UC-NRLF B 2 fl70 M77 LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Received , igo . Accession No. ^ 82743 . CIcl&s No. i y --—*v^^^ ■■"'•"" - — -^-^— — ^^ " "■■ -1 TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. ' <• j ! . ! i ■ ■ 1 1 ■ ' J C O 7V^ P 11- K T I O IN OF THE 1 School Laws of New Mexico I CONTAINING i 1 -- ; ! 1 ! Laws and Parts of Laws Relating to | 1 • Public Schools. j i 1 SANTA PE, N. M.: NfW MF.XrCAN PRINTTNrt COMPANY 1895. 1 ■ ^ - ■ i TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. e issued in excess of one year's levy, and approved school orders to draw 6 per cent, interest. Special tax for sinking fund. and at subsequent elections by the directors serving, and in said oath shall be set forth the number of said school districts. Sec. 20. That five days after their qualification the school direc- tors shall meet and elect a chairman and a clerk, and two directors shall constitute a quorum, which shall be competent to discharge all the duties of a full board. Should a vacancy occur from any cause, notice shall be given to the county superintendent by the directors or a director, and thereupon said county superintendent shall ap- point a director to till such vacancy until the next election. They shall have the care and the keeping of the school house and other property belonging to the school district and are hereby authorized to open the school house for the use of religious, political, literary, scientific, mechanical, agricultural and industrial societies belong- ing in their district for the purpose of holding business or public meetings of said societies. Sec. 21. That the school directors of the several districts shall have power and are hereby required to provide as soon as practi- cable school house sites, proper school houses, and sufficient fuel for the schools established by this act or any prior act; they shall pay teachers' wages and interest on school house bonds as provided in section 22, and for that purpose they are empowered to levy a tax when necessary, not exceeding five mills on the dollar in any one year, on the taxable property of their respective districts. Sec. 22. It shall be their duty to make an estimate for such tax levy on or before the third Monday in July of each year, of the amount of money necessary for teachers' wages for at least six months in each year and to purchase or lease suitable sites for school houses and to keep in repair and provide for said school houses with necessary fuel and furniture, books and stationery, for the board and district meetings and defray all other contingent ex- penses of the district, including interest on school house bonds, which tax levy shall be voted upon by the qualified voters of said district, and if concurred in by a majority of such said voters of said district it shall be certified to by the board of county commis- sioners of the proper county, and if said commissioners decide such election legale this tax shall then be collected by the sheriff or tax collector, as other school taxes are now collected and accounted for. Provided, That no board shall issue warrants or certificates of in- debtedness of the school district in excess of the amount of the levy for one year, but all school orders shall draw six per cent, interest per annum after having been presented to the county treasurer and not paid for want of funds, which fact shall be endorsed upon the order by the treasurer; and they shall further have power to levy a special tax not exceeding five mills on the dollar of taxable property, for the purpose of creating a sinking fund to pay off school house bonds as provided for in section 30. The directors of the several School Laivs of New Mexico. 11 school districts shall also employ and pay school teachers under the restrictions imposed by this act, and shall have the general control and management of the schools in their respective districts subject to such supervision as shall herein be conferred upon the county superintendent, and the directors in the several school districts in the Territory shall, on or before the first day of September of each year, make an enumeration of all unmarried persons between five and twenty-one years of age^ giving the names, ages and sex of such persons in full, and reporting the same in writing, which shall be signed by all the directors to the county superintendent, within fif- teen days thereafter. All resident unmarried persons between said ages shall be entitled to attend the schools of their districts. The clerks of the several school districts shall on or before the first day of May of each year make a report to the county superintendent in writing, showing the amount of money collected and expended for school house sites, school houses, and fuel, interest on school house bonds, contingent expenses, and for salaries paid teachers within the twelve months preceding. Any school director who shall willfully refuse or fail to make any report or perform all the duties required by this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction before the dis- trict court of the proper county shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding sixty days, in the discretion of the court. TEACHERS. Employment and pay of teachers. General contrM and manage- ment of schools. Enumeration. Persons enti- tled to attend school. Report of clerk. Penalties. Sec. 23. That every person employed to teach a school established Record of by this act or any act now in force shall keep a proper record and at the end of each term make a report to the county superintendent. Term rei)ort. showing the whole number of pupils that have attended school dur- ing such term, giving the names, ages and sex, the average daily attendance, the branches taught, and such other facts as may be deemed important, as showing the character of the school and the proficiency of the pupils, and for failure to make such report he may Penalty. be find in the sum of not more than fifty dollars, upon conviction before any justice of the peace. No person shall be paid any money Teachers" pay. for teaching any school established under this act until an order is presented, signed by two of the school directors of the proper dis- trict, and endorsed by the county superintendent. SCHOOL FUND. Sec. 24. That the Territorial Auditor shall annually on or before School tax. the first day of May of each year levy a tax not exceeding three mills on the dollar, upon the taxable property of the Territory, and certify the same to the tax collectors of the several counties, who shall col- Amended by lect the same as other taxes are collected and pay the same to the Lav^sTsQi! 