GIFT or 1 r C^<^ C^M4 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation A COMPLETE SYSTEM OP LATIN PROSODY; FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, AND PRIVATE LEARNERS; ON A PLAN ENTIRELY NEW: BY PATRICK S. CASSERLY, Formerly Principal of the Chrestomathic Institution ,«and Aythoi of " A Translation of Jacobs' Greek Reader;" of "A New Literal Traftsfatidh Of Longinus on the Sublime ;" of " The Little Garden of Rose?,r,nd VtfflejJ of Lilies," from the original Latin of Thomas a Kempis, &c, &c. SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND IMPROVED. Scandere qui nescis, versiculos laceras. — Claudian. NEW YORK: WILLIAM E. DEAN, No. 2 ANN STREET. 1847. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1847, BY WILLIAM E. DEAN, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. QQa^^^AVwxa^ v STEREOTYPED BY THOMAS B. SMITH 516 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK TO THE KEY. JAMES R. BAYLEY, A.M., VICE PRESIDENT OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, NEW YORK, THIS LITTLE WORK, INTENDED TO FACILITATE AN ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE BEAUTIES OF THE LATIN LANGUAGE, IS DEDICATED, AS A TOKEN OF ESTEEM, BY THE AUTHOR. 50401 PREFACE. Among the most highly polished nations, whether of ancient or of modern times, a knowledge of Latin Prosody has ever been re- garded as a qualification, indispensable to every one claiming the reputation of a classical scholar. And, considering the intimate connexion subsisting between the knowledge of a learned language, — particularly of one so marvellously metrical as the Latin, — and that of its Prosody, this cannot seem strange : because without the latter, the former is, in some degree, unattainable, or at least imperfect. With the single exception of the Greek, probably no language in the world can boast a versification, approximating that of the stately Roman. In beauty, sweetness, and melody, it is unrivalled : — in the admirable arrangement of its vowels and consonants, it is the perfection of art: — while the harmonious and ever varying re- currence of long and short syllables (in strict accordance with the nicest principles of music), has rendered Latin verse, for more than two thousand years, the purest standard of rhythmical and poetic excellence. To the most casual observer, then, it must be evident, that a knowledge of the Prosody regulating the accentuation as well as the pronunciation of this rich, majestic, and mellifluous tongue, is, with the classical scholar, not merely a matter of choice but of necessity. No one certainly can pretend to fully understand a language which he cannot correctly read : but no one can read the sonorous and musical language of ancient Rome, without a thorough ac- quaintance with its Prosody; it thence follows that a knowledge of the latter is indispensable to a proper understanding of the for- mer: yet how many are found among those calling themselves classical scholars, who can scarcely read a page in Virgil or Ho- race, much less of Homer, without perpetrating as many Prosodial blunders as there are lines — yea words — in the page ! Why is this? Why of all countries in the world, should the United States, with the reputation of possessing the greatest number of colleges in 1* VI PREFACE. proportion to the population, suffer the imputation of producing the worst Prosodians 1 Because in the United States, of ail coun- tries of the world, the Prosody of the learned languages has not received the attention which its importance demanded, or the more finished classical studies of other countries required of either pro- fessors or students. Another cause consequent on this — the gene- ral incompetence of teachers to impart a proper knowledge of its rules or their application, has probably proved more injurious to this branch of classical literature, than any other;— in numberless instances amounting to its partial neglect or even total desuetude: for men too often affect to despise or undervalue what they can- not appreciate or do not understand. From these and various other causes,* not forgetting that too operative, utilitarian, cui bono prin- ciple, which bears so powerful a sway over all studies and pursuits on this side of the Atlantic, the cultivation of this elegant acquire- ment has never received a due share of encouragement in the Uni- ted States. With the exception of two treatises by Professor Anthon, there has been no work deserving of the name, published in this country. One of these, however, was little more than a republication of the well known work written in Latin by the learned Jesuit Alvarez ; with a translation of the rules and some few trifling corrections, and improvements : the other recently published, if not a more useful is a far more elaborate production ; every way creditable to Professor Anthon's high reputation as a profound scholar and an accom- plished Prosodian. But to the compiler as well as to many other classical teachers, this latter, although a work of great merit and laborious research, has always appeared defective in two great essentials; viz., com- prehensive brevity and educational permanency, both in its details and mode of teaching. First, in "comprehensive brevity 1 ' — a quali- ty indispensable to all elementary works — the rules and examples are divided, broken up, and scattered into portions so far apart, that before the pupil has arrived at the end of the rule and examples, the commencement is not unfrequently forgotten: 2nd, in "educational permanency" — a quality of paramount necessity to the pupil, — the mode adopted of giving the rules in English only, and in isolated paragraphs or sentences, often too loosely paraphrased — is not cal- culated to leave a permanent impression on the memory : which re- quires the objects presented for its retention, in a form more tangi- ble as well as more impressible. Here the superiority of Latin Rules is manifest, — presenting within the shortest space, in regular Hexameter verse, and in form calculated to leave an indelible impression on the mind of the Learner * Enumerated in the course of the work. PREFACE. Vil ■ — all that is requisite for the clear understanding of each rule and its various exceptions. To attempt in any other way to teach Latin Prosody soundly, and with a view to permanent retention, must, in the vast majority of cases, ever prove abortive: and in the course of the compiler's experience, for more than twenty years as a teacher of classics, as well in Europe as in America, he has never met a good Prosodian, who had not been taught in this manner — by rules brief but com- prehensive, written in Latin Hexameter verse, with (or without) a translation in the vernacular. In the compilation of the present work, the author has taken care to adapt it to either method — that of teaching Latin Prosody by Latin rules only or by English: whereas the translation appended to each rule will suit the purpose of those who may prefer the lat- ter ; so that the advocates of either can adopt that of his choice, or, following the crede-experto advice of the compiler, make use of both united. The plan of the work is, nevertheless, different from any hitherto published ; and, as it is believed, an improvement on all preceding compilations, whether in Europe or in America. Wishing to ren- der it as easy and as intelligible as possible to the tender capacity of youth, as well as to raise it by regular gradation to the capacity and comprehension of the more advanced, the compiler has. — after giving each rule in Latin Hexameter verse, followed in a sufficiently lite- ral translation, — 1st, exemplified not only the rule, but its various exceptions and observations by single words only, without at this stage embarrassing the student by examples in Hexameter or any other kind of verse ; 2ndly, he has given Promiscuous Examples — still by single words — for exercising the learner in the rule under consideration as well as on all the preceding rules without antici- pating any subsequent; 3rdly, he has, for each rule, exception and observation, given Examples in Composition, or in combination of feet — Hexameter* throughout (save in two or three unavoidable in- stances); and 4thly, after the pupil will have, in this manner, gone through not only the' Rules of Quantity, but the Figures of Proso- dy, and the sections treating of Metre, Versification, and the Differ- ent Kinds of Verse, the compiler has given at the end a Supplement or Recapitulation, containing Examples of all the Rules of Quan- tity, Figures of Prosody, and Different Kinds of Verse, requisite to test the pupil's progress at the conclusion of the work. In the text, little has been admitted not pertinent to the rule un- der consideration ; in order that the student having nothing to un- settle his eye or distract his attention, may afterwards more profit- * Any other species, until the pupil had read and studied the sections on Metre, Versification, and Different Kinds of Verse, being deemed anticipatory and irrelevant. Vlll PREFACE. ably peruse the illustrations, derivations, or remarks thrown into the notes in the margin. By the time the pupil has gone regularly through this work, if carefully directed by a judicious teacher, it may with all confidence be asserted that he will have acquired a better, more extended, and enduring knowledge of the subject than by any other compilation extant. And in order that this little trea- tise may, in every point of view, be regarded as complete, Stir- ling's excellent System of Rhetoric has been appended ; leaving nothing to be desired in the formation of the perfect Prosodian. The object of the compiler has been to collect within the shortest space, what his own experience had long felt to be a desideratum — A Compendious but Complete System of Latin Prosody; embracing all that is necessary to impart a correct knowledge of this elegant branch of classical study; — in one word, to constitute the easiest, the best, the most concise, and yet tlie most comprehensive Latin Proso- dy ever published. How far he has succeeded, remains with the public voice to de- termine. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. The sale of one large Edition and the urgent demand for an- other, in little more than twelve months, may be regarded as ample criteria not only of the popularity of the work itself but also of the growing taste of the public mind for a more accurate cultivation of Classical studies. In order to render it still further deserving of a patronage rarely awarded in this or indeed in any country to a work of the kind, the volume has been carefully revised and corrected through- out; — many false quantities, which had escaped observation in the first edition, have been rectified, and some useful additions in- corporated. By the experienced Teacher, the elegant Scholar, and the curious Student, these improvements will, it is presumed, be duly appreciated. To the Heads of Colleges, Schools, and Academies, by whom his Complete System of Latin Prosody has been introduced and adopted in their respective Institutions, the Author tenders his thanks, and hopes that the care manifested in the preparation of this second Edition, — now stereotyped, will be received as a proof of no illaudable anxiety to deserve a continuance of a patronage already so liberally extended. PATRICK S. CASSERLY. New York : November, 1846. f^ 3 A Second Part on Latin Versification, comprehending a plain and easy method of constructing Latin Hexameters, Penta- menters, Iambics, and other kinds of verse, is in course of pre- paration. A copious Index to both First and Second Parts will be given at the conclusion. PROSODY. SECTION I. Prosody* is that part of grammar, which treats of —1st. Accent ; 2d. The Length or Quantity of Syllables , 3d. The correct Pronunciation of Words : 4th. The dif- ferent species of Verse ; and 5th. The Rules of Metrical Composition. Letters are divided into vowels and consonants. The vowels are six: A, E, I, O, U, Y. From these are formed nine diphthongs : M, AI, AU, EI, EU, (E, YI, 01, UI ; as in Prcemium, Maia, Aurum, Hei, Europa, Pasna, Harpyia, Troia, Quis. Some of these, however^ are not, strictly speaking, proper diphthongs. Consonants are divided into mutes and semivowels. The mutes are eight: B, C, D,G, K,P, Q, T. The semi- vowels are likewise eight : F, L, M, N, R, S, X, Z. Of these semivowels, four, viz. L, M, N, R, are called liquids, because they easily flow into, or, as it were, liquify with, other letters! or sounds. F before the liquids L and R has the force of a mute. Two of the semivowels are also called double letters, X and Z : the X being equiva- lent to CS, GS, or KS ; and Z having the force of DS or SD. The letter H is not regarded in prosody as a letter or consonant, but as a mere aspirate or breathing. The letters I or J, and II or V placed before vowels, are regarded as consonants : as, Janua, Jocus, Vita, Vultus. * From two Greeks words irpo^ " according to," and wSrj, " song or mel- ody." t With the mutes; for instance, when preceding them in the same syllable. 2 ACCENT. U generally loses its force after Q, and sometimes after G and S ; as Aqua, Lingua, Suadeo : — being, in some measure, absorbed by, or liquified into, the letter preceding. It sometimes, however, retains its force ; as, Exiguus. SECTION II. OF ACCENT.* Accents in Latin were little marks placed over words to direct or distinguish the tone or inflection of the voice in pronunciation. During the flourishing state of the language, these tones or inflections were not marked in books ; because the Romans, to whom usage and practice had made them at once both natural and familiar, did not require the aid of any such accentual guidance to the proper enunciation of their native tongue :—Exempla eorum tradi scripto non possunt — says Quintilian. They w r ere invented in after times to fix the pronunciation and render its acquisition easy to foreigners. Of these accents there were three; viz., the acute, marked thus ('), — the grave, thus ( N ) — and the circumflex, thus ( A ) ; being the junction of the other two. The acute w r as also called aqaig, because it elevates the syllable, as, dominus ; the grave — which is in reality the absence or privation of accent — is called &eoig, because it sinks or depresses the syllable ; as docte ;t while the circumflex both elevates and depresses it : as, amare. These accents being invented solely to mark the tone, elevation or depression of the voice, were not regarded as signs of the quantity of syllables whether long or short. In modern typography they have — an occasional * From accc7itum, wh. fr., u I sing to." or K in concert with." * The last syllable of Latin words (in dissyllables, &c.,) never admits the acute or circumflex, unless for the sake of distinction between words similar in orthography but different in meaning : as ergo, " on account of." to distinguish it from ergo, " therefore ;" or pone, " behind," from pone, the imperative mood of pdno. The grave is however supposed to be placed oyer the last syllable of all words, dissyllables, &c, not thus excepted. ACCENT. use of the circumflex excepted— been long generally- omitted ; yet as the reading or the recitation of the Latin language 'is, (or at least ought to be,) in some degree, regulated by their influence whether marked or not, it it has been considered necessary to give a few short rules for their application. MONOSYLLABLES : 1. If long by nature, are always supposed to have a circumflex; as, flos, spes, 6s (oris), a, x: — if short by- nature or long by position, they are considered to have an acute • as, vir, 6s, (ossis,) fax, mens. DISSYLLABLES *. 2. Having the first syllable long by nature and the second short, have the circumflex on the first ; as, Roma,, floris, luna : — but if the first syllable is short by nature or long by position, it takes the acute ; as, homo, parens, insons. POLYSYLLABLES : 3. With the penultimate long and the ultimate short, require a circumflex on the former ; as, Romanus, Impe- rator, Justinianus. If both penultimate and ultimate be long, the penultimate takes the acute ; as, parentes, amaverunt ; — if the penultimate be short, then the antepenultimate* has the acute; as, dominus, homines, Virgilius. Exception. \y"ords compounded with enclitics, such * No mark or accent in Latin can be placed farther back than the antepenul- timate ; because if three, four, or more syllables were to follow the accent, — as, perficeremus, Constantinopolis — they would come so huddled or confusedly heaped on one another, as to be undistinguishable in cadence, by the ear : which, as Cicero remarks, cannot well determine the accent unless by the last three syllables of a word, in the same way as it determines the harmony of a period, by the last three words in the sentence. 2 4 QUANTITY. as the particles, que, ne, ve, and some prepositions, as cum, most commonly throw the accent on the last sylla- ble preceding the adjunct particle or preposition ; as, dmat, — when followed by an enclitic — becomes amdtque, so also, lackrymdnsve, probetne ; nobis becomes nobiscum, quibuscum, &c. Observation. It may, nevertheless, admit of some doubt, if this exception can hold good, unless where the penultimate is long ; for instance in this line from Ovid — Pronaque cum spectent animalia ccetera terram — the accent must fall on the first, not on the last, syllable of Prona, contrary to the commonly received opinion on the power of the enclitics to attract the accent. Various similar examples abound in the classics. The foregoing are the only rules for accentuation, as laid down by the old Roman grammarians, that have reached our times, and which can, with any regard to classical accuracy or elegance, be safely recommended to the attention of the student. As to the barbarous practice of attempting to anglicise the venerable and majestic languages of Greece and Rome, by reading them according to the laws and principles of modern English accent, it is so absurd in the inception, so sub- versive of all beauty, melody, and accuracy in recitation of the classic authors, and so utterly destructive of all distinction between accent and quantity, as to deserve universal reprobation. SECTION III. OF THE QUANTITY OF SYLLABLES. Quantity is distinct from accent though not inconsistent with it. The former denotes the period of time occupied in pronouncing a syllable ; the latter is used to signify a QUANTITY. 5 peculiar tone, as above described, by which one syllable in a word is distinguished from the rest. The one is length or continuance, whether long or short, the other is elevation or depression of sound, or both.* The length or quantity of a syllable then is the dura- tion of time occupied in pronouncing it. A syllable is either short, long, or common. The length or quantity of syllables is marked, as in the word amalb ; of which the first syllable is sbort, the second long, and the third common. A short syllable is pronounced rapidly; as, concido, legere. A long syllable is pronounced slowly ; as, concido, seddre. Hence, in the language of prosodians, a short syllable is said to have one time and a long sylla- ble, two times. A common or doubtful syllable is that * In the great majority of the Classical Institutions throughout the United States, it is to be regretted, that the practice of reading the ,aucient authors according to accent alone — not, however, the accent of the^ld Romans, but modern English accent ! — instead of by quantity, prevails to an extent likely to prove injurious to the best interests of elegant literature. What, for instance, can be more irreconcilable to classical purity of taste or correctness, than to find in some of the most popular Latin grammars of the country, rules laid down in which the pupil is gravely instructed to pronounce the i in parietes and muUeres long ! because "it is accented and comes before another vowel!" — and the i in fides also long! because "it comes before a single consonant''! and this, although he (the pupil) must then, or shortly know, that, in accordance with the very first rule in Ins prosody, " A Vowel before a Vowel is short," and by another rule that " Derivatives must follow the quantity of their Primitives ;" and that in the entire Corpus Poetarum, he will not find a single instance in which the i in any of these words is otherwise than short ? Is it then a matter of wonder to find so few classical scholars in the United States taught in this preposterous manner, who can read a page of Homer or Virgil prosodially ? Their incompe- tence is the inevitable result of the perverted mode of teaching adopted ab limine : inconsiderately endeavoring to reduce the laws of a dead language which have been ascertained and fixed for centuries to those of a living and variable language whose very accentuation and pronunciation are yet in a state of transition; neither unchangeably fixed nor unalterably ascertained. Instead of rationally teaching their pupils to read the exquisitely beautiful and wonderfully metrical language of Greece or of Rome agreeably to its own laws and principles, as well of quantity as of accent, most of our cisatlantic Professors endeavor with more than Procrustean ingenuity (qu. cruelty ?) to stretch or shorten it to the shifting standard of their own immature and imperfect vernacular ! Would that these gentlemen were more observant of the advice given by the great Roman orator : — Atque ut Latine loquamur, non solum videndum est, ut et verba eiferamus ea quee nemo jure reprehendat ; et ea sic et casibus, et temporibus, et genere, et numero conservemus, ut nequid perturbatum ac discrepans aut praeposterum sit ; sed etiam lingua, et spiritus, et vocis sonus est ipse moderandus.— De Orat. lib. iii. 6 A VOWEL BEFORE A VOWEL. which in poetry is sometimes long and sometimes short ; as, italics or Italus, Papyrus or Papyrus, Vaticdnus or Vaticd?ius, &c. The quantity of syllables is determined either by es- tablished rules or the authority of the poets. The last syllable of a word is called the ultimate ; the last but one, the penultimate ; the last but two, the antepenulti- mate ; and the last but three, the prat-antepenultimate. RULE I. A Voivel before a Vowel. Vocalem breviant, alia subeunte, Latini. Produc, ni sequitur R,fio, et nomina quintae Quae geminos casus, E longo, assumunt in -ei, Verum E corripiunt^deique, speique, reique. -lus commune est vati, tamen excipe alius, Quod Crasisrtardat ; Pompei et caetera produc, Et primae patrium cum sese solvit in -at ; Protrahiturque eheu, sed w variatur et ohe. Nomina Gragcorum certa sine lege vagantur : Multa etenim longis, ceu Dlus, Dla, Thalia, Quaedam autem brevibus, veluti Symphonia, gaudent ; Quaedam etiam variant, veluti Diana, Diana. A vowel before another vowel or a diphthong, is short ; as. piier, patriot: or before h followed by a vowel; as, nihil. Exception 1. A vowel before a vowel is long in all the tenses of Jio ; as, flebam; unless where the vowel is followed by r, (or rather by er) ; &s,fierem* Excep. 2. The genitives and datives singular of the fifth declension make e long before i; as, diet: except * Carey in his translation of the Latin rule says — "when r follows, the i is usually short ; — and adduces five decisive examples where it is long: so that it may, in some degree, be regarded a3 common. In no species of Dactylic verse can it be ever found long. A VOWEL BEFORE A VOWEL. 7 the e in spei, rei, fidli. In the last two words, it is sometimes ong; as, rei, fidei. Excep. 3. Genitives in ius have the i long in prose, but common in poetry ; as, unius : the word alterius how- ever has the i always short ; alius always long — being formed by Crasis* from aliius. Excep. 4. Proper names, as, Caius, Pompeius, have the vowel a or e long before i : the a is also long in the old genitives and datives, aulai, terrai. Excep. 5. In ohe and Diana, the vowel in the first syllable is common : in eheu and lo [a proper name] it is long; but to the interjection, follows the general rule. Excep, 6. In many other words derived from the Greek, a vowel though immediately followed by another, is long ; as, Orion, air. IE? 5 Foreign or barbarous words introduced into the Latin language, are not subject to any invariable rule. Prudentius lengthens the first a in Baal, while Sedulius shortens it. Sidonius lengthens the penultimate vowel in Abraham, while Arator shortens it. Christian poets also make the a before e in Israel, Michael, Raphael, &c, &c, sometimes long, and sometimes short. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE BY SINGLE WORDS. On Rule: — Audii'sse, aurese, mihi : — On Exceptions: 1. Hunt, fierent; 2. speciei, diei ; 3. totlus, nulHus ; 4, Vultei'us, Grai'us, pictai; 5. ohe, eheu; 6. Clio, chorea. t EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule — Conscia mens recti fama mendacia ridet. Ovid. Musa, mihi causas memora; quo numine Iceso. Virg. Exc. T. Omnia jam fient, fieri quce posse negabam. Ovid. 2. Nunc adeo, melior quoniam pars acta diei. Virg. * Derived from xpams (fr. vspdeo, or Kspiwvin), " a mingling,"— in grammar— * a blending of two letters into one." t The e in chorea is common. 2* 8 DIPHTHONGS AND CONTRACTED SYLLABLES. Exc. 3. Navibus, infandum ! amissis, unites ob iram. Virg. 4. Aula'i in medio libabant pocula Bacchi. Id. 5. Exercet Diana ckoros, quam mille secutce. Id. 6. Parspedibusplaudunt choreas et carmina dicunt Id. RULE IT. Of Diphthongs and Contracted Syllables. Omnis diphthongus, contractaque syllaba longa est. Pra brevis est, si compositum vocalibus anteit. Every diphthong and syllable formed by contraction are long; as, durum, cogo [from co-ago]. Excep. Prai immediately before a vowel in a com- pound word, is generally short; as, pra>, aeutus. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE, BY SINGLE WORDS. On Ride : — iEneas, caelum, nemo [from nehemo] : — On Excep. Prse-ustus, pne-eunt. Promiscuous Examples on this and the preceding Rule. JEneas [2, 1 Gr.], vitse [2], meridiei [1, 1], f lemus [1], aonides [Gr. 1.], prsella [2, 1], fiiit [1], pne-eo [2], spei [1], junior — from juenior, wh. fr. juvenior — [2.] EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. En Priamus ! sunt hie etiam sua prlbmia laudi. Vir. Bis gravidos cogunt foetus, duo tempora messis. Id. Ex. Jamquenovi pr&eunt fasces, nova purjjur a fidget. Clau. RULE III. Of Position. Vocalis longa est, si consona bina sequatur, Aut duplex, aut / vocalibus interjectum. A vowel before two consonants in the same word or syllable, is long by position ;* as, terra. The same effect * That is, by being so situated; although naturally short. POSITION. 9 is produced by two consonants in different words ; as, per me : also when the vowel comes before a double conso- nant ; [x or z;] as, judex, gaza : or before the letter^'; as, major, hiijus.* Excep. 1. The compounds of jugum have the i short before j ; as bijugus, quadr'ijugus- Excep. 2. A short vowel at the end of a word, pre- ceding another word beginning with x or 2, remains short; as, litord Xerxes; nemorosa Zacynthos. Excep. 3. A short vowel at the end of a word, pre- ceding another vowel" beginning with sc, sm, sp, sq, st, scr, &c, sometimes remains short, but is generally made long ; as, unde sciat ; libera sponte ; scepe stylum — nefaria scripta ; compter e spatium ; gelida stabula. Observation. The letter h not being regarded in prosody as a letter, has no influence, either in the begin- ning, middle or end of a word, on the preceding short vowel ; as, adhuc : — nor at the beginning of a word, does it like a consonant, preserve the final vowel of the pre- ceding word from elision ; as, Icare haberes — where the final e of Icare is elided. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE, BY SINGLE WORDS. On Rule : — Mors, raptum, tendens, at pius ; pax, hori- zon— On Excep. Bijugis, jura Zaleucus, Agile studium. Promiscuous Examples. — Instaiirat [3, 2], intonuit [3, 1], hujus [3], posuisse [1, 3], Thalia [Gr. lL_faciei [1], erat mihi [3, 1], fieri [1], perfidia [3, 1], gaudia [2, 1], expertum [3, 3]. * Not because,;' is a double consonant, or indeed in this situation any consonant at all, but because joined with the preceding vowel, it constitutes a diphthong, both in pronunciation and quantity. Moreover, many words of this formation, which were originally written ami pronounced in three syllables, as hu-i-us, coalescing into dissyllables, the first syllable became a diphthong. J in any other situation is regardel as a consonant, and appears to have been pronounced by the Komana like y in English. 10 MUTE AND LIQUID. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule— L Sacra subsque tibi cbmmenddt Trbja penates. Virg. Sub jugajdm Seres, jam bdrbarus tsset Ar axes. Luc. Exc. 1. Centum quadrijugos o gitabo ad jluminacurrus. Vir. 2. Jam medio apparet fluctu nemorosd Zacynthos. Id. 3. Sapest.ylumvertas,iterumquadignalegisint. Hor. Ferte cifi ferrum ; date tela ; scandite muros. Vir. Obser. Oro, siquis adhuc precibus locus, exue rnentem. Id. Partem opere in tanto, sineret dolor Icare* haberes. Id. RULE IV. Of the Mute and Liquid, or Weak Position.^ Si mutam liquidamque simul brevis una praeivet, Contrahit orator, variant in carmine vates. A short vowel preceding a mute and a liquid — both in the following syllable — is common in poetry, but short in prose; as, dgris and dgris ; pdtrem and pdtrem; volucris and volucris. Observ. — This rule requires the concurrence of three circumstances; viz., 1st, the vowel must be naturally short ; thus because the a in pater is short by nature, the a in p'ltris is common ,t in accordance with the rule ; but the a in mdtris, acris, is always long, being long by nature in mater and deer; — 2d, the mute must pre- cede the liquid ; as, pharetra ; because if the liquid stand before the mute, the vowel preceding though natu- rally short, is always long; as, fert, fertis ; — 3d, both * E in Icare is elided. t Debllis Positio, as the position formed by a mute and a liquid, is called by Prosodians. t The lengthening of the vowel in poetry may be rendered more familiar to the youthful student, by causing him to pronounce the words in separate syllables ; thus pat-ris, integ-ra, pharet-ram ; so that the halt of the voice oroduced by throwing the consonants' into different syllables, must be counted into the time of the preceding syllable and will consequently render it long. DERIVATIVE WORDS. 11 mute and liquid must belong to the same syllable ; as, medio-cris, mulie-bris : because if the mute and liquid belong to different syllables, the preceding short vowel necessarily becomes long, by position ; as, db-luo, quambb-rem. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE, BY SINGLE WORDS. On Rule — Tenebrse, locuples, tonitrua ; — in poetry. On Observation — matres, fertis, art is. Promiscuous Examples — Sed dixit [3, 3], respublica [3, 3], virginese [3, 1, 2], majo? [3], eheu [1, 2], Calliopea [3, 1, Gr.] pitris [4], Proteu [2,] malo — fir. magis volo — [2J, aureum [2, 1], Araxes [3], ohe [1], praoptat [2, 3]. Note. A short vowel at the end of a word frequently remains short, although the next word should begin with two or three consonants ; as, fastidire : Strabonem. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule — Et primo similis volucri, mox vera volucris. Ovid. Natum ante orapdtris, patrem qui obtruncat ad aras. Vir. Obser. Pars leves humero pharetras, et pectore summo. Id. Dixit, et in sylvam pennis ablata refugit. Id. Note. Linquimus, insani ridentes prcemid scribe. Hor. RULE V. Of Derivative Words. Derivata, patris naturam, verba sequuntur. Mobilis etfomes, Interna ac regula, sides, Quanquam orta'e brevibus, gaudent producere primam : Corripiuntur arista, vddum, sopor atque lucerna, Nata licet longis. Usus te plura docebit. Words derived from others usually follow the nature or quantity of the words, whence they are formed ; as, 12 DERIVATIVE WORDS. dnimosus from animus, [but dnlmatusix. dnimd*] fdcun- dus from fdri, xrdcundus, from the obsolete verb iro, Irdre. Excep. 1. Mobilis, fbmes, laterna, regula, and sides have their first syllable long, although derived from words which have the same syllable short; viz., mo veo,foveo, Idteo, rego, and sedeo. Excep. 2. Crista, vddum, sopor and lucerna have their first syllable short although derived from areo, vddo, sopio, and litceo in which the first syllable is long. Familiarity with the classic writers will furnish more numerous ex- amples of these apparent anornalies.t Note. The entire class of verbs in urio called De- sideratives, have the u short, although derived from the future participle in urus, of which ihe penultima is inva- riably long ; as, esurit, camatiirit, scripturit : but indeed the derivative and compound words, that deviate from the quantity of their primitives, are too many to be enumerated and too unconnected to be reduced into classes. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. On Rule — Libido [fr. libet], licentia [fr. licet], lege- bam [fr. lego], legeram, legissem [fr. legi] : — On Excep. 1. Mobilis [fr. moveo], sedes [fr. sedeo] : — Excep. 2. Vadum [fr. vado], lucerna [fr. luceo] : — On Note. Par- turio [urus]. Promiscuous Examples. — Finitimus — fr. finis — [5], molestus — fr. moles — [5, 3] salubris — fr. salus, salutis [5, 4], genetrix [4, 3], iEaeEe [2], Eubcea [2], litania [5, * The distinction between animus and anima, although both derived from the same Greek origin, should be kept in view by the learner. Sapimus animo; fruimur anima ; sine animo, anima est debilis. t Many of these are, however, only apparent anomalies ; perhaps it might be gaid so of all, were we better acquainted with the early state of the Latin lan- guage and the forgotten dialects on which it was founded. Thus, instead of saying, that fdmes comes from f&veo, we should derive it from the supinefotu m ; formed by contraction and syncope from fovttum ; — so also, mobilis should be derived not from moveo but from motum ; formed in like manner from mbvlturn : and so of others COMPOUND WORDS. 13 ]], eximiee [3, 5, 1, 3], coherent [1, 2, 3], curulis — fr. ciicurri, perf. o/curro — [5]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule — Non formosus erat, sed erat fdcundus, Ulysses. Ov. Exc. 1. Sedibus optatis gemina super arbor e sidunt. Virg. Exc. 2. Alituum pecudumque genus, sopor alius habebat. Id. Note. Parturiunt monies, nascetur ridiculus mus. Hor. RULE VI. Of Compound Words. Legem simplicium relinent composta suorum, Vocalem linet aut dipthongum syllaba mutet. Dejero corripies cum pejero et inniiba ; necnon Pronuba; fatidicum et socios cum semisopitus Queis etiarn nihilum, cum cognitus, agnitus, hseret Longam imbecillus, verbumque ambitus amabit. Compound words usually retain the quantity of the simple words whence they are formed ; as, perlego, ad- monet, consonans have the middle syllable short, agree- ably to the quantity of the corresponding syllable of their primitives, lego, monet, sonans ; while perlegi, remotus, ablatus, have the penultima long, because it is long in legi, mbtus, latus, whence derived. The quantity of the simple words is generally pre- served in the compounds, although the vowels be changed in the derivation ; as, concido, occido from cddo ; eligo, seligo from lego ; excldo, occido from ccedo ; allldo from Icedo ; obedio from audio, &c, &c. Exceptions. Dejero, pejero, from juro ; innuba, pro- nuba, from nubo ; fatidicus, maledicus, causidicus, veridi- cus, from dico : semisopitus from sbpitus ; nihilum from nehilum: cognitum, agnitum, from notum ; imbecillus from bdculus or bdcillum; ambitus the participle from 14 PRETERITES OF TWO SYLLABLES. ambio has i long, but the substantives ambitus and am- bxtio make it short.* Note. Connubium from nubo is generally reckoned common. EXAMPLES by single words. Rule. Cohibet [habet], improbus [probus], perjurus [jus, juris], oblitum [oblino], oblitus [obliviscor], iniquus [sequus]. Excep. Causidicus, maledicus, [dico], cogm- tum [notum], &c, &c. Note. Connubium, [nubo]. Promiscuous Examples. Defero — fr. de and fero — [6,6], perhibeo — fr. habeo [6], macero — fr. macer — [5], nota — fr. notu — [5], cycni [4], terrent [3], prgeeunte [2, 1, 3], dis, for diis — [2], speciei [1, 1], dese [1, 2]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. — Multa renascentur, quce jam cecidere ; cadentque. Hor. Quandoquidem data sunt ipsis quoquefata sepulcris. Juv. Exc. Et Bellona manet te proniiba ; nee face tantum. Virg. Note. Conniibio jungam stabili, propriamque dicabo. Id. Of Preterites of two Syllables, Prseterita assumunt primam dissyllaba longam. Sto, do, scindo, fero rapiunt, bibo, findo, priores. Preterperfect tenses of two syllables have the first syllable long ; as, veni,\ v'idl, v'lci^ fiigi, crevi, &c. * Ambitus should not be derived from ambio but from the supine ambttum; while ambitus and ambitio must be formed from the supine ambttum, from the obsolete verb amb-eo, ambltum. In this manner, can the curious student be taught to explain many of the deviations from the rule. t Agreeably to the theory of many able writers on Philology, most verbs which change the short vowel of the present ten^e into long e of the perfect, had origin- ally a reduplicating perfect; thus panpo [pago\ in the present, makes pejngi in the perfect; so also video made r'-rl'/i. l»y syncope, viidi, and by oralis, vidi ; fugio, made fufuzi, by syncoj>e./7r-'£"' ; and by crisis, fugi J ■»«/»'» made vcveni, by syncope, veeni, and by crasis. r.?ni, fice., &c. Other verbs having a long vowel in the perfect, underwent a different formation ; thus, rideomzde ridsi, by syn- cope, Tisij mitto made mittsi, by syncope, mist, &c, &c. REDUPLICATING PRETERITES. 15 Exceptions. Steti, dedi, scldi^ [fr. scindo] tuli, MM and fidi, [fr. findo] have the first syllable short. Note. Abscidi from c&do has the penultima long; but abscidit fr. scindo has it short. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Rule. Misi, vidi, jeci. Excep. Steti, tuli, bibi. Promiscuous Examples. — Pervicet [3, 7], contulerunt [3, 7, 3], dixisti [3, 3], elegia [fr. Gr. srtep/a,— 5, 5, 1], fieri [1], spei [1], biberunt [7, 3]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Cur aliquid vidi ? cur noxia lumina feci ? Ovid. Exc. Cui mater media sese tulit obvia sylva, Virg. Note. Abscidit nostra multum sors invida laudi. Lucan. RULE VIII. Of Preterites doubling the first Syllable, Praeteritum geminans primam breviabit utramque ; JJtpario, peperi, vetet id nisi consona bina; Cado cecidit habet, longa, ceu pedo, secunda. Preterperfect tenses doubling their first syllable, make both first and second syllable short; as, peperi, tetigi, didici, cecini, &c, &c Excep. 1. The second syllable frequently becomes long by position, the first remaining short according to the rule ; as, momordi, tetendi, cucurri, &c. Excep. 2. Cecidi from cado, and pepedi from pedo have the second long. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS, Rule. Cecini, tetigi, pepuli, cecini. Excep. 1. Fefelli, cucurri. Excep. 2. Cecidi. Promiscuous Examples. Novi [7], dedlsti [7, 3], ab- scidit [3, 7], majores [3], vixisse [3], liculsset [1, 3], 3 16 SUPINES OF TWO SYLLABLES. steteram [7], pepuli [8, 8], Arion [Gr. 1], sedes — fr. sedeo — [5], injicio — fr. jacio — [6, 1]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Tityre, te patulce cecini sub tegmine fagi. Virg. Litora, qua cornu pepulit Satumus equino. Val. Flac. Exc. 1. Stella facem ductus multa cum luce cucurrit. Vir. Exc. 2. Ebrius ac petulans, qui nullum forte cecidit. Juv. Of Supines of two Syllables. Cuncta supina volunt primam dissyllaba longam. At reor et cieo, sero et ire, sinoqne linoque. Do, queo, et orta ruo, breviabunt rite priores. Supines of two syllables, as well as those parts of the verb derived therefrom, have the first syllable long; as, visum, motum ; visus, visurus ; mbtus, moturus, &c. Excep. 1. Rdtum from reor, citum from cieo, satum from sero, itum from eo, situm from sxno, litum* from lino, datum from do, quttum from queo, and rutum from ruo — [with futum from the obsolete fuo, whence futurus,~] have the first syllable short. Note. Although citum from cieo of the second con- jugation has the first syllable short — whence citus, con- citus, excitus, &c. ; — Citum from cio of the fourth conju- gation, has the first syllable long : whence, also, citus, accitus, concitus, &c, &c. Some Prosodians would have statum common ; but stdtum or stitum comes from sto or sisto of the third conjugation, while statum is of the first. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Rule. Motum, visum, fletum. Excep. Ratum, statum, itum, obrutum, citum [fr. cieo]. * ObUtus, "smeared," from lino, must be distinguished from oblitus, "having forgotten," which comes from obliviscor. POLYSYLLABIC SUPINES. 17 Note. Citum [fr. cio] citus, incltus. Promiscuous Examples. Jtrum — fr. ater — [4], aera [1], sapiens [1, 3], laudant [2, 3], sollus [1], csedo [2], peperit [8], status [9], jecisti [7, 3] dedit, [7], tutudi [8], lturus [9]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Lusum it Mcecenas, dormitum ego Virgiliusque. Hor. Nascitur et casus abies visura marinos. Virg. Exc. 1. Cui ddtus hcerebam, custos cursusque regebam. Id. Note. Altior insurgens et cursu concitus heros. Id. Rupta quies populis, stratisque exclta juventus. Luc. Tunc res immemo placuit stdtura labore. Id. RULE X. Of Polysyllabic Supines. Utum producunt polysyllaba quaeque supina. -ivi prseterito semper producitur -itum. Csetera corripias in -itu?n qusecunque supina. Supines in utum [and also atum and etum] of more than two syllables, as well as all parts of the verb de- rived therefrom, have the penultima long; as, solutum, argutum, indutum ; [amdtuf/i, deletum.] Excep. ]. Supines in itum from preterites in ivi are, in like manner long ; as, petitum, qucesitum, cupltum. Excep. 2. Supines in itum from any other preterites, have the penultima short ; as, monitum, taciturn, cubitum.* Note. This exception does not include polysyllabic compounds from supines of two syllables : whereas these compounds retain the quantity of the supines whence they had been formed ; as, obitum from itum, abditum fr. datum, insitum fr. satum, &c. ; except cognitum and agni- tum fr. notum. * Recensitum usually given as an exception, may be derived from censio, censivi, and not from censeo, censivi. 18 PREPOSITIONS IN COMPOSITION. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Rule. Solutum, indutum, argutum. Ezcep. 1. Audi- tum, politum, cupltum. Ezcep. 2. Credhum, agnitum, cubitum. Note. Conditum, insitum, redditum. Promiscuous Examples. Conditum — fr. condio — [3, 10], conditum — fr. condo — [3, 10], fletus [9], rasit [7], diruturn [9], biberunt [7, 3], hgerentis [2, 3], gaza [3.] EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Kule. Implet et ilia manum, sed parcius, aire minuto. Juv. Lumina rara micant, somno vinoque soluti. Virg. Exc. 1. Exilium requiesque mihi, non fama petlta est. Ov. Ne male conditum jus apponatur ; ut omnes. Hor. Exc. 2. Discite justitiam moniti, et non temnere Divos. Virg. Note. Morte obita, quorum tellus amplectitur ossa. Lucret. RULE XI. Of Prepositions in Composition. Longa a, de, e, se, di praeter dirimo atque disertus. Sit Re breve, at refert a res producito semper. Corripe Pro Grsecum, sed produc rite Latinum. Contrahe quae fundus, fugio, neptisque neposque, Et festus, fori, fateor, fanumqae crearunt. Hisce profecto addas, pariterque prbcella, protervus ; At prim am variant prjpago, propina, prof undo, Prjpulso, prjcurro, propello ; Prhserpina junge. , Corripe ab, et reliquas, obstet nisi consona bina. In compound words, tbe prepositions or particles a, de, e, se, di, are long ; as, amitto, deduco, erumpo, separo, dirigo. Excep. 1. Di in dirimo and disertus, is short. PREPOSITIONS IN COMPOSITION. 19 Excep. 2. Re is generally short ; as, relinquo, refero : but re in refert, the impersonal verb [" it concerns"] from the substantive res, has the first syllable long. Excep. 3. Pro is short in Greek words ; as, Prome- theus, Propontis: in Latin words it is usually long; as, procudo, procurvus, prbveho : except when compounded with the words enumerated in the rule ; as, profundus, prbfugio, prbneptis, &c, &c. Excep. 4. In the following words the pro is doubtful ; viz., pr^pago,prpino,prj "undo, &c, as given in the rule. Excep. 5. The prepositions ab, ad, in, ob, per, and sub, are short in composition before vowels; as are also the final syllables of ante, circum and super ; as, abeo, adero, circumago, super addo, &c, &c. Note. Trans in composition frequently drops the last two letters, still preserving its proper quantity ; as, trado [from transdo] ; trdduco [from transduco]. Ob and ab in like manner, before a consonant — where they should be- come long by position — drop the final letter, still retaining the short quantity; as, bmitto [from obmitto], aperio, [from dbperio]. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Rule. Amisit, deduxit, divisus. Excep. 1. Dirimo, disertus. Excep. 2. Retulit, reditus, refert (" brings back") refert ( ;< it concerns." Excep. 3. Propontis, pro- pheta,pr51ogus: processit, promisit: profundus, procella, profectus, proficiscor. Excep. 4. Propago, propino pro- pulso. Excep. 5. Xbesset, adegit, abitus, circumagis; admitto, percello. Note. Trano, omitto. Promiscuous Examples. Quantum [2, 10], reditum [11, 9], ejiciunt [11, 6, 1], ratas [9], siistulerunt [3, 7,3], 3 # 20 A, E, AND I, IN COMPOSITION. pei\"git [11, 7], vetitum [10], dddsculor [1,3], datus [9], audiit [2, 1J. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule, jynissos longo socios sermone requirunt. Virg. Exc. 1. Cede deo dixitque et prcelia voce diremit. Id. 2. Quid tamen hoc refert, si se pro classe Pelasga Arma tulisse refert. . . . Ovid. 3. Qualiter in Scythica religatus rupe Prometheus. Mart. Provehimur portu ; terrceque urbesque recedunt. Virg. Exc. 4. Sed truncis olece melius, prbpagine vites. Id. 5. Omnibus umbra locis ddero, dabis, improbe, pcenas. Id. Note. Pleraque differat, et presens in tempus bmittat. Hor. RULE XII. Of A, E, and I, in compound words. Produc a semper composti parte priori, Ac simul e, simul i, ferme breviare memento ; Nequidquam produc, nequando, venefica, nequam, Nequaquam, nequis sociosque ; videlicet addas. idem masculeum produc, et siquis, ibidem, Scilicet et blgre, tiblcen, ubique, quadriga, Bimus, tantzdem, quldam et composta diei. Compositum variabis ubi ; variabis ibidem. A in the first part of a compound Latin word,* is long; as trddo, malo, quare, quatenus. E in the first part of compounds, is generally short; as, liquefacio, equidem, * In Greek compounds, the a is sometimes long ; as, Neapolis ; and sometimes short ; as, aiipsos : these words, however, belong to the rules of Greek Prosody. t In Malo, the a — originally short in masris — becomes long in the compound, by syncope and crasis ; thus, Mtivolo, or Mawolo, MauPlo, Malo. A, E, AND I, IN COMPOSITION. 21 nefas, trecenti ;* in like manner, i in the first part of a compound, is generally short ; as, omnipotens, causidicus, biceps, siquidem. Excep. 1. Nequidquam, nequando, and the other words enumerated in the rule, with nequis, nequa, nequid, have the e long. Semodius, semestris, sedecim, have the e long. Selibra is short in Martial. Excep. 2. Idem ( mascul. ) , siquis, ibidem, scilicet, bigce, and the other words enumerated, have the i long ; as also, biduum, trlduum, quotidie, and other compounds of dies. Ludimagister, lucrlfacio, agrlcultura, and a few others have the i long. Tibicen has the second syllable long, being formed by crasis from Tibiicen ; but Tubicen is short according to the rule. The first i in nimirum is also long: — the second being long from derivation. Note. The a in eadem is short, unless it should be the ablative case. Although in ublque and ibidem the middle syllable is long according to the rule, in ubicunque and ubivis, it is common ; as in the primitive ubi. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. On Rule. Quare, traductum, quacunque; patefecit, nequeo, valedica ; fatidicus, significo, tubicen. Excep. 1. Nequaquam, videlicet, secedo. Excep. 