s^ ffnchkif: ■^.(/a,./.-/,, THE WORKS A P U L E I U S COMPRISIXG THE METAMORPHOSES, OR GOLDEN ASS, THE GOD OF SOCKATES, ^KE FLOEIDA, AXD HIS DEFENCE, OR A DISCOURSE ON MAGIC. A NEW TRANSLATION. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, A METRICAL VERSION OF CUPID AND PSYCHE, AND MRS. TIGHE'S PSYCHE, LONDON : GEORGE BELL AND SONS, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1878. y^ ^ LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND S0S8, STAiirORD 8TRSST AND CHARING CB08S. y BIOGRAPHICAL INTRODUCTION. The author of the celebrated romance of " The Golden Ass" lived in tke early part of the second century, under the Antonines. By most modern biographers he is called Lucius Apuleius, or Appuleius, but the authority on which they assign him that prse- nomen is very questionable. He was a native of Madaura, an inland African town, and he styles himself, in allusion to its po- sition on the borders of two kingdoms, " a half-and-half Numi- dian and Getulian ;" adding that, in that respect, he resembled the elder Cyrus, who was " a Semi-Median and Semi-Persian." Madaura, after having formed part of the kingdom of Syphax, was bestowed by the Homans on their ally Masinissa, and being eventually resumed and peopled by veterans, it obtained the rank and immunities of a " colony," and rose to considerable splendour. The father of Apuleius filled the office of duumvir, the highest magisterial dignity in his native place, and bequeathed at his death the sum of nearly two millions of sesterces to his two sons, one of whom, the subject of our present inquiries, succeeded to his office. These facts we learn from the direct testimony of the son in his Apologia or Defence ; but most of the biographers of Apuleius add other particulars, drawn from the assumption that, under the character of Lucius, the imagi- nary hero of the story of "the Golden Ass," the author has related sundry details of his own personal history. Upon this supposition, we are told that our author's praenomen was Lucius, that his father's name was Theseus, his mother's Salvia, and that she was of a Thessalian family, and descended from the illustrious Plutarch ; furthermore, that Apuleius was ignorant of the Latin language until he visited Rome, where he acquired it in*:*i^*> iv BIOGEAPHICAL INTEODirCTIOjS". without tlie aid of a master; and tliat by the time he amved at the capital of the empire, he had so completely dissipated his patrimony, as to be under the necessity of selling his clothes, in order to defray the cost of his initiation into the mysteries of Osiris. This latter statement is at variance with the account which he gives of his fortune in the Apologia, where he says, merely, that it had been, " modice imminutum," somewhat im- paired ; the other particulars may or may not be true. There is, no doubt, such a resemblance between Apuleius and Lucius, both as regards mental characteristics and outward incidents, that we can hardly suppose it to be fortuitous. It is highly probable that the author drew his hero from his own likeness ; but on the other hand, it is absurd to look for literal fidelity in such a por- trait. It is not likely, for instance, that Apuleius would have deemed it consistent with decorum to speak of himself, his father and his mother, by their real names, in so frolicsome a work of fiction as " The Golden Ass," since we find, that when addressing the sons of a friend in some complimentary verses of a peculiar character, such as the habits of his day allowed, he thought it his duty to invent pseudonymes for the objects of his flattery.* Apuleius received the first rudiments of education at Carthage, renowned at that time as a school of literature, and there he adopted the Platonic system of philosophy, in which he perfected himself by his subsequent studies at Athens. There, too, he laid the foundations of that copious stock of various and profound learning, through which he became the most distinguished lite- rary character of his age. Still thirsting for knowledge, and impelled, like his own Lucius, by an insatiable curiosity to ex- plore all that was hidden from the vulgar gaze, he travelled through Greece, Asia, and Italy, and became a member of many religious fraternities, and a proficient in their mys- teries. After his return to Africa, lie was about to renew his travels, and on his way to Alexandria was taken ill at Oea, a maritime town, which some geographers have identified with the modem Tripoli. A young man, named Pontianus, whom * See Defence, p. 256. BIOGRAFHICAL rNTEODTJCTIOJiT. T he liad known as a fellow-student at Athens, invited the inyalid to become the guest of his mother, a wealthy widow, named Pudentilla. In making this hospitable proposal, Pontianus had more in view than the comfort of his friend, and the restoration of his health. Pudentilla was herself also an invalid, being affected with a chronic complaint, which had lasted thir- teen years — the duration of her widowhood — and for which her medical advisers all agreed in prescribing marriage as a remedy. The son, seeing his mother prepared to try the effect of tlrat nostrum, was desirous that her new husband should be one of his own choosing. Accordingly, he begged Apuleius would do him the favour to beconje his stepfather, putting the affair to him, says the latter, in the light of an onerous service, such as one might ask a friend and a philosopher to undertake. The widow was neither young nor handsome, but she was virtuous, fond, and very rich. Apuleius, if not poor, was, at least, reduced in circumstances, in consequence of his long-continued course of study, his protracted residence in foreign countries, and various acts of generosity towards his friends and instructors ; moreover, he was a philosopher ; so in fine he married the widow. But this act involved some unpleasant consequences. Before it was accomplished, Pontianus had married the daughter of one E-ufinus', who, long eager to secure to his son-in-law as large a share as possible in the fortune of Pudentilla, did all he could to prevent her marriage with Apuleius ; and in this he was seconded by Pontianus, over whom he had acquired such an influence, as to make him look with aversion on the suc- cess of his own project. But notwithstanding all opposition, Pudentilla persisted in her resolution ; and soon after her mar- riage, Pontianus died. His uncle, J]]milianus, then united with Eufinus in endeavours to ruin Apuleius. They gave out that he had poisoned Pontianus, that he was a magician, and had gained the affections of Pudentilla by witchcraft. They even prosecuted him upon the latter charge, and the cause was tried at Sabrata, before Claudius Maximus, the proconsul of Africa. It was on that occasion he delivered the Defence, a translation of which VI BIOGEAPHTCAI, IJyTEODTJCTION. will be found in this volume. It is a clever and amusing per- formance, having nothing of the tragic earnestness of a man who is pl-eading for his life ; on the contrary, Apuleius appears, from first to last, to have felt quite secure as to the issue, and to have flung himself with great glee into a contest which afforded him such capital opportunities for displaying his wit, his learning, and his powers of rhetoric. His adversaries had a bad game to play ; they played it into his hands, and he made good use of their blun- ders. The main charge was ridiculous enough, and Apulems had for it a ready and sufficient answer : " You are surprised," he said, " that a woman should have married again after thirteen years of widowhood ; but the real wonder is, that she should have remained unmarried so long. You pretend that magic alone could have forced a widow of her years to marry a young man ; but that is just the sort of case in which magic would be quite superfluous." As if to give the more force to this argument, the prosecutors were indiscreet enough to lay great stress on the graces and ac- complishments of the accused, and to press upon the notice of the court that Apuleius was altogether such a man as was most likely, in the natural course of things, to find favour in a woman's eyes ; for he was handsome, and not negligent of his person ; he used a mirror ; he combed his hair ; he actually cleaned his teeth ! and this handsome man, who cultivated cleanliness as well as phi- losophy, had a ready wit and a fluent tongue ! After the discomfiture of his wife's relations, it seems probable that nothing very remarkable occurred to disturb the even tenour of a life of literary labour to which Apuleius devoted himself. All that is known of this latter part of his career, is, that he was a most voluminous writer ; that he frequently declaimed in public with great applause ; he was a priest of -3llsculapius, the pa- tron god of Carthage ; he had the charge of exhibiting gladi- atorial shows and wild beast hunts in the province, and statues were erected in his honour by the senate of Carthage and of other states. It was probably in his latter days that he composed his most cftlebrated work, " The Metamorphoses, or the Golden Ass ;" for neither does he allude to it in those passages in which he boasts FJOGEAPHICAL INTRODTJCTION. VU of the extent and variety of Iiis literary productions ; nor was any mention made of it upon the occasion of his trial for magic, as would certainly have been done had his prosecutors been aware of the existence of such a book. This celebrated romance pur- ports to be the autobiography of a certain Lucius of Madaura, whose curiosity with respect to magic has been rewarded by his tranformation into the form of a jackass, in which he undergoes many curious and ludicrous adventures, until he is at last restored to human shape by the interposition of the goddess Isis, to whose service he devotes himself. Had this amusing story appeared before the trial at Sabrata, it might have been used with formid- able effect against its author, whose contemporaries, anticipat- ing the opinions of a subsequent age, might have identified Lucius with Apuleius, and believed the latter to be a great magician. Lactantius informs us that the early pagan controversialists used to rank Apuleius with Apollonius of Tyana, as a thauma- turgus, and to cite various miracles performed by him as equal, or superior to those of Christ. A generation later, St. Augustine permitted himself to doubt whether the account given by Lucius, or Apuleius, of his change into an ass was not a true relation : " Aut indicavit," says he, " aut finxit." The Golden Ass, in which many writers, especially Bishop "War- burton, have been at pains to discover a profound theological purpose, appears to have been written with a view to little else than the amusement of a profane public. It is enriched with numerous episodes, of which the best known, and by far the most beautiful, is the story of Cupid and Psyche. Another forms the second story of the seventh day of the Decameron. An adventure which befel Lucius, probably suggested to Cervantes the dreadful combat which took place at an inn between Don Quixote and the Wine- skins ; and there is a striking resemblance between the occur- yences seen by Lucius at the habitation of robbers, and some of the early incidents in Gil Bias. Apuleius, who is now comparatively neglected, was familiarly known to all readers of the classics during the three centuries preceding our own j but it is only nn BioGBArniCAL inteobuctton-. througli tlie medium of a translation that Englishmen, at least, are likely to make much acquaintance with him for the future. His Latin is very troublesome to read, and it is not worth reading for its own sake. He is a most amusing writer, with an execrable style, and therefore he is one of the few who ought to gain rather than lose by translation. "No one," says Professor Eamsay, " can peruse a few pages of Apuleius without being at once im- pressed with his conspicuous excellencies and his glaring defects. We find everywhere an exuberantplay of fancy, liveliness, humour, wit, learning, acuteness, and not unfrequently real eloquence. On the other hand, no style can be more vicious. It is in the high- est degree unnatural, both in its general tone and in the phrase- ology employed. The former is disfigured by the constant recur- rence of ingenious but forced and learned conceits and studied prettinesses, while the latter is remarkable for the multitude of obsolete words ostentatiously paraded in almost every sentence. The greater number of these are to be found in the extant com- positions of the oldest dramatic writers, and in quotations pre- served by the grammarians ; and those for which no authority can be produced, were, in all probability, drawn from the same source, and not arbitrarily coined to answer the purpose of the moment, as some critics have imagined. The least faulty perhaps, of all, is the Apologia. Here he spoke from deep feeling ; and although we may in many places detect the inveterate afiectation of the rhe- torician, yet there is often a bold, manly, straightforward hearti- ness and truth, which we seek in vain in those compositions where his feelings were less couched." Of all the voluminous writings of Apuleius there are only six extant of unquestioned authenticity. Two we have already named ; the third is a dissertation on the God of Socrates, a work which has been rouglily attacked by St. Augustine ; the fourth a treatise on the Doctrines of Plato ; the fifth the book entitled Florida, which is commonly supposed to be an anthology from the orations of Apuleius, collected either by himself or one of his admirers, but more probably a collection of passages intended as proemia to sundry declamations, or to be introduced, as occasion might BIOGEAPHICAL rNTJaODUCTIOW. US serve, into tlie body of an extemporaneous harangue. The sixth and last is the De Mundo Liber, a translation of an anonymous Greek treatise, erroneously ascribed to Aristotle, which we have not thought worth inserting. The treatise on Plato is not in- cluded here, as it has already been given in the sixth volume of Mr. Bohn's edition of the entire works of Plato. The Golden Ass has been several times presented to the English public, but, it is believed, never yet so completely or faithfully. The God of Socrates has once previously been translated, (by Thomas Taylor), but the Florida, and the Apologia or Defence, are now given in English for the first time. The able metrical version of Cupid and Psyche, first published in 1801 anonymously, but at- tributed to the pen of Hudson Gurney, Esq., and the well-known poem of Psyche by Mrs. Tighe, are adjoined, because of their appropriateness and merit. The latter was highly popular at the time of its first pubhcation, went through several large editions, and was elaborately reviewed and praised in the Quarterly Eeview of May, 1811. THE METAMORPHOSES, OK GOLDEN* ASS OF APULEIUS. PEEFACE. In the following Milesian f narrative, I will string together various stories, and regale your listening ears with some meriy whispers, if only you will not disdain to look upon this Egyp- tian pap3^rus, ^Titten with the subtle point of a IS'ilotic reed ; and I will proceed to astonish you with the adventures of men changed into different shapes, and, after various vicis- situdes, restored to their original forms. Who I am, I will tell you in a few words : Hymettus of Attica, the Isthmus of Ephyre,J andTasnarusg of Sparta, famous lands, immortalized in books still more famous, * Golden.] — The following remarks relative to this epithet are from Dr. Smith's ' Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography :' — " The epithet * aureus' is generally supposed to have been bestowed in consequence of the admiration in which this tale was held, for, being considered as the most excellent composition of its kind, it was compared to tiie most excellent of metals. Warburton, however, ingeniously contends that ' aureus' was the common epithet bestowed upon all Milesian tales, because they were such as strollers used to rehearse for a piece of money to the rabble in a circle, after the fashion of oriental story-tellers. He founds his conjec- ture upon an expression in one of Pliny's Epistles ( ii. 20), ' Assem para, et accipe auream fabulam,' — ' give me a piece of copper, and receive in return a story worth a piece of gold,' or, ' precious as gold,' which brings us back to the old explanation.*' t Milesian.'] — The people of Miletus were famed for their love of merri- ment and luxury ; hence stories of an amatory or mirthful nature wera generally known by the name of ' Milesian stories.' X Ephyre'] — The ancient name of Corinth. i Tcenarm.] — This seems a preferable reading to Tenedos. 3 2 PREFACE. are my old nurseries.* There, in the early studies of my youth, I learned the Attic tongue. Soon after, a stranger in the Latian city, I applied mj^self to the study of the native lan- guage of the Eomans ; which I acquired with painful labour, without the help of a master. Behold, then, I preface with asking pardon, should I in any way oifend by my unskilful use of a strange and foreign tongue. Indeed this very change of language well befits the description of the transformatory art of magic, of which we purpose here to treat. We will begin, then, a Grecian story :f Eeader, attend, you will be delighted. * My old nurseries.'] — 'Mea vetus prosapia est.' Taylor, following the Delphin interpretation, takes this to mean : ' are the ancient originals of my race.' This version is either expressly warranted or tacitly ad- mitted by all the commentators ; but, however respectable the authorities in its favour, it wants that of common sense. If Lucius, who was a native of Medaura, in Africa, had intended to tell us where his progenitors had lived, why should he have omitted Thessaly, the country of his mother's ancestors ? It is just possible that his father might have traced back his pedigree, through a pair inhabiting one of the places named, to a male and female ancestor belonging severally to the other two ; but would it have followed thence that Lucius should have pursued his early studies in those very three places ? What he desires to make known to the reader is, that Greek was the language of his youth, and Latin a later acquirement, a fact upon which the nationality of two of his remote ancestors could have no bearing whatever. We incline to think that the word ' prosapia,' which literally means, lineage, is here used in a figurative sense, akin to that in which Englishmen speak of their university as their * alma mater.' Unfortunately we cannot decide the question by references to other authors ; for prosapia, as we learn from Quintilian, is one of those antiquated and obsolete words to the use of which Apuleius and his contemporary Aulus Gellius were inordinately addicted. At all events, * original seat of a race,' is quite as arbitrary a rendering of ' prosapia ' as that which we have ventured to assign to it. — K. t A Grecian story.] — This name is probably given to the story, from the scene being laid in Thessaly. It is also not improbable that he calls the work by this epithet in consequence of having derived it from Lucius of Patrse, a Grecian writer, from whom, also, Lucian derived his work, which is somewhat similar, called qvoq, ' the ass.' BOOK THE FIRST. LrClTJS, JOTJENETING FEOM COEINTH TO THESSALY, OVERTAKES AND CONVEKSES WITH TWO TEAVELLEES FIEST EPISODE: TALE OF AEISTOMENES, THE COMMEECIAL TEAVELLEE LrCItTS AEEIVE8 AT HTPATA BECOMES THE GUEST OF MILO MEETS AN OLD AC- QUAINTANCE IN THE FISH MAEKET A ZEALOtTS MAGISTEATE. I HAD occasion to visit Thessaly on business ; for it was there that our origin on the maternal side w^as derived, in the first place, from the celebrated Plutarch,* and afterwards from his grandson, Sextus, the philosopher, a thing which reflects so much honour upon us. I had travelled over lofty mountains, slippery valleys, dewy turf, and thick-clodded plains, being mounted on a milk-white horse of that country ; and as he was now much fatigued, I jumped upon my feet, in order that I too might shake off the numbness of my limbs by walking; then carefully wiped the sweat from my horse with a handful of leaves, f stroked his ears, threw the reins over his head, and walked him along at a gentle pace, until the usual functions of nature had relieved his weariness. And now, while bending down his head, and cropping the grass sideways, he was taking his ambulatory breakfast, I made a third with two persons who were travelling together, and who happened to be on the road a little before me. While I listened to hear what was the subject of their conversation, one of them, bursting into a loud laugh, said to the other, ''Deleave off tell- ing such absurd, such monstrous :]: lies." Hearing this, 1, who am generally athirst after novelty, struck * Plutarch.'] — Plutarch, the historian, was a native of Boeotia, and his nephew, Sextus, the preceptor of Marcus Antoninus, in all probability lived later than the time of Apuleius. It consequently follows either that Plutarch of Chaeronsea is not the person here meant, or that, if he is, the allusion to Sextus is a mere gloss. There seems no reason to suppose that Apuleius refers here to his own descent from Plutarch through his mother, Salvia, though most of the early commentators adopted that notion. t A handful of leaves.'] — ' Fronde.' Some read ' fronte,' i. e. ' I wiped the sweat from my horse's forehead.' + Monstrous.] — * Immania' seems a preferable reading to ' inania.' B 2 4 THE GOLDEI^r ASS OF APULEIUS. in, and said, ''May I beg you will make me acquainted with your story ; not, indeed, that I would be impertinently inqui- sitive, but I long to know everything, or at least as much as I can ; besides, some pleasa,nt amusing tales will smooth the ruggedness of this hill we are just ascending." " Decidedly," said the first speaker, ** this lying story is about as true as if a person should think fit to assert, that by magical mutterings rapid rivers can be made to run back- wards, the ocean be congealed, the winds robbed of breath, the sun stopped in his course, the moon made to drop her foam,* the stars plucked from their spheres, the day annihilated, and the night' indefinitely prolonged." On this, assuming a somewhat confident air, ''Do not you," said I, '' who began the story, repent of having so done, nor think it a trouble to tell the remainder." And then, turning to the other : " But as for you," said I, " you reject with dull ears and stubborn disposition, a statement of things which, perhaps, are true. Little are you aware, by Hercules ! by what perversity of opinion those things are thought to be lies, which appear either novel to the hearing, or strange to the sight, or at least exalted beyond the range of thought; whereas, if you examine them a little more attentively, you will find them not only manifest to the senses, but even easy of accom- plishment. Why, it was only last evening, that, while I was endeavouring to eat faster than my fellow -guests, and to swallow too large a mouthful of cheesecalce, I was all but choked through the spongy nature of the glutinous morsel sticking in my throat, and stopping up my breath at the bottom of my windpipe. And yet, it was but very lately that at Athens, in front of the Poecile Portico, f I beheld with these two eyes a juggler I swallow a horseman's two-edged broad-sword, sharp * Her foam.] — It was a common notion with the ancients, that the moon shed a noxious or poisonous venom or foam, and that sorcerers or magicians were able to draw her down to the earth by their incantations. The so-called ' Lunar virus' was a principal ingredient in spells and magical compositions. t Poecile Portico.'] — This portico was so called from the Greek word -rroiKiXri — ' variegated,* or * painted.' It was at Athens, and was adorned with numerous pictures, the works of Polygnotus and Mycon. The battle of Marathon was there represented. X A juggler.] — It is not improbable that the mountebanks and jugglers of the ancients received their name of ' circulatores' from their exhibit- ing in a ring of people, like those of the present day. BOOK I. TALE OF AEISTOMEjVfES. 5 ill the extreme, blade foremost, and afterwards, foi a tri- fling inducement, huvj deep in his entrails a hunter's spear, with that part of it downward which threatens destruction. And, wondrous to tell ! behind the iron head of the spear, at the part where the handle of the immersed weapon * passed up the throat,! towards the hinder part of the head, a beautiful boy mounted up, and wriggled and twisted himself about as if he had been without sinew or bone in his body, to the ad- miration of all of us who were present. You would have said it was the noble serpent, clinging with its slippery coils to the knotted staff, with half-clipped branches, which the God of Medicine carries. But you, who began the story, be good enough to repeat it again, I pray you. I will believe you if he will not, and will ask you to dinner at the first inn we come to. This I propose as your remuneration." ''I thankfully decline your offer," | he replied, *' but will begin my story over again. And, in the first place, I will swear to you by that sun, the all- seeing god, that what I re- late I know by experience to be true. Nor w411 you any longer doubt that such is the fact, when once you come to the next city of Thessaly, for there the story is in every body's mouth, as it relates to matters that publicly took place there. But, that you may first know who I am, and of what country, and by what pursuits I live, listen to my narrative." FIRST EPISODE. TALE OP AE.IST0MENES, THE COMMEECIAL TEAVELLEE. "I AM a native of ^gina, and I travel to and fro through Thessaly, ^tolia, and Boeotia, for the purpose of purchasing honey of Hypata, as also cheese, and other articles of traffic * Immersed weapon.'} — "We follow the Delphm editor, who with mani- fest propriety substitutes ' imrnersi ' for the common reading, ' inversi.' t Up the throat.'] — ' Ingluviem' seems a preferable reading to 'inguen.' X Decline your offer P\ — ' ^Equi bonique facio,' is a form of thanks which implies refusal without expressing it, just like the French word ' merci.' ' iilqui bonique consulere,' means, on the contrary, to accept in good part. Neither Taylor nor Head seem to have been aware of the distinction. They both make A ristomenes accept the invitation, though . the event shows that Lucius did not understand his reply in that sense. — K. 6 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULKTTJS. used in cookery. Having understood that at Hypata,* which is the principal city of all Thessaly, new cheese of exqui- site flavour was to be sold *at a very reasonable price, I made the best of my way to that place, with the intention of buy- ing up the whole of it. But, as generally is the case, start- ing unluckily with the left foot foremost,'f all my hopes of gain were utterly disappointed. Tor a person named Lupus, a merchant in a large way of business, had bought the whole of it the day before. *' Weary with my rapid journey, undertaken to so little pur- pose, I proceeded, early in the evening, to the public baths, when, to my surprise, I espied an old companion of mine, named Socrates. He was sitting on the ground, half covered with a Borry, tattered cloak, and looked almost another person, he was so miserably wan and thin ; just like those outcasts of Fortune, who beg alms in the streets. Consequently, although he had been my friend and particular acquaintance, I yet accosted him with feelings of hesitation. " ' How now, friend Socrates,' said I, ' what is the meaning of this ? Why this appearance ? What crime have you been guilty of? Why, you have been lamented at home, and for some time given up for dead.]: Guardians have been as- signed to your children, by decree of the provincial magistrate. Your wife, having fulfilled what was due to the dead,§ all dis- figured by grief and long-continued sorrow, and having almost cried herself blind with excessive weeping, is being womed by her parents to repair the misfortune of the family by the joys of a new marriage. But here you come before our eyes like some spectral apparition, to our extreme confusion.' * Hypata ] — This was a famous city of Thessaly, situate on the banks of the river Spercheus. t Left foot foremost.'] — To start on a journey by putting the left foot foremost was considered to be especially significant of ill luck ; so much so, that the expression came to be generally used to denote a bad omen. X Given up for dead.'] — * Conclamatus es.' After a person was dead it was the custom of the Romans to call on him by name, for the purpose of recalling him to life, in case he should be only in a trance. This cere- mony was called ' conclamatio,' and was generally performed while the body was being washed, once a day for seven days ; after which period the body was burnt. § Due to thedead.'\ — Ovid, in his Fasti, b. i. 1. 36, mentions ten months as the period assigned by Numa for widows to mourn the loss of their husbands. BOOK 1. TALE OF AEISTOirE.VES. 7 *' ' Aristomenes ! ' said he, * it is clear that you are igno- rant of the slippery turns, the unstable freaks, and the ever- changing vicissitudes of Fortune.' "As he said this, he hid his face, which was crimsoned with shame, in his cobbled covering of tatters, so that he left the rest of his body naked, from the navel downward, as far as the groin. At last, unable to endure the sight of such a miserable spectacle of woe, I took hold of him, and endeavoured to raise him from the ground. But, with his head covered up as it was, he exclaimed, ' Let me alone, let me alone ; let Eortune still enjoy the trophy she has erected.' '^ However, I prevailed upon him to accompany me : and at the same time pulling off one of my own two garments, I speedily — clothed, or covered him, shall I say ? immediately after which, I took him to a bath, and, myself, applied to him the requisite anointing and scrubbing processes, and laboriously rubbed off the coat of filth with which he was defiled. Having paid every attention to him, though tired myself, I supported his enfeebled steps, and with great difficulty brought him to my inn ; where I made him rest on a couch, gave him plenty of food, cheered him with wine, and entertained him with the news of the day. And now our conversation took quite a merry turn, we cracked jokes, and grew noisy in our prattle ; when, heaving a bitter sigh from the bottom of his breast, and violently striking his forehead with his right hand : "'Miserable man that I am!' said he; 'to have fallen into these misfortunes while intent on gratifying myself with a famous gladiatorial spectacle. For, as you are very well aware, I went to Macedonia on an affair of business; and after being detained there for the space of ten months, I was on my return homewards, having gained a very pretty sum of money. I had nearly reached Larissa, * which I had included in my route for the purpose of seeing the spectacle I mentioned, when I was attacked by some desperate robbers, in a lonely and rugged valley, and only effected my escape, after being plundered by them of all I possessed. Being thus reduced to extreme dis- tress, I betook myself to a certain woman named Meroe, who kept a tavern, and who, though old, was remarkably engaging ; and to her I related the circumstances of my lengthened ab- sence, of my earnest desire to reach home, and of my being * Larissa. '[ — A city of Thessaly, situated near the river Peneus. 8 THE GOLDEX ASS OF APULEItJS. plundered of my property on that day. After I, unfortunate wretch, had related such particulars as I remembered, she treated me with the greatest kindness, supplied me with a good supper, all for nothing, and afterwards, instigated by lust, admitted me to her bed. But from the very moment that I, unhappy man, first lay with her, my mind contracted a last- ing malady ; and I even made her a present of those garments which the robbers, in their humanity, had left me to cover my nakedness. I likewise presented her with the little earnings I made by working as a cloakmaker while I was yet in good con- dition of body ; until at length this worthy partner, and ill fortune together, reduced me to that state in which you just now saw me.' " 'By Pollux, then,* said I, ' you deserve to suffer extreme misfortunes, if there is anything still more extreme than that which is most extreme, for having preferred the pleasures of dalliance and a wrinkled harlot, to your home and children.' **' ' Hush ! hush !' said he, raising his forefinger to his mouth, and looking round with a terror-stricken countenance to see if he might speak with safety; * Forbear to revile a woman skilled in celestial matters, lest you do yourself an injury through an intemperate tongue.' " ' Say you so? ' said I. ' What kind of woman is this tavern- keeper, so powerful and queenly ? ' '' ' She is a sorceress,' he replied, ' and endowed with powers divine ; she is able to draw down the heavens, to uplift the earth, to harden the running water, to dissolve mountains, to raise the shades of the dead, to dethrone the Gods, to extin- guish the stars, and to illumine the depths of Tartarus itself.' *' 'Come, come,' said I, 'do draw asunder this tragic curtain,* and fold up the theatric drop-scene, and let's hear your story in ordinary parlance.' " ' Should you like,' said he, ' to hear of one or two, ay, or a * Tragic curtain.] — The * siparium' was a piece of tapestry, stretched on a frame, and, rising before the stage, answered tlie same purpose as the curtain or drop-scene with us in concealing the stage till the actors ap- peared. Instead of drawing up this curtain to discover the stage and actors, according to our present practice, it was depressed when the play began, and fell beneath the level of the stage ; whence * aulaea premuntur, meant that the play had commenced. ' Aulaea' seems here to mean the stage curtain, which divided in the middle and was drawn aside : while the * siparium ' would more nearly correspond with our drop-scene. BOOK I. TALE OP AEISTOMENES. 9 great many of her performances r Why, as for making not only her fellow-countrymen love her to distraction, but the Indians even, or the inhabitants of both the ^Ethiopias,* and even the Antichthones f themselves ; these are only the leaves, as it were, of her art, and mere trifles. Listen, then, and hear what she has performed in the presence of many witnesses. Ey a single word only, she changed a lover of hers into a beaver, because he had by force debauched another woman ; since that beast, when in fear of being taken, escapes from its pursuers by the abscission of its genitals ; and she de- sired that the same might likewise befall him, as a punishment for having been connected with another woman. She likewise changed an innkeeper, who was her neighbour, and of whom she was envious on that account, into a frog ; and now the old fellow, swimming about in a cask of his own wine, or buried in the dregs, croaks hoarsely to his old customers, quite in the way of business. She likewise transformed another person, an advocate of the Forum, into a ram, because he had conducted a cause against her ; and to this very day that ram is always at loggerheads..]: Then there was the wife of a lover of hers, whom she condemned to perpetual pregnancy, when on the point of increasing her family, by closing her womb against the egress of the infant, because she had chattered scandal against the witch ; and, for these eight years, according to the general computation, this poor creature has been swelling Avith her burden, as if she were about to be brought to bed of an elephant. § "After this woman, however, and many other persons, had been injured by her arts, the public indignation became aroused against her ; and it was determined that on the follow- ing day a most dire vengeance should be wreaked upon her, by stoning her to death. But, by the power of her enchant- * The J^tJiiopias.'] — The eastern and the western, separated from each other by the river Nile, which the ancients (as we are informed by Strabo, Geoyraph. hb. ii.) considered as the boundary of Asia and Africa. t J" he Antichthones.'] — So called from inhabiting rr/»' kvavriav \66va, i.e. earth contrary to that on which we dwell. Hence they are either the same with the Antipodes, or, at least, are those who dwell in the inferior hemisphere which is contrary to ours. j Is always at logyerheads.'] — ' Causas agit.' This Sir G. Head cleverly renders, ' and gives rebutters and surrebutters as he used to do.' § Brought to bed of an elephant.'] — Pliny asserts that the elephant goes with young ten years. 10 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APELEIIIS. ments, she frustrated this design : and as Medea, having obtained by entreaty from Creon the truce of a single day, prior to her departure, burned his whole palace, his daughter, together with the old man himself, with flames issuing from a garland, so, likewise, did this sorceress, haying performed certain deadly incantations in a ditch,* (as she herself lately told me in a fit of drunkenness), confine all the inhabitants of the town, each in his own house, through a secret spell of the daemons ; so that, for two whole days together, neither could the bars be wrenched off, nor the doors be taken off the hinges, nor, in fine, could a breach be made in the walls ; until, by mutual consent, the people unanimously cried out, and swore in the most sacred manner, that they would not lift a hand against her, and would, in case any one should think of so doing, afford her timely assistance. Being after this man- ner appeased, she liberated the whole city. " In the middle of the night, however, she conveyed the author of this conspiracy, together with all his house, that is to say, with the walls, the very ground, and all the foundations, close shut as it was, into another city, situate at the hundredth milestone hence, and on the summit of a craggy mountain, in consequence of which it is deprived of water. And, as the dwellings of the inhabitants were built so close together, that they did not afford room to this new comer, she threw down the house before the gate of the city, and took her departure." " * You narrate,' said I, * marvellous things, my good Socra- tes, and no less terrible than marvellous. In fine, you have excited in me too, no small anxiety, indeed, I may say, fear, not inoculating me with a mere grain of apprehension, but piercing me with dread as with a spear, lest this old hag, em- ploying in a similar manner the assistance of some da3mon, should come to know this conversation of ours. Let us, there- fore, with all speed, betake ourselves to rest, and when we have relieved our weariness by a night's sleep, let us fly henct as far as we possibly can, before daylight.' " "While I was yet advising him thus, the worthy Socrates, overcome by more wine than he had been accustomed to, and ty the fatigue of the day, had fallen asleep, and was now * Incantations in a ditch."] — Sacrifices to celestial gods were offered on raised altars ; those to terrestial gods, on the ground ; those to infernal gods, in a pit or ditch. BOOK I. TALE OF AElST0MEXEt5. 11 Bnoring aloud. Shutting the door, therefore, securing the bolts, and placing my bed close against the hinges, I tossed it up well, and lay down upon it. At first, indeed, I lay awake some time through fear, but closed my eyes at last a little about the third watch.* "I had just fallen asleep, when suddenly the door was burst open with too groat violence for one to believe that it was robbers ; nay, ih.e hinges being entirely broken and wrenched off, it was tlirown to the ground. The bedstead, too, which war but small, wanting one foot, and rotten, was thrown down witn tne violence of the shock, and falling upon me, who had been rolled out and pitched upon the ground, completely covered and concealed me. Then was I sensible that certain emotions of the mind are naturally excited by contrary causes. For as tears very often proceed from joy, so, amid my extreme fear, T could not refrain from laughing, to see myself turned, from Aristomenes, into a tortoise. f And so, while prostrate on the floor, peeping askance to see what was the matter, and completely covered by the bed, I espied two women, of ad- vanced age, one of whom carried a lighted lamp, and the other a sponge and a drawn sword. Thus equipped, they planted themselves on either side of Socrates, who was fast asleep. " She who carried the sword then addressed the other, ' This, sister Panthia, is my dear Endymion,| my Ganymede, § who by day and by night, hath laughed my youthful age to scorn. This is he who, despising my passion, not only defames me with abusive language, but is preparing also for flight — and I, for- sooth, deserted through the craft of this Ulysses, just like another Calypso, am to be left to lament in eternal loneliness.' " Then extending her right hand, and pointing me out to her friend Panthia; 'And there,' said she, * is his worthy coun- sellor Aristomenes, who was the proposer of this flight, and who now, half dead, is lying flat on the ground beneath the bedstead, and is looking at all that is going on, while he fancies that he is to relate disgraceful stories of me with im- * Third watch.'] — The beginning of this would be midnight. t Into a tortoise.l — From his bed and bedstead being turned over him. t My dear Endymion] — Alluding to the secret of Diana and the shep- herd Endymion, on Mount Latraus. § My Ganympde. ^—CsiWedi ' Catamitus' in the text ; by which name h« \& also called in the Menaechmi of Plautus. 12 THE GOLDEIS' ASS OF IPULEITJS. punity. I '11 take care, however, that some day, ay, and le- Ibre long too, this very instant in fact, he shall repent of his recent loquacity, and his present inqiiisitiveness.' ** On hearing this, wretch that I was, I felt myself streaming with cold perspiration, and my vitals began to throb with agi- tation ; so much so, that even the bedstead, shaken by the violence of my palpitations, moved up and down upon my back. " * Well, sister,' said the worthy Panthia, ' shall we hack him to pieces at once, after the fashion of the Bacchanals, or, shall we bind his limbs and deprive him of virility ? ' " To this, Meroe replied — for I perceived from the circum- stances, as well as from the narrative of Socrates, how well that name fitted her* — ^ Rather let him live, if only that he may cover with a little earth the body of this wretched creature.' Then, moving the head of Socrates to one side, she plunged the whole sword into him up to the hilt, through the left side of his throat, carefully receiving the flowing blood into a small leathern bottle, placed under it, so that not a drop of it was any- where to be seen. All this did I witness with my own eyes ; and, what is more, the worthy Meroe, that she might not, I suppose, omit any due observance in the sacrifice of the victim, thrusting her right hand through the wound, into the very entrails, and groping among them, drew forth the heart of my unhappy companion ; while, his windpipe being severed by the thrust of the weapon, he emitted through the wound a voice, or rather I should say, an indistinct gurgling noise, and poured forth his spirit with his bubbling blood. Panthia then stopped the gaping wound with the sponge, exclaiming, ' Beware, sea-born sponge, how thou dost pass through a river.' "When she had thus said, they lifted my bed from the ground, and squatting astride over my face, discharged their bladders, until they had entirely drenched me with their most filthy contents. * How well that name fitted her. "] — Ausonius, Epigram xix., explains this allusion : Et tu sic Meroe : non quod sic atra colore, Ut quae Niliaca nasciturin Meroe ; Infusum sed quod viniim non diluis undis, Potare immixtum sueta nierunique nierum. You are named Meroe, not because you are of a swarthy complexion like one born in Meroe, the island of the Nile ; but because you do not dilute your wine with water I ut are used to drink it unmixed and con- centrated. — K. BOOK I. TALE OF AEISTOMEXES. 13 " Hardly had they passed over the threshold, when the door resumed its former state ; the hinges resettled on the pannels ; the posts returned to the hars, and the holts flew back once more to their sockets. But I, left in such a plight, prostrate on the ground, scared, naked, cold, and drenched in chamber-lye, just like some babe that has recently emerged from the womb of its mother, indeed, I may say, half dead, but still surviving myself, and pursuing, as it were, a posthumous train of reflec- tions, or, to say the least, like a candidate for the cross, to which JL was surely destined : * "What,' said I, ' will become of me, when this man is found in the morning with his throat cut ? Though I tell the truth, who will think my story probable ? You ought at least, they will say, to have called for assistance, if you, such a stout man as yoti are, could not resist a woman. Is a man's throat to be cut before your eyes, and are you to be silent ? How was it you were not likewise assassinated ? Why did the barbarous wretch spare you, a witness of the murder, and not kill you, if only to put an end to all evidence of the crime ? Inasmuch, then, as you have escaped death, now re- turn to it.' " These remarks I repeated to myself, over and over again, while the night was fast verging towards day. " It appeared to me, therefore, most advisable to escape by stealth before daylight, and to pursue my journey, though with trembling steps. I took up my bundle, and putting the key in the door, drew back the bolts. But this good and faithful door, which during the night had opened of its own accord, was now to be opened but with the greatest difficulty, after putting in the key a multitude of times. ^' ' Hallo ! porter,' said I, * where are you ? Open the gates of the inn ; I want to be off before break of day.' ''The porter, who was lying on the ground behind the door of the inn, still half asleep, replied, ' Who are you, who would begin your journey at this time of night ? Don't you know that the roads are infested by robbers ? Ay, ay, though you may have a mind to meet your death, stung by your con- science, belike for some crime you have committed, still, I haven't a head like a pumpkin, that I should die for your sake.' *"It isn't veiy far from day-break,' said I; 'and besides, what can robbers take from a traveller in the greatest po- verty ? Are you ignorant, you simpleton, that he who is naked "jannot be stripped by ten athletes even ?' M\^\'^ 14 XnE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEITJS. " The drowsy porter, turning himself on his other side, made answer, ' And how am I to know that you have not mur- dered that fellow-traveller of yours, with whom you came hither last night, and are now consulting your safety in flight ? And now I recollect that just at that hour I saw the depths of Tartarus''^ through the yawning earth and in them the dog Cerberus, looking ready to devour me.' '' Then truly I came to the conclusion that the worthy Meroe had not spared my throat through any compassion, but that she had cruelly reserved me for the cross. f Accordingly, on returning to my chamber, I thought about some speedy mode of putting an end to myself : but as Fortune had provided me with no weapon with which to commit self-destruction, except the bedstead alone — ' Now, bedstead,' said I, ' most dear to my soul, who hast been partner with me in enduring so many sorrows, who art fully conscious, and a spectator of this night's events, and whom alone, when accused, I can adduce as a witness of my innocence, do thou supply me, who would fain hasten to the shades below, with a welcome instrument of death.' ''Thus saying, I began to undo the rope with which the bed was corded, and throwing one end of it over a sonall beam which projected above the window, and there fastening it, and making a strong slip-knot at the other end, I mounted upon the bed, and thus elevated for my own destruction, I put my head into the noose. But while with one foot I was kicking away the support on which I rested, so that the noose, being tightened about my throat by the strain of my weight, might stop the functions of my breath ; the rope, which was old and rotten, broke asunder, and falling from aloft, I tumbled with great force upon Socrates (for he was lying close by), and rolled with him on to the floor. " Lo and behold ! at the very same instant the porter burst into the room, bawling out, * Where are you, you who were * Saw the depths of Tartarus,'] — Of course in a dream. Jtist at that hour : — He knows all about it, even to the precise time. The prompti- tude with which the porter decides from the evidence of his dream that the murder had been actually committed, and at the very moment when the dream occurred, is a fine touch of nature. — K. t For the cross.] — The cross was the instrument of punishment for slaves and foreigners, especially in cases of murder. BOOK I. TALE OF AEISTOMENES. 15 in such monstrous haste to be off at midnight, and now lie snoring, rolled up in the bed-clothes ?' *'At these words, whether awakened by my fall, or by the discordant notes of the porter, I know not, Socrates was the fii'st to start up, and exclaim, * Assuredly, it is not without good reason that all travellers detest these hostlers. For this troublesome fellow, intruding so impertinently, with the intention, no doubt, of stealing something, has roused me out of a sound sleep, by his outrageous bellowing.' " On hearing him speak, I jumped up briskly, in an ecstasy of unhoped-for joy : * Faithfullest of porters,' I exclaimed, * my friend, my own father, and my brother, behold him whom you, in your drunken lit, fakely accused me of having mur- dered.' So saying, I embraced Socrates, and was for loading him with kisses ; but he, being assailed by the stench of the most filthy liquor with which those hags* had drenched me, repulsed me with considerable violence. ' Get out with you,' he cried, * for you stink like the bottom of a sewer,' and then began jocularly to enquire the cause of this nasty smell. Sorely confused, I trumped up some absurd story on the spur of the moment, to give another turn to the conversation, and, taking him by the right hand, ' Why not be off,' said I, * and enjoy the freshness of the morning on our journey ?' So I took my bundle, and, having paid the innkeeper for our night's lodging, we started on our road. ''We had proceeded some little distance, and now every thing being illumined by the beams of the rising sun, I keenly and attentively examined that part of my companion's neck, into which I had seen the sword plunged. * Foolish man/ said I to myself, ' buried in your cups, you certainly have had a most absurd dream. Why look, here's Socrates safe, sound, and hearty. Where is the wound ? where is the sponge ? where, in fine, is the scar of a wound, so deep, and so recent ?' '' Addressing myself to him, ' Decidedly,' said I, ' skilful doctors have good reason to be of opinion that it is those who are stuffed out with food and fermented liquors who are trou- bled with portentous and horrible dreams. jMy own case is an * Those hays.'] — ' Lamiae' were enchantresses, who were said to prowl about at midnight to satisfy their lustful propensities, and their fond- ness for human flesh. They correspond very nearly with the ' Giiouls' men- tioned in the Arabian Nights' Entertainments. 16 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEITJS. instance of this: for having in my evening cups exceeded the bounds of temperance, a wretched night has been presenting to me shocking and dreadful visions, so that I still fancy my- self besprinkled and defiled with human gore.* *' ' 'Tis not gore,' he replied with a smile, ' you are sprinkled with, but chamber-lye ; and yet I too, thought, in my sleep, that my throat was cut : some pain, too, I felt in my neck, and I fancied that my very heart was being plucked out : and even now I am quite faint, my knees tremble, I stagger as I go, and feel in want of some food to refresh my spirits.' '^ 'Look,' cried I, 'here's breakfast all ready for you;' and so saying, I lifted my wallet from off my shoulders, and at once handed him some cheese and bread, saying, ' Let us sit down near that plane-tree.' " We did so, and I also helped myself to some refresh- ment. While looking at him somewhat more intently, as he was eating with a voracious appetite, T saw that he was faint, and of a hue like box-wood ; his natural colour in fact had so forsaken him, that as I recalled those nocturnal furies to my frightened imagination, the very first piece of bread I put into my mouth, though a very tiny bit, stuck in the middle of my throat, so that it could neither pass downward, nor yet return upward. And then besides, the number of people passing along increased my apprehensions ; for who would be- lieve that one of two companions could meet with his death ■without any harm done by the other ? "Meanwhile, after having devoui'ed a sufficient quantity of food, he began to be impatient for some drink ; for he had voraciously eaten a good part of a most excellent cheese ; and not very far from the roots of the plane tree, a gentle stream flowed slowly along, just like a placid lake, rivalling silver or glass in its lustre. ' Look,' said I, ' drink your fill of the water of this stream, bright as the Milky "Way.' ** He arose, and, wrapping himself in his cloak,* with his knees doubled under him, knelt down upon the shelving bank, and bent greedily towards the water. Scarcely had he touched the dewy surface of the water with the edge of his lips, when the wound in his throat burst wide open, the sponge suddenly rolled out, a few drops of blood accom- panying it ; and then, his body, bereft of life, would have * In his cloak.'} — * Palliolo' seems a preferable reading to * paululum.' BOOK I. LTJCnJS ARRIVES AT HTPATA. 17 fallen into the river, had I not laid hold of one of his feet, and dragged it with the utmost difficulty and labour to the top of the bank ; where, having, as well as the time permitted, lamented my unfortunate companion, I buried him in the sandy soil that eternally begirt the stream. For my own part, trem- bling and terror-stricken, I fled through various and unfre- quented places ; and, as though conscious of the guilt of homi- cide, abandoning my country and my home, and embracing a voluntary exile, I now dwell in JEtolia, where I have married another wife." END OF THi: FIRST EPISODE. Here Aristomenes ended his story, but his companion, who from the very first had rejected it with obstinate incredulity, at once exclaimed, " Nothing is there in fable more fabulous than this story, nothing more absurd than these lies." Then turning to me : *' And you," said he, " who are a person of liberal education, as your dress and appearance bespeak, do you give credit to this story ?" I replied, ''I consider nothing impossible, but hold that just as the Fates have preordained, so all things happen to mortals. For both to me and to you, and to all men, many things do happen of so wonderful a nature, that they are nigh to not happening at all ; which, nevertheless, if narrated to an ignorant person, would fail to obtain belief. But this story, by Hercules, I do believe, and I return right hearty thanks to the narrator, for having so Avell entertained us by his pleasant recital, that I have got over a rough and tedious por- tion of my journey without labour or weariness. With this good service, I fancy that this nag of mine is also much grati- fied, inasmuch as I have been carried, without fatigue to him, up to the very gate of this city, not on his back, but by my ears." This was the termination of our conversation and of our journey together ; for both my fellow-travellers turned away to some neighbouring villages on the left ; while I approached the first inn I cast eyes upon, and at once accosted the old woman who kept it: " Is this the city of Hypata?" said I; she gave me to understand, by a nod, that it was. " Do you know,'* said I, " a certain person of the name of Milo, who is c 18 THE GOLDr.N ASS OF APULEirS.' one of the first men of the city r" She smiled, and replied, *' With good reason is this Milo considered one of the first* men, inasmuch as he dwells beyond the Avhole city, and in the Pomoerium."! "Joking apart," said I, *' tell me, I beg of you, good mother, what kind of man he is, and in what house he lives." *' Do you see," said she, *' those last windows which look on this side towards the city, and that gate on the other side, looking upon the blind alley in front ? There it is that Milo dwells, a man abounding in money, and extremely opulent ; but disgraced by inordinate avarice and shameful sordidness. In short, he entirel}' devotes himself to usury, taking, pledges of gold and silver. Shut up in a scanty house, and always bending over his pelf, there he dwells Mdth a wife, the partner of his misery. And no one besides does he keep in his house, except one servant girl ; and when he goes abroad, he is al- ways dressed like a common beggar." "' Well," said I to myself, with a smile, " my friend De- meas has taken excellent care of me, in giving me a letter of introduction to such a man ; while I stay Avith him I need not be afraid of smoke, or the smell of the kitchen.'* Thus saying, and proceeding to a little distance, I came to the gate, which was strongly bolted, and began to hallo and knock. At length, a damsel came out, and said, " Hallo ! you who have been knocking at our door so violentl}-, what is the pledge on which you want to borrow money ? Are you tlie only person that doesn't know that we take in no pledge except it is gold or silver ?" " Meet me with words of better omen," said I, '' and rather inform me, whether I have found your master at home r" " Certainly," she replied; "but what is the cause of your enquiry :" * One of the firitt.'\ — The landlady puns on the word * primus.' He may well be called ' the first ' man, as you come to his house first of all on approactiing the city. t The Fomoerium.] — The word ' Pomoerium ' was probably com- pounded of ' post,' ' behind,' and ' moerium,' the old name for ' a wall,' and signified a space of ground adjoining the city walls, within which I lie city auspices were to be taken. The limits of the * Pomoerium * were umrked by stone pillars at certain distances. BOOK I. THE LETTER OF INTRODrCTIOX. l9 " I have brought a letter," said I, *' written to him by Demeas, the duumvir of Corinth."'^** "■ Wait here," said she, " while I deliver your message to him." And so saying, she fastened the door again, and re- turned into the house. She came back in a few minutes, and, opening the door^ said, " My master requests you to come in." I accordingly entered, and found him reclining on a very small couch, and just beginning his dinner. His wife was sitting at his feet,f and a scantily furnished table was before them ; pointing at which, he said, *' Behold your entertainment." " 'Tis well," said I, and immediately delivered him the letter from Demeas. Having hastily read it, he said, '' I thank my friend Demeas for having introduced to me such a worthy guest :" and then he ordered his wife to leave the room,+ and invited me to sit in her place ; at the same time taking hold of my garment, and drawing me towards him, as I still hesitated through bashfulness. " Sit down there," said he, " for through fear of robbers, we cannot provide ourselves with seats, nor even as much other furniture as we have need of." 1 did so. "From the genteel appearance of your person," he conti- nued, "and from this maiden bashfulness of yours, I might reasonably conjecture that you are sprung from a good family. Besides, my friend Demeas also asserts the same thing in his letter. I beg, therefore, you will not despise the poverty of our little cottage ; and, look you, you will have the little bed- chamber adjoining to this room, where you will be very com- fortable. Do not, therefore, hesitate to take up your abode with us. For you will magnify our poor house through your condescension, and will, besides, procure for yourself no small * Duumvir of Corinth.'] — The * duum viri ' here mentioned were the chief magistrates who presided over the Roman colonies and ' municipia.' f Sitting at his feet.] — His couch was so scanty in dimensions that it would not admit of more than one to recline on it ; consequently, his wife had to sit on a chair or stool at his feet. Although, however, this expla- nation may be admitted in the present instance, as consonant with Milo's stinginess, it was not uncommon for wives among the Greeks to take their seats by the couches as their husbands reclined at meals. We learn from Plautus that parasites were frequently obliged to content themselves with stools or benches, while the other guests were reclining. X To leave the room.] — He orders his wife to leave the room, because the dinner was only enough for two. c2 20 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APTJLEIUS. renown, if, content with a humble dwelling, you emulate the virtues of Theseus, your father's namesake,* who did not dis- dain the slender hospitality of the aged woman Hecale,"f Then, calling to the maid-servant, "Fotis," said he, ''take the baggage of our guest, and put it with care in that bed- chamber, and at the same time, bring quickly from the store- room some oil for anointing, towels for drying, and other needful things useful, and then conduct my guest to the nearest baths ; for he must be weary after his very long and toilsome journey." On hearing these directions, I reflected upon the mode of liv- ing, and the parsimonious habits of Milo, and wishing to in- gratiate myself with him in a still greater degree — ** I do not stand in need of any of these things," said I, '' as I generally carry them with me on a journey. And as to the baths, I can easily find my way thither by enquiring where they are. My principal concern is for my horse, who has so stoutly carried me hither ; do you, therefore, Fotis, take this money, and buy me some hay and barley." When matters were arranged, and my things had been put into the bedchamber, I went into the provision market on my road towards the baths, that I might first provide us with something in the way of eating. There I saw a splendid sup- ply of fish on sale, and after asking the price of some, and decKning it, because the dealer asked a hundred pieces J of money, I finally bought it for twenty denars. Just as I was going away from there, I was followed out by one Pytheas, who had been a fellow-student of mine at Athens ; who, after having recognised me at last, embraced me in a friendly manner, and exclaimed, ''By Gemini, friend Lucius, what a time it is since I last saw you ! By Hercules ! not since we left our mas- ter and quitted the city.§ But what is the cause of this journey of yours ?" * Your father's namesake.'] — Many of the commentators rush to the conclusion that Theseus was the name of the father of Apuleius ; founding the notion upon the present passage, + Aged woman Hecale.} — Hecale was a poor old woman, who received Theseus, on his travels, with marked hospitality; for which that hero established a festival in her honor. She is also mentioned by Callimachus, Ovid, and Plutarch. X A hundred pieces."}— The * nummus* here mentioned was probably a * didrachra,' the same in value as two ' denarii.* § Quitted the city.] — ' Astu,' the city,' was the name by which, in familiar discourse, Athens was generally called among the Greeks. BOOK I. THE MAGISTRATE. 21 " You will know," said I, " to-morrow. But what is the meaning of this ? I heartily congratulate you ; for I perceive attendants and the fasces, and a dress that fully bespeaks the magisterial office." He replied, *' I have the inspection of the markets* and hold the office of aedile, and if it is your wish to buy any provisions, I will take care and accommodate you." I declined his oifer, as I had already provided myself with a sufficient quantity of fish for my dinner. Pytheas, however, having caught sight of my basket, and shaking up the fishes, that he might inspect them the better — *'And pray," said he, ''what sum may you have given for this rubbish?" " It was with considerable trouble," said I, '' that I could get the fishmonger to take twenty denars for them." On hearing this, he immediately seized me by the right hand, and bringing me back again into the market : "From which of these men did you buy this worthless stuff?" said he. I pointed out to him a little old man, who was sitting in one comer ; upon which, immediately rebuking him in a most se- vere tone of voice, in virtue of his authority as aedile, " How now !" said he, '* have you no consideration for our friends, not to say for strangers, to sell your pitiful fish at such an exorbitant price, and thus bring this city, the flower of the province of Thessaly, to be as bad as a desert and a rock, through the deamess of provisions ? But you shall not escape with impunity. Por I will soon make you know how rogues are to be kept in order, as long as I am magistrate." Then, emptying the basket upon the ground, he ordered one of his officers to jump upon the fish, and trample the whole of them to pieces under his feet. Content with this infliction of moral discipline, my friend Pytheas, recommended me to de- part; *'for," said he, "my dear Lucius, I have sufficiently disgraced this little old fellow." Astonished and dumb- foundered, at finding myself deprived of both money and supper, through the clever device of my knowing fellow- student, I betook myself to the baths. After bathing, I returned to the house of Milo, and was going to * Inspection of the markets'} — This officer, whose duties corresponded with those of the -lEdile at Rome, was called by the Greeks ' Agoranomus.' 22 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS, my bedchamber, when the maid-serrant, rotis, said, " Your host invites you to supper." I, however, who was already aware of the parsimony of Milo, courteously endeavoured to excuse myself by saying, that I thought the fatigue of the journey would be repaired not so much by food, as by sleep. Milo, however, on receiving this message, came himself, and taking me by the right hand, politely tried to lead me in to supper ; and when I hung back, made a little resistance — ''I will not quit you," said he,'' un- til you accompany me." At the same time, enforcing his words with an oath, he led me, thus obliged reluctantly to give way to his perseverance, to that same couch of his. When I was seated — "And how is our friend Demeas?" said he. '' Are things going on prosperously with him ? How is his wife ? Are his children well ? What about his ser- vants ?" I answered every one of his enquiries. He then minutely questioned me as to the object of my journey ; after I had fully informed him, he next asked me, with the most scrupulous inquisitiveness, concerning my country, and tho principal people there ; and, lastly, he was enquiring about our prefect, ""hen, on perceiving that, weary from my long jour- ney, as 1/ell as from the length of my narration, I nodded, and stopped short in the middle of my sentences, and that, quite knocked up, I was stammering away at different words, so as to render them unintelligible, he at length permitted me to go to rest. Glad to escape from the prosy and famishing entertainment of the shabby old fellow, overpowered with sleep, and not with good cheer, having made my meal on talk alone : I re- turned to my chamber, and surrendered myself to the repos€ I BO much longed for. BOOK n. LrCIIJS in a WAXir^a PREAM. 23 BOOK THE SECOND. CUEIOSITT OF LUCIUS TVITH EESrECT TO WITCHCEAFT — HE MEETS nis mother's eeiend btreh^na — the atkium op hee house DESCEIBED SHE CAUTIONS HIM AGAINST THE WITCH PAMPHILE, MILO'S WIFE HEE WAENINGS ONLY INFLAME HIS CUEIOSITT HE MAKES LOVE TO FOTIS SUPS WITH MILO AND PAMPHILE — SECOND EPISODE : DIOPHANES THE CHALDEAN LUCIUS SUPS WITH BTEEHiENA THIED EPISODE : TELEPHEOn's TALE THE FESTITAL OF THE GOD OF LAUGHTEE — LUCIUS KILLS THEEE BUEGLAES. So soon as a new sun had dispersed the night, and ushered in the day, I awoke and jumped out of bed ; being by nature anxious and, indeed, over-desirous of becoming acquainted with ^rhatever is rare and admirable, I called to mind that I was in the very heart of Thessaly,* celebrated, by the unanimous consent of the whole world, as the land where the incantations of the magic art are indigenous,, and in that very city which was the scene of the story of my worthy fellow-traveller Aris- tomenes. Excited in the highest degree by my longing de- sire and my ardent temperament, 1 examined everything with eager curiosity. Indeed, there was nothing in that city, which on beholding, I could believe to be what it really was ; but I fancied that everything was utterly transformed into another shape by means of some deadly spell, that the stones I kicked against were petrified men, that the birds I heard singing, were men transformed and feathered, that the trees which surrounded the pomcerium, were people in like manner, covered with leaves, and that tlie fountains of water flowed forth from the liquefied human bodies. I was every instant expecting that the statues and pictures would take to walking, that the walls would speak, that oxen * Heart of Thessaly."] — Thessaly is spoken of by many of the ancient writers as the fruitful source of magic and incantation. Indeed, we find the name ' Thessala' used by Plautus and Horace to denote a witch or sorceress. 24 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. and cattle of all kinds would utter prophecies,^' and that an oracle would issue on a sudden from the rays of the sun in heaven. Thus bewildered, indeed I may say stupefied with torment- ing anxiety, perceiving no likelihood or even trace of the ob- jects of my wishes, I perambulated the whole city. Wandering in this way just like one intoxicated, from door to door, I suddenly, without knowing where I was, found myself in the provision market. Here, as it happened, quickening my pace, I overtook a lady, who was walking along, attended by a great retinue of domestics. The gold that hung on her cheeks and her embroidered garments, bespoke her to be, beyond a doubt, a woman of the highest rank. Close by her side walked a man considerably advanced in years, who, the moment he saw me, exclaimed, '' By Hercules ! here is Lucius," and at the same moment embraced me, after which he whispered in the lady's ear something I could not hear. " And will you not, then," said he, *' approach and salute your parent ? "f " I dare not," I replied, '' salute a lady whom I do not know ;" and immediately the colour rising to my cheeks, I turned away my head and stood stock still ; while the lady looked at me with a steady gaze. "Behold," said she, "the high-born breeding of his most virtuous mother Salvia ;% and then, his person bears an inex- pressible resemblance to hers in every particular; tall, yet not too tall; a slender but well-rounded figure, clear rosy complexion, hair yellow, and arranged without foppery, § eyes * Utter prophecies.'} — Lucan, in the Pharsalia, i. 561, mentions as an evil omen, ' the tongues of cattle being adapted to human accents.' Livy and Valerius Maximus inform us that an ox spoke and warned Rome of the disasters which would ensue on Hannibal's arrival in Italy. One of the Scholiasts on Lucan says, that in the civil wars between Caesar and Pompey, an ass spoke ; another informs us that an ox spoke while ploughing, in reproof of his driver, and told him that it was useless to urge him on, for soon there would be no people left in Italy to consume the produce of the fields. f Salute your parents.} — The word * parens ' here is indicative of es- teem and veneration, but does not imply relationship in blood. X Mother Salvia.} — She recognises him by this resemblance to his mother Salvia. Aptitude to blush was, among the ancients, considered a mark of high birth. § Arranged without fop2)ery.