12 School Laws of New Mexico. How to be expended. Apportionment (see section I3, this chapter.) Bond of county treasurer. Bond of Terri- torial treasurer (Repealed by chapter 77, Laws 1891.) Territorial auditor to keep separate ac- count of school fund. (Amended by chapter 77, Laws 1891.) Penalty of tax collector. Duty of tax collector. School districts; can borrow money. Time limit of . school bonds. Interest. Territorial Treasurer. The money thus received shall not be ex- pended for any other purpose or purposes than for paying the ex- penses on collecting, which shall not exceed two arid one-half per centum on the sum collected, for paying expenses of printing neces- sary forms and blank reports and school laws, the salary of the county Superintendent of Public Instruction and the expenses of his office, and paying school teachers. Said school money when col- lected shall be apportioned to the several counties as provided in this act. Sec. 25. That the county treasurers shall severally give bond with two or more sureties as treasurers of the school fund in their respective counties, in a sum which shall be fixed by the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction at double the probable amount of the school funds which shall come into their hands; said bonds shall in no case be for a less amount than ten thousand dollars, and shall be approved by the county superintendent of the proper county and filed with the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sec. 26. That the Territorial Treasurer shall give bond as treas- urer of the school fund of the Territory in the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, with such sureties as shall be approved by the Governor, which bond shall be filed with the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and legal proceedings for the recovery thereof shall be in the name of the Territory of New Mexico, and the So- licitor General of the Territory of New Mexico shall prosecute suits on the said bond. Sec. 27. That the Territorial Auditor shall keep a separate ac- count of the school fund, with each collector of taxes, and the Ter- ritorial Treasurer shall keep such funds separate from all others. Any tax collector who shall fail to pay over all school money col- lected by him within thirty days after the tenth day of each month in which the same is collected shall be summarily removed by the Governor from the office of collector. If the tax collector be also sheriff such delinquent shall also be removed from the office of sheriff, and forever thereafter be disqualified from holding either of said offices, and the Governor shall appoint a successor, who shall qualify according to law, and who shall hold his office during the balance of the time of the officer removed. It shall also be the duty of the collector of taxes to keep the accounts of special taxes levied by school districts in separate books provided for that purpose. Sec. 28. That school districts shall have power and authority to borrow money for the purpose of erecting and completing school houses by issuing negotiable bonds of the district, to run any period of not less than twenty years, nor exceeding thirty years, drawing interest at a rate of not to exceed six per centum per annum, with interest payable semi-annually, or annually, at such place as the board of directors issuing the same may direct, which said indebted- School Lau\s of Neni Mexico. 13 Limit of indebtedne> lionds to bu ! years. Penalty. Proviso. School direc- tors to ofive •written notice. Proviso. Poor children to be provided with books. School to be within two miles of resi- dence. Disposal fines. No time of resi- dence required. COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE. Sec. 42. That the school directors of the various districts in this Territory are hereby empowered and required to compel parents, guardians, or other persons having the control, care or direction of children, when such children do not attend some private school, to send such children under their control to the public school for at least three months in each year, except when such children shall be under eight or above sixteen years of age, or of such physical dis- ability as to unfit them for the labor required, which disability shall be certified to by some regular practicing physician. Any parent, guardian, or other person having the control of children who shall fail or refuse to send such children to school as required by this act shall be punished upon conviction thereof by a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than twenty-five dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than ten days in any county jail. Provided. That such school director shall have served written no- tice upon said parents, guardians or other persons having the care and control of said children that such children are not in attendance at the public school or any other school as required by law: Pro- vided, further, That if such parent or guardian is not able by rea- son of poverty to buy books for any such child, it shall be the duty of the school board of the proper district, ui)onthe facts being shown to their satisfaction, to furnish the necessary books and pay for the same out of the school fund of such district by warrants drawn as in other cases; or that there is no school taught within two miles of the place of residence of such child by the nearest established road. All fines so collected from the violation of this section shall be paid into the county treasury and placed to the credit of the school district in which the offense occurred. Sec, 43. That pupils who are actual residents of a district shall be School Lawfi of New Mexico. 17 permitted to attend school in the same, regardless of the time when they acquire such residence, whether before or after theenumeration. LENGTH OP SCHOOL MONTH AND SCHOOL DAY. Sec. 44. That the school month shall consist of four weeks of five days each, and a school day shall consist of six hours. Sjcc. 45. That all laws and parts of laws providing for the levy and collection of taxes for school purposes and all laws and ijarts of laws relating to public schools in the Territory of New Mexico for the expenditure of money for the public schools, are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas- sage. Approved February 12, 1891. Rppeal of former laws. CHAPTER LXIV. AN ACT IN Relation to School Book? Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of New Mexico : school books. Section 1. The Board of Education of the Territory of New Mexico shall have and is hereby vested with full power to adopt a system of school books for the use of the public schools of this Ter- ritory, and only the school books so adopted by the said board shall be used in any and all of the public schools in this Territory. The Board of Education shall have power to contract with the publisher or publishers of text books adopted for use in the public schools in New Mexico in the name of the Territory and through the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction for the purchase and delivery of said books under such regulations as the board may adopt. Sec. 2. The books purchased in the name of the Territory shall be sold to the several counties for cash only, at cost and freight added and additional five per centum of amount of cost and freight, to cover necessary expenses; on the tenth of each month accounts of books purchased and sold shall be settled by the Superintendent of Public Instruction; the text books shall be supplied by the pub- lisher or publishers in quantities on the order of the Superinten- dent of Public Education of the Territory and on the first day of March and of September of each year a full settlement shall be had between the Territory and the contractors and a full report thereof shall be submitted to the Board of Education of all matters con- nected with the purchase of text books by the Superintendent of Education. Power of Board of Edu- cation. Contract to be made by Territoria? Board of Edu- cation. Books to be sold for cash only. Monthly set- tlement of ac- counts. Supply, Report. 