2. Scilicet, tantidem, merldies, tibicen. Promiscuous Examples. Unigenitus [12, 5, 5], abest [11, 3], gavisum [10], fleturi [9], tetiglsse [8, 8, 3], crevi [7], venumdata [3, 6], repudium — fr. pudor — [5, 1], mi- gran tes [4, 3-], rejice [3], ccelum [2], patriae [4, 1, 2]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Quare agite 6 proprios generatim discite cultus. Vir. Scepe petens Hero,juvenis tranavcrat undas. Ovid. * And all compounds from tres or tris ; as. trrdedrn \ triplex, triform/is, Sec ; but the i in trxginta and its derivatives trigeminus, trireni, Sec, is long, because trlginta is not, properly speaking, a compound word ; ginia being merely a ter- mination. 22 0, V, AND Y, IN COMPOSITION. Credebant hoc grande riefas, et morte piandum. Juv. Bum nimium vano tumefactus nomine gaudes. Mart. Turn pater omnipotent, rerum cut summa potestas. Vir. Exc. 1. Barbara narratus venisse venejica tecum. Ovid. Exc. 2. Omnibus idem animus, scelerata excedere terra. Vir. Note. Canities eadem est, eadem violentia vultu. Ovid. RULE XIII. Of the O, U, and Y, in Composition. Grsecum 0-?mcro?i, prima composti corripe parte ; O-mega produces : ast Y-psilon breviabis. — O Latium in variis breviat vel protrahit usus. ZJbrevia, ut Locuples, Quadruplex : sed Jupiter, atque Judex, judicium, primam producere gaudent. Compound words of Greek origin and terminating the first member of the compound with the letter o (omicron), have that letter short ; as, biblibpola, Areopagus : — unless where it becomes common or long from position ; as, chirographus, Philbxenus. If the first member of the compound end with o (omega), the vowel is long in Latin ; as, Minbtaurus, geographus. When y terminates the first member of the compound, it is generally short ; as, Thrasybulus, polypus ; unless rendered common or long by position ; as, Polycletus, Polyxena. O in compound Latin words, is sometimes long and sometimes short ; as, quandbque, nolo, qubque (the ablative) ; quandbquidem, hbdie, qubque, (the particle). U in similar situations, is generally short ; as, locuples, trojugena ; but Jupiter, judex, and judicium, have the u long. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Pule. Argonauta, Arctophylax ; Hippocrene, Nicostra- tus; geometres, lagopus; alioquin.utrobique; Eurypylus, Polydamus ; Polycletus, Polyxena ; quocirca, quominus ; INCREMENTS OF NOUNS. 23 sacrosanctus, duodecim ; quadrupes, centuplex ; judicat, judex. Promiscuous Examples. Recubans [11, 5, 3], Deus [1], fiet [1], glaciei [1], fecit [7], illius [3, 1], agrestis [4, 3], equidem [12], adeo [11, 1], Thessalomca [13,6], prote- nus [11], vix [3], praedixit [2, 3], extulit [3,7], nlmirum [12, 6], dlus [Gr. 1], fusos [9], procella [11, 3], Polydo- rus [13], locutus [10], Inhumatus [11, 5], Idem neut. [12]. EXAB1PLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Hesperios auxit tantum Cleopatra fur ores, Lucan. Nititurhinc Tal'dus,fratrisque Lebdocusurget. Val. Flac. Nam qualis quantusque cavo Polyphemus in antro. Virg. Indignor quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus, Hor. Tollit se arrectum quadrupes, et saucius auras. Virg. ON THE INCREMENTS OF NOUNS. A noun is said to increase or have an increment, when any of its oblique* cases has a syllable more than the nominative. If the genitive, — by whose increment that of all the othert oblique cases is regulated — has the same number of syllables as the nominative, then there is no increment ; as, musa, musa? ; dominus, domini ; but if the number of syllables be greater, then there is an increment, which must be the penultimat of the case so increasing; as, musarum — \inu-SA-rum~\, dominorum — [domi-NO-rum], where SA and NO are the increments. When any case has a syllable more than such increas- ing genitive, it is said to have a second increment ; as from animal comes ani-MA-lis, with one increment, and from animalis come ani-MA-LI-a, ani-MA-LI-um, ani- * All cases except the nom. and voc. sing., are called oblique cases. t Except the aoc. sing, of neuters of fifth declension, and of some Greek nouns in is ; as Paris, &c. t The last syllable is never regarded as an increment ; thus, in words of one syllable, as rex, (regis,) re, the penultima of the gen. is the increment. 24 INCREMENTS OF THE FIRST AND SECOND DECLENSION. MA-LI-bus with two increments : MA being the first, and LI the second, increment. Whether the increment of the genitive sing, be long or short, it remains the same throughout all the oblique cases ; as, sermonis, sermoni, sermonibus, &c, &c. ; Ccesaris, Cccsari, Ccesarum, &c, &c. ; except bolus or bubus, which has a long increment, although the genitive is short.* Iter, jecur, supellex, and compounds of caput are said to have double incre- ments ; as, itineris, jecinoris, supellectilis, ancipitis ; but these genitives come in reality from obsolete nominatives, viz., itiner, jecinur, supellectilis, ancipes. RULE XIV. Increments of the first and second Declension. Casibus obliquis vix crescit prima. Secunda Corripit incrementa ; tamen producit Iberi. The first declension has no increment ; except among the poets, in the resolution of ce into ai, as aulai, picta'i, where the a is long. In the second declension, the in- crement is short ; as pueri, viri, saturiA Excep. Iber and its compound Celtiler have the pen- ultima of the genitive long ; as, Iberos, Celtiberi.X EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Rule. Picta'i, aurai ; miseri, domlni. Excep, Iberi, Celtiberi. Promiscuous Examples, Darius [Gr. 1], pneiret [2], difTidit [3, 7], satum [9], dirutus [11, 9], credltus [10], profundus [11, 3], dehiscat [1, 3], omnipotens [3, 12, 5— - fr. potens — wh. fr. potis]. * This however cannot be considered an exception, whereas it comes from bovibus or bbwibus, by syncope Blwbus, and by crasis bobus. t These cannot, strictly sneaking, be regarded as increments, whereas they come from the old nominatives puerus. virus, saturvs. t These two words are in like manner without any real increment ; for the genitive sin. and the nom. plural Iberi are both formed regularly from the nom. sin. Iberus. There is another from Iber, Iberos, or Iberis, which belomrs to the 3d declension. Both forms are borrowed from the Greek :— i@npos, l(3fipov — Wnp, ipvpos. INCREMENTS OF THE THIRD DECLENSION. 25 EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Mthereum sensum, atque aurai simplicis ignem. Virg. O pueri ! ne tanta animis assuescite Leila. Id. Excep. Quique feros movit Sertorius exul Iberos. Lucan. RULE XV. Increments of the third Declension in A. Nominis a crescens, quod flectit tertia, longum est. Mascula corripies -al et -ar fmita, simulque Par cum compositis, hepar, cum nectdre, bacchar, Cum vdde, mas, et anas, cui junge laremqae jubarque. The increment of a in nouns of the third declension is generally long ; as, pax, pdcis ; pietas, pietatis ; vectigal, vectigdlis. Excep. Proper names of the masculine gender ending in al and ar (except Car and Nar), have short incre- ments ; as, Hannibal, Hannibdlis ; Ccesar, Ccesdris : so also have par [the adjective] and its compounds ; par the substantive, the noun sal, and the other words enumerated. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Rule. Ajacis, ajtatis, calcaris. Excep. Asdrubalis, Amilcaris ; parem, hepatis, nectare, anatis — fr. anas, " a duck." Promiscuous Examples. Larem [15], sale [15], pueros [1, 14], Hannibalis [3, 15], quadrlgse [12, 2], pietatem [1, 15], ubique [12], pronepos [11], sonipes [5-— fr. so- nus, 12], circumdata [3, 9]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Jane, fac ceternos pacem pdcisque ministros. Ovid. Exc. Hannibalem Fabio ducam spectanteper urbem. Silius. Vela dabant Iceti et spumas sdlis cere ruebant. Virg. Err antes hederas passim cum baccdre tellus. Id. Sulphur eas posuit spiramina Ndris ad undas. Ennius. 26 INCREMENTS OF THE THIRD DECLENSION. RULE XVI. Increments from A and AS. A quoque et as Graecum, breve postulat incrementum. -s quoque finitum cum consona ponitur ante, Et dropax, anthrax, Atrax, cum smildce, climax; Adde At deem, pandcem, eoldeem, styrdcemque, fdcemque, Atque 4 abdeem, cor deem, phyldcem compostaque, et harpax. Greek nouns ending in a and as, have short incre- ments ; as, poema, poemdtis ; lampas, lampddis : also nouns ending with s preceded by a consonant ; as, Arabs, Ardbis ; trabs, trdbis ; besides the following words in ax-dcis ; as, dropax, anthrax, Atr ax,* &c, &c, and the compounds of phylax and corax, with harpax, harpdgis, and the like. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Rule. Stemmata, lampade, poemate ; Arabum, trabe, dropace, face, panacem, &c. Promiscuous Examples. Vadibus [15], Palladis [3, 16], Titanas [15], jubaris [5, 15], saturos [14], Cymothoe [Gr. 13], trecenti [12, 3], prociirrit [11, 3], agnitus [3, 6], mollltum [10]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Undique collucent prascinctm lampddes auro. Ovid. Nam modo thurilegos Ardbas, modo suspicis Indos. Id. Non styrdce Idceo fragr antes uncta capillos. Virg. Cir. RULE XVII. Increments in E. Nominis e crescens numero breviabis utroque : Excipe Iber patriosque -enis (sed contrahito Hymen), Syphax, Syphacis is said to be common ', but erroneously, for the passage in should have Anruboletn. INCREMENTS OF THE THIRD DECLENSION. 27 "Per, mansues, locuples, hceres, mercesque, quiesque, Et vervex, lex, rex, et plebs, seps, insuper halec, -el peregrinum, -es, -er Grrecum, cethere et Here demptis. His addas Seris, Byzerisque, et Recimeris. The increment e of the third declension is generally- short in both singular and plural ; as, grex, gregis ; pes, pedis; mulier, mulierum ; teres, teretis, &c. Excep. Iber, Iberis, and genitives in enis (except hymenis) have the penultima long; as, ren, rents, siren, sir enis, &c, as also ver, mansues, locuples, and the others enumerated. Hebrew nouns in el; as, Daniel, Danielis, and Greek nouns, in es and er ; (except cetheris and Here from cether and aer :) as, lebes, lebetis; crater, crateris, with Seris, Byzeris, Recimeris — genitives from Ser, By- zer, and Recimer — have the increment long. OCT" Some foreign names in ec have the increment long by this rule ; as, Melchesidec, Melckesidecis. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Rule. Operi, pulveris, gregibus. Excep. Iberis, Sire- nis, (hymenis) ; veris, mansuetis ; lebetis, trapetis, 'aethe- ris) : Michaelis, Seris, Recimeris. Promiscuous Examples. Mercedis [3, 17], abacis [16], mares [15], Celtiberi [3, 5, 14], teretis [5, — fr. tero — 17], pacem [15], tepefecit [5, 12, 7], resides [11], hymenis [17]. . EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Incumbens tercti, Damon sic ccepit, oliva. Virg. Exc. Monstramaris Sir enes er ant, quce voce canora. Ovid. Crateras magnos statuunt, et vina coronant. Virg. Velleraque ut foliis depectant tenuia Seres. Id. 4 28 INCREMENTS OF THE THIRD DECLENSION. RULE XVIII Increments in I and Y. Jaut y crescens numero breviabis utroque ; Graeca sed in patrio casu -inis et -ynis adoptant ; Et lis, glis, Samnis, Dis, gryps, Nesisque, Quirisqae Cum vibice simul, longa incrementa reposcunt. The increment of the third declension is usually short ; as, lapis, lapidis ; slips, stipis ; pollex, polUcis. Excep. Genitives in inis and ynis from words of Greek origin, have the penultima long ; as, delphin, del- phinis ; Phorcyn, Phorcynis ; as also, lis, litis; glis, gliris, and the other words enumerated. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Ride. Tegmine, sanguinis, ilice. Excep. Salaminis, delphinis ; litis, vibice. Promiscuous Examples. JE there [2, 17], chlamydis or ydos [18], lebetes [Gr. 17], regibus [17, 18], trabibus [16, 18], senigmatis [2, 4, 16], calcare [15], mulieres [1, 17], ordinis [3. 18], Quiritis [18]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Tityre, tupatulce recubans sub tegmine fagi. Virg. Exc. Orpheus in silvis, inter delphlnas Arion. Id. Tradite nostra viris, ignavi, signa, Quirltes. Luc. \ RULE XIX. Increments from IX and YX. Ix atque -yx produc. Histrix cum fornice, varix ; Coxendix, ckoBnixque, Cilix, natrixque, calixque ; Pkryxque, larix, et onyx, pix, nixque, salixque, Jilixque, INCREMENTS OF THE THIRD DECLENSION. 29 Contrahe ; mastichis his et Eryx, calycisque, et Japyx, Conjungas : sandix, Bebryx variare memento. Nouns ending in ix or yx most commonly lengthen the penultima of the genitive ; as, felix, felicis, bombyx, bombycis. Excep. 1. Histrix, fornix, varix, and the other words enumerated have the increment short : as also appendix, and some proper names ; as, Ambiorix, Vercingetorix, &c. Excep. 2. Bebryx and sandix have the increment common. Note. Mastix, mast'igis, " a whip," has the increment long. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Rule. Ultrlcem, cervlcem, radtcis. Excep. 1. Coxen- dicem, nivem, pice. Excep. 2. Bebrycis, sandicis. Promiscuous Examples. Prosperos [3,14],exemplaria [3,3,15,1], Caisaris [2, 15], Arcades [Gr. 3, 15], Cereris [17], quietem [1, 17], magnetis [Gr. 4, 17,] capitis [18], lite [18,], strigis [19]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Tollite jampridemvictricia tollite signa, Lucan. Ecce coturnices inter sua prcelia vivunt. Ovid. Exc. 1. Fecundi calices quern nonfecere disertum? Hor. Exc. 2. Bebrycis et Scytkici procul inclemenlia sacra. Val. Flac. Possessus Baccho sceva Bebrycis in aula. Silius. Note. Nunc mastigophoris, oleoque et gymnadis arte. Prudent. RULE XX. Increments in O. O crescens numero producimus usque priore. O parvum in Grsecis brevia, producito magnum. 30 INCREMENTS OF THE THIRD DECLENSION. Ausonius genitivus -oris, quern neutra dedere, Corripitur ; propria huic junges, ut Nestor et Hector ; Os, oris, mediosque gradus extende, sed arbos, JJovg composta, lepus, memor, et bos, compos et impos, Corripe Cappadocem, Allobrbgem, cum prcecoce et obs, ops: Verum produces Cercops, hydr opsone, Cyclopsque. In words of Latin origin the increment in o of the third declension is, for the most part, long ; as, sol, sblis ; vox, vbcis ; victor, victoris, and other verbal nouns in or ; — in lepor, lepor is ;* ros, roris, &c, &c. ; statio, statibn'/s, and other verbals in io ; — in Cato, Catonis, and other Latin proper names in o. Excep. 1. Nouns in o or on from the Greek w, pre- serve the quantity of the Greek increment. If that incre- ment be formed with omicron, it is short ; as, sindon, sindonis ; Agamemnon, Agamemnbnis ; — if formed with omega, it is long; as, Simon, [or Simo], Simonis ; Plato, [or Platon], Platonis, &c. Observ. 1. Sidon, Orion, JEgeon, and Britto have the increment common ; while Sazo, Seno, and most other gentile nouns — or the names of nations and people — increase short. Excep. 2. Genitives in oris]' from Latin nouns of the neuter gender, have a short increment ; as, marmor, marmbris ; corpus, corporis, &c, — with Greek proper names in or; as, Hector, Hectbris ; Nestor, Nest&ris, &c, and also Latin appellations ; as, rhetor, rhetoris, &c. Excep. 3. Os, oris, and adjectives of the comp. de- gree, have long increments; as, melior, melioris ; major, major is, &c. Excep. 4. Arbos, compounds of novc [as tripus, polypus^ * Lepus — oris "a hare." has the increment short. t Ador, adoris of the masculine gen. is common. % INCREMENTS OF THE THIRD DECLENSION. 31 (Edipus], lepus, memor, and other words specified, in- crease short. Excep. 5. Cappadox, Allobrox, prcecox, and bther words having a consonant before s in the nominative ; as, scobs, inops, Cecrops, Dolops, have the increments short. Observ. 2. Cyclops, Cercops, and hydrops have long increments. examples by single words. Rule. Sermonis, timoris, floris, rationis, Ciceronis. Excep. 1. jEdon, aedonis, halcyon, halcyonis ; Solon, Solonis, agon, agonis. Observ. 1. Orionis, Saxona. Excep. 2. Memoris, eboris ; Castoris, rhetoris. Excep. 3. Oris, pejoris. Excep. 4. Bovis, Melampodis [fr. Melam- pus]. Excep. 5. Cappadocis, inopis. Observ. 2. Cyclo- pis, Cercopis. Promiscuous Examples. Solem [20], Allobroges [3, 4, 20], fornice [3, 19], hymene [17], plebi [17], vervecem [3, 17], dogmata [3, 16], Sirenis [Gr. 17], Solona [Gr. 20], robora [20]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Regia solis erat sublimibus alta columnis. Ovid. Nee victor is heri tetegit captiva cubile. Virg. Ire vet at, cursusque vagus statione moratur. Lucan. Exc 1. Pulsant, et pictis bellantur Amazones armis. Virg. Credit, et excludit sanos Helicone poetas. Hor. Observ. 1. Mgceona suis immania terga lacertis. Ovid. Audierat duros laxantem JEgceona nexus. Statius. Exc. 2. Gratior etpulchro veniens in corpore virtus. Virg. Exc. 3. Componens manibusque manus, atque oribus ora. Id. Exc. 4. Propter aqua rivum sub ramis arbor is alt a. Lucan. 4 # 32 INCREMENTS OF THE THIRD DECLENSION. Exc. 5. Mancipiis locuples, eget ceris Cappadocum rex. Hor. Ob. 2. Tela reponuntur manibus fabricata Cyclopum. Ov. RULE XXI. U brevia incrementa feret. — Genitivus in -iiris, -udis et utis ab -us producitur ; adjice fur, frux, Lux, Pollux; breYia. intercusque, per cusque, Ligusque. The increment in u of the third declension is generally- short; as, murmur, murmuris ; dux, duds ; turtur,tur- tarts, &c, &c. Excep. 1. Genitives in udis, uris, and utis, from nomi- natives in us, have the penultima long; as, palus, paludis : tellus, telluris ; incus, incudis ; virtus, virtutis, &c. ; with fur,furis; lux, I uc is; Pollux, Pollucis ; and frugis from the obsolete nominative frux. Excep. 2. Intercut, pecus, and Ligus have short incre- ments. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Rule. Crucis, furfure, conjiigis. Excep. 1. Incude, furis, salutem. Excep. 2. Intercutis, peciide, Liguris. Promiscuous Examples. Vulturis [3, 21],decoris [20], salutem [21], nuces [21], nivis [17], vertici [3, 18], call- cem [19], Nestora [3, 20], laqueare [1, 15], duodeni [13]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Consule nos, dace nos, dace jam victor e, car emus. Pedo. Aspice, ventosi ceciderunt murmliris aurce. Virg. Exc. 1. Vixe conspectu Siculce telluris in altum. Id. Exc. 2. Quid domini faciant, audent cum talia fares. Id. INCREMENTS OF THE OTHER DECLENSIONS. 77 The other declensions, like the first declension, have, properly speaking, no increment, unless in the plural cases. PLURAL INCREMENT OF NOUNS. 33 INCREMENTS OF THE PLURAL. When the genitive or dative case plural contains a syllable more than the nominative plural, the penultima of such genitive or dative, is called the plural increment ; as, sa in musarum, bo in amborum and ambobus, bi in nubium and nubibus, quo in quorum, qui in quibus, re in rerum and rebus, &c. RULE XXII. Plural Increments in A, E, 1, O, U. Pluralis casus si crescit, protrahit a, e, Atque o ; corripies i, u ; verum excipe bubus. The plural increments in a, e, and o, are long ; as, quartern, rerum, horum, dominorum ; the increments in i and u are short ; as, quibus, montibus ; lacubus, verubus, — except the u in bubus. EXAMPLES EY SINGLE WORDS. Rule. Sylvarum, rerum, puerorum ; lapidlbus, artu- bus : — bubus. Promiscuous Examples. Virorum [14, 22], filiarum [1, 22], parietibus [1, 17, 22], Araris [15], paribus [15, 22],vadibus [15, 22], epTgrammate [4, 3, 16], Palladis [3, Gr. 16],gregibus [17,22]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Appia, long drum, teritur, regina, vidrum. Statius. Arreptaque manu, " Quid agis, dulcissime rerum?" Hor. At Capys, et quorum melior sententia menti. Virg. Vivite felices, quibus est for tuna per acta. Id. Exc. Consimili ratione venit bubus quoque sape. Lucret. INCREMENTS OF VERBS. '• A verb is said to increase, when any of its tenses has 34 INCREMENT OF VERBS IN A. a syllable more in its termination? than the second per- son singular of the present tense indicative active.! This additional syllable is the first increment — the penultima : the final syllable being never called the increment. When the increasing part has another syllable added to it in the course of formation, the part so formed is the second increment, and so of the rest. Thus from amas — the standard or regulator — comes fl-ma-n, with one incre- ment ; from amavi comes a-ma-ve-ra??z, with two incre- ments ; from amaveram, comes a-ma-ve-ra-w^s, with three ; and in like manner a^-di-e-ba-mi-TM from its regular formation with four increments. Any verb not exhibiting in any of its tenses or persons, a greater number of syllables than the regulator, is said to have no increment ; thus, amat, amant, ama, amem, having no more syllables than amas, have no increment. RULE XXIII. Of the Increments of Verbs in A. A crescens produc — Do incremento excipe primo. In the increments of verbs of every conjugation, the vowel a is long ; as, amdbam, stares, proper amus, audie- bdmini, &c. Excep. The first increment (only) of the verb do is short ; as, damns, ddbam, dare : hence also the short increment in the compounds circumdamus, circumdabant, venumddbis, venumddre, &c. * Without the words " in its termination, 1 ' the expression would not be either sufficiently limited or perspicuous ; because the student might otherwise be induced to rank reduplicating verbs among these increments, which would be erroneous ; whereas the increment in reduplicating verbs takes place at the beginning, by a prefix or argument ; as, cucurri, letendi. Tnomordi, &c. t The second person singular indicative active is the rule or measure, by which the increment is regulated. CtC?" For deponent verbs, we may either suppose an active voice whence to procure a standard or regulator to determine the increments: or they can be regulated by other verbs of the same conjugation having an active voice. Thus for the deponent verb gradior, we may either suppose a fictitious active gradio, gradis, or be guided by rapior, which has a real active. INCREMENT OF VERBS IN E. 35 Obser. The second increment of do, not being an ex- ception, follows the genera] rule; as, dabdmus, ddbdtis, dabdtnini, &c. examples by single words. Rule. Amamus, laudabamus, docueramus. Excep. Diimus, date, circumdamus. Observ. Dabamus, dabamini, dabatur. Promiscuous Examples. Chorea [Gr. 1], pronuntiant [11, 3, 1, 3], alterius [3, 1], labatur [23], pectore [3, 20], priorem [1, 20], cujus [3], Cyclopas [4, 20], sanguine [3, IS], fatidicum [12, 6], a~uditus [2, 10]. EXAMPLES IN COBIPOSITION. Rule. Et cantdre pares, et respondere pardti. Virg. Pugnabant armis, qua post fabr leaver at usus. Hor. Exc. Multa rogant utenda ddri, data redder e nolunt. Ov. Ob. Nam quod consilium, aut quce jam fortuna dabatur. Virg. RULE XXIV. Increments of Verbs in E. E quoque producunt verba increscentia. Verum Prima e corripiunt ante r duo tempora ternae; \)\c-beris atque-Z>£re, nX-reris producito-rere. Sit brevis e quando-?vz?tt, -rim, -ro, adjuncta sequuntur. Corripit interdum steterunt dederuntque poeta. In the increments of verbs, e is long ; as, amemus, amavissttis, doccbam, legeris and legcre (both fut. pass.), audicmus, &c. Excep. 1. E is short in the first increment of the first two tenses (pres. and imperf.) of the third conjugation ; and nlso in the future terminations beris and bere ; as, cognoscere, legere, legerem, legcremus ; celebraberis, cele- Lrabere, &c. 36 INCREMENT OF VERBS IN E. Obser. 1. But in the second increment when the wora terminates in reris or rere, the e is long ; as, diripereris, loquereris, prosequerere, &c. Obser. 2. Velim, velis, velit, &c, have the e short. Excep. 2. The vowel e is short before ram, rim, ro of every conjugation ; as, amaveram, amaverim, amavero, feceram, fecerim, fecero, &c. The persons formed from them, retain the same quantity ; as, amaveris, amaverit, fecerimus, feceritis, &c. Obser. 3. The foregoing exception however does not apply to those syncopated tenses which have lost the syllable ve ; as, jleram, flerim, flero ; because in these contracted forms, the e retains the quantity of the origi- nal form : viz.— Jle(ve)ram, fle(ve)rim, &c. Excep. 3 The poets sometimes shorten e before runt, in the third pers. plur. of the perf. indie, active ; as, steterunt, tvlerunt, &c, &c. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Rule. Arnemus, doceremus, legeretis. Excep. 1. Le- geret, legere ; amaberis, docebere. Observ. 1. Amarens, docerere, Observ. 2. Velitis, velint. Excep. 2. Amave- rat, docueris, legero. Observ. 3 Flero, fleris. Excep. 