} — Yellow or flaxen hair much admired by TX BOOK I. THE ATKTUM IN BTEEH^.NA S HOrSE. grey but keen, and glancing in all directions as brightly as an eagle's ; in short, he is comely in every point, and his carriage is graceful and unaffected." Then addressing herself to me, she added, " In these yery arms of mine, Lucius, have I nursed you, and, indeed, how could it be otherwise? seeing that I not only participated with your mother in blood, but was brought up along with her. For we are both descended from the family of Plutarch, both of us sucked the breast of the same nurse, and grew up to- gether in the ties of sisterhood ; nor is there any other differ- ence between us, except that of rank ; for while she contracted a splendid alliance, I married a person in a private station. I am that Byrrhaena, whose name, probably, you may recollect, as having been frequently mentioned among those who brought you up. Come, therefore, with all confidence to our house, or rather, I would say, to your own home." Having had time to digest my bashfulness while the lady was speaking, I replied, " Far be it from me, my parent, that I should leave my entertainer, Milo, without any just cause of complaint. Nevertheless I will take care not to fail in what- ever can be done without a breach of the courtesies of hos- pitality. And as often as I shall have occasion hereafter to come this way, I will be sure to call upon you." Conversing in this way, we had proceeded but a few paces, ere we arrived at Byrrhaena's house. The hall* was most beautiful, and had statues of the goddess of Victory,! raised on pillars which stood at the four corners. The wings of the figures were expanded ; their dewy feet seemed to brush the surface of a rolling sphere, although it moved not ; and they looked, not as if they were attached to it, but hovered in the air. A statue of Diana, in Parian marble, occupied a level space in the middle of the enclosure. The figure was singularly beau- the ancients, but only fops and debauchees expended their time on curling or dressing the hair, Apuleius inveighs against the practice in his ' Apo- logia.' * The hall.'] — The 'atrium' was not properly the 'hall' of a house in our sense of the word, but was a spacious room beyond the vestibule, lighted from above, and into which the other rooms on the ground floor opened. t Goddess of Victory.'] — * Palmaris Deae.' Literally, the ' palm-holding goddess,' in reference to the branch of palm which the Goddess of Victory was represented as holding in her hand. 26 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIdS. tiful; the garments of the goddess were blown back by the -wind; she seemed in the act of running directly towards you as you entered, and awed you by the majesty of her godlilve form. Dogs supported the goddess on either side, and these, too, "were of marble. Their eyes were fierce and threatening, their ears erect, their nostrils open, their jaws agape to devour ; and had any barking been heard in the neighbourhood, you would have thought it proceeded from those marble throats. A thing, also, in which the excellent sculptor had given proof of the most consummate art, was this, that the fore feet of the dogs, up- lifted to their chests, were in the act of running, while the hind feet pressed the ground. At the back of the goddess stood a rock, wrought to resemble a grotto, overgrown with moss, grass, leaves, and brushwood ; with vines ami shrubs here and there ; and the reflection of the statue gleamed from the polished marble within the grotto. Over the extreme edge of the rock hung apples and grapes, most exquisitely wrought, and in which art, rivalling nature, had so counterfeited their originals, that you would have thought they might be gathered for eating, when fragrant autumn had breathed upon them the tints of maturity. And if, leaning forward, you had beheld the streamlets, which gently rippled as they ran beneath the feet of the goddess, you would have thought that, like clusters of grapes which hang from the vine, they too resembled real life in the faculty of motion. In the midst of the foliage was Actason, carved in marble, peering over his shoulders, and at the very instant changed into the wild form of a stag ; and both in the marble and in the reflection of the stream he was seen lying in ambush, await- ing the coming of Diana to bathe. While I was inspecting these various objects with eager curiosity and delight, " Everything you see," said B}Ti*h8Gna, " is yours ;" and she then privately ordered all the other per- sons to depart. After they were gone, " I take this goddess* to witness," said she, ''my dearest Lucius, how great are the anxious apprehensions I entertain for you, and how earnestly I desire that you, who are as it were my son, should be put upon your guard. Beware, resolutely beware of the wicked arts and nefarious blandishments of that Pamphile, the wife * This goddess. ] — Diana. BOOK II. THE WITCH PAMPHILE. 2? of Milo, who you say is your host. She is a notorious sor- ceress, and is believed to be mistress of every kind of necroman- tic incantation ; so much so, that by merely breathing on twigs, stones, and such other trifling things, she knows how to sub- merge all this light of the starry universe beneath the depths of Tartarus, and into original chaos. Moreover, the instant she has beheld* an}- j'outh of handsome appearance, she is capti- vated by his good looks, and immediately rivets her eyes and her affections upon him. She inveigles him with blandish- ments, takes possession of his heart, and enthrals him in eternal fetters of profound love ; but as for those who are not suffi- ciently compliant, she loathes and scorns them, and either changes them in a moment into stones, cattle, and animals of every kind,* or utterly annihilates them. I tremble for you, therefore, and entreat you to be on your guard. For this woman inflames with a passion that is eternal, and you, with your youth and your good looks, are exactly fitted for her pur- pose." Thus did Byrrhaena counsel me in a most anxious tone. I, however, who was naturally of an inquisitive turn, as soon as I heard the name of the magic art, a name that had ever been the object of my aspirations, was so far from feel- ing inclined to be on my guard against Pamphile, that, moved by an irresistible impulse, I even longed to devote myself to such pursuits, even though it should cost me dear, and to pre- cipitate myself, with a running leap, into the very abyss oj "Wild with excitement, then, I quickly released myself from the grasp of her hand, as though from some chain, and hastily bidding her adieu, I flew at the top of my speed to the house of Milo ; and while I thus scoured along, just like a person out of his senses, " Now then, Lucius," said I, *' look sharp, and have your wits about you. You have now the long- wished-for opportunity, and may satiate your mind with mira- culous stories, as for many a day you have been longing to do. Away then with puerile apprehensions, grapple with this ad- venture hand to hand, like a man ; but, at all events, ab- * Animals of every kind.'\ — Homer and Ovid relate the same of Circe, a Greek sorceress, but evidently of the same stock as the enchantress queen Labe, vphose incantations are so amusingly described in the story of Beder and Giauhare, in the Arabian Nights. 28 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEITTa. / stain liom amorous dalliance with the wife of your host, and religiously respect the conjugal bed of the worthy Milo. But, on the other hand, you may lay siege to the maid- servant Fotis; for she is of charming form, of lively manners, and a pleasant tongue. Yesterday evening too, when you went to rest, she politely escorted you into the bedchamber, helped you atten- tively into bed, tucked you up very lovingly, and then giving you a kiss, betrayed by her countenance how loth she was to leave you ; and lastly, she stood still more than once, and turned round to look at you. Good luck be your speed then !* but come what may, have at this Fotis.'* While forming these resolutions, I came to Milo's door, and, as the saying is, entered hot-foot f into the execution of my project. However, I did not find either Milo or his wife at home, but only my charmer Fotis, who was preparing sausages for her master and mistress ; she had some minced meat on a platter, ready to mix with gravy, which, as my nostrils augured, was very savoury. She was neatly dressed in a linen garment, gathered in by a bright red sash, just below her breasts, and as she stirred the saucepan round and round by a circular movement of her rosy hand, her supple form partook in the motion, her loins vi- brated, and her flexible spine was thrown into charming un- dulations. Entranced by the sight, I stood gazing in admiration ; all my passions, which before lay dormant, were aroused. At last I said to her, " With what a graceful, what a delightful twist of your hips, you stir that saucepan, my Fotis ! what honeyed dish are you preparing? Happy, and most surely blessed is he, who is allowed by you to dip his finger therein.'* '' Begone, unhappy wight," cried the sprightly chatter-box, * Good Itick be your speed then!'} — ' Quod bonura, felix et faustum.' This formula, somewhat similar to our, * I wish you health, happiness, and prosperity,' was made use of by persons about to undertake anything of importance, and was supposed not only to avert an evil omen, but to ensure a good one. t Entered hot -foot.} — This is not the literal translation of the phrase * pedibus in sententian vado.' It alludes to the practice of taking divi- sions in the Roman senate, when those who voted in the affirmative, • in dextram partem pedibus ibant,' * arose and took the right side of the house.' The author's meaning is, that Lucius resolutely determined to carry out his project. BOOK II. THOUGHTS ON" FEMALE BE4rrTT. 29 " begone as far as you can from my fire ; for if but a spark of it touch you, you will be burnt to the vitals ; and there will be no one to extinguish your heat but myself, who know equally well how to provide a zest for bed and board." Thus saying, she looked at me and smiled. I did not leave her, however, till I had carefuUy surveyed the whole contour of her person. But why speak of other particulars r since it has ever been my sole care, in the first place, to scrutinize the head and the hair in "public, and after- wards to enjoy their loveliness in private : and in this I pro- ceed upon sure and iaxed principles, first, because these are the most important features of the person, and from their conspi- cuous position, they are the first to present themselves to our sight ; and, secondly, because the natural brilliancy of the hair eff'ects for the head what the cheerful colour of a showy garment effects for the other members of the body. Besides, most women, in order to display their native charms and loveliness, divest themselves of all neck mufflings, throw open their outer garments, ami delight to show their naked beauty ; being conscious that they shall please more by the roseate hue of their skin, than by the golden tints of their robes. But, on the other hand, (I shudder to speak of such a thing, and may there never be an instance of a catastrophe so dreadful,) if you deprive the most surpassingly beautiful woman of her hair, and thus strip her face of its native orna- ments ; though she were begotten by heaven, conceived by the sea, and nurtured amid the waves ; though, I say, she were Venus herself, surrounded by all the choir of the Graces, at- tended by a whole multitude of Cupids, girt with her cestus redolent of cinnamon, and bedewed with balsams — still, if she were bald, she would not find favour even in the eyes of her own Yulcan. How exquisitely charming is hair of a beautiful hue and rich lustre, when it flashes back the rays of the sun, or shines with milder radiance, and varies its lovely aspect with every change of light ! now emitting a brightness like that of gold, now shaded off into the softer hue of honey ; raven-black at one moment, at the next reflecting the myriad blossom tints of the pigeon's neck ; or, when anointed with Arabian drops,* * Arabian dropsJ] — Myrrh or spikenard is probably meant. / 30 THE GOLDEN" ASS OF APULEIUS. parted by the slender tooth of the comb, and gathered up be« hind the head, it presents itself to the eyes of the lover, and like a mirror reflects his overjoyed features. How beautiful, when its luxuriant mass is accumulated on the crown of the head, or suffered to flow down the back in profuse curls. Such, in short, is the dignity of the hair, that though a woman should go adorned with jewels of gold, rich garments, precious stones, and every other kind of ornament, still she could not possibly seem well dressed, unless she had duly arranged her hair. But in my Fotis, not studied artifice, but the neglect of orna- ment, added graces to her person. For her copious hair, thrown loosely back and falling adown her neck, rested lightly on the fiexuous fringe of her garment ; then, after being gradually drawn together, the ends were looped up, and fastened by a knot to the crown of her head. I could no longer sustain the torturing suspense of such exquisite delight, but bending for- ward gave her a most luscious kiss, on that part where the hair was drawn up to the top of the head. She looked at me over her shoulder, and her eyes lit into my heart with their sidelong glances : " So then, you school-boy,'* said she, ''you have taken a sweet, and at the same time, a bitter draught. Beware, lest the excessive sweetness of the honey turn into the lasting bitterness of gall." ** Why do you say so, my charmer ?" I replied, '' since I am ready to be laid at full length and roasted upon that fire, so my pain be soothed by a single kiss." So saying, I clasped her in my arms, and fell to kissing her. And now, with responsive desire waxing with mine into an equality of love, exhaling from her open mouth the odour of cinnamon, she ravished me with the nectareous touch of her tongue, so that I exclaimed, *'' I shall perish, nay, rather, I am a lost man already, unless you will be propitious." Smothering me with kisses, she replied, '' Be of good cou- rage, for I am become your bondsmaid through mutual desire, nor shall our delights be long deferred : but as soon as torches are lighted, I will come to your chamber. Depart, then, and hold yourself in readiness, for I will do battle witli you all night long, as bravely as heart can wish.'* After we had prattled thus for some time, we parted. It was just about noon, when Byrrhjena sent me a com- BOOK II. A GOSSIP Q-N DITINATION". 31 plimentary present,* consisting of a fat pig, two couple and a half of fowls, and a jar of choice old wine. Calling Fotis, *' Look," said I, ''Bacchus, the exciter and armour-bearer of Yenus, has come here of his own accord. Let us quaff all this wine to-day, in order that it may extinguish in us all bashful hesitation, and stimulate our lusty vigour. For the voyage of Venus stands in need only of such provision as this : that through the whole of the wakeful night, the lamp may be plentifully supplied with oil, and the cup with wine." The rest of the day I passed in bathing, and at supper : for, being invited by the worthy Milo, I took mj'' place at his epi- tome of a table, as much as possible out of the view of his wife, as I kept in mind the admonitions of BjTrhaena ; while every now and then, I cast a trembling glance upon her features, as if I was beholding the lake Avernus.f But as I continually followed Fotis, who waited on us, with my eyes, my feelings were refreshed by looking at her. And now, as the evening had advanced, Pamphile, looking at the lamp, remarked, ''We shall have a terrible fall of rain to- morrow." On her husband asking her how she knew that to be the case, she answered, that the lamp had predicted^ it to her. At this speech, Milo, bursting into a laugh, exclaimed, " In this lamp, we feed a mighty Sibyl, who looks down from the socket, § as from a watch-tower, upon all that is going on in the heavens, and even the sun himself." Mingling in the conversation, I said, " This is only a simple instance of this kind of divination, and, indeed, it ought not to seem wonderful, that this flame, small though it is, and ignited by human hands, should still have a consciousness of *■ A complimentary present.'] — Xeniola. This was the name given to presents sent to strangers at their lodgings, as tokens of hospitality ; which, as in the present case, consisted of the various delicacies of the season. f Avernus.'} — Avernus was a lake of Campania, near to Baiae, and was tailed as if it was aopvog, destitute of birds, because, by its foul exhala- tions, it destroyed the birds that flew over it. This lake, dedicated to Pluto, was thought to be the entrance to the realms beneath, and is fre- quently, as in this place of Apuleius, assumed for those realms. i The lamp Jiad predicted.] — So in the first Georgic of Virgil, we find that the growth of a fungus on the wick of a burning lamp, is considered to prognosticate rain. § From the socket. ] — The 'candelabra' of the ancients were frequently placed on high, in a recess made for the purpose in the wall. 82 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEItTS. the greater and celestial fire, as of its parent, and should thus, by divine presage, know and announce to us what the source of its existence is about to efi'ect in the summit of the firmament. For with us, at Corinth, a certain Chaldean stranger is just now disturbing the whole city with his wonderful replies to questiona asked him, and is disclosing the secrets of the Fates to the public for paj^ment. Thus, for instance, he would tell the day on which a marriage should be contracted that was destined to last long, or when the foundations of walls should be laid so as to re- main for ever ; what day would be advantageous to the mer- chant ; or which one would be suited to the traveller, or adapted for setting sail. In fine, when I consulted him as to what would be the result of this journey of mine, he told me many things of a very wonderful and an extremely varied nature. He said, for instance, that I should shortly obtain a very considerable renown, and that I should be the writer of an incredible story, and of sundry books." "What was the appearance of this Chaldean?" said Milo, with a smile, " and what was his name r" *' He was a tall man," replied I, *' of a dark complexion, and his nam.e was Diophanes." *' It is the very same person," said Milo, '' and no other, and here also, among us, he made many similar predictions to vari- ous persons, and realized thereby no little wealth, indeed, I may say, a considerable sum of money ; but at last experienced an inauspicious, or, to speak more truly, a cruel lot."* SECOND EPISODE. DIOPHANES THE CHALDEAN. Onc day, when, encircled by a great crowd of people, he was dealing out the fates to the bystanders, a certain merchant, Cerdo by name, came to him, desirous to know what day would be suitable for a journey. After Diophanes had named one, Cerdo took out his purse, poured out the money, and counted a hundred denars, which Diophanes was to receive as the price * Tnauspiciotis — cruel lot."] — He puns on the resemblance of the words * scaeva ' and ' saeva j' but the play on these words cannot be preserved in Gnglish. BOOK II. DI0PHANE3 THE CHALDEAN. 33 of his predictions, when a young man of a noble family, com- ing softly behind him, pulled him by the garment, and on his turning round, embraced and kissed him in the most affectionate manner. Diophanes having returned the embrace, desired the young man to take a seat beside him, and, under the surprise of his unexpected appearance, quite forgot the business with which he was just then engaged. *' How long is it," said he, " since you, w^hom I have so much wished for, arrived in this neighbourhood ?" ''I arrived early last evening," replied the other. ''But tell me, brother, in your turn, how it happened that you sailed so quickly from the island of Euboea to this city, and how you travelled hither by sea and land." Then, Diophanes, this egregious Chaldean, taken aback, and not altogether himself, replied, *' May our enemies and evil- wishers meet with the like cruel, indeed, I may say, Ulyssean peregrination. For the ship in which we sailed, being shat- tered by various storms and whirlwinds, after losing both mast and rudder, was with the utmost difficulty brought to the verge of the opposite shore, and went down, head foremost ; and we, having lost all our property, with difficulty saved our lives by swimming. Whatever we could scrape together, either from the pity of strangers, or the benevolence of our friends, a band of robbers laid hands oa the whole of it ; and my only brother, Arisuatus, resisting their violence, was murdered, poor fellow ! before these eyes." "While Diophanes was dolefully relating these particulars, the merchant Cerdo, snatching up the money he had paid as the price of the prediction, instantly took to his heels. Then, in- deed, Diophanes at length aroused from his fit of abstraction, perceived the blunder he had made, especially when he saw all of us who stood around him burst into loud fits of laughtei*. END OF THE SECOND EPISODE. *' Nevertheless, master Lucius, I sincerely wish that the Chaldean may have predicted the truth to you if to no one else, and that you may be fortunate, and make a prosperous journey." While ]Milo was thus prosing on at interminable length, I D 34 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIFS groaned inwardly, and was not a little vexed with myself for having voluntarily introduced a series of wearisome stories, and thus losing a good part of the evening, and its deiightfnl enjoyments. At length, therefore, gulping down all my bash- fulness, I said to Milo, " Let Diophanes carry his destiny with him, and again expose the plunder of the public to land and sea. But permit me, who am still sore from the fatigues of yesterday, to retire early to rest." So saying, I rose up and betook myself to my bedchamber ; and there I found a very nice assortment of good cheer. The bed of the servant boys was laid on the floor, at a con- siderable distance outside the door ; in order, I suppose, that they might not be within hearing of our chatter in the night. Close by my bed stood a small table, laden with the choice remains of the whole supper, and some fair cups already half filled with- wine, only waiting for the admixture of water. 'Near these, also, was a flagon, with a gradually dilated orifice, for the more convenient pouring forth of the wine ; the whole being a whet, as it were, for what was to follow. I had scarcely laid me down, when, behold ! my Fotis (her mistress having now retired to rest) came in throwing a gar- land of roses upon the bed, and wearing a single rose in full bloom in her bosom. After pressing me close and kissing me, tying a garland round my head, and strewing flowers upon me, she took up a cup, and pouring warm water into it, handed it to me that I might drink a little. Before I had drunk the whole, she gently took it from me, and gradually di- minishing with her lips what was left, sipped it sweetly, with her eyes fixed on me all the while. Again and again we pledged each other ; until at last, flushed with wine, turbulent in mind and body, and tingling and smarting with desire, 1 gave my Fotis ocular proof of my amorous impatience : *' Pity me," I said, *' and relieve me without delay ; for you may perceive how I have been kept on full stretch by the thought of that combat to which you challenged me without the intervention of a herald. Ever since I received the first of cruel Cupid's arrows in my vitals, I have been standing to my arms, and I am greatly afraid my bow-string will be snapped by its excessive tension. But if you would gratify me still more, untie your hair, let it flow freely over your shoulders, and come and give me loving kisses." BOOK II. FOTIS KEEPS HER APPOINTiTFNT. 35 In an instant she had snatched away all the eating and drinking apparatus ; then, stripping off all her garments, with her hair dishevelled in joyous wantonness, she stood trans- formed into the image of Yenus rising from the sea, her rosy hand shading, with coquettish art rather than through modesty, the beauties it did not conceal. 'Tight," she said, "and fight bravely, for I will not give way an inch, nor turn my back. Face to face, come on, if you are a man ! Strike home ; do your worst, and die ! The battle this day is without quarter." So saying, she jumped into the bed, threw herself upon me, and like an athlete, bending on his haunches over his prostrate but still struggling antagonist, she assailed me with astonish- ing rapidity of movement and lubricity of spine ; till wearied in body and spirit, we lay powerless and gasping for breath in each other's arms. Many times we renewed our wrestling, and so we passed the sleepless night until dawn, refreshing our- selves at intervals with wine, and rekindling our ardour for the pleasant strife. In like manner we passed many other nights. Cum ego jam vino madens, nee animo tantum verum etiam corpore ipso adlibidinem inquies alioquin et petulans, etiam saucius paulisper inguinum fine, lacinia remota, impatientiam Veneris Fotidi meaB monstrans, Miserere, inquam, et subveni maturius. Nam, ut vides, prailio, quod nobis sine fecialis ofiicio indixeras, jam proximante vehementer, inteutus, ubi primam sagittam saevi cupidinis in ima praecordia mea delapsam excepi, arcum meum en ! ipse vigor attendit, et oppido formido, ne nervus rigoris nimietate rumpatur. Sed ut mihi morem plenius ges- seris, ineffusum laxa crinem, et capillo fluenter undante, ede complexus amabiles. Nee mora, cum omnibus illis cibariis vasculis raptim remotis, laciniis cunctis suis renudata, crinibusque dissolutis ad hila- rem lasciviam, in speciem Yeneris, qu£e marines fluctus subit, pulchre reformata, paulisper etiam glabellum feminale* rose3, palmula potius obumbrans de industria, quam tegens verecun- dia: Praeliare, inquit, et fortiter prseliare, nee enim tibi cedam, nee terga vcrtam. Cominus in aspectum, si vir es, * Glabellum feminale.'] — Muliebre pudendum, quod Fotis meretricio more depilaverat. 3)2 A 36 THE GOLDEN ASS 0? APTJLEnJS. It happened one day that Eyrrhaena pressingly invited me to sup with her ; and though I made many excuses, she would not let me off. I, therefore, had to resort to Potis, and take counsel from her, as from an oracle ; and though unwilling that I should depart from her the breadth of a nail, yet she kindly indulged me with a little respite from our amatory warfare. ** Eut, look you," said she, '' take care that you return early from this supper, for a frantic faction of the young nobles has been disturbing the public tranquillity, and you will see mur- dered men lying here and there in the streets ; nor can the forces of the prefect of the province, in consequence of the re- moteness of their stations, relieve the city from these outrages. 1^0 w, your superior fortune, and contempt for you, as a foreigner, may possibly cause you to be waylaid." ''Do not be under any apprehensions, my Fotis," said I; " for besides that I prefer my own pleasures to the banquets of others, I will return early, in order to remove these fears of yours. However, I shall not go unattended ; for girded with my trusty sword, I shall carry a protector of my safety." Thus equipped I proceeded to the entertainment. There was a numerous assembly of guests, and as Eyrrhaena was a woman of rank, it comprised some of the first-rate people of the city. The repast was sumptuous ; the couches, framed with polished ivorj^, were covered with cloth of gold ; the cups were ca- pacious, of various graceful designs, and all unique in value. Some were of glass, with figures exquisitely embossed : others of the purest crystal ; others, again, of burnished silver, or of dirige, et grassare naviter, et occide moriturus. Hodierna pugna non habet missionem. Haec simul dicens, inscenso grabbatulo, super me cossim residens, ac crebra subsiliens, lubricisque gestibus mobilem spinam quatiens, pendulae Veneris fructu me satiavit ; usque dum, lassis animis et marcidis artu- bus defatigati, simul ambo corruimus inter mutuos amplexus, animas anhelantes. His et hujuscemodi coUuctationibus ad confinia lucis usque pervigiles egimus, poculis interdum lassitudinem refoventes, et libidinem incitantes, et voluptatem integrantes. Ad hujua' noctis exemplar similes adstruximus alias plusculas. BOOK II. btehh^ita's suppes. 37 glittering gold, or of amber, admirably wrought and hollowe(i out into beakers. In short, whatever one thought impossible to be made by man, was there. The carvers* were numerous, and their dresses splendid ; the dishes M^ere abundant, damsels waited gracefull}" at table, while youths with curled locks, and beautifully attired, ever and anon handed to the guests old wine in cups of precious stone. And now, lights being brought in, the conversation gradually became more convivial ; there was abundance of laughter, and good-humoured quips and jokes flew about in every direction, when Byrrheena thus addressed me : " How do you enjoy your- self in this country of ours ? If I am not mistaken, we greatly excel all other cities in temples, baths, and other public works. And then we have an extraordinary abundance of all the commo- dities of life. Beyond a doubt here one enjoys full liberty, and may live at his ease : for the stranger who is a man of busi- ness, there is all the bustle of Home, while for the new-comer who is of retiring habits, the quiet of a country-house is here to be found. In fine, our city is a place of resort for all the plea- sure-seekers of this province." " What you say is quite true," I replied, " and no where have I felt myself more perfectly at liberty than I am here. But I am sadly frightened at the dark mysteries and irresis- tible spells of the magic art. For it is said, that here not even the sepulchres of the dead are unmolested, but that certain remnants and cuttings from the dead bodies are sought from the tombs and funeral-piles, to ensure deadly misfortune to the living. I am told also that when foreigners are buried, old hags of sorceresses are in the habit of outstripping the funeral procession, in their speed to ravage the corpse." "No doubt of it," observed one of the guests; "and what is more, in this place they do not even spare the living. There is a certain person — I don't name him — who suffered from an attack of this nature, and whose face was mutilated and de- formed in all manner of ways." At these remarks, an uncontrollable fit of laughter burst forth from all the guests, and the faces and ej-es of all were * The carvers.'] — ' Diribitores.' It was probably the duty of these servants to carry round the viands and distribute them among the guests. 88 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULE1TJ8. t turned towards a person who sat in a corner, apart from the rest of the company. This person, confused by the long-con- tinued merriment, and indignantly muttering between his teeth, was preparing to rise and leave the room, when Byrrhaena ad- dressed him, and said, " Nay, my good Telephron, do not go, but stop a little while, and with your usual good humour, do tell us that adventure of yours over again, that my son, Lucius, here, may also enjoy the pleasure of hearing your entertaining story." To this the other replied, ''You, indeed, madam, always preserve a scrupulous regard for good breeding, but the inso- lence of some people is such as not to be tolerated." These words were pronounced by him in a tone of great ex- citement. Byrrhaena, however, reiterated her request, and conjuring him as he valued her life to tell the story, forced him at last to comply, whether he liked or not. Accordingly, gathering up the coverings of the couch in a heap, resting his elbow thereon, and raising his body a little on the couch, he extended his right hand and arranged his fingers after the manner of our orators, closing the last two, and pointing the rest straight forward, with the thumb upturned.* Then, with a courteous smile, he began as follows : — THIRD EPISODE. STOEY OF TELEPHEON, THE STUDENT. '' "WTiile I was yet pursuing my studies, I went from Mile- tus,! to see the Olympic games; and as I wished also to pay a visit to the chief places of this celebrated province, I travelled over all Thessal)^, and arrived under unlucky auspices at Larissa. As the money I had brought with me for my journey had been nearly all got rid of in my rambles, I was put to my shifts to repair my impoverished state. While so doing, I saw a tall * With the thumb upturned,] — Contrary to our practice, the ancients used considerable gesticulation with the thumb, when speaking in pubhc or engaging in a dispute. The upturned thumb was the sign of emphatic and impressive discourse. f Went from Miletus.^ — * Mileto profectus ' seems necessarily to have this meaning, though, singularly enough, Taylor and Sir G. Head concui ia rendering it, ' went to Miletus.' BOOK II. STOEY OF TELEPHRON, THE STUDENT. 39 old man, standing on a stone* in the middle of the fonim, and making proclamation in a loud voice : ' If any one will under- take to guard the body of a dead man, he shall be well rewarded for his services.' " On this, I said to one of the bystanders, * What am I to understand by this ? Are the dead in the habit of running away in this country ? ' *' ' Hold your tongue,' replied he, * for you are a boy, and a green one too, and a foreigner all over, not to know that you are in Thessaly, where it is a universal practice with witches to tear off pieces from the faces of the dead with their teeth, in order to use them as ingredients in the magic art.' " ' Pray, tell me,' said I, ' in what does this funeral war- denship consist ? ' '"In the first place,' he replied, ' you must watch inces- santly the livelong night, with eyes fixed steadily on the corpse, wide open and not indulging in a wink ; nor must your gaze ever be turned away to the one side or the other, no, not even may you cast a glance aside it. For these most abominable shifters of their skins, changing, in appearance, into any ani- mal they please, creep upon you unawares, so that they can easily elude the very eyes of Justice and of the Sun. For they assume the forms of birds, dogs, mice, ay, and even of flies ; and thus disguised, they exert their dire incantations, and overwhelm the guardians with sleep. Nor can any person sufficiently describe the extent of the devices which they make use of, for the sake of gratifying their libidinous appetite. And yet, after all, no larger pay than four or six pieces of gold is offered as the reward of such a dangerous service as this. But stop ; there is one thing I had almost forgotten : if the person who watches does not on the foUoAving morning give up possession of the dead body in an entire state, he is compelled to make good the whole of it with strips cut from his own face, to match whatever has been torn off from that of the corpse.' " On learning these facts, I summoned up all my courage, and going straightway to the crier, ' Cease from making proclama- * Standing on a stone.'] — We learn from the Bacchides of Plautus and other works that it was the general custom for the ' praeco,* or * crier,' to mount a stone before making his proclamation. 40 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APTJLEirS. tion/ said I ; ' here is a guardian ready to your hand ; teli me what is to be the reward.' " * A thousand pieces of money will be paid you/ said he. * But look, young man, you must be very careful to preserve the dead body, which is that of the son of one of the principal persons of this city, from the abominable Harpies.' *' * You are talking nonsense to me,' said I, ' and mere trifles. You behold in me a man of iron nerve, proof against sleep, and, beyond a doubt, more sharp- sighted than Lynceua himself, or Argus ; in fact, one who is eyes all over.' *' I had no sooner said this, than he at once led me to a certain house, the main entrance of which being closed, he in- troduced me through a low back door, and into a darkened bedchamber, with closed window shutters, where there was a lady dressed in black garments, and weeping. Going up to her, the crier said, ' This person has agreed to your terms, and confidently undertakes to watch the body of your husband.' " On this, the lad}', throwing back on each side the hair that hung down over her face, which even in grief was beautiful, and turning towards me, said, * Take care, I beg of you, to perform vigilantly the duty which you have undertaken.' " ' jSTever fear,' said I, ' only have in readiness something to throw into the bargain as a present.' * ' Assenting to this request, she hastily arose, and bade me fol- low her into another bedchamber. There, in the presence of seven witnesses who had been introduced into the room, she pointed with her hand to a dead body that was covered with a linen cloth of the purest white ; and having wept for a con- siderable time at the sight of it, she called upon those present to bear testimony, and carefully pointed out to them every par- ticular ; while a person made notes on tablets of the parts of the body, which were severally touched for that purpose. " ' Behold,' said she, ' the nose entire, the eyes in a sound condition, the ears safe, the lips untouched, and the chin per- fect. Do you, worthy citizens,* bear testimony to this.' Having thus said, and the tablets duly signed and sealed, she was departing, when I said to her, " 'Have the goodness, madam, to order that all things may be furnished to me which are requisite for my use.' •* *And what are they?' said she. * Worthy citizens.'} — ' Quirites,' more properly 'Roman citizens."' BOOK II. STOEY OF TELEPHKON". TTEE STUDENT. 4! " ' A good large lamp,' I replied, * sufficient oil for keeping it alight till daylight, some warm water, with wine vessels dird a cup, and a dish furnished with the remains of the dinner.' " ' Begone, foolish man,' said she, shaking her head, ' do you expect to find in a house of sorrow remains of suppers, in which no smoke whatever has been seen for these many days ? Do you think you have come hither for the purpose of eating and drinking ? Eather betake yourself to sorrow and tears, as best suited to this place.' Then turning to her maid- servant, she said, 'Myrrhina, give him the lamp and oil directly,' and so saying, she went out, and left the guardian shut up in the bed- chamber. " Being thus left alone to comfort the corpse, I rubbed my eyes, to fortify them for their duty of watchfulness, and kept up my spirits by singing. And now behold twilight came on, night fell, then night deeper and deeper still, and at last the hour of midnight ; then, of a truth, my fears, that had some time been increasing, became redoubled. All of a sudden a weasel, creeping into the apartment, stopped close before me, and fixed its eyes most intently upon me, so much so, that the little creature quite agitated my mind by its unusual confi- dence. At length, however, I said to it : ' Out with you, nasty little beast ! and go hide yourself to the mice that are just like you, before you get a knock-down blow from me. Be off with you, I say ! ' '* The animal turned tail, and immediately ran out of the chamber : and at the very instant a profound sleep suddenly seized and engulphed me ; so that not even the God of Delphi himself could have easily determined which of us two, who there lay prostrate, was the more dead. In fact, I was so in- sensible, and so much in need of some one else to take care of me, that I might just as well have not been there at all. '' Hardly had the clarion of the crested cohort sounded a truce to the night, when I, at length aroused, and terrified in the extreme, ran up to the dead body ; holding the light to it, and uncovering its face, I scrutinized every feature, and found everything in proper order. Presently, the poor widow burst into the room in tears and great distress, with the witnesses of yesterday ; and, immediately throwing herself on the body, and kissing it again and again, she began to examine it all over, with the assistance of the lamp. Then turning, she called 42 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. Philodespotus,* the steward of her house, and ordered him, without delay, to pay the promised reward to one who had acted as so good a guardian. " This being given me without delay, ' "We thank you sin- cerely, young man,' said she, 'and, by Hercules! for having so well performed this service, we will henceforth enrol you among the rest of our household.' " Overjoyed at this unlooked-for piece of good fortune, and en- chanted at the sight of the glittering pieces of gold, which every now and then I shook up and down in my hand, ' By all means, madam,' said I, 'consider me one of your servants; and, as often as you stand in need of my services, jou may confidently command me.* ''Hardly had I thus spoken, when all the servants, heaping curses upon the dreadful ominousnessf of my words, snatched up whatever came to hand, and fell upon me. One began to strike me in the face with his fist, another to dig me in the back and ribs with his elbows, a third to kick me with his feet, a fourth to pull out my hair, a fifth to tear my clothes. Thus, mauled and mangled almost as badly as was Adonis or Orpheus, J I was thnist out of doors. " I stopped to recover myself in the next street, and reflect- ing too late on my inauspicious and imprudent remark, I could not but acknowledge that I had fully deserved to suff'er even still more blows than I had received. By and by the dead person was carried out, accompanied, for the last time, by lamentations and outcries ; and, according to the custom of the country, was borne with all the pomp of a public funeral, as being one of the principal men, through the forum. To the side of the corpse there runs up an old man, bathed with * Philodespotus.'] — A name, composed of the two Greek words ^iXoc and dicT-TTOTrjg, and signifying one who wiUingly submits to the domination of another ; or, in the language of Horace, ' Amicum mancipium domino.* f Dreadful ominousnesa.'] — Omen seems a preferable reading here to omnes.' His expressions certainly were not replete with auspicious omens : as, unwittingly, he anticipated a period when he might have to wait over the corpse of a second dead husband. X Orphetis ] — In this most corrupt passage, the reading 'Musaei vatis* has been adopted. It is possible that Orpheus, the son of the Musi Calliope, may be referred to under that name. BOOK II. STOKY OF TELEPHEOJf, THE STUDENT. 4^ tears, and t(.armg his venerable white hair; and then, seizing the bier with botli his hands, and with a voice raised to the highest pitch, though interrupted with frequent sobs, '0 E-omans,' exclaimed he, * by your faith, and by the public morality, espcise the cause of your murdered fellow- citizen, and wreak your severe vengeance on this abominable and wicked woman, for her most atrocious crime ; for she, and no one else, has cut off by poison this unfortunate young man, my sister's son, for the sake of her paramour, and made a prey of the inheritance.' " After this manner, the old man loudly uttered complaints and lamentations, broken by his sobs. In the meantime, the people began to express their indignation, being impelled to a belief in the charge, on the grounds of its probability alone. They shouted for fire ; for stones ; they incited the boys to the destruction of the woman ; but she, pretending to shed tears, and adjuring all the Divinities, denied most solemnly that she had perpetrated a crime of such great enormity. " * Well then,' said the old man, ' Jet us refer the decision of the truth to divine providence. Here is Zachlas, the Egj^ptian, a first-rate prophet,* who has already agreed with me, for a considerable sum, to recall the soul for a few moments from the realms beneath, to reanimate this body.' Thus saying, he brought forward into the midst of the people a young man, clothed in linen garments,! with his head close shaven, and having on his feet sandals made of palm leaves. | After having for some time kissed his hands and embraced his very knees, ' priest,' said he, ' take pity on me, by the stars of the heavens, by the Gods of the infernal regions, by the elements of nature, by the silence of night, by the Coptic en- * Prophet.'] — The Egyptians were consummately skilled in astrology and magic ; their priests were prophets, and were believed to be divinel / wise. Hence Pythagoras, Plato, and the most famous of the Greek philosophers, are said to have associated with them. f Linen garments.'} — See book xi., where the linen garments of the priests of Isis are more copiously mentioned. Woollen garments were, according to the doctrine of Orpheus and Pythagoras, profane ; but those of linen were considered as most pure. t Sandals made of palm leaves.} — ' Baxae/ or * Baxeae,' were sandals with wooden soles, made of twigs of fibres. They were worn on the stage by comic actors, and philosophers much affected the use of them. The Egyptians made them of palm leaves or the papyrus. 44 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIFS. closures,* by the overflowing of the J^ile, by the mysteries of the Memphis, and by the sistrum of Pharos, I implore you. Give to this dead body a short enjoyment of the sun, and infuse a portion of light into eyes that have been buried in eternal night. We are not offering resistance to fate, nor do we deny to the earth what is her property ; but we only request a short Bpace of life, that we may have the consolation of avenging her death.' " The prophet being thus propitiated, laid a certain herb three times on the mouth of the corpse, and placed another on its breast. He then turned towards the east, and silently prayed to the rising disk of the glorious Sun, whilst an intense interest was excited among the byestanders, by the sight of such awful preparations, and the prospect of a miracle. I mingled with the crowd, and standing on an elevated stone, close behind the bier, observed every thing with inquisitive eyes. " Presently the breast of the corpse began to be inflated, the artery to throb with pulsation, the body to be filled with breath ; at last the corpse arose, and thus addressed the young man: ' Why, I beseech thee, dost thou bring me back to the duties of a momentary existence, after having drunk of the Lethoean cup, and floated upon the Stygian lake ? Cease, I beseech thee, cease and leave me to my repose.' These were the words heard to proceed from the body. ** On this, the prophet, becoming still more excited, exclaimed, * Why dost thou not relate to this crowd each particular, and disclose the mysteries of thy death r Knowest thou not that the Furies can be summoned by my imprecations to rack thy wearied limbs ?' " The body looked up from the bier, and with a deep groan thus addressed the people : ' Cut ofl:' through the nefarious arts of my newly-married wife, and by a poisonous draught, I have yielded my yet warm bed to her paramour.' ** Then that choice specimen of a v/ife, arming herself with audacity, began to contradict the accusation of her husband in a, wrangling and sacrilegious manner. The excited mob took * T/te Coptic enclosures.] — This probably alludes to certain embank- ments wliich were said to be thrown up annually by swallows around au island near Coptos, which was sacred lo Isis. They were said to labour so hard in thus attempting to preserve the island from the overflowing of the Nile, that numbers died at the work. BOOK n. STOET OF TELEPHEON-, THE SITIDEIS'T. 45 diiFerent sides ; one party contended that this most iniquitous woman should be immediately buried alive, with the corpse of her husband ; the other declared that credit ought not to be given to the lying testimony of the dead body. The subsequent disclosures, however, of the young man put an end to this dis- pute ; for, again heaving a deep groan, ' I will give you,' he said, ' I will give you incontrovertible evidence of the truth of my statements, and will disclose to you what is known to no other person whatever.' " Then, pointing to me with his finger : ' ^Tien that most sagacious guardian of my body,' said he, * was diligently keep- ing watch over me, the hags of sorceresses who eagerly hovered over my mortal spoils, and who, to gain possession thereof, had often changed themselves in vain into other forms, on finding that they could not deceive his unwearied vigilance, at length threw over him a cloud of drowsiness, and buried him in a profound sleep ; after which, they did not cease to call upon me by my name, till my weakened joints and chilled limbs strug- gled, with convulsive efforts, to obey the mandates of the magic art. Then this person, who though alive was still dead, so far as sleep goes, happening to be of the same name as myself, unconsciously arose on hearing his name called, and spontane- ously walking just like an inanimate shadow, suffered the in- tended mutilation instead of myself ; for although the doors of the bedchamber were carefully bolted, the witches entered through a chink, and cut off his nose first, and then his ears. And, that the rest of the transaction might correspond with their artful doings, they with the greatest exactness fitted on to him wax, fashioned in imitation of his ears that had been cut off, and provided him with a nose of the same substance, just like his own. And here now stands the unfortunate wretch who has obtained the reward dearly earned, not by his vigilance, but by his sore mutilation.' *' Exceedingly terrified on hearing this, I began to test my fortune. Clapping my hand to my nose, I took hold of it, and off it came : I touched my ears, and they fell to the ground. Meanwhile the spectators pointed their fingers at me, nodded their heads, and greeted me with loud roars of laughtej-, until streaming with cold perspiration I dashed through the surrounding crowd, and effected my escape. JS'or, thus mutilated and an object of ridicule, could I return to my 46 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APUI^IUS. cative place ; * but, with my hair falling on each side of my lace, I concealed the wounds of my ears, and decently covered the disgrace of my nose with this linen cloth, closely applied to it by means of glue." END OF THE THIRD EPISODE. As soon as Telephron had ended this story, the guests, elated with wine, again renewed their bursts of laughter. While they were proposing his health, f Byrrhsena thus addressed me : *' To-morrow is a day which it has been usual to cele- brate from the earliest infancy and very foundation of this city, a day on which we exclusively, among mankind, propitiate the most sacred God of Laughter, :J: with ceremonies of joviality and mirth. Your presence will render the festival still more pleasing to us ; and I wish that with your native wit, you would devise something of a right joyous nature in honour of the God, in order that we may the more becomingly and abundantly shew our veneration for so great a Divinity." '* Yery well," said I; *' what you request shall be done. And, by Hercules ! I wish I may invent some piece of merriment with which a god so mighty may be becomingly graced." By this time, having had my fill of wine, and being warned by my servant it was now night, I immediately arose, and having hastily bid farewell to Byrrhaena, took my way home- ward, with unsteady steps. But while we were going through the first street, the light upon which we relied was extin- * My native place.] — Miletus. t Proposing his health.] — ' Bibere salutaria' is the reading which has been adopted. t God of Laughter.'] Pausanias mentions this solemnity, where he «peaks of the Ilypatensians. Plutarch also, in his life of Cleomenes, men- tions a temple which was dedicated to the God of Laughter ; and he like- wise relates that a statue was erected to this divinity by Lycurgus. Every providential energy of deity, about a sensible nature, was said, by ancient theologists and philosophers, to be the sport of divinity. Hence the ancient authors of fables call this peculiarity of the providence of the Gods, ener- gising about the world, laughter. So that, as Proclus well observes, (in Plat. Polit.) we must define the laughter of the Gods to be their exube- rant energy in the universe, and the cause of the gladness of all mundane natures. And, as this energy is never-faihng, the laughter of the Gods is very properly said by Homer to be unextinguished. The source, therefore, of this exuberant energy and mundane gladness, is the Gad of Laughter. — Taylor. BOOK III. GALLANT CONFLICT WITH EOBBEES. 47 guished by a sudden gust of wind ; so that, with difficulty groping our way through the darkness of the night against which we were so badly provided, and continually knocking our toes against the stones, we w^ere quite wearied before we arrived at home. When we had now entered our own street, lo and behold, three men, of lusty and stout appearance, were pushing with all their might against our door, and were not in the smallest degree alarmed at our coming up ; on the contrary, they kicked at it more and more repeatedly with all their might, so that to us, and to myself especially, they appeared unquestionably to be robbers, and of the most desperate character. Accord- ingly, I instantly drew forth my sword, w^hich I carried with me concealed under my cloak against such an emergency. Without delay I rushed into the midst of the robbers^ and plunged my sword to the hilt into the body of each, as I en- gaged with him in combat, till at length, pierced with many and deadly wounds, they breathed their last before my very feet. Awakened by the tumult of this combat, Potis came and opened the door. I crawled into the house, panting for breath and bathed in perspiration, and immediately threw myself on my bed and fell asleep, as much fatigued with the slaughter of these sturdy robbers, as if I had killed Geryon.* BOOK THE THIRD. BEFLECTIONS ON THE MOENING AFTEK A CAEOUSE. LUCIUS AE- KESTED ON A CHAEGE OF MUEDEE. THE TEIAL. ITS UNEX- PECTED ISSUE. FESTIVAL OF THE GOD OF LAUGHTEE. EEMOESE AND CONFESSION OF FOTIS. SHE PEOMISES TO LET LUCIUS WIT- NESS PAMPHILE's magic PEEFOEMANCES. HE SEES PAMPHILE TEANSFOEM HEESELF INTO AN OWL. HE ATTEMPTS TO IMITATE HEE, AND IS CHANGED INTO A DONKEY. HE IS ILL-TEEATED BY HIS HOESE, AND THEASHED BY HIS SEEVANT. MILO's HOUSE PLUNDEEED BY EOBBEES. LUCIUS IS LOADED WITH THE BOOTY, AND DEIVEN OFF. AuEOEA, with her rosy arm uplifted, had just begun to drive * Killed Geryon.'] — The slaying of Geryon, king of Spain, who had three bodies, was one of the twelve celebrated labours of Hercules. 48 THE GOLDEX ASS OF APULEIUS. her purple-caparisoned steeds through the heavens ; and de- parting night surrendering me up to day, roused me from placid slumbers. Compunction then seized my mind at the recollec- tion of the deed I had perpetrated on the previous evening. Gathering my feet beneath me, locking my fingers upon my knees, and so sitting up in bed on my haunches, I wept abundantly; picturing to myself, in imagination, now the "Forum and the trial, now the condemnation, and lastly, the executioner himself. '* Shall I," said I to myself, '' shall I meet with any judge so mild and so considerate as to be able to pronounce me inno- cent, when here I am, imbrued with the blood of a threefold homicide, and reeking with the gore of so many citizens ? Is this the journey so glorious in its results which Diophanes, the Chaldaean, so confidently predicted for me ?" While with such reflections ever and anon crossing my mind, I deplored my evil fortune, a violent knocking at the door, and shouting was heard at the gate : without more ado, it was thrown open, and a great multitude rushing into the house, every part of it was filled with the magistrates and their officers, and a miscel- laneous gathering of people. Instantly two of the lictors, laying hands upon me, by order of the magistrates, began to drag me along, whilst I ofiered no resistance. When we had got to the end of the lane,* we were immediately met by such an astonishing multitude, that it seemed as if the whole city was pouring forth. And though I \valked sorrowfully along, with my head bowed down towards the ground, or rather, I may say, to the shades below, yet, on casting a glance aside, I saw a thing which caused me the greatest surprise. For among the many thousands of people that surrounded me, there was not a single one who was not ready to split his sides with laughter. At length, having passed through all the principal streets, and turning corner after corner, like the victim of a lustral sa- crifice, led all round the city before it is slain, to expiate the anger of the Gods, I was marched into the Forum, and placed before the judgment seat. And now, the magistrates being seated on an elevated platform, the public crier proclaimed * End of the lane-l— The ' mgiiportns' here mentioned was probably the lane or blind alley into which the door of the house opened. BOOK III. LUCITJS TKIED rOH MTJKDEB. 49 silence, when suddenly the people, with one unanimous voice, requested that, in consequence of the multitude of spectators, whose lives were in peril from the enormous pressure, this im- portant trial might take place in the theatre. Forthwith the Forum was evacuated in every direction, the people filled every seat in the body of the theatre* with extraordinary celerity; and in the very entrances also, and over the whole of the roof, they crowded as thick as they could stand. Great numbers clung to the columns ; some hung on to the statues ; others were only half visible through windows and between the beams of the ceiling; and all, in their ardent desire to witness the sight, paid no attention whatever to their own safety. The public officers now led me through the proscenium, f just like some victim, and placed me in the midst of the orchestra. The accuser being again summoned by the loud bellowing of the crier, arose, and after water had been poured into a certain vessel, J which was finely perforated like a cullen- der, and through which it flowed drop by drop, for the purpose of regulating the time for speaking, he thus addressed the people : '* A case is now brought before you, most worthy fellow- citizens, which is of no trifling magnitude, but one which es- pecially regards the peace of the whole city, and is likely to prove a momentous example, profitable to future ages. Where- fore, it is the more requisite that each and all of you should have due regard for the public dignity, that so this nefarious homicide, who has murdered so many citizens, may not go un- punished, for having thus cruelly butchered them. And do not suppose that I am actuated by any private grudge, or moved by personal animosity, in making this charge against * Body of the theatre.'] — ' Caveae conseptum.* The * cavea' was the part of the theatre in wh.ch the spectators sat. The * cavea' at Rome was threefold. In the lowest part sat the ' Equites' and Senators ; in the uppermost, the lowest of the people ; and in the middle, the more respec- table classes. t The proscenium.] — The * proscenium' was the elevated part in front of the stage, on which the actors came forward when speaking. J Into a certain vessel.] — He here alludes to the ' clepsydra,' or * water- clock,' which was used in Greece for the purpose of measuring the time during which persons might speak in courts of justice. Aristotle de- scribes it as being a hollow globe, having a neck at the upper part like that of a bottle, through which the water was poured into it. £ ' 4 50 fHE GOLXEN ASS OF APULEIXJS. him. For I am the prefect of the night-watch : and I fally believe there is not one person who can impeach my vigil- ance and attention. Accordingly, I will faithfully relate the exact circumstances, and the transactions that took place last night. " When about the third watch,* I had nearly gone my rounds of the whole city, and had examined every corner from door to door with scrupulous attention, I perceived this most blood- thirsty young man laying about him on every side, and slaugh- tering with his drawn sword ; and I saw that three persous, who had just fallen victims to his rage, were laid at his feet, still breathing, and their bodies palpitating amid streams of gore. Then, conscience-stricken, and with good reason, at the commission of such a heinous deed, he immediately took to flight, and having, through the protection of the darkness, es- caped into a certain house, he there lay concealed the whole night. By the providence of the gods, however, which allows no crime to pass unpunished, I took care to arrest him in the morning, and bring him hither for the most august judgment of your venerable tribunal, before he could make his escape clandestinely. You have, therefore, before you a ctil- prit defiled with so many murders, a culprit taken in the very fact, a culprit who is a foreigner. Unhesitatingly, then, pass sentence on this stranger, for a crime, for the commission of which you would severely punish one of your own citizens." My most unsparing accuser having thus spoken, closed his tremendous harangue. The moment he ceased, the crier ordered me to begin, if I wished to make any reply to what had been said. But as for me, at that moment I could do nothing but weep ; not, by Hercules ! so much on account of the dreadful accusation, as of my own wretched conscience. At last, however, inspired by the gods with some degree of boldness, I thus answered the charge : " I am far from ignorant how difficult it is for any one, when three corpses of citizens are lying exposed, and he is accused of the murder, to persuade so vast a multitude that he is really innocent, while he speaks the truth, and readily con- fesses that he committed the deed. But if your humanity will allow me a public hearing for a short time, I shall have no * Third watch] — The night was divided by soldiers into four parts, each of which was called a watch, and consisted of three hours. BOOK 111 Si LECH OF LUCIUS TOE HIS DEFENCE. 51 difficulty in showing you that I now stand in peril of my life^ not through any ill-deserts of my own, but that it is through a fortuitous result of justifiable indignation, that I am innocently subjected to the reproach of so great a crime. 'Tor, as I was returning from an entertainment, somewhat later than usual, and besides, being in a state bordering on intoxication, which indeed I will not deny was really my crime, I beheld before the door of the place where I reside (for I am staying with your worthy fellow- citizen Milo), I be- held, I say, some most desperate robbers trying to force an entrance, and to wrench the door off its hinges. Already they had with great violence torn away all the bars which had been put up with the greatest care, and at that very moment they were meditating the murder of the inhabitants within. One of them, in fact, who was the most active with his hands, and the largest in bulk, was encouraging the others with these words, ' Come on, my lads, let us fall upon those within while they are asleep, with manly spirits and vigorous hands. Be all hesitation, all sluggishness, banished from your breasts. Let slaughter stalk, sword in hand, from one end of the house to the other. Let him who lies sound asleep be put to death ; let him who endeavours to resist be knocked down. Thus shall we get oft' in safety, if we don't leave a single person in safety in the house.' ''I confess it, citizens; seeing that I entertained extreme fears both on account of my entertainers and myself, and that I was armed with a sword which I carried with me as a pro- vision against dangers of this kind, I thought it was the duty of a good member of the community, to endeavour to alarm and put to flight these most desperate robbers. But the barbarous and bloodthirsty villains were far from taking to flight ; and though they saw that I was armed, they still offered a bold resistance, and stood their ground in battle array. In fact, the leader and standard-bearer, as it were, of the rest, attacking me at once with great impetuosity, seizing me by the hair with both his hands, and bend- ing me backward, tried to smash me with a stone. But while he was crying out for one to be handed to him, making a sure thrust at him, I fortunately laid him prostrate. Pre- sently, I slew another, who was clinging to my legs and biting my feet, piercing him with a well-aimed blow through th© c 2 52 THE GOLDEX ASS OP APULEIUS. middle of his shoulder-blade ; and the third I ran through the breast while rushing upon me off his guard. Thus, the cause of peace being vindicated, and the house of my host, and the safety of the public, being protected, I did suppose that I was not only not liable to punishment, but was even worthy of the public praise : I who have never been accused even of the smallest crime, but have been always highly respected in my own country, and have ever preferred a character without guile to every earthly good. Neither am I able to compre- hend why I am now exposed to this accusation for a justifiable feeling of vengeance with which I was incited against these most abominable robbers, since there is not a person who can either prove that prior to this affair there was any private ani- mosity between us, or that these robbers were ever in any way known by me. At all events, let something of which I stripped them be shown, ere it be believed that I perpetrated such a heinous crime through the desire of obtaining booty." Having thus said, my tears again burst forth, and with hands stretched out in a suppliant attitude, I earnestly invoked first one and then another, appealing to the public com- miseration, and the love they bore to their children, pledges of affection. And when I now thought that they were all moved by humanity, and that they were sufiiciently affected with commiseration for my tears, calling to witness the eye of Justice and the Sun, and commending to the providence of the gods my present case, I raised my eyes a little, and beheld the entire body of the people ready to burst with laughter, and even Milo, that worthy host of mine, who had professed the affection of a father for me, laughing as immoderately as the rest. Amazed at such a sight, I said to myself, ''Alas! where is probity, where is conscience ? Here am I become a homi- cide, and capitally convicted, in defence of the safety of my host; while he, not content with abstaining from affording me the comfort of his assistance, is grinning besides at my destruction." In the meantime a certain woman, dressed in black, and carrying an infant at her bosom, came running through the middle of the theatre, crying and lamenting, while behind her followed an aged crone in ragged and dirty apparel, who also testified her grief by similar wailings, while both of them shook branches of olive in their hands. Then, hanging over the bier on which the dead bodies lay covered up, and beating BOOK III. LUCIUS CONDEMNED TO THE TOETUEE. 53 their breasts and howling dismally, they exclaimed, "In the name of public compassion, as you revere the common law of humanity, take pity upon these young men who have been so unworthily slain, and give to our widowed and solitary state the solace of vengeance. At least afford assistance to this un- fortunate child, who is left destitute in its infancy, and make a propitiatory sacrifice to your laws and the public well-being with the blood of the cutthroat." After this appeal, the senior magistrate arose, and thus addressed the people : " That this crime must be visited with a severe punishment, not even he himself, who committed it, is able to deny. Therefore one duty only remains for us, and that of a secondary nature, namely, that we should discover the other persons who were the accomplices in such an atro- cious deed. Tor it is by no means probable, that one solitary individual could have deprived of life three such robust young men as these. The truth, therefore, must be plucked from him by means of torture. For the servant who attended him has secretly taken flight, and the matter is brought to this issue that he must himself be put to the question, and compelled to declare who were his partners in his crime, in order that we may be thoroughly freed from the fear of so dreadful a gang." Without any delay, the instruments of torture in use among the Greeks, namely, fire and the wheel, "^^ and various sorts of scourges besides, were brought in. Then indeed my misery was infinitely increased, because I was not to be allowed, at least, to die unmutilated. But the old hag, who had aggra- vated everything by her weeping, exclaimed, ''Most worthy citizens, before you fasten to the cross this cutthroat thief, the destroyer of my wretched sons, allow the corpses of the dead to be uncovered, in order that being still more and more in- cited to a just indignation, by a contemplation of the beauty as well as the youth of the slain, you may vent your rage upon their murderer, with a severity proportioned to the magnitude of his crime." These words were received with applause, and immediately the magistrate ordered me with my own hands to uncover the dead bodies Avhich were laid on the bier. The lictors used most Btrenuous efi'orts to enforce obedience to the command of the magistrates, whilst I resisted and struggled as long as I could, * Fire and the wheel.} — Achilles Tatius also mentions the wheel and fire as being used by the Greeks for the purpose of extorting confessioa. 54 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIIJS. unwilling to revive, as it were, the crime of the .day before by a new display of the victims. At last, however, forcing away my hand from my side, they extended it, to its own destruc- tion, over the dead bodies. Overcome at length by necessity, I yielded; and, though with extreme reluctance, withdrew the pall and exposed the corpses. But, good gods ! what a sight was there ! what a prodigy ! what a sudden change in my for- tunes ! A moment before, I was the property of Proserpine, and was reckoned one of the family of Orcus, * but now the aspect of affairs was totally changed ; and I stood staring like an idiot in mute amazement; nor is it in the power of language to give a fitting description of the sight that now met my eyes. For these bodies of the murdered men were three inflated wine skins,! pierced in various parts, and, as far as I could call to my recollection my battle of the night before, they were slashed in the very same places in which I had wounded the robbers. Then the laughter which, through the sly manage- ment of some persons, had been for a while repressed, burst forth among the people without restraint. Some congratu- lated me, in the exuberance of their hilarity, others pressed their hands to their stomachs, to relieve their aching; all, indeed, were drowned in floods of mirth as they left the theatre, pausing every now and then to look back at me. For my own part, from the moment I lifted up that cloth, I stood fixed and ice-cold as a stone, precisely as though I had been one of the statues or columns of the theatre. JSTor had I yet emerged from the shades below, when my host, Milo, came up, and taking me by the hand, drew me towards him with gentle force, reluctant as I was to move, and in- cessantly sobbing with the tears again gushing forth ; and then, avoiding the main streets, he led me through certain bye- ways to his house, consoling me all the way with various remarks, for I had not yet got over my grief and trepidation. !Nor, indeed, could he by any means assuage my indignation at the insult I had received, which took deep root in my breast. Presently, the magistrates, with their insignia, entered the house, and endeavoured to appease me by addressing me as follows * * Family of Orcus.'] — Orcus was one of the names of Plutus. t Inflated wine skins."] — The ' litres/ used for holding wine, were mostly made of goatskins, which were tightly sewed together, and then well pitched over. Sometimes several goat skins were fastened together to make one vessel. BOOK III. LTJCItrS COMPLIMENTED BY THE MAGISTEATES. 55 *' We are not ignorant, Master Lucius, of your high posi- tion, or of 5' our lineage ; for the nohle name of your illustrious family extends through the whole of this province. Nor was it for the sake of contumely that you were made to suffer that which you take so sorely to heart. Dismiss, therefore, all your present sorrow and anguish of mind. For this festival, which we solemnly celebrate in public as each year returns,* in honor of the most jocund God of Laughter, is always graced with soma new invention. This God will every where propitiously and lovingly attend you as his promoter, nor will he ever suffer your mind to be oppressed with grief, but will perpetually ex- hilarate your brow with a serene cheerfulness. All this city, likewise, has presented you with the highest honors, for the favour which you have conferred on it. Tor it has enrolled you as its patron, and has passed a vote that your statue shall be erected in brass." In reply to this address, I said, " To you, and to your most splendid and singularly excellentf city of Thessaly, I return com- mensurate thanks for such honors. But I would recommend you to keep your statues and images for those who are more worthy and of more advanced years than myself." Having spoken thus modestly, and for a moment smiling with a cheerful coun- tenance, and pretending as much as I possibly could to be more joyful, I courteously saluted the magistrates at their departure. Just then, a servant came running into the house, and said to me, " Your relation, Byrrhaena, repeats her invitation, and begs to remind you that the hour of the banquet is close at hand, at which you promised last evening to be present." Full of horror at these words, and shuddering at the very mention of her house, ''Tell your mistress," said I, ''that I would most willingly obey her commands, if it were possible to do so without violating my promise. But my host, Milo, conjuring me by the deity who presides over this day, has made me pledge myself to sup with him to-day ; and he has neither gone out of the house, nor will he suffer me to leave him. On this account, I must put off my engagement to sup with your mistress to another time." * As each year returns. '\ — If this practice really did prevail with the people of Thessaly, it bore a considerable resemblance to our April Fool Day. t Singularly excellent.^ — It is somewhat singular that Solinus, when enumerating the principal cities of Thessaly, does not "mention Hypata in the list. It is probably thus called by Apuleius, or rather Lucius, solely by way of compliment. 56 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. All this while Milo held me fast by the hand, and when the servant was gone, he took me to the nearest bath, having pre- viously ordered that the bathing utensils* should be sent after us. But I, avoiding the gaze of all men, and shrinking from the laughter of those I met, and of which I was myself the subject, stuck close to his side, and screened myself under its shadow, such was the shame I felt. But how I washed or how I dried myself, or how I got home again, was more than I could tell ; so much was I confounded and bereft of my senses on seeing myself pointed out by the eyes, the nods, and the fingers of the people. At last, having hastily despatched a paltry meal with Milo, and excusing myself on the ground of a severe head-ache, occasioned by my long-continued weeping, I readily obtained permission to retire to rest. Throwing myself upon my bed, I reflected painfully upon all that had happened to me, till at length my Fotis, having put her mistress to bed, came to me, very much changed fron^ her usual appearance ; for she did not bring with her a joyoua face, nor mirthful prattle, but a gloomy and wrinkled brow. At length, spealdng with hesitation and timidly, "I freely con- fess," said she, ''that I have been the cause to you of this day's trouble ; " and so saying, she drew forth a kind of lash from her bosom, and offering it to me, thus continued : " Take your revenge, I pray you, upon a perfidious woman ; ay, inflict on me any punishment you please. Yet do not, I entreat you, believe that of my own will I have occasioned you this an- guish. May the gods be more merciful to me, than that you should sufi'er even the very smallest annoyance on my account ! iNay rather, if any disaster impend over your head, may it be forthwith atoned for mth my blood. It is a thing I was or- dered to do for quite another reason, that, with a sort of ill luck peculiarly my own, has turned out to your injury." Urged by my usual curiosity, and longing to have the secret cause of this transaction disclosed, I thus replied : ''This most abominable and most audacious of all whips, which you in- tended for me to beat you with, shall be cliopped, and torn to pieces, and utterly destroyed, before it shall touch your * The bathing ute7i8tls.'