INDEX OF ECONOMIC MATERIAL IN DOCUMENTS OF THE STATES OF THE UNITED STATES PENNSYLVANIA 1790—1904 PREPARED FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY OF THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON PART I— A TO E BY ADELAIDE R. HASSE PUBLISHED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON 1919 Reprinted with the permission of the original publishers KRAUS REPRINT CORPORATION New York 196'i DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY HENRY W. FARNAM, Chairman KENYON L. BUTTHRFIElD EDWARD W. PARKER EMORY R. JOIfNSON DAVIS R. DEWEY HENRY B. GARD?.ER WALTER F. WILLCOX JEREMIAH W. JENKS ALFRED H. STONE VICTOR S. CLARK B. H. MEYER JOHN R. COMMONS CARNEGIE INSTITUTJON OF WASHINGTON PLBLICATION NO. 85 (PENNSYLVANIA) PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PREFATORY NOTE TMs index undertakes to deal only with the printed reports of administrative officers, legislative committees, and special commissions of the states and with governors' messages for the period since 1789. It does not refer to constitutions, laws, legislative proceedings or court decisions, except in so far as they happen to be found in the class of documents above mentioned. It attempts, on the other hand, to furnish a list, as complete as possible, of aU the documents and messages which fall within its scope, in whatever form they have been published, whether separately, in collected dociunents, legislative journals or volumes of laws, and to indicate the volume in which they may be found. In addition to furnishing a list of reports and messages, the index imder- takes to supply a reference by volmne and page to all material of economic impor- tance which they contain. Although the index is confined to matter of economic bearing, the term ' ' economic ' ' has been given a broad interpretation. In view of this liberal interpretation it is believed that the index wiU constitute a useful addition to the resources of students of almost any aspect of American history. It will be seen that the present index differs both in scope and character from R. R. Bowker's " State Publications," the valuable pioneer work in this field. It is narrower in scope than " State Publications," which aims to present a list not only of reports and governors' messages but of aU state dociunents; but in the field which the present work covers it contains not only a more complete list of docmnents than has hitherto been published but also an index of their contents in so far as these have an economic bearing. The arrangement is alphabetical by topics. The references under each topic are divided into two groups, viz., *' serial " and " non-serial." Within each of these divi- sions the arrangement is chronological. Numerous cross-references will, it is hoped, make it possible to discover with little difficulty aU the material bearing on a topic. A division of serial reports into more than one series occurs whenever there is a change in title, in the authority making the report or in frequency of issue. It wiU be seen that this division is not an arbitrary one. It is made in the behef that it wiU contribute to a clearer understanding of the facts than would a narrative explanation. Uniform entry words for subjects recurring in different states wiLL be retained throughout the series. It will thus be possible to make a study not only of the his- torical development of an economic subject as reflected in the documents of an indi- vidual state but also to make a comparative study of that development as it has taken PREFATORY NOTE place in the country at large. To accomplish this purpose it has been necessary to make the selection of entry words without reference to the peculiarities of local usage, such peculiarities being recognized in the case of each state by cross-references. The abbreviations employed are believed to be sufficiently obvious to make a table of them imnecessary. Unless otherwise stated the size of the books is octavo. A feature introduced in the New York part of this index, and not employed in the preceding parts (i. e., Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont), is the system of references from locality. This feature has been made a part of the succeeding issues. Another change of importance, namely, the addition to the list of topics of the names of those persons who have exercised an important influence on the develop- ment of the economic life of the state, was introduced in the Ohio part of this index, and has been retained in the following parts, viz., New Jersey and the present volume. In other respects this voliune follows the form of its predecessors. While this introduc- tion of the names of persons into the body of the index is admittedly an innovation, it is believed that it will be distinctly helpful to the student. Difficulties which have delayed the completion of this volume of the index were chiefly due to the great amount of material to be examined, as well as to the extremely crude maimer in which the collected docmnents were for many years made up. Although every reasonable effort has been made to find these documents, some have without doubt escaped the notice of the compiler. In order to make this early record as complete as pos- sible, the Senate and House journals were read for orders to print, and entries have been made for all items which were found to have been ordered printed, although no copy may have been found. The " not found " note attached to these items in the index does not signify that there may not be copies in some of the libraries examined. Although every facility was most generously extended the compiler by the libraries, there is in every library uncatalogued material, in particular pamphlets, and variations in shelf arrange- ment, etc., which preclude a definite statement in any event. A second difficidty is the existence to an unknown extent of German editions of the House and Senate journals, legislative documents and of many executive reports. In the first 30 days of 1845, for instance, thirteen executive reports were ordered printed in German, 500 copies being printed in each case with one exception, viz., the governor's message of which 1000 copies were ordered printed. The present volume has been preceded by twelve similar volumes, devoted to the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, California, Illinois, Kentucky, Delaware, Ohio and New Jersey, respectively. It will be followed by others, each devoted to a single state. The work when completed will, therefore, furnish an index to the economic material in the reports and governors' mes- sages of all the states of the Union. In the preparation of this volume the collection of the New York PubUe Library has been used as a basis, and, unless otherwise shown, the material indexed is in that library. The collections of the Library of Congress, the Pennsylvania State Library, PREFATORY NOTE 5 the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Free Library of Philadelphia, the Library Company of Philadelphia, the Library of the University of Pennsylvania, the Mercantile Library of Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania State Library, the Library of the American Philosophical Society, the German Society of Pennsylvania, the Lancaster County His- torical Society, and Columbia University Library have also been examined. Grateful acknowledgment is made for courtesies extended by each of these institutions in the course of the compilation of the present volmne. PART I COLLECTED DOCUMENTS, DESCRIPTIVE WORKS, ETC. GENERAL 1873. Pennsylvania; historical, statistical and finan- cial. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agri- culture 1872/3: 93-161.) Colonization, etc.; provincial finances; constitutions; manors in Penn. ; governors — colonial and state ; geo- logical survey ; capitals : revenue of the common- wealth : etc. 1874. Historical: discovery of Penn.; early govern- ment; provincial finances; governors — colonial and state; etc. (2 same 1873/4: 9-35.) CHECKLISTS Documents 1682-1887. The laws, minutes, journals and documents published by Pennsylvania eacli year. (Rept. of State Librarian lSSS/9: 103-190.) 1682-1897. Checklist of laws, minutes, journals and documents published by Pennsylvania each year. (Same 1S99: 175-268.) Histories 1794-1892. Checklist of Pennsylvania county, town and township histories. Harrisburg, 1892. pp. A3-A24. (Rept. of State Librarian 1890/1 app.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Edwin K. Meyers, 1892. 24 pp. COUNTIES 1729-1855. Names and date of the erection of the coun- ties of Pennsylvania and the territory from which they were formed. (A.R. secy, internal affairs 1876/7 pt. 1: 84A-86A.) Repeated In 1877/8, 1878/9, 1879/80, and In each year from 1881/2 to 1886/7. 1729-1860. Names and date, month and year of the erection of the counties of Pennsylvania and the territory from which they were formed, excepting Philadelphia, Bucks and Chester, established at set- tlement. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1864/5: 62-63.) Repeated in 1866/7, 1867/8, 1869/70, 1871/2, 1872/3. 1749-1773. Date of the organization of the counties of Pennsylvania and the territory from which they were formed, excepting Philadelphia, Bucks and Chester, established at the settlement of the Prov- ince. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 46-48.) Repeated In the 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th reports. Senate 1790/1-1904/5 INDEXES Index to the Journal of the Senate. Checklist 1790/1. Lancaster: Prtd. by W. C. Smyth, 1808. 18 pp. 8». Two copies were seen, viz. : one bound with the Senate Jol. for 1790/1 In the Hist. Socy. of Fenn. ; the other In the Penn. State Library. 1T91/2. Lancaster: Prtd. by W. C. Smyth, 1807. 14 pp. The Penn. State Library copy of the Senate jol. und one seen at the Hist. Socy. of Penn., each have a copy of the index bound with the .Tournal ; there is also a separate copy In the State Library. 1792/3. Lancaster : Prtd. by W. C. Smyth, 1807. 16 pp. Copy Been in the Penn. State Library. INDEXES— cont'd Senate — cont'd Checklist — cont'd 1793/4 Lancaster: Prtd. by W. C. Smyth, 1807. 17 pp. 8'. Bound with the Journal In the Hist. Socy. cony there are also two copies In the Penn. State Library ; one ^■■nl,K T ° with the Journal, one In a pamphlet volume. li04/5 Lancaster: Prtd. by W. C. Smyth, 1807. 16 np Copy seen In the Penn. State Library. ' 1705/6 Lancaster: Prtd. by W. C. Smyth, 1807. 16 np Bound with the Senate jol. for 1795/6 In Hist. Socy. of ,-na I-, r*'°°- • "^'■'' '^ '''^'' " '■"Py '° ">« Pi^na- State Library. li96/7. Lancaster: Prtd. by W. C. Smyth, 1807. 15 np Copy seen In the I'enn. State Library. 1 1 97/8 Lancaster: Prtd. by W. C. Smyth, 1807. 15 pp. Copy seen in the Penn. State Library. 1 1 98/9 Lancaster: Prtd. by W. C. Smyth, 1807. 22 pp Bound with the Senate Jol. in the Penn. State Library ?'"iJ°.t'"' ^..^- Public Library; there Is also a copy in the Penn. State Library. 1799/00. Lancaster : Prtd. by W. C. Smyth, 1807. 18 pp. Copies seen in the Hist. Socy. of I'enn. and In the Penn. State Library. 1800/1 Lancaster : Prtd. by W. C. Smyth, 1807. 16 pp. 8* Copies seen in the Penn. State Library and In the Hist Socy. of Penn. 1801/2 Lancaster : Prtd. by J. Burnside, 1807. 28 pp Copies seen in the Penn. State Library and In the Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1S02/3. I.aucaster : Prtd. by W. Dickson, 1807. 27 pp Copies seen In the Penn. State Library and in library of the Library Co. of Phlla. 1803/4. Lancaster : Prtd. by Wm. Dickson, 1807. 28 pp Copies seen In the N. Y. I^ibllc Library and in the library of the Library Co. of Phlla. 1804/5. Lancaster: Prtd. by W. Greear, 1806. xxlv pp Copies seen in the N. Y. Public Library and In the library of the Library Co. of Phlla. House of Representatives 1790/1-1802/3. Index to the Journal of the House of Representatives. Philadelphia: Prtd. by J. Bioren. 1808. Checklist The Penn. State Library, the library of the Library Co. of Phlla. and the Library of Congress each contain a complete file of the House Indexes for this period, bound In pne volume ; the following are also in the Hist. Socy. of Penn., bound with the House Journal : 1790/1 (1st House of Repr.), 1791/2 (2d House of Bepr.), 1792/3 (3d House of Repr.), 1797/8 (8th House of Repr.), 1799/00 (10th House of Repr.). 1801/2 (12th House of Repr.). 1. 1790/1. 13 11. 7. 1796/7. 8 11. 2. 1791/2. 9 11. 8. 1797/8. 9 11. 3. 1792/3. 1 sess. 10 11. 9. 1798/9. 8 11. 10. 1799/00. 10 11 2 sess. 2 U. 11. 1800/1. 9 11. 4. 1793/4. 10 U. 12. 1801/2. 9 11. 5. 1794/5. 9 11. 13. 1802/3. 8 U. 6. 1795/6. 9 11. LEGISLATIVE MANUALS A 1846-1865. [Rules for the government of both branches of the Legislature.] Harrisburg: 1846-1865. 8°. Variations of title : 1846-1853. Constitution of the U. S. of America, the Con- stitution of the Commonwealth of Penn. of 1838 and rules for the government of both branches of the Legis- lature. 7 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE MANUALS— cont'd A — cont'd 1854-1855. Not found. 1856-1865. Manual of rules for the government of both branches of the Legislature of Penn.. preceded by the Constitutions of the U. S. and of Penn., with a list of members and oflScers of the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives. 1866-1868. Manual of rules of the General Assembly of Penn. and Legislative Directory: together with the Constitutions of the U. S. and of Penn. Compiled by John A. Smull. Harrisburg: Singerly & Myers, 1866- 1868. 16°. Checklist 1846. J. M. G. Lescure, 1846. 55 (1) pp. Copy seen in the Penn. State Library. 1847. Not found. 1848. J. M. G. Lescure, 1848. 55 (1) pp. 1849. Not found. 1850. J. M. G. Lescure, 1850. 57 (1) pp. Copy seen in the Penn. State Library. 1851. T. Fenn & Co., 1851. 58 pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. 1852. Not found. 1853. T. Fenn & Co., 1853. 59 pp. 1854-1855. Not found. 1856. A. B. Hamilton, 1856. 64 pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. 1857-1858. Not found. 1859. A. B. Hamilton, 1859. 68 pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. 1860. A. B. Hamilton^ 1861. 70 pp. Copies seen in the Penn. State Library and in the His- torical Society of Penn. 1861. A. B. Hamilton, 1861. 70 pp. Copy seen in the Penn. State Library. 1862. A. B. Hamilton, 1862. 72 pp. Copy seen in the Penn. State Library. 1863. Singerly & Myers, 1863. 72 pp. Copy seen In the Penn. State Library. 1864. Not found. 1865. Singerly & Myers. 1865. 75 pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. 1866. 295 pp., foldg. leaf. Copy seen In Penn. State Library. 1867. Not found. 1868. 332 pp., map, foldg. table. Copy seen In Penn. State Library. House resolution of Apr. 12, 1858, provided for the prepara- tion and printing of a " Manual " for the use of the Legisla- ture, to contiiln the U. S. Constitution, the State Constitu- tion, the rules of the Senate and House of Representatives, decisions made In each body on questions of order, etc. 1858-1871. A manual for the government of the Senate and House of Representatives, compiled by J[acob] Ziegler. Harrisburg, 1858-1871. Checklist 1858. A. B. Hamilton 1858. 412 pp. 12°. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. 1859. Not found. 1800. G. Bergner tk Co., 1860. 384 pp. 24". Copy seen in the Historical Society of Penn. 1801-1882. Not found. 1863. G. Bergner & Co., 1863. xll, 384 pp. 24°. Copy seen In Historical Society of Penn. 1864. -Telegraph" Steam I'rlnt, 1864. 440 pp. 16". Copies seen In the Penn. State Library and in the Library of Congress. 1805-1866. Not found. 1887. Telegraph Steam Print, 1867. vlll, 440 pp. 16*. Copy seen in the I'enn. State Library. 1808-1869. Not found. 1870. Telegraph Steam Print, 1870. 448 pp. 24'. Copy seen in the Historical Society of Penn. 1871. Telegraph Steam Print. 1871. 448 pp. 16'. The record of the location of this volume was lost. SuDix's Legislative Hand Book 1 series 1869-1887. Rules and decisions of the General Assembly of Penn. Legislative Directory. Together with political statistics. List of post-offices, county offi- cers, etc. Harrisburg, 1869-1887. LEGISLATIVE MANUALS— cont'd C — cont'd Smuix's LEGiSLATn'E HAND BOOK — cont'd 1 series — cont'd Checklist John A, Smull, compiler B. Singerly, 1869. 412 pp., foldg. leaf, map, pi. 1869. 16°. 1870. 16°. 1871. 1872. 16°. 1873. 1874. 16°. 1875. 1876. 16°. 1877. 16°. 1878. 1879. B. Singerly, 1870. 491 pp., foldg. leaf, map, pi. B. Singerly, 1871. 493 pp., foldg. leaf. pi. 16°. B. Singerly, 1872. iv, 563 pp., foldg. leaf, map, pi. B. Singerly, 1873. 579 pp., map, pi. 16°. B. Singerly, 1874. vl, 598 pp., foldg. leaf, map, pi. B. P. Mevers, 1875. Iv, 6S1 pp., pi. B. F. Meyers, 1876. vl, 694 pp., foldg. leaf, map, pi. B. F. Meyers, 1877. vi, 580 pp., foldg. leaf, map, pi. L. S. Hart, 1878. vl, 727 (1) pp., 4 pis. 16°. L. S. Hart, 1879. vi, 758 (1) pp., 4 pis., map. 16°. Wm. P. Smull, compiler 1881. L. S. Hart, 1881. vl, 774 (1) pp., 4 pis., map. 16°. 1883. L. S. Hart, 1883. vl, 862 (1) pp., pi. 16°. 1885. L. S. Hart, 1885. xxlU, 894 (1) pp., 2 pis., map. 16°. E. K. Meyers, compiler 1887. E. K. Meyers, 1887. xxi. 710 pp., 3 pis. 12°. 2 series 1888-1904. SmuU's Legislative Hand Book and Manual of the State of Pennsylvania. Compiled and pub- lished under direction of Thos. B. Cochran. Harris- burg, n. d. 12°. Checklist E. K. Meyers. Ixxlli, 729 pp., 4 maps, 2 pla. E. K. Meyers. Ixxlil, 747 pp., 4 maps, 2 pis. E. K. Meyers, ixxv, 754 pp., 4 maps, 2 pis. E. K. Meyers. Ixxxl, 756 pp., 4 maps, 2 pis. E. K. Meyers. Ixxxlv, 836 pp., 4 maps, 3 pis. E. IC. Meyers. Ixxxvlll, 864 pp., 4 maps, 3 pis. C. M. Busch. cxU, 970 pp., 4 maps, 4 pis. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. C. M. Busch. ill, 4o-119o, 950 pp., maps, pis. C. M. Busch. 1117 pp., maps, pis. C. M. Busch. vl, 1140 pp., pis., maps. W. S. Ray. 121b pp., maps, pis.* W. S. Ray. 1228 pp., maps, pis.* W. S. Ray. 1242 pp., maps, pis.* W. S. Ray. vl, 1240 pp., maps, pis.* W. S. Ray. ii, 1232 pp., maps, pis.* W. S. Ray. vl, 1234 pp., maps, pis.* W. S. Ray. vl, 1072 pp., maps, pis.* LEGISLATIVE RECORD 1853-1903. [Legislative Record.] 4°. Variations In title : 1853. Dally Legislative Record. " Daily " is omitted from no. 1 of this volume. 1854. Dally Legislative Union. 1855-1857. Dally Legislative Record. 1858-1869. The Legislative Record containing debates and proceedings of the I'enn. Legislature. This is the form used on the title-page ; Dally Legislative Record Is the running title. 1870. None printed. 1871-1874. The Legislative Journal containing the debates and proceedings of the Legislature of Penn. 1875-1885. The Legislative Record containing the debates and proceedings of the Legislature of i'enn. Dally Legislative Record Is the running title. 1887-1903. The legislative Record .... with Index. I.52 1)1). (nos. 1-217.) V. 2. 1053-2892. 541 pp. ( nos. 218-372.) 1887. nos. 1-407. Jan. 4-May 18. Harrlsburg. 1887. 2 vols.* t 8 •* ***. V. 1. 2104 pp. V. 2. 2105-4 L'08 pp. 1889. nos. 1-365. Jan. 1-May 9. Harrlsburg, 1889. 2 vols.* 1 1 § •• •**. V. 1. nos. 1-275. 2200 pp. V. 2. nos. 270-365. 2201-4446 pp. 1891. nos. 1-471. Jan. 6-May 28. Harrlsburg, 1891. 2 vols.* f j: § ** V. 1. nos. 1-344. 2752 pp. V. 2. nos. 345-471. 5504 pp. 1893. nos. 1-464. Jan. 3-June 1. Harrlsburg, 1893. 2 vols.* t t § V. 1. 2000 pp. V. 2. 2601-5240 pp. 1895. nos. 1-543. Jan. 1-June 8. Harrlsburg, 1895. 3 vols.* 1 1 § •• V. 1. 2240 pp. V. 2; 2241-4494 pp. V. 3. 4495-6721 pp. 1897. nos. 1-574. Jan. 1-JuIy 1. Harrlsburg, 1897. 3 vols. V. 1. nos. 1-299. 2336 pp. T. 2. nos. 300-574. 2337-4531 pp. V. 3. 4532-6772 pp. (Index.) Copies in the N. Y. Public Library and others. 1899. nos. 1-390. Jan. 3-Aprll 19. Harrlsburg, 1899. 2 vols.* 1 1 •* V. 1. 3040 pp. V. 2. 2282o pp. 1901. nos. 1-501. Jan. 1- June 27. Harrlsburg, 1901. 3 vols. V. 1. nos. 1-2,50. 1984 pp. v. 2. nos. 251-501. 1985-3996 pp. V. 3. 3997-6487 pp. Index. Only vols. 2 and 3 are in the New York Public Library ; complete sets were seen in the Penn. State Library, Free Library of Phlla., In the library of the Library Co. of Phlla., and in Library of Congress. 1903. nos. 1-500. Jan. 6-Aprll 16. Harrlsburg, 1903. 3 vols.* t t •• V. 1. 2000 pp. V. 2. 2001-4000 pp. „ , I Index. 4003-5449 pp. ^- **• 1 Appendix. 5453-5079 pp. • Copy seen In Penn. State Library. t Copy seen in library of the Library Co. of Phlla. t Copy seen in the Free Library of Phila. I Copy seen in the Historical Society of Penn. *• Copy seen In I.etter from secy, of commonwealth and state treasurer, oomrs. for repairs of public bldgs., with rept. •Tan. 20, 1825. pp. 161-162. Doc. 83. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Ertwd. Smith, revolutionary soldier. Jan. 20, 1825. pp. 162- 163. Doc. 84. Rept. •f committee of accts. on acct. of clerk. Jan. 21, 1825. p. 163. Doc. 85, Rept. of committee of claims, on claim of Hugh Heflfernan, administrator of estate of Isaac Woolsey, rev- olutionary soldier. Jan. 23, 1825. p. 164. Docs. 80-87. Letter from Henry J. Williams, recording secy, of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, Jan. 20, 1825, with c.ttr. from minutes of bd. of directors. Read Jan. 24, 1825. pp. 105-106. Doc. 88. Rept. of committee on education rel. to biograph- ical dictionary, published by Thos. J. Rogers. Jan. 24, 1825. pp. 166-167. Doc. 89. Resignation of Henry Shippen, member of House of Representatives. Jan. 25, 1825. p. 167. Docs. 90-91. I^etters from surveyor gen., rel. to lands held by location, Jan. 24, 1825. Read Jan. 25, 1825. pp. 167-170. Doc. 92. Rept. of committee to whom was referred Item unfinished business, rel. to legitimating Dellann A. Pres- ton. Jan. 25, 1825. pp. 170-171. Doc. 93. Rept. of committee on mllltia system rel. to petition and doc. of Rlchd. Williams. Jan. 25, 1825. p. 171. Docs. 94-95. Letter from Henry Simpson, secy, of bd. of officers of Phila. Asylum for Deaf and Dumb, with copy of proc. of special mtg. of oflicers, Jan. 26, 1825. Read Jan. 28, 1825. pp. 172-173. Doc. 96. Rept. of committee on operation of poor laws. Jan. 29, 1825. np. 173-200. Doc. 97. Letter from pres. of Phila. Bank giving informa- tion that Michael Uitter la not holder of sufficient no. of shares of stock In said bank to entitle him to be a director, Jan. 28, 1825. Read Jan. 31, 1825. p. 201. Doc. 98. Rept. of Mr. Glllelond. teller at election of D. S. Senator. Jan. 31, 1825. pp. 201-202. Docs. 09-100. Letter from Ilenry J. Williams, recording secy, of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, Keb. 1, 1825, with extr. from min\ites of bd. of directors, Jan. 31, 1825. Read Fob. 3. 1825. pp. 203-204. Doc. 101. Rept. of Joint committee applcl. to superintend reception of Gen. La Fayette. Feb. 3, 1825. pp. 204-205. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd XLIX General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 7, 1824-Aprll 12. 1825— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Docs. 102-104. Letter from the Gov., with a letter from Gov. of N. J. and act of N. J. Leglsl. to Incorporate Delaware and Rarltan Canal Co. Feb. 4, 1825. pp. 205-219. Doc. 105. Rept. of committee of accts., rel. to accts. of witnesses subpcenaed on part of complainants, before committee apptd. to inquire Into official conduct of Walter Franklin. Feb. 4. 1825. p. 219. Doc. 106. Rept. of committee of accts., rel. to accts. of witnesses subpoenaed on part of petitioners, before com- mittee apptd. to inquire into official conduct of Seth Chapman. Feb. 7, 1825. p. 220. Docs. 107-108. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses on part of petitioners, before committee apptd. to inquire Into the official conduct of Walter Franklin. Feb. 7-8, 1825. pp. 221-222. Doc. 109. Rept. of committee of accts. rel, to accts. of witnesses on part of petitioners, before committee apptd. to Inquire Into official conduct of Seth Chapman. Feb. 8, 1825. pp. 222-223. Docs. 110-113. Letter from Gov., with letter from Gov. of N. J. covering a res. disapproving const, amdmt. pro- posed by Ga. ; letter from Gov. of Md. with copy of act to confirm Va. act incorporating the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co. ; rept. of comrs. for promoting internal Improvement of state. Feb. 8, 1825. pp. 223-285. Docs. 114-116. Letter from Gov., with letter from Gov. of N. J. with copy of sundry res. rel. to abolition of slavery In V. S. : also letter from Chas. Trcziyulney, [canal comr.]. Feb. 10, 1825. pp. 285-287. Docs. 117-118. Letter from auditor gen., with stmt, of Brobabie receipts and expenditures at treasury from ec. 1, 1824, to Nov. 30, 1825. Feb. 10, 1825. pp. 288-289. Doc. 119. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to Inquire Into official conduct of Walter Franklin. Feb. 10, 1825. p. 290. Doc. 120. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses on part of complainants before committee apptd. to Inquire Into official conduct of Seth Chapman. Feb. 10, 182o. pp. 290-291. Doc. 121. Letter from pres. of bank of Penn. with stmt. of concerns of banks as they stood Jan. 1, 1825, Feb. 9, 1825. Read Feb. 11, 1825. pp. 291-292. Doc. 122. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Enoch Morgan, lleut. of revolutionary war. Feb. 11, 1825. p. 292. Doc. 123. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses on part of petitioners before committee apptd. to inquire Into official conduct of Seth Chapman. Feb. 11, 1825. p. 293. Doc. 124. Rept. of committee on Item unfinished business rei. to complaint against Jonathan Neely, Justice of peace of Adams Co., for official misconduct. Feb. 11, 1825. pp. 293-294. Doc. 125. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire Into official conduct of Seth Chapman. Feb. 12, 1825. pp. 294-205. Doc. 126. Same ; witnesses before committee apptd. to Inquire Into official conduct of Walter Franklin. Feb. 12, 1825. p. 295. Doc. 127. Same ; witnesses before committee apptd. to Inquire into official conduct of Robt. Porter. Feb. 12, 1825. pp. 295-296. Doc. 128. Same; witnesses before committee npptd. to inquire Into official conduct of Seth Chapman. Walter Franklin, and Robt. Porter. Feb. 14, 1825. pp. 296-297. Doc. 129. Jtept. of committee on claims, on claim of John Harmanle, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 14, 1825. p. 297. Doc. 130. Rept. of Mr. Gllleland, teller of House at elec- tion of V. S. Senator. Feb. 14, 1825. pp. 297-303. Doc. 131. Same. Feb. 14 1825. pp. 304-309. Doc. 132. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses subpoenaed on part of complainants, before committee apptd. to Inquire into official conduct of Walter Franklin. Feb. 15, 1825. p. 310. Doc. 133. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Jacob Gebford, heir of Philip Gebford, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 15, 1825. pp. 310-311. Doc. 134. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Christian Merkel, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 16, 1825. p. 311. Docs. 135138. Letter from Gov., with letter from adj. gen. of mitltla with a return of militia, ordnance, camp equipage and military stores. Feb. 16, 1825. pp. 312- 315. and (docs. 137-138) 5 foldg. sheets, A-E, in Ap- pendix. Doc. 139. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to acct. of wlfncKRes before committee apptd. to inquire into official conduct of Seth Chapman. F'eb. 16, 1825. p. 310. Do<'. 140. Koi)t. of (Mimmlffee on militia system on claim of officers of 45th and 48th regiments of Penn. mllltla. Feb. 16, 1825. p. 316. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 17 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd XL.IX (Ipneral Assembly — cont'd Dee. 7, 1824-Ai)rll 12, ISL'5 — cont'd Journal of the Ilouse — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 141. Kept, of comi.... " aocts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee appld. to inquire into oiilciiii conduct of Setli C'liapraan. Feb. 17, 18'25. p. 317. Doc. 14-. Same ; witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire into oliiclai conduct of Walter Franliiin. Feb. 17, ISL'5. pp. 317-31.S. Docs. 143-144. Letter from Gov., witii corresp. with comrs. for promoting internal improvement of state, Feb. 17, 1825. Rend Feb. 18, 1825. pp. 318-331. Doc. 145. Kept, of cotumittee of accts. rci. to accts. of witnesses before committees apptd. to inquire into olficial conduct of Seth Cliapman and Walter Franliiin. Feb. 18, 1825. p. 332. Doc. 146. Kept, of committee to whom was referred item of unfinished business, rei. to petition of Constant Mathewson, in behalf of himself and other children and heirs of Elisha Mathewson, deceased. Feb. 18, 1825. pp. 333-340. Doc. 147. Itept. of committee on claims, on claim of Jesse Cornelius, Kevolutlonary soldier, p. 340. Doc. 148. Kept, of committee on militia system, rel. to reducing e.\i)enses of militia. Feb. 18, 1825. pp. 341-344. Doc. 149. Kept, of Mr. GlUeland, teller of House at elec- tion of U. S. senator. Feb. 18, 1825. pp. 345-349. Doc. 150. Kept, of committee on accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committees apptd. to inquire into offlciai conduct of Seth Chapman and Walter Franklin. Feb. 19, 1825. pp. 349-350. Doc. 151. Kept, of committee rel. to complaint against Benj. Stokely, Justice of peace of Mercer Co. Feb. 19, 1S25. p. 350. Doc. 152. Kept, of committee on ngric. rel. to loan for introducing cultivation of vine. Feb. 19, 1825. p. 351. Doc. 153. Kept, of committee on claims, on claim of Derrick Krewson, soldier of revolutionary war. Feb. 19, 1825. pp. 351-352. Doc. 154. Kept, of committee of accts. rei. to accts. of witnesses before committees apptd. to inquire into olHcial conduct of Seth Chapman and Walter Franklin. Feb. 21, 1825. pp. 352-353. Doc. 155. Kept, of committee to whom was re-committed bill for relief of Geo. Nagle. Feb. 21, 1825. pp. 353-355. Doc. 156. Kept, of committee on inland navigation, on Delaware and Karitan Canal. Feb. 21, 1825. pp. 355- 362. Docs. 157-158. Letter from Gov., with res. of Ind. leglsl. disapproving amdmt. to U. S. constitution proposed by Ga. Feb. 26. 1825. pp. 362-303. Doc. 159. Kept, of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committees apptd. to inquire into official conduct of Seth Chapman and Walter Franklin. Feb. 22, 1825. p. 364. Doc. 160. Kept, of committee on claims, on claim of widow of Michael Wisiar, Kevolutlonary soldier. Feb. 23, 1825. pp. 364-365. Doc. 161. Kept, of committee on militia system on claim of Henry Betz. Feb. 23, 1825. p. 365. Doc. 162. Kept, of committee of ways and means, rel. to taxing monies loaned on bonds and mortgages, and capi- tal invested in stock. Feb. 23, 1825. pp. 366-367. Docs. 163-164. Letter from Gov., with rept. of Chas. Trcziyulny. one of bd. of [canal] comrs. Feb. 23, 1825. pp. 368-377. Docs. 165-166. Letter from auditor gen., with stmts, of late and present brigade inspectors' accts. Feb. 26, 1825. p. 378. 2 foldg. sheets. Doc. 167. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire into ofRcial conduct of Seth Chapman. Feb. 26, 1825. p. 379. Doc. 168. Rept. of Joint committee apptd. to superintend reception of Gen. La Fayette. Feb. 26, 1825. p. 379. Doc. 169. Rept. of committee on Judiciary system rel. to reduction of rate of interest. Feb. 26, 1825. pp. 380- 381. Doe. 170. Rept. of committee on Judiciary system rel. to divorces. Feb. 26, 1825. p. 381. Docs. 171-172. Letter from president of Germantown and Perklomen Turnpike Road Co., Jan. 4, 1825, with abstr. of accts. for year ending Nov. 1, 1824. Read Feb. 28, 1825. pp. 382-383. Doc. 173. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Jacob Brown, revolutionary soldier. Feb. 28, 1825. p. 383. Doc. 174. Rept. of committee on inland navigation rel. to water communication betw. the eastern and western waters. Feb. 28, 1825. pp. 384-388. Docs. 175-176. Letter from secy, of commonwealth and surveyor gen., with letter from BenJ. Tanner rel. to alterations and additions to state map. March 2, 1825. pp. 388-393. Doc. 177. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire into otBcial conduct of Kobt. Porter. March 2, 1825. p. 393. Docs. 178-179. Letter from Gov., with Ind. res. approving O. res. rel. to emancipation of slaves. March 2, 1825. pp. 394-395. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd XLIX General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 7, 1824-Aprll 12, 1825— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd boc. 180. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire into ofUcial conduct of .Seth Chapman and Kobt. Porter. March 3, 1825. pp. 395-396. Doc. 181. Ke|)t. of committee rel. to improvement of pub- lic ground adjoining borough of Uarrisburg. March 3, 1825. pp. 396-398. Doc. 182. Kept, of committee of accts. rei. to accts. of witnesses before committees apptd. to Inquire into oliiclai conduct of Walter Franklin and Kobt. Porter. March 5, 1825. pp. 398-399. Docs. 183-185. Letter from Gov., with Miss. res. agreeing to Ga. res. proposing amdmt. to U. S. const, rel. to ingress of people of color, and non-concurrence of Miss, leglsl. to O. proposition for emancipation of slavery. March 7, 1825. pp. 399-401. Doc. 186. Rept. of committee of accts. rei. to accts. of witnesses before committees apptd. to inquire into olHclal conduct of Kobt. Porter and Seth Chapman. March 7, 1825. p. 402. Doc. 187. Stmt, of concerns of Bank of N. A. March 9, 1825. pp. 402-403. Doc. 188. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire Into official conduct of Kobt. Porter. March 9, 1825. p. 403. Doc. 189. Rept. of committee apptd. to inquire into official conduct of Walter Franklin, president Judge of 2nd Judicial dlstr. of I'enn. March 10, 1825. pp. 404-405. Doc. 100. Letter from Jos. Reed, secy, and treasurer of Univ. of Penn., March 8, 1825, with abstr. of state of funds. March 11, 1825. p. 406. Doc. 191. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire into official conduct of Kobt. Porter. March 11, 1825. p. 407. Doc. 192. Rept. of committee rel. to complaint agst. Hugh M'Muliln, Justice of peace of York Co. March 11, 1825. p. 407. Doc. 193. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire Into offlciai conduct of Robt. Porter. March 12, 1825. p. 408. Doc. 194. Rept. of committee rel. to alterations and addi- tions to state map. March 12, 1825. pp. 408-409. Doc. 195. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire into offlciai conduct of Robt. Porter. March 14, 1825. p. 410. Doc. 196. Rept. of committee apptd. to inquire Into offlciai conduct of Seth Chapman, president Judge of 8th Judicial distr. of Penn. March 14, 1825. pp. 410-413. Doc. 197. Rept. of committee on Inland navigation rel. to north branch of the Susquehanna, and to canals to be constructed from Susquehanna to Lehigh and Schuylkill. March 15. 1825. pp. 413-415. Doc. 198. Rept. of committee apptd. to prepare articles of impeachment agst. Walter Franklin. March 16, 1825. pp. 415-419. Doc. 199. Letter from M'Carty and Davis, March 15, 1825, rel. to Purdon's Digest. Read March 18, 1825. p. 420. Doc. 200. Letter from depy. secy, of commonwealth, March 17, 1825, rei. to map furnished House of Repr. Read March 18, 1825. pp. 420-421. Doc. 201. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to Inquire Into offlciai conduct of Walter Franklin. March 22, 1825. p. 421. Doc. 202. Same ; witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire Into offlciai conduct of Seth Chapman. March 24, 1825. pp. 421-422. Doc. 203. Rept. of committee rel. to tolls on Erie and Waterford turnpike road. March 24, 1825. p. 422. Doc. 204. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire Into offlciai conduct of Robt. Porter. March 25, 1825. p. 423. Doc. 205. Rept. of committee apptd. to manage trial of articles of impeachment exhibited agst. Waiter Franklin. March 25, 1825. pp. 423-430. Doc. 206. Rept. of committee of ways and means rel. to finances of commonwealth. March 26, 1825. pp. 430-434. Doc. 207. Rept. of committee apptd. to manage trial of articles of Impeachment exhibited agst. Walter Franklin. March 28, 1825. p. 435. Doc. 208. Rept. of committee rel. to claim of heirs of Jacob Buttemore. March 28, 1825. pp. 435-436. Doc. 209. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to acct. of Sami. Young, late asst. doorkeeper. March 29, 1825. p. 436. Doc. 210. Rept. of committee apptd. to manage trial of articles of Impeachment e.xhlbited against Walter Frank- lin. March 29, 1825. p. 437. Doc. 211. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire into offlciai conduct of Robt. Porter. March 30, 1825. p. 437. Doc. 212. Rept. of committee apptd. to manage trial of articles of Impeachment exhibited against Walter Franl£- lin. March 30, 1825. pp. 438-439. 18 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd XLIX General Assembly — coDt'd Dec. 7, 1824-AprU 12, 1825— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 213. Rept. of committee npptd. to manage trial of articles of Impeachment exhibited against Walter Frank- lin. March 30, 1825. pp. 440-441. Doc. 214. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of sergeant-at-arms and his deputies for serving subpcenas on witnesses examined before committees apptd. to In- vestigate the official conduct of Seth Chapman, Walter Franklin and Robt. Porter. March 31, 1825. pp. 441-442. Doc. 215. Rept. of committee apptd. to manage the trial of articles of Impeachment exhibited agst. Walter Frank- lin. March 31, 1825. p. 442. Doc. 216. Rept. of committee apptd. to manage trial of articles of Impeachment exhibited agst. Walter Franklin. April 1, 1825. p. 443. Doc. 217. Rept. of committee rel. to final adjournment of leglsl. April 1, 1825. pp. 443-445. Doc. 218. Letter from auditor gen., with stmt, of con- tingent expenses of his office. April 1, 1825. pp. 445-446. Doc. 219. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to Inquire into official conduct of Walter Franklin. Apr. 2, 1825. p. 446. Doc. 220. Rept. of committee apptd. to manage trial of articles of Impeachment, exhibited agst. Walter Franklin. April 2, 1825. p. 447. Doc. 221. Rept. of committee rel. to claim of Alex. M'Clean, senior, late depy. surveyor of Fayette Co. April 2, 1825. pp. 447-448. Doc. 222. Rept. of committee apptd. to manage trial of articles of impeachment exhibited agst. Walter Franklin. April 4, 1825. pp. 448-449. Doc. 223. Rept. of committee apptd. to Inquire into official conduct of Robt. Porter, president judge of 3d judicial dlstr. of Penn. April 4. 1825. pp. 449-453. Doc. 224. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to Inquire into official conduct of Walter Franklin. April 5, 1825. p. 454. Doc. 225. Letter from auditor gen., with stmt, of accts. of comrs. for promoting internal improvement of state. April 6, 1825. pp. 454-455. Doc, 226. Rept. of committee on education rel. to academy In borough of Northampton. April 6, 1825. p. 456. Doc. 227. Rept. of committee apptd. to prepare articles of Impeachment agst. Seth Chapman. April 6, 1825. pp. 457-465. Doc. 228. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to Inquire into official conduct of Uobt. Porter. Apr. 7, 1825. p. 465. Doc. 229. Rept. of committee apptd. to prepare articles of Impeachment agst. Robt. Porter. April 7, 1825. pp. 460-472. Doc. 230. Rept. of committee rel. to complaint against John S. M'Elwaln, Justice of peace of Mercer Co. April 7, 1825. p. 473. Doc. 231. Rept. of committee rel. to complaint agst. Jas. M'Keown, justice of peace of Fayette Co. April 7, 1825. p. 473. Doc. 232. Rept. of committee on education rel. to letter from Anthony Flnley, requesting permission to use state map. April H, 1825. p. 474. Doc. 233. Rept. of Joint library committee, rel. to expen- ditures of library. April 8, 1825. pp. 474-475. Doc. 234. Letter from Gov., with res. from Mo. leglsl. agreeing to Ga. res. proposing amdmt. to U. S. constitu- tion rel. to Ingress of people of color., etc. April 8, 1825. pp. 475-470. Doc. 235. Rept. of committee rel. to alteration of mar- riage laws. April 11, 1825. i>p. 470-477. Doc. 230. Rept. of committee rel. to North-Western Bank of I'enn. April 11, 1825. p. 477. Doc. 237. Rept. of committee of accte. on settlement of aect. of clerk. April 11. 1825. pp. 477-478. Doc. 238. Kept, of committee of accts. on settlement of acct. of Mowry and Cameron, prtrs. of the bills. April 11, 1S25. p. 478. Doc. 239. Rept. of committee of accts. on settlement of acct. of J. .S. WliHlIIng, prtr. of English Journal of House. April 11 1K25. pp. 478-479. Doc. 240. Kept, of committee of accts, on nccts. of BenJ. Perry and Adam U. Orth, transcribing clerks of House. April 11, 1825. p. 480. Doc. 241. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to aggregate amt. paid to witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire Into official conduct of Judges Franklin, Porter and Chapman, and amt. allowed sergeant-at-arms for serving Bubjiffinas. April 11, 1825. pp. 480-482. Doc. 242. Rept. of committee rel. to complaint agst. Thos. Miller, Justice of peace of Washington Co. April 11, 1825. pp. 482-483. Doc. 243. Rept. of committee of conferences further suppl. to act for holding special courts of common pleas. April 11, 182B. p. 483. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd XLIX General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 7, 1824-Aprll 12. 1825— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 244. Rept. ,_ ^uiiimlttee apptd. to manage trial of articles of impeachment exhibited agst. Walter Franklin. April 11, 1825. pp. 483-485. Appendix. 5 foldg. sheets. See docs. 135-138. Index to v. 2. xii pp. L General Assembly Dec. 6, 1825-April 11, 1826 Journal of the Senate, v. 36. Harrisburg : Cameron & Krause, 1825. 673, 62, 30, 43 pp. Appendix, n. t. p. v. p. Journal of the Court of Impeachment for trial of B. Porter, for misdemeanors in office. Harrisburg: Cameron & Krause, 1825. 62 pp. Same, tor trial of S. Chapman, for misdemeanors In office. Harrisburg : Cameron & Krause, 1826. 30 pp. Index. Harrisburg : Cameron & Krause, 1826. 43 pp. . Same, in German. Not seen. H. C. Marthens was chosen prtr. (Sen. Jol. 1825/0: 34.) Journal of the House. 2 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg: Prtd. by J. S. WlestUng, 1825-26. 876, 9, 11 (1) PP. Four copies of v. 1 were compared, viz. : one at the Penn. State Library, oue at the Hist. Socy. of Penn., one at the Free Library of Phila., and one at the library of the Library co. of Phila. The only com- plete copy of V. 2 seen was In the Hist. Socy. of Penn. : there is an incomplete copy in the Free Library of Phila. V. 2. Containing messages, repts. and documents [nos. 1-224 and tables]. Harrisburg: Prtd. by J. S. Wlestllng, 1825-26. 325, viil pp. Contents : Doc. 1. Govs. mess. (Shulze), ace. with docs. Dec. 7, 1825. pp. 3-10. Doc. 2. Rept. of comrs. for Improving the navigation of the Susquehanna River betw. Northumberland and the Md. and Penn. line. Nov., 1825. pp. 11-18. Doc. 3. Docs. rel. to the loan of $150,000, per act of Apr. 11, 1825. pp. 18-20. Doc. 4. I/etter from Robt. Ralston, pres. of Chamber of Commerce of Phila., rel. to a breakwater in the Bay of Del., ace. with a rept. of the U. S. engrs. Nov. 15, 1825. pp. 20-47. Doc. 5. Letter from C. Gleim rel. to the prtg. of the bills of the House. Dec. 8, 1825. p. 48. Doc. 6. Letter from surveyor gen. ace. with a stmt, of business of that dept. Dec. 8, 1825. p. 48. Doc. 7. Stmt, of surveyor gen.'s office. Dec. 1, 1825. pp. 49-50. Doc. 8. Letter from Gov. ace. with docs. Dec. 8, 1825. p. 51. Doc. 9. Letter from president of Potomac Navigation Co. rel. to the incorporation of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co. May 19, 1825. pp. 51-53. Doc. 10. Communication from board of directors of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Co. Nov. 16, 1825. pp. 53-54. Doc. 11. Letter from the Gov. of Delaware rel. to eman- cipation of slaves. Feb. 10, 1825. pp. 55-50. Doc. 12. I-ettcr from the secy, of state of Conn. rel. to an Interchange of the laws and repts. of adjudicated cases betw. the two states. Oct. 15, 1825. pp. 50-57. Doc. 13. I/etter from Gov. and 111. res. rel. to the emanci- pation of slaves. June 15, 1825. pp. 57-58. Doc. 14. Letter from Gov. and Conn. res. rel. to the emancipation of slaves. June 1, 1825. pp. 58-59. Doc. 15. I/etter from the Gov. and Conn. res. disapprov- ing of an amdmt. of U. S. Constitution proposed by Ga. pp. 59-60. Doc. 10. Letter from the Gov. and Del. res. rel. to amdmt. of IT. S. Constitution proposed by Ga. Feb. 5, 1825. pp. 00-61. Doc. 17. Letter from the treasurer of Litncaster and Sus- quehanna Turnpike Road Co. Dec. 3, 1825. p. 61. Doc. 18. Abstr. of accts. of Lancaster and Susquehanna Turnpike Road Co. for three years ending Jan. 31, 1825. p. 62. Doc. 19. Letter from president of T'nion Canal Co., ace. with a no. of copies of the repts. of the bd. of mngrs. to the stockholders. Dec. 6, 1825. p. 03. Doc. 20. Ix-tter from secy, of land office ace. with a stmt. of the business of that dept. Dec. 13, 1825. p. 03. Doc. 21. Rept. of secy, of the land office, 1824/5. pp. 04-65 Doc. 22. Rept. of committee on claims on the claim of Wm. Watson, a Revolutionary officer. Dec. 13, 1825. p. 00. Doc. 23. Rept. of committee on claims on claim of RIchd. Miller, a Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 13, 1825. pp. 66-67. Doc. 24. Rept. of committee rel. to a certain state road In Washington Co. Dec. 13. 1825. p. 67. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 19 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd h General Assembly — cont'tl Dec. G, 1825-Aprll 11, 182G— coiifd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 25. Kept, of committee of nccts. on the settlement of the aect. of the clerk. Dec. 13, 1825. p. 08. Doc. 26. Rept. of the teller, apptd. on the part of the House of Representatives to olHchite at the opening and publishing of the votes given at the late ann. election for and agst. a conv. Dec. 13, 1825. pp. 69-70. Doc. 27. Letter from auditor gen. ncc. with a stmt, of re- ceipts and expenditures at the treasury, 1824/5. Dec. 14, 1825. p. 71. Doc. 28. Receipts and expenditures at state treasury 1824/5. p. 72. Doc. 29. Uept. of committee on claims on the claim of Geo. Selders, a Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 14, 1825. p. 73. Doc. 30. Same ; claim of Saml. Robb, a soldier in the late war. Dec. 14, 1825. pp. 73-74. Doc. 31. Same ; claim of John Meloy, a Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 15, 1825. p. 74. Doc. 32. Same ; claim of James Chesney, a Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 15, 1825. pp. 74-75. Doc. 33. Same ; claim of David Davidson, a Revolutionary soldier, for an increase of his pension. Dec. 16, 1825. p. 75. Doc 34. Same ; claim of Wm. Duncan, a Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 16, 1825. p. 76. Doc. 35. Same ; claim of Marj- Lyons, widow of a Revolu- tionary soldier. Dec. 16, 1S25. pp. 76-77. Doc. 30. Kept, of committee apptd. to prepare rules for the govt, of the House. Dec. 16, 1825. p. 77. Doc. 37. Letter from surveyor gen. rel. to lands held by locations or other office titles, issued from or under the proprietary govt. Dec, 1825. pp. 77-79. Doc. 38. Kept, of committee rel. to the erection of a new CO. out of parts of Washington, Fayette, Westmoreland and Allegheny. Dec. 17, 1825. p. 80. Doc. 39. Kept, of committee apptd. to prepare rules for the govt, of the House. Dec. 17, 1825. pp. 80-84. Doc. 40. Rept. of committee on claims on the claim of John Ironson, a Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 17, 1825. p. 84. Doc. 41. Rept. of committee on the militia system on the claim of James Dunlop, late depy. marshal. Dec. 17, 1825. pp. 84-85. Doc. 42. Uept. of committee on claims on the claim of Marv Hamilton, widow of a Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 19, i825. pp. 85-86. Doc. 43. Letter from Joel Bailey, keeper of the arsenal at Harrisburg, ace. with a rept. of the no. and condition of the arms and camp equipage. Dec. 19, 1825. p. 86. Doc. 44. Kept, of military stores in the state arsenal, Dee. 19, 1825. pp. 87-88. Doc. 45. Rept. of committee on claims on claim of Henry Holler, a Kevolutionary soldier. Dec. 21, 1825. p. 88. Doc. 46. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to the acct. of Thos. Wallace, doorlieeper, for taking charge of the Capitol during recess of the Legisl. Dec. 21, 1825. p. 89. Doc. 47. Kept, of committee apptd. to manage the trial of the articles of impeachment exhibited agst. Kobt. Porter, president Judge of the 3d judicial dlstr. of Penn. pp. 89-90. Doc. 48. Kept, of the committee on claims on the claim of Patrick Burk, a Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 23, 1825. p. 90. Doc. 49. Rept. of committee on claims on the claim of Isaac Gibson, physician and surgeon in the Revolutionary war. Dec. 23, 1825. p. 91. Doc. 50. Kept, of committee on claims on claim of Margaret Irwin, widow of a Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 23, 1825. pp. 91-92. Doc. 51. Letter from auditor gen., ace. with a stmt, of receipts and expenditures at the treasury. Dec. 23, 1825. p. 92. Doc. 52. Estimated receipts and expenditures at treasury, 1824/5. p. 93. Doc. 53. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to settlement of acct. of prtr. of the English Jol. Dec. 24, 1825. p. 94. Doc. 54. Rept. of committee apptd. to manage the trial of articles of impeachment exhibited agst. Robt. Porter, president of 3d Judicial dlst. of Penn. pp. 94-95. Doc. 55. Letter of auditor gen. stating that he has de- livered to the clerk of the House 600 copies of a rept. of the financial concerns of the Commonwealth, 1824/5. Dec. 26, 1825. pp. 95-96. Doc. 56. Same ; from treasurer. Dec. 26, 1825. p. 96. Doc. 57. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of Ridge Turnpike Road Co., 1825. Nov. 7, 1825. p. 97. Doc. 58. Letter from the Gov., ace. with a rept. of U. S. engrs. rel. to the Delaware and Rarltan Canal, in N. J. Dec. 30, 1825. p. 98. Doc. 59. Rept. of U. S. engr. Dec. 21, 1825. pp. 98-102. Doc. 60. Kept, of committee rel. to articles of Impeach- ment preferred by the late House agst. Seth Chapman. Jan. 2, 1826. pp. 102-106. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd L General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 6, 1825-Aprll 11, 1826— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 61. Rept. of committee apptd. to manage the trial of the articles of impeachment, exhibited agst. Kobt. Porter, pres. of 3d judicial dlstr. of Penn. Jan. 2, 1826. pp. 107-108. Doc. 62. Rept. of committee on the Judiciary system on the petition of sundry inhabitants of Indiana Co. rel. to goods wrongfully taken in execution. Jan. 2, 1828. pp. 108-109. Doc. 63. Ijctter from recording secy, of Penn. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. Dec. 31, 1825. p. 110. Doc. 64. Kept, of directors of Penn. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, 1825. pp. 110-117. Doc. 65. Letter from auditor gen. ace. with a stmt, of certain banks. Jan. 2. 1826. p. 118. Doc. 66. Stmt, of condition of banks. Nov., 1825. pp. 118-141. Doc. 67. Letter from secy, of the commonwealth ace. with a rept. of comrs. apptd. to superintend the erectloo of a state penitentiary. Jan. 3, 1826. p. 142. Doc. 68. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to superintend the erec- tion of a state penitentiary in Phlla. pp. 142-145. Doc. 69. Ann. stmt, of patients and acct. current or Penn. Hospital, 1824/5. pp. 146-153. Doc. 70. Rept. of committee on accts. rel. to acct. of a witness before the committee apptd. to inquire Into official conduct of Robt. Porter. Jan. 4, 1826. p. 153. Doc. 71. Rept. of committee rel. to the application from Lancaster, to raise money by lottery for the purpose of Introducing water into that city. Jan. 4, 1826. pp. 154-155. Doc. 72. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of Chestnut Hill and Springhouse Turnpike Road Co. Jan. 5, 1826. pp. 155-156. Doc. 73. Rept. of committee on the judiciary system rel. to marriages, births and deaths. Jan. 5, 1826. p. 156. Doc. 74. Kept, of committee on claims on the claim of John Lee. a Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 5, 1826. p. 157. Doc. 75. Kept, of committee on claims on the claim of Eliz. Fryer, widow of a Kevolutionary soldier. Jan. 5, 1826. p"p. 157-158. Doc. 76. Kept, of committee on education rel. to the establishment of an academy in the town of Richland, Lancaster Co. Jan. 5. 1826. p. 158. Doc. 77. Letter from the Gov. transmitting docs. Jan. 5, 1826. p. 159. Doc. 78. First rept. of canal comrs. Dec. 30, 1825. pp. 159-163. Doc. 79. Communication from Vt. Legisl. rel. to amdmt. of U. S. Constitution proposed by state of Ga. Dec. 12, 1825. pp. 164-105. Doc. 80. Kept, of the committee on claims on claim of Robt. Wright, a revolutionary soldier. Jan. 6, 1826. pp. 165-166. Doc. 81. Same; claim of Mary Stoner, widow of a Revo- lutionary officer. Jan. 6. 1826. p. 166. Docs. 82-83. Letter from state treasurer ace. with a stmt. of contingent expenses. Jan. 6, 1826. p. 167. Doc. 84. Letter from C. Brenneraan. on behalf of the pres. and directors of the Columbia Bridge Co. rel. to an investigation of the affairs of the company. Jan. 5, 1826. p. 168. Doc. 85. Rept. of committee rel. to a complaint agst. Benj. Burrell, a justice of the peace of Westmoreland Co. Jan. 7. 1826. pp. 168-169. Doe. 86. Kept, of the committee rel. to a vacating land warrant in distr. No. 2, Jan. 7, 1826. p. 169. Docs. 87-88. Letter from Gov. ace. with a communication from the Tenn. Legisl. proposing amdmt. of the Consti- tution of the U. S. rel. to the election of Pres. and Vlce- Pres. Jan. 10, 1826. pp. 169-171. Doc. 89. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of Ridge Turnpike Road Co.. 1825. Dec. 31, 1825. p. 172. Doc 90. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Geo. Lesher. a soldier In the militia In the Revolutionary war. Jan. 10, 1826. p. 173. Doc. 91. Same, on claim of Mary Metz. widow of a Revo- lutlonarv soldier. Jan. 10, 1826. p. 173. Doc. 92. Rept. of committee on claims on claim of Hannah Archer, widow of a Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 10, 1826. pp. 174-175. Doc. 93. Rept. of Mr. M'Sherry. teller on the part of the House, to officiate at the election of state treasurer. Jan. 10, 1826. p. 175. Doc. 94. Rept. of committee rel. to H. D. Overholtzer. a Justice of the peace of Lancaster Co. Jan. 11, 1826. p. 176. Doc. 95. Kept, of committee on claims on claim of Jacob Eyler. a Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 12, 1826. p. 176. Doc. 96. Same, on claim of James Dunlop, a Revolu- tionary soldier. Jan. 12. 1826. p. 177. Doc. 97. Rept. of committee on the militia system rel. to petition of Wm. P. Smith. Jan. 12, 1826. pp. 177-178. Doc. 98. Kept, of committee on claims on claim of Abra- ham Johnson, a Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 13, 1826. p. 179. 20 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd L General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 6, 1825-AprU 11, 1826 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 99. Rept. o£ committee on Inland navigation and Internal Improvement, rel. to the Penn. Canal. Jan. 16, 1826. pp. 179-183. , _ , . , Doc. 100. Kept, of committee on claims on claim of Elizabeth Lockhart, widow of a Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 17, 1826. pp. 183-184. Doc. 101. Same ; claim of Stephen Hossler, a Revolu- tionary soldier. Jan. 17, 1826. p. 184. Doc 102. Letter from Gov. (Shulze) transmitting peni- tentiary rept. Jan. 18. 1826. p. 185. Doc 103. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to superintend the erec- tion of a state penitentiary on the public land adjoining the town of Allepheny, opposite to Pittsburgh. Jan. 6, 1826. pp. 185-187. , . . „ , Doc. 104. Rept. of committee on claims on claim of Mark Rodcs, a Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 18, 1826. pp. 1 87-1 JSS Doc 105. ' Rept. of committee of accts. on settlement of acct. of clerk of the House. Jan. 18, 1826. p. 188. Doc. 106. Rept. of the committee apptd. on application of the citizens of the borough of Chambersburg to raise money bv way of lottery, for the purpose of introducing water into said borough. Jan. 18, 1826. pp. 189-191. Doc 107. Rept. of the committee on the judiciary system rcl. to filing stmts, in cases of appeal from Justices of the peace. Jan. 19, 1826. p. 191. Doc. 108. Rept. of the committee on the Judiciary system rel. to the fees of registers and clerks of the orphans' courts. Jan. 20, 1826. pp. 191-192. Doc. 109. Rept. of the committee on banks rel. to the Easton Bank, issuing notes of a less denomination than $5. Jan. 23, 1826. p. 192. Doc. 110. Rept. of committee rel. to a complaint agst. Jacob Haymaker, a Justice of the peace of Westmoreland Co. Jan. 23, 1826. p. 193. Doc. 111. Rept. of committee on militia system rel. to the claim of Wm. Robinson for furnishing arms to several volunteer cos. Jan. 24, 1826. pp. 193-194. Doc. 112. Rept. of committee rel. to bill authorizing the secy, of the land office to issue a land warrant to John Griffin of Fayette Co. Jan. 24, 1826. pp. 194-196. Doe. 113. Rept. of committee on domestic mnfres. rel. to the petition of S. H. Whltehlll, for a loan. Jan. 25, 1826. p. 196. Doc. 114. Rept. of committee on claims on the claim of Wm. Stewart, a Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 25, 1826. p. 197. Doc. 115. Same; claim of Joseph Irwin, son of a Revolu- tionary soldier. Jan. 25, 1826. pp. 197-198. Doc. 116. Same; petition of Geo. Healey, a militiaman in the late war. Jan. 25, 1826. p. 198. Doc. 117. Rept. of committee on the Liilitla system rel. to writs of error. Jan. 25, 1826. p. 199. Doc. lis. Rept. of committee on claims on the claim of Robt. Maxwell, a soldier of the Revolutionary war. Jan. 27, 1826. pp. 199-200. Doc. 119. Letter from Gov. [transmitting sundry docs.]. Jan. 28, 1826. p. 200. Doe. 120. Copy of res. of Ky. legisl. resp. amdmt. of U. S. Constitution proposed by Ga. Dec. 17, 1825. p. 201. Doe. 121. Rept. of committee rcl. to Columbia Bridge Co. Jan. 30, 1826. p. 202. Doc. 122. Communication from Rembrandt Peale, rel. to a portrait of Gen. Washington. Feb. 1, 1826. pp. 202- 203. Doc. 123. Letter from Gov. [transmitting docs.]. Feb. 2, 1826. p. 204. Doc. 124. Copy of apptmt. of a committee from the Legisl. of Md. Jan., 1826. pp. 204-205. Doc. 125. Letter from the Gov. of Md. Jan. 9, 1826. pp. 205-206. Doc. 126. Letter from Sneaker of House of Delegates of Md. to Speaker of the House. Jan. 6, 1826. p. 206. Doc. 127. Rept. of the committee of accts. rel. to the acct. of Elijah Ferrce. Feb. 2, 1826. p. 207. Doc. 128. Letter from acting committee of socy. for pro- motion of Internal Improvements rel. to the publication of the repts. and plans of Wm. Strickland. Jan. 31, 1828. pp. 207-208. Doc. 129. Rept. of committee on claims on claim of Jane Miller, widow of a Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 3, 1826. pp. 208-209. Doc. 130. Kept, of committee on claims on the claim of John Newlln, a Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 9, 1826. p. 209. Doc. 131. Rept. of committee of ways and means rel. to the finances of the Commonwealth. Feb. 4, 1826. pp. 210-218. Doc. 132. Rept. of committee on claims on the claim of Godfrled Klencr, a Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 4, 1826. p. 218. Doc. 133. Rept. of committee on claims on the claim of Moses Baldwin, a revolutionary soldier. Feb. 6, 1826. pp. 218-219. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd L General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 6, 1825-AprU 11, 1826 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc 134. Rept. of committee rel. to the removal of the place of holding the court for the middle dlstr. of the Supreme Court from Sunbury to WllUamsport. Feb. t>, 1826 DP 219-220. Doc *135. Govs. mess. rel. to the rept. of the bd. of canal comrs. Feb. 7, 1826. p. 220. .^ » , , Doc. 136. Rept. of committee apptd. to manage the trial of the articles of Impeachment exhibited agst. Seth Chap- man. Feb. 8, 1826. p. 221. Doc. 137. Govs. mess. (Shulze) transmitting a rept. of the canal comrs. Feb. 8. 1826. p. •221._ Doc. 138. Rept. of the canal comrs., l*2o. Feb. 3, 182b. Doc 139'. Rept. of committee on the militia system rel. to petition of Danl. Sharp. Feb. 9, 1826. pp. 238-239. Doc. 140. Letter from auditor gen. ace. with stmt, of the brigade inspectors' accts. Feb. 13, 1826. pp. 239-240. Doc 141. Stmt, of accts. of brigade inspectors under act of April 2, 1822. foldg. table betw. pp. 240-241. Doc 142. Stmt, of accts. of brigade inspectors under act of March 28, 1814, and suppls. p. 241. Doc 143. Kept, of committee on claims on claim of Jane English. Feb. 13, 1826. p. 242. „ „ ^ „ u , ^. Doc. 144. Same, on claim of Rebecca Callahan. Feb. 13, 1826. pp. 242-243. ^ , Doc 145. Same, on claim of Emanuel Duly, a revolu- tionary soldier. Feb. 13, 1826. p. 243 Docs. 146-147. Govs, mess, Feb. 14, 1826, with copy of act of Va. legisl. rel. to Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co. pp. 244-245. Doc. 148. Govs. mess. (Shulze) [rel. to the military prop- erty, arsenals, adj. gen.'s rept., etc.]. Feb. 17, 1826. DP 246-247. Doc. 149. Rept. of adj. gen., 1825. Feb. 9, 1826. pp. 247-249. Doc. 150. " See Appendix.'' Doc. 151. Letter from auditor gen. [resp. militia fines]. Feb 18. 1826. p. 250. Doc. 152. Stmt, of militia fees, 1822-1826. pp. 250-251. Doc. 153. Rept. of committee apptd. to manage trial of articles of impeachment exhibited agst. Seth Chapman, pres. of 8th Judicial dlstr. of Penn. Feb. 20, 1826. pp. 251-253. , ^ ^ ^ Docs 154-155. Govs. mess, with Ind. res. resp. amdmt. of U. S. Constitution proposed by Tenn. Feb. 22, 1820. pp. 253-254. , . ^^ , . Doc 156. Rept. of committee on claims on the claun of Geo. Engle. Feb. 22, 1826. p. 255. Doc. 157. Same, on claim of Saml. Wltherow. Feb. 22, 1826. pp. 255-256. , ^ ^ ^ Docs. 158-159. Letter from auditor gen. ace. with abstr. of accts. of turnpike road and bridge cos. in which state holds stock. Feb. 24, 1826. p. 256, foldg. table. Doc. 160. Kept, of committee on claims on claim of An- drew Kerr, son of a Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 25, 1826. p. 257. Doc 161. Same ; claim of Robt. M'Elwaln, a Revolu- tionary soldier. Feb. 27, 1826. pp. 257-258. Doc. 162. Same ; claim of Peter Lawyer, a Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 28, 1826. p. 258. Doc. 163. Rept. of committee on agric. rel. to petition of Saml. Etter. March 1, 1826. pp. 258-259. Doc. 164. Rept. of committee on claims on claim of Patrick M'Dowell, a Revolutionary soldier. March 1, 1826. p. 269. Doc. 165. Rept. of committee on banks rel. to Northern Bank of Penn. March 2, 1826. p. 260. Docs. 166-168. Govs. mess, with Md. res. resp. amdmt. of U. S. Constitution proposed by Tenn., and Del. res. rel. to a lock and canal navigation on the Brandywlne. March 3, 1866. pp. 261-264. Doc. 169. Kept, of committee rel. to a preparation to pre- vent the alteration of prtg. or writing. March 3, 1826. pp. 265-266. , „ Doc. 170. Rept. of committee rel. to Andersons Ferry, Waterford and New Haven Turnpike Road Co. March 3, 1826. p. 266. Docs. 171-172. Letter from President of Phlla. and Lan- caster Turnpike Road Co., with stmt, of accts., 1823-1825. March 2, 1826. pp. 267-269. Doc. 173. Rept. of committee on claims on claim of heirs of Andrew Donnelson, deceased. March 7, 1826. pp. 269- 270. Doc 174. Same; claim of Francis Burke, a Revolutionary soldier. March 7, 1826. p. 270. Doc. 175. Same ; claim of Saml. Chase, a Revolutionary soldier. March 7, 1826. p. 271. Doc. 170. Rept. of committee relative to free turnpike roads. March 7, 1826. pp. 271-273. Doc 177. Kept, of committee rel. to complaints agst. Jos. Jackson and Wm. Hurst, Justices of the peace In Hunt- ingdon Co. March 7, 1826. p. 272. Doc 178. Kept, of committee rcl. to vacating a part of the old Penn. road. In Westmoreland Co. March 9, 1828. pp. 273-274. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 21 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd L. General Assemblv — cont'd Dec. 6, 1825-Aprll 11, 1826 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents . — cont'd Doc. 179. Rept. of committee on claims on claim of John Brown, a Revolutionary soldier. March 9, 1826. p. 274. Doc. l.SO. S;inie, on chiiin of Danl. Steever, n Revolu- tionary soldier, p. 275. Docs. 181-183. Govs. mess, with letter from pres. of bd. of canal comrs.. March 6, 1826, and Miss. res. rel. to gradual emancipation of slaves. March 10, 1826. pp. 275-270. Doc. 184. Rept. of committee rel. to claim of Wm. M'Claln agst. the Pittsburg and SteubenviUe Turnpike Road Co. March 13, 1826. p. 280. Doc. 185. Rept. rel. to suits In courts of the Common- wealth. March 14, 1826. pp. 280-282, foldg. table. Doc. 186. Rept. of committee rel. to taxes on unseated lands. March 15, 1826. p. 285. Doe. 187. Rept. of committee rel. to lands In Luzerne Co. March 15, 1826. pp. 2S5-2S6. Doc. 188. Rept. of committee on claims on claim of John Priestly, son of a Revolutionary officer. March 15, 1826. p. 2SH. Doc. 189. Same ; claim of Mary Krebs, sister of Peter Gasner. a Revolutionary officer. March 15, 1826. pp. 286-287. Doc. 190. Same ; claim of Andrew Fox, a Revolutionary soldier. March 15, 1826. p. 287. Doc. 191. Same ; claim of David Fox. March 15, 1826 p. 288. Doc. 192. Rept. of committee rel. to co. rates and levies March 16, 1826. p. 288. Doc. 193. Rept. of committee on claims on claim of Jos Williams, a Revolutionary soldier. March 18, 1820. p. 289. Doc. 194. Rept. of committee on claims on claim of Jacob Sheriff, a Revolutionary soldier. March 18, 1826. p. 289, Doc. 195. Same ; claim of Thomas Carter. March 18 1826. p. 290. Docs. 196-197. Govs. mess, with La. res. rel. to amdmt. of U. S. Constitution proposed by Ga. March 18, 1826, pp. 290-292. Doc. 198. Rept. of committee on claims on claim of Margaret M'Lean, widow of a Revolutionary soldier. March 20, 1826. p. 292. Doc. 199. Rept. of committee on Inland navigation and internal improvement rel. to constructing a canal from Pittsburg to Lalie Erie. March 20, 1826. pp. 293-294. Docs. 200-201. (iovs. mess, witli b-tter from (Jov. of Md. and act to incorporate the Susquehanna and Patapsco Canal Co. March 21. l.'iiG. pp. 204-208. Doc. 202. Rept. of committee on claims on claim of Christian Grim, a Revolutionary soldier. March 22, 1826. pp. 298-299. Docs. 203-204. Govs. mess, with letter from pres. of Penn. Canal comrs. and certain docs. rel. to the Harrisburg Canal, Fire Insurance and Water Co. March 23, 1866. pp. 299-311. Doc. 205. Rept. of committee on claims on claim of Wm. M'Kelvey, a Revolutionary soldier. March 24, 1826. p. 312. Docs. 206-207. Govs. mess, with La. res. rel. to gradual emancipation of slaves. March 28. 1826. pp. 312-313. Doc. 208. Rept. of committee on agric. rel. to improving breed of horses. March 29, 1826. pp. 313-314. Doc. 209. Rept. of committee rel. to a complaint agst. Thos. Miller, a justice of the peace of Washington Co. March 31, 1826. p. 314. Docs. 210-211. Letter from auditor gen., with stmt, of contingent expenses In the auditor genl.'s office. April 1, 1826. pp. 314-315. Doc. 212. Rept of joint library committee rel. to expenses of the library. April 1, 1826. pp. 315-316. Docs. 213-214. Letter from pres. of Phila. Saving Fund Socv. ace. by stmt, of the socy., Nov. 1, 1825. March 31, 1826. pp. 316-317. Doc. 215. Rept. of auditors apptd. to settle accts. of the Phila. Saving Socy. Jan. 1, 1825 and 1826. pp. 318-320. Doc. 216. Rept of committee rel. to a complaint agst. Chas. Brown, a justice of the peace of Bradford Co. April 5, 1826. p. 321. Doc. 217. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement rel. to a moving lock, termed the " Hydrostatic List" Apr. 6, 1825. p. 321. Doc. 218. Rept. of committee of ways and means rel. to fees of officers. April 6, 1826. p. 322, 2 foldg. 11. For tables, see App. to v. 2. Doc. 219. Rept. of committee of accts. on settlement of acct. of Cameron & Krause, prtr. of bills. April 10, 1826. p. 323. Doc. 220. Rept. of committee rel. to complaint agst. Wm. Clark, a justice of the peace of Beaver Co. April 10, 1826. p. 323. Doc. 221. Rept. of committee of accts. on settlement of acct. of clerk. April 10, 1826. p. 323. Doc. 222. Same ; settlement of acct. of J. S. Wieetling, prtr. of English Journal of House. April 10, 1826. p. §24. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd L General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 6, lS25-April 11, 1826— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 223. Same : settlement of acct. of Cameron & Krause, prtr. of bills. April 10, 1826. p. 325. Doc. 224. Same ; settlement of accts. of A. H. Orth and Benj. Perry, triinscribing clerks. April 10, 1826. p. 325. Appendix, n. t. p. v. p. Bound with v. 2. Dor. 15o. Ht'turu f>f the militi.'i jind volunteers of I*enn. for 1825. Tables A-D, preceding index. Doc. 218. Return of bills recil. In 1S24 and 1825 and net taxing certain offices, foldg. tables I-III preceding Index. Index, n. t. p. vill pp. unnum. doe. Rept. of state treasurer, 1824/5. Harris- burg : Mowry & Cameron, 1825. Dec. 8. 1825. 477 pp. unnum doc. Rept. of linances by auditor gen. Harrisburg : J. S. Wiestling, 1825. Dec. 26. 1825. 30, vi pp. LI General Assembly Dec. 5. lS26-Aprll 17, 1827 Journal of the Senate. 2 vols. Iv. 1.1 Harrisburg: Cameron & Krause, 1826-27. 999, 62 pp., foldg. t.nhles. Three copies were compared, viz. : one In the Penn. State Library, one in the Hist. Socy. of Penn., and one In the library of the Library Co. of Phila. ; v. 2 was not found in the latter, [v. 2.] Appendix to Senate Journal, containing mess;iges and documents rel. to controversy betw. Ga. and the Creek In- dians. Harrisburg: Cameron & Krause, 1827. 399 pp. . Same, in German. No't seen. Schneider and Meyers were elected prtrs. (Sen. jol.. 1826/7:36.) Journal of the House. 2 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg : Prtd. by J. S. Wiestling, 1826-27. 790, 11, Ivl (1) pp. Two copies of V. 1 were compared, viz. : one in the Penn. State Library and one In the Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phila. V. 2. Containing mess.-iges. repts. .ind docs. [nos. 1-3051. Harrisburg: J. S. Wiestling, 1826-27. 734, xl pp., foldg. sheets. Contents : Doc. 1. Mess, of Gov. [Shulze]. Dec. 5. 1826. pp. 3-12. Docs. 2-5. Docs. ace. Govs. mess. pp. 13-26. Doc. 2. Corresp. betw. se<'v. of commonwealth and war dept. rel. to Fort Mifflin. Read Dec. 6, 1826. pp. 13-14. Doc. 3. Corresp. betw. secy, of commonwealth and several banks rel. to loan of S200,000 authorised bv sec. 5 of act of Apr. 1, 1826. Read Dec. 6, 1826. pp. 15-20. Doc. 4. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to improve navigation of Susquehanna from Columbia to tide, and from Columbia to Northumberland, Nov. 22, 1826. Read Dec. 6. 1826. pp. 21-24. Doc. 5. Corresp. betw. secy, of commonwealth and presidents of Phila. Bank and Farmers' and Me- chanics' Bank, rel. to canal loan of $300,000 author- ised by act of Apr. 1, 1826. Read Dec. 6, 1826. pp. 25-26. Docs. 6-7. Letter from secv. of land office with stmt, of business of dept Dec. 8, 1826. pp. 27-29. Docs. S-9. Mess, from Guv., with letter from president of Phila. Chamber of Commerce, rel. to break-water, Delaware Bay. Dec. 9, 1826. pp. 29-30. Docs. 10-10. Govs. mess.. D,-c. S. 1826. with letter from Gov. of Md. rel. to fisheries In Susquehanna : rept of comrs. apptd. to examine Pittsburgh Penitentiary ; corresp. with president of Northumberland Bridge Co. ; letter from ;itty. gen. rel. to Harrisburg (_^anal. Fire Insurance and Water Co. ; letter rel. to sword voted to Captain Conner : rept. of comrs. apptd. to revise penal code. Dec. 9, 1826. pp. 31-49. Doc. 17. Rept of committee on claims, on claim of Jacob Snider, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 9, 1826. pp. 49-50. Doc. 18. Stmt, of no. of depositors and amt. to their credit with Phila. Saving Fund Socy. on Nov. 1, 1826. Dec. 11, 1826. pp. 50-51. Docs. 19-20. Letter from surveyor gen., with stmt of business of dept Dec. 11, 1826. pp. 51-53. Doc. 21. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of Chesnut Hill and Spring House Turnpike Road Co. Dec. 11, 1826. pp. 54-55. Doc. 22. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Roslna Peters, widow of a Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 11, 1826. p. 55. Doc. 23. Same ; claim of John Allen, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 11, 1826. p. 56. Doc. 24. Same ; claim of Thos. Abbott, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 12, 1826. pp. 56-57. Doc. 25. Rept of committee of accts. on settlement of acct of clerk. Dec. 12, 1826. pp. 57-58. Doc. 26. Rept of committee on claims, on claim of Dennis Carroll, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 12, 1826. pp. 58-59. 22 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LI General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 5, 1826-Aprll 17, 1827 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 27. Kept, of committee on judiciary system on peti- tion of Danl. Herbein of Berlis Co. Dec. 12, 1826. p. 59. Doc. 28. Rept. of committee on claims on claim of Susanna Horn, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 12, 1826. pp. 50-60. Doc. 29. Rept. of Mr. Binder, teller on the part of House to officiate at election of U. S. Senator. Dec. 12, 1826. pp. 60-62. Doc. 30. Rept. of committee rel. to erection of new co. out of parts of Washington, Fayette. Westmoreland and Allegheny cos. Dec. 13. 1826. p. 62. Doc. 31. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Mary Murray, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 14, 1826. p. 63. Doc. 32. Rept. of committee apptd. to prepare rules for govt, of House. Dec. 14, 1826. pp. 63-69. Doc. 33. Rept. of Mr. Atliiuson. teller, declaring returns of election for Gov. Dec. 14, 1826. pp. 70-72. Doc. 34. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Thos. Bodiey, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 15, 1826. p. 72. Doc. 35. Same: claim of Wm. KJnsey, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 15, 1826. p. 73. Doc. 36. Same ; claim of Geo. Selders, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 16. 1826. pp. 73-74. Doc. 37. Same ; claim of Adam Weaver, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 16, 1826. p. 74. Doc. 38. Rept. of committee of ways and means rel. to petition of Saml. R. Smith. Dec. 16, 1826. pp. 74-75. Doc. 39. Rept. of committee rel. to chaplains. Dec. 18, 1826. p. 75. Doc. 40. Inaugural address of J. Andrew Shulze. Dec. 19, 1826. pp. 76-77. Doc. 41. Kept, of committee on claims on claim of Margaret Irwin, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 20, 1K26. - p. 78. Doc. 42. Same ; claim of Jos. Blgony, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 20, 1826. pp. 78-79. Doc. 43. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to acct. of Allen Anderson. Dec. 21, 1826. p. 79. Doc. 44. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Geo. Rogers, brother of Wm. Rogers, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 21, 1826. pp. 79-80. Doc. 45. Same; claim of Henry Little, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 22. 1826. p. 80. Doc. 46. Same ; claim of Saml. Blyth, Revolutionary officer. Dec. 22, 1826. p. 81. Doc. 47. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to acct. of Nathaniel Henry. Dec. 22. 1826. p. 82. Docs. 48-49. Communication from Gov., Dec. 27, 1826, with res. of Vt. leglsl. disagreeing to amdmt. to tJ. S. constitution proposed by Tenn. Dec. 28, 1826. pp. 82-83. Doc. 50. Communication from auditor gen., Dec. 25, 1826, stating that he has delivered to clerk of House 600 copies of rept. of financial concerns of commonwealth from Dec. 1, 1825-Nov. 30, 1826. Dec. 28, 1826. pp. 83-84. Doc. 51. Communication from state treasurer, Dec. 25, 1826, stating that he has delivered to clerk of House 600 copies of rent, of receipts and payments at treasury for year ending Nov. 30, 1826. Dec. 30, 1826. pp. 84-85. Docs. 52-54. Communication from treasurer of Union Canal Co., Dec. 26, 1826. with stmts, rel. to lotteries authorised by law for beneflt of co. Dec. 30, 1826. pp. 85-88. Docs. 55-56. Communication from auditor gen. with stmt of certain hanks. Dec. 30, 1826. pp. 89-112. Doc. 57. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Jacob Walter, revolutionary soldier. Dec. 30, 1826. pp. 112- 113. Docs. 58-59. Communication from Gov., with rept. of comrs. rel. to revision of penal code. Jan. 1, 1827. pp. 113117. Docs. 60-92. Communication from Gov., with rept. of bd. of Penn. canal comrs., and docs. (nos. 1-30) ncc. their rept. Jan. 1, 1827. pp. 117-210 and 3 foldg. sheets. Doc. 63 — no. 1. Rept of Wm. Strickland, engr., Apr. 29, 1826. pp. 134-139. Doc. 64 — no. 2. Estimate of cost of constructing eastern division, laid before bd. May 17, 1820, by Wm. Strickland, pp. 139-151. Doc. 65 — no. 3. Rept. of Nathan S. Roberts, engr., upon location of eastern division proposed by Mr. Strickland. June 19, 1826. pp. 151-153. Doc. 66 — no. 4. Mr. Strickland's estimate for In- creasing dimensions of eastern division for accommo- dation of borough of Harrlsburg. June 19, 1826. P. 153. Doc. 67 — no. 5. Rept. of Wm. Strickland upon prog- ress and present state of work on eastern division, Dec. 9, 1826. pp. 153-158. Doc. 6S-— no. 6. Estimate of probable cost of com- pleting eastern division by Wm. Strickland. Dec. 11, 1826. p. 156. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LI General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 5, 1826-Aprll 17, 1827 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 69 — no. 7. Letter from Canvass White, engr., rel. to mode of crossing Susquehanna at mouth of Juniata, and to present location of upper level of eastern division. Oct. 18, 1826. pp. 157-158. Doc. 70 — no. 8. Rept. of Charles Mowry, acting comr., of contracts on eastern division. July 25, 1826. folds, sheets betw. pp. 158 and 159. Doc. '71 — no. 9. B\irther rept. of Chas. Mowry upon contracts for eastern division. Sept. 6. 1826. p. 158. Doc. 72 — no. 10. General rept. of Chas. Mowry upon progress and situation of eastern division, Dec. 2, 1826. pp. 159-165. Doc. 73 — no. 11. [Doc. ace. no. 10.] Stmt, of con- tracts on eastern division by Charles Mowry, Nov, 29, 1826. foldg. sheet betw. pp. 165 and 166. Doc. 74 — no. 12. [Doc. B. ace. no. 10.] Tabular stmt, of progress of work on eastern division by Chaa. Mowry. showing amt. of work, payments on acct., and no, of hands employed, foldg. sheet betw. pp. 165 and 166. Doc. 75 — no. 13. Corresp. between comrs. for Im- proving navigation of Susquehanna and Chas. Mowry, acting comr. Oct. 17-18, 1826. pp. 165-166. Doc. 76 — no. 14. Exhibit of state of acting comr.'s office for eastern division of Penn. Canal, Dec. 2, 1826. pp. 167-168. Doc. 77 — no. 15. Rept. of Nathan S. Roberts, engr., Apr. 26, 1826. pp. 168-170. Doc. 78 — no. 16. Rept. and estimate of Nathan S. Roberts, Apr. 30, 1826, upon first 17 miles up the Allegheny River on eastern side. pp. 170-173. Docs. 79-80— nos. 17-18. Rept. of Nathan S. Roberts upon survey -107. Conimunlciitlnn from state treaauror, with stmt, of contingent expenses of treasury dept. Jan. 5, 1827. p. 22r^. Doc. 108. Kept, of committee on claims, on claim of Saml. Uewees, Itevolutlonary soldier. .Tan. 5, 1H27. p. 220. Doc. 100. Same ; claim of Thos. Nichols, Hevolutlonary soldier. Jan. 5, 1827. pp. 226-227. Doc. 110. Kept, of committee rel. to petition of Prudence Stewart. .Tan. 5, 1827. p. 227. Doc. 111. Kept, of committee apptd. to inquire into ofticial conduct of Seth Chapman, president judge of 8tli Judicial distr. Jan, 6, 1827. p. 228. Doc. 112. Same. Jan. 6, 1827. pp. 228-229. Docs. 113-114. Communication from Gov., with rcpt, of comrs. apptd. to investigate Northern Bau)^ of Peun. Jan. 8, 1827. pp. 229-244. Doc. 115. Kept, of Mr. Cunningham, teller on the part of House to officiate at election of state treasurer, Jan. 0, 1827. pp. 244-245. Doc. 116. Kept, of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire Into con- duct of Sami. D. Fraults. Jan. 10. 1827. pp. 245-247. Doc. 117. Kept, of committee on claims, on claim of Susannah Ney, daughter of Revolutionary soldier, Jan, 11, 1S27. p. 248. Doc. 118. Kept, of committee rel. to state road from Schnee's mill to Dug Hill. Jan. 11, 1827. p. 248. Doc. 119. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of Ridge Turnpike Road Co. Jan. 12, 1827. p, 249. Doc. 120. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire Into official conduct of Seth Chapman. Jan. 12, 1827, p, 250, Docs. 121-122. Communication from Select and Common Councils of Phiia, Jan. 11, 1827. Read Jan. 12, 1827. pp. 250-251. Docs. 123-124. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts, of witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire into con- duct of Saml. D. Franlss. Jan. 13. 1827, pp. 251-252, Doc. 125. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Wm, Ilazlet, Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 13, 1827. p. 253. Doc. 126. Same; claim of B. D. Rlsheii, widow of Revolu- tionary soldier. Jan. 13, 1827. pp. 253-254. Doc. 127. Same : claim of Wm. Amberson, Revolutionary officer. Jan. 13, 1827. pp. 254-255. Docs. 128-129. Stmt, of affairs of Penn. Hospital. Read Jan. 15, 1827, pp, 255-261, Docs. 130-131. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire into con- duct of Saml. D. Franks. Jan. 16, 1827. pp. 262-266. Doc. 132. Rept. of committee on judiciary system rel. to prothonotaries of the several courts, exhibiting ann. stmt, of no. of suits and prosecutions commenced, at issue, determined, Jan. 16, 1827. pp. 266-267. Doc. 133. Communication from Joel Bailey, keeper of Arsenal at Harrisburg, Jan. 16, 1827, with rept. of no. and condition of arms and camp equipage. Jan. 17, 1827. pp. 267-26S. Docs. 134-135. Communication from secy, of common- wealth, with rept. of comrs. to improve navigation of Susquehanna ace. with docs. Jan. 17, 1827. pp. 269- 275. Doc. 136. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire into con- duct of Judges Chapman and Franks. Jan. 17, 1827, p. 276. Doc. 137. Kept, of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire Into con- duct of Saml. D. Franks. Jan. 18, 1827. pp. 277-278. Doc. 138. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, Jan. IS. 1827, rel. to incompatibility of officers of adj. gen. and brigade inspector. Jan. 19, 1827, pp. 278-279. Doc. 139. Kept, of committee on judiciary system rel. to declaring co. comrs. bodies corporate. Jan. 19, 1827, pp, 279-280. Doc. 140. Rept of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committees apptd. to inquire Into con- duct of judges Franks and Chapman. Jan. 19, 1827. pp. 281-282. Doc. 141. Kept, of committee apptd. to Inquire Into official conduct of Seth Chapman. Jan. 19, 1827. pp. 282-283. Doc. 142. Communication from Mayor, select and com- mon councils, and citizens of Lancaster, rel. to removal of seat of govt. Jan. 20, 1827. pp. 284-287. Docs. 143-144. Communication from Jos. Hemphill, chrm. of town meeting of citizens of Phiia., with res. of meet- ing rel. to removal of seat of govt., Jan. 18, 1827. Read Jan. 20, 1827, pp. 287-289. Doc. 145. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of wit- nesses before committee apptd. to Inquire Into conduct of Saml. D. Franks. Jan. 20, 1827. p. 290. Doc. 146. Rept. of committee on judiciary system rel, to Increasing salaries of associate Judges of Allegheny Co. Jan. 20, 1827, pp, 290-291. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LI General Asaemi)ly — cont'd Dec. 5, 1826-Aprii 17, 1827— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 147. Rept. of coniniitlee rel. to complaint against Thos. Miller, Justice of peace of Washington Co. Jan. 20, 1827. p. 2111. Docs. 148-149. Communication from Gov., Jan. 19, 1827, with letter from Gov. of Ga., together with copy of pre- amble and res. reconmiending amdmt. to V. S. constitu- tion. Jan. 20, 1827. pp. 291-293. Docs. 150-152. Coniniunicatlon from Gov. with letter from C. F. Mercer, chrm. of committee of Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Convention and memorial to legisl. rel. to said canal. Jan. 20. 1S27. pp. 293-297. Doc. 153. Communication from grand inquest, comrs. and associate judges of NortliuniI)erland Co.. rel. to removal of sot of govt., Jan. 16, 1820 [I. e. 1827J. Read Jan. 22, 1827, pp. 297-298. Doc. 154. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Leonard Weyer, Revolutionary soldier, Jan. 23, 1827. p. 299. Doc. 155. Same ; claim of Wm. Bower, Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 23, 1827. pp. 299-300. Doc. 156. Same ; claim of Jesse Cornelius, Revolutionary soldier, Jan. 23, 1827. p. -300. Doc. 157. Rept. of committee on militia system rel. to alteration of militia law in rel. to 1st brigade, 1st division. Jan. 23. 1827. p. 301. Doc. 158. Communication from citizens of Lancaster rel. to removal of seat of govt. Jan. 24, 1827. pp. 301-302. Doc. 159. Rept. of committee rel. to Springettsbury Manor, York Co. Jan. 24, 1827. pp. 302-300. Doc. 160. Kept, of committee apptd. to inquire into official conduct of Seth Chapman. Jan. 24, 1827. pp. 307-309. Doc. 161. Kept, of committee of accts. on settlement of acct. of clerk of the House. Jan. 25, 1827, pp. 309-310. Doc. 162. Kept, of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to inquire into con- duct of S. D. Franks. Jan. 25, 1827. pp. 310-311. Doc. 163. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of John Anderson, Revolutionary soldier, Jun, 25, 1827, pp. 311-312. Doc, 164. Same ; claim of James Chambers, Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 25, 1827. p. 312. Doc. 105. Same ; claim of Wm. M'Crum, Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 25, 1S27, pp. 312-313. Doc. 106. Same; claim of Philip Isenhour, Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 25, 1827. pp. 313-314. Doc. 167. Communication from president of Germantown and Perklomen Turnpike Road Co., Jan. 3, 1827, with abstr. of affairs of Co., 1825/6. Jan. 29, 1827, pp. 314-315. Doc. 168. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Stephen Barth, Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 31, 1827. pp. 315-316. Doc. 169. Same ; claim of Alexander M'Coy, Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 31, 1827. p. 316. Docs. 170-172. Communication from Gov., with letter from Gov. of Ohio, and copy of law Incorporating Penn. and Ohio Canal Co. Feb. 1, 1827. pp. 316-328. Doc. 173. Rept. of committee .'ipptd. to Inquire into official conduct of Jos. Reed, recorder of Phiia, Feb. 1, 1827. pp. 328-329. Docs. 174-175. Communication from secy, of Library Co. of Phiia., Feb. 2, 1827, with res. of directors of co. Read Feb. 5, 1827. pp. 329-330. Docs. 176-177. Communication from Gov., Feb. 3, 1827, with rept. from comrs. of Pittsburgh penitentiary. Read Feb. 5, 1827. pp. 330-331. Doc. 178. Rept. of committee on judiciary system, rel. to alteration in $100 law. Feb. 6, 1827. p. 332. Doc. 179. Kept, of committee on inland navigation and Internal improvement, rel. to location of western division of Penn. caual. Feb. 6, 1827. p. 332. Doc. 180. Rept. of committee on judiciary system rel. to ball taken by Justices of peace. Feb. 6, 1827, p. 333. Doc. 181. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Matthias Hanson, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 7, 1827. p. 333. Doc. 182. Same : claim of Wm, Cllne, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 7, 1827. p. 334. Doc. 183. Same; claim of Thos. Carter, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 7, 1827, pp. 334-335. Doc. 184. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committees apptd. to inquire into con- duct of judges Chapman and Franks. Feb. 7, 1827. p, 335. Doc. 185. Rept. of committee of ways and means, rel, to purchase of turnpike stock from Jas. Herriott. Feb. 7, 1827. p. 336. Docs. 186-198. Communications from Gov., with further rept. of bd. of Penn. canal comrs., and docs. ace. rept. (nos. 1-11). Feb. 7, 1827, pp. 337-471. Doc. 188 — no. 1. Rept. on Susquehanna and Potomac route by John Mitchell. Dec. 8, 1826. pp. 350-353. Doc. 189 — no. 2. Rept. on French Creek feeder, by D. B. Douglass. Jan. 1, 1827, pp. 353-385. 24 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LI General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 5, 1826-AprU 17, 1827 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 190 — no. 3. Rept. on survey along Allegheny from mouth of Klskemlnetas to mouth of B'rench Creek bv Jas. Geddes. Dec. 6, 1826. pp. 385-387. Doc. 191 — no. 4. Rept. of survey of No. Branch of Susquehanna, bv .Tohn Bennet. n. d. pp. 388-394. Doc. 192 — no. 5. Remarks on No. Branch survey by Judge Scott, member of bd. Feb. 2, 1827. pp. 394-402. Doc. 193 — no. 6. Rept. on survey of northern route betw. eastern and western waters, by Jas. Geddes. Jan. 26, 1827. pp. 402-417. Doc. 194 — no. 7. Repts. on survey of Juniata route by Canv.TSS White and Geo. T. Olmstead. Jan. 30, 1827. pp. 417-467. Doc. 195 — no. 8. Extr. from minutes of bd. in rel. to No. Branch survey. Sept. 12-13, 1820. pp. 467-46S. Doc. 196 — no. 9. Rept. on upper level of eastern di- vision of Penn. canal by Wm. Strickland, Jas. Geddes, N. S. Roberts and Canvass White, engrs.. In service of bd. Feb. 1, 1827. p. 469. Doc. 197 — no. 10. Res. of bd. of canal comrs. to ex- tend pastern division of Penn. Canal. Feb. 3, 1827. pp. 469-470. Doc. 198 — no. 11. Rept. of committee apptd. to super- intend subject of rele.ises on proposed lines of com- munirntion betw. eastern and western waters. Dec. 8. 1826. pp. 470-471. Doc. 199. Rept. of committee on .ludlclary system rel. to refunding bonds of executors and administrators. Feb. 8, 1827. p. 472. Doc. 200. Communication from Gov., Feb. 8, 1827, rel. to remaining docs. ace. bd. of canal comrs. rept. Feb. 9, 1827. p. 472. Doc. 201. Rept. of committee on claims, rel. to claims of Jacob Richart, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 9, 1827. p. 473. Doc. 202. Same ; claim of Catherine Clark, widow of soldier In late war. Feb. 9, 1827. pp. 473-474. Doc. 203. Rent, of comrs. of Phila. penitentiary. Feb. 10, 1827. pp. 474-479. Doc. 204. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Benjamin Hunter, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 12, 1827. pp. 479-480. Doe. 205. Rept. of committee on bill no. 242, rel. to abolishing middle, southern and Lancaster distrs. of Supreme Court, and establishing one at Harrisburg. Feb. 12, 1827. pp. 480-481. Doc. 206. Rept. of comrs. of internal improvement fund, with stmt. Feb. 13, 1827. pp. 481-483. Doc. 207. Rept. of committee rel. to tolls of turnpike road COS. Feb. 13, 1827. p. 484. Doc. 208. Rept. of committee on banks rel. to complaint of Joni'thnn Mifllin ngst. iltreitors of Columbia Bridge Co. Feb. 14, 1827. pp. 484-485. Doc. 209. Rent, of committee rel. to complaint agst. Thos. Coatcs, jr.. justice of peace of Phila. Co. Feb. 14, 1827. pp. 485-487. Doc. 210. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, Feb. 14, 1827, rel. to purchase of no. of copies of Purdon's Digest. Feb. 15, 1827. pp. 487-488. Docs. 211-212. Communication from Gov. with res. from legist, of Ala. rel. to emancipation of slaves. Feb. 15, 1827. pp. 488-490. Docs. 213-214. Communlrntlon from auditor gen. with stmt. rel. to debts of turnpike road cos. in wliich state holds stock. Feb. 15, 1827. p. 491 and foldg. sheet. Doc. 215. Communication from prea. of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. Feb. 12, 1827. Read Feb. IG, 1827. pp. 491-492. Doc. 210. Rept. of committee on claims, on claims of Robert Armstrong, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 16, 1827. p. 492. Doc. 217. Same ; claim of John Nicholas, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 16, 1827. p. 493. Doc. 218. Same ; claim of Ed. Hector, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 16, 1827. p. 493. Doc. 219. Rept. of committee rel. to organization of courts of eornmoii ideas. I'"eh. 16. 1.M27. p. 494. Doc. 220. State of Phila. Saving Fund Society, Jan. 1, 1827. Read Feb. 19, 1827. pp. 495-496. Doc. 221. Communication from committee of arrangement of belles iettres socy. of Dickinson College. Carlyle Feb. 16, 1827. Read Feb. 19, 1827. pp. 496-407. Docs. 222-223. Communication from Gov. with letter from secy, of navv and res. of Cong. rel. to navy yard near Phfla. Feb. 19. 1827. pp. 497-498. Docs. 224-225. Communication from Gov., with letter from Gov. of Ga., and rept. and res. of Ga. leglsl. rel. to differences with general govt. Feb. 19, 1827. pp. 408-B08. Doc. 226. Rept. of committee to whom was referred letter from secy, of commonwealth rel. to purchase of Purdon's Digest. Feb. 20, 1827. p. 608. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LI General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 5, 1826-April 17, 1827 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Docs. 227-228. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of settlement of accts. of canal comrs. Feb. 21, 1827. pp. 509-525. Doc. 229. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to Penn. Canal. Feb. 21, 1827. pp. 525-526. Doc. 230. Rept. of committee rel. to purchase of books on subject of canals and internal improvement. Feb. 21, 1827. pp. 526-527. Docs. 231-233. Communication from Gov., with communl- ciitlon from inspectors of Pittsburg penitentiary, .md res. of O. leglsl. rel. to amdmt. to C. S. constitution. Feb. 22, 1827. pp. 527-535. Doc. 234. Rept. of committee rel. to abolition of slavery. Feb. 24, 1827. pp. 535-536. Doc. 235. Rept. of committee rel. to complaint agst. Jos. Lester, justice of peace of Northampton Co. Feb. 26, 1827. p. 537. Doc. 236. Rept. of select committee to whom was referred res. rel. to organization of courts of common pleas. Feb. 26, 1827. pp. 538-545. Docs. 237-238. Communication from president of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., Feb. 26. 1827, with stmt, of checks and drafts. Read Feb. 26, 1827. pp. 545-608, and 1 foldg. sheet. Doc. 239. Stmt, and communicatllon from cashier of Easton bank. rel. to checks and drafts of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. Feb. 26, 1827. pp. 609-614. Doc. 240. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Michael Wallelser, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 28, 1827. p. 614. Doc. 241. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal Improvement, rel. to furthur extension of Penn. canal. Feb. 28, 1827. pp. 614-627. Doc. 242. Communication from Christian J. Hutter, Feb. 26, 1827, rel. to transportation of first canal repts., prtd in German. Read Feb. 28, 1827. pp. 627-628. Doc. 243. Communication from pres. of Northampton bank Feb 24, 1827, with stmt, of acct. of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. with said bank. Feb. 28, 1827. pp. 628-632. , , Doc 244. Rept. of select committee rel. to removal of certain obstructions in Delaware River, opposite Trenton. March 2, 1827. p. 632. Docs. 245-246. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of sums received under act rel. to collateral Inheri- tances. March 5, 1827. pp. 633-634. Doc. 247. Rept. of committee on claims on claim of Jane English, widow of Revolutionary soldier. March 6, 1827. p. 635. Doc. 24S. Communication from pres. of bd. of controllers of public schools [Phila.]. March 5, 1827. Read March 7, 1827. p. 635. Doc. 249. Rept. of committee of ways and means rel. to finances of commonwealth. March 7, 1827. pp. 636-640. Doc. 250. Rept. of select committee apptd. to Investigate official conduct of Saml. D. Franks. March 7, 1827. pp. 641-642. Docs. 251-252. Communication from Gov., March 8, 1827, with rept. of eugr. apptd. by couirs. for improvement of navigation of Susquehanna in jmrsuance of res. of leglsl., passed at session 1826-27. pp. 642-659 and 1 foldg. sheet. Docs. 253-254. Communication from citizens of Baltimore, with copy of act of Md. leglsl. to Incorporate Penn. aad Md. Canal Co. March 9, 1827. pp. 600-673. Doc. 255. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Robt. Hunter and Ann his wife, heirs of Lieut. David Sloan, deceased. March 9, 1827. pp. 673-674. Doc. 256. Same ; claim of Lucy Johnston, daughter of Revolutionary soldier. March 10. 1827. pp. 674-675. Doc. 257. Same ; claim of Rebecca Callahan, widow of Revolutionary soldier. March 10. 1827. p. 675. Doc. 258. Same ; claim of Robt. M'Gulre, soldier in late war. March 10, 1827. pp. 675-676. Doc. 259. Rept. of select committee rel. to accta. of Dela- ware Bridge Co. at Easton. March 10, 1827. pp. 676- Doc 260. Rept. of committee of accts. on settlement of acct. of clerk of House. March 13, 1827. pp. 677-678. Docs. 261-262. Conimunlcatlnn from pres. of bd. of canal comrs., March 13, 1827, with copy of Instructions to John Mitchell. March 15. 1S27. pp. 078-079. Doc. 263. Rept. of select committee rel. to education of children under 5 years at public expense. In Phila. March 16, 1827. pp. 6^0-681. Doc. 264. Rept. of committee rel. to complaint ngst. John Gray justice of peace of Cumberland Co. March 16, 186Y. p. 681. Doc 265. Rept. of select committee, rel. to Inspection of flour. March 19, 1827. pp. 681-682. Docs. 266-269. Communication from Gov., March 22, 1827, with letter from adj. gen. with return of militia, ord- nance, camp equipage and military stores, pp. 682-687, and 4 foldg. sheets in appendix. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 25 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LI General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 5, lS26-Aprll 17, 1827— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — "nnt'd Doc. 270. Rept. of committee lel. to complaint agst. Alex. C. Phelps, justice of peace of Susquehanna Co. March 23, 1827. pp. 687-681. Doc. 271. Rept. of committee rel. to annexing part of Bucks Co. to Lehigh Co. March 24, 1827. p. 681. Doc. 272. Rept. of committee on Inland navleatlon and Internal Improvement. March 26, 1827. pp. 681-682. Doc. 273. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to accts. of depy. marshals. March 27, 1827. p. 682. Doc. 274. Address for removal of Saml. D. Franks, presi- dent Judge of 12th judicial dlstr. from office. March 27, 1827. pp. 682-683. Doc. 275. Rept. of committee rel. to review of state road from TTniontown to Pittsburg. March 28, 1827. p. 683. Doc. 276. Rept. of committee on Inland navigation and Internal Improvement rel. to Penn. and Md. Canal. March 31, 1827. p. 684. Doc. 277. Rept. of committee on Inland navigation and internal improvement rel. to surveys of streams flowing into Susquehanna and Allegheny. March 31, 182i^ p. 684. Doc. 278. Rept. of committee to whom were referred petition and docs, of heirs of Eiisha Mathewson. March 31, 1827. pp. 685-693. Doc. 279. Address for removal of Alei. C. Phelps, justice of peace of Susquehanna Co. March 31, 1827. pp. 693- 694. Doc. 280. Rept of committee of ways and means, rel. to sundry petitions for repeal of act rei. to collateral inheritances. April 3, 1827. pp. 695-698. Docs. 281-282. Communication from auditor gen., April 3, 1827, with stmt, of contingent expenses of office. Read April 4. 1827. pp. 698-699. Docs. 283-284. Communication from auditor gen., April 3. 1827. with rept. rel. to appt. of mngrs. of turnpilte road and bridge cos. in which state holds stock. Read April 4, 1827. pp. 699-712. Doc. 285. Rept of committee of accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before committee opptd. to inq\iire into con- duct of S. D. Franks. April 5. 1827. p. 71.'!. Doc. 286. Address for removal from office of Jos. Lester, justice of peace of Northampton Co. April 6, 182'7. pp. 713-714. Docs. 287-288. Communication from Gov. with res. of Me. legisl. rel. to Internal Improvement by U. S. govt. April 7, 1827. pp. 714-719. Docs. 289-290. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of tolls on turnpike roads in which state holds stock. April 9, 1827. pp. 719-720, and foldg. sheet in appendix. Doc. 291. Rept. of joint committee rel. to Improvement of public ground attached to state capitol. April 10, 1827. p. 720. Docs. 292-293. Communication from auditor gen., with copy of subpcena from U. S. circuit court to deliver papers .nnd docs, of late John Xicholson. April 11, 1827. pp. 721-724. Doc. 294. Rept. of select committee rel. to checks of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. April 11, 1827. pp. 725- 728. Doc. 295. Rept. of committee of ways and means, rel. to duty on retailers of foreign merchandize in Phila. April 12, 1827. p. 726. Doc. 296. Rept. of joint library committee. April 13, 1827. pp. 726-727. Doc. 297. Rept. of committee rel. to complaint agst. Jas. Walton, justice of peace of Chester Co. April 13, 1827. p. 727. Doc. 298. Rept. of committee rel. to tolls reed, on turn- pike roads in which state holds stock. April 13, 1827. pp. 727-729. Doc. 299. Rept. of committee of accts. ; settlement of acct of Cameron and Krause, prtrs. of bills. April 14, 1827. p. 730. Doc. 300. Same: accts. of Benj. Perry and Adam H. Orth, transcribing clerks of House. April 14, 1827. pp. 730- 731. Doc. 301 Same; acct. of Dennis Bradv for ser.-ing writ on sherlfT of Delaware Co. Anrll 14, 1827. p. 731. Doc. 302. Same ; acct of J. S. Wiestllng, prtr. of English Journal of House. April 14. 1827. pp. 731-733. Doc. 303. Same ; acct. of clerk of House. April 16, 1827. pp. 733-734. Docs. 304-305. Communication from Gov., with letter from engr. apptd. to survey Susquehanna. April 16, 1827. p. 735. Appendix. 5 foldg. sheets (see docs. 268-269, 290). Index. 11 pp. . Same, In German. Not seen. Hutter and Mueller were elected prtrs. (House Jol. 1826/7, v. 1 : 22.) COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LII General Assembly Dec. 4, 1827-Aprll 15, 1828 Journal of the Senate. 2 vols. [V. 1.] Harrisburg : S. C. Stambaugh, 1827. 675, 53 pp. Three copies of both vols. 1 and 2 were compared, viz. : one at the Penn State Library, one at the Hist. Socv. of Penn., Phlla., and one at the Free Library of Phila. : V. 1 is also in the N. Y. Public Library ; V. 2 also in Library of Congress. V. 2. Containing appendix to vol. 1. Harrisburg: S. C. Stam- baugh, 1828. 915, 9 pp., foldg. tables. Contents : pp. 3-308. Ann. rept. of the canal comrs., Dec. 25, 1827, with ace. docs., series 1 to 10. Accompanying docs. : Series 1: Letters to nnd from engrs.. May 2. 1827. 1. Copy of a letter to Messrs. Strickland and Roberts, p. 29. 2. Same to Messrs. Geddes, Douglass and Gull- ford, p. SO. 3. Copy of answer from W. Strickland, pp. 30-31. 4. Copy of answer from N. S. Roberts, p. 31. 5. Copy of answer from D. B. Douglass, pp. 31-32. 6. Copy of answer from James Geddes. p. 32. 7. Copy of answer from S. Guilford, p. 32. Series 2 ; Docs. rel. to the termination of the western division. 1. Communication from Pittsburg committee to the bd. Feb. 5. 1827. p. 33. 2. Res. of the bd., Feb., 1827 [resp. Penn. Canal at Pittsburg], pp. 33-34. 3. Instructions to N. S. Roberts, engr. Feb. 13, 1827. pp. 34-35. 4. Res. of councils of Pittsburg [resp. route of Penn. Canal at Pittsburgh]. April 25, 1827. pp. 35-36. 5. Rept. of N. S. Roberts, engr.. on western sec- tion of the Penn. Canal resp. surveys and esti- mates made. May 1, 1827. pp. 37-49. Series 3 : Docs. reU to the Western and Kiskeminetas Division. 1. Rept. of A. Lacock, acting comr. Dec. lo, 1827. pp. 50-53. 2. Rept. and stmts, of Jas. D. Harris resp. work done atad to be done. Nov., 1827. pp. 63-57. 3. A list of contracts for different kind of work entered from Nov. 1, 1826, to Nov. 1. 1827, sees. 1-92. foldg. leaf betw. pp. 57 and 58. 4. Same. sec. 92 to the Monongahela. foldg. leaf betw. pp. 57 and 58. 5. Stmt, of work done and money paid upon con- tracts, sees. 1-92, up to Nov. 10, 1827, pp. 57-58. 6. Same : Pine Creek line, from the commence- ment to Nov. 20, 1827. p. 59. 7. Total amt. of diflferent works on the Kis- keminetas division of the Penn. Canal, cost, etc. 2 foldg. tables betw. pp. 58 and 59. 8. Stmt, of work done and money paid on Kis- keminetas division, sees. 1-78, from commence- ment to Nov. 10, 1827. p. 60. 9. List of engrs., asst engrs., and subalterns em- ployed in the engr. dept.. from Kiskeniiminetas (sic) to Pittsburgh [1827]. pp. 61-62. 10. Rept. of A. Livermore, engr., stating names of employes in engr. dept. on the Kiskeminetas division, "service, wages, etc. May-Dec, 1827. pp. 63-64. 11. Stmt, of damages paid by agreement up to Dec. 12, 1827. pp. 65-66. 12. Stmt, of damages agreed to be paid on the Western Division of Penn. Canal. Dec. 12, 1827. p. 66. 13. Rept. of engr. (Alonzo Livermore) on Kis- keminetas division. Dec. 10, 1827. pp. 66-71. Scries 4 : Docs. rei. to the French Creek feeder. 1. Rept. of John Phillips, supt. Nov. 16, 1827. pp. 72-80, foldg. table. 2. Estimate of J. Ferguson : probable expense of constructing French Creek feeder. Nov. 15, 1827. pp. 81-90. 3. List of engrs.. asst. engrs., clerks, supts. and others employed upon the feeder, 1827. Dec. 26, 1827. pp. 90-91. Series 5 : Docs, rel to the Eastern and Susquehanna Divisions. 1. Rept. of C. Mowrv, acting canal comr., 1826/7. pp. 92-98, 6 foldg. tables. 2, Rept. of F. W. Rawle, engr., on state of work on eastern division of Penn. Canal. Dec. 19, 1827. pp. 98-99. 26 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 4, lS27-ApriI 15, 1S28 — cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd 3. Kept, of Simeon Guilford, enpr., resp. surveys and explorations, of a canal route on the eastern and western bank of the Susquehanna River. June 28, 1827. pp. 100-119. 4. Letter from Simeon Guilford, engr., submit- ting stmt, of total cost of the Susquehanna di- vision of the Peun. Canal from the west branch of the Susquehanna River to a point near the head of Duncan's Island. Nov. 23, 1827. pp. 119-120. Series G ; Docs. rel. to the location of the Juniata di- vision, the place and mode of uniting it with the Susquehanna canal, and the place and mode of crossing the Susquehnnnn. 1. First rept. of PeWitt Clinton, Jr., engr., on the Juninta location. July 1, 1827. p. 121. 2. Same; Simeon Guilford. Julv 1, 1827. p. 121. 3. Joint rept. of Messrs. Guilford and Clinton on the Juniata location. Aug. 2, 1827. pp. 122-125. 4. Communication from J. Muller In behalf of citizens of Terry Co. resp. location of canal In and about Clark's ferry ; estimates of engrs. Sept. 10, 1827, pp. 125-127. Series 7 : Docs. rel. to the Juniata division, as placed under contract. 1. Rept. of James Clark, supt., with ace. docs. Nov. 24, 1827. pp. 128-139, 2 foldg. tables. 2. Rept. of DeWitt Clinton, Jr., engr., on works and estimate nf expense of constructing the Juniata Canal from Lewistown to a point oppo- site the head of Duncan's lower Island. Nov. 20, 1827. pp. 140-1.'>1. Series 8 : Docs. rel. to the Delaware division. 1. Rept. of Thos. G. Kennedy, supt., with ace. docs. Nov. 5. 1827. pp. 151-156. 2. Rept. and estimate of Henry G. Sargent, engr., on canal line from Easton to Bristol, and thence to Phila. Aug. 20, 1827. pp. 156-160. 3. Estimate of the cost of the 18 miles of the Delaware Division under contract ; by H. G. Sargent. Dec. 15, 1827. p. 160. Series 9 : Docs. rel. to the surveys. 1. Application of members 'of the leglsl. for the apptmt. of Wm. Wilson and John Mitchell, as surveyors. April 16, 1827. pp. 161-162. 2. Instructions to Messrs. Wilson and Mitchell rel. to survey betw. the west branch and the Allegheny. May 15. 1827. pp. 102-163. 3. Rept. of Wm. Wilson rel. to survey betw. the West Branch and the Allegheny, [18271. pp. 104-168. 4. Rept. of J. Mitchell on e-xplorations of the Sinnemahoning and the West Branch of the Susquehanna, [1827]. pp. 168-1873. 5. Further rept. of J. Mitchell. Dec. 4, 1827. pp. 173-174. '^^ 6. Rept. of Chas. T. Whippo, engr.. resp. routes surveyed by Messrs. Wilson and Mitchell. Dec. 14, 1827. pp. 174-179. 7. [II. R. no. 97.1 Rept. and estimates of John Randel, Jr., engr., rel. to a canal line on both sides of the North Branch ot the Susquehanna. Dec. 20, 1827. pp. 179-186. 8. Rept. of .Tohn Wilson, engr., rel. to a water communication betw. Phila. and present termina- tion of the Pcnn. Canal, near the mouth of the Sw.ifara. eti-. Dec. 14. 1827. pp. 187-196. 9. Rept. of John Wilson, rel. to a route for a rwy. from Pblla. through Chester and Lan- caster ens. to connect with the Eastern Division of the Penn. Canal. Dec. 17, 1827. pp. 196- 205. 10. Extr. from rept. of the comrs. of the Susque- hanna Canal made to Md. Gen. Assem. Nov. 23. 1823. pp. 205-209. 11. Rept. of Chas. T. Whippo. engr., on examina- tion of proposed canal route on the east side of the Susquehanna Klvcr, betw. Chlckles Creek and the Md. line. Dec. 2r), 1817. pp. 210-211. 12. Rept. of Chas. T. Whippo. engr.. on survey of proposed canal route betw. the Allegheny River and Lake Erie ; etc. Dec. 12, 1827. pp. 212-234. 13. Rept. of D. B. Douglass, on survey of routes of N. W. section of the Penn. Canal, [18271. pp. 234-253. 14. Niites iMld cnlculntlnns suhmltted by D. B. Douglass rel. to the water supply for the Water- ford Summit, etc. [18271. pp. 254-256. 15. Itei)t. of II. G. Sargent, engr., rel, to survey of a canal along the valley of the Delaware. [Dec, 1827.) pp. 258-259. 16. Rept. of II. C,. Sargent ; estimate of proposed canal connecting the Schuylkill and the Dela- ware. Dec. 15, 1827. p. 259. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LII General Assembl.v — cont'd Dec. 4, 1827-.\pril 15, 1828 — cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd 17. Estim"' of the cost of a canal from the mouiu oi 1' reuch Creek to Conneaut Outlet, by J. Ferguson. Dec. 17, 1827. 18. Comparative view of the several routes hetw. the Ohio and Lake Erie deduced from the survey ot the last and present season, pp. 260-262. 19. List of the supt. engrs. and asst. engrs. employed upon the surveys, under the direction of the canal comrs. during the season of 1827, with rate of wages allowed to each. pp. 263- 264. Series 10 : Miscellaneous. 1. Stmt, showing the probable cost of the several divisions of the Penn. Canal ; etc. pp. 265-266. 2. Minutes of the bd. of canal comrs. from Jan. 21, 1827 to Dec. 25, 1827. pp. 267-308. pp. 308-496. Rept. of comrs. upon the penal code and adaptation of it to the svstem of solitary confinement ; with ace. docs. Dec. 24, 1827. Accompanying docs. : 1. [H. R. 114.] Ground plan of the new Eastern Penitentiary. Not found. 2. [H. R. 115.] Ground plan ot the new Western Penitentiary. Not found. 3. (H. R. 116.] Table: no, of persons convicted ot murder in the first degree or committed to the Penitentiary for other crimes, 1787-1826. foldg. table betw. pp. 470 and 471. 4. [H. R. 117.] Table : no. of persons in the several CO. prisons in .luly. i.s26, their birth-pliices. sex and color, population of each co. in 1820, compiled from the returns iit sheriffs, pp. 471-472, 5. [H. R. 118.] Letter of comrs. to the Inspectors of the 01(1 I'enitentl.-try at Phila. asking informa- tion about the prison In Walnut Street. July 1, 1826. pp. 473-474. 6. [H. R. 119.] Answer ot the inspectors to ques- tions proposed by the comrs. pp. 474-477. 7. [H. R. 120.] Tables showing the no. of prisoners In the Old Penitentiary at Phlla., ann. charge to each CO., total cost for different purposes, 1820-1825. foldg. table betw. pp. 476 and 477. 8. [H. R. 121.1 Countv nf I'hlla. in acrt. with the House ot Correction, 1823-1825. pp. 477-483. 9. [H. R. 122.] Answers to certain additional ques- tions proposed to the inspectors ot the Phila. Penitentiary, p. 483. 10. [II. K. 123.] Prisoners reed, from the Courts of Quarter-Sessions. Over and Terminer and Mayors Court, 1821-1826 ; no. tor each offence, p. 484. 11. [H. R. 124.] Return of convicts reed. Into the Old Penitentiary from the several cos. in 1825 and 1826. pp. 485-486. 12. [H. R. 125.] Letter to the comrs. for the erec- tion ot the new Eastern Penitentiary, July 1, 1826, p, 487. 13. [II. R. 126.] Answer ot comrs. tor the erection of a penitentiary to Edwd. King and Thomas T. Wharton, comrs. to revise civil code, etc. Aug. 12, 1826. pp. 487-488. 14. [H. R. 127.] Rept. of the comrs. for the erection of a new penitentlirv to the Leglsl. in 1825/6. Aug. 12, 1826. pp. 489-4A0. 15. [H. R. 128.] Returns reed, from the Arch Street Prison, 1823-1826. pp. 490-491. 16. [II. R. 129.] Return of the no. ot Indictments Ignoramused, etc.. In the court ot oyer and terminer, 1821-1826. p. 492. 17. [H. R. 130.] Return ot the no. ot Indictments, ignoramused, tried, etc.. in the quarter sessions of Phlla. County, 1821-1825. p. 492. 18. [11. R. 131.] General stmt, of the criminal busi- ness In the mayors court of Phlla., 1821-1826. p. 493. 19. [II. R. 132.] List of weavers discharged from the I'rune-Street I'rison, June 19, 1824, to Aug., 1826. p. 494. 20. [II. R. 133.] Reply ot A. Brackenrldge to In- quiries of comrs. of penal code rel. to the western penitentiary. Aug. 24, 1827. pp. 494-496. pp. 497-529. Rept of the comrs. apptd. to superintend the erection ot the Eastern Penitentiary near Phlla. Jan, 5, 1828. pp. B30-547. A further Buppl. to the act to reform the penal laws of the state. pp. 548-574. Letter from the auditor gen. transmitting copies ot the stmts, of the affairs ot sundry banks. Jan. 7, 1828. pp. 575-592. Rept. ot the canal comrs. rel. to a r.r. from the mouth of the Swatara by Columbia to Phlla. Jan. 14. 1828, INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 27 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 4, lS27-Aprll 15. 1828— cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd pp. 593-624. Letter from the Gov. (Shulze) with repts. and res. from S. C, Ga. and Vt. rel. to state rights, etc. Feb. 12. 1828. pp. 625-76.'!. List of all the acts of Incorporation passed since 1876. showing amt. of capital, quantity of land, or extent of Income, etc. Feb. 5, 1828. pp. 7C5-7sn. Letter from the auditor gen. ace. with a rept. of the settlement of the accts. of canal comrs. Mch. 4, 1828. pp. 790-915. Docs. rel. to the north-eastern boundary of Maine. Index to the 38th Journal of the Senate ; containing the App. Hnrrishurg : S. C. .St.imbaugh, 1S2S. pp. Journal of the House. 2 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg: Prtd. at the office of the "Reporter," 1827. 836, 12, 56 pp. Three copies of v. 1 were compared, viz. : one in the Penn. State Library, one in the Hist. Socy. of Penn.. and another in the library of the Library Co. of Phlla. V. 2. Containing repts., messages, and docs. [nos. 1-2871. Harrisburg: Prtd. by S. C. Stambaugh. 1827. 947, 9 pp., foldg. tables. Contents : Doc. 1. Letter from Pres. of the Easton Delaware Bridge Co.. ace. with an abstr. of the accts. of the said co. Doc. 1, 1827. pp. 3-10. Doc. 2. Govs. mess. (Shulzel Dec. 5. 1827. pp. 11-16. Doc. 3. Copy of record of the suit tried In the Supreme Court. The Commonwealth of Penn. vs. the Harrisburg Canal Fire Insurance and Water Co. pp. 16-23. Doc. 4. Corresp. of the Bank of Penn. rel. to a loan, under the act of April 9, 1827. pp. 24-26. Doc. 5. Corresp. with the Phila. Bank and Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank rel. to a loan, under the act of April 9, 1827. pp. 26-28. Doc. 6. Corresp. with Gov. Carroll, of Tenn. [rel. to his military services, etc.]. pp. 28-30. Doc. 7. Corresp. rel. to sword presented Capt. Conner. pp. 30-34. Doe. 8. Res. of bd. of canal comrs. fixing the dimensions of the locks and certain sections of the Penn. Canal. pp. 34-38. Docs. 9-10. Govs. mess. (Shulze) ace. with letter from Gov. of Conn. rel. to apprns. by U. S. Govt, to internal improvement, etc. Dec. 5. 1827. pp. .'^9-40. Doc. 11. Letter to Gov. of Va. rel. to apptmt of comrs. to lay out a road through parts of the states of Penn. and Va. Aug. 17, 1827. pp. 40-41. Doc. 12. Rept. rel. to the accts. of the comrs. of the Western Penitentiary, pp. 42-44. Doc. 13. Abstr. of accts. of Germantown and Perkiomen Turnpike Road Co., 1826/7. Nov. 8, 1827. p. 45. Doc. 14. Stmt, of affairs of the Penn. Hospital, 1826/7. pp. 46-52. Docs. 15-16. Letter from secy, of land office, ace. with a stmt, of the business of that dept. Dec. 7, 1S27. pp. 53-55. Doc. 17. Rept. of committee of accts. rel to acct. of Hutter & Miller, prtrs. of the German jol. of the House, 1826/7. Dec. 7, 1827. pp. 55-56. Doc. 18. Rept. of the committee on claims ; claim of James Stephenson, a Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 10, 1827. pp. 56-57. Doc. 19. Same ; claim of Wm. Boggs, a Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 10. 1827. p. 57. Doc. 20. Letter from surveyor gen. ace. with a stmt, of the business of that dept. Dec. 7, 1827. pp. 58-60. Doc. 21. Rept. of committee on claims on the claim of Jacob Kelchner, son of a Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 12, 1827. p. 60. Doc. 22. Rept. of select committee rel. to the Penn. Manual. Dec. 13, 1827. p. 61. Doc. 23. Rept. of the committee of accts. rel. to the acct. of John S. WlestUng. prtr. of the English Jol. of the House for 1826/7. Dec. 14, 1827. pp. 61-62. Doc. 24. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Geo. Elchelberger, a Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 14, 1827. pp. 62-63. Doc. 25. Same : claim of Mary Miller, widow of a Revo- lutionary soldier. Dec. 14, 1827. p. 63. Doc. 26. Rept. of the select committee rel. to the con- tested election In Lebanon Co. Dec. 14, 1827. pp. 63-64. Doc. 27. Rept. of the select committee, apptd. to try the matter of the petition complaining of the return from Lebanon Co. rel. to the accts. of witnesses attending before said committee, pp. 64-65. Doc. 28. State of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy., Nov. 1, 1827. pp. 65-66. Doc. 29. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to the acct. of Nathaniel Henrle. Dec. 17, 1827. p. 66. Doc. 30. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to the acct. of Geo. Capp. Dec. 17, 1827. p. 67. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LII General Assemblv — cont'd Dec. 4, 1827-Aprll 15, 1828— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 31. Rept. of the Trustees of Dickinson College [1826/7]. Read Dec. 18. 1827. pp. 67-72. Doc. 32. Rept. of committee of accts. on the settlement of the acct. of the clerk. Dec. 18. 1827. pp. 72-73. Doc. 33. Rept. of committee on clilms on the claim of Andrew Jack, a Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 19, 1827. p. 73. Doc. 34. Rent, of the select committee rel. to the con- tested election In Berks and Schuylkill cos. p. 74. Doc. 35. Rept. of select committee apptd. to try the matter of the petition complaining of the return from Berks and Schuylkill cos. rel. to the aci'ts. of witnesses attending before said committee. Dec. 19. 1827. pp. 74-75. Doc. 36. Communication from Joel Bailey, keeper of the Arsenal at Harrisburg, ace. with a rept. of the no. and condition of the arms and camp equipage. Dec. 17, 1827. pp. 75-77. Doc. 37. Communication from the auditor gen. rel. to militia fines and courts martial. Dec. 20, 1827. pp. 77- 78. Doc. 38. Rept. of the select committee rel. to an alteration in the auction laws. Dec. 20, 1827. p. 78. Doc. 39. Communication from auditor gen. [resp. delivery of his ann. rept.]. Dec. 24. 1827. p. 79. Doc. 40. Rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, 1826/7. Dec. 24, 1827. pp. 80-87. Doc. 41. Return of the special election held in Lancaster Co. Dec. 21, 1827. p. 88. Doc. 42. Communication from the state treasurer [rel. to delivery of his ann. rept.). Dec. 21, 1827. p. 89. Doc. 43. Rept. of the committee on claims on the claim of James Conner, son of a Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 1, 1828. pp. 89-90. Doc. 44. Return of the special election held In Adams Co. Jan. 3, 1828. p. 00. Doc. 45. Rept. of committee on claims, on the claim of Geo. S. Rinehart, a Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 3, 1828. p. 91. Doc. 46. Communication from the auditor gen. ace. with a stmt, of tolls charged on the several turnpike roads, in which the state holds stock. Jan. 3. 1828. pp. 91-92. Doc. 47. Stmt, shewing (slO the length of the turnpike roads in which the state holds stock, no. of toll gates, toll, etc.. 1821-1826. folilg. table betw. pp. 91 and 92. Doc. 49. Rept. of the canal comrs. to the legisl., 1827. Dec. 28, 1827. pp. 93-116. Docs. 50-111. [Docs. ace. rept. of canal comrs.] pp. 117- 396. The list of ace. docs. Is the same as given above under Senate Journal, v. 2, pp. 3-308 ; the docs. In this (House) Jol. are numbered H. R. 50-111, while those In the Senate have only the series numbers. Doc. 112. Letter from Chas. Shaler, Edwd. King and T. T. Wharton, to the Gov., with their rept. on the penal code. Dec. 24, 1817. p. 396. Doc. 113. Rept, on punishments and prison discipline. Dec. 20, 1827. pp. 397-558. Doc. 114. Ground plan of the new Eastern Penitentiary. Not "found. Doc. 115. Ground plan of the new Western Penitentiary. Not found. Doc. 116. Table shewing the no. of persons convicted of murder in the first degree, or committed to the peni- tentiary in Phlla. for other crimes, 1787-1826. foldg. leaf betw. pp. 558 and 559. Doc. 117. A table of the no. of persons (tried and untried) in the prisons of the several cos. of the state, in July, 1826. with their places of birth, sex and color, as far as could be ascertained ; with the population in each co., in 1820, compiled from the returns of the sheriffs, pp. 559-560. Doc. 118. Letter of the comrs. to the Inspectors of the Old Penitentiary at Phlla. July 1. 1826. pp. 561-562. Doc. 119. Answer of the Inspectors to the questions proposed by the comrs. pp. 562-565. Doc. 120. Table: no. of prisoners in the Old Penitentiary at Phlla., ann. charge to each co., etc., 1820-1825. foldg. table betw. pp. 564 and 5(>5. Doc. 121. County of Phlla. In acct. with the House of Correction for 1823-1825. pp. 565-571. Doc. 122. Answers to :idd!tloual questions proposed to the inspectors of the Phila. Penitentiary, p. 571. Doc. 123. Prisoners reed, from the courts of Quarter- Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, and Mayors-Court, 1821- 1826. p. 572. Doc. 124. Return of convicts reed, into the Old Peni- tentiary, 1825-1826. pp. 573-574. Doc. 125. Letter to the comrs. for the erection of the new Eastern Penitentiary. July 1. 1826. p. 575. Doc. 126. Answer of comrs. for the erection of a peni- tentiary to Edwd. King and Thos. T. Wharton, comrs. to revise the penal code, etc. Aug. 12, 1828. pp. 575-576. Doc. 127. Rept of the comrs. for the erection of a new penitentiary to the Legisl. in 1825-6. Aug. 12, 1826. dd. 577-578 28 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 4, lS2--Aprll 15, 1S2S— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 128. Returns reed, from the Arch St prison, pp. 578- 579 Doc. i29. Return of Indictments ignoramused. etc., In the court of oyer and terminer, Phila. 1821-1826. p. 580. Doc. 130. Return of the no. of indictnients, ignoramused. tried, etc., in the quarter sessions of Phlla. Co. 1821- 1825. p. 580. Doc. 131. A general stmt, of the criminal business of the mayors court for the City of Phlla. March, 1821-March, 1826. p. 581. Doc. 132. A list of weavers discharged from the Prune- Street Prison. June 19, 1824-Aug., 1826. p. 582. Doc. 133 (1st). Communication from A. Brackenrldge rel. to the western penitentiarv. Aug. 24, 1827. pp. 582-584. Doc. 133 (2d). Comjnunication from the state treasurer ace. with a stmt, of the contingent expenses of the treasury dept., 1826/7. Jan. 3-. 1828. p. 585. Doc. 133 (3d). Stmt, of contingent expenses of the treasury office, 1826/7. p. 585. Doc. 134. Rept. of the committee on claims on the claim of Christian Hubbert. Jan. 5, 1828. pp. 586-587. Doc. 135. Communication from the president of the bd. of controllers of public schools, rel. to the establishment of infant schools In Phila. Jan. 3, 1828. p. 587. Doc. 136, Res. of the controllers of public schools, tor the city and co. of Phila. rel. to the Infant schools. Jan. 7, 1828. p. 588. Doc. 137. Communication from the auditor gen. ace. with a stmt, of fertnin banlts. Jan. 7, 1828. p. 588. Doc. 138. Stmt, of situation of banlis [1827]. pp. 589- 614. Doc. 139. Rept. of Mr. Miller of Perry, teller on the part of the house to officiate at the election of state treasurer. Jan. 8, 1828. pp. 614-615. Doc. 140. Communication from the Governor ace. with a rept. from the comrs. of the Western Penitentiary. Jan. 10, 1S28. p. 615. Doc. 141. Rept. from the comrs. of the Western Peni- tentiary. Jan. 2, 1828. pp. 616-617. Doc. 142. Memorial of the Phlla. Socy. for alleviating the miseries of public prisons. Jan. 11, 1828. Dec, 1827. pp. 617-621. Doc. 143. Kept, of committee on claims ; claim of John Hughes, a Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 11, 1828. pp. 621-622. Doc. 144. Same ; claim of John Shook, a Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 11, 1828. Doc. 145. Same ; claim of John Cowen, a Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 11, 1828. pp. 622-623. Doc. 146. Same ; claim of Geo. Snyder, son of Philip Snyder, a Revolutionary officer, p. 623. Doc. 147. Same ; claim of Michael Waltz, a Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 12, 1828. p. 624. Doc. 148. Same ; claim of Bartholomew Melloy, a Revolu- tionary soldier. Jan. 12, 1828. p. 624. Doc. 149. Same ; claim of Henry Little, a Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 12, 1828. p. 625. Doc. 150. State of the Bank of Penn. Jan. 1, 1828. pp. 625-626. Doc. 151. Communication from Rlchd. Peters, pros, of co. for erecting a permanent bridge over the river Schuylkill. .... Jan. 6, 1828. p. 626. Doc. 152. Abstr. of Jicct. of the president, directors and CO. for erecting a permanent bridge over the river Schuylkill, at or near the city of Phlla. Dec. 31, 1827. pp. 627-628. Doc. 153. Stmt, of the President and mgrs. of the Lan- caster and Schuylkill Bridge, at or near Sheridan's ferry. Dec. 31, 1827. pp. 628-629. Doc. 154. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of the Ridge Turnpike Road Co., 1827. Jan. 1, 1828. pp. 629-030. Docs. 155-156. Communication from secy, of common- wealth ace. with a rept. of the comrs. for Improving the navigation of the Susquehanna River betw. the town of Columbia and the line bctw. Penn. and Md. Jan. 10. 1828. pp. 030-633. Doc. 157. Communication from Jos. M'Xlvalne, supt. of surveys of bil. of cjiniil comrs. Jan. 14, 182H. p. 034. Doc. 158. Estimate of a rwy. from the mouth of the Swatara down the Susquehanna to Columbia, and thence to a point near Phlla., by John Wilson. Jan. 12, 1828. pp. 635-651. Doc. 159. Rept. of committee on claims; claim of Wm. Faronshleld, a Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 16, 1828. p. 651. Doc. 160. Same : claim of Amos Penegar, a Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 16. 1828. pp. 051-652. Doc. 161. Rept. of committee on the Judiciary system rel. to certain alterations In the law relating to the duties of coroners. Jan. 17. 1828. p. 0."2. Doc. 102. Same ; purchase of the 6th and 7th volumes of the Laws of Penn. pp. 652-653. Doc. 183. Rept. of select committee rel. to an apprn. in aid of persons of color disposed to emigrate to Liberia. Jan. 17, 1828. pp. 653-654. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 4, 1827-Aprll 15, 1828 — cont'd of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 1G4. Rept. of the committee on education, rel. to the publication of the moral Instructor. Jan. 18, 1828. pp. 654-655. Doc. 165. Rept. of the committee on the Judiciary system rel. to killing deer, at certain seasons, p. 655. Doc. 166. Rept. of the select committee rel. to the artiflclal road from Bellefonte. Centre Co., through Aaronsburg to Toungmanstown, Union Co. Jan. 11, 1828. pp. 656-657. Doc. 167. Communication from Chas. Mowry, acting canal comr., rel. to the locks at the eastern termination of the I'pnn. Canal. Jan. 21, 1822. pp. 657-658. Doc 168. Rept. of the committee of accts. on the settle- ment of the acct. of the clerk of the house. Jan. 23, 1828. p. 658. Doc. 169. Rept. of the committee on Inland navigation and internal improvement, rel. to the aqueduct at Clark's ferry. Jan. 23, 1828. p. 659. , , .,. Doc 170. Kept, of the committee on bnnks rel. to the establishment of a hank in Phlla. Jan. 23, 1828. p. 659. Doc 171. Rept. of the committee on claims on the claim of Neal Gough, son of a Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 26, 1828. p. 660. Doc. 172. Communication from Wm. A. Lloyd and M. Weaver, mgrs,, on the part of the state, of the Northum- berland Bridge Co. pp. 660-661. Doc. 173. Rept. of a select committee rel. to the state road from Mercer to Dawson's ferry. Jan. 28, 1828. pp. 661-662. ^ , , Doc 174. Rept. of committee on claims on the claim ot Wm M'Ppnrran. a Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 29, 1828. pp. 602-603. Doc. 175. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to the accts. of the witnesses examined by the committee to whom was committed the bill rel. to the Hnrrlsburg and MUlerstown turnpike road. Jan. 31, 1828. pp. 6G3-604. Doc 176. Rept. of the select committee to whom was recommitted the bill rel. to the Harrisburg and Millers- town turnpike road. etc. Jan. 31, 1828. pp. 664-665. Doc 177 Kept, of the committee on education rel. to the Infant school socy. of the city of Phlla. Feb. 1, 1828. p. 665. , .^ , , Doc. 178. Communication from the secy, of the land office rel to the collection of moneys due on land, and to the probable receipts from that source during the current year. Feb. 2. 1828. pp. 666-667. Doc. 179. Rept. of the committee on the Judiciary sys- tem, rel. to an appeal from the Orphan's Court ot Cum- berland Co. in the case of the settlement ot the acct. of the executors of the last will of Edwd. West, deceased. Feb. 2, 1826. pp. 667-668. Doc 180. Rept. of the committee on the Judiciary sys- tem, rel. to the legisl. patronage to a new edition of the laws ot Penn. p. 668. , , Doc. 181. Same, rel. to a new digest of the laws. pp. 668-069. , ^ „ Doc. 182. Rept. of the committee on claims of Henry Hamrick, a Revolutionary soldier, p. 669. Doc. 183. Rept. of the committee on Inland navigation and internal improvement, rel. to the extension of the Penn Canal, and tor the commencement of a r,r. to be styled the Penn. R.R. Feb. 2, 1828. pp. 670-674. Doc. 184. Communication from the auditor gen. ace. with a rept. of comrs. apptd. for the Improvement of the public ground attached to the capltol. Transmitted by auditor, Feb. 4, 1828. pp. 675-677. Doc. 185. Rept. ot committee of accts. rel. to the accts. of witnesses examined by the committee to whom was recommitted the bill rel. to the Harrisburg and Millers- town Turnpike Road. Feb. 4, 1828. p. 678. Doc. 186. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to the accts. of witnesses examined by the committee to whom was recommitted the bill rel. to the Harrisburg and Millers- town Turnpike Road. Feb. 6, 1828. pp. 678-679. Doc. 187. Rept. of the committee of accts. rel. to the accts. of witnesses examined by the committee to whom wna recommitted the bill rel. to the Harrisburg and MUlerstown Turnpike Road. Feb. 6, 1828. p. 670. Doc. 188. Rept. of the comrs. apptd. to erect the Eastern Penitentiary, ace. with a description of the work done and the miiterinla used since the recommencement of the work. Feb. 5, 1828. pp. 680-681. Doc. 189. A description of the several kinds of work that has bejn accomplished and the quantity of materials em- ployed since the recommencement of the work, as measured and calculated, pp. 681-085. Doc. 190. Communication from the secy, of the House ot Refuge ace. with a rept. from the bd. of mngrs. Feb. 6, 1828. pp. 686-690. Doc. 191. Kept, of committee of accts. rel. to the accts. of witnesses examined by the committee apptd. to inves- tigate the conduct of Chas. Mowry, canal comr. Feb. 9, 1828. pp. 690-091. Doc. 192. Kept, of committee of ways and means rel. to the Union Canal lottery and to prevent the sale of foreign lottery tickets. Feb. 9, 1828. pp. 691-696. INDEX TO DOCITMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 29 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 4, 1827-Aprll 15. 1828— cont'd Journal of the Uouse — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 193. Communication from the comrs. of Internal Improvement fund, ace. with a stmt, of their receipts and payments. Feb. 11, IS'JS. pp. (J'.tO-GOT. Doc. 194. Stmt, of receipts and payments of comrs. of internal Improvement fund,. Feb. 2, 1S27, to Feb. 0, 1828. pp. «98-Cn9. Doc. 195. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to the accts. of witnesses ex.'imlned by the committee apptd. to inves- tigate the conduct of Chas. Mowry, canal comr. Feb. 11, 1828. pp. 699-700. Doc. 196. Rept. of committee on the mllltla system rel. to the claim of .Tohn Bell for repairing public arms. Feb. 11, 1828. p. 700. Docs. 197-200. Govs. mess., with rept. and res. of S. C. rel. to state rights ; do. of Ga. rel. to the tariff and In- ternal improvements ; Vt. res. rel. to the proposed amdmts. of the constitution of the U. S. and to internal Improvements. Feb. 12, 1828. pp. 701-731. Doc. 201. Rept. of committee of accts. ; accts. of wit- nesses examined by the committee apptd. to Investigate the conduct of Chos. Mowry, canal comr. Feb. 2, 1828. p. 732. Doc. 202. Same. Feb. 13, 1828. p. 733. Doc. 203. Same. Feb. 14, 1828. p. 734. Doc. 204. Rept. of the committee of ways and means rel. to the bank of Penn. withholding their semi-ann. divi- dend in July. Feb. IG. 182S. pp. 734-73.'). Doc. 205. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to the ex- penses of the last illness and funeral of Andrew Robeson. Feb. 16, 1828. pp. 735-736. Doc. 206. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to the accts. of witnesses examined by the committee apptd. to inves- tigate the conduct of Chas. Mowry, canal comr. Feb. 16, 1828. p. 736. Doc. 207. Rept. of committee of ways and means rel. to auctions. Feb. 18, 1828. pp. 737-738. Doc. 208. Rept. of select committee to whom was recom- mitted the bill rel. to the Harrisburg and Millerstown Turnpilse Road Co. Feb. 15, 1828. pp. 738-7S7. Doc. 209. Communication from Mr. Hullng in Justifica- tion of his conduct, so far as the same is Implicated in the rept. of the committee to whom was re-committed the bill rel. to the Harrisburg and Millerstown Turn- pike Road. Feb. 19, 1828. pp. 785-787. Doc. 210. Rept. of select committee to whom was re- committed the docs. rel. to the Harrisburg and Millers- town Turnpike Road. Feb. 19, 1828. p. 788. Doc. 211. State of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy., Jan. 1, 1828. Feb. 18, 1828. pp. 788-789. Doc. 212. Rept. of the committee on claims ; claim of Mary Krebs, surviving heir of Peter Gosmer, a Revolu- tionary soldier, deceased. Feb. 20, 1828. Doc. 213. Same ; claim of Frederick Bodlne, a Revolu- tionary soldier. Feb. 20, 1828. pp. 790-791. Doc. 214. Same ; claim of Jos. Gorman, a Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 21, 1828. p. 791. Doc. 215. Stmt, of New Hope Delaware Bridge Co. Feb. 11, 1828. p. 792. Doc. 216. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to the acct. of N. Henrie, sergeant-at-arms. Feb. 22, 1828. pp. 792-793. Doc. 217. Same; accts. of witnesses examined before the committee apptd. to investigate the conduct of Chas. Mowry, canal comr. Feb. 22, 1828. pp. 793-794. Doc. 218. Rept. of committee of ways and means rel. to finances of the commonwealth, pp. 794-800. Doc. 219. Rept. of committee on banks rel. to restraining the circulation of notes authorized under the denomina- tion of five dollars. Feb. 25, 1828. pp. 800-804. Doc, 220. Rept. of a select committee rel. to two bridges across the Penn. canal. In Dauphin Co. Feb. 25, 1828. pp. 805-806. Docs. 221-223. Govs. mess, with letter from Gov. of Md. and Md. act to Incorporate the Balto. and Susquehanna R.R. Co. Feb. 25, 1828. pp. 806-816. Docs. 224-225. Govs, mess., with proc. of O. legisl. resp. S. C. res. on powers of the general govt. pp. 816-818. Doc. 226. Rept. of committee on claims on the claim of John Taylor, a Revolutionary officer. Feb. 28, 1828. p. 818. Docs. 227-228. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of quantity of bark, fiour, salted provisions, do- mestic distilled spirits, and butter and lard. Inspected ann. by Inspectors for the Port of Phlla., 1821-1827. Feb. 27, 1828. pp. 819-822. Doc. 229. Rept. of select committee apptd. to Inquire Into the conduct of Chas. Mowry, canal comr. Feb. 28, 1828. pp. 823-834. Doc. 230. Answer of Chas. Mowry, canal comr., to the select committee apptd. to Inquire Into his official con- duct. Jan. 11, 1828. pp. 834-849. Doc. 231. Rept. of select committee rel. to the claim of James M'Namee and others, contractors on the Penn. Canal. Feb. 28, 1828. p. 850. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LII General ARKcinltly — cont'd Dec. 4. 1827-April 15, 1828— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Docs. 232-233. Communication from the auditor gen. ace. with a rept. of the settlement of the accts. of the canal comrs. March 4, 1828. pp. 850-875. Doc. 234. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to the accts. of witnesses examined before the committee apptd. to Investigate the conduct of Chas. Mowry, canal comr. March 4, 1828. p. 875. Doc. 235. Rept. of the select committee, rel. to the official conduct of Robt. Porter, pres. and Judge of the 3d Judicial distr., March 5, 1828. Doc. 236. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to the accts. of witnesses examined by the committee to whom was re- committed the bill rel. to the Harrisburg and Millers, town Turnpike Road. March 6, 1828. pp. 876-877. Doc. 237. Rept. of committee on the Judiciary system ; consolidation of several distrs. of the Supreme Court at the seat of govt. March 6, 1828. pp. 877-878. Doc. 238. Same; changing the times of holding the courts in Lebanon Co. March 7. 1828. pp. 878-879. Doc. 239. Same ; certain alterations in the road and elec- tion laws. March 7, 1828. p. 879. Doc. 240. Same ; making the bail for obtaining a stay of execution on Judgments rendered by justices of the peace liable for the debt. March 7, 1828. pp. 879-880. Doc. 241. Same ; co. rates and levies. March 7, 1828. pp. 880-881. Doc. 242. Rept. of the committee on accts. rel to the accts! of witnesses examined by the committee to whom was re-comniitted the bill rel. to the Harrisburg and Millerstown Turnpike Road. March 7, 1828. p. 881. Doc. 243. Rept. of the committee on Inland navigation and Internal Improvement rel. to the Invention of Wal- dron Beach, for excavating earth. March 8, 1828. p. 882. Docs. 244-245. Communication from the Gov. ace. with a letter from the Gov. of Me. rel. to the North Eastern boundary. March 10, 1828. pp. 882-883. Doc. 246. Kept, of the committee of ways and means rel. to the establishment of a lottery for the purpose of raising money to pay the debts due by the turnpike cos. In which the state holds stock. March 12, 1828. pp. 883-884. Doc. 247. Rept. of committee on accts. rel. to the accts. of the witnesses examined by the committee to whom was re-commltted the bill rel. to the Harrisburg and Millerstown Turnpike Koad. March 12, 1828. p. 884. Doc. 248. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to the prtg. of extra copies of the rept. of the canal comrs. In the German language. March 12, 1828. p. 885. Doc. 249. Rept. of the committee rel. to a complaint agst. John Marklev, a Justice of the peace of Lancaster Co. March 12, 1828. pp. 885-887. Doc. 250. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to the accts. of Jas. Smith, sergeant at arms, and N. Henrie, his deputy, for serving subpoenas. March 13, 1828. pp. 887-888. Doc. 251. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to the accts. of witnesses examined by the committee to whom was re-commlttted the bill rel. to the Harrisburg and Millers- town Turnpike Road. March 18, 1828. p. 888. Doc. 252. Kept, of committee on vice and Immorality rel. to gambling, profane swearing, drunkenness, duelling and breach of Sabbath. March 18, 1828. pp. 888-890. Doc. 253. Rept. of the committee of ways and means rel. to an Inquiry Into the expediency of providing for the payment by the commonwealth of debts due by turnpike COS., for the consf-uction of turnpike roads In which the state holds stock. March 21, 1828. p. 890. Doc. 254. Kept, of the select committee rel. to the aboli- tion of slavery In the District of Columbia. March 24, 1828. pp. 891-892. Doc. 255. Rept. of a select committee rel. to the repeal of the act authorising the laying out of a state road from Hooktown, In Beaver Co., to Intersect the Pitts- burgh and Steubenvllle Turnpike Road. March 24, 1828. p. 893. Docs. 256-257. Govs. mess. ace. with memorial of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co. March 25, 1828. pp. 894-896. Docs. 258-259. Communication from the auditor gen. ace. with a copy of an acct. in relation to the claim of a Penn. claimant. March 27, 1828. p. 897. Doc. 260. Communication from the auditor gen. ace. with a stmt, of the affairs of the Farmers' Bank at Reading. March 27, 1828. p. 898. Doc. 261. State of the Farmers' Bank at Canton, Not. 6, 1827. pp. 898-899. Doe. 262. Rept. of the committee of ways and means rel. to the counsel fee In a suit brought agst. the common- wealth by a Penn. claimant. March 29, 1828. p. 899. Doc. 263. Rept. of a select committee rel. to an Inquiry Into the expediency of altering the law rel. to the apptmt. of canal comrs. March 29, 1828. p. 900. 