3. Dederunt, terruerunt. Promiscuous Examples. Amaveramus [23, 24, 23], da- batis [7, 23], legetis [24], doceto [24], datum [9], stete- runt [7, 24], tulerunt [7, 24], peperat [8], patrlzo [4, 3]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Sicequidemducebamanimo,rebarquefuturum. Virg. Exc. 1. Jam legere, et qua sitpoteris cognoscere virtus. Id. Semper honor e meo, semper celebrabere donis. Id. Ob. 1. JungebamPhrygios,cumturaperere,leones. Clau. Ob. 2. Musa, velim memores ; et quo patre natus uterque. Hor. INCREMEN1 OF VERBS IN I. 37 Exc. 2. Fecerat exiguas, jam Sol altissimus umbras. Ov. Ob. 3. Implerunt montes,jl~erunt Rhodope'ice arces. Virg. Exc. 3. Di tibi divitias dederunt artemque fruendi. Hor. rule xxv. Increment of Verbs in I. Corripit I crescens verbum. Sed deme velimus, Nolimus, simus, quaeque hinc composta dabuntur ; -tot praeteritum, praesens quartae -imus, et -itis. -ri conjunctivum possunt variare poetae. In the increment of verbs — whether first, second, third, or fourth increment — i is generally short ; as, linquimus, amabimus, docebimiai, audiebammi, &c, with vemmus, reperimus, &c, of the perfect tense. Excep. 1. The i is long in velimus, velitis ; nollmus, volltis, nollto ; simus, sitis, &c, with their compounds, possimus, adsimus, prosimus, &c. Excep. 2. The penultima of the preterite in ivi of any conjugation, is long ; as, petivi, audivi, &c. ; and also the first increment of the fourth conjugation, when followed by a consonant; as, audimus, audirem, audirer, &c, and venimus, comperimus, &c, of the present tense ; with the contracted form of the imperfect audibam, and the obso- lete audibo ; also found in ibam and ibo from eo ; and in quibam and quibo from queo. Excep. 3. In the penultima of the first and second pers. plur. of the indicative fut. perf. [or second future] and the perfect of the subjunctive, the i is common in poetry: — but in prose, it is usually long. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Amavimus, vivimus, iterabltis. Excep. 1. No lite, no- lltote, sitis, possitis. Excep. 2. Petivi, qaeslvi; audltis, * When the i is followed immediately by a vowel, it is of course short [by the Rule Vocalem breviant, &c — j ; as, aiulAunt, audiens, Sec. 38 INCREMENT OF VERBS IN AND U. audiri ; reperimus (pres.) ; audlbam, Ibo, quibam. Excep. 3. Dederitis, dixerltis, contigeritis. Promiscuous Examples. Audlveramus [25, 24, 23], docuerunt [24, 3], dederant [9, 24], damus [23], inltus [9], solutus [10], quaesitus 10], nefas [12], videlicet [12], ambitus [6, exitus [9,] introduco [13], anirnalis [15]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Victuros agimus semper, nee vivimus unquam. Manil. Scinditur interea studia in contraria vidgus. Virg. Exc. 1. Et documenta damus, qua simus origins nati. Ov. 2. Cessi, et sublato montem genitore petivi. Virg. Alterius sermone meros audiret honores. Hor. Tu ne cede mails, sed contra audentior ito. Virg. 3. Egerimus, nosti; et nimium meminisse necesse est. Id. Accepisse simul vitam dederitis in unda. Ovid. * RULE XXVI. Increment of Verbs in O and U. O incrementum produc ; u corripe semper U fit iu extremo penultima longa futuro. The increment of verbs in o is always long ; — that hi u is generally short ; as,facitote,kabetote; sumus, ]jossu- mus, quxesum?/.s. Excep. In the penultima of the future participle in rus, the u is always long; as, periturus, facturus, amaturus. Note. To the long increment of verbs in o, some Proso- dians regard the irregular verb, forem,fdre, an exception. examples by single words. Rule. Itote,petitote ; malumus, volumus. Excep. Ven- tiirus, arsurus. Promiscuous Examples. O 3 The most useful mode of exercising the pupil in the increments of verbs, is to examine him in all the terminations of the four conjuga- tions ;< beginning with amamus. FINAL A. * 39 EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Hoc tamen amborum verbis estote rogati. Ovid. C unique loqui poterit, matrem facitote salutet. Id. Nos numerics sdmus, etfruges consumere nati. Hor. Qui dare certafera, dare vulnera possumus hosti. Ov. Si patrice volumus, si nobis vivere chari. Hor. Exc. Si periturus abis, et nos rape in omnia tecum. Virg. Note. Hincfore ductores revocato a sanguine Teucri. Virg. OF FINAL SYLLABLES. The quantity of final syllables is ascertained, — by posi- sition ; as, prudens, precox ; — by containing a diphthong ; as, mus&, pennte ; — or by special rules, as follows : — RULE XXVII. Of Final A. A finita dato longis. ltd, posted, deme, Eid, quid et casus omnes : sed protrahe sextum ; Cui Grsecos, ex -as prima?, conjunge vocandi. A final, in words not declined by cases, [that is, in verbs and particles] is long; as, amd, memord ;* frustrd, pratered, posted, postilld, ergli, intra, a, &c, with the numerals in gintd; as, sexagintd, trigintd, quadrdginta, &c. Excep.' 1. In ita, quid, eid, posted, — [the a in postea being common ;t] — also putd the adverb ; the names of letters; as, alpha, beta ; and hallelujd. Excep. 2. In most words declined by cases, the final * Amn, memora, &c, have the final a long, because formed by crasis from amae, memorae, &c> * Many eminent Prosodians however insist, that the a in postea. antea, &c ; . is always long; — and that the syllable ea is in the ablative ease sing. fem. ; — the pi'epositions becoming adverbs and the ablatives by their own power express- ing a relation to some other word in the sentence. They add moreover, that whenever the syllable appears to be short, it is either in the accusative governed by the preposition, or must be pronounced in two syllables by crasis. .See Classi' col Journal for Aprii, 1817, in loco. 40 FINAL E. a is short ; as, musa, [the nom.] templd, Tydea, lampadd, regnd. Observ. It is also short in Greek vocatives in a, from nominatives in es, (changed to a in the Doric or iEolic dialect) ; as, Orestd, Atridd, Mta, Thyestd, Circa, &c. Excep. 3. In the ablative sing, of the first declension, and in Greek vocatives from nominatives mas ; as, prord [abl.], pennd [abl.] ; 2Ened, Calchd, Palld. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Rule. Pugna, interea, contra, triginta. Excep. 1. Eia, quia, ita, puta (for videlicet). Excep. 2. Nemora, tristia, mea, Hectora. Observ. Oresta, Anchisa, Circa. Excep. 3. Prora, domina, qua ; iEnea, Lycida. Promiscuous Examples. Dominorum [22], diebus [1, 22], ultra [3, 27], Pollucis [3, 21], tellures [3, 21], velo- cibus [20, 22], immemdres [3. 20], Palsemonis [2, Gr, 20], boves [20], felicibus [18, 22], Delphmes [Gr. 3, 18], Hies [18]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Musa, mihi causas memord ; quo numine laso. "Virg, Jam tenet Italiam : tamen ultra per gere tendit. Juv. Exc. 1. Haud ita me experti Bitias et Pandarus ingens. Virg. Hoc discunt omnes ante Alpha et Betapuella. Juv. Exc. 2. Anchord de prora jacitur ; stant littore puppes. Virg. Obs. Te tamen, o parva rector Polydectd Seripki. Ovid. Exc. 3. Prospiciens, summa placidum caput extulit unda. Id. Quid miserum, Mnea, laceras ? Jam parce sepulto. Id^ I RULE XXVIII. Of Final E. E brevia. — Primae quintssque vocabula produc ; Cete, oke, Tempi, fermeqne , ferec\\ie y favieqixe. . FINAL E. 41 Adde doce similemque modum ; monosyllaba, prseter Encliticas et syllabicas : beneque et male demptis, Atque inferne^ superne, adverbia cuncta secundoe. Final e is generally short ; &s,patre, nate,fuge, legere, nempe, ille, quoque, pene. Excep. 1. It is long in all cases of the first and fifth* declensions ; as, Mgle, Thisbe, Melpomene ; fide, fame, with re and die and their compounds quare, hodie, pridie, &c, as well as in the contracted geniiive and dative, die, fide. Excep. 2. The final e is long in contracted words, transplanted from the Greek, whether singular; as, Dio- mede, Achille, or in the nominative and accusative neuters plural ; as, cete, mele, pelage, tempi — all wanting the singular. Excep. 3. Ohe, ferine, and fere, have the e final long. Fere is short in Ausonius. Excep. 4. Verbs of the second conjugation have e final long in the second person singular imperative active ; as, doce, gaude, mice, vale, &c. Observ. 1. Cave, vide, and responde are sometimes found short. Excep. 5. Adverbs formed from adjectives in us — or of the second declension — have the final e long ; as, pla- cide, probe, late ; together with all adverbs of the superla- tive degree ; as, maximt, minime, doctissime. Observ. 2. Bene, male, inferne, and superne, with mage and impune, have the final e short. Adverbs coming from adjectives of the third declension, have the last syllable short, agreeably to the general rule ; as, sublime, dulcc, difficile, &c. Excep. 6< Monosyllables in e; as, me, te se, and ne, (lest or not) are long. Obser. 3. The enclitic particles que, ve, ne, (interroga- * In cases of the 1st declension, because it is equivalent to the Greek rj; in cases of the 5th, because it is a contracted syllable. 42 FINAL E. tive) and the syllabic adjuncts, pie, ce, te, de, &c., found in su-apte, nostrapte, tute, quamdc, &c, are short. These, however, might be ranged under the general rule ; — never standing alone. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Rule. Frangere, utile, mente. Excep. 1. Alcmene, die, requie, hodie. Excep. 2. Pelage, cacoethe, Tempe. Excep. 3. Ferme, fere, ohe. Excep. 4. Doce, mone, vide. Obser. 1. Cave, vide, vale. Excep. 5. Summe, valde, (for valide), sane. Obser. 2. Inferne, bene, male; dulce, suave. Excep. 6. Me, se, te. Obser. 3. Que, ve, tute, hosce. Promiscuous Examples. Numme [5, — fr. nuo. obsol. — "to nod, to approve," — wh. fr. *m'-o>, — 18, 2S], amare [23, 23], Hectora [3, 20, 27], opere [17, 28], vectigale [3, 15, 28], poemata [1, 16, 27], face [16, 28], meridie [12, 1, 28], inhibe [11, 6, 28], indigne [3, 3, 28], prl- cipue [2, 1, 28], vale [28], cave [28]. . EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Incipe, parve puer, risu cognoscere matrem. Virg. Ante mare et tellus, et quod tegit omnia caelum. Ov. Exc. 1. Tros Anchisiade, facilis descensus Averni. Virg. Non venias quare tarn longo tempore Romam. Mart. Exc. 2. At pelage multa, et late substrata videmus. Lucret. Exc. 3. Mobilis et varia est ferme natura malorum. Juv. Exc. 4. Gaude, quod spectant oculi te mille loquentem. Hor. Ob. 1. Vade, vale : cave ne titubes, mandataq ; frangas. Id. Exc. 5. Excipe sollicitos placide, mea dona, libellos. Mart. Ob. 2. Nil bene cum facias, facias attamen omnia belle. Id. Ex. 6. Me me, adsum qui feci; in me convertite ferrum. Vir. Ob. 3. Armavirumque cano, Trojan qui primus ab oris* Id. * This well-known verse at the opening of the JEneis, affords a striking exem- plification of the absurdity involved in attempting to read Latin verse according to the rules of English accentuation. " Here," says one of the ablest advocates FINAL I AND Y. 43 RULE XXTX. Of Final I and Y. I produc. — Brevia nisi cum quasi, Graecaque cuncta : Jure mihi, variare, tibique, siblque solemus, Sed mage corripies ibi, ubi, dissyllabon et cui ; Sicuti sed breviant cum sicubl, necubi, vates : Adfuerit nisi Crasis, y semper corripiendum est. The final i is generally long ; as, dominl, patrl, Met- curt, mel, amarl, audi, I, Ovidl, fill* Excep. 1. The final vowel is usually short in nisi and quasi. In Greek words also, the final i and y are short ; as, sinapl, moly — in vocatives of the third declen. ; as, Theti, Pari, Baphni, Tethy, (uncontracted) ;— in the dat. sing, of Greek nouns ; as, Palladi, Thetidi ; — and in da- tives and ablatives plur. ; as, keroisi, Troasi, Dryasl. Observ. In Tethy, the contract, dative for Tethyi, the y is long. Excep. 2. In mihi, tibi, sibi, and also in ibi, u&i, and uti, the final i is common. Cut when a dissyllable has the i common. Excep. 3. Necubl, sicubl, and sicuti are said to have the final vowel short : — but the i in the two former is common. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Rule, Ocull, Mercuri, class!. Fxcep. 1. Nisi, quasi ; gummi, mell ; Tethy, Alexi ; Paridi, Thetidi ; Charisi, of the modern system — "here, agreeably to the analogy of the English, every judicious reader will pronounce the syllables vi and ca, in the words virum and cano, long " ! And such in reality is the fact ! ! Now let the Classical student observe the consequence of this "judicious " practice : by making these two syllables long, the two dactyles with which the line commences, are metamor- phosed into as many Amphimacers ; thus — arma, virumque, -ca ! and the line is made to coiftain 26 instead of 24 times ! ! while the sweetness, melody and ryth- mical connection are totally destroyed : a medley of versification never surely contemplated by the must elaborate and ornate of the F^onian poets. But the innovators who would thus barbarously disfigure the beautiful remains of antiquity — Tradam protervis in mare Creticum Portare v cutis. * By crasis from Ooulie,Jilie. 5* f 44 FINAL 0. schemasi, ethesi. Observ. Tethy. Excep. 2. MihT, tibT, sib! ; ibi, ub!, uti : cul. Excep. 3. Necubi, sicubi, sicuti. Promiscuous Examples. Amarylli [3, Gr. 29], lapidl [15, 29], tantane [3, 28], hosce [28], fieri [1, 29], qui [29], reique [1, 29, 28], dlel, [1, 1, 29], major! [3, 20, 29], volucrl [4, 29], venT [7, 29], vlclstl [7, 4, 29], tullsti [7, 3, 29], tetendlsti [8, 3, 3, 29]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Bule. Quid domini facidnt, audent cum talia fares. Virg. /, sequere Italiam ventis, pete regnaper undas. Id. Exc. 1. Sic quasi Pythagorce loqueris successor et hares. Mart. Moly vocant superi : nigra radice tenetur. Ovid. Semper Adoni, mei, repetitaque mortis imago. Id. Palladilittorea} celehrabat Scyros honor em. Statius. Troasin* invideo ; quce si lacrymosa suorum. Ovid. Exc. 2. Tros Tyriusque mihl nullo discrimine agetur. Vir. Non miki si linguce centum sint, orceque centum. Id. Exc. 3. Sicubi magna Jovis antiquo robore quercus. Id. RULE XXX. Of Pinal O. O datur ambiguis. — Grseca et monosyllaba longis. Ergo pro causa, ternus sextusque secundae, Atque adverbia nomine, vel pronomine nata : Immo, modo, et citb corripias ; varia postremo. Serb, idcircb, idea, verb, porroqae retroque. O at the end of words is common ;t as, quandb, leo f duo, Cato, nolo. * The n makes no difference in the quantity; being merely added to prevent the hiatus, arising from the concurrence of the two vowels: jn8t as we say in English, "an orange/' for "a orange,'' — euphonice gratia. 1 It is, however, more usually long than short. FINAL 0. 45 Excep. 1. Greek cases written in the original with w: as, A?idrogeb, Clio; monosyllables ; as, b,prb, do ; ergo? signifying " for the sake of" — or, " on account of;" and datives and ablatives of the second declension ; as, somnd, tub, ventb — have the final vowel long. Excep. 2. Adverbs derived from adjectives and pro- nouns have the final b long; as, subito, meritb, multb, rarb, eb.i Observ. The final o is, however, short in citb, immb, quomodo, dummodo, postmodo, modb, (the adverb,) ego,$ octo. Excep. 3. The adverb sero, the conjunction verb, pos- tremb, idcirco, and the other words enumerated, have the final o common. examples by single words. Rule. Quando, praesto, Apollo, homo. Excep. 1. Atho, Alecto, pro, sto ; deo, filio. Excep. 2. Certo, tanto, falso. Observ. 1. Quomodo, Jantummodo, cito. Excep. 3. Id- circo, porro, adeo, retro. Promiscuous Examples. Ergo, [3, 30], Clio [Gr. 1, 30], Cantabro [3, 4, 30], moto [9, 30], data [9, 27], consul [3, 9, 29], soluto [10, 30], tacito [10, 28], subito [11, 9, 30],viglnti [3, 29], Achille [3, 28], plora [27], facitote [25, 26, 28], pecuniae [5, 5 — fr. pecu, " cattle, sheep," anciently used in barter for money — 1, 2]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Ambb Jhrentes cetatibus, Arcades ambb. Virg. Ambb relucentes, ambo candore togati. Mant. Exc. 1. Inforibus letum Androgeb ; turn pendere pmnas. Virg. 1 * Ergo, signifying " therefore," is common, according to the general rule. t These are commonly considered as ablatives of the second declension; but might they not be regarded as imitations of the Greek termination cog, with the s elided ; agreeably to the Greek usage ? t Carey, however, makes the final vowel in ego common. 46 FINAL U LONG. Opatribus plebes, o digni consule patres ! Claud. Auro pulsa fides, aurb venalia jura. Propert. Exc. 2. Poena autem vehemens, et multo sGevior illis. Juv. Ibit eo, quo vis, qui zonam perdidit, inquit. Hor. Obs. Ast ego quce divum incedo regina, Jovisque. Virg. Exc. 3. Imperium tibi sero datum ; victoria velox. Claud. Hie verb victus genitor se tollit ad auras. Virg. RULE XXXI. Final U long ; B, T, D, short. U semper produc ; b, t, d, corripe semper. B produc peregrinum, at contrahe nenuque et indu. The final u is generally long ; as, manu, cornu, metu, Panthu, (Gr. voc.) diu. Latin words terminating in b, t, or d, usually have the final vowel short; as, ab, quid, et, amdt. OCT" Foreign words are commonly long ; as, Job, Jacob ; David, Benaddd. Excep. Indu and menu have the u short : as also have many words ending with short us ; by the elision of the final s, to prevent the vowel from becoming long by its position before the succeeding consonant ; as, plenu\ for plenus ; nunciu', for nuncius. Observ. Third persons singular of the perfect tense, contracting ivlt or tit into it, or avit into at, — have the final vowel long (by Rule II) ; as, petit for petnt or peti- vit ; obit for obiit or obivit ; irritdt for irritavit. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Rule. Vultii, cornu, Melampu, (Gr. voc.) ob, caput, audiet, quid. Excep. Nenu, indu ? plenu'. Observ. Ablt for abivit, petit for petivit, creat for creavit. Promiscuous Examples. Amaverit [23, 24, 31], peperit [8, 8, 31], biblt [7, 31], faudico [5, 12, 6, 30], semisopltus FINAL C. 47 [12, 6, JO], profugio [11, 6, 1, 30], idem [neut. 12], quadrigae [12, 2], alioquin [1, 13], Indu [3, 31], generat [5, 5, 31], erumpere [11, 3, 24, 28], require [11, 6— fr. quairo — 30]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Parce metu Cytherea, manent immota tuorum. Virg. Quo res summa loco, Panthu ? quam prendimus arcem ? Id. Exc. Nee jacere indu manus, via qua munitafidei. Lucret. Yicimus o socii, et magnampugnavimu pugnam. En. Obs. Magnus civis obit, et formidatus Othoni. Juv. RULE XXXII. Of Final C. C longum est. Brevia nec,fdc, quibus adjice donee. Hie pronomen, et hoc primo et quarto variabis. Final c has the preceding vowel generally long ; as, sic, hue, illic, hie, (adv.), hoc (abl). Excep. 1. Nee, donee, and fdc (imperative), have the final vowel short. Excep. 2. The pronouns Jtic and hoc (neut.), are com- mon, but more frequently long than short. OCT" The imperatives die and due do not come under this rule, being only abbreviations of dice and duce, in which the quantity of i and u is not affected by the apocope of the final vowel. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Pule. Sic, hoc, illuc. Excep. 1. Donee, nee, fac. Excep. 2. H!c, hoc. Promiscuous Examples. Ita [27], Lycida [Gr. voc. 27], fame [28], facie [1, 28], re [28], tace [28], uti [29], Alexi [2, Gr. 29], sib! [29], hue [32], nee [31], pronu- 48 FINAL L. ba [11, 6, 27], ludlbria [5, 4, 1, 27], contulero [3, 7, 24, 30], cicatricis [4, 19]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Made nova virtute, puer : sic itur ad astra. Virg. Exc. 1. Donee erisfelix, multos numerabis amicos. Ovid. Exc. 2. Hie gladiofidens, hie acer et arduus hasta. Virg. Hie vir hie est, iibi quern promitti sapius audis. Id. RULE XXXIII. Of Final L. Corripe L. At produc sal, sol, nil, multaque Hebrsea. The final vowel before I is short ; as, mil, simul, nihil, consul, Asdrubal. Excep. Sdl, sol, and nil, (contracted from nihil,) have the final vowel long ; and also Hebrew names ; as, Da- niel, Raphael, Ismail, EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Ride. Pol, fel, semel, famul. Excep. Sol, sal ; Mi- chael, Daniel. Promiscuous Examples. Nil [33], nihil [1, 33], hie [adv. 32], vultu [3, 31], nee [32], amo [30], magistrl [5— fr. magis— 3, 29], pc^ne [2, 28], Innixa [3, 3, 27], facitote [25, 26, 28], audiebamlni [2, 1, 24, 23, 25, 29], lapide [18, 29], llttoris [3, 20, 38], oris [from os, " a mouth," 20, 38]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Vertit terga citus damnatis, Asdrubal ausis. Silius. Obstupuit simul ipse, simul perculsus Achates. Virg. Exc. De nihilo nihil, in nihilum ml posse reverti. Persius. Quum magnus Daniel, qualis vir, quanta potestas ! Tert. FINAL N. 49 \H/ =a Respecting the quantity of final syllables in m, on which Prosodians are not agreed — it has been deemed advisable to insert no rule : as the subject may be more properly referred to the " Figures of Prosody;" farther on. For the convenience, however, of teachers, who prefer the rule in the order of the letters, it is given below.* RULE xxxiv. Final N. N produc. — Breviabis at -en quod -Inis breve format ; Graecorum quartum, si sit brevis ultima recti ; An, tamen, in cum compositis ; rectumque secundae. Words, whether in Latin or of Greek origin, termi- nating with n, have the final vowel generally long; as, en, splen, quin, sin, Pan, Siren; with Actceon, Lacedce- mdn, Platon, &c, [written with an u] ; also Greek accu- satives in an and en, of the first declen., from the nomi- natives in as, es, and e long ; as, Mneun, Anchisen, Cal- liopen ; genitives plural; as, Myrmidonbn, Cimmerion, epigrammaton ; and Greek accusatives in on of the Attic dialect having w in the original ; as, Athon, Androgebn. Excep. 1. Nouns terminating with en, having inis in the gen., have the final vowel short; as, carmen, numen, nomen, tegmen, flumen. Excep. 2. The final vowel before n, is short in all Greek accusatives of every declension, whose nomina- tive has a short final syllable ; as, Maian, Scorpion. * M vorat Ecthlipsis : prisci breviare solebant. Final m, succeeded by a vowel [or the letter h.1 is generally elided by Ecth- TVpsis : the older poets usually shortened the preceding vowel, preserving the m firera elision : ex. gr : — Jnsignita,fere turn millia militum octo. Ennius. 5 50 FINAL N. Parin, Thetin, Ityn, Alexin, chelyn : and datives plural in in; as, Arcasin. Excep. 3. An, tamen, in, with their compounds, for- san, satin 1 , veruntamen, &c, and vidert, have the final vowel short. Excep. 4. Greek nominatives in on, written with an omicron, and corresponding with the second declension in Latin, have the final syllable short; as, Pelion, llion, Erotibn. Observ. Greek accusatives also in on [omicron], have the final vowel short ; as, Ceroeron, Rhodbn, Menelabn. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Rule. Splen, Titan, Siren, Salamin,Cimmerion, Athon. Excep. 1. Pecten, flamen, crimen. Excep. 2. Ibin, iEgi- nan, Alexin. Excep. 3. Attamen, viden', satin', nostin'. Excep. 4. Erotion, llion, Pelion. Observ. Rhodon, Cer- beron. Promiscuous Examples. Timid! [5, — fr. ttmeo — 14, 29], £iate [2, 15, 28], C^sare [2, 15, 28], exemplaria [3, 3, 15, 1, 27], mulieribus [1, 17, 22], stemmata [3, 16, 27], renes [17], hymenceos [17, 2], mansueti [3, 17,29], regibus [17, 22], reflcio [11, 6, 1, 30], Inlquo- rum [11, 6, — fr. asquus, 29]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. De grege nbn ausim quicqua?n deponere tecum. Virg. Finierat Titan; omnemque ref tiger at Orpheus. Ov. Actceon ego sum ! dominum cognoscite vestrum- Id. Amitto Anchisen, hie me, pater optime, fessum. Virg. Cimmeribn etiam ohscuras accessit ad oras. Tibul. Ex. 1. Tegmen habent capiti; vestigia nuda sinistri. Vir. Ex. 2. Namqueferunt raptampatriis Mginan ab undis. St. Ex. 3. Mittite; — -for san et hcec olim meminisse juvabit. Vir. FINAL R. 51 Ex. 4. Ilion et Tenedos, Simo'isque et Xanthus et Ide. Ov. Obs. Laudabunt alii claram Rhodon, aut Mitylenen. Hor. rule xxxv, Final R. R breve. — Cur produc, Fur, Far, quibus ad j ice Ver, Ndr; Et Graium quotquot longum dant eris et JEtker, Aer, ser, et Iber. — Sit Cor breve.— Celtiber anceps. — Par cum compositis, et lar, producere vulgo Norma jubet : sed tu monitus variabis utrumque. Words ending in ?*, have the last vowel or syllable, for the most part, short ; as, Amilcar, mtdier, puer, ter, Hec- tor, martyr, semper, precor, audientur. Excep. 1. Cur, far, far, ver, and ndr, have the final vowel long ; — as also have all words of Greek origin, forming the genitive sing, in eris long; as, crater, stater ; aer, aether, Scr, and iber : — but the compound of iber is common ; as, Celtiber, Obser. 1. Pater and mater, although increasing in the genitive, have the final vowel short, agreeably to the rule. Obser. 2. Cor has the vowel short. Excep. 