J s LIBRARY OF THE University. OF California. IX OU ^ Class I AP 2'- GIF Miunicipal Governinent A List of Books and References to Periodicals in the Seattle Public Library Seattie Public Library- Reference List No. 4 February, 1911 Seattle Public Library- Hours of Opening Central Library Fourth Avenue and Madison Street Periodical, Reference, Open-shelf (or Circulation), and Newspaper rooms Week days 9 a. m. to 10 p. di. Sundays and holidays 3 to 10 p. m. Circulating books are not issued on Sundays and holidays Children's room School days 2 to 9 p. m. Saturdays and during school vacations 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Closed Sundays and holidays Art department Week days 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. Closed Sundays and holidays On Sundays and holidays art books may be used in the Periodical room Branch Libraries Open from 2 to 9 p. m. except on Sundays and holidays Ballard ' 2026 Market St. Columbia 4921 Rainier Blvd. Fremont 705 Blewett St. Green Lake E. Green Lake Blvd. and 4th Ave. N. E. University 10th Ave. N. E. and E. 50th St. West Seattle College St. W. and 42d Ave. S. W. The use of the library for reading and reference is free to all. Any resident of Seattle may draw books from the library without charge on signing at the central library or at one of the branches the proper application and agreement. Municipal Government A List of Books and References to Periodicals in the Seattle Public Library Seattle Public Library Reference List No. 4 February, 1911 3\« Contents Serials 3 General Works and the United States 4 Individual Cities in the United States 7 Foreign Countries 14 Special Topics Charities, Juvenile Court, Prisons 15 Charter Kevision 17 Commission Plan and Mayor and Council 18 Education 19 Elections 20 Finance and Municipal Accounting 21 Harbors and Docks 23 Housing 24 Police .-;'. \ :::<: : 25 Public Utilities, Mum6if)al Ownei^liip"* 25 Lighting ', ]' ,*' i\\:'\",i: ; /•, I 27 Street Kailw'ays'* : c- . ••• ....'•'• '•• 29 Water Works 29 Sanitation and Public Health 30 State and Municipality 31 Reference lists Lists similar to this, on special subjects or on topics of current interest, are published from time to time. They may be obtained free of charge by applying either at the central library or at one of the branch libraries. For a complete list of Seattle Public Library publica- tions, see inside of back cover. Municipal Government This list of books and periodicals on municipal government is printed in the hope of making- the material listed more useful and available. The list is merely suggestive and does not comprise all that the library contains on any one of the topics in the list. An "R" prefixed to the call number of a book indicates that it must be called for and used in the reference room. An asterisk (♦) preceding the author's name indicates that another copy may be found in the circulation department. Pamphlets are designated by the abbreviation "Pam." prefixed to the call number. Bound period- icals, government documents, and pamphlets are in the reference department. Upon request from a borrower at any one of the branches, any book in the children's room or any book in the circulation depart- ment (except works of popular fiction) will be sent to that branch and the person requesting the book will be notified of its arrival. Serials American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. V. 1-date. 1890-date. American City. 1910-date. American Economic Association. Publications, v. 1-date. 1886- date. American Journal of Sociology, v. 1-date. 1895-date. Charities and Commons. A weekly review of local and general philanthropy, v. 6-21. 1901-09. Name changed to Survey, April 1909. Columbia University. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. V. 2-23. 1892-1905. Johns Hopkins University. Studies in Historical and Political Science, v. 1-20. 1883-1902. Journal of Political Economy, v. 10-date. 1901-date. Municipal Affairs, v. 1-6. 1897-1902. All published. Municipal Engineering, v. 3-date. 1892-date, V. 1-10 called Paving and Municipal Engineering. Municipal Journal and Engineer, v. 10-date. 1901-date. S 218543 National Civic Federation Review. 19Q7-date. Political Science Quarterly, v. 1-date. 1886-date. Quarterly Journal of Economics, v. 15-date. 1900-date. Survey, v. 22-date. 1909-date. U. S. Bureau of Labor. Bulletins, nos. 1-date. 1895-date. U. S. Bureau of the Census. Bulletins, nos. 1-date. 1903-date. Yale Review, v. 1, 4-17. 1892-93, 1894-1907. General Works and United States Addams, Jane. Newer ideals of peace. 1907. 304 Addams, Jane. Problems of municipal administration. (Amer. Jour, of Sociology, 10:425-44. Jan. 1905.) ♦Ashley, P. W. L. Local and central government; a comparative study of England, France, Prussia, and the United States. 1906. R352 Bern is, E. W. Local government in Michigan and the North- west. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Hist. & Pol. Science, 1st ser, no. 5. 1883.) Bern is, E. W. Local government in the South and Southwest. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Hist. & Pol. Science, 11:459- 546. Nov.-Dec. 1893.) Bradford, Gamaliel. Lesson of popular government. 2 v. 1899. 320 *Bryce, James. American commonwealth. 2 v. 1901. R342.73 Chicago. Municipal Information Bureau. Book of American municipalities. 1909. R352 Conkling, A. R. City government in the United States. 1899. 352 *Deming, H. E. The government of American cities. 1909. R352 Deming, H. E. Municipal program. 1901. Pam. 352 Dunn, A. W. The community and the citizen. 1908. 353 Eaton, D. B. Government of municipalities. 1899. 352 Ely, R. T. Coming city. 1902. 352 *Eno, W. P. Street traffic regulation. 1909. R352.7-En 64 •Another copy in circulation department. *Falrlie, J. A. Essays in municipal administration. 1908. R352 ♦Falrlie, J. A. Local government in counties, towns, and villages. 1906. R352 *Fairlie, J. A. Municipal administration. 1901. R352 Falrlie, J. A. Problems of city government from the administra- tive point of view. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 27:132-54. Jan. 1906.) Ford, H. J. Principles of municipal organization. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 23: 195-222. March 1904.) *Goodnow, F. J. City government in the United States. 1908. R352 Goodnow, F. J. Comparative administrative law. 2 v. in 1. 1904. 350 *Goodnow, F. J. Municipal government. 1909. R352 Goodnow, F. J. Municipal home rule. A study in administration. 1903. 352 Goodnow, F. J. Municipal problems. 1904. 352 Gould, E. R. L. Local self-government in Pennsylvania. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Hist. & Pol. Science, 1st ser. no. 3, p. 21-37. 1883.) Hamilton, J. G. Dethronement of the city boss. 1910. 352 Henderson, C. R. Municipal pension systems and pensions for teachers. (Amer. Jour, of Sociology, 13:841-54. May 1908.) Howard, G. E. Introduction to the local constitutional history of the United States. 1889. 342.73 ♦Howe, F. C. [The] city, the hope of democracy. 1909. R352 illinois State Legislature. [Municipal government] Report to committee on municipalities. 1909. Pam. 352 Jones, C. L. American municipal service from the standpoint of the entrepreneur. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 28:371-84. Nov. 1906.) Lalor, J. J., editor. Cyclopedia of political science, political economy, and of the political history of the United States. 3 V. 1899. R303 MacVeagh, Franklin. Programme of municipal reform. (Amer. Jour, of Sociology, 1:551-63. March 1896.) ♦Another copy in circulation department. i Mowry, D. E. Municipal markets; an economic necessity, n. d. Pam. 352.8 "'Municipal program; report of a committee of the National Municipal League, adopted by the League Nov. 17, 1899, together with explanatory and other papers. 1900. R352 National Municipal League. Handbook. 1894-1904. Pam. 352 National Municipal League. Proceedings of the Conference for Good City Government. 1895-date (1903 lacking). R352 New York (State) Legislature. Tilden Commission. Report on municipal government. (Reprinted in Munic. Aff., 3:434-54. Sept. 1899.) *Parsons, Frank. City for the people; or. The municipalization of the city government and of local franchises. 1901. R352 *Rowe, L. S. Problems of city government. 1908. R352 Steffens, Lincoln. Shame of the cities. 1904. 352 Strong, Frank, and Schafer, Joseph. Government of the Amer- ican people. 1901. 353 Tolman, W. H. Municipal reform movements in the United States. 1895. 352 U. S. Bureau of the Census. Statistics of cities having a popula- tion of over 30,000, 1904-08. Special Reports 1907-10. Weber, A. F. Growth of cities in the 19th century; a study in statistics. (Columbia Univ. Studies in Hist., Econ., & Public Law, V. 11. 1899.) Whinery, Samuel. Municipal public works. 1903. 352 Wilcox, D. F. The American city; a problem in democracy. 1904. 352 Wilcox, D. F. Municipal government in Michigan and Ohio. (Columbia Univ. Studies in Hist., Econ., & Public Law, 5:319- 498. May 1896.) * Wilson, Woodrow. [The] state. Elements of historical and practical politics. 1901. R350.9 Woodruff, C. R. Municipal government in Ohio. (Yale Rev., 12:121-40. Aug. 1903.) Zueblin, Charles. American municipal progress; chapters in municipal sociology. 1902. 352 Zueblin, Charles. Decade of civic development. 1905. 352 ♦Another copy in circulation department. Individual Cities in the United States Albany Uniform charter of cities of the second class. Chapter 473, laws 1906, as amended to the close of the legislative session of 1907. [The charter of Albany, N. Y.] R352 Baltimore Hollander, J. H. Financial history of Baltimore. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Hist. & Pol. Science, extra vol. 20. 1899.) 352.1 Proposed new charter for Baltimore city, being the draft sub- mitted by the Charter Revision Commission, together with the report of the Commission to the Mayor. 1910. R352 Reynolds, William. Baltimore under its new charter. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 27:168-79. Jan. 1906.) Thomas, T. P. City government of Baltimore. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Hist. & Pol. Science, 4th ser., p. 47-91. 1896.) Bellingham, Wash., see Whatcom, Wash. Boston ♦Boston Finance Commission. Final reports. Jan. 1909. R352.1 Bugbee, J. M. City government of Boston. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Hist. & Pol. Science, 5th ser., no. 3, p. 77-133. 1887.) [City charter] {in City Record, 1:244-49. Nov. 6, 1909.) R352 Economic Club of Boston. Report of a committee appointed to consider questions relating to a new city charter. 1908. Pam. 352 Flack, H. E. Municipal charter revision: Boston. (Amer. Pol. Sci. Rev., 3:410-13. Aug. 1909.) Buffalo Charter of the city of Buffalo. 1908. R352 Cedar Rapids Commission plan of government: City of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 1908. Pam. 352 Chicago Grosser, H. S. Municipal problems of Chicago. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 23:281-96. March 1904.) Sikes, G. C. Relation of Chicago to public service corporations. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 31:689-94. May 1908.) ♦Another copy in circulation department. Cleveland Hopkins, W. R. Street railway problem in Cleveland. (Amer. Econ. Ass'n, Economic Studies, 1:289-376. Dec. 1896.) Orth, S. P. Cleveland plan of school administration. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 19:402-16. Sept. 1904.) Dallas Charter of the city of Dallas, 1907, including amendments of 1909. 1909. Des Moines Auditor. Report. 1909. R352.1 Charter. [1907.] Pam. 352 Charter. 1910. Pam. 352 Des Moines plan of city government. Passed by the thirty- second General Assembly of Iowa. 1908. Pam. 352 Same. 1910. Pam. 352 First annual report. 1909. R352.1 Detroit Charter of the city of Detroit with amendments thereto and the acts of the Legislature relating to the city of Detroit. 1904. R352 Michigan. Laws enacted by the Legislatures of 1905 and 1907 and 1907 special session affecting, the municipality of Detroit. 1908. R352 Everett, Wash. Charter of the city of Everett, adopted Nov. 26, 1907. [1908.] R352-Ev26 Fall River, Mass. Charter of the city of Fall River. 1903. R352 Galveston Charter, adopted 1903. n. d. R352-G139 Grand Rapids Amendments to charter and special acts relating to the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1907. R352-G762p [With arand Rapids. Proposed revised charter.] Proposed revised charter for the city of Grand Rapids. Prepared by the Committee on Charter Amendments. 1904. R352-G762p Revised charter of the city of Grand Rapids, approved June 6, 1905, together with other municipal acts, arranged and in- dexed by Colin P. Campbell. 1905. R352 Hartford Compiled charter and revised ordinances of the city of Hartford, 1907-08. 1908. R352 Haverhill City of Haverhill, Massachusetts. Charter, 1909. R352-H299 Houston Annual reports of Mayor and reports of city officials of Houston for 1909. 1909. R352 Charter of the city of Houston, Texas, as passed by the 29th Legislature, 1905. 1905. R352 Niday, J. E. Business ideas in municipal government as exem- plified in the cify of Houston, n. d. Pam. 352 Indianapolis Acts of the general assembly of the state of Indiana so far as they control the city of Indianapolis, in force April 15, 1905, containing also the general ordinances of the city of Indian- apolis enacted since the revision of 1904. Collated and anno- tated by Edgar A. Brown and William W. Thornton. 1905. R352 Kansas City, Mo. Charter and revised ordinances, compiled, arranged, and anno- tated by Rees Turpin, George Kingsley, and C. L. Shannon. 1909. R352 Flack, H. E. Municipal charter revision: Kansas City, Mo. (Amer. Pol. Sci. Rev., 3:413-16. Aug. 1909.) Los Angeles City charter. (Los Angeles Daily Journal, Tuesday, March 29, 1910.) Pam. 352 Memphis Amendment to the charter of the city of Memphis, Tennessee, being chapter 298, acts of the Legislature, 1909. 1909. R352-M519 Minneapolis City charter and ordinances, court and board acts, park ordi- nances, rules of the City Council, etc. 1905. R352 Nashville Charter of the city of Nashville as amended by various acts of the General Assembly of Tennessee. 1909. R352 New Bedford, Mass. Ordinances and rules and orders of the city of New Bedford, together with the city charter and amendments thereto, and special statutes and other matter affecting the city. 1896. New Orleans Charter of the city of New Orleans. Act 45 of 1896 as amended. Compiled by T. W. Campbell, clerk of council. 