30 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 4, 1827-April 15, 1828 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 26-4. Kept, of select committee to whom was re- committed the bill rel. to the Harrlsburg and Millers- town Turnpike Road, etc. March 31, 1S28. pp. 900-801. Doc. 265. Testimony and docs. ace. said rept. March 31, 1828. pp. 901-930. Doc. 266. Rept. of the committee rel. to a complaint agst. John Christman, a Justice of the peace of Northampton. AprU 1, 1828. pp. 930-931. Doc. 267. Rept. of the committee rel. to the support of the poor of the unincorporated distr. of the Northern Liberties, Phlla. Co. April 2, 1828. pp. 931-932. Doc. 268. Rept. of the committee on the militia system rel. to the claim of Col. J. B. Norbury, of I'hila. Apr. 3, 1828. p. 932. Doc. 269. Rept. of the committee on claims on the claim of Thos. Koutz, a Revolutionary soldier. Apr. 3, 1828. p. 933. Doc. 270. Rept. of the committee rel. to a complaint agst. BenJ. Burrell, a Justice of the peace of Westmoreland Co. Apr. 3, 1828. pp. 933-934. Doc. 271. Rept. of the committee rel. to annexing part of Bucks Co. to Lehigh Co. April 3, 1828. p. 934. Docs. 272-273. Communication from the auditor gen. ncc. with a stmt, of the contingent expenses in his office, Apr. 1, 1827-Mch. 31, 1828. April 4, 1826. p. 935. Doc. 274. Rept. of the committee rel. to a complaint agst. Wanim Holbrook, a Justice of the peace of Dauphin Co. April 5, 1828. p. 936. Docs. 275-276. Communication from the comrs. of the internal improvement fund, ace. with a copy of a res. of the bd. of canal comrs. April 5, 1828. pp. 936-938. Doc. 277. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to the accts. of the sergeant-at-arms. etc. April 8, 1826. pp. 938-939. Docs. 278-280. Communication from the Gov. ace. with a letter from the adj. gen. of the militia, with a return of the militia, ordnance, camp equipage and military stores, 1827. April 10, 1828. pp. 939-941 and 5 foldg. tables. Doc. 281. Rept. of the committee of accts. on the settle- ment of the acct. of Saml. C. Stambaugh, prtr. of bills. April 11, 1828. p. 942. Doc. 282. Rept. of the Joint library committee. April 11, 1828. pp. 942-943. Doc. 283. Rept. of the committee of accts. ; settlement of the accts. of Adam H. Orth and BenJ. I'erry, transcrib- ing clerks of the House. April 12, 1828. p. 943. Doc. 284. Same ; acct. of Saml. C. Stambaugh, prtr. of the English Journal. Apr. 12, 1828. pp. 944-945. Doc. 285. Same; acct, of f " ' " " "" 14, 1828. pp. 945-946. Doc. 286. Same ; accts. of witnesses examined by the committee to whom was re-committed the bill rel. to the Harrlsburg and Mllierstown Turnpike Road. April 14, 1828. p. §46. Doc. 287. Same ; accts. of witnesses examined by the com- mittee to whom was re-committed the bill rel. to the Harrlsburg and Mllierstown Turnpike Road. April 15, 1828. p. 947. Four copies of v. 2 were compared, viz. ; those In the Penn. State Library, the Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phlla., the Free Library of Phila., and the library of the Library Co. of Phlla. LIU General Assembly Dec. 2, 1828-Aprll 24, 1829 Journal of the Senate. 2 vols. [V. 1.] Harrlsburg: Prtd. at the Office of the Reporter, 1828- 29. 620, 41 pp. y. 2. Contiilnlni; nppnndix- to vol. 1. Harrlsburg: S. C. Stam- baugh, 1828. 578, 5 pp., foldg. tables. Contents : pp. 326. Ann. rept. canal comrs. [with ace. docs.l. Dec. 11, 1828. Series 1. Docs. rel. to the Western Division. 1. Rept. of Abner Lacock, acting comr, on the Western Division, pp. 17-19. 2. Rept. of Allegheny and Pine Creek lines, by James D. Harris, cngr. Nov. 24, 1828. pp. 19- 21. 3. Rept. on KIskemlnetas and Conemaugh lines, by Alonzo LIvermore, engr., Incl. estimates, etc. Nov. 27, 1828. pp. 22-24. 4. Estimate of cost of Llgonler line. Nov. 24, 1828. pp. 24-38. B. Stmt, of labor done on the Allegheny line. Western Division, of the Penn. Canal, from the commencement of the work [to Nov. 1828], be- ginning on the north side of the Allegheny River, opposite the mouth of the KIskemlnetas and ending at section 92, near Pine Creek. fold- Ins tables 1-4, following p. 38. the clerk of the House. April COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 2, 182S-April 24, 1829— cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd 6. Stmt, of amt. of labor done upon the Pine Creek line. Western Division, Penn. Canal, sees. 92-113, also the ;iqueduct over the .\lleghenv at Pittsburg, and the work in the City of Pitts- burgh, foldg. tables 5-6, following p. 38. 7. Stmt, of amt. of labor done on the KIskemlne- tas line. Western Division, Penn. Canal, from the commencement to Nov. 25, 1828. foldg. tables 7-10, following p. 38. 8. Stmt, of amt. of labor done upon the KIs- kemlnetas and Conemaugh lioe. Western Divi- sion, Penn. Canal, sees. 79-125, above Blairs- ville. foldg. tables 11-12, following p. 38. 9. List of contracts entered into on the Allegheny line, sees. 1-92, Western Division, Penn. Canal, Nov. 1, 1827-Nov. 1, 1828. foldg. table 13, following p. 38. 10. List of contracts entered into on the Pine Creek line. Western Division, Penn. Canal, Nov. 1, 1827-Nov. 1, 1828. folding table 13, follow- ing p. 38. 11. List of contracts entered into on the KIs- kemlnetas line. Western Division, Penn. Canal, Nov. 1, 1S27-NOV. 1, 1828. foldg. table 14, following p. 38. 12. List of contracts entered into on the KIs- kemlnetas and Conemaugh line Nov. 1, 1827- Nov. 1, 1828. foldg. table following p. 38. 13. List of sections on the Llgonler line, names of contractors and prices ot each description of work, foldg. table, 12, following p. 38. 14. Stmt, of amt. paid for damages on the Western Division of the Penn. Canal [1827/8]. p. 39. 15. I'ersons employed in the engr. dept. : Ligonier line, Allegheny and Pine Creek lines ; KIskemlne- tas and Conemaugh line, KIskemlnetas line, pp. 40-42. Series 2. [French Creek Feeder.] 1. H. R. 47. Communication from J. Mitchell, supt. rel. to French Creek feeder. Nov. 15, 1828. pp. 43-45. 2. Rept. and estimate of work remaining to be done on the French Creek feeder, by James Ferguson, engr. Nov. 26, 1828. pp. 45-47. 3. H. R. 49. Rept. of J. Ferguson, engr., rel. to employes and work on French Creek feeder. Nov. 16, 1828. pp. 47-48. 4. Tabular stmt, of progress of work on the eastern division of the French Creek feeder — ■ showing the amt. of work done, payments made to contractors, and % retained, up to and Incl. Nov. 15, 1828. foldg. table following p. 48. 5. List, of contractors with contract prices, for that portion of the F'rench Creek feeder west of the Creek, foidg. table 2, following p. 48. 6. French Creek feeder ; list ot damage contracts entered into Nov. 1, 1827-Nov. 1, 1828. pp. 49- 50. Series 3. [Juniata Division.] 1. Rept. of Jas. Clark, acting comr. on the Juniata division, Dec. 5. 1828. pp. 50-53. 2. Kept, of DeWltt Clinton upon (he situation and progress of the Juniata division (lower line) from the mouth of the Juniata to Lewis- town. Dec. 1, 1828. pp. 53-55. 3. Kept, of DeWitt (Minton. engr., on the upper line of the Juniata Division from Lewlstown to Smith's mills above Huntingdon. Dec, 1828. pp. 55-59. 4. Letter from DeWltt Clinton, engr., to pres. of bd. of canal comrs. resp. surveys tor continuing the Juniata Canal from Huntingdon to Lewis- town, by the valley of the KlshacoqullUs Creek, p. 59. 5. List of sees, wl^lch have been re-let. together with four new sees, that have been sold on the flrst part of the Juniata Division ot the Penn. Canal, since Nov. 24, 1827. foldg. sheet [1], table A, betw. pp. 58 and 59. 6. List of incidental work which has !»cen re-let, together with the new work has been sold on the flrst part of the Juniata division ot the Penn. Canal, since Nov. 24, 1827. Dec. 5, 1828. foldg. sheet [1], betw. pp. 58 and B9, table B. 7. Stmt, of amt. ot work done, amt, of estimates for the same, and the sums of money paid thereon, on the first 95 sees, of the Juniata division of the I'eun. Canal. Dec. 5, 1828. folds, sheet 3 [table C], betw. pp. 58 and 59. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 31 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LI 1 1 General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 2, lS2S-ApriI 24. IS-JO — ecmfil Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd 8. Stmt, of quantlt.v of Incidental work done, amt. of estimates for the same, and the sums of money paid thereon on the lirst part of the Juniata division of the Penn. Canal. Dec. 5. 1828. foldg. sheet 3, table D, betw. pp. 58 and 59. 9. Stmt, of contracts for the excavation of 90 sees, on the 2d part of the Juniata division of the Penn. Canal. Dec. 5, 1828. foldg. sheet 4, table E. betw. pp. 58 and 59. 10. Stmt, of persons to whom, and the price at which the stone and wood work has been as- signed, on the second part of the Juniata Division of the Penn, Canal. Dec. 1828. foldg. sheet 5, table F. betw. pp. 58 and 59. 11. List of persons engaged In the engr. corps and the canal office, their term of service and amt. of wages since Nov. 24, 1827, on the Juniata Division of the Penn. Canal. Dec. 6, 1828. foldg. sheet 6. table G, betw. pp. 58 and 59. 12. The present organization of the engr. corps, on the Juniata division of the Penn. Canal. Dec. 5, 1828. foldg. sheet 6, table H, betw. pp. 58 and 59. Series 4. [Eastern and Susquehanna Divisions.] 1. Rept. of C. Mowry, acting canal comr. on the Eastern and Susquehanna Division. Dec. 5, 1828. pp. 60-66. 2. Rept. of Saml. H. Kneass, engr. rel. to a line from the Swatara to the Juniata, with estimates. Dec. 3. 1828. pp. 66-70. 3. Tabular stmt, of work done on the Eastern Division of the Penn. Canal, from Duncan's Island to the mouth of Swatara, showing each kind of work done. amt. thereof, and payments made thereon to contractors, by Chas. Mowry, acting comr. on estimates of the engr. Dec. 1, 1827-June 20, 1828. Dec. 5, 1828. foldg. sheet 4, betw. pp. 70 and 71. 4. Stmt, of progress of work on Eastern division of the Penn. Canal, from Duncan's Island to the mouth of the Swatara, showing each kind of ■work done, amt. thereof, and payments made to contractors, on estimates of the engr. June 21-30, 1828. by Wm. Wilson, supt. foldg. sheet 2, betw. pp. 70 and 71. 5. List of contracts made on behalf of the state bv Chas. Mowrv, acting comr. on Eastern divi- sion of Penn. Canal. Nov. 1. lS27-June 20, 1828. Dee. 5. 1828. foldg. sheet 3, betw. pp. 70 and 71. 6. List of contracts made on behalf of the state June 21-Nov. 3. 1828, by Wm. Wilson, supt. on Eastern Division of the Penn. Canal, foldg. sheet 4, betw. pp. 70 and 71, table Al. 7. List of contracts on behalf of the state, for the letting on the first of Nov., 1828, from the Swatara to Columbia by Wm. Wilson, supt. on the Eastern Division of the Penn. Canal, foldg. sheet 4. betw. pp. 70 and 71, table A2. 8. Stmt, of C. Mowry. acting comr. of amt. of damages agst. state on the Eastern Division of the Penn. Canal. Nov. 1, 1827-June 20. 1828. Dec. 5, 1828. pp. 70-71. 9. Same, June 21-Nov. 3, 1828, Wm. Wilson, supt. p. 72. 10. List of supts., engrs. and other officers on the Eastern Division, wages, etc. Nov. 1827- June 20, 1828, by C. Mowry. Dec. 5, 1828. pp. 72-73. 11. Estimate of cost for completing the Susque- hanna division of the Penn. Canal. Simeon Guilford, engr. Dec. 1, 1827. pp. 73-74. 12. Stmt, of work done, percentage retained for completion, and payments made to contractors on estimates of the engr. on the Susquehanna Division of the Penn. Canal, 1826-Dec. 3. 1828, etc. Dec. 5, 1828. foldg. sheets 5-6, betw. pp. 70-71. 13. List of contracts made on behalf of the state, 1827/8, by Chas. Mowry, acting comr. on the Susquehanna Division of the Penn. Canal, together with names of persons to whom such contracts were made, for excavation. Nov. 3, 1828. foldg. sheets 7 and 8. betw. pp. 70 and 71. 14. Stmt, of damages agreed to be paid or assessed within the year ending Nov. 3, 1828, on the Susquehanna Division. Nov. 3, 1828. pp. 74-77. 15. List of engrs., supts., etc., on the Susque- hanna Division, submitted by Chas. Mowry, acting canal comr. Nov. 3, 1828. pp. 77-78. 16. Stmt, of engineering and misc. expenses on the Susquehanna Division, 1827/8, by C. Mowry. Dec. 1, 1828. pp. 79-80. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LI 1 1 General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 2, 1828-AprU 24, 1,S29 — cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Series 5. [Delaware Division.] 1. Uept. of supt. (Th. G. Kennedy) of Delaware Division of the Penn. Canal, Nov. 20, 1828. p. 81. Nos. 2-9 (A-H) are docs. ace. the supt.'s rept. [2-5.] Stmts. A-I). Situation of sees. 1-106. foldg. table 1, following p. 82. [G.] Stmt. E. Mechanical work, contractors" names, contract prices, sums retained, amt. paid, etc. foldg. table 2. following p. 82. 7. Stmt. F. Damages from commencement of work to the present time, etc. pp. 82-84. 8. Stmt. G. List of persons employed in the engr. dept. with the wages or salary of each, 1827/8. pp. 84-85. 9. Stmt. II. Amt. of work now under contract, and remaining to be done on the Delaware Division of the Penn. Canal, estimated and calculated at contract prices, by H. G. Sargent, engr. Nov. 20, 1828. pp. 85-92. 10. Recapitulation of work done, estimates, etc. pp. 91-92. Series 6. Docs, relating to the North Branch Division, 1. Kept, of C. T. Whippo, engr. on the first loca- tion of the North Branch line. May 30, 1828. pp. 93-97. 2. Rept. of supt. of No. Br. Division of Penn. Canal to the bd. of canal comrs. of Penn. 2 foldg. tables betw. pp. 96 and 97. 3. Estimate of cost of No. Br. Division of Penn. Canal from Nanticoke Falls to sec. 73, etc. pp. 97-107. 4. Estimate of cost of completing the remainder of the No. Br. Division to Northumberland, pp. 107-112. 5. Stmt, exhibiting the quantity of work done on the No. Br. Division of the Penn. Canal from its commencement to Nov. 15, 1828, total cost at contract prices, sum paid on each sec. and amt. of percentage retained, foldg. table betw. pp. 112 and 113. 6. List of supts.. engrs., asst. engrs., etc., em- ployed on the No. Br. division of the Penn. Canal, by Thos. Woodside, supt. Dec. 9, 1828. pp. 112-113. Series 7. Docs, relating to the West Branch Division. 1. Rept. of survey of a canal line on both sides of the West Branch from Northumberland to Bald Eagle, by F. W. Rawle, engr. Aug. 16, 1828. pp. 113-128. 2. Rept. of A. M'Reynolds, supt. of West Branch division with ace. docs. pp. 129-131 and foldg. sheet. Series S. Docs, relating to surveys. 1. Rept. and estimate In the survey of the Penn. Rwy. from Columbia to the Gap, bv John Wilson, engr. Aug. 15, 1828. pp. 132-149. 2. Rept. and estimate of Penn. Rwy. from the Gap to Phlla., by John Wilson, engr. Dec. 1, 1828. pp. 149-176. 3. Not found. 4-6. Follow doc. 8, see below. 7. Not found. 8. Rept. and estimate on the survey of a canal line from Easton to Carpenter's Point, by D. B. Douglas, engr. Nov. 29, 1828. pp. 177-215. 4. Rept. on the survey of various routes for a portage across the Allegheny Mts., by N. S. Roberts, engr. pp. 216-252. 5. Rept. on the survey of basins, canal and rwy. routes, betw. the Delaware and Susquehanna, bv Moncnre Robinson, engr. Dec. 4, 1828. pp. ^52-266. 6. Rept. of Edwd. F. Gay, engr. on examinations of the .Allegheny, Mononguhela and Ohio rivers. Dec. 3, 1828. pp. 267-287. Series 9. Minutes of the bd. of canal comrs. of Penn. from March 25 to Aug. 21, 1828. pp. 287-326. p. 327-331. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, 1827/8. Dec. 30, 1828. pp. 332-359. Bank rept., transmitted by auditor gen. Jan. 2, 1829. pp. 360-361. Rept. of receipts and expenditures of Dickin- son College, 1827/8. pp. 362-371. Docs. rel. to Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, transmitted by Gov. Jan. 14, 1829. pp. 372-381. Govs. mess. (Shulze) and ace. docs. reL to state rights. Jan 26. 1829. pp. 382-385. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal ; letter from the President and stmt, of condition. Jan. 20, 1829. pp. 386-499. Rept. of Joint committee (Burden) apptd. to examine the bank of Penn. and Phila. Bank. Feb. 2, 1829. pp. 500-511. Govs. mess. (Shulze) and ace. does. rel. to tariff. Feb. 16, 1829. 32 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 2, lS28-Aprll 2-J, 1829 — confd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd pp. 512-514. Rept. of comrs. of Internal Improvement fund. Feb. 6. 1828-Feb. 7, 1829. Feb. 18, 1829. pp. 515-517. Rept. of bd. of mgrs. of House of Refuge. Feb. 21, 1829. pp. 518-521. Govs. mess. (Shuize) transmitting Ky. docs, rel. to Cumberland Hospital, and N. J. docs. rel. to waters of the Delaware River. Feb. 24, 1829. pp. 522-534. Govs. mess. (Shuize) transmitting Va. docs, rel. to procs. of legisl. of S. C. and Ga. resp. tariff, acts for internal improvement, etc. March 16, 1829. pp. 535-538. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to powers, duties and emoluments of the secy, of the bd. March 28, 1829. pp. 539-553. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to surveys on the eastern end of the Penn. R. R. March 28, 1829. p. 554. Govs. mess. (Shuize) transmitting La. res. rel. to amdmt. of U. S. Constitution. April 1, 1829. ■pp. 555-578. Letter and rept. of adj. gen. and auditor gen. rel. to accts. betw. Penn. and the U. S. April 20, 1829. Three copies of v. 2 were compared, viz. : one In the Penn. State Library, one in the Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phila., and one In the Library of Congress. . Same, in German. Not (5een. Jacob Stoever was elected prtr. (Sen. Jol., 1S28/9, V. 1 : 57.) Journal of the House. 3 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg; Prtd. at the Office of the Reporter, 1828-29. 981 (1), 13, 55 pp. Four copies were compared, viz. : one In the Penn. State Library, one in the Hist. Socy. of Penn., one in the library of the Library Co. of Phlla., and one In the Library of Congress. V. 2. Containing messages, repts. and documents [nos. 1-350]. Harrisburg : Office of the Reporter, 1828-29. 766, 8 pp. Contents : Docs. 1-2. Communication from secy, of land office, Dec. 3, 1828, with stmt, of business of dept., 1827/8. Dec. 4, 1S28. pp. 3-5. Docs. 3-4. Communication from surveyor gen., Dec. 3, 1828, with stmt, of business of dept., 1827/8. Dec. 4, 1828. pp. 5-8. Docs. 5-8. Mess, of Gov. [Shuize], with docs. pp. 8-45. Doc. 6. Corresp. rel. to temporary loan. pp. 13-28. Doc. 7. Corresp. rel. to $2,000,000 loan of 1828. pp. 28-44. Doc. 8. Apptmt. of comr. of loans, pp. 44-45. Doc. 9. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to acct. of Schneider and Myers, printers of German Journal of House for last sess. Dec. 6, 1828. p. 46. Doc. 10. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Catherine Owens, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 6, 1828. p. 47. Doc. 11. Same ; claim of John Ross, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 6, 1828. pp. 47-48. Doc. 12. Same ; claim of Nicholas Moyer, ReToIutlonary soldier. Dec. 6, 1828. p. 48. Doc. 13. Communication from Roberts Vaux, secy, of bd. of mngrs. of Penn. Hospital, Dec. 6, 1828, with stmt, of affairs of hospital, 1827/8. Dec. 8, 1828. pp. 48-56. Doc. 14. Rept. of committee of accts. on settlement of acct. of clerk. Dec. 8, 1828. pp. 56-57. Docs. 15-16. Mess, from Gov^ with res. of bd. of canal comrs. Dec. 9, 1828. pp. 57-58. Doc. 17. Rept. of committee of claims ; claim of William Wilson, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 9, 1828. pp. 58-59. Doc. 18. Same : claim of Michael Whltmyer, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 9, 1828. p. 59. Doe. 19. Same ; claim of Amos Penegar, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 9, 1828. pp. 59-60. Doc. 20. Rept. of select committee rel. to Invitation to president elect of V. S. Dec. 9, 1828. p. GO. Doc. 21. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Sarah Harborn, widow of Revolutionary soldier, p. 61. Doc. 22. Same ; claim of Geo. Keller, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 10, 1828. p. 61. Doc. 23. Same ; claim of Thos. Abbott, ReTOlutlonary soldier. Dec. 10, 1828. p. 62. Doc. 24. Same ; claim of Andrew Murray, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 10, 1828. p. 62. Doc. 25. Same ; claim of Jas. Stephenson, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 10, 1828. p. 63. Docs. 26-27. Communication from auditor gen., Dec. 12, 1828, with summary stmt, of receipts and payments at treasury, Dec. 1, 1827-Nov. 30, 1828. Dec. l5, 1828. pp. 63-65. Doc. 28. Rept. of select committee rel. to undue election of one of members from Milllin Co. Dec. 13, 1828. p. 65. Doc. 29. Rept. of select committee apptd. to try matter of undue election of Jolin Patterson, rel. to accts. of witnesses bef(jre committee. Dec. 13, 1828. p. 66. Docs. 30-104. Communication from Gov., Dec. 13, 1828, with [ann.] rept. of bd. of Penn. Canal comrs., with docs. ace. rept. pp. 67-390. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 2, 1828-AprIl 24, 1829 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Docs. ace. rept. of canal comrs. : Series 1. Docs. rel. to western division. Doc. 32 — no. 1. Rept. of Abner Lacock, acting comr. on western division, pp. 81-83. Doc. 33 — no. 2. Rept. of Allegheny and Pine Creek lines by Jas. D. Harris. Nov. 24, 1828. pp. 83-85. Doc. 34 — no. 3. Rept. and estimates on Klske- minetas and Conemaugh lines by Alonzo Liver- more. Nov. 27, 1828. pp. 80-88. Doc. 35 — no. 4. Estimate of cost of LIgonier line. Nov. 24. 1828. pp. 88-102. Docs. 36-44 — nos. 5-13. See vol. 3. Doc. 45 — no. 14. Stmt, of damages paid on western division [1827/8]. p. 103. Doc. 46 — no. 15. lists of engrs. and others em- ployed on western division, pp. 104-106. Series 2. Docs. rel. to French creek feeder. Doc. 47 — no. 1. Rept. of John Mitchell, supt. Nov. 15, 1828. pp. 107-109. Doc. 48 — no. 2. Rept. and estimate of work still to be done, by Jas. Ferguson. Nov. 26, 1828. pp. 100-111. Doc. 49 — no. 3. List of persons employed In engr. dept. Nov. 16, 1828. pp. 111-112. Docs. 50-51 — nos. 4-5. See vol. 3. Doc. 52 — no. 6. Stmt of damages, 1827/8. pp. 113-114. Series 3. Docs. rel. to Juniata division. Doc. 53 — no. 1. Rept. of Jas. Clark, acting comr. Dec. 5, 1828. pp. 114-117. Doc. 54 — no. 2. Rept. of DeWitt Clinton, engr. ; situation and progress of Juniata division, lower line, from mouth of Juniata to Lewlstown. Dec. 1, 1828. pp. 117-119. Doc. 55 — no. 3. Same ; upper line, from Lewis- town to Smith's Mills above Huntingdon. Dec, 1828. pp. 119-123. Doc. 56 — no. 4. Rept. of DeWItt Clinton, on practicability of canal through KishlcoquUlas Valley. May 15, 1828. p. 123. Docs. 57-64 — nos. 5-12. See vol. 3. Series 4. Docs. rel. to eastern and Susquehanna divi- sions. Doc. 65 — no. 1. Repts. of Chas, Mowry, acting comr. on Susquehanna division, Dec. 5, 1828, and of Wm. Wilson, supt. of eastern division. Dec. 6, 1828. pp. 124-130. Doc. 66— -no. 2. Rept. and estimates on eastern division by S. H. Kneass, engr. Dec. 3, 1828. pp. 130-134. Docs. 67-71 — nos. 3-7. See vol. 3. Doc. 72 — no. 8. Stmt, of damages on eastern division, Nov. 1, 1827-June 20, 1828. pp. 134- 135. Doc. 73 — no. 9. Similar stmt., June 20-Nov. 3, 1828. p. 136. Doc. 74 — no. 10. List of supts., engrs., etc^ ou eastern division. Dec. 5, 1828. pp. 136-13'r. Doc. 75 — no. 11. Rept. and estimate of S. Gull- ford, engr., ou Susquehanna division. Dec. 1, 1827 [1828?]. pp. 137-138. Docs. 76-77 — nos. 12-13. See vol. 3. Doc. 78 — no. 14. Stmt, of damages on Susque- hanna division, 1827/8. pp. 138-141. Doc. 79 — no. 15. List of supta., engrs., etc., on Susquehanna division. Nov. 3, 1828. pp. 141- 142. Doc. 80 — no. 16. Stmt, of engineering and misc. expenses on Susquehanna division. Dec. 1, 1828. pp. 143-144. Series 5. Docs. rel. to Delaware division. Doc. 81 — no. 1. Rept. of T. G. Kennedy, supt. Nov. 20, 1828. pp. 145-146. Docs. 82-86— nos. 2-6. A-E. See vol. 3. Doc. 87 — no. 7. F. Damages to be paid. pp. 146-148. Doc. 88 — DO. 8. G. List of supts., engrs., etc. pp. 148-149. Doc. 89 — no. 9. H. Amt. of work ander con- tract. Nov. 20, 1828. pp. 149-156. Series 6. Docs, rel to North Branch division. Doc. 90 — no. 1. Rent, of C. T. Whippo, engr., on first location of North Branch line. May 30, 1828. pp. 157-161. Doc. 91 — no. 2. Sec vol. 3. Doc. 92 — no. 3. Estimate of completing Ist 73 sees, at contract prices, pp. 161-171. Doc. 93 — no. 4. Estimate of completing rest of division to Northumlwrland. pp. 171-178. Doc. 94 — no. 5. See vol. 3. Doc. 95 — no. 6. List of engrs., supts., etc. Dec. 9, 1828. pp. 176-177. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 33 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd Lin General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 2, 1828-ApriI 24, 1829 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Series 7. Does. rel. to West Branch division. Doc. 96— nn. 1. Rept. of survey of canal line on both sides of West Branch by F. W. Rawle. Aug. 16. 1828. pp. 177-192. Doc. 97 — no. 2. Kept, of A. M'ReynoIds, supt of West Branch dWsion. Nov. 20, 1828. pp. 193- 195. Series 8. Docs. rel. to surveys. Doc. 98— no. 1. Rept. and estimate in survey of Penn. R.R. from Columbia to the Gap, by John Wilson. Aug. 15. 1828. pp. 196-213. Doc. 99 — no. 2. Rept. and estimate for continua- tion from Gap to Phila. Dec. 1, 1828. pp. 213- 240. Doc. 100 — no. 3. Rept. and estimate on survey of canal line from Easton to Carpenter's Point, by D. B. Douglass. Nov. 29. 1828. pp. 241-279. Doc. 101 — no. 4. Rept. of survey of various routes for portage across Allegheny Mts. ; by N. S. Roberts, pp. 280-316. Doc. 102 — no. 5. Rept. In survey of basins, canal and r.r. routes betw. Delaware and Susquehanna rivers ; by Moncure Robinson. Dec. 4, 1828. pp. 316-330. Doc. 103 — nn. 6. Rept. on survey of Allegheny and Monongahela rivers ; by Edwd. F. Gay. Dec. 3, 1828. pp. 331-351. Series 9. Doc. 104. Journal of canal conirs. March 25- Aug. 21. 1828. pp. .'JSl-SOO. Doc. 105. Rept. of no. and condition of arms and camp equipage by Joel Bailev. Ijeeper of Harrlsburg Arsenal. Dec. 15, 1828. pp. 390-391. Doc. 106. Rept. of committee on education rel. to general system of education. Dec. 17, 1828. p. 392. Doc. 107. Stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy. Dec. 19, 1828. pp. 392-393. Doc. 108. Communication from pres. of Germantown and Perkiomen Turnpike Road Co. with abstr. of accts. Dec. 19, 1828. pp. 393-394. Doc. 109. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Jacob Johnson, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 19, 1828. p. 394. Doc. 110. Same ; claim of Jas. 'Whaley, soldier of late war. Dec. 19, 1828. p. 395. Doc. 111. Same ; claim of Jacob Ott, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 19, 1828. pp. 395-396. Doc. 112. Same : claim of Andrew Dysart. soldier of late war. Dec. 19, 1828. p. 396. Doc. 113. Same: claim of .John Scott, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 19, 1828. pp. 396-397. Doc. 114. Same: claim of Thos. Carter, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 19, 1828. p. 397. Doc. 115. Same: claim of John Anderson, Revolutionary soldier, pp. 397-398. Doc. 116. Rept. of committee on banks rel. to act con- cerning small notes for payment of money. Dec. 18, 1828. pp. .398-402. Doc. 117. Rept. of committee on claims; claim of Jas. Knight, soldier of late war. Dec. 19. 1828. p. 402. Doc. 118. Same: claim of Margaret Hartman. widow of Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 19. 1828. p. 402. Doc. 119. Communication from auditor gen., with probable receipts and expenditures of treasury. 1828/9. Dec. 20, 1828. pp. 403-404. Doc. 120. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to de- Ilverv of rept. of financial concerns. 1827-28. Dec. 22. 1828. pp. 404-405. Doc. 121. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to delivery of rept. of receipts and payments at treasury, 1827/8. Dec. 22, 1828. p. 405. Docs. 122-123. Govs, mess, Jan. 2. 1829, with ^tmt. of receipts and expenditures of Dickinson College, 1827/8. Jan. 3, 1829. pp. 405-407. Doc. 124. Rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, 1827/8. Jan. 3. 1828. pp. 407-412. Docs. 125-126. Communication from auditor gen.. Jan. 2, 1829, with stmt, of certain banks. Jan. 3. 1829. pp. 413-439. Docs. 127-128. Communication from state treasurer, with stmt, of contingent expenses of dept., 1827/8. Jan. 7, 1829. p. 440. Doc. 129. Stmt, of affairs of Franklin Bridge Co., 1828. Jan. 7, 1829. pp. 441-442. Doc. 130. Rept. of committee on bridges. st.Tte and turn- pike roads rel. to judgment obtnlned by comrs. of Frank- lin Co. agst. BenJ. Ixing and John Deardorft for defici- ency In erection of bridge. Jan. 8. 1829. pp. 442-443. Doc. 131. Rept. of committee on judiciary system rel. to sale of unseated lots of ground. Jan. 10, 1829. pp. 443-444. Doc. 132. Communication from bd. of canal comrs.. with rept. by Moncure Robinson on proposed line of canal, betw. No. Branch of Susquehnnna and Lehleh. through Nescopeck Valley. Jan. 12, 1829. pp. 444-455. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LlII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 2, 1828-April 24, 1829 — cont'd Journ.Tl of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 133. State of Bank of Penn., Jan. 1, 1829. Read Jan. 12, 1829. p. 456. Doc. 134. Rept. of committee on judiciary system, rel. to petition of trustees of Jefferson College in Washington Co.. for authority to compel attendance of witnesses. pp. 457-458. Doc. 135. Communloation from committee apptd. to ex- amine Bank of Penn. and I'hlla. Bank. Jan. 12, 1829. p. 458. Doc. 136. Rept. of committee on judiciary system rel. to enforcing written .tnd parole contracts of decedents. Jan. 13, 1829. pp. 459-460. Doc. l.*^.". Rept. of conirnittee on local npprns. rel. to toll bridge over Allegheny. Jan. 13, 1829. p. 460. Doc. 138. Rept. of teller on part of House (Lawson). to officiate at election of state treasurer. Jan. 13, 1828 [1. e. 1829). pp. 461-462. Doc. 139. Rept. of committee on Inland navigation and Internal Improvement, rel. to dams at Shamokln and Clark's Ferry In Susquehanna. Jan. 14. 1829. p. 462. Doc. 140. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Sarah Llndzey, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 15, 1829. p. 463. Doc. 141. Rept. of committee on judiciary system rel. to penal code and penitentiary discipline. Jan. 15, 1829. pp. 463-464. Doc. 142. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Eliza- beth .Shaw, widow of Ilevuiutionarv soldier. Jan. 15, 1829. p. 464. Doc. 143. Same; claim of Mary Huff, widow of Revolu- tionary soldier. Jan. 15. 1829. p. 465. Doc. 144. Rept. of Miiford Delaware Bridge Co. Jan. 16, 1829. pp. 465-466. Doc. 145. Extract from Meteorological Register taken at state capltol by Wm. Musgrave, librarian. Read Jan. 16, 1829. pp. 467-468. Doc. 146. Rept. of committee on bridges, state and turn- pike roads, rel. to turnpike road from Lewlsburg to Youngmanstown. Jan. 16. 1829. p. 469. Docs. 147-150. Communication from secy, of bd. of canal comrs., Jan. 17, 1829, with rept. on survey of r.r. line from west end of Harrlsburg bridge to borough of Cham- bersburg, estimate of cost of construction of line, and rept. on survey of r.r. line from Chambershurg to borough of York, by W. R. Hopkins, engr. Read Jan. 19, 1820. pp. 469-483. Doc. 151. Rept. of committee on claims; claim of Jost Seller, Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 22, 1829. p. 484. Doc. 152. Same : claim of Nancy GUman, widow of Revo- lutionary soldier, pp. 484-485. Doc. 153. Rept. of committee on banks rel. to authoriz- ing one or more chartered banks to Issue notes of less denomination than $5. Jan. 22, 1829. p. 485. Doc. 154. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Ann Shenefelt. widow of Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 22, 1829. p. 486. Doc. 1S5. Letter from Edw. King and T. T. Wharton, Jan. 19, 1829, with communication from agt. of Auburn Prison, N. Y., on' system used in that Institution. Read Jan. 23, 1829. pp. 486-514. Doc. 156. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of Ridge Turnpike Road Co., 1828. Read Jan. 23, 1829. p. 514. Doc. 157. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Jemima Young, widow of Revolutionary officer. Jan. 23, 1829. p. 514. Doc. 158. Rept. of select committee rel. to leasing ground belonging to German Lutheran congregation In Phila., on perpetual ground-rent. Jan. 23, 1829. pp. 515-516. Doc. 159. Rept. of select committee, rel. to laying out of streets, lanes, etc., through Falrmount property. Jan. 23, 1829. p. 516. Doc. 160. Rept. of select committee rel. to store-houses on wharves of Schuylkill. Jan. 26. 1829. p. 516. Docs. 161-164. Govs, mess., Jan. 26, 1829. with letter from Gov. of Ga.. rept. of Ga. leglsl. rel. to state rights, remonstrance to states In favor of tariff. Read Jan. 27, 1829. pp. 517-526. Doc. 165. Rept. of joint committee rel. to dams In Susque- hanna. Jan. 27. 1829. pp. 526-527. Doc. 166. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, rel. to turnpike road cos. In which state holds stock. Jan. 28, 1829. p. 527. Doc. 167. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Maxson Randall, late paymaster of 17th regiment of Penn. mlUtla. Jan. 29, 1829. p. 528. Doc. 168. Rept. of committee on local apprns., rel. to Improving road from Rodger's Ferry to Sunbury. Jan. 26, 1829. p. 529. Docs. 169-171. Govs, mess., with letter from C. F. Mercer, president of Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co., and abstr. of receipts and expenditures, etc. Jan. 30, 1829. nn 529-533. Doc. 172. Rept. of committee on claims; claim of Jas. Sawyers. Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 30, 1829. p. 533. 34 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LI II General Assembly — coDt'd Dec. 2, 182S-April 24. 1820— cont'd .Tournal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 173. Rept. of committee on judiciary system : jour- neymen merchanics and laborers. Jan. 30, IJ-it). pp. 533-534. Doc 174 Same : extension of jurisdiction of circuit courts. Jan. 30, 1820. p. 534. Doc 175. Communication from secy, of land office, with sundry letters rel. to purchase money and interest due commonwealth on unpatented lands. Jan. 31, 1829. pp. 534-540. Doc. 176. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of William Wilson, Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 31, 1829. p. 541. Doc. 177. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement, rel. to Balto. and Susquehanna R.R. Co. Feb. 3, 1829. pp. 542-545. Doc 178. Rept. of joint committee rel. to extra session of legislature. Feb. 3, 1820. p. 545. Doc. 179. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Rachel Posey, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 6, 1829. pp. 545-546. Doc. 180. Same; claim of Jas. Spence, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 6, 1829. p. 546. Doc. 181. Same ; claim of Thos. Carter. Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 6, 1829, pp. 546-547. Doc. 182. Rept. of committee of accts. on settlement of acct. of clerk of House. Feb. 7, 1829. p. 547. Doc. 183. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of John Trexler, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 7, 1829. p. 548. Doc. 184. Rept. of committee on election distrs. rel. to apptmt. of judges and clerlis tor ann. election. Feb. 7, 1829. p. 548. Doc. 185. Rept. of select committee, rel. to erection of poor house in Susquehanna Co. Feb. 7, 1829. p. 549. Doc. 186. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of returns of Inspectors of bark, flour, etc. Feb. 9, 1829. p. 550. Doc. 187. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to acct. of Nathaniel Henrie, depy. sergeant-at-arms. Feb. 9, 1829. p. 551. Doc. 188. Rept. of committee on local apprns.. rel. to Im- proving road across Flint Hill. Feb. 10, 1829. p. 551. Doc. 189. Rept. of committee on local apprns. rel. to im- proving road betw. Robt. Allen's. Lvcoming Co. and Aaron Bloss', Tioga Co. Feb. 10, 1829. p. 552. r>oc. 190. Uei>t. of committee on local apprns. rel to road across Shade Mt. Feb. 10, 1829. p. 552. Doc. 191. Rept. of joint committee to examine into con- cerns of Bank of Penn. and Phila. Bank. Feb. 10, 1829. pp. 553-564. Doc. 192. Rept. of committee on judiciary system rel. to authorising land office to grant patents to actual settlers. Feb. 11, 1829. p. 565. Doc. 193. Rept. of committee on local apprns. rel. to state road from top of Allegheny Mt. to Va. state line. Feb. 11, 1829. pp. 565-566. Doc. 194. Rept. of committee on Inland navigation and internal improvement rel. to Simeon Guilford, engr. Feb. 11, 1829. p. 566. Doc. 195. Rept. of committee on education rel. to educa- tion of poor children in Lehigh Co. Feb. 11, 1829. p. 507. Doc. 196. Rept. of select committee rel. to investigation of Chas. Mowry, canal comr. Feb. 11, 1829. p. 567. Doc. 107. Rept. of committee on local apprns. rel. to im- proving navigation of Little Juniata. Feb. 12, 1829. p. 568. Doc. 198. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of John Tltlow, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 12, 1829. pp. 568- 560. Doc. 109. Same; claim of Jacob Nagle, son of Revolu- tionary soldier. Feb. 13. 1829. p. 569. Doc. 200. Same ; claim of Catherine Schroeder, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 13, 1820, p. 570. Doc. 201. Rei)t. of committee on local apprns. rel. to road from Warren to Port Barnet. Feb. 14, 1829. p. 570. Doc. 202. Rept. of committee on corporations rel. to erect- ing town of Davldsburg, lluntlngilon Co., Into a borough. Feb. 14, 1829. p. 571. Docs. 203-205. Govs, mess., Feb. 16. 1820, with letter from Gov. of S. C. and res. of Gen. Assem. rel. to powers of general govt, to regulate duties on imports, and re- specting Internal Improvement ; also memorial by den. Assem. of Ga. rel. to late tariff, pp. 571-583. Doc. 206. Rept. of comrs. rel. to Kastern T'enltentlarv. Feb. 16, 1829. pp. .584 -.585. Docs. 207-208. Govs, mess., with list of taxable Inhabi- tants, slaves, and deaf and dumb. Feb. 17, 1820. pp. 586-.587. Doc. 209. Rept. of committee on brlflges. state, and ttirn- pike rondfl, rel. to state road from Klllliim's Forks to top of Allegheny Mt. Feb. 18, 1829. p. 588. Doc. 210. Rept. f(f committee on agrlc. rel. to standard weight of rye and corn. Feb. 18, 1820. p. 588. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 2, lS28-April 24, 1829 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Docs. 211-213. Communication from comrs. of internal improvement fund, with stmt, of receipts and payments, 1828-1829, estimate of probable receipts and payments, 1829-1830. Feb. 19, 1829. pp. 589-502. Doc. 214. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Thos. Craven, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 19, 1829. p. 592. Doc. 215. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement, rel. to petition of contractors on western division of Penn. Canal, for additional compen- sation. Feb. 19. 1829. pp. 592-595. Doc. 216. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Robt. M'Knight, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 20, 1829. p. 595. Doc. 217. Rept. of committee on inland navigation nnd Internal improvement rel. to Emmor KImber, contractor. Feb. 21. l.'*29, p. 590. Doc. 218. Return of special election in Westmoreland Co. to supply vacancy occasioned by resignation of Jas. Long. Feb. 23, 1829. pp. 596-597. Doc. 219. Rept. of bd. of mngrs. of House of Refuge. Read Feb. 23, 1829. pp. 597-509. Docs. 220-222. Govs, mess., with letter from Gov. of Ky., with res. of Ky. legisl. rel to Cumberland Hospital ; also letter from Gov. of N. J. with act of legisl. rel. to use of waters of Delaware for canals. Feb. 24, 1829. pp. 600-604. Doc. 223. Rept. of committee on claims; claim of John Weidman, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 25, 1820. p. 604. Doc. 224. Same ; claim of Wm. Tennant, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 25, 1829. pp. 604-605. Doc. 225. Rept. of committee on bridges and state and turnpilie roads rel. to state road leading from NewviUe and Roxbury state road to Intersect Shippensburg and Strasburg road In Franklin Co. Feb. 25, 1820. p. 605. Doc. 226. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and Internal Improvement, rel. to and canals. Feb. 26, 1829. pp. 606-611. Doc. 227. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Terrlus Duffy, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 26, 1829. p. 612. Doc. 228. Same ; claim of Nancy Gllman, widow of Revo- lutionary soldier. Feb. 27, 1829. p. 612. Doc. 229. Same : claim of Margaret Carman, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 27, 1829. p. 613. Doc. 230. Same ; claim of Catherine Sheifly, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 27, 1829. p. 613. Doc. 231. Rept. of select committee, rel. to charges agst. David Scott, canal comr. Feb. 28. 1829. p. 614. Doc. 232. Rept. of committee on local apprns. rel. to claim of Henrv Antes for cost of improving road over White-deer-hole mt. March 3, 1829. p. 615. Doc. 233. Rept. of committee on bridges and state an. Tabular stmt, of work done on the eastern division, from Duncan's Island to the mouth of the Swatura, from Dec. 1, 1828, to June 1, 1829, under charge of Wm. Wilson, supt., and from .lune 9, 1829, under charge of John Forrey, Jr., acting comr., until Nov. 25, 1820. Foldg. table 26. Tabular stmt, of work done on the eastern division, from the mouth of the Swatara to Oiiumbia, agreeal)ly to returns of engrs., reed, at office of John Forrcy, Jr., acting comr., from Nov. 25 to Dec. 9, 1828. Foldg. table 27. List of contracts made on behalf of the state by Wm. Wilson, supt on eastern division, from Nov. 3, 1828, to June 1, 1820 rel. to the old line of said division, extending from Duncan's Island to the mouth of the Swatara. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIV General Assembly — cont'd Nov. 3, 1829-April 7, 1830 — cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Allegheny Portage only — cont'd Foldg. tables 28-29. List of contracts made on behalf of the state by John Forrey. Jr., acting comr. on the Eastern division, from June 10 until Nov. 2, 1829, inclusive, rei. to old line of said division, extending from Duncan's Island to the mouth of the Swatara. p. 201.* Foldg. tables 30-31. Stmt of work done and payments made to contractors on estimates of the engr., on the Susquehanna division, from its commencement in the autumn of 1826 until Nov. 2, 1829. Foldg. tables 32-33. Stmt, of work done, percentage retained, and payments made to contractors on esti- mates of the engr., on West Branch division, from its commencement until Nov. 2, 1829. p. 208.* Foldg, table 34. Stmt. A, exhibiting the contractors' names, contract prices, quantities of work done, and amt. paid since Nov. 20. Foldg. table 35. Stmt. B, exhibiting the contract prices, amt. due, and amt. paid on mechanical work. p. 219.* Foldg. tables 36-38. List containing the quantity of work done on each sec. of No. Br. division, from Nanticoke Falls to Northumberland, showing also the cost of the said work at contract prices, and amt. Including cash and certificates paid to each contractor, inci. estimate taken Nov. 20, 1829. Foldg. table 39. A list of supts., engrs. and others, who have been employed on the No. Br. Division, since the return made in Nov., 1829, exhibiting also the number of days service rendered by each person, and their respective wages. Foldg. table 40. A list of the contracts entered into for the construction of the canal and other works connected therewith, since the last ann. return in Nov., 1820 ; together with the prices agreed to be paid for the several items of work. p. 221.* Foldg. tables 42-43. Stmt, showing items and cost of work not done on the No. Br. division, p. 228. Foldg. table 44. Stmt. A, showing the work done under the original contracts on the several sees, of the French Creek Feeder, since Nov. 15, 1828, amt. paid thereon since that date, and amt. now due. p. 235.* Foldg. table 45. Stmt. A, exhibiting a list of all the contracts entered Into for the road formation of 40 miles of rwy. from Feb. 19 to Nov. 2, specifying date of each contract, prices of the different kinds of work, per cent retained and amt. paid on each section. Foldg. table 46. Stmt. B. exhibiting a list of all con- tracts entered Into for the mechanical work on that part of the rwy. now under contract from Feb. 17 until Nov. 2, 1829. specifying date of each contract, prices of the different kinds of work, per cent re- tained, and amt. paid on each. Foldg. table 47. Table exhibiting probable cost of work unflnished Nov. 15, 1829, upon 40 sees, of the Penn. R. R. p. 491.* Foldg. tables 48-51. Return of the militia and volunteers of Penn., for the year 1829. Two copies of vol. 3 of the Senate Jol. were seen ; one In the Penn. State Library and one in the Library of Congress. Journal of the House, 3 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Welsh & Miller, 1829-30. 912, 12, 49 pp. Three copies were compared, viz. : one In the Penn. State Library, one in the Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phlla., and one in the Library of Congress. V. 2. Containing messages, rcpts. and docs. [nos. 1-362]. Harrisburg: Welsh and Miller, 1829-30. 770, 8 pp. Contents : Doc. 1. Mess, from Gov. [Shuize]. Nov. 4, 1829. pp. 3-9. Docs. 2-6. Docs. ace. Govs. mess. pp. 10-118. Corresp. ; temporary loan authorised by act Dec. 18, 1828. pp. 10-32. Same ; permanent loan under act Dec. 18, 1828. pp. 33-49. Same ; temporary loan under act April 22, 1829. pp. 49-110. Same ; apptmt. of comr. of loans and permanent loan under act April 22, 1829. pp. 110-11,3. Same ; temporary loans negotiated by Gov., In com- pliance with res. of bd. of Canal comrs. Oct. 3, 1829. pp. 113-118. ' Refers to v. 2 of Sen. Jol., 1829/30. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 39 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIV iJfiuTjil Assembly — contM Nov. 3, IHli'.l-April 7, 1830 — contM Journiil of tlif House — cont'il (^oDtonts : — cont'd Docs. 7-8. Govs. mess., with communication from pres. of bd. of canal comrs,. and stmt, of repts. of acting comrs. and supts. of amts. duo and probably required before Jan. 2. 1830. Nov. 7, 1820. pp. 118-120. Docs. 9-12. Govs, mess., Nov. 9, 1829. with letter from Gov. of Mo. and res. of Mo. legist, rel. to Amer. Coloniza- tion Society ; also rept. and res. rel. to amending U. S. constitution ; also letter from Gov. of Miss, with res. rel. to tariff, pp. 121-126. Doc. 13. Kept, of committee of accts. ; acct. of clerk. Nov. 10, 1829. pp. 126-127. Doc. 14. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Catherine Sheiffly, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Nov. 10, 1829. pp. 127-128. Doe. 15. Rept. of committee of accts. ; acct. of Jacob Baab prtr. of German Journal for last sess. Nov. 11, 1829. p. 128. Doc. 16. Same ; acct. of Saml. C. Stambaugh prtr. of English journal for last sess. Nov. 12, 1829. pp. 128-129. Doc. 17. Kept, of committee on claims ; claim of Sarah Lebo, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Nov. 13, 1829. p. 129. Doc. 18. Same ; claim of Jacob Wlngler, Revolutionary soldier. Nov. 13. 1829. pp. 129-130. Doc. 19. Rept. of committee on judiciary system ; reporter of decisions of Supreme Court. Nov. 13, 1829. pp. 130- 131. Doc. 20. Same ; right of citizens to vote for supervisors, who refuse to pay road tax. Nov. 18, 1829. p. 131. Doc. 21. Rept. of committee on Judiciary system ; orphans' court laws. Nov. 18, 1829. p. 132. Doc. 22. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Nathaniel M'Brler, Revolutionary soldier. Nov. 21, 1829. pp. 132- 133 Doc. 23. Same ; claim of Paul Field, Revolutionary soldier. Nov. 21, 1829. p. 133. Doc 24. Rept. of committee on corporations, rel. to in- corporating Penn. Horticultural Socy. Nov. 27, 1829. Docs. 25-26. Govs, mess., with corresp. rel. to continuing temporary loans. Nov. 28, 1820. pp. 135-145. Doc. 27. Kept, of committee on claims ; claim of Jas. Francis, Revolutionary soldier. Nov. 28, 1829. pp. 145- 146. Doc. 28. Same ; claim of Jane Rowe, widow of Revolution- ary soldier. Nov. 28, 1829. p. 146. Doc. 29. Same ; claim of Elizabeth Smith, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Nov. 28, 1829. p. 147. Doc. 30. Same ; claim of Jos. Allgier, Revolutionary soldier. Nov. 28, 1829. pp. 147-148. Doc. 31. Rept. of committee on judiciary system rel. to alteration in fee bill. Dec. 1, 1829. pp. 148-149. Doc. 32. Communication from Roberts Vaux, secy, of bd. of mngrs. of Penn. Hospital, Dec. 1, 1829, with stmt, of affairs, pp. 149-157. Docs. 33-34. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt. of receipts and payments at treasury, 1828 to 1829. Dec. 3, 1829. pp. 158-159. Doc. 35. Communication from state treasurer rel. to delivery of 150 copies of his ann. rept. Dec. 4, 1829. p. 160. Docs. 36-37. Communication from surveyor gen., with stmt, of business of dept. Dec. 4, 1829. pp. 160-162. Doc. 38. Rept. of select committee apptd. to try contested election of John Cummin, rel. to accts. uf witnesses. Dec. 4, 1829. p. 163. Docs. 39-40. Communication from secv. of land office, with stmt, of business of dept. Dec. 5, 1S39. pp. 164-166. Doc. 41. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Jas. Moore, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 5, 1820. p. 166. Docs. 42-44. Repts. of select committee apptd. to try con- tested election of John Cummin, rel. to accts. of witnesses. Dec. 5, 1829. pp. 167-160. Doc. 45. Letter from atty. gen., Dec. 4, 1829, rel. to titles to lands sold by state, late estate of John Nicholson. Read Dec. 7, 1829. pp. 169-170. Doc. 46. Rept. of committee of accts. ; acct. of clerk. Dec. 7, 1829. pp. 170-171. Doc. 47. Rept. of select committee ; letter from Gov. of Miss, with res rel. to tarlBE of 1828. Dec. 7, 1829. pp. 171-185. Doc. 48. Same : contested election of John Cummin, rel. to accts. of witnesses. Dec. 7, 1829. p. 185. Doc. 49. Communication from comrs. of Penn. and N. J. apptd. to arrange mutual use of Delaware River. Dec. 8, 1829. p. 186. Docs. 50-51. Rept. of select committee ; contested election of John Cummin, rel. to accts. of witnesses. Dec. 8, 1829. pp. 187-188. Doc. 52. Rept. of Mr. Mallery, teller on part of House, to officiate at opening and declaring returns of election for Gov. Dec. 8, 1829. pp. 188-180. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIV General Assembly — cont'd Nov. 3, 1829-AprlI 7, 1830— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents ; — cont'd Doc. 53. Extr. from Meteorological Register, taken at state capitol by Wm. Musgrave, librarian. Read Dec. 9, 1829. pp. 100-195. Doc. 54. Rept. of select committee ; contested election of John Cummin, rel. to accts. of witnesses. Dec. 9, 1829. pp. 106-107. Docs. 55-57. Mess, from Gov. [Shulze], Dec. 0, 1829. with copy of agreement betw. comrs. of Penn. and N. ,1. for mutual use of Delaware River for canal purposes, and copy of rept. of engrs. apptd, bv each state, rel. to explora- tion of river. Read Dec. 10, 1829. pp. 197-21.^.. Docs. 58-60. Communication from comrs. of internal im- provement fund, with stmt, of receipts and payments dur- ing last year, and estimate of probable receipts and pay- ments from Dec. 1, 1829, to Feb. 1, 1831. Dec. 11, 1829. pp. 215-219. Doc. 61. Rept. of select committee ; contested election of John Cummin, rel. to accts. of witnesses. Dec. 11, 1829. p. 219. Doc. 62. Communication from pres. of Germantown and Perkiomen Turnpike Road Co., Dec. 1, 1829, with abstr. of accts. of CO. Read Dec. 15, 1820. pp. 220-221. Doc. 63. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, Dec. 14, 1820. rel. to purchase of Purdon's Digest. Read Dec. 15, 1829. p. 221. Doc. 64. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to de- livery of ann. rept. on finances. Dec. 16, 1829. p. 222. Doc. 65. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Jos. Neilson, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 17, 1829. pp. 222- 223. Doc. 66. Rept. of committee on corporations rel. to In- corporating Franklin Beneficial Socy. Dec. 17, 1829. p. 223. Docs. 67-144. Mess, from Gov. [Wolf] with rept. of bd. of Penn. canal comrs. and ace. docs. Dec. 18, 1829. pp. 224-511. Docs. rel. to Western division Doc. 68. Rept. canal comrs. of Penn. for 1828/9. pp. 224-238. Doc. 60 — no. 1. Rept. of Jas. Stevenson, acting comr. Dec. 2, 1S29. pp. 230-240. Doc 70 — no. 2. Rept. of Sylvester Welch, principal engr. Nov. 23, 1829. pp. 249-252. Docs. 71-85 — nos. 3-17. See vol. 3. Doc. 86 — no. 18. Docs. rel. to Grant's IIUI tunnel contract. June-Nov., 1829. pp. 252-257. Docs. rel. to Juniata division Doc. 87 — no. 1. Rept. of Jas. Clarke, acting comr. Dec. 5, 1S29. pp. 258-262. Doc. 88 — no. 2. Rept. of Alex. C. Twining, principal engr. [Nov., 1829.] pp. 263-266. Doc. 89 — no. 3. Rept. of Wm. J. Mitchell, supervisor. Nov. 21, 1829. pp. 266-267. Doc. 90 — no. 4. Rept. of A. C. Twining, on Juniata aqueduct at Duncan's Island. Dec. 8, 1829. pp. 267-268. Doc. 91 — no. 5. Stmt, of amt. paid Jobbing contract- ors and asst. supervisors. Dec. 5, 1829. pp. 268- •260. Doc. 92 — no. 6. Stmts, of damages paid and agreed upon. Dec. 5. 1829. pp. 260-270. Docs. 93-96 — nos. 7-10. See vol. 3. Doc. 97 — no. 11. List of engr. corps, supervisor, col- lector and lock keepers, Dec. 5, 1829. p. 270. Doc. 08 — no. 12. Summary view of cost Incurred and estimated. Dec. 5, 1829. pp. 271-273. Docs. rel. to Eastern division Doc. 99 — no. 1. Rept. of John Forrey, acting comr. Dec. 9. 1829. pp. 273-274. Doc. 100 — no. 2. Rept. of Edwd. F. Gay, principal engr. Dec. 8, 1829. pp. 274-277. Docs. 101-104 — nos. 3-6. See vol. 3. Doc. 105 — no. 7. List of persons employed. Nov. 2, 1829. p. 278. Doc. 106 — no. 8. Damages paid and agreed to be paid. Nov. 2, 1829. pp. 278-279. Doc. 107 — no. 9. Expenses from June 10 to Dec. 9, 1829. pp. 279. Doc. 108 — no. 10. Stmt, of certificates issued. Dec. 9, 1829. p. 280. Docs. rel. to Susquehanna and West Branch divisions Doc. 109 — no. 1. Rept. of John Ryon, supt. Nov. 20, 1829. pp. 280-281. Docs. 110-111 — nos. 2-3. See vol. 3. Doc. 112 — no. 4. List of persons employed. Nov. 20, 1820. pp. 282-285. Doc. 113 — no. 5. Amt. of work to be done. Nov. 20, 1829. pp. 285-287. 40 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIV General Assembly — cont'd Not. 3, 1829-April 7, 1830— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Docs. rel. to Delaware division Doc. 114 — no. 1. Rept. of Thos. G. Kennedy, supt. Not. 2(1, 1829. pp. 287-288. Docs. 115-117— nos. 2-4. See Tol. 3. Doc. 118 — no. 5. Damages paid since last ann. rept. p. 289. Doc. 119 — no. 6. Amt. drawn from treasury and dis- bursed on the Delaware division, n. d. p. 290. Doc. 120 — no. 7. Estimate of cost of worls to be done. Not. 20, 1829. pp. 291-295. Docs. rel. to North Branch division Doc. 121 — no. 1. Rept. of .John Mitchell, acting comr. Nov. 25. 1829. pp. 295-299. Docs. 122-124 — nos. 2-4. See vol. 3. Doc. 125 — no. 5. Engr.'s rept. and stmt, showing cost of worl£ to be done. Nov. 25, 1829. pp. 299-301. Doc. 126 — no. 6. Docs. rel. to Nanticol^e dam. Aug.. 1829. pp. 301-305. Docs. rel. to French Creek feeder Doc. 127 — no. 1. Rept. of Wm. Diclison, supt. Nov. 18, 1829. pp. 305-308. Doc. 128 — no. 2. See vol. 3. Doc. 129 — no. 3. Stmt, of work done and amt. paid on aqueducts, etc., to Nov. 15, 1829. pp. 308-309. Doc. 130 — no. 4. Stmt, of amt. paid and due on special contracts, etc., to Nov. 15, 1829. pp. 309- 310. Doc. 131 — no. 5. Stmt, of petitions for damages, pp. 310-311. Doc. 132 — no. 6. Stmt, of contracts, 1828/9. pp. 311-312. Docs. rel. to Penn. Railway Doc. 133 — no. 1. Rept. of John Barber, supt. Nov. 24, 1829. pp. 312-315. Docs. 134-135— nos. 2-3. See vol. 3. Doc. 136 — no. 4. Estimate of cost of unfinished work. Nov. 21. 1S29. pp. 315-317. Doc. 137 — no. 5. List of persons employed. June 1- Sept. 2, 1829. pp. 317-319. Docs. rel. to Allegheny Portage Doc. 138 — no. 1. Rept. of Moncure Robinson, prin- cipal engr. Nov. 21. 1S29. pp. 319-335. Doc. 139 — no. 2. Estimated cost of Portage R.B. [Nov., 1829.] pp. 335-355. Docs. rel. to eastern termination of Penn. Rwy. Doe. 140 — no. 1. Repts. and estimates of Major D. B. Douglass. Nov. 25. 1829. pp. 355-364. Doc. 141 — no. 2. Rent, of Chas. Roberts, on damages. Sept. 17, 1829. p. 365. Doc. 142 — no. 3. Releases of damages. Sept., 1829. pp. 365-306. Doc. 143. Rept. of n system of rules and regulations rel. to navigation of Penn. Canal, pp. 367-384. Doc. 144. Journal of bd. of canal comrs. pp. 384- 511. Doc. 145. Communication from Joel Bailey, keeper of state arsenal at Harrisburg, Dec. 17, 1829, with rept. of arms and camp equipage. Read Dec. 18, 1829. pp. 511- Doc. 146. Communication from surveyor gen. stating no. of acres of land in each co. for which returns of surveys have been reed. Dec. 19, 1829. pp. 512-514. Docs. 147-148. Communication from auditor gen., Jan. 4, 1830, with stmt, of certain banks. Read Jan. 6, 1830. pp. 514-543. Doc. 149. Stmt, of Phlla. saTlng fund society, Dec. 30, 1829. Read Jan. 6, 1830. p. 544. Doc. 150. Communication from Chas. S. Coxe, Jan. 2, 1830, with rept. of bd. of inspectors of Eastern State Penitentiary. Read Jan. 0, 1830. pp. 545-550. Docs. 151-152. Communication from auditor gen., Jan. 4, 1830, with stmt, of affairs of Schuylkill Naylgutlon Co. Read Jan. 6, 1830. p. 551. Doc. 153. Rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, 1829. pp. 552 .l.-iB. Docs. 154-1B5. Govs, mess., Jan. 4, 1830, with letter from committee of trustees of Dickinson Coliu«e and anu. stmt, of receipts and expenditures. Read Jan. 6. 1830. pp. nSfi-.'iSS. Docs. 150-1B7. Communication from state treasurer, with stmt, of contingent expenses of dept. Jan. 8, 1830. pp. 5.18-559. Doc. 158. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Jacob Eyler, Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 8, 1830. p. 559. Doc. 159. Same; claim of Robt. Wright, Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 9, 1830. p. 560. Doc. 180. Rept. of committee on Judiciary system rel. to divorces. Jan. 9, 1830. pp. S60-561. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS- cont'd LIV General Assembly — cont'd Not. 3, 1829-April 7, 1830 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 161. Same : divorce of Elizabeth Montgomery. Jan. 11, 1830. p. 562. Doc. 162. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Edwd. Roberts, Revtiutionary soldier. Jan. 11, 1830. p. 563. Doc. 163. Same; claim of John Craig, Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 11. 1830. pp. 563-564. Doc. 164. Rept. of committee on banks, rel. to authorizing state treasurer to receive from co. treasurers, depreci- ated paper of Westmoreland Bank. Jan. 12, 1830. p. 564. Doc. 165. Rept. of Mr. Frick, teller on part of House to officiate at election of state treasurer. Jan. 12, 1830. pp. 565-566. Doc. 166. Rept. of committee on estates and escheats rel. to sale of estate of Jacob Sunimy, of Lancaster Co., dece.'ised. Jan. 12. 1S30. 566-567. Doc. 167. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Jos. Chamberlain, soldier of late war. Jan. 12, 1830. p. 567. Doc. 168. Same ; claim of Andrew Murray, soldier in General Wayne's army. Jan. 12, 1830. p. 568. Doc. 169. Rept. of select committee apptd. to Investigate conduct of Snml. D. Franks, pres. Judge of 12th Judicial distr. Jan. 12, 1830. pp. 568-569. Doc. 170. Rept. of committee on estates and escheats rel. to sale of estate of Jackson Watson, of Dauphin Co., deceased. Jan. 13, 1830. p. 569. Doc. 171. Rept. of committee on .ludiciary system rel. to limiting Jurisdiction of Justices of peace in civil cases to distrs. for which they were apptd. Jan. 13, 1830. p. 570. Doc. 172. Rept. of committee on Judiciary system rel. to divorce of Mary Thornton. Jan. 13, 1830. pp. 570-571. Doc. 173. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Matthins I'Vtterhauf, Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 13, 1830. p. 571. Doc. 174. Rept. of committee on militia system rel. to days of training. Jan. 13, 1830. p. 571. Doc. 175. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of Fred- erick Berlin, Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 13, 1830. p. 572. Docs. 176-177. Govs, mess., with stmt, of debts due on loans. Jan. 14, 1830. pp. 572-579. Doc. 178. Rept. of committee on estates and escheats rel. to sale of estate of Jacob Martin. Jan. 14, 1830. p. 580. Doc. 179. Rept. of committee on Judiciary system rel. to special bail. Jan. 14, 1830. pp. 580-581. Doc. 180. Ann. rept. of bd. of mngrs. of House of Refuge transmitted Jan. 13, 1830. pp. 581-584. Doc. 181. Rept. of committee on Judiciary system ; di- vorce of Philip G. and Henrietta Ducomb. Jan. 15, 1830. pp. 584-585. Doc. 182. Communication from auditor gen., Jan. 15, 1830 [rel. to fees], p. 685. Doc. 183. See voi. 3. Doc. 184. Rept. of committee on Judiciary system ; comn. of waste. Jan. 16. 1830. p. 586. Doc. 185. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Michael Heisly, Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 16. 1830. p. 586. Doc. 186. Rept. of committee of ways and means ; apptmt. of auctioneer in Pittsburg for sale of furniture. Jan. 16, 1830. p. 587. Doc. 187. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Valen- tine Stober, Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 16, 1830. pp. 587-588. Doc. 188. Same; claim of Jas. Stevenson. Jan. 16, 1830. p. 589. Doc. 189. Rept. of committee on militia system ; revision of mllltla law. Jan. 16, 1830. p. 589. Doc. 190. Rept. of committee on estates and escheats; sale of estate of Adam Cope of Cumberland Co. Jan. 18, 1830. pp. 589-590. Doc. 191. Rept. of committee on Judiciary system rel. to apptmt. of measurer of carpenters, painters, etc., work in Harrisburg. Jan. 18, 1830. p. 590. Docs. 192-193. Govs, mes.s., with corresp. rel. to tempo- rary loan under act of Nov. 17, 1829. Jan. 20, 1830. pp. 591-604. Doc. 194. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of Chesnat Illll and Spring House Turnpike Road Co. Read Jan. 22, 1830. p. 605. Doc. 195. Rept. of committee on claims; claim of Jas. M'Gregor, Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 22. 1830. p. 606. Doc. 196. Rept. of committee on Judiciary system ; re- moval of Athens Academy to Towanda. Jan. 23, 1830. pp. 006-607. Doc. 197. Same ; purchase of real estate under orders of orphans' courts. Jan. 23, 1830. p. 607. Doc. 198. Same ; Increasing salary of associate Judges of Fayette Co. Jan. 23, 1830. pp. 007-608. Doc. 199. Same ; bill from Senate, suppl. to act directing descent of intestates' real estates and distribution of personal estates. Jan. 23, 1830. p. 608. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 41 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIV Oeneral Assembly — cont'd Nov. 3, 1829-Aprll 7. 1830— confrl Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 200. Rept. of committee on claims, on claim of sons of Chas. King, Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 26, 1830. pp. 608-600. Docs. 201-202. Communication from auditor gen., witii stmt, of fees of inspectors of port of I'hlla. Jan. 28, 1830. pp. 609-610. Doc. 203. Abstr. of aects. of Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turnpilse Co. for year ending Nov. 5, 1829. Reail Jan. 28, 1830. p. 611. Doc. 204. Rept. of committee on estates and escheats; sale of estate of Jos. Donath. Jan. 28, 1830. pp. 611-612. Doc. 205. Rept. of committee rel. to complaint ngst. Isa.'ic S. Dewey, justice of peace of Tioga Co. Jan. 29, 1830. p. 612. Doc. 206. Rept. of committee rel. to dam and river lock at North's Island in Juniata River. Jan. 29, 1830. p. 613. Docs. 207-208. Govs, mess., Jan. 29, 1830, with commu- nication from Gov. of Ga. and res. rel. to amdmt. of U. S. constitution, pp. 013-615. Doc 209. Rept of committee rel. to obstructions in Dela- ware and Liickawaxen rivers, constructed by Hudson and rielaware Canal Co. J;in. 30. 1S50. pp. 615-617. Doc. 210. State of Phlla. Savine Fund Society, Jan. 1, 1830. Read Feb. 1, 1830. pp. 618-619. Doc. 211. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of Ridge Turnpike Road Co., 1829. Read Feb. 2, 1830. pp. 619-620. Doc 212. Rept. of committee on corporations ; Dundaff and Tunkhannock Turnpike Co. Feb. 2, 1830. pp. 620-621. Doc. 213. Same ; Incorporating Wyoming Coal Co. Feb. 2, 1830. p. 621. Doc. 214. Kept, of committee on judiciary system ; pub- lication of receipts and expenditures of Mercer Co. Feb. 2, 1830. p. 022. Doc. 215. Same ; protection of passengers travelling by stages and other carriages. Feb. 2, 1830. p. 622. Doc. 216. Rept. of committee rel. to repeaiing ;(Ct to annul marlage contract of Anne Gilbert Marc Anthony • and Virginia Frenaye. Feb. 2, 1830. pp. 623-624. Doc. 217. Rept. of ottmniittee on t^I.iims: claim of I>ennls Carroll, Revoiutlonary soldier. Feb. 3, 1830. p. 624. Doc. 218. Same; claim of Bartholomew Malloy, Kovolu- tionary soldier. Feb. 3, 1830. pp. 624-G25. Doc. 219. Rept. of select committee ; public roads in Oxford township. Phlla. Co. Feb. 3, 1830. p. 625. Doc. 220. Rept. of committee ou claims ; claim of Moses Hunter, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 4, 1830. pp. 625- 626. Doc. 221. Same ; claim of Gershom Ilerrin, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 4, 1830. p. t;26. Doc. 222. Rept. of committee on judiciary system ; divorce of Jas. Rogers. Feb. 4, 1830. p. 627. Doc. 223. Same ; additional compensation of collectors of CO. rates and levies in Mercer Co. Feb. 4, 1830. pp. 627- 628. Doc. 224. Same ; threats and intimidation used before day of ann. election. Feb. 6, 1830. p. 629. Doc. 225. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of John Kincaid, Revoiutlonary soldier. Feb. 6, 1830. pp. 629- 630. Doc. 226. Rept. of committee on estates and escheats ; sale of estate of Jacob Herring. Feb. 6, 1830. p. 630. Doc. 227. Rept. of committee on judiciary system ; refund- ing moneys paid by Alex. Wright for land warrants in Mercer Co. Feb. 6, 1830. p. 631. Doc. 228. Rept. of committee on bridges and state and turnpike roads ; uniform rate of toll for stages. Feb. 8, 1830. pp. 631-632. Doc. 229. Rept. of committee on judiciary system ; claim of John Wiedman, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 9, 1830. p. 633. Doc. 230. Rept. of committee on estates and escheats ; making title for house and lot to Sam!. James, by Stephen Blackburn, administrator of Jos. Price. Feb. 9, 1830. pp. 633-634. Doc. 231. Rept. of comrs. of Western State Penitentiary. Jan, 1, 1830. Read Feb. 10, 1830. pp. 634-641. Doc. 232. Rept. of committee on corporations ; incorporat- ing trustees of congregation of Claysvilie, members "f Methodist Episcopal cliurch of Bethany and Honesdale, Methodist congregations of Mt. Pleasant and Dundatf, Presbyterian church of DundaSE. Feb. 10, 1830. pp. 641- 643. Doc. 233. Rept. of committee on bridges and state and turnpike roads : review of state road from west end of Harrisburg bridge to York. Feb. 10. 1830. p. 643. Doc. 234. Rept. of committee on judiciary system ; addi- tional compensation to constables of Lancaster Co. for holding special elections. Feb. 11, 1830. p. 643. ' See also doc. 303. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIV General Assembly— cont'd Nov. 3, 1829-AprH 7, 1830— cont'd Joiirnal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'il Doc. 235. Same ; divorce of Danl. P. Lange. Feb. 11, 1830. p. 644. Doc. 236. Rept. of committee of accts. ; acct of clerk of House. Feb. 12, 1830. p. 644. Doc. 237. Rept. of committee on estates and escheats ; sale of estate of Iskac A. Chapman. Feb. 15, 1830. p. 645. Doc. 238. Same ; sale of estate of Mary Davis. Feb. 15, 1830. pp. 645-646. Doc. 239. Rept. of select committee : erection of new township to be called " Union " in Bedford Co. Feb. 17, 1830. p. 646. Docs. 240-242. Govs. mess, with letter and rept. of adj. gen. of militia. Feb. 18, 1830. pp. 646-651. Doc. 243. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Wm. M'Muliin, revoiutlonary soldier. Feb. 18. 1830. p. 652. Doc. 244. Rept. of committee on estates and escheats ; sale of estate of Margaret Snyder. Feb. 18, 1830. pp. 652- 653. Doc. 245. Same ; sale of estate of Henry Snyder. Feb. 18, 1830. p. 653. Doc. 246. Rept. of committee on claims; claim of Wm. Clarke, Revoiutlonary soldier. Feb. 18, 1830. p. 654. Doc. 247. Same ; claim of Jas. Cook, Revoiutlonary soldier. Feb. 19, 1830. p. 655. Doc. 248. Same : claim of .Toshua Peeling, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 19, 1830. p. 655. Doc. 249. Rept. of committee of ways and means ; financial concerns of state. Feb. 22, 1830. pp. 656-664. Doc. 250. Rept. of committee on education ; general system of education In commonwealth. Feb. 23, 1830. pp. 665- 667. Doc. 251. Rept. of committee of accts. ; accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to Investigate conduct of James Clarke, canal comr. Feb. 23. 1830. pp. 667-668. Doc. 252. Rept. of select committee ; concurrent jurisdic- tion of justices of peace of Phila. Co. and aldermen of city of Phila. in civil as well as in criminal cases. Feb. 23, 1830. p. 668. Doc. 253. Rept. of committee of accts. ; accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to investigate conduct of James Clarke. Feb. 23. 1830. p. 669. Doc. 254. Rept. of committee on militia system ; claim of Jos. Wilt, late inspector of 2d brigade 7th division of Penn. militia. Feb. 24, 1830. p. 669. Doc. 255. Rept. of committee on corporations; Incor- porating Kirkendali and Bruce for mining purposes. Feb. 24, 1830. pp. 670-671. Doc. 256. Rept. of committee on militia system ; exonerat- ing Pittsburg Hose Co. from militia duty. Feb. 24, 1830. p. 671. Doc. 257. Rept. of committee of accts. ; accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to investigate conduct of James Clarke. Feb. 24, 1830. pp. 1671-672. Doc. 25S. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Alex. Gray, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 24, 1830. p. 672. Doc. 259. Rept. of committee of accts. ; accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to investigate conduct of James Clarke. Feb. 25, 1830. p. 673. Doc. 260. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of John D. Aurandt, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 25, 1830. pp. 673- 674. Doc. 261. Rept. of committee on judiciary system ; extend- ing mechanics' lien law to town of Conemaugh. Feb. 25, 1830. p. 674. Doc. 262. Same ; refunding money to Isaac Vance, pd. for land warrant. Feb. 25. 1830. pp. 674-675. Doc. 263. Rept. of engrs. rel. to dams erected in Delaware and Lackawaxen rivers, by Hudson and Delaware Canal and R.R. Co. Feb. 25, 1§30. Read Feb. 26, 1839. pp. 675-676. Doc. 264. Rept. of committee of accts. : accts. of wit- nesses before committee apptd. to investigate conduct of James Clarke. Feb. 26. 1830. pp. 676-677. Doc 265. Same. Feb. 27, 1830. pp. 677-678. Doc 266. Rept. of select committee : apptmt. of asst. keeper of debtors apartment of Arch St. Prison In Phlla. Feb. 27. 1830. p. 678. Doc. 267. Rept. of committee of accts. ; accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to Investigate conduct of James Clarke. March 1. 1830. p. 679. Doc. 268. Rept. of select committee ; measurer of lime for city and Incorporated districts of Phila. Co. March 1, ISSO. pp. 679-680. Doc. 269. Rept. of committee of accts. ; accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to investigate conduct of James Clarke. March 2, 1830. pp. 680-681. Doc. 270. Rept. of select committee ; Hudson and Delaware Canal and R.R. Co. March 2, 1830. p. 682. Doc. 271. Rept. of committee of accts. ; accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to investigate conduct of James Clarke. March 3. 1830. p. 683. Doc. 272. Abstr, of state of funds of fnlv. of Penn. Jan. 1, 1830. Read Jan. 4, 1830. pp. 683-684. 42 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIV General Assembly — cont'd Nov. 3. 1829-April 7, 1830 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 273. Rept, of committee of accts. : accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to Investigate conduct of James Clarke. March 4. 1830. pp. 684-685. Doc. 274. Rept. of committee on estates and escheats ; sale of estate of Mathew Russel. March 4. 1830. p. 685. Doc. 275. Same ; sale of estate of Jacob Clouser. March 5, 1830. p. 686. Doc. 276. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of James Headly, Revolutionary soldier. March 5. 1830. p. 686. Doc. 277. Rept. of committee of accts. ; to accts. of wit- nesses before committee apptd. to investigate conduct of James Clarke. March 5. 1830. p. 687. Docs. 278-279. Govs. mess, with communication from Gov. of Va. containing copies of certain acts of Gen. Assem. rel. to Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. March 6, 1830. pp. 688-691. Docs. 280-281. Rept. of committee of accts. : accts. of wit- nesses before committee apptd. to investigate conduct of James Clarke. March 6, 1830. pp. 691-695. Doc. 282. Same : acct. of Nathaniel Henrle, depy. sergeant- at-arms. March 6, 1830. p. 695. Doc. 283. Rept. of committee on estates and escheats ; sale of estate of Thos. Scudder. March 6. 1830. p. 696. Doc. 284. Rept. of committee of accts. ; accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to Investigate the conduct of James Clarke. March 8. 1830. pp. 696-697. Docs. 285-286. Same. March 9, 1830. p. 698. Doc. 287. Rept. of committee on vice and immorality : horse racing. March 9, 1830. p. 698. Doc. 288. Rept. of committee on bridges and state and turnpike roads : alterations in road laws. March 9, 1830. p. 699. Doc. 289. Rept. of select committee ; establishment of a ferry by Geo. King at Dunsburg, on West Branch of the Susquehanna. March 9, 1830. pp. 699-700. Doc. 290. Rept. of committee on estates and escheats : authorising Samuel Trevor to make deed of conveyance for certain real estate. March 10, 1830. pp. 700-701. Doc. 291. Rept. of committee on corporations ; mngrs. of Athens Bridge Co. in Bradford Co. March 10, 1830. p. 701. Doc. 292. Same; York Co. Mnfg. Co. March 10, 1830. pp. 701-702. Doc. 293. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Nancy Gorley. widow of Revolutionary soldier. March 10, 1830. p. 702. Doc. 294. Rept. of committee on corporations : Incorpo- r-iting Burlington Methodist Episcopal church, Bradford Co. IMarch 10, 1830. pp. 702-703. Doc. 295. Rept. of committee on accts. ; accts. of wit- nesses before committee apptd. to investigate conduct of James Clarke. March 11, 1830. p. 703. Doc. 296. Rept. of committee on estates and escheats ; legacy of heirs of Jacob I>eitner. March 11, 1830. p. 704. Doc. 297. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Eliza- beth Welrlch, widow of Revolutionary soldier. March 11, 1830. pp. 704-705. Doc. 298. Same ; claim of Robt. King, Revolutionary soldier. March 11, 1830. p. 705. Doc. 299. Rept. of committee on Judiciary system ; in- creasing salaries of associate judges of Dauphin Co. March 11. 1830. pp. 705-706. Doc. 300. Rept. of committee on militia system ; exon- erating John Kurtz from certain exempt flnes. March 12, 18.30. p. 706. Doc. 301. Rept. of committee on claims : claim of Martha Amberson, widow of Revolutionary soldier. March 12, 1830. pp. 706-707. Dor. 302. Rept. of committee rel. to complaint agst. Alex. Rogers. Justice of peace of Perry Co. March 12, 1830. pp. 707-708. Doc. 303. Second rept. of committee rel. to divorce of Marc Antony and 'i'lrglnla Frenaye.' March 12, 1830. pp. 708-709. Doc. 304. Rept. of committee of accts. ; accts. of wit- nesses before committee apptd. to investigate conduct of James Clarke. March 15, 1830. p. 709. Docs. 305-306. Govs, mess., with res. of Gen. Assem. of Ohio rel. to tariff of 1828. March 16, 18.30. pp. 710- 711. Doc. .307. Rept. of committee on bunks; establishment of a bank at Doylestown. March 16. 1830. p. 711. Doc. 308. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Quinten Anderson, Revolutionary soldier. March 10, 1830. p. 712. Doc. 300. Rept. of committee on Judiciary system ; use of ardent spirits at elections. March 16, 1830. p. 712. Doc. 310. Rept. of committee on claims; claim of John Ralston, Revolutionary soldier. March 16. 18.30. p. 713. Doc. 311. Same; claim of Jas. Collin, soldier of late war. March 16. 1830. p. 713. ' See also doc. 216. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIV General Assembly — cont'il Nov. 3, 1829-Aprll 7. 1830— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 312. Same ; claim of Elizabeth Crout, widow of Revolutionary soldier. March 17. 1830. p. 714. Doc. 313. Same ; claim of Capt. Wm. Morrow. March 17, 1830. p. 715. Doc. 314. Memorial of Jas. D. Harris, with docs. March 18, 1830. pp. 715-730. Doc. 315. Rept. of committee on Judiciary system ; Sen. bill to annul marriage contract of Christian and Elizabeth Wenger. March 18. 1830. p. 730. Doc. 316. Rept. of committee of accts. ; to accts. of wit- nesses before commltte? apptd. to investigate conduct of James Clarke. March 18, 1830. p. 730. Doc. 317. Rept. of committee rel. to new co. from cos. of Allegheny, Butler. Westmoreland and Armstrong. March 18, 1830. p. 731. Doc. 318. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Michael Copenhafer. Revolutionary soldier. March 19, 1830. p. 731. Doc. 319. Rept. of committee apptd. to Investigate conduct of James Clarke. March 19, 1830. pp. 732-736. Doc. 320. Rept. of committee on agrlc. rel. to breeding of food horses. 1)V trials of speed, under proper regulations, larch 20. 1830. p. 737. Doc. 321. Rept. of select committee: public schools In Lancaster. March 20, 1830. pp. 737-738. Doc. 322. Same ; erection of poor house In Huntingdon Co. March 20, 1830. p. 738. Doc. 323. Rept. of committee of accts. ; acct. of depy. sergeant-at-arms, for serving sul>pcense on witness in case of James Clarke. March 22, 1830. p. 739. Doc. 324. Rept. of committee on claims : claim of Wm. Teitsworth, a Revolutionary soldier. March 22, 1830. p. 739. Doc. 325. Rept. of select committee, rel. to boundaries of borough of Wllllamsburgh, Huntingdon Co. March 22. 1830. p. 740. Doc. 326. Rept. of committee, rel. to complaint agst. Hugh Lee. Justice of peace in Butler Co. March 22, 1830. pp. 740-741. Doc. 327. Communication from Gov. of Del., with res. of Gen. Assem. rel. to tariff of 1828. Read March 23, 1830. pp. 742-743. Doc. 328. Rept. of committee on Judiciary system ; shifting warrant for land In Fayette Co. March 23. 1830. p. 743. Doc. 329. Rept. of committee rel. to complaint agst. Con- rad German, Justice of peace of Lehigh Co. March 23, 1830. p. 744. Doc. 330. Rept. of committee on estates and escheats ; sale of estate, minor children of Wm. Wheeler. March 24, 1830. p. 744, Doc. 331. Same ; petition of Danl. Deppen, for repeal of 2d proviso of sec. 5, act of Apr. 16. 1829, rel. to certain real estate. March 24. 1830. p. 745. Doc. 332. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Robt. Maxwell, Revolutionary sofdier. March 24. 1830. p. 745. Docs. 333-334. Communication from auditor gen., with rept. of settlement of accts. of canal comrs. March 24, 1830. pp. 746-752. Doc. 335. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Jas. Ewing, Revolutionary soldier. March 25, 1830. p. 753. Doc. 336. Rept. of select committee ; legitimising children of John Beaumont. March 27, 1830. pp. 753-755. Doc. 337. Rept. of committee of accts. ; acct. of witness before committee apptd. to Investigate conduct of Jas. Clarke, and acct. of Nathaniel Henrle, depy. sergeant-at- arms. March 30, 1830. p. 755. Doc. 338. Rept. of committee on bridges and state and turnpike roads ; incorporating Bedford and Martinsburg, and Martinsburg and Williamsburg Turnpike road cos. March 31, 1830. p. 756. Doc. 339. Second rept. of committee on corporations rel. to I'enn. llortic. Socy. April 1. 1830. pp. 756-757. Doc. 340. Rept. of seb'Ct committee ; Investigation of con- duct of auditors of city and co. of I'hlla. April 1, 1830. p. 757. Doc. 341. Same; tax upon dogs In Washington Co. April 1, 18.30. p. 757. Doc. 342. Same; condition of Penn. Canal. April 5, 1830. pp. 758-760. Doc. 343. Same; erection of new co. out of parts of York and Adams cos. April 5, 1830. p. 760. Doc. 344. Rept. of committee of accts. ; settlement of acct. of clerk of House. April 5, 1830. p. 761. Doc. 345. Same ; acct. of postage of members. April 5, 1830. pp. 761-764. Doc. 346. Same ; accts. of transcribing clerks. April 5, 1830. pp. 764-765. Doc. 347. Same ; acct. of E. F. Cryder & Co. prtrs. of House bills. April 5, 1830. p. 765. Docs. 348-349. Communication from auditor gen., April 5, 1830, with stmt, of contingent expenses of office. Read April 6, 1830. p. 766. Doc. 350. Rept. of committee on vice and Immorality rel. to Intemperance. April 6, 1830. pp. 767-768. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 43 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIV General Assembly — cont'd Not. 3. 182n-April 7, ISJfO— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Cnntonts : — cr)nt*d Doc. 351. Rept. of committee of accts. : acct. of Welsh and Miller, prtrs. of English Journal of nouse. April 6, 1.S30. pp. 76.S-760. Doc. 352. Same : acct. of Jacob Baab. prtr. of German journal of House. April 6, 1830. p. 770. Indei. pp. 1-8. T. 3. Tables belonging to the second volume of the Journal of the Ilouse of Representatives of the session of 1829-30. Harrlsburg : Prtd. bv Welsh and Miller. 1830. p. 252.* Foldg. table 1. (H. R. 71 — No. 3.1 No. 1. Abstr. of labor done on the Pittsburg and Pine Creek line. Western Division, and disbursements on same betw. June 1 and Nov. 20, 1829. b.v Jas. S. Stevenson, acting comr. Foldg. table 2. (H. R. 72 — No. 4.) No. 2. Abstr. of labor done on the Allegheny line. Western Division, and disbursements on the same betw. June and Nov. 20. 1829. by James S. Stevenson, acting comr. p. 252. Foldg. table 3. (H. R. 73— No. 5.) No. 3. Abstr. of labor done on the Klskiminetas (sic) line. Western Division, and disbursements on the same betw. June 1 and Nov. 20, 1829, by J. S. Stevenson, acting comr. Foldg. table 4. (H. R. 74 — No. 6.) No. 4. Abstr. of dis- bursements on the Klskiminetas (sic) and Conemaugh line. Western Division, betw. June 1 and Nov. 29. by J. S. Stevenson, acting comr. Foldg. tables 5-8. (H. R. 75 — No. 7.) Tabular stmt, of labor done, monies paid. amts. due and original and present estimates of work on the Ligonier line, Western division. Foldg. table 9. (H. R. 76 — No. 8.) No. 6. Abstr. of pay- ments In the engr. dept. of the Western Division, betw. June 1 and Nov. 20, 1829, by J. S. Stevenson, acting comr. Foldg. sheet 10. (H. R. 77 and 78— Nos. 9 and 10.) No. 7. Schedule of damages paid and misc. payments on the western division Penn. Tanal. betw. June 1 and Nov. 20, 1828 (sic, 1829?), by J. S. Stevenson, acting comr. : and recapitulation of payments, on the Western Division, as per abstrs. 1-7, by J. S. Steven- son. Foldg. table 10. (H. R. 79— No. 11.) No. 8. Schedule of the names of persons now employed on the Western division. Nov., 1829. Foldg. table 11. (H. R. 80 — No. 12.) Schedule 1. Con- tracts entered Into on the Pittsburg and Pine Creek lines of the Western division, Nov. 1, 1828-Nov. 15, 1829. Foldg. table 12. (H. E. 81— No 13.) Schedule 2. Con- tracts entered Into on the Allegheny line of the Western division. Nov. 1. 1828-Nov. 15. 1829. Foldg. table 13. (H. R. 82 — No. 14.) Schedule 3. Con- tracts entered into on the Klskiminetas (sic) and Conemaugh line of the Western division, Nov. 1, 1828- Nov. 13. 1829. Foldg. tables 14-15. (H. R. 83— No. 15.) Schedule 4. Contracts entered into on the Klskiminetas and Cone- maugh line of the Western division. Nov. 1, 1828- NoT. 13, 1829. Foldg. tables 15-16. (H. R. 84 — No. 16.) Schedule 5. Contracts entered into on the Ligonier line of the Western division, betw. Nov. 10, 1828, and Nov. 15, 1829. Foldg. table 17. (H. R. 85 — No. 17.) Comparative stmt, showing amt. and value of work originally estimated to be required on 21 sees, of the Ligonier line. Western division — amt. and value of what is now done, etc. [Nov., 1829]. p. 266.* Foldg. tables 18-20. (H. R. 88 — No. 2.) Tabular view of work extending from sees. 95-184, character and amt. of work, and cost, signed by Alex. C. Twining, engr. Dec. 1, 1829. p. 190.* Foldg. table 21. (H. R. 93— No. 7.) Stmt. E. A Ust of work which has been re-let on the Juniata divi- sion, Dec. 5, 1828-Dec. 5, 1829, by James Clarke, acting comr. Foldg. table 22. (H. R. 94 — No. 8.) Stmt. F. Stmt, of estimates of the sees, on the lower line of the Juniata division, and payments made thereon ; by James Clarke, acting comr. Dec. 5. 1829. Foldg. table 23. (H. R. 95 — No. 9.) Stmt. G. Stmt, of estimates of the Incidental work on the Juniata division, and payments made thereon ; by James Clarke, acting comr.. Dec. 5. 1829. Foldg. table 24. (H. R. 96 — No. 10.) Stmt. H. List of persons who are and have been engaged In the engr. corps and canal office, their time of service and amt. of wages, 1828/9, on the Juniata division. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd FjIV General Assembly — cont'd Nov. 3, 182!). April 7, 1830— cont'd .Journal of the llouse — cont'd Contents : — cont'd p. 277.* Foldg. table 25. (H. R. 101 — No. 3.) Tabular stmt, of work done on the eastern division from Duncan's Island to the mouth of the Swatara, Dec. 1, 1828- June 1, 1829, under charge of Wm. Wilson, supt. and from June 9. 1829-Nov. 25. 1829, under charge of John Forrey, Jr.. acting comr. Foldg. table 26. (11. R. 102 — No. 4.) Tabular stmt, of work done on the eastern division, from the mouth of the Swatara to Columbia, agreeably to returns of the engrs. reed, at the office of John Forrey, Jr.. acting comr. June 25-Dec. 9, 1828. Foldg. table 27. (H. R. 103 — No. 5.) List of contracts made on behalf of the state bv Wm. Wilson, supt. on eastern division. Nov. 3. 1828-June 1. 1829, rel. to old line of said division, extending from Duncan's Island to the mouth of the Swatara. Foldg. tables 28-29. (H. R. 104 — No. 6.) List of con- tracts made on behalf of the state by .John Forrey, Jr., acting comr. on the Eastern Division, June 10- Nov. 2. 1829, rel. to old line of said division, extend- ing from Duncan's Island, to the mouth of the Swatara. p. 281.'* Foldg. tables 30-31. (H. R. 110— No. 2.) Stmt, of work done and payments made to contractors on estimates of the engrs. on Susquehanna division, from 1826 to Nov. 2. 1829. Foldg. tables 32-33. (H. R. Ill— No. 3.) Stmt, of work done, percentage retained and payments made to contractors on estimates of the engr., on the We.^t Branch [1826-1829]. Foldg. table 32 Is erroneously paged 277 Instead of 281. p. 288.* Foldg. table 34. (H. R. 115 — No. 2.) Stmt. A. exhibit- ing the contractors' names, contract prices, quantities of work done and amt. paid. 1828/9. Foldg. table 35. (H, R. 116 — No. 3.) Stmt. B, exhibit- ing the contract prices, amt. due. and amt. paid on the mechanical work, 1828/9. Foldg. table 35. (H. R. 117 — No. 4.) Stmt. C, exhibit- ing a list of persons empioved on the engr. dept. with the salary of each, 1828/9. p. 299.* Foldg. tables 36-38. (H. R. 122— No. 2.) List contain- ing the quantit,v of work done on each sec. of the North Branch division, from Nantlcoke Falls to Northumberland, showing also the cost of said work at contract prices, and amt. incl. cash and certificates paid to each contractor. Including the estimate taken Nov. 20, 1829. Foldg. table 39. (H. R. 123— No, 3.) List of supts.. engrs. and others, who have been employed on the North Branch division since the return made in Nov.. 1829 (sic, 1828), exhibiting also the no. of days of service rendered by each person, and their resp. wages ; damages paid on the North Branch Division. 1828/9. Foldg. tables 40-41. (H. R. 124 — No. 4.) List of con- tracts entered into for the construction of the canals and other works connected therewith, since the last ann. return. Nov., 1829 [1828?], together with the prices agreed to be paid for the several Items of work, p. 301.* Foldg. tables 42-43. (H. R. 125 — No. 5.) Stmt, showing the items and cost of work not done on the North Branch Division, p. 308.* Foldg. table 44. (H. R. 128— No. 2.) Stmt. A, showing work done under the original contracts on the several sees, of the French Creek Feeder, since Nov. 15, 1828, amt. paid since that date, and amt. now due (Nov., 1829?). p. 315.* Foldg. table 45. (H. R. 1.34 — No. 3.) Stmt. A. exhibit- ing a list of all contracts entered Into for the road formation of 40 miles of rwy., Feb. 19 to Nov. 2, 1829. specifying date of each contract, prices of the differ- ent kinds of work, per cent retained, and amt, paid on each section. Foldg. table 46. (H. R. 135 — No. 3.) Stmt. B. exhibit- ing list of all contracts entered Into for mechanical work on that part of rwy. under contract, Feb. 17- Nov. 2, 1829, specifying date of each contract, prices of different kinds of work, per cent retained, and amts. paid on each : stmt. C, exhibiting list of all contracts entered into for fencing, July 22-Nov. 2, 1829, prices, and amt. paid. Refers to vol. 2 of House ]ol. 44 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIV General Assembly — cont'd Nov. 3, 1829-Aprll 7, 1830 — cont'd Joumul of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd p. 317.* Foldg. table 47. (H. R. 136 — No. 5.) Table exhibiting probable cost of work unfinished, Nov. 15, 1829. p. 585.' unnum. foldg. tables (3). (No. 183.) Abstr. of returns of fees reed., 1827-1829, made In pursuance of act taxing certain offices, p, 649.» This should be p. 634. Foldg. tables 48-50. (No. 231.) Kept, of warden of Western Penitentiary resp. prisoners In 1829. Jan. 1, 1830. Folds, tables 51-54. (no doc. no.) Heturn of the militia and volunteers of Penn.. 1829. Two copies of V. 3 were seen ; one In the Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phlla., and one in the Penn. State Library. . Same, In German. Not seen. Jacob Baab, was elected prtr. (House jol. 1829/30:20.) LV General Assembly Dec. 7, 1830-Aprll 5, 1831 Senate Journal. 2 vols. [v. 1.] Harrlsburg: H. Welsh, 1830-31. 735, 58 pp. V. 2. Containing uppendix to v. 1. Harrlsburg: U. Welsh, 1830-31. 561, 7 pp. Contents : pp. 3-29. Docs, ace Govs. mess, of Dec. 8, 1830. Corresp. rel. to charter loans from banks of common- wealth under act of Dec. 7, 1829. pp. 3-24. Res. of leglsl. of Conn, and La. rel. to tariff laws of U. S. pp. 24-28. Communication from Clement Dorsey of Md. with petition rel. to Inspection of tobacco In Phlla. pp. 28-29. pp. 30-72. Ann. rept of canal comrs., 1829/30. Read Dec. 21, 1830. pp. 72-421. Docs. ace. rept. of canal comrs. 1. Rept. of the engrs. apptd. to survey the Alle- gheny Portage. Dec. 18. 1830. pp. 72-80. Western Division 2. Rept. of S. Jones, supt. Dec. 1, 1830. pp. 80-89. 3. Rept. of Sylvester Welch, principal engr. Dec. 6, 1830. pp. 80-96. 4. [Schedules of contracts.] Nov. 20, 1829, to Nov. 19, 1830. foldg. tables 1-3, p. 97. 5. Stmt, of labor done and money paid, Nov. 20, 182(i, to Nov. 19, 1830. foldg. tables 4-5, p. 97. 6. Repairs of the Division, under lute acting comr., Sept. 1, 1829-June 1, 1830. foldg. table 5, p. 97. 7. Stmt, of work done and moneys paid on the Alle- gheny line, .Nov. 20, 1829, to Nov. 20, 1830. foldg. table G. p. 97. 8. Same ; Klsklminetas line, foldg. table 6, p. 97. 9. Same ; Klsklminetas and tonemaugh line, foldg. table 6, p. 97. 10. Schedule of damages, Nov. 20, 1829-Nov. 20, 1830. foldg. tiible 6, p. 97. 11. Stmt, of labor done, moneys paid, amts. due, etc., on Llgonler line, foldg. tables 7-13, p. 97. Tables 6 and 7 are both on one sheet. 12. Schedule of payments to engrs., and other per- sons employed, Nov. 20, 1829, to Nov. 20, 1830. foldg. table 13, p. 97. 13. Schedule of misc. payments, Nov. 20, 1829, to Nov. 20, 1830. foldg. table 13, p. 97. 14. Schedule of engrs. and other persons employed [1830J. foldg. table 14, p. 97. 15. List of engrs. and others engaged In survey of Allegheny I'ortage. folilg. table 14, p. 97. Juniata Division 16. Rept. of Jas. Taggurt, supt. Nov. 9, 1830. pp. 97-99 17. Rent, of Jas. Ferguson, engr. Nov. 30, 1830. pp. 99-100. 18. Amt. paid, amt. of forfeitures, and balance yet to pay, on sees, of canal betw. the mouth of the Juniata and Lewistown. foldg. table 15, p. 100. 19. Same ; sees. betw. Lewistown and Huntingdon, foldg. table 15, p. 100. 20. Amt. paid, etc., on Incidental work, foldg. table 10, p. 100. 21. Abstr. of the tables, foldg. table 10. p. 100. 22. Payments since rept. of Nov. 9, 1830. foldg. table 10, p. 100. • Refers to vol. 2. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LV General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 7. 1830-April 5. 1831— cont'd Senate Journal — cont'd Contents ; — cont'd Juniata Division — cont'd 23. Work re-let and contracted for since Dec. 5, 1829. foldg. table 17, p. 100. 24. Abstr. of amt. paid on the various kinds of work on the Juniata division of the Penn. Canal, foldg. table 17. p. 100. 25. The Juniata Division of Penn. Canal In acct. with the Commonwealth, July-Dec, 1830. foldg. table 17, p. 100. 26. List of oflScers and agts. employed, Dec. 6, 1830. foldg. table 17, p. 100. 27. Communication from Wm. B. Mitchell, super- visor ; repairs. Nov. 20. 1830. pp. 100-101. Eastern Division 28. Rept. of John Barber, supt. Dec. 7, 1830. pp. 101-103. 29. Stmt, of work done, amt. of monies paid and percentage retained on Eastern division, from Dun- can's Island to the mouth of the Swatara, Nov. 25, 1829, to June 10, 1830, under charge of John Forrey, Jr., and from June 11 to Nov. 25, 1830, under charge of John Barber, foldg. table 18, p. 203. 30. Same, from mouth of the Swatara to Columbia, foldg. table 18, p. 203. 31. List of contracts made by John Forrey, Jr., Nov. 2, 1829, to June 10, 1830, rel. to old line from Duncan's Island to the mouth of the Swatara. foldg. table 19, p. 203. 32. Stmt, of monies paid to engrs., supt., clerk and others, Dec. 9, 1829, to Nov. 25, 1830. foldg. table 19, p. 203. 33. Stmt, of monies paid as damages (Dec. 9, 1829, to Nov. 25, 1S30]. foldg. table 19, p. 203. 34. Rept. of Edwd. F. Gay, engr. Dec. 6, 1830. pp. 104-108. 35. Rept. of Edwd. F. Gay. engr.. upon a connexion betw. the canal and Susquehanna River, at Harrls- burg. pp. 108-110. North and West Branch and Susquehanna divisions 36. Rept. of James P. Bull, supt. Dec. 1, 1830. pp. 110-117. 37. Stmt, showing actual cost and original estimate cost, amt. forfeited, and amt. actually paid, Dec. 1, 1830; North Branch division, foldg. tables 20-23, p. 117. 38. Stmt, of damages paid on the North Branch division of Penn. Canal, Nov. 1, 1829, to Nov. 1, 1830. foldg. table 24, p. 117. 39. List of officers employed on the North Branch division of the I'enn. Canal, during year preceding the first Monday in November, 1830, with their com- pensation, foldg. table 24, p. 117. 40. Stmt, showing actual cost, original estimated cost, amt. forfeited, and amt. actually paid on sees, of West Branch division of Penn. and balance due contractors Nov. 30, 1830. foldg. tables 24-26, p. 117. 41. Stmt, of damage paid on the West Branch di- vision of the Penn. Canal, in the year preceding the first Monday In November, 1830. foldg. table 24, p. 117. 42. DIst of persons employed on the Susquehanna and West Branch divisions of the Penn. Canal, with salary from Nov. 15, 1829, to Nov. 30, 1830. foldg. table 24, p. 117. 43. Stmt, of damage paid to Individuals on the Sus- quehanna division of the Penn. Canal In the year preceding the first Monday in November, 1829. foldg. table 24, p. 117. 44. Rept. of F. W. Rawlc, upon the Lewlsburg Canal, ncc. with an estimate of the cost. Nov. 22, 1830. pp. 117-118. Delaware Division 45. Rept. of Thos. G. Kennedy, supt., Incl. stmt, of cost of works upon the division. Nov. 1, 1830. pp. 119-127. 46. Stmt, showing location of the mechanical work, pp. 128-134. French Creek Feeder 47. Rept. of Wm. Dickson, supervisor. Dec. 3, 1830. pp. 135-136. 48. Rept. of B. B. Vincent, engr., upon n survey of a line of canal from Conncaut Lake to Lake ^.rie, with an estimate of tile lost. Nov. 25, 1830. pp. 136- 105. 49. Estimate of Wm. DIckRun, supervisor, of the cost of constructing a canal from Conneaut Lake to Lake Erie. Dec. 14, 1830. pp. 106188. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 45 (Spd. Jol. 792, 48 pp. one In the COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LV General Assembly — -eont'd Dec. 7. 1830-Aprll 5, 1831— cont'd Senate Journal — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Pennsylvania Rwy. 50. Rept. of John Barber, supt., ncc. with a stmt, of expenditures. Dee. 4. 1830. pp. 188-193. 51. Tabular stmt, of work done, monies paid, per- centage retained, and amts. yet due on the Penn. Rwy. Nov. 15, lS2f>, to Nov. 25, IS.'iO. foldg. tables 27-28. p. 193. 52. List of contracts entered Into on the part of the state, by John Barber, supt., Aug. 15, 1829, to Nov. 1, 1830, with prices, foldg. table 29, p. 193. 53. Stmt, of monies paid to engrs., sunt., clerk and others employed on the Phila. Rwy., Nov. 2, 1829, to Nov. 25, 1830, with salary of each, foldg. table 29, p. 193. 54. Engrs.. supt.. clerk and others employed on the line, foldg. table 29, p. 193. [55.] Stmt, of amt. paid as damages Nov. 15, 1829, to Nov. 25, 1830. foldg. table 29, p. 193. 56. Journal of the bd. of canal comrs., March 15, 1830, to Jan. 4, 1831. pp. 193-421. pp. 421-425. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb. Read Jan. 4, 1831. pp. 426-455. Communication from auditor gen., Jan. 4, 1831. with stmt, of banks. Read Jan. 5, 1831. pp. 455-473. 2 ann. rept. of bd. of Inspectors of Eastern State Penitentiary, 1830. Rend Jan. 7, 1831. pp. 474-561. Rept. of comrs, apptd. under res. of March 23, 1830, rel. to revised code of Penn.. being revision of statutes rel. to registers and registers' courts, and pro- ceedings in orphans' courts, required by 6th art. of said res. Read Feb. 2, 1831. Index, pp. 3-7. Same, in German. Not seen. H. Ruby was elected prtr. 1830/1, V. 1 : 33.) Journal of the House. 3 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1830-31. Three copies of v. 1 were compared, viz Penn. State Library, one in the Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phlla., and one In the Library of Congress. V. 2. Containing messages, repts. and documents [nos. 1-269]. Harrisburg: H. Welsh, 1830-31. 895, 8 pp. Contents : Doc. 1. Communication from Roberts Vaux, secy, of bd. of mngrs. of Penn. Hospital, Dec. 1. 1830, with stmt, of affairs, pp. 3-11. Read Dec. 8. 1830. Docs. 2-5. Mess, from Gov. TWolf], with docs. [3-5]. Dec. 8, 1830. pp. 12-51. Doc. 3. Corresp. rel. to charter loans from several banks of commonwealth, under act of Dec. 7, 1829. pp. 26-47. Doc. 4. Res. of leglsl. of Conn, and La., rel. to tariff laws of II. S. pp. 47-51. Doc. 5. Communication from Clement Doraey of Md. with petition rel. to establishment of Inspection of tobacco in Phila. March 20, 1830. pp. 51-52. Docs. 6-7. Communication from surveyor gen., with stmt. of business of dept. Dec. 9. 1830. pp. 53-55. Docs. 8-9. Communication from secy, of land office, Dec. 8. 1830, with stmt, of business of dept. Read Dec. 10, 1830. pp. 55-57. Doc. 10. Communication from comrs. of internal Improve- ment fund, with docs. rel. to procs. under act of April 2, 1830, directing repayment of loans from certain banks. Read. Dec. 11, 1830. pp. 58-65. Doc. 11. Rept. of committee on claims; claim of Paul Bertlet, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 14, 1830. pp. 65- 66. Doc. 12. Same : claim of David Donley, Revolutlonnrv soldier. Dec. 14, 1830. p. 66. Docs. 13-14. Rept. of Mr. Petrlkin, teller on part of House, to officiate at election of U. S. senator. t)ec. 14, 1830. pp. 67-88. Docs. 15-16. Same. Dec. 15, 1830. pp. 89-119. Doc. 17. Communication from pros, of Germantown and Perklomen Turnpike Road Co., Dec. 10, 1830, with abstr. of accts. Read Dec. 16, 1830. pp. 119-120. Docs. 18-19.1 Rept. of Mr. Petrlkin, teller on part of House, to officiate .it election of U. S. senator. Dec. 16, 1830. pp. 121-133. Doc. 19.2 Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of Dennis Carroll, Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 17, 1830. p. 134. Doc. 20. Rept. of committee of accts. ; acct. of clerk. Dec. 20, 1830. pp. 134-135. Doc. 21. Rept. of committee on estates and escheats ; legacy bequeathed to John Hess. Dec. 22, 1830. p. 136. Doc. 22. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of John Nelson, son of Wm. Nelson, Revolutlonarv soldier. Dec. 22, 1830. p. 137. Doc. 23. Rept. of committee on estates and escheats : sale of trust estate of Nancy Wharton. Dee. 22, 1830. p. 137. Doc. 24. Rept. of committee on claims ; claim of John Ralston, Revolutionary soldier, Dec. 22, 1830. p. 138. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LV General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 7, laso-Aprtl 5, 1831 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 25. Mess, from Gov. [Wolf] ace. canal comrs'. repts. Dec. 22, 1830. p. 138. Doc. 2G. Ann. rept. of canal comrs. of Penn., 1829/30. pp. 1. -'.0-178. Docs. 27-82. Docs. ace. rept. of canal comrs. pp. 178-529. Doc. 2*7 — no. 1. Rept. of engrs. apptd. to survey the Allegheny Portage. Dec. 18, 1830. pp. 180-188. Docs. rel. to Western division Doc. 28 — no. 2. Rept. of S. Jones, supt. Dec. 1, 1830. pp. 188-197. Doc. 29 — no. 3. Rept. of Sylvester Welch, principal engr. Dec. 6. 1830. pp. 197-204. Docs. 30-41 — nos. 4-15. See v. 3, containing the tables, tables 1-14. Docs. rel. to the Juniata division Doc. 42 — no. 16. Kept, of Jas. Taggart, supt. Nov. 9, 1830. pp. 205-207. Doc. 43- — no. 17. Rept. of Jas. Ferguson, engr. Nov. 30, 1830. pp. 207-208. Docs. 44-52 — nos. 18-26. See v. 3, containing the tables, tables 15-17. Doc. 53 — no. 27. Communication from Wm. B. Mitch- ell, supervisor, rel. to repairs. Nov. 20, 1830. pp. 208-200. Docs. rel. to Eastern division Doc. 54 — no. 28. Rept. of John Barber, supt. Dec. 7, 1830. pp. 209-211. Docs. 55-59 — nos. 29-33. See v. 3, containing the tables, tables 18-19. Doc. 60 — no. 34. Rept. of Edwd. F. Gay, engr., upon the eastern division and 10 ml. of Susquehanna di- vision. Dec. 6, 1830. pp. 212-216. Doc. 61 — no. 35. Rept. of Edwd. F. Gay, upon con- nection betw. canal and Susquehanna River at Har- risburg. pp. 216-218. Docs. rel. to North and West Branch and Susquehanna divisions Doc. 62 — no. 36. Rept. of Jas. P. Bull, supt. Dec. 1, 1830. pp. 218-225. Docs. 63-69 — nos. 37-43. See v. 3, containing the tables, tables 20-26. Doc. 70^no. 44. Rept. of F. W. Rawle. upon Lewls- burg Canal, with estimate of cost. Nov. 22, 1830. pp. 225-226. Docs. rel. to Delaware division Doc. 71 — no. 45. Rept. of Thos. G. Kennedy, supt., with stmt, of cost of works. Nov. 1, 1830. pp. 227- 235. Doc. 72 — no. 46. Stmt, showing location of mechani- cal work, lift of locks, etc. pp. 236-242. Docs. rel. to French Creek feeder Doc. 73 — no. 47. Rept. of Wm. Dickson, supervisor. Dec. 3, 1830. pp. 243-244. Doc. 74 — no. 48. Rept. of B. B. Vincent, engr., upon survey of canal line from Connenut Lake to Lake Erie, Nov. 25, 18,30. pp. 244-273. Doc. 75 — no. 49. Estimate of cost of canal from Conneaut Lake to Lake Erie by Wm. Dickson. Dec. 14, 1830. pp. 274-296. Docs. rel. to Penn. Rwy. Doc. 76 — no. 50. Rept. of John Barber, supt., with stmt, of expenditures. Dec. 4, 1830. pp. 296-301. Docs. 77-81 — nos. 51-55. See v. 3, containing the tables, tables 27-29. Doc. 82 — no. 56. Journal of bd. of cnnal comrs. March 15, 1830-,Tan. 4. 1831. pp. 301-529. Doc. 83. Communication from auditor gen., Dec. 24, 1830, rel. to his ann. rept. of finances. Read Jan. 4, 1831. pp. 529-530. Doc. 84. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb. 1830. Read Jan. 4. 1831. pp. 530-534. Docs. 85-86. Govs, mess., with res. from leglsl. of Vt.. rel. to proposed amdmts. of U. S. constitution with re- gard to election of pres. and vice-pres. Jan. 4, 1831. pp. 534-536. Doc. 87. Stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy.. first Monday in Nov., 1830. pp. 536-537. Doe. 88. Communication from state treasurer rel. to his ann. rept. Jan. 5, 1831. p. 537. Docs. 89-90. Communication from auditor gen., Jan. 4, 1831. with stmt, of certain banks. Read Jan. 5, 1831. pp. 537-566. Docs. 91-92. Govs, mess., with ann. stmt, of trustees of Dickinson College. Jan. 5. 1831. pp. 566-568. Docs. 93-94. Communication from treasurer of Union Canal Co. of Penn., Jan. 5, 1831, with stmt, of Union Canal lotteries. Read Jan. 7, 1831. pp. 568-571. 46 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LV General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 7, lS30-April 5. 1831— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents ; — cont'd Doc. 95. 2 ann. rept. of bd. of Inspectors of Eastern State Penitentiary. Read Jan. 7. 1831. pp. 571-589. Docs. 96-97. Communication from state treasurer. Jan. 6, 1831. with stmt, of contingent expenses of office, 1829/30. p. 590. Doc. 98. Communication from Peter S. Duponceau, Jan. 3. 1831. rel. to flag of American sill£ presented to House. pp. 591-592. Doc. 99. Rept. of committee on judiciary system rel. to authorizing truth to be given in evidence in actions or criminal prosecutions for Iil)el. Jan. 11, 1831. p. 593. Doc. 100. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement, rel. to further improvement of state by canals and Jan. 11, 1831. pp. 594-606. Doc. 101. Rept. of teller on part of House (Alexander) to otHciate at election of state treasurer. Jan. 11, 1831. pp. 606-609. Doc. 102. Rept. rel. to claim of Francis Burk, Revolution- ary soldier. Jan. 12. 1831. p. 610. Doc." 103. Same; claim of Jas. M'Kissici!. Revolutlonarv soldier. Jan. 12. 1831. p. 610. Doc. 104. Same : claim of Fred. Buriihart. Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 12. 1831. p. 611. Doc. 105. Stmt, of Ridge Turnpilie Co.. 1830. Jan. 13, 1831. pp. 611-612. Doc. 106. Rept. rel. to wagers on elections. Jan. 13. 1831. p. 612. Doc. 107. Rept. rel. to flag of American silk presented to House bv Peter S. Duponceau. Jan. 14. 1831. pp. 613- 614. Doc. 108. Rept. rel. to Schuvlkill Permanent Bridge Co. at Phlla. Read Jan. 15. 1831. pp. 615-616. Doc. 109. Rept. rel. to claim of Saml. M'Clung, Revolu- tionary soldier. Jan. 15, 1831. pp. 616-617. Doc. 110. Same: claim of Matthew George, Revolutlonarv soldier. Jan. 15, 1831. p. 617. Doc. 111. Rept. rel. to finances of commonwealth. Jan. 19. 1831. pp. 618-630. Doc. 112. Rept. rel. to estate of Saml. Graves, late of Bed- ford Co. Jan. 19, 1831. p. 631. Doc. 113. Rept. rel. to authorizing guardian of Chas. Delavan, to convey real estate. Jan. 20, 1831. p. 631. Doc. 114. Rept. rel. to state road In Berks and Schuvlkill cos. Jan. 20. 1831. p. 632. Doc. 115. Rept. rel. to state road from Union Furnace to FoglesvIUe. Jan. 20, 1831. p. 632. Doc. 116. Rept. upon complaints agst. Benj. Van Campen. justice of peace of Potter Co. Jan. 20. 1831. pp. 633- 634. Doc. 117. Rept. rel. to extending chains across streets In Phlla. during divine service. Jan. 21. 1831. pp. 634-636. Doc. 118. Rept. upon complaints agst. Robt. Porter, pres. Judge of 3 Judicial distr. Jan. 31. 1831. pp. 636-637. Doc. 119. Communication from Peter S. Duponceau rel. to House res., adopted upon receiving from him flag of American silk. Jan. 22. 1831. p. 637. Doc. 120. Communication from state treasurer, Jan. 24. 1831, rel. to amt. of apprns. to turnpikes, bridges, rivers, etc., unpaid. Read Jan. 26, 1831. pp. 038-639. Doc. 121. Rept. rel. to sundry owners or possessors of Reynolds tract of land, Bucks Co. Jan. 26, 1831. pp. 639-641. Doc. 122. Rept. rel. to general system of education. Jan. 27, 1831. pp. 641-647. Doc. 123. Communication from auditor gen.. Jan. 25, 1831, rel. to amt. of apprns. to turnpikes, bridges, rivers, etc., remaining unpaid. Read Jan. 28, 1831. foldg table betw. pp. 648 and 649. The above Is the location of doc. 123 In vols, seen In the Hist. Soc.v. of I'enn. and in the Penn. State Library; It Is given In v. 3 of the copy In the N. Y. Public Library (last table). Doc. 124. Rept. rel. to acct. of clerk of House. Jan. 28, 1831. p. 648. Doc. 125. Rept. rel. to Incorporating Germanvllle Glass Mnfg. Co. of Wavne Cb. Jan, 28. 1831. pp. 648-654. Doc. 126. Rept, rel. to sale of Walnut St. Prison, and removal of prisoners. Jan. 28. 1831. p. 6.14. DoCB. 127-128. Communication from pres. of Union Canal Co., Jan. 27. 1831. with stmt, of tolls [1828-1831]. Read Jan. 20. 1831. pp. 635-657. Doc. 129. Rept. rel. to claim of Catherine Shelfllev, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 20, 1831. p. 65'r. Doc. 130. Rept. rel. to abolishing militia system. Jan. 31, 1831. p. 6.58. Doe. 131. Rept. rel. to claim of Margaret Smith, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 31. 1831. pp. 658-659. Doc. 132. Same ; claim of John Russell, soldier of late war. Jan. 31, 1835. p. 659. Docs. 133-134. Govs. mess., with rept. of ecunrs. npjitd. to revise laws, being revision of statutes rel. to registers' and orphans' courts. Feb. 2, 1831. pp. 660-747. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LV General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 7. 1830-April 5, 1831— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Docs. 135-136. Govs. mess.. Feb. 4, 1831, with communica- tion from Gov. of Ind. rel. to Improvement of navigation of Ohio River. Read Feb. 5. 1831. pp. 747-749. Doc. 137. Rept. upon claim of Jane Archer, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 5. 1831. pp. 749-750. Doc. 138. Same; claim of Mary Tims, widow of Revolu- tionary soldier. Feb. 5, 1831. p. 750. Doc. 139. Same ; claim of Jos. Reid. Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 5. 1831. pp. 750-751. Doc. 140. Stmt.. of funds of Univ. of Penn. Jan. 1, 1831. Read Feb. 8. 1831. p. 751. Doc. 141. Rept. of comrs. of Internal improvement fund, Feb. 7, 1831. pp. 753-758. Doc. 142. Rept. upon Northampton Horse Insurance Co. Feb. 8. 1831. p. 758. Doc. 143. Rept. rel. to examination of public property in State Arsenal at Harrlsburg. Feb. 9, 1831. p. 759. Doc. 144. Rept. upon Pennsbury Canal and R.U. Feb. 10, 1831. pp. 759-760. Doc. 145. Rept. upon assessment of damages caused by construction of Penn. Canal. Feb. 10. 1831. p. 760. Doc. 146. Rept. upon res. for altering time of ann. rept. of comrs. of internal improvement fund. Feb. 10, 1831. pp. 760-761. Doc. 147. Rept. upon memorial of comrs. named In act incorporating Sandy and Beaver Canal Co. Feb. 11, 1831. p. 761. Doc. 148. Rept. upon memorial of sundry members of Cabinet of Natural Sciences of Montgomery Co. Feb. 11, 1831. p. 761. Doc. 149. Rept. upon petition of inhabitants of Mifflin Co. rel. to construction of dam and out-let lock upon Juniata River at mouth of Tuscarora Creek. Feb. 11, 1831. p. 762. Doc. 150. Rept. upon petition of sundry contractors on Penn. canal, rel. to interest on certain contracts. Feb. 11. 1831. p. 762. Doc. 151. Rept. upon petition of Lewis Horton, mail con- tractor, rel. to damages. Feb. 11, 1831. p. 763. Doc. 152. Rept. upon petition of Abraham Shaffer, rel. to damages for loss of ark and freight. Feb. 11, 1831. p. 763. Doc. 153. Rept. upon petition of Philip Arnold and others rel. to damages. Feb. 11, 1831. p. 764. Doc. 154. Kept, upon acct. of Saml. Roberts, witness, rel. to Walnut St. Prison. Feb. 11, 1831. p. 764. Doc. 155. Rept. upon petition of Michael Shafer and Philip Moser, executors of Michael Walborn, rel. to executing deed to Geo. Smith. Feb. 11, 1831. p. 765. Doc. 156. Rept. of pres. and directors of Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co. Jan. 31, 1831 [I. e., 1830]. Read Feb. 12, 1831. pp. 765-767. Doc. 157. Abstr. of receipts and expenditures of Chesa- peake and Ohio Canal Co. Feb. 12, 1831. pp. 767-769. Doc. 158. Rept. upon petition of John Headlee rel. to sale of estate of John Headlee, jr., deceased. Feb. 14, 1831. p. 769. Doc. 159. Rept. upon petition rel. to killing of deer. Feb. 14, 1831. p. 770. Doc. 160. Rept. upon acct. of Saml. R. Wood, witness rel. to Walnut St. Prison. Feb. 14. 1831. p. 770. Doc. 161. Communication from C. G. Chllds. with volume of views in Phlla. Feb. 15. 1831. p. 771. Doc. 162. Rept. upon claim of Elizabeth Curry, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 15, 1831. p. 771. Doc. 163. Rept. upon Senate bill to Incorporate American Insurance Co. of Phila. Feb. 16. 1831. pp. 772-776. Doc. 164. Rept. upon petition of Wra. Smith rel. to Interest upon sale of property occupied by Delaware division of Penn. Canal. Feb. 16, 1831. pp. 776-777. Poc. 16."). Stmt, of pres. and mngrs. of Lnncaster-Schuyl- klll bridge. Read Feb. 17. 1831. pp. 777-778. Doc. 166. Rept. upon [M'tltlon rel. to state road from New Hope to Md. line. Feb. 17, 1831. p. 778. Doc. 167. Rept. upon petition rel. to sale of real estate of Marlnda and Marv Woodford. Feb. IS. 1831. p. 779. Doc. 168. Govs. mess.. Feb. 18. 1831. with letter from secy. of war of U. S. and docs. rel. to jurisdiction of arsenal site at Frankford, near Phlla. Feb. 19. 1831. pp. 779- 782. Doc. 169. Ann. rept. of Inspectors of Western State Penitentiary. Read Feb. 19, 1831. pp. 782-794. and v. 3, tables 30-33. Doc. 170. Ri'iit. uiiou petition of John P. Sch\iyler. late contractor upon Susquehanna division of Penn. Canal. Feb. 19, 1831. p. 794. Doc. 171. Rept. ujion petition, rel. to Carlisle and Susque- hanna R.R. Co. Feb. 19, 1S31. p. 794. Doc. 172. Rept. upon i)etltlon of Peter A. Kartbaus, rel. to r.r. In Clearfield Co. Feb. 19, 1831. p. 795. Doc. 173. Rei)t. upon petition of Jas. Rowan, rel. to leasing certain real estate. Feb. 19, 1831, p. 795. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 47 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LV General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 7, 1830-Aprll 5, 1S31 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Docs. 174-175. Govs. mess, with communication from Gov. of Ohio and rept. and res. of Gen. Asscin. rel. to apprn. of money bv general govt, for Colonization Socy. Feb. 21. 1831. pp. 796-797. „ , „ , Doc. 176. State of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy. Head !• eh. 21, 1831. p. 79.S. Doc. 177. Rept. rel. to lotterle.-! and vending of lottery tickets. Feb. 21, 1831. pp. 799-802. Docs. 178-179. Govs. mess, with rept. of adj. gen. Feb. 22. 1831. pp. 802-803. Doc. ISO. See v. 3. containing the tables, tables 34-38. Doc. 181. Rept. upon fee bill. Feb. 22, 1831. p. 804. Doc. 182. Rept. upon petition rel. to measurer of carpen- ters', plasterers', etc., work in Harrisburg. Feb. 22, 1831. p. 804. Doc. 183. Rept. upon petition rel. to election of additional constable in Unity township. Westmoreland Co. Feb. 23, 1831. p. 805. Docs. 184-185. Govs. mess.. Feb. 23, 1831, with communi- cation from Gov. of Md. enclosing res. of Gen. Assem. rel. to dams erected in Susquehanna River. Read Feb. 24, 1831. pp. 805-809. Doc. 186. Rept. upon petition for state road in 'Wash- ington and Beaver cos. Feb. 24, 1831. p. 809. Doc. 187. Rept. upon claim of Henry Raub, soldier of late war. Feb. 24, 1831. p. 810. Doc. 188. Rept. upon petition rel. to state road from Mariettta and Lancaster turnpike road to Rankin's ferry. Feb. 25, 1831. p. 811. Doc. 189. Kept, upon petition of guardians of minor children of Christian Hoover, jr., rel. to executing deed for certain tract of land. Feb. 26, 1831. pp. 811-812. Doc. 190. Rept. upon petition rel. to apprn. for improving road from Conemaugh to point betw. towns of Newry and Bedford. Feb. 26, 1831. p. 812. Doc. 191. Rept. upon petition for construction of r.r. from Phlla. to Delaware state line. Feb. 26, 1831. p. 812. Doc. 192. Rept. upon petition of sundry contractors upon Juniata division of Penn. Canal rel. to remeasurements. Feb. 26, 1831. p. 813. Doc. 193. Rept. of committee on corporations upon sundry petitions for Incorporation. Feb. 26, 1831. pp. 813-815. Doc. 194. Rept. upon petition rel. to alteration of law regulating taxes In Columbia, Lancaster Co. Feb. 26, 1831. p. 815. Doc. 195. Rept. upon petition rel. to incorporating Mont- gomery Mining Co. Feb. 26, 1831. pp. 815-816. Doc. 196. Rept. upon petition rel. to Incorporating Kings- ton into a borough. Feb. 26. 1831. p. 816. Doc. 197. Rept. upon petition, rel. to repealing act In- corporating borough of Towanda. Feb. 26, 1831. p. 816. Doc. 198. Rept. upon petition of Jonas Yocum, rel. to refunding money paid Into state treasury. Feb. 26, 1831. p. 817. Doc. 199. Rept. upon petition of Asa Forrest, rel. to exoneration of militia fine. Feb. 28. 1831. p. 817. Doc. 200. Rept. upon acct. of Jas. Smith, sergeant-at-arms. Feb. 28, 1831. p. 818. Doc. 201. Rept. upon petition of Peter Ebey. rel. to sale and conveyance of plot of ground. March 2, 1831. p. 818. Doc. 202. Kept, upon petition for supplying borough of Harrisburg with water. March 2, 1831. p. 819. Doc. 203. Rept. upon petition of Geo. Sheiver and Geo. Mowry, administrators of Adam Schneider, to execute title for two lots of ground. March 3. 1831. p. 819. Docs. 204-205. Govs, mess., with communication from Gov. of Va enclosing acts of Gen. Assem. of 'Va. rel. to Chesa- peake and Ohio Canal Co. March 5, 1831. pp. 820-826. Doc. 206. Rept. upon claims of John Spering, Geo. Tripler, and Geo. Keller, Revolutionary soldiers. March 7, 1831. pp. 826-827. Doc. 207. Rept. upon claim of Henry Fiss. heir of Jacob Flss, Revolutionary soldier. March 7, 1831. pp. 827-828. Doc. 208. Rept. upon complaints agst. Jos. Bound, Justice of peace of Northumberland Co. March 7, 1831. pp. 828- 829. Docs. 209-210. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of accts. of canal comrs. March 11, 1831. pp. 829- 838. Doc. 211. Rept. upon petition of John Neyman and Mary Robb, administrators of estate of Isaac Rohb. rel. to executing deed for lot of ground. March 11, 1831. p. 830. Doc. 212. Rept. upon petition rel. to property held in trust for religious, charitable or literary purposes. March 11, 1831. p. 839. Doc. 213. Rept. upon petition rel. to partition of estate of Jacob Keelev. March 11, 1831. p. 840. Doc. 214. Rept. upon petition rel. to compensation for persons superintending inspectors' elections. March 11, 1831. p. 840. Doc. 215. Rent, upon petition rel. to payment of fees In certain criminal cases. March 12, 1831. p. 841. Doc. 216. Govs. mess. rel. to apptmt. of comrs. on part of Md. for removal of artificial obstructions to navigation in the Susquehanna. March 15. 1831. p. 841. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LV General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 7. 1830. April 5, 1831— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 217. Rept. upon res. extending power of the courts to sale of real estate. .March 17, 1831. p. 842. Doc 218. Rept. upon petition of Bethlehem guards. March 17, 1831. pp. 842-843. Doe 219. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of Chestnut and Spring House Turnpike Road Co., 1829/30. Read March 18, 1831. p. 843. Doc. 220. Rept. rel. to preservation of state capltol, public bldgs. and grounds. March 18. 1831. p. S44. Doc. 221. Rept. rel. to construction of culvert tor purpose of draining marshy land In front of capltol. March 18, 1831. p. 845. „ , Doc. 222. Rept. upon petition rel. to incorporating Metho- dist Episcopal church of Brooklyn. March 18, 1831. P- 845. ^ , Doc. 223. Rept. upon petition rel. to Incorporating Doyles- town. Into a borough. March 18. 1831. pp. 845-846. Doc 224. Rept. upon petition rel. to sale of estate of Hercules Kemp, deceased. March 18, 1831. p. 846. Doc. 225. Govs. mess., with communication from Gov. of Mass. enclosing res. of legisl. rel. to more perfect organiza- tion of militia of several states by U. S. Congress. March 19, 1831. pp. 846-.K47. Doc. 226. Communication from auditor gen., with rept. or comrs. for improvement of public ground at capitol. March 19, 1831. pp. 848-853. Doc. 227. Rept. upon petition of Midler and Drumheller rel to stagnant water at Easton. March 19. 1831. p. 853. Doc. 228. Kept, upon petition of Francis Brower and Abraham Brower, guardians of minor children of John Brower, deceased. March 19. 1831. pp. 853-854. Doc. 229. Rept. upon petitinn of Henry Brandon. Andrew Coulter and John M'Kee. guardians of minor children of Thos. Love, deceased. March 19, 1831. p. 854. Doc. 230. Rept. of committee on estates and escheats upon sundry petitions for sale of real estate, to legiti- mate Jesse "Major, and to appt. trustee of estate of Mary Jenkins, lunatic. March 19, 1831. pp. So4-85."i. Doc. 231. Rept. upon petition of David- Holliday and others rel. to sale of estate of Leah Evans. March 19, 1831. pp. 855-856. Doc. 232. Rept. upon petition of Henry Krowel, for com- pensation for materials used for making road. March 19, 1831. p. 856. Doc 233. Rept. upon claim of Dennis M'Cready, Revolu- tionary soldier. March 21. 1831. p. 856. Doc. 234". Rept. upon claim of Roger Stayner, Revolution- ary soldier. March 21, 1831. p. 857. Doc 235. Rept. upon claim of Geo. Espy, Revolutionary soldier. March 22, 1831. p. 857. Doc 236. Rept. upon complaints agst. Wm. Lynn. Justice of peace of Fayette Co. March 22. 1831. p. 858. Doc. 237. Govs. mess, with communication from Gov. of Mass. enclosing res. rel. to certain procs. of Ga. March 23, 1831. pp. 859-860. Doc 238. Rept. upon petition of sundry canal contractors. March 23, 1831. p. 861. Doc. 239, ^ept. upon petitions rel. to damages occasioned by construction of I'enn. Canal. March 23, 1S31. p. 861. „ ^ Doc. 240. Rept. upon petition of Rebecca H. Duncan, rel. to damages occasioned by construction of Penn. Canal. March 23, 1831. p. 862. Doc 241. Rept. upon petition of temperance society of Huntingdon Co. and others. March 23, 1831. p. 862. Doc 242. Rept. upon petition rel. to sale of ardent spirits. March 23, 1831. pp. 862-863. Doc 243. Rept. upon claim of Luther Thomas, volunteer of late war. March 24, 1831. pp. 863-864. Doc 244. Rept. on establishment of inspection of tobacco In Phlla. March 25, 1831. pp. 864-865. Doc 245 Rept. upon claim of Jas. M'Cormick, lock- keeper. March 26, 1831. p. 866. Doc 246. Rept. upon petition of guardians of minor chil- dren of Wm. Bell. March 26. 1831. p. 866. Doc 247. Rept. upon banks. March 26. 1831. pp. 866- 870. Doc. 248. Rept. upon petition rel. to exempting stalls m market houses in Phila. from rent. March 26, 1831. p. 870. Doc 249. Ann. rept. of hd. of mngrs. of House of Refuge. 1830. pp. 871-874. Doc 250. Communication from select and common coun- cils of Pittsburg. March 28, 1831. p. 875. Doc 251. Rept. upon petition of guardians of minor chil- dren of John Laughlin. March 28, 1831. pp. 875-87-:. Doc 252. Rept. upon petition of heirs of Ellas Youngman, rel. to partition of estate. March 28, 1831. p. 870. Doc. 253. Govs. mess., with communication from Gov. of Va. forwarding act of Gen. Assem. rel. to road in Va. and Penn. March 30. 1831. pp. 876-879. Doc. 254. Rept. upon complaints agst. John Young, presi- dent of 10 judicial dlstr. March 30, 1831. pp. 879-880. 48 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LV General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 7, 1830-April 5. 1831 — cont'd Journal of the nouse — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 255. Kept, upon petition of John Kolf, Jr., for di- vorce. April 1, 1S31. p. 880. Doc. 256. ISept. upon claims of sundr.v soldiers of Kevo- tlonarv war. April 1, 1831. pp. 880-881. Doc. 25'7. Rept. upon accts. of transcribing clerks. April 1, 1831. p. 881. Doc. 258. Kept, upon acct. of prtrs. of bills. April 1, 1831. pp. 881-882. Doc. 259. Rept. upon dams in Susquehanna River. April 1, 1831. pp. 882-883. Doc. 260. Rept. upon memorial of sundry Revolutionary officers and soldiers. April 2. 1831. pp. 883-884. Doc. 261. Rept. upon complaint agst. conirs. for receiving subscriptions to Phila. and Norristown R.R. Co. April 2, 1831. p. 884. Doc. 262. Stmt, of accts. of Little Schuylkill Navigation R.R. and Coal Co., Dec. 31, 1830. Read April 4, 1831. pp. 885-886. Doc. 263. Abstr. of accts. of Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turnpike Co. for year ending Nov. 2, 1830. Read April 14, 1831. p. 886. Doc. 264. Rept. upon acct. of prtr. of German Journal. April 4, 1831. pp. 887-888. Doc. 265. Rept. upon acct. of prtr. of English Journal. April 4, 1831. pp. 888-890. Doc. 266. Rept. upon settlement of clerk's acct. April 4, 1831. pp. 890-893. Doc. 267. Rept. upon memorials and remonstrances rel. to pawnbrokers, Phila. April 4, 1831. p. 894. Docs. 268-269. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of contingent expenses of dept. April 4, 1831. pp. 894-895. Index, pp. 1-8. V. 3. Containing the tables [to ace. v. 2]. Harrisburg : H. Welsh, 1830-31. 38 foldg. sheets. Doc. 30. Schedule of contracts on Western division of Pcnn. Canal, 1829/30. tables 1-3. Doc. 31. Stmt, of labor done and monevs paid on Pitts- burg and Pine Creek lines of Western division, 1829/30. tables 4-5. Doc. 33. Same: AUpghenv, 1829/30. table 6. Doc. 34. Same ; Kiskeminetas, 1829/30. table 6. Doc. 35. Same ; Kiskeminetas and Conemaugh, 1829/30. table 6. Doc. 36. Schedule of damages paid on Western division, 1829/30. table 0. Doc. 37. Tabular stmt, of work done, mone.v paid, etc., upon Ligonler line of Western division, tables 7-13. Doc. 40. Schedule of engrs. and other persons employed on Western division, table 14. Doc. 41. List of engrs. and other persons engaged in sur- vey of Allegheny Portage. Western division, table 14. Doc. 44. Amt. paid, etc., upon several sees, of Juniata division from Duncan's Island to Ijewistown. table 15. Doc. 45. Amt. paid, etc., upon several sees, of Juniata division from Lewistown to Huntingdon, table 15. Doc. 46. Amt. paid on incidental work on Juniata di- vision, table 16. Doc. 47. Abstr. of tables rel. to Juniata division, table 16. Doc. 48. Payments made on Juniata division since report of Nov. 9, 1830. table 16. Doc. 49. Work relet and contracted for on Juniata di- vision since Dec. 5, 1829. table 17. Doc. 50. Abstr. of amt. paid on various kinds of work on Juniata division, table 17. Doc. 51. Stmt, of acct. of supt. of Juniata division, table 17. Doc. 52. List of officers and agts. employed on Juniata division. Dec. 6, 1830. table 17. Doc. 55. Tabular stmt, of work done, money paid, etc., on Eastern division from Duncan's Island to mouth of Swatara. 1829/30. table 18. Doc. 56. Tabular stmt, of work done, money paid, etc., on Eastern division from mouth of Swatara to Columbia, 1829/30. table 18. Doc. 57. List of contracts from Nov. 2. 1829, to June 10, 1830, on Eastern division from Duncan's Island to mouth or Swatara. table 19. Doc. 58. Stmt, of money paid to engrs., supts., etc., on Eastern division. 1829/30. table 19. Doc. 59. Stmt, of money paid as damages on Eastern di- vision, 1829/30. table 19. Doc. 63. Stmts, showing actual cost, original estimates. etc., of works on West Branch division. Dec. 1, 1830. tables 20-23. Doc. 64. Stmt, of damages paid on North Branch division, 1829/30. table 24. Doc. 65. List of ofHcers employed on North Branch di- vlslnn, 1829/30. table 24. Doc. 66. Stmts, showing actual cost, original estimates. etc., of works on West Branch dlvlBlon. tables 24-26. Doc. 67. DaiDBCes paid on West Branch division, 1829/30. table 20. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LV General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 7, 1830-Aprll 5, 1831 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 68. List of persons employed on Susquehanna and West Branch divisions. 18-J9/30. table 26. Doc. 69. Damages paid on Susquehanna division, 1829/30, table 26. Doc. 77. Tabular stmt, of work done, money paid, etc., on Penn. Rwy., 1829/30. tables 27-28. Doc. 78. Contracts on Penn. Rwy., Aug. 15, 1829, to Nov. 1, 1830. table 29. Doc. 79. Stmt, of money paid engrs., etc., on Penn. Rwy., 1829/30. table 29. Doe. 80. Engrs., supt., clerk and other persons employed on line, 1829/30. table 29. [Doc. 81.] Stmt, of damages paid on Penn. Rwy., 1829/ 30. table 29. Doc. 169. Rept. of prisoners in Western Penitentiary, tables 30-33. Continued from v. 2. Doc. 180. Return of the mlUtla and volunteers of Penn., 1830. tables 34-38. LVI General Assembly Dec. 6, 1831-June 12, 1832 -Journal of the Senate. 3 vols. [V. 1.] Harrisburg: H. Welsh, 1831-32. 884. 67 pp. v. 2. Containing appendix to vol. 1. Harrisburg : H. Welsh, 1831-32. 522, 5 pp. pp. 3-23. Docs. ace. Govs. mess, of Dec. 7, 1831. Procs. of legisl. of Me. rel. to tarlflC and Internal Im- provement, pp. 3-11. Communication from Gov. of N. H. transmitting res of Gen. Assem. rel. to more perfect organization of militia, pp. 12-15. Negotiation of permanent loan under act of March 30, 1831. pp. 15-23. pp. 24-61. Ann. rept. of canal comrs., 1830/1. pp. 62-204. Docs. ace. rept. of canal comrs. Columbia and Phila. R.R. 1. Rept. of John Barber, supt. Nov. 25, 1831. pp. 62-67. 2. Rept. of John Wilson, engr. Nov. 11, 1831. pp. 68-69. 3. Estimate of cost. Nov. 8, 1831. pp. 69-70. 4. Estimate of cost. Nov. 12, 1831. pp. 70-71. 5-10. See vol. 3. Eastern Division 1. Rept. of John Barber, supt. Nov. 25, 1831. pp. 71-76. 2. Rept. of A. B. Warford, engr. Nov. 24, 1831. pp. 76-77. 3. Estimate of cost of work. pp. 78-90. 4-6. See vol. 3. Juniata Division 1. Rept. of James Taggart, supt. Nov. 25, 1831. pp. 90-91. 2. Rept. of Edwd. F. Gay, engr. Nov. 25, 1831. pp. 92-96. 3-8. See vol. 3. 9. List of engrs., etc., Nov. 25, 1831. p. 97. Allegheny Portage R.R. 1. Rept. of S. Jones, supt. Nov. 21, 1831. pp. 97- 128. 2-7. See vol. 3. Western Division 1. Rept. of Saml. Jones, supt. Nov. 21, 1831. pp. 129-133 2. "Rept. of Sylvester Welch, engr. Nov. 21, 1831. pp. 134-137. 2-11. See vol. 3. Beaver Division 1. Rept. of John Dickey, supt.. ace. with estimates ami stmts. Nov. 21, 1831. pp. 138-171. For remaining tables belonging to the Beaver Division, see v. 3. French Creek Division 1. Rept. of John Anderson, supt. Nov. 25, 1831, pp. 171-174. 2-7. See vol. 3. West Branch Division 1. Rept. of W. B. Mitchell, supt. Nov. 25, 1831. pp. 174-178. 2. Rept. of James D. Harris, engr. Nov. 24, 1831. pp. 178-182. 3. See vol. .'!. 4. Rept. of R. Farles, engr. Nov. 24, 1831. pp. 183- 188. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 49 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LVI General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 6, 1831-June 12, 1832 — cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd North Branch nnd SusquehflDDa Divisions 1. Kept, of L. Butler, supt. Nov. 21, 1831. pp. 187- 190. 2. Rept. of Jas. Ferguson, engr. Nov. 14, 1831. pp. 100-202. 3-17. See vol. 3. Delaware Division 1. Rept. of .Tohn Barber, supt. Nov. 28, 1831. pp. 202-204. pp. 204-411. .Tournal of the bd. of canal comrs. Feb. 11, 1831-.Tan. 26 1832. pp. 412-441. Communication from auditor gen., .Tan. 9, 1832 -with stmt, of certain li;]nl;s. Read .Tan. 10, 1832. pp. 441-450. 3 ann. rept. of bd. of inspectors of Eastern State Penitentiary, 1831. Read .Tan. 20. 1832. pp. 451-454. Rept. of bd. of inspectors of Western State Penitentiary. 1831. Read Feb. 14, 1832. pp. 454-456. Res. of Tenn. legisl. rel. to internal Im- provement. Rend Feb. 25. 1S32. pp. 457-51C. Govs. mesa. (Wolf), March 5, 1832, ace. by 2 rept. of comrs. apptd. to revise civil code. Read March 7, 1832. pp. 517-522. Stmt, of deaths, with diseases and ages, In Phlla., 1831. Read March 9, 1832. Index. 5 pp. v. 3. Containing the tables to vol. 2. n. t. p. Contents : [Foldg. table] 1. Sen. vol. 2, p. 71. Stmt. A. Worls done and payments m.ide on the old rwy. from Nov. 25, 1830, to Nov. 25, 1831. and not heretofore reported. [Foldg. table] 2. Sen. vol. 2, p. 71. Stmt. B. List of all contracts for road formation of 41,022 miles of Columbia and Phila. Rwy. entered into by John Barber, supt., under act of Mch. 21 1831, together with date and prices thereof; amt. of worli done, sum paid and per- centage retained on each and probable cost of unfinished worli. [Foldg. table] 3. Sen. vol. 2, p. 71. Tabular stmt. C, of several contracts under act of Mch. 21, 1831, for exe- cution of mechanical worii on that part of Columbia and Phila, Rwy. not heretofore contracted for by John Barber, supt. [Foldg. table] 4. Sen. vol. 2, p. 71. Stmt. D. Stmt, of contracts made by authority of act of Mch. 21, 1831, for furnishing materials and laying down a single track, on that part of Columbia and Phila. Rwy. beginning at Vine and Broad Streets. Phila., and extending westward 20 miles : also, for construction, as aforesaid, of a single tracli of rails, beginning at head of inclined plane near Columbia and extending eastward to bridge over Big Conestoga Creelt, and exhibiting list of contractors, date and prices of several contracts, etc. [Foldg. table] 5. Sen. vol. 2, p. 71. Monies paid to engrs. and other persons employed on that part of Columbia an^l I'hila. Rwy., contracted for under act of Mch. 21, 1831, and exhibiting list of those in service, term of employment and salary of each. [Foldg. tables] 6-7. Sen. vol. 2, p. 71. Stmt. F. Ust of contractors to whom work was allotted on Columbia and Phila. Rwy., let under act of Mch. 21, 1831, and prices thereto annexed, according to proposals reed, at Down- ington. May 11, IS.'U. [Foldg. tables] 8-9. Sen. vol. 2, p. 90. Stmt. A. Amt. of work done, monies paid and percentage retiiined on ten miles of that part of Eastern Div., Penn. Canal, which extends from mouth of the Swatara River to Columbia, Nov. 25, 1830, to Nov. 25, 1831, under charge of John Barber, supt. [Foldg. tables] 10-12. Sen. vol. 2, p. 90. Tabular stmt. B. List of all contracts for canal formation of 8.71 miles of Columbia line. Eastern Div., Penn. Canal, entered Into by John Barber, supt., under act of Mch. 21, 1831, to- gether with date and prices thereof, amt. of work done, sums paid and percent.Tge retained on each, and probable cost of unfinished work. [Foldg. table] 13. Sen. vol. 2, p. 90. Stmt. C. List of contractors to whom work was allotted on 8.71 miles of Columbia line. Eastern Div., Penn. Canal, let under act of Mch. 21. 1830, with description and prices, ac- cording to proposals reed, at Columbia, May 18. 1831. [Foldg. tables] 14-17. Sen. vol. 2, p. 96. no. 1. List of work let at Williamsburg, June 1, 1831, on Frankstown line, Juniata Div.. Penn. Canal. [Foldg. tables] 18-19. Sen. vol. 2. p. 96. no. 2. List of work at Holildaysburg, July 29, 1831, on Frankstown line, Juniata Div.. Penn. Canal. [Foldg. table] 20. Sen. vol. 2, p. 96. no. 5. List of work let at Alexandria, Sept. 3. 1831, on Frankstown Line, Juniata Div., I'enn. Canal. [Foldg. table] 21. Sen. vol. 2, p. 96. no. 6. List of work let at Alexandria, Oct. 29. 1831, on Frankstown line, Juniata Div., Penn. Canal. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LVI General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 6, 1831-June 12, 1832 — cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd [Foldg. tables] 22-23. Sen. vol. 2, p. 96. no. 7. Estimates of work done, amt. paid, engrs., supts. and clerk's pay, contingent expense, etc., on Frankstown line, Juniata Div., Penn. <"anal, up to Nov. 25. 1831. [Foidg. tables] 23-24. Sen. vol. 2, p. 96. no. 8. Amt. ex- pended on Juniata Div., Penn. Canal, betw. Huntingdon and mouth of Juniata River, since rept. of Dec. 6, 1830, to Nov. 25, 1831. [Foldg. table] 25. Sen. vol. 2, p. 128. Schedule of con- tracts entered into on Allegheny Portage R.R. betw. May 25 and Nov. 26, 1831. [Foidg. table] 26. Sen. vol. 2, p. 128. no. 3. Schedule of contracts entered into on Allegheny Portage R.R. betw. May 25 and Nov. 20, 1831. [Foldg table] 27. Sen. vol. 2, p. 128. no. 4. Tabular stmt. 1, of Labor done, monies paid, percentage retained, and estimate of work on Alieaheny Portage R.R. [Foldg. table] 28. Sen. vol. 2, p. 128. no. 5. Same; tabular stmt. (2). [Foidg. table] 29. Sen. vol. 2, p. 128. nos. 6-7. Same; tabular stmt. (3) ; (5) schedule of payments to engrs. and other persons employed on Allegheny Portage R.R., Apr. 1 to Nov. 20, 1831; (4) amt. of misc. expenditures on Portage R.R., Nov. 20, 1831 ; (6) schedule of engrs. and other persons employed on Portage R.R., Nov. 20, 1831. [Foldg. table] 30. Sen. vol. 2, p. 137. no. 2. Stmt. (no. 1) of labor done, and moneys p.aid on Pittsburg and Pine Creek lines. Western Div., Nov. 20, 1830-Nov. 20, 1831 ; (no. 2) stmt, of labor done and moneys paid on Alle- gheny and Kiskiminetas lines, 'Western Div., Nov. 20, 1830-Nov. 20, 1831. (Foldg. table] 31. Sen. vol. 2, p. 137, no. 3. Stmt. (no. 2), schedule of contracts entered Into on Pittsburg line. Western Div., Nov. 20. 1830-Nov. 20, 1831 ; (no. 3) stmt, of work, ami moneys paid on Kiskiminetas and Cone- mangh lines. Western Div., Nov. 20, 1830-Nov. 20, 1831. [Foldg. table] 32. Sen. vol. 2, p. 137. no. 5. Stmt. (noa. 4-7) of labor done, moneys paid, amts. due, present cost and last estimates of work on sundry sees, of Ligonier line. Western Div., I'enn. Canal, Nov. 20, 1830-Nov. 20. 1834. [Foldg. table] 33. Sen. vol., p. 137. nos. 6-7. Schedules (nos. 1. 8. 9, 10. Ill, [contracts, payments, etc., on Lingonier line, Nov. 20, 1830-Nov. 20, 1831]. [Foldg. table] 34. Sen. vol. 2, p. 137. no. 3. [Schedules (12-15) of payments on Ligonier line.] [B'oldg. table] 35. Sen. vol. 2, p. 137. no. 9. [Schedules (16-18), payments on Ligonier line] ; survey of Portage Summit (no. 19) ; no. 10. Amt. of misc. expenditures on Western Div., Nov. 20, 1830-Nov. 30, 1831 (nos. 20-21). [Foidg. table] 36. Sen. voL 2, p. 137. no. 11. Recapitula- tion (no. 22) ; schedule of engrs. and other persons em- ployed on the Western Div., excl. of lock-keepera, Nov. 20, 1831 (no. 23). [Foidg. tables] 37-42. Sen. vol. 2, p. 171. no. 1. Schedule exhibiting contracts entered into, date of contract, names of contractors, with prices at which different kinds of work have been let, and when let on Beaver Div., work done, money paid, estimates, etc. [Foldg. table] 43. Sen. vol. 2, p. 174. no. 2. French Creek Div., Penn. Canal, showing no. of sections, names of contractors, dates of contracts, length of sections, mode of improvement, estimated quantities of materials, and total cost at contract prices ; also amt. estimated, retained and paid, and nmt. required tor completion; no. 3. Same, for lock sections. [Foldg. table] 44. Sen. vol. 2, p. 174. nos. 4-7. French Creek Div.. dams, locks, towing path, supt., engrs., surveyor, etc. [Foldg. tables] 45-46. Sen. vol. 2, p. 186. no. 3. Stmt, of work upon each sec. of Upper Div. Lycoming line, with estimate of its cost l>ased upon contract prices. [Foldg. tables] 47-51. Sen. vol. 2, p. 186. nos. 4-5. Tabular stmt, showing probable cost of e.-tch item of work when completed, on Lower Div., Lycoming Line of Penn. Canal, progress of work, payments, etc. [Foldg. table] 52. Sen. vol. 2, p. 186. no. 6. List of persons employed by state in enirrng. dept. for Lycoming Line, West Branch Div., Penn. Canal, Nov., 1831 ; no. 7. Amt. paid and for what service on West Branch Div.. Penn. Canal, Her, 1, 1830-Nov. 25. 1831. [Foldg. table] [53]. Sen. vol. 2, p. 202. Wyoming Line of North Branch Div. (1-6, 17). [Foldg. table] 54. Sen. p. 202. nos. 7-10. Contractors, prices, payments, progress, etc., on Wyoming Line of North Branch Div. [Foldg. table] 55. Sen. p. 202. nos. 11-13. Monies paid to engrs., supt.. etc., contingent expenses, cost, amt. unpaile cost of each Item of work when completed, on Lower DIv. of Lycoming Line, Penn. Canal. Tables 47-48. H. R. 77 — No. 5. Stmt of progress of work on Lycoming Line. West Branch Div.. Penn. Canal ; amt. done, pa.v- ments up to and inci. Nov. 25, 1831, estimated cost. Tables 48-51. H. R. 78 — No. 6. List of persons employed by state In engr. dept. for Lycoming Line. West Branch DIv.. Penn. Canal, preceding 'first Monday in Nov., 1831. Table 52. H. R. 79 — No. 7. (A) Stmt, of amt. paid, to whom and for what service, on West Branch Div., Penn. Canal. Dec. 1, 1830, -----. - same, Apr supt. Table 52. H. R. 83 — No. 3. Tabular stmt, showing time of first letting, names of contractors, prices of each sec. upon Wyoming line. North Branch Div., Penn. Canal, June 22, 1831. Table 53. H. R. 84 — No. 4. Tabular stmt, showing time of re-Iettlng, names of contractors, prices of each sec, upon Wyoming line, North Branch Div., Penn. Canal. Table 53. H. R. 85 — No. 5. Tabular stmt, showing time of first letting, names of contractors, price of each bridge upon Wyoming line. North Branch Div., Penn. Canal, June 22, 1831. Table 53. H. R. 86 — No. 6. Tabular stmt, showing time of first re- letting, names of contractors, price of each bridge upon Wyoming line. North Branch Div., Penn. Canal. Table 53. H R. 87 — No. 17. List of officers employed on Susque- hanna and North Branch Div.. of Penn. Canal, preceding first Monday in Nov.. 1831. Tables 53-54. H. R. 88 — No. 8. Tabular stmt, of progress of work done on sees, on Wyoming Line. North Branch Div.. Penn. Canal, showing each kind of work done. amt. and pay- ments made to contractors, on estimates of engrs. up to Nov. 25. 1831. Table 54. H. K. .SO — No. 9. Tabular stmt, showing names of con- tractors, and amt to be paid for removing bldgs. from Wyoming Line, North Branch Div., Penn. Canal. Table 54. H. R. 90 — No. 10. List of names of contractors and price ger perch for making fence on Wyoming Line. North iranch Div.. Penn. Canal. Table 54. H. B. 91 — No. 11. Stmt, of monles^aid to engrs., supt., and other persons employed on Wyoming Line, North Branch Div., June 22-Nov. 25, 1831, under Lord Butler, supt. Table 55. H R. 92 — No. 12. Stmt, showing contingent expenses paid on Wyoming Line, North Branch DIv., Penn. Canal, June 22-Nov. 25, 1831. Table 55. H. R. 93 — No. 13. Stmt, showing actual amt. of money paid on sees, of North Branch Div.. Penn. Canal, com- ?ieted line, since rept. of Dec. 1. 