2. Par with its compounds, and Lcir have the final vowel generally common.* EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Rule. Ver, timor, turtur, Hector, amamur. Excep. 1. Cur, ver ; stater, spinter, Kecimer ; aer, Ser, iber : — Celtiber. Observ. Pater, mater. Excep. 2. Par, Lar. * Although the quantity of these two words is, incompliance with the authority of some excellent Prosodians, given as common, it must not he concealed, that many others of equal authority, agree with Alvary, in regarding it as always long. 6 52 FINAL AS. Promiscuous Examples. Amaretur [23, 24, 35], setbere, [2, 27, 28], tapetlbus [17, 22], vlrgine [3, 18, 28], Sala- minl [Gr. 18, 29], cornice [3, 19, 28], vigoris [5,— fr. vfgeo, —20], gequora [2, 20, 27], doctiora [3, 1. 20, 27], me- mori [5, — fr. memini, — 20, 29]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Semper er is pauper, si pauper es, Mmiliane. Mart. Angustum formica terens iter, et bibit in gens. Virg. Exc. 1. Multa quidem dixi, cur excusatus abirem. Hor. Inde mare, inde aer, inde cether ignifer ipse'. Lucret. Ob. 1. Est mihi namque domi pater, est injusta noverca. Virg. Ob. 2. Molle mihi levibusque cor est violable telis. Ovid. Exc. 2. Luderepdrimpdr,equitare in arundinelonga. Hor. RULE xxxvi. Final AS. As produc. — Breve Anas. — Grsecorum tertia quartum. Corripit — et rectum per adis si patrius exit. Words ending in as have the final vowel generally- long ; as, eras, tempestas, Mneas, Pallas, (Pallantis), mas, musas;—a)\ verbs terminating in as; such ^s,amds, doceds, legebds ; — gentile nouns ; as, Arpinds, Antias ; — and antique genitives; as, vids,familias. Excep. 1. Anas is short.* Excep. 2. Final as is also short in Greek accusatives plural of the third declension ; as, heroas, lampadds, del- phinas, Hectords, Heroidds. Excep. 3. Greek nouns in as, forming the genitive in ados (adis, Latin), are short; as, Areas, (gen. arcados or or cadis) ; Pallas, (gen. Pallados or Palladis) : lampds, * In Petronius Arbiter. Burmann, however, conjectures the lection shoulil be avis. FINAL ES. 53 Ilias : — also Latin words in as, formed in the manner of Greek patronymics ; as, Appias, Adrias, Honorids. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WOKDS. Rule. Fas, terras, pietas, iEneas, Thomas, Pallas, (Pallantis), audiebas ; Antias, Larinas ; curas, (gen.) tristitias, (gen). Excep. 1. Anas. Excep. 2. Cyclopas, crateras, Troas, Nai'das. Excep. 3. Lampas, Pallas, (Pallados), Ilias; Appias, Adrias. Promiscuous Examples. Audiebamur [2, 1, 24, 23, 35], sol [33], nequis [12], nee [32], forsan [34], omen [34], longe [3, 28 adv.], lampadas [3, 16, 26], scio [1, 30], DIa [Gr. 1, 27], extra [3, 27], vivimus [25], Alexandria [Gr. 3, 3, 1, 27], musas [5, — fr. ^Saa, " a muse," — 36]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Quid meus Mneds in te committere tantum ? Virg. Forte sua Libycis tempestds appulit oris. Id . ILxc.l.Etpictisandsenotatapennis. (Phaloecian). Petro. Exc. 2. Orpheus in silvis, inter delphinds Arion. Virg. Exc. 3. Bellica Pallas adest, etprotegit cegidefratrem. Ov. Adrias unda vadis largam procul expuit algam. A v. rule xxxvn. Final ES. Es dabitur longis. — Breviat sed tertia rectum, Cum patrii brevis est crescens penultimates hinc Excipitur, paries, arils, abicsque, Ceresque. Corripe et es de sum, penes, et neutralia Graeca. His quintum et rectum numeri dent Graeca secundi. The final vowel in es is long ; as, res, quies, Alcides, sermones, doces, esses, decies ; with the nomin. and vocat. plur. of Greek nouns, (corning from the genitive sing, in eos), originally written with etg, contracted from eeg; as, 54 FINAL ES. hereses, crises, phrases. The following also have es long: genitives of nouns in e, of the first declen., as, Eurydices, Penelopes, Ides, Calliopes ; — plural cases of Latin nouns of the third and fifth declensions, as, Libyes, Alphes, res ; and the antique genitive in es of the fifth declension ; as, dies, rabies. Excep. 1. Nouns in es of the third declension, increas- ing short in the genitive, have es in the nominative short: as, hospes, ales, ?niles, prcepes, limes. Oeserv. 1. Aries, abies, paries, Ceres and pes, with its compounds [sonipes, quadrupes, &c.,] are long, according to the rule. Excep. 2. Es in the present tense of the verb sum,, is short ; as are also its compounds, potes, abes, ades, pro- des, &c. ; likewise the finales in the preposition, penes; and in Greek neuters, as, cacoethes, hippomanes, &c. ; in Greek nominatives and vocatives plur. of nouns in the third declension, increasing in the genitive sing., but not forming that case in eos ; as, Tritones, rhetor es, d&mories, Arcades, Troes : and Greek vocatives sing., coming from nominatives in es, and forming the gen. in eos ; as, De- mosthenes, Socrates, &c. Observ. 2. Wherever the Latin termination es repre- sents the Greek termination ^c, it is of course long; as, Alcides, Brontes, Palamedes. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Rule. Nubes, artes, Joannes, locuples, quoties, jubes , haereses, metamorphoses ; Calliopes, Ides, (both gen.) \ syrtes, dies ; rabies, dies, (both gen.) : Excep. 1. Dives, pedes, seges. Obser. 1. Abies, paries, cornipes. Excep. 2. Es, potes, ades, penes ; cacoethes, hippomanes ; heroes, Amazones, Troades ; Demosthenes, Socrates. Obser. 2. Brontes, Palamedes. Promiscuous Examples. Perituro [11,9, 26, 30], Area- FINAL IS AND YS. 56 das [3, Gr. 16, 36], arietes [1, 17, 37], sepibus [17, 22], Michaelis [17], velitis [verb 25], sumus [26], nisi [6 — fr. ne,— 29], Perses [3, 37], habitabas [5,— fr. habeo,— 25, 23, 36], paUper [2, 35], ^Enean [2, Gr. 1, 34], ades [11, 37], fama [5,— fr. Mm,— 27]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. # Rule. Orbits es, et locuples et Bruto consule dignus. Mart. Anchises alacris palmas utrasque tetendit. Virg. Alpes Me quatit; Rhodopeia culmina lassat. Claud. Exc. 1. Vivitur ex rapto : nan kospes ab hospite tutus. Ov. Mtherea quos lapsa plaga Joins ales aperto. Virg. Obs. 1. Populus in fluviis, abies in montibus altis. Id. Stat sonipes et frana ferox spumantia mandit. Id. Exc. 2. Quisquis es, amissos hincjam obliviscere Graios. Id. Quern penes arbitrium est, etjus et norma loquendi. Hor. Scribendi cacoetkes, et cegro in corde senescit. Juv. Ambo Jlorentes mtatibus, Arcades ambo. Virg. Ob. 2. Meferus Alcides, tunc quu/n custode remoto. Stat. rule xxxvm. Final IS and YS. Corripies is et ys. — Plurales excipe casus. Gils, sis, vis, verbum ac nomen, nolisque, velisque ; Audis, cum sociis ; quorum et genitivus in -inis, -entisve, aut -Itis longum, producito semper. ris conjunctivum mos est variare poetis. Final syllables in is and ys, have the vowel short ; as apis, turris, Jovis, militis, aspicis, creditis, bis, is, and quis, (nominatives), Itys, Capys, Typhys. Excep. 1. All plural cases ending in is have the final vowel long ; as, rnusls, viris, armis, vobls, illls, amaris, (adject.), quis or quels for quibus, omnls for omnes, and 6* 56 FINAL IS AND YS. urbis for urbes. Contracted plurals, as Erinnys for Erin- nyes or Erinnyas havs ys long. Observ. 1. The adverbs forls, gratis, and ingratls, have the final syllable long.* Excep. 2. Gils, sis, (with its compounds!), vis — whether verb or noun — nolis, veils, (with its compounds), audls, and every second person singular of the fourth conjuga- tion ; as, nescis, sentls, &c, have the final vowel long. Excep. 3. The final is is long in all nouns forming their genitive in entis, inis, or itis, with the penultima long; as, Siinols, (Simoentis), Salamls, (Salaminis), Us, (litis). Observ. 2. The termination ris in the second future indicative and perfect subjunctive, has the i common ; as, amaveris, dixerh, miscuerxs. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Rule. Lapis, dulcis, ais, inquis, magis, cis, chelys, Erinnys. Excep. 1. Puerls, glebis, siccis, quis or quels for quibus. Observ. 1. Forls, gratis. Excep. 2. GITs, fls, nescis, vis, quamvis, sis, adsls. Excep. 3. Lis, dis, Pyrols, Quirls. Observ. 2. Vitaverls, egens, attulerls. Promiscuous Examples. Profundens [11, 3, 3], procu- ravit [11, 5 — fr. ciira — 23, 31], nequam [12], ubique [12, 28], hodie [13, 1, 28], setatis [2, 15, 38], Amllcarl [3, 15, 29], lampadis [3, 16, 38], quamvis [3, 38], Othrys [38], tuleris [7, 24, 38], steterunt [7, 24, 3], Imber [3, 3o]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Kule. Dulcis inexpertis cultura potentis amid. Hor. Non apis inde tulit collectos sedulaflores. Ovid. * These adverbs are in reality, datives or ablatives plural. t Such as; adsls,possls, mails, nolis quamvis, &c. FINAL OS. 57 Donee erisfelix, multos numerabis amicos. Id. Atque utinam ex vobis unus, vestriquefuissem.YiTg. At Capys, et quorum melior sententia menti. Id. Exc. 1. Prcese?itemque viris intentant omnia mortem. Id. Nobis kcec portent a Dcum dedit ipse creator. Cic. Ob. 1. Effugere haudpotis est, ingratis h&ret et angit. Luc. Exc. 2. Sivisessealiquis. — Probitas laudatur et alget. Juv. JSesc'is lieu I nescis domince fastidia Roma. Mart. Exc. 3. Samriis in ludo ac rudibus causis satis asper. Lucil. Obs. 2. Grajculus esuriens in caelum, jusseris, ibit. Juv. Miscuerls elixa, simul conchylia turdis. Hor. RULE XXXIX. OS Final. Vult os produci. — Compos breviatur, et impos, Osque ossis : — Graium neutralia jungito, ut Argos — Et quot in os Latiae flectuntur more secundse, Scripta per o parvum : — patrios, quibus adde Pelasgos. Words terminating in os have the final vowel long ; as, fids, nepos, viros, bonds, vos, os, (oris), Tros, Minds, Athos, and all other words which, in Greek, are written with m; as, Androgeos ; with all proper names which change laos to leds [Attically ;] as, Peneleos, Demoleos, Meneleos. Excep. 1. The final os is short in compos, impos, and os, (ossis), with its compound exos ; and in Greek neu- ters ; as, Argos, Chaos, melds. Excep. 2. All Greek nouns of the second declension — which in Greek are written with an omicron — have the final vowel short ; as, Tyros, Arctds, Bids. Excep. 3. All genitives in os, whatever be the nomi- native, are short ; as, Palladds, O'ileds, Orpheds, Tethyds. 58 FINAL US. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Ride. Custos, ventos, jactatos, nos ; Erectos, heros, Androgeos, Nicoleos. Excep. 1. Compos, impos, 6s (ossis) ; chaos, epos. Excep. 2. Claros, Tenedos, Atro- pos. Excep. 3. Arcados, Tereos, Tethyos. Promiscuous Examples. Honos [39], viros [14, 39], mulierls [1, 17, 38], lichenes [Gr. 17, 37], Iberis [17, 38], legi [dat. fr. lex, 17, 19], cita [fr. cieo, 9, 27], dabitur [23, 25, 35], llttoris [3, 20, 38], Argonautas [3, 13, 2, 36,] me [28], cervlcibus [3, 19, 22], donis [5, — fr. daqor, " a gift," the q being changed into n y — 38]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Ut fids inseptis secretus nascitur hortis. Catullus. Os homini sublime dedit, codumque tueri. Ovid. Androgeos offert nobis, soda agmina credens. Virg. Ex. 1. Exos et exsanguis tumidos perfluctuat artus. Lucret. Et Chads, et Phlegethon, loca node silentia late. Vir. Ex. 2. Et Tyros instabilis, pretiosaque murice Sidon. Luc. Ex.3. O furor ! o homines! dirique Prometheos artesl Stat. RULE XL. Pinal US. Us breve ponatur. — Produc monosyllaba, quseque Casibus increscunt longis, et nomina quartae, (Exceptis recto et quinto), et quibus exit in -untis, Patrias, et conflata a novc, contractaque Graeca In recto ac patrio, et venerandum nomen IESUS. Final us is short ; as, annus, cultus, tempus, fontibus, bonus, malus, illius, dicimus, intus, tenus ; and also in the nominative and vocative sing, of the fourth declension ; as, domus, ?nanu$. FINAL US. 09 Excep. 1. In monosyllables thesis long; as, grus, jus, rus, plus. Excep. 2. All nouns having a long penultima in the genitive singular, are long in the nominative singular ; as, solas, tellus, palus, virtus. Excep. 3. All nouns of the fourth declension (the nominative and vocative singular excepted), have final us long; as, aditus, vultus,fructus. Excep. 4. In words from the Greek, forming their genitive in untls, as, Opus, Amathus, Pessiniis, the final u is long. Excep. 5. Compounds from novc, forming the genitive in podis or podos, as, Tripus, Melampus, (Edipus, have the final u long. Observ. Polypus, of the second declension, from the Doric, has the u short ; as also have Melampus and (Edipus in like circumstances. Excep. 6. In Panthus, and other proper names, written in Greek, with the diphthong oug, contracted from oog y the final u is long ; — and in genitives from nominatives fern, in o (w) ; as, Mantus, from nom. Manto ; Clius, from nom. Clio; Didus, nom. Dido, &c, &c. Exce_p. 7. The final u is long in the venerable name of JESUS. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WOFiDS. Pule. Opus, melius, quibus, decimus, penitus ; gra- dus, qusestiis. Excep. 1. Siis, plus, thus. Excep. 2. Tellus, salus, palus. Excep. 3. Fructus, domus, manus. Excep. 4. Opus, Amathus, Pessiniis. Excep. 5. Tripus, Polypus, CEdipus. Observ. Melampus, Polypus, (Doric 2d de- clens.) Excep. 6. Panthus ; Eratus, Inus, Clothus. Excep. 7. Jesus. 60 FINAL US. Promiscuous Examples. Tellus, (gen. telluris) [3, 40], senslbus [3, 22, 40], Pan [34], tulisti [7, 3, 29], dede- runt [7, 24, 3], nequa (fem. of nequis,) [12, 27], profes- tus [11, 3, 40,] judex [13, 3], erumpere [11, 3, 24, 28], attiglt [3, 6, 31], monimentis [5, 5, 3, 38], movendus [5, — fr.^moveo, — 3, 40], movisses [-5, — fr. movi, — 3, 37], mediocris [5, — fr. medius, — 1,4,38], frigoribus [5, — fr. fiyog, " cold," with the iEolie digamma (F) prefixed ; as, Pft>g,_20, 22, 40]. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Rule. Heu ! fugc crudeles terras ; fuge littus avarum, Vir. Serius out citius sedem properamus ad unam. Ovid. Opatria ! o divum domus Ilium, et inclyta bello. Vir. Exc. 1. Sed rigidum jus est et inevitable mortis. Pedo. Exc. 2. Mox etiam fruges tellus inarata ferebat. Ovid. Regis opus; sterilisve palus* din, apt ague remis. Hor. * The author avails himself of the opportunity afforded by the introduction of this line from the " Art of Poetry," to make a few observations on the position of palus, so long a bone of contention among Prosodians ancient and modern. In most of the editions of Horace, the line is arranged thus : — Regis opus, sterilisque diu palus, aptaque remis : — making the final syllable of palus short, contrary to Exception 2nd. of the above Rule. From the days of the commentator Servius, and the grammarian Pris- cian, down to the last elaborate edition of Horace by Professor Anthon, this line has been crux grammaticorum. The great Bentley would read — palus prius. — This emendation would indeed remedy the quantity, but at the expense of terseness and beauty. Carey sup- poses, that Horace might have intended palus to be of the 2nd or 4th declension, and thence make the final syllable short without any violation of quantity : while the learned professor of Columbia College contents himself with giving the various lections of preceding commentators without offering any thing new of his own. But, in truth, most of the conjectures, hitherto hazarded on the matter, are ingenious rather than satisfactory : for the only solution to the difficulty is that afforded by the arrangement given in our text ; — which not only preserves the quantity, but detracts nothing from the harmony or rythmical beauty of the poet. The hepthemimeral caesura too occurring at lus of palus, contributes at once to the strength as well as to the sweetness of the verse. Bentley's emenda- tion does not, to be sure, alter the position of the cassura, but the manifest inele- gance of the us in prius, immediately succeeding the us in palus, is abhorrent to the curiosa fellcitas of the great Lyric poet of antiquity. The quantity of the u in diu, which is long by nature, can oppose no serious objection to the arrangement adopted; as the instances among the classic authors FINAL US. 61 Ex. 3. Quale manus addunt ebori decus, aut ubijlavo. Virg. Ex. 4. Est Amathus, est celsa mihi Paphos, at que Cythera. Id. Ex. 5. Nil validce juvere manus, genitorque Melampus. Id. Ob. Utque sub cequoribus deprehensum polypus hostem. Ovid. Ex. 6. Panthus Othryades, arcis Phcebique sacerdos. Virg. Ex. 7. Et ccelo et terris venerandum nomen IESUS. Anon. OCT* Observation, on the Final Syllable of a Verse, as usually given on works on Prosody : thus — Syllaba cujuvis erit ultima carminis anceps. The final syllable of every verse, except the Anapasstic and the Ionic a minore* may be either long or short at the option of the poet ; or in the language of Prosodians, may be considered common ; i. e., although the final syllable be naturally short, it may be reckoned long, and although naturally long, it may be reckoned short ; as — Gens inimica mihi Tyrrhenum navigat cequor, where the final syllable or, which is short by Rule xxxv, forms the second syllable of a spondee, to suit the purpose of the poet, and thus becomes long. Again in the fol- lowing Sapphic from Horace — Crescit occulto velut arbor cevo, are numberless, where the long rowel or diphthong is made short, before another vowel or diphthong, by synaloepha or elision ; the diphthong or long vowel merely parting with one of its short component vowels, and remaining short : as— Insula Ionio in magno quas dira Celseno : — where the e of the diphthong is elided : — and again, Ter sunt conati imponere Pelib Ossam : — where the long vowel o in Pelio loses one of its two component short times, (ot vowels,) and remains short before the succeeding vowel. * In both these species, the final syllable of the line or verse, if not naturally long, shonld, through means of the synapheia, be rendered long by the concourse of consonants. 62 QUANTITY CF PENULTIMATE SYLLABLES the final syllable vo, which is in reality long, by Rule xxx., is used by the poet as if short, forming the second syllable of a trochee, to conclude his verse. Such is the mode generally adopted by Prosodians to explain the final syllable of a verse. The truth however is, that the final syllable of every verse must be regarded as always long ; (necessario longa est ;) — being either long by nature, or rendered so by the pause required at the end of every line : agreeably to the remarks of the judicious and elegant Clarke in his Notes on Homer : — Ultima cujusque versus syllaba, qualiscunque ea est natura....non (ut Grammatici loquuntur) communis, sed semper necessario longa est; propter pausam istam, qua, fine versus, syllabse ultima? pronunciatio necessario pro- ducitur. — Ad Iliad, A. 51.* ON THE QUANTITY OF PENULTIMATE SYLLABLES NOT REDUCIBLE TO RULE. 1. Patronymics in ides or ades, have their penultimate generally short ; as, Priamides, Atlantiades, &c, except those derived from nouns ending eus ; as, Pelldes, Tydi- des, &c. ; as — Atque hie Priamidem laniatum corpore toto. Virg. Par sibi P elides ? nee inania Tartara sen tit. Ovid. 2. Patronymics and all kindred words in ais, eis, itis, bis, otis, ine, and one, commonly lengthen the penulti- mate ; as, Ackais, Ptoleviais, Chryseis, Mneis, Memphi- tis, Oceanltis, Minbis, Latois, Icariotis, Nilotis, Nerlne, Acrisibne. But Thebais and Phocais shorten the penul- timate. Nereis is common. Protinus iEgides, rapta Minoide, Dian. Ovid. Thebaidis jussis sua tempora frondibus ornant. Id. * See also Cicero (Orator 64) and Quintilian (9, 4). NOT REDUCIBLE TO RULE. 63 3. Adjectives in acus, icus, idus, and imus, usually shorten the penultimate ; as, Mgyptiacus. dcemoniacus ; academicus, aromaticus ; callidus, perfidus, lepidus ; fini- txmus, legitimus ; also superlatives, pulcherrimus,fortissi~ mus, optimus, maximus, &c. Except meracus, op acus ; amicus, aprtcus, pudicus, mendicus, posticus ; fidus, infi- dus ; bhnus, trimus ; quadrlmus, patrimus, matrlmus, oplmus ; and the two superlatives, imus and primus. Utque suum laqueis, quos callidus abdidit auceps. Ov. Fidum iEneas affatur Achaten. Virg. 4. Adjectives in alls, anus, arus, irus, ivus, orus, osus, udus, urusy and utus, have their penultimate long ; as, conjugdlis, dotalis, urbanus, avdrus, delirus, astivus, fugitivus, decorus, formbsus, percrudus, edurus, astutus. But the penultimate of barbarus, opiparus, and oviparus, are short. Adjecisset opes, animi irritamen avdri. Ovid, Pictus acu tunicas, et barbara tegmina crurum. Virg. 5. Verbal adjectives in His shorten the penultimate ; as, agilis, facilis, fusilis, utilis, &c. But adjectives de- rived from nouns are generally long ; as, anilis, civilis, herllis, &c, to which may be added exilis, and subtllis; also the names of months, Aprilis, Quinctilis, Sextilis : — except humilis, parilis, and similis, a word of uncertain origin, whose penultimates are short. But all adjectives in atilis, whether derived from verbs or nouns > have the penultimate short ; as, plicatilis, versatilis, volatilis, jluvi- atilis, &c. Nee tibi delicize faciles, vulgataque tantum. Ovid. At qui umbrata gerunt civili tempora quercu. Virg. 6. Adjectives in inus, derived from living things, and denoting possession ; also numeral distributives, proper names, and gentile nouns, lengthen the penultimate ; as, 7 64 QUANTITY OF PENULTIMATE SYLLABLES Agninus, canlrvus, leporinus ; Binus, trinus, quinus ; Ah binus, Cratinus, Justinus ; Alexandrxnus, Latinus, Venu- sinus, &c. To these may be added certain adjectives having a reference to physical or mental objects and de- signations ; as, adulter inus, festinus, gelasinus, genuinus, Hibertinus, mediastinus, oplnus, and inopinus, paupertinus, peregrinus, suplnus. Also, adjectives of place ; as, coh Linus, marxnus, vicinus ; and those derived from nouns denoting time ; as, mat ut inus, vespertinus ; and lastly these few, not reducible to a class, Austrinus, Caurxnus, cisterninus, clandestinus, repent inus. Sicaniam yeregrina colo Ovid. Et matutxni volucrum sub culmine cantus. Virg. 7. Adjectives in inus, derived from inanimate things, such as plants, trees, stones, &c. ; also from adverbs of time, or from substantives denoting the four seasons of the year, have their penultimate short ; as, Amaracinus, crocinus, hyacinthinus ; cedrxnus, fagxnus, oleagxnus ; adamant xnus, amethystxnus, smaragdinus ; coralUnus, crystallinus, murrhxnus ; Crastinus, diutxnus, perendinus, pristinus, serotinus ; Earinus, oporinus, chimerinus, theri- nus ; also annotxnus, hornotinus. To which add bomby- cinus, elephantxnus, which seem to refer rather to the silk and ivory, than to the animals themselves. Et lux cum primum terris se crastrna reddet. Virg. . . . . Mens tantum pristxna mansit. Ovid. 8. Diminutives in olus, ola, olum, and ulus, ula, ulum, shorten the penultimate ; as, urceolus, jiliola, musceolum; Lectulus, ratiuncula, corculum, &c. Ante fugam soboles, si quis mihi parvulus, aula. Virg. 9. Adverbs in tim lengthen the penultimate ; as, oppi- datim, dietim, virltim, tributim. Except affatim and NOT REDUCIBLE TO RULE. 65 perpetim; also statim, which has however been length- ened by poets living in an age of degenerate Latinity. Et velut absentem certdtim Actseona clamant. Ovid. Stulta est fides celare quod prodas stdtim. — (Iamb.) 10. Latin denominatives in aceus, aneus, arius, aticus, orius ; also verbals in abilis ; and words in atilis, what- ever their derivation may be, lengthen their antepenulti- mate ; as. cretdceus, test aceus ; moment dneus, subitdneus ; cibdrius, herbdrius ; aqudticus, fandticus ; censbrius, mes- sbrius ; amdbilis, revoc abilis ; pluvi atilis, plicdtilis, &c. Aiunt, cum sibi sint congesta cibdria, sicut. Hor. Calcavere pedis, nee solvit aqudticus Auster. Ovid. 11. Adjectives in icius, derived from nouns, shorten the i of the antepenultimate ; as, gentilicius, patricius, tribunicius. Except novicius, or novitius. But those which come from supines or participles, lengthen the i of the antepenultimate ; as, advecticius, commendatlcius, suppositicius, &c. Patricios omnes opibus cum provocet unus. Juv. Jam sedet in ripa, tetrumque novicius horret. Id. Hermes suppositicius sibi ipsi. — (Phal.) Mart. 12. Desideratives in* urio, shorten the antepenultima, which in the second and third person is the penult ,* as, esurio, esuris, esiirit. But other verbs in urio lengthen that syllable; as, ligurio,liguris ; scat urio, scaturis, 6cc. The quantity of the first and middle syllables of foreign or barbarous words introduced into the Latin language, cannot be determined, unless when they fall within the general rules. — Those first and middle syllables which cannot be ascertained by the preceding rules, must be determined by the practice or authority of the poets. 