells, ponds and springs. Kediiigton 2,408 936 154 Wells and spring Little Bradley 972 79 15 Wells Little Thurlow 1,413 320 80 . Do. - - Satisfactory. Little Wratting 936 192 36 17 Haverhill U.D.C. - Do. - - Fairly satisfactory. Monks Kisbridge - 129 1'oslingfcrd - 2,439 304 69 42 C. E. Cumberledge-Ware, Esq. Wells Fairly satisfactory. Stansfield 2,021 347 77 Do. Satisfactory. Stoke by Clare 2,430 538 150 90 Lord Loch - ... Wells and springs Si radisball Wickhambrook 1.404 4,887 302 951 75 250 Wells Do. > Fairly satisfactory. Withersfield - 2,498 575 139 Wells and ponds I ' Wixoe - 562 114 29 Wells Satisfactory. Cosford R.D. : Aldham 1,755 207 51 Wells and ponds ] Bildeston 1,171 729 191 . ) Boxford l,i!25 505 168 1 Wells - Brent Eleigh 1,684 223 61 ( Brettenham - 1,438 339 85 Wells and ponds Chelsworth - 877 241 58 1 Cockfield 3,626 882 227 Edwardstonc 1.891 415 99 Klmsett 1,992 395 87 Wells - Groton - 1,560 379 97 Hadleigh Hamlet - 427 206 48 Hitcham 4,308 835 213 90 . Cosford R.D.C. Kersey - 1.511 496 125 Wells and stream Kettlebaston - 1,041 138 36 Wells and ponds Well water is generally Laveuham 2,898 1,963 492 ) bard, pond water is Layhani 2,531 448 128 1 Wells - preferred ; adequate. Lindsey 1,230 215 55 ! . Milden - 1.343 162 39 Wells and ponds Monks Eleigh 2,099 600 148 Wells Naughton 980 117 32 1 Wells and Nedging 856 183 46 1 ponds. Polstead 3,414 679 183 Wells Preston - 2,006 309 78 Wells and ponds Semer 1,242 290 40 Wells Thorpe Morieux - 2,497 387 91 Wells and Wattisham - 1,272 151 44 I ponds. Whatfield - 1,599 314 '' 75 ^^ Wells i 526 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. Xo. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Supplied Total. om . Piped Service. 4. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Suffolk, West-ww. Melford R.D. : Acton -.. 2,885 541 120 Wells Alpheton Assington 1.222 3,041 229 507 57 124 Wells and ponds Wells Pure and adequate. Boxted -.. l,. r )82 201 51 Wells & R. Glem Bures St. Mary 2.574 805 199 Wells and springs Doubtful. Cavendish 3,346 873 228 1 Ohilton - 1,006 255 56 ^ Great Cornard 1.673 971 267 Great Waklingficld 2.31 IS 467 115 Hartest - 1.986 532 136 Hawkedon 1.4 SO 230 48 Lawshall 2,930 656 154 Little Cornard 1.74S 271 81 Little Waldingfield 1,630 280 75 Wells - Pure and adequate. Long Melford 5,815 2,878 703 Nayland with Wis- 2,586 1,130 253 sington. Newton - 2,198 345 91 , Shimpling 2,702 390 96 Somerton 1,015 85 29 Stanstead 1,195 265 64 . . Stoke by Nayland - 5,433 880 236 J Mildenhall R.D. : Barton Mills - 1,888 475 118 , Cavenham 2,352 159 46 Walla Elveden 5,508 463 117 > VV ( M > Eriswell 6,658 328 93 ) Freckenham - Herringswell - 2,610 2,242 320 168 88 45 Wells and stream 1 } Good and adequate. Icklingham - 6,762 328 94 Kentford 800 205 50 . S- Wells - Lakenheath - 11.331 1,613 386 Mildenhall - 16,767 3,645 832 J Tuddenham - 2,664 318 76 Wells and stream Doubtful. Wangford Wellington - 3,285 2,003 34 256 8 73 i Wells - Good and adequate. Moulton R.D. : Dalham 2,098 405 98 1 Gazeley 3,201 444 100 Higham 2,717 325 76 ^Wells - Fairly satisfactory. Lidgate 2,034 340 78 Moulton 3.169 515 128 J Ousden - 1,382 226 60 Wells and ponds Not very satisfactory. Thedwastre R.D. : Badwell Ash - 1,858 367 101 1 1 Beyton ... 644 354 85 Drinkstone - Elmswell 2,196 2,089 433 853 116 220 ~ } Wells & ponds Felsham 1,654 355 89 Gadding 494 130 28 J Great Ashfield 1,548 358 88 Wells, springs and ponds. Hessett - 1,604 382 92 "| Hinderclay - 1,488 225 61 Hunston 960 111 30 Variable. Langham 970 163 41 __ Norton - 2,460 748 191 Rattlesden - 3,299 877 223 Rickinghall Inferior 1,981 331 78 Wells & ponds Stowlangtoft - 1,478 163 44 Thurston 2,223 628 159 Tostock - 952 321 77 Walsham le Willows 2,817 1,016 258 Wattisfield - 1,530 424 117 Woolpit 1,881 780 225 ** J j Thingoe R.D. : Ampton 736 130 32 Wells Good and adequate. Bardwell 3,183 645 167 Do. Satisfactory. Barrow ... 2.677 950 211 Do. Good & usually adequate. Bradfield Combust- 823 123 30 Do. Good and adequate. Bradfield St. Clare - 1,427 178 44 () Wells, (ft) (a) Good, (ft) doubtful in ponds. summer. Bradfield St. 1,968 407 96 Do. do. () Good and adequate, George. (ft) bad in summer. Brockley 1,538 235 60 . . Do. do. (a) Very hard and scarce in dry weather, (ft) bad in summer. Chedburgh , 571 191 51 i Wells Good and adequate. 1'AKT II. SUFFOLK, WEST. 527 ., . No. of HOUM-.. County. Area in ' "l' ula - tion, ftupphe, l| Names of Undertakers provii I i ii"" u Where there is no Piped Service. District ami Parish. Acres. itfil. Total. .'"' Piped Supply of Water. Sources of Nature and Sufficiency Service Supply. cif Supply. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Suffolk, West font Thingroe R.D. cont. CheTington - 2.44.-, 471 112 Wells . Culford - Denhara 2,229 1,310 325 159 70 40 33 Earl Cadogan Do. Do. r air. Do. Good. Dcpclcn 1,590 197 50 I (a) Wells, (4) ponds am stream / () Good, (A) doubtful ; | adequate. Flempton Fornham All Saints 947 1,705 174 377 35 79 Wells - Do. Fair, hut variable. Fftii Fornhain St. Gene- veve. Fornhain St. Martin | 688 1,294 58 278 18 05 ()' Wells, (A) stream. | (a) Good, (A) doubtful. Great Barton 3,764 718 170 Wells - Good. Great Liverraere - 1,555 204 01 Do. Doubtful. 1 Great Saxhani - 1,450 219 40 i i () Wells, < (A) springs, (c) ponds. 1 (a) Good, (A) fair, (r) had j in dry weather. Great Welnetham ' 1,495 llardwick - - 114 366 94 19 6 ~ () Wells, (A) springs. Welli | () Satisfactory, (.A) fair. Good. () Wells, (a) Good and moderate, Ilargrave - - 1,781 304 84 12 Various property owners < (A) springs. (<) ponds, (A) fair and adequate, (v) poor durin-j summer () doubtful, but adequate. nrir. Risby - - - I 2,818 335 88 13 John Wood, Esq., M.P. - Do. j ood . llougham - - 3.H77 742 ; 192 Do. Satisfactory. Rushbrooke - - 1,003 129 32 (a) Wells, ) Good and generally Stanningfield - 1,409 254 61 __ (A) pond. Do. do. .sufficient. (A) fair. Fair, (A) liable to pol- lution : doubtful. Stanton - - - ' 3,319 ' 787 190 i Wells Good and sufficient. Timworth 1,375 100 SS Troston - 1,779 205 54 Do. Fair. Westley West Stow - 1,240 2,941 143 223 33 43 Do. Wells and springs Satisfactory. Good. Whepstead - 2,732 43o 111 (a) Wells, / (i) springs. a) Good and adequate, A) doubtful Wonhvell - 2,310 411 10 Wells .iood. SURREY. Barnes U.D. - 2,518 30,377 5,750 5,750 Metropolitan Water Board - _ Qarshalton U.D. - 2,921; 11,034 2,247 2,232 1 Sut ton iiistrict \VaterOo. - / Metropolitan Water Board - Wells - x-itisfactory. Daterham U.D. - 2,43S 10,841 1,572 1,572 East Surrey Water Co. - Shertsey U.D. - 10,777 13,810 2,886 2.716 West Surrey Water Co. - Wells 'air, but liable to act upon lead. >oydon C.B. - 9.012 169,551 34,363 34,303 Crovilon T.C. \; Metropolitan Water Board (bulk). Dorking: U.D. - 1,339 7.848 1,749 1,742 Dorking Water Co. Wells atisfactory and sufficient i East and West 1,518 6,492 1,360 1,300 Metropolitan Water Board Molesey U.D. . j S.W. Suburban Water Co. - U.D. - - 7,780 12,551 2.C88 1,388 -; Commi.-sioners of H.M. - Wells - enerally sail factory. 1 \V,,,!s .V,-. 1 :\ 0.1 II 528 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Nature and Sufficiency Supply. of Supply. 7. 8. Surrey cont. Epsom U.D. - 4,424 iy,ir>(> 2,517 2,472 Epsom U.D.C. j Wells - Kain -water Good. Indifferent. Esher and the 5,978 ! 12,518 2,753 2,728 Metropolitan Water Board and Wells Fairly good. Dittons U.D. Leatlierhead & D. Waterwks Co. Farnham U.D. 1,114 7,365 1,602 1,600 Farnham Water Co. Ltd. and Do. Fair. Wey Valley Water Co. Frimley U.D. 7,674 13,673 2,147 1,994 Frimley and Farnborough Do. Satisfactory and adequate. District Water Co. Godalming B. 812 8,846 1,889 1,838 Godalming T.C. () Wells, and () Good and sufficient, (i) overflow of (i) Variable, but ade- | Ram. quate. Guildford B. - 2,593 23,820 4,928 4,925 Guildford T.C. (occasional Springs Fair and adequate. supply from Woking Water IK. Co.). Ham U.D. 1,871 1,435 297 284 Metropolitan Water Board Wells Free from pollution, and adequate. Haslemere U.D. - 2,263 3,520 883 637 Haslemere U.D.C. - Do. Good and sufficient. Kingston on 1,133 37,975 7,356 7,256 Metropolitan Water Board - Do. Fairly satisfactory ; suffi- Thames B. cient. Leatherhead U.D. Merton and Mor- den U.D. Reigate B. - 3,508 3,237 5,994 5,491 14,140 28,502 1,099 3,603 5,698 1,057 3,603 5,558 Leatherhead k District Water works Co. Metropolitan Water Board and Sutton District Water Co. East Surrey Water Co. - Do Wells Satisfactory. Reasonably good and sufficient. Richmond B. 2,491 33,221 6,545 6,544 Richmond T.C. and Metro- \\YI1 Good and adequate. politan Water Board (bulk). Surbiton U.D. 3,046 17,717 3,588 3,588 Metropolitan Water Board - Button U.D. - 1,836 21,270 3,986 3,986 Sutton District Water Co. - - The Maidens and 3,220 12,137 2,554 2,554 Metropolitan Water Board Coombe U.D. Walton upon Thames U.D. 6,859 12,856 2,665 2,650 West Surrey Water Co. - Wells Moderately good and abundant. Weybridge U.D. - 1,371 6,286 1,327 1,321 Do. Do. Fair and sufficient. Wimbledon B. Windlesham U.D. 3,221 5,692 54,966 4,249 10,701 954 10,701 326 Metropolitan Water Board - South West Suburban Water Co. ; and E. Spooner, Ksq. Wells & springs - Fairly good. Woking U.D. 11,826 24,808 4,491 4,294 Woking Water & Gas Co. Wells Mostly polluted, but ade- quate. Chertsey R.D. : Bisley - 922 863 140 16 Woking Water &. Gas Co. 1 Byfleet - 2,075 2,960 670 653 West Surrey Water Co. - 1 Chobham 9,579 3,991 680 90 S.W. Suburban Water Co. } Wells - Liable to pollution, but Pyrford 1,881 979 190 117 Woking Water St. Gas Co. 1 jreiHTiilly fair except Thorpe - . - 1,563 590 110 44 S.W. Suburban Water Co. - J near Chobham. Croydon R.D. : 1 Addington 3,604 614 139 130 ( Croydon T.C. (part in bulk) | Metropolitan Water Board - , Wells - Good and adequate. Beddiugton - 3,128 9,757 2,258 2,258 Sutton District Water Co. Coulsdon 4,314 11,389 1,987 1,981 East Surrey Water Co. - Piaiii-water - j Good and adequate. Mitcham 2,934 29,606 1809 6,309 Metropolitan Water Board . _ Sanderstead - 3,151 2,853 688 688 East Surrey Water Co. - Wallington - Woodmausterue - 821 1,591 8,502 1,210 4,088 271 2,038 271 / Sutton District Water Co. - Dorking R.D. : Abinger 7,482 1,573 376 16 Hurtwood Water Co., Ltd. - Capel - 5,695 1,416 364 199 j C. Heath, Ksq. | Dorking Water Co. > Wells & springs Good. Dorking Rural 8,676 3,967 935 850 Do. Eftiiigham 3,183 643 136 62 Leatherhead and Dist riot Do. Generally good, a few Waterworks C'o. indifferent. Mickleham - 2,846 782 187 79 Do. do. Do. (iood. Newdigate 4,744 904 156 36 East Surrey Water Co. - Do. Generally good, a fen indifferent. Ockley - 3,401 747 141 70 Dorking Water Cg. Do 0' ood W.-ittoi. - 3,498 548 160 PART II. SURREY. 529 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Total. Houses. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Scrvic". Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Surrey C(in f- Epsom R.D. : Ashtead 2,651 2,921 655 614 Leathcrhead and District i 1 Waterworks Co. Kanstcad S,t7 6.781 851 715 Suttoii District Water Co. Cheam - 1,909 6. 21 HI i ,1 :>:t 1,890 1 Metropolitan Water Board - '/ Button District Water Co. - i Chessington - 1,702 584 126 1(12 1 I.c:itherhead,&c.,W.Co.(bulk) 1 Metropolitan Water Board - I Wells Cobham 5,332 4,763 1,031 '.HI:, Leatherhead. cfcc , Water Co. - Cuddington - 1,860 1,194 287 280 ( Metropolitan Water Board - I Button District Water Co. - J [Good and adequate. Ewell - 2.437 3,867 743 682 1 Metropolitan Water Board - i Suit. ,n District Water Co. - Wells and Hogs Mill River. Fetcham 1,839 409 11 5 73 Leatherhead. &?., Water Co. - Great [Jnokham :i.2'.i I 1.515 'M7 262 Do. Headley 1.64(1 419 91 46 East Surrey Water Co. - ) Wells - Little Bookham Stoke D'Abernun - 929 2,088 40 722 76 166 68 151 Leatherhead, &c., Water Co. Farnham R.D. : J j Ash and Normandy j 6,324 4,482 1.140 619 Frimley and Farnborough 1 District Water Co. Dockenfield - - 578 246 60 28 ] Farnham Rural 9,546 Frensham - - 7,656 8^272 2,319 811 1,449 603 I Wey Valley Water Co. Wellsand rain- Good and adequate. j Wey Valley Water Co. water. Scale ... 2,994 1,195 309 205 : Aldershot Gas, Water and District Lighting Co. Shottermill - 1,151 1,800 432 272 Wey Valley Water Co. - J Godstone R.D. : Bletchingley - 5,439 2,314 458 360 East Surrey Water Co. - Wells 1 Chelsham 3,357 1,244 131 78 i East Surrey Water Co. ', Chelsham and Woldingham Swells and rain- ( Waterworks Co., Ltd. water. Crowhurst 2,119 223- 54 29 j 1 Farleigh Godstone 1.051 6,830 98 2,998 26 699 20 609 > East Surrey Water Co. Satisfactory. Home - 3,932 735 170 65 i Limpsfield 4.fi73 2.201 491 425 Limpsfield & Oxted Water Co. Wells - Lingfield 9,239 4.672 1,089 825 East Surrey Water Co. - Oxted - 3,659 2,846 702 596 i Chelsham to. Wwks. Co. Ltd. 1 Limpsfield & Oxted Water Co. Tandridge 3,928 681 169 Mil East Surrey Water Co. - Tatsfield 1,304 826 223 100 ( Metropolitan Water Board - ) Limpsfield & Oxted Water Co. Rain-water Occasionally inadequate. Titsey - 1,989 196 34 5 j Do. do. | Chelsham&c. Wwks. Co. Ltd. Wells and rain- water. Satisfactory. Warlingham - 1,703 3,782 850 850 East Surrey Water Co. - Woldingham - 684 501 126 115 ( Chelsham &c. Wwks. Co. Ltd. I East Surrey Water Co. Wells - Satisfactory. Guildford R.D. : Albury - - - 4.419 1.182 282 121 Duke of Northumberland Do. Good, but occasionalJy in- sufficient. Arlington 2,394 506 112 57 Guildford T.C. Do. I Fair, and generally suffi- Compton 1,998 684 152 91 Godalming T.C. - Do. ) cient. East Clandon 1,448 314 74 64 Woking Water & Gas Co. Do. Generally satisfactory. East Horsley - 1,832 282 79 17 Do. Rain-water Occasionally imperfectly filtered. Godalming Rural - 6.129 2,316 514 301 Godalming T.C. ' Wells Fair, and generally suffi- cient. Merrow - 1,629 1,389 344 298 Woking Water & Gas Co. Do. Good and sufficient. Ockham 2,907 577 137 89. Do. Do. Unsatisfactory. Pirbright 4,711 1.613 380 253 Do. Do. Generally polluted. I'uttenham - - j 1,950 479 121 93 Wey Valley Water Co. - Do. Good. Send and Ripley - ! 5.182 2,544 583 497 Woking Water & Gas Co. Do. Generally polluted. Shore - - - , 6,412 2,430 625 355 1 Hurt wood Water Co., Ltd. - ] Sir 11. M. Bray - Do. Generally good. Wanborough - 1,879 277 67 25 j G. McKibbin. Esq. . - | Wey Valley Water Co. Rain-water Variable. West Clandon 1,006 385 99 93 Woking Water & Gas Co. Wells Good. West Horslcy 2,676 878 221 167 Do. Do. Fair. Wisley - 1,090 140 31 6 Do. Do. Generally polluted. Worplesdon - 5,674 2,278 553 443 Do. Do. Do. Hambledon R.D. : Alfold - - - 1 2,986 595 129 Wells Good and sufficient Bramley 4,544 1,969 447 261 Godalming T.C. - Do. Good and plentiful. Chiddingfold 7,043 2,175 518 5 Chiddingfold & Dist. Water Co. Do. Doubtful. Cranleigh Dunsfold 7.758 4.039 3,211 688 797 193 520 51 Cranleigh Water Co. Ltd. Chiddingfold & Dist. Water Co. [-Do. Good and plentiful. Klstead - 4,106 1,036 268 Do. Doubtful. Kwhurst Hambledon - 5,419 2,723 1,115 745 320 134 64 16 Hurt wood Water C;>. Ltd. Godalming T.C. - [DO. Good and plentiful. Hascombe I'cper Harrow 1,635 1,320 393 149 100 37 1 Do. ... Do. Good and sufficient. St. Martha (Chil- 1,072 215 47 33 Hambledon R.D.C. "j worth). Shalford 2,600 2,687 632 435 ( Godalming T.C. - \ Guildford T.C. - - - f-Do. Good and plentiful. Thursley 4,015 752 186 1 L 1 2 530 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. i '< unify, District and Parish, i Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 11)11. 3. No. of Housr^. Supplied from lotal - Piped Service. 4. 5. Name s of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 8. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7 Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Surrey eont. Hambledon R.D. fn/it. i Haslemere U.U.C. '.Vitley - 7,250 4,003 938 860 I Godalming T.C. - ] Chiddingfokl & Dist. \V; East Surrey Water Wells Variable, but sufficient. Chipstead 2,420 876 180 165 Gatton - 1,232 236 50 23 Horley ... Kingswood - 7,982 1,820 5,493 913 1,100 180 1,022 160 Suttiui District Water Ct tain-water Not very satisfactory, but sufficient. Leigh ... 3,419 518 120 65 Merstham 2.663 3,508 530 470 . East Surrey Water Co. Wells Variable, but sufficient. Nut field 3,583 1,845 370 300 Walton on the Hill 2,608 1,333 270 242 Do. Rain-water Not very satisfactory, but sufficient. SUSSEX, EAST. Battle U.D. - 8,252 2,924 675 B7fi Battle (J.D.C. Wei Is and springs Satisfactory and adequate. i (o) Wells () Mostly satisfactory. Bexhill B. - 8,018 15,330 2,771 2,346 Bexhill Water and Gas Co. - (/<) R. Ashburn (A) Satisfactory (filtered). ' (<) Rain-water (c) Variable. Brighton C.B. Burgess Hill U.D. Cuckfield U.D. - 2,536 1,494 862 131.237 5,124 1,899 23,683 1,177 396 23,683 1,167 342 Brighton T.C. Burgess Hill Water Co. Mid-Sussex Joint Watgr Hoard Wellg Do. Fair. Doubtful. Eastbourne C.B. - 0,472 52,542 8,958 8,958 Eastbourne Water Co. - East Grinstead 6,503 7,089 1,430 1,330 East Grinstead Gas and Water Wells Satisfactory. U.D. Co. Hastings G.B. Haywards Heath 4,495 928 61,145 4,851 11,284 983 11,284 957 Hastings T.C. Mid-Sussex Joint Water Boarc Wells g Goal and adequate. U.D. Hove B. 1,521 42.173 7,690 7,690 Brighton T.C. . Lewes B. 1,042 10,972 2,520 2,490 Lewes Waterworks Co. - Wells Satisfactory. Newhaven U.D. 1,172 6,665 1,210 1,201 Newhaven and Seaford Water | Do. - - ' Satisfactory and ample. Co., and L.B. A: S.C.R. Co. | Springs - - Satisfactory and sufficient. Portslade by the 382 0,454 1,293 J,293 Brighton T.C. Sea U.D. | Rye B. - - Seaford U.D. 985 3,073 4,229 4,787 1,015 867 1,011 860 Rye T.C. Newhaven & Seaford Water Co. Wells and springs Wells - Rain-water Good and adequate. Satisfactory. Fairly satisfactory. Uckfleld U.D. - 1,760 3,344 688' 688 Uckfield Water Co. - Battle R.D.: Ashburnbam - 4,079 573 122 Brightling 4.901 583 125 Catsficld 3,018 669 176 Crowhurst 2,168 451 116 Dallington 1,941 396 96 -" Wells, springs, Good and generally ade- Ewhurst 5,846 923 224 ponds, rain- quate. Hollington Rural 2,127 505 104 12 Hastings T.C. f water, and Mountfield 3,928 623 142 stream. Penhurst 1,455 94 20 Scdlescombe - 2,061 568 135 West field 4,314 961 236 5 Hastings T.C. Whatlington - 1 ,2.'>9 290 78 j Chailey R.D.: Barcombe 5,031 1.277 312 151 W. \V. Grantham. Esq. - j Beddingham - 2,888 42(1 99 46 Newhaven and Seaford Wate Co. through Admiral Brand V Wells - Good, but not abundant. Chailey 5,939 1,580 3:>5 Ditchling 4,265 1.279 316 316 Burgess Hill Water Co. - East. Chiltington - 1,671 513 79 j Exors.ofthelate W.L.Christ 1 Glynde - 1,570 356 80 52 1 Newhaven & Seaford Wate j Co. thro' Adraiial Brand. Hamsey 2,747 526 124 ! Wells Good, but not abundant. Lewes St.Ann With 1,549 89 22 out. Lewes St. John 1,180 IM 33 Without. Newick - 1,977 887 261 Plumplini 2,4511 709 172 J PART II. SUSSEX, EAST. 531 County, District and Parish. Area in Acres. Popula- tion, 1911. No. o1 House*. Nnini-- nf I'udertakers providing a S'tpply of Water. Where there is no Piped Serrice. Supplied Total. l r " n \ Piped Sources of Nature and Sufficiency Service. Supply. of Supply. 1. 2. 3. 1. 6. 7. 8. Sussex, East '""' Chailey R.D. font. Ringmer "),739 1,398 364 65 K xors. of the late W. L. ( 'lirist ie South Mailing 2,341 277 59 Without. Southovor Without 328 10 2 Afreet - West Firle - 1,281 3,429 185 534 4~:, 128 5 Kxors. of the late Viscount . Wells - Uood, but not Abundant. Gage. Westmeston - 2,436 349 73 31 Burgess Hill Water Co. - Wivelsfield - 3,142 2,241 332 101 Mid-Sussex Joint Water Hoard J CuckfieldR.D.: Albournc 1,763 369 82 30 Burgess Hill Water Co. - Ardingly 3,K4 1 1 .332 232 137 l.alcombe 4,795 1.221 286 2d4 Mid-Sussex Jt. Water Board liolney - 3,557 82(i 196 86 1- Do. Good Clayton 2,11!) 554 1211 77 \Iiil-Snssex Jt. Water Hoard Burgess Hill Water Co. | l 'uekfield Rural - 9,488 1,610 345 190 Mid-Sussex Joint Water Board J llurstnl Keyncs 3,829 931 23i ' . Do. Doubtful. Hurst piorpoint :>,088 8,118 749 639 Burgess Hill Water Co. - Keymer 2,429 1,411 335 308 Burgess Hil! Water Co. Mid-Sussex Jt. Water Board Lindfield 5,768 3,125 723 512 Mid-Sussex Joint Water Board In Newtimber - 1,721 151 12 f Do. Goocl. Pyecombo 2,286 332 69 55 Brighton T.C. (bulk) Shiughham - 5,482 1,603 369 207 Mid-Sussex Joint Water Board TwiiH'hain 1,937 27i; 62 38 Burgess Hill Water Co. (bulk) ] Eastbourne R.D.: Alciston 8,090 190 44 j 1 Alfriston 2,445 590 136 . (DO. - - Berwick 1.104 200 51 . \ Kashlean 2.1B3 277 69 36 Bast bourne Waterworks Co. - Wells and rain- water. Kolkington - 1.343 'J5 24 / Wiilla Kriston - 1,486 130 33 23 Eastbourne Waterworks Co. - / wens .I'-viiiL't'in 2,395 345 78 16 Do. i (icuerally fair and ade- T.itlington 1104 124 22 ' \\Yllsand rain- quate. l.iillingtoii 1,167 30 6 . water. Peveiwey 4.3!)7 :.->-2 Hill 89 ' Eastbourne Waterworks Co. - Selmeston 1.588 235 51 j West-lean - - t 2.26s 125 25 1 Wells - Westham 5,031 1,365 335 4 Eastbourne Waterworks Co. Willingdou - 2.572 896 194 184 Do. Wei Is and rain- Wilmington - 1 .5<; 223 60 water. East Grinstead R.D.: Forest Row - 8,626 8,035 772 12,x I E. Grinstead Gas & Water Co. 1 W. R. Arbuthnot, Esq. Wells Fail. llarrtield 10.38H 1,628 415 50 Messrs A. H. & B. A. Clough - Do. Good. West Hoithly 5,340 1,522 379 153 I W. R. Arbuthnot, Esq. I East Surrey Water Co. (bulk) Do. Fair. Witliyliam - 8,126 2,479 624 70 Crowborough District Water Wells, spring, & Fair. Co. Ltd. stream. iCrawley A: District Water Co. | Worth - 13,331 4.313 1,592 592 Mrs. Montefiore - 1 Wells - Very fair. i Bast Surrey Water Co. (bulk) i Hailsham R.D. : Arlington 5,232 610 126 ) Chalvington - 748 122 30 Chiddiugly - 4,481 805 210 Hailsham 5,330 4,601 1,133 958 1 Hailhain Water Co. - | Eastbourne Waterworks Co. Heathfield - Hellingly 8,032 6,050 3,150 3,182 765 400 110 337 Heathfield & Dist. Water Co. - Hailsham Water Co. Wells, springs, ;ui91 379 209 81 25 Hastings T.C. Wells - Uood and sufficient. Pett 1,908 278 102 Wells i: spi ing - ) Newhaven R.D. : Bishopstone - 1,785 291 70 70 ( L.B. & S.C. Rly. Co. - \ Newhaven&SeafordWaterCo. 1 f Denton 810 323 70 70 Newhaven, &c. Water Co. Fahner - i,TO 450 100 13 Brighton T.C. Wells, rain-water, ) and ponds. L/Vfcwl I ford - 8,180 185 4o 24 Messrs. J. and H. Robinson - Wells > VTOUU. Kingston near Lewe> 1,643 153 35 " ) A 0.198 L I 3: 532 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. No. of Houses. County, Popula- Area in tion, Names of Undertakers providing a Where there is no Piped Service. jSuppliec tVrun District and Parish. Acres. 1911. Total. Piped Service Supply of Water. Sources' of Supply. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 11. 7. 8. Sussex, East -"<> Newhaven R.D. cunt. Ovingdean l,6:tO 248 36 36 Brighton T.C. Piddinghoe - 2,342 250 50 28 Newhaven A: Seaford Water C'o. Wells - - Satisfactory Rodmell l,98fl 224 50 Do. - - Good. Rottingdean - 3.154 2.1(10 330 330 Brighton T.C. Southeasc 851 51 16 Wells Good. South Heighten 990 414 80 80 Newhaven and Seaford Water . Co. through Admiral Brand. Stanmer 1,841 127 25 25 Brighton T.C. through the Earl of Chichester. Tarring Neville 933 84 16 Wells Good. Telscombc 1,180 123 30 30 Brighton T.C. (bulk) - Rye R.D. : Becklejr 5,619 917 255 Wells, springs, A: Good. rain-water. Brede - 4.83 986 255 Do. Fair and ample. Broomhill 2,55 141 30 Wells and rain- Good, and fairly adequate. water. East Guldefonl 2,82( 167 35 13 Rye T.C Springs A: rain- Satisfactory, but inade- wat er. quate. Icklesham .-..227 1.44!) 360 jfiyeR.D.C. - Rye T.C. (bulk) - ' Iden - 2.969 464 120 ' Xorthiam 3,584 1.085 272 . [_ Wells, springs. Gc.od. Peasmarsh 3,793 676 198. . A: rain-water. Playden Rye Foreign - U68 293 461 80 77 \\ j Rye T.C. (bulk) - Ddimore 2.289 416 98 J Winchelsea St. 798 101 25 Wells and rain- Good and fairly adequate Thomas the water. Apostle. i Steyning East R.D. : " Fulking 1,562 188 48 39 Fulking P.C. () Stream. () Good and ample. (li) wells. (b~) poor and inadequate. Hangleton 1.120 106 29 29 i Patcham 4,42- 1,463 338 337 V Brighton T.C. Well Good and ample. Portslade 1.556 427 72 72 \ Poynings 1 ,642 264 75 73 Poynings P.C. Stream and well Good and ample. Preston Rural West Blatchington 401 873 353 90 37 23 37 23 \ Brighton T.C. Ticehurst R.D. : Bodiam - 1.604 239 64 j Burwash Etehingham - 7,452 3,894 2,148 1,016 653 249 i >.) . i Heathfield & Dist. Water Co. AS I Wells, springs, i I ,-, streams, and f Good and aj late. rain-water. Frant - 7,921 1,617 356 15 Tunbridge Wells T.C. - Wells and springs Good, but insufficient. Salehurst Ticehurst 6,565 8,265 1,932 2.853 483 618 ,77 \ Heathfield & Dist. Water Co. Wells, springs, Good and adequate, streams, and Wadhurst 10,214 3.647 847 377 ! Crowborough Dist. Water Co. ) rain-water. Uckfield R.D. : Buxted - 7,167 1,665 382 Crowborough 2,697 5,148 1,139 950 i Crowborough Dist. Water Co. Danehill 2,988 1,131 262 " East Hoathly 2,622 740 173 _ Fletching 5,985 1,116 263 Fjamfield 6,48 1,596 i 368 10 Uckfield Water Co. Hadlow Down Isfield - 4,869 1 ,8'J4 1.043 470 218 108 i ' Wells - - Good and sufficient. Little Horsted 2,384 267 57 6 Uckfield Water Co. Maresfield 8,132 2,278 507 Mayfield Kotherfield - 10,591 12,134 2,803 2,8TO 578 658 } Crowborough Dist. Water Co. Waldron 6,244 2,178 505 60 Heathfield 4: Dist. Water Co. - J - SUSSEX, WEST. Arundel B. 2.U.04 2,842 675 675 Duke of Norfolk - Bognor U.D. - Chichester B. 885 1,538 8,142 18,59] 1,706 2,588 1,686 ; Bognor Water Co. 2,388 Chichester T.C. Wells - - Satisfactory and adequate. Do. - - Poor, but sufficient. * i Horsham U.D. 1,279 11.31 1 2,545 2,515 1 lorsham T.D.C. - Do. - - Fair Si generally sufficient. Littlehampton U.D. ' 2,224 8.351 ' 1,806 1,731 1 .ittlehampton U.D.C. - Do. - - Variable. 1 I 1 , PART II. SUSSEX, WEST. 533 County. District and Parish 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula tion. 1911. 3. NIL of House-. X sunes of Undertakers 'Supplied T . , from providing a Piped Supply of Water. Service, 4. 5. 6 . Where then- is no Piped Service. Souivi-x ni Supply. 7. Nature anil Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Sussex, West coat. Shoreham by Sea I,fi95 U.D. 5.731 1,101 1,018 Brighton T.C. Wells and rain- water Generally satisfactory. Southwiek U.D Worthing B. - l.OIII 2.1537 4,314 30,305 967 6,564 962 6,516 Do. Worthing TC Wells Do Satisfactory and ample. Satisfactory and adequate. East Preston R.D Angmering - 4.5:>s 1.02(1 23(i 7 G. Peskett, Esq. ... 1 Uurpham 2,725 282 : 57 15 Duke of Noi folk - Clapham i .sot; 265 :,1 Climping Dtirringtou - 2,016 2,483 254 55 S20 192 8 Littlehampton U.D.C. - 116 Worthing T.C. East Preston - 470 773 ; ill . Ferring - 9.5(1 256 62 . Ford 474 99 22 Goring by Sea 2,139 671 152 Houghton Kingston 1,827 431 13.-. 38 62 13 ~ j. Wells - Goo 1 and sufficient. Lyniiuster 1.436 399 88 50 1 Duke of Norfolk - I Littlehampton U.D.C. Patching I,7fi7 245 59 Poling - 790 193 41 10 Duke of Norfolk - Kustingtou - 53 '.173 185 43 T. Summers. Esq. - South Stoke - 1.279 121 24 Tortington Warningcamp 1,031 930 127 28 152 37 7 21 | Duke of Norfolk - J Horsham R.D. : Billingsliurst - 6,863 1,872 480 131 North Sussex Water & Gas Co. 1 Oowfold 4.:>oi 1.152 260 _ Crawley Horgham Knral 780 9,807 426 110 1,1149 650 50 136 Crawley and District Water Co. Horsham U.D.C. - Itield - 4,133 3.995 750 700 Crawley and District Water Co. Itchingfield - 2,519 568 140 ! Lower Beeding Nuthurst 10,152 3.510 1,182 300 752 : 200 f Wells - Satisfiic : ory, and fairly Rudgwick 8,023 1,246 300 adequate. Rusper - 3,123 630 160 Shipley - 7,778 1,139 250 Slinfold 4.432 1,018 260 Warn ham 4,960 1,140 240 West Grinstead 6,754 1 ,623 350 _ J Midhurst R.D. : Bepton ... 1,910 274 74 . ] Chithurst 1,200 261 82 Cocking 2.597 4G9 110 18 Lord Cowdray Didling - H25 53 13 Kasebourne - 4.2 14 1.641 336 0(!B ( Midhnrst R.D.C. - 1 ) Lord Cowdray - East Lavington 1.720 158 43 Elsted - - 1^840 197 46' Feruhurst 4,950 1,304 347 55 Wey Valley Water Co. - Graffham 1,714 404 111 Hurting 7.946 1,270 333 i Heyshott 2.184 353 110 Iping ... 2,228 415 107 Linch - 849 96 22 . Linehmere 3,066 92 1 224 167 J. Grover, Esq. - - - Wey Valley Water Co. } Wells - - Goo 1 and adequate. Lorlsworth 2.441 684 151 1 Lurgashall - 4.815 686 163 ~~~ 1 Midhurst 669 1,894 506 472 Midhurst R.D.C. - North Ambersham . 1,168 169 38 22 Wey Valley Water Co. - i Rogate - 5,016 1,083 270 Sclhani - 423 83 16 Si nit li Ambersham- 1.502 162 37 __ Stedham 2.493 592 135 _ Tenvick 783 167 41 Tillington 3,816 852 203 26 Lord Leconneld - Treyford 1,273 117 27 Trottou - 3,606 466 100 West Lavington 678 267 69 21 Midhurst H.D.C. - Woolbeding - 1,850 339 61 Petworth R.D. : Barlavington 1,199 134 32 ; Bignor - 1.167 112 35 Burton - 810 47 13 Bury - - - 3,408 527 139 _ Ooates - 347 71 16 .. Duncton 1.364 249 61 31 ) Wells, foring*. food and adequate. Egdean - 741 92 18 4 . Lord Leconneld - streams, Fittleworth - 2,362 648 162 10 ponds and Kirdford 12.4!)7 1,470 370 rain-watci. North Chapel 3.923 765 189 Petworth 6,128 2,486 638 424 Petworth R.D.C. - Lord Leconfield - Stopbam 863 158 34 -- Sutton - 2,067 275 61 20 Lord Leconneld - Wisborough Green 8.S78 1,742 438 - - L 1 584 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. ^Jr nf Hniiapy County, Area in Popula- tion, Names of Undertakers ""from 5 providing a Where there is no Piped Service. District and Parish. Acres. 1911. Total. p . ])e)1 Supply of Wat IT. Service. Sources of Nature and Siittieiency Supply. of Supply. 1. 2. 3. 4. "). H. 7. 8. Sussex, West <"*. Steyning West R.D. : Ashurst 2.334 3.12 70 Wells - - Good and ample. Botolphs 92(1 r:i 1 Do. - - Good. Bramber 851 213 5(1 49 Steyning and District Water- Do. - Bad. works Co.. Ltd. Coomtjes 1,28(1 87 11 L) "' " Good Edburton 1,094 111 17 Spring - - U od - Henfield 1,435 1,883 489 439 Steyning&c. Wwks. Co. (bulk) Wells Lancing 2,297 2.022 406 348 Brighton T.C. Wells and rain- .Mostly bad. water. Old Shoreham 1,382 66 7 4 Brighton T.C. Shermanbury 1,915 339 79 31 Steyning fcc.Wwks. Co. (bulk) . Wells - - Good. Sompting Steyning 2,927 3,414 B60 1,729 170 408 358 Steyning &c. Wwks. Co., Ltd. Do. - - Variable. Upper Seeding 3,975 929 154 ! llti Do. Do. - - Bad. Woodmancote 2,239 348 64 24 Do. (bulk) Do. - - Good. Thakeham R.D. : . Amberley 1,941 541 135 Ashington 1,012 179 51 , Wells - Coldwaltham 1.231 384 99 i Findon ... 4,370 798 202 Wells and rain- water. Fair. Great ham 770 55 15 1 Hanlham 95fi 132 25 Wells North Stoke - 941 106 24 Parham 1 .2S4 83 20 H Lord Zouehe - Pulborough - 6,395 1,9(59 504 Do. - - No! altogether satisfac- tory. Rackham 1,001 136 27 4 Lord Zouche - Do. - - Fair. Storrington 3.249 1,180 313 , Do. - - Generally not good. Sullington 2,218 190 42 6 Lord Leconfield - Thakeham - 2,941 514 116 Warminghurst Washington - 1.105 3,208 83 797 17 183 } Do. - - Fair. West Chiltington - 4,065 822 190 Wiggonholt - 849 38 8 Wiston - 3,098 321 73 15 C. Goring, E]. ... J Westbourne R.D. : Bosham - 3,190 1,477 398 1 59 i Chichester T.C. - \Vc.lls and mill Not good, but fairly suffi- st reams. cicnt. Chidham 1,525 503 146 Do. do. - 1 Compton East Marden - 1,864 938 253 101 63 41 24 H. G. Ricketts, Esq. Wells and rain- f water. J- Fairly good. Funtington - 3.762 1,107 276 Wells and mill | streams. Xorth Marden 697 10 3 Wells anil rain- Fairly good and sufficient. water. Racton - 1.199 119 32 8 G. C. Whittaker, Esq. - / Stoughton 5.374 584 140 V Do. do. - Fairly good. Up Marden - 'Westbourne - 2,943 4,503 299 3,143 75 ! sin : us 1 G - Whittaker, Esq. - ' - ' 1 Boro.of Portsmouth Wwks.Co. ) | Wells and mill Not good. 1 streams West Uean 4,803 599 146 54 Exore. of the late W. James - Wells and rain- Fairly good. water. West Thorney l,22,s 136 35 Wells - - Good and sufficient. Westhampnett R.D. : Aldingbourne 3,098 852 206 65 1 Bognor Water Co. - 1 Appledram 937 149 35 Barnham Berated - 841 1.868 299 5 11 124 37 ! Bo sn r Water Co - % Bindcrton - - 1.337 122 23 Binsted - - - 1.105 89 25 Birdham 1.811 39 1 108 Boxgrove - - | 3,677 610 K.7 Donningron - 1.119 222 47 8 Chichester T.C. Eamlry 1.140 107 25 Eartliain Kast Doan 1.539 4,

