SAiCtOfT LWRA8Y . Copper temporary bench mark, consisting of a nail and copper washer. A, C, and E, Tablets for stone or concrete structures. F, Iron post used where there is no rock. SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA, 1897 TO 1916, INCLUSIVE. E. B. MAHSHATJ,, Chief (Geographer. INTRODUCTION. Previous publication. All results of spirit leveling in Nevada pre- viously published by the United States Geological Survey in Bulletin 488 and all the results of later work are included in this report. The elevations are based on 1912 adjustment heights of bench marks along the precise-level lines of the United States Coast and Geodetic riuI. ---The field work previous to 1903 was done under the uvneral direction of K. IT. (inode. geographer; that for 190o to IDOIJ. , nclusive. under K. M. Douglas, geographer; that for 1907 under K. 15. Marshall. geographer: and the later work under T. G. Gerdine :-nd (i. K. Davis, geographers, under the general direction of Iv. B. Marshall, chief geographer. The names of the respective levelmen .,re given in the introductions to the several lists. The office work of computation, adjustment, and preparation of lists was done mainly by S. S. (lannett. geographer, under the general direction of K. M. Douglas, geographer. f'/t/xMttiff/fjvH. The elevations are classified as precise or primary, according to the methods employed in their determination. Precise rle\ at ions are determined by lines of levels run either in both forward and backward directions or by simultaneous double-rodded lines, a high-grade instrument being used and special precautions being taken in observations and reduction to correct errors and make the line con- tinuously good throughout. Primary elevations are determined with the Y level, precautions being taken against only the principal errors and the levels being run mostly in circuits of single lines. The allowable limit of error observed in the precise work already done by the Geological Survey in this State is represented in feet by 0.017 yD and that for primary work by 0.05 V^, in which D is the length of the circuit in miles. /ff/ir/t marks. The standard bench marks are of two forms. The first form is a circular bronze or aluminum tablet (C and #, PL I), :ii inches in diameter and \ inch thick, having a 3-inch stem, which is cemented in a drill hole in solid rock in the wall of some public building, a bridge abutment, or other substantial masonry structure. The >ccond form (F, PI. I), used where masonry or rock is not avail- 5 6 SIM III I l.KVKI.I N<; IN able, consists of a hollow wrought-iron post : f >\ inches in outer diam- eter ;m L r i\e :i firm bearing in the earth, and a bronze or aluminiim-bron/e eap i- riveted upon the top of the post. A third style of bench mark, with abbreviated lettering (B and I>. I'l. I), is used for uniniporlani point>. Thi- con-i-t- of a special <-upper nail H inches in lei driven through a copper washer i inch in diameter. 'I'he tablet well a.- the -aps on the iron post.- are appropriately lettered, and cooperation bv a State UB indicate mined by the levelmnn. These numbers are >taui]>ed with ^-inch ! dies on the tabletfl or post cap-, to the left of the word M !' The oftiee adjustment of the notes and the reduction to mean le\el datum max 90 change some of the figure- thai the original markings are 1 or- -J feet in error. It if | thai engineers and others who have occasion to use the bench-mark elevations will a]pl\ to the Director of the I'nited States Geological Sm\e\. at \N ii'glon. I). ('.. for the adju>te<| values, and will n.-e the markiiiL' identilication number- <>nl\ . /ftifu/n. All ele\ation> detfrmined by the I'nite.i .col o gi-al Survey and Tinted BUttfl CoMt and >> I /'-v //" em /,,*',,!, ,,,!. It i> determined from observation- made by me of tidal iraii'e- placed at station- where loeal condition-, such a- ! narrow bays. ri\-r-. and like features, will not affect the height of the water. To obtain even approximately correet results tl, tion- niu-t extend <>\ei' at lea-t one lunar month, and if accura- de-ired they must extend OVM several years. At ocean station-- the half tide level and the mean sea level usually differ but little. It i- assiimed that there is no difference hetween the mean sea le determined from oh*ervatioiis in the Atlantic Ocean, the (inlf ali (Cal.-Xev.). 1 Kawich. 1 "Lake Tali >e and virinitv ( ('a l.-NVv.)/ I'HKt ISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. Aura. Battle Mountain. Bridgeport, Bristol Range, Camp Mohave, Carson Sink, Cedar Pass, Cobre, Deeth, Elko, Ely Special, Furnace Creek, Gold Creek, Hal- leek, Hawthorne. Highland, Ivanpah, Jean, Kawich, Kumiva, Las Vegas, Lida, Lovelocks, Mill City. Palisade, Panaca, Pioche, Pyramid, Reno, St. Thomas, Silver Peak. Stonehouse, Tonopah, Wabuska, Wadsworth, Wellington, White Mountain, White Plains, and Winnemucca quadrangles. n.AKk. < III l llli.l.. KSMKKAIJH, KLKO, KIKKKA, III MICOI.DT. LANDKK. I-I\
    , I. YON. MI\KRAI<. >VK. OKMSRY, STOREY, WASHOE, ANH WHITE 1MNK COrXTIES. AURA QUADRANGLE. [L.-itituae 41 30'-4L' ; lonffitnde llr 1HT />()'.] From a point 4.5 miles north of Owyhee south along: highways to a point 1.1 miles south of that place, thence southwest 8.4 miles, thence northwest 6.1 miles to northeast corner of T. 46 N.. R. 50 E., thence north to Idaho-Nevada State line. Primary leveling by General Land Office, 1911-12. Elevations im- and therefore unreliable. . 3.SS i.iilos north of. ' 1'ei't cast of center of road, in sage Feet. brush Hat; hub marked U E" - R. 850. 12 * out of print. 1 Amni-KMsn map InHiulcR Kawich sheet and parts of Kallarat, Furnace Crook, and I.Ida sheets. shows wooded areas. nlte National I'ark map includes part of Bridgeport sheet. 4 Lak- Taboo and rfrinity map Incltidos Tarson and Markleevlllo slioi-ts. 8 SPIRIT LEVELING IX NEVADA. i\ \II.M-. LMK1 miles north of, on low summit. west (f house at t'out of Feet, mountain, 4 feet west of center of road : hub marked "IV 5,359.50 Owyhee, 2.22 miles north of. o.J." mile northwest of missionary's cabin, 5 feet east of center of road ; hub marked " C " 5, 3f rond; huh marked " B " .' < >\\ \hee. mil< north of, 60 feet south of gate, in grass rtat 6 i east of center of road; 1-inch hub marked "A" 5,379.03 Owyhee, 30 feet west of front door of Indian school and dormi- tory i '-' feet south of gate. 2 feet inside of fence; standard i-u< -h- mark post No. 3T, marked "5430" 5.430.801 Owyhee, 0.16 mile southwest of, in front of Indian house, west side of walk; marked rock 5,40:; Owyhee, 0.74 mile southwest of, 1 foot east of fence lino, near blaze*! post; red mat-kill rock 5,404.80 Owyhee, 1.16 miles southwest of, at first turn to left after erossim: bridge over Owyhee River, on right side of road to Owyhec. almost Hush vith irround: sapling hub 5.400.69 Owyhee, 2 miles southwest of, on south side of ^nall l.ridu'c, \ inch above floor nmrkeuth.-:i-t .-oni.-r .if Moor of small bridge; spike r,39; Owyhee, 3.3 miles southwest of. on Moor on left \\ summit. 1 mile northeast of iiilc Ck)UC, 4 feet north of center of ni.lanl hen. h- n.ark post No. 34 mar, : " (>\\yhee, 5.8 miles southwest of, .T.~. fei-t iK-nh of < .-nter of roa.l near base of Volcanic Gone. s-i Hush \\ith ground: top of 1-inch hul " II" n\\\hee. <;.T miles southwest of, 4 feet south of center of ro ;i mile.* vouilieaM of. on side hill -. |KR T. 4 T. 4ii N.. K. .".1 I-... northwest cornel". 'J.! miles southeast of. at end of i-iK-ky ;>oint. 1.~ feet west .f erek bed : Make T. 1C. N.. i:. ."il I-:., nortliuest corner. 1.x mile- vomheaM of; -tak- ".."'1.". H T. 40 N.. I!. -~>1 K.. northwest corner. !.." miles southeast of. on summit ast of rim rock: stake T If. N.. K. .".1 K.. northwest corner. t.! mile southeast of; stake " { ;; V. K. :.l F... northwest corner. d.'J mile -.mlieast of. in drain; slake ' 990, 08 i; and 47 N., IN. .".<> ans T. 47 N., R. 51 E., 0.7 mile north of southwest corner of sec. 18, 400 feet west of drain near pile of large rocks; stake 5,708.44 T. 47 N., II. 51 E., 0.2 mile north of southwest corner of see. 7. on west slope of rim; stake 5,759.07 T. 47 N., R. 51 E., 0.5 mile south of northwest corner of sec. 7 ; stake _ 5, 863. 57 T. 47 N., R. 51 E., 20 feet west of northwest corner of sec. 7 ; stake 5, 858. 18 T. 47 N., R. 51 E., northwest corner of, 800 feet north of old lake bed. on small rise, 0.5 mile north of rocky swell on ridge; standard bench-mark post, marked "5892" 5,893.728 From point near Owyhee southeast along highway toward Mountain City. Owyhee, 1.16 miles southeast of, on east side of road to Owyhee. at first turn in road to left after crossing bridge over Owyliee River. set almost flush with ground; sapling hub 5, 400. 09 Owyhee, 1.64 miles southeast of, west side of road ; on rock 5, 418. 53 Owyhee, 2.16 miles southeast of, south side of road ; on rock 5, 424. 82 Owyhee, 2.7 miles southeast of, on knoll, north of road, driven on ban- spot; peg 5. 430. 35 Ou-yhoe, 3.4 miles southeast of, 0.25 mile southeast of rocky point, 100 yards north nf Owyhce River, 200 yards west of .junction with creek from north, 0.5 mile west of mountain with triple lava ledges, 20 feet southwest of southwest comer of small cabin; standard bench-mark post stamped "5452" 5,453.400 Owyhee, 4.23 miles southeast of. 30 fret southwest of second telephone pole from bottom; top of rock 5.400.51 Owyhee. miles soui beast of. east of big crag on west, in circle of roeks north side of rocky crag; rock 5,474.28 Owyhee, 5.43 miles southeast of, 15 feet south of trail, chiseled circle around bench mark; point on rock 5,459.90 Owyhee, 5.6 miles southeast of, 1.5 miles above cabin, north of black rock ledge. Island Unite south of creek good dam site, at second ford of main creek; water level 5, 449. Owyliee, 0.4 miles southeast of, 0.5 mile west of junction of roads, 0.25 mile north of rocky ledges. 2hee. 12.4 miles southwest of, 4 feet west of center of road i r>ck bluff on west; hub ________________________________________ 5. ~,:;o 7" owyheo, TJ.7 miles southwest of, 1 mile southwest of round-top; tiill. on summit opposite l\v rocky bluff on west, 6 feet east <>f .liter of mad : -tiitidard lM>lirh-in:irk post No. 32, Stain: 5601 ________________________________________________ BATTLE MOUNTAIN QUADRANGLE. i' :W 41: 11J- :;n H7M From Ladoga west along Southern Pacific R. R. to Battle Mountain. (Precis* leveling by U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) f.;nl..L-ji. O.o iiiili* rji-i of station sitfii. 7.~ meter- en si .-I nni. !- ."I 10 meters south of Southern I in top ,.f >tone po*f ; i.., n. .tn of siju.-ire Imli- i < '. A (', S. 1.. i, ___________ 4,061. '_' 1 1 I :IIT.-|. li'ii met. -i-" i-asi .,i -.i.-ition vi^u. ]u , . ^t of section tool hoi. _' in. in- north of tra '::. n > meter north of south lii MNlUl "f tra. -U. in top of stone po>i : l.ottom of M|iiare hole '. \ <;. S. I,, m. I - uta. KHI metei-x -a>t .-I \\.--t |.oint of rnilroa.l 1.5 meters north of south lin> -He fran.- !\\.-llin- painteil white, in to], of stone post : iMiitoin of S i|ii.-ire hole . S. h. in. J.) ___________________________________________________ 1 i:..sii\ . .",M met. -.nth of mile] |v_'. in top"f stone post ; bottom of square Ijole '. ,V: <;. S. I., in. K.)_ 4, 525. 'ir, l.attle Mountain, mi s.uit huesiern ....... t" four cpntral COHCD pillars uixler milroail water tank. ."^ meter- W( metal .lisk '. \ ;. S. I., m. U) _________________________________ 4. r.1 P.attle .Mountain, about 1 .' miles northwest 'f. lit milep..-i 171. r>1.5 meters north of track. !>.1 meters south of the north line fe: In top of stone IM.-I : l.otK.m of s< ( uare h" 1 . ' < \<; s I. n .M. i ___ 4,50.': BRIDGEPORT QUADRANGLE. (LHiitiule 88*-.t8* :wr : lunuinulf ii'. ; From point on State line at Bridgeport-Sweetwater stake road east to junction of East Walker River and Bodie Creek. (Leveling by C. M. Weston in 1909.) l.'l.T miles northeast <>\. <>\\ < 'alifornist-Ne\ aola Slate line. sur\.-\ ..f isT.'t. L'.". feet \\e-i of n:nl : iron po-t st:mi]MMl "68 I'.riMirt'port. 1.". inilrs northeast of, 700 feet north of Fulsome -Kred erick's ranch, in field. :?' feet east of ro:nl. on boulder: ehisrled - painted M 68MI M _______________ 5,887.88 Sweelwater. .". miles southeast of. M t P. .1. Conway's ranch. 30 feet northward of north\\esi corner <>f !i-"i-e. at o.rner of foin-p : iron post stamjH'd .".Sl'1 " _______________ _________________________ 5, 8H PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 11 Fletcher, 16.6 miles northwest <>f. on iron bridge over East Walker River, at southeast corner; seventh outside bolt from bottom of Feet, east girder, painted white, marked "5773 " 5. 700. 37 Fletcher, 15.2 miles northwest of, 30 feet west of sharp bend in road at west end of cut-off, 5 feet south of and 3 feet above road, on ledge; chiseled square painted "5826" 5.819.27 Fletcher, 14.4 miles northwest of, at summit in road, west of The Klbow, 15 feet south of road ; iron post stamped " 5891 " 5, 883. 934 Fletcher, 13.6 miles northwest of, on east side of road, 75 feet east of deep draw and 125 feet south of bend in road, 10 feet from center of roa$, on 3-foot boulder ; chiseled square painted " 5X52 "__ 5, 844. 85 Fletcher, 12.9 miles northwest of, on steep grade west of The Elbow, at ditch crossing. 8 feet north of road, on boulder; chiseled square painted "584L" 5,834.85 The Elbow, teaming station, 3 feet from southwest corner of John ('umpton's house; iron post stamped "5631" 5,624.095 Fletcher, 10 miles northwest of, at Wheeler's ranch, junction of Hodie Greek and East \Yalker River. .T> feet south of southwest corner of house; iron post stamped "5585* 1 5.578.204 BRISTOL RANGE QUADRANGLE. [Latitude XK-38 15'; longitude 114 :SO'-114 45'.] From point 4.8 miles north of Pioche along highways northwest to Bristol Pass, thence southwest to Bristol Well, thence south 6.1 miles. (Primary leveling by Roscoe Reeves in 1915.) Pioclie. 5.11 miles northwest, of, 3.5 miles north of railroad crossing, 15 feet south of fork of road* to "Prince Consolidated mine," east margin of road ; iron post stamped " 5839 " 5, 839. 133 Pioche, 7 miles northwest of. 4.0 miles north of railroad crossing, 275 feet south of second-class road forks to southwest, west margin of road; chiseled square in limestone ledge, painted "5863" 5. 8. 727 .lack Rabbit mine, 4.4 miles southeast of, 50 feet south of summit of long rise in road, 10 feet west of road ; copper nail in cedar stump painted " .",039 " 5, 939. 22 Jack Rabbit mine, 2.75 miles southeast of, at T road forks west, 20 feet northwest of center of forks, in top of lime rock placed flush with ground; bron/e tablet stamped "5953" 5,952.942 .Jack Rabbit mine. 1.75 miles southeast of, 50 feet southwest of second- class road crossing: ]M>int of small rock 3 inches high, painted "5991 ' 5,000.92 Jack Rabbit mine. 1 mile southeast of, in southeast corner of stone house. 1.3 feet above ground; scrap of iron driven between stones, painted " liox:; " ft, O81. 97 lack Rabbit mine. 200 feet east of saloon. 15 feet south of street, in limestone le.lge, ilnsli with ground; bronze tablet stamped " 6,446 " 6. 445. 823 Jack Rabbit mine, 1.4 miles north of, 0.3 mile south of road forks, top of hill, east side of road; copper nail in cedar stump painted " 8.173 "__ _ G. 172.33 1'J SPIKII l.K\ Kl.! Mr IN NKVADA. .lack Uahhii mill*'. L' miles north of, in southeast corner . 18 feet from center of crossiir.:. on (op of placed I-.M-U .", inch, B(t; chiseled square painted "f,.i;i9" ti. i P.ristol Pass, hi-hest point of. 1 lo feet north\\e>t of roa.l forks, 1~. feet north mile >oinh of. in southwest corner of road foi U-. ..n top of placed ro,-u .-il.oni 7 inches expose :-,!,. paiiiiel sG" .\S5.5:< j:ri.|o| \\ ell. '_'.:{ mil.- -^outli of. \\e-t margin of rontl, on top of small llineMiic rock: painted circle, painted "5.050" D 808 Bristol Well. ::._' mi 1 .- south of. ; ,i \, .\ i., son then at, 10 f. \\e-i of road forks ; iroi !'.ri-|o| \\ ,-H. -1.1 miles south H north ot road foi of roail. on top of lim. , ; painted < it P.rixiol Well. r./J miles M,,,th , north of f.rk . Sprin: B, \\ K -i'!" of ro;,d ; iron post ftMnptd IV i-tol \\ ,-||. ;.] mile< south of. 1 mile south of mail road, top of rock ; painted circle, -..-,. H'l _ :. u>; -s CAMP MOHAVE 1* QUADRANGLE, [latitude :i5-36*; longitude 114*-lir,.] From point 16 miles southeast of Las Vefas along road south to Searchlight, thence southwest along Atchison. Topeka ft Santa Fe 7. 5 miles to State line. (Primary leveling by L. F. Biggs In 1909.) Mite Sprin-'. tl.l miles south of. in road forks, at junction of Searchlight and Hnilroad Pass ronds, in Inva lx)iilder burieil flush with irround: aluminum tablet " 2O49 B 1900 8" 'J . "-I7.WB M.-s|uite SprhiL'. !>.'_' miles south of, east etlge of road, on out- boulder: painted " 2-U'S " , hisel p, I M"s,|uite Sprin-. H.7 miles south of, 50 fe. d, mi summit between Mesqutte Spring and Dry Lake, in Inva rock; aluminum tablet stamped "8M P. l'.X)94" Pry Lake. 2.5 miles north of north edue of. east edge of road, at of rocks, in ledue: chisel point, rock painted "L'lnj" _ nm 7> Pry Lake, north ed.ue of, 100 feet east of forks of Kldorado <'an\on ind Searchlight roads. 50 feet north of well, in lava boulder buried flush with irroun.l : aluminum tablet sunnped "17PJ i 1 Pry Lake, south edtre of, 40 feet south of road. In granite boulder buried flush with ground: popper bolt stamped "I'. S. <;. s. P.. M. 1711 6" 1.7 Pry Lake. 5.2 miles south of. .",0 feef south of road, in .. ".il- der ft Indies above -round : aluminum .mted "LMil'.s p. 7" ,x 4< PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 13 Dry Lake, 9 miles south of, 1,000 feet soutli of series of small washes, Ft. in bunch grass plot 25 feet east of road, in boulder, 6 inches above ground : aluminum tablet stamped "2348 B 1909 8" 2,340. 265 Dry Lake, 11.6 miles south of, 50 feet east of road, on west bank of wash, in boulder 12 inches above ground ; aluminum tablet stamped "2735 B 1909 9" .. 2, 733. 334 Dry Lake. 15.5 miles south of, 13.9 miles north of Searchlight, 15 feet east of road, in granite boulder 4 inches above ground; alumi- num tablet stamped "2949 B 1909 10" 2,947.327 Searchlight. 11.7 miles north of, east edge of road, in base of yucca tree; spike with aluminum tag stamped "3115" 3,113. 17 Seaivhlighi. 10.7 miles north of, in forks of road, at junction of Nelscn and Searchlight roads, in granite boulder 3 inches above ground: aluminum tablet stamped "3165 B 1909 11" 3,103.7X4 Searchlight. 7.2 miles north of, 20 feet west of road, at forks of wash, on north bank of wash, in boulder 6 inches above ground; aluminum tablet stamped "3400 B 1909 12" , 3, 3!>s. U41 Searchlight, 2.2 miles north of, 50 feet east of road, 1,000 feet east of Searchlight mine, in boulder; aluminum tablet stamped "3730 15 1 !'. 13" 3.720.020 Searchlight. 75 feet north of Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ily. sta- tion. i_ feet from telephone pole; iron post stamped "3445 B 1909 14" 3,443. 7sr, Searchlight. 0.5 mile west of, south edge of track, opposite milepost 22, in base of sign post; spike with aluminum tag stamped " 3421 "_ 3, 419. in; Searchlight, 1.0 miles west of, in base of milepost 21; spike with aluminum tag stamped "3405" 3. 404. oi Searchlight, 2.t; miles west of, in base of milepost 20; spike with aluminum tag stamped "3398" 3,390.38 Searchlight, 3.6 miles west of, 100 feet west of milepost 19, north edge of railroad right of way; iron post stamped "3430 B 1909 15 " 3, 429. 010 Searchlight. 4.6 miles west of, in base of milepost 18; spike with aluminum lag stamped "3500" 3.499.03 CARSON SINK QUADRANGLE. [Latitude 39-40 ; longitude J18-119M from Hazen east along Southern Pacific R. R. to Fallen, thence south and east along highways to Salt Well Junction. (Primary leveling by T. P. Pendleton in 1914.) Ha/.en. 1.3 miles east of. road crossing; top of north rail 4,000.6 Hazen. 1.0 miles east of, culvert 289 A; top surface of south end of concrete pier 4, 001. 77 Hazen, 2.2 miles east of. culvert 289 B, on south end of west abut- ment ; marked " B. M. 4006.88" (IT. S. It. S. b. m.) _ 4,003.46 Ha/.en, 2.6 miles east of, culvert 21)0 A. on south end of west abut- ment: marked "4012.52" (U. S. It. S. b. in.) 4, 009. 14 Ha/en, 3.2 miles east of, road crossing; top of north rail 4,021.2 Hiizen, 4.7 miles cast of, culvert 'jlrj A, south end of west concrete abutment : top surface ( T. S. U. S. b. m. marks not distinguished) _ 4,012.34 Mahala. at signboard; 1"P of south rail 4,018.4 Mah:'in. O.5 mile east of, culvert 203 A, south end of west concrete abutment ; top surface ( U. S. K. S. b. in. marks not distinguished). 4,018.13 14 Sl'lHIl LK\ KL1\; IN NKVAI'A. .Mahala, o.H mil> ea.-t ..i. concrete culvert _'!:-{ H ; lop surface of north rml 1. Mahala. J miles east of, steel tinier bridge L".'l A. south end of west concrete abutment : top surface (I*. S. K. S. I., in. mark- not distin- guished) i. Mahala. !'..'{ mile- e.-i-t of. south end of concrete culvert _'..", \. top surface; marked "4028.02" (U. S. R. S. b. in.) 1. "_*. :! Mahala. :',.'_' miles e.-i-t of. -..nth end of concrete culvert 29f B; top surface 4. oir, 7: Mahala, .'5.7 miles east of, south -nd of west .-on. -rete abutment to culvei i 296 \ : top surface (U. S. K. S. marks not distinguished I. "I- ^ Mirage. 11.7 Mirage. O.4 mile -a.i oi. *,,\\\\ { i>nd of \\.--i ,-oiiTct- aluitinciit of cul- vert 297 B, top surface; market I s BlperllMttl I arm. 200 feet east of road, on concrete wall >t uate in eanal : alumimim tablet stamped "A 1914" Fallon, 2.3 miles south of, 55 feet south of road intei S,M tion. \\e-i -i,], of road, in base of telephone i*u> ; spike _ 3. JM^ IM; Fallon. 3.3 miles south of. at T road to eut, >n e.i-t -i.le of telephone pole at bend in line; spike 7 7< Fallon. 4.3 miles south of, at T road t<> MMt, --n e; ( -t -i.le of mad. in telephone pole; spike Fallon. !.'. miles south of. 4 fevt -outh of lU-ekstead's store. at>oiit 35 feet southeast of larire eottonwoost stani|>ed ::!."::.:;." 7 S.I'." i Reclamation Service elevation .",<.%.",. .T>7) MO -'"' Fallon. , r > miles south >y 1 mile east of. southeast <-orn'r of road inter- -ction. In root of larp' <-otton\V(H)d tree; spike Fallnn. T> miles south by 2.1 miles east of. -_M." fe-t east of William Krn-r- resident*, north side of road, n-ar la-e of moie ji-tei-ly of two cottonwiMMl tree-; -pike PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 15 Fallen, 5 miles south by 3.1 miles east of, at T road to north, in base Feet, of telephone pole east of road ; spike 3, 925. 98 Fallen, 5 miles south by 4.2 miles east of, at T road to north, in base of post common to two fence lines ; spike 3, 921. 72 Fallen, 5 miles south by 5.3 miles east of, north side of road, in cross bar on old gate in ditch ; spike 3. 924. 05 G rimes' s ranch, south side of road, at northwest corner of fence in- closing residence; iron post stamped "3927.8 S.P." (Reclamation Service elevation 3927.325) ^ 3,922.859 Junction, in center of forks of road, 5 feet west of signboard reading " Regent 26 miles " ; iron post stamped " 3937 1908 " 3, 929. 750 Salt Well, at northeast corner of Petersen's road house; iron post stamped " 3964 " 3, 956.331 From point 10 miles east of Schurz to Rawhide. (Primary leveling by T. A. Green in 1907-8.) Schurz, 10 miles east and 4.69 miles north of, at summit, 10 feet west of road, in center of divide ; iron post stamped " 4624 " 4, 616. 988 Rawhide, 10 miles northwest of, 8.25 miles west of Fallon-Ravrhide road, 15 feet east of road, on west side of brown rocky butte about 100 feet high ; iron post stamped " 4453 " 4, 445. 718 Rawhide, 5 miles northwest of, 3.15 miles west of Fallon-Rawhide road, 20 feet west of road, on west side of sandy wash ; iron post stamped " 4921 " 4, 914. 073 Rawhide, 1.03 miles north of, 400 feet south of divide, 90 feet east of road, in base of square post marked "Angle Corner-Scalded Cat 1 and 2 " ; spike marked " 5276 " 5, 268. 72 Rawhide, at southeast corner of Physicians and Surgeons Hospital, on south side ; iron post stamped " 5152 " 5, 145. 052 From point near Eagleville north via Bermond stage station and Mountain Well to Stillwater. Monte Cristo, 3.38 miles north of, 5 feet north of road, at point where road makes sharp bend to northwest, in large granite boulder; aluminum tablet stamped "4936" 4,928.795 Eagleville, 3.03 miles north of, 10 feet east of road ; iron post stamped " 5370 " 5, 362. 738 Eagleville, 8.08 miles north of, 30 feet east of road, on east side of wash, in oblong rock ; aluminum tablet stamped " 4710 " 4, 703. 