66 PRONUNCIATION. SECTION IV. OF PRONUNCIATION. On this part of Latin Prosody it were needless to dilate, as the modes adopted in the pronunciation of the vowels, whether long or short, are so various, and so contradictory in various countries, and withal so firmly engrafted on their respective usages, that any attempt to lay down gen- eral rules would appear not only useless but presumptuous. The majority of classical scholars in all these countries where the study of Latin language and literature is culti- vated, appear to concur in assigning to the vowels of that language, the same sound which they give the vowels of their own vernacular respectively. How absurd soever the custom may be, it is now too firmly fixed to admit a remedy : nullis medicabilis verbis. In the Catholic Universities and Colleges, the mode adopted is that followed on the Continent of Europe ; in the Literary Institutions of other denominations, — at least of those in the British empire and United States, the mode usually adopted, is that followed by the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge in England, and Trinity College, Dublin. In many institutions on either side of the At- lantic, both methods are, in some measure, blended with a preponderance, more or less, to either, according to the taste of the instructors, or the customs of the locality. The consequence is, that the stately and sonorous language of ancient Rome, for so many ages the most general medium of intercourse, written, printed, and oral, among the liter- ati of all nations, is with much difficulty understood by a scholar of one country, when read in his hearing by the scholar of another ! but when spoken in conversation it is scarcely intelligible ! ! # * Hence the sarcastic apology— for not answering in turn— made by Sqaliger. when addressed in Latin by a Scotchman;— that "he" (Scaligtr) "did not understand Gaelic." PRONUNCIATION. 67 Without pretending to censure those who follow the modern improvements (?) in the mode of pronouncing the Latin words, the compiler ventures to offer a few words in defence of the mode, which he had been long taught to regard as that least liable to objection, — as nearest, in the majority of instances, to the pronunciation of the old Ro- mans — afcd consequently as the best. He believes, then, that the sounds of the Latin vowels (long) ought to be nearly as laid down in the following scale : The d long like the English a in far; as in the Latin words Mars, amdre. The e " " e in there ; " tt dies, tulere. The* " " i in thine; " iC Nilus, audirc. The 6 u u o in no ; u " timore, nolite. The u " " u in sure; " " musa,duco. Between the Latin a and the Greek a (tilcpa) from which it had been derived, there could have been no essential difference of sound ; being both pronounced when in com- bination, like the a in far ; as, dearum, Mcscenas ; &ea, dpyo? : but the foppish and finical sound 'of a in fate, into which it has been metamorphosed by modern improve- ment, was certainly unknown to the full, open, ore-rotundo pronunciation of the stately lords of the world. To the majestic march and sonorous swell of " the long resound- ing line" in Latin verse, nothing probably has done more injury than this barbarous innovation. The Latin e, allowedly the n (fjra) of the Greeks, must have had a sound exactly similar to that of its primitive ; like the English e in there ; or in the French words, bete, tete ; as, in acies, diebus. All doubt on the subject is removed by the testimony of Eustathius, who says that £?rj, 0rj, was a sound formed from the bleating of sheep ; quoting the well known verse of the poet : *0 5' iiXidiog, SxrnBQ nydSajov, j9tj, jfftj Mywv @adl$6i: so that the modernized, attenuated sound of e in we, 7 # 68 PRONUNCIATION. foisted on this vowel, had been wholly unknown to the ancients. The vowel i being the Latin representative of the Greek proper diphthong st>, — not of the vowel t> (iwra), as some assert, — must be supposed to have preserved the sound of both letters, and to have been pronounced like the English l in thine ;* as, Nilus, (the river), Iphigenia, dlcere.i Victorinus shows that the quantity of i was marked by the ancients as if ei diphthong : which is also proved from Lucilius where alluding to the sound of i in the plural of words, he says — Jam puerei venere e postremum facito atque i Hoc illeifecere, addes e ut pinguius fiat : — " That it may become fuller ;" an observation by no means applicable to the sound of e, into which it has been too generally converted.! In 5, from the Greek w ((b/niya) — more fortunate than its brethren. — -scarcely any difference has yet appeared between the two systems alluded to above ; all agreeing to give it the sound assigned it by nature, that of the English 5 in no, oh ; in French cdte, and the Latin words mobilis, poculum ; agreeably to the quantity of the Greek vowel whence derived. In u, from the Greek v (tiytlov), the difference between the two systems has, in all probability, been as great as in the case of the vowel i ; — the scholars on the Conti- nent generally giving it the sound of u in rule (do), while those of the British empire most commonly pronounce it like the English u in sure, tube ; as in manu, cornu : — a * It must not, however, be concealed, that this opinion is different from that of many learned Prosodians. t The force of custom has been more than usually capricious in the use or abuse of this letter; not unfrequently compelling the bewildered student to follow two different modes of pronunciation in the same line; as — Cut tu lacte/avos et miti dilue Baccho. Virg. % Qu.— Perverted? PRONUNCIATION. OX sound far preferable, not only from its more uniform pre- valence in the recitation of the language, but from its greater fullness and expressiveness : yet it must in candor be admitted, that the sound given by the scholars of the Continent of Europe, approximates more closely to that supposed to be the sound of the ancient Romans than the one adopted by the scholars of the British empire ; for although derived from the Greek v (dtf/ddv), the Latin u would appear to have differed widely from its primitive : whence Ausonius tells us, that the sound of the Roman u "had been unknown to the Greeks" — Cecropiis ignota: and Plautus makes his Parasite say — Tw, tu, illic inquam, mrC adferri noctuam — comparing it to the note or hooting of the owl. With regard to the partial adoption of both systems, the natural result is, the absence of all consistency: whereas those who strenuously insist on the mincing petit-maitre sound of a and e, as in the English vowels in fate and ?ne, almost uniformly abandon the sound of the English vowels in the case of i; and generally in that of u ; — pronouncing the former as e and the latter as 55! If the Latin vowels a and e are doomed to submit to the Saxon yoke, why exempt I and u? If z (sounded as e) and u (sounded as 55) are retained as agreeable to the method of the Romans, why not retain a and e, as unquestion- ably pronounced by the same people, and as given in the above scale ? In our improvements, let us preserve some appearance at least of consistency. Let us Anglicize all or Latinize all : but let us not blunder like the foolish painter in Horace — Ut nee pes nee caput uni Reddatur forma. 70 FIGURES OF PROSODY. SECTION V. FIGURES OF PROSODY, Are sixteen : viz. 1. Cjesura ; 2. Synjeresis (with its two co-relatives, Crasis and Synecphonesis) ; 3. DiiEREsis, or Dialysis ; 4. Elision, (divided into Synalcepha and Ecthlipsis) ; 5. Systole ; 6. Dias- tole or Ectasis ; 7. Synapheia ; S. Prothesis ; 9. Aphjeresis ; 10. Syncope; 11. Epenthesis ; 12. Apocope ; 13. Paragoge ; 14. Tmesis ; 15. Antithe- sis ; and 16. Metathesis. 1. CAESURA.* The term Caesura is used by Prosodians in two different acceptations: — 1st, as applied to whole verses, and 2d, as applied to single feet. Lines in poetry are most gene- rally so constructed, that the voice of the reader is natu- rally required to make a short pause or rest at that part of every line or verse, where it can be most conveniently done without injury to the sense or the harmony of the line, as, TantcR molts eratWRomanam condere gentem. Errabant acti fatisWmaria omnia circum. The division thus produced by the halt or pause u called CcBsura — Casural Pause, or perhaps more cor- rectly — Lineal Casiira. This is the term in its first acceptation, and is used chiefly in reference to Hexameter verse. It shall be noticed again under the rules for the construction of Latin verse. Caesura in its second application occurs in the manner following : viz., when a foot is made up of syllables be- longing to separate consecutive words, and when the first * From caderc, * to cut" or "divide." FIGURES' OF PROSODY. 71 syllable of that foot is the last syllable of the preceding word, then the space, separation, or division between the two consecutive words, is called Ccesura simply ; or more emphatically, the Metrical Ccesura; as referring to a foot or measure ; thus in the following line, Pastojres dvi\um tener\bs de|pellere foetus — the Metrical Caesura occurs three times — in the second foot, res bvi, where the division takes place between res and ovi ; — in the third foot um tener, where it takes place between ilm, and tener ; — in fourth foot os de, where it takes place between os and de. Of Metrical Caesura, there are three kinds ; namely, the Syllabic, the Trochaic, and the Monosyllabic. The Syllabic Caesura is that, in which the first part of the divided foot consists of the last syllable of the pre- ceding word ; as the syllables res, um, and os of the line just quoted. The Syllabic Casura may take place in five positions ; viz., after the first syllable of the 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, or 6th foot : or in the technical language of Prosodians, the Caesura after the 1st syllable of the 2d foot is called Triemimeris, that is, " of the third half foot ;" that after the 1st syllable of the third foot, or 5th half foot, is called Penthemimeris ; — at the 7th semi -foot, Hephthemimeris ; — at the 9th, Enneemimeris ; — and at the 11th semi-foot, or 1st syllable of the last foot, Hendecemimeris.* This Caesura (the Hendecemimeris) never occurs unless where the last word is a monosyllable. EXAMPLES TO ELUCIDATE THE FOREGOING DEFINITIONS. 1. Pectori|£ws inhi|ans spijrantia | consulit | exta. * These terras are formed of fiui "half," and [jep6$ or fxeptg "part," with the Greek numerals prefixed. 72 FIGURES OF PROSODY. 2. Emicat Eurya|Zfw et | munere | victor a|mici. 3 . 3. Una ea|demque vi|a sanjg7«s anijmusque se|quuntur. 4. Graius ho|mo infec|tos lin|quens profu| gus hyme|naeos. . 3' 5. Vertitur | intereja cae|lum et ruit | Ocea\no nox. The OCT 3 points out the position of the Caesura in each line, viz., of the Triembneris after bus; of the Penthemi- meris after Ins ; — of the Hephthemimeris after guis ; — of the Enneemimeris after gus ; — of the Hendecemimeris after no ; or as expressed in the following tabular form : — Triemimeris. Penthemimeris. Hephthemimeris. Enneemimeris. Hendecemimeris. the 2d foot tf 3d u it 4th « u 5th (1 a 6th u or 3d half foot or 5th " or 7th " or 9th " or 11th " Of these pauses or rests, the most beautiful — as tending beyond all others to impart sweetness, smoothness, and rythm to the verse, — is that which occurs after the Penthe- mimeris. The pause after Triemimeris and Hephthemi- meris, are also ornamental, though in a less degree ; but the Enneemimeris and Hendecemimeris are injurious to harmony, and are to be sparingly used ; unless where the want of smoothness may be desirable. The Trochaic Ccesura is that, in which the first part of the divided foot consists of either a long and short syllable (a trochee " ~) remaining at the end of a word, or of an an entire word comprised of a long and a short syllable (a trochee) ; as, ¥drtu\ndtus et | tile de|os qm\novit a|grestes. Virg. FIGURES OF PROSODY. 73 Here natas in the 2d foot, ille in the third, and novit in the 5th, form, each a trochee, and at each of these divisions, the Trochaic Ccesitra occurs. The Trochaic Casura may occur in any of the first five feet of a verse ; as, Talla | voce re|fert, o\terque qno.\terque be|ati. Virg. Ar?na pro|cul cur\rusque vi|rum mi\ratur in[anes. Id. The syllables in Italics point out the Caesura. Two successive trochees in the 2d and 3d feet should be avoided ; as they give the verse a flippant, cantering air or manner, which is extremely inelegant and undig- nified ; as, Ergo mk\glsque m&lgisque vi|rl nunc |gloria [claret. En. The Monosyllabic Casura is that, in which the first syllable of the divided foot, is a monosyllable ; as, Hie vir hic|es£ \Xh\\quem pro|mitti|s3epius|audIs. Virg. Of the three kinds of Caesura, the principal is the Syllabic ; the next in metrical effect is the Trochaic ; but the Monosyllabic is inferior to either, and yet, in many instances, it would appear to be the principal Caesura in the verse. ON THE LENGTHENING POWER OF THE CJESURA. Syllaba smpe brevis Ccesnra extenditur, etsi Liter a nee duplex nee consona bina scquatur. A short syllable in the Caesura is frequently made long, although its vowel may not be followed by two consonants or a double letter. Instead of attributing this to the power of the Caesura, it is more agreeable to the laws of metre to ascribe it to the halt, pause, or suspension of the voice invariably accompanied by what is called the ictus, which takes 74 FIGURES OF PROSODY. place at the division of the foot, and which being counted into the time or duration of the preceding short syllable, makes it long : — the Caesural pause producing an effect similar to that of the final pause. Again, the swell or stress of the voice in dactylic versification invariably falling on the first syllable* of the foot, produces the same effect on that syllable, as if its final letter were pronounced double; the voice striking emphatically and dwelling forcibly, for an instant, on the latter of the double letters.! 2. — Syn^resis,! with its two co-relatives, Crasis§ and S SyUaba, de gemina facta una, Synseresis esto. Two vowels naturally forming separate syllables, but read and pronounced as one syllable, form a Synceresis ; as, a-i-o, pronounced ai-o. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Pro-in-de^pro-hi-be-aty Tro-i-a^a-i-uni, &c, pronounced prom-de, prot-be-at, Troz-a, ai-unt. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Proinde tona eloquio, solitum tibi ; meque timoris. Virg. making a diphthong of the two contiguous vowels in the word Pro-in-de, — Proin-de, and preserving the sound of * Called the apni$ or "elevation;" — the tone being here always more elevated : the other part being called Sems or " depression;'' this part of the foot being comparatively depressed. t To render this familiar to the young Prosodian, he should be taught to read the Caesural syllables in the five verses given above, with a strong emphasis, a* if written PectoribuSS, Eurj/aluSS, ScviguiSS, ProfvjmSS. &o.. forcibly, although momentarily, dwelling on the duplicated letter. Servius on JEneid, 3 r 91, says the syllable is made longfiitalUatis ratione: and QnfntiTTan, Lib. 0. c. i f agrees that — in ipsauiivisione verborum (the Caesura"* quoddavi latent tempvt- t Prom cvvaipeciq, "a contraction." § From icpaais, "a mixture" or "blending." fj From Qvvr.KtydJvriaiS) "a mutation of sound." FIGURES OF PROSODY. 75 both. This seems the peculiar province of Synasresis, as the other contractions and alterations attributed to this figure, more properly come under the head of Crasis and Synecphonesis. Crasis, Blends or runs two vowels into one, so that the sound of one at least is lost ; as, pro-emo — pro-mo. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. E-a-dem (eadem), co-al-u-e-rint {coaluerint) , al-ve-a-ri-a (alvearia), &c, — pronounced adem, co-luerint, alvaria, &c. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Seu lento fuerint alvearia vimine tezta. Virg. To Crasis then — as the name indicates — properly be- longs all contractions, where the sound of one of the two contiguous vowels is lost. Synecphonesis, Is the change of a vowel sound into that of a conso- nant ; as, of I and of U into the sound of J and V, (or W) ; as, parietibus, pronounced par-yetibus. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Genua, tenuis, pituit a, tuas,fortuito, &c, — pronounced gen-va or wa, ten-vis or -wis, pit-wita, twos, fort-wito, &c. EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Harent parietibus scala, postesque, sub ipsos. Virg. 3. — Dleresis,* or Dialysis. t Distraint in gcminas resoluta Diaeresis unam. A Dimresis is the division of one syllable into two ; as curat for aurm. * From 6ii(p*ei;, " a division." t Tmm 6ia\v(Tts, " a loosening." 8 76 FIGURES OF PROSODY. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Silua (for silva), solua (for solvo), suadent (for suadent), Tro-i-a (for Troi-a)>Ecqms (for Ecquis.) EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Mthereum sensum, atque aurai simplicis ignem. Virg. 4. — Elision* is divided in Synaloephaf and Ecthlipsis.t 1. Synalcepha. Dipthongum aut vocalem haurit Synalcepha priorem. Synalapha is the elision (or cutting off) of a vowel or diphthong at the end of a word, when the following word begins with a vowel or diphthong, or the letter h ; as y conticvjer* o??mes, for conticuere omnes. EXAMPLES BY SINGLE WORDS. Intentiqv? ora (for intentique ora) Bardanid ' e muris (for BardanidcB e muris), uV ingens (for ubi ingens), atqxC yemes (for atque hyemes.) EXAMPLES IN COMPOSITION. Quidve moror ? si omnes uno ordine habetis Achivos. Vir. This line must be scanned thus : — Quidve moror ? s'omnes un' ordin' habetis Achivos. 2. ECTHLIPSIS. M vorat Ecthlipsis, quoties vocalibus anteit. Ecthlipsis cuts off the final m and the preceding vowel ,§ when the following word begins with a vowel; as, virtuf ex for virtutem ex. * From elisio (wh. fr. eliderc), "a cutting off." t From cvva\oi p W w © > w W M ££ * ^L ^ C © CV © ©.g O « "" *J ■*■* .-3 lr o ■** to S i-. s'S -S-e 2§og ^ O .S to » 3 ■e ts .-3 8 £ G ©*© -• >w* 12. Species 1. — The Anapcsstic series is not limited to any definite number of feet, but runs on continue carmine, till it stops short at a pause in the sense, sometimes in the middle of a foot. It then begins again, runs on and stops short as before ; and so on to the end of the poem. It is sometimes printed in verses of four feet ; as, Indus |gelidum||potat Ar-|axem, Albim | Persse, 1 1 Rhenum- 1 que bibunt. ent/'— from that he is using;— "for the latter," says he, "is PhaUzcia/n, which shall be afterwards described." In the original his words are— Fiet hendecasyllabos, sed alter, Namque hie de genere est Phalaeciorum, Cujus~mox tibi regulam loquemur. 98 DIFFERENT KINDS OF VERSE. Venient|annis||sascu]a|seris ; Quibus 0|ceanus||vIncula|rerum, Laxet et|ingens||pateat|tellus Tiphys-|que novos||detegat|6rbes. Nee sIt|tems||ultima|Thule.* Seneca, Sometimes in verses of two feet ; as, Defle | te virum, Quo non | alms Potuit | citius Discere causas. Seneca. But divide them as we may in printing, we should always scan the whole paragraph as one line, the verses being connected by Synapheia,t and a short syllable at the end of a line being always lengthened by a consonant or consonants at the beginning of the next : as the final syllables of virum,% alius, citius, in the above\ examples. 13. Species 2. — Anapaestic Tetrameter Catalectic (or, as called by others, Dimeter Catalectic or Parcemiac) consists of three anapaests and a syllable ; varied by the admission of a spondee on the first two places ; as, Nee vinct-|ta libi-|dine col-|la. Fcedls | submlt-|tat habe-|nls. Bo'eth. GENVS III. IAMBIC VERSES. 14. General Canon. Iambic verse is of two kinds, pure and mixed. The pure admits no foot except the iambus ; the mixed admits spondees on the odd places — the first, third, &c, and allows any long syllable to be * This remarkable prophecy uttered nearly 1500 years before its accomplish- ment, has been verified to an extraordinary degree, by the discovery of America, and its colonization from Europe. The poet doubtless drew his inspiration ftom some of the Sybilline vaticinations extant in his day. t See Synapheia, p. 78. t M litera terminatus accusativus, in omni genere semper brevem habet . V&l. Probus, i. See also Servius de ultimis syTlabis ; and Diomedes, iii. DIFFERENT KINDS OF VERSE. 99 resolved into two short, by which means, an iambus may- be converted into a tribrach, and a spondee into a dactyl, an anapaest, or a proceleusmatic. Iambic verse, then, admits on the even places a tribrach, and on the odd, a tribrach, a spondee, dactyl, anapaest or a proceleusmatic. But a tribrach is never admitted into the last place, nor a proceleusmatic into any but the first;* according to the following scale of an Iambic Trimeter Acatalectic. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^_ ^_ w- ~- ~_ ~zz ZZ-- 33- 15. Species 1. — Iambic Tetrameter or Octonarius con- sists of eight feet, that is, four metres or measures ; and admits all the variations ; as, Pure. Adest|celer||phase|lusi]||lequem|vide||tis hos|p!tes. Catullus. Mixed. Sane |polis||tate|mulen||ta est muli|eret||temera|ria. Terence. And agreeably to the practice of the comic poets : — Atqueest|h33cea||demquae|mihidix||titu|tedI||casmulijerL Idem. 16. Species 2. — Tetrameter Catalectic consists of seven iambics and a syllable, admitting the variations ; as, Pure. Kemlt|te pal||lium|mihI||meum|quod In||v6las|tT. Catullus. * Writers of Comedy and of Fable (the latter more sparingly), that their lan- guage might approach nearer to that of common life, admit the spondee and its equivalents into all the even places but the last. 10 100 DIFFERENT KINDS OF VERSE. Mixed. Quum de^via||mulier|aves|Josten|dit os||citan|tes. Idem, And according to the comic license ; — Non pos|sum sati'|narra|re qu6s||ludos|praBbiie||ris Inltus. Terence. 17. Species 3. — Trimeter or Senarius (as in the above scale) consists of six feet with all the variations ; as. Pure. Suis|et Ip||sa Rojma vl||ribus|rult. Hor. ( Aliti|bus at|[que cani|bushomi||cidamHec|tora. Mixed. < * Idem. ( Rex, ad|voca||ta c6n|cio-ne,|hax e|dldit. Phced. And by the usage of comedy and fable : — Infes-|tls Tau-||rus mox-|confo-||dit cor-|nibus. Phcedrus. Jam mul-|tos an-||nos est,|cum pos||sideo et-|colo. Plan. 18. Species -4. — Trimeter Catalectic consists of five feet and a syllable. It admits the variations, except that the spondee is rarely if ever admitted into the fifth place, but is into the first and third ; as, Pure. Pius | f ide-| |lis In-|n6cens||pudl-|cus. Prudentius. Mixed. Regumjque pue-||ris; nec|satel-||les 6r-|cl. Hor, 19. Species 5. — Dimeter Hypermeter consists of four feet and a syllable, admitting the spondee on the odd places ; as, Non vul-|tus In-||stantis|tyran-||ni. Horace. 20. Species 6. — Dimeter or Quaternarius has four feet, admitting the Variations ; — Pure. Sacer|nepo-||tibus|cruor. Horace, Mixed. Mentis | repen-!| det con-|griia. Prudentius. Most of the beautiful hymns in the Roman Breviary DIFFERENT KINDS OF VERSE. 101 and in the public service of the Catholic Chui'cb, are composed in this metre ; such as that exquisite Morning Hymn — Jam lu|cis or- |t to si|dere, &c, &c, — or Jesu|cor6-||na vir-|ginum, &c, &c, — or again . . Vexll-|la re-||g# pro-|deunt, &c, &c, — all three justly attributed to St. Ambrose : although the last has been assigned to Venantius Honorius Fortunatus.