\ — The * balnearia,' or bathing apparatus, gene- rally taken to the baths, were ' strigils,' or scrapers, ' ampullae,' or bottlei containing oil or pinguents, linen, towels, &c. See the soliloquy of the parasite Gelasinus, in the Stichus of Plautus, act ii. sc 1, where he re counts the requisites for the bath. BOOK in. COA'FESSION 0¥ TOTIS. 57 downy, milk-white skin. But tell me faithfully, I heseech you, what act of yours is it, that the malignity of fortune has converted to my detriment ? I swear by that face of yours, most dear to me, that not any person whatsoever, not even your own self, could make me believe that you harboured a thought that could do me harm. And besides, no adverse results of chance can cause harmless intentions to become culpable." "When I had finished this little speech, with eager thirst and close kisses, I sucked in love from the lips of my Fotis, whose moist and tremulous eyes, half hidden by their drooping lids were dull with the languor of desire. Her spirits being thus revived: "First let me carefully shut the door," she said, *'lest I be guilty of a great offence, through the unguarded freedom of the words that may escape me." Thus saying, she bolted and locked the door securely, and then returning to me, and clasping my neck with both her hands, she said, in a low and very subdued tone of voice : " I am terrified, and tremble all over, to disclose the mysteries of this house, and reveal the secret doings of my mistress. But I have too high an opinion of you and your breeding, not to trust you ; for besides your high -born dignity, and your own elevated mind, having been initiated into various sacred mysteries, you have fully learned the holy faith of secrecy ; whatsoever, therefore, I shall entrust to the inmost depths of this breast of yours, keep it ever religiously concealed, I beseech you, within its recesses, and repay the frankness of my narrative, by the strictest si- lence. For it is the power of tliat love by which I am bound to you, that compels me to disclose to you matters which are known to me alone, of all mortals. You will now learn every- thing that relates to our house ; you shall now be made aware of the wondrous secret powers of my mistress, to which the spirits of the dead pay obedience, and by which she disturbs the stars in their course, sways the elements, and enthrals the divinities. Nor does she ever more readily resort to the powers of this art, than when she has cast the eyes of desire upon a good-looking young man, a thing, in fact, that happens to her not unfrequently. "At the present moment, she is desperately in love with a certain young man of Boeotia, who is extremely handsome, and she is ardently employing the whole power, and every ma- noeuvre of her art. I heard her yesterday evening, with theso ears of mine, I heard her, I say, threaten the Sun himself, that 68 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APTJLEIUS. she would involve him in a cloud of mist, and interminable darkness, if that Sun did not make haste in his course through the heavens, and speedily give place to the night, that she might the sooner begin to exert her magic spells, " Yesterday, happening to catch sight of this youth in a bar- ber's shop,* as she was retui-mng from the bath, she secretly gave me orders to bring away the cuttings of his hair, which were lying on the ground. As I was in the act of carefully and stealthily collecting them, the barber caught me ; and, be- cause from other circumstances we are publicly notorious as exercising the black art, he laid hold on me, and rudely abused me: 'What, you good-for-nothing jade, you can't leave off pilfering the hair of the good-looking young men every now and then ? If you don't, once for all, put an end to this, I will take you without more ado before the magistrates.' Then, suiting the action to the words, thrusting in his hands between my breasts, and groping about them in a rage, he drew out the hair I had previously concealed there. Grievously afflicted by this treatment, and rejecting on the temper of my mistress, who is always excessively enraged, and beats me in the most cruel manner, when she is thwarted in a matter of this nature, I had serious thoughts of running away, but when I thought of you, I instantly abandoned that design. On my way home, sad and empty handed, I espied a man clipping some goat skins with a pair of shears. Seeing them so nicely sewn toge- ther, inflated, and standing by themselves, I took up a parcel of the hair from them which lay scattered on the ground, and being of a yellow colour, resembled that of the young Boeotian ; and this goat's hair T gave to my mistress, concealing the truth. "Accordingly, at night-fall, before you returned from the entertainment, Pamphile, my mistress, now in a state of frenzy, went up into a belvedere covered with shingles, which she secretly frequents, as being especially adapted to these pursuits of hers, for it is open on every side to the winds, and commands a prospect of the eastern and all the other points. There she began by arranging in lier deadly workshop all the customaiy implements of her art, such as aromatics of all kinds, plates of metal engraved with talismanic characters, nails from ship- wrecked vessels, as also, multitudes of limbs and fragments * In a barber's shop.'] — Among the ancients, tlie ' tonstrinae,' or barbers' sliops, were places devoted to news and gossip; as such, nednd them frequently alluded to in the plays of Plautus and Terence. BOOK III. THE WALKING "VVINEBAGS. 59 Stolen from graves. Here, ^Yere noses and fingers, there, the nails by which culprits had been fixed to the cross, and to which portions of flesh adhered ; and, in another place, the blood of murdered persons, bottled up, and mangled skulls of men who had been devoured by wild beasts. "Next, having pronounced an incantation over entrails still warm and palpitating, she makes a libation with various liquors, first, with water from the spring; next, with the milk of cows; and then, with mountain honey and mead. Then, after plaiting the goats' hairs together, and tying them in a knot, she burns them on live coals, with abundance of perfumes. That instant, through the in-esistible power of the magic art, and through the occult might of the coerced divi- nities, those same bodies, the hairs of which were smoking and crackling, received human breath, were endowed with un- derstanding, heard, and walked. Whither the odour of the burning spoils attracted them, thither came they ; and instead of that Eoeotian j^outh, it was they who bumped away at the door, endeavouring to effect an entrance. Just at that mo- ment up came you, well steeped in liquor, and deceived by the darkness of the night, you drew your sword, just like the frantic Ajax, but not like him to slay whole flocks of sheep 'j^' a far more valiant deed was yours, for you deprived of breath three inilated goat skins, so that, having laid your adversaries prostrate, without staining yourelf with a drop of blood, I can now clasp you in my arms, not as a homicide, but as a wine-bagicide." Hesponding in the same strain to the jocular remarks of Fotis, I said: *'Now, then, I may match this first exploit of my prowess with one of the twelve labours of Hercules, comparing the three wine skins I slaughtered to the three-fold body of Geryon, or to the triple form of Cerberus. But, that I may forgive you with all my heart for the fault through which you in- volved me in miseries so extreme, comply with one most ear- nest request of mine. Let me have sight of your mistress when she next makes any use of this supernatural power, so that when she is invoking the gods, I may at least see her as- sume another form. For I am most ardently desirous of ob- taining a nearer acquaintance with the arts of magic ; though, by the b}^, you yourself seem to me to he cot altogether a no- vice in such matters. This I know, and feel most sensibly ; * Whole flocks of sheep.'] — Tn his madness consequent upon his being refused the arms of Achilles, which were awai'ded to Ulysses. 60 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. for whereas I have always been averse to the overtures of highborn ladies, now by those brilliant eyes of yours, your rosy lips, your shining hair, your open-lipped kisses, and your perfumed bosom, you hold me voluntarily enthralled, and sub- jected to you as much as any slave. In fact, I am neither an- xious to return home, nor am I making any preparations for that purpose, and nothing is there which I could prefer to this night." "How gladly, Lucius, would I accomplish what you desire," she replied, " but my mistress is so afraid of the malice and curiosity of the public, that she always performs her mysterious ceremonies in the strictest solitude and privacy. Still, I will consider your gratification more than my own danger, and will look out for a suitable opportunity to accomplish what you wish. Do you only, as I admonished you at the beginning, faithfully preserve silence upon a matter of such importance." While we thus conversed together, mutual desire seized us ; and inspired with a Bacchanalian frenzy, as it were, we rushed into each other's arms. At last, after long wakefulness, sleep fell upon our weary eyes, and detained us in bed till late in the following day. After some few nights delightfully passed in this manner, Potis came running to me one day in great excitement and trepidation, and informed me that her mistress, having hitherto made no proficiency by other means in her present amour, in- tended to assume feathers like a bird, and so take flight to the object of her love ; and that I must prepare myself with all due care for the sight of such a wonderful proceeding. And now, about the first watch of the night, she escorted me, on tip-toe and with noiseless steps, to that same upper cham- ber, and bade me to peep through a chink in the door, which I did accordingly. In the first place, Pamphile divested herself of all her gar- ments, and having unlocked a certain cabinet, took out of it several little boxes. Taking the lid off of one of them, and pouring some ointment then^from, she rubbed herself for a con- siderable time with her hands, smearing herself all over from the tips of her toes to the crown of her head. Then, after she had muttered a long while in a low voice over a lamp, she Bhook her limbs with tremulous jerks, then gently waved them to and fro, until soft feathers burst forth, strong wings dis- played themselves, the nose was hardened and curved into a beak, the nulls w ere compressed and made crooked. Thus did BOOK III. PAMPHILe's TEA^^SrOEMATIO>\ 61 Pamphile become an owl. Then, uttering a qnerulous scream, she made trial of her powers, leaping little by little from the ground ; and presently, raising herself aloft, on full wing^ she flies out of doors. And thus was she, of her own will, changed, by her own magic arts. But I, though not enchanted by any magic spell, still, rivetted to the spot by astonishment at this performance, seemed to myself to be any thing else rather than Lucius. Thus de- prived of my senses, and astounded, even to insanity, I was in a waking dream, and rubbed my eyes for some time, to ascertain whether or not I was awake at all. At last, however, returning to consciousness of the reality of things, I took hold of the right hand of Fotis, and putting it to my eyes, ** Suffer me," said I, ''I beg of you, to enjoy a great and singular proof of your affection, while the opportunity offers, and give me a little ointment from the same box. Grant this, my sweetest, I entreat you by these breasts of yours, and thus, by conferring on me an obligation that can never be repaid, bind me to you for ever as your slave. Be you my Yenus, and let me stand by you a winged Cupid." "And are you then, sweetheart, for playing me a fox's trick, and for causing me, of my own accord, to let fall the axe upon my legs ? Must I run such risk of having my Lucius torn from me by the wolves of Thessaly ?* Where am I to look for him when he is changed into a bird ? "When shall I see him again?" " May the celestial powers," said I, *' avert from me such a crime ! Though borne aloft on the wings of the eagle itself, soaring through the midst of the heavens, as the trusty mes- senger, or joyous arm-bearer, of supreme Jove, would I not, after I had obtained this dignity of wing, still fly back every now and then to my nest ? I swear to you, by that lovely little knot of hair, with which you have enchanted my spirit, that I would prefer no other to my Fotis. And then besides, I bethink me, that as soon as I am rubbed with that ointment, and shall have been changed into a bird of this kind, I shall be bound to keep at a distance from all human habitations ; for what a beautiful and agreeable lover will the ladies gain in an owl ! Why ! do we not see that these birds of night, when * Wolves of Thessaly /] — There is some doubt among the Commenta- tors which is meant here by the wolves of Thessaly ; but it seems most probable that iu her jealousy, Fotis intends to call the damsels of Thessaly by that name. 62 TKE GOLDEN ASS OJ? APTJLEIUS. tliey have got into any house, are eagerly seized and nailed t« the doors,* in order that they may atone, by their torments, for the evil destiny which they portend to the family by their inauspicious flight ? Eut one thing I had almost forgot to in- quire : what must I say or do, in order to get rid of my wings, and return to my own form as Lucius r" *' Be in no anxiety," she said, "about all that matter ; for my mistress has made me acquainted with every thing that can again change such forms into the human shape. But do not suppose that this was done through any kind feeling towards me, but in order that I might assist her with the requisite remedies when she returns home. Only think with what simple and trifling herbs such a mighty result is brought about : for instance, a little anise, with some leaves of laurel infased in spring water, and used as a lotion and a draught." Having assured me of this over and over again, she stole into her mistress's chamber with the greatest trepidation, and took a little box out of the casket. Having first hugged and kissed it, and offered up a prayer that it would favour me with a prosperous flight, I hastily divested myself of all my garments, then greedily dipping my fingers into the box, and taking thence a considerable quantity of the ointment, I rubbed it all over my body and limbs. And now, flapping my arms up and down, I anxiously awaited my change into a bird. But no down, no shooting wings appeared, but my hairs evidently be- came thickened into bristles, and my tender skin was hardened into a hide ; my hands and feet, too, no longer furnished with distinct fingers and toes, formed as many massive hoofs, and a long tail projected from the extremity of my spine. My face was now enormous, my mouth wide, my nostrils gaping, and my lips hanging down. In like manner my ears grew hairy, and of immoderate length, and I found in every respect I had become enlarged. f Thus, hopelessly surveying all parts of my body, I beheld myself changed not into a bird, but an ass. I wished to upbraid Fotis for the deed she had done ; but, now deprived both of the gesture and voice of man, I could only expostulate with her silently with my under- lip hanging down, * Nailed to the doors.'] — We see the same sort of thing done at the present day in some parts of England, where owls, hawks, bats, &c., are nailed in great numbers to the stable doors. t Enlarged.] — The original is : Nee uUum miser reformationis video so- latium nisi ouod mihi jam nequeunti tenere Fotidem natura crescebat. BOOK III. LI cms MJrrAlIOEPEOSED. 63 and looking sideways at her with tearful eyes. As for her, as soon as she beheld me thus changed, she beat her face with her hands, and cried aloud, " Wretch that I am, I am undone ! In my liaste and flurry I mistook one box for the other, deceived by their similarity. It is fortunate, however, that a remedy for this transformation is easily to be obtained ; for, by only chewing roses, you will put off the form of an ass, and in an instant will become my Lucius once again. I only wish that I had prepared as usual some garlands of roses for us last even- ing ; for then you would not have had to suifer the delay even of a single night. But, at the break of dawn, the remedy shall be provided for you." Thus did she lament ; and as for me, though I was a per- fect ass, and instead of Lucius, a beast of burden, I still re- tained human sense : long and deeply, in fact, did I consider with myself, whether I ought not to bite and kick that most wicked woman to death. However, better thoughts recalled me from such rash designs, lest, by inflicting on Fotis the punishment of death, I should at once put an end to all chances of efiioient assistance. So, bending my head low, shaking -my earo, I silently swallowed my wrongs for a time, and submitting to my most dreadful misfortune, I betook myself to the stable to the good horse which had carried me so well, and there I found another ass also, which belonged to my former host Milo. Now it occurred to me that, if there are in dumb animals any silent and natural ties of sympathy, this horse of mine, being influenced by a certain feeling of recognition and com- passion, would afford me room for a lodging, and the rights of hospitality.* But, Jupiter Hospitalis, and all you the guardian divinities of Faith ! this very excellent nag of mine, and the ass, put their heads together, and immediately plotted schemes for my destruction ; and as soon as they beheld me approach- ing the manger, laying back their ears and quite frantic with rage, they furiously attacked me with their heels, fearing I had design upon their food ; consequently I was driven away into the farthest corner from that very barley, which the even ing before I had placed, with my own hands, before that most grateful servant of mine. Thus harshly treated and sent into banishment, I betook my- * Rights of hospitality.'] — ' Lautias,' This was properly the name given to the entertainment provided by the Qusestors at Rome, for foreign am- bassadors, when maintained at the pubUc expense. 64 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. self to a corner of the stable. And while I reflected on the inso- lence of my companions, and formed plans of vengeance against the perfidious steed, for the next day, when I should have be- come Lucius once more by the aid of the roses, I beheld against the central square pillar which supported the beams of the stable, a statue of the goddess Hippona,^' standing within a shrine, and nicely adorned with garlands of roses, and those, too, recently gathered. Inspired with hope, the moment I espied the salutary remedy, I boldly mounted as far as ever my fore legs could stretch ; and then with neck at full length, and ex- tending my lips as much as I possibly could, I endeavoured to catch hold of the garlands. But by a most unlucky chance, just as I was endeavouring to accomplish this, my servant lad, who had the constant charge of my horse, suddenly espied me, sprang to his feet in a great rage, and exclaimed, ''How long are we to put up with this vile hack, which, but a few mo- ments ago, was for making an attack upon the food of the cattle, and is now doing the same even to the statues of the Gods ? But if I don't this very instant cause this sacrilegious beast to be both sore and crippled" — and searching for some- thing with which to strike me, he stumbled upon a bundle of sticks that lay there, and, picking out a knotted cudgel, the largest he could find among them all, he did not cease to be- labour my poor sides, until a loud thumping and banging at the outer gates, and an uproar of the neighbours shouting thieves ! struck him with terror, and he took to his heels. The next moment the doors were burst open, an armed band of robbers rushed in, and surrounded the house on all sides ; people ran from all quarters to help the defence, but the rob- bers beat them off. Being all furnished with swords and torches, they illuminated the darkness of the night ; and their swords gleamed like the rays of the rising sun. Then with their strong axes they broke open the stout bars and fastenings of a strong room in the middle of the house, which was filled with Mile's treasures, and having completely ransacked it, they hastily divided the booty, and tied it up in separate pack- ages. Now the number of packages exceeded that of the men who were to carry them. Hence, being brought to extraor- dinary shifts, through a superabundance of wealth, they led forth us, the two asses, and my horse, from the stable, loaded * The goddess Hippona.] — This was the guardian goddess of horses and stables. * Hippona' seems a preferable reading to ' Epona.' BOOK III. TdClUS rOECED TO EEITAIN AX ASS. 0.5 \i8 with the heaviest burdens they possibly could, and drove ua before them from the empty house, flourishing their sticks over us. Leaving one of their companions behind as a spy, to bring them word as to any proceedings taken in consequence of the robbery, they hurried us along through the bye-paths of the mountains, beating us every now and then, so that through the weight of my load, the steepness of the mountain, and the in- terminable length of the way, I was no better than a dead donkey. At last I very seriously thought of resorting to the aid o£ the civil power, and liberating myself from so many miseries, by invoking the august name of the Emporor. Accordingly, when, in broad daylight, we were passing through a certain populous village, which was thronged with people celebrating a fair, I strove, in the midst of that crowd of Greeks, to utter the august name of Caesar, in the native language, and I cried out ! * distinctly and sono- rously ; but that was all, for the name of Caesar I was not able to pronounce. The robbers abominating my discordant cla- mour, thumped and gored my miserable hide, and left it hardly fit for a corn sieve. f But at last, that good Jupiter :]: bestowed on me an unexpected chance of deliverance. For after we had passed by many small farms and fine country houses, I espied a delightful little garden, in which, besides other sweet flowers, there were virgin roses, § dripping with the morning dew. With longing desire, and overjoyed by the hope of safety, I moved towards them. But while, with quivering lips, I was preparing to seize them, this very im- portant reflection came across me : if I divested myself of the asinine form, and again became Lucius, while in the hands of the robbers, they would surely kill me, either as a supposed magician, or for fear that I should inform against them. For the present, therefore, as a matter of necessity, I abstained from roses, and putting up with my present misfortune, was fain to champ my bridle under the guise of an ass. * Cried out /] — He wished to invoke the emperor, in the words ' Oh, Caesar !' but could not get beyond the interjection. One of the commen- tators justly remarks, that * au' would be the sound uttered by him. t A corn sieve.'] — Such as, made of sheepskin pierced with holes, are in use in Italy and elsewhere at the present day. — Head. X Good Jupiter.'] — Itis well observed by the Delphin editors, that Jupitef ille is an emphatic expression, signifying that Jupiter who providentially attends to all things, and regards the miserable.-^Tayloic-. § Virgin roses.] — Roses not fully blown. F 66 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APrLEIFS. BOOK THE FOURTH. LUCIUS ENTERS A KITCHEN GARDEN IN SEARCH OF FOOD AND E08ES HE IS CAUGHT BY THE GARDENER HAS TO FIGHT FOE HIS LIFE, AND ESCAPES, PURSUED BY MEN AND DOGS HE IS CAUGHT AND SEVERELY BEATEN, BUT HAS HIS REVENGE TAKES WARN- ING FROM THE FATE OF HIS FELLOW ASS ARRIVES AT THE ROB- BERS' DEN THE ROBBERS' CRONE — THEIR CONVERSATION. FOURTH EPISODE : THE ROBBER's TALE — THE ROBBERS DEPART ON AN EXPEDITION RETURN WITH A CAPTIVE DAMSEL HER HISTORY THE OLD WOMAN ENTERTAINS HER WITH A STORY. FIFTH EPISODE ; TALE OF CUPID AND PSYCHE. Towards the middle of the day, when everything was scorched by the burning heat of the sun, we turned aside into a certain village, to the house of some old men, who were friends and acquaintances of the robbers ; for so their first salutations, their lengthened conversation, their exchange of embraces, enabled me, ass as I was, to perceive. They made them presents of some things which they took off my back ; and with secret whispers seemed to inform them that they had been obtained by burglary. At length, having lightened us of all our burden, they turned us into the next meadow, to graze as we pleased. My sense of conviviality, however, was not sufficient to keep me in the company of the ass, or of my horse, especially as I was not habituated to making my dinner upon grass. But as I was now perishing with hunger, I boldly effected an entrance into a little garden I caught sight of, behind the stable, and ate my bellyful of the vegetables, raw as they were. Then invoking all the gods, I looked about in every quarter to see if by chance I might any where espy in the neighbouring gar- dens a rose-tree in full bloom. For the solitude of the spot, its distance from the public road, and the fruit trees that con- cealed it, now afforded me great hopes, that if, on taking the remedy, I should quit the grovelling gait of a four-footed beast of burden and become erect again, in the shape of a man, I might do so, unobserved by any body. Whilst, then, I was fluctuating amid this sea of contempla- tion, I beheld, a little fui-ther on, a dell shaded by a leafy BDOK TT LUCrCJS FIGHTS FOR HIS LIFE. G7 grove ; and among its various plants and delightful foliage, shone the vermilion tint of blooming roses. In my imagina- tion, which was not entirely that of a brute, I pictured this to myself as the grove of Venus and the Graces ; among whose shady recesses, the regal splendour of that genial flower was brilliantly glowing. So, invoking Prosperous Event,* I ran with such speed, that, by Hercules ! I fancied myself no longer an ass, but an exceedingly swift racer of the circus. Still this remarkable effort of activity was unable to outstrip my evil fortune. For when I had now arrived at the spot, I no longer saw those fresh and charming roses, wet with divine dews and with nectar, which happy brambles and thrice-blessed thorns produce, nor, indeed, any dell whatever, but only the margin of a river's bank, planted with thickset trees. These trees had long leaves like those of the laurel, and bore a sort of inodorous blossom of a cup-like form and red colour. These scentless flowers the ignorant common people call, in their rural vocabulary, rose-laurels, to eat which is sure death to all cattle. Finding myself ensnared by such a fatality, and casting aside all regard for safety, I determined voluntarily to eat of those envenomed roses. But, while I was hesitatingly ap- proaching in order to pluck them, a young felloAV, the very gardener, as I saw, whose vegetables I had so shockingly laid waste, perceiving the loss he had sustained, ran furiously at me with a great stick in his hand, and having caught me, belaboured me so, that I should have been in danger of losing my life, had I not at last had the wisdom to take my own part. For throwing up my rump, I struck out at him rapidly and repeatedly with my hind feet, and having severely punished him, and laid him prostrate against a bank on the mountain's side, sought safety in flight. Instantly, however, a certain woman, his wife, I suppose, catching sight of him from an elevated spot, as he lay prostrate and half dead, flew towards him, with shrieks and yells, evi- * Prosperous Event.] — Good Event y or the cause of prosperity in our undertakings, was adored by the ancients as a God. According to Pliny (lib. XXXV. cap. 6), there was a statue of this divinity, as also of Good Fortune, in the Capitol at Rome. This deity is one of the twelve Dii Consentes, from the invocation of whom Varro begins his treatise on Agri« «uhure. — Taylor. F 2 68 TUE GOLDEX ASS OF APULEIUS. dently on purpose, that by her lamentations she might be the occasion of my instant destruction. For all the villagers, being aroused by her screams, straightway called out their dogs, and from all quarters hounded them on, in order that, exasperated by fury, they might rush upon me and tear me in pieces. I made no doubt whatever but that I was on the brink of death when I saw the dogs, very large ones too, and many in number, and fit to fight with bears and lions, rushing furiously against me from all quarters. Adopting, therefore, what seemed my only chance, I gave up all thoughts of flight, and galloped back to the inn at which Ave had put up. But the country people keeping off the dogs with much difficulty, seized and bound me with a very stout thong of leather to a staple, and would no doubt have beat me to death, had it not been that my stomach, compressed by the pain of the blows, and disordered by those raw vegetables with which it was stuffed, squirted out its contents, and drove away my persecutors from my aching sides, besprinkling some of them with the most abo- minable liquid, and choking others with the stench. Not long afterwards, as the sun was now declining from the meridian, the robbers again led us forth from the stable heavily laden, myself especially, whose burden was far heavier than that of the rest. We had now completed a good part of the journey ; I was exhausted by its length and the weight of my burden, Bore from the cudgelling I had got, and lame and staggering from my hoofs being quite worn to the quick ; so, as I was passing along the winding course of a gently flowing rivulet, I was thinking that I would cunningly seize that excellent oppor- tunity, and lie down, bending my legs under me, fully deter- mined not to rise from the spot, whatever blows might be in- flicted on me ; ay, ready even, not only to be beaten with a stick, but pierced with a sword, rather than budge. For I imagined that being now fully half dead and exhausted, I should receive an honourable discharge,* on account of bodily infirmity : or, that at least the robbers, irritated at the delay, and desirous of hastening their flight, would divide the load which I carried on my back between the two other beasts of burden, and that, by way of a still more severe revenge, they would leave me a prey to the wolves and vultures. * Jn honourable discharge.] — ' Causariam missionem.' This was a terra used in military law to denote a discharge given to a soldier worn out m ihe servrfce. BOOK IV. LUCIUS HAS A TEEEIBLi: WAEIS'I>'G. e^) My most cruel destiny, however, thwarted the execution of so admirable a plan. For that other ass, divining and antici- pating my intention, immediately pretended to be overcome with fatigue, and fell sprawling on the ground with all his bag* gage, and lying as if he was dead, made no attempt to rise for all their whacking or goading, no, nor even when they tried to pull him up on all sides by the tail, the ears, and the legs* At last the robbers grew tired of the hopeless job, and having conferred together, they resolved that their flight should not be further retarded by wasting time upon an ass that was as good as stone dead. So, having divided his load between me and the horse, and drawing a sword, they cut both his ham- strings ; then they dragged him, still breathing, a little out of the public road, and threw him down a very lofty precipice into the valley below. Then, indeed, taking warning by the destiny of my unfortunate comrade, I determined to lay aside all tricks and stratagems, and prove myself to my masters to be a diligent, deserving ass. Besides, I had heard them say to each other, that we should soon come to a stop, and make an end of our journey and our toils, for yonder was the place of their abode. At length, having passed a little hill of easy ascent, we ar- rived at the place of our destination. All the things were un- packed and stowed away indoors ; and being now relieved from my burden, I took a refreshing roll in the dust in lieu of a bath. The ^occasion itself, as well as the nature of my story, demands that I should here give a description of the locality and of the cave in which the robbers dwelt. For thus I shall make trial of my own abilities, and at the same time enable you to judge if I was an ass in sense and understanding as well as in form. It was a rugged mountain, covered with dark forests, and of extraordinary height. Winding athwart its declivity, flanked by steep, inaccessible rocks, ran deep and intricate gullies, choked with brambles, and thus affording a natural defence. A spring burst forth from the summit of the mountain in great bubbling gushes, and rolling its silvery waters down the steeps, parted into a number of rivulets, formed pools in the valleys, and encompassed the base of the mountain with large sheets of standing water. On the rock, over the mouth of the cavern, there was a sort of fort, constructed with strong posts and hur- 70 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIFS. dies, enclosing a space well suited for penning sheep. Before the door there were small shrubs * extending along in place of a wall, and this enclosure you may fairly denominate, on my authority, the robbers' receiving room. There was no other edifice in the place, except a small hut roughly covered with reeds ; in which sentinels, selected by lot from the band of robbers, as I afterwards learned, kept watch by night. Leaving us secured by a stout leather thong before the door, they crept into the cave, one after another, with their limbs squeezed together, and bawled angrily to an old woman, who, though bent with age, seemed to be entrusted with the entire charge of so many young men. '' What ! you old corpse, whom Life is ashamed to own, and Death scorns, do you mean to make game of us, sitting idly at home, and not providing a supper to comfort us at this late hour, after all our toil and peril ? You who do nothing day and night but swill down wine into that craving stomach of yours." ''Nay, now,'' the frightened and trembling old woman squeaked out, ** nay, now, my brave and honourable young masters, there is plenty of nice stewed meat of all kinds, loaves in abundance, wine without stint, in polished cups, and warm water ready as usual for your hasty bath." When she had said this, they immediately undressed, and standing naked be- fore a great fire, sluiced themselves ■with hot water, anointed themselves with oil, and then went and reclined at a table abundantly supplied with dishes. Hardly had they taken their places, when another and much more numerous party of young men entered, whom you would without hesitation have taken to be robbers also ; for they, too, brought with tliem booty in the shape of gold and silver money, drinking vessels, and silken garments embroidered with threads of gold. The new-comers having likewise refreshed themselves by bathing, joined their comrades ; and some who were chosen by lot waited upon the rest. They ate and drank in a most disorderly manner, with meat piled up in heaps, bread in hil- * Small shrubs'] — * Exigui ramices,* means very probably what we should call a ' quick-set hedge.' This seems a superior reading to that in Valpy's edition, ' trainites.' There is a considerable resemblance between the robber's den and the solitar)* dwelling of Defoe's here Robinson Crusoe. BOOK TV. THE ROBBER 8 TALE. 71 locks, and tankards ranged in whole platoons upon the hoard. They were obstreperous in their mirth, sang as loud as they could bawl, exchanged scurrilous jokes, and behaved in all respects like Theban Lapithae,* or half-brute Centaurs. At last the burliest among them all thus addressed the rest : — ** Right bravely have we ransacked that house of Milo, at Hypata ! And besides the vast booty we gained by our prowess, we have brought back our full number to camp, safe and sound, with an increase, too, of eight feet,t if that is worth men- tioning. But you, who have been pillaging the cities of Bceotia, have brought back thinned numbers, having lost that bravest of leaders, Lamachus, whose safety I should certainly have preferred, and with good reason, to all these packages you have brought home. Be that as it may, it was his own excess of bravery that was his destruction, and the memory of so great a hero will be celebrated among illustrious kings and leaders in battle. But as for you, who are very careful robbers, you do a trumpery trade J in petty, dastardly thefts, sneaking timidly about baths, and old women's bits of houses." To this, one of the new-comers replied, ''You don't know,, then, what is notorious to everybody, that large houses are much the easiest to sack ? For though a great number of ser- vants is kept in them, still each of these has more regard for his own safety than for his master's property. But people who lead a frugal and retired life, vigorously defend their little store, at the hazard of their lives : or else, if it is ample, they keep it, to say the least, pretty carefully concealed. And, in fact, the thing itself will verify what I have asserted." FOURTH EPISODE. THE robber's tale. ''^No sooner had we arrived in the seven-gated city of Thebes, than we diligently made enquiries about the wealth * Theban Lapithce.]— lie alludes to the broil between the Centaurs and Lapithae at the marriage of Pirithous and Hippodamia, which is finely described by Ovid in the Twelfth Book of the Metamorphoses. t Eight feet.] — Viz. the two quadrupeds, Lucius and his horse. X Do a trumpery trade ] — ' Scrutariam facere,' properly means to deal in lumber, rags, or second-hand furniture. It was the custom for thieves to prowl about tlie baths for the purpose of taking such articles as lay ia their way, strigils, for instance, or the clothes of bathers. *i^ THE GOLDEN ASS OF ArULEIUS. of each of the citizens, that being always the first thing to be looked after by men of our profession : and so we came to hear of a certain banker, by name Chryseros, a man Avlio possessed much money, but took great pains to conceal his vast wealth, lest he should be required to serve in public capacities. Id fact, content with a small but remarkably well barred and bolted house, he lived there all alone, ragged and dirty, and brooded over his bags of gold. " Accordingly, we agreed to pay our first visit to him ; for, despising the resistance of a single pair of hands, we thought we should, without any difficulty, carry off all his wealth. Without delay, therefore, as soon as it was night, we met to- gether before his gate ; but as we did not think it prudent either to take it off its hinges, or force it opi'u, much less to smash it, lest the noise of its two wings''^' should alarm all the neighbourhood, to our destruction, that magnanimous standard- bearer of ours, Lamachus, confident in his well-tried valour, gradually introduced his arm through an aperture made for tlie purpose of putting the key inside, and endeavoured to draw back the bolt. But Chryseros, that most villanous of all bipeds, having been on the watch all the time, and aware of all that was going on, crept softly to the door, preserving a profound silence, and with a sudden violent effort, fastened the hand of our leader, with a great nail, to a pannel of the gate. Then, leaving him transfixed, like a wretch on the cross, he ascended to the roof of his hovel, and shouted with all his might to his neighbours, calling to them by their respective names, and advising them to have regard for their common safety, for his house had caught fire unexpectedly. Accordingly, terrified by the proximity of the imminent danger, every one ran anxiously to render assistance. " In this dilemma, on the point of being overwhelmed by numbers unless we deserted our comrade, w^e adopted, with his own consent, a desperate remedy, suggested by the circum- stances. For we cut off our leader's f arm by a blow right through the joint ; and leaving it there, we bound up the * Its two wings.'] — The doors of the ancients, whether opening in the street or in the interior of the houses, were generally in the form of folding- uoors. t Off" our leader^ s.] — * Antesignani.' Properly speaking, the antesignani were picked men, who fought in front of the standard, and mostly in tiie first line. They were never ' velites,' or skirmishers, but heavy armed troop*. mOK IV. THE nOBBEll S TALE. I 3 etump with plenty of rags, lest the drops of blood might betray our track, and hastily carried off with us what remained of Lama- chus. The whole neighbourhood was now alarmed, and pursued us \^-ith loud outcries ; and we, in the fear of impending peril, quickened our flight, Avhilst he could neither keep up with" our swirt pace, nor yet remain where he was with an}- safety. Then this most magnanimous and transcendently brave man besought us with all manner of prayers and entreaties, by the right hand of Mars, and by our mutual oaths, to rescue a brave comrade from torture and captivity. ' For how is it possible,' said he, * that a brave robber can survive the loss of his right hand, with which alone he can plunder and cut throats r It w^ould be happiness for him to meet a voluntary death hj the hand of one of liis comrades. As, however, he could not persuade any one of us, with all his entreaties, to commit a voluntary act of parricide, he drew his sword with his remaining hand, and after kissing it repeatedly, plunged it with a mighty stroke into the middle of his breast. Filled with veneration for the courage of our magnanimous leader, we carefully wrapped his mutilated dead body in a linen garment, and committed it to the sea,* there to find a place of concealment. And now does our Lamachusf lie entombed, with the whole ocean for his burying-place, after having ended his life in a manner worthy of his heroic deeds. ''And Alcimus likewise, with all his well- concerted enter- prises, could not escape the sinister influence of fortune. He had broken into an old woman's cottage while she was asleep, and having ascended into an upper bedchamber, when he ought instantly to have strangled her, he thought proper first to throw all the things down to us, one by one, from the wide window, in order that we might make off with them. Having now cleared the room in a workmanlike manner, he had no mind to spare even the mattress on which the old woman slept ; * Committed it to the sea."] — As Thebes was situate many miles from the sea, either Apuleius is caught napping here, or he must have a rather far-fetched meaning assigned to his words, and we must suppose that the body was committed to the river Ismenius, to he carried down to the sea. t Our Lamachus.] — We may here remark, that the several Greek names found in this part of the narration, have their distinct meanings. Lamachus may be rendered ' a cliampion ;' Alciinus, a ' valiant man ;' Chryseros, ' a lover of g»>ld ;' Demochares, ' beloved by the people ;' aud Thrasyleon, ' a bold lion.' 74 THE GOLDEX ASS OF ArULElIJS. SO, rolling her out of it, he was preparing to throw the coun- terpane after the other things, when the abominable old Lag fell on her knees before him, crying ; ' Why, my son, I be- seech you, do you cast the poor and worn-out furniture of a most wretched old woman to my wealthy neighbours, upon whose house this window looks out ?' *' Alcimus, deceived by these crafty words, and believing what she said to be true, was alraid that the things he had already thrown out, and those he was about to send after them, might, through his mistake, fall not into the hands of his associates, but into other people's houses ; he therefore thrust his body out of the window, in order that he might make a judicious Burvey of the environs, and particularly that he might look with an eye to future business at that adjoining house she had mentioned. While, however, he was intent upon this, and quite careless of his own safety, that old miscreant took him unawares, as he leaned outwards, with his body balancing un- steadily, and with a push which, though feeble, was sudden and unexpected, she pitched him out headlong. Besides falling from a great height, he dropped upon an enormous great stone which happened to lie near the house, so that he smashed all his ribs, and lay vomiting streams of blood, till, after he had first related* to us what had taken place, death put a speedy end to his torments Him also we buried in the same manner as our former leader, and sent him, as a worthy comrade, to follow Lamachus. *' Having thus suffered a double loss, we now abandoned our Theban enterprises, and departed for the next city, which is Plate®. Here we heard a great deal of talk about a person named Demochares, who was about to exhibit a spectacle of gladiators. For, being a man of high birth, and distinguished for his great wealth and liberalit}', he catered for the public amusement with a splendour commensurate with his fortune. Where is the man with genius and eloquence enough to de- scribe, in appropriate words, all the various details of the manifold preparations? There Avere gladiators famous for dexterity of hand ; hunters of well-tried swiftness of foot ; and criminals who, liaving forfeited their right to live in safety, were being fattened as food for wild beasts. There were great * He had first related.'] — ' Primitus' is perhaps a better reading here thuu ' imitus.' BOOK IT. THE EOBBEli's TALE. 75 wooden stages, with towers formed of planks, like moveahU houses, adorned outside with pictures, and serving as hand- some receptacles for the performers in the exhibition. And then what a number, what a diversity of wild beasts ! Por he had been at great pains to procure, even from abroad, those noble living tombs of condemned men. " Among his other costly preparations, he had procured, in one way or other, with all the resources of his fortune, a great number of huge bears. For, besides those captured by his own servants in the chase, and those which he had bought at much cost, others had been presented to him by his friends, who vied with each other in showing him these attentions; and the whole collection was maintained with great care and cost. These noble and splendid preparations, however, for the public amusement, could not escape the evil eye of invidious Fortune. For these bears, pining and wasting away under their length- ened confinement, the burning heat of the summer, and the debilitating efi^ects of want of exercise, were attacked by a sudden mortality, and reduced to a very inconsiderable num- ber. Hence, you might everywhere have seen bodies of half- dead bears lying in the streets, like so many shipwrecked vessels ; and the ignoble mob, whose poverty compelled them to fill their pinched bellies with any filthy otfal, began to flock about the food that was lying in all directions. ''Prompted by this circumstance, Babulus here and I thought of the following clever stratagem. "We carried the fattest of these bears to our lodging, as though intending to pre- pare it for food ; and having entirely stripped the skin from the flesh, carefully preserving all the claws, and leaving the head of the beast entire, as far as articulation with the neck, we care- fully scraped the hide, sprinkled it with fine ashes, and exposed it in the sun to dry. While it was being purified of its oily juices by the heat of that celestial fire, we gorged ourselves with its pulpy flesh, and made those of the troop who were pre- sent take an oath to this efiect : that one of our number — one who surpassed the rest, not so much in stoutness of body as of heart, and above all, one who should undertake it voluntarily — being covered with this skin, should assume the form of a bear, and then, being brought into the house of Demochares, should, on a seasonable occasion, afford us an easy entrance through the door, in the dead of night. 76 THI GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. " "No few of our gallant troop did the cleverness of this scheme encourage to undertake its execution : but Thrasjdeon was elected by the suffrages of the band as the fittest to per- form the hazardous service. "With a serene countenance, he enclosed himself in the hide, which was now rendered soft and pliable ; then with fine stitches we drew the edges together, and covered the fine seams with the thick shaggy hair, fitting Thrasyleon's head into the part close by the back of the mouth, where the neck of the beast had been, and leaving small holes for breathing about the nostrils and the eyes. Lastly, we enclosed our most valorous comrade, now changed into a wdld beast, within a cage which we had bought for a small sum, into which he sprang with unflinching courage ; and having thus completed the preliminaries of the stratagem, we proceeded to the execution of the remainder. "Having learned, on enquiry, the name of a person called Nicanor, who was sprung from a Thracian family, and between w^hom and Demochares there were the strongest ties of friend- ship, we wrote a counterfeit letter, intimating that this kind friend had dedicated the first fruits of his hunting to Demo- chares, by way of a graceful present. And now, the evening being far advanced, availing ourselves of the favourable dark- ness, we presented to Demochares the cage in which Thrasy- leon was enclosed, together with the counterfeit letter ; on which, admiring the huge size of the beast, and overjoyed at the opportune liberality of his friend, he immediately gave orders that ten pieces of gold should be counted out from his coff'ers to us who had brought him a present that afforded him so much delight. Meanwhile, as novelty always excites the curiosity of men and attracts them to unexpected sights, mul- titudes flocked together about the brute, admiring its size ; but our friend Thrasyleon very cleverly restrained their rather too prying curiosity, by frequently rushing at them in a very alarming way. By the unanimous voice of the citizens, Demo- chares was pronounced most lucky and fortunate, in that, after BO heavy a loss among his wild beasts, he had been able, in some way or other, to repair his losses by this new supply. He or- dered the beast, therefore, to be immediately taken to his farm, and that it should be conveyed with the greatest care. . ** On this, I interrupted him, and said, ' Be careful, sir, how you suffer this animal, which has suffered severely from the heat BOOK IV. THE EOBBEK S TALE. 77 of the sun, and the length of the distance, to be trusted among a herd of many others, and those, according to what I hear, not yet recovered. Why not provide some spot in your own house for it, which is open and exposed to the breezes, and, if possible, bordering upon some cool lake ? Are you not aware tliat animals of this kind always couch in shady groves and dripping caverns, on breezy hills, and near pleasant fountains ?' Demo- chares, taking the alarm at these admonitions, and reflecting on the great number of wild beasts he had already lost, as- sented, without hesitation, to what I said, and readily permitted us to place the cage wherever we pleased. * Besides,' said I, * we ourselves are ready to watch here by night, before this cage, in order that we may as carefully as is requisite give the beast its food at the proper time, and its usual drink, as it is distressed by the heat, and the harass it has suffered in being brought hither.' Demochares, however, made answer : * We do not stand in need of your services ; for nearly every one in my household is now, from long custom, well skilled in feeding bears.' *' After this, we bade him farewell ; and going out of the gate of the city, we espied a certain monument, standing at a con- siderable distance from the public road, in a solitary and retired spot. Here we opened some coffins,* which, through rottenness and age, had lost half of their lids, and which were tenanted by dead bodies, that were now nothing but dust and ashes. These we intended to use as so many hiding-places for our an- ticipated booty. Then having, according to the observance of our craft, watched for that season of a moonless night in which sleep most powerfully invades and overcomes the hearts of mortals with its first impetus, our band drew up, well-armed with swords, before the gates of Demochares, ready to perform our agreement to plunder his house. In like man- ner, Thrasyleon crept forth from his cage, availing himself of that precise moment of the night which is adapted to theft, and instantly slew with his sword every one of the house guards that lay fast asleep beside his cage, and lastly, the porter him- self. Then, taking the key, he opened the folding doors of the * Some coffins.'] — ' Capulus' ordinarily signifies the litter or bier on which the dead body was laid out previous to burial. In this instance, however, it seems to mean a wooden coffin. It was probably much the •ame as the ' sandapila' used by the lower classes. 78 THE GOLDEl? ASi OF A-PULErCTS: gate, and as we immediately rushed in, he pointed out to ua the strong room, where he had sagaciously observed a quantitj of silver plate deposited in the evening. This being instantly broken open by the combined force of our band, I recommended each of my comrades to carry away as much gold and silver as he could, and conceal it in those abodes of the dead, the most trusty of all people, and then returning with speedy steps, get ready a second burden, whilst I would remain alone, for our common good, before the door of the house, and keep a careful watch, until such time as they should return. Moreover, it appeared to me that the figure of a bear, running about in the middle of the house, was adapted to terrify any member of the family who might happen to be awake. For who, however brave and intrepid he might naturally be, would not, on behold- ing the huge form of such an enormous beast, in the night espe- cially, immediately betake himself to flight, and pulling to the bolt, shut himself in, terrified and trembling, in his chamber ? ^' A sinister event, however, thwarted all these judicious ar- rangements. For while I was waiting, in anxious suspense, for the return of my comrades, one of the servant lads, happen- ing, so the Gods ordained, to be awoke by the noise, I suppose, of the bear, crept gently forward, and seeing the wild beast running loose, and wandering over the whole house, he silently retraced his steps, and, as quickly as he could, gave notice to all of what he had seen ; immediately upon which, the whole house was filled with a numerous assemblage of the domestics. The darkness was illuminated with torches, lamps, wax tapers, tallow candles, and other appliances for giving light by night. And not one was there in the throng without arms of some de- scription, but all were furnished with clubs, spears, and drawn swords, with which they guarded the approaches to the house. And then they hallooed on some of those hunting dogs, with long ears and shaggy hair, to attack the wild beast. ** Upon this, the tumult still increasing, I made my way stealthily out of the house, and concealing myself behind the gate, I saw Thrasyleon defending himself in a wonderful manner against the dogs. For, though he had now arrived at the very uttermost goal of life, still, forgetful neither of himself nor of U8, nor his former valour, he struggled, as it were, in the very jaws of Cerberus. In fact, acting with spirit up to the scenio chai'acter which he had voluntarily assumed^ at one moment BOOK IV. THE EOBBEll S TALE. 79 flying and at another resisting, with various gestures and con- tortions of his body, he at length escaped from the house. Still, though he had gained his liberty, so far as being in the public road, he was not able to ensure his safety by flight ; for all the dogs belonging to the next lane, and they were very savage and numerous, joined in whole troops with the hunting dogs, wliich had rushed out of the house, in full pursuit of him. I was then witness of a shocking and frightful spectacle, — our friend Thrasyleon, surrounded and hemmed in by troops of raging dogs, and lacerated all over by their teeth. *' At last, unable to endure so shocking a spectacle, I mingled wdth the surrounding crowds of people, and this being the only way in which I could secretly give assistance to my brave comrade, I thus attempted to divert the promoters of the at- tack from their purpose, ' Oh what an enormous shame,' said I, * thus to destroy such a fine and remarkably valuable beast.* The artifice failed, however, and all I could say had no in- fluence in favour of the unfortunate young man. For a tall strong fellow came running out of the house, and instantly thrust a spear through the bear's vitals ; another followed his example ; and then a great many took courage to assault him at close quarters, and vied with each other in piercing him with their swords. But as for Thrasyleon, that distinguished honor to our band, his heroic life, so worthy of immortality, being at length vanquished, though not his fortitude, he did not forfeit the oath he had plighted by any vociferation, shrieks, or cries. But, lacerated as he was by tooth and steel, he imitated to the last with all his might the growling and bellowing of a wild beast, and thus enduring his present cala- mity with magnanimous fortitude, he kept his glory intact, while he yielded up his life to fate. Still, so great was the terror and dismay with which he had struck the crowd, that until the dawn, ay, even when it was broad day, not one dared to lay a finger even on the beast, dead as it lay, until at last, a certain butcher, who was a little bolder than the rest, advanc- ing slowly and timidly, cut open the belly of the beast, and stripped the bear's hide off the mighty robber. Thus, then, was Thrasyleon also lost to us, but not lost to glory. "And now, immediately collecting those packages which the trusty dead had taken care of for us, we made all haste to quit the limits of Platese, while ever and anon the reflection came 80 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. across OTir minds, that it is no wonder if fidelity is not to he found among the living, since, abominating their perfidy, it Las descended to the dead. In fine, here we are, all of us fatigued with the weight of our loads, as well as the rough roads along which we have travelled ; we have lost three of our comrades, and brought home the booty you see." END OF THE FOUETH EPISODE. After the robber had concluded his narrative, they poured out libations of pure wine from golden cups, to the memory of their deceased comrades ; and then, having propitiated the god Mars by some songs, they went to sleep for a short time. Mean- while, the old woman served out to us fresh barley in such un- measured abundance, that my horse, in fact, amid such great plenty, and having it all to himself, might have fancied he was supping with the Salii.* But as for me, though I had been m the habit of eating barley, well crushed, and long boiled in broth, having found out a corner in which the remains of the bread, belonging to the whole band, had been stored away, I strenuously exercised my jaws, which ached with long-con- tinued fasting, and began to be covered with spiders' webs. When the night was far advanced, the robbers arose from sleep, struck their tents, and, being variously equipped, some of them being armed with swords, and others disguised as spectres,! with hasty steps, they sallied forth from their abode. But as for me, not even impending sleep could hinder me from chewing on incessantly and eagerly. And though in former times, when I was Lucius, I could get up from table contented with one or two loaves, yet now, having to fill so capacious a belly, I had nearly eaten up a third basketful of bread, when broad daylight found me still intent upon this emplojTuent. At length, however, moved by the modesty of an ass, I quitted my food, but n«)st reluctantly, and slaked my thirst at a rivulet close by. * Supping with the 5fl/«.] — The Salii were priests of Mars, whose duty it was to keep the sacred ' ancilia.' or shields. Like the other priests, they were noted for their fondness of good living and generous wine. Hence, ' Czeiia Saliaris,' a dinner fit for a Salian, became a popular saying. t Disguised as spectres.'] — ' Lemures.' It will be found stated at length by the author, what were the Lemures, in his treatise on the God of Socrates. BOOK IV. THE CAPTIVE DAMSEL. 81 Not long after tliis, the robbers returned, full of anxiety and alarm, bringing with them no booty whatever, not so much as a worthless garment. With all their swords, with all their hands, ay, and with all the force of their band, they brought but a solitary prisoner, a damsel of genteel figure, and, as her style of dress indicated, one of the first rank in those parts ; a girl, by Hercules I far from an object of indifierence even to me, ass as I was. As soon as they had brought her into the cave, lamenting and tearing her hair and her garments, they addressed her in words intended to alleviate her distress : " You really are in perfect security, both as to your life and your honor ; so have patience for a few days, if only out of regard for our profit, for it is the pinch of necessity that has compelled us to adopt this profession. Of course, your parents, avaricious as they are, will give without delay, out of their great hoards of wealth, a sum of money adequate to the ransom of their own offspring." The maiden's grief was far from alleviated by such rough comforting as this ; and no wonder ; on the contrary, she wept immoderately, with her face bent down upon her knees. So they called in the old woman, and ordered her to sit by the damsel, and amuse her as much as possible with soothing con- versation ; and then they betook themselves to their customary avocations. But not by any words which the little old woman employed could the maiden be made to cease her lamentations ; on the contrary, she cried louder than ever, and shook her sides with such unintermitting sobs, that she drew tears from me also. '* Is it possible, that I can cease to weep, or bear to live at all ? miserable wretch that I am ! torn from such a home, from such friends, from such kind servants, such revered parents ; become the prey of nefarious rapine, a captive and a slave, servilely shut up in this rocky prison, and deprived of all those comforts amid which I was born and nurtured ; not safe a mo- ment from the butcher's knife ; in the power of such a num- ber of outrageous robbers, such a horrible crew of gladiators I " Thus she continued to lament, until, worn out with grief of mind, the spasmodic tension of her throat, and fatigue of body, at last she closed her languid eyes in slot p. Scarcely, however, had she dozed ofi*, when, suddenly start- ing up again, as if bereft of her senses, she began to afflict herself much more violently than before, and with cruel hands o 82 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APrLEIUS. to beat her bosom and her beautiful face. And althoiigh the old woman most urgently enquired the cause of this fresh burst of grief, she only replied with a deep groan : *'Now, alas! beyond a doubt, I am utterly undone, now I renounce all hope of safety. A halter, a sword, or a precipice, that is what I must come to." On hearing this, the old woman grew a little angry, and bade her, with a severe expression of countenance, say why the plague she was crying so ; or why, after having been fast asleep, she thus suddenly renewed her ungovernable lamenta- tions. •' It is your design, I suppose," said she, "to defraud my young men of the pretty sum of money which they vvdll get for your ransom. However, if you persist any farther, without caring at all for those tears, of which robbers are in the habit of making little account, I will pretty soon have you burnt alive." Terrified by this threat, the maiden kissed her hand, and said, " Spare me, my good mother, and, for the sake of hu- manity, bear a little with my most sad misfortune. Nor, in- deed, do I imagine that compassion is entirely extinguished in you, so full of years, so venerable with your gray hairs. In fine then, listen to the story of my misfortune. " A handsome youth, of the first rank among his fellow-citi- zens, whom the whole city elected to serve its public offices,* and who besides was my first cousin, only three years older than myself, had been reared along with me from infancy, and was my inseparable companion, dwelling with me in the same house, indeed, sharing the same chamber and couch, and affianced to me by mutual ties and the bonds of holy love. We had long been engaged to each other in marriage, we had even been registered on the tablets,! as wedded by the consent of our parents ; and the youth was engaged in sacrificing victims in the temples and sacred edifices, accompanied by a numerous throng of relatives and neighbours. The whole house was covered with laurel, lighted up with torches, and re-echoed * Elected to serve its public offices.] — Literally, 'had chosen as the son of the public' This phrase denotes that the youth had become an univer- sal object of interest to his fellow-townsmen, who had made it their care to promote him to the highest offices. t On the tablets ?^ — The register on wliich the marriage was entered bj Ute ()uUlic officers. BOOK lY. THE CAPTIVE DAMSEL. S3 with Iiymeneal song. My unhappy mother, supporting me on her bosom, had dressed me becomingly in nuptial apparel, and frequently loading me with honeyed kisses, was now, with anxious hopes, looking forward to a future line of descendants; — when, on a sudden, a band of robbers armed like gladiators, rushed in with swords drawn and glittering, in fierce battle array. They made no attempt to slay or plunder, but made straight for our chamber in a compact column ; and without any struggle, or indeed, any resistance whatever on the part of our servants, they tore me away, wretched creature, half dead with fear, from the bosom of my trembling mother- Thus were our nuptials dissolved, like those of the daughter of Athrax,* or of Protesilaus. '* And now again is my misery renewed, nay rather, increas- ed, by a most horrible dream. For I seemed to myself to be vio- lently dragged away from my home, from my chamber, from my very bed, and to be hurried through desert wildernesses, where I called aloud on the name of my most unfortunate husband ; and he, methought, as soon as he was deprived of my embraces, still perfumed with essenced ointments, and adorned with wreaths of flowers, was following my track as I fled on other feet than my own.f And while with loud cries he bewailed the loss of his lovely wife, and implored the assistance of the people, one of the robbers, moved with anger at his persevering pursuit, snatched up a great stone, and slew the unfortunate youth, my husband. It was this horrible sight that aroused me in terror from my dreadful dream." Sighing in response to her tears, the old woman thus ad- dressed her: "Be of good cheer, my young mistress, and do not terrify yourself at the idle fancies of dreams. Tor not to mention that dreams dreamt in the daytime are said to be false, even nightly visions sometimes forebode events quite con- trary to what really comes to pass. In fact, to dream of weep- ing, of being beaten, and occasionally, of having our throats * Daughter of Athrax.'] — Hippodamia was the daughter of Athrax : on her marriage with Pirithous, the famous battle of the Centaurs and La- pithae took place. It is difficult to say what is the precise allusion made here to the marriage of Protesilaus -, but it not improbably alludes to his premature separation from his wife Laodamia, shortly after their marriage, in the expedition against Troy, where he was slain immediately on landing, t Feet than my ow/t.] — With the feet of robbers, who carried her away elevated from the ground. G 2 84 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. cut, announce a lucky and prosperous event ; while, on the other hand, to laugh, to be stuffing the stomach with sweet- meats, or to dream of amorous enjoyments, predicts that a person is about to be afflicted with sorrow of mind, disease of body, and other evils.* However, I will proceed to divert you, by some pretty stories, and old women's tales." Accordingly, she thus began : PIFTH EPISODE. THE OLD woman's STOKY. CUPID AND PSYCHT!. *' In a certain city there lived a king and queen, who had three daughters of remarkable beauty. The charms of the two elder — and they were very great — were still thought not to exceed all possible measure of praise ; but as for the youngest sister, human speech was too poor to express, much less, adequately to extol, her exquisite and surpassing loveliness. In fact, multitudes of the citizens, and of strangers, whom the fame of this extraordinary spectacle gathered to the spot, were struck dumb with astonishment at her unapproachable beauty, and moving their right hand to their lips, f with the forefinger joining the elevated thumb, paid her religious adora- tion, just as though she were the goddess Venus herself. ''And now the tidings spread through the neighbouring cities and adjacent countries that the goddess whom the azure depths of the ocean had brought forth, and the spray of the foamy billows had nurtured, dwelt in the midst of mortals, and suffered them indiscriminately to behold her divine form ; or at least, that once again, impregnated by a new emanation" fmm the starry heavens, not the sea, but the earth, had brought forth another Yenus, gifted with the flower of virginity. Thus did her fame travel rapidly every day ; thus did the news soon traverse the neighbouring islands, a great part of the con- * And other evils.] — Thus also Astrarapsychus, in his Oneirocriticon, says : * If you laugh in your sleep, it indicates to you troublesome events ; but if you weep in your sleep, it signifies that you will be perfectly joyful. — Taylor. This is in accordance with the popular belief of our own day. t To their lips.] — We learn from Plihy that this was the usual attitude assumed by worshippers when in the act of adoration. The act seems somewhat to have resembled what we call ' kissing the hand.' BOOK IV. THE STOET OF CUPID AND PSYCHE. 85 tinent, and multitudes of provinces. Many were the mortals who, by long journeys over land, and over the deep sea, flocked from ail quarters to behold this glorious specimen of the age. No one set sail for Paphos,* no one for Cnidus, nor even for Cythera, to have sight of the goddess Venus. Her sacred rites were abandoned, her temples suffered to decay, her cushions f trampled under foot, her ceremonies neglected, her statues left without chaplets, and her desolate altars defiled with cold ashes. A young girl was supplicated in her stead, and the divinity of the mighty goddess was worshipped under human features ; and the maiden was propitiated in her morn- ing walks with victims and banquets offered her in the name of the absent Yenus. And ever, as she passed along the streets, the people crowded round, and adoringly presented her with garlands, and scattered flowers on her path. '* This extraordinary transfer of celestial honors to a mortal maiden, greatly incensed the real Yenus ; and, unable to sup- press her indignation, and shaking her head, in towering wrath, she thus soliloquized : ' Behold how the primal parent of all things, behold how the first source of the elements,| behold how I, the genial Yenus of the whole world, am treated ! The honor belonging to my majesty shared by a mortal girl ! My name, that is registered in heaven, profaned by the dross of earth ! I must be content, forsooth, ^ith the un- certain homage of a vicarious worship, and With my share in expiations offered to me in common with another! And a mortal girl shall go about in my likeness ! It is all for nought that the shepherd Paris, whose justice and good faith the mighty Jupiter approved, preferred me to such mighty God- desses, § on account of my unparalleled beauty. But this crea- * Set sail for Paphos."] — Paphos was a city in the isle of Cyprus. Cnidus was a city in Caria. Cythera, now Cerigo, was an island situate to the south of Laconia. These places were all famous for the worship of Venus. t Her cushions.'] — The * pulvinaria' were couches on which the statues of the gods reclined in the temples, with delicate viands placed before them. X First source of the elements. 