093 Bermond, 7.55 miles south of, at junction with road running south- west to Frenchman's Spring, 30 feet west of forks, 50 feet north- west of signboard reading " Green Springs " ; in rock, aluminum tablet stamped " 4397 " 4, 389. 491 Bermond, 2.46 miles south of, 20 feet west of road, on old dry lake bed; iron post stamped "4155" 4,147.558 Bermond, stage station, in northwest corner of cistern; top of rail, marked " 4163 " 4, 155. 393 Bermond, 2.55 miles northwest of, 30 feet east of road; iron post stamped " 4249 " 4, 241. 974 Bermond, 7.64 miles northwest of, 40 feet east of road, in large oblong boulder ; aluminum tablet stamped " 4611 " 4, 603. 399 Mountain Well, 2.98 miles southeast of, 50 feet east of road, 25 feet west of wash, 300 feet south of point where road parts to go up wash and over hill, in limestone rock ; aluminum tablet stamped 44 5312 " 5, 304. 591 75642 Bull. 65417 2 16 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. Mountain Well, 2.04 miles west of, 40 feet north of road, on south side of wash, in large brown boulder 4 feet by 3 feet by 3 feet; Fet aluminum tablet stamped "5051" " Still water, 6.85 miles east of, on west side of road, in large black boulder; aluminum tablet stamped "4341" 4, 333. T^J Stillwater, 1.69 miles east of, at junction with road running north- east, at signboard reading "Lovelock 65 mile** Wonder 40 n 5 feet south of signboard; iron post stamped "3906" 3,890. in Stillwater, in southeast corner of hotel kept by Charles P. Cirae. ,m east side; aluminum tablet stamped ".TJ12" 3. \*n . 4TJ Stillwater, Cirac's hotel, at front entry ; top of stone doorsill From Stillwater west toward Fallon (double-spur line). 1 Stillwater, 1.66 miles west of, 1,000 feet west of Dalton's house, feet north of road, 50 feet west of second-class road running north : iron post stamped "3904.755 Feb. 20, 1908" < Uerlamation Service elevation 3904.755 feet) 3,90" Stillwater, 2.66 miles southwest of, 40 feet west of road; point on top of wooden hub driven in ground ; marked "3909.28" (Reclama- tion Service elevation 3900.28 feet) 3,905.57 Stillwater, :t.77 miles southwest of, 100 feet north of road; point on top oLpooden hub driven in -nnind: marked "3911.96" (Reclama- tion Service elevation 3911.96 feet) 3,908.09 Stillwater, 6.59 miles southwest of, 4o tWt north of road. 40 i south of house; iron post stamped "88214 datum s I 1 (Recla- mation Service elevation 3921.6 feet) 3,917.681 From point near Bchnrx northeast via Allen Spring. Junction, and Salt Well to Stillwater. Schurz, 5.6 miles northeast of, 10 feet north of road; iron post stamped " 4340 " 4, 333. 313 Schurz, 10.58 miles northeast of. at t..p of divide, 10 feet east of road; iron post stamped "4798" 4, 790. '.T4 Allen Spring. 5.05 miles south of, at junction with road running northeast. 30 feet east of forks, in black rock; aluminum tablet stamped " 4134 " 4, 126. 608 Allen Spring, at forks of road, 30 feet west of road junction; iron post stamped "4017" 4,009.362 Allen Spring. r>.7'. miles northeast of, 30 feet west of road, 250 f south of point where road goes up to rim of old lake; iron post stamped "3936" 3,928.574 Junction, 5 miles south of, about 2 miles west of main road to Schurz, 15 feet east of road; iron post stamped "3916" 3,908.293 Junction, in center of forks of road. r> feet west ,.f signboard reading "Regent 26 miles"; iron post stamped "3937" 3,929.750 Salt Well, at northeast corner of Petersen's road house; iron post stamped "3964" 3,956.831 Stillwater, 10.12 miles south of, 30 feet east of road; iron post stamped "4038" 4,030.334 Stillwater, 5.1 miles south of, 30 feet west of road, about 0.25 mile north of where road joins sandy road running north to Stillwater; iron post stamped 3,945.935 1 Bench marks set by the United States Reclamation Service, PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 17 From Bermond stage station east and north to IXL Canyon, thence west to Cox Canyon and south to Stillwater. Fairview, 1 mile north of, at forks of road, 30 feet southeast of road Feet, junction; iron post stamped "4431" 4,423.253 Fairview, 5.37 miles northeast of, at junction of roads running north- east to Wonder, northwest to IXL, and southwest to Bermond, 30 feet southeast of four corners ; iron post stamped " 4250 " 4, 242. 815 Fairview, 10.24 miles north of, at junction with road running south- west to Mountain Well Road, 10 feet east of road junction; iron post stamped "4091" 4,083.995 IXL Canyon signboard, 13.05 miles south of, 10 feet east of road, 800 feet north of dim road running east ; iron post stamped " 3902 " 3, 894. 429 IXL Canyon signboard, 7.95 miles south of, 25 feet east of road, 200 feet south of dim road running northeast; iron post stamped " 3756 " 3, 749. 053 IXL Canyon signboard, 2.87 miles south of, 10 feet east of road ; iron post stamped " 3591 " 3, 583. 860 IXL Canyon signboard, at forks of road, 50 feet south of, on west side of road, in granite rock; chiseled hole; rock marked "3532"_ 3,524.25 IXL Canyon signboard, 2.1 miles west of, 30 feet north of road, 300 feet east of mouth of canyon, in large flat granite boulder ; alumi- num tablet stamped "4023" 4,015.810 IXL Canyon and Cox Canyon, summit at head of, 125 feet north of trail, on top of divide, in limestone rock; aluminum tablet stamped " 6873 " 6, 865. 531 Cox Canyon, 600 feet west of Wilson's and Kelker's houses, 40 feet south of road, in largo limestone boulder; aluminum tablet stamped " 5288 " 5, 281. 023 Cox Canyon, at forks of Stillwater-Shady Run road, 5 feet north of signboard, at northwest angle of forks ; iron post stamped " 3978 "_ 3, 970. 339 Desert Well, 70 feet southwest of, on west side of road, iron post stamped " 3939 " 3, 931. 912 Desert Well, 5.03 miles southwest of, 60 feet west of road ; iron post stamped " 3893 " 3, 886. 053 Stillwater, 3.67 miles northeast of, 50 feet southeast of crossroads; iron post stamped "3897.9 S. I'." (Reclamation Service bench mark) 3, 893. 680 CEDAR PASS QUADRANGLE. [Latitude 41-41 30'; longitude 114 30'-115.] From Valley Pass west along Southern Pacific R. R. to Wells. (Precis* level- ing by the U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Valley Pass, 1 meter south of first telegraph pole east of station, about 15 meters south of track and within the turning wye, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. Z 8 ) 6, 070. 237 Valley Pass, near, about 3.7 telegraph poles east of milepole 640, 75 meters west of crossing, 29.3 meters north of track, 1.4 meters south of north line fence, on top of iron post ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. A,) _ 6, 075. 431 18 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. Icarus, 44 meters north of milepole 638, 60 meters north of main line of railway, 1.2 meters south of north line fence, in top of stone Feet post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. B 4 ) 6,099.870 Icarus, near, 50 meters west of milepole 365, on east slope of hill at east end of deep cut, 28.9 meters north of track, about on level with track near set-off stand, 0.9 meter south of north line fence; red- metal disk on top of iron post (C. & G. S. b. m. C 4 ) 6, 152. 304 Pequop, in front of section hands' quarters, 1 meter north of mile- pole 633, 10 meters west ..f section car house No. 44, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. D) 6, 145. 568 Fenelon, about 30 meters east of railroad station (628.4), 59.5 meters north of main track, in top of stone post ; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. E.) 6, 155. 194 Holborn, near, 2 telegraph poles east of milepole 627, 28 meters north of track, 0.9 meter south of north line fence, red-metal disk on top of iron post (C. & G. S. b. m. F) 6, 125.293 Holborn, 40 meters east of section car house No. 43, 17.1 meters north of main track, 0.8 meter north of white telegraph pole which is 2 telegraph poles east of station sign, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. G.) 6,105.030 Anthony, directly opposite station sign, 6 telegraph poles west of water tank. 29.9 meters south of main track, 1.2 meters north of south line fence, in top of stone post ; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. H) 6,128.626 Moor, 10 meters west of station, 1 meter north of white telegraph pole, 15 meters north of main track and about 1.5 meters below it, in top of stone post ; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. I 4 ) _ 6, 160. 709 Cedar, 35 meters east of station sign, about 2 telegraph poles east and 0.7 meter north of milepole 614. 16.8 meters north of track, in top of stone post ; bottom of square hole (O. & G. S. b. m. J 4 ) 5, 970. 037 K:i\v. 1 meter north of milepole 612, 10.5 meters north of main track, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (O. & G. S. b. m. K 4 ) 5, 830. 480 Wells, 2 niih-s west of, 0.9 meter north of milepole 610, 10 meters north of track ; in stone post ; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. L.) 5,7001 Wells, 1 meter north of telegraph pole opposite east end of station, 12 meters north of main track, in top of stone post ; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. M 4 ) 5,628 Wells, in western one of two northernmost concrete pillars under rail- road water tank; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. N 4 ) 5,627.932 Wells, near, on east slope of hill at east end of deep cut, 8 telegraph poles west of milepole 607, 65.5 meters north of track, 1.3 meters south of north line fence, on top of iron ]>"st : r.-,i MMMM! ole 600, 4.5 telegraph poles west of Western Pacific milepole 7K>. 29.1 meters south of Western Pacific track. .",.",.. ~i meters south of Southern Pacific tm- north of south line fence, in top of stone po3. 263 Nardi, near, 0..~ mile \ve>t of west end of vi.iin-. rj telegraph ]K>les \\est of Southern Pacific milepole ."'..".. is telegraph poles u--: f Western Pacific milepole 7<>1. 7.". m- -rial t..wer 5948, and 27.1) meters north of Southern Pacific track, 32.3 meter- north of Western Pacific track and <.<) meter south of Its north line fence, in top of stone post ; bottom of square hole (C.& G. S. b. m. S 4 ) _ 5, 39f>. 1 - l Deeth, about 1 mile east of, about 200 meters west of \vl Southern Pacific R. R. begins to diverge from \\VMeni Pa.m, i; 3 telegraph poles west of Southern Pacific milepole 592, 7 telegraph poles west of Western Pacific milepole 701, 4.3 meters south of Southern Pacific track, 5.6 meters north >f \\ ^i.-rn Pacific track. on top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. T) 5,852.069 Deeth. o.."i mile west of Southern Pacific R. K. Cation. :5.~> meters . of west end of siding. <.7 meter south 'f lirM telegraph pole oast of signal tower .V.M ..",. i. ',..". meters south of main track, on top !' inm post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. U,) I 7"7 Natchc/.. \ telegraph poles east of milepole IYS7. iii ratine with signal towers T.S71 and .".s7i'. 17.4 meters south of Southern I K. track. 1.7 meters south of south line fence, out si. !- rk-lit ..f \\a\. <>n top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. A G. S. b. in. V.) 5,29a. 7_'l ELKO QUADRANGLE. [Latitude 40 30'-41 ; longitude 115 30'-116M From Elbun southwest alonf Southern Pacific R. R. to Vivian. (Precis* leveling by the U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Elburz, 2.8 meters north of mileiwle .".;:.. iv.i meters north o. truek 20 meters west of section car house No. 38, in top of stone po- bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. XO ". 20-1 Elburz, near, in face of rock at east end of tunnel No. .". north of track and about 0.6 meter above, It; red-metal disk (C. & G. S b. in. Y,) 5,184.696 Kyndon. KM) meters east of station. 12 meters south of track. 1i> meters north of Western Pacific ll\ . track, l meter west of a tele- graph pole, In top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. s b. m. Z) PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 21 Ryndon, near, in top surface of west abutment of bridge No. 25, over Humboldt River, 300 meters east of tunnel No. 3, south of track; Feet, red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. A 5 ) 5,153.080 Osino, 50.7 meters east of section car house No. 36, 0.9 meter east of telegraph pole, 30.3 meters north of main track, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. B 5 ) 5,133.717 Coin, 6.8 meters north of Southern Pacific R. R. milepost 562, 21 me- ters north of main track, about 0.25 mile northeast of Western Pacific milepost 670, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. C) 5,091.519 Elko, about 2 miles east of, 11.8 meters north of milepole 560, 23.5 meters north of Southern Pacific R. R. track, 1.5 meters south of fence, on top of iron post ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. D B ) 5, 075. 013 Elko, about 0.75 mile east of, 8 telegraph poles east of milepole 558, 58.8 meters north of Southern Pacific R. R. track, 1.1 meters south of the north line fence, and about 100 meters east of cattle guard, in top of stone post ; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. E 5 )___ 5, 079. 298 Elko, in top surface at west end of lower step leading to south entrance of Elko County courthouse; aluminum tablet stamped U. S. G. S. (C. & G. S. b. m. F.) 5,066.860 Elko, 50 meters east of signal tower 567.3 at west end of Southern Pacific R. R. siding, 0.5 mile west of railroad station. 12.7 meters north of track and 1.3 meters north of a telegraph pole, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. Gs) 5,055.288 Elko, about 3 miles west of. 1.2 meters north of milepole 555, 15.5 meters north of track, on top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. H 8 )__ 5,040.731 Avenel, near, 1.2 meters north of iuH<>polt> ">;s and 15.6 meters north of track, on top of stono post : red-met nl disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Is)- 5,030. 607 Avenel, 75 meters east of station sign, 30 meters west of crossing, 58.7 meters south of main track, 2.6 meters north of fence, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. in. J 5 ) 5,021.296 Avenel, near, 49 meters north of milepole 550, 64 meters north of track, 1.9 meters south of north line fence, on top of iron post; red- metal disk (C. & G. S. b. in. K 8 ) 5,009.691 Moleen, near, 34 meters north of milepole 548, 48.3 meters north of track, 1.3 meters sou. of north line fence, on top of iron post; red- metal disk (C. & G. S. b. in. L.) 5,008.382 Moleen, 3 telegraph poles west of milepole 546, opposite station sign, 1 meter north of south line fence, 61.3 meters south of main track, in top of stone post ; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. M 5 )___ 4,976. 266 Moleen, near, in top surface of west abutment of railroad bridge No. 24 over Humboldt River, north of track; red-metal disk (C, & G. S. b. m. N B ) 4,972.674 Tonka, near, at mileage distance f)42.fl, in top surface of west abut- ment of bridge No. 21, over Humboldt River, south of track ; top of an iron pin (C. & G. S. b. m. O 8 ) 4,967.831 Tonka, 3.1 meters north of milepole r. Ji_>, 22.4 meters north of main track, 39.2 meters south of north line fence, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. in. P 6 ) 4,962.766 Tonka, near, in top surface of west abutment of railroad bridge No. 20 over Humboldt River, south of track ; top of iron bolt (C. & G. S. b. m. Q B ) 4,956.158 22 SPIRIT I.1.VI.I INi IN NKVADA. Vivian. near, in top surface of east abutment of bridge No. 19 over Humboldt River, south of tracli; top of iron bolt (C. & G. S. Feet, b. m. R.) - 4, 951. 165 From Elko northwest toward Wetland 13.6 miles (part of single spur line). (Primary leveling by General Land Office in 1911-12. Elevations unchecked and therefore unreliable.) Elko, in front of Southern Pacific R. R. depot; top of north rail 5,059.7 Elko, west end of county courthouse, in lower step; aluminum tablet stamped "5066" 5,066.860 Elko, in front of Western Pacific Ry. depot ; top of north rail 5, 056. Elko, 0.15 mile north of, under south -ide of Klko water tank, on concrete block; cross 5,063.00 Elko, 0.79 mile north of, southwest corner of bridge on Klko-Tuscarora road, in top of post; nail 5,123.44 Elko. 1.2 miles north of, on Elko-Tuscarora road, southeast corner of chicken yard, in fence post; nail - .". 177 Elko, 1.5 miles north of, 20 feet west of road ; on rock 5, 194. 76 Klko, 2.62 miles north of, 30 feet west of Elko-Tuscarora road, in 2-inch stake; nail 5,292.58 Klko, ;u-l miles north of, 60 feet east of Elko-Tuscarora road, 1 foot from blazed telephone pole, in stake; nail 5,357.25 Elko, 3.1 miles north of, 60 feet east of road ; standard bench-mark post, marked "6364" 5,364.612 Elko, 4.2 miles north of, 10 feet east lu-.-arora road, near spring, in 2-inch stake; nail 5,488.61 Elko, 5.05 miles north of. 10 feet east of Elko-Tuscarora road. in 2-inch stake; nail 5,631.28 Elko, 5.9 miles north of, in ditch 10 feet west of Elko-Tuscarora road. in 2-inch stake; nail 5,807.48 Elko, 6.2 miles north of, 30 feet east of Elko-Tuscarora road, in 2-iuch stake; nail 5,851.47 Elko, 6.5 miles north of, 15 feet west of Elko-Tuscarora road, on top of ridge; standard benrh -mark jmst. marked "6009" 6,009.911 Elko, 6.7 miles north of, on low hill 25 feet east of Elko-Tuscarora road, in 2-inch stake; nail 6.034.75 Elko, 7.12 miles north of, 200 feet north of spring and 3 feet east of Elko-Tuscarora road, in '_' in. h stake; nail 6,067.89 Elko, 8.18 miles north of, 5 feet west of Elko-Tuscarora road, in 2-inch stake ; nail 6, 462. 32 Elko, 9.01 miles north of, 10 feet west of Elko-Tuscarora road, 5 feet from telephone pole, on top of ridge; standard U'lu-h-mark i>- marked " 6755 " 6, 756. 336 Elko, 10.07 miles north of, 10 feet east of road, in 2-inch stake; nail 6. 765. 07 Elko, 10.5 miles north of, in curve of road, 200 feet north of point of rock, 50 feet west of road; top of rock 6,650.07 Elko, 11.5 miles north of, 20 feet east of road, on low ridge, in 2-inch stake; nail 6.575.68 Elko, 12.09 miles north of, on brow of low ridge, 20 feet east of road; standard bench-mark post 6,489.026 Elko, 12.5 miles north of, 5 feet east of drain, in 2-inch stake; nail.. 6, 389. 9 PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 23 ELY SPECIAL QUADRANGLE. [Latitude 39 14'-39 18' ; longitude 114 53'-115 02' 30'M Railroad datum, not 1912 adjustment. The leveling was done in 1906 by Fred McLaughlin. From Ely to Lane City. Ely, in north face of new courthouse, in east pillar of stone steps; Feet, aluminum tablet stamped " 6422 R. R." 6, 421. 749 Kly, 3 miles west of, 300 feet north of Watsons Spring, and 150 feet north of Siliman's house, in large rock ; aluminum tablet stamped " 6596 " : 6, 595. 845 Lane City, in base of flagpole ; spike 6, 553. 808 From Lane City to point 1 mile south of Copper Flat. Ely, 6 miles west of, 30 feet west of road, in granite rock ; aluminum tablet stamped " 6766 " 6, 765. 762 Copper Flat, 190 feet northeast of concrete reservoir, 175 feet north of southeast corner post of Star claim, bears S. 17 23' B., 1,060 feet, from corner of sees. 9, 10, 15, and 16, T. 16 N., R. 62 E., in con- crete pier 18 inches square standing 1 foot above ground; alumi- num tablet stamped " 7169 " 7, 169. 325 FURNACE CREEK QUADRANGLE. [Latitude 36-37 ; longitude 116-117.] From Pioneer southeast along Las Vegas & Tonopah R. R. to Amargosa. (Precise leveling by U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Pioneer, 3 miles south of, 1 telegraph pole south of milepole 146, 10 meters west of Bullfrog Goldfield R. R. tracks, on the railroad right of way, opposite a farm house 400 meters west of tracks ; red- metal disk in top of stone post (C. & G. S. b. m. Jie) 3,679.648 Hot Springs, 0.75 mile south of, 10 meters west of milepole 149, 20 meters west of Bullfrog Goldfield R. R. ; red-metal disk in top of stone post (C. & G. S. b. m. K, 8 ) 3,528.143 Beatty, 2 miles north of, 3 meters south of milepole 152, 15 meters west of Bullfrog Goldfield R. R. tracks, 50 meters south of crossing of road running toward twin farm houses 250 meters east of tracks; red-metal disk in top of stone post (C. & G. S. b. m. Li.)__ 3,396. 762 Beatty, 100 meters north of station, 50 meters west of crossing of Tonopah & Tidewater R. R., 20 meters south of crossing of road running up town, 0.5 meter east of fence line; red-metal disk in top of stone post (C. & G. S. b. m. M,) 3,284.117 Beatty, in ravine, 100 feet south of principal street, 500 feet north of Beatty Ice & Manufacturing Co.'s plant, in ledge; aluminum tablet stamped "31 U. S. G. S." (C. & G. S. b. m. N,,) 3,307.831 Beatty, 2 miles south of, 0.5 mile south of junction of Las Vegas & Tonopah R. R. and Tonopah & Tidewater R. R., 11 telegraph poles and 25 meters north of milepole 116, 15 meters west of Las Vegas & Tonopah R. R. tracks ; red-metal disk in top of stone post (C. & G. S. b. m. 0,,) 3,167.946 Beatty, 5 miles south of, 20 feet north of milepost 113, iron post stamped "3002 U. S. G. S." (C. & G. S. b. m. P w )__ ._ 3,000. 706 24 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. Beatty, 8 miles south of, 10 feet east of milepost 110; iron post ; stamped "2865 U. S. <;. s. . r. X <;. S. b. m. Qi) - 2. &>. I'.ratty. 11 miles south of, 10 feet north of milepole 107; iron post stamped L'T.", f. S. <;. s." (C. & G. S. b. m. R,.) 2.753.013 Beatty, 14 miles south of, 10 feet north of milepole 104; iron post stamped "2664 U. S. G. S." (C. & G. S. b. m. Si.) 2,662.468 Beatty, 17 miles south of, 10 feet north of milepole 101; iron post stamped "257.-, r. S. <;. s." '. & <;. S. b. m. T,.) 2,573.837 Rosewell, 2 meters east of tracks, in south end of west footing of Las Vi-L r :i< ^ Tonopah It. R. water t:mk; center of outlined square (C. & G. S. b. m. U,.) 2,580 Rosewell, 2 miles southeast of, 10 feet northeast of milepole 98, Iron post stamped " 2587 U. S. G. S." (C. & G. S. b. m. V M ) 2, 5ST>. 149 Rosewell, 3 miles southeast of, 15 meters west of Las Vegas & Tonopah R. R. tracks, 10 meters north of milepole 97; red- metal disk in top of stone post (C. & G. S. b. in. W,.) 2, 565. 845 Rosewell, 5 miles southeast of, 10 feet north <>f milepost 95; Iron post stamped "2582 U. S. G. S." (C. & G. S. b. m. X,.) 2, Rsewell, 8 miles southeast of, 10 feet north of milepost 92; iron post stamp. M! 2048 U. S. G. S." (C. & G. S. b. m. Y,.) 2,646.304 Rosewell. 12 miles ^..utli. n-t <>f. 10 feet east of milepole 88; Iron post stamped ' 2058 U. S. < & G. S. b. m. Z,,) 2,656.947 Amargosa, 11.5 miles northwest of. 3 meters west of milei>ole 86, 15 meters south of Las VefU vV Tonopah K. K. tracks; red-met al disk in top of ston. port (C. & G. S. b. m. A, T ) 2. 7-.'i Amargosa, 9.6 miles west of, 210 feet north of milepole 84; Iron post stamped "2843 U. S. G. S." (C. & G. S. b. ro. B,,) 2,842.229 Am:nL."-.i. .".< miles west of, 10 feet north of milepole 80; Iron post stamped -702 U. S. G. S." (C. & G. S. b. m. C,r) 2,759.762 Amargosa, 3.5 miles west of, 5 meters west of milepole 78, 15 HUM SOUth of I.JK Vegafl \ Ton-.p;,!, K. K tra-ks. red-metal disk on top of stone post (C. & G. S. b. 111. D,,) 2,756.828 Amargosa, 1.6 miles west of, 10 feet north of milepole 76, Iron post stamped "2765 U. S. G. S." (C. & G. S. b. m. E, T ) 2,763. 754 Amargosa, 150 meters east of station and 10 meters north of 1 Vegas & Tonopah It. R. tracks, in SMiithw.-M footing of wHl der- rick; red metal disk ( ( '. A: C. S. b. in. F, T ) 2,777.380 Amargosa, about 2.4 miles east of, 10 feet north of milepole 7H ; iron post stamped "2840 U. S. G. S." (C. ^ m>pah K i: n:i<; -ai disk on top of stone post (C. & G. S. I., m 11,;) 2,896. M- Amargosa, about 6.4 miles east of, 10 feet north of milepole 68; iron post stamped "3034 U. S. G. S." (C. & G. S. b. m. I,,) :: Amargosa, about 10.4 miles east of, 10 feet north of milepole 64 ; Iron post stamped " 3320 U. S. G. S." (C. & G. S. b. m. J, T ) 3, 31& 491 From Fabrump northwest along road to point on State line west of Kinpt Spring. (Primary leveling by L. F. Biggs in 1907.) rahrump, 5.8 miles west of, 600 feet north of Sixmile Spri point of rock hill at entrance of cave, in 1-1^-; aluminum tal'.-t stamped _:,.;,; r. UNIT" 2,5V- Kings Spring. r,r, mih-s -ast of, 20 feet south of in led;:.- ; alumi- num tablet stamped " l^tt U 1'.M7" PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 25 Kings Spring. 150 feet north of, in ledge; aluminum tablet stamped Feet. "2315 B 1907" 2,314.044 Kings Spring, 4.4 miles west of, at junction of roads; iron post stamped " 2172 B 1907 " 2, 171. 