1908. R352-N47 Howe, W. W. Municipal history of New Orleans. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Hist. & Pol. Science, 7th ser., no. 4, p. 159-87. 1889.) New York Bernheim, A. C. Relations of the city and the state of New York. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 9:377-402. Sept. 1894.) Bureau of Municipal Researcli. A department of audit and ex- amination. Report on an investigation of the oflBce of com- missioners of accounts. New York City. 1907. R352.1-B898d Bureau of Municipal Research. Business methods of New York City's Police Department; critical study and constructive sug- gestions pertaining to administrative and accounting methods of the Bureau of Repairs and Supplies. 1910. R352.2-B898b Bureau of Municipal Research. How should public budgets be made? 1909. R352.1-B898h Bureau of Municipal Research. Making a municipal budget; functional accounts and operative statistics for the Depart- ment of Health of Greater New York. 1907. R352.1-B898m Bureau of Municipal Research. Tenement house administration; steps taken to locate and solve problems of enforcing the tenement house law. 1909. R331.83-B898t Bureau of Municipal Research. What should New York's next mayor do? 1909. R352 Charter of the city of New York as amended to 1909, together with a history of charter making. 1909. R352-N42c Citizens' Union. Best administration New York ever had. Cam- paign book of the Citizens' Union. 1903. Pam. 329 Coler, B. S. Municipal government as illustrated by the charter, finances, and public charters of New York. 1900. 352 Cope, F. R. Model municipal department. How the Low ad- ministration has been caring for the health of New York City. (Amer. Jour, of Sociology, 9:459-89, 631-71. Jan.-March 1904.) 10 Department of Finance. Tentative budget for 1910. 1910. R352.1-N42 Godkin, E. L. Problems of municipal government. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 4:857-82. May 1894.) Goodnow, F. J. Charter of the City of New York. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 17:1-23. March 1902.) Merchants' Association. Investigation of the Fire Department of New York. 1908. 352.3 Merchants' Association. Plan for reforming the accounts, rec- ords, and reports of New York City. 1909. Pam. 352.1 Municipal gas for New York; a discussion; Edward M. Grout, affirmative; Allen R. Foote, negative. (Munic. AfC., 1:225-300. June 1897.) Newport, R. I. Chadwick, F. E. Newport [R. I.] charter. (Amer. Pol. Sci. Ass'n Proceedings, 3:58-66. 1906.) R320 Charter, (in City documents for 1908, p. 5-12. 1909.) R352 Omaha Charter for metropolitan cities. An act incorporating metropoli- tan cities and defining, regulating, and prescribing their duties, powers, and government, approved March 15, 1897 ,with subse- quent amendments and additions. 1903. (Charter of Omaha.) Paterson Charter of the city of Paterson. Ordinances prior to 1895. Ordi- nances 1895-1908. Laws of New Jersey applicable to the city of Paterson, 1876-95. Laws of New Jersey applicable to the city of Paterson, 1896-1907. 1908. R352 Peoria Proceedings of the Commercial Club of Peoria, 111. 1909. Pam. 352 Contains report on commission plan of municipal government. Philadelphia ♦Aliinson, E. P., and Penrose, Boies. City government of Phila- delphia. (Johns Hopkins Uuniv. Studies in Hist. & Pol. Sci- ence, extra vol. 2. 1887.) R352.073 Branson, W. J. Philadelphia nominating system. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 14:18-37. July 1899.) •Another copy in circulation department. U Philadelphia, v. 1, no. 1. July 1909. R352 This number of the official publication of Philadelphia contains the charter. Rowe, L. S. Municipality and the gas supply. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 11:301-23. May 1898.) Speirs, F. W. Street railway system of Philadelphia; its history and present condition. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Hist. & Pol. Science, 15:85-273. March-May 1897.) Portland, Ore. Proposed charter of the city of Portland. 1902. R352 Adopted at election in June, 1902. Providence Charter and special laws governing the city of Providence. 1901. R352-P948 Stokes, H. K. Finances and administration of Providence. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Hist. & Pol. Science, L;xtra vol. 25. 1903.) 352.1 Rochester Charter of the city of Rochester, chapter 755 of the laws of 1907. Drafted by Benjamin B. Cunningham. 1908. R352 St. Joseph, Mo. Proposed new charter for St. Joseph to be voted on Sept. 7, 1909. Pam. 352 St. Louis Civic League. Plan for new city charter. 1909. Pam. 352 Public Service Commission. Laws, ordinances, and permits deal- ing with rights, privileges, and franchises of public service corporations (other than steam railways) in the city of St. Louis. 1909. R352 St. Louis. Joint Conference on Charter Revision. Charter re- vision. 1909? Pam. 352 Scheme of separation between St. Louis city and county and the charter of the city of St. Louis, with all amendments and modifications to May 1, 1902, and constitutional provisions specially applicable to the city of St. Louis. 1902. R352 San Francisco Charter of the city and county of San Francisco, prepared and proposed by the Board of Freeholders. 1908. R352 Moses, Bernard. Establishment of municipal government in San Francisco. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Hist. & Pol. Sci- ence, 7th ser., nos. 2-3, p. 75-153. 1889.) 12 Seattle Charter of the city of Seattle adopted Oct. 1, 1890, commonly known as the freeholders' charter. 1890. R352 Same, amended 1892. 1893. R352 Charter of the city of Seattle adopted March 3, 1896. 1896. R352 Same, amended 1900. 1900. R352 Same, amended 1900, 1902, and 1904. 1905. R352 Same, amended 1900, 1902, 1904, and 1906. 1907. R352 Same, amended 1900, 1902, 1904, 1906, and 1908, and ordinances 1869-1907. 1908. R352 Same, amended 1900, 1902, 1904, 1906, 1908, and 1910. 1910. R352 Superior, Wis. Charter and ordinances. 1896. R352 Tacoma Revised charter, amendments, and revised ordinances of the city of Tacoma, Washington. Compiled and revised by Henry C. Beach. 1898. R352 Charter adopted 1909. [1909.] R352-T119 Topeka City Club. C liy commission charter act. A representative city government. 1907. Pam. 352 Trenton Charter and ordinances, also certain acts of the Legislature. 1903. R352 Washington, D. C. Meriwether, C. Washington city government. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 12:407-19. Sept. 1897.) Tindall, William. Origin and government of the District of Columbia. 1907. R975.3 Whatcom [Bellingham], Wash. Whatcom City ordinances, the charter of Whatcom, acts of the Legislature of the state of Washington pertaining to cities of the third class from 1890 to 1901. Compiled by Henry C. Beach. 1903. R352 18 Foreign Countries *Munro, W. B. Government of European cities. 1909. R352 *Shaw, Albert. Municipal government in continental Europe. 1901. R352 Australia Gelling, B. R. Municipal institutions of Australia; with special reference to conditions in New South Wales. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 23:255-67. March 1904.) Canada Munro, W. B. City government in Canada. (National Municipal League. Proceedings of the Conference for Good City Gov- ernment, 1905, p. 133-47.) Wickett, S. M. City government in Canada. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 15: 240-59. June 1900.) Wickett, S. M. Municipal government of Toronto. 1907. R352.071-W632 Cuba Rowe, L. S. Reorganization of local government in Ctiba. (An- nals of the Amer. Acad., 25:311-21. March 1905.) Germany Brooks, R. C. Berlin's tax problem. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 20:665-95. Dec. 1905.) Brooks, R. C. Municipal gas works of Berlin. (Yale Rev. 14: 361-73. Feb. 1906.) Brooks, R. C. Three-class election system in Prussian cities. (Munic. Aff., 3:396-433. Sept. 1899.) James, E. J. City administration in Germany. (Amer. Jour, of Sociology, 7:29-52. July 1901.) James, E. J. City council of Berlin. (Amer. Jour, of Sociology, 6:407-15. Nov. 1900.) Lunn, H. S. Municipal lessons from southern Germany. 1908. 352.043- L973 Woodhead, Howard, First German municipal exposition, held in Dresden in 1903. (Amer. Jour, of Sociology, 9:433-58, 612-30, 812-31; 10:47-63. Jan., March, May, July 1904.) Great Britain Adier, H. M. Recent changes in the government of London. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 23:237-54. March 1904.) •Another copy in circulation department. 14 Blunden, G. H. British local finance. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 9:78-118, 268-302. March- June 1894.) *Howe, F. C. British city, the beginnings of democracy. 1907. R352 Howe, F. C. Municipal ownership in Great Britain. (U. S. Bureau of Labor, Bulletin, 62:1-123. Jan. 1906.) ♦Lowell, A. L. Local government, (in his Grovernment of Eng- land, 1908, V. 2, p. 129-214.) R354.42 Maltbie, M. R. English local government; a study of the rela- tions of central and local government. (Columbia Univ. Studies in Hist, Econ., & Public Law, 9:1-296. 1897.) Maltbie, M. R. English local government board. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 13:232-58. June 1898.) ♦Maxwell, R. C. English local government. 1905. R352.042 ♦Meyer, H. R. Municipal ownership in Great Britain. 1906. R352 Municipal yearbook of the United Kingdom. 1906-date. R352 ♦Shaw, Albert. Municipal government in Great Britain. 1907. R352.042 Japan Clement, E. W. Local self-government in Japan. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 7:294-306. June 1892.) Sakuma, H. City government in Japan. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 25:322-24. March 1905.) Sweden Siosteen, Gustaf. City administration in Sweden. (Munic. Aff. 5:779-92. Dec. 1901.) Special Topics Charities, Juvenile Court, Prisons Adams, H. B. Notes on the literature of charities. (Johns Hop- kins Univ. Studies in Hist. & Pol. Science, 5th ser., no. 8, p. 283-324. 1887.) Baker, H. H. Procedure of the Boston juvenile court. (Survey, 23:643-52. Feb. 5, 1910.) Bartlett, L. C. Probation and juvenile court movement in Italy. (Charities, 21:129-31. Oct. 24, 1908.) ♦Another copy in circulation department. 15 Borosini, V. von. Juvenile court abroad. (Survey, 23:673-78. Feb. 5, 1910.) Britton, J. A. Child labor and the juvenile court. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 33: sup. 111-15. March 1909.) Butler, A. M. Juvenile court in Philadelphia. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 20:271-76. July 1902.) Conyngton, Mary. How to help; a manual of practical charity. 1909. 361-C769 Denver. Juvenile Court. Problem of the children and how the state of Colorado cares for them. 1904. R364 Devine, E. T. Efllciency and relief, a program of social work. 1906. 361 Devine, E. T. Principles of relief. 1905. 361 Flexner, B. Juvenile court as a social institution. (Survey, 23: 607-38. Feb. 5, 1910.) Flexner, B. Juvenile court laws. (Charities, 20:455-S July 4, 1908.) Folks, Homer. Problems in administration of municipal charities. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 23:268-80. March 1904.) Hatton, A. R. Control of police. (National Municipal League. Proceedings of the Conference for Good City Government, 1909, p. 157-71.) R352 ♦Henderson, C. R. Modern methods of charity, 1904. R361 Henderson, C. R. Modern prison systems. (U. S. 57th Cong. 2d sess., H. Doc. no. 452.) Hornbeck, S. K. Juvenile courts. 1908. R343.12 Juvenile courts. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 20:255-85. July 1902.) LIndsey, B. B. The boy and the court. (Charities, 13:350-57. Jan. 7, 1905.) Lindsey, B. B. Reformation of juvenile delinquents through the juvenile court, (in National Conference of Charities and Cor- rection, 1903, p. 206-30.) Lindsey, B. B., and O'Higgins, H. J. (The) beast. 1910. 352-L645 Mack, J. W. Law and the child. (Survey, 23:638-43. Feb. 5, 1910.) •Another copy in circulation department. 16 Milwaukee County, Wis. Juvenile Court. Report. 1908. Pam. 343.12 National Conference of Charities and Correction. Proceedings. 1874-date. (1885 lacking.) National Prison Association. Proceedings of the annual con- gress. 1886-89, 1891, 1895-98, 1900-date. R365 Thurston, H. W. Ten years of the juvenile court of Chicago. (Survey, 23:656-66. Feb. 5, 1910.) U. S. Bureau of the Census. Special reports. Benevolent insti- tutions, 1904. 1905. ♦Warner, A. G. American charities, a study in philanthropy and economics. 1894. R361 Williamson, E. E. Probation and juvenile courts. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 20:259-67. July 1902.) 331 ♦Wines, F. H. Punishment and reformation. An historical sketch of the rise of the penitentiary system. Ed. 2. 1909. R364 Charter Revision For texts of charters, see heading "Individual Cities". Fairlie, J. A. Charter tendencies in recent years. (National Municipal League. Conference for Good City Government, 1908, p. 204-14.) Foreman, IVI. J. Chicago new charter movement; its relation to municipal ownership. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 31:639-48. May 1908.) Hatton, A. R., editor. Chicago. Charter Convention. Digest of city charters, together with other statutory and constitutional provisions relating to cities. Prepared under the direction of the Chicago Charter Convention by Augustus R. Hatton. 1906. R352 James, E. J. Elements of a model charter for American cities. (National Municipal League. Proceedings of the Conference for Good City Government. 1894. p. 154-73.) R352 New York (State) Laws. Uniform charter of cities of the sec- ond class. 1907. R352 Schaffner, M. A. Municipal home rule charters. 1908. R352 ♦Another copy in circulation department. 17 Commission Plan and Mayor and Council For text of charters of cities under the commission plan of government, see heading "Individual Cities". Allen, S. B. Des Moines plan of city government. (National Municipal League. Proceedings of the Conference for Good City Government, 1907, p. 156-65.) Bradford, E. S. Commission government in American cities. (National Municipal League. Proceedings of the Conference for Good City Government, 1909, p. 217-28.) Campbell, R. A. Commission form of government. (Amer. Pol. Sci. Rev., 2:571-74. Nov. 1908.) Campbell, R. A. Commission system of municipal government; Des Moines plan. (Amer. Pol. Sci. Rev., 1:621-26. Aug. 1907.) Campbell, R. A. Municipal government; commission system; original laws. (Amer. Pol. Sci. Rev., 4:80-87. Feb. 1910.) Chadwick, F. E. Newport plan. (National Municipal League. Proceedings of the Conference for Good City Government, 1907, p. 166-77.) R352 Cheesborough, E. R. Success of the Galveston experiment. (National Municipal League. Proceedings of the Conference for Good City (Government, 1906, p. 181-93.) R352 Durand, E. D. Council government versus mayor government. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 15:426-51, 675-709. Sept.-Dec. 1900.) Economic Club of Boston. Municipal government. [1907-08.] Pam. 352 Eliot, C. W. City government by fewer men. (World's Work, 14:9419-26. Oct. 1907.) Fairlie, J. A. American municipal councils. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 19:234-51. June 1904.) Fairlie, J. A. Municipal codes in the Middle West. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 21:434-46. Sept. 1906.) Fairlie, J. A. Municipal organization. (In Ms Municipal admin- istration, 1901, p. 375-431.) 352 Fuller, A. M. Municipal government by commission; an address before the Chamber of Commerce of Erie, Pa. 1909. Pam. 352 Greenlaw, E. A. Office of mayor in the United States. (Munic. Aff., 3:33-60. March 1899.) 18 Horn, P. W. City schools under the commission plan of city government. (Educational Rev., 37:362-74. April 1909.) Illinois. Legislature. Committee on Municipalities. Report made to Senate, April 15, 1909. Pam. 352 James, E. J. City Council of Berlin. (Amer. Jour, of Sociology, 6:407-15. Nov. 1900.) Munro, W. B. Galveston plan of city government. (National Municipal League. Proceedings of the Conference for Good City Government, 1907, p. 142-55.) R352 Munro, W. B. Office of mayor in France. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 22: 645-62. Dec. 1907.) Peoria, III., Commercial Club. Proceedings of the annual meet- ing. 1909. Pam. 352 Contains report on commission plan of government. Peoria (ill.) Committee of the Commercial Club on Commission Government as operated in Des Moines. Report. [1909.] Pam. 352 Rice, H. B. Commission form of government. Address delivered at Charlotte, N. C, Nov. 18, 1908. 1909. R352 ♦Robbins, E. C, compiler. Selected articles on the commission plan of municipal government. 1909. R352 Shambaugh, B. F. Des Moines plan of city government. (Amer. (Pol. Sci. Ass'n. Proceedings, 4:189-92. 1907.) R320 Sikes, G. S. How Chicago is winning good government. (Na- tional Municipal League. Proceedings of the Conference for Good City Government, 1907, p. 178-92.) R352 Smith, Everett. Commission form of city government. (Pacific Northwest Commerce, 2:25-26. Feb. 1910.) Topeka City Club. Commission form of government, n. d. Pam. 352 Williams, H. W. Reform of our municipal councils. (National Municipal League. Proceedings of the Conference for Good City Government, 1896, p. 236-46.) R352 Education Chancellor, W. E. Our schools; their administration and super- vision. 1905. 379.73 Educational organization and progress in American cities; a symposium on present educational conditions and needs. (An- nals of the Amer. Acad., 25:157-88. Jan. 1905.) ♦Another copy in circulation department. 19 Elliott, E. C. Some fiscal aspects of public education in Ameri- can cities. 1905. R370 Horn, P. W. City schools under the commission plan of city government. (Educational Rev., 37:362-74. April 1909.) National Municipal League. Committee on Instruction. Second report on instruction in municipal government in American educational institutions. 1902. Pam. 352 Orth, S. P. Cleveland plan of school administration. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 19:402-16. Sept. 1904.) Rice, J. M. Public school system of the United States. 1893. 379.73 Rollins, Frank. School administration in municipal government. (Columbia Univ. Contributions to Philology, Psychology, and Education, v. 11, no. 1. June 1902.) Rowe, L. S. Financial relation of the department of education to the city government. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 15: 186-203. March 1900.) Strayer, G. D. City school expenditures and interrelation of the various items. 1906. R370 Webster, W. C. Recent centralization tendencies in state edu- cational administration. (Columbia Univ. Studies in Hist., Econ., & Public Law, 8:149-220. 1897.) Young, J. T. Administration of city schools. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 15:171-85. March 1900.) Elections Branson, W. J. Philadelphia nominating system. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 14:18-37. July 1899.) Brooks, R. C. Three-class election system in Prussian cities. (Munic. Aff., 3:396-433. Sept. 1899.) Commons, J. R. Proportional representation. 1907. R324.2 Commons, J. R. Referendum and initiative in city government. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 17:609-30. Dec. 1902.) Cridge, Alfred. Proportional representation including its rela- tion to the initiative and referendum. 1904. 324.2 Deming, H. E. Municipal nomination reform. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 25:203-17. March 1905.) Lleb, Hermann. Initiative and referendum. 1902. 321.8 20 Meyer, E. C. Nominating systems; direct primaries versus con- ventions in the United States. 1902. 324 Oberholtzer, E. P. Referendum in America and other phases of popular government in the United States. 1900. 321 Ostrogorskii, M. Woman suffrage in local government. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 6:677-710. Dec. 1891.) Pheips, E. M., compiler. Selected articles on the initiative and referendum. 1909. 321.8 Finance and Municipal Accounting Allcock, John. Municipal accounts. 1903. 657-AI51 American Economic Association. Special Committee on Uni- form Municipal Accounts. Uniform municipal accounts and statistics. Report. (Amer. Econ. Ass'n. Publications, 3d series, 2:254-92. Feb. 1901.) Baker, M. N. Bibliography of uniform municipal accounting. (National Municipal League. Proceedings of the Conference for Good City Government, 1902, p. 327-29.) R352 Blunden, G. H. British local finance. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 9:78-118, 268-302. March-June 1894.) Boston Finance Commission. Final reports, January 1909. 1909. R352.1 Brooks, R. C. Berlin's tax problem. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 20:665-95. Dec. 1905.) Chase, H. 8., and Baird, J. W. Municipal accounting in Boston and Louisville. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 28:453-62. Nov. 1906.) ♦Cleveland, F. A. Chapters on municipal administration and accounting. 1909. R352 Cleveland, F. A. Municipal accounts; a first step toward mu- nicipal reform. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 19:391-401. Sept. 1904.) Clow, F. R. Comparative study of the administration of city finances in the United States, with special reference to the budget. (Amer. Econ. Ass'n. Publications, 3d series, 2:667- 914. Nov. 1901.) Collins, Arthur. A municipal internal audit. 1904. 657-C692 Commercial and Financial Chronicle, State and City Supplement. 1903-date. •Another copy in circulation department. 51 Durand, E. D. Taxation as a partial substitute for borrowing to cover the cost of permanent municipal improvements. (Amer. Econ. Ass'n. Publications, 3d series, 1:123-48. Feb. 1900.) Ely, R. T. Taxation in American states and cities. 