1 — The ancient philosophers considered Venus to be the first source of all things. See the opening lines of the poem of Lucretius. § Mighty Goddesses."] — The well-known fable to which this allu les, is thus beautifully unfolded by the Platonic Sallust, in his treatise or 86 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. ture, whosoever she be, shall not so joyously usurp my honors ; tor I will soon cause her to repent of her contraband good looks.' ** Thus saying, the goddess forthwith summons her son ; that winged and very malapert boy, who, with his evil manners, sets at nought all ordinary institutions, and, armed with flames and with arrows, runs by night from one man's house to another, and blighting matrimonial happiness on all sides, com- mits such mighty mischiefs with impunity, and does nothing whatever that is good. "Mischievous as he was by inborn licentiousness, she in- cites him to still more evil, by her words : she brings him to that city I mentioned, and points out Psyche to him* (for that was the name of the maiden), and after telling him the whole story about that mortal's rivalry of her own beauty, groaning with rage and indignation, she said, " ' I conjure you by the ties of maternal love, by the sweet wounds inflicted by your arrow, by the warmth, de- lightful as honey, of that torch, to afibrd your parent her revenge, ay, and a full one too, and as you respect myself, severely punish this rebellious beauty: and this one thing, above all, use all your endeavours to efi'ect ; let this maiden bo seized with the most burning love for the lowest of mankind, one whom fortune has stripped of rank, patrimony, and even of personal safety; one so degraded, that he cannot find his equal in wretchedness throughout the whole world.' " Having thus said, and long and tenderly kissed her son, she sought the neighbouring margin of the shore on which the Gods and the World. * In this fahle, which is of the mixed kind, it is said, that Discord, at a hanquet of the Gods, threw a golden apple, and that a dispute about it arising among the Goddesses, they were sent by Jupiter to take the judgment of Paris, who, charmed with the beauty of Venus, gave her the apple in preference to the rest. But the banquet de- notes the super-mundane powers of the Gods ; and on this account they subsist in conjunction with each other. And the golden apple denotes the world, which, on account of its composition from contrary natures, is not improperly said to be thrown by Discord, or strife. Again, however, since different gifts are imparted to the world by different Gods, they appear to contest with each other for the apple. And a soul living according to sense, (for this is Paris), not perceiving other powers in the universe, eays, that the beauty of Venus alone is the contended ajjple.' — Taylor. * Psyche to him.'] — This was the Greek name for the soul ; a moth also was called by the same name. BOOK rV. THE STOEY OF CUPID AND PSTCHE. 87 the -waves ebb and flow, and, with rosy feet, brushing along the topmost spray of the dancing waters, behold ! she took her seat on the watery surface of the main; where the powers of the deep, the instant that she conceived the wish, appeared at once, as though she had previously com- manded their attendance. The daughters of IN'ereus were present, singing in tuneful harmony ; Portunus,* too, rough with his azure-coloured beard, and Salacia,f weighed down with her lapful of fish, with little Palsemon, their charioteer, upon a dolphin, and then troops of Tritons, ftirrowing the main in all directions. One softly sounded his melodious shell, another, with a silken canopy J protected her from the un- pleasant heat of the sun, a third held a mirror before the eyes of his mistress, while others, again, swam yoked to her car. Such was the train that attended Venus, as she proceeded to the palace of Oceanus. " In the meantime, Psyche, with all her exquisite beauty, derived no advantage whatever from her good looks; she was gazed on by all, praised by all, and yet no one, king, noble, or plebeian even, came to woo her for his bride. They admired, no doubt, her divine beauty, but then they all ad- mired it as they would a statue exquisitely wrought. Long before this, her two elder sisters, whose more moderate charms had not been bruited abroad among the nations, had been wooed by kings, and happily wedded to them ; but Psyche, forlorn virgin, sat at home, bewailing her lonely condi- tion, faint in body and sick at heart ; and hated her own beauty, though it delighted all the rest of the world. "The wretched father of this most unfortunate daughter, sus- pecting the enmity of the gods, and dreading their wrath, con- sulted the very ancient oracle of the Milesian God,§ and sought * Portunus-I — By Portunus here, or Portumnus, who, by the Greeks, was called Palaemon, Neptune is denoted, as the Delphin editor well ob- serves. For Palaemon, who is properly Portunus, is shortly after men- tioned as being present. t And Salacia.] — The Goddess Salacia was so called from ' Salum,' the ' salt sea.' She presided over the depths of the ocean. t With a silken canopy.] — So in the Fasti of Ovid, b. ii., we find Hercules holding a canopy or umbrella over queen Omphale, to protect her from the rays of the sun. § Milesiw^i God.'] — i. e. Of Apollo, who had a temple and oracle at 88 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. of that mighty divinity, with prayers and victims, a husband for the maiden vrhom no one cared to have. Eut Apollo, though a Grecian and an Ionian, by right of the founder of [Miletus, delivered an oracle in Latin verse to the following effect : ' Montis in excelsi scopulo desiste puellam Ornatam mundo funerei thalami : Nee speres generum mortali stirpe ereatura, Sed saevum atque ferum, vipereuraque malum ; Qui, pinnis volitans super aethera, cuncta fatigat, Fiammaque et ferro singula debilitat ; Quern tremit ipse Jovis ; quo numina terrificantur ; Flumina quern horrescunt, et Stygias tenebrae.'* '' The king, who had led a happy life tiU then, on hearing the announcement of the sacred oracle, returned home sad and slow, and disclosed to his wife the behests of inauspicious fate. Many days together were passed in grief and tears, and lamentation. But time pressed, and the dire oracle had now to be fulfilled. The procession was formed for the deadly nuptials of the ill-fated maiden ; the lighted torch burns ashy, black, and sooty ; the strains of Conjugal Juno's pipes are changed for the plaintive Lydian melody ; the joyful hyme- neal song sinks into a dismal wailing, and the bride wipes away her tears with the nuptial veilf itself. The whole city groaned in sympathy with the sad destiny of the afflicted family, and a public mourning was immediately proclaimed. " The necessity, however, of complying with the celestial mandates, importunately called the wretched Psyche to her Miletus, a city bordering on Ionia and Caria, and founded by a son of Apollo, whose name it bore. * " On some high mountain's craggy summit place The^ virgin, deck'd for deadly nuptial rites ; Nor hope a son-in-law of mortal race, But a dire mischief, viperous and fierce ; Who flies through aether, and with fire and sword Tires and debilitates whate'er exists, Terrific to the powers that reign on high. E'en mighty Jove the wing'd destroyer dreads. And streams and Stygian shades abhor the pest." — Taylor. t The nuptial veiLl—ThiSy which was called ' flammeum,' was of a bright yellow, or flame colour. If the torches that were carried before the bride shed a dim light, or sent forth much smoke, or were extinguished by the wind, it was coasidered a bad omen. BOOK IV. THE STOET OF CUPID AND PSYCHE 89 doom. The solemn preliminaries, therefore, of this direful marriage being completed in extreme sorrow, the funeral pro- cession of the living dead moves on, accompanied by all the people ; and the weeping Psyche walks not to her nuptials, but to her obsequies. And while her woe-begone parents, over- whelmed with horror, strove to delay the execution of the abominable deed, the daughter herself thus exhorted them to compliance : " ' Why torment your unfortunate old age with continual weeping ? Why waste your breath, which is more dear to me than to you, with repeated lamentations ? Why deform your features, to me so venerable, with unavailing tears ? Why lacerate my eyes in ajfflicting your own? Why tear your hoarj' locks? Why beat your bosoms and those hallowed breasts ? Are these to be the glorious results to you of my surpassing beauty ? Too late do you perceive that you have been smitten by the deadly shaft of envy. Alas ! then should you have wept and lamented, then bewailed me as lost, when tribes and nations celebrated me with divine honors, and when, with one consent, they styled me a new-bom Yenus. Now do I feel and see that through that name of Yenus alone I perish. Lead me away, then, and expose me on the rock to which the oracle has devoted me j I am in haste to encounter these auspicious nuptials ; I am in haste to see this noble bridegroom of mine. Why should I delay ? Why avoid his approach, who has been born for the destruction of the whole world ?' *' The maiden, after these words, said no more, but with un- faltering steps, took her place in the multitudinous procession. They advanced to the destined rock on a lofty mountain, and left the maiden alone on the summit ; the nuptial torches, with which they had lighted their way, were now extinguished in their tears, and thrown aside, the ceremony was at an end, and with drooping heads they took their homeward way. As for her wretched parents, sinking under the weight of a calamity so great, they shut themselves up in their darkened palace, and abandoned themselves to perpetual night. Meanwhile, as Psyche lay trembling and weeping in dismay on the summit of the rock, the mild breeze of the gently-blowing. Zephyr played round her garments, fluttering and gradually expanding' them till they lifted her up, and the god, wafting her with his_ v 90 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULE1U8. tranquil breath adown the lofty mountain side, laid her softly on the flowery turf in the lap of the valley."* * The valley. 1 — The translation of this beautiful story would hardly be complete were we to omit the following remarks on its various ex- planations, found in Mr. Keightley's valuable and entertaining ' Classical Mythology.* " This beautiful fiction is evidently a philosophic allegory. It seems to have been intended by its inventor for a representation of the mystic union between the divine love and the human soul, and of the trials and purifications which the latter must undergo, in order to be perfectly fitted for an enduring union with the Divinity. It is thus explained by the Christian mythologist Fulgentius : * The city in which Psyche dwells is the world ; the king and queen are God and matter : Psyche is the soul : her sisters are the flesh and the free-will ; she is the youngest, be- cause the body is before the mind ; and she is the fairest, because the soul is higher than free-will, more noble than the body. Venus, i. e. lust, envies her, and sends Cupido, i. e. desire, to destroy her : but as there is desire of good as well as of evil, Cupid falls in love with her ; he persuades her not to see his face, that is, not to learn the joys of desire. At the impul- sion of her sisters, she put the lamp from under the bushel that is, reverted the flame of desire which was hidden in her bosom, and loved it when she saw how delightful it was : and she is said to have burned it by the dripping of the lamp, because all sin burns in proportion as it is loved, and fixes its sinful marks on the flesh. She is, therefore, deprived of desire and her splendid fortune, is exposed to perils, and driven out of the palace." This fanciful exposition will probably not prove satisfactory to all readers. The following one, of a modern writer, may seem to come nearer the truth. " This fable, it is said, is a representation of the destiny of the human soul. The soul, which is of Divine origin, is here below subjected to error in its prison the body. Hence trials and purifications are set before it, that it may become capable of a higher order of things, and of true desire. Two loves meet it — the earthly, a deceiver, who draws it down to earthly things ; the heavenly, who directs its view to the ori- ginal, fair and divine, and who, gaining the victory over his rival, leads oflF the soul as his bride." According to a third expositor, the mythus is a moral one. It is intended to represent the dangers to which nuptial fidelity was exposed in such a degenerate country as Greece, and at the same time to present an image of a fidelity exposed to numerous tempta- tions, and victorious over them all. "We must not omit to observe that Psyche i^vxri) was also a Greek name for the moth. The fondness of this insect for approaching at night the flame of the lamp or candle, in which it so frequently finds its death, reminds a mystic philosopher of the fate of the soul destroyed by the desire of knowledge, or absorbed and losing its separate existence in the Deity, who dwelt in light, according to the phi- losophy of the East. But, further, the world presents no illustration so striking or so beautiful, of the immortality of the soul, as that of the moth or butterfly, bursting on brilliant wings from the dull grovelling caterpillar state in which it had previously existed, fluttering in the blaze of day, and feeding on the most fragrant and sweetest productions of the spring. Hence BOOK V. THE STOEY OF CUPID AND PSYCHE. 91 BOOK THE FIFTH. coxtinijatiojS' of the fifth episode. CUPID AKD PSYCHE. 4 " Psyche, therefore, delightfully reclining in this pleasant and grassy spot, upon a bed of dewy herbage, felt her extreme agitation of mind allayed, and sank into a sweet sleep, from which she awoke refreshed in body, and with a mind more composed. She then espied a grove, thick planted with vast and lofty trees ; she likewise saw a fountain in the middle of the grove, with water limpid as crystal. JN'ear the fall of the fountain there was a kingly palace, not raised by human hands, but by divine skill. You might know, from the very entrance of the palace, that you were looking upon the splendid and delightful abode of some God. For the lofty ceilings, curiously arched with cedar and ivory, were sup- ported by golden columns. The walls were encrusted all over with silver carving, with wild beasts and domestic ani- mals of all kinds, presenting themselves to the view of those who entered the palace. A wonderful man was he, a demigod, nay, surely, a god, who with such exquisite subtlety of art, moulded such vast quantities of silver into various ferii.e forms. *' The very pavement itself consisted of precious stones cut out and arranged so as to form pictures of divers kinds. Blessed, thrice blessed, those who can tread gems and bracelets under foot ! The other parts, as well, of this palace of vast extent, were precious beyond all computation ; and the walls being everywhere strengthened with bars of gold, shone with their it was, in all probability, that the Greeks named the butterfly the soul, A correspondent of the Notes and Queries remarks of tliis story (vol. ii. p. 29) — ' This is probably an old Folk-tale, originally, perhaps an antique philosophical temple-allegory. Apuleius appears only to have dressed it up in a new shape. The tale is still current, but in a form not derived from him, among the Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Scots, Germans, French, Wallachians, Italians, and Hindoos.' 92 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEITS. own lustre, so that even were the sun to withhold his light, the palace could make for itself a day of its own ; so effulgent were the chambers, the porticos, and the doors. The furni- ture, too, was on a scale commensurate with the majesty of this abode ; so that it might well be looked upon as a palace built by mighty Jove, where he might dwell among mankind. " Invited by the delightful appearance of the place, Pysche approached it, and, gradually taking courage, stepped over the threshold. The beauty of what she beheld lured her on, and everything filled her with admiration. In another part of the palace, she beheld magnificent repositories, stored with im- mense riches ; nothing, in fact, is there which was not there to be found. But besides the admiration which such enormous wealth excited, this was particularly surprising, that this treasury of the universal world was protected by no chain, no bar, no guard. ''Here, while Psyche's gaze was ravished with delight, a bodiless voice thus addressed her ; * Why, lady,* it said, ' are you astonished at such vast riches ? All are yours. Betake yourself, therefore, to your chamber, and refresh your wearied limbs on your couch, and, when you think proper, repair to the bath ; for we, whose voices you now hear, are your hand- maidens, and will carefully attend to all your commands, and, when we have dressed you, a royal banquet will be placed be- fore you without delay.' ''Psyche was sensible of the goodness of divine providence, and, obedient to the admonitions of the unembodied voices, relieved her fatigue, first with sleep, and afterwards with the bath. After this, perceiving, close at hand, a semicircular dais with a raised seat, and what seemed to be the apparatus for a banquet, intended for her refreshment, she readily took her place; whereupon nectareous wines, and numerous dishes containing various kinds of dainties, were immediately served up, impelled, as it seemed, by some spiritual impulse, for there were no visible attendants. Not one human being could she see, she only heard words that were uttered, and had voices alone for her servants. After an exquisite banquet was served up, some one entered, and sang unseen, while another struck the lyre, which was no more visible than himself. Then, a swell of voices, as of a multitude singing in full chorus, was wafted to her ears, though not one of the vocalists could she descry. BOOK V. THE STORY OF CUPID AND PSYCHE. 93 "After these delights had ceased, the evening now persuading to repose, Psyche retired to bed : and when the night was far advanced, a certain gentle, murmuring sound fell upon her ears. Then alarmed for her honor, in consequence of the profound solitude of the place, she trembled and was filled with terror, and dreaded that of which she was ignorant more than any misfortune. And now her unknown bridegroom ascended the couch, made Psyche his wife, and hastily left her before break of day. Immediately the attendant voices of the bedchamber came to aid the wounded modesty of the new-made bride. This course was continued for a length of time ; and, as by nature it has been so ordained, the novelty, by its constant repetition, afforded her delight, and the sound of the voices was the solace of her solitude. " In the meantime, her parents were wasting their old age in sorrow and lamentation ; and the report of her fate, be- coming more widely extended, her elder sisters had learnt all the particulars ; whereupon leaving their homes in deep grief, they hastened to visit and comfort their parents. On that night, did Psyche's husband thus address her — for she could discern his presence with her ears and hands, though not with her eyes : " ' Most charming Psyche, dear wife, cruel fortune now threatens you with a deadly peril, which needs, I think, to be guarded against with the most vigilant attention. For ere long, your sisters, who are alarmed at the report of your death, in their endeavours to discover traces of you, will arrive at yonder rock. If, then, you should chance to hear their lamentations, make them no reply, no, nor even so much as turn your eyes towards them. By doing otherwise, you will cause most grievous sorrow to me, and utter destruction to yourself.' ** Psyche assented, and promised that she would act agreeably to her husband's desire. But when he and the night had de- parted together, the poor thing consumed the whole day in tears and lamentations, exclaiming over and over again, that she was now utterly lost, since, besides being thus confined in a splen- did prison, deprived of human conversation, she was not even allowed to relieve the minds of her sisters, who were sorrowing for her, nor, indeed, so much as to see them. "Without having refreshed herself, therefore, with the bath or with food, or, in 94 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. fact, with any solace whatever, but weeping plenteously, sli ? retired to rest. Shortly afterwards, her husband, coming to her bed earlier than usual, embraced her as she wept, and thxifi expostulated with her : *' * Is this, my Psyche, what you promised me ? What am I, your husband, henceforth to expect of you r "What can I now hope for, when neither by day nor by night, not even in the midst of our conjugal endearments, you cease to be dis- tracted with grief? Very well, then, act now just as you please, and comply with the baneful dictates of your inclina- tion. However, when you begin too late to repent, you will recall to mind my serious admonitions.' " Upon this, she had recourse to prayers; and threatening that she would put an end to herself if her request were de- nied, she extorted from her husband a consent that she might see her sisters, to soothe their grief, and enjoy their con- versation. This he yielded to the entreaties of his new-made wife, and he gave her permission, besides, to present her sis- ters with as much gold and as many jewels as she pleased; but he warned her repeatedly and so often as to terrify her, never, on any occasion, to be persuaded by the pernicious advice of her sisters, to make any enquiries concerning the form of her husband ; lest by a sacrilegious curiosity, she might cast her- self down from such an exalted position of good fortune, and never again feel his embraces. *' She thanked her husband for his indulgence ; and now, having quite recovered her spirits, ' Nay,' said she, ' I would suffer death a hundred times rather than be deprived of your most delightful company, for I love you, yes, I doat upon you to desperation, whoever you are, ay, even as I love my own soul, nor would I give you in exchange for Cupid him- self. But this also I beseech you to grant to my prayers ; bid Zephyr, this servant of yours, convey my sistei-s to me, in the same manner in which he brought me hither.' Then, pressing his lips with persuasive kisses, murmuring endearing words, and enfolding him with her clinging limbs, she called him coaxingly, ' My sweet, my husband, dear soul of thy Psyche.' Her husband, overcome by the power of love, yielded reluc- tantly, and promised all she desired. After this, upon the approach of morning, he agtdn vanished from the arms of his wife. THE STOEY OF CrPlD AND PSYCHE, 95 " Meanwhile^ the sisters, having inquired the way to the rock on which Psyche was abandoned, hastened thither ; and there they wept and beat their breasts till the rocks and crags re- sounded with their lamentations. They called to their unfor- tunate sister, by her own name, until the shrill sound of their shrieks descending the declivities of the mountain, reached the ears of Psyche, who ran out of her palace in delirious trepi- dation, and exclaimed : " ' Why do you needlessly afflict yourselves with doleful lamentations ? Here am I, whom you mourn ; cease those dismal accents, and now at last dry up those tears that have so long bedewed your cheeks, since you may now embrace her whom you have been lamenting.' ** Then, summoning Zephyr, she acquaints him with her hus- band's commands, in obedience to which, instantly waiting them on his gentlest breeze, he safely conveyed them to Psyche. Now do they enjoy mutual embraces, and hurried kisses ; and their tears, that had ceased to flow, return, after a time, sum- moned forth by joy. 'Now come,' said Psyche, 'enter my dwelling in gladness, and cheer up your afflicted spirits with your Psyche.' Having thus said, she showed them the vast treasures of her golden palace, ma^e their ears acquainted with the numerous retinue of voices that were obedient to her commands, and sumptuously refreshed them in a most beauti- ful bath, and with the delicacies of a divine banquet ; until, satiated with this copious abundance of celestial riches, they began to nourish envy in the lowest depths of their breasts. One of them, especially, very minute and curious, persisted in making enquiries about the master of this celestial wealth, what kind of person, and what sort of husband he made. " Psyche, however, would by no means violate her husband's injunctions, or disclose the secrets of her breast; but, de- vising a tale for the occasion, told them that he was a young man, and very good looking, with cheeks as yet only shaded with soft down, and that he was, for the most part, engaged in rural occupations, and hunting on the mountains. And lest, by any slip in the course of the protracted conversation, her secret counsels might be betrayed, having loaded them with ornaments of gold and jewelled necklaces, she called iJephyr, and ordered him at once to convey them back again. " This being immediately executed, these excellent sisters, Q6 THE GOLDEN AS** O-p APrLEIXJS. as they were returning home, now burning more and more with the rancour of envy, conversed much with each other ; at last one of them thus began : "Do but see how blind, cruel, and unjust. Fortune has proved ! Were you, my sister, de- lighted to find that we, bom of the same parents, had met with such a different lot ? "We, indeed, who are the elder, are delivered over as bondmaids* to foreign husbands, and live in banishment from our home, our native land, and our parents ; and this, the youngest of us all, the last production of our mother's exhausted powers of parturition, is raised to the en- joyment of such boundless wealth, and has a god for her hus- band, she who does not even know how to enjoy, in a proper manner, such an abundance of blessings ? You saw, sister, what a vast number of necklaces there were in the house, and of what enormous value, what splendid dresses, what brilliant gems, and what heaps of gold she treads upon in every direc- tion. If, besides all this, she possesses a husband so handsome as she asserts him to be, there lives not in the whole world a happier woman than she. Perhaps, however, upon continued acquaintance, and when his affection is strengthened, her hus- band, who is a god, will make her a goddess as well. Ey Hercules ! it is so already ; she comporteH^and demeaned herself just like one : the woman must needs assume a lofty bearing, and give herself the airs of a goddess, who has voices for her attendants, and commands the very winds themselves. But I, wretched creature, am tied to a husband who, in the first place, is older than my father ; and who, in the next place, is balder than a pumpkin, and more dwarfish than any boy, and who fastens up every part of his house with bolts and chains.' '' ' But I,' replied the other sister, ' have got to put up with a husband who is tormented and crippled with gout ; and who, on this account, seldom honours me with his embraces, while I have to be everlastingly rubbing his distorted and chalky fingers with filthy fomentations, nasty rags, and stinking poul- tices ; scalding these delicate hands, and acting the part not of * Over OH bondmaids.'] — It was a prevalent notion with many of the an- cients, that the wife stood towards the husband in relation of a bondmaid. In reference to this notion, Isidore, in his Origines, b. iv. c. 24, informs us, ' One of the ceremonies of marriage anciently was this ; the husband and the wife purchased each other, in order that the latter might not be considered as a servant.' p?()e: t. the stoey of cupid and psyche. 97 B wife, but of a female doctor. You, sister, seem to bear all this with a patient, or rather a servile spirit, for I shall speak out fully what I think ; but, for my part, I can no longer en- dure that such a fortunate destiny should have so undeservedly fallen to her lot. And then, recollect in what a haughty and arrogant manner she behaved towards us, and how, by her boast- ing and immoderate ostentation, she betrayed a heart swelling with pride, and how reluctantly she threw us a trifling portion of her immense riches ; and immediately after, being weary of our company, ordered us to be turned out, and to be puffed and whisked away. But may I be no woman, nor indeed may I breathe, if I do not hurl her down headlong from such mighty wealth. And if this contumely offered to us stings you, too, as it ought, let us both join in forming some effective plan. In the first place, then, let us not show these things that we have got, either to our parents or to any one else ; in fact, we are to know nothing at all about her safety. It is quite enough that we ourselves have seen what it vexes us to have seen, without having to spread the report of her good fortune among our parents and all the people ; for, in fact, those persons are not wealthy whose riches no one is acquainted with. She shall know that in us she has got no handmaids, but elder sis- ters. For the present, then, let us away to our husbands, and revisit our poor and plain dwellings, that after long and earnest consideration, we may return the better prepared to humble her pride.' *' This wicked project was voted good by the two wicked sisters. Concealing those choice and sumptuous presents which they had received from Psyche, tearing their hair, and beating their faces, which well deserved such treatment, they redoubled their pretended grief. In this manner, too, hastily leaving their parents, after having set their sorrows bleeding afresh, they returned to their homes, swelling with malicious rage, and plotting wicked schemes, nay, actual parricide against their innocent sister. " In the mean time. Psyche's unknown husband once more admonished her thus in their nocturnal conversation : ' Are you aware what a mighty peril Fortune is preparing to launch against you from a distance, one too, whioh, unless you take Btrenuous precautions against it, will ere long confront you,* * Confront you."] — * Velitatur.' This is a metaphorical expression. 98 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APIJLE1I7S. hand to hand ? Those perfidious she-wolves are planning base stratagems against you with all their might, to the end that they may prevail upon you to view my features, which, as I have often told you, if you once see, you will see no more. If, then, these most abominable vampires* come again, armed with their baneful intentions, and that they will come I know full well, do not hold any converse whatever with them ; but if, through your natural frankness and tenderness of disposition, you are not able to do this, at all events, be careful not to listen to or answer any inquiries about your husband. For before long we shall have an increase to our family, and infantine as you are, you are pregnant with another infant, which, if you preserve my secret in silence, will be bom divine, but if you profane it, will be mortal.' "Eadiant with joy at this news. Psyche exulted in the glory of this future pledge of love, and in the dignity of a mother's name. Anxiously did she reckon the increasing tale of the days and the elapsing months, and wondered in simple ignorance at the structure of this unknown burden, and how her wealthy womb could have gathered such an increase from a tiny point. " But now those pests and most dire Furies, breathing viperous virulence, were hastening towards her with the speed of ruthless hate. Then again her husband warned his Psyche to this effect during his brief visit : — * The day of trial, and this most utter calamity, are now at hand. Your own mali- cious sex, and your own blood, in arms against you, have struck their camp, drawn up their forces in battle array, and sounded the charge. Now are your wicked sisters aiming with the drawn sword at your throat. Alas ! darling Psyche, by what mighty dangers are we now surrounded ! Take pity on yourself and on me ; and by an inviolable silence, rescue your home, your husband, yourself, and that little one of ours, from this impending destruction. Shun those wicked women, whom, after the deadly hatred which they have con- ceived against you, and having trampled under foot the ties of blood, it were not right to call sisters ; neither see, nor taken from the mode of attack by the * velites,* or light-armed infantry, who sent their darts and arrows from a distance. * J bominable vampires. } — ' Lamiae.* These witches, or hags, havebeea referred to in a preceding note. BOOK V. THE STOET OF CUPID AND PSYCHE. 99 listen to them, when, like Sirens, hanging over the crag, they shall make the rocks resound with their ill-omened voices.' " Psyche, in accents interrupted by sobs and tears, thus re- plied : ' Already, methinks, you have experienced convincing proofs of my fidelity and power of keeping a secret ; and the constancy of my mind shall be no less approved of by you in the present instance. Only order Zephyr once again to discharge his duties, and at least grant me a sight of my sisters, by way of compensation for your own hallowed form. By those aro- matic locks^ curling on every side ! by those cheeks, tender, smooth, and so like my own ! by your breast that glows with I know not what a warmth ! and by my hopes that in this babe at least I may- recognise your features, I beseech you to comply with the affectionate prayers of your anxious sup- pliant; indulge me with the gratification of embracing my sisters, and refresh with joyousness the soul of Psyche, who is so devoted and so dear to you. Then no longer I shall be anxious to view your features. Henceforth, not even the shades of night will have any effect on me. I clasp you in my arms, and you are my light.' ** Enchanted by these words, and by her honeyed embraces, her husband brushed away her tears with his locks, and as- suring her that he would do as she wished, instantly anti- cipated the light of the dawning day by flight. But the pair of sisters who had engaged in this conspiracy, not having so much as visited their parents, direct their course with precipi- tate haste straight from the ships towards the rock, and not waiting for the presence of the buoyant breeze, leap into the abyss with ungovernable rashness. Zephyr, however, not for- getful of the royal commands, received them, though reluc- tantly, in the bosom of the breathing breeze, and laid them on the ground. **With rapid steps and without a moment's delay, they entered the palace, and deceitfully screening themselves under the name of sister, embraced their prey; then, covering a whole store-house of deeply hidden treachery beneath a joyous countenance, they thus addressed her in flattering terms: * Psyche, you are not quite so slender as you used to be. Why, you will be a mother before long. Can you fancy what delight you have in store for us in that reticule* of yours.-' • In that reticuleJ}—' Perula.* Her womb. H 2 100 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APrLEITTS. With what exceeding joy you will gladden our whole house ! how delighted we shall be to nurse this golden baby, for if it only equals the beauty of its parents, it will be bom a per- fect Cupid.' '* Thus, by a false appearance of affection, they gradually stole upon the heart of their sister, while she, after making them sit awhile to recover from the fatigue of their journey and re- fresh themselves with warm baths, regaled them in a marvel- lously splendid manner with innumerable exquisite dainties. She bade the harp discourse, and its chords were struck ; flutes to play, and they were heard ; vocalists to sing in concert, and they sang ; and though invisible, they ravished the souls of the hearers with the most delicious music. ''But the malice of those wicked women was not softened or lulled to rest even by the dulcet sweetness of the music ; but/ shaping their conversation so as to lead Psyche into the' in- tende* I will at once marry your sister,' — mentioning you expressly by name, — and then he ordered Zephyr to waft me beyond the precincts of the palace.' " Scarcely had Psyche ended her narrative, when the other, goaded by maddening lust and baneful envy, deceived her hus- band by a story which she had ready invented, as though she had heard something about the death of her parents, and im- mediately embarking, proceeded to the same rock. When she arrived there, though another wind was blowing, yet, elated with blind hope, she exclaimed, 'Eeceive me, Cupid, a wife worthy of thee, and thou. Zephyr, acknowledge thy mis- tress.' Then with a great bound, she threw herself headlong from the mountain; but neither alive nor dead was she able to reach the spot she sought. Por her limbs were torn in pieces by the crags, and scattered here and there as she fell, h(;r entrails were rent asunder, just as she deserved ; and so, furnishing a banquet for birds and beasts of prey, she perished. '*Nor was the other sister's punishment long delayed; for Psyche's wandering steps led her to another city, in which that sister dwelt ; and she also, deceived by the same tale, and impiously desirous of supplanting Pysche as a wife, hastened to the rock, and there met with her death in a similar manner. *' In the meantime, while Psyche wandered through various nations, anxiously searching for Cupid, he himself, with the wound from the lamp, lay in his mother's chamber groaning. A snow-white sea-gull, the bird which skims along the waves of the sea, flapping them with its wings, dived down into the bosom of the ocean. There, approaching Venus, as she bathed and swam, he informed her that her son was confined to his bed by a severe bum, was in great pain, and his cure was doubtful : that all sorts of scandalous reports were flying about concerning the whole family of Yenus ; and it was in every- body's mouth that mother and son had gone ofi", the one to a mountain, to carry on an intrigue with a girl ; the other to • I divorce you for ever,'] — * Tibi tuas res habetc' Literally, 'take your things to yourself.' This was the ordinary formula used among the Romans in cases of divorce, when the husband returned to the wile her separate property. 108 TFE GOLDEIf ASS OF A-PULEIFS. amuse herself with swimming in the sea. In consequence of all this, Pleasure, Grace, and Elegance are no longer to be found, but everything is rude, rustic, and slovenly; nuptial ties, social friendships, and love of children, exist no more ; but unbounded disorder, and a bitter loathing of sordid alliances. Thus did this talkative and very meddling bird chatter in the ear of Venus, to lower her son in her estimation. *' Venus, exceedingly enraged, instantly exclaimed, * So then this hopeful son of mine has already got some mistress or other. Come, now, you who are the only one to serve me with true affection, what is the name of her who has thus de- coj-ed the ingenuous and beardless boy? is she one of the tribe of lymphs, or of the number of the Hours, or of the choir of the Muses, or belonging to my own train of Graces ? ' '^ The talkative bird was only too ready to reply, *I am not quite sure, mistress. I think, though, if I remember right, he is said to have fallen desperately in love with a girl, whose name is Psyche.' " 'What!' exclaimed Venus, in a burst of indignation, *ol all wenches in the world, is he in love with Psyche, the usurper of my beauty, and the rival of my fame ? And by way of additional insult, he takes me for a go-between, through whose instrumentality he made acquaintance with the girl.' *' Thus exclaiming, she forthwith emerged from the sea, and hastened to her golden chamber, where finding her son lying ill, as she had been informed, she bawled out"^ as loud as ever she could before she entered the door — 'This is pretty conduct, indeed ! and very becoming our dignified birth, and your so- briety of character. In tlie first place, to trample under foot the commands of your mother, your sovereign mistress, and refrain from tormenting my enemy with an ignoble love;, and then at your age, a mere boy, to take her to your profligate and immature embraces, on purpose, I suppose, that I might en- dure the vexation of having my enemy for ray daughter-in-law. But doubtless you suppose, you scamp, you seducer, you unlove- able boy, that you are my only high-born son, and that I am too old to have another. I would have you know then, that I * Bawled out.'] — It is with much concern we find the goddess of grace and beauty guilty of the unseemly act of bawling, as well as of other ter- magant behaviour ; but it stands so on the record : * jam inde a foribua quam maxime Loans.' BOOK V. THE STOE,Y OP CIJriD AND PSrCHE. 109 will have another son, a much better one than you ; nay, what's more, that you may be fully sensible of the disgrace, I will adopt one of the sons of my slaves, and to him will I give those wings and that torch, that bow and those arrows, and all that equipment which I bestowed on you, for purposes very different from these ; for no part whatever of this apparatus was supplied at your father's expense. But from your very childhood, you have been badly inclined, and have always had pugnacious hands. Many a time, too, have jou most dis- respectfully struck your elders : and even myself, your mother, myself, I say, you parricide, you are everyday exposing before the world. Many a time you have struck me, and you pay no more attention to me than if I were a widow ; yon do not even fear your step-father, that most brave and mighty warrior; quite the contrary, indeed, for you are evermore setting him after Avenches, to my torment. But I will make you repent of these tricks of yours, and that you shall find this match a sour and bitter one.' " 'But now, made a laughing-stock of, what shall I do ? WTiither betake myself? How shall I coerce this slippery little lizard.^ Shall I solicit the assistance of my old foe Sobriety, whom I have so often afi&:onted for sake of this spoiled boy ? Must I have intercourse with that coarse, vulgar being ? I shudder at the thought ; and yet the comfort of revenge is not to be despised, come whence it may. I must have recourse then to her, and to her alone ; that she may most soundly chas- tise this scamp. She shall rifle his quiver, blunt his arrows, unstring his bow, extinguish his torch, aye, and keep his body in order by the sharpest remedies. "When I shall have shorn off those golden locks, which these hands have so often sorted, and have clipped off those pinions, which I have dyed in my bosom's nectareous fountain, then, and not till then, I shall believe that atonement has been made for the injury I have received. *' Having thus vented her wrath, she rushed impetuously out of doors, and was immediately accosted by Ceres and Juno, who, observing her angry countenance, asked her why she marred the beauty of her sparkling eyes by such a sullen frown. ' Most opportunely are you come,' she replied, ' to appease*' that violence which has taken possession of my * To appease,} — * Perplacatura' seems to be a preferable reading here.. to * perpetraturae.* 110 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. raging bosom. Enquire for me, I beg, with the utmost c«re and diligence after that runaway vagabond. Psyche ; for tho infamous stories about my family, and the conduct of my son who does not deserve to be named, cannot be unlmown to you.' **The two Goddesses, knowing what had happened, thus endeavoured to mitigate the rage of Venus. * What mighty offence, good mistress, has your son committed, that you should thwart his pleasures with such stubborn resolution, and be impatient to destroy her with whom he is in love ? Is it a crime, if he has freely indulged his liking for a pretty girl ? Are you ignorant of his sex, and his youth ? Surely, you have forgotten how many years old he is, or is it because he carries his years so prettily, that you would for ever fancy him a boy? Is it possible, that you, who are his mother, and a woman of understanding, can persist in prying inquisitively into the gaieties of your handsome son, finding fault with his indis- cretions, taking him to task for his amours, and reproving in him your own arts and voluptuous suggestions ? But what God or what man will bear with you, when you are everywhere scattering amorous desires among people, and at the same time would restrain the gallantries of your own house, and shut up the universal magazine of female frailties ? ' "Thus did they, through fear of his darts, flatter, and gra- ciously defend Cupid in his absence. But Venus, indignant that her injuries were thus treated with ridicule, turned her back upon them, and with hasty steps again betook herself to the ocean." BOOK THE SIXTH. CONCLUSION OF THE FIFTH EPISODE : CTJPID AND PSYCHE LUCITJS ACCOMPANIES THE EOBBEKS TO A CAVE WHERE THEY HAVE DE- POSITED BOOTY, AND INCUKS THEIR DISPLEASITEE HE ATTEMPTS TO ESCAPE — IS SEIZED BY THE OLD WOMAN ; BUT, AIDED BY THE DAMSEL, GALLOPS OFF, WITH HIS ALLY ON HIS BACK LUCIUS AND THE DAMSEL RETAKEN BY THE ROBBEllS DEATH OF THE OLD WOMAN — LUCIUS AND THE DAMSEL CONDEMNED TO A HOR- ■MhLE LINGERING DEATH. " In the meantime Psyche wandered about, day and night, restlessly seeking her husband, and the more anxious to find BOOK VI. THE STOEY OF CUPID AND PSYCHJE. Ill him, because, though she had incurred his anger, she hoi)ed to appease him, if not by the tender endearments of a wife, at least by entreaties as humble as a slave could urge. Perceiving a temple on the summit of a lofty mountain, ' How can I tell,' said she, * but yonder may be the residence of my lord ?' and immediately she hastened thither, while, wayworn and ex- hausted as she was, hope and affection quickened her steps, and gave her vigour to climb the highest ridges of the moun- tain, and enter the temple. There she saw blades of wheat, some in sheaves, some twisted into chaplets, and ears of barley also. There were scythes likewise, and all the implements of harvest, but all Ijmg scattered about in confusion, just as such things are usually thrown down, in the heat of summer, from the careless hands of the reapers. ** Psyche began carefully to sort all these things, and arrange them properly in their several places, deeming it her duty not to fail in respect for the temples and ceremonies of any deity, but to implore the benevolent sjnnpathy of all the Gods. Bounteous Ceres found her thus diligently employed in her temple, and cried to her, from a distance : * Ah, poor unfor- tunate Psyche ! Yenus, ftill of rage, is eagerly tracking your footsteps, craving to inflict upon you the deadly penalties, and the whole force of her divine vengeance. And can you then busy yourself with my concerns, and think of anything else but your own safety r* " Psyche, prostrating herself before the goddess, moistening her feet with abundant tears, and sweeping the ground with her locks, besought her protection with manifold prayers. * I implore thee,* said she, * by thy fruit-bearing right hand, by the joyful ceremonies of harvest, by the mysterious rites of thy cists,* by the winged car of the dragons thy servants, by the furrows of the Sicilian soil, by the chariot of the ravisher,! by the earth that closed upon him, by the dark descent and un- lighted nuptials of Proserpine, by the torch-illumined return of thy recovered daughter, and by the other mysteries which Eleusis, the sanctuary of Attica, conceals in silence : succour, * Of thy cists.'] — In the processions of Ceres, at Athens, were carried chests or baskets, made of osier, enclosing mystic images of the Deity, which it was not lawful for any uninitiated person to look upon + The chariot (^ the ravisher.] — 'Per currura rapacem.^ The chariot ©f Pluto, in which he carried off Proseipine from the plains of Enna, ia t»cily, aad de&cended through a cha&m uf the earth to the shades below. 112 THE GOLDE^T ASS OF APrLEIITS. ^ccour tlie life of the wretched Psyche, thy suppliant! Suffer me, if for a few days only, to conceal myself in that heap of wheatsheaves, till the raging anger of the mighty Goddess be mitigated by the lapse of time ; or at least until my bodily powers, weakened by long-continued labour, be renewed by an interval of rest/ "'I am touched by your tears and entreaties,* Ceres re- plied, * and fain would render you assistance ; but I cannot provoke the displeasure of my relative, to whom I am also united by ties of friendship of old date, and who besides is a very worthy lady. Begone, therefore, from this temple di- rectly, and be very thankful that I do not seize and detain you as a prisoner.' "Psyche, thus repulsed, contrary to her expectations, ani afflicted with twofold grief, retraced the way she came, and presently espied in a gloomy grove of the valley below the mountain, a temple of exquisite structure. Unwilling to omit any chance of better fortune, though ever so remote, but re- solving rather to implore the protection of the god, whoever he might be, she approached the sacred doors. There she be- held splendid offerings, and garments embroidered with golden letters, fastened to the branches of trees and to the door-posts of the temple ; upon which was recorded the name of the god- dess to whom they had been dedicated, and also the particular! of the favour received. *' Then Psyche fell upon her knees, and with her hands embracing the yet warm {Lctar, having first ^ Iped away her tears, she thus offered up a prayer : ' sister and consort of mighty Jove ! whether thou dost inhabit the ancient temples of Samos,* which glories in thy birth, thy complaining infancy, and thy nurture ; or whether thou dost frequent the happy mansions of lofty Carthage, which adores thee as a virgin, passing through the heavens in a car drawn by lions ; or dost preside over the renowned walls of the Argives, near the banks of Inachus, where thou art celebrated as the spouse of the Thun- derer, and the Queen of the Gods ; thou whom all the East vene- rates under the name of Zygia,f and all the West denominates * Temples of Samos.'] — The goddess Juno was especially worshipped in ■fee island of Samos, and the city of Carthage. The Samians boasted tliat ghe was born in tiiat island, near the river Imbrasus, whence she was called Xmbrasia. T Name of Zygia.]—iwno was so called from KvyoQ, & ' yoke,' as pre- iding over the rites of wedlock . BOOK VI. THE STORY OF CTJPII) AlfD PSYCHE. 113 L-icina ! be thou, Juno Sospita, a protectress to me in these my overwhelming misfortunes, and deliver me, worn out with long sufferings, from the fear of my impending danger ; for I know that thou art accustomed readily to succour pregnant women in time of peril.' " While Psyche thus prayed, Juno appeared before her, in all the august majesty of her divinity, and said, ' How readily would I lend an ear to your entreaties ; but propriety will not permit me to act contrary to the wishes of Venus, my daughter in-law,* whom I have always loved as my own child. Then, besides, the laws forbid f me to receive into my protection any fugitive servant, without the consent of her mistress.' " Dismayed by this second shipwreck of her fortunes, and being no longer able to make search for her volatile husband. Psyche gave up all hopes of safety, and thus communed with herself. 'What other relief for my sorrows can now be looked for or procured, since even goddesses cannot, though willing, afford me any assistance ? In what direction shall I once more bend my wandering steps, entangled, as I am, in snares so inextricable ? Concealed in what habitations, in w^hat dark- ness even, can I escape the ever-vigilant eyes of the mighty Venus ? Assume, then, a masculine courage, my soul, boldly renounce vain hopes, voluntarily surrender yourself into the hands of your mistress, and try, though late, to soften her rage by submissive behaviour. Besides, who knows whether you may not perhaps find in his mother's house him whom you have been so long seeking in vain.' Thus prepared for this doubtful experiment of duty, or rather for certain destruction, she considered with herself how she was to preface her en- treaties. ''Venus, meanwhile, declining to employ earthly means in pursuing her inquiries after Psyche, returned to heaven. She ordered the chariot to be got ready, which Vulcan had con- structed wdth exquisite skill, and presented to her before the celebration of hi3r marriage. The nuptial gift was of burnished gold, and was even the more precious through the diminution of its material by the file. J Pour white doves, out of the many * Ml/ daughter-in-law.'] — Venus being the wife of Vulcan, the son of Juno. t The laws forbid.'} — Probably by this expression reference is made to the Fabian law, entitled ' De Piagiariis.' X More precious through the diminution, 8fc j — That is to say, the loss 114 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. that nestled about the chamber of their mistress, advanced with joyous flutterings, and bending their painted necks to the jewelled yoke, flew forward with the chariot that contained the goddess. Around it wantoned chattering sparrows, and other birds of sweet note, which announced the approach of Venus in melodious strains. "And now the clouds dispersed, heaven unfolded itself be- fore its daughter, and the lofty aether received the goddess Avith joy ; nor did the tuneful retinue of Yenus dread the attack of eagles, or rapacious hawks. She went straightway to the royal citadel of Jove, and with a haughty air demanded, as especially necessary, the services of the crier god ; nor did the azure brow of Jupiter refuse its assent. Exulting Venus, accompanied by Mercury, immediately descended from heaven, and thus anxiously addressed him : ' My Arcadian brother, you well know that your sister, Venus, never did anything without the presence of Mercury, nor are you ignorant how long I have been unable to find my absconded female slave. Nothing remains, therefore, to be done, but for you to proclaim her in public, and announce a reward to him who shall find her. Take care, therefore, that my commands are speedily executed, and clearly describe the marks by which she may be recog- nized; that no one may excuse himself on the plea of ignorance, if he incurs the crime of unlawfully concealing her.' " So saying, she gave him a little book, in which were written Psyche's name, and sundry particulars. This done, she immediately returned home. IS'or did Mercury neglect her commands ; for going about among all nations, he thus per- formed his duties as crier : ' If anj- one can seize in her flight, and bring back, a fugitive daughter of a king, a handmaid of Venus, and by name Psyche, or discover where she has con- cealed herself, let such person repair to Mercury, the crier, behind the boundaries of Murtia,* and receive, by way of re- of the precious material was more than compensated by the value of tlie workmanship. Materiam superahat opus. * The boundaries of Murtia.] — The spot here mentioned was at tlie back of the temple of Venus Murtia, or guardian of the myrtle, which was built on Mount Aventine, at Rome. In the first idyl of Moschus, Venus thus proclaims the reward for her fugitive child : * On him who the haunts of my Cupid can show, A kiss of the tenderest stamp I'll bestow ; But he who can Irring me the wanderer here, Shall have something more rapturous, something more dear.' This * something more' is the quicquid post oscula dulce of Secundus BOOK VI. THE STOEY OF CUPID A.IfD PSYCHE. 115 ward, for the discovery, seven sweet kisses from Yenus herself, and one exquisitely delicious touch of her charming tongue.' "Mercury having thus made proclamation, the desire of oh- taining such a reward excited the emulous endeavours of all mankind, and this circumstance it was that quite put an end to all Psyche's hesitation. She was already near her mistress's gates, when she was met by one of the retinue of Venus, whose name was Habit, and who immediately cried out, as loud as she could bawl, ' So, you most good-for-nothing wench, have you at last begun to discover that you have a mistress? And do yoii pretend, too, in your abundant assurance, that you don't know what immense trouble we have had in endeavouring to find you out ? But it is well that you have fallen into my hands, of all others, and have got within the very jaws of Orcus, to receive, without delay, the penalty of such obstinate contumacy.' " So saying, she instantly twisted her hands in Psyche's hair, and dragged the unresisting captive along. But Yenus, the moment she was dragged into her presence, burst into a loud laugh, such as people laugh who are furiously angry; and shaking her head and scratching her right ear.* 'At length,' Baid she, 'have you deigned to pay your respects to your moth(T-in-law ? Or rather, are you come to see your sick husband, who is yet dangerously ill from the wound you gave him ? But make yourself easy ; for I shall at once give you a reception such as a good mother-in-law ought to give. Where,' she cried, ' are those seiwants of mine. Anxiety and SoEROw ? ' These attending, at her call, she delivered her to them to be tormented.' Thereupon, in obedience to the com- mands of their mistress, they scourged and inflicted other tor- ments on the wretched Psyche, and after they had tortured her, brought her back again into the presence of Yenus. " ' Just look at her,' said Yenus, again setting up a laugh ; * her interesting state quite moves my compassion, since it is through that, forsooth, that she is to make me a happy grand- mother. Fortunate, indeed, am I, who, in the very flower of my age, am to be called a grandmother ! And the son of a vile handmaid is to hear himself called the grandson of Yenus ! And yet I talk nonsense in calling him my grandson ; for ill' assorted marriages, contracted, too, in a country place, without * Scratching her right ear.'] — According to Pliny, the throne of Nemesis, the goddess of revenge, is behind the right ear. 116 THE GOLDEX ASS OF APTTLEIITS. any witnesses, and without the father's consent, cannot pos- sibly be deemed legitimate ; consequently this child will be a bastard, even if I do suffer you to bring it into the light at all.* '' Having thus said, she flew upon her, tore her clothes in a great many places, pulled out her hair, shook her by the head, and grievously maltreated her. Then, taking wheat, barley, millet, poppy, vetches, lentils, and beans, and, mixing them all together in one heap, she said to her : * You seem to me, such an ugly slave as you now are, to be likely to gain lovers in no other way than by diligent drudgery. I will, therefore, myself, for once, make trial of your industrious habits. Take and separate this promiscuous mass of seeds, and having pro- perly placed each grain in its place, and so sorted the whole, give me a proof of your expedition, by finishing the task before evening.' Then having delivered over to her the vast heap of seeds, she at once took her departure for a nuptial banquet. " But Psyche astounded at the stupendous task, sat silent and stupified, and did not move a hand to the confused and inex- tricable mass. Just then, a tiny little ant, one of the inhabi- tants of the fields, became aware of this prodigious difficulty ; and pitying the distress of the partner of the mighty god, and execrating the mother-in-law's cruelty, it ran busily about, and summoned together the whole tribe of ants in the neigh- bourhood, crying to them, * Take pity on her, ye active children of the all-producing earth ! Take pity, and make haste to help the wife of Love, a pretty damsel, who is now in a perilous situation.' " Immediately the six-footed people came rushing in whole waves one upon another, and with the greatest diligence sepa- rated the whole heap, grain by grain ; then, having assorted the various kinds into different heaps, they vanished forthwith. " At nightfall, Venus returned home from the nuptial ban- quet, exhilarated with wine, fragrant with balsams, and having her waist encircled with blooming roses. As soon as she saw with what marvellous expedition the task had been executed, * This is no work of your hands, wicked creature,' she said, * but his whom you have charmed, to your own sorrow and his ;' and throwing her a piece of coarse bread, she went to bed. " Meanwhile, Cupid was closely confined in his chamber, partly that he might not inflame his wound by froward indul- gence, and partly lest he should associate with his beloved. The lovers, thus separated from each other under one roof, I BOOK VI. THE STOltr OF CUPID AND PSYCUE. 117 passed a miserable night. Eut as soon as Aurora had ushered in the morning, Venus called Psyche, and thus addressed her : ' Do you see yonder grove, stretching along the margin of a river, whose deep eddies receive the waters of a neighbouring fountain ? There shining sheep of a golden colour wander about, feeding without a shepherd. I desire that you bring me immediately a flock of that precious wool, get it how you may.* " Psyche willingly set out, not with any intention of exe- cuting this command, but to procure rest from her misfortunes, by hurling herself headlong from the rock into the river. But when she came to the brink, a green reed, the nurse of sweet music,* divinely inspired by a gentle breath of air, thus pro- phetically murmured : * Psj^che ! exercised in mighty sorrows, neither pollute my sacred waters by your most miserable death, nor venture yet to approach the formidable sheep on the oppo- site bank. While heated by the burning radiance of the sun, they are transported with savage rage, and are the destruction of mortals, either by their sharp horns, their stony foreheads, or their venomous bites. Therefore until the sun has declined from the meridian, and the serene spirit of the flood has lulled the animals to rest, you may hide yourself under yonder lofty plane tree, which drinks of the same river with myself ; and as soon as the sheep have mitigated their fnij, if you shake the branches of the neighbouring grove, you will find the woolly gold every where sticking to them.' Thus the artless and humane reed taught the wretched Psyche how to accomplish this dangerous enterprise with safety. " Psyche, therefore, observing all the directions, found her obedience was not in vain, but returned to Venus with her bosom fuUf of the delicate golden fleece. Yet she was not able to win the approbation of her mistress by this her second peri- lous labour. But Venus, smiling bitterly with knitted brows, thus addressed her : ' I do not fail to perceive another's hand in the performance of this task also ; but I will now try whe- ther you are endowed with a courageous mind and singular prudence. Do you see the summit of yonder lofty mountain ? From that peak fall the dusky waters of a black fountain, which. * Nurse of sweet music] — So called because the pipe of Pan was formed of reeds joined together. t Her bosom full.] — I'he ancients used the part of the robe that covered the bosom, as a pocket. 118 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULETTTS after being confined in the neighbouring valley, irrigate the Stygian marshes, and supply the hoarse streams of Cocytus ? Bring me immediately in this little urn, ice-cold water drawn from the very midst of the lofty fountain.' Thus speaking, she gave her a vessel of polished crystal, and at the same time threatened her more severely than before. ^' But Psyche started off with the utmost celerity to reach the very summit of the mountain, presuming that there, at least, she would find the period of her most miserable life. However, when she arrived at its confines, she saw the deadly difficulty of the stupendous undertaking. Tor a rock, enormously lofty, and inaccessibly rugged, vomits from its middle the horrid waters of the fountain, which, immediately falling headlong, are carried unseen through a deep, narrow, and covered channel into the neighbouring valley. On the right and left hand they creep through hollow rocks, over which fierce dragons stretch out their long necks, and keep a perpetual watch with unwinking vigilance. And the vocal waters exclaim ever and anon as they roll along, ' Begone ; what are you about ? Mind what you do ; take care ; fly ; you will perish.' " Psyche, therefore, petrified through the impossibility of accomplishing the task, though she was present in body was absent in mind, and being perfectly overwhelmed by the in- extricable danger, was even deprived of the benefit of tears, the last solace of the wretched. But the sorrow of the inno- cent soul is not concealed from the penetrating eyes of Provi- dence. The rapacious eagle, Jove's royal bird, on a sudden flew to her with expanded wings, remembering his ancient obligations to Cupid, who enabled him to carry the Phrygian cup-bearer up to Jove ; therefore, in gratitude to the young god, the eagle deserted the lofty paths of Jupiter, and bringing seasonable assistance to Cupid's wife in her distress, ho thus addressed her : ' Can you, simple as you are, and inexperienced in attempts of this kind, ever hope to steal one drop of this most holy and no less terrible fountain ? Have you not heard, at least, that these Stygian waters are formidable even to Jupiter himself, and that as you swear by the divinity of the gods, so they are accustomed to swear by the majesty of Styx } But give me that little urn.' Snatching it in haste, he sailed away on his strong wings, steering his course to the right and to the left, between the rows of raging teeth, and the three- BOOK VI. THE STOEr OF CTTPID AND PSYCHE. 119 forked vibrating tongues of the dragons until he reached and drew the reluctant waters, which warned him to begone while ho might in safety. But he pretended that Yenus herself wanted some of the water, and had ordered him to procure it ; and on this account his access to the fountain was somewhat facilitated. *' Psyche, therefore, joyfully receiving the full urn, returned with all speed to Yenus. Yet not even by the accomplishment of this dangerous enterprise, could she appease the anger of the raging goddess. For designing to expose her to still more outra- geous trials, Yenus thus addressed her, a smile, the harbinger of ruin, accompanying her words : ' You appear to me to be a pro- found and malevolent sorceress, or you never could with so much dexterity have performed my commands : but there is one task more, my dear, which you must perform. Take this box,' she said, delivering it to her, ' and direct your course to the infernal regions and the deadly palace of Pluto. Then pre- senting the box to Proserpine, say, Yenus requests you to send her a small portion of your beauty, at least as much as may be sufficient for one short day; for she has consumed all the beauty she possessed, through the attention which she pays to her sick son. But return with the utmost expedition ; for I must adorn myself with this beauty of Proserpine, before I go to the theatre of the gods.* ''Psyche was now truly sensible that she was arrived at the extremity of her evil fortune ; and clearly perceived that she was openly and undisguisedly impelled to immediate destruc- tion, since she was forced to direct her steps to Tartarus and the shades below. Without any further delay, therefore, she proceeded towards a lofty tower, that she might thence hurl herself headlong; for she considered that she should thus descend by a straight and easy road to the infernal regions. But she was no sooner arrived there, than the tower suddenly addressed her in the following words : '' ' AYhy, miserable creature, dost thou seek to destroy thy- self by falling headlong hence ? And w^hy dost thou rashly sink under this thy last danger and endurance ? For as soon as thy breath shall thus be separated from thy body, thou wilt indeed descend to profound Tartarus, but canst not by any means return thence. Listen, therefore, to me. Lacedaemon, a noble city of Achaia, is not far from hence. Near this city, concealed in devious places, is Tenarus, which you must seek ; for there you will find a cavity, which is Pluto's breathing r 120 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. hole, and an untraversed road presents itself to the view through the yawning gap. As soon as you have passed the threshold of this cavity, you will proceed in a direct path to the palace of Pluto. You ought not, however, to pass through those shades with empty hands, bat should take a sop of barley bread, soaked in hydromel, in each hand, and in your mouth two pieces of money. And when you have accomplished a good part of your deadly journey, you will meet a lame ass laden w^ith wood, with a driver as lame as himself, who will ask you to reach him certain cords to fasten the bur- den which has fallen from the ass : but be careful that you pass by him in silence. Then, without any delay, proceed till 5'ou arrive at the dead river, where Charon, immediately de^ manding his fee, ferries tlie passengers over in his patched boat to the farthest shore. " 'Avarice, it appears, lives among the dead ; nor does Charon himself, nor the father Pluto, though so great a god, do any thing gratuitously. The poor man dying, ought to prepare his viaticum ; but if he has no money at hand, will no one suffer him to expire ? To this squalid old man give one of the pieces of money which you carry with you ; yet in such a manner, that he may take it with his own hand from your mouth. "While you are passing over the sluggish river, a certain dead old man, floating on its surface, and raising his putrid hand, will entreat you to take him into the boat. Beware, however, of yielding to any impulse of unlawful pity. Having passed over the river, and proceeded to a little distance beyond it, you will see certain old women, weaving a web, who will re- quest you to lend them a helping hand ; but it is not lawful for 5'ou to touch the web. For all these, and many other par- ticulars, are snares prepared for you by Venus, that you may drop one of the sops out of your hands. But do not suppose that this would be a trifling loss ; since the want of only one of these sops, would prevent your return to light. For a huge dog, with three large, fierce, and formidable necks and heads, barking with his thundering jaws, terrifies in vain the dead, whom he cannot injure; and always watcliing before the threshold and black palace of Proserpine, guards the void Plu- tonian mansion. Having appeased this dog with one of your sops, you may easily pass by him, and then you will imme- diately enter the presence of Proserpine herself, who will re- ceive you in a very courteous and benignant manner, desire BOOK YI. THE STOEY OF CUPID AND PSYCHE. 121 you to repose on a soft seat, and persuade you to partake of a sumptuous banquet. But seat yourself on the ground, ask for a piece of common bread, and eat it ; then deliver your mes- sage, and having received what you came for, bribe the cruel dog with the remaining sop. Afterwards, having given to the avaricious ferryman the piece of money which you have re- served, and having passed his river, you will return by the way you came to the choir of the celestial stars. But, above all things, I warn you, be particularly cautious not to open or look on the box which you carry, or explore that concealed treasury of divine beauty.' In this manner, the propitious tower delivered its prophetic admonitions. " Psyche, therefore, without delaj^, proceeded to Tenarus, and duly taldng her pieces of money and her sops, ran down the infernal avenue. Here, having passed by the lame ass in silence, given the ferryman his fee, neglected the entreaties of the floating corpse, despised the fraudulent prayers of the spinsters, and lulled the rage of the horrid dog with a sop, she entered the palace of Proserpine. jS'or did she accept the deli- cate seat, or delicious banquet ; but humbly sat at the feet of Proserpine, and contented with a piece of common bread, deli- vered her embassy from Venus. Immediately after this, she received the box secretly filled and shut ; and having stopped the barking mouth of the dog with the remaining sop, and given the ferryman the other piece of money, she returned from the infernal regions much more vigorous than before. " Having again beheld and adored the fair light of day, though she was in haste to finish her errand, she was seized Vv^ith a rash curiosity : ' Behold,' said she, ' what a foolish bearer am I of divine beautj', who do not even take the least portion of it, that I may by this means appear pleasing in the eyes of my beautiful lover.' As she ended this soliloquy, she opened the box ; but it contained no beauty, nor indeed any- thing but an infernal and truly Stygian sleep, which being freed from its confinement, immediately seizes her, suff'uses all her members with a dense cloud of somnolence, and holds her prostrate on the very spot where she opened the box ; so that she lay motionless, and nothing else than a sleeping corpse. " But Cupid, being now recovered of his wound, and unable to endure the long absence of his Psyche, glided through the narrow window of the bedchamber in which he was confined. 122 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APFLEIUS. His wings, invigorated by repose, flew far more swiftly than before ; he hastened to his Psyche, and carefully brushing off the cloud of sleep, and shutting it up again in its old recep- tacle, the box, he roused Psyche with an innoxious touch of one of his arrows. * Behold,' said he, * unhappy girl, again you have all but perished, a victim to curiosity. Now, how- ever, strenuously perform the task imposed upon you by my mother, and I myself will take care of the rest.' Having thus spoken, the lover soared aloft on his wings, and Psyche imme- diately carried the present of Proserpine to Yeuus. *' In the meantime, Cupid, wasting away through excess of love, and dreading his mother's sudden prudery, betakes him- self to his usual weapons of craft, and having with rapid wings penetrated the summit of heaven, supplicates the mighty Ju- piter, and defends his cause. Then Jupiter, stroking the little cheeks of Cupid, and kissing his hand, thus addressed him : — * Though you, my masterful son, never pay me that reverence which has been decreed me by the synod of the Gods, but per* petually wound this breast of mine, by which the laws of the elements and the revolutions of the stars are governed, and frequently defile it with earthly intrigues, contrary to the laws, the Julian edict, '^* and public discipline, injuring my reputa- tion and fame by base adulteries, and sordidly changing my serene countenance into serpents, fire, wild beasts, birds, and cattle ; nevertheless, remembering my own moderation, and that you have been nursed in these hands of mine, I will ac- complish all that you desire. At the same time you must be sensible that you ought to guard against rivals, and to re- compense me for this service, by presenting me with any girl of transcendent beauty that may now happen to be upon the earth.' *' Having thus spoken, he ordered Mercury immediately to summon an assembly of all the Gods; and at the same time to proclaim, that if any one of the celestials absented himself, he should be fined ten thousand pieces of money. The fear of such a penalty caused the celestial theatre to be filled immediately; whereupon lofty Jupiter, sitting on his sublime throne, thus addressed the assembly of Gods : — * Ye conscript Gods, whose names are registered in the white roll of * The Julian edict."] — Alluding to the law against adultery, instituted by Augustus Cscsar, BOOK VI. THK STOKY OF CrPID AND PSYCHE. 