18 School Laws of Neiv Mexico. Text books not be changed be- fore end of four j-ears. Books to be prescribed by Territorial Board of Edncation. 'enalties. Sec. 3. Text books once adopted shall not be changed for four years and the first contract for same shall be entered into between the publishers and the Territory on the Hrst day of September, 1891, or as soon thereafter as possible. Sec. 4. The Board of Education of the Territory of New Mexico is hereby vested with exclusive power in the matter of prescribing the text books necessary and to be used in the jiublic schools of this Territory, and any school teacher, school director or any county school superintendent violating the regulations and rules of the Board of Education shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined for each and every offense, and upon conviction in a court of competent jurisdiction, in a sum not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense. Sec. 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith are hereby repealed. Approved Feb. 26, 1891. CHAPTER LXXVII. General school fund to be paid to county treasurers. (Amends sec. 4, chapter 2.5, Laws 1890-91.) Apportion- ment. (Amends sec. 13, chapter '2.5, Laws 1890-91.) Payment of expenses. AN ACT TO AMEND An Act Entitled "An Act to Establish Com- mon Schools in the Territory of New Mexico and Creating the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction," Ap- proved February 11, 1891. Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Neiv Mexico : school fund. Section 1. That the school fund derived from the general levy of three mills on the dollar of taxable property shall be paid directly by the several collectors to the treasurers of their respective coun- ties to the credit of the county school funds, and shall be appor- tioned as now provided by law, together with all the county school fund by the county superintendent of schools, on the first Mondays in January, April, July and October. TERRITORIAL BOARD OF EDUCATION. Sec. 2. The actual necessary expenses of the members of the Board of Education incurred in attending the meetings thereof shall be audited by the Auditor of the Territory, and paid out of any school funds in the Territorial Treasury. SALARY OF COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS. Sec. 3. County superintendents hereafter elected shall receive pay for their services and expenses as follows: In counties having School Lmvs of New Mexico. 19 fifteen school districts or less, two hundred and fifty dollars per an- num; in counties having more than fifteen school districts but not more than twenty five, five hundred dollars per annum; in counties having more than twenty-five school districts, but not more than thirty-five, seven hundred and fifty dollars per annum; in counties having more than thirty-five school districts and not more than forty-five, one thousand dollars per annum; in counties having more than forty-five school districts and not more than fifty-five, twelve hundred and fifty dollars per annum; in counties having more than fifty -five school districts and not more than sixty-five, fifteen hundred dollars per annum; in counties having more than sixty-five school districts, seventeen hundred and fifty dollars per annum; to be paid out of the school funds of the respective counties, and payable quar- terly upon the order of the county commissioners upon the county treasurer. Provided, That such compensation shall be made according to the number of school districts as they exist at the commencement of the terms of office of the several superintendents. Sec. 4. That it shall be illegal for any person to vote or attempt to vote at any election who has not paid his poll tax for the current year, and said payment must be made in case of a general election, at least sixty days previous to such election day. EXEMPTION OF TAXATION. Sec. 5. That the following classes of property shall be exempt from taxation for school purposes: Property of the United States, of this Territory, of counties, cities, towns and other municipal corporations when devoted entirely to public use, and not held for pecuniary profits, all public libraries, the grounds, buildings, books, papers and apparatus of literary, scien- tific, benevolent, agricultural and religious institutions, and societies devoted exclusively to the appropriate object of those institutions, and not leased or otherwise used with a view to pecuniary profit, and cemeteries not held for pecuniary profit. Provided, That mines and mining claims shall pay a tax upon the net product and upon the surface improvement only. SCHOOLS OF INCORPORATED CITIES AND TOWNS. Sec. 6. All cities and towns now organized by virtue of the au- thority of former acts, and all cities and towns hereafter organized under any law of this Territory shall be governed by the provisions of this act. Sec. 7. In each city or town governed by this act there shall be established and maintained a system of free common schools, which shall be kept open no less than three nor more than ten months in any one year, and shall be free to all children residing in such city or town between the ages of five and twenty years. But the Board of Amendn sec. 11, chapter XXV, Laws 189001. Amended by seciion 1, chap- ter II, Laws 1893-4. Amendt< la.st part of section 31, chapter XXV, Laws 1890-91. !See section 1, chapter VI, Laws 189-^3. Proviso. Tax on mines. Free city- schools and length of term. 20 School Laics of New Mexico. Children be- tween 5 and 7 years. Territory be- yond city lim- its may be at- tached for school pur- poses. Procedure. Equal taxation. Outside terri- tory attached, to elect mem- bers of Board of Education. City schools to be bodies cor- porate. Conveyance of property to Board of Edu- cation. Procedure of conveyances. Education mly when school room accommodations are insufficient exclude for the time being children between the ages of five and seven years. Sec. 8. Territory outside the city limits, but adjacent thereto, may be attached to such city or town for school purposes upon ap- plication to the Board of Education of such city or town by a ma- jority of the electors of such adjacent territory, and upon such ap- l)lication being made to the Board of Education, they shall if they deem it proper and to the best interests of the school of said city or town