985 From Kings Spring north toward Amargosa. Amargosa, 12.3 miles south of, 200 feet north of road, in ledge ; aluminum tablet stamped " 2488 B 1907 " 2, 487. 059 Amargosa, 8 miles south of, in bed of dry lake, 40 feet north of road ; iron post stamped " 2331 B 1907 " 2, 329. 387 From point on State line near Daylight Springs, Cal., northeast along road to Bullfrog. Bullfrog, 4.6 miles south of, 20 feet east of road ; iron post stamped . " 3560 B 1907 " 3, 568. 486 Bullfrog, 1.5 miles south of, 20 feet east of road; iron post stamped " 3472 B 1907 " 3, 480. 185 Bullfrog, southeast corner of Senator Stewart's land office ; iron post stamped " 3575 100 " 3, 569. 734 From Bullfrog southeast along Las Vegas & Tonopah R. R. via Amargosa to point 14.4 miles east of Amargosa. Bullfrog, 4.6 miles southeast of, 1,000 feet southeast of South Bullfrog saloon, at junction of road ; iron post stamped " 3139 B 1907 " 3, 137. 262 Amargosa, 14.4 miles east of, 10 feet north of milepost 60; iron post stamped " 3628 B 1907 " 3, 627. 171 From point 2.2 miles northwest of Currie Well (Mud Springs) southeast to Bullfrog. (Primary leveling by Ress Philips in 1905.) Mud Springs. 2.2 miles north of, 30 feet east of road, on south side of deep ravine ; iron post stamped " 25 " 4, 392. 499 Mud Springs, at stage station, 3 feet north of northeast corner of office; iron post stamped "26" 4,399.499 Mud Springs, 3 miles south of, on summit, 50 feet east of road, 12 feet south of telephone pole; iron post stamped "27" 4,638.730 Original. 0.5 mile southeast of, at forks of roads on small ridge be- tween two ravines ; iron post stamped " 28 " 3, 848. 613 From Bullfrog southeast 1.6 miles, thence northeast to Beatty. Beatty. l.r. miles west of, 800 feet east of Beatty-Bullfrog and Beatty- Rhyolite roads, 15 feet south of road, in boulder ; aluminum tablet stamped " 30 " 3, 544. 970 Beatty, in ravine. 100 feet south of principal street, 500 feet north of Beatty Ice & Manufacturing Co.'s plant, in ledge; aluminum tablet stamped " 31 ". 3, 307. 831 From road fork west of Beatty west via Montgomery-Shoshone mine and Rhyo- lite to Bullfrog. Montgomery-Shoshone mine, 100 feet north of boarding house, on summit, 200 feet south of road, in boulder; aluminum tablet stamped " 32 " 4, 034. 240 Rhyolite, under high black ledge, at foot of dump of Bullfrog Mining Co.'s tunnel, 30 feet south of bottom of wash; aluminum tablet stamped "33" _ 3,678.360 26 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. From road forks 1.8 miles west of Bullfrog north to Goldbar, thence southwest to point 3.3 miles west of Bullfrog. Goklbar, 2 miles east of, on summit 1 mile west of Buck Springs, 1.5 miles north of Original, 20 feet south of Goldbar road ; iron post Feet, stamped " 34 114 " 4, 478. 828 GOLD CREEK QUADRANGLE. [Latitude 41 30'-42 ; longitude 116 30'-116.] Near Mountain City. (Primary unchecked leveling by General Land Office, 1911-12.) Owyhee, 10.2 miles southeast of, 0.25 mile southwest of reddish-brown rock slide in ravine southwest of high peak, 400 feet northwest of road crossing of small stream, 150 feet southwest of Owyhee Creek. 6 feet southwest of road at summit, by large granite boulders east of road ; standard bench-mark post marked " 5560 " 5, 561. COS HALLECK QUADRANGLE. [Latitude 40 30'-41' ; longitude 115-115* 30'.) At Halleck. (Precise leveling by U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Surrey.) Halleck, 106 meters north of Southern Pacific R. II. main tra< k. meters south of north line fence, in range with east gable of rail- road station, about 1.5 meters above track, in top of stone poet; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. W 4 ) 5, 232. 178 HAWTHORNE QUADRANGLE. [Latitude 38*-39' ; longitude 118'-119M From point near Schun southeast along Southern Pacific R. R. to Redlich. (Precise leveling by U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Schurz, about 5.5 miles northwest of, 1 meter south of milepole 349, 8 meters south of Southern Pacific R. R. track; red-metal
  1. k in top of iron post (C. & G. S. b. m. Lu) 4,326. 104 Schurz, about 2.5 miles northwest of, 1 meter south of milepole 382, 7 meters south of track; red-metal disk in top of iron post (C. & G. S. b. m. M,,) 4,136.360 Schurz, about 1 mile northwest of, 15 meters south of truck, in con- crete of Government irrigation ditch ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Nu) -* 4,131.754 Schurz, 200 feet west of station, 60 feet south of railroad, at north- east corner of Nevada Mercantile & Supply Co.'s store ; iron post stamped "4130" (store has recently burned to the ground) U. S. G. S. (C. & G. S. b. m. Ou) 4, 122. 465 Schurz, 300 feet northwest of slaughterhouse, 20 feet south of road ; iron post stamped "4130" (B. M. is now east of slaughterhouse) (C. & G. S. b. m. Pu) 4,122.488 Schurz, in concrete footing of northwest central pillar of railroad water tank, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. CM 4,123.082 Schurz, 0.5 miles southeast of, in west end of south side of concrete culvert under track; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. R n ) 4,119.381 Schurz, 2 miles southeast of, in south side of concrete culvert 356A under track; copper bolt (C. & G. S. b. ra. Su) 4. 115. 412 PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 27 Schurz, 4 miles southeast of, 10 meters east of milepost 358. 8 meters south of track; red-metal disk on top of iron post (C. & G. S. b. m. Feet. Tu) 4, 107. 981 Schurz, 6 miles southeast of, 3 telegraph poles south of milepole 360, 50 feet west of railroad, 15 feet west of milepole 72 ; iron post stamped "4113" (C. & G. S. b. in. Uu) 4,106.334 Schurz, 8 miles southeast of, 3 meters north of milepole 362, 8 meters west of track; red-metal disk on top of iron post (C. & G. S. b. m. Vn) 4, 116. 658 Schurz, 11 miles south of, 2 telegraph poles south of milepole 365, 10 meters west of track, 2.41 miles north of (U. S. G. S.) Gillis, 50 feet west of tracks, 10 feet west of milepost 77 ; iron post stamped "4176" (C. & G. S. b. m. Wu) 4,168.771 Gillis, 0.3 mile south of, 5 telegraph poles and 40 meters north of milepole 368, 10 meters west of track ; red-metal disk on top of iron post (C. & G. S. b. m. Xu) 4,162.771 Gillis, 2.25 miles south of, 2 telegraph poles south of milepole 370; iron post stamped "4163" (C. & G. S. b. m. Yu) 4,155.727 Magnus, 3.5 miles north of, 8 meters west of track, south of large bay on Walker Lake; red-metal disk on top of iron post (C. & G. S. b. m. Zu) 4,107.528 Mairnus, 2 miles north of, near milepole 375; iron post stamped "4114" (U. S. G. S.) (C. & G. S. b. m. An) 4,106.691 Magnus, 0.5 mile south of, 8 meters east of track near milepole 377i; red-metal disk on top of iron post (C. & G. S. b. m. B) 4, 108. 164 Thorne, 4.5 miles north of, 2 telegraph poles south of milepole 380, 10 meters east of track; bronze tablet stamped " U. S. G. S. B. M." (C. & G. S. b. m. Cu) 4,110.162 Thorne, 1.5 miles northwest of, 2 meters south of milepole 383, 12 meters west of track ; red-metal disk on top of iron post (C. & G. S. b. m. D) 4,130.927 Thorne, 1 mile west of, 1 meter north of old road to Hawthorne and 10 meters south of new road ; iron post marked " 4133 " (C. & G. S. b. m. En) 4,126.258 Thorne, 4.75 miles southeast of, 3 telegraph poles and 20 meters south of milepole 389, 10 meters west of track; red-metal disk on top of iron post (C. & G. S. b. m. F) 4,424.417 Thorne, 8.5 miles southeast of, 1 telegraph pole south of milepole 393, and 10 meters west of track ; iron post marked "4478 " (U. S. G. S.) (C. & G. S. b. m. G) 4,471.838 Thorne, 12 miles southeast of, 0.5 mile southeast of milepole 396, 8 meters west of track ; red-metal disk on top of iron post (C. & G. S. b. m. Hiz) 4,376.376 Acme, 0.75 mile southeast of milepole 397, in foot plate of southeast pillar of railroad water tank ; cross on bolt (C. & G. S. b. m. I,,) 4, 378. 535 Luning, 9.15 miles northwest of, near milepole 399, iron post stamped "4399" (U. S. G. S.) (C. & G. S. b. m. J) 4,392.314 Acme, 1 mile southeast of, 1 meter south of milepole 402, 10 meters west of track; red-metal disk on top of iron post (G. &. G. S. b. m. Ku) 4,450.720 Luning, 3.17 miles northwest of, one telegraph pole south of mile- pole 405, 10 meters west of track; iron post stamped "4561" (U. S. G. S.) (C. & G. S. b. m. L 12 ) 4,554.197 28 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. Luning, 40 meters northwest of station, 10 im-i.-rs wi-st of main Feet. track ; ivd -im-tal disk on top of iron post (C. & G. S. h. in. M, s ) ___ 4,463.846 Mina, 6 miles north of, near milepole 411 ; iron post stamped ** 4464 U. S. G. S." (C. & G. S. b. m. Nu) " WI New Boston, 1 telegraph pole north of milepole 414, in footing of southeast pillar of railroad water tank; red-mot a 1 disk (C. & G. S. b. m. O) 7 . i Minn, in southwest corner of parking space near station; iron post stamped "4553 1907" (C. & G. S. b. m. P) Mina, east of station, in concrete footing of northwest pillar of tall railroad water tank; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. in. Q,j) 4,545.319 Mina, in west face of heavy concrete footing of southwest pillar of small railroad water tank; red-mc-tal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. R)-- 4, MS. Alina, 3 miles southeast of, 10 meters south of ini1-poi,> 41*0 and 10 meters southwest of track; red-metal disk on top of iron poet (C. & G. S. b. m. S) - 4,581.392 Tonopah Junction, in niva between Y of Touopah and Goldfield I: 1 1. and Southern Pacific R. R., 20 meters south of log house, 60 meters northwest of Southern Pacific Co.'s water tank ; red-metal disk on top of iron post (C. A: <:. s. I. m. r.> ___ 4.408.351 Tonopah, in northeast footing of pillar of Southern Pacific Co.'s water lank. 'J meters west of tra- tal di*k (C. & G. S. b. m. V) 1. 410.874 Tonopah .Function. :i miles south of. r. IIH-I.TS north of milepnleS; iron post marked ' I'. S. G. S.) (C. & G. S. b. m. _ 4,577.491 From Tonopah Junction southwest alone Southern Pacific R. R. to Suniand. Tonopah Junction, 3.5 miles west of, 8 meters south of track at point where road to Kelleville runs alongside railroad embankment; red- metal disk on top of iron post (C. & G. S. b. m. d) 4,798.635 Belleville, in footing of southeast pillar of railroad water tank; red- metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. F u ) 5, 174. 642 Little Summit, 4 miles west of, 10 meters south of Southern Pa R. R. tracks, 10 meters east of milepole 443; red-metal disk on top of iron post (C. & G. S. b. m. J) 5,670.845 Hasalt. '2 miles southwest of, 8 meters south of track, in line with telegraph poles where they cross track on line to Mount Mont gomery ; red-metal disk on top of iron post (C. & G. S. b. m. M u )_- 6, 531. 312 From milepoit 466 northeast along Southern Pacific R. R. to Tonopah Junction. (Primary leveling by D. H. Watson In 1913.) Basalt, 5.5 miles southwest of, opposite milepost 456 ; top of north rail. 6, 920. 4 Basalt, 4.5 miles west of, on south side of most western loop of rail- road climbing to Suniand, 40 feet east of track, 00 feet north* of milepost 455, in a rock; bron/.o tablet stamped "6806 1913" 6,798.327 Basalt, 1.08 miles southwest of, at nad missing ; top of south rail 6, 46*J. 1 Basalt, 0.71 mile southwest of. nt road crossing; top of north rail 6.421. 4 Basalt, 80 feet south of station, 55 feet west of railroad, 350 feet north of water tank, in rock; brou/o tablet stamped "6347 1913" (C. ,V S. b. m. Lu) 'e.SSlt Basalt, 2.5 miles northwest of, at road crossing; top of rail 6,095.1 Little Summit, 8.3 miles southwest of, 27 feet west of traqk, 60 feet southwest of milepost 446, in rock ; bronze tablet stamped " 5901 1913" (C. & G. S. b. m. Ku) J 5. 803. 440 1 Redetermined by U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey precise leveling, 1915. PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 29 Little Summit, 4.25 miles southwest of, opposite milepost 443 ; top of Feet. rail 5, 667. 8 Little Summit, 3 miles southwest of, 30 feet east of wagon road, 40 feet southeast of crossing, in quartz rock; bronze tablet stamped "5681 1913" (C. & G. S. b. m. La) '5,673.771 Little Summit, 36 feet northwest of end of spur, 36 feet west of cross- ing sign, 48 feet west of road crossing, in summit of saddle, in rock; bronze tablet stamped " 5828 1913 " (C. & G. S. b. m. H, 3 ) '5, 821. 228 Filben, 1 mile southwest of, opposite " Filben 1 mile " sign ; top of rail 5, 561. Filben, southwest corner of V, between tracks, 20 feet south of wagon road, 12 feet southeast of crossing sign, in rock; bronze tablet stamped " 5455 1913 " (C. & G. S. b. m. G 13 ) X 5, 447. 899 Filben, 0.18 mile northwest of, at road crossing; top of rail 5,410.9 Belleville, 1,055 feet south of road crossing, 60 feet west of deserted station, 25 feet west of tracks, 125 feet south of section foreman's house, 165 feet north of water tank, in large rock; bronze tablet stamped "5178 1913" (C. & G. S. b. m. E 18 ) J ' 5, 171. 131 Belleville, 1 mile northeast of, in east end of culvert near " Belle- ville 1 mile" sign; railroad spike (C. & G. S. b. m. D 13 ) '5,058.530 Tonopah Junction, 4 miles south of, at road crossing ; top of rail 4, 874. 3 Tonopah Junction, 3.06 miles southwest of, in base of north end of culvert 429 A ; railroad spike 4, 754. 00 Tonopah Junction, 1 mile south of, in base of " Tonopah Junction 1 mile " sign ; railroad spike 4, 486. 23 Tonopah Junction, in southwest pier of railroad water tank; bolt- head, marked " U. S. B. M." (C. & G. S. b. m. W) '4, 411. 560 Sodaville, 2.43 miles south of, 40 feet west of railroad, 90 feet south of road crossing, 566 feet north of milepost 433 ; iron post stamped "4438 1907" (C. & G. S. b. m. T u ) J 4, 431. 841 From Candelarla southeast to Columbus. (Primary leveling by C. R. Smith in 1897.) Candelaria, in brickwork of front of post office ; bronze tablet 5, 659. 568 Candelaria, 2 miles south of, at Sodaville crossroads ; top of iron post of guideboard 5, 314. 00 Candelaria, 5.75 miles south of, in quartz outcropping on right side of road at summit ; bronze tablet stamped " 5394 " 5, 312. 249 Columbus, 2 feet west of southwest corner of E. Moleno's saloon ; iron post stamped " 4625 " 4, 543. 200 From Battle's Well west to Mina. (Primary leveling by T. A. Green in 1907-8.) Battle's Well, 5.95 miles west of, 10 feet south of road, in large lime- stone boulder, aluminum tablet stamped " 5040 1907 " 5, 033. 097 Near Hawthorne. Luning, 20.89 miles northwest of, 4.4 miles east of Hawthorne, 70 feet south of old railroad crossing, 10 feet south of wagon road, at forks of road; iron post stamped "4349 1907" 4,342.330 Hawthorne, at northwest corner of old railroad freight station, now occupied by D. W. Earl & Co. as a warehouse ; iron post stamped "4334 1907" 4, 327. 357 * Redetermlned by U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey precise leveling, 1915. 30 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. From Hawthorn* along Southern Pacific R. R. to Schuri, thence along stage road east toward Rawhide. Feet Walker, in front of signboard; top of rail 1 l<>9. 1 Walker Lake, surface of water, September 27, 1908 - 4, 078. Schurz, 4.96 miles east of, 25 feet south of road ; iron post stamped "4159" - 4, ir.i Schurz, 10.01 miles east of, 15 feet east of road, at north end of alkali flat ; iron post stamped " 4057 " - 4, 050. 150 From Rawhide to point 1.8 miles west of Kelly's Well. Rawhide, 5.02 miles southeast of, 30 feet south of road; iron post stamped "4300" - 4,293.896 Murphy's Well, 4.08 miles east of, 30 feet south of road, at dry lake ; iron post stamped "4109" - 4, IOL Hot Springs, 30 feet east of spring, in depression in ground; iron post stamped "4131" _ 4,124.290 Warner's Well, in east end of casing around well; top of iron bolt marked "4260" g _ 4,252.90 Warner's Well, 1.0 mile east of, 40 feet south of road; iron post stamped " 4263 " 4, 256. 365 Warner's Well, 6.04 miles east of, 30 feet south of road; iron post stamped "4366" Warner's Well, 11.07 miles east of, 20 feet south of road ; Iron post stamped " 4577 " l. .v,.i. :,4-l From Hawthorne west along stage road to State line. (Primary leveling by C. M. Weston in 1909.) Hawthorne, 25 feet north of front entrance to old Esuieralda Gou courthouse, in northeast corner on east side; aluminum tablet stamped "4326 1907" 4,319.984 Hawthorne, 0.5 mile west of, near telephone line from Hawthorne to county hospital, 50 feet east of pole nearest small building north of line, on small boulder ; chiseled square painted " 4394 O " 4, 386. 59 Hawthorne, 1.6 miles west of, 35 feet southeast of southeast corner of yard around county hospital, on granite boulder, 9 inches above ground ; chiseled circle painted " 4591 O " 4, 584. 08 Hawthorne, 1.9 miles west of, 7 feet inside of east corner of fence around water tanks; iron post stamped "4643" 4, 635. 96 1 Hawthorne, 2.7 miles west of, 200 feet east of turn to Cory, 30 feet south of road, on rock ; chiseled square painted " 4800 O " 4, 792. 99 Hawthorne, 4.7 miles west of, on south side of north road to Lucky Boy, 10 feet from center of road, at foot of slope, on boulder; chis- eled square painted "5302 O" 5,295.36 Hawthorne, 6.5 miles west of, 85 feet east of road, on point on ridge below which main road passes three times, 3 feet east of claim corner and 3 feet southwest of scrub pine; point on ledge painted " O " ; stake painted " 6027 " 6, 020. 25 Hawthorne, 7 miles west of, in lower part of town of Lucky Boy, about 200 feet south of mine shaft, 12 feet above and on south side of main road, on point of ledge ; aluminum tablet stamped " 6226 "_ 6, 219. 042 Hawthorne, 7.7 miles west of, 12 feet north of northeast corner of Lucky Boy reservoir; iron post stamped "6606" 6,599.198 Hawthorne, 8.6 miles west of, 20 feet south of short cut on main road, 8 feet higher than road ; point on boulder painted " 6849 W "__ _ 6, 841. 57 PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 31 Hawthorne. 10.8 miles west of, 25 feet west of spout under road in first dry channel east of Summit st^ge station, on boulder in ditch; Feet, chiseled square painted " 7362 O " 7, 355. 18 Hawthorne. 11.4 nfiles west of. at Summit stage station, at southwest corner of house ; iron post stamped " 7511 " 7, 504. 123 Hawthorne, 12.0 miles west of. 1.2 miles west of Summit stage sta- tion, 12 feet south of road, and 17 feet north of telephone pole, on large granite boulder, 3 feet above ground ; chiseled circle painted " 7732 \V " 7, 724. 97 Hawthorne. 13.5 miles west of, 2.1 miles west of Summit stage sta- tion, soutn of road at summit, in base of telephone pole; spike painted "8008 O" 8,001.02 Hawthorne. 16.2 miles southwest of, at turn from Hawthorne-Bodie stage road to Yerington, 3 feet southeast of guidepost and 15 feet from either of Y roads ; iror post stamped " 7145 " 7, 138. 175 Fletcher, 3.9 miles east of. i r i Mud Spring Canyon, at foot of point of ridge on north side, 175 feet north of dry wnsh and 25 feet north of road; iron post stamped "6396" 6,389.182 Fletcher, on south side of and about 75 feet northeast of north- east corner oi house, just north of large spring; iron post stamped " 6100 " 6, 092. 848 Fletcher, 2.1 miles southwest of, 30 feet west of Bodie Creek, on south side of road, on boulder; chiseled square painted "6222" 6,215.57 Fletcher, 3.4 miles southwest <>t, 150 feet east of old toll house, 50 feet north of Bodie Creek, 25 feet south of road, on large boulder; chiseled square painted " 6447 " 6,440.34 Fletcher, 4.3 miles southwest of. in Bodie Creek Canyon, on south side of road, at top of 4-foot boulder ; chiseled square painted " (5652 " 6, 644. 74 Fletcher, 5.5 miles southwest of. at Del Monte stage station, at north- west corner of platform to old store ; iron post stamped " 6922 " 6, 915. 103 Fletcher. 6.7 miles southwest of, in Bodie Creek Canyon, on north side of road, on boulder; chiseled square painted "7157" 7,150.62 Fletcher, 7.S miles southwest of. in Bodie Creek Canyon, on north side of road, at foot of steeper grade, on boulder; chiseled square painted " 7422 " 7, 414. 87 Fletcher, s.l miles southwest of, on California-Nevada State line, survey of 1X73, 25 feet south of milepost 283. 300 feet east of old stone house at Sunshine. 15 feet north of road; iron post stamped " 7524 " 7, 517. 124 From Del Monte to Aurora (spur line). Aurora, 0.9 mile northwest of, 10 feet west of road, opposite 10-foot cut, on 3-foot boulder; chiseled square painted "7246" 7.239.86 Aurora, at southeast corner of post office; iron post stamped " 7416 "_ 7, 409. 234 From junction of East Walker River and Bodie Creek southeast to Fletcher. Fletcher, 8.7 miles northwest of, on Bodie Creek, 1.3 miles upstream from Wheeler's ranch, at west end of creek, on 4-foot boulder; painted " 5660 " 5, 652. 90 Fletcher, 7.7 miles northwest of. on Bodie Creek. 2.3 miles upstream from Wheeler's ranch, on south edge of creek and 20 feet west of 10-fwt boulder, on 6-foot boulder; chiseled square painted " 5728 " 5, 720. 72 75642 Bull. 65417 3 32 SPIRIT LEVELING IX NEVADA. Kletcher, r>.7 miles northwest of. about r,m f,-,-t <.. u tliw,^f ,,f Bodle Creek and 250 feet east of foot of ridire. : dry chan- nel, on houlder; chiseled square paime-i >4 8843 M 36 Fletcher, 4.8 miles northwest of. in pa-iuro owned by <;. A. d 100 feet west of high bank at sharp bend in I'.odie < 'n>>;; and .'500 feet south of point where fence crosses south hank of . . -. -t east of wire fence; iron post stampi -d "CSBS* 1 " Fletcher, 3.2 miles northwest of, at i'-ei i-a^t of southeast of house; iron post Stamped "5M8" HIGHLAND QUADRANGLE (NORTHWEST QUARTER OF PIOCHE QUAD- RANGLE). [latitude 37 30'-38 C ; lonsitml.' Ill :;- 113'.] From Bennet Springs along highways northwest 30 miles, thence northeast to Stampede Pass, thence southeast to point near Point Mine. (Primary level- ing by D. 8. Birkett and Roscoe Reeves in 1916.) Bennet Springs. 0.7 mile west of. 5OO feet west of point where r reaches top edge of bench, _<> feet smith of road, in base of cedar tree; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 5436" 5,436.36 Bennet Springs, 2.4 miles west of, 1 mile east of summit on IMamar road, 35 feet north of road, in base of 16-inch cedar ; il- road <,,ike marked " U. S IV M. 5T,r>4 " ._ &60* 72 Bennet S]. rings. 2.9 miles west of, at fork in roads to 1- ; nd i;iy Springs; surface of ground Bennet Springs. X.- m ' summit of 1 'arnica -Pelamar road, 250 fe<>t fork of I>elamar and I Springs roads, 200 feet north of Delamar road and -.nth of I-:iy Springs road, on top of In-ulder 4 feet hiL-h; 1 stamped -:.:,:. inr, B, Beimel S; 2 miles northwest of. 1.2 miles north\v .init Of r.-Mi.i.M-I Vlamar road. .*.' !" 001 road, in base of juniper tree; railroad spike marked "IT. S. B. M .:..:. " . . _ MM. SI Bennet Springs. ."..1 miles north\\eelaniar road. ." feet Ms* of p.ennet Springs-Kly Spri: road; top i.f boulder marked " r. S. P. M Hw'M Kly Spri: dies sou 1 . 7 miles northwest of I'.enuet SpriiiL's. at summit on r.enuet Sprir. ! just bef"> descending toward I >ry Lake Valley, i Dtfld northwest of 1'anaca- Delamar road summ i east of road; iron post stain; "6135 l!ir, -j-l" V i:' l-:iy Spring^ .',.75 miles soutl. ld from summit leaves the wash. -1 feet south of road. In base of pinn tree: railroad spike marked " r. S I', M. : ".r, " r, Comet mine, about 2 miles s.nthwest of. 4 miles southeast of I'.lj Springs, in fork of roads leading t the mine and to Kly Springs, in bould-r; bron/e tablet stai: " . r ,. f.1 ! i:iy Springs. :?.2." miles southeast of, 30 feet north of forks in r. from l-'.ly Springs east to Comet mine and sonthea*' to rana"i. 1 foot east of road; top of black houlder. markc ! *JJ. S I; M. r,;i.i" _. I Ely Springs. 1.25 miles southeast of. 0.3 mile ea^t of pr. *ept i leading to the springs. 1.",0 feet we. 4ft Jean, 3.3 miles \\.-t of. :;<> f.-et *..uth of road: chiseled point on rock, painted "1. S. |l. M WW" 2. '.'7 1 .lean. 4.f miles west of, 6.5 miles southeast of Good springs. 40 !'! north of crossroads; iron jHWt stamped "3014 1 1915" Good Spring. 4.4 miles southeast of. 1< fevt north of road; chiseled point on ro-k. painted U. 8. 3117 b. in." 3. 117. Ol Good Springs. southeast of. 1( feet north of ro.-id. ;it Y r< southwest ; top of rock, painted " U. 8. 8249 B. M." 3,24s Good Springs. 2.1 miles southeast of. at top of prade where road leaves canyon, lo fe. f road, in flat rock ledu'- : br-: tablet stamiHil " :U7'J 'J liir," .", (t(MHl Sprinirs. 