<; Lavant - 4,073 736 15fl -_ Madehurst 1,891 187 40 Merston 718 99 25 Middletou - - ; 374 42 8 New Fishbourne - 1,299 863 209 156 Chichester T.C. ' North Mundham - 2,385 487 113 Oving - 8,213 554 118 20- Chichester T.C. - Westbourne. A supply is about to be provided by Westbourne 11. IX 1 PART II. WAUWICKSIIIRE. 536 County, Distrii-t and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. No. of Houses. Popula- tion. Supplied ,.,.. ! from 1911. Piped Service'. 3. 1. 5. Names i.l I'ndert.nker- providing a Supply nl Water. 6. Where there is no Pipi'd Srrvio-. Sources of Nature and Siiffiei"iiey Supply. of Supply. 7. $. Sussex, West 'w*' Westhampnett R.D. Cllt. Pagham 3,506 726 171 22 Bognor Water Co. - 1 Selsey - 2,986 1,501 553 380 Chichester T.C. thro 1 Seise} I Water Co. Sidlesham 4,178 884 S10 43 Do Singleton 4,063 518 128 Slindim - - - 2.957 503 121 lot Slindon Waterworks Co., Ltd Tangmere Up Waltham - 775 1,276 195 <; 50 12 )>Wells - Good and adequate. Walberton 1,733 586 156 36 ISognor Water Co. - Westhampnett - 1,909 346 89 West Itohenor 546 113 27 West Stoke - 871 83 , 18 ' West Wittering 2,272 511 135 Yapton - 1,791 760 185 8 Bognor Water Co. - .1 WARWICK- SHIRE. Birmingham C.B. Bulkington U.D. - 43.601 4.892 840.J02 1,887 177,030 444 175,550 Birmingham T.C'. ... Wells and springs Satisfactory. Do. i Coventry C.B. 4.147 106,349 23.042 22,999 Coventry T.C. ; Birmingham T.C. (bulk). Wells [Good. Kenilworth U.D. - 5,914 5,776 1,369 1,195 Keuilworth Water Co., Ltd. - Do. - -|j Nuneaton B. - 10,595 37,073 7,590 ; 7,074 Nuneaton T.C. Do. - - Reasonably good and ade- quate. Royal Leamington 2,816 26,713 6,162 6,140 Royal Leamington Spa T.C. - Do. Satisfactory and adequate. Spa B. Rugby U.D. - 1,671 21,758 4639 4,639 Rugby U.D.C. Stratford on Avon 4,013 8,531 1,985 1,525 Stratford on Avon T.C. - Wells Fair and adequate. B. SuttonColdfieldB. 12,828 20,132 4,6(17 4,350 South Staffordshire Water Wells and springs Doubtful, but adequate. Works Co. Warwick B. - 5,613 11,858 2,742 2,712 Warwick T.C. Wells Good and adequate. Alcester R.D. : Alcester Arrow - 1,782 2,634 2,168 317 574 79 385 3 | Alcester Waterworks Co. Wells Fair. Aston Cantlow - ' Bidford 4,894 3,348 896 1,634 232 421 ~ ~ Do. Indifferent. Cough ton 2.000 206 45 Exhall - 844 207 51 Great A hie - 1,764 363 BO Haselor 2,308 223 5.1 Ipsley - 2.367 907 181 ; 142 E. Worcestershire Water- Do. Fair. works Co. Kinwarton 471 55 12 Morton Bagot . - 1,144 76 15 Oldberrow - - 1 1,236 56 13 . Oversley - - . 1,486 306 46 Do. Indifferent. Salford Priors 4,769 823 220 Sambonrn 2,21S 441 106 Spernall 1,110 55 14 Stud ley 4,305 3,019 69 500 Kast Worcestershire Water- Do. Fair. works Co. (bulk). Weethley 642 21 5 Wixford . . ; 569 93 26 Atherstone R.D. : Ansley - -.'.930 ! 1,850 323 179 Atherstone U.D.C'. .v Ansley Hall Coal A: Iron Co., Ltd. Atherstone 944 5,1107 1,581 1,575 Atherstone U.D.C 1 . Baddesley Ensor - Baxterley 1.155 1,364 901 393 2.")9 258 88 86 Baddeslev Collieries (bulk) - Wells Good, but variable. Bentley ' 1,967 i 272 50 41 1 Grendon 2.415 693 139 73 Atherstone R.D.C. Hamhill 1.565 2.45:1 47(1 450 Ansley Hall Coal &i 1 ron Co - Mancetter 1.582 703 138 51 Atherstone U.D.C. Merevale 890 ! 11(1 21 21 Baddesley Collieries (bulk) - Oldbury 611 72 15 2 Atherstone R.D.C. i Tamworth Waterworks Joint Wells - Good, but variable. Poleswdrth 6,370 5,619 1,182 ' 1.156 Committee. I i Atherstone R.D..C RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Total. 4. Houses. Supplier from Piped Service 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Warwickshire cunt. Brailes R.D. : Barclieston - 1,555 118 9< I \Vells | Barton in the Heath 1,177 139 3 Brailes - 5,625 809 220 160 Brailes R.D.C. Wells and spring >Good. Burmington - 753 142 30 ' Wells ( Butlers Maruton 1,777 218 5. i Cherington - 879 203 5 55 Earl of Camperdown Compton Wyniates 1.039 15 1 6 Marquess of Northampton Great Wolfonl 1,369 158 3 34 Lord Redesdale Halford 956 223 60 _ Wells Gooii. Houington 2,474 195 1 47 Sir Grey H.d'E.Skipwith,Bai . Idlicote 1,419 101 18 18 Lord Southampton Iliningtori 3,325 576 155 125 Brailes R.D.C. 1 Little Compton 1,689 296 7; 70 Messrs. W. S. and H. C. Lardn f Well & spring Good. and L. L. Yelt j Little Wolford 1,343 163 Si 36 Earl of Camperdown Long C.impton 3,806 517 is; 125 Brailes R.D.C. Wells and. spring i Good. Oxhill - 1,845 178 50 Wells Pillerton Uersey - 1,402 111 30 | Spring am Good. Pillerton Priors 1,547 117 30 1 wells. Stourton 971 143 33 Wo] Is I rj. nn ,-] Stretton on Fosse - 2,082 286 80 60 Brailes R.D.C. Wells and spring f VjrUOtl. i Sutton under Brailes 1,175 131 35 35 Mrs. F. Shepard - Tysoe - 4,800 731 180 150 Trustees of Tysoe Utility Wells and spring Good. Estate. Whatcote 878 103 3<. Wells Good. Whichford - 2,112 343 85 85 Earl of Camperdown - Coventry R.D. : Coventry Holy 588 69 20 2 ) Trinity Without. Coventry St. Michae 1,295 513 333 313 , Coventry T.C. - Springs Good and sufficient. Without. ] Farnborough R.D. Avon Dassett 1,435 202 51 40 Avon Dassett Water Co. Wells Good and adequate. Farnborough - Radway 1,989 1,463 297 266 75 54 48 J. F. Ward, Esq. - ! no. Good; Katley and Upton - 1,729 267 70 J Wells & surfac 1 water. Good and adequate, Shotteswell - 1,305 198 54 Springs and wuT Good . Warmington - 1,809 252 61 31 Warmington P.O. - Wells Good and adequate. Foleshill B.D. : Ansty - - - 1.023 127 34 Bedworth 2,165 9,595 1,960 1,900 Newdigate Colliery, Ltd. (part in bulk) .... Binley - - - 1,688 220 45 Exhall - Foleshill 2,047 2,130 1,646 7,781 348 1,660 180 1.516 North Warwickshire Water ' Pn Keresley 1,069 689 ' 150 79 v -O, >Wella - Usually shallow and Shilton - 1,150 371 111 unsatisfactory. Stoke - 449 51 11 Walsgrave on Sowe 2,713 1,853 421 85 Sforth Warwickshire Water Co. Willenhall - 772 131 24 - Withybrook - Wykon - 2,519 1.343 214 321 52 66 4 forth Warwickshire Water Co. Meriden R.D. : Coventry T.C. Allesley 4,257 955 246 22 N. Warwickshire Water Co. - W. I. lliffe, Esq. - Berkswell Bickenhill 6,169 2,925 1,577 589 414 133 57 Wells - ^airly good and adequate. Castle Bromwich - 2,742 953 196 147 Birmingham T.C. Coleshill 5,703 2,886 525 213 Corley - 1,394 333 79 17 North Warwickshire Water Coundon 1,051 346 76 18 \ Co. Curdworth 1,657 335 80 57 Birmingham T.C. - Veils and. r air. spriiigs. , Fillongley 4,878 1,425 305 27 Meriden R.D.C. - Great Packington - 2,568 198 52 Hampton in Arden 2,424 1,084 268 87 North Warwickshire Water Co. liPa Marston - 1,554 286 66 1 Tamworth R.D.C. (bulk) Little Paekingtou - 1,095 108 23 Maxstoke 2,852 230 59 Meriden 3,099 832 170 59 North Warwickshire Water Co. . Wells - '\iirly good and adequate. AT' .4-1 1 ^9^ (;)() 1 31 125 jyiinwoitn - Nether* Whitacre - 1 ( D20 1,995 DiJf 606 Idi 160 74 1 Tamworth R.D.C. (bulk) - Birmingham T.C. (bulk) - Over Whitacre 1,414 334 81 26 Do. do. Sheldon 2,619 451 104 23 Birmingham T.C. - - - Sliusloke 2,094 433 105 84 Uo. (bulk) Water Orton - 635 631 169 161 Birmingham T.C. Do. ''air. \Vishaw l,20t 177 34 Monks KirbyR.D.: Copston M&gna 1,144 113 21 Monks Kirby 4,563 544 128 Pailton - strcit.ii, under Fosse 1,756 1,231 463 276 181 78 - Wells - 'ariable, but sufficient. Wibtoft 8f)<; 59 19 Willey - 815 9 25 PART II. WARWICKSHIRE. 537 County. District and Parish. Area in Acres. Popula- tion, 1911. No. of fc S Total. iippliod from Piped Service. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. Where there in no Pipe, I Sen < . Sources ol Supply. Nat-are and Siillicienry of Supply. 1. 2. 8. 1. 5. (i. 7. 8. Warwickshire oonti Nuneaton R.D. : Arley - Astley - 1,946 2,629 1,027 377 193 85 191 36 Arley Colliery Co., Ltd. Newdigate Colliery, Ltd. Wells rood and adequate. Burton Hastings - 1,488 169 45 Caldecote Stretton Baskerville 708 1,088 123 50 30 11 Wells - Good and plentiful. Weddington - 9M 102 21 Wolvej - 3,472 657 173 Veils and spring Rugby R.D. : Hilton - 2,306 5,188 1.100 934 Rugby U.D.C. (part in bulk)- Birdingbury - 1,063 209 48 lir-l t Bourton on Duns- 2,144 265 70 Wells more. Brandon & Bret ford 1,988 398 100 _ Wells and Biver Good and adequate. Avon. Brinklow 1,487 667 170 Wells Variable. Browusovcr - 913 95 20 13 Rugby U.D.C. (bulk) - Church Lawford - 1.S29 2S2 60 _ Churchover - Clifton upon Duns- 1,841 1,677 323 627 70 160 40 Rugby U.D.C. (bulk) - Do. Qoud ami adequate. more. Comberields - 3,72H 156 35 " Cosford - Dunchurch - 557 3.137 47 935 10 235 1 Rugby U.D.C. (bulk) - Do. Variable, but adequate. Kasenhall 1,135 135 40 Do. Good and adequate. Frankton 1,705 211 50 . Grandborougb 4,494 320 90 Do. 5 oor and inadequate in summer. Harborough Magna 1,393 317 75 Do. <'air and adequate. Hillmorton - 3,124 1,259 315 197 Rugby U.D.C. (bulk) - Do. Generally good. Kings Newnham - 1,471 128 25 Leamington Hast- 3,366 377 110 ings. Little Lawford 444 24 5 Do. Jood and adequate. Long Lawford 1,715 869 210 Marton - 1,064 376 105 Newbold on Avon - 1,696 728 170 78 Rugby U.D.C. (bulk) - Do. Do. Newton and Biggin 1,069 246 65 Wells ?air ami sufficient. Princetborpe - 1,070 357 50 Bytonon Duusmoie Stretton on Duns- 2,275 1,919 552 587 125 150 Do. Good and adequate. more. Thurlaston - 1,823 313 80 Do. Good and sufficient. Willoughby - 1,759 276 75 . __ Wolfhampcote 3,855 257 75 .Do. Fair and sufficient. Wolston 2,810 879 210 Solihull R.D. : Baddesley Clinton - 1,366 140 30 Wells Satisfactory. Balsall 5,095 1,353 407 Do. Not satisfactory at "The Temple." Barston 1,968 345 85 1 North Warwickshire Water Co Bushwooil 482 30 9 - Elmdon 1,134 210 48 Knowle 3,345 2,357 575 88 North Warwickshire Water Co. Lapworth 2,984 853 213 [Do. Satisfactory. Nuthurst 693 100 27 1'ackwood 1,760 860 186 1 North Warwickshire Water ( 'o. Solihull 12,468 10,282 2,334 996 Birmingham T.C. - Tanworth 10,512 2,231 607 aloutham R.D. : Bishop's Itchington 3,052 818 199 1 Burton Dassett 4,975 475 130 11C. Kimbell'a Charity - Chadshunt 1.388 36 13 Chapel Ascote 604 20 5 Chesterton am 3,585 130 88 Kingston. Fenny Compton Gay don Harbury 2,163 1.518 3,397 510 278 1,160 120 75 282 116 55 Fenny Compton Water Co., Ltd Southam R.D.C. - \ Wells - Fair and adequate, except in very dry season. llodnell 521 9 3 Ladbroke 1,975 162 47 Lighthorne - 2,112 29C. 67 Long Itchington 4,869 1,178 292 Lower Kadbonrn 526 10 2 Lower Shuckburgh 985 102 24 24 Southam R.D.C. - Xapton on the Mil Priors Hardwick 4,027 1,535 847 193 202 56 160 40 Do. Priors Hardwick Water Co i Ltd. . Priors Marston Soiuham 3,577 3,118 495 1,804 120 459 110 Priors Marston Water Co., Lti } Wells - Fair and adequate, except in very drv season. Stockton 1,391 975 219 Stoneton 717 30 4 Ufton - 1.793 181 51 I * Balsall. North Warwickshire Water Co. are about tj provide a supply. 538 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES- County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Supplied ,., . , from lotal. ,.. , Piped Service. 1. 5 Sources o[ Nature and Sufficiency Supply. of Supply. 7. 8. Warwickshire Southam R.D. tout. Upi>er Radbourn - 647 19 2 1 Upper Slmekbuigh 1.1(59 51 8 1 Watergall 553 12 2 > Wells - Fair and adequate, except Wills Pastures 149 5 2 1 in very dry season. Wonnleighton 2.451 189 48 ~~ J Stratford on Avon R.D. : Alveston 2,887 905 216 143 Stratford on Avon R.D.C. j Atherstone on Stour 1 .089 83 17 } Wells - Fair and adequate. Bearley 998 211 45 1 Beaudesert - 1,318 187 36 15 Stratford on Avon R.D.C. Do. Generally satisfactory and fairly adequate. Bickmarsh 1.267 97 22 Wei Is and springs Fair and adequate. Billesley 822 48 15 Do. Slightly brackish and * fairly adequate. Binton - - - 1,300 245 52 4 Trustees of the Marquess of Springs and wells Generally satisfactory and Hertford. adequate. Charlecote - 2,130 224 54 Wells Fair and adequate. Claverdon 2,754 520 140 Wells and springs Variable, but fairly satis- factory and adequate. Combrook 1,145 175 45 41 Lord Willoughby de Broke - Do, Fair ; inadequate in sum- mer. Compton Verney - 1,668 42 15 Wells Fairly satisfactory and adequate. Eatington 3,638 570 127 Wells and spring Fairly satisfactory and adequate. Fulbrook 872 62 16 Wells Fair, but very hard ; ade- quate. Hampton Lucy 3,160 393 87 Do. Fair and adequate. Kineton 2,495 1,018 240 184 1 Stratford on Avon R.D.C. - j Lord Willoughby de Broke - | Wells&springs {Rather hard, but fairly satisfactory and ade- quate. Langley 1,035 165 37 Wells, springs. Fairly satisfactory except and brook. brook ; adequate. Loxley - 1,596 239 59 52 Stratford on Avon R.D.C. Wells and rain- Fairly satisfactory, but water. inadequate. Laddington - 1,158 97 22 I Milcote Moreton Morrell - 609 1,678 55 388 10 60 2 Stratford on Avon T.C. - Wells Fair and adequate. Newbold Pacey 1,851 373 82 Wells Old Stratford and 2,778 129 31 Wells and spring Fairly satisfactory and Drayton. adequate. Preston Bagot Snitterfield - 1,300 3,912 158 682 33 185 13 Lady Trevelyan Do. Wells Fair and adequate. Temple Graftou - 2,050 377 98 Springs and wells Fairly satisfactory, but inadequate. Wellesbourne Hast- 2,953 682 155 Wells and springs Variable, but adequate. ings. Wellesbou rne 1,653 676 160 . . Wells Variable, but abundant. Mountford. Wbitchurch - 1,988 159 38 Do. Fairly satisfactory and adequate. Wolverton 1,160 160 35 Do. Fair and adequate. Wootton Wawen - 7,865 l,95'.t 465 293 Stratford on Avon R.D.C. Do. Generally satisfactory and adequate. Warwick R.D. : Ashow - 1,079 140 36 } 1 Baginton 1,788 227 50 Barford 1,677 694 181 i. Wells Beausale 1,699 221 56 Bishops Tach brook 3,575 578 135 Blackdown - 687 78 17 J Bubbenhall - 1,265 225 58 Wells and springs Budbrooke - 3,289 1,104 135 Wells Cubbington - 2,112 1,144 287 Wells and springs Eatborpe Guy's Cliffe - 531 12 153 17 33 1 1 J* Kair and surtk-itTH. Haseley 1,201 238 52 Hatton - 1,311 1.524 74 Honiley 655 43 10 Hunniugham 1.261 177 48 ,^-Wells - Leek Wootton 2,101 4S1 106 45 Warwick T.C.thro'Sir K.Walle Norton Lindsey 621 114 35 Offehurch 2,286 27!l 62 Old Milverton 744 193 48 Radford Semele 2,123 550 141 J PART II. WESTMORLAND. 539 ( 'iiunt.y. Area in District and Parish. A> !'-. 1. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 8. No. of Houses. Supplied r r . , from rotal. i- , Piped Service. 4. 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Warwickshire- Warwick R.D. cunt. Rowington 3,817 868 237 Sherborne 1,149 162 38 Shrewley 1,268 487 127 Stivichall 818 81 16 Stoneleigh 10,031 1,400 339 . Wappenbury - 953 74 18 Wells - Fair and sufficient. Wasperton 1,663 2 1 5 54 . Weston under 1,361 265 36 Wetherley. Whitnash 1,239 525 132 Wroxall 1,651 148 34 WESTMORLAND. Ambleside U.D. 4,424 2,553 559 541 Ambleside U.D.C. - Veils, springs, Good and adequate. and streams. Appleby B. 1,876 1,786 408 406 Appleby T.C. Veil, spring and Sal isfactoryand sufficient. rainwater. Q-rasmere U.D. 7,332 876 190 155 Grasmere U.D.C. - Veils it streams Good, but sometimes in- sufficient in dry weather. Kendal B. 2,622 14,033 3,219 3,21!) Kendal T.C .... Wells & springs Satisfactory and adequate. Kirkby Lonsdale 3,254 1,524 348 380 Kirkby Lonsdale U.D.C. & Tearnside Beck Satisfactory and abund- U.D. Lady Henry Bentinck. Hiver Lune - ant. Snap U.D. 2.082 l,0or, 243 182 Shap U.D.C. - Wells and springs Good and plentiful. Windermere U.D. D.907 5,147 1,153 1,044 Windermere District Gas and Wells and springs Satisfactory. Water Co. East Westmor- land R.D. : Asby - - \ 8,479 370 103 (a) Wells, (ft) Dale Beck. (.) Good, (A) liable to pollution ; generally in- adequate in dry weather. Brough - - 1.573 084 178 lie East Westmorland R.D.C. Wells Fairly good, but occasion- ally inadequate. Brough Sowerby - 1,197 I'olbv - - - 1,402 117 107 27 3( 17 Do. Wells and springs Wells Good. Generally fairly good ; dis- tant from some houses. Crackenthorpe - ' 1,358 113 21 () Spring, (ft) wells, (c) rain- (a) Good, but limited in summer; (A) some doubt- water. ful, others good. Crosby Garret t - 3,900 184 53 () Wells, (ft) rain-water and (a) Some doubtful and inai (equate. streams. Dufton - 16,852 299 99 55 Dufton Voluntary Scheme () Wells and springs, (J) () Fairly good ; (A) liable to pollution. streams. Hartley - 3,224 133 36 21 j Sir Kicbard Musgrave, Bart. 1 East Westmorland R.D.C. 1 Springs, wells, f and streams. f Fairly good. Hfflbeok 2,760 60 i 12 7 Do. Wells j (a) Wells, (.) Mostly polluted and 1 (ft) springs, inadequate: (A) good Hoff - 3,660 200 i 48 ) () Hofi Beck, and generally adequate; ( (rf) rain-water. (c) liable to pollution ; (rf) doubtful. Kaber - 4,56!) 149 3 Wells an( streams. Some good, others pol- luted ; adequate. Kirkby Stephen - Kirkby Thore Lung Marton 3,135 2,503 6.947 1,546 441) 587 451 11 160 442 114 132 East Westmorland R.D.C. Do. Do. Wells Wells and spring Good. i Good, but some inadequate in dry weather. Mallerstang - 8,382 226 54 11 Various property owners Springs, streams and wells. Fafrly good and sufficient. Milburn and Mil- 7,955 217 37 East Westmorland R.D.C. Wells Doubtful, and some inade- ouate in summer. burn Grange. Murton - - - 13,280 405 108 72 ( Appleby T.C. | East Westmorland R.D.C. I () Springs, (A) () Good and generally t streams. adequate ; (ft) doubtful. Musgrave - 4,389 205 48 Wells, streams, Generally good, but some springs & rain- inadequate. water. Nateby - Newbiggin Ormside Oiton - 2,194 1.194 2,718 17,654 171 139 148 847 34 33 37 213 25 18 92 East Westmorland R.D.C. Do. Do. Wells - - Good and adequate, Wells and springs I Kairly K00 ,, t Wells. spring j Good, but occasionally and streams. inadequate. 1 540 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Westmorland cant. East Westmorland R.D. emit. Ravenstonedale 16,405 844 210 100 ( J. W. Fothergill, Esq. - I < T. A. HeteaUe-Qiteon, Eiq.x ( Other property owners - | /j) Springs, wells. and streams, (ft) Bessie Beck, Newbiggin. (a) Generally good, but limited ; (ft) liable to pollution, but abundant. Soulby - 2, (144 189 ."tit 5 Messrs. J. W. Gregson & Co. - Wells Some good and abundant, others doubtful and in- adequate. Stainmore 16,32!) 516 112 7 Various property owners Springs, wells, Fairly good and generally and streams. j adequate. Tebay - 6,855 966 249 180 East Westmorland R.D.C. - Do. do. Good and generally ade- quate. Temple Sowcrby - Waitby - 1,241 2,847 352 93 99 19 90 Do. Wells and springs! Do. Good. Good, but inadequate in summer. Warcop 11,498 604 157 98 East Westmorland R.D.C. Do. Good. Wharton 1,600 52 11 Do. Fairly good, but inade- quate in dry weather. Winton - 4,510 229 66 50 East Westmorland R.D.C. - Do. Fairly good and sufficient. South Westmor- land R.D. : Arnside - 2,057 1,090 255 212 South Westmorland R.D.C. - Rai n-water, wells- Ac springs Barbon - 4,257 274 71 48 Do. Wells ami springs Beetham 3,968 601 156 101 Do. Rain-water. wells. it springs. Burton - 1,473 517 142 117 Manchester T.C. (bulk) - 1 Casterton 4,32(5 428 64 46 Clergy Daughters School and i other property owners. Crook - - - 2,118 237 56 y Good and adequate. Crosthwaite and 8,050 674 146 [Wells and! Lyth. springs. Dalton - 2,170 108 20 13 Manchester T.C. (bulk) - Dillicar - 1,122 102 29 Docker - 1.372 73 15 J Farleton 1,304 70 12 i South Westmorland R.D.C. - R a i n - w a t e r. wells, & springs. Fawcett Forest 3,930 30 8 Springs and wells . Firbank 2,985 HI 33 Do. Good, but distant from some houses. Grayxigg 3.756 197 49 Haverbrack - 685 82 27 12 South Westmorland R.D.C. - Do. Good and adequate. Helsington - 3,328 279 58 4 Kendal T.C. - Heversham - 1.B45 359 75 67 South Westmorland R.D.C. - Do. Good, but inadequate in part. Hincaster 700 145 30 1 1 Holme - 1,647 674 170 156 South Westmorland R.D.C. - j 1 >, : Hugill - 2,901 373 106 18 Various property owners f LJ{J, 1 Hutton Roof - 3,718 269 ! 61 ; 3 South Westmorland R.D.C. - J Kentmere 6,610 1C, 37 Springs, wells and streams. Killington Lambrigg 4.938 1.804 163 122 41 33 Spring and <;,, od and adcquato . Langdales 9.508 79'J 186 23 Great Langdale School Springs and ; Trustees. streams. Levens - 8,683 708 200 82 South Westmorland R.D.C. - ] ( Longsleddale 6,731 :; :,':, 112 ; 27 2or, 44 11 Smith Westmorland R.D.C. - } Springs and j Mansergh 2,669 inn 44 wells. Meathop and Ulpha 2.i;3i 214 25 8 South Westmorland R.D.C. - Rain-water - Good, but inadequate. Middleton 7,275 222 :,o Springs and Good and adequate. Milnthorpe - ll'.i'.l 1,01!) 238 178 South Westmorland R.D.C. - wells. Natland 1.1 5<; 571 120 90 Do. Wells & upland Good and adequate,but dis- surface water. taut from some houses. Nether Stareley - 2..v,i 354 84 ~* New Hutton - 4,769 262 ! 58 1 Old 3utton anil 3.975 2!) 7 87 ' Holmescales. Over Stavcley 2,580 861 154 _ } Springs and Patton - 637 61 15 - wells. , South Westmorland R.D.C. - Preston Patrick 3,65li 479 102 27 < Messrs. W. H. Wakefield & }-Good and adequate. ( Co., Ltd. Preston Richard - 2. 1 3 1 MS 135 68 J Do. do. | South Westmorland R.D.C. - I Springs, wells & j Stain ton Beck. Kydal and Lough - 4,858 469 128 ! - 1 riee. ! Spring and Scalthwaiterigg 1,2(15 585 167 157 j Messrs.Braithwaite&Co.,Ltd. | Kendal T.C. f wells. J PART II. WESTMORLAND. 541 County, District ami Parish. Area in Acres. >. Popula- t ion. 1911. 3. No. of Total. 4. Homes. s, M ,,,i Namwrf Undertaken from providing a I'iped Supply of Water. Service. 5. 8. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Snpply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 3. Westmorland - cant. South Westmor- land R.D. emit. Sedgwick 198 201 39 i Skelsmen.'h - 8,093 305 67 j- Springs Si. wells Good and adequate. Staiiiton 1,735 331 78 Springs, wells, Si Good, except Beck ; ade- Stainton Beck. quate. Strickland Krtrl - 2,360 768 174 77 i Messrs. J. Oropper& Co.. Ltd. / Kendal T.C. Strickland Roger - Troutbeck 3,200 15,806 377 491 89 121 48 11 Messrs. .]. Cropper & Co., Ltd. Windermere District Gas and Water Co. Underbarrow and 5.122 418 89 5 Kendal T.C. - Bradleyfield. Springs and Good and adequate. Undermillbeck 8,363 557 145 38 1 G. H. Pattinson, Esq. 1 Windermere, &c., Water Co. wells. Whinfell 4.345 124 25 Whitwell and Sri- 8,387 212 41 side. J Witherslack - t,659 393 101 Springs, wells, Good and adeauate. and rain-water. * West Ward R.D. : Askham 4,490 484 117 Springs, Indifferent. Bampton 10,926 410 111 _ < streams, wells, ( & rain-water. Barton - 2.797 291 70 27 West Ward R.D.C. Springs, wells, Good and abundant. and streams. Bolton - 2,790 313 76 Brougham 6,228 286 53 Clibnrn - 1.890 197 5(1 Clifton - 1,778 352 83 __ Crosby Ravens- 1 1,04-1 732 168 worth. f-S p r i n g s, Indifferent. Great Strickland - 2,340 248 fi2 . streams, wells, Kind's Meaburn 2,386 157 39 & rain-water. Little Strickland - 789 102 19 Lowther 3.1)74 415 94 Martindale - S.H22 132 38 Springs Good and abundant Morland 1,760 273 85 Springs, Indifferent. Newby - 2,988 178 51 streams, wells, ( & rain-water. 1'atterdale and 16(788 871 204 Springs Good and abundant. Hartsop. Shap Rural - Sleagill - 25,095 1,384 269 105 68 80 (Springs, < streams, wells, 1 & rain-water. Indifferent. Sockbridge 1.229 239 60 58 Wet Ward R.D.C. Springs Good and abundant. Thrimby 1,574 63 11 Springs, streams, Indifferent. wells, & rain- water. Yanwath and 1,299 307 69 62 West Ward H.D.C. Springs - Good and abundant. Eaniont Bridge. WIGHT, ISLE OP. Cowes U.D. - 586 9,635 2,237 2,237 Cowes U.D.C. East Cowes U.D. - 604 4,659 1,072 1,072 East Cowes U.D.C. _ Newport B. - Ryde B. - 504 820 11,154 10.608 2.598 2,625 2,583 2,610 Newport T.C. Ryde T.C. - Wells Do. Satisfactory and adequate. Fair. St. Helens U.D. - i.'.i-n 4,982 1.145 1,130 Ryde T.C. (part in bulk) Do. Fairly good. Sandown U.D. 1,222 5,551 1,290 1,270 Isle of Wight Waterworks Co. Wells Good and adequate Shanklin U.D. 798 4,751 1,119 1,119 Shankliu U.D.C. and Isle of Wight Waterworks Co. Ventnor U.D. 745 5,787 1,237 1,237 Ventnor Gas and Water Co. - . Isle of Wight R.D. : Ashey - 3,374 1,471 379 36E Ryde T.C. (part in bulk) Wells, springs, & rain-water. Bembridfrc 2.003 1,428 377 340 Isle of Wight R.D.C. - Binstead 1,207 969 232 223 Ryde T.C. (bulk) - V Wells k, springs Bonchurch - 565 530 120 105 Ventnor Gas and Water Co. - j Brading 5.524 1,563 450 275 J Isle of Wight R.D.O. - | Isle of Wight Waterworks Co. Wells, spring, J & rain-water. Generally satisfactory f and adequate. Brighstone 2,847 4fi9 114 111 Isle of Wight B.D.C. and / property owners. 1 Wells - I'.riHjk - 991 220 56 50 Sir C. Seely, Bart. ) Calbourne 6,556 720 174 138 Isle of Wight R.D.C. - Wells, rain-water, & stream. J Carisbrooke - 7,854 5,139 590 393 Newport T.C. Wells, springs, Generally satisfactory, but rain - water, & stream liable to pollution. stream. C'hale - 2.212 51)5 149 122 Isle of Wight R.D.C. - Freshwater - 3,522 . 