and the territory seeking to be attached, issue an order attach- ing such territory to such city or town for school purposes, and to enter the same upon their journal, and such territory shall from the date of such order be and compose a part of such city or town for school purposes only, and the taxable projierty of such adjacent ter- ritory shall be subject to taxation and shall bear its full proportion of all expenses incurred in the erection of school buildings and in maintaining the schools of such city or town. Whenever the territory so attached shall have attained a popula- tion equal to that of any ward of such city or town, or whenever the taxable property of such attached territory shall equal that of any one ward of such city or town, such attached territory shall be entitled to elect two members of the Board of Education, who shall be elected at the same time that other members of the board are elected by the qualified electors of such territory, at an election to be held at such place as the Board of Education may designate. Sec. 9. The public schools of each city organized in pursuance of this act shall be a body corporate and shall possess the usual powers of a corporation for public purposes by the name and style of the "Board of Education of the city (or town) of of the Territory of New Mexico,'' and in that name may sue or be sued and be capable of contracting and being contracted with, of holding and conveying such real and personal estate as it may come into possession of, by will or otherwise, or as is authorized to be pur- chased by the provisions of this act. Sec. 10. Any city or town is hereby authorized and required upon the request of the Board of Education of such city or town, to con- vey to said Board of Education all property within the limits of any such city or town, heretofore purchased by any such city or town for school purposes, and now held and used for such purpose, the title to which is vested in any such city or town. Sec. 11. All conveyances for the property mentioned in the pre- ceding section, shall be signed by the mayor, and attested by the clerk of said city or town, and shall have the seal of the city or town affixed thereto and be acknowledged by the mayor of such city or town in the same manner as other conveyances of real estate. School Laws of New Mexico. 21 CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION. Sec. 12. At each annual city or town election there shall be a Board of Education, consisting of two members from each ward, elected by the qualified voters thereof, one of whom shall be elected annually, and shall hold his office for a term of two years, and until his successor is elected and qualified. Provided, That no member of the Board of Education shall be a member of the council or town trustees, nor shall any member of the council or town trustees be a member of the Board of Education. Sec. 13. The Board of Education shall have power to fill any vacancy which may occur in their body. Provided, That any vacancy occurring more than ten days pre- vious to the annual election and having an unexpired term of one year shall be filled at the first annual election thereafter; and the ballots and returns of election shall be designated as follows: "To till unexpired term." Sec. 14. The Board of Education shall have power to elect their own officers, except the treasurer; to make their own rules and regulations, subject to the provisions of this act; to organize and maintain a system of graded schools; to establish a high school whenever in their opinion the educational interests of the city de- mand the same, and to exercise the sole control over the schools and school property of the city or town. Sec. 15. The Board of Education, at its regular meeting in May of each year, shall organize by the election of a president and vice Xjresident from among its own members, each of whom shall serve for the term of one year, or until their successors are elected and qualified; they shall also elect a clerk, who shall hold his office during the ijleasure of the board, and who shall receive such compensation for his services as the board may allow. Sec 16. The treasurer of the city or town shall be ex-officio the treasurer of the Board of Education and shall give bond to the Board of Education as the board may require, said bond to be approved by the Board of Education and filed with its clerk. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to deposit daily all money belonging to the Board of Education in some responsible bank, to be designated by the Board of Education, in the name of such treasurer as such officer, which bank shall pay interest on monthly average balances as may be agreed upon by such bank and the Board of Education, and before making such deposits, the Board of Education shall take from such bank a good and sufficient bond in a sum to be designated by the Board of Education, conditioned that such deposits shall be paid on the check or draft of said treasurer. The treasurer shall attend all of the meetings of the board when required to do so; shall prepare and submit in writing a monthly report of the finances of said board. Election. Amended l)y section l,olia|)- ter XXXIX, La\v« 1892-:^. Proviso. Exceptiona. Vaaincy. Proviso. Election to fill vacancy. I'owers. Or'ranization. Bond of Treasurer. Duties. 22 School Laws of New Mexico. Pay for services. No pay or emoluments. Duties of Pres- ident. Duties of Vice President. Duties of Clerk and shall pay school moneys only upon a warrant signed by the president, or, in his absence, by the vice president, and counter- signed by the clerk. The treasurer shall receive from the Board of Education, tifty dollars per annum for his services as treasurer, and no more. Sec. 17. No member of the Board of Education shall receive any pay or emolument for his services. Sec. 18. It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all meetings of the Board of Education, to appoint all committees whose appointment is not otherwise provided for, and to sign all warrants ordered by the Board of Education to be drawn upon the treasurer for school moneys. Sec. 19, It shall be the duty of the vice president to perform all the duties of the president in case of his absence or disability. Sec. 20. It shall be the duty of the clerk to be present at all meetings of the board: to keep an accurate journal of its proceedings; to take charge of its books and documents; to countersign all war- rants for school moneys drawn upon the treasurer by order of the Board of Education, and perform such other duties as the Board of Education or its committees may require. Sec. 21. Before entering upon the discharge of his duties, the clerk of the Board of Education shall give bond in the sum of one thousand dollars, with good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the board, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office. Sec. 22. The Board of Education shall, on or before the first day of August of each year, levy a tax for the support of the schools of