123 the Muses, you are all well acquainted with that youth whom I have reared with my own hands, and the impetuous fire of whose juvenile years I deem it necessary to restrain by some bridle or other. It is sufficient that he is every day defamed in conversation, for the adulteries and all manner of corruption of which he is the cause. Every occasion of this must be taken away, and his youthful libertinism must be bound in nuptial fetters. He has made choice of a girl, and deprived her of her virginity. Let him, therefore, hold her, let him possess her, and embracing Psyche, always enjoy the object of his love.' Then turning his face to Venus, ' Nor do you, my daughter,' said he, * be sorrowful on this occasion, nor fearful that your pedi- gree and rank will be disgraced by a mortal marriage ; for I will now cause the nuptials not to be unequal, but legitimate, and agreeable to the civil law.' Immediately after this, he ordered Mercury to bring Psyche to heaven ; and as soon as she arrived, extending to her a cup of ambrosia, * Take this,' said he, ' Psyche, and be immortal ; nor shall Cupid ever depart from your embrace, but these nuptials of yours shall be perpetual.' " Then, without delay, a sumptuous wedding supper w^as served up. The husband, reclining at the upper end of the table, embraced Psyche in his bosom ; in like manner, Jupiter was seated with Juno, and after them, the other gods and goddesses in their proper order. Then Jupiter was presented with a bowl of nectar, the wine of the Gods, by the rustic youth Ganymede, his cup-bearer ; but Bacchus supplied the rest. Yulcan dressed the supper ; the Hours empurpled every- thing with roses and other fragrant flowers ; the Graces scattered balsam ; the Muses sang melodiously ; Apollo accom- panied the lyre with his voice ; and beautiful Yenus danced with steps in unison with the delightful music. The order, too, of the entertainment was, that the Muses should sing the chorus, Satyrus play on the flute, and Peniscus"^' on the pipe. Thus Psyche came law^fully into the hands of Cupid ; and at length, from a mature pregnancy, a daughter was born to them, whom we denominate PLEAsuEE."f END OE THE EIFTH EPISODE. * Peniscus.] — One of the satyrs of the wood- + The following explanation of this heautiful fable is, for the most part, 124 THE G0LDE3T ASS OF APULEITJS. Such was the tale told to the captive damsel by that delirious and tipsy old woman ; but I, who stood not far from her, extracted from the Introduction to a translation of it, formerly made by me, and published in the year 1795. This fable, which was designed to represent the lapse of the soul from the intelligible world to the earth, was certainly not invented by Apuleius; for, as it will appear in the course of this note, it is evidently alluded to by Synesius, in his book on Dreams, and obscurely by Plato and Plotinus. It is clear, therefore, that Plato could not derive his allusion from Apuleius ; and as to Plotinus and Synesius, those who are at all acquainted with the writings of the Greek philosophers, well know that they never borrowed from Latin authors, from a just conviction that they had the sources of perfection among themselves. I have said, that this fable represented the lapse of the human soul ; of the truth of which, the philosophical reader will be convinced by the fol- lowing observations. In the first place, the Gods, as I have elsewhere shown, are super-essential natures, from their profound union with the first cause, who is super-essential without any addition. Bat though the Gods, through their summits or unities, transcend essence, yet their unities are participated either by intellect alone, or by intellect and soul, or by intellect, soul, and body ; from which participations the various orders of the Gods are deduced. When, therefore, intellect, soul, and body, are in conjunction, suspended from the super-essential unity, which is the centre, flower, or blossom, of a divine nature, then the God from whom they are suspended is called a mundane God. In the next place, the common pa- rents of the human soul are the intellect and soul of the world : but its proximate parents are the intellect and soul of the particular star about which it was originally distributed, and from which it first descends. In the third place, those powers of every mundane God, which are partici- pated by the body suspended from his nature, are called mundane; but those who are participated by his intellect, are called super-mundane ; and the soul, while subsisting in union with these super-mundane powers, is said to be in the inteUigible world ; but v.hen she wholly directs her at- tention to the mundane powers of her God, she is said to descend from the intelhgible world, even while subsisting in the heavens. Thus much being premised, let us proceed to the explanation of the fable. Psyche, then, or soul, is described as transcendently beautiful, and this is indeed true of every human soul, before it profoundly merges itself in the defiling folds of dark matter. In the next place, when Psyche is represented as descending from the summit of a lofty mountain, into a beautiful valley, this signifies the descent of the soul from the intelligible world into a mundane condition of being, but yet without abandoning its establishment in the heavens. Hence, the palace which Psyche beholds in the valley, is, with great propriety, said to be ' a royal house, which was not raised by human, but by divine hands and art.' The gems, too, on which Psyche is said to have trod in every part of this palace, are evidently symbolical of the stars. Of this mundane, yet celestial condi. BOOK VI. THE STOUT OF CUPID AND PSYCHE. 125 lamented, by Hercules, that I had not the means of committing to writing such a beautiful fable. And now the robbers returned laden with booty, having tion of being, the incorporeal voices which attended upon Psyche, are likewise symbolical : for outward discourse is the last image of intellectual energy, according to which the soul alone operates in the intelligible world. As voices, therefore, they signify an establishment subordinate to that which is intelHgible, but so far as denuded of body, they also signify a condition of being superior to a terrene allotment. Psyche, in this delightful situation, is married to an invisible being, whom she alone recognises by her ears and hands. This invisible hus- band proves afterwards to be Cupid, or Love ; that is to say, the soul, while established in the heavens, is united to love of the purest kind, i e. to intellectual love, or, in other words, is not fascinated with outward form. But in this beautiful palace she is attacked by the machinations of her two sisters, who endeavour to persuade her to explore the form of her unknown husband. The sisters, therefore, signify those two powers of the irrational part of the soul, anger and desire, the latter of v^hich powers is well defined by tlie Pythagoreans to be a certain tendency, impulse, and appetite -of the soul, in order to be filled with something, or to enjoy something present, or to be disposed according to some sensitive energy ; just as reason or the rational soul is signified by Psyche. The stratagems of these sisters at length take effect, and Psyche beholds and falls in love with Love ; that is to say, the rational part, through the incentives of anger and desire, becomes enamoured of, and captivated with, outward form ; in consequence of which Cupid, or intellectual love, flies away, and Psyche, or the rational soul, is precipitated to earth. It is remarkable that Psyche, after falling to the ground, is represented as having ''a stum- bling and often reeling gait ;' for Plato, in the Phaedo, says, that the soul is drawn into body with a staggering motion. After this, commence the wanderings of Psyche in search of Cupid, or intellectual love, from whose embraces she is unhappily torn away. In the course of her journey, she arrives at the temples of Ceres and Juno, whose aid she suppliantly implores. Her conduct, indeed, in this respect, is highly becoming. For Ceres comprehends in her essence Juno, who is the fountain of souls ; and the safety of the soul arises from converting herself to the divine sources of her being. In the next place, Venus is represented desiring Mercury to proclaim Psyche through all lands, as one of her female slaves, that had fled from her service. It is likewise said that she gave hioii a small volume, in which the name of Psyche was written, and every other particular re- specting her. Now, I think, it cannot be doubted that Synesius alludes to this part of the fable, in the following passage from his treatise ou Dreams : * When the soul descends spontaneously to its former life, with mercenary views, it receives servitude as the reward of its mercenary labours. But this is the intention of descent, that the soul may accom- plish a certain servitude to the nature of the universe, presci'ibed by tha 126 THE GOLDEN" ASS OP APULEIUS. apparently fought a severe battle. Nevertheless, some of the more active spirits among them leaving the wounded at home laws of Adrastia, or inevitable fate. Hence, when the soul is fascinated with material endowments, she is affected in a manner similar to those who, though born free, are, for a certain time, hired to employments, and, in this condition, captivated by the beauty of some female servant, determine to act in a menial capacity, under the master of their beloved object. Thus, in a similar manner, when we are profoundly dehghted with external and corporeal good, we confess that the nature of mattep is beautiful, who marks our assent in her secret book ; and if, considering ourselves as free, we at any time determine to depart, she proclaims us deserters, and endeavours to bring us back, and, openly presenting her mystic volume to the view, apprehends us, as fugitives from our mistress. Then, indeed, the soul particularly requires fortitude and divine assistance, as it is no trifling contest to abrogate the confession and compact which she has made. Besides, in this case force will be employed ; for the material inflicters of punishments will then be roused to revenge, by the decrees of fate, against the rebels to her laws.' Venus, however, must not be considered here as the nature of matter ; for though she is not the celestial Venus, but the offspring of Dione, yet, according to Proclus in Cratylum, she is that divine power which governs all the co-ordinations in the celestial world and in the earth, binds them to each other, and perfects their generative progressions, through a kindred conjunction. As the celestial Venus, therefore, separates the pure soul from generation, or the regions of sense, so she that proceeds from Dione binds the impure soul, as her legitimate slave, to a corporeal life. After this, follows an account of the difficult tasks which Psyche is obliged to execute, by the commands of Venus ; all which are images of the mighty toils and anxious cares which the soul must necessarily endure after her lapse, in order to atone for her guilt, and recover her ancient residence in the intelligible world. In accomplishing the last of these labours, she is represented as forced to descend even to the dark regions of Hades, which indicates that the soul, through being enslaved to a cor- poreal life, becomes situated in obscurity, and is deprived of the light of day, i. e. of the splendour of truth and reality ; agreeably to which, Em- pedocles sings, * I fled from deity and heavenly light, To serve mad discord in the realms of night,' But Psyche, in returning from Hades, is oppressed with a profound sleep, through indiscreetly opening the box given her by Proserpine, in which she expected to find a portion of divine beauty, but met with nothing but an infernal Stygian sleep. This obscurely signifies, that the soul, by expecting to find that which is truly beautiful in a corporeal and terrene life, passes into a profoundly dorniant state ; and it appears to me, that both Plato and Plotinus allude to this part of the fable, in the following BOOK YI. IllE EOBBEES ILLTEEAT LTJCIUS. 127 to be cured, proposed to go and bring away the other bundles of plunder, which, as they said, they had concealed in a certain cave. So having hastily devoured their dinner, they turned me and my horse into the road, intending to loud us with those bundles ; and striking us with staves, they marched us over many ups and downs, and through many windings, until we arrived, towards evening, very weary, at a certain cavern, from whence they quickly brought us back, heavily loaded, without having allowed us a moment's rest. Such was their haste and trepidation, that ther drove me by their blows against a stone which lay in the road, and caused me to fall down ; and then the blows fell thicker and faster to compel me to rise, which I could hardly do being severely hurt in my off leg and near hoof. *' How long," cried one of them, " shall we waste food on this worn-out ass, and who is now gone lame too ?" " He has brought us ill-luck," said another ; *'and ever since we had him we have gained little else than blows, and the loss of our brave comrades." ''Decidedly," passages, the originals of which may he seen in p. 10 of my Dissertation on the Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries. In the first place, then Plato in book vii. of his RepubHc observes, ' that he who is not able, by the exercise of his reason, to define the idea of the good, separating it from all others, and piercing, as in a battle, through every kind of argument ; eagerly striving to confute, not according to opinion, but according to essence, and in all these, marching forward with undeviating reason, — such a one knows nothing of the good itself, nor of any good whatever ; but if he has attained to any image of the good, we must say he has at- tained to it by opinion, not by science ; that in the present life he is sleeping, and conversant with dreams, and that, before he is roused, lie will descend to Hades, and there be prqfoundly and perfectly laid asleep. And Plotinus, in Ennead. I. lib. viii. p. 80, says, ' The death of the soul is for it, while merged, as it were, in the present body, to descend into matter, and be filled with its impurity, and, after departmg from this body, to lie absorbed in its filth, till it returns to a superior condition, and ele- vates its eye from the overwhelming mire. For to be plunged into matter, is to descend to Hades, and fall asleep.' Cupid, however, or intellectual love, at length recovering his pristine vigour, rouses Psyche, or the rational part of the soul, from her deadly lethargy. In consequence of this, having accomplished her destined toils, she ascends to her native heaven, becomes lawfully united to Cupid, (for, while descending, her union with him might be called illegitimate), lives the life of the immortals, and the natural result of this union is pleasure or delight. And thus much for an explanation of the fable oi Cupid and Psyche. — Taylor. 128 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. Baid a third, " as soon as he has brought home this burden, which he carries so unwillingly, I will immediately hurl him down a precipice as dainty food for vultures." While those mildest of men were debating with each other about the death I was to die, we had now reached our home ; for fear had made wings of my hoofs. Then having hastily removed our burdens, and paying no attention to our wants, nor even thinking of my death, they took their woundcjd com- rades with them and started off again, to make up, as they said, for the time lost through my sluggishness. Meanwhile, I was made not a little uneasy by thoughts of the death with which I was threatened ; and I said to myself: " Why do you stand still, Lucius ? Why do you tamely await the last calamity that can befall you ? Death, and that of the most cruel kind, is decreed for you by the robbers, nor is the execution of the sentence a thing to cause them any great diffi- culty. You see those neighbouring precipices, and those sharp rocks projecting from their sides, which, fall wherever you may, will penetrate your body and tear you limb from limb. For that illustrious magic you were so fond of has given you only the form and the labours of an ass, but has invested you not with the thick hide of that animal, but with the deli- cate skin of a horse-leech. Why do you not, therefore, assume a masculine spirit, and consult your safety while yet you may ? You have an excellent opportunity for flight while the robbers are away. Are you afraid of a half-dead old woman, whom you may finish with one blow of your lame foot .'^ But whither on earth shall I fly, or who will receive me under his roof ? Nay, that is a stupid, and perfectly asinine reflection ; for where is the traveller who would not gladly ride off upon a beast that fell in his way ?" And with that I made a strong effort, broke the thong by which I was tied, and was off as fast as my four legs could carry me. Yet I could not escape the hawk's eyes of the crafty old woman ; for, as soon as she saw me free, she laid hold of the thong, with a boldness above her sex and age, and strove to lead me back again. I, however, bearing in mind the deadly purpose of the robbers, was moved by no pity, but immedi- ately knocked her down with a stroke of my hind feet. Eut even when sprawling on the ground, she held on to the thorfg with a tenacious gripe, so that for a while I dragged her along, BOOK VI. LUCmS A??D THE DAMSEL GALLOP OFF. 129 in my gallop. She immediately began, too, with clamorous howl- ings, to implore the assistance of a stronger hand ; but all the noise she made was of no use ; for there was no one but the captive virgin that could afford her aid ; and she, startled by the uproar, ran out of the cave, and saw, by Hercules, a most remarkable scene, the old woman, like another Dirce, only hanging not to a bull, but to an ass.* Then did the virgin, with virile daring, perform an admirable exploit. For, wrest- ing the thong from the hands of the old woman, she checked my speed with bland words, mounted cleverly on my back, and again incited me to hasten away. Besides my own spon- taneous desire to escape, I was now impelled by a wish to liberate the virgin, and further urged by the blows with which she frequently admonished me ; so that my four feet beat the ground at the rate of a courser's gallop ; and all the while I endeavoured to reply by my braying to the sweet words of the virgin. Sometimes, also, turning my neck, and pretending to scratch my back, I kissed her beautiful feet. ' At last, sighing deeply, and looking anxiously to heaven, *' ye Gods," she said, *' give me your aid, now or never, in my extreme danger ; and thou, cruel Fortune, now cease thy rage. Thou hast surely been suificiently appeased by these my miserable torments. And you (addressing her- self to me), in whom I rely for liberty and life, if you bring me home safe, and restore me to my parents and my beautiful lover, what thanks shall I not give you, what honours shall I not bestow upon you, and what food shall I not afford you? In the first place, I will comb that mane of yours nicely, and adorn it with my virgin hands ; next, I will grace- fully part and curl the hairs that hang over your forehead ; and then I will, with all diligence, comb out and disentangle the rough and matted bristles of your long-neglected tail. I will stud you all over, my preserver, with many golden or- naments, which will make you as resplendent as the stars of heaven ; I will lead you along in triumph, while the people joyfully follow ; and I will daily fatten you, bringing to you nuts and tit-bits in my silken apron. * To an ass.'] — Apuleius here alludes to the story of Dirce, the wife of Lyciis, king of Thebes, whom he married after he had divorced Antiope. Zethus and Amphion tied her to the tail of an untamed bull, and turned the animal loose ; but the Gods compassionately changed her into a foua- tain. 130 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEniS. "But think not that amidst that delicate food, complete leisure, and the blessedness of your whole life, a glorious dig- nity shall be wanting to you. For I will leave a perpetual monument of my present fortune, and of divine providence ; and will dedicate, in the vestibule of my house, an image of my present flight, depicted on a tablet. This history, also, though rude, shall be narrated in fables, and delivered to pos- terity in the writings of the learned ; viz. the history op a ROYAL VIRGIN FLYING FROM CAPTIVITY ON THE BACK OF AN ASS. You shall likewise be numbered among the miracles of anti- quity. For, from the example of your true history, we shall believe that Phryxus crossed the sea on the back of a ram, that Arion piloted a dolphin, and that Europa sat on a bull. And, truly, if Jupiter lowed under the form of a bull, something human or divine may be concealed in my ass." "While the virgin ran on in this way, mingling frequent sighs with her ebullitions of hope, we came to a certain place where three roads met ; and there, seizing me by the headstall, she strove hard to turn me into the road on the right hand, because it led to the abode of her parents. But I, who knew that the robbers had taken that path, in order to bring away the remainder of their spoil, strenuously resisted, and thus silently, in my own mind, expostulated with her : " What are you do- ing, unhappy virgin ? What are you about ? Why will you hasten to Hades ? What sort of use is this you want to make of my feet ? You will be the cause not only of your own de- struction, but of mine likewise." "While we were thus at variance about the road we should take, and were contending like coheirs in a law-suit about the lordship of the ground and the division of the path, the robbers, laden with their plunder, perceived us, and recognizing us at a considerable distance, by the light of the moon, saluted us with a malignant laugh; and one of their number thus addressed us : " Whither away so fast by moonlight ? Do you not fear the shades and ghosts that roam by night ? Are you hasten- ing, most dutiful maiden, to pay a clandestine visit to your parents ? Well, you shall not travel all alone, we will escOTt you, and show you a shorter way to your friends." And with that, he laid hold on my rein, and turned mo round, at the same time beating mc unmercifully with the knotted staff he carried in his hand. Then I, returning full loth to prompt de- BOOK VI. THE EGBBEES* COIJI^CIL. 131 Btruction, recollected the pain of my hoof, and began to walk lame, with my head bobbing up and down ; upon which, said the robber who had turned me back : "So, then, you stumble and stagger again. Your rotten feet are able to gallop away, but cannot walk. Yet, just now, you surpassed the winged speed of Pegasus." While my kind conductor thus jeered me, whacking me at the same time with his staff, we had now arrived at the out- ward enclosure of the robbers' abode. And there, behold, we found the old woman, with a rope tied about her neck, sus- pended from a branch of a lofty cypress tree. The robbers took her down, and dragging her along by her own rope, pitched her over the brink of a precipice. Then, having put the virgin in chains, they fell savagely upon the supper which the un- happy old woman had prepared for them, with posthumous diligence, as it were. And now, while they were devouring everything with greedy voracity, they began to discuss the question of our punishment, and their own revenge, and the opinions expressed on the subject were various, as is usually the case in a turbulent crowd. One proposed that the virgin should be burnt alive ; a second was for exposing her to wild beasts ; a third was of opinion that she should be crucified ; and a fourth, that she should be mangled by various torments. At all events, she was condemned to die, in one way or other, by the suffrage of all. At last one of them, having prevailed on the rest to cease the tumult, addressed them thus, in a mild and placid tone : *' It does not accord with the ordinances of our association, nor with the clemency of each of us, nor indeed with my own moderation, to suffer you to inflict punishment which exceeds the magnitude of the crime; nor that you should employ for this purpose wild beasts, or the cross, or fire, or torments, or invoke the hasty darkness of a rapid death. Hearken, then, to my counsel, and grant life to the maiden, but such life as she deserves. You have not, of course, forgotten what you some time ago decreed respecting that ass, who was always sluggish, indeed, but a prodigious eater, and who now also has counterfeited lameness, and has made himself the in- strument and servant of the virgin's flight. It will be well, therefore, to cut his throat to-morrow, and, having taken out all his intestines, to sew up the virgin, naked, in the belly k2 l32 THE Q0LDE2? ASS OP APULEITJS. of the ass, who has preferred her to us ; so that, her face alone may project and be visible, and the rest of her body may be confined in the beastly embrace of his belly. Then let the ass, with the virgin thus sewn up in him, be exposed, on some stony cliff, to the heat of the burning sun. Thus both of them will suffer everything which you have rightly decreed. For the ass will be put to death, as he has long ago deserved; while she will endure the bites of creatures of prey, when her limbs are gnawed by worms ; the scorching heat of fire, when the blazing sun shall have burnt up the belly of the ass ; and the torment of the cross, when dogs and vultures tear out her en- trails. Reckon up, too, her other miseries and tonnents. In the first place, she will remain alive in the belly of a dead beast ; in the next place, her nostrils will be tiJIed with a most fetid vapour ; and, in the third place, she will waste away with protracted hunger, and will not have her hands at liberty to end her ag-onies by death." ' After he had spoken to this effect, the robbers agreed to his proposal, which they relished to their very heart's content. On hearing their decision with my long ears, what could I do but bewail my poor body that was to be a dead carcase next mornins: ? BOOK THE SEVENTH. iRElVAL OF THE SPY WHOM THE llOBBEES HAD LEFT AT HTPATA HE REPORTS THAT THE ROBBERY OF MILo's HOUSE IS TJNIVER- TERSALLY IMPUTED TO LUCIUS THE ROBBERS ARE JOINED BY A NEW RECRUIT. SIXTH EPISODE : THE RECRUIT* S STORY HE IS CHOSEN LEADER OF THE BAND HE DISSUADES THEM FROM KILLING THEIR CAPTIVE A GRAND FESTIVAL LUCIUS SHOCKED BY THE damsel's HEARTLESS LEVITY THE PRETENDED ROBBER EEVEAL8 HIMSELF ESCAPE OF THE DAMSEL, TLEPOLEMUS AND CHARITE THEIR TRIUMPHAL ENTRY INTO THE NATIVE CITY OF THE LOVERS — DESTRUCTION OF THE WHOLE BAND OF ROBBERS LUCIUS IS PETTED, BUT UNHAPPY — HE IS SENT TO PASTURE, AND AGAIN DISAPPOINTED MADE TO TURN A MILL ILL-USED BY THE HORSES MADE TO FETCH WOOD FROM THE FOREST — CEO ELL Y TREATED BY HIS DRIVER — IS ABOUT TO BE CASTRATED BOOK ni. AEEIVAL 01 THE SPY. 133 DEATH OF HIS DRIVER LTJCnjS SEIZED BY A STRAl!fGEK THE STRANGER AND LUCIUS TAKEN BY HIS MASTER* S SERVANTS LUCIUS BEATEN AND TORTURED BY HIS DRIVER* S MOTHER. As soon as darkness gave place to the fair light of day, and all things were illuminated by the splendid chariot of the sun, a certain person, one of the robbers' comrades, arrived ; for so he appeared to be, by their mutual salutations. This man sat down at the entrance of the cavern, and after he had reco- veied his breath, and was able to speak, he made the following narration to his companions : — *' With respect to the house of Milo, of Hypata, which we lately plundered, we may now be quite at our ease, and fear nothing. For after you, brave men, had returned to our cave, carrying off with you all Mile's property, I mingled with the crowd of the citizens, and assuming the appearance of one who was grieved and indignant at what had happened, observed what course was taken for an investigation of the affair, and whether, and to what extent, they would inquire after the robbers ; in order that I might relate to you eveiy particular, conformably to your injunctions. Now one Lucius, whoever he may be, was accused, by the unanimous voice of all the mul- titude, as the manifest author of the robbery, and this not upon dubious surmises, but upon convincing evidence. This Lucius, not long before, by false commendatory letters, passing himself pff for a respectable man, strongly ingratiated himself with Milo, so that he was hospitably received by him, and ranked among his intimate friends. And when he had remained there not a few days, having ensnared the mind of a maid servant of Milo with false love, he diligently explored the bolts and bars of the house, and curiously surveyed those parts of it in which all the property was usually deposited. This, also, was con- sidered as no small indication of his guilt, that he fled on the very same night, and at the very moment the robbery was committed, and has not been lieard of since. He had ready means of flight too, whereby he could rapidly elude his pur- suers, and get farther and farther away from their search ; for he rode away on his own white horse. Moreover, his servant was found in the same house, and, being accused as accessary to the felony and escape of his master, was, by order of the magis- trates, committed to the common gaol, and subjected on the fol- lowing day to many torments. But though tortured till he 134 THE GOLDEN" ASS OF APFLEKTS. was almost dead, he confessed, after all, nothing of the kind- Keverthelcss, many persons were sent to the country of tha* Lucius in search of him, in order that he might undergo the punishment of his crime." While he was narrating these things, my vitals were wrung with grief at the comparison they suggested between my an- cient fortune and my present calamity, between that once happy Lucius and a miserable jackass. It also occurred to me, that not without reason had ancient sages pronounced Tortune to be blind, and entirely deprived of eyes ; since she always bestows her riches on the unworthy and the wicked, and never judiciously makes any mortal the object of her regard; but indeed attaches herself for the most part to men from whom, if she could see, she ought to fly far away. And what is worst of all, she causes opinions to be entertained of us that are at variance with our real character, or even contrary to it ; so as to enable the bad man to exult in the renown of the good man, and, on the other hand, to cause the most innocent to suffer such punishment as befits the most guilty. Here, methought, am I, to whom she has done her worst in changing me into a beast, and a quadruped of the vilest condition, I, whose mis- fortune would strike the most hardened reprobate as worthy to be lamented and commiserated, I am here accused of the crime of burglary, committed upon my most dear host ; a crime for which burglary is too mild a name, and which one may more rightly denominate parricide. Yet I was not permitted to defend myself, or to utter so much as one word in denial of the charge. Kow, however, when it was made in my presence, lest my silence should be mistaken for the acquiescence of a guilty conscience, I was racked with impatience to speak, were it only to say, Noii feci, I did not do that deed. The former word, indeed, [non] I roared out again and again, but the other \_feci^ I could by no means pronounce, but I continued to vociferate non non ; and no more could I get out, though I made my pendulous lips vibrate with excessive rotundity. Why, however, do I prolixly complain of the spitefulness of Fortune, since she was not ashamed to make me a fellow- servant and yoke-mate with my own horse. While these thoughts were floating through my mind, a concern of a more important nature engaged my attention, viz., the recollection that I was destined by the decree of the robbers to be a victin: booe: yii. the eobbers aee joined by a eecruit. 135 to the manes of the virgin ; and frequently casting a look at my belly, I seemed to myself to have the unhappy damsel enclosed within it. The robber who had just brought 1 he news of that false accusation against me, having drawn out a thousand pieces of gold coin, which he had sewn up and concealed in his garment, and which he had taken, as he said, from different travellers, and had conscientiously brought to the common treasury, began to inquire anxiously concerning the welfare of his comrades. Finding that some of them, and indeed all the bravest, had perished by various deaths, but all with great gallantry, he advised them to leave the highways at peace for some time, and rather apply themselves to searching after other associates^ and to supplying the deficiency of their warlike band by the election of new hands from among the youths of the country. For, he observed, those that were unwilling might be com- pelled by fear, and the willing be incited by reward ; and not a few would gladly abandon an abject and servile life, and unite themselves to an association which possessed a power like that of royalty. For his own part, he had some time since met with a certain man of a lofty stature, young, of vast bodily dimensions, and of great strength; and after much ar- gument had at length persuaded him to make better use of his hands, which had become torpid through long idleness ; to enjoy while he might the advantages of a prosperous condition of body ; and instead of holding out his powerful hand for alms, to exert it rather in helping himself to gold. All present assented to what he said, and decreed to receive the man he had spoken of, as he fippeared to be a tried man, and also to search after others who might supply the places of those they had lost. He went out, and returning shortly after, brought with him, as he had promised, a certain tall young man, with whom I do not think any one present could have stood a comparison ; for, besides the great bulk of his body, he surpassed all the rest in height by a whole head, and yet the down had but just begun to overspread his cheeks. He was only half clothed, with odds and ends <3f cloth, cobbled together, through the joinings of which his brawny breast and belly seemed ready to burst forth. Thus entering, " All hail," said he, " ye, who are under the protection of the most powerful God Mars, and who are now become my trusty comrades ; receive willingly a willing 136 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. recruit, a man of magnanimous spirit, who more cheerfully receives wounds in his body than gold in his hand, and who dc^spises death, which others dread. And think not that I am a needy or abject man, nor judge of my merits from these rags ; for I have been the leader of a most powerful band, and have, in fact, plundered all Macedonia. I am tliat ftmious robber Haeraus the Thracian, whose name whole provinces dread ; and am the offspring of Thero, who was an equally illustrious robber ; nourished in human blood ; educated among bands of men of this description, and the heir and imitator of my father's valour. But I lost in a short space of time all my old band, all my brave comrades, and, all the great wealth we had amassed. For passing by Oratum,* I attacked one of Caesar's commissaries, who had been high in office, but was afterwards deprived of his employment through the malignitj^ of fortune. I will, however, relate the whole affair in order that you may understand it the better. SIXTH EPISODE. THE recruit's STORY. ** There was a certain person honourably distinguished by the many offices he held in the palace of CiEsar, and who was also well esteemed by Caesar himself. Malignant envy, and the crafty accusations of certain persons, hurled him into exile. But his wife, Plotina, a woman of rare fidelity and singular chastity, who had given stability to the family of her husband by the birth of ten children, spurned and despised the plea- sures of city luxury, and became the companion of her husband's fliglit, and a partaker of his misfortune. For this purpose she cut off her hair, changed her dress, so that she might appear like a man ; and begirt with necklaces of the greatest value and with zones of gold coin, she moved intre- pidly amidst the drawn swords of the soldiers that guarded her husband, a partaker of all his dangers, maintaining an ever- wakeful care for liis saCcty, and enduring continual labours with the fortitude of a man. And now having vamjuished the greater part of the difficulties of the journey, and the dangers of the sea, she Avent with her husband to Zacynthus,f which * Oratum.'] — Thei)recise situation of Oratum has not been determined, f Zaci/nthus.} — Now the island of Zante. BOOK VII. THE EECRXJIT S STQ-RV, 137 their fatal destiny had decreed to be their temporary habita- tion. As soon, however, as they had arrived on the shores of Actiiira, where we were then roving about on our return from Macedonia, they went late at night to a certain cottage w^hich was near the shore and their ship, and there they slept in order to avoid the tossing of the sea. In this cottage we attacked and plundered them of every thing. Yet we did not depart without great danger. For as soon as the mistress of the house heard the first noise of the gate, she ran into the bedchamber, and disturbed all that were in the house by her tumultuous clamours. She likewise called on her servants by name, and on all her neighbours ; but it so happened that we escaped with impunity through the general fear, each conceal- ing himself out of regard to his own safety. *' This excellent woman, however, (for the truth must be spoken), who was a pattern of fidelity and was beloved for her virtues, immediately pouring forth her prayers to the majesty of Ciesar, obtained both a speedy return for her husband, and a complete revenge of the assault. In short, Caesar was un- willing that the band of the robber Haemus should any longer exist, and it was forthwith immediately destroyed. So much can the mere wish of a great prince eff'ect. At length, when, by the pertinacious pursuit of the emperor's army, all our band was destroyed, I scarcely saved myself, and escaped from the midst of the jaws of hell, after the following manner. I clothed myself in the florid vestment of a woman, with nume- rous flowing folds, covered my head with a small woven mitre, and put on my feet those white and thin shoes which are worn by women ; and thus, as it were, implanted and concealed in the other sex, I passed through the midst of the troops of Hostile soldiers, riding on an ass laden with sheaves of barley. For, believing me to be a female ass- driver, they let me pass free ; because at that time my beardless cheeks were still soft and smooth as a boy's. Yet I have not degenerated from my paternal glory, or forgotten my fortitude, though somewhat fearful in consequence of being placed in the midst of martial blades ; but protected by the disguise of a dress foreign to my sex, and attacking villas or towns, single handed, I have pro- 3ured for myself this small viaticum by plunder." END or THE SIXTH EPISODE. 138 THE GOLDEN" ASS OF APTTLEIUS. Ripping open his rags as lie spoke, lie poured forth into the midst of them two thousand pieces of gold coin. " There," said he, ''I willingly offer to your band this contribution, and myself al'so (if you do not reject mj^ offer), as a most faithful leader, w^ho, in a short space of time, will make this your habitation, to be no longer rocky, but golden." The rob- bers, without hesitation, unanimously elected him their leader. They also brought forth a tolerably fair garment, which he put on, throwing away his rich rags. And having thus changed his attire, and embraced each of them, he was placed on the couch at the head of the table, and his leadership was inaugu- rated by a supper, and copious bowls. In the conversation that ensued, the robber was made aware of the flight of the damsel, of my carrying her, and of the monstrous death to which each of us w^as destined. He asked where the virgin was, and being taken to her, and seeing her laden Avith chains, he turned away from her, with a contemp- tuous curl of his nose, and said : '' I am not indeed so stupid, or at least so rash, as to oppose your decree ; but I should have to endure the reproaches of my own conscience, if I dissembled what appears to me to be for your benefit. But, in the first place, suffer me, who am solicitous for your sake, to speak boldly, especially since, if my views are not acceptable to you, you may fall back on what you have decreed concerning the virgin and the ass. ISTow, I think that those robbers who are truly wise ought to prefer nothing to their own gain, not even vengeance itself, whicli is often detrimental to those who inflict it as well as to others. If, then, j^ou destroy the virgin in the body of the ass, you will gratify nothing but your indig- nation, without any profit to youi'selves. It is my opinion that she should rather be taken to some city, and there sold ; for a virgin of her age may be sold for no small price. I myself, some time ago, knew certain bawds, one of whom might, as I think, give a great sum of money for this virgin, and place her in a brothel, suitable to her birth, and from which she will not be likely to run away again. She will also have afforded you some revenge, when she has passed into bondage at a brothel. I have sincerely offered this counsel to you, as conducive to your advantage ; but you are the masters of your own judg- ments and acts." Thus it was that this advocate of the rob- bers' exchequer, and no less excellent saviour of the virgin and ass, pleaded our cause. BOOK Til. CAEOUSE OF THE E0B2ERS. 139 The rest of the robbers, after tormenting my entrails and my miserable spirit by their tedious deliberations, at length cor- dially acceded to the opinion of the new robb&r, and immedi- ately freed the virgin from her bonds. But as for her, from the moment she beheld that young man, and heard him men- tion a brothel and a bawd, she began to be elated, and to smile most joyfully, so that I felt inclined, with good reason, to vitu- perate the whole sex, when I saw a virgin, who pretended that she was enamoured of a young lover, and was desirous of a chaste marriage, now suddenly delighted with the name of a vile and filthy brothel. It was a case in which the character of the whole female sex was in question, and the verdict de- pended on the judgment of an ass. The young man, how- ever, resuming his discourse, said : " Why do we not proceed to supplicate Mars to be propitious to us in selling the virgin, and searching for other associates ? But, as far as I see, we have not any beast for sacrifice, nor sufficient wine for drink- ing largely. Send with me, therefore, ten of our comrades, with whom I may go to the next town, and bring you thence meat and drink fit for priests." Accordingly, he departed, attended by ten of the robbers, and the rest prepared a great fire, and raised an altar of green turf to the god Mars. The foragers soon returned, bringing with them skins full of wine, and driving before them a great number of cattle; from among which they selected a large he-goat, old and shaggy, and sacrificed it to Mars the Secutor"^* and Associate. A sumptuous supper was immediately prepared. Then the stran- ger said : " You must consider me as a strenuous leader not only of your plundering expeditions, but also of your pleasures." And with that he went cleverly to work, and performed every thing that was requisite with admirable dexterity. He swept the floor, made the couches smooth, cooked the meat, seasoned the dishes, and served them up handsomely ; but especially he plied each of them, and that frequently, with large bowls of wine. Nevertheless, under pretence of fetching v/hat he wanted from time to time, he often went to the virgin, and gaily presented her with fragments which he had se- cretly taken away, and cups of wine, of which he had pre- viously tasted. And she most willingly received what he brought her, and sometimes, when he washed to kiss her, she readily responded to his wdsh, and kissed him quite lovingly * f. The gladiator, or sword- player. 140 THE GOLDEl^ ASS OF APULEITJS. These things greatly displeased me; and I said to myself: Shame upon you, girl, do you forget your faithful lover and your nuptials ? Do you prefer this foreign and cruel homicide to that young man, whoever he be, to whom your parents have betrothed you ? Does not your conscience prick you, that you thus trample on affection, and are pleased to act libidinously among gleaming spears and swords ? What if the other rob- bers, likewise, should, by some means or other, perceive what you are doing, would you not again return to the ass, and again procure my destruction ? Eeally you are playing your game at the risk of another's skin. Whilst I was thus cogitating in great indignation, and falsely accusing the virgin in my own mind, I gathered from certain words of theirs, which though dubious, were not obscure to an intelligent ass, that the young man was not the famous robber Haemus, but Tlepolemus, the bridegroom of the virgin. For, in the course of their conference, caring nothing for my pre- sence, he said somewhat more distinctly : ** Be of good cheer, dearost Charite ; for you shall presently have all these your enemies in captivity." And I observed that while he himself refrained from drinking immoderately, he never ceased to ply the robbers more and more with wine, now unmingled with water, and moderately heated, so that they began to be over- come with intoxication. And, by Hercules, I suspect that he had mingled in their cups a certain soporiferous drug. At last, when they all, without a single exception, lay dead drunk on the floor, then Tlepolemus, having without any difficulty bound them strongly with ropes, and tied them together as he thought proper, placed the damsel on my back, and directed his steps to his own home. As soon as we arrived there, the whole city turned out at the wished-for sight. Parents, kindred, retainers, bondmen, and servants, joyfully ran out to meet us. You might see a procession of every age and sex, and, by Hercules, a new and memorable spectacle, a virgin riding in triumph on an ass.* As for myself, rejoicing with all my might, and not choosing to be at variance with the present display, as if I had no concern in it, I brayed strenuously, with erect ears and expanded nos- trils, or rather, I trumpeted with a noise like thunder. * Riding in triumph on an ass.'] — It has been conjectured that the plgan Apuleius intemls by this a covert sneer ui Christ's entry into »*erusalem. BOOK VII. DESTRUCTION OF THE BAlfD OF EOBBEES. 141 The damsel having now retired to her chamber, where her parents cherished and caressed her, Tlepolemus immediately took me back to the cave, accompanied by a great number of beasts of burden, and a multitude of his fellow-citizens. Nor did I return unwillingly ; for, curious at all times, 1 was then particularly desirous to be a spectator of the captivity of the robbers, whom we found still fast bound, with wine even more than with ropes. Having, therefore, ransacked the cave, and brought out every thing that was in it, and wo, and all the rest being loaded with gold and silver, Tlepolemus and his at- tendants rolled some of the robbers, bound as they were, over the neighbouring cliffs, and others they beheaded with their own swords. Then we returned to the city, exulting and re- joicing in so complete a revenge. The robbers* wealth was deposited in the public treasury ; but the damsel, who had been recovered by Tlepolemus, was given to him according to law. Then that noble woman paid the greatest attention to me, whom she called her saviour; and, on the very day of her nuptials, ordered my manger to be completely filled with bar- ley, and as much hay to be given me as would be enough for a Bactrian camel, liut what sufficiently dire execrations could I imprecate on Fotis, who had transformed me not into a dog, but an ass, when I saw all the dogs stuffed and crammed with the relics of the most abundant supper, and with the food they had pillaged r After the first night, the bride did not cease to tell her parents and her husband bft)w greatly she was in- debted to me, till they promised that they would confer on me the highest honours. Convoking, therefore, their most inti- mate friends, they held a consultation as to how I might most worthily be rewarded. One was of opinion that I should be shut up in the hoiise, and there, leading an idle life, be fattened with choice barley, beans, and vetches. Eut the opinion of another prevailed, who regarded my liberty, and persuaded them rather to give me the run of the plains and meadows, where I might take my pleasure among the herds of horses, and procreate many mules, for the masters of the mares. The keeper of the horses was accordingly summoned, and I was delivered over to him, with many injunctions that he should take care of me. And righi gaily did I trot along by his side, rejoicing at the thought that I was now to have nothing more to do with packs and bags, and so forth, and that having obtained my liberty, 1 should doubtless 142 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. find some roses in the meadows, when they began to blossom in spring. Frequently, too, it occurred to me, that since such great marks of gratitude and so many honours were conferred on me when but an ass, so much the greater would be the re- spect and favour shown me when I had recovered the human form. But when the keeper of the horses had taken me to the country, I found there none of the pleasure or the liberty I ex- pected. Eor his wife, an avaricious, bad woman, immediately yoked me to the mill, and frequently striking me with a green stick, prepared bread for herself and her family at the expense of my hide. And not content to make me drudge for her own food only, she also ground corn for her neighbours, and so made money by my toil. Nor, after all my weary labours, did she even afford me the food which had been ordered for me ; for she sold my barley to the neighouring husbandmen, after it had been bruised and ground in that very mill, by my own round- about drudgery ; but to me, who had worked during the whole of the day at that laborious machine, she only gave, towards evening, some dirty, unsifted, and very gritty bran. I was brought low enough by these miseries ; but cruel Fortune ex- posed me to fresh torments, in order, I suppose, that I might boast of my brave deeds, both in peace and war, as the saying is. For that excellent equerry, complying, rather late, indeed, with his master's orders, for a short time permitted me to as- sociate with the herds of horses. At length a free ass, I capered for joy, and softly ambling up to the mares, chose out such as I thought would be the fittest for my concubines. But here my joyful hopes gave place to extreme danger. For the stallions, who had been fed high for the sake of copulating with the mares, and who, independently of this, were terribly strong creatures, more than a match for any ass, regarding me with suspicion, and anxious to preserve the purity of their race, furiously pursued me as their rival, without respect for the laws of liospitable Jupiter. One of them, with his head and neck and ample chest aloft, struck at me like a pugilist with his forefeet ; another, turning his brawny back, let fly at me with his hind feet ; and another, with a vicious neigh, his ears thrown back, and showing his white teeth, sharp as spears, bit me all over. It was like what I have read in history of the King of BOOK Til. lUCirS CRUELLY TKEATEl) BY HIS DEIYKE. 143 Thrace,"^' T\'ho exposed his unhappy guests to be lacerated and devoured by wild horses. For so sparing was that power- ful tyrant of his barley, that he appeased the hunger of his voracious horses by casting human bodies to them for food. In fact, I was so worried and distracted by the continual attacks of the horses, that I wished myself bark again at the mill round. Fortune, however, who could not be satiated with my tor- ments, soon after visited me with another calamity. For I was employed to bring home wood from a mountain, and a boy, the most villanous of all boys, was appointed to drive me. It was not only that I was wearied by toiling up and down the steep and lofty mountain, nor that I wore away my hoofs by running on sharp stones, but I was cudgelled without end, so that all my bones ached to the very marrow. More- over, by continually striking me on the oif-hauuch, and always in the same place, tiU the skin was broken, he occa- sioned a great ulcerous cavity, gaping like a trench or a window; yet he never ceased to hit me on the raw. He likewise laid such a load of wood on my back, that you might have thought it was a burden prepared for an elephant, and not for a jackass. And whenever the ill-balanced load inclined to one side, instead of taking away some of the faggots from the heavier side, and thus easing me by somewhat lightening, or at least equalizing the pressure, he ahvays remedied the inequality of the weight by the addition of stones. I»[or yet, after so many miseries which I had endured, was he content with the immoderate weight of my burden ; but when it happened that we had to pass over a river, he would leap on my back in order to keep his feet dry, as if his weight was but a trifling addition to the heavy mass. And if by any acci- dent I happened to fall, through the weight of my burden, and the slipperiness of the muddy bank, instead of giving me a helping hand as he ought to have done, and pulling me up by the headstall, or by my tail, or removing a part of my load, till at least I had got up again ; this paragon of ass- drivers gave me no help at all, however weary I might be, but begin- ning from my head, or rather from my ears, he thrashed all the hair oif my hide with a huge stick, till the blows stirred me up and served me instead of a stimulating medicament. * Diomede, Vid. Hygin, Fab. 30, et Ovid, in Ibin. v. 381. 144 THE GOLDEN ASS OE APULKIUS, Another piece of cruelty he practised on me, was this. ITe twisted together a bundle of the sharpest and most venomous thorns, and tied them to my tail as a pendulous torment ; so that, jerking against me when I walked, they pricked and stabbed me intolerably. Hence, I was in a sore dilemma. For when I ran away from him, to escape his unmerciful drubbings, I was hurt by the more vehement pricking of the thorns ; an-d if I stood still for a short time, in order to avoid that pain, I was compelled by blows to go on. In fact, the rascally boy seemed to think of nothing else than how he might be the death of me by some means or other ; and that he sometimes threatened with oaths to accomplish. And, indeed, there happened a thing by which his detestable malice was stimulated to more baneful efforts ; for on a certain day, when his excessive insolence had overcome my patience, I lifted up my powerful heels against him ; and for this he retaliated by the following atrocity. He brought me into the road heavily laden with a bundle of coarse flax, securely bound together with cords, and placed in the middle of the burden a burning coal, which he had stolen from the neighbouring village. Presently the fire spread through the slender fibres, flames burst forth, and I was all over in a blaze. There appeared no refuge from immediate destruction, no hope of safety, and such a conflagration did not admit of delay, or afford time for deliberation. Fortune, however, shone upon me in these cruel circumstances ; perhaps for the purpose of reserving me for future dangers, but, at all events, liberating me from present and decreed death. For by chance perceiving a neighbouring pool muddy wdth the rain of the preceding day, I threw myself headlong into it ; and the flame being immediately extinguished, I came out, lightened of my burden, and liberated from destruction. But that audacious young rascal threw the blame of this most wicked deed of his on me, and affirmed to all the shepherds, that as I was passing near the neighbours' fires, I stumbled on purpose, and set my load in a blaze ; and he added, laughing at me, *'How long shall we waste food on this fiery monster?" A few days after this, he had recoui'se to still worse artifices against me. After having sold my load of wood at the nearest cabin, he led me home unladen, declaring that he could not marage so vicious a brute, and that he renounced the miserable BOOK Til. PllOPOSAL TO KILL THE ASS. 145 o> office of being my driver. " Look at that lazy, crawling, out-and-out jackass," said he. '' Besides all his other miss- deeds, he is now worrying me with new ones that put me in mortal fear. Eor whenever he sees a traveller, be it a comely woman, or a marriageable girl, or a tender youth, he imme- diately makes at them as if he was mad, upsetting his burden, and sometimes pitching off his very pack-saddle, and throws them down with abominable intentions, makes up his great ugly mouth as if to kiss them, and bites and tramples them most indecently. All this occasions lis no small strife and quarrels, and will perhaps bring us into trouble with the ma- gistrates. Just now, espying a decent young woman, this I'rolicksome gallant ran at her, scattering all his wood, threw her down in the mud, and wanted to have his wicked will of her there and then. Had not her shrieks brought some people to her help, who were passing that way, and who snatched her half dead from under his hoofs, she must have died a horrible death, and left us to suffer the last penalty of the law." With these and other such lies, which hurt my modesty the more because I could not reply to them, he desperately incensed the herdsmen against me. At last said one of them, " Why do we not immolate as he deserves this public paramour, this universal adulterer ? Hark ye, boy ; cut off his head, throw his entrails to the dogs, and keep his flesh to feed the work- people ; then we will carry his skin, well rubbed with ashes and dried, to our master, and easily make up a story of his having been killed by a wolf. Without delay my viUanous accuser prepared joyfully to execute the herdsman's sentence with his own hand, and began to sharpen his knife on a whetstone, mocking my woe, and maliciously calling to mind the kick I had given him, and which, by Hercules ! I wished had finished him. But one of the rustics exclaimed that it was a shame to slaughter so fine an ass. " Why lose the services of so useful a beast," he said, " merely because he is too lustful ? Only geld him, and he can no how play his pranks any more ; wu shall be safe from danger on his account, and besides, he will grow stouter and fatter than ever. I have known many an animal, not asses merely, but even high-spirited horses, that were so hot after mares, as to be quite furious and unmanageable, and which, after being cut, became quiet and fit to carry loads or do any- L 146 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. thing else that was required of them. So if you have no oh- jection to what I say, after I have been to the market, which will not detain me long, I will fetch the implements from home, and immediately come back and geld this terrible rude gallant, and make him gentler than any wether." Snatched by this proposal from the very clutches of death, but reserved for a most cruel punishment, I grieved as though I were about to perish wholly in losing an appendage to my body, and thought of destroying myself by continual fasting, or by leaping down a precipice : in that way I should die none the less, but I should die entire. Whilst I was pondering my choice of deaths, morning came again, and that boy, who was my tormentor, led me as usual up the mountain, where fastening me to a branch of great oak, he went a little way oif, and began to cut down a load of wood with his axe. Just then, I saw a horrid bear lift up its great head, and creep out of a cave close by. Appalled at the sudden sight, I started back, sinking down with all mj' might upon my haunches, while my head and neck were held up by the thong, uutil it broke ; whereupon I dashed down the mountains, not on my feet only, but projecting myself bodily, reached the plains beneath, and scoured across them, running with all my might from the dreadful bear, and the boy that was worse than the bear. A man who was passing that way, seeing me roam at large, caught me, got on my back, and thumping me with a stick, turned me into a side road unknown to me. I carried liim along with good will, thinking I was running awaj^ from that cruel operation, and caring little about the blows I received, for I was used to that sort of thing. But Fortune, with her iuveterate malice, anticipated so opportune a chance of escape, and gave me over to fresli sufferings. For my master's herds- men having gone out in all directions to look for a stray heifer. Happened to fall in with us, and seizing me by the head stall, which they readily identified, they began to lead me away. My rider, however, making a bold resistance, called gods and men to witness agidust them. " Why do you pull me about in this violent way ?" he said, " Why do you lay hands on me r" ** Do we behave unjustly to you," said the herdsmen, ** when we find you making off with our ass ? Tell us where you have hid the body of his driver, whom you have killed, no doubt." So saying, they knocked him to the ground, and BOOK yn. THE OPERATION TTPON THE ASS POSTPONED. 147 kicked and pummelled him with their fists, he swearing all the while that he had seen no one with the ass, but had found it running away, alone, and had caught it, that he might restore it to its owner, and he rewarded for his trouble. *' Would to heaven !" he cried, " that I had never seen this ass, or that he could speak with a human voice, and bear testi- mony to my innocence. You would surely be ashamed of the way in which you treat me." But all his protestations were of no avail, for the angry herdsmen marched him along, with a rope round his neck, to the forest on the mountain, where the boy used to fetch wood. He was no where to be found ; but at last they discovered what were plainly the remains of his body, torn to pieces and strewed here and there. I knew well it was the bear's teeth had done this, and I would certainly have said so, had I possessed the fa- culty of speech. All I could do was to rejoice silently at seeing myself revenged at last. After they had with much pains collected the scattered frag- ments of the body, they buried them on the spot, and marched my Belerophon* to their cottages, there to remain tied fast, as a thief taken in the fact, and a bloody assassin, until they de- livered him up next morning, for condign punishment, into the hands of the magistrates. Meanwhile, in the midst of the lamentations raised by the parents of the dead boy, up came that rustic who had promised to perform the operation upon me, and who now proposed to keep his word. " Our present loss is not of his causing," said one of the byestanders ; " nevertheless you may cut what you please to-morrow from this villanous jackass — his head if you have a mind, and you shall not want for help." Thus it came to pass that my calamity was postponed for another day, and I gave thanks to that kind boy, whose death, at all events, procured me one little day's respite from the knife. But I was not allowed even that short space of time to be grateful to him or to enjoy repose ; for his mother rushed into my stable, weeping and bewailing her son's premature death, dressed in a black robe, tearing out her white hair, bestrewed with ashes, and vehemently beating her breasts. • My Belerophon."} — Lucius jocularly compares his rider to Belerophon, and himself, by implication, to the winged steed Pegasus, which that here bestrode. L 2 148 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APTJLEII7S- **Look at him," she screamed, "how easily he takes it, that cursed ass, with his head stuck in the manger, indulging his gluttony, and for ever stuffing his insatiable belly. He has no pity for my affliction, nor does he bestow a thought upon the horrible fate of his deceased driver ; no, he despises my age and weakness, and thinks that he shall get off with impunity after his enormous crime ; perhaps he has the audacity to suppose he shall be thought innocent ; for it is the nature of the worst criminals to expect impunity, even in spite of the reproaches of their own guilty conscience. Now, in the name of all the Gods, most infamous of quadrupeds, though you could borrow the use of speech for a while, do you think you could persuade any one, aye the veriest fool, that you were without fault in that horrid disaster, when you could have fought for my poor boy, and defended him with heels and teeth ? You could often lift your heels against himself ; why could you not use them with the same alacrity in his defence ? You should have galloped off with him on your back, and saved him from the bloody hands of the robber ; above all, you should not have fled alone, after throwing and deserting your fellow- servant, your conductor, your comrade, the friend who fed you. Do you not know that those who refuse help to persons in mortal peril are punished, because therein they offend against all good principles ? But you shall no longer rejoice over my calamities, murderer that you are ; I will let you know what strength there is in violent grief." So saying, she took off her girdle, and tied my feet separately, and as tightly as she could, so as to deprive me of the means of revenging myself. Then snatching up a great stake, which was used to bar the stable door, she never ceased whacking me with it until her strength was quite spent, and it fell from her wearied hands. Then complaining of the too speedy ex- haustion of her arms, she ran back into the house, fetched a live coal from the hearth, and thrust it between my thighs ; until, employing the only means of defence left me, I squirted a volley of liquid ordure into her face and eyes, and thus put- ting her to the rout, blinded and stinking, I saved myself from destruction ; otherwise the ass would have perished like another Meleager by the brand of this raving Althea.* • Meleager — Althea.'] — When Althea was delivered of Meleager, she Mw the three Fates sitting by the fire, and heard them say, ** The child BOOK VIII. DEATH OF CHAEITE AND TLEPOLEMUS. 1 49 BOOK THE EIGHTH. AKEIVAL OF A SEKYANT OF CHARITE SIXTH EPISODE : DEATH OP CHAKITE AKD TLEPOLEMTJS FLIGHT OF THE KEEPEES OF THE HORSES WITH LUCIUS AND OTHER ANIMALS ALARM OF WOLVES THE PARTY ATTACKED BY DOGS A MARYELLOUS AND SHOCKING ADVENTURE SEVENTH EPISODE : SINGULAR PUNISHMENT OF A CRIMINAL LUCIUS OFFERED FOR SALE AT A FAIR IS BOUGHT BY AN ITINERANT PRIEST THE FRAUDS OF THE PRIESTS OF THE SYRIAN GODDESS THEIR EXPOSURE LUCIUS IN GREAT PERIL OF HIS LITE. At that time of the night when the cocks crow, a young man came from the next city, who, as I perceived, was one of the servants of that virgin Charite, who had endured equal sorrows with myself among the robbers. Sitting near the fire, in the company of his fellow- servants, he related, as follows, the wonderful and execrable particulars of her death, and the de- struction of her whole house. "Grooms, shepherds, and cow-herds, we have lost our unfortunate mistress, Charite, and by a most grievous catastrophe. Yet she did not depart to the shades alone. But, that all of you may know the particulars, I will narrate to you from the beginning what happened, and which deserves to be committed to writing, in the form of a history, by more learned men, on whom Fortune has conferred the ability of writing with facility and elegance. SIXTH EPISODE. DEATH OF CHARITE AND TLEPOLEMUS. '* There was a young man in the next city, whose name was Thrasyllus, of noble birth, of knightly rank, and very rich ; but he was a man addicted to the luxury of taverns, and to harlots, and potations by day. On this account he iniquitously will live as long as this brand lasts." As soon as they were gone, Althea rose, took the brand off the fire, extinguished it, and put it carefully away. When Meleager was grown up, he slew the famous boar that ra vaged all the country of Calydonia, and presented its head to Atalanta Althea's two brothers wanted the head, and quarrelled for it with Meleager, who killed them both. To revenge their death, Althea slowly burned the fatal brand, and so caused her son to die in lingering torture. 150 THE GOLDEX ASS OF APXJLEIUS. associated with a factious band of robbers, and his hands were dyed with human blood. Such was the man, and such was the report concerning him. Now, as soon as Charite was mar- riageable, he was among her principal suitors, and most ar- dently endeavoured to obtidn her in wedlock. And, though he surpassed in nobility all the rest of her lovers, and solicited her parents with splendid gifts, yet he was rejected by them, on account of his morals, and suffered the disgrace of a fepulse. When, therefore, Charite, my master's daughter, came into the hands of the worthy Tlepolemus, Thrasyllus, though disap- pointed in his hopes, yet iirndy cherishing his love, and adding to his passion the rage he felt on account of his rejected suit, sought for an opportunity of perpetrating a bloody deed. At length, a seasonable occasion presenting itself, he prepared to execute the wickedness which had for a long time been the subjects of his thoughts. On the day on which the virgin had been liberated, by the cunning and fortitude of her spouse, from the deadly swords of the robbers, he mingled with the crowd of those that congratulated her, and made himself re- markable by the exulting joy he professed in the present safety of the new married pair, and in the hopes of their future off- spring. Hence, being received into our house, among the principal guests, as the nobility of his race demanded, and con- cealing his wicked designs, he falsely personated the character of a most faithful friend. ''And now, gradually ingratiating himself more and more by his assiduity, by frequent conversation, and sometimes also by sitting as a guest at the young couple's table, he fell, by imperceptible degrees, into deeper love than ever. Kor is this wonderful, since the flame of love, small at first, delights with a gentle glow ; but, when fanned by continued familiar inter- course, it waxes fierce, and burns a man up wholly. Thra- syllus for a long time pondered how he might find an oppor- tune place for clandestine conference. He perceived that he was more and more excluded from the avenues to an adulterous intercourse by the multitude of observers, and that the strong bonds of a new and increasing affection could not be severed ; and, further, that even if Charite were willing to comply with his desires, which she never would be, her ignorance of the art of deceiving a husband would hinder such a purpose. Yet, in spite of all Ursi' obstacles, he was bent with desperate ob- BOOK VlII. DEATH OF TLEPOLEMUS. 