* In these Dimeters, we find, that, with few exceptions, - strict attention has been paid to the rules of Prosody ; the verses generally terminating with a trisyllable, which is their best cadence.! Some of these hymns, however ex- cellent in piety and elevated sentiment, are very indifferent specimens of Prosodial composition ; as — Jesu,|nostra||redem-|ti6, &c, * A more beautiful or a more comprehensive matutinal prayer can scarcely be offered his Creator by the pious student of any religious denomination, than the first of the foregoing hymns. We are therefore induced to give it entire for the reminiscence of the youthful reader : remarking, that, in reading or recitation, the judicious Prosodian anxious to preserve its harmony and melody, will cause the ictus metricus to fall, Iambico more, on every alternate syllable : as thus marked — Jam lulcis 6r||to slldere, Deum precemur supplices, Ut in diurnis actibus Nos servet a nocentibus. Linguam refraenans temperet, Ne litis horror insonet. Visum fovendo contegat, Ne vanitates hauriat. Sint pura cordis intima; Absistat et vecordia. Carnis terat superbiam Potus cibique parcitas : Ut cum dies abscesserit, Noctemque sors reduxerit, Mundi per abstinentiam Ipsi canamus gloriam : Deo Patri sit gloria, Ejusque soli Filio, Cum Spiritu Paracleto, Nunc, et per omne seculum. + Much of the sweetness, delicacy and curiosa felicitas of these chaste effu- sions of the Christian Muse, is undoubtedly lost to the readers of Latin Hymns, unacquainted with Prosody. 102 DIFFERENT KINDS OF VERSE. arid cbuid nevgr have' emanated from the classic pen of the accomplished St. Ambrose ; to whom this also has been attributed. 21. Species 7. Dimeter Catalectic or Anacreontic con- sists of three feet and a syllable. It admits in the first position, a tribrach, a sponaee, or an amphibrach ; rarely allowing- a spondee in the third ; as — p C Lex hsec|data est||cadu-|cis, 1 Deo|juban-||te, mem-|bris ; Mixed i ^ l tem-|peret||labo-|rem, \ Medica-|bilis||v6lup-|tas. Prudentius. IRREGULAR IAMBIC VERSES. 22. Species 1. — Galliambus* is composed of two Ana- creontics (21), with the final syllable cut off: that is, an Anacreontic followed by three feet. The third foot of both members is always an iambus, and the last but one of the whole is commonly a tribrach ; as in the scale following — 1 , 2 3 4 5 6 7 w — w — — "-- — - v-/ — Jam jam|d6let||quod e-|gi,||jam jam-]que pcE-||nitet. Catul. Roseis|ut hulc||label-|lis||palans|s6nltus||abit. Idem. Ego muli-jer ego ad-||oles-|cens,||ego ephe|bus, ego||puer. Idem. Some Prosodians mark the scale and divide the lines differently ; but the scale and metre above are in accord- ance with the structure of the only specimen of the Gal- liambus extant, — Catullus's Atys ; in which the tribrach in the penultimate foot is predominant. * So called from its use by the Galli, or priests of Cybele, in their orgies. DIFFERENT KINDS OF VERSE. 103 23. Species 2.* — The Scazon or Choriambus has six feet ; the sixth always a spondee, the fifth always an iambus, and the rest varied as in Art. 14; thus — Miser|Catul-||le de-|sinas||inep-|tlre. CatulL Pieta-|te fra-||tres Cu-|n6s||licet|vlncas. Martial. 24. Species 3. — Iambic Alcaic, commonly called Greater Alcaic, consists of five feet, of which the fourth is always an anapaest, and the rest are iambuses, admit- ting the spondee on the first and third ; but as in the Di- meter Hypermeter, (19), the first foot is seldom an iambus, the third scarcely ever ; as — Virtus|repul-||sse nes-|cia sor-|did£e. Horace. The Greater Alcaic is sometimes scanned with a cho- riambus and an iambus, in the latter member or colon ; as — Virtus | repul-|s£e || nescia sor-| didai. The Alcaic is also scanned so as to make the first colon, an iambic measure and a long syllable, and the second, two dactyls : and indeed this is the mode gene- rally followed ; as — Virtus|repul|sae||nescia | sordidse.t GENUS IV. TROCHAIC VERSES. 25. General Canon. The trochee is everywhere con- vertible into a tribrach ; the same feet are also admitted into the even places, that iambic verse receives into the odd. 26. Species 1. — Trochaic Tetrameter Catalectic con- * Although the Saturnian ought, in regular order, find a place here, as species 2, still it has not been deemed requisite to introduce it, from its manifest inutility to the young Prosodian. t This affords an example of the poetica licentia in closing the line with a long syllable, although the measure requires a short one. See p. 49, supra. 10* 104 DIFFERENT KINDS OF VERSE. sists of seven feet and a syllable. A tribrach is rarely admitted into the sixth place, never into the seventh, except in some few passages in comedy. In the case of proper names, a dactyl is admissible into anyplace but the fourth and seventh ; as in the following scale — proper name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- _w — -^ -~ _w "" zz~ ~E~ Z3w W W 1 ^> w 1 W W j ^ w Pure. Te so-]cer sub-||ire|celsa||poscit|astra||jupT-|ter. Mart. Capella. Mixed. Impl-|um rapi-||te, atquelmersum||premite|perpetu- || 13 ma-|lis. Seneca, The comic writers, although scarcely venturing to alter the seventh foot, introduce the spondee and its equivalents into the odd places ; by a license similar to that employed in iambic verse ; as, Quern res|a3tas||usus|semper||aliquid|appor-||tet no|vT. Terence. In this metre also are written many of the Latin hymns used in the Catholic Church ; for which purpose it is ad- mirably adapted from its grand, solemn, and sonorous character : such as that noble hymn on the Passion of our Lord — Pange,|lingua,||glori-losi||laure-|am cer-||tamin-|Ts. St. Augustinus. This is undoubtedly the true mode of writing and scanning this beautiful poem, making every stanza consist of three lines or verses ; contrary to the mode usually followed in the Roman Breviary, of dividing each line DIFFERENT KINDS OF VERSE. 105 into two hemistichs : the first a Trochaic Dimeter, and the other a Trochaic Dimeter Catalectic ; by which every stanza consists of six lines ; thus, Pange,|lIngua||glor!-!osi,|| Laure-|am cer-||tamin-|is. This division, although contrary to all Prosodial rules, was made to suit the convenience of the choir ; — one side — or perhaps one choir — singing the complete dimeter, and the other the dimeter Catalectic. Some Prosodians scan this verse as an Iambic Tetrameter Acephalous ; as, — Pan-|ge lin||gua glo-|rio||si lau - 1 ream ||certa-| minis : — but with a manifest diminution of its stately movement and sonorous majesty. It is worthy of remark, that many hymns in this metre can be read with a strict observance of modern accentuation without violating the Latin quan- tity; as, Solve vocem, mens, sonoram ;|| solve linguam mobilem. Prudentius. Scande cceli templa, virgo,||digna tanto fdedere.* M. Capetta. 27 Species 2. — Dimeter Catalectic (Euripedean) con- sists of three trochees and a syllable without variation ; as, LargI|6ra||flagi-|to. Hor. D6na|c6nsci-llenu-|a§. Prudent. IRREGULAR TROCHAIC VERSES. 28. Species 1. — Sapphic^ consists of a dactyl inserted * The young Prosodian should observe, that in all these hymns, the caesura uniformly takes place at the termination of the fourth foot, corresponding with the fifth semifoot of the Iambic trimeter: hence too, in a great measure, sprung the error of the copyists and editors of the Breviary in dividing the verses as above mentioned. t So called from the gifted but ill-starred poetess ; its inventor 106 DIFFERENT KINDS OF VERSE. between two trochaic measures ; or in other words, of five feet, viz., a trochee, a spondee, a dactyl and two more trochees ; followed by an Adonic or Dactylic Dimeter (8) ; according to the following scule : 1 2 3 4 5 >_• — — V_/ v^ ^ ^ -^ w| Adonic. Inte-|ger vi-|tai,* scele-J risque |purus. Non e-jget Mau-|rl* jacu-|lis necjarcu.* Nee ve-|nena-|tis* gravi-|da sa-|gittis, Fusee, pha-|retra. Hor* An iambus, a trochee or a dactyl is sometimes admit- ted into the second place ; but with Horace it is invari- ably a spondee ; and the great Roman Lyrist is the safest guide. The asterisk * marks the ccesura after the second foot, or rather the fifth semifoot. In reciting these odes, the pupil should be taught to pay special attention to the caesura, and the pause thereby required ; for in no other position will the sweetness and harmony of this delightful metre be fully preserved. 29. Species 2. — The Phalceciani (sometimes called Hendecasyllabic) has five feet, of which the second is a dactyl and the rest trochees : but the first — in violation of the general canon, Art. 25, — is almost always a spondee : so that it may be said to consist of a spondee, a dactyl, and three trochees ; as — Non est|vivere,|sed va-jlere,|vita. Martial. * The student must bear in mind what has been stated at p. 49 ; (note) on the use of a long syllable for a short, and vice versa. t So called from the Poet Phalaecius DIFFERENT KINDS OF VERSE. 107 This metre is extremely well adapted to the composi- tion of Epigrams. By a slight transposition, the Sapphic may be converted into the Phalaecian ; thus the above Sapphic — Non eget Mauri jaculis nee arcu> may be converted into Phalaecian verse thus — Non Mau-jrl jacu-|iis e-jget nec|arcu. GENUS V. CHORIAMBIC VERSES. 30. General Canon. These have the first foot a tro- chee, the last an iambus, and the intervening feet chori- ambuses ; that is, they consist of one choriambus or more inserted between the separated members of a choriambus. In some instances, the choriambus is exchanged for an equivalent molossus, and the initial trochee almost always passes into a spondee. 31. Species 1. — Choriambic Pentameter (Choriambic Alcaic) consists of a spondee, three choriambuses, and an iambus ; as, Nullam|Vare sacra|vite priusj sevens ar-|borem. Hor. 32. Species 2. — Tetrameter (Asclepiadean) is the last species with one choriambus omitted ; as, Nullam|vlte prius|severis ar-jborem. Make-|nas atavisjedite re-| gibus. Hor. As the casura takes place at the end of the first chori- ambus, some Prosodians scan this metre as a Dactylic Pentameter, wanting the last syllable ; thus, Msece-]nas ata-[vis|| edite | regibus — 33. Species 3. — Trimeter or Glyconic* is the last species with another choriambus thrown out ; as, — * So called from the poet Glyco, it3 inventor. 108 DIFFERENT KINDS OF VERSE. Nullam | | | sevens ar-|borem Sic te | diva potens | Cypri. Hor. 111! | mors gravis In-|cubat, Qui no-|tus nimis 6m-|nibus, Igno-|tus moritur | sibl. Seneca. 34. Species 4. — Trimeter Catalectic or Pherecratic* is the Glyconic deprived of its final syllable ; as, — Quamvls | Pontica pl-|nus. Horace. This may also be considered as the three last feet of an hexameter (6) and thus scanned — Quamvls | Pontica | plnus. 35. Species 5. — A Pherecratic and a Glyconic joined together form what is called Priapeani Hexameter; as, — O co-|loniaquae | cupIs||ponte | ludere lon|go. Catullus. IRREGULAR CHORIAMBIC VERSES. 36. Species 1. — Choriambic Tetrameter Hypermeter consists of three choriambuses, an iambus and a syllable ; (or three choriambuses and a bacchic) ; as, Solus 6van| tern Zephyrus | perdomine|tur an | num. Claud. Horace has altered the first choriambus to an Epitritus secundus, or lame choriambic tetrameter ; as — Te deos o-|ro, Sybarin | cur properes | aman-|do. 37. Species 2. — Dimeter Hypermeter (Aristopkanian Choriambic) consists of a choriambus, an iambus and a syllable ; (or of a choriambus and a bacchic ;) as, Lydia, die, | per 6m-|nes. Hor. GENUS VI. IONIC VERSES. 38. General Canon. Ionic verses are of two .kinds, the * From Pherecrates. t From its use in hymns to Priapus. DIFFERENT KINDS OF VERSE. 109 Ionic a majore and the Ionic a minore ; or Ionicus Major and Ionicus Minor : — thus denominated from the feet of which they are respectively composed. 39. Species 1. — Ionic a minore, like the Anapaestic (12), is a continued Series, and scanned as one line by Synapheia. If printed in separate verses, the division into tetrameters is to be preferred. Ionic a minore is formed as often as may be required, and without varia- tion from the foot whence it derives the name ; as — Miserarum est | neque &mori | dare ludum, | neqiie dulci. Mala vino | lavere, aut ex-|animarl | metuentes. Patruse ver-|bera linguse, | &c, &c. Horace. 40. Species 2. — If from an Ionic a minore Tetrameter, the first two syllables are removed, there will remain three Ionici a majore and a spondee, forming the Ionic a majore or Sotadic* verse ; as, | Vino lave-|re aut exanT-|mari metu-|entes. Each of the Ionici, particularly the third, is convertible into a ditrochee, and any long syllable may be resolved into two short ; as — Ter corripu-|i terribi-|lem manii bi-|pennem. Petronius. GENUS VII. COMPOUND VERSES. 41. Species 1. — Dactylico- Trochaic Heptameter (Ar- chilochian) — by some called Logaosdici verses — consists of the first four feet of a Dactylic Hexameter, (the fourth being always a dactyl), followed by three trochees ; as, Solvitur | acris hy|ems gra|ta vice||veris|et Fa|vonT. Hor. 42. Species 2. — Dactylic Alcaic, commonly called * From Sotades, a poet who lampooned Ptolemy Philadelphia in this metre. $ From \6yog, "a discourse," and doiSfi, "a song," because these verses are a combination of the two metres, viz., trochaic, which approximates ordinary con- versation, and of dactylic appropriated to the more elevated soarings of poetry. 110 DIFFERENT KINDS OF VERSE. Lesser Alcaic, consists of two dactyls and a trochaic metre ; as, Flumlna | constite-|rInt a-|cuto. Hor. This, together with two Greater Alcaics (24) and one Iambic Dimeter Hypermeter (19), constitutes the cele- brated Alcaic Stanza of Horace ; and to which he was so partial as to compose no fewer than thirty-seven of his exquisite odes, in this metre. SCALE OF THE ALCAIC STANZA. First ( Two « Verses. ( 1 2 3 4 5 L-zh" — — ^ - Third Verse. 12 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 Verse. _ w w _^ ^ — w — ^~s Odi|profa-|num||vulgus et|arceo : Fave-|te linjguis :||carmina|non prius. Audi-|ta Mu-|sarum|sacer-|dos, Vlrgini-|bus pue- [risque | canto. Hor. Two other kinds of Compound verse would appear to be used by Boethius, iv. 5 ; — the one consisting of an Adonic (3), preceded by a trochaic metre and a sellable; the other also of an Adonic, preceded by an iambic metre and a syllable ; the first member of each admitting the usual variations (25, 14) ; as, Siquis|Arctu-|(ri||sidera|nescit Propin-|qua sum-||mo||cardine|labi. Carey followed by Anthon and other eminent Prosodians, RHYMING- VERSIFICATION. Ill speaks of these, as varieties of Phalcecian Pentameter, — or according to our classification — of the Alcmanian Te- trameter Hypercatalectic (10) ; but the fact, that Boethius, throughout the whole of this poem, has regularly used the Trochai'co-Dactylic and the lambico-Dactylic alter- nately, with scarcely a departure from the Trochaic law (25) in the one, or from the Iambic law (14) in the other, — forms a weighty objection to this view of the subject. RHYMING VERSIFICATION. \CT The following hymn, written by Pope Damasus about the middle of the fourth century, is given as a liter- ary curiosity ; not only as affording one of the earliest specimens of rhyming versification so prevalent for many ages afterwards, but also as evidence of the method of reading verse then customary among the Eornans. Being written anterior to the decline of the Latin lan- guage and while it was yet a living tongue, by one of the most accomplished scholars of his age, it demonstrates beyond contradiction, that quantity not accent was re- garded as the only safe guide in reading or recitation : because, from the structure of the hymn, it is evident, the Pope intended his verses to rhyme. Now this they never will do unless read with the nicest attention to quantity in the manner following: viz. — let the first syllable of every line or verse be separated or pointed off, and let the remaining syllables be read and pronounced as Anapaests ; laying a stress on every third syllable ; particularly on the final long ones, and we shall have as perfect rhyme as can be desired : thus — Mar-|tyris ec|ce, Vir-|ginis e|micat ex|imue; Christus earn sibi qua sociat, Et diadema duplex decorat. 11 112 RHYMTNG VERSIFICATION. Stirpe decens, elegans specie, Sed magis actibus atque fide, Terrea prospera nil reputans, Jussa Dei sibi corde ligans ; Fortior haec trucibusque viris, Exposuit sua membra flagris. Pectore quam fuerit valido, Torta mamilla docet patulo. Deliciae cui' career erat ; Pastor ovem Petrus hanc recreat. Laetior inde, magisque flagrans, Cuncta flagella cucurrit ovans. Ethnica turba, rogum fugieTW,* Hujus et ipsa meretur opem;* Quos fidei titulus decorat, His Venerem magis ipsa premat. Jam renitens, quasi sponsa, polo, Pro misero rogito Damaso. Sic tua festa coli faciat, Se celebrantibus ut faveat. * The possibility if not the probability of making opem rhyme with fugien* is plausibly argued by Carey. See his Latin Prosody made Easy, in loc. SUPPLEMENT, CONTAINING Exercises on the Rides of Quantity, Figures of Prosody, and Different Species of Verse, FOR GENERAL RECAPITULATION. Tertia post illas successit aenca proles. Ovid. Omnia jam f 'tent, fieri quas posse negabam. Id. Nam, simul ac species patefacta est verna diei. Lucret. Morbus ut indicat, et gclidax stringor aqudi. Id. TJnius ob noxam, et furias Ajacis Oilei. Virgil. Navibus, infandum ! amissis, unius ob iram. Id. Exercet Diana choros, quam mille secutae. Id. Ira pharetratae fertur satiata Diance. Ovid. Quam nosjtro illijus lajbatur | pectore | vultus. Virgil. Inter cunctantes cecidit moribund a ministros. Virgil. Pyrrhumque, et ingentem cecidit. (19.) Horace' Pan deus Arcadiae venit, quern vidimus ipsi. Virgil. . . Visa mihi ante oculos, et nbta major imago. Id. Haec ubi dicta dedit portis sese extulit in gens. Virgil. . . Demersa exitio. Diffidit urbium. (32.) Horace, Nam ccelo terras, et terris abscidit* undas. Ovid. Matre dea monstrante viam, data fata secutus. Virg. Cornua velatdrum obvertimus antenndrum. Id. Insignem pietdte virum tot adire labores ... Id. ♦ . . . iEolus, et clauso ventorum carcere regnet. Id. * But abscidi, from abs and c ado, is long. 114 ^ SUPPLEMENT. Claudite jam rivos pueri, sat prata biberunt. Id. .... Alitibusque jaces, nee te in tua funera mater. Id. Jam nunc mindci murmure cornuum. . . . (24.) Horace. Ipsi in defossis specubus secura sub aha. Virgil. Et gener auxilium Priamo Phrygihisque ferebat. Id. Et Laberi mimos ut pulchra poemdta mirer. Horace. Et salts occultum referunt in lacte saporem. Virgil. Ecce Dionsei processit Casaris astrum. Id. Ille, datis vddibus, ruri qui extractus in urbem est. . . Hor. Nigranti picea, trdbibusque obscurus acernis. Virgil. Hie Lelegas Carasque, sagittiferosque Gelonos. Id. Flumina jam lactis, jam flumina nectdris ibant. Ovid. .... Exspirant acrem pa?idces, absinthia tetra.... Lucret. Armatam fdcibus matrem et serpentibus atris. Virgil. Ut canis in vacuo lepbrem cum Gallicus arvo. Oviq]. (Edipodas facito Telegonasque voces. (9.) Id. Munera porta ntes, eborisque aurique talenta. Virgil. Multa super Priamo rogitans, super Hectbre multa. Id. Curculio, atque inbpi metuens formica senectse. Id. Eoasque acies, et nigri Memnbnis arma. Id. Eripuit, geminique tulit Chirbnis in antrum. Ovid. . . . Aut Helicen jubeo, strictumque Oribnis ensem. Id. Armatumque auro circumspicit Oriona. Virgil. Immembres socii vasti Cyclopis in antro. Id. Mancipiis locuples eget sens Cappadocum rex. Horace. Ingentem manibus tollit cratera duobus. Ovid. Ingens argentem, Dodonseosque lebetas. Virgil. . . . Junonis, gelidumque Anienem, et roscida rivis. . . Id. Non ulli pastos illis egere diebus. Id. Aut impacatos a tergo horrebit Iberos. Id. Jupiter antiqui contraxit tempora veris. Ovid. iEquatse spirant aurae, datur hora quieti. Virgil. Ascanium surgentem, et spes hmredis liili. Id. Nee de plebe deo, sed qui ccelestia magno . . . Ovid. . . . Regis Romani ; primus qui le gibus urbem. . . . Virg. Fluminibus vertit vervecum lana colorem. Friscian. SUPPLEMENT. 115 Tollere consuetas audent delphines in auras. Ovid. Jam jam contingit summum radice flagelltim. Catullus. Dextera, quae Ditis magni sub moenia tendit. Virgil. Tractavit calicem manibus dum furta ligurit. Horace. Hinc sinus est longus Cilicum, qui vergit ad ortus. Prise. Moenia conspicio, atque ad verso fornice portas. Virgil. Florentem cytisum, et saUces carpetis amaras. Id. Nee spatio distant Nesidum littora longo. Priscian. Paludis in secreta veniet latibula. (17.) Phcedrus. Ambiguam tellure nova Salamina futuram. Horace. Una salus victis nullam sperare salutem. Virgil. Nam Ligurum populos, et magnas rexerat urbes. Ovid. Talis Amyclaei domitus Pollucis habenis. Virgil. Cum faciam vitula pro fru gibus, ipse venito. Id. Trachyna video ; quis mihi terras dedit. (17.) Seneca. Halcyone Ceyca movet ; Ceycis in ore .... Ovid. Sive Erycis fines regemque optatis Acesten. Virgil. . . . Conserimus, multos Danaum demittimus Oreo. Id. Fudimus, insidiis, totaque agitdvimus urbe. Id. Caeca sequebatur, totumque incauta per agmen .... Id. Lac facitbte bibat, nostraque sub arbore ludat. Ovid. . . . Scripturus ; neque te ut miretur turba labores. Hor. Solulus omni fcenore. (20.) Id. Hoc erat, hoc votis inquit quod ssepe petivi. Virgil. Sed quamvis formae nunquam mihi fama petita est. Ovid. Nee tamen, et cuncti miserum servare velltis. Id. Nee miserae prodesse in tali tempore quibat. Lucretius. Videritis Stellas illic ubi circulus axem .... Ovid. Dein cum millia multa fecerimus. (29.) Catullus. . . . Limina portarum, nee spes opis ulla ddbatur. Virg. Troja per undosum peter etur classibus aequor. Virgil. Sanguine foedantum quos ipse sacraverat ignes. Id. Carmina turn melius, cum venerit ipse canemus. Id. Si modo fert animus, gradtre, et scitabere ab ipso. Ovid. 11* 1 16 SUPPLEMENT, " Noris nos" inquit; docti sumus." Hie ego, " Pluris." Horace. Dextera diriguit, nee citra, mota nee ultra. . Ovid. Sed tamen iste deus qui sit da Tityre nobis. Virgil. . . . Leniit, et tacita refluens itd substitit, unda . . . Vir. Solvite corde metum Teucri, secludite curas. Virgil. Moly vocant superi ; nigra radice tenetur. Ovid. Nescee Spioque, Thaliaque, Cymodoceque. Virgil. Pro re pauca loquar. Nee ego hanc abscondere furto . . . Id. Vos Tempe totidem tollite laudibus (32.) Horace. Consiliis pare, quse nunc pulcherrima Nantes. . . . Virgil. Me miserum ! ne prona cadas, indignave lsedi. Ovid. Certe sive mihi Phyllis, sive esset Amyntas . . . Virgil. Non bene coelestes impia dextra colit. (9.) Ovid. Tecta superne timent, metuunt inferne cavernas. . . . Lucretius. Vidi Virgineas intumuisse genas. (9.) Ovid. Vultu quo coelum tempestatesque serenat. Virgil. cru delis Alexi, nihil mea carmina curas. Virgil. Sicutz summarum summa est seterna, neque extra. . . . Lucretius. \ Est mihi, sitque precor, flavas tutela Minervse. . . . Ovid., Puella senibus dulcior mihi* cygnis. (23.) Martial. Nee jacere indu manus, via qua munita fidei. Lucretius. Victa jacet pietas, et Virgo caede madentes. . . . Ovid. Cadet in terras Virgo relictas. (12.) Seneca. Oro, qui reges consuesti tollere, cur non. . . . Horace. Quo fugis ? Orot mane, nee me, crudelis, amantem. . . . Ovid. * Decisive instances of mihi, tibi, &c. with the final £ lone:, occur frequently in Iambic verse. See Plaut. Cist. II. 3. U. Poenul. I. 3. 3. Catul. 42. 8. (al, 45. 8.): 23. 6. (al. 25. 6.); 8. 3. 15. Hor. Epod. 4. 2; 5. 101; 8.3; 10. 16; 15, 20. Pbled. III. prol. 61 ; 12. 7. II. 4. 7. III. 18. 14 IV. 6, 24. II. 5. 4. III. 18. 2. Hor. Carm. IV 5. 6. &c. t See Ov. Met. II. 566. III. 266. XV. 497. Trist. I. 1. 44 ; 2. 77. Am. III. 7. 2, J Hor. Sat. I. 4. 104, &c. SUPPLEMENT. 117 Sed timuit, ne forte sacer tot ab ignibus aether. . . Ovid, Hie vel ad Elei metas et maxima cam pi . . . Virgil. Turn pater omnipotens misso perf regit Olympum . . . Ov. Ver erat seternum, placidique tepentibus auris . . Id. ... Si cita dissiliant nempe her omne necesse est. . . . Lucretius. Dum calet, et medio sol est altissimus orbe. Ovid. Sisyphon aspiciens, " cur hie e fratribus" inquit ... Id. Sic omnes, ut et ipsa Jovis conjuxque sororque . . . Ov. ... Ulla tenent, unco non alligat anchora morsu. Virgil. Quid vetat irato numen adesse deo ? (9.) Ovid. Daphnin ad astra feremus ; amavit nos quoque Daphnis. Virgil. Uibn in Tyriam transfer felicius urbem. Ovid. Donee eris felix multos numerabis amicos. Id. Forsitan et nostrum nomen miscebitur istis. Id. Aut tondit infirmas oves. (20.) Horace. Matres atque viri, defunctaque corpora vita. Virgil. Virginibus Tyriis mbs est gestare pharetram. Id. Siquis erit qui te, quod sis mens esse legendum . . . Ovid. . . . Et Libys Amphimedon, avidi committere pugnam. Id. Vivitur ex rapto ; non hospes ab hospite tutus. Ovid. Ultus es ofTensas, ut decet, ipse tuas. (9.) Id. Queruntur in sylvis aves. (20.) Horace. . . . Curriis et intactas boves. (20.) Id. Vis ut nulla virum, non ipsi excinderc ferro . . . Virgil. . . . Cum sis ei prave sectum stomacheris ob unguem. Horace. Ter vocata audis, adimisque letho. (28.) Id. Quamvis increpitent socii, et vi cursus in altum . . . Virg. Hie situs est Phaethon, currus auriga paterni. Ovid. Fiet enim subito sits horridus atraque tigris. Virgil. Nare per cestatem liquidam suspezerls agmen. Id. 1 18 SUPPLEMENT. Si thure placaris et horna ... (19.) • Horace. . . . Sors exitura, et nos in ceternum* (19.) Exilium impositura cymbae. (42.) Horace. 