1.4 miles southeast of. KHI fi-i-t suitliea! PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 35 Good Springs, 2.4 miles north of, at fork of road to Double Up mine ; Feet. chiseled point on rock, painted " U. S. 3928 B. M." 3,927.55 Good Springs, 3.6 miles north of, 20 feet west of road ; chiseled point on rock, chiseled " U. S. 4034 B. M." 4, 034. 11 Good Springs, 5.3 miles north of, at junction of road to 99 mine ; iron post stamped "4260 8 1915" 4,259.810 Good Springs, 6.5 miles north of, 20 feet west of road ; chiseled point on rock, chiseled " U. S. 4418 B. M." 4, 417. 49 Good Springs, 7.2 miles north of edge of road ; chiseled point on ledge, painted " U. S. 4522 B. M." 4,522.13 Good Springs, 8.1 miles north of, 30 feet east of road, at rocky point ; chiseled point on rock, painted " U. S. 4649 B. M." 4,648.57 Good Springs, 9.2 miles north of, 0.6 mile south of Cottonwood Summit 30 feet east of road, in ledge; chiseled point, painted " U. S. 4790 N. M." 4, 789. 67 Cottonwood Pass, 9.8 mHes north of Good Springs. 30 feet east of road at summit of pass, in ledge; bronze tablet stamped "4920 16 1915 " 4, 920. 158 Cottonwood Pass, 1.3 miles north of, east edge of road, on slate ledge : chiseled point, painted " U. S. 4555 B. M." 4,555.07 From point 4.2 miles east of Mountain Spring along highways southwest to Potosi, thence south 8.9 miles, thence east via Wilson Pass to Good Springs. (See Las Vegas quadrangle for part of this line.) Potosi Mine, 5.3 miles northeast of, in small saddle, on north edge of road ; point on rock, painted " U. S. 4925 B. M." 4, 924. 70 Potosi Mine, 3.5 miles northeast of, on north edge of road, on ledge ; chiseled point, painted " U. S. 5384 B. M." 5,383.75 Potosi Mine, 1.8 miles northeast of, 80 feet south of road in saddle, in ledge; bronze tablet stamped "6239 20 1915" 6,239.163 Potosi Mine, 150 feet east of Cook House, in rock ledge ; bronze tablet stamped "5099 21 1915" 5,698.843 Potosi Mine, 1 mile south of, 50 feet northwest of Y road to Kipley; chiseled point on rock, painted " U. S. 5373 B. M." 5,372.52 Potosi Mine, 2 miles south of, west edge of road, 1,000 feet north of wash; chiseled point on rock, painted " U. S. 5087 B. M." 5,086.35 Potosi Mine, 3.5 miles south of, west edge of road, near north base of small butte, on rock ; chiseled point, painted " U. S. 4859 B. M."_ 4,858. 53 Potosi Mine, 4.8 miles south of, about 0.3 mile west of negro camp, west edge of road, 150 feet south of saddle, in rock ledge; bronze tablet flush with ground stamped " 4707 22 1915 " 4, 706. 588 Wilson Pass. 4.3 miles northwest of, in saddle at east base of butte, east edge of old trail, on rock ; chiseled point, marked " U. S. 4385 B. M." 4,385.21 Wilson Pass, 3 miles northwest of, in saddle, at east edge of road, on rock; chiseled point, painted " U. S. 4401 B. M." 4,401.34 Wilson Pass, 1.8 miles west of, 500 feet southwest of second-class road northwest, north edge of road; chiseled point on rock, marked "U. S. 4313 B. M." 4,312.99 WHson Pass, 0.9 mile west of, north <>dgo of road, on rock ledge; chiseled point, painted " U. S. 4590 B. M." 4, 589. 86 Wilson Pass, north edge of road, in rock ledge; aluminum tablet stamped "5023 7 1915" _ 5,022.505 36 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. Wilson Pass, 0.6 mile southeast of, north edge of road where road Fwt leaves canyon; chiseled point on rock, marked I", s. 17<,1 \\. M 4. 701.24 Good Spring, 4.5 miles northwest of, at Red Cloud mine. 10 feet north of road, on rock; chiseled point marked " V. s. -\:,:\\ i: M Good Springs. 4.1 miles northwest of, at Y road, on rock; chiseled point, marked " U. S. 4447 B. M." _____________________________ 4. -547 Good Springs, 3 miles northwest of, 60 feet southeast of junction of Yellow Pine mine and Wilson Pass roads, in conglomerate led_ alumimim tablet stamped " 4197 6 1915 " ______________________ 4, 19T, Good Springs, 2.3 miles northwest of, GO feet east of road forks, >n rock; chiseled point, painted " U. S. 4036 B. M." _________________ 4. :;.-,. :,i Good Springs, 1.7 miles northwest of, 100 feet south of raili crossing, on rock: chiseled point, painted 4 M B. M." _____ 3,937.40 Good Springy 1 mile northwest of, 300 : .( railroad rrosB- ing, 20 feet east of road, on rock; chiseled jniint. painted I It. M." __________________________________________________ 3,824.66 From Good Springs along highways southwest via Columbia Pass to point S miles west of McVicar mine, thence north to point 1.8 miles west of Wilson Pass. Good Springs, 1.3 miles west of, at fork of road to .Iran, on n.,-k : chiseled point, point- d r : ____________________ i 39 Good Springs, 2.3 miles west of. mh ed-.- of n-a.l. on 1,-":> r.. M." ___________________________________________ 3,900.12 Columbia I _ " miles west of, 900 h of Y Sultan mine, west odgo of road, opjwsite Bill Nye mine; bronze tablet in rock led-.*. fct*tt!p*l :?7>s m i-.; , __________________ 3,707.600 Junction of Hipley and Sultan luin.- '.8 mile south of. at second-class road to Hoosier mine, on r-> '..! point, mar 4< U. S. 3432 B. M." ____________________________________________ 3.431.50 Tiffin mine No. 2, 0.5 mile north of, at junction of road to Sultan mine, on rock; chiseled point, painted " 1 .v ._:<_' !: M." __________ 3,291.96 Tiffin mine, 100 feet west of tents, on large boulder; broii/e tablet stamped "3284 10 A 1915" _____________________________________ 3,283.818 McVicar mine. :>i*> fe-t southeast of tents, on n.i-k: ehi.(> miles west of, in base of milepost 16; spike with aluminum tag stamped " ;;735 " 3,733.81 Searchlight, 7.0 miles west of, 5 feet west of milepost 15, north edge of railroad right of way; iron post stamped "3860 B 1909 16" 3,858.635 Searchlight. S.O miles west of. in base of milepost 14; spike with aluminum tag stamped "3965" 3,963.52 Searchlight. 9.0 miles west of, in base of fourth telephone pole west of milepost 13; spike with aluminum tag stamped "4058" 4,056.09 Searchlight, 10.C> miles west of. in base of milepost 12; spike with aluminum tag stamped "4146" 4,144.61 Searchlight, 11 miles west of, north edge of railroad riirht of way. 50 feet east of Nevada-California State line post, in bedrock; alumi- num tablet stamped "410!) B 1909 17" 4,197.049 38 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. From Stump Springs south to Culver ranch, near SUte line.' Stump Springs. 4.7 miles southwest of, 1 fe-t north of Junction of Stump Springs MIK! Sandy roads; ir>n p-M stamped _'7 1 '^ 1'. 1909 54 " Stump Springs. 7.L' miles southeast of. _' feet V.-M of road. :ir north- west ]M>int of clay-colored butte; iron post stamps! jsix ]t 1909 53" 2.846.283 Culver ranch. .~im feet north of house. !." feet ueM ,,f road; Iron p stamped "LMixi p, P.MHI .VJ" 2 JEAN QUADRANGLE. [Latitude :t5 .W-:!ft ; lon^iiuili- 115*-115* "o ] From Roach north along: San Pedro, Los Angeles it Salt Lake R. R. to Bard. (Precise leveling by U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) lioach, IL'A poles south of milepole _"._', 1J i>oles north of railroad sec- tion foreman's house, is meters \\e-t .if San Pedro. Los Angeles & Salt Lake Ii. li. track : 1 .r, meters below base of rail, in top of st.-ue post ; hot torn of square hole (C. & G. S. h. in. A) -' 61 P.orax. 1M meters ,-ast ..f twelfth pole south of !: cast of railroad track, on hori/.ontal surface ,,f northwest .-orner of most niiriliwi->ierl\ of the .", soiiiln-rly (xmcrete foundation p., to steel water tank of railroad. 0.5 meter above base of rail, bottom of square hole '. \ <;. s. h. m. ]; . 2,708.964 .lean. I.",.." meters north of third fioU north of milejM.le lloi. 41 me'' soulhuest of southwest corner of depot, 17 inn- nt main railroad tia- k. 'JO meters east and in front of pout office and store of Yount & Fayle. in >mpa< t gravel, 0.5 meter below the bne of rail, in top ,,f stone po>t ; of square hole (<' in. C). 2, 865 .lean. I'..", miles north of. 13 poles north of milepole 808, 32 met. \\est of tra. k. in trravel l.. r > meiers helow base f rail. in iron pi: chiseled CNM marked " T. S." (C.ACk S. b. m. In 'J. .MVV _: Sutor. !<>.:. poles southwest of milepost :;(H;. i im>ters southeast of track. :u meter- south of si-nbonnl. l.. r > base of rail, on iron pipe; chiseled cross marked " U. S." (C. &. C. S. b. m. K___ 8. OSS. 931 Krie. 1/J miles t of. 1.:, ]M>les north of milejMjle 308, 17.". meter- east of track, on level with base of rail, on top of iron pipe; chiseled cross marked " V. S." {('. Ac seventh p..le northeast of mib-p,.!,- MO, 17 BHtVTC M Of west corner of ailroad d-pot. Hi meters m rthwest of track. 0.5 meter : rail, in top of -tone post; bottom of square hole (C. & <;. S. b. m. (J) S. 1!. 14:t Sloan. 0.7 mile southwest of. il.tio poles north of i l I. east concrete abutment to bridge l\\ \. in top hori/.ontal surface end. '2.c>c, meters east of track, 0.25 meter IH-I<.W base of rail; chiseled square (C. & G. S. b. m. H) 2,830.450 Sloan, 1.5 poles east of milepole 315, 14 meters south \\e-t of sign- board. 1! meters southwest of track. 0..1 meter below l>ase of rail. in top of sione posi ; l.ottom of square hole i < '. Ac ." meters \vost of main track of railroad, nbroast of milepole 143, on iron post: ivd-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. in. Ii> 3,860.150 From point near Seattle Well to point 2.2 miles north of Mud Springs. (Pri- mary leveling by Ress Philips in 1905.) Seattle Well. ."> miles south of, 30 foot south of large yucca stump, 10 foot oast of road; iron post stami>ed "23" 4,337.394 Mud Springs. ." milos north of, at fork of Bullfrog road on south sido of small ravine; iron post stamped "24" 4,454.272 XUMIVA QUADRANGLE. [LntifiHlo -4() u -40 :',()'; longitude 119-11!> :;o'.] Elevations by water leveling along shore of Winnemucca Lake by General Land Office in 1912. T. 25 N., R. 23 E., N. * SE. i sec. 3, 20 chains oast and 30 chains north of quarter corner of sees. 3 and 10, 600 feet, west of lake shore, 8 feet west of center of Wadsworth-Gerlac road; standard b. in. post 3,878.551 T. 26 N., K. 23 E., NE. J SE. } sec. 10, S. 35 40' W. 18.63 chains from meander corner of sees. 10 and 11, 5 feet west of center of Wadsworth-Gerlac road, 200 feet south of spring, 250 feet south of fork in road, 200 feet west of lake shore, opposite small bay, 1,000 feet north of corral on road ; standard b. in. post marked " 3876 " 3, 867. 778 40 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. T. 27 N., R. 23 E., SW. i sec. 14. N. 3G W i: _u;7 .-hams from closing corner on Reservation boundary of line between sees. 15 and 22, 7 feet west of center of Wndsworth-Gerlac road. 210 feet west of lake shore, 600 feet N. 70 W. of chimney-shaped rock on Feet. lake shore; standard b. in. post markod " 3886 " __________________ 3,877.092 Winnemucca Lake, at middle latitude point, surface of water. July 11, 1911 ______________________________________________________ Winnemucca Lake, at middle latitude point, surface of water. May 1 \ to June 10, 1912 ________________________________________________ 3.852.5 Winnemucca Lake, at mi(Ulk> latitude point, surface of water. Juue L'O. 1912 _______________________________________________________ 3. 852. 4 Winnemucca Lako. at middle latitude point, surface of water. June 1. 1912 ________________________________________________________ 3, v NOTK. The orthometric elevation of this lake is about lower at north end and 0.07 foot higher at south end than the height at middle latitude point. LAS VEGAS QUADRANGLE. [Latitude 36'-37*; lonKitmlo I15'-1J6M From Arden northeast along San Pedro, Los Anrelet ft Salt Lake R. R. to Dike. (Precise leveling by U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Arden. *J miles south of. 1'JJ poles south of mile| M >i. 828, IT meters east of track. 1.5 meters below ba-e ,,f mil. ..n top ,,f iron pipe; chiseled cross marked " U. S." (C. & 0, s. b. m. n ____________ 2, 481* Arden. O.'J mile north of, 5.5 poles south of milepole l\'2~>. 17 ni.-ters east of track. 1 ~> meters below base of rail, on i r.-d-meial disk (C. & G. S. b. m. M) ___________________________ 1 593 Arden. 1.5 miles north of. 1 meter east of second jnile north of mile] rj.r. meters east of track. 1..~i meters below base of rail; ir pod -lamped "II 11HI7. 11'. :iluminum disk marked " U. S. G. S. r, M." i(\ \ (',. S. b. m. : ________________________ 'j Hrackm. _'.">." mrters northv. :b<\ stam: - P. 1!M7. 11- uildinu r . 1 d. meter north of foot of column: aluminum tablet stamen! "B 1907, 117. -"_' I." marked " 1 K. M." fC/J 6. S. b. m. 20M I'. \\1 Las Vegas, - blo<-ks north and 2 blocks ea-t of depot, at north-- Corner lock north of Ari/ona Club, mi top of iron post: red metal disk i C. V V C. S. b. m. I') ____________________________________________________ J PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 41 las Vegas, 46 meters west of entrance to ladies' waiting room of depot, 31 meters west of main track, 0.5 meter above base of rail ; iron post stamped " B 1907 116 2033 U. S. G. S. B. M." (C. & G. S. Feet. b. in. 2033 B) _ 2,031.393 Stewart, 225 meters northeast of signboard " Stewart," 17 paces southeast of east rail of main track, 4 telegraph poles southwest of niilepole 339, 21 paces southwest of section house, in fence corner outside of right of way, 2.5 feet from north fence and 3 feet from east fence, in top of stone post ; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. Q) 1,906.089 Valley, 0.6 mile southwest of, 5 telegraph poles southwest of niilepole 341, 19.7 feet southeast of east rail of main track, 2.8 feet from line of north bulkhead (produced) of bridge 341B, on large por- phyry block in riprap work on southeast side of bridge, at north- east end oL' bridge opening; bottom of square hole marked " U. S. B. M." (C. & G. S. b. in. U) 1,973.901 Valley, 12.~> feet northwest of west rail of main track, directly oppo- site signboard "Valley," in top of stone post; bottom of square hole <('. ,V (I. S. b. in. S) 2,008.795 Valley, 2.5 miles northeast of, 110 meters northeast of center of bridge 344(\ 20.8 meters northwest of center line of main track, 6.6 meters northwest of niilepole 345, on top of iron post; red- metal disk (C. & G. S. b. in. T) 2,135.042 Dike, 3OO meters east of signboard " Dike," 5 telegraph poles east of niilepole .'>1T. L'ls meters south of center line of main track, 44 paces west of west face of section house and in line with the buck wall produced, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. U) 2,249.540 Dike. 3 miles northeast of, 40 meters southwest of milt-pole :;."><). 'J50 meters southwest of bridge 350A, 11.7 meters northwest of west rail of main trsu-k and 5.s meters above it, 1.5 meters southeast of line between niilepole 350 and first telegraph pole south of it, set vertically in rock outcrop; copper bolt in cement (C. & G. S. b. m. V) 2,413.168 From point 14.4 miles east of Amargosa southeast along Las Vegas & Tonopah K. R. to Las Vegas. (Precise leveling by U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Amargosa, 14.4 miles east of, 10 feet north of milepole 60; iron post stamped "'3628 U. S. G. S." (C. & G. S. b. m. K 1T ) 3,627.171 Ainurgosa, 16.2 miles east of, 5 meters west of milepole 53, 15 meters north of track, in top of stone post; red-metal disk (O. & G. S. b. m. L 1T ) 3,613.982 Amargosa, 18.4 miles east of, 12 miles west of Indian Springs, 10 feet north of milepole 56; iron post stamped "3576 U. S. G. S." (C. & G. S. b. m. Mn) 3,574.953 Indian Springs, 8 miles west of, 10 feet north of milepole 52; iron post stamped "3431 U. S. G. S." (C. & G. S. b. m. N 1T ) 3,429.918 Indian Springs, 6 miles west of, 1 meter east of milepole 50, 15 meters north of track (C. & G. S. b. in. O 1T ) 3, 333. 222 Indian Springs, 4 miles west of, 10 feet north of milepole 48; iron post stamped "3279 U. S G. S." (C. & G. S. b. in. Pn) 3,278.314 Indian Springs, 0.2 mile west of, 10 feet north of milepole 44; iron post stamped "3135 U. S. G. S." (C. & G. S. b. in. Q,,) 3,134.498 42 SPIRIT LKVKUNt. IN NKVAUA. Indian Springs, .'{.5 miles east of. 1U feet north of milepole -in ; iron post stamped ":il48 U. S. G. S." (C. \ . :; Jiuliuu Springs, 5.5 miles east of, 3 meter* west of milepole :is. in top of stone post ; red-metal disk (C. ,V C,. S. b. in. S,T)~ 3,099.567 Indian Spring, 7.5 miles ea^t of, 10 feet north of mile; on post stamped "30S4 T. S. (J. S." (Q, \ . I., in. T. : i 3, Indian Springs. 11. 5 miles east of. lo feet north of milepole :;_; iron post stamped "8068 r. & ft > ' '-. vv <;. S. i, i,, 1 ;i 3, 060. 945 Indian Springs. ]5.5 miles e;ist of, 1< feet north of milepole 2* ; iron post stamped - ;I029 U. S. G. S." (C- & G. S. b. in. V) Indian Springs, 17.5 mi if- IMM of. '2 meters west of inilepole : in top of stone post; red-metal disk i C. & G. S. b. m. WIT) II, '.-.". 040 Corn Creek, O.C, mile west of, 10 feet north of milepole - t ; iron p.t stami>ed WOt (J. S. <-. s. , < '. ,\; <;. s. I,, m. X :> 2,875.227 Corn Creek, 3.4 mi .f. 10 feet north of mileiK.le 20 : iron jot Stamped - 277!) I ,v . 1- miles north of. Ill fet nortli f milepoh- U; iron (Ht staiupexl "2451 I ' ( (\ A: ,. S. b. in. B,.> .'.452.774 Las Vegas, 8 miles north of, 40 feet south of milepole S; iron port stumped :.'-".' i i. s. <;. s . c. ^ <;. s. b. m. CU) -. W I^as Ve^us, 6 mil-s north of, 2 telegraph IH.I,-^ north of milepole 6, 36 meters east of track ; on top of sinne |M,->I \ 4 G. S. b. m. D,,) _ 2,233.992 I.MN \.-^a-, J miles north of. 10 feet north of miN'pole 4; ir.n JKWI stamped "2139 U. S. O. S." (C. A (,. S. b. m i 2. 1.J7.630 IMS Ve^as. in the south end of b.\\. rk County court- house; red-metal disk (C. & G. s b. m. !' i _ :. n_u 954 From Las Yer& southweit alonr San Pedro, Los Anfelei ft Salt Lake K. &. 20.4 miles, thence west along road to Stump Sprinys and northwest U Pahrump. (Primary levelinf by L. F. Birr* in 1907.) I. MS Vegas, 4.1 miles southwest of. in fWt x.. u ih of milepost i^l; iron post stamped "21:51', P. l'.K)7" -' . I '.2 I^as Vegas, 8.4 miles south\\< of milei iron IH.SI stampe.1 " 2:i.'Ui It 1W)7 " Arden. in front of station; top of rail _ 2.417 Las Vegas, r_'.. *t miles south\\-t "f. jo t.vt v.uth of niad : iron j. stami)ed "2031 B 1907" 2 Las Vegas, n;.9 miles smith\\et t north of road; iron i stamped :H6 B 1907" 3,034.728 Las Vegas, 20.4 miles southwest of. in feet x,,uth of road, in boulder; aluminum tablet stamped " :Ui).'{ B 1907" :'.. I'.t 1.472 Mountain Spring. 4.2 miles east of. 20 f.-et s.-uth of road, in boulder; aluminum tablet stamped "4557 It 1907" 4,556.046 Mountain Sprint:. 0.5 mile south of, 20 feet south of road: iron i*>st stamped "5504 B 1'.M7" 5,502.263 Mountain Sprinu'. 4.: miles west of. lo feet north of road, in boulder: aluminum tablet stamped "4551; B P.M7" 1,554,334 Mountain Spring, 8.1 miles west of. 10 feet north of road, in boulder ; aluminum tablet stamped "3909 B 1907" 3,908.234 PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 43 Stump Springs. 5 miles east of, at junction of roads ; iron post stamped Feet. "3162 B 1907" 3,160.887 Stump Springs, 200 feet south of, at junction of roads ; iron post stamiKHl "2809 B 1907" 2,807.021 Stump Springs. 6.2 miles west of, 8 miles southeast of Manse. 20 feet north of road ; iron post stamped " 2929 B 1907 " 2, 927. 785 Manse, 40 feet south of post office, in front of ranch house; iron post stamped " 2776 B 1907 " 2, 774. 674 I'ahrump, 20 feet north of hotel : iron post stamped " 20(58 B 1907 "___ 2, 666. 583 From Las Vegas south 15 miles along road to Searchlight. (Part of circuit to Barnwell, Cal.) Las Vegas, 3.7 miles south of, 50 feet west of spring, in base of mos- quite tree; nail with aluminum tag stamped "1793" 1.791.35 Las Vegas, 7.2 miles south of, 25 feet west of road, in base of mos- quite; spike with aluminum tag stamped "1677" 1,675.52 Mesquite Spring, 25 feet east of pump, in base of mesquite; spike with aluminum tag stamped " 1621 " 1, 619. 65 Mesquite Spring, 25 feet north of pump, in base of mosquite; spike with aluminum tag stamped " 1621 " 1, 619. 63 Mesquite Spring, 25 feet north of pump, in lava rock buried Hush with ground; aluminum tablet stamped "1621 B 1909 1" 1,619.564 Mosquito Spring, 3.9 miles south of, 20 feet east of road, 300 feet north of road junction to Camp Fred Ellen, in boulder, marked by rock cairn; aluminum tablet stamped "1746 B 1909 2" 1,743.988 From point 4.2 miles east of Mountain Spring west along highway toward Potosi. (Primary leveling by L. F. Biggs in 1915.) Mountain Spring. 4.2 miles east of, 20 feet south of road, in boulder; aluminum tablet stamped " 4",7 II 1!M>7 123." (Bull. 488. p. lo. value 4555.516+. 530) 4.556.046 Potosi Mine, 4.7 miles northeast of, 60 feet east of fork of road to Mountain Spring, on rock ledge; chiseled point, painted " U. S. 5055 B. M." 5,054.53 LIDA QUADRANGLE.^ [Latitude 37-38 ; longitude 117-118.] From McSweeney south along Tonopah and Goldfleld R. R. to Goldfleld. (Pre- cise leveling by U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) McSweeney Junction, 5.5 miles south of, 5 meters south of milopolo 63, 20 meters west of track; on top of iron post: red-metal disk (C. & S. b. m. D,.) 5,027.441 Klondyke, 0.5 mile north of, 3 meters south of milopole 67, 20 meters west of track ; on top of iron post ; red-metal disk ; (C. & G. S. b. m. E) 4, 926. 263 Klondyke, 3.5 miles southwest of, 3 motors south of inilopole 71, 20 meters west of track, in line with telegraph poles, on top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. F 18 ) 5.046.548 Columbia, 4 miles north of, 300 motors oast of track, opposite fifth tele- graph pole north of milepole 76; iron post stumped " fi.'MO " (U. S. G. S.) (C. & G. S. b. m. O,.) 5, 339. 320 1 See Silver Peak quadrangle, pp. 65-66. 44 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. (Joldrield, 1 mile north of, in west end of concrete pier at end of spur of railroad tracks leading to nn abandoned mill, in top of si.. m- posi : Feet bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. I), in. H,.) > J7i (iiililiichl, in west face of bank on corner of Columbia Street and 1 Street north of Crook Avenue; red-metal disk, (C. A: <;. S. b. in. I J& )_ 5,075,993 Coldfield. at .sontlu-ast corner of Crook Avenue and alley between Main and Columbia streets, in 6-foot stone post set 3 feet in ground ; aluminum tablet stamped " B 1905 1 H " (C. & G. S. b. m. .!,.) 5, 677. 731 NOTE. The original disk has been broken off with the top of the p- The point used as the new bench mark was the bottom of the ori- mil drill hole and is probably about 4 inches below the bench mark. (Joldiield. in v ..f (loldtield Hotel; red-metal disk (C. & G. b. in. K) 5,688.998 (Joldlield. in south face of county courthouse built in KMT; hr-.n/e tablet stamped " U. S. G. S." (C. & G. S. b. m. L,.) 5,700.835 From Goldfleld south along- Las Ve^as ft Tonopab R. R. to Bonnie Claire. < 'oluml'ia. .",.." miles south along tracks of I ; impah K. K. from Tonopah and Coldlield K. K. < : iile south of the Mat ion signboard of Hed Rock, 100 meters soul I. md near end of section 1M of i in tueteit \\.-M of G. S. iron post, unmarked (C. & G. S. b. m. M,. .".803.128 Columbia. 7 miles south of. 0.3 Uiile south of mile|xle 189, near point Of curvature of a curve south of a quarter-mile tangent. .'JO meters of and 3 meters loucr than track, on top of iron i>ost; red- DMtal disk (C. & Q. S. b. m. N :! >- 5,429.882 Columbia, 11 miles south of. 3.5 telegraph poles north of milepole iSTi and 15 meters west of track, in lino with telegraph jK.les. on top of iron post ; red metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. O) r. Columbia. 14 miles south of, 8 meters ^.uth of n.iiep. era north of road crossing, 15 me: . on top of iron p.>t : red-metal disk ( C. Ac (1. S. b. m. 1',.) 4,804. i:u KaNtoii. in concrete foundation of northeast pillar of railroml well derrick ; in top of stop.- p,,st. b.-ti'-m of v,u:iri- hh (C. & G. S. b. in. Q,.) 4.749.082 Ralston. 3 miles south of. 'Jo meters north of milepoV 177. 1.~i meters \\r-i <,f track, in line with telegraph top of iron post ; red- metal d ; - 1 4. 71 ! n. C. miles south of. l\ meters north of ninth telegraph jwilo south of mllepst ; red- metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. S,.) 4.<.-.: !.-,> Ralston. !> miles south of, near firM teh-raph pole south of mile] 171, 20 meters west of track, on top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. T) 4,592.884 ier, 1 mile south of, 10 meters east of old Bull Frog Goldfield H. R. track. :::. meters e . st ..f mileiK)le 168 on the Las Vegas & Tonopah R. R. track. L'OO meters east of large boulders on small knoll; red-metal disk on top of iron post (C. & 3 S. b. m. I ;: > 4,562.219 Goldfield, 2 miles north of Tonopah Lumber Co.'s station. S ; of summit, 170 meters west of Bullfrog (Joldtield R. R. track, near milepole 108, opposite small wooden culvert under track, about 600 meters north of road crossing; iron p.