1830. up to Nov. 25. 831 ; also actual cost of said sec. together with amt required to complete payments. Table 55. jj R 94 — xo. 14. Stmt, showing actual amt. of money paid on aqueducts of North Branch Div.. Penn. Canal. completed line. Dec. 1, 1830-NoT. 25, 1831 ; also actual cost of said aqueduct. Table 56. H R 95 — No. 15. Stmt, showing actual amt. of money paid on bridges for North Branch Div., Penn. Canal, completed line. Dec 1. 1830-Nov. 25. 1831 ; also actual cost of said bridges, together with amt. yet required to complete payment. Table 56. H. B. 96 — No. 16. Stmt, showing actual amt. of money paid on roads for North Branch Div.. Penn. Canal, com- pleted line Dec. 1. 1830-Nov. 25. 1831 ; also actual cost of said fences, etc.. together with amt. required to com- plete payment. Table 50. , , , H R ^No 260. Return of miiitla and volunteers of Penn. Dec 31, 1831. Tables 57-62. . Same, in German. , , j . Not seen. Jacob Baab was elected prtr. 1831/2, V. 1 : 17.) LVII General Assembly Dec. 4, 1832-April 9, 1833 Journal of the Senate. 2 vols. [V. 1.] Harrisburg: H. Welsh, 1832-33. 908, 50 pp., tiibles V 2 Containing the appendix. Harrisburg : H. Welsh. 1832- 33. 615 pp., foldg. tables. „ ,„„„ pp. 3-lS. Docs. ace. Govs. mess, of Dec. 6. 1832. Negotiation of loan under act of March 30, 1832. pp. 3-10. Negotiation of loan under act of April 5. 1832. pp. 10-14. Res. of La. leglsl. rel. to r.r. from Miss, to Washington. pp. 14-17. Communication from Gov. of Md. rel. to election of president of I". S. p. IS. (Honse Jol., foldg. 54 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 1832. pp. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LVII General A8sembl.T — cont'd Dec. 4, 1832-AprlI 9, 1833— cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents ; — cont'd pp. 19-56. Canal comrs. ann. rept., 1831/2. Read Dec. 6, 1832. pp. 57-368. Docs. ace. canal comrs. rept. Columbia and Phlla. R.R. 1. Rept. of Wra. B. Mitchell, supt. Nov. 2, 1832. pp. 5!)-61. 2. Rept. of John Barber, supt. Oct. 31, 1832. pp. 61-67. 3. Rept. of John Wilson, engr. Oct. 26. 1832. pp. 68-82. 4. [Expenditures for work and employes.] foldg. table, p. 82. 5. Work done, moneys paid, etc., Nov. 25, 1831-Oct 31, 1832 ; contracts for same period, etc. foldg. tables, p. 82. 6. Kept- of Saml. Jones, supt. Nov. 1, 1832. pp. 82-89. 7. Rept. of Sylvester Welch, engr. Nov. 1, 1832. pp. 89-104. 8. Tabular stmt, of work done, moneys paid, etc., upon the grading of the Allegheny Portage R.R., Nov. 1, 1832. foldg. tables, p. 104. Western Division 9. Rept. of Saml. Jones, supt. Nov. 1, 105-108. 10. Rept. of Sylvester Welch, engr. Nov. 1, 1832. pp. 109-112. 11. Stmt, of expenditures made upon Western divi- sion of Penn. Canal, 1831/2. foldg. tables, p. 112. Columbia Line of the Eastern Division 12. Rept. of John Barber, supt. Nov. 15, 1832. pp. 112-117. 13. Rept. and estimate of A. B. Warford, engr. Nov. 10, 1832. pp. 117-125. 14. Stmt, of work done, moneys paid, percentage re- tained and balances due, contracts, etc., 1831/2. 2 foldg. tables, p. 125. 15. Rept. of James Taggart, supt. Oct. 31, 1832. PP. 126-128. 16. Rept. of Edwd. F. Gay, engr. Oct. 31, 1832. PP. 128-135. 17. Contractors, payments, damages, etc., 1831/2. foldg. tables, p. 135. Wyoming Line, North Branch and Susquehanna divisions 18. Rept. of Lord Butler, supt. Nov. 1, 1832. pp. 135-138. 19. Rept. and estimate of John Bennet, engr. Oct. 31, 1832. pp. 138-144. 20. Tables : disbursements upon the Wyoming line, 1831/2. pp. 144-151, foldg. table. 21. Tables : disbursements upon the North Branch, 1831/2. pp. 152-156. 22. Tables : disbursements on the Susquehanna di- vision, 1831/2. pp. 157-159. Lycoming Line and West Branch Division 2.S. Rept. of Wm. F. Packer, supt. Nov. 1, 1832. pp. 160-165. 24. Rept. of J. D. Harris, engr. Oct. 27, 1832. pp. 166-168. 25. Estimate of J. D. Harris, engr., etc. foldg. tables, P. 172. 26. Rept. of Robt. Faries, engr. Oct. 29, 1832. pp. 169-172. 27. Estimate of R. Faries, engr., etc. foldg. tables, p. 172. 28. Tables of disbursements, etc., of supt., up to Oct. 31, 1832. foldg. tables, p. 172. French Creek Division 29. Rept. of John Anderson, supt. Oct. 31, 1833. pp. 173-174. 30. Rept. of Alonzo Llvermorc, engr. Oct. 31, 1832. pp. 174-177. 31. Disbursements of supt. up to Oct. 31, 1832. foldg. tables, p. 170. Beaver Division 32. Rept. of John Dickey, supt. Oct. 31, 1832. pp. 177-180. 33. Rept and estimate of C. T. Whippo, engr. Oct. 25, 1832. pp. 181-199. 34. Tables of disbursements of supt., 1831/2. foldg. tables, p. 198. Erroneously headed no. 32. Delaware Division 35. Rept. of John Barber, supt. Nov. 1, 1832. pp. 199-200. 36. Rent, of Wm. B. Mitchell, supt. Nov. 26, 1832. pp. 260-204. 37. Journal of the bd. of canal comrs., Jan. 27, 1832- Jan. 25, 1833. pp. 204-368, COLLECTED DOCUMENTS- cont'd LVII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 4. 1832-April 9, 1833— cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd pp. 369-418. Govs. mess. (Wolf), Dec. 13, 1832, ace. with communication from Gov. of S. C, transmitting pro- ceedings of conv. of people of S. C. rel. to several acts of Cong, imposing duties for protection of domestic mnfres. with ordinance to nullify the same. Read Dec. 14, 1832. pp. 418-455. Communication from auditor gen., Jan. 2, 1833. with stmt, of certain banks, pp. 456-508. Letter from comrs. apptd. under res. of March 23, 1830, rel. to revised code, with 3rd rept., Dec. 31, 1833. Read Jan. 4, 1833. pp. 508-523. 4 ann. rept. of bd. of inspectors of Eastern Penitentiary. Bead Jan. 19, 1833. ace. by foldg. sheet pp. 524-529. Rept. of bd. of inspectors of Western Peni- tentiary. Bead. Jan. 26, 1833. pp. 529-589. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to state loans. Feb. 0, 1833. pp. 590-612. Acct. of receipts and payments of mayor, aldermen and citizens of Phlla. in trust for GIrard fund. March 11, 1S33. pp. 613-615. Index. Journal of the House. 3 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg : H. Welsh, 1832-33. 1023, 56 pp. V. 2. Containing messnges, repts. and docs. [nos. 1-242]. Har- risburg : H. Welsh, 1832-33. 784 pp., foldg. tables. Contents : Doc. 1. Communication from auditor gen., Dec. 4, 1832, with stmt, of accts. of canal comrs. [stmt, follows doc. 2]. pp. 3-17. Doc. 2. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to ann. rept. of finances for year ending Oct. 31, 1832. Dec. 6, 1832. p. 4. [Stmt, belonging to doc. 1.] pp. 4-17. Doc. 3. Mess, from Gov. [Wolf]. Dec. 6, 1832. pp. 18-30. Docs. 4-45. Docs. ace. Govs. mess. pp. 30-45, and v. 3. containing canal comrs. rept. Doc. 4. Negotiation of loan under act of March 30, 1832. pp. 30-37. Doc. 5. Negotiation of loan under act of April 5, 1832. pp. 37-41. Doc. 6. Res. of La. legisl. rel. to r.r. from the Miss. to Washington, pp. 41-44. Doc. 7. Communication from Gov. of Md. rel. to elec- tion of president of U. S. p. 45. Docs. 8-45. Canal comrs. rept. and docs. See V. 3. Docs. 46-47. Communication from surveyor gen., with stmt, of business of dept. Dec. 7, 1832. pp. 46-48. Doc. 48. Rept. of state treasurer on finances, 1831/2. pp. 48-67. Docs. 49-50. Rept. from auditor gen., Dec. 6, 1832, with rept. from comrs. of internal improvement fund, 1831/2. pp. 67-75. Doc. 51. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to ann. rept. of receipts and expenditures of commonwealth. Dec. 8. 1S32. p. 75. Docs. 52-53. Communication from secy, of land oflSce, Dec. 7, 1832, with stmt of business of dept., 1831/2. pp. 76-78. Doc. 54. Rept. of Mr. Waugh, teller on part of House, to ofBciate at publishing returns of election for Gov. Dec. 10, 1832. pp. 78-80. Doc. 55. Rept. of Mr. Valentine, teller on part of House. to officiate at election of U. S. Senator. Dec. 12, 1832. pp. 80-90. Doc. 56. Rept. upon petition of Ephraim Cooper, rel. to divorce. Dec. 12 1832. p. 90. Doc. 57. Rept. of Mr. Valentine, teller on piirt of House, to officiate at election of U. S. senator. Dec. 12, 1832. pp. 91-103. Doc. 58. Communication from pres. of Germantown and Perkiomen Turnpike Road Co., with abstr. of accts., 1831/2. pp. 103-104. Doc. 69. Rept. of Mr. Valentine, teller on part of House, to officiate at election of U. S. Senator. Dec. 13, 1832. pp. 104-119. Doc. 60. Mess, from Gov., Dec. 13, 1832. with communi- cation from Gov. of S. C. transmitting copy of procs. of people of S. C. in conv. assembled [rel. to duties im- posed by U. S. Congress for protection of domestic mnfres.]. pp. 120-169. Doc. 61. Rept. upon settlement of acct, of clerk of House. Dec. 14, 1832. pp. 169-170. Doc. 62. Rept. upon petition of Jacob Burkit. for divorce. Dec. 15, 1832. i>. 170. Doc. 63. Rept. of Mr. Valentine, teller on part of House, to officiate at election of U. S. Senator. Dec. 15, 1832. pp. 171-186. Doc. 64. Rept. upon acct. of Nathaniel Ilenrie, depy. ser- geant-at-arms. Dec. 18, 1832. p. 186. Doc. 65. Rept. upon state road from Peter Stem's to Drinker's Settlement. Dec. 18, 1832. p. 187. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 55 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LVII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 4, 1832-Aprll 9, 1833— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Docs. 66-67. Kept, of auditor pen., with returns of ro. comrs. rel. to Increase of ro. rates and levies for use of commonwenlth. nee. 10, 183'J. pp. 187-230. Doc. 68. Kept, upon petition of Thos. Connelly, a soldier. Dec. 19, 1S32. p. 230. Doc. 69. Kept. rel. to road upon North Branch division of Penn. Canal. Dee. 19. 1832. p. 231. Doc. 70. Rept. upon petition of Thos. Sprott [rel. to conveyance of land]. Dec. 21, 1832. p. 231. Doc. 71. Return of special election held in Franlilin Co. to supply vacancy occasioned by resignation of Thos. Bard. .Ian. 3, 1833. pp. 232-233. Docs. 72-73. Communicntion from auditor gen., Jan. 2. 1833. with stmt, of cert.iin banks, pp. 233-270. Docs. 74-75. Communication from state treasurer, with stmt, of contingent expenses of office, 1831/2, Jan. 3, 1833. p. 271. Doc. 76. Communication from Roberts Vaux, secy, of bd. of mngrs. of Penn. Hospital, with stmt, of affairs. Read Jan. 3, 1833. pp. 272-280. Docs. 77-80. Mess, from Gov., Jan. 4, 1833, with rept. of comrs. apptd. to revise the civil code under res. of March 23, 1830. pp. 2S0-333. Doc. 78. Letter from comrs. rel. to revised code. p. 281. Doc. 79. Remarks on bill entitled, " A bill rel. to cos. and townships, and co. and township officers." pp. 281-324. Doc. 80. Remarks upon bill rel. to weights and meas- ures and to admeasurement, pp. 324-333. Doe, 81, Rept. upon res. rel. to vesting in bds. of comrs. of incorporated distrs. of Phila. Co. power of granting tavern licenses. Jan. 4, 1833. p. 333. Doc. 82. Communication from mngrs. of Union Canal Co., with stmt, of schemes of lotteries. Jan. 5, 1832. pp. 334-335. Doc. 83, Rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb. 1832. pp. 336-338. Doc. 84. Stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy. Jan. 5, 1833. p. 339. Doc. 85. Rept. upon petition of Catharine Beashore, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 7, 1833. p. 340. Doc. 86. Rept. upon state road from Washington to Va. state line. Jan. 7, 1833. pp. ,340-341. Doc. 87. Rept. of Mr. Crawford, teller on part of House, to officiate at election of state treasurer, ,Tan. 8, 1833. pp. 341-350. Doc. 88. Rept. of Mr. Valentine, teller on part of House, to officiate at election of U. S. Senator, Jan. 9, 1833. pp. 351-357. Doc. 89. Rept, upon petition rel, to improving breed of horses, Jan, 10, 1833. p. 357. Doc. 90. Rept. upon petition of Catharine Rose, rel. to divorce, .Tan. 10, 1833. p. 358. Doc. 91. Kept, upon Item of unfinished business rel. to erection of jail in borough of Shippensburg. Jan. 10, 1833. p. 359. Doc. 92. Rept. upon petition of Jos. Wilt [rel. to refund- ing of militia fines]. Jan. 10, 1833. p. 359. Doc. 93. Rept. of Mr. Valentine, teller on part of House, to officiate at election of U, S. Senator, Jan. 10, 1833. pp. 360-366. Doc. 94. Abstr. of accts. of Mine Hill and Schuyllflll Haven R.R. Co. Jan. 11, 1833. pp. 366-368, Doc, 95. Rept. upon petitions of Jas. Prosser and Geo. Fields, rel. to divorce. Jan. 11, 1833. pp. 368-370. Doc. 96. Rept. upon petition of Hlrnm and Sally Dewey, rel, to divorce. Jan, 11, 1833. p. 370. Doc. 97. Rept. upon petition of Amos Lewis, rel, to di- vorce. Jan. 11, 1833. p. 371. Doc. 98. Rept. upon petition of administrator of Jacob Heckemell, deceased. Jan. 11, 1833. p. 372. Doc, 99. Stmt, of Ridge Turnpike Co. Jan. 12, 1833. pp. 372-373. Doc. 100. Rept. upon settlement of acct, of clerk of House. Jan. 12, 1833. p. 373. Doc. 101. Rept. upon petition of inhabitants of Shirley township to he annexed to Wayne township. Jan. 12, 1833. p, 374. Doc. 102. Rept. upon petition of Ira Hill, rel. to geograph- ical garden. Jan. 16, 1833. p. 374. Docs, 103-104. Mess, from Gov., with communication from Gov. of Ga. enclosing res. rel. to conv. to amend U. S. constitution : also, rept. of canal comrs. showing amt. of tolls received on Penn. canals and r.r. for Nov. and Dec., 1832. Jan. 17, 1832. pp. 375-379. Doc. 105. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of Chesnut Hill and Spring House Turnpike Road Co., 1832. Read Jan. 18, 1833. pp. 379-380. Doc. 106. Rept. of select and common councils of Phila. rel. to estate bequeathed to city by Stephen Girard. Jan. 12, 1833. Read Jan. 18, 1833. pp. 380-385. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LVII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 4, 1832-April 9, 1833— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 107. Mess, from Gov., with communication from Gov. of S. C. enclosing roa. rel. to conv. to consider tjues- tions of disputed power l)etw. states and general govt. Jan. 18, 1833. pp. 385-386. Doe. 108. 4 ann. rept. of bd. of Inspectors of Eastern Penitentiary, 1832. pp. 386-401, 1 foidg. sheet. Doc. 109. Rept. of committee on vice and Immorality rel. to granting tavern licenses and to prevent and suppress crime of drunkenness. Jan. 19, 1833. pp. 402-403. Docs. 110-111. Mess, from Gov., with communication from Gov. of 111., enclosing res. rel. to U. S. militia and recent proclamation of U. S. president. Jan. 21, 1833. pp. 404- 407. Doc. 112. Rept. upon complaints agst. David Anthony, Justice of peace of Indiana Co. Jan. 21, 1833. pp. 407- 408. Doc. 113. Rept. upon petitions of Isaac Hazen and Michael Gram, rel. to divorces. Jan. 21, 1833. p. 408. Doc. 114. Rept. upon petition of Sarah Cross, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 21, 1833. p. 409. Doc. 115. Rept. upon petition of Hannah Cochran and others. Jan. 23, 1833. p. 409. Doc. 116. Rept. upon petition of Saml. James, rel. to conve.vance of real estate of Jos. Price. Jan. 23, 1833. p. 410. Doc' 117. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to apprn. of Girard legacy to completion of French Creek feeder, Jan. 24, 1833. pp. 410-411. Doc. 118. Kept, of president of company incorporated to improve navigation of Lackawaxen River. Jan. 23, 1833. p. 412. Doc. 119. Rept. upon Senate bill No. 47 [rel. to legitimat- ing Horatio Beaumont and others]. Jan. 26, 1833. p. 413. Docs. 120-122. Mess, from Gov., with communication from Gov. of N. C. enclosing res. expressing attachment to U. S. constitution ; and communication from Gov. of N. J. with res. rel. to obstructions In Delaware River. Jan. 26. 1833. pp. 414-417. Doc. 123. Rept. upon petition of Arthur M'Glll, rel. to remuneration for losses, pp. 417-418. Doc. 124. Rept. upon petition of Horton and Farrow, rel. to remuneration for losses. Jan. 28, 1833. pp. 419-420. Doc. 125. Rept. upon acct. of Hugh Hamilton and Son, late prtrs. of bills of House. Jan. 30, 1833. p. 420, Doc. 126. Rept. of committee on banks [rel. to currency], Jan. 31, 1833. pp. 421-432. Doe. 127. Rept. of committee on banks rel. to state directors. Feb. 1, 1833. pp. 432-433. Doc. 128. Rept. of committee on agrlc. Feb. 2, 1833, pp. 434-456, Doc. 129. Rept. upon petitions rel. to apptmt. of inspector of leather. Feb. 4, 1833. pp. 456-457. Doc. 130. Rept. upon res. rei. to assaults and batteries. Feb. 5, 1833. pp. 457-458. Doc. 131. Rept. rel. to Western Penitentiary. Feb. 6, 1833. pp. 458-467. Doc. 132. Rept. of bd. of mngrs. of House of Refuge, 1832. pp. 467-473. Doc. 133. Rept. upon acct. of James M. LInnard, witness before committee apptd. to Investigate present canal and r.r. system. Feb. 8. 1833. p. 473. Docs. 1"34-135. Mess, from Gov., Feb. 8, 1833. with com- munication from bd. of canal comrs. enclosing rept. of J. Edgar Thompson, engr,, rel. to extension of Delaware division of Penn. Canal, from Bristol to Phila. pp. 474- 486. Docs. 136-138. Mess, from Gov.. Feb. 8, 1833, with com- munication from Gov. of Del. rel. to S. C. res. on calling conv. of states ; and communication from Gov. of Ind. enclosing res. rel. to procs. of S. C. conv. pp. 487-491. Doc. 139. Rept. upon petitions of Fred. Bodine and Thomas Deets, Revolutionary soldiers. Feb. 11, 1833. p. 491. Doc. 140. Rept. upon petition of Susan Mosher, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 11, 1833. p. 492. Doc. 141. Rept. upon lotteries. Feb. 11, 1833. pp. 493- 509. Doc. 142. Rept. upon lateral Feb. 12, 1833, pp. 509- 510. Doc. 143. Rept. upon acct. of committee apptd. to visit Western Penitentiary. Feb. 12, 1833. p. 5il. Docs. 144-146. Mess, from Gov., Feb. 13, 1833, with rept. of adj. gen. rel. to militia, camp equipage, and military stores, pp. 511-513, 6 foldg. sheets. After doc. 145, note says for rept. 146, see Supplement, but 146 Is bound In here In form of 6 foidg. sheets. Doc. 147. Rept. upon petition of Alex. M'CormIck, con- tractor. Feb. 13, 1833. pp. 513-514. Doc 148. Rept. upon petition of Wm. J*arson8, contractor, Feb. 13, 1833. pp. 514-515. Doc. 149. Rept. upon petition of Nancy Dunn, Feb. 13, 1833. p. 516. Doc. 150. Rept. upon petition of Geo. Mann, executor of John Mann. Feb. 13, 1833. pp. 516-517. 56 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LVII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 4, 1832-April 9, 1833— cont'd Journnl of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 151. Rept. of committee on education. Feb. 15, 1833. pp. 517-527. Doc. 152. Rept. upon petition of Elizabeth Mlleham, widow of Revolutlonar.v soldier. Feb. 16. 1833. p. 528. Doc. 153. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to investigate present canal and r.r. system. Feb. 16, 1833. pp. 528-529. Doc. 154. Rept. upon petition of Robt. Robinson, for remuneration. Feb. 16. 1833. p. 529. Doc. 155. State of Phila. Saving Fund Socy. Jan. 1, 1833. pp. 530-531. Doc. 156. Abstr. of accts. of Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turnpike Co. 1831/2. p. 531. Doc. 157. Rept. upon breed of horses. Feb. 18, 1833. p. 532. Doc. 158. Rept. upon acct. of A. E. Finley, witness. Feb. 19, 1833. p. 532. Doc. 159. Rept. of Mr. Valentine, teller on part of House to officiate at election of V. S. Senator. Feb. 19, 1833. pp. 533-542. Doc. 160. Rept. upon petition of Jacob Elston, rel. to divorce. Feb. 20. 1833. pp. 542-543. Doc. 161. Rept. upon petition of Thos. and Mary Mul- hollen, for divorce. Feb. 20. 1833. p. 543. Doc. 162. Rept. upon petition of Jane Rabe, rel. to divorce. Feb. 20, 1833. p. 543. Doc. 163. Rept. upon petition of Elizabeth Loutermllch, rel. to divorce. Feb. 20. 1833. p. 544, Doc. 164. Rept. upon petition of David Owen, rel. to divorce. Feb. 20. 1833. p. 545. Doc. 165. Rept, rel. to state road from Mercer to Dawson's Ferry. Feb. 20, 1833. p. 545. Doc. 166. Rept. of Mr. Valentine, teller on part of House to officiate at election of D. S. Senator. Feb. 20, 1833, pp. 546-561. Doc. 167. Rept. upon petition of administrators of Conrad ■tt'eiser. Feb. 21, 183S. p. 562. Doc. 168. Rept. of committee on education rel. to manual labor academies. Feb. 21, 1833. pp. 562-571. Doc. 169. Rept. rel. to cholera and untried prisoners in Arch St, Prison. Feb. 21, 1833. pp. 572-590. Doc. 170. Rept. upon acct. of Moncure Robinson, witness before committee apptd. to investigate canal and r.r. system. Feb. 21, 1833. p. 590. Doc. 171. Same, John Trego. Feb. 22, 1833. p. 591. Docs. 172-173. Mess, from Gov., Feb. 22, 1833. with com- munication from Gov. of N. J. rel. to fisheries In Delaware River, pp. 591-594. Docs. 174-175. Mess, from Gov., Feb. 23. 1833, with com- munication from Gov. of Mass. enclosing procs. of legisl. rel. to domestic Industry and tariff bill. pp. 595-602. Docs. 17G-177. Mess, from Gov., Feb. 23, 1833, with com- munication from Gov. of Del. enclosing res. rel. to mllltla. pp. 603-604. Doc. 178. Rept. upon petition of A. B. Chess, rel. to ferry at Wllliamsport, on Monongahela River. Feb. 25, 1833. pp. 604-605. Doc. 179. Rept. upon petition of John Quaintance. Revolu- tionary soldier, and Elizabeth Sbaw, widow of Revolu- tionarv soldier. Feb. 25, 1833. pp. 605-606. Docs. 180-181. Mess, from Gov., Feb. 25. 1833, with com- munication from Gov. of "Va. enclosing res. rel. to ordinance of S. C, and acts of Cong, laying duties upon Imports, pp. 606-609. Doc. 182. Rept. upon memorials and petitions rel. to state road from Lebanon to Downlngtown. Feb. 27, 1833. pp. 600-610. Doc. 183. Rept. upon bill No. 14 [entitled " An act grant- ing compensation to heirs of Geo. Foltz," etc.]. March 5, 1833. pp. 610-612. Doc. 184. Rept. upon settlement of acct. of clerk of House, March 5, 1833. p. 613. Doc. 185. Rept. rel. to auctions. March 6, 1833. pp. 613- 614. Doc. 186. Rept. upon petition of P. A. Karthaus. March 6, 1833. pp. 615-616. Docs. 187-188. Mess, from Gov., March 6, 1833, with com- munication from Gov. of Ohio, enclosing res. rel. to ordinance of S. C, conv. to amend U. S, constitution and to president's proclamation, pp, 61G-620. Doc. 189. Rept. upon acct. or Jos. Adams [witness]. March 8, 1833. p. 620. Doc. 190. Ann. strnt. of funds of Univ. of Penn. March 0, 1833. p. 621. Doc. 191. Rept. of Mttle Schuvlklll Navigation, R.R. and Coal Co. March 9, 1833. np, 622-623. Doc. 192. Rept. upon petition of assignee of Jas. Duffy. March 0, 1838. p. 624. Doc. 103. Rept. of committee on mllltla system. March 12, 1833. pp. 62.'->-628. Doc. 194. Rept. of Mr. Valentine, teller on part of House to officiate at election of U. S. Senator. March 12, 1833. pp. 628-631. COLLECTED DOCUIWENTS— cont'd LVII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 4. 1832-April 9, 1833— cont'd Journnl of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 195. Rept. upon acct. of Jas. Smith, sergeant-at-arms, March 13. 1833. p. 632. Doc. 196. Rept. upon petitions of Susanna Peters and Catharine Marx, widows of Revolutionary soldiers. March 14 1833. pp. 632-633. Doc. 197. Kept, on debtors' apartment of Arch St. Prison. Phila. March 15. 1833. pp. 633-642. Doc. 198. Rept. upon petition of Horton and Farrow, con- tractors, for remuneration. March 15. 1833. pp. 642-643. Doc. 199. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to educating poor children. March 15, 1833. pp. 644-652. Doc. 200. Rept. upon survey rel. to canal from Bristol to Phila. March 16. 1833. pp. 652-653, 1 foldg. sheet. Doc. 201. Rept. upon Senate bill No. 408 entitled, act to annul marriage contract of Jehu and Harriett Hatfield. March 18. 1833. pp. 653-654. Doc. 202. Rept. upon petition of Elizabeth Webber, rel. to divorce. .March IS, 1833. p. 654. Doc. 203. Rept. rel. to breach of Sabbath. March 18, 1833. p. 655. Doe. 204. Rept. upon destruction and diminution of shad and other fish. March 18. 1833. pp. 655-658. Doc. 205. Communication from canal comrs. rei. to claim of Andrew Boggs, Westmoreland Co. March 18, 1833. pp. 659-664. Doc. 206. Rept. upon petition of Polly Hall. March 19, 1833. pp. 664-665. Doc. 207. Rept. upon petition of Jacob Frederick Haug rel. to vineyard. March 19. 1833. p. 665. Docs. 208-209. Mess from Gov., March 20, 1833, with com- munication from Gov. of N. Y. enclosing res. rel. to pro- ceedings of S. C. conv. pp. 666-686. Doc. 210. Mess, from Gov.. March 21, 1833, with com- munication from Gov. of Ala. enclosing res. rel. to tariff and recent procs. of S. C. pp. 687-691. Doc. 211. Rept. upon acct. of committee apptd. to visit Arch St. prison. March 22. 1833. p. 692. Doc. 212. Rept. of committee of ways and means rel. to finances of commonwealth. March 22, 1833. pp. 693-707. Doc. 213. Rept. rel. to depot for produce to be trans- ported on Penn. R.R. March 23. 1833. pp. 708-709. Doc. 214. Rept. upon gcol. survey of state. March 23, 1833. pp. 710-717. Doc. 215. Rept. upon petition of Nathan B. Jennings, Revolutionary soldier. March 25. 1833. p. 718. Doc. 216. Rept. upon Phila. and Columbia, and Allegheny Portage March 25. 1833. pp. 718-725. Doc. 217. Rept. upon petition of Christopher Magee, and others, rel. to damages. March 25, 1833. p. 725. Docs. 218-219. Mess from Gov., March 25, 1833. with com- munication from Gov. of Miss, enclosing res. rei. to attach- ment to Union, disapproving doctrine of nullification, pp. 726-728. Doc. 220. Rept. upon petition of Robt, Barkley, Revolu- tionary soldier. March 29, 1833. p. 729. Doc. 221. Rept. upon petition of Wm, Martin, son of Revolutionary soldier, March 29, 1833, pp, 729-730. Doc. 222. State library In acct. current with David S. Hasslnger, chrm. of joint library committee. March 29, 1833. pp. 731-732. Doc. 223. Rept. upon acct. of Jacob Baab, prtr. of German journal of House. April 2, 1833. p. 732. Doc. 224. Rept. upon pay and mileage of members for session, 1832-33. April 2, 1833. pp. 733-735. Doc. 225. Rept. of Mr. Clarkson, teller on part of House to officiate at election of U. S. Senator. April 2, 1833. pp. 736-745. Doc. 226. Rept. upon acct. of Chas. F. Muench. April 3, 1833. p. 745. Doc. 227. Rept. upon accts. of officers of House. April 4, 1833. p. 746. Doc. 228. Rept. upon canal and r.r. system. April 5, 1833. pp. 747-753. Doc. 229. Views of 3 members of grand committee upon canal and r.r. system. March 29. 1833. pp. 753-756. Doc. 230. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of contingent expenses of dept. April 6, 1833. p. 757. Doc. 231. Rept. upon petitions rel. to annulling charter of Conestoga Navigation Co. April 8, 1833. pp. 757-763. Doc. 232. Rept. upon petitions and remonstrances rel. to confirming title to certain nropcrtv in Methodist Episcopal conference. April 8. IS.'iS. pp. 763-765. Doe. 233. Rept. upon acct. of prtrs. of bills. April 8, 1833. p. 765. Doc. 234. Rept. upon acct. of prtr. of German journal. April 8, 183$. pp. 766-768. Doc. 235. Rept. upon accts. of transcribing clerks. April 8, 1833. p. 768. Doc. 236. Rept. upon acct. of select committee apptd. to confer with select and common councils of Pblla. April 8, 1833. p. 709. Doc. 237. Rent, ujion acct. of clerk of House. April 8, 1833. pp. 770-772. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 57 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LVII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 4. 1832-AprlI 9, 1833 — coufti Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 238. Kept, upon acct, of Henry Sprlgman. April 8, 1833. pp. 773-774. Doc. 239. Kept, upon acct of Daniel Barnes. April 8, 1833. pp. 774-775. Doc. 240. Kept. rel. to call of cony, to amend U. S. consti- tution. April 8, 1833. p. 775. Doc. 241. Rept. rel. to apptmt. of atty. gen. April 8, 1833. pp. 776-777. Doc. 242. Rept. upon acct. of Henrv WeLsh, prtr. of English Journal. April 8, 1833. pp. 777-779. Index, pp. 780-784. T. 3. Appendix to vol. 2, containing the canal comrs.' rept. and ace. docs. n. p., n. d. 352 pp., foldg. tables, (docs. 8-45 of vol. 2.) Contents : Doc. 8. Canal comrs.' rept. pp. 3-42. Docs. 9-44. Docs. ace. canal comrs.' rept. pp. 42-188. Columbia and Phila. R.R. Doc. 9. Rept. of Wm. B. Mitchell, supt. Noy. 2, 1832. pp. 42-45. Doc. 10. Rept. of John Barber, supt. Oct. 31, 1832. pp. 45-51. Doc. 11. Rept. of John Wilson, engr. Oct. 26, 1832. pp. 52-66. Doc. 12. 3 tables of expenditures by W. B. Mitchell. [1831/2.] toldff. sheets 1-2 (p. 66). Doc. 13. 9 tables of expenditures by W. B. Mitchell and John Barber. [1831/2.) foldg. sheets 2-4 (p. 66). Allegheny Portage Road Doc. 14. Rept. of Saml. Jones, supt. Noy. 1, 1832. pp. 66-73. Doc. 15. Rept. of Sylvester Welch, engr. Noy. 1, 1832. pp. 73-88. Doc. 16. 10 tables of expenditures by Saml. Jones. foldg. sheets 5-8 (p. 88). Western division Doc. 17. Rept. of Saml. Jones, supt. Nov. 1, 1832. pp. 89-92. Doc. 18. Rept. of Sylvester Welch, engr. Nov. 1, 1832. pp. 93-96. Doc. 19. 8 tables of expenditures by supt. foldg. sheets 9-10 (p. 96). Both folding sheets are numbered 9 by mistake. Columbia line of Eastern div. Doc. 20. Rept. of John Barber, supt. Nov. 15, 1832. pp. 96-101. Doc. 21. Rept. and estimate of A. B. Warford, engr. Nov. 10, 1832. pp. 101-109. Doc. 22. 7 tables of expenditures by John Barber. foldg. sheets 11-12 (p. 109). Frankstown line and Juniata division Doc. 23. Rept of Jas. Taggart, supt Oct 31, 1832. pp. 110-112. Doc. 24. Rept of Edwd. F. Gay, engr. Oct 31, 1832. pp. 112-119. Doc. 25. Tables of expenditures, etc., by E. F. Gay. foldg. sheets 13-18 (p. 119). Wyoming line, North Branch and Susquehanna divisions Doc. 26. Rept. of Lord Butler, supt. Nov. 1, 1832. pp. 119-122. Doe. 27. Rept. and estimate of John Bennet, engr. Oct 31, 1832. pp. 122-128. Doc. 28. Tables of disbursements on Wyoming line. 1831/2. pp. 128-135. foldg. sheet 19. Doc. 29. Tables of disbursements on North Branch. 1831/2. pp. 136-140. Doc. 30. Tables of disbursements on Susquehanna division. 1831/2. pp. 141-143. Lycoming line and West Branch division Doc. 31. Rept of Wm. F. Packer, supt Nov. 1, 1832. pp. 144-149. Doc. 32. Rept. of J. D. Harris, engr. Oct. 27, 1832. pp. 150-152. Doc. 33. Estimates and abstrs. of J. D. Harris. foldg. sheets 20-22 (p. 156). Doe. 34. Rept of Robt. Faries, engr. Oct. 29, 1832. pp. 153-156; Numbered 35 on 3 pages by mistake. Doc. 35. Estimates and abstrs. of R. Faries. foldg. sheets 23-25 (p. 156). Doo. 36. Tables of disbursements of supt. foldg. sheets 26-32 (p. 156). COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LVII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 4, 1832-April 9, 1833— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd French Creek division Doc. 37. Rept. of John Anderson, supt. Oct. 31, 1833. pp. 157-158. Doc. 38. Rept. of Alonzo Livermore. engr. Oct 31, 1832. pp. 158-lGl. Beaver division Doc. 39. Tables of dislnirsements of supt. foldg. sheets 33-36 (p. 160). Doc. 40. Rept of John Dickey, supt. Oct 31, 1832. pp. 161-164. Doc. 41. Rept. and estimate of C. T. Whippo, engr. Oct 25, 18.32. pp. 165-183. Doc. 42. Tables of disbursements of supt foldg. sheets 37-40 (p. 182). Delaware division Doc. 43. Rept of John Barber, supt. Nov. 1, 1832. pp. 183-184. Doc. 44. Rept of Wm. B. Mitchell, supt Nov. 26, 1832. pp. 184-188. Doc. 45. Journal of bd. of canal comrs. Jan. 27, 1832-Jan. 25, 1833. pp. 188-.'i52. LVIII General Assembly Dec. 3, lS33-April 15, 1834 Journal of the Senate. 3 vols. V. 1. Harrlsburg: J. W. Welsh, 1833-34. 864, 54 pp., foldg. tables. V. 2. [Containing messages, repts. and docs.] Harrlsburg: J. W. Welsh, 1833-34. 662 pp. pp. 3-98. Docs. ace. Govs. mess, of Dec. 4. 1833. Negotiation of loan under act of Feb. 16, 1833. pp. 3-8. Negotiation of loan under act of March 27, 1833. pp. 8-12. Letter from secy, of navy rel. to naval asylum near Phila. p. 13. Communication from Gov. of N. H. rel. to exchange of law repts. p. 14. Communication from Gov. of N. H. rel. to organization of U. S. militia, pp. 14-15. Communication from Gov. of Mass. rel. to abolition of lotteries, pp. 15-36. Communication from Gov. of Mass. rel. to public lands of U. S. pp. 37-54. Communication from Gov. of Mass. rel. to conv. of S. C. pp. 55-69. Communication from Gov. of Mass. rel. to conv. to revise U. S. constitution, pp. 69-90. Communication from Gov. of Conn, with res. rel. to tariff and internal improvement, pp. 90-92. Communication from Gov. of Md. with res. rel. to S. C. ordinances, pp. 92-95. Communication from Gov. of Miss, with res. rel. to Ga. res. proposing conv. to revise U. S. constitution, pp. 95-98. pp. 98-108. Communio.'itinn from Roberts Vtiux. Dec. 12, 1833. secy, of bd. of mngrs. of Penn. Hospital, with stmt of affairs [83 nnn. rept., 1832/3]. pp. 108-144. Communication from auditor gen. with stmt. of certain banks. Jan. 4, 1834. pp. 108-144. pp. 144-321. Mess, from Gov., with rept. of comrs. apptd. to revise civil code under res. of March 23, 1830. Jan. 6, 1834. Bill rel. to organization of courts of justice, pp. 148- 201. Bill rel. to roads, highways and bridges, pp. 202-216. Bill rel. to inns, taverns, and retailers of liquors. pp. 217-223. Bill rel. to support and employment of poor. pp. 223-243. Bill rel. to CO. rates and levies and township rates and levies, pp. 243-257. Bill for regulation of militia, pp. 257-321. pp. 321-373. Communication from select council, Jan. 4, 1834, of Phlia. with acct. of receipts and payments of Girard fund, 1833. pp. 373-408. Appendix to rept. of Joint committee on education. Jan. 22. 1834. pp. 409-415. Rept of Phila. Co. comrs., Jan. 18, 1834. pp 415-429. Ann. rept. of bd. of inspectors of Eastern Penitentiary, 1833. p. 430. Rept. upon settlement of accts. of Walter S. Franklin, late clerk of Senate. Feb. 8, 1834. pp. 431-448. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, Feb. 13, 1834. transmitting corresp. rel. to state loan, pp. 449-572. Rept. of committee of Senate on coal trade. March 4. 1834. pp. 573-657. Mess, from Gov. with rept. from comrs. apptd. to revise civil code under res. of March 23, 1830. March 25, 1834. Bill rel. to inspections, pp. 574-622. Bill rel. to elections, pp. 623-657. pp. 659-662. Index. 58 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LVIII General Assembly — cont'ii Dec. 3, 1833-Aprll 15, 1834— cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd T. 3. Containing canal comrs.' rept and accompanying docu- ments, n. p., n. d. 403 pp., foldg. tables, pp. 3-40. Can.ll comrs, rept. pp. 41-403. Docs. ace. canal comrs. rept. Columbia and Phlla R.R. 1. Rept. o£ Wm. B. Mitchell, supt. Nov. 1, 1833. pp. 42-47. 2. Rept. of John Barber, supt. Nov. 21, 1833. pp. 47-48. 3. Rept. of Edwd. F. Gay, engr. Oct. 31, 1833. pp. 48-62. 4. Expenditures. 1832/3. 2 (oldg. tables betw. pp. 62 and 63. Allegheny Portage Road 5. Rept. of Saml. Jones, supt. Nov. 1, 1833. pp. 63-74. 6. Rept. of Sylvester Welch, engr. Nov. 1. 1833. pp. 74-01. 7. [TabuLir stmts, resp. work and finances, 1832/3.] 7 foldg. tables betw. pp. 90 and 91. Western Division 8. Rept. of Saml. Jones, supt. n. d. pp. 92-97. 9. Rept. of Sylvester Welch, engr. Nov. 1, 1833. pp. 98-106. Beaver Division 10. Rept. of John Dlcltey, supt. Oct. 31, 1833" pp. 106-110. 11. Rept. of C. T. Whippo, engr. Oct. 31, 1833. pp. 110-114. 12. fTabuinr stmt. <*f work done, finances, etc., 1832/3.1 5 foldg. tables, p. 114. 13. Schedule of contracts entered Into on the Beaver Division of the Penn. Canal, 18:12 3. 4 fuldg. tables, p. 114. French Creek Division 14. Rept. of John Anderson, supt. Oct. 31, 1833. pp. 115-117. 15. Rept. of Alonzo Llvermore, engr. Oct. 31, 1833. pp. llS-121. 16. fTabuinr stmts, of work, materials, finances, etc.] 5 foldg. tables, p. 120. Wyoming Line 17. Rept. of Lord Butler, supt. Oct. 31. 1833. pp. 122-153. 18. Rept. of John Bennet, engr. Oct. 31, 1833. pp. 123127. 19. [Work, payments, etc., 1832/3.] pp. 128-136. 20. Tabular stmts, of moneys paid on Wyoming Line, 1831-1833. pp. 137-145. 21. Same; North Branch division, 1S32/3. p. 148. 22. Same; Susquehanna division, pp. 149-150. 23. Tabular stmts, of payments for damages on North Branch and Susquehanna divisions, 1831-1833. pp. 151-154. Lycoming Line 24. Rept. of Wm. F. Packer, supt. Nov. 1, 1833. pp. l.'54-162. 25. Rept. of James D. Harris, engr. Oct. 31, 1833. pp. 162-173. 26. Rept. of R Faries, engr. Oct. 31. 1833. pp. 173-176, 3 foldg. tables. 27. Stmt, of work and estimated cost. 4 foldg. tables, p. 176. 28. Stmt, showing names of contractors, etc. 3 foldg. tables, p. 176. Juniata Division 29. Rept. of Jas. K. Moorhead, supt. Oct. 31, 1833. pp. 177-178. Eastern Division 30. Rept. of John C. M'Aliister, supt. Nov. 13, l,s33. pp. 194196. 31. Rept. of A. B. Warford, engr. Oct. 25, 1833. pp. 197-21)8. [32.] Tables rel. to work done, etc. p. 202. See p. 42 of the vohiine for explanation. Delaware Division 33. Rept. of Simpson Torbert, supt. Nov. 1, 1833. pp. 209-214. 34. Journal of the hd. of canal comrs., Jan. 26, 1833. Dec. 19. 1833. pp. 215-403. Journal of the House. 3 vols. V. 1. HarrlBburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1833-34. 976, 64 pp. v. 2. Containing messages, repts.. nnrl docs. [nos. 1-231]. Harrlsburg: Prtd. by II. Welsh, 1833-34. 957. 6 pp., foldg. tables. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LVIII General Assembl.v — cont'd Dec. 3, 1833-April 15, 1834— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'ii Del- division — cont'd Doc. 1. Communication from the auditor gen. rel. to his ann. rept. of the finances of the Commonwealth for the year ending Oct. 31, 1833. p. 3. Doc. 2. Rept. from the auditor gen. ace. with a rept. from the comrs. of the Internal improvement fund, 1832/3. Dec. 3, 1833. pp. 4-9. Doc. 3. Communication from the auditor gen. ace. with a stmt, of the accts. of the canal comrs., 1832/3. Dec. 3, 1833. pp. 9-24. Doc. 4. Govs. mess. (Wolf), Dec. 4, 1833. pp. 25-37. Docs. 5-9. [Docs. ace. Govs, mess.] Doc. 5. Negotiation of loan, under act of Feb. 16, 1833. Read Dec. 4, 1833. pp. 37-42. Doc. 6. Negotiation of loan under act of March 27, 1833. pp. 42-46. Doc. 7. Letter from secy, of the navy, rel. to naval asylum near Phlla., Oct. 1, 1833. Read Dec. 4, 1833. p. 47. Doc. 8. Communication from the Gov. of New Hamp- shire rel. to an exchange of law repts. Read Dec. 4, 1833. p. 48. Doc. 9. Communication from the Gov. of New Hamp- shire, rel. to organization of the V. S. militia. Read Dec. 4, 1833. pp. 48-49. Doc. A. Communication from Gov. of Mass. rel. to abolition of lotteries, pp. 49-70. Doc. B. Same ; rel. to the public lands of the V. S. pp. 71-88. Doc. C. Same ; rel. to conv. of S. C. pp. 89-114. Doc. D. Same; [with res. resp. Ga. proposition for a conv. to revise the U. S. Constitution], pp. 114-124. Doc. E. Communication from Gov. of Conn. ace. with res. rel. to tariff and Internal improve- ments, pp. 124-126. Doc. F. Communication from the Gov. of Md. ace. with res. rel. to S. C. ordinances, pp. 126-129. Doc. G. Communication from the Gov. of Miss, with res. resp. Ga. proposition for a U. S. Con- stitutional conv. pp. 129-132. Doc. 10. Communication from the Pres. of the German- town and Perklomen Turnpike Road Co., ace. with abstr. of accts., 1832/3. Nov. 11, 1833. pp. 132-133. Doc. 11. Communication from the secy of the land oCBce, ace. with a stmt, of the business of that dept., 1832/3. Dec. 5, 1833. pp. 134-135. Doc. 12. Rept. of the state treasurer on the finances of the Commonwealth, 1832/3. Dec. 6, 1833. pp. 136-147. Doc. 13. Govs. mess. ace. with a rept. of the comrs. upon railroads and canals. Dec. 7, 1833. p. 147. Docs. 14-47. See app. to vol. 2. Doc. 48. Communication from the surveyor gen. ace. with a stmt, of the business of that dept., 1832/3. Dec. 2, 1833. pp. 148-150. Doc 49. Rept. of Mr. Strohm. teller on the part of the House, to officiate at the election of U. S. Senator. Dec. 7, 1833. pp. 150-160. Doc. 50. Rept. upon the settlement of the acet. of J. Miller, prtr. Dec. 10, 1833. p. 160. Doc. 51. Rept. upon an item of unfinished business rel. to authorising the guardian of Jane Murphy to sell real estate. Dec. 10, 1833. pp. 160-161. Doc. 52. Rept. upon the petition rel. to incorporating the Presbyterian Church at Towanda, in Bradford Co. Dec. 11, 1833. p. 161. Doc. 53. Rept. of the bd. of property upon unpatented lands. Dec. 7, 1833. pp. 162-168. Doc. 54. Rept. upon petition of Jacob Eiston rel. to a divorce. Dec. 1'2, 1833. pp. 168-169. Doc. 55. Rept. upon petition of Casper Rlsle, rel. to a divorce. Dec. 12, 1833. pp. 169-170. Doc. 56. Rept. upon the petition of Caleb Winget. Dec. 12, 1833. p. 170. Doc. 57. Rept. upon abolishing public executions. Dec. 12, 1833. pp. 171-177. Doc. 58. Rept. upon petition of Jonathan Cessna, a Revo- lutionary soldier. Dec. 13, 1833. p. 177. Doc 59. Communication from Roberts VnuJt. secy, of the bd. of mngrs. of the Ponn. Hospital, ace. with a stmt. of the affairs of said hospital, 1832/3. Dec. 12, 1833. pp. 178-187. Doc. 60. Rept. upon the settlement of clerk's acct. of the House. Dec. 14, 1833. pp. 187-188. Doc. 61. (Jovs. mess. ace. with [N. Y. docs. rel. to the militia and public defence]. Dec. 18, 1833. pp. 188-191. Doc. 62. Kept, of Northern I/iberties. Kensington and Spring Garden Saving Fund Socy. Dec. 19, 1833. pp. 192-193. Doc. 03. Rept. upon petition of Jane Reed, widow of a Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 19. 1838. p. 194. Doc. 64. Rept. upon petition of J. A. Ktzler, rel. to an npprn. in aid of certain Improvements in transporting on Dec. 19, 1833. p. 195. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 59 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LVIII Oonpral AssPinhJy — cont'd Dee. 3. ls:i:i-Aprll 15, 18:!4— <-onf(l Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 65. Kept, of the canal eomrs. rel. to the extension of the Penn. Canal. Dec. 19. 1833. pp. 195-204. Doc. GG. Govs, mess. ace. with a communication from the secy, of war rel. to ceding jurisdiction to the U. S. over the public arsenals near Phlla. Dee. 20, 1833. p. 204. Doc. 67. Communication from the secy, of the common- wealth ncc. with an abstr. of accts. of the Lycoming Coal Co. Dec. 18. 1833. p. 205. Doc. 68. Kept. rel. to the removal of the seat of justice. of Schuylkill Co. Dec. 20, 1833, pp. 206-207. Doc. 69. Kept, upon the petition of Robt. Doak, Dec. 21, 1833. p. 207. Docs. 70-71. Cnmm\inlcatlon from auditor gen., ace, with bank repts, Jan. 4, 1834, pp. 208-244. Docs. 72-'?9. Govs. mess. nee. with rept. of code comrs. Jan. 6, 1834. pp. 244-421. Doc. 80. Communication from select council of Phlla. ace. with an acet. of the receipts and payments of the Glrard Fund, 1833. Jan. 4, 1834, pp. 421-473. Doc. 81. Communication from the auditor gen. ace. with a stmt, of the affairs of the Pittsburg Saving Fund Co.. 1833. Jan. 4, 1834. pp. 473-474, Doc. 82. Stmt, of Phlla. Saving Fund Soey., 1833. Read Jan. 6, 1834. pp. 474-475, Doc. 83. An alphabetical list of the names of persons on the pension roll of Penn., amt. paid to each ann., etc. Read Jan. 7, 1834. pp. 475-490. Doc. 84. Rept. of state treasurer concerning the deposits of the public moneys. Jan. 7, 1834, pp. 400-493. Doc. 85. Rept. upon petition of Henry Antes, Jan. 10, 1834. pp, 493-494, Doc. 86. Rept. upon petition of Danl. Stevens, rel. to a divorce. Jan. 10, 1834, p, 494. Doc. 87. Rept. upon an alteration in the election law. Jan. 10, 1834. p. 495. Doc. 88. Rept. upon petition of Ebenezer Kerr. Jan. 10, 1834, p, 495, Doc, 89, Rept, upon petition of Axa Potter, Jan, 10, 1834, p. 496. Doe. 90. Rept. upon petition from York Co., rel, to an alteration In the penal laws. Jnn, 10, 1834, p, 496, Doc, 91, Rept. upon petition from Huntingdon Co. rel. to an alteration in the road laws. Jan. 10, 1834. p. 497. Doc. 92. Rept. upon the rules of the House. Jan. 10, 1834. PP. 497-498. Does. 93-94. Communication from the state treasurer ace. with stmt, of the contingent expenses of the treasury office, 1832/3. pp. 498-499. Doe. 95. Rept. upon settlement of the clerk's acct. of House. Jan. 11. 1834. pp. 499-500. Doc. 96. Abstr. of accts. of the Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co., 1833, Read Jan, 13, 1834, pp, 500-501, Doe. 97. Stmt, of accts. of the North American Coal Co., 1832/3, Read Jan. 13. 1834. pp. 501-503. Doc. 98. Rept. upon the petition of David Zeigler, guardian of Helena Koch. Jan. 13, 1834. pp. 503-504. Doc. 99. Rept. upon the complaints agst. John Welgart. n justice of the peace of Adams Co. Jan. 13, 1834, pp. 504-505. Doc. 100. Govs. mess, with rept. of canal comrs. rel. to damages on Grant's Hill. Jan. 14, 1834. pp. 506-509. Doc. 101. Stmt, of affairs of the Delaware Coal Co., 1833. pp. 509-512. Doe. 102. Rept. of Mr. Connell.v. teller on the part of the House, to officiate at the election of state treasurer. pp. 512-515. Doc. 103. Govs. mess. ace. with a memorial from the judges of the Supreme Court. Jan. 15, 1834. pp. 516- 520. Doc. 104. Govs. mess. ace. with [Ga. papers rel. to the public lands]. Jan. 15. 1834, pp, 520-522. Doe. 105. Communication from the canal comrs. rel. to the cost of railroad Iron. Jnn. 15, 1834. pp. 523-525. Doc. 106. Rept. upon petition of Isabella Highlands. Jan. 15, 1834. p. 525. Doc. 107. Rept. upon petition of T. C. James, atty. of Wm. Chadderton. p. 526. Dnc. 108. Rept. upon petition of Hannah Welsh. Jan. 15, 1834. p. 527. Doc. 109. Rept. upon petition of Jeremiah Williams. Jan. 16, 1834. pp. 527-528. Doc. 110. Rept. of the canal comrs. in relation to the expediency of making certain turnpike roads. Jan. 17, 1834. pp. 528-531. Doc. 111. Rept. upon the petition of Danl. Carey. Jan. 17, 1834. pp. 531-532. Doc. 112. Ann. rept. of the inspectors of the Western State Penitentiary. Jan. 1, 1834. pp. 532-536, 2 foldg. tables. Doe. 113. Rept. upon the petition of Eleanor Bean, widow of a Revolutionary soldier, p. 536. Doc. 114. Rept. apon the supervisors, contractors, and other agts. of the public Improvements. Jan. 18, 1834, p, 537, COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd I.VIII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 3, 1833-Aprll l.l, 1834— confii Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 115. Rept. upon the ClltTord and Wllkesbarre Turn- pike Road. Jan. 18, 18.''.4. pp. 5:17-538. Doc. 116. Communication from the I'resident of the Phlla., Germautown and Norrlstown R,R, Co. ace. with an abstr. of the accts. of said eo. Jan. 18, 1834. pp. 538-539. Doc. 117. Abstr. of accts. by the President, directors and CO. for erecting a permanent bridge over the river Schuyl- kill. Dec. 31, 1833, pp, 540-541. Doc. 118. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of the Chest- nut Hill and Spring House Turnpike Road Co., 1833. Jan. 17, 1834. pp. 541-542. Doc. 119. Rept. in relation to the free locks on the Sus- quehanna River. Jan. 20, 1834. pp. 542-544. Doc. 120. Govs. mess, [transmitting rept. of adj. gen.]. Jan. 20, 1834. p. 544. Doe. 121. Ann. rept. of adj. gen., 1833. Jan. 13. 1834. p. 545. Doc. 122. See Tables. Doe. 123. Rept. upon the petition of John H.innum. Jan. 23, 1834. p. 546. Doc. 124. Rept. upon the petition of John II. IJams and Joseph H. IJams. Jan. 23, 1834. p. 547. Doc. 125. Rept. upon the inspection of flour In western Penn. Jan. 23, 1834. pp. 547-548. Doc. 126. Rept. of the President of the eo. Incorporated to improve the navigation of the river Lackawaxen. Jan. 21, 1834. p. 548. Docs. 127-128. Govs. mess, with communication from the Gov. of N. C. ace, with a rept, and res, Jan. 28, 1834. pp. 549-550. Doc. 129. Rept. from the auditor gen. rel. to turnpike roads, in which the state holds stock. Jan. 28, 1834. pp. 551-553, foldg. table. Doe. 130. Table ace. auditor's rept., doc. 129. Doc. 131. Rept. upon a steam towing boat on the Dela- ware division of the Penn. Canal. Jan. 28, 1834. pp. 553-554. Doc. 132. Rept. upon the feeder, at or near Black's eddy, upon the Delaware division of the Penn. Canal, pp. 554-555. Doe. 133. Rept. upon the Inspection law rel. to tobacco. Jan. 28, 1834. pp. 555-557. Doc. 134. Rept. of the clerks of the courts of Oyer and Terminer of the several cos. within the commonwealth. Jan. 29, 1834. pp. 558-559. Doc. 135. Rept. upon petition of paper makers and paper hangers. Jan. 29, 1834. pp. 559-560. Doc. 136. Rept. upon law In relation to the aldermen of Phlla. Co. Jan. 29. 1834. p. 560. Doc. 137. Rept. upon petition of John S. M'Elwaln for a divorce. Jan. 29, 1831. p. 561. Doe. 138. Rept. upon petition rel. to exempting the fire- men of Pittsburg from military duty. Jan. 29, 1834. pp. 561-562. Doc. 139. Rept. upon the Danville and Pottsville R.R. Co. Jan. 29, 1834. pp. ,562-566. Doc. 140. Rept. of the Joint committee on education. Feb. 1, 1834, pp, 566-616, Doc, 141. Rept. upon petition of Danl. May for the sale of real estate. Feb. 3, 1834. p. 617. Doc. 142. Rept. upon petition of John Uhler, guardian of Mary Huy, for the sale of real estate. Feb. 3, 1834. pp. 617-618. Docs. 143-144. Govs. mess, with coramunication from the canal comrs. ace. with a rept. from the burgess and town council of the borough of Erie, In relation to the ?rogres8 of the canal basin at that place, Feb. 4, 834, pp. 618-620, Doc, 145. Rept. of the Penn. Institution for the deaf and dumb. Feb. G, 1834. pp. 621-623. Doc. 146. Ann. stmt, of the funds of the University of Penn., Jan. 1, 1834. p. 624. Doc. 147. Communication from the ntty. gen. resp. prose- cution for homicide. Feb. 10. 1834. pp. 625-626. Doc. 148. Rept. upon petitions in relation to widening the towing path of the canal from Johnstown to Suttons Dam. and a turnpike road to Armagh. Feb. 10. 1834. pp. 626-627. Doe. 149. Rept. upon petition In relation to the extension of the canal »ipon the east side of the Susquehanna River, from Clark's Ferry to Mlllersburg. pp. 627-628. Doc. 150. Rept. in relation to the Internal Improvements of the state. Feb. 10, 1834. pp. 628-636. Doc. 151. Rept, upon petition for the erection of a new county, out of parts of Chester, Montgomery and Berks. Feb, 10, 1834. p. 636. Doe. 152. Rept. upon the alterations and improvements of the Western Penitentiary. Feb. 10, 1834. pp. 637-640. Doe. 153. Rept. of the bd. of Inspectors of the Eastern Penitentiary. Feb. 12, 1834. pp. 640-654. Doe. 154. Rept. upon accts. of the select committee. Feb. 12, 1834. p. 655. Doc. 155. Rept. upon settlement of the clerk's acct. of the House. Feb. 20, 1834, pp. 655-656. 60 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LVIII General Assembly — cout'd Dec. 3, lS33-April 13, 1834 — confd Journal of the House — confd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 156. Kept, upon petition o£ S. Snyder for a divorce. pp. 636-657. Doc. 157. Kept, upon petitions for repealing the law abol- ishing Imprisonment fur small debts. Feb. 21, 1834. pp. 657-658. Doc. 158. State of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy., Jan. 1, 1834. pp. 658-659. Doc. 159. Kept, upon petition of P. A. Karthaus. Feb. 24, 1834. pp. 659-660. Doc. 160. Kept, upou petition rel. to the Manual Labor Academy in Western Penn. Feb. 26, 1834. pp. 660-661. Doc. 161. Kept, upon petition rel. to a bridge over Penns Creek, at Selinsgrove. Feb. 26, 1S34. p. 661. Doc. 162. Kept, of the committee of ways and means, upon finances of the state, and upon the res. of Dec. 20, rel. to the Bank of the U. S. March 1, 1834. pp. 662-696, foldg. table. Doc. 163. Kept, upon bill for anidmt. of the law of prin- cipal and agt. March 3. 1834. pp. 696-699. Doc. 164. Kept, upon petition of Bills and Foreman. March 7, 1834. p. 699. Doc. 165. Kept, upon Sen. bill 87, H. R. 238. pp. 700-702. Doc. 166. Kept, of the canal comrs. rel. to the drafts on the Bank of Penn. March 12, 1834. pp. 702-703. Doc. 167. Abstr. of the Phila.. Germantown and Norris- town R.R. Co. March 1, 1,S34. pp. 703-704. Doc. 168. Abstr. of accts. of the Cheltenham and Wil- low Grove Turnpike Co. for 1832/3. Nov., 1833. p. 704. Doc. 169. Kept, rel. to the use of the Penn. March 14, 1834. pp. 705-718. Doc. 170. Govs. mess., with Ohio docs. rel. to the junction of the Ohio and Penn. Canal. March 15, 1834. pp. 719- 720. Doc. 171. Rept. upon petition of certain stockholders and others. In the Mount Pleasant and Pittsburg road. March 15, 1834. pp. 720-722, Doc. 172. Rept. upon Northern turnpikes from Harrisburg to Pittsburg. .March IS, 1834. pp. 722-723. Doc. 173. Rept. upon Eastern Penitentiary, House of Refuge, and Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. March 18, 1834. pp. 723-734. Doc. 174. Rept. of committee apptd. to Investigate free- masonry, pp. 734-737. Doc. 175. Rept. upon accts. of the select committee to visit the Eastern Penitentiary, House of Refuge and Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. p. 737. Doc. 176. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses attending before the committee to investigate the conduct of the canal comrs. March 22, 1834. p. 738. Doc. 177. Communication from the secy, of the common- wealth ace. with a rept. of the mngrs. of the Franklin Institute. March 24, 1834. pp. 739-746. Doc. 178. Rept. upon petition of Robt. McGulre, a soldier of the late war. March 24, 1834. pp. 747-749. Docs. 179-181. Govs. mess, with rept. of code comrs. March 25, 1834. pp. 749-833. Doc. 182. Rept. upon accts. of the select committee apptd. to Investigate the conduct of the canal comrs. and their agts. upon the North and West branches of the Penn. Canal, p. 834. Doc. 183. Rept. upon settlement of the aect. of the Clerk of the House. March 25, 1834. pp. 834-835. Doc. 184. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses attending before the committee apptd. to Investigate the conduct of supervisors and agts., upon the Juniata division of the Penn. Canal. March 26, 1834. pp. 835-83C. Doc. 185. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses attending before the committee to Investigate the conduct of supervisors and agts. upon the Juniata division of the Penn. Canal. March 27, 1834. pp. 836-837. Doc. 188. Communication from the state treasurer ace. with a stmt, exhibiting the receipts of revenue at the state treasury, during the fiscal year, up to March 27, 1834. March 28, 1834. pp. 837-838. Doc. 187. Rept. of the canal comrs. rel. to damages paid on the Juniata division of the Penn. Canal, pp. 839-841. Doc. 188. Rept. upon the accts. of witnesses attending before the committee apptd. to investigate the conduct of supervisors and agts. upon the Juniata dlTlsion of the Penn. Canal. .March 28, 1834. pp. 841-842. Doc, 189. Same. March 28, 1834. p. 842 Doc. 190. Same. March 29, 1834. p. 843. Doc. 191. Rept. upon acct. of TyUther Scott, for serving subpoenas. March 29, 1834. pp. 843-844. Doc. 192. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses attending before the committee apptd. to investigate the conduct of the supervisors and agts. upon the Delaware division of the Penn. Canal. March 26. 1834. pp. 844-843. Doc. 193. Same: Juniata division. March 29. 1834. pp. 845-846. Doc. 194. Rept. upon the geol. and mlneraloglcal survey of the state. March 31, 1834. pp. 847-854. Doc. 193. Stmt, of accts. of the IJttle Schuylkill Naviga- tion R.R. and Coal Co., 1832/3. Dec. 21, lS33. pp. 854- 855. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LVIII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 3, lS33-April 15, 1834— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 196. Rept. iipon the subject of anti-masonrv. April I, 1834. pp. 856-859. Doc. 197. Kept, of Joint library committee. April 2, 1834. pp. 859-861. Doc. 198. Rept. of minority of the committee upon the subject of anti-masonry. April 5, 1834. pp. 861-874. Doc. 199. Govs. mess. ace. with a communication from the secy, of war rel. to a contemplated taxation of the arsenal of the United States, near Pittsburg. April 7, 1834. pp. 875-876. Doc. 200. Kept, of canal comrs. ace. with tables exhibit- ing the names and compensation of the supts., etc.. In the employment of the state upon the Penn. Canal and pp. 876-883. Doc. 201. Rept. upon the petition of Mary Oiler for a divorce. April 7, 1834. pp. 883-884. Doc. 202. Rept. upon the pay and mileage of the mem- bers, session 1833-34. April 7, 1834. pp. 884-886. Doc. 203. Rept. of the committee apptd. to Investigate the conduct of the canal comrs. and their agts. April 7, 1834. pp. 887-901. Doc. 204. Kept, of the committee to whom were referred petitions, praying that the Schuylkill Permanent Bridge should be made a free bridge. April 8, 1834. pp. 902- 910. Doc. 205. Rept. of the committee to whom were referred sundry petitions praying for an investigation Into the conduct of the public ;'gts., on the Juniata division, Penn. Canal. April 9, 1834. pp. 910-915. Doc. 206. Rept. of the joint committee upon the public bldgs. April 9, 1834. pp. 915-918. Doc. 207. Rept. upon the acct. of John HavUand. April 10, 1834. p. 918. Doc. 208. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses attending before the committee apptd. to Investigate the conduct of the canal comrs. and their agts. upon the branches of the Penn. Canal. April 10, 1834. pp. 918-921. Doc. 209. Rept. upon petition of James M. Long. April 10, 1834. pp. 922-923. Doc. 210. Rept. upon petition of contractors upon the Columbia and Phila. Rwy. April 10. 1834. pp. 923-924. Doc. 211. Rept. upon the acct. of sergeant-at-arms for serving subpoenas. April 11, 1834. pp. 924-925. Doc. 212. Rept. upon acct. of the sergeaut-at-arms and others for serving subpcenas. April 11, 1834. pp. 925- 926. Doc. 213. Rept. upon accts. of the officers of the House. April 11, 1834. pp. 926-927. Doc. 214. Communication from the auditor gen. ace. with a stmt, of the contingent expenses of that dept. April II, 1834. pp. 927-928. Doc. 23 5. Ann. ropt. of the bd. of mngrs. of the House of Refuge, 1833. April 10, 1834. app., p. 928. Doc. 216. Rept. upon Billiard and B. O. Tables. April 12, 1834. pp. 932-933. Doc. 217. Rept. upon the surplus water of the dam In the Long Narrows \ipon the Juniata Division. April 14, 1834. p. 933. Doc. 218. Rei»t. upon the contemplated taxation of the U. S. arsenal near Pittsburg. April 12, 1834. p. 934. Doc. 219. •Re[>t. of the committee on the judiciary system. on the deposits of the loans of I'enn. In any other than the Bank of Penn. April 14, 1834. pp. 934-940. Doc. 220. Rept. upon the prtg. of the journals. April 14, 1834. p. 940. Doc. 221. Protest of the minority of the committee com- plaining of the conduct of the public agts. upon the Juniata division of the Penn. Canal. April 14, 1834. pp. 941-943. Doc. 222. Rept. upon the settlement of the acct. of the Clerk of the House. April 14, 1834. p. 944. Doc. 223. Rept. upon postage acct. of the members. April 14, 1834. pp. 944-947. Doc. 224. Rept. upon the acct. of Henry Welsh, prtr. of the jol. in the English language. April 14, 1834. pp. 947-951. Doc. 225. Rept. upon the acct. of the prtr. of the German Journal. April 14. 1834. pp. 931-952. Doc. 226. Rept. upon the acct. of the prtr. of the bills. April 14, 1834. p. 953. Doc. 227. Rept. upon the acct. of Henry Sprlgman. April 14, 1834. pp. !133-n35. Doc. 228. Rept. of the ncct. of Chas. F. Muench. April 14, 1834. pp. 935-956. Doc. 229. Rept. tipon the acct. of Jas. Smith, sergeant- at-arms. April 14, 1834. p. 956. Doc. 230. Kept, upon tlie acct. of T. J. Heston and Jas. Thompson. April 14, 1834. p. 957. Doc. 231. Rept. upon the acct. of Saml. Holman. April 14 1834. p. 931'. Index. 6 pp. Three copies of v. 2 were compared, viz. : one In the Penn. State Library, one In the Free Library of Phlla.. and one In the Library of Congress. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 61 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd liVIII General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 3, 1833-April IS, 1834— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd v. 3. Appendix to vol. 2, containing cnniil comrs. rept. and ace. docs. m. p., n. d. 403 pp., foldg. tables, (docs. 13-47 of VOL 2.) Contents ; Doc. 13. Canal comrs. rept. pp. 3-40. Docs. 14-46. Docs. ace. canal comrs. .rept. pp. 42-214. Columbia Uwy. Doc. 14. Rept. of Wm. B. Mitchell, supt. Nov. 1, 1833. pp. 42-47. Doc. 15. Rept. of John Barber, supt. Nov. 21, 1833. pp. 47-48. Doc. 16. Rept. of Edwd. F. Gay, engr. Oct. 31, 1833. pp. 48-62. Doc. 17. Tables of expenditures by W. B. Mitchell. 2 foldg. tables at p. 62. (unnum.) Allegheny Portage Road Doc. 18. Rept. of Saml. Jones, supt. Nov. 1, 1833. pp. 63-74. Doc. 19. Rept. of Sylvester Welch, engr. Nov. 1, 1833. pp. 74-91. Doc. 20. Tables of expenditures, by Saml. Jones. foldg. tables 2-9. (p. 91.) Western division Doc. 21. Rept. of Saml. Jones, supt. [Nov., 1833.] pp. 92-97. Doc. 22. Rept. of Sylvester Welch, engr., Nov. 1, 1833. pp. 98-106. Beaver division Doc. 23. Rept of John Dickey, supt. Oct. 31, 1833. pp. 106-110. Doc. 24. Rept. of C. T. Whippo. engr. Oct. 31, 1833. pp. 110-114. Doc. 25. Tables of worl:, by John Dickey, foldg. tables 10-14. (p. 114.) Doc. 26. Schedule of contracts, by John Dickey. foldg. tables 15-17, 19; IS omitted, (p. 114.) French Creek division Doc. 27. Rept. of John Anderson, supt. Oct. 31, 1833. pp. 115-117. Doc. 28. Kept, of Alonzo Llvermore, engr. Oct. 31, 1833. pp. 118-121. Doc. 29. Tables of expenditures, by John Anderson. foldg. tables 19-29. (p. 121.) Wyoming line Doc. 30. Rept. of Lord Butler, supt. Oct. 31, 1833. pp. 122-123. Doc. 31. Rept. of John Bennet, engr. Oct. 31, 1833. pp. 123-127. Doc. 32. Tables of work, by L. Butler, 1832/3. pp. 128-136. Doc. 33. Tables of disbursements by L. Butler, 1832/3. pp. 137-145. Doc. 34. Tables of work on North Branch, 1832/3. pp. 146-148. Doc. 35. Tables of work on Susquehanna division, 1832/3. pp. 149-150. Doc. 36. Tables of damages paid, June 1, 1831-Oct. 31, 1833. pp. 151-154. Lycoming line Doc. 37. Rept. of Wm. F. Packer, supt. Nov. 1. 1833. pp. 154-162. Doc. 38. Rept. of James D. Harris, engr. Oct. 31. 1833. pp. 162-173. Doe. 39, Rept. of R, Faries. engr. Oct. 31, 1833. pp. 173-176, foldg. tables 24-26. (p. 176.) Doc. 40. Tables of work bv W. F. Packer, 1832/3. foldg. tables 27-30. (p. 176.) Doc. 41. Tables of disbursements, 1832/3. foldg. tables 31-33. (p. 176.) Juniata division Doc. 42. Rept. of Jas. K. Moorhead, supt. Oct. 31, 1833. pp. 177-194. Eastern division Doc. 43. Rept. of John C. M'AUlater. Nov. 13, 1833. pp. 194-196. Doc. 44. Rept. of A. B. Warford, engr. Oct. 25. 1833. pp. 197-208, 1 foldg. table. Doc. 45. Omitted. Delaware division Doc. 46. Rept. of Simpson Torbert, supt. Nov. 1, 1833. pp. 200-214. Doc. 47. Journal of bd. of canal comrs. Jan. 26-Dec. 19, 1833. pp. 215-403. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIX General Assembly Dec. 2, 1834-Aprll 15, 1835 Journal of the Senate. 3 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg: Welsh and Patterson, 1834-35. 681 (1), 53 pp. V. 2. [Containing messages, repts. and docs.] Harrisburg: Welsh and Patterson. 1834-35. G72 pp. pp. 3-13. Docs. ace. Govs. mess, of Dec. 3, 1834. Corresp. concerning loan under act of April 5, 1834. pp. 3-7. Rept. of architect of Western Penitentiary, pp. 7-10. Communication from Gov. of Md. enclosing rept. of committee of House of Delegiites and res. of legisl.. rel. to organization of tJ. S. militia, pp. 11-13. pp. 13-27. Stmt, of accts. of canal comrs., 1833/4. Read Dec. 4. 1834. pp. 27-30. Communication from auditor gen., Dec. 2, 1834. with rept. from comrs. of Internal Improvement fund, 1833/4. pp. 31-32. Communication from surveyor gen., Dec. 5, 1334. with stmt, of business of dept., 1834. pp. 33-34. Communication from secy, of land office, Dec. 5, 1833/4, with stmt, of business of dept., 1833/4. pp. 35-48. Ann. rept. of state treasurer on finances, 1833/4. pp. 49-50. Stmt, of nccts. of Lycoming Coal Co., 1833/4. pp. 50-75. Rept. of comrs. rel. to use of waters of Delaware River. Dec, 1834. pp. 75-77. Rept. of Northern Liberties. Kensington and Spring Garden Saving Fund Socy., 1833/4. pp. 77-114. Communication from auditor gen., Jan. 5. 1835, with stmt, of banks, 1834. pp. 114-115. Stmt, of affairs of Ridge Turnpike Co., 1834. Read Jan. 9, 1835. pp. 115-361. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to revise clvU code, Jan. 9. 1835. Read Jan. 16, 1835. p. 362. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to toll from transpor- tation of r.r. Iron and other property of commonwealth. Jan. 9, 1835. p. 363. Rept. of auditor gen., showing amt. of paper each bank has In circul.-ition in bills of denomiuation of five dollars. Jan. 12, 1835. pp. 364-367. 1 ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for In- struction of Blind. Jan. 1, 1834 [I. e., 1835]. Read Jan. 16, 1835. pp. 367-368. Abstr. of accts. of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co. Jan. 15, 1835. pp. 368-369. Ann. rept. of adj. gen.. 1834, ace. by 6 foldg. tables. pp. 369-384. Communication from Jas. M. Porter, Jan. 24, 1835, president of bd. of trustees of La Fayette College, with 3 ann. rept., Sept., 1834. pp. 385-387. Rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, 1834. Read Feb, 2. 183.^. pp. 388-389. Stmt, of affairs of No. Amer. Coal Co. Read Feb. 3, 1S35. pp. 389-392. Stmt, of :iff:iirs of Delaware Coal Co., 1833/4. Read Feb. 3, 1835. pp. 392-393. .\nn. stmt, of funds of Univ. of Penn. Jan. 1, 1835. pp. 394-395. Rept. of state treasurer, rel. to disposition of part of stock loan of 1824. Feb. 6. 1835. p. 396. Stmt, of affairs of Chesnut Hill and Spring House Turnpike Road Co., 1834. Read Feb. 14, 1835. pp. 396-398. Rept. of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy. Jan. 1, 1835. pp. 398-402. Rept. of building committee of Glrard College for orphans, 1834. pp. 403-448. .\cct. of receipts and payments of mayor, aldermen and citizens of Phiia. In trust for Glrard funds, 1834. pp. 449-450. Stmt, of affairs of Mount Carbon R.R. Co. Feb. 26. 1835. pp. 451-436. Ann. rept. of secy, of commonwealth and supt. of common schools, on common schools, 1834. March 2, 1835. pp. 457-466. Ann. rept. of bd. of mngrs. of House of Refuge. 1834. pp. 467-487. Ann. rept. of bd. of Inspectors of Eastern Penitentiary. March 12. 1835. pp. 488-512, 597-598 [for 488-514]. Mess, from Gov. with communication from secy, of war rel. to survey of loca- tion of r.r. route from Wllllamsport, Penn., to Elmlra, N. Y. March 21, 1835. pp. 598-601 [for 514-5171. Rept. rel. to affairs and mngmt. of House of Refuge. March 24. 1835. pp. 602-612. 529-578 [for 518-578]. Rept. of ]t. committee rel to Eastern State Penitentiary. March 26, 1835. pp. 578-637. Mess, from Gov. with communication froni comrs. apptd. to revise civil code. March 28, 1835. pp. 638-639. Ann. rept. of Little Schuylkill Navigation R.R. and Coal Co., 1833 4. Read April 3. 1835. p 640. Abstr. of accts. of Phlla., Germantown and Nor- ristown R.R. Co., 1834. Read April 13, 1S35. pp. 641-643. Communication and stmt. rel. to Harrisburg Bank. April 6, 1835. 62 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LiIX General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 2, 1834-Aprll 15, 1835— cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd I'll. 644-668. Kept. rel. to use of waters of Delaware Ulver. April 14, 1835. pp. 669-672. Index. . 3. Appendix to vol. 2, containing canal comrs. rept. and ace. does., 1834-35. n. p., n. d. 436 pp., foldg. tables, pp. 3-28. Canal comrs. rept. Columbia and Phlla. Rwy. 3. Rept. of Wm. B. Mitchell, sunt. Nov. 13, 1834. pp. 28-37. 2. Rept. of E. F. Gay, engr. Nov. 7, 1834. pp. 38-43. Allegheny Portage Rwy. 3. Rept. of Saml. .Tones, supt. Nov. 1, 1834. pp. 44-57. foldg. table. 4. Rept. of Sylvester Welch, engr. Oct. 30, 1834. pp. 57-69, foldg. tables. Eastern division 5. Rept. of John C. M'AllIster, supt., 1833/4. pp. 70-72. 6. Rept. of E. F. Gay, engr. Nov. 6, 1834. pp. 72- 74, foldg. tables. Juniata division 7. Rept. of J. K. Moorhead, supt. pp. 74-79. 8. Rept. of S. 'Welch, engr. Nov. 1, 1834 Western division 9. Rept. of Saml. Jones, supt. Nov. 1. 1834. pp 83-87 10. Rept. of S. Welch, engr. Nov. 1, 1834. pp. 88-92 Beaver division 11. Rept. of J. Dickey, late supt. Oct. 31, 1834 p. 92, foldg. table. 12. Rept. of Saml. Power, supt. Oct. 31, 1834. pp 93-95, foldg. tables. 13. Rept. of C. T. Whlppo, engr. Oct. 31, 1834. pp 95-98. French Creek division 14^^ Rept. of J. Anderson, supt. Oct. 31, 1834. pp Nov. 1, 1834 pp. 80-83 Oct. 31, 1834 98-100. 15. Rept, of A. Llvermore, engr. pp. 100-102, foldg. tables. West Branch division 16. Rept. of W. F. Packer, supt. Nov. 1, 1834 pp. 102-110, foldg. tables. 17. Rept. of J. D. Harris, engr. Oct. 30, 1834. pp 111-11.5, foldg. tables. 18. Rept. of R. Faries, engr. pp. 116-119, foldg tables. North Branch and Susquehanna divisions 19. Rept. of Lord Butler, late supt. pp. 120-129. 20. Rept. of D. M'Cormlck, supt. Nov. 1, 1834. p. 129. 21. Rept. of Robt. Faries, engr. Nov. 10, 1834. p. 22. Rept. of Simpson Torbert, supt. Nov. 1, 18.'i4. pp. 131-1.34. 23. Journal of the bd. of canal comrs., Dec. 31, 1833. to Dec. 24, 1834. pp. 134-436. Journal bf the House. 3 vols. v. 1. Harrisburg : Prtd. by Welsh & Patterson, 1834-35. 975 (1), 59 pp. V. 3. Containing messages, repts. and docs. [nos. 1-266]. Har- risburg: Welsh & Patterson, 1834-35. 899 pp., foldg. tables. Doc. 1. Communication from auditor gen., Dec. 2, 1834, rel. to ann. rept. of finances, p. 3. Doc. 2. Mess, from Gov. [Wolf], Dec. 3. 1834. Docs. 3-4. Docs. ace. Govs. mess. Corresp. concerning loan under act of April 5, 1834. pp. 22-26. Rept. of architect of Western Penitentiary, pp. 26-29. Doc. 5. Mess, from Gov., Dec. 4, 1834, with canal comrs. rept. p. 30. Does. 6-29. For canal comrs. rept. and ace. docs., see vol. 3, appendix. Doc, 30. SlesH, from Gov,, with communication from Gov. of Md. enclosing rept. of committee of House of Dele- gates, and res, of loglsl. rel. to organization of U. S. militia, pp. 30-33. Doc. 31. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt. of accts. of canal comrs. Dec. 4. 1834. pp. 33-47. Doc. 32. Communication from auditor gen., Dec. 2, 1834. with rept. from comrs. of Internal liuprovement fund. 1833/4. pp. 48-51. Doc. 33. Communication from surveyor gen., Dec. 6, 1834, with stmt, of business of dept., 18,33/4. pp. 51-63. Doc. 34, <'ommunlcatlon from secy, of land office, Dec. B, 1834, with stmt, of business of dept., 1833/4. pp. B3-BB. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIX General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 2. 1834-April 15, 1835— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Docs. 35-36. Rept. of Mr. Snyder, teller on part of House, to officiate at election of U. S. Senator. Dee. 6, 1834. pp. 55-68. Doc. 37. State of Phila. Saving Fund Society. Read Dec. 8, 1834. pp. 69-70. Doc. 38. Rept. of state treasurer on finances, 1833/4. pp. 70-83., Doc. 39. Rept. on acct. of clerk of House. Dec. 9, 1834. pp. 84-85. Doc. 40. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, with stmt, of accts. of Lycoming Coal Co. Dec. 10, 1834. pp. 85-86. Doc. 41. Rept, on petition of John Hannum, Dec. 10, 1834, pp, S6-87. Doc 42. Rept. upon petition of Catharine Frey, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Dec. 11, 1834. p. 87. Doc. 43. Rept. upon petition of Peter P. Dawson, Revo- lutionary soldier. Dec. 11, 1834. p. 88 Docs. 44-45. Mess, from Gov., Dee. 12, 1834, with rept and docs, of comrs. rel. to use of waters of Delaware River, pp. 88-114. Doc. 46. Kept, upon petition of Job Shepard. Dec. 13, 1834. p. 114. Doc. 47. Rept. upon complaints agst. Jas. Patterson, Justice of peace of York Co. Dec. 13, 1834. p. 115. Doc. 48. Rept. upon petition of executors and heirs of Peter DeardorflE. Dec. 16, 1834. pp. 115-116. Doc. 49. Rept. upon petition of Capt. David Wilson, Revolutionary officer. Dec. 16, 1834. p. 116. Doc. 50. Rept. upon petition of Emanuel Ziegler, Revolu- tionary soldier. Dec. 16, 1834. p. 117. Doc. 51. Communication from auditor gen., Dec. 16, 1834, with rept. of comrs, of common school fund, pp. 117-119, Doc. 52. Stmt, of affairs of Frankford and Bristol Turn- pike Road Co., 1834. pp. 120-121. Doc. 53. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to estimates for com- pleting Wyoming line of North Branch division of Penn. Canal. Dec. 17, 1834. p. 122. Doc. 54. Rept. upon petition for commuting sentence of death passed on Jos. Blundin. Dec. 17, 1834. pp. 123- 124. Doc. 55. Rept. upon petition of Peter A. Karthaus. Dec. 17, 1834. pp. 124-126. Doc. 56. Abstr. of accts. of Germantown and Perklomen Turnpike Road Co. Nov. 3, 1834. p. 126. Doc. 57. Rept. upon petition of Arthur M'KlssIck for sale of real estate of minor children. Dec. 18, 1834. pp. 127-128. Doc. 58. Rept. upon acct. of prtr. of German jol. Dec, 19, 1834. p. 128. Doc. 59. State of accts. of Penn. Hospital, 1833/4. pp. 129-137. Doc. 60. Rept. of Northern Liberties, Kensington and Spring Garden Saving Fund Socy., 1833/4. pp. 137-138. Docs. 61-62. Communication from auditor gen., Jan. 5, 1835, with stmt, of banks, pp. 139-176. Doc. 63. Rept. of canal comrs., rel. to number of persons employed on canals and Jan. 5, 1835. pp. 177-185. Doc. 64. Rept. on ace*, of clerk of House. Jan. 6, 1835. p. 185. Doc. 65. Rent, of canal comrs, rel. to payments for loco- motive engines. Jan. 6, 1835. p. 186. Docs, 66-67. Communication from state treasurer, Jan., 1835, with stmt, of contingent expenses of office, 1833/4. p. 187. Doc. 68. Rept. of canal comrs. upon amt. saved to state In construction of public Improvements by facilities afforded by them, Jan. 8, 1835. pp. 188-191. Doc. 69. Rept. on laying rails upon Columbia Bridge. Jan. 9, 1835. p. 192. Doc. 70. Rept. upon petition of William M'Kee, for com- pensation. Jan. 10, 1834. pp, 192-193. Doc. 71. Rept. upon petition of George A. Kurtz rel. to patent ferry. Jan. 10, 1835. p. 193, Docs. 72-74, Mess, from Gov,. Jan. 5. 1833, with letter from secy, of war rel. to U. S, land near Allegheny Arsenal at Pittsburg: and communication from Gov, of Ga. rel, to U, S. bank, and to expunging certain procs. from Journal of D. S. Senate, pp. 194-201. Read Jan. 12, 1835. Doc. 75. Rept. of Mr. Helffenstcin, teller on part of House, to offlclatc at election of state treasurer. Jan. 13, 1835. pp. 201-204. Doc. 76. Rept. upon petition of Geo. Parson, brother of Revolutionary soldier. .Ian. 13, 1S35. p. 205. Doc. 77. Rept. upon petition of Catharine B'ell, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 13, 1835, pp, 205-206. Doc. 78. Rept. upon i>otition rel. to abolishing imprison- ment for small debts. Jan. 14, 1835, p, 206, Doc, 79. Rept. on petition of Thomas S. Biair for divorce. Jan. 14, 1835. p. 207. Doc. 80. Rept. upon petition of Patrick Burk, Revolu- tionary soldier. Jan. 14, 1835. pp. 207-208. Doc. 81. Rept, upon petitions of Jos, M'Klnzev and Wm, Randall, Revolutionary soldiers, Jan, 14, 1835. p. 208. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 63 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIX General Assembly — I'ont'rl Dec. 2, 1834-April 15, 1835— ccmfd Journal of the House — conf d Contents : — cont'd Doc. 82. Itept. upon petition rel. to apptiut. of additional flour Inspectors for port of Phlla. Jan. 14, 1835. pp. 208-209. Doc. 83. Rept. upon petition of agent of Lycoming Coal Co. Jan. 15, ls:f."i. p. liOO. Doc. 84. Kept, upon petition of Jolin Rlcker, Revolution- ary soldier. Jan. 15, ls;i5. p. 210. Doc. 85. Kept, upon petilioo for exempting glass blowers from military duty. Jan. 15, 1835. p. 210. Docs. 86-91. Mess, from Gov.. Jan. IG. 1835. with com- munication from comrs. apptd. to revise civil code, and ace. docs. pp. 211-457. Doc. 92. 1 ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Instruction of Blind, [18^4]. pp. 458-461. Doe. 93. Rept. upon petition of Mary Focht to legitimate son. Adam Spong. Jan. 16, 1835. pp. 401-4C2. Doc. 94. Rept. on petition of John Cochran, Revolu- tionary soldier. Jan. 16, 1835. p. 462. Doc. 95. Abstr. of accts. of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co. [1834]. p. 463. Doc. 96. Rept. of prothouotary of distr. court of I'hila. rel. to no. of cases since March 30, 1832, under act of March 20, 1810, known as Arbitration law. Jan. 17, 1835. p. 464. Doc. 97. Rept. upon petition rel. to Incorporating Kirks' Anthracite Ware Manufactory. Jan. 19, 1835. pp. 464-466. Doc. 98. Rept. upon accts. of committee apptd. to inves- tigate Phila. House of Refuge. Jan. 19, 1835. p. 466. Docs. 99-101. Mess, from Gov., Jan. 20, 1835, with [ann.] rept. of adj. gen. for the year 1834. pp. 467-468, 6 foldg. tables. Doc. 102. Communication from canal comrs., Jan. 19, 1835, with rept. from John Bennet, late engr. of Wyoming line of Penn. Canal, explanatory of excess of cost over estimates. Read Jan. 20, 1835. pp. 468-472. Doc. 103. Rept. upon petition of Thos. Comegys, rel. to retained percentage. Jan. 20, 1835. pp. 472-473. Doc. 104. Rept. upon petition rel. to state road from Clinton, Allegheny Co., to Mount Pleasant, Westmore- land Co. Jan. 20, 1835. p. 473. Doc. 105. Rept. upon petition rel. to Incorporating co. for canal on west of Schuylkill. Jan. 21, 1835. p. 474. Doc, 106. Rept. from canal comrs. rel. to amt. reed. upon Columbia Rwy. for motive power furnished by state. Jan. 22, 1835. pp. 474-475. Doc. 107. Rept. upon acct. of John Kunkel, late asst. doorkeeper. Jan. 22, 1835. p. 475. Doc. 108. Rept. of pres. of co. incorporated to Improve navigation of Lackawaxen. p. 476. Doc. 109. Rept. of committee rel. to use of waters of Delaware River. Jan. 20, 1835. pp. 476-488. Doc. 110. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and Internal Improvement rel. to use of rwvs. of common- wealth. Jan. 28, 1835. pp. 488-505. Doc. 111. Same; minority of committee. Jan. 28, 1835. pp. 505-512. Doc. 112. Rept. upon complaint agst. Isaac T. Dodson, justice of peace of Northampton Co. Jan. 28, 1835. P. 513. Doc. 113. Rept. of auditor gen. rel. to debt of common- wealth. Jan. 28, 1835. p. 513, foldg. table. Doc. 114. Rept. upon petition of comrs. of Dauphin Co., rel. to expenses of fitting up Supreme Court room in state capltol. Jan. 29, 1835. p. 514. Doc. 115. Rept. upon petition of Elizabeth Scott, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Jan. 29, 1835. pp. 514-515. Doc. 116. Rept. upon petition of John Carroll to legiti- mate son, Tunis Carroll. Jan. 29, 1835. p. 515. Doc. 117. Rept. upon petition of Inhabitants of M'Kean Co., rel. to exonerating Wm. M. Bennett and Brewster Freeman, comrs., from payment of judgment. Jan. 29, 1835. pp. 515-516. Doc. 118. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to expenditures. Jan. 29, 1835. pp. 516-520. Doc. 119. Rept. upon petition of Walker and Royer. Jan. 31, 1835. p. 520. Doc. 120. Rept. upon memorial rel. to Incorporating Fair Mount and Gray s Ferry Canal Co. Jan. 31, 1835. pp. 520-521. Doc. 121. Rent, of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb. Jan. 30, 1835. pp. 521-524. Doc. 122. Rept. upon petition of Jas. Watson and Dan!. M'Larky, Revolutionary soldiers. Feb. 2, 1835. pp. 524- 526. Doc. 123. Rept. of committee of ways and means rel. to revenue to be derived from banks. Feb. 2, 1835 nn 526-530. Doc. 124. Same . . . for minorltv of committee. Feb 2 1835. pp. 530-534. Doc. 125. Rept. upon petition of Wm. Patterson, guardian of Jane Galloway, pp. 534-535. Doc. 126. Rept. upon petition of Jas. Neely, Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 2. 1835. p. 535. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIX General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 2, 1834-April 15, 1835 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 127. Rept. upon petition of Siirah Davis, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 2, 1S35. pp. 535-536. Doc. 128. Rept. upon petition of Susanna Dougherty, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 3, 1835. p. 536. Doc. 129. Rept. upon petition of David Price. Feb. 5. 1835. p. 537. Doc. 130. Rept. upon petition of Simon Lonergan. Feb. 5, 1835. pp. 537-538. Doc. 131. Rept. upon petitions rel. to incorporating trus- tees of Methodist Episcopal church. Feb. 5, 1835. p. 538. Doc. 132. Ann. stmt, of funds of Univ. of Penn. Feb. 3, 1835. p. 539. Doc. 133. Rept. upon petition of surviving assignee of Jas. Yard, rel. to errors in deeds. Feb. 6, 1835. p. 540. Doc. 134. Rept. upon petitions rel. to disposition of estate of Geo. Fry. Feb. 7, 1835. pp. 540-542. Doc. 135. Rept. upon petitions rel. to making valid deeds for unseated lands sold for taxes. Feb. 7, 1835. pp. 542-543. Doc. 136. Rept. upon petition of president and mngrs. of York Haven and Harrlsburg Bridge and Turnpike Co. Feb. 7, 1835. p. 543. Doc. 137. Rept. upon petition rel. to division of Franklin township, Greene Co. Feb. 7, 1835. p. 544. Doc. 138. Rept. upon petition of Francis M'Brlde. Feb. 7, 1835. pp. 544-545. Doc. 139. Rept. upon petition of Robt. M. Riddle for di- vorce. Feb. 9, 1835. p. 545. Doc. 140. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to tolls to be charged for passing upon rails on Columbia bridge. Feb. 9, 1835. pp. 546-547. Doc. 141. Rept. upon petition of Arts and Dobbins. Feb. 10, 1835. pp. 548-550. Doc. 142. Rept. upon petitions of Jacob Hill & Co., Jas. Rogers, John M'Keown, Wm. Cochran, David and Lewis Brenneman. Feb. 10, 1835. p. 550. Doc. 143. Rept. upon petition of Alex. Boggs. Feb. 10, 1835. pp. 550-552. Doc. 144. Rept. upon petition of Wm. Stall. Feb. 10, 1835. p. 552. Doc. 145. Rept. upon petition of Henry Antes. Feb. 10. 1835. p. 553. Doc. 146. Rept. upon petitions of M. J. Clark and Browu & Sawyer. Feb. 10, 1835. p. 554. Doc. 147. Rept. upon petition of Jacob and Jonas Horner and Jacob Stutzman. Feb. 10, 1835. p. 554. Doc. 148. Rept. upon petition of Andrew Dorshelmer. Feb. 10, 1835. p. 555. Doc. 149. Rept. of auditor gen. rel. to officers and agents on Penn. Canal and R.Rs. Feb. 10. 1S35. pp. 556-561. Doc. 150. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to supplying Delaware division of Penn. Canal with water. Feb. 13, 1S34. p. 562. Doc. 151. Rept. upon petition of Dorcas Provance, rel. to divorce. Feb. 13, 1835. p. 563. Doc. 152. Rept. upon petition of Jas. Moore and others, contractors. Feb. 13, 1835. p. 564. Doc. 153. Rept. upon petition of Amos Addis for com- pensation for violation of patent chute. Feb. 13, 1835. pp. 564-565. Doc. 154. Rept. upon petition of Margaret Reed, widow of Revolutionary soldier. Feb. 13, 1835. p. 565. Doc. 155. Rept. upon petition of John Kohr, Revolution- ary soldier. Feb. 13, 1835. pp. 565-566. Doc. 156. Rept. upon Senate bill to annul marriage of Israel and Mary Steel. Feb. 14, 1835. p. 566. Doc. 157. Rept. upon petition of John Hindman for di- vorce. Feb. 14, 1835. p. 567. Doc. 158. Rept. of Philadelphia Saving Fund Society [on condition of Socy., Jan. 1, 1835]. Feb. 12, 1835. pp. 568-569. Doc. 159. Rept. upon petition for making turnpike road from Mlddletown and Harrlsburg turnpike to Ruther- ford's. Feb. 17, 1835. p. 570. Doc. 160. Rept. of committee on inland navigation upon Internal Improvements of state. Feb. 17, 1835. pp. 570-576. Doc. 161. Rept. upon petition complaining of election of djrectors of Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Bank of Northern Liberties. Feb. 19, 1835. p. 577. Doc. 162. Rept. upon Senate bill to annul marriage of John and Rebecca Beans. Feb. 19, 1835. p. 577. Doc. 163. Abstr. of accts. of Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turnpike Co., 1833^4. p. 578. Doc. 164. Rept. of minority of committee on education rel. to general system of education by common schools. Feb. 20, 1835. pp. 578-581. Doc. 165. Rept. upon petition rel. to alteration In tolls on coal upon Penn. Canal, and to extension of Penn. Canal to Md. line. Feb. 23, 1835. p. 582. Doc. 166. Rept. of committee apptd. to visit Western Penitentiary. Feb. 23, 1835. pp. 583-585. 64 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIX General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 2, 1834-AprU 15, 1835— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 167. Rept. upon accts. of expenses of committee apptd. to examine Eastern Penitentiary. Feb. 25, 1835. pp. 585-586. Doc. 168. Rept. upon petition rel. to vacating state road from Shlckshinney to Jones' mill, Luzerne Co. Feb. 25, 1835. p. 586. Doc. 169. Rept. upon nccts. of expenses of committee apptd. to examine Western Penitentiary. Feb. 27, 1869. p. 586. Doc. 170. Rept. upon acct. of funeral expenses of Wm. Runsha. Feb. 28. 1835. p. 587. Doc. 171. Communication from secy, of commonwealth and supt. of common schools. March 2, 1835. pp. 587-592. Doc. 172. Rept. upon acct. of clerk of House. March 3, 1835. p. 593. Doc. 173. Rept. upon petition of Emanuel Zlegler, Revo- lutionary soldier. March 3, 1835. pp. 593-594. Doc. 174. Mess, from Gov., with act of Gen. Assem. of Ohio extending: time for completing Penn. and Ohio canal. March 3, 1835. pp. 594-596. Doc. 175. Rept. upon acct. of Wm. Runsha, late member of House. March 7, 1835. p. 597. Doc. 176. Rept. upon bill from Senate rel. to Moyamen- slng bank. March 7, 1835. pp. 597-598. Doc. 177. Ann. rept. of bd. of mngrs. of House of Refuge. March 7, 1835. pp. 598-608. Doc. 178. Abstr. of accts. of Danville and Pottsvlile R.R. Co. Jan. 1, 1835. pp. 608-609. Doc. 179. Rept. upon disposable funds in treasury. March 10. 1835. pp. 009-612. Doc. 180. Rept. upon petition rel. to auctions. March 10, 1835. p. 612. Doc. 181. Rept. upon petitions rel. to hawkers and pedlars. March 10, 1835. p. 613. Doc. 182. Rept. upon petitions rel. to tin hawkers and pedlars. March 10, 1835. p. 613. Doc. 183. Rept. upon acct. of Henry Gould, late asst. door- keeper. March 10, 1835. p. 614. Doc. 184. Mess, from Gov., with cuminunlcatlon from secy, of war dept. enclosing act of Cong, for continua- tion and repair of Cumberland road. March 10, 1835. pp. 614-616. Doc. 185. Rept. upon petition of Christian Kllnedinst, Revolutionary soldier. March 12, 1835. pp. 616-617. Doc. 186. Rept. upon Incorporating Commercial Bank of Pittsburg. March 12, 1835. pp. 617-618. Doc. 187. Rept. upon New Hope Delaware Bridge Co. March 13, 1835. pp. 618-620. Doc. 188. Rept. upon official conduct of Thos. H. Balrd, president judge of 14th Judicial distr. March 13, 1835. pp. 620-621. Doc. 189. Rept. rel. to tax on personal property. March 13, 1835. p. 621. Doc. 190. Mess, from Gov.. March 13, 1835, with com- munications from Govs, of Md. and Dei. rel. to Chesa- peake and Del. Canal Co. March 12, 1835. pp. 622-624. Doc. 191. Rept. of bd. of inspectors of Eastern Peniten- tiary [1834]. pp. 625-645. Doc. 192. Rept. of minority of committee on banks upon New Hope Delaware Bridge Co. March 14, 1835. pp. 645 (1. e. 046]-647. Doc. 193. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to investigate official conduct of Thos. H. Balrd. March 14, 1835. pp. 647-648. Doc. 194. Same. March 16, 1835. p. 649. Doc. 195. Rept. of committee rel. to signatures of peti- tions rel. to general system of education. March 17, 1835. pp. 650-651. Doc. 196. Same ; minority rept. March 17, 1835. pp. 651-653. Doc. 197. Rept. upon acct. of clerk of HouBe. March 18, 1835. p. 6.53. Doc. 198. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to Investigate ofllcial conduct of Thos. H. Balrd. March 18, 1835. p. 054. Dor. 11)9. Kept, upon petition of Wm. T. Boyd, for supply of water from Penn. Canal. March 18, 1835. pp. 664, 656 ri. e. for 654-655] Doc. 200. Rept. upi "" 18, 1835. p. 656. Rept. upon Hudson and Lake Erie R.R. March Doc. 201. Rept. upon petition of T. W. Dyott, rel. to incorporation for Dyottviiie Mnfg. and Bunking Co. March 18, 1835. p. 657. Doc. 202. Rept. upon Senate bill for relief of Salome Myers. March 20, 1835. p. 657. Doc. 203. Rept. upon petition of John Murphy, Revolu- tionary soldier. March 20, 18:15. p. 658. Doc. 204. Rept. upon petition of Anne Armstrong, rel. to estate of John Gllmorc. March 30, 1835. p. 658. Doc. 205. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses and depy. ser- geant-at-arms for serving Bubpcenas on witnesses before committee apptd. to Investigate official conduct of Thos. n. Balrd. March 21, 1835. p. 659. COLLECTED DOCUIHENTS— cont'd LIX General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 2, 1834-Aprll 15, 1835— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 206. Rept. on petition of Saml. Lord, Revolutionary soldier. March 21, 1835. p. 660. Doc. 207. Rept. upon Senate bill to annul marriage of Francis Seagreaves. March 21, 1835. pp. 660-661. Doc. 208. Rept. upon petition of Saml. and Maria Kepler rel. to divorce. March 21, 1835. p. 661. Doc. 209. Rept. upon petition of Jas. Klrkpatrlck, Revo- lutionary soldier. March 21, 1835. pp. 661-662. Doc. 210. Rept. upon petition rel. to survey of r.r. route from Pittston to state line. March 21, 1835. p. 662. Doc. 211. Rept. upon petition rel. to giving packet boats preference in passing locks. March 21, 1835. pp. 662- 663. Docs. 212-213. Mess, from Gov., with communication from secv. of war rel. to survey of r.r. from Williams- port to Elmlra. March 21, 1835. pp. 663-689, 1 foldg. sheet. Doc. 214. Rept. rel. to affairs and mngmt. of House of Refuge. March 24, 1835. pp. 689-692. Doc. 215. Rept. of Jt. committee rel. to Eastern State Penitentiary. March 26, 1835. pp. 693-753. Doc. 216. Stmt, of affairs of Lykeus Valley R.R. and Coal Co. Feb. 6, 1835. pp. 753-754. Doc. 217. Rept. upon petitions rel. to changing mode of assessing damages and repairing bridges In case of Union Canal Co. March 27, 1835. p. 755. Doc. 218. Rept. of minority of committee rel. to abuses charged as existing in mngmt. of Eastern Penitentiary. March 27, 1835. pp. 755-769. Doe. 219. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to compensation pd. persons employed on Phila. and Columbia Rwy. RIarch 24, 1834 [1. e. 1835]. pp. 769-772. Doc. 220. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to official conduct of Jas. K. Moorhead, supervisor of Juniata division of Penn. Canal. March 27, 1835. pp. 773-774. Docs. 221-226. Mess, from Gov. with communication from comrs. apptd. to revise #ivil code, submitting bills. March 28, 1835. pp. 774-833. Doc. 227. Rept. upon petition of David White rel. to use of water to be taken from pool of Neshanock dam for milling purposes. March 28, 1835. pp. 834-835. Doc. 228. Kept, upon petition of Wm. B. Osmun for divorce. March 30, 1835. p. 835. Doc. 229. Rept. upon petition of Mary Cornell for divorce. March 30, 1835. p. 836. Doc. 230. Kept. rel. to Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. March 30, 1835. pp. 836-838. Doc. 231. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to investigate circumstances of state loan of 1833. March 31, 1835. p. 838. Doc. 232. Rept. upon petition rel. to abuses alleged to have been committed under officers of Phila. and Columbia R.R. March 31, 1835. pp. 838-839. Doc. 233. Rept. upon Senate bill No. 412 [rel. to legiti- mating children of Eliza Howard]. April 2, 1835. p. 840. Doc. 234. Rept. upon accts. of committee apptd. to ex- amine Into mngmt. of Eastern Penitentiary. April 2, 1835. p. 840. Doc. 235. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to Investigate official conduct of Thos. H. Balrd. April 2, 1835. p. 841. Doc. 236. Ann. rept. of Little Schuylkill Navigation R.R. and Coal Co., 1834. pp. 841-843. Doc. 237. Rept. upon petition of Jas. Ronaldson rel. to abuses of Girard Trust by city authorities of Phila. April 8, 1835. pp. 843-844. Doc. 238. Rept. upon petitions rel. to abolishing right of voting by proxy. April 8, 1835. p. 841. Doc. 239. Rept. iipon petition nf Tnwnsend Lambourne rel. to divorce. April 8. 1835. p. 845. Doc. 240. Kept, upon petitions rel. to commuting capital punishment. April 8, 1835. pp. 845-846. Doc. 241. Rept. upon complaints agst. Nathan Rockey- feller. Justice of peace of Washington Co. April 8, 1835. p. 846. Doc. 242. Rept. upon complaints agst. Thos. Gallaher, Justice of pence of Perry Co. April 8, 1835. p. 847. Doc. 243. Communication from auditor gen. witli stmt, of contingent expenses of dept., 1834/5. pp. 847-848. Doc. 244. Rept. of inspectors of Western State Peniten- tiary. Jan., 1835. pp. 848-858. Doc. 245. Rept. of minority of committee on corporations on .Senate bill to ;iuthorize Gov. to incorporate co. to erect bridge over Schuylkill near Phila. April 10, 1835. pp. 859-862. Doc. 246. Rept. upon pav and mllenpe of members, Bes- slon 1834-35. April 11, 1835. pp. 863-865. Doc. 247. Communication from president of Phila., Ger- mantown and Norrlstowu K.R. Co., with abstr. of accts. [18341. pp. 865-806. Doc. 248. Stmt, of condition of Phila. Savings Institu- tion. Jan. 1, 1835. p. 867. Doc. 249. Rept. upon accts. of officers of House. April 13, 1835. p. 868. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 65 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIX Oenenil Assembly — cont'd Dec. 2, lS:!-l-April 15, 1835 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 250. Rept. upon accts. of sergeant-at-arms for serv- ing subpoenas. April 13, 1835. pp. 868-869. Doc. 251. Kept, upon petition rel. to Mayor's court of rhila. April IR. 1S;55. p. SCO. Doc. 252. Rept. upon petitions rel. to Phlla. and Trenton R.Il. Co. for erect inn nf bridge over Neshamouy River. April 13, 1835. pp. 870-871. Doc. 253. Kept, upon acct. of Henry Sprlgman. April 13, 1835. pp. 871-873. Doc. 254. Rept. upon civil code. April 14, 1835. p. 874. Doc. 255. Kept, upon acct. of prtr. of German Jol. April 14, 1835. pp. 874-870. Doc. 256. Rept. upon pay of witnesses before committee apptd. to investigate official conduct .of canal comrs. April 14, 1835. pp. 877-878. Doc. 257. Rept. upon settlement of acct. of clerk of House. April 14, 1835. p. 878. Doc. 258. Kept, upon postage acct. of members. April 14, 1835. pp. 870-881. Doc. 259. Rept. upon acct. of prtr. of bills. April 14, 1835. p. 882. Doc. 260. Rept. upon acct. of Welsh and Patterson, prtrs. of English jol. April 14, 1835. pp. 883-887. Doc. 261. Rept. upon acct. of Chas. F. Muench. April 14, 1835. p. 887. Doc. 262. Rept. upon petition for new township from cos. of Bedford and Huntingdon. April 14. 1835. p. 888. Doc. 263. Same ; for minority of committee. April 14, 1835. pp. 888-889. Doc. 264. Rept. upon Arch Street prison. April 14, 1835. pp. 889-890. Doc. 265. Stmt, of accts. of Lorberry Creek R.R. Co. April 14, 1835. pp. 890-,891. Doc. 266. Rept. of Joint library committee. April 14, 1835. pp. sni-892. Index, pp. 893-899. V. 3. Appendix to vol. 2 ; containing the canal comrs.' rept. and ace. docs. n. p., n. d. 436 pp.. fnldg. tables. Doc. 6. Canal comrs.' rept. pp. 3-27. Docs. 7-29. Docs. ace. canal comrs.' rept. pp. 29-436. Columbia and Phlla. Rwy. Doe. 7 — no. 1. Rept. of Wm. B. Mitchell, supt. Nov. 13, 1834. pp. 28-37. Doc. 8 — no. 2. Rept. of E. F. Gay, engr. Nov. 7, 1834. pp. 38-43. Allegheny Portage Rwy. Doc. 9 — no. 3. Rept. of Saml. Jones, supt. Nov. 1, 1834. pp. 44-57. 1 foldg. table. Doe. 10 — no. 4. Rept. of Sylvester Welch, engr. Oct. 30, 1834. pp. 57-69, 11 foldg. tables. Eastern division Doc. 11 — no. 5. Rept. of John C. M'Allister, supt. Oct. 31, 1834. pp. 70-72, 1 foldg. table, p. 74. Doc. 12 — no. 0. Kept, of E. F. Gay, engr. Nov. 6, 1834. pp. 72-74. Juniata division Doc. 13 — no. 7. Rept. of J. K. Moorhead, supt. Nov. 1, 1834. pp. 74-79. Doc. 14 — no. 8. Kept, of S. Welch, engr. Nov. 1, 1834. pp. 80-83. Western division Doc. 15 — no. 9. Kept, of Saml. Jones, supt. Nov. 1, 1834. pp. 83-87. Doc. 16 — no. 10. Rept. of S. Welch, engr. Nov. 1, 1834. pp. 88-92. Beaver division Doc. 17 — no. 11. Rept. of J. Dickey, late supt. Oct. 31, 1834. p. 92, 1 foldg. t.Thle. Doc. 18 — no. 12. Rept. of Saml. Power, supt. Oct. 31, 1834. pp. 93-95. 5 foldg. tables. Doc. 19 — no. 13. Rept. of C. T. Whippo, engr. Oct. 31, 1834. pp. 95-98. French Creek division Doc. 20 — no. 14. Rept. of J. Anderson, supt. Oct. 31, 1834. pp. 98-100. Doc. 21 — no. 15. Rept. of Alonzo Liverraore, engr. Oct. 31, 1834. pp. 100-102, 6 foldg. tables. West Branch division Doc. 22 — no. 16. Rept. of W. F. Packer, supt. Nov. 1, 1834. pp. 102-110, 4 foldg. tables. Doc. 23 — no. 17. Rept. of J. D. Harris, engr. Oct. 30, 1834. pp. 111-115, 6 foldg. tables. Doc. 24 — no. 18. Rept. of R. Farles, engr. Oct. 29, 1834. pp. 116-119, 2 foldg. tables. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LIX General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 2, lS:'.4Aprll 15. 1835— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents ; — cont'd North Branch and Susquehanna divisions Doc. 25 — no. 19. Rept. of Lord Butler, late supt. Nov. 1, 1834. pp. 120-129. Doc. 26 — no. 20. Rept. of I). MCormick, supt. Nov. 1, 1834. p. 129. Doc. 27 — no. 21. Rept. of Robt. Farles, engr. Nov. 10, 1834. p. 130. Doc. 28 — no. 22. Kept, of Simpson Torbert, supt. Nov. 1. 1834. pp. 131-134. Doc. 29 — no. 23. Journal of bd. of canal comrs. Dec. 21, 1833-Dec. 24, 1834. pp. 134-436. . Same, in German. Not seen. Jacob Baab was elected prtr. (House Jol. 1834/5 v. 1 : 18.) LX General Assembly Dec. 1, 1835-June 16, 1836 Journal of the Senate. 3 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg : Crabb & Barrett. 1835-36. 1074, 61 pp. V. 2. [Containing messages, repts. and docs.] Harrisburg: Crabb & Barrett. 1835-36. 430 pp., foldg. tables. Contents : pp. 3-7. Corresp. rel. to state loans. Read Dec. 2. 183.'). pp. 8-11. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to obstructions In navigation of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Nov. 16, 1835. pp. 11-14. Ann. rept. of comrs. of internal Improvement fund. Dec. 1, 1835. pp. 15-16. Communication from secy, of land ofBce with stmt, of business of dept.. 1834/5. Dec. 2, 1835. pp. 17-33. Accts. of canal comrs.. 1834/5. pp. 34-44. Ann. rept. of state treasurer, on finance, 1834/5. Dec. 4. 1835. pp. 44-46. Rept. of surveyor gen.. 1834/5. Dec. 4, 1835. pp. 46-50. Kept, of supt. of common schools rel. to general system of education, 1834/5. Dec. 5, 1835. Ace. by 3 foldg. tables. pp. 50-74. 6-7 ann. repts. of Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co., 1834 and 1835. p. 75. Stmt, of accts. of Lvcomini Coal Co., 1834/5. pp. 76-88. Kept, of Phlla. Bible Socy. Dec. 15, 1835. pp. 88-131. Letter from auditor gen., Jan. 4, 1836, with stmt, of certain banks, 1835. pp. 132-133. Rept. of Northern Liberties, Kensington and Spring Garden Saving Fund Socy. Dec. 23, 1835. pp. 134-138. Rept. of joint committee of federal relations in S. C. legisl. [Read in Penn. Sen.] Jan. 5. 1836. pp. 138-142. Res. of N. C. legisl. on subject of incendiary publications. (Read in Penn. Sen.] Jan. 5, 1836. pp. 143-144. Rept. of Lancaster and Susquehanna Turn- pike Road Co. Jan. 4, 1836. pp. 145-159. Rept. of bd. of inspectors of Western Peni- tentiary. 1835. pp. 160-161. Stmt, of affairs of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co. Jan. 8. 1836. pp. 161-162. Stmt, of affairs of Ridge Turnpike Co.. for 1835. pp. 162-268. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to revise civil code. Jan. 4. 1836. pp. 268-269. Stmt, of Phlla. Steam Tow Boat Co. Dec. 31, 1835. p. 269. Stmt, of Germantown and Perkiomen Turnpike Road Co., 1834/5. Nov. 2, 1835. pp. 270-272. Rept. and res. of Ga. Gen. Assem. Dec, 1835. pp 272-275. Kept, of building committee of Girard college. Jan. 12. 1836. pp. 276-315. Acct. of receipts and payments of mayor. aldermen, and citizens of Phlla. in trust for Girard Funds, for the year 1835. „ „ ,„„^ pp 315-316. Abatr. of accts. of No. Amer. Coal Co.. 1835. pp. 317-318. Stmt, of accts. of York and Md. Line R.R. Co., 1835. . . ^ , ^ pp 318-321. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb. 1835. pp. 322-342. Rept. of bd. of Inspectors of Eastern State Penitentiary. 1835. p 343 Stmt, of affairs of Doylestown Insurance Co., 'Aug. 1. 1835-Jan. 1. 1836. pp 344-346. 2 ann. rept. of mngrs. of Penn. Institution for instruction of Blind, for 1835. p 347. Stmt, of affairs of Chesnut Hill and Spring House Turnpike Road Co. Feb. 4. 1836. pp 347-349 Ala. res. on abolition of slavery. [Read In Penn.] Sen. Feb. 10. 1836. pp 349-350. Stmt, of affairs of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., 1835. Feb. 11. 1836. pp 351-352. List of taxable Inhabitants, slaves, and deaf and dumb, in state. 1835. Feb. 18. 1836. pp. 352-353. Kept, of adj. gen. Ace. by 7 foldg. tables, pp. 353-361. Suppl. rept. of supt. of common schools. Feb. 19. 1836. Ace. bv 2 foldg. tables. pp 361-363. Abstr. of accts. of Phlla. and Lancaster Turn- pike Road Co., 1833-1835. Feb. 15, 1836. 66 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LX General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 1, 1835-June 16, 1836 — cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd pp. 363-364. Communication from Gov. of Va., Feb. 18, 1836, transmitting res. of legisl. on negro slavery, pp. 365-372. Rept. of mngrs. of House of Refuge. Jan. 1, 1830. pp. 372-373. Abstr. of accts. of Northern Liberties and Penn Township R.R. Co. to March 1, 1836. pp. 373-374. Ann. rept. of Phila., Germantown and Norris- town R.R. Co. March 8, 1836. p. 374. Communication from Gov. of Ohio, Mch. 4, 1836, with res. rel. to election of president and vice president, pp. 375-385. Rept. of committee apptd. to Inquire into state of affairs of Bank of Penn. March 18, 1836. 1 folde. table, pp. 385-391. Rept. of committee apptd. to inquire into state of affairs of Bank of Phila. March 18, 1836. pp. 392-395. Communication from Gov. of Ky., Feb. 23, 1836. with res. of legisl. resp. abolition soeys. pp. 395-404. Mess, from Gov. stating objections to bill suppl. to act for incorporating Girard Bank. March 16, 1836. [Read In Penn.] Sen. March 12, 1836. pp. 405-406. Act passed by Ohio Gen. Assem. rel. to Penn. and Ohio Canal Co. p. 406. List of taxable Inhabitants of M'Kean Co., 1835. pp. 407-409. Ann. rept. of pres. of Lykens Valley R.R. and Coal Co.. 1834/5. pp. 409-411. Communication from Gov. of Miss., March 7, 1836, with res. of legisl. rel. to abolitionists, pp. 411-414. Ann. acct. of Delaware Coal Co., 1834, 5. pp. 414-416. Ann. rept. of Little Schuylkill Navigation, R.R. and Coal Co., 1834/5. pp. 416-418. Communication from Gov. of Ohio, March 28, 1836, with rept. and res. of legisl. rel. to slavery, pp. 418-421. Communication from Gov. of Mc., March 24, 1836, with res. rel. to slavery, pp. 421-422. Communication from Gov. of Me., April 5, 1836, with res. rel. to election of president and vice presi- dent. pp. 422-425. Communication from Gov. of N. Y., May 18, 1836, with rept. and res. rel. to slavery, pp. 427-430. Index. . 3. Appendix to vol. 2 ; containing canal comrs." rept. and ace. docs. Harrisburg : Prtd. by Crabb & Barrett, 1835. 248 pp., foldg. tables. Contents : pp. 1-26. Rept. of canal comrs., 1834/5. Dec. 2, 1835. Includes 2 foldg. tables, pp. 27-108. Accompanying documents. Philadelphia and Columbia Railway 1. Rept. of Joseph Mosher, supt. Phila. and Columbia Rwy. Nov. 3, 1835. pp. 27-29. 3 foldg. tables. 2. Rept. of Edwd. F. Gay, principal engr. Oct. 30, 1835. pp. 30-31. 3. Rept. of E. F. Gav, engr., upon motive power. Oct. 30, 1835. pp. 31-37. 4. Rept. of J. Mosher, supt. of motive power on Colum- bia and Phila. Rwy. Oct. 29, 1835. pp. 37-38, 2 foldg. tables. 5. Rept. of J. Mosher, supt. upon cost of locomotives. Oct. 29, 1835. pp. 38-39. 6. Abstr. of rept. on motive power, pp. 39-40. 7. Abstr. of receipts and expenditures on acct. of motive power, on the Columbia and Phila. Rwy., Feb. 2-July 10, 1835, by Jos. Mosher. Oct. 29, 1835. p. 40. 8. Rept. of J. S. Cash, supt. of motive power. Oct. 31, 1835. pp. 41-46. Eastern division 9. Rept. of J. C. M'Allister, supt. Oct. 31, 1835. pp. 46-47, 2 folde. tables. 10. Rept. of Edwd. F. Gay, engr. Oct. 30, 1835. pp. 47-4d. Juniata and Western divisions 11. Rept. of J. K. Moorhead, supt. Juniata Division. Nov. 1, 1835. pp. 49-51. 12. Rept. of S. Jones, supt. Western Division. Dec. 12, 1835. pp. 51-52. 13. Rept. of S. Welch, engr. upon a reservoir for the Western Division. Nov. 22, 1 H34 [ S.'i ? ] . pp. 52-56. 14. Rept. of S. Welch, engr. \inon the Juniata and Western Divisions. Oct. 3. 18.35. pp. 56-63. Portage Railway 15. Rept. of S. Jones, late supt. June 12, 1835. pp. 63-6ft. 10. Rent, of Wilson Knott, supt. Nov. 1, 1835. pp. 00- 68, 3 foldg. tables. 17. pp. 61 Rept. of S. Welch, principal engr. Oct. 30, 1835. "6-77. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LX General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 1, 1835-June 16, 1836 — cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd I'ortage Railway — cont'd 18. Rept. of S. Welch, principal engr. upon motive power. Oct. 31, 1835. pp. 77-89. 19. Rept. of Wilson Knott, supervisor, on motive power. Oct. 31, 1835. p. 89, 5 foldg. tables. Beaver division 20. Rept. of Sam]. Power, late supt. Nov. 20, 1835. p. 90, foldg. table. West Branch and North Branch Divisions 21. Rept. of G. Crawford, supt. Nov. 21, 1835. pp. 91- 92. 22. Work done and payment upon extension of Lycom- ing line. Penn. Canal, above Dunnstown ; work and payments on West Branch Division, Penn. line ; damages paid on Wyoming line (1834/5). foldg. table betw. pp. 92 and 93. 23. Rept. of R. Farles, engr. upon the North and West Branch Divisions. Nov. 4. 1835. pp. 93-95. 24. Rept, of R. Farles, engr. upon the Tangascootack extension. Nov. 8, 1835. pp. 95-101. Delaware division 25. Rept. of Simpson Torbert, supt. Nov. 1, 1835. pp. 101-102. 26. Rept. of Sylvester Welch, engr. Dec. 21, 1835. pp. 102-108. 27. Journal of the bd. of canal comrs. Jan. 15, 1835- Jan. 30, 1830. pp. lOS-248. Two copies of v. 3 were compared, viz. : one in the Penn. State Library and one In the Hist. Socy. of Penn.. Phila. . Same, in German. Not seen. Jacob Baab was elected prtr. (Sen. jol. 1835/6 V. 1:31.) Journal of the House. 3 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg: Prtd. by T. Fenn, 1835-36. 1464, 119 pp. V. 2. Containing messages, repts. and docs. Harrisburg : Prtd. by T. Fenn, 1835-36. 943, xl pp.. 1 foldg. table. Doc. 1. Communication from the auditor gen. rel. to his ann. rept. of the finances for the year ending Oct. 31, 1835. Dec. 1, 1835. p. 3. Doc. 2. Communication from the secy, of the land office, ace. with a stmt, of the business of that dept. Dec. 2, 1835. pp. 4-5. Doc. 3. Communication from auditor gen. ace. with a rept. of the comrs. of the internal improvement fund. Dec. 1, 1835. pp. 6-10. Doc. 4. Govs. mess. (Wolf). Dec. 2, 1835. pp. 10-24. Doc. 5. Corresp. concerning the loan under the act of April 13, 1835. pp. 24-29. Doc. 6. Corresp. in relation to the Chesapeake and Dela- ware Canal. Nov. 16, 1835. pp. 29-32. Docs. 7-8. Govs. mess. ace. with a rept. of the comrs. upon and canals. Dec. 2, 1835. p. 33. Canal comrs.' rept. and ace. docs, are in the app. of this volume. Doc. 9. Communication from the auditor gen. ace. with a stmt, of accts. of canal comrs. Dec. 3, 1835. pp. 33-51. Doc. 10. Rept. upon the acct. of Jas. Smith, late sergeant- at-arms, and T. J. Gross, late asst. clerk. Dec. 4, 1835. p. 51. Doc. 11. Rept. of state treasurer upon the finances of the Commonwealth. 1834/5. Dec. 4, 1835. pp. 52-62. Doc. 12. Communication from the surveyor gen. ace. with a stmt, of the business of that dept., 1834/5. Dec. 4, 1835. pp. 62-64. Doc. 13. Kept, upon accts. of the late door-keeper and asst. door-keepers. Dec. 5, 1835. p. 64. Doc. 14. Rept. upon acct. of Benj. Perry, late transcribing clerk. Dec. 5, 1835. p. 65. Doc. 15. Rept. upon the settlement of the Clerk's accts. of the House. Dec. 5, 1835. pp. 05-00. Doc. 16. Rept. of the secy, of the commonwealth as supt. of common schools. Dec. 5, 1835. pp. 06-70, 3 foldg. tables. Doc. 17. State of accts. of Penn. Hospital being a sum- mary of the receipts and payments for the year ending Apr. 25, 1835. Dec. 3, 1835. pp. 71-78. Doc. 18. Rept. of the tellers of the convention for counting the votes for Gov. Dee, 7, 1835. pp. 79-80. Doc. 19. Ann. stmt, of the n\imber of depositors with the Phila. Raving Fund Socy., first Monday of Nov., 1835. Dec. 7, 1835. pp. 81-82. Doc. 20. Rept. resp. the bill for changing the time of apptg. canal comrs. Dee. 9, 1835. pp. 82-83. Doc. 21. Govs. mess. (Wolf) transmitting the 6th and 7th ann. repts. of the president and directors of the Chesa- peake and Ohio Canal Co. Dec. 9, 1835. pp. 84-110. Doc. 22. " See No. 70 of this volume." Doc. 23. Rent, upon the claims of sundry Revolutionary soldiers. Dec. 11, 1835. pp. 110-111. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 67 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LX General Assembly — cout'il Dee. 1, 1835-,Tuue IC. 1836— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doe. 24. Rept. rel. to the New Jerusalem Church In the City and Co. of Phlla. Dec. 11, 1835. pp. 111-112. Doc. 25. Rept. upon rules adopted by the committee on pensions and gratuities, for their govt. rel. to the claims of Revolutionary soldier.s. Dec. 12, 1835. pp. 112-114. Doc. 26. Rept. upon accts. of Hugh Hamilton & Son, and Patterson & Small. Dec. 12, 1835. p. 114. Doc. 27. Stmt, of accts. of the Lycoming Coal Co. to Oct. 31, 1835. Dec. 5, 1835. pp. 115-116. Doc. 28. Rept. upon the act authorizing the sale of a cer- tain messuage and lot of ground in Phlla. Co. Dec. 14, 1835. p. IIG. Doc. 29. Corresp. rel. to the claim of the Commonwealth agst. the City of Pittsburg. Read Dec. 15, 1835. pp. 117- 118. Doc. 30. Corresp. rel. to a res. of Apr. 15, 1835, on the subject of a loan authorized by the act of Apr. 16, 1S30. p. 119. Doc. 31. Rept. of mngrs. of the Bible Socy. of Phila. Dec. 15, 1835. pp. 120-132. Doc. 32. Rept. upon the claim of Arts and Dobbins. Dec. 18, 1835. p. 133. Doc. 33. Rept. upon the yaiidlty of the election of Wm. E. Hughes, as a state director of the Bank of Penn. Dec. 18, 1835. pp. 133-134. Doc. 34. Rept. of the Convention to publish the returns of the election for and agst. a Convention to alter the Con- stitution. Dec. 18, 1835. pp. 134-136. Doc. 35. Letter from canal comrs., communicating a stmt. of different points on the public works at which the commonwealth has water power, which may be used for other purposes than the supply of the canal, etc. Read Dec. 19, 1835. pp. 137-138. Doc. 36. Rept. of the committee on estates and escheats upon bill No. 15, rel. to authorizing Wm. Williamson to sell and dispose of certain personal property, p. 138. Doc. 37. " See No. 26 of Canal repts. in app. to this vol." Doc. 38. Rept. upon petition of Emanuel Handesheldt for a divorce. Dec. 22, 1835. p. 139. Doc. 39. Rept. upon accts. of Jacob Seller, late transcrib- ing clerk and Washington Hamersly, late asst. door- keeper. Dec. 22, 1835. pp. 139-140. Doc. 40. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to the importance and utility of horse and steam power on the Penn. Dec. 31, 1835. pp. 140-141. Doc. 41. Rept. of Isaac B. Garrlgues, pres. of the Northern Liberties, Kensington and Spring Garden Saving Fund Socy., upon the state of said Institution, 1833/5. Dec. 23, 1835. pp. 142-143. Doc. 42. Communication from auditor gen., ace. with a stmt, of certain banks. Jan. 4, 1836. pp. 144-193. Doc. 43. Communication from J. G. Clarkson, enclosing res. of the select and common councils of Phlla. agst. construction of a canal on the west side of the river Schuylkill. Read Jan. 4, 1836. p. 194. Doc. 44. Govs. mess. (Ritner) communicating a rept. of joint committee of federal relations in S. C. leglsl. rel. to the incendiary publications ; also a similar communi- cation from Gov. of N. C. Jan. 5, 1835. pp. 195-204. Doc. 45. Rept. of the Judiciary committee rel. to the in- corporation of the Wrightsvllle, York and Gettysburg B.R. Co. Jan. 6, 1836. pp. 204-209. Doc. 46. Abstr. of accts. of the Lancaster and Susque- hanna Turnpike Road for the three years ending Jan., 1835. Jan. 4, 1836. pp. 210-211. Doc. 47. Stmt, of contingent expenses of the state treas- urer, 1834/5. Jan. 7, 1836. p. 212. Doc. 48. Rept. on claims of Danl. Bemus, asking com- pensation for certain repairs made at the Feeder Dam on French Creek. Jan. 8, 1836. pp. 213-214. Doc. 49. Rept. upon acct. of Wm. F. Boon, late tran- scribing clerk, Jan. 8, 1836. pp. 214-215. Doc. 50. Rept. upon petition of Thos. Baird. Jan. 8, 1836. p. 215. Doc. 51. Communication from James Clarke, president of the bd. of canal comrs. Jan. 8, 1836. pp. 216-217. Doc. 52. Rept. of committee of ways and means upon the finances of the commonwealth. Dec. 22, 1835. pp. 218- 220. Doc. 53. Rept. of the committee npptd. to investigate the evils of freemasonry, rel. to the refusal of certain wit- nesses to appear before said committee. Jan. 12, 1836. p. 221. Doc. 54. Rept. of Mr. Davis, teller on the part of the House to officiate at the election of state treasurer. Jan. 12, 1836. pp. 221-230. Doc. 55. Rept. of the secy, of the commonwealth, rel. to the no. of Justices of the peace for the aldermen distrs. Jan. 13, 1836. pp. 230-233. Doc. 56. Rept. of auditor gen. rel. to the amt. of co. rates and levies, and the tax on personal property, yet outst.indlng, under the act of Alarch 25, 1831. Jan. 12, 1836. pp. 233-234. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LX General .\8sembly — cont'd Dec. 1, 1S3,'') Juuc 16, 1836— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 57. Rept. of Mr. Davies, teller on the part of the House to officiate at the election of state treasurer. Jan. 13, 1836. PP. 234-242. Doc. 58. Govs. mess. (Ritner) rel. to the finances of the Commonwealth. Jan. 13, 1836. pp. 242-244. Doc. 59. Letter from Geo. Wolf, in reply to a writ of subpoena requiring him to appear before the committee apptd. to investigate the evils of freemasonry. Jan. 14, 1836. pp. 245-247. Doc. 60. Letter from John Nellson In reply to a writ of subpoena requiring him to appear before the committee npptd. to investigate the evils of freemasonry. Jan. 11, 1836. pp. 247-248. Doc. 61. Kept, of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement rel. to the extension of the Del.-i- ware Division of the Penn. Canal, from Bristol to Phila. Jan. 14, 1836. pp. 248-249. Doc. 62. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to the accts. of sundry witnesses before the committee apptd. to investi- gate the evils of freemasonry. Jan. 14, 1830. p. 249. Docs. 63-64. Govs. mess. (Ritner) ace. with rept. of comrs. apptd. to revise the civil code of Penn. Jan. 13, 1836. pp. 250-361. Doc. 65. Stmt, of aflfalrs of the Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co. Jan. 15, 1836. pp. 361-362. Doc. 66. Communication from the canal comrs. ace. with a rept. from Robt. Farles, rel. to the practicability of connecting the bridge asked for by the Cumberland Valley R.R. Co. with the Harrisburg Bridge across the Susquehanna River. Jan. 14. 1836. pp. ."163-365. Doc. 67. Letter from .Tos. Lawrence, resigning his seat as a member of the Leglsl. Jan. 15. 1836. p. 365. Doc. 68. Rept. of committee on pensions and gratuities rel. to the petition and docs, of Catharine Fiss. Jan. 15, 1836. p. 366. Doc. 69. Rept. of committee on pensions and gratuities rel. to the petition and docs, of Saml. Byers. Jan. 15, 1836. pp. 360-367. Doc. 70. Kept, upon petitions of James Robb and others Braying for compensation for injury sustained by lire, •ec. lO, 1835. pp. 367-368. Doc. 71. Rept. of Judiciary committee rel. to a memorial from the Bar of the City of Pittsburg, praying for an increase of the salaries of the President Judges of Alle- gheny Co. Jan. 15, 1836. p. 368. Doc. 72. Rept. of judiciary committee rel. to the petition of Catharine Zeigler and Abner Leonard. Jan. 15, 1836. p. 369. Doc. 73. Stmt, of affairs of the Ridge Turnpike Co. for 1835. Jan. 1, 1S36. pp. 369-370. Doc. 74. Stmt, and disposition of Henry Snyder, rel. to the Wrightsvllle, York and Gettysburg R.R. Co. Jan. 14, 1836. pp. 371-372. Doc. 75. Rept. from committee on claims rel. to the peti- tion of the creditors of Andrew Boggs. Jan. 16, 1836. p. 373. Doe. 76. Rept. from committee on judiciary system on praver of sundry petitioners for repeal of act abolishing Imprisonment for debt. Jan. 16, 1836. p. 374. Doc. 77. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to the acct. of John P. Schuyler, a witness attending before the com- mittee apptd. to Inquire into the evils of freemasonry. Jan. 16, 1836. p. 374. Doc. 78. Stmt, of funds reed, and disbursed by the Phila. Steam Tow Boat Co. up to Dec. 31, 1835. Jan. 15, 1826. pp. 375-376. Doc. 79. Letter from Jos. I.,awrence rel. to Wrightsvllle, York and Gettysburg R.R. Co. Jan. 16, 1836. p. 376. Doc. 80. Letter from John H. Walker and Elijah F. Pennypncker rel. to the Wrightsvllle. Y'ork and Gettys- burg R.R. Co. Jan. 18, 1836. pp. 376-377. Doc. 81. Rept. upon sundry petitions signed by citizens of Bradford and Lycoming cos. praying passage of an act prohibiting the sale of goods, by hawkers and pedlars. Jan. 18, 1835 [sic, 1. e. 1836]. pp. 377-378. Doc. 82. Rept. of committee apptd. to examine Into state of motive power on the Phlla. and Columbia R.R. Jan. 19, 1836. pp. 378-384. Doc. 83. Rept. upon accts. of F. R. Shunk, late Clerk of House of Representatives. Jan. 20. 1836. p. 385. Doc. 84. Rept. upon accts. of Saml. Shoch, clerk of House of Representatives. Jan. 29, 1836. pp. 385-386. Doc. 85. Rept. from the committee to whom were referred petitions of sundry citizens praying Investigation into evUs of freemasonry, etc. Jan. 20. 1836. pp. 386-387. Doc. 86. Govs. mess, approving Sen. bill no. 4, and trans- mitting a communication from the Gov. of Ga. .Tan. 21, 1836. pp. 387-390. Doc. 87. Stmt, of acct. of Catawlssa Bridge Co., with the Commonwealth of Penn. Jan. 19, 1836. p. 391. Doc. 88. Rept. from the president of the Lackawaxen Canal Co. Jan. 19, 1836. p. 392. Doc. 89. Rept. upon acct. of James M'Henry, a witness before the committee apptd. to examine into the evils of freemasonry. Jan. 22, 1836. p. 393. 68 INDEX TO DOCXIMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCnMENTS— cont'd LX General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 1, lS35-June 16, 1S36 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 90. Communication from the presidents of the select and common councils of Phlla. transmitting a stmt, of the Girard Estate, and investment and application of the same ; and a rept. of the state of Girard College. Read Jan. 23, 1836. pp. 393-439. Doc. 91. Communication from the secy, of the Common- wealth transmitting a list of aldermen and Justices of the peace, commissioned by Gov. Wolf, 1829-1835. Jan. 23, 1836. pp. 440-476. Doc. 92. Stmt, of affairs of Tioga Navigation Co. Jan. 1, 1836. pp. 477-478. Doc. 93. Rept. upon petition and docs, of Fred. Matthew. Jan. 25, 1836. p. 478. Doc. 94. Rept. upon petition and docs, of Cornelius Van- horn. Jan. 25, 1836. p. 479. Doc. 95. Abstr. of accts. of the Germantown and Perklo- men Turnpike Co., 1834/5. Dec. 24, 1835. pp. 479-480. Doc. 96. Rept. upon accts. of Edwin A. Atlee. Jan. 28, 1836. p. 481. Doc. 97, Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of the York and Maryland Line R.R. Co., 1835. Jan. 27, 1836. pp. 481-483. Doc. 98. Rept. upon petition of Wm. Stall, Jan. 29, 1836. pp. 483-484. Doc. 99. Rept. upon petition of Harriet Patterson. Jan. 29, 1836. p. 485. Doc. 100. Rept. of bd. of inspectors of the Eastern Peni- tentiary. Jan. 27, 1836. pp. 485-506, foldg. table. Doc. 101. Rept. of bd. of directors of the Penn. Insti- tution for the Deaf and Dumb, 1835. Jan. 29, 1836. pp. 507-511. Doc. 102. Rept. of mngrs. of the Penn. Institution for the Instruction of the Blind. Read Feb. 1, 1836. pp. 511- 514. Doc. 103. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses attending before the committee to investigate the evils of freemasonry. Feb. 1, 1836. pp. 515-516. Doc. 104. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses, attending before the committee to Investigate the evils of freemasonry. \ Feb. 1, 183(5. pp. 516-.=;i7. Doc. 105. Stmt. rel. to the Susquehanna Canal Co. [made by the pres. (James Hepburn) rel. to capital, etc.]. Feb. 1, 1836. pp. 517-51S. Doc. 106. Rept. upon application of Bella Franklin to sell certain real estate. Feb. 3, 1836. pp. 518-519. Doc. 107. Rept. upon a geol. and mineraloglcal survey of the state. B'eb. 3, 1836. pp. 519-529. Doc. 108. Rept. upon petition of Peter Schlosser. Feb. 3, 1836. p. 530. Doc. 109. Kept, upon petition of Robt. Dougal. Feb. 3, 1836. p. 530. Doc. 110. Repts. upon petition of Richd. M. Thomas and others for compensation for damages by construction of Phlla. and Columbia R.R., and petition of Jackson M'Fadden for compensation for work done on the Lv- coming division of the Penn. Canal. Feb. 3-4, 1836. pp. 531-532. Doc. 111. Rept. upon petition of Adams Treftz. Feb. 3, 1836. pp. 532-533. Doc. 112. Rept. upon acct. of Jacob Baab. Feb. 5, 1836. p. 533. Doc. 113. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement rel. to the Susquehanna Canal Co. Feb. 6, 1836. pp. 534-540. Doc. 114. Rept. upon petitions of citizens of Wayne Co. rel. to disinterment of dead bodies. Feb. 6, 1836. p. 541. Doc. 115. Rept. upon petition and docs, of Sarah Dear- dorff nnd others. Feb. 6. 1836. pp. 541-542. Doc. 116. Rept. upon petition of Robt. Robinson. Feb. 6, 1836. p. 542. Doc. 117. Stmt, of Btralrs of the Chesnut Hill and Spring- house Turnpike Road Co., 1835. Feb. 4, 1836. p. 543. Doc. 118. Rept. of minority of committee to whom were referred petitions for widening Lombard St. in Phlla. Feb. 9, 1836. pp. 544-545. Doc. 119. Rept. on accts. of committee apptd. to examine Into state of the motive power on the Phlla. & Columbia R.R. Feb. 9, 1836. p. 545. Doc. 120. Rept. upon petition of John Dodds. Feb. 10. 1836. p. 546. Doc. 121. Govs. mess. (Rltner) transmitting docs. rel. to abolition of slavery [from Ala. nnd from Fayette Co., Pcnn.l. Feb. 9, 1^36. pp. 546-552. Doc. 122. Rept. upon petition of John Coyle for divorce. Feb. 11, 1836. pp. 552-553. Doc. 123. Rept. upon petition of Jas. Shield. Feb. 11, 1836. p. 553. Doc. 124. Names and compensation of persons in the em- ployment of the state on the several lines of and canals. Feb. 12, 1830. pp. 554-556. Doc. 125. Rept. upon petition of Geo. W. Gray, for di- vorce. Feb. 12, 1836. p. 566. Doc. 126. Rept. upon petition of Lavlnia Illckox for di- vorce. Feb. 12, 1836. p. 567. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LX General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 1, 1835-June 16, 1836— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 127. Rept. upon the petitions of citizens of Phil.T. to prevent the obtaining of goods upon false pretences. Feb. 12, 1836. p. 567. Doc. 128. Rept. rel. to preventing the nbatement of suits on acct. of the marriage of plaintiffs, when they are females, p. 568. Doc. 129. Rept. upon petition of John Abel. Feb. 12, 1836. pp. 568-569. Doc. 130. Stmt, of the auditors apptd. to ^udit and settle the affair of the Phlla. Saving Fund Socy. Feb. 11. 1836. pp. 569-570. Doc. 131. Abstr. of accts. of the Cheltenham and Willow- grove Turnpike Co. Nov., 1835. pp. 570-571. Doc. 132. Rept. upon petition of Jacob J. Cope and John Cope. Feb. 16, 1836. p. 571. Doc. 133. Rept. upon petition of Susan P. Coryell for divorce. Feb. 16, 1836. p. 572. Doc. 134. Rept. upon the petition of the members and trustees of thf Methodist Fniscnpal Church at Mechanics- burg. Feb. 16, 1836. pp. 572-573. Doc. 135. Ann. stmt, of affairs of the Phlla. Savings In- stitution. Jan. 7, 1836. p. 573. Doc. 136. Rept. rel. to the militia system of this Common- wealth. Feb. 17, 1836. pp. 574-575. Doe. 137. Rept. upon petition of James Steel. Feb. 17. 1836. p. 576. Doc. 138. Rept. upon petition of Jacob Livergood. Feb. 17, 1836. pp. 576-577. Doc. 139. Rept upon petition of Geo. Maggs. Feb. 17, 1836. pp. 577-578. Doc. 140. List of taxable In+inbltants. slaves and deaf and dumb persons In the Commonwealth. Feb. 17, 1836. pp. 578-580. Doc. 141. Rept. upon petition of Joseph Gatchell, Jr. Feb. 18, 1836. pp. 580-581. Doc. 142. Rept. upon the petition of the members of the Lutheran Congregation of the township of Maccungy in Lehigh Co. Feb. 18, 1836. p. 581. Doc. 143. Rept. upon the petition of John Ingham. Feb. 18, 1836. p. 582. Doc. 144. Govs. mess. (Rltner) ace. with a rept. of the adj. gen., rel. to the militia, ordnance, camp equipage, and military stores. Feb., 1836. pp. 582-583, 7 foldg. tables. The foldg. tables are betw. pp. 584 and 585. Doc. 145. Communication from the auditor gen. rel. to the list of persons in the employ of the state on the line of canals and rwys. Feb. 18, 1836. p. 584. Doc. 146. Rept. upon petition of the citizens of the Com- monwealth, praying for nn increase of banking capital. Feb. 19, 1836. pp. 584-585. Doc. 147. Stmt, of the affairs of the Phlla. and Lancaster Turnpike Road Co. for three years [1833-18351. Feb. 15, 1836. pp. 585-588. Doc. 148. Rept. upon acct. of Solomon Hower. Feb. 20. 1836. p. 588. Doc. 149. Suppl. rept. of the supt. of common schools. Feb. 19, 1836. pp. 588-597, foldg. table. Doc. 150. Govs. mess. (Rltner) rel. to the acceptance of their charter by the stockholders of the bank of the U. S. Feb. 22, 1836. p. 597. Doc. 151. Rept. upon petition of John Bennett. Feb. 24, 1836. p. 598. Doc. 152. Rept. upon petition of the Regular Baptist Church at Unlontown, Fayette Co. Feb. 24, 1836. pp. 598-601. Doc. 153. Rept. upon petition of Robt. Hamilton. Feb. 24, 1836. p. 601. Doc. 154. Rept. upon petition of Elizabeth Stokely. Feb. 24, 1836. pp. 602-603. Doc. 155. Rept. upon petition of Wm. Bennett. Feb. 24, 1836. p. 603. Doc. 156. Rept. upon accts. of Dr. Robt. May and others. witnesses attending before committee to Investigate the evils of freemasonry. Feb. 24, 1836. p. 604. Doc. 157. Rept. upon the claim of Jos. Cochran. Feb. 24. 1836. p. 005. Doc. 158. Rept. npon accts. of .Tncob Seitzcinger and others, witnesses attending before the committee to inves. tigate the case of Henry W. Conrad. Feb. 25, 1830. pp. 605-606. Doc. 159. " See No. 237 of this volume." Doc. ion. Kept, upon petition of .lohn and Henry Klrk- patrlck. Feb. 26, 1836. pp. 606-607. Doc. 161. Rept. upon the petition of Arthur Devore. Feb. 26, 1836. p. 607. Doc. 162. Rept. upon the petition of John Watson. Feb. 26, 1836. pp. 607-608. Doc. 163. Rept. upon the claim of John Newbold. Feb. 27, 1836. p. 608. Doc. 164. Rept. upon the petition of Maria Focht. Feb. 27, 1835 n. e. 18301. p. 009. Doc. 165. Kept, upon the petition of Elizabeth Taylor. Feb. 29. 1836. pp. 009-610. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 69 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LX General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 1. lS35-June 16, 1S3G — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 166. Rept. upon the petition of Fred. Stcever. Feb. 29, 1836. p. 610. ,, , Doc. 167. Rept. upon the petition of Elizabeth MUllgan. Feb. 29, 1836. pp. 610-611. Doc. 1G8. Kept, upon the petition of Danl. M Larky. Feb. 29, 1836. p. Gil. Doc. 169. Rept. upon the petition of Robt. Larrlmer. Feb. 29, 1836. p. 612. Doc. 170. Rept. upon the petitions of citizens of Phlla. rel. to widening of certain streets. March 1, 1836. p. 612. Doc. 171. Govs. mess. (Ritner) transmitting a copy of res. adopted by Leglsl. of Va. March 1, 1836. pp. 613-614. „ Doc. 172. Ann. rept. of bd. of mngrs. of the House of Refuge for 1835. Feb. 29. 1836. p. 615. Doc. 173. Rept. upon the accts. of Fredericlt Weiner and others. March 2, 1836. p. 524. Doc. 174. Rept. upon the petition of James Watson. March 2, 1836. pp. 624-625. Doc. 175. Rept. upon the petition of Leonard White. March 2, 1836. p. 625. Doc. 176. Rept. upon the petition of Olive Young for di- vorce. March 3, 1836. p. 626. Doc. 177. Rept. upon the petition of John Roberts and others. March 3, 1836. pp. 626-627. Doc. 178. Rept. upon the petition of sundry inhabitants of Allegheny Co. March 3, 1836. pp. 627-628. Doc. 179. Ann. rept. of the bd. of inspectors of the West- ern Penitentiary. March 4, 1836. pp. 628-643. Doc. 180. Abstr. of accts. of the Northern Liberties and Penn. Township R.R. Co. to March 1, 1836. pp. 644-645. Doc. 181. Rept. upon the acct. of Jediah Irish. March 7, 1836. p. 645. Doc. 182. Rept. upon the case of Saml. Bowlby, a justice of the peace of Mercer Co. March 8, 1836. p. 646. Doc. 183. Rept. upon the petition of John Webster. March 9, 1836. pp. 646-647. Doc. 184. Rept. upon the petition of Edmund Burke. March 9, 1836. p. 647. Doc. 185. Rept. of the committee apptd. to Investigate the case of Henry W. Conrad. March 9, 1836. pp. 648-691. Doc. 186. Rept. of Mr. Woodward in the case of Henry W. Conrad. March 9, 1836. pp. 691-692. Doc. 187. Rept. of Mr. Dewart In the case of Henry W. Conrad. March 9, 1836. p. 693. Doc. 188. Ann. stmt, of the Phlla., Germantown and Nor- rlstown R.R. Co., Jan. 1, 1836. pp. 694-695. Doc. 189. Rept. upon the claims of Thomas Jacobs and Comes and others. March 10, 1836. p. 695. Doc. 190. Rept. upon the acct. of John Stem. March 11, 1836. p. 696. Doc. 191. Govs. mess. (Ritner) transmitting an act of the Ohio legist. March 12, 1836. pp. 696-698. Doc. 192. Rept. upon petition of Peter A. Shuster for divorce, pp. 698-699. Doc. 193. Rept. upon the petition of Jas. Brooks for di- vorce. March 12, 1836. p. 699. Doc. 194. Rept. upon the petition of Thos. Case for divorce. March 12, 1836. pp. 699-700. Doc. 195. Rept. upon the petition of Barbary Booker. March 14, 1836. p. 700. Doc. 196. Rept. upon the claim of Israel Cooper. March 14, 1836. p. 701. Doc. 197. Rept. on the state of the contingent fund, etc. March 15, 1836. pp. 701-704. Doe. 198. Rept. upon the petition of Inhabitants of Schuylkill Co. March 15, 1836. p. 704. Doc. 199. Rept. upon the petition of John M'Coy. March 15, 1836. p. 705. Doc. 200. Govs. mess. (Ritner) transmitting res. of Ohio leglsl. March 15, 1836. pp. 705-706. Doc. 201. Rept. upon the petition of Eleanor Rltchey. March 15, 1836. p. 707. Doc. 202. Rept. of minority of the committee to whom was referred the bill providing for a call of a conv. March 16, 1836. pp. 707-709. Doc. 203. Govs. mess. (Ritner) transmitting a copy of res. adopted by the Gen. Assem. of Ky. March 19, 1836. pp. 709-713. Doc. 204. List of taxables In M'Kean Co., 1835. March 22, 1836. pp. 713-714. Doc. 205. Rept. upon the petition of Reis Davis. March 22, 1836. p. 714. Doc. 206. Rept. upon the petition of Cassandra Camp- bell. March 22, 1836. pp. 714-715. Doc. 207. Rept. upon the petition of Andrew Shannon. March 22 1836. p. 715. Doc. 208. Kept, of canal comrs. rel. to the bridge at Duncan's Island. March 22, 1836. pp. 716-717. Doc. 209. Rept. upon the petitions of sundry citizens of Fayette and Allegheny cos. March 23, 1836. p. 717. Doc. 210. Rept. of committee apptd. to Investigate the affairs of the Phlla. Bank. March 23, 1836. pp. 718-724. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LX General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 1, 1835-June 16, 1836 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 211. Rept. upon the petition of sundry citizens of Berks, Chester and Montgomery cos. March 24, 1830. p. 725. Doc. 212. Rept. upon the bill for the relief of Geo. Kimzer and H. A. Raub. March 26, 1836. pp. 725-726. Doc. 213. Rept. of committee apptd. to Investigate the affairs of the Phlla. Savings Institution. March 25, 1836. pp. 726-751. Doc. 214. Rept. upon accts. of John Ash and others. March 25, 1836. p. 752. Doc. 215. Rept. upon accts. of Biblact and others. March 25, 1836. p. 753. Doc. 216. Stmt, of aCEQlrs of the Lorberry Creek R.R. Co. March 26, 1836. pp. 753-754. Doc. 217. Rept. upon bill for the relief of Saml. Miller. March 26, 1836. p. 755. Doc. 218. Kept, upon pay and mileage of the members of the House of Representatives. March 28, 1836. pp. 755-758. Doc. 219. Rept. of the committee on the state of the prtg. March 28, 1836. pp. 758-759. Doc. 220. Kept. rel. to an examination of the Schuylkill coal fields. March 28, 1836. pp. 759-760. Doc. 221. (3ov3. mess. (Ritner) transmitting a preamble and res. adopted by the Miss. leglsL March 30, 1836. pp. 760-762. Doc. 222. Abstr. of accts. of Delaware Coal Co., 1834/5. March 29, 1836. pp. 762-766. Doc. 223. Rept. upon the accts. of Geo. W. South and others. March 31, 1836. pp. 766-767. Doc. 224. Rept. upon accts. of Saml. Shoch and others, officers of the House of Representatives. March 31, 1836. pp. 767-768. Doc. 225. Rept. upon the acct. of Saml. Shoch for dis- bursements. March 31, 1836. pp. 768-769. Doc. 226. Rept. upon the acct. of G. W. Hamersly. March 31, 1836. p. 769. Doc. 227. Rept. upon accts. of W. H. Doll and James Wright. March 31, 1836. p. 770. Doc. 228. Ann. stmt, of the funds of the Univ. of Penn., Jan. 1, 1836. Transmitted March 1, 1836. pp. 770-771. Doc. 229. Ann. stmt, of accts. of Little Schuylkill Navi- gation R.R. and Coal Co., 1834/5. Transmitted March 31, 1836. pp. 772-774. Doc. 230. Rept. upon acct. of Matthew Wilson. April 1, 1836. p. 774. Doc. 231. Rept. upon petition of Hiram Hitchcock. April 1, 1836. p. 775. Doc. 232. Kept, upon res. rel. to an act authorizing the Gov. to Incorporate the Tioga Navigation Co. April 1, 1836. pp. 775-776. Doc. 233. Rept. upon petition of Roberts and KcUog. April 1, 1836. p. 776. Doc. 234. Rept. upon accts. of Danl. Barnes. April 1, 1836. pp. 777-778. Doc. 235. Rept upon acct. of Theophilus Fenn. April 1. 1836. pp. 779-782. Doc. 236. Rept. upon accts. of James Peacock for postage. April 1, 1836. pp. 782-785. Doc 237. Rept. upon septennial enumeration of taxables in the City and Co. of Phlla. Feb. 17, 1836. pp. 786-787. Doc. 238. Kept, upon the acct. of John Ash, sergeant-at- anns. April 1, 1836. pp. 787-789. Doc. 239. Kept, upon petition of David White. Feb. 5. 1836. p. 789. Doc. 240. Rept. upon memorial of Dr. A. Planteau. Feb. 6, 1836. p. 790. Doc. 241. Kept, upon the petition of Saml. Shatter for divorce. Feb. 12, 1836. p. 791. Doc 242. Rept. upon the petition of Jas. M'Creallus for divorce. Feb. 15, 1836. p. 792. Doc. 243. Rept. upon the accts. of Henry Zimmerman and others. Feb. 26, 1836. p. 792. Doc. 244. List of taxables In Phlla., 1835. May li, 1836. pp. 793-794. Doc. 245. Govs. mess. (Ritner) transmitting copies of a letter from the Gov. of N. C. May 18, 1836. pp. 794- 795 Doc. 246. Govs. mess. (Ritner) transmitting a communi- cation from the Gov. of Ohio rel. to slavery, etc. May 21, 1836. pp. 796-798. . „ , Doc. 247. Communication from the Gov. of Maine, trans- mitting rept. and res. on the subject of slavery. March 24, 1836. Read May 21, 1836. pp. 799-S02 Doc. 248. Communication from the Gov. of Maine, trans- mitting res. rel. to the election of President and Vice President. April 5, 1836. Read May 21, 1836. pp. CQO.gQO Doc "249 Rept. upon the petition of Elizabeth Simmons. May 24, 1836, pp. 803-804. Doc 250. Rept. rel. to abolition socys. and incendiary publications. March 30, 1836. pp. 804-806. Doc. 251. List of persons drawing pensions from the Commonwealth who do not reside in the state. June 3, 1836. pp. 806-807. ro INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LX General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 1, lS35-June 16, 1S36— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 252. Rept. upon the petition of Catharine Drehs. June 4, 1836. p. 808. Doc. 253. Rept. upon the petition of Margaret Rosa. June 4, 1836. pp. 808-809. Doc. 254. Rept. upon the petition of Elizabeth Trump. June 6, 1836. p. 809. Doc. 255. Rept. upon the case of Hon. Joel Bishop ana Joseph Otto. June 6, 1836. pp. 809-810. Doc. 256. flovs. mess. (Rllner) rel. to flnances of state. June 6, 1836. pp. SlO-812. ^ ^ „ Doc. 257. Rept. upon petition of Patrick Burk. June 7, 1836. p. 812. Doc. 258. Rept. upon petition of John Richart. June 7, 1836. p. 813. Doc. 259. Rept. upon petition of Mary Myers. June 8, 1836. p. 813. Doc. 260. Rept. upon petition of Elizabeth Scott. June 8, 1836. p. 814. Doc. 261. Rept. upon petition of Wm. Cllne, Jr. June 8, 1836. pp. 814-815. Doc. 262. Rept. upon the petition of Rlchd. Van Sickle. June 8, 1836. p. 815. Doc 263. Rept. upon the petition of citizens of Beaver and Mercer Cos. June 8, 1836. p. 816. Doc 264. Rept. upon the petition of Jacob Eicholtz. June 9, 1836. pp. 816-817. Doc. 265. Rept. upon the petition of John M'Cullough and John Welsh. June 9, 183C,. p. 817. Doc. 266. Rept. upon the claims of Solomon Suter. June 10, 1836. p. 818. Doc. 267. Rept. upon the petition of Wm. and Jos. Dil- worth. June 13, 1836. pp. 818-819. Doc. 268. Testimony taken by the committee apptd. to Investigate the evils of freemasonry and rept. of the com- mittee on freemasonry and other secret socys. June 13, 1836. pp. 819-920. Doc. 269. Rept. rel. to prtg. the laws and other docs, in the German language. June 13. 1836. p. 921. Doc. 270. Rept. upon the petition of Plana Hamble. June 15, 1836. p. 922. Doc. 271. Rept. upon the petition of Stephen MehaCEy. June 15, 1836. pp. 922-923. Doc. 272. Rept. upon the petition of Jacob Blackford. June 15, 1836. p. 923. Doc. 273. Rept. upon acct. of Henry K. Strong. June 15, 1836. p. 924. Doc. 274. Rept. upon acct. of Saml. Shoch. June 15, 1836. p. 925. Doc. 275. Rept. upon the acct. of Theophilus Fenn. June 15, 1836. pp. 926-927. Doc. 276. Rept. upon acct. of Saml. Kllng, June 15, 1836. pp. 927-928. Doc. 277. Rept. upon pav [and mileage] of members of the House, .lune 15, 1836. pp. 92S-9.'!1. Doc. 278. Govs. mesa. (Rltner) transmitting a rept. and res. ndoptpil hv the Leglsl. of N. Y. rel. to domestic slavery, etc. June 16, 1836. pp. 931-935. Doc. 279. Rept. upon pav of officers of House. June 16, 1836. pp. 935-9.'!6. Doe. 280. Rept. upon claim of H. and P. M'Ginley. June 16, 1856. p. 936. Doc. 281. Rept. upon acct. of Danl. Barnes. June 16, 18.36. p. 937. Doc. 282. Govs. mess. (Rltner) stating his objections to the rerh'irter and extension of the Fiirniers' and Me- chanics' Bank. June 16, 1836. pp. 938-942. Doc. 283. Rept. upon the claims of P. Llvergood. March 10. 1836. pp. 942-943. Tvro copies of v. 2 were compared, viz. : one in the Penn. State Llhrarv and one In Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phlla. 3. Appendix to vol. 2, containing canal comrs.' rept. and ace. docs. Harrisburg : T. Fenn, 1835. 263 pp., foldg. tables. Doc. 8. Rept. of cannl comrs. and ace. docs. pp. 3-263, foldg. tables. Docs. ace. canal comrs.' rept. Phlla. and Columbia Rwy. no. 1. Rept, of Jos. Mosher, supt. Nov. 3, 1835. pp. 27-29, 2 foldg. tables. no. 2. Rept. of E. F. Gay, engr. Oct. .'JO, 1835. pp. 30-31. no. 3. Rept. of E. F. Gay, on motive power. Oct. .30, 1835. pp. 31-37. no. 4. Rept. of J. Mosher, supt., upon motive power. Oct. 29, 1835. pp. 38-39, 1 foldg. table (p. 40). no. 5. Kept, of J. Mosher, supt., upon cost of loco- motives. Oct. 29, 1835. p. .39. no. 8. Abstr. of rept. on motive power, to July 10, 1835. p. 40. no. 7. Abstr. of receipts and expenditures. Oct. 29, 1835. p. 41. no. 8. Rept. of J. S. Cash, supt. of motive power. Oct. 31, 1835. pp. 41-47. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LX General .\sspmbly — cont'd Dec. 1, 1835-June 16, 1836— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Eastern division no. 9. Rept. of J. C. M'Allister, supt. Oct. 31, 1835. pp. 47-48. no, 10. Rept. of E. F. Gay, engr. Oct. 30, 1835. pp. 48-50. Juniata and Western divisions no. 11. Rept. of J. K. Moorhead. supt. of Juniata division. Nov. 1. 1835. pp. 50-52. no. 12. Rept. of S. Jones, supt. of Western division. June 12. 1835. pp. 52-54. no. 13. Rept. of S. Welch, engr.. upon reservoir for Western division. Nov. 22, 1834 [18357]. pp. 54-58. no. 14. Rept. of S. Welch, engr.. Oct. 31, 1835. pp. 58-65. Portage Rwy. no. 15. Rept. of S. Jones, late supt. June 12, 1835. pp. 66-69. no. 16. Rept. of Wilson Knott, supt. Nov. 1, 1835. pp. 69-71. 2 foldg. tables, no. 17. Rept. of S. Welch, engr. Oct. 30, 1835 pp. 72-80. no. 18. Rept. of S. Welch on motive power. Oct. 31. 1835. pp. 81-93. 2 foldg. tables. no. 19. Rept. of W. Knott on motive power. Oct 31, 1835. pp. 93-94, 2 foldg. tables (p. 88). Beaver division no. 20. Rept. of Saml. Power, late supt. Nov. 20, 1835. pp. 94-95, 1 foldg. table (p. 96). North and West Branch divisions no. 21. Rept. of G. Crawford, supt. Nov. 21, 1835. pp. 95-97. no. 95). Tables of expenditures. 1 foldg. table (p. no. 23. Rept. of E. Farles, engr. Nov. 4, 1835. pp. 97-100. no. 24. Rept of R. Farles, on Tangascootack ex- tension. Nov. 8, 1835. pp. 100-106. no. 25. 1835. Delaware division Rept. of Simpson Torbert, supt. pp. 106-107. Nov. 1, French Creek and Beaver divisions no. 26. Rept. of Sylvester Welch, engr. Dec. 21, 1835. pp. 107-113. no. 27. Journal of bd. of canal comrs. Jan. 15, 1835- Jan. 30, 1836. pp. 114-263. LXI General Assembly Dec. 6, 1836-Aprll 4, 1837 Journal of the Senate. 3 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg: E. Guyer, 1836-37. 823, 49 pp. V. 2. [Containing rcpts. etc.] Harrisburg: E. Guyer, 1836-37. 494, vi [for iv] pp., foldT. tables. p. 3. Letter from auditor gen. Dec. 7, 1836. pp. 4-5. Letter from secy, of land office, Dec. 6. 1836, transmitting ann. rept. for 1835^6. pp. 6-9. Rept. of comrs. of internal improvement fund for 1836. pp. 9-11. Rept. of surveyor gen. Dec. 8, 1836. pp. 11-12. Stmt, of acct. of BenJ. Chew, ores, of Ger- raantown and Perklomen Turnpike Co. Dec. 3, 1836. pp. 12-19. Docs. ace. Govs. mess, of Dec. 8, 1836. Corresp. rel. to surplus revenue, pp. 20-31. Accts. of canal comrs., 1835/6. pp. 31-42. Rept. of state treasurer, on subject of flnanct , 1835/6. Dec. 7, 1836. pp. 42-45. Letter from auditor gen. rel. to damages by canal and r.r. Dec. 15, 1836. pp 45-46. Stmt, of affairs of Danville and Pottsvllle R.R. Co., as they stood Nov. 21, 1836. pp. 46-148. Letter from .■inrlltor gen., Dec. 20, 1836, transmitting retnrus of oertaiu banks. Ace. by 9 foldg. pp. 149-188. 1 ann. rept. of state geologist. Dec. 22, 1836. pp 168-169. State of Port Carbon Saving Fund Socy. Nov. 7, 1S36. pp 169-171. I^etter of president and treasurer of Northern Liberties, Kensington and Spring Garden Saving Fund Socy, Dec. 21, 1K3(;, transmitting ann, stmts. pp. l'?l-175. Letter from ainlltor gen., Jan. 7. 1837, trans- mitting returns of Northampton and Erie Ranks. p 176. Ann. stmt, of Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Road Co., 1835 '6. ^ ^ .„„, p 177. Stmt, of alT.iIrs of Ridge Turnpike Co., for 183t>. p 178 Stmt, of affairs of Mine IIIU and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co., 1836. pp 179-182. Rept. of state treasurer rel. to surplus reve- nue. Jan. 13, 1837. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 71 COLLECTED DOCDMENTS— cont'd LXI General Assembly — cont'd Dec. G, ISSG-April 4. 