3,192 805 768 Freshwater and Yarmouth Water Co., Ltd. Wells & springs Generally satisfactory and adequate. 542 UETURN AS TO WATEK SUPPLIES. County. Area in r P nla - tion, District ami Parish. Acres. iy\i ' 1. , 2. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers IHupplied ,., . , from providing a P . ' Piped Supply of Water. Service. 4. | 5. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Wight, Isle of- I Isle of Wight R.D. , euiif. Gatcombe .'.sill 369 95 22 Shanklin L'.D.C. WYlls, springs, rain-water, & stream. OodsWti 6.407 ' 964 : 246 70 Shanklin U.D.C. (bulk) Wells, springs, A; rain-water. 'Kingston 061 6s 16 6 Various property owners Wells, springs, \ rain-water. Mottistone 1,097 100 26 24 1 Isle of Wight R.D.C. - 1 Sir C. Seely, Bart. Wells - Ncwchurch - 2,960 : 751 186 132 Isle of Wight Waterworks Co. Wells and land j drains. Generally satisfactory Niton - 1,337 *6i; 254 118 j Isle of Wight K.D.C. - / Various property owners Wells, springs. rain - water, it stream. and adequate. Northwood 4.367 2,385 508 415 ( Newport T.C. (bulk) - i Various property owners I Wells, springs. 1 & rain-water. Vent nor lias and Water Co. St. Lawrence 329 366 32 2(1 Me of Wight K.D.C. - }. Springs - 1 Property owners - i Shalfleet 5,324 *22 221 2O6 i Freshwater and Yarmouth Water Co.. Ltd. ' Isle of Wight R.D.C. - Wells.rainwater and stream. *Shorwell 3,851 541 129 10 NYwport T.C. (bulk) - 1 Various property owners i Wells, springs. V rain - water, Bail and inadequate. South Arreton 5,305 932 214 18 Shanklin U.D.C. (bulk) i stream. Thorley - Totland - 1,582 152 1,332 1.441 35 369 15 357 Isle at Wight R.D.C. - I Totland Water Co. 1 Freshwater&c.WaterCo.,Ltd. Wells, springs, & rain- water. Whippingham 8,164 2,545 ' 469 295 Newport T.C. (bulk) Wells and rain- water. Generally satisfactory Whitwell 1,909 681 173 84 1 Various property owners / Isle of Wight E.D.O. - I Wells, springs, & rain-water. and adequate. Wroxall 1,61 828 210 195 Do. Wells and springs Yarmouth , - 58 847 JIO 189 Freshwater *:c. Water Co., Ltd. ' Wells . Yaverland 822 ; 135 19 14 Sir G. K. W. Hamond Graeme, J Bart. WILTSHIRE. Bradford on Avon 1,990 4,501 1,150 1,110 Bradford on Avon U.D.C. Wells Good. U.D. Calne B. 356 3,538 842 780 Calne Waterworks Co.. Ltd. - Do. Excellent. Chippenham B. - 361 5,332 ' 1,214 1,214 Chippenham T.C. - - Devizes B. 906 6,739 1.512 1,5(12 Devizes T.C. - Wells Reasonably satisfactory. Malmesbury B. - 178 i 2,656 699 696 ' Malniesburv T.C. - Do. Variable. I Marlborough B. - 598 4.4(11 828 828 Marlborough T.C. - Melksham U.D. - 476 j 3,101 72" 720 Trowbridge Water Co. - Wells Satisfactory. Salisbury B. - 1,720 : 21,217 4.644 4.638 Salisbury T.C. and Fishertou, Do. Satisfactory and adequate. Anger and Bemerton Water- works Co. Swindon B. - 4.265 50,751 11,285 11,215 Swindon T.C. ... Do. - 1 Streams Generally satisfactory. Not quite satisfactory. Trowbridge U.D. 2,126 11,815 3,039 3,1131 Trowbridge Water Co. - Wells - - Good". Warminster U.D. 6,564 5,492 1,257 1,147 Warminster U.D.C. Wells and springs Satisfactory. Westbury U.D. - 3,687 3,433 862 65S Weslbury and Dillon Marsh Wells - - Good. Joint Water Committee. Wilton B. - 1,91-5 2,124 539 533 Wilton T.C. .... Wells Good and ample. Amesbury R.D. : Allington 957 207 40 Amesbury Boscombe 5,935 1.688 1,253 99 266 27 . Wells - - Good and ample. Bulford 3,642 3.232 74 Cholderton 1.695 238 47 \1 H. C. Stephens. Esq. Durnford 3,102 420 j 93 1 Durrington - 2.702 897 229 Fighcldean - S.440 OS 96 Idmiston 5.493 809 191 Maddiugton - 3.96s 3:,: 85 Milston - - ->.M:, 144 29 - ;. Wells - - Good and ample. Newton Tony -; :(06 73 OrchcMon St. 2.2i',(i 173 43 George. Oreheston St. Mary 1.S1I5 131 31 llollestone 870 41 10 J * Kingston :iput t> be obtained i'roiu Shanklin L T .D,C. PART II. WILTSHIRE. 1 'oUtlt\, District and Pariah. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. Total. 4. Supplici from Piped Service. 5. Names nf I'mlertaker^ providing u Supply of \\~atrr. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources o! Supply. 7. Nature and Sulli.-ieii.-y of Supply. 8. Wiltshire -cant.. Amesbury R.D. Shrewton 2,203 610 149 Tilshead 3,883 394 96 Wilsford 2,294 199 41 Winterbonrne 1,187 159 44 Dauittscy. Winterbourne Karls 1,703 227 59 Wells liood and ample. Winterbourne (iun- 1,518 157 35 ner. Winterbourne Stoke 3,572 254 60 Woodford 2,796 422 98 Bradford-on-Avon R.D.: Atworth L'.75ti 785 196 149 ( R. F. Fuller, Esq. G. P. Fuller, Esq. 1 Bradford Without - 2.7111 298 7i 11 | Bradford on Avon U.D.C. - | Trowbridge WaterCo.(bulk) IJroughtnn Gifford- Holt 1,639 1,314 741 1,022 187 272 91 209 | II. V. Fuller, Esq. J Wells it spring Good and sufficient. Limpley Stoke 558 389 99 88 Combe Down (Bath) am Genera] Waterworks Co.,Ltx J Monkton Farloigh 1, Still 334 92 87 Monkton Farleigh P.C. and Do. Good and generally suffi- property owners. cient. South Wraxall 1.694 280 83 Do. ) Westwood 832 485 115 90 Bradford on Avon R.D.C. Do. \ Good, but limited. Winkfield 1 .389 261 68 Do. Winsley 1,943 718 isr, 67 Combe Downic.Waterwkt.t 'o. Do. Good and sufficient. Ltd. Calne R.D.: P.rembill 5.!HL> 999 238 100 Calne R.D.C. - Calne Without U.S94 1,941 452 107 Calm- Waterworks Co., Ltd. - Cherhill 1,904 231 66 Compton Bassett - 2.576 298 75 MVells - Good. Heddington - L697 256 75 Hilmarton 5,811 734 190 Vatesbury 1,674 140 32 J Chippenham R.D.: Biddestone 1,951 417 126 .-,:', Lord Islington (bulk) - Spring Good. Box 4.647 2,320 597 128 ( Do. | G. E. Northey, Esq. - 1 Wells - Some doubtful. Castle Combe 1,555 355 97 River Good. Chippenham With- out. 1 ti.L'IlL' 1 2,465 563 380 j Marquess of Lansdowne Chippenham T.C. (part in 1 Wells - Fair. ( bulk). 1 Christian Malt'ord - 2.761 520 133 40 Trustees of the late Sir H. Meux Stream Good. Colerne - 8,928 939 253 Spring Doubtful ; distant from houses. Corsham 6,604 4,209 1,089 626 j Lord Islington - I Corsham Water Wks. Co. Ltd. [ Wells - Some doubtful. 1 iraycot Cerne - 1.015 (Jrit'tleton - - 1 2.H01 123 344 33 80 z \ Do. - - ( Doubtful and inadequate | at times. Hardenhuish Kellaways 487 333 655 45 123 8 4 Chippenham T.C. - Springs Wells [Good. Kington Langley - 1,571 519 120 70 Chippenham T.C. - j. Ra/l Kington St. Mi- 2,436 473 114 IXH1. chael. Lacock - 3,734 1,131 283 1411 Corsham Water Wks. Co. Ltd. Do. Doubtful. Langley Burrell 1,814 713 178 73 Chippenham T.C. (part in Do. Bad. Without. bulk). Leigh Delamere 1,237 110 29 Do. Doubtful and inadequate Littleton Drew 979 144 42 Do. at times. Nettleton 1,971 348 109 12 West Gloucestershire Water Co. Wells and springs Doubtful. North Wraxall - 2, 175 399 mi Wells Good. Pewsham 2,286 382 100 14 1 Marquessof I,ansdo\vne(bulk Corsham Water Wks. Co. Ltd. Wells .t springs Fairly good. Seagry - 1.083 212 53 Veils Qodd. Slaughterford 1 75 81 19 17 Lord Islington Do. Doubtful. Stantou St. (Quintin 1,807 256 69 Sutton Benger 1,288 354 89 Do. Good. West Kington 2,446 234 69 Yatton Keynell 1.759 488 122 Do. Fair. Cricklade and Wootton Bas- - sett R.D. : Ashton Keynes 2,810 836 200 Wells Good and adequate. Hraydon 1,484 67 15 9 J. E. Ward. Esq. - , .\Ies>rs.M.O\veii it McNaught. Do. ndirTcrentand inadequuie. Broad Town - 2,040 386 125 60 Crickladc it Wootton 1 l!a--sctt K.D.C,. Do. (Jood and adequate. Do. Do. Ciylfe 1'ypard 3,272 342 105 72 Mrs. K. A. Wilson Crirklade 6.411 1,521 383 275 Cricklade ..Vc., K.D.C. - Do. Fair : some hiadequati . Latton - 4.341 364 85 "" Do. ii 1 'int Hiate. A 0.198 M m RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911, 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. <;. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Wiltshire eont. Cricklade and Wootton Bassett R.D. cont. Leigh - - - 1,461 264 70 "ells A: rainwater Some fair : some inade- quate. Lydiard Millicent - 2,338 807 200 39 1. Carter, Esq. Lydiard Tregoze - Lyneham 5,430 3,442 580 894 105 220 ~ Do. < " >, 1 and adequate. Marston Meysey - 1,335 199 50 Purton - - - 6,465 2,578 626 219 Jricklade fc Wootton B. R.D.C. Do. fair and adequate. Tockenham - 779 173 35 Do. it 'ud Hiid adequate. Wootton Bassett - 5,126 1,991 538 241 Cricklade & Wootton B. R.D.C. Do. fair and adequate. Devizes R.D. : All Cannings - 3,354 423 100 Allington 1,195 92 23 Alton Barnes - 609 151 28 Beechingstoke 891 157 39 Bishop's Cannings - 8,871 717 182 56 Corumissionersof H.M. Woods. .ice., and Devizes T.C. Bromham 3,519 1.146 282 Chirton - - - 1,926 270 68 Chittoe - 1,309 183 '45 Easterton 1,653 323 85 Erlestoke 2,054 229 54 Etchilliampton 935 148 38 Great Cheverell 1,846 316 81 Little Cheverell - 1,025 185 46 > Wells & springe Good and plentiful. Harden ... 1,286 152 39 Market Lavington - 3,806 981 250 Marston 906 123 29 Patney - 884 108 25 Potterne 3,187 1,145 281 Poulsbot 1,631 285 72 Roundway 2,498 2.3R4 254 144 Devizes T.C. - Rowde - - - 2,605 873 202 Stanton St. Bernard 2,043 232 54 Stert 757 149 33 . Urchfont 6,285 790 226 Wast Lavington - 5,909 982 250 20 H. Thomas Holloway, Esq. - Worton - 971 310 74 Highworth R.D. : Bishopstone - 3,520 449 118 10 Ecclesiastical Commissioners - Wells and spring? ( : Blur.sdon St. An- 3,784 834 243 57 Highworth R.D.O. Wells, springs am '.(,,10,1. drew. brooks. ) Castle Eaton - 1,979 225 55 River Thames Fail- and wells. Chisledon B.G22 1,197 307 13 W. J. E. Warry Stone. Esq. - Wells Good in part. Hannington - 2>18 239 59 River Thames Fair. and wells. Highworth - 6,488 2,153 570 249 ( Highworth R.D.C. ) C. H. Maidment, Esq. - Wells & springs Doubtful. Inglesham 1,238 144 31 25 Highworth R.D.C. Wells j Liddiugton - 2,538 357 102 13 Do. Wells, springs anc I Good. rain-water. Little Hinton 2,161 245 63 Wells and brooks 1 Rodbourne Cheney 2,361 1,913 448 237 ( NorthSwindonEstateCo.,Lt< 1 Swindon T.C. 1 Wells - I Doubtful. South Marston 1,911 387 97 Wells, canal and ) rain-water. Stanton Fitzwarren 1,118 160 35 \\Yllsiiml springs Fair. Stratton St. Mar- 2,859 3,689 797 296 Swindon T.C. Wells Generally good. garet. Wanborough - 4,514 7fi4 195 78 ( Highworth R.D.C. "| W. T. Robinson, Esq. - ( (a) Wells and | springs(A)cana () Good, (i) bad. Governors of Charterhouse Wroughton - 7,115 2,383 584 415 \ Swindon T.C. I Wells - ( Highworth R.D.C. ) Malmestmry R.D. Alderton 1,637 141 44 Wells Good. Brinkworth - 6,075 1,031 214 Ponds and wells Indifferent and short in dry season. Brokenborough 2,614 388 63 Wells Good and adequate. Charlton 4,766 468 92 Ponds, wells am Indifferent fc inadequate. spring. Crudwell 4,899 702 145 Do. Indifferent and inadequate in summer. Dauntsey 3,258 364 73 73 Messrs. A. H. Bond and R. II Edwards. Easton Grey - 1,061 106 20 20 G. Wilder, Esq. - Foxley - 1,135 73 22 Wells Good and adequate. Garsdon 1,128 159 32 , Wells and ponds Some good : some in- different. Great Somerford Hankerton 1,660 2,203 464 240 101 51 | Wells - Good and adequate. Hullavingtii'i !!,303 552 164 20 Eton College - Wells Indifferent, but adequate. PA.RT II. WILTSHIRE. .-> I,', County, District ami Parish. 1. Area in Acres, 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 8. No. .if Total. 4. louses. Supplied from Piped Service. .">. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there Souree- .if Supply. 7. is no Piped Serviee. Nature ami SuH'Kieney of Supply. 8. Wiltshire ""' Malmesbury R.D. t'ont . 1 Lea and Olevcrton 1,778 408 81 Wells and ponds Sune good, some in.lhTe- rent ; adequate. Little Somerfor.l - 1.2UI 308 66 Wells IH n).i ar.d adequate. Luckington - 8,188 866 88 Do. Doubtful, but adequate. Malmesbury St. 1'aul Without. Minety - 7,174 8,778 996 787 185 130 67 I Malmesbury H.D.C. | Malmrsbury T.I!. Do. Ponds and wells 1 Some good, some indiffe- rent ; adequate. Norton - 928 85 23 ' Well* ) Oaksey - Sheraton 1,827 4,725 363 1,271 71 375 80 315 R. C. Warner. Ksq. Malmesbury R.D.C. vv el In Wells, springs \ > Good and adequate. ponds. 1 Sopworth 1,011 130 27 27 West (Gloucestershire Water Co. Marlborough R.D.: Avebury 4,690 636 168 I Berwick Bassett 1,391 74 25 Broad Hinton 3,114 350 83 East Kennett 7S8 59 19 Fyfield - 1.5.") 5 179 54 Mildeuhall - 4.223 498 122 13 Marlborough T.C. (bulk) North Savernake - 2,394 in; 30 Ogbourne St. An- 5,387 428 102 drew. Ogbourne St. Go .rge Preshute Without - 8,571 4,834 482 559 113 128 14 Marlborouph T.C. (bulk) J- Wells - Good and adequate. South Savernake 8,681 194 50 with Brimsladc and Cadley. West Overtoil 4,248 515 138 Winterbourrie Bas- 2,190 233 59 sett. W i n t e r b o u r n c 1,879 215 51 Monkton. J Melksham R.D. : Hilperton Mclksham Without 1,075 7,930 762 2,614 195 616 195 501 Trow bridge Water Co. - Do. Wells and springs. Doubtful. Seend - Scmington Staverton 2,759 1,665 434 MO 471 193 244 68 45 45 53 35 Trowbridge Water Co. (bulk) Trowbridge Water Co. - Do. Wells Wells and springs Do. Do. Good and ample. Doubtful. Mere R.D. : i Exors. of the late G. Wynd- ) 1 East Knoyle - 5,926 853 212 131 ham ; also jointly with > Wells - ( Miss Seymour. Kilmington - Kingston Deverill - Maiden Bradley 2,877 2,737 4,608 363 168 563 91 56 128 28 114 Sir H. H. A. Hoare, Bart. Duke of Somerset - Wells and stream i Wells } Good and plentiful. Mere - 6,059 1,919 480 284 Mere R.D.C. - Monkton Deverill - 1,814 123 31 Wells & streams Sedgehill 1,185 160 35 23 Mere R.D.C. - Wells Stourton 3,496 453 114 55 Sir H. H. A. Hoare, Bart. Do. West Knoyle - 2,016 137 30 30 Mere R.D.C. thro' Sir H. H. A. Hoare, Bart. Zeals 1,591 434 158 Wells and stream Good and plentiful. Pewsey R.D. : Alton Priors - 1,909 175 36 1 Burbage 4,013 1,117 270 1 Charlton 1,784 120 32 Chute - Chute Forest - 3,251! 1,973 390 152 96 42 , Wells - Good and adequate. Collingbourne Ducis 3.431 385 100 Collingbourne K ing 7,400 748 160 aton. Easton - 2.224 327 84 Enford - 8,190 693 185 Ever ley 3,280 264 63 Do. Bad. Fittleton 3,213 308 80 Huish - 738 96 26 Ludgershall - 1,789 1,117 237 127 Capt. W. V. Faber, M.P. & E. H. Jellett, Esq. ManningtonlAbbiit 931 132 27 - Manningfonl Bohun 1,310 215 58 Do. Good and adequate. Manningford Bruce 1.113 240 62 r Milton Lilbourne - 3,588 538 136 Netheravon 3,535 741 110 North Newnton 1,146 328 57 North Tidworth - 3,095 1,541 55 - Pewsey - - - 4,784 1,731 402 136 Pewsey R.D.C. Rushall - U pa von 2,204 3,352 164 430 40 109 Do. Liable to ] (dilution, but adequate. Wilcut - 3,022 529 133 I Wilsford 1,759 130 40 i Do. - - Gdccl and adequate. Woodborough 1,023 367 88 1 Wootton Rivers 1,200 325 90 Mini 9. 546 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. Xo. of Total. 4. 'louses. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Nairn';- nf I'nd'.Tlakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Wiltshire -<<"'' Ramsbury R.D. : Aldbourno 8,490 1,069 267 Wells Good. Baydon 2,486 235 60 Rain-water | Buttermere - 1,502 119 23 Rain-water and I Fair. ponds. I Chiltou Foliat L>,202 380 102 Froxfield 2,292 288 89 Grafton r..<)27 C84 168 Great Bedwyu 4,007 880 207 . Ham ... 1,652 192 45 ;. Wells Good. Little Bedwyu 4,343 505 119 Kamsbury 9,873 1,784 455 i Shalbourne - 5,564 716 177 Tidcombe anil Fos- 3,277 251 53 20 Mrs. Huth - ... bury. J Salisbury R.D. : Alderbury 2,286 049 192 93 * Earl of Radnor - - - 1 Britfonl Clarendon Park 2,707 4,432 389 296 86 58 12 i- Wells, springs k rain-watcr f Good. Coombe Bissett 2.397 203 80 Downton 4.H91 1 ,933 491 Do. Unsatisfactory. East Grimstcad 951 112 29 * ] Homington 1,270 18li 40 Landfonl 2,756 407 98 Laverstock 2,452 505 116 No Man's Land 14 127 30 f Do. Good. Xtinton and Boden- 1,215 285 80 59 I Earl of Radnor ham. Odstock- 1,294 167 38 9 Do. ... Pitton and Farley - 2,221 396 125 20 Messrs. H. T. & C. R. Parsons j Redlynch 5,452 1,299 330 Do. Unsatisfactory. Standlynoh with 3,107 408 92 1 Charlton All Saints i Stratford sub Castle 1,484 281 59 Stratford Tony 1,181 112 24 West Dean 2,818 187 44 [Do. Good. West Grimstead 1,509 199 51 17 Earl of Radnor ... West Harnham 1.204 260 65 . Whiteparish - 0,074 873 238 15 W. I-". Lawrence, Esq. - WinttTslow - 6,386 844 243 J Tisbury R.D. : Alvediston 2,534 193 42 Wells Good and plentiful. Ansty - 1,382 227 59 ' Dowager Lady Arundell of Wells and springs Some very good ; some Wardour. doubtful ; plentiful. Berwick St. John - 4,509 368 87 49 Col. A. H. Charlesworth Wells and rain- Generally good. water. Berwick St. Leonard 1,144 77 16 j Chicklade 1,085 42 14 2 Hugh Morrison, Esq. | Do. 1 Wells - Good and plentiful. Chilmark 3,210 409 99 17 | Earl of Pembroke Col. A. H. Charlesworth i . Donhead St. Andrew 2,848 643 145 11 S Dowager Lady Arundell of \ Wells & stream 1 ( Wardour. \ Donhead St. Mary - 5,227 1,014 289 31 Do. Do. ! H. Blackburn, Esq. 1 S. J. Blanchard, Esq. - \ - L Doubtful, but plentiful. i Col. A. H. Charlesworth } ] East Tisbury - Fonthill Bishop - 2,718 1,797 828 137 201 35 8 Hugh Morrison, Esq. Wells and springs Do. Good and plentiful. Fonthill Gifford - 2,004 357 88 19 ( Lady Octavia Shaw Stewart | Hugh Morrison, Esq. - Do. {Some good, others doubtful, Hindon - 228 405 128 ( f Semley P.C. ; F. Pike, Esq. ; ' J. Benett Stanford ; Semley - 2,984 628 141 95 ., 1 ,a< Iv Octavia .Shaw Stewart ; Dowager Lady Arundell of Sutton Mandeville Swallowcliffe Teffont Evias Teffont Magna Tollard Koyal 1,320 1,860 749 1,734 1,854 188 230 124 226 185 49 59 28 69 53 11 19 53 I. Wardour. Earl of Pembroke - j. Tisbury R.D.C. - Do. Do. (i.i.K.1 and plentiful. Doubtful, but plentiful. 1 Dowager Lady Arundell of ] Wardour 2,015 825 187 58 ' Wardour. j Kxors.of the late E.Northovei J- Wells & springs i Doubtful, but plentiful. ( Capt. J. Rcnett Stanford j West Tisbury 2,808 697 108 41 i Capt. J. Benett Stanford | Lady Octavia Shaw Stewart ' Wells & spring* Doubtful, but plentiful. Warminster R.D.: Bishopstrow - 999 212 54 42 Warminster U.D.C. (bulk) 1 Boyton - 3,944 239 06 Brixton Deverill - 2,487 80 20 Chitterne 5,667 487 ]36 Codford St. Mary - 2.129 268 80 Codford St. Peter - 1,668 274 72 [.Wells - Generally good. Corsley - 3,056 791 L>35 188 Marquess of Bath ; partly thro' Warminster and WTestbury and Whorwellsdown R.D.C.s Ih'Mcfbiuy - 5,200 553 158 110 Heytesbury Water Co., Ltd. - Hill Devorill - 1 ,548 86 24 8 Marquess of Bath . - - J PART II. WILTSHIRE. 547 ('i)unty, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of House>. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Wiltshire' 1 "'"- Warminster R.D. I'onf. Horningsham 8,449 615 198 36 Mnr'liirss of Bath - 1 Imber - - - 3,052 252 76 Knook - 1.520 93 26 Lonnjbridge Dcverili 3,811 561 180 5 Marqin-.s .il Hath - Norton Bavatit 1.856 199 40 30 lleytesbury Water Co.. Ltd. thro' .Mrs. Tims. Stanford. Sherrington - 1,315 97 35 S- Wells Generally gcod. Stockton 2,122 200 56 Sutton Veny - 4.111 564 170 1 Upton Lnvell 1,424 174 52 Upton Seudamore - 2.538 217 69 47 , Warminster U.D.C. - 1 Wai-minster R.D.C. i Westbury and Whorwells- down R.D. : llratton Bulkingtiin - 3,696 '.174 610 166 152 44 i Wells and spring Wells and river Good. Bail. i \\Vst bury and Dilton Marsl | Joint Water Committee. Dilton Mar-;li 3,087 1,439 381 296 . Marquess of Bath thro' War minster amlWcstbury am I Wells, springs ' and streams. Fair and sufficient. Whor-.vellsdown R.D.C.3. J East Collision 875 85 21 1 Edin.L'ton Great Hintnn Hey wood 5.7t;5 1170 1,614 726 163 437 961 38 102 74 Tn>w bridge Water Co. (bulk) - Wells and springs Wells Do. Generally good. Fair and sufficient. Bad. Keevil - Xortli Bradley 2,OB3 1,768 376 818 91 224 189 Trmv bridge Water Co. - Da Wells i: stream - Vcrv doubtful. Bad'. Soutlnvick 2,473 801 221 116 Do. Wells Very indifferent and in- Meeple Ashton 2.S31 668 164 M We-t bury and Whorwellsdown Wells adequate in dry weather. Doubtful. R.D.C. West Ashton - Wilton R.D. : 2. 025 322 71 8 Trowbridge Water Co . - Do. Doubtful, but ample. Barford St. Martin- 2.ti!>9 468 120 1 Bavcrstoek - 886 63 16 Bemerton 1.7!I4 1,831 471 406 FishiTtcui, Anger and Benier- ton Waterworks Co. Berwick St. James - 2.497 173 43 Bishopstone - 4.1549 547 127 Bower Chalke 3,260 448 110 Broad Chalke 6.966 623 156 Dwells - (!ood and adequate. Bui-combe Without - 1.835 238 62 Compton Chamber- 1,878 213 64 layiHj. Dinton - - - 2,567 449 112 51 Earl of Pembroke - Ebbesbonie Wake - 3.7.-,:! 275 SB Fisherton de la Mere 2,834 241 58 14 J. Young. Esq. - Fovaut - 8,308 404 105 50 Wilton R.D.C. Veils and springs Do. Great Wishfonl 1,679 249 70 Groveley Wood 1,469 61 11 Little Langford 1,020 68 18 Netherhampton 778 139 39 South Newton 3,121! 478 90 Wells - Do. Without. Stapleford 2.118 213 8 Steeple Lan<,'ford - 4,018 506 115 Wylye - 2,3 H 392 105 WORCESTER- SHIRE. Bewdley B. - 2,105 2,745 6M 611 Bewdley T.C. 1 Wnlls - i Springs - Fairly good. Good. Bromsgrove U.D. 1,068 8,926 1,9(59 1,956 East Worcestershire Water- Wells Good. works Co. Droitwich B. 1.85B 4,146 948 885 E. Worcestershire Waterwks. Do. Satisfactory and adequate. Co. (bulk). Dudley C.B. - 3,546 51,079 10,761 10,718 South Staffordshire Water Wells and springs Bad and indifferent. Works Co. Evesham B. - 2.265 8,340 1,803 1,787 Eresham T.C. Wells Satisfactory; 'Kidderminster B. 2,504 27,514 5,928 5,695 Kidderminster T C. (.a) Wells, (*) //) Fairly good, (4) good. springs. Lye and Wolles- 784 11,684 2,456 2,427 Stem-bridge A: District Water Wells & springs Generally good. eote U.D. Board. Malvern U.D. 4,774 16,513 3,398 3,107 Malvern U.D.C. - Wells Dnsatisfactory. Springs - Good and generally adequate. North Bromsgrove 10,592 7,210 1,458 923 East Worcestershire Water- Wells, springs, Good. U.D. works Co. rivers A: streams. Oldbury U.D. 3,527 32.232 6,927 6.839 S. Staffordshire Water Wks. Co. rVells & springs Satisfactory. Radditch U.D. Stourbridge U.D. - 1.023 1,92) 15.463 17.3)2 3.187 3.883 3,46(1 3,868 C. Worcestershire WaterWks. Co. Stourbridge A: Dist. Water Bd. Wells Wells A; springs Satisfactory & adequatte-. Stourport U.D. - Worcester C.B. - 1.340 3.185 4. 132 47.982 994 10.985 953 10,970 Bewdlev T.C. (bilk) Worcester T.C. Wells - Satisfactory. A 0.198 * Kidderminster B. As extended from th Noveuber 1912. Mm 3 548 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County. District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion. 1911. ft Xo. of Total. 4. Houses. Supplie< from Piped Service. 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Worcestershire runt. Bromsgrove R.D. Alvechurch - Belbroughton 6,798 -1.748 2,807 1.831 470 420 105 21 Birmingham T.C. E. Worcestershire Waterwks.C Do. (bulk > Wells cfc springs Satisfactory. Bentley P.iunrrfoo 1.1188 241 57 12 E. Worcestershire Waterwks.C Booley - 4.719 598 148 Wells Fair. Clent" - 2,424 1,1M 265 88 Stonrbridge & Digt. Water Bd ] Cofton Hackett 1,8)87 324 78 Frankley 1.934 161 35 6 Birmingham T.C. - Grafton Manor 1.S09 52 7 ; E. Haglcy - 2.431 1,541 350 185 Slourbiidfre & Hist. Water Bd Hunnington - North liedditeh 1)94 1,406 288 230 66 45 i 17 S. Stall'.. rdshirc Water Wks. Co E.WorcesteishireWaterWks.Cf f- \W1 Is & springs Satisfactory. Pedmore 1,510 502 100 61 Stourbridjre & Dist. Water Bd Romsley 1,806 397 105 E S. Staffordshire Water WksCc Stoke Prior - Tut nail and Cobley , Webheath 3.833 3,511 2.185 3.042 506 7H6 670 110 175 406 54 120 ( East Worcestershire Water i" works Co. J Wythall 4.184 1,145 293 Wells Fair. Droitwioh R.D. : Crowle - - - 1.735 512 137 Wells Fairly good and sufficient. Crutch - 327 6 1 ] Dodderhill - 3,512 1,511 379 166 K. WoreestershireWaterwks. ( '< Doverdale 749 44 12 Elmbridge 1,778 315 87 } Do. Good and sufficient. Elmley Lovett 2,365 327 74 . Hadzor ... :96 136 28 2 S. Worcestershire Waterwks.Co Hampton Lovett - 2,041 203 48 J Hanbury 7,790 782 219 Wells and ponds Wells good; ponds doubt- ful ; adequate. Hartlebury - 5,355 2,514 605 2 Kidderminster T.C. 1 Himbleton 2,373 392 102 Hindlip 1,368 179 49 Huddington - 981 79 19 Martin Hussingtree 922 164 40 } Wells - Good and sufficient. North Claines 3,403 2,315 591 95 Worcester T.C. Oddinglcy 894 110 31 | Omhersley 7,129 1,942 545 1 Salwarpe 1,763 330 96 J Stock and Bradley 1,151 230 58 Wells and ponds Wells good ; ponds doubt- ful ; adequate. - Tibberton 1271 317 78 _ _ 1 Upton Warren 2,520 273 64 5 E.Worcestershire Waterwks. Co. Warndon Westwood Park 827 741 119 47 33 9 [ Wells - Good and sufficient. Worcester St. Mar- 1,093 128 26 tin County. Evesham R.D. : Abbots Lench 884 52 12 Aldington Badsey 675 1,208 149 1.127 38 253 34 245 > Evesham T.C. (bulk) - Bretforton 1.706 688 167 150 Bvesham & Pebworth R.D.C.'s Broadway 4,990 1,793 422 400 Evesham R.D.C. - Church Honey- 1,339 131 29 26 Evesham & Pebworth R.D.C.'s bourne. Church Lench Cleeve Prior - 2.572 1,621 386 260 96 88 84 Evesham k Pebworth R.D.C.'s Wells - Good and sufficient. Great and Little i,693 1.314 291 285 Evesham T.C. (bulk) - Hampton. Harvington - 1,310 560 144 North and Middle l,70fi 352 83 80 Evesham & Pebworth R.D.C.'s Littleton. Norton and Lench- wick. 2,656 403 103 H7 Evesham T.C. (bulk) - Sir Chas. S win fen Eady Offenham 1,235 644 145 Do. Not satisfactory. Eous Lench - 1.494 204 55 Sedgeben-ow - South Littleton .1,020 813 339 434 84 102 80 100 Evesham & Pebworth R.D.C/s Do. Good and sufficient. Wickhamford 1,266 259 57 57 Jvesham T.C. (bulk) - Feckenham R.D, : Abbots Morton 1,474 160 48 Feckenham - 6,850 3,869 875 272 East Worcestershire Water- Wells and Variable. works Co. (bulk). streams. Inkberrow 6,879 1,437 490 _ Halesowen R.D. : Cakemore 622 3.574 730 437 South Staffordshire Water Wells 3ood and sufficient. Cradley 818 7,275 1,487 1,386 Works Co. Halesowen 175 4,121 901 901 Do. Hasbury 861 3,519 719 569 Hawne - 323 1.708 360 244 Do. Hill Illey - 889 495 5,031 138 1,093 605 31 5 iirmingham T.C. - Wells - Good and sufficient. Lapal 855 269 71 Lutley - 447 169 36 19 South Staffs. Water Wks. Co. PART II. WORCESTERSHIRE. 549 ( '< unity, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. tion. 1911. 3. No. of Total. 4. Houses. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of \Valcr. . Where there is no Piped Service, Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Worcestershire- Kidderminster R.D. : Broom - 731 128 23 Well j Chaddesley Corbett Churchill 6,079 954 1.S82 154 319 41 Well and spiing Well - - iGood. Howies - - - 710 73 16 . Do. j Kidderminster 5.877 663 113 2 Kidderminster T.C. Do. Fairly good. Foreign. Eibbesford - ttu shock l,l!08 1,257 93 153 14 36 Wells and springs Well iGood. Stone - 2,616 .',66 122 Wells and springs Wells fairly good, springs Upper Arley - 3,969 634 149 Do. good. Good. Wolverley ' - 5.468 2.084 492 11 Kidderminster T.C. Do. Wells fairly good, springs Wribbenhall - 2,398 1.273 322 29 Bewdley T.C. Do. good. Good. Hartley R.D. : Abberlev 2.360 504 132 Alf rick "- 1,648 356 88 Areley Kings 1,608 775 206 Astley - - - 3.031 696 176 Bransford 1.062 263 59 Broadwas 1,108 286 75 Clifton upon Teme 2,976 415 98 46 Mart ley H.D.C. - Cotheridge 2,144 180 42 Doddenham 908 260 49 Great Witley 2,672 374 85 Grimley 2,171 596 158 Hillhampton - 800 105 26 Holt 1,999 315 61 Kenswick 425 29 7 Knight wick - 867 172 34 Leigh - 4,941 1,217 281 Wells ; and Satisfactory and sufficient. Little Witley 1.018 153 42 } spring in Lower Sapey 1.696 151 51 Areley Kings. Lulsley - 843 182 42 Martley 4,421 864 196 North Hallow 3.358 1.361 329 Pensax - I.' 97 389 96 Shelsley Beauchamp 1,284 241 57 Shelsley Kings 1,035 280 58 Shelsley Walsh 495 66 12 Shrawley 1.941 417 114 Stanford on Teme - 1.272 158 37 Stockton on Teme - 799 116 29 Suckley 9.262 570 141 \Vichenford - 2.866 365 82 Worcester St. John 3,348 1,207 304 116 Worcester T.C. Bedwardine County. Pershore R.D. : Abberton 999 72 18 Wells Satisfactory. Besford - 1 .3X3 130 35 __ Wells Unsatisfactory and inade- quate in parts. Birlingham - 1,272 330 74 Do. Unsatisfactory in parts, but adequate. Bishampton - 1.910 324 88 60 Pershore R.D.C. | Bred'cot Bricklehampton 914 45 184 11 44 19 W. H. Bagnall, Esq. >Do. Satisfactory. Broughton Hackett 386 133 3S \ Charlton 1 .599 471 102 Wells and rain- Unsatisfactory, but, ade- water. quate. Churchill 670 65 12 Wells Satisfactory. Cropthorne 1,538 353 97 Wells it. springs Unsatisfactory, but gener- ally adequate. Defford - 1,691 407 102 Wells Unsatisfactory and inade- quate in summer. Dormeston 820 65 20 Wells. ponds. Unsatisfactory. rain-water. Eekington 2,165 689 188 Wells, spring & rain-water. Unsatisfactory, but fairly sufficient. Elmley Castle Fladbury 2,062 1.573 310 468 78 127 55 Major-General F. J. Davies - Wells Wells and rain- water. Satisfactory. Unsatisfactory, but fairly sufficient. Flyford Flavell - 692 103 33 Wells Liable to pollution and in- adequate. Graf ton Flyford 1,680 179 44 Wells and ponds Unsatisfactory ^inadequate. Great Comberton Hill and Moor 965 1,36S 216 392 60 97 43 Major R. Hanford - Wells Wells ard rain- Satisfactory. Unsatisfactory, but ample. water. Kington Little Ccniberlon Naunton JJeau- 1,071 790 79 l!)6 25 60 26 58 ,ittleCombe rton ParishMseting Wells Wells and rain- Satisfactory. Unsatisfactory nnd inade- ghamp. water. quate. Mm 4 550 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District nnd Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Total. . 