-st marked " U. S. G. S. 16-54." (C. & G. S. b. m. V,.) . 4, 344. 666 PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 45 Wagner, 7 miles south of, 100 meters south of milepole 110 (B. G R. R.). 500 meters east of milepole 162 on the Las Vegas & Tonopah R. R. track. 10 meters west of the Bullfrog Goldfield track, near one of two large telegraph poles in that section of the line; on Feet, top of iron post: red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. W 1B ) 4.244.253 Bonnie Claire station, 3 miles north of (B. G. R. R.), 300 meters south of milepole 113, 20 meters west of track, 0.5 mile east of mile- pole 1.19 of the Las Vegas & Tonopah R. R., in stone post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. X) 4,083.004 Bonnie Claire. 20 meters north of station, on northeast footing of ruined water tank of Bullfrog Goldfield R. R., on steel foot plate; center of an outlined square ( C. & G. S. b. m. Y) 3.953.991 Bonnie Claire. 150 motors south of old station building of Bullfrog Goldfield It. R.. 95 meters west of track, GO meters north of an cast-west road, in stone post ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Z, B )__ 3, 958. 913 Bonnie Claire, near, 1.75 miles south of junction of Bullfrog Goldfield R. R. and Las Vegas & Tonopah R. R., 5 meters north of milepole 119, 15 meters west of tracks, in stone post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. A,.) 3,954.930 Bonnie Claire, r..r miles south of, 3 meters north of milepole 122, 15 meters west of Bullfrog Goldfield R. R. tracks, in stone post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. B 10 ) 3. 9G1 262 From State line east along road to Lida. (Precise leveling by B. A. Farmer in 1905.) Forks (if mad to Oasis. <> miles east of. 0.2 mile south of lone yucca tree, :;o feet north of road to Goldfield; iron post stamped "B F 1905 12 5306" 5. .",00. 117 Forks of road to Oasis. 7 miles east of. near west end of I 'a i motto Canyon, (U) foot south of road to Goldfield, on highest point of rock 2 by :; by 4 foot; chiseled circle; rock painted " U. S. G. S. B. M. 98" 5,406.82 Palmetto, (5 miles west of. !<() feet north of Goldfield road, on highest point of 4 by 3 by 1 foot rock; hub, large boulder 10 feet north painted M I". S. (1. S. B. M. 34" 5.530.89 Palmetto, :', miles west of, 5 feet north of Goldfield -road, at foot of rocky cliff, in mass of scaly rock; tablet stamped " B F 1905 13 5884 " 5, 877. 809 Palmetto, opposite saloon; iron post stamped "B F 1905 14 6168 "___ 6,162.197 Palmetto, '2 miles east of, 0.5 mile north of deserted mill. 4o feet south of Goldfield road, on highest point of rock 12 by 8 by 6 inches; hub G. W. 40 Indian Springs. 1.2 miles west of, 30 feet north of Goldfield road, 100 feel west of point where road curves around spur of hill ; iron post stamped " B F 1905 15 GG24 " 6,617.911 Summit between Lida and Indian Springs, 10 feet north of Goldfiold road ; iron post stamped " B F 1905 16 7409 " 7, 402. (J73 Lida, 3 miles west of, 30 feet north of Goldfield road; iron post stamped "B F UK ir, 17 6869" 6, 8G3. 386 Lida, 1 mile west of, 50 feet north of Goldfield road, on highest point of rock 4 by 2 by 1 foot; hub, rock painted " U. S. B. M. 47 " and marked by rock monument 6, 386. 06 Lida, west end of Main Street, 30 feet east of well; iron post stamped "B F 1905 18 6189 "__ _ 6, 182.96* 46 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. LIDA 1 QUADRANGLE (EAST HALF). From Lida south via Stewart Mill to California-Nevada State line. (Primary leveling by Homer Hadley in 1905 and L. F. Biggs in 1907.) Tule Spring, ikx feet south of saloon, at junction of roads, in larjze Feet. boulder; tablet stamped "5607 B 1907 B" :, . ;..-j. 447 Sand Spring. 4 miles north of, 200 feet ea-t of road, at State line monument 82; top of post 3,735.711 From Lida east along road to fork east of county line, thence southeast to Seattle well. Lida, 1 mile east of, 100 feet north of creek, west end of canyon. 30 feet north of road, at foot of bluff, in limestone ; aluminum tablet stamped "9" 6,030 Kau-le City, 300 feet north of well. Tjr, fret north of road, in limestone ledge; aluminum tablet stamped "8" 5, 690 Ka;rl' City. 1.8 miles east of, 10 feet south of junction of Bullfr Lida roads, in large boulder; aluminum tablet stamped "7" 5.396.805 Eagle City. 4.8 miles east of, 12 feet north of road, on south side of Mount Jackson, at point where road makes sharp turn to left toward opposite side of valley, on small ridge; iron IH.SI stann "10" 5.026 'Jr. Eagle City, 6.8 miles east of, opposite mouth of canyon, t-a-t side of Mount Jackson, at intersection of Cold Mountain trail with road, 15 feet north ,,i mad; iron post stamped 11 ___ 4.882.619 Eagle City, 10.8 miles east of, 20 feet east of road, 300 yards east of small knoll with large boulders on tap, above wagon road; iron post stamped "12" 4.769.880 Eagle City, 13.8 miles southeast of, 20 feet east of small ravine, 10 feet north of road; iron post stamied " i:; 1771 ' . 4,767.260 Eagle City, 16.8 miles southeast of, 10 feet north of road. 50 feet west of small deep ravine, 300 feet north of large yucca tree in bottom of ravine; iron post stamped "14" 4,784 Eagle City. 19 miles southeast of. on summit of junction of Lida and Bullfrog road with Coldtiehl and Hull frog stage ruttd, 50 feet east of road, on ledge; aluminum tablet stained " l.'i " 4.689.730 Cohltiehl & Tonopah Lumber Co. station. 1* miles north of, 8 feet east Of summit; iron post stamped "16" 4,344.066 Greens Well, 200 feet north of, at fork of road to Thorp's mill ; iron post stamped "17" 4,128. 141 Montana stage station, 2 miles north of, 15 feet west of road; iron post stamiHMl "18" 4. n-j. _'7 l Summerville stag*' station. K,0 feet north of well, at forks of road to Thorp's mill; iron post stamped "19" 3,95<> Summorville, 3/J miles south of. near south end of barren alkali Hat; iron post stamped "20" 3,942.134 Summerville. 6.2 miles south of, 40 feet east of road, on edge of low ridge running parallel with road: iron jxtst stamped LI " 3,947. 11-1 Seattle Well. 1 '_' miles south of, 20 feet east of road; iron post stamped " 22 " 4, 045, 696 From road junction east of Eagle City northeast to Ooldfleld. Wilsons Well. 4.7 miles south of. TJ feet west of road. <>.."> mile north- west of foot of Jackson Mountain, where dim road leads to east; iron post stamped "6" 5.192.636 PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 47 Wilsons Well, 1 mile south of, 25 feet east of road ; iron post stamped Feet. " 5 " 5, 211. 627 Halfway station, 3.2 miles south of, 210 feet east of road, on south edge of small wash, in boulder ; aluminum tablet stamped " 4 " 5, 328. 812 Halfway station, 250 feet south of, 30 feet west of road ; iron post stamped " 3 " 5, 553. 618 Goldfield, 8.2 miles south of, 12 feet west of road, in edge of rock slide at foot of high bluff, 300 feet east of a rock ledge which is 100 feet in diameter and stands in valley, in boulder ; aluminum tablet stamped " 2 " 5, 665. 910 Goldfield, 5 miles south of, 100 feet east of wagon road, 200 yards north of point where wagon road intersects automobile road, 30 feet west of wash, in boulder 3 by 3 by 2 feet; aluminum tablet stamped " 1 " 5, 518. 798 Goldfield, 1.8 miles southeast of, on first summit crossed by Goldfield- Lida road, 50 feet south of road, 10 feet northwest of telegraph pole ; iron post stamped " B 1905 H " 6, 083. 091 Goldfield, at southeast corner of Crook Avenue and alley between Main and Columbia streets, in 6-foot stone post set 3 feet in ground; aluminum tablet stamped "B 1905 1 H" 5,677.731 From Goldfield to Diamondfteld and return. Goldfield, 2.4 miles north of, along Tonopah road, 75 feet east of road, in boulder; aluminum tablet stamped "5493 B 1905 H" 5,486.232 Diamondfield, 2 feet east of northeast corner of post office ; iron post stamped " B 1905 3 H " 5, 640. 891 Diamondfield, No. 2 Daisy Bell mine, 160 feet south of southwest cor- ner claim post, in highest surface of malpais rock ; aluminum tablet stamped "B 1905 4 H" 6,008.863 Diamondfield, Loc Non Connaugh Lass mine, 200 feet west of claim post, on top of low ridge, in boulder; aluminum tablet stamped "1905 H 5" 5,809.380 From point 1.8 miles south of Goldfield along south edge of malpais bluff, thence north to Goldfleld ice factory and Goldfield. Goldfield, 1.8 miles south of, on west side of first large draw west of Goldfield-Lida trail, near mass of malpais rock, in boulder, alumi- num tablet stamped " 1905 H 6 " 6, 271. 311 Goldfield, 1.7 miles northwest of, 50 feet south of road to city dump ; iron post stamped "H 7 1905" 5,749.283 Goldfield, 1.2 miles northwest of, 1,000 feet north of station, opposite transit station 1455, 100 feet west of center line of railroad ; paint point on cropping boulder, marked " U. S. B. M." (Railroad ele- vation 5,701.04 feet) 5,640.92 From Goldfield north along Tonopah stage road to point near Gold Mountain Mining Co.'s plant. Goldfield, 4.7 miles north of, 20 feet east of road, 400 feet east of tele- phone line ; iron post stamped " 1 5346 " 5, 339. 320 Goldfield, 8.7 miles north of, in forks of road, on north bank of deep ravine, 500 feet north of old well in bottom of ravine; iron post stamped "2 5114" 5,107.283 Ramseys Well, 150 feet southwest of, at southeast corner of restau- rant; iron post stamped "3 4995" 4,988.373 75642 Bull. 65417 4 48 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. Ramseys Well, 3.5 miles north of, 30 feet west of road, on north side Feet of deep ravine; iron post stamped "4 5187 " 5, 180. 134 Ramseys Well, 5.5 miles north of, 0.2 mile south of forks of road to Klondike, 250 feet east of road, on west end of twin buttes; alumi- num tablet stamped "5 5403" 5,395.41.: Gold Mountain Mining Co.'s plant, 1.3 miles south of, 30 feet south of road, in middle of valley, 1 mile south of summit; iron post stamped "6 5754" 5,746.738 LOVELOCKS QUADRANGLE (includes Rochester Special quadrangle). [Latitude 40-40 30'; longitude 118-118 30'.] From Rye Patch southwest along Southern Pacific R. R. to Toy. (Precise leveling by U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Rye Patch, 1.7 miles east of, at railroad mileage 3G7.7, south of track, on top surface of east concrete abutment of small bridge under eastbound track; top of roundheaded iron bolt, Southern Pacific R. R. b. m. (C. & G. S. b. m. Lr) (S. P.) 4, 251. 740 Rye Patch, 30 meters north of milepole 366, 49 meters north of track, 35 meters south of line fence, 20 meters east of freight house, in cement or stone post, red-metal disk; (C. & G. S. b. m. M T ) 4,251.468 Rye Patch, at railroad mileage 365.4, in top surface of south head wall of concrete culvert 365C; top of roundheaded iron bolt, Southern Pacific R. R. b. m. (C. & G. S. b. m. N T ) (S. P.) 4, 246. 022 Zola, 2 miles east of, in top surface of south head wall of cuh> 363C; top of a roundheaded iron bolt. Southern Pacific R. R. b. m. (C. & G. S. b. m. O,) 4, 264. 198 Zola, 0.3 mile east of, at railroad mileage 361.7, 46 meters south of Southern Pacific K K tr.n-k. 1 meter north of south line fence, in cement or stone post; r.,i m, tal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. P f ) 4,231.803 Oreana, at railroad mileage 357.9, on top surface of southeastern one of four central pillars under railroad water tank; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Qt) 4,157.957 Woolsry. at railroad mileage 353.6, 150 in- af houldor. marked " U. S. 5,957 B. M." _ 5, 957. 28 50 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. Rochester, 2.5 miles south of, in Weaver P.. M." 4, 4SO. :,_' MILL CITY QUADRANGLE. [Latitude 40' 30'-41* ; longitude 118-118* 30'.) From Dodon southwest Along Southern Pacific R. R. to Valery. (Precise leveling by U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Dodon, 4 telegraph poles west of milepost 303, opposite station sign, 59.8 meters south of track. 1.6 meters north of south fence, In cement or stone post; red-metal disk (C. & G. 8. b. m. Ft) 4.252.623 Mill City, 175 meters west of station, in second line of telegraph poles, 0.6 meter east of east fence around a yellow frame building, 37.6 meters south of track, in cement or stone post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. G,) . 4,224.033 Imlay, on top of northeastern emu-rete pillar under railroad w:r tank; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. HT) 4,194.959 lluniboldt, jt<> \\ ; \ici tank, about 75 meters west of station, 25 meters north of track; red-metal disk (0. & G. S. b. ra. I,) 4,232.423 Valery, 300 meters east of station sign, 200 meters west of mile- pole 373, 60 meters north, of track, i m. -t. -r ^>\\{h of north line fence, 4 meters east of a gate in fence, in cement or stone post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. J T ) 4,278.548 Valery, 3 miles west of, at railroad mileage 369.9, in top surface of south head wall of culvert under eastbound track of Southern Pacific R. R. ; top of round-headed iron bolt, Southern Pacific R. It. b. m. (0. & G. S. b. m. KT) 4,245,949 PALISADE QUADRANGLE. [ Latitude 40 30'-41* ; longitude Il6 e -116 30'.] From Vivian west along Southern Pacific R. R. to Beowawe. (Precise level- ing by V. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Vivian, 65.9 meters south of station sign, on right of way of Southern Pacific R. R., 59.6 meters south of main track, 1.4 meters north of line fence between Southern Pacific R. R. and Western Pacific Ry., 16.3 meters north of Western Pacific track, 9.3 telegraph poles east of Western Pacific milepole 647, 2.8 telegraph poles west of Southern Pacific milepole 539, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. S.) l .'.46.893 PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 51 Carl in. in grass plot halfway between Southern Pacific Hotel and Southern Pacific R. R. station, 1 meter south of front fence, in top of stone post ; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. T B ) 4, 896. 834 Carl in, 2 miles west of. 100 meters west of crossing 534A, 41 meters north of milepost 534, 56 meters north of Southern Pacific R. R. track, 1.7 meters south of north line fence, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. U) 4,880.075 Tyrol, approximately at milepole 532.6, 7.5 meters east of station sign, 13.7 meters east of Southern Pacific R. R. main track, 1.4 meters west of east line fence (C. & G. S. b. m. Vi) 4,872.592 Palisade, 75 meters west of west end of Southern Pacific R. R. bridge No. 16 over Humboldt River, 30 meters east of tunnel No. 1, 13.7 meters north of track, 14.5 meters south of north line fence, 1 meter east of a telegraph pole, in top of stone post ; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. W 5 ) 4,843.458 Gerald, near fence corner at west end of siding, 8 telegraph poles west of station sign. 29.2 meters south of track, 1 meter from south line of fence, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. X.) 4,820.079 Harney, 2.4 telegraph poles east of milepole 518, 6.6 poles west of station sign, 30 meters north of track, 0.6 meter south of fence, in top of stone post ; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. Y 5 )-_ 4, 774, 282 Cluro, 3.3 telegraph poles east of station sign and of Southern Pacific R. R. milepole 514, 5.3 meters south of second telegraph pole west of Western Pacific Ry. milepole 623, 26.8 meters north of Southern Pacific track, 34.5 meters south of north line fence, 19.1 meters south of the Western Pacific Ry. track, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. Z) 4,730.932 Beowawe, in top surface of concrete base of signal tower 510.1 at east end of siding; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. A,) 4,699.997 Beowawe, in top surface of concrete foundation (center pier) of Western Pacific Ry. water tank; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. B.) 4,698.849 Beowawe, 25 meters west of west end of Southern Pacific R. R. sta- tion, 26 meters south of Western Pacific Ry. track, 19.8 meters north of Southern Pacific R. R. track, in top of stone post ; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. C.) 4,693.849 PANACA QUADRANGLE (NORTHEAST QUARTER OF PIOCHE QUAD- RANGLE). [Latitude 37 30'-38 ; longitude 114-114 30'.] From Caliente along San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake R. R. northeast to Del Hues, thence northwest and southwest to Fioche, thence west along highway to Point mine. (Primary leveling hy D. S. Birkett in 1914-15.) Caliente, at corner of Culverwell Avenue and Market Street, on face of public-school building toward Culverwell Avenue, 1.8 meters above ground; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Q 2 ) 4,402.200 Caliente, 1.1 miles north of railroad station, 30 feet south of road crossing, on east side of Pioche branch track, in base of telephone pole ; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 4434 " 4, 434. 46 Caliente, 2 miles north of, 400 feet north of milepost 2, in base of telegraph pole ; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 4439 " 4, 438. 85 Caliente, 3 miles north of, on Pioche branch, 85 feet south of mile- post 3, 15 feet east of track, in large boulder; aluminum tablet stamped " 4464 1914 1 " 4, 463. 607 52 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. Caliente, 4 miles north of, in base of milepost 4; railroad spike Feet. marked " U. S. B. M. 4491" 4,490.91 Caliente, 5 miles north of, in base of milepost 5; railroad spi Un- marked "U. S. B. M. 4506" 4,506.28 Caliente, 6 miles north of, 45 feet south of section house, 150 feet south of milepost 6, 50 feet east of track; iron post stamped "4547 1914 2" 4 t 54C . T'.'j Caliente, 7 miles north of, 400 feet north of milepost 7, 175 feet north of trestle 7 A, in telegraph pole ; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 4571" 4,570.51 Caliente, 8 miles north of, 200 feet north of milepost 8, in base of tHcgraph pole; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 4593" 4,593.06 I'anaca, 5.4 miles south of, 800 feet north of niil-p"-i '.'. <>n nrth MH! of trestle 9 A, in east end of bulkhead; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 4622 " 4, 622. 28 Panaca, 4.5 miles south of, in base of milepost 10; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 4650" l Panaca, 4.2 miles south of, 0.3 mile north of milepost 10, 120 feet west of railroad track, on south side of private gate; iron post stamped "4655 1914 3" 4,654.996 Panaca, 3.5 miU>s south of, 200 feet north of milepost 11, in telegraph pole; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 4666" 1 I. 66. 12 Panaca, 2.5 miles south of, 400 feet north of milepost 12, in base of telegraph pole; railroad spike marked "U. 8. B. M. 4680" 4,680.10 Panaca, 1.5 miles south of, 200 feet south of milepost 13, in telegraph pole; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 4693" 4,693.01 Panaca, 0.55 mile south of, 175 feet south of milepost 14, on east side of south end of trestle 13 C; top of drift bolt painted \vi. marked " U. S. B. M. 4727" Panaca, 230 feet north of signboard, 100 feet south of road crossing. 50 feet east of railroad track ; Iron post stamped " 4733 1914 4 "__ 4, 733. 136 Milepost 15; top of rail opposite 4,732.6 Panaca, 1.4 miles north of, 200 feet south of milepost 16, In base of telegraph pole; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 4767" 4,766.77 Panaca, 2.75 miles north of, 1,300 feet north of milepost 17, 50 feet east of track, on top of boulder 4 feet high; bronze tat* stamped "4832 1914 5" 4,831.925 Panaca, 3.5 miles north of, 80 feet north of milepost 18, on west side of south end of bridge 18 A; top of drift bolt painted white, marked " U. S. B. M. 4885" 4,885.15 Panaca, 4.5 miles north of, 200 feet north of milepost 19, in base of telegraph pole; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 4952" 4,951.40 Del Mues, 1.5 miles south of, in base of milepost 20, railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 5018" 5,018.06 Del Mues, 1.1 miles south of, 50 feet north of present location of water tank. 20 feet west of track, in concrete foundation of old tank; bronze tablet stamped "5057 1914 6" 5,056.296 Del Mues, 60 feet west of signboard, in base of telegraph pole; rail- road spike marked "U. S. B. M. 5108" 5. U>7. 71 Del Mues, 0.35 mile northwest of, In center of trestle 21 C; top of rail 5, 117. Del Mues, 0.55 mile northwest of, in base of milepost 22, railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 5121 "__ .. 5, 120. 78 PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 53 Del Mues, 1.6 miles northwest of, in base of milepost 23; railroad Feet, spike marked " U. S. B. M. 5175 " 5, 174. 34 Del Mues, 2.6 miles northwest of, 165 feet north of milepost 24, 15 feet west of track, on top of large boulder ; bronze tablet stamped " 5267 1915 7 " 5, 266. 609 Del Mues, 3.5 miles northwest of, opposite milepost 25, 20 feet west of track, in base of back side of emergency rail stand; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 5361 " 5, 360. 47 Pioche, 6.9 miles southeast of, in base of milepost 26 ; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 5445 " 5, 444. 99 Pioche, 5.9 miles southeast of, in base of milepost 27 ; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 5493" 5,492.48 Trestle 27 B, 200 feet north of, at road crossing ; top of rail 5, 462. 4 Pioche, 3 miles east of, 3.9 miles south of railroad station, 35 feet south of milepost 29, 60 feet east of railroad, 40 feet south of wagon road ; iron post stamped " 5435 1915 8 " 5, 434. 636 Pioche, 2.6 miles east of railroad station along track, in base of mile- post 30; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 5457" 5,456.70 Pioche, 1.6 miles northeast of, along railroad, in base of milepost 31 ; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 5474 " 5, 473. 29 Signpost " Pioche 1 mile " ; top of rail opposite 5, 562. 9 Pioche, opposite operator's window in railroad station ; top of nearest rail 1 5, 725. 2 Pioche, on water tank of San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake R. R., on north side of concrete foundation ; bronze tablet stamped " 5725 1915 19 " 5, 724. 452 Pioche, 0.7 mile northwest of railroad station, at road crossing, 15 feet north of Prince Consolidated Mining Co.'s railroad track, in base of railroad crossing signpost ; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 5738 " 5, 737. 53 Pioche, 2.4 miles northwest of, 0.3 mile southeast of crossing of Prince Consolidated Mining Co.'s railroad and Jackrabbit mine railroad, at point where lower road to Bristol Pass crosses Prince Consolidated Mining Co.'s railroad, 12 feet southwest of wagon road, 30 feet south of railroad ; iron post stamped " 58t)9 1915 " 5, 898. 320 Pioche, 2.6 miles northwest of, at point where Prince Consolidated Mining Co.'s railroad crosses Jackrabbit mine railroad ; top of rail- 5, 906. 4 Pioche, 3.8 miles northwest of, at crossing of wagon road to the " Point " and Prince Consolidated Mining Co.'s railroad, in base of railroad crossing signpost; railroad spike scribed " U. S. %. M. 6018 " 6, 017. 27 Pioche, 4.3 miles northwest of, 400 feet south of forks of three roads leading to Bristol Pass, Stampede Pass, and Prince Consolidated mine, 30 feet west of the latter road, about midway between two red buildings belonging to the Point mine; iron post stamped "6066 1915 20" 6,065.893 From Panaca southwest along highways to Bonnet Springs. Panaca, 5.9 miles west of, 3.8 miles east of Bennet Springs, about 2.5 miles up the wash from railroad track, at foot of third con- spicuous point on south side above the railroad, 140 feet south of road ; iron post stamped " 4790 1915 21 " 4, 789. 449 54 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. Bennet Springs, 2.4 miles east of, on point between two main forks of wash, 140 feet north of road, in base of 8-inch cedar tree ; rail- ret road spike marked " U. S. B. M. 4929 " - 4, 928. 68 Bennet Springs, l.<5 miles east of, 500 feet west of point where road leaves wash and mounts bench, 90 feet north of road, in base of juniper tree; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 5033" .-.<:',:>,. 