1837— cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd pp. 182-18.'!. Kept, of onnal comrs. rel. to expenses on lines of Penn. Canal and rwys. Jan. 13, 1837. 1 foldg. table. pp. 184-185. Corresp. rel. to rellnqulahnient of Penns. jurisdiction over land on which U. S. Arsenal on Schuylkill. Jan., 1837. p. 186. Letter from auditor gen., Jan. 16, 1837, trans- mitting tabular stmts, showing situation of the several banks of commonwealth. Ace. by 5 foldj;. tables. pp. 187-190. Kept, of building committee of Glrard Col- lege for Orphans ; and rept. of architect. Read Jan. 16, 1837. pp. 190-236. Acct. of receipts and payments of Mayor, aldermen and citizens of I'hila. in trust for Glrard funds, for 1836. pp. 237-241. Docs. rel. to substituting steam for horse power on level of Phlla. Rwv. betw. city and foot of Schuylkill Inclined plane. Read Jan. 17, 1837. pp. 241-257. 28 rept. of Bible Socy. of Phila. Jan. 18, 1837. pp. 257-259. Ann. rept. of Codorus Navigation Co., for 1836. pp. 259-296. Letter of canal comrs.. Jan. 18. 1837, with repts. of surveys by Messrs. Whippo and De Hass. p. 297. Stmt, of affairs of Chesnut Hill and Springhouse Turnpike Uoad Cu., 18:!.j »!. p. 298. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turnpike Road Co., 1835/6. pp. 29S-300. Abstr. of affairs of co. for erecting perma- nent bridge over .Schuylkill, 1834/6. p. 301. Stmt, of affairs of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. [1836]. Jan. 25, 1837. pp. 301-302. Communication from Gov. of Md. rel. to extension of franking privilege. Jan. 18, 1837. p. 302. Rept. of Doylestown Insurance Co., 1835/6. pp. 304-305. Abstr. of affairs of York and Md. Line R.R. Co., 1836. pp. 305-308. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb. Feb. 2, 1837. pp. 308-309. Abstr. of accts. of Lvcoming Coal Co. Oct. 31, 1836. p. 310. Abstr. of accts. of Susquehanna Canal Co. Feb. 0, 1837. pp. 311-327. Letter from canal comrs. with estimates of route for avoiding Schuylkill inclined plane, and of new bridge at Duncan's Is. Jan. 31, 1837. pp. 327-328. Stmt, of accts. of Phila. Steam Tow Boat Co., for 1836. pp. 329-330. Ann. acct. of Little Schuylkill Navigation. R.R. and Coal Co., for 1836. pp. 331-339. Ann. rept. of mngrs. of House of Refuge. Jan. 5, 1837. pp. 339-365. Ann. rept. of supt. of common schools for 1836. Ace. by 28 foldg. tables. p. 366. Blank. p. 367. Res. of Vt. legisl. rel. to abolition of slavery in D. C, Dec, 1836. pp. 368-369. Stmt, of affairs of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy., Jan. 1, 1837. pp. 369-371. Abstr. of accts. of No. Amer. Coal Co., Feb. 25, 1837. pp. 371-381. Ann. rept. of bd. of inspectors of Eastern State Penitentiary, Dec. 31, 1836. 5 foldg. tables. pp. 381-382. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. rel. to canal around Blairsville bridge at Bairdstown, Feb. 28, 1837. »p. 882-384. 3 ann. rept. of mngrs. of Penn. Institution for Instruction of Blind, 1836/7. pp. 385-438. Communication from canal comrs. trans- mitting rept. of B. Aycrigg. engr., on proposed connec- tion of West Branch improvements and Franklin on the Allegheny, March 1, 1837. Ace. by 2 foldg. tables. p. 438. Letter from auditor gen., March 2. 1837, trans- mitting stmts, of Bank of U. S. for Dec. and Jan. Ace. by 2 foldg. tables. pp. 439-440. [Ann.] rept. of adj. gen. Feb. 23, 1837. Ace. by 6 foldg. tables. pp. 440-454. Communication from president and mngrs. of W. Phlla. R.R. Co. rel. to avoidance of Sehuylkiil in- clined plane, March 25. 1837. p. 455. Letter from auditor gen., with stmt, of Bank of U. S., for Feb. Ace. by 1 foldg. table. pp. 455-456. Letter from canal comrs. rel. to avoiding Schuylkill inclined plane. March 7, 1837. pp. 456-457. Letter from canal comrs. with rept. of John P. Bailey, engr., rel. to bridge at Duncan's Island, March 17, 1837. pp. 457-458. Letter from Jas. C. Biddle. March 7. 1837, transmitting ann. rept. of Univ. of Penn. pp. 459-461. List of stockholders in Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co.. March 20, 1837. pp. 461-462. Ann. stmt, of Phila., Germantown and Nor- rlstown R.R. Co., March 20, 1837. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXI General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 0. 1836-Aprll 4. 1837— cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd pp. 462-4G4. List of stockholders in Franklin R.K. Co. March 22, 1837. pp. 465-470. List of stockholders In Union Canal Co. March 23, 1837. pp. 470-474. List of stockholders in Ilarrisburg and Lan- caster R.R. Co. March 23, 1837. pp. 475-480. List of stockholders of Danville and I'otts- vllle R.R. Co., March 25, 1837. pp. 481-483. List of stockholders of Franklin R.R. March 27, 1837. pp. 483-491. List of stockholders of Cumberland Valley R.R. Co., March 27, 1837. p. 492. pp. 493-494. Rept. of Lykens Valley R.R. and Coal Co., 18.36/7. pp. i-vi. Index. V. 3. Appendix to vol. 2 ; containing canal comrs.' rept. and ace. docs. Ilarrisburg ; E. Guyer, 1837. 272 pp., foldg. table. Contents : pp. 3-34. Rept. of canal comrs. 2 foldg. tables. pp. 35-272. Does. ace. canal comrs. rept. Philadelphia and Columbia R.R. 1. Rept. of A. MehafCy, supt. of transportation and motive power. Western division [of the R.R.]. Nov. 1, 1836. pp. 35-47. 2. Rept. of Wm. Russell, supervisor and supt. West- ern division [of the R.R.]. [Nov., 1836.] pp. 48-54. 3. Rept. of F. Vogel, supt. eastern division, ace. with stmts. A. and B. Nov.. 1836. pp. 55-58. 4. Rept. of J. P. Bally rel. to avoiding the Plane at Columbia. Oct. 31, 1836. pp. 59-60. Gettysburg Extension, Penn. Rwy. 5. Rept. and estimate of John 1'. Bally, principal engr. Nov. 20, 1836. pp. 61-68. 6. Rept. of Saml. Fahnestock, supt. Oct. 31, 1836. pp. 68-69. Portage Rwy. 7. Rept. of Mark Graham, supt., ace. with stmts. A and B. Oct. 31, 1836. pp. 69-76. 8. Rept. of J. S. Wiestling, supt. of motive power and transportation. Oct. 31, 183G. pp. 77-83. Western, Beaver and French Creek divisions 9. Rept. of Chas. T. Whippo. principal engr. upon Beaver division. Nov. 11. 1836. pp. 83-87. 10. Rept. and estimate of Chas. T. Whippo, principal engr.. Western and French Creek. Nov. 22, 1836. pp. 87-90. Susquehanna, North and West Branch divisions 11. Rept. of Jas. 1). Harris, principal engr., Erie Ex- tension. Nov. 21, 1836. pp. 91-95. 12. Rept. and estimate of Chas. T. Whippo, princlpni engr., Shenango line. Nov. 18, 1836. pp. 96-107. 13. Rept. of John Reynolds, supt., with ace. schedules 1-9. Oct. 31. 18oG. pp. 107-109, 4 foldg. tables. 14. Rept. of Chas. T. VVhippo, principal engr. upon the routes from Conneaut Lake to the Harbor of Erie, with ace. estimates of the Eastern and Western routes. Nov. 22, 1836. pp. 110-120, 7 foldg. tables. Tangascootack Extension 15. Rept. of James D. Harris, principal engr., and estimate. Nov. 19, 1836. pp. 120-127. 16. Rept. of -V. B. Reed, supt., ace. with tabular stmts. A and B. Nov. 21, 1836. pp. 127-128, foldg. table. North Branch Extension 17. Rept. of James D. Harris, principal engr. Aug. 26, 1836. pp. 128-162. 18. Rept. of James D. Harris, Tioga Line, with ace. estimates. Nov. 18, 1836. pp. 163-174. 2 foldg. tables. 19. Rept. of Wm. Keeler, supt. Dee. 2, 1836. pp. 175-177. unnum. Communication from canal comrs., ace. with a rept. of B. Ayrcrlgg, engr. apptd. to explore country betw. West Branch improvements and the town of Franklin. Dec. 15, 1836. pp. 178-184. 20. Journal of the bd. of canal comrs., Feb. 20, 1836- Jan. 31, 1837. pp. 184-272. Journal of the House. 3 vols. V. 1. Ilarrisburg: S. D. Patterson, 1836-37. 1107, 71 pp. V. 2. Containing messages, repts. and does. [nos. 1-259]. Harrisburg : S. D. Patterson, 1836-37. 1009, 9 pp. 72 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXI General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 6. lS30-April 4. 1S37 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : Doc. 1. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to ann. rept. Dec. 7, 1836. p. 3. Doc. 2. Communication from secy, of l.Tnd office, Dec. 6, 1836, -with stmt, of business of dept., 1835/6. pp. 4-.".. Doc. 3. Abstr. of accts. of Germantown and Periilomen Turnpike Road Co., 1835/6. p. 6. Doc. 4. Communication from auditor gen., Dec. 7, 1830. with rept. from comrs. of internal improvement fund, 1835/6. pp. 7-10. Doc. 5. Communication from surveyor gen., with stmt, of business of dept. Dec. S, 1836. pp. 10-12. Doc. 6. Communication from state treasurer rel. to de- livery of ann. rept. Dec. 7, 1836. pp. 12-13. Docs. 7-8. Mess, from Gov. [Ritner], Dec. 6, 1836, with rept. from secv. of treasury rel. to surplus revenue of U. S. pp. 13-51. Doc. 9. Ann. stmt, of no. of depositors with Phila. Saving Fund Socy. Dec. 8, 1836. pp. 51-52. Doc. 10. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of accts. of canal comrs. Dec. 9, 1836. pp. 53-64. Doc. 11. Rept. of state treasurer, on finances. Dec. 7, 1836. pp. 64-74. Doc. 12. Mess, from Gov., ace. canal comrs.' rept. Dec. 9, 1836. p. 75. Docs. 13-33. For canal comrs.' rept. and ace. docs., see V. 3. Doc. 34. Rept. upon acct. of John Ash, late sergeant-at- arms. Dec. 10, 1836. pp. 75-76. Doc. 35. Rept. upon acct. of Geo. Shaver, late doorkeeper, and John Bear, late asst. doorkeeper. Dec. 10, 1836. p. 76. Doc. 36. Communication from Bartholomew Wlstar, secy. of bd. of mngrs. of Penn. Hospital, Dec. 10, 1836, with stmt, of affairs, 1835/6. pp. 77-85. Docs. 37-38. Communication from state treasurer, with stmt, of money drawn and unaccounted for by disbursing officers on public works. Dec. 13, 1836. pp. 86-91. Doc. 39. Rept. of Mr. M'Cleland, teller on part of House, to officiate at election of U. S. Senator. Dec. 14, 1836. pp. 91-94. Doc. 40. Mess, from Gov., ace. communication from canal comrs. Dec. 15, 1836. p. 95. Doc. 41. For communication from canal comrs., see vol. 3. Doc. 42. Rept. upon acct. of G. L. Fauss, late asst. clerk of House. Dec. 15, 1836. p. 96. Doc. 43. Rept. upon petition of John Deck, for divorce. Dec. 16, 1836. pp. 96-97. Doc. 44. Rept. upon settlement of acct. of clerk of House. Dec. 17, 1836. pp. 97-98. Doc. 45. Rept. upon petition of Isaac Ritchey for com- pensation for loss of eyesight on public works. Dec. 17, 1836. p. 98. Doc. 46. Stmt, of affairs of Danville and Pottsville R.R. Co., Nov. 21, 1836. p. 99. Docs. 47-48. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt. of certain banks and saving Institutions, pp. 100-214. Ace. by 9 foldg. tables. Doc. 49. Rept. upon acct. of Jacob G. Shoch, late tran- scribing clerk. Dec. 20, 1836. p. 215. ' Doc. 50. Rept. upon acct. of clerk, for debts of Saml. Shoch, late clerk. Dec. 22, 1836. pp. 215-216. Doc. 51. Memorial of Amer. Phil. Socy. and of Hist. Socy. of Phlla. recommending publication of certain ancient records, Dec. 8, 1836. and rept. of committee of House on subject. Dec. 22, 1836. pp. 216-221. Docs. 52-53. Communication of secy, of commonwealth, Dec. 22, 1836, with 1 ann. rept. of state geologist, 1830. pp. 222-241. Doc. 54. Stmt, of affairs of Northern Liberties, Kensing- ton and Spring Garden Saving Fund Socy., 1833/6. pp. 242-243. Doc. 55. Abstr. of accts. of Phlla. and Reading R.R. Co. Dec. 21, 1836. pp. 244-245. Doc. 56. State of Port Carbon Saving Fund Socy. Nov. 7, 1836. pp. 245-246. Docs. 57-58. Communication from state treasurer, Jan. 7, 1837, with stmt, of contingent expenses of office, 1835/6. pp. 246-247. Doc. 59. Communication from auditor gen., Jan. 7, 1837, with stmt, of affairs of Northampton Bank. pp. 247-248. Doc. 60. Abstr. of affairs of Frankford and Bristol Turn- pike Road Co., 1835/0. pp. 248-249. Doc. 61. Rept. upon acct. of clerk of House. Jan. 7, 1837. p. 250. Doc. 62. Stmt, of affairs of Ridge Turnpike Co., 1836. p. 251. Doc. 63. Rept. upon petition of Anthony P. Faust for divorce. Jan. 10, 1837. p. 252. Doc. 04. Rept. of coiuinlttcc of ways and means rel. to surplus revenue and state debt. Jan. 10, 1837. pp. 252-258. Doc. 65. Rept. of Mr. Rambo, teller on part of House, to officiate at election of state treasurer. Jan. 10, 1837. pp. 258-273. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXI General Assemblv — cont'd Dec. 6, 1836-Aprll 4, 1837— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 66. Rept. of minority of committee of ways and means rel. to surplus revenue. Jan. 11, 1837. p. 274. Doc. 67. Rept. of Mr. Rambo, teller on part of House to officiate at election of state treasurer. Jan. 11, 1837. pp. 274-293. Doc. 68. Rept. upon acct. of John O. Donnell. Jan. 12, 1837. p. 293. Doc. 09. Rept. upon petition of German Lutheran con- gregation of Drv Lands, for incorporation. Jan. 12, 1837. p. 294. Doc. 70. Rept. upon petition of Washington Beneficial Socy. of Reading, for incorporation. Jan. 12, 1837. p. 295. Doc. 71. Rept. upon petition rel. to erection of new county from parts of Armstrong and Venango cos. Jan. 12, 1837. p. 290. Doc. 72. Rept. upon noncupative will of Hubbard Avery. pp 296-297. Doc. 73. Kept, upon petitions of Jacob and Jonas Horner, for damages. Jan. 12, 1837. pp. 297-298. Doc. 74. Rept. upon petition of Adam Trefltz, for addi- tional compensation of injuries. Jan. 12, 1837. p. 298. Doc. 75. Rept. upon petition of Lawrence Miller for com- pensation for damages. Jan. 12, 1837. p. 299. Doc. 76. Rept. upon petition of comrs. of Northumber- land Co. for compensation for mileage. Jan. 12, 1837. pp. 299-300. Doc. 77. Rept. upon petition of Andrew Ferguson, for damages. Jan. 12, 1837. p. 300. Doc. 78. Stmt, of accts. of Mill Creek and Mine Hill Navigation and R.R. Co., Jan. 2, 1837. p. 301. Doc. 79. Abstr. of accts. of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co. [for 1836]. p. 302. Doc. 80. Rept. upon petition of Abraham Bruner, for damages. Jan. 13, 1837. p. 303. Doc. 81. Rept. upon petition of Alex. Boggs, for damages. Jan. 13. 1837. p. 303. Doc. 82. Rept. upon petition of Andrew Dutot, for damages. Jan. 13, 1837. p. 304. Doc. 83. Rept. upon res. rel. to distribution of monies appropriated for common school purposes. Jan. 13, 1837. pp. 304-305. Doc. 84. Mess, from Gov., Jan. 14, 1837, with corresp. with secy, of war rel. to lands on which Is erected U. S. Arsenal on the Schuylkill, pp. 305-307. Docs. 85-86. Letter from state treasurer, Jan. 14, 1837, with rept. and docs. rel. to surplus revenue of U. S. pp. 308-312. Doc. 87. Rept. upon accts. of George W. Johnston, and John Downing, witnesses rel. to mngmt. of canal and rwys. Jan. 14, 1837. p. 312. Docs. 88-89. Communication from select and common councils of Phlla., Jan. 5, 1837, with stmt, of funds of Girard estate, rept. of building committee and rept. of architect, pp. 313-362. Doc. 90. Rept. upon petition of Jacob Stutzman, for damages. Jan. 16, 1837. p. 363. Doc. 91. Rept. upon petition of William Stahl, for damages. Jan. 16. 1837. pp. 363-304. Doc. 92. Rept. upon petition of Jos. Harshberger, for damages. Jan. 10, 1837. p. 364. Doc. 93. Rept. upon petition of John Snyder, for damages. Jan. 16, 1837. p. 365. Docs. 94-95. Communication from Gov., Jan. 16, 1837, with rept. of canal comrs. rel. to substituting steam for horse power on level of rwy. betw. Phlla. and foot of Schuylkill inclined plane, pp. 366-371. Doc. 96. Communication from comrs. of Phlla., Jan. 17, 1837, rel. to costs of registering voters of Phlla., etc. pp. 371-374. Doc. 97. Rept. of minority of committee of ways and means rel. to surplus revenue, Jan. 18, 1837. pp. 374- 384. Doc. 98. Rept. upon petition for levying tax on dogs for school purposes. Jan. 18, 1837. pp. 384-385. Doc. 99. Rept. upon petition of inhabitants of Easton rel. to damages. Jan. 18, 1837. p. 385. Doc. 100. Rept. upon petition of J. M. Edsell, for divorce. Jan. 18, 1837. p. 386. Doc. 101. Rept. upon petition of Elizabeth Stokely, widow of Revolutionary officer. Jan. 18, 1837. pp. 386-387. Doc. 102. Kept, upon petition of John Colder, for aid. Jan. 18, 1837. p. 387. Doc. 103. Rept. upon petition of heirs of Alex. Stevenson and Phllln Graft, for pensions. Jan. 18, 1837. p. 388. Doc. 104. Kept, upon acct. of John M'Glaughlin, witness rel. to mngmt. of canal and rwys. Jan. 18, 1837. pp. 388-389. Doc. 105. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before commit- tee apptd. to Inquire Into evils of freemasonry. Jan. 18, 1837. pp. 389-390. Doc. 106. Rept. upon acct. of Samuel Kllng, late prtr. of German Journal. Jan. 18, 1837. pp. 390-393. Doc. 107. Rept. upon res. rel. to dividing surplus revenue among the several cos. Jan. 19, 1837. p. 393. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 73 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXI General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 6, 1836-April 4, 1837— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Docs. 108-113. See vol. 3. Doc. 114. Cointmiuic itinn from state treasurer, rel. to deposlte of part of surplus revenue in Merchants' and Manufacturers' Bank ot I'ittsburg. Jan. 19, 1837. p. 306. Docs. 115-116. Rept. of auditor gen., with stmt, of names, no. and compensation of persons employed on canal and rwys. Jan. 20, 1837. pp. 397-434. Doc. 117. Stmt, of 'accts. of Codorus Navigation Co., 1836. pp. 435-436. Doc. 118. Stmt, of Chesnut Hill and Spring House Turn- pike Ko.-id Co.. ISSO. ji. 437. Doe. 119. Ann. rept. of inspectors of Western Penitentiary. [1836]. pp. 438-443. Ace. by 5 foldg. tables. Doc. IL'o. liept. upon accts. of witnesses bef((re committee rel. to mngmt. of canals and rwys. Jan. 23, 1857. p. 444. Doc. ll-'l. Rept. upon petition for aid in improvement of navigation of Chest Creek. Jan. 23, 1837. pp. 444-445. Doc. 122. Rept. upon petition of inhabitants of Bradford Co., rel. to extension of jurisdiction of Justices of peace. Jan. 23, 1837. p. 445. Doc. 123. Rept. upon petition of Inhabitants of Lycoming Co., rel. to hawkers and pedlars. Jan. 23, 1837. Doc. 124. Rept. upon petition of Patrick Burk, Revolu- tionary soldier, lor compensation for donation land. Jan. 23, 1837. p. 447. Doc. 125. Rept. upon petition of inhabitants of Bucks Co., rel. to apptmt. of co. treasurer. Jan. 23, 1837. p. 448. Doc. 126. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to course pursued by committee apptd. to examine rangmnt. of canals and rwys. Jan. 23, 1837. pp. 448-450. Doc. 127. Communication from pres. and treasurer of Permanent Bridge Co. with triennial abstr. of accts. Jan., 1837. pp. 451-453. Doc. 128. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, rel. to prtg. pamphlet laws in German. Jan. 24, 1837. pp. 453-454. Doc. 129. Rept. upon petitions for aid to Improve naviga- tion of Sandy Creek. Jan. 25, 1837. p. 455. Doc. 130. Rept. upon petition of T. B. Kemper, and S. S. Sproat, for damages on r.r. Jan. 25, 1837. pp. 455-456. Doc. 131. Rept. upon petition of inhabitants of Hunt- ingdon Co. for aid to Patrick Madden, pauper, p. 456. Doc. 132. Rept. upon petition of president and clerk of Penn Township R.R. Co. for change of route. Jan. 25, 1837. pp. 457-458. Doc. 133. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before commit- tee apptd. to inquire into evils of masonry. Jan. 25, 1837. p. 458. Doc. 134. Rept. rel. to delay in printing Journals of House. Jan. 25, 1837. p. 459. Doc. 135. Communication from secy, of U. S. treasury rel. to application of Phlla. Bank and Bank of Penn. to be depositories of U. S. money. Jan. 24, 1837. pp. 460-461. Doc. 136. Rept. upon petition rel. to distillation of ardent spirits from grain. Jan. 26, 1837. pp. 461-462. Doc. 137. Rept. upon petition rel. to repeal of tax on collateral inheritances. Jan. 26, 1837. p. 462. Docs. 138-139. Mess, from Gov. with res. of Md. leglsl. rel. to extension of franking privilege. Jan. 27, 1837. pp. 463-465. Doc. 140. Communication from state treasurer, with stmt. of money drawn for last 3 yrs. for Increase of library. Jan. 26, 1837. pp. 466-467. Doc. 141. Stmt, of affairs of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. [for 1836]. p. 468. Doc. 142. Rept. upon petitions rel. to repair of road betw. Mifflinsburg and Lewisburg. Jan. 28, 1837. p. 469. Doc. 143. Rept. upon petition of Elizabeth Stokeley, widow of Revolutionary officer. Jan. 28, 1837. pp. 469- 470. Doc. 144. Rept. upon petition for aid to remove obstruc- tions in Big Mahoning Creek. Jan. 30, 1837. pp. 470- 471. Doc. 145. Rept. upon petitions for aid to remove ob- structions in Clarion River. Jan. 30, 1837. p. 471. Doc. 146. Rept. upon petition of Robt. Brumpton, Revo- lutionary soldier. Jan. 31, 1837. p. 472. Doc. 147. Stmt, of amt. of money reed, and expended on Columbia R.R. for motive power Nqy. 1, 1836, to Jan. 28, 1837. pp. 47^-474. Doc. 148. Ab«tr. ot accts. of York and Md. Line R.R. Co. [for 1836]. pp. 474-475. Doc. 149. Rept. upon acct. of clerk for debts of Saml. Shoch, late clerk. Feb. 1, 1837. p. 476. Doc. 150. Rept. upon education of deaf and dumb. Feb. 2, 1837. pp. 477-482. Doc. 151. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before com- mittee apptd. to Inquire into evils of freemasonry. Feb. 3, 1837. p. 4,s:!. Doc. 152. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, for 1836. pp. 484-486. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXI General Assembly — cont'd Dec. 6, 1K36-April 4, 1837 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents ; — cont';?''"^m''t-of'"f?errSr^y^Sno^a^s.-Vc«l^- pp' 515.|4i'?"procs. of Penn. Silk Convention held at Har- risbure Feb. 22-23, 1839. , , ^ iooc lii g^d 3 nnn rent of state geologist, 1838. PP-ei'-'itstr' o7 acc^fof Northern Liberties and Penn. p V3l°''A'oc''-^cc':"co?.mulicl't?on from state treasurer. pp^ m^-749. Stmts, of accts of V E PioUet, Thos. Myers, pp""T''50'=^'5r lt"mJ:°/f^aiary^S'miS'e of judges. June pp^'T^l^TSS. Rept. of comrs rel. to topographical survey .vsS£rsfirS'H''i.?s-^ '"-oQ ino?"^' Testimonv before committee apptd. to In- pp't-l!- Rent, of the canal comrs., 1838. Dec. 21, 1838. ""■ 'R^enr-of'if''Mei;a1fy. supt. of motive power on the ne&'-orj'as.-D'' ^ris.'l^lr. o'J°t^{/o??h%r''a''nc«jF:^: Sr^Ja?<'D.^S.i?fe£^^.^orthBran^ Ke^i^'orsoho" ?r^;^i^!)jr(J^Jpo<^. 'lov. <5 1»1R nn 001 14 4 foldg. tables. KepV o? b. '^'■..shal.nugh, supt of a survey f„r a r.r. nh-l/^^'^^r!^^^ t'hl^frJe E^.te^n'^sion. Re^o^V.«?f.•^^'•i'^sor„?,?' ^Jf'r-hn?' De Has>< engr.. ncc. with a survey and ^^stimate of the cost for ^constructing a m'ndamlxed or block road, from Laughlinstown to Chambersburg. Co^fn'iuiJic'.ti'cTn t^^m^B^'Ayrcrigg. civil engr rel. to The West Branch and Allegheny Canal, suppl. to repts read Dec. 15, 1836, and March 1, 1837. pp. Ren^t'^'of M. C. Clarkson, supt. of the Gettysburg Ex- 3rhhe^r^'an^B^.f.^s«suft.«/"i?i?gieSf--r. pp 36B2'^^^^'n;un?ca?ifn1^m'>^^>nal comr. ex- "^^hibiting the condition of the canals and March 11, 05^^4^^2-474. Rept. of James D. Harris rel. to avoiding the inclined planes. Feb. 2. 1839. . . no 475-666 Journal of the canal comrs., Feb. 2, 1838, to •Tan. 31, 1S39. Journal of the House. .^ -'-^.'^ „*p,,„. 1838.30. 1528. cli pp. v" o- Tnt 11 Containing messages, repts. and docs. [nos. 1- ll9h'^H.nrHsbm-g: Boas and Coplan, 1838-39. 1075, 11 PP., foldg. tables. Contents : Docs 1-2. Communication from state treasurer, with rept. Dr 3".--A'^str\«'oyicctrof^.Snto''w^n'ai|- Perkiomen Turnpike Road Co , 1838 p. 19. commonwealth ^''r'el'to XrnsTre™r°esenLtivel fU Phila. Co. Dec. Do^c.'5.''ReX re°i;'t"o armed troops quartered in vicinity of ^oTr-A^n.'Ji'^is}'!tol'.:'^?..r,. Dec. 29. 1838. pi). 33-59. °"-Coa„n°ic;;Ln'^^fro<^m7: rSeasonton rel. to old brass Le^t?eTTrorc^o;n'^o1o^r^*lnio''tl*'r°efto heads of 2 Corres"p' wUh di^rec'ttrs of Bank of V S-^^l to breach in .Tiiniata division ot Penn. Canal, pp. 65-67. Doc.^'io'' S'punication from nuditor gen with stmt of accts. of canal comrs., 1837/s. uec. ^1, '■""o- vf Do®cs'^li-12 Communication from auditor J^^^^;^]^^ stmts of certain b-.nks and saving institutions. Dec. 27, Jhz P'ib'str'^otV." S':?'fundry banks and saving Doc. 13. ABstr. 01 niLuiio " J foldg. tables. Do'c°''l4""c°o^mm?^ica-tIin''r'om;aJditor gen.J with stmt, of acct of comrs. of internal Improvement fund. Dec. DolSi'''cormu^ni:?a;joV |rom auditor gen. rel. to ann. Dor *l-6"°Mess"^rrom°^'ov','D\'c''27,''il3V with rept. of Do?8'"'i7-38"'Fo?- canal comrs.' rept. and ace. docs., see ^SwM'S*i5^>^of^oSS"«^' -»^^ -Sg I^ i:^- ^ S-^^^n-^n'^!:^^' V^^S: Po^c* "41. Communication from secy, of land office with stmt: of business of dcpt., 1837/8. Dec. 28, 1838. PP. Doc''42''°Ann. rept. of Cumberland Valley R.R. Co., 1838. Do';.''-4^f' "'Itmt. of accts. of Penn. Hospital. 1837/8. PP. 1838. pp. 164-165. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 81 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXIII General Assembly — cont'd (1st under Constitution of 1838-1839) — cont'd Dec. 4, 1838-June 25. 1839— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents ; — cont'd Doc. 45. Communication from state treasurer rel. to ann. rept. Jan. 12, 1839. p. 166. Docs. 46-47. Communication from state treasurer, Jan. 12, 1839, with stmt, of contingent expenses of office, 1838/9. np. 167-168. Doc. 48. Aiess. from Gov. with stmt, of relations In which this govt, has been placed to a portion of citizens and to executive of Union. Jan. 14, 1R39. pp. 169-183. Doc. 49. Mess, from Gov., with docs. Jan. 14, 1839. p. 184. Doc. 50. Rept. and res. of Ga. leglsl. rel. to demand made on executive of Me. for delivery of fugitives from Justice, pp. 185-190. Doc. 51. Res. of Conn, legisl. rel. to increase of national executive patronage, and rel. to D. S. public lands, pp. 191-196. Docs. 52-53. Communication from secy, of commonwealth with rept. rel. to county prisons. Jan. 14, 1839. pp. 197-224, 1 foldg. table. Docs. 54-55. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, Jan. 12, 1839, with stmt, of incorporated institutions, showing dates, capitals, etc. pp. 225-435. Doc. 56. Communication from state treasurer rel. to fi- nances, Jan. 14, 1839. pp. 436-437. Docs. 57-58. Rept. of supt. of common schools, with bills rel. to common school system. Jan. 15, 1839. Harris- burg : Boas & Copl.nn, 1839. pp. 437-497. Doc. 59. Stmt, of affairs of Rklge Turnpike Road Co. for 1838. pp. 497-498. Doc. 60. Stmt, of affairs of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co. for 1838. pp. 498-499. Doc. 61. Rept. rel. to North Western Bank of Penn. Jan. 19, 1839. p. 500. Doc. 62. Rept. rel. to supervisors of Erie Co. apptg. deputies. Jan. 19. 1839. p. 501. Doc. 63. Rept. upon accts. of late clerk of House. Jan. 19, 1839. p. 502. Doc. 64. Rept. upon accts. of persons employed as asst. sergeants-at-arms to preserve order In House at begin- ning of ses9., 1838/9. Jan. 19, 1839. pp. 503-505. Doc. 65. Stmt, of affairs of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., for 1838. pp. 505-506. Doc. 66. Rept. upon petition of Wm. Wright, complain- ing of Susquehanna Canal Co. Jan. 21, 1839. p. 506. Doc. 67. Ann. rept. of inspectors of Western Penitentiary, for 1838. pp. 507-517. Doc. 68. Rept. upon extrs. from original books of entry made evidence in courts. Jan. 22, 1839. p. 517. Doc. 69. Mess, from Gov. [Porter] rel. to finances. Jan. 26, 1839. pp. 518-527. Docs. 70-71. Communication from Phlla. select and com- mon councils, Jan. 25, 1839, with concise stmt, of funds of Glrard estate, pp. 528-590. Doc. 72. Stmt, of Codorus Navigation Co., for 1838. pp. 591-592. Doc. 73. Communication from president of bd. of con- trollers of public schools of 1st school distr. of Penn., Jan. 25, 1839. p. 593. Docs. 74-75. Mess, from Gov. with communication from bd. of canal comrs. pp. 594-595. Docs. 76-77. See app. to v. 2. Jan. 28, 1839. Doc. 78. Rept. of Mr. Smith, teller on part of House to officiate at election of state treasurer. Jan. 28, 1838 (1. e. 1839]. pp. 597-600. Docs. 79-80. Mess, from Gov., with communication from H. J. Pleasonton, acting paymaster-gen. rel. to payment of 1st and 11th divisions of Penn. militia. Jan. 29, 1839. pp. 600-608. Doc. 81. Stmt, of names of Judges with dates of comns. Jan. 29, 1839. p. 608, 3 foldg. tables. Doc. 82. Stmt, of affairs of Sugar Loaf Coal Co. up to Jan. 25, 1839. pp. 609-610. Doc. 83. Stmt, of Danville and Pottsville R.R. Co., Dec. 29, 1839. pp. 610-611. Doc. 84. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, furnishing papers, and election returns rel. to election of representatives In Phila. Co. Jan. 28, 1839. pp. 611- 614. Doc. 85. Abstr. of accts. of Franklin and Bristol Turn- pike Road Co., 1837/8. pp. 614-615. Doc. 86. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Instruction of Blind. 1838. pp. 616-619. Doc. 87. Stmt, of affairs of York and Md. Line R.R. Co., for 1838. pp. 620-621. Doc. 88. Ann. acct. of Little Schuylkill Navigation, R.R. and Coal Co., for 1838. pp. 621-622. Doc. 89. Rept. of select committee rel. to Phila. Loan Co., with testimony, opinion of council, and bill. Feb. 2, 1839. pp. 623-632. Doc. 90. Abstr. of Phila. and Reading R.R., for 1838. p. 633. Doc. 91. Stmt, of affairs of Doylestown Insurance Co. of Bucks Co., for 1838. pp. 634-635. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXIII General Assembly — cont'd (Ist under Constitution of 1838-1839) — cont'd Dec. 4. 1838-June 25, 1839— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 92. Rept. upon acct. of late clerk of House tor dally pay and salary. Feb. 7, 1839. p. 635. Docs. 93-94. See app. to v. 2. Doc. 95. Stmt, of affairs of Bristol Steam Tow Boat and Transportation Co., Feb. 1, 1839. p. C37. Doc. 96. Ann. stmt, of funds of Univ. of Penn.. Jan. 1. 1839. pp. 638-639. Doc. 97. Kept, upon petition of Maria Fatzlnger for di- vorce. Feb. 15. 1839. p. 639. Doc. 98. Rept. of committee (Bueler) upon memorial of trustees of Socy. of Equal Rights. Feb. 15, 1839. p. 640. Docs. 99-100. Mess, from Gov., Feb. 16. 1839. with copy of res. of Md. Gen. Assem. declarator.v of rttrhts of citi- zens of Md. over fugitive slaves, pp. 641-648. Doc. 101. Stmt, of affairs of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy., for 1838. pp. 648-649. Doc. 102. 10 ann. rept. of Inspectors of Eastern Peni- tentiary, for 1838. pp. 650-669. 7 foldg. tables. Docs. 103-104. Communication from secy, of common- wealth, with 3 ann. rept. of state geologist. Feb. 19. 1839. pp. 670-763. Doc. 105. Communication from canal comrs. Feb. 19, 1839. p. 764. Doc. 106. See app. to v. 2. Doc. 107. Rept. rel. to making arrears of wages of persons employed in manufactories Mens upon personal property of employer. Feb. 19, 1839. p. 765. Doc. 108. Mess, from Gov., Feb. 19, 1839, with preamble and res. of bd. of controllers of public schools in 1st school distr. of Penn. pp. 766-767. Doc. 109. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, for 1838. pp. 767-770. Doc. 110. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt. of receipts and expenditures of public works for 1836- 1838. Feb. 20, 1839. pp. 770-771, 4 foldg. tables. Doc. 111. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee, upon militia system. Feb. 20, 1839. p. 771. Doc. 112. Mess, from Gov., rel. to communication from canal comrs. Feb. 21, 1839. p. 772. Doc. 113. See app. to vol. 2. Doc. 114. Rept. on acct. of clerk of House. Feb. 22, 1839. p. 773. Doc. 115. Communication from Phila. councils, with rept. of building committee of Glrard College, Jan. 31, 1839. pp. 774-783. Doc. 116. Rept. of committee on militia system rel. to payment of troops of 1st and 11th divs. Feb. 25, 1839. pp. 784-788. Doc. 117. See app. to vol. 2. Docs. 118-119. Mess, from Gov. with communication from secy, of war rel. to U. S. Arsenals in Phila. Co. Feb. 28, 1839. pp. 789-790. Doc. 120. Rept. of committee of ways and means upon finances. March 1, 1839. pp. 791-799. Doc. 121. Rept. upon acct. of Andrew Krause, sergeant- at-arms for serving subpoenas. March 1, 1839. p. 800. Doc. 122. Mess, from Gov. with communication from canal comrs. rel. to purchase of Valley and W. Phila. March 1, 1839. pp. 800-803. Doc. 123. Rept. from state treasurer rel. to deficit accrued from 1835-39, and estimate of probable deficit from 1839-1842. March 2, 1839. pp. 804-807, 2 foldg. tables. Doc. 124. Rept. of committee apptd. to inquire into causes of delay In publishing debates of late reform conv. March 4, 1839. pp. 807-808. Doc. 125. Rept. upon acct. of Andrew Krause, for per- sons employed to preserve order in House on .Ian. 15 and 16, 183!). March 5, 1839. p. 809. Doc. 126. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to payment of asst. sergeants-at-arms. March 5, 1839. pp. 810-818. Doc. 127. Rept. upon acct. of Jas. Peacock, post master. March 6, 1839. p. 819. Doc. 128. Mess, from Gov. rel. to permanent loan. March 7, 1839. pp. 819-822. Doc. 129. Mess, from Gov. rel. to communication of canal comrs. March 11, 1839. p. 822. Doc. 130. See app. to vol. 2. Doc. 131. Rept. rel. to asylum for Insane poor. March 11, 1839. pp. 823-840. Docs. 132-133. Mess, from Gov., March 12, 1839, with ann. rept. of adj. gen., 1838. pp. 841-842, 6 foldg. tables. Doc. 134. Stmt, of affairs of House of Refuge, for 1838. pp. 843-854. Doc. 135. Rept. of minority of committee of accts. rel. to payment of asst. sergeants-at-arms. March 15, 1839. pp. 854-871. Doc. 136. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of Chesnut Hill and Spring House Turnpike Road Co., for 1838. p. 871. Doc. 137. Rept. upon pay and mileage of members and speaker to March 27, 1839. March 19, 1839. pp. 872- 874. 82 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXni General Assembly — confd (let under Constitution of 1838-1839)— oont'd Dec. 4, 1838-June 25, 1839 — confd jQurnal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 138. Eept. rel. to purchase of Silk Manual. March 20, 1839. p. 875. Doc. 139. Mess, from Gov. with communication from canal comrs. rel. to purchase of Valley R.R. March 22, 1839. pp. 876-877. Doc. 140. Rept. upon construction of Sunbury and Erie R.R. March 22. 1839. pp. 877-885. Doc. 141. Rept. rel. to Leamen watering station on Phila. and Columbia R.R. March 22, 1839. pp. 885-889. Doc. 142. Rept. upon ncct. of chrni. of committee apptd. to investigate Phila. Loan Co. March 23. 1839. p. 890. Doc. 143. Mess, from Gov. with communication from canal comrs. nscertainiug amt. of debts due b.v common- wealth on finished lines of canals and March 25, 1839. pp. 890.892. Doc. 144. Kept, upon acct. of committee to visit watering station on Phila. and Columbia R.R. March 25, 1839. p. 893. Doc. 14."». Rept. upon acct. of witness rel. to secy, of state withholding returns. March 25. 1839. p.' 894. Doc. 146. Ann. rept. of supt. of common schools, 1838. pp. 895-906, 44 foldg. tables. Doc. 147. Rept. upon accts. of officers of House. March 26, 1839. p. 907. Doc. 148. Rept. upon acct. of witness before committee of which J. R. Snowdon was chrm. March 26, 1839. p. 908. Doc. 149. Rept. of acct. of clerk of House. March 20, 1839. pp. 908-909. Doc. 150. Rept. upon acct. of witnesses before committee to inquire into conduct of M. Montgomery. March 26. 1839. p. 909. Doc. 151. Rept. upon acct. of Andrew Krause, sergeant- at-arms. March 26, 1839. p. 910. Doc. 152. Abstr. of accts. of Northern Liberties and Penn Township R.R. Co., for 1838. p. 911. Doc. 153. Rept. upon petition of guardian of minor chil- dren of John Smiley, rel. to conveyance of interest in lands. May 17, 1839. p. 912. Doc. 154. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to investigate conduct of canal comrs. May 18, 1839. pp. 913-914. Doc. 155. Rept. upon acct. of witness before committee apptd. to investigate conduct of M. Montgomery, prtr. May 18, 1839. pp. 914-915. Doc. 156. Rept. upon petition of citizens of Monroe Co. rel. to requiring supervisors to give security for money reed, from co. treasurers upon unseated lands. May 18, 1839. p. 915. Doc. 157. Rept. upon memorial and petitions rel. to repeal of res. requiring secy, of commonwealth to collect Information rel. to resources of state. May 18, 1839. p. 916. Doc. 158. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to investigate conduct of canal comrs. May 20, 18&9. pp. 917-918. Doc. 159. Rept. of committee apptd. to inquire whether Thaddeus Stevens has forfeited right to seat in House. May 20, 1839. pp. 918-920. Doc. 160. Communication from secv. of commonwealth rel. to statistics of state. May 21, 1839. pp. 926-928. Doc. 161. Communiciitlon from auditor gen. rel. to care of books In that dept. May 22. 1839. pp. 929-930. Doc. 162. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to investigate conduct of canal comrs. May 22, 1869. pp. 930-931, Doc. 163. See a pp. to vol 2. Doc. 164. Rept. of select committee apptd. to examine affairs of Lumberman's Bank. Mav 23, 18.39. pp. 932- 935. Doc. 165. Rept. rel. to repeal of law authorizing apptmt. of moral instructor in Eastern Penitentiary. May 24, 1839. pp. 935-937. Doc. 166. Rept. upon acct. of Wm. M'l^ean. clerk to com- mittee apptd. to Investigate Gettysburg R.R. May 24, 1839. pp. 937-938. Doc. 167. Rept. upon acct. of wltnr-sses before committee apptd. to Investigate conduct of canal comrs. Mav 24, I8S9. pp. 9,38-939. Doc. 168. See app. to vol. 2. Doc. 169. Mess, from Gov., with docs. [170-1711. May 28, 18.39. p. 940. Doc. 170. Communication from canal comrs. with estimate of cost of repairing bridges over the Susque- hanna. May 27, 1839. pp. 941-943. Doc. 171. Communication from directors of poor, with accts. and stmts, of poor houses for 1838. pp. 943-978. Doc. 172. Rent, upon accts. of witnesses before com- mittee apptd. to Investigate conduct of canal comrs. May 28, 1839. pp. 978-979. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXIIl General Assembly — cont'd (1st under Constitution of 1838-1839)— cont'd Dec. 4, 1838-June 25, 1839— cont'd Journal '^*' '^e House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 173. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee to inquire into causes of difficulties of Dec, 1838. May 29, 1839. p. 980. Doc. 174. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to investigate conduct of canal comrs. May 30, 1839. pp. 981-982. Doc. 175. Rept. upon acct. of Andrew Krause, sergeant-at- arms. May 30, 1839. p. 982. Doc. 176. Rept. upon accts. of a witness before committee to inquire into causes of diflicultles of Dec, 1838. May 20, 1839. p. 983. Doc. 177. Communication from E. Guyer, prtr. of German debates of Reform Convention, rel. to destruction of vol. 4 hy fire May 31, 1839. p. 984. Docs. 178-179. Repts. of accts. of witnesses before com- mittee to investigate conduct of canal comrs. May 31, 1839. pp. 985-986. Doc. 180. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to investigate Pittsburg Branch Bank at Beaver. May 31, 1839. pp. 986-987. Doc 181. Rept. rel. to charges agst. controllers of Phila. Central High School. May 31, 1839. pp. 988-991. Doc. 182. Rept. rel. to abolition of slavery in D. C. and to colored population of country. June 1, 1839. pp. 991- 1003. Doc. 183. Rept. upon acct. of Andrew Krause, sergeant-at- arms. June 1. 1839. p. 1004. Doc. 184. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to investigate conduct of canal comrs. June 1, 1839. p. 1005. Doc. 185. Rept. upon acct. of Henry Wonderly, depy. sergeant-at-arms. June 1, 1839. p. 1006. Doc 186. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee to investigate conduct of canal comrs. June 3, 1839. pp. 1006-1008. Doc. 187. Rept. upon acct of Christian Stout, depy. sergeant-at-arms. June 3, 1839. p. 1009. Doc. 188. Rept. rcl. to draw of bridge over Darby Creek. June 3, 1839. pp. 1009-1010. Doc 189. Rept. upon addition to public bldgs. June 4, 1839. pp. 1010-1011. Docs. 190-191. Repts. upon accts. of witnesses before com- mittee to investigate conduct of present and late bd. of canal comrs. Juno 4, 1839. pp. 1011-1013. Doc. 192. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee to Investigate causes of disturbances of Dec, 1838. June 5, 1839. pp. 1013-1014. Docs. 193-194. Repts. upon accts. of witnesses before com- mittee to investigate conduct of late and present bd. of canal comrs. June 5, 1839. pp. 1014-1015. Doc. 195. Rept. upon accts. of committee apptd. to visit Eastern Penitentiary. June 5, 1839. pp. 1016-1017. Doc. 196. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee to Investigate causes of Dec. disturbances. June 6, 1839. p. 1017. Doc. 197. Rept. upon a"cts. of witnesses before committee to Investigate conduct of canal comrs. June 6, 1839. p. 1018. Doc. 198. Rept. of majority of committee apptd. to Inquire Into causes of removal of branch Bank of Pittsburg from Beaver, pp. 1019-1051. Doc. 199. Same; minority rept. pp. 1051-1053. Doc 200. Rept. of committee rel. to securing uninter- rupted navigation of Delaware River and Bay by means of steam, ice and tow boats. June 6, 1838 [1. e., 1839]. pp. 1054-1056. Docs. 201-202. Repts. upon accts. of witnesses before com- mittee to investigate conduct of present and late bd. of canal comrs. June 7, 1839. pp. 1056-1058. Doe. 203. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee to Investigate Gettysburg R.R. June 7, 1839. pp. 1058- 1059. Doc. 204. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee to inv(>stlgate causes of Dec. disturbances. June 7, 1839. pp. 1059-1060. Doc. 205. Rept. upon accts. of committee apptd. to In- vestigate affairs of I.,umberman's Bank at Warren. June 8, 1839. p. 1061. Doc. 206. Kept, upon acct. of Andrew Krause, sergeant-at- arms. June 8. 1839. p. 1062. Doc. 207. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee to Investigate conduct of canal comrs. June 8, 1839. pp. 1062-1063. Doc. 208. Same. June 10, 1839. p. 1003. Doc. 209. Kept, upon acct. of Andrew Krause, sergeant-at- arms. June 10. 1839. p, 1064. Doc. 210. Rej>l. upon accts. of witnesses before committee to Investigate conduct of canal comrs. June 10, 1839. pp. 1064-1005. Doc. 211. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee to investigate causes of Dec disturbances. June 11, 1839. pp. 1065-1066. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 83 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXIII General Assembly — cont'd (Ist under Constitution of 1838-1839)— cont'd Dec. 4, lS38-.Tune 25, 1839— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Docs. 212-213. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before com- mittee to investigate conduct of canal comrs. June 12, 1839. pp. 1066-1067. Doc. 214. Rept. of comrs. rel. to toposraphlcal survey of Penn. June 12, 1839. pp. 1068-1071. Doc. 215. Rept. upon acct. of witness before committee to investigate causes of Dec. disturbances. June 13, 1839. p. 1072. Docs. 216-217. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before com- mittee to investigate conduct of canal comrs. June 14, 1839. pp. 1072-1074. Docs. 218-219. Repts. upon acct. of Andrew Krause, sergeant-at-arms. June 14, 1839. pp. 1074-1075. Index. 11 pp. V. 2, |it. 2. Containing messages, repts. and docs. [nos. 220- 254]. Harrisburg : Boas & Coplan, 1838-39. 489, 5 pp., foldg. tables. Contents : Doc. 220. Rept. of committee apptd. to Investigate conduct of late bd. of canal comrs. June 15, 1839. pp. 3-14. Doc. 221. Rept. of committee rel. to Gettysburg R.R., witb testimony, pp. 15-92, 1 foldg. map., 2 foldg. tables. Doc. 222. Rept. upon acct. of witness before committee to inquire into causes of Dec. disturbances. June 17, 1839. p. 93. Doc. 223. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee to inquire Into conduct of canal comrs. June 17, 1839. pp. 93-94. Doc. 224. Rept. upon accts. of committee to inquire into removal of oflace of discount and deposlte from Beaver. June 18. 1839. pp. 94-95. Doc. 225. Rept. of committee apptd. to inquire into causes of disturbances at Harrisburg Dec, 1838. June 18. 1839. pp. 96-256, 5 foldg. tables. Doc. 226. Rept. upon accts. of men employed on Gettys- burg R.R. bv committee to examine road. June 19, 1839. p. 257. Doc. 227. Rept upon accts. of committee to examine Gettysburg R.R. June 20, 1839. pp. 258-259. Doc. 228. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee to inquire into conduct of canal comrs. June 20, 1839. pp. 259-260. Doc. 229. Rept. upon acct. of clerk of committee to examine Gettysburg R.R. June 22. 1839. p. 260. Doc. 230. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee to inquire into Dec. disturbances. June 20, 1839. p. 261. Doc. 231. Rept. upon acct. of Andrew Krause, sergeant-at- arms. June 20, 1839. pp. 262-263. Doc. 232. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, with stmt, of banking Institutions and incorporated cos. June 22, 1839. pp. 26.3-290. Doc. 233. Rept. upon pav and mileage of members to June 25, 1839. June 22, 1839. pp. 291-293. Doc. 234. Rept. upon accts. of officers of House. June 22, 1839. p. 294. Doc. 235. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee to inquire into conduct of canal comrs. June 22, 1839. p. 295. Doc. 236. Rept. upon accts. of A. Krause, sergeant-at- arms, Joseph Hall for furnishing room, W. O. Kline, for copies of records, and F. K. Boas, clerk. June 22, 1839. p. 296. Doc. 237. Rept. of committee rel. to charges agst. present bd. of canal comrs. by contractors on north and west branches of Pcnii. Canal, with testimony. June 24, 1839. pp. 297-371. Doc. 238. Rept. of minority of committee apptd. to in- vestigate conduct of late bd. of canal comrs. pp. 372- 416, 8 foldg. tables. Doc. 239. Rept. of minority of committee apptd. to in- quire into causes of disturbances at Harrisburg in Dec, 1838. June 24, 1839. pp. 417-426. Doc 240. Rept. on acct. of clerk of House. June 24, 1839. p. 427. Doc 241. Rept. on acct. of J. Cantlne for folding and stitching bills. June 24, 1839. p. 428. Doc 242. Rept. on acct. of C. F. Muench, for folding and stitching English Jol., docs, and repts. June 24, 1839. pp. 429-432. Doc. 243. Rept. upon acct. of Baab & Hummel, prtrs. of German jol. June 24, 1839. pp. 433-437. Doc 244. Rept. upon acct. of Packer, Barrett and Parke, prtrs. of bills. June 24, 1839. pp. 437-438. Doc. 245. Rept. upon accts. of members of committee apptd. to investigate charges against controllers of Ph1la. Central High School. June 24, 1839. p. 438. Doc. 246. Rept. upon acct. of members of committee to investigate disturbances at commencement of sess. in Dec, 1838. June 24, 1839. p. 439. Doc. 247. Rept. upon acct. of Andrew B^ause, sergeant-at- arms. June 24, 1839. p. 439. Doc. 248. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee to investigate Dec. disturbances. June 24, 1839. p. 440 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXIII General Assembly — confil (1st under Constitution of 1838-1839) — cont'd Dec. 4, 1838-June 25, 1839— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 249. Rept. on accts. of secys. of committee to In- vestigate conduct of canal comrs. June 24, 1839. p. 441. Doc. 250. Rept. on acct. of Peter S. Duval. June 24, 1839. p. 442. Doc. 251. Rept. upon acct. of Henry Sprlgman for folding and stitching German Jol. June 24, 1830. [ip. 442-444. Doc. 252. Rept. upon acct. of Boas and Coplan, prtrs. of English Jol. June 25, 1839. pp. 444-451. Doc. 253. Rept. upon acct. of witness before committee to investigate Dec. disturbances. June 25, 1839. p. 452. Doc. 254. Rept. rel. to corresp. betw. officers and govt, of V. S. and of Penn. June 25, 1839. pp. 452-489. Index. 3 pp. [v. 3.] Appendix to vol. 2, containing canal comrs. rept. and ace. docs. Harrisburg : Boas & Coplan, 1838. 707 pp., foldg. tables. Doc. 17. Ann. rept. of canal comrs., 1838. Dec. 21, 1838. pp. 3-39. Docs. 18-37. Docs, ace canal comrs. rept. pp. 40-375. Doc. 18. Rept. of J. P. Bailey, engr. on main line. Nov. 6, 1838. pp. 40-47. 4 foldg. tables. Doc. 19. Kept, of A. MehaCEv, supt. of Phiia. and Columbia R.R. Nov., 1838. pp. 48-76, 2 foldg. tables. Doc. 20. Rept. of Wm. Russell, supervisor and supt. of road to avoid Columbia plane. Nov. 6, 1838. pp. 77-88. Doc. 21. Rept. of J. W. Patton, supt. of motive power on Allegheny Portage R.R. Oct. 31, 1838. pp. 89-90. Doc. 22. Rept. of Jas. D. Harris, engr. on North Branch Extension. Nov. 12, 1838. pp. 91-100, 29 foldg. tables. Doc. 23. Rept. of Jas. D. Harris, engr. on North Branch Extension, on branches. Nov. 12, 1838. pp. 101-106. Doc. [24]. Tables of expenditures by J. Adams supt. of North Branch Extension. 13 foldg. tables, p. 106. Doc. 25. Rept. of E. Harding, supt. of Tunkhannock Line, North Branch Extension. Oct. 31, 1838. pp. 107-109. Doc. 26. Rept. of C. T. Whippo, engr. of Erie Exten- sion. Beaver and French Creek divisions. Nov. 10, 1838. pp. 110-136. 4 foldg. tables. Doc. 27. Rept. of J. Reynolds, supt. of Shenango Line, Erie Extension. Nov. 6, 1838. pp. 137-140, 17 foldg. tables. Doc. 28. Rept. of Wm. Johns, supt. of Conneaut Line, Erie Extension. Oct. 31, 1838. p. 141, 3 foldg. tables. Doc. 29. Rept. of W. H. Wilson, engr. on Gettysburg extension. Dec 20, 1838. pp. 142-148, 1 foldg. table. Doc. 30. Rept. of M. C. Clarkson, supt. of Gettysburg extension. Nov. 2, 1838. p. 149, 5 foldg. tables. Doc. 31. Rept. of B. Aycrigg, engr. on Sinnemahoning extension, [1838]. pp. 150-166. Doc. 32. Rept. of C!eo. Bresslor, supt. on Sinnemahon- ing extension. Oct. 31, 1838. p. 167, 5 foldg. tables. Doc. 33. '• Refer to no. 14 " (H. R. 31). Doc. 34. Rept. of Sherman Bills, supt. on Allegheny feeder. Oct. 31. 1838. pp. 168-1G9, 4 foldg. tables. Doc. 35. Rept. of J. P. Rutherford, supt. of Wis- conisco Canal. Oct. 31, 1838. pp. 170-176. Doc. 36. Rept. of Hother Hage, engr. on Chambers- burg and Pittsburgh R.R. survey. Nov. 17, 1838. pp. 177-184. Doc. 37. Rept. of D. Washabaugh, supt. on Chambers- burg and Pittsburg R.R. survey, [1838]. p. 185. Doc. 38. Journal of bd. of canal comrs. Feb. 2, 1838- Jan. 31, 1838. pp. 187-370. Doc. 76. Further rept. of survey of Chambersburg and I'lttsburg R.R. with estimate of cost, by H. Hage, engr. Read Jan. 28, 1839. pp. 377-384. Doc. 77. Further rept. of survey of Raystown branch of Juniata River, with estimate of cost, by H. Hage. Jan. 22, 1839. Read Jan. 28. 1839. pp. 385-488. Docs. 93-94. Comnnunication from president of Union Canal Co. with rept. of J. D. Harris engr. rel. to enlarg- ing canal. Feb. 9. 1839. pp. 489-509. Doc. 106. Communication from B. Aycrigg, rel. to West Branch and Allegheny Canal, suppl. to repts. on same subject. Dec. 15, 1836", and March 1, 1837. Feb. 19, 1839. pp. 510-568. Doc. 113. Communication from canal comrs. with rept. of J. D. Harris, engr., upon Schuvikill inclined plane on Columbia R.R. Feb. 20, 1839. pp. 569-599. Doc. 117. Communication from canal comrs. with docs, rel. to connection of N. Y. state improvements with North Branch Canal. Feb. 27, 1839. pp. 600-621. Doc 129. Communication from canal comrs. exhibiting condition of canals and March 11, 1839. pp. 622- 626. 84 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXIII General Assembly — cont'd (1st under Constitution of 1838-1839) — cont'd Dec. 4. 183SJune 25, 1839 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 130. Docs. ace. canal comrs.' rent of March 11, 1839. pp. 627-696. Doc. 163. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to aban- donment of contract.^! on North and West Branches. May 22, 1839. pp. 697-699, 8 foldg. tables. Doe. 168. Rept. of survey for r.r. route from Tunkhannock by way of Great Bend, to BInghampton. Feb. 25, 1839. pp. 700-707. LXIV General Assembly Jan. 7-June 12, 1840 Journal of the Senate. ^ vols. T. 1. Harrlsburg: W. D. Boas, 1840. 854, 58 pp. T. 2. [Containing messages, repts., and docs.l Harrlsburg: W. D. Boas, 1840. 709, 6 pp., foldg. tables. Contents : pp. 3-4. Communication from surveyor gen., Dec. 1, 1839 rel. to business of office. Jan. 9, 1840. pp. 5-17. Ann. rept. of state treasurer, 1838/9. Jan. 9, 1840. pp. 17-20. Ann. rept. of comrs. of internal improvement fund, 1838/9. PP- 20-22. Rept. of secy, of land office, 1838/9. Jan. 10, pp. 23-24. Letter from secy, of commonwealth rel. to publishing laws In German. Jan. 8, 1840. pp. 24-25. Stmt, of affairs of Danville and Pottsvllle R.R. Co. Dec. 1, 1839. pp. 25-45. Communication from auditor gen.. Jan 10 1840, with stmt, of accta. of canal comrs., 1838/9. pp. 46-48. Letter from state treasurer. Jan. 11. 1840. pp. 48-49. Stmt, of affairs of Germantown and Perkiomen Turnpike Road Co. for the year ending Nov. 30, 1839 pp. 49-53. Communication from Gov. rel. to interest paid on loans. Jan. 9, 1840. pp. 53-120. Letter from auditor gen. rel. to banks of commonwealth. Jan. 13, 1840. 15 foldg. tables. pp. 121-254. Letter from auditor gen. with rept. rel. to accts. for repairs of canal betw. Huntingdon and HoUi- daysburg, during summer of 1838. Jan. 14, 1840. p. 255. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to new seal. Jan. 14, 1840. pp. 255-265. Letter from Inspectors of Western Peniten- tiary, containing ann. rept. Jan. 14, 1840. Ace. by ] foldg. table. pp. 266-291. Ann. rept. of adj. gen., 1839. Jan. 16, 1840. Ace. by 7 foldg. tables. p. 292. Communication from spcv. of commonwealth rel. to resignation of Judge Blythe. Jan. 16, 1840. p. 293. Communication from Gov., with resignation of D. Sturgeon, state treasurer, Jan. 16, 1840. pp. 293-294. Ann. rept. of Northern Liberties, Kensington and Spring Garden Saving Fund Socy., 1833-1839. pp. 295-302. State of accts. of Penn. Hospital for year ending April 27, 1839. p. 303. Ann. rept. of Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turn- pike Road Co., Dec. 1, 1839. p. 303. Ann. rept. of Penn. Coal Co., Jan. 13, 1840. P- ^04. Ann. rept. of Lackawanna Navigation Co., Jan. 18, 1840. p. 305. Ann. rept. of Bristol and Frankford Turnpike Road Co Jan. 18, 1840. pp. 306-307. Ann. rept. of Lykcns Valley Coal Co., for the year 1839. pp. 308-309. Ann. rept. of pres. of Wyoming Coal Co. Read Jan. 27, 1840. pp. 309-,^10. Ann. rept. of Sugar Ix)af Coal Co. for the year 1839. p. 310. Letter from secy, of commonwealth rel. to pam- phlet laws, Jan. 27, 1840. pp. 311-312. Ann. rept. of Offerman R.R. and Mining Co. Oct. 17, 1838, to Dec. 31, 1839. PP- 312-313. 5 ann. rept. of York and Md. Line R.R. Co., 1838/9. p. 314. Rept. of Lycoming Coal Co. Dec. 31, 1839. PP- 314-315. Rept. of Union R.R. and Mining Co., Jan. 30, 1840. pp. 315-322. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to avoiding Schuyl- kill Inclined plane, Jan. 25, 1840. p. 323. Rept. of Bear Valley Coal Co., for 1839. pp. 324-324 (for 332). Docs. ace. Govs. mess, of Feb. 1. 1840, rel. to state loan. Feb. 1, 1840. P- 324 (for 332). Rept. of Susquehanna Canal Co., Feb. 3, 1840. p. 325 (for 333). Rept. of Mill Creek and Mine Hill Navi- gation and Coal Co. Read Feb. 5, 1840. pp. 325 (for 3331-326 (for 334). Ann. rept. of Phila. and Reading R.R. Co., Feb. 5, 1840. pp. 326 (for 334)338. 7 ann. rent, of Phila. Institution for Instruction of Blind, Jan. 30, 1840. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXIV General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 7-June 12, 1840 — cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd pp. 339-551. Communication from secy, of commonwealth. Feb. 8, 1840, with 4 ann. rept. of state geologist, for 1839. pp. 552-555. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, enclosing statistical tables on agrlc. mnfres., etc., Jan. 9, 1840. Ace. by 28 foldg. tables. pp. 555-556. Rept. of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co., for 1839. pp. 556-561. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, Feb. 10, 1840. pp. 561-562. Rept. of Little SchuylkUl Canal, R.R. and Coal Co. up to Dec. 31, 1839. pp. 563-573. Corresp. rel. to loan of $2,054,000. Read Feb. 19. 1840. pp. 573-574. Rept. of Chesnut Hill and Spring House Turn- pike Co^ 1839/40. pp. 5'74-575. Letter from canal comrs. transmitting letter of B. Aycrlgg, Feb. 14, 1840. pp. 576-577. Communication from Gov. rel. to Schuylkill inclined plane. Feb. 17, 1840. pp. 577-580. 2 ann. rept. of Monongahela Navigation Co., 1839. pp. 580-584. Ann. rept. of bd. of mngrs. of House of Refuge, 1839. p. 584. Rept. of Northern Liberties and Penn Township R.R. Co., for 1839. p. 585. Ann. stmt, of funds of Dniv. of Penn., Jan. 1, 1840. pp. 586-587. Stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., Jan. 1, 1840. p. 587. Res. of corporation of Spring Garden, rel. to avoiding Schuylkill inclined plane. F>b. 17, 1840. pp. 588-6il. 11 ann. rept. of Inspectors of Eastern Peni- tentiary, 1839. Ace. by 7 foldg. tables, pp. 611-618. Rept. adopted by S. C. in rel. to Ga. and Me. controversy, Dec. 13, 1839. pp. 618-619. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to colonial records. Feb. 25, 1840. p. 620. Letter from Canal comrs. rel. to claim of Mr. Montgomery. Feb. 25, 1840. pp. 620-647. T. Doc. 140. Ann. rept. of president of Lykens Valley R.R. and Coal Co. April 2, 1840. pp. 437-439. Doc. 141. Mess, from Gov. with additional rept. from comr. upon claim of commonwealth agst. estate of I*eter Baynton. and rel. to bonds of purchasers of Nicholson lands. April 2. 1840. pp. 439-457. Doc. 142. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to accts. of late and present paymasters gen. for expenses of troops coming to Harrisburg during sess. 1838-39. April 2, 1840. p. 458. Doe. 143. Stmt, of affairs of Lorberry Creek R.R. Co. [1833-1839]. p. 459. Doc. 144. Mess, from Gov., with res. of Vt. leglsl. rel. to distribution of public lands. April 7, 1840. pp. 460-461. Doc. 145. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to returns of taxable inhabitants. April 7, 1840. p. 461. Doc. 146. List of taxables returned bv co. comrs., 1840. p. 462. Doc. 147. Mess, from Gov., with communication from bd. of Inspectors of Western Penitentiary rel. to additional cells. April 8, 1860. pp. 483-464. Doc, 14S, Kept, upon Sen. res. rel. to authorizing banks to Issue notes of 1, 2 and 3 dollars. April 13, 1840. pp. 464-466. Doc. 149. Rept. upon acct, of Packer. Barrett and Parke, prtrs. of English jol., 1837-38. April 13, 1840. pp. 467- 468. Doc. 150. Mess, from Gov., with communication from Gov. of Me. transmitting res. of leglsl. rel. to North Eastern boundary. Apriri3, 1840. pp. 468-470. Doc. 151. Rept. upon acct. of members pay and mileage. April 14, 1840. pp. 471-473. Doc. 152. Rept. upon acct. of Henry Sprlgman, for fold- ing and stitching repts. April 15, 1840. Jiip. 474-476. Doc. 153. Rept. upon acct. of Hutter and Blgler, prtrs. of German Jol. April 15, 1840. pp.476 479. Doo. 154, Kept, »ipon acct. of Iloibrook, Henlock and Bratton, prtrs. of English Jol. April 15, 1840. pp. 479- 483. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 87 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXIV General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 7-June 12. 1840— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'il Doc. ir>5. Kept, upon acct. o( clerk of House. April 15. 1840. pp. 483-484. Docs. l.''iii-ir.7. Kepts. upon iiccts. of witnesses before ■■ ■ni- mlttee apptd. to investigate conduct of supt. of Phila. and Columbia R.R. April 15. 1840. pp. 484-485. Doc. 158. Ropt. upon acct. of Butter and Bigler. prtrs. of German Joi. April 15. 1840. p. 486. Doc. 159. Rept. upon postage acct. April 15, 1840. p. 487. Doc. 160. Stmt, of affairs of Delaware Coal Co., 1838/9. pp. 4s7-4;mi. Doc. Ifll. Stmt, of affairs of Mt. Carbon R.R. Co., 1831- 1839. pp. 491-494. Doc. 162. Rept. upon acct, of officers of House. April 15, 1840. pp. 494-495. Doc. 163. Rept. upon acct. of Chas. F. Muench. for folding and stitching bills. April 15, 1840. pp. 495-496. Doc. 164. Kept, upon acct. of Hickolt and Cantine. for folding and stitching German jol. April 15. 1840. pp. 496-498. Doc. 165. Rept. upon acct. of Boas and Coplan, prtrs. of bills. April \->. 1840. pp. 498-499. Doc. 166. Rept. upon petition of James Humes, for pas- sage of act restoring certain action tried in Berks Co. April 16. 1840. pp. 500-502. Doc. 167. Communication from canal comrs. with stmt, of debts due contractors and others. May, 1840. pp. SOS- SOS. Doc. 168. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to rept. of W. K. Huffnagle. May 22. 1840. p. 505. Doc. 169, See vol. 3. Doc. 170, Rept, upon acct, of Andrew Krause, sergeant-at- arms, Mav 28. 1840. p. 506. Doe. 171. Rept. upon petition of Joel Dinsmore. for repeal of laws interfering in matters of religion. June 1. 1840. pp. 507-510. Doc. 172, Rept. upon postage acct. June 2, 1840. p. 511. Doc. 173. Rept. upon acct. of members pay and mileage. April 14, 1840. pp. 511-514. Doc. 174. Rept. upon acct. of Holbrook, Henlock and Bratton, prtrs. of English jol. June 11. 1840. p. 515. Doc. 175. Rept. upon acct. of Andrew Krause, sergeant- at-arms. June 11. 1840. p. 516. Doc. 176. Rept. upon accts. of officers of House. June 11. 1840, p. 517, Doc. 177. Rept. upon postage acct. June 11. 1840, p, 518. Doc. 178. Kept, upon accts. of witnesses before committee rel. to conduct of supt. of Columbia R.R. June 11, 1840. p. 519. Doc. 179. Rept. upon acct. of Boas and Coplan. prtrs. of bills. June 11. 1840. p. 520. Doe. 180. Rept. upon acct. of C. F. Muench, for folding and stitching bills. June 11. 1840, p. 521. Doc. 181. Rept. upon acct. of Hickok and Cantine for folding and stitching German jol. June 11, 1840. p. 522. Doc, 182. Rept. upon acct. of clerk of House. June 11, 1840. p. 523. Index. V pp. V. 3. Appendix to vol. 2. containing canal comrs. rept. and ace. docs. Ilarrisburg: Holbrook. Henlock & Bratton. 1.840. 628 pp.. folds, tables. Doc, 32, Rept. of canal comrs. pp. 3-S4. 5 foldg. tables. Docs. 33-66. Docs. ace. canal comrs. rept. pp. 54-616. Columbia and Phila. R.R. Doc. 33 — no. 1. Rept. of Wm. K. Huffnagle, engr. n. d. pp. 54-70. Doc. 34 — no. 2. Rept, of Jas. Cameron, supt. of motive power, n. d. pp. 70-lo,"i. 1 foldg. table. Doc. .'55 — no. 3. Rept. of T. Tustin. supervisor of 1st division, n. d. pp. 106-113. Doc. 36^no. 4. Rept. of Jos. Collins, supervisor of 2d division. Nov. 15, 1839. pp. 113-118, 2 foldg. tables. Doc. 37 — no. 5. Rept. of J. Mosher, supervisor and supt. of road to avoid Columbia plane. Nov. 30. 1839. pp. 119-125. 5 foldg. tables. Allegheny Portage R.R. Doc. 38 — no. 6. Rept. of Wm. Morris, engr. n. d. pp. 125-129. Doc. 39 — no. 7. Rept. of J. Snodgrass. supt. of motive power, n. d. pp. 129-137. Doc. 40 — no, 8, Rept. of Wm. Moorhead. supervisor. Oct. 31, 1839. pp. 138-150. Eastern division Doc. 41 — no. 9. Rept. of Wm. Huffnagle, engr. n. d. pp. 150-155. Doc. 42 — no. 10. Rept. of J. C. M'AlHster, supt. n. d. p. 155. Juniata division Doc. 43 — no. 11. Rept. of Wm. Morris, engr. n. d. pp. 156-158. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXIV (leneral Asseml>ly- -crint'd Jan. 7-June 12, 1840- cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents ; — cont'd Reservoirs Doc. 44 — no. 12. Kept, of Wm. Morris, engr. Nov. 1, 1839. pp. 158-164. 1 foldg. table. Western division Doc. 45 — no. 13. Rept. of Wm. Morris, engr. Nov. 1, 1839, pp. 165-168. Allegheny Feeder Doc. 46 — no. 14. Rept. of Wm. Morris, engr. Nov. 1, 1839, pp, 168-169. Doc. 47 — no. 15. Rept. of A. Morris, supt. Nov, 1, 1839. pp. 169-172. 1 foldg. table. Delaware division Doc. 48 — no. 16. Rept. of Wm, Huffnagle. engr. Nov. 1. 1839. pp. 172-178. Wisconisco Canal Doc. 49 — no. 17. Rept. of A. B. Warford. engr. Nov. 28, 1839. pp. 179-197. Doc. 50 — no. 18. Rept. of Simon Sallade. supt, n. d. pp. 19S-207. 4 foldg. tables. Susquehanna and North Branch divisions Docs. 51-52 — nos. 19-20, Rept. of A. B. Warford, engr. Nov. 23, 1839. pp. 208-213. North Branch Extension Doc. 53 — no. 21. Rept. of Wm, Foster, jr,, engr. Nov.. 1839. pp, 214-218. Doc. 54 — no, 22, Rept. of Thos. Mvers, supt. of Tunk- hannock line, n. d, pp, 218-222. 6 foldg, tables. Doc. 55 — no. 23. Rept. of V. Plollet. supt. of Tioga line. n. d. pp. 222-225. 14 foldg. tables. West Branch division Doc. 56 — no. 24. Rept, of A. B. Warford, engr. pp. 226-234. 3 foldg. tables. Doc. 57 — no. 25. Rept. of John A. Gamble, supt. Nov. 21, 1839. pp. 234-237. French Creek division Doc. 58 — no. 26. Rept, of W, Milnor Roberts, engr. Nov. 22, 1839. pp. 237-247. Beaver division Doc. 59 — no. 27 Rept. of W. Milnor Roberts, engr. Nov. 25. 1839. pp. 248-258. Erie Extension Doc. 60 — no, 28. Rept. of W, Milnor Roberts, engr. Nov, 25. 1839, pp. 259-296. 4 foldg. tables. Doc. 61 — no. 29. Kept, of J. B, Curtis, supt. of Shenango line. Dec. 6. 1839. pp. 297-303. 5 foldg. tables, „ Doc, 62 — no. 30. Rept. of Hugh Keys, supt, of Con- neaut line. Nov. 29. 1839. pp. 303-310. Gettysburg R.R. Doc. 63 — no. 31. Rept. of Wm. Huffnagle, engr. n. d. pp. 311-312. Surveys Doc. 64— no. 32. Kept, of C. L. Schlatter, eugr. on surveys for continuous r.r. from Harrisburg to Pitts- burg. Dec. 27, 1839. pp, 313-329. Doc. 65 — no, 33. Rept. of Wm. Foster, jr., engr., on survey of Lackawanna Valley. Dec. 14, 1839. pp. 330-340. . X, V , Doc 66 — no. 34. Jol. of bd. of canal comrs. Feb. 1, lS39-Jan. 21. 1840. I'P. 341-616, Doc, 80, Rept. of the canal comrs.. on the route of a rwy avoiding Schuylkill Inclined Plane. Jan. 25, 1840. pp. 617-624. , , c V , Doc 16',', Rept, of W. K, Huffujigle. engr. to avoid Schuyl- kill Inclined Plane. May 20. 1840. pp. 625-628. . Same, in German. Not seen. Jos. Ehrenfrled was elected prtr. (House Jol. 1841 V. 1 : 5S.) LXV General Assembly Jan. 5-May 4. 1841 Journal of the Senate. 3 vols. V 1 Harrisburg: Elliott & M'Curdy. 1S41. 104.1. xil. Ivil pp. V 2 Containing repts.. accts,, and docs. Harrisburg: Elliott & M'Curdy, 1841. 422, 8 pp., foldg. tables. Contents : Doc. 1. Communication from Gov., Jan. 7, 1841. trans- mitting ann. rept. of adj. gen. for 1840. pp. 3-10, 8 foldg. tables. . .„„„,.^ Doe. 2, Rept. of state treasurer on finances, for 1839/40. pp. 11-35. 88 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXV General Assembly — cont'tl Jan. 5-May 4, 1S41— cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents ; — cont'd , Doc. r.. Letter from auditor gen t"°/,"?'Vi?§/4T pp comrs. of Internal Improvement fund for 1839/4U. pp. Dof I!*' Abstr. of acets. of Germantown and Perklomen Turnpike Road Co., 1S39/40 pp. 39-40 Doc 5 Stmt, of Danville and Pottsville R.K. Lo., i^ec. i, Doc't- ffess'°-f 'om Gov t-nsmlttln^ communications Do^? ^ A^nn".' ?e°p?: %f "^y^^^"^- ""' ^-'-- D;ffn'etTe.o^ro^n!-S.f.eE':-t^u\Scct. of canal VoT9''-ll^'rtt.'o\tIcrot land office rel. to business D f ro"*'sT:^t"^ o^f-kJfb\^r;"u.«;Vl^>n|ton and Spring Garden Saving Fund Socy. to Nov. 1, 1840. pp. DoV"n' [Kept, of secy, of commonwealth submitting] dI^ jr ■ k;i° Vt'^tot &4r^li^nd ^Tru'ttrTurn- J^otlt-Aftr'oi a'^ HIU and Schuy.uni Doc ^4° '^S^mt'T-'of 'r°ecefpt's°and^''ex'pIn'd1tureB of Union R.R. Do^c^'lf °st!.,^.°of'?eo^fpt'i'" ''^ Spendltures of Bear Valley Do?°''lG^°Le"t^te\'t?om''^ud'.t7gen. transm^ltting ahstr. of ■binks and savings institutions. Jan. 22, 1841. p. 80, Dol'lT.^- Me'^'s.'of Gov., transmitting Ala. res. Jan. 23, Doc% "Ac^tV.^ot Northern Liberties and Penn Township Do?-^i9^°-C?,^muniei?i1>"n f?o\'|rf^ident of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., Jan. 25, 1846. PP- 84-85- .„oo jc^o Do" 20. Stmt, of affairs of Wyoming Coal Co., 1838-1840. Doc!''2L'®Stmt. of affairs of Lycoming Coal Co. up to Nov. DoV^2^.°' Coumnmiontion from f «te treasurer transmit- Dofl3^%e°l?i'irrro^m^TY;-^fsf^S^o%.''t?an\«m^i?tedhy Do''c°"24.^ Ann! Mft. o^^Cumberland Valley R.R. Co. for Doc^*25 ^Rep't" of* comrs. of estates of John Nicholson and Do^'^''irTe^rfro'S*'Gi-;:,^'rt\.sm''i?«a. res., propos. ing exchange of Judicial decisions of Ala and Penn. DolV^?r • refe of ini %rf Of f ^nTsta^ Peni- DrS'^-.3':^n^rpV oTMru^^.?he1a^?4«rCo., tfor Doc^*29: •Pann.'^repf of supt. of common schools, for 1840. Do^c!''30.^'c^ommunication from secy ot commonwealth with 5 ann. rept. of state geologist, for 1840. pp. 104 Do^c^^'il Arcts of Codorus Navigation Co. for the years Do'c''l2*° VnTsttS?.- 'oJ'fuils of Univ. of Penn. Jan. 1, Doc^*33. "Siess^l^om Gov, fan^lttlng communlcatlonB from executives of Ala., Va., Ind. and Del. Feb. 25. 1841. Do^c^34'"LeVtcr from auditor f'?- with stmts, of Banks of U. 8. for Dec, 1840, Jan. and Feb., 1841. p. 342, 3 foldg. 000**35' Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Instruction of Doc'"36' "'j:nn!'"repr'of 'P^nn.- Institution for Deaf and Do?."37: '"inn''?|P^^|p.'o''mngrs. of House of Refuge. Do'c°''38^*°Co£mun'icatlon from pres. of bd. of canal comrs with stmt, of no. of civil engrs. In employ of state. Doc."39: '?ieBS."froJ;''Gfv!- wUh communication from F. A. PacKard, on school govt. March 16, 1841. pp. 367- Doc^%. Mess, from Gov., wfth communication from chrm. of Harrlsburg Watering Committee. Jan. 22. 1841. Do'J'''4L^'c*ommunlcntion from auditor gen. with tabulnr 8tmt. explanatorv of Ingulrles rel. to offl™" « bUc improvements. March 25, 1841. pp. 383-384, 1 roiafc. nn^''!r'' Letter from J. W. Hammond, with stmt, of cost, revenue and expenditures on nnished canal and r.r. lines. April 20^1841. p. 385, 2 foldg. tables. Doc 43. kuloglum of life and character of Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison. April 24, 1841. pp. 387-410. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd PP. pp. LXV General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 5-May 4, 1841— cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc 44 Rept. of Inspectors of Western Penitentiary, for 1840. pp. 410-422, 1 foldg. table. J-°'\"" Ano?ndix to vol. 2, containing canal comrs. rept. and '■ace. do?s.HaJ?Isburg:' Elliott & M'Curdy, 1841. 638 pp., foldg. tables. Contents : 3-54. Rept. of canal comrs. ^i^-fiSS Docs. ace. canal comrs. rept. _ . , , , . . „ Doc i TonmVge stmts., 1839/40. 5 foldg. tables Doc'*2- ''Sep' o?''wm. Huffnagle, engr., on Delaware Dc;i!t""feep?°^f ^'^ugl^^^, - Columbia Do»c"'^4^''rept^-?f ^TcLl'J^: Bu^p't-S-otlve power on Columbia and Phlla. R.R., 1839/40. pp. 73-102. Dol's'^ReXof Thos. Tustin, supervisor of 1st d, vision of Phlla. R.R. Nov. 1, 1840. pp. 103-110, 1 Doc'f-'Rept. of Jos. Collins supervisor of 2nd d^ vision of Phlla. R.R. Nov. 16, 1840. pp. in .li?; Doc'V"." Rept^ of Jos Mosher, supt. of road to avoid Columbia plane. Oct. 31, 1840. pp. lis i--*. ^ oJc.'f- Rept" of wm. Huffnagle, engr., on Eastern d vision of Penn. Canal. Nov. 1, 1840. pp. 124-128. Doc 9. Rept. of Wm. Morris engr., on Juniata dl- Doc^lO- Rept. 'of 'wm. M^'o'rrfeVn Allegheny Portage Do^';''il.^"RepV. 'orjohTs^gths supt of motive power on Allegheny Portage R.R., 1839/40. pp. Doc'*V2^^'Rept. of Wm. Morris on Wes^tern division of Penn. Canal.. Nov. 1, 1840. pp. 179-183. Doc 13 Rept. of W. Mllnor Roberts engr. on Beaver division Nov. 25, 1840. pp. 184-189. Doc 14 Rept of W. Mllnor Roberts, on French Creek division. Nov 21, 1840. pp. 189-193. noi- 15 Rent of A. B. Warford, engr. on West and Susquehanna divisions. Nov. 2, 1840. pp. i»' Doc*'^!? Rept. of W. Mllnor Roberts, on Erie Exten- sion Nov 25 1840. pp. 202-238. Do'c.'"i-8.'^Rep-t 'of, J. B^ Curtis, supt. on Shenango line Erie extension. Nov. 23. 1840. pp. -JI-.111. Doc 19 Rept of John Mitchell, supt of Conneaut line Erie Extension, 1839/40. pp. 316-369. Doc iO Rept. ot Wm. Foster, Jr., engr. on North Branch division. Dec. 10, 1840. pp. 370-370, B Do*c".'fl. '"Re'pt. of Thos Myers, supt. of Tunkhannock line North Branch division. Nov. 11, 1840. pp. Dof'i''*' Rept 'Iff- V^Tpiollet, supt. of Tioga Line, North Branch division. Nov. 15, 1840. pp. 384- VofSV''k%t!''TA B. warford. engr. on Wls- Do'c^-'r Rept'of J. C. M'^lllUter, supt. on Wisconisco Cinnl Nov. 2, 1840. pp. 389-400, 3 foldg. tub es. Doc 25 Rept. if Wm. Morris, engr., on reservoirs. Do'?'''2-6'°'R'ep\*!-of''^.'Suffn^gIe, engr., on Gettysburg Dof *l7''"2 repr-of ■c'L^Sc^hlane'r, principal engr., rcl. to continuous r.r. from Harrlsburg to fittsburg. "'■ Refers to pp. 239-296 for the rept. Doc 28 Journal of bd. of canal comrs. Feb. 12, 1840 Jan. 30, 1841. PP. 409-638. .lournal of t^e House. B^vols^^^^^^^ '^'-.^'^ 'r^Va?' Doc? 1. Ann. mess, of Gov. [forter^ Jan. 6, 1841. pp. Do^c'l. Communiratlon from state treasurer, with rept. DO?"" 'rnr'oraff'alr's orblrntantown and Perklomen Do?T^"'s\Sr'of^"afr,!l'rf i^ba^nvfl^le and Pottsville R.R. Do?-b.%oJim\?^rcatfo''nfro1n'- auditor gen., rel. to ann. Doc'eV 'comCnI?at1on from nudltor gen with rept. of comrs. of Internal Improvement fund, 1839/40. pp. 4( Doles' 7-8. Mess, from Gov., with ann. rept. of adj. gen., 1840. pp. 00-55, 9 foldg. tables. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 89 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXV General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 5-Ma.v 4, 1841— cont'd Journal ot the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 9. Communicntion from surveyor sen., with stmt. of business of office, for 18SB/40. pp. 56-58. Doc. 10. Communication from secy, of land office with stmt, ot business of dept., for 1839/40. pp. 58-60. Doc. 11. Mess, from Gov., Jan. 8, 1841. p. 61. Doc. 12. Res. of Conn, legisl. Read in Penn. H. R. Jan. 8, 1841. pp. 62-63. Doc. 13. Res. of Vt. legisl. Read In Penn. legisl. Jan. 8, 1841. p. 64. Doc. 14. Communication from president of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy. with stmt, of affairs. Nov., 1840. pp. 65-66. Doc. 15. Communication from auditor gen., with acct. of canal comrs., for 1840. pp. 67-89. Doc. 16. Stmt, of affairs of Mill Creek and Mine Hill Navigation and R.R. Co., Jan. 1, 1841. pp. 90-91. Doc. if. Communication from judges of Supreme Court of Penn., Jan. 9, 1841. pp. 91-92. Doc. 18. Stmt, of affairs of Northern Liberties. Kensing- ton and Spring Garden Saving Fund Socy., to Nov. 1, 1840. pp. 92-93. Doc. 19. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to damage by late freshet on Delaware division, Jan. 14, 1841. p. 94. Doc. 20. Communication from secy, of commonwealth with corresp. rel. to loan authorized for repair of Huntingdon breach, Jan. 13, 1841. pp. 95-96. Doc. 21. Abstr. of accts. of Frankford and Bristol Turn- pike Co.. 1839/40. pp. 97-98. Doc. 22. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt. of expenses incurred on public works for last 5 financial years. Jan. 15. 1841. pp. 98-100. Doc. 23. Communication from Gov., in reply to res. calling for information rel. to comr. of loans. Jan. 15, 1841. p. 101. Doc. 24. Mess, from Gov., ace. rept. of canal comrs. Jan. 15, 1841. p. 102. Docs. 25-53. See app. to v. 2. Doc. 54. Abstr. of accts. of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co., for 1840. pp. 102-103. Doc. 55. Rept. upon postage acct. Jan. 18, 1841. p. 104. Doc. 56. Rept. of Mr. Fauss, teller on part of House, to officiate at election of state treasurer, Jan. 19, 1841. pp. 105-108. Doc. 57. Stmt, of affairs of Plymouth Coal Co. Jan. 21, 1841. pp. 108-109. Doc. 58. Communication from auditor gen., with abstr. stmt, of banks and savings institutions. Jan. 22, 1841. p. 109, 3 foldg. tables. Doc. 59. Stmt, of affairs of Bear Valley Coal Co. for 1840. p. 110. Doc. 60. Stmt, of affairs ot Union R.R. and Coal Co., for 1840. p. 111. Docs. 61-62. Mess, from Gov., with res. ot Ala. legisl. rel. to protective policy of govt. Jan. 23, 1841. pp. 112- 114. Docs. 63-64. Communication from canal comrs., with stmt, of damage on Delaware division by freshet of Jan. 8, 1841. Jan. 23. 1841. pp. 115-122. Doc. 65. Abstr. stmt, ot accts. of Northern Liberties and Penn Township R.R. Co. Jan. 23, 1841. pp. 122-123. Doc. 66. Communication from auditor gen., in reply to res. calline for information rel. to certain bank directors. Jan. 25, 1841. p. 124. Doc. 67. Stmt, of affairs of Wyoming Coal Co., 1S3S-1840. pp. 125-126. Doc. 68. Stmt, of affairs of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., for 1840. pp. 126-127. Doc. 69. Eept. of Inspectors of Western Penitentiary, tor 1840. pp. 127-138. Doc. 70. Stmt, ot affairs of Lychning Coal Co. up to Nov. 1, 1840. p. 139. Doc. 71. Rept. upon acct. ot clerk of House. Jan. 28, 1841. p. 140. Doc. 72. Rept. on accts. ot Boas & Coplan, prtrs. ot bills. Jan. 28, 1841. p. 141. Doc. 73. Stmt, of affairs ot York and Md. Line R.R. Co. up to Sept. 30, 1840. pp. 142-143. Doc. 74. Ann. rept. ot Penn. Institution tor Instruction of Blind, for 1840. pp. 144-148. Doc. 75. Stmt, of affairs of Lykens Valley Coal Co. tor 1840. pp. 149-150. Doc. 76. Stmt, of affairs ot Sugar Loaf Coal Co. for 1840. pp. 151-152. Doc. 77. Rept. on posiage bill. Feb. 1, 1841. p. 152. Docs. 78-79. Stmts, of affairs of Codorus Navigation Co. tor 1839 and 1840. pp. 153-156. Doc. 80. Stmt, of affairs ot Doylestown Insurance Co. for 1840. pp. 156-157. Doc. 81. Rept. upon acct. ot clerk of House. Feb. 18, 1841. pp. 157-158. Doc. 82. Mess, from Gov., with communication from N. Y. Hist. Socy. Feb. 4, 1841. pp. 159-161. Doc. 83. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of contracts on Conneaut line, Erie Extension. Feb. 6, 1841. p. 161, 5 toldg. tables. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXV General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 5-May 4, 1841— cont'il Journal ot the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 84. Hiess. from Gov. Feb. 6. 1841. pp. 162-164. Doc. 85. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of contracts on Shennngo line, Erie Extension. Feb. 9, 1841. p. 164, 2 foldg. tables. Does. 86-88. Omitted. Marked private, p. le,"). Doc. 89. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of contracts on Western division of Penn. Canal. Feb. 11, 1841. p. 166, 2 toldg. tables. Doc. 90. Rept. of committee on accts., rel. to prtrs. of English and German Jols. pp. 167-170, 1 foldg. table. Doc. 91. Rept. on acct. of S. Sprigman for folding and stitching Govs. mess. Feb. 12, 1841. p. 171. Doe. 92. Communication from auditor gen. with stmt, ot contracts on Juniata division. Feb. 13, 1841. p. 172, 2 foldg. tables. Doc. 93. Memorial of president and directors ot Bank ot tl. S. Feb. 15, 1841. pp. 173-178. Doc. 94. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, with 5 ann. rept. of state geologist, for 1840. pp. 178- 329. Doc. 95. Rept. on acct. of Jas. Peacock, postmaster. Feb. 15, 1841. p. 330. Doc. 96. Communication from Gov., with res. ot Ala. rel. to Supreme Court decisions. Feb. 16. 1841. pp. 331-332. Doc. 97. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of contracts on Wyoming line of North Branch division. Feb. 16, 1841. p. 332. 3 foldg. tables. Doc. 98. Communication from auditor gen., Feb. 16, 1841, with stmt, of U. S. Bank for 10 months, p. 333, 10 foldg. tables. Doc. 99. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, ot contracts on Tunkhannock line of North Branch divi- sion, Feb. 17, 1841. p. 334, 1 foldg. table. Doc. 100. 12 ann. rept. ot bd. ot directors of Eastern Penitentiary, for 1840. pp. 335-354. Doc. 101. Communication from state treasurer, with stmt, of amts. paid each individual engaged in geol. survey. Feb. 19, 1841. pp. 354-355. Doc. 102. Communication from amlitor gen., with stmt, of contracts on Tioga line of North Branch Canal. Feb. 19, 1841. p. 356, 1 foldg. table. Doc. 103. Communication from auditor gen.. In compli- ance with res. of House, directing corresp. with Phlla. banks. Feb. 19, 1841. pp. 357-368. Doc. 104. Communication from auditor gen., with abstr. ot affairs ot U. S. Bank tor Jan. Feb. 19, 1841. p. 369, 1 foldg. table. Doc. 105. 3 ann. rept. ot Monongahela Navigation Co. tor 1840. pp. 370-387. Doc. 106. 7 ann. rept. of supt. ot common schools, tor 1840. pp. 387-404. Doc. 107. Rept. of select committee to investigate Bank of Lewistown. Feb. 23. 1841. pp. 404-408. Doc. 108. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of U. S. Bank for Feb.. Feb. 22, 1841. p. 409, 1 foldg. table betw. pp. 412 and 413. Doc. 109. Omitted. Marked private. Doc. 110. Mess, from Gov. with ace. docs. Feb. 25, 1841. p. 410. Doc. 111. Res. of -Ala. legisl. rel. to Ga. and Me. con- troversy, pp. 411-412. Doc. 112. Res. of Va. legisl. rel. to fugitives from Justice, pp. 413-429. Doc. 113. Res. of Ind. legisl. rel. to amending D. S. constitution, pp. 429-430. Doc. 114. Res. of Del. legisl. rel. to public lands, pp. 430-431. pp. 432-444 contain docs. 142 and 144 ; for titles see below, under docs. 142 and 144. Doc. 115. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Univ. of Penn. Jan. 1, 1841. pp. 444-445. Doc. 116. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to Huntingdon Breach, Feb. 25. 1841. pp. 446-448. Doc. 117. Rept. on acct. of Jas. Peacock, postmaster. March 1, 1841. p. 448. Doc. 118. Rept. upon accts. ot witnesses before investi- gating committee. March 2, 1841. p. 449. Doc. 119. Omitted. Marked private. Doc. 120. Ann. rept. of directors of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, for 1840. pp. 450-455. Doc. 121. Rept. on accts. of members apptd. to Investigate mngmt. of canals and March 8, 1841. p. 455. Doc. 122. Rept. upon acct. ot David Dorrence tor use of parlor by committee ot Investigation. March 8, 1841. p. 456. Doc. 123. Rept. ot committee on accts. rel. to accts. ot witnesses before committee of investigation. March 8, 1841. pp. 456-460. Doc. 124. Communication from canal comrs. in compli- ance with House res. of March 6, 1841. March 9, 1841. pp. 460-461. Doc. 125. Communication from canal comrs. with rept. of W. Huffnagle made in compliance with res. of House of Jan. 28, 1841. March 9, 1841. pp. 461-474. 90 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXV General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 5-May 4. 1S41 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents ; — cont'd Doc. 126. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of acct. current of apprn. for erection of office for auditor gen. March 12, 1841. pp. 475-477. Doc. 127. Communication from state treasurer, with corresp. of Berks Co. Bank rel. to balance in favor of state. March 12. 1841. pp. 478-480. Doc. 128. Kept, on acct. of P. S. Duval. March 3, 1841. p. 4S0. Doc. 129. Communication from state treasurer, showing acct. of canal comrs. March 15. 1841. pp. 481-483. Doc. 130. Communication from Gov., ace. communication from F. A. Packard rel. to English system of education. March 16, 1841. pp. 483-484. Doc. 131. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to delay in furnishing information called for by ree. of Feb. 26, 1841. March 18, 1841. pp. 484-486. Doc. 132. Communication from auditor gen., showing ex- penses of organization of Nicholson court. March -18, 1841. pp. 4S6-487. Doc. 133. Rept. of committee of accts. rel. to unpaid ex- penses of committee to examine Lewistown Bank. March 20, 1841. pp. 487-488. Doc. 134. Rept. of bd. of mngrs. of House of Refuge, for 1840. pp. 4S8-49S. Doc. 135. Mess, from Gov. with communication from Har- risburg councils rel. to supplying public bldgs. with water. March 22, 1841. pp. 499-500. Docs. 136-137. Repts. on accts. of witnesses before com- mittee of Investigation. March 23, 1841. pp. 500-501. Doc. 138. Communication from secy, of commonwealth. In reply to res. calling for stmt, of value of property as- sessed for state purposes. March 25, 1841. p. 502. Doc. 139.' Rept. on accts. of witnesses before committee of investigation. March 25, 1841. p. 503. Doc. 140. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to money in Berks Co. Bank to credit of commonwealth. March 26, 1841. pp. 504-506. Doc. 141. Rept. of committee on accts. showing aggregate amt. of bills in pnvment of witnesses before Investi- gating committee. March 27, 1841. p. 506. Doc. 142. Rept. of committee of ways and means rel. to finances, and increasing public revenue by taxation, p. 507. Only the title given on p. 507 ; the doc. is prtd. pp. 432- 439. Doc. 143. Rept. on accts. of witnesses before committee of investigation. March 29, 1841. pp. 507-508. Doc. 144. Rept. of Mr. Brodhead, member of select com- mittee to whom "was referred part of Govs. mess. rel. to geol. surve.v. p. 508. Only the title is given on p. 508 ; the doc. is prtd. pp. 439-444. Docs. 145-146. Kept, of committee on accts. rel. to accts. of witnesses before investigating committee. March 30 and 31, 1841. pp. 508-509. Docs. 147-148. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, showing balances due state by supts., etc.. March 31. 1841.. pp. 510-524. Doc. 149. Rept. on acct. of Jas. Peacock, postmaster. April 1, 1841. p. 524. Doc. 150. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to delay In furnishing Information in reply to res. of March 31, 1841. pp. 52.5-526. Docs. 151-152. Repts. on accts. of witnesses before com- mittee of investigation. April 2 and 3, 1841. pp. 526- 527. Doc. 153. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of cost of Columbia and Phila. R.R., and part cost of road to avoid Inclined plane. April 3, 1841. pp. 528- 529 Doc. i54. Rept. on accts. of witnesses before investigat- ing committee. April 8, 1841. p. !>29. Doc. 155. Kept, on acct. of John E. Brown for serving subpoenas. April 8, 1841. p. 530. Doc. 156. Rept. on acct. of clerk of House. April 8, 1841. p. 531. Doc. 157. Communication from canal comra. In compli- ance with res of April 0. April 8. 1841. pp. 532-533. Doc. 158. Coinmunication from canal comrs. rel. to bal- ance In favor of state In Berks Co. Bank. April 6, 1841. pp. 533-5,34. Doc. 1.59. Rept. on accts. of witnesses before committee of investigation. April 10. 1841. p. 534. Docs. 160161. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of amt. drawn from treasury by Jas. Cameron, late Bupt. of Columbia and Phila. K.R., and stmts, giving names of persons and amt. of bill for locomotives, re- pairs, etc. p. 535. Only the title of the docs. Is given here ; subject mat- ter Is found on pp. 803-831, 1 folds, table. Doc. 162. Communication from secy, or oc 81 Omitted. Marked Private. E°oc. I2. §?pt.' upon .ccts "f -itnesses rel to contracts for insane asylum. Feb. 7. 184,,;, pp, ^ts-iitt. Doc 83 Communication from secy of co'nmonwealth wUh ann, rept. of state geologist. Feb. 9, 184-. pp. -44 ^lo- For rept.. see Appendix. Doc 84 Omitted. Marked Private. Doc. 85. Rept. upon will of Stephen Glrard. Feb. 10. 1842 pp. 245-246. Doc. 86. See Appendix. . -, .r..,. Doc, 87, Rept, upon acct, of Jos. Rlter. Feb. 11, 1842. Doc. Is"' Rept. upon acct. of Jas. Fenton. Feb. 11. 1842. Do^c^'-ii'^'Rept. of majority »' committee to investi|ate contracts for insane asylum. Feb. 12. l?4^-„PP-.-f?'iSl!i' Doc, 90, Rept, upon division of Luzerne Co. Feb. 15. 184_. Doc 91 Omitted. Marked Private. ».„„.„ Doc 92 Communication from canal comrs,. with estimate ^'ot expense of abandoning Erie Extension, and estimate of damages by 1 year suspension of work. Feb. 17. 184.. np '*72-276. Dnc 93 Omitted. Marked Private, Doc' 94 Miss from Gov,, with rept of comr. rel. to estates of John^Nlcholson and Peter Baynton. Feb. 21, Do"*95. "gommunlcatlon from auditor gen., with stmt, of sfate tax paid in 1841. and population of each co. according to U. S. census of 1840. Feb. -1. 184.. pp. r>cf!.QfiB Ttnr'^ OR.07 Omitted. Marked Private. Boc."98' 'Lpt of .n'-Hty of committee rel. to contracts for Insane asvlum. Feb. 25. 1842. pp. zay-^yi. DOC 99 Mess^ from Gov,, with corresp rel to loan of 5 per cent of capital of certain banks, Feb. 26, 1842. pp. Doc^^ioa' Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and DO?" Toi.""cJmmunFc'ati'on from auditor gen., with st^t of ni of tons of bituminous coal transported on state canal. Do^'''lV2'""'Rep^'- o'f'iomrs.- re^.' t'o estates of John Nicholson and Peter Baynton. March 1, 1842. pp. 341-346. 2 foldg. Do*c"''i'o3. Rept. upon acct. for postage. March 1, 1842. Do^' H)4. Communication from auditor ge"., with stmt, of assessments of cos,, March 1, 1842. p. 348. 1 foldg. table. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 93 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXVI GoutTiU Assembly — cont'd Jan. 4-.Iul.T 20, 184:3— cont'd Journal of the Housp — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 105. Rept. upon accts. of Francis Lyons and Franklin Lee. March 2, 1842. p. 34!). Doc. 106. Rept. upon accts. of Jonathan Patterson. J. K. Kane, Wm. Field, W. J. Leiper. and W. D. Lewis. March 2, 1842. pp. 349-350. Doc. 107. Rept upon acct. of Hutter and BIglcr, prtrs. of German jol. March 3. 1842. pp. 350-352. Doc. 108. Rept. upon claim of Wm. Price, supervisor on canal, for boarding men employed on break. March 4, 1842. pp. 352-353. Doc. 100. Ann. rept. of Inspectors of Eastern Penitentiary, for 1841. pp. 353-368, 5 foldg. tables. Doc. 110. Ann. rept. of bd. of mngrs. of House of Refuge, for 1841. pp. 369-378. Doc. 111. Rept. of cnmmlttee of wiys ;ind means, rel. to preservation of public faith, and finances. March 8, 1842. pp. 379-385. Doc. 112. Rept. rel. to associate law 1udge for Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny Co. March 10. 1842. p. 386. Docs. 113-114. Mess, from Gov., with res. of Ky. legisl. rel. to claims of Bank of Ky. upon Schuylkill Bank, and rept. of Bnnk of Ky. rel. to Schuylkill Bank. March 11, 1842. pp. 387-443. Doc. 115. Rept. on acct. of witnesses before committee to examine conduct of banks. March 12, 1842. p. 444. Doc. 116. Rept. upon Senate bill No. 213, entitled " Act to authorize R. U. Morgan to receive certain moneys." March 12. 1842. pp. 444-445. Doc. 117. See Appendix. Doc. 118. Rept. upon acct. of clerk of House. March 14, 1842. p. 446. Doc. 119. Bent, upon acct. of H. N. Robinson, clerk of com- mittee on Glrard Trust. March 15, 1842. p. 446. Doc. 120. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to amt. due contractors up to May 4. 1841. and amt. work done since on Erie Extension and North Branch Canal. March 16, 1842. pp. 447-448. Doc. 121. Communication from auditor gen., with copy of contract used on Erie Extension. March 16, 1842. po. 449-454. Doc. 122. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of banks. March 17, 1842. pp. 455-556. Doc. 123. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of York on March 0. lS-12. pp. 556-.''>r,i). Doc. 124. Communication from auditor gen., with official returns of taxes assessed for 1842. March 18, 1842. pp. 561-650. Doc. 125. Rept. upon petition of Geo. Farr, alien, to sell real estate. March 21, 1842. p. 651. Doc. 126. Rept. of majority of select committee rel. to estate of Stephen Girard. March 21. 1842. pp. 652-696. Doc. 127. Rept. of majority of select committee, rel. to estate of John Nicholson. March 21. 1842. pp. 697-704. Doc. 128. Rept. of committee on Judiciary system rel. to Nicholson Court of Pleas. March 22, 1842. pp. 705-717. Docs. 129-132. Repts. upon iicots. of witnesses, etc., rel. to Glrard Trust. March 23, 1842. pp. 718-720. Doc. 133. Rept. upon acct. of D. 'W. Hyde, asst. sergeant- at-arms. March 23, 1842. p. 721. Doc. 134. Rept. of minority of select committee rel. to Nicholson estate. March 23, 1842. pp. 721-724. Doc. 135. Mess, from Gov., with rept. of select committee of N. J. House rel. to charges for halt pilotage on N. J. vessels visiting port of Phlla. March 25, 1842. pp. 724- 727. Doc. 136. Rept. of minority of select committee rel. to estate of Stephen Glrard. March 25, 1842. pp. 728-738. Doc. 137. Rept. of Jt. committee to investigate conduct of banks. March 26, 1842. pp. 739-741. Docs. 138-139. Rept. upon acct. of A. M. Clark, sergeant- jit-arms, for subpcenaing witnesses. March 26, 1842. pp. 742-743. Doc. 140. Rept. upon acct. of witness rel. to Girard Trust. March 26, 1842. p. 744. Doc. 141. Rept. upon acct. of members' pay and mileage. March 30. 1842. pp. 744-747. Doc. 142. Communication from auditor gen., with rept. of Honesdale Bank, on March 3, 1842. pp. 747-749. Doc. 143. Communication from auditor gen., with assess- ments from Lancaster, Lehigh, and Monroe cos. for 1842, March 31, 1842. pp. 750-755. Doc. 144. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of cost, revenue and expenditures of finished lines of canals and and amt. paid on unfinished lines of canals and feeders up to Jan. 1, 1842. April 1, 1842. p. 750, 1 foldg. table l)etw. pp. 764 and 765. Doc. 145. Rept. upon acct. of clerk of House. April 1, 1842. p. 757. Doc. 146. Rept. upon postage acct. April 1. 1842. p. 758. Doc. 147. Stmt, of affairs of Codorus Navigation Co. Read April 2, 1842. pp. 758-759. Doc. 148. Rept. upon accts. of clerks of House. April 4, 1842. p. 759. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXVI Assembly — cont'd Jan. 4-July 26, 1842— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 149. Rept. upon acct. of M'Klnley and Lescure. prtrs. of bills. April 4, 1842. p. 760. Doc. 150. Rept. upon acct. of officers of House. April 4, 1842. p. 761. Doc. 151. Mess, from Gov., with communication from state treasurer, rel. to apptmt. of assignees of Bank of Penn. April 4, 1842. pp. 761-765. Doc. 152. Rept. upon acct. of clerk of House. April 4, 1842. p. 766. Doc. 153. Rept. upon postage acct. April 5, 1842. p. 767. Docs. 154-155. Repts, upon accts. of witnesses before com- mittee to investigate conduct of banks. April 5, 1842. pp. 768-769. Doc. 156. Communication from secv. of commonwealth rel. to contingent fund of his office, June 10, 1842. pp. 769- 770. Docs. 157-158. Repts. upon accts. of witnesses before com- mittee to investigate conduct of banks. June 15 and 18, 1842. pp. 770-771. Doc. 159. Communication from canal comrs. with preamble and constitution of bd. of canal transporters at Pitts- burg. June 20. 1840. pp. 771-776. Doc. 160. Omitted. Marked Private. Docs. 161-162. Repts. upon accts. of witnesses before com- mittee to investigate conduct of banks. June 23. 1842. pp. 777-778. Doc. 163. Rept. upon communication from secy, of com- monwealth, rel. to colonial records. June 24, 1842. pp. 778-779. Docs. 164-165. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before com- mittee to investigate conduct of banks. June 25, 1842. pp. 779-780. Doc. 166. Communication from state treasurer with stmt, of receipts and expenditures rel. to Nicholson land claims. June 25, 1842. pp. 781-785. Doc. 167. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee to Investigate conduct of banks. June 27, 1842. p. 786. Doc. 168. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of militia fines, exonerations, etc. June 30, 1842. pp. 787-788. Doc. 169. Rept. upon postage acct. July 2, 1842. p. 789. Docs. 170-171. Repts. upon accts. of witnesses before com- mittee to investigate conduct of banks. July 5 and 6. 1842. pp. 789-790. Doc. 172. Omitted. Doc. 173. Rept. on acct. of clerk of House. July 7, 1842. pp. 791-792. Doc. 174. Rept. upon bill No. 228, entitled " Act to abolish Court of General Sessions for city and county of Phila." Jilly 7, 1842. pp. 792-795. Doc. 175. Rept. upon acct. of A. M. Clark, arms, for serving subpcenns. July 11, 1842. pp. 795-796. rtocs. 176-177. See Apjiendix. Doc. 178. Rept. upon acct. of J. F. Reigart, clerk of com- mittee to investigate conduct of banks. July 12, 1842. p. 797. Doc. 179. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before committee to investigate conduct of banks. July 10, 1842. p. 798. Doc. 180. Rept. upon acct. of Holbrook, Henlock and Bratton, prtrs. of English Jol. In 1840. July 19, 1842. pp. 798-802. Doc. 181. Rept. upon pay and mileage of members, clerks and officers of House. July 25, 1842. pp. 802-805. Doc. 182. Rept. upon acct. of S. Sprlgman, for folding and stitching iols. July 26, 1842. pp. 805-806. Doc. 183. liept. upi)n acct. of Bnas and Patterson, prtrs. o£ vol. 3, and Appendix. July 26, 1842. pp. 806-807. Doc. 184. Rept. upon acct. of C. E. 'Williams & Co. for folding and stitching. July 26. 1842. p. 808. Doc. 185. Rept. upon postage acct. July 26, 1842. p. 809. Doc. 186. Rept. upon acct. of J. T. Bowen, for lithographic map. July 26, 1842. p. 810. Doc. 187. Kept, upon accts. of M'Klnley & I^escure, prtrs. of hills. July 26. 1842. pp. SlO-811. Doc. 188. Rept. upon acct. of Hickok and Cantlne for fold- ing and stitching. July 26, 1842. pp. 811-820. Doc. 189. Rept. upon acct. of Hutter and BIgler, prtrs. of German Jol. July 26, 1842. pp. 820-824. Doc. 190. Rept. upon acct. of Henlock and Bratton, prtrs. of English Jol. July 26, 1842. pp. 825-835. Doc. 191. Rept. upon acct. of Andrew Krause. July 26, 1842. p. 835. Doc. 192. Rept. upon acct. of Michael Newnam, watchman. July 26, 1842. p. 836. Doc. 193. 6 census, or enumeration of Inhabitants of Penn. In 1840. pp. 837-861. Index, vii pp. . Same, in German. 14.^>4. 4 pp. V. 2. Appendix. Harrisburg : Boas & Patterson. 1842. 531, 111 pp. pp. 3-117. Bank stmts, transmitted by auditor gen. Jan. 14 1842. pp. 115-117. letter from auditor gen. transmitting stmt. of condition of Bank of Penn. for 1841. Jan. 18, 1842. 94 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXVI General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 4-July 26, 1842 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd pp. 118-119. Rept. of auditor gen. rel. to banks of Common- wealth and law of May 4, 1841. Jan. 12, 1842. p. 120 and foldg. tables. Auditor gen.'s letters rel. to stmts, of Bank of U. S., March, 1841-Feb., 1842. Jan. 11, 13 Feb. 9, 1842. pp. 121-149, 26 foldg. tables. 8 ann. rept. supt. common schools. Jan. 15. 1S42. pp. 150-169. 6 ann. rept. geol. survey of Penn. by Henry D. Rodgers, geologist. Feb. 1. 1842. Transmitted by secy. Feb. 9. pp. 171-531, ill. Rept. of testimony [1. e. rept. and testi- mony) given before the joint committee of investigation inquiring into the charges, whether any corruptness had been used bv the banks to obtain favorable legislation from 1836 to 1840. A minority rept. by M. B. Lowry is given on pp. 1S3- 187. n. il. Three copies were seen ; one in the Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phila., one in the Penn. State Library and one in the Library of Congress. V. 3. Containing canal comrs. rept. and ace. docs. Harrisburg : Boas & Patterson, 1842. 571 pp., foldg. tables. Doc. 25. Communication from Gov. transmitting ann. rept. of canal comrs. pp. 3-48. Docs. 26-52. Docs. ace. canal comrs. rept. pp. 49-367, foldg. tables. Doc. 26. Ann. rept. of W. K. Hutfnagle, engr. on Delaware division, pp. 49-57. Doc. 27. Ann. rept. of W. K. Huflfnagle. engr. on Columbia and Phila. R.R. pp. 57-62. Doc. 28. Rept. of Thos. Tustin, supt. of motive power on Columbia and Phila. R.R. pp. 62-73. 2 foldg. tables. Doc. 29. Rept. of Jos. Collins, supervisor of 1 division of Columbia and Phila. R.R. pp. 74-82. Doc. 30. Rept. of Jos. Mosher, supervisor of 2 division of Columbia ^nd Phila. R.U. pp. 82-91, 3 foldg. tables. Doc. 31. Ann. rept. of W. K. Huffnagle. engr. on Eastern division, pp. 92-95. Doc. 32. Rept. of W. E. Morris, engr. on Juniata divi- sion, pp. 96-101. Doc. 33. Rept. of W. E. Morris, engr. on Allegheny Portage R.R. pp. 102-108. Doc. 34. Rept. of John Snodgrass, supt. of Allegheny Portage R.R. pp. 109-135, 1 foldg. table. Doc. 35. Rept. of John Dougherty, supervisor on Alle- gheny Portage R.R. pp. 136-138. Doc. 36. Rept. of W. E. Morris, engr. on Western division, pp. 139-142. Doc. 37. Ann. rept. of W. M. Roberts, engr. on Beaver division, pp. 143-149. I»oc. 3S. Rept. of W. M. Roberts, engr. on French Creek division, pp. 149-157. Doc. 39. Ann. rept. of A. B. Warford, engr. on West Branch division, pp. 157-159. Doc. 40. itept. cif A. B. Warford. engr. on North Branch and Susquehanna divisions, pp. 159-163. Doc. 41. Ann. rent, of W. M. Roberts, engr. on Erie extension, pp. 164-204. Doc. 42. Rept. of J. Mitchell, engr. on Erie extension. pp. 205-209, 2 foldc. tables. Doc. 43. Rept. of W. B. Foster. Jr., principal engr., on North Branch extension, pp. 209-219. Doc. 44. Rept. of S. P. Coliings, supt. of Tioga line. p. 213, 24 foldg. t:ibles ;t p. 214. Doc. 45. Rept. of S. P. CoUlngs, supt. of Tunkhan- nock line. p. 214, 4 foldg. tables. Doc. 46. Rept. of A. B. VVarford, engr. on Wisconisco Canal, pp. 214-215. Doc. 47. Rept. of J. C. McAllister, supt. on Wisconisco Canal, p. 216. Doc. 48. Rept. of W. E. Morris, engr. on reservoirs. pp. 217-220. Doc. 49. Rept. of J. Rlter, supt. of Eastern reservoir. pp. 220-222. Doc. 50. Kept, of D. Watson, supt. of Western reser- voir, pp. 223-224. Doc. 51. Rent, of Jos. Mosher, sunt, of Columbia Plane and Gettysburg R.R. pp. 225-228. Doc. 52. Ann. rept. of C. L. Schlatter, on Harrisburg and Pittsburg Survey, pp. 229-367. 3 foldg. tables. Doc. 53. Jol. of ba. of canal comrs. pp. 369-571. . Same, in German. 176 i)p. LXVIl General Assembly Jan. 3-Aprll 18, 1843 Journal of the Senate. 2 vols. Three copies were compared, viz. : one In the Penn. State Library, one in the Free Library of Phila., and one tn the Library of Congress. V. 1. Harrisburg: J. B. Bratton, 1843. 1179, xv, Ivl pp. . Same, In German. Not seen. Hutter A Blgler were elected prtrs. for three years. (Sen. Jol. 1843 v. 1 : 1102.) COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXVI I General .\ssembly — cont'd Jan. 3-April 18. 1843 — cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — -cont'd v. 2. Containing repts., accts. and docs. [nos. 1-21]. Harris- burg : J. B. Bratton, 1843. 328, 5 pp., foldg. tables. Contents : Doc. 1. Abstr. of accts. of the Danville and Pottsville R.R. Co., Dec. 1, 1.S42. pp. 3-4. Doc. 2. Rept. of the surveyor gen. to Dec. 1, 1842. Dec. 1. 1842. pp. 5-6. Doe. 3. Rept. of the secy, of the land ofDce to Dec. 1, 1842. pp. 7-9. Doc. 4. Letter from J. C. Fisher, clerk of select council enclosing the rept. of the receipts and expenditures, by councils in trust, for the Girard funds. Jan. 5, 1843. pp. 9-73. Doc. 5. Letter from the canal comrs. enclosing stmts, in detail of the names, number, station and compensation of officers, agts. and others employed upon the public works of the state. Jan. 27. 1843. pp. 74-82. Doc. 6. Letter from the auditor gen. ace. the returns of the condition of the banks and savings Institutions of the Commonwealth, pp. 83-192. Doc. 7. Rept. of the inspectors of the Western Peniten- tiary of Penn. for the year 1842 ; with ace. docs. Jan. 2, 1843. pp. 193-213. Doc. 8. Kept, of the adj. gen. Dec. 23, 1842. pp. 213-221. Doc. 9. Communication from the auditor gen. ace. with a stmt, of the accts. of the canal comrs. Jan. 27, 1843. pp. 222-237. Doc. 10. Ann. stmt, of the Penn. Institution for the In- struction of the Blind, 1842. Read Feb. 3, 1843. pp. 238-239. Doc. 11. Ann. stmt, of the funds of the University of Penn. Feb. 7, 1843. pp. 239-240. Doc. 12. Ann. stmt, of the affairs of the Phila. Saving Fund Socy. for the year ending Dec. 31, 1842. pp. 241-242. Doc. 13. Ann. rept. of the bd. of inspectors of the East- ern State Penitentiary, for the year 1842, with ace. docs. March 8, 1843. pp. 243-260, foldg. tables. Doc. 14. Communication from the assignees of the Girard Bank, enclosing a stmt, of the assets which passed under the assignment, with their appraised value ; etc. March 17, 1843. pp. 261-269. Doc. 15. Communication from the auditor gen., trans- mitting a stmt, of the names, and amt. due from indi- viduals who have become defaulters to the common- wealth, within the last ten years. March 24, 1843. pp. 270-285. Doc. 16. Communication from the auditor gen., trans- mitting a stmt, of the receipts and expenditures of the motive power dept. on the Columbia and Phila. R.R. during the periods that T. Tustin and J. Cameron were supts. March 31, 1843. pp. 286-291. Doc. 17. A stmt, of discharges made by the atty. gen. and his deputies, from the Phila. Co. Prison, Feb. 25, 1840, to Jan. 27, 1843. Feb. 23, 1843. pp. 292-308. Doc. 18. Letter from William O. Kline, clerk of court of general sessions of city and county of Phila., enclosing exemplifications from records of said court. March 1, 1843. pp. 308-312. Doc. 19. Gove. mess, returning bill, entitled " An Act to reduce the expenses and provide for the election of the board of canal comrs." April 1, 1843. pp. 313-321. Doc. 20. Ann. rept. of the comrs. of the internal improve- ment fund, 1841/2. Read April 6, 1843. pp. 322-324. Doc. 21. Letter from A. M. Eastwlck. transmitting the rept. of the committee on meteorology of the Franklin Institute. March 31, 1843. pp. 325-328, foldg. table. ■ . Same, in German. 340, 4 pp., foldg. table. Journal of the House. 2 vols. Two copies were compared, viz. : one in the Penn. State Library, the other in the Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phila. ; V. 2 was also seen in the Library of Congress. V. 1. Harrisburg: M'Klnley & Lescure, 1843. 1171 (1), xlv, Ixxvl pp. . Same, In German. 1384, 16, 65 pp. V. 2. Containing messages, repts. and docs. Harrisburg : M'Klnley & Lescure, 1843. 872, viii pp., foldg. tables. Contents : Doc. 1. Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 4, 1843. pp. 3-16. Doc. 2. Proposals for the purchase of the Phila. and Columbia R.R. and Out-let I/ock at Portsmouth. Jan. 4, 1843. pp. 17-18. Doc. 3. Rept. of state treasurer upon the finances of the Commonwealth. Jan. 4, 1843. pp. 19-32. Doc. 4. Stmt, of affairs of the Danville and Pottsville R.R. Co. " See Senate Jol. v. 2." Doc. 5. State of ncct. of Penn. Hospital, being a summary of receipts and payments for the year ending April 4, 1842. pp. 33-46. Doc. 6. Kept, upon acct. of Alfred M. Clark, late ser- feant-at-arms, and Hugh I^iudsey, late door-keeper of louse. Jan. 6, 1843. p. 47. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 95 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXVII Gnni'ral Assembly — i-nnt'il .I;m. 3-April IS. lS4:i— confci Journni of tlio IIhuso — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 7. Ann. stmt, of no. of dopnsltors with the I'hlla. Saving Fund Socy. Nov. 1, 1842. " I'rivate." Doc. S. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to his ann. rept. upon the finances, 1841/2. Jan. 2, 1843. pp. 48-49. Doc. 0. Stmt, of affairs of the Frankford and Bristol "Turnpilte Road Co. " Private." Doc. 10. 9 ann. rept. of supt. of common schools. Jan, 6, 1843. pp. 50-80, 2 foUig. tables. Doc. 11, Rept. of Mr. Brawle.v. teller on part of the House to officiate at the election of U. S. Sen.itor. Jan. 10, 1843. pp. 80-83. Doc. 12. List of Judicial distrs. in the Commonwealth of Tenn. pp. 84-85. Doc. 13. Communication from surveyor gen. ace. with a stmt, of the business of that office. " See Sen. jol. v. 2." Doc. 14. Stmt, of affairs of the Lehigh Crane Iron Co. " Private." Doc. 15. Communication from secy, of land office, ace. with a stmt, of the Ijuslness of that dept, " See Sen, Jol. v. 2." Doc. 16. Ann. rept. of bd. of inspectors of the Western Penn., with ace, docs, " See Sen, jol, v, 2," Doc, 17, List of taxable inhabitants, deaf and dumb, blind persons and slaves in the several cos,, 1842 3. Jan. 12, 1843, pp, 87-88, Doc. 18. Stmt, of receipts and payments of the mayor, aldermen and citizens of Phlla. in trust for the Girard Estate, Jan, 1, 1842, to Jan, 1, 1843, •• See Sen, jol, v, 2," Doc. 19. Govs. mess. (Porter) ace. with a list of the taxa- bles of Jefferson Co., Jan. 14, 1843, pp, 89-90, Doc, 20, Rept, upon acct, of clerli of House, Jan. 14, 1843, p, 91, Doc. 21. Communication from state treasurer rel. to can- celling relief notes. Jan. 14, 1843. pp. 92-96. Doc. 22. Communication from secv. of Commonwealth rel, to sale of stoclts, Jan. 15, 1843. pp. 96-99. Doc. 23. Rept, of Mr, Tustln, teller on part of the House to officiate at the election of state treasurer. Jan. 16, 1843. pp. 100-103. Doc. 24, Communication from the state treasurer rel, to moneys drawn from the treasury for and on acct, of state library, Jan, 17, 1843. pp. 103-104. Doc. 25. Communication from state treasurer, ace. with opinion of atty, gen, rel, to cancelling relief notes, Jan, 17, 1843, pp. 105-106. Doc. 26. Ahstr. of accts. of Mill Creek and Mine Hill Navigation and R.R. Co. '■ Private," Doc, 27, AbBtr, of accts, of the Mine Hill, and Schuylkill Haven R. R. Co. " Private." Doc. 28. Govs, mess, (Porter) ace. with a rept, from comrs, rel, to the estate of John Nicholson and Peter Baynton, deceased, Jan, 19, 1843, pp, 108-109, Doc, 29, Aggregate amt. of taxable inhabitants In the several townships In Clearfield Co. Read Jan. 19, 1843. pp. 109110. Doc, 30, Govs, mess, (Porter) ace, with rept, of canal comrs, ,Tan, 19, 1843. pp. 110-111. Doc. 31. Ann. rept. of canal comrs. ace. with docs,, 1841/2. Jan. 4, 1843. pp. 111-134. Doc. 32. Rept of J. B. Morehead, supt. of motive power on the Columbia R.R. pp. 134-148. Dec. 1, 1842.* Doc. 33. Rept, of J, B. Moreland, supervisor of the Colum- bia R,R, Dec, 1. 1842, pp. 149-153 and foldg. table betw. pp. 32 and 33.* Doc, 34. Rept. of John Snodgrass, supt. of motive power and supervisor of repairs. Read Jan. 19, 1843. pp, 154-159 • Doc, 35. Rept. of John Mitchell, supt. of the Erie Exten- sion. Read Jan. 19, 1843. pp. 160-183. • Doc. 36. Communication from state treasurer rel, to sale of state stock. Jan. 19, 1843, pp. 183-187. Doc. 37. Stmt, of taxable inhabitants of Allegheny Co. made by co. comrs. .Ian. 11, 1843. pp. 187-188. Doc. 38. Govs. mess. (Porter) ace. with a stmt, of affairs of the Tioga Navigation Co. Jan. 19, 1843, p. 189, Doc. 39. Stmt, of affairs of the Tioga Navigation Co. p. 189. " Private." Doc. 40. List of taxable Inhabitants of Potter Co. Jan. 21, 1843. p, 190. Doc. 41. Communication from canal comrs. ace. with does, rel, to the contracts upon the Phlla. and Columbia R,R. Jan. 20, 1843. pp. 191-195, • Docs, ace. ann. rept. of canal comrs. (doc. 31), COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXVII General Assembly — c(jnt'd Jan. 3-Aprll 18, 1843— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 42. Communication from ciinal comrs. rel, to trucks upon the I'ortage and Columbia R.R. Jan. 20, 1843. pp. 196-197. Doc. 43. Rept. upon petition of S. R, Johnson, treasurer of Allegheny Co, for moneys paid upon forged certificates. Jan, 21, 1843, pp, 197-198, Doc, 44. Stmt, of affairs of the 'Wyoming Coal Co. " Private." Doc. 45. Communication from canal comrs. transmitting a copy of a notice published for proposals for carrying passengers on the Columl)la K.R. Jan. 23, 1843. pp. 199-200. Doc 46. Rept. upon acct. of Clerk of House. Jan. 24, 1843. p. 200. , ^ Docs. 47-48. Govs, mess, ace. with a rept, of the adj, gen, rel, to the militia, ordnance, camp equipage and militarv stores. Jan, 25. 1843. p. 201. For the adj. gen.'s rept, " See Sen, jol. v. 2. Doc, 49, Stmt, of affairs of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co, " Private." ... Doc. 50. Communication from canal comrs. ace. with stmt, of acct. of canal comrs.. clerk hire, contingent expenses and postage. Jan. 24, 1843. pp, 202-205. Doc, 51, Communication from auditor gen, rel, to apptmt. of an agt. to collect the tables or dividends declared by incorporated cos, .Ian. 26, 1843, pp. 206-207. Doc. 52. Communlcatlnn from auditor gen. ace. with acct. of canal comrs. for 1841/2. Jan. 27, 1843. pp. 208-223. Doc, 53. Communication from auilitor gen, ace, with a stmt, of the affairs of the several banks of the Common- wealth. Jan. 27, 1843. p. 224. Doc 54. Rept. upon bill to tax salaries and perquisites of office. Jan. 28, 1843, pp, 22,'i-226 „„^ Doc, 55. Stmt, of affairs of the York and Md, Line R.R. Co. " Private." Doc, 56, Communication from auditor gen, ace, with docs, rel, to the repairs of the Del, Division of the Penn. Canal. Jan. 31, 1843. pp. 227-253. Doc. 57. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to repairs on the Delaware Division of the Penn. Canal. Jan. 31, 1843. pp. 254-269. ^ , Doc. 58. Rept. of committee on banks rel. to banks and the currency. Feb. 1, 1843. pp. 270-275. Doc, 59, Communication from canal comrs, furnishing a copy of proposals for contracting to do the repairs on the Columbia R,R, from Parkesburg to the City of Phlla, Feb, 1, 1843, pp, 276-278, Doc, 60. Rept. rel. to placing trucks upon the Allegheny Portage and Phlla. and Columbia R.Rs. Feb. 3, 1843. pp. 279-282. Doc. 61. Rept. upon acct. for postage. Feb. 4, 1843. pp. 282-283. Doc. 62. Rept. rel. to preventing persons from travelling or using the canals on Sabbath days. Feb. 4, 1843. pp. 283-284. ^ , Doc 63. Rept. of treasurer of Penn. Institution tor In- struction of the Blind. Jan. 1, 1843. Read Feb. 6, 1843. pp. 284-285, Doc, 64, Rept. of majority of committee rel. to communi- cation of canal comrs. rel. to proposals and contracts tor carrying passengers on the Phlla. and Columbia R.R. Feb. 6, 1843. pp. 286-288. Doc. 65. Same, minority rept. Feb. 6, 1843. pp. 288-294. Doc. 66. Communication from auditor gen. rel, to tax on offices, Feb, 7, 1843, p. 295. . ^ , ^ Doc, 67, Communication from canal comrs, ace. with let- ter of John F. Houston, late principal asst, engr. on Delaware Division of Penn. Canal, rel, to repairs on said division. Feb. 9. 1843. pp. 296-298. Doc. 68. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to names of contractors who have finished their contracts on the improvements since July 27, 1842, and have their accts. entered upon the books of the auditor gen. Feb. 9, 1843. p. 299. Doc. 69. Stmt, of atTairs of Little Schuylkill Navigation, R.R. and Coal Co. " Private," „ Doc, 70, Stmt, of affairs of Phlla, and Reading R,R, Co, " Private," Doc. 71. Ann. stmt, of funds of Univ. of Penn. " Private," Doc, 72. Rept. upon bill to remove certain causes from Montgomery Co. to Phlla. Co. Feb. 11, 1843. pp. 301- 302. Doc. 73. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to con- tracts upon public Improvements, Feb, 10, 1843, p. 303. Doc. 74. Communication from state treasurer rel. to moneys In the treasury. Feb. 9, 1843, pp, 304-306, Doe, 75, Stmt, of affairs of the Great Western Iron Co, " Private." „ „ Doc. 76. Stmt, of affairs of the Cumberland Galley R.R, Co., 1842. Feb. 13, 1843. pp. 307-309. Doc. 77. State of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy. " Private." 96 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXVII General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 3-April 18. 1843— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 78. Communication from canni comrs. ace. with a list of names and compensation of collectors and super- Tlsors on the several lines of the canals and Feb. 16, 1843. pp. 310-312. Doc. 79. Rept. upon acct. of John B. Bratton, prtr. of House ]ol. In 1842. Feb. 16. 1843. pp. 312-313. Doc. 80. Rept. upon acct. of M'Klnley & Lescure, prtrs. of bills for 1S42 and part of 1843. Feb. 16, 1843. p. 314. Doc. 81. Rept. of minority of committee on bill to reduce expenses of the govt., etc. Feb. 16. 1843. pp. 315-318. Doc. 82. Stmt, of affairs of Northern Liberties and Tenn Township R.n. Co. " Private." Doc. 83. Rept. of committee on banks rel. to authorizing banks to Issue notes of a less denomination than $5 re- deemable in specie. Feb. 18, 1843. pp. 319-320. Doc. 84. Rept. of committee of ways and means rel. to debts and liabilities and revenue and resources of the Commonwealth. Feb. 20. 1843. pp. 321-329. Doc. 85. Rept. upon petitions and docs, of C. Davenport, John Fetterman and others, for compensation for the destruction of property on the Erie Extension of the Penn. Canal. Feb. 20, 1843. pp. 329-331. Doc. 86. Rept. upon the acct. of Henlock & Bratton, prtrs. of the House Jol. of 1842. Feb. 20, 1843. pp. 331-332. Doc. 87. Rept. of the committee apptd. at session of 1842 to examine accts. of prtrs. of Jols. In English and German, together with accts. of folders and stitchers of those Jols. for 1840, 1841 and 1842. Feb. 24, 1843. pp. 332- 386. Doc. 88. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of Chesnut Hill and Spring House Turnpike Road Co. " Private." Doc. 89. Ann. rept. of directors of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, 1842. Feb. 28, 1843. pp. 387-398. Doc. 90. Communication from Hutter & Blgler, rel. to settlement of accts. for prtg. German jols. of House of Representatives for 1840, 1842. March 1, 1843. pp. 399-401. Doc. 91. Rept. upon acct. for postage. March 2, 1843. p. 401. Doc. 92. Rept. of majority of select committee on certain petitions asking that articles of Impeachment may be preferred agst. David R. Porter, Gov. March 2, 1843. pp. 402-409. Doc. 93. Same ; minority rept. March 2, 1843. pp. 410- 435. Doc. 94. Rept. of committee on judiciary system on peti- tion and docs, of J. Balding for divorce. March 6, 1843. pp. 435-437. Doc. 95. Minority rept. of committee on vice and Im- morality rel. to law requiring tavern keepers to publish their applications for license. March 7, 1843. pp. 437- 439 Doc. 96. Jol. of bd. of canal comrs., 1842/3. March 9, 1843. pp. 439-635. Doc. 97. Communication from state treasurer rel. to funds In treasury, March 10, 1843. pp. 636-638. Doc. 97. 14 ann. rept. of Inspectors of the Eastern Peni- tentiary, 1842. March 8, 1843. pp. 639-655. Doc. 98. Rept. upon accts. of Blgler, Schott and others. March 13, 1843. p. 656. Doc. 99. Rept. upon acct. of John Shanklln. March 13, 1843. p. 657. Doc. 100. Rept. upon acct. of G. J. Helsley. March 16, 1843. p. 658. Doc. 101. Ann. rept. of bd. of mgrs. of House of Refuge. Jan. 3, 1843. pp. 659-671. Doc. 102. Rept. upon acct. of J. M. WlestUng. March 23, 1843. p. 671. Doc. 103. Rept. upon acct. of Franklin Bitting. March 23, 1843. p. 672. Doc. 104. Rept. upon acct. of Elizabeth Bailey. March 23, 1843. pp. 672-673. Doc. 105. Rept. upon acct. of James R. Boyd. March 23, 1843. p. C73. Doc. 106. Rept. upon accts. of John Neveling and Henry Kremcr. March 24. 1843. p. 674. Doc. 107. Rept. of majority of committee on Judiciary rel. to abolition of capital punishment. March 25, 1843. pp. 675-692. Doc. 108. Rept. of committee on the Judiciary rel. to abolition of capital punishment ; minority. March 25, 1843. pp. 692-708. Doc. 109. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of Forest Improvement Co. ■'^ Private." Doc. 110. Rept. upon acct. of Jos. H. Long. March 2i, 1843. p. 709. Doc. 111. Rept. upon acct. of Reuben Hirst. March 27, 1843. p. 710. „ Doc. 112. Rept. of Mr. Elwell, teller on part of House to officiate at election tor state prtrs. March 27, 1843. pp. 711-717. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXVII General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 3-Aprll 18, 1843 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 112. Rept. of minority of committee on Judiciary sys tern rel. to a new trial of B. and P. Flanagan, convicted of murder. March 28, 1843. pp. 717-720. Doc. 114. Rept. upon accts. of Danl. M'Lane and John Boyle. March 29. 1843. p. 721. Doc. 115. Rept. of Mr. Elwell. teller on part of House to officiate at election of state prtrs. March 31, 1843. pp. 722-725. ,^^ Doc. 116. Rept. of select committee rel. to members of bd. of canal comrs. who have held out bribes to members of the Lecisl.. etc. April 3. 1843. pp. 725-732. Doc. 117. Rept. upon acct. of Geo. R. Mowry. April 3, 1843. p. 733. „ ,„ o Doc. 118. Rept. upon acct. for postage. April 3, 1843. p. 734. Doc. 119. Rept. of committee on vice and immorality rel. to the punishment of seduction as a criminal offence. April 3, 1843. pp. 735-738. Doc. 120. Rept. upon acct. of Martin Coryell. April 3, 1843. p. 739. Doc. 121. Rept. upon acct. of Wm. K. Huffnagle. April 4, 1843. pp. 739-740. Doc. 122. Rept. of select committee rel. to renewal of state rwys. with Penn. cast Iron rails. April 4, 1843. pp. 740- 750. Doc. 123. Rept. upon acct. of Clerk of House. April 5, 1843. p. 751. . , . Doc. 124. Rept. upon acct. of Ross Meredith. April o, 1843. pp. 751-752. . Doi-. 125. Rept. upon acct. of Vincent Palen. April o, 1843. p. 752. ^ ^ Doc. 126. Rept. of comrs. of internal Improvement fund, 1842. pp. 753-755. Doc. 127. Rept. of select committee rel. to making a reduc- tion of tolls upon the public works. April 7, 1843. pp. 756-762. Doc. 128. Stmt, of affairs of Zorberry Creek R.R. Co. " Private." Doc. 129. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses before select com- mittee rel. to assault and battery betw. Messrs. M'Gowan and Bratton. April 10, 1843. p. 763. Doc. 130. Rept. of select committee rel. to assault and biitterv in House of Ueiirt-sentatives betw. Mr. M'Gowan and J.'B. Bratton. April 11, 1843. pp. 764-777. Doc. 131. Rept. of select committee rel. to extravagant expenditure of public money in repairs of Delaware Divi- sion of Penn. Canal, with testimony. April 12, 1843. pp. 778-815. Doc. 132. Communication from Franklin Institute rel. to improvement in meteorological science. March 31, 1843. pp. 816-819 and foldg. table. Doc. 133. Stmt, of affairs of Codorus Navigation Co. " Private." Doc. 134. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and Internal Improvement upon the petition of Wm. C. Miller of Allegheny County. April 14, 1843. pp. 820-821. Doc. 135. Rept. of Mr. Elwell on the part of the House of Representatives to officiate at the election of state prtrs. April 15. 1843. pp. S22-S.SS. Doc. 136. Communication from canal comrs. In answer to a letter of M. B. Lowry, chrm. of committee on inland navigation, rel. to tolls on trucks. April 7, 1843. pp. 839- 842. Doc. 137. Rept. of committee on the judiciary system rel. to confirmation of the charter of the borough of West Phlla. April 17, 1843. pp. 843-844. Doc. 138. Kept, upon acct. of J. H. Steck, prtr. of bills. April 17, 1843. p. 845. , ,_ ,„,„ Doc. 139. Rept. upon postage acct April 17, 1843. p. Doc. 140. Rept. of committee on claims upon petition and docs, of Capt. Saml. White, late of the Co. of Adams. April 17, 1843. pp. 847-848. Doc 141. Rept. of committee on claims upon petition ot Saml. Saylor of Luzerne Co. April 17, 1843. pp. 849-850. Doc. 142. Rept. upon acct. of Solomon Sprigman, for labelling journal of last House. April 17, 1843. p. 850. Doc. 143. Rept. upon acct. of Wm. E. Drake, clerk to select committee, etc. April 17. 1843. p. 851. Doc. 144. Rept. upon acct. of D. M. Stedman, sergeant-at- arms for subpoeniiinc witnesses to attend before the select committee apptd. to Investigate into extravagant ex- penditure of the public money on the Delaware Division. April 18, 1843. p. 852. „ , , Doc. 145. Rept. upln acct. of Geo. A. Kurts. depy. sergeant- at-iirms. for subpivniiing witnesses. .\prll 18, 1843. Doc. 146. Rept. upon acct. of John S. Ingram, clerk to in- vestigating committee, etc. p. 854. Doc 147. Rept. upon pav and mileage of the members, clerks and officers of the House. April IS. 1S43. pp. 8^)5- 858 Doc. i48. Rept. on acct. of John Sprigman, for foldg., stitching and delivering House bills. April 18, 1843. pp. 8SS-869. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 97 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXVII General Assembly — cont'il Jan. 3-Aprll 18, 184:!— coufil Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 149. Kept, upon acct. of Hutter & Bigler. prtrs. of German Jol. April 18, 1843. pp. 85n-86'2. Doc. 150. Rept. upon acct. of D. M. Stedman, for serving subpoenas In the case of M'Gowan & Bratton. April IS, 184.3. p. .SCS. Doc. 151. Rept. upon acct. of M'KlnlPv & Lescure, prtrs. of English Jol. April 18, 1843. pp. 863-867. Doc. 152. Rept. upon acct. of Henry K. Strong, as clerk to Investigating committee, Delaware Division. April 18, 1843. p. 868. Doe. 153. Rept. of committee on the judiciary system rel. to the abolition of imprisonment for debt. April 18, 1843. pp. 868-872. Doc. 154. Rept. upon acct. of Clerk of House. April 18, 1843. p. 872. . Same. In German. 1454, 4 pp. LXVIII General Assembly Jan. 2-Aprli 29, 1844 lurnal of the Senate. 2 vols. V. 1. Harrlsburg: I. G. M'Klnley. 1844. 971, 88 pp. . Same. In German. 1176, 112 pp. T. 2. Containing repts., docs., etc. Harrlsburg : I. G. M'Klnley, 1844. 220, 2, ii pp. Contents : Doc. 1. Communication from state treasurer, with rept. of comrs. for sale of state stocks, Dec. 30. 1843. pp. 3-2l. Doc. 2. Rept. of state treasurer upon finances, 1842/3. pp. 22-32. Doc. 3. Letter from bd. of canal comrs. in reply to call of Senate. Jan. 8. 1844. pp. 33-34. Doc. 4. Letter of secy, of commonwealth rel. to delivery of repts. Jan. 9. 1844. p. 35. Doc. 5. Stmt, of Erie Canal Co. for 1843. pp. 35-38. Doc. 6. Letter from preslilent jiulge of 4 judicial distr. rel. to " Act concerning certain trial for murder in Cambria Co." Read Jan; 17, 1844. pp. 39-43. Doc. 7. Inspectors' rept. on Western Penitentiary for 1843. pp. 44-56. Doc. 8. Stmt, of Danville and Pottsville R.R. Co., Dec. 1, 1843. pp. 56-57. Doc. 9. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to organiza- tion of bd. Jan. 23, 1844. pp. 58-59. Doc. 10. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to ann. rept., Jan. 24, 1844. p. 59. Doc. 11. Auditor gen.'s rept. rel. to ann. stmt, of banks. Jan. 26. 1844. p. 60. Doc. 12. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to pay- ment of laboring creditors, Jan. 29, 1844. pp. 60-61. Doe. 13. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to receipts for state taxes and pa.vments for educational purposes. .Tan. 31, 1844. pp. 62-§5. Doc. 14. Letter from Jas. Clarke, president of bd. of canai comrs. rel. to transportation of coal on public works. Jan. 31, 1844. p. 66. Doc. 15. Rept. of jt. committee rel. to election of state prtrs. Jan. 31. 1844. pp. 66-128. Doc. 16. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to amt. due of check rolls by state, Feb. 5, 1844. pp. 128-129. Doc. 17. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to early apprn. for repair of canals and Feb. 9. 1844. pp. 129-130. Doc. 18. Letter from state treasurer In reply to res. of Senate, Feb. 10, 1844. p. 131. Doe. 19. Mess, from Gov., transmitting ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Instruction of Blind, for 1843. pp. 131-133. Doc. 20. Letter from auditor gen., rel. to payments of $50 on state Interest. Feb. 13, 1844. pp. 133-134. Doc. 21. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to depart- mental prtg. Feb. 14, 1844. pp. 134-140. Doc. 22. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to ex- penditures on Beaver and Shenango lines of Penn. Canal. Feb. 14, 1844. p. 141. Doc. 23. Communication from state treasurer rel. to un- current money In state treasury, Feb. 14, 1844. p. 142. Doc. 24. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to dis- bursements on Beaver and Shenango lines of Penn. Canal. Feb. 17, 1844. p. 143. Doc. 25. Communication from state treasurer. In reply to Sen. res. rel. to expenses of govt., Feb. 19, 1844. pp. 144-145. Doc. 26. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Instruction of Blind, for 1843. pp. 146-147. Doc. 27. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to claims due commonwealth from persons employed on public works. March 11, 1844. pp. 147-149. Doc. 28. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to repairs. March 11, 1844. pp. 150-157. Doc. 29. 15 ann. rept. of Inspectors of Eastern Peni- tentiary, 1843. pp. 158-193. Doc. 30. Communication from secv. of commonwealth, rel. to publication of laws of 1843. March 18, 1844. p. 194. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXN'III flener.-il A.ssembly — cont'd Jan. 2 April 29. 1844— cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd CoDti'iits : — cont'd Doc. 31. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to acct. of late clerk of House. March 19, 1844. pp. 195-19t;. Doc. 32. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to debts due for labor and materials on public works March 19, 1844. pp. 197-201. Doc. 33. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to alleged defaulters. March 22, 1844. pp. •201-202. Dot. 34. Ann. rent, of bd. of mugrs. of House of Refuge, 1843. pp. 202--2!10. Doc. 35. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to trucks. section boats, etc., on public works. April 3, 1844. p. 211. Doc. 36. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to debts due for expenses of Nicholson Court. April 6, 1844. p. 212. Doc. 37. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to West Chester R.R. April 8, 1844. pp. 212-214. Doc. 38. Letter from state treasurer, rel. to Imlance in treasury. April 11, 1844. pp. 214-215. Doc. 39. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to an ex- press locomotive on Phlla. and Columbia R.R. April 12, 1844. pp. 215-216. Doe. 40. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to resump- tion of Beaver division of Penn. Canal. April 19, 1844. pp. 217-219. Doc. 41. Ann. stmt, of Codorus Navigation Co. for 1843. p. 220. Index. II pp. . Same. In German. 252, 4 pp. Only copy seen was In the Penn. State Library, .lournal of the House. 2 vols. V. 1. Harrlsburg: I. G. M'Klnley. 1844. 1014, 62 pp. . Same, In German. 1184, 80 pp. v. 2. Containing messages, repts. and docs., [nos. 1-84]. Harrls- burg : I. G. M'Klnley, 1844. 464, Hi pp., foldg. tables. Contents : Doc. 1. Stmt, of accts. of Penn. Hospital, 1842/3. pp. 3-12. Doc. 2. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to ann. rept., Jan. 2, 1844. p. 13. Doc. 3. Ann. mess, of Gov. [Porter]. Jan. 3, 1844. pp. 14-23. Doc. 4. Opinion of atty. gen. upon validity of election of I. G. M'Klnley. state prtr.. May 8, 1843. pp. 24-25. Doc. 5. Stmt, of real and personal property of citizens and assessment for state purposes In 1842-43. p. 26. Doe. 6. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to Berks Co. Bank. Jan. 2, 1844. pp. 27-28. Doc. 7. Communication from state treasurer, with rept. of comrs. for sale of state stocks, Dec. 30, 1843. pp. 28- 46. Doc. 8. Omitted. Marked private. Doc. 9. Ann. rept. of state treasurer upon finances, 1842/3. pp. 47-57. Doc. 10. Stmt, of receipts and payments of mayor, alder- men and citizens of Phlla. In trust for Glrard estate for 1843. pp. 58-104. Doc. 11. I'.ept. of committee rel. to diim of W. C. Miller of Allegheny Co. Jan. 9, 1844. p. 105. Doc. 12. Omitted. Marked Private. Doc. 13. Rept. of comrs. for sale of Delaware division of Penn. Canal. Jan. 11. 1844. pp. 106-116. Doc. 14-16. Omitted. Marked Private. Doc. 17. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of Erie Canal Co., for 1843. pp. 117^120. Doc. 18. Rept. of Mr. Tustin, teller on part of House, at election of state treasurer. Jan. 15, 1844. pp. 120-123. Doc. 19. Mess, from Gov., rel. to " Act concerning certain trial for murder in Cambria Co." Jan. 16, 1844. pp. 123- 128. Docs. 20-23. Omitted. Marked Private. Doc. 24. Stmt, of Hutter and Bigler, prtrs. of German jols. Jan. 22, 1844. pp. 130-131. Doc. 25. Communication from auditor gen., transmitting quarterly stmts, of banks and savings institutions. Jan. 26, 1844. pp. 131-219, 2 foldg. tables. Doc. 26. Stmt, prepared bv state treasurer rel. to apprns. of money, 1843-1844. pp. 219-221. Doc. 27. 9 ann. rept. of York and Md. Line R.R. Co., 1843. pp. 222-223. Doc. 28. Stmt, of affairs of Wyoming Coal Co., 1843. p. 224. Doc. 29. Communication from state treasurer, in answer to House res. rel. to warrant drawn by Gov. in favor of M'Candless and BIddle. Feb. 4, 1844. pp. 225-226. Doc. 30. Rept. of loint committee rel. to election of state prtrs. Jan. 31, 1844. pp. 226-288. Doe. 31. Rept. upon postage acct. Feb. 2. 1844. p. 288. Doc. 32. Rept. of committee of accts., rel. to alleged over- charges of prtrs. of jols., for 1843. Jan. 31, 1844. pp. 289-294. Doc. 33. Stmt, of affairs of Cumberland Valley R.R. Co. for 1843. pp. 295-296. Doc. 34. Stmt, of affairs of Northern Liberties and Penn Township R.R. Co. for 1843. pp. 296-297. 98 INDEX TO DOCmiENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA rel. to amt. Feb. 9, 1844. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXVIII General Assembly — confd Jan. 2-ApriI 29, 1844 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 35. Communication from auditor gen. of state tax due commonwealth for 1842-43. pp. 297-298. Doc. 36. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to early apprn. for repairs. Feb. 9, 1844. pp. 299-300. Doc. ^^7. .\nn. stiut. of funds of Univ. of Penn. Jan. 1, 1844. pp. 300-301. Doc. 38. Mess, from Gov., transmitting ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Instruction of Blind for 1843. pp. 301-303. Doc. 39. Stmt, of affairs of Little Schuylliill Navigation, R.R. and Coal Co.. for 1843. pp. 303-304. Doc. 40. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to fraudulent issues of Towanda Bank, in state treasury, Feb. 14, 1844. p. 305. Doc. 41. Stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., Jan. 1, 1844. pp. 306-307. Doc. 42. Ann. rept. of bd. of directors of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, for 1843. pp. 307-320. Doc. 43. Stmt, of affairs of Chesnut Hill and Spring House Turnpike Co., Nov. 6, 1843. p. 321. Doc. 44. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal Improvement, on bill to authorize construction of out-let lock at Black's eddy. Feb. 21, 1844. pp. 322-323. Doc. 45. Rept. of committee on vice and Immorality rei. to repeal of law of 1705 which prohibits persons from tippling on Sabbath. Feb. 24. 1844. pp. 324-325. Doc. 46. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses rel. to state prtrs. Feb. 24. 1844. p. 325. Doc. 47. Rept. of committee on militia system rel. to military disbursements and collections and agst. aboli- tion of militia law. Feb. 26, 1844. pp. 326-330. Doc. 48. Rept. of minority of committee on Inland naviga- tion and internal Improvement, on out-let lock at Black's eddy. Feb. 26, 1844. pp. 330-332. Doc. 49. Communication from auditor gen., Feb. 27, 1844, transmitting rept. of Inspector of leather, Jan. 18, 1844. pp. 332-333. Doc. 50. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to no. of pardons granted for last 10 years, Feb. 28, 1844. pp. 333-335. Doc. 51. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to ag- gregate amt. of state tax due by each co. on assessments of 1841-43. Feb. 29, 1844. pp. 336-338. Doc. 52. Rept. rel. to postage of House. March 2, 1844. p. 339. Doc. 53. Stmt, of affairs of Forest Improvement Co., for 1843. pp. 339-340. Doc. 54. Rept. of committee of accts. upon acct. of H. B. Wright, for attendance before said committee. March 5, 1844. p. 340. Doe. 55. Rept. of committee on judiciary system, rel. to over-issue of relief notes by Berks County Bank. March 11, 1844. pp. 341-349. Doc. 56. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses rel. to state prtrs. March 11. 1844. p. 349. Doc. 57. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to repairs on public works. March 12. 1844. pp. 350-357. Doc. 58. Ann. rept. of Inspectors of Eastern Penitentiary, for 1843. pp. 358-393. Doc. 59. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses rel. to state prtrs. March 18, 1844. p. 394. Doc. 60. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to war- rants drawn by H. B. Wright in favor of W. J. B. Andrews for sess. of 1843. March 20, 1844. pp. 394-395. Doc. 61. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to debts due for labor and materials on public works. March 20, 1844. pp. 396-403. Doc. 62. Ann. rept. of bd. of mngrs. of House of Refuge for 1843. pp. 403-411. Doc. 63. Rept. on acct. of A. V. I'arsons, witness rel. to state prtrs. March 27, 1844. p. 412. Doc. 64. Rept. of coninjittee of accts., rel. to pay of A. V. Parsons. March 27, 1844. p. 412. Doc. «5. Stmt, of affairs of Delaware Coal Co. March 1, 1843 [1844?]. pp. 412-414. Doc. 66. Kept, of criiiiniitliM. on Judicl.'irv rel. to Govs. warrant In favor of M'Candless and BId'dle. March 28, 1844. p. 415. Doc. 67. CommunloHtlon from secy, of commonwealth rel. to (Jerman laws. March 29. 1844. p. 716. Doe. 68. Rept. of committee on vice and immorality, agst. conferring on courts power to license oyster cellars for retailing ardent spirits. March 29, 1844. pp. 417-418. Doc. 69. Same, for minority. March 29, 1844. p. 419. Doc. 70. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to taxes levied and collecteil f<»r state puri>oHes on all soun-es of revenue from 1830 to 1843. March 30, 1844. pp. 420-423, 1 foldg. table. Doc. 71. Rept. of committee of accts., on acct of W. ,T. B. Andrews, late clerk of House. March 30, 1844. pp. 424- 437, Doc. 7? Hept. upon postage acct. April 2, 1844, p. 438. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXVIII General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 2-April 29, 1844 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 73. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement rel. to tolls and drawbacks on public works. April ,3, 1844. pp. 438.439. Doc. 74. Rept. of minority of committee of accts. rel. to acct. of W. J. B. Andrews, late clerk of House. April 3, 1844. pp. 439-441. Doc. 75. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to trucks, section boats, etc., on public works. April 3, 1844. p. 442. Doc. 76. Uept. of committee on Inland navigation and internal improvements rel. to authorizing Baltimore and Ohio R.R. Co. to construct r.r. through IVnn. April 12, 1844. pp. 443-444. Doc. 77. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to de- linquent collectors and supervisors on public works. April 11, 1.S44. pp. 444-446. Doc. 78. Rept. upon accts. of witnesses rel. to state prtrs. April 20. 1844. p. 447. Doc. 79. Mess, from Gov., with res. adopted by Ga. legisl. rel. to repudiation of state debts. April 23, 1844. p. 448. Doc. 80. Rept. of select committee rel. to memorial of Elijah Dechert, president of Berks Co. Bank. April 23, 1844. pp. 449-458. Doc. 81. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Codorus Navigation Co. for 1843. p. 459. Doc. 82. Absent time of members. April 27, 1844. pp. 460-461. Doc. 83. Rept. upon pay, mileage and stationery of mem- bers. April 29, 1844. pp. 461-463. Doc, 84. Rept. upon postage acct. April 29, 1844. p. 464. Index, ill pp. . Same, in German. 512, 6 pp. [Documents.] Repts. of the heads of depts. transmitted to the Gov., together with the repts. of supt. of common schools and adj. gen. Harrisburg : I. G. M'Kinley. 1844. v. p. Binder's title : Executive Documents, 1843. Contents : Rept. on the finances of the commonwealth of Penn. 3, by auditor gen. Dec. 2, 1843.^ n. p., n. d. 77 , 1842/ pp. Rept. of the state treasurer showing the receipts and ex- penditures of the treasury, 1842/3. Dec, 1843. n. p., n. d. 371 pp. Ann. rept. of the bd. of canal comrs., with ace. docs., 1842/3. Dec. 30, 1843. n. p., n. d. 198 pp. 10 ann. rept. of supt. of common schools, 1842/3. Jan. 7, 1844. n. p.. n. d. 28 pp. Ann. rept. of the surveyor gen., 1842/3. Dec. 1, 1843. n. p., n. d. 4 pp. Ann. rept. of the secy, of the land office, [1843], n. p., n. d. 4 pp. Ann. rept. of ad], gen., Dec, 1843. n. p., n. d. 25 pp. Two copies were seen ; one in the library of the Library Co. of Phlla., the other in the Penn. State Library. . Same, In German. 231, 32, 27 pp. LXIX General Assembly Jan. 7-April 15, 1845 Journal of the Senate. 2 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg : J. M. G. Lescure, 1845. 778, 53 pp. . Same, in German. 995, 55 pp. V. 2. Containing repts. and docs. Harrisburg, J. M. G. Lescure, 1845. 341, 111 pp. Contents : Doc. 1. Procs. of electoral college of Penn., Dec. 4-5, 1844. pp. 3-10. Doc. 2. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Perkiomen Turnpike Co., for 1843/4. pp. 10-11. Doc. 3. Abstr. acct. of affairs of Reading R.R. Co. up to May 1, 1844. p. 11. Doc. 4. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Tioga Navigation Co., 1844. p. 12. Doc. 5. Ann. rept. of state treasurer on finances, 1843/4. pp. 13-29. Doc. 6. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to avail- able funds in Ire.isuryj Jan. 10, 1845. pp. 3031. Doc. 7. Ann. rept. of .Northern Liberties and Penn Town- ship R.R. Co., for 1844. p. 32. Doc. 8. Communication from auditor gen., with quarterly stmts, of banks and saving Institutions. Jan. 14, 18.35. pp. 33-128, 2 foldg. tables. Doc. 9. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, rel. to certain corporation repts. Jan. 10, 1845. p. 129. Doc. 10. Docs. ace. Govs. mess. rel. to completion of Erie Canal. Read Jan. 11, 1845. pp. 129-135. Doc. 11. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to Erie Canal Co. Jan. 13, 1845. p. 135. Doc. 12. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to comple- tion of Erie Canal. Jan. 13, 1845. pp. 136-137. Doc. 13. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to accts, of W. J. It. Andrews, late clerk of House. Jan. 13, 1846. pp. 137138. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OK PENNSYLVANIA 99 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXIX CJeutTid Assembly- cont'd Jiin. TAprll 15, 1845— cont'd Journiil of the Senate — cont'd ('ontents : — cont'd Doc. 14. Stmt, of affairs and Danville and rottsvllle K.R. Co.. 1844. pp. 1,'!8-140. Doe. 15. Comniuulcatlon from auditor Ken. rel. to con- tingent expenses of office. Jan. 16, 1845. p. 141. Doc. 16. Testimony In case of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. before committee of Senate. Read Jan. 17, 1845. pp. 142-156. Doc. 17. Communication from state treasurer, giving con- tingent expenses of office. Jan. 21, J845. p. 157. Doc. IS. 159. Doc. 10. 1844. Doc. 20. 1844. Doc. 21. ann. rept. of Erie Canal Co. for 1844. pp. 157- 2 ann. stmt, of treasurer of Erie Canal Co. for pp. 150-160. Kept, of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. for p. 160. Com nuin lent Ion from auditor gi n. re], to insane asylum. Jan. 24, 1845. pp. 161-167. Doc. 22. Res. of Ohio leglsl., rel. to annexation of Texas to U. S. pp. 168-160. Doo. 2;!. ComnuinicMtlou from adj. gen. rel. to volunteers in service May and July, 1844, Jan. 27, 1845. pp. 160-174. Doc. 24. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of outstanding state taxes. Jan. 29, 1845. pp. 174-183. Doc. 25. Stmt, of Yorl; and Md. Line R.R. Co., 1830-1844. pp. 183-185. Doc. 26. Stmt, of Forest Improvement Co., for 1844. p. 185. Doc. 27. Ann. rei)t. of inspectors of Western Penitentiary, for 1844. pp. 186-196. Doc. 28. Communication from auditor gen., with list of defaulters at state treasury, Jan. 30, 1845. pp. 197-201. Doc. 29. Communication from president of hd. of canal comrs. rel. to tolls and use of water power at dams on Franklin Canal. Feb. 1. 1845. p. 202. Doc. 30. Ann. rept. of Penn. Coal Co. for 1844. p. 203. Doe. 31. Ann. rept. of Monongahela Navigation Co. for 1843/4. p. 204. Doc. 32. Ann. rept. of Little Schuylkill Navigation, R.R. and Coal Co., for 1844. p. 205. Doc. 33. Ann. rept. of Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Road Co., 1843/4. p. 206. Doc. 34. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to trucks on state Feb. 10, 1845. pp. 207-208. Doc. 35. Docs, ace. Govs. mess. rel. to Marine Hospital near Pittsburg. Feb. 12, 1845. p. 200. Doc. 36. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to trans- portation of passengers over state Feb. 13, 1845. pp. 210-211. Doc. 37. Stmt, of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy., Jan. 1, 1845. pp. 211-212. Doc. 38. Ann. stmt, of funds of Univ. of Penn., Jan. 1, 1845. p. 213. Doc. 39. Stmt, of Phlia., Germantown and Norrlstown R.R. Co., for 1844. pp. 214-215. Doc. 40. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of militia fines in 1 division Penn. militia, Feb. 10, 1845. p. 215. Doc. 41. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to tolls on North and West Branches of Penn. Canal. Feb. 18, 1845. pp. 216-217. Doc. 42. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to cost of moving trucks on state Feb. 19, 1845. pp. 217-218. Doc. 43. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, for 1844. pp. 219-222. Doc. 44. 16 ann. rept. of inspectors of Eastern Peni- tentiary, for 1844. pp. 223-263. Doc. 45. Docs, from canal comrs. ace. Govs. mess, of Feh. 26, 1845. Read Feb. 26, 1845. pp. 264-266. Doc. 46. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to inspec- tions and fees of inspectors, Feb. 28, 1845. pp. 267-271. Doc. 47. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to no. of officers on public works, Feb. 28, 1845. pp. 271-278. Doc. 48. Ann. rept. of Delaware Bridge Co., at Easton, [for 1844]. pp. 279-283, Doc. 40. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to fire in office. March 7, 1845. p. 284. Doc. 50. Abstr. of accts. of Phlla. and Reading R.R. Co., 1843/4. pp. 285-286. Doc. 51. Ann. rept. of bd. of mngrs. of House of Refuge, for 1844. pp. 286-205. Doc. 52. Communication from supt. of common schools rel. to undrawn balances of school fund. March 19, 1845. pp. 296-302. Doc. 53. Rept. of bd. of revenue comrs., March 18, 1845. pp. 303-320. Doc. 54. Communication from state treasurer, enclosing tables of valuation fixed by bd. of revenue comrs., March 21, 1845. pp. 321-326. Doc. 55. Ann. abstr. of Chesnut Hill and Spring House Turnpike Rd., Nov. 4, 1845. p. 327. Doc. 56. Letter ace. Govs. mess, of March 25, rel. to weights and measures, March 17, 1845. p. 328. Doe. 57. Ann. stmt, of Lorberry Creek R.R. Co., [for 1844]. p. 329. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXIX fJencnil Assembly — cont'd Jan. 7-AprU 15, 1845 — cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 58. Ann. stmt, of Port Carbon and Mt. Carbon R.R. Co., for 1844. p. :VM). Doc. 50. Communication from auditor gen., showing amt. received and paid out of treasury on acct. of estate of John Nicholson. April .8, l,S4."i. p. 331, Doc, 60, Comnuinlcatlon from auditor gen., rel. to acct. of committee on library. April 8, 184D. pp. 332-333. Doc. 01. Ann. abstr. of affairs of Mt. Carbon R.R. Co., March 4. 1845. pp. 333-334. Doc. 62. Ann. stmt, of Delaware Coal Co., March 1, 1845. pp. 334-335. Doc. 63, Ann. rept. of Swatara R.R. Co., for 1844. pp. 336-338. Doc. 64. Docs, ace. Govs, raess. rel. to great fire at Pitts- burg. Read April 14. 1845. pp. 338-340. Doc. 65. Absent time of members of Senate, April 15, 1845. p. 341. Index. Ill pp. . Same, in German. 385, 3 pp. Journal of the House. 2 vols. v. 1. Ilarrisburg : J. .M. G. Lescure, 1845. 704, 63 pp. V. 2. Containing messages, repts. and docs., [nos. 1-114]. Harrlsburg : J. M. G. Lescure. 1845. 727. iv pp. Contents : Doc. 1. Ann. mess, of Gov. [Porter]. Jan. 8, 1845. pp, 3- 12. Doc. 2. Rept. of Maj. Gen. Patterson, rel. to Phlla. riots, July 22 1844. pp. 13-15. Doc. 3. Kept, of comrs. to sell Delaware division of Penn. Canal, Dec. 16, 1844. p. 16, Doc. 4. Mess, from Gov., with proceedings of electoral col- lege of Penn. Jan. 9. 1845. pp. 17-24, Doc. 5. Mess, from Gov. with abstr. of affairs of Reading R.R. Co., 1844. pp. 24-25. Doc. 6. Communication from Gov. rel. to V. S. Arsenal at Pittsburg. Jan. 9, 1845. pp. 25-26. Doc. 7. Stmt, of accts. of Penn. Hospital, 1843/4. pp. 27- 40. Doc. 8. Stmt, of receipts and payments of mayor, alder- men and citizens of Phlla. in trust for Glrard estate, for 1844. i)p. 40-8.^. Doc. 9. Ann. rept. of state treasurer upon finances, for 1844. pp. 86-101. Doc. 10. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, rel. to sale of Delaware division of Penn. Canal, Jan, 10, 1845. pp. 102-103. Doc. 11. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to certain iron cos. Jan. 10, 1845. pp. 104-105. Doc. 12. Mess, froni Gov. rel. to bridge over Kisklminetas River at or near Warren. Jan. 11, 1845. pp. 106-113. Doc. 13. Comiminication from audit0. Ann. rept. of Northern Liberties and Penn Town- ship R.R. Co. [for 1844]. p. 365. Doc. 51. Stmt, of affairs of Springhouse, Northampton I'own and Bethlehem Turnpike Road Co. for 1844. pp. 365-366. Doc. 52. Ann. stmt, of Germantown and Perklomen Turn- pike Co., 1843/4. p. 367. Doc. 53. Rept. on claim of Hepburn, Johnson and Heyl- man. Feb. 13, 1845. p. 368. Doc. 54. Communication from state treasurer rel. to ex- penses of legisl. from 1825 to 1845. Feb. 14, 1845. p. 369. Doc. 55. Rept. of committee on judiciary system rel. to law requiring persons to kiss the book. Feb. 14, 1835. pp. 370-371. Doc. 56. Stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., Jan. 1, 1845, pp. 371-372, Doc. 57. Ann. stmt, of funds of Univ. of Penn., Jan. 1, 184r,. p. 373. Doc. 58. Stmt, of Phlla., Germantown and Norrlstown E.R. Co., for 1844. pp. 374-375. Doc. 59. Tabular stmt. rel. to coiunion school apprns. for 1841-1844. Feb. 20, 1845. pp. 375-383. Doc. CO. Rept. of committee on retrenchment and reform, rel. to postage of legislature. Feb. 20. 1845. pp. 384-386. Doc. 61. Rept. of committee on claims, rel. to claim of Reliance Portable Boat Co. Feb. 21, 1845. pp. 387-389. Doc. 02. Rept. of committee on judiciary system rel. to repealing law abolishing imprisonment for debt. Feb. 21, 1845. pp. 389-391. Doc. 63. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, for 1844. pp. ;;92-:ii»5. Doc. 64. Ann. rept. of inspectors of Eastern Penitentiary for 1844. pp. 396-435. Doc. 65. Communication from Gov. rel. to apprns. for debts and damages. Feb. 26, 1845. pp. 436-439. Doe. 66. Rept. of committee on vice and immorality, on memorial of Jesse Maxson. Feb. 26. 1845. pp. 439-441. Doc. 67. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to bids for repairs on Allegheny Portage R.R. Feb. 27, 1845. pp. 442-452. Doc. 68. Communication from auditor gen., with bills settled with state prtrs. for past year. Feb. 28, 1845. pp. 463^82. Doc. 69. Communication from auditor gen., transmitting repts. of Inspectors. Feb. 28, 1845. pp. 482-500. Doc. 70. Rept. of committee of way.s and means rel. to tax- ing loans. March 1, 1845. pp. 501-502. Dor-. 71. Same, for niluority of committee. March 1. 1845. p. 603. Doc. 72. Communication from state treasurer showing balance due commonwealth from co. treasurers, Feb. 2'7, 1845. pp. 504-506. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXIX General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 7-Aprll 15, 1845— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 73. Rept. of Penn. Institution for Blind for 1844. pp. 506-507. Doc. 74. Rept. upon postage acct. March 3, 1845. p. 507. Doc. 75. Rept. of committee on banks, on memorials of citizens of Lehigh Co., rel. to Lehigh Co. Bank. March 3, l.s-l.'i. pp. riOS-509. Doc. 76. Communication from state treasurer rel. to bonds deposited on acct. of sales of Nicholsou lands. March 3. 1845. pp. 510-512. Doc. 77. Communication from state treasurer rel. to militia fines. March 4. 1845. pp. 513-514. Doc. 78. Ann. rept. of Delaware Bridge Co., at Easton, Feb. 28, 1845. pp. 515-519. Doc. 79. Rept. rel. to certain escheated estates. March 7, 1845. pp. 520-522. Doc. 80. Ann. stmt, of Mill Creek and Mine Hill Naviga- tion and R.R. Co.. for 1844. p. 523. Doc. 81. Abstr. of accts. of Phlla. and Reading R.R. Co., 1843/4. pp. 524-525. Doc. 82. Rept. of committee on retrenchment and reform, rel. to prtg. laws and jols. In German. March 12, 1845. pp. 525-526. Doc. 83. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to trucks and boat slips on public improvements. March 13, 1845. pp. 527-529. Doc. 84. Rept. of Mr. Trego, teller on part of House at election of U. S. Senator. March 13, 1845. pp. 529-543. Doc. 85. Rept. of committee of wavs and means, rel. to sale of Main Line. March 17, 1845. pp. 544-547. Doc. 86. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, rel. to officers with salaries, having privilege of franking, March 17, 1845. pp. 547-548. Doc. 87. Ann. rept. of bd. of mngrs. of House of Refuge, tor 1844. pp. 548-557. Doc. 88. Rept. of select committee rel. to use of mercury in practice of medicine. March 19, 1845. pp. 558-560. Doc. 89. Communication from Gov., transmitting rept. of bd. of revenue comrs. March 19, 1845. pp. 561-579. Doc. 90. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, rel. to final rept. of state geologist, March 19, 1845. pp. 580- 582. Doc. 91. Communication from state treasurer, with tables of valuation fixed on cos. by revenue comrs. March 21, 1845. pp. 583-588. Doc. 92. Stmt, of Chcsnut Hill and Springhouse Turn- pike Co., Nov. 4, 1844. p. 589. Doc. 93. Rept. of select committee rel. to charge of toll on boats on Monongahela River. March 24, 1845. pp. 590-593. Doc. 94. Rept. of committee on vice and Immorality rel. to punishment of seduction and adultery. March 27, 1845. pp. 593-594. Doc. 95. Rept. of majority of committee on internal Im- provements rel. to granting Baltimore and Ohio R.R. right of way through Penn. March 31, 1845. pp. 595-599. Doc. 96. Same ; minority rept. April 1. 1845. pp. 600- 606. Doc. 97. Communication from Gov., rel. to requisition of Gov. of N. y. for warrant to arrest Joslah Hall. March 27, 1845. pp. 607-638. Doc. 98. Rept. upon postage acct. April 2, 1845. p. 6.38. Doc. 99. Ann. rept. of Swatara R.R. Co. for 1844. pp. 639- 641, Doc. 100. Rept. of committee on claims, rel. to acct. of Wm. Primrose. April 3, 1845. pp. 642-644. Doc. 101. Rept. rel. to claim of Jas. Talt, clerk to Nichol- son comrs. April 3, 1845. pp. 645-687. Doc. 102. Mess, from Gov. rel. to cancellation of relief notes. April 3, 1845. pp. 688-689. Doc. 103. Rept. of committee on retrenchment and reform rel. to public defaulters. April 5, 1845. pp. 690-705. Doc. 104. Ann. stmt, of Port Carbon and Mt. Carbon R.R. Co., for 1844. p. 706. Doc. 105. Ann. stmt, of Codorus Navigation Co., for 1844. p. 707. Doc. 106. Ann. stmt, of Delaware Coal Co., March 1, 1845. pp. 708-709. Doc. 107. Ann. abstr. of affairs of Mt. Carbon R.R. Co., March 4, 1845. pp. 709-710. Doc. 108. Absent time of members. April 12, 1845. p. 711. Doc. 109. Rept. of majority of select committee, rel. to requisition of Gov. of N. Y. for arrest of Joslah Hall. April 14, 1845. pp. 712-714. Doc. 110. Same, for minority of committee. April 14, 1845. pp. 714-719. Doc. 111. Mess, from Gov. rel. to great Are at Pittsburg, April 10, 1845. April 14, 1845. pp. 720-722. Doc. 112. Rept. on pay, mileage and stationery of members. April 15, 1845. pp. 723-725. Doc. 113. Ropt. upon postage acct. April 15, 1845. p. 726. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 101 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXIX Oeneral Assembly — cont'd Jan. T-Aprll IT., 1845— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc 114. Pay of members of extra session. April IG, 1845. p. 727. Doc^uments ] "u'epts. of heads of depts. transmitted to Gov. llar- rlsburg: J. M. G. Lescure 1845. v. p. , Binder's title : " Executive documents. 1844. Contents : Table of contents. 1 leaf. o loji^ h t t> Ann. mess, of Gov., with ace. docs., Jan. 8, 1845. h. t. p. Kept. 'S' finances of state, by auditor gen., 1843/4. h. t. p. Detaifed' rept. of state treasurer, showing receipts and expenditures of treasury, 1843/4. h t. p. 292 pp. Ann. rept, of canal comrs., 1843/4. h. t. p. 29 pp. Docs. ace. rept. of canal comrs. : , , ,„ Rent of supt. of motive power and supervisor of re- pairs on Phlla. and Columbia R.R., 1843/4. h. t. p. ?? pp. Same, on Allegheny Portage R.R. h- t. P. 40 pp. Journal of canal comrs., 1844 h.t. p. 129 pp. Ann. rept. of surveyor gen., 1843/4. h.t. p. b pp. 11 ann. rept. of supt. of common schools, 1843/4. h. t. p. 57 pp. A.R. adj. gen., 1844. h. t. p. 13 pp. LXX General Assembly Jan. 7 [i. e. 6]-April 22, 1846 [ournal of the Senate. 2 vols. T. 1. Harrisburg : J. M. G. Lescure, 1846. 805. 49 pp. V 2 Containing repts., docs., etc. Harrisburg : J. M. G. Lescure, 1846. 447, iv pp., foldg. tables. Contents : Doc. 1. Ann. rept, of state treasurer on finances, 1844/5. Doe. 2. ' Stmt, of accts. of Fenn. Hospital, 1844/5. pp. 29-42 Doc. 3? Abstr. of accts. of Germantown and Perklomen Turnpike Co., 1844/5. pp. 42-43. Doc. 4. Stmt, of Tioga Navigation Co., for 1845. pp. 43-44 Doc 5 Receipts and expenditures on Danville and Potts- ville R.R., for 1845. pp. 45-48. Doc. 6. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to de- faulters of commonwealth, Jan. 15, 1846. pp. 48-49. Doc. 7. Ann. stmt, of Phila., Germantown and Norrls- town R.R. Co. for 1845. pp. 50-51. Doc. 8. Communication from auditor gen., with quarterly stmts, of banks and savings Institutions, Jan. 12, 1846. pp. 52-144, 2 foldg. tables. Doc 9. Ann. rept. of comrs. of Girard Estate for 1845. pp. 145-192. Doc. 10. Stmt, of Lancaster and Susquehanna Turnpike Road Co., 1843-1845. pp. 193-194. Doc. 11. Rept. of comrs. to establish asylum for insane poor, Jan. 13, 1846. pp. 195-197. Doc 12. Mess, from Gov., transmitting rept. of Institu- tion for Instruction of Blind, for 1846. pp. 198-200. Doc. 13. Rept. of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. for 1845. pp. 200-201. Doc. 14. Communlcotion from auditor gen. rel. to ex- penses of office. Jan. 19, 1846. p. 201. Doc. 15. 3 ann. rept. of Erie Canal Co. for 1845. pp. 202-204. Doc. 16. 3 ann. stmt, of treasurer of Erie Canal Co., 1845. p. 205. Doc. 17. Communication from state treasurer rel. to con- tingent expenses of office, Jan. 20, 1846. p. 206. Doc. 18. Rept. of comrs. to examine Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co., Tioga Navigation Co., and Danville and Pottsvllle R.R. Co. July 16, 1845. pp. 207-218. Doc. 19. Rept. rel. to Dickinson College lands. Read Jan. 9, 1846. pp. 219-222. Doc. 20. Mess, from Gov., with res. of Md. legisl. rel. to harbour of Havre-de-Grace. Jan. 22, 1846. pp. 222-223. Doc. 21. Stmt, of expenses for support of convicts and profit and loss upon mnfg. dept. of Eastern Penitentiary, for 1844. pp. 224-229. Doc. 22. Communicntion from secy, of commonwealth, with rept. of Lehigh Crane Iron Co. Jan. 22, 1846. p. 230. Doc. 23. Communication from Gov. with copies of act of N. J. legisl. rel. to Delaware River fisheries, Jan. 23, 1846. pp. 231-232. Doc. 24. Stmt, of affairs of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co., for l.'!45. pp. 233-234. Doc. 25. Ann. stmt, of Lykens Valley Coal Co. for 1845. pp. 234-235. Doc. 26. Acct. of Forest Improvement Co. for 1845. pp. 235-236. Doc. 27. sentinf 236-24 Doc. 28, COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXX General Assembl.v — cont'd Jan. 7 (1. e. 61-Aprll 22. 1846— cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Communication from .-ludltor of post office pre- claim agst. commonwealth. May 29, 1845. pp. jc ^o Doc. ace. mess, of Gov., rel. to Baring Brothers and Co. of London, Dec. 3, 1845. Read Jan. 28, 1846. pp. 249-250. , „ Doc 29. Stmt, of Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turn- pike Co., 1844/5. p. 250. Doc 30 Stmt, of York and Md. Line R.K. Co., from organization up to Sept. 30, 1845. pp. 251-252. Doc 31. Abstr. of accts. of Frankford and Bristol Turn- pike Road Co., 1844/5. p. 253. Doc 32 Abstr. of accts. of Chesnut Hill and Spring- house Turnpike Road Co.. 1845. p. 254. Doc 33 Stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co., 1844/5. pp. 255-256. , . ., Doc. 34. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to out- let lock on Delaware division of Penn. Canal. Feb. 3, 1846. pp. 256-259. , ^ Doc. 35. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to ser- vices of J. J. M'Cahen. Jan. 30, 1846. pp. 260-262. Doc. 36. Rept. of Penn. Coal Co. [1845]. p. 26.5. Doc 37. Tabular stmt. rel. to revenue and expenditures on public works for 1845. pp. 263-270. Doc. 38. Stmt, of Mt. Carbon R.R. Co., for 1845. pp. 270- 072 Doc. 39. Stmt, of Phlla. and Reading R.R. Co. for 1844/5. Doc. '40'." Anil. stmt, of Monongahela Navigation Co., for Doc. 41. ^Itmt'.'of Univ. of Penn., Jan. 1, 1846. p. 279 Doe 42 Stmt, of Northern Liberties and Penn Township r'.R. Co., for 1845. p. 280. , , ^, , ^ , ^ Doc 43. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Dear and Dumb, for 1845. pp. 280-284. ^ ^ „ ., , ..^r Doc. 44. Stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., Jan. 1, 1846. DP 284-285 Doc 45 Stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven K.R. Co., for 1844. pp. 286-293. .^,,,^ Doc. 46. Stmt, of Mt. Carbon R.R. Co. for 1844/5. p. 094 Do'c 47. Mess, from Gov., with act of N. J. rel. to Easton Water Co. Read Feb. 20. 1846. p. 295. Doc. 48. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to rept. of Erie Bank. Feb. 24, 1846. pp. 296-297. Doc. 49. Stmt, of Codorus Navigation Co., for 1845. p. 298 Doc 50. Abstr. of accts. of Carbondale and Blakely Turn- pike Road Co., 1843-1845. p. 299. „ . „ Doc 51. Rept. of Inspectors of Eastern Penitentiary, for 1845. pp. 300 344. 3 foldg. tables. Doc. 52. Stmt, of Lorberry Creek R.R. Co. for 1845. p. 345. Doc. 53. Tabular stmt. rel. to tax for state purposes, and payments to common schools. March 13, 1846. pp. Doc 54. IS ann. rept. of House of Refuge, for 1846. pp. 368-380. , ^ ^ Doc 55 Communication from canal comrs. rel. to damage done to public works by late flood, March 25, 1846. pp. 380-384. , ^ . Doc 56. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to dam- ages sustained by Gilbert S. Parker. Feb. 21, 1846. pp. 384-387 Doc. 57. "Mess, from Gov., rel. to Md., Penn. and Del. boundary line. March 31, 1846. pp. 388-389. Doc 58. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Bolard and David. April 8, 1846. p. 390. Doc. 59. Stmt, of affairs of Eastern Penitentiary, for 1845. pp. 391-397. Doc. 60. Stmt, of Little Schuylkill Navigation, R.R. and Coal Co.. for 1845. pp. 398-399. Doc. 61. Communication from st.Tte treasurer showing amt. tax paid since Nov. 30, 1845. Jan. 22, 1846. pp. 399-401 Doc 62. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt. rel. to returns of co. auditors. April 8, 1846. pp. 401- Doc. 63. Communication from auditor gen. and state treasurer rel. to public defaulters, Jan. 15, 1846. pp. 419-433. .^^ ,. ^ , Doc. 64. Communication from surveyor gen. with list or unsatisfied mortgages given commonwealth. Feb. 12, 1846. pp. 434-442. Doc. 65. Communication from auditor gen., with list of registers who have given bond. Feb. 4, 1S4G. p. 443. Doc. 66. Communication from state treasurer showing amt. money in treasury so defaced as to be unfit for circulation. March 26, 1846. p. 444. Doc. 67. Absent members of Senate of 1846. .\prll 22, 1846. p. 445. , , , Doc. 68. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of George D. Foreman. April 8. 1846. pp. 446-447. Index. Iv pp. -. Same, in German. 524, 4 pp. 102 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXX General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 7 [1. e. 6]-April 22, 1846— cont'd Journal of the House. 2 vols. T. 1. Harrlsburg : J. M. G. Lescure, 1846. 835, 62 pp. . Same, in German. 1063, 86 pp. V. 2. Containing messages, repts. and docs, [nos. 1-90]. Har- risburg : J. M. G. Lescure, 1846. 527, ill pp. Contents : Doc. 1. Ann. mess, of Gov. [Sbunk]. Jan. 7, 1846. pp. 3-13. Doc. 2. Abstr. of nccts. of Germantown and Perltiomen Turnpike Co., 1844/5. p. 14. Doc. 3. Stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., Nov., 1845. pp. 15-16. Doc. 4. Ann. rept. of state treasurer upon finances, 1844/5. pp. 16-41. Doc. 5. Stmt, of accts. of Penn. Hospital, 1844/5. pp. 42-55. Doc. 6. Stmt, of Tioga Navigation Co. for 1845. pp. 55- 56. Doc. 7. Rept. of comrs. to establish .nsylum for Insane poor, Jan. 13, 1846. pp. 57-59. Doc. 8. Receipts and expenditures on Danville and Potts- vUle R.R. for 1845. pp. 60-63. Doc. 9. Rept. upon postage acct. Jan. 14, 1846. p. 63. Doc. 10. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to de- faulters to commonwealth. Jan. 15, 1846. pp. 64-65. Doc. 11. Ann. stmt, of Phiia., Germantown and Norris- town R.R. Co., for 1845. pp. 66-67. Doc. 12. Communication from auditor gen., transmitting ?uarterly stmts, of banks and savings institutions, .Jan. 2, 1846. pp. 68-160, 2 foldg. tables. Doc. 13. Rept. of directors of Western Penitentiary for 1845. pp. 161-177. Doc. 14. Ann. rept. of comrs. of Glrard Estate for 1845. pp. 177-224. Doc. 15. Mess, from Gov. transmitting rept. of Institution for Instruction of Blind. Jan. 19, 1846. pp. 225-227. Doc. 16. Rept. of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. for 1845. pp. 227-228. Doc. 17. Communication from auditor gen., rel, to ex- penses of office. Jan. 19. 1846. p. 228. Doc. 18. Stmt, from auditor gen. rel. to funding of In- terest certificates in pursuance of act of April 16, 1845. Jan. 19, 1846. pp. 229-231. Doc. 19. Rept. of Mr. Burnside, teller on part of House, at election of state treasurer. Jan. 19, 1846. pp, 231- 234. Doc. 20. 3 ann. rept. of Erie Canal Co. for 1845. pp. 234- 236. Doc. 21. 3 ann. stmt, of treasurer of Erie Canal Co. for 1845. p. 237. Doc. 22. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to con- tingent expenses of office. Jan. 20, 1846. p. 238. Doc. 23. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to re- moval by Susquehanna Canal Co. of obstructions in Susquehanna River. Jan. 21, 1846. p. 239. Doc. 24. Mess, from Gov., with rept. of comrs. to examine Bald Eiigle and Spring Creek Navigation Co., Tioga Navi- gation Co., and Danville and Pottsville R.R. Co., Jan. 20, 1846. pp. 240-253. Doc. 25. Mess, from Gov. transmitting res. of Md. legisl. rel. to harbour of Havre-de-Grace. Jan. 22, 1846. pp. 254-255. Doc. 26. Stmt, from auditor gen., rel. to original holders of uncancelled domestic creditor scrip. Jan. 22, 1846. pp. 255-261. Doc. 27. Stmt, showing expenses for support of convicts, and profit and loss upon mnfg. dept. of Eastern Peniten- tiary for 1844. pp. 262-207. Doc. 28. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, with rept. of Lehigh Crane Iron Co. Jan. 22, 1846. p. 268. Doc. 29. Communication from Gov., transmitting copies of act of N. J. legisl. rel. to Delaware River fisheries. Jan. 23, 1846. pp. 260-270. Doc. 30. Stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co. for 1845. pp. 271-272. Doc. 31. Communication from secy, of commonwealth with estimates of contingent expenses of offices of secy. of commonwealth and supt. of common schools. Jan. 26, 1840. pp. 272-273. Doc. 32. Mess, from Gov., transmitting copies of commu- nication from auditor of post office, presenting certain claim against commonwealth. Jan. 27, 1846. pp. 273- 286. Doc. 33. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to Sus- quehanna and Tide Water Canal Co. Jan. 26, 1846. pp. 286-287. Doc. 34. Mess, from Gov., transmitting communication from Baring Brothers and Co., of London. Jan. 28, 1846. pp. 287-288. Doc. 35. Stmt, of York and Md. Line R.R. Co. from Its organization to Sept. .30. 1845. pp. 289-'290. Doc. 36. Rept. of committee on banks, rel, to Lehigh County Bank. Jan. 28, 1846. p. 291. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXX General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 7 [i. e. 6] -April 22, 1846 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 37. Abstr. of accts. of Frankford and Bristol Turn- pike Road Co. for 1845. p. 292. Doc. 38. Abstr. of accts. of Chesnut Hill and Spring House Turnpike Road Co. for 1845. p. 293. Doc. 39. Rept. upon postage of House. Feb. 2, 1845. p. 294. Doc. 40. Stmt, of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Naviga- tion Co. for 1845. pp. 294-295. Doc. 41. Communication from auditor gen., rel. t« services of J. J. M'Cahen. Feb. 3. 1846. pp. 29,5-297. Doc. 42. Stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co., for 1844. pp. 298-299. Doc. 43. Stmt, of Mt. Carbon R.R. Co. for 1845. pp. 299- 301. Doc. 44. Stmt, of Univ. of Penn., Jan. 1, 1846. pp. 301- 302. Doc. 45. Stmt, of Phila. and Reading R.R. Co. for 1845, pp. 302 306. Doc. 46. Stmt, of Northern Liberties and Penn Township R.R. Co., for 1845. p. 307. Doc. 47. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to amt. of tolls paid into state treasury on certain articles by regulations of 1845. Feb. 10, 1846. pp. 307-308. Doc. 48. Ann. rept. of directors of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb for 1845. pp. 308-311. Doc. 49. Stmt, of Doylestown Insurance Co. for 1845. p. 312. Doc. 50. Rept. of state librarian rel. to condition of state library, Feb. 12, 1846. pp. 313-316. Doc. 51. Abstr. of accts. of Springhouse, Northamptown and Bethlehem Turnpike Co. for 1845. pp. 317-318. Doc. 52. Stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy. Jan. 1, 1846. pp. 318-319. Doc. 53. Stmt, of Mt. Carbon R.R. Co. for 1845. pp. 319- 320. Doc. 54. Rept. of committee of ways and means rel. to equalization of judges' salaries. Feb. 19, 1846. pp. 320- 323 Doc. 55. Mess, from Gov., with act of N. J. rel. to Easton Water Co. Feb. 19, 1846. pp. 323-324. Doc. 56. Rept. of majority and minority of select commit- tee to inquire into charge of bribery preferred against Danl. M'Cook. Feb. 21, 1846. pp. 324-339. Doc. 57. Omitted. Doc. 58. Communication from comrs. of Phila. Co., show- ing amt. of property exempt from taxation. Feb. 21. 1846. pp. 340-345. Doc. 59. Tabular stmt. rel. to tax on real and personal estate for state purposes, revenue from that and other sources, and payments to common schools, Feb. 26, 1846. pp. 346,368. Doc. 60. Stmt, of Codorus Navigation Co. for 1846. pp. 368-369. Doc. 61. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to rept. of Erie Bank. Feb. 24, 1846. pp. 369-370. Doc. 62. Rept. on accts. of witnesses in investigation of affairs of Lehigh Co. Bank. Feb. 26, 1846. p. 371. Doc. 63. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to enrolment and publication of certain acts passed at present sess. Feb. 25, 1846. pp. 372-373. Doc. 64. Rept. on postage acct. March 2, 1846. p. 374. Doc. 65. Rept. of Eastern Penitentlar.v, for 1845. pp. 375-420, 3 foldg. tables. Doc. 66. Rept. of committee on accts., rel. to expenses of sergeant-at-arms in Investigation of Lehigh Co. Bank. March 7. 1846. p. 421. Doc. 67. Rept. of majority of select committee rel. to abrogation of capital punishment. March 7, 1846. pp. 421-429. Doc. 68. Same; minority rept. Feb. 27, 1846. pp. 430- 431. Doc. 69. Rept. of committee on state library In obedience to res. of Feb. 23, 1846. March 9, 1845 [184671. pp. 431-432. Doc. 70. 18 ann. rept. of House of Refuge for 1845. pp. 432-444. Doe. 71. Rept. of committee on banks, rel. to Lehigh County Bank. March 11, 1846. pp. 444-450. Doc. 72. Rept. of committee on judiciary rel. to apptmt. of comrs. to investigate accts. of certain officers. March 13, 1846. p. 451. Doc. 73. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to cost of state prtg. March 24. 1846. pp. 452-477. Doc. 74. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to tolls. March 23, 1840. p. 478. Doc. 75. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to dam- age done to public works by late flood. March 25, 1846. pp. 479-482. Doc. 76. Stmt, of Little Schuylkill Navigation, R.R. and Coal Co. for 1845. pp. 483-4S4. Doc. 77. Rept. rel. to testimony of cashiers of Lehigh County Bank. March 31. 1846. pp. 484 486. Doc. 78. Mesa, from Gov., rel. to boundary line of Md., Penn. and Del. March 31, 1846. pp. 487-488. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 103 COLLECTED DOCOMENTS— cont'd LXX General Assembly — cont'fi Jan. 7 [1. e. 6]-AprlI 22. 184(>— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 79. Stmt, of affairs of Eastern Penitentiary for 1845. pp. 489-495. Doc. 80. Uept. on acct. of postage. April 1, 1846. p. 496. Doc. 81. Stmt, of Beaver Meadow H.R. and Coal Co., April 9, 1846. pp. 497-498. Doc. 82. Rept. of select committee to examine condition of geol. specimens. April 13, 1846. pp. 498-499. Doc. 83. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, rel. to returns of co. auditors. April 16, 1846. pp. 499- 516. Doc. 84. Absent time of members of sess., 1846. April 18, 1846. p. 517. Doc. 85. Stmt, of Delaware Coal Co. March 1, 1846. pp. 518-519. Doc. 86. Rept. of committee on Judiciary rel. to claim of U. S. post office dept. agst. Penn. April 21, 1846. pp. 519-521. Doc. 87. Rept. on postage acct. April 21, 1846. p. 522. Doc. 88. Rept. of committee on accts. rel. to time allowed members on acct. of sickness. April 22, 1846. p. 523. Doc. 89. Rept. of absent time deducted from pay of mem- bers. April 22, 1846. p. 524. Doc. 90. Rept. upon pay, mileage and stationery of mem- bers. April 22, 1846. pp. 525-527. Index, ill pp. . Same, in German. 600, 4 pp. [Documents.] Reports of the heads of departments transmitted to Gov. Ilarrisburg : J. M. G. Lescure, 1846. v. p. Binder's title : Executive Documents. 1845. Contents : Table of contents. 1 leaf. Govs. ann. mess., Jan. 7, 1846. Harrlsburg : J. M. G. Lescure, 1846. 13 pp. Rept. on finances of the state, by the auditor, 1844/5. h. t. p. 61 pp. Rept. of state treasurer. 1844/5. h. t. p. 303 pp. Ann. rept. of surveyor gen., 1844/5. h. t. p. 5 pp. Ann. rept. of adj. gen.. 1844/5. h. t. p. 14 pp. Ann. rept. of canal comrs. h. t. p. 105. 15. 16. 130 pp. Rept. of supt. of motive power and supervisor of re- pairs on Phlla. and Columbus R.R., 1844/5. h. t. p. 15 pp. Same, on Allegheny Portage R.R., 1844/5. h. t. p. 16 pp. Journal of canal comrs.. 1845. h. t. p. 130 pp. 12 ann. rept. of supt. of common schools. 1844/5. h. t. p. 11 pp., 1 foldg. table. Journal of bd. of revenue comrs Feb. 18, 1845, . . . with rept. of said bd. h. t. p. 202 pp. LXXl General Assembly Jan. 5-March 16, 1847 rournal of the Senate. 2 vols. v. 1. Harrlsburg : J. M. G. Lescure 1847. 594, 59 pp. v. 2. Containing repts., docs., etc Harrlsburg : J. M. G. Lescure, 1847. 407, II pp. Contents : Boc. 1. Ann. rept. of state treasurer upon finances, 1845/6. pp. 3-44. Doc. 2. Omitted. Doc. 3. Abstr. of receipts and expenditures on Danville and Pottsvllle R.R. for 1846. pp. 45-49. Doc. 4. Communication from auditor gen., with stmts, of banks and savings institutions for 1846. pp. 50-141, 2 foldg. tables. Doc. 5. Communication from state treasurer, showing balances due commonwealth from various public officers. Jan. 14, 1847. pp. 142-150. Doc. 6. Ann. rept. of comrs. of Glrard Estate, for 1846. pp. 150-198. Doc. 7. Ann. stmt, of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. for 1846. p. 199. Doe. 8. Ann. stmt, of Tioga Navigation Co. tor 1846. pp. 200-209. Doc. 9. Ann. stmt, of Phlla.. Germantown and Norrlstown R.R. Co. for 1846. pp. 209-210. Doc. 10. Abstr. of accts. of Germantown and Perkiomen Turnpike Road Co. for 1845/6. p. 211. Doc. 11. Ann. stmt, of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co. for 1846. pp. 212-215. Doc. 12. 4 ann. rept. of Erie Canal Co. with stmt, of treasurer for 1846. pp. 215-218. Doc. 13. Abstr. of accts. of Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turnpike Co. for 1845/6. p. 219. Doc. 14. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to ex- penses of office. Jan. 14, 1847. p. 220. Doc. 15. Stmt, of Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Road Co. for 1846. p. 221. Doc. 16. Stmt, of accts. of Penn. Hospital, 1845/6. pp. 222-235. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXI General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 5-March 16, 1847 — cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents ; — cont'd Doc. 17. Doc. ace. Govs. mess. rel. to Phlla. Socy. for Alleviating Miseries of Public Prisons. Jan. 6, 1847. pp. 236-240. Doc. 18. Communication from state treasurer, with esti- mate of coulitigent e.xpenses for year beginning June 1, 1847. Jan. 10. 1847. p. 240. Doc. 19. Rept. of bd. of inspectors of Western Penitentiary for 1846. pp. 241-256. Doc. 20. Ann. acct. of Che.snut Hill and Sprlnghouse Turn- pike Co. for 1846. p. 257. Doc. 21. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to claims for damages assessed on Shenango Line of Erie Extension. Jan. 21, 1847. pp. 258-259. Doc. 22. 12 ann. rept. of York and Md. Line R.R. Co. from organization to Sept. 30. 1846. pp. 260-261. Doc. 23. Abstr. of accts. of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co. for 1846. pp. 262-263. Doc. 24. 14 ann. rept. of building committee and architect of Girard College for Orphans for 1846. pp. 263-266. Doc. 25. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to pro- posals reed, for ropes. Jan. 28, 1847. pp. 266-271. r)oc. 26. Ann. rept. of Penn. Coal Co. Feb. 4. 1S4T. p. 272 Doc. "27. Ann. stmt, of Univ. of Penn., Jan. 1, 1847. p. 273. Doc. 28. Rept. of directors of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb for 1846. pp. 274-280. Doc. 29. Rept. of inspectors of Eastern Penitentiary for 1846. pp. 281-327, 1 foldg. table. Doc. 30. Ann. stmt, of Little Schuylkill Navigation. R.R. and Coal Co. for 1846. p. 328. Doc. 31. Ann. stmt, of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy. for 1846. pp. 229-230 fi. e. 329-330]. Doc. 32. Communication from Gov., transmitting copy of ann. rept. of adj. gen. for 1846. pp. 330-341. Doc. 33. Communication from auditor gen., transmitting additional stmt, from canal comrs. of damages assessed on Conneaut line, Erie extension of Penn. Canal. Feb. 19, 1847. p. 342. For text of auditor's letter, see v. 1 : 290. Doc. 34. Mess, from Gov., transmitting communication from Gov. of Del. and res. rel. to boundary line. Feb. 18, 1847. pp. 343-344. Doc. 35. Abstr. of accts. of Mt. Carbon R.R. Co. for 1846. pp. 344-345. Doc. 36. Stmt, of Northern Liberties and Penn Township R.R. Co. for 1846. p. 346. Doc. 37. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to damage done on Conneaut Line. Jan. 26, 184 1. pp. 346-349. Doc. 38. Abstr. of accts. of Springhouse, Northhampton- town and Bethlehem Turnpike Co. for 1846. pp. 349-350. Doc. 39. Ann. stmt, of Lykens Valley R.R. and Coal Co. for 1846. pp. 350-351. Doc. 40. Ann. stmt, of Lvkens Valley Coal Co. for 1846. pp. 352-353. Doc. 41. Abstr. of accts. of Phila. and Reading R.R. Co., 1845/6. pp. 353-356. Doc. 42. 19 ann. rept. of House of Refuge for 1846. pp. 357-372. Doc. 43. Receipts and disbursements of Monongahela Navigation Co. for 1846. pp. 373-396. Doc. 44. Abstr. of accts. of Phila. and Lancaster Turn- pike Road ('o. for 1844-1846. pp. 396-398. Doc. 45. Stmt, of Mt. Carbon R.R. Co. for 1846. pp. 398- 399. Doc. 46. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of John Stewart. March 1. 1847. pp. 400-404. Doc. 47. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to certain claims agst. conimonwealth. M.-irch 1. 1847. p. 404. Doc. 48. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of M'Kown and Flood. Jan. 1, 1847. pp. 405-406. Doc. 49. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to pay- ment of Interest on public debt. March 1, 1847. pp. 406- 407. Doc. 50. Ann. stmt, of Codorus Navigation Co. for 1846. p. 4(17. Index, ii pp. Journal of the House. 2 vols. V. 1. Harrlsburg : J. M. G. Lescure, 1847. 647, 76 pp. V. 2. Containing messages, repts., and docs. [nos. 1-68]. Ilarrisburg : J. II. G. Lescure, 1847. 395, iii pp.. foldg. tables. Contents : Doc. 1. Ann. mess, of Gov. [Shunk], Jan. 6, 1847. pp 3-14. Doc. 2. Ann. rept. of state treasurer upon finances for 1845/6. pp. 15-56. Doc. 3. Abstr. of receipts and expenditures on Danville and Pottsvllle R.R. for 1846. Jan. 12, 1847. pp. 57-61. Doc. 4. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to pay- ment of Feb. interest, Jan. 12, 1847. pp. 62-64. Doc. 5. Communication fr^im .-uiditor geu., rei. to expenses of oflJce. Jan. 14, 1847. p. 65. 104 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXI General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 5-March 16. 1847 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 6. Communication from auditor gen., with stmts, rel. to banks and savings institutions for 1846. pp. 66-157. 2 foldp, tables. Doc. 7. Communication from state treasurer showing balances due commonwealth from various public oflBcers. Jan. 14. 1847. pp. 158-166. Doc. 8. Ann. rept. of comrs. of Girard Estate, 1846. pp. 166-214. Doc. 9. Ann. stmt, of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., 1846. p. 215. Doc. 10. Ann. stmt, of Tioga Navigation Co. for 1846. pp. 216-225. Doe. 11. Rept. of Mr. Edie, teller on part of House, at election of state treasurer. Jan. 18. 1847. pp. 225-228. Doc. 12. Ann. stmt, of Phila.. Germantown and Norristown R.R. Co. for 1846. pp. 228-229. Doc. 13. Ann. stmt, of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co. for 1846. p. 230. Doc. 14. Stmt, of Bald Eagle and Spring Canal Co. for 1846. pp. 231-233. Doc. 15. 4 ann. rept. of Erie Canal Co. with stmt, of treasurer for 1846. pp. 233-237. Doc. 16. Stmt, of affairs of Frankford and Bristol Turn- pike Road Co. for 1846. pp. 237-238. Doc. 17. Rept. of Mr. Knox from judiciarv committee with res. rel. to public lands. Jan. 20. 1847. pp. 238-239. Doc. 18. Communication from secy, of commonwealth and supt. of common schools, with estimate of contingent ex- penses of offices for year beginning June 1, 1847. Jan. 20, 1847. p. 240. Doc. 19. Communication from state treasurer with esti- mate of contingent expenses for year beginning June 1, 1847. Jan. 16, 1847. p. 241. Doc. 20. Abstr. of accts. of Germantown and Perklomen Turnpike Road Co.. 1845/6. pp. 241-242. Doc. 21. Stmt, of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy. for 1846. pp. 242-243. Doc. 22. Ann. acct. of Chesnut Hill and Springhouse Turnpike Co. for 1846. p. 244. Doc. 23. Rept. of canal comrs. in case of Rciyer and Schmucker. Jan. 21, 1847. p. 245. Doc. 24. Rept. of canal comrs. In case of Thos. Collins. Jan. 21, 1847. p. 246. Doc. 25. Rept. of canal comrs. in case of John Rhey. Jan. 21, 1847. p. 247. Doc. 26. 12 ann. rept. of York and Md. Line R.R. Co. from organization to Sept. 30, 1846. pp. 248-249. Doc. 27. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to claims for damages on Shenango Line of Erie Extension, Jan. 21, 1847. pp. 250-251. Doc. 28. Abstr. of accts. of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven U.K. Co. for 1846. pp. 252-253. Doc. 29. 14 ann. rept. of building committee and architect of Girard College for Orphans for 1846. pp. 253-256. Doc. 30. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to damage done on Conneaut Line. Jan. 26. 1847. pp. 256-259. Doc. 31. Abstr. of accts. of Springhouse, Northampton- town and Bethlehem Turnpike Co. for 1846. pp. 259-260. Doc. 32. Receipts and disbursements of Monongaheia Navi- gation Co. for 1846. p. 261. Doc. 33. Rept. of committee on Judiciary, on petition of Wm. Mlliward for divorce. Feb. -3, 1847. p. 262. Doc. 34. Rept. on acct. for postage. Feb. 3, 1847. p. 263. Doc. 35. Communication from secy, of commonwealth transmitting returns of special election In Bradford Co. Feb. 4, 1847. pp. 264-265. Doc. 36. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to votes given for and agst. sale of Main Line of improve- ments. Feb, 4, 1847. pp. 265-267. Doc. 37. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of flour and meal Inspected in citv and county of rhila. for 1846. Feb. 6, 1847. pp. 267-268. Doc. 38. Stmt, of North.rn Liberties and Penn Township R.R. Co. for 1846. p. 269. Doc. 39. Ann. stmt, of Univ. of Penn.. Jan. 1. 1847. p. 270. Doc. 40. Rept. of .select committee to inquire into causes of accidents on Feb. 8. 1847. pp. 271-272. Doc. 41. Communication from auditor gen. (Purviance) In reply to res. of House rel. to extra pay and horse hire on canals and Feb. 9, 1847. pp. 272-273. Doe. 42. Rept. of committee on claims, rel. to claim of S. R. Richards. Feb. 9, 1847. p. 273. Doc. 43. Rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, Feb. 12, 1847. pp. 274-280. Doc. 44. Re_pt. of Inspectors of Eastern Penitentiary, 1846. pp. 281-327, 2 foldg. tables. Doc. 45. Ann. stmt, of Little Schuylkill Navigation. R.R. and Coal Co. for 1846. n. 328. Doc. 46. Ann. stmt, of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy. for year ending Dec. 31. 1846. pp. 329-330. Doc. 47. Communication from Gov. with ann. rept. of adj. gen. for 1846. pp. 330-341. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXI General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 5-March 16. 1847 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 48. Communication from auditor gen., transmitting additional stmt, from canal comrs. of damages on Con- neaut Line. Feb. 19, 1847. p. 342. Doc. 49. Mess, from Gov. transmitting communication from Gov. of Del. and res. of legisl. rel. to boundary line. Feb. 19, 1847. pp. 343-344. Doc. 50. Abstr. of accts. of Mt. Carbon R.R. Co. for 1846. pp. 344-345. Doc. 51. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to amt. of toll received for transportation of passengers on Phila. and Columbia R.R. Feb. 25, 1847. pp. 346-349. Doc. 52. Communication from secv. of commonwealth, with list of notaries public. Feb. 25, 1847. pp. 349-350. Doc. 53. Ann. stmt, of Lykens Valley R.R. and Coal Co. for 1846. pp. 350-351. Doc. 54. Ann. stmt, of Lykens Valley Coal Co. for 1846. pp. 352-.'l53. Doc. 55. Abstr. of accts. of Phila. and Reading R.R. Co. for 1846. pp. 353-356. Doc. 56. 19 ann. rept. of House of Refuge for 1846. pp. 357-372. Doe. 57. Rept. of Mr. Fernon. rel. to registry of marriages. March 1, 1847. pp. 373-374. Doc. 58. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to certain claims agst. Commonwealth. March 1, 1847. p. 374. Doc. 59. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of M'Kown and Flood. Jan. 1, 1847. pp. 375-376. Doc. 60. Rept. rel. to postage of House from Feb. 1 to March 1, 1847. March 3, 1847. p. 376. Doc. 61. Ann. rept. of warden of Eastern Penitentiary, for 1846. pp. 377-383. Doe. 62. Rept. of clerk of House, giving absent time of members. March 12, 1847. p. 384. Doc. 63. Rept. of Judiciary committee rel. to amt. of salary president Judge of 2nd dlstr. Is entitled to receive. March 12. 1847. pp. 385-386. Doc. 64. Rept. of Lewistown ;ind Klshacoquillas Turnpike Road Co. for 1846. pp. 386-387. Doc. 65. Rept. of committee of accts. of no. of days de- ducted from time of members. March 16, 1847. pp. 387- 388. Doc. 66. Rept. upon pay, mileage and stationery of mem- bers of House. March 16, 1847. pp. 389-391. Doc. 67. Rept. rel. to postage of House. March 16, 1847. p. 392. Doc. 68. Rept. of Jt. committee rel. to probable cost of publishing tinal rept. of geol. survey. March 16, 1847. pp. 393-395. Index, ill pp. [Documents.] Reports of heads of departments, transmitted to the Governor. Harrisburg ; J. M. G. Lescure, 1847. v. p. Binder's title : " Executive Documents. 1846." Contents : Table of contents. 1 leaf. Ann. mess, of Gov., Jan. 7, 1847. h. t. p. 14 pp. Ann. rept. of auditor gen., 1845/6. h. t. p. 95 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer showing receipts and ex- penditures in treasury, 1845/6. h. t. p. 344 pp. Ann. rept. of surveyor gen., 1845/6. h. t. p. 5 pp. Ann. rept. of bd. of c-'inal comrs. h. t. p. M3 pp. Rept. of supt. of motive power and supervisor of repairs on Phlla. and Columbia R.R., 1845/6. h. t. p. 14 pp. Same, on Allegheny Portage R.R., 1845/6. h. t. p. 16 pp. Journal of canal comrs.. 1846. h. t. p. 138 pp. 13 ann. rept. of supt. of common schools. 1S45/6. 12 pp. LXXII General Assembly Jan. 4-April 11, 1848 Journal of the Senate. 2 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg: J. M, G. Lescure. 1848. . Same, In German. 1230, 91 pp. T. 2. Containing repts., docs, and messages. G. Lescure, 1848. 470, Iv pp. Contents : Doc. 1. Ann. rept. of state treasurer upon finances, 1846/7. pp. 3-44. Doc. 2. Mess, from Gov. rel. to damage on public works, with communication from president of bd. of canal comrs. Jan. 6, 1848. pp. 44-47. Doc. 3. Ann. stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., 1847. pp. 48-49. Doc. 4. Ann. stmt, of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. for 1847. pp. 49-50. Doc. 5. Receipts and expenditures on Danville and Potts- vllle R.R. during 1847. Dec. 1, 1847. pp. 50-52. Doc. 6. Commtuiicatlon from canal comrs. rel. to claim of John Waldron & Co. Jan. 10, 1848. p. 53. Doc. 7. Same, rel. to claim of C. E. Young. Jan. 10, 1848. p. 54. Doc. 8. Same, rel. to claim of Lancaster City and Co. Fire Insurance Co. Jan. 10, 1848. pp. 54-55. h. t. p. 820. 86 pp. Harrisburg : J. M. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 105 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXII General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 4-Aprll 11, 1848— coufil Journal of the Seniite — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 9. Same, rel. to claim of Win. Masaw. Jan. 10, 1848. p. 55. Doc. 10. Same, rel. to claim of W. P. and Saml. I'.rady. Jan. 10, 184S Doc, 11, Same 1848. Doc. 12, 1848. Doc. 13, 58-72, Doc. 14. p. 56. rel. to claim of M'Kown & Flood, Jan. 10, pp. 56-57. Same, rel. to claim of Shirk & Royer. Jan. 10, p. 57. Stmt. of accts. of Penn, Hospital, 1846/7, pp. rel. to rel. to opening pp. So- to con- 58. pp. 88- of Abstr. of accts. of Germantown and Perklomen Turnpike Koad Co., 1K46/7. p. 7.3. Doc. 15. Abstr. of accts. of Frankford and Bristol Turn- pike Road Co. for 1847. p. 74. Doc. 16. Abstr. of nccts. of CheUeuham and Willow Cirove Turnpike Co. for 1846/7. p. 75. Doc. 17. Communication from state treasurer, contingent expenses of office, Jan., 1848. p. 76. Doc. 18. Communication from state treasurer, public defaulters, Jan. 14, 1848. pp. 77-84. Doc. 19. Kept, of tellers apptd, to officiate at and declaring returns for Gov. Jan. 14, 1848. 87. Doc. 20. Communication from auditor gen., rel. tingent expenses of office. Jan. 14, 1S4S. pp. 87-J Doc. 21. Kept, of Tioga Navigation Co. for 1847, 98, Doc. 22, Ann. stmt, of select and common council Phlla. rel. to Glrard bequest for 1849. pp. 99-148. Doc. 23. Repts. of banks and savings institutions for 1847. pp. 149-240, 2 foldg. t.Tbles. Doc. 24. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to damages done bv construction of Conneaut Line of Erie Extension. Jan. 20. 1848. pp. 241-243. Doc. 25. Ann. stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co. for 1847. pp. 243-244. Doe. 26. Ann. rept. of House of Refuge for 1847. pp. 245- 258. Doc. 27. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, rel. to expiration of bank charters. Jan. 22, 1848. pp. 259- 261. Doc. 28, 5 ann, rept, of Erie Canal Co. for 1847, pp. 262- 273. Doc. 29. Stmt, of tolls collected on B'lld Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co. Jan. 27, 1848. pp. 273-274. Doc. 30. Ann. rept. of York and Md. Line R.R. Co. from its organization to Sept. 30, 1847. pp. 275-276. Doc. 31. Ann. rept. of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navi- gation Co. for 1847. pp. 276-277. Doc. 32. Bills communicated to leglsl. by secy, of common- wealth, auditor gen. and state treasurer rel, to revenue. Jan. 31, 1848. pp. 278-282. Doc. 33. Triennial stmt, of Ridge Turnpike Co. 1845-1847. p. 283. Doc. 34. Ann. rept. of Monongahela Navigation Co. for 1847. pp. 284-301. Doc. 35. Ann. stmt, of Chesnut Hill and Spring House Turnpike Road Co. for 1847. p. 302. Doc. 36. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb for 1847. pp. 303-300. Doc. 37. Stmt. rel. to state tax on real and personal estate and amt. paid to common schools. 1841-1847. pp. 307-319, Doc. 38. Stmt, of Norristown Insurance and Water Co,, Feb., 1848. pp. 320-321. Doc. 39. Ann. rept. of Western Penitentiary for 1848. pp. 321-343 DocT 40. Stmt, of Mt. Carbon R.R. Co., Feb. 1, 1848. pp. 343-344. Doc. 41. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claims agst. commonwealth contracted by T). Woods, late super- visor of Juniata division. Feb. 17, 1848. p. 345. Doc. 42. Same, rel. to claim of Dickey, Hawk and Marshall, Feb. 17, 1848. p. 346. Doc. 43. Stmt, of Phila. and Lancaster Turnpike Road Co., 1845-1847. pp. 347-348. Doc. 44. Stmt, of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy., Jan. 1, 1848. pp. 349-350. Doc. 45. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to prtg. pamphlet laws. Feb. 18, 1848. pp. 350-351. Doc. 46. Ann. stmt, of Cnlv. of Penn., Jan. 1. 1848. p. 352. Doc. 47. Rept. of Lewlstown and Kishacoqulllas Turnpike Co., 1846/7^ p. 353. Doc. 48. Stmt, of Phila. and Reading R.R. Co., 1846/7, pp. 354-359. Doc. 49. Stmt, of affairs of Swatara R.R. Co, from 1845 to 1847. pp. 359-361. Doc. 50. Stmt, of Little Schuylkill Navigation, R.R. and Coal Co. for 1847. pp. 362-363. Doc. 51. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Benj. Maule. March 16, 1848. p. 363. Doc. 52. Rept. of bd. of revenue comrs. for 1847. pp. 364- 378. Doc. 53, Rept. of select committee to investigate Phlla. Court of Common Pleas. March 16, 1848. pp. 379-394, COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXII General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 4-Aprll 11, 1848— cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc, 54. Stmt, of Phila., Germantown and Norristown R.R. Co., 1847. pp. 395-390. Doc. 55. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Dennis Brawley, jr. .March 0, 1848, pp. 396-397. Doc. 56. Stmt, of Northern Liberties and Penn Township R.R. Co. for 1847. p. 397. Doc. 57. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to In- spections. Feb. 15, 1848. pp. 398-400. Doc. 58. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of T. B. Lytic. March 7, 1848. p. 401. Doc. 59. Same, rel. to claim of S. G. Ramsey. March 28, 1848. pp. 401-402. Doc. 60. Stmt, of Codorus Navigation Co., 1847. p. 402. Doc. 61. 19 ann. rept. of inspectors of Eastern Peniten- tiary, 1847. pp. 403-443, 1 foldg. table. Doc. 02. Stmt, of Delaware Coal Co., March 1, 1847. pp. 444-446. Doc. 63. Stmt, of Western Savings Fund Socy. of Phlla., pp. 446-447. 3tmt. of Lykens Vallev Coal Co., 1847. pp. 448- 1847. Doc. 64. 449. Doc. 65. 1847. Doc. 66. Stmt, of Lvkens Valley R.R. and pp. 449-450. Communication from canal comrs. of Randal Evans. April 6, 1848. p. 451, Doc. 67. Communication from auditor gen. Coal Co. for rel. to claim with list of Jan. 31, 1848. turnpike cos. In which state holds stock, pp. 452-453. Doc. 68. Communication from secy, of commonwealth of O.. transmitting acts of Ohio leglsl. March 19, 1848. pp. 454-464. Doc 69. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to escheats. Jan. 29, 1848. p. 465. Doc. 70. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to trucks on Columbia and Allegheny Portage R.Rs. Feb. 4, 1848, p. 466. Doc. 71. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to mlUtla expenses. March 1, 1848. pp. 467-468. Doc. 72. Stmt, of toils reed, on Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. in 1847/8. pp. 468-470. Index, iv pp, . Same, in German. 605 pp. Journal of the House. 2 vols. V. 1. Harrlsburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1848. 994,69 pp. V. 2. Containing messages, repts. and docs. Harrlsburg : J. M. G. Lescure, 184s. 520. ill pp.. foldg. tables. Contents : Ann. mess, of Gov. [Shunk], Jan. 1848. pp. 3- Doc. 1, 15. Doc. 2. Ann. rept. of state treasurer upon finances. 1846/7. pp. 16-60. Doc. 3. Mess, from Gov. rel. to damage on public works, with communication from president of bd. of canal comrs. Jan. 6. 1S4S. pp. 60-64. Doc. 4. Ann. stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., 1847. pp. 64-65. Doc. 5. Ann. stmt, of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., 1847. pp. 65-66. Doc. 6. Receipts and expenditures on Danville and Potts- vlllp R.R.. 1S47. pp. 60-(l,S. Doc. 7. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. rel. to claim of John Waldron & Co. Jan. 10, 1848. p. 69. Doc. 8. Same, rel. to claim of C. E. Young. Jan. 10, 1848. p. 70. Doc. 9. Same, rel. to claim of Lancaster City and County Fire Insurance Co. Jan. 10, 1848. pp. 70-71. Doc. 10. Same, rel. to claim of Wm. Magaw. Jan. 10, 1848. p. 71. Doc. 11. Same, rel. to claim of W. P. and S. Brady. Jan. 10, 1848. p. 72. Doc. 12. Same, rel. to claim of M'Kown & Flood. Jan. 10, 1848. pp. 72-73. Same, rel. to claim of Shirk and Royer. Jan. 10, p. 73. Stmt, of accts, of Penn. Hospital, 1846/7, pp. Doc. 13. 1848. Doc. 14. 74-.S,s. Doc. 15. 1847. Doc. 16 Stmt, of Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phila., pp. 88-89. Abstr. of accts. of Frankford and Bristol Turn- pike Road, 1846/7. p. 90. Doc. 17. Rept. on postage acct., March 14-Nov, 15, 1847. Jan. 12, 1848. p. 91. Doc. 18. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to con- tingent expenses of office. Jan., 1848. p. 92. Doc. 19. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to public defaulters. Jan. 14, 1848. pp. 93-100. Doc. 20. Rept. of tellers apptd. to officiate at opening and declaring of returns for Gov. Jan. 14, 1848. pp. 101-103. Doc. 21. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to con- tingent expenses of office. Jan. 14. 1848. pp. 103-104. Doc. 22. Ann. stmt, of Tioga Navigation Co., 1847. pp. 104-114, 106 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXII General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 4-April 11, 1848 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc 23 Ann. stmt, of Phila. Select and Common Council rel. to Glrard bequest, 1847. pp. 115-164. ^ . „ ^ Doc. 24. Kept, of Mr. Kerr, teller on part of House, to officiate at election of state treasurer. Jan. 17, 1848. Doc 25 Repts. of banks and savings Institutions, for 1847. pp. 168-260. 2 foldg. tables. Doc. 26. Communication from snrve.vor gen., rel. to con- tingent expenses of office, Jan. 15, 1848. p. -61. Doc. 27. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to contingent expenses. J,in. 20. 184S. p. 262. Doc. 28. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to claims for damages done bv construction of Conneaut Line or Erie Extension. Jan. 20. 1848. pp. 263-265. Doc 29 Ann. stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven K.R. Co. for 1847. pp. 265-266. Doc. 30. Ann. rept. of House of Refuge, 184 1. pp. ^b7- 280 Doc 31. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, rel. to expiration of bank charters. Jan. 24, 1848. pp. 281- 283 Doc. 32. 5 ann. rept. of Erie Canal Co., 1847. pp. 284-295. Doc 33. Rept. rel. to expenses of contested election of Jas. W. Goff. Jan. 26. 1848. p. 295. Doc 34. Rept. of committee on accts. rel. to payment of clerk of investigating committee. Jan. 26. 1848. p. 296. Doc. 35. Rept. of committee on judiciary system rel. to lien of judgments .ind revival of same by scire facias. Jan. 27, 1848. pp. 296-299. Doc. 36. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to ex- penses of bd. of revenue comrs. Jan. 28. 1848. p. 299. Doc 37 Stmt, of tolls collected on Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co. in 1847. pp. 300-301. Doc 38. 13 ann. rept, of York and Md. Line R.R. Co. from organization to Sept. 30, 1847. pp. 301-302 Doc 39. Ann. rept. of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co. for 1847. pp. 303-304. Doc. 40. Rept. of secy, of commonwealth, auditor gen. and state treasurer rel. to Increase of revenue. Jan. 26, 1848. Do^?'41. Triennial stmt, of Ridge Turnpike Co., 1845-184T. Doc 42' Ann rent, of Monongahela Navigation Co. for 1847. pp. 313-330. ^ ,„ Doc 43. Ann. stmt, of Chesnut Hill and Springhouse Turn- pike Road Co. for 1847. p. 331. , . t^ . ., Doc 44 Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb for 1847. pp. 332-335. , .»,, ^ ^ Doc. 45. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, rel to state tax on real and personal estate and to common schools. Feb. 7, 1848. pp. 336-349. Doc [45], Stmt, of affairs of the Norristown Insurance and Water Co. [for 1847). pp. 350-351. Doc. 46. Ann. rept. of inspectors of Western Penitentiary Do "'^47. Stmt'!' of Mt.' Carbon H.R. Co. for 1847. pp. 373- 374 Doc 48. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claims agst commonwealth contracted by D. Woods, late super- visor of Juniata division. Feb. 17, 1848. p. 375. Doc 49 Same. rel. to claim of Dickey, Hawk and Marshall. Fell. i7, 1848. p. 376. ^ ., „.. ^ Doc 50. Stmt, of Phila. and Lancaster Turnpike Rd. Co.. 1845-1847. pp. 377-378. , ^ ^ ^ - 1 iqao Doc. 51. Stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., Jan. 1, 1848. pp. 379-380. , ,,.,,, Doc 52. Commimlcatlon from auditor gen., rel. to divi- dends declared bv banks. March 1, 1848. pp. 380-383. Doc. 53. Ann. stmt, of Inlv. of Pcnn. Jan. 1, 1848. Doc. '54.' Stmt, of Lorberry Creek R.R. Co. [tor 1847]. P- 385. , „, Doc 55. Stmt, of Phila., Germantown and Norristown R.R. Co. for 1847. pp. 3S6-3H7. , . , ,„ Doc. 56. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Dennis Brawley, Jr. March 6. 1848. pp. 38i-3S8. Doc 57 Stmt, of Northern Liberties and Penn Township R.R. Co. for 1847. p. 388. , „ „ , , Dor 'iH. Rept. of select committee in case of W. N. Irvine, president Judge of 19th distr. March 8, 1848. p. 389. Doc .59. f'ominunlc^ition from c.inal cnmrs. rel. to claim of T. B. Lytle for damages. March 7, 1848. p. 389. Doc. 60. Communication from state treasurer, with list of soldiers and widows receiving pension. March 9, 1848. Docl^'ei. Sttiit. of Phila. and Reading R.R. Co. tor 1847. pp 402-407 Doc. 62. Stmt, of Swatara R.R. Co., for years 1845-1847. no 407-409. Doc 63. Rent, of Lewistown and Kishacoqullias Turnpike Co., 1840/'7. p. 410. ..... Doc. 64. Stmt, of Little Schuvlklll Navigation, R.R. and Coal Co. t»r 1847. pp. 411-412. , . , , . Doc 05 Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim ot BenJ. Maulc. March 16. 1848. p. 412. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXII General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 4-Aprll 11. 1848— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 66. Rept. of minority of committee In case of W. N. Irvine, president Judge of 19th distr. March 18, 184S. Do^^'67. Rept. rel. to pay and mileage of witnesses and sergeant-at-arms in case of Hon. W. N. Irvine. March 18, 1848. pp. 416-419. _ _, » , k.i „c Doc. 68. Mess, from Gov. transmitting rept. of bd. of revenue comrs. March 21, 1848. pp 420-434. „,. „„ Doc. 69. Rept. of bd. of inspectors of Phila Co Prison, being 1st ann. rept. umler -ct of Assi-m. of Feb. 27, 1847. March 21. 1848. pp. 435-459. 1 foldg. table. Doc 70 Rept. ot committee on vice and immorality, rel. to sale of liquors. March 23, 1848. pp. 460-461. Doc 71. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of S. G. Ramscv. March 28, 1848. p^ 461. Doc 72. Stmt, of Codorus Navigation Co. for 1847. p. 462. Doc 73 19 ann. rept. of bd. ot inspectors of Eastern I'eniteuti.iry fur l.'il7. pp. 46.-.-.-.03. 1 foldg. table. Doc 74 Stmt, of affairs of Delaware Coal Co., March 1, 1847 and 1848. pp. D04-506. „ ^ o „f Doc 75 Stmt, of affairs of Western Savings Fund Socy. of Phila. for 1847. pp. 506-507. ^ , „ , ,q iajs Doc. 76. Stmt, of Lykens Valley Coal Co. Jan. 19, 1848. Doc''' 77 ' Stmt, of Lvkens Valley R.R. and Coal Co. Jan. 19. 1848. pp. 509-510. ^ ,.. Doc 78 Communication from secy, of commonwealth, transmitting copies of acts of Ohio leglsi., to incorporate Cleveland and Pittsburg R.R. Co. April 1, 1848. pp. 511- 517 Doc •79. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. rel. to Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal Co. April 5, 1848. Doc 80 Communication from bd. of canal comrs. rel. to claim of Randal Evans. April 6, 1848. p. 519. Doc. 81. Rept. of committee on accts. rel. to pa.y. mileage and stationery of members of House. April 8. 1848. pp. Docs 82-83. Repts. of committee on accts. rel. to pay and mileage of witnesses In case of Hon. W. N. Irvine. April 8 and 11, 1848. pp. 524-526. [Documents.] ' Repts. of heads of depts., transmitted to Gov. Harris- burg : J. M. G. Lescure, 1848. v. p. ,0,-,, Binder's title : " Executive documents, 1847. Contents : Table of contents. 1 leaf. Ann. mess, of Gov., Jan. 5. 1848. h. t. p. 15 pp. Ann. rept. of auditor gen., 1846/7. h. t. p. 95 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, showing receipts and ex- penditures in treasury, 1846/7. h. t. p. 312 pp. Ann. rept. of surveyor gen., 1846/7. ht. p. 7 pp. Ann. rept. of bd. of canal comrs., ISfb/'T. h. t p. 96 pp. Rept of supt. of motive power, on Columbia and Phila. Kwy., 1846/7. h. t. p. 20 pp. , ., , Rent of sunt, of motive power and supervisor of repairs on Allegheny Port.ige R.R., 1846/7. h, t. p. 15 pp. Journal of bd. of canal comrs.. 1847. h t. P- 107 pp. 14 ann. rept. of supt. of common schools, 184B/7. n. t. p. Anm fept. of adj. gen., 1847. h. t. p. 13 pp. LXXUI General Assembly Jan. 2-Aprll 10, 1849 Journal of the Senate. 2 vols V 1 Ilnrrlsburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1849. 907 (2). 85 pp. — — '-. Same, in German. 1295, 4 pp. t m n V 2 Containing repts., docs., etc. Harrisburg : J. M. U. ' Lescure, 1849. 509, v pp. Contents : Doc 1 2 ann. rept. of Penn. R.R. Co., 1848. pp. 3-.30. Doc' 2 Ann. rept. of state treasurer upon finances, 1847/8. lip. 30-48. , . Doc 3 Communication from state treasurer, rel. to con- tingent expenses of office. Jan. 11. 1849. p. 49. Doc 4. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to con- tingent expenses of office. Jan. 12, 1849. p. 50. Doc. 5. Communication from Phila. select and common councils, rel. to Glrard estate, with rept. of directors of Glrard College for Orphans, 1848. pp. 51-105. Doc. 6. Ann. stmt, of Tioga Navigation Co., for 1848. Do'c'''7 Communication from state treasurer, rel. to public defaulters. Jan. 13, 1849. pp. 121-129. Doc. 8. Communication from secy, ot commonwealth rel. to contingent expenses of office. Jan. 12, 1849. p. IJO. Doc. 9. Ann. rent, of Monongahela Navigation Co. tor Doc^^fo. ''S'trat. "of"Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Rd. Doc" '11 Abs'tr. of aVct». of Germantown and Perklomen Turnpike Road Co., 1847/8. p. 144. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 107 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXIII Gonprnl Assembly — cont'd Jan. 2-Aprll 10. 1840 — cont'd Jourunl of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 12. Stmt, of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., 1847/8. p. 14.'). Doc. 13. Stmt, of Chesnut Hill and SprlnRhouse Turn- pike Road Co.. 1.S4S. p. 14C.. Doc. 14. Communlciition from Cov., with res. of Va. legisl. on subject of sliiver.v. Feb. 7, 1840. pp. 147-148. Doc. 15. Repts. of banks and savlnjjs Institutions, 1848. pp. 140-253. Doc. 16. Communication from auditor Kcn.. clvlng amt. paid Into the state treasury for last 10 years by certain Phlla. officers. Feb. 16, 1849. pp. 254-257. Doc. 17. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to water station at Lemon Place. Feb. 28, 1840. pp. 258-259. Doc. 18. Communication from Gov., with res. of Ohio legisl. rel. to freedom of commerce betw. states. March 1, 1849. pp. 250-260. Doc. 19. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, with list of Judges. March 2, 1849. p. 261. Doc. 20. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to fees of depy. attv. gens. March 2. 1840. pp. 262-263. Doc. 21. Stmt, of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Naviga- tion Co., 1848. pp. 263-266. Doe. 22. 6 ann. rept. of Erie Canal Co., 1848. pp. 267- 275. Doc. 23. 14 ann. rept. of York and Md. Line R.R. Co. from organization to Sept. 30, 1848. pp. 276-277. Doc. 24. Stmt of Phlla., Germantown, and Norristown R.R. Co., 1848. pp. 278-279. Doc. 25. Stmt, of Lehigh Crane Iron Co. and Montour Iron Co.. 1847/8. pp. 280-281. Doc. 26. Mess, of Gov., with rept. of convention rel. to use of public works on Sabbath. Jan. 24, 1849. pp. 281-285. Doc. 27. Stmt, of Bloomsburg R.R. Iron Co. for 1848. pp. 285-286. Doc. 28. Ann. rept. of House of Refuge for 1848. pp. 286-297. Doc. 29. Stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. for 1848. pp. 298-209. Doc. 30. Receipts and expenditures on Danville and Potts- vllle R.R., 1848. pp. 299-302. Doc. 31. Stmt, of Little Schuylkill Navigation, R.R. and Coal Co. for 1848. pp. 302-303. Doc. 32. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., 1848. pp. 303-304. Doc. 33. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of John Donnally. Feb. 6. 1849. p. 305. Doc. 34. Same, rel. to claim of Jas. M'Cann. Feb. 6, 1849. pp. 305-306. Doc. 35. Same, rel. to claim of BenJ. Bear and Wm. Mackey. Feb. 6, 1849. p. 306. Doc. 36. Mess, from Gov., with rept. of Penn. Institution for Instruction of Blind for 1848. pp. 307-309. Doc. 37. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt. rel. to damages on Columbia R.R. from locomotive sparks. Jan. 9, 1849. pp. 300-312. Doc. 38. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to dam- ages on Conneaut Line, Erie Extension. March 12, 1840. pp. 313-310. Doc. 39. Abstr. of accts. of Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turnpike Co., 1847 8. p. 319. Doc. 40. Stmt, of Codorus Navigation Co. for 1848. p. 320. Doc. 41. Ann. stmt, of Norristown Insurance and Water Co., Feb. 5. 1849. pp. 321-322. Doc. 42. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, 1848. pp. 323-331. Doc. 43. Rept. of inspectors of Western Penitentiary, for 1848. pp. 331-346. Doc. 44. Rept. of tellers of 2 Houses, apptd. to officiate at counting returns for Gov. at 1848 election. Jan. 12, 1840. pp. 347-340. Doc. 45. Stmt, of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy. for 1848. pp. 349-350. Doc. 46. Stmt, of Univ. of Penn., Jan. 1, 1849. p. 351. Doc. 47. Stmt, of Schuylkill Navigation Co. for 1848. pp. 352-365. Doc. 48. Stmt, of Mt. Carbon R.R. Co., Feb. 1, 1840. pp. 365-367. Doc. 49. Rept. of Penn. Coal Co. for 1848. p. 367. Doc. 50. Ann. rept. of Washington Coal Co. for 1848. p. 368. Doc. 51. 360. Doc. 52. 2 ann. rept. of Inspectors of Phila. Co. Prison, for 1848. pp. 370-397. Doc. 53. Ann. rept. of Swatara R.R. Co., for 1848. p. 398. Doc. 54. Stmt, of Phlla. and Reading R.R. Co., 1847/8. pp. 399-409. Doc. 55. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of John Miller tor damages. March 15, 1840. p. 410. Doc. 56. Stmt, of Delaware Coal Co., March 1, 1840. pp. 410-411. Doc. 57. Rept. of Inspectors of Eastern State Peniten- tiary for 1848. pp. 412-456. Stmt, of Lorberry Creek R.R. Co. for 1848. p. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXIII General Assembly — <-ont'd Jan. 2-April 10, 1849— cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 58. Stmt, of Northern Liberties and Penn Township R.R. Co. for 1848. p. 4.'")6. Doc. 59. Kept, of auditors of accts. of Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phlla.. March 30, 1S40. pp. 457-458. Doc. 60. Communication from Gov., with Jol. of pro- ceedings of Electoral College of Penn. April 5, 1849. pp. 450-479. Doc. 61. Communication from Gov., transmitting res. of Mo. legisl.. rel. to sl.ivery. April 5. 1849. pp. 480-481. Doc. 62. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to claim of John Brotherllne. April 6, 1840. pp. 481-482. Doc. 63. Stmt, of difTcrent kinds of funds paid by Bank of Penn. April 3. 1840. pp. 482-483. Doc. 64. Ann. stmt, of Lykens Valley R.R. and Coal Co., March 2. 1840. pp. 483-484. Doc. 65. Stmt, of Mill Creek and Mine IIlll Navigation and R.R. Co. for 1848. pp. 484-485. Doc. 66. Stmt, of Mt. Carbon and Port Carbon R.R. Co. for 1848. pp. 4S0-4S7. Doc. 67. Stmt, of Schuylkill Valley Navigation and R.R. Co. for 1848. pp. 487-488. Doc. 68. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to claim of Green, Dorsev & Co., March 21, 1849. pp. 488-489. Doc. 69. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to defal- cations in Monroe Co. Feb. 7, 1849. pp. 490-491. Doc. 70. Stmt. ace. communication from canal comrs. rel. to amt. due laborers on public works. Dec. 1, 1848. pp. 492-403. Doc. 71. Stmt. ace. communication from canal comrs. rel. to accident on Columbia R.R. Feb. 10, 1840. pp. 494- 405. Doc. 72. Rept. of no. of barrels of flour, etc.. Inspected and amt. of cash reed, from March 20-Dec. 19, 1848, dur- ing term of J. C. M'Allister. pp. 495-499. Doc. 73. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to amt. of funds furnished Bank of Penn. for payment of Interest on state debt. March 31, 1849. pp. 499-500. Doc. 74. Stmt. ace. communication from canal comrs. rel. to damages on canals and March, 1849. p. 500. Doc. 75. Communication from auditor gen., giving ex- penses and salaries of brigade Inspectors. March 14, 1849. pp. 501-503. Doc. 76. Ann. stmt, of Lykens Valley Coal Co. for 1849. pp. 504-505. Doc. 77. Communication from M. Alexandre Vattemare, presenting books to Penn. Feb. 20. 1840. pp. 505-508. Doc. 78. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to claim of Wm. Keeler for work on Tioga Line. North Branch extension of Penn. Canal. April 9, 1840. pp. 508-509. Index. V pp. . Same, in German. 670 pp. Journal of the House. 2 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1849. 1141, 67 pp. . Same, in German. 1583, 35, 88 pp. V. 2. Containing messages, repts. and docs. [nos. 1-03]. Har- risburg : J. M. G. Lescure, 1849. 1023, ill pp. Contents : Doc. 1. Abstr. of accts. of Germantown and Perklomen Turnpike Road Co.. 1847/8. p. 3. Doc. 2. Stmt, of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. pp. 4-5 Doc. 3. 1848. Doc. 4. 33-53 Doc. 5. 2 ann. rept. of directors of Penn. R.R. Co. for Pt>. 6-S3. „ ,„,„ Ann. mess, of Gov. [Johnson]. Jan. 6, 1849. pp. Ann. rept. of state treasurer upon finances, 1847/8. pp. 54-72. Doc. 6. Stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., 1848. pp. 73-74 Doc. 7. Rept. of tellers for election of U. S. Senator. Jan. 9, 1849. pp. 74-82. , „ Doc. 8. Communication from Phila. Select and Common Councils, rel. to Girard estates, with rept. of directors of Girard College for Orphans for 1848. pp. 83-138. Doc. 9. Ann. stmt, of Tioga Navigation Co. for 1848. pp. 138-153. , ^ Doc. 10. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to public defaulters. Jan. 13, 1849. pp. 153-161. Doc. 11. Communication from state treasurer rel. to con- tingent expenses of office. Jan. 11. 1849. p. 162. Doc. 12. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to con- tingent expenses of office. Jan. 12, 1840. p. 163. Doc. 13. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to contingent expenses of office. Jan. 12, 1840. p. 164. Doc. 14. Rept. of teller on part of House at election of state treasurer. Jan. 15, 1849. pp. 165-171. Doc. 15. Ann. rept. of Monongahela Navigation Co. for 1848. pp. 171-183. Doc 16. Stmt, of Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Rd. Co., for 1848. pp. 183-184. Doc. 17. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to amt. due Nov. 1, 1845, to such non-accepting school dlstrs. from which undrawn school apprns. were taken by act of 1843. Jan. 24, 1849. pp. 184-187. 108 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXIII General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 2-AprlI 10, 1849 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents ; — cont'd Doc. 18. Rept. of Judiciary committee rel. to unsigned bills in hands of Gov. Jan. 31, 1849. pp. 188-191. Doc. 19. Communication from Gov., with corresp. with Mrs. Jane Shunk, widow of late executive. Feb. 1, 1849. pp. 191-192. Doc. 20. Communication from Jesse Miller, late seey. of commonwealth, rel. to unsigned bills in hands of Gov., Jan. 29, 1849. pp. 193-195. Doc. 21. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to Inclined plane at the Schuylkill. Feb. 6, 1849. pp. 195-196. Doc. 22. Repts. of banks and savings Institutions in 1848. pp. 196-301. Doc. 23. Stmt, of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. for 1848. p. 302. Doc. 24. Stmt, of Chesnut Hill and Springhouse Turn- pike Road Co. for 1848. p. 303. Doc. 25. Communication from Gov. with res. of Vn. leglsl. on subject of slavery. Feb. 7, 1849. pp. 304-305. Doc. 26. Rept. of committee of ways and means rel. to completion of North Branch Canal. Feb. 14, 1849. pp. 306-308. Doc. 27. Same ; minority rept. Feb. 15, 1849. p. 308. Doc. 28. Rept. of committee of ways and means rel. to sinking fund for liquidation of state debt, to avoiding Schuylkill Inclined plane, to finishing North Branch Canal. Feb. 16, 1849. pp. 309-327. Doc. 29. Stmt, of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co., 1847/8. pp. 328-331. Doc. 30. Communication from canal comrs. showing re- ceipts and expenditures of Allegheny Portage R.R. Feb. 9, 1849. pp. 331-334. Doc. 31. Communication from auditor gen. and state treasurer giving probable amt. of revenue which would be derived by passage of certain bills. Feb. 26, 1849. p. 335 Doc. 32. Stmt, of York and Md. Line R.R. Co., from organization to Sept. 30, 1848. pp. 336-337. Doc. 33. Stmt, of Phila., Germantown and Norrlatown R.R. Co. for 1848. pp. 338-339. Doc. 34. 6 ann. rept. of Erie Canal Co. for 1848. pp. 340-348. Doc. 35. Stmt, of Lehigh Crane Iron Co. and Montour Iron Co.. 1847/8. pp. 349-350. Doc. 36. Mess, from Gov., with rept. of convention rel. to use of public works on Sabbath, Jan. 24, 1849. pp. 350-354. Doc. 37. Stmt, of Bloomsburg R.R. Iron Co. Jan. 27, 1849. pp. 354-355. Doc. 38. Ann. rept. of House of Refuge for 1848. pp. 355-366. Doc. 39. Stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co. for 1848. pp. 367-368. Doc. 40. Receipts and expenditures on Danville and Potts- vllle R.R. for 1848. pp. 368-371. Doc. 41. Stmt, of Little Schuylkill Navigation, R.R. and Coal Co. for 1848. pp. 371-372. Doc. 42. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. for 1848. pp. 372-373. Doc. 43. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of John IJonnally. Feb. 6, 1849. p. 374. Doc. 44. Same, rel. to claim of Jas. M'Cann. Feb. 6. 1849. pp. 374-375. Doc. 45. Same, rel. to claim of BenJ. Bear and Wm. Mackey. Feb. 6, 1849. p. 375. Doc. 46. Mess, from Gov., with rept. of Penn. Institution for Instruction of Blind. Feb. 7, 1849. pp. 376-378. Doc. 47. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to damages on Conneaut line. March 12, 1849. pp. 378-385. Doc. 48. Ann. stmt, of Norrlstown Insurance and Water Co. for 1848. pp. 385-386. Doc. 49. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, for 1848. pp. 387-395. Doc. 50. Rept. of inspectors of Western Penitentiary for 1848. pp. 395-410. Doc. 51. Kept, of tellers of 2 Houses to officiate at count- ing of returns for Gov. Jan. 12, 1849. pp. 411-413. Doc. 52. Stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy. Feb. 17, 1849. pp. 413-414. Doc. 53. Stmt, of Univ. of Penn., Jan. 1, 1849. p. 415. Doc. 64. Stmt, of Schuylkill Navigation Co. for 1848. pp. 416-429. Doc. 55. Stmt, of Mt. Carbon R.R. Co. for 1848. pp. 429-431. Doc. 56. Communication from Gov., with res. of Ohio leglsl. rel. to r.r. legislation. March 1, 1849. pp. 431- 432. Doc. 57. Stmt, of Lorberry Creek R.R. Co. for 1848. p. 433. Doc. 58. 2 ann. rept. of Inspectors of Phila Co. Prison for 1848. pp. 434-461. Doc. 59. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to ralsinc; tolls on certain articles carried by public works. March 13, 1849. p. 402. Doc. 60. Stmt, of Phila. and Reading R.R. Co. for 1848. DP. 463-473. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXIII General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 2-Aprll 10, 1849 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 61. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of John Miller for damages. March 15, 1849. p. 4'74. Doc. 62. Stmt, of Delaware Coal Co., March 1, 1849. pp. 474-475. Doc. 63. Rept. of inspectors of Eastern State Peniten- tiary, for 1848. pp. 476-520. Doc. 64. Stmt, of Northern Liberties and Penn Township R.R. Co. for 1848. p. 520. Doc, 65. Rept. of auditors of accts. of Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phila. for 1848. pp. 521-522. Boc. 66. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to ann. apprn. April 4, 1849. pp. 522-523. Doc. 67. Communication from Gov. transmitting jol. of Penn. electoral college. April 5, 1849. pp. 523-543. Doc. 68. Communication from Gov., with res. of Mo. leglsl. rel. to slavery. April 5, 1849. pp. 544-545. Doc. 69. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to claim of John Brotherline. April 6, 1849. pp. 545-546. Doc. 70. Stmt, of Mill Creek and Mine Hill Navigation and R.R. Co. for 1848. pp. 546-547. Doc. 71. Stmt, of Mt. Carbon and Port Carbon R.R. Co. for 1848. pp. 548-549. Doc. 72. Stmt, of Schuylkill Valley Navigation and R.R. Co. for 1848. pp. 549-550. Doc. 73. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to claim of Green, Dorsey & Co. March 21, 1849. pp. 550-551. Doc. 74. Stmt, of Codorus Navigation Co. for 1848. p. 552. Doc. 75. Communication from Gov., with list of U. S. officers, natives of Penn., who distinguished themselves In late war with Mexico. March 20, 1849. pp. 553-554. Doc. 76. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to claim of Wm. Keeler for work done on Tioga line of North Branch extension. April 9, 1849. pp. 555-556. Doc. 77. Communication from auditor gen., with amts. of money expended in rebuilding aqueduct over Allegheny River near Freeport. Feb. 16, 1849. pp. 557-582. Doc. 78. Communication from Israel Painter, canal comr., rel. to debts due on public works. March 17, 1849. pp. 582-587. Doc. 79. Communication from Jas. Power, president of bd. of canal comrs. March 19, 1849. p. 588. Doc. 80. Rept. of minority of committee on banks rel. to rechartering Bank of Chambersburg, March 19, 1849. p. 589. Doc. 81. Coramuulcation from auditor gen., giving amt. spent on .\lleghenv Portage R.R. during last fiscal year. March 20, 1849. pp. 590-649. Doc. 82. Communication from state librarian, with list of books taken from library and not returned. March 23, 1849. pp. 650-653. Doc. 83. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to amt. due on public works, Dec. 1, 1848. pp. 653-656. Doc. 84. Communication from Israel Painter, canal comr., dissenting from rept. of bd. rel. to amt. due on public works. March 26. 1849. pp. 657-658. Doc. 85. Communication from canal comrs., with bids for rope for Schuylkill Inclined plane. March 26, 1849. pp. 659-661. Doc. 86. Communication from Gov., rel. to purchase of land near Franktord Arsenal. March 27, 1849. p. 682. Doc. 87. Ann. stmt, of Swatara R.R. Co. for 1848. p. 663. Doc. 88. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to claim of Judge Lewis. March 28. 1849. pp. 664-668. Doc. 89. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Miles Covel. April 9, 1849. p. 669. Doc. 90. Rept. of select committee rel. to part of Govs. mess. rel. to Cal. and N. M. pp. 669-671. Doc. 91. Rept. of Joint committee rel. to public works, April 9, 1849. pp. 671-709. Doc. 92. Rept. ou pay, mileage, etc., of members. April 9, 1849. pp. 709-711. Doc. 93. Investigation of committee on banks. April 10, 1849. pp. 712-1023. Index, til pp. [Documents.] Reports of the heads of departments, transmitted to Gov. Ilarrlsburg : J. M. G. I.*scure, 1849. v. p. Binder's title : Executive Documents. 1848. Contents : Table of contents. 1 leaf. Ann. mess, of Gov., Jan. 0, 1849. h. t. p. 22 pp. Ann. rept. of auditor gen., 1847/8. h. t. p. 102 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, showing receipts and ex penditures In treasury, 1847/8. h. t. p. 312 pp. Ann. rept. of surveyor gen., 1847/8. h. t. p. 7 pp. Ann. rept. of bd. of canal comrs. h. t. p. 95 pp. Rept. of supt. of motive power on Columbia and Phila. Uwy., 1847/S. h. t. p. 12 pp. Rept. of supt. of motive power and supervisor of repairs on Allegheny Portage U.R., 1847/8. h. t. p. 14 pp. Rept. of \V. M. Roberts, on survey to avoid Schuylkill In- clini'd Plane, on Phila. and Columbia R.R., 1848. b. t. p. 28 pp. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 109 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXIII GeiHTMl Assoiiibly — cont'd Jan. S-Aprll 10, 1S41) — ront'd [ Documents. ] — cont'd Content.s ; — cont'd Journnl of lid. ot canal comrs., 1848. h. t. p. 87 pp. 15 ann. rcpt. ot supt. of common schools, 1847/8. h. t. p. 36 pp.. 1 foldg. table. Ann. rept. of adj. (;en., 1848. h. t. p. 11 pp. Final rept. of bd. of revenue comrs., 1848. h. t. p. 16 pp. Journal of bd. of revenue comrs., . . . 1848, . . . with rept. of the bd. h. t. p. 163 pp. LXXIV Genernl Assembly Jan. 1-May 15, 1850 lournal of the Senate. 2 vols. V. 1. Harrlsburg: J. M. G. LeBcure. 1850. 1217. 103 pp. . Same. In German. 1256, 6 pp. V. 2. Containing repts. and docs. Harrlsburg: J. M. G. Les- cure, 1850. 712, vl pp. Contents : Doc. 1. Stmt, of Phila., Germantown and Norrlstown R.R. Co. for 1840. pp. 3-4. Doc. 2. Rept. of state treasurer on finances for 1848/0. pp. 5-50, Doc. 3. Stmt, ot Perklomen Turnpike Road Co. 1848/0. p. 51. Doc. 4. Mess, from Gov. with res. of Vt. legisl. rel. to slavery and to estnblishment ot bureau of agric. at Wash- ington, pp. 52-57. Doc. 5. Ann. rept. of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., 1840. p. 58. Doc. 6. Stmt, of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy., 1840. pp. 50-60. Doc. 7. Communication from sec.v. of commonwealth rel. to contingent expenses ot office. Jan. 10. 1850. p. 60. Doc. 8. Communication from .Tuditor gen., rel. to defal- cation of Jacob Sallade, late surveyor gen. Jan. 0, 1850. p. 61. Doc. 0. Stmt, of Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Road Co. for 1840. p. 62. Doc. 10. Stmt, of Tenn. Hospital tor 1848/0. pp. 63-77. Doc. 11. Stmt, of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., 1840. p. 77. Doc. 12. Communication from state treasurer rel. to con- tingent expenses of office. J.nn. 7. 1850. p. 78. Doc. 13. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to con- tingent expenses of office. .Tan. 7, 1850. p. 70. Doc. 14. Abstr. of accts. of Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turnpike Co., 1848/0. p. 80. Doc. 15. Rept. of Penn. Coal Co. for 1840. pp. 81-82. Doc. 16. Stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co., for 1840. pp. 82-83. Docs. 17-18. Mess, from Gov., with list of taxable inhabi- tants, slaves, etc. Jan. 10. 1850. pp. 84-122. Doc. .19. Stmt, of Tioga Navigation Co. for 1840. pp. 123-130 Doc. 20. 7 ann. rept. of Erie Canal Co. for 1840. pp. 140- 146. Doc. 21. Communication from state libnrian rel. to giv- ing books on order of members. Jan. 22. 1850. p. 147. Doc. 22. Repts. of banks and savings institutions for 1840. pp. 148-271. Doc. 23. Stmt, of Codorus Navigation Co. for 1849. p. 272. Doc. "24. Stmt, of Wllkesbarre Coal Co. for 1849. p. 273. Doc. 25. Stmt, ot Univ. of Penn., Jan. 1. 1850. p. 274. Doc. 26. Procs. of education convention In Harrlsburg. Jan. 16-17, 1850. pp. 275-288. Doc. 27. Stmt, of Northern Liberties and Penn Township R.R. Co. tor 1840. p. 288. Doc. 28. 3 ann. rept. of Penn. R.R. Co., 1848/9. pp. 289- 304. Doc. 20. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to pub- lic defaulters, Jan. 10, 1850. pp. 305-313. Doc. 30. Communication from canal comrs. with letter from Norris. Brothers rel. to purchase of locomotives. Jan. 25, 1850. pp. 313-314. Doc. 31. Communication from state treasurer rel. to claim of Norris. Brothers. Feb. 5, 1850. pp. 314-315. Doc. 32. Letter from Norris. Brothers rel. to charges made agst. them by state treasurer. Feb. 25, 1850. pp. 316- 317. Doc. 33. Rules and regulations for govt, ot uniform militia, by W. H. Irwin, adj. gen. March 1, 1850. pp. 317-341. Doc. 34. Stmt, of Danville and Pottsville R.R. Co., 1849. pp. 342-345. Doc. 35. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1840. pp. 345- 347. Doc. 36. Repts. of Bloomsburg R.R. Iron Co., Lycoming Iron Co., Montour Iron Co. and Lehigh Crane Iron Co. Jan. 26, 1850. pp. 348-350. Doc. 37. Mess, from Gov., with res. of Conn, legisl. on subject of slavery. Jan. 28, 1850. pp. 351-352. Doc. 38. Stmt, of Monongahela Navigation Co., tor 1849. pp. 353-363. Stmt, ot Mt. Carbon R.R. Co. for 1849. pp. 413- COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXIV General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 1-May ir,. IS.'.O — cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 30. Stmt, of York and .Md. Line R.R. Co. from its organization to Sept. 30, 1840. pp. 363-365. Dor. 40. Ann. rept, ot Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, for 1840. pp. 365-380. Doc. 41. Stmt. rel. to cash value ot stock of Northern Liberties and Penn Township R.R. Co. Feb. 4, 1850. p. 381. Doc. 42. Ann. stmt, of I'hila. Saving Fund Socy., Jan. 1, 1850. pp. 381-382. Doc. 43. Communicntion from auditor gen., rel. to accts. of witnesses in reference to Freeport Aqueduct, Feb. 5, 1850. pp. 383-387. Doc. 44. Abstr. of tax laws of Penn. ; bv Jesse Miller. n. d. pp. 388-304. Doc. 45. Ann. rept. of House of Refuge, 1840. pp. 305- 408. Doc. 46. Stmt, ot Little Schuylkill Navigation. R.R. and Coal Co., Dec. 31. 1840. p. 400. Doc. 47. Mess, from Gov., with taxables of Pike Co. March 4. 1850. p. 410. Doc. 48. Ann. stmt, of Lykens Valley Coal Co. for 1849. pp. 410-411. Doc. 49. Ann. stmt, of Lykens R.R. and Coal Co. for 1849. p. 412. Doc. 50. 414. Doc. 51. Rept. of auditors of accts. of Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phlla. for 1840. pp. 414-415. Doc. 52. Stmt, of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Naviga- tion Co. for 1840. pp. 415-416. Doc. 53. Stmt, ot Chesnut Hill and Springhouse Turn- pike Road tor 1840. p. 417. Doc. 54. Stmt, ot Delaware Coal Co., March 1, 1850. p. 418. Doc. 55. Mess, from Gov., with res. of Va. and Ga. legisls. rel. to slavery. March 22, 1850. pp. 410-433. Doc. 56. 3 ann. rept. of inspectors of Phila. Co. Prison for 1847. pp. 433-474. Doc. 57. Mess, of Gov. with rept. of comrs. rel. to Penn.. Del. and Md. boundary line. March 13, 1850. pp. 475- 507. Doc. 58. Communication from Phila. Select and Common Councils rel. to Girard estate for 1840. pp. 508-553. Doc. 50. Stmt, of Phila. and Reading R.R. Co. for 1849. pp. 554-550. Doc. 60. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Danl. Bemus. March 15, 1850. pp. 560-562. Doc. 61. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to claim of Jas. Caldwell. March IS, 1850. pp. 562-567. Doc. 62. Rept. of Inspectors of Eastern Penitentiary for 1840. pp. 567-607. Doc. 63. Rept. of Inspectors ot Western Penitentlarv. for 1840. pp. 608-630. Doc. 64. Communication rel. to apprn. for publishing amdmt. to constitution. Jan. 15, 1850. pp. 630-631. Doc. 65. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to weigh scale at Lancaster. Jan. 28, 1850. pp. 631-632. Doc. 66. Same, rel. to patent safety frog. Jan. 20, 1850. p. 632. Doc. 67. Same, rel. to claim ot Binghams and Dock. Feb. 13, 1850. p. 633. Doc. 68. Same, rel. to apprn. to repair farm and road bridges. March 7, 1850. p. 634. Doc. 69. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to claim of John Hanson, March 0, 1850. pp. 634-638. Doc. 70. Same, rel. to claim ot Isaac Pauling. March 13, 1850. p. 639. Doc. 71. 2 ann. rept. of Girard College for Orphans for 1849. pp. 630-645. Doc. 72. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Jas. Mehaffey. Feb. 28, 1850. p. 646. Doc. 73. Same, rel. to claim of J. C. O'Neal. Feb. 28. 1850. pp. 646-647. Doc. 74. Same. rel. to claim of H. E. Atkins & Co. March 15, 1850. p. 647. Doc. 75. Same, with stmt, of damages for which apprns. are required. March 15, 1850. pp. 648-640. Doc. 76. Communication from aiulitor gen., rel. to claim of Bogle. Hall & Bogle. March 20, 1850. pp. 650-652. Doc. 77. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Shirk & Royer. April 8, 1850. p. 653. Doc. 78. Same. rel. to claim of Adolphus Patterson, April 8, 1850. p. 654. Doc. 70. Same, rel. to claim of Johnson, Hepburn & Heyl- man. April 8, 1850. p. 655. Doc. 80. Stmt, of Swatara R.R. Co. for 1840. p. 656. Doc. 81. Ann. stmt, of Mt. Carbon and Port Carbon R.R. Co. for 1849. pp. 657-658. Doc. 82. Ann. stmt, ot Mill Creek and Mine Hill Naviga- tion and R.R. Co. for 1849. pp. 658-659. Doc. 83. Ann. stmt, of Schuylkill Valley Navigation and R.R. Co. for 1840. pp. 660-061. Doc. 84. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim ot W. H. Richardson & Co. April 11. 1850. pp. 661-662. no INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXIV General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 1-May 15, 1850 — cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc 85. Same. rel. to claim of Steman & Herr, and J. F. Herr. April 12, 1850. p. 662. Doc 86. Same, rel. to claim of Phoenix Line Passenger Car Co. April 12, 1S50. p. 663, Doc 87, Same, rel. to claim of Saml. Kerr. April 16, 1850. pp. 664-665, . „ ,„ Doc. 88, Same, rel. to claim of Isaac Knight. April lb, 1850. pp. 665-666, , „„ Doc, 89, Same, rel. to claim of Peter Hand. April 20, 1850. p. 666. Doc. 90. Same, rel, to claim of M, F, Brady, April 20, 1850, p. 667. ^ ,,. , , , Doc 01 Mess, of Gov., with memorial of Miss, legist, rel. to officers and soldiers of war of 1S12, April 10, 1850. pp. 667-668. ^ ^ ,„,„ Doe. 92. Ann. stmt, of Doylestown Insurance Co, for 1849, Doc 93, Ann. stmt, of Norristown Insurance aud Water Co. for 1850. pp. 670-071. ^ ^^_„ Doc 94. Ann. stmt, of Lorberry Creek R,H, Co, for 1849, pp. 671-672, . ^ , . Doc 95, Communication from canal comrs, rel, to claims of John Clark, and Cox & Johnston, April 9, 1850, pp, 672-673. ^ , Doc 96. Same, rel. to claims of R. H. Duncan and Jas. M'Cov. April 12. 1850, pp. 673-674. Doc. 97. Ann. acct. of Eastern Penitentiary for 1849. pp. 674-681. , , . Doc. 98. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of George Hogg. May 4, 1850. p. 681. Doc, 99. Kept, of Franklin Canal Co. for 1849. p. 682. Doc. 100. Communication from auditor gen., rel, to case of J, F, MCague. Feb. 2, 1850. p. 683. Doc. 101. Stmt, of accts. of chrm. of Jt. committee on library, 1847 to 1849. pp. 684-685. Doc. 102. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to sale of certain engines, Feb,, 1850, pp. 685-686. Doc. 103. Communication from S. Duncan Earns. Feb. 12, 1850, p. 687. Doc. 104. Communication from pres. of House of Refuge, Feb. 13, 1850. p. 688. Doc. 105. Communication from canal comrs, rel. to claim of M. F. Brady. Feb. 14, 1850. p. 689. Doc. 106, Same, rel, to bridge over Ohio River at Wheel- ing, Feb,, 1850, pp. 690-6*2. Doc. 107. Same, rel, to sale of engines. Feb. 16, 1850. p. 693. Doc. 108. Stmt, showing cos. in arrears rel. to state tax, assessed for 1849, pp. 694-696. Doc. 109. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to accts. of J. B. Johnson, late chrm. of joint library committee, Feb, 22, 1850. pp. 696-697. Doc. 110. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to accts. of J. B. Johnson. Feb. 22, 1850. p. 698. Doc. 111. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to claims of E. H. Fitler. Mr rch 1, 1850. pp. 699-704. Doc. 112. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to clerk hire. May 10, 1850. pp. 705-706. Doc. 113. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to West Phila. R.R. March 14, 1850. p. 706. Doc. 114. Same, rel. to branch r.r. from r.r. bridge above Fairmount dam to Penn. R.R. March 14, 1850. p. 707. Doc. 115. Same, rel. to contractors on West Branch dlv. who have not been paid forfeited percentage. March 20, 1850. p. 708. Doc. 116. Communication from auditor gen., rel, to clerk hire. May 10, 1850. pp. 709-710. Doc. 117. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to clerk hire. May 11, 1850. p. 711. Doc. 118. Comuuinicatlon from surveyor gen,, rel. to clerk hire. May 10, 1850. p. 712. Index, vl pp, . Same, in German. 964, 6 pp, Journal of the House. 2 vols. V. 1. Harrlsburg : J. M. G. Lescure, 1850. . Samp, in German. 1824, 92 pp. V. 2. Containing messages, rents, and docs. J. M. G. I.escure, 1850. 906, v pp. Contents : Doc. 1. Ann. mess, of Gov. [Johnston], Jan. 2, 1850. pp. 3-17. Doc. 2. Rept. rel. to memorial of Cbas. J. Sykes rel. to divorcing wife. Jan. 3. 1850. pp. 17-20. Doc. 3. Kept of state treasurer on finances, 1848/9, pp, 21-66. Doc. 4. Stmt of Perklomen Turnpike Road Co., 1848/9. p. 67. Doc. ."i. Mess, from Gov.. Jan. 1, 1850, with res. of Vt. leglsl. rel. to slavery and to eRtabllshlng bureau of agrlc. at Washington, pp. 68-73. Doc. 6. Ann. rept. of lychlgh Coal and Navigation Co., 1849. p. 74. Doc. 7. Stmt, of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy., 1849. pp. 75- 76. 1318, 74 pp. Harrlsburg : COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXIV General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 1-May 15. 1850 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 8. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to apprns, and disbursements on acct. of state library, Jan, 8, 1850, pp. 76-77. Doc. 9. Stmt, of Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Road Co., 1849. p. 78. Doc. 10. Stmt of Penn. Hospital, 1848/9, pp. 79-93. Doc. 11. Stmt, of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. for 1849. p. 93. Doc. 12. Stmt, of Phlla.. Germantown and Norristown R.R, Co. for 1849. pp. 94-95. Doc. 13. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel, to contingi'Dt expenses of office, Jan. 10, 1850. p. 96. Doc. 14. Rept. of Penn. Coal Co. for 1849. pp. 97-98. Doc. 15. Stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co. for 1849. pp. 98-99. Docs. 16-17. Mess, from Gov., with list of taxable inhab- itants, sla%-es, etc., Jan. 10. 1850. pp. 100-136. Doc. IS. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to con- tingent expenses of office. Jan. 7, 1850. p. 137. Doc. 19. Abstr. of accts. of Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turnpike Co. 1848/9. p. 138. Doc. 20. Stmt, of Tioga Navigation Co. for 1849. pp. 139- 155 Doc. 21. 7 ann. rept. of Erie Canal Co. for 1849. pp. 156- 162. Doc. 22. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to con- tingent expenses of office. Jan. 7. 1850. p. 163. Doc. 23. Repts. of banks and savings institutions for 1849. pp. 164-287! Doc, 24, Stmt of Codorus Navigation Co. for 1849. p. 288, Doc. 25. Stmt, of Northern Liberties and Penn Township R.R. Co. for 1849. p. 289. Doc. 26. Communication from state treasurer rel. to public defaulters. Jan. 10, 1850. pp. 289-297. Doc. 27. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to cost of Pittsburg Aqueduct, Jan. 28, 1850. pp. 297-300. Doc. 28. Jless. from Gov. rel. to certain trials for murder. Jan. 22, 1850. pp. 300-302. Doc. 29. Stmt, of Wiikesbarre Coal Co. for 1849. pp. 302- 303. Doc. 30. Stmt, of Univ. of Penn., Jan. 1, 1850, pp, 303- K04. Doc. 31. 3 ann. rept. of Penn. R.R. Co., 1848/9. pp. 305- 320. Doc. 32, Act to fix no. of Senators and Representatives and form state Into dlstrs. in pursuance of provisions of con- stitution. Feb. 8, 1850. pp. 321-325. Doc. 33. Stmt, of Danville and Pottsvllle R.R. Co., Dec. 1, 1849. pp. 326-329. Doc. 34. Kept, of comrs. of sinking fund for 1849. pp. 329-331. Doc. 35. Communication from secv. of commonwealth, with repts. of Bloomsburg R.R. Iron Co., Lycoming Iron Co., Montour Iron Co., and Lehigh Crane Iron Co. Jan. 26, 1850. pp. 332-334. Doc. 36. Mess, from Gov. with res. of Conn, leglsl. upon subject of slavery. Jan. 28, 1850. pp. 335-336. Doc. 37. Stmt, of Monongahela Navigation Co. for 1849. pp. 337-347. Doc. 38. Stmt of York and Md. Line R.R. Co. from organization to Sept. 30, 1849. pp. 347-349. Doc. 39. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, for 1849. pp. 349-304. Doc. 40. Stmt. rel. to cash value of stock of Northern Liberties and Penn Township R.R. Co. Feb., IS.'O p. 365. Doc. 41. Ann. stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy. for 1849. pp. 365-366. Doc. 42. Communication from auditor gen., with accts. of witnesses rel. to Freeport Aqueduct. Feb. 5, 1820. pp. 367-371. Doc. 43. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to accts. of chrm. of jt committee on library, 1847-1849. pp. 372- 373. Doc. 44. Rept. rel. to bridge across Ohio River at Wheeling. Feb, 12, IS.-.O. p. 374. Doc. 45. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to allot- ment of work on North Branch Canal. Feb. 11, 1850. pp, 375-378. Doc. 46. Ann. rept. of House of Refuge, for 1849. pp. 379- 392. Doc. 47. Farewell address of Andrew Jackson to people of U. S.. with proclamation to S. C. March 15, 1850. pp. 39.3-414. Doc. 48. Stmt, of Little Schuylkill Navigation, R,R, and Coal Co.. for 1849. p. 415. Doc. 49. Mess, from Gov., with taiables of Pike Co. March 4. 1850. p. 416. Doc. 50. Stmt, of Chestnut Hill and Sprlnghouse Turn- pike Road, 1849. p. 417. Doc. 51. Stmt, of Delaware Coal Co., March 1, 1850. p. 418. Doc. 52. Mess, from Gov., with res. of Va. and Ga. leglsl. rel. to slavery. March 22, 1850. pp. 419-433. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 111 Kept, of Western Penitentiary, for 1849. pp. 624- COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXIV General Assembly — cont'd Jp.n. 1-May l.", 1850— cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 53. 3 ann. rept. of Phlla. Co. Prison, for 1849. pp. 433-474. Doc. 54. Mess, of Gov., with rept. of eomrs. rel. to bound- ary line betw. Penn., Del. and Md. March 13, 1850. pp. 475-507. Doc. 55. Ann. stmt, of Lykens Valley Coal Co. for 1849. pp. 507-508. Doc. 56. Ann. stmt, of Lvkens Valley R.R. and Coal Co. for 1849. pp. 509-510. Doc. 57. Stmt, of Mt. Carbon R.R. Co. for 1849. pp. 510- 511. Doc. 58. Rept. of auditors of accts. of Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phila. for 1849. pp. 511-512. Doc. 59. Stmt, of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co. for 1849. pp. 513-514. Doc. 60. Kept, of minoritv of select committee to apportion state Into distrs. Feb. 10, 1850. pp. 515-519. Doc. 61. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to accts. of J. B. .Tohnson, late chrm. of jt. library committee, March G. 1850. pp. 520-521. Doc. 62. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to accts. of J. B. .Johnson. March 6. 1850. pp. 521-522. Doc. 63. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to r.r. to avoid Schuylkill inclined plane. March 14, 1850. pp. 522-523. Doc. 64. Communication from Phila. select and common councils rel. to Girard estate for 1849. pp. 524-569. Doc. 65. Stmt, of Phila. and Reading R.R. Co. for 1849. pp. 570-575. Doc. 66. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Danl. Bemus. March 15. 1850. pp. 576-578. Doc. 67. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to claim of Jas. Caldwell. March 18, 1850. pp. 578-583. Doc. 68. Rept. of Eastern Penitentiary for 1849. pp. 583- 623. Doc. 69 646. Doc. 70. Communication rel. to apprn. for public amdmt. to constitution. Jan. 15, 1850. pp. 646-647. Doc. 71. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to weigh scale at Lancaster. Jan. 28, 1850. pp. 647-648. Doc. 72. Same. rel. to patent safety frog. Jan. 29, 1850. p. 648. Doc. 73. Same. rel. to claim of Binghams and Dock. Feb. 13, 1850. p. 649. Doc. 74. Same, rel. to apprn. to repair farm and road bridges, March 7. 1850. p. 650. Doc. 75. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to claim of John Hanson. March 9, 1850. pp. 650-654. Doc. 76. Same, rel. to claim of Isaac Pauling. March 13, 1850. p. 655. Doc. 77. 2 ann. rept. of Girard College for Orphans for 1849. pp. 655-661. Doc. 78. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of James Mehaffev, Feb. 28, 1850. p. 662. Doc. 79. Same, rel. to claim of J. C. O'Neal. Feb. 28, 1850. pp. 662-663. Doc. 80. Same. rel. to claim of H. E. Atkins & Co. March 15, 1850. p. 663. Doc. 81. Same, with stmt, of damages for which apprns. are required. March 15. 1850. pp. 664-665. Doc. 82. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to claim of Bogle, Hall & Bogle. March 20, 1850. pp. 666-668. Doc. 83. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Shirk & Royer, April 8, 1850. p. 669. Doc. 84. Same, rel. to claim of Adolphus Patterson, April 8, 1850. p. 670. Doc. 85. Same. rel. to claim of Johnson, Hepburn & Heylman, April 8, 1850. p. 671. Doc. 86. Stmt, of Swatara R.R. Co., Feb. 28. 1850. p. 672. Doc. 87. Stmt, of Mt. Carbon and Port Carbon R.R. Co. for 1849. pp. 673-674. Doc. 88. Stmt, of Mill Creek and Mine Hill Navigation and R.R. Co. for 1849. pp. 674-675. Doc. 89. Ann. stmt, of Schuylkill Valley Navigation and R.R. Co. for 1849. pp. 676-677. Doc. 90. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of W. H. Richardson & Co., April 11, 1850. pp. 677-678. Doc. 91. Same, rel. to claim of Steman & Herr, and J. F. Herr. April 12, 1850. p. 678. Doc. 92. Same. rel. to Phoenix Line Passenger Car Co. April 12, 1850. p. 679. Doc. 93. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to claim of Saml. Kerr, April 16, 1850. pp. 680-681. Doc. 94. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Isaac Knight. April 16. 1850. pp. 681-682. Doc. 95. Same, rel. to claim of Peter Hand, April 20, 1850. p. 682. Doc. 96. Same, rel. to claim of M. F. Brady. April 20, 1850. p. 68S. Doc. 97. Mess, from Gov., with memorial of Miss, leglsl. r«l. to officers und siildiers of war of 1812, April 10, 1850. pp. 683-684. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd L.\.\IV (Jeneral Assembly — cont'd Jan. l-.May 15, 18.".0 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Stmt, of l>oylestown Insnranc Stmt, of Norrlstown Insurance and Water Co., 18.">0. pp. 686-687. Stmt, of Ixirberry Creek R.R. Co. for 1849. pp. Doc. 98. Stmt, of Doylestown Insurance Co for 1849 p. 685. Doc. 99. Feb. 4, Doc. 100. 687-088. Doc. 101. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claims of John Clark and Cox & Johnston. April 9, 1850. no. 688-689. " Doc. 102. Same. rel. to claims of R. H. Duncan, and James M'Coy, April 12, 1850. pp. 686-690. Doc. 103. Ann. acct. of Eastern Penitentiary, for 1849. pp. 690-097. Doc. 104. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of George llugj;. .M.v 4. is."i(l. p. 697. Doc. 105. Rept. of Franklin Canal Co. for 1849. p. 698. Doc. 106. Communication from auditor gen., with con- tract betw. commonwealth and John Clay. March 21 1850. pp. 699-704. Doc. 107. Testimony taken by Hon. J. C. Knox at Free- port, in resettlement of acct. of Alex. Power. Read March 27, 1850. pp. 704-789. Doc. 108. Rept. of select committee In Investigation of charges ngst. G. J. Ball, state treasurer. .May 7, 1850 pp. 789-840. Doc. 109. Rept. of teller on part of House, at election of state treasurer. Jan. 21, 18.50. pp. 840-841. Doc. 110. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of H. L. Patterson, April 9, 1850. pp. 841-842. Doc. 111. Rept. on pay, mileage, and stationery of mem- bers. May 14, 1850. pp. 843-845. Doc. 112. Investigation of committee on banks into affairs of banks and savings institutions. May 14, 1850. dp 845-906. *^ Index. V pp. [Documents.] Repts. of heads of depts. transmitted to Gov. Har- rlsburg : J. M. G. Lescure, 1850. v. p. Binder's title ; " Executive documents. 1849." Contents : Table of contents. 1 leaf. Ann. mess, of Gov., Jan. 2, 1850 h. t. p. 289 . 16 pp. Ann. rept. of auditor gen., 1848/9. h. t. p. 109 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, etc., 1848/9. b. t. p. pp. Ann. rept. of surveyor gen., 1848/9. h. t. p. 7 pp. Ann. rept. of bd. of canal comrs. h. t. p. 91, 14. 15. 7, 89 pp. Rept. of supt. of motive power on Columbia and Phila. Rwy., 1848/9. h. t. p. 14 pp. Rept. of supt. of motive power and supervisor of repairs on Allegheny Portage R.R., 1848/9. h. t. p. 15 pp. Rept. of E. F. Gay, rel. to r.r. to avoid the Schuylkill Inclined Plane, 1849. h. t. p. 7 pp. Journal of bd. of canal comrs., 1849. h. t. p. 89 pp. 16 ann. rept. of supt. of common schools, 1848/9. h. t. p. 16 pp. Ann. rept. of adj. gen., 1849. h. t. p. 50 pp. LXXV General Assembly Jan. 7-April 15, 1851 Journal of the Senate. 2 vols. V. 1. Harrlsburg : T. Fenn & Co., 1851. 1036 pp. V. 2. Containing messages, repts. and docs. Harrlsburg : T. Fcnn & Co., 1851. 623 pp. Contents : Doc. 1. Ann. mess, of Gov. [Johnston], Jan. 7, 1851. pp. 3-17. Doc. 2. Stmt, of Penn. Hospital, 1849/50. pp. 18-32. Doc. 3. Rept. of state treasurer oii finances, 1849/50. pp. 33-71. Doc. 4. Judicial distrs. and salaries of Judges. Bead Jan. 20, 1851. pp. 72-74. Doc. 5. Stmt, of Germantown and Perkiomen Turnpike Co. for 1850. p. 74. Doc. 6. Rept. of Robt. Faries, engr., on surveys to avoid inclined planes on Allegheny Portage K.U. Jan. 29, 1851. pp. 75-91. Doc. 7. Rept. of Messrs. Wright and Buckalew on Bank of Susqueh;iuna. Jan. 15. 18."»1. pp. 92-129. Doc. 8. Stmt, of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy., 1850. pp. 129- 130. Doc. 9. Rept. of jt. committee on publication of geol. survey. March 7, 1851. pp. 131-144. Doc. 10. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to con tingent expenses of office. Jan. 9, 1851. p. 144. Doc. 11. Same, rel. to tax on tonnage. Jan. 29, 1851. pp. 145-146. Doc. 12. Rept. of select committee rel. to Sunbury and Erie R.R. March 6, 1851. pp. 147-159. Doc. 13. Communication from state treasurer rcI. to col- lection of securities. Feb. 13, 1851. p. 160. 112 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd I^XXV G&neral Assembly — cqnt'd Jan. 7-Aprll 15, 1S51 — cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 14. Stmt, of Western Saving Fund Socy., 1850. p. 161. Docs. 15-17 omitted.* Doc. IS. Stmt, of Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Road Co. Jan. 13. 1851. p. 162. Doc. in. Minority rept. of select committee rel. to con- solidation of Phila. with enlarged boundaries, pp. 163- 192. Doc. 20. Communication from auditor gen. and state treasurer rel. to memorial from Bank of Penn. March 4, 1851. pp. 193-196. Doc. 21. Remonstrance of pres. of Dickinson College agst bill repealing all laws exempting certain property from taxation. March 15. 1S51. pp. 197-199. Doc. 22. Rept. of E. F. Gay, engr., on survey for improve- ment of curves on Columbia and Phila. R.R. March 21, 1861. pp. 200-204. Doc. 23. Memorial of late members of 2nd regiment of Penn. vounteers. March 15. 1851. pp. 205-208. Doc. 23*. Communication from canal comrs. in reply to Senate res. March 17, 1851. pp. 209-213. Doc. 23'*. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to continsent expenses of ofBce. Jan. 31, 1851. p. 214. Doc. 23"^. Communication from state treasurer rel. to public defaulters. Jan. 24. 1851. pp. 215-221. Doc. 23". Rept. of tellers for election of U. S. Senator. Jan. 14, 18Sl. pp. 222-224. Doc. 23«. Rept of comrs. of sinking fund, for 1850. Jan. 9, 1851. pp. 225-227. Doc. 23'. Stmt, of Phila. and Reading R.R. Co. for 1850. pp. 228-230. Doc. 23«. Stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co. for 1850. pp. 231-232. Doc. 23". Ann. acct. of Eastern Penitentiary for 1850. pp. 232-240. Doc. 15. Stmt, of Monongahela Navigation Co. for 1850. p. 241. Doc. 16. Stmt, of Wilkesbarre Coal Co. for 1850. p. 242. Doc. 17. Communication from auditor gen. with stmts, of banks for 1850. pp. 243-379. Doc. 24. Stmt, of probable cost of resuming Erie Canal. March 8, 1851. pp. 380-381. Doc. 25. Communication from auditor gen., rel, to amt. of banking capital in Penn. March 27. 1851. p. 382. Doc. 26. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of \Vm. Chiindler. M.'irch 1.5. 1851. p. 3S:(. Doc. 27, Stmt, of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. for 1850. p. 384. Doc. 28. Stmt, of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. for 1850. p. 385. Doc. 29. Mess, from Gov., with res. for promotion of peace. Jan. 14, 1851. p. 386. Doc. 30. 22 ann. rept. of Eastern Penitentiary for 1850. pp. 387-416. Doc. 31, Stmt, of Little Schuylkill Navigation, R.R. and Coal Co. for 1850. pp. 417-418. Doc. 32. Stmt, of Penn. Coal Co. for 1850. p. 418. Doc. 33. Communication from secy, of commonwealth with ann. rept. of Phila. Co. Prison. March 11, 1851. pp. 419- 456. Doc. 34. 3 ann. rept. of Girard College for Orphans, for 1850. March 16, 1851. pp. 457-464. Doc. 35. Acct. of receipts and expenditures of Girard Estate trustees for 1850. March 16, 1851. pp. 464-512. Doc. 36. Stmt, of Tioga Navigation Co. for 1850. Jan. 4, 1851. pp. 513-520. Doc. 37. kept, of tellers to officiate at counting returns for auditor gen. and surveyor gen. Jan. 17, 1851. pp. 520-524, Doc. 38. Kept, of tellers to officiate at counting returns rel. to amdmt. of constitution. Jan. 14, 1851. pp. 525- 527. Doc. 39. Stmt, of transactions of Phila., Oermantown and Norrlstown R.R. Co. for 1850. pp. .'■)27-528. Doc. 40. Stmt, of Univ. of Penn., Jan. 1, 1851. p. 529. Doc. 41. Stmt, of Phlln. and Reading R.R. Co., 1849/50. March 12, 1851, pp. 5,30-535. Doc. 42. Ann. rept. of House of Refuge for 1850. Feb. 20, 1851. pp. 530-556. Doc. 43. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb for 1850. Feb. 15. 1851. pp. 550-565. Doc. 44. Communication from surveyor gen., rel. to con- tingent expenses of ofBce. Jan. 22, 1851. p. 506. Doc. 45. Communication from state treasurer rel. to con- tingent expenses of office. Jan., 1851. p. 5G7. Doc, 48, Stmt, of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co. for 1850. Jan. 29, 1851. pp. 568-569. Doc. 47. Stmt, of Mt. Carbon R.R. Co. for 1850. Feb. 21, 1851. pp. 570-571. Doc. 48. Stmt, of Western Saving Fund Socy, for 1850. March 6, 1851. pp, 571-572, ' See docs. 15-17 below. Inserted between doc, 23'" and doc. 24. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXV General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 7-Aprll 15. 1851 — cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 49. Rept. of Schuvlklll Navigation Co. to stock- holders for 1850. Jan. 6, 1851. pp. 573-583. Doc. 50. Stmt, of Codorus Navigation Co. for 1850. p. 584. Doc. 51. 8 ann. rept. of Erie Canal Co. for 1850. Jan. 21, 1851. pp. 585-591. Doc. 52. Rept. of W. B. Foster, engr., on Improvements of Delaware division of Penn. Canal. March 8, 1851. pp. 592-593. Doc. 53. Stmt, of York and Md. Line R.R. Co. from organi- zation to Sept. 30, 1850. pp. 594-595. Doc. 54. Stmt, of Danville and PottsvUle R.R. Co. for 1850. pp. 596-598. Doc. 55. Rept. of Westmoreland and Indiana Bridge Co., Dec. 1, 18M. pp. 598-599. Doc. 56. Stmt, of Chestnut Hill and Sprlnghouse Turn- pike Road Co. 1849/50. Feb. 10, 1851. p. 599. Doc. 57. Communication from secy, of commonwealth with repts. of Lehigh Crane Iron Co., Lycoming Iron Co., Montour Iron Co.. Bloomsburg R.R. Iron Co., and Locust Mt. Coal and Iron Co. Jan. 27. 1851. pp. 600-602. Doc. 58. Rept. of teller on part of Senjite at election of state treasurer. Jan. 20, 1851. p. 603. Doc. 59. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to claim of Austin Thompson, Feb. 10, 1851. pp. 604-605. Doc. 60. Same. rel. to claim of heirs and le;;al repre- sentatives of John Bennett, Feb. 13, 1851. pp. 606-607. Doc. 61. Rept. on claim of Amos Addis. April 8, 1851. p. 608, Doc. 62. Rept. on claim of William Barns, March 26, 1851, p, 609, Doc. 63. Rept. on claim of Robert Lytle. March 15, 1851. pp. 609-610. Doc. 64. Rept. on claim of W. P. M'Culloch. March 26, 1851. p. 610. Doc. 65. Rept. on claim of John Miller. March 15, 1851. p. 611. Doc. 66. Rept. on claim of Saml. Black. March 15, 1851. pp. 611-612. Doc. 67. Rept. on claim of W. A. Petrlken. March 26, 1851. p. 612. Doc. 68. Rept. on claim of William Johnston, March 26, 1851. p. 613. Doc. 69. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to certain cases of damages. March 26, 1851. p. 614. Doc. 70. Rept. on claims of John Webster and Frederick Andress, April 8, 1851. p. 615. Doc. 71. Rept. on claim of Saml. Rice, April 7, 1851. pp, 615-616. Doc. 72. Rept. on claim of Wm. Edge. April 7, 1851, p. 616. Doc. 73. Rept. on claim of Robt. Montgomery, April 7, 1851. p. 617. Index, pp. 619-623. Journal of the House. 2 vols. V. 1. Harrlsburg : T. Fenn & Co., V. 2. Containing messages, repts., Fenn & Co., 1851, 644 pp. Contents : Doc. 1. Ann. mess, of Gov. [Johnston], Jan. 7, 1851. pp. 3-17. Doc. 2. Stmt, of Penn. Hospital, 1849/50. pp. 18-32. Doc. 3. Rept. of state treasurer on finances, 1849/50, Jan. 9, 1851. pp. 33-71. Doc. 4. Judicial distrs. and salaries of Judges. Jan. 20, 1851. pp. 72-74. Doc. 5. Stmt, of Germantown and Perklomen Turnpike Road Co. for 1849/50. p. 74. Doc. 6. Rept. of Robt. Farles. engr., on surveys to avoid Inclined planes on Allegheny Portage R.R., Jan. 29, 1851. pp. 75-91. Submitted by canal comrs. Feb. 7. 1851. Doc. 7. Rept. of Messrs. Wright and Buckalew on Bank of Susquehanna Co. Jan. 15, 1851. pp, 92-129. Doc. 8. Stmt, of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy., Nov., 1850. Jan. 8, 1851. pp. 129-130. Doc. 9. Rept. of jt. committee on publication of geol. survey. March 7, 1851, pp. 131-144. Doc. 10. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to con- tingent expenses of office. Jan. 9, 1851. p. 144. Doc. II. Stmt, of Frankford and Bristol 'Turnpike Road Co., 1849/50. Jan. 11, 1851. p. 145. Doc. 12. Rept. of committee on bill to provide for regis- tration of marrlnges, births and deaths. March 13, 1851. pp. 146-155. Doc. 13. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to bank bonuses and premiums on loans. March 12. 18,51. pp. 156-159. Doc. 14. Stmt, of Western Saving Fund Socy. In Nov., 1850. Jan. 11, 1851, p. 100. Docs, 15-17 are found betw. nos. 21 anil 22. Doc. 18. Comm\inlcatlon from auditor gen. and state treasurer rel. to memorial from Bank of Penn. March 4, 1851. pp. 161-1G4. 1851, 1023 pp, and docs, Harrlsburg : T. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 113 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd I. XXV r.pjioral Aasombly — cont'd .Ian. 7-April 15, 1851— cont'd .Journal of the IIousp — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 19. Rpmonstrance of prea. of Dickinson College agst. bill repealing laws exempting certain property from taxation. March 15 1851. pp. 165-167. Doc. 20. Hept. of E. F. Gay, engr., on survey for improve- ment of curves on Columbia and Phlla. R.R. March 21, 1851. pp. 168-172. Doc. 21. Memorial of late members of 2nd regiment of Penn. volunteers. March 15, 1851. pp. 173-176. Do.'. 15. Stmt, of Mi>nonL'iheIa Navigation Co. for 1850. Jan. 27, 1851. pp. 177-178. Doc. 16. Stmt, of Wllliesbarre Coal Co. Jan. 27, 1851. p. 178. Doc. 17. Communication from auditor gen., with stmts, of banlis, for 1850. li'eb. 13. 1851. pp. 170-315. Doc. 22. Kept. rcl. to reduction of tolls on Phlla. and Columbia R.R. March 8, 1851. pp. 31G-317. Doe. 23. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to amt. of banking capital in Peno. March 27, 1851. p. 318. Doc. 24. Communication from canal comrs., rel. to claim of Wm. Chandler. March 15, 1851. p. 319. Doc. 25. Stmt, of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. for 1850. Jan. 6, 1851. p. 320. Doc. 26. Stmt, of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. for 1850. Jan. 7, 1851. p. 321. Doc. 27. Mess, from Gov. with res. for promotion of peace. Jan. 14, 1851. p. 322. Doc. 28. Ann. rept. of Eastern Penitentiary, for 1850. March 6. 1851. pp. 323-352. Doc. 29. Rept. of select committee rel. to memorial of way-transporters on Columbia R.R. April 9, 1851. pp. 353-358. Doc. 30. Communication from state treasurer rel. to pub- lic defaulters. Jan. 24, 1851. pp. 359-365. Doc. 31. Rept. of tellers for election of U. S. Senator. Jan. 14, 1851. pp. 366-308. Doc. 32. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund. Jan. 9, 1851. pp. 369-371. Doc. 33. Rept. of Phlla. and Reading R.R. Co. for 1850. April 12, 1851. pp. 372-374. Doc. 34. Stmt, of Mine Hill and Schnylkill Haven R.R. Co. for 1850. Jan. 25, 1851. pp. 375-376. Doc. 35. Ann. acct. of P^astern Penitentiary for 1850. March 6. 1851. pp. 376-3S4. Doc. 36. Stmt, of Little Schuylkill Navigation, R.R. and Coal Co. for 1850. Feb. 25. 1851. pp. 385-386. Doc. 37. Stmt, of Penn. Coal Co. for 1850. Jan. 15, 1851. p. 386. Doc. 38. Ann. rept. of Phila. Co. Prison for 1850. March 11. 1851. pp. 387-424. Doc. 39. Ann. rept. of Girard College for Orphans for 1850. March 16, 1851. pp. 425-432. Doc. 40. Acct. of (Urard estate trustees for 1850. March 16, 1851. pp. 432-480. Doc. 41. Stmt, of Tioga Navigation Co. for 1850. Jan. 4, 1851. pp. 4S1-4S8. Doc. 42. Rept. of tellers to count returns for auditor gen. and surveyor gen., Jan. 17. 1851. pp. 488-492. Doc. 43. Rept. of tellers to count returns for and agst. amdmt. of constitution. Jan. 14. 1851. pp. 493-495. Doc. 44. Stmt, of transactions of I'hila., Germantown and Norristown R.R. Co. for 1850. pp. 495-496. Doc. 45. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to per- sons employed on public works. April 9, 1851. pp. 497- 531. Doc. 46. Rept. on pay, mileage and stationery of members. n. d. pp. 531-533. Doc. 47. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, rel. to contingent expenses. Jan. 31, 1851. p. 534. Doc. 48. Rept. of committee rel. to public prtg. Jan. 23, 1851. p. 535. Doc. 49. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to schute In dam of West Branch of Susquehanna, at Lewlsburg. Feb. 6, 1851. p. 536. Doc. 50. Same, rel. to condition of east bank of Susque- hanna in front and adjacent to Sunbury, Feb. 12, 1851. pp. 537-538. Doc. 51. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to claim for board walk and gas in public bldgs. Feb. 19, 1851. p. 538. Doc. 52. Same, rel. to claim of Jacob Hill. Feb. 20, 1851. pp. 539-540. Doc. 53. Communication from surveyor gen., rel. to pres- ervation of papers and docs. In office. Feb. 25, 1851. pp. 540-541. Doc. 54. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to Far- randsvllle Dam and Tangascootack Extension. Feb. 25, 1851. p. 541. Doc. 55. Same, rel. to claim of Sherman Bills. March 4, 1851. pp. 542-543. Doc. 56. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to binding records pertaining to Revolutionary War. March 6, 1851. p. 543. Doc. 57. Communication from secy, of commonwealth with returns of special election in Cumberland Co. Jan. 28, 1851. p. 544. Doc. 58. 545. Doc. 59 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd l.XXV (;eneral Assembly — cont'd Jan. 7-Aprll 15. 1851 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Ann. stmt, of Univ. of Penn., Jan. 1, 1851. p. Stmt, of Phlla. and Reading R.R. Co. for 1849/ !iO. March 12, 1851. iip. 546-551. Doe. 60. Ann. rept. of House of Refuge for 1850. Feb. 20, 1851. pp. 552-572. Doc. 61. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb for 18.50. Feb. 15. 1851. pp. 572-581. Doc. 62. Communication from surveyor gen. rel. to con- tingent expenses of office. Jan. 22, 1851. p. 582. Doc. 63. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to contingent expenses of office. Jan., 1851. p. 583. Doc. 64. Stmt, of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co. for 1850. Jan. 29, 1851. pp. 584-585. Doc. 65. Stmt, of Mt. Carbon R.R. Co. for 18.50. Feb. 21. 1851. pp. 586-587. Doe. 66. Stmt, of Western Saving Fund Socy. for 1850. March 7, 1851. pp. 587-588. Doc. 67. Rept. of Schuylkill Navigation Co. to stock- holders, for 1850. Jan. 6. 1851. pp. 589-599. Doc. 68. Stmt, of Codorus Navigation Co., for 1850. p. 600. Doc. 69. 8 ann. rept. of Erie Canal Co. for 1850. Jan. 21, 1851. pp. 601-607. Doc. 70. Rept. of W. B. Foster, engr., on Improvements of Delaware division of Penn. Canal. March 8, 1851. pp. 608-609. Submitted by canal comrs. March 11, 1851. Doc. 71. Stmt, of York and Md. Line R.R. Co. from organization to Sept. 30, 1850. Jan. 25, 1851. pp. 610-611. Doc. 72. Stmt, of Danville and Pottsville R.R. Co. for 1850. pp. 612-614. Doc. 73. Rept. of Westmoreland and Indiana Bridge Co. for 1850. Dec. 1, 1850. pp. 614-015. Doc. 74. Rept. of Chestnut Hill and Sprlnghouse Turn- pike Road Co. 1849/50. Feb. 10, 1851. p. 615. Doc. 75. Communic.ition from secy, of commonwealth, with repts. of Lehigh Crane Iron Co.. Lycoming Iron Co.. Montour Iron Co., Bloomsburg R.I{. Iron Co., and Locust Mt. Coal and Iron Co. Jan. 27, 1851. pp. 616- 618. Doc. 76. Rept. of teller on part of House at election of state treasurer. Jan. 20. 1851. p. 619. Doc. 77. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to claim of Austin Thompson. Feb. 20, 1851. pp. 620-621. Doc. 78. Same, rel. to claim of heirs and legal represen- tatives of John Bennett. Feb. 13. 1851. pp. 622-623. Doe. 79. Rept. on claim of Amos Addis. April 8, 1851. p. 624. Doc. 80. Rept. on claim of Wm. Barns. March 26, 1851. p. 625. Doc. 81. Rept. on claim of Robt. Lytle. March 15, 1851. pp. 625-626. Doc. 82. Rept. on claim of W. P. M'Culloch. March 26, 1851. p. 626. Doc. 83. Rept. on claim of John Miller. March 15, 1851. p. 627. Doc. 84. Rept. on claim of Saml. Black. March 15, 1851. pp. 627-628. Doc. 85. Rept. on claim of W. J. Petrlken. March 26. 1851. p. 628. Doc. 86. Rept. on claim of Wm. Johnston. March 26, 1851. p. 629. Doc. 87. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to certain cases of damages. March 26. 1851. p. 630. Doc. 88. Rept. on claims of John Webster and Frederick Andress. April 8, 1851. p. 631. Doc. 89. Rent, on claim of Saml. Rice. April 7, 1851. pp. 631-632. Doc. 90. Rept. on claim of Wm. Edge. p. 632. Doc. 91. Rept. on claim of Robt. Montgomery. April 7, 1851. p. 633. Doc. 92. Docs. ace. rept. from committee on banks, rel. to Bank of Montgomery Co. April 15, 1851. pp. 633- 638. Index, pp. 639-644. [Documents.] Repts. of heads of depts., transmitted to Gov. Har- rlsburg : T. Fenn & Co., 1851. v. p. Binder's title : " Executive documents, 1850." Contents : Table of contents. 1 leaf. Ann. mess, of Gov., Jan. 8, 1851. h. t. p. 16 pp. Ann. rept. of auditor gen., 1849/50. h. t. p. 146 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer on receipts, 1849/50. h. t. p. 315 pp. Ann. rept. of surveyor gen., 1849/50. 6 pp. Ann. rept. of canal comrs. h. t. p. 90, 18, 18 pp. Rept. of supt. of motive power on Columbia & Phila. R.R., 1849/50. h. t. p. 18 pp. Rept. of supt. of motive power and supervisor of repairs on Allegheny Portage R.R.. 1849/50. h. t. p. 18 pp. 114 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXV General Assembly — cont'd Jan. T-April 15. 1S51 — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd 17 ann. rept. or supt. of common schools, 1849/50. h. t. p. 75 pp. Journal of bd. or canal comrs. h. t. p. il pp. Ann, rept. of adj. gen. h. t. p. 13 pp. Journal of bd. of revenue comrs., 1851. h. t. p. 128 pp. LXXVI General Assembly Jan. 6-May 4, 1852 Journal of the Senate. 2 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg: T. Fenn and Co., 1852. 1147 pp. T. 2. Containing messaj:es. repts., and docs. Harrisburg : T. Fenn & Co., 1852. 608 pp. Contents : Doc. 1. Ann. mess, of Gov. [Johnston], Jan. 5, 1852. pp. 31 1. Doc. 2. Mess, from Gov., vetoing act of last sess. repeal- ing sec. 6 of law of 1847, prohibiting use of jails for detention of fugitives from labor. Jan. 8, 1852. pp. 12- 14. Doc. 3. Ann. rept. of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. for 1851. Jan. 1, 1852. pp. 14-15. Doc. 4. Stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., 1851. Jan. 7, 1852. pp. 15-16. Doc. 5. Stmt, of Mine Hill and SchuymiU Haven R.R. Co. for 1851. Jan. 20, 1852. pp. 17-18. Doc. 6. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to arrange- ment with Penn. R.R. Co. to use portion of their road on Allegheny Mt. till state road is completed, Jan. 19, 1852. p. 18. Doc. 7. Rept. of state treasurer on finances for 1850/1. Jan. 13, 1852. pp. 19-64. Doc. 8. Communication from secy, of commonwealth with repts. of Montour Iron Co., Lehigh Iron Crane Co., Locust Mt. Coal and Iron Co., and Bloomsburg R.R. Iron Co. Jan. 17, 1852. pp. 65-67. Doc. 9. Stmt, of I'hila.. Norristown and Germantown R.R. Co., for 1850/1. pp. 68-69. Doc. 10. Ann. rept. of York and Md. Line R.R. Co. from organization to Sept. 30, 1851. pp. 70-71. Doc. 11. Rept. of tellers to officiate at counting of returns for Gov. at election of 1851. Jan. 15. 1852. pp. 72-74. Doc. 12. Stmt, of Delaware, Lehigh, Schuylkill and Sus- quehanna R.R. Co. Jan. 12, 1852. p. 74. Doc. 13. Rept. of teller on part of House at election of state treasurer. .Tan. 19, 1852. pp. 75-76. Doc. 14. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claims for damages on Erie Extension. Jan. 26, 1852. pp. 76-77. Doc. 15. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to con- tingent expenses of dept. Jan. 9, 1852. p. 77. Doc. 16. Stmt, of Western Saving Fund Socy. Jan. 9, 1852. p. 78. Doe. 1". Mess, from Gov. rel. to erection of monuments In Independence Square, Phlla. Jan. 8, 1852. pp. 79-80. Doc. 18. Ann. rept. of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. for 1851. Jan. 27, 1852. p. 81. Doc. 19. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to clahn of John M'Cord. Jan. 30, 1852. p. 82. Doc. 20. Mess, of Gov. with docs. reL to State Lunatic Hospital. Jan. 14, 1852. pp. 83-104. Doc. 21. Rept. of Robert Faries, engr.. on road to avoid Inclined planes on Allegheny Portage R.R. Read Jan. 22, 1852. pp. 105-113. Doc. 22. Communication from canal comrs. with map of r.r. to avoid inclined plane on western slope of Allegheny Mt. Feb. 2, 1852. p. 113. Doc. 23. Stmt, of Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Co., 1850/1. Jan. 12, 1852. p. 114. Doc. 24. Mess, from Gov., with res. of N. J. rel. to com- promise. Feb. 6, 1852. pp. 115-116. Doc. 25. 1 triennial rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1840/ 51. Jan. 8, 1852. pp. 117-121. Doc. 26. Stmt, of Phlla. and Lancaster Turnpike Road Co., 1849/51. Jan. 20, 1852. pp. 122-123. Doc. 27. Ann. stmt, of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co. for 1851. Feb., 1852. i)p. 124-125. Doc. 28. Stmt, of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy., Jan. 1, 1852. pp. 125-120. Doc. 29. Ann. rept. of Erie Canal Co., tor 1851. Jan. 24, 1852. pp. 127-132. Doc. 30. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to resump- tion of Erie Extension and I'rench Creek Feeder. Feb. 20, 1852. pp. 132-134 Doc. 31. 24 ann. rept. of House of Refuge for 1851. Jan. 24, 1852. pp. 135-1.'>9. Doc. 32. Cost, revenue and expenditures of public works of Penn. Feb. 9, 1852. pp. 160-176. Doc. 33. Contested election case of Jacob Painter vs. Solomon Demcrs, Jan. 28, 1852. p. 177. Doc. 34. Stmt, of Chestnut Hill and Spring House Turn- pike Hoad Co., IS.IO/l. Feb. 14, 1852. p. 178. Doc. 35. Repts. of banks and savings institutions for 1851. Jan. 22, 1852. pp. 179-319. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXVI General .Assembly — cont'd Jan. 6-May 4. 185'J — cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doe. 36. Commoni"''-' 1 from auditor gen., rel. to banks chartered unilt-, ..ct of Apr. 16, 1850. Feb. 20, 1852. pp. 320-322. Doc. 37. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to census. Jan. 31, 1852. pp. 323-326. Doc. 38. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of amt. of bonds, scrip and other certiticates of indebted- ness issued by cos., cities, etc. Feb. 12, 1852. pp. 327- 328. Doc. 39. Stmt, of Germantown and Perklomen Turnpike Road Co., 1850/1. p. 329. Doc. 40. Ann. rept. of Lackawanna and Western R.R. Co. for 1851. Jan. 1, 1852. pp. 330-331. Doc. 41. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Porter & Smith, contractors. Feb. 6. 1852. p. 332. Doc. 42. Communication from state treasurer rel. to pub- lic defaulters. Jan. 23, 1852. pp. 333-340. Doc. 43. Rept. of auditors of Western Saving Fund Socy. for 1851. Feb. 25, 1S52. pp. 340-341. Doc. 44. Stmt, of Penn. Hospital, for 1850/1. pp. 342- 356. Doc. 45. Stmt, of Monongahela Navigation Co. for 1851. Jan. 16, 1852. pp. 357-372. Doc. 46. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb for 1831. Feb. 21, 1852. pp. 373-385. Doc. 47. Stmt, of expenses of Eastern Penitentiary for 1851. March 8, 1852. pp. 385-433. Doc. 48. Communication from secy, of commonwealth with decisions made by him as supt. of common schools. April 6, 1852. pp. 434-440. Doc. 49. Mess, from Gov., with res. of Ala. legisl. rel. to constructing ship canal across Florida peninsula. Feb. 20, 1852. pp. 441-442. Doc. 50. Stmt, of Mt. Carbon R.R. Co. for 1851. Feb. 20, 1852. pp. 442-443. Doc. 51. Ann. acct. of Little Schuylkill Navigation, R.R. and Coal Co., Jan. 1, 1852. pp. 444-445. Doc. 52. Abstr. of accts. of West Chester and Phlla. R.K. Co. March 19, 1852. p. 445. Doc. 53. Mess, from Gov., with act of N. J. legisl. rel. to fisheries in Delaware River. March 19, 1852. pp. 446- 447. Doc. 54. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of John Miller. March 6. 1852. p. 448. Doc. 55. Communication from state treasurer, with stmt. of contingent expenses of dept. Feb. 17, 1852, p. 449. Doc. 56. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Wm. Buehler. Feb. 24, 1852. p. 450. Doc. 57. Same, rel. to claim of Bernard Kelly. March 11, 1852. p. 451. Doc. 58. Same, rel. to claim of R. M. Lemon. March 11, 1852. pp. 451-452. Doc. 59. 4 ann. rept. of Girard College for Orphans, and acct. of receipts and expenditures •? trustees of Girard estate for 1851. March 12, 1852. pp. 452-523. Doc. 60. Communication from canal comrs. ; claim of John Hanson. March 10, 1852. p. 524. Doc. 61. Same; J. P. Uaughlln. March 11, 1852. p. 525. Same ; John Nicholas. March 20, 1852. p. 526. Same; Henry Fogle. March 20, 1852. pp. 526- Same ; Stehman & Herr. March 24, 1852. pp. Doc. 62. Doc. 63. 527. Doc. 64. 527-528. Doc. 65. Communication from auditor gen. ; to claims of Jonathan Large. April 7. 1852. pp. 528-529. Doc. 66. Communication from canal comrs.; claim of Benj. Corle. April 10, 1852. pp. 529-530. Doc. 67. Same ; I'eter Eakman. April 10, 1852. p. 530. Doc. 68. Same ; Barbara Trucks. April 12, 1852. pp, 531-532 Doc. 69. 'Same; Jas. Dowllng. April 12, 1852. p. 533. Same ; Geo. Hogg & Co. April 12. 1852. p. 534. Wm. Henry. April 12, 1852. p. 535. Jos. Jackson. April 12, 1852. p. 536. Same ; Jas. White. April 12. 1852. p. 537. Same ; claim of G. W. M'Kellip. April 12, 1852. Doc. 70. Doc. 71. Doc. 72. Doc. 73. Doc. 74. p. 538. Doc. 75. Doc. 76. Same ; Same ; Same ; D. Leech & Co. April 12, 1852. p. 539. Same ; Sterrctt, Robinson & Co. April 15, 1852. pp. 539-540. Doc. 77. Same ; Wm. Buehler. Feb. 24, 1852. p. 540. Same; John Miller. March 6. 1852. p. 541. Same ; Rheem & Beelman. March 3, 1852. p. Doc. 78. Doc. 79. 542. Doc. 80. Doc. 81 Same; Thos. M'Elrath. April 16, 1852. p. 543. Same ; Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co. April 21, 1852. p. 544. Doc. 82. Ann. stmt of Schuylkill Valley Navigation and R.R. Co. for 1851. March 2S, 1852. pp. 545-546. Doc. 83. Communication from canal comrs, rel. to claim of Michael Hazard. April 21, 18.')2. p. 546. Doc. 84. Ann. abstr. of accts. of Lewlstown and Tuscarora Bridge Co. for 1851. p. 547. Doc. 85. Ann. stmt, of Mt. Carbon and Port Carbon R.R. Co., for 1851. p. 548. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 115 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXVI Ooneral Assembly — cont'd Jan. (jMay 4. 18S2 — cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 8G. Ann. stmt, of Univ. of Penn., Jan. 1, 1852. p. 589 [549]. Doc. 8*7. Stint, of receipts and expenditures of Poor House and Honse of Employment for Cumberland Co. for 1851. Marcb 23, 1852. pp. 550-553. Doc. 88. Stmt, of Lorberry Creek E.R. Co. for 1851. p. 554. Doc. 89. Abstr. of accts. of Phila. and Reading R.R. Co. for 1850/1. March 27, 1852. pp. 555-5G6. Doc. 90. Stmt, of Forest Improvement Co. tor 1851. Jan. 21, 1852. p. 567. Doc. 91. Abstr. of accts. of Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turnpike Co., Nov. 1, 1851. Jan. 19. 1852. p. 568. Doc. 92. Ann. stmt, of Norristown Insurance and Water Co., to Feb. 2, 1852. pp. 568-570. Doc. 93. Rept. of Penn. Mining and Smelting Co. for 1851. Jan. 20, 1852. p. 570. Doc. 94. Stmt, of National Safety Insurance and Trust Co., Dec. 1, 1851. pp. 571-572. Doc. 95. General stmt, of Lykens Valley R.R. and Coal Co.. on Dec. 31, 1851. pp. 572-573. Doc. 96. Abstr. of accts. of West Chester and Phila. R.R. Co. March 19, 1852. pp. 573-574. Doc. 97. Communication from canal comrs, with rept. of bd. of appraisers to assess damages done to private property by construction of r.r. to avoid Schuylkill in- clined plane. March 26, 1852. pp. 574-577. Doc. 98. Ann. rept. of Western Penitentiary for 1851. Jan. 1. 1852. pp. 577-593. Doc. 99. Communication from Alexandre Vattemare. Nov. 23, 1851. pp. 594-605. Index, pp. 606-608. oifrnal of the House. 2 vols. V. 1. llarrisburg; T. Fenn & Co., 1852. 1111 pp. V. 2. Containing messages, repts., and docs. Harrisburg : T. Fenn & Co., 1852. 768 pp. Contents : Doc. 1. Ann. mess, of Gov. [Johnston], Jan. 5, 1852. pp. 3-11. Doc. 2. Rept. of committee to investigate Hudson Canal Co. with view of resumption of work of Co. Jan. 8, 1852. pp. 12-89. Doc. 3. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to corresp. of Wheeling Bridge case. Jan. 24, 1852. pp. 89-94. Doc. 4. Ann. rept. of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. for 1851. Jan. 1, 1852. p. 95. Doc. 5. Stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., Nov., 1851. Jan. 7, 1852. pp. 95-96. Doc. 6. Stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuvlkill Haven R.R. Co. for 1851. Jan. 20, 1852. pp. 97-98. Doc. 7. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to using portion of Penn. R.R. Co.'s road on Allegheny Mt. till state road is completed. Jan. 19, 1852. p. 98. Doc. 8. Rept. of state treasurer on finances for 1850/1. pp. 99-144. Doc. 9. Communication from secy, of commonwealth with returns of Montour Iron Co., Lehigh Iron Crane Co., Locust Mt. Coal and Iron Co., and Bloomsburg R.R. Iron Co. Jan. 17, 1852. pp. 145-148. Doc. 10. Stmt, of Phila., Norristown and Germantown R.R. Co., 1850/1. Nov. 1, 1851. pp. 148-149. Doc. 11. Ann. rept. of York and Md. Line R.R. Co. from organization to Sept. 30, 1851. Jan. 23, 1852. pp. 150- 151. Doc. 12. Rept. of tellers to officiate at counting returns for Gov. at election of 1851. Jan. 15, 1852. pp. 152-154. Doc. 13. Stmt, of Delaware. Lehigh, Schuylkill and Susque- hanna R.R. Co. Jan. 12, 1852. pp. 154-155. Doc. 14. Rept. of teller on part of House at election of state treasurer. Jan. 19, 1852. pp. 155-156. Doc. 15. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claims for damages on Erie Extension. Jan. 26, 1852. pp. 156- 157. Doc. 16. Communication from auditor gen., rel. to con- tingent expenses of dept. Jan. 9, 1852. p. 157. Doc. 17. Stmt, of Western Saving Fund Socy., Nov., 1851. Jan. 9, 1852. p. 158. Doc. 18. Mess. rel. to erection of monuments in Inde- pendence Square, Phila. Jan. 8, 1852. pp. 159-160. Doc. 19. Ann. rept. of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. for 1851. Jan. 27, 1852. p. 161. Doc. 20. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to claim of John M'Cord. Jan. 30, 1852. p. 162. Doc. 21. Mess, from Gov. with docs. rel. to State Lunatic Hospital. Jan. 14,-1852. pp. 163-184. Doc. 22. Rept. of Robt. Fanes, engr., on road to avoid in- clined planes on Allegheny Portage R.R. Read Jan. 22. 1852. pp. 185-193. Doc. 23. Communication from canal comrs. transmitting map of r.r. to avoid inclined plane on western slope of Allegheny Mt. Feb. 2, 1852. p. 193. Doc. 24. Stmt, of Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Road Co. for 1850/1. Jan. 12, 1852. p. 194. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXVI General Assembly — cont'd Jan. C-May 4, 1852 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 25. Mess, from Gov., with res. of N. J. rel. to com- promise. Feb. G, 1852. pp. 195-196. Doc. 26. 1 triennial rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1849/51. Jan. 8, 1852. pp. 197-201. Doc. 2*7. Stmt. *»f I'hila. antl Lancaster Turnpllie R(»n(l Co., 1849/51. Jan. 26. 1852. pp. 202-203. Doc. 28. Ann. stmt, of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co. for 1851. Feb., 1852. pp. 204-205. Doc. 29. Stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., Jan. 1, 1852. p. 205. Doc. 30. Ann. rept. of Erie Canal Co., tor 1851. Jan. 24, 1852. pp. 207-212. Doc. 31. Communication from canal comrs, rel. to resump- tion of Erie Extension and French Creek Feeder. Feb. 20, 1852. pp. 212-214. Doc. 32. 24 ann. rept. of House of Refuge for 1851. Jan. 23, 1852. pp. 215-239. Doc. 33. Proposition to lease finished lines of and canals. March 16, 1852. p. 240. Doc. 34. Contested election case of Jacob Painter vs. Solomon Demers. Jan. 28, 1852. p. 241. Doc. 35. Stmt, of Chestnut Hill and Spring House Turn- pike Road Co. for 1850/1. Feb. 14, 1852. p. 242. Doc. 36. Communication from auditor gen., with repts. of banks and savings institutions for 1851. Jan. 22, 1852. pp. 243-384. Doc. 37. Same. rel. to banks chartered, 1849-1851. Jan. 21, 1852. pp. 384-386. Doc. 38. Same, with stmt, of escheats and alleged escheats entered on record in his otfice since close of 1838. March 10, 1852. pp. 387-406. Doc. 39. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to work done on r.r. to avoid inclined plane, Feb. 11, 1852. pp. 407-410. Doc. 40. Rept. of select committee rel. to res. to inquire into expediency of reporting bill to abolish capital punish- ment, March 12, 1852. pp. 411-416. Doc. 41. Communication from atty. gen., rel. to Wheeling Bridge Case, March 17, 1852. pp. 417-421. Doc. 42. Communication from auditor gen. and state treasurer, rel. to nature and character of unavailable deposit in U. S. Bank. March 20, 1852. pp. 422-428. Doc. 43. Communication from state treasurer rel. to public defaulters, Jan. 23, 1852. pp. 429-436. Doc. 44. Rept. of auditors of Western Saving Fund Socy. for 1851. Feb. 25, 1852. pp. 436-437. Doc. 45. Stmt, of Penn. Hospital, 1850/1. pp. 438-452. Doc. 46. Stmt, of Monongahela Navigation Co. tor 1851. Jan. 16, 1852. pp. 453-468. Doc. 47. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb for 1851. Feb. 21, 1852. pp. 469-481, Doc. 48. Stmt, of expenses of Eastern Penitentiary for 1851, March 8, 1852. pp. 481-529. Doc. 49, Communication from secy, of commonwealth with decisions made by him as supt. of common schools. April G, 1852. pp. 530-536. Doc. 50. Mess, of Gov., with res. of Ala. legisl. rel. to ship canal across Fla. peninsula, Feb. 20, 1852. pp. 5S7-538. Doc. 51. Stmt, of Mt. Carbon R.R. Co. Jan. 31, 1852. Submitted Feb. 20, 1852. pp. 538-539. Doc. 52. Ann. acct. of Little Schuylkill Navigation, R.R. and Coal Co., Jan. 1, 1852. pp. 540-541. Doc. 53. Abstr. of accts. of West Chester and Phila. R.R. Co. March 18, 1852. Submitted March 19, 1852. p. 541. Doc. 54. Mess, from Gov. with act of N. J. legisl. rel. to fisheries in Delaware River, March 19, 1852. pp. 542-543. Doc. 55. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of John Miller. March 6, 1852. p. 544. Doc. 56. Stmt, of Germantown and Perkiomen Turnpike Road Co., 1850/1. Nov. 3. 1851. p. 545. Doc. 57. Communication from canal comrs, rel, to claim of Porter & Smith, contractors. Feb. 6. 1852. p. 546. Doc. 58. Same, rel. to claim of Shirk and Royer, March 4, 1852. pp. 547-549. Doc. 59. Same, rel. to contract with W. A. V. Magaw, March IG, 1852. pp. 549-551. Doc. 60. Ann. stmt, of Mill Creek and Mine Hill Naviga- tion and R.R. Co. for 1851. pp. 551-552. Doc. 61. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to proposi- tion of Penn. R.R. to convey freight from Hollidaysburg to Johnstown. April 14. 1852. pp. 553-556. Doc. 62. Same. rel. to repairs on Shamokin schute, Jan. 14, 1852. p. 557. Doc. 63. Communication from auditor gen., with stmt, of postage for different depts. for past 3 years. Feb. 16, 1852. pp. 558-559. Doc. 64. Communication from pres. of bd. of canal comrs. rel. to damages. Jan. 26, 1852. p. 560. Doc. 65. Communication from state treasurer, with stmt. of contingent expenses of dept, Feb. 17, 1852. p. 561. Doc. 66. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Wm. Buehler. Feb. 24, 1852. p. 562. Doc. 67. Same, rel. to claim of Bernard Kelly, March 11, 1852. p. 563. 116 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXVI General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 6Ma.v 4. 1852 — cont'd Journal of the House — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 68. Same, rel. to claim of R. M. Lemon, March 11, 1852. pp. 563-564. Doc. 69. 4 ann. rept. of Girard College for Orphans, and stmt, of trustees of Girard estate, 1851. March 12, 1852. pp. 564-635. Doc. 70. Communication from canal comrs. ; claim of John Hansen. March 10. 1852. p. 636. Doc. 71. Same ; J. P. Laughlln, March 11. 1852. p. 637. Doc. 72. Same ; John N'lcholas. March 20, 1852. p. 638. Doc. 73. Same ; Henry Fogle. March 20, 1852. pp. 638- 639. Doc. 74. Same ; Stehman & Herr, March 24, 1852. pp. 639-640. Doc. 75. Communication from auditor gen. ; claim of Jonathan Large, April 7, 1852. pp. 640-641. Doc. 76. Communication from canal comrs. ; claim of BenJ. Corle, April 10, 1852. pp. 641-642. Doc. 77. Same; Peter Eakman, April 10. 1852. p. 642. Doc. 78. Same ; Barbara Trucks, April 12, 1852. pp. 643- 644. Doc. 79. Same ; Jas. Powllng, April 12, 1852. p. 645. Doc. 80. Same : Geo. Hogg & Co., April 12, 1852. p. 646. Doc. 81. Same ; Wm. Henry, April 12, 1852. p. 647. Doc. 82. Same; Jos. Jackson. April 12, 1852. p. 648. Doc. 83. Same ; Jas. White. April 12, 1852. p. 649. Doc. 84. Same ; G. W. M'Kelllp, April 12. 1.S52. p. 650. Doc. 85. Same; D. Leech & Co., April 12, 1852. p. 651. Doc. 86. Same ; Sterrett, Robinson & Co., April 15, 1852. p^p. 651-652. Doc. 87. Same: Wm. Buehler, Feb. 24, 1852. p. 652. Doc. 88. Same ; John Miller, March 6, 1852. p. 653. Doc. 89. Same; Rheem & Beelman, March 3, 1852. p. 654. Doc. 90. Same ; Thos. M'Elrath, April 16, 1852. p. 655. Doc. 91. Same ; Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co., April 21, 1852. p. 656. Doc. 92. Ann. abstr. of accts. of Lewlstown and Tuscarora Bridge Co. for 1851. April 1, 1852. p. 657. Doc. 93. Interrogatories to banks with replies. May 3, 1852. pp. 658-676. Doc. 94. Ann. stmt, of Univ. of Penn., Jan. 1, 1852. April 23, 1852. p. 677. Doc. 95. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of Poor House and House of Employment for Cumberland Co., 1851, March 23, 1852. pp. 678-681. Doc. 96. Ann. stmt, of Lorberry Creek R.R. Co. March 31, 1852. p. 682. Doc. 97. Abstr. of accts. of Phlla. and Reading R.R. Co. for 1851/2. March 27, 1852. pp. 683-694. Doc. 98. Stmt, of Forest Improvement Co. tor 1851. Jan. 21, 1852. p. 695. Doc. 99. Abstr. of accts. of Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turnpike Co. Nov. 1, 1851. Jan. 19, 1852, p. 696. Doc. 100. Ann. stmt, of Norrlstown Insurance and Water Co., Feb. 2, 1852. pp. 696-698. Doc. 101. Rept. of Penn. Mining and Smelting Co. for 1851. Jan. 20, 1852. p. 698. Doc. 102. Stmt, of National Safety Insurance and Trust Co, Dec. 1, 1851. pp. 699-700. Doc. 103. General stmt, of Lykens Valley R.R. and Coal Co. Dec. 31, 1851. pp. 700-701. Doc. 104. Abstr. of accts. of West Chester and Phlla, R.R. Co. for 1851. March 10, 1852. pp. 701-702. Doc. 105. Communication from canal comrs. with rept. of bd. of appraisers to assess damages done to private prop- erty by construction of r.r. to avoid Schuylkill inclined plane. March 26, 1852. pp. 702-705. Doc. 106. Ann. rept. of Western Penitentiary, for 1851. Jan. 1 1802. pp. 705-721. Doc. 107. Communication from Alexander Vattemare, Nov, 23, 1851. pp. 722-731. Doc. 108. Ann. stmt, of Mill Creek and Mine Hill Naviga- tion and R.R. Co., 1851. pp. 731-7.'52. Doc. 109. Ann. stmt, of Schuylkill Valley Navigation and R.R. Co. for 1851. March 23, 1852. pp. 733-734. Doc. 110. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Michael Uartzel. April 21, 1852. p. 734. Doc. 111. Ann. stmt, of Mt. Carbon and Port Carbon R.E. Co. for 1851. p. 735. Doc. 112. Rept. of committee of accts. on p.iy, mileage and stationery of members of House. May 3, 1852. pp. 736- Doc. 113. Communication from auditor gen. In reply to res. rel. to acct. of John Dungiiu, April 30, 1852. pp. 739-763. Index. 764-768. [Documents.) Repts. of heads of depts., transmitted to Gov. Harris- burg : T. Fenn & Co., 18,')2. v. p. Binder's title : Executive documents. 1851, Contents : Ann. mess, of Gov., Jan. 7, 1802. h. t. p. 7 pp. 18 ann. rept. of supt. of common schools, 1800/1. h. t. p. 16 pp. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXVI General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 6-May 4, 1852 — cont'd [ Documents. ] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Rept. of auditor gen. on finances of state, 1850/1. h. t. p 112 pp. Ann. rept. of state treasurer, etc. 1850/1. h. t. p. 367 pp Ann. rept. of surveyor gen., 1850/1. h. t. p. 8 pp. Ann. rept. of bd. of canal comrs. h. t. p. 82 pp. Rept. of supt. of motive power on Columbia and Phlla. R.R. 1850/1. h. t. p. 24 pp. Same, on Allegheny Portage R.R. h. t. p. 12 pp. Rept. of supervisor of repairs on Allegheny Portage R.R. 1850/1. h. t. p. 18 pp. Rept. of engr. on North Branch Canal, 1849/50, h. t. p, 14 pp. Journal of bd. of canal comrs., 1851. h. t. p. 80 pp. LXXVII General Assembly Jan. 4-Aprll 19, 1853 Journal of the Senate. 2 vols. V. 1, HarrisflDurg : T. Fenn & Co., 1853. 971 pp. V. 2. Contnlning messages, repts. iind docs. Harrlsburg : T, Fenn & Co., 158. 632 pp. Doc. 1. Ann. mess, of Gov. [Bigler]. Jan. 5, 1853. pp. 3-16. Doc. 2. Rept. of state treasurer on finances, 1851/2. pp. 17-58. Doe. 3. Mess, from Gov., with rept. of comrs. to revise code of Penn., Jan. 17, 1853. pp. 59-98. Doc, 4. Proceedings In case of Franklin Canal Co. Feb, 2, 1853. pp. 99-156. Doc. 5. Kept, of select committee rel. to portion of Govs, mess, which relates to wool growing In Penn. Feb. 11, 1853. pp. 157-158. Doc. 6. Rept. of committee on mlUtla. Feb. 8, 1853. pp. 159-161. Doc. 7. Stmt, of Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Road Co. for 1851/2. Jan. 8, 1853. p. 162. Doc. 8. Rept. of trustees of Penn. State Lunatic Hospital, for 1852. pp. 163-179. Doc. 9. Ann. rept. of Western Penitentiary, for 1852. Jan. 10, 1853. pp. 180-194. Doc. 10. Communication from auditor gen., with repts. of banks and savings Institutions for 1852. Jan. 5, 1853. pp. 195-331. Doc. 11. Ann. rept. of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. for 1852. Jan. 3, 185.'?. p. 332. Doc. 12. Stmt, of Phlla., Norrlstown. and Germantown R.R. Co.. 1851/2. Jan. 6. 1853. pp. 333-334. Doc. 13. Communication from Gov., with stmt, of Penn. State Agric. Socy., for 1852. Jan. 12, 1853. pp. 335-336. Doc. 14. Stmt, of Lehigh Valley R.R. Co. for 1852. Jan. 11, 1853. p. 337. Doc. 15. Rept. of teller nn p.Trt of Sen. at election of state treasurer, Jan. 17. 1853. p. 338. Doc. 16. Stmt, of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy. for 1852. Jan. 15 1853 D 339 Doc. ' 17. Stmt, of Allentown Iron Co. for 1852. Jan. 19, 1853. p. 340. Doc. 18. Stmt, of Lehigh Crane Iron Co. Jan. 19, 1853. p. 341. Doc. 19. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to contingent expenses of office. Jan. 20. 1853. p. 342. Doc. 20. Rept. of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co. for 1852. Jan^ 1853. pp. 343-341. Doc. 21. Stmt, of Germantown and Perklomen Turnpike Road Co. for 1851/2. Jan. 22. 1853. pp. 344-345. Doc. 22. Rept. of Bloomsburg R.R. Iron Co. Jan. 25, 1853. pp. 345-346. Doc. 23. Stmt, of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. for 1852. Jan. 22. 1853. p. 346. Doc. 24. Stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co. for 1852. Jan. 22, 1853. pp. 347-348. Doc. 25. Stmt, of Chestnut Hill and Spring House Turn- pike Road Co., Nov. 1. 1852. Jan. 23, 1853. p. 348. Doc. 26. Rept. of comrs. for erection of Penn. State Lunatic Hospital. Read Feb. 11. 1853. pp. 349-351. Doc. 27. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund for 1852. Feb. 15, 1853. pp. 352-354. Doc. 28. Rept. of Franklin Canal Co. Jan. 11, 1853. pp. 355-359 Doc. 29. Stmt, of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy., Nov., 1852. Jan. 4, 1853. pp. 359-360. Doc. 30. Ann. rept. of Erie Canal Co. for 1852. pp. 361- 364. Doc. 31. Rept. of Pittsburg and Erie R.R. Co. for 1852. Feb. 3, IS.'jS. pp. .■fnt-SO.j. Doc. 32. Stmt, of York and Md. Line R.R. Co. from Its organization to Sept. 30, 1852. Jan. 27, 1853. pp. 364(6)-365(7). Doc. 33. Stmt, of Monongahela Navigation Co. for 1852. Feb. 5, 1853. pp. 360 (7) -366(8). Doc. 34. Rept. of Eastern Penitentiary, for 1852. pp. 369-409. Doc. 35. Stmt, of Phlla. and Reading R.R. Co. for 1852. March 17, 1853. pp. 410-417. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 117 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXVII Oeneral Assembly — cont'd Jan. 4-April 19. 1853 — cont'd Journal of the Senate — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 36. Stmt, of Univ. of Penn., Jan. 1, 1853. p. 418. Doc. 37. Communication from state treasurer with list of public defaulters. Feb. 7. 1833. pp. 419-427. Doc. 38. Stmt, of Mt. Carbon R.R. Co. for 1852. Feb. 28, 1853. pp. 428-429. Doc. 39. Communication from canal comrs., rel. to claim of estate of Wni. Beatty, deceased. March 14, 1853. p. 429. Doc. 40. Rept. of auditors of Thila. Saving Fund Soc.v., Jan. 1, 1853. Feb. 2, 1853. p. 430. Doc. 41. Stmt, of Delaware Coal Co., 1852/3. March 24, 1853. pp. 431-432. Doc. 42. Communication from state treasurer, rel. to con- tingent expenses of office. March 12, 1853. p. 432. Doc. 43. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Patterson & WItmer, April 11, 1853. p. 433. Doc. 44. Ann. rept. of comrs. of Girard estate for 1852. March 14. 1853. pp. 434-491. Doc. 45. 25 ann. rept. of House of Refuge for 1852. March 12, 1853. pp. 492-523. Doc. 46. Procs. of electoral college of Penn. Dec. 1-2, 1852. pp. 524-533. Doc. 47. Rept. of procs. of conv. for considering propriety of erecting monuments In Independence Square, Phlla., in commemoration of Declaration of Independence. Read Jan. 12, 1853. pp. 533-564. Doc. 48. Stmt, of Little Schuylkill Navigation, R.R. and Coal Co.. Dec. Ifi. 1K52. pp. 565-666 (566). Doc. 49. Stmts, of Schuylkill 'Valley Navigation and R.R. Co., Mill Creek and Mine Hill Navigation and R.R. Co., and Mt. Carbon and Port Carbon K.K. Co. for 1852. April 2, 1853. pp. 666 (566) -570. Doc. 50. Stmts, of 'Wlsconlsco Canal Co. 1851 and 1852. March 31, 1853. pp. 570-572. Doc. 51. Stmt, of West Chester and Phlla. R.R. Co. to Jan. 1, 1853. March 21, 1833. p. 573. Doc. 52. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to damages on Shenango line of Erie division. Feb. 18, 1853. pp. 574-576. Doc. 53. Same. rel. to damages caused by avoiding curves on Columbia R.R. March 30, 1853. pp. 577-578. Doc. 54. Same ; claim of Jos. Trimmer. March 23. 1853. p. 578. Doc. 55. Same : Owen Sweeny. March 29. 1853. p. 579. Doc. 56. Same ; David Lee. March 29, 1853. p. 580. Doc. 57. Same ; R. M. Lemon. March 29, 1853. pp. 580- 581. Doc. 58. Same ; Chas. Lloyd. April 4, 1853. p. 581. Doc. 59. Sa'me ; C. S. Quimby. March 30, 1853. p. 582. Doc. 60. Same ; Henry Lemon, Anthony and Catharine Lechler, Nathaniel Trout and Sample Slaymaker. April 6, 1853. pp. 582-583. Doc. 61. Same; J. C. Smith, April 7. 1853. pp. 583-584. Doe. 62. Same; Christian Mayer. April 12, 1853. p. 584. Doc. 63. Same ; Alex. M'Connell. April 12, 1853. p. 585. Doc. 64. Same, with estimates of amt. necessary to com- plete r.r. to avoid inclined planes on Allegheny Portage R.R. March 28, 1853. pp. 585-615. Doc. 65. Same. In answer to res. of House rel. to purchase of new locomotives. March 23, 1853. pp. 615-616. Doc. 66. Rept. of majority of jt. committee to Investigate Pittsburg and Erie R.R. Co. April 12, 1853. p. 617. Docs. 67-69. Omitted. Doc. 70. Rept. of minority of Jt. committee to Investigate Pittsburg and Erie R.R. Co. April 15, 1853. pp. 626-630. Index, pp. 631-632. ournal of the House. 2 vols. v. 1. Harrlshurg: T. Fenn & Co.. m53. 940 pp. y. 2. Containing messages, repts. and docs. Harrlshurg : T. Fenn & Co., 1853. 640 pp. Contents : Doc. 1. Ann. mess, of Gov. [BIgler], Jan. 5, 1853. pp. 3-16. Doc. 2. Rept. of state treasurer on finances, 1851/2. pp. 17-58. Doc. 3. Mess, from Gov. with rept. of comrs. to revise Penn. code, Jan. 17, 183:;. pp. 59-98. Doc. 4. Rept. of Penn. State Lunatic Hospital for 1852. pp. 99-115. Doc. 5. Ann. rept. of Western Penitentiary for 1852. Jan. 10, 1853. pp. 116-130. Doc. 6. Communication from auditor gen., with repts. of banks and savings institutions for 1852. Jan. 5, 1853. pp. 131-267. Doc. 7. Ann. rept. of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., for 1852. Jan. 3. 1853. p. 268. Doc. 8. Stmt, of Phlla.. Norrlstown and Germantown R.R. Co., 1851/2. Jan. 6, 1853. pp. 269-270. Doc. 9. Communication from Gov., with stmt, of Penn. State Agric. Socy., Jan. 12. 1853. pp. 271-272. Doc. 10. Stmt, of Lehigh Valley R.R. Co.. Jan. 11, 1853. p. 273. Doc. 11. Rept. of teller on part of House at election of state treasurer. Jan. 17, 1853. p. 274. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXVIl (;- ^Pr'l 7, 1853. pp. 535-536 Do?- 66- l»Sei Christian Mayer, April 12, 1§53 p 536. Doc 68. Same, in answer to res. of House, rel. to purchase Doc fitr ^°^"T^T% M"<^'» .23. 1853. pp." 567-568^ Doc. 69. Rept of jt. committee of Senate and House to pp"l69^577. ^''^"^ '""' ^'^^ "•"• ^"^ ^P--" iril53 °°5^82^''' ^"™'^' ™'°°'''*y '■''Pt- -^Pr" 15. 1853. pp. 578- Doc. 71. Testimony before select committee to Investieate Dehiware and Hudson Canal Co., March, 1853. pp 582 ^°^i "/' 1'<^stimony before committee to investigate charffe of forger.v in transaction rel. to furnishing ties fn Allegheny Portage R.R., April 13, 1853. pp. 591^596 .,;.P; '^'^P/j ?^ .majority of committee to examine new April 'l°4"r8'l3.""^i'p''.l9?'-ISr "^ ^"^^''^°=' PortagI ^.7 "'622^*' ^'"°*'' ™'°'"'"-^ '•'^Pt- April 15, 1853. pp. 607- Doc 75. Stmts, of certain banks in reply to interrogatories of rammittee on banks. Read April 19, 1853 pp. 622^ °°Jv,^^^; »?^P*' o' committee on accts. rel. to pay mileage index, "pp.'eis'e^o'^ °' """^''"'- ^P^" !«• 1853. pp^^' 6?5-6f7' rDocuments.] Reports of the heads of departments, transmitted to Gov Harrisburg: T. Fenn & Co., 1853 v n "<»u»mittea to Binder s title : Executive Documents. 1852. Contents : 1 leaf h. t. 392 pp. Table of contents Ann. mess, of Gov.. .Tan. 4, 1853. h. t. p 16 nn xa ann. rept. of supt. of common schools, 1851/2 Ann. rept. of auditor gen., 1851/2. h. t. p. 110 pp Ann. rept. of state treasurer, etc., 1851/2 h t n Ann. rept. of surveyor gen., 1851/2. h. t p ' 8 dd Ann. rept. of adj. gen., 1852. h. t. p. 31 pp '^'^' 16, 10! S.^lo pp°^ ''^""^ ™'"'"^- 1851/-' ''•'*• P' 151. 26, ^T8'51/2'."''h. t r'26%''p'"^'"' °'' ^'""'- """^ Columbia R.R., '^^An.^h'*"P*f.°'.'""".J''„P°«'<''' "Id supervisor of repairs on Allegheny Portage R.R., 1851/2. h. t p 16 pp fo%p '^''^"' °° A"'^g'ie°y Portage R.R., 1851/5: h. t. p. ^Tt p.'*8 pp°^ """■" *° ^' """^ "" ^°''"' ^"""=^ Canal. Journal of bd. of canal comrs., 1852. h. t. p. 80 pp. LXXVIII General Assembly Jan. 3-May 9, 1854 Journal^^of the Senate. Harrisburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1854. ■^°mV "" °°"''' no^'Bhurg: A. B. Hamilton, 1854 Binders title: Executive documents, 1853/ _ . , , Contents: lable of contents. 1 leaf Oovs. mess., Jan. 5, 1854. ' h. t n 21 nn Kept, of supt. of common schools 1852/^ h <• „ 00 Rept. o^f^audltor gen., on nnancel" of state, ISSo/J!- h"."?! Ann. rept. of surveyor gen., 1852/3 h t n 11 An^n. „pt. of bd. It c^.nai com^;.; iVz/s-. 'l^t p. 24, Be^^t. of supt. of Phlla. and Columbia R.R., 1852/3. h. t. p! Same, of Allegheny Portage R.R.. 1852/3. h. t. p. 16 pp. 1198, 1080, COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXVIII General Assembl.v — cont'd Jan. 3-May 0. 1854— cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd ^%nfp\TagrR.T"l8lo/T"'h'r-'^°^'^ll^;,1,°- "^ ^"''■ ''T852^V"''h'- t^'p^'^V pp""'""^" Exten''sion"of''?.enn. Canal, ^^26' pp* ^°^''- °* North Branch Canal, 1852/3. h. t. p. Journal of bd. of canal comrs 1S5'>/'1 h <■ .» io. Detailed^ rept. of state tSrer'^e^t'c.. ^52^3. 'I* "t"' p. . Same In German, h. t. p v p ^"clngress" '° ^""'- ^''"*^ ^^^''''^ '""^ '° library of ^-^J: A^T^aZZlhlir^liilf '" *''* '^^•^•«*-- Harris- Binder's title : Legislative Documents. 1854. Contents : -o:i£^:«SC=-°— ^easurer. "■u^V jin^-o-l' J8||- Conjmunlcatlon from state treas- p °foSh4°-r'tn^'the'-va'?ior°,fa^nk^s'.'^'''''"« *" "<=''" '"'fund'1l|-2/3"'Vn''lf'/854'*^P'- "' ^'""^^' "' ^">"°« ''■^S^'^%All-,''A fi^- "' P-^"- «"lng Fund "■gauin 'rT, 185T'-De'c""s*i Isfl ^'''''«'' C""' '^"^ ^^^^'- '"li^f'SJ^'^S^ ''''■' «'pt- of «tate librarian, ^''c^^w/i^d^^SLj:^'^;i^*cr'^5?^rj^^"^: "■ Tu'?npik'e"'feo'a°d 'cfSsf^i' Va^n' i'llfr" '^^ •'^'^'°' -io-vt-\ai^?efe^d-tlt- Mini e?!^^^^ corporate the City of Phila " ^°"*'«'' ^n act to in- ''•R.|?.Co'."Vfi Jfn'l.'l'^si- "Sa^n^'^l^isl^""^" ^''"^^ "^liit'fan '^tV'i '"''■ ^•'°- ^""'' of Erie Canal Co.. "■ir^ie T"u?npVke'c'^.'!-18l':J?^- •'Sa^n''^i*l"V8S'4 ''°'' ^'""'^ pp 2l9"o7r°-j7n'' ''.•},"%"/4S<">^'/t electfon of'l853 '" \r!£r '^^^ofo.i!ik «at^LTon5i°st- ™^?^^e.;l?^tSv^-i85t-,t^'?^c°^--Sri^ ^■'nX^^Jco^Vej1;ie^^--of^r!^Xir-^-''n-^lr "• m|n-Tu''r''n°pi^e''R'ofd'co!*'l'8*52%^''™'''''°'^° "■^'^ P"-"- ■•■Ca'n'al c'o^.?-lll3. ^fa'n -^Tlkf °'"""''" --^ H^-^-" ^l«r- "^- ^^^enf ?io ^:?" v;^5i-^: "■ rng'co.fml^S.'*^"- '''''*■ "' ''""'■ »"°">S and Smelt- ''■.f"n°-2,°1854. ^'"'- '"P'- "' Allentown Iron Co., 1853. "■j^a"; 18V- ''""• ■■""• "' ^'^^" ""fK- Co., [18531. ""co'l'l^Co'^-Ja"- "issf"""- ''"'• "' Lackawanna Iron and ^^V/.^^-|;cfreek%;a^lkJir •Co^"3an^:''^V,l8?«4''^ ^-^ --^ "•^i ||nVR.R':^&o.sii^^3o.^^r4^- "' "<=-^- "* ^-'' -^ ""iiU^H^i^en i$: h'^'^e, ^'■^^1^,^'"' "'" -" «<^''"^'- INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 119 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXVIII (Ifiicral Assembly — cout'tl Jan. 3May 0, 1854 — cont'd [ Documents. 1 — cont'd Contents : — cont'd pp. 321-323. Feb. 2, 1854. Kept, of Franklin Canal Co., 1852/3. .Tan. 28, 1854. pp. 324-326. Feb. 2. 1854. Procs. of comralttee In ref- erence to contested seat of T. Manderfield. p. 327. n. d. Stmt, of Forest Improvement Co., 1853. Jan. 28. 1854. pp. 328-343. Feb. 4, 1S54. Kept, of select committee, to whom was referred that part of Govs. mess. rei. to sale of the public works, etc. pp. 344-345. Feb. 6. 1854. Communication from supt. of Penn. State Lunatic Hospital. p. 346. Feb. 6, 1854. Stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., Jan. 1, 1854. pp. 347-384. Feb. 7, 1854. 26 ann. rept. of hd. of mngrs. of House of Kefuge, with an appendix. 1853. Feb. 6, 1854. p. 385. Feb. 7, 1854. Stmt, of treasurer of Chestnut Hill and Spring House Turnpike Co., 1852/3. Feb. 3, 1854. pp. 386-388. Feb. 7, 1854. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. rei. to an award in favor of the Allegheny and Butler Plank Ro:id Co. pp. 389-411. Feb. 9, 1854. Ann. rept. of Institution for Deaf and Dumb, 1853. Feb. 8. 1854. p. 412. Feb. 9. 1854. Ann. rept. of Phrenix Iron and Coal Co., 1853. Jan., 1854. pp. 413-414. Feb. 10, 1854. 1 ann. rept. of bd. of direc- tors of the Lancaster, Lebanon and Pine Grove R.R. Co.. 1853. Oct. 31, 1853. p. 415. Feb. 10, 1854. Ann. stmt, of the funds of Univ. of Penn., Jan. 1. 1854. p. 416. Feb. 10, 1854. Ann. stmt, of affairs of N. Y, and Erie R.R., 1852/3. Jan. 10, 1854. pp. 417-419. Feb. 11, 1854. Kept, of Delaware, Lacka- wanna and Western R.R. Co., [1853). p. 420. Feb. 13, 1854. Stmt, of Western Saving Fund Socy., Nov., 1853. Feb. 11, 1S53 [i. e. 1S54]. pp. 421-433. Feb. 15, 1854, Mess, of Gov. transmitting rept. of affairs of State Lunatic Hospital, for 1853. p. 434. Feb. 17, 1854. Rept. of Trevortou, Mahanoy and Susquehanna R.R. Co. Jan. 10, 1854. pp. 435-438. Feb. 18, 1854, Rept. of Penn. State Agric. Socy., Jan. 20, 1854. p. 439, Feb. 20, 1854. Communication from canal comrs, p. 440. Feb. 20, 1854. Kept, of the Chester Co. Mining Co., 1852/3. pp. 441-480. Feb. 25, 1854. 25 ann. rept. of bd. of in- spectors of Eastern State Penitentiary, 1853. Feb. 22, 1854. pp. 481-490. Feb. 25, 1854. Communication from canal comrs. transmitting testimony taken in rei. to strike on Aileghenv I'ortage R.R. pp. 491-554. Feb. 25, 1854. Rept. of treasurer of Girard fund for 1853, and 6 ann. rept, of Girard College for Orphans, 1853. Feb. 23, 1854. pp. 555-559. Feb. 27, 1854. Communications in reference to Schuylkill Valley R.R. Co., and the Mt. Carbon and Port Carbon R.R. Co. pp. 560-561. Feb. 27, 1854. Ann. stmt, of Norristown Insurance and Water Co., Feb. 6, 1854. p, 561. March 1, 1854. Communication from canal comrs. rei. to persons employed on the public works, etc. Feb. 28, 1854. pp. 562-564. March 4, 1854. Communication from canal comrs. rei. to use of wood on Allegheny Portage R.R. pp. 565-566. March 7, 18.54. Stmt, of affairs of Mt, Carbon R.R. Co.. Feb. 1, 1854. p. 567. March 17, 1854. General stmt, of aflTairg of Lykens Valley R.K. Co., Dec. 31, 1853. pp. 568-569. March 17, 1854. Same, Lykens Valley Coal Co., Dec. 31, 1853. pp. 570-571. March 17, 1854. Stmt, of affairs of Dela- ware Coal Co., March 1, 1854. p, 571. March 21, 1854, Letter from canal comrs. rei. to Penn. and Ohio R.R., March 20, 1854. p. 572. March 21, 1854. Ace. letter from canal comrs., March 21, 1854. p. 573, March 22, 1854. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Lorberry Creek R.R. Co. p. 574. March 23, 1854. Stmt, of Little Schuylkill Navi- gation R.R, Co. Dec. 15, 1853. pp. 575-576, March 24, 1854 (Senate) ; April 4, 1854 (House), Letter from R. Faries, civil engr., March 21, 1854, rei. to cost of Allegheny Portage R.R. pp. 577-582, March 28, 1854. Rept. of select committee of House on subject of colonization, pp. 583-587. March 29, 1854. Same, of Senate, rei. to affairs of State Lunatic Hospital of Penn. pp. 588-589, April 1, 1854. Communication from state librn., rei. to condition of the library. March 30, 1854, pp. 590-591. April 3, 1854. Rept. of committee on of Senate, on res. of legisl. pp. 592-595. April 5, 1854. Mess, of Got., rei. to Poor House of Cumberland Co. April 4, 1854. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXVIII General cont'd Jan. 3-May 9. 1854 — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd pp. 596-597. March 28, 1S54. Kes. of Ohio legisl. rei. to unlawful procs. at Krle, etc. March 18, 1854. pp. 597-598. April 8, 1854. Auditor's rept. of accts. of Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phila., 1853. April 6, 1854. pp. 599-600. March 22, 1854. Rept. .)f auditor gen.. In rei. to Phila. and Columbia and Allegheny Portage R.Ra. p. 601. April 14, 1854. Stmt, of accts. of Lewistown and Tuscarora Bridge Co., 1853/4. March 10, 1854. p, 602. April 21, 1854. Rept. of Short Mt. Coal Co. up to April 4, 1851 [1854?!. p. 603. April 21, 1854. Communication from auditor gen. and state treasurer, rei. to state tax. April 20, 1854. pp. 604-612. April 22, 1854. Accts. of Phila. and Reading R.R., April 21, 1854. pp. 613-617. April 24, 1854. Rept. of select committee of House, in reply to Ohio res. rei. to procs. at Erie. pp. 618-629. May 8, 1854. Same, to examine into affairs of Forest Improvement Co. p. 630, April 14, 1854. Kept, of auditor gen. and state treasurer, of amt. of state taxes overpaid by Schuylkill Co. pp. 631-634. March 27, 1854. Communication from audi- tor gen., rei. to expenses by visit of Md. legisl, March 24, 1854. p. 635. Jan. 23, 1854. Communication from surveyor gen. rei. to contingent expenses of his office. p. 636. Jan. 10, 1854. Communication from state treas- urer in reference to contingent expenses. p. 637, Feb. 10, 1854. Communication from auditor gen. rei. to contingent expenses of his office. Feb. 8, 1854. p. 638. March 25, 1854. Rept. of committee on public bidgs. p. 639. April 20, 1854. Military funds In state treasury. April 19. 1854. p. 640. Feb. 13, 1854. Communication from auditor gen, rei. to compensation of co. treasurers, p. 641. March 22. 1854. Taxation of loans, pp. 642-645. April 29, 1854. Rept. from select committee of Senators of City and Co. of Phila., upon bill to in- corporate bd. of fire directors of Phila. p. 646. April 24, 1854. Communication from canal comrs. rei. to tolls. p. 647. Jan. 30, 1854. Same, rei, to damages, etc. p. 648. Feb. 8, 1854, Same, rei. to Allegheny and Butler Plank Road Co. p. 649. Feb. 27, 1854. Communication from canal bd., asking early apprn. to defray expenses on public works, p. 650. March 23, 1854. Communication from canal comrs. : claim of Jno. Weaver. March 22. 1854 651. March 23, 1854. Same " 22, 1854 p. 652. March 23, 1854. 22, 1854. p. 653. March 23, 1854, 22, 1854. p. 654. March 23, 1854, 22, 1854. p. 655. March 23, 1854. 22, 1854. p. 656. March 23, 1854. 1854. p. 657. March 23, 1854 Same ; Same ; Same ; Same Jas. O'Connor. Noah Hartzler. G. L. Hazlette. [misc.] claims, ; Saml. Lemon. March March March March March Same; A. Galbraith, March 22, Same ; Penn. and Ohio Trans- portation Co. March 22, 1854. p. 658. March 23, 1854. Same : rei, to award for dam- ages, etc. March 22, 1854. p. 659. April 11, 1854. Same; claim of Seward and Kel- logg. April 10, 1854. p. 660, April 12, 1854. Same : A. Getty. p. 661. April 17. 1854. Same ; claims. p. 662. April 18, 1854. Same; claim of M'Colghan, April 17, 1854. pp. 663-664. April 24, 1854. Same ; claims for damages. April 22, 1854. p, 665. May 2, 1854. Same ; claim of Wm. Palmer. April 27. 1854. p. 665. May 4, 1854. Same ; damage sustained by the Delaware Division. p. 666. May 4, 1854. Same ; claim of T. B. Moore. p. 667. May 4, 1854, Same, in reference to frauds al- leged to have been committed in collector's office, Phila. p. 668. May 5, 1854, Same ; claim of Thos, Roney, May 2, 1854, p, 669. May 5, 1854, Same ; sundry claims. March 3, 1854. p, 670. May 5, 1854. Same ; claims of J, Conrad and S, Singer. p. 671. May 5, 1854. Same ; A. Thompson. May 3, 1854. pp. 672-675. April 28, 1854. Prtg. geol. rept. pp. 676-684. May 6, 1854. Rept. of Jt. committee of in- vestigation, rei. to Venango R.R. pp. 685-688. May 6, 1854. Same, minority rept. 120 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXVIII General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 3-May 9, 1854 — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd pp. 689-691. May 9. 1854. Kept, of committee on accts. rel. to aiieage and stationery of House. pay, „ pp. 693-823. Kept, and proes. of bd. of revenue comrs.. Feb. 23-March 23, 1854. pp. 825-828. Index. LXXIX General Assembly Jan. 2-May 8, 1855 Journal of the Senate. Harrlsburg : A. B. H.amilton, 1855. 1120, 107 pp. Journal of the House. Harrlsburg : A. Boyd Hamilton, 1855. 108o (2), 116 pp. [Documents.] Reports of the heads of departments. Harrlsburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1855. v. p. Binder's title : Executive Documents. 1854. Contents : Table of contents. 1 leaf. Message of Gov., Jan. 3, 1855. h. t. p. 25 pp. Kept, of auditor gen. on finances of the commonwealtn, 1853/4. h. t. p. 116 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, etc., 1853/4. n. t. p. 324 pp. Ann. rept. of surveyor gen., 1853/4. h. t. p. 12 pp. Ann. rept. of bd. of canal comrs.. 1853/4. h. t. p. 86 pp. Rept. of supt. of Phlla. and Columbia R.R., 1853/4. b. t. p. -9 PP- Same, of Allegheny Portage R.R., 1853/4. h. t. p. 9 pp. Rept. of engr. and supt. to avoid Inclined Planes on Alle- gheny Portage R.R., 1853/4. h. t. p. 7 pp. Rept. of engr. of North Branch Canal, 1853/4. h. t. p. 22 pp. Journal of bd. of canal comrs., 1853/4. h. t. p. 95 pp. Rept. of supt. of common schools, 1853/4. h. t. p. 19, 160 pp. Ann. rept. of adj. general, 1854. h. t. p. 2i pp. . Same, in German, Harrlsburg : A. B. Hamilton, Staats- Drucker, 1855. v. p. Berlchte der hochsten Regierunss-Beamtcn, iibersendet an dem Gouvernor zufolge des Gesetzes, fur das am 30sten November, 1854, slch endigende Flnanz-Jahr ; nebst dem Bericht des Obcraufsehrs der Volk-Schulen. Copies seen In Penn. State Library and in Library of Congress, r ] Miscellaneous documents read in the legislature. Harrls- burg : A. B. H.imilton, 1855. 798 pp. Docs. 1-99. Binder's title: Legislative Documents, 1855. Contents : Doe. 1. Jan. 6. 1855. Rept. of state treasurer on finances of state, 1853/4. pp. 5-48. Doc. 2. Jan. 24, 1855. Communication from state treas- urer rel. to outstanding temporary loans, and amt. of money deposited in the several banks, etc. Jan. 1, 1854, to Jan. 1, 1855. pp. 49-57. Doc. 3. Jan. 9, 1855. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to examine claims upon main line of public Improvements, 1854. Dec. 7, 1854. pp. 58-04. Doc. 4. Jan. 4, 1855. Stmt, showing no. of depositors of Saving Fund Socv. of Germantown on first Monday of November, 1854. Dec. 13, 1854. p. 65. Doc. 5. Jan. 4. 1855. Stmt, of Western Saving Fund Society of Phila. showing no. of depositors and their grades Nov. 6, 1854. p. 66. Doc. 6. Jan. 9, 1855. Communication from auditor gen. transmitting stmts, of the several banks and savings In- stitutions, for 1854. pp. 67-249. Doc. 7. Feb. 8, 1855. Communication from state treasurer rel. to defalcation of R. G. Simpson, late treasurer of Phlla. Co. pp. 250-264. Doc. 8. Feb. 6, 1855. Communication from state treasurer rel. to defalcation of Jacob M. Strickler, late collector at Columbia, pp. 265-267. Doc. 9. Jan. 24, 1855. Mess, from Gov. transmitting ann. rept. of trustees and supt. of State Lunatic Hospital for Insane for 1854. pp. 268-284. Ann. stmt, of Phlla., Germantown Co., 1853/4. Nov. 1, 1854. pp. Doc. 10. Jan. 4, 18.-)5 and Norrlstown R.R. 284-286. Doc. 11. Jan. 4, 1855. Lehigh Navigation Co. Doc. 12. Jan. 4, 1855 Stmt, of amt. of tolls reed, by 1854. Jan. 2, 1855. pp. 286-287. Stmt, from books of Phlla. Saving Fund Society, showing no. of depositors and sums de- posited during year 1854. p. 288. Doc. 13. Jan. 11, 1855. Rept. of teller apptd. by House to open and count votes for Governor, pp. 289-291. Doc. 14. Jan. 15, 1855. Rept. of teller, apptd. on part of HouBe, to olllclate at election of state treasurer, pp. 291- 292 Doc. is. Jan. 11, 1856 [1. e. 1855]. Ann. rept. of state librarian together with catalogue of books reed, during past year. pp. 292-333. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXIX General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 2-May 8, 1855 — cont'd [ Documents. ] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 16. Jan. 13, 1855. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, transmitting ann. repts. of Swede Iron Co., Lycoming Iron Co., Locust Mountain Coal & Iron Co., Lehigh Crane Iron Co., Thomas Iron Co., Allentown Iron Co., Montour Iron Co., and Pittsburg Lite Insurance Co. pp. 333-337. Doc. 17. Jan. 11, 1855. Communication from Edmund Wilcox, clerk of select council of Phlla., transmitting stmt, of treasurer of Girard estates [for 1854]. pp. 33S-3S7. Doc. 18. Jan. 6, 1855. Abstr. of accts. of Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Road Co., 1853/4. Jan. 5, 1855. p. 388. Doc. 19. Jan. 16, 1855. Abstr. of accts. of Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turnpike Co. for year endg. Nov. 1, 1854. Jan. 15, 1855. p. 389. Doc. 20. Jan. 16, 1855. Abstr. of accts. of Germantown and Perkiomen Turnpike Road Co. for year endg. Nov. 6, 1854. Jan. 15, 1855. pp. 389-390. Doc. 21. Jan. 19, 1855. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Mononga- hela Navigation Co. for 1854. Jan. 16, 1855. pp. 390- 391. Doc. 22. Feb. 5, 1855. Ann. rept. of Trevorton and Sus- quehanna R.R. Co., Jan. 1, 1855. pp. 391-392. Doc. 23. Feb. 26, 1855. Ann. stmt, of Mount Carbon R.R. Co., Feb. 1, 1855. pp. 392-394. Doc. 24. Feb. 26, 1855. Ann. stmts, of Mount Carbon and Port Carbon R.R. Co., Schuylkill Valley Navigation and R.R. Co. and Mill Creek and Mine Hill Navigation and R.R. Co. Jan.. 1S55. pp. 394-397. Doc. 25. Feb., 1855. Ann. stmt, of Mine Hill and Sehuyl- klll Haven R.R. Co., 1854. Feb. 14, 1855. pp. 39S-399. Doc. 26. March 8. 1855. Stmt, of affairs of Little Schuyl- kill Navigation, R.R. and Coal Co. [for year endg. Dec. 14, 1854]. Feb. 27, 1855. pp. 399-400. Doc. 27. Jan. 19, 1855. Returns of election held on second Tuesday of October [1854], for and agst. prohibitory liquor law. pp. 401-402. Doc. 28. Jan. 22, 1855. Abstr. of accts, of Lehigh Valley R.R. Co. up to Jan. 1, 1855. Jan. 18, 1855. p. 403. Doc. 29. Jan. 22, 1855. Testimony taken before committee on Judiciary of Senate rel. to passage of " act rel. to Court of Common Pleas of Phlla. Co." pp. 404-406. Doc. 30. Feb. 24, 1855. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to Montour Iron Co. p. 407. Doc. 31. Jan. 24, 1855. Communication from register of Mifflin Co. showing no. of marriages, births and deaths registered in that co. for year 1854. p. 408. Doc. 32. Jan. 25, 1855. Stmt, of Phlla. and Lancaster Turnpike Road Co., 1852/4. Jan. 22, 1855. pp. 409-410. Doc. 33. Jan. 27, 1855. Auditors' rept. of Phila. Saving Fund Socy. on Jan. 1, 1855. pp. 411-412. Doc. 34. Jan. 29, 1855. Ann. stmt, of Delaware and Hud- son Canal Co., 1854. Jan. 18, 1855. p. 412. Doc. 35. Jan. 30, 1855. Communication from auditor gen., containing stmts, of mnfg., mining, etc., cos. pp. 413-414. Doc. 36. Jan. 30, 1855. Triennial rept. of comrs. of sink- ing fund. [1852-1854]. pp. 415-422. Doc. 37. Jan. 31, 1855. Communication from state treasurer rel. to relief notes. Jan. 29, 1855. pp. 422-428. Doc. 38. Feb. 5, 1855. Communication from state treas- urer rel. to accts. of receiver of taxes of City of Phila. pp. 428-429. Doc. 39. March 8, 1855. Communication from Samuel Hazard rel. to publication of Penn. Archives. March 6, 1855. pp. 429-430. Doc. 40. Feb. 5, 1855. Abstr. of accts. of Westmoreland and Indiana Bridge Co. pp. 431-432. Doc. 41. Feb. 8, 1855. Ann. stmt, of funds of Univ. of Penn., Jan. 1, 1855, pp. 432-433. Doc. 42. Feb. 15, 1855. State of accts. of Penn. Hos- pital, for year endg. April 22, 1854. pp. 433-449. Doc. 43. Feb. 22, 1855. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, 1854. Feb. 21, 1855. pp. 449-454. Doc. 44. Feb, 23, 1855. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to accts. of state prtrs. pp. 454-456. Doc. 45. Feb. 27, 1855. Rept. of auditors on accts. of Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phlla. for year 1854. Feb. 22, 1855. pp. 456-457. Doc. 46. Feb. 28, 1855. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Norrls- town Insurance and Water Co. Feb. 5, 1855. pp. 457- 459. Doc. 47. March 2, 1855. Ann. rept. of mngrs. of Union Canal Co. of Penn. to stockholders, Feb. 6, 1855. pp. 459-467. Doc. 48. Feb. 7, 1855. Communication from auditor gen. and state treasurer rel. to funded and unfunded debt of commonwealth, pp. 407-470. Doc. 49. Feb. 5, 1855. Procs. of committee selected to try contested election betw. Thos. Burr and Moses Bush or Northampton Co. pp. 470-478. Doc. 50. March 28, 1855. Communication from Jaa. Gowen rel. to Farmers' High School of Penn. pp. 478- 480. Doc. 51. March 12, 1855. Communication from state treasurer In reply to res. of House rel. to deposits of public money, pp. 480-544, INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 121 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXIX General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 2-Mny 8. 1855 — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 52. March 10, 1855. General stmt, of affairs of Delaware Coal Co., March 1, 1855. p. 545. Doc. 53. .March 0, 1855. Stmt, of affairs of Lylicns Valley Coal Co., Dec. 30, 1854. p. 54(i. Doc. 54. .March 28, 1854. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. rel. to claim of S. K. Uichards, late a con- tractor on I'enn. Canal. March 10, 1855. pp. 547-50:1. Doc. 55. Feb. 13. 1855. Kept, of teller apptd. to officiate at election of U. S. Senator, pp. 5(i4-5S4. Doc. 50. Apr. 4, 1855. Cegislative Documents. 1856. Doc. 1. Jan. 2, 1856. Rept. of treasurer on finances of state, 18.54/5. pp. 3-44. Doc. 2. Jan. 2, 1856. Docs. ace. ann. mess, of Gov. pp. 45-59. Opinion of atty. gen. of Penn. upon right of state of N. Y. to divert from natural bed and channel, waters of Chemung River, pp. 45-47. Proposals to purchase public works, p. 47. Proposals to purchase Columbia R.R. p. 48. Reply of pres. of N. Y. and Erie R.R. Co. to res. of March 27, 1855, rel. to lands held by that co. In state of Penn. pp. 49-59. Doc. 3. Jan. 24, 1856. Memorial rel. to Farmers' High School of Penn. pp. 59-63. Doc. 4. Jan. 25. 1856. Rept. of committee on Judiciary of House rel. to rights of transit of slave property through this state, pp. 04-68. Doc. 5. Jan. 25, 1856. Communication from auditor gen., Jan. 7, 1856, transmitting returns of several banks and savings institutions of commonwealth, 1855. pp. 68-265. Doc. 6. Jan. 2, 1856. Stmt, from books of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., showing no. of depositors and sums deposited during year 1855. Jan. 1, 1856. pp. 266-267. Doc. 7. Feb. 13, 1856. Communication from Gov. trans- mitting certain corresp. with Dr. Kane. Feb. 13, 1856. pp. 267-268. Doc. 8. Feb. 27. 1856. Rept. of committee on claims of House rel. to claim of S. R. Richards, pp. 269-271. Doc. 9. Jan. 4, 1856. Stmt, of affairs of Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Road Co. Jan. 3, 1856. p. 272. Doc. 10. Jan. 7, 1856. Ann. stmt, of Saving Fund Socy. of Germantown and its vicinity, June 1, 1855. p. 273. Doc. 11. Jan. 7, 1856. Ann. stmt, of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., 1855. Jan. 3, 1856. p. 274. 122 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LiXXX Geneial Assembly — cont'd Jan. 1-April 22. 1856 — cont'd [ Documents. ] — cont'd Contents ; — cont'd Doc. 12. Jan. 8, 1856. Abstr. of accts. of Germantown and Perkiomen Turnpike Road Co. for year endg. Nov. 1, 1855. Jan. 5, IS.'ie. p. 275.' Doc. 13. Jan. 8. 1858. Abstr. of accts. of Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turnpike Co., for year endg. Nov. 1, 1855. Jan. 5, 1856. p. 276. Doc. 14. Jan. 10. 1856. Ann. rept. of state librarian, together with catalogue of books, 1855. Jan. 8, 1856. pp. 277-324. Doc. 15. Jan. 3. 1856. Res. passed by legisl. of Me., rel. to slavery. March 17, 1855. pp. 324-325. Doc. 16. Jan. 10. 1856. Ann. stmt, of affairs of German- town Saving Fund Socy., 1855. p. 326. Doc. 17. Jan. 10, 1856. Stmt, of affairs of Western Sav- ing Fund Socy. of Phila.. l.SoS. pp. 326-327. Doc. 18. Jan. 12, 1856. Stmt, of affairs of Seamen's Sav- ing Fund Socy. of Phlla., Nov. 1, 1855. pp. 327-328. Doc. 19. Jan. 10. 1856. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to foreign insurance cos. pp. 320-329. Doc. 20. Jan. 14. 1856. Stmt, of affairs of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.. 1855. Jan. 9, 1856. pp. 329-330. Doc. 21. Jan. 16. 1856. Stmt, of affairs of Pittsburg and ConnellsvUle R.R. Co., 1855. Jan. 14, 1856, pp. 330-334. Doc. 22. March 18, 1856. Rept. of committee on banks of House of Representatives rel. to banks and savings in- stitutions, pp. 334-337. Doc. 23. Jan. 17, 1856. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1855. pp. 337-340. Doc. 24. Jan. 17, 1856. Res. of leglsl. of Vt., Nov,, 1855. pp. 340-342. Doc. 25. Jan. 21, 1856. Stmt, of Phlla., Germantown and Norrlstown R.R. Co., 1854/5. Jan. 18, 1856. pp. 342-344. Doe. 26. Jan. 22. 1856. Ann. stmt, of Monongahela Navi- gation Co., 1855. Jan. 21, 1856. pp. 344-345. Doc. 27. Jan. 25, 1856. Communication from auditor fen. upon subject of militia tax in city and co. of Phila. an. 24, 1856. p. 346. Doc. 28. Jan. 24, 1856. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., Jan. 1. 1856. pp. 346-347. Doc. 29. Jan. 26, 1856. Stmt, of affairs of state savings fund of Phlla., 1855/6, Jan, 25, 1856. p. 348. Doc. 30. Feb. 1, 1856. Communication from auditor gen.. Jan. 31. 1856, transmitting stmt, of repts. of certain mnfg. COS. pp. 349-351. Doc. 31. Jan. 28, 1856. 13 ann. rept. of Erie Canal Co., 1855. Jan. 8, 1856. pp. 352-354. Doc. 32. Jan. [Feb.?] 10, 1856. Minutes of committee apptd. to try matter of contested case of J. C. M'Ghee, Jan. 12-Feb. 5, 1856. pp. 355-360. Doc. 33. Feb. 9, 1856. Stmt, of affairs of Mount Carbon R.R. Co.. Feb. 1, 1856. pp. 360-362. Doc. 34. Feb. 8. 1856. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to employment of a state engr. pp. 362-364. Doc. 35. Feb. 11, 1856. Stmt, of affairs of Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phila. Feb. 8, 1856. pp. 364-365. Doe. 36. Feb. 11, 1856. .4nn. stmt, of Funds of Uni- versity of Penn., Jan. 1, 1856. p. 366. Doc. 37. Feb. 11. 1856. Ann. rept. of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb for 1855. Feb. 9, 1856, pp. 367- 372. Doe. 38. Feb. 26, 1856. Stmt, of Chestnut Hill and Spring House Turnpike Co. for year ending Nov. 1, 1855. Feb. 25, 1856. p. 373. Doc. 39. Feb. 12. 1856. Ann. rept. of Inspectors of Western Penitentiary for year 1855. pp. 374-390. Doc. 40. Feb. 13, 1856. Stmt, of Little Schuylkill Navi- gation, R.R. and Coal Co. Dec. 14. 1855. pp. 390-391. Doc. 41. Feb. 1, 1856. 2 ann. rept. of officers of House of Refuge for Western Penn. for year endg. Dec. 31, 1855. Jan. 1, 18.56. pp. 392-405. Doc. 42. Feb. 4. 1856. Rept. of committee on education of House of Representatives rel. to supplying common schools with Webster's unabridged dictionary, pp. 406- 407. Doc. 43. Feb. 29. 18,56. Ann. stmt, of Norrlstown In- surance and Water Co., 1855/6. Feb. 4, 1856. pp. 408- 409. Doc. 44. Feb. 29, 1856. Ann. stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co., 1855. Feb. 16, 1856. pp. 410-411. Doc. 45. March 7, 1856. Ann. stmt, of Delaware Coal Co., March 1, 1858. pp. 411-412. Doc. 46. March 7. 1856. Ann. rept. of Short Mountain Coal Co., Jan., 1856. p. 413. Doc. 47. Jan. 13, 1858. Ann. rept. of Penn. State Lunatic Hospital for Insane. 1855. Jan. 13, 1850. pp. 414-436. Doc. 48. Feb. 28, 1856. Communication from state treas- urer transmitting list of public defaulters. Feb, 27, 1856. pp. 4.'!0-45O. Doc. 49. April 9, 1850. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to sale of main line of public works of state, pp. 451-457. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXX General Assembly — cont'd Jin. 1-Apiil 22, 1856 — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd '^ — ■ ts : — cont'd Doc. 50. March 15, 1856, Communication from state treasurer rel. to city treasurer and other public officers of city of Phila. p. 457. Doc. 51. March 18, 1856. Communication from supt. of public prtg. rel. to prtg. Washington's farewell address. p. 458. Doc. 52. March 14, 1856. Ann. rept. of inspectors of Eastern State Penitentiary, 1855. pp. 458-563. Doc. 53. Jan. 8, 1856, Communication from canal comrs, rel. to claim of S. R. Richards. Jan. 7, 1856. pp. 564-565. Doc. 54. Jan. 15, 1856, Communication from secy, ot commonwealth rel. to contingent expenses of dept. p. 566. Doc. 55. Jan. 17, 1856. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. rel. to claims of Penn. K.R. Co. for damages paid by said co. for personal damages sustained on Columbia R.R. pp. 567 •508. Doc. 56. Jan. 18, 1856. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to expenses of legisl. pp. 569-5'73. Doc. 57. Jan. 23, 1856. Communication from surveyor gen. rel. to contingent expenses of his office, p. 574. Doc. 58. Jan. 23, 1856. Communication from state treas- urer rel. to contingent expenses of his office. Jan. 22, 1856. pp. 574-575. Doc. 59. Jan. 24. 1856. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to contingent expenses of his office, 1856/7. p. 575. Doc. 60. Jan. 24. 1856. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to unclaimed dividends, etc. Jan. 23, 1856. pp. 576-577. Doc. 61. Feb. 12, 1856. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to refusal of banks to pay taxation, pp. 578- 579. Doc. 62. Feb. 13, 1856. Communication from secy, ot commonwealth rel. to colonial records, p. 579. Doc. 63. Feb. 26, 1856, Communication from president of Penn. R.R. Co. rel. to Allegheny Portage R.R. Feb. 20, 1856. p. 580. Doc. 64. Feb. 29, 1856. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to claim of W. Jackson. Feb. 2, 1856. pp. 581-582. Doc. 65. March 8, 1856. Communication from state treas- urer rel. to payment of school warrant of city and co. of Phila. pp. 582-583. Doc. 66. March 11. 1856. 23 ann. rept. of Penn. Insti- tution for Instruction of Blind [1855]. pp. 583-590. Doc. 67. March 8, 1856. Stmt, of receipts and expenses of Union Canal Co. from Jan. 1, 1855, to Jan, 1, 1856. pp. 591-593. Doc. 68. Feb. 9, 1856. Communication from state treas- urer rel. to alleged discrepancies in accts. of former state treasurers. Feb.. 1856. pp. 594-598. Doc. 69. March 14, 1856. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to tonnage agts. employed by state on certain p. 599. Doc. 70. March 17. 1356. Communication from state treasurer rel. to tonnage agts. on Penn. R.R. p. 600. Doc. 71. March 14, 1856, Ann. rept. of Lykens Valley R.R. and Coal Co., 1855. Dec. 31, 1855. p. GOl. Doc. 72. March 14, 1856. Ann. rept. of Lykens Valley Coal Co., 1855, Dec. 31, 1855. p. 602. Doc. 73. March 18. 1856. Communication from canal comrs. ; claim of Burke and Gonder. March 15, 1856. pp. 603-605, Doc. 74. March 20, 1856. Same ; incorporation of Read- ing and Lehigh R.R. Co. March 19, 1856. p. 606. Doc. 75. March 22, 1856. Same ; claim of M. Barry. March 20, 1856. p. 607. Doc. 76. March 22, 1856. Same; claim of Robt. Moore. March 20, 1856. p. 608. Doc. 77. March 22. 1856. Same; claim of Malone and Stewart. March 20, 1856. p. 609. Doc. 78. March 22, 18.56. Same; claim of Penn. and Ohio Transportation Co. March 20. 1856. p. 610. Doc. 79. March 28. 1856. Same; claim of Jas. Kerr and J. M'Mlllen. March 25. 1856. pp. 611-612. Doc. 80. March 31, 1856. Same ; claim of S. and B. Hlestand. March 27, 1856. pp. 612-613. Doc. 81. March 28, 1856. Rept. of committee on private claims and damages of Senate, upon bill for relief of G. W, Zelgler. p, 613. Doc. 82 1856. Ann. rept. of Pittsburg and Erie R.R. Co., 1855. Jan. 3. 1856. pp. 614-015. Doc. 83. March 20, 1856. Answers of banks to inter- rogatories propounded by committee on banks of Senate of Penn. pp. 616-634. Doc. 84. April 11. 1856. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Jas. H. Hunter, p. 635. Doc. 85. March 28, 1856. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to defaulters and their securities. March 27, 1856. pp. 636-603. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OK THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 123 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXX General Assembly — cont'd Jan. ] -April 22. IKSG — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 86. April 7, 1S56. Rept. of committee on finanre of Senate rel. to defalcation of J. M. Strlckler together with evidenee taken before committee in pursuance of au- thority j;iven by res. passed March 1, 18.56. pp. 664- 682. Doc. S7. .\pril S. l.s.^fi. fi iinn. rept. of inspectors of Phila. Co. Prison. 1855. Feb. 11, 1856. pp. 682-716. Doc. 88. .Inn. 5. 1S56. Ann. stmt, of Oirnrd Fund of city of Phila., 1855. Jan. 3, 1856. pp. 717-758. Doc. 89. April 19, 1856. Rept. of committee on accts. rel. to pay and mileage of members of House, pp. 759- 762. Doc. 90. April 14, 1856. Ordnance passed by Councils of Phila., rel. to state arsenal. April 7, 1856. p. 762. Doc. 91. April 17. 1856. Communication from auditor gen. and state treasurer rel. to claim of Henry Wagner for damages. April IG. 1853. p. 763. Doc. 92. April, 1856. Communications from various r.r. cos. rel. to sale or lease of pabiic works. [Feb., 1856.1 pp. 764-766. Doc. 93. April 2. 1S56. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to damages on Columbia R.R. pp. 766-769. Doc. 94. April 2. 1856. Ann. abstr. of affairs of Phila. and Reading R.R. Co., 1854/5. April 1, 1856. pp. 769- 770. Doc. 95. April 5, 1856. Majority and minority repts. of committee on roads and bridges of House, upon bill rel. to grading and paving in City of Allegheny, pp. 770- 776. Doc. 96. April 3. 1856. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to sale or lease of main line of public works, in reply to House res. pp. 777-780. Doc. 97. April 3. 1856. Communication from canal comrs. : claim of Albright & Co. April 2, 1856. pp. 780-781. Doc. 98. April 4, 1856. Same ; claim of J. M. Bishop, pp. 781-782. Doc. 99. April 5, 1856. Same : claini of John Miller and Saml. Lemmon. p. 782. Doc. 100. April 7, 1856. Same: claim of Rutter and Hoover. April 2. 1856. p. 783. Doc. 101. April 7, 1856. Same ; claim of Witmer & Co. April 2, 1856. pp. 783-784. Doc. 102. April 8. 1856. Same : with rept. from engr. rel. to canal basin at Portsmouth, pp. 784-787. Doc. 103. April 8, 1856. Rept. of committee on judiciary of House on res. rel. to changing of places of holding elections, pp. 787-788. Doc. 104. .\pril 10. 1856. Communication from Canal comrs. : claim of D. Rhoads. April 9, 1856. pp. 788- 789. Doc. 105. April 10. 1856. Same; claim of estate of A. Todd. April 8. 1856. p. 789. Doc. 106. April 11, 1856. Same ; claim of J. Rheem. p. 790. Doc. 107. April 11. 1856. Abstr. of accts. of West Chester and Phila. R.R. Co. for year 1855. pp. 790-792. Doc, 108. .\pril 19. 1856. Communication from canal comrs.: claim of Sampson and Smith. April 18, 1856. pp. 792-793. Doc. 109. April 15. 1856. Same: claim of Allenbauch and Flannagan. p. 793. Doc. 110. April 16. 1856. Abstr. of accta. of Lewistown and Tuscarora Bridge Co., for year ending Jan. 18, 1856. p. 794. Doc. 111. March 19, 1856. Depositions taken before committee on prtg. rel. to *' act to create permanently office of state prtr." pp. 795-798. Doc. 112. April 15, 1856. Rept. of committee on finance of Senate rel. to claim of S. R. Richards, pp. 799-807. Doc. 113. March 26, 1856. Rept. of jt. committee upon public bldgs. rel. to same, and improvement of grounds belonging thereto, pp. 808-823. Index, pp. 825-830. LXXXI General Assembly [Regular Session] Jan. 6-May 22, 1857 Journal of the Senate. Harrisburg : A. B. Hamilton. 1857. 1203, 128 pp. Journal of the House. Harrisburg : A. B. Hamilton, 1857. 1234, 140 pp. [Documents.] Reports of the heads of departments, transmitted to the Governor. Harrisburg : A. B. Hamilton, 1856. v. p. Binder's title : Executive Documents. 1856. Contents ; Table of contents. 1 leaf. Mess, of Gov., Jan. 7, 1857. h. t. p. 30 pp. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances of commonwealth, 1855 '6. h. t. p. 128 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, etc., 1855/6. h. t. p. 373 pp. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd I4XXXI Assembly — cont'd [Regular Session 1 — cont'd Jan. 6-.May 22. 1857 — cont'd [ Documents. ] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Ann. reiit. of surveyor gen.. 1855/6. h. t. p. 13 pp. Ann. rept. of hd. of c.inai comrs., 1855/6. h. t. p. 34 pp. Rept. of state engr., 1856. h, t. p. 26 pp. Rept. of supt. of Phila. and Columbia R.R., 1855/6. h. t. p. 59 pp. Same; Allegheny Portage R.R. . 1855/6. h. t. p. 11pp. Same; North Branch Canal. 1855/6. h. t. p. 10 pp. Journal of canal comrs,. 1855/6. h. t. p. 66 pp. Rept. of supt. of common schools, 1855/6. h. t. p. 23, 292, 158 pp. [ .] Miscellaneous documents read in legislature. Harrisburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1857. 852 pp. et seq., docs. 1-109. Binder's title : Legislative Documents. 1857. Contents : Doc. 1. Jan. 10, 1857. Rept. of state treasurer on fi- nances of state, 1855/6. Jan. 9. 1857. pp. 3-42. Doc. 2. Jan. 7. 1857. Docs. ace. ann. mess, of Gov., [being corresp., etc.. of comr. of Erie and N. E. R.R. Co.). pp. 43-56. Doc. 3. Jan. 12. 1857. Ann. rept. of Penn. State Lunatic Hospital for Insane, for 1856. pp. 57-80. Doc. 4. Jan. 12. 1857. Stmt, of affairs of Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Road Co. Jan. 10. 1857. p. 81. Doc. 5. Jan. 12, 1857. Stmt, of affairs of Western Sav- ing Fund Society of Phila.. Nov. 3. 1856. p. 82. Doc. 6. Jan. 14, 1857. Ann. stmt, of funds of Univ. of Penn., Jan. 1. 1857. p. 83. Doc. 7. 13. 1857. Communication from auditor gen. transmitting returns of several banks and savings insti- tutions of commonwealth, 1S56. pp. 84-283. Doc. 8. Jan. 12, 1857. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., 1856. Jan. 5. 1857. p. 284. Doc. 9. Jan. 13. 1857. Ann. stmt, of depositors in Sea- men's Saving Fund Socy., Nov. 30, 1856. Jan. 8, 1857. p. 285. Doc. 10. Jan. 13, 1857. Ann. stmt, of Phila Saving Fund Socy., Nov. 15, 1856. p. 286. Doc. 11. Jan. 29, 1857. Ann. stmt, of State Saving Fund of Phila. Jan. 24. 1857. p. 287. Doc. 12. Feb. 5, 1857. Abstr. of accts. of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co.. 1856. Feb. 2, 1857. pp. 287-288. Doc. 13. Jan. 26. 1857. Ann. rept. from Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.. 1856. Jan. 23. 1857. p. 289. Doc. 14. Jan. 26. 1857. Ann. stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy.. 1856. Jan. 24. 1857. pp. 290-291. Doc. 15. Jan. 31. 1857. Mess, from Gov. transmitting list of taxable inhabitants, with no. of deaf, dumb and blind persons In commonwealth, pp. 291-342. Doc. 16. Feb. 11. 1857. Interrogatories propounded by committee on banks of House, pp. 343-345. Doc. 17. Feb. 5, 1857. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, transmitting list of acts of Assem. passed at sessions of 1846-1856 on which enrollment tax has not been paid. pp. 345-363. Doc. 18. Jan. 30, 1857. Ann. stmt, of receipts and dis- bursements of Monongahela Navigation Co.. 1856. Jan. 29, 1857. pp. 364-365. Doc. 19. Feb. 6. 1857. Rept. of Seamen's Saving Fund Socy.. 1856. Jan. 27. 1857. pp. 365-366. Doc. 20. Jan. 21, 1857. Estimate of contingent expenses of executive and state depts. for one year from first of June next. Jan. 20. 1857. p. 367. Doc. 21. Jan. 20. 1857. Abstr. of accts. of Germantown and Perkionien Turnpike Road Co. for year endg. Nov. 1, 1856. Jan. 28. 1857. p. 368. Doc. 22. Jan. 24. 1857. .\nn. stmt, of affairs of Phila.. Germantown and Norrlstown R.R. Co. for vear ending Oct. 1, 1856. Jan. 14. 1857. pp. 369-370. Doc. 23. Jan. 29. 1857. Abstr. of accts. of Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turnpike Co. for year endg. Nov. 1, 1856. Jan. 28. 1857. p. 371. Doc. 24. Jan. 15. 1857. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to examine old claims on main line of public works. Jan. 14. 1857. pp. 371-388. Doc. 25. Jan. 15. 1857. Rept. of mngrs. of Western Penn. Hospital, together with ace. docs, for 1856. Jan. 14, 1857. pp. 389-402. Doc. 26. Feb. 7. 1857. Stmt, of state treasurer of amts. reed, by treasurer of city of Phila. and returned to treasury dept. for .vear 1856. Feb. 6. 1857. pp. 403-404. Doc. 27. Jan. 14, 1857. Rept. of state librarian to leglsl. of Penn. with catalogue of books for year 1856. Jan. 14, 1857. pp. 405-457. Doc. 28. Feb. 20. 1857. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. rel. to delinquency of W. R. Maffet, supt. of North Branch Canal, pp. 458-459. Doc. 29. Jan. 22. 1857. Res. of state of Me. rel. to slavery, territory of Kansas, and to secret political assns. April. 1856. pp. 459-460. Doc. 30. Feb. 25. 1857. Communication from canal comrs. transmitting rept. of supt. of North Branch Canal, for year 1856. pp. 461-477. 124 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXXI General Assembly — cont'd [Regular Session] — cont'd Jan. 6-May 22. 1857 — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 31. Jan. 22, 1857. Res. passed by legisl. of N. H. rel. to late acts of bloodshed in Kansas. July, 1856. pp. 478-480. Doc. 32. Jan. 22, 1857. Communication from auditor gen., transmitting, in tabular form, classification and license rates of importers, brewers, distillers, keepers of hotels restaurants and venders of vinous and other liquors, 1856. pp. 481-489. Doc. 33. Feb. 2. 1857. Condensed stmt, of repts. made to auditor gen. in pursuance of act of March 27, 1854, by COS. incorporated for mnfg. or mining purposes, and for Improvement of mining lands. Jan. 31, 1857. pp. 489- 492 Doc. ~34. Jan. 22, 1857. Res. passed by leglsI. of N. H. in reply to those transmitted them from Ark., upon subject "of slavery., July, 1855. pp. 492-494. Doc. 35. Feb. 19, 1857. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Pitts- burg Dollar Savings Institution. Jan. 31, 1857. p. 495. Doc. 36. Feb. 3, 1857. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to contract with H. D. Rogers for publlcntiou of final rept. of geol. survey. Feb. 2, 1857. pp. 495-498. Doc. 37. Feb. 24, 1857. 14 ann. rept. of Erie Canal Co., 1856. Jan. 13, 1857. pp. 498-501. Doc. 38. Feb. 4, 1857. Ann. rept. of N. Y. and Erie R.R. Co., 1856. Feb. 3, 1857. pp. 501-502. Doc. 39, Feb. 19, 1857. Ann. rept. of mngrs. of Union Canal Co. Jan. 1, 1857. pp. 503-505. Doc. 40. Feb. 21, 1857. Ann. rept. of bd. of directors of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, 1856. Jan. 1, 1857. pp. 505-512. Doc. 41. Feb. 23, 1857. Ann. rept. of Mount Carbon R.E. Co., 1856/7. Feb. 21, 1857. pp. 513-514. Doc. 42. Feb. 24, 1857. General stmt, of Little Schuyl- kill Navigation, R.R. and Coal Co. Dec. 13, 1856. pp. 514-515. Doc. 43. Feb. 26, 1857. Ann. stmts, of Mount Carbon and Port Carbon R.R. Co., Schuylkill Valley Navigation and R.R. Co., and Mill Creek and Mine Hill Naviga- tion and R.R. Co. [Jan. and Feb., 1857.] pp. 516-520. Doc. 44. Jan. 20, 1857. 4 ann. rept. of pres. and direc- tors to stockholders of Pittsburg and Connellsville R.R. Co. Jan. 16, 1857. pp. 520-529. Doc. 45. Jan. 24, 1857. Ann. stmt, of receipts and ex- penditures of citv of Phtla., in trust for Glrard Estate, 1§56. Jan. 17, 1857. pp. 530-580. Doc. 46. Jan. 24, 1857. Ann. rept. of inspectors of Western Penitentiary of Penn., 1856. pp. 581-598. Doc. 47. Feb. 11, 1857. Rept. of teller of House, of no. of votes given for auditor gen. and surveyor gen. at elec- tion In Oct., 1856. pp. 599-604. Doc. 48. Feb. 14, 1857. Ann. rept. of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co., 1856. Feb. 4, 1857. pp. 604-605. Doc. 49. Feb. 23, 1857. Communication from canal cornrs. rel. to per diem pay of workmen on Phila. and Columbia R.R. Feb. 18, 1857. p. 605. Doc. 50. March 23, 1857. Communication from auditor gen, rel. to tolls collected at Wllllamsport. March 20, 1857. p. 606. Doc. 51. March 23, 1857. Rept. of bd. of revenue comrs. pp. 606-623. Doc. 52. March 23, 1857. Communication from state treasurer, transmitting list of public defaulters. pp. 624-639. Doc. 53. March 23, 1857. Rept. of comrs. to examine claims on main line of public works. March 19, 1857. p. 640. Doc. 54. March 19, 1857. Ann. rept. of Delaware Coal Co. March 18, 1857. pp. 640-642. Doc. 55. March 19, 1857. 9 ann. rept. of bd. of directors of Glrard College for Orphans, 1856. March 17, 1857. pp. 642-655. Doc. 56. April 14, 1857. Journal of Electoral College of Penn., Dec. 3. 1856. March 28, 1857. pp. 655-691. Doc. 5'7. March 23, 1857. Abstr. acct. of Westmoreland and Indiana Bridge Co., [1854-18.56]. p. 692. Doc. .58. March 23. 1857. Communication from canal comrs. : claim of E. G. Slltt for damages on Allegheny Portage U.R. March 20, 1857. p. 693. Doc. 59. March 23, 1857. Same; principle upon which claim of Wood, Morrell & Co. was settled, p. 694. Doc. 60. March 23, 18S7. Stmt, of receipts and expendl tures of Chestnut Hill and Spring IIoiiHe Turnpike Road Co., 1855/6. March 21, 1857. p. 695, Doc. 61. March 23, 185'r. Communication from officers of Penn. State Agrlc. Socy. In reply to res. of House. March 19. 1857. pp. «96-6!i8. Doc. 62. March 19, 1857. Ann. rept. of mngrs. of Penn, Institution for Instruction of Blind, [1856], np. 699-706. Doc. 63. March 27, 1857. 29 ann. rept. of bd. of mngrs. nf House of Refuge, 1856. March 26, 1857. pp. 706- 732. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXXI General Assembly — cont'd [Regular Session] — cont'd Jan. 6-May 22, 1857 — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd Contents ; — cont'd Doc. 64. March 27, 1857. 28 ann. rept. of inspectors of state penitentiary for Eastern dlstr. of Penn., 1856. March 25. 1857. pp. 732-769. Doc. 65. Feb. 20, 1857. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to Wm. R. Maffet. pp. 770-771. Doc. 66. April 4, 1857. Abstr. of accts. of Phila. and Reading R.R. Co., 1855 '6. April 2. 1857. pp. 771-772. Doc. 67. March 31, 1857. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. rel. to construction of schutes (sic) on Delaware division of Penn. Canal. March 30, 1857. pp. 772-773. Doc. 68. March 31, 1857. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. rel. to claim of J. E. Reedcr. March 28, 1857. p. 774. Doc. 69. April 8, 1857. Communication from state treas- urer rel. to claim of D. Bemus. April 6, 1857. pp. 775-776. Doc. 70. March 21, 1857. Stmt, of affairs of Lykens Valley R.R. and Coal Co., 1856. Dec. 31, 1856. pp. 776- 777. Doc. 71. March 23, 1857. Stmt, of affairs of Chestnut Hill and Spring House Turnpike Co., 1855/6. March 21, 1857. pp. 777-778. Doc. 72. March 21. 1857. Stmt, of affairs of Lykens Valley Coal Co., 1856. Dec. 31, 1856. pp. 778-779. Doc. 73. April 14, 1857. Communication from auditor gen. in reference to expenses on Columbia R.R. pp. 779-782. Doc. 74. April 6, 1857. Abstr. of acct. of Lorberry Creek R.R. Co. [1856]. pp. 782-783. Doc. 75. April 8, 1857. Stmt, of affairs of Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phila., 1856. April 4, 1857. pp. 783-784. Doc. 76. April 13, 1857. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to taxing capital stock of Incorporated cos. April 11, 1857. pp. 785-786. Doe. 77. April 16, 1857. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to collateral inheritance tax. April 15, 1857. pp. 786-788. Doc. 78. April 9, 1857. Testimony taken by committee on finance of Senate, in case of defalcation of Jacob M. Strlckler, late collector of tolls for commonwealth at Columbia, pp. 788-796. Doc. 79. April 17, 1857. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. ; claim of J. Hutchinson. April 15, 1857. pp. 796-797. Doc. 80. April 17, 1857. Same : claims of S. Spendler and of Moderwell and Longnecker. April 15, 1857. pp. 797-798. Doc. 81. April 21, 1857. Same : claim of M. Gillespie, p. 798. Doc. 82. April 21, 1857. Same ; claim of Eves and Fair- man, p. 799. Doc. 83. April 21, 1857. Same ; claim of M'Kean & Rambo. pp. 800-801. Doc. 84. April 21, 1857. Same ; claim of Townsend & Patterson, p. 801. Doc. 85. April 21, 1857. Same; claim of Mann and Davis, p. 802. Doc. 86. April 22, 1857. Same ; claim of Thomas & Young, pp. 802-803. Doc. 87. April 21. 1857. Same; claims of Mishler & Co. and of Moderwell & Longenecker. pp. 803-804. Doc. 88. April 23. 1857. Same ; claim of Campbell, Simp- son & Co. pp. 804-805. Doc. 89. April 24, 1857. Same ; claim of James Dear- mond. p. 806. Doc. 90. .\pril 24. 1857. Same ; claim of executors of estate of Peter Shoenberger, deceased, pp. 806-807. Doc. 91. April 28, 1857. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. and auditor gen. rel. to claim of estate of Wm. Hamilton, rip. 807-808. Doc. 92. May 14. 1857. Communication from auditor gen, showing condition of foreign Insurance cos., etc., doing business in state, pp. 808-818. Doc. 9.1. April 29, 1857. Testimony taken under pro- visions of res. of Feb. 25, 1857, investigating conduct of certain reporters, etc. March 11-19, 1857. pp. 818- 828 Doc. 94. April 29. 1857. Communication from bd. of caniil comrs. ; claim of Weaver & Wright, pp. 828-829. Doc. 95. April 30, 1857. Same : claim of Thos. Allen. pp. 829-830. Doc. 96. May 1, 1857. Same ; acct. of Montour Iron Co. April 30, 1857. pp. 830-831. Doc. 97. April 23, 1857. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund. pp. 831-835. Doc. 98. April 30, 1857. Communlcntton from bd. of canal comrs. rel. to claim of J. Walton, p. 836. Doc. 99. Mav 1, 1857. Same ; claim of devisees of J. Johnson. April 30, 1857. p. 837. Doc. 100. Mav 7, 1857. Abstr. of accts. of Lehigh Valley R.R. Co., 18b6. p. 838. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 125 COLLECTED DOCCMENTS— cont'd LXXXI General Assembly — cont'd [RcRular Session] — cont'd Jan. 6-Mny 22. 1857 — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 101. May 16. 1857. Communication from auditor gen.. May 11, 1857. informing House what amt. bas been reed, as proceeds of sale of old materials on Alle- gheny I'ortnge R.R. PP. 839-840. Doc. 102. May 11, 1857. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. ; claim of Cooliman & Brottier. May 8, 1857. p. 841. Doc 103. May 11. 1857. Same; claim of E. Mowrey, Jr., and Alden Mowrey. May 9. 1857. p. 842. Doc. 104. May 5. 1857. Same ; claim of K. Moore. May 4. 1857. pp. 842-843. Doc. 105. May 6, 1857. Same ; claim of Lloyd & Lemon. pp. 843-844. Doc. 106. May 18. 1857. Same : May 16, 1857, transmit- ting copy of letter from W. R. Maffett. pp. 844-845. Doe. 107. May 13, 1857. Same ; claim of D. Rlioads. p. 845. Doc. 108. May 11, 1857. Same ; claim of Lloyd & Lemon. p. 846. Doc. 109. May 13, 1857. Ann. rept. of Short Mountain Coal Co., Jan. 1, 1857. p. 847. Index, pp. 849-852, et seq. Extra Session • Oct. 6-13. 1857 Durnal of the Senate. Harrishurg: A. B. Hamilton, 1857. 67 pp.* ournal of the House. Harrisburg : A. B. Hamilton, 1857. 91 pp. LXXXII General Assembly Jan. 5-Aprll 22, 1858 ournal of the Senate. Harrisburg : A. B. Hamilton, 1858. 957, 100 pp.* Durnal of the House. Harrisburg ; A. B. Hamilton, 1858. 1002 pp., 1 leaf, 113 pp. Documents.] Reports of the heads of departments, transmitted to Governor. Harrisburg : A. B. Hamilton, 1857. v. p. Binder's title : Executive Documents. 1857. Contents : Table of contents. 1 leaf. Special mess, of Gov., Oct. 6, 1857. h. t. p. 4 pp. Ann. mess, of Gov., Jan. 6, 1858. h. t. p. 19 pp. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances of the commonwealth, 1856/7. h. t. p. 136 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, etc., 1856/7. h. t. p. 430 pp. Ann. rept. of surveyor gen., 1856/7. h. t. p. 16 pp. Ann. rept. of bd. of canal comrs., 1856/7. h. t. p. 23 pp. Rept. of state engr.. 1856/7. h. t. p. 18 pp. Rept of Bupt. of Columbia and Phlla. R.R., 1856/7. h. t. p. 12 pp. Same : Allegheny Portage R.R., 1856/7. h. t. p. 11 pp. Journal of bd. of canal comrs., 1856/7. h. t. p. 58 pp. [Revenue comrs.] h. t. p. 125 pp. [Supt. of common schools.] h. t. p. 32, 247, 170 pp. The last two items were talien from the checklist in the Ann. Rept. of the state librarian for 1901. .] Miscellaneous documents read In the legislature. Harris- burg: A. B. Hamilton, 1858. 820 pp., docs. 1-104. Binder's title : Legislative Documents. 1858. Contents : Doc. 1. Jan. 7, 1858. Communication from auditor gen. transmitting returns of the several baniis and savings institutions, 1857. pp. 1-215. Doc. 2. Jan. 7, 1858. Ann. stmt, of the Western Phlla. Saving Fund Socy.. Nov., 1857. p. 210. Doc. 3. Jan. 7, 1858. Rept. of Saml. Hazard, editor of colonial records and Penn. archives, Jan. 3, 1858. p. 217. Doc. 4. Jan. 7, 1858. Ann. stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., Nov., 1857. p. 218. Doc. 5. Jan. 11, 1858. Abstr. stmt, of affairs of Franls- ford and Bristol Turnpike Road Co., Jan. 9, 1858. p. 219. Doc. 6. Jan. 11, 1858. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co.. 1857. p. 220. Doc. 7. Jan. 12, 1858. Rept. of the atty. gen. detailing operations of his office since April 21, 1857. pp. 221-224. Doc. 8. Jan. 13, 1858. Triennial rept. of the comrs. of the sinking fund, 1S55/7. pp. 224-226. Doc. 9. Jan. 7. 1857. Rept. of the state treasurer on the finances of the state, 1856/7. pp. 227-268. Doc. 10. Jan. 12, 1858. Ann. stmt, of depositors in the Seamen's Savings Fund Socy. of Phila., Nov., 1857. p. 269. Doc. 11. Jan. 13, 1858. Communication from the sur- veyor gen. rel. to the arrearages due on lands pur- chased from the commonwealth, pp. 270-272. Doc. 12. Jan. 12. 1858. Rept. of teller to open votes for or agst. the amdmts. to the Constitution, pp. 273-274. * The Journals of the extra session of the 81 Gen. Assem. and the !gular session of the 82d Gen. Assem. are sometimes bound together. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXXII General Ass<-,mbly — cont'd Jan. 5-Aprll 22, 1858— cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 13. Jan. 16, 1858. Ann. stmt, of the Monongahela Navigation Co., 1857. pp. 274-27.">. Doc. 14. Jan. 30, 1858. Ann. stmt, of the Saving Fund Socy. of Germnntown and vicinity, June 1, 1857. p. 276. Doc. 15. Jan. 7, 1S58. Rept. of state librarian, 1857, with a catalogue of books for 1856. pp. 277-310. Doc. 16. Jan. 16, 1858. Ann. rept. of Penn. State Luna- tic Hospital for the Insane, 1857. pp. 311-330. Doc. 17. Jan., 1858. A.K. of the bd. of trustees of the Farmers' High School of Penn., 1857. pp. 331-350. Doc. 18. Jan. 15, 1858. Rept. of teller on the vote for Gov. pp. 351-353. Doc. 19. Jan. 13, 1858. Communication from the state treasurer showing the balance of money in the treasury, Jan. 1, 1858 ; where deposited ; amt. deposited In each place, etc. pp. 353-358. Doc. 20. Jan. 28, 1858. Rept. of Wm. R, MalTet, aupt. of North Branch Canal, 1856/7. pp. 359-365. Doc. 21. Jan. 12. 1858. Ann. stmt, of the receipts and expenditures of the City of Phila. in trust for the Glrard estate, 1857. pp. 365-412. Doe. 22. Feb. 9, 1858. Ann. stmt, of the funds of the Univ. of Penn. Jan. 1, 1858. p. 413. Doc. 23. Jan. 14, 1858. Communication from the auditor gen. rel. to his examination and verification of the special rept. of the state treasurer, p. 414. Doc. 24. Jan. 16. 1858. Ann. stmt, of the Phila.. German- town and Norristown R.R. Co., 1856/7. pp. 415-416. Doc. 25. Jan. 16, 1858. Communication from the Gov. transmitting repts. of the comrs. apptd. to investigate the condition of the Bank of Penn. pp. 417-420. Doc. 26. .Ian. 16, 1858. Docs, referred to in communica- tion of the Gov. rel. to the sale of the main line of canal and r.r. May 16, 1857. pp. 420-423. Doc. 27. Jan. 30, 1858. Communication from the state treasurer rel. to payments made by late and present treasurers of Phila. Jan. 19. 1858. p. 423. Doc. 28. Jan. 21, 1858. Ann. stmt, of the Phila. Saving Fund Socy., Jan. 1. 1858. pp. 424-425. Doc. 29. Jan. 25, 1838. Abstr. of accts. of the Phlla. and Lancaster Turnpike Road Co., Jan. 22, 1858. pp. 425-427. Doc. 30. Jan. 25, 1858. A.R. of the bd. of mngrs. of the Western Penn. Hospital, Jan. 20. 1858. pp. 427-442. Doc. 31. Jan. 26, 1858. Communication from the canal comrs., transmitting a copy of the resignation of Wm. R. Maffet. supt. of the North Branch Canal, p. 443. Doc. 32. Jan. 29, 1858. Communication from the secy, of the Commonwealth, transmitting ann. rept. of the New York and Erie R.R. Co. pp. 444-445. Doc. 33. Jan. 30, 1858. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to classification of licenses of dealers in liquors, and rates thereof. Jan. 29, 1858. pp. 446-452. Doc. 34. Jan. 30, 1858. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Seamen's Saving Fund Socy. of Phila. Jan. 29, 1858. pp. 453- 454. Doc. 35. Feb. 6, 1858. Communication from secy, of the Commonwealth in reply to House res. in relation to resignations and re-appointments of notaries public by Govs. Pollock and Bigler. Feb.. 1858. pp. 454-459. Doc. 36. Feb. 9, 1858. Ann. stmt, of I'ittsburg Dollar Savings Institution, Jan. 30, 1858. p. 460. Doc. 37. Feb. 2, 1858. Ann. stmt, of Delaware and Hud- son Canal Co., Feb. 10, 1858. pp. 460-461. Doc. 38. Feb. 16, 1858. Ann. stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Coy^ Feb. 4, 1S5S. pp. 461-462. Doc. 39. Feb. 19, 1858. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to quarterly stmts, of the banks, p. 463. Doc. 40. Feb., 1858. A.R. Erie Canal Co., for 1857. pp. 464-470. Doc. 41. Feb. 2, 1858. A condensed stmt, of cos. Incor- porated for mnfg. or mining purposes, and for the Im- provement of mining lands. Feb. 1, 1858. pp. 471-473. Doc. 42. Feb. 4. 1858. A.R. of inspectors of the Western Penitentiary of Penn., 1857. pp. 474-492. Doc. 43. Feb. 20, 1858. Communication from secy, of the commonwealth, transmitting stmt, of the Thomas Iron Co. p. 493. Doc. 44. Feb. 16, 1857 [i. e. 1858]. Communication from auditor gen. stating amt. of militia tax reed, from the several cos., 1855-1857. pp. 494-496. Doc. 45. Feb. 24, 1858. 30 A.R. of bd. of Mngrs. of House of Refuge, 1857. Feb. 11, 1858. pp. 497-522. Doc. 46. Feb. 13, 1858. A.R. of bd. of directors of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dunib, 1857. Feb. 12, 1858. pp. 523-527. Doc. 47. Feb. 24, 1858. A.R. of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co. p. 528. Doc. 48. March 3, 1858. Communication from auditor gen., March 1, 1858, transmitting names of notaries public who have made returns to his office, with the amt. of fees reed, by them, no. of protests, etc., during year ending Nov. 30, 1857. pp. 529-545. 126 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXXII General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 5-April 22, 1S58 — cont'd [Documents. ] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 49. Feb. 27, 1858. 25 A.R. of mgre. of Penn. Insti- tution for Instruction of the Blind. Feb. 26, 1858. pp. 546-556. Doc. 50. Feb. 27, 1858. 5 A.R. of the Pres. and directors to the stockholders of Pittsburg and Connellsvillc R.R. Co. Dec. 7, 1857. pp. 557-571. Doc. 51. March 1, 1858. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to repairs on the North Branch division of the Penn. Canal, pp. 571-572. Doc. 52. March 2 1858. Ann. stmt, of Norrlstown In- surance and Water Co., 1857/8. Feb. 1, 1858. pp. 5*72-573 • f*- Doe. "53. March 8, 1858. Abstr. of aects. of Mount Car- bon R.R. Co. to Feb. 1, 1858. pp. 574-575. Doc. 54. March 8, 1858. Communication from canal comrs. : claim of Prlscllla Cooper. March 3, 1858. pp. 575-577. Doc. 55. March 8, 1858. Same : amt. of damages awarded to the holders of property on line of new Allegheny Portage R.R. March 3, 1858. pp. 577-578. Doc. 56. March 8. 1858. Same ; claim of Wm. Martin. March 3, 1858. p. 578. Doc. 57. March 8, 1858. Same ; claim of Mrs. Julian M'Klnney. March 3, 1858. p. 579. Dec. 58. March 8, 1858. Same: claim of John Kugler and Isaac WTilte. March 3, 1858. p. 580. Doc. 59. March 15, 1858. 29 A.R. of Inspectors of state penitentiary, for Eastern Distr. of Penn. pp. 581- 634. Doc. 60. March 30, 1858. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to revenue, expenditures and cost of construc- tion of the several divisions of canals, pp. 635-642. Doc. 61. March 1, 1858. Final rept. of comrs. apptd. to Investigate the condition of the Bank of Penn. pp. 642-646. Doc. 62. March 16, 1858. Communication from canal comrs. ; claims on the Allegheny Portage R.R. pp. 646-647. Doc. 63. March 11, 1858. Same; receipts and expendi- tures on the Delaware Division, etc. p. 648. Doc. 64. March 19, 1858. Stmt, containing an abstr. of accts. of the Lorberry Creek R.R. C»., Schuylkill Co. p. 649. Doc. 65. March 25, 1858. Communication from secy, of the Commonwealth rel. to publication of the final rept. of the geol. survey, pp. 650-652. Doc. 66. March 22, 18.58. Ann. stmt, of the Mount Car- bon and Port Carbon R.R. Co., SchuvlklU Valley Naviga- tion and R.R. Co., and Mill Creek and Mine Hill Naviga- tion and R.R. Co., Jan. 12, 1858. March 20, 1858. pp. 653-657. Doc. 67. Feb. 18, 1858. Communication from auditor gen. transmitting stmt, of contingent expenses and clerk hire for 1858. p. 657. Doc. 68. Feb. 18, 1858. Communication from the secy. of the Commonwealth transmitting stmt, of contingent expenses of the executive and state depts. for 1858. Feb. 16, 1858. p. 658. Doc. 69. Feb. 18, 1858. Communication from state treasurer, transmitting stmt, of contingent expenses for 1858. pp. 659-660. Doc. 70. April 7, 1858. Communication from state treas- urer, transmitting a list of public defaulters, pp. 660- 674. Doc. 71. March 16, 1858. Communication from auditor gen., transmitting amt. of money paid into the state treasury by Insurance cos. pp. 675-67'7. Doc. 72. Feb. 20, 1858. Communication from supt. of common schools transmitting stmt, of contingent ex- penses and clerk hire of his office for 1858. pp. 678-679. Doc. 73. April 8, 1858. Evidence taken before House committee to Investigate the accts. of certain co. treas- urers rel. to militia tax. pp. 680-707. Doc. 74. March 30, 1858. Ann. stmt, of the Phlla. and Reading R.R. Co., 1857. March 2!), 1858. pp. 708-709. Doc. 75. March 22, 1858. Communication from the canal comrs.; claim of the estate of Elizabeth Stiles, p. 710. Doc. 76. March 22, 1858. Same; claim of BItner & Brother, p. 711. Doc. 77. .M.irch 23, 1858. Same ; claim of Wm. N. Brown, p. 712. Doc. 78. March 23, 1858. Same; claim of Elizabeth Lytic, p. 713. Doc. 79. March 24, 1858. Same ; claim of Given & Col- lins, p. 714. Doc. 80. March 24, 1858. Same ; claim of Wm. Trimble, p. 715. Doc. 81. March 26, 1858. Same; claim of Wm. Hart, pp. 716-717. Doc. 82. March 29, 1858. Same ; claims of Abraham Lev- ering, J. H. Levering, and the State Mutual Fire Insur- ance Co. of Harrlsburg. March 26, 1858. pp. 718-719. Doc. 83. March 29, 1858. Same ; claim of M'Kean & Rambo. March 28, 1858. p. 719. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXXII General Assejnbly — cont'd Jan. 5-April 22, 1858 — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 84. April 13, 1858. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to in- vestigate condition and affairs of the Lancaster Bank. April 13, 1858. pp. 720-755. Doc. 85. March 1, 1858. Communication from the canal comrs. rel. to the mngmt. of North Branch Extension of the Penn. Canal, p. 756. Doc. 86. April 20, 1858. Abstr. of accts. of the Lehigh Valley R.R. Co. April 19, 1858. p. 757. Doc. 87. March 25, 1858. Communication from auditor gen. in relation to the sinking fund. pp. 758-760. Doc. 88. April 10. 1858. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to the examination and settlement of the accts. of F. Knox Morton, late treasurer of the City of Phlla. pp. 761-765. Doc. 89. April 22, 1858. Communication from auditor gen. showing the condition of foreign insurance cos., etc., doing business in state, pp. 765-777. Doc. 90. Feb. 15, 1858. Stmt, of affairs of Western Sav- ing Fund Socy. of Phlla., 1857. Feb. 2, 1858. pp. 778- 77Tl. Doc. 91. March 30, 1858. Communication from auditor gen. and state treasurer transmitting Information rel. to moneys collected by Dr. John W. Hammond, March 29, 1858. pp. 779-782. Doc. 92. March 3, 1858. Communication from canal comrs. ; claims on the line of the new Allegheny Portage R.R. p. 783. Doc. 93. April 8, 1858. Same; claim of Wm. T. Fells, pp. 784-785. Doc. 94. April 8, 1858. Same ; claim of Jonathan C. Baldwin, p. 785. Doc. 95. April 13, 1858. Communication from state treas- urer rel. to CO. treasurers who were in arrears to the Commonwealth up to Feb. 1, 1858. pp. 786-787. Doc. 96. April 14, 1858. Communication from the canal comrs. ; claim of Saml. D. Myton. April 13, 1858. p. 788 Doc. 97. April 14, 1858. Same; claim of Jos. Colling. April 13, 1858. p. 789. Doc. 98. April 15, 1858. Same; claim of Andrew Wise, p. 790. Doc. 99. April 15, 1858. Same ; claim of John Dougherty, of Blair Co. p. 791. Doc. 100. April 16, 1858. Mess, from Gov. transmitting rept. of the bd. of appraisers to assess damages to trans- porters and others, by reason of sale of the maine (sic) line. pp. 792-795. Doc. 101. April 19, 1858. Communication from the canal comrs. ; claim of Theodore Franks, pp. 796-797. Doc. 102. April 20, 1858. Same ; claim of Wm. B. Hoopes. April 19, 1858. p. 798. Doc. 103. April 22, 1858. Same ; rebuilding of the aque- duct over the Allegheny River, near Pittsburgh. April 21, 1858. p. 799. Doc. 104. April 10, 1858. 10 A.R. of the bd. of directors of the Glrard College for Orphans, 1857. April 8, 1858. pp. 800-813. Three copies of the Legislative Documents were com- pared, viz. : one in the Penn. State Library, one in the library of the Library Co. of Phlla., and one in the Library of Congress. LXXXHI General Assembly Jan. 4-Aprll 14, 1859 Journal of the Senate. Harrlsburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1859. 1024, 125 pp.* Journal of the House. Harrlsburg : A. B. Hamilton, 1859. 1183, 143 pp.* [Documents.] Reports of the heads of departments, transmitted to Governor. Harrlsburg : A. B. Hamilton, 1858. v. p. Binder's title : Executive Documents. 1858. Contents : Table of contents. 1 leaf. Govs, mess., Jan. 5, 1859. n. p., n. d. 16 pp. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances of the commonwealth, 1857/8. n. p., n. d. 128 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, etc., 1857/8. n. p., n. d. 403 pp. A.R. of surveyor gen., 1857/8. n. p., n. d. 19 pp. A.R. of bd. of canal comrs., 1857/8. n. p., n. d. 13 pp. Rept. of state engr., 1857/8. n. p., n. d. 5 pp. Jol. of bd. of canal comrs., 1857/8. n. p., n. d. 34 pp. A.R. of adj. gen., 1858. n. p., n. d. 35 pp. Bept. of supt. of common schools, 1857/8. n. p., n. d. v. p. Two copies of the Executive Documents for 1858 were compared, viz. : one In the Penn. Stiite Library and one in the Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phlla. [ .1 Miscellaneous documents read in the legislature. Harrls- burg: A. B. Hamilton, 1859. 1088 pp., docs. 1-87. • Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1859. • Copies of the Senate and House Journals and of the Legislative Documents for 1859 were seen In the Penn. State Library, in the library of the Library Co. of I'hila., and In the Library of Congress. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 127 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXXIII Ci'lKTul Assi-mbly — cont'd .Ian. 4-Aijrll 14. 18.10— cont'd 1 1 locuments. ] — cont'd Tontcnts : Doc. 1. Jan. 5, 1859. Stmt, of I'lilla. Saving Fund Socy. Dec. 31. 1858. pp. 3-4. Doc. 2. .Tan. 4, 1850. Coninumlcatlon from the auditor gon., transmitting the returns of tlie several banks and savings Institutions, pp. 4-340. Doc. 3. .Tan. G, 1859. Communication from the canal comrs. rcl. to the claim of the borough of Bridgewater, Boaver Co. pp. 341-34'.>. Doc. 4. Jan. 5, 1S50. Ann. rept. of the state treasurer on the Hnances of the state, 1857/8. [ip. 342-393. Doc. 5. Jan., 1859. Bill and answer in contested election case in 3d representative distr. of Phila., 1858. pp. 394- 400. Doc. 6. Jan. 10, 1859. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Lehigh ("oal and Navigation Co. Jan. 4, 1859. pp. 400-401. Doc. 7. Jan. 10. 1859. Ann. stmt, of depositors in Sea- men's Savings Fund Socv. of Phlla. Dec. 16, 1858. p. 401. Doc. 8. Jan., 1859. Bill and answer in the contested elec- tion case In the Representative distr., composed of Cambria Co., In 1858. pp. 402-420. Doc. 9. Jan. 5, 1859. Rept. of comrs. of the sinking fund, 1857/8. pp. 421-427. Doc. 10. Jan. 11, 1859. Communication from state treas- urer, Jan. 10, 1858, giving the amt. and places of deposit of the public money, pp. 428-429. Doc. 11. Jan., 1859. Bill and answer in contested election case in 13th Representative distr. of I'hila., 1858. pp. 429-434. Doc. 12. Jan. 10. 1859. Rept. of atty. gen. for the year ending Dec. 31. 1858. Jan. 7, 1859. pp. 434-435. Doc. 13. Jan. 11. 1859. Ann. stmt, of the Western Sav- ing Fund Socy. of Phila. Jan. 10. 1859. p. 436. Doe. 14. Jan. 13, 1S59. Ann. stmt, of the .iffalrs of the Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Road Co. Jan. 12, 1859. p. 437. Doc. 15. Jan. 11, 1859. Ann. rept. of the state librarian, together with a catalogue of books for 1858. pp. 438-467. Doc. 16. Jan. 29, 1859. Ann. stmt, of Phila., Germantown and Norrlstown R.R. Co., 1857/8. Jan. 18, 1859. pp. 468-469. Doc. 17. Jan. 13, 1859. Govs. mess, transmitting rept. of House committee to examine into alfairs and condition of certain banks, pp. 470-527. Doc. 18. Jan. 27, 1858. Journal of the bd. of canal comrs. Dec. 28, 1858-Jan. 25, 1859. pp. 527-533. Doc. 19. Jan. 20, 1859. Ann. stmt, of Delaware and Hud- son Canal Co. Jan. 22, 1859. pp. 533-534. Doc. 20. Jan. 25. 1859. Ann. stmt, of Monongahela Navi- gation Co. Jan. 24. 1859. pp. 534-535. Doc. 21. Jan. 24. 1859. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to contingent expenses of his office, p. 536. Doc. 22. Jan. 24, 1859. Rept. of the comrs. apptd. to ex- amine the affairs of Lancaster Savings Institution, pp. 537-633. Doc. 23. Jan. 27, 1859. Ann. stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy. Jan. 21. 1859. pp. 633-634. Doc. 24. Jan. 20, 1859. Ann. rept. of Penn. State Lunatic Hospital for the Insane, for 1858. pp. 634-653. Doc. 25. Jan. 27, 1859. Petition of Mrs. Emilie L. Fry for divorce. Jan. 26, 1859. pp. 654-656. Doc. 26. Feb. 7. 1859. Answer of Horace B, Fry to peti- tion of his wife for divorce. Feb. 3, 1859. pp. 656-667. Doc. 27. Feb. 11, 1859. Memorial of John Grlgg in reply to the answer of Horace B. Fry. Feb. 10, 1859. pp. 667-677. Doc. 28. Feb. 17, 1859. Answer of H. B. Fry to the memorial of J. Grigg. pp. 678-689. Doc. 29. Jan, 24. 1859. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to classification of licenses of dealers of liquors and the rates thereof, pp. 689-697. Doc. 30. Feb. 4. 1859. Rept. of the Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Co. Dec. 20, 1858. pp. 697-698. Doc. 31. Feb. 4, 1859. Rept. of Lackawanna Iron and Coal Co. Jan. 15. 1859. pp. 698-699. Doc. 32. Jan. 27, 1859. Rent, of treasurer of the Penn. State Agric. Socy., 1857. Jan. 19, 1858. pp. 699-702. Doc. 33. Feb. 7, 1859. Same, for 1858. pp. 702-704. Doc. 34. Feb. 1, 1859. Communication from auditor gen. transmitting stmt, of repts. of certain mnfg. cos. pp. 705- 707. Doc. 35. Feb. 4, 1859. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Seamen's Saving Fund Socy. of Phila. Feb. 3, 1859. pp. 708-709. Doc. 36. Feb. 14, 1859. Ann. stmt, of funds of TJniv. of Penn., Jan. 1, 1859. pp. 709-710. Doc. 37. Feb. 7, 1859. Govs. mess, transmitting ann. rept. of the N. Y. and Erie R.R. Co. Jan. 29, 1859. pp. 710- 711. Doc. 38. Feb. 10. 1859. Ann. stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuvlklll Haven R.R. Co. Jan. 29, 1859. pp. 711-713. Doc. 39. Feb. 17, 1859. Ann. rept. of Bald Kagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co. Jan., 1859. pp. 713-714. Doc. 40. Feb. 17, 1859. Ann. rept. of bd. of directors of Penn. Institution, for the year 1858. Jan. 5, 1859. pp. 714-720. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd L.XXXUI General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 4-April 14. 1859 — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd t^ontentfi : — cont'd Doc. 41. Feb. 16. 1859. Ann. rept. of Swede Iron Co. Feb. 8, 1859. pp. 720-721. . „. . Doc. 42. Jan. 31, 1859. Ann. rept. of mngrs. of Western I'enu. Hospital, 1858. Jan. 15, 1859. pp. 721-735. Doc. 43. Feb. 8. 1859. Ann. stmt, of Thomas Iron Co. Doc 44 Feb. 14, 1859. Ann. stmt, of Pittsburg Dollar Savings Institution. Jan. 31, 1859. p. 736. Doc 45 Feb. 12, 1859. Alistr. of accts. of Westmoreland and Indiana Bridge Co., Dec. 1, 1858. pp. 737-738. Doc 46 Feb. 14, 1859. Ann. rept. of Bioomsburg Iron Co. Feb. 9, 1859. p. 738. Doc. 47. Feb. 7, 1859. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to capital of banks and brokers, p. 739. Doc 48. Feb. 11. 1859. Stmt, of affairs of Western Saving Fund Socv. of Phila. Feb. 10. 1859. pp. 739-740. Doc. 49. Feb., 1859. Minutes of contested election case in the 13th representative distr. of Phila., Jan. 15-21, 1859. pp. 741-744. ,. ,, ^ „ Doc 50. Feb. 28. 1859. Ann. rept. of Lykens \ alley R.R. and Coal Co. Dec. 31. 1858. pp. 744-745. Doc. 51. March 3, 1859. 2 ann, rept. of Farmers High School of Penn., 1857/8. pp. 745-818. Doc. 52. Feb. 22, 1859. 30 ann. rept. of inspectors of the state penitentiarv, for eastern distr. of Penn., 1858. Feb., 1859. pp. 819-873. , ^ „ Doc. 53. Jan. 15. 1859. Rept. of procs. of the Monument Comn. pp. 874-879. Doc. 54. Feb. 3. 1859. Minutes of the committee and notes of testimony taken in contested election case in representative distr., composed of Cambria Co., 1858. pp. 880-894. „ Doc 55. Feb. 28. 1859. Rept, of the Strasburg R.R. Co. Feb. 24. 1859. pp. 894-896. ^. „ Doc 56 Feb. 28. 1859. Ann. rept. of the Lykens \ alley Coal Co. Dec. 31. 1858. pp. 896-897. Doc 57 Feb. 28, 1859. Ann. rept. of inspectors of Western Penitentiarv. 1858. Dec. 31, 1858. pp. 897-918. Doc 58. March 23, 1859. Abstr. of accts. of Mount Car- bon R.R. Co., Feb. 1, 1859. pp. 919-9'20. , „ , Doc 59 March 11, 1859. Ann. stmt, of Phila. and Read- ing R.R. Co.. 1858. March 9. 1859. pp. 920-921. D«c. 60. March 15. 1859. 12 ann. rept. of Inspectors of Phila. Co. prison. Feb., 1859. pp. 922-966. Do€ 61. April 6. 1859. Communication from state treas- urer, transmitting list of public defaulters, pp. 967-982. Doc. 62. Jan. 19, 1859. Communication from supt. of common schools, transmitting stmt, of contingent ex- penses, clerk and messenger hire of the school dept. p. 983. Doc 63 Jan. 17, 1859. Contingent expenses of surveyor gen.'s ofBce. Jan. 15. 1859. p. 984. Doc. 64. Jan. 18. 1859. Communication from secy, of c»m- monwealth. transmitting stmt, of contingent expenses of executive and state depts., 1859. p. 985. Doc. 65. Jan. 18, 1859. Communication from state treas- urer transmitting stmt, of contingent expenses of his office. 1859. p. 986. Doc. 66. Jan. 24. 1859. Communication from auditor gen. transmitting stmt, of contingent expenses and clerk hire for 1859. p. 987. , _ . . -r, , Doc. 67. March 23, 1859. Stmt, of affairs of Delaware Coal Co., Dec. 1, 1859, sic 1858. pp. 988-989. Doc. 68. Jan. 26, 1859. Communication from atty. gen. rel. to contingent expenses of his office, p. 989. Doc. 69. March 29. 1859. Abstr. of accts. of Lehigh Valley R.R. Co. March 25. 1859. p. 990. Doc. 70. Jan. 19, 1859. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to no. of clerks employed in his office, p. 991. Doc 71 Jan. 13, 1859. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. rel. to settlement of claims on public works. Jan. 10, 1859. pp. 991-993. Doc. 72. April 12, 1859. Communication from auditor gen. showing condition of foreign Insurance cos., etc., doing business in the state, pp. 993-1022. Doc 73. March 3. 1859. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to pay of officers and privates of 1st and 2d regi- ments of Penn. volunteers, pp. 1022-1023. , , ^ Doc 74 Jan. 20. 1859. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. : claim of P. S. M'Cnllough. Jan. 19, 1859. pp. 1023-1024. , , „ , ^ Doc 75 Jan. 21, 1859. Same ; claim of Saml. Copper, pp. 1024-1025. „ „ , Doc 76 Jan, 25, 1859. Ann. rept. of the State Savings Fund of Phlla. Jan. 10, 1859. p. 1025. Doc 77. Jan. 28, 1859. Abstr. of accts. of Germantown and Perklomen Turnpike Co., 1857/8. Jan. 25, 1959. p. 1026. Doc. 78. Jan. 18, 1859. 16 ann. rept. of Erie Canal Co., 1858. Jan. 10. 1859. pp. 1027-1030. Doc. 79. Feb. 23, 1859. Communication from state treas- urer rel. to tonnage tax on Penn. R.R. Feb. 22, 1859. pp. 1031-1036. „ ^ , Doc 80. Feb. 1, 1859. Ann. stmt, of Germantown Mutual Insurance Co., 1857/8. pp. 1037-1038. 128 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXXIII General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 4-Aprll 14. 1.S59 — cont'd [Documents. ] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 81. March 17, 1S59. Communication from state treasurer rel. to issue and redemption of relief issues of 1841. pp. 1039-1044. Doe. 82. Marcli 4, 1859. Communication from auditor gen. in repiv to Senate res. rel. to state tax being paid by Penn. R.R. Co. March 2, 1859. pp. 1045-1049. Doc. 83. Jan. 28. 1859. Abstr. of accts. of Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turnpilte Road Co., 1857/8. Jan. 25, 1859. p. 1049. Doc. 84. March 4. 1859. Communication from auditor Ken. in reply to Sen. res. rel. to banii failures. March 3, 1859. p. 1050. Doc. 85. March 22. 1859. Ann. rept. of Norristown Insur- ance and Water Co., 1858/9. Feb. 7. 1859. pp. 1050- 1052. Doc. 86. March 31, 1859. Communication from supt. of common schools rel. to amt. of money paid to co. supts. pp. 1052-1053. Doc. 87. Feb. 28. 1859. 31 ann. rept. of hd. of mngrs. of House of Refuge. Jan. 1, 1859. pp. 1053-1081. LXXXIV General Assembly Jan. 3-ApriI 3, 1860 Journal of the Senate. Harrisburg : A. B. Hamilton, 1860. 853, 109 pp. Journal of the House. Harrisburg : A. B. Hamilton, 1860. 1008, 120 pp. [Documents.] Reports of heads of departments, transmitted to Governor. Harrisburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1859. v. p.* Binder's title : Executive Documents. 1859. Contents : Table of contents. 1 leaf. Mess, of Gov., Jan. 4, 1860. n. p., n. d. 16 pp. Rept. of comrs. to revise penal code. Jan. 4, 1860. n. p n. d. 129 pp. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances of commonwealth, 1858/9 Dec. 13, 1859. n. p., n. d. 122 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, etc., 1858/9. Dec. 6, 1859. n. p., n. d. 417 (2) pp. Ann. rept. of surveyor gen., 1858/9. Dee. 26, 1859. D. n. d. 11 pp. Journal of bd. of canal comrs., 1858/9. n. p., n. d. 8 pp. Ann. rept. of adj. gen., 1859. Dec. 31, 1859. n p., n. d 41 pp. Kept, of supt. of common schools, 1858/9. Jan. 10, 1860, n. p., n. d. V. p. [ .] Miscellaneous documents read In the legislature. Harris burg: A. B. Hamilton, 1860. 1177 pp., docs. 1-66. Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1860. Contents : Doc. 1. Jan. 5, 1860. Communication from auditor gen. transmitting returns of banks and savings institutions of commonwealth, 1859. pp. 3-345. Doc. 2. Jan. 5, 1860. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to revise penal code of commonwealth, pp. 346-460. Doc. 3. Jan. 4, 1860. Stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy. for mo. of Nov., 1859. Nov. 11, 1859. p. 461. Doc. 4. Jan. 5, 1860. Ann. rept. of Saving Fund Socv. of Germantown and vicinity, June 1, 1859. Nov. 19, 1859. pp. 462-463. Doc. 5. Jan. 5, 1860. Ann. rept. of atty. gen. for 1859. Jan. 4, 1860. pp. 463-464. Doc. 6. .Tan. 6, 1860. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., 1859. .Tan. 3. 1860. p. 465. Doc. 7. 16. 1860. Ann. stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuylldil Haven R.R. Co. for 1859. Jan. 13, 1860. pp. 466-467. Doc. 8. Jan. 10, 1860. Ann. stmt, of Western Saving Fund Socy. for Phila., 1859. Jan. 6. 1S60. p. 468. Doc. 9. Jan. 4, 1860. Ann. rept. of state treasurer on finances of state, pp. 469-507. Doc. 10. Jan. 11, 1860. Ann. rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1858/9. pii. 508-514. Doc. 11. Jan. 24, 1860. Stmt, of affairs of Western Sav- ing Fund Socy. of Phila. for 1859. Jan. 19, 1860. pp. 515-516. Doc. 12. Jan. 24. 1860. Ann. stmt, of Delaware and Hud- son Canal Co., 18,59. Jan. 20, IKdO. pp. 516-517. Doc. 13. Jan. 4, 1860. Ann, rept. of state librarian, together with catalogue of hooks for 1859. pp. 517-544. Doc. 14. Jan. 25, 1860. Rept. of treasurer of Penn. State Agrlc. Socy. for 1R59. Jan. 17, 1860. pi>. 544-540. Doc. 15. Jan. 30, 1800. Ann. stmt, of Six Penny Saving Fund of Phila., 1859. Jan. 16, 1860. p. 547. Doc. 16. Jan. 12, 1860. Communication from auditor gen. transmitting repts. of r.r. cos. pp. 547-707. Doc. 17. Jan. 30. 1860. Ann. stmt, of Monongahela Navi- gation Co., 1859. Jan., 1860. p. 708. • Two copies were compared, viz. : one In the Penn. State Library and one In the library of the Library Co. of Phila. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXXIV General .\ssembly — cont'd Jan. 3-April 3, 1800 — cont'd [Documenis. ] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 18. Jan. 26, 1860. Ann. stmt, of receipts and expen- ditures of city of Phila., in trust for Girard Estate, 1859. Jan., 1800. pp. 709-750. Doc. 19, Jan. 23, 1860. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to classification of licenses of dealers of liquor and rates thereof, pp. 750-758. Doc. 20. Jan. [ ?] 1860. Bill and answer In contested election case in 14th representative distr. of Phila., 1859. pp. 758-764. Doc. ^1. Feb. 10, 1860. Rept. of auditor gen., state treas- urer and atty. gen. rel. to claims on main line of Penn. Canal. Jan. 26, 1800. pp. 765-766. Doc. 22. Jan. 26, 1860. Ann. stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy. Jan. 24, 1860. pp. 767-768. Doc. 23. Jan. 27, 1860. 17 ann. rept. of directors of Erie Canal Co., 1859. Jan. 10, 1860. pp. 768-771. Doc. 24. Jan. 30, 1860. Ann. stmt, of depositors in Sea- men's Savings Fund Socy. of Phila., 1859. Nov. 22, 1859. p. 772. Doc. 25. Jan. 30, 1860. Ann. rept. of mngrs. of Western Penn. Hospital for 1859. Jan. 14, 1860. pp. 773-795. Doc. 26. Feb. 1, 1860. Ann. rept. of State Savings Fund of Phila. Jan. 8, 1860. p. 795. Doc. 27. Feb. 2, 1860. Ann. stmt, of Thomas Iron Co. Jan. 31, 1860. p. 796. Doc. 28. Feb. 2, 1860. Ann. stmt, of Carbon Iron Co., 1858/9. Dec. 15, 1859. pp. 796-797. Doc. 29. Feb. 2, 1860. Communication from auditor gen. transmitting stmt, of repts. of certain mufg. cos. pp. 797-799. Doc. 30. Feb. 2, 1860. Stmt, of Locust Coal and Iron Co., 1859. Nov, 21, 1859. p. 800. Doc. 31. Feb. [ ?] 1860. Record and evidence in con- tested election case of 14th legisl. distr. of Phila. Jan. 12-27, 1860. pp. 801-811. Doc. 32. Feb. 8, 1860. Communication from state treas- urer, transmitting list of public defaulters, pp. 811-826. Doc. 33. Feb. 21, I860. 32 ann. rept. of bd. of managers of House of Refuge, 1859. Jan. 12, 1860. pp. 827-853. Doc. 34. Feb. 15, 1860. Rept. of auditor gen., state treas- urer and atty. gen. on claim of J. Condron. Feb. 15. 1860. pp. 833-854. Doc. 35. Feb. 9, 1860. Election return for auditor gen. and surveyor gen., held in Oct., 1859. pp. 855-858. Doc. 36. Feb. 21, 1860. Ann. rept. of bd. of directors of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb for 1859. Feb. 10, 1800. pp. 859-864. Doc. 37. Feb. 13, 1860. Ann. rept. of Norristown Insur- ance and Water Co., 1850/60. Feb. 6, 1860. pp. 865-866. Doe. 38. Feb. 9, 1860. Ann. rept. of trustees and supt. of State Lunatic Hospital, 1839. pp. 867-885. Doc. 39. Feb. 6, 1860. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Seamen's Saving Fund Socy. of Phila., 1858/9. Feb. 3, 1860. pp. 886-887. Doc. 40. Jan., 1860. Bill of costs In case of contested election In 16th legisl. distr. of Phila, pp. 888-889. Doc. 41. F^eb. 9, I860. Bill of costs in case of contested election In 14th legisl. distr. of Phila. pp. 889-892. Doc. 42. Feb. 15, 1860. Rept. of auditor gen., state treasurer and atty. gen. on claim of Burke & Gonder. pp. 892-894. Doc. 43. Feb. 9, 1860. Ann. rent, of inspectors of West- ern Penitentiary of Penn., 1859. pp. 894-915. Doc. 44. Feb.. 1860. Journal of bd. of revenue comrs. pp. 913-1038. Doc. 45. Feb., 1860. Ann. stmt, of funds of Univ. of Penn., Jan. 1, 1860. p. 1039. Doc. 46. March 2, 1860. Stmt, of Mount Carbon R.R. Co., Feb. 1, 1860. pp. 1040-1041. Doc. 47. Jan. 25, 1860. Communication from state treas- urer giving amt. and places of deposit of public money. pp. 1041-1048. Doc. 48. March 13, 1860. 31 ann. rept. of inspectors of state penitentiary for Eastern Distr. of Penn. March 12, 1800. pp. 1048-1105. Doc. 49. Feb. 6, 1860. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to equalization of taxation upon corporations. Feb. 2, 1860. pp. 11051 106. Doc. 50. Feb. 11, 1860. Rept. of auditor gen., atty. gen. and state treasurer on claim for damages of D. M'Donald. Jan. 20, 1860. pp. 1106-1107. Doc. 51. Feb. 14, 1860. Ann. stmt, of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co. Jan., 1800. p. 1108. Doc. 52. March 16, 1860. Ann. stmt, of Phila. and Read- ing R.R. Co. for yr. 1859. March 14, 1860. pp. 1109- 1110. Doc. ,53. Jan. 17, 1860. Abstr. of accts. of Germantown and Perklomen Turnpike Road Co., 1858/9, Jan. 14, 1860. p. 1110. Doc. 54. Jan. 17, 1800. Abstr. of accts. of Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turnpike Co., 1858/9. Jan. 14, 1860. P. 1111. Doc. 55, March 2, 1860. Communication from atty. gen. rel. to suits brought on bonds, etc, due Commonwealth. Feb. 28, 1860. pp. 1112-1113. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 129 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd I. XXXIV lii'iicral Assfmhly i-oiild .Ian. .•!-Aprll :!. 1800— cont'd [ nociimenta. ] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 56. .\prll 3, ISOO, Cominiinicitlon from nnoc. 70. Jan. 29, 1862. Communication from state treas- urer in answer to res. of inquiry as to accts, of Bank of Commerce, p, 1254. Doc. 71. Jan. 30, 1862. Communication from auditor gen. in reply to res. of inquiry concerning taxes paid by Erie Canal Co. p. 1255. Doc. 72. Jan. 28, 1862. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to contingent expenses of his dept. pp. 1256-1257. Doc. 73. Feb. 12, 1862. Bill of costs in the contested elec- tion case from the 17th representative distr., I'hila. pp, 1258-1259, Doc, 74, April 4, 1862. Communication from atty. gen., auditor gen. and state treasurer rel. to claim of Chas. Miller, p. 1260. Doc. 75. Jan. 29, 1862. Communication from supt. of common schools setting forth expenses estimated as necessary for the common school system and the school dept. pp. 1261-1263. Doc. 76. Feb. 4, 1862. Communication from surveyor gen. rel. to the contingent expenses of his office. Feb. 3, 1862. pp. 1263-1264. Doc. 77. March 11, 1862. Communication from surveyor gen, rel. to amt. due state on unpatented lands, etc. pp. 1265-1268. Doc. 78. April 4, 1862. Bill of costs In case of contested election of Trimmer agst. Hall, from Luzerne Co. pp. 1268-1269. Hoc. 79. .M.'irch 24. 1.862. Joint res. of N. J. I^egisl. rel. to defences of states of N. J., Penn. and Del, March 20, 1862, pp. 1270-1271. Doc. 80. April 8. 1862. Testimony taken before select committee of House of Representatives apptd. to inquire into alleged frauds In army contracts. [March-April, 1862.] pp. 1272-1315. Doc. 81. Feb. 25, 1862. Ann. rept. of the Norrlstown Insurance Co., Feb. 3, 1862. pp. 1315-1317. Doc. 82. March 13, 1862. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to taxes paid bv Erie Canal Co. p. 1317. Doc. 83. April 4, 1862. Bill of costs in the contested elec- tion ease of Walsh vs. Rantlail, from Luzerne Co. pp. 1318-1319. Doc. 84. April 8, 1862. Communication from auditor gen. In relation to taxes paid bv the Penn. R.R. Co. pp. 1319- 1320. Doc. 85. April 10, 1832. Communication from auditor gen., atty. gen. and state treasurer, rel. to the claims of Bills and Foreman and Jas. DIgnam. pp. 1320-1321. Doc. 86. Jan. 20, 1862. Answer of sitting member, in matter of contested election of ('has. F. .-Mibot, from 17th dlstr. of the citv of Phila. pp. 1321-1324. Doc. 87. Feb. 25, 1862. Rept. of committee on public bldgs. rel. to estimated cost of repairs, p. 1324. Doc. 88. Feb. 17. 1862. Communication from supt. of Penn. State Lunatic Hospital, pp. 1325-1327. Doc. 89, March 11, 1832, Minutes of committee In con- tested election case of Baugh vs, M'Mackin, Jan, 22-Feb, 20, 1862, pp. 1328-1337. Doc. 90. Jan, 15, 1862, Procs, in contested election case of Walsh vs. Russell, from Luzerne Co. pp. 1338-1372. Doc. 91. Feb., 1862. Minutes of committee In contested election case of Carllle vs. Abbot. Jan. 16Feb. 7. 1S62 pp. 1373-1386. Doc. 92. March, 1862. Minutes of committee In contested election case from Luzerne Co., of Trimmer vs. Hall, Jan, 20- March 25, 1862, pp, 1387-1417. Doc. 93. Jan. 16. 1862, Petition of citizens of the sixth leglsl, distr, of Phila,, complaining of the undue election of John M'Mackin, to a seat In the House of Repre- sentatives of Penn, pp. 1417-1422. Doc. 94. April. 1862. Bill of costs of the committee apptd. to investigate alleged armv frauds, p. 1422. Doc. 95. March 28, 1862. Bill of costs of the committee apptd. to investigate the alleired frauds of Bank of Com- merce at Erie. March 27, 1862. p. 1423. Doc. 96. April. 1862. Expenses of the committee to investigate alleged fraud In passage of bank bill of last session. April. 8, 1862. pp. 1424-1425. Doc. 97. April. 1862. Bill of expenses In contested elec- tion case of John M'Mackin. p. 1426. LXXXVII General Assembly Jan. 6-Aprll 15, 1863 Journal of the Senate. Harrlsburg : SIngerly & Mvere. 1863. 928 pp. Journal of the House. Harrlsburg: SIngerly & Myers, 1863. 1128 pp.* [Documents.] Reports of the heads of departmests, transmitted to Gov. Harrlsburg : SIngerly & Myers. 1863. v. p. Binder's title : Executive Documents. 1862. • Copies were seen In the Penn. State Library, in the Free Library of Phila., and in the Library of Congress. 132 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd LXXXVII General Assembly — cont'd Jan. C-Apiil 15. 1863 — cont'd [Documents. ] — cont'd Contents : Table of contents. 1 leaf. Govs, mess., Jan. 7, 1863. n. p., n. d. 14 pp. Eept. of auditor gen. on finances of the commonwealth. 1861/2. n. p., n. d. 152 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, etc., 1861/2. n. p., n d 453 (1» pp. Ann. rept. of survejor gen., 1861/2. n. p., n. d. 13 pp Ann. rept. of adj. gen., 1862. n. p., n. d. 31 pp. Rept. of quartermaster gen., 1862. n. p., n. d. 26 pp. Rept. of chief of transportation and telegraph dept.. 1862 n. p., n. d. 9 pp. Rept. of commissary gen., 1862. n. p., n. d. 7 pp. Rept. of surgeon gen., 1862. n. p., n. d. 18 pp. Ann. rept. of atty. gen., 1862. n. p., n. d. 4 pp. Rept. of supt. of common schools, 1861/2. n. p , n d 274 pp., et seq. — — .] Miscellaneous documents read In the leglsl.iture. Harris- burg. Slngerly & Myers, 1863. 1328 pp., docs. 1-66 • Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1S63. Contents : Doc. 1. Jan. 8. 1863. Communication from auditor gen transmitting returns of the several banks and savings institutions, pp. 3-380. Doc. 2. Jan. 7, 1863. Rept. of state treasurer on the finances of the state, 1861/2. pp. 381-427. Doc 3 Jan. 7, 1863. Ann. rept. of atty. gen., 1862. pp. ^°S^ ^^-o^i""' *• 1^^3- ^°°- "P'- "f atlJ- sen., 1862. Dec. ol, 1862. pp. 430-458. Doc. 5. Jan. 12, 1863. Rept. of auditor gen. rel. to free banking law. Jan. 10, 1863. pp. 459-468. Doc. 6. Jan. 12. 1863. Ann. stmt, of Frankford and Bris- tol Turnpike Road Co. Jan. 7, 1863. pp. 468-469 Doc. 7. Jan. 7, 1863. Anu. stmt, of affairs of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., 1862. Jan. 6, 1863. pp. 469- 470. Doc. 8. Jan. 12, 1863. Ann. stmt, of Western Saving Fund Socv. of Phlla. Jan. 9, 1863. pp. 470-471 Doc. 9. Jan. 19, 1863. Ann. rept. of treasurer of the Erie Canal Co., 1862. pp. 471-472. Doc. 10. Jan. 10, 1863. 20 ann. rept. of directors of the Erie Canal Co.. 1862. Jan. 13, 1863. pp. 473-474 Doc. 11. Jan. 26, 1863. Ann. stmt, of Delaware and Hud- son Canal Co.. 1862. Jan. 24, 1863. p. 474. °"3i,'iS62"'"pp.'47'5-49-8. '"''"■ "' "■ "• '""- ''^-- °''^' Doc. 13. Jan. 14, 1863. Rept. of comrs. to revise the revenue laws. Jan. 13, 1862 [1. e. 1863]. pp. 499-525 Doc. 14. Jan. 7, 1863. Rept. of supt. of transportation and telegraph dept. of Penn., 1861/2. Dec. 5, 1862 pp. 525-531. Doc. 15. Jan. 22, 1863. Repts. of the several r.r. cos. of Penn. communicated by auditor gen. pp. 532-790. Doc. 16. Jan., 1863. Rept. of surgeon gen., 1862. Dec. 31, 1862. pp. 791-806. Doc. 17. Jan. 21, 1863. Rept. of auditor gen. In refer- ence to creating of a loan and arming the state, pp. 807-808. Doc. 18. Feb. 19, 1863. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to taxes paid by Atlantic and Ohio Telegraph Co pp. 809-810. Doc. 19. Feb. 19, 1863. Abstr. of accts. of Lehigh Valley R.R. Co. Feb. 17, 1863. pp. 810-811. ^°'^- -.?,•, ^I'k^'^^ 10' 1**'^3. Rept. of bd. of military claims, pp. 811-848. ^°S- -1- ^■'"°- '^' l'*^^- •*°°- stmt- of Phlla. Saving Fund Socv. Dec. 31, 1862. pp. 848-849 Doc. 22 Jan. 26, 1863. Ann. stmt, of Dimes Saving In- stltutlon of Lewlsburg. Jan. 24. 1863. pp. 849-850 Doc 23. Jan. 14, 1863. Ann. rept. of state librarian. with a catalogue of books for 1862. pp. 852-878 ^"i^-Jr*- ^*'1'^^4, 1863. Ann. rept. of Westmorellind and Indiana Bridge Co., 1861/2. pp. 878-879. t";- ^^'^ ''"^^- 2. 1863. Ann. stmt, of Western Saving I. 1260 pp., docs. nder's title: IrfgLslatlve Documents. 1865. v. 2. Contents ; Doc. 1. Jan. 10, 186.'i. Ann. rejit. of state treasurer on finances of state, 1863/4. Jan. 1865. pp. 3-46. Doc. 2. Jan. 4. 1865. .\nn. rept. of adj. gen. of Penn. transmitted to Gov. in pursuance of law. Dec. 31, 1864. pp. 47-304. Doc. 3. Jan. 26. 1865. Letter of Gov. A. G. Curtln to pres. of U. S. pp. 305-30S. Doc. 4. Jan. 12, 1865. Ann. rept. of executive ofBce, military dept. for year endg. Dec. 1, 1864. pp. 30;)- 567. Doc. 5. Jan. 20, 1865. Rept. of comrs. rel. to exten- sion of Capitol, p. 568. Doc. 6. Jan. 5, 1865. Rept. of surgeon gen. of com- monwealth, Dec. 31. 1864. pp. 569-618. Doc. 7. Jan. 5. 1865. Ann. rept. of chief of trans- portation and telegraph dept., 1S64. Dec. 1, 1864. pp. 618-626. Doc. 8. Jan. 5, 1865. Ann. rept. of q. m. gen. of commonwealth, 1864. Dec. 31, 1864. pp. 626-799. Doc. 9. Jan. 30. 1865. Rept. of Dime Savings Insti- tution of Pittsburg. Jan. 27, 1865. p. 800. Doc. 10. Jan. 20. 1864 [1865]. Ann. rept. of atty. gen.. 1864. Jan. 10. 1865. pp. 801-802. Doc. 11. March 13, 1865. Rept. rel. to election frauds as made bv select committee of House, pp. 803-991. Doc. 12. Feb. 6, 1864 [1865], Ann. stmt, of Monon- gahela Navigation Co., 1864/5. Feb. 3, 1865. pp. 991-992. Doc. 13. Feb. 7. 1865. Communication from adj. gen. rel. to contingent expenses of his office, p. 993. Doc. 14. Feb. 10, 1865. Communication from secy, of commonwealth rel. to contingent expenses of his dept. Feb. 9, 1865. p. 994. Doc. 15. Jan. 10, 1865. Ann. rept. of bd. of military claims of commonwealth of Penn., 1864. Jan. 1, 1865. pp. 995-1107. Doc. 16. Jan. 26, 1865. Minutes of committee to try contested election case of Bover vs. Alleman. Jan. 12-27, 1865. pp. 1108-1115. Doc. 17. Feb. 2, 1865. Minutes of committee to try contested election case of Piatt vs. Orwlg. Jan. 13- Feb. 1, 1865. pp. 1115-1120. Doc. 18. Feb. 20, 1865. 1 ann. rept. of bd. of direc- tors and supt. of New Brighton Retreat for insane females. Feb. 6. 1865. pp. 1120-1127. Doc. 19. March 21. 1865. Minutes of committee on of Senate, in investigation of alleged over- charges by Phlla. and Reading R.R. Co. pp. 1128- 1132. Doc. 20. March 10, 1865. Journal of Electoral Col- lege of Penn. Dec. 7, 1864. pp. 1133-1147. Doc. 21. Feb. 23, 1865. Minutes of committee In contested election case from loth distr., citv of Phlla., Schofleld vs. De Haven. Jan. 12-24, 1865. pp. 1148-1157. Doc. 22. Jan. 3, 1865. Ann. rept. of managers of Western Penn. Hospital, 1864. Jan. 23 (sic), 1865. pp. 1157-1159. Doc. 23. Feb. 9, 1865. Ann. rept. of trustees and supt. of State Lunatic Hospital for 1864. Jan. 12. 1865. pp. 1159-1179. Doc. 24. ilarch 20, 1865. Communication from auditor gen., showing condition of foreign insur- ance COS., etc., doing business in state, pp. 1179- 1256. pp. 1257-1260. XC General Assembly Jan. 2-Aprll 12, 1866 Journal of the Senate. Harrisburg : Slngerly & Myers, 1866. 1193 pp. Journal of the House. Harrisburg : Slngerly & Myers, 1866. 1336 pp. [Documents.] Reports of the heads of departments, transmitted to Governor. 2 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg : Slngerly & Myers, 1866. v. p. Binder's title : Executive Documents. 1865. v. 1. Contents : Table of contents. Govs, mess., Jan. 3, 1866. h. t. p. 4 pp. Ann. mess, of Gov., Jan. 30, 1866. h. t. p. 18 pp. Rept. of auditor gen. on tinances of the commonwealth, 1864/5. h. t. p. 243 pp. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd XC General .'Vsscmbly — cont'd Jan. 2Aprll 12. 1866— cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Detailed rept of state treasurer, etc., 1864/5. h. t. p. 624 pp. .^nn. rept. of surveyor gon.. 1864/5. h. t. p. 65 pp. Rept. of supt. of common schools. 1864/5- h. t. p. 307. 66 pp. Ann. rept. of supt. of Soldiers' Orpb&ns, 186.'*. h. t. p. 20 pp. V. 2. Harrisburg: Slngerly & M.vers, 1866. v. p. Binder's title: E.xecutlve Documents. 1865. v. 2. Contents : Ann. rept. of adj. gen., 1.865. h. t. p. 319 pp. Ann. rept. of executive olHce, military dept., 1864/5. h. t. p. 239 pp. Rept. of surgeon gen., 1865. h. t. p. 96 pp. Ann. rept. of inspector gen.. 1805. h. t. p. 7 pp. Ann. rept. of chief of transportation and telegraph dept.. 1865. h. t. p. 11 pp. Rept. of F. Jordan. I'enn. state agt. at Washington. D. C, 1864/5. h. t. p. 6 pp. Rept. of J. Chamberlln, Penn. state iigt. at the South- west, 1864 5. h. t. p. 6 pp. Rept. of bd. of military claims, 1865. h. t. p. 128 pp. — .] Miscellaneous documents read in the legislature. 2 vols, v. 1. Harrisburg : Slngerly & Myers, 1866. 870 pp., docs. 1-43. Binder's title : Legislative Documents. 1866. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Jan. 4. 1866. Communication from auditor gen., transmitting returns of banks and savings in- stitutions in commonwealth, pp. 3-70. Doc. 2. Jan. 3. 1866. Rept. of Col. Fr. Jordan. I'enn. State agt. at Washington, D. C, 1865. Dec. 16, 1865. pp. 71-73. Doc. 3. Jan. 3, 1866. Ann. rept. of state treasurer of commonwealth of Penn. on finances of state, 1864/5. pp. 74-118. Doc. 4. Jan. 3. 1860. Ann. rept. of supt. of soldiers' orphans for 1865. Dec. 1, 1865. pp. 118-132. Doc. 5, Jan. 31, 1866. Repts. of the several r.r. and canal cos. of Penn., communicated by auditor gen. to legisl. pp. 133-501. Doc. 6. Jan. 3, 1866. Ann. stmt, of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy., 1865. Dec. 31. 1865. pp. 501-502. Doc. 7. Jan. 26, 1865 [18661. Ann. stmt, of auditors of Phiia. Saving Fund Socy. Jan. 23, 1866. pp. 502-503. Doc. 8. Jan. 24. 1866. Returns of election for auditor gen. and surveyor gen. pp. 504-505. Doc. 9. Jan. 10. 1866. Ann. stmt, of Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phlla. Jan. 8, 1.866. pp. 505-506. Doc. 10. Jan. 26, 1866. Rept. of Dime Savings In- stitution of Pittsburg. Jan. 25, 1866. p. 507. Doc. 11. Jan. 26, 1866. Ann. rept. of mngrs. and trustees of Children's Home of borough and co. of York. Jan. 20, 1806. pp. 508-510. Doc. 12. Jan. 29, 1866. Ann. stmt, of Western Sav- ing Fund Socy. of Phlla.. 1865. Jan. 27, 1866. pp. 510-511. Doc. 13. Jan. 29, 1866. Communication from auditor gen. In reference to creating loan and arming state. pp. 512-513. Doc. 14. Jan. 31, 1866. Ann. rept. of atty. gen. of Penn., 1865. Jan. 9, 1866. pp. 513-515. Doc. 15. Feb. 1. 1866. Ann. stmt, of Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Road Co. Jan. 30, 1866. pp. 515-516. Doc. 16. Jan. 22. 1866. Ann. stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co., 1865. Jan. 20, 1866. pp. 516-517. Doc. 17. Feb. 9, 1866. Ann. stmt, of Mount Carbon R.R. Co. Feb. 8. 1866. pp. 517-519. Doc. 18. Feb. 6, 1866. Ann. stmt, of Monongahela Navigation Co. Feb. 3, 1866. pp. 519-521. Doc. 19. Feb. 2. 1866. Ann. rept. of directors and supt. of New Brighton Retreat. 1865. Jan. 16, 1866. pp. 521-527. Doc. 20. Feb. 13. 1866. Ann. rept. of Western Peni- tentiary for 1865. pp. 527-553. Doc. 21. Jan. 24. 1866. 33 ann. rept. of bd. of mngrs. of Penn. Institution for Instruction of Blind. Jan. 22. 1866. pp. 554-561. Doc. 22. Feb. 2. 1866. 12 ann. rept. of Northern Home for Friendless Children. May 9, 1865. pp. 561-567. Doc. 23. Feb. 9, 1866. Ann. rept. of bd. of director? of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb for 1865. Feb. 7, 1866. pp. 56S-57S. Doc. 24. Jan. 31, 1866. Rept. of bd. of military claims made to leglsI. of Penn. Dec. 15, 1865. pp. 578-704. Doc. 25. March 29, 1866. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Delaware Coal Co. March 28, 1866. pp. 705-706. 136 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd XC General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 2-April 12. 18G6 — cont'd [ Documents. ] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 26. April 4, 1.SW1. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Westmoreland and Indiana Bridge Co., 1SC3/5. pp. 706-707. Doc. 27. Feb. 12, 1866. Ann. rept. of supt. of public prte.. 1865. pp. 707-710. Doc. 28. March 12, 1866. Ann. stmt, of Phlla. and Reading R.R. Co. March 9. 1866. pp. 710-711. Doc. 29. Feb. 27, 1866. 38 ann. rept. of bd. of mngrs. of House of Refuge. Feb. 13, 1866. pp. 712-736. Doc. 30. March 13, 1866. Ann. stmt, of German- town and Perkiomen Turnpike Road Co., 1864/5. Jan. 24, 1866. pp. 736-737. Doc. 31. April 11, 1866. Ann. stmt, of funds of Univ. of I'enn. Jan. 4, 1866. pp. 737-738. Doc. 32. March 13, 1866. Ann. stmt, of Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turnpike Road Co. Jan. 24, 1866. pp. 738-739. Doc. 33. March 15, 1866. 37 ann. rept. of inspectors of State Penitentiary for Eastern dlstr. of Penn. Feb. 22. 1866. pp. 739-842. Doc. 34. Jan. 30, 1866. Ann. rept. of trustees of Home for Friendless Children of city and co. of Lancaster, 1864/5. pp. 842-844. Doc. 35. Jan. 29, 1866. Ann. stmt, of Lykens Valley R.R. and Coal Co. Dec. 31, 1865. p. 845. DOc. 36. Feb. 1, 1866. Rept. of treasurer of Erie Canal Co. for year endg. Dec. 31, 1865. pp. 846-847. Doc. 37. Feb. 1, 1866. Ann. rept. of Dollar Savings Bank of Pittsburg, 1865. Dec. 29, 1865. pp. 847- 849 Doc. 38. March 13, 1866. Ann. stmt, of affairs of Norristown Insurance and Water Co. to Feb. 5, 1866. pp. 849-850. Doc. 39. Feb. 13, 1866. Ann. rept. of Erie R.R. Co., 1864/5. pp. 851-852. Doc. 40. Feb. 13, 1866. Ann. rept. of Lackawanna Coal and Iron Co., 1865. pp. 852-853. Doc. 41. Jan. 29, 1866. Ann. stmt, of Lykens Valley Coal Co., 1865. Dec. 31, 1865. p. 854. Doc, 42. Feb. 13, 1866. Ann. rept. of Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Co. p. 855. Doc. 43. April 9, 1S66. Testimony taken before committee apptd. to inquire into certain charges of corruption, contained in article published in " Phila- delphia Sunday Dispatch." March 27-31, 1866. pp. 856-864. Index, pp. 865-870. T. 2. Harrisburg : Singcrly & Myers, 1866. 880 pp., docs. 1-21. Binder's title : Legislative Documents. 1866. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 1. Jan. 3, 1866. Ann. rept. of state agt. at Nashville, 1865. Dec. 23. 1865. pp. 3-6. Doc. 2. Jan. 3, 1866. Ann. stmt, of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., 1865. Dec. 27. 1865. pp. 6-7. Doc. 3. Jan. 3, 1866. Ann. rept. of executive office, military dept. for year endg. Dec. 1, 1865. pp. 7-239. Doc. 4. Jan. 4, 1866. Ann. rept. of Inspector gen., for 1865. Nov. 20, 1865. pp. 240-243. Doc. 5. Jan. 4, 1866. Ann. rept. of adj. gen. of Penn., 1864/5. Nov. 30, 1865. pp. 243-544. Doc. 6. Jan. 4, 1866. Ann. rept. of chief of trans- portation and telegraph dept. for 1865. Dec. 1, 1865. pp. 545-553. Doc. 7. .Ian. 3, 1866. Ann. rept. of state librarian together with catalogue of books for 1865. Jan. 2, 1866. pp. 553-592. Doc. 8. Jan. 23. 1866. Rept. of select committee of Senate rel. to alleged corruptions in passage of act Eupiil. to act regulating r.r. cos. pp. 593-611. Doc. 9. Jan. 24, 1866. Rept. of select committee of House rel. to alleged corruption in passage of act Buppl. to act regulating r.r. cos. pp. 612-618. Doc. 10. Jan. 9, 1866. Itept. of auditor gen. rel. to free banking system of Penn. pp. 618-629. Doc. 11. Jan. 26. 1866. Res. passed at mtg. of bd. of trade of Pittsburg rel. to r.r. facilities, pp. 630- 632. Doc. 12. Jan. 9, 1866. Rept. of surgeon gen., 1865. Dec. 31, 1865. pp. 633-724. Doc. 13. Feb. 6, 1866. 10 ann. rept. of Jewish Foster Home Socy. of Phlla. pp. 725-728. Doc. 14. Feb. 2, 1866. 13 ann. rept. of Penn. Train- ing School for Feeble-Mlndcd Children. Jan. 2, 1866. pp. 728-731. Doc. 15. Feb. 14, 1866. Ann. rept. of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., 1865. Jan. 25. 1866. p. 732. Doc. 16. F"eb. 13, 1866. Ann. rept. of trustees and supt. of State Lunatic Hospital of Penn., 1865. pp. 733-757. Doc. 17. March 1, 1866. Rules of equity practice adopted by Supreme Court of Penn. pp. 757-774. Index. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd XC General .\sserably — cont'd Jan. 2-ApriI 12. 1866 — cont'd [ Documents.] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 18. Feb. 9, 1866. Stmt, of contingent expenses of treasury dept. Feb. 8. 1866. pp. 774-775. Doc. 19. Feb. 13, 1866. Stmt, of treasurer of Penn. State Agrlc. Socy., 1865. Jan. 1, 1866. pp. 775- 776. Doc. 20. Apr. 2, 1866. Communication from auditor gen., showing condition of foreign insurance cos., etc.. doing business in state, pp. 777-871. Doc. 21. Feb. 13. 1866. Ann. rept. of Phlla. School of Design for Women, 1864/5. Feb. 12, 1866. pp. 872-875. pp. 877-880. XCI General Assembly Jan. 1-April 11. 1867 Journal of the Senate. Harrisburg : Singerly & Myers, 1417 pp. Journal of the House. 1867. Harrisburg : Singerly & Myers, 1867. 1576 pp. [Documents.] Reports of the heads of departments, transmitted to Gov. 2 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg : Singerly & Myers, 1867. v. p. Binder's title : Executive Documents. 1866. v. 1. Contents : Table of contents. 1 leaf. Ann. mess, of Gov.. Jan. 2, 1867. h. t. p. 12 pp. Rept. of auditor gen. on tinances of the commonwealth, 1865/6. h. t. p. 237 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, etc., 1865/6. h. t. p. 690 pp. Ann. rept. of surveyor gen., 1865/6. h. t. p. 27 pp. Rept. of supt. of common schools, 1865/6. Harris- burg : Singerly & Myers, 1867. xlvlii, 33-334 pp. Ann. rept. of supt. of soldiers' orphans, 1866. h. t. p. 42 pp. Rept. of Col. J. Worrall, rel. to passage of fish up the Susquehanna River, Dec. 3, 1866. h. t. p. 7 pp. Rept. rel. to Antietam National Cemetery, 1866. h. t. p. 6 pp. Rept. of state historian, apptd. " to prepare a military history of the organization of Penn. volunteers and militia." h. t. p. 7 pp. T. 2. Harrisburg : Singerly & Myers, 1867. v. p. Binder's title : Executive Documents. 1866. v. 2. Contents : Rept. of adj. gen. h. t. p. 1221 pp. Rept. of chief of transportation and telegraph dept., 1866. h. t. p. 14 pp. Rept. of military agt. at Washington, h. t. p. 6 pp. Rept. of bd. of military claims. Harrisburg : Singerly & Myers, 1867. 57 pp. [ .] Miscellaneous documents read in the legislature. 2 vols. v. 1. Harrisburg : Singerly & Myers, 1867. 1002 pp., docs. 1-49. Binder's title : Legislative Documents. 1867. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Jan. 3, 1867. Ann. rept. of state treasurer on finances of state. 1865/6. pp. 3-48. Doc. 2. Jan. 2, 1867. Ann. rept. of transportation and telegraph dept. for year endg. Nov. 30, 1866. Dec. 1, 1866. pp. 49-60. Doc. 3. Jan. 2, 1867. Ann. stmt, of I^ehlgh Coal and Navigation Co., 1866. Dec. 31, 1866. pp. 60-61. Doc. 4. Jan. 2. 1867. Communication from auditor gen. transmitting returns of the several banks and savings Institutions in commonwealth, 1866. pp. 61-116. Doc. 5. Jan. 2, 1867. Rept. of state historian rel. to a mllltarv hist, of Penn. volunteers. Dec. 15, 1866. pp. 117-120. Doc. 6. Jan. 8. 1867. Ann. rept. of state librarian, together with cjitalogue of books for 1866. Jan. 2. 1867. pp. 121-147. Doc. 7. Jan. 12, 1867. Ann. rept. of supt. of soldiers' orphans. 1866. pp. 148-lsl. Doc. 8. Feb. 1, 1867. Repts. of r.r. and canal cos. of Penn., communicated by auditor gen. to leglsl. pp. 181-621. Doc. 9. Feb. 13, 1867. Apportionment of tax on personal property in commonwealth, made by state treasurer, pp. 021-622. Doc. 10. Jan. 10, 1867. Returns of olliclal vote for Gov. in 1866. pp. 623-624. Doc. 11. Feb. 2(1, 1867. Mess, from Gov. rel. to erection of monument to memory of Pres. Lincoln. pp. 625-626. Doc. 12. Jan. 2, 1867. Rept. of bd. of military claims, 1865/6. pp. 627-681. Doc. 13. March 22, 1867. Res. adopted by citizens of Schuylkill Co. rel. to protection of life and prop- erty, pp. 682-683. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 137 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd XCI licncral AssomMy — cont'd Jon. 1-AprlI 11, 1867— cont'd [Documents.] — -cont'd Contents ; — cont'd Doc. 14. March 22, 1SG7. H8 nnn. rcpt. of Inspectors of state penitentiary for Eastern Distr. of I'cnn. for ]8f;6. pp. fi8.'t-7i>l. Doc. 15. .I.m. '2, 18(i7. Memorial of trustees of Penn. State Lunatic Hospital, pp. 701-7n:i. Doc. 10. .Ian. 11, 18(i7. Ann. rept. of Western Sav- ins I'nnd Socv. of Plilla. Jan. 4. 18G7. p. 7!I4. Doc. 17. Jan. 14, 1SC7. Ann. rept. of Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Co. p. 705. Do<'. 18. Jan. 14, 1807. Ann. rept. of Northern Coal and Iron Co. June 25, 1866. . pp. 790-7n7. Doe. 10. Jan. 4, 1867. Ann. rept. of atty. gen., 1806. pp. 707-700. Doc. 20. Jan. 21, 1867. Ann. rept. of Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Road. Jan. 19, 1867. p. 800. Doc. 21. Feb. 12, 1867. Ann. rept. of mnprs. of Western Penn. Hospital. Jan., 1867. pp. 801-806, Doc. 22. Jan. 21. 1867. 34 ann. rept. of hd. of mngrs. of Penn. Institution tor Instruction of Blind. Jan. 18, 1807. pp. 806-813. Doe. 23. Jan. 24, 1867. 2 ann. rept. of Children's Home for borough and co. of Yorlt. pp. 813-814. Doc. 24. Jan. 29, 1867. Ann. rept. of Monongahela Navigation Co., 1866. Jan. 28, 1867. pp. 814-816. Doc. 25. Jan. 31, 1867, Rept. of receipts and ex- penditures of Agric. College of Penn. made in pursu- ance of sec. 5 of act of April 1, 1863, for year 1866. Jan. 1, 1867. pp. 817-Si;^. Doc. 26. Feb. 4, 1867. Ann. rept. of New Yorli and Erie R.R. Co., 1865 6. pp. 819-820. Doc. 27. Feb. 4, 1867. Ann. rept. of Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phila., 1866. Feb. 2, 1867. pp. 820-821. Doc. 28. Feb. 5. 1867. Ann. rept. of Pittsburg Bank for Savings, 1866. Jan. 31, 1867. p. 822. Doc. 29. Feb. 6, 1867. Ann. rept. of Dollar Savings Bank of Pittsburg, 1866. Dec. 13, 1866. pp. 823- 826. Doc. 30. Feb. 13, 1867. 30 ann. rept. of bd. of mngrs. of House of Refuge, 1866. Jan. 3, 1867. pp. 826- 842. Doc. 81. March 14, 1867. Mess, of Gov. rel. to mur- der of the Zooks. pp. 842-852. Doc. 32. March 22, 1867. Ann. rept. of Delaware Coal Co. March 21, 1867. pp. 853-854. Doc. 33. March 18, 1867. Ann. stmt, of Phila. and Reading R.R. Co. March 15, 1867. pp. 854-855. Doc. 34. Feb. 18, 1867. Ann. rept. of Mine HIU and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co. Feb. 14, 1867. p. 856. Doc, 35. Feb. 18, 1867. Ann. rept. of Phila. Savings Fund Socy. Jan. 25. 1867. pp. 857-858. Doc. 36. Feb. 28, 1867, Procs. in case of contested election of Marshall vs. Roush. pp. 858-928. Doc. 37. April 5, 1867. Testimony taken by House Committee, rel. to charges of discrimination made by Penn. R.R. Co. Feb. 26-March 16, 1867. pp. 0*^8-939 DocT 38. Feb. 12, 1867. Ann. stmt, of Penn. State Agric. Socy., 1866. Jan. 16, 1867. pp. 040-941. Doc. 39. Feb. 12, 1867. Ann. rept. of Bloomsburg Iron Co., 1S66. Feb. 7, 1867. p. 941. Doc. 40. Feb. 12, 1867. Ann. rept. of Mount Carbon R.R. Co. Feb. 6, 1867. pp. 942-943. Doc. 41. Feb. 12, 1867. Ann. rept. of Lykens Valley R.R. and Coal Co. pp. 943-944. Doc. 42. Feb. 12, 1867. Ann. rept. of Lykens Valley Coal Co. Dec. 31, 1866. pp. 944-945. Doc. 43. March 28, 1867. Communication from Gov. of N. Y. rel. to western boundary line betw. Penn. and N. Y. March 25, 1867. pp. §45-948. Doc. 44. Feb. 13, 1867. Procs. of joint committee apptd. to inquire into alleged bribery and corruption in election of U. S. Senator, pp. 948-954. Doc. 45. April 9, 1867. Testimony taken by Com- mittee of House, rel. to running of steam cars in built up portions of Phila. pp. 954-968. Doc. 46. Feb. 12 1867. Ann. rept. of Lackawanna Iron and Coal Co., 1866. Jan. 26, 1867. pp, 968- 069. Doc. 47. April 2, 1867, Ann. rept. of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. April 1, 1867. p. 970. Doe. 48. March 14, 1867. Mess, and docs. rel. to Antietam National Cemetery, pp. 971-977. Doc. 49. March 18, 1867. Proceedings of committee of House rel. to charges of briber.y and corruption in passage of act to regulate sale of liquor In Alle- gheny Co. March 18-April 3, 1866. pp. 977-995. Index, pp. 997-1002. v. 2. llarrisburg : Slngerly & Myers, 1867. 1262 pp., docs. 1-8. Binder's title : Legislative Documents. 1867. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 1. Jan. 2, 1867. Ann. rept. of state agt. at Washington, 1865/6. Dec. 17, 1866. pp. 3-6. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd X<'I General .Xsscnildy — cont'd Jan. 1-Aprll 11, 1867— cont'd [ Documents.] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 2. Jan. 2, 1867. Rept. of comr. rel. to passage of fish in Susquehanna River. Dec. 3, 1866. pp. 6-0. Doc. 3. Jan. 2, 1807. Kept, of comrs. rel. to An- tietam National Cemetery. March 30, 1866. pp. 10-12. Doc. 4. Jan. 3, 1867. Ann. stmt, of Phlla. Saving Fund Socv. Jan. 2, 1807. p. 13. Doc. 5. Jan. 2, 1867. Ann. rept. of adj. gen., 1865/6. Nov. 30. 1866. pp. 14-1212. Doc. 6. Jan. 12. 1807, .Ann. rept. of bd. of directors of Penn. Institutions for Deaf and Dumb for 1866. Jan. 2, 1K67. pp. 12131222. Doc. 7. Jan. 3, 1867. Rept. of auditor gen. rcl. to free banking system of Penn. Jan. 1, 1867. pp. 1222-12.H2 DocT's. ~Feb. 12, 1867. Ann. rept. of trustees and supt. of State Lunatic Hospital, 1866. pp. 1232- 1255. Index, pp. 1257-1262. XCII General Assembly Jan. 7-^Vpril 14. 1868 Journal of the Senate. Harrisburg : Slngerly & Myers, 1868. 1420 pp. Journal of the House. Harrisburg : Slngerly & Myers, 1868. 1541 pp. [Documents.] Reports of the heads of departments, transmitted to Governor. Harrisburg : Slngerly & Myers. 1868. v. p. Binder's title : Executive Documents, 1867. Contents : Table of contents. 1 leaf. Ann. mess, of Gov., Jan. 8, 1868. n. p., n. d. 61 pp. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances of the commonwealth, 1866/7. n. p.. n. d. 209 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, etc., 1866/7. n. p., n. d. 556 pp. Ann. rept. of surveyor gen., 1866/7. n. p.. n. d. 37 pp. Ann. rept. of adj. gen., 1867. n. p.. n. d. 36 pp. Rept. of supt. of common schools, 1866/7. n. p., n. d. xlii, 424 pp. Ann. rept. of chief of transportation and telegraph dept., 1867. n. p.. n. d. 20 pp. Ann. rept. of supt. of soldiers' orphans, 1867. n. p., n. d. 23 pp. Rept. of Jas. Worrall, rel. to passage of fish up Susque- hanna River. 1867. n. p., n. d. 5 pp. Rept. on condition and mngmt. of prisons and almshouses. n. p., n. d. 17 pp. Rept. of comrs. rel. to national cemeteries, 1867. n. p., n. d. pp. Rept. of bd. of military claims, 1867. n. p., n. d. 51 pp. [ .] Miscellaneous documents read In the legislature. Harris- burg: Slngerly & Myers, 1868. 1422 pp., docs. 1-53. Binder's title ; Legislative Documents. 1868. Contents : Doc. 1. Jan. 8, 1868. Testimony before gen. Judiciary committee of Senate rel. to alleged extortionate charges upon freights and passengers by r.r. corporations of commonwealth, Mav-Nov.. 1867. pp. 3-245. Doe. 2. Jan. 8, 1868. Petition of citizens of Juniata Co. contesting right of S. T. Shugert to seat in Senate, pp. 245-253. Doc. 3. Jan. 9, 1868. Ann. rept. of adj. gen., 1866/7. Nov. 30, 1867, pp. 253-285. Doc. 4. Jan. 9, 1868. .\nswer of S. T. Shugert, Senator elect from 21st distr. to petition of J. J. Patterson, et al. pp. 286-302. Doc. 5. Jan. 8. 1868. Ann. rept. of state treasurer on finances of state, 1866/7. Jan. 0, 1868. pp. 302- [344]. Doc. 6. ?. [Rept. of comrs. to revise tax laws.] pp. [345-433]. Doc. 7. 1. [Rept. of atty. gen. rel. to Atlantic and Great Western R.R. Co.] pp. 434-443. Doc. 8. Jan. 22, 1868. Ann. rept. of supt. of soldiers" orphans. 1866/7. Dec. 7, 1867. pp. 443-401. Doc, 9. Jan. 8, 1868. Ann. rept. of chief of transporta- tion and telegraph dept., 1866/7. Nov. 30, 1867. pp. 462-479. Doc. 10. Jan. 8, 1868. Communication rel. to burial of soldiers In Harrisburg Cemetery. Nov. 23, 1867. pp. 479-480. Doc. 11. Jan. 8. 1868. Rept. of M. H. Dickinson on con- dition and mngmnt. of prisons and almshouses of Penn. Dec., 1867. pp. 481-492. Doc. 12. Jan. 8, 1868. Communication rel. to National Statuary Hall at Washington, D. C. March, 1867. pp. 492-493. Doc. 13. Jan. 8, 1868. Rept. of comrs. rel. to National Cemeteries. Nov. 20 1867. pp. 404-406. Doe. 14. Jan. 8, 1868. Rept. of Col. J. Worrall on passage of flsh in Susquehanna and tributaries. Dec. IS, 1867. pp. 496-498. 138 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd XCII General Assembly — cont'd Jan. "April 14. 1868 — cont'd IDocuments.] — cont'd Contents ; — cont'd Doc. 15. Feb. 3, 1868. Repts. of the several r.r. and canal cos. of Penn. communicated by auditor gen. to leelsl. pp. 498-974. Doc. 16. Jan. 13, 1868. Ann. stmt, of Western Saving Fund Socy. Jan. 11. 1868. p. 975. Doc. 17. Jan. 29, 1868. Auditors' rept. ot Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phila. pp. 976-977. Doc. IS. Feb. 11, 1868. Communication from state treas- urer rel. to salaries of president judges, pp. 977-978. Doc. 19. Jan. 14, 1868. Kept, of bd. of military claims, 1866/7. pp. 979-1027. Doc. 20. Jan. 3, 1868. Rept. of auditor gen. rel. to free banking law, 1867. Jan. 1, 1868. pp. 1028-1035. Doc. 21. Jan. 13. 1868. Ann. rept. of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., Dec. 31. 1867. pp. 1035-1036. Doc. 22. Jan. 8, 1868. Communication from auditor gen., transmitting returns of banks and savings institutions in commonwealth, 1867. pp. 1037-1101. Doc. 23. Jan. 8, 1868. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund rel. to public debt, 1866/7. Jan., 1868. p. 1102. Doc. 24. April 10, 1868. Communication from Gov. rel. to remissions of sentences by courts of Phila. pp. 1103- 1126. Doc. 25. Jan. 14, 1867 [1868]. Ann. rept. of atty. gen., 1867. Jan., 1868. pp. 1127-1129. Doc. 26. Feb. 6, 1868. Ann. stmt, of Mount Carbon R.R. Co., Feb. 1, 1868. pp. 1129-1131. Doc. 27. Jan. 29, 1868. Ann. rept. of Monongahela Navi- gation Co., 1867. Jan. 28, 1S68. pp. 1131-1133. Doc. 28. Feb. 3, 1868. Ann. stmt, of Dime Savings In- stitution of Ashland. Jan., 1868. pp. 1133-1134. Doc. 29. Feb. 6, 1868. Ann. rept. of Delaware and Hud- son Canal Co., 1867. Feb. 3, 1868. pp. 1134-1135. Doc. 30. Feb. 10, 1868. Ann. rept. of Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Road. Feb. 8, 1868. pp. 1135-1136. Doc. 31. Jan. 14, 1868. Ann. rept. of Pittsburg Bank for Savings, 1867. Jan. 11, 1868. pp. 1136-1137. Doc. 32. Jan. 16, 1868. Ann. rept. of state librarian, together with catalogue of books for 1867. pp. 1137- 1179. Doc. 33. March 5, 1868. 39 ann. rept. of inspectors of State Penitentiary for Eastern Distr., 1867. March 2, 1868. pp. 1180-1301. Doc. 34. Jan. 21, 1868. Ann. rept. of managers of West- ern Penn. Hospital. Jan., 1868. pp. 1301-1312. Doc. 35. Jan. 15, 1868. 35 ann. rept. of mngrs. of Penn. Institution for Instruction of Blind. Dec. 2, 1867. pp. 1312-1318. Doc. 36. Jan. 28, 1868. Rept. of treasurer of Dollar Savings Bank of Pittsburg, 1867. Dec. 13, 1867. pp. 1319-1324. Doc. 37. March 6, 1868. Communication from secy, of commonwealth transmitting rept. rel. to co. prisons of state, pp. 1324-1330. Doc. 38. Feb. 19, 1868. Communication from comrs. of sinking fund, rel. to amt. of outstanding Indebtedness of commonwealth, pp. 1331-1332. Doc. 39. Feb. 24, 1868. Communication from auditor gen., giving amt. of state tax due by each of cos. in Commonwealth, pp. 1333-1334. Doc. 40. Jan. 13, 1868. Ann. stmt, of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., Nov., 1867. p. 1335. Doc. 41. Feb. 14, 1868. 40 ann. rept. of bd. of mngrs. of House of Refuge. Jan. 2, 1868. pp. 1336-1353. Doc. 42. Jan. 30, 1868. 14 ann. rept. of Northern Home for Friendless Children. May, 1867. pp. 1353-1360, Doc. 43. Jan. 31, 1868. Ann. rept. of Mine Hill and- Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co., 1867. Jan. 30, 1868. pp. 1360-1.'!61. Doc. 44. Feb. 18, 1868. Ann. rept. of Lykens Valley Coal Co. Dec. 31, 1867. pp. 1361-1362. Doc. 45. Feb. 18. 1868. Ann. rept. of Lykens Valley R.R. and Coal Co. Dec. 31, 1867. p. 1362. Doc. 46. April 2, 186S. Ann. stmt, of Phila. and Reading R.R. Co., 1866/7. March 31, 1868. pp. 1363-1364. Doc. 47. March 2, 1868. Rept. of supt. of public bldgs. and grounds. Feb. 27, 1868. pp. 1364-1365. Doe. 48. Feb. 10, 1868. Ann. rept. of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., 1867. Jan. 1. 1868. np. 1366-1367. Doc. 49. Feb. 11, 1868. 15 ann. rept. of Penn. Training School for Feeble-Minded Children, 1867. Jan. 1, 1868. pp. 1367-1369. Doc. 50. Feb. 11. 1868. Ann. rept. of bd. of directors of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, 1867. Jan. 1, 1868. pp. 1369-1378. Doc. 51. Jan. 28, 1868. Communication from auilitor gen. giving amt. of state tax due bv each of cos. of commonwealth. Jan. 28, 1868. pp. 1379-1380. Doc. 52. Feb. 10, 18C8. Ann. rept. of trustees and supt. of State Lunatic Hospital, 1867. pp. 1381-1404. Doc. 53. Feb. 10, 1868. 14 ann. rept. of bd. of mngrs. of House of Refuge for Western Penn. Jan. 6, 1868. pp. 140.-.1415. Index, pp. 1417-1422. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd XCIII General -Assembly Jan. 5-ApriI 16. 1S69 Journal of the Senate. Harrisburg : B. Singerly, 1869. 1469 pp. Journal of the House. Harrisburg : B. Singerly, 1869. 1462 pp. [Documents.] Reports of the heads of departments, transmitted to Gov. Harrisburg : B. Singerly. 1869. v. p. Binder's title : Executive Documents. 1868. Contents : Table of contents. 1 leaf. Govs. ann. mess., Jan. 6, 1869. h. t. p. 46 pp. Rept. of auditor on finances of commonwealth, 1867/8. h. t. p. 197 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, etc., 1867/8. h. t. p. 550 pp. Ann. rept. of surveyor gen., 1867/8. h. t. p. 1 map, 41 pp. Ann. rept. of adj. gen., 1868. h. t. p. 42 pp. Rept of supt. of common schools, 1867/8. Harrisburg : B. Singerly, 1869. xlviil, 406 pp. Ann. rept. of supt. of Soldiers* Orphans, 1868. h. t. p. 30 pp. Rept. ot J. Worrall, rel. to passage of flsh in Susquehanna Itiver. 1869. h. t. p. 38 pp., 3 pis. Rept. of state historian apptd. to prepare a military his- tory of organization of I*enn. volunteers and militia, 1868. h. t. p. 11 pp. Rept. on the cattle diseases made to Gov., 1868. h. t. p. 6 pp. [ .] Miscellaneous documents read in the legislature. Harris- burg: B. Singerly, 1869. 938 pp., docs. 1-44. Binder's title : Legislative Documents. 1869. Contents : Doc. 1. Jan. 6, 1869. Ann. rept. of adj. gen. 1867/8. Nov. 30. 1868. pn. 3-39. Doc. 2. Jan. 6, 1869. Rept. of auditor gen. reL to free banking law. pp. 40-47. Doc. 3. Jan. 6. 1869. Joint res. of state of Vt. rel. to National cemeteries. Nov. 18, 1868 pp. 47-48. Doc. 4. Jan. 6, 1869. Joint res. of state of Vt. rel. to death of Thaddeus Stevens. Nov. 19. 1868. pp. 48-49. Doc. 5. Jan. 13, 1869. Ann. rept. of atty. gen. of Penn., 1868. Jan. 12, 1869. pp. 50-53. Doc. 6. Jan. 6, 1869. Ann. rept. of state treasurer on finances of state. 1867/8. pp. 53-95. Doc. 7. Jan. 6, 1869. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to attend Convention in Springfield, 111., rel. to cattle disease. Dec. 5, 1868. pp. 96-98. Doc. S. Jan. 6, 1869. Communication from auditor gen., transmitting returns of banks and savings institutions in commonwealth, 1868. pp. 99-183. Doc. 9. Jan. 6, 1869. Rept. of state historian rel. to military hist, of Penn. Volunteers, pp. 184189. Doc. 10. Jan. 19, 1869. Ann. rept. of Dollar Savings Bank ot Pittsburg, 1868. Dec. 9, 1868. pp. 189-193. Doc. 11. Jan. 29, 1869. Answer to petition contesting election of T. Greenbank, as associate Judge ot distr. court of Phila. pp. 194-234. Doc. 12. Jan. 18, 1869. Rept. of Col. J. Worrall rel. to passage of flsh In Susquehanna River, pp. 235-268. Doc. 13. Jan. 18, 1869. Rept. of supt. of soldiers' orphans' schools tor 1868. Dec. 1, 1868. pp. 268-'292. Doc. 14. Feb. 1, 1869. Repts. ot several r.r. and canal COS. of Penn. communicated by auditor gen. to legist. pp. 292-818. Doc. 15. Feb. 9, 1869. Ann. stmt, of bd. of trustees of Penn. Agrlc. College, 1868. Feb. 1, 1869. pp. 819-827. Doc. 16. Jan. 12, fS69. Ann. rept. of Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phila. Jan. 8, 1869. p. 828. Doc. 17. Feb. 15, 1869. Ann. rept. of Phila. Saving Fund Socv. Dec. 17, 1868. p. 829. Doc. 18. Feb. 3, 1869. Ann. rept. of Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Co. Jan. 27, 1869. p. 830. Doc. 19. Feb. 15, 1869. In matter of contested election for ofllce of associate Judge of distr. court ot Phila. pp. 831-835 Doc. 20. Feb. 15, 1869. In matter ot contested election of T. Greenbank. returned as elected associate judge of distr. court for city and co. of Phila. pp. 836-837. Doc. 21. Feb. 3, 1869. Rept. of surveyor gen. and Col. James Worrall rel. to surveys of Conneaut and Pymatun- Ing swamps in Crawford Co. Jan. 28, 1869. pp. 837- 847. Doc. 22. Jan. 13, 1869. Ann. rept. of state librarian, together with catalogue of books for 1868. pp. 848-875. Doc. 23. Feb. 3, 1869. Procs. in case ot contested election of Bunn vs. Wltham. Jan. 6-27, 1869. pp. 875-881. Doc. 24. Feb. 9, 1869. Ann. rept. of Mount Carbon R.R. Co. Feb. 8, 1869. pp. 881-883. Doc. 25. Jan. 12, 1869. Ann. stmt, of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. Dec. 31, 1868. pp. 883-884. Doc. 26. March 8, 1869. Communication from secy, of commonwealth, transmitting rept. rel. to co. prisons of state, pp. 884-890. Doc. 27. Jan. 26, 1869. Comnuinicatlon from auditor gen. rel. to state tax due and overpaid by several cos. of commonwealth, pp. 891-892. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATIC OF PENNSYLVANIA 139 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd XCIII General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 5-Aprll 10. 1.S69 — cont'd [ Documents.] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Ooc. 28. Feb. 4, 1S60. Ann. rept. of VVeatern Savins Fund Socy. of rhila., 1808. Feb. 2, 1809. p. 893. Doe. 29. Feb. 9, 1809. Ann. rept. of Monongahela Navi- gation Co., 1808. .Tan., 1809. pp. 894-800. Doc. 30. Jan. 27, 1809. Ann. rept. of Delaware and Hud- son Canal Co., 1808. Jnn. 2C,, 1809. p. 896. Doc. 31. Jan. 12, 1809. Ann. rept. of Pittsburg Bank for Savings, 1808. Jan. 8, 1S09. p. 897. Doc. 32. Jan. 20. 1800. Journal of electoral college of Penn., 1808. Dec. 2, 1S08. pp. 898-900. Doc. 33. March 9, 1809. Memorial of Penn. Agrlc. Socy. pp. 907-909. Doc. 34. March 8, 1809. Communication from Gov. trans- mitting nmdmt. to constitution of U. S. pp. 909-910. Doc. 35. Feb. 19, 1809. Stmt, showing balance due Com- monwealth from various public officers, pp. 911-918. Doc. 36. Jan. 20. 1809. Answer of D. Witham, member elect of House from 11th representative distr. of Philn. to petition of Wni. Wilson, et ai. pp. 918-920. Doc. 37. Jan. 19. 1809. Ueturns of election held for auditor gen. and surveyor gen., Oct.. 1808. pp. 921-922. Doc. 38. Feb. 11, 1809. Ann. rept. of Dyltens Valley R.R. and Coal Co. Dec. 31, 1808. pp. 922-923. Doc. 39. Jan. 25, 1809. Communication from state treas- urer, giving no. of clerks, officers and employes of Senate and House during sess. of 1868, and amt, paid each. pp. 923-927. Doc. 40. March 18, 1869. Ann. rept. of Delaware Coal Co., March 1, 1809. pp. 927-928. Doc. 41. Feb. 17. 1809. Ann. rept. of Lykens Valley Coal Co. Dec. 31, 1S08. pp. 928-929. Doc. 42. Feb. 15. 1809. Ann. rept. of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy., Jan. 1, 1869. pp. 929-930. Doc. 43. April 2, 1809. Ann. rept. of Bloomshurg Iron Co., 1868. Feb. 17. 1869. pp. 930-931. Doc. 44. April 1. 1809. Ann. rept. of Phila. and Reading R.R. Co.. 1807/8. March 31, 1869. pp. 931-932. Index, pp. 932-938. XCIV General Assembly Jan. 4-.4.priI 7, 1870 aurnal of the Senate. Harrisburg : B. Singerly. 1870. 1384 pp. nurnal of the House. Harrisburg : B. Singerl.v, 1870. 1407 pp. Documents.] Reports of the heads of departments, transmitted to Governor. Harrisburg; B. Singerly. 1870. v. p. Binder's title : Executive Documents, 1869. Contents : Table of contents. 1 le.if. Mesa, of Gov., Jan. 5, 1870. h. t. p. 55 pp. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances of the commonwealth, 1868/9. h. t. p. 191 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, etc, 1868/9. h. t. p. 530 pp. A.R. of surveyor gen., 1868/9. h. t. p. 48 pp. A.R. of adj. gen.. 1809. h. t. p. 45 pp. Rept. of supt. of common schools, 1868/9. h. t. p. Ixil, 368 pp. A.R. of supt. of soldiers' orphans, 1869. h. t. p. 39 pp. Rept. of state historian, 1869. h. t. p. 8 pp. Rept. of comrs. to visit prisons and almshouses of state. h. t. p. 11 pp. Rept, of comrs. to fix boundary line betw. Penn. and Dei.. 1870. h. t. p. 5 pp. .] Miscellaneous documents read In the legislature. Harris- burg : B. Singerly. 