1. Terras|que trac|tusque maris coelumque profundum. 2. Amphi|on Dir|caeus in | Actaejo Ara|cyntho. 3. Nee sum adeo informis nuper me in littore vidi. 4. Te Corydon 6 Ajlexi : trahit sua quemque voluptas. 5. Et longum formose vale vale inquit Iola. 6. Tityre pascentes a fluorine | reice ca|pellas. 7. Clara Deum Soboles, magnum Jo vis | increjmentum. 8. Cum gravius dorso subijit onus. | Incipit ille. 9. Pro molli viola pro purpure|o narjeisso. 10. Fluviorum rex Eridanus, camposque per omnes. 11. Ter sunt cona[ti im|ponere | Pelio Ossam. 12. Glauco, | et Panojpeae et | Ino|o Melijcertae. 13. lnsulae | Ionijo in mag|no, quas dira Celaeno. 14. Et spu|mas miscent arjgenti, | vivaque | sulphura — Idaeasque pices. 15. Sed fortuna valens audacem fecerat | Orphea. 16. Bis patriae cecidere manus. Quin protinus | omnia. 17. Stant et | junipe[ri & | castanejae hirjsutas. 1. Que long by Caesura, see p. 73. 2. In the fifth foot o is not elided. See under Synalsepha, p. 76. 3. In this verse three elisions. 4. O is not elided. See under Synalaepha. 5. The e in the 2d vale not elided but shortened. See under Synalrepha. 6. Either to be read refce by Syncope of i; or thej elided, and then reice contracted into reice by Synseresis, p. 74. 7. This is a Spondaic Hexahneter. 8. it onus— it long by Caesura. 9. A Spondaic Hexameter. 10. Fluviorum to be read as iffiuvjorwn, or taken as an Anapaest. 11. In two vowels of this line Synalaepha not employed. 12. Do. and a diphthong shortened. 13. In the first foot a diphthong not elided but shortened. 14. A at the end is elided by the vowel at the commencement of the next line. 15: Pronounce the last word Orpha by Crasis, p. 75. 16. Omnia made two syllables. 17. This line a Spondaic, and has two vowels unelided by Synalaephe. * To be read "ater-HN* exiliumP APPENDIX, CONTAINING STIRLING'S RHETORIC; IN LATIN AND ENGLISH. ARS RHETORICA. Tropi proprii Quatuor. Dat propriae similem, translata Metaphora vocem, 1 Atque Metonymia imponit nova nornina rebus. 2 Confundit totum cum parte Synecdoche saepe. 3 EXEMPLA. 1. Fluctuat cestu (i'. e. excessu), irarum. Aspirant (i. e. favent) cceptis. 2. Inventor pro Invento ; ut Mars (i. e. bellum) saevit. Author pro Operibus ; ut, lego Hora- tium, (i. e. ejus scripta.) Instrumentum pro Causa ; ut, lingua (i. e. eloquentia) tuetur ilium. Materia pro Facto; ut, ferrum, (i. e. gladius) vicit. EfFectus^ro Causa; ut, frigida mors, (i. e. quae facit frigidos.) Continens pro Contento ; ut, vescor dapibus, (i, e. cibis.) Adjunctum pro Subjecto; ut, fasces, (i. e. magistratus). 3. Decern cestates, (i. e. annos) vixi sub hoc tecto, (i. e. domo.) Nunc annus, (i. e. ver) est formosissimus. DERIVATIONES. 1. a iLtsjacpiQc*), transfero. 2. a /usjovo/ndto), transnomino. 3. a avvexdixofiat, comprehendo. THE ART OF RHETORIC. The four proper Tropes. A Metaphor, in place of proper words, 1 Resemblance puts ; and dress to speech affords. A Metonymy does new names impose, 2 And Things for things by near relation shows. Synecdoche the Whole for Part does take, 3 Or Part for Whole ; just for the metre's sake. EXAMPLES. 1. He boils with a Tide (i. e. Excess) of Passion. They breathe on (i. e. favour) my Enterprises. 2. The In- ventor is taken for the Invented ; as, Mars (i.e. War) rages. The Author for his Works ; as, I read Horace, (i. e. his Writings.) The Instrument for the Cause ; as, his Tongue (i. e. Eloquence) defends him. The matter for the Thing made ; as, the Steel (i. e. Sword) conquers. The effect for the Cause ; as, cold Death, (i. e. Death that makes cold.) The subject containing for the Thing contained ; I feed on dainties, (i. e. on food.) The ad- junct for the subject ; as, the Mace (i. e. Magistrate) comes. 3. Ten Summers (i. e. Years) I have lived under this Roof, (i. e. House.) Now the Year (i. e. Spring) is the most beautiful. TERMS ENGLISHED. 1. Translation. 2. Changing of Names. 3. Com- prehension. 122 ARS RHET0R1CA. Contra quam sentit solet Ironia jocari. 4 AfTectiones Troporum. Durior improprise est Catachresis abusio vocis. 5 Extenuans, augensve, excedit Hyperbole verum. 6 Voce Tropos plures nectit Metalepsis in una. 7 Continuare Tropos Allegoria adsolet usque. 8 Tropi falsd habiti. Antonomasia imponit Cognomina ssepe. 9 EXEMPLA. 4. Berth factum, (i. e. male factum.) 5. Vir gregis, (i. e. dux gregis.) Minatur, (i. e. promittit) pulchra. 6. Currit odor Euro, (i. e. citissime.) 7. Euphrates, (i. e. Mesopotamia, i. e. ejus incolse), movet bellum. 8. Venus, (i. e. amor) friget sine Cerere, (i. e. pane) & Baccho, (i. e. vino.) 9. Hie adest Irus, (i. e. pauper.) Macides, (i. e. Achilles) vicit. Pcenus, (i. e. Hannibal) tulit victoriam. Cytherea, (i. e. Venus, Dea insula? Cytherse.) Philoso- phus, (i. e. Aristoteles) asserit. Poeta, (i. e. Virgilius) canit iEneam. DERIVATIONES. 4. ab eiqoiVEvo^iai. dissimulo. 5. a xara^do/ua*, abu- tor. 6. ab inEQS&llw, supero. 7. a fiETotlafifitivw, parti- cipo. 8. ab uXlyyogiw, aliud dico. 9. ab fori, pro, & 6v ofi&r oj, nomino. ART OF RHETORIC. 123 And Irony, dissembling- with an air, 4 Thinks otherwise than what the words declare. Affections of Tropes. A Catachresis words too far doth strain : 5 Rather from such abuse of speech refrain. Hyperbole soars too high or creeps too low : 6 Exceeds the truth, things wonderful to show. By Metalepsis, in one word combined, 7 More Tropes than one you easily may find. An Allegory tropes continues still, 8 Which with new graces every sentence fill. / Tropes improperly accounted so. Antonomasia proper names imparts 9 From kindred, country, epithets, or arts. EXAMPLES. 4. Fairly done, (i. e. scandalously done.) Good Boy, (i. e. Bad Boy.) ' 5. The Man, (i. e. Chief) of the Flock. He threatens, (i. e. promises) a favour. 6. He runs swifter than the wind, (i. e. very swiftly.) 7. Euphrates, (i. e. Mesopotamia, i. e. its Inhabitants) moves War. 8. Venus grows cold without Ceres and Bacchus, i. e. (Love grows cold without Bread and Wine.) 9. There goes Irus, (i. e. a poor Man.) Macides (i. e. Achilles) con- quered. The Carthaginian, (i. e. Hannibal) won the Field. Cytherea, (i. e. Venus worshipped in the Island so called.) The Philosopher, (i. e. Aristotle) asserted so. The Poet , (i. e. Virgil) sings of JEneas. TERMS ENGLISHED. 4. Dissimulation. 5. Abuse. 6. Excess. 7. Partici- pation. 8. Speaking otherwise. 9. For a name. 12 124 ARS RH"ETORICA. Si plus quam dicis signes, Litotes vocabis. 10 A sonitu voces Onomatopoeia flngit. 11 Antiphrasis voces tibi per contraria signat. 12 Dat Ckarientismus pro duris mollia verba. 13 Asteismus jocus urbanus, seu scomma facetum est. 14 Est inimica viri Biasyrmus abusio vivi. 15 Insultans hosti illudit Sarcasmus amare. 16 Si quid proverbi fertur Parosmia dicta est. 17 EXEMPLA. 10. Non laudo tua munera nee sperno, (i. e. vitupero ea tamen accipio). 11. Tinnitus seris ; rugitus leonum. 12. Lucus, a luceo, significat opacum nemus. 13. Ad bona verba precor : ne sasvi, magna Sacerdos. 14. Qui Bavium non odit, amet tua carmina Msevi : atque idem jungat vulpes, & mulgeat hircos. 15. In strepitu can- tas : digna sed argutos interstrepere anser olores. 16. Satia te sanguine, Cyre. 17. Lupum auribus teneo. DERIVATIONES. 10. a Uxbg, tenuis. 11. ab dvojuotTOTToUa, nomen facio. 12. ab dpTKpg&'Qoj, per contrarium loquor. 13. a x a Q t6V - x^o^a/, jocor. 14. ab dgelog, urbanus. 15. a diaovgco, convitior. 16. a rro^xd^w, irrideo. 17. a naqoifii6it,o(x(xv 9 proverbialiter loquor. ART OF RHETORIC. 125 Litotes doth more sense than words include, 10 And often by two negatives hath stood. Onomatopoeia coins words from sound, 11 By which alone the meaning may be found. Antiphrasis makes words to disagree 12 From sense ; if rightly they derived be. Charientismus , when it speaks, doth choose 13 The softer for the harsher words to use. Asteismus loves to jest with strokes of wit, 14 And slily with the point of satire hit. A Diasyrmus must ill nature show, 15 And ne'er omits t' insult a living foe. Sarcasmus with a biting jeer doth kill, 16 And every word with strongest venom fill. Parcemia by a Proverb tries to teach 17 A short, instructing, and a nervous speech. EXAMPLES. 10. I neither praise your Gifts, nor despise them, (i. e. I dispraise your Gifts, yet I accept them.) 11. The tinkling of brass ; the roaring of lions. 12. Lucus, from Lux, Light, signifies a dark shady Grove. 13. Be not so angry : Heaven send better News. 14. Who hates not Bavius, let him love Maevius' verses ; and he that loves either, let him yoke foxes and milk the He-goats. 15. You cackle like a Goose among the tuneful Swans. 16. Now Cyrus, glut yourself with Blood. 17. I know not what to do. TERMS ENGLISHED. 10. Lessening. 11. Feigning a name. 12. Contrary Word. 13. Softening. 14. Civility. 15. Detraction. 16; Bitter Taunt. 17. A Proverb. 126 ARS RHETORICA. JEnigma obscuris tecta est sententia verbis. 18 Figure Dictionis in eodem Sono. Dat varium sensum voci Antanaclasis eidem. 19 Atque Ploce repetit proprium ; communiter hocce. 20 Diversis membris frontem dat Anaphora eandem. 21 Complures clausus concludit Epistropke eodem. 22 Symploce eas jungit, complexa utramque figuram. 23 Incipit et voce exit Epanalepsis eadem. 24 Est Anadiplosis cum quae postrema prions 25 Vox est, hsec membri fit dictio prima sequentis. EXEMPLA 18. Armido Nilotis, (i. e. Papyrus Nili) yrofext Jiliolas Cadmi, (i. e. Graecas literas inventas ab illo.) 19. Quis neget iEnese natum de stirpe Neronem ? Sustulit hie matrem, sustulit ille patrem ! 20. In hac victoria Caesar erat Casar, (i. e. mitissimus victor.) 21. Pax coronat vitam : pax profert copiam. 22. Nascimur dolore, degi- mus vi tarn dolore, finimus dolore. 23. Quis legem tulit? Rullus. Quis majorem populi partem suffragiis privavit? Rullus. Quis comitiis prasfuit? Idem Rullus. 24. Multa super Priamo rogitans, super Hectore multa. 25. Hie tamen vivit : Vivit ? imo vero etiam in senatum venit. DERIVATIONES. 18 ab aivLiib), obscure loquor. 19. ab tivTava-Adw, refringo. 20. a nXixt» t necto. 21. ab tivayiQco, refero. 22. ab snisoicpcj, converto. 23. a ovjUTjlexio, connecto. 24. nbtni, & (jiPaXctfiB&na, repeto. 25. ab tivadrnXdw, reduplico. ART OF RHETORIC. 127 Mnigma in dark words the sense conceals ; 18 But, that once known, a riddling speech reveals. Figures of Words of the same sound. Antanaclasis in one sound contains 19 More meanings, which the various sense explains* By Ploce one a proper name repeats ; 20 Yet as a common noun the latter treats. Anaphora gives more sentences one head ; 21 As readily appear to those that read. Epistrophe more sentences doth close 22 With the same words, whether in verse or prose. Symploce joins these figures both together, 23 And from both jbin'd makes up itself another. Epanalepsis words doth recommend, 24 The same at the beginning and the end. Anadiplosis ends the former line 25 With what the next does for its first design. EXAMPLES. 18. Nilotis's Quill brought forth the Daughters of Cadmus, (i. e. a Pen made of a Reed growing by the side of the River Nile wrote the Greek Letters invented by Cadmus.) 19. Who can deny that Nero is descended from jEneas ? The former took off (i. e. killed) his mother ; the latter took off (i. e. affectionately removed from dan- ger) his father. 20. In that Victory Caesar was Coesar, (i. e. a most serene Conqueror.) 21. Peace crowns our Life ; Peace does our Plenty breed. 22. We are born in Sorrow; pass our time in Sorrow ; end our days in Sor- row. 23. Who proposed the law ? Rullus. WJw deprived the majority of the people of their right of suffrage ? Rullus. Who presided at the comitia ? The same identical Rullus . 24. Many ^ questions anxiously asking about Priam, about Hector, many. 25. And yet this man is permitted to live : — to live ? Yea, and even to come into the senate ! TEEMS ENGLISHED. 18. A Riddle. 19. A Reciprocation. 20. Continua- tion. 21. Rehearsal. 22. A turning to. 23. A Com- plication. 24. Repetition. 25. Reduplication. 12* 128 ARS RHETORICA. Prima velut mediis, mediis ita Epanados ima 26 Consona dat repetens. Exemplo disce figuram. Ejusdem fit Epizeuxis repetitio vocis. 27 Continua serie est repetita gradatio Climax. 28 Estque Polyptoton vario si dictio casu. 29 Figure Dictionis similis Soni. Fonte ab eodem derivata Paragmenon aptat. 30 Voce parum mutata, alludit significatum. Paranomasia : ut " amentis non gestus amantis." 31 Fine sono similes conjungit Homoioteleuton. 32 Inque Parechesi repetita est Syllaba vocum. 33 EXEMPLA. 26. Crudelis tu quoque mater ; crudelis muter magis, an puer improbus tile ? Improbus ille puer, crudelis tu quoque mater. 27. Ah ! Cory don, Corydon* Bella, horrida bella. 28. Quod libet, id licet, his ; at quod licet, id satis audent ; quodque audent , faciunt ; faciunt quodcunque molestum est. 29. Arma armis ; pedi pes; virovir. 30. Pieridum studio studiose teneris. 31. Amentis non gestus amantis ; ut supra. 32. Si vis incolumen, si vis te reddere sanum, curas tolle graves, irasci crede pro- fanum. 33. O fortunatam natam. DERIVATIONES. 26. ab inl, & &vodog, ascensus. 27. ab imfrtiyvviH, conjungo. 28. a xtivut, acclino. 29. a nolvg, varius, & mwaig, casus. 30. a nnQikyM, derivo. 31. a. naga, juxta, & bvofioc. nomen. 32. ab 6uolu)c % similiter, & liltviop^ finitum. 33. a n«^?/^£w, sono similis sum. * In translating some of these figures, it is extremely difficult— owiDg to idiomatic phraseology, dissimilarity of sound, &c, &c, — to give more than equi- valent sense ; as in the present example, and many others farther on. A.RT OF RHETORIC. 129 By Epanados a sentence shifts its place, 26 Takes first, and last, and also middle space. An Epizeuxis twice a word repeats, 27 Whate'er the theme or subject be it treats. A Climax by gradacion still ascends, 28 Until the sense with finished period ends. A Polyptoton still the same word places, 29 If sense requires it, in two different cases. Figures of Words of like Sound. Paragmenon derived from one recites 30 More words; and in one sentence them unites. Paronomasia to the sense alludes, 31 When words but little vary'd it includes. Homoioteleuton makes the measure chime 32 With like sounds in the end of fetter'd rhyme. A Parachesis syllable sets twice ; 33 But this, except to poets, is a vice. EXAMPLES. 26. Whether the worst ? the Child accurst, or else the cruel mother? The Mother worst, the Child accurst ; as bad the one as t'other. 27. Ah ! poor, poor Swain ! Wars, horrid wars. 28. Folly breeds Laughter ; Laugh- ter, Disdain ; Disdain makes Shame her Daughter. 29. Foot to foot ; Hand to Hand ; Face to Face. 30. I write friendly of Friendship to a Friend. 31. Friends are turned fiends. 32. Chime and Rhyme, as above. 33. Liberty begets Mischief chiefly. TERMS ENGLISHED. 26. A Regression. 27. A joining together. 28. A Ladder, Stair. 29. Variation of Case. 30. Derived from the same. 31. Likeness of Words. 32. A like ending. 33. Allusion. 130 ARS RHETORIC A. Figurje ad Explicationem. Exprimit atque oculis quasi subjicit Hypotyposis. 34 Res, loca, personas, affectus, tempora, gestus. Explicat oppositum ad dens Paradiastole recte. 35 Opposita Antimetabole mutat dictaque ssepe. 36 Librat in Antithetis contraria Enantiosis. 37 Synceceiosis duo dat contraria eidem. 38 Oxymoron " iners erit ars ;" " Concordia discors." 39 Figure ad Probationem. Propositi reddit causas Mtiologia. 40 Arguit allatam rem contra Inversio pro se» 41 EX.EMPLA. 34* Videbar videre alios intrantes, alios verd exeuntes ; quosdam ex vino vacillantes, quasdam hesterna potatione oscitantes, &c. 35. Fortuna obumbrat virtutem, tamen non obruit earn. 36. Poema est pictura loquens, pictura est mutum poema. 37* Alba ligustra cadunt, vaccinia nigra leguntur. 38. Tarn quod adest desit quam quod non adsit avaro. 39. Superba hurnilitas. 40. Sperne voluptates : nocet empta dolore voluptas. 41. Imd equi- dem : neque enim, si occidissem, sepelissem. DERIVATIONES. 34. ab bnoivnbw, reprgesento. 35. a nugadiac;&Xloj f dis- jungo. 36. ab &vtI, contra, & peTafi&X'tex), inverto. 37. ab ivavriog, oppositus. 38. a ovvotxeiib, concilio. 39. ab 6£i>, acutum* & /uw^r, stultum. 40. ab aiuoXoyiw, rationem reddo. 41. ab inverto. ART OF RHETORIC. 131 Figures for Explanation. Hypotyposis to the eye contracts 34 Things, places, persons, affections, acts. Paradiastole explains aright 35 Things in an opposite and diff'rent light. Antimetabole puts chang'd words again 36 By contraries ; as the example will explain. Enantiosis poiseth diff'rent things, 37 And words and sense as into balance brings. Synceceiosis to one subject ties 38 Two contraries ; and fuller sense supplies. In Oxymoron contradictions meet : 39 And jarring epithets and subjects greet. Figures for Proof. JEtiology gives every theme a reason ; 40 For sure that never can be out of season. Inversion makes the adversary's plea 41 A strong nay best defence that urg'd can be. EXAMPLES. 34. The Head is sick ; the Heart is faint ; from the sole of the Foot, even unto the Head, there is no sound- ness, but Wounds, Bruises, and putrefying sores. 35. Virtue may be overshadowed, but not overwhelmed. 36. A poem is a speaking Picture ; a Picture is a mute Poem. 37. Truth brings Foes, Flattery brings Friends. 38. He is dead even while he liveth.. 39. Proud humility. This bitter sweet. 40. Despise Pleasures, for Pleasure bought with pain hurteth. 41. Had I killed him, (as you report,) I had not staid to bury him. TERMS ENGLISHED. 34. A Representation. 35. Discrimination. 36. Changing by Contraries. 37. A Contrariety. 38. Re- conciling. 39. A witty foolish saying. 40. Showing a Reason. 41. Inversion. 132 AES RHETORICAL Anticipat, quae quis valet objecisse, Prolepsis. 42 Plane aut dissimulans permittit Epitrope factum. 43 Figure ad Amplificationem. Ad summum ex imo gradibus venit Incrementum. 44 Verba Synonymia addit rem signantia eandem. 45 Res specie varias Synathr&smus congerit una. 46 " Non dico," Apophasis ; " Taceo, mitto," est Parale- ipsis. 47 EXEMPLA. 42. Hie aliquis mihi dicat : cur ego amicum ofFendam in nugis ? hse nugse seria ducunt in mala. 43. Credo equidem : neque te teneo, nee dicta refello. 44. Justum et tenacem propositi virum non civium ardor prava ju- bentium, non vultus instantis Tyranni, mente quatit solida, neque Auster dux inquieti turbidus Adriae, nee fulminantis magna manus Jovis ; si fractus illabatur or- bis, impavidum ferient ruinoe. 45. Ensis & gladius. Vivit & vescitur aetherea aura. 46. Grammaticus, Rhetor, Pictor, Aliptes, Augur, Schagnobates, Medicus, Magus : omnia novit. 47. Non referam ignaviam & alia magis scelesta, quorum pcenitere oportet. 47. Taceo; mitto homicidia, furta, & alia tua crimina. DERIVATIONES 42. a TTQoXa/Lip&vco, anticipo. 43. ab Itxitqetiq), permitto. 44. ' ab incresco. 45. a ovv^ con, & b^o/na, nomen. 46. a ovvixdyoirw, congrego. 47. ab d^o, ab, & , duco. ART OF RHETORIC. 137 Prosopopeia a new person feigns, 57 And to inanimates speech and reason deigns. Apostrophe for greater themes or less 58 Doth turn aside, to make a short address. Figures of Orthography. Prosthesis to the front of words doth add 59 Letters or syllables they never had. Aphceresis from the beginning takes 59 What syllable or letter the word up-makes. Syncope leaves the middle syllable oat, 60 Which causes oft of case and tense to doubt. Epenthesis to middle adds one more 60 Than what the word could justly claim before. Apocope cuts off a final letter, 61 Or syllable, to make the verse run better. A Paragoge adds unto the end, 61 Yet not the sense, but measure to amend. EXAMPLES. 57. The very Stones of the Street speak your Wicked- ness. The Mountains clap their Hands, and the Hills sing for Joy. 58. Thus he possessed the gold by Vio- lence. Oh ! cursed Thirst of Gold, what wickedness dost thou not influence men's minds to perpetrate ? 59. 'Yclad in Armour, for clad ; begirt for girt with a Sword. 59. Till for until. 60. Ne'er for never; o'er for over; — Blackamoor for Blackmoor. 61. Tho' for though ; — Chicken for Chick. TERMS ENGLISHED. 57. Feigning a Person — Personification. 58. An Ad- dress, or turning away from the principal Subject. 59. Adding to. 59. Taking from. 60. Cutting out; — Interpo- sition. 61. A cutting off; — Producing, or making longer. 133 ARS RHETORICA. Metathesis sedem commutat Literularum. 62 Literulam Antithesis ipsam mutare paratur. 63 Syntaxeos in Excessu. • Vocibus exsuperat Pleonasmus & emphasin auget. 64 Conjunctura frequens vocum Polysyndeton esto. 65 Membrum interjecto sermone Parenthesis auget. 66 Syllabicum adjectum sit vocis fine Parolee. 67 In Defectu. Dicitur Elleipsis si ad sensum dictio desit. 68 Unius verbi ad diversa reductio Zeugma. 69 EXEMPLA. 62. Thymbre, pro Thymber. 63. OUi, pro illi ; vol- gus, pro valgus. 64. Audivi auribus : vidi oculis. 65. Fataque fortunasque virum, moresque, manusque. 66. Credo equidem (nee vana fides) genus esse Deorum. 67. Numnam, pro num : adesdum, pro ades. 68. Non est solvendo, supple aptus ; Dicunt, supple, illi. 69. Nee folium, nee arundo agitatur vento, (i. e. nee folium agita- tur, nee arundo agitatur vento.) DERIVATIONES. 62. a fiera, trans, & lidr^i pono. 63. ab a»"ri, contra, & ildrjtu, pono. 64. a nXeor&roj, redundo. 65. a nolv, multum, & owdiu), colligo. 66. a nuQevildfj/u^ interjicio. 67. a nuoekxu), protraho. 68. ab tlUlno}, praetermitto. 69. a ZevyvviM) jungo. ART OF RHETORIC. 139 Metathesis a letter's place doth change, 62 So that the word appear not new or strange. Antithesis doth change the very letter ; 63 A vowel for vowel as authors think it better. Figures of Excess in Syntax. A Pleonasmus hath more words than needs, 64 And, to augment the emphasis, exceeds. In Polysyndeton conjunctions flow, 65 And ev'ry word its cop'lative must show. Parenthesis is independent sense, 66 Clos'd in a sentence () by this double fence. Parolee particles to words apply, 67 Yet add no more to what they signify. Figures of Defect in Syntax. Elleipsis drops a word to shorten speech, 68 And oft a sentence too t' omit doth teach. Zeugma repeats the verb as often o'er 69 As construing words come after as before. EXAMPLES. 62. Cruds for Curds. 63. Tye for tie ; furnisht for furnished ; exprest for expressed. 64. With my ears I heard it ; I saw it with mine Eyes. 65. Fear and Joy and Hatred and Love seized the Mind by Turns. 66. I believe indeed (nor is my Faith vain) that he is the Off- spring of the Gods. 67. He evermore for ever feeds. 68. True, for it is true. 69. Nor Leaf nor Reed is stir- red by the Wind, (i. e. nor Leaf is stirred nor Reed is stirred by the Wind.) TERMS ENGLISHED. 62. Transposition. 63. Opposition. 64. Superfluity. 65. Many Copulatives. 66. Interposition of Words* 67. Prolonging* 68w An Omission* 6& A Joining. 19* 140 ARS RHETORICA. Personam, genus, et nuraerum conceptio triplex Accipil indignum, Syllepsis sub mage digno. 70 Dlahjton, toliit juncturam & Asyndeton aeque. 71 In Contextu. Est vocum inter se turbatus Hyperbaton ordo. 72 Quod meruit primum vult Hysteron esse secundum. 73 Casu transposito submutat Hypallage verba. 74 Hellenismus erit phrasis aut constructio Grseca. 75 Voce interposita per Tmesin verbula scindas. 76 Jungit Hyphen voces, nectitque ligamine in unam. 77 EXEMPLA. 70. Ego, tu, & frater, (i. e. nos) legimus, &c. 71. Rex, miles, plebs, negat illud. 72. Vina, bonus quae deinde cadis onerarat Acestes littore Trinacrio, dederat- que abeuntibus, heros dividit. 73. Nutritpeperitque. 74. Necdum illis labra admovi, pro necdum ilia iabris admovi. 75. Desine clamorum. 76. Quae mihi cunque plzcent, pro quaecunque mihi placent. 77. Semper-virentis Hymetti. DERIVATIONES. 70. a avXlnufi&va), comprebendo. 71. a diaXvco, dis- solvo ; — ab a, non, & awdiai, connecto. 72. ab iuFgdulvio, transgredior. 73. ab v^eoo^, posterius. 74. ab ti/id, sub, &