21 Bennet Springs; surface of artificial pond February 23, 1915 5,259.1 Bennet Springs, 200 feet west of old house, 75 feet south of road. about 350 feet northwest <>f main spring, at foot of slope; iron post stamped "5276 1915 22" <>l.; From point 3 miles east of Pioche along highway northeast to Little Summit, thence southeast to Modena, Utah. (Utah portion in another list.) Pioche, about 4.5 miles east of, 1.4 miles east of railroad crossing, near top of bench, 3 feet south of Rose Valley road, on top of boulder; painted circle marked "U. S. B. M. 5477" 5,476.25 Pioche, about 5.5 miles east of, on top of small ridge, 25 feet south of road, in base of juniper stump; railroad spike scribed " U. S. B. M. 5585" 5,584.29 Rose Valley School, 4.3 miles west of. 120 feet south of road, about 12 feet above road level, in base of juniper tree; railroad spike scribed " U. S. B. M. 5713" .. : Rose Valley School, 3.1 miles west of, on plateau. 75 feet east of fork in road, 20 feet south of road; iron post stamped "5868 1915 9". 5,867.598 Rose Valley School, 1.6 miles west of, on east edge of plateau where road turns down hill, 6 feet north of road, in top of boulder; bronze tablet stamped "5906 1915 10" 5,905.660 Rose Valley School, 1 mile west of, 15 feet south of road, in base of cedar stump; railroad spike marked U. S. B. M. 5699" . 5,698.20 Rose Valley School, 150 feet northeast of, 80 feet north of Meadow Valley Creek, on north side of road, iu top of large boulder; bronze tablet stamped "5396 1915 11" r. Rose Valley School, 0.87 mile southeast of, near bottom of hill, where road turns up. JO feet east of road; top of boulder marked U. S. B. M. 5379 ". 7S.23 Rose Valley School, 1.2 miles south* -a M of. about 150 feet above 1< of Rose Valley, 40 feet north of road ; top of large boulder marked "U. S. B. M. 5558" 5,557.48 Hose Valley School, 1.5 miles east of, about 250 feet above level of Rose Valley, 4 feet north of road, in top of large cubical boulder; bronze tablet stamped " 5641 1915 12 " 5, 640. 916 Rose Valley School, 2.1 miles east of, near top of first bench, 2 feet south of road, in base of cedar tree ; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 5850" 5,849.98 Rose Valley School, 3.1 miles east of, on hogback slope where road turns off down to Eagle Valley, on south side of road, in base of juniper tree; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 5989" 5,988.40 Rose Valley School, 4.1 miles east of, on hogback ridge, 12 feet north of road; iron post stamped "6066 1915 13" 6,065.868 Rose Valley School, 5.6 miles east of, on sloping plateau, 15' feet south of road, in base of small juniper tree; railroad spike marked 44 U. S. B. M. 6196 "__ .. 6,11' PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 55 Rose Valley School, 6.4 miles east of, about 0.2 mile west of road forks, 15 feet south of road, in base of juniper tree; railroad Feet, spike marked " U. S. B. M. 6267 " 6, 266. 81 Little Summit, 0.3 mile east of, 350 feet south of fork of Fay and Modeiia road, in base of cedar tree; railroad spike scribed " U. S. B. M. 6294 " 6, 293. 59 Big Summit, 2.4 miles west of, 0.5 mile east of fork of Modena and Fay roads, 3 feet south of Modena road ; top of boulder 4 feet high stamped "6366 1915 14" 6,365.333 Big Summit, 1 mile west of, 225 feet west of dry well, 15 feet north of road, in base of cedar tree; railroad spike scribed " U. S. B. M. 6533"__ 6,532.24 Big Summit, 10.6 miles east of Rose Valley, 15.1 miles west of Modena, on summit of divide, 15 feet south of road ; iron post stamped "6680 1915 15" 6,679.513 Big Summit, 0.75 mile east of, 5 feet north of road, in base of juniper tree; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 6487" 6,486.98 Big Summit, 1.7 miles southeast of, 20 feet south of road, in base of 1;-incli juniper tree; railroad spike marked " U. S. B. M. 6341 " 6,340.93 Big Summit, 2.5 miles southeast of, 20 feet north of road ; top of boulder marked " U. S. B. M. 6231 " 6, 230. 62 Big Summit, 2.9 miles southeast of, 3.3 miles northwest of fork of Fay and Rose Valley roads, 0.55 mile northwest of old road forks leading to north, 170 feet northeast of Rose Valley road, about 20 feet above level of wash on hillside, 15 feet west of juniper tree scribed " B. M.," in top of boulder 18 inches high ; bronze tablet stamped "6207 1915 16" 6,207.054 Big Summit, 3.8 miles southeast of, 2.4 miles northwest of fork of Fay and Rose Valley roads, 0.3 mile southeast of fork of Rose Valley road and old road leading north, 6 feet south of road; top of boulder marked " U. S. B. M. 6105" 6,105.21 Big Summit, 4.6 miles southeast of, 1.6 miles northwest of fork of Fay ami Rose Valley roads, 125 feet northeast of Rose Valley road, on point of slope about 4 feet above level of wash ; top of boulder marked " U. S. B. M. 6034" 6,034.17 From Pioche northwest along highway 4.8 miles. (Primary leveling by Roscoe Reeves in 1915.) Pioche, 2.4 miles northwest of, 0.3 mile southwest of crossing of Prince Consolidated Mining Co.'s and Jack Rabbit mine railroads, 12 feet southwest of wagon road, 30 feet south of railroad ; iron post stamped "5,899" (Birkett's 1914-15 line) 5,898.320 Pioche, 3.4 miles northwest of, 1.04 miles north of railroad crossing, 50 feet west of road ; copper nail in cedar tree, painted " 5,864 " 5, 864. 21 At Pioche. Pioche, on east side of main entrance to Thompson's store, beneath center of show window, on stone sill; chalked cross, painted " 6,080 " 6, 080. 06 Pioche, 0.5 mile west of, at shops of Amalgamated Pioche Mines & Smelters Corporation, 30 feet south of collar of shaft, on west side of main entrance to room of hoisting engines, at base of southwest brace of derrick support ; top of concrete pillar ; bronze tablet stamped " 6,347 " 6, 346. 857 56 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. Pioche, in capstone to main entrance of Lincoln County courthouse, Fet. north side of entrance ; bronze tablet, stamped " 6,064 " 6, 064. 229 Leith, 15 meters west of center line of main track of railroad, on side of concrete section house facing track, 430 meters north of sign- board " Leith," 1.6 meters above ground ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. B,) 2,933.245 Leith, 1.3 miles north of, on southwest end of southeast concrete abut- ment of railroad bridge 429 B, 100 meters northwest of signboard " Leith one mile," 3.8 meters southwest of center line and 2 meters below top of rail ; copper bolt set vertically in cement (C. & G. S. b. m. C,) 2,997.383 Leith, 3.9 miles north of, in southwest end of southeast concrete abut- ment of bridge 431 G of railroad, 3.4 meters southwest of center line and 0.5 meter below top of rail ; copper bolt set vertically in cement (C. & G. S. b. m. D.) 3,144.672 Kyle, 28 meters northeast of center line of main track of railroad, directly opposite signboard " KyU." on east side of highway which crosses tracks at this point, 1.1 meters above top of rail, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. E>) 3,23." Kyle, 1.4 miles north of, set vertically in northeast concrete wall of culvert 434 A of railroad, 7.2 meters northeast of center line and 2.5 meters below top of rail ; copper bolt in cement (C. & G. S. b. m. F,)_ 3, 285. 935 PIOCHE QUADRANGLE. [Latitude 37*-38*; longitude 114*-115*.] From Carp northeast alonj Ban Pedro, Lot Anreles ft Salt Lake R. R. to Lien. (FreolM level inr by V. 8. Coast and Geodetic Surrey.) Carp, 15 meters southeast of center line of main track of railroad, in face of concrete section house facing track, 50 meters southwest of telegraph station, 1.6 meters above ground; red-metal disk (O. & G. S. b. m. X,) 2,589.939 Carp, 70 meters northeast of telegraph station, 20 meters northwest of center line of main track of railroad, in northeast radial plane of circular stone wall of pump well, 0.5 meter above ground, set horizontally In cement; copper bolt (C. & G. S. b. m. Yi) 2,588.282 Carp, 500 meters northeast of telegraph station at Carp, 25 meters southwest of point of switch at north end of Carp siding and 48 meters northwest of center line of main track of railroad, 17 meters outside of right-of-way fence, 0.6 meter above top of rail, at foot of rocky point, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. Z,) 2,594.680 St. George, 126 meters south of signboard " St. George," 138.8 meters west of center line of main track of railroad, 107.6 meters west of right of way fence, 1 meter above top of rail opposite bench mark ; at foot of cliff above broad sandy wash, in top of stone post ; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. A,) 2, 695. 106 Elgin, 0.3 mile south of telegraph station, directly opposite milepole 438, 22 meters east of center of main track of railroad, 2.5 meters east of right of way fence line near foot of cliffs, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. G,) 3,450.413 PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 57 Elgin, 135 meters north of telegraph station, 11 meters east of center line of main track of railroad, on side of concrete section house fac- ing tracks, 1.6 meters above ground ; red-metal disk (C. &. G. S. Feet, b. m. H 2 ) - 3,466.463 Elgin, 4.9 meters east of center line of track of railroad, on steel base of west one of three southerly tank columns* letters " U. S. B. M." cut in face of concrete pier; chiseled square (G. & G. S. b. m. I a )_ 3,464.619 Boyd, 420 meters southeast of station sign " Boyd," 75 meters north- west of point of switch at south end of Boyd siding, 18.2 meters northeast of center line of main track of railroad, 2.5 meters north- east of right of way fence, in line with north fence at highway crossing; red-metal disk on top of iron post (C. & G. S. b. m. J a ) 3, 775.800 Boyd, 3.9 miles north of, opposite Carson's ranch, in east wing wall of north concrete abutment of bridge 446 A of railroad, 3 meters east of center line and 3.8 meters north of south face of abutment; cop- per bolt set vertically in cement (C. & G. S. b. m. K 2 ) 3,926.442 Stine, 125 meters north of signboard " Stine," 27 meters east of cen- ter line of main track of railroad, 1.9 meters outside right of way fence, 2.2 meters north of angle in fence line, 14 meters above top of rail, at the foot of white cliffs opposite power plant of Delamar mine, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. I*) 4,031.796 Cana, 0.8 mile north of signboard " Stine," 15 meters west of center line of main track of railroad, in face of concrete section house facing track, 1.5 meters above ground ; red-metal disk ( C. & G. S. b. m. M 2 ) 4,060.756 Stine, 3.2 miles north of, on southeast concrete wall of culvert 450 D of railroad, 4.1 meters southeast of center line and 1 meter below top of rail; copper bolt in cement (C. & G. S. b. m. N,) 4, 156. 189 Etna, 155 meters southeast of center of bridge 453 A, 340 meters southwest of point of switch at northeast end of Etna siding, 48 meters northwest of center line of main track of railroad, 17.5 meters outside right of way fence, 0.4 meter below top of rail, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. O 2 )__ 4, 263. 321 Caliente, 11.5 meters southeast of center line of main track of rail- road, on concrete foundation of railroad station facing track, di- rectly beneath agent's office, 0.3 meter above ground ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. P 2 ) 4,389.735 Caliente, at corner of Culverwell Avenue and Market Street, on face of public-school building toward Culverwell Avenue, 1.8 meters above ground; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Q a ) :___ 4,402.200 Caliente, on west side of South Spring Street, 294 meters south of center line of main track of railroad, 36 meters west of line (pro- duced) of west face of " company row " of houses on North Spring Street, at foot of wash from hill, 15 meters above railroad track, in top of stone post ; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. R 2 )__ 4, 446. 172 Caliente, 50 meters southeast of center line of main track of rail- road, on face of Caliente Mercantile Co.'s store on Clover Street, 1.5 meters above ground; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. S 2 ) 4,404.713 Caliente, 45 meters southeast of center line of main track of railroad, in face of concrete section house facing track, 1.6 meters above ground; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. T 2 ) 4,412.471 58 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. Eccles, 41 meters south of center line of main track of railroad, 220 meters west of east end of Eccles siding, in a small niche in high cliff. 1.1 meters above top of rail, in top of iron post; red- Feet, metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. U,) 4,625.010 Minto, 2 miles northwest of, 3.5 meters east of center line of main track of railroad, on east erid of south concrete nl nit incut of bridge 465 B, 0.5 meter below top of rail; copper bolt in cement (C. & G. S. b. m. V,) 1. 715.686 Minto, 30.3 meters southwest of center line of main track of rail- road, 30.5 meters from signboard Minto." near foot of cliffs, 0.2 meter above top of rail, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. \V a ) 4,810.666 Big Springs, 6.3 meters west of center line of main track of railroad. 45 meters south of section house, on west wall of stone culvert 470 E. 2.2 meters below top of rail ; red-metal disk set vertically (C. & G. S. b. m. X.) 5,061.971 Islen, 200 meters west of signboard " Islen." 1M.1 meters south center line of main track of railroad, at foot of high white cliffs, 1 meter above top of rail, on top of iron post ; red-metal disk (C. ft G. S. b. m. Y.) 5,223.828 Barclay, 0.7 mile east of signboard " Barclay," 15 meters northwest of center line of main track of railroad, directly in front of fence at Wood's ranch (Barclay post office) facing highway, a:* in- below top of rail, in top of stone post ; bottom of square hole (C. ft G. S. b. m. Z,) 5,3: Acoma, 65 meters south W.-M of station, 10.4 meters northwest of center line of main track, 0.2 meter below top of rail, on top of ir post; red-metal disk (C. ft G. S. b. m. A,) Acoma, 50 meters northeast of station, 3.9 meters northwest of center of main track, in southwest end of concrete pier of water tank nearest main track; copper bolt in cement (C. ft G. S. b. m. B) 5, "ji u i Acoma, 25 meters northwest of renter lino of main track of railroad, in faro of concrete hunk hou*r touanl track. O.7 meter above top of rail; red-metal disk (C. ft G. S. h m. C,) 5,526.003 Acoma, 1.8 miles northeast of, 5.8 meter* north of center line of main track of railroad, on south wall of stone culvert 483 B, 2 meters below top of rail ; bottom of square hole, marked " U. S. B. M." (C. & G. S. b. m. D,) 5,608.046 Brown, 19 meters southeast of center line of main track of railroad. directly opposite signboard "Brown," 1 meter above top of rail. in top of stone post ; bottom of square hole (C. ft G. S. b. m. E)___ 5, 780. 507 Crestline, 29 meters west of center line of main track of railroad, in face of concrete bunk house facing track 1.6 meters above ground; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. P.) 5,983.128 Crestline, 23 meters east of center line of main track of railroad, 5 meters north (measured along track) of signboard "Crestline," 0.9 meter above top of rail, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. G,) 5,984 Lien, 19 meters north of center line of main track of railroad, oppo- site signboard " Lien," 0.8 meter above top of rail, in top of iron poet; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. H,) 5,803.811 PKECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 59 PYRAMID LAKE QUADRANGLE. [Latitude 40-40 30'; longitude 119 30'-120.] Elevations by water leveling along west shore of Pyramid Lake to north end, thence 7 miles along highway to bridge 402, Western Pacific Ry., by General Land Office in 1911. SymoncTs ranch, 3 miles southeast of, 300 feet north of prominent limestone point, on low ledge jutting into lake ; cross mark wit- Feet nessed by an arrow 3, 8(39. 30 Pyramid Lake, at middle latitude point, water surface : July 1, 1911 3,869.1 July 14, 1911 3, 869. 1 Aug. 8, 1911 3, 868. 9 Aug. 27, 1911 3,868.4 Sept. 5, 1911 3,868.1 Oct. 10, 1911 3,867.3 NOTE. Tlu> ortlioiiH'tric elevation of this lake is 0.07 foot lower at north i-nd and 0.07 foot higher at south end than the height at middle latitude point. Symond's ranch, 0.25 mite southeast of, in forks of road, 175 feet from lake shore, about 200 feet south of meander corner of sees. 35 and 2. Tps. 2:. and 26 N., R. 20 B. ; iron post stamped "3889" 3,884.108 Syinoinl's ranHi. :> miles north of, 300 feet east of prominent rocky cove, 75 feet from lake shore, near meander corner of sees. 15 and 22, T. 26 N., R. 20 E. ; iron post stamped " 3886 " 3, 880: 689 Gage No. 7 (a point 125 feet northwest from b. m. No. 7), marked with a circle and the letters U. S. B. M 3,869.04 The Needles, noiih end of, close to line between Tps. 26 and 27 N. It. 20 E., on south side of sec. 36, on west side of first rocky peak on peninsula, 50 feet from lake shore, set in face of large boulder; bronze tablet stamped " 3881 " 3, 876. 640 Pyramid Lake, north end of, about 100 feet west of road along shore of lake, about 300 feet west of corner of sees. 4, 5, 32, and 33, Tps. 27 and 28 N., R. 21 E. ; 3-inch iron post 3, 887. 590 Intersection of roads 3, 927 Pyramid Lake, opposite point projecting to east, first point in pass north from lake, on alkali flat ; top of rock 1 foot square 3, 931. 14 Pyramid Lake, 5.6 miles north of, opposite rocky point on divide in pass, 2 feet east of road ; cross on boulder 3, 965. 51 Western Pacific Uy., 1,000 feet east of, 7.3 miles north of Pyramid Lake, about 0.25 mile south of intersection of two passes; on side of road _. 3, 936. 71 Bridge 402, near station 7228 of Western Pacific Ry. ; top of rail 3, 966. Bridge 402, 250 feet north of, 50 feet east of Western Pacific Ry. ; iron post 3, 963. 12 RENO QUADRANGLE. [Latitude 39 30'-40 ; longitude 119 30'-120.] From Clark west along Southern Pacific R. R. to Marmol. (Precise leveling by TJ. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Clark, 100 meters east of east end of siding, in top surface of west concrete abutment of bridge 8 over Truckee River ; top of a round- headed iron bolt (S. P. R. R. b. m.) (C. & G. S. b. m. Z 8 ) 4, 246. 173 60 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. Ditho, 0.5 mile east of, at railroad mileage 258.1, in top surface of east abutment of bridge 7 over Truckee River; top of a round-headed Feet iron bolt (S. P. R. R. b. m.) (C. & G. S. b. m. A.) 4,296. 2U Hafed, at railroad mileage 253.1, 40 meters east of station sign, 29.4 meters south of track, on top of large black boulder 3 meters high ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. B.) 4,376.822 Vista, at railroad mileage 251, on top surface of east abutment of bridge 6 over Truckee River ; top of a round-headed iron bolt ( S. P. R. R. b. m.) (C. & G. S. b. m. C,) 4, 390. 227 Vista, 1.4 miles east of, on west abutment of small bridge 250 B ; top of a round-headed iron bolt (S. P. R. R. b. m.) (C. & G. S. b. m. D.) 4,390. 71.: Vista, 0.6 mile east of, at railroad mileage 249.8, on top surface of east abutment of bridge 5 over Truckee River; top of a round- headed iron bolt (S. P. R. R. b. m.) (C. & G. S. b. m. E,) 4,395.195 Vista, 10.6 meters south of milepole 249, 25.2 meters south of track, 0.2 mile west of station sign, in angle formed by fence at grade crossing with the south line fence, northwest of highway ; red-metal disk set in cement or stone post (C. & G. S. b. m. F.) 4,394. 781 Sparks, at railroad mileage 246.3, 250 meters west of railroad sta- tion, in angle formed by high board fence at grade crossing, 1 meter from fence corner, 14.9 meters north of track ; In cement or stone post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. G,) 4,422.255 Lawton, 0.3 mile east of railroad station, 120 meters east of milepole 238, on top of large brown boulder 1.5 meters high, 15 meters north of westbound track; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. J,) 4,645.549 Verdi, 2 miles east of, at mileage 234.1 on old line of South,- Pacific H. R., on east abutment of bridge 4 over Truckee River; red-m disk (C. & G. S. b. m. K.) 4,789.751 Verdi, top of wesu> inside base bolt of signal towi-r -."-'.. which la "distant" signal for east end of Verdi siding (C. & G. S. b. m. U) 4,849.413 Marinnl, at railroad niil-:iuv 230.5, in cow pasture opposite large red building, 75 meters south of track. 20 meters west of east pasture fence, 7 meters north of south pasture fence, 100 meters east of bench mark E* in top of black boulder; top of a round-headed Iron bolt (C. & G. S. b. in. F.) 4,900.449 Mnrinol, at railroad mileage 230.5, In cow pasture opposite large red building, 65 meters south of track, 60 meters east of west pasture fence, 10 meters north of the south pasture fence, on top of large boulder; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. ) 4,961.893 M.n-inol, 0.6 mile southwest of, on top of east abutment of railroad bridge over Truckee River; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. D.)__ 4,969.580 From Reno south along Virginia it Truckee Ry. to Canon City, thence east to Mound House and northeast along Southern Pacific R. R. to Dayton. (Pre- cise leveling by U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Surrey.) Reno, in granite top of north balustrade of east on trance to city hall; brass plate 2 by 4 inches (C. & G. S. b. m. H.) 4. tt& 177 NOTE. The elevation marked on the top is 9C.7J tV-t .il.<.\o the zero of the city system of levels. Reno, on main building of Nevada State University, in side of north- east corner stone; bronze tablet stMinp.'d * 4",4.xi7 " (U. S. G. S.) (C. & G. S. b. m. I.) _ 4,557 I7t> PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 61 Reno, in north end of abutment of highway bridge over Truckee Feet. River; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. M 9 ) 4,489.643 Reno, 3 miles south of, 75 meters southeast of school house opposite Wingate's stock farm, 5 meters east of Virginia & Truckee Ry. tracks, in line with telegraph poles, 50 meters south of a road crossing; in top of iron post ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. N) 4, 440. 447 Reno, 5 miles south of, 1.75 miles north of Huffaker, in second pier from south end of railroad bridge over a creek; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. O,) 4,455.368 Huffaker, near north end of switch, in a fence corner 5 meters east of railroad tracks, near a road cross, in top of iron post; red- metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. P 9 ) . 4,505.116 Reno, 9 miles south of, at south end of a siding, 50 meters north of switch stand, east of tracks, in line with telegraph poles, in top of iron post; red metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Q 9 ) 4,543.393 Steamboat Springs, in southwest corner of south abutment of rail- road culvert, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. R) 4,600.847 Steamboat Springs, 1.5 miles south of, 8 meters east of railroad tracks, in top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. S 9 ) 4,669.141 Washoe, 1 mile north of, east of road crossing, near crossing sign, in top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. T t ) 4,923.845 Washoe, 0.5 mile north of, in west end of north abutment of rail- road bridge, 1 meter lower than rail, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. U 9 ) _'_! 5, 025. 580 Washoe, in wing wall of first culvert north of station, cross in rock (R. S. b. m.) (C. & G. S. b. m. V.) 5,038.113 Washoe, near station platform, in west side of concrete culvert under tracks; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. W.) 5,039.763 Washoe, 3 miles south of, in line with telegraph poles, 30 meters north of road crossing, in top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. X.) 5,069.120 Franktown, in northwest corner of foundation of railroad water tank, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. Y,) 5,054.084 Franktown, 3 miles south of, opposite switch stand, at north end of switch, in line with telegraph poles, in top of iron post ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Z 9 ) 5,054.330 Lakeview, opposite switch stand at south end of siding, 1 meter from right of way fence, in top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Aw) 5, 124. 