1870. 1031 pp., docs. 1-41. Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1870. Contents : Doc. 1. Ann. rept. of treasurer on finance, 1808/9. pp. [3] -45. Doc. 2. Jan. 6, 1870. Ann. rept. of adj. gen., 1868/9. Nov. 30, 1869. pp. 46-84. Doc. 3. Jan. 6, 1870. Petition in contested election case of Diamond vs. Watt, in 1st Senatorial distr. pp. 84-94. Doc. 4. Jan. 6, 1870. Petition in contested election case of Gelsz vs. Forsythe, in 13th Representative distr. pp. 94-96. Doe. 5. Jan. 6. 1870. Answer to petition in contested election case of Gelsz vs. Forsythe, in 13th Representative distr. pp. 97-98. Doc. 6. Jan. 29. 1870. Rept. of bd. of trustees of Agrlc. College, 1869. Jan. 15, 1870. pp. 99-176. Doc. 7. Jan., 1870. In matter of contested election of Wm. W. Watt, return member of Senate from 1st Sena- torial distr. pp. 177-182. Doc. 8. Jan., 1870. Petition in contested election case of Scull vs. Findlay, In 20th Senatorial distr. pp. 182-188. Doc. 9. Jan., 1870. Rept. of state historian rel. to mili- tary hist, of Penn. volunteers. Dec. 1. 1869. pp. 188-193. Doc. 10. Jan., 1870. In matter of contested election of H. Findlav, return member of Senate from 20th Senatorial distr. pp. 193-210. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd XCIV General As.-iemhiy — cont'd Jan. 4-Aprli 7. 1870— cont'd [ Documents. ] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc 11. Jan. 13 1870. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1868/9. pp. 210-215. . a ,^i • Doc I'i Jan. 26, 1870. Rept. of supt. of Soldiers Orphans' Sei;isl. pp. ■_'a7-101(>. Dor. .'!. .Ian. :;0. 1.K74. Ann. rept. of the MononuMhela Navigation Co., 1873. pp. 1II17-1(;18. Doc. 4. .Tan. 21. 1S74. Stmt, of the Dollar Savings Itank. City of Pittsburg, 1873. Dec. 1, 1873. pp. 1018-1020" Doc. E. March 17, 1874. Abstr. from the accts. of the Phlla. and Heading R.R. for the year ending Nov. 30, 1873. pp. 1021-1022. Doc. 6. Feb.. 1874. Rept. of the inspectors of mines of lln' anthrnclte coal regions of Penn., for the year 1873. pp. 1022-1300. XCIX General .Assembly Jan. 5-March 18, 1875 .Tournal of the Senate. Harrisburg : B. F. Meyers, 1875. 752 pp. .rournal of the House. Harrisburg: B. F. Meyers. 1875. 006 pp. [Documents.] Reports of the heads of departments, tninsmltted to Governor. Harrisburg: B. F. Meyers. 1875. v. p. Binder's title ; Executive Documents. 1874. Contents : Table of contents. 1 leaf. Ann. mess, of gov.. Jan. 6, 1875. n. p.. n. d. 75 pp. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances of the commonwealth. 1873/4. n. p.. n. d. 173 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, etc.. 1873/4. n. p.. n. d. 527 (1) pp. Ann. rept. of surveyor gen.. 1873/4. n. p.. n. d. 48 pp. Ann. rept. of adj. gen., 1874. n. p., n. d. 05 pp. Uept. of supt. of common schools. 1873/4. n. p., n. d. ci, 328 pp. Ann. rept. of supt. of soldiers' orphans. 1874. n. p.. n. d. 122 pp. Rept. of state comrs. of fisheries. 1874. n. p., n. d. 29 pp. [ .] Miscellaneous documents read in the legislature. 3 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg: B. F. Meyers. 1875. 1194 pp., docs. 1-13. Binder's title : Legislative Documents. 1875. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Jan., 1875. 2 ann. rept. of bureau of statis- tics of labor and agric, 1874. pp. 3-523. Doc. 2. Jan. 20. 1875. Ann. rept. of Dollar Savings Bank of Pittsburg. 1874. pp. 523-528. Doc. 3. Feb. 18. 1875. Rept. of comn. to Investigate condition of Insane criminals and rept. to legisl. of 1875, with plans of hospital for their accommodation, pp. 528-530. Doc. 4. March 1, 1875. Stmt, of Delaware Coal Co. pp. 530-531. Doc. 5. Jan. 11. 1875. Repts. of the several banks and savings Institutions of Penn. communicated by auditor gen. to legist., 1874. pp. 531-953. Doc. 6. Jan. 7. 1875. Ann. stmt, of Pittsburg Bank for Savings, Dec. 31, 1874. Jan. 2. 1875. p. 956. Doe. 7. .Ian. 7, 1875. Ann. rept. of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. for 1874. Dec. 29, 1874. p. 957. Doc. 8. March 1. 1875. Stmt, of affairs of Delaware Coal Co. for year endg. March 1, 1873. pp. 958-959. Doc. 9. March 12. 1875. Stmt, of Phila. and Read- ing R.R. Co. up to Nov. 30. 1874.. March 11, 1875. pp. 959-960. Doc. 10. Jan. 14, 1875. Stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co. Jan. 13. 1875. p. 961. Doc. 11. Jvi. 16. 1875. Communication from Alle- gheny Co. Medical Socv.. transmitting res. rel. to establishing bd. of health for state, pp. 961-962. Doc. 12. Jan. 27, 1875. Rept. of Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phlla. Jan. 8. 1875. pp. 962-963. Doc. 13. Feb. 24. 1875. Repts. of Inspectors of mines of anthracite coal regions of Penn., 1874. pp. 963- 1180. Index, pp. 1181-1194. V. 2. Harrisburg : B. P. Meyers. 1875. 1303 pp., docs. 1-3. Binder's title : Legislative Documents. 1875. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 1. Jan., 1875. 5 ann. rept. of bd. of charities, 1874. Jan. 1, 1875. pp. 3-386. Doc. 2. March 3. 1875. Rept. of supt. of Insurance dept. of Penn., 1874. pp. 387-1070. Doc. 3. March 3. 1875. Rept. of supt. of Insurance dept.. [life COS.], 1874. pp. 1070-1290. Index, pp. 1291-1303. T. 3. Harrisburg: B. F. Meyers, 1875. 1128 pp., docs. 1-21. Binder's title : Legislative Documents. 1875. v. 3. Contents : Doc. 1. Jan. 13. 1875. Ann. stmt, of atty. gen. for 1874. Jan. 12. 1875. pp. 3-5. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd XCIX General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 5-March 18. 1875 — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd Coiileiits : — cont'd Doc. 2. Jan. 14, 1875. Ann. rept. of state treasurer of conimoiiwealth of Penn. on finances of state, 1873/4. pp. 5-47. Doc. 3. Jan. 14. 1875. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1873/4. pp. 48-68. Doc. 4. Jan. 19, 1875. Rept. of auditor gen. showing condition of banks organized undi'r free banking law, for year 1874. pp. 60-76. Doc. 5. Jan. 5. 1875. Affldavlta of electors from .Schuvlkill Co. protesting agst. administering oath of olflce to J. P. Collhan, as senator from said dlstr. pp. 76-80. Doc. 6. Jan. 29, 1875. Rept. of comn. to revise Con- stitution of Penn. pp. 81-97. Doc. 7. Feb. 5, 1875. Rept. of bd. of public chari- ties on applications for state aid. Jan. 28, 1875. pp. 97-103. Doc. 8. Jan. 27. 1875. Rept. of bd. of trustees of Penn. State College. 1874. pp. 104-171. Doc. 9. Feb. 11. 1875. Rept. of supt. of public prtg.. 1874. Feb. 4. 1875. pp. 172-175. Doc. 10. Feb. 2. 1875. Communication from A. T. Ooshorn, director gen. U. S. centennl;il comn. rel. to centennial exposition In Phlla. In 1876. Jan. 30, 1875. pp. 175-170. Doc. 11. Feb. 11, 1875. Rept. of financial condition of Monongahela Navigation Co. tor year endg. Jan. 13. 1875. pp. 177-178. Doc. 12. Feb. 23. 1875. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to investigate bituminous coal fields of I'enn. Feb. 8, 1875. pp. 179-226. Doc. 13. Jan. 16. 1875. Rept. of auditors of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy. Jan. 15. 1875. pp. 226-227. Doc. 14. Feb. 9, 1875. Ann. rept. of Western Sav- ing Fund Socy. of Phlla. Feb. 3, 1875. p. 228. Doc. 15. Jan. 28. 1875. Rept. of state librarian. 1874. pp. 229-302. Doc. 16. [March. 1875.] Answer of atty. gen. to bd. of public charities rel. to Eastern Penitentiary, pp. 303-306. Doc. 17. Feb. 12. 1875. Repts. of the several r.r., canal and telegraph cos. of P'enn. communicated by auditor gen. to legisl. pp. 306-1064. Doc. 18. Jan. 5. 1875. Stmt, of Phlla. Saving Fund Socv., Nov., 1874. p. 1065. Doc. 19. Jan. 20. 1875. Ann. stmt, of Northern Sav- ing Fund Safe Deposit and Trust Co.. Dec. 31, 1874. Jan. 11. 1875. p. 1066. Doc. 20. March 16. 1875. Rept. of special committee to investigate alleged cruelties and abuses at House of Refugeln Phlla. pp. 1067-1100. Doc. 20. Feb. 12. 1875. Rept. of 2d geol. survey of Penn.. 1874. pp. 1100-1112. Doc. 21. March 17; 1875. Rept. of comrs. to correct coat of arms of commonwealth of Penn. March 16, 1875. pp. 1113-1122. Index, pp. 1123-1128. C General Assembly Jan. 4-May 5, 1876 .Tournal of the Senate. Harrisburg : B. F. Meyers. 1876. 1056 pp. Journal of the House. Harrisburg : B. F. Meyers. 1876. 1282 pp. [Documents.] Reports of the heads of departments transmitted to gov. Harrisburg : B. F. Meyers. 1876. v. p. Binder's title : Executive Documents. 1875. Contents ; Table of contents. 1 leaf. Ann. mess, of gov.. Jan. 4, 1876. h. t. p. 43 pp. Rept. of pardons granted, etc.. 1874/5. h. t. p. 48 pp. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances of the commonwealth, 1874/5. h. t. p. 158 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, etc., 1874/5. h. t. p. 496 pp. Ann. rept. of secy, of Internal affairs, 1874/5. pts. 1-2. h. t. p. 176 pp. Ann. rept. of adj. gen.. 1875. h. t. p. 96 pp. Rept. of supt. of public Instruction, 1874/5. h. t. p. ixxxiv. 332 pp. Ann. rept. of supt. of soldiers' orphans, 1875. h. t. p. 126 pp. [ ] Miscellaneous documents read In the legislature. 4 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg: B. F. Meyers, 1876. 1279 pp.. docs. 1-4. Binders title : Legislative Documents. 1876. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Feb.. 1876. Ann. rept. of bureau of Industrial statistics. 1873. pp. 3-479. Doc. 2. Jan. 11. 1876. Ann. stmt, of Western Saving Fund Socv. of Phlla. Jan. 6. 1876. pp. 479-480. Doc. 3. May. 1876. Repts. of the several r.r.. canal and telegraph cos. of Penn.. communicated by secy. of Internal affairs to legisl. May 1, 1876. pp. 481-1264. 144 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd C General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 4-May 5. 1S76 — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 4. Jan. 21. 1876. Ann. rept. ot Dollar Savings Bank ot Pittsburg. Dec. 16, 1875. pp. 1265-1269. Index, pp. 1271-1270. V. 2. Harrlsburg : B. F. Meyers. 1876. 1176 pp., docs. 1-12. Binder's title : Legislative Documents. 1876. v. 2. Contents : Doe. 1. Jan. 12, 1876. Ann. stmt, of atty. gen. for 1875. .Tan. 11. 1876. pp. 3-4. Doc. 2. Jan. 19, 1876. Ann. rept. of state treasurer of commonwealth of Penn. on finances of state, 1874/5. pp. 4-48. Doe. 3. Jan. 5, 1876. Rept. of auditor gen. shovplng condition of b.inks organized under free banking law, for year 1875. pp. 49-56. Doc. 4. Feb., 1876. 6 ann. rept. of bd. of public charities, 1875. Jan. 1, 1876. pp. 57-497. Doc. 5. Jan. 28, 1876. 29 ann. rept. of auditors of Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phlla., 1875. Jan. 26, 18T6. p. 498. Doc. 6. Feb. 3, 1876. Repts. of the several banks and savings institutions of Penn.. transmitted bv auditor gen. to legisl., 1875. Jan. 20, 1876. pp. 499-919. Doc. 7. Feb. 4, 1876. Ann. rept. of supt. of public prtg., 1874/5. Feb. 3, 1876. pp. 920-926. Doc. 8. Jan. 21. 1876. Ann. stmt, of Phlla. Savings Fund Socy., Jan. 1, 1876. pp. 926-928. Doc. 9. Ann. stmt, of Northern Savings Fund, Safe Deposit and Trust Co., Phlla. Dec. 31, 1875. p. 929. Doc. 10. Rept. of inspectors of mines of anttiracite coal regions. 1S75. pp. 929-1152. Doc. 11. Jan. 12, 1876. Ann. rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1875. pp. 1153-1164. Doc. 12. Feb. 8, 1876. Rept. ot bd. of public charities on additional hospitals for indigent insane. Jan. 30, 1876. pp. 1164-1168. Index, pp. 1169-1176. T. 3. Harrlsburg; B. F. Me.vers, 1876. 1180 pp., docs. 1-22. Binder's title : Legislative Documents. 1876. v. 3. Contents : Doc. 1. Feb. 2, 1876. Rept. of special committee of Senate and House to investigate affairs of Phila. antl Reading R.R. Co. and Phila. and Reading Coal and Iron Co. pp. 3-7. Doc. 2. Feb. 2, 1876. Minority rept. from committee to Investigate affairs of Phila. and Reading R.R. Co. and Phlla. and Reading Coal and Iron Co. pp. 7-8. Doc. 3. .March. 1876. Rept. of comr. of insurance of commonwealth of Penn., 1875. pp. 8-748. Doc. 4. Feb., 1876. Rept. of supt. of insurance dept. of Penn., 1875. [Life cos.] pp. 749-980. Doc. 5. Feb. 25. 1876. Ann. rept. of Penn. State College, 1875. pp. 981-1061. Doc. 6. Jan. 25, 1876. Ann. rept. of state librarian. 1875. nn. 10621127. Doc. 7. May 4, 1876. Rept. of committee of ways and means on probable revenues of commonwealth, 1876. pp. 1127^1130. Doc. 8. March 3, 1876. Rept. of committee of House of Representatives to examine state hatchinghouse. pp. 1130-1132. Doc. 9. Feb. 21, 1876. Stmt, of bd. of trustees of Penn. State Lunatic Hospital in answer to bd. of public charities. Feb. IS, 1876. pp. 1132-1135. Doc. 10. Jan. 6. 1876. Stmt, of condition of Pitts- burg Bank for Savings, Dec. 31, 1875. Jan. 3, 1876. p. 1136. Doc. 11. Jan. 25, 1876. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to riots in coal regions, p. 1137. Doc. 12. March 7, 1876. Memorial from numerous citizens of Penn. asking for redress agst. certain laws in N. Y. pp. 1137-1138. Doc. 13. March 17, lS7rt. Ann. rept. of Delaware Coal Co., March 1, 1876. p. 1139. Doc. 14. March 16, 1876. Abstr. of accts. of Phlla. and Reading R.R. Co., 1874/5, p. 1140. Doc. 15. Feb. 7, 1876. Ann. stmt, of receipts and disbursements of Monongahcia Navigation Co., Jan. 7, 1876. pp. 1141-1142. Doc. 16. Jan. 19, 1876. Rept. of bd. of public chari- ties on application for state aid. Jan. 10, 1876. pp. 1143-1154. Doc. 17. Jan. 20, 1876. Ann. rept. of Lykens Valley R.R. Co., 1875. Jan. 19, 1876. p. 1155. Doc. 18. Jan. 5, 1876. Rept. of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. Dec. 30, 1875. pp. 1155-1156. Doc. 19. Jan. 6. 1870. Stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuyl- kill Haven R.R. Co. Jan. 5. 1876. ii. 1156. Doc. 20. Jan. 26. 1876. Communication from trus- tees of Eastern Penitentiary rel. to Increased accom- modations for prisoners. Jan. 24, 1876. pn. 1157- 1158. Index V. 4, COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd C General Assembl.v — cont'd Jan. 4-May 5, 1876 — cont'd [Documents. ] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 21. Feb. 4, 1876. Communication from ad], gen. rel. to riots in coal regions. Feb. 3, 1876. pp. 1158-1165. Doc. 22. Feb. 21. 1876. Rept. of committee on geol. survey, pp. 1165-1169. pp. 1171-1180. Harrlsburg : B. F. Meyers. 1876. 1203 pp., docs. 1-5. h. t. p. h. t. p. 120 pp. 3 vols. Binder's title : Legislative Documents. 1876. v. 4. Contents : Doc. 1. May 1, 1876. Testimony taken before com- mittee to investigate means to secure or defeat passage of boom bill. April 6-26, 1876. pp. 3-495. Doc. 2. Feb. 2, 1876. Testimony before committee to investigate Phlla. and Reading R.R. Co. and Phlla. and Reading Coal and Iron Co. May 5-July 20, 1875. pp. 495-1133. Doc. 3. Feb. 25, 1876. Rept. ot special committee of House to investigate state treasury, pp. 1134-1178. Doc. 4. April 12, 1876. Rept. of committee apptd. to investigate affairs of House of Refuge, Phlla. pp. 117.S-1541. Doc. 5. March 31, 1876. Rept. of committee to In- vestigate Into affairs of Western Reform School ot Allegheny Co. pp. 1541-2097. Index, pp. 2099-2103. CI General Assembly Jan. 2-March 23, 1877 Journal of the Senate. Harrlsburg : B. F. Meyers, 1877. 708 pp. Journal of the House. Harrlsburg: B. F. Meyers, 1877. 775 pp. [Documents.] Reports of the heads of departments, transmitted to Governor. Harrlsburg : B. F. Meyers, 1877. v. p. Binder's title : Executive Documents. 1876. Contents : Table of contents. 1 leaf. Ann. mess, of gov., Jan. 3, 1877. h. t. p. 28 pp. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances of the commonwealth, 1875/6. h. t. p. 160 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, etc., 1875/6. 528 pp. Ann. rept. of secy, of Internal affairs, 1875/6. pts. 1-2. 93 A, 120 B pp. Ann. rept. of adj. gen., 1876. h. t. p. 120 pp. Rept. of supt. of public instruction, 1875/6. h. t. p [ .] Miscellaneous documents read in the legislature. v. 1. Harrlsburg: B. F. Me.vers, 1877. 1403 pp., docs. 1-13. Binder's title : Legislative IJocuments, 1877, v. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Feb., 1877. 7 ann. rept. of bd. ot public charities. Jan. 1, 1877. pp. 3-269. Doc. 2. .Tan. 23, 1877. Rept. of bd. of public charities on applications for state aid. Jan. 16, 1877. pp. 270-282. Doc. 3. Jan. 12, 1877. Rept. of bd. of comrs. of 2d geol. survey of Penn. tor 1876. pp. 282-288. Doc. 4. Jan. 18, 1877. Rept. of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co. Jan. 15, 1877. p. 288. Doc. 5. March, 1877. Rept. of comrs. of insurance of commonwealth, tor 1678 [1. e. 1876]. pp. 289- 1015. Doc. 6. March 12, 1877. Preliminary rept. together with testimony of municipal comn. pp. 1016-1054. Doc. 7. Jan. 9, 1877. Journal of electoral college of Penn. held at Harrlsburg, Dec. 6, 1876. pp. 1054- 1065. Doc. 8. Feb. 15, 1877. Rept. ot state comrs. ot fisheries ot Penn., 1876. Feb. 7, 1877. pp. 1066- 1085. Doc. 9. March, 1877. Rept. ot comr. of insurance of commonwealth of Penn., 1876. pp. 1085-1299. Doc. 10. Jan. 25, 1877. Ann. rept. of auditors of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy. Jan. 1, 1877. pp. 1300- 1301. Doc. 11. March 14, 1877. Ann. stmt, of Delaware Coal Co., March 1, 1877. p. 1362. Doc. 12. Jan. 11, 1877. Ann. rept. ot Phlla. Saving Fund Socy.. Nov., 1876. p. 1303. Doc. 13. Jan. 25, 1877. Rept. ot state librarian, 1876. pp. 1304-1389. Index, pp. 1391-1403. V. 2. Harrlsburg: B. F. Me.vers, 1877. 1342 pp., docs. 1-15. Binder's title: Legislative Documents, 1877. V. 2. Contents : Doc. 1. Jan. 3, 1877. Ann. rept. of state treasurer, on finances of state, 1875/6. ,Tan. 2, 1876. pp. 3-48. Doc. 2. Feb., 1877. Repts. of the several r.r., canal and telegraph cos. of Penn.. communicated by secy. ot Internal affairs to legisl. Feb. 1, 1877. pp. 49-822. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 145 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd ri (JentTiil Assfjiibly — cont'd Jan. --'Marcli 2:!. 1877 — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 3. Feb. 6, 1877. Ann. rept. of supt. of public prtK.. for veiir endg. June 30, 1870. Feb. 5, 1877. pp. 8L>2-8'28. Doc. 4. .I«n. 10. 1877. .\nn. rept. of atty. gen. of I'enn. for 1870. .Tan. .'i, 1877. pp. 8i;9-830. Doc. .">. .Ian. lil), 1877. Ann. stmt, of Monongahela .Navigation Co. Jan. •_'7. 1877. pp. 8:il-833. Doc. (i. Jan. 31. 1877. Kept, of I^ehlgh Coal and Navigation Co. Dec. 2!). 187G. p. 833. Doe. 7. Jan. 24. 1877. Ann. stmt, of Northern Sav- ing Fund, Safe Deposit and Trust Co., Dec. 31, 1876. p. 834. Doc. 8. Jan. 20. 1877. Repts. of the several banks and savings Institutions of Penn., communicated by auditor gen. to leglsl., 1876. Jan. 25. 1877. pp. 835-123.'). Doc. 9. Feb. 15, 1877. Rept. of pardons granted, sentences commuted and death warrants signed by Gov., 1875/6. pp. 1236-12G9. Doc. 10. Feb. 6. 1877. Trellmlnary rept. of Penn. Bd. of Centennial Managers, with list of officers and members of bd. and of associated committees, made to leglsl. of Penn., at session of 1877, etc. pp. 1269- 1320. Doc. 11. Feb. 2, 1877. 13 ann. rept. of auditors of Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phlla., 1876. Feb. 1, 1877. pp. 1330-1331. Doc. 12. Jan. 11, 1877. Ann. rept. of Western Sav- ing Fund Socv. Jan. 3, 1877. pp. 1331-1332. Doc. 13. Jan. 3, 1877. Rept. of Pittsburg Dollar Savings Bank. Dec. 1, 1876. pp. 1332-1333. Doc. 14. March 12, 1877. Abstr. of nccts. of Phila- delphia and Reading U.R. Co. March 9, 1877. pp. 1334-1335. Doc. 15. Jan. 17, 1877. Rept. of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co. Jan. 15, 1877. p. 1334. Index. pp. 133,5-1342. V. 3. Harrlsburg : B. F. Meyers, 1877. 1574 pp.. docs. 1-7. Doc. 1. Jan. 15. 1877. Rept. of auditor gen., showing condition of banks organized under free banking law, 1876. pp. 3-10. Doc. 2. Feb., 1877. Ann. rept. of bureau of industrial statistics. 1876. pp. 11-925. Doc. 3. Jan. 17, 1877. .\nn. rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1876. Jan., 1877. pp. 925-936. Doc. 4. March. 1877. Repts. of Inspectors of mines of anthracite coal regions of Penn., 1876. pp. 937-1115. Doc. 5. Feb. 2, 1877. Ann. rept. of Penn. State College, 1876. .Tan. 31. 1877. pp. 1116-1175. Doc. 6. March 23, 1877. Petition and answer, specifica- tions, charge of court and testimony in matter of contest of D. W. Agnew agst. S. H. Haslett, both of Forest Co., affecting seat In House of Representatives, 1877. pp. 1176-1502. Doc. 7. Feb. 21, 1877. 7 ann. rept. of bd. of directors of Phlla. City Trusts, for 1876. Feb. 16, 1877. pp. 1503- 1564. Index, pp. 156.'5-1574. Oil General Assembly Jan. 1-May 24, 1878 Journal of the Senate. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart. 1878. 1264 pp. Journal of the House. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart. 1878. 1641 pp. [Documents.] Reports of the heads of departments transmitted to Governor, pts. 1-2. pt. 1. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart, 1878. v. p. docs. 1-7. Binder's title : Executive Documents, 1877-8. pt. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Ann. mess, of Gov., Jan. 2, 1878. n. t. p. 48 pp. Doc. 2. Auditor gen.'s rept.. 1876/7. n. t. p. 148 pp. Doc. 3. Rept. of adj. gen.. 1876/7. n. t. p. 221 pp. Doc. 3 (sic). Ann. rept. of state treasurer on finances of state. 1876/7. n. t. p. 48 pp. Doc. 4. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, showing re- ceipts and expenditures of treasury, 1876/7. n. t. p. 387 pp. Doc. 5. Rept. of secy, of internal affairs, 1876/7. pts. 1-2. n. t. p. 92 A, 165 B, 167-170 pp.. map. Doc. 6. Rept. of atty. gen., 1877. n. t. p. 3 pp. Doc. 7. Rept. of supt. of public prtg. and binding, 1876/7. n. t. p. 12 pp. pt. 2. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart. 1878. Binder's title : Executive Documents, 1877-8, pt. 2. Contents ; Doc. 8. Rept. of supt. of public instruction, 1876/7. n. t. p. Ixiv, 967 pp. Doc. 9. Ann. rept. of supt. of soldiers' orphans, 1877. n. t. p. 104 pp., pis. Doc. 10. Itepts. of Inspectors of mines of anthracite coal regions of Penn., 1877. n. t. p. 221 pp., maps. 10 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd ClI General .\H.sembly — cont'd Jan. l-.May 24. 1878 — cont'd [ Documents. ] — cont'd (.'ontt'iits : — cont'd — .1 Legislative Documents comprising dept. and other repts. vols. V. 1. Harrlsburg; L. S. Hart, 1878. v. p. docs. 1-11. Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 187S, v. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Itepta. of the several l>ankH and savings in- stitutious, comnuinlcated by auditor gen., 1877. n. t. p. 379 pp. Doc. 2. (Rept. of auditor gen. on banks, under free banking law.] n. t. p. 8 pp. Doc. 3. Ann. rept. of state treasurer on finances of state. Not found In vol.; no. ami title taken from index to vol. Doc. 4. Rept. of comn. to devise plan tor govt, of cities of state, etc. n. t. p. 217 pp. Doc. 5. Bd. of public charities of Penn. (rept. of action upon applications for state aid], n. t. p. 14 pp. Doc. 6. 8 ann. rept. of bd. of comrs. of public chari- ties. 1877. n. t. p. xiv, 349 pp. Doc. 7. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 187G/7. n. t. p. 14 pp. Doc. 8. Ann. stmt, of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. n. t. p. [1] p. Doc. 9. Ann. stmt, of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy. [1] p. Doc. 10. Ann. rept. of Penn. State College, 18. i. n. t. p. 69 pp. Doc. 11. Rept. of state librarian. 1877. 58 pp. V. 2. Harrlsburg ; L. S. Hart, 1878. v. p. docs. 12-19. Binder's title : Legislative Documents. 1878, v. 2. Contents : Doc. 12. Jan. 29. 1878. 50 ann. rept. of bd. of managers of House of Refuge, with ann. stmt, of treasurer, ann. repts. of supts.. etc. n. t. p. 30 pp. Doc. 13. Feb. 27. 1878. Ana. rept. of bd. of directors of Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, 1877. n. t. p. 43 pp. Doc. 14. Feb. 11. 1878. 45 ann. rept. of mngrs. of Penn. Institution for Instruction of Blind, 1877. n. t. p. 21 pp. . ,. Doc. 15. March 15. 1878. 24 ann. rept. of Northern Home for Friendless Children and Associated Insti- tute for Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans. 1877. n. t. p. 32 pp. Doc. 16. May 23. 1878. Rept. of committee on Ju- diciary (general) In case of C. P. Waller, n. t. p. 120 pp. Doc. 17. May 16. 1878. Rept. of committee apptd. to investigate charges made affecting ofBcial Integrity of O. F. Gaines, sergeant-at-arms of House, n. t. p. 73 pp. Doc. 18. Jan. 8, 1878. Communication from bd. of Judges of city of Phlla. n. t. p. 2 pp. Doc. 19. Rept. of bureau of industrial statistics ( fifth), [or ann. rept. secy, of Internal affairs, pt. 31. n. t. p. 823 pp.. maps, plans. T. 3. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart, 1878. v. p. docs. 20-24. Binders title : Legislative Documents, 1878, v. 3. Contents : Doc. 20. 5 ann. rept. of Insurance comr., 1877. pt. 1. n. t. p. xcv, 634 pp. Doc. 21. Same. pt. 2. xxxi. 172 pp. Doc. 22. Rept. of Jt. special committee on operations of fish dept. n. t. p. 20 pp.. dlagr. Doc. 23. Rept. of treasurer of Dollar Savings Bank of Pittsburgh, 1877. n. t. p. 4 pp. Doc. 24. Rept. of Jt. special committee on contract convict labor, n. t. p. 269 pp. V. 4. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart. 1878. v. p. docs. 25-26. Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1878, v. 4. Contents : Doc. 25. 1 ann. rept. of Penn. bd. of ngric, 1877. n. t. p. 336 pp.. pis. Doc. 26. Ann. rept. of secy, of internal affairs, 18ii. pt. 4. n. t. p. cxx, 990 pp. V. 5. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart. 1878. v. p. docs. 27-29. Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1878, v. 5. Contents : Doc. 27. Rept. of state comrs. of fisheries, 1877. n. t. p. 38 pp. Doc. '28. Rept. of Jt. committee of Senate and House, upon conduct of financial affairs of commonwealth, from 1838 to 1843. n. t. p. 21 pp. Doc. 29. Rept. of committee apptd. to investigate r.r. riots in July, 1877. n. t. p. 1000 pp 146 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CI I General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 1-May 24. 1878— cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd T. 6. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart. 1878. v. p. docs. 30-39. Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1878, t. 6. Contents : Doc. 30. Rept. of committee apptd. to Investigate collection of taxes alleged to be due from Union R.R. and Transportation Co.. 1878. n. t. p. 432 pp. Doc. 31. Rept. of Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phlla., 1877. n. t. p. 2 pp. Doc. 32. Res. of Phlla. Co. Medical Socy., 1878. [1] p. Doc. 33. Rept. of supt. of public bldgs. and grounds. 1876/7. [11 p. Doc. 34. Abstr. of receipts and disbursements of Monongahel.i Navigation Co., 1877/8. n. t. p. 2 pp. Doc. 35. Rept. of Penn. and N. Y. boundary comn. n. t. p. 2 pp. Doc. 36. 23 ann. stmt, of Saving Fund Socy. of Germantown and Its vicinity, n. t. p. 2 pp. Doc. 37. Kept, of auditors of Phlla. Savfng Fund Socy. n. t. p. 2 pp. Doc. 38. Abstr. from accts. of Phlla. and Reading R.R. Co., showing amt. of capital paid In and debts of said CO., etc. n. t. p. 2 pp. Doc. 39. Stmt, of Delaware Coal Co. n. t. p. [1] p. V. 7. Harrlsburg : L. S. Hart. 1878. v. p. doe. 40. Contents : Doc. 40. Preliminary and final repts. of Penn. bd. of centennial managers, v. p. 2 vols. 3 pts. V. 1, pt. 1. Phlla.: GllUn & Nagle, 1878. xxxlil(l), 250 pp., pis. T. 1, pt. 2. Phlla. : Gillln & Nagle, 1878. 268 pp., map. T. 2, pt. 3. Phlla. : Glllin & Nagle, 1878. xv pp.. diagrs., 473. 57 pp. cm General Assembly .Tan. 7-.Iune 6, 1879 Journal of the Senate. Harrlsburg : L. S. Hart, 1879. 1296 pp. Journal of the House. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart, 1879. 1503 pp. [Documents.] Governor's messiigc and repts. of heads of depart- ments of commonwealth of l^enn. pts. 1-2. pt. 1. Harrlsburg : L. S. Hart. 1879. v. p. docs. 1-5. Binder's title : Executive Documents, 1878-79. Doc. 1. Contents ; Ann. mess of Gov., Jan. 8, 1879. n. t. p. 28 pp. Doc. 2. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances of state, 1877/8. n. t. p. 224 pp. Doc. 3. Rept. of adj. gen. of Penn., 1877/8. n. t. p. 94 pp. Doc. 4. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, showing re- ceipts and expenditures of treasury, 1877/8. n. t. p. 421 pp. Doc. 5. Rept. of secy, of internal affairs, 1877/8. pts. 1-2. n. t. p. 115 A, 162 B, 163-166 pp., map. pt. 2. Harrlsburg : L. S. Hart. 1879. v. p. docs. 6-10. Binder's title : Executive Documents, 1878-79, pt. 2. Contents : Doc. 6. Rept. of atty. gen., 1878. n. t. p. 3 pp. Doc. 7. Rept. of supt. of public prtg. and binding, 1877/8. n. t. p. 15 pp. Doc. 8. Rept. of supt. of public Instruction, 1877/8. n. t. p. ixxvll, 385 pp. Doc. 9. Ann. rept. of supt. of Soldiers' Orphans, 1878. n. t. p. 124 pp., pi. Doc. 10. Repts. of Inspectors of mines of anthracite coal regions of Penn., 1878. n. t. p. 260 pp., pis., maps. [ .] Legislative Documents, comprising dept. and other repts. 5 vols. v. 1. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart, 1879. v. p. docs. 1-5. Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1878-79. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Repts. of the several banks and savings institutions of Penn.. 1878. n. t. p. 331pp. Doc. 2. Rept. of auditor on banks, under free bank- ing law. n. t. p. 8 i>ii. Doc. 3. Ann. rept. of state treasurer on finances of state, 1877/8. n. t. p. 51 pp. Doc. 4. 2 ann. rept. of Penn. bd. of agrlc, 1878. n. t. p. 625 pp., pis. Doc. .'>. Bd. of public charities : rept. on applications for state aid. n. t. p. 13 pp. V. 2. Harrlshnrg : L. S. Hart. 1.179. v. p. docs. 6-19. Binder's title ; I-eglslatlve Documents, 1878-79. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 6. 9 ann. rept. of bd. of comrs. of public chari- ties. D. t. p. Iv, 323 pp. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd cm General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 7-June 6, 1879 — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd Contpn*>; : — cont'd Doc. 7. Itepi. of Penn. statues comn. and copies of contracts, n. t. p. 4 pp. Doc. 8. Rept. on practical operations of arbitration and conciliation In settlement of differences betw. employers and employees In England, n. t. p. 46 pp. Doc. 9. .\nn. stmt, of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co.. 1878. [1] p. Doc. 10. .\nn. stmt, of Phlla. Saving Fund Socy., 1878. n. t. p. 3 pp. Doc. 11. Rept. of Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phlla., 1878. n. t. p. 2 pp. Doc. 12. Abstr. of receipts and disbursements of Monongahela Navigation Co., 1878. n. t. p. 2 pp. Doc. 13. Rept. of Saving Fund Socy. of Germantown and Its vicinity, 1878. [1] p. Doc. 14. Ann. rept. of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co.. 1878. [1] p. Doc. 15. Ann. rept. of Northern Saving Fund, Safe Deposit and Trust Co. n. t. p. [1] p. Doc. 16. Not found ; not given in index to vol. Doc. 17. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund. n. t. p. 15 pp. Doc. 18. Res. passed by select and common councils of Phlla.. 1879. n. t. p. 2 pp. Doc. 19. [6 ann.] rept. of bureau of Industrial sta- tistics [or rept. of secy, of internal affairs (pt. 3)]. n. t. p. 767 pp.. maps. pis. V. 3. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart, 1879. v. p. docs. 20-25. Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1878-79. v. 3. Contents : Doc. 20. 6 ann. rept. of insurance comr. pt. 1. Fire and marine insurance, n. t. p. clll, 597 pp. Doc. 21. Same. Life and accident Insurance, n. t. p. xxlil. 176 pp. Doc. 22. Ann. rept. of Dollar Savings Bank of Pitts- burgh, 1878. n. t. p. 5 pp. Doc. 23. Rept. of bd. of revenue comrs., 1878. n. t. p. 10 pp. Doc. 24. Rept. of joint committee of legisl. apptd. to Investigate affairs of Penn. State College, n. t. p. 94 pp. Doc. 25. Stmt, of Delaware Coal Co., 1879. [1] p. V. 4. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart. 1879. v. p. doc. 26. Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1878-79. v. 4. Contents . Doc. 26. Ann. rept. of secy, of Internal affairs — r.r., canal, navigation, and telegraph cos., 1878. pt. 4. cxxll. 902 pp. V. 5. Harrlsburg : L. S. Hart, 1879. v. p. docs. 27-34. Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1878-79. y. 5. Contents : Doc. 27. Rept. of state comrs. of fisheries, 1878. n. t. p. 44 pp. Doc. 28. Abstr. from accts. of Phlla. and Reading R.R. Co. n. t. p. (11 p. Doc. 29. Rept. of committee of Investigation on sub- ject of furnishing stationery and supplies for use of House of Representatives, n. t. p. 101 pp. Doc. 30. Rept. of state librarian, 1878. n. t. p. 39 pp. Doc, 31. G. M. Harding; procs. before committee of House in matter of proposed Impeachment or re- moval from ofllce of G. M. Harding, president judge of 11th judicial dlstr., with testimony, n. t. p. 113 pp. Doc. 32. Rept. of committee apptd. to investigate alleged corruption in regard to House bill 103 — the riot bill. n. t. p. 329 pp. Doc. 33. Ann. rept. of Penn. State College, 1878. n. t. p. 75 pp. Doc. 34. Warren Insane Asylum : minutes of inves- tigating committee apptd. to Investigate acts of supt. n. t. p. 23 pp. CIV General Assembly Jan. 4-June 9, 1881 Journal of the Senate. Harrlsburg, Ijine S. Hart, 1881. 1519 pp. Journal of the House. Harrlsburg, Lane S. Hart, 1881. 1712 pp. [Documents.! Reports of heads of departments. A Reports of heads of departments. 2 pts. pt. 1. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart, 1880. v. p. docs. 1-3. Binder's title : Executive Documents, 1879-80. pt. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, show- ing receipts and expenditures of treasury, 1878/9. n. t. p. 403 pp. Doc. 2. Rept. of secy, of Internal affairs, 1878/9. pts. 1-2. n. t. p. 62 A, 171 B pp. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 147 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CIV General Assirably — cont'd Jan. 4-.Iun(' ii, 1881 — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd A — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 3. Kept, of auditor gen. on Bnancee, 1878/9. n. t. p. 396 pp. pt. 2. llarrlsburg: I.. S. Hart, 1880. v. p. docs. 4-8. Binder's title : Executive Documents, 1879-80. pt. 2. Contents : Doc. 4. Kept, of supt. of public instruction, 1S"S'9. n. t. p. xli.x, 133 jip. Doc. 5. Ann. rcpt. of supt. of Soldiers' Orphans, 1879. n. t. p. 110 pp.. illus. Doc. 6. Kept, of adj. gen.. 1878/9. n. t. p. 110 pp.. map. Doc. 7. Kept, of supt. of public prtg. and bind- ing. 1878/9. n. t. p. 23 pp. Doc 8. Repts. of inspectors of mines of anthra- cite coal regions of Tenn., 1879. n. t. p. 327 pp., m;ip8, pis. B Reports of heads of departments. 2 pts. pt. 1. Harrisburg: L. S. Hart, 18S1. v. p. docs. l-.'J. Binder's title : Executive Documents, 1880-1. pt. 1. pt. Contents : Doc. 1. Mess, of Gov., Jan. 4, 1881. n. t. p. 31 pp. Doc. 2. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances, 18 1 9 80. n. t. p. 320 pp. Doc. 3. Rept. of adj. gen., 1879/80. n. t. p. 260 pp. Doc. 4. Detailed rept. of state treasurer show- ing receipts and expenditures of treasury, 1879/ 80. n. t. p. 449 pp. Doc. 5. Rept. of secy, of internal affairs, 1879/ 80. pts. 1-2. n. t. p. 158 A, 179 B pp., map, dlagrs. 2. Harrisburg : I-. S. Hart. 1881. v. p. docs. 6-10. Binder's title ; Executive Documents, 1880-81. pt. 2. Contents : Doc. 6. [Bienn.] rept. of atty. gen., 1879/80. n. t. p. 8 pp. Doc. 7. Rept. of supt. of public prtg. and bind- ing, 1879/80. n. t. p. 16 pp. Doc. 8. Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. 1879/80. n. t. p. Ixvii. 405 pp. Doc. 9. Ann. rept. of supt. of soldiers' orphans, 1879/80. 110 pp.. Illus. Doc. 10. Repts. of inspectors of mines of anthra- cite coal regions of Penn., 1880. n. t. p. 249 pp.. maps. pis. — .] Legislative Documents. A Legislative Documents, comprising dept. and other reports. 3 vols. v. 1. Harrisburg : L. S. Hart, 1880. v. p. docs. 1-5. Binder's title: Legislative Documents, 1879-80. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Repts. of several banks and savings in- stitutions communicated by auditor, 1879. n. t. p. 225 pp. Doc. 2. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1878/9. n. t. p. 13 pp. Doc. 3. Ann. rept. of state treasurer on finances of state, 1878/9. n. t. p. 47 pp. Doc. 4. 3 ann. rept. of Penn. bd. of agrlc, 1879. n. t. p. 272. 222, 70 (1). 72, 10 pp., pis. Doc. .">. 10 ann. rept. of bd. of public charities, 1879. n. t. p. vi. 439 pp. V. 2. Harrisburg : L. S. Hart, 1880. v. p. docs. 6-8. Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1879-80. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 6. 7 ann. rept. of insurance comr. — fire and marine, 1879. pt. 1. n. t. p. xcvi, 587 pp. Doc. 7. 7 ann. rept. of Insurance comr. — life and accident, 1879. pt. 2. n. t. p. xxivll, 186 pp. Doc. 8. Rept. of bureau of industrial statistics (7 ann.), [secy, of internal affairs (pt. 3)], 1879. n. t. p. 661 pp.. pis., maps. V. 3. Harrisburg; L. S. Hart, 1880. v. p. doc. 9. Binder's title : Legislative Documents. 1879-80. v. 3. Contents : Doc. 9. A.R. secy, of Internal aHalrs — r.r., canal, navigation and telegraph cos., 1879. pt. 4. xc, 1024 pp., map. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CI\' General .Vsscrnbly — cont'd •Ian. 4-June 9. 1881 — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd B Legislative Documents, comprising dept. and other reports. 4 vols. v. 1. Harrisburg: L. P. Hart, 1881. v. p. docs. 1-5. Binder's title: lyCgislative Documents, 1880-81. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Repts. of several banks and savings in- stitutions, 1880. n. t. p. 297 pp. Doc. 2. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1879/ 80. n. t. p. 13 pp. Doc. 3. Ann. rept. of state treasurer on finances, 1879/80. n. t. p. 48 pp. Doc. 4. 4 nnn. rept. of Penn. bd. of ngrlc, 1880. n. t. p. V. p. Doc. 5. 11 ann. rcpt. of bd. of comrs. of public charities. 1880. n. t. p. xix. 434 pp. V. 2. Harrisburg: L. S. Hart, 1881. v. p. docs. 6-17. Binder's title: Legislative Documents. 1880-81. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 6. Bd. of charities: rept. on application for state aid. 1881. n. t. p. 15 pp. Doc. 7. Ann. rept. of Lehigh ("oal and Naviga- tion Co.. 1879. n. t. p. [1] p. Doc. 8. Stmt, of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co. n. t. p. [1] p. Doc. 9. Communication from Republicans of Phila. rel. to passage of laws for protection of puritv of delegate elections, etc. n. t. p. [1] p. Doc. id. Ann. stmt, of Northern Saving Fund, Safe Deposit and Trust Co., 1879. n. t. p. [1] p. Doc. 11. Repts. of Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phila.. 1879 and ISSO. n. t. p. 4 pp. Doc. 12. Repts. of Phila. Saving Fund Socy. for 1879 and 1880. n. t. p. 2, 2 pp. Doc. 13. Rept. on salaries paid officers and em- ployes in institutions, n. t. p. 16 pp. Doc. 14. 8 ann. rept. of Insurance comr., 1880. pt. 1. n. t. p. xciii, 556 pp. Doc. 15. Same. pt. 2. n. t. p. Ix, 214 pp. Doc. 16. Ann. stmt, of Northern Saving Fund, Safe Deposit and Trust Co., 1880. n. t. p. [1] p. .\nn. rept. of Phila. and Reading R.R. t. p. [1] p. L:ine S. Hart, 1881. v. p. doc. 18. Legislative Documents, 1880-81. v. 3. .^nn. rept. of secy, of internal affairs — r.r., canal, navigation and telegraph cos., 1880. pt. 4. n. t. p. cxi, 1046 pp., map. V. 4. Harrisburg; Lane S. Hart. 1881. v. p. docs. 19-31. Binder's title : Legislative Documents. 1880-81. v. 4. Contents ; Doc. 19. Abstr. of receipts and disbursements of Monongahela Navigation Co., 1880/1. n. t. p. 2 pp. Doc. 20. Rept. of state comrs. of fisheries, 1879 and 1880. n. t. p. 151 (2» pp.. pis. Doc. 21. [8 ann.] rept. of bureau of industrial statistics [or Rept. of secy, of internal affairs. pt. 3]. n. t. p. 474 pp.. pis. Doc. 22. Repts. of atty. gen., auditor gen. and state treasurer in reply to res. of House rel. to claims, etc. n. t. p. 62 pp. Doc. 23. Work of bd. of public charities, n. t. p. 4 pp. Doc. 24. Northern and western boundaries, n. t. p. 114 pp. Doc. 25. Kept, of special committee of House [on opinion of atty. gen. rel. to compensation of members of General Assembly), n. t. p. 15 pp. Doc. 26. State Industrial Reformatory: rept. of committee apptd. to investigate conilltlon. n. t. p. 14 pp. Doc. 27. 53 ann. rept. of bd. of managers of House of Refuge, n. t. p. 5 pp. Doc. 28. Rept. of state librarian, 1879 and 1880. n. t. p. 83 pp. Doc. 29. Ann. rept. of Penn. State College, 1880. n. t. p. 132 pp. Doc. 30. General stmt, of Delaware Coal Co., 1880. n. t. p. LU P- Doc. 31. ~ - -- Doc. 17. Co. 3. Harrisburg : Binder's title : Doc. 18. p. [1] - Same. 1881. [1] p. CV General Assembly Regular Session Jan. 2-June 6. 1883 Journal of the Senate. Harrisburg : L. S. Hart, 1883. 1532, 102 pp. Appendix. 102 pp. _ ,.,.., ^ Bills filed In office of secy, of commonwealth hy Gov. with his objections thereto, within 30 days after ad- journment of leglsl. on June 6, 1883. 148 INDEX TO DOCtTMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CV General Assembly — cont'd Resular Session — cont'd Jan. 2-June 6, 1883 — cont'd Journal of the House. Harrlsburg ; L. S. Hart. 1883. 1594 pp. [Documents.] Reports of heads of departments. A Reports of heads of departments. 2 pts. pt. 1. Harrlsburg: I>. S. Hnrt. 1S82. v. p. docs. 1-4. Binder's title : Executive Documents, 1881-82. pt. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Rept. of auditor cen. on finances, 1880/1. n. t. p. 230 pp. Doc. 2. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, showing receipts and expenditures of treasury, 1880/1. n. t. p. 539 pp. Doc. 3. Rept. of adj. gen., 1880/1. n. t. p. 206 pp., map. Doc. 4. Rept. of secy, of internal affairs, 1880/1. pts. 1-2. n. t. p. 62 A, 278 B pp., map. pt. 2. Harrlsburg : L. S. Hart, 1882. v. p. docs. 5-8. Binder's title : E.\ecutive Documents, 1881-82. pt. 2. Contents : Doc. 5. Rept. of supt. of public instruction, 1880/1. n. t. p. iiv, 135 pp. Doc. 7 (sic). Rept. of supt. of public prtg. and binding, 18S0/1. n. t. p. 36 pp. Doc. 6 (sic). Ann. rept. of supt. of .soldiers' orphans. 1880/1. n. t. p. 112 pp.. illus. Doc. 8. Kepts. of inspectors of mines of anthra- cite coal regions of Penn., 1881. n. t. p. 327 pp., diagrs. B Reports of heads of departments. 2 pts. pt. 1. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart. 1883. v. p., docs. 1-5. Binder's title : Executive Documents, 1882-83. pt. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Mess, of Gov. (Hovt), Jan. 2, 1883. n. t. p. 16, 64 pp. Pardons and commutations, 1879-1882. 64 pp. Doe. 2. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances, 1881/2. n. t. p. 244 pp. Doc. 3. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, show- ing receipts and expenditures of treasury, 1881/2. n. t. p. 560 pp. Doc. 4. Rept. of secv. of internal affairs. 1881 '2 pts. 1-2. n. t. p. 70 A. 276 B pp., map. Doc. 5. Rept. of adj. gen., 1881/2. n. t. p. 236 pp. pt. 2. Harrlsburg : L. S. Hart, 1883. v. p. docs. 6-10. Binder's title : Executive Documents, 1882-83, pt. 2. Contents : Doc. 6. Ann. rept. of supt. of Soldiers' Orphans. 1881/2. n. t. p. 80 pp., Illus. Doc. 7. Ann. rept. of supt. of public instruction, 1881/2. n. t. p. ixlv, 439 pp., illus. Doc. 8. Bienn. rept. of atty. gen., 1881/2. n. t. p. 8 pp. Doc. 9. Rept. of supt. of public prtg. and binding, 1881/2. n. t. p. 11 pp. Doc. 10. Repts. of Inspectors of mines of an- thracite coal regions of Penn., 1882. n. t p 321(2) pp., pis. ' I .] l/egislatlve Documents. Legislative Documents, comprising dcpt. and other repts. 4 vols. V. 1. Harrlsburg: I,. S. Hnrt. 1882. v. p. docs. 1-5 Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1881-82. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Repts. of the several banks and savings institutions of Penn., 1881. n. t. p. 329 pp. Doc. 2. Rent, of comrs. of sinking fund, 1880/1. n. t. p. 16 pp. Doc. 3. Ann. rept. of state treasurer of Penn , on llnanci's of state. l.SKO/1. n. t. p. 50 pp. Doc. 4. 5 ann. npt. of Penn. bd. of agrlc, 1881 n. t. p. 308, 152. 99. 69. 20 pp.. pis. Doc. 5. 12 ann. rept. of bd. of comrs. of public charities, 1881. n. t. p. cxxvlll, 316 pp. T. 2. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart, 1882. v. p. docs. 6-7. Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1881-82. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 6. 9 ann. rept. of insurance conir. pt. 1. n. t. p. cxxxlll, 590 pp. Doc. 7. 9 ann. rept. of insurance comr. pt. 2. n. t. p. Ixxll, 3.'!0 pp. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CV General Assembly — cont'd Regular Session — cont'd Jan. 2-June 6, 1883 — cont'd t Documents. ] — cont'd A — cont'd v. 3. Harrlsburg : L. S. Hart, 1882. doc. 8. Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1881-82. v. 3. Contents : Doc. 8. [9 ann.] rept. of bureau of Industrial statistics. (I. e. ann. rept. of secy, of Internal affairs, pt. 3]. n. t. p. v, 642 pp., maps, pis. V. 4. Harrlsburg : L. S. Hart, 1882. doc. 9. Binder's title: Legislative Documents. 1881-82. v. 4. Contents : Doc. 9. Ann. rept. of secy, of internal affairs, 1881. pt. 4. n. t. p. cxvil. 1194 pp., map (at- tached to inside cover). B Legislative Documents, comprising dept. and other repts. 5 vols. v. 1. Harrlsburg : L. S. Hnrt, 1883. v. p. docs. 1-5. Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1882-83. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Repts. of banks and savings institutions, 1882. n. t. p. 319 pp. Doc. 2. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1881/2. n. t. p. 14 pp. Doc. 3. Ann. rept. of state treasurer on finances of state. 1881/2. n. t. p. 51 pp., erratum slip. Doc. 4. 6 ann. rept. of Penn. bd. of agrlc, 1882. n. t. p. 400, 82, 67. 79. 19 pp.. pis. Doc. 5. 13 ann. rept. of bd. of comrs. of public charities. 1882. n. t. p. xxi. 318, 124a pp. V. 2. Harrlsburg : L. S. Hart, 1883. v. p., doc. 6. Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1882-83. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 6. Ann. rept. of secy, of Internal affairs, 1882. pt. 4. n. t. p. cxix, 115, 2 pp.. map liit- tached to inside cover). V. 3. Harrlsburg : L. S. Hart, 1883. v. p. docs. 7-9. Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1882-83. v. 3. Contents : Doc. 7. Rept. of Imreau of Industrial statistics, [secy, of Internal affairs, pt. 3], 1882. n. t. p. 231. 167rt pp.. map, pis. Doc. 8. 10 ann. rept. of insurance comr., 1882. pt. 1. n. t. p. clii, 548 pp. Hoc. 9, Same, pt. 2. iiv. 220 pp. V. 4. Harrlsburg : L. S. Hart, 1883. v. p. docs. 10-17 Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1882-83. v. 4. Contents : Doc. 10. Bd. of public charities : [rept. on appli- cations for state aid), n. t. p. 15 pp. Doc. 11. Rept. of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., 1882. n. t. p. [1] p. Doc. 12. Kept, of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co., 1882. n. t. p. [1] p. Doc. 13. Rept. of comr. on proposed removal of remains of Wm. I'enn from England to Penn. n. t. p. 18 pp. Doc. 14. State of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., 1881. n. t. p. 2 pp. Doc. 14 (sic). Same, 1882. n. t. p. 2 pp. Doc. 15. 36 ann. rept. of auditors of Western Saving B'und Socy. of Phila.. 1882. 2 pp. Doc. 16. Ann. rept. of Penn. State College, 1882. n. t. p. 59 pp. Doc. 17. Rept. of committee of Gen. Assem. apptd. to Investigate charges agst. DIxmont In- sane Asylum, and affairs of Western Peni- tentiary, [1883]. n. t. p. xi, 637 pp., pi. V. 5. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart, 1883, docs. 18-22. Binder's title: Legislative Documents, 1882-83. v. 5. Contents : Doc. 18. Rept. of committee of Gen. Assem. apptd., at request of bd. of trustees, to In- vestigate affairs of Penn. Slate College, under joint res. approved Apr. 28, 1881. n. t. p. 381 pp. Doc. 19. Rept. of state comrs. of fisheries. 1881 and 1882. n. t. p. 194 pp., erratum slip, illus. Doc. 20. Kept, of committee to investigate offldal acts of J. C. Delaney, Senate librn., with testi- mony, n. t. p. 183 pp. Doc. 21. Rept. of joint committee of Senate and House apptd. to investigate departmental forces of the resp. depts. n. t. p. 94 pp. Doc. 22. Kept, of committee of Gen. Assem. apptd. to investigate 2d geoi. survey of Penn. n. t. p. 20 pp. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 149 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CV (JoiiiTiil Assi'iiililj- -cont'd Kxtrn Sosslon June 7-Doc. fl. 1.SS3 Joiininl of llip Small'. IlnnislMirg : Lane S. Hart, 1883. 266 pp. June 7-Nov. 2S Journal of thf IIoiisi'. Ilarrlsburc : Lani' S. Hart. 1884. 241 pp. Iti'inaindiT of spss. (Nov. :iO-DfC. 0) bound with House Jol. for 1885. See below. ('VI General Assembly Jan. f.Juiio 12. 1885 Journal of the Senate. Ilarrlsburg: L. S. Hart, 1885. 12(;n pp. Journal of the House, llarrlshurg: L. S. Hart, 1885. 35, l(i(i4 pp. Extra sews, of 1883, 35 pp. (see above). The extra and regular se.s8lona have separate title pages, Im- print being same. [Documents.] Ueptirts of heads of departments. A Reports of beads of departments. 2 pts. pt. 1. Harrlslnirg: Ij. .S. Hart, 1884. v. p. docs. 14. Binder's title: Executive Documents, 1883-84. pt. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances, 1882/3. n. t. p. 272 pp. Doc. 2. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, showing receipts and expenditures of treasur.v, 1882/3. n. t. p. 503 pp. Doc. 3. Rept. of adj. gen., 1883. n. t. p. 328 pp., map. Doc. 4. Rept. of sec.v. of Internal affairs, 1882/3. pts. 1-2. 122 A, 270 15 pp., map. pt, 2. Harrisburg : L. S. Hart. 1884. v. p. docs. 5-8. Binder's title: Executive Documents, 1883-84. pt. 2. Contents : Doc. 5. Rept. of supt. of public instruction. 1882/3. n. t. p. Ixix, 142 pp. Doc. 6. Ann. rept. of supt. of soldiers' orphans, 1882/3. 78 pp., lllus. Doc. 7, Rept. of supt. of public prtg. and bind- ing, 1882/3. n. t. p. 20 pp. Doc. 8. Repts. of Inspectors of mines, 1883. 289 (2) pp., diagrs. B Repts. of heads of departments. 1 vol. Harrisburg : L. S. Hart, 1885. v. p. docs. 1-10, Binder's title: Executive Documents, 1884-85. Contents : Doc. 1. Mess, of Gov. (Pattison), Jan, 6, 1885. n. t. p. 27 pp. Doc. 2. Ann. rept. of auditor gen., 1883/4. n. t. p. 254 pp. Doc. 3. Ann. rept. of state treasurer on finances of state, 1883/4. n. t. p. 542 pp. Doc. 4. Rept. of secy, of internal affairs, 1883/4. pts. 1-2. n. t. p. 144 A, 277 B pp. Doc. 5. Rept. of adj. gen., 1884. n. t. p. 285 pp. Doc. 6. Ann. rept. of supt. of soldiers* orphans, 1883/4. xi, 74 pp., lllus. Doc. 7. Rept. of supt. of public Instruction, 1883/4. n, t. p. Hi, 428 pp. Doc. 8. Rept. of atty. gen., 1883 and 1884. n. t. p. 8 pp. Doc. 9. Rept. of supt. of public prtg. and binding. 1883/4. 18 pp. Doc. 10. Repts. of inspectors of mines of anthracite coal regions of I'enn., 1884. n. t. p. 283 (!) pp., pis. [ .] Legislative Documents. A Legislative Documents, comprising dept, and other repts. [3 vols.] V. 1. Harrisburg: L. S. Hart, 1884. v. p. docs. 1-5. Binder's title : Legislative Documents, 1883-84. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Repts. of banks and savings Institutions, 1883. 317 pp. Doc. 2. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1882/3. 16 PP, Doc, 3, Ann. rept. of state treasurer, on finances of state, 1882/3. 51 pp. Doc. 4. 7 ann. rept. of bd. of agric. v. p. Doc. 5. 14 ann. rejit. of bd. of comrs. of public charities, 1883, xvi, 500 pp. V. 2. Harrisburg: L. S. Hart, 1884. v. p. docs. 6-7. Binder's title : legislative Documents, 1883-84, v. 2. Contents : Doc. 6. Ann. rept. of secy, of internal affairs, 1883. pt. 4. n. t. p. xxxviil, 462 pp. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd C\'I General .Assembly — cont'd Jan. 6-June 12, 1885 — cont'd [ Documents, ] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 7. Same. pt. 3. n. t. p. xl, 157, 194a pp., map, pis. v. 3. Harrisburg: L. S. Hart. 1884. v. p. . xlvl, 214 pp. Copies were seen In the Penn. State Library and In the l*'ree library of I'hlla, It Legislative Documents, comprising dept. and other reports. "2 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg: L. S. Hart, 1885. v. p., docs. 1-0. Binder's title: I-eglslatlve Documents. 1884-85. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Repts. of banks and savings institutions, 1884. n. t. p. 323 pp. Doc. 2. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1883/4. n. t. p. 16 pp. Doc. 3. Ann. rept. of treasurer on finances of state. Not in vol. seen ; given In index. Doc. 4. Agrlc. of Penn., containing repts. of state bd. of agrlc, st;ite agrlc. socy., etc, 1884. Harrisburg: L. S. Hart, 1885. 282, 172. 100, 75, 20 pp., pis. Doc. 5. 15 ann. rept. of bd. of comrs. of public charities, 1884. n. t. p. xv, 324 pp. 2d rept. of committee on lunacy of bd. of public charities. Harrisburg : L. S. Hart, 1884. 153a pp.. maps, pis. Doc. 6. Ann. rept. of secy, of internal affairs, 1884. pt. 4. n. t. p. xil, 468 pp., map (inside cover). V. 2. Harrisburg : L. S. Hart, 1885. v. p. docs. 7-33. Binder's title : Legislative Documents. 1884-85. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 7, Rept. of bureau of industrial statistics [secv. of internal affairs pt. 3], 1884. n. t. p. X. 188, 242(1 pp., pis. Doc 8. 12 ann. rept. of insurance comr., 1884, n, t. p. pt. 1. xcvil, 542 pp. Doc. 9. Same, pt. 2. Harrisburg: L. S. Hart, 1885. XXX, 192 pp. Doc. 10. Bd. of public charities; rept. on appli- cations for state aid. n. t. p. 29 pp. Doc. 11. Immigration work of bd, of public chari- ties of Penn. n. t. p. 2 pp. Doc. 12. Rept. of state comrs. of fisheries, 1883 and 1884. n. t. p. 81 pp., pis. Doc. 13. Rept. of Penn. State College, 1884, with financial repts. for 1883 and 1884. Harrisburg : L. S. Hart, 1885. .56 pp. Doc. 14. Investigation into condition of J. M. Kirkpatrlck, Judge of Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny Co., with a view to his removal, [with testimony], n. t. p. 143 pp. Doc. 15. Testimony taken In ConnellsvUIe Miners' Hospital Case. n. t. p. 121 pp. Doc 16. Rept. of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven R.R. Co., 1883. n. t. p. [11 p. Doc, 17. Same, 1884. n. t. p. (1) p. Doc. 18. Rept. of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., 1883. n. t. p. [1] p. Doc. 19. Same, 1884. n. t. p. [1] p. Doc 20. Rept. of Delaware Coal Co., 1884. n. t. p. [1] p. Doc. 21. Rept. of Northern Saving Kund, Safe Deposit and Trust Co., 1884. n. t. p. [1] p. Doc. 22. 15 ann. rept. of directors of city trusts, 1884. n. t. p. 10 pp. Doe. 23. State of Phila. Saving Fund Socy., 1883. n. t. p. 2 pp. Doc. 24. Same, 18S4. n. t. p. 2 pp. Doc. 25. Rept. of Western Saving Fund Socy. ot I'hlla., 1884. n. t. p. [11 p. Doc. 26. Rept. of state librarian, 1883 and 1884. n, t. p. 98 pp. Doc. 27. Journal of Electoral College of Penn., 1884. n. t. p. 12 pp. Doc. 28. .Abstr. of accts. of Perklomen and Sum- nevtown Turnpike Road Co., 1881/4. n. t. p. m p. Doc. 29. Investigation of certain charges agst. mngmt. of I'enn. Working Home for Blind Men. n. t. p. 93 pp. Doc. 30. 56 and 57 semi-ann. repts. of Dollar Savings Bank. Pittsburgh. 1883. n. t. p. 9 pp. Doc. 31. 58 and 59, same, 1884, n. t. p. 9 pp. 150 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CVI General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 6-June 12, 1885 — cont'd [ Documents. ] ^cont'd Contents ; — cont'd Doc. 33 [i. e. 32]. 37 ann. rept. of auditors of Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phlla.. 1883. n. t. p. 2 pp. Doc. 33. Same. 1884. n. t. p. 2 pp. CVII General Assembly Jan. 4-May 19, 1887 Journal of the Senate. Harrlsburg : E. K. Meyers, 1887. 1427 pp. Journal of the House. Harrisburg: E. K. Me.vers, 1887. 1795 pp. [Documents.] Repts. of heads of departments. 1 vol. Harrlsburg: Edwin K. Mevers. 18S6. v. p. (iocs. 1-8. Binder's title : Executive Documents, 1885-86. Contents : Doc. 1. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances, 1884/5. n. t. p. 282 pp. Doc. 2. Rept. of adj. gen., 1885. n. t. p. 300 pp. Doc. 3. Ann. rept. of state treasurer, 1884/5. n. t. p. 576 pp. Doc. 4. Rept. of secy, of internal affairs, 1884/5. pts. 1-2. n. t. p. 101 A, 286 B pp., map. Doc. 5. Rept. of supt. of public instruction, 1884/5. n. t. p. xlvli, 151 pp. Doc. 6. Ann. rept. of supt. of Soldiers' Orphans. 1884/5. n. t. p. vi, 69 pp., illus. Doc. 7. Rept. of supt. of public prtg. and binding, 1884/5. n. t. p. 23 pp. Doc. 8. [1st ann.] rept. of state bd. of health, 1885. n. t. p. ill, 361 pp., maps. pis. [ .] Legislative Documents, comprising dept. and other repts. 2 vols. v. 1. Harrlsburg : E. K. Meyers, 1886. v. p. docs. 1-5. Binder's title: Legisl. does., 1885-86. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Repts. of banks and savings institutions, 1885. n. t. p. 325 pp. Doc. 2. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1884/5. n. t. p. 15 pp. Doc. 3. Ann. rept. of secy, of internal affairs, 1885. pt. 4. n. t. p. X. 482 pp. Doc. 4. 9 ann. rept. bd. of agric. n. t. p. v. p. Doc. 5. 16 ann. rept. of bd. of comrs. of public charities, n. t. p. v. p. T. 2. Harrlsburg : Edwin K. Meyers, 1886. v. p. docs. 6-9. Binder's title : Legislative docs., 1885-86. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 6. Rept. of bureau of statistics [secy, of Internal affairs, pt. 3], 1886. n. t. p. v. p. Doc. 7. Special rept. on Nanticoke Mine disaster, Dec. 18, 1885. n. t. p. 28 pp. Doc. 8. 13 ann. rept. of insurance comr.. 1885. pt. 1. n. t. p. xclx, 492 pp. Doc. 9., pt. 2. n. t. p. xsxii, 216 pp. Copies of the Legisl. Docs. (v. 1-2) were seen In the Penn. State Library and in the Free Library of Phila. [ .] Official Documents, comprising, dept. and other repts. 5 vols. V. 1. Harrlsburg : E. K. Meyers, 1887. v. p. Ex. docs. 1, 2, 3, Legisl. docs. 2. 1, 9, Binder's title : Official Documents, 1886-87. v. 1. Contents : Ex. doc. 1. Mess, of Gov., Jan. 4, 1887. n. t. p. 24, 26 pp. Pardons and commutations. 26 pp. Ex. doc. 2. Rent, of auditor gen. on finances, 1885/6. n. t. p. Ivl, 276 pp. Ex. doc. 3. Ann. rept. of state treasurer on finances, 1885/6. n. t. p. 49 pp. Ex. doc. 3 (sic). Detailed rept. of state treasurer, showing receipts and expenditures of treasury, 1885/6. n. t. p. 578 pp. Legisl. doc. 2. Repts. of banks and savings Institutions, 1888. n. t. p. 525 pp. Legisl. doc. 1. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1885/6. n. t. p. 13 pp. Legisl. doc. 8. Rept. of atty. gen., 1885 and 1886. n. t. p. 6 pp. V. 2. Harrlsburg: B. K. Mevers, 1887. v. p. Legisl. doc. 3. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1886-87. v. 2. Contents : Legisl. doc. 3. Ann. rept. of secy, of Internal affairs, 1886. pt. 4. n. t. p. 1347, 148o pp. V. 3. Harrlsburg : E. K. Meyers, 1887. v. p, Ex. doc. 4, Legisl. docs. 4, 6, 9. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1888-87, v. 3. Contents : Ex. doc. 4. Rept. of secy, of internal affairs, 1885/6. pts. 1-2. n. t. p. 120 A, 304 B pp., map. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CVII General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 4-May 19, 1887 — cont'd [ Documents.] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Legisl. doc. '". Rept. of bureau of industrial statistics [1. e. rept. of secy, of internal affairs, pt. 3], 1885/6. n. t. p. 60, 208a, 2226 pp., pis. The nine maps In a folder seen in the Penn. State Library, with binder's title, *' Maps belonging to Offlcinl Documents, 1886-87," apparently be- long to the report of the secretary of Internal affairs, pt. 3. though they do not accompany the departmental edition of that report. The con- tents of the folder are as follows : Shaft No. 2 plant. Standard Mines, H. C. Frick Coke Co., Mt. Pleasant, Penn. Scale : 1" = 1'. Size: 42"X23". Map of the Eastern end of Ebervale and west- ern end of Jeddo collieries, showing barrier pillar. Scale: 1"=1'. Size: 23«,"X16". Plan of bottom at Standard Mines, Shaft No. 2 ; H. C. Frick Coke Co.. Mt. Pleasant. Size: 23^^"X18". Section of the Conyngham shaft workings, showing the scene of the explosion Nov. 26, 1886 : for G. M. Williams' rept. Size : 23i^"Xl8". Sketch showing relative position of North Mahanoy Colliery, north seven foot slope workings and abandoned workings of West Lehigh Colliery in Skidmore Vein. Scale : 1"=100'. Wm. Stein, mine Inspector, 5th distr. Size : 21" X 22". Marvine Mines. Scale : 100' to 1". Size : 16%"X36". Shaft No. 2 plant. Standard Mines. H. C. Frick Coke Co., Mt. Pleasant, Penn. Scale ; 3/16" = 1'. Size: 43%"X23%". Car shifting and caging machinery. Standard mines. Shaft, No. 2 ; H. C. Frick Coal Co. Scale: >4" = 1'. Size: 22"X26". Roethrock Colliery, property of R. B. Wlgton & Sons. Scale: 1" = 100'. Size: 24%" X 42". Cross section through boundary pillar betw. Yorktown and Trescow collieries. Scale : 100' = 1". Size: 33"X13". Legisl. doc. 6. 17 ann. rept. of bd. of comrs. of public charities, 1886. n. t. p. ccxx, 208 pp. Legisl. doc. 9. Rept. on applications for state aid. n. t. p. 29, 182o pp., illus. Legisl. doc. 6. 4 ann. rept. state committee on lunacy, 1885/6. n. p., n. d. 182a pp., pis. v. 4. Harrlsburg : E. K. Meyers, 1887. v. p. Ex. docs. 5-6. Legisl. docs. 5. 10, 11. Binder's title : Official Documents. 1886-87. v. 4. Contents : Ex. doc. 5. Rept. of supt. of public instruction. 1885/6. n. t. p. nil, 448 pp. Ex. doc. 6. Ann. rept. of supt. of Soldiers' Orphans. 1885/6. n. t. p. ill, 120 pp., illus. Legisl. doc. 5. 10 ann. rept. of bd. of agric, etc.. 1886. n. t. p. 326, 172, 80, 50 (1), 20 pp.. pis. Legisl. doc. 10. Kept, of state llbrn.. 1885/6. n. t. p. 102 pp. Legisl. doc. 11. Rept. of state comrs. of fisheries. 1885 and 1886. n. t. p. 125 (2) pp., pis. V. 5. Harrlsburg: E. K. Meyers, 1887. v. p. Legisl. docs. 7-8. 12-15. Ex. docs. 7-8. Binder's title : Official Documents. 1886-87. v. 5. Contents : Legisl. doc. 7. 14 ann. rept. of Insurance comr.. 1886. pt. 1. n. t. p. ci, 555 pp. Legisl. doc. 8. Same, pt. 2. n. t. p. xxxill, 264 pp. Ex. doc. 7. Rept. of adj. gen.. 1886. n. t. p. 350 pp. Ex. doc. 8. Rept. of supt. of public prtg. and binding. 1885/6. n. t. p. 23 pp. Legisl. doc. 12. Minutes and testimony taken by Joint committee of legisl. to Investigate charges agst. prin- cipal of State Normal School at Edlnboro'. n. t. p. 102 pp. Ijegisl. doc. 13. Rept. of committee to investigate alleged collections of money to Influence action of House on bank examiner bill. n. t. p. 45 pp. Legisl. doc. 14. Boundary line; rept. of comrs. n. t. p. 8 pp. Legisl. doc. 15. Rept. of committee apptd. to Investi- gate charges of fraud In relation to changing title 238. known as elevated road bill. n. t. p. 15 pp. CVIII General Assembly Jan. 1-May 9, 1889 Journal of the Senate. Harrlsburg; E. K. Meyers, 1889. 1343 pp. Journal of the House. Harrlsburg : E. K. Meyers, 1889. 1881 pp. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 151 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CVIII General Assembly — eonfil Jan. l-May 9. 1889 — cont'd [Documents.] A Official Documents, comprising dept. and other repts. 6 vols. T. 1. Hiirrl.sburg : E. K. Meyers, 1888. v. p. docs. 4. 3. It. in. Binder's title: Official Documents, 1887-88. t. 1. Contents : Doc. 4. Kept, of auditor gen. on finances, 1886/7. n. t. p. .'!14 pp. Doc. 3. Ann. rept. of state treasurer on finances. 1886/7. n. t. p. TM pp. Doc. 3 (sic). Detailed rept. of state treasurer, showing receipts and expenditures of treasury. 1886 '7. n. t. p. til'.'') pp. Doc. 14. Uepts. of banks and savings institu- tions. 1887. n. t. p. 315 pp. Doc. 10. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1886/7. n. t. p. 13 pp. T. 2. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1888. v. p. docs. 1, 8. 2, 5. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1887-88. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 1. Rept. of supt. of public instruction. 1886/7. n. t. p. nil. 194, 198 pp. Doc. 8. Ann. rept. of supt. of Soldiers' Orphans. 1886/7. n. t. p. 132 pp.. illus. Doc. 2. n ann. rept. of state bd. of agric, 1887. n. t. p. 396, 113, 79. 32, 16, 8 pp., pis. Doc. 5. Rept. of supt. of public prtg. and bind- ing. 1886 '7. n. t. p. 30 pp. V. 3. Harrisburg : E. K. Mevers. 18S8. v. p. docs. 9, 6, 7. Binder's title: Official Documents, 1887-88. v. 3. Contents : Doc. 9. Rept. of secv. of Internal affairs, 1886/7. pts. 1-2. n. t. p. 19.5 A, 248 B pp., map. Doc. 6. 18 nnn. rept. of bd. of comrs. of public charities, 1887. n. t. p. ccvli. 201, 210 pp., pis. Doc. 7. Rept. of adj. gen., 1887. n. t. p. 227. 159 pp. v. 4. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1888. v. p. doc. 15. Binder's title : Documents, 1887-88. v. 4. Contents : Doc. 15. Ann. rept. of secv. of Internal affairs. 1887. pt. 4. n. t. p. 1412. 154a pp. v. 5. Harrisburg: E. K. Mevers, 1888. v. p. docs. 11-12. Binder's title: OHiclal Documents. 1887-88. v. 5. Contents : Doc. 11. 15 ann. rept. of Insurance comr., 1887. pts. 1-2. n. t. p. civ. 581 ; xlii. 280 pp. Doc. 12. 15 rept. of bereau of statistics [1. e. ann. rept. secv. of internal affairs, pt. 3]. 1886/7. n. t. p. V. p. V. 6. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers. 1888. v. p. docs. 9 and unnum. Binder's title : Official Documents. 1887-88. v. 6. Contents : Ex. doc. 9. Rept. of state bd. of health, 1885/6. n. t. p. vi, 1056 pp., erratum slip, dlagrs. unnum. doc. Rept. of Penn. State College, 1887. pts. 1-2. Harrisburg : Edwin K. Meyers, 1888. 108. 226 pp., Illus., foldg. leaf. B Official Documents, comprising dept. and other repts. 6 vols.* T. 1. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1889. v. p. docs. 6, 16, 1, 11. Binder's title : Official Docs., 1888-89. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 6. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances, 1887/8. n. t. p. iv, 320 pp. Doc. 16. Repts. of banks and savings institu- tions, 1888. n. t. p. 329 pp. {Ann. rept. of state treasurer on finances, 1887/8. n. t. p. 49 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, showing receipts and expenditures of treasury, 1887/8. n. t. p. 649 pp. Doc. 11. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund. 1887/8. n. t. p. 13 pp. T. 2. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers. 1889. Binder's title : Official Docs., 1888-89. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 3. Rept. of supt. of public instruction, 1887/8. n. t. p. v. p. Doc. 4. Ann. rept. of supt. of Soldiers' Orphans, 1887/8. n. t. p. 124 pp., pis. Doc. 2. 12 ann. rept. of Penn. state bd. of agrlc, 1888. n. t. p. V. p. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CVlil *;eneral Assembly — cont'd Jan. l-May 9. 1889 — cont'd [ Documents. ] — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 13. Rept. of state librarian, 1887/8. n. t. p. Ill pp. Doc. 9. Rept. of atty. gen., 1888. n. t. p. xxlll. IOC pp. V. 3. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1889. Binder's title : Official docs., 1888-89. v. 3. I ontents : Doc. 5. Rept. of secy, of Internal affairs, 1887/8. pts. 1-2. n. t. I). V. p. Doc. 12. 19 ann. rept. of bd. of comrs. of public charities, 1888. n. t. p. v. p. Doc. 8. Rept. of adj. gen., 1888. n. t. p. a 299, 200 pp. V. 4. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1889. Binder's title: Official docs., 1888-89. v. 4. Contents : Doc. 20. Rept. of secy, of Internal affairs, 1888, pt. 4. n. t. p. 1465, 159a pp. V. 5. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1889. Binder's title : Official docs., 1888-89. v. 5. Contents : Doc. 15. 16 ann. rept. of insurance comr., 1888. pt. 1. n. t. p. cvl, 655 pp. Doc. 19. Same, pt. 2. n. t. p. xlll. 324 pp. Doc. 14. Kept, of secy, of internal affairs, 1887/ 8. pt. 3. n. t. p. V. p. v. 6. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1889. v. p. docs. 10, 7. 22, 17. 21. Binder's title : Official Docs.. 1888-89. v. 6. Contents : Doc. 10. Govs, mess., Jan. 1, 1889. n. t. p. 53 pp. Doc. 7. Rept. of supt. of public prtg. and bind- ing. 1887/8. n. t. p. 25 pp. Doc. 22. Same, 18S8/9. n. t. p. 30 pp. Doc. 17. 3 ann. rept. of state bd. of health, 1886/7. n. t. p. ill. 338 pp., pis. Doc. 17 (sic). Rept. of Penn. State College, 1888. n. t. p. 150. 242 pp.. pis. Doc. 21. Rept. of Inspectors of mines. 1888. n. t. p. 434 pp. CIX General Assembly Regular Session Jan. 6-May 28, 1891 Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1891. 1822 pp. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1891. 2148 pp. Journal of the Senate Journal of the House, f Documents. ] Official Documents, comprising dept. and other repts. 6 vols. T. 1. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1891. v. p. docs. 6-7, 1, 17. Binder's title: Official Documents, 1889. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 6. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances, 1888/9. n. t. p. 335 pp. Doc. 7. Repts. of banks and savings institutions, 1889. n. t. p. 327 pp. Doc. 1. Ann. rept. of state treasurer on finances, 1888/9. n. t. p. 54 pp. Doc. 1 (sic). Detailed rept. of state treasurer, showing receipts and expenditures of treasury, 1888/9. n. t. p. 688 pp. Doc. 17. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1888/9. Harrisburg: Edwin K. Meyers, 1889. 14 pp. V. 2. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers. 1891. v. p. docs. 4, 3, 2, 18, 21. Binder's title : Official Documents. 1889. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 4. Rept. of supt. of public instruction, 1888/0. n. t. p. xliil. 178, 200a pp. Doc 3. Ann. rept. of supt. of soldiers' orphans. 1888/9. n. t. p. 98 pp.. illus. Doc. 2. 13 ann. rept. of Penn. state bd. of agrlc, 1889. n. t. p. 464. 44 (1), 57 (3), 62 (2), 20 pp., pis. Doc. 18. .4nn. rept. of state librarian, 1888/9. Harrisburg : Edwin K. Meyers, 1890. vil, 195 pp. Doc. 21. App. to rept. [&] rept. of atty. gen.. 1889/90. cxi, 32 pp. V. 3. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1891. v. p. docs. 5, 14. 8. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1889. v. 3. • Copies were seen in the Penn. State Library and "in the Free Library of Phlia. 152 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CIX General Assembly — cont'd Regular Session — cont'd Jan. 6-May 28. 1891— cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd A — cont'd Contents : Doc. 5. Rept. of secv. of internal alTairs, 1888/9. pts. 1-2. n. t. p. 223 A. 319 B pp., maps. Doc. 14. 20 ann. rept. of bd. of conirs. of public charities, 1889. n. t. p. xl, 388 pp. 7 rept. of state committee on lunacy. Sept. 30. 1889. Harrisburg : Edwin K. Meyers, 1890. 202 pp.. maps. Doc. 8. Rept. of adj. gen., 1889. n. t. p. vil, 89, 131o, 133-143 pp. T. 4. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers. 1891. v. p. doc. 11. Binder's title : OfBclal Documents, 1880, v. 4. Contents : Doc. 11. Ann. rept. of secy, of internal affairs, 1889/90. pt. 4. n. t. p. xvil, 879 pp. T. 5. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1891. v. p. docs. 5, 8, 10, 12, 15. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1889. v. 5. Contents : Doc. 8. 17 ann. rept. of Insurance comr., 1889. ciil, 687 pp. Doc. 10. Same. pt. 2. Iv, 336 pp. Doc. 12. Rept. of bureau of labor statistics, [1 e. rept. secy, of Internal affairs, pt. 3] 1888/9. n. t. p. V. p. Doc. 15. Rept. of state comrs. of fisberles, 1887/ 8. n. t. p. 98 pp. T. 6. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1891. v. p. docs. 6, 5. 18, 21. 13. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1889. v. 6. Contents : Doc. 6. Govs, mess., .Tan. 6, 1891. 47 pp. Doc. 5. Ann. rept. of supt. of public prtg. and binding, 18.89/90. 24 pp. Doc. 18. Rept. of state bd. of health. 1887/8. V, 1200 pp. Doc. 21. Ann. rept. of Penn. State College, 1889. pts. 1-2. pt. 1. Departments of instruction. Harris- burg : E. K. Meyers, 1890. 57 pp., pis. pt. 2. Agric. Exper. Station. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1890. 282 pp., pis. Doc. 13. Repts. of inspectors of mines, 1889. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1890. 463 pp.. maps. B Official Documents, comprising dept. and other repts. 6 vols. V. 1. Harrisburg. E. K. Meyers, 1892. v. p. docs 1, 19, 7. 8. Binder's title: OfBclal Documents, 1890. v. ]. Contents : Doc. 1. Ann. rept. of state treasurer on finances. 1889/90. n. t. p. 56 pp. Doc. 1 (sic). Detailed rept. of state treasurer, showing receipts and expenditures of treasury, 1889/90. n. t. p. 652 (1) pp. Doc. 19. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1889/ 90. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1891. 14 pp. Doc. 7. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances, 1889/ 90. n. t. p. ill, 295 pp. Doc, K. Repts. of banks and savings institutions, 1890. n. t. p. 353 pp. V. 2. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1892. v. p. docs. 2, ' Bi'nder'B title : Official Documents, 1800. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 2. Rept. of supt. of public instruction, 1889/90. n. t. p. xlv. 376 pp. Doc. 4. 14th ann. rept. of st'ite bd. of agric, 1890. n. t. p. 3K1. 48. 78, 67 (3), 20 pp., pis. Doc. 12. Rept, of adj, gen., 1890. n. t. p. 230 pp. V. 3. Harrisburg: K. K. Meyers, 1892. v. p. docs. 9, 10, 15. 3. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1800, v. 3. Contents : Doc. 9. Rept. of secy, of Internal affairs, 1889/ 90. pts. 12. n. t. |). 237 A, 285 B pp.. map". Doc. 10. 18 ann. rept. bureau of labor statistiis (1. e. rept. secy, of luternal affaire, pt. 31, 1880/90. v. p. Doc. 15. Repts. of Inspectors of mines of anthra- cite and bituminous coal regions of Penn., 1890. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1891. 491 pp., inai)s. Doc. 3. Ann. rept. of comn. of Soldiers' Orphan Schools, 1890. Harrisburg ; E. K. Meyers, 1890. 94 pp. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CIX General .Vssembly — cont'd Regular Session — cont'd Jan. 6-May 28. 1891 — cont'd [ Documents. ] — cont'd B — cont'd Contents : — cont'd v. 4. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1892. v. p. docs. 4, 13, 14. 16, 18. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1800. v. 4. Contents : Doc. 13. 18 ann. rept. of insurance comr., 1890. pt. 1. n. t. p. ex. 717 pp. Doc. 14. Same. pt. 2. n. t. p. xlv. 376 pp. Doc. 16, 21 ann, rept, of bd, of comrs, of public charities, 1890. n. t. p. xll. 418 pp. 8 rept. of committee on lunacy of bd. of charities of Penn., Sept. 30, 1890. Harris- burg : K. K. Meyers, 1890. 163 pp. Doc. 18. Rept. of state bd. of health, 1888/9. n. t. p. 734 pp., 2 foldg. 11. V. 5. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers. 1892. v. p. docs. 22, 20. Binder's title : Official Documents. 1890. v. 5. Contents : Doc. 22. Rept. of Penn. State College, 1890, pts, 1-2. pt. 1. Departments of Instruction. Harris- burg: E. Iv. Meyers, 1891. 66 pp., pis. pt, 2. Agric. Exper. Station. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1891. 270 pp„ pis. Doc, 20, Rept. of state librarian,, 1889/90. Har- risburg : E. K. Meyers. 1891. Ix. 135 pp. Extra Session Oct. 13-Nov. 11, 1891 Journal of the Senate. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1891. 734 pp. A special session of the Senate only ; the House did not meet. CX General Assembly Jan. 3-June 1. 1893 Journal of the Senate. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1893. Journal of the House. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1893. [Documents.] A Official Documents, comprising dept. and other repts V. 1. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers. 1892. v. p. 29, 8, 5. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1891. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 23. Inaugural address of R. E. Pattlson, Jan. 20, 1891. n. t. p, 8 pp. Doc. 20. Rept. of bd. of pardons, n. t. p. 186 pp. Doc. 8. Rept. of adj. gen., 1801. n. t. p. 203 pp. Doc. 5. Rept. of supt. of public instruction, n, t, p. xlix. 400 pp. V. 2. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1S92. v. p. docs. 1, 3, 2. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1891. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 1. A.R. of state treasurer, on finances, 1890/1. n. t. p. 61 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, showing receipts and disbursements of treasury, 1890/1. h. t. p. 765 pp. Doc. 3. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances, 1890/ 1. n. t. p. v, 357 pp. Doc. 2. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1890/1. n. t. p. 14 pp. V. 3, Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1892. v. p. docs. 4, 22, 26. 20. 27. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1891. v. 3. Contents : Doc. 4. Repts. of banks and savings institutions, 1891. u. t, p. 351 pp. Doc, 22, Procs. of Jt, committee . . . apptd. to Investigate cause ot recent failures of all in- corporated state and private banks. Harris- burg: E. K. Meyers. 1891, 208 pp. Doc. 26. Rept. of comn. apptd. to prepare a revenue law. n. t, p, 173 pp. Doc. 20. A.R. of state lllirarian, 1890/1. n. t. p. vil. 99. 24 A pp. Check-list of Penn. countv. town and town- ship histories. 1794-1892. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1892. 24 A pp. Doe. 27. Rept. of Lake Erie anil Ohio River Ship Canal Comn. n. t. p. 143 pp. v. 4, Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers. 1892. v, p. docs, 9, 10. Binder's title: Official Documents, 1801. v. 4. Contents : Doc. 9. Rept. of secy, of Internal afTalrs. 1890/1. pts. 1-2. n. t. p. 217 A, 315 B pp., maps. 1848 pp. 2327 pp. 10 vols, docs. 23, INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 153 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CX Ccncrnl Assembly — cont'd .Tun. S-.Iinio 1. lS!):i — cont'd [ Documents. 1 — cont'd A — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 10. 19 ann. rept. of biire.nti of Indiistrlnl statistics [i. e. rept. of secv. of Interna! affairs, pt. ;i], isnn 1, n. t. p. v. p. V. 5. Ilarristntrc : K. K. Mevprs, lSit2. (Inc. 11. Binder's title: Official Documents. I,'S9 pp. Doc. 14. Same. pt. 2. n. t. p. xxxv. 398 pp. v. 8. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1892. v. p. docs. 15, 25. 30. Binder's title : Official Documents. 1891. v. 8. Contents : Doc. 15. 22 A.R. of bd. of public charities, 1891. n. t. p. xil. 396 pp. 9 rept. of committee on lunacy of bd. of public charities. Sept. 30, 1891. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1891. 234 pp., maps. pis. Doc. 25. Rept. of special committee on charities and corrections, n. t. p. 64 pp. Doc. 30. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to revise and codify laws rel. to relief, care and maintenance of poor in I'enn. n. t. p. .307 pp. V. 9. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1892. doc. 16. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1891. v. 9. Contents : Doc. 16. Rept. of state bd. of health and vital statistics, 1891. n. t. p. x, 1045 pp. V. 10. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1892. v. p. docs. 7, 19, 17. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1891. v. 10. Contents ; Doc. 7. 15 A.R. bd. agric, 1891. n. t. p. v. p. Doc. 19. Rept. of state comrs. of fisheries, 1888/ 91. n. t. p. 158, vll. 188 pp.. pis. Doc. 17. Rept. of Penn. State College, 1891. [pt. 1]. n. t. p. 69 pp., pis. pt. 2. Harris- burg : E. K. Meyers, 1892. 276 pp. B Official Documents, comprising dept. and other repts. 9 vols. v. 1. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1893. v. p. docs. 1, 21, 2. Brnder's title : Official Documents, 1892. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Govs, blenn. mess., Jan. 3, 1893. n. t. p. 51 pp. Doc. 21. Rept. of atty. gen., 1891/2. n. t. p. xxxvii. 177 pp. {Ann. rept. of state treasurer on finances 1891/2. n. t. p. 53 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, show- ing receipts and expenditures of treas- ury, 1891/2. h. t. p. 796 (1) pp. V. 2. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers. 1893. v. p. docs. 4-5. 3. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1.S92. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 4. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances, 1891/2. n. t. p. Iv. 323 pp. Doc. 5. 1 ann. rept. of supt. of banking. 1891/2. n. t. p. 601 pp. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CX (ieneral .\sst'ml)Iy — cont'd .Tan. 3June 1. 1893 — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd B — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 3. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1891/2. n. t. p. 13 pp. v. 3. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers. 1893. v. p. docs. 9-10. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1892. v. 3. Contents : Doc. 9. Rept. of secy, of internal affairs, 1891/2. pts. 1-2. n. t. p. 227 A. 333 B pp.. maps. Doc. 10. 20 ann. rept. of bureau of Industrlnl statistics [i. e. rept. of secy, of internal affairs, pt. 3j. 1891/2. n. t. p. v. p. V. 4. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1893. v. p. doc. 11. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1892. v. 4. Contents : Doc. 11. Rept. of secy, of internal affairs, 1891/2. pt. 4. n. t. p. Ivi, son pp.. illus. T. 5. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers. 189,"!. v. p. docs. 12. 8. 22. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1892. v. 5. Contents ; Doc. 12. Repts. of inspectors of mines, 1892. n. t. p. xlv. 476 pp.. pis. Doc. 8. Rept. of adj. gen., 1891/2. n. t. p. x. 325 pp., map. Doc, 22. Ann. rept. of comn. of Soldiers' Orphan Schools. 1891/2. n. t. p. 76 pp.. illus. V. 0. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1893. v. p. docs. 6, 20. 17. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1892. v. 6. Contents : Doc. 6. Rept. of supt. of public Instruction, 1891/2. n. t. p. Ivli, 433 pp. Doc. 20. Rept. of state librarian, 1891/2. n. t. p. vll, 117 pp. Doc. 17. Rept. of Penn. State College, 1892. pts. 1-2. pt. 1. [Departments of Instruction, 1892.] n. t. p. 81 pp. pt. 2. Agric. Exper. Station. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers. 1893. 231 pp. V. 7. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers. 1893. v. p. docs. 13-14. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1892. v. 7. Contents : Doc. 13. 20 ann. rept. of Insurance comr., 1892. pt. 1. n. t. p. c, 741 pp. Doc. 14. Same. pt. 2. n. t. p. xliv, 431 pp. V. 8. Harrisburg : E. K. Alevers. 1893. v. p. docs. 7, 15. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1892. v. 8. Contents : Doc. 7. 16 ann. rept. of Penn. state bd. of agrlc, 1892. v. p. Doc. 15. 23 rept. of bd. of comrs. of public chari- ties. 1892. n. t. p. xil. 437 pp. 10 ann. rept. of committee on lunacy of bd. of public charities. Sept. 30, 1892. Harris- burg, E. K. Meyers, 1892. 200 pp., maps, pis. v. 9. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers. 1893. v. p. docs. 16, 18. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1892. v. 9. Contents : Doc. 16. Rept. of state bd. of health and vital statistics. 1892. n. t. p. Ix. 785 pp. Doc. 18. Ann. rept. of supt. of public prtg. and binding. 1891/2. n. t. p. 30 pp. CXI General Assembly Jan. 1-June 8, 1895 Journal of the Senate, n. p., C. M. Busch, 1896. 2328 pp. Journal of the House, n. p., C. M. Busch. 1895. 2 pts. pt. 1. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1895. 1696 pp. pt. 2. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1895. pp. 1697-3424. [Documents.] A Official Documents, comprising dept. and other repts. 8 vols, v. 1. n. p.. C. M. Busch, 1894. v. p. docs. 2, 4, 3. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1893. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 2. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances, 1892/3. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1S94. 11. 391 pp. Doc 4. 2 A.U. of supt. of banking, 1892/3. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1894. 655 pp. Doc. 3. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1892/3. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1894. 13 pp. 154 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA V. 2. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CXI General Assembly — cont'd Jan. l-June 8. 1895 — cont'd [ Documents. ] — cont'd A — cont'd p.. C. M. Busch. 1S94. v. p. Binder's title : docs. 14-15. Official Documents. 1893. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 14. 21 A.R. of insurance comr., 1893. pt. 1. n. p.. C. M. Busch, 1894. xciii, 733 pp. Doc. 15. Same. pt. 2. n. p., C. M. Buscb, 1894. xxxvii. 477 pp. V. 3. n. p.. C. M. Busch. 1894. v. p. docs. 1, 11. Binder's title ; Official Documents, 1893. v. 3. Contents : Doc. 1. A.R. of state treasurer, on finances. 1892/3. n. p.. C. M. Busch. 1894. 52 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, showing re- ceipts and expenditures of treasury, 1892/3. h. t. p. 1015 pp. Doc. 11. Rept. of adj. gen.. 1892/3. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1S94. 374 pp., map. V. 4. n. p.. C. M. Busch, 1894. v. p. docs. 5, 16, 19, 12. Binder's title ; Official Documents, 1893. v. 4. Contents : Doc. 5. Rept. of supt. of public instruction, 1892/3. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1893. Ixy, 430 pp. Doc. 16. A.R. of comr. of Soldiers' Orphan Schools. 1892/3. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1893. 80 pp.. illus. Doc. 19. A.R. of Penn. State College. 1893. pts. 1-2. pt. 1. Depts. of instruction. 1893. n. p.. C. M. Busch. 1894. 138 pp.. illus. pt. 2. Agric. Eiper. Station, 1893. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1894. 251 pp. Doc. 12. Rept. of state librarian, 1893. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1894. ix, 216 pp., pis. T. 5. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1894. v. p. docs. 6. 9. Binder's title : Offlclal Documents. 1893. v. 5. Contents : Doc. 6. 17 A.R. of bd. of agric, 1893. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1893. v. p. Doc. 9. A.R. of secy, of internal affairs. 1892/3. pt. 4. n. p.. C. M. Busch. 1894. 11, 693 pp. T. 6. n. p.. C. M. Busch. 1894. v. p. docs. 7, 10. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1893. t. 6. Contents : Doc. 7. Rept. of secy, of internal affairs, 1892/3. pts. 1-2. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1894. 429 A, 345 B pp., maps. Doc. 10. Repts. of inspectors of coal mines, 1893. n. p.. C. M. Busch. 1894. xlHi. 532 pp. V. 7. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1894. v. p. docs. 8, 22, 13. Binder's title : Offlclal Documents, 1893. v. 7. Contents : Doc. 8. A.R. of secy, of Internal affairs, 1892/3. pt. 3. Industrial statistics, n. p.. C. M. Busch, 1894. V. p. Doc. 22. 4 A.R. of factory inspector, 1893. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1894. 326 pp. Doc. 13. Rept. of supt. of public prtg. and bind- ing, 1892/3. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1894. 42 pp. V. 8. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1894. v. p. docs. 17, 18. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1893. v. 8. Contents : Doc. 17. 24 A.R. of bd. of comrs. of public charities, 1893. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1894. xl, 349 pp. 11 rept. of lunacy committee of bd. of public charities. Sept. 30. 1893. n. p.. C. M. Busch. 1894. 170 pp., maps. Doc. 18. 9 A.R. of state bd. of health and vital statistics, 1892/3. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1894. XTl, 833 pp., dlagrs. B Offlclal Documents, comprising dept. and other repts. 10 vols. V. 1. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1894. v. p. docs. 1. 12. 6. 17. 14. Binder's title : Offlclal Documents, 1894. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Govs, blenn. mesa., Jan. 1, 1895. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1895. 39 pp. Doc. 12. Rept. of adi. gen., 1894. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1895. ex. 206 pp., map. Doc. 6. Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. 1893/4. n. p., C. M. Buach, 1894. Ixlx. 545 pp. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CXI (ieneral Assembly — cont'd Jan. 1-June 8. lS9o — cont'd [ Documents. ] — cont'd B — cont'd L\yx^ti-'uis : — cont'd Doc. 17. A.R. of Penn. comm. of Soldier's Orphan Schools, 1893/4. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1894. 63 (2) pp.. illus. Doc. 14. A.R. of supt. of public prtg. and bind- ing, 1893/4. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1894. 40 pp. !. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1894. v. p. doc. 2. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1894. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 2, Rept. of state treasurer on finances, 1893/4. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1894. 49 pp. Detailed rept. of st:ite treasurer. 8hi>wing re- ceipts and expenditures of treasury. 1893/4. h. t. p. 1015 pp. V. 3. n. p.. C. M. Busch. 1895. v. p> docs. 3, 4, 5. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1894. v. 3. Contents : Doc. 3. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances. 1893/4. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1895. 377 pp. Doc. 4. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund. 1893/4. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1895. 14 pp. Doc. 5. 3 A.R. of supt. of banking, 1894. n. t. p. 675 pp. V. 4. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1894. v. p. docs. 8, 10. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1894. v. 4. Contents : Doc. 8. A.R. of secv. of internal affairs. 1893/4. pts. 1-2. C. M. Busch. 1895. 209 A, 348 B, 349- 355 pp., maps. Doc. 10. Rept. of bureau of industrial statistics [I. e. rept. of secy, of state, pt. 3], 1893/4. n. t. p. V. p. v. 5. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1894. v. p. doc. 9. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1894. v. 5. Contents : Doc. 9. A.R. of secy, of internal affairs, 1893/4. pt. 4. n. p. C. M. Busch, 1895. xliv, 618, 194 A pp. V. 6. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1894. v. p. docs. 11, 21, 12. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1894. v. 6. Contents : Doc. 11. Repts. of Inspectors of mines, 1894. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1895. 1111, 571 pp., pis. Doc. 21. Rept. of atty. gen., 1894. n. t. p. xxxix. 179 pp. Doc. 12. Rept. of state librarian, 1894. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1805. vii, 101 pp.. Illus. V. 7. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1894. v. p. docs. 15-16. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1894. v. 7. C.*ntents : Doc. 15. 22 A.R. of insurance comrs., 1894. pt. 1. n. p.. C. M. Busch. 1895. clx, 737 pp. Doc. 16. Same. pt. 2. n. t. p. xxxl, 761 pp. T. 8. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1894. v. p. docs. 22, 7. Binder's title: Official Documents, 1894. v. 8. Contents : Doc. 22. 5 A.R. of factory Inspector, 1893/4. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1895. 525 pp. Doc. 7. 18 A.R. of Penn. state bd. of agrlc, 1894. n. p.. C. M. Busch. 1894. v. p. V. 9. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1894. v. p. docs. 18, 17. Binders title: Offlclal Documents, 1894. t. 9. Contents : Doc. 18. 25 A.R. of bd. of comrs. of public chari- ties, 1894. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1895. 11.402 pp. 12 A.R. of committee on lunacy of bd. of public charities Sept. 30. 1894. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1895. 187 pp.. maps. Doc. 17. 10 A.R. of state bd. of health and vital stntistlcs, 1894. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1895. 589, 130 A pp. V. 10. n. p.. C. M. Busch, 1894. v. p. docs. 20, 19. Binder^ title : Offlclal Documents, 1894. v. 10. Contents : Doc. 20. Ropt. of state comrs. of fisheries. 1891/4. n. p.. C. M. Busch, 1895. 452 pp.. pis. Doc. 19. A.R. of Penn. State College, 1894. pts. 1-2. pt. 1. Dept. of instruction, n. p., C. M. Busch, 1895. 264 pp.. pis. pt. 2. Agrlc. Exper. Station, n. p., C. M. Busch, 1895. 376 pp., pis. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 155 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd I'XII (JciuTJil AHHcinbly Jan. ri-.Iuly 1. 1S.. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1896. v. p. docs. 1. 3, 4. Binder's title ; OIHclal Documents, 1895. v. 3. Contents : Doc. 1. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances, 1894 5 n. t. p. 371 pp., foUig. tables. Doc. 3. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1894 .">. n. p.. C. M. Busch. 1896. 12 pp. Doc. 4. 1 ann. rept. of banking [4 ann. rept. banking dept.], 1895. n. t. p. xl, 699 pp. V. 4. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1896. v. p. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1895. v. 4. Contents : Doc. 7. Rept. of secy, of Internal affairs, 1895. pts. 1-2. n. t. p. 235, 385 pp., maps. Doc. 9. Ann. rept. of secy, of Internal affairs, pt. 3. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1895. 256 pp., pis. V. 5. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1896. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1895. v. 5. Contents : Doc. 8. Rept. of secy, of Internal affairs, 1894/5, pt. 4. lx.\lll. 768 pp. V. 6. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1890. v. p. docs. 10, 14. Binder's title ; Official Documents. 1895. v. 6. Contents : Doc. 10. Repts. of Inspectors of mines, 1895. n. t. p. xci, 598 pp.. pis. Doc. 14. Ann. rept. of state librarian, 1895. n. p.. C. M. Busch, 1890. vli, 93 pp., illus. V. 7. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1896. v. p. docs. 11-12. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1895. v. 7. Contents : Doc. 11. 23 ann. rept. of Insurance comr. pt. 1. n. t. p. cxxxl, 793 pp. Doc. 12. Same. pt. 2. n. p.. C. M. Busch, 1890. xxxvill, 634 pp. V. 8. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1896. v. p. docs. 15, 6. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1895. v. 8. Contents : Doc. 15. 6 ann. rept. factory Inspector, 1895. 397 (2) pp. Doc. 6. Rept. of dept. of agrlc. 878 pp., pis. V. 9. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1896. v. p. docs. 18, 19. Binder's title: Official Documents, 1895. v. 9. Contents : Doc. 18. 11 ann. rept. bd. of health, 1895. xili, 627, 102 A pp., maps. ('26 ann. rept. hd. of public charities. Doc 19 i ^^^^- "■ *■ P- '^"' 403 pp. ] Rept. of committee on lunacy, n. p., L C. M. Busch, 1896. 235 pp., maps. V. 10. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1890. v. p. docs. 17, 21. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1895. v. 10. Contents : Doc. 17. Rept. of comrs. of fisheries. 1895. n. p.. C. M. Busch. 1.890. 24.- Ill pp., pis. Ann. rept. Penn. State College, 1895. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1S96. 84, 349 pp.. pis. .\nn. rept. dept. of agrlc. pt. 2. Di- vision of forestry, 1895. n. p.. C. M. Busch, 1896. 361 pp., pis., map. Doe. 21. ^ COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CXI I Ceneral As^.si'Uihiy — cont'd Jan. 5-July 1. 1897— cont'd [ Documents. ] — cont'd A — cont'd 11. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1896. v. p. doc. 22. Binder's title : Official Documents. 1895. v. 11. Contents : Doc. 22. 1 ann. rept. comr. of hanking, pt. 2. Itldg. and loan assns. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1896. X, 1234 pp. B Official Documents, comprising dept, and other repts. 11 vols.* V. 1. n. p.. C. M. Busch. 1897. v. p. docs. 1. 6. 21. Binder's title: Ofilclal Documents, 1890. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Govs, blenn. mess., Jan. 5. 1897. n. t. p. 44 pp. Doc. 0. Rept. of supt. of public Instruction, 1895/0. n. p.. C. M. Busch, 1896. cxlv, 684 pp., lllua. Doc. 21. A.R. of supt. of public prtg. and bind- ing, 1895/0. n. t. p. 35 pp. V. 2. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1897. v. p. docs. 3. 15. Binder's title : Offlclal Documents, 1890. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 3. A.R. of state treasurer on finances. 1895/6. n. t. p. 58 pp. Det;iiled rept. of st-tte treasurer, showing re- ceipts and expenditures of treasury. 1895/6. h. t. p. 933 pp. Doc. 15. Rept. of state llbrn., 1896. n. p.. C. M. Busch. 1897. vii. 108 pp. v. 3. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1897. v. p. docs. 17, 9. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1896. v. 3. Contents : Doc. 17. A.R. of comn. of Soldiers' Orphan Schools, 1895/6. n. p.. C. M. Busch. 1896. 143 pp., Illus. Doc. 9. A.R. of secy, of internal affairs. 1895/6. pt. 4. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1897. 1x1, 872 pp. V. 4. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1897. doc. 18. Binder's title: Official Documents. 1S90. v. 4. Contents ; Doc. 18. Rept. of state comrs. of fisheries, 18&6. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1897. 457 pp.. pis. V. 5. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1897. v. p. docs. 5, 24. Binder's title : Offlclal Documents, 1896. v. 5. Contents ; Doc. 5. 2 A.R. of comr. of banking (being 5 A.R. of banking dept.). 1896. pt. 1. n. p.. C. M. Busch, 1897. vl, 722 pp. Doc. 24. Same, pt. 2. n. p., C. .VI. Busch, 1897. vl. 1290 pp. V. 6. n. p.. C. M. Busch, 1897. v. p. docs. 8, 11, 25. Binder's title : Official Documents. 1890. v. 6. Contents : Doc. 8. A.R. of secy, of Internal affairs, 1895/6. pts. 1-2. n. p.. C. M. Busch, 1897. 168 A. 391 B pp.. map. Doc. 11. Repts. of Inspectors of coal mines. 1896. n. p.. C. M. Busch. 1897. civ, 579 pp., pis. Doc. 25. Rept. on Twin Shaft Disaster. Plttston. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1897. 160 pp. V. 7. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1897. v. p. docs. 12-13. Binder's title ; Offlclal Documents. 1896. v. 7. Contents ; Doc. 12. 24 A.R. of Insurance comrs., 1896. pt. 1. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1897. cxi. 834 pp. Doc. 13. Same, pt. 2. n. p.. C. M. Busch. 1897. xlvl, 714 pp. V. 8. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1897. v. p. doc. 7. Binder's title : Offlclal Documents. 1896. v. 8. Contents : Doc. 7. 2 A.R. of dept. of agrlc, 1896. pts. 1-2. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1897. v. p. V. 9. n. p.. C. .M. Busch. 1897. doc. 19. Binder's title : Offlclal Documents. 1896. v. 9. Contents ; Doc. 19. Rept. of state bd. of health and vital statistics. 1896. pts. 1-2. n. t. p. xvi, 1194 pp., pis. vl pp. Inserted hetw. pp. 546 and 547 (con- tents of V. 2). • Only the first 4 vols, of the Offlclal Docs, for 1896 arc in the \. Y. Public Library at present. A complete file was seen at the Penn. State Library and in the Library or Congress, and all except V. 11 at the Free Library of Phila. 156 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CXII General Assembly — cont'd Jan. o-July 1. IKIIT — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd B — cont'd T. 10. n. p., C. M. Pusoh. 1807. docs. 2. 14. 16. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1896. v. 10. Contents : Doc. 2. Kept, of auditor sen. on finances, 1805/6. n. t. p. iv. 441 pp., foldg. table. Doc. 14. Rept. of adj. gen., lS9,-)/6. n. t. p. 443 pp., maps. Doc. 16. 7 A.R. of factory inspector, 1896. n. p.. C. M. Busch, 1897. 722 pp. v. 11. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1897. docs. 20. 22. Binder's title: Official Documents, 1896. v. 11. Contents : Doc. 20. 27 .\.R. of bd. of comrs. of public chari- ties, etc., 1896. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1897. xlli, 4,35, 2.54 pp., maps. Doc. 22. A.R. Penn. State College, 1896, n. p., C. M. Busch, 1897. 122, 122, vl, 298 pp., pis. CXIII General Assembly ,Ian. 3-April 20, 1890 .lournal of the Senate, n. p.. W. S. Ray, 1899. 2 pts. 2440 pp. Journal of the House, n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. 2 pts. 2674 pp. [Documents.] A Official Documents, comprising dept. and other repts. 12 vols. V. 1. n. p.. C. M. Busch, 1898. doc. 17. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1897. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 17. Rept. of state comrs. of fisheries, 1897. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1897. 412 pp., pis. V. 2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. v. p. docs, l.'i, 10. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1897. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 15. Rept. of factory inspector, 1896/7. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1898. 704 pp., maps. Doc. lO. Rept. of bureau of mines, 1897. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1898. cxxxix, 519 pp., maps. pis. V. 3. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. v. p. docs. 16, 23, 13. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1897. T. 3. Contents : Doc. 16. A.R. of comn. of Soldier's Orphan Schools, 1896/7. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1897. 149 pp., lUus. Doc. 23. Rept. of atty. gen., 1895/6. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1898. 575 pp. Doc. 13. Rept. of adj. gen., 1896/7. n. t. p. 483 pp. v. 4. n. p., \V. S. Ray, 1899. doc. 18. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1897. v. 4. Contents: Doc. 18. 13 A.R. of state bd. of health and vital statistics. 1896/7. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1897. xvili, 1110 pp. V. 5. n. p.. W. S. Rav, 1899. doc. 6. Binder's title : Official Documents. 1897. v. 5. Contents : Doc. C. 3 A.R. of dept. of agric, 1807. pts. 1-2. pt. 1. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1898. 897 pp. pt. 2. (Division of Forestry.) n. p., W. S. Ray, 1898. 309 pp. T. 6. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. v. p. docs. 4, 22. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1807. v. 6. Contents : Doc. 4. 3 A.R. of comr. of banking, being the 6th A.R. of banking dept., 1897. pt. 1. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1898. vl, 740 pp. Doc. 22. Same, pt. 2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1898. Iv, 1336 pp. T. 7. n. p., W. S. Ray. 1890. v. p. docs. 19, 5. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1897. v. 7. Contents : Doc. 19. 28 A.R. of bd. of comrs. of public chart ties . . . and rept. of committee on lunacy, 1807. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1898. xlll, 38.-J, 23(1 pp., map. 1.5 .\.R. of committee on lunacy, to bd. of public charities for 1897/8. n. p., W. S. lUiy, 1898. 230 pp., map. Doc. 5. Kept, of supt. of public instruction, 1896/7. n. p., W. S, Ray, 1898. cxlv, 670 pp., iUUB. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CXIll (icneral Assembly — cont'd Jan. 3-April 21). 1899 — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd A — cont'd V. 8. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. v. p. docs. 10, 9. Binder's title : OlBclal Documents. 1897. v. 8. Contents : Doc. 10. A.R. of secy, of internal affairs, 1896. pt. 3. Industrial statistics, n. p., W. S. Ray, 1897. 648 pp. Doc. 9. Same, 1897, n. p., Vf. S. Ray, 1898. 582 pp., illus. V. 9. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. v. p. docs. 11, 12. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1897. v. 9. Contents ; Doc. 11. 25 A.R. of insurance comr., 1897. pt. 1, n. p., W. S. Ray, 1898. cxliil, 913 pp. Doc. 12. Same, pt. 2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1898. xxxiv. 761 pp. v. 10. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. v. p. docs. 7, 8. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1897. v. 10. Contents : Doc. 7. A.R. of secy, of internal affairs, 1896/7. pts. 1-2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1898. 77 A, 376 B pp., pis. Doc. 8. Same, pt. 4. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1897. Ixxl, 864 pp. v. 11. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. v. p. docs. 4, 3, 1, 2. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1897. v. 11. Contents : Doc. 4. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1895/6. n. t. p. 13 pp. Doc. 3. Same, 1896/7. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1898. 13 pp. Doc. 1. Rept. of auditor gen. on finances, 1896/7. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. xxvl, 544 pp., foldg. table. Doc. 2. Rept. of state treasurer on finances of state, 1896/7. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1897. 58 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, showing re- ceipts and expenditures, 1896/7. h. t. p. 773 pp. V. 12. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. v. p. docs. 20, 14, 21. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1897. v. 12. Contents : Doc. 20. A.R. of supt. of public prtg. and bind- ing, 1896/7. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1898. 36 pp. Doc. 14. Rept. of state librarian, 1897, n. p., W. .S. Ray, 1898. vil, 105 pp. Doc. 21. A.R. of Penn. State College, 1897. pts. 1-2. pt. 1. Depts. of instruction, n. p., W. S. Ray, 1898. 183 pp., pis. pt. 2. Agric. Exper. Station, n. p., W. S. Ray, 1898. 346 pp., pis. B Official Documents, comprising department and other reports, 1898. 9 vols. V. 1. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1900. v. p. docs. 12, 13. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1898. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 12. 26 ann. rept. Insurance comr., 1898. pt. 1. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. cxl, 1014 pp. Doc. 13. Same, pt. 2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. XXX, 766 pp. V. 2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1900. v. p. doc. 5. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1898. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 5. 4 ann. rept. comr. of banktug. being the 7 ann. rept. of the b.inklng dept.. 1898. pt. 1. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899, xx, 660 pp, pt. 2. n. p., W, S. Ray, 1K99. vlll, 710 pp. V. 3. u. p., W. S. Rav, 1900. v. p. doc. 19. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1898. v. 3. Contents : Doc. 19. 14 ann. rept. bd. health and vital sta- tistics, 1898. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. xvili, 1108 pp., pis. V. 4. n. p., W. S. Rav, 1900. v. p. docs. 4, 2, 3. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1898. v. 4. Contents : Doc. 4. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1897/8. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. 12 pp. Doc. 2. Rejit. of auditor gen. on the finances, 1897/8. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. iv, 358 pp. INDKX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 15^ n5S pp., maps. V. 7. n. p., W, S. Rav, 1900. v. p. docs. 8, 9, Binder's title : Official Documents, 1S98. v. 7, Contents : Doc. 8. Ann. rept, secy, internal afTalrs, 1897/8. pts. 1-2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. 84 A, 384 B pp. Doc. 9. Same, pt. 4. n. p., W. S, Ray, 1898. Ixvii, 876 pp., pis. V. 8. n. p., W. S. Rav, 1900. v. p. docs. 20, 6, Binder's title ; Official Documents, 1898, v. 8. Contents : Doc. 20. 29 ann. rept. bd. corars. of public chari- ties, 1898. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. xli, 402, 240 pp., maps. Doc, 6. Rept. of supt. public instruction, 1897/8. n. P., W. S. Rav, 1899. cxxvll, 770 pp.. pis. V. 9. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1900. v. p. docs. 18. 17, 2,-?, 21. 15, 22, Binder's title : Official Documents, 1898. v, 9. Contents : Doc. 18. Rept. of stnte comrs, of fisheries, 1898. n. p,. V,'. S. Ray, 1898. 198 pp. Doc. 17. Ann. rept. of I'enn. comn. of soldiers' orphan schools, 1897/8. n. p.. W. S. Ray. 1898. 148 pp.. pis. Doc. 23. Rept. of atty. gen., 1897/8. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. 198 pp. Doc. 21. Ann. rept. of supt. of public prtg, and blndin.g, 1897/8, n. p., W, S. Ray, 1898. 36 pp. Doc. 15. Rept. of the state librarian, 1898-9. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. vlli, 128 pp. Doc. 22. Ann. rept. of Penn. State College, 1898/9. pt. 1. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1900. iv. 100, 76 pp. pt. 2. n. p., W, S, Ray, 1900. 344 pp., pla CXIV General Assembly Jan. 1-June 27. 1901 Journal of the Senate, n. p.. W. S. Ray, 1901. pts. 1-2. 2356 pp. Journal of the House, n. p., W. S. Ray. 1901. pts. 1-2. 3071 pp. [Documents.] A Official Documents comprising department and other reports. 1899. 9 vols. V. 1. n. p.. W. S. Ray, 1901, v. p. docs, 11-12. Binder's title: Official Documents, 1899. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 11. 27 ann. rept. of insurance comr., 1899. pt, 1. Fire and marine insurance, n. p., W. S. Ray. 1900. cxiv, 9.S8 pp. Doc. 12. pt. 2, Same : life, accident and casualty insurance. n, p., \V. S. Kay, 1899. xxxvi. 832 pp, V. 2. n. p., \V. S. Rav, 1901. v. p. docs. 4. 23. Binder's title ; Official Documents, 1899. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 4. o ann. rept. of corar. of banking being 8 ann. rept. of banliing dept. of commonweaitii. pt. 1. Banits, saving Institutions and trust cos. n. p., W. S. Ray. 1900. vili, 602 pp. Doc. 23. Same. pt. 2. Bldg. and loan nssns. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1900. viii. 704 pp. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CXIV (Icncral Assi'mbly — cont'd Jan. 1-June 27, 1901 — cont'd [ Documents. 1 — cont'd A — cont'd V. 3. n. p., \V. S, Ray, 1901. doc. 18. Binders title: Oniclal Documents. 1899. V. 3. Contents : Doc. 18. 15 ann. rept. of state bd. of health and vital statistics, n. p., W. S, Ray, 1900. xx, 1270 pp. V. 4. n. p., \V. S Ray, 1901. v. p. docs. 3, 1, 2. lender's title : Official Documents, 1899. v. 4. Contents : Doc. 3. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1898/9. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1900. 12 pp. Doc, 1, Rept. of auditor gen. on finances, 1898/9, n. p„ W. S. Ray. 1900. Iv. 438 pp. Doc. 2, Repf. of state treasurer on finances, 1898/9. n. p., W. S, Ray, 1900. ,'58, 880 pp. V. 5. n. p.. W. S. Rav. 1901. doc. 6. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1899. v. 5. Contents : Doc. 6. 5 ann. rept. dept. of agrlc, 1900. 2 pts. pt. 1. n. p., W. S. Rav, 1900. 1080 pp. pt. 2. n. p.. W. S. Ray. 1900. 368 pp. V. G. n. p., W. S. Rav, 1901. v. p. docs. 14, 16, 15. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1890. v. G. Contents : Doc. 14. Rept. of state librarian, 1808/0, n. p., W. S. Ray, 1900. 268 pp.. pis. Doc. 16. Ann. rept. of Penn. Comn. on soldiers' orphan schools, 1898/9. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899, 152 pp. Doc, lr>. 10 ann. rept. factory Inspector, 1899. n. p., W. S. Rav. 1900. 1146 pp. v. 7. n. p., W. S. Rav, 1901. v. p. docs. 7-8. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1899, v. 7. Contents : Doc. 7. .\nn. rept. secv. Internal affairs, pts. 1 and 2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1900. 26 A, 394 B pp. Doc. 8. Ann. rept. of secv. internal affairs, pt. 4. n. p.. W. S. Ray, 1900. cxxiv. 844 pp. v. 8. n. p., W. S. Ray. 1901. v. p. docs. 10, 5. Binder's title : Offici:il Documents, 1809. v. 8. Contents : Doc. 19. 13 ann. rept. bd. of comrs. of public charities tor 1899, and rept. of general agt. and secy. n. p.. W. S. Ray. 1900. xiil. 358, 228 pp. Doc. 5. Rept. of supt. of public instruction, 1898/9. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1900. clll. 690 pp. V. 9. n. p., W. S. Rav. 1901. v. p. docs. 1, 17. 10, 20. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1899, v. 9. Contents : Doc. 1. Inaugural address of W. A. Stone, Jan. 17, 1899. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. 6 pp. Message of D. H. Hastings. Jan. 3. 1899. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1809. 38 pp. Doc. 17. Rept. of comrs. of fisheries, 1899. n. p., W. S. Ray. 1900. 254 pp. Doc. 10. Rept. of bureau of mines of dept. of internal affairs, 1899. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1900. cxxxiv, 958 pp. Doc. 20. .\nn. rept. of supt. of public prtg. and binding, 1898/9. n. p.. W. S. Ray. 1899. 42 pp. V. 10. n. p.. W. S. Rav, 1901. v. p. docs. 13, 9. Binder's title: Official Documents. 1890, v. 10, Contents : Doc. 13, Ann. rept. of adj. gen., 1808/0. n. p., W. S. Ray. 1000. 414 pp. Doc 0. Ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 3. Industrial statistics, 1899, n. p.. \V. S. Ray, 1900. 580 pp. B Official Documents comprising dept. and other repts. 11 vols.* V. 1. n. p., W. S. Rav. 1003. v. p. docs. 1. 23, 18, 20, 21, Binder's title: Official Documents, 1000. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 1. Govs, mess., Jan. 1, 1001. n. p., W, S. Rav, 1901. 16 pp. Doc. 23. Rept. of attv. gen.. 1809 and 1900. n. p., W, S. Rav, 1901. xlv, 156 pp. Doc, 18. Rept. of comrs. of fisheries. 1900. n. p.. W. S. Ray, 1901. 192 pp., pi. • Copies were seen In the Penn. Stnte Library, in the Phila. Free Library and in the Library of Congress. 158 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA Doe. 3. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CXIV General Assembly — confd Jan. 1-June 27. 1901^confd [Documents.] — cont'd B — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 20. 3 nnn. rept. of bd. of comrs. of public charities. 1900. n. p.. W. S. Ray, 1901. v. p. Doc. 21. Ann. rept. of supt. of public prtg. and binding, 1899/00. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1901. 35 pp. V. 2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. v. p. docs. 15, 18, 21. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1900. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 5. Rept. of state librarian, 1900. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1901. 408 pp., pis. Doc. 18. Ann. rept. of Penn. comn. of Soldiers' Orphan Scliools, 1899/00. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1900. 142 pp., pis. Doc. 21. Ann. rept. of Penn. State College, 1899/ 00. pts. 1-2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1900. iv, 112, 432 pp., pis. V. 3. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1003. doc. 16. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1900. v. 3. Contents • Doc. 16. 11 ann. rept. of factory inspector, 1900. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1901. ii, 1334 pp. V. 4. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. v. p. docs. 4, 2, 3. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1900. v. 4. Contents : Doc. 4. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1899/00. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1901. 12 pp. Doc. 2. Rept. of auditor gen., 1899/00. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1901. v, 578 pp. 'Rept. of state treasurer on finances, 1899/00. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1901. 60 PP. Detailed rept. of state treasurer showing receipts and expenditures at treasury, , 1899/00. 970 pp. Leaf containing h. t. p. is numbered 61- 62, but the detailed rept. begins p. 1. T. 5. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. v. p. docs. 5, 24. Binder s title : Official Documents, 1900. v. 5. Contents : Doc. 5. 6 ann. rept. of comr. of banliing, being 9 ann. rept. of banlilng dept., 1900. pt. 1. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1901. xii, 682 pp. Doc. 24. Same, pt. 2. n. p., W. S. Bay, 1901. xiv. 692 pp. T. 6. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. v. p. docs. 10, 11. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1900. v. 6. Contents : Doc. 10. Ann. rept. of secy, of internal affairs, 1900. pt. 3. n. p.. W. S. Ray, 1901. 562 pp. Doc. 11. Rept. of bureau of mines, 1900. clix, 716 pp. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1901. V. 7. n. p.. W. S. Ray, 1903. v. p., docs. 12, 13. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1900. v. 7. Contents : Doc. 12. 28 ann. rept. of insurance comr., 1900. pt. 1. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1901. cxxxvill, 988 pp. Doc. 13. Same, pt. 2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1901. xxxiv, 892 pp. T. 8. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. v. p. does. 13, 19. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1900. v. 8. Contents : Doe. 13. Rept. of adj. gen., 1899/00. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1902, 508 pp., pis., foldg. 11. Doc. 19. 16 ann. rept. of state bd. of health and vital statistics, 1899/00. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1901. XX, 1114 pp. T. 9. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. doe. 6. Binder's title ; Official Documents. 1900. v. 9. Contents : Doc. 6. Rept. of supt. of public instruction, 1899/00. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1900. xvlli, 698, 800 pp., pl8. V. 10. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1900. v. p. docs. 8-9. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1900. v. 10. Contents : Doc. 8. Ann. rept. of secy, of Internal affairs, 1899/00. pts. 1-2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1901. 128 A, 404 B pp., map. Doc. 9. Same. pt. 4. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1900. c. 976 pp., pis. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CXIV General Assembly — cont'd Jan. 1-June 27. 1901 — cont'd [Documents.] — cont'd B — cont'd T. 11. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. v. p. doc. 7. Binder's title : Official Documents. 1900. v. 11. Contents : Doc. 7. 6 ann. rept. of Penn. dept. of agric. n. p., W. S. Rav. 1901. pt. 1. 1010 pp., pis., maps; pt. 2. 348 pp. CXV General Assembly Jan. 6-ApriI 16, 1903 Journal of the Senate, n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. pts. 1-2. 2299 pp. pt. 1. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. 1150 pp. pt. 2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. 1312-2599 pp. Journal of the House, n. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1903. pts. 1-2. 2592 pp. [Documents.] A Official Documents, comprising dept. and other repts., 1901. 10 vols.* V. 1. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. v. p. docs. 17, 19, 20, 14. Binder's title : Official Documents. 1901. v. 1. Contents : Doe. 17. Rept. of fish comrs. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1902. 178 pp., pi. Doe. 19. 32 ann. rept. of bd. of comrs. of public charities, 1901. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1902. v. p. Doc. 20. Ann. rept. of supt. of public prtg. and binding, 1900/1. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1902. 42 pp. Doc. 14. Rept. of state librarian, 1901. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1902. 422 pp. v. 2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. v. p. doc. 6. Binders title : Offlclul Documents, 1901. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 6. 7 ann. rept. of dept. of agric, 1901. pts. 1-2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1902. 1010, 464 pp. V. 3. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. v. p. docs. 15 and 16. Binder s title : Official Documents, 1901. v. 3. Contents : Doc. 15. 12 ann. rept. of factory inspector, 1901. n. p.. W. S, Ray, 1902. ii, 1168 pp., maps. Doe. 16. Ann. rept. of Penn. comr. of Soldiers' Orphan Schools, 1900/1. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1901. 140 pp., pis. V. 4. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. v. p., docs. 3, 1. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1901. v. 4. Contents : Doe. 3. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1900/1. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1902. 14 pp. Doc. 1. Rept. of auditor gen. on the finances, 1900/1. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1902. v, 532 pp. )Rept. of state treasurer on finances, 1900/1. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1902. 60 pp. Detailed rept. of state treasurer, show- ing receipts and expenditures at treas- ury. 1900/1. h. t. p. 1110 pp. Leaf containing h. t. p. bears nos. 61 and 62, but the rept. of receipts and expenditures begins p. 1. V. 5. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. v. p. docs. 4, 23. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1901. v. 5. Contents : Doe. 4. 7 ann. rept. of comr. of banking, being 10 ann. rept. of banking dept., 1901. pt. 1. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1902. xvlU, 854 pp. Doc. 23. Same. pt. 2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1902. X, 656 pp. V. 6. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. v. p. docs. 9. 10, and 1 unnum. doc. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1901. v. 6. Contents : Doc. 9. Ann. rept. of secy, of internal affairs, 1901. pt. 3. n. p.. W. ^. Ray, 1902. 708 pp. Doc. 10. Rept. of bureau of mines, 1901. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1902. civ, 896 pp. unnum. doe. Legal relations betw. employers and thoir employes, in Penn., compared with rela- tions existing betw. them in other states. ( Suppl. to 28 ann. rent, of bureau of industrial statistics.) n. p., W. S. Ray, 1901. 196 pp. • Copies were seen In the Penn. State Library, In the Phila. Free Library, and in the Library of Congress. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 159 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd l"XV (IfiuTal Assiriilily — cont'd Jan. B. April ItS, l!)(i:i— cont'd [ Documonts. ] — cont'd A — cont'd p.. W. S. Itny, ino,'!. V. p. docs. 11-12. Binder's title: DHiciiil Documents. Iflol. V. 7. t^'tintents : Doc. 11. 1'!) linn. rept. of Insurance comr.. 1901. pt. 1. n. p.. W. S. Kav. 1!!02. cxxvlll, 018 pp. Doc. 12. Same. pt. 2. n. p.. W. S. Kay, 1902. xliv, 010 pp. V. 8. n. p.. \V. S. li.iy. 100.'!. doc. 18. Binder's title : (Itlidal IJocumeuts, 1901. v. 8. Contents : Doc. 18. 17 aun. rept. of state bd. of health and vital statistics, 1000/1. n. p., \V. S. Kay, 1902. .\xl. lOliO pp., maps. V. 9. n. p., W. S. ISay. 1903. v. p. docs. 5, 21. Binder's title: Offlclal Documents. 19pl. v. 9. Contents : Doc. 5. Rept. of supt. of public Instruction, 1900/1. xlii. 920 pp. n. p., W. S. Bay, 1901. Doc. 21. Ann. rept. of Penn. State College, 1900/1. pts. 1-2. n. p., W. S. Bay, 1902. Iv, 90, 440 pp. T. 10. n. p., W. S. Ray. 1903. v. p. docs. 7, 8. Binder's title : Documents, 1901. v. 10. <'ontonts : Doc. 7. Ann. rept. of secy, of internal affairs, 1000/1. pts. 1-2. n. p.. W. S. Ray, 1902. 138 A, 438 B pp., maps, pis. Doc. 8. Same, pt. 4. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1901. cvlU, 802 pp.. pis. B Official Documents, comprising dept. and other repts., 1902. 10 vols. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. V. 1. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. docs. 16, 20, 21, 13. Binder's title : Olflcial Documents, 1902. v. 1. Contents : Doc. 16. Rept. of fish comrs., 1902. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1902. 170 pp., pis. Doc. 20. 23 nnn. rept. bd. of comrs. of public charities, 1902. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1904. xiv, 426, 134 pp., maps. Doc. 21. Ann. rept. of supt. of public prtg. and binding, n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. 52 pp. Doc. 13. Rept. of the state librarian of Penn. n. p., W. S. Ray. 1902. 284 pp., pis. V. 2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. v. p. docs. 6-7. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1902. v. 2. Contents : Doc. 6. 8 ann. rept. dept. of agrlc, 1902. pt. 1. n. p., W. S. Ray. 1903. 1030 pp. Doc. 7. Same, pt. 2. n. p., W. S. Rav, 1903. 324 pp. T. 3. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. v. p. docs. 14-15. Binder's title : Offlclal Documents, 1902. v. 3. Contents : Doc. 14. 13 ann. rept. of factory inspector, 1902. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. 1206 pp., map. Doc. IS. Ann. rept. of Penn. comn. of soldiers' orphan schools, 1901/2. n. p., Vf. S. Ray, 1902. 148 pp., pis. T. 4. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. v. p. docs. 4, 2, 3. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1902. v. 4. Contents : Doc. 4. Rept. of comrs. of sinking fund, 1901/2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. 14 pp. Doc. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd CX\' <;eueral Assembly — cont'd Jan. 6-April 16, 190.3— cont'd [ Documents. ) —cont'd B — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Doc. 2. Rept. of auditor gen. on the finances, 1901/2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. xll, 560 pp. 'Kept, of state treasurer on finances, 1901/2. n. p., W. S. Bay, 1903. 86 pp. Detailed rept. of the state treasurer showing receipts and expenditures, 1901/2. h. t. p. 1104 pp. h. t. p. Is nuMil)ered 07, but rept. begins p. 1. V. 5. n. p., W. S. R.iy, 1903. v. p. docs. 4, 24. Binder's title : Official Documents. 1902. v. 5. Contents : Doc. 4. 8 ann. rept. comr. of banking, 1902. pt. 1. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. x, 948 pp. Doc. 24. 8 ann. rept. comr. of banking, 1902. pt. 2. n. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1903. Till, 656 pp. V. 6. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. v. p. docs. 10, 13. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1902. v. 6. Contents : Doc. 10. Ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, 1902. pt. 3. Industrial statistics, v. 30. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. 446 pp. Doc. 13. Rept. of bureau of mines of dept. of internal affairs, 1902. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. cir, 960 pp., foldg. 11. V. 7. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. v. p. docs. 11-12. Binder's title : Offlclal Documents. 1902. v. 7. Contents : Doc. 11. 30 ann. rept. Insurance comr. pt. 1. n. p.. Wm. Stanley Ray, 1903. cxixiv, 948 pp. Doc. 12. Same, pt. 2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. xllv, 918 pp. V. 8. n. p., W. S. Ray. 1903. v. p. docs. 14, 23, 19. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1902. v. 8. Contents : Doc. 14. Rept. of adj. gen., 1901/2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. 356 pp. Doc. 23. Rept. of atty. gen., 1901/2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. xlii. 158 pp. Doc. 19. 18 ann. rept. state bd. of health and vital statistics, 1902. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. xviii, 782 pp. V. 9. n. p., W. S. Ray. 1903. v. p. docs. 4, 20. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1902. v. 9. Contents : Doc. 4. Rept, of supt. of public instruction, 1901/2. n. p., W. S. Ray. 1902. xll, 936 pp. Doc. 20. Ann. rept. of Penn. State College, 1901/2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1902. Iv, 484 pp., pis. V. 10. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. v. p. doc. 7. Binder's title : Official Documents, 1902. v. 10. Contents : Doc. 7. Ann. rept. of secy, internal affairs, 1901/2. pts. 1-2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. 44 A. 396 B pp., map. . Same, pt. 4. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1902. Ixxviil, 848 pp. The Offlclal Documents for 1903 and 1904 were submitted to the 106th Legislature (1905) : that date not being within the period covered by the Index, Documents, etc., are omitted from this list. PART II TOPICAL ANALYSIS ABATTOIRS See also License. OHIO 1891. Special sources of disease; slaughter shops in Ohio; by R. Harvey Reed. (7 A.R. hd. of health, etc. 1890/1: 559-564.) PENNSYLVANIA 1885. Provisional regulations for preventing slaughter- houses, stock-yards, hog-pens, bone-boiling and fat- rendering, and other similar establishments from be- coming or being prejudicial to public health. (1 A.R. bd. of health 1885: 305-307.) 1895. Opinion of deputy atty.-gen. (Elkin) rel. to au- thority to abate slaughter house nuisance. (11 same 1895: 469.) Allegheny County 1886. Rept. of inspection of foul slaughter houses in borough of Braddock; by L. H. Hunter. (2 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1885/6: 200-202.) Bangor, Northampton Co. 1903. Inspection at Bangor, on acct. of nuisance at slaughter houses; by T. C. Zulich. (19 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1902/3 v. 1: 282.) Bolivar, Westmoreland Co. 1892. Inspection at Bolivar, on acct. of nuisance caused by slaughter house; by W. E. Matthews. (8 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1891/2: 167-168.) Butler, Butler Co. 1903. Inspection near Butler, on acct. of slaughter yards; by John E. Byers. (19 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1902/3 v. 1: 256.) Coleville, McEean Co. 1896. Inspection at Coleville, on acct. of slaughter house; by Burg Chadwick. (12 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1895/6 v. 1: 295-296.) Covington, Tioga Co. 1887. Rept. of Inspection of slaughter houses at Coving- ton; by E. D. Payne. (3 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1886/7: 88-89.) Emaus, Lehigh Co. 1904. Inspection at Emaus, on acct. of slaughter house; by Morris F. Cawley. (20 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1903/4: 95.) Oreensburg, Westmoreland Co. 1892. Slaughter house nuisance at Greensburg. (8 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1891/2: 249-250.) Corresp. of Secy. Lee and A. C. Davis. 11 ABATTOIRS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Hatboro, Montgomery Co. 1893. Inspection at Hatboro, on acct. of complaint agst. slaughter houses; by \Vm. B. Atkinson. (9 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1S92/3: 123.) Homestead, Allegheny Co. 1886. Rept. of inspection of foul slaughter houses in Homestead; by L. H. Hunter. (2 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1885/6: 210-211.) Hulmeville, Bucks Co. 1886. Rept. of Inspection of slaughter house at Hulme- ville; by W. B. Atkinson. (2 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1885/6: 207.) Le Moyne, Cumberland Co. 1902. Inspection at Le Moyne, on acct. of slaughter house; by H. B. Bashore. (18 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1901/2: 218.) Middletown, Dauphin Co. 1889. Inspection at Middletown; slaughter house nui- sances; by Paul A. Hartman. (5 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 18SS/9: 91-92.) Mifflin County 1899. Inspection at Derry township, on acct. of slaugh- ter houses; by A. T. Hamilton. (15 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1898/9 v. 1: 250-251.) Mohrsville, Berks Co. 1898. Inspection at Mohnsville (sic), on acct. of a slaughter house; by Danl. Longaker. (14 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1897/8 v. 1: 187.) Montoursville, Lycoming Co. 1895. Inspection at Montoursville, on acct. of offensive slaughter house; by Aug. Richter. (11 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1894/5: 209.) Morrellville, Cambria Co. 1892. Inspection at Morrallville, on acct. of nuisance — slaughter house polluting Bloody Run; by W. E. Matthews. (8 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1891/2: 166- 167.) Philadelphia 1867. Phila. cattleyard bill. (App. to Legisl. Record, 1867: cccxxviii-cccxxxiv.) Tullytoun, Bucks Co. 1891. Inspection at TuUytown, rel. to slaughter house nuisance; by W. B. Atkinson. (7 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1890/1: 109-110.) 161 162 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA ABATTOIRS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— confd Waynesboro, Franklin Co. 1898. Inspection at Waynesboro, on acct. of condition of slaughter house; hy P. B. Montgomery. (14 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1897/8 v. 1: 202-203.) Wehster, WestmorelanA Co. 1899. Inspection at Webster, on acct. of insanitary con- dition of slaughter house; by R. B. Hammer. (15 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1898/9 v. 1: 22S.) West Neicton.> Westmoreland Co. 1886. Rept. of inspection of slaughter houses at West Newton; by L. H. Hunter. (2 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1885/6: 207-208.) Zeiglersville, Montgomery Co. 1904. Inspection at Zeiglersville, on acct. of slaughter house; by H. H. Whitcomb. (20. A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1903/4: 137-138.) ABBOTT (CHARLES F.) Representative from city of Phlla., 1859-1862. Member of committee apptd. by the Gov. in 1861 to investi- gate army frauds. ABINGTON, MONTGOMERY CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health. Local ABRAHAM (JONATHAN P.) Representative from Delaware Co., 1853-1854, 77-78 Assem. 1854. Apr. Remarks: sale of main line of public works. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 64) : 308.) ACCIDENT INSURANCE; see INSURANCE ACCIDENTS 1852. Necessity of precautionary legislation on subject of bldg. construction in cities indicated by accidents. (Govs. mess. (Johnston) Jan. 5, 1852.) 1860/6-1868/74. Comparative stmt, of accidents. (A.R. auditor gen. on 1886 (p. Iv) — same 1874.) Canal 1854. Letter from the canal comrs. in reply to sen. res. of Feb. 24 resp. employes responsible for accident resulting in the loss of property. (Daily Legisl. Union V. 1 (no. 32): 153.) Coal mines; see that title Factory 1890-1894. Tabular stmt, of accidents in factories. (A.R. factory inspector 1890 (pp. 22-23)— sa?ne 1894.) Name, residence, name of employer, date of injury, cause of accident, extent of Injury, where sent ; by dlstrs. 1894. Accidents, and how to prevent them when ma- chinery is in use. (5 same 1894: 468471.) Read at ann. convention of international assn. of factory Inspectors ; author not named. 1896. Accidents; boiler explosions; should be legisla- tion either requiring a certificate of safety or a com- petent boiler inspector furnished the dept. (7 same 1896: 5-6.) 1898-1904. No. of accidents reported and general cause. (9 same 1898 (p. 7)— 15 same 1904.) 1903/4. Stmt, of accidents during yr., with cause and result. (15 .ramc 1903/4: 3-4.) Insurance; see that title ACCIDENTS— cont'd Railroad 1847. Rept. of select committee (Myers) on causes of accidents on (House jol. 1847 v. 2: 271-272 (doc. 40).) 1854. More specific laws needed rel. to r.r. accidents. (Govs. mess. (Bigler) Jan. 4, 1854.) 1857. Rept. of committee on claims (Thorn) resp. claim of Bingham & Dock for damages sustained to cars and damages paid persons injured on Phila. and Columbia R.R. (House Jol. Jan. 1857: 687-692.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 500 copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. Jan. 1857:692.) 1861-1874. Table of accidents showing by, no. of passengers, employes, etc. killed, no. injured, total. (A.R. auditor gen. on 1861 (pp. 216-217; 221) — same 1874.) Pe.n.nstlvania serial 1861/6-1892/7. Comparative stmt, of accidents on the resp. of Penn. In Documents as follows : 1861/6 in .\.R. auditor gen. on, etc. 1866 : xlv-xlvi. 18G2/7 1867 : xlvil- xlviii. 1864/8 in A.R. auditor gen. on, etc. 1868 : 1111-lIv. 18G5/9 ' " lS(i9 : Ivl-lvli. 1866/70 " " " " " " " 1870 ; Ivlll-llx. 1867/71 ' 1871 : Iviii-lix. 1868/72 " " " 1872 : Ixxv- Ixxviil. 1869/73 in A.R. auditor gen. on, etc. 1873 : lxxxvli-.xc. 1870/4 " ' 1874 : Ixx-lxxi. 1871/5 in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, 1875 : 58-59. 1872/6 " ■• •• 1876 : 76-77. 1873/7 " " " " " " 1877 : Ixxx- Ixxxii. 1874/8 In A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, 1878 : cxx-cxxii. 1875/9 " '■ ■■ 1879 : Ixiv-lxvi. 1876/80 '• '■ •• 1880 : Ixvii- Ixix. 1877/81 in A.R. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, 1881 : Ixxiii- l.xxv. 1878/82 in A.R. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, 1882 : Ixxvlli- Ixxx. 1879/83 in A.R. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, 1883 : 91-93. 1880/4 " " " " " " 1884 : 414-416. 1881/5 " " 1885 : 429-431. 1882/6 not found. 1883/7 in .\.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, 1887 : 98o- 100a. 1884/8 in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, 1888 : lOOo- 102a. 1885/90 in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, 1889/90 : 812- 815. 1886/91 in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, 1890/1 : 935- 938 1887/92 in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, 1891/2 : 821- 824. 1888/93 in A.R. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, 1892/3 : 630- 632. 1889/94 in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, 1893/4 : 120A- 123 A. 1890/5 in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, 1894/5 : 714- 717. 1891/6 in A.R. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, 1895/6 : 806- 809. 1892/7 in A.R. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, 1896/7 : 813- 816. non-serial 1865. Accidents on; debate. (Legisl. Record 1865: 376-378.) 1874/5-1903/4. Table: accidents to passengers, em- ployees and others, for the several companies. (A.R. secy, internal affairs 1874/5 pt. 4 (p. 32) — same 1903/4.) 1896. Recommendation for such legislation as will enable the rwy. bureau to make careful inquiry into all accidents, especially those attended by loss of life either to passengers or employes. (Rept. of secy, of internal affairs 1895/6 pt. 4: xxxil.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PICNNSYI.VANIA 163 ACCIDENTS— cont'd Street Railways serial 18G1/G-1S89/94. Comparative stmt, of accidents on the resp. city passenger of Penn. In Kcpts. ns follows : 1861/6 In nnn. rept. auditor gen. on, cnnals and tele- graph COS. 1800 : Iv. 1863/7 in nnn. rept. auditor gen. on, canais and tele- gpapli COS. 1S07 : ixi. 1864/8 in ann. rept. auditor gen. on, canals and tele- graph cos. ISOS : l.wil. 186.5/9 in ann. rept. auditor gen. on, canais and tele- grMph COS. ISOS : Ixvil. 1866/70 in ann. rept. auf comrs. apptd. to revise the clvU code of Penn. Head in House of Representatives Mch. 28. 1835. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Welsh and Patterson, 1835. 61 pp. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 169 ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE AND COUNTY— cont'd Code Commission — cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd ChiMkllst— cont'd Copies soon In the IVnn. Stiitp Library, in the Hist. Socy. of Penn. iind Amcr. I'hll. Soiy.. rhlln. 500 copies were ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1834/5 v. 1 : 452); 2000 copies (House jol. 1S34/5 v. 1 : 6()4.) . Same. (Sen. Jol. 1S34 T) v. •_• : 57.S.637 ; House Jol. 1834 5 V. 2:774-833 (docs. 221-22lil.l unnum. 183G. Final rept. of conirs. iipptd. to revise the civil code of renn. Re.Td In the House Jan. 16, 1830. Harrisburg: I'rtd. by T. Fenn. 1830. 113 pp. . Same. Uead In the Senate .Tan. 15, 183G. Harris- burg : I'rtd. by Crass and I'arrett. 1835-30. 108 pp. Copies of both Senate and House editions were seen In the Hist. Socy. of IVnn. ; a copy of the House ed. In the I'enn. State Library ; also one edition in the Amer. I'hll. Socv.. I'hlla. 1000 copies were ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1835/6 v. 1 : 278) ; 300 copies in German. (Sen. jol. 1S35/G v. 1 : 181-182.) . Same. (Sen. jol. 1835/0 v. 2:162-268; House jol. 1835/6 V. 2:250-301 (doc. 64).) noti-serial 1791. Rept. of committee (Powel) apptd. to foufer with a committee of tlie House on House res. of Mcli. 5, 1791, rel. to apptmt. of a person to revise and digest the laws, etc. (Sen. jol. 1790/1: 182-183.) . Rept. of jt. committee on apptmt. of James Wil- son, to digest and form laws of commonwealtli. (House jol. 1790/1: 320-321.) Civil Code 1830. Work of code comrs. ; apprn. recommended. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 8, 1830.) 1835. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (McCul- loh) upon civil code. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 874 (doc. 254).) 1853. Rept. of the comrs. apptd. to revise the code of Penn. h. t. p. 42 pp. J. M. Porter, E. A. Penniman, .T. Ellis Bonham. . Same. (House jol. 1853 v. 2: 59-98 (doc. 3); Sen. jol. 1853 v. 2: 59-98.) 1868. Revision of civil code; appointees: work. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 7, 1S6S.) 1868-1869. Rept. of civil code comrs. (Legisl. Record, 1868 (pp. 236-238)— .sumr 1869: 122.) David Derrlckson and W. M. Hall, comrs. 1870. Revision of civil code approaching completion. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 5, 1870: 28.) . Rept. of comrs. apptd. to revise the civil code. (Sen. jol. 1870: 133-134.) Signed by David Derrlckson. 1872. Rept. of committee (Albright) rel. to revision of the civil code. (Sen. jol. 1872: 255-257: House joL 1872: 255-258; Legisl. Record 1872: 231-232.) . Same, separate. 6 pp. Copy seen in T'niv. of Penn. Pkxal Code serial 1826-1827. Rept. of the comrs. on the penal code. Checklist Chas. Shaler, Edicd. King, T. J. fVharton, comrs. 1826. Not found. 1827 Dec. 24. Harrisburg: Prtd. by S. 0. Stambaugh, 1828. 192 pp., foldg. pis. and tables. Copy seen In the Penn. State Library. Erroneously dated Dec. 24, 1817. in transmittal. . Same. 2d ed. Philadelphia : I'rtd. by J. Clarke, 1828. 77 pp. The 2d ed. was " printed for gratuitous distribution by citizens of Phlla., New York and Baltimore." Copies were seen in the Hist. Socy. of Penn.. library of the Library Co. of Phlla. and in the Amer. Phil. Socy., Phlla. In Collected docs, as follows : 1826 Dec. 22 in Sen. Jol. 1S26/7 : 241-244. 1827 Dec. 20 In Sen. Jol. 1827/8 v. 2 : 300-496. 1827 Dec. 20 in House jol. 1827/8 v. 2 : 396-584. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE AND COUNTY— cont'd Code Commission — cont'd Pknal Code — cont'd non-serial n. d. Notes on the penal laws, from the 7th vol. of the app. of the laws of Penn., published by authority of the Legisl. n. t. p. 5S pp. Copy In Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1789. Rept. of committee apptd. to revise criminal laws of the state. (Assem. jol. Feb. 1789: 132-134.) Ilf^ Stmt, of facts and observations resp. the penal laws; by Judge Wm. Bradford. (Sen. jol. 1792/3: 39-61.) 1795. Gratifying results from revision of penal code. (Govs. mess. (Mifflin) Dec. 4, 1795.) 1796 Rept. of committee on Govs. mess. [Dec. 4, 1795] rel to imprisonment for debt, revision of penal law, etc. (House jol. 1795/6: 308-309.) 1809 Rept. of committee (Connelly) to whom was re- ferred item of Govs. mess. rel. to amelioration of penal code. (Sen. jol. 1809/10: 81-83.) . Same, separate. Not seen Isual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1809 10; S3.) ^^ , , 1811. Confusion in penal code. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. 5, 1811.) 1812 Rept. of committee (Burnside) to whom was re- 'ferred portion of Govs, address rel. to amelioration, revision and consolidation of the penal code and petitions resp. abolishment of capital punishment. (Sen. jol. 1811/2: 277-279.) . Same, separate. . Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1811 ^2 ■ 279.) 1813 Rept. made by Jared Ingersoll, atty. gen. of Penn., in compliance with a res. of Mch. 3, 1812, rel to the penal code. Harrisburg: Prtd. by J. Peacock, 1813. Copv seen in the Hist. Socy. of I'enn. 300 copies ordered prtd. (House jol. 1812/3 ;24:J.) 1813. Defects in penal code. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. 10, 1813.) 1815. Revision of penal code essential. Dec. 8, 1815.) ^^., ^ 1823 Rept. of committee on judiciary system (Gilmore) on petition from Columbia Co. for alteration in penal laws of commonwealth. (House jol. 1822/3: 735-736.) 1827 Dec. 24. Rept. of comrs. upon the penal code and adaptation of it to the system of solitary confine- ment. (Sen. jol. 1827/8 v. 2: 308-496.) Chas. Shaler ; Edwd. King : T. J. Wharton, comrs. 182S. Letter, rept. and docs, on the penal code, from the president and comrs. apptd. to superintend the erec- tion of the Eastern Penitentiary, adapted and modelled to the system of solitary confinement. Har- risburg: Prtd. by S. C. Stambaugh, 1828. 51 pp. Copies seen In the Penn. State Library, in the Illst. Socy. of Penn. and In the Amer. Phil. Socy., Phlla. . Same. (Sen. jol. 1827/8 v. 2: 497-529.) The comrs. were Thos. Sparks. Thos. Bradford, jr..,J;>6- Thackara, Roberts Vaux, Michael Baker, l,?'^'' Carmalt, ,Tohn Bacon. Wm. Davidson, D. H. Miller, C-oleman Sellers and S. H. Wood. 1829. Rept. of committee on the judiciary system (Nai- lery) rel. to the penal code and penitentiary disci- pline. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 1: 18S.) . Same, separate. Not seen Usual no. of lopies ordered prtd. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 1 : 188.) 1860. Rept. of the comrs. apptd. to revise the penal code. Harrisburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1860. 129 pp. . (Legisl. docs. 1860: 346-460 (doc. 2).) Comrs. were Edward King, John C. Knox, David Webster. . Same. (Daily Legisl. Record 1860: 136; 143-144; 148-158; 165-166.) (Same (Snyder) 170 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE AND COUNTY— cont'd Constables 1815. Kept, of committee (Bean) to whom was referred petition that provision be made to compensate con- stables for certain attendance at courts. (House jol. 1812/3: 85.) 1869 Feb. 5. Veto (Geary) of act rel. to constables' re- turns in Fayette Co. (Leglsl. Record 18C9; 302.) 1893. Veto of act regulating constables' returns to quarter sessions court of Chester Co.; with text of res. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1893: 6S-69.) 1903. Veto of act to prohibit apptmt. of deputy con- stables in COS. containing over 1,000,000 inhabitants; with text of bill. {Same (Pennypacker) 1903: 134- 135.) Costs; see below, Fees, etc. Courts n. d. Rept. of committee of the Senate apptd. on the judiciary system, n. t. p. 11 pp. Copies seen in the Hist. Socy. of Penn., the library of the Library Co. of Phila. and the Amer. Phil. Socy., Phila. Relates to the different courts ; debts of stockholders in banks and other incorporated cos. 1800. Judiciary system in need of revision; addition to no. of judges of Supreme Court and subdivision of circuits of courts of common pleas requisite; plan for return of jurors should be devised. (Govs. mess. (M'Kean) Nov. 21, 1800.) 1805. Urging reform in judiciary system. (Same (M'Kean) Dec. 5, 1805.) . Rept. of committee (Bucher) on part of Govs. address rel. to the judiciary system and sundry petitions rel. to same. (House jol. 1804/5: 310-311.) 1807. Defects in judiciary system. (Govs. mess. (M'Kean) Dec. 3, 1807.) 1808. Recommended that a committee be apptd. to re- port on revision of the judiciary system. (Rept. of committee of ways and means, Mch. IS, 1S08.) 1811. Rept. of committee on administration of justice (Leech) to whom were referred petitions from fourth judicial distr. requesting increase of salary of Jonathan Walker, president of said distr. (House jol. 1810/1: 757.) 1816. On the judiciary system. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. H. 1816.) . Rept. of committee (Lowrie) apptd. to inquire whether any, and if any, what alterations are neces- sary in the judiciary of the commonwealth. (Sen. jol. 1815/6: 335-343.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 1000 copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1815/6 : 343.) 1821. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (Ander- son) on sundry petitions for an alteration of the law on the subject of the revival of judgments. (House jol. 1820/1: 564-565.) 1825. Defects of judiciary system. (Govs. mess. (Schulze) Dec. 7, 1825.) 1826 Mch. 14. Rept. of judiciary committee (P.Smith) rel. to suits in courts of the commonwealth. (House jol. 1825/6 v. 2: 280-282, foldg. table (doc. 185).) Made with view of ascertaining ofliolencv of administra- tion of Justice under the judiciary system. 1827. Improvements in judiciary system suggested. (Govs. mess. (Schulze) Dec. 5, 1827.) 1830. Public interests demand radical re-organization of judiciary system. (.S'nmc (Wolf) Dec. 8, 1830.) 1837. Speech of Mr. Ingersoll on the judiciary delivered in the convention of Penn. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Packer, Barrett & Parke. 1837. 26 pp. Copy seen in the library of the Library Co. of Phila. 1839. See below, Supreme Court, this date. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE AND COUNTY— cont'd Courts — cont'd 1851. Veto (Johnston) of act to provide for election of judges of the several courts and to regulate certain judicial distrs. (Sen. jol. 1851 v. 1: 890-891.) 1859. Veto (Packer) of suppl. to act rel. to special courts. {Same 1859: 35-36; House jol. 1859:42-43; Legisl. Record 1859: 22.) 1873. Annuity to judges; debate. (Legisl. Record 1873: 1187-1191.) 1874. Tabular stmt, of sessions of criminal courts in Penn., each mo. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 140.) . Criminal courts: cos. and courts, terms, no. of persons charged with crime, no. of bills laid before grand jury, action thereon, court proceedings, no. and amt. of recognizances forfeited. (2 same 1873/4: 141-143.) 1881. Veto (Hoyt) of act to enlarge the jurisdiction of the several courts of the commonwealth. (Legisl. Record 1881: 1241-1242.) 1903. Veto of act rel. to approval of bonds or security before courts, judges thereof, or prothonotary of clerks of courts; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Penny- packer) 1903: 56.) • . Veto of act to provide for retirement of judges of courts of record of commonwealth; with text of bill. {Same (Pennypacker) 1903: 123-124.) Allegheny County 1887. Veto of act to extend provisions of act rel. to the apptmt. and salaries of the criers and tipstaves in the various courts of Allegheny Co. (Vetoes (Bea- ver) 1887: 10-lL) Cambria County 1871 Feb. 17. Veto (Geary) of suppl. to act to establish an additional court in Cambria Co. (Legisl. Record 1871: 196-198.) Dauphin County 1792. Rept. of committee on Dauphin Co. petition for apptmt. of comrs. to build a court-house with the necessary offices for preserving the records of the county and for application of profits of Harrisburgh ferry to that purpose. (House jol. 1792/3: 64.) 1868. Veto (Geary) of act to repeal act establishing criminal courts for Dauphin, Lebanon and Schuyl- kill cos. (Sen. jol. 1868: 1142-1143.) Fayette County 1830. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (Moore) rel. to increasing salary of associate judges of Pay- ette Co. (House jol. 1829/30 v. 2: 607-608 (doc. 198).) Lancaster County 1858. Veto (Packer) of act rel. to the courts of Lan- caster Co. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1858: 734-736; House jol. Jan. 1858: 822-824; Legisl. Record 1858: 451-452.) Northumberland County 1794. Rept. of committee on petition resp. need of a new court house in Northumberland Co. (House jol. 1793/4: 229.) 1874. Petition for apptmt. and election of additional law judge in Northumberland Co. (Legisl. Record 1874: 714-715.) Philadelphia County 1816. Law establishing distr. court of city and co. of Phila. to expire by its own limitation In Mch., 1817; continuance or establishment of some other tribunal imperative. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. 5, 1816.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 171 ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE AND COUNTY— cont'd Courts — cont'd Philadelphia County — cont'd 1820. Act to continue distr. court for city and co. of Phila. to expire by its own limitation Mch. 30tli; continuance or some other expedient necessary. (Same (Findlay) Dec. 7, 1S20.) 1824. Act erecting distr. court for city and co. of Phila. to expire Mch. 13, 1825; action necessary, (t^amc (Schulze) Dec. 9, 1824.) 1829. Communication from Phila. Society for Alleviat- ing Miseries of Public Prisons, with stmt, of criminal courts within city and co. of Phila. (House jol. 1828/9 V. 2: 701-707.) 1840. Unsatisfactory organization of courts in city and CO. of Phila. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840: 38-39.) 1842. Kept, of committee on judiciary system (Elwell) upon bill abolishing the court of general sessions for city and co. of Phila. (House jol. 1842 v. 2: 792- 795 (doc. 174).) . Accumulation of business in courts of city and CO. of Phila. (Govs. mess. (Porter) .Ian. G, 1842.) 1845. Continuance of distr. court of city and co. of Phila. recommended. {Same (Porter) Jan. 8, 1S45.) 1887. Opinion of atty. gen.: duty of legist, to establish from time to time in Phila., for each 30,000 inhabi- tants, 1 court of record for police and civil causes. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1887/8: app. 1-4.) Chancery Courts 1835. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (M'Cul- loh) rel. to disposition of estate of Geo. Fry deceased, part of which was devised to trustees for establish- ment of an orphan school. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 540-542 (doc. 134).) Besides the rept. on tlils pnrticulnr case, there Is a com- ment on the laclf of a court of chancery in Tenn. and powers of legist. In equity. 1843. Chancery powers of courts. (Govs. mess. (Por- ter) Jan. 4, 1843: 13.) Court of Common Pleas [1792.] Rules and regulations for regulating the prac- tice of the county courts of common pleas in the state of Penn. Lancaster: J. Bailey and W. Dick- son, M,DCC,XCII. 11 pp. 12°. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1801. See below. Supreme Court, this date. 1803. See same, this date. 1826. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (Haw- kins) on res. rel. to propriety of extending jurisdic- tion of courts of common pleas to the trial of facts arising from prosecution of writs of quo warranto. (Sen. jol. 1825/6: 435-436.) 1827. Rept. of committee (Ellis) rel. to organization of courts of common pleas. (House jol. 1826/7 v. 2: 494 (doc. 219).) 1858. Veto (Packer) of act to provide for an additional law judge of the court of common pleas of the 6th judicial distr. (Same Jan. 1858: 455-456; Sen. jol. Jan. 1858: 399-400.) 1869. Text of suppl. to act to enlarge jurisdiction of courts of common pleas of Penn. (Legisl. Record 1869: 1414-1415.) 1881. Veto (Hoyt) of act to enlarge jurisdiction of courts of common pleas of the commonwealth, etc. (Sen. jol. 1881: 829-831.) 1895. Veto mess. (Hastings) on Sen. bill 89, suppl. law of fixing compensation of judges of Court of Com- mon Pleas. (Legisl. Record 1895 v. 2: 2919.) 1903. Veto of act to authorize courts of common pleas and orphans' courts of, in and for commonwealth to appoint and remove trustees; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pennypacker) 1903: 108-109.) ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE AND COUNTY— cont'd Courts — cont'd Court of Commo.v Pi,i:as — cont'd Philadelphia County 1792. Letter of James Blddle, President of court of common pleas of Phila. Co. resp. compensation of associate judges in that co., etc. (Sen. jol. 1791/2: 166.) 1806. Rept. of committee (Pennell) on memorial of Chas. Biddle, protlionotary of court of common pleas for Phila. Co., resp. effect of law taxing certain proportion of fees of prothonotaries of the courts of common pleas upon the office in Phila. Co. (Same 1805/6: 271.) 1846. Rept. of committee on the judiciary (Sullivan) on petitions and memorials from Phila. for repeal of act authorizing apptmt. of additional judge of court of common pleas in Phila. (Same 1846 v. 1: 250.) 1848. Rept. of select committee (Johnson of Erie) apptd. to ascertain business and investigate practice of court of common pleas of Phila. Co. (Same 1848 V. 2: 379-394 (doc. 53).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1848. 18 pp. Copy seen in the Penn. State Library and In library of the Library Co. of Phila. 500 copies were ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1848 v. 1 : 477.) Washington County 1822. Rept. of committee (Ritner) to whom was re- ferred petition for passage of a law authorizing judges of the court of common pleas of Washington Co. to appoint a competent person to revise the records and to make an ad sectam docket for the prothonotary's office of said co. (House jol. 1821/2: 856-857.) Court of Quarter Sessions 1814. Rept. of committee on the judiciary system (Ell- maker) to whom was referred petition from Alle- gheny Co. praying that judges of that co. be author- ized to hold adjourned courts of quarter sessions. (House jol. 1813/4: 264-265.) ]903. Rept. of conference committee (McClaln) on act defining powers of several courts of quarter sessions of the peace within the Commonwealth. (Same 1903 pt. 2: 1352-1356.) Allegheny County 1871. Veto (Geary) of suppl. to act rel. to clerk of court of quarter sessions of Allegheny Co. (Legisl. Record 1871: xxxvil.) Philadelphia County 1810. Letter from Jacob Rush rel. to insufficiency of the courts of quarter-sessions and common-pleas in Phila. (Sen. jol. 1809/10: 239.) . Same, separate. Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1809/10: 240.) 1 831-1832. Stmt, of criminal business of Court of Quar- ter Sessions for Phila. Co. (4 A.R. Inspectors of Eastern Penitentiary 1832: 20.) Judicial Districts 1845. Rept. of committee on retrenchment and reform (Connor) rel. to judicial labor and reduction of judicial distrs. (House joL 1845 v. 2: 251-252 (doc. 34.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1845. 4 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phila. 173 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE AND COUNTY— cont'd Courts — cont'd Judicial Distkicts- -cont'd Sixth Judicial District 1858. Veto (Packer) of act rel. to an additional law judge In the 6th Judicial distr. (Legisl. Record 1S5S: 234; 272.) . See also above, Court of Common Pleas, this date. 1899. Veto of act to provide tor additional law judge of courts of 6th judicial distr.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Stone) 1899: 63-64.) Eighth Judicial District 1878. Veto (Hartranft) of act for the apptmt. of an additional law judge in the 8th judicial distr. of Penn. (Legisl. Record 1878: 802.) 1885. Veto of act to authorize additional law judge of courts of Sth judicial distr.; ace. by text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1885: 16-17.) 1887. Veto of act to authorize an additional law judge of the several courts of the 8th judicial distr.; with text of bill. (Same (Beaver) 1887: 12-14.) Twelfth Judicial District 1903. Veto of act providing for additional law judge in 12th judicial distr.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pennypacker) 1903: 130-131.) Fifteenth Judicial District 1885. Veto (Pattison) of act to provide an additional law judge in the 15th judicial distr. (Legisl. Record 1885: 8S5-S86.) . Veto of act to provide for additional law judge in 15th judicial distr., ace. by text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1885: 5-6.) Twenty-first Judicial District 1871. Veto (Geary) of act to provide an additional judge of the several courts in the 21st judicial distr. (Legisl. Record 1871: xxxv.) Twenty-seventh Judicial District 1893. Veto of bill to provide for additional law judge of courts of 27th judicial distr.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1893: 67-68.) . Remarks (Dunlap) on bill to provide an addi- tional law judge of the several courts of the 27th judicial distr. (Legisl. Record 1893 v. 2: 2716-2718.) Forty-seventh Judicial District 1903. Veto of act to provide for additional law judge of courts of 47th judicial distr.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pennypacker) 1903: 118-120.) Forty-eighth Judicial District 1885. Veto of act to provide for additional law judge in 48th judicial distr.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1885: 158-160.) Obphans' Court 1840 Oct. 13. An act relating to orphans' courts, etc. Harrisburg: W. D. Boas, 1840. 12 pp. Copy seen in lllst. Socy. of I'enn. 1883. Memorial resp. inadequate compensation of judges of orphans' court, in Phila. ; followed by de- bate. (Legisl. Record 1883 v. 1: 71-75.) . Organization and jurisdiction of orphans' courts. {Same 1883 (v. 2): 2715-2717.) . See also below, Laws, this date. . Veto of act amending act rel. to organization and jurisdiction of the orphans' courts, etc.; with text of act. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1883: 96-97.) . Veto of act granting an appeal to the Supreme Court from special Injunctions granted by the orphans' court; with text of act. (Same (Pattison) 1883: 119-120.) ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE AND COUNTY— cont'd Courts — cont'd Orphans' Court- — cont'd 1889. Necessity for reform In regard to laws regulating decedents' estates and practice of orphans' court. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 1, 1889: 37.) 1891. Veto of act to validate private sales of real estate of decedents heretofore made under authority of orphans' court upon petition of executors or admin- istrators for payment of debts; with text of act. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1891: 1-2.) . Mch. 25. Same; similar bill (House). (House jol. Jan. 1891: 787.) . Veto (Pattison) of act to validate private sales of real estate of decedents heretofore made under authority of orphans' court upon petition of execu- tors or administrators for payment of debts not of record. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1891: 873-874.) . Same, of a similar bill (Senate). (Vetoes (Patti- son) 1891: 4-5.) . Veto of act conferring upon the several orphans' courts jurisdiction to make partition of the lands of which any person may die seized, whether testate or intestate, etc.; with text of act. {Same (Patti- son) 1891: 20-21.) . Statute of limitations in orphans' court. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 6, 1891: 34-35.) 1893. See below, Fees, this date. . Veto of act to authorize orphans' court of any CO. to appt. comr. to inquire into advisability of funding a charge upon any lands in state by last will and testament, and upon his rept. to decree apptmt. of a trustee to hold and invest funds, etc.; witli text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1893: 99-100.) 1903. See above. Court of Common Pleas, this date. Dauphin County 1861. Veto (Packer) of act. rel. to the register of wills and clerk of the orphans' court of Dauphin Co. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1S61: 29-30.) Lancaster County 1791. Rept. of committee resp. petition of John Hubly rel. to tax upon writs issued out of co. court of com- mon pleas in Lancaster Co. (House jol. 1790/1: 271.) 1891. Veto of act rel. to the establishment of a separate orphans' court in Lancaster Co.; with text of act. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1891: 136-137.) Luzerne County 1858. Veto (Packer) of act to consolidate the offices of register of wills and clerks of tlie orphans' court in Luzerne County. (House jol. Jan. 1858: 949-951; Sen. jol. Jan. 1858: 885-886.) Oyer and Terminer 1805. Rept. of committee (Sharswood) to whom was referred memorial and petition of Benj. Davis and Richd. North, sureties for the appearance of Wm. Cobbett at a court of oyer and terminer (1797). (House jol. 1804/5: 597-599.) 1834. Rept. of the clerks of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer of the several cos. within the common- wealth. {Same 1833/4 v. 2: 558-559 (doc. 134).) Philadelphia County 1831-1832. Stmt, of business of Court of Oyer and Ter- miner for city and co. of Phila. (4 A.R. inspectors of Eastern Penitentiary 1832: 20.) RECEirxs AND ExrENDiTUHEs; see below, that title INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 173 ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE AND COUNTY— cont'd Courts — cont'd Reoistebs' Court 1891. Veto of amdmt. to act rel. to registers and regis- ters' courts; with text of act. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1891: 56-57.) Salaries; see that title Superior Court 1899. An act to establish the superior court of Penn. approved Je. 24, 1S95, with supplements approved May 19, 1897 and May 5, 1899, and rules governing procedure in said court, n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. 58 pp. Copy seen in I'enn. State Library. Supreme Court 1798. Govs. mess. (Mifflin) transmitting a communica- tion from the judges of the Supreme Court, com- menting on expediency of remedying defect in ad- ministration of justice suggested by it, etc. (Sen. jol. 1797/8: 250.) 1799. No. of judges of Supreme Court, Insufficient. (Govs. mess. (Mifflin) Dec. 7, 1799.) 1801. Administration of justice must become inefficient unless no. of judges of Supreme Court be Increased and courts of common pleas reorganized. (Same (M'Kean) Dec. 5, 1801.) 1802. Defective organization of courts and inadequate no. of judges of Supreme Court. (Same (M'Kean) Dec. 11, 1802.) 1803. Insufficient no. of judges of Supreme Court and too extensive range of distrs. of courts of common pleas; effect of accumulation of business of courts. (Sanie (M'Kean) Dec. 9, 1S03.) . Rept. of committee (Kean) to whom was referred that part of the Govs, address, relating particularly to the judiciary system; expediency of increasing the no. of Supreme Court judges; circuits. (Sen. jol. 1803/4: 46-47.) . Rept. of committee (D. Montgomery) apptd. pursuant to recommendation in that part of Gov.'s judicial court of the commonwealth. (House jol. 1802/3: 117-118.) 1804. Necessity of change in organization of co. courts; augmentation of no. of judges of Supreme Court; abolition of high court of errors and appeals. (Govs, mess. (M'Kean) Dec. 6, 1804.) 1805. Veto (M'Kean) of suppl. to act establishing the judicial court of the commonwealth. (House jol. 1805/6: 10-12.) 1812. Res. calling a convention to institute various re- forms, among others apptmts. of Supreme Court judges and election of justices of the peace. (Sen. jol. 1811/2: 90-92.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 1500 copies were ordered prtd. in English (Sen. Jol. 1811/2:92) nnd 1000 copies In German. (Same 1811/2: 103-104.) 1813. Rept. of committee (Brown) to whom was re- ferred a petition for certain alterations in the distrs. of the Supreme Court. (House jol. 1812/3: 364-365.) 1815. Supreme Court: trial of issues in fact; writs of error or of certiorari; arbitrators; appeal of plain- tiff and defendant. (Govs. mess. (Snvder) Dec. 8, 1815.) 1824. Addition of two judges to Supreme Court sug- gested. (Same (Schulze) Dec. 9, 1824.) 1829. Importance of giving publicity to Supreme Court decisions; employment of reporter recommended. (Same (Schulze) Nov. 4, 1829.) . Needed revision of judiciary system; labors of judges of Supreme Court. (Same (Wolf) Dec. 15, 1829.) ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE AND COUNTY— cont'd Courts — cont'd Supreme Court — cont'd 1834. Benefits derived from arrangements of distrs. for holding terms of Supreme Court and abolition of circuit courts. (Same (Wolf) Dec. 3, 1834.) . Govs, mess (Wolf) ace. with a memorial from the judges of the Supreme Court rel. to their duties. (House jol. 1833/4 v. 2: 516-520.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1834. 7 pp. Copy .seen In Penn. State Library. 1835. Rept. of committee on claims (T. S. Smith) on petition of comrs. of Dauphin Co. for repeal of act directing them to fit up and furnish the Supreme Court room, and refunding of certain expenses of the court. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 514 (doc. 114).) 1839. Stmt, of names of chief justices of Supreme Court, associate judges of same court and president judges of the several judicial distrs. of commonwealth, with dates of comns.; submitted by depy. secy, of state (H. Petriken), Jan. 29. (Same 1838/9 v. 2 [pt. 11: 608, 3 foldg. tables.) 1840. Judiciary system under amended constitution; apptmt. of Supreme Court and other judges; efforts to defeat intent of law. (Govs. Mess. (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840: 36-37.) 1841. Govs. mess. (Porter) transmitting communica- tion from judges of Supreme Court of Penn. rel. to increased no. of causes and inability to meet de- mands; comment. (Sen. jol. 1841 v. 1: 53-54.) Commnnlcntion dated .Tan. n, accompanies mess. (p. 54) ; it Is also found In (House Jcil. 1,S41 v. 2 : 91-92 (doc. 171). 1842. Inquiry as to utility of apptg. Supreme Court re- porter suggested. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 6, 1842.) 1845. Rept. of committee on retrenchment and reform (Hill) on Sen. res. directing enquiry into expediency of reporting a bill to reduce the no. of judges of Supreme Court. (Sen. jol. 1845 v. 1: 89-90.) [1854.] Petition of judges of the Supreme Court pray- ing that the sessions of the Supreme Court be made permanent at Harrisburg. Harrisburg: A.B. Hamil- ton, 1854. 6 pp. Copies seen in library of the Library Co. of I'hlla. and in the Penn. St.ite Library. 1858. Communication from Chief Justice and associate justices of the Supreme Court of Penn. resp. Su- preme Court distrs. (Legisl. Record 1858: 35-37.) . Memorial from members of the bar of Phila. rel. to the consolidation of the supreme court. (Same 1858: 274.) 1861. Veto (Packer) of act rel. to the distrs. of the supreme court and regulating the issuing of process therein. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1861: 37-38.) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1861: 72; 255-256.) . Veto (Curtin) of act to abolish the court of " nisi prius " in Phila. and to withdraw from the supreme court all original jurisdiction at law. (Sen. jol. Apr. 1S61: 25-26.) 1870. Additional judge recommended for Supreme Court. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 5, 1870: 31.) 1876. Compensation of Supreme Court judges; debate. (Legisl. Record 1876: 208-209; 288-289.) 1883-1004. List of cases argued in supreme court of Penn. at May terms. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1883/4 app. (pp. 7-8)— .WHic 1903/4.) 1889. Lack of uniformity in rules regulating courts; changes suggested for lessening work of Supreme Court. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 1, 1889: 37-38.) 1889-1904. List of cases pending in Supreme Court of Penn. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1889/90 app. (p. c\i)— same 1903/4.) 174 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE AND COUNTY— cont'd Courts — cont'd Supreme Court — cont'd 1891. Reporting of Supreme Court decisions; additional clerical help requisite for reporter and members of court; method of apptg. reporter. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 6, 1891: 19.) 1894. Case of Supreme Court prothonotaries' clerks to test auditor gen.'s authority to make payment to. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1893/4: xxx.) 1895. No. of justices in Supreme Court; overburdened state of Court; necessity for relief. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 1, 1895: 12.) 1896. Publication of Supreme Court repts. (Rept. secy, commonwealth 1894/6: 10-12.) Death Penalty; see above, Capital Punishment Fees, Fines, and Costs See also below, Receipts and Expenditures. 1798. Arrearages due from prothonotaries, etc. (Rept. of committee of ways and means, Mch. 24, 1798.) 1800. Veto (M'Kean) of act making oflBces of prothono- tary and clerk of Supreme Court, salary offices, and directing fees of those apptmts. to be paid into treasury of state. (House jol. 1800/1: 13-15.) 1812. Rept. of committee (Gibson) to whom were re- ferred petitions praying that constables may be compensated for their attendance at courts. (Same 1811/2: 428-429.) 1815. Payment of costs of their own witnesses by per- sons wrongfully accused of crimes and misdemean- ors. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. 8, 1815.) 1826. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (F. Smith), rel. to fees of registers and clerks of orplians' courts. (House jol. 1825/6 v. 2: 191-192.) 1840. Communication from auditor gen. (Espy) rel. to fees paid O. F. Johnson and James M. Porter for professional services in suits agst. president judges of two judicial distrs. (Same 1840 v. 2 [pt. 1] : 392- 394 (doc. 23).) 1841. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (Wil- liams) in relation to certain moneys alleged to have been drawn from the treasury by the Gov. without authority of law [disbursements to attys. as fees]. (Sen. jol. 1841 v. 1: 682-707.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Elliott & M'Curdy, 1841. 28 pp. Copy seen In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. 1000 copies In English and 250 In Germftn ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 184J v. 1 : 707) ; 1000 additional in Eng- lish and 250 in German. (Some 1841 t. 1 : 719- 720.) . Letter from Ovid P. Johnson rel. to fees reed, for arguing cases in Supreme Court. (Sen. jol. 1841 v. 1: 331-332.) 1842. Veto (Porter) of act directing certain suits to be brought by state treasurer for the use of the com- monwealth. (Same 1842 v. 1: 47-51; House jol. 1842 v. 1: 15-19.) Relates to payments made Ovid F. Johnson and James Madison. . Same, separate. Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1842 V. 1 :80.) 1849. Rept. of auditor gen. (Purviance) rel. to fees of depy. atty. gens. (Sen. jol. 1849 v. 2: 262-263.) 1856/57. Communication from auditor gen. transmit- ting amt. of fees paid or due to notaries public by banks and savings institutions, brokers and In- surance cos. of commonwealth and also no. of pro- tests made for and returned to same. (Legisl. docs. 1858: 531-545 (doc. 48).) 1867. Table: constable and police fees paid by Dauphin Co. (extr. from the auditor's rept.). (Legisl. Record 1867: 475.) ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE AND COUNTY— cont'd Fees, Fines, and Costs — cont'd 1871. Veto (Geary) of act regulating the tees of the sheriff in Perry Co. (Legisl. jol. 1871: xxxvii.) 1872. Veto (Geary) of act to establish and fix the fees to be reed, by the constables of Bucks Co. (Same 1872: 840.) 1879. Fees of sheriffs and prothonotaries. (Same 1879 (v. 2): 960-962.) 1881. Debate on act to regulate the payment of costs in criminal cases. (Legisl. Record 1881: 263-265.) 1885. Veto of act authorizing courts of common pleas to fix by rule fees of witnesses; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1885: 68-69.) 1893. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to fees of clerk of orphans' court; provision of act of Apr. 2, 1868, re- quiring said clerks to pay % of receipts beyond ?2000 per yr. and expenses into state treasury, has a prospective operation upon all fees thereafter established as well as those then allowed by law. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1893/4: app. 7-8.) 1894. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to fees to be paid to prothonotaries for naturalization. (Same 1893/4: app., 95-96.) 1897. Veto of act regulating and establishing fees to be charged by constables; witli text of bill. (Vetoes (Hastings) 1897: 135-139.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to disposition of costs in criminal prosecutions. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1897/8: 33-34.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to fees of prothonotary of Supreme Court — monthly returns. (Same 1897/8: 45.) 1898. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to fees of constables. (Same 1897/8: 86.) Juries 1801. Law regulating juries deserving of considera- tions. (Govs. mess. (M'Kean) Dec. 5, 1801.) ■. Rept. of committee on part of Govs. mess. rel. to regulation of juries. (House jol. 1801/2: 84.) 1805. Expediency of modifying laws resp. jurors, pay- ment of costs on public prosecutions and of law directing sale of unoccupied lands for taxes. (Govs. mess. (M'Kean) Dec. 5, 1805.) 1S09. Rept. of committee (Lacock) apptd. to inquire and report what alterations and amdmts. are neces- sary in laws rel. to sMecting and returning jurors. (Sen. jol. 1808/9: 131-133.) 1822. Rept. of committee on the judiciary system (Markley) on res. rel. to pay and mileage of jurors (Same 1821/2: 682.) 1840. Selection of jurors. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840: 39.) 1842. Selection of juries. (Same (Porter) Jan. 6, 1842.) 1843. Methods of drawing juries. (Same (Porter) Jan. 4, 1843: 12.) 1867. Selection of juries. (Same (Curtin) Jan. 2, 1867: 9.) 1883. Veto of act to repeal act for the better and more impartial selection of persons to serve as jurors in each of the cos. of the state; with text of act. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1883: 108-111.) 1887. Veto of amdmt. to act rel. to selection of jurors. (Same (Beaver) 1887: 64-65.) 1893. Discussion of act to provide for the payment of per diem and mileage of jurors attending the general courts of the commonwealth out of the state treasury. (Legisl. Record 1893 v. 1: 2128- 2133.) 1894. Better and cheaper way to settle disputes [small juries]. (53 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 128- 129.) 1895. Challenges at empanelling of juries In criminal cases. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 1, 1895: 23.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 175 ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE AND COUNTY— cont'd Justices of the Peace 1795. Kept, of committee on law for extending powers of the Justices of the peace. (House jol. 1795/6: G3-64.) 1802. Rept. of committee apptd. to consider propriety of continuing act to extend the powers of justices of the peace passed Mch. 1, 1799. (Same 1801/2: 102-103.) 1804. Rept. of the committee (Pearson) apptd. on the judiciary system. (Same 1803/4: 232-233.) Powers of justices of the pe.aoe ; fees. 1808. Rept. of committee (Moore) on petition of grand jury of Huntingdon Co. for a law prohibiting justices of the peace from instituting suits for tavern credits. (Same 1807/8 pt. 1: 139.) . Letter reed, from \Vm. Graydon soliciting pur- chase by Legisl. of copies of his " Justices' and Constables' Assistant." (Sen. jol. 1807/8: 114.) . Rept. of committee (Laird) to whom letter of Wm. Gravdon was referred; favorable. (Same 1807/8: 122.) 1811. Rept. of committee (Lacock) to whom was re- ferred letter of Richd. Bache, Jr., on book proposed to be furnished justices of the peace; purchase of the manual recommended. (Same lSlO/1: 176.) . Same (Bard). (House jol. 1810/1: 323.) . Rept. of committee (Rose) to whom was referred petition from Berks Co. for alterations in the Hun- dred dollar law [execution of precepts of justices of peace]. (Same 1810/1: 322.) 1812. Salutary results from extension of powers of justices of peace, for recovery of debts and damages warrant further extension of powers. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. 3, 1812.) 1824. Rept. of committee (Duncan) on res. rel. to apptmts. of justices of the peace by the late gov. (House jol. 1823/4: 547-549 and foldg. table.) 1837. Letter from the secy, of the commonwealth (Burrowes) ace. with stmts, rel. to the justices of the peace and aldermen. Read in convention Jly. 1, 1837. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Thompson & Clark, 1837. 102 pp., foldg. table. List and (iate of apptmt. Dec. 20, 1808-May 23, 1837, by cos. : [ann. average] ; fees of prothonotaries, clerks, registers and recorders, etc. ; judiciary officers and salaries. Copy seen in Historical Socy. of Penn. . Rept. of committee on judiciary system (Gil- more) upon petition from Bradford Co. rel. to ex- tension of jurisdiction of justices of the peace. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 445 (doc. 122).) 1840. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (Butler) on petition from Venango Co. for restriction of jurisdiction of justices of the peace. (Same 1840 v. 1; 552-553.) 1843. Power of aldermen and justices of the peace in criminal cases. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 4, 1843: 13.) 1857. Discussion of bill to give justices of the peace power, with a jury of six, to hear and finally deter- mine charges for crimes of certain character, and to lessen expenses in criminal proceedings. (Daily Legisl. Record 1857, no. 54: 4.) 1878. Extension of jurisdiction of justices of the peace; debate. (Legisl. Record, 1878 (v. 2): 1622-1629; 1649-1650.) . Contd. debate on act extending jurisdiction of justices of the peace. (Same 1878 (v. 2) : 2426-2432.) 1879. Enlargement of jurisdiction of justices of the peace. (Some 1879 (v. 2): 1917-1919; 1937-1945.) . Jurisdiction of justices of the peace. (Same 1879: 2063-2066.) ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE AND COUNTY— cont'd Justices of the Peace — cont'd 1896. Opinion of the atty. gen. and decision of Dauphin Co. Court rel. to justices of the peace and aldermen. (Rept. secy, commonwealth 1894/6: 73-77.) 1903. Veto of act requiring justices of peace and alder- men to file with prothonotary of proper co. tran- scripts of proceedings in suits brought before them agst. boroughs, townships and school distrs., direct- ing prothonotaries to keep record of transcripts, providing for foes, etc.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pennypacker) 1903: 5-6.) 1829. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (Mal- lery) on petitions from Montgomery, Chester, Alle- gheny and Lancaster cos. praying increase of fees of justices of the peace and constables in those cos., unfavorable. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 67.3-G74 (doc. 280).) 1857. Remarks (Jordan) on bill rel. to fees of justices of the peace. (Daily Legisl. Record 1857, no. 42: 1.) 1878. Veto (Geary) of act rel. to fees of justices of peace and constables in Crawford Co. (House jol. 1870: 1057-1058.) 1893. Veto of act giving to aldermen, magistrates and justices of the peace fees for affidavits of claim tax and copies thereof, etc.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1893: 22-25.) Laws 1810. Arbitration law of 1810. Lancaster: W. Hamil- ton [1810?]. 24 pp. 16°. Not scp«. Entr.v from Bowker. 1883. Act of Assembly of Je. 13, 1883 [orphans' court] and opinion of counsel, n. t. p. 24 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phtla. Notaries Public 1814. Rept. of committee on the judiciary system (B. R. Morgan) to whom was referred a petition from sundry notaries public of Phila. for extension of their powers. (House jol. 1813/4: 20-21.) 1840. Duration of office of notary public. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840: 37.) 1887. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to domicil of notary public; exercise of notarial function. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1887/S: app., 5-6.) 1892. Act recommended fixing the term of office of notaries public and regulating apptmt. thereof. (Rept. secy, commonwealth 1888/90: 11.) 1895. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to power of gov. to re- move notaries public; proceeding. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1895/6: 39.) . Opinion of atty. gen.; stenographer employed by trust CO. ineligible to apptmt. as notary public. (Same 1895/G: 97.) 1896. Opinion of atty. gen.; gov. should approve bonds of notaries public as provided in act of 1840. (Same 1895/6: 20-21.) . Opinion of atty. gen.: gov. should approve bonds of notaries public in Phila. (Same 1895/6: 40-41.) 1903. Veto of suppl. to act to enable Gov. to appoint notaries public, etc.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pennypacker) 1903: 2-3.) Allegheny County 1870. Veto (Geary) of act rel. to apptmt. of additional notaries public in Allegheny and Phila. cos. (House jol. 1870: 1062-1063.) Philadelphia County See above, Allegheny County. Receipts and Expenditures; see below, that title Receipts and Expenditures 1793. Amt. of judgments on appeals. (A.R. register gen. 1793.) 176 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE AND COUNTY— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd 1812-1877. Expenditures for maintenance of judiciary. (A.R. auditor gen. 1812 (p. 13)— same 1877.) 1887-1904. Scliedule of collections. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1SS7/8 app. (pp. 86-88)— snmc 1903/4.) 1891. Amt. of collections by atty. gen.; sources; amt. » paid into state treasury in comns. ; efficiency of office. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 6, 1891: 17.) 1902. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to payment of mileage of common pleas judge. (Bienn. rept, of atty. gen. 1901/2: 26-28.) Attobxey Ge-nebal's Office 1859-1863. Communication from atty.-gen. rel. to con- tingent expenses of office; estimates. In Collected docs, as follows ; 1S59 In Leglsl. docs. 18.30 : 9S!) (doc. GS). 1SG0-1SC2 not found. 1S63 in Legisl. docs. ISGO : 966 (doc. 37). 1868/9. Expenditures on acct. of atty. gens, office. (A.R. auditor gen. 1868/9: 110.) Cou.NSEL Fees, etc. 184S/9-1903/4. Table: expenditures for counsel fees and commissions. (.\.R. auditor gen. 1S4S/9 (pp. 55-56)- some 1903/4.) Omitted 1852/3 ; 1862/3 ; given under Expenses of Government, 1878/9-1903/4. 1879-1881. Amt. of comns. collected during years 1879, 1880, 1881 showing amt. retained and amt. of surplus paid into state treasury. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1879/80: 1-2.) COUETS 1808/9-1817/8. Table: court fines. (A.R. auditor gen. 1808/9 (p. 10)—samc 1817/8.) 1810. Rept. of committee (Frailey) on letter of auditor gen. with stmt, of fees reed, by prothonotaries and clerks of courts. (House jol. 1809/10: 158-159.) 1812/3-1819/20. Receipts from court fines and forfeited recognizances. (A.R. auditor gen. 1S12/3 (pp. 9-10) —same 1819/20.) 1822-1823. Abstr. furnished by auditor gen. of returns of fees reed, in courts. (Sen. jol. 1823/4: 136-143.) 1837-1838. Stmt, of fees reed, by prothonotaries of Su- preme Court, courts of Nisi Prius, Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, Quarter Sessions of Peace and Orphans' Courts, register of wills and recorder of deeds, in the several cos. (Same 1S38/9 v. 2: foldg. tables betw. pp. 514-515.) Notaries Public 1856/7. Names of notaries public who have made re- turns to auditor general with amt. of fees reed, by them, no. of protests, etc. during the year ending Nov. 30, 1857. (Leglsl. docs. 1858: 529-545 (doc. 48).) Submitted by auditor gen. (Fry), Mch. 1, 1858. 1872/3-1903/4. Receipts from notaries public. (A.R. auditor gen. 1872/3 (pp. 8-13)— .same 1903/4.) 1892/3-1903/4. Notary public comns. refunded. (Same 1892/3 (p. 365)— .sr/wc 1903/4.) Omitted 1894/5-1895/6; 1897/8-1899/00. Tbaxspobtation of Fugitives from Justice 1799. Rept. of committee (Smith) resp. re-imbursement of sheriff of Phila. for expenses in removing prison- ers from the debtors' apartment to Montgomery Co. during prevalence of yellow fever. (Sen. jol. 1798/9: 102.) 1812/3-1845/6. Expenses for conveying convicts. (A.R. auditor gen. 1812/3 (p. 14)— .some 1845/6.) 1813. Pay and expenses of sheriffs for transportation of criminals to Phlla. prison should be established by law. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. 10, 1813.) 1827/8-1849/50. Expenses for conveying fugitives. (A.R. auditor gen. 1827/8 (p. 30)— .tame 1849/50.) ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE AND COUNTY— cont'd Salaries; see Salaries; State. Judicial Sentence 1815. Non-sentencing of criminals in courts of quarter sessions limited to four days, because verdict of guilty is not found within that period; costs of im- prisonment until next term incurred; remedy sug- gested; oyer and terminer courts. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. 8, 1815.) 1874. Commutation of prison sentences for good con- duct. (Same (Hartranft) Jan. 7, 1874: 15.) 1886. For law requiring courts to infiict short sentences on first offenders, and refusing to permit those sentences to be changed till they expire. (57 A.R. inspectors of Eastern Penitentiary 1886; 15.) 1895. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to powers of gov. of commonwealth in regard to commutation of sentence of prisoners. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1895/6: 96.) Sheriff 1815. Sheriff's bonds and sureties. (Govs. mess. (Sny- der) Dec. 8, 1815.) 1816. Rept. of committee (Weston) to whom was re- ferred item of Govs. mess. rel. to sureties of sheriffs. (House jol. 1815/6: 247.) Allegheny County 1868. Veto (Geary) of act authorizing sheriff of Alle- gheny Co. to tax costs in certain cases. (Sen. jol. 1868: 68-69.) Philadelphia County 1804. Rept. from the committee (Adcock) to whom was referred petitions resp. emoluments reed, by the sheriff of Phila. city and county. (House jol. 1803/4 : 602-603.) ADRIAN HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION; see MAINTENANCE: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS AFRICA (J. SIMPSON) Reprosent.'itlve from HuntinRdon Co., 1S60. Secretary of Internal Affairs, 1883-1887. Secretary of Internal Affairs 1884. Papers read before the state bd. of agric. I. The old land-marks of Penn. II. The settlement of the southern border cos. bv the Scotch-Irish. Harris- burg: L. S. Hart, 1885. 18 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. Penn. and In Library Co. of Phila. 1885. Glimpses of Lancaster Co., 1682-1885. (9 A.R. bd. of agric. 1S85: 205-211.) AFRICA (W. G.) 1885. Glass sand industry of Juniata Valley. (13. A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: 36-43.) AGEE (ALVA) 1902. Potato culture. 96 pp. (Dept. of agric. bull. 105.) AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS 1840-1894. See below, Penn. State College Experiment Station, under date 1894. 1880. Agric. experiment stations and their benefits; by J. Hamilton. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880: 184-187.) 1881. An exper. station; by Prof. W. H. Jordan. (14 and 15 quarterly repts. bd. of agric: 80-86.) 1886. Agric. colleges and exper. stations in the U. S.; by T. J. Edge. (10 A.R. bd. of agric. 1886: 64-72.) Ijocatlon. cost, value, Income, etc, : farms and apparatus ; Ala., Ark., Cal,, Conn,. Del., (ia„ 111.. Ind., la., Kan,, Kv,, Jm., Me., Md,, Mass,, Mich,, Minn,, Miss,, Mo., Neb., N. II., N. J., N. Y., N. C, Ohio. Ore.. Penn,, R. I., S. C, Tenn., Texas, Vt., Va., W. Va., Wise. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 177 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— cont'd 1886. Govt, experiment stations; their value to tlie farmer; sliould tlie Ilatcli bill pass; general discus- sion. (Proes. state hortic. socy. ISStJ; 11^-114.) 1888. The relations of e.xperiment stations to horti- culture, by \V. A. Buckliout. (29 A.R. state hortic. assn. 1888: 28-34.) 1893. The farmers' club and experiment station; by S. Edwd. Paschall. (50 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1S93: 35-38.) 1896. Stmt, showing sources of income of experiment stations in various states. (A.R. agric. exper. sta- tion 189t; pt. 2; 14-15.) MASSACHUSETTS 1867-1877. Expenditures of Mass. Agric. College. (A.R. Penn. Agric. College 1879/80: 6.) NEW YORK 1885. The work of the N. Y. Experiment Station; by E. L. Sturtevant. (9 A.R. bd. of agric. 1885: 96-101; 28 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Jly., Aug. and Sept. 1885: 3-12.) PENNSYLVANIA 1818. Benefit to be derived from purchase of small farms for purpose of making agric. experiments. (Govs. mess. (Findlay) Dec. 3, 1818.) 1881. An experiment station; by W. H. Jordan. (5 A.R. bd. of agric. 1881: 158-166.) Pt'nn.'s need of a station ; work done by other states. 1883. Veto of act providing for the establishment of a scientific agric. exper. station and providing the means therefor; with text of act. (Vetoes (Patti- son) 1883: 115-119.) . Establishment of a scientific agric. exper. sta- tion; debate. (Legisl. Record 1883: 2428-2436.) 1885. Veto of act providing for establishment and operation of scientific agric. exper. station and pro- viding means therefor; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1885: 138-140.) . Debate on act providing for the est. and operation of a scientific agric. exper. station. (Legisl. Record 1885: 1334-1338; 1381-1384.) Pennsylvania State College Agricultural Experiment Station " The e.\periment station o£ the I'enn. State College, in its present form, was organized under the provisions of the Hatch Act on June :V>, 1887. This organiza- tion, however, was an expansion and change of form and not a new departure. Since the foundation of the college, experimental work in the interest of Hgrle. had been carried on In 18G8 and 1809, three experimental farms were purchased under the provisions of the legislative act of Feb. 19. 1867 •• (.\.U. Penn. State College 1804 pt. 1 : 14.) serial See Agriculture. Education. Penn. State College. The ann. rept. of the exper. station forms pt. 2 of ann. rept. of Penn. State College. 7ion-serial 1869. Res. by agric. convention that ann. apprn. of $2000 to each of three farms, proposed by trustees of Agric. College, is just and liberal, (v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1864/70: 380.) 1870. General rept. upon experimental farms [of Penn.]; by T. H. Burrowes. (A.R. bd. of trustees of Penn. agric. college 1870.) 1884. Repts. of Concord ville Farmers' and Taxpayers' Club and that of Westgrove Farmers' and CJarden- ers' Club, rel. to state experimental farms. (8 A.R. bd. of agric. 1884: 7-9.) . Same. (23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1884: 22- 24.) 12 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— cont'd Pennsylvania State College Agricultural Experiment Station — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1887. Agric. dept. recognized by bd. as an exper. station. (A.R. Penn. Agric. College 1SS7: 3.) . "Hatch Act" passed by Congress; appropriating $15,000 per yr. to college for agric. dept. (tiame 1887: 3.) . Instructions for taking and sending samples; by H. P. Arnisby. (Penn. State College Agric. Exper. Station Bull. 1: 39-42.) l-'odders; dairy products; seeds; plants, etc., BoU ; fei-tillzers. . Announcement resp. agric. exper. station of Penn. State College; foundation; object. (Same Bull. 1: (pp. 3-4)— .s«HK' Bull. 2: 3-4.) 1888. Address of Prof. I. P. Roberts at laying of corner- stone of new bldg. of Penn. State College Agric. Exper. Station. (Rept. Penn. State College pt. 2, agric. exper. station 1888: 21-25.) . The new bldg. of the Penn. State College Agric. Exper. Station; by H. P. Armsby. (Same 1888: 19-25.) . Publications of the Experiment Station; mailing list. (Rept. of Penn. State College 1888 [pt. 1]: 11.) . Dairy experiments recommended for agric. exper. station, (tiame 1888 [pt. IJ: 11-12.) . Instructions for taking and sending samples. (Same pt. 2, agric. exper. station 1888: 190-192.) Fodders, dairy products, seeds, specimens for Identifica- tion, soil and muck, commercial fertilizers, in general. . Construction of new bldg. at the exper. station. (Rept. Penn. State College 1888 (pt. 1]: 10-11.) 1893. Agricultural experiment stations; by Dr. H. P. Armsby. (17 A.R. bd. agric. 1893: 124-131.) 1894. The experiment station; by H. P. Armsby. (A.R. Penn. State College 1894 pt. 1: 13-34.) Origin (German conception) ; growth (1840-1894) In Europe and II. S. : hist, of exper. station of Penn. State College, equipment, work, relations to agric. education ; agric. courses of Penn. State College. 1900-1904. Penn. State College Agric. Exper. Station; list of officers and committees. (7 A.R. dept. [25 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1899 pt. 2 (p. 81)— 10 mme 1904.) 1904. A bill to aid experiment stations [i. e. to increase the national apprn.], proposed. (Mo. bull, of division of zoology V. 1, nos. 11-12: 34.) Central Expekixiental Farm See also below. Receipts and Expenditures. serial 1869-1880. Rept. of supt. of Central Experimental Farm to president and professor of agriculture: experi- ments, finances, and (1872-1875, 1879, 1880) in- ventory. In Documents as follows : Wm. C. Uiicy, aupciintcticleiU 1869 in Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college 1869 : 22-42. 1870 In Rept. bd. of tnistees of agric. college of Penn. 1870 : 23.')-259.* 1871 not found. 1S72 in Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college of Penn. 1872 : 75-86. 1873 In Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college of Penn. 1873 : 63-72. 1874 in A.R. Penn. State College 1874 : 141-148. 1875 1875: 1035-1041. • 1876 ' •■ " 1878 : 42-49. 1877 •' " " " " 1877 : 28-34. 1878 ' ■• '• 1878:35-41. irm. C. Iluey and If. C Patteraon, supts. 1879/80 In A.R. Penn. State College 1879/80:72-125. • Paging from doc. ed. 178 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— cont'd Pennsylvania State College Agricultural Experiment Station — cont'd Central EspiatiMENTAL Fabm — cont'd non-serial 1869-1873. Programme of series of experiments adopted by board of trustees for the three several farms con- nected with the argic. college of Penn. (v. 8 Kept, trans, state agric. socy. 1871/2: 340-348.) . Same. (Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college of Penn. 1872: 216-224.) 1873. The central exper. farm: its objects, advantages to the student, mechanical dept., compensation for work. (Same 1873: 28-29.) 1882. Suggested that Eastern and Western experi- mental farms be sold and funds concentrated on Central experimental farm. (A.R. Penn. State Col- lege 1882: 8.) . Building of a model dairy on Central Experi- mental Farm recommended. (Same 1882: 41.) . Farms; financial condition; needed improve- ments. (Same 1882: 41.) 1888. Revision of system of accts. on acct. of Hatch act; accts. of Central Exper. Farm to be conducted under title of "The State College Experiment Station"; conflict of time of closing accts. with that of U. S. treasury dept. (Rept. Penn. State College 1888 [pt. 1]: 9-10.) Eastern Experimental Farm See also below, Receipts and Expenditures. serial 1869-1880. Rept. of supt. of Eastern Experimental Farm [or Chester Co. Experimental Farm] : experi- ments, financial stmt., donations, and (1874, 1879, 1880) inventory. In Documents as follows : Tho8. if. Ilarrey, superintendent 1869 in Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college of Penn. 1869 : 53-78. 1870 In Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college of Penn. 1870:210-234.* 1871 not found. 1872 in Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college of Penn. 1872 : 49-75. John I. Carter, superintendent 1873 in Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college of Penn. 1873 : 46-63. 1874 in A.R. Penn. .State College 1874:135-141.* 1875 " '• " •' ■• 1875 : 1023-1033.* 1876 •• " 1876:35-42. 1877 " " " " " 1877:34-39. 1878 ' 1878:41-45. John I. Carter; W. 7?, IShelmire, supts. 1879/80 in A.R. Penn. State College 1879/80 : 47-72. Also In Documents as follows : 1878 in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 39-42. 1878 in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878 : 29. 1879 in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 32-33. 1879 in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1879 ■ 18-21. 1880 in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrle. Dec, Jan. and Feb. 1879/80 : 44-48. non-serial 1869. Memorial from cos. of Eastern DIstr. of Penn. for additional aid to experimental farms, etc. (Legisl. Record 1869: 290.) 1869-1873. See above, Central Experimental Farm, these dates. 1870. Rept. of a special committee of the Penn. State Agric. Socy. apptd. to visit eastern and western farms of the agric. college. (Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college of Penn. 1870: 313-314.) Paging from Collected docs. Nature of work at each farm. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— cont'd Pennsylvania State College Agricultural Experiment Station — cont'd Eastern Experimental Farm — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1871. Rept. of committee apptd. by executive commit- tee of state agric. socy. to visit Eastern and Western Farms of agric. college (in June 1870). (v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1864/70: 105-107.) Location, size, general appearance, etc. 1882. See above, Central Experimental Farm, this date. 1885. Proposed sale of Eastern and Western experi- mental farms. (Legisl. Record 1885: 614-618.) . Rept. of committee apptd. by West Grove Farm- ers' and Gardeners' Assn. to inquire why the East- ern Experimental Farm has failed to meet expecta- tions of farming community. (Same 1885 v. 2: 2629-2630.) Howard Preston, Everard Connid, Job H. Jaclison, com- mittee. 1888. Sale of Eastern and Western experimental farms. (Rept. of Penn. State College 1888 [pt. 1]: 136; 140.) Western Experimental Farm See also below, Receipts and Expenditures. serial 1869-1880. Rept. of supt. of Western Experimental Farm to president of agric. college of Penn.; ex- periments, finances and (1872-1876, 1880) inventory. In Documents as follows : T. P. Walker, superintendent 1869 In Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college of Penn. 1869 42-53. Experiments ; results ; financial stmt. A. J. Hamilton, superintendent 1870 in Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. coll. of Penn. 1870: 259-278.* 1871 not found. 1872 in Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. coll. of Penn. 1872 : 89-97. T C. Hood, superintendent 1873 in Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. coll. of Penn. 1873 : 72-75. Financial stmt, and Inventory. 1874 in A.R. Penn. State College 1874 : 149-151. 1875 " 1875:1019-1023.* 1876 " " 1876 : 50-55. 1877-1878 not found. 1879/80 in A.R. Penn. State College 1879/80 : 126-132. Financial stmt, only ; name of supt. not given. non-serial 1869-1873. See above. Central Experimental Farm, these dates. 1870. See above. Eastern Experimental Farm, this date. 1871. See same, this date. 1882. See above. Central Experimental Farm, this date. 1885. See above, Eastern Experimental Farm, this date. Laws 1887. Text of laws rel. to exper. station. (Rept. Penn. state college pt. 2. (Agric. exper. station) 1888: 9-12.) Repeated in 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892. Receipts and Expenditures Central Experimental Farm [1868.] Cost of grounds, bldgs. and equipment of ex- perimental farm near college, (v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1864/70: 392-393.) 1870. Stmts, showing equipment of Central experi- mental farm Dec. 1, and money expended for per- manent Improvement of real estate. (A.R. Penn. State College 1870: 256-257.) Paging from legist, docs. 1871. * Paging from doc. ed. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 179 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd EaSTKKN ExrKUIMKMAL Fakm [1S68.] Cost, apprn., expenses, etc. of Eastern Experi- mental Farm. (v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1864/70: 391-392.) 1869/70. Table: anit. expended on acct. of Eastern Ex- per. Farm. (A.R. auditor gen. 1869/70: 137.) Penn. State College AGHit-ui-TURAL Experiment Station See also Agriculture. Receipts and Expcudltures. Fenn. State College. 1887/93-1887/01. Apprns. of state to experiment station. In Documents as follows : 1887/93 In A.K. Pcnn. State College 1896 pt. 2 : 14. 1887/01 •' " 1901/2 pt. 1 : 35. 1888-1903/4. Financial stmt.; Penn. State College Agric. Exper. Station, in acct. with U. S. apprn. (A.R. Penn. State College 1SS8 pt. 2 (p. 11)— same 1903/4.) 18891890. Penn. State College Agric. Exper. Station; condensed balance sheet for year ending Dec. 31 with memorandum. (Same 1889 pt. 1 (pp. 16-18) — same 1890.) 1889-1895. Stmt, of yearly gross receipts of station for fertilizer analysis. (Same 1895 pt. 1: 18.) 1890-1891. Condensed stmt, of total receipts and ex- penditures of experiment station for year compared with estimated receipts and with amts. appropriated to various purposes by bd. at its last ann. meeting, and additions made thereto by executive committee. {Same 1890 pt. 1 (pp. 48-49)— same 1891.) 1892. Estimated receipts and expenditures of experi- ment station. {Same 1892 pt. 1: 61-62.) . Assets and liabilities of exper. station Dec. 31, excluding inventory items. {Same 1892 pt. 1: 60-61.) 1892-1903/4. Financial stmt, showing total receipts and expenditures of exper. station for year. (Same 1892 pt. 1 (pp. 59-60)— soHie 1903/4.) AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES 1852. Res. favoring a conv. of agriculturists at Wash- ington to form a national agric. socy. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 40.) 1856. Address of Edgar Cowen before Westmoreland Co. agric. socy. at its 3d ann. exhibition, (v. 5 Ann. rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1857/8: 557-572.) Influence of agiic. on civilization ; science in agric. ; commendation of agric. socys. 1880. Agric. societies and fairs; by C. C. Musselman. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. ISSO: 178-180.) 1894. Organizations; by J. E. Bebout. (53 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 112-113.) . Importance of organization [for farmers]; by Prof. H. G. Hunter. (53 same 1894: 82-83.) DAKOTA 1889. The Farmer's Alliance in Dakota; by C. D. John. (39 and 40 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1889: 85-89.) PENNSYLVANIA 1819. Encouragment of organization of co. socys., for promoting agric, mnfrs. and domestic economy recommended; sum of money to be paid them from state treasury to be offered as premiums. (Govs, mess. (Findlay) Dec. 10, 1819.) 1820-1880. Agric. socys., grounds, bldgs., and fairs in Penn.; brief hist, of their growth; by W. S. Roland. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880: 114-119.) 1822. Rept. of committee on agric. (Todd) [as to what agric. is, its importance in ancient and modern times; establishment of an agric. socy. suggested]. (House jol. 1821/2: 505-507.) . Same, separate, n. t. p. 3 pp. Copy seen in the Hist. Socy. of I'enn. Tiie usual no. of copies were ordered prtd. (House jol. 1S21/2 : 507.) AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA- cont'd 1837. Rept. of committee on agric. (Harper) on peti- tion of citizens of Union Co. for aid to agric. [by aiding agric. socys. to offer premiums, etc.]. (Sen. jol. 1836/7 V. 1: 638-642.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 1000 copies in Engllfiii and 1000 in flerm.-in were ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 18:if!/7 v. 1 : 647.) 1851. Res. adopted recommending to the various coun- ties, the establishment of co. agric. socys. and recom- mending to the socys. the keeping of a register of agric. and livestock statistics. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 29-.30.) 1852. Address of Jas. Gowen to Lancaster agric. socy. (2 same [1854]: 156-177.) Benefits to be derived from agric. socys. and agric. fairs and cattle shows ; etc. . Failure of co. agric. socys. to report to the executive committee of the state agric. socy.; ad- vantage of cooperation betw. local and state socys. (1 same 1S53; 54.) 1854. Address of Benj. S. Bentley before Sullivan Co. Agric. Exhibition. (2 some [1854]: 269-277.) " Book-farming," work of co. agric. socys., advantages of Sullivan Co., etc. . Increasing no. of co. agric. socys. (1 same 1853: 371.) 1855. In consequence of agric. socys. having existed in New England states, since 1800, they have been able to accomplish that which Penn. is scarcely able to do at date — maintain laboring population by till- age of soil. (3 .Mme 1855: 165.) 1858. Co. agric. socys.; few repts. reed.; list of those that did report; Chester Co. Agric. Society repts. (2 A.R. farmers' high school 1857/8: 66-68.) . Res. favoring presentation of a thoroughbred bull to the CO. agric. socy. furnishing the largest subscrip- tion of membership, in proportion to its population, to tlie state socy. (v. 5 Trans, state agric. socy. 1857/8: 55.) 1864. Socy. authorized to procure prtd. circular directed to comrs. of each co. calling attention to clause in charter [of state socy.] requiring each co. socy. to rept. to state socy. annually and requesting them to withhold ann. co. apprn. until pres. of each co. socy. shall satisfy comrs. of his co. that ann. rept. has been made. (v. 7 same 1864/70: 18.) 1874. Some provision should be made for publication of brief abstracts of repts. of co. agric. socys. (v. 9 some 1872/3: [3].) 1875. Letter and blank addressed to pres. or secy, of every co. agric. socy. [seeking information about organization of socy., fairs, property, etc.]. ([31 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1875: 67.) 1877. County agric. societies and fairs; summary of repts.; geographical distribution; etc. (1 A.R. bd. agric. 1877: 293.) 1877-1879. Table: summary of repts. of co. agric. socys. (1 same 1877 (pp. 294-295)— 3 same 1879.) Omitted in 187S. 1877-1904. List of CO. and local agric. societies, with names and addresses of secretaries and presidents. and dates of exhibitions. In Documents as follows : 1877 in 1 A.R. bd. of agiic. 1877 : 296-297.* 1878 in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 43-44.* 1879 In 3 A.K. bd. of agric. 1879 : 262-265. " (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je.. Jly. and Aug. 1870:6-8. 1880 In 4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880 : 279-280. 1881 " 5 • " 1881 : 283-285. " " 13 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric, pp. 43-45. • I-lst and n.'inies and addresses of secretaries are the only items In 1877 and 1S78. 180 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd lS8:i iu (i A.K. b(l. of agrip. 1882 : SSfl-SOl. ■• It) and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of ajjric. 1882 : 94- 96. 188:t in 7 A.n. bd. of agric. 1S83 : ;',(;l'-3U4. 1884 '■ -j:', (iiiartell.v ifpt. bd. of ayiic, pp. 41-44. 188.-. omitted. lS8(i iu 1(1 A. It. bd. of agiic. lK8(i : :!i:!-:;i.''.. 1887 ■• 11 1887 : .iDL'-rilM. '• 32 and aa Quarterl.v repts. bd. of iigric. 1887 ; 91- n:!. 1888 iu 12 A.K. bd. of agric. 1.S8S : ;;74-:i7fi. 1889 " i;i is.sii : 4:;4-4:;h. 1890 '■ 14 1890 : :;.".4-:!.-n;. " 4:: Qiiarlerlv rppt. bd. of agrie. 1K9(I : 95-98. 1891 •• 1.-. A.l;. bd. of agrie. IS'.il : :;s4-::m!. 1892 •' i(! is'.iu : ::.s4 .•;n7. 1893 "17 189;! : :W(i-:'.(;4. 1894 " l.s ' 1894: .■!6?.-:;r,.-.. lS9r. in 1 AM. deiit. [19 A.R. bd.] of asrlc. 1895 pt. 1 s.'-..-.-sr.7. 189(; in 2 .\.n. dept. [29 A.n. bd.] of agric. 1896 pt. 1 H0.-,-,S()7. 1897 Iu .-! A.R. dept. [21 A.U. bd.] of agric. 1897 pt. 1 791.79:;. 1898 in 4 A.H. dept. [22 A.U. bd.] of agric 796-801 dept. 12,1 A.R. bd.] of agri 1898 pt. 1 1899 pt. 2 1900 pt. 2 dept. [25 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1901 pt. 2 pt. 1 1899 In r, A 8i)-9]. 1900 in (i A.U. dept. [24 A.U. bd.] of agric 88-90. 1901 in 7 A 90-94. 1902 in 8 A.R. dept. [26 A.R. bcl.] of agric. 190 78-84. 1903 in 9 A.R. iunl. 1856-1857. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of Fayette Co. Agric. Socy. (4 same 1856 (p. 274) — v. 5 same 1857/8.) 1869-1875. Fayette Co. Agric. Socy.: organization and officers; no. of fairs hold; amt. of ann. premiums; value of lands (leased) ; no. of members; stock held by members; value of personal effects; bldgs. and grounds; officers for 1875. ([3] A.R. bureau of in- dustrial statistics 1874/5: 85-86.) Fairs; see Agrkulturk. Fairs Franklin County Agricultural Society See also above. Farmers' and Mechanics' Industrial Association of Franidin Co. 18aS. Officers of Franklin Co. Agric. Socy. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 209-210.) -— — . Receipts, membership, etc. (1 .snnie 1853: 210.) Fairs; see Agricui.ttre. Fairs Greene County Agricultural and Manufacturing Society Chartereil in 18."i:!. Succeeded by Central Agric. and Wech. Fair Assn. of Greene Co.? See above, that title. 1853-1854. Financial stmt, of Greene Co. Agric. Socy. (3 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1855: 153.) 1853-1861. Greene Co. Agric. Socy.: organization, re- ceipts and expenditures at first fair (1853) ; receipts at fairs of 1854 and 1855; amt. paid out at eighth ann. exhibition; apprn. in 1861 paid over to a junior socy. by misconstruction of law. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 86.) 1801. Terms of membership of Greene Co. Agric. and Mnfg. Socy. (v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1861/3: 615.) Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs Huntingdon County Agricultural Society For other societies in Huntingdon Co., see above, Brady Townsliip. 1854-1875. Huntingdon Co. Agric. Socy.: organization and original officers; date of ann. fairs and premiums paid; incidental expenses of socy. each year; officers in 1875. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 87-89.) 1S54. Organization of the Huntingdon Co. Agric. Socy. (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. [1854]: 147.) 1855. No. of members; receipts and expenditures of Huntingdon Co. Agric. Socy. (3 same 1855: 160.) 1855-1858. List of officers of Huntingdon Co. Agric. Socy. (2 same [1854] (p. 147)— v. 5 same 1857/9.) List for 1855 not found. 1857. Finances of Huntingdon Co. Agric. Socy. (v. 5 same 1857/8: 387.) 1860. Ann. rept. of Huntingdon Co. Agric. Socy. pub- lished in CO. papers, (v. 6 same 1861/3: 616.) Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs Indiana County Agricultural Society Organized Dec. 26, 1854. 1855-1856. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of Indiana Co. Agric. Socy. (3 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1855 (p. 162.)— 4 same 1856.) Approximate estimate in 1856. 1855-1874. Indiana Co. Agric. Socy.; organization and first officers; no. of fairs; premiums paid each yr.; expenses; value of lands; officers. ([3] A.R bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 90-91.) 1856-1857. List of officers of Indiana Co. Agric. Socy. (3 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1855 (p. 162) — 4 same 1856.) 184 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Indiana County Agricultural Society — cont'd 1858. Excellent pecuniary condition of Indiana Co. Agric. feocy. (v. 5 same 1857/8: 407.) Fairs; see AoKicrLTURE. Pairs Jefferson County Agricultural Society and Driving Park Assn. 1879. Jefferson Co. Agric. Socy. and Driving Park Assn. organized; fair grounds. (5 A.R. bd. agric. 1881: 270.) Fairs; see Agriculture. Pairs Juniata County Agricultural Society For other societies in Juniata Co., see below, Riverside Vark Agric. Assn. of Juniata Co. 1852-1858. Juniata Co. Agric. Socy.: organization; acct. of second ann. fair (1853); amt. of premiums in 1856, 1857 and 1S58. ([31 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1S74/5: 91.) 1853. Officers of Juniata Co. Agric. Socy. (1 A.R. trans. state agric. socy. 1853: 221.) 1854-1856. Amt. of funds realized by Juniata Co. Agric. Socy. during yr., amt. paid for premiums and gen- eral financial condition. (2 same [1854] (p. 148) — 4 same 1856.) 1855 not found. 1855-1857. List of officers of Juniata Co. Agric. Socy. (2 some [1854] (p. 148)— v. 5 same 1857/9.) Faiks; see Agriculture. Fairs Keystone Agricultural and Horticultural Society 1870-1875. Keystone Agric. and Hortic. Socy. at Kutz- town, Berks Co.: organization and first officers; oflacers in 1875; fairs. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 72.) Lancaster County Agricultural Society 1853-1856. List of officers of Lancaster Agric. Socy. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853 (p. 222)— 4 some 1856.) Omitted in 1854 and 1855. 1856. Efforts of Lancaster Co. Agric. Socy., through fruit committee, to increase attention to fruit cul- ture. (4 same 1856: 307-308.) Fairs; see Aobiculture. Fairs Lawrence County Agricultural and Horticultural Society 1852-1858. Lawrence Co. Agric. and Hortic. Socy.: or- ganization, officers; premiums in 1852 and 1853; lease of lands; receipts and premiums tor 1855; premiums paid in 1856; receipts and payments in 1857; premiums and expenses in 1858, balance. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 94.) 1853-1858. Officers of the agric. and hortic. socy. of Law- rence Co. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853 (p. 223)— V. 5 .some 1857/9.) List Is omitted in 1855. 1854-1858. Financial condition of Lawrence Co. Agric. Socy. (2 same [1854]— v. 5 .same 1857/9.) 1871-1875. Lawrence Co. Agric. Socy. of Harlansburg: organization and officers; no. of fairs held; ann. premiums; incidental expenses; value of lands leased; officers in 1875. ([3] A.R. bureau of indus- trial statistics 1874/5: 94-95.) Faibs; see Agriculture. Fairs Lebanon County Agricultural Society 1874-1875. Lebanon Co. Agric. Socy.: organization and officers; amt. of premiums paid in 1874; incidental expenses; rental of lands; value of personal prop- erty. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 93.) Faibs; see Agricultuke. Faibs AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Leechburg Agricultural Society 1879-1881. Leechburg Agric. Socy. of Armstrong Co. organized in Jly., 1879; stock; value of bldgs. and improvements. (5 A.R. bd. agric. 1881: 255.) Lehigh County Agricultural Society Incorporated Aug. 13, 1855. 1852-1854. List of officers of Lehigh Co. Agric. Socy. (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. [1854]: 180; 182.) 1852-1878. Income of Lehigh Co. Agric. Socy. each year. (2 A.R. bd. agric. 1878: 218.) [1854.] Financial stmt, of treasurer of Lehigh Co. Agric. Socy. (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. [1854]: 204.') Fairs; see Agriculture. Pairs Luzerne County Agricultural Society 1810-1858. Agric. socys. of Luzerne Co.: [First] Lu- zerne Co. Agric. Socy. (date of organization, officers, object, list of premiums in 1824) ; [second] Luzerne Co. Agric. Socy. (organization 1851, officers, result) ; Abingdon Agric. Socy. (date of organization and of first fair) ; [third] Luzerne Co. Agric. Socy. (date of organization, officers, fair). ([3] A.R. bureau of in- dustrial statistics 1874/5: 103-105.) Pairs; see Aorkiltire. Fairs Lycoming County Agricultural Society 1855-1875. Lycoming Co. Agric. Socy.: organization and first officers; no. of fairs; average ann. premiums; incidental expenses; grounds; value of personal property; officers (1875); indebtedness. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 93.) Pairs; see Agriculture. Pairs McKean County Agricultural Society 1856. List of officers of M'Kean Co. Agric. Socy.; trans- actions. (4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1856: 325.) Fairs; see AcnicrLTiRE. Pairs Mercer County Agricultural Society 1853. Rept. of Mercer Co. Agric. Socy. (v. 1 Trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 225-244.) Consists onl.v of the address of James Gowen at the ann. exhibition of the soc.v. Points covered In the address are the deslrabiiity of agric. exhibitions and the propriet.v of eliminating horse-racing, side-shows, etc. ; benefits of agric. education ; thorough cultivation of a small amt. of land rather than indifferent cultivation of a large amt. ; graz- ing ; breeds of cattle. 1856-1860. List of officers of Mercer Co. Agric. Socy. (4 A.R. same 1856 (p. 326)— v. 6 same 1860.) 1857 and 1859 not found. Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs Mifflin County Agricultural Society Fairs; see Aghici:lture. Pairs Monongahela Valley Agricultural and Horticultural Society Org.inized in 1853. 1855. List of officers of Monongahela Valley Agric. and Hortic. Socy. (3 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1855: 200.) Fairs; see Agriculture. Pairs Montgomery County Agricultural Society 1845-1854. Hist, sketch of Montgomery Co. Agric. Socy., from organization. (4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1856: 341-344.) 1856-1861. Financial stmt, of Montgomery Co. Agric. Socy. (4 same 1856 (p. 336)— v. 6 same 1861/3.) . Officers of Montgomery Co. Agric. Socy. (4 same 1856 (p. 336)— v. 6 same 1861/3.) 1860. $100 ann. appropriated by Montgomery Co. Agric. Socy. for purchase of books; library numbers several hundred volumes, (v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1861/3: 590-591.) Pairs: see Agriculture. Fairs INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 185 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Montour County Agricultural Society 1S5G. List of officers of Montour Co. Agric. Socy. (3 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1855: 206.) . Same. (4 same 1856: 353.) 1872-1875. Montour Co. Agric. Socy.: date of incorpora- tion and first officers; premiums paid at fairs of 1872, 1873, 1874; amt. of expenses; value of lands; indebtedness; officers at date [18751. ([31 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 105.) Fairs; see AcHicii.TuiiE. Fairs Northampton County Agricultural Society Orpinizoci In 1853. 1852-[18581. Northampton Co. Agric. Socy.: organiza- tion, officers, fair; amt. of premiums paid at fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh ann, exhibitions. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 106.) 1853-1861. Officers of Northampton Agric. Socy. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853 (p. 245) — v. 6 same 1861/3.) 189G. [Extract from article onl Northampton Co. Agric. Socy.; by W. T. Becli. (2 A.R. dept. agric. 1896 v. 2: 162-163.) Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs Northumberland County Agricultural Society 1855. List of officers of Northumberland Co. Agric. Socy. (3 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1855: 206.) Fairs; see Agrk vi.ture. Fairs Oxford Agricultural Society Organized 1870. Fairs; see Agricultitre. Fairs. Chester County Patrons of Husbandry serial 1900-1904. Patrons of Husbandry: officers of Penn. State Grange; origin of the order; purposes. In Documents as follows : 1900 in 5 A.R. dept. [23 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1899 pt. 2 68-09. 1901 In (i A.R. dept. [24 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1900 pt. 2 72-79. 1902 in 7 A.R. dept. [25 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1901 pt. 2 73-80. 1903 in 8 A.R. dept. [26 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1902 pt. 2 75.* 1904 in n A.R. dept. [27 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1903 : 939.* 1905 in 10 A.R. dept. [28 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1904: 774.* non-serial 1867-1875. Patrons of Husbandry: organization — na- national and state (Penn.) ; character; amt. of pur- chases in 1874 and 1875; savings; etc. ([31 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 121-122.) 1880. Extracts from minutes of Penn. State Grange. (A.R. Penn. State College 1879-1880: 7-9.) 1883. Work of the Grange in Jefferson Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 28.) 1893. Why am I a granger? by Mrs. Emma L. Kender- dine. (51 .same 1893: 69-72.) 1894. The grange; by F. P. Kimble. (53 same 1894: 135-136.) Pennsylvania Agricultural Society 1824. Rept. of committee on agric. (Roberts) on me- morial for payment to Phila. Socy. for Promoting Agric. of sums directed to be paid from treasury of Phila. Co. to Penn. Agric. Socy. (House jol. 1823/4: 594-598.) 1825. Rept. of committee on agric. (Roberts) on peti- tion praying incorporating Penn. Agric. Socy. {Same 1824/5 v. 2: 129-133 (doc. 64).) . See Agriculture. Bucks Co., this date. • Officers only. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Pennsylvania State Association of Agricultural Societies 1890. List of officers of Penn. state assn. of agric. socys. (43 quarterly rept. of Penn. bd. of agric. 1890: 4.) . Who are eligible as delegates to this assn.? gen- eral discussion by Penn. state assn. of agric. socys. (43 same 1890: 53-56.) Pennsylvania Farmer's Alliance and Industrial Union 1900-1903. Penn. Farmer's Alliance and Industrial Union; list of officers; constitution, etc. (5 A.R. dept. [23 A.R. bd.l of agric. 1899 pt. 2 (pp. 76-78) — 9 same 1903.) Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society serial Under act of Mch. 29. 1851 1 series 1853-1877. Ann. rept. of transactions of Penn. state agricultural society, v. 1-12. Harrisburg, 1854-1877. Cliecltlist 1853. A. B. Hamilton, 1854. 481, iv pp.' t [1854.] A. B. Hamilton, 1855. 382, ill pp. v. :<. 1855. A. B. Hamilton, 1856. 415 pp. V. 4. 1856. A. B. Hamilton, 1857. 511 pp. V. ."). 1857/9. A. B. Hamilton, 1859. 648 pp., pls.t V. 0. 1861-62-63. Singerly & Myers, 1863. 792, 102 pp., diagr.J V. 7. 1864/70. B. Singerly, 1871. 581 pp., 23 pis. V. 8. 1871/2. B. Singerly, 1872. 430 pp., 15 pis. V. 9. 1872/3. B. F. Myers, 1874. 353, 144 pp., 28 pis., 2 diagrs. V. 10. 1874/5. B. P. M}-ers. 1875. 556, 64 pp., 32 pis. V. 11. 1876. B. F. Myers, 1876. 405, 80 pp., 16 pis. V. 12. 1877. L. S. Hart, 1877. 408, 79 pp., pis. 1. 1878-1894. 2 series Rept. of the Penn. state agric. socy. Checklist No separate copies were found. In Documents as follows : 1877 in 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877: 292.1 1878 " 2 ' 1878: 287-424. 1879 not found. 1880 in 4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880. 202 pp. 1881 " 5 •' •' " 1881. 152 pp. 1882 •■ 6 • 1882. 82 pp. 1883 " 7 ' 1883. 64 pp. 1884 not found. 1H85 in 9 A.R. bd. of agrle. 1885. 171 pp. 18S6 •• 10 1886. 172 pp. 18.S7 " 11 " •■ " " 1887. 113 pp. 1888 •■ 12 1888. 87 pp. 1889 " 13 1889. 44(1) pp. 1890 " 14 " 1890. 48 pp. 1891 " 15 1891. 60 pp. 1892 " 16 " " " 1892. 76 pp. 1893 " 17 " " " 1893. 77 pp. 1894 " 18 1894. 19(1) pp. 1895-1898 not found. 1899 in 5 A.R. dept. [23 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1899 pt. 2: 13-20.§ 1900 in 6 A.R. dept. [24 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1900 pt. 2: 13-20.8 1901 In 7 A.R. dept. [25 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1901 pt. 2 : 14-21. § 1902 In 8 A.R. dept. [26 A.R. bd.] ot agric. 1902 pt. 2 : 73-74.8 1903 in 9 A.R. dept. [27 A.R. bd. of agrle. 1903:942- 1904" in 10 A.R. dept. [28 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1904:769- 770.§ • Entitled 1 A.K. Trans. State Agrle. Socy., covers transactions from May 15, 1850, to .Ian. 17. 1854, Inclusive. t Copies seen in the Free Library of Phila. and In the Hist. Socy. of renn.. Phllii. t Though called rept. for years 1861-62-63, this rept. covers trans- actions from .Mch.. 1859. to Oct., 1803. § Only list of officers and committees, and by laws, etc. 186 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society — cont'd serial — -cont'd B 1852-1857. Procs. of the Penn. state agric. socy. [at ann. mtg.]. Checklist [1.] 1852 Jan. 20-21. n. t. p. S pp. Copies seen In the Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phila., and in the Peun. State Library. 2. 1853 Jan. IS. Harrisburg : M'Klnley & Lescure, 1853. 24 pp. Copy seen in the Hist. Socy. of Penn. 3-6. 1S54-1S57. Not found. In Documents as follows : 1. 1852 in 1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853 : 31-41. 2. '• '• 1 ■' " •• •■ •' 1853:42-50. 3. 1854 not foiinil. 4. lS5u in 2 A. It. trans, state agric. socy. [1854] : 15-30. 5. 1856 •• 3 1855 : 15-21. 6. 1857 " 4 1856 : 15-28. non-serial 1850. Address to the farmers of Penn. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 11-14.) Signed by James Gowen, A. L. Elwyn, Saml. C. Ford, A. S. Roberts, J. P. Wetherlll. An appeal by the Agric. Socy. of Phila. in behalf of the formation of a state agric. socy. ; advantages of the agric. socys. In N. Y.. Ohio and Md. ; apptmt. annually of a committee on agric. by the Penn. Legisl. for merely nominal purposes; recommended that a farmers' convention be held at Harrisburg on the 3d Tuesday of Jan., 1851, to form a state agric. socy. . Same. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 42-46.) 1851. Proceedings of Agric. Convention at Harrisburg [to organize State Agric. Socy.]. ([3] same 1874/5; 46-62.) . Same. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 15- 30.) . Same, separate, h. t. p. 14 pp. Copies seen in American Philosophical Socy.. in Hist. Soey. of Penn., Phila., and in the Penn. State Library. . Text of act to incorporate Penn. State Agric. Socy. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 101-102.) Repeated In v. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. . Same. (6 A.R. dept. of agric. 1900 pt. 2: 15-16.) Repeated in 7 A.R. dept. of agric, pt. 2. . Memorial to the Legisl. by a convention held at Harrisburg Jan. 21 and 22, 1851, appealing tor legisl. support, etc. and requesting charter of incorporation for the "Penn. State Agric. Socy." (1 A.R. trans. state agric. socy. 1853: 27-28.) . Same. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 58-60.) . Res. adopted for publication of procs. of Conv. at Harrisburg and the constitution of the socy., etc. in pamphlet form, 5 copies to be furnished each member of the socy. and of the Legislature. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 29.) . Letter from Dr. W. D. Brinckle to Hon. Geo. W. Woodward; desirability of establishment of a state agric. socy. or bd. of agric. and an agric. school in Penn.; importance of entomology to the farmer. (1 same 1853: 23-25.) . Constitution of Penn. State Agrle. Socy. (1 same 1853: 21-22.) . Same. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 52-54.) 1851-1877. Brief sketch of Penn. State Agric. Socy., with text of constitution, (v. 12 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1877: 1-4.) AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1851-1884. See Agriculture. Pennsylvania, under date 1884. 1851/4-1904. List of officers and members of state agric. socy. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853 (pp. 26; 39-40; 57-58; 369-370)— Rept. Penn. state agric. socy. 1904.) Members omitted 1899-1004. 1852. Indications of prosperity for the socy. (1 A.R trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 56.) 1853. Text of constitution of Penn. state agric. socy. (1 same 1853: 102-104.) . Same. (2 same [1854] : 10-12.) . Same; amended. (3 some 1855: 12-14.) (4 same 1856: 13-15.) (V. 5 same 1857/9: 15-17.) (v. 6 some 1861/3: 22-24.) (v. 7 same 1864/70: 6-8.) (v. 8 satne 1871/2: 6-8.) (V. 9 same 1872/3: 6-8.) (V. 10 same 1874/5: 4-6.) (v. 11 same 1876: 6-8.) (Rept. trans, state agric. socy. . Same; amended. . Same; amended. . Same; amended. . Same; amended. — — . Same; amended. . Same; amended. . Same; amended. : Same; amended. . Same; amended. 1878: 287-289.) Paging from rept. of dept. of agric. . Same; amended. (Same 1881/2: 71-73.) . Same. (Same 1887: 10-13.) . Same. (Same 1888: 10-12.) . Same. (Same 1889: 10-12.) . Same. (Same 1890: 10-12.) . Same. (Same 1891: 10-12.) . Same. (Same 1892: 11-13.) . Same. (.■*ome 1893: 11-14.) . Same. (Same 1899: 17-20.) Paging from dept. of agric. pt. 2. . Same. (Same 1900: 17-20.) Paging from dept. of agric. pt. 2. . Same. (Some 1900: 18-21.) Paging from dept. of agric. pt. 2. 1853. Acct. of formation of state agric. socy. in 1851, enthusiastic reception by Penn. farmers. (1 A.R. same 1853: 7.) . Penn. Farm Journal published at the city of Lan- caster adopted as the organ of the state socy. and re- solved that the proceedings of this socy. be published in the American Farmer and Agric. Jol. published in German at Harrisburg. (1 same 1853: 35.) . See Agriculture. Pennsylvania, this date. 1854. See same, this date. Note. . Increasing membership of the state agric. socy. (1 A. R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 371.) . Communication from president of Penn. state agric. socy. (Watts) rel. to organization of the society in 1851; subsequent mtgs. ; steps in favor of an agric. school; contemplated publication of a volume rel. to their proceedings. (Legisl. docs. 1854: 435-438.) . Estimate of amt. of money in treasury of state agric. socy. [Oct.]; proposed investment of fund in farm for teaching scientific and practical agric. (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. [1854]: 261.) 1857. Librarian directed to purchase for library of socy. back bound nos. of following periodicals: Penn. Farm Jol.; Working Farmer; Country Gentleman; Ohio Cultivator; Horticulturist. (4 same 1856: 120.) . See Agriculture. Pennsylvania, this date. . Communication from Penn. State Agric. Socy. in reply to House res. of Mch. 18 rel. to finances of the socy. (Dally Legisl. Record 1857, no. 51: 1; 3.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 187 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society — cont'd noH-scrial — cont'd J 857. Rept. of executive committee of Penn. state agrlc. socy. (M'Allister) on further guards and checks in administration of affairs of socy.; recommended that secy, and treas. confine themselves to duties devolved upon them by constitution and that busi- ness of socy. be conducted by committees (on prtg., medals, construction, etc.); suggestion as to char- acter of tickets at exhibitions; recommended that no compensation for extra services be allowed any salaried officer except by direction of executive committee at regular quarterly mtg. (4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1856: 123-125.) 1858. Condition of socy. treasury, (v. 5 Trans, state agric. socy. 1S57/S: 68.) 1863. Memorial of state agric. socy. to legisl., for publi- cation of proceedings of socy. since 1858. (v. 6 same 1861/3: 19-20.) 1864. Corresp. betw. consul at Baden (Hogedam) and pres. of State Agric. Socy. (Knox) rel. to presenta- tion of " Die Gewerbe im Groszherzogthum Baden; Ihre Statistik, ihre Pflege, ihre Erzeugnisse " to Socy. library, its object, etc. (v. 7 some 1864/70: 27-28.) 1865-1869. Stmt, of workings of socy. and recommenda- tions by A. B. Hamilton, pres. (v. 7 same 1864/70: 77-81.) Balances after each exhibition, 1864-1868 ; value of property at Harrlsburg ; receipts in cash for yrly. memberships, single admissions and life member- ships, 1864-1SG8: recommendation that price of single admission he Increased, that all material not reqiilsite for yrly. use be sold, that duplicate premiums in separate numbers be discontinued, that secy.'s salary be increased, thiit salaries of assts. to secy, and treas. at ann. exhibitions be iixed ; no. of life members in 1864 and in 186!'. 1866. Rept. of committee on prtg. (Mann) on memorial of state agric. socy. praying that v. 7 of their trans- actions be printed by legisl. (House jol. 1866: 532.) 1869. Res. to memorialize legisl. for apprns. to defray expenses incident to trial of farm implements, to pay for publication of trans, of socy., and to defray expenses of chemist to ascertain and rept. plan for utilizing wasted fertilizers of state; etc. (v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1864/70: 84.) . Copy of memorial, (v. 7 sawfl 1864/70: 89-91.) 1871. Rept. of committee (Bergner) upon form of prtg. unpublished repts. of socy.; no. of copies recom- mended. (V. 7 some 1864/70: 105.) 1874. Act to repeal sec. 4 of act to incorporate Penn. agric. socy.; [co. apprn.]; 3d sec. [state apprn.] mentioned in debate. (Legisl. jol. 1874: 244-247.) 1877. Acceptance of tender of the " Practical Farmer " of Phila. to publish the proceedings of the socy. (v. 12 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1877: 17.) 1885. Veto of act for relief of state agric. socy.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1885:155-156.) • . Law recognizing state agric. socy. as in some way connected with public administration of sub- ject, by ann. apprn. should be repealed; the interest should have but one head, state bd. of agric. and apprns. be made to that bd. alone: agric. bd. should have exclusive control of publication of agric. repts.; " agric. socy. is a private corporation conducted with a view to the private profit of its stockholders, most or many of whom are capitalists and farmers of large wealth, who are principally concerned in the refinements of agric, fancy stock-raising, and the development of fleet horses, rather than the practical concerns of every-day farming. Such an Institution is well enough in its sphere, and to be commended as a private enterprise; but as the state has a dept. of its own devoted to this subject, what- ever public money is spent for this purpose should AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES: INDIVIDUAI^confd Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society — cont'd 7ion-scrial — cont'd be spent through the recognized public channel. By dividing the resources intended for this interest, the state bd. is deprived of a part of the means which should legitimately go to its support . . ." (Govs, mess. (Pattison) Jan. 6, 1885: 13.) 1885. Rept. of committee [of the agric. socy.] in reply to that portion of the Govs. mess. rel. to the state agric. socy. Harrisburg: L. S. Hart, 1885. 3 pp. Copy seen in Free Library of Pblla. 1887. Veto of act for the relief of the state agric. socy. etc.; with text of acts. (Vetoes (Beaver) 1887: 26-27.) . Memorandum of cost and size of buildings of Penn. State Agric. Socy. (Legisl. Record 1887: 1826.) From Representative Strine's remarks. May 4, 1887. 1893. Veto of act making apprn. to Penn. State Agric. Socy.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1893: 85-86.) 1895. Opinion of atty. gen.; act of May 24, 1878 was re- pealed by act of Mch. 13, 1895 and apprns. made by former act for State Agric. Socy., State Dairyman's Assn. and State Fruit Growers' Assn. fall with the repeal of the act. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1895/6: 101-102.) Executive Committee 1855-1877. [Minutes of mtgs.J of executive committee of state agric. socy. In Repts. as follows : 1855/6 in 3 ann. rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1855 09-114. 1856/7 in 4 ann. rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1856 llT-174. 1857/9 in v. 5 ann. rept. trans, state agrlc. socy. 1857/8 19-6:.'. 1859/63 in v. 6 ann. rept. trans, state agrlc. socy. 1861/3 25-72. 1864/71 in v. 7 ann. rept. trans, state agric. socy 1864/70: 17-108. 1871/2 in V. 8 ann. rept. trans, state agrlc. socy. 1871/2 19-38. 1872/3 in T. 9 ann. rept. trans, state agrlc. socy. 1872/3 17-27. 1873/5 in v. 10 ann. rept. trans, state agrlc. socy. 1874/5 17-42. 1876 in V. 11 ann. rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1876 17-29. 1877 in V. 12 ann. rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1877 15-26. Fairs ; see Agriculture. F.\irs. St.\te Receipt.s and Expenditures 1851. Apprns. by Legisl. to State Agric. Socy. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 34.) 1851/2-1900/1. Table: expenditures on acct. of Penn. Slate Agric. Socy. (A.R. auditor gen. 1851/2 (p. 45)— somf 1900/1.) Given under heading Agric. of Penn.. 1888-1894; under heading Miscellaneous Institutions, 1815-1901 ; omitted In 1900. 1851/3-1876. Ann. stmt, of the treas. of the socy. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853 (pp. 32-33; 51-53; 440-444)— V. 11 same 1876.) 1852-1871. Rept. on [financial] affairs of Penn. Agric. Socy. In Collected docs, as follows : 1852 in Sen. Jol. 1853 v. 2 : 335-336. "House" 1853 V. 2:271-272. 1853 " Legisl. docs. 1854 : 435-438. 1854 " " " 1855 : 791-795. 1855-1856 not found. 1857 in Legisl. docs. 1859 : 690-702. 1858 " •• " 1859 ; 702-704. 1859 " " " 1860 : 544-.546. 1860 1861 : 399-400. 1861-1862 not found. 1863 In Legisl. docs. 1S64 : 1287-1288. 1864 1865 v. 1 : 1098-1099. 1865 " " " 1866 V. 2 : 775-776. 1866 " " " 1867 v. 1 : 740-741. 1867-1870 not found. 1871 in Legisl. docs. 1872 v. 2:1528. 188 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society^ont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd 1857. Reply to res. of inquiry from House of Represen- tatives, Mch. 18. (4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1856: 110-113.) 1. Amt. of npprn. in money Socy. has reod. from state since incorporation : 2. amt. of money in hands of treasurer at end of each year since incorporation (1851) : 3. amt. of money paid to olficers as salary and to whom paid ; 4. amt. of loss sustained b.v socy. during last 2 years. 1877-1894. Financial stmt, of secy, of socy. (Rept. of state agric. socy. 1878 (p. 300)— .m me 1894.) Paglnff for 1S7S continuous with that of 2 A.H. bd. of agric. 1.S7S. No returns 18S9-1890. Philadelphia Agricultural Society 1808. Rept. of committee (Cope) on petition of Agric. Socy. in Pliila. for incorporation; favorable; rea- sons. (House jol. 1807/8 pt. 2: 152-153.) 1809. Rept. of committee (Shearer) to whom was re- ferred subject of incorporating the Phila. agric. socy. {Same 180S/9: 257.) Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture ** The Phila. Sooy. for promoting agric, with its auxil- liary, ' the I<'arniers' Ciub,' constitutes the only agric. socy. in the co. It is not, however, properly speaking a co. socy. having been organized iii 1785, and being then, and for sometime thereafter, the only agric. socy. In the Union. Its field of use- fulness was widely extended, and it included among its members most of the prominent Amer. and many of the European agriculturists of the day. As . . . new socys. sprang up in this and other states, it lost its national character; and when, mainly through the exertions of its members, the Penn. State Socy. was organized, the circle of its immediate Influence became further contracted. It still has upon its roll, members in Md., I)el. and N. J., and In Bucks, Montgomery, Chester and Dela- ware COS., in this state. . . ." (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. [1854] : 212.) serial 1854-1856. Rept. of Phila. Socy. for promoting agric; abstr. of minutes, exhibition, finances, officers, etc. In Documents as follows : 1854 in 2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. [1854] 212-233. 1855 " 4 " •• " '• " 185G : 365-414. 1856 " 4 ' 1856 : 415-417. non-serial 1785-1875. Phila. Socy. for Promotion of Agric: date of organization and first officers; property; object of socy.; ofiicers at date [1875]. ([3] A.R. bureau of Industrial statistics 1874/5: 107.) 1794. Rept. of committee on representation of Phila. Socy. for Promoting Agric; act of incorporation recommended. (House jol. 1793/4: 206.) 1824. See above, Penn. Agric. Socy., this date. 1856. Acct. of celebration of 71st anniversary (Feb. 11) of Phila. Socy. for Promoting Agric. (4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1856: 418-424.) Fairs ; see Agriculture. Fairs Riverside Park and Agricultural Association of Juniata Co. 1874-1875. Riverside Park and Agric Assn. of Juniata Co.: organization and first officers; first fair; dis- bursements; ann. rental of lands; success of socy. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 92.) Schuylkill County Agricultural Society 1851-1883. History of Schuylkill Co. Agric Socy. (Trans, of State Agric Socy. 1883: 32.) 1855-1856. List of officers of Schuylkill Co. Agric. Socy. (2 sa7ne [1854] (p. 234)— 3 Kdine 1855.) 1893. Veto of act to repeal sec. 8 of act to incorporate Schuylkill Agric Socy., etc.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1893: 74-75.) Vetoed because an exact duplicate of II. bill approved May 23. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Schuylkill County Agricultural, Horticultural and Mechanical Association Organized Jly, 26, 1856. 1857-1859. List of officers of Schuylkill Co. Agric, Hortic and Mech. Assn. (4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1856 (p. 448)— v. 5 same 1857/9.) Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs Somerset County Agricultural Society 1854. Officers of Somerset Co. Agric. Socy. (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. [1854] (p. 246) — 4 same 1856.) 1855 not found. 1873-1875. Somerset Co. Agric. Socy.: date of organiza- tion; first officers; ann. premiums; expenses in 1873 and 1874; value of lands; amt. realized out of sale of tickets; present (1875) officers. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 107-108.) Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs Sugar Grove Union Agricultural Society 1874-1875. Sugar Grove Union Agric Socy. (Warren Co.): date of organization; first fair; second fair; amt. of premium list; officers. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 112.) Sullivan County Agricultural Society 1852/4-1856. Receipts and disbursements of Sullivan Co. Agric Socy. (2 A.R. trans, state agric socy. [1854] (p. 268)— 4 snine 1856.) Not found in 1855. 1855-1858. List of officers of Sullivan Co. Agric Socy. (2 same [1854] (p. 269)— v. 5 some 1857/9.) Faii!.s; see Agricui.tuke. Fairs Susquehanna County Agricultural Society 1853. Officers of socy. for the promotion of agric. and mech. arts in Susquehanna Co. (1 A.R. trans, state agric socy. 1853: 258.) [1855.] List of officers of Susquehanna Co. Agric. Socy. (3 same 1855: 232-233.) 1855. Effect of operations of the socy. on agric. of Sus- quehanna Co. (3 same 1855: 232-249.) 1856. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of Susque- hanna Co. Agric. Socy. (4 same 1856: 473-474.) Fairs; see Agricui.ture. Faibs Tioga County Agricultural Society Organized Sept. 12, 1853. 1854-1875. Tioga Co. Agric Socy.: date of organization; officers in 1855; receipts and expenditures 1854 to 1858, including amt. paid for premiums; fair of 1866; amt. of ann. premiums and expenses; value of property; names of people delivering addresses at ann. fairs; officers in 1875. ([3] A.R. bureau of in- dustrial statistics 1874/5: 108-110.) 1854/5-1859. Financial stmt, of Tioga Co. Agric. Socy. (3 A.R. trans, state agric socy. 1855 (pp. 249-250) — v. 6 same 1861/3.) 1855-[1860]. List of officers of Tioga Co. Agric Socy. (3 same 1855 (p. 249)— v. 6 same 1S61/3.) Tioga County Agricultural, Mechanical and Industrial Society 1879. Tioga Co. Agric, Mechanical and Industrial Socy. organized Jly. 29 and incorporated Nov. 29. (21 and 22 quarterly rept. bd. agric 1883: 61.) Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs Union Agricultural Association 1856-1875. Union Agric. Assn. at Burgettstown, Wash- ington Co.: date of organization; officers; no. of ann. fairs and amt. of premiums paid at each; total ex- penses; grounds; personal property; membership and mngmnt. ; present officers. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 113-114.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYI^VANIA 189 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Union County Agricultural Society 18521875. Union Co. Agric. Socy.: date of organization and first officers; no. of fairs; average amt. of premiums paid ann.; total incidental expenses of socy.; value of real estate; etc. (| :! 1 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1S74/5: 110-111.) 1853-18t:o. Officers of Union Co. Agric. Socy. d A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853 (p. 280) — v. G same 1861/3.) 1854-1860. Stmt, of receipts and disbursements of Union Co. Agric. Socy. (2 sfiiiic 11854) (p. 321)— v. 6 sainr 1861/3.) Fairs; see Aghuui.tiire. Fairs Venango Co. See above, Einlenton Union Agric. Socy. Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs I AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Wyoming County Agricultural Society 1857. Officers of Wyoming Co. Agric. Socy.; no. of mem- bers, (v. 5 Ann. rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1857/8: 581.) . Receipts and expenditures of Wyoming Co. Agric. Socy. (v. 5 same 1857/8: 582.) York County Agricultural Society 18511875. Yorlt Co. Agric. Socy.: organization (1852); first officers; no. of fairs and premiums paid at eacli; incidental expenses of socy.; value of lands and personal property; hist, of socy. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 114-117.) 1859. Officers of York Co. Agric. Socy. (v. 5 Ann. rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1857/8: 583.) 1883. See above. Agricultural Societies. Pennsylvania, tills date. Note. Fairs; see Aoricultuhe. Fairs Warren County Agricultural Society For other soc.vs. of Warren Co., see above, Siij;ar Grove Union Agric. Socy. 1851. Warren Co. Agric. Socy. organized. (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. [1854]: 321.) 1851-1S6(?). Warren Co. Agric. Socy.: date of organiza- tion; first meeting; fair of 1855 — receipts, premiums, expenses, etc.; mode of conducting fairs; bank- ruptcy. ([31 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 111.) 1855. Terms of membership of Warren Co. Agric. Socy. (3 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1855: 291.) 1853-1858. Officers of Warren Co. Agric. Socy. (1 xdiiie 1853 (p. 302)— V. 5 same 1858/9.) 1854-1856. Receipts and disbursements of Warren Co. Agric. Socy. (2 same 1854 (p. 321)— 4 same 1856.) Fairs; see AnHicui,TURE. Fairs Washington County Agricultural Society For other agric. aorys. in Washington Co., see above, Chartiers Valley Agric. Socy. ; also Union .\gric. Assu. 1822. Washington Co. Agric. Socy. organized in Mch., 1822; first fair held in 1822. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 64.) 1824-1875. Washington Co. Agric. Socy.: date of organ- ization; no. of ann. fairs; amt. of ann. premiums; expenses; value of lands; membership; bldgs. ; work; officers. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial sta- tistics 1874/5: 112-113.) 1829. Agric. Socy. of Washington Co. organized. (20 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1883: 38.) 1871. Rept. of farm visiting committee of Washington Co. Agric. Socy., for yr. 1870. No. of farms visited seven, (v. 8 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1871/2: 104-127.) Location of farms; description of crops, livestocli, bldgs., garden, etc. ; address of Dr. R. Richardson on cultvire of wheat [and crop rotation]. Fairs; see Aqbiculture. Fairs Wayne County Agricultural and Mechanics' Art Society Organized in 1852. 1853-1856. Officers of Wayne Co. Agric. and Mechanics' Art Socy. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853 (p. 300)— 4 same 1856.) Fairs; see Aobicultube. Fairs Westmoreland County Agricultural Society 1853. Officers of Westmoreland Co. Agric. Socy. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 301.) 1854-1856. Finances of Westmoreland Co. Agric. Socy.; fairs. (4 same 1856: 503-504.) Fairs; see Aorkultuee. Fairs AGRICULTURE Arrange Agriculture In general Agricultural Chemistry .Agricultural I'ress Bee-lveeping Hoar-lH82-i Apr. .Tlv. M-. S. Hart, 1882. 9G •J L M;,y Aiij;. J 2- Oct. Y I Nov. J 18. 188 19. [1882/:!.] 20. 1883 PP-M L. S. Hart. 1882. 48 pp.* t lliirrishurg Not found. L. S. Hart, 1883. 48 pp.* t 21 22. 3-jVl.v. 1 1 I A. I!,'. J ; |-1883-^ !)ct.' U,. S. Hart 1883. 98 pp., 3 pis., dlagr.* t fAp'r.S 23. 1884 ►L S. Hart, 1884. 48 pp.** 24. Not found. 25. Not found. AGRICULTURE— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd Quarterly Reports — cont'd Checklist — cont'd r.Ian. 26. 1885 -i 27. Not found. 28. 1885 .Tan. 1 Feb. ^L. .Mch. J ound. fJly. 1 ■I Aug. ^E. K. I Sept. J S. Hart, 1884. 48 pp. Meyers, 1885. 48 pp.* t 29-30. 1885-1886. Not found. 31. 1886. E. K. Meyers, 1886. 48 pp.** 11; [ 1887. E. K. Meyers, 1887. 96 pp.* t t 34. 1887. E. K. Meyers, 1887. 150 pp.* 1 1 35. 1887. E. K. Meyers, 1887. 150 pp.* t X 36. 1888. E. K. Meyers, 1888. 144 pp.* t t 38 39. 40. 41. ^; [ 1888. E. K. Meyers, 1888. 300 pp.* 1 1 [ 1889. E. K. Meyers, 1889. 300 pp.* t t |1- [ 1889. E. K. Meyers, 1890. 298 pp., pls.t Roads and road laws. Road construction and road repairs. 43. 1890. E. K. Meyers. 1890. 102 pp.* t The mngmt. of co. agric. socys. 44. 1891. E. K. Meyers, 1891. 194(1) pp.J Taxes and taxation. ||- [ 1891. E. K. Meyers, 1891. 300 pp.t Institute Essays. 47. 1892. E. K. Meyers, 1892. 150 pp.* 1 1 Fertilizer laws, fertilizers and their application. 1^- [ 1892. E. K. Meyers, 1892. 300 pp.* t X Institute Essays. 50. 1893. E. K. Meyers, 1893. 150 pp.* t X Institute Essays. 51. 1893. E. K. Meyers, 1893. 148 pp.* t X Institute Essays. 52. 1894. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1894. 150 pp.t Institute Essays. 53. 1894. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1894. 150 pp.* t t Institute Essays. Bulletins 1895-1904. Dept. of agriculture. Bulletins. Checklist 1895 1. Tabulated analyses of commercial fertilizers. 24 pp. Not seen. 2. List of lecturers, speakers and essayists for local farmers' institutes, n. p., C. M. Busch, 1895. 36 pp. Copy seen in the Penn. Dept. of Agriculture. 3. The pure food question in Penn. ; by Levi Wells, dairy and food comr. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1895. 37 pp. Copy seen in the Penn. Dept. of Agriculture. 1896 4. Tabulated analyses of commercial fertilizers, n. p., C. M, Busch, 1896. 21(1) pp. Copy seen in the Penn. Dept. of Agriculture. 5. Same, n. p., C. M. Busch, 1896. 37(1) pp. Copy seen in the Penn. Dept. of Agriculture. 6. Taxidermy : how to collect, skin, preserve and mount birds. The game and fish laws of Penn. By B. H. Warren, state zoologist, n. p., C. M. Busch, 1896. 128 pp., illua. Imprint taken from cover. Copies seen in Free Library of Phila. and Hist. Socy. of Penn. 7. List of creameries in Penn. ; compiled by Oliver D. Schock and Geo. G. Hutchinson, n. p., C M. Busch, 1896. 68 pp. Copy seen In the Penn. Dept. of Agriculture. 8. Rept. of state horticultural assn., 1895. n. p., C. M. Husch, 1896. 107 pp. Imprint taken from cover. * Copy seen in Free Library of Phila. ** Copy seen In Library of V. S. Dept. of Agriculture. t Copy seen in Penn. State Library ; cover lacking, j Imprint taken from cover. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 193 AGRICULTURE— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd Bulletins — cont'd Checklist — cont'il 1896 — cont'd 9. 21 ann. rept. of state dalrymens' assn., 1895. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1896. 9.5 pp. Imprint t.ilien from cover. Copies seen in Free Library of I'hlla. and Fllst. Socy. of I'enn. 10. Special rept. on prepared foods for Invalids and infants ; by F. N. Moore, n. p.. C. M. Busch, 1896. 11 pp. Imprint tal nnd 20. (llurrlsburi;-) (10 and 17 same 1882 : 3-0. ) May 23 and 24. Allentown. (10 nnd 17 same 1882 : 80-93.) Oct. 18-10. Wnshlngton. (18 «(ime 1.H82 : 3-9.) 1883 Aug. 8 and 9. Erie. (21 nnd 22 same 1883: 3-.').) Oct. 24 nnd 25. Westchester. (21 and 22 same 1883 : 0-13.) 1884 Jan. 23. Hnrrlsburg. (23 same 1884 : 21-28.) Je. 1112. (Lock Haven.) (23 game 1884:28-30.) — — Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. Ivoncnster. (28 same 1885: 33-48.) 1885 Jan. 28-29. Harrlsburg. (20 same 1885:4-8.) 1880 not found. 1887 Jan. 20 and 27 (Hnrrlsburg) in 32 and 33 same, 1887 : 3-9. Je. 8 and 9 (Bellefonte and State College) In 35 game 1887: 123-133. 1888 Jnn. 25 nnd 20 (Harrlsburg) In 30 game 1888:4-9. 1889 not found. 1890 Jan. 22 and 23 (Harrlsburg) in 41 and 42 game 1S90 : 7-94. lS91-lo93 not found. 1894 Jnn. 24 nnd 25 in 52 gome 1894 : 5-9. 1895-1898 not found. 1899 Mnv 31-Je. 2. Bloomsburg. 290 pp. (Dept. of Agrlc. Bull. 52.) B 1 series 1869-1879/80. Kept, of professor of agriculture of Penn. State College. In Documents as follows : Thos. H. Burrowes, prof, o/ agrieulture 1809 In rept. bd. of trustees of ngrlc. college 1809 : 5-11. Relates mainly to experimental work. 1870 in rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college 1870 : 201- 210.* " General rept. upon the experimental farms." John Hamilton, prof, of agriculture 1871/2 In rept. bd. of trustees of agrlc. college 1872 : 40- 49. 1873 in rept. bd. of trustees of agrlc. college 1873 : 45- 40. 1874 in A.R. Penn. State College 1874 : 132-133.* 1875 " ■■ 1875 : 1019.' 1870 ' " " 1870 : .33-35. 1877 " " '• " " 1877:27. 1878 " " " " " 1878 : 34. I'aging from doc. ed. 1879/80 in A.R. Penn. State College 1879/80 : 32-37. 2 series 1884-1904. Rept. of dept. of agriculture at Penn. State College. In Documents as follows : W. H. Jordan, prof, of agriculture 1884 in A.R. Penn. State College 1883/4 : 0-7. 1885-1891 not found. if. P. Armsbi/ and Wm. Frear, lecturers; H. J. SVaters, prof, of agric. 1892 in A.R. Penn. State College 1892 pt. 1 : 02-77. H. J. Waters, prof, of agriculture 1893 in A.R. Penn. Stnte College 1893 pt. 1 : 33-34. 1894 " " 1894 pt. 1 : 43-53. Geo. C. Watson, prof, of agriculture 1895 in A.R. Penn. State College 1895 pt. 1 : 20-27. 1890 ■"'■ -' - "■ "- 1897 1898/9 ' 1899/00 • 1900/1 • 1901; 2 • 1902/3 • 1903/4 ' 1890 pt. 1 : 24-25. 1897 pt. 1 : 21-27. 1898/9 pt. 1 : 22-24. 1899/00 pt. 1 : 0-10. 1900/1 pt. 1 : 20-24. 1901/2 pt. 1 : 19-22. 1902/3 pt. 1 : 7-11. 1903/4 pt.l : 11-15. • Paging from Collected docs. AGRICULTURE— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd 3 series 1900/1-1903/4. Rept. of tlie division of agriculture. In Documents as follows: Geo. C. Watsun, agriculturist 1900/1 in A.R. Penn. State College lOOO'l pt. 2 : 208-210 Work completed ; variety tests of grain, forage crops, methods of steer feeding; work In progress; fertil- izer tests; opportunities for luvestigatiou ; soil I)liyslcs ; new lines of work; poultry keeping, swine breeding and feeding experinients desirable ; lack of fuuds. lGOl/2 in A.K. Penn. State College 1901/2 pt. 2 : 187-279 Variety tests of farm crops; methods of steer feedlugi etc. 1902/3 in A.R. Penn. Stnte College 1902/3 pt. 2 : 00-94. Dairy experiments, steer feeding, soiling crops, poultry, fertilizing experiments, etc. 1903/4 in A.H. Penn. Stnte College 1903/4 pt. 2: 170-204. Soiling crops, fertilizer experiments, steer feeding, tests of varieties of grain. non-serial 1G81-1S75. Agric. — its early history and develoiiment in Penn. and its present status. ([3] A.K. bureau of industrial statistics 1.S74/5: 35-122.) 1833. Rept. of committee on agric. (Larduer) on res. instructing them to inquire into the influence which encouragement given to mnfg. interests has upon the agric. of the state and upon the purchase of the unseated lands. (House jol. 1832/3 v. 2: 434-456 (doc. 128.) . Same, separate. Harrlsburg: H. Welsh, 1833. 24 pp. Copies seen in Amer. Phil. Socy.. I'hila.. and In the Hist. Socy. of Penn., I'hila. 1500 copies in English and 500 in German were ordered prtd. (House jol. 1832/3 V, 1 : 318-319.) None of the German prints were found. 1836. Rept. of committee on judiciary (M'Connell) on petition of J. Roberts, et al., praying for enactment of statute for protection of fruit and fences in and near Harrlsburg. (House jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 626-027 (doc. 177).) 1845. Veto (Shunk) of bill to incorporate North Branch R.R. and Coal Co. (Sen. jol. 1845 v. 1: 693-694.) Objectionable feature in the bill was the right to im- prove lands — corporation for this purpose agst. agric. interests. 1850. Table showing, by cos., no. of acres in farms im- proved and unimproved; cash value of farms; value of farming implements and machinery; no. of horses, asses and mules, milch cows, working oxen, other cattle, sheep, swine, value of livestock, value of animals slaughtered; produce during yr. endg. Je. 1, 1850: bushels of wheat, rye, Indian corn, oats, pounds of tobacco, wool, bushels of peas and beans, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, barley, buckwheat, value of orchard products in dollars; no. of gallons of wine; value of produce of market gardens; pounds of butter; of cheese; tons of hay; bushels of clover- seed; of other grass seeds; pounds of hemp; tons of hemp dew rotted; pounds of flax, bushels of flaxseed; pounds of silk cocoons; pounds of maple sugar; gallons of molasses; pounds of beeswax and honey; value of home-made mnttres. (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. [1854]: 352-361.) From returns at census otllce In Wnshlngton. 1852. Address of Jas. Gowen to Lancaster Agric. Socy. (2 same [1854]: 156-177.) Benefits to be derived from agric. socys. and agric. fairs nnd cnttle shows; comparison of a„» 1879 [Nov.] in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 9. ,, , , t tw „„,i 1880 Aug. in 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880 : 20. ^^ . ■ 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1881 • 7. 1882 Oct. in 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1882 : 29. 1883 Nov. in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 19-20. 1884-1895 not found. . _„. „„„ 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of agric. 1896 pt. 1 : .24-725. Cambria County serial 1878-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1878 Jly. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878: 11. ,.,,.. a 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 20. . . ^ t. .. 1880 Aug. In 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880 : 20. ^.. . , 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881:7. ^^ , , 1882 May in 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1882 • 8. 1882 Oct. In 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 29. 1883 [Nov.] In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 * 20 1884 in 23"Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1884 : 6. 1.885-1895 not found. 1896 In 2 A.K. dept. of agrlc. 1896 pt. 1 : i2o. 20-i INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Cambria County — cont'd n07i-serial 1882. Effect of freezing on oats, wheat, rye and clover crops in Cambria Co.; peaches; apples; livestock. (16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 8.) Cameron County 1878-1896. Reporters' notes on crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1878 Jly. and Aug. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. .Te., Jly. and Aug. 1878:11. Crops only. 1879 not found. 1880 Aug. in 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880 : 20-21. 1881-1895 not found. 1896 In 2 A.R. dept. of agric. 1S06 pt. 1 : 725. Carbon County 1878-1896. Reporters' notes on crops and livestock. In Documents as fallows : 1878 Jly. and Aug. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 12. Crops only. 1878 Oct. and Nov. in Quarterly rent. bd. of agric, Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878 : 3. 1879-1880 not found. 1881 Nov. In 14 and 1.5 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1881 : 7. 1882-1883 not found. 1884 In 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1884 : 6. 1885-1895 not found. 1896 In 2 A.R. dept. of agric. 1896 pt. 1 : 725. Centre County 1877-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 Sept. in 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877 : 308. Sheep at mercy of worthless dogs ; no crop rept. 1878 Jly. and Aug. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 12. 1878 Oct. and Nov. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878 : 3-4. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 20. 1879 [Nov.] in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 9. 1880 IMay) In 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 3-4. 1880 Aug. in 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880: 21. 1881 not found. 1882 Oct. in 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1882 : 29. 1883 [Nov.] in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1883 : 20. 1884-1895 not found. 1896 In 2 A.R. dept. of iigrlc. 1896 pt. 1 : 725. Chester County 1877-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 Sept. and Nov. in 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877 : 308 ; 312. 1878 Jly. and Aug. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., JIv. and Aug. 1878: 12. 1878 Oct. and Nov. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878 : 3. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 20. 1879 [Nov.] in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 9. 1880 [May] In 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1880: 4. 1880 Aug. In 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880:21. 1881 Nov. In 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1881 : 7-8. 1882 May in 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1882 * 8-9 -» .- I c 1882 Oct. In 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1882 : 30. 1883 [Nov.l in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1883:20-20. 1884 In 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrle. 1884 : 6-7. 1885-1895 not found. 1890 In 2 A. It. dciit. of agric. 1896 pt. 1 : 725-726. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Clarion County 1877-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 Nov. In 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877 : 312. 1878 Jly. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 ; 12. 1881 not found. 1882 Oct. in IS Quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1882 : 30. 1883-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of agric. 1896 pt. 1 : 726. Clearfield County 1877-1S96. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 Nov. In 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877:312. 1878 Jly. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 13. 1878 Oct. and Nov. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878 : 4. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 20. 1879 [Nov.l In Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 9. 1880 [May] In 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 4. 1880 Aug. in 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., JIv. and Aug. 1880: 21. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1881 ; 18. 1882 Oct. in 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1882 : 30. 1883 not found. 1884 in 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1884: 7. 1885-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of agric. 1896 pt. 1 : 726 ; 727. Clinton County 1877-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 Sept. in 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877 : 308. 1878 Jly. and Aug. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 13. 1879 not found. 1880 [Mnv] In 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 18S0 : 5. 1880 Aug. in 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880 : 22. 1881 not found. 1882 May In 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1882:9. 1882 Oct. In 18 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1882 : 30. 1883 [Nov.] In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1883: 22. 1884 in 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1884 : 7. 1885-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of agric. 1896 pt. 1 : 726-727. Columbia County 1877-189G. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 Sept. and Nov. In 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877 : 308 ; 313. Chicken cholera ; stock raising. 1878 JIv. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 13. 1878 Oct. and Nov. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878: 3. 1879 Mav in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 ; 21. 1879 [Nov.] in Quarterly rept. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 9. 1880 (May] in 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1880:4. 1880 Aug. In 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880: 22. 1881 Nov. In 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1881 : 8-9. 1882 Mav In 16 aud 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1882:9. 1882 Oct. In 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1882:30-31. 1883 [Nov.] In 21 anil 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1883 : 22-23. 1884 in 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1884 : 7-8. 18S.'i-1895 not found. 1890 In 2 A.R. dept. of agric. 1896 pt. 1 : 727. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 205 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Crawford County 1S7718S3. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Dooiiinpnts as follows: 1877 Nov. In 1 .\.U. bcl. of uKrle. 1877: 312-31.-!. 1878 .Ilv. nnd .Viic. In Quiirtcrly rept. bd. of asrlc. .Ic, Jly. nnil .\uR, 1.S78 : 13. 1878 Oct. iuul Nov. In Quiirtcrly rcpt. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1S78 : 4. 1879 May In Qu.irtcrly rcpt. bd. of ngric. Mch., Apr. and May 187!) : 21. 1879 [Nov.] In Qinirterly rcpt. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 9. 1880 [Miivl In 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 4. 1880 .\UK. In 9 Quarterly rcpt. bd. of agrlc. .Ic, .Tly. and Aug. 1880 : 22. 1881 Nov. In CJuarterlv rcpt. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 9-10. 1882 Mhv In 16 and 17 Quarterly rcpts. bd. of agrlc. 1882: 9-10. 1882 Oct. In 18 Quartcrlv rept. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 31-32. 1883 [Nov.] In 21 and 22 Quarterly rcpts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 23-24. Cumberland County 1878-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1878 Jly. and Aug. In Quarterly rcpt. bd. of agrlc. .Te.. Jly. and Aug. 1878: 13. 1879 Mav In Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1S79 : 21. 1880 Aug. In 9 Quarterly rcpt. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880 : 22. 1881 Nov. In 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 10. 1882 in 10 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1882: 10. 1883 not found. 1884 In 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1884:8. 1885-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of agrlc. 1896 : 727. Dauphin County serial 1877-1896. Reporters' notes; crops, etc. In Documents as follows : 1877 Sept. in 1 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1877 : 308. Hog cholera : drought. 1878 Jly. and Aug. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 13. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 21. 1879 [Nov.] in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 9-10. 1880 not found. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1881 : 10. 1882 In 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1882 : 32. 1883 not found. 1884 in 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1884 : 8. 1885-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of agrlc. 1896 pt. 1 : 728. non-serial 1853. Principal grains raised in Swatara township. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 200.) Wheat, rye. corn and oats, barley. . Same, in Derry township. (1 .5«?ne 1853: 200.) Wheat, rye. corn, oats, barley, clover and timothy. . Same, in Lower Paxton township. (1 same 1853: 201.) Wheat, rye, corn and oats, clover and timothy. Delaware County 1877-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 Nov. In 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877 : 313. 1878 Jly. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 13. 1879 May in Quarterly rept, bd. of agric. Mcb., Apr. and May 1879 : 21. 1879 [Nov.) in 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 10. 1880 [May] in 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 4-5. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Delaware County — cont'd 1880 Aug. In 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly and Aug. 1880 : 22. f. , j u 1881 In 14 and 10 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 10- 1882 May In 16 and 17 Quarterly rcpts. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 1883 [Nov.] in 2 land 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1884-189.-)' uot^'found. 1896 In 2 A.K. dept. of ngric. 1896 pt. 1 : 728. Elk County 1878-1883. Reporters' notes. In Documents as follows: 1878 Jly. and Aug. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Jc., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 13. 1878 Oct. and Nov. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept.. Oct. and Nov. 1878 : 4. 1879 May In Quarterly rcpt. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 21-22. 1879 [.Nov.] In (i Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct and .\ov. 1S79 : 10. 1880 [.May] In 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 5. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1887 : 1882 May in 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 1S82 Oct. In 18 Quartcrlv rept. bd. of agric. 1882 ■ 32 1883 [Nov.] In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1883 : 25. non-serial 1883. Average per cent of Elk Co. crops. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1883: 25.) Wheat, rye, oats, buckwheat, corn, potatoes, hay, pasture, apples. Erie County 1ST7-1S96. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 Nov. in 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877:313. 1878 Jly. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 13. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1S79 : 22. 1879 [Nov.] in 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 10. 1880 Aug. In 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880 : 22-23. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 1882 not'found. 1883 [Nov.] in 21 and 22 Quarterly rcpts. bd. agrlc. 1883: 1884-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of agric. 1896 pt 1 : 729-730. Fayette County serial 1877-1883. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 Nov. in 1 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1877:315. 1878 Jly. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878: 14. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879:22. 1879 [Nov.] In 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and -Nov. 1879 : 10. 1880 [Mav] In 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 5. 1881 Nov. In 14 and 15 Quarterly rcpts. bd. of agric. 1881 : 12. 1882 May In 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd of agric. 1882 : 11. 1882 Oct. in 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 32. 1883 [Nov.! In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 25. non-serial 1883. Per cent of crops in Fayette Co. compared with 1882. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agrlc. 1883: 25.) Wheat, corn, oats, potatoes, hay. 206 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Forest County 1878-1896. Reporters' notes; crops. In Documents as follows : 1878 J!y. and Aug. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 187S : 14. 1879 Miiy in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879: 22. 1879 [Nov.] in 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 10. 1883 [Nov.] in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 25-26. 1884-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of agric. 1896 pt. 1 : 729. Franklin County serial 1877-189G. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 Sept. and Nov. in 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877 : 308 ; 313. 1878 .Tlv. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 187S ; 14. 1878 Oct. and Nov. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878 : 4. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 22. 1879 [Nov.] in 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879: 11. 1880 [May] in 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 5. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1881 : 12. 1882 May in 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1882 : 11-12. 1882 Oct. in 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1882 : 33. 1883 [Nov.] in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1883 : 26. 1884 in 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1884 : 9. 1885-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of agric. 1896 pt. 1 : 729. non-serial 1883. Yield of crops in Franklin Co. compared witli last year. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1SS3: 26.) Wheat, corn, oats. Fulton County 1878-1879. Reporters' notes; crops. In Documents as follows : 1878 Oct, and Nov. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878 : 4. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 23. 1880 not found. 1881 Nov. In 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1881 : 12-13. Greene County 1877-1896. Reporters' notes; crops. In Documents as follows : 1877 in 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877 : 314. 1878 Jly. and Aug. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 14. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 23. 1880 May in 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and Mnv 1880: 5. 1881 not found. 1882 Oct. in 18 Quarterly rent. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 33. 1883 [Nov.] In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 26. 1884-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of agrlc. 1896 pt. 1 : 729-730. Huntingdon County serial 1877-1896. Reporters' notes; crops. In Documents as follows : 1877 Sept. and Nov. In 1 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1877 : 308-309; 314. 1878 Jly. and Aug. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 14-15. 1870 May In Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1879: 23. 1880 [May] In 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 5. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Huntingdon County — cont'd serial — cont'd 1880 Aug. In 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880 : 23. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1881 : 13. 1882 May in 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 12. 1882 Oct. in 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1882 : 33. 1883 [Nov.] in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1883 : 26-27. 1884 In 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1884 : 9. 1885-1895 not found. 1896 In 2 A.R. dept. of agrlc. 1896 pt. 1 : 730. non-serial 1883. Per cent yield of crops in Huntingdon Co. (21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1S83: 26-27.) Wheat, corn, hay, peaches, oats, potatoes, apples, pears. Indiana County 1878-18S3. Reporters' notes. In Documents as follows : 1878 Jly. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878: 15. 1879 Jlay In Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879: 23. 1880 [Mav] in 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 5. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly-repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 13. 1882 Oct. in IS Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 33. 1883 [Nov.] in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1883 : 27-28. Jefferson County 1877-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 in 1 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1877 : 309. 1878 in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878: 15. 1879 May In Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and Mav 1879 : 23. 1880 not found. 188i Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 13. 1882 Oct. in 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 33-34. 1883 [Nov.] in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1883 : 28. 1884-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of agrlc. 1896 pt. 1 : 730. Juniata County 1S77-1884. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 Sept. and Nov. in 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877 : 309 ; 314. 1878 JIv. and Aug. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878: 15. 1878 Oct. and Nov. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878: 4. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and Mav 1879 : 23. 1880 [May] In 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 5. 1880 Aug. In 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880:23. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 13-14. 1882 May In 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 12. 1882 Oct. In 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 34. 1883 [Nov.] In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 28-29. 1884 in 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1884 : 9. Lackawanna County 1879-1896. Reporters' notes; crops. In Documents as follows ; 1879 Mav In Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 23. 1880 [May] In 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 5. 1880 Aug. In 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880 : 23. 1881 Nov. In 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 14-15. 1882-1895 not found. 1896 In 2 A.R. dept. of agrlc. 1890 pt. 1 : 730-731. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 207 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Lancaster County 1877-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents ns folliiwa : 1877 S.>pt. and Nov. In 1 A.R. bd. of agrle. 1877 : 308 ; 314- 315. 1878 JIv. nnd Auc In Qunrtorly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. nnd Auk. 1878 : ir>. 1878 Oct. nnd Nov. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878 : 4-5. 1879 May In Quarterly rept. bd. of ngrlc. Mch.. Apr. and Mav 1879 : 23. 1879 [Nov.] In 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : H. 1880 I May] In 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 5. 1S80 Aug. In 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 18S0 : L'3. 1881 not found. 1882 Oct. In 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 34. 1883 [Nov.] in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 29-30. 1884-1895 not found. 1896 In 2 A.R. dept. of agrlc. 1S9G pt. 1 : 731. Lawrence County serial 1878-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1878 In Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878: 15-16. 1879 May In Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 24. 1880 [May] In 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 5-6. 1880 Aug. In 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880 : 23. 1881 Nov. In 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 15. 1882 Oct. In 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 35. 1883 [.N'ov.] In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 ' *^0 1884 In 23 "Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1884 : 9. 1885-1895 not found. 1896 In 2 A.R. dept. of agrlc. 1896 pt. 1 : 731. non-serial 1858. Stmts, resp. exhibits of potatoes, clover seed, corn, field beans, rutabagas, and wheat at fair of Lawrence Co. Agric. and Hortic. Socy. (v. 5 Ann. rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1857/S: 428-429.) Lebanon County 1878-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1878 Jly. and Aug. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878: 16. 1879 May In Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and Mav 1879 : 24. 1880 [May] In 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1880: 6. 1880 Aug. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880 : 23. 1881 Nov. In 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1881 : 15-16. 1882 May In 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 12. 1882 Oct. In 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 35. 1883 [Nov.] In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 30-31. 1884-1895 not found. 1896 In 2 A.R. dept. of agrlc. 1896 pt. 1 : 732-733. Lehigh County serial 1877-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents ns follows : 1878 Jly. and Aug. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 16. 1879 May In Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and Mav 1879: 24. 1879 [Nov.] in 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 11. 1880 [May] in 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and Mav 1880 : 6. 1881 not found. 1882 Oct. In 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 35. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Lehigh County — cont'd serial — cont'd 1883 Nov. In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 31-32 1884-189,'i'not found. 1896 In 2 A.R. dept. of agrlc. 1896 pt. 1 : 732. non-serial 1883. Drought in Lehigh Co.; effect on crops. (21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 31-32.) . Per cent 1 yield] of crops in Lehigh Co (21 and 22 same 1883: 31.) Rye, wheat, hay, pot.itoes. oats, buckwheat, corn, apples, pears, cherries, plums, peaches, crab apples. Luzerne County 1877-1896. Reporters' notes; crops. In Documents as follows : 1877 Nov. in 1 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1877: 314-315. 1878 Jly. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly and Aug. 1878 : 16. 1S78 Oct. and Nov. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept, Oct. and Nov. 1878: 4. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879: 24. 1880 not found. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 17. 1882 not found. 1883 [Nov.] in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc 1883:32. 1884-1895 not found. 1896 In 2 A.R. dept. of agric. 1896 pt. 1 : 7.12. Lycoming County 1877-1S96. Reporters' notes; crops, stock, etc. In Documents as follows : 1877 Sept. in 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877 : 309. Stock only. 1878 Jlv. nnd Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 16. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and Mav 1879 : 24. 1880 [May] In 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1880: 6. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 17-18. 1882-