4. louses. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there s no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Worcestershire Pershore R.D. cWells - Lowthorpe 1,967 168 34 Luttons Ambo 2,624 -317 74 . Middleton on the 3,664 646 160 _ Wolds. Nafferton 4.S32 1,207 321 194 Driffield K.D.C. Wells, bores and springs. Neswick I 987 60 12 . 1 North Dalton 4.639 459 109 North Frodingham Kotsea - 3,137 806 547 35 160 6 Wells - Ruston Parva 972 101 18 . V Skerne - 2,762 198 41 Sledmere 7,043 559 96 Wells and nun- water. Southbura 1,103 95 21 . ) Sunderlandwick - 902 88 16 1 Wells - Tibthorpe 2,885 231 58 1 Towthorpe - 1,712 92 10 Rain-water Wansford 973 167 40 _ Wells and bores Watton - Weaverthorpe 4,736 2,977 311 380 53 119 Wells - Welwang 3,436 540 134 Wells i: rainwater Escrick R.D. : Deightoii 2.0111 196 40 ( 1 Dunnington - 2,246 726 167 Elvington 2,366 301 74 Escrick ... 4,349 597 111 (irimston 796 56 15 Heslington 2,644 521 110 Kexby - 1,892 130 22 -*- Langwith 793 52 6 . Naburn - Stillingneet with 2,631 2,586 541 326 120 58 Wells - . Generally satisfactory. Moreby. Thorganby with 2,921 350 72 West Coltingwith Water Fulford 1,485 1,408 198 4 York Waterworks Co. - West Stamford I,!l4fi 138 27 Bridge with Score by. Wheldrake - 4,511 530 102 - J Howden R.D. : Assclby - 980 205 50 _ . Aughton 1.947 122 26 . , \>nK fi.")3 iS/v |i:ij^(! fifiS. Hiilkholme l,06!l 76 14 -' PART II. YORKSHIRE, EAST RIDING. 553 County, District anil Parish. Aivu ii Acres. Popula tion, 1911. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. \Vln-i-e there is no Piped Sen iiv. Total. Supplie from Piped Servic< S. mnvs l Supply. Nature nnd Sutlicieney of Supply. 1. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Yorkshire, East Biding cont. Howden R.D. cant Barmby on the 1,47 34 91 Marsh. Belby - 58 2 J Bellaeize 1,45 12 26 Bishopsoil 1,99 249 56 Blacktoft 1,76 47 104 Brackcnholme wit 1,33 86 16 Woodhall. Breighton & Gunb; 1,74 135 2! Broomfleet. 1,883 298 72 Bubwith 1,54. 461 121 Cotness 576 2b 8 Eastrington - 2,050 424 100 . Ellerton 1'riory 2,552 271 59 Faxfleet 1,722 171 34 Foggathorpe 1,323 128 26 Gilberdike - 1,042 311 76 . Gribthorpe 902 81 5 Harlthorpe - Hemingbrough Holme upon Spakl 75! 1,123 11.522 54 513 1,6? 5 13 135 337 Wells, springs, ponds, st reams River Ouse, Doubtful. ing Moor. I canal, and Uotham 2.826 301 73 . r I rain -water. Howden 2,928 2,007 483 Kilpin - 715 420 93 Knedlington - 558 93 23 Laxton - 1,118 241 68 Laytham 1,435 69 14 Menthorpe cum 1,088 44 12 Bowthorpe. Metham 897 53 10 . North Cave witt 5,143 1,033 243 Everthorpe anc Drewton. Portington & Cavil 1,236 76 15 Saltmarshe - 856 102 22 Scalby - 1,348 179 41 Skelton - 1,320 279 56 Spaldington - 3,644 214 48 Thorpe - 265 46 9 Wallingfen 2,438 819 185 Willitoft. 873 56 11 Wressell 3,981 264 56 Yokefleet 1,173 130 27 Norton R.D. : Acklam with Bar- thorpe. 2,360 206 61 Wells Unsatisfactory. Birdsall 4,031 347 62 62 Lord Middleton - Burythorpe - Duggleby East Heslertou 1,250 1,715 3,586 213 162 208 51 40 45 45 18 J. H. Preston, Esq. Sir Mark Sykes, Bart. - Wells Do. j Satisfactory and adequate. Unsatisfactory. Eddlethorpe - Firby - 718 525 53 40 10 9 [Do. Satisfactory & adequate. Howsliam 2,151 160 35 Kennythorpe Kirby Grindnlythe 543 4,526 64 197 12 31 Do. ) ' Unsatisfactory. Ki.kham 273 41 8 Knapton 2,892 235 49 > Do. Lau74 245 56 ton. Skeffling 1,831 159 40 South Frodingham 1,200 07 12 Sunk Island - 7.334 371 70 Rain-water Unsatisfactory. Thorngumbald 1,658 286 70 Tunstall 1,301 117 25 i Waxholme 520 47 12 J- Wells - Good and abundant. Welwick 3,627 322 80 Winestead 2,109 188 35 J Pocklington R.D. : Allerthorpe - 1,580 125 33 j 1 Barmby on the Moor 2,528 441 113 76 Pocklington R.D.C. '. Wells - Bielby - 1,738 231 51 Bishop Wilton with 4,573 487 117 Wells and spring Belthorpe. Bolton - 940 107 28 "| Bugthorpe 1,915 195 47 Burnby - - - 1,702 117 22 East Cottingwith - East Stamford 1,242 1,122 218 358 68 90 Wells - Bridge. Everingham - 2,981 236 49 Fangfoss 1,410 144 33 Fridaythorpe 1,920 252 63 Rain-water Full Sutton - 896 114 36 . . Goodmanham 3,028 272 63 42 Market Weighton Water Co., > Wells - Ltd. \ Great Givendale 1,313 09 12 Wells and spring and Grimthorpe. Harswell 1,126 70 11 . Hayton - 1,899 173 40 Wells - High Catton - 1,684 147 32 Huggate 7,007 462 85 Rain-water Kilnwick Percy 1,579 64 17 Springs Kirby Underdale - 5,125 275 53 24 The Hon. E. F. L. Wood, M.P. Wells and springs Londesborough with 4,258 328 '63 58 Earl of Londesborough - "I Easthorpe. 1 Low Catton - 1,346 131 27 1 Wells - Market Weighton and Arras. 5,882 1,770 447 382 Market Weighton Water Co., Ltd. I J J-Good and adequate. Melbourne 3,149 354 95 Wells and bores Millington with 2,511 169 42 Wells and spring Little Givendale. Newton upon Der- 1,715 204 43 ] went. North Cliffe - 1,366 79 16 [Wells - Nunburnholme 1,857 190 47 Ousethorpe 333 17 3 J Sancton and Hough- 3,112 321 87 . Wells and spring ton. Scrayingham - 1,560 112 24 ] Seaton Ross - 3,427 399 99 1 Shipton - Skirpenbeck - 1,475 1,645 362 112 99 23 95 Pocklington R.D.C. ;- Wells - South Cliffe - 2,129 108 16 Storwood 1,224 77 15 J Sutton upon Der- 3,670 311 64 Wells and springs went. Thixendale - 3,812 218 46 32 Pocklington R.D.C. Rain-water Thornton 2,327 161 27 Wells and bores Thorpe le Street - 676 34 5 , Waplington - 813 77 10 . Wells - Warter - 7,380 548 95 Wilberfoss 1,172 341 87 Wells and bores Yapham cum Mel- 1,388 221 52 j ton by. ( \VnlJc Youlthorpe with 1,180 76 1C . _ i > L'HS Gowthcrpe. J J PART n. YORKSHIRE, EAST RIDING. 555 i ''unity. District and ]';iri>h. I. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of I'ndertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Sen-ice. Total 4. Supplied I'n mi Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Yorkshire, East Riding <<>(. Riccall R.D. : Barlby 1,304 793 227 Cliffe cum Lund - 8.108 600 1 .-,6 Kelfleld 1.790 2!)4 77 North Duffiekl Osgodby Riccall 3,407 l,5li<) 2,604 296 206 657 74 45 178 Wells - Some good, others con- taminated. Skipwith 2,6 4t suffi- (li) rain-water cient. (i) deficient, (r)not (c) drain good, but adequate. (Yedingham & Muston), Skirlaugh R.D. : Aldbrough 4.886 703 171 Atwick - 2,244 291 63 Benuingholme and 1,506 101 21 Grange Bewholme and 2,314 217 46 Nunkelling. Hilton - 1,205 89 19 . linnwick 775 16 3 Brandesburton 4,659 598 143 ( 'atfoss - 1,087 59 11 Catwick 1.570 213 48 Coniston 602 106 23 Danthorpc 737 51 11 llunnington - 845 68 14 East Newton 608 25 5 Ellerby - 2.248 341 78 Klstronwick - 1.1. V.I 110 26 Kitling - 1,530 110 21 Fliuton - 1.399 90 19 Ganstead Garton with Grira- 809 1,7!)0 101 124 18 28 .Wells - Geneially unsatisfactory. ston. Goxhill 83!l 1)2 13 Great and Little 1,522 105 19 Cowdens. Great Hatiield 1,488 151 31 - Hcmpholme - 1,048 76 14 Humbleton - 1,478 139 27 Lelley - 80S 137 28 Little Hat field 976 46 8 Lnnjr Histon - 1,831 299 70 Mappleton and 1,901 147 35 Bowlston. Marlon - - - 946 87 18 Moor Town - 518 10 2 North Skirlaugh, 2,216 247 56 Kowtiin and Ar- nold. Rise 2,0 n 161 28 Seaton and Wassand 1,745 346 86 - 556 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County. District and Parish, i Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Yorkshire, East Riding oowt. Skirlaugh R.D. ctmt. Sigglesthorne 1,031 216 49 1 South Skirlaugh - 1.0i7 281 74 Sproatley 1,372 272 73 Swine - 2.280 218 48 Thirtleby 756 75 13 j> Wells - Generally unsatisfactory. West Newton with 2,069 153 33 Burton Constable Withernwick 2,8fil 416 94 Wyton - 792 105 24 YORKSHIRE, NORTH RIDING. Eaton U.D. - 2,453 12,026 2,395 2,394 Tees Valley Water Board Wells Doubtful, but adequate. Guisborough U.D. 7.D3I 7,061 1,427 1,897 Guisborougb Water Co. and Wells & springs - Satisfactory. Messrs. Bulckmv. Vaughau & Co.. Ltd. Hinderwell U.D. - 1,658 2,4'Jl 554 463 Hinderwell U.D.C. () Wells, (ft) () Some very good and beck. adequate. others in- different and inadequate; (ft) indifferent. but adequate. Kirklington cum 1,987 244 55 Wells and springs Satisfactory. Upsland U.D. I Cleveland Water Co. - 1 Loftus U.D. - R,40(i 8,872 1,649 1,579 Marquess of Zetland - Wei is & sprinp- Good and abundant. / Viscount Dowue - Malton U.D. - 4,016 4,822 1,045 1,033 Malton D.D.C. (works leased Wells Satisfactory and adequate from Earl Fitzxvilliam). Masham U.D. 17,028 3..110 503 375 Masham U.D.C. - Wells, springs, Generally gnod. rivers, streams, & rain-water. 'Middlesbrough 4,322 121,806 23,518 23,518 Tecs Valley Water Board C.B. Northallerton U.D 3,653 4.806 1.052 1,020 Northallerton U.D.C. - Wells Fair. Pickering U.D. - 15,625 3.R74 874 509 Pickering Gas and Water Co. Wells, springs, Good. Ltd. beck, and rain- water. Redcar U.D. - 2.217 10,508 2,841 2,341 Kedcar U.D.C. and Cleveland Water Co. (bulk). Richmond B. 2,620 3,934 806 806 Richmond T.C. Saltburn by the 547 3,322 714 714 Cleveland Water Co. Sea U.D. Scalby U.D.- 3,7(18 1.630 289 259 Sonlby U.D.C. - Wells Satisfactory and sufficient. Scarborough B. - 2,373 37^201 8,889 8,884 Scarborough T.C. - \VclIs & spring!! Sal isfactorv and adequate. Skelton and 15,558 16,184 2,927 2,599 Cleveland Water Co. and Sir Do. Fair. Brotton U.D. B. Samuelson & Co. Ltd. South Bank in 1.500 14,977 2.886 2,886 Tees Valley Water Board(biillO Normanby U.D. Thornaby on Tees 1,927 18,603 1,662 3,652 Tees Valley Water Board B. Whitby U.D. 1,944 11.139 3,660 2,655 Whitby Waterworks Co. Springs Satisfactory and adequate. York C.B. (see East Riding). Aysgarth R.D. : Askrigg - 4,922 47(1 134 80 Aysgarth R.D.C. - Springs Satisfactory. Aysgarth 1.2 It 279 61 61 ' Do _ Bainbridge - '4 '-I (|M7 I 5S7 ISO 130 ,. u- Hawes - >.>.' 'r> / I 1,518 364 340 Do. Bishopdale 4,733 BO 16 Burton cum Walden 7,*62 314 102 70 1 Carperby cum 4.111 1 21 Ml 59 60 1 Av>_'ah R.D.C. - j- Springs - Satisfactory. Thoresby. | ' High Abbotside i w ii"*; | 348 '.Hi 39 I Low Abbotside I Ojl POO / 1113 SI Ncwbiggin 1,701 86 18 18 Aysgarth R.D.C. - Thoralby 2.863 ITS 47 30 Do. ^[irings Satisfactory. Thornton Rust l.'.Ml 112 SO 30 Thornton Rust Water Comtee. Bedale R.D. : Ainderby Miers 963 68 17 I with Holt by. Aiskew - Bedale. - 2.036 1,683 sxo 1,163 187 244 64 178 | Bedale R.D.C. Wells - Burneston Burrill with Cow- 1,227 1,071 217 109 58 23 Spring ; Satisfactory. ling. Cartliorpe 2,113 285 71 I Clifton upon Ure - 598 62 12 . Wells - Crakehall 1,886 420 101 j * Middlesbrough O.B. As extended from 9th November 1P13. PART II. YORKSHIRE, NORTH RIDING. 557 County, District ami l':n-isli. i Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. Total. 4. Houses. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Names of I'm lei-takers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is ,, pj^d Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency, of Supply. 8. Yorkshire, North Riding "^- Bedale R.D. runt. East Tanficld 1,295 64 11 1 Exelby, Leeming 2,440 580 157 and Newton. Firby - 085 70 19 Gatenby 875 64 13 Hackforth - 1,337 141 30 Howirrave 823 14 8 Killerbv 72.-, 80 12 . Kirkby Fleetham - 3,148 oofi 131 _. Langtkorne - 886 94 20 Rand (5 range Rookwith 359 991; 16 89 4 ID 3 Bedale R.D.C. } Wells - Satisfactory. Scruton 8,118 28] 58 . Snape - 4,682 475 102 Sutton Howgrave - 678 96 21 Swainby with 881 88 7 Allerthorpe. Theakston 969 72 13 Thirn - 639 107 24 Thornton Watlas> - 1,482 140 86 Well - 2.108 273 66 West Tanfield 8,288 5211 125 Spring Do. Croft R.D. : Barton - 2,461 668 129 8 Barton Limestone Co. - 1 Oleasby 1,204 166 43 _ Cliffe " - 708 69 12 Croft - 4.74S 494 109 40 Tees Valley Water Board Ualton upon Tees - 1,636 166 39 Eryholme Girsby - 2,840 1,227 168 70 39 11 ! Wells - Good and ample. Manficld 2,920 273 61 Newton Morrell 634 43 11 Over Dinsdale 860 85 19 Stapk't i in 1.001 166 33 . Easingwold R.D. : Aldwark Alne Angram Grange 2.337 2,268 445 179 441 29 42 108 5 30 95 i Easingwold R.D.C. V Wells k springs (Satisfactory. Beningbrough 1.093 55 12 Wells Brafferton 1,849 231 50 Do. Some good & adequate, others inferior. Brandsby cum 3.078 325 50 29 H. 0. Fairfax-Cholmeley, Esq. Do. Good and adequate. Stearsby. Carlton Husthwaite Coxwold 820 1,876 143 2'.14 32 62 26 51 [ Easingwold R.D.C. Wells and springs Satisfactory. Crayko - DalbycumSkewaby 2,876 1.347 412 115 100 27 z Do. Wells Good and fairly sufficient. Good and adequate. Easingwold - Kurlington 6,997 1,466 2,055 148 450 30 351 20 j- Easingwold R.D.C. Wells and springs Satisfactory. Flawith 607 44 15 15 Do. __ Helperby Huby - Husthwaite - 1,896 4,659 2.017 584 459 431 146 92 89 80 76 | Easingwold R.D.C. Wells Wells and springf Some good, others variable. 1 Linton upon Ouse - Marton cum Moxby 2,322 2,467 235 145 51 21 z Wells Wells and springi > Satisfactory. Myton on Swale - 1.672 161 37 8 SI. J. Stapyltou, Esq. Wells Xewburgh 2,3 15 142 26 j- Wells and springs J Newton upon Ouse 1,733 374 111 Wells Fair and sufficient. Oulstou - - - 1,515 169 35 Do. Good, but scarce. Overtoil Kaskelf - 1.331 4,281 62 478 12 89 70 Easingwold K.D.C. Do. Wells and springs > Satisfactory. Shipton 2,011 356 78 Wells Some satisfactory, others impure. Stillington - 2,157 509 136 Do. Variable. Sutton on the Forest Tholthorpe 6,003 1,775 504 214 102 41 90 35 i Easingwold R.D.C. - Wells and springs > Satisfactory. Thormanby - 1,002 107 20 . Wells j Thornton on the 1,109 43 6 2 Sir G. 0. Wombwell, Bart. - Wells and springs Moderate. Hill. Tollerton 2,201 487 122 100 Easingwold R.D.C. Do. 1 Whenby Wildon Grange 1,041 699 76 ' 24 18 5 Springs - Wells and springi > Satisfactory. Yearsluy 2,796 147 28 Do. Moderate. Youlton - ' - 803 35 8 8 Easiugwold R.D.C. Flaxton R.D. : Bossall with Butter- 2.691 214 41 crambe. Claxton 838 192 38 Clifton Without Earswick 1,096 751 799 135 137 30 16 York Waterworks Co. - -Wells - Fairly satisfactory. Flaxton 1,868 320 65 Gute [lelnisl.'y 497 159 35 Hartou - 2.004 125 23 ~" ~ IMM, 558 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Count \. District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 0. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Suppliei from Piped Service 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Yorkshire, Nortl Riding '> Flaxton R.D. cont. Haxby - 2.2HO 883 237 12 York Waterworks Co. (bulk) Heworth Without 1.159 455 90 6 York Waterworks Co. - Holtby - 901 129 31 Huntingtoii 3,018 1,326 29 26 York Waterworks Co. - Lillings Am bo 1,769 200 3 Murton - 844 188 3 Osbaldwick - 730 254 4 Rawcliffe 739 360 2 Sand Hutton - Skelton - 2.242 2.473 234 292 4 5 I ^Wells Faii-ly satisfactory. Stockton on t h 3,208 108 8 Forest. Strensall 2,909 710 186 12 York Waterworks Co. (bulk) Towthorpe 1,075 490 18 1 Do. Upper Helmsley 833 77 11 Warthill Copyhold 623 160 32 Wart hill Freehold 381 38 j Wigginton 1,880 336 52 -' York Waterworks Co. (bulk) J Quisborough R.D Commondale - 3,032 189 36 Upland surface Fair. water \ springs Danby - 12,492 1,104 263 219 Guisborough R.D.C. Upland surface Part L'ood. part poor. water A: springs Easington 3,764 853 176 06 Hindcrwell U.D.C. (bulk) - Wells and sprin": I Good. Hutton I.owcross . 1,569 191 57 47 W. Pickering. Esq. Wells Kirkleatham - 3,538 632 140 3< Cleveland Water Co. Wells and spring: Some good, others mode- rate. Marske - 3,403 2,955 740 74f Do. Morton - 1,007 78 11 1 A. J. Donnan, Esq. Wells Good. Newton 1,175 129 26 25 Guisborough K.D.C. - Pinchingthorpe 859 65 11 Wells Tocketts 608 45 6 t)o. | Upleatham 1,408 140 45 4 Cleveland Water Co. Springs 1 Upsall - 513 71 20 17 A. J. Donnan, Esq. Wells ! ' Westerdale - 9.914 238 50 Wells and springs ; Wilton - 4,273 1,092 250 221 Tees Valley Water Board Wells j Helmsley R.D. : Ampleforth - Arden - 2,420 4,526 701 81 133 18 127 Helmsley R.D.C. - Wells Springs Good and adequate. Beadlam 1,451 164 34 34 Helmsley and Kirkby Moor- side R.D.C.s. Bilsdale, West Side 2,922 101 21 Springs - - Generally good. By land with Wass 2,567 138 34 34 Sir G. (). Wombwell, Bart. Cawton - 1,056 102 16 Wells Cold Kirby - Coulton 1,620 1,089 133 109 23 23 Springs Wells i Modi/rate and adequate. Dale Town - 1,774 33 7 Springs j East Newton and Laysthorp. Gilling East - Grimston Harome 941 2,072 997 2,362 42 208 92 365 8 +3 14 81 8 43 81 lelmsley and Kirkbv Moor- side R.D.C.s. E. Fisher, Esq. ielrnslev and Kirkby Moor- Springs : (mod and adequate. side R"D.C.g. Hawnby 2,421 222 48 48 Ion. G. Savile ... __ Helmsley 8,823 1 ,393 309 281 !arl of Feversham Springs & mill- race. Good and adequate. Laskill Pasture 1,579 54 12 Springs - Murton 1,754 31 8 1 '. I). Peacock. Esq. Well Inferior, but. fairly sulli- cient. Old Byland - 2,738 124 25 Will-race Bad, but adequate. Oldstead 1,384 101 21 Wells and spring:; Inferior, but adequate. Oswaldkirk - 2,107 158 33 :.". .t.-C. il. J, M. Benson Wells Moderate, but inadequate. Pockley 3,444" 106 32 32 lelmsley and Kirkby Moor- side R'D.C.S. Ricvaulx 5,117 170 36 . A' ells and springs Inferior, but adequate, Scawton 2,875 99 22 22 H. W. F. Bolckow, Esq. Snilesworth - 5,152 . 63 15 > Brings 3ood and adequate. Sproxton 2,867 135 28 Wells Moderate and adequate. Stonegrave - 916 140 24 24 lelmsley and Kirkby Moor- . side RJJ.C.8. 1 1 Thorpe le Willows 471 29 7 i Wells jlood and adequate. Kirkby Moorside 1 R.D. : Appleti HI le Moors 1,323 L'l IS 04 60 Kirkby Moorside and Pickering 1 Veils. stream ^ery modor.itc. K.I >.('.-. and spring. Hrausdale, "West 2. ;i ")< i 68 IS : * ) "in^'s - - 1 IM-V good and abundant. Bide. Fadmour 1,914 181 39 (ream - - ( iood. but liable to pollll- 1 tior ; abundant. I PART IT. YORKSHIRE, NORTH RIDING. 559 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there i- no Piped s.-i Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Yorkshire, North Riding'- Kirkby Mooraide R.D. cont. Farndale, East Side 6,103 " 243 62 I Farndale, Low Quarter. 3,403 126 31 ^Springs - Excellent and abundant. Farndale, West Side 7,182 197 41 \ Gillamoor 1,628 173 43 Si ream Good, but liable to pollu- tion ; abundant. Great Edstone 1,288 101 '. 22 Wells Not very satisfactory or adequate. lluttori le Hole 1,086 256 71 65 Kirkbv Moorside R.D.C. Springs & streams G 1 and sufficient. Kirkby Moorside - 3,906 1,657 398 848 Do. Wells, springs Generally good and & stream. abundant. Little Edstone 171 10 2 . Wells Fairly satisfactory. Muscoates 1,045 48 8 Do. Very moderate and abun- dant. Navvton 1,191 336 102 102 Helmsley and Kirkby Moor- side R.D.C.8. Ness - - - 1,405 86 21 Wells and Rivet- Very moderate and abun- Rye. dant. Normanby - - 1,786 141 32 2H Kirkby Moorside R.D.C. Wells Fairly satisfactory. North Holme 545 31 3 Wells and stream Satisfactory. Nunnington - - i 2,123 312 75 74 Helmsley and Kirkby Moor- Spring Good and abundant. side R.D.C.8. Salton - 1,749 133 27 Do. Satisfactory. Bkiplam 2,574 71 8 i; Helmsley and Kirkby Moor- Springs & stream Good and abundant. side R.D.C.s. Thornton Rise- 606 26 4 Wells Fairly satisfactory. borough. Welburn 1,762 142 29 . Wells, springs Unsatisfactory. and stream. Wombleton - 1,212 327 77 76 Helmsley and Kirkby Moor- Spring Gocxl and abundant. side R.D.C.S. Leyburn R.D. : Agglethorpe with 1,408 128 24 Wells and spring Wells doubtful, but suffi- Coverham. cient. Akebar - 777 28 5 Well - Satisfactory. Arrathorne - 672 54 10 Wells Fairly satisfactory. Harden - - - 1,785 77 17 Wells and springs Doubtful and scarce in time of drought. Itellerby 3,066 284 72 72 Leyburn R.D.C. - Caldbergh with East 3,446 61 16 16 C. Blades, Esq. - - Scrafton. Carlton Highdale - 10,137 190 48 Spring Satisfactory, but not suffi- ciently protected. Carlton Town 2,739 190 53 53 Carlton Town Water Comtee. Castle Bolton Colsterdale - 4,960 412 116 44 30 12 28 Lord Bolton - Spring Wells Good and plentiful. Satisfactory. Constable Burton - 2,650 205 40 Wells & springs Unsat isfactory. East Hauxwell 1,251 84 20 18 Col. H. D. Wade-Dalton j East Witton Within East Witton With- 2,692 3,717 257 143 66 25 61 H. Christie, Esq. - Wells - I Satisfactory. out. Finghall 561 81 22 [DO. Doubtful and scarce. Garristoii 672 37 6 Harmby Hornby - 1,110 1,592 191 108 48 22 48 Leyburn R.D.C. - Wells Satisfactory. Hunton - 1,910 274 77 Do. Unsatisfactory. Hutton Hang 590 31 5 Do. Satisfactory. Leyburn Melmerby 2,515 1,213 832 85 199 22 199 20 Leyburn R.D.C. Melmerby Water Committee - Wells Satisfactory. Middlehara - Newton le Willows Patrick Brompton - 2,155 1,861 1,240 680 388 135 167 81 32 167 Leyburn R.D.C. - Springs Wells Satisfactory. Satisfactory and plentiful. 1'reston - Kedmire 2,573 2,313 247 248 64 67 59 60 Lord Bolton - - - - Redmire P.O. - - - [DO. Satisfactory. Spennithorne 1,304 174 38 38 Spennithorne Water Comtee. - Thornton Steward - Wensley 2,399 2,080 216 246 48 50 39 Lord Bolton - i Wells - Satisfactory. West Hauxwell 892 32 6 1 West Scrafton 1,621 68 20 20 West Scrafton Water Comtee. West Witton - 3,880 369 92 92 West Witton Water Comtee. - Malton R.D. : Airyholme with 597 34 5 Wells Satisfactory and adequate. Howthorpe and Baxton Howe. Amotherby - Appletou le Street - 1,831 1,633 267 150 "55 J2 Do. Unsatisfactory. Barton le Street - Barton le Willows - Brawby 1,674 1,046 1.014 164 209 146 31 51 40 Do. Do. Unsatisfactory. Unsatisfactory, but ade- quate. Broughton 866 118 24 Do. Unsatisfactory. 560 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. | Yorkshire, North Riding font. Malton R.D. coitt. Bulmer - 1,666 191 59 55 Malton R.D.C. (TIT 1 I 1 Butterwick - 663 58 14 Wells - - 1 Coneysthorpe 1,206 133 41 40 Rosalind, Countess of Carlisle Well - Crambe - 1,170 104 25 Wells and springs Foston - Fryton - 975 1,135 86 59 20 14 }- Satisfactory & adequate. Ganthorpe 731 44 12 Great Habton 950 131 34 J. Wells - Henderskelf - 1,708 100 24 1 Hildenley 304 54 14 10 Hon. F. Dawnav - 1 Hovingham - 2,859 496 121 114 Malton R.D.C. - J Huttons Ambo - 2,899 402 85 2 Hon. F. Dawnay - Do. Unsatisfactory. Little Habton - -473 36 10 1 Hyton - - - 2,326 186 37 Scackleton 1,353 146 34 I Do. Satisfactory & adequate. Sheriff Hutton with 5,035 670 160 Cornbrough. J Slingsby 2,571 424 131 Do. Unsatisfactory. South Holme - Stittenham - 904 1,676 75 71 10 13 ~ Do. Satisfactory and adequate. Swinton * 1,255 407 93 Do. Unsatisfactory. Terrington with 3,222 428 118 Wells and springs Satisfactory and adequate. Wigganthorpe. Thornton le Clay - 898 203 54 Wells Unsatisfactory, but ade- quate. Wath - 372 13 2 Do. Satisfactory and adequate. Welburn 410 99 99 Malton R.D.C. . - WhitwellontheHill 1,579 176 37 25 Sir E. A. Lechmere, Bart. Wells Satisfactory and adequate. Middlesbrough R.D. : Hemlington - Ingleby Barwick - 1,119 1,519 136 147 21 23 11 Tees Valley Water Board Spring - ' Maltby - 1,117 146 36 Wells and spring Marton - - - 3,219 751 193 132 | Tees Valley Water Board - | A. J. Dorman, Esq. Springs - j-Good. Crmesby 1,999 360 74 11 Tees Valley Water Board Wells and springs Stainton 2,306 332 83 1 Do. do. Springs J West Acklam 1,159 140 24 24 Do. do. Northallertoii R.D. : Ainderby Steeple - 1,158 235 62 - Wells Doubtful and inadequate in summer. Appleton Wiske Birkby - 1,865 1,203 318 58 80 10 { Do. Doubtful. Borrowby 1,273 3*50 95 12 Borrowby P.O. Wells and springs Good, but inadequate in parts. Brompton 3,844 1,487 360 271 Northallerton U.D.C. (bulk) - Do. Good. Cotcliffe 133 6 2 Spring Crosby - 832 37 6 ) Danby Wiske 3,371 300 60 1 Wells - Doubtful. Deighton 2,037 102 20 \ East Cowton 3,370 347 83 Do. Doubtful and inadequate in parts in summer. East Harlsey 3,060 327 71 Do. Doubtful and inadequate. Ellerl>eck 871 67 13 1 Great Langton 871 110 24 Great Smeaton 1,536 193 44 Hornby 1,829 159 42 \ Do. - - Doubtful. Hutton Bonville - 1,547 94 16 1 Kiplin - 1,025 89 | 17 . Kirby Sigston 1,243 95 19 6 Northallerton U.D.C. - J Landmoth cum 798 34 6 Spring Good. Catto. Lazenby 828 37 6 ) Leake - 429 9 2 > Wells 1 Little Langton 1,019 107 20 y Doubtful. Little Smeaton 1,001 70 13 1 Morton upon Swale 1,542 188 53 Wells and springs J Nether Silton 1,538 149 36 Springs Good. North Otterington - 819 75 14 Wells Doubtful. Osmotherly - Over Silton - 3,191 1,235 640 45 170 10 150 Osmotherly Water Committee j Springs - Good. Romanby 2,061 537 124 26 Northallerton U.D.C. - Wells j South Cowton 2,240 176 31 > Doubtful. Sowerby under 811 44 10 Do. I Cotcliffe. Thimbleby 2,053 113 22 4 Northallerton U.D.C. - Wells and springs Good. Thornton le Beans .- 1,692 197 48 Wells Doubtful. Thrintoft 1,240 126 30 Wells and springs Good. Warlaby 768 62 11 j 1 Welbury 2,399 208 43 V Wells - West Harlsey 1,504 62 10 1 West Rounton 1,458 188 45 Wells ) Doubtful. Whitwell 1,114 56 7 Do. 1 Winton 1,365 91 16 2 Property owner Wells and springs Vufforth 1,327 157 35 ~~ ** "~ Wells } PART II. YORKSHIRE, NORTH RIDING. 561 County, District and Parish. 1. Area ill Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. (if Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. 1 Yorkshire, North Riding font. Pickering R.D. : *Aislaby 759 94 25 Wells and rain- Doubtful and deficient. water. Allcrston 10,058 333 72 41 Trustees in bankruptcy of Sir ) ) Barughs Am bo 1,460 218 50 _ G. E. A. Cayley, Bart. ! Wells - > Satisfactory. Oawthorn 1,134 14 3 Wells and springs ) Cropton 4,!>97 338 85 70 Pickering K.D.C. - Rain-water Variable. Ebberston l!,095 554 120 88 Do. ... Wells j Hartoft Kingthorpe - 4,fi(i2 1,210 138 42 BO 8 z Springs Streams and rain > Satisfactory. water. ) Kirby Misperton - 1,792 227 42 _ Wells Variable and inadequate. Lastinghani - - , 417 135 45 40 Kirkby Moorside and Picker- Do. ing R.D.C.s. V Satisfactory. Levisham - - 2.'J76 1(13 28 26 Pickering K.D.C. - Stream ) Lockton 7,169 815 80 Rain-water Doubtful and deficient. Marishcs 2.962 244 50 . Wells Satisfactory. Marton 718 151 4(1 . Do. Variable. 'Middleton - Newton 1,724 2,187 250 212 (III 50 Do. Rain-water Doubtful and deficient. Roscdale, East Side Rosedalc, West Side 5,202 1,082 774 329 175 110 147 Milburn Estates, Ltd. - \Vells Springs and well > Satisfactory. Sinnington - 2,176 321 80 Wells and stream Doubtful and deficient. Spaunton 1.285 78 17 15 Kirkby Moorside and Picker- ing R.D.C.S. . Rain-water Satisfactory. Thornton Dale 9,689 1,181 310 294 Pickering R.D.C. - 1 Wilton - 1,785 129 30 30 i Lord Hotham Wrelton 1.205 202 50 Wells Doubtful and deficient. Reeth R.D. : Arkengarthdale 14,677 Ml 94 15 Reeth R.D.C. Kllerton Abbey 1,674 45 8 Grinton 8.189 269 67 20 ] Marrick 6,206 161 44 8 > Springs - Good and plentiful. Melbecks 7,986 411 123 82 \ Reeth R.D.C. Muker 30,205 519 129 65 1 Reeth - 5,701 628 166 134 J Richmond R.D. : . Aldbrough 1,807 329 76 70 Duke of Northumberland Wells Fairly good and ample. Appleton 1,632 129 19 Well - ', Good. Aske - - 1,765 149 BO 10 Marquess of Zetland - - Spring Bolton upon Swale Brompton on Swale Brough --. 861 1,700 1,180 93 ' 351 84 18 93 17 ' Well ' Wells Fairly good. Some goodj others doubt- ful. Caldwell 1.590 149 SO 30 Karl Brownlow Catteriek 1,732 534 126 Well Good. Colburn 1,360 95 16 __ Wells and springs Moderate. Dalton ... 2,708 184 43 u Richmond R.D.C. - Downholme - 1,508 66 22 22 Do. .... Basby - East Layton - Ellerton upon Swale 1.281 1,061 1,626 122 140 125 20 31 26 20 L. Jaques, Esq. - - - Wdlls Do. Kairly good. Moderate and ample. Eppleby 1.120 346 77 Well Very moderate. Forcett with Car- 2.273 198 39 kin. Gayles ... 