865 Carson City, 3.5 miles north of, 5 meters west of tracks on tangent of 2 per cent grade on side of a hill, on point of large boulder ; chiseled square in relief (C. & G. S. b. m. B 10 ) 4,975.623 Carson City, 2 miles northwest of, at north end of railroad tangent, near cross road, east of tracks; square cut in large boulder (C. & G. S. b. m. do) 4,835.512 Carson City, 0.75 mile west of, in concrete head gates of an irrigation ditch on railroad right of way, near road crossing; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Dio) 4,755.840 Carson City, in south wall of Carson Bank near rear entrance; red- metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. E 10 ) 4,686.342 Carson City, at western entrance to Capitol, in footing of one of the supports of pillars; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. F) 4, 677. 563 62 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. Carson City, in front wall of post-oflice building, just over north balustrade; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. G M ) ill Carson City, 400 meters east of station, near \\vst -nd of railroad yards, on northwest end of guard wall of a timh< T nihvrt over a creek; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. H) 4,667.874 Carson City, about 2 miles east of, 20 UK-UTS south of railroad tracks, in center of north guard wall of highway cuhvn ; red- metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. I w ) Morgan Mills, in old stone building 10 meters south of railroad tracks, in northeast corner, marked with a horizontal slit ; copper bolt (C. & G. S. b. m. J w ) * .i 1. 716 Carson City, 4.5 miles east of, in north end of east abutment of high- way bridge over Carson River; copper bolt (C. & G. S. b. m. K) I :.:,. 129 Mound House, 2 miles west of, 0.5 mile east of section tool hous* meters north of tracks, in face of rock; O>I>IMT (C. & G. S. b. m. L, ) Mound House, 150 meters west of railroad station, l<> im :< -r> west tracks, on northeast corner of a rail lmri-d on -nd near a telegraph pole, rail projects 4 feet out of the ground <('. fc <;. S. 1.. m. M,.)__ 4, SXJO. .",71 Mound House, 50 meters south of station, near a telegraph i>.u>, 75 meters east of junction of tracks of Virginia \ Trm-kiv Ky. and Southern Pacific Ky.. i UK-NT h.wi-r than rail; on top of Iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. l>. in. N,o) 1 : . 7'.T Mound House, about 3.5 miles east of, near milepole 339, 10 meters north of tracks, near telegraph pole where line crosses the tracks ; on top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. OM) 4,581. 7"7 Dayton, railroad water tank, on footing of northwest pillar; copper bolt (C. & G. S. b. m. P) 4,353.946 Dayton, in north face of brick building used as post office; red- metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Q) 4,371.986 Dayton, 3.25 miles east of, 3 meters east of milepole 333, 10 met south of tracks; in top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Rw) 4,350.703 Dayton, 3.25 miles east of, 30 meters northeast of milepole 333, 5 meters north of tracks; U. S. Land Office bench mark having th<> V* following data in bronze top: 88 (C. & G. S. b. m. S, ) 4.348, '.'71 817 Elevations by water leveling along west shore of Pyramid Lake, by General Land OAce in 1911. T. 23 N., R. 22 B., near center of sec. 10, 4.5 miles northwest of south- west point of Pyramid Lake, 500 feet north of cabin, 200 feet east of stream, 5 feet east of road, 75 feet from lake shore, by mound of stone; iron post marked "3889" (No. 2) 3,883. 7i Stake L 1310+50, C. P. R. R. Survey, profile elevation 3902.55) _.' 3,9(X; The Willows, 1.5 miles northwest of, opposite red point and near point where road starts up long slope, on flint rock projecting out into water; small cross 3,869.36 The Willows, 1.8 miles southeast of, in SW. i SE. i sec. 23, T. _ ; \ . R. 21 E., 500 feet southeast of large boulder, 300 feet from lake shore, 200 feet east of road, on rocky spur: iron post marked 44 No. 3, 3913 "_. _ 3, 907. 909 PEECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 63 The Willows, 4.5 miles northwest of, 1,000 feet southeast of promi- nent rocky point, on crest of bank 50 feet from lake shore, 0.15 mile north and 1 mile east of the meander corner of sections 28 Feet, and 33, T. 25 N., R. 21 E. ; iron post marked " No. 4 3883 " 3, 878. 381 ST, THOMAS QUADRANGLE. [Latitude 36-37 ; longitude 114-115*.] From Apex north along San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake R. R. to Carp. (Precise leveling by U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Apex, 400 meters southwest of signboard "Apex," at highest point of railroad grade between Las Vegas and Moapa, 4.8 meters south- east of center line of main track, 10 meters southwest of southwest end of Apex siding, in solid rock cut, 1.2 meters above top of rail ; copper bolt set horizontally in cement (C. & G. S. b. m. W) 2, 474. 240 Apex, 2.4 miles northeast of, 0.4 mile northeast of milepole 354, 28 meters southeast of center line of main track of railroad, in south wing wall of concrete culvert 354 A, 0.9 meter above apron of cul- vert; copper bolt set vertically in cement (C. & G. S. b. m. X) 2,327.066 Garnet, at southwest end of siding, 10 meters northwest of center line of main track, at northeast corner of concrete section house, facing tracks and 1.5 meters above ground ; copper bolt set horizon- tally in cement (C. & G. S. b. m. Y) 2,242.216 Garnet, on projecting concrete foundation of section house, at north- east corner, directly beneath bench mark Y ; bottom of square hole, marked " U. S. B. M." (C. & G. S. b. m. Z) 2,237.283 Dry Lake, 3 miles south of, 136 feet east of center line of main track, just south of milepost 360 and bridge 359 B, in lower end of em- bankment for protecting railroad track from washout, projecting 1 foot above ground, on top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Ai) 2,137.919 Dry Lake, on steel base of southwest one of two water-tank supports nearest main track; chiseled square. In addition the letters " U. S. B. M." were cut in face of concrete supporting pier (C. & G. S. b. m. BO 2,093.568 Dry Lake, 16 meters southwest of south wall of telegraph station, on opposite side of track, 16.8 meters northwest of center line of main track, in hard gypsum soil, projecting 1 foot above ground, on top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. d) 2,088.057 Dry Lake, 2 miles northeast of, 4.5 telegraph poles south of milepole 365, 60.4 meters northwest of center line of main track, on a small knoll, on top of iron post projecting 1 foot above ground; red- metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Vi) 2,099.008 Crystal, 15 meters southeast of center line of main track, at north- east end of siding, in vertical wall of concrete section house, at southwest corner, on side facing tracks, 0.1 meter above ground; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Ek) 2,033.398 Ute, 65 meters northwest of center line of main track, directly opposite signboard " Ute," in dirt embankment for wash protection, projecting 1 foot above ground, on top of iron post ; red-metal disk (O. & G. S. b. m. FO 1,932.276 75642 Bull. 65417 5 64 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. Byron, 15 meters southeast of center line of main track, in vertical wall of concrete section house, at southwest corner, on side facing the tracks, 1.4 meters above ground; red-metal disk (O. & G. S. i b. m. GO - 1. 785. 328 Moapa, 1.2 miles southwest of, in middle of high fill across Muddy Valley, 35 meters southwest of signboard "Moapa one mile," at south corner of top surface of southeast parapet wall of culvert 381 B, northeast of main bridge over Muddy Creek ; letters " U. S. B. M." cut in vertical face of wall directly beneath bench mark ; copper bolt In cement (C. & G. S. b. ra. Hi)_. _ 1, 589. 130 Moapa, in front of Muddy Valley store and hotel, on west side of railroad and distant 160 meters from main track, near fence line at northeast corner of hotel, on top of iron post projecting 5 inches above ground ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Ii) 1, 667. 546 Mo.-tpa, in vertical concrete foundation wall of railrnd station, at northwest corner of building, facing Railroad Avenue, 0.5 meter above ground; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. J,) 1,666.624 Moapa, on east side of railroad tracks; in front of store of W. O. Bowiiiiin. ;it northeast corner of Moapa and Railroad avenues, close to porch, on top of Iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. in. Ki) 1,676.158 Moapa, 640 meters north of station, in south one of two concrete piers of water tank on west side of railn:nl tracks, facm- ihe tracks, set horizontally with letters " U. S. B. M." cut In face of pier; copper bolt set in cement (C. & G. S. b. m. L) 1,686. m Acton, at south end of siding, 20 meters east of center line of main track, set horizontally in vertical wall of section dwell- ing, the southerly one of two concrete buildings at Acton, mid- way between doors facing tracks, 1.5 meters above ground; cop- per bolt In cement (C. & G. S. b. m. M,) 1,748.362 Guelph, 60 feet north of signboard " Guelph," 170 feet south of center of bridge 302 C, 2.5 telegraph poles south of milepole 393, 32 meters west of center line of main track of railroad, 1 meter outside right of way fence line, on top of iron post; red-metal disk (O. & G. S. b. m. Ni) 1,744.842 Rox, 2.8 miles south of, 470 meters north of Huntsman's ranch, 15 meters north of first road crossing north of entrance to Meadow Valley Canyon, 3.5 meters east of center line of main track of railroad, in northeast corner of concrete culvert 394 C; copper bolt set vertically in cement (C. & G. S. b. m. O,) 1,794.553 Rox, 15 meters east of center line of main track of railroad, on side of concrete telegraph office toward tracks, 1.5 meters above ground and 0.5 meter above top of rail ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. ra. Pi) 1,904.393 Rox, 52 meters east of center line of main track of railroad, in northwest corner of concrete support of water tank, 8 meters above railroad track on rocky ledge ; copper bolt set in cement (C. & G. S. b. m. QO 1,932.998 Hoy a, 32 meters southeast of center line of main track, direct ly opposite signboard "Hoya," 0.5 meter outside the right of way fence, on opposite side of tracks from bed of Meadow Valley wasli : in top of stone post, bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. Ri)_. 2,027.243 PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 65 Gait, 15 meters south of center line of main track, at west end of Gait siding, in side of concrete section house facing tracks, 1.7 Feet, meters above top of rail; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Si) 2,244.316 Gait, 3.5 miles north of, on west end of southwest concrete abutment of bridge 411 A, 3.5 meters northwest of center line and 0.5 meter below top of rail; copper bolt set vertically in cement (G. & G. S. b. m. TO 2,378.181 Vigo, 36.2 meters northwest of center line of main track, directly opposite signboard " Vigo," 5.5 meters outside of right of way fence, 0.2 meter below top of rail, on top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Ui) 2,433.867 Vigo, 0.5 mile north of, on south end of west concrete abutment of bridge 413 A, in entrance to canyon north of Vigo, 3.5 meters south of center line and 0.5 meter below top of rail ; copper bolt set in cement (C. & G. S. b. m. Vi) 2,451.763 Carp, 2 miles south of, 35 meters southeast of center line of main track, on southeast side of highway, 25 meters south of milepole 416, 1.1 meters below top of rail, at base of a rocky point, on top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. WO 2,524.253 SILVER PEAK 30' QUADRANGLE (LIDA 1 QUADRANGLE). [Latitude 37 30'-38 ; longitude 117 30'-118.J From point 13.5 miles southeast of Columbus southeast to Silver Peak. (Pri- mary leveling by C. R. Smith in 1897-8.) Columbus, 13.5 miles southeast of, 20 feet southwest of road on sum- mit, in sandstone outcrop; bronze tablet stamped "5208" 5,127.265 Columbus, 15.5 miles southeast of ; top of iron post of Salt Well guide- board 4, 929. 29 Columbus, 19 miles southeast of ; top of iron post of Dry Well guide- board __. 4, 832. 88 Columbus, 25.5 miles southeast of, at junction with Reese River road ; iron post stamped " 4996 " 4, 914. 969 Silver Peak, west end of town, in stone front of Chialdavitch store ; bronze tablet stamped " 4382 " 4, 301. 507 From Silver Peak south to Barrel Springs and return. Silver Peak, 0.5 mile south of; top of iron post of Palmetto guide- board 4, 291. 55 Silver Peak, 9.5 miles south of, at junction of road from Indian Garden ; iron post stamped " 4803 " 4, 722. 091 Barrel Springs, at right of mouth of tunnel ; iron post stamped " 6177 " 6, 096. 572 From Silver Peak west along Summit road to Fish Lake road, thence north along latter via The Crossing to Gap Springs. Coyote Spring; iron post stamped "6041" 5,960.550 Silver Peak, 6.2 miles northwest of; top of iron post of Silver Peak mine guideboard 6, 628. 59 Silver Peak, 7 miles northwest of, on summit 50 feet south of road ; Iron post stamped " 7353 " 7, 272. 198 66 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. Cave Springs, in front of right wall of cave; bronze tablet stamped Feet " 6248 " 6, 166, 74'.< The Crossing, on Mineral Monument Hill ; iron post stamped " 4825 "_ 4, 744. 547 Gap Springs, 10 miles south of Columbus, 100 feet south of spring; Iron post stamped "4744" 4,663.110 From The Crossing northeast via Emigrant Pass to Columbus road. Benders Emigrant Pass ; Iron post stamped " 6145 " 6, 063. 516 The Crossing, 13 miles northeast of, at Junction with Columbus road ; top of iron post of guideboard marked " Fish Lake Valley 13 miles " 4, 955. 47 From Dry Well northeast via Salt Well to Reese River road, thence outh along latter to Silver Peak road. Salt Well ; iron post stamped " 4869 " 4, 789. 158 Big Smoky Valley, southeast side of, on Reese River road, 7.5 miles north of its junction with Silver Peak road; iron post stamped " 4841 " 4, 761. 191 From Dry Well south to northwest corner of T. 1 8., R. 88 E. (single spur line). T. 2 S., R. 40 E., southeast corner of sec. 8 ; iron poet stamped " 4346 " 4, 265. 667 From point near The Monocline northeast to northwest corner of T. 1 8., R. 40 E. (single spur line). T. 1 S., R. 40 Iv. northwest corner of; iron post stamped "5453" 5,371.834 From point near The Monocline southeast across country to southeast comer of sec. 8, T. S 8., R. 40 E., thence west to Silver Peak. T. 2 S., R. 40 E., southeast corner of sec. 8 ; iron post stamped " 4346 ". 4, 266. 667 From fork west of Coyote Creek northeast to Blair mine and return. Blair mine, on Mineral Ridge, 1 mile north of Tarantula Springs, on summit of trail minims from Valcadis's buiMin?; iron post stamped "7298' 7,216.817 From point on Piper road at northwest corner of T. 4 S., R. 39 E. west via Cow Camp Springs to southeast corner of sec. 31, T. 3 8., R. 38 E. and return. T. 4 S., R. 39 E., northwest corner of; iron post stamped u;;i "___ 4.580.253 T. 3 S., R. 38 E., south corner of sees. 31 and 32 ; iron post stamped 44 5979 " 5, 897. 825 8TONEHOUSE QUADRANGLE. [Latitude 40 30'-41* ; longitude 117*-117 30'.] From Piute northwest along Southern Pacific R. R. to Preble. (Precise level- ing by U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Piute, at station sign, at railroad mileage 470.8, 36.6 meters south of track, 25.2 meters north of south line fence, set in cement or stone post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. N.) 4,605.759 Mote, at station sign, at railroad mileage 466.3, 56.2 meters north of track, 4.9 meters south of north line fence, in cement or stone post ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. O.) 4,506. 533 PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 67 Valmy, on top of concrete subbase of southeastern one of four central pillars under railroad water tank; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. Feet, b. m. P.) 4,507.278 Valmy, 1.3 miles west of, 9 meters north of milepole 460, 28 meters north of track, 33 meters south of north line fence, in cement or stone post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Q) 4,482.524 Stonehouse, 0.3 mile west of, on top of south head wall of concrete culvert 456 C over Humboldt River, 3.2 meters south of railroad track and 1.5 meters below it ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. R 9 )_ 4, 425. 362 Herrin, 60 meters west of east end of siding, 28 meters west of a yellow building, 1.4 meters north of a red building, 27.4 meters south of railroad track, in cement or stone post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. S.) 4,406.556 Iron point, 100 meters east of milepole 448, 18 meters west and 36 meters north of railroad station, 60 meters north of track, 0.7 meter south of north line fence, set in cement or stone post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. T.) 4,386.150 Comus, 11.2 meters west of section tool house, 17.6 meters north of railroad track, 0.5 mile south of north line fence, in cement or stone post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. U.) 4,373.433 Near Preble, on top surface of east abutment of railroad bridge 441 G which is bridge No. 3 over Humboldt River, 2 meters north of track; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. V.) 4,375.070 TONOPAH QUADRANGLE. [Latitude 38-39 ; longitude 117-118.J From Redlich southeast along Tonopah and Goldfleld R. R. to Tonopah. (Pre- cise leveling by TJ. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Redlich, 30 meters east of railroad tracks, 30 meters south of section house, in rock embedded in ground ; aluminum tablet stamped "4999 U. S. G. S." (C. & G. S. b. m. Y u ) 4,993.310 Itedlich, 2.2fi miles south of, near eleventh telegraph pole south of milepole 10, 25 meters east of Southern Pacific R. R. tracks, on top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Zu) 4,748.629 Rockhill, in concrete foundation (no superstructure) for a water tank of the Toponah and Goldfield R. R. ; top of iron anchor bolt set in northeast footing, marked by a cross (C. & G. S. b. m. A) 4, 573. 383 Rockhill, 2.25 miles south of, 12 meters south of twelfth telegraph pole south of milepole 14, 20 meters east of Southern Pacific R. R. tracks, on top of iron post ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Bi) 4, 527. 950 Coaldale, 2 miles north of, 6 telegraph poles north of milepole 18, on range with telegraph poles, 20 meters east of tracks of Tonopah and Goldfleld R. R., on top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Hu) 4,530.772 Coaldale, 1 mile southwest of, 1 mile east of Columbus Salt Marsh, west of road near crossroad ; iron post stamped " U. S. G. S. 4671" (C. & G. S. b. m. I M ) 4,588.974 Cnaldale, 1 mile southeast of, 5 meters southeast of milepole 21, 20 meters north of tracks, on top of iron post ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Ju)_- 4,645.296 T.lair Junction, 3.3 miles northwest of, 6 meters southeast of mile- pole 24, 20 meters east of tracks, on top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. K 14 ) 4,909.747 68 SPIKIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. Blair Junction, 0.3 mile northwest of, 3 meters southeast of mllepole 27, 20 meters northeast of track, on top of iron post; red-metal Feet disk (C. & G. S. b. m. L, 4 4,817.707 Blair Junction, in concrete footing of southwest pillar of water tank of Tonopah and Goldfield H. R., 2 meters north of track, on top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. M M ) 4,815.161 Blair Junction, 2.7 miles southeast of, 6 meters southeast of milepole 30, 20 meters north of track, on top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Nu) 4,786.106 Blair Junction, 5.7 miles southeast of, 4 meters southeast of milepole 33, 20 meters northeast of track, on top of Iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Ou) 4,799.528 Blair Junction, 8.7 miles southeast of, 2 meters southeast of milepole 36, 10 meters north of track, on top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. P0 4, 742. 343 Millers. S miles northwest of, 10 meters southeast of milepole 39, 20 meters north of track, on top of iron post ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Qu) 4,743.219 Millers, 5 miles northwest of, 25 meters southeast of milepole 20 meters north of track, on top of iron post ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. R,) 4,766,506 Millers, 2 miles northwest of, 8 meters southeast of milepole 45, 20 meters southeast of track, on top of iron post; red -m-tal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Su) 4,786,526 Millers, in front of station, in southwest footing of water tank, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. T,) 4,854.089 Main Lint- Jiiiu-t ion. in ;in::!> <>f ;i Y. ii.-ar a telegraph pole, 120 meters southeast of sectiort house, on top of Iron post; ral-ni>ial disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Uu) 4,973.658 Main Line Junction, 3.3 miles southeast of, 20 meters west of track between Main Line Junction and M<-s \\eeney Junction, Just south of a sink along railroad embankment, on top of iron post; red- metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. V 14 ) 5,153.506 McSweeney Junction, in the Y ami alout 100 meters north of junc- tion of tracks, on top of Iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Wu) 5,293.992 Columbia Junction, 2.5 miles south of, 15 meters south of a road crossing track, 20 meters west of track, in line with telegraph poles, on top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Xi) 5,363.352 Columbia Junction, 30 meters north of track, near telephone bootli. in line with telegraph poles, on top of .iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Yu) 5,538.184 Columbia Junction, 0.6 mile east of, 8 meters south of track. 0.25 mile west of large mine hoist, in end of boulder 2 feet by 1.5 feet, about 1 foot above the surface of ground, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. Zi) 5,619.661 Tonopah, in west face of Tonopah Banking Corporation's building on Main Street ; iron post stamped " U. S. G. S. B. M." (C. & G. S. b. m. A) 6,026.494 Tonopah, 1 mile south of railroad station, 800 meters southeast of baseball field, 20 meters west of road to Goldfield; iron post stamped " U. S. G. S. B. M." (C. & G. S. b. m. B) 6, 147. 970 PKECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 69 McSweeney Junction, 3.5 miles south of, 5 meters south of mile- pole 61, 20 meters west of track, on top of iron post; red-metal Feet, disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Ci B ) 5,163.264 From point near Gold Mountain Mining Co.'s plant north to Tonopah. (Primary leveling by Bess Philips in 1905.) Tonopah, 3 miles south of, at foot of hill, 20 feet south of road, 0.5 mile south of New England mine ; iron post stamped " 7 " 5, 948. 536 Tonopah, at entrance to Nye & Omsby Co.'s bank ; cross cut in curb- stone (railroad elevation 6,085.785 feet) 6,024.77 From Tonopah west along wagon road to Montezuma Wells, thence north to San Antonio. (Primary leveling by T. A. Green in 1907.) Tonopah, in front of station ; top of rail 5, 975, 8 Tonopah, 5.8 miles west of, 30 feet south of road ; iron post stamped " 5337 1907 " 5, 330. 628 Tonopah, 11.9 miles west of, 0.7 mile east of Montezuma Wells, 30 feet north of road at junction with road running southeast toward railroad ; iron post stamped " 4845 1907 " 4, 837. 219 Montezuma Wells, 5.3 miles north of, 30 feet west of road ; iron post stamped " 4890 1907 " 4, 883. 273 Midway, on east side of road, at southwest corner of house occupied by Peter Samuelson ; iron post stamped " 5008 1907 " 5, 001. 502 Midway, 5 miles northeast of, east side of road ; iron post stamped " 5140 1907 " 5, 133. 525 San Antonio, 0.6 mile west of, 20 feet south of road ; iron post stamped 5384 1907 " 5, 377. 749 San Antonio, 40 feet southeast of corner of main building, in south- east corner of fence around house ; iron post stamped " 5406 1907 "_ 5, 399. 735 From San Antonio west via Cloverdale and Cipac mine to Battle's Well. Cloverdale, 12 miles southeast of, 30 feet south of road; iron post stamped " 5376 1907 " 5, 369. 154 Cloverdale, 6 miles southeast of, 30 feet south of road, 0.8 mile west of road running southeast to Tonopah ; iron post stamped " 5508 1907 " 5, 501. 441 Cloverdale, forks of road south of, In prong of forks forming Y; iron post stamped " 5697 1907 " 5, 690. 103 Lower Black Spring, 3.2 miles east of, 3.8 miles west of Cloverdale, 30 feet north of road ; iron post stamped " 5439 1907 " 5, 432. 