the city or town for the fiscal year next ensuing, not exceeding in any one year five mills on the dollar, on all personal, mixed and real property within the district, which is taxable according to the laws of the Territory of New Mexico for school purposes, which levy shall be approved by the city council or town trustees; and when so ap- proved the clerk of the board shall certify to the county clerk, who is hereby authorized and required to place the same on the tax roll of said county, to be collected by the collector of the county as are other taxes, and paid over by him to the treasurer of the Board of Education, of whom he shall take a receipt in duplicate, one of which he shall file in his office, and the other he shall forthwith transmit to the clerk of the Board of Education. This section shall not be construed to change, alter, modify or amend section 1 of this act or any part of the act of which it is an amendment, with reference to the amount to be raised by taxation for school purposes, but the provisions of this section with reference to taxation for schools, under this section, and said law shall be held and taken to be in addition to the provisions of the act above re- ferred to in this section. Bond of Clerk. Levy of city school tax. Addition to sec. one of this chapter. School Laws of New Mexico. 23 Skc. 23. The taxable property of the whole city or town, includ- ing the territory attached for school purposes, shall be subject to taxation. All taxes collected for the benefit of the schools shall be paid in money, and shall be placed in the hands of the treasurer, subject to the order of the Board of Education. Sec. 24. The regular meetings of the Board of Education shall be upon the first Monday of each month, but special meetings may be hold, from time to time, as circumstances may demand. Sec. 25. The board of education, at the close of each school year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, shall make an annual report of the progress, prosperity and condition, financial as well as educa- tional, of all the schools under their charge; and saia report, or such of it as the Board of Education shall consider of advantage to the public, shall be printed, either in a public newspaper or in pamphlet form, and a copy furnished the county and the Territorial Superin- tendent. Sec. 26. No expenditure involving an amount greater than two hundred dollars shall be made except in accordance with the pro- visions of a written contract, and no contract involving an expendi- ture of more than five hundred dollars, for the purpose of erecting any public buildings or making any improvements, shall be made except upon sealed proposals, and to the lowest responsible bidder. PUBLIC schools to BE NON-SECTARIAN. Sec. 27. No sectarian doctrine shall be taught or inculcated in any of the public schools of the city or town. EXEMPTION FROM TAXATION. Sec. 28. All property held by the Board of Education for the use of public schools shall be exempt from taxation, and shall not be taken in any manner for any debt due from the city. city school bonds. Sec. 29. Any city or incorporated town in this Teriitory, which shall by the action of its common council, trustees or school direct- ors have purchased any ground or building or buildings, or may hereafter purchase any ground and building or buildings, or has commenced or may hereafter commence the erection of any building or buildings for school purposes, or which shall have by its school directors, common council or trustees, contracted any debts for the erection of such building or buildings, or the purchase of such ground and building or buildings, or such school directors, trustees or common council shall not have the necessary means with which to complete such building or buildings, or to pay for the purchase of such ground and building or buildings, or pay such debt, may on filing by the school directors, trustees or common council of said city or town, of a report under oath, with the Board of Education of General taxa- tion. Di8popal of taxes collected Meeting. Report. Contracts. 24 School Laws of New Mexico. Election. such city or town, showing the estimated or actual cost of any such ground and building or buildings, or the amount required to com- plete such building or buildings, or purchase such ground and build- ing or buildings, or the amount of such debt, it shall be lawful for the Board of Education to order an election for the issuing of bonds of said school district in said city or town, to an amount to liquidate such proposed indebtedness, and the said Board of Education are hereby authorized and empowered to issue such bonds in conformity with the requirements, and in like manner that school bonds are is- sued. And said Board of Education are authorized and empowered to issue bonds to raise funds for the purchase of school site or sites, or to erect a suitable building or buildings thereon, or to fund any bonded indebtedness for school purposes of such city or town. Provided, That no bonds shall be issued until the question shall be submitted to the peojjle, and a majority of the qualified electors who shall vote on the question at an election called for that pur- pose, shall have declared by their votes in favor of issuing such bonds. The rate of interest on such bonds shall not exceed six per cent per annum, payable annually or semi-annually, at such place as may be mentioned upon the face of said bonds, which bonds shall be payable in not less than twenty nor more than thirty years from their date, and the Board of Education is hereby authorized and em- powered to sell such bonds at not less than par. Sec. 30. It shall be the duty of the mayor of each city or town governed by this act, upon the request of the Board of Education, forthwith to call an election to be conducted in all respects as are the elections for city or town officers in the same cities or towns, except that the returns shall be made to the Board of Education for the purpose of taking the sense of such district upon the ques- tion of issuing such bonds, naming in the proclamation of such elec- tion the amount of bonds asked for and the purpose for which they are to be issued. Sec. 31. The bonds, the issuance of which is provided for in the foregoing section, shall be signed by the president, attested by the clerk and countersigned by the treasurer of the Board of Education; and said bonds shall specify the rate of interest and the time when principal and interest shall be paid, and each bond so issued shall be for a sum not less than fifty dollars. Sec. 32. The Board of Education at the time of its annual levy of taxes for the support of schools, as hereinbefore provided, shall also levy a sufficient amount to pay the interest as the same accrues on all bonds issued under the provisions of this act, and also to create a sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds, which it shall levy and collect, in addition to the rate per cent, authorized by the provisions aforesaid for school purposes; and said amount of funds, when paid into the treasury, shall be and remain a specific fund for Proviso. Bonds to be submitted to vote. Interest. Time limit. Election for bonds. Returns of election. Form of bonds. Specifications. Denomination limit. Tax levy for interest. Sinking Fund. School Laws of New Mexico. 