1888. 336.2 Fairlie, J. A. Municipal finances. (In Ms Municipal adminis- tration, 1901, p. 317-71.) 352 Holcombe, A. N. Financial results of the increment tax in Ger- man cities. (Quar. Jour, of Eicon., 24:194-97. Nov. 1909.) Hollander, J. H. Financial history of Baltimore. (Johns Hop- kins Univ. Studies in Hist. & Pol. Science, extra vol. 20. 1899.) 352.1 Hollander, J. H. Municipal taxation of intangible wealth, (in International Tax Ass'n. Addresses and proceedings, 1907, p. 406-14.) R336.2 Macpherson, F. H. Municipal accounting. A comprehensive treatise on the subject of municipal accounts. 1901. 657 Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics. A uniform classification of municipal receipts and payments prescribed for the cities and towns of Massachusetts as a basis for a standard system of accounts and reports. 1910. Merrlam, C. E. Reform in municipal taxation, (in International Tax Ass'n. Addresses and proceedings, 1907, p. 415-23.) R336.2 National Municipal League. Committee on Uniform Municipal Accounting and Statistics. Report. 1901-date. (National Municipal League. Proceedings of the Conference for Good City Government. 1901-date.) R352 *New York (City) Department of Finance. Manual of account- ing and business procedure of the city of New York. 1909. R657-N42 PleydeP, A. C. Municipal taxation and extracts from addresses on Canadian systems of local taxation. 1909. Pam. 336.2 Rosewater, Victor. Special assessments. A study in municipal finance. Ed. 2. (Columbia Univ. Studies in Hist., Econ., and Public Law, 2:363-506. 1898.) Sellgman, E. R. Essays in taxation. 1905. 337 Shepard, C. E. Limitations on municipal indebtedness, n. d. Pam. 352 ♦Another copy In circulation department. 22 stokes, H. R. Finances and administration of Providence. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Hist. & Pol. Science, extra vol. 25. 1903.) 352.1 Taxation in American cities; symposium. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 28:155-72. July 1906.) Terrell P. Protection of municipal bonds. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 30:396-99. Sept. 1907.) Tuttle, Leonard. Local option in taxation. (Munic. Aff., 2: 395-410. Sept. 1898.) U. S. Bureau of Manufactures. Municipal taxation in European countries, (in Special Consular Reports, v. 42, pt. 2. 1910.) Urban taxation. (Munic. Aff., 3:269-349. June 1899.) Well, H. E. Municipal bond issues explained. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 30:389-95. Sept. 1907.) Weil, H. E. Physical condition of a municipality issuing bonds. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 30:384-88. Sept. 1907.) Harbors and Docks California Board of Harbor Commissioners.. Biennial report. 1904-08. Chicago Harbor Commission. Report. 1909. Coler, B. S. Municipal ownership of docks In New York. (Munic. Aff., 4:207-11. March 1900.) Connolly, C. P. Freight tariffs. (Collier's, 43:13. April 3, 1909.) Harbor facilities. (Munic. Aff., 2:738-41. Dec. 1898.) Huebner, Solomon. Relation of the government in Germany to the promotion of commerce. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 24:525-39. Nov. 1904.) Mathews, J. L. The barred gateway. (Everybody's Magazine, 72:577-90. May 1910.) Port administration and harbor facilities; a symposium. (An- nals of the Amer. Acad., 29:357-400. March 1907.) Smith, J. R. The British system of improving and administering ports and terminal facilities. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 24:507-24. Nov. 1904.) U. S. Commissioner of Corporations. Report on transportation by water in the United States; part 3, Water terminals. 1910. Washington (State) Board of State Land Commissioners. Bien- nial report, 1897-1900. v. 3-6. 1897-1900. 336-W277L For v. 1-2 see Washington State Harbor Line Commission. 23 Washington (State) Commissioner of Public Lands. Biennial re- port, 1890-92, 1897-1904. v. 1-2, 5-8. R353-W27 Washington (State) Harbor Line Commission. First report. 1891. (Bound with Washington public documents, 1890-91.) R353-W277 Washington (State) Harbor Line Commission. Second and final report. 1893. R627-W277 For reports 1897-1900 see Washington (State) Board of State Land Commissioners. Housing Baltimore Association for the Improvement of the Condition of the Poor. Housing, conditions in Baltimore. 1907. Pam. 331.83 Boston Housing Committee. Report of the Housing Committee of Boston, 1915. 1910. R331.83-B657 Crowell, F. E. Housing situation in Pittsburg. (Charities, 21: 870-81. Feb. 6, 1909.) DeForest, R. W., and others. Housing problem. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 20:83-149. July 1902.) DeForest, R. W., editor. New York City. Tenement house de- partment. 1st report, 1903. 2v. 1903. R331.83-D367 Devine, E. T. Housing problem in San Francisco. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 21:596-608. Dec. 1906.) Devine, E. T. Principles of relief, p. 62-72. 1905. 361 Gould, E. R. L. Housing of the working people, (in U. S. Bureau of Labor, 8th special report. 1895.) R331 Kunz, D. Housing problem in Wisconsin. (Charities, 18:251- 58. June 1, 1907.) MacGregor, F. H. Tenement house legislation, state and local. 1909. R331.83 Marsh, B. C. City planning in justice to the working population. (Charities, 19:1514-18. Feb. 1, 1908.) Marsh, B. C. Eighth international housing congress. (Chari- ties, 18:666-70. Sept. 7, 1907.) Meakin, J. E. B. Model factories and villages; ideal conditions of labor and housing. * p. 351-474. 1905. 331.8 Sayles, M. B. Housing conditions in Jersey City. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 22; supp. Jan. 1903.) *Velller, Lawrence. Housing reform; a handbook for practical use in American cities. R331.83-V534 Wolfe, A. B. Lodging house problem in Boston. 1906. 331.8 ♦Another copy in circulation department. 24 Police Bingham, T. A. How to give New York the best police force in the world. (No. Amer. Rev., 187:702-11. May 1908.) English conception of police. (Quarterly Rev., 211:503-25. Oct. 1909.) Fairlle, J. A. Police administration, (in his Municipal adminis- tration, 1901, p. 126-49.) 352 Favill, H. B. Legitimate exercise of police power for the protec- tion of health. (Charities, 21:234-38. Nov. 7, 1908.) Goodnow, F. J. Police administration, (in his Municipal govern- ment, 1908, p. 234-87.) 352 Lawrence, Clay. Police removals and the courts. 1905. Pam. 352 McAdoo, William. Guarding a great city. 1906. 352 Moss, Frank. State oversight of police. (Munic. Aff., 3:264-68. June 1899.) Municipal electric fire alarm and police patrol systems. (U. S. Census Bureau, Bull. 11. 1904.) New York City. Police Department. Report. 1866-72, 1885- 1902. R352.2 Roosevelt, Theodore. Administering the New York police force. (in Jiis American ideals, 1904, p. 160-188. 304 Woods, Arthur. Police promotions. (National Municipal League. Proceedings of the Conference for Good City Government, 1909, p. 172-78.) R352 Public Utilities, Municipal Ownership American Economic Association. Committee on Public Finance. The relation of modern municipalities to quasi-public works. (Amer. Econ. Ass'n. Publications, 2:501-81. Jan. 1888.) ♦Bemis, E. W., editor. Municipal monopolies. A collection of papers by American economists and specialists. 