151 stinacy on the accomplishment of what was impossible, as though it had not been so. Things which seem difficult in the beginning of love, appear easy when it has been strengthened by time. Hear now, and carefully note, I pray you, to what deed he was driven by the violence of his furious lust. *' One day Tlepolemus, accompanied by Thrasyllus, went to hunt wild beasts, if, indeed, the roe comes under that denomi- nation ; for Charite would not allow her husband to pursue beasts armed with tusk or horn. The toils were spread round a hill thickly covered with trees, and the high-bred hounds were turned in to rouse the beasts from their lairs. Their good training was immediately seen, for they spread abroad bo as to enclose every avenue. Por a while they followed the scent in silence, till at last one gave tongue, and then they all burst out with impetuous, dissonant yells, that made everything ring again. But it was not a roebuck, nor a timid doe, nor a hind, the gentlest of all wild creatures, that was started, but an enor* mous boar, the like of which was never seen — a brawny, thick- hided, filthy brute, with bristles standing upright on his back, foaming and gnashing his teeth, with eyes that darted fire, and rushing along like a thunderbolt. The keenest of the hounds that pressed upon his flanks were ripped up by his tusks, and flung here and there ; then he broke through the toils at the first charge, and got clear off". We, meanwhile, were terror- stricken, having been used only to such hunting as was without danger, and being, besides, A\dthout weapons or means of de- fence ; so we hid ourselves the best way we could under thick foliage and behind trees. " Thrasyllus now seeing a favourable opportunity for accom- plishing his intended treachery, said insidiously to Tlepolemus : * Why do we remain stupified with surprise, or even dismayed, like these low-souled slaves, and trembling like women, whilst we sufier such a fine prey to escape us r Why not mount and pursue ? You take a javelin, and I will take a lance.' ''Without more said, they jumped at once on their horses, and made after the brute with all speed. But the boar, confi- dent in its strength, wheeled round, and looking horribly fero- cious as it gnashed its teeth, stood glaring at them uncertain which to attack first. Tlepolemus hurled his javelin, and lodged it in the animal's back ; but Thrasyllus, leaving the boar alone, charged the horse Tlepolemus rode with his lance, and 152 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APDLKlCTs. cut its hamstrings. The quadruped, sinking down in a poo* of its own blood, rolled over on its back, and inyoluntarily threw its master, whom the boar immediately rushed at in fury, and after tearing his clothes, rent his body in many places as he was endeavouring to rise. Meanwhile, his good friend felt no remorse for the infamous deed he had begun, nor was his cruelty yet satisfied ; for whilst Tlepolemus was striv- ing to defend his gored legs, and Avas piteously calling to him for help, he pierced him through the middle of the right thigh with his lance ; which he did the more boldly, because he judged that the wound would resemble those made by the brute's tusks. Afterwards he ran the boar through and through with- out difficulty. "After the young man was thus slain, we were all called out from our hiding-places, and ran to him in great grief. But Thrasyllus, though he had accomplished his purpose, and re- joiced in having slain him whom he looked on as his enemy, yet concealed his joy under a countenance that simulated sorrow ; and ardently embracing the corpse that he himself had made, he cleverly counterfeited all the signs of mourning, only his tears refused to flow. Thus imitating us who lamented truly, he falsely cast upon the boar the odium of the deed his own hand had done. ''The news of this crime spread quickly, and first of all reached the family of Tlepolemus, and smote the ears of his unhappy wife. The moment she heard it — she will never hear news more — she lost her senses, and ran like a frantic bacchanal through the crowded streets, and away over the fields, scream- ing out her husband's name, and bewailing his fate. The com- passionate citizens flocked after her ; all who met her followed jier, sympathizing in her grief ; and the whole city M'as emptied to see tlie sad spectacle. At last, she reached the spot where lay the body of her husband ; there, swooning away, she fell prostrate on his corpse, and all but yielded up on the spot the soul that was devoted to him ; but her friends with difficulty forced her away, and she remained unwillingly alive. ''At last, the body was carried to the tomb, the whole city joining in the funeral procession. Then did Thi'asyllus cry, and roar, and beat his breast, and even weep, for the tears which he had been unable to shed in his first feigned sorrow, were now fiupplicd him by his augmented jo5\ He concealed BOOK VIII. CHARITE REJECTS THE PEOPOSAL OF THRASTLLUS. 153 his real feelings with all sorts of affectionate words, calling piteously to the deceased by name, as his friend, his playmate in boyhood, his comrade, his brother. And ever^^ now and then he would take hold of Charite's hands to hinder her from beating her bosom ; would try to mitigate her grief and wail- ing with words expressive of the liveliest sympathy, and with various examples of the uncertainty of life. And amidst all these false shows of humanity and friendship, he took every opportunity of touching the person of the bereaved wom.an, and nourishing his own odious passion by that stolen pleasure. '' The funeral being ended, the widow was now impatient to join her husband, and thought over all means to that end. At last, she chose one that was gentle, cost no effort, needed no weapon, and was like quietly falling asleep. She abstained from food, neglected her person, and would have passed away from daylight to the darkness of the grave, but for the urgent pertinacity of Thrasyllus, who, partly by his own efforts, partly through those of her friends and her parents, prevailed on her to refresh her disfigured and almost perishing body with the bath and with food. " Charite, who revered her parents, yielded against her will to a religious sense of duty, and with a somewhat more serene countenance did what was necessary for the preservation of her life ; but still her inmost soul was consumed with grief. She spent all her daj's and nights in pining remembrance, and in paying divine honours to an image of the deceased, which she had caused to be made in the costume of the god Bacchus, so that she tortured herself, even by that kind of consolation. Meanwhile, the reckless, headlong Thrasj^llus, without waiting until the tears she shed had satisfied her grief, nor till the commotion of her spirits had partly subsided, and time had gradually blunted the keenness of her sorrow, did not forbear to speak to her of marriage while she was still weeping for her husband, rending her garments, and tearing her hair, and to reveal to her by his indecent importunity the secret of his breast and his ineffable treachery. " Charite was seized with horror and loathing at the abo- minable proposal, which came upon her like a clap of thunder, or a blast from some malignant star, and she fell senseless as if smitten by lightning. Recovering after a while, with wild shrieks, she called to mind what had passed between her and 154 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEirS. the villain Thrasyllus, and postponed her reply to his suit untii she should have maturely considered it. ''During that delay, the shade of the cruelly-slam Tlepo- lemus, lifting up its ghastlj^, gory face, thus addressed her as she slept : ' My own wife, a name which none else shall call you, if my memory dwells in your heart — if my cruel death has broken the bonds of affection that united us, contract a happier marriage with whom you will, only give yourself not into the sacrilegious hands of Thrasyllus : neither talk with him, nor sit at the same board, nor share the same bed with him. Shun the blood-stained hand of my murderer ; begin not your marriage with parricide.* Those gory wounds which you have washed with your tears were not all inflicted by the tusks of the boar ; but the lance of the wicked Thrasyllus has parted me from you.' And then he told her all the circum- stances, and set before her the whole scene of the crime. '' When Charite had first laid her head upon her pillow, her tears flowed over her beautiful cheeks even while she slept ; but roused by the vision of her restless sleep as by the wrench of the rack, she broke out again into loud and long wailing, tore her night-dress, and beat her lovely arms with merciless hands. Yet she imparted to no one the story of the appari- tion she had seen ; but concealing altogether the knowledge she had obtained of the crime, she secretly resolved to punish the nefarious murderer, and to deliver herself from the intoler- able burthen of life. "Again the odious and importunate suitor assailed her obdu- rate ears with proposals of marriage ; but she gently declined them, and dissembling her purpose with admirable artifice, she thus replied to his urgent supplications : ' The sweet face of your brother, my beloved husband, is still before my eyes ; the cinnamon odour of his ambrosial body is stiD. in my nostrils ; the beautiful Tlepolemus still lives in my bosom. You will do best then if you allow a most wretched woman the necessary time for mourning, and let the remaining months of the year be spent in that legitimate duty. What I ask concerns not only my own reputation, but your safety also, lest by a prema- ture marriage we provoke the just indignation of my husband's ghost to your destruction * * With parricide.'] — The crime of Thrasyllus was a sort of parricide, since he had murdered his friend ; and Chante would have been in a iniinner its accomplice, if she had married him. BOOK VIII. THEASYLLUS ADMITTED TO THE NUPTIAL CHAMBER. 155 "Uncliecked in his importunity by these arguments, and even by the promise that accompanied them, Thrasyllus persisted in molesting her ears with his vile addresses, until, apparently overcome, Charite said to him : * One thing at least, Thra- syllus, you must grant to my earnest entreaties, and that is that our cohabitation be quite secret and unknown to any of my family until the year is out.' Thrasyllus was completely duped by her feigned compliance with his suit ; he consented with 'alacrity to the clandestine intercourse, and passionately longed for the return of night and darkness, caring for nothing in comparison with the possession of Charite. ' But mind,' said Charite, ' come well muffled up, without any attendant, and approach my door in silence at the first watch. Only whistle once, and wait for my nurse, who will be on the watch behind the door, and will instantly open it for you, and conduct you in the dark to my chamber.' ''Thrasjdlus, suspecting nothing, was delighted with the scheme of those funereal nuptials, and was only troubled with impatience at the length of the day and the slow approach of evening. At last, when daylight had disappeared, dressed as Charite had directed, he was admitted by the watchful nurse, and stole full of hope to the nuptial chamber. There the old woman, treating him with obsequious attention by her mis- tress's orders, noiselessly produced cups and a flagon con- taining wine mixed with a soporiferous drug. Then excusing her mistress's delay on the pretext that she was with her father, who was ill, she plied him with the beverage, which he drank freely, and without suspicion, until he fell fast asleep. " As soon as he lay stretched on his back in that helpless state, Charite was summoned, and rushing in with dire deter- mination, stood quivering with rage over the murderer, * Be- hold,' she cried, 'this faithful companion of my husband! Behold this gallant hunter ! Behold this dear bridegroom ! This is the hand that shed my blood ; this is the breast that conceived treacherous plots for my undoing : those are the eyes that to my sorrow I delighted, but that now anticipate their coming punishment, wrapped in the darkness that will cover them perpetually. Sleep securely; dream of delight; I will not smite you with sword or spear. Far be it from me to put you on an equality with my husband in the manner of your death. Your eyes shall die in your living head, and 156 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. you shall never see more but in dreams. I will make you think your enemy's death happier than your own life. I*sever shall you see the light ; you shall need to be led by the hand ; you shall not clasp Charite ; you shall not enjoy your pro- mised nuptials ; you shall know neither the repose of death nor the pleasure of life ; but you shall wander like an erring phantom between the infernal regions and the sun ; and you shall long seek the hand that has blinded you, and, what is the most miserable thing in calamity, you shall not know whom to complain of. I will make a libation of the blood of 5'^our eyes at the tomb of my Tlepolemus, and sacrifice those eyes to his sacred shade. But why do I suffer you to have a respite from your deserved torture, while you are dreaming perhaps of embracing me, who am your bane ? Wake from the darkness of sleep to a worse darkness ; lift up your sightless face ; recognize my vengeance ; comprehend your misfortune ; compute the sum of your miseries. Thus have j^our eyes charmed your modest bride ; thus have the nuptial torclies lighted your chamber ; you shall have the Furies for brides- maids, and blindness and the perpetual stings of conscience for companions.' ** Having poured out these words like one inspired, Charite drew out the pin from her hair, and plunged it over and ovei again into the eyes of Thrasyllus ; then leaving him to awake in pain and blindness from his lethargic sleep, she caught up the naked sword which Tlepolemus used to wear, and rushed frantically through the city towards her husband's tomb, mani- festly bent on some desperate deed. All of us, servants, and the whole population, anxiously pursued her, crying out to each other to wrest the weapon from her insane hands. Eut Charite standing by the coffin of Tlepolemus, kept everybody off with the glittering blade ; and when all around her were Tveeping and lamenting, she cried : * Away with these impor- tunate tears ! Away with this wailing, which ill accords with my fortitude. I have taken vengeance upon the bloody murderer of my husband. I have punished the accursed de- stroyer of my nuptials ; it is now time that with this sword 1 make my way straight to my Tlepolemus.' ** Then having related all that her husband had told her in the dream, and the artifice by which she had inveigled Thra- syllus, she plunged the sword beneath her right breast, fell look: VIII. DEATH OF CHARITE AND THEASYLLFS. 1^7 bathed in blood, murmured a few broken' words, and breathed out her magnanimous spirit. The friends of the unfortunate Charite immediately washed her body with care, and depositing it by the side of Tlepolemus, re-united her for ever to the husband she loved. *' When ThrasyUus was aware of all this, he thoug-ht he could not intiict on himself a death commensurate witli the cala- mities he had caused, and that the sword could not suffice to expiate his guilt ; therefore he had himself carried to the tomb of Tlepolemus and Charite, where, crying out repeatedly, ' Be- hold, ye injured manes, here is your voluntary victim,' he caused the doors to be firmly closed upon him ; and there he suffered the doom pronounced by himself, and perished by starvation." END OF THE SEVENTH EPISODE. Such was the story, interrupted with many siglis and tears, which the servant told to the sorrowing rustics, who fearing a change of master, and deeply commiserating the misfortune of the house to which they had belonged, determined to run away. The master of the stud, the same to whom I had been given in charge with such impressive orders to be kind to me, plun- dered the cottage of everj^thing valuable in it, and loading me and other beasts of burden with the spoil, deserted his old abode. We carried women and children, cocks and hens, geese, kids, whelps ; in short, whatever was unable to keep up with our pace, was made to walk with our feet. But enormous as my load was, I did not care for it, so glad was I of tlie flight that saved me froiji the knife of that abominable gelder. Having crossed a steep mountain covered with a forest, and descended to the plain on the other side, we arrived, just as evening was throwing its shadows on our road, at a certain po])ulous and thriving town, whence the inhabitants would not allow us to proceed by night, nor even in the morning. The reason of this was, that the whole district was infested by mul- titudes of fierce wolves of enormous bulk and strength, that even beset the roads and fell like highway robbers on those who travelled by them. IS'ay, sometimes impelled by the rage of hunger, they stormed the neighbouring farms, and the men were no more safe from their fury than their defenceless flocks. Thej told us too, that the road we should have to travel was Btrewn with half-eaten human bodies, and whitened with flesh- 158 THE GOLDEN ASS OF ArULEITS. less bones ; and therefore, that we ought to proceed with ex- treme caution, and be especially careful to travel only in broad day-light, while the sun was high in the heavens, since its light checks the fury of those dreadful creatures ; and that we should move, not stragglingly, but in close compact order, through those dangerous places. But our rascally fugitive conductors, in blind haste to escape the risk of pursuit, despised these salutary warnings, and with- out waiting for day-light, loaded and drove us forward. Then I, aware of the danger, took all possible care to keep between the other beasts in the veiy middle of the throng, so as to save my buttocks from the fangs of the wolves ; and all our con- ductors were much surprised to see me beat the horses in speed. But this was not the result of my natural quickness of limb, but of my fear ; and I thought within myself that it was nothing else than fright which had given such agility to the renowned Pegasus, and that the reason why he had been styled winged, was, doubtless, because he had skipped and bounded up to the very sky, in his dread of being bitten by the fire-breath- ing Chimaera. Meanwhile the herdsmen who drove us had armed themselves as if for battle. This one carried a lance, that one a hunting spear, another a bundle of javelins, another a club ; and some had provided themselves with stones, which the rough road sup})lied in abundance. A few carried sharpened stakes, and a great number waved blazing torches to frighten the beasts ; and nothing but the trumpet was wanting to give our troop the appearance of an army in battle array. But after having terribly frightened ourselves, we escaped the threatened danger only to fall into a worse one. For, whether scared by the shoutingof solargeabodyof men, and by the glare of the torches, or being engaged elsewhere, the wolves never approached us, nor did one of them come in sight even at a distance. But the labourers on the farm which we were then passing, taking us for a gang of robbers, and letting slip enormous dogs, which had been carefully trained for their masters' defence, and were fiercer than any wolves or bears, urged them against us with all sorts of shouts and cries. With their natural ferocity thus encouraged and exasperated, tlic dogs rushed at us, at- tacked ns on all sides, men and cattle v, ithout distinction, and after mauling them a long time, laid many of them low. It BOOK Tin. PLIGHT OF THE KEEPERS OF THE HOESES. 159 was certainly a remarkable, and still raore a pitiable spectacle, to see all those dogs seizing those that fled, ravening at those who stood their ground, mounting upon the bodies of those who were down, and overrunning our whole troop, biting all that came before them. This was terrible indeed, but worse was added to it ; for the peasants poured down showers of stones upon us from the roofs of their cottages and from an adjacent hill, so that we were quite at a loss to know wliich we should most avoid, the dogs that attacked us at close quarters, or the stones that were launched at us from a distance. One of the latter fell upon the head of a woman who was seated on my back, and who, smarting from the blow, immediately began to scream and roar for her husband to come to her aid. Wiping the blood from her wound, the herdsman cried out, " In the name of all the gods, why do you so ci-uelly assault and maltreat poor liard- working travellers ? Have we oifered to rob you ? What harm have we ever done you r You do not live in dens like wild beasts, or in caves like savages, that you should take delight in shedding human blood." As soon as he had said this, the shower of stones ceased, the ferocious dogs were called off, and one of the peasants cried out from the top of a cypress tree. on which he was perched: *' And we too, are no robbers, and do not want to plunder you ; we only tight to protect ourselves from suifering the like at your hands, so now you may go your ways in peace and safety.'* Therefore we continued our journey, but wounded in all manner of ways, some with stones, others by the teeth of the dogs, but all more or less hurt. Having gone a little way further, we reached a grove of tall trees, with pleasant green glades, where our leaders thought good to rest and take some refreshment, and dress the wounds of their bruised and mangled bodies. So they threw them- selves on the ground in all directions, and after lying awhile to recover from their fatigue, they began to apply various re- medies to their wounds, washing the blood from them in the running stream ; applying wet sponges to their contusions, and tying up their gaping wounds with bandages. In this way each did the best he could for himself. Meanwhile, an old man was descried on the top of a hill, with goats feeding round him, and plainly showing that he was a goat-herd. One of our peoplo 160 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APTILKIUS. called out, and asked liim had he any milk or new cheese to sell. But he, shaking his head a long while, replied : ''And are you thinking of food or drink, or of any refresliment at all ? Do you not know what sort of a place you are in ?" So saying, he turned his back upon us, and went off with his flock. His words, and the manner of his departure, struck our people with no small fear ; and while they were all anxious to ascertain the nature of the spot where they lay, but could find no one to tell them, another old man made his appearance. He was a tall man, bent with age, and dragged his feet slowly and wearily along, leaning heavily on his staff, and weeping profusely. AVhen he came up with our men, he threw himself on his knees before them, and embracing them one after the other, thus besought in most piteous accents : "By your for- tunes, by your genii,* and as you hope to live strong and hearty till you reach my age, help an unfortunate old man, who has lost his only hope, and save my little boy from the jaws of death. My grandson, the sweet companion of my journey, tried to catch a sparrow chirping on a hedge, and he fell into a ditch close by here, that was hidden with low shrubs, and there he lies in extreme peril of his life. I know indeed, by his cries to me for help, that he is still alive. But being so weak in body, as you see, I cannot succour him. But you, who enjoy youth and strength, can easily aid an unhappy old man, and save for him this child, the last and only scion of my stock." As the old man made these entreaties and tore his white hdir, we were all moved with pity ; and one of the party, the youngest, boldest and strongest of them all, who besides, was the only one that had come off unwoimded from the late con- flict, sprang to his feet, and enqutiring w^here it was the boy had fallen, went with the old man towards some rough bushes which the latter pointed out a little way off. Meanwhile, after the cattle had done feeding, and their drivers had finished their meal and the dressing of their wounds, each of tliem packed up his baggage again, and- made ready for another start. They called loudly to the young man who had gone away with the old stranger, and afterwards, surprised by his long delay, they sent one qf their number to look for him, and tell him it * Your genii.] — The Romans believed that to every human being be- longed a special protecting deity, who lived and (iied with his protege, as the hamadryad did with her oak. These personal gods were called the Genius, or the Juno, according as they belonged to a man or a woman. ^^^ of BOOK Vril. SINGULAK PrN^ISHMENT OF A CEIMINAl. '^-VWi was time to be off. The messenger came back soon, trembling, and ghastly pale, and brought strange news of his fellow- ser- vant. He had seen him, he said, lying on his back, half eaten, and a monstrous dragon squatting over him ; whilst the un- fortunate old man was not to be seen at all. Considering this matter, and comparing it with the words of the shepherd on the hill, which had doubtless been intended to warn them against that terrible inhabitant of the neighbour- hood, our men hurried away as fast as they could from the deadly spot, drubbing us briskly with their sticks. After getting over a long stage at a very quick rate, we arrived at a village where we halted for the night, and there I learned a very extraordinary occurrence which I will relate. EIGHTH EPISODE. SINGULAK PUNISHMENT OF A CKIMINAL. Theee was a servant to whom his master had committed the management of all his affairs, and who was bailiff of that large farm where we had taken up our quarters. He had married one of his fellow-servants, but fell in love with a free woman who was not of the household. Enraged by his adultery, his wife burned all his account books, and all the contents of his store-room. And not content with having thus avenged the wrongs of her bed, but turning her fury against her own flesh and blood, she put a rope round her neck, fastened to it also an infant she had borne to her husband, and threw herself into a deep well along with her little one. Her master was exceed- ingly incensed at her loss, and seizing the servant who had pro- voked his own wife to the commission of such a dyeadful deed, had him stripped naked, smeared all over with honey, and bound fast to a fig-tree, the rotten trunk of which was filled with the nests of a prodigious multitude of ants, that were continually running to and from all directions. As soon as these ants smelt the honey with which the bailiff's body was smeared, they fastened upon him, and with minute, but innumerable and in- cessant bites, gradually consumed his flesh and his entrails ; and after the miserable man had been thus tortured a long while, his bones were at last picked clean ; and so they were still to be seen, quite dry and white, attached to the fatal tree. END OF THE EIGHTH EPISODE. 162 THE GOLDEIT ASS OF APULEIUS. Quitting this detestable dwelling, and leaving the rustics in great sorrow, we proceeded on our journey. After travelling all day over a level country, we came much fatigued to a hand- some populous town. There our men resolved to stop and take up their permanent abode, both because the place offered them every convenience for hiding from those who might come from a distance in pursuit of them, and because the town was abundantly blessed with provisions. Myself and the other beasts were allowed three days' rest to improve our condition, and then we were led out for sale. The crier proclaimed the price of each of us with a loud voice, and all were bought by wealthy persons, except myself, whom all the purchasers passed by with contempt. I lost patience at the manner in which I was handled, and my teeth examined to ascertain my age ; there was one man especially, who was alwaj^s poking his nasty dirty fingers against my gums ; but at last, I caught his hand between my teeth, and nearly crushed it. That deterred every one from buying me, as a ferociously vicious brute. Then the crier, bawling till his throat was almost split, cracked all sorts of ridiculous jokes upon me. " What is the use," said he, " of offering for sale this old screw of a jackass, with his foundered hoofs, his ugly colour, his sluggishness in everything but vice, and a hide that is nothing but a ready-made sieve ? Let us even make a present of him, if w^e can find any one who will not be loth to throw away hay upon the brute." In this way the crier kept the byestanders in roars of laughter. But my merciless fortune, which I had been unable to leave behind me, far as I had fled, or to appease by all my past suf- ferings, again cast its evil eye upon me, and for a wonder, pro- duced a purchaser, the fittest of all men to prolong my hard sufferings. He was an old eunuch, partly bald, with what grizzled hair he had left hanging in long curls, one of those lowest dregs of the rabble who compel the Syrian goddess to beg, hawking her about the highways and the towns, and playing on cymbals and castanets. This man having a great mind to buy me, asked the crier of what coimtry I was. The latter replied that I was Cappadocian,* and a fine strong * Cappadocian.} — Part of the crier's fun consists in talking of the ass as if he was a human slave. Hence his mention of Cappadocia, which had no particular reputation for its breed of asses, but -which surpassed all the other provinces of (he empire in the number and value of the slaves it supplied to Rome. BOOK VIII. SALE OF LUCIUS. 163 animal. Again, the other asked my age. " The mathema- tician who cast his nativity," replied the joking crier, " cal- culated that he was five years old ; but no doubt he is better informed on this point than any one else, from the register of his birth. Now though I make myself liable to the penalties of the Cornelian law if I knowingly sell you a Eoman citizen for a slave, what should hinder you from buying a good and useful servant, who will do your pleasure at home and abroad }'' The odious purchaser went on asking questions without end, and at last came to the important point, was I gentle ? "Gen- tle?" said the crier ; " it is not an ass, but a wether you see before you, such a quiet thing you may do what j'ou will with him ; none of your biters or kickers ; but altogether such an animal that you might suppose there was a decent, honest man under his ass's hide. You may convince yourself of the fact without difficulty ; only stick your face between his thighs, and you will see how patient he will be." Thus did the crier make fun of the old vagabond ; but the latter perceived that the other was mocking, and cried out in a passion: ''What, you deaf and dumb carcase, you crazy crier, may the omnipotent and all-procreant Syrian goddess, and blessed Sabazius, and Bellona, and the Idoean mother, and our mistress Yenus, with her Adonis, strike you blind, joi that have been flinging your scurrilous jokes at me this evei so long. Do you think me such a fool as to put the goddesf on the back of a vicious brute, that he might pitch the divine image to the ground, and that I should have to run about witb my hair streaming, to look for some one to lift my goddesL from the ground, and repair her hurts ?" When I heard him talk in this strain, I thought of prancing suddenly, like mad, that seeing how very wild I was, he might give up the thought of buying me. But the anxious purchaser anticipated my intention by at once paying down the price, seventeen denars, which my master promptly took up, to his own satisfaction and my vexation, and immediately delivered me to my new owner, Philebus, with a rush halter round my neck. Philebus took me home with him, and cried out the moment he reached the door : '' Hallo, girls ! here is a handsome servant I have bought for you." JS^ow these girls were a set of eunuchs, who immediately broke out into screams of joy, with broken, hoarse, effeminate voices, thinking it was M 2 164 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEITJS. a slave fit to render them good service. But when they per- ceived the substitution, not of a stag for a virgin,* but of a jackass for a man, they turned up their noses, and jeered at their leader, saying he had not brought a servant for them, but a husband for himself. '* Mind," said they, " you don't keep this pretty dear all to yourself, but let us too, your doves, have the use of him sometimes." Thus babbling, they took and tied me to the manger. There was among them a strapping young fellow, who played extremely well on the horn, and whom they had bought at the slave mart, with the money they had collected here and there. Abroad he used to play before them when they led the goddess in procession, and at home they employed him in other ways. As soon as he witnessed my arrival, he was greatly delighted, and gave me plenty of fodder, joyfully exclaiming : ** You are come at last to relieve me in my terrible labours ; long may you live, and be a pleasure to your masters, and give me a chance to recruit my exhausted strength." Hearing him talk thus, I pondered on the new troubles that were before me. Next day they went out, all dressed in various colours, Indeously bedizened, their faces and eyelids daubed with paint, with small mitres on their heads, and wearing saffron-coloured linen and silk vestments. Some of them had white tunics, covered with narrow purple stripes in all directions ; and they all wore girdles and yellow shoes. They laid the goddess, covered with a silk mantle, on my back; and brandishing enormous swords and axes, with their arms bared to the shoul- der, they danced and bounded like maniacs to the sound of the flute. After going about a good many cottages, they came to a rich man's villa, and setting up their yells at the very gate, they rushed frantically in. Bending down their heads, they rolled their necks about, making their long hair stand out in a circle ; from time to time they bit their flesh with their teeth, and lastly, they cut their anns with the sharp weapon which each of them carried. There was one of them who was trans- ported with a more ecstatic fury than the rest, and heaving hia breath rapidly from the bottom of his chest, as if filled with the di\'ine spirit, he pretended to be stark mad ; as if the pre- sence of the gods did not do men good, but weakened or disor- dered them. But you shall see how by divine providence tney * The subslitutum, not of a stay for a virgin.'] — As happened when Iphigenia, the daughter of Agamemnon, was about to be sacrificed at Aulis. BOOK VIII. THE FRAUDS OF THE PEIESTS DETECTED, 165 received their due reward. The fellow began by delivering a trumped-up story of his own guilt, and crying out aloud, in the tone of a prophet, that he had committed some offence against the holy laws of religion ; and then he called upon his hands to inflict on him the chastisement due to his crime. At the same time he took up one of the whips usually carried by those half men, with several long lashes of twisted wool, strung with knuckle-bones of sheep, and gave himself a severe flog- ging, the pain of which he endured with astonishing firmness. You might see the ground wet with the blood that flowed from the gashes of the sword and the strokes of the whip. ^Now the sight of all this blood and wounds caused me no slight uneasiness, lest perchance the stomach of the foreign goddess might crave for ass's blood, as some men's for ass's milk. ^ When at last they were tired, or thought they had scarified themselves sufficiently, they left off their butchery. Then the byestanders vied with each other in dropping money, not only brass, but silver too, into the open bosom of their robes. They received, besides, a barrel of wine, milk, cheese, barley, and wheaten meal, besides barley for myself, the bearer of the god- dess. All these things they stuffed into bags provided for the receipt of such doles, and laid them on my back ; so that being doubly laden, I was at once a walking temple and a walking granary. Roaming about in that manner, they plundered the whole region. One day, being highly pleased with an unusually large col- lection they made in a certain town, they resolved to regale themselves and be merry. They begged a very fat ram from a farmer, whom they cajoled with a lying prophecy, and told him they would sacrifice it to appease the hunger of the Syrian goddess. Having made all their preparations for the banquet, they went to the baths, and on their return they brought a remarkably vigorous peasant home with them to supper. They had only tasted a few morsels of the first course, when they started up from table, and gathering round the young man, began to assail him with execrable solicitations. Unable to endure the abominable spectacle, I tried to shout, CiTizEiss ! but could not get beyond the 0, which I uttered in a fine sonorous tone, well becoming a jackass, but very un- luckily timed. For several young men, who were looking for an ass that had been stolen the night before, and who were closely examining all the inns to see if the animal was not in 166 THE GOLDEN ASS OF 4PULEIUS. one of them, happening to hear me bray, and thinking it might be their own ass that was hidden in the house, rushed in un- expectedly, and caught these miscreants in the very midst of their detestable turpitudes. Instantly calling in the neigh- bours from all quarters, they made them aware of the horrible discovery, bestowing at the same time sarcastic compliments on the sanctimonious purity of those priests. Struck with consternation at this disclosure of their infamy, which spread rapidly among the people, and made them objects of universal abhorrence, my masters packed up every thing, and secretly quitted the town about midnight. After getting over a good deal of ground before dawn, and arrived by daylight in an unfrequented spot, they held a long consultation, which ended in their proceeding to punish me unmercifully. Tiiey lifted the goddess off my back, and laid her on the ground, stripped off all my trappings, tied me to a tree, and flogged me with their whip strung with sheep's bones until I was all but dead. There was one who proposed to hamstring me with an axe, because I had so foully scan- dalised his modesty ; but the others voted for leaving me alone, not from any good will to me, but in consideration of the image that lay on the ground. They replaced my load therefore on my back, and drove me before them with blows of the flat of their swords, till we ar- rived at a great town. One of its principal inhabitants, a very religious man, who had a great reverence for the gods, hearing the tinkling of the cymbals, the beating of the timbrels, and the soft Phrygian music, came to meet us, and offer his devout hospitality to the goddess. He lodged us all within his fine spacious mansion, and sought to win the divine favour by the most profound veneration and the finest victims Here it was that my life was exposed to the greatest danger i ever remember to have incurred. A certain person in the country had sent as a present to our host, who was his land- lord, the haunch of a very large and fat stag he had killed in the chase. It had been carelessly hung rather low behind the kitchen door, where a hound seized it, and carried it off. AYhen the cook discovered his loss, which he imputed to his own negligence, his lamentation was extreme, and for a long time he shed unavailing tears, thinking that his master would pre- sently call for his supper. Terrified at last at the punishment BOOK IX. LUCIUS IN PEKIL OP HIS LIFE. 167 that awaited him, he tenderly kissed his little son, snatched up a rope, and set about hanging himself. But his affectionate wife became opportunely aware of his desperate case, and seizing the fatal noose in both hands with all her might, '' What," she cried, ''has this accident fit-ightened you out of your senses? Do 5^ou not see the remedy which the providence of the gods has offered to your hands ? If you have any sense left in this whirlwind of disaster, rouse it up and listen to me. Take that ass, that was brought here to-day, to some out-of-the-way place, and cut his throat ; then take from the carcase a haunch just like that which is lost, cook it nicely, dress it with the most savoury sauce you can make, and serve it up before your mas- ter, instead of the venison." The rascally cook was delighted at the thought of saving his own life at the cost of mine ; and highly extolling his wife's sagacity, he set about sharpening his knives, to execute the hutchery she had recommended. BOOK THE NINTH. LUCIUS, TO SAVE HIMSELF, EUNS INTO THE SUPPER KOOM HE IS SUSPECTED OF HYDEOPHOBIA PERIL FROM WHICH IS DELIVERED BY THE WATER TEST. NINTH EPISODE : WHAT THE POOR MAN GOT FOR HIS CASK HOW THE PRIESTS OF THE SYRIAN GODDESS WORKED THE ORACLE THEY ARE ARRESTED FOE THEFT AND SACRILEGE LUCIUS SOLD TO A BAKER HIS HARD LIFE AT THE MILL- — THE BAKEe's WICKED WIFE CONVEESATION BETWEEN HEE AND HEE CONFIDANTE. TENTH EPISODE : THE JEALOUS HUSBAND DUPED THE BAKEe's WIFE ENTEETAINS HEE LOVEE UNEXPECTED ARRIVAL OF HER HUSBAND. ELEVENTH EPISODE : STORY OF THE FULLEr's WIFE LUCIUS UNMASKS THE PERFIDY OF THE BAKEE's WIFE THE BAKEE's REVENGE THE DIVORCED WIFE RESORTS TO WITCHCRAFT DEATH OF THE BAKER LUCIUS BOLD TO A GARDENER VISIT OF THE GAEDENEE TO A EICH MAN SUPEENATUEAL OMENS. TWELFTH EPISODE; THE RURAL TYRANT ADVENTURE OF THE GARDENER WITH A SOLDIER THE GARDENER CONCEALS HIMSELF WITH LUCIUS IN A FRIEND's HOUSE — THEY ARE DISCOVERED, AND THE GAEDENEE IS AR- RESTED Thus did that cursed butcher arm his nefarious hands against 168 x'HE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS me. There was no time to be lost ; the danger was too urg-ent to allow of long cogitation ; I resolved to escape by flight from the knife that was so near my throat, and instantly breaking the halter with which I was tied, I galloped away as fast as my legs could carry me, flinging out my heels as I ran for the greater safety. Having quickly shot across the first portico, I dashed without hesitation into the dining-room, where the master of the house was feasting with the priests of the god- dess on the sacrificial meats ; and I upset and smashed great part of the supper things, and even the tables. The master of the house, greatly annoyed by such unseemly havoc, ordered one of his servants to take away *'the troublesome, frisky brute," as be called me, and gave the man strict injunctions to shut me up in some safe place, that I might not again dis- turb the quiet of his guests by such pranks. For my part, having saved myself from the knife by this clever feat, I was very glad to enjoy the security of my prison. But certainly it is not for mortal man to prosper against the will of fortune, nor can all the contrivances of human wisdom overthrow or alter the fatal disposition of divine providence.^ That very device of mine, which seemed to have afforded me a momentary deliverance, brought upon me another peril, which went near to cause my instant destruction ; for one of the servants, as I afterwards learned from what passed between his fellows, rushed in great agitation into the supper-room, and told his master that a mad dog had just before run into the house through a back door, opening on a lane ; that he had fallen furiously on the hounds ; then made for the stables, where he had wreaked his rage on the horses ; and lastly, that he had not spared the men either, for he had bitten MjTtilus, the muleteer, Hephasstion, the cook, Hj^atius, the chamber- * The fatal disposition of divine providence.'] — In the original, divines providentiee fatalis dispositio, which the Delphin editors erroneously in- terpret, ordo immutabilis providentice divines. For Providence, according to the Platonic philosophy, (and Apuleius was a Platonist), is superior to Fate ; and in consequence of this, whatever is produced by Fate is also produced by Providence ; but not vice versa. Apuleius, therefore, rightly ascribes the fatal disposition of things to Divine Providence, because this disposition or order proceeds primarily from Providence, but secondarily from Fate ; but the fatal is not the same with the immutable order of things : for the latter pertains to Providence alone, but the former to Providence in conjunction with Fate, — Taylor. BOOE IX. THE TEIAL BY THE WATER TES-^. 169 lain, and ApoUonius, the physician, besides a great many other servants who had endeavoured to drive him out ; and sonaie of the animals he had bitten, already showed undoubted symptoms of rabidness. The whole party was struck with dismay at this intelligence, and guessing from my wild behaviour, that I was infected with the same malady, they caught up such weapons as lay at hand, and exhorted each other to despatch me for their com- mon safety, though, in fact, it was they themselves who were mad, and not I. They would doubtless have cut me to pieces with the lances, spears, and even axes, with which the servants readily supplied them, had I not run before the storm, and burst into the bed-chamber of the priests, my masters. My pursuers then fastened the door upon me, and kept me be- sieged, that the deadly virus might do its work, and destroy me, without their running the risk of coming in contact with me. Finding, therefore, that I was left alone and free to do as I pleased, I profited by the opportunity which fortune offered me, lay down on a bed, and enjoyed what I had so long foregone, a good sleep in human fashion. Having slept off my fatigue on that good bed, I awoke when it was already broad daylight, and jumped up fresh and hearty. Then I heard the people who had kept watch all night outside the door, thus debating with one another about me. *' Is it likely that this unfortunate ass can go on raging everlastingly ? Surely not. It is rather to be presumed that the virus has spent itself, and his fit is over." As their opi- nions differed on this question, they agreed to have a look at me ; and peeping thr.ough a chink in the door, they saw me standing at my ease, apparently as quiet and as well as ever. Thereupon, they ventured to open the door and examine my , state more fully ; and one of them, who was sent from heaven to be my saviour, proposed to the rest a means of knowing whether I was mad or not. This was to put a vessel full of fresh water before me ; if I drank it without hesitation, in my usual way, this would be a sure proof that I was quite free from all distemper ; on the contrary, if I shunned the water with manifest horror at the sight of it, it would be a clear case that the dreadful malady had still fast hold of me ; for so it was laid down in ancient books, and confirmed by frequent experience. 170 THE GOLDEN ASS OF ArULElUS. This advice being voted good, they forthwith fetched a large vessel full of fine clear water from the nearest fountain, and placed it before me, still keeping on their guard. I went up to it at once, being very thirsty, and plunging my head into the vessel, drank up the water, which truly did me much good in every way. Then I quietly suffered them to pat me with their hands, rub my ears, lead me by the headstall, and do whatever else they pleased by way of trjang me, until they were all convinced of my gentleness, and of their own mistake in supposing me to be mad. Having thus preserved myself from two great dangers, I was again loaded next day with the divine baggage, and marched away to the sound of cymbals and castanets, to con- tinue our mendicant rounds. After visiting a great number of hamlets and towns, we arrived at a village built on the ruins of a town that had formerly been very opulent, as the inhab- itants reported. "We entered the first inn we came to, and there we heard a pleasant story of the way in which the wife of a poor man cuckolded her husband : and you shall hear it too. I^INTH EPISODE. WHAT THE POOR MAN GOT FOE HIS TUB. There was a poor man who had nothing to subsist on but his scanty earnings as a journeyman carpenter. He had a wife who was also very poor, but notorious for her lasciviousness. One day, when the man had gone out betimes to his work, an impudent gallant immediately stepped into his house. But whilst he and the wife were warmly engaged, and thinking themselves secure, the husband, who had no suspicion of such doings, returned quite unexpectedly. The door being locked and bolted, for which he mentally extolled his well-conducted wife, he knocked and whistled to announce his presence. Then his cunning wife, who was quite expert in such matters, released the man from her close embraces, and hid him quickly in an old empty butt, that was sunk half-way in the ground, in a corner of the room. Then she opened the door, and began to scold her husband the moment he entered. " So you are come home empty-handed, are you r" said she, " to sit here mth your arms folded, doing nothing, instead of going on with your BOOK IX. WHAT THE POOK MAN" GOT FOE HIS TUB. 171 regular work, to get us a living and buy us a bit of food ; while I, poor soul, must work my fingers out of joint, spinning wool day and night, to have at least as much as will keep a lamp burning in our bit of a room. Ah, how much better off is my neighbour Daphne, that has her fill of meat and drink from daylight to dark, and enjoys herself with her lovers." '' What need of all this fuss ?" replied the abused husband ; *'for though our foreman has given us a holiday, having busi- ness of his own in the forum, I have nevertheless provided for our supper to-night. You see that useless butt, that takes up so much room, and is only an incumbrance to our little place ; I sold it for five denars to a man who will be here presently to pay for it and take it away. So lend me a hand for a mo- ment, till I get it out to deliver it to the buyer." Ready at once with a scheme to fit the occasion, the woman burst into an insolent laugh : " Truly I have got a fine fel- low for a husband ; a capital hand at a bargain, surely, to go and sell at such a price a thing which I, who am but a woman, had already sold for seven denars, without even quitting the house." Delighted at what he heard, "And who is he," said the Husband, *' who has bought it so dear ?" ''He has been down in the cask ever so long, jou booby," she replied, " examining it all over to see if it is sound." The gallant failed not to take his cue from the woman, and promptly rising up out of the butt, " Shall I tell you the truth, good woman?" he said ; " your tub is very old, and cracked in I don't know how many places." Then turning to the hus- band, without appearing to know him: "Why don't you bring me a light, my tight little fellow, whoever you are, that I may scrape oft" the dirt from the inside, and see whether oi not the tub is fit for use, unless you think I don't come honestly by my money r" That pattern of all quick-witted husbands, suspecting no- thing, immediately lighted a lamp, and said, " Come out, bro- ther, and leave me to make it all right for you." So saying, he stripped, and taking the lamp with him into the tub, went to work to scrape off the old hardened dirt. And while he was polishing the inside, the charming gallant polished off the carpenter's wife, laying her on her belly on the outside, she meanwhile amusing herself, like a harlot as she was, with 172 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. making fun of her husband, poking her head into the tub, and pointing out this place and that to be cleaned, and then another, and another ; until both jobs being finished, the unfortunate carpenter received his seven denars, and had to carry the butt on his back to the adulterer's house. END OF THE NINTH EPISODE. After staying a few days in this town, where they were pampered by the bounty of the public, and made a great deal by their soothsaying, these pious priests bethought them of a new device for getting money. They composed a single oracular response, which would fit a variety of cases, and thus they gulled a great number of persons who came to consult them upon all sorts of subjects. The oracle was as follows: The steers are yoked, and till the ground, That crops may rise, and joys abound.* Suppose now that a person consulted the oracle with regard to his marrying : to him it said plainly that he should take upon him the yoke of matrimony, and raise a fine crop of chil- dren. Suppose it was one who had a mind to buy land : the yoked oxen and the abundant harvests were quite to the point. If the applicant was anxious about a journey he had to take : the meekest of quadrupeds were readv yoked, and the produce of the soil signified a lucrative result. If he was one who had to go into battle, or to pursue a gang of robbers : the priests declared that the oracle promised him victory, and that he should bring the necks of his enemies under the yoke, and reap a rich harvest of booty My masters had gained no little money by this cheating method of divination ; but exhausted at last by perpetual in- terrogations for which they had but one answer, they again departed by a road much worse than that which we had tra- velled the preceding night. The greater part of it was broken up into deep ruts and holes full of water, and the rest was co- vered with thick mud and very slippery. At last, greatly fatigued, and with my legs bruised by continually slipping and * The Steers, ^c.]— In the Latin : Ideo conjuncti terram proscendunt boves, Ut in futurum laetse germinent sata. BOOK IX. LUCIUS SOLD TO A BAKEK. lY3 falling, I had just reached a smooth bit of ground, when sud- denly a body of armed men on horseback galloped down upon us, and after pulling up with difficulty, seized Philebus and his companions by the throat, and beat them with their fists, calling them sacrilegious, obscene villains. Then they hand- cuffed them all, and bellowed to them to produce the golden bowl they had stolen. " Produce," they shouted, " that proof of your crime, which you filched from the very shrine of the Mother of the Gods, when you shut yourselves up in her tem- ple, under pretence of solemnizing secret rites ; and then you quitted the town before daylight without saying a word to any one, as if you thought you could escape punishment for such abominable guilt." Meanwhile, one of them searching the goddess I carried on my back, found the gold cup in her bosom, and drew it forth in the sight of all present. But even that palpable evidence could not abash or dismay those nefarious wretches, but affecting to laugh, and to turn the affair into a joke, they exclaimed : " What an untoward accident ! How often the innocent are put in jeopardy ! Here are ministers of religion put in peril of their lives only for a cup which the Mother of the Gods made a present to her sister, the Syrian Goddess, as a pledge of hospitality." But in spite of all such frivolous excuses, the rustics marched them back, and lodged them in prison ; and the cup and the image I had carried having been solemnly deposited in the temple, I was brought forth on the following day, and again offered for sale by the voice of the crier. A certain baker from the next town bought me for seven denars more than Philebus had given for me ; and putting on my back a good load of corn he had just bought, he took me to his mill by a very rough road, full of stones and roots of trees. There were a good many beasts employed there, in turning several millstones, and that not only by day, but all night long too, for the mill was always kept going. Lest I should be disgusted with the beginning of my servitude, my new master treated me with all the honours due to a stranger of consider- ation, and I had a holiday, and a manger abundantly supplied ; but the beatitude of having nothing to do and plenty to eat did not last beyond the first day. On the following day, I was fastened up to turn what seemed to me the largest mill- atone of all, and with my head covered I was put into a little 174 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. hollow path in the form of a circle, in which I was to go round and round perpetually. But I had not so far forgotten my old cunning as to fall in easily with this new discipline ; and though when I was a man I had often seen machines of that kind re- volve, yet, as if I was quite a novice at the work, and did not know what to do, I stood stock still, pretending stupefaction. I imagined that when they saw I was not fit for the work, they would put me to something else that was less fatiguing, or that they would let me eat and do nothing. But my craft, instead of doing me good, only brought me into trouble. For several men armed with sticks came round me while I suspected no- thing, for my head was covered and I could not see ; and at a given signal they all shouted out together, and let fall upon me a storm of blows. I was so terrified by the uproar, that, abandoning all thoughts of trickery, and pulling at the trace with all my might, I paced the ring nimbly, and excited a general burst of laughter by my sudden change of behaviour. The day was near its end, I was very tired, when they loosed the rush ropes that fastened me to the mill, and let me go to the manger. Though exhausted with fatigue and hunger, and in great need of having my strength recruited, yet prompted by my natural curiosity, I neglected the food that was before me to observe with a sort of pleasure the economy of our detest- able work-place. gods ! what a set of stunted men I saw there ! Their skins were seamed all over with marks of the lash; their scarred backs were shaded rather than covered with tattered frocks ; some had only aprons ; and all were so clothed, that their skin was visible through the rents in their rags. Their foreheads were branded with letters ; their heads were half shaved ; they had irons on their legs ; they were hideously sallow ; their eyes were bleared, and sore and raw from the smoke of the ovens ; * and they were covered with flour, as athletes are with dust when they contend in the arena. But how shall I describe my brute companions ? "What worn-out old mules and geldings ! How they hung their heads at the manger as they chewed the heaps of straw ! Their necks were covered with putrid sores ; they coughed incessantly, and panted through their gaping nostrils ; their chests were raAV from the friction of the rush breast rope ; their flanks laid The smoke of the ovens.']— Th& miller's and the baker's trade were generally combined in those days. BOOK IX. THE BAKEE's WICKED WIFE. 175 open to the bone with continual cudgelling; their hoofs lengthened to an extraordinary degree by dint of walking in the mill round; and their hides were rough all over with mange. Beholding the wretched plight of those animals, whom I myself might be brought to resemble, and recollecting my own happy fortune when I was Lucius, I hung my head and sorrowed over the deep degradation into which I had fallen. The only consolation I had was in the pleasure of indulging my inborn curiosity, by observing all that was said and done around me without reserve, for no one took any account of my presence. Truly, it was with good reason that the divine author of the ancient Greek epos, wishing to depict a man of consummate wisdom and prudence, sang of one who had visited many cities and become acquainted with many peoples.* I myself hold my asinine days in grateful remembrance, be- cause, being hidden under that form, I went through a great number of adventures, which made me acquainted with many things, if they have not rendered me wiser. Thus I picked up an excellent story, which particularly interested me, and which you shall hear. The baker who had bought me was a worthy, well-conducted man, but suffered the most cruel domestic affliction in conse- quence of having to wife the wickedest of all women ; inso- much, that even I often groaned in secret over his sad lot. There was not one vice from which that nefarious woman was free ; but every kind of iniquity had flowed into her soul, as into a cesspool for the reception of all uncleanness. She was mischievous, malignant, addicted to men and to wine, froward and stubborn, vilely rapacious, unbounded in profusion, a foe to faith and chastity. Moreover, despising and trampling under foot the majesty of heaven, instead of the true religion, she affected to entertain some fantastic and sacrilegious notion of a God whom she declared to be the only one,t and under • With many peoples."] — He alludes to Homer's account of Ulysses, in the Odyssey. + A God whom she declared to be the only one."] — Having to depict a ■woman of the most flagitious character, Apuleius thought to give likelihood to a portrait that might otherwise have seemed overcharged and unna- tural, by making this paragon of wickedness a Christian. Nothing was too bad to be believed on trust of that decried sect in those days. But such virulent prejudice was not iieciiUar to i)ai£an times. 176 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIFS. pretence of certain frivolous observances with which she im- posed upon the public and beguiled her unfortunate husband, she got drunk in the morning, and prostituted her body at all hours. This woman persecuted me with amazing rancour. For before the dawn of morning, as she lay still in bed, she used to call out and bid them yoke the new ass to the mill ; as soon as she was up she used to order me to be drubbed without stint in her presence ; and when the cattle were unyoked at breakfast-time, she would order me to be kept from the manger long after the rest. These cruelties greatly whetted my natu- ral curiosity to scrutinize her behaviour. I perceived that a certain young fellow was continually going into her room, and I greatly longed to catch sight of his face, if the covering put on my head had only allowed me the use of my eyes ; in that case I should not have wanted sagacity enough to discover in some way or other the criminal proceedings of the abandoned woman. A certain old woman, who was her confidante, and the go- between in her intrigues, was with her every day from morn- ing to night. After breakfasting together, they used to sit and drink neat wine as if for a wager, all the while devising schemes to cheat the unfortunate husband, j^ow, though I was greatly vexed at the blunder committed by Fotis, who had made an ass of me when intending to change me into a bird, yet I had at least this comfort in my lamentable deformity, that being furnished with very long ears, I could hear what was said even at a great distance. One day, for example, I heard the squeaking old woman talk as follows : " Make up your mind, mistress, what you will do with that pluckless acquaintance you chose without consulting me, a coward that shudders at the grim frown of your sour and odious husband, and torments you by the laggard weakness of his love, that corresponds so ill with your own warmth. What a different man is Philesietaeros ! young, handsome, generous, met- tlesome, and more than a match for all the useless vigilance of husbands. By Hercules ! he is the only man that deserves to enjoy the embraces of all the ladies of quality, he alone de- serves to be crowned with gold, if it was only for that capital trick he lately played on a jealous husband. Listen, now, and see the difference between such a man and your lover. You BOOK IX. TTTE JEALOUS nrTSBAND OUTWITTED. 177 know one Barbams, the decurion* of our town, whom the people nickname Scorpion, on account of his peevish, spiteful disposition. He has a wife of a good family, and surpassing beauty, whom he keeps shut up at home with all the caution imaginable." '*To be sure," said the miller's wife , ''I know her very well. You mean my schoolfellow. Arete ?" " Then you know the whole story about Philesietjerus r" rejoined the old woman. " Kot at all," replied the other ; ^'but I long to hear it, so tell it all, mother, from beginning to end." Accordingly, the old woman, who was an interminable chatterer, began as fol- lows : TENTH EPISODE. , THE JEALOUS HUSBAND OUTWITTED. ** This Barbarus, being obliged to go a journey which he could not avoid, and wishing to take all possible measures to keep his dear wife faithful to him, secretly communicated his inten- tions to his slave Myrmex, the one in whom he had most con- fidence, and ordered him to watch over the conduct of his mis- tress, threatening him with chains, and prison, and starvation, and a torturing death to end all, if any man so much as touched her with the tip of his finger as he passed her in the street ; and all these threats he confirmed with the most solemn oaths. Having thus left Myrmex terribly frightened and disposed to keep a most vigilant watch over his wife, Barbarus set out on his journey without fear of bad consequences. '' Intensely anxious about his charge, Myrmex would never let his mistress go out alone. He kept her shut up all day spinning wool, always under his own eye ; and when it was necessary for her to go in the evening to the public baths, he went with her, sticking like glue to her side, and holding the skirt of her robe in his hand, so wonderfully awake was he to all the duties of his trust. '' But the beauty of the lady could not escape one who was so keen-sighted in matters of gallantry as was Philesietaerus ; but what piqued and incited him above all things, was the repute of her impregnable virtue, and the extraordinary care with which it was guarded. He resolved, then, to lay siege • Decurion,'] — The * decuriones' were the senators of the lloman * municipia,' or free towns. 178 THE GOLDEX ASS OF APULEIUS. with all his might to the house in which she was immured, and to make his way in at all costs and hazards, in spite of its commander's vigorous discipline. And knowing well the frailtj' of human nature, and that gold can smooth down all difficul- ties, and break open adamantine gates, he addressed himself to Myrmex, whom he fortunately met alone, told him of his love for his mistress, and conjured him to afford some remedy for his torments ; assuring him that his speedy death was certain, if his desires were not quickly fulfilled. ' Besides,' said he, * you have nothing to fear in so easy a matter as that which I ask of you ; since no more is required than that I should steal into your house alone, under cover of darkness, and remain there only a moment.' These insinuating arguments he fol- lowed by the application of a wedge that Avas well adapted to cleave asunder the stubborn toughness of the servant's resolu- tion ; for holding out a handful of shining gold coin fresh from the mint, he told him that twenty of them were for the lady, and that ten of them should be freely at his own service. '' Terrified at the stupendous proposal, M^Tmex took to his heels at once, without listening to another word. But he could not get the lustre of the yellow gold out of his sight ; and though he had left it behind, and had never stopped running till he got home, he still seemed to behold the beautiful coin, and clutched it in imagination. Miserably was the poor fellow distracted between opposite feelings : he thought of the fidelity he owed his master, and then of his own gain ; the fear of horrible punishment made him hang back ;' the bewitching thought of that money lured him on. At last the gold prevailed over the fear of death, and time by no means allayed his longing for that lovely coin ; it clung to him like a pestilence even through the anxious night ; so that while his master's threats would have detained him at home, yet the gold irresistibly summoned him abroad. Gulping down all shame, therefore, he went straightway to his mistress, and de- livered his message from Philesietaerus ; and she, a wanton born, at once sold her vii'tue for cursed metal. So Myrmex, deluged with joy at the wreck of his fidelity, and eager to finger the gold which it was his ill fate to have seen, went in quest of Philesietaerus, and told him that at last, with great difficulty, he had effected his wishes. Then he asked on the Bpot for the promised recompense, and suddenly found himself BOOK IX. THE JEALOUS HrSBAND OUTWITTED. 179 possessed of a handful of gold 3oin, he who had never in his life been master of a copper. ''When night was come, he conducted the bold gallant, alone and with his face w^ell muffled, to the house, and into his mistress's chamber. But just as the pair were paying their first adorations to Love, just as the naked recruits in the war- fare of Venus were performing their first service, the husband, who had chosen that time of night on purpose, arrived sud- denly at the moment when he was least expected. He knocked, he called, he pounded at the door with a stone, and growing more and more suspicious in consequence of the delay, he threat- ened terrible vengeance against Myrmex, who was so bewildered by the sudden calamity that he knew not what to do, and could only excuse himself by saying that the darkness of the night had hindered him from finding the key, which he had hidden with great care. Meanwhile, Philesietosrus, alarmed- by the noise, hastily put on his clothes, and ran out of the bedroom, but forgot in his confusion to thrust his feet into his shoes. " Then MyriAex put the key in the lock and let in his mas- ter, who was still bawling and swearing with all his might ; and whilst the latter hurried to his chamber, Myrmex let Phi- iesietaerus slip out unperceived, shut the door behind him, and went back to his bed with his mind quite at ease. But when Barbarus got up in the morning, he saw a strange pair of shoes under the bed ; and instantly suspecting what had happened, but saying not a word to his wife or any of the servants, he took up the shoes unobserved and hid them in his bosom ; then ordering Myrmex to be bound and marched off to the forum, he went thither himself, groaning inwardly, and assuring him- self he should trace out the adulterer by means of the shoes. *' As Barbarus walked along the street with lowering brows and a face swollen with rage, Myrmex followed him in chains. He had not, indeed, been taken in the fact, but overwhelmed by a guilty conscience, he cried and lamented, so as to excite the useless compassion of the beholders. Philesietserus hap- pened very opportunely to pass that way, and though he had business which called him elsewhere, yet being forcibly struck, but not dismayed, by the spectacle that suddenly came before him, he recollected the mistake he had made in his haste, and immediately inferring all the consequences, he acted on the spot with his usual cleverness and presence of mind. Pushing n2 180 THE GOLDEX ASS OF APULEITJS. aside the other servants, he rushed upon Mymiex, bawling at him with all his might, and hitting him on the face with his fists, but so as not to hurt him much : ' Villain and liar !' he cried, ' may your master and all the gods, by whose names you forswear yourself, punish you as such a rascal deserves I You that stole my shoes yesterday from the bath. You de- serve, by Hercules, to have those chains upon you until they are worn out, and to be shut up for ever in the darkness of a dungeon.' " Completely duped and befooled by the ready-witted strata- gem of the bold youth, Barbarus went back to his house, called Myrmex before him, and putting the shoes into his hands, for- gave him with all his heart, and advised him to return them to their owner from whom he had stolen them." END OF THE TENTH EPISODE. 1^0 sooner had the old woman ended her story, ttian the baker's wife cried out : " Happy is the woman who has such a stout-hearted lover as that ; while I, poor thing, have got one that trembles at the mere sound of the mill, and even at the hoodwinked face of that maugy ass." " Never mind," said the old woman. " I will engage to bring you this brisk. lad presently, well inclined, and in good courage." Then, having arranged to return in the evening, she went away. The chaste wife forthwith set about preparing a banquet fit for priests. She filtered choice wine, made fresh savoury ra- gouts, and furnished out an abundant table. In short, she made ready for her paramour's arrival as for that of some god; for it happened conveniently for her, that her husband supped abroad with his neighbour the fuller. The hour of noon hav- ing arrived, I was released from the mill, and let go to feed ; but what pleased me most was, not that I had a respite from' drudgery, but that having my head uncovered and the free use of my eyes, I could watch all the doings of that wicked wo- man. At last, when the sun had sunk beneath the ocean to illuminate the inferior zones of the earth, in came the bold gallant alongside of the wicked old hag. He was quite young, with smooth blooming cheeks, and very handsome. The miller's wife received him with all sorts of caresses, and the supper being ready, she made him take his place at the table. BOOK IX. THE FTLLEr's WIFE. 181 But scarcely had he put his lips to the preparatory potion, taken by way of a whet, when the husband was heard return- ing much sooner than he had been expected. Thereupon, his exemplary wife, heaping all sorts of curses upon him, and wishing he had broken his legs, hid the pale and trembling youth under a bin for sifting corn which happened to be at hand ; then, with a face of perfect composure, she asked her husband why he had so soon quitted the entertainment of his crony, and returned home. The miller, who seemed greatly distressed, replied, with a sigh : ''I hurried away because I could not endure the abo- minable guilt of his abandoned wife. Good gods ! what a faithful, well-conducted matron she seemed, and how infa- mously she has disgraced herself ! I swear by yonder sacred Ceres, that even yet I can hardly believe the evidence of my own eyes against such a woman." The miller's impudent wife hearing her husband talk thus, and being curious to hear the whole story, pressed him to re- late all that had happened; and never ceased importuning him until he yielded, and began to relate to her the disgrace of his neighbour's house, while he yet knew not of his own. ELEVENTH EPISODE. THE FULLEE's wife. "The wife of my old comrade, the fuller," said he, "who appeared a very honest woman, and bore the best character, and Beemed to manage her husband's house with great propriety, fell in love with a certain man, and as they saw each other frequently in secret, it happened that when the fuller and I returned from the baths to supper, the pair were then in the very act. " Startled and confused by our sudden arrival, the woman could do no better on the instant than hide her paramour under a very high wicker cage, hung round with cloths, which were exposed there to the bleaching fumes of sulphur burned be- neath them. Having thus concealed him, quite safely as she thought, she came and sat down with us to supper. Mean- while, the young man was obliged to breathe the suffocating vapour of the sulphur ; and, according to the usual effect of that acrid and penetrating mineral, he was forced to sneeze re- 182 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. peatedly. The husband, who was opposite his wife at table, hearing the sound that came from behind her, thought it was herself that sneezed, and said, 'Jove save you !' as usual on such occasions. This happened a second, a third, and many more times in succession ; till at last, surprised at these endless sneezings, he began to suspect the real state of the case, and pushing aside the table, he upset the cage, and discovered the man, who lay panting for breath, and almost suffocated. *' Transported with rage at the outrage done him, he shouted for his sword, and would have cut the throat of the half-dead wretch, had I not, with great difficulty, restrained him from an act which would have been perilous to us all, by assuring him that his enemy would soon die from the effect of the sulphurous fumes, without our making ourselves guilty of his death. Yielding not so much to m}- persuasions as to the necessity of the case, he dragged the half-lifeless young man into the nex"; lane ; and then I pressed his wife, and at last prevailed upon her, to quit the house and take refuge with some of her friends, until time should have somewhat cooled her husband's boiling rage ; for I made no doubt but that, in the furious exaspera- tion he then exhibited, he would proceed to some desperate extremity against her and himself too. I had now had more than enough of my friend's entertainment, and so I returned home." END OF THE ELEVENTH EPISODE. Whilst the miller was telling this story, his wife, with un- paralleled effrontery, broke out from time to time with invec- tives and curses upon the fuller's wife, calling her a perfidious wretch, a shameless strumpet, an opprobrium to her whole sex, to fling aside all sense of honour and decency ; to trample on the obligations of the marriage-bed ; to turn her husband's house into an infamous brothel ; to have abandoned the dignity cf a married woman, and earned for herself the name of a prostitute. Such women, she said, ought to be burnt alive. Conscious, however, of her own secret guilt, she pressed her husband to go to bed early,, that she might the sooner relieve her gallant from the misery of his confinement ; but the miller having been disappointed of his supper at the fuller's, and having returned home hungrj-, requested her to have the table laid. She quickly served him up, but with anything but good BOOK IX. THE BAKER*S KETEKGE. 