25 said purpose only and shall not be appropriated in any other way except as hereinafter provided. Provided, There shall be no levy for sinking fund until ten years after the issue of such bonds, if they be for twenty years; and twen- ty years after the issue if they be for thirty years, and the levy in any one year shall not exceed five mills on the dollar for such sink- ing fund, and the total levy in any one year shall not exceed ten mills on the dollar for all purposes: Provided further, That the levy for interest on such bonds as may be issued by such city or town shall not exceed in any one year an amount required to pay the annual interest. Sec. 33. Whenever the interest coupons of the bonds hereinbe- fore authorized shall become due, they shall be promptly paid, on presentation by the treasurer, out of any money in his hands col- lected for that purpose, and he shall endorse upon the face of such coupons in red ink. the word "paid," and the date of payment, and sign the initials of his name. Sec. 34. The school fund and property of such city or town and territory attached for school purposes is hereby pledged to the pay- ment of the interest and principal of the bonds mentioned in this act as the same may become due. Sec. 35. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the Board of Educa- tion to register in a book provided for that purpose the bonds issued under this act, and all warrants issued by the board, which said register shall show the number, date and amount of said bonds, and to whom made payable. Sec OATH OF BOARD OF EDUCATION. 36. Each member of the Board of Education and officer pro- vided for in this act shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution of the United States and the laws of New Mexico, and faithfully perform the dutiesof his office. The oath and bond of the clerk shall be filed with the treasurer; and all other oaths and bonds shall be filed with the clerk. Sec. 37. All acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved Feb. 26. 1891. '^ UNIVERSITY, BRA^ CHAPTER II. ■S^CALIFOKiil! AN ACT TO Amend Chapters xxv and lxxvii of the Acts of the 29th Legislative Assembly and to Prescribe the Qualifica- tion of Voters. S. C. B.C; Ap2>roved January -5, 1893. Be it Enacted hy the Legislative AssenUdy of the Territory of New Megcioo : Proviso. Time limit for levy of sinking fund. Proviso. Limit of levy for interest. Interest due. Guaranty of bonds. Register of bonds. Repeal of former laws. 26 School Laws of New Mexico. POLL TAX. Section 1. That all of section four (4) of chapter LXXVII and so much of section thirty-six (36) of chapter XXV of the Acts of the 29th Legislative Assembly of the Territory of. New Mexico as pro- vides "that it shall be illegal for any person to vote at any election who has not paid his poll tax for the current year, and said payment must be made in case of a general election, one day previous to such election day," be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Prepayment of poll tax shall not hereafter be a pre- requisite or qualification of the right to vote at any election in this Territory. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Not a rpqnisite To vote. CHAPTER VI. AN ACT Relating to Exemption from Taxatio.n proved January 20, 1893. C. B. 4; Ap- Two hundred dollars limit.. Proviso. ('onditioiis. Repeal. Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of tJie Territory of Neu' Mexico : exemption fkom texation. See Sec. 5, Chapter LXXVII, 1890-1. Section 1. That there shall be exempt from taxation for Terri- torial, county, municipal and school purposes, property of the head of a family actually residing in this Territory in the sum of two hun- dred dollars: Provided, That any and all property must be listed for taxation by the assessor, and before any exemption can be allowed or granted the claimant must make oath before the assessor as to the true market value of his property, and if he claims the whole of said property to be exempt the claimant must swear that all of his property otherwise subject to taxation does not exceed in value the said sum of two hundred dollars and that he is the head of a family residing in this Territory. Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. CHAPTER X. AN ACT TO Amend Section 1, Chapter xii, of the Laws of 1889, Providing for the Qualification of Justices of the Peack, Constables AND OTHER Officers. C B. 30: Approved Febru- ary 2, 1893. Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of New Mexico : School Laics of New Mexico. TEACHERS. SkctiOxN 1. That section 1 of chapter XII of the Laws of 1881), entitled "An Act ijroviding for the qualification of justices of the peace, constables and other officers," be and the same is hereby amended by striking from the same the words "school teacher," con- tained therein. Sec. 2. This act shall not be construed as in any manner repeal- ing any of the qualifications of school teachers in this Territory, and shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. Ameudment. Construction CHAPTER XV. AN ACT Legalizing Tkansff.rs of School District Property by School Boards in the Territory of New Mexico. H. B. 45; Approved January 10, 1893. Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of New Mexico : TRANSFER OF SCHOOL DISTRICT TROPERTY. Section 1. That all transfers of school district property hereto- fore made by any school board in any school district in this Territory are hereby declared valid and legal and all such transfers are hereby ratified and confirmed. Sec. 2. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. CHAPTER XIX. AN ACT TO Establish and Provide for the Maintenance and Government of the Normal Schools of New Mexico. C. B. 20 ; Approved February 11, 1893. Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Tei^ritory of New Mexico : NORMAL schools. Section 1. There is hereby created and established at Silver City, in Grant county, and in Las Vegas, in San Miguel county, in the Territory of New Mexico, institutions of learning to be known as the Normal Schools of New Mexico. Sec. 2. Such schools shall be located upon a tract of land suitably and pleasantly located, containing not less than twenty acres, and situate not more than one and a half miles from said Silyer City and Places where to be estab- lished Sites. 