1899. R352 Bruere, H. Public utilities regulation in New York. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 31:535-51. May 1908.) City monopolies. (Munic. Aff., 6:68-123. March 1902.) Cleveland, F. A. Municipal ownership as a form of govern- mental control. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 28:359-70. Nov. 1906.) ♦Another copy in circulation department. 25 Darwin, Leonard. Municipal ownership; four lectures delivered at Harvard University. 1907. 352 Fairlie, J* A. Recent extensions of municipal functions in the U. S. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 25:299-310. March 1905.) Forrest, J. D. New plan for the control of quasi-public works. (Amer. Jour, of Sociology, 3:837-47. May 1898.) Howe, F. C. Municipal ownership in Great Britain. (U. S. Bureau of Labor, Bull. 62:1-123. Jan. 1906.) Investigation of municipal and private distribution of water, gas, and electricity, conducted by the different bureaus of statistics of labor in the United States. (Amer. Econ. Ass'n, Studies, V. 3, no. 1, supp. p. 57-79. Feb. 1898.) Kansas. Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. Water, elec- tric light, and gas plants. (Annual report, 1897, v. 13, p. 83- 113.) R331 Maltbie, IVI. R. Municipal functions; a study of the development, scope, and tendency of municipal socialism. (Munic. Aff., 2:577-814. Dec. 1898.) Massacliusetts IVIetropolitan Water and Sewerage Board. Annual report, v. 1-date. 1902-date. Meyer, B. H. Wisconsin public utilities law. National Municipal League. Proceedings of the Conference for Good City Govern- ment, 1908, p. 257-68.) R352 Meyer, H. R. Municipal ownership in Great Britain. (Jour, of Pol. Econ., 13:481-505. Sept. 1905.) Municipal ownership and operation. (Munic. Aff., 6:509-855. Dec. 1902.) Municipal ownership and public franchises. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 27:1-233. Jan. 1906.) Munro, W. B. Civic federation report on public ownership. (Quar. Jour, of Econ., 23:161-74. Nov. 1908.) ""National Civic Federation. Commission on Public Ownership and Operation. Municipal and private operation of public utilities. 3v. 1907. R352 New York (State) Bureau of Labor Statistics. Ownership and operation of electric light and power, gas, and water plants. (Annual report, 1897, v. 15, p. 497-601. New York (State) Public Service Commission. First district. Annual report, v. 1-date. 1907-date. 'Another copy In circulation department. 26 New York (State) Public Service Commission. First district. Proceedings, v. 1-3. 1907-08. New York (State) Public Service Commission. Second district. Annual report, 1908. 3v. 1908. ♦Parsons, Frank. City for the people; or. The municipalization of the city government and of local franchises. 1901. R352 Public services. (Munic. Aff., 4:3-228. March 1900.) Contents: Public ownership and the social conscience. — Shall American cities municipalize? — Municipal telephones in Amsterdam. — Street railways in British towns. — Glasgow's muncipal tramways. — Syracuse water supply. — Hstory of public franchises in New York City. — Municipal ownership of docks in New York City. — Street rail- way problem in Milwaukee. — Boston municipal subway. — Skaneateles Water Works Co. Ripley, W. Z. Capitalization of public service corporations. (Quar. Jour, of Econ., 15:106-37. March 1900.) Bobbins, Hayes. Public ownership versus public control. (Amer. Jour, of Sociology, 10:787-813. May 1905.) Shortt, A., and Plehn, C. C. Taxation of public service cor- porations, (in International Tax Ass'n. Addresses and pro- ceedings, 1907, p. 622-48.) R336.2 Stewart, Ethelbert. Rates of wages paid under public and private contract. (U. S. Bureau of Labor, Bulletin, 1:721-53. Nov. 1896.) Tremaln, H. E. Franchises or monopolies; their public owner- ship and operation. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 14:310-26. Nov. 1899.) U. S. Industrial Commission. Report on transportation, v. 9. 1901. U. S. Library of Congress. Select list of books on municipal affairs, with special reference to municipal ownership. 1906. R01 6.352 Wilcox, D. F. Control of public service corporations in Detroit. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 31:576-92. May 1908.) Wilcox, D. F. Municipal franchises; a description of the terms and conditions upon which private corporations enjoy special privileges in the streets of American cities, v. 1. 1910. R352 Lighting Adams, A. D. Municipal gas and electric plants in Massachusetts. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 17:247-55. June 1902.) American municipalities and the gas service. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 27:200-33. Jan. 1906.) ♦Another copy in circulation department. 27 * Bern Is, E. W. Gas. (in Ms Municipal monopolies, 1899, p. 587- 628.) R352 * Bern is, E. W. Latest electric light reports, {in his Municipal monopolies, 1899, p. 183-285.) R352 Bern is, E. W. Municipal ownership of gas in the United States. (Amer. Econ. Ass'n, Publications, 6:287-472. July-Sept. 1891.) Bradford, E. S. Municipal electric lighting. 1906. R352 Branch, J. G. Heat and light from municipal and other waste, written for municipalities and engineers. [1906.] 628.3 Brooks, R. C. Municipal gas works of Berlin. (Yale Rev., 14: 361-73. Feb. 1906.) Commons, J. R. Municipal electric lighting, (in Bemis, B. W. Municipal monopolies, 1899, p. 55-180.) R352 Gray, J. H. Competition and capitalization as controlled by the Massachusetts Gas Commission. (Quar. Jour, of Econ., 15: 254-76. Feb. 1901.) Gray, J. H. Gas Commission of Massachusetts. (Quar. Jour, of Econ., 14:509-36. Aug. 1900.) Gray, J. H. Relation of the gas supply to the public. (Munic. Aff., 2:183-94. June 1898.) James, E. J. Relation of the modern municipality to the gas supply. (Amer. Econ. Ass'n, Publications, 1:47-122. May- July 1886.) Massachusetts Board of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners. Annual report, v. 15-date. 1899-date. Municipal gas for New York; a discussion; Edward M. Grout, affirmative; Allen R. Foote, negative. (Munic. Aff., 1:225-300. June 1897.) Municipalization of electric lighting and power, by R. R. Bowker and J. R. Commons. (Munic. Aff., 1:605-73. Dec. 1897.) Public lighting. Munic. Aff., 4:520-613. Sept. 1900.) Rowe, L. S. Municipality and the gas supply. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 11:301-23. May 1898.) U. S. Bureau of the Census. Central electric light and power stations, 1902. 1905. U. S. Commissioner of Labor. Water, gas, and electric light plants under private and municipal ownership. Annual re- port, V. 14. 1900. ♦Another copy in circulation department. street Railways Bern is, E. W. Cleveland referendum in street railways. (Quar. Jour, of Econ., 23:179-83. Nov. 1908.) Bern is, E. W. Street railway settlement in Cleveland. (Quar. Jour, of Econ., 22:543-75. Aug. 1908.) ♦Bern Is, E. W. Street railways, (in his Municipal monopolies, 1899, p. 505-83.) R352 Commercial and Financial Chronicle. Street railway supplement. 1903-date. Fairlie, J. A. Chicago street railways. (Quar. Jour, of Econ., 22:476-79. May 1908.) Johnson, E. R. Public regulation of street railway transporta- tion. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 29:275-91. March 1907.) Lewis, E. O. Philadelphia's relation to Rapid Transit Company. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 31:600-11. May 1908.) MacAfee, J. B. Result of further legislative regulations of elec- tric railways. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 31:695-700. May 1908.) McLain, F. D. Street railways of Philadelphia. (Quar. Jour, of Econ., 22:233-60. Feb. 1908.) Murphy, J. J. Franchise grants in New York City. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 31:612-18. May 1908.) U. S. Bureau of the Census. Street and electric railways, 1902. 1905. Weyl, W. E. Street railway employment in the U. S. (U. S. Bureau of Labor, bulletin, 10:550-644. March 1905.) Wright, H. C. Development of transit control in New York City. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 31:552-75. May 1908.) Water Works *Baker, M. N. Water works, (in Bemis, E. W., Municipal mon- opolies, 1899, p. 3-52.) Bureau of Municipal Research, New York. Collecting water re- venues, methods of the Bureau of Water Register. 1909. R352.6 Fuertes, J. H. Water and public health. 1897. R614 Fuertes, J. H. Water filtration works. 1901. 628 Hill, J. W. Purification of public water supplies. 1898. 628.16 •Another copy in circulation department. 29 Hubbard, W. D., and Kiersted, W. Water works management and maintenance. 1907. 628 Johnson, C. O. Water supply and prevention of waste in leading European cities. 1903. 628 Lippincott, J. B. Water problems of Santa Barbara, Cal. 1905. Pann. 628 Mason, W. P. Water supply. (Considered principally from a sanitary standpoint.) Ed. 3. 1902. 628 Merchants' Association of New York. Waste of water in New York and its reduction by meters and inspection. 1906. 628 Philadelphia. Bureau of Water. Description of the filtration works and pumping stations. [1909.] R352.6 Relation of the municipality to the water supply; symposium. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 30:557-92; 31:470-83. Nov. 1907; March 1908.) *Turneaure, F. E., and Russell, H. L. Public water supplies. Re- quirements, resources, and the construction of works. Ed. 2. 1909. R628.1 U. S. Commissioner of Labor. Water, gas, and electric light plants under private and municipal ownership. Annual report, V. 14. 1900. Wing, F. E. Thirty-five years of typhoid; the fever's economic cost to Pittsburg and the long fight for pure water. (Chari- ties, 21:923-39. Feb. 6, 1909.) Sanitation and Public Hesdth Baker, M. N. Municipal engineering and sanitation. 1902. 352 Chapin, C. V. Municipal sanitation in the United States. 1901. 628.4 City's health. (Munic. Aff., 2:237-303. June 1898.) Cope, F. R. Model municipal department. How the Low adminis- tration has been caring for the health of New York City. (Amer. Jour, of Sociology, 9:459-89, 631-71. Jan.-March 1904.) 352 ♦Folwell, A. P. Sewerage; the designing, construction, and maintenance of sewerage systems. 1910. R628.2-F7315 Goodhue, W. F. Municipal improvements. A manual of the methods, utility, and cost of public improvements, for the municipal ofiicer. 1900. 352 Hanger, G. Public baths in the United States. (U. S. Bureau of Labor, bulletin, 9:1245-1367. Sept. 1904.) ♦Another copy In circulation department. 80 McCullougih, Ernest. Engineering work in towns and cities. 1908. 628-M139 ♦Morse^ W. F. Collection and disposal of municipal waste. 1908. R628.4.M839C Sedgwick, W. T. Principles of sanitary science and public health with special reference to the causation and prevention of infectious diseases. 1902. 614 Tillson, G. W. Street pavements and paving materials. 1900. 625 Waring, G. E. Street cleaning and the disposal of a city's wastes. 1899. 628 State and Municipality Bernlieim, A. C. Relations of the city and the state of New York. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 9:377-402. Sept. 1894.) Commons, J. R. State supervision for cities. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 5:865-81. May 1895.) Goodnow, F. J. Municipal home rule. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 21:77-90. March 1906.) Goodnow, F. J. Municipal home rule. A study in administration. 1903. 352 Goodnow, F. J. Relations of city and state. (Munic. Aff., 1: 689-704. Dec. 1897.) Holls, F. W. State boards of municipal control, (in National Municipal League, Conference for Good City Government, 1896, p. 226-35. R352 Home rule problems. (Munic. Aff., 6:198-260. June 1902.) Illinois. Legislature. Committee on Municipalities. Report, made to Senate April 15, 1909. Pa m. 352 Ivins, W. M. Municipal government. (Pol. Sci. Quar., 2:291-312. June 1887.) Jenks, J. W. State municipal board. (Munic. Aff., 2:411-32. Sept. 1898.) Maltbie, M. R. City-made charters. (Yale Rev., 13:380-407. Feb. 1905.) Oberholtzer, E. P. Home rule for American cities. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 3:736-63. May 1893.) Whitten, R. H. Public administration in Massachusetts; the relation of central to local activity. (Columbia Univ. Studies in Hist, Econ., & Public Law, 7:384-551.) Woodruff, C. R. Freer city; a plea for municipal home rule. (Yale Rev. 12:360-71. Feb. 1904.) •Another copy in circulation department. 81 Publications of the Library Sent free of charge on application to the library. Annual reports. 5th-9th, 13th-20th. 1895-1899, 1903-1910, The 1st, 2d, and 3d reports were published in "Seattle municipal reports" for 1891, 1S92, and 1893; the 4th, 10th, 11th, and 12th were never printed; the 5th, 6th, and 17th are out of print. Monthly bulletin, v. 1-4, 5-7. Nov.1896-Dec.1900, Jaii.l905-Dec. 1907. None were published Jan.1901-Dec.1904; discontinued Dec. 1907. v.l, no.l, V.2, no.5, v.3, nos.1-12, v.4, nos. 1, 2. and 6 are out of print. Proceedings at the opening of the Seattle Public Library build- ing, December 19, 1905. 32 p. Out of print. Periodicals currently received by the Seattle Public Library and by the Library of the University of Washington. Ed. 1. 1909. 30 p. Ed. 2. 1910. 31 p. Scheme of library service. 1909. 4 p. Also in 19th annual report, 1909. FINDING LISTS English prose fiction. 1903. 126 p. Natural science. 1905. 34 p. Useful arts. 1905. 45 p. Fine arts. 1008. 64 p. REFERENCE LISTS These lists have been compiled and printed to render easily accessible the material in this library on the various subjects. Subject list of Catholic books in the Seattle Public Library. January 1909. 45 p. Published under the auspices of the Knights of Columbus, Seattle Council. Obtainable also at the library. Books on pottery and porcelain. February 1911. 4 p. Books relating to engraving. April 1909. 8 p. List of books about birds. July 1909. 11 p. Books of interest to Sunday-school workers. 1910. 16 p. Published by the King County Sunday-school Association. Ob- tainable also at the library. Municipal plans; a list of books and references to periodicals in the Seattle Public Library. Compiled by Katharine McMicken. April 1810. 13 p. List of books for teachers. Compiled by Gertrude F. Hess. May 1910. 22 p. Pacific Northwest; a brief descriptive list of books, with sug- gested outline of study. Compiled by Katharine B. Judson. May 1910. 12 p. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. ^%'fi O/r, LD 21A-50m-4,'59 (A1724sl0)476B General Library University of Californii Berkeley