2,574 128 25 20 Richmond R.D.C. - Springs Fairly good and ample. Gilling - 4,879 714 164 164 j Marquess of Zetland - ) W. H. A. Wharton, Esq. Hipswell 2,658 231 46 _ Well - Very moderate. Hutlswell 3,024 185 48 48 Richmond R.D.C. - Kirby Hill - Marske - 250 6,759 62 199 16 36 16 12 ( Vicar ') Kirby Hill Hospital Wardens J. T. D'Arcy Hutton, Esq. - Wells and springs Fairly good and ample. Melsonby Middleton Tyas - Moulton 2,742 3,203 3,040 547 463 232 116 99 48 48 R. V. Eyre, Esq., R.N. - Well Do. Spring Bad. Good. fairly good and ample. New Forest - Newsham 3,003 3,411 39 248 7 ' 56 Do. Spring and wells 3ood. Spring good and ample, wells bad. North Cowton 1,397 259 66 Well - Fairly good. Ravensworth St. Martin - 1,721 270 240 57 57 14 3 Miss Baston - Spring Wells - Moderate and ample. Scorton - Scotton- 2,750 1,406 544 97 85 20 Do. ''airly good and ample. Skeeby 835 126 31 ,. ( L. Jaqucs, Esq. - 1 Richmond R.D.C. Stainton Stanwick St. John 1,875 1,398 32 130 26 ipring Wells and spring Fairly good and ample. Tunstall 1 ,-.',s:, 197 50 Spring Uckerby - - i 762 44 8 Veils Aislaby, Middleton and Wrelton. Pickering R.D.C. are about to provide a supply. Nn 2 562 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Yorkshire, North Riding-"'"*. Richmond R.D. cont. VTalburu 1,659 34 5 Wells Some good, others moderate. West Layton - 758 70 17 17 Miss East on - - - - Whashton - 1,739 110 34 30 Richmond R.D.C. - Springs Fairly good and ample. Scarborough R.D. : Brompton 6,318 590 131 94 Trustees in bankruptcy of Sir G. E. A. Cayley, Bart. Scarborough R.D.C. (a) Wells fc (*) rain-water. (") Good and ample ; (*) deficient. Broxa - 535 39 10 10 Capt. the Hon. F. Johnstone - Burniston 1,479 268 76 65 Burniston Water Co., Ltd. Wells and springs Good and ample. Cayton - 3,514 601 138 104 Scarborough T.C. - Do. Satisfactory. Clougbton 3,427 541 147 101 I Cloughton Water Co., Ltd. - | Burniston Water Co., Ltd. - Do. Good and adequate. East Ayton - 2,495 341 84 75 Scarborough R.D.C. ) Well & spring ; () Good anil adequate; (*) rain-water. (i) deficient. Gristhorpe 1,806 208 48 48 Filey U.D.C. - Hackness 2,48fi 163 33 32 Capt. the Hon. F. Johnstone - Well Good and ample. Harwood Dale 6,015 199 34 34 Do. I Capt, the Hon. J. Dawnay, j Hutton Buscel 3,762 378 98 69 \ D.S.O. ( Capt. the Hon. F. Johnstone Wells A; springs (iood ami ample. Irton - 1,259 140 28 22 Scarborough T.C. - Wells Lebberston - 1,280 128 28 1 Filey U.D.C. - Do. Village good, elsewhere not so good : short in summer. Seamer - 4,69(i 690 142 105 Scarborough T.C. - Do. Satisfactory and ample. Silpho - 1,146 76 12 12 Capt, the Hon. F. Johnstone - Snainton 4,837 649 161 [a) Wells, (J>) () Good in some cases springs, (<) and plentiful ; (i) good rain-water. (_il) and moderate ; (<) defi- stream. cient. Staintondale - 3,145 281 78 29 Ravenscar Estate, Ltd. - Wells and springs Good. Suffield cum Everley Troutsdale 1,912 1,205 120 50 19 9 16 Capt. the Hon. F. Johnstone - Springs - Good and adequate. West Ayton - 2,338 421 117 107 i Scarborough R.D.C. - < Capt. the Hon. J. Dawnay, 1 D.S.O. ' () Springs. (V>) I surface water. (a) Good and ample, (*) liable to pollution. Wykeham 8,199 437 92 81 j Do. do. Capt. the Hon. F. Johnstone | Wells - Good and adequate. Startforth R.D. : Barforth 1,739 124 17 _ Barningham - 3,522 234 52 36 Barniugham Voluntary Sub- scription. Boldron Bowes - - - 1,238 16,973 145 577 31 135 18 67 1' Startforth R.D.C. } Springs & wells Brignall 2,121 115 23 5 H. E. Morritt, Esq. Cotherstone - 8,200 644 162 67 Tees Valley Water Board Egglestone Abbey - 649 41 9 Gilmonby 2,476 96 16 . Holwick 5,808 192 41 12 Earl of Strathmore Springs Hope - Hunderthwaite 2,594 6,291 23 249 5 50 z 1 } Good and adequate. Hutton Magna 1,303 152 33 28 Major R. Chichester-Constable Lartington 5,411 193 41 18 Tees Valley Water Board Lunedale 22,765 303 58 9 Earl of Strathmore Mickleton Ovington 4,780 521 566 136 154 26 } Springs & wells Rokeby - 1,161 147 37 25 H. E. Morritt, Esq. Rxjmaldkirk - 1,355 240 66 Scargill - 5. ISO 96 17 Startforth 1,008 475 114 102 Barnard Castle U.D.C. - Wycliffe with 2,523 181 25 J J Thorpe. ' Stokesley R.D. : Bilsdale Midcable - 14.231 564 109 Wells and springs Good and adequate. Broughton 3,093 592 159 1 Lord De L'Isle and Dudley - Wells - - Doubtful, but adequate. Carlton - 1,359 282 10!) Do. Fair and adequate. Castle Leaviiigton- 1,071 42 7 j Crathorne Easby - 2.6(10 267 1,211 113 58 31 37 J. L. Dugdale, Esq. I Do. Doubtful, but adequate. East Rounton 1,621 189 34 18 Sir Hugh Bell, Bart. - Faceby - 1,382 ; 124 45 Do. Fair and adequate. Great. Ayton - 3,590 2,319 491 41 J. B. Hodgkin, Esq. ] Great Busby - 1,403 100 23 High Worsall Hilton - 1,590 [,891 79 111 12 22 , Z ' I Do. Doubtful, but adequate. Hutton Rudby 2,375 876 228 Ingleby Arucliffe - 1,892 270 74 52 Sir Hugh Bell, Bart. J Ingleby Greenhow - 7,010 394 117 117 j North Eastern Railway Co. | Lord De L'Isle and Dudley 1 Kildale - 5.19.1 220 51 36 B. B. Turton, Esq. Springs Good and adequate. Kirby in Cleveland 1,770 245 55 9 North Eastern Railv;ay Co. 1 Kirk Leavington - 2.2112 189 40 9 Tees Valley Water Board I Little Ayton - 1,378 141 27 j, Wells - Doubtful, but adequate. Little Busby : 706 22 3 I Low Worsall - 1,346 191 43 J PART II. YORKSHIRE, NORTH RIDING. 5G3 Count \, District and Parish. L Area in Acres. 2. N. .. , >r Popula- tion. 1911. rotftL 3. 4. louse-.. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Names of I'lidertakers providing a Supply of Water. I',. Where there is no l'i| o 1 Service. Booro Supply. 7. Nalme and Siitlieieney of Supph . Q Yorkshire, North Riding <"' Stokesley R.D. oont. Middleton upon 1,146 78 12 ! Leven. Wells - Doubtful, hut adequate. Newby - 1,250 129 24 Nunthorpc 1,437 289 49 49 A. .1. llorinan. R\. Picton - 1,004 1 55 28 10 North Kastern Kaihvav I 'o. - 1 I'lltto - 1,870 170 47 1 Do. Rutihy in Cleveland ss; Seamer - - - 2,6. r >l 54 214 13 49 48 Lord Leconfield - [ Wells - Doubtful, but adequate. Sexhow 528 3fi 6 Skutterskelfe 1,008 no 10 Stokesley Whorlton 1,818 6,786 1 .r,24 367 434 113 Do. Fair and adequate. Yarm - 1,199 1.617 420 415 Tees Valley Water Board Do. Good anWells - - Good. Newby. Wath '- 767 190 49 ~ A 0.198 Nub 564 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Comity, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. >upplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Yorkshire, North Riding cant- Whitby R.D. : Aislaby - 1,073 273 76 54 ( Whitby Waterworks Co. j Whitby R.D.C. - > Wells & springs Good. Barnby - - - 1,861 108 31 Borrowby 681 74 20 Springs and small Fair. stream. ( J. Dickson, Esq. - 1 Egton - 18,378 1,026 235 113 < J. Kenneth Foster. Esq. I Whitby Waterworks Co. - Ellerby - 763 36 11 } Wells & springs Good. Eskdaleside cum Ugglebarnby. ) 5,999 1,353 384 255 \ Whitby Waterworks Co. '| A. Gladstone, Esq. Fylingdales - 13,325 1,635 483 450 Whitby E.D.C. J ( Sir Francis Ley, Bart. Glaisdale 10,514 968 290 93 < Glaisdale Water Supply ( J. Dickson, Esq. - Goathland 9,292 519 130 G2 Whitby R.D.C. - Hawsker with Stainsacre. 3,637 507 130 45 ( Whitby Waterworks Co. \ Trustees of the late Sir C. W. ( Strickland, Bart. Hutton Mulgrave - 2,558 109 18 Do. Fair. Lythe - - - 2,597 706 236 157 ( Marquess of Normanby 1 F. H. Pyman, Esq. Mickleby 1,398 134 35 27 Whitby R.D.C. - Newholm with Dunsley. 2,191 379 102 59 ( F. H. Pyman. Esq. 1 SouthCliffWaterwks.Co.,Ltd Newton Mulgrave - 2,347 75 12 Roxby - - - 3,257 165 30 J Sneaton - 4,848 211 50 18 E. C. Brooksbank, Esq. - Do. Good. Ugthorpe 2,419 223 47 Do. Fair. YORKSHIRE, WEST RIDING. N Altofts U.D. - 1,838 4,689 970 968 Wakefield T.C. (bulk) - Wells Satisfactory. Ardsley U.D. 1,335 6,870 1,316 1,307 Barnsley T.C. (bulk) Pond and spring Potable and adequate. Ardsley East and 4,017 8,120 1,822 1,817 Morley T.C. (bulk) Wells and springs Satisfactory and adequate. West U.D. Baildon U.D. 2,606 6,042 1,668 1,507 Baildon U.D.C. Springs Satisfactory and sufficient. Balby with Hex- 1,615 11,570 2,500 2,470 Doncaster T.C. Wells Good, thorpe U.D. *Barkisland U.D. 2,424 1,629 379 Wells and springs Doubtful aj)d inadequate. Barnoldswick U.D 3,130 9,703 2,131 2,081 Barnoldswick U.D.C. - Do. Good and adequate. Barnsley C.B. 2,385 50,614 10,542 10,542 Barnsley T.C. - Batley B. 3,227 36,389 9,079 9,079 Batley T.C. ; Halifax T.C - (bulk) ; and Dewsbury anc Heckmondwike Waterworks Board (bulk). Bentley with Ark- 5,128 6,497 1,342 1,212 Doncaster T.C. Wells Generally good and ade- sey U.D. quate. Bingley U.D. 11,675 18,759 4,699 4,519 ( Bingley U.D.C. - Bradford T.C. (bulk) - ( CottingleyWaterwks.Co.,Ltd I Wells and j springs. Satisfactory anil adequate. Birkenshaw U.D. 924 2,508 1142 642 Bradford T.C. (bulk) - - Birstal U.D. - 1,234 7,116 1,747 1,747 Bradford T.C. (bulk) - - Bolt on upon 2,325 8,670 1,526 1,501 Dearne Valley Waterworks Co Wells Good and fairly adequate. Dearne U.D. Bradford C.B. 22,881 288,458 70,781 70,781 Bradford T.C. Brighouse B. 2,231 20,843 5,145 5.108 I Brighouse T.C. ; Halifax I T.C. (bulk). { Wells and springs. Satisfactory. ( (a) Wells and (a) Good ; (*) doubtful. Burley in Wharfe- 3,136 3,760 834 817 Burley in Wharfedale U.D.C. springs; () rivers and dale U.D. streams. ( Bradford T.C. (part in bulk) j Wells, springs, 1 Satisfactory and ade- Calverley U.D. 2,106 2,998 753 720 \ Leeds T.C. .... > and ponds. f quate. ( T. B. Clarke-Thornhill, Esq. ) Rain-water Uncertain and inadequate. Gastleford U.D. - 564 23,090 4,499 4,499 Wakefield T.C. (bulk) - * Barkisland U.D. A supply in bulk is about to be furnished by Soyland U.D.C. PART II. YORKSHIRE, WEST RIDING. 565 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2, NIL of Popula- tion, 1911. TotaL 3. 4. [ouees. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Names of Undertiikrrs providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where Iliere ie no Piped Service. Source* of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Yorkshire, West Riding -cant. Clayton U.D. 1,462 4,863 1,185 1,117 Bradford T.C. (bulk), and Wells Satisfactory. i thro' Queensbury U.D.C. Clayton West U.D. 1,142 1,876 437 434 ; Dun by & Cumberworth U.D.C.; springs Good. and DewBDUTJ it Heckmond- wike Watcrwks. Board thro' Skelmanthorpe U. D.C. Cleckheaton U.D. 1,756 12,866 3,153 3,117 I'.i-adford T.C. (bulk) - Wells Doubtful. Cudworth U.D. 1,746 6,824 1.323 1,317 Barnsley T.C. (bulk) - Spring Satisfactory and sufficient. Darfield U.D. 2,018 5.427 1,059 1,039 Uearne Valley Waterworks Co. Wells and springs Satisfactory. Darton U.D. - 1,361 9,848 1,991 1,886 llarnsley T.C. ; & Penistone U.D.C thro' Penistone 1. R.D.C. (bulk). 1 Wells, springs, i and dyke. ( Some good, others doubt- < ful ; dyke satisfactory: ( generally inadequate. Denby and Cum- / , , n ., berworth U.D. \ 4 3,681 824 781 1 Denhy&Cnmberworth U.D.C. - Executors of the late W. Norton. 1 Wells and (" springs. Satisfactory. ilradford TO Denholme U.D. 2,536 2,971 796 695 i Mrssrs. W. & H. Foster, Ltd. | Wells - Potable and sufficient. Dewsbury C.B. ''>.72n 53,361 13,207 13,204 Dewsbury and Huckmoix Iwi kr Springs Satisfactory. Waterworks Board (bulk) & Halifax T.C. (bulk). 1 Barnsley T.C. j Dodworth U.D. - 1.917 3.2S4 675 672 1 Darton 0.D.C. (supply from Penistone U.D.C. thro' I'lTiistune R.D.C.). > Do. Not very good and inadequate at times. Doncaster B. 1,695 30,516 6,652 6,646 Done-aster T.C. ; Sheffield T.C. Wells Satisfactory. (balk). Drighlingrton U.D. Earby U.D. - 1,135 8,619 t,126 G,032 1,062 1,385 1,050 1,325 Bradford T.C. (bulk) - I Earby Water Co. Ltd. - I Kelbrook Water Co. Ltd. - Do. j- Wells iSc springs Satisfactory and adequate. j Generally good, but ) variable ; moderate. Elland U.D. - 1,994 10,676 2,673 2,639 Halifax T.C. (bulk) I 'Wells it springs Satisfactory. Emley U.D. - 3,556 1,622 363 310 Huddersficld T.C. (bulk) j Farnley Tyas U.D. .1,784 479 121 43 Earl of Dartmouth Wells Good. Farsley U.D. 821 5,993 1,527 1,510 Bradford T.C. (bulk) - 1 Leeds T.C. .... Wells it springs Generally satisfactory. Featherstone U.D. 4,431 14,374 2,700 2,685 Wakefield T.C. (bulk) - Wells and springs Potable and sufficient. Flockton U.D. 1,108 1,379 302 299 Dewsbury and Heckmondwike I Wells - Satisfactory. Waterworks Board (bulk). ) Flockton Beck Bad. Garforth U.D. 1,519 3.980 842 829 Leeds T.C. (bulk) - Wells Satisfactory, but limited in some cases. Gildersome U.D. - 992 2,981 749 736 Bradford T.C. (bulk) - Wells and springs Satisfactory. Golcar U.D. - 1,593 10,110 2,425 1,640 Huddersfield T.C. - Springs Satisfactory. Gomersal U.D. - 1,100 3,796 987 982 Bradford T.C. (bulk) - Wells and springs Doubtful, but adequate. Goole U.D. 1,267 20,332 4,248 4,248 Goole U.D.C. - --- Greasbrough U.D. 2,413 3.134 659 626 Kotherham T.C. (bulk) - Wells Satisfactory & sufficient. Greetland U.D. 626 4,490 1,184 1,118 Halifax T.C. (bulk) Do. Good and adequate. i Guiseley Waterwks. Co., Ltd. j Guiseley U.D. 1,555 4,925 1,146 1,077 J. Peate, Esq. ', Wells & springs Good and sufficient. Wharfedale R.D.C, - j Gunthwaite and j i Wells, rivers .t Fair. Ingbirchworth U.D. I 2,057 380 84 64 Barnsley T.C. (bulk) streams. ' Springs - Very fair. Halifax C.B. - 13,983 101,553 27,958 24,534 Halifax T.C. - Wells and springs Good and plentiful. Hands-worth U.D. 3,56fi 14,198 2,981 2,963 Sheffield T.C. Do. Satisfactory. Harrogate B. 3,277 33,703 7,158 7,144 Harrogate T.C. Wells Generally satisfactory. Haworth U.D. 2.337 6,505 1,682 1,575 Haworth U.D.C.; Keighley T.C | (and occasionally in bulk). V Springs - Satisfactory. Hebden Bridge 47fi 7,172 1,847 1,330 Halifax T.C. (bulk) 1 U.D. Heckmondwike 696 9,016 2,263 -J.L'iKi 1 >r slmry and Heckmoudwike U.D. Water Board (bulk). Hipperholme U.D. 1,196 4,438 1,147 1,141 Halifax T.C. (bulk) Wells and springs Fairly good. Holme U.D. - 3,464 389 96 78 Holme U.D.C. Springs Good. Holmfirth U.D. 8,493 10,575 2,498 1,688 Holmfirth D.D.C. ; Huddevs- fieli T.C. (bulk occasional). Wells and spring* Generally satisfactory. Honley U.D. 1,890 4,639 1,285 1,024 | Huddersfield T.C. | Batley T.C, Do. i Good iind adequate, but distant from some ( hollsex. Nn 4 566 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. No. of Houses. County, Area in Popula- tion, [Supplied Names of I'mlertakrrs providing a Whrre there is no Pi|icil Service. District and Parish. Acres. 1911. Total. Piped Service. Supply of Water. Sources of Supply. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. Yorkshire, West Riding &>* Horbury U.D. 1,280 7,509 1,739 1,731 Halifax T.C. thro' Batley T.C. Wells and springs Satisfactory. (bulk) and Dewsbury T.( '. Horsforth U.D. 2.800 9.145 2,171 2,085 Horsforth O.D.C. - Wells Satisfactory and sufficient. Hoyland Nether I U.D. } 2,087 14,638 2,910 2,844 ( 1 learne Valley Wat erwks. Co. - Sheffield T.C. through Earl ( Fitzwilliam. (DO. Satisfactory. Hoyland Swaine 2,026 605 147 12 Barnsley T.C. - Tr .. Good and adequate, except U.D. in time of drought. Huddersfleld C.B. 11,865 107,821 25,879 25,879 Huddersfield T.C. - Hunsworth U.D. - 1,381 1,326 314 334 Bradford T.C. (bulk) - Wells and springs Satisfactory and sufficient. Ilkley U.D. - 3,816 7,992 1,701 1,658 Ilkley U.D.C. Springs Satisfactory. Keighley B. - 3,902 43,487 10.0(10 !),509 Keighley T.C. Wellsand springs Satisfactory, but occasion- ally liable to pollution. Kirkburton U.D. - 1,289 3,409 805 802 Huddersfield T.C. - Wells and springs v Satisfactory it adequate. Kirkheaton U.D. - 1,674 2,881 1566 648 1)0. ... Wells ) Knaresborough fi09 5,315 1,314 1,314 Harrogate T.C. ._ U.D. Knottingley U.D. 1,484 6,680 1,417 1,387 Pontefract T.C. (bulk) - Wells Good and sufficient. "Leeds C.B. - 26,242 456,462 112,621 112,621 Leeds T.C. - Lepton U.D. - 1,862 2,999 744 732 Huddersfield T.C. - j Wells - | Springs - Good, but inadequate. Good, but distant from houses. Linthwaite U.D. - 1,323 8,961 2,167 2,067 Huddersfield T.C. and Lintli- Wells and springs Good and adequate. waiteU.D.G. Liveraedge U.D. - 2,136 14,658 3,566 3,560 Bradford T.C. Wells 1 Luddenden Foot U.D. I 765 2,904 752 452 | Messrs.Whitworth & Co., Ltt | Halifax T.C. / Wells & springs v Satisfactory. Marsden U.D. 8,633 5.757 1,304 517 HnddersfieldT.C. - 1 i Meltham ( T .D.C. - Meltham U.D. 5,134 5,159 1,297 1,192 I Messrs. Jonas Brook A: Bros.. } Ltd. I Do. Good. 1 Iliiddrrslk-ld T.C. j Methley U.D. 3,493 4,327 952 952 Wakefield T.C. (bulk) - Mexborough U.D. 1,292 14,401 2,875 2.845 Mexborough and District Wells it borehole Fairly good and adequate. Water Co., Ltd. Midgley U.D. 2,183 2,143 550 878 Trustees of the late T. Ash- Wells and springs, Satisfactory. worth ; Mrs. H. Calvert Executors of the late.J. East- wood ; A. G. D. Farrer. Ksq. Luddenden k Dist. Industria Co-op. Soc., Ltd. ; Midglej Co-op. Industrial Soc.. Ltd. J. Murgatroyd, Esq. ; S Hobertshaw, Esq. ; Messrs J. & J. Schofield ; Mrs. E Sutcliffe ; Mrs. S. Thomas Executors of the late T. Tit- terington ; Messrs. E. Whit- aker and Sons. Ltd. Mirfield U.D. 3,394 11,712 2,916 2,910 Huddersfield T.C. - Monk Bretton U.D. 2,148 4,783 949 937 Barnsley T.C. ; also in bulk Wells ' and thro' Cud worth U.D.C. I f Satisfactory. Morley B. 3.385 24,282 5,822 5,799 Morley T.C. and Halifax T.C Wells, springs it (bulk). surface water. J Mytholmroyd U.D. 6,608 4.151 1,152 594 Halifax T.C. (bulk) Springs Fairly good and constant. New Mill U.D. 6,259 4,568 1,014 692 i Huddersfield T.C. \ New Mill U.D.C. 1 Thurlstone U.D.C. (bulk) - j Wells and j springs. Generally satisfactory and sufficient. Normanton U.D. - 1,228 15,032 2,9ir, 2,915 Wakefield T.C. (bulk) - 1 Keighley T.C. (bulk) ) Oakworth U.D. 9,125 4,279 1,098 1,040 C. Bairstow, Esq. ; Lay- i Wells - Satisfactory. | cock Water Co. ) Ossett B. 3,236 14,078 3,486 3,486 Dewsbury it Heckmondwike Waterworks Board (bulk). Otley U.D. 2,950 9,844 2,150 2,150 ( Otley U.D.C. | K. K. Wilkinson Ksq. - 1 * Leeds C.B. As extended from 9th November 1912. PART II. YORKSHIRE, WEST RIDING. 567 Nil. Ill l|llUS"S. i 'iin!y, Area in ' ">" lla - \ani-. of Undertakers Where there is no Pi|)cd Servi.-e. District and Parish. tion. Acres. . 4 -, Total. Supplied from Piped providing ;i Supply of Water. Sources of Nature and SutBeiency Service. Supply. of Supply. 1. 8. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ( Bradford T.C. ; Exors. of the 1 Yorkshire, West late S. C-rabtree; Sir J. C i Riding -font. Hoixfrdl. Hurt. ; Messrs Kcr-haw Bros. ; Messrs Oxenhopc U.D. 4.254 2,t.->i 646 8M K. E. & C. A.Pawson ;.lonas ; I'icklcs. Esq. ; Messrs. M. & Wells&springs Sa isfactory and plentiful. .}. 11. l'ighills;.J,>hnReddi- hough, Esq. ; H. (i. Whitaker, Esq.; Various property owners. Peniatone U.D. 1,134 3,408 736 715 I'ciiistone IT.D.C. - Wells, springs. Su isfactory and adequate. Mossley Dyke and stream. Pontefract B. Pudsey B. 1,078 2,899 15,949 2,904 14,023 3,580 2,884 8,650 i'ontefract T.C. Bradford T.C. (bulk) ; and Wells and springs Wells flood. (in l and sufficient. thro 1 Farslev U.D.C. ; Leeds T.C. Queensbury U.D. - 1 ,4!2 6,125 1.C.51 1,555 liradford T.C. (bulk) - Wells ami springs Qood, Vcadou Waterworks Co. I Rawdon U.D. 1,581 3,198 711 74! Trustees of the late A. X. Brio's. 1 > \V. E. J.lireen-Emmott, Esq. Rawmarsh U.D. 2,560 17,185 3.5 (7 3.530 Roiherliam T.C. (hulk) - Wells and rain- Fair. water. Ripon B. Rishworth U.D. - 1,818 6,551 S.218 1.959 934 197 1,960 gfi Itip.iii T.C. .... Ilishworth U.D.C. Wells and stream Wells Satisfactory. Satisfactory and adequate. Rotherham C.B. Rothwell U.D. - 6.001 8,024 62,483 12.819 14,277 3,060 12,801 3,041 Sheffield T.C. (bulk) - .eeds T.C. (bulk) ; Morley Do. Do. Satisfactory. Good and adequate. T.C. thro' Ardsley East and \\Vst U.D.C. (bulk). Royston U.D. 1.022 6,237 . 1.142 1,140 Barnsley T.C. (bulk) - Do. Satisfactory Saddleworth U.D. 16,930 12,603 3,022 1,636 Ashtou under Lyne. Staly- Wells and spring Generally good and ade- bridge, and Dukinneld quate. (District) Waterworks Joint Committi'c. Scammonden U.D. 1,807 341 90 Springs (ii H ill. Selby U.D. - 3.848 j 9,048 1,955 1,986 Selby U.U.C. Wells Fair, but very ham. Sheffield C.B. 24,353 459,916 98,815 98,623 i Derwent Valley Water Board (bulk). Sheflield T.C. - Wells and springs. Fairly satisfactory and adequate. Shelf U.D. 1,308 2,334 647 604 Bradford T.C. mainly through Do. Satisfactory and sufficient. Shelf Waterworks Co. Shelley U.D. - 1,568 1,753 ; 42(1 398 Huddersfield T.C. - Do. Fairly good. Shepley U.D. 1.247 1,879 449 2:ts Do. ... Do. Very fair. Shipley U.D. 2.182 27,706 6,837 6,761 Shipley U.D.C. ami New Do. Generally satisfactory and Brighton I'ropurtv Owners. adequate, Silsden U.D. - 7.101 | 4,900 1,172 1,063 Silxlen U.D.C. (occasional 'onils. streams, Good. , supply from Bradford T.C.). rain - water, wi 'Us it springs. Skelmanthorpe 1,165 3.S17 924 924 Dewshury and Hcckmondwike U.D. Waterworks Board (bulk) : Denby and Cumberworth U.D.C. Skipton U.D. 4.204 12,977 2,834 2,822 Skipton U.D.C. treams & springs Satisfactory. Slaithwaite U.D. - South Croaland 3,172 5,568 1 1,811 3,124 1,334 793 789 678 HuddersfieldT.C. Earl of Dartmouth Huddersneld T.C. - Springs - Wells, springs and surface water. Satisfactory and sufficient. Satisfactory Is. adequate. U.D. 1 Delph Beck - Liable to pollution. Southowram U.D. 1,821 2.745 639 497 Halifax T.C. .... Veils 1 fF. Carter, Esq.; F. W. Hadwen. Esq. : J. A. Hel- lowell, Esq. : Trustees of the late W. Morris ; Mrs. Sowerby U.D. 2,462 3,232 903 6i 5 2,934 711 219 Soyland U.D.C. - Wells and springs Fair. Springhead U.D. - 1,555 5,051 1,206 1,028 Oldham T.C. :u>d Ashton under Do. Satisfactory and adequate. Lyne. Stalybridge, &c. Joint ] Committee. Stainland with Old! 2,330 4,449 1,159 900 Stainland with Old Lindley Do. Good and sufficient. Lmdley U.D. U.D.C. and Huddersficlil T.C. Stanley U.D. 4,2li3 13,586 2.950 2,944 Wakefleld T.C. through Wake- Wells dm ill. field U.D.C. (bulk); Morley I T.C. through Ardslev East and West U.D.C. (bulk). Stocksbridge U.D. 3,994 7,086 1,480 1,416 Sheffield T.C. - Wells and springs Fairly g'.od, but variable. 568 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion. iyii. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8-. Yorkshire, West Riding emit. Swinton U.D. ,730 13,654 2,791 2,733 Swinton U.D.C. - Wells and springs Satisfactory. Thurlstone U D. - 8,116 2,848 641 500 Thurlstone D.D.G. - Do. Generally good and ade- quate. Thnvnscoe U.D. - 1,254 4,074 712 710 Barusley T.C. through Hems- \\Ylls . - Satisfactory. worth R.D.C'. (bulk). f Huddersfield T.C. (part in ' I bulk); Batley T.C. ; T. Wells - Generally good, but in- Thurstonland U.D. 2,107 2,041 221 144 i Norton, Esq. ; Earl of J ^ adequate in dry summer. Dartmouth ; T. Brooke, Springs - Fairly good. I. Ksq. I Tickhill U.D. 5,580 1,806 452 Wells Generally good and plentiful. Todmorden B. 12,770 25,404 6,402 6,802 Tiidrnorden T.C. - Springs Generally satisfactory and adequate. Wakefleld B. 4.060 51,511 10,722 10,718 Wakefield T.C. Wellsand springs Generally satisfactory. Wath upon Dearne 2,335 11,823 2,356 2,340 Wath upon Dearne U.D.C. Wells Good and adequate. U.D. Wheatley U.D. - 1,285 5,363 1,263 1,349 l> Wells - i Fair. out. Middlethorpe With- 567 139 25 23 / York Waterworks Co. - out. J Bowland R.D. : Bashall Eaves 3,807 236 42 23 H.W.WorsleyTaylor,Esq.,K.C. ' 1 Bolton by Bowland 5,943 635 146 45 Trustees of C. B. E. Wright's Settled Estates. Bowland Forest I I ! irll 19,744 192 45 43 ^ Springs, wells, High. Bowland Forest 5,501 237 48 45 vThe Towneley Owners f and streams. Low. 1 Kasington $,908 262 48 5 Fylde Water Board Gisburn 1,998 449 94 70 Lord Ribblesdale ... j Gisburn Forest 4,861 220 48 Springs iV streams Great Mitton Grindleton 1,727 3,780 14!) 1120 27 168 22 101 Clitheroe T.C. thro' J. K. Aspinall, Esq. Clitheroe T.C. (bulk) - Springs, wells, and streams. Isto. Horton - - - 2.021 77 17 Spring!- A: si reams Middop ... 1,162 51 13 Springs Ncwsholme - 752 49 11 Springs and well Newton Paythorne 5,8117 2,638 257 161 ill 24 Wells*: springs Rimington 3,084 32!) 7!) 49 G. R. Lane Fox, Esq., M.P. - Springs. wells. and streams. Sawley - S'.aidburu 2,106 6,178 141 331 32 87 Wells*: springs Waddington - 2.074 041 160 150 \Vaddington Property Owners Springs, wells, and streams. i Rev. Oliver Burton West Bradford 1.957 ",27 76 76 - Clitheroe T.C. through West . ( BradfordWater Committee. j Doncaster R.D. : Adwick le Street 2,066 o,\ 28 1.250 1,020 Brodsworth Main Colliery Co., Wells Indifferent.|)nrtinbnlk temporarily) Adwick upon Dearne 1,142 V5S 153 152 Wnth upon Denrnu U.D.C. - Manvere Main Collieries, Ltd, . Spring - Good and adequate. lArmtborpe ' k 8,B23 :i8i 89 Wells & springs Mostly badi PART II. YORKSHIRE, WEST RIDING. County, Area in District and Parish. Acres. 1. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. Ni >. i >!' Houses. , Names of Undertakers suppuei .., , from providing a Piped Supply of Water. Service. 4. 5. 6. Where there is nu Piped Service Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Yorkshire, West Riding "tf- Doncaater R.D. cunt. Agkem - 858 988 510 412 Askern Coal and Iron Co., Ltd. Wells A: springs Fairl}' good, but inade- (bulk). quate. Auckley 2,088 231 69 Wells (rood. Austerfield 2,784 370 xx Barnbrough - 1,911 568 134 134 1 )o iii-aster R.D.C. - Barnby upon Don - 2,642 600 1 65 Bawtry 260 1.09S 274 Bilham - 586 49 7 -Wells - Mostly good. Blaxton 1,857 219 54 Braithwell - 1,94'J 450 125 Brodsworth - 3,121 4(13 89 89 C. Thellusson. Esq. Burghwallis - 940 160 27 28 Major K. L. Swinburne Anne Wells Good. Cadeby - 1,235 152 35 35 Mrs. Bewicke-Copley Campsall Cantley 1,730 5,598 813 560 59 140 g Doneastrr T.r. Wells - Good. Carr House and 236 1,006 264 264 Do. Elmfield. Clayton withFrick- 2.007 880 74 70 Harnsley T.i.'. (bulk), and \ through Thurnscoe U.D.C. .Well 1 ley. ( W. W. Wardo Aldam. Esq. - 1 1 j Denaby and Cadeby .Main | ) Good and adequate. Conisbrough - 4.299 11,059 2,226 2,164 Collieries. Ltd. (part in ') bulk). > Wells & springs ' S. Whitfield, Esq. 1 J Denaby 1,058 5.060 '.lilO 885 Denaby, &c.. Collieries. Ltd. - Wells Good. Edh'ngton 1,757 580 242 214 Doncaitec T.r. - Do. Good and adequate. Fenwick 2,371 195 17 Do. | Ham pole Hickleton 1.303 1,115 154 139 35 31 Spring Wells VGood. High Melton - 1,525 133 81 28 F. J. 0. Montagu, Esq. - Well Good and adequate. Hooton Pagnell Kirk Bramwith Kirk Sandall 2,001 1,326 2.337 282 190 282 liO 51 66 66 Mrs. Warde Aldam Wells Do. Good. Some good, some bad. Loversall 2J74 158 40 40 Mrs. Skipwith ... Marr - - - 1,821 172 39 1 ] Moss - 2.497 295 67 . > Wells - I Norton * 2,882 616 176 _, 1 I Good. Owston 2,728 683 178 145 P. T. Davies-Cooke, Esq. Wells & spring 1 Rossington 8,048 371 82 54 Rossington Main Colliery Co., Ltd. Wells J Skellow Sprotbrough - 931 2.73.-) 780 886 154 88 102 .51 P. T. Davies-Cooke, Esq. j VV. Battie Wrightson, Esq. - I Mrs. Bewicke-Copley - [DO. Good and adequate. Stainton 2.8H1 463 100 ] Do. Good. Stotfold 166 8 1 ) Sutton 762 90 27 12 Major E. L. Swinburne Anne Do. Good and adequate. Thorpe in Balne - Wadworth 1.8(i(i 3,942 133 641 30 155 ~ Do. Do. Good. Fair, but inadequate. Warmsworth 1.075 486 196 101 Doncaster T.C. Do. Good. Goole R.D. : Adlingfleet - Airmyn - - - 1,768 3.308 179 482 61 114 81 A. H. Heber-Percy, Esq. 1 Wells and rain- Eastoft - 1,327 90 15 ' water. Fockerby 853 74 18 Goole Fields - 4,821 352 60 Gowdall 1,199 245 58 Wells Haldenby 1,477 105 12 Wells and rain- water. Fair, but scarce in dry Hook - 727 584 150 142 Goole U.D.C. (bulk) Do. do. - season. Ousefleet Pollington RawcliSe Reedueas 2,169 1,947 4,428 2,553 175 414 2,300 453 48 102 520 110 76 275 Goole U.D.C. (bulk) - Do. do. Do. do. Wells Wells and rain- water. Snaith and Cowick *Swinefleet - 5,979 2,783 1,619 1,153 432 318 102 Goole R.D.C. - Wells Wells and rain- water. Bad and inadequate. Fair, but inadequate. Whitgift 1,437 291 80 Do. do. - Fair, but scarce in dry season. Great Ouaeburn R.D. : Acomb - Aldborough - 1,581 2,242 3,353 422 850 105 850 York Waterworks Co. Wells Generally go9 Do. Variable ; deep wells good. Knapton S72 11C. 22 Do. - - Good. Little Ouselmrn 7011 i 19fi .18 Do, Sal istactory.but somewhat . insufficient. Lower Dunsforth - 1,018 9.1 22 Do. Satisfactory. Marton cum Graf- 2, 1 07 349 73 Do. Doubtful and often inade- ton. quate. Minsk! |i 1,414 207 52 Do. Satisfactory. Moor Monkton 3,009 227 45 Do. - - Satisfactory and plentiful. Nether Poppleton - 1.285 2Sf, .16 Do. - . - Good and plentiful. Nun Monkton 1,776 232 58 Do. - - Variable, but plentiful. Itoediffe 1,8K2 210 50 Do. - - Doubtful, but plentiful. Rufforth 2,46B 205 60 Do. - - : ilenerallv L'ood and plen- tiful. Staveley 1,425 271 04 .Do. - - S.itUfac.iiiry. but some- times sraive. Thoruville - 264 24 .1 ] Thorpe Underwoods 2,246 111 18 Upper Dunsforth 1.010 95 18 ^ Do. - - Satisfactory. with Branton Green. J Upper Poppleton - 1.401 473 125 Do. Giiod and plentiful. Westwick 422 10 3 Do. Satisfactory. Whixley 2,375 567 115 . Do. Satisfactory, but often in- sufficient. Widdington - 701 23 4 Do. Satisfactory. 