28 School Laws of New Mexico. Las Vegas, respectively, the location of such land to be apijroved by the respective boards of regents created by this act, and the same shall be conveyed to such boards by a good and indefeasible title in fee simple within six months after the passage of this act, free of any cost to the Territory or said boards, and no expenditure of money shall be made under this act upon such land until such conveyance is made and accepted by such boards. Sec. 3. The control of such normal schools shall be each under a board of five regents to be appointed by the Governor of the Terri- tory. In making such appointments for the first time, one shall be appointed for one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years and one for five years, and thereafter appointments shall be made for the term of five years, and at the expiration of the terms of the several members, or when vacancies may otherwise arise. The members of each such board shall be voters of the Territory and the owners of real estate therein, and no more than three of the members of each said board shall be of the same political party. Each such board shall constitute a body politic and corporate, and shall have power to sue and be sued, to contract and be contracted with, and the title to all property belonging to each such normal school shall be vested in the respective corporate bodies and their successors. Sec. 4. Within thirty days after the appointment of each such board, the members thereof shall meet at Silver City a,nd Las Vegas, respectively, at a time to be designated by the Governor of the Ter- ritory, and each shall organize by the election of one member there- of as president and another member as secretary and treasurer, and annually thereafter a meeting of such boards shall be held for the same purpose, but such officers shall hold their offices until their successors shall be elected and qualified. The person who may be elected as secretary and treasurer of each such board shall execute his bond, payable to the Territory of New Mexico, for not less than twenty thousand dollars, with at least two freehold sureties, resi- dents of the Territory, which shall be conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of such secretary and treasurer, and shall be approved by the Governor and filed with the Secretary of the Territory. Sec. 5. Each of said boards of regents shall hold at least four meetings during each year at their respective Normal Schools for the purpose of discharging their duties under this act, the time of such meetings to be fixed by such board, and the president of such board may call special meetings thereof when in his judgment the business of such schools demands the same. Three members of such boards shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Sec. G. Said boards of regents shall have full and complete power and control over their respective Normal Schools. Each board shall Title in fee t INDEBTEDNESS Sec. Chap. Year. Pa^'e Act applies 7 38 1893 3:3 Costs of suit 6 38 1893 33 Decree 4 38 1893 32 Duty of district attorney . .' 2 38 1893 32 Levy of general tax 4 38 1893 33 Payment 4 38 1893 33 Payment at option of holders 5 38 1893 1^3 Proceedings 4 38 1893 33 Service of process 3 38 1893 32 Statement of account 4 38 1893 32 Suits for recovery 1 38 1893 32 Suits to be brought in chancery 2 38 1893 32 Warrant holders may unite in bringing suit 2 38 1893 32 ASSESSMENT— County assessor to make same on special tax levy. 34 25 1891 14 BOARD OF BOUNDARY COMMISSION— Commissioners, to be appointed 33 25 1891 14 Duties 33 25 1891 14 Pay 33 25 1891 14 CITY BOARD OP EDUCATION— Additional tax 22 77 1891 22 Amendment of Sect. 12, Chap. 77, Laws 1891.... 1 39 1893 33 Bond of clerk 21 77 1891 22 Bond of Treasurer 16 77 1891 21 Contracts 26 77 1891 23 Disposal of taxes collected 23 77 1891 23 Duties of clerk 20 77 1891 22 Duties of vice president 19 77 1891 22 Duties of president 18 77 1891 22 Duties of treasurer 16 77 1891 21 Election . 12 77 1891 21 Election 1 39 1893 34 Election to fill vacancy (proviso) .... 13 77 1891 21 Exceptions (proviso) 12 77 1891 21 38 Index. CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION— concluded. See. Chap. Year Page General election 23 77 1891 23 Levy of city school tax 22 77 1891 22 Meetings 2i 77 1991 23 Members not entitled to pay or emoluments 17 77 1891 22 Organization 15 77 1891 21 Oath prescribed 36 77 1891 25 Pay of Treasurer 16 77 1891 22 Powers 14 77 1891 21 Qualifications 1 39 1893 34 Repeal of former acts 2 39 1893 34 Report 25 77 1891 23 Term of office 1 39 1893 31 Vacancy 13 77 1891 21 CITY SCHOOLS— Adjacent territory may be attached 8 77 1891 20 Attached territory to elect members of Board of Education 8 77 1891 20 Certificate of teachers (proviso) 13 25 1891 7 Children between 5 and 7 years of age 7 77 1891 20 Board of Education. (See city Board of Education) Bonds. (See City School Bonds.) City schools to be bodies corporate 9 77 1891 20 City schools to be non -sectarian'. 27 77 1891 23 City schools property to be exempt from taxation 28 77 1891 23 Compulsory school attendance 42 25 1891 16 Conveyance of property 10 77 1891 20 Diplomas. (See Diplomas.) Equal taxation extensive to attached territory. . . 8 77 1891 20 Length of school month and day 44 25 1891 17 Length of school term 7 77 1891 J9 Procedure for attaching adjacent territory 8 77 1891 20 Procedure in property conveyances 11 77 1891 20 Repealof former laws..... 37 77 1891 25 Schools to be free 7 77 1891 19 CITY SCtJOOL BONDS— Bonds to be submitted to vote (proviso) 29 77 1891 24 Elections 29 77 1891 24 Election for bonds 30 77 1891 24 Form of bonds 31 77 1891 24 Guaranty of bonds (proviso) 34 77 1891 25 Interest 29 77 1891 24 Interestdue 33 77 1891 25 Limit of denomination 31 77 1891 24 Limit of levy for interest (proviso) 32 77 1891 25 Register of bonds 35 77 1891 25 Index. 39 Year Page 1891 24 1891 24 1891 24 1891 24 1891 24 1891 25 1891 IG 1891 16 1891 16 1891 11 1891 16 1891 16 1891 16 CITY SCHOOL BONDS- CONCLUDED. sec Chap. Return of election for bonds 30 77 Sinking fund 32 77 Specifications on bonds 31 77 Pay levy for interest 32 77 Time limit of bonds (proviso) 29 77 Time limit for levy of sinking fund (proviso) 32 77 COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE— Disposal of fines 42 25 No time of residence required 42 25 Penalty 42 25 Persons who can attend school 22 25 Poor children to be provided with books (Proviso) . 42 25 School must be attended for three months at least . 42 25 School directors to give written notice 42 25 School to be within two miles of residence (Pro- viso) 42 25 1891 16 COUNTY BOARD OF EXAMINERS— By whom appointed (proviso) 13 25 By whom constituted (proviso) 13 25 Grades of certificate (proviso) 13 25 Per diem pay (proviso) 13 25 Quorum (proviso) 13 25 Requirement of Spanish (proviso) 13 25 COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT— Annual report 14 25 Apportionment of funds 13 25 Duties 12 25 No funds where school has not been taught three months (proviso) 13 25 Notification to be given him of temporary funds. 2 59 Oath 12 25 Pay 3 77 Penalty for not making annual report 15 25 Procedure for forming new school district 14 25 Term of office 11 25 To be elected 11 25 To be a member of the county board of examiners (proviso) 13 25 Vacancy of school directors to be filled by him.. . 