772 Cipac mine, 4 miles southwest of, 10 feet south of road ; iron post stamped " 5773 1907 " 5, 766. 080 Cipac mine, 9.2 miles west of, 30 feet south of road, 120 feet west of forks, in large outcrop of limestope rock ; aluminum tablet stamped " 6672 1907 " '_ 6, 665. 928 Cipac mine, 15.2 miles west of, 10 feet north of road, on little hill between two drains ; iron post stamped " 6246 1907 " 6, 239. 525 Battle's Well, 783 feet east of, 590 feet west of main forks, 25 feet south of road, in large oblong boulder; aluminum tablet stamped " 6240 1907 " 6, 233. 446 From San Antonio northeast along wagon road to point 2 miles west of Central. San Antonio, 6 miles northeast of, on east side of road; iron post stamped " 5887 1907 " 5, 880. 464 San Antonio, 10 miles northeast of, 2 miles west of Central, at forks of road, 30 feet north of junction ; iron post stamped " 6226 1907 "_ 6, 219. 180 70 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. From point near Central east to Manhattan and return. Manhattan, west end of town, on south side of road, 115 feet east of Feet cabin occupied by E. E. Teberg ; iron post stamped " 6905 1907 "___ 6, 897. 950 Manhattan, southeast corner of barber shop managed by Bruce Wood ; iron post stamped " 7021 1907 " 7, 014. 205 From point near Central north along wagon road to Ophir Canyon, thence west over Ophlr Summit to Keough'i ranch, thence southwest via Union Canyon and Berlin to Goldyke, thence south and southeast to point near Cloverdale. Central, 7.6 miles northwest of, 20 feet east of road ; iron post stamped "5742 1907" 5,734.915 Central, 13.8 miles northwest of, 20 feet east of road, 40 feet south of four corners; iron post stamped "5801 1907" 5,794.766 Wood's ranch, 200 feet northwest of ranch house, on east side of road; iron post stamped "5640 1907" 5,632.813 Darroughs Hot Springs, 400 feet west of house occupied by James Darrough, east side of road, in southwest corner of fence at mail box; iron post stamped "5609 1907" 5,602.186 Hot Springs, 6 miles northwest of, on west side of road, 10 feet south of second-class crossroads, in rock ; aluminum tablet stamped " 5890 1907 " 5, 823. 145 Ophir Canyon, mouth of, north side of trail, 200 feet south of stream, in flat granite rock 4 feet long and 5 feet wide; aluminum tablet stamped "6282 1907" 6,275.059 Ophlr Summit, 15 feet south of trail, on east side of divide, 35 feet north of large pile of rock; aluminum tablet stamped "10115 1907 " 10, 106. 498 Gooding's ranch, 600 feet north of house occupied by George Gooding, north side of wagon road ; iron post stamped " 7430 1907 " 7, 423, 423 Keough's ranch, southwest corner of fence around bouse occupied by George Keough; iron post stamped "6726 1907" 6,719.637 Keough's ranch, 6 miles southwest of, summit at head of Union Can- yon, 50 feet north of wagon road, 75 feet northeast of divide, in rock; aluminum tablet stamped "7976 1907" 7,969.433 Union Canyon, at forks near mouth of, 40 feet north of junction, in rock; aluminum tablet stamped "6763 1907" 6,756.445 Berlin, 20 feet east of southwest corner of post office and The Nevada Co.'s store, on south side; iron post stamped " 6683 1907 " 6, 676. 496 Berlin, 5.8 miles southwest of, 10 feet north of road; iron post stamped "6131 1907" 6,124.525 Berlin, 12 miles southwest of, on north side of road, on east side of draw, 50 feet north of where road starts down into draw : iron post stamped "6119 1907" 6,112.602 Berlin, 17.9 miles Rout Invest of, 20 feet south of road, on west side of small draw ; iron post stamped " 6469 1907 " 6, 462. 423 Goldyke, north side of store kept by W. Dee Jones, 20 feet west of northeast corner; iron post stamped "5886 1907" 5,879.473 Pactolus, 0.4 mile north of, forks at signboard reading " Sodaville 35 miles," 30 feet east of junction ; iron post stamped " 5796 1907 "_ 5, 788. 990 Pactolus, 5.7 miles southeast of, 25 feet west of road; iron post stamped "5930 1907" 5,923.324 Black Springs, on vest side of road at upper sprini:. in southeast corner of pasture fence; ron post sti inp-d M 5570 1907" PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 71 From Redlich south to Columbus. Redlich, 90 feet east of tracks, 300 feet north of inilepost, 7,100 feet south of section house and post office, in rock embedded in ground ; Feet. aluminum tablet stamped "4999 1907" 4,993.310 Redlich, 5.1 miles south of, at junction with road running northwest, at signboard reading " Sodaville 17 miles," 40 feet east of road ; iron post stamped " 4828 1907 " . 4, 821. 586 From Columbus southeast across Salt Marsh. Coaldale, 1 mile southwest of, 1 mile east of Columbus Salt Marsh, west of road near crossroads ; iron post stamped " 4671 " (old rail- road datum) 4, 588.974 From Goldyke northwest to point 3 miles west of Kelly's Well. (Primary leveling by Eess Philips in 1905.) Goldyke, 2.4 miles northwest of, 0.6 mile east of Everett's mine, 20 feet north of road, 100 feet west of road running south, at pros- pect hole, in rock ; aluminum tablet stamped " 5780 " 5, 773. 218 Kelly's Well, 3.5 miles southeast of, 75 feet west of road, at point pro- jecting west between two drains, in porphyry outcrop; aluminum tablet stamped " 5258 " 5, 251. 505 Kelly's Well, southeast corner of windmill, in plank; nail marked " 4577 " 4, 570. 45 WABUSKA QUADRANGLE (includes part of Yerington special quadrangle). [Latitude 39-39 30'; longitude 119-119 30'.] From Dayton southeast along Southern Pacific R. R. to point near Schurz. (Precise leveling by U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Dayton, 6.25 miles east of, 20 meters west of milepole 329, 8 meters south of railroad track, on top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. T 10 ) 4,291.402 Clifton, 1 mile west of, 2 telegraph poles east of milepole 326 and 10 meters south of railroad track, on top of iron post ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. in. Uio) 4,273.882 Clifton, 2 miles east of, 40 meters west of and on opposite side of track from milepole 323, 3 meters north of railroad track, opposite a point of curvature, on top of iron post ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. V w ) 4,252.626 Clifton, 5 miles east of, 2 meters west of milepole 320, 10 meters south of railroad track, on top of stone post; red-metal disk (G. & G. S. b. m. W, ) 4,239.070 Churchill, 1 mile west of, 2 telegraph poles and 12 meters east of mile- pole 317, 4 meters south of railroad track, 10 meters south of Carson River, on top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. X 10 )_ 4,218. 180 Churchill, 0.5 mile north of, in west end of north abutment of con- crete railroad culvert 315 D; top of iron bolt, marked " B. M. 52" (C. & G. S. b. m. Yio) 4,207.810 Churchill, 0.5 mile north of, in west end of south abutment of con- crete railroad culvert 315 D; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. in. Z, ) 4, 209. 890 Churchill, in southwest footing of railroad oil tank, in top of stone post; bottom of square hole (C. & G. S. b. m. An) 4,213.938 72 SPIBIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. Churchill, 2.5 miles south of, 0.5 mile north of milepole 319, 1 meter higher than track, in line with telegraph poles near north end of Feet long tangent, on top of iron post ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. B u ) _ 4, 291. 156 Churchill, 5 miles south of, 2 meters south of milepole 322, in line with telegraph poles, 8 meters west of track, on top of iron post; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Cu) 4,274.539 Wabuska, 3 miles northwest of, 3 meters north of milepole 325, 8 meters west of track, on top of iron post ; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Du) 4.293.919 Wabuska, 2 feet west of station, 5 feet north of southwest corner; iron post stamped " 4297 Wab." (U. S. G. S.) (C. & G. S. b. m. E,,) - 4. 298. 981 Wabuska, 200 feet west of station, in front of water tank ; top of south rail (U. S. G. S.) 4,800.09 Wabuska, 800 feet south of station, 2< > on, near sod house; iron post stamped "4303.95 SP" (U. S. Reclama- tion Service b. m.) (U. S. G. 8.) (C. & 180 Schurz, 8 miles north of, 20 meters south of track, abreast of milepole 346. on top of Iron post; red-metal disk (a & ;. s. I. m K,,) 4.370.254 From Wabu.ka south aloof highway to point near Terinrton station. (Leveled twice by R. H. Chapman in 1911.) \\abuska, 200 feet west of station, In front of water tank; top of south rail of Southern Pacific R. K 4,300.09 Wabuska, 2 feet west of station, 5 feet north of southwest corn- iron post staining "413)7 Wab" l 4, 298. 981 Wabuska, 800 feet south of station, 20 f i mad to Ycrlng- ton, near sod house; Iron post stamped "4303.9 SP" (U. 8. Recla- mation Service b. m.) '4,299 Wabuska, 1.6 miles south of, west side of road, 350 feet south of S. Penrose's house; iron post stamped "4305 Wab" 4,:n*i . is; Wabuska, 3.1 miles south of, in front of Warren Brothers' home ranch, 250 feet south of road to east, on west side of road, In root of cottonwood tree; copper nail 4,323.10 Wabuska, 4 miles south of, 650 feet north of Oakey's house, on east side of road, In root of cottonwood tree; copper nail 4.329.73 Wabuska, 4.8 miles south of, 2,000 feet north of east-west crossroad, due west of Mason Butte, on west side of road ; iron post stamped 4334 Wab " 4, 335. 579 Wabuska, 6.3 miles south of, 1,200 feet north of Pat Gallagher's home ranch, on east side of road, in root of cottonwood tree ; cop- per nail 4,345. U 1 Redder-mined la 1915 by Coast and Geodetic Survey precise ferellng. PEECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING. 73 Wabuska, 6.5 miles south of, in front of Pat Gallagher's home ranch, on west side of road; iron post stamped "4353 S. P." (U. S. Feet. Reclamation Service b. m.) 4,348.889 Wabuska, 7.5 miles south of, 1,350 feet north of McGowan's ranch house (empty), on west side of road, in top of stub to telephone pole; copper nail 4,360.57 Wabuska. 7.S miles south of, opposite McGowan's ranch house (empty), 30 feet north of ditch, west side of road; iron post stamped "4359 Wab " 4,361.113 Wabuska, 8.2 miles south of, 2,100 feet south of McGowan's ranch house, south of crossroads, west of main road, in stub to tele- phone pole, 3 feet above ground; copper nail 4,361.68 Wabuska, 8.8 miles south of, 0.5 mile northwest of McCloud Hill, west side of road, in stub to telephone pole, 3 feet above ground ; copper nail 4,370. 84 Wabuska, 9.3 miles south of, 2 miles north of Yerington station, 300 feet south of signpost at fork of roads to Buckskin and Morn- ing Star, 50 feet east of road; iron post stamped "4404 Wab" 4,405.905 WADSWORTH QUADRANGLE. [Latitude 39 30'-40 ; longitude 119'-119 30'.] From Hazen west along Southern Pacific R. R. to Thisbe. (Precise leveling by U. B. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Hazen, 100 meters east of east end of siding, on top surface of east abutment of railroad bridge 289 A; top of roundheaded iron bolt (S. P. R. R. b. m.) (C. & G. S. b. m. K.) 4,005.596 Hazen, 0.3 mile east of station, in southeast concrete pillar under water tank, 50 meters north of track; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. L.) 4,003.345 Patna, at railroad mileage 284.7, 0.1 mile west of section foreman's house, on top of west concrete abutment of small railroad bridge 284 B; red-metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. M.) 4,061.632 Patna, 1.1 miles west of, at railroad mileage 282.8, in top surface of west abutment of small bridge 282 C ; top of roundheaded iron bolt (S. P. R. R. b. m.) (C. & G. S. b. m. N.) 4,077.676 Argo, 0.5 mile east of, at railroad mileage 281.4, in east concrete abut- ment to bridge- 281 B ; top of a roundheaded iron bolt ( S. P. R. R. b. m.) (C. & G. S. b. m. O.) 4,073. 515 Argo, 0.1 mile east of station sign, at railroad mileage 280.5, 11.3 meters east of derailing switch, 30.7 meters north of track, 0.4 meter south of north line fence ; set in cement or stone post ; red- metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. P.) 4,073.830 Luva, at railroad mileage 277.8, 4 meters east of station sign, 29.5 meters north of track, 1 meter south of north line fence, 16 meters west of point of branch line, set in cement or stone post; red- metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. Q.) 4,127.521 Fernley, at railroad mileage 276.1, 16 meters west of railroad sta- tion, 59 meters north of track, 0.8 meter south of north line fence ; red-metal disk set in cement or stone post (C. & G. S. b. m. R 8 ) 4, 150. 661 NOTE. The station is soon to be moved about 0.3 mile west. 74 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. Fernley, 200 meters west of station, 60 meters west of milepost 276, 3 meters south of track, on the south head wall of concrete culvert (U. S. G. L. O.), aluminum tablet (not stamped) (C. & G. S. Feet. b. m. S.) 4.152.990 NOTE. The station is soon to be moved about 0.3 mile v Gilpin, 150 meters west of water tank, 200 meters east of station sign, 15.7 meters south of track, set in cement or stone post; red- metal disk (C. & G. S. b. m. T.) - 4,162,000 Derby, at railroad mileage iW.n. in top surface of west abutment of bridge 13 over Truckee River; top of roundheaded iron bolt (S. P. R. R. b. m.) (C. & G. S. b. m. U s ) - 4, 161. 258 Derby, 0.6 mile west of, at railroad mileage 268.7, in top surface of east abutment of bridge 12 over Truckee River; top of round- headed iron bolt (S. P. U. R. b. m.) (C. & G. S. b. m. V.)_. _ 4, 159.956 Derby, 1 mile west of, at railroad mileage 268.2, in top surface of east abutment of bridge 11 over Truckee River; top of round- headed Iron bolt Bald Mountain triangulation station Manhattan do 9-274 Banner Mountain. .. T. Goldh'eld special Esmeralda 6 050 15 clt od Peak Kawich Nye 8 340 Bennett Pass: On north summit of granite hill 7 ."> n.ili' \\r t Highland Lincoln K 425 of, and 1 mile west of forks in Hiko-l'iorh- & Hiko-Panaca roads; bronze tablet stamped "V. A. 5426." Berlin Mountain . .. Tonopah . Nye 9 081 Big Indian Mountain. Hawthorne Esmeralda 11 303 Big Kasock Carson Sink do 7*103 Black Butte Goldfield special Nye 5 915 Black Cap Mountain do Nye 6 383 Black Mountain trian^uialion station I van pah Clark 5*043 Black Mountain triangulation station . Hawthorne Esmeralda 8 136 Black Peak Bullfrog special Nve 4 785 Bristol triangulation station: On a high summit of Bristol Range 5 miles Bristol Range. Lincoln 8 908 south of Jackrabbit Mine and 7.2 miles southeast of Bristol Well; tablet stamped "V A B M8908." Brown Knob Carson Sink 6 078 Buckeye Hill. Manhattan . Nve 8 840 do 4 960 Busch Peak do do 5! 085 Butler Mountain Tonopah Esmeralda 7 170 Buxton Mountain Bullfrog special Nve 4 385 Charleston Peak Las Vegas . . Lincoln 1,910 Colorado River lowest point in State. Camp Mohave Clark 470 Columbia Mountain Goldfield special 6 095 Como Peak. Wabuska Douglas 9,000 Cory Peak triangulation station . . Hawthorne Esmeralda 10 516 Wellington Lyon 9,020 Diablo Grande Peak . . . Ivanpah Clark 5,865 Diamond King Hill Manhattan Nye 8 916 Division Peak Long Valley Humboldt 8 585 Ely Range triangulation station. On the summit of a spur from El v Range 2 2 Bristol Range Lincoln 7 378 miles northwest of Wild Horse Bill Spring and 3.6 miles northeast of Fairview Peak; bronae tablet stamped " V A B M 7378. " 84 SPIRIT LEVELING IN NEVADA. Locality. Quadrangle. County. Eleva- tion. Ely Springs: On lava summit about 5 miles southwest of. on east side of Smiley's automobile road to Delamar; bronze tablet stamped "V. A. 4945." Highland Lincoln Ftet. 4,946 6,805 6,268 8,943 8,146 11,303 8,706 6,610 9,396 7,890 8,799 9,800 i 10,016 7,IO 0,310 8,N as 8 8,010 8,500 EMI ,<06 5,670 3,869 7,796 4,736 6,626 8,940 8,290 \4S7 7.W5 JLW Lida EsmeraWa... EspinaHill Goldfl eld special Carson Sink Lida.. Nye Fairview Peak triangulation station Gold Mountain triangulation station Esmeralda... Grant Mountain triangulation station Grapevine Peak . . Ballarat Highland Ny. Lincoln .. .. Highland: About 100 feet west of ranch house of J. B. Wheeler, on south side of road; bronze tablet stamped "V. A. 6,610." Highland Range: Summit of, 8 miles west of town of Pioche; Highland triangulation tablet stamped "V. A. 9,395." Jackrabbit triangulation station: On a summit of Bristol Range, 0.7 mile south- west of Jackrabbit Mine and 4.5 miles south- east of Bristol Well; tablet stamped " V A B M 7890." Job Peak triangulation station do do Bristol Range CarsonSink Churchill. Kawich Peak triangulation station Kawich Ladd Mountain . Bullfrog special Little Pilot Peak Tonopfth " Kmcrilda Lone Mountain triangulation station do Lyon Peak . . . Wabuak* Lyon. Ctark McCullough Mountain triangulation station Magruder^Mountain trianguTation station Montezuma Peak triangulation station. . . E Montgomery Mountain" Biillfrof spe'ial.. Nye Monument Peak Markleerffie i*Mjfn DouriM.* Mount Ely: About 2 miles west of town of Pioche; Ely triangulation tablet stamped "V. A. 7,310. r ' Myers Mountain. . Lincoln Goldfleld special Yerintton Wellington Newhouse Peak Lyon Oreana Peak Pahute Peak... Ix>mr Valley Hum bold t IlUXUUOIUl. Paradise Peak Tonopah Reno... - . c Waahoe Peavine Peak Pilot Cone triangulation station Hawthorne FsIIHTlil'lli Pilot Peak... Tonopah | ( , Pond Peak... WadoVorth Waahoe Potosi triangulation station.. . Ivanpah Hawthorne Ctark Powell Mountain Preble Mountain Goldfield special Nv Prince Consolidated mine: Summit of low hill on west side of large wash, 2.5 miles southwest of; bronze tablet stamped "V. A. 5,570." Pyramid Lake, water surface Lincoln Waahoe Quartzite Kawich Bullfrog special Nye do Rainbow Mountain. . . . Red Hill triangulation station: Summit of red hill at south end of ridge of which Mount Ely is the north end; triangu- lation tablet stamped "V. A. 6,625." Red Mountain triangulation station. . Panaca Lincoln Lida... Reveille Peak... .T_.... Kawich Elv \ V h i I e I ' i n e RibHill.... Salisburg Peak triangulation station. . . Manhattan Tonooah Nye do San Antonio Mountain. . . SaxtonPeak Elv White Pine Sheep Peak triangulation station. . . LaaVeiia. Tonopah Nya PRECISE AND PBIMABY LEVELING. 85 Locality. Quadrangle. County. Eleva- tion. Singatse Peak Yerington Lyon Feet. 6 364 Skull Mountain Furnace Creek Nve 5 950 Slate Mountain Carson Sink Churchill 7*113 Spearhead Point Goldfield special Esmeralda 6*051 Stirling Mountain Las Vegas Nve 8 183 Stonewall Mountain Lida do 8J390 Table Mountain Carson Sink Churchill 8 283 Tahoe Lake, water surface Markleeville-Carson /Douglas, Nev \ 6 225 Tolicha Peak triangulation station Kawich. \Eldorado, Cal Nve 7 030 Toyabe Arc Dome triangulation station Tonopah . do 11 775 Twin Peaks Carson Sink Churchill 7 103 Velvet Peak... Bullfrog special Nye 3 960 Vindicator Mountain Goldfield special Esmeralda 6 069 Wahguyhe Ballarat... Nye 8 590 Wheelbarrow Peak Kawich do 8' 605 White Mountains, East Peak, highest point in State yet determined. C. & G. 8. Report 190:). Esmeralda 13,' 145 INDEX. A. Acme Page. 27 Bracken _ _ _ Page. 40 Acoma 58 Bridgeport 10 Acton _ 64 quadrangle _ 10-11 Akbar 19 Bristol mine 12 Alazon "o Bristol Pass 12 Allen Spring 16 Bristol Range quadrangle 11-12 Amargosa 24 25 41 Bristol Well 12 34 An cram 39 Brown 58 Anthony 18 Buena Vista 80 Apex 63 Bullfrog 25 26 Arden 40 Bullfrog Goldfleld R R 23, 39 44, 45 Argenta 10 Bullion mine 37 Argo 73 Byron _ _ _ 64 Atcliison, Topeka & Santa Fe Aura quadrangle Ry_ 12, 13, 37 7 10 C. Aurora 31 91 Caliente _ _ _ _ 51, 52, 57 California State line _ 10, 25, 37, -lf>, 70 B. Camp Mohave quadrangle 12-13 Banvard 19 Cana 57 Barclay 58 Candelaria 29 Bard 39 Carlin 51 Barnwell Cal 43 Carp 56 65 Barrel Springs 65 Carson City 61 62 Basalt 28 Carson River 14 71 Battle Mountain 10 Carson Sink quadrangle 13-17, 80 quadrangle _ 10 Cave Springs 66 Battle's Well.. 29 69 Cedar 18 Beatty _ _ _ 23, 24, 25 Cedar Pass quadrangle 17-18 Belleville _ _ 28, 29 Central,, __ _ (jj), 70 Bench marks, forms of 5-6 Chapman, R. H., leveling by 71', 7t> plate showing 4 Churchill 71 72 Benders Emigrant Pass_ 66 County 7 Benin 81 O'pnc nilne 69 Bennet Springs .__ 32, 53, 54 Clark _ _ _ 59 Beowawe- 51 County 7, 34 Berlin 70 Clifton 71 Bermond 15 17 Cloverdale 69, 70 Big Smoky Valley 66 Cluro 51 Big Springs _ 58 Coaldale 67, 71 Big Summit 55 Cobre _ 19 Biggs, L. F., leveling by 12, quadrangle _ 18 19 34, 37, 42, 43 Coin. 21 Birkett, D. 8., leveling by- 32, 51 Columbia _ 43,44 Black Springs 70 Junction 68 Blair Junction 67 68 Pass 36 Blair mine 66 .Columbus 29 65, 71 Bodie Creek 10, 11, 31, 32 Comet mine _ _ _ 32 Bonnie Claire 39 45 67 Borax _ 38 Copper Flat 23 Boss mine- 37 Corn Creek 42 Boyd 67 Coserave _ 81 87 88 INDEX. Page. Cottonwood Pass Cow Camp Springs Cox Canyon 17 Coyote Creek 66 Coyote Spring Crestline 58 Crossing, the 66, 80 Crystal 63 Culver ranch Currie Well 25 D. 70 Darroughs Hot Springs Datum, inland, indication of 6 Davis, G. R., direction by 5 Daylight Springs, Cal 25 Dayton 62, 71 Deeth --- 20 quadrangle 20 Del Monte 31 Del Mues 52,53 Derby 74 Desert 80 Well Diamoodfleld Dike Ditho Dodon Douglas, E. M., direction by Dry Lake 12,13,63 Valley 33 Dry Well 66 Duck Lake __ 75 17 47 41 60 50 5 Eagle City Eagleville East Walker River 10, Eccles Eglon Elbow, the Elburz Elevations, precise, method of de- termining primary, method of determin- ing secondary Blgin Blko 21, County quadrangle Ely. special quadrangle. Springs Erie Esmeralda County Etna Eureka County . 46 15 11,31 58 81 11 20 5 83-85 56,57 22,76 7 20-22 23 23 82,33 38 7 67 7 Fairvlew 17 Falais 80 Fallen 14, 15, 16 Farmer, B. A., leveling by . 45 Page. Farrel Fenelon - 18 Fernley 73, 74 Filben Fish Lake Fletcher 11, 31, 3 Franktown Furnace Creek quadrangle 23-26 O. Gage No. 7 50 Gale 75 Gait 65 Gannett, S. S., work of Gap Springs 66 Garnet 63 General Land Office, leveling by 7. 22, 26, 39, 59, 6 J 51 5 27 71 81 26 48 26 44,47 Gerald Gerdine, T. G., direction by Glllls _._ __ Gilpin Golconda Gold Creek quadrangle Gold Mountain Mining Co.'s plant. _ Goldbar Goldfleld Goldyke 70, 71 Good Springs Goode, R. U., direction by 6 Government Canal 14 Granite Point 48 Green, T. A., leveling by 15. 29, 68 Greens Well 46 Guelph 61 Hadley, Homer, leveling by 46 Hafed 60 Halfway 47 Halleck 26 quadrangle 26 Harney 51 Hawthorne 29, 30, 31 quadrangle Hazen 13, 73 Herrin 67 Highland quadrangle 82-84 Holborn 18 Hot Springs, Furnace Creek quad- rangle 23 Hawthorne quadrangle SO Hoya 64 Hudson 78 Huffaker 61 Humboldt 50 County 7,81 River 21, 22, 51, 67, 81 Huxley 80 I. I X L Canyon. Icarus Imlay 17 18 50 INDEX. 89 Page. 41 42 45 Mason Page. 77 Iron point 67 Massie. _ . . 80 Island Butte 9 Mesquite Spring 12, 43 Islen 58 Mickey Pass __ _ _ 78 34-38 Midway 69 Mill City 50 j quadrangle 50 Millers 68 Jack Rabbit mine 11, 12 Mina 28, 29 jean _ _ 34, 37, 38 Mineral County 7 County 34 Minto 58 Quadrangle 38-39 Mirage 14 Miriam 80 Moaoa 64 Modena Utah 54 Kaw - 18 Moleen 21 Kuwich quadrangle __ _ 39 Monocline the 66 Kelly's Well __ _ _ __ _ 30,71 Montana 46 24,25 Monte Cristo 15 Klondyke. _ _ - __ _ 43 Montello 19 Kodak 48 69 Kumiva Quadrangle 39-40 25 Kyle 56 Moor 18 Morgan Mills 62 L. Mosel __ 10 Mote 66 Ladoga.- _ - 10 an Lakevlew- _ - 61 4. ft Lamar _ _ 81 99ft Lander County - - - _ _ 7 04 or AO A9 Lane City _ _ - 23 1 - ift Las Vegas 12, 40, 41, 42, 43 o-i quadrangle _ . 40-43 oft qo Las Vegas & Tonopah R. R__. 23, Muddy Creek 64 24, 25, 41, 44, 45 Murphy's Well 30 I.Jl WtoU 60 Leith 56 Lien _ 68 N. Lida _ _ _ _ 45, 46 quadrangle _ 43-48, 65-66 NnfrhA? 2ft Limerick Canyon. 49 Kft Lincoln County 7 New Boston 28 Little Summit 28, 29, 55 New Year Mine 37 Lor ay 19 Noble 19 Lovelocks 48 Nordyke _ _ _ 77 quadrangle 48-50 Nye County _ __ _ _ . _ _ 7 Lower Black Spring 69 Lucky Boy 30 Ludwig _ 78 O. Luning __ 27,28,29 Omar 19 73 7ft Lyon County 7 70 Oreana 48 49 50 M. Original 25 Ormsby County 7 McLaughlin, Fred, leveling by. 23 Osino 21 McSweeney Junction ._ 43, 68, 69 7 8 9 10 26 McVicar mine _ 36 Creek 26 Magnus 27 River 8 9 Mahala 13, 14 Main Line Junction . 68 Manhattan 70 Manse 43 70 Maps topographic list of 7 Pahrump 24 43 Marmol - 60 Palisade 51 Marshall. R. B.. direction by. 5 _ 50-51 90 INDEX. Palmetto Panaca quadrangle Parran Patna Pendleton, T. P., leveling by Pequop Personnel, record of Perth Philips, Ress, leveling by 25, 39, Pioche 11, 34, 53, 54, quadrangle Pioneer Piute Point mine Potosi mine Power Rochester Preble Publications previous Pyramid Lake - 59, Indian Reservation quadrangle Queen Page. If, 52,53 51-56 80 73 13 18 5 48 69,71 r,.-,, :,t; 51-58 23,39 66 34,51 35,43 50 67 5