1 f Halifax T.C. (bulk) and 1 Halifax R.D. : Clifton - 2,207 2.2.18 .130 510 thro' HipperholmeU.D.C.; Bradford T.C. thro' Cleck- hcaton and Liversedge 1 j- Wells & springs Generally fair. 1 U.D.C.'s; Hmldcrsfield L T.C. J , Huddersliekl T.C. J Fixby - 938 487 127 .14 Halifax T.C. through Elland Do. Generally fair, but snort I'.D.C. in very dry seasons. Hartshead 863 9.1M 20S 208 1 Huddersnckl T.C. | Halifax T.C. (bulk) - 1 Halifax R.D.C. - ' Norland 1,103 1,211 311 122 Halifax T.C. thro' Sowerby Norwood Green and 001 884 230 196 Bridge U.D.C. Halifax T.C. .... ) Wells & springs Generally fair. Coley. Upper Greetlanil - 811 412 10.1 48 Halifax R.D.C. } Hemsworth R.D. : Ackworth 2,045 : 4,183 798 78.1 Pontefract T.C. (bulk) - Springs and wells Fairlv uood. Badsworth 1,647 245 48 48 Mrs. Heywood Jones Brierley Great Houghton 2..10I 3.S70 1,1149 1,720 071 310 667 276 Barnsley T.C. (bulk) - Dcarne V alley Waterworks Co. v Springs & wells 1 Hamphall Stubbs - 239 32 4 Springs - Havercroft with 1,304 807 130 134 Cold Hiendley. Rarnsley T.C. (bulk) - Springs and wells Hemsworth - 4,103 10,173 1,785 1.708 Hessle and Hill Top 900 230 44 22 / Huntwick with 1,147 540 102 80 '. Lord St. Oswald Wells Foulby & Nostell. \ Kirk Smeaton 1,700 337 78 46 Pontefract T.C. (bulk) - Little Houghton - 069 498 90 87 Dearne Vallev Waterworks ( 'o. Springs & wells Fairly g.nxl, but some Little Smeaton 1,043 188 54 r,2 Pontefract T.C. (bulk) - ; |- wells inadequate in North El IE sail 2,117 451 86 33 Barnslev T.C. (bulk) - Wells dry weather. Kyhill - Shafton ;1 Springs & wells Thorpe Audlin 1,310 298 09 48 Pontefraet T.C. (bulk) - 1 Upton - 1.114 200 .13 / Walden Stubbs 1,373 152 35 \ Wells - West Haruwick 487 24 j Wintersett 1 ,050 77 11 Wells - - Fairly jmod, but inade- quate in dry weather. PART II. YORKSHIRE, WEST RIDING. 571 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion. 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Nuiiies of rndcrtaki.Ts providing u Supply of Water. 6. Where then Sources of Supply. 7. ; is no Piped Service. Nature and SuthYieiiry of Supply. 8. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Yorkshire, West Riding emit. Hunslet R.D. : 1 815 1 207 259 255 ( Morley T.C. thro' An Isle v East and West U.D.C.(bufk) ^Wells & rain- Satisfactory. i Leeds T.C. (bulk) water. Oulton with Wood- Icsford. 1,178 3 : 20.-> 691 690 Leeds T.C. (bulk) - Well Rather hatd. but. ade- Templenewsani 3,113 3,346 780 776 Do. do. - Well and spring ( quate. Thorpe Stapleton - 294 28 5 5 Do. do. - f Morton Water Co. Keighley R.D. : Messrs. Edwin Merrall, Ltd. Morton - 3,736 2,169 606 492 j Capt. C. S. Greenwood ~> Riddlesden Water Supply - > Springs - Col. G. L. Bcnce Lambert i: ^ other property owners. Steeton with East- 1 2,065 2,307 579 522 Kxors. of the lateW. Barrett < John Smith Esq. Springs, wells, i- and surface Good and adequate. burn. ) 1 Keighley R.D.C. - water. , Sutton Mill Water Co. 1 Sutton - 2,349 2,159 584 514 ' Sutton in Craven Water Co., j Ltd. Wells and r , springs. ( James Bairstow Esq. - Kiveton Park R.D. : Dinnington - Firbeck 1,652 1,297 4,897 183 1,000 47 988 Sheffield T.C. (bulk) - j- Wells - Sufficient. Uildingwells - Harthill with 588 3,107 81 1,214 15 244 92 Sheffield T.C. (bulk) - Wells and stream Wells 1 Generally good. Woodhall. Letwell - 1,331 101 26 . 1 North and South 3,852 2,184 462 221 j A list on. St. John's with 1,060 96 19 2 1 Sheffield T.C. (bulk) - j- Do. Sufficient. Throapham. 1 j Thorpe Salvin 2,296 373 85 26 Sheffield T.C. (bulk) - Wells and spring Doubtful. Tod wick 1 ,806 334 (17 28 Do. do. Wells Sufficient. Wales - 2,249 3,635 773 679 Woodsetls 832 324 68 Wells and spring Doubtful. Knaresborough R.D. : Bilton - 1,425 186 38 27 Harrogate T.C. i Brearton 1,565 169 43 Burton Leonard 1,797 388 121 105 Knaresborough R.D.C. - Farnham 1,043 139 36 8 Dr. H. Shann Felliscliife - 2,628 319 84 12 C. Hare-Gill, Esq. . Wells - Fair. Ferrensby 424 95 24 Flaxby - 718 69 15 Follifoot 1,865 588 128 64 1 Harrogate T.C. - 1 Knaresborough R.D.C.- J Goldsbornugh 1,787 175 42 35 Harrogate T.C. [DO. Fair, but inadequate. Hampsthwaite 1,138 443 122 1 Haverah Park 2,246 86 17 8 Harrogate T C. - Killinghall - 3,518 1,067 251 181 J Do. I Knaresborongh R.D.C. . Uo. Fair. Knaresborough 2,636 899 234 194 Harrogate T.C. Outer. Nidd - 1,204 205 43 Pannal - - - 4,040 1 ,963 437 437 Harrogate T.C. Plompton Ripley - Scotton - 2,136 1,643 1,129 165 254 364 33 63 104 30 50 Earl of Harewood - Sir W. Ingilby, Bart. - Wells - Do. Fair. Fair, but inadequate. Scriven - - - 1,232 183 44 13 Harrogate T.C. ] South Stainley with 2,131 195 41 [DO. Fair. Cay ton. Starbeck 630 217 35 10 Harrogate T.C. Walkingham Hill 427 27 4 > with Occaney. Pateley Bridge t R.D. : Bewerley 5,774 711 189 8 John Smith's Tadcaster ~l Brewery Co., Ltd. Birstwith 1,802 490 119 Bishop Thornton - 3,136 498 101 Clint - 1,944 395 101 Dacre - 5,385 563 125 Down Stonebeck - 12,508 278 62 Fountains Earth - 6,743 256 76 Hartwith cum Win- slrv. 5,363 817 198 67 35 Do. do. Wells and stream Good. Thrybergh Treeton - 1,318 1,166 2,656 1,859 439 419 439 419 Do. do. Ulley - 934 239 50 39 Do do. Wells Variable. ( Sheffield T.C. (bulk) - / Wentworth - 2,328 1,949 398 369 Sheffield T.C. through Earl ^Do. Good. Fitzwilliam. j Whiston - - 3,431 1,939 440 440 Sheffield T.C. (bulk) Wickersley - -. 1,274 956 183 7 Sheffield T.C. (bulk) - Wells Variable. Sedbergh R.D. : Dent - - - 20,895 942 255 69 Sedbergh R.D.C. - Springs j Garsdale 11,068 390 104 ' Wells, springs k River C 'lough. >Good and adequate Sedbergh 20,711 2,405 527 380 Sedbergh R.D.C. - Springs 1 Selby R.D. : Barlow - - 2,334 224 53 | Biggin - - - ! 718 127 30 Brayton - - 1,826 317 82 67 Selby U.D.C. (bulk) Burn - - - 2,482 332 70 Camblesforth - 2,136 308 78 1 Carlton - - - 3,649 753 192 Cawood - - 2,843 955 277 260 Selby U.U.C. (bulk) Chapel Haddlesey - 1,137 168 50 Drax --. 969 419 89 Gateforth - - 2,063 201 34 27 Selby U.D.C. (bulk) ^Wells - Generally doubtful, but Hambleton - - 2,336 514 122 adequate. Hirst Courtney - 620 112 29 Little Fenton - 781 75 20 Long Drax - 1.631 141 30 Newland 2,151 257 66 Temple Hirst 746 103 32 Thorpe Willoughby 463 128 31 30 Selby U.D.C. (bulk) - West Haddlesey . 1,211 138 35 Wistow ... 4,312 650 170 : Settle R.D. : Airton - 2,559 201 45 38 Settle R.D.C. Wells and springs Fair. Arncliffe - - ! 3,140 123 26 25 The Misses Hammond Spring fairly good. Austwick - - 7,921 476 108 84 Settle R.D.C. Veils and springs fairly good, but many in- adequate in dry weather Bentham - - 7,723 2,476 576 541 Do. Burton in Lonsdale 1,557 525 114 90 Burton in Lonsdale Water- Do. ?airly good. works Co. Ltd. Clapham cum 1 j 12(m Newbv. 671 151 118 J. A. Farrer, Esq. Settle R.D.C. - - ' - Wells, springs & streams. fairly good, but inade- quate in dry weather. **' " "j * Giggleswiek - Halton Gill - 4,337 7,861 946 87 162 15 136 Do. ... Veils and springs Springs Si streams Moderate & fairly adequate. ?airly good and adequate. Hanlith 966 37 6 6 D. lllingworth, Esq. Hawkswick - 3,080 49 12 Springs & streams ) Hellitield 3,402 952 208 203 Midland Railway Co. - Settle R.D.C. Springs - V Fair. Hortou in Ribbles- j dale. I 17,274 720 147 90 Messrs. J. Delaney, Ltd. ' Ribblesdale Lime Co., Ltd. - Settle R.D.C. Wells, springs i streams. Fair, bnt some inadequate in dry weather. Ingleton 17,509 1,672 364 302 Settle R.D.C. Kirkby Malham - 1,148 118 25 14 Mrs. Atkinson Langcliffe Lawkland 2,564 5,347 658 227 141 51 92 Settle R.D.C. - - - Wells iic springs Fair. Litton - - - 3,923 61 13 Long Preston Malham 3,577 4,287 733 131 194 31 177 30 L/ong Preston Water Co. W. Morrison, Ksq. Mrs. Atkinson Do. Moderate. Malham Moor 10,!I7:{ 123 22 Do. ) Nappa - Otterburn Rathmell 576 1,128 3.420 31 58 221 4 11 50 5 30 Settle R.D.C. Mrs. L. E. Geldard Springs - Veils and springs I Good. Scosthrop 1,274 72 15 10 Settle R.D.C. Do. j Settle - Stainforth 4,492 3,K96 2,583 224 585 48 560 34 Do. - T. Foster Knowles, Esq. Springs - . Fairly good. I Swindell 1,051 30 4 Thornton in Lons- dale. 7,434 304 73 47 Settle U.D.C. springs and streams. ! Moderate. Tosaide - 1,113 70 15 Wells & streams 574 RETTJUN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District anil Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of- Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Whore there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. upplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Yorkshire, West Riding eot. Settle R.D. eowt. West Halton - 2,291 128 27 L'3 I. ( '. Yorke, Esq. - Wells and springs Fair, but inadequate in dry weather. Wigglesworth 4,291 194 43 Wells, streams Fair. and springs. Skipton R.D. : ( Bradford T.C. thro' Adding- " Addingham - 3,203 1,987 546 429 ham Water Co. Wells A: springs } ' Addingham Estate Co., Ltd. \ \ Appletreewick 7,699 179 59 22 ^kipton R.D.C. Wells, springs- Bank Newton 2,339 86 IS _ _ and rain-water. Wells S> Fairly good. Harden - 7,362 167 34 32 Duke of Devonshire Spring and rain- water. Beamgley 2,120 179 45 20 Do. Wells and springs J Bolton Abbey 2,072 191 36 36 Do. Bordley 2,893 41 6 Springs 1 Bracewell 2,026 106 21 I Bradley s Both 1,961 580 147 100 Bradley Waterworks Co., Ltd. I Wells and 1 Brogden Broughton 1,782 2,402 8 196 23 36 13 Major Tempest ... ( springs. Buckden 16,083 260 53 \VclIs, springs and beck. Burnsall 708 114 40 34 Bradford T.C. Springs and rain-water. Calton - Carleton 1,451 3,042 53 1,085 14 265 3 250 | Settle R.D.C. thro' | J. W. Morkill. Esq. - Carleton Waterworks Co., Ltd. ( Wells anc 1 springs. | j> Fairly go>xl. Coates - 634 276 74 71 j R. F. Roundell, Esq. - I liarnoldswick U.D.O. - > Springs - Coniston Cold 1,337 178 57 Wells Conistone with Kiln 8,650 130 32 16 Skipton R.D.C. Wells and springs sey. i Cononley Water Co., Ltd. - 1 Cononley 1,455 830 251 209 - Cononley Club Row Water V Springs - Co., Ltd. 1 Cowling 4,712 1,793 543 350 Cowling Water Co., Ltd. Wells and springs Cracoe - 2,098 131 29 25 _Col. W. W. Maude Springs Draughton 2,500 166 43 16 'Draughton Water Co. - Wells and springs } Elslack - 1,750 85 23 23 G. R. Lane Fox, Esq., M.P. limbsay with Eastby. j 4,446 845 251 210 | Skipton R.D.C. - / Embsay Waterworks Co.,Ltd. 1 Springs - Fairly good. Eshton - 1,113 88 16 16 Leeds & Liverpool Canal Co. - Farnliill 543 718 181 159 Farnhill Water Co., Ltd. Wells and springs 1 Flasby with Win- 4,337 96 IS Springs and wells terburn. Gargrave 2,541 1,168 289 261 Skipton R.D.C. Wells Glusburn 1,527 2,635 702 677 Crossbills Water Co., Ltd. - Wells and springs \ Fairly good. Grassington - 5,806 867 21S 175 GrassingtonWaterwks.Co.Ltd Rain-water, springs k beck. Halton East . Hartlington - 1,078 1,352 62 80 25 15 23 C. Beverley, Esq. - | Wells & springs J Hazlewood with 3,628 163 38 38 Duke of Devonshire Storiths. Hebden 3,582 225 86 56 Skipton R.D.C. - Wells and springs Fairly good. Hctton - 1,746 93 25 25 Do. - Kettlewell with 8,409 290 86 80 Do. Springs 1 Starbotton. i Kildwick Linton - 873 1,205 143 182 34 59 21 32 Col. R. H. F. Wilson, D.S.O. Linton Waterworks Co. Ltd. Wells and springs j } Fairly good. i Lothersclale - 2,217 514 120 78 W. Spencer, Esq.: F. J. Wilson Springs - Esq., it other property owner ; Martens Both 2,805 231 49 49 R. F. Roundell, Esq. - Rylstone 3,237 116 27 27 W. A. Procter, Esq. ~ Salterforth - 1,760 636 150 133 Salterforth Water Co:, Ltd. Wells, rain- '; water & springs. Stirton with Tborl- 3,105 182 32 26 Lord Hothfield Rain-water and by. springs. } Fairly good. Thornton in Craven 1,918 310 72 54 J. Wilkinson, Esq. Wells and springs Thorpe - Threshfield - 1,133 2,648 54 271 11 77 8 62 R. Proctor, Esq. - Sir M. A. Wilson, Bart. - Springs - . Tadeaster R.D. : Aberford 1.580 593 175 1 Acaster Selby 1,542 85 17 Allerton Bywater - 980 4,i;i;s 868 865 WakeBeld T.C. through Cas tleford U.D.C. (bulk). Appleton Roebuck !!,914 42'J 100 Askham Bryan 1,896 246 64 ... Austhorpe Barkston 855 1,168 221 239 40 75 14 Leeds T.C. (part in bulk) ^Wells - Satisfactory & sufficient. Barwick in Elmet 6,715 1,325 380 3 Leeds T.C. tliro' llunslct R.D.C. (bulk). Bilbrough 1,447 201 38 Bolton Percy 2,334 246 79 Catterton 742 47 8 Colton 1,208 143 27 J PAKT II. YORKSHIRE, WEST RIDING. 575 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion. 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Suppliei from Piped Service 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Yorkshire, West Riding ''". Tadcaster R.D. cunt. Church Fenton 1,877 581 130 ~| 1 Great and Little 1,089 1 ,3G9 233 229 Wakcfield T.C. through Gas- 1 Preston. tloford U.D.C. (bulk). Grimston 888 !>9 17 Heulausrli 2.771 217 46 Huddleston cum 1,421 222 48 Lumby. ! Wells - Kippax - - . - 1,897 4,075 780 750 Wakefield T.C. through Cas- tleford U.D.C. (bulk). I .Satisfactory A: sufficient. Kirkby Wharfe and 1,239 158 32 North Milfonl. Lead 1,057 40 5 Leiishani 1,971 362 82 Ledston Lothcrton cum 1,986 1,098 250 465 5fi 125 Wei Is and spring Wells - - Aberfonl. Micklefield - 1,777 1,539 239 239 Wakefield T.C. through Cas- tleford U.D.C. (bulk). , Newthorpe - 746 103 23 1 Newton Kyme cum 1,373 226 38 Toulston. Oxton - 660 39 9 Parlington 1,773 160 40 Kyther cum Osseu- 2,707 274 61 dyke. Saxton with Scar- 2,720 292 60 thingwell. Sherburn in Elmet 4,859 1,784 390 South Milford 2,298 1,022 215 185 Tadcastcr K.D.C. - S- Wells - Satisfactory & sufficient. Steeton - 1,M2 59 14 . Sturton Grange 877 38 9 S t u 1 t o n with 2,795 480 100 Hazlewnod. Swillington 2,625 811 181 77 Wakefield T.C. through Cas- tleford U.D.C, (bulk). Tadcaster East Tadcaster West - 578 1,500 1,296 2,103 300' 475 279 336 | Tadcaster R.D.C. Towton - 887 95 20 Ulleskelf 1,322 393 95 ~ Thome R.D. : Fishlake 3,127 475 136 River Don, wells, Satisfactory. and rain-water. Hatfield 16,188 1,751 425 y Thorne A; District Water Co. - Wells and rain- Fairly good and sufficient. water. Staiuforth 2,339 816 237 Sheffield and S. Yorks Canal. R. Don, wells and Fairly good and plenti- rain-water. ' ful. Sykehouse 3,340 451 108 Wells and rain- water. *Thorne 13,425 5,290 1,205 no Thome & District Water Co. - Sheffield ami S. Not good and inadequate. Yorks Canal, R. Don, wells, and rain-water. Todmorden R.D. : Blackshaw Erringden Heptonstall - 3,410 1,316 5,313 1,042 476 1,539 270 120 460 Wells it springs Do. Good and adequate. Good, but scarce in dry summer. jWadsworth - 10,462 1,565 430 Do. Good and adequate. Wakefleld R.D. : Alverthorpe - 906 1,349 287 287 ' Dewsbury & Heckmondwike Wwks. Bd. thro' Ossett T.C. / Wakefield T.C. (bulk) - Chevet - Crigglestone - Crofton Lupset - Newland Wood- 839 3,161 1,520 1.007 276 127 4,369 2,566 155 37 20 933 496 37 7 3 913 48f 23 6 Wakefield T.C. - Do. (part in bulk) - Do. (bulk) - Do. (bulk) - Wakefield T.C. through Altofts Veils and springs Springs and wells Wells Do. Colliery - 1 Satisfactory & adequate. 1 Satisfactory. Good. house Moor. U.D.C. * Thorne. Houses are now being connected with the piped service A 0.198 O o 576 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County. District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nut lire and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Yorkshire, West Riding coat. Wakefield R.D. cant. Sharlston 1,200 2,619 498 491 Wakefield T.C. (bulk) - Wells & Xostell ) Colliery. Satisfactory & adequate. ShitlingUm - 3,412 3,038 708 702 Halifax T.C. through Dews- Wells i bury T.C. (bulk). Walton - 1,823 905 224 200 Wakefield T.C. (bulk) - Do. Somewhat doubtful, but adequate. Warmtield cum 1,616 1,152 242 240 Do. Spring Sat isfactory and adequate. Heath. West Bretton 2.100 371 82 67 Halifax T.C. through Dews- Spring and well - Unsatisfactory. bury T.C. (bulk). Wether-toy R.D. : Angram 521 53 10 1 Bardsey cum Rigton 2,752 302 69 37 Wetherby District Water Co. Bickerton 1,086 117 26 Bilton - 1,913 207 46 Boston Spa - ' 880 1,325 347 337 1 Bramham cum Ogle- 4,112 1,013 233 116 thorpe. CliflEord - 742 1,055 187 89 } Wetherby District Water Co. 1 ^Wells - (iood and adequate. Collingham - 1,763 501 125 123 J Cowthorpe 1,404 126 23 Dunkeswick - 1,472 132 29 East Keswick 1,290 462 122 108 Wetherby District Water Co. Harewood 3.660 590 151 111 Earl of Harewood - Huttou Wandesley 1,283 102 22 j Kearby with 1,422 154 40 Do. Unsatisfactory, but ade- Netherby. quate. Kirk Deighton *Kirkby Overblow 2,276 2.361 363 318 79 75 14 7 Wetherby District Water Co. Wetherby K.D.C. - 1 Do. Unsatisfactory and inade- Linton ... 1.266 172 35 26 Wetherby District Water Co. \ quate. Little Ribston 858 173 43 Wells and spring Unsatisfactory, but ade- quate. Long Marston 2,850 228 (11 Wells Good and adequate. Micklethwaite 671 61 16 1 Wetherby District Wates Co. Wells and River Wharfe. 1 Unsatisfactory, but ade- North Deightou 1,475 108 22 Wells i quate. Rigton - Scarcroft 3.112 1,073 354 317 94 68 6 21 Leeds T.C. Wetherby District Water Co. bo. Good and adequate. Sicklinghall - SpofEorth with Stockeld. 1,495 5,468 209 831 49 186 = Wells and springs Wells, springs, and rain- water. I Unsatisfactory, but ade- ( quate. Thorner Thorp Arch - Tockwith 2,461 1,529 1,784 1,096 409 520 255 70 124 110 30 / Wetherby District Water Co. Wells Wells and springs. Good and adequate. Unsatisfactory, but ade- quate. Walton - 1,590 181 40 35 Wetherby District Water Co. 1 Weardly Weeton 872 1,372 109 461 24 117 1 94 [Leeds T.C. - V Wells - Good and adequate. Wetherby 1,602 2,284 538 411 ( Wetherby District Water Co. I Leeds T.C. ... - j Wighill 2,247 194 40 Do. Unsatisfactory, but ade- quate. Wigton - 1,296 240 55 35 Leeds T.C ) Wilstrop 1,080 67 13 > Do. Good and adequate. Wothersome - 772 50 8 Wyke - 878 111 25 ) Wharfedale R.D. : Adel cum Eccup - 4,894 1,083 189 90 Leeds T.C. - Springs and wells ] Alwoodley Arthington - 1,508 2,267 142 413 54 72 20 62 Do. ( North Eastern Railway Co. - j Leeds T.C. ; F. Darwin, Esq. (Springs, wells & rain -water. [Good ck fairly sufficient. except in dry seasons. 1 Rev. T. Sheepshanks - J Askwith 3,391 268 62 62 Otley U.D.C. & Capt. Dawson Blubberhouses Bramhope 3,771 1.3% 46 443 u 108 12 90 Leeds T.C. - --- Sir A. T. Lawson, Bart. - Springs and wells 1 Good &. fairly sufficient, Carlton 1.291 109 27 18 J. C. Eckersley, Esq. - Springs ) except in dry seasons. Castley - 519 49 7 7 V. H. Fawkes, Esq. Clifton with Nor- wood. J 3,627 232 77 77 ( Do. j Various property owners I _ Denton - Esholt - 3,242 691 140 355 30 93 HO 90 M. ll'Arcy Wyvil'l, Esq. Yeadon Waterworks Co. 1 Wells Good & fairly sufficient, except in dry seasons. Farnley 1,960 184 84 34 F. H. Fawkes, Esq. Fewstor 2,187 304 67 67 ] Various property owners I Leeds T.C. - Great Timble 1.535 94 28 19 Wharfedale R.D.C. Springs and wells Good and adequate. I * Kirkby Overblow. Houses are now being connected with the piped service. PART II. YORKSHIRE, WEST RIDING. r>77 County, District and Parish. 1. .\rca in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. , Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Su]i|,lir.l from Piped Service. B. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Yorkshire, West Riding <"' Wharfedale R.D. runt. Hawksworth - 2,4i;:> 181 43 4(1 1 Veadon Waterworks Co. 1 F. H. Fawkes, Esq. - [ Wells. - j Good A: fairly uffieient, ( except in dry seasons. Leathley l,">li!l 156 34 34 1 1 ds T.C. .... 1 F. II. Fawkes. Kst|. Lindley - - 1.7HM 71 13 13 !'. H. Fawkes. Ksq. f Little Tlmble - :.oi 11 5 5 1 Is T.C. .... ) Menston 1,128 :U37 434 425 [ Wharfedale R.D.C. / Mciishin Asvlum Committee Springs and wells Good A: fairly sufficient, except in dry seasons. Middleton 2,669 318 41 41 1 M. F. Hiddletcm, Esq. - I I Ilkley U.D.C. 1 Nesfield with Lang- bar. l,92:> 133 42 4 M. F. Middleton, Esq. - Wells it streams (loixl it fairly sufficient. Newall with Clif- | !..-,3 148 86 36 1 F. E. Wilkinson, Esq. - t tull. 1 I Various property owners 1 | Leeds T.C. .... / Pool - '.i.vj 7r,:i 184 179 - F. H. Fawkes, Ks |. > Wells & springs Good & fairly sufficient. 1 Ilev. T. Sheepshanks - Stainburn 3468 II '.I 31 31 F. H. Fawkes, Esq. / Weston - - - 1,513 1J3 28 28 ('apt. Dawson Wortley R.D. : Sheffield T.C. ) Bradfield - - 34,777 7,026 1,:>70 1,279 Barnslev T.C. Springs and Generally good and fairly 1 Wortley B.D.C. - streams. sufficient. Ecolesfield - - 9,31)8 22,404 LS60 4,103 I Sheflield T.C. (part in bulk) '/ T. H. Bingley, Esq. - (a)Springs and wells ; (*) streams. (a) Generally fair, fume inadequate ; (>) some fairly good, others bad. ( Earl of Wharncliffe - 1 Dearnc Valley Waterwks. Oo Taukersley 2,466 2,482 441 437 Barnsley T.C. through Wors- | borough U.D.C. Condensed steam Not very satisfactory. | Sheffield T.C. & through Earl Fitzwilliam. Wortley 5,617 891 198 175 Earl of Wharncliffe Springs - Generally good. ANGLESEY. Amlwch U.D. 4,494 2,718 758 Wells Satisfactory and sullieient. Beaumaris B. 3,135 2,231 518 460 Beaumaris T.C. (works leased Wells and springs Good and sufficient from Sir R. H. Williams Bulkeley, Bart.). Holyhead U.D. - 73] 10,636 | i,423 2,343 Holyhead Waterworks Co. - Do. Fair and adequate. Llangefni U.D. Menai Bridge 2,510 825 1,771 1,638 440 427 355 390 Llangefni U.D.C. - Menai Bridge U.D.C. - Wells& springs Satisfactory U.D. Aethwy R.D. : Llanddaniel Fab - 1,725 444 142 1 1 Lland lona 1,848 514 129 Llandegfan - 2,240 1.029 223 Llanedwen - 1.668 243 53 tLlanfairpwllgwyn- gvll. 844 962 232 Llanfinnan - 1,281 107 26 Llanfihangel Es- 2,984 790 245 geifiog. Wells Llanfihangel Tyn 759 37 9 Fair. Sylwy. Llangadwaladr 3,471 395 97 Llangoed 1,205 960 231 Llangristiolus 4,023 677 188 Llaniestyn Rural - 767 92 26 Llansadwrn - 2,972 348 66 . Penmon 1,024 258 59 Penmynydd - Pentraeth 3,237 3,351 358 768 84 134 Veils and springs Trefdraeth - 3,246 728 170 Wells Dwyran R.D. : Llanfair y Cwmwd 169 19 6 LlangafEo Llangeinwen Llanidan 2,530 3,031 4,397 267 662 1,208 80 175 367 Wells - Good ; St. Peter's New- borough fnir. Newborough - 5,417 834 272 Twrcelyn R.D. : Bcxlewryd 464 28 6 Careglefn 1,794 321 93 Coedana 1,649 253 53 . Llanallgo 681 431 117 Wells - Satisfactory. Llanbabo 1,908 122 22 Llaubadrig - 2,83.5 694 198 Llanbedrgoch 1,418 310 87 - Oo 2 578 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. Area in Acres. Popula- tion, 1911. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. Supplied from Piped Service. Sources of Supply. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. i Anglesey <<'' Twrcelyn R.D. cont. Llanddyfnan - - 3,585 618 156 Ltawiytrydog - 3,945 449 115 Llancilian - - ; 2,041 834 246 Llanerehvmedd - 1.281 854 217 Uanengrad - - 2,82fi 278 71 Llanfair Matha- 1 ,963 736 207 . farn Eithaf. 1 Llanfairynghornwy 2.278 228 58 1 Llanfechell - - , 3.603 851 231 Llarifflewyn - - ' 1.27C 89 17 Llanfihangel Trer 1,620 270 73 \ Wells Sat isfactory. Bairdd. Llangwyllog - 2,442 182 37 Llanrhwydrys 1,116 114 24 Llanwenllwyfo 1,558 167 44 Llechcynfarwynd - 1,851 176 38 Penrhos Lligwy 2,845 323 81 Ilhcxlogeidio - 1,802 228 60 Rhosbeirio 3S5 25 5 Rhosybol 8,964 619 : 154 ; Tregaian 2,235 114 28 J Valley R.D. : Aberffraw 5,710 900 236 Springs and wells Good, but insufficient. Bodedern 4,283 890 250 Wells Good. Bortwrog 1,835 325 96 Ceirchiog 659 112 30 Do. Some good ; others fairly good. Cerrigccinvven 1,573 414 113 Do. Goal. Heneglwys - 2,110 355 112 Do. Some good ; others very fair. Holyhead Rural Llanbeulan - 5,601 3,045 1,052 '169 255 44 80 Holyhead Waterworks Co. Do. Do. Good. Good and sufficient. Llanddeusant 2,058 437 136 Wells and springs ' Good. Llandrygarn - 2.508 290 75 Do. Llanfachreth 1,563 393 103 . . Wells Unsatisfactory. Llanfaelog 2.244 1,144 387 Do. Some good ; some fair. Llanlaethlu - 2,471 335 i 104 Do Good. Llanfair ynNeubwll 1,046 267 73 Do. Fairly good. Llanfigael 497 79 30 Llanfihangel yn 1,826 177 42 Do. Good and adequate. Nhowyn. 1 Llanfwrog 1,688 190 : 49 1 >o. Good. Llangwyfan - Llanllibio 1,670 830 137 ! 33 48 11 [DO. Good and adequate. Llanrhyddlad 2,582 565 177 Do. Very fair. Llantrisant - 4.549 361 88 Spring (iood. Llanynghcnedl - 2, 165 576 134 1 Holyhead Waterworks Co Well - Good, but distant from houses. Llechylched - 2,264 555 155 _.. Wells Very fair. Rhoscolyn 2,302 399 112 Well - Unsatisfactory. Trcwalchmai - 1,734 728 210 Wells and springs Some good : others un- satisfactory. BRECKNOCK- SHIRE. Brecknock B. - 2,868 5,908 1,249 1,249 Brecknock T.C. - Brynmawr U.D. - 1,454 7,582 1,518 1,478 Brvnmawr U.D.C. - Wells and springs Satisfactory. Builth Wells U.D. 701 1,710 402 402 Builth Wells U.D.C. ' Hay U.D. - - 370 1,603 385 382 Hay U.D.C. .... Wells Satisfactory and sufficient. Llanwrtyd U.D. - 1,648 753 170 158 Llanwrtyd U.D.C. - Springs Good. Brecknock R.D. : Aberyscir - - ] 1,945 120 28 1 Battle - - - 1,600 113 27 5 Property owners ... 1 Brecknock St. David 2,271 162 30 Without. Cantrcf 8.986 158 34 Cathedine 1J654 153 33 Cray - Garthbrengy - 11,900 1,962 399 158 85 29 5 Property owners ... f i Generally satisfactory, except in Llanrillo, Tra- Glyn - Glyntawc Llanddetty - Llanddew Llandefaelogl'acb - 6,062 2,004 10.1135 2,691 2,128 200 200 439 204 157 49 42 105 42 40 40 16 Brecknock R.D.C. - Brecknock R.D.C. and pro- , Wells and ' springs ianglas, and Traian- mawr ; generally suffi- cient, except in Cantref, Llanfillo. Llansaintfraed, Traianglas and Traian- perty owners. mawr : distant from some l.landefalle - 8,641 481 104 houses. Llandcilo'r Fan 10,765 302 62 L Llanfeigan - 10,836 522 114 67 Brecknock R.D.C. - ! LlantihaiiRelfccliiin 3,096 12(1 24 3 Property owners ... Llanfihnngel Nant 8,940 274 66 7 Do. Bran. Lianfihangel Talv- 1,246 268 65 35 Llanfihangel Tulyllyn Water llyu. Committee. J 1'AHT II. BRECKNOCKSHIRE. 579 County. District mill Parish. 1. Area ii Acres. 2. 1'opulil tion, 1911. 3. N". of Rons"-. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where ll-ere is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Suppliec from Piped Sen iee 5. Boom Supply. 7. Nature and Suflieieney of Supply. s. Brecknockshire 1'ii/it. Brecknock R.D. runt. Llanfillo 3,2!IG 220 48 1 1 Llanfrynach - Llangasty Till y lly 0,342 1,9!)7 308 194 09 38 5L 14 / Brecknock R.D.C. Llangorse 8,691 320 79 1! Llanhamlach 1,911 27:f 81 1( Lord Glanusk ... Llansiiintffread 2,209 185 44 Llanspyddid - 1,834 152 30 Llanywern - 1,425 138 25 Maescar 4,317 795 214 18] Brecknock R.D.C. - Merthyr Cynog Modrydd 17,762 6,217 512 77 114 17 13 Property owners ... } Wells i: spiings Siv page 578. Penpont 2.005 89 21 Senny - 7,i;'.n 195 4J Talachdclu - 1,838 Kid 2(i 1 Traianxhis 10,230 375 98 Traiamnawr - r.,89i 327 99 Trillions; Vennyfaoh 8,487 1,450 195 79 47 21) _ 7 Property owners - Tsdydacb - Builth R.D. : 3,727 205 48 I Property owners ... Alltmawr 87 24 5 Crickadarn - 4,512 301 71 * Gwarafog 1,140 75 10 Gwenddwr - 7,545 280 65 L]anafanfa\vr 12,907 422 92 Llanafanfechiin 2,873 188 26 __ Llanddewi Abcrg- 10,537 50 13 . u'tsyn. Llanddewi'r ('win - 3,054 442 90 51 Builth Wells U.D.C. Llandulas 3.493 84 10 Llanflhangel Alien; 11,658 239 47 wesyn. Llanfibangel 1'i-yi 4,392 170 41 _ Springs A: well Good and sufficient, Pabuan. Llangnnten - 2,235 217 46 LtlAngynog 1,408 30 6 Llanlleonfel - 1,508 90 22 Llamvrtyd Without 9,188 213 51 . Llanyuis 2,347 180 26 Llysdinam 2,896 173 37 Maesmvnis - 3,912 176 38 Penbuiillt 11,154 473 109 Rhogt'erig 1,304 56 12 Treflis - 7,089 445 110 Crickhowell R.D. : Crickhowell - 1,959 1,232 300 276 Crickhowell R.D.C. Springs, wells, &. } streams. Grwynefawr - 1,124 20 2 Springs and streams. } Satisfactory. Gnvynefechan 3,913 48 9 Do. do. - i Llanbedr 3,813 228 46 12 Llanbedr Village Subscription Wells, springs, it Supply. streams. J Llanclly 4,529 3,458 710 467 Crickhowell R.D.C. Wells and springs Some doubtful ; generally inadequate. L 1 a n fi h angel Cwmdu. 9,930 840 200 57 Lord Glanusk ... Crickhowell R.D.C. Springs and streams. Satisfactory, but distant from some houses. Llangattock - 8,149 959 198 84 Do. Wells and springs Satisfactory, but inade- quate in summer. Llangenny 2,816 394 83 45 Do. Springs and ) Llangynidr - 8,428 497 122 71 Do. streams. Do. do. - 'f Satisfactory. Patrishow 1,479 43 9 Do. do. - Hay R.D. : Aberllynfi 659 155 35 34 Col. T. Wood - Well - Broullys Glynfach 2,188 3,693 321 32 82 14 56 Hay R.D.C. .... Various property owners Wells ^ springs Hay Rural 2,562 150 48 Llanelieu Llanigon 5,614 4,689 '60 323 10 73 7 12 Col. T. Wood - - - - Hay U.D.C. - Wells - Good. Llyswen Water Committee - Llyswen 1,080 214 50 41 Lord Glanusk, Lord Trede- Springs - gar, & H. A. Christy, Esq. Pipton - 1,376 65 17 10 Col. T. Wood Lord Tredegar Wells & springs ' Comtee. of Visitors, Brecon k ^ Radnor Asylum (bulk), ic Talgarth 12,2!)4 1,761 354 253 thro 1 Cambrian Rlys. Co. Wells - Satisfactory. Various property owners - j Hay R.D.C. - J Tregoyd and Ve- 4,998 504 129 87 ol. T. Wood - 1 Veils and springs Satisfactory ami adequate, lindrc. but distant from some Vaynor and Pen- houses. deryn R.D. : Penderyn Vaynor - - - 13.366 6,551 1,669 3,857 354 819 197 788 Aberdare U.D.C. - - - | lerthyr Tydvil T.C. - - j Wells - Satisfactory. A 0.198 O 3 580 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District anil Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Brecknockshire cunt. Ystradgynlais R.D. : Ystradgynlais 9,01(5 I,8S6 261 181 Ystradgynlais R.U.C. - 1 Higher. Ystradgynlais .IjOwcr. [ 13,183 9,118 1,896 1,820 j Ystradgynlais !{.!).( '. - Cwmtwrch Joint Watei }-Wells springs Variable. t I Committee. j CARDIGAN- SHIRE. Aberayron U.D. - 388 1,312 369 Wells, springs. Indifferent, but abundant. rain-water i: River Aeron. Aberystwith B. 846 8,411 1,846 1,846 Aberystwith T.C. - Cardigan B. - 4,928 3,578 918 7it; Cardigan T.C. Wells and springs Generally good. Lampeter B. - j 1,754 1,802 469 429 Lampeter T.C. Do. Good and sufficient. NGW Quay U.D. - 281 1,191 377 Rain-water, Poor and inadequate. wells .V springs. Aberayron R.D. : Cilcennin 3,410 393 101 Ciliau Aeron - 1,945 234 i 68 Cydplwyf 785 137 32 ' Dihewid 3,867 383 91 Henfynyvv Upper - 1,982 313 93 Llanarth 15,013 1,643 415 L 1 a n b a il a r n 6,348 665 178 Trefeglwys. [Wells, springs, Generally good and suffi- Llandisiliogogo 10,209 935 264 & streams. cient. Llanerch Aeron 1,242 137 35 Llanfihangel Ystrad 7,649 920 250 Llanina 1,047 121 37 Llanllwchaiarn 2,914 443 120 ' Llansaintffraed . - 4,707 893 271 Upper Llanddewi 3,924 512 148 J Aberarth. Aberystwyth R.D. : Broncastellan 508 141 50 40 Aberystwyth R.D.C. Wells and spouts Satisfactory. Ceulan y Maesmawr 7,327 7H 225 Do. Satisfactory, but inade- quate and distant from houses. Clarach 1,673 149 50 Wells - - Unsatisfactory. Cwmrheidol - 13,706 641 200 60 Aberystwyth R.D.C. Wells and spouts Satisfactory. Cyfoeth y Brenin - 2,356 875 280 234 Do. Wells - - Satisfactory, but inade- quate. Cynnull Mavvr 3,746 402 120 j Elerch - Henllys- Isa'ndre 4,266 3,809 315 175 324 495 42 120 162 J6 90 Aberystwyth R.D.C. Aberystwyth T.C. - \ Wells i; spouts Satisfactory. Llanafan 2,610 291 100 60 Aberystwyth R.D.C. Spouts Llancynfelyn 5,104 683 230 15 Do. Wells - - J Llanddeiniol 2,022 201 40 Wells and spouts Fair, but insufficient. Llangwyryfon Llanilar 3,925 6,429 438 677 100 170 30 Aberystwyth R.D.C. Wplla : 1 Do " " f Ver >- fair and sufficient. L 1 a i) r h y s t y d 4,735 587 160 Do. - - Satisfactory, but distant Haniiniog. from houses. Llanrhystyd 3,950 432 90 ) Mefenyd6 2,744 737 Wells, rivulets, Very indifferent and in- Llanfair Orllwyn - 1,756 414 118 and larger adequate. Llanfair Trcflygen - 660 67 14 streams. Llangranog - 4,342 708 211 Liangynllo 3,683 498 134 1'eiibryn 8,416 1,107 315 Troed-yraur - 4,705 758 199 J Tregaron R.D. : Bettws Lleucu 2,373 L><>4 49 Blaenpenal 4,231 405 103 Caron is Clawdd - 14,142 1,408 371 Caron Uwch Clawdi 25,098 498 119 71 Tregaron R.D.C. - Doethie Camddwr - 7,481 33 8 Doethie Pysgotwr - 8,097 71 14 Garth and Vstrail - 854 74 13 . Gartheli 2,516 248 55 Gogoyan 686 67 15 Gorwy springs, wells, ct.hers doubtful. Llangeitho 4,138 -1 59 125 and lakes. Llanio - 1,219 129 24 Lower Gwnmvs 3,185 193 46 - Lower Lledrod 4,312 179 115 Nantcwnlle - 4,607 572 159 Prysg and Carfan - 3,419 67 17 Upper Gwnmvs 6,229 537 131 62 Tregaron R.D.C. - - - Upper Lledrod 4,564 270 61 Yspytty Ystwyth - 12,930 566 147 Ystrad Meurig 956 127 27 J CARMARTHEN- SHIRE. Ammanford U.D. - 944 6,074 1,140 1,140 Ammanford U.D.C. Burry Port U.D. - Carmarthen B. 1,374 5,160 4,599 10,221 990 2,200 968 2.160 Burry Port U.D.C. Llanelly T.C. (bulk) - Carmarthen T.C. - | Wells - Wells and spring's ' Good & adequate, except during part of summer. TO^l and adequate. C-wmamman U.D. - 756 4,971 948 929 'wmamman U.D.C. i Springs - i Rivers itstreams Good and adequate. Fair and adequate. KidwellyB. - Llandilo U.D. 2,854 304 3,033 1,931 630 446 572 446 Kidwelly T.C. Llandilo U.D.C. - Wells and springs ) Satisfactory and adequate. Llandovery B. - 1,266 1,993 429 429 .ilandovery T.C. - [ _ Llanelly B. - 2,069 32,071 6,166 6,166 .lanelly T.C. Newcastle Emlyn U.D. 208 922 239 236 Newcastle Emlyn U.D.C. Springs Good and sufficient. Carmarthen R.D. : Abergwili 8,395 1,452 365 108 Carmarthen R.D.C. Wells and spouts Gool and sufficient. Abernant 6,458 544 128 from springs. Do. do. 3ood. Conwil Elvet 13,100 1,276 328 . Do. do. Generally good. Laugharne - 5,725 377 86 Do. do. Generally good and ade- quate. Laugharne (Town- ship). 3,060 936 281 Do. do. Good, but inadequate. Llanarthney - 11,158 3,022 620 233 landilo Fawr R.D.C. (bulk) - Do. do. Hood and generally sufficient. Llandawke - 610 17 4 . iVells jfood and adequate. Llanddarog - 4,551 1,318 270 iVells and spouts Satisfactory, but insuffi- cient in Pont y Berem. Llandefeilog - 8,621 1,019 238 21 armarthen H.D.C. Do. Satisfactory and generally sufficient, Llandilo A bercowin Llandowror - 821 1,768 45 217 7 63 _ .Veils and spouts Do. Sood and adequate. 3atisfactory. O o 4 582 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. NO. of Total. 4. Houses. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Names of Undertaker- providing a Suppl}' of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Carmarthenshire cont. Carmarthen R.D. emit. Llanfihangel Aber- 5,310 868 222 Wells and spouts Generally good and ade- cowin. quate. Llarigain 2,695 271 64 Do. Generally good, but bad at four cottages. Llangendeirne 12,315 3,232 650 64 Carmarthen R.D.C. Do. Satisfactory, but insuffi- cient in Bankffosfelen and Pont y Berem. Llangunnock or 5,686 508 !26 1 Llangynog. Llangunnor - 5,819 826 220 17 Carmarthen R.D.C. ! Do. Good and adequate. Llangynin 3.264 304 65 Llanllawddog 7,188 437 110 J Llaupumsaiiit 6,634 705 174 Do. Good. Llansadurnen Llanstephan - 1,478 5,138 140 1,081 38 314 79 Carmarthen R.D.C. Do. Generally good. Llanwinio 7,143 596 166 Do. Generally good and ade- quate. Merthyr 3,076 2!)1 60 Do Good. Mydrim 6,171 654 178 1 Newchurch - 5,016 674 154 Do. Good and sufficient. St. Clears 2,642 !)29 277 27 Carmarthen R.D.C. Do. Generally good and sufficient. St. Ishmael - 4,585 1,357 330 148 Do. Do. Fair. Trelech a'r Bettws - 11,580 1,110 313 20 Do. Do. Generally good and sufficient. Llandilo Fawr R.D. : Bettws - Brechfa 5.724 534 984 91 130 24 Springs &: wells Poor Llaridybie 10,220 6,771 1,359 921 Llandilo Fawr R.D.C. - 1 Llandilo Rural 26,364 4,431 591 257 ( Cwmamman U.D.C. | Llandilo Fawr R.D.C. - L'andyfeisant 971 148 33 Llanegwad - 12,455 1,271 312 Llanfihangel Aber- 6,149 1,282 266 40 Llandilo Fawr R.D.C. - bythych. j, p O ootl . Llanfihangel Cil- 525 37 8 fargen. - Llanfynydd - 10,850 765 194 51 Llandilo Fawr R.D.C. - Llangathen - 5,609 654 162 Llausawel 10,250 583 146 Quarter Bach 7,704 2,716 565 282 Llandilo Fawr R.D.C. - Talley - 7,198 562 135 - Llandovery R.D. : Cilycwm 18,191 715 196 26 I. B. Campbell Davys, Esq. - 1 Conwil Gaio - 26,177 1,434 385 25 Carmarthenshire Education i Llanddeusant 15,230 485 152 __ Authority. Wells - Satisfactory. Llandingat Without 7,054 474 91 . Llanfairarybryn Llangadock - 22,990 18,632 871 1 ,589 227 446 Do. Doubtful and deficient. Llansadwrn - 7,521 718 189 Do. Satisfactory, but deficient. Llanwrda 4,487 472 117 Do. Satisfactory. Myddfai 11,871 602 166 Do. Satisfactory, but deficient. Llanelly R.D. : Llanedy 5,680 3,900 799 520 f Swansea R.D.C. (bulk) | Llanelly R. D.O. - 1 Llanelly Rural 15,727 11,681 2,292 1,826 Llanelly T.C. .... | Llanelly R.D.C. - ^Wells - Unsatisfactory Llangennech - 2,386 2,618 548 Llannon 11,389 4,682 842 660 Llanelly R.D.C. - Pembrey 14,778 4,549 980 648 Do. Llany byther R.D. : Llanfihangel Rhosy- corn. 8,844 437 110 1 Wells - Good and adequate. Llanllwni 6,669 656 170 Llanybyther - 9,955 1,171 302 50 Llanybyther R.D.C. Do. Good, but not quite ade- quate. Llanycrwys - 3,867 330 95 Do. Good and adequate. Pencarreg 10,177 1,005 280 70 Llanybyther E.D.C. Do. Good, but inadequate. Newcastle in Emlyn R.D. : Cenarth 0,321 619 la . 1 East Cilrhedyn 5,778 666 167 Llanfihangel ar Arth 16,602 1,959 501 } Springs A: wells Fairly good and adequate. Llangeler 8,193 1,960 462 1 Pemboyr 6,936 1,273 288 J Whitland R.D. : Castelldwyran 681 88 25 ) Cilymaenlhvyd 3,458 368 98 > Wells A: springs Good. Cyffic - 4,733 351 79 ~ PART II. CARNARVONSHIRE. 583 County. District and parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, l!lll. 3. Ni). i.f 1 Total. 4. Eoum. supplied from Piped Service. 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply o Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Servier. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Carmarthenshire emit. Whitland R.D. cont. Eglwys Oymmyn - 3.724 220 43 Kglwysfair a Chung 2,57(i 308 58 Kgrcniont 1,018 100 25 Henllan Aingoed - 1.044 96 23 Llanboidy Id.llfll 1,330 316 Llandissilio East - 4,768 617 152 |> Wells &. spri igs Good. Llanfallteg East - 1,381 315 82 Llangan East 4.7 ir, 1,029 866 Llanglydwen 1,874 229 59 Marros - - - 2,336 111 19 Pendinc MM 162 40 31 Whitland R.D.C. - CARNARVON- SHIRE. Bangor B. 1,209 11,236 2,536 2,514 Bangor T.C. Wells and springs Satisfactory and fairly adequate. Bethesda U.D. - 893 4,716 1. 3(15 1,265 Bethesda U.U.C. - Springs Satisfactory and ample. Bettws y Coed U.D. 4,474 925 204 148 Bettws y Coed U.D.C. - ( Wells it springs I R. Rhiwsolven Gocd. Fairly good. Carnarvon B. 2.216 9,119 2,156 2,122 Carnarvon T.C. ... Wells and springs Doubtful, but .adequate. Conway B. - 3,450 5,242 1,104 1,104 runway and Cohvyn Bay Jt. Water Supply Board (bulk) Criccieth U.D. 472 1.376 368 324 Criccieth U.D.C. - Wells, spiings, Good and sufficient. and lakes. Llandudno U.D. - 2,839 10,46') 2,022 2,022 Llandudno U.D.C. Llanfairfechan Uy. 4,447 2,973 720 662 | Llanfairfechan U.D.C. < Governors of St. Andrew's i Wells & springs Rivers and Good and ample. Good and fairlr sufficient. .1). 1 I Hospital. Northampton. streams Penmaenmawr 3,818 4,042 891 866 Penmaenmawr U.D.C. Rivers & streams Good and adequate U.D. Pwllheli B. - 1,09(5 3,791 915 875 Pwllheli T.C. Veils and springs Good and sufficient. Ynyscynhaiarn 3,844 1.145 1,085 1,050 Portmadoc Waterworks Co. - Springs Satisfactory and adequate. U.D. Conway R.D. : i Conway Wells Jc springs The Abbey - 512 28 6 Trefriw - 1,236 628 219 210 Geirionydd R.D.C. J J Grlaslyn R.D. : Beddgelert - Dolbenmaen 25,061 21,255 1,213 1,836 300 458 42 Glaslyn R.D.C. - Springs & wells Generally satisfactory. Treflys - 2,596 284 77 Gwyrfai R.D. : Bettws GarmoH 5,510 400 91 12 Gwyrfai R.D.C. 1 Clynnog Llanberis 11,986 10,468 1,483 2,912 .375 773 606 Holyhead & North Wales Gas and Water Corporation, Ltd. Llanddeiniolen Llandwrog 9,409 8,845 5,848 4,084 1,640 1,070 475 160 I Gwyrfai R.D.C. - J- Wells - Some good. Llanfaglan - 1,107 208 62 - Llanfairis Gaer 1,492 1,697 itoo 450 j Llanllyfni Llanrug 7,991 4,932 5,223 2,793 1,428 787 1,113 125 '.Gwyrfai R.D.C. - Llanwnda 4,640 2,054 561 50 1 Waenfawr 4,061 1,531 437 : J 584 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Carnarvonshire cunt. Lleyn R.D. : Aberdaron 7,244 1,106 297 1 Abererch 5,586 1.102 300 124 Pwllheli T.C. Bodfean 2,755 296 72 Bodferin 531 43 13 Bottwnog 496 134 39 Bryncroes 3,717 734 218 Carnguwch - 1,404 91 1 24 Ceidio - 1,212 81 24 . Edeym - 1,187 452 i 140 35 Mrs. Wynne Finch ( Llanaelhaiarn Village Water Llanaelhaiarn 6,658 1,517 380 295 < Committee. ( Llanaelhaiarn P.O. Llanarmon - 3,932 714 179 Llanbedrog - 2,309 584 176 Llandegwning 1,402 122 SI Llandudwen - 1,389 47 11 Llanengan 4.049 935 300 Llanfihangel 3,076 275 . 64 . ,- Wells i; springs Generally good, but in- Bachellaeth. different in Aberdaron. Llangian 4,649 980 269 . Llangwnadl - 1,281 205 58 Llangybi 4,674 491 146 1 Pwllheli T.C. Llaniestyn 4,542 819 241 Llannor 5,483 875 233 Llanystumdwy 6,826 986 259 MeyUteyrn - 1,545 274 i 75 Nevin - 1,661 1,810 568 373 Lleyn R.D.C. Penllech 2,182 205 51 Penllyn - 1,157 113 19 Penrh6s 508 122 32 Pistyll - 3,860 804 216 Ehiw with Llan- 3,211 495 130 faelrhys. Tydweiliog - 2,479 374 83 Ogwen R.D. : Aber 7,315 400 84 ] Llandegai 14,725 3,042 748 70 Bangor T.C. - Llanllechid - 16,699 989 282 10 | Bangor T.C. | Bethesda U.D.C. - [ Springs & wells Good. Pentir - 5,319 2,230 558 20 Bangor T.C. - J DENBIGHSHIRE. Abergele and Pen- 458 2,121 537 537 Rhyl U.D.C. .... sarn U.D. Colwyn Bay and 5,238 12,630 2,536 2,490 Conway and Colwyn Bay Joint Wells Fairly good and adequate. Colwyn U.D. Water Supply Board (hulk) and James Amphlett, Esq. ( Denbigh T.C. (.) Wells, and (ii) Good, but variable : Denbigh B. - 9,072 6,892 1,398 1,307 < Denbigh Water Co. (part in 1 bulk). springs. (i)Ystrad River (*) doubtful, but sufficient. Llangollen U.D. - Llanrwst U.D. 3,107 822 3,249 2,519 774 607 706 590 Llangollen U.D.C. - Llanrwst U.D.C. - Wells and springs ; Satisfactory and sufficient. Springs - - Satisfactory. Ruth in B. - 2,110 2,824 660 607 Ruthin Water Co. - - Wellsand springs Good and plentiful. "Wrexham B. 1,305 18,377 3,738 3,738 Wrexham and East Denbigh- shire Water Co. Chirk R.D. : Chirk - 4,773 2,623 522 500 Chirk Water Co. Ltd. - 1 Giyn Traian - 7,830 900 183 17 ( Glvn Water Supply - 1 Chirk R.D.C. > Springs & wells Good Llansantfiraid Glyn 5,949 1,034 193 135 Glyn Water Supply J Ceiriog. Llangollen R.D. : Bryneglwys - 3,584 300 67 I ( Cefri, Acrefair and Rhosy- Llangollen Rural - 11.459 2,639 560 138 medre Water Co. ( Llangollen R.D.C. \ Wells & springs Good and sufficient. Llantysilio - 8,252 769 196 28 | Mrs. E. J. Tudor Jones ) Llangollen R.D.C. Llanrwst R.D. : Eglwys Fach -. 7,904 925 258 1 Gwernihowel 1,307 36 12 Gwytherin 5,966 295 79 Llanddoget - 911 256 63 Llangerniew 7.792 803 214 30 Col. S. Sandbach j> Wells & springs Good. Llanrwst Rural 14,865 1.294 340 Pentre Foelas 10,748 440 1)1 Tir I fan 8,939 199 61 Tre Brys 852 156 39 PART II. DENBIGHSHIRE. 585 County, District iiml Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2: Popula- tion. 1H11. 8. No. of "T Total. 4. louse's. Supplied 1 from Piped Service. :.. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. When- ihen Sources of Supply. 7. is no Piped Service. Nature and Sufficiency >f Supply. 8. Denbighshire runt. Llansilin R.D. : Llanarmon Dyffryn 9,295 262 55 22 Denbighshire Education Ceiriog. Authority. Llanarmon Mynydd 2,219 98 25 Mawr. Llangadwaladr 1.7H2 147 34 20 H. Hughes, Esq. - Wells i: springs Good and adequate. Llangedwyn - 1,686 254 49 Llanrhaiadr ym 13.553 1,151 267 87 : Llanrhaiadr ym Mochnant Mochnant. .loint Committee. Llansilin 16,170 1.27K 283 50 Llansilin Water Committee - J Ruthin R.D. : Aberwheelcr Rural 3,278 341 87 30 ! Ruthin R.D.C. j Clocaenog 7,182' 372 80 B Sir A. E. H. Naylor-Leyland. Bart. ^ Wells - Very fair. Derwen - 3,554 437 106 1 Efenecht.yd - 1,233 228 5S i4 J. Jones, Esq. ... Pentre stream, Not satisfactory, but suffi- wells A: rain water cient Gyffylliog 8,181 464 98 19 Ruthin R.D.C. Wells and spring Very fair. {Springs, wells, Very fair, but insufficient, Llanarmon 11,874 1,091 272 ponds. Rivers Alun and Camddwr. Llanbedr Dyffryn 3,102 334 70 Streams & wells Good. Clwyd. - Llaiulegla 3,475 248 69 Wells Very fair. Llandyrnog Rural - li,357 484 120 77 ( Ruthin R.D.C. - } Vf. G. Rigby, Esq. - Wells 4c springs Not satisfactory. 1 Sir A. K. H. Naylor Leyland, " Llaneliclan 5,223 663 155 41 Bart. I Trustees of the late Canon Wells - H. W. Haygarth. Very fair. I Do. do. j R. Pentreme- Llanfair Dyffryn 7,368 900 222 78 (Sir A. E. H. Naylor Leyland, > thiant, wells Clwyd Rural. Bart, I it rainwater. Llanfcrras 3,867 499 UK 27 A. H. Potts, Esq. - Wells and rain- Fair. water. Llanfwrog Rural - 2,721 222 53 Do. do. Very fair. Llangwyfan - Llan<.rvnhafal 1 . 1 ,V. 2.3IJ1 1411 361 39 100 16 58 | Ruthin R.D.C. - Wells & springs Not satisfactory. Llaiiriiai Wrexham, &c. Water Co. Brouglilon 1,242 7,547 1,586 1,586 1 Wrexham, Ax. Water Co. | Brymbo Water Co. 1 1 Brymbo 2,544 5,005 1,116 1,011 Brymbo Water Co. Wells Satisfactory and plentiful. Burton - 2,869 660 1.17 43 Wrexham, Ax. Water Co. Do. Sat isfuctory. Caeca Dutton 423 81 14 Do. Unsatisfactory. Cefn - 1,876 7,150 1,639 1,589 Cefn, Acrefair and Rhosy- Wells, streams, Some satisfactory. rnedre Water Co. A: springs. Dutton Diffeth 624 118 27 --- 1 Surface and Unsatisfactory. Dutton y Bran 616 41 7 ( rain water. Brbistock Erlas 1,587 720 301 41 64 10 z [ Wells A; springs Fairly satisfactory. Erthig - 302 160 30 30 Wrexham, A:c. Water Co. Esclusham Above - 3,953 415 99 99 I Wrexham, &c. Water Co. | Ruabon Water Co. 1 I i Esclusham Below - 1,640 1,779 868 368 Wrexham, &c. Water Co. Eyton Gourton 1,332 334 250 34 48 6 6 1 Do. do. Wells A; springs Fairly satisfactory. Gresford 1,025 1,353 328 328 Do. do. ' Gwersyllt 1,690 4,954 1,015 1,015 ( Brymbo Water Co. | Wrexham, 4x. Water Co. 1 ( Ho't - 2,912 1,144 246 R. Dee and wells Unsatisfactory. Llay - 2.251 573 120 28 Wrexham, &c. Water Co. Wells A: springs Unsatisfactory in parts. Machwiel 3,398 665 143 143 Do. do. Minera - - - 1,393 1,400 332 226 Brymbo Water Co. Streams A; wells Satisfactory and plentiful Pen y Cae 4,694 2,085 493 385 Ruabon Water Co. Wells, springs, Satisfactory. and streams. Pickhill 1,220 153 29 Wells and springs Unsatisfactory. Rbosllanerchrugog Ridley - 1,441 698 11,005 21 2,411 6 2,390 Ruabon Water Co. Do. do. Surface A; rain water. Satisfactory. Unsatisfactory. Royton - 702 69 12 12 Wrexham &c. Water Co. Ruabon 5,906 3,387 781 687 Ruabon Water Co. Wells and springs Satisfactory. Sesswick Stansty 675 577 150 2,268 31 450 31 450 I Wrexham, tc. Water Co. Sutton - 1,171 165 37 Surface A: rain Unsatisfactory. water. FLINTSHIRE. Buckley U.D. 2,034 6,333 1,383 1,363 Hawarden and District Water- Wells and rain works Co. water. / Good. Connah's Quay 3,748 4,596 887 817 Connah's Quay Gas and Water Wells U.D. o. , Ltd. Flint B. 3,450 5,472 1,162 1,041 Flint Gas and Water Co., Ltd. Wells, springs, Generally satisfactory. &R.Nant-y-afon Holywell U.D. 747 2,549 613 Wells Good and adequate, but distant from houses. Mold U.D. - 854 4,873 1,050 1,043 Mold Gas and Water Co. Do. Doubtful and sometimes inadequate. Prestatyn U.D. - 1,373 2,036 513 483 Prestatyn U.D.C. - Wells and springs Good and fairly sufficient. Rhyl U.D. - 865 9,005 1,975 1,975 Khyl U.D.C. - " Hawarden R.D. : East Saltney - Hawarden 1,183 9,037 2.L'8! (>.4!IO 44 6 1,869 439 931 Cheater Waterworks Co. Hawarden & Dist. Water Co. Wells Wells and springs | Good. Higher Kinnerton - Hope 1,825 4,768 310 3,013 85 676 21 377 Hawarden R.D.C. - | Wrexham, Ax. Water Co. | Hawarden R.D.C. Do. ((a) Wells, (A) springs, (a) Good, but some doubtful. (a), Si. (c), Fairly good, (6) good, (d) doubtful. . Wrexham, Ax. Water Co. - { Nant Brook Llanfynydd - 4,674 1,793 442 137 < Brymbo Waterworks Co. and (rf) rain- 1 M. Rowley Conwy, Esq. [ water. PART II. FLINTSHIRE. 587 No. of Houses. County, District and Parish. Area in Acres. Popula- tion, 1911. Total. Supplied from Piped Service. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. Where there is no Piped Sarvice. Sources of Supply. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 1. 2. 3. | 6. 6. 7. 8. Flintshire' 1 "'"'. Hawarden R.D.- cnnt. Marford and 650 265 53 49 Wrexham and East Denbigh- Wells Good. Hoscley. shire Water Co. 1 Hawarden & Dist. Water Co. ) Scaland - 4,948 755 148 104 Chester Waterworks Co. ' Messrs. (',. k V. Ledson [DO. . Mostly good, some doubt- ful. Tryddyn 3,614 1,351 333 159 Hrymbo Water Co. () Wells and (") (iooil, (A) doubtful. springs, (/>) rain-water. \\Yst Saltney 876 4,305 S27 826 Hawarden & Dist. Water Co. - Rain-water Fairly good. Holywell R.D. : Brynford Cacrwys Cilcain - - - 2.043 2,737 6.571 9S 1 83 1 787 234 232 214 200 41 Holywell R.D.C. - Hawardcn 4: Dist. Water Co.- Wells & springs - Wells 1 Satisfactory and ado put <. Satisfactory. Gwnenvsgor 817 211 60 Hnlkyn - 3,408 1,839 343 Holywell Rural 3,524 1,868 1,200 BOO Holywell R.D.C. - Llanasa 6,376 8,036 720 i Brymbo Water Co. Mold Rural - Xannerch 11,230 2,875 4,952 300 1..VKI 78 1,450 Mold ii'_ r liti>i] - 1,187 170 49 WlUlngton - 1,950 308 89 Wortlienbury 3,420 431 110 St. Asaph (Flint) R.D. : Bodelwyddan 4,177 3r,3 82 54 Rhyl U.D.C. .... Wells, spring, 1 ponds, rain- water, it Rivers Elwy fc Chvyd. Bodfari - 1,494 322 91 41 D. F. Pennant, Esq. Well, spring, ponds and 1 Generally good and ade- quate. River Wheeler. Cwm Dyscrth - Mel Men 3,883 2,080 693 362 902 560 90 245 153 59 168 120 | St. Asaph (Flint) R.D.C. - / Prestatyrr U D.C. [ Prestatyn U.D.C. I Wells, spring, j> ponds and streams. . Rhuddlau 4,349 1,607 398 398 Rhyl U.D.C. .... f Wells, spring, ponds, rain- St. Asaph 1,646 1,833 428 376 Do. / water and Rivers Elwy and Clwyd. Tremeirchion 4,031 604 127 39 St. Asaph (Flint) R.D.C. Wells. spring, ! Generally go:d and ade- ponds and [ quate. River Clwyd. Waen - 1,806 223 45 3 Rhyl U.D.C. - --- Wells, spring, ponds, rain- water c!t Rivers Elwy & Chvyd. J GLAMORGAN- SHIRE. Aberavon B. - 2,211 10,505 1,792 1,792 I Aberavon I.e. - ) Neath R.D.C. (bulk) - 1 f Aberdare U.D. 15,183 50,830 10,198 10,083 Alxardare U.D.C. - Wells and springs Fairly satisfactory. Barry U.D. - 3,777 33,763 6,190 6,190 1 Barry U.D.C. - I Cardifi T.C. (bulk) - 1 1 Bridgend U.D. - 1,217 8,021 1,582 1,580 Bridgend Gas and Water Co. Wells Fair. Briton Ferry U.D. 1,667 8,472 1,598 1,571 Briton Ferry U.D.C, . Springs & rain- Satisfactory. * water. 588 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. Count}-, District and Parish. !. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Sources of Nature and Sufficieucy Supply. of Supply. 7. 8. Glamorganshire runt. Caerphilly U.D. - 14,426 32,844 5,758 5,654 Pare Newydd Estate; D. Wells & springs Good. Williams, Esq. ; Lewis Mer- thyr Consolidated Collieries, Ltd. ; Rhymney and Aber Valleys Gas and Water Co. ; Pontypridd & Rhondda Joint Water Bd. ; Caerphilly U.O.O. ; and Merthyr Tydfil T.C. (bulk). Cardiff C.B. - 6,373 182,251) 31.127 31,127 Cardiff T.C. - Cowbridge B. 85 1,167 256 Wells, spring, Satisfactory and adequate. River Thaw and rain-water. Gelligraer U.D. 16,772 35,521 6,243 5,999 Rhymney & Aber Valleys Gas Springs - - Generally good, but some- & Water Co. (part in bulk) times inadequate. and Bedwelty U.D.C. Glyncorwg U.D. - 13,927 8,688 1,491 1,448 Glyncorwg U.D.C. Do. S itisfactory (moderately soft water). Maesteg U.D. 6,708 24,977 4,469 4,469 Maesteg U.D.C. - Margam U.D. 18.417 14,713 2,771 2,761 Margam U.D.C. - Wells and springs GUI land adequate. Merthyr Tydfil 17,761 80,990 15,220 15,220 Merthyr Tydfil T.C. C.B. Mountain Ash 10,504 42,246 7,430 7,308 Mountain Ash U.D.C. - a) Wells, springs, () Some good and abun- U.D. (S)Cly dach and daut, others unreliable Boi Brooks and in summer : (J) fairly (e) rain-water. good and constant ; (c) unreliable. Neath B. - - 1,428 17,586 3,371 3,356 Neath T.C. .... Wells Satisfactory, but occa- sionally insufficient. Ogmore and Garw 17,925 26,741 4,486 4,288 Ogmore Gas A: Water Co., Ltd.; Wells & springs (lood and adequate. U.D. Garw Water Co. ; Ogmore and Garw U.D.C. ; Britannic . , Merthyr Coal Co., Ltd. Wells & springs Satisfactory, but inade- Oystermouth U.D. 1,507 6,098- 1,336 1,236 Oystermouth U.D.C. - quate. Rain-water Liable to pollution. Penarth U.D. 2,210- 15,488 2,807 2,793 j Cardiff T.C. | Marquess of Bute } Wells - Satisfactory. Pontypridd U.D. - 8,140 43,211 7,773 7,742 Pontypridd and Rhondda Springs - Satisfactory. Joint Water Board. Streams - Liable to pollution in some cases. Porthcawl U.D. 3,414 3,444 736 697 Porthcawl U.D.C. - Wells and rain- Satisfactory and adequate. water. Rhondda U.D. 23,885 152,781 26,250 25.950 Rhondda U.D.C. A: Pontypridd Streams (until- Liable to contamination j Jt Hhondda Jt. Water Bd. tercd). and often inadequate. Swansea C.B. 5,202 114,663 20.614 20,H14 Swansea T,C. Cowbridge R.D. : Colwinston - 1,841 197 48 ) Eglwys Brewis 381 16 4 Flemingston - 701 69 11 Gileston 369 50 14 Llanblethian - 3,263 745 179 Llandow 1,119 110 24 Llanfair 1,513 180 38 Llangan 1,200 207 44 . Llanharan 3,644 1.504 280 Llanharry 1,629 369 84 Llanilkl 1,077 94 21 Llanmacs 1.127 142 37 Llanmihangel 611 30 6 Llansannor - 1.819 178 40 . Llantwit Major 5J120 1,188 287 Wells & springs Satisfactory, except in St. Llysworney - 982 133 28 : Hilary and Vstradowen. Marcross 918 95 20 Monknash 1,425 78 17 Nash - 201 12 1 _ Penlline 1,962 309 63 Peterston super 2,106 1,193 193 Montem. St. Andrews Minor 230 22 2 St. Athan 1,527 860 88 - St. Donat's - 928 109 23 St. Hilary 1,268 138 30 St. Mary Hill 1,449 177 63 Stembridge - 38 2 1 Ystradowen - 1,568 228 50 . Gower R.D. : Bishopston 2,595 893 212 a Oystermouth U.D.C. - | Brynau - 1,500 473 116 1 Wells - Good. Oheriton 1,425 128 40 Ilston - 3,109 245 56 Wells, rain-water Generally poor. A: R. Ilston. Knelston 548 72 17 Wells and rain- Poor and inadequate. water. Llanddewi - 2,010 120 24 (a) Wells ; (i) () Doubtful and inade- spring. quate ; (4) good, but distant from houses. PART II. GLAMORGANSHIRE. 589 County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion. 1911. 3. No. of Total. 4. Houses. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. Q Glamorganshire cunt. Gower R.D. -cunt. Llangennith Llanmadoc 3,360 1,540 277 14!l 77 42 Wells Do. Gpod& generally suflirirnl . (ioodand fairly sufficient. Llanrhidian Higher Llanrhidian Lower 4,995 5.0o:> 4.1 '.Ml 45X 826 107 180 Swansea R.D.C. (bulk) - Do. Do. - - Fairly good, but deficient. Good and sunVient. Nicholaston - 4sx 06 22 Do. Good. Oxwich 1,205 17X 53 Wells and rain- Good, but deficient. water. Penard ... 2,855 in:, lid Rain-water and Doubtful and deficient. wells. Penmaen 995 154 29 Wclte Good. Penrice - 2,127 215 67 (a) Wells ; (//) () Good, but distant from rain-water. houses; (>) doubtful and deficient. Port Eynon - 1.149 207 63 Reynoldston - 1,069 267 69 . Wells - Good. Rhnssili - 2,707 246 64 Llandaff and Dinas Powis R.D. : Bonvilston 1,280 162 45 Wells CaeYau - 773 237 77 20 Cardiff T.C. (bulk) Wells and rain- water. Lavernock n 121 26 16 Cardiff T.C. (bulk) 1 Leckwith 907 112 24 Lisvane 1,416 32!) 64 17 Cardiff T.C. - . Wells Llancarfan - 4,724 446 100 Llandaff Llanedeyrn - 8,748 2.753 9,142 340 1,893 76 1,876 12 | Cardiff T.C. - 1 Wells and Llanilltern 1,075 189 33 rain- water. Llanishen 8,060 1,733 365 328 Canlitr T.C. - Llantrithyd - 1.433 138 31 . Llanvedw 2^453 244 56 Llanvitliyn - 427 20 5 _ Michaelston le Pit - 800 105 23 13 Cardiff T.C. - Michaelstou super 492 58 12 f Wells Ely. Pendoylan 3,57!) 372 101 Penmark 3,361 196 118 8 Barry U.D.C. (bulk) - J ( Llandaff and Dinas Powis Pentyrch 3,939 2,308 536 348 R.D.C.: Cardiff T.C.