20 25 Visits to school districts (proviso) 13 25 DIPLOMAS— Issued by San Miguel College to be valid 1 31 Issued by Territorial institutions 10 19 1891 7 1891 8 1891 8 1891 8 1891 8 1891 8 1891 8 1891 7 1891 7 1891 7 1893 35 1891 7 1891 19 1891 8 1891 8 1891 7 1891 7 1891 7 1891 10 1891 7 1893 31 1893 30 40 Index. EXEMPTION FROM TAXATION See. chap. Year Page City school property 28 77 1891 23 Classes of exempt property 5 77 1891 19 Conditions of $200 limit 1 G 1893 26 Repeal of former laws 2 G 1893 26 Two hundred dollars limit 1 G 1893 2G GAMING LICENSES- Penalty (proviso) 1 30 1893 31 To be covered into county school fund (proviso).. 1 30 1893 31 NORMAL SCHOOLS— Appointment of board of regents 3 19 1893 28 Board to be a body corporate 3 19 1893 28 Bond of secretary and treasurer 4 19 1893 28 Control 3 19 1893 28 Diplomas 10 19 1893 30 Duties of president 7 19 1893 29 Duties of secretary 7 19 1893 29 Funds, how to be applied 9 19 1893 29 Limit of indebtedness 9 19 1893 30 Meetings 5 19 1893 28 Organization 4 19 1893 28 Per diem pay and mileage 8 19 1893 29 Power of board of regents G 19 3893 28 Qualifications of regents 3 19 1893 28 Sites of normal schools 2 19 1893 27 Tax levy 9 19 1893 29 Title in fee simple 2 19 1893 28 Towns where to be established 1 19 1893 27 POLL TAX— Clerk to collect tax 36 25 1891 15 County assessor to make poll tax lists 36 25 1891 15 Payment of poll tax not a requisite for voting. ... 2 2 1893 2G REAL ESTATE— School districts can take and hold property 39 25 1891 15 Site not to exceed one acre (proviso) 39 25 1801 15 Title by condemnation 40 25 1891 IG Validity of transfers made 1 15 1893 27 SCHOOL BOOKS— Adoption by Territorial Board of Education 1 64 1891 17 Contracts 1 64 1891 17 Exclusivepower of Territorial Board of Education 4 64 1891 18 Monthly settlements of accounts 2 64 1891 17 Index. 41 SCHOOL BOOKS -CONCLUDED. see. chap. Penalties 4 64 Recommendation of school books 7 25 Report 2 G4 Sale of books for cash 2 64 Supply 2 64 Time limit of books 3 64 SCHOOL DIRECTORS— Certificate of election 19 25 Contracts to be made for amounts above $200 26 77 Duties .* 20 25 Election 19 25 Election of chairman 20 25 Election of clerk 20 25 Election for tax levy 22 25 Employment and pay of teachers (proviso) 22 25 Enumeration (proviso) 22 25 Estimate of expenses 22 25 Hours of election 19 25 Notice of election 19 25 Oath of directors 19 25 Penalties 22 25 Persons who can attend schools (proviso) 22 25 Powers 21 25 Qualification of voters 19 25 Report of clerk (proviso) 22 25 Special tax for sinking fund (proviso) , 22 25 Tax levy 21 25 Teachers' wages 21 25 Vacancies how to be filled 20 25 Validity of transfers made 1 15 Warrants not to be in excess of one year's levy (proviso) 22 25 1891 10 SCHOOL DISTRICTS— Boundaries. (See Board Boundary Commission.) Certificate of enumeration (proviso) 41 25 Contiguous communities may form school district 41 25 Division of assets and liabilities 18 25 Each school district to be a body corporate 17 25 Establishment of school districts 16 25 Formation of new school district 18 25 Procedure for forming new school district 14 25 School district can borrow money 28 25 Studies to be taught 16 25 Validity of property, transfers made 1 15 Year Page 1891 18 1891 6 1891 17 1891 17 1891 17 1891 18 1891 9 1891 23 1891 10 1891 9 1891 10 1891 10 1891 10 1891 11 1891 11 1891 10 1891 9 1891 9 1891 9 1891 11 1891 11 1861 10 1891 9 1891 11 1891 10 1891 10 1891 10 1891 10 1893 27 1891 16 1891 16 1891 9 1891 9 1891 9 1891 9 1891 8 1891 12 1891 9 1893 27 42 Index. SCHOOL FUND— See. Chap. Year Page Advertisement and sale of bonds 29 25 1891 13 Amendment of Sec. 13, Chap. 25, Law 1891 1 77 1891 18 Application of sinking fund (proviso) 30 25 1891 13 Apportionment 24 25 1891 12 Apportionment by county school superintendent. 13 25 1891 7 Bond of county treasurer 25 25 1891 12 Bond of Territorial Treasurer 26 25 1891 12 Bonds to be submitted to voters 29 25 1891 13 Bonds not sold 29 25 1891 13 Building bonds (proviso) 29 25 1891 13 Duty of tax collector 27 25 1891 12 Denomination and time limit of bonds 29 25 1891 13 Exemption. (See Exemption from Taxation.) Form of bonds 29 25 1891 13 Fund to be paid to county treasurer 1 77 ]891 18 Former Indebtedness. (See Adjustment.) Gaming. (See Gaming Licenses.) How to be expended.. 24 25 1891 12 Interest on bonds 28 25 1891 12 • Levy for school purposes 31 25 1891 13 Limit of indebtedness 28 25 1891 13 Lowest selling price of bonds (proviso) 29 25 1891 13 No funds where school has not been taught for at least three months (proviso) 13 25 1891 7 Penalty of tax collector 27 25 1891 12 Proceeds of &ale of bonds 29 25 1891 13 Requisites necessary to bond issue 32 25 1891 14 School districts can borrow money 28 25 1891 12 School tax 24 25 1891 11 Sinking fund levy 30 25 1891 13 Temporary funds. (See Temporary Funds.) Time limit of school bonds 28 25 1891 12 Time limit of sinking fund levy (proviso) 30 25 1891 13 Territorial Auditor to keep separate account 27 25 1891 12 SCHOOL MONTH— Length of day 44 25 1891 17 Length of month 44 25 1891 17 SCHOOLS NON-SECTARIAN 27 77 1891 23 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION— Annualreport 9 25 1891 Appointment .* 3 25 1891 5 Archive 6 25 1891 6 Blanks and forms 8 25 1891 6 Index. 43 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION — CONCLUDED. See. Chap. Year Paj?e Delivery of office to successor 10 25 1891 7 Oath 5 25 1881 6 Office 10 25 1891 6 Publication of school laws 8 25 1891 6 Recommendation of text books 7 25 1891 6 Salary 3 25 1891 5 Secretary Board of Education 2 25 1891 5 Term 3 25 1891 5 To hold teachers' institute 6 25 1891 6 Traveling expenses 3 25 1891 5 Visits. 6 25 1891 6 TEACHERS'— Amendment of Sec. 1 Chap. XII, Laws 1889 1 10 1893 27 Diplomas. (See Diplomas.) Directors to employ teachers' (proviso] 22 25 1891 11 Examination. See County Board of Examiners. Knowledge of Spanish 13 25 1891 8 Penalties for not keeping record ; 23 25 1891 11 Record of school 23 25 1891 11 Studies to be taught 16 25 1891 9 Term report 23 25 1891 11 Wages to be paid by school directors 21 25 1891 10 Warrants to be signed by two directors 23 25 1891 11 TEACHERS' NORMAL INSTITUTE— Expenses, how to be defrayed 4 50 1893 34 Length of time 2 50 1893 34 Objects 1 50 1893 34 Supt. of Public Instruction to hold institute 6 25 1891 6 Supervision 1 50 1893 34 Time and places 2 50 1893 34 Tuition free 2 50 1893 34 TEMPORARY FUNDS— Amended 35 25 1891 14 Amount to be paid to county treasurer 1 59 1893 34 Fines 1 59 1893 34 Forfeitures 1 59 1893 34 Intestate 1 59 1893 34 Liquor licenses 1 59 1893 34 Lost and Estrays 1 59 1893 34 Notification to county school superintendent 2 59 1893 34 44 Index. i TERRITORIAL BOARD OF EDUCATION- Sec. chap. Year Page Meetings 1 25 1891 5 Payment of expenses 2 77 1891 18 President 2 25 1891 5 Secretary 3 25 1891 5 Text book. See School Books. TRANSFER OF SCHOOL PROPERTY - Validity of transfers made 1 15 1893 21 UNITED STATES STATUTES— Teaching of physiology and hygiene in reference to alcohol and narcotics 30 UNIYEESITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. APR m 8i2' 20wi-l,'22 HU3 I /:/ . /^r/ \s /i /■! ^D 01383 f-