183 will, the supper she had provided for another. Meanwhil-j, my very entrails were racked when I thought of the late do- ings and present effrontery of that abominable woman ; and I pondered anxiously in my mind whether I could not find some means of doing a service to my master by disclosing her treachery ; and whether I could not expose the young fellow to the eyes of every body, by upsetting the bin under which he was squatting like a tortoise. Whilst I was thus distracted by the thought of the oiitrage done my master, the providence of the gods came to my aid. For a lame old man, who had charge of the horses and other beasts of burthen, seeing it was the time to give us water, came to drive us all to the next pond. This afforded me a most favourable opportunity for vengeance. I noticed, as I passed, that the young gallant's fingers projected beyond the edge of the bin, and pressing the point of my hoof on them I squeezed them flat, so that yelling with the intolerable pain, and throwing off his cover, he stood manifest to every eye, and unmasked the falsehood of that libidinous woman. The miller did not seem greatly shocked by the disclosure of his wife's debauchery, but began with a mild and quiet countenance to reassure the lad, wlio trembled all over, and was pale as death. " Don't be afraid, my boy," he said ; *' I am not a barbarian, or a man of rough and savage ways. I will not smoke you to death with sulphur ; nor will I put such a pretty boy as you into the hands of justice, to suffer the se- vere penalties of the law against adultery. But I will come to an arrangement with my wife, not, however, for a division of property ; no, I will rather make a partnership affair of it, so that, without any dispute or disagreement, we three may make ourselves comfortable in one bed. I have always lived with my wife on such harmonious terms, that, as became discreet people, what the one liked the other liked also. But common justice demands that the wife should not have more authority than the husband." After quietly joking in this way, he made the unwilling youth go with him to his chamber, and shutting out his modest wife, he exacted what he thought a pleasant sort of vengeance for the wrong done to his bed. But when the sun had risen next morning, he called for two of the strongest of his work- people, who hoisted the lad, while the miller himself flogged 184 THt GOLDEN ASS OF ArULEIirn. his butt(icks with a rod. ''What!" said he, ''you, who are so soft and tender, a mere boy, you hanker after women, do you ? And nothing will suit you but women of free condition, that have got husbands ; you have such a precocious longing for the reputation of an adulterer." After reprimanding him in this sort of way, and giving him a right good flogging, he thrust him out of doors. And thus did that most enterprising of all gallants escape far better than he had hoped for, but in woful plight and with aching buttocks. The baker, moreover, divorced his wife, and made her quit his house forthwith. Thereupon the woman's natural malig- nity being exasperated by this affront, however well deserved, she had recourse to her familiar weapons, and to the customary devices of women. She sought out with diligence a certain nefarious woman, who was believed to be able to do whatever she pleased by means of her enchantments and drugs ; her she loaded with presents, and importunately besought her to do one of two things : either to soften the heart of her husband, that he might be reconciled to her ; or if that could not be done, to send at least some ghost, or some dire demoniacal power, to take away his life by violent means. Upon this, the witch, who was capable of exercising an influence upon the gods, employed at first only the milder resources of her wicked art, and endeavoured to influence the feelings of the husband that had been so seriously offended, and lead them back to their former affection. "When, however, the result turned out to be quite different from what she had anticipated, being incensed with the gods, for the contempt with which they had treated her, as well as by the loss of the gain which was to have been hers, if she succeeded, she now began to level her attacks against the life of the unfortunate husband, and to stimulate to his destruction the ghost of a certain woman, who had met with a violent death. Perhaps, however, scrupulous reader, you will carp at my story, and will reason as foUows : " How is it possible, you silly ass, that you could know, as you say you did, what was done by women in secret, when at the very moment you were pent up within a bakehouse .^" Hear, then, how I, an inquisi- tive man, wearing the shape of a beast of burden, came to know all that was transacted with a view to the destruction of my master, the baker. About midday there suddenly appeared in the bakehouse a BOOK IX. DEATH OF THE BAKEE. 1Q5 woman of a hideous aspect, marked by guilt and extreme sor- row ; she was half clad in a patched mourning mantle, her feet were naked, and her haggard face was sallow as boxwood. Her grizzly, dishevelled hair, defiled with ashes, hung over her forehead, and concealed the greater part of her face. This strange-looking woman, taking the baker gently by the hand, led him aside into his chamber, as if she had something to say to him in secret, and having shut the door, remained there a very long time. However, when all the wheat was ground which had been delivered out to the workmen, and it became necessary to get more, the servants went to the door of the chamber, and calling to their master, asked for more wheat for the mill. But as no master answered them, though they shouted to him again and again, they began to knock more loudly at the door. Finding, too, that it had been carefully bolted, they suspected something tragical had occurred, and making a violent effort, they tore the door off the hinges, and rushed in. The woman, however, was no where to be found, but they saw their master hanging lifeless from a beam. Loosening the rope from his neck, they took him down, and with great lamentations and weeping, bestowed upon the corpse the last ablution. Finally, having performed the customary offices for the dead, they committed him to the tomb, a great crowd attending the funeral. On the following day, his daughter came running from the neighbouring village, where she had lately been married, full of sorrow, shaking her dishevelled hair, and ever and anon beating her breasts with her hands. For she had discovered aU that happened, although no one living had related to her the misfortune that had befallen the family ; but the piteous form of her father had presented itself to her in her sleep, his neck still bound with the halter, and disclosed to her all the wickedness of her stepmother, her infidelity, the en- chantment, and how he had been strangled by a ghost, and had descended to the realms below. After she had given way to long-continued lamentations, at last, being prevailed upon by the united entreaties of her friends and acquaintances, she put an end to her wailings. And now, the funeral solemnities being in the usual manner completed at the tomb, on the ninth day, she had the slaves, the furniture, and all the beasts of burden, brought forth to be sold by auction, for the benefit of 186 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. the heiress. Then did capricious fortune, by the chance results of a sale, disperse in various ways the property of one house. A poor gardener made purchase of me for fifty pieces of money, Avhich he said was a great price ; but he paid it in order that he might procure subsistence for himself by our common labour. The occasion appears to me to require that I shoul I explain the nature of these services of mine. Every morning, my master was in the habit of leading me to the next city, with a heavy load of vegetables ; and after he had sold them to the general dealers there, he returned to his garden, sitting on my back. Then, while he was digging and watering, and was iDUsied with other laborious employments, I was left to take my ease, and refresh myself with silence and rest. But, lo ! the revolving year had now, after the autumn delights of the vintage, descended to the wintry frosts of Capricorn ;'^' and then I was perished with continual cold, through the constant rains and the nightly dews, being exposed to the open air in a stable without a roof. For my master, in consequence of his extreme poverty, could not purchase even for himself, much less for me, any straw, or bed-clothes, his only protec- tion from the cold being the thatch of his little cottage. Besides this, in the morning I had to endure great fatigue, in walking with unshod feet on clay that was quite frozen, and pieces of very sharp ice ; and I never even got a bellyful of food. For both my master and myself had meals alike in quality and quantity, and very meagre they were ; since they consisted of old and unsavoury lettuces, which had run to seed, looked just like so many brooms, and were full of a clammy, bitter juice, that smelt disgustingly. One night, a householder who lived in the next village, having lost his way through the darkness of a moonless night, and got drenched to the skin with rain, turned with his wea- ried horse into our garden ; and being as courteously received as circumstances would allow of, and being invited to tako there a night's repose, which, if not surrounded by many re- finements, was at all events very welcome, he desired to make a present to his hospitable entertainer, and promised that he would give him from his farm some corn and oil, and two casks of wine. My master therefore proceeded, without delay, to * Capricorn.'} — The sun enters the sign Capricorn at the beginning of winter. KOOK IX. SUPEENATTJliAl, OMENS. 187 the farm of the householder, which was distant from his garden sixty stadia,* seated on my bare back, and carrying with him a little sack, and some empty wineskins. The journey accomplished, we arrived at the farm, and there the kind host immediately asked my master to partake of a sumptuous entertainment. But while they were drinking jovially, a most astonishing prodigy took place. One of the hens in the poultrj^-yard, running through the middle of the yard, kept up a continual cackling, as if she wanted to lay. On this her master, looking at her, said, "Notable servant that you are, and remarkably prolific, for this long time you have treated us with yoiu: daily productions. And now, too, I see, you are thinking about helping us to a dainty morsel. Boy!" said he, speaking to one of his servants, '' get the basket that the hens lay in, and place it in the corner as usual." When the boy had done as he was desired, the hen, refusing to go to her nest as usual, produced before the very feet of her master a premature offspring, and one of a singularly ominous nature. For she did not bring forth an egg, as we usually see hens do, but a chicken, perfectly formed, with feathers and claws, eyes and voice; which immediately began to follow its mother about. Another prodigy also occurred, of a far more astonishing nature than the former, and at which all men might with great reason be terrified. For, under the very table which held the remnants of the entertainment, the earth opened with a yawning chasm from its inmost depths, and a copious foun- tain of blood gushed forth; while numerous drops, as they splashed about, sprinkled the table with gore. At that very instant also, while every one was struck with astonishment and dismay at these divine presages, one of the servants came running from the wine cellar, and announced that all the wine, that had long ago been racked off, was boiling up in all the vessels, with a heat as if a large fii-e had been put under it. In the meantime also, some weasels were observed, outside of the house, dragging into it a dead serpent. Then, too, out of the mouth of the sheep -dog jumped a small green frog ; and a ram that stood near him rushing on the same dog, strangled him at a single grip. These numerous portents, and others of a like nature, filled the minds of the master of the house and * Sia;ty stadia.j — Seven miles and a half. 188 THE GOLDEJf ASS OF APULEIFS. all his family with intense amazement and terror ; what was to be done fii-st or what last ; what they ought especially to do, and what they ought not to do to appease the anger of the Gods ; with how many and what sort of victims they should make atonement, they were quite at a loss to decide. While all were stupefied with expectation of some dreadful catastrophe, a servant came running in, and announced to the master of the house a great and fearful visitation. TWELFTH EPISODE. THE EUEAL TYEANT. This good man was the proud father of three sons, now grown up, well educated, and remarkable for their good conduct. Between these young men and a poor man, the owner of a small cottage, there had been an intimacy of long standing. Now, close adjoining to the humble cottage lay the extensive and fertile domain of a wealthy and powerful young man, who made but bad use of the influence derived from his high birth. As he was powerful from the number of his dependents, and did what he pleased in the city, he behaved in a very un- ceremonious manner to his poor neighbour, killing his sheep, driving away his oxen, and trampling down his corn before it was ripe. Already he had deprived him of all hopes of a harvest, and now he wanted to expel him from the posses- sion even of his land. To this end, raising a frivolous ques- tion about the boundaries of the fields, he laid claim to the whole of the land as his own. Upon this, the countryman, who was otherwise a mild, harmless man, seeing himself plundered, through the avarice of his rich neighbour, collected together a considerable number of his friends, for the purpose of ascertaining what were the actual boundaries of his land, in order that, at all events, he might keep enough of his paternal land to dig himself a grave. Among others, the three brothers were present, to give such small assistance as best they might, in their friend's extreme need. Still, the mad oppressor was not in the least daunted, or even moved, by the presence of many citizens, and was so far from being disposed to abstain from acts of rapine, that he would not even confine himself to civil language. Eor, BOOK IX. THE ETJEAL TYEAKT. 189 when they mildly expostulated with him, and endeavoured to pacify his boisterous disposition by soothing words, he swore in the most solemn manner by his own life and that of his dearest relatives, that he cared but little for the inter- ference of so many arbitrators ; and that, in fact, he would forthwith order his servants to take that neighbour of his bj the ears, and drag him far away from his cottage, and banish liim altogether. His words aroused the greatest indignation in the minds of all who heard him ; and one of the three brothers answered, without hesitation, and told him plainly, that it was in vain, that trusting to his riches, he made such arrogant threats, since the poor even can obtain redress against the insolence of the wealthy, through the liberal protection of the laws. What oil is to flame, what sulphur is to a conflagration, what the whip is in the Fury's hand, such was the fuel afforded by these words to the furious disposition of this man. Boused to a perfect frenzy, and bidding them all, and their laws too, go and be hanged, he ordered the shepherds' dogs to be let loose, as well as those upon the farm, savage and blood-thirsty creatures, accustomed to prey upon the dead carcases that were thrown into the fields, and to bite and mangle the passing traveller. Accordingly, incited by the well-known hallooing of the shepherds, the dogs rushed upon the men, barking hor- ribly, and tore the flesh off their bones. Nor even when the men fled did they spare them; but pursued them with so much the more ferocity. In this scene of havoc and slaughter of the confused mul- titude, the youngest of the three brothers stumbled against a stone, and was thrown to the ground, where he was devoured by those ferocious dogs. The moment his brothers recog- nized his dying shrieks, they ran to help him, and wrapping their cloaks around their left hands, used every effort to pro- tect their brother, and to drive off the dogs, by volleys of stones. But they were unable to quell their ferocity ; and the unfortunate youth was torn in pieces, and died, entreating with his breath, that they would avenge the death of their youngest brother on that most villanous purse-proud man. Then the two remaining surviving brothers, not, by Hercules, BO much despairing of, as spontaneously disregarding their 190 THE GOLDEir ASS OP APXTLEITTS. own safety, made an attack upon the rich man, and with furious impetuosity hurled a shower of stones against him. Then the blood-thirsty wretch, who, before this, had been trained by practice in many similar deeds of outrage, hurled a lance, and pierced one of the two brothers through the middle of the breast. And yet, though mortally wounded, the young man did not fall to the ground. Tor the lance, which had pierced him, and the greater part of which had come out at his back, was by the force of the blow fixed in the earth, and kept his body suspended by the fii'mness of the handle, as it stood quivering in the ground. In addition to this, one of the assassin's servants, a tall robust fellow, violently hurled a stone from a distance, and tried to hit the third brother on the right arm; but the stone, passing just by the tips of his fingers, and so expending its force in vain, fell to the ground without inflicting any injury, contrary to the expectation of all who were present. iS'ow as the youth was endowed with singular presence of mind, this fortunate circumstance afforded him some hope of revenge. For, pretending that his hand was disabled, he thus addressed his most savage antagonist : — " Exult in the destruction of our whole family, glut your in- satiable vengeance with the blood of three brothers, and com- plete your glorious triumph over your prostrate fellow-citi- zens ; only remember, that after you have deprived this poor man of his lands, extend and extend as you may, you will still always have some neighbour or other. But this right hand of mine, which should undoubtedly have struck off" your head, hangs powerless, smitten by the iniquitous decree of fate." The furious cutthroat, exasperated by these words, seizing a sword, rushed eagerly on the wretched 3'outh, with the inten- tion of slaying him with his own hand. However, he had provoked one who was not inferior to himself. For the youth, quite contrary to his anticipation, seized hold of his right hand with a most powerful grasp; and then brandishing his sword, with repeated blows dismissed the impure soul of the rich man from his body ; and lastly, to free himself from the hands of the attendants who were running to give assistance, he cut his own throat with the sword that was still reeking with the blood of his enemy. END OF THE TWELFTH EPISODE. BOOK IX. ADVENT rilK OF THE GAliDENER WITH A SOIDIEE. 191 These were the events which the astounding prodigies had foreshown ; and these were the events which were related to the most unfortunate master. The old man, overwhelmed by so many misfortunes, could not so much as utter a single word, or even shed a tear, but seizing the knife with which he had just before been helping his guests to cheese and other viands, he pierced his own throat with numerous gashes, thus following the example of his most unhappy son ; so that falling with his face on the table, he washed away, with a river of flowing blood, the stains of that portentous gore which had before fallen upon it. The gardener, commiserating the fate of this house, which had thus come to destruction in the shortest space of time, and deploring his own mischance, made a return for his meal with his tears, and ever and anon clasping together his empty hands, immediately mounted on my back, and re- turned the way we came. His return, however, was by no means free from accident. For a certain tall fellow, who was a soldier belonging to one of the legions,'^' as his dress and appearance seemed to indicate, met us on the road, and asked the gardener, in a haughty and insolent tone, whither he was leading that unladen ass ? My master, who was still full of grief, and was ignorant, besides, of the Latin language, passed on without making any reply. Upon this, the soldier could not control the insolence that was so natural to him, but considering his silence as a mark of contempt, thrust him from my back, at the same time striking him with a vine-8tick,f which he carried in his hand. The gardener humbly declared that he did not understand what the soldier said, being ignorant of the language in which he spoke. The soldier, therefore, demanded in Greek, " Whither are you leading that ass ?" The gardener replied, that he was going to the next town. ^' But I am in want of it," said the soldier ; * One of the legions.'] — The Roman armies were (omposed of two orders of soldiers, legionaries and auxiliaries ; the fonrier were properly Romans, the latter were drawn from nations allied to Rome. The legion- aries were treated with much more consideration than the auxiUaries. + A vine-stick.'] — This shows either that the soldier was a centurion or that he assumed that rank to impose on the peasant ; for it was pecu- liar to the centurions to carry vines, with which they chastised the soldiers under their command. Hence, in Latin, a vine is metonymically used by poets for the office of a centurion. 192 THE GOLDEN AsiS OF APULEHTS. ** it must help, with other beasts, to carrj- from the neigli- bouring village the baggage of our commanding officer." With that, laying hold of the rope by which I was led along, he began to pull me away. The gardener, however, wiping away the blood that trickled down his face from the blow he had just received, again entreated the soldier to act more civilly and humanely, and supplicated him to do so, by all his hopes of future good fortune. ''This ass," said he, '' is very lazy, and then besides, he has that abominable complaint, the falling sickness ; it is as much as he can do to carry a few bundles of vegetables from my garden close by ; it quite blows him ; so he is not a likely beast for the carriage of larger burdens." "When, however, he found that the soldier could not be softened by entreaties, but was still more and more savagely bent on plundering him, and that now he had shifted his hold of the vine-stick, and was preparing to fracture his skull with the large knob at the end, he had recourse to his last chance. Peigning that he would embrace the soldier, in order to excite his compassion, he bent down, and pulling both legs from under him, dashed him violently to the ground; then instantly throwing himself upon his sprawling antagonist, he bit him, and thumped him, and jobbed him all over, face, arms, and ribs, with his fists, his elbows, and with a stone ^vhich he picked up in the road. As for the sol- dier, he could neither resist nor at all defend himself, from the very moment that he was laid prostrate on the ground ; but could only threaten from time to time that the moment he got up he would cut him to pieces with his sword. The gar- dener, taking warning by this hint, snatched the sword from his side, and throwing it far away, again pummelled him harder than ever, so that the soldier, stretched on his back and disabled with v.'ounds and bruises, had to counterfeit death, as the only means of saving his life. The gardener, then taking the sword away with him, mounted my loack, and made off at my utmost speed straight towards the town ; and, not caring to visit his own garden, at all events for the present, he directed his steps towards the house of an intimate friend of his. After relating all the circumstances, he begged and entreated his friend to stand by him in his present dangerous position, and to conceal him and his ass there for a short time, so that by BOOK IX. lilE GAEDENEh CONCEALS HIMSELF. 193 keeping out of the way two or three days, he might escape the penalty of the capital offence he had committed. This man, not being forgetful of their former friendship, he readily re- ceived him, and having dragged me with my legs tied together up stairs into an attic, the gardener crept into a chest that was in the warehouse below, and covering himself with the lid, there lay concealed. Meanwhile the soldier, as I afterwards learned, like one recovering from a violent fit of intoxication, made his way to the town, staggering and tottering, sore with the pain of so many wounds, and with difficulty supporting himself on his stick. Ashamed to mention to any of the citizens the parti- culars of his own violence and his ignominious defeat, he silently digested the affront he had received, until meeting at last with some of his fellow-soldiers, he told them of his mis- fortune. They were of opinion, that he should conceal him- self for some time in the barracks ; (for, besides the disgrace to himself, he feared also the military oath sworn by the Genius,* on account of the loss of his sword), while they, noting down the description he gave of us, would make the most zealous endeavours for our discovery, and the gratification of their own vengeance. I^or was a perfidious neighbour want- ing to tell them very speedily where we were concealed. Thereupon, the soldier's comrades applied to the magis- trates, and falsely assorted that they had lost on the road a silver cup of considerable value, that belonged to their com- manding officer, and that a certain gardener had found it, and would not give it up, but was now lying concealed in the house of a friend. The magistrates, on being made acquainted with the loss, and the name of the commanding officer, came to the door of our dwelling, and with a loud voice, gave notice to our host that it would be better for him to deliver us up, wlio were beyond a doubt concealed in his premises, than to render himself liable to capital punishment. But our friend, not being in the least daunted, and resolute to save the guest * Military oath sworn by the Genius.'] — i. e. The Genius of the emperor, by whom the Roman soldiers solemnly swore never to desert, &c. This oath they deemed more sacred, as Tertullian remarks, than if they had sworn by all the gods put together. The loss of the sword, the buckler, or any other of their principal accoutrements, was punished as equivalent CO desertion. 194 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. he had taken under his protection, declared that he knew no- thing about us, and that he had not seen that gardener for several daj's. On the other hand, the soldiers, swearing by the Genius of the emperor, maintained that he was concealed there, and nowhere else. At length the magistrates were determined, by making a strict search, to confute him in this his obstinate denial. Ac- cordingly, sending the lictors and other public officers into the house, they ordered them carefully to search every hole and corner. But, after all their search, the officers reported that no human being, nor yet any ass, was to be found within the threshold. The dispute now grew very warm on both sides ; the soldiers swore by Caesar that they kncAV for certain we were there, while the master of the house swore as stoutly by all the gods in denial of the assertion. On hearing this conten- tion and clamour, I, who was in general an ass of an inqui- sitive and restless disposition, stretched my neck out of a little window, and tried to see what all the noise was about ; but one of the soldiers, by chance turning his eyes in the direction of my shadow, instantly called out to all of them to observe it ; whereupon they instantly raised a loud shout, and rushing up the steps, some of them seized hold of me, and led me prisonei' from my place of concealment. And now, without more de- lay, they narrowly examined every corner, and opening the chest, they found the wretched gardener, dragged him out, and carried him before the magistrates, and finally to the public gaol, in order that he might suffer capital punishment. Nor .could they ever have done joking and laughing at the notion of my looking out of the window. From this circumstance, also, the well-knov/n proverb originated, about the peeping ass and his shade w."^' * Peeping ass and his shadow.] — This proverb, which Apuleius jocu- larly says originated from the above-mentioned circumstance, is of naucb greater antiquity. Lucianhas only t^ ovov TrapaKv^ti^Q, from the peep- ing of an ass. There is also another Greek proverb, mentioned by Me- nander, Plato, and many others, vrrfp ovov aKidg, concerning the s/iattow of an ass, which is said of those who are anxious to know things futile, frivolous, and entirely useless. These two proverbs Apuleius has mingled into one. BOOK X. LUCIUS DEPAllTS WITH niS XEW MASTER 196 BOOK THE TENTH. LUCIUS DEPARTS WITH HIS JSTEW MASTER, THE SOLDIER THIR- TEENTH EPISODE : THE AVICKED STEPMOTHER LUCIUS SOLD TO TWO BROTHERS, COOK AND CONFECTIONER TO A MAN OF HIGH STATION DEPREDATIONS OF LUCIUS IN THE LARDER HIS FONDNESS FOR HUMAN FOOD DISCOVERED HIS BEHAVIOUR AT THE SUPPER-TABLE OF THE GREAT MAN WHO BUYS HIM LUCIUS IS PAMPERED AND PETTED, AND EXCITES PUBLIC CURIOSITY AND ADMIRATION CARRIES HIS MASTER TO CORINTH A LADY OF QUALITY FALLS IN LOVE WITH HIM HIS MASTER PROPOSES TO MAKE LUCIUS PERFORM STRANGE THINGS IN THE AMPHI- THEATRE — FOURTEENTH EPISODE : HISTORY OF A WOMAN CON- DEMNED TO BE TIIROAVN TO WILD BEASTS DRAMATIC EXHIBITION IN THE AMPHITHEATRE LUCIUS MAKES HIS ESCAPE, AND GAL- LOPS TO CENCHRE^. What became of my master, the gardener, on the following day, I know not. But the soldier, who had been so hand- somely thrashed for his overbearing conduct, untied me from my manger and took me away, there being no one to hinder him. Then going to his barracks, as it appeared to me, he led me into the public road, laden with his baggage, and equipped quite in military style. Tor he put on my back a glittering helmet, of remarkable brightness, a shield still more splendid, and a long gleaming lance. The latter he took care to place conspicuously on the top of the pole, which he had arranged in the form of a trophy, not so much in compliance with the regu- lations, as for the purpose of terrifying unfortunate travellers. Having passed over a level country by an easy road, we came to a little town, but we did not put up at an inn, but at the house of a certain decurion. After having delivered me to the care of a servant, the soldier repaired without delay to the presence of hi<^ officer, who had the command of a thousand men. I remember that a few days after our arrival, a most wicked and dreadful crime was perpetrated in that town. I will re- cord it in my book, tli:it you also may read it. 02 ,9n THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEHTS. THIRTEENTH EPISODE. THE WICKED STEPMOTHER. The master of the house had a son, a young man of great literary attainments, and consequently remarkable for his piety and modesty ; so that any one would have wished to have just such a son. The mother of this young man having been dead many years, his father contracted a second marriage, and his second wife had borne him another son, who had now just passed his twelfth year. But the stepmother, who held supreme sway in her husband's house, rather in consequence of her good looks than her good morals, regarded her stepson with lustful eyes, whether it was that she was naturally vici- ous, or was impelled by Fate to such extreme criminality. Know, therefore, excellent reader, that you are about to peruse a tragic, and not a comic tale, and that you will have to ascend from the sock* to the buskin. Now as long as the little Cupid was in its infancy, this woman easilj^ repressed her rising blushes, and concealed them in silence. But when love, raging without control, wrapped her whole soul in flame, she then succumbed to the cruel God ; and, feigning illness, concealed the disease of the mind under the pretence of bodily ailment. Now every one knows that all the morbid changes in the bodily condition and appearance are quite alike in those who are sick and those who are in love ; such, for instance, as an unsightly paleness, languor of the eyes, restless sleep, and sighs the more deep from the slowness of the torment. You might have supposed that she was only afflicted by fitful attacks of fever, had it not been that she wept. Alas 1 for the unskilful impressions of her doctors ! what meant the hurried pulse, the sudden flush, the oppressed respiration, the frequent tossings and turnings from side to side. Good Gods ! how easy is it even for one who is no doctor, but is acquainted with the symptoms of love and passion, to comprehend the true nature of the case, when he sees a person burning without bodily heat ? Unable any longer to control her raging passion, she at length broke her long silence, and sent for her son to be called to her, a name she wished he had never borne or might bear no more, * The sock, 8fc.]—i. e. From com.e(Jy to tragedy; the sock was worn hj •ctors in comedy, the buskia ii^ tragedy. BOOK X. THE •WICKED STEPMOTHES. 197 that she might not, by using it, be reminded of her shame. The young man obeyed withont delay the command of his h)ve-sick parent, and with a forehead wrinkled with sorrow, like that of an old man, he went into the chamber of her who was the wife of his father and the mother of his brother, pay- ing that obedience to her which, to a certain degree, was her due. As for her, fast aground, as it were, upon the shoals of doubt, and long unable to break a silence that tortured her, she again rejects every word which she had at first conceived to be most adapted to the present interview, and even still in a state of indecision, through shame, she cannot tell how to begin. The young man, however, suspecting nothing wrong, with a down- cast countenance, spontaneously asked her what was the cause of her present malady. Upon this, availing herself of the per- nicious opportunity afforded her, she took courage to falter out these few words, while she wept profusely, and hid her face with her garment : '' You yourself are the sole cause and origin of my malady, and you are the remedy too, and the only chance of life now left me. For those eyes of yours, penetrating through my own into the inmost core of my heart, have kindled there a most vehement fire. Take pity, therefore, on me, who am perish- ing for your sake ; and let no scruples on your father's ac- count have the least weight with you, for, by complying with my wishes, you will preserve for him a wife, who is otherwise doomed to die. It is with reason that I love you, since in your face I recognize his features. We are alone ; you have nothing to fear ; you have full opportunity for this act, so ne- cessary to my existence — a thing that no one knows." The young man being in utter confusion at this unexpected misfortune, although he recoiled from the mere thought of such an abominable deed, yet did not think it right to exasperate her by too abrupt a refusal of a denial, but rather that he ought to appease her by a delusive promise. He promised, therefore, without reserve, and earnestly persuaded her to keep up her spirits, restore her strength by nutriment, and pay attention to her health, till his father should go on some journey or other, and leave them free to enjoy their pleasures. He then with- drew from the baneful presence of his stepmother, and con- ceiving likewise that this calamity with which his house was threatened called for the deepest consideration, he immediately 198 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APrrLEIUS. related the aL'fair to an aged man of well-tried prudence, Avho had been his tutor. After long deliberation, nothing seemed to be so advisable as to escape this storm, let loose by adverse fortune, by instant flight. The woman, however, impatient at even the smallest delay, invented some pretext or other, and found means cunningly to persuade her husband to take a journey, with all speed, to some small farms of his, which were situate at a very con- siderable distance. This being done, in a state of frantic eager- ness for the fulfilment of her hopes, she solicited her stepson to perform his promise. The young m.an, however, now pre- tending this thing, now that, as an excuse, avoids her execrable presence, till at last, clearly perceiving, from the vaiying na- ture of his messages, that he refused to fulfil his promise, lier nefarious love became suddenly changed into hatred far more intense. Immediately summoning a most villanous slave of hers, who had formed a portion of the dowry she brought her husband, and who was ready for the perpetration of any crime, she communicated to him her perfidious designs, and there was no course that seemed to them preferable to de- priving the unfortunate youth of life. Accordingly, this vil- lain was sent immediately to buy a poison of the most deadly quality, and, having carefully mixed it in wine, she prepared it for the destruction of her guiltless son-in-law. As it so happened, while the wicked pair were deliberating about a suitable opportunity for giving him the poison, the younger boy, this most abandoned woman's own son, returning home after his morning studies, and feeling thirsty from his breakfast, found the cup of wine which contained the poison,, and swallowed at a draught the contents ; but no sooner had he drunk the deadly potion which had been prepared for his bro- ther, than he fell lifeless on the ground. His tutor, horrified at liis sudden death, alarmed the mother and the whole family with his cries. And now, when the cause was ascertained to have been the noxious draught, opinions varied as to who were the authors of the crime. But this wicked woman, a singular specimen of a stepmother's malice, not at all moved by the shocking death of her son, nor by the consciousness of having murdered him, nor by the misfortune of her house, nor by the grief her husband would feel for the loss of his son, seized upon the destruction of her own offspring as a ready means of BOOK X. THE WICKED STEPMOTHER. 199 vengeance. She imraediately sent a messenger to inform her husband, who was on his journey, of the calamity which had befallen his house ; and when he returned home with all pos- sible haste, she, with enormous effrontery, pretended that her son had been destroyed by poison, administered to him b)^ her stepson. And in this she did not altogether speak falsely, because the boy really had met with the death which had been intended for the young man. She, however, pretended that the younger brother had been put an end to through the wicked- ness of her stepson, because she would not comply with the licentious proposals the latter had made to her. Nor was she contented with lies of such enormity, but even added, that he had likewise threatened her with a sword, in consequence of her detection of his wickedness. Grievously was the unhappy man afflicted at the death of both his sons ; for he saw his younger son buried before his face, and he knew that his other son would certainly be con- demned to death for incest and fratricide ; and then, besides, he was impelled to extreme hatred of this son by the feigned lamentations of a wife whom he held too dear. No sooner, therefore, had the funeral rites of the unfortunate boy been arranged, than the unhappy old man hastened straight from the pile to the forum, with the tears still wet upon his cheeks, and tearing his white hairs, begrimed with ashes ; and there, giving loose to his passionate feelings, he used every endeavour to procure the destruction of his remaining son, by tears and by entreaties, even embracing the very knees of the decu- rions ; and never imagining the treachery of his most infam- ous wife, he exclaimed that his son was an incestuous wretch, who had attempted to violate his father's bed ; that he was a fratricide, and had threatened to kill his stepmother. In fine, by his lamentations, he aroused not only the senate but the people, to such a degree of pity and indignation, that, impatient of the tedious formality of a judicial process, and waiving in- contestable proofs in support of the accusation, and the studied subterfuges of pleaders, they shouted out with one consent, that a public crime ought to be punished by the public, and that the author of it ought to be stoned to death. In the meantime, the magistrates, apprehensive, on their own account, lest the growing excitement should lead to results destructive of all order and of the civic weal, began, partly by expostulating 200 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEITJS. with the decurions, and partly by soothing the feelings of the public, to induce them that the trial might proceed in due order, and in conformity with the customs of their ancestors, the allegations on both sides being duly weighed, and the sen- tence pronounced in a legal manner. They added, that no one ought to be condemned without a hearing, after the manner of fierce barbarians or lawless tyrants, since, by so doing, they would leave, in those times of profound peace, a dreadful pre- cedent for posterity. This sound advice prevailed ; and immediately the crier proclaimed aloud that the senators were to assemble in the senate-house. These having immediately taken their accus- tomed places, according to their rank and dignity, the crier again made proclamation aloud, and the accuser first came forward ; then the prisoner was called and brought into court, and, lastly, the crier, in conformity with the law of Athens and the process of the Areopagus, announced to the advocates on both sides that they were to plead without pre- amble, and to avoid all appeals for the purpose of exciting com- miseration. That this was the manner of proceeding I learned from overhearing the remarks of many people, as they were talking with one another. But as I was not present at the trial, but tied up to a manger, I shall only commit here to writing what I ascertained to be exactly the truth. As soon as the harangues of the orators Avere concluded, the senators determined that the truth of the charges should be established by certain proofs, and that a question of such great consequence should not be left to suspicion and conjecture. They, likewise, thought it requisite that the servant, who was said to be the only person who knew the facts of the case, should be brought forward. Nor was that candidate for the gallows in the least dismayed, either by the doubtful result of so serious an investigation, or by the view of the thronged senate house, or even b}^ his own guilty conscience, but began to state and affirm as true a number of things which he him- self had invented. He said, that the young man, being indig- nant at the repulse received from his step-mother, had sum- moned him ; that, in order to avenge the affront, he had or- dered him to destroy her son ; that he had promised him a great reward to ensure his secrecy ; that on his refusal to do what he wished, he liad threatened to put him to death ; that BOOK X. THE WICKED STEPMOTHER. 201 he had delivered to him the poison mixed with his own hand, to be given to his brother ; and that the young man, suspecting he had forborne to administer the potion, and had reserved it, to produce as evidence of the crime, at last gave it to the boy with his own hand." When this villanous knave had, with an affected agitation, uttered these egregious lies, which bore a most plausible re- semblance to truth, the trial was brought to a conclusion, and not one was there among the senators so favourably disposed towards the young man, as not to pronounce him clearly guilty, and condemn him to be sewed up in the leathern sack. The verdicts, in which they all agreed, were about to be com- mitted to writing, according to custom, and to be placed in the brazen urn ; after which, the die being cast, no change could lawfully be made, but the life of the criminal was placed in the hands of the executioner. Just then, an aged physician, a member of the senate, and a person of approved integrity, and of remarkable influence, covering with his hand the mouth of the urn, that no one might rashly put his billet into it, thus addressed the court : " I rejoice that, long as I have lived, I have ever enjoyed your approbation ; and I will not suft'er a manifest act of homi- cide to be perpetrated, by condemning a man to death on a false accusation ; nor you to violate your oath, as judges, for the lying testimony of a slave. I myself will not cheat my own conscience, and trample on the reverence which is due to the gods, by pronouncing an unjust sentence. Learn, there- fore, from me, the real circumstances of the case. This vil- lanous fellow came to me some time ago, and offered me a hundred golden solidi for a prompt and deadly poison, telling me he wanted it for a person who, being grievously afflicted with an incurable disease, wished to rid himself from the tor- ment of life. Noticing the confusion and incoherence of the rascal's story, and feeling sure that he was about to perpetrate some crime, I certainly gave him the potion, but as a precaution, in case the aff'air should be looked into at some future time, I did not immediately take the money that was agreed upon, but said to him, ' Lest by chance any of these golden coins which you off'er me should be found to be light or spurious, put them in this bag, and seal it with your own seal, till they are to-morrow examined in the presence of a money-changer.' 202 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIIJS. He complied, and sealed up the money ; as soon, therefore, as he was brought into court to give evidence, T ordered one of my servants to go with all haste and fetch the bag from my shop, and here I now produce it before you. Let him look at it, and examine the impression of his own seal. Now how can the brother be accused of having procured the poison which this fellow bought ?" On the instant, a violent fit of trembling seized the villain ; his natural hue gave place to a deadly paleness ; and a cold perspiration suffused all his limbs. He began to shift about his feet with irregular movements ; to scratch now this, now that side of his head ; and, with his mouth half open, stam- mering and stuttering, to utter I know not what silly nonsense, insomuch that not a single person could reasonably suppose him to be innocent of the crime. Recovering, however, his craftiness once again, he unceasingly denied the charge, and accused the phj^sician of lying. On this, the physician, inde- pendently of his being bound by oath to give a just judgment, when he saw that his honour was openly impeached, made redoubled efforts to confute this villain ; till at last the public officers, by order of the magistrates, seizing the slave's hand, found the iron ring, and compared it with the impression on the bag. As the result corroborated the suspicion previously entertained, the rack and the wooden horse were put in opera- tion, according to the Greek custom. Being upheld, however, by a wonderful amount of boldness, he was proof against all blows, and even fire itself. At last, the physician exclaimed, '' I will not suffer, by Hercules ! I will not suffer, either that this innocent young man shall receive a punishment at your hands contrary to jus- tice, or that this fellow shall stultify our judgment and escape the punishment due to his crimes. I will give you an evident proof on this matter under consideration. When this most abandoned man was anxious to obtain the deadly poison, I was of opinion that it ill accorded with my art to furnish any one with the means of producing death, being sensible that medi- cine was sought not for the destruction, but for the preservation of mankind ; yet I feared that if I should refuse to give it him, I should th(ireby prompt him to another method of perpetrating the crime, and that he would accomplish the criminal purpose upon which he had resolved, either by buying a de-dly potion BOOK X. XnE CllUEL STEl'MOTIIEn J'.AXISIIED. 203 from some other person, or, at all events, by the sword, or some such weapon ; fearing this, I gave him indeed a drug, but it was a preparation of the soporiferous plant called mandrake, remarkable for the torpor which it is known to occasion, and which produces a sleep exactly resembling death. Nor is it to be wondered at, that this most desperate knave, being cer- tain of undergoing, if convicted, the utmost penalty that can be inflicted on him, conformably to the customs of our ances- tors, should be ready to endure these tortures, as being lighter evils. But if the boy has really taken the potion which was mixed by my hands, he is still alive, in a torpid state, and asleep : and immediately his drowsy slumbers are shaken off, he will return to the light of day. But if he is really dead, 3'ou may look for some other way of accounting for his de- cease." The old man having addressed them to this effect, they as- sented to what he said ; and immediately proceeded in great haste to the pile on which the body of the boy was laid. Not a member was there of the senate, nor a person of the first rank, who did not run thither, impelled by curiosity. And behold, the father himself, having with his own hands removed the lid of the coffin, found his son rising that moment from the dead, the deathlike sleep shaken off; and most ardently embracing him, and unable in words to express his present joy, he led him forth into the presence of the people, and the boy was brought into court, just as he was, swathed and bound in the grave-clothes. And now the naked truth Avas obvious to every one, the wickedness of the nefarious slave, and of the still more aban- doned woman, being clearly exposed. Accordingly, the step- mother was condemned to perpetual banishment, the slave was crucified ; and by the consent of all, the golden solidi were presented to the worthy physician, as a reward for the trance he had produced with such happy results. Thus did the sin- gular and romantic fortune of the old decurion come to a termination worthy of Divine providence ; since, in a passing moment, indeed an instant of time, he suddenly became the father of two young men, after he had been in danger of losing both. END OP THE THIETEENTH EPISODE. 204 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEITJS. As for myself, you shall hear what changes of fortune I experienced at that time. The soldier who had made me his own without paying for me, being about to carry letters to the great prince at Eome, in obedience to the commands of his tribune, sold me for eleven denars to two brothers, servants of a very wealthy personage in the neighbourhood. One of them was a confectioner, who made bread and sweetmeats ; the other was a cook, and dressed rich stews seasoned with the relishing juices of pounded herbs and aromatics. These two, dwelling together and living in common, bought me for the purpose of carrying the numerous vessels which were required for their master's use, when he was tra- velling through different countries. I was admitted, there- fore, as a third companion with these two brothers ; and never, at any time, during my transformation, did I experience a fortune so marked with good luck. For, in the evening, after the supper, which was always on a magnificent scale, my masters were in the habit of bringing home to their little room numerous fragments that were left ; the one brought ample remains of roast pig, chickens, fish, and delicate dishes of that kind ; while the other brought bread, pastry, sugar- plums, hook cakes, lizard cakes, and many kinds of honied sweetmeats. Accordingly, after they had fastened the door of their chamber, and had gone to the baths for the pur- pose of refreshing themselves, I used to cram myself with the dainties that fell in my way through the favour of the Gods. For I was not so much a fool, nor so truly an ass, as to neglect this most delicious fare, and feed upon coarse hay. My thie- vish manoeuvres for a long time succeeded most beautifully, because, as yet, I pilfered cautiously and sparingly, only a few articles out of a great number, and they had no suspicion of such tricks being played by an ass. But when, becoming still more fearless of detection, I devoured all the nicest bits, and, rejecting all that was stale, began to lick up the more choice morsels, the brothers were not a little surprized and per- plexed. And though even then they did not believe such a thing of me, still they made diligent enquiry as to who was the author of their daily losses. At length, indeed, they even went so far as to accuse each other of this most base act of theft ; and they began to keep sharper watch, and to count all tliey put by. BOOK X. THE OWNERS OF LrCITJS PERPLEXED. 205 At length, throwing off all hesitation and reserve, one of them thus addressed the other: ''Why, really now, this is neither fair nor like a man, for you every day to be diminish- ing what has been put by, and to be purloining the choicest parts, and then to go and sell them, so as slily to increase your own stock, and then cry halves of the remainder. If, in fact, you are tired of our partnership, we may still live as brothers in all other respects, and yet give up this partnership concern of ours. For I see that when dissatisfaction at the loss has in- creased to a very considerable extent, it will create very great discord between us." To this the other rejoined, " I do, by Hercules ! admire this effrontery of yours, after you have secretly been pilfering the articles, to forestall my complaints, which, in silence and sorrow, I have kept to myself, being determined to put up with it as long as ever I could, rather than accuse my biothei of shabby theft. But it is well, that having spoken upon the matter on both sides, we are put upon seeking a remedy for our loss, lest our misunderstanding, gathering strength by si- lence, should produce between us a strife like that of Eteocles and his brother." Bandying these and similar reproaches against one another, they both of them solemnly declared that they had been guilty of no fraud whatever, nor of the slightest purloining; but agreed, that they ought by every possible contrivance try to discover the thief who was the author of their common loss. It was not possible, they said, that the ass, which was the only being there, could take a fancy to such kind of food : and still, every day the choicest portions were nowhere to be found ; and certainly no flies found their way into their room, that were as large as were the harpies of old, who robbed Phineas of his dainties. In the meantime, I, being bountifully crammed with dainty morsels, and well stuffed with human food, found my body plumped up, my hide softened with rich juices, and my coat grown sleek and shining. But that same comeliness was the cause of a great shock to my feelings. For being roused to suspicion by the uncommon breadth of my back, and perceiv- ing that my hay remained every day quite untouched, they now directed all their attention to me. Accordingly, having shut the door at the accustomed hour as usual, as though they 206 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APUJ£IUS. were going to the bath, they peeped at me througli a little crevice, as I was intent upon eating the fragments which were exposed in various directions. And now, forgetting all con- sideration for their loss, they burst into a violent fit of laughter at the monstrous epicurism of an ass ; and then calling toge- ther a number of their fellow- servants, they pointed out to th(;m the incredible appetite of an animal like me. Then laughter so loud and so continued seized them all, that the master, who happened to be passing by, asked what fun was going on to make his servants laugh so excessively. Being- told what it was, he came himself and peeped through the same cranny. Then he too laughed until his stomach ached, and opening the door of the room, he came nearer to me, and observed me very attentively. But as for me, seeing that for- tune was inclined to smile more propitiously upon me, I went on eating quite at my ease, the merriment of those present in- spiring me with additional confidence ; till at last tlie master of the house, enchanted by the novelty of the sight, ordered me to be led to the supper-room ; or rather he led me to it with his own hands ; and the table being laid, he directed every kind of substantial food to be placed before me, and dishes that had not been tasted. Now, though I was well stuffed already, yet desiring to render myself more agreeable, and more pleasing to him, I ate of the food placed before me as if I had been quite hungry. But they, prompted by extreme curiosity, thinking of every thing which an ass Avould be most likely to loathe, offered it to me, for the purpose of testing my politeness; such as meat seasoned with assafoetida, fowls sprinkled over with pepper, and fish soused in foreign pickle. In the meantime, the banquet room resounded with roars of laughter. At last, a bit of a buffoon who was present, said, *' Give a little wine to our comrade." " Well said, rogue," cried the master ; "I dare say our friend would have no objection to a cup of honied wine." *' Here, lad," said he, " wash well that golden cup, fill it with honied wine, and offer it to my guest; and at the same time, tell him that I have drunk his good health." All the guests now awaited the result in a state of intense curiosity ; the huge cup was handed to me, and withoii more ado, I emptied it at a single draught quite deliberately, anu with a very jovial air, screwing up the extremities of my lips, BOOK X. THE HISTOKY OF THE MASTER OF LI7CIUS. 207 in resemblance of a tongue. Then a shout of applause arose, and all, with one accord, drank my health. In the end, the master, being excessively pleased, after calling the servants who had bought me, ordered that four times the price they had paid for me should be given to them ; thereupon he delivered me into the charge of a certain person, a freedman of his, to whom he was much attached, and who was very well off, and desired him to take all possible care of me. This person treated me in a very humane and kind manner ; and that he might still more deserve the esteem of his patron, most studiously consulted his amusement by teaching me clever tricks. In the first place, he taught me to recline at table, leaning on my elbow ; next, to wrestle and to dance even, raising my fore feet; and — a thing that won especial admiration — to use signs instead of words, so as to indicate what I disapproved of by throwing back, and what I approved of by bowing my head. He also taught me, when I was thirsty, to look towards the cup-bearer, and by winking first one eyelid then another, to show that I wanted something to drink. In all these matters I showed myself very ready and obedient ; as I could have done them all, though no one had shown me how. But I was afraid, lest, if I should happen to perform them, in imitation of human beings, without the aid of a master, most people would think that it portended sinister events, and that I, as a monster and prodigy, might have to part with my head, and be given as fat provender to the vultures. And now my renown was spread abroad in all directions, so that I rendered my master quite famous and illustrious, in con- sequence of my wonderful accomplishments. " This," said the people, " is the man who has an ass for his guest and com- panion ; an ass that wrestles, an ass that dances, and under- stands the language of men, and expresses what he means by signs." It is proper, however, that I should now, at all events, inform you, though I ought to have done so in the be- ginning, who this Thyasus was, and whence he came ; for such was the name of my master. The countrj'- which gave him birth was Corinth, a city which ranks as the chief of all the province of Achaia. And, as he had gradually attained all the honours which his pedigree and dignity demanded, he had now been nominated to the office of quinquennial magis- 208 THE GOLDEX A?8 OF APULEITTS. trate. Accordingly, in order that he might act confomiably to the splendour of that office, he liad promised to exhibit a show of gladiators for the space of three days ; thus extending his liberality to the greatest possible degree. In fact, it was his desire of receiving the public applause that had now brought him to Thessaly, in order to procure from thence the most noble wild beasts and some celebrated gladiators. And now, having made all his arrangements and completed all his purchases quite to his satisfaction, he was preparing to return home. Disdaining, however, his own splendid chariots, which, some covered and some open, were drawn along in the rear of the cavalcade ; regai'dless also of his Thessalian horses, and his other beasts of Gallic breed, whose generous pedigree bore testimonj^ to their rarit)'" and value; despising and neglect- ing all these, he rode most lovingly on me, who Avas decked out with golden trappings, a coloured saddle, purple cloths, a silver bit, an embroidered girth, and some little bells that tinkled as I went along, and sometimes he addressed me in the kindest of words. Among- many other expressions too which he made use of, he declared how extremely delighted he was at pos- sessing in me, at one and the same time, a companion and a bearer. And now, having finished our journey, partly by land and partly by sea, we arrived at Corinth, where vast numbers of the citizens came out to meet us, not so much as it seemed to me for the purpose of doing honour to Thyasus, as from a desire of seeing me. For so great a rumour had pervaded that city about me, that I was a source of no small emolument to my keeper. For perceiving that many were eagerly desirous to see my pastimes, he had the doors shut, and admitted them one by one, charging each a good price for admission. By this means he managed every day to pick up no small sums. Among the number of spectators, there was a lady of rank and fortune, who having purchased a sight of me, was quite enchanted with my manifold tricks, and at last conceived a wonderful desire of being more intimate with me. In short, her passion grew to such a height, that, like an asinine Pasi- phae, she prevailed on my keeper, for a considerable sum of money, to let lier have my company for a single night : and the good-for-nothing fellow consented, regardless of all con- eiderations save only his own gain. BOOK X. LTJCms'S ADVENTIJEE WITH A LAUT OF QrALITT. 209 Jam denique coenati e tridinio domini decesseramns ; et jamdudum praestitantem cubiculo meo matronam ofFendimus. Dii boni ! qualis ille, quamque praeclarus apparatus ! Qua- tuor eunuchi confestim, pulvillis compluribus ventose tu- mentibus pluma delicata, terrestrem nobis cubitum prsestruimt ; sed et stragula veste, auro ac murice Tyrio depicta, probe con- sternunt ; ac desuper, brevibus admodum, set satis copiosis pul- villis, aliis nimis modicis, quibus maxillas et cervices delicatae mulieres suffulcire consueverunt, superstruunt. Nee dominae voluptates diutina sua prsesentia morati, clausis cubiculi fori- bus, facessunt. At intus cerei prseclara micaiites luce, noc- turnas nobis tenebras inalbabant. Tunc ipsa cuncto prorsus spoliata tegmine, taenia, quoque, qua decoras devinxerat papillas, lumen prope assistens, de stanneo vasculo, multo sese perungit oleo balsamo, meque in- didem largissime perfricat ; sed multo tanto impensius crura etiam natesque perfundit meas. Tunc exosculata pressule, non qualia in lupanari solent basiola jactari, vel meretricura pos- cinummia vel adventorum ncgotinummia, sed pura atque sin- cera instruit, et blandissimos afFatus. *' Amo, et cupio, et te solum diligo, et, sine te jam vivere nequeo ; et C£etera quis mulieres et alios inducunt, et suas testantur affectiones, Capis- troque me prehensum, more quo didiceram, declinat facile. Quippe cum nil novi, nihilque difficile faoturus mihi viderer ; praesertim post tan turn teniporis, tam formosse mulieris cupi- entis amplexus obiturus. Nam etvinopulcherrimo atque copioso memet madefeceram ; et unguento fragrantissimo proluvium libidiuis suscitaram, Sed angebar plane non exili metu, reputans, quemadmodem tantis, tamque magnis cruribus possem delicatam matronam inscendere ; vel tam lucida, tam- que tencra, et lacte ac melle confecta membra, duris ungulis complecti : labiasque modicas ambrosio rore purpurantes, tam amplo ore tamque enormi, et saxeis dentibus deformis saviari ; novissime, quo pacto quanquam ex unguiculis perpruriscens, mulier tam vastum genitale susciperet. Heu me qui dirupta nobili fsemina, bestiis objectus, munus instructurus sim mei domini ? MoUes interdum yoculas, et assidua savia, et dulces gannitus, commorsicantibus oculis, iterabat ilia. Et in summa, *' Teneo te," inquit, '' teneo meum palumbulum, meum pas- serum." Et cum dicto, vanas fuisse cogitationcs meas, inep- tumque monstrat metum. Arctissimo namque complexa totum 21C THE GOLDEN" ASS OF APULEIUS. me, prorsus sed totum recepit. Ilia vero, quotiens ei parcens, nates recellebam, accedens totiens nisu rabido, et spinam pre- hendens meam, appliciore nexii inhaerebat : ut, Hercules, etiam deesse mihi aliquid ad supplendum ejus libidinem crederem ; nee Minotauri matrem, frustra delectatam putarem adultero mugiente. And now, the laborious and wakeful night being finished, the woman, to avoid being seen, withdrew from my embraces before day -light, at the same time making a contract with my keeper for some future night, at the same price. He was willing enough to gratify her, partly for the large sum he re- ceived from her, and partly for the opportunity afforded him of displaying such a novel spectacle to his lord; to whom, without delay, he unfolded the whole scene of our lust. There- upon Thyasus, having liberally rewarded his freed man, des- tined me to be shown in public. And, because that egregious wife of mine could not be publicly connected with me, being a person of quality, nor any other volunteer could be found for the same purpose, a certain vile woman, who had been sen- tenced by the prefect to be devoured by wild beasts, was pro- cured, for a great sum of money, to have connexion with me in the theatre, in the sight of all the spectators. Of this wo- man I have heard the Ibilowing liistory : — FOUllTEENTH EPISODE. THE JEALOUS WIFE. She had a husband, whose father, when setting out on a journey, had given directions to his wife, the young man's mother, v/hom he left in a state of pregnane)', that if she brought forth an infant of the weaker sex, she should imme- diately have it put to death. Kow she, having brought forth a girl during her husband's absence, and being moved by the natural affection of a mother, disobeyed the commands of her husband, and delivered it to her neighbours to be brought up. On her husband's return, she informed him that she had been delivered of a daughter, who had been destroyed. When now the bloom of age called for the maiden's nuptial day, as she could not give her daughter a portion suitable to her parentage, without the knowledge of her husband, the only way she could BOOK X. THE JEALOrS WIFE. 211 do was to disclose the secret to her son. Besides, she was fery much afraid lest he, by some accident, might in the ardour of youth inadvertently make some attempt on the chas- tity of his sister, who was also ignorant that he was her bro- ther. The young man, who was remarkable for his affectionate disposition, religiously obeyed tlie commands of his mother, behaved like a good brother, and kept the family secret so well, that to all appearance he entertained for his sister only an ordinary degree of good will. But he undertook to perform a brother s duties by receiving her into his own house, as if she had been some orphan girl of the neighbourhood, who had been deprived of the guardian care of her parents ; and he proposed to many her, ere long, to a most dear companion of his, with whom he was united by the closest ties of friend- ship, and to bestow on her most liberally a dowry at his own expense. But these excellent and innocent arrangements could not escape the deadly malevolence of Fortune, who caused a dire jealousy to spring up in the young man's house, and drove the wife to those crimes for which she was now condemned to be thrown to the wild t)easts. She began by suspecting the girl to be a rival, who supplanted her in her husband's affections ; then she hated her, and finally she resolved to ]jut her to death in the most inhuman manner. Accordingly, she had recourse to the following wicked stratagem : having stolen her husband's ring, she went to a farm of theirs in the country, and from there sent a servant, who, though faithful to her, was an utter villain, and told him to inform the girl that the young man had come to the farm and desired to see her, adding, that she was to come alone, with all possible speed. And, lest any doubt might happen to arise in her mind about the propriety of coming, she delivered to him the ring which she had stolen from her hus- band, to show as a token that his message was authentic. On this, in compliance with the injunctions of her brother, for she was the only one who knew that he was her brother, and having also taken notice of his seal, which was shown to her, she promptly did as she was desired. As soon, however, as, through this most base stratagem, she had fallen into the snares which were prepared for her, the wicked wife, goaded to mad- p2 212 THE GOLDEN ASS OF AITLEIXJS. ness by lier jealous fury, stripped the girl naked, and had her Hogged until she was nearly dead. It was in vain that the poor girl confessed the truth, which was wrung from her by the lash, and declared that she was wrongfully accused ; in vain she cried out again and again that the young man was her brother. Her sister-in-law treated her story as a false- hood, and thrusting a burning brand between her thighs, made her suffer a hideous death. Immediately upon this, her brother and her husband being informed of her cruel death, hastened to her, and in sore afflic- tion committed her to the tomb. Nor was the young man able patiently to endure the miserable fate of his sister, by the hands of her, too, by whom, least of all, it ought to have been occasioned ; but, being racked with grief and choler, he fell into a burning fever, so that he seemed in urgent need of me- dical aid. On this his wife, who had long since forfeited her claim to that title, went to a certain physician, notorious for his perfidy, who, being famous for his victories in many a mortal struggle, could enumerate the mighty trophies which his right hand had gained. To him she immediately offered fifty thousand sesterces, if he would sell her poison so efficacious as to destroy in an instant, that so she might purchase the death of her husband. This done, she and the physician pretended that tlie most excellent potion which they had brought, and which the learned call sacred, was necessary for mitigating pains of the viscera, and carrying off the bile ; but, in its stead, was sub- stituted another potion, sacred to the interests of Proserpine.* And now, in the presence of the sick man's household, and some of his relations and friends, the physician, with his ouu hand, after having well stirred the contents, offered the cup. But that audacious woman, in order that she might at the same moment remove the accomplice in her crime, and save the money which she had promised, held back the cup in the presence of them all, and said, ''Most worthy of doctors, you must not give this draught to my dearest husband till you have swallowed a good portion of it yourself. For how am I to know but that there may be some deadly poison in it ? And this ought by no means to offend you, who are a man so pru- dent and so learned, if I, as an affectionate wife, am anxious for * Proserpine.'} — The goddess of death. BOOK X. THE JEALOUS WIFE. 213 the safety of my husband, and so perform a necessary act of duty." The physician, quite confounded by the desperate assurance of the bloodthirsty woman, and having no time to think of any subterfuge, could not help drinking largely of the potion, lest he should excite suspicion of his guilt if he showed any hesitation or fear. Then the young man, confidently fol- lowing his example, took the cup from his hand, and drank what was left. The matter being for the present finished, the physician was preparing to return home as quickly as possible, in order that he might counteract the deadly effects of the poison he had taken, by a timely antidote. But the barbarous woman, bent on completing her infernal work, would not sufi'er him to de- part from her a hair's breadth till, as she said, the potion should have been digested and its effect determined by actual proof. However, after much importunate entreaty, she at length reluctantly allowed him to go. In the meantime, the virulence of the fatal poison had spread through all his inside, and made havoc in his vitals. Stupified, and in excruciating pain, it was with the utmost difficulty he reached home, where he had barely time to relate what had happened, and give in- junctions to his wife, at all events, to demand the promised re- ward for thus ensuring the death of two persons. Thus cut off by a violent death, did this very celebrated doctor breathe his last. !N^or did the young man live much longer, but perished by the same kind of death, amid the feigned tears of his false wife. After he had been committed to the tomb, and a few days had intervened, during w'hich funeral obsequies were per- formed for the dead, the widow of the physician came and demanded the money which was due for the double homicide. But the other widow, always consistent with herself, put on a very unreal appearance of good faith, and replied with great suavity, assuring the applicant that she would promptly pay ner the stipulated sum, only she wished she would give her a little of the same mixture, for the purpose of completing the business she had begun. Completely duped by her insidious perfidy, the doctor's wddow readily consented to do as she was requested ; and that she might ingratiate herself the more with this wealthy wo- man, she hastened home, and immediately brought her the 214 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEirS. whole box of poison. Having, therefore, obtained that power- ful instrument of crime, the wretch now prepared to indulge her murderous propensities without stint. She had an infant daughter, by the husband whom she had lately murdered ; and she felt extremely galled that the laws would give to this little child the inheritance of her father, as being his next of kin. Coveting the whole patrimony of the daughter, she waited only for an opportunity of depriving her of life. Making sure, therefore, that wicked mothers come in for the reversion of tjie inheritances of their deceased children, she showed herself to be just such a parent as she had been a wife. Accordingly, preparing a breakfast, she seized her op- portunity, and with the same poison destroyed both the widow of the physician and her own daughter. As for the child, the baneful venom instantly stopped her breathing, and consumed her tender life. But as for the doctor's widow, when she felt the virus of the detestable drug creeping through her lungs, she at once suspected the truth ; the increasing difficulty of her breathing converted her suspicion into a certainty, and she hastened at once to the house of the governor of the province, clamorous for justice, and declaring she had enormous crimes to reveal. A great concourse of people gathered round her, and the governor immediately gave her a hearing. After she had unfolded to him from first to last all the atrocities of that horrible woman, she was seized with a fit ; her mouth, that was open in the act of speaking, closed convulsively; she ground her teeth violently together, and fell dead at the go- vernor's feet. That able and energetic functionary would not allow the manifold crimes of this execrable poisoner to lose their terrors by delay, but immediately ordered her chamber- maids to be brought before him, and extracted the truth from them by means of torture. On their deposition he sentenced the culprit to a punishment which was no doubt less than she deserved, but as no other torment could be devised so well adapted to the enormity of her guilt, he ordered that she should be thrown to wild beasts. END OF THE FOURTEENTH EPISODE. With such a woman as this it was determined that I should be publicly connected, as if I had been lawfully married to her. It was with extreme anguish, therefore, that I looked forward BOOK X. LTJCirS LED TO THE AMPHITHEATEE. 215 to the day of the spectacle ; being frequently tempted rather to destroy myself with my own hand, than be defiled by con- tact with such an abandoned woman, or be disgraced by the infamy of such a public spectacle. But, as I was destitute of human hands and of fingers, I had no means of drawing a sword with my round and stumpy hoof. However, I consoled myself, as well as I could, in my extreme anguish, with a slen- der hope ; for the spring now beginning to appear, would deck all the country with flowering buds, and clothe the meadows with a purple glow ; the roses would burst forth from their thorny cells, exhaling aromatic odours, and these would restoi^e me to my former shape as Lucius. And now behold, the day destined for the show came ; and amid shouts of applause, a long train escorting me, I was led to the amphitheatre. During the first part of the performance, which was devoted to the joyous choral dances of the players, I was placed outside the gate, and was glad to crop some very fresh grass which grew just at the entrance ; while I everj^ now and then delighted my curious eyes with a most agreeable view of the spectacle through the open gate. Beautiful boys and maidens, in the bloom of youth, splen- didly dressed, moved with great elegance of gesture through the graceful evolutions of the Greek Pyrrhic dance. Now they revolved in a circle ; now they deployed into an oblique line, with hands joined ; at times they formed a wedge-like figure enclosing an open square ; then they parted into two troops, and went through a variety of intricate movements, till they ceased at the sound of the trumpet. Then the screen was lowered, the hangings were drawn aside, and a dramatic scene was exhibited. There was a wooden structure formed in imitation of that celebrated mountain, Ida, of which the poet Homer has sung. It was a fabric of considerable height, covered over with turf and with growing trees up to the very top, whence, by the con- trivance of the artist, a fountain was made to flow and pour down a stream of water. A few goats cropped the grass, and a young man, handsomely arrayed in flowing Barbaric vestments, and having his head covered with a golden tiara, in resemblance of Paris, the Phrygian shepherd, appeared to be employed in pas- toral pursuits. A beautiful boy then came forward, his only garment being the mantle generally worn by striplings, which 2.16 THF GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. covered his left, shoulder. His beautiful yellow hair flowed loosely, and from the midst of it issued a pair of little golden wings ; these and the caducous he carried showed him to be Mercury. He danced forward, holding in his hand a golden apple, which he presented to the performer who personated Paris, made known to him by signs what Jove commanded, and gracefully retired. A girl then made her appearance, of noble features, representing the goddess Juno : for her head was surrounded with a white diadem, and she bore a sceptre in her hand. Another then entered, who was easy to be recog- nized as Minerva, having on her head a shining helmet, en- circled with a wreath of olive. She raised her shield aloft, and brandished her spear, like that goddess when engaged in battle. After these came another female, of surpassing beauty; the loveliness of her divine complexion declared her to be Yenus, and Yenus such as she was while yet a virgin. Her perfect form was naked, all but some charms imperfectly concealed by a gauze scarf, which the wind played with amorously, some- times uncovering the beauties beneath it, sometimes pressing it against the limbs, and displaying their delicious contour. The goddess appeared in two different colours ; her body was dazzlingly white, because she had descended from the heavens, while her silken garment was azure, because she had emerged from the sea. The virgins who represented the goddesses were accompanied by their respective attendants : Juno by two young players, representing Castor and Pollux, whose heads were covered with helmets of semi-oval form, graced with a cluster of stars. She advanced with a calm and unaffected air to the warbling of the flute, and promised the shepherd, with modest gestures, that she would bestow on him the empire of all Asia, if he adjudged to her the prize of beauty. She who personated Minerva was attended by two armed youths. Terror and Pear, who danced before her with drawn swords. Behind her a piper played a martial air, mingling shrill and deep-braying tones, and excited the agility of the dancers as with the blast of the trumpet. With restless head and threatening glances, Pallas bounded forward, and with animated gesture signified to Paris that if he pronounced her victorious in the contest of beauty, she would render him illustrious for his valour, and his achievements in war. BOOK X. DEAMATIC EXHIBITION IN THE AMPHITHEATKE. 217 Greeted with vast applause from tte spectators, Yenus ad- vanced with a sweet smile, and stood still in a graceful attitude in the middle of the stage, surrounded by a throng of merry- little boys, such plump, round-limbed, fair-skinned little fel- lows, 3^ou would have sworn they were real Cupids, who had just flown from heaven or from the sea ; for they had little wings, and arrows, and all other accoutrements conformable ; and they carried gleaming torches before their mistress, as if to light her way to a nuptial banquet. She had also in her train a lovely choir of virgins, the charming Graces and the Hours, who strewed the path of their goddess with loose flowers and bouquets, and propitiated the queen of pleasure with the pleasant off'erings of the spring. Presently the flutes began to breathe soft Lydian airs, that thrilled the audience with delight ; but greater still was their delight, when Venus began to move in concert with the music, and Mdth slow lingering steps, and gentle sinuous flexure of the spine and head, and graceful movements of the arms, to respond to the soft modulations of the flutes ; while now her eyes swam with voluptuous languor, now flashed with the ardour of pas- sion, and sometimes she seemed, as it were, to dance with her eyes alone. As soon as she had approached close to the judge, she was understood to promise, by the movements of her arms, that if she was preferred to the other goddesses, she would bestow on Paris a wife surpassing all women in beauty, in a word, one like herself. Gladly, then, did the young Phrygian deliver to her the golden apple he held in his hand, as a token of her victory. What wonder is it, then, you vilest of people, forensic cattle rather, vultures clad in gowns, if all judges now sell their de- cisions for a price ? Even in the early ages of the world, favour was able to corrupt judgment in a question agitated between Gods and men, and a young man, a rustic and a shep- herd, elected judge by the counsels of mighty Jupiter, bartered the first judicial decision for the lucre of lust, ensuring thereby the destruction of all his race. Ay, by Hercules, and another such judgment was given in later times, by the illustrious leaders of the Greeks, when Palamedes, renowned for wisdom and learning, was condemned on false accusations as a traitor ; as also when the mendicant Ulysses was preferred to the mighty ^^ jax, who excelled in military prowess. And what sort "218 THE GOLDEN" ASS OF APULEITS. of judgment was that given by those renowned lawgivers, the Athenians, .those clever people, and masters of all the sciences? Was not that divinely wise old man, whom the Delphic god pronounced superior in wisdom to all men, circumvented by the treachery and envy of a most infamous faction, as a de- clared corrupter of youth, though he restrained their excesses as with a bridle ? "Was he not cut off by the deadly juice of a pestilential herb, leaving to his fellow- citizens the stain of indelible ignominy ? For even at this day the most excellent philosophers make choice of his most holy sect before all others, and swear by his name, in their highest aspirations for con- summate happiness. Lest, however, any one blame this outburst of indignation, and say to himself. Look ye now, are we to suffer an ass to philosophize to us r I shall again return to the point in the narrative from which I digressed. After that judgment of Paris was finished, Juno and Minerva retired from the stage in sorrow and anger, and showed by their gestures the indig- nation they felt at being rejected ; but Venus, full of joy and merriment, testified her gladness by dancing with all her choir. Then wine, mixed with safiron, burst forth on high from the summit of the mountain, through a pipe that lay concealed, and flowing in scattered streams, besprinkled as it fell, with an odoriferous shower, the goats that fed around, and changed their native whiteness for a more beautiful yellow tint. And now, the whole theatre exhaling a sweet odour, a chasm of the earth absorbed the wooden mountain. One of the soldiers now ran down the street, to fulfil the demands of the people, and bring from the public prison the woman before-mentioned, who, as I have stated, was condemned to the wild beasts, on account of her manifold crimes, and des- tined to be my illustrious bride. "What was intended also to be our genial bed was already prepared. It was brilliantly adorned with the Indian tortoise-shell, swelling with feathery heaps, and decorated with a silken coverlet. As for me, be- sides the shame of being thus publicly exhibited, and besides the contact of that wicked and polluted woman, I was also in the highest degree tormented with the fear of death ; for it struck me that if, while we were performing our prescribed part in the exhibition, any wild beast should be let in on pur- pose to destroy the woman, it would not be so remarkably woU BOOK X. LrCIUS MAKES HIS ESCArE. -219 trained or sagacious, or so temperate and abstemious, as to tear the woman to pieces who was at my side, and spare me, as being uncondemned, and guilty of no crime. Being therefore alarmed, not on grounds of delicacy alone, but on account of my life, while my master was intent on pre- paring for the representation, and all his servants were partly engaged in getting ready for the spectacle of hunting, and partly in gazing at the grandeur of the show : and as no one thought that so tame an ass required to be so yerj attentively watched, and I was free to follow my own devices, accordingly little by little I stole away softly and quietly. When I reached the nearest gate, I hurried along at a most rapid pace. And after I had travelled a hot gallop of six miles, I arrived at Cenchreae ; a city which has the reputation of being the most noble colony of the Corinthians, and is washed by the ^gean and Saronic sea. Here, also, there is a port, which is a most safe harbour for ships, and frequented by a vast concourse of people. Avoiding, therefore, the crowds, and choosing a sequestered spot on the sea-shore, close to the spray of the waves, I stretched my weary body on the soft bosom of the sand. The chariot of the sun had sped onward to the end of its course ; and I re- signed myself to repose, and was soon ^Tapped in sweet sleep. 220 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APrLElIS. BOOK THE ELEVENTH. LUCniS ON THE SEA-SHORE AT NIGHT HIS PEAYEIl TO THE GOD- DESS ISIS THE GODDESS RESPONDS IN PERSON PROCESSION OP THE GODDESS LUCIUS RECOVERS HIS PROPER SHAPE ADDRESS OF THE PRIEST OF ISIS TO LUCIUS DEDICATION OF A SHIP TO THE GODDESS RELIGIOUS CEREMONY IN THE TEMPLE LUCIUS RECOVERS HIS WHITE HORSE LUCIUS INITIATED AS A PRIEST OF ISIS HE SAILS FROM CENCHRE^, AND ARPtTVES AT ROME INITIATION INTO THE MYSTERIES OF OSIRIS AND SERAPIS LUCIUS ADMITTED INTO THE COLLEGE OF THE PASTOPHORI. Awaking in sudden alarm about the first watcli of the night, I beheld the full orb of the moon shining with re- markable brightness, and just then emerging from the waves of the sea. Availing myself, therefore, of the silence and soli- tude of night, as I was also well aware that the great primal goddess possessed a transcendent majesty, and that human affairs are entirely governed by her providence ; and that not only cattle and wild beasts, but likewise things inanimate, are invigorated by the divine influence of her light ; that the bodies likewise which are on the earth, in the heavens, and in the sea, at one time increase with her increments, and at another lessen duly with her wanings ; being well assured of this, I determined to implore the august image of the goddess then present, Fate, as I supposed, being now satiated with my many and great calamities, and holding out to me at last some pro- spect of relief. Shaking off all drowsiness, therefore, I rose with alacrity, and directly, with the intention of purifying myself, began bathing in the sea. Having dipped my head seven times in the waves, because, according to the divine Pythagoras, that number is especially adapted to religious purposes, I joyously and with alacrity thus supplicated with a tearful countenance the transcendently powerful Goddess : — " Queen of heaven, whether thou art the genial Ceres, the prime parent of fruits, who, joyous at the discovery of thy daughter, didst banish the savage nutriment of tlie ancient BOOK XI. LIJCHJS'S PliAYER lO THE GODDP:SS ISIS. 221 acorn, and pointing out a better food, dost now till the Elensi- nian soil ; or whether thou art celestial Yenus, who, in the first origin of things, didst associate the different sexes, through the creation of mutual love, and having propagated an eternal offspring in the human race, art now worshipped in the sea- girt shrine of Paphos ; or whether thou art the sister of Phoebus, who, by relieving the pangs of women in travail by soothing remedies, hast brought into the world multitudes so innumerable, and art now venerated, in the far-famed shrines of Ephesus ; or whether thou art Proserpine, terrific with midnight bowlings, with triple features checking the attack of the ghosts, closing the recesses of the earth, and who wan- dering over many a grove, art propitiated by various modes of worship ; with that feminine brightness of thine, illuminating the walls of every city, and with thy vaporous beams nurtur- ing the joyous seeds of plants, and for the revolutions of the sun ministering thy fitful gleams : by whatever name, by whatever ceremonies, and imder whatever form* it is lawful * Whatever form.'] — The Moon, being the last of the celestial divinities, receives in herself, according to the Orphic theology, processions from all the orders of Gods superior to, and also contains in herself casually all the divinities inferior to her. Hence, from what is asserted here, and farther on, this Goddess is celebrated as containing all the female deities, just as Osiris contains all those of a male character. In short, according to this theology, each of the Gods is in all, and all are in each, being ineffably united to each other and the highest God, because, each being a superessential unity, their conjunction with each other is a union of unities. And hence it is by no means wonderful that each is celebrated as all. But another and a still more appropriate cause may be assigned of the Moon being called by the appellations of so many female deities, which is this, that, according to the Orphic theology, each of the planets is fixed in a lumi- nous etherial sphere called an oXottjq^ or wholeness, ■f because it is a part with a total subsistence, and is analogous to the sphere of the fixed stars. In consequence of this analogy, each of these planetary spheres contains a multitude of Gods, who are the satellites of the leading divinity of the sphere, and subsist conformably to his characteristics. This doctrine, which, as I have elsewhere observed, is one of the grand keys to the my- thology and theology of the ancients, is not clearly delivered by any other ancient writer than Proclus, and has not, I believe, been noticed by any other modern author than myself. The following are the passages in which this theory is unfolded by Proclus, in his admirable commentaries t Each of these spheres is called a wholeness, because it contains 9 multitude of partial animals co-ordinate with it. 222 THE GOLDEN ASS OP APri-EIUS. to invoke thee ; do thou graciously succour me in this my extreme distress, support my fallen fortune, and grant me rest on the Timaeus of Plato. * In each of the celestial spheres, the whole sphere has the relation of a monad, but the cosniocrators [or planets] are the leaders of the multitude in each. For in each a number analogous to the choir of the fixed stars, subsists with appropriate circulations.' And in another part of the same book (p. 280), ' There are other divine ani- mals following the circulations of the planets, the leaders of which are the seven planets ; all which Plato comprehends in what is here said. For these also revolve and have a wandering of such a kind as that which he a little before mentioned of ihe seven planets. For they revolve in con- junction with and make their apocatastases together with their principals, just as the fixed stars are governed by the whole circulation of the [iner- ratic sphere].' And still more fully in p. 281 ; " Each of the planets is a whole world, comprehending in itself many divine genera invisible to us. Of all these, however, the visible star has the government. And in this the fixed stars ditfer from those in the planetary spheres, that the former have one monad [viz., the inerratic sphere], which is the wholeness of them ; but that in each of the latter there are invisible stars, which revolve together with their spheres ; so that in each there is both the wholeness and a leader, which is allotted an exempt transcendency. For the planets being secondary to the fixed stars, require a twofold prefec- ture, the one more total, but the other more partial. But that in each of these there is a multitude co-ordinate with eacli, you may infer from the extremes. For if the inerratic sphere has a multitude co-ordinate with itself, and earth is the wholeness of terrestrial, in the same manner as the inerratic sphere is of celestial animals, it is necessary that each interme- diate wholeness should entirely possess certain partial animals co-ordinate with itself ; through which, also, they are said to be wholenesses. The intermediate natures, however, are concealed from our sense, the extremes being manifest : one of them through its transcendently luminous essence, and the other through its alliance to us. If, likewise, partial souls [such as ours] are disseminated about them, some about tlie sun, others about the moon, and others about each of the rest, and prior to souls, daemons give completion to the herds of which they are the leaders, it is evidently well sain, th?it each of the spheres is a world ; theologists also teaching us these things when they say that there are Gods in each prior to daemons, some of w hich are under the government of otliers. Thus, for instance, they assert, concerning our mistress the Moon, that the Goddess Ilecate is contained in her, and also Diana. Thus, too, in speaking of the sovereign Sun, and the Gods that are there, they celebrate Bacchus as being there — " The sun's assessor, who with watchful eye Surveys the sacred pole." They likewise celebrate the Jupiter who is there, Osiris, the solar Pan, and others of which the looks of theologists and theurgists are full ; BOOK XI. THI GODDESS KESPO^^DS TO LUCIUS. 223 and peace, after the endurance of so many sad calamities. Let there be an end of my sufferings, let there be an end of my perils. Remove from me the dire form of a quadruped, restore me to the sight of my kindred, restore me to Lucius, my former self. But if any offended deity pursues me with inexorable cruelty, may it at least be allowed me to die, if it is not al- lowed me to live." from all which it is evident, that each of the planets is truly said to be the leader of many Gods, who give completion to its peculiar cir- culation.' From this extraordinary passage, we may perceive at once why the Sun in the Orphic hymns is called Jupiter, why Apollo is called Pan, and Bacchus the Sun ; why the Moon seems to be tlie same with Rhea, Ceres, Proserpine, Juno, Venus, &c., and in short, why any one divinity is cele- brated with the names and epithets of so many of the rest. For from this suhUme theory it follows that every sphere contains a Jupiter, Neptune, Vulcan, Vesta, Minerva, Mars, Ceres, Juno, Diana, Mercury, Venus, Apollo, and in short, every deity, each sphere at the same time con- ferring on these Gods the peculiar characteristic of its nature ; so that, for instance, in the Sun they all possess a solar property, in the Moon a lunar one, and so of the rest. From this theory, too, we may perceive the truth of that divine saying of the ancients, that all things are full of Gods ; for more particular orders proceed from such as are more general, the mundane from the super-mundane, and the sublunary from the celestial : while earth becomes the general receptacle of the illuminations of all the Gods. ' Hence,' as Proclus shortly after observes, ' there is a terrestrial Ceres, Vesta, and Isis, as likewise a terrestrial Jupiter and a terrestrial Hermes, established about the one divinity of the earth, just as a multitude of celestial Gods proceeds about the one divinity of the heavens. For there are progressions of all the celestial Gods into the Earth : and Earth contains all things, in an earthly manner, which Heaven comprehends celestially. Hence, we speak of a terrestrial Bacchus and a terrestrial Apollo, who bestows the all-various streams of water with which the earth abounds, and openings prophetic of futurity.* And if to all this we only add, that all the other mundane Gods subsist in the twelve above-mentioned, and in short, all the mundane in the super-mundane Gods, and that the first triad of these is demiurgic or fabricative, viz. Jupiter, Neptune, Vulcan ; the second, Vesta, Minerva, Mars, defeimve; the third, Ceres, Juno, Diana, vivijic ; and the fourth, Mercury, Venus, Apollo, elevating and harmonic ; I say, if we unite this with the preceding theory, there is nothing in the ancient theology that will not appear admirably sublime and beautifully connected, accurate in all its parts, scientific and divine. The Delphin editor, having no conception of this theory, and being unable to assign the reason why the Moon is here said to be Deorurn Dearumgue fades uniformis, thinks with Elmenhorstius. that the word * Deorum' should be obliterated. — Taylor. 224 THE GOLDEN ASS OP APTTLEnJS. Having after this manner poured forth my prayers and added bitter lamentations, sleep again overpowered my stricken feelings on the same bed. Scarcely had I closed my eyes, when behold ! a divine form emerged from the middle of the sea, and disclosed features that even the gods themselves might venerate. After this, by degrees, the vision, resplendent throughout the whole body, seemed gradually to take its stand before me, rising above the surface of the sea. I will even make an attempt to describe to you its wondrous appearance, if, indeed, the poverty of human language will afford me the power of appropriately setting it forth; or, if the Divinity herself will supply me with a sufficient stock of eloquent diction. In the first place, then, her hair, long and hanging in tapered linglets, fell luxuriantly on her divine neck ; a crown of varied form encircled the summit of her head, with a diversity of flowers, and in the middle of it, just over her forehead, there was a flat circlet, which resembled a mirror, or rather emitted a white refulgent light, thus indicating that she was the moon. Vipers rising from furrows of the earth, supported this on the right hand and on the left, while ears of corn pro- jected on either side. Her garment was of many colours, woven of fine flax ; in one part it was resplendent with a clear white colour, in another it was yellow like the blooming crocus, and in another flaming with a rosy redness. And then, wliat ri vetted my gaze far more than all, was her mantle of the deepest black, that shone with a glossy lustre. It was wrapped around her, and passing from below her right side over the left shoulder, was fastened in a knot that resem- bled the boss of a shield, while a part of the robe fell down in many folds, and gracefully floated with its little knots of fringe that edged its extremities. Glittering stars were dispersed along the embroidered extremities of the robe, and over its whole surface ; and in the middle of them a moon of two weeks old breathed forth its flaming fires. Besides this, a garland, wholly consisting of flowers and fruits of every kind, adhered naturally to the border of this beautiful mantle, ir whatever direction it was wafted by the breeze. The objects which she carried in her hands were of a diff'e- n^nt description. In her right hand she bore a brazen sistrum,* • Brazen sistnivi~\ — This rattle (in the original crepitaculum) of Isis BOOK XI. DESClilPTIOX OF THE GODDESS 226 through the narrow rim of wliich, winding just like a girdje for the body, passed a few little rods, producing a sharp shrill sound, while her arm imparted motion to the triple chords. An oblong vessel, made of gold, in the shape of a boat, hung is the same with the celebrated sistrum of that Goddess, as is evident from what is asserted of the latter by Martial. Propertius, and Plutarch. The following is a translation of what Plutarch says concerning this sistrum in his treatise of Isis and Osiris, and is remarkably interesting both to the antiquarian and philosopher : * The sistrum likewise indicates that it is necessary that beings should be agitated, and never cease to rest from their local motion, but should be excited and shaken, when they become drowsy and marcid. For they say that Typhon is deterred and repelled by the sistra ; manifesting by this, that as corruption binds and stops [the course of things], so generation again resolves nature, and excites it through motion. But as the upper part of the sistrum is convex, so the concavity of it comprehends the four tilings that are agitated. For the generable and corruptible portion of the world is comprehended indeed by the lunar sphere ; but all things are moved and changed in this sphere, through the four elements of fire and earth, water and air. And on the summit of the concavity of the sistrum they carved a cat having a human face ; and on the under part, below the rattling rods, they placed on one side the face of Isis, and on the other that of Nephthys, obscurely signify- ing by these faces generation and death [or corruption] : for these are the mutations and motions of the elements. But by the cat they indicated the moon, on account of the diversity of colours, operation by night, and fecundity of this animal. For it is said, that she brings forth one, after- weirds two, three, four, and five kittens, and so adds till she has brought forth seven ; so that she brings forth twenty-eight in all, wTiich is the number of the illuminations of the moon. This, therefore, is perhaps more mythologically asserted. The pupils, however, in the eyes of the cat, are seen to become full and to be dilated when the moon is full, and to be diminished and deprived of light during the decrease of this star.' In this extract, Baxter, in his translation, makes the rods of the sistrum to be four. For he translates vtto ra atwfieva, ' below the four jinghng things,' which I have translated, below the rattling rods. The sistrum, however, according to all the representations of it that are extant, contained but three rods. Baxter was doubtless led thus to translate ra (reiofifva, because Plutarch had observed a littje before that ' the concavity of the sistrum comprehends the four things that are affitated,' i. e. the four ele- ments. But as there is no sphere of fire, as there is of each of the other elements ; for sublunary fire is an efflux of the celestial fire, and subsists in the cavities of the other elements ; hence, the three rods indicate the three elements, air, water, and earth, and the concavity of the arch of the sistrum will represent the summit of the air, which imitates the purity of the vivific and unburning fire of the heavens. For true fire is in the heavens; but of sublunary fire the purest is ether, and the most gross is in the inte.-^ rior parts of the earth.— Tat/lor. Q 226 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIITS. down from her left hand, on the handle of which, in that part in which it met the eye, was an asp raising its head erect, and with its throat puffed out on either side. Shoes, too, woven from the palm, the emblem of victory, covered her ambrosial feet. Such was the appearance of the mighty goddess, as, breath- ing forth the fragrant perfumes of Arabia the happy, she deigned with her divine voice thus to address me: "Behold me, Lucius ; moved by thy prayers, I appear to thee ; I, who am Nature, the parent of all things, the mistress of all the ele- ments, the primordial offspring of time, the supreme among Divinities, the queen of departed spirits, the first of the celes- tials, and the uniform manifestation of the Gods and Goddesses ; who govern by my nod the luminous heights of heaven, the salubrious breezes of the ocean, and the anguished silent realms of the shades below : whose one sole divinity the whole orb of the earth venerates under a manifold form, with different rites, and under a variety of appellations. Hence the Phrygians, that primaeval race, call me Pessinuntica, the Mother of the Gods ; the Aborigines of Attica, Cecropian Minerva ; the Cyprians, in their sea-girt isle, Paphian Yenus ; the arrow- bearing Cretans, Diana Dictynna;* the three- tongued Sicilians,! Stygian Proserpine ; and the Eleusinians, the ancient Goddess Ceres. Some call me Juno, others Bellona, others Hecate, and others Ehamnusia. But those who are illumined by the earliest rays of that divinity, the Sun, when he rises, the ^thopians, the Arii, and the Egyptians, so skilled in ancient learning, worshipping me with ceremonies quite appropriate, call me by my true name. Queen Isis. Behold then, commiserating your calamities, I am come to thy assistance ; favouring and pro- pitious I am come. Away, then, with tears ; leave your la- mentations ; cast off all sorrow. Soon, through my providence, shall the day of deliverance shine upon you. Listen, there- fore, attentively to these my instructions. " Eternal religion has consecrated to me the day which will be born from this night ; to-morrow my priests offer to me the * Dictynnal — The invention of nets is ascribed to Diana, which in (ireek are called SUrvva, dictyna. -\ The three-ton gued Sicilians.'] — For they first spoke in the Sicilian, ift«rvvards in the lirecian, and at last in the Latin tongue. BOOK 3tl. THE ADDRESS OF THE GODDESS. 227 first fruits of the opened navigation, and dedicate to me a new ship, for that the wintry tempests are now appeased, and the stormy waves of the ocean lulled, and the sea itself has become navigable. That sacred ceremonial you must await, with a mind neither full of anxiety, nor intent upon subjects that are profane. Por the priest, at my command, will carry in the procession a crown of roses, attached to the sistrum in his right hand. Without delay, then, pushing the crowd aside, join my procession, and put your trust in my gracious disposition ; then, having approached close, as though to kiss the hand of the priest, gently pluck the roses, and at once divest yourself of the hide of that abominable beast, which I have long looked upon with detestation. " JS'or hold in dread any thing pertaining to my concerns as difficult. For even at this very same instant* of time in which I appear to you here present, I am giving orders also to my priest how to bring about the things that are to take place hereafter. By my command, the dense crowds of people shall give way before you. Neither, amid the joyous rites and festive scenes, will any one view with abhorrence the unsightliness of the figure which you bear, or malignantly accuse you, by putting a sinister interpretation on the sudden change of your form. Only remember, and always keep it fast in the very depths of your heart, that the remaining period of your life must be dedi- cated to me, even to the moment of your latest ]?reath. Nor is it unjust that you should devote your whole life to that god- dess, by whose assistance you will have been restored to human form. But under my protection you will live happy, you will live glorious : and wiien, having passed through the allotted period of your life, you shall descend to the realms beneath, there, also, in the subterranean hemisphere, you, dwelling in the Elysian fields, shall frequently adore me whom you now behold thus propitious to you, and shall there see me shining amidst the darkness of Acheron, and reigning in the Stygian realms. And further, if you shall be found to deserve tho protection of my divinity by sedulous obedience, religious de- votion, and inviolable chastity, you shall be sensible that it is possible for me, and me alone, to extend your life beyond the limits that have been appointed to it by your destiny." * At this very same instant.'] — For a divine nature is at one and the same time present evei;y where. — Taylor. 228 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. The venerable oracle having thus concluded, the invin- cible divinity dissolved into herself. Instantly shaking off sleep, I arose, in a state of fear and joy, and bathed in per- spiration. Astonished in the highest degree at so evident a manifestation of the powerful goddess, having sprinkled myself with the spray of the sea, and intent on her high commands, I tried to recall to mind the successive particulars of her injunc- tions. Soon after this, the golden sun arose, and put to flight the clouds of dark night : and now, behold, a crowd of people filled all the streets with a religious procession, conducted in a style of triumph. All things likewise, independently of my own delight, seemed to me to be affected with the greatest hilarity, insomuch that I thought even the cattle of all kinds, every house, and the day itself, wore an aspect of gladness and serenity ; for a sunny and placid day had suddenly succeeded to the frost of the previous one ; so that, allured by the warmth of the spring, the tuneful little birds sang sweetly, and with their merry warbling soothed Her who was the mother of the stars, the parent of the seasons, and the mistress of the whole universe. And then the trees, too, both those prolific and those which only yielded a shade, unbound from their wintry sleep by the warm southern breezes, and embellished with young foliage, sent forth a sweet rustling sound from their branches. The waves of the sea, no longer heaving turbidly to the roaring blast of the tempest, gently washed the shore ; the dark clouds were dispersed, and the heavens shone with the feerene splendour of their native light. And now, behold, the prelude to the grand procession came gradually into action. The persons who composed it were all finely caparisoned in various ways, each according to his own taste and inclination. This man, being girded with a belt, repre- sented a soldier ; another was equipped as a hunter, with a short scarf, a hunting-knife, and javelin. Another, wearing gilded sandals, a silken garment, and precious female ornaments, and with false hair on his head, personated a woman by his appear- ance and his gait. Another, with his boots, his shield, his helmet, and his sword, appeared as though he had come straight from the school of the gladiators. There was one who played the part of a magistrate, with the fasces and the purple robe ; another that of a philosopher, with his cloak, his stafi", his wooden-clogged shoes, and his goatish beard ; two persons, BOOK XI. PEOCESSION OF THE GODDESS. 22S with dissimilar reeds, represented, the one a fowler with bird- lime, and the other a fisherman with his hook. I also saw a tame she-bear, wearing the dress of a woman, and carried in a chair ; an ape, too, with a plaited straw hat on its head, and clothed with a Phrygian garment of saffron colour, carrying in its hand a golden cup, and representing the shepherd Ganymede ; likewise an ass, on which wings were glued, and which walked near a feeble old man ; so that you would certainly have said that the one was Bellerophon, and the other Pegasus ; but still you would have enjoyed your laugh at both. Amid this merry masquerade of the swarming people, the procession proper of the guardian Goddess now advanced. Females, splendidly arrayed m white garments, expressing their joy by various gestures, and adorned with vernal chaplets, scattered flowers on the ground from their bosoms, along the path of the sacred procession. Others, again, with mirrors placed upon their backs, showed all who followed to the God- dess, with their faces towards her as if they were coming to meet her. Others, carrying ivory combs, imitated the combing and bedecking of her regal hair, with the motion of their arms, and the twisting of their fingers. There were others, too, who sprinkled the streets with drops of genial balsam, and other kinds of perfume. In addition to all this, there was a great multitude of men and women, who propitiated the Goddess, Offspring of the celestial stars, by bearing lamps, torches, wax- lapers, and other kinds of artificial light. ]S"ext came musicians, playing sweetly on pipes and flutes. A graceful choir of chosen youths, in snow-white garments, followed them, repeating a beautiful song, which an excellent poet had composed under favour of the Muses, the words of which explained the first origin of the votive procession. Pipers also, consecrated to the great Serapis, played an air appropriate to the worship of the god, on pipes with transverse mouth-pieces, and tubes held ob- liquely towards their right ears. There were, also, a number of persons, whose office it was to give notice that room should be left for the sacred procession to pass. Then came a multi- tude of those who had been initiated into the sacred rites of the goddess, consisting of men and women of all classes and ages, resplendent with the pure whiteness of their linen gar- ments. The women had their anointed hair enveloped in a transparent covering ; but the men had shaven and shining 230 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APCrLElt'&. pates ; earthly stars were these of extreme sanctity, who kept up a shrill and incessant tinkling upon brazen, silver, and even gold sistra. But the chief ministers of the sacred rites, clothed in garments of white linen, drawn close over the breast, and hanging down to their feet, carried the insignia of the mighty Gods, exposed full to view. The first held aloft a brilliant lamp, not by any means resembling those lamps of ours which illumine banquets at night ; but it was of gold, of a boat-like form, and emitted a flame of considerable magnitude, from an aperture in the middle. The second was arrayed in a similar manner, but carried in both his hands models of altars, "^ to which the auxiliary providence of the supreme goddess gave the appropriate name of ''auxilia." The third bore a palm tree, the leaves of which were beautifully wrought in gold, as also the caduceus of Mercury. The fourth displayed the sym- bol of Equity, a left hand, fashioned with the palm expanded ; which seems to be more adapted to administering Equity than the right, from its natural inertness, and its being endowed with no craft and no subtlety. The same person also carried a golden vessel, which was rounded in the shape of the female breast, and from which he poured forth milk on the ground. The fifth bore a golden corn-fan, made with thickset branches of gold ; while another carried an amphora. In the next place, appeared the gods that deigned to walk with the feet of men. Here, dreadful to view, was the mes- senger of the gods above, and of those of the realms beneath, standing erect, with a face partly black, and partly of a golden hue, bearing in his left hand a caduceus, and shaking in his right a green branch of palm ; close upon whose footsteps fol- lowed a cow, in an erect position ; this cow being the prolific resemblance of the all-parent goddess, and seated on the shoul- ders of one of the blessed devotees of this divinity, who acted gesticulatingly as he walked. Another carried a chest, con- taining the secret utensils of this stupendous mystery. Another bore in his beatified bosom a venerable effigy of his supreme Divinity, bearing no resemblance to any bird or beast, wild or tame, or even to man ; but worthy of all veneration for the exquisite art with which it was wrought, as also for its very * Models of altars ] — These altars (altaria) were symbols of the aid afforded by Isis ; and hence Apuleius says, they were called auxilia. — Taylor. [ BOOK XI. LUC1I7S EECOTEES HIS PEOPEE SHAPE. 231 originality, and an ineffable symbol of a sublime religion, the mysteries of which were ever to be kept in deep silence. It was of burnished gold, after the following manner : there was a small urn, hollowed out in a most artistic manner, with a bottom quite round, and which outside was covered with the wonderful hieroglyphics of the Egyptians. The spout of this urn was very long, not much elevated ; a handle was attached to the other side, and projected from the urn with a wide sweep. On this lay an asp, uplifting its scaly, wrinkled, and swollen throat, and embraced it with its winding folds. At last the moment was at hand, when I was to experience the blessing promised me by the most potent goddess ; and the priest, attired just as she had described, approached with the .means of my deliverance. In his right hand he carried the sistrum of the goddess, and a crown of roses ; and by Hercules, a crown it was for me ; since by the providence of the mighty goddess, after having endured so many hardships, and escaped so many dangers, I should now achieve a victory over my cruel enemy, Fortune. Still, however, though agitated by a sudden burst of joy, I did not rush forward at once, lest the tranquil order of the sacred procession should be disturbed by the impetuosity of a quadruped ; but passed through the crowd with a quiet and altogether human step, and a sidelong movement of my body, and as the people gave way, through the interference, no doubt, of the goddess, I gradually crept nearer and nearer. But the priest, as I could plainly perceive, recollecting the nocturnal oracle, and struck with wonder at the coincidence with the duty which he had been commanded to perform, instantly stood still, and extending his right hand of his own accord, presented the chaplet to my very mouth. Trembling, and with a great beating of my heart, I seized the bright rosy chaplet, and greedily, most greedily devoured it. Nor did the celestial promise deceive me ; for immediately my unsightly and brutal figure left me. First of all, my rough hair fell off, and next my thick skin became thin ; my big belly shrank in ; my hoofs spread out into feet and toes ; my hands were no longer feet, but ready for the duties of their elevated position. My long neck was shortened ; my face and my head became round ; my enormous ears were restored to their former small dimensions ; my stony teeth returned to the diminutive 232 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APriEIUS. Size of those of men; and the tail, which before especially annoyed me, was no where to be seen. The people were as- tonished, and the religious adored the power of the supreme Divinity, so manifested in the facility of my restoration, which resembled the visions of a dream. Extending their hands to- wards the heavens, they attested, with a loud and unanimous voice, the favour of the goddess thus signally displayed. As for me, I stood riveted to the spot in excessive asto- nishment, my mind being unable to contain a delight so sudden and so great, quite at a loss what first and in especial to say, how to make a commencement with a new voice, how most auspiciously to prepare my address, my tongue being now born again, and in what words sufficiently to express my thanks to a Goddess so great. The priest, however, who through the divine admonition knew all my misfortunes from the beginning, though he himself also was in a state of utter astonishment at this remarkable miracle, at once signified his wish by nodding his head, and ordered that a linen garment should be given me, for the purpose of covering my nakedness. For, the very instant that the ass had laid aside his abominable covering, I carefully shaded myself with a natural screen, as much as it was possible for a naked person to do, by closely compressing my thighs, and applying my hands. Upon this one of the throng of devotees promptly throwing me his upper tunic, covered me therewith ; which being done, the priest with a benign countenance, and, by Hercules, astonished at my perfectly human appearance, thus addressed me : — " At last, Lucius, you have arrived at the haven of peace and the altar of mercy, after the many and various hardships you have undergone, and all the buife tings of stormy Fortune. T^either the nobility of your descent, nor your dignified posi- tion, nor even the learning in which you excel, have benefited you in the slightest degree ; but falling into the slavery of pleasure, in the wantonness of buxom youth, you have reaped the inauspicious reward of your ill-fated curiosity. Never- theless, blind Fortune, while harassing you with the worst of dangers, has conducted you, in her short-sighted malice, to this state of religious beatitude. Let her go now, and rage with, all her fury, and let her seek some other object for h(T cruelty ;* for direful calamity has no power over those * Let her go now, ^c] — This passage — Eat nunc, et summo furore 500K XI. ADDEESS OP THE PEIEST OF ISIS TO LCrCHTS. 233 whose liyes the majesty of our Goddess has claimed for her own service. What advantage has unscrupulous Por- tune derived from the robbers, from the wild beasts, from the servitude, from the long toils on rugged roads, and from the fear of death to which you were daily exposed? You are now received under the guardianship of Fortune, but of a For- tune who can see, and who even illuminates the other Deities with the splendour of her light. Assume henceforth a more joyous countenance, such as befits that white garment which you wear. Follow the train of the Goddess your deliverer with triumphant steps. Let the irreligious see, let them see and ac- knowledge their error. Behold now, Lucius, rejoicing in the providence of great Isis, and freed from his former miseries, triumphs over his destiny. I^evertheless, that you may be more secure and better protected, enrol your name in this holy militia, which you will hereafter rejoice to belong to ; dedicate yourself to the service of our religion, and voluntarily bend your neck to the yoke of this ministry ; for when you have once begun to serve the Goddess, you will then in a still higher degree enjoy the fruit of your liberty." The worthy priest having uttered these words, while his breath heaved with inspiration, concluded his address, and I mingling with the throng of devotees, accompanied the pro- cession; an object of curiosity to the whole city. All pointed at me with their fingers and heads, and said, " This day has the august power of all mighty God restored that person to the human form. Happy, by Hercules ! and thrice blessed he, to have merited, by the innocence and probity of his past life, such special patronage of heaven ; in that, being after a manner born again, he is immediately affianced to the service of the sacred ministry." sseviat, et crudelitati suae materiam quaerat aliam,' is alone sufficient to show that Lesage, when he composed Gil Bias, had in view the Metamor- phoses of Apuleius. In addition to the coincidence of the case of the robbers, the robbers' narrative. Dame Leonarda, the captive damsel, and her escape with the hero of the tale, being persons and events introduced into both compositions, the above apostrophe to Fortune is rendered almost literally in Latin verse by Lesage. The lines inscribed by G„ Bias, about to devote himself to a life of rural retirement, over the door of his house, are — * Inveni portum, spes et fortuna valete, Sat me lusistis ; ludite nunc alios.'— //eat?. 234 THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS. While these remarks were being made, and amid the tumult of their noisy congratulations, moving slowly on, we now ap- proached the sea-shore, and came to that very place where, on the preceding day, I, while yet an ass, had laid me down. The images of the Gods being there arranged in proper order, the chief priest dedicated and consecrated to the Goddess a very skilfully built ship, pictured all over with the curious hiero- glyphics of the Egyptians, after having most carefully purified it with a lighted torch, an egg, and sulphur, while at the same time his chaste lips poured forth solemn prayers. The shining white sail of this auspicious bark bore an inscription in large characters, which was a repetition of a vow that had been made on shore for the prosperity of the convoy at this season of the re- commencement of navigation, I^ow the mast was raised, which was a rounded pine tree, tall and well polished, and conspicuous for the beauteous appearance of its head. The prow also was turned in imitation of a goose's neck,* and covered with gold leaf, the bark shone resplendently, while the whole of the highly polished keel consisted of shining citron wood. All the people, religious and profane,f vied with each other in heaping together corn-fans laden with aromatics and other sacrificial offerings, and poured upon the waves a libation of milk mixed with other ingredients ; until the ship, freighted with abundant gifts and auspicious prayers, and let slip from the ropes that held the anchor, put to sea with a serene breeze, which seemed to have sprung up for her sake alone. And after she had pro- ceeded so far on her course that she could no longer be distin- guished by us, the bearers of the sacred things again took what each had brought, and began joyfully to return to the temple, in an orderly manner, and in the same form of procession in which they had come. Now as soon as we arrived at the temple, the chief priest and those who carried the sabred images, and those who had already been initiated into the venerable mysteries, being admitted into the sanctuary of the Goddess, deposited in the accustomed form the breathing effigies. J Then, one of these, whom all of them * J goose's neck.'] — The goose is sacred to Isis. — Taylor. t Religious and profane.'] — The words are used in a sense nearly analo- gous to clergy and laity. ' Profane/ means primitively nothing worse than &n * outsider,' with regard to the service of the temple. + Breathing effigies.] — These breathing effigies were statues of the BOOK XI. LUCIUS IS RECEIVED "WITH PLEASUUE Br HIS FEIEITDS. 235 called the scribe, standing before the doors, whilst the company of the Pastophori,* which is the name of the brotherhood of this sacred college, convoked together as to a council, uttered from a high pulpit auspicious wishes, from a book in which was written: — " To the great Prince, to the Senate, to theEquestrian order, in naval matters and in ships, and all those who are subject to our dominion ;" and then he pronounced in the Greek language, and according to the Greek custom, the Aao/g ai7/a.]— The ' pu])lica villa' was a house of reception used by the Roman people for the entertainment of foreign ambassadors, taking the census, and other public purposes. t Slaves' platform. 2 — * De raensa.' The 'mensa' here alluded to was a stone or platform on which the slaves stood when put up for sale by tlie prajco' or 'auctioneer.' A DISCOURSE ON MAGIC. 26i with him to Spain. If Pudens had read all this, according to my way of thinking he would either have entirely spared this invective, or else in three servants he would have seen cause ratlier to censure the multitude of a philosopher's attend- ants, than the scantiness of his retinue. He has even gone so far as to reproach me with my poverty, a charge truly acceptable to a philosopher, and one to which I readily plead guilty. For Poverty has long been the hand- maid of Philosophy, frugal, temperate, contented with little, eager for praise, averse from the things sought by wealth, safe in her ways, simple in her requirements, in her counsels a promoter of what is right. No one has she ever puffed up with pride, no one has she corrupted by the enjoyment of power, no one has she maddened with tyrannical ambition ; for no pampering of the appetite or of the passions does she sigh, nor can she indulge it. But it is your fosterlings of wealth who are in the habit of perpetrating these disgraceful excesses and others of a kindred nature. If you review all the greatest enormities that have been committed in the memory of mankind, you will not find a single poor man among the perpetrators : whilst, on the other hand, in the number of illustrious men, hardly any of the rich are to be found ; poverty has nurtured from his very cradle every individual in whom we find anything to admire and commend. Poverty, I say, she who in former ages was the foundress of all cities, the inventress of all arts, she who is guiltless of all offence, who is lavish of all glory, who has been honoured with every praise among all nations. Eor this same Poverty it was that among the Greeks showed herself just in Aristides, humane in Phocion, resolute in Epaminondas, wise in Socrates, and eloquent in Homer. It was this same Poverty, too, that for the Eoman people laid the very earliest founda- tions of their sway, and that offers sacrifice to the immortal Gods in their behalf with the ladle and the dish of clay, even to this day. If there were now sitting as judges at this trial, C. Fabri- cius, Cneius Scipio, and Manius Curius, whose daughters, b^' reason of their poverty, went home to their husbands portioned at the public expense, carrying with them the glories of their family and the money of the public, if Publicola, the ex- peller of the kings, and [Menenius] Agrippa, the reconciler of 266 THE DEFEJ^CE OF APTTLEIirS. the people, the expense of whose funerals was, in consequence of their limited fortunes, defrayed by the Roman people, by contributions of the smallest coins ; ^^ if Attilius Hegulus, whose little field was, in consequence of a like poverty, cultivated at the public expense ; if, in fine, all those ancient families, en- nobled by consulships, censorships, and triumphs, could obtain a short respite, and return to light and take part in this trial, would you then have dared to reproach a philosopher for his poverty, in the presence of so many consuls distinguished for theirs ? Or is it that Claudius Maximus appears to you to be a suit- able listener, while you are deriding poverty, because he hap- pens to be the owner of an ample estate ? You are mistaken, JEmilianus, and little are you acquainted with his feelings, if you form your estimate of him according to the indulgence of Fortune, and not according to the strict rules of philosophy ; if you suppose that a man of such rigid morals and so long used to warfare, is not better disposed towards circumscribed mode- ration than fastidious opulence ; if you suppose that he does not approve of wealth on the same principles that he does a garment, rather when it suits the person than when it is re- markable for its length. For wealth, too, if it is not conve- niently carried, becomes an impediment to us, and trips us up, no less than a draggling garment. Indeed, in all matters which are needed for the requirements of life, every thing that steps beyond becoming moderation is superfluous, and is rather a burden to us than useful. Hence it is, that immo- derate wealth, just like a large and disproportioned rudder, is more apt to sink than to guide, for in such a case people have a useless abundance, a pernicious superfluity. I see, besides, that among the most opulent persons, those are especially commended who make no bustle, no immo- derate show; who live without thrusting their wealth into" public view, who manage their vast resources without ostenta- tion and without pride, and who imitate the poor in the appear- ance of limited means. If, then, the rich even seek a certain appearance — a colour of poverty — in order to put on the sem- blance of limited means, why should those who are poorer be ashamed of it, when they have to endure a povert}' not afl'ected, but real ? * Smallest coins.'] — ' Sextantibus.' The ' sextans' was the sixth part of an * as.' A DISCOtmSE ON MAGIC. 267 T could, indeed, raise an argument with you about the ver}^ name itself, and I could show that none of us are poor who do not wish for superfluities, and who possess the things that are necessary, which, by nature, are but few indeed. For he has the most who desires the least : he who wants but little, is most likely to have as much as he wants. For this reason it is that riches are not better estimated according to lands and income than according to a man's own mind ; for if a man is craving through avarice, and always greedy of gain, not even by mountains of gold will he be satisfied, but he will be always begging for something, that he may increase his store. And this is the real exposition of poverty. For all desire of acquiring, arises from the opinion which each man entertains as to what is poverty. And it matters not how great is the amount of which you are in want — Philus had not so great an estate as Laelius, Laelius as Scipio, Scipio as Crassus the Rich, nor even Crassus the Rich as he wished. So that, although he surpassed all in wealth, he himself was surpassed by his own avarice, and seemed to be rich in the eyes of all others rather than in his own. But, on the other hand, those philoso- phers of whom I have made mention, wishing for no more than they could obtain, and actuated by desires commensurate with their means, were rightfully and deservedly rich and opulent. For you become poor through the want of acquisition, and rich through having no wants to satisfy ; inasmuch as a state of po- verty is ascertained from the manifestation of desire, opulence from the fact of being satisfied. Therefore, -^milianus, if you wish me to be accounted poor, you must of necessity first show that I am avaricious. For if, in my mind, there is nothing want- ing, I care not what external things may be wanting ; for in the abundance of these consists no praise, in the want of them no blame. Suppose, however, that it is otherwise, and that I really am poor, because Fortune has denied me riches ; suppose that, as often is the case, either my guardian has made away with them, an enemy robbed me of them, or my father failed to leave me any ; is a man, then, to be censured for a thing which is imputed as a fault to no one of the animals, neither the eagle, nor the bull, nor the lion ? If a horse has good qualities, and is an easy trotter, and swift in his gallop, no one censures him for being in want of fodder ; and will you i 268 THE DEFENCE OF APULEIUS. impute it as a fault to me, not that I have said or done anything that is bad, but that I live contented with my .humble means, that I have but few servants, that I eat sparingly, that I am lightly clad, and that I cater but meagrely ? And j^ct, on the other hand, small as you think my means in all these respects, I both think them abundant, and more than sufficient, and I desire to restrict myself to still fewer necessities, being fully assured that I shall be th^ more happy, the more circumscribed my wants. For it is wivh the mind just as with the body; in a healthy state it is lightly clad, but in sickness it is wrapped in cumbrous clothing • and it is a sure sign of infirmity to have many wants. It is with life just as with swimming; that man is the most ex- pert who is the most disengaged from all encumbrances. Just the same way, amid the stormy tempests of human life, that which is light tends to our buoyancy, that which is heavy, to sink us. For my part, I have learned that in this especially the Gods sui-pass mankind, that they have to satisfy no necessities. Hence it is, that him among us who has the fewest possible necessities, I consider most strongly to resemble a God. I was very well pleased, therefore, when you said, intending it as a reproach, that my property consisted of a staff and a wallet. And I only wish that I had such perfect control over my mind, that I required nothing whatever beyond those articles, and be- comingly submitted to the same equipment which Crates, throwing all riches aside, spontaneously desired. This Crates, if you will take my word for it, ^milianus, was a num of tlie higher class of Thebes, rich, and ennobled in his city through his love of that very state which you impute to me as a fault. He presented his large and ample property to the people, and putting away his numerous retinue of servants, made choice of a life of solitude ; his trees, numerous and fruitful as they were, he scorned in comparison with a single staff ; his most elegant villas he changed for a single scrip ; the praises of which he afterwards even sang in verse, on experience of its utility, adapting to tlie purpose those lines of Homer in which he celebrates the Isle of Crete. I will mention the words with which he commences, that you may not suppose I have only invented this for the purpose of my defence — A DISCOURSE OS MAGIC. 269 •' SfTip is a city's name,* which 'mid dense smoke Lies fair and flourishing." And then follow lines so admirable, that, if you were to read them, you would be much more inclined to envy me my wallet than the hand of Pudentilla. Do you censure philosophers for their scrip and staff ? By the same reasoning, you ought to censure horsemen for their trappings, foot- soldiers for their bucklers, standard-bearers for their ensigns, and those, in fine, who enjoy a triumph for their white steeds, and their robes embroidered with sprigs of palm. These, however, are not the equipments of the Platonic sect, but they are the insignia of the class of Cynics. Btill, the scrip and the staff were the same to Diogenes and to An- tisthenes, as the diadem to kings, the martial cloak to generals, the rounded hat to priests, and the crooked staff to augurs. Indeed, Diogenes the Cynic, when disputing with Alexander the Great as to who was the true king, boasted of his staff as serving him in the stead of a sceptre. Even the invincible Hercules himself — (you will, no doubt, feel a perfect contempt for those others, as a set of mendicants) — Heroules him- self, I say, the traveller over the whole earth, the cleanser thereof from wild beasts, the subduer of nations, when he Was travelling through the earth, and shortly before he was sum- moned to heaven for his virtues, had no better clothing than a single hide, although he was a God, and no other attendants than a single staff. If, however, you think nothing at all of these instances, and have summoned me not to plead a cause, but to discourse upon my income, that you may not be in ignorance about any of my afftiirs, if, indeed, you are ignorant, I admit that my father left me and my brother a little under twenty hundred thou- sand sesterces, and that that sum has been a little diminished by me, in consequence of prolonged travel, close study, and fre- quent donations. For I have given assistance to most of my friends, paid their fees to numbers of instructors, and have given dowries even to the daughters of some : nor indeed, for my own part, should I have hesitated to spend even the whole of my patrimony, in order to acquire, what to me is of far greater value, a contempt for all wealth. * Scrip is a city^sname.'] — He puts nt]prj, a ' scrip,' or 'wallet,' in place of the name of Crete, used hy Homer 270 THE DEFENCE OF APULEIITS. You, on the other hand, ^milianus, and men like you, un- polished and uncouth, are to be valued, no doubt, j ust according to what you possess ; just as a barren and unproductive tree, which bears no fruit, is to be estimated in value according to the amount of timber to be found in its trunk. Nevertheless, forbear, iEmilianus, from this time forward, to throw his poverty in the teeth of any man, seeing that, up to a very re- cent date, you used to plough for three days single-handed the one little field at Zaratha, which your father left you, w^ith the assistance of a solitary ass to get it ready before the usual wet season. Nor is it such a very long time since the nume- rous deaths of relatives came to your support, by giving you the possession of property that you little deserved ; a circum- stance from which, still more than from that most ugly face of yours, you have obtained the name of Charon. And now as to my native country, and your shewing that it is situate on the confines of Numidia and of Getulia, from writings of mine, in which I confessed, when I was lecturing before that most illustrious man, LoUianus Avitus, that I was a Semi-Kumidian and a Semi-Getulian ; I do not see what I have to be ashamed of in that respect, any more than the elder Cyrus, because he was of mingled parentage, being a Semi-Median and a Semi- Persian. For the proper subject of enquiry is not where a man is born, but what are his man- ners ; not in what country, but upon what principle he began life is the thing to be considered. It is with good reason allowed the gardener and the vintner to recommend vege- tables and wine according to the nobleness of the soil ; the wine of Thasos,* for instance, and the vegetables of Phlius. For it is a fact, that those productions of the earth are much im- proved in flavour by the natural fertility of the district, the rain of the heavens, the mildness of the breezes, the brightness of the sun, and the richness of the soil. But, on the other hand, while the mind of man is sojourning in the abode of the body which is foreign to it, how can any of these particulars in any way add to or subtract from its merits or its demerits ? When was it not the case that in every * Of Thasos.} — Thasos, an island in the ^gean sea, was famous foi the excellence of its wines. The vicinity of the city of Phlino, near Ar. gos, was equally famous for its growth of vegetables. A DISCOIJKSE ON MAGIC. 271 nation various dispositions were to be found ? and this, al- though some of them seem to be peculiarly distinguished for stupidity, others for talent. Among the Scythians, a people most remarkable for their stupidity, was born the wise Ana- charsis ; among the clever Athenians, the fool Melitides. Nor do I say this because I am in any way ashamed of my country, even though ours had still been the city of Syphax ;* we, however, were conquered, on which we were presented as a gift of the Eoman people to king Masinissa, and after that, on a new allotment of land being made among the veteran sol- diers, we rose to be what we now are, a most famous colony. In this colony it was, that my father, a man of the highest rank, a duumvir, enjoyed every honour ; whose position I have occupied in the same community, from the time I was admitted to the rank of decurion, having in no way dege- nerated from him, and, I both hope and think, enjoying the same amount of honor and of estimation. Why do I mention these particulars ? In order that you, JEmilianus, may have the fewer pretences for levelling your invectives against me in future ; and that you may be the more inclined to pardon me, if, in my negligence, I did omit to make choice of that Attic Zarathf of yours, to be bom in. Are you not ashamed of yourselves, thus perseveringly, in the presence of such a man, to prefer such accusations as these ? To bring forward matters so frivolous, and at the same time of so conflicting a nature, and yet to charge me as being guilty of them all ? Have you not accused me on con- tradictory grounds ? on those of the wallet and the staff, be- cause of my rigidness of life ; on those of the verses and the looking-glass, on account of my frivolity ; of having but one servant, as being penurious ; of having three freedmen, as being a spendthrift; and then, besides, of being in eloquence a Greek, by birth a barbarian. Why do you not rouse up your senses, and recollect that you are pleading your cause before Claudius Maximus, before a man of serious habits, and one engaged with the affairs of this entire province ? Why not * City of Syphax.1 — Who, contrary to his promise, sided with Han. nibal against the Romans, and was afterwards captured by Musinissa, and delivered to the Romans, who starved him to death in prison. t Attic Zarath.'] — He says this ironically, and in allusion to the bai- barisra of the city of Zarath in Mauritania. 272 THE DEFENCE OF ArULEIUS. away with these vain reproaches ? Why not prove, whit you have accused me of, heinous crimes, lawless misdeeds, and wicked artifices ? "Why is your speech thus weak in argq ments, thus mighty in outcry ? I now come to the charge itself of magic, that blazing brand which you lighted up against me with such immense clamour, but which has disappointed the expectation of all, dying out into I know not what old woman's stories. Have you not, Maximus, sometimes beheld a fire that has broken out amid stubble ? how loud its crackling, how large its blaze, how rapid its growth, and yet, after all, how slight the fuel on which it feeds, how short-lived the flame, that leaves after it no remains ! In that flame behold this accusation, which began in abuse, which has been fanned by assertions, which has failed in its proofs, and which, after your sentence shall have been pronounced, is destined to survive in not a single remnant of this false charge : a charge which has been en- tirely centred by -