(bulk) ; Springs - Peterston super Ely 2.171 389 73 ( M. E. G.Rhys Wingfield, Esq. j } Good. Porthkerry - 964 181 49 30 Barry U.D.C. \ Wells - Kadyr - 1,629 1,238 254 242 Cardiff T.C. (bulk) 1 Rhydy Gwern 722 245 58 Spring Kudry - 1,668 619 121 Wells St. Andrews Major 3,186 2,151 481 457 1 Barry U.D.C. j Cardiff T.C. Wells and rain- water. St. Bride's super Ely 601 95 23 Wells St. Fa^'ans 2,175 549 97 82 Cardiff T.C. .... Wells and rain- water. St. George's - 1,024 287 67 Wells St. Lythan's - St. Nicholas - 1,284 2,172 87 370 18 71 24 R. Cory, Esq., and Miss Cory Rain-water Sully - 1,012 314 75 62 Barry U.D.C. Wells and rain- water. Van 862 347 69 27 Rhymney and Aber Valleys I Gas and Water Co. V. Wnllu Welsh St. Donat's- 2,263 193 49 f w eiis Wenvoe 3,441 505 105 26 Barry U.D.C. Whitchurch - 3,269 9,079 1,883 1,643 Cardiff T.C. .... Wells and rain- Llantrisant and water. J Llantwitfardre R.D. : ( Pontypridd & Rhondda Jt. 1 Llantrisant - 14.209 15,048 3,374 2,899 1 Water Bd. (bulk) ; Llantri- 1 1 sant & Llantwitfardre R.D.C. V Springs - Satisfactory. Llantwitfardre 4,223 2,434 ,->f)l 376 Pontypridd, &c. Water Board (bulk). j Neath R.D. : Baglan Higher 1,718 479 115 j Raglan Lower 1,663 658 no 23 Britou Ferry U.D.C. ! Springs - Good, but deficient Blaengwrach 2,871 514 85 75 Neath R.D.C. j Blaenhonddan 3.467 3,633 647 647 Do. ... Clyne - 2,185 03!) 106 100 Do. ... Springs - Good, but deficient. Coedffranc - 3,812 8,125 1,350 1,350 ( IV, Dyffryn Clydach 1,725 1,780 297 297 L*O. ... Dylais Higher 6,261 4,569 732 732 Do. I E. Evans Be van, Esq. - / f Dylais Lower 5,227 576 95 80 Neath R.D.C. Llantwit Lower 4,301 5, IPS 861 561 Neath T.C. - , Springs - Good, but deficient. Michaelston Higher 2,410 1,297 316 300 Neath R.D.C. \ Michaelston Lower 988 5,538 923 923 Do. Neath Higher 6,871 3,097 516 500 Do. Neath Lower 2,101 432 60 Springs - Good, but deficient. Resolven 4,671 3,831 639 600 Neath R.D.C. Rhigos - 5,585 1,280 166 166 Do. , . . Ystradfellte (Brec.) 19,355 627 104 . Springs Good, butjdeficient. 590 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Nature and Sufficiency Supply. of Supply. 7. 8. Glamorganshire cant. Fenybont R.D. : Coity Higher 2,937 1,864 186 120 Garw Water Co. (bulk) - Wells and rain- water. > Good and adequate. Coychurch Higher Coychurch Lower - Ewenny 3,928 1,099 2,751 1,088 303 357 212 72 69 126 22 Peuybout R.D.C. - Bridgend Gas & WaterCo.(bulk) Wells and springs Wells & rainwater Wells j Good and plentiful. Good, but inadequate. Kenfig - 2,627 301 65 Do. Good and adequate. Laleston 2,249 706 159 26 1 Penybont R.D.C. | Garw Water Co. (bulk) 1 Wells and rain- f water. > Good, but inadequate. Llangynwyd Lower 2,132 434 95 Wells } Llangynwyd Middle 2,623 1,664 328 808 Penybont U.D.C. - Wells, springs, & Good and adequate. rain-water. Merthyr Mawr 2,814 189 36 12 Bridgend Gas and Water Co. Wulls and rain- Good and plentiful. through J. I. D. Nicholl, Esq. water. Newcastle Higher - Pencoed 2,170 2,121 4,297 1,894 703 368 597 342 j Penybont R.D.C. Do. do. Good and adequate. Pyle 1,638 2,708 645 645 Do. St. Bride's Major - 5,04,9 783 158 55 Bridgend, itc. Water Co., thro' Do. do. Good, but inadequate in Southern) lown Water Co., Ltd. dry season. St, Bride's Minor - 1,921 l,46t 307 300 Garw Water Co. Springs and rain- Good, but inadequate. water. Sker 370 54 ' 3 2 Porthcawl U.D.C. - Well - Good and adequate. Tythegston Higher 2,231 2,237 436 356 Penybont R.D.C. - / Wells and rain- Good, but inadequate. Tythegston Lower - 721 96 17 | water. Wick - 1,438 359 81 Do. do. Good and plentiful. Ynysawdre - 387 1,526 393 389 Penybont R.D.C. - Do. do. Good and adequate. Pontardawe R.D. : Cilybebyll - 3,983 3,131 466 360 Pontardawe R.D.C. 1 ( Swansea T.C. (bulk) - Llangiwg - 12,553 19,338 4,781 3,963 ; Cwmtwrch Joint Committee ( Pontardawe R.D.C. Mawr - 9,217 1,510 302 ) Springs - Good and adequate. Rhyndwyglydach - 7,704 6,994 1,450 1,350 | Pontardawe R.D.C. | Swansea T.C. (bulk) - Ynys y mond 1,512 525 124 86 j Pontardawe R. D.C. j Swansea R.D.C. (bulk) J Swansea R.D. : Clase Rural 4,158 5,648 1,097 1,072 Swansea R.D.C ... Cockett 4,430 8,488 1,805 1,776 j Swansea T.C.- (bulk) - | Swansea R.D.C. - Gowerton 2,544 2,748 547 513 Swansea R.D.C. - Llandeilo Talybont 7,558 10,705 2,049 1,887 Swansea T.C. (bulk) J> Wells & springs Satisfactory & adequate. Llansamlet - 5,243 7,411 1,535 1,491 Swansea R.D.C. ... Loughor Borough - 1,252 4,118 821 792 Swansea T.C. (bulk) Pendcrry 5,670 4,110 844 802 | Swansea T.C. (bulk) - | Swansea R.D.C. - MERIONETH- SHIRE. Bala U.D. - 252 1,537 378 378 Bala U.D.C. .... Barmouth U.D. - 798 2,106 518 518 Barmouth U.D.C. - Dolgelley U.D. - Ffestiniog U.D. - 174 16,323 2,160 9,674 606 2,280 606 2,157 Dolgelley Waterworks Co., Lt.('. 152 lo Ijlantrar Commemoration Foun- tain. LlansaiitffraidGlyn ti" 170 1" 21 Kdeirnion R.D.C. - J l>yfrdwv. Penllyn R.D. : Llandderfel - 8,305 785 195 ] Llanfor - 32,812 1,163 274 Wells, springs, Good and fairly adequate. Llangower 6,880 213 51 y rivers and Llaiuiwcliyllyn 28,575 1,007 224 streams. I.lauyeil 2U897 904 204 43 Bala I'.D.r. - J MONMOUTH- SHIRE. Abercarn U.D. 9.501. 16.44.-. 2,950 8,860 Abercarn U.D.C. ... Springs Good. Abergavenny B. - 829 s.511 1,876 1,876 Abergavenny T.C. - Abersychan U.D. - UM24 24.65fi 4.662 4.467 Puntypool Gas and Water Co. Wells & springs Good and adequate. Abertillery U.D. - 6,482 3r>.4ir, 6,071 * 5,971 Abertillery U.D.C. - Do. Satisfactory. ( Bedwas and Machen U.D.C. Bedwas and Ma- fi.520 4,936 1,30(1 1.250 Rhymney & A ber Valleys Gas II... Good and plentiful. chen U.D. ' and Water Co. i Do. do. Bedwellty U.D. - 7,275 22,547 3,808 3.S08 J (part in bulk) ; Tredegar ) U.D.C. (part in bulk); Bedwelty U.D.C. Blaenavon U.D. - 4,612 12,010 2,338 2,172 Blaenavon U.D.C. - Springs Good. Caerleon U.D. 571 2,046 352 348 Newport T.C. Wells, springs, & Poor and insufficient. lain-vvater. Chepstow U.D. 1,085 2953 C> 1 9 608 Chepstow Water Co. Wells & rainwatei Good. Ebbw Vale U.D. - 6,870 3(1.541 5,357 5,297 Ebbw Vale U.D.C. Springs Doubtful, but ample. Llanfrechfa Up- 1,787 4,468 905 855 Llaiifrcchfa Upper U.D.C. Wells & springs Good and plentiful. per U.D. Llantarnam U.D. 4,097 7,058 1,348 1,180 Do. Do. Fair, but inadequate in drought. Monmouth B. 5,008 5,269 i 1.159 908 Monmouth (las and Water Wells, springs, Satisfactory and ample. Works Co., Ltd. and rain-water. i Risca U.D.C. ; Tredegar Mynyddislwyn 5,152 9,980 1,845 1,668 U.D.C. (bulk) ; Rhymney, Springs - Good, but inadequate in U.D. I &c. Water Co. summer. Nantyglo and 3,862 15,395 2,815 2,775 Ebbw Vale U-.D.C. (bulk) Do. Satisfactory and sufficient. Blaina U.D. Newport C.B. 4,604 83,691 14.249 14,224 New]x>rt T.< '. Wells Very hard and brackish ( near river. Panteg U.D. 5.578 10,098 2.013 1,702 Pontypool Gas and Water Co. Springs Satisfactory. Pontypool U.D. - 231 6,452 1.242 1,242 Do Rhymney U.D. - 2,638 11.449 2,075 1,956 Rhymney, fcc.Water Co. (bulk) Springs Good and sufficient. Risca U.D. - 4,195 14,149 2,647 2,297 Risca U.D.C. & Rhymney, &<:. Wells & springs Fair, but insufficient. Water Co. (bulk). Tredegar U.D. 8,148 23.601 4,121 4,071 Tredegar U.D.C., and Ebbw Springs Some fair, others very bad ; Vale U.D.C. ofien inadequate in summer. Usk U.D. 655 1,495 336 281 Usk Waterworks Co., Ltd. Wells Satisfactory and adequate. Abergavenny R.D. : Abergavenny Rural 3.430 1,385 87 > Bettws Newydd 1,130 74 26 Bryngwyn 1.481 246 59 Bwlch Trewyn 636 74 I8- Clytha - 1.840 231 60 . Fwthog - - - 2,101 63 17 Grosmont 6,799 561 135 44 tt. E. Bevan, Esq. - Llanarth 1.978 193 50 Llanelen 2,527 291 73 Llanfoist 2.058 408 111 75 Aberjravenny T.C. (bulk) Llangattock Lin- ! 1,944 135 39 J- Wells k springs Good. gOi. Llangattock Nigh Usk. 1,625 265 62 Llangua 711 73 18 Llanovcr 2,818 380 92 Llansamtfraed 290 13 3 Llanthewy 2,201 295 65 Rhytherch. Llanthewy Skirrid 1.060 136 27 Llantilio Pertboley 6,840 1,315 287 26 Abergavenny T.C. Llnnvair Kilgedin 1.808 236 58 I A 0.198 Pp 592 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District and Parish. 1. Aiea in Acres'. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. - Monmouthshire cunt. Abergavenny R.D. cunt. Llauvaple.v 84.', 94 28 ] Llanvetherinc 2,169 168 42 Llanvihangel 3,278 446 121 Crucorney Llanvihangel nigh 388 105 27 Usk. Wells A: springs Good. Llanwenarth Citra 2,812 257 53 Llauwenarth Ultra 2,301 963 232 50 Aberravennv R.O.C. Lower Cwmyoy 3,507 210 49 Oldcastle 934 37 9 Upper Cwmyoy 4,741 137 30 J Chepstow R.D. : Caerwent 2,002 382 98 27 G. W. Railway Co. (bulk) & thro' Monmouthshire Co. Co. 1 Caldicot 1,983 1,818 339 175 G. W. Railway Co. (bulk) - > Wells, springs Good and adequate. Chapel Hill - 1,307 336 si 4 Commissrs. of H.M. Woods, &c. | & rain-water. Dinham 636 27 13 8 Monmouthshire Co. Co. - 1 Howick - 642 26 6 J Ifton - 647 95 19 19 (i. \V. Hailway Co. (bulk) - It ton 1.116 ISO 85 " Wells, springs, Good anil adequate. . and rainwater. Kilgwrrwg - - 666 86 20 11 E. ('. Curre. Esq. - 1 Llantrwm Isaf 633 42 1(1 Llangwm Uchaf - 2,498 207 50 Llansoy 1,415 128 27 Llanvair Discoed - 1,359 131 28 Llanvihangel (near 559 73 16 14 G. W. Railway Co. (bulk) Uoggiett). Llanvihangel Tory 1,186 131 34 -- Mynydd. G. W. Railway (bulk) - Chcpstow Water Co. thro' Wells, springs Good and adequate. Mathern and St. 3.473 622 122 45 ') Pwllmeyric Water Co. } & rain-water. Pierre. ( St. Pierre Estate Monntoii 413 59 16 4 chepstow Water Co. through Pwllmeyric Water Co. Xewchuroh East - i 3,399 333 73 5 E. C. Cm-re, Esq. - Newchurch West - 2,098 116 26 Penterry 480 20 5 Portskewctt - 1,107 958 189 182 G. W. Railway Co. (bulk) - Roggiett. 1.017 138 29 21 Do. do. St. Arvans 2,160 460 110 107 j Chepstow R.D.C. Chepstow Water Co. - I St. Arvans Grange - 536 32 6 H Do. St. Bride's Nether- 804 133 27 20 Newport T.C. Wells, springs & Good and adequate. went. rain-water. St. Kingsmark 18 6 1 1 Ohepstow Water Co. Shirenewton - 3,599 734 171 Tintern Parva Trelleek Grange - 795 1,818 325 104 74 20 Wells, springs & rain-water (i-ood and adequate. Undy - | 1,714 468 114 25 G. W. Railway Co. (bulk) - Wolves Newton 2,656 136 32 J Magor R.D. : BUhton 1,392 167 40 Wells & springs - Fair and adequate. Christchurch - 3,369 1,655 330 288 Newport T.C. Wells, springs ic Good and plentiful. rain-water. Goldcliff 2,192 266 :,5 Reens & rainwatei Indifferent & inadequate. Kemeys Inferior - i 1,622 120 26 1 Newport T.C. Wells & springs - Good. Llandevenny - - 237 65 15 Rain- water, reens, Fair and adequate. and wells. Llangattock - - 2,367 Llangstone - - 1,345 264 210 55 45 5 Newport T.C. > Wells & springs Good. Llanhennock - - 1,473 198 44 Do. Fair and adequate. Llanmartin - 1,123 164 33 Tin finrwl Llanvaches - - : 2,093 256 54 11 Newport T.C. 1 U ' VTOl-W I. Llanwem 716 25 6 1 Do. - - - Reen & Monks Pill Fair and adequate. Magor - 1,899 473 108 93 (}. W. Railway Co. (bulk) - Wells, springs & Good and plentiful. rain-water. Nash ... 2,554 291 60 Reens St. rainwater Indifferent k inadequate. Penhow - 1,843 244 50 4 Newport T.C. Wells i: springs - Good. Redwick 2,488 206 50 48 G. W. Railway Co. (bulk) - Wells & rainwater Good and plentiful. Tredunnock - 1,366 136 35 Wells & springs - Fair and adequate. Whitson 1.086 90 17 Reens & rainwater Indifferent Jt inadequate. Wilcrick 437 29 7 Wells & springs - Fair. Monmouth R.D. : Cwmcarvan - 3.1 K 13 224 55 Dingestow 1,972 190 46 Uixton Newton 2,093 136 34 12 Monmouth Gas and Water- works Co., Ltd. Llandeuny 2.302 362 85 ^ Wells & springs Good Llandogo 1,801 531 138 46 Llandogo P.C. Llangattock Vibon Avel. 1,313 415 97 30 Lord Llangattock - Llangoven 1,898 UK 24 Llanishcn 1,575 184 47 Do. Fairlv good. Llantilio Crossenny 6,162 ,->38 130 ' Llanvihangel 1.862 145 SO Do. Good. Y stern Lewern. ii. MONMOUTHSHIRE. 693 County, District and Parish. "l. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of I'ndcrtakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where ther Sources of Supply. 7. e is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Pipi'd Service. 5. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Monmouthshire cunt. Monmouth R.D. I'tnit . Mitchel Troy - 1,970 310 70 Wells .V: springs Part not good. Pare Grace Dieu - 388 15 2 Do. Good. Pcnallt - Penrh&s 2,878 2,690 414 228 106 "i Do. Fairly good. Pen y Clawdd - 796 63 14 Wells, springs & Doubtful and part in- rain-water. adequate. Raglan - - - 4.091 610 169 in ('onimiftsinnursofH.M.Wiiodsfcc. Wells & springs - Good. Rocklield - - 1,847 247 58 Do. Very good. SI. Maugliaiis - 1,32'J 190 88 | Skenfrith i.ssr, 442 109 11 Skeufrith P.O. Do. Good. Trcgare - 2.410 280 57 1 Trelleck 5,001 049 172 Do. Fairly good, but distant from some houses. Tivllwk 'I'ciwn .,00 104 22 Do. Fairly good. Wonastow 1,015 . 120 2.-, Do. Good. Pontypool R.D. : Glascoed 1.749 211 49 Goytre - 3,348 706 170 Gwehelog 2,659 283 71 Gwernesney - 515 40 11 Kemeys Commander 508 00 14 Llanbadoe 3,460 467 111 30 1'sk Waterworks Co., Ltd. Llandi'gveth - 799 79 19 Llanfreehfa Lower Llangeview - 2.220 1.404 I, IK! 1 15 384 39 16 Pontypool R.U.C. - } Wells & springs Good and adequate. Llangibby 4.489 110 99 Llanllowell - 800 59 18 Llantlicwy Yach - 1,306 146 86 Llantrissent - 2.757 220 52 ^^ Mamhilad 2.031 491 93 Motikswood - 1.120 118 25 Trostrev 1,980 157 33 j St. Mellbns R.D. : Bettws - 1.133 92 20 1 Newport T.C. Wells & springs Good and adequate. Coedkernew - 709 179 36 Do. Fair, but limited. Duffryn Graig - 1,950 2.624 284 1,150 56 230 157 Newport T.C. Do. Good and plentiful. Henhys- 2,663 :i)7 70 3 Do. ... Do. Good & generallyadequate. Maohcn Lower 1.203 212 42 14 St. Mellons R.D.C. i Malpas - 985 685 137 109 Newport T.C. 1 Do. Good and plentiful. Marshtield - - 1,273 592 120 103 St. Mellons R.D.C. 1 Micliaclstonv Vedw 1,093 194 50 Do. Good and adequate. Peterstone " Went- 2.086 125 27 24 St. Mellons R.D.C. - 1 lloog. UML' 1.175 51 270 i ~I_ > Wells it springs Hirnant Llandrinio 4.176 3,H92 208 713 47 174 Wells, springs ,V j-Godd and adequate. River Severn. Llandysilio - Llanerfyl 3.277 15,17:. 569 567 139 131 Wells A; springs J Llanfair Caercinion 16,685 1,806 476 153 Llanfyllin R.D.C. - Do. Good. Llanfechain - 4,525 588 151 1 Llanfihangel yng 10,831 661 157 5 Llanfyllin U.D.C. - Ngwynfa. Llangadfan - 17.098 782 186 Llangyniew - 4,676 420 98 Llangynog 13,091 518 156 54 Llanfyllin R.U.C. - Llanrhaiadr ym Mochnant. 10,068 795 223 35 Llanr'haiadrym Mochnant Jt. Committee. J- Wells ii springs Good and adequate. LlansantfEraid Dey- 2,816 465 91 thur. Llansantffraid Pool 3,471 684 203 Llanwddyn - 17,953 365 86 Meifod - 12,926 1,262 332 Pennant 2,193 351 100 , Machynlleth R.D.: Caereinion Fechan 2.128 92 23 ^ Cemmaes 13,200 730 179 Darowen 10,194 667 168 Isygarreg 3,208 205 69 f- Wells, springs Good and adequate. Llanbrynmair 23,127 1,102 268 iV: rain-water Llanwrin 12,064 517 120 Penegoes 13,058 557 139 ._. J Pennal (Mer.) 8,814 430 119 Wells and springs Good, but wells liable' to pollution ; some distant from houses. Uwchygarreg 10,583 261 59 Wells, springs & Good and adequate. rain-water. Ysgubor y coed 10,403 418 106 Wells and rain- Good and abundant. (Card.). water. Newtown and Llanidloes R.D. : Aberhafesp - 4,707 338 78 Wells and springs Fair. Bettws - 5,429 567 118 25 Richard Williams, Esq. - Wells Good. Carno - 11,004 749 179 1 Kerry - 21,654 1,683 385 54 Kerry Village Supply - Llandinam - 18,565 1,314 301 11 David Davies, Esq., M.P. Llangiirig 33,362 1,189 291 Llanidloes With- 15,694 990 253 out. Llanllugan - 6,729 311 68 ) Wells Wells - Satisfactory. Cagtlelythe - 2,587 141 34 Cathedral Close of 18 23 7 7 St. David's Water and Gas J _ St. David's. Co. PART II. PEMBROKESHIRE. 595 County, District mid Parish. 1. Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 8. No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers providing a Supply of Water. 6. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8 Pembrokeshire font . Haverfordwest R.D. -rout. Dale - 1,825 896 71 60 Col. R. V. Lloyd Philipps Fishguard South - 2,090 268 65 4 N'orth Pembrokeshire Water Wells - atisfactory. and Gas ( '< i. Krcystro]) 1,619 330 76 Do. atisfactory, but inade- quate. Granston 1,711 11 !l 32 Hamlet of St. 1,842 210 46 Hartin. Hamlet of St. 728 128 29 Thomas. Haroldstou St. 1,103 217 40 . Issells. Harroldston West - 1.761 125 29 Hasguird 1,478 103 19 Hayficastle 4,587 SOX 68 Henry's Moat 3.216 230 56 Ilerbandsron - 1,434 303 57 Hubberston - !)70 244 50 Johnston 1,295 272 51 Jordanston 1,918 145 31 Lambston 1,818 193 43 Letterston 2.292 598 152 Little Newcastle - 2,758 189 50 Llandeloy 1,908 196 44 Llanfair Nant y Gi'>f 2.li20 138 31 Llangwm 1,919 836 201 180 Haverfordwest K.D.C. - Llanhowell - 1,418 31 28 Llanllaiver 1.245 71 18 Llanreithan - 1,739 142 31 . I.lanrian 3.801 935 226 Llanstinan 1,569 141 37 Llanwiula 5,853 2,612 533 395 North Pembrokeshire Gas and Water Co. ' Llanychaer - 8,089 117 21 Manorowen - Marloes- 1,278 2,578 212 345 40 79 z ~ Wells - Satisfactory. Matliry - 7,283 563 146 Morvil - 2,603 110 22 Nolton - 1,548 142 29 North Prendergast 976 165 41 Pontfaeu 686 53 9 Pimehestiin - 1,788 203 51 33 Representatives of the late Percy Arden. Robostoa West 1,110 127 27 Roch - 4,521 399 96 Rudbaxton 4,255 419 99 St. Bride's 1,700 155 30 St. David's - 11.246 1.644 437 139 St. David's Water and Gas Co. St. 1)02 well's - 3,418 306 66 St. Edren's - 952 78 19 St. Elvis 440 8 3 St. Ishmaol's - 3,124 ' 106 98 St. Lawrence 1,862 158 36 . St. Nicholas - 2,1*2 199 48 Spittal - 2,803 332 79 Steynton 6,294 1,338 260 31 B. G. Johns, Esq. - Talbenny 1,517 215 44 Treffgarne - 1,213 85 20 Uzmaston 2.077 1S4 15 Walton, East, 2,070 161 40 Wai I on, West 1,334 351 91 70 ) Haverfordwest R.D.C. - ) Mrs. A. E. Colborne - WaUvyn's Castle - 3,21)7 316 67 Whitchurch - 3,177 698 202 . Wiston - 7,186 640 143 Llanfyrnach R.D. Capri Colman 777 155 37 ] Castellao '.121 158 39 Clydey - Llanfyrnach - 8.280 6,359 850 925 231 262 . > Springs anc wells. Good and fairly sufficient. Penrydd 2,174 145 41 . West Cilrhcdyn 2,193 189 38 J Narberth R.D. : Am roth 2,691 641 163 Begelly - 2,523 472 97 Bletherston - 2,398 192 41 Clarbeston 1,668 151 32 . Coedcanlag - 843 80 17 Criuow - 356 60 12 Crunwear 1,703 179 45 )- Wells & spring Good ; scarce in summer East Williamston 1,454 421 96 at Crunwear. Grondre 222 106 23 Jeffreston 2,358 376 106 Llampeter Velfrey 5,788 912 218 Llanddewi Velfrey 4,028 472 113 Llandilo 1,171 73 19 J Qq 2 590 RETURN AS TO WATER SUPPLIES. County, District anil Parish. 1 Area in Acres. 2. Popula- tion, 1911. 3. No. of Houses. Names of I'ndertakers providing a Supply of Water. ti. Where there is no Piped Service. Total. 4. Supplied from Piped Service. 5. Sources of Supply. 7. Nature and Sufficiency of Supply. 8. Pembrokeshire mat. Narberth R.D. i'n/lf. Llandisilio West - 1,737 *23 107 Llanfallteg West - 490 57 15 Llangan West 201 24 4 Llangolman - 2.941 264 66 Llanycefn 2,725 292 68 Llawhaden - 4.610 431 10!) Llysyfran 1.19:, 138 34 Loveston 1,24'J 71 15 Ludcburch - 1.648 189 40 Maenclochog - 2.459 367 101 Mart let wy 3,331 351 81 Minweer Slounton 1.95 339 44 17 8 4 z i J- Wells & springs Good. Mynachlogddu 6,089 386 !)6 Narberth Nortli - 3,007 370 103 Narbeth South 8,116 (66 127 i New Moat 3,123 284 57 Newton North Ho!) 31 B Beynalton 527 61 15 Robeston Wathen - 1,425 230 58 . St. Issells 3,787 1,887 at 100 Saundersfoot Water Committee Slebech - - . 4,i75 336 71 Vorlau - 403 30 6 . Yerbeston 1,252 79 18 J Pembroke R.D. : Angle - 2,319 519 106 70 Col. R. VV. B. Mirehouse Wells, springs, & Fair. rain-water. Bosherston 1,664 134 30 30 Trustees of Earl Cawdor Burton - 3,472 983 252 1 Wells, springs. Fair Carew ... 5,160 712 180 . - & rain- water. Castlemartin - 4,811 293 60 60 Trustees of Earl Cawdor Cosheston 2,008 517 135 Gumfreston - 1,653 3 16 Hodgeston 735 57 10 Hundleton 4,030 584 165 Lamphey 1,991 268 67 24 C. Mathias, Esq. - Lawrenny 2,503 239 56 28 F. L. Phillips, Esq. Llanstadwell - 2,830 1,070 261 Manorbier 3.623 603 160 [Wells, springs, Fair. Nash - 598 96 23 it rain-water. Penally - 2,465 466 99 Pwllcrochan - 1,712 137 30 Redberth 30* 87 22 Rhoscrowther 2.391 135 28 Rosemarket - 1,739 379 105 St. Florence - 2,528 320 77 38 T. John. Esq. J St. Petrox 1,000 104 19 19 i St. Twynnells 1,418 130 31 31 ; Trustees of Earl Cawdor Stackpole Elidor - 2,993 231 54 54 1 Tenby St. Mary Out Liberty. Upton - 1,417 338 142 19 40 4 ( Wells, springs, I & rain-water. Fair. Warren - - - 1,211 109 24 24 Trustees of Earl Cawdor St. Dogmells R.D. : Bayvil - Bridell - 1,351 2,219 71 225 21 63 i Wells & springs Good and adequate. Cilgerran 2,690 940 284 9 St. Dogmells R.D.C. - Do. Good, but inadequate. Dinas - 2,545 673 224 162 Do. Eglwyswrw - 3,701 367 88 . Llanfair Nant Gwyn 1,694 166 37 Llanfihangel Pen- 2,454 301 69 Do. Good and adequate. bedw. Llantood 1,843 167 42 Llanychlwydog 2,315 127 34 . J Manordeifi 4,443 606 175 Do. Good, but inadequate. Meline ... 4,499 302 85 i Monington 1,028 51 14 ( Moylgrove 2,489 300 103 36 St. Dogmells R.D.C. Do. Good and adequate. Nevern - 14,735 952 274 1 Newport St. Dogmells Rural 4,503 3,844 1,148 1,230 454 402 268 St. Dogmells R.D.C. [ Springs - j Wholesome and plentiful, I but distant from houses. Whitechurch - 2,519 256 70 Wells A: springs - Good and adequate. RADNORSHIRE. Knighton U.D. - Llandrindod Wells U.D. 3,664 | 1,509 l,88t 2,779 420 504 387 495 Knighton XJ.D.C. - ( Llandrindod Wells U.D.C. - ) Capt. J. M. Gibson Watt Wells it springs - Wells - Satisfactory. Good and abundant. Do. Satisfactory and adequate. Presteigrne U D. - 2,994 1,14] 308 142 Presteigne Water Co., Ltd. - Springs River Lugg - Liable to pollution. Liable to pollution and doubtful. PART II. RADNORSHIRE. 597 County, Area in Popula- No. of Houses. Names of Undertakers Where there is no Piped Service. 1 Supplied I'isi rid and Parish. Acres. tion. Kill. Total. from Piped Service. providing a. Supply of Water. Sources of Supply. Nat ure and Sufficiency of Supply. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. Radnorshire '""' Colwyn R.D. : Aberedw 4,861 211 43 . Bettws Dissert h 1,936 85 17 Cregrina 1,947 78 18 1) i s ser t h and 8,768 486 87 Trecoed. Llanbadarn y Gar- 1 .222 31 S Llandrindod Rural 2,322 283 47 4 Llandrindod Wells U.D.C. - } Wells li springs Good and adequate. Llanehvedd - 1,992 459 130 70 ( L. and N. W. Railway Co. '( Builth Wells U.D.C. - Llanfavedd - 2,251 130 26 Llansaintfndd in 4,717 217 50 Elvel. i Rbulen - 1.572 59 14 J Knighton R.D. : Beguikly 16,737 7H3 188 Wells, springs ") and river. Bleddfa 4,139 174 45 1 Cascob - 2,827 51 11 Disciied - 906 70 1!) Heyop . - - 1,811 158 38 _ )> Wells & springs Litton and Cascob 1.190 .V.I 14 Llanamio 5.900 217 46 Llanbadarn Fynydd 10,335 451 95 _ Llanbister 14,529 651 140 1 . Fair. Llanddewi Vstra- 7,905 378 77 dinny. ; Wells, springs Llantiliangel Rby- 6,948 S22 82 and river. ditlion. J Llangunllo - 7,635 176 ICO 1 Norton - 3,178 271 60 | Pilleth - 1,887 113 22 > Wells & springs Stanago 2,383 165 35 ' Whitton 1,564 104 23 J New Radnor R.D.: Colva - 4,362 118 24 . 1 Ednol - 1,182 36 6 Evenjobb 2,969 245 58 Gladestry 3.852 249 63 Glascvvm 8,793 269 62 Harpton and Wolf- 1,462 115 25 pits. Kinnerton, Salford 2,281 164 37 and Badland. Llandegley - 5,241 271 80 Llanflhangel Nant Melan. 8,644 138 26 Wells & springs Satisfactory. Miehaelchurch on 2,158 90 20 Arrow. Newclmrch - 1,838 97 19 New Radnor - 3,416 386 92 64 New Radnor P.C. '- Old Radnor and 2,040 341 87 _ Burlingjobb. Trewern and Gwai- 2,396 89 15 thla. " Walton and Wo- 1,259 15(1 40 maston. j Painscastle R.D. : Boughrood Bryngwyn 1,723 4,587 217 194 .",11 40 11 Capt. W. de. Winton Springs & well i R. H. Baskerville, Esq. / Clyro - 7,370 647 150 54 Capt. J. M. Gibson Watt & ^Springs - Glasbury 2,863 494 130 15 ( other property owners. Capt. W. de Winton and other } Springs and well property owners. !>Gocd and sufficient. Llanbedr Pains- 3,800 158 40 13 Capt. W. de Winton - ' castle. Llanddewifach Llandeilo Graban - 2,167 3,117 75 207 20 50 Springs - Llanstephan - 2.334 119 25 Llowes - 3,423 222 65 - Rhayader R.D. : Abbey Cwmhir 11,345 379 90 1 Ce.fnllys Rural 3,956 151 40 Llansantffraid 32,172 602 240 Cwmdeuddwr. Llanbadarnfawr - Llanfihangel He- 3,871 1,470 549 94 130 20 z Springs - Satisfactory and sufficient. lygen. Llanwrthwl (Brec.) 20.169 411 94 13 Birmingham T.C. - Llanyre 5,915 794 175 105 Rhayader R.D.C. - Nantmel 16,934 1,042 260 J Rhayader St. Harmon 194 15,383 961 626 321 170 321 Rhayader R.D.C. - Springs Satisfactory wu,l sufficient. Qq a 598 RETURN AS TO WATER. SUPPLIES : ADDENDA. Conway Eural District Council. Supplies part of parish of Caerhun (Conway R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring at Roewen Village. The average daily quantity of water available is 12,960 gallons. Works. Water is filtered. Reservoir : Near Roewen, 250 gallons. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Occasional examination. Analyst remarks (28th July 1911) that this is a good water. Soft, but no action on lead. Wilton Rural District Council. Supplies part of the parish of Fovant (Wilton R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from Greensand at Fovant. The average daily quantity of water available is 7,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. DEVONSHIRE. Mrs. Cornish Bowden. Supplies part of parish of Diptford (Totnes R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from slate at Diptford. The average daily quantity of water available is 600 gallons. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. C. Hellyer, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Marldon (Totnes R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from limestone at Compton. The average daily quantity of water available is 20,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Plentiful. Quality of Water. Good. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Lord Vaux of Harrowden. Supplies part of parish of Great Harrowden (Wellingborough R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from ironstone at Great Harrowden. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoirs : Great Harrowden, (a) 10,000 gallons, (b) tank, 300 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Satisfactory. RUTLANDSHIRE. Earl of Ancaster. Supplies parishes of (1) Empingham (part) and (2) Normantoii (Oakham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Northampton Sand (1) near Empingham, (2) nearNormanton. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 10,000 gallons, (2) 5,000 gallons. Works. Water from (1) only is filtered. Reservoirs : Empingham, 50,000 gallons. Large tanks at Normanton. Pressure is suilicient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Soft, but no action on lead. Earl of Gainsborough. Supplies parts of parishes of (1) Cottesmore, (2) Exton, and (3) Whitwell (Oakham R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Springs from Northampton Sand (1) near Cottesmore, (2) near Exton, and (3) near Whitwell. The average daily quantity of water derived from each source is, respectively, (1) 5,000 gallons, (2) 7,500 gallons, /O\ o r\r\f\ 11 * ' (3) 3,000 gallons. Works.- -No filtration. Reservoir : (1) Small tank near Cottesmore. Pressure is sufficient. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good. Soft, but no action on lead. ADDENDA. 599 SURREY. C. Heath, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Capel (Dorking R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Two springs from Lower Greensand at Coldharbour Common. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : Capel, 3.500 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, and soft. SUSSEX, WEST. H. G. Reckitts, Esq. Supplies part of the parish of Compton (Westbourne R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Well in Chalk at Compton Farm. The average daily quantity of water available is 5,000 gallons. Works. No nitration. Reservoir : Compton, 30,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. -Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. WILTSHIRE. G. Wilder, Esq. Supplies parish of Easton Grey (Malmesbury R.D.). Sources of Supply (Nature and Sufficiency). Spring from rock at Easton Grey. Yield not known, but the supply is unlimited. Works. No filtration. No reservoir. Quantity of Water supplied. Adequate. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. J. Young, Esq. Supplies part of parish of Fisherton de la Mere (Wilton R.D.). Sources of Supply 'Nature and Sufficiency.) Well in Chalk on the Downs near Fisherton de la Mere. Yield not known. Works. No filtration. Reservoir : On the Downs, 25,000 gallons. Quantity of Water supplied. The daily average is 3,000 gallons. Supply is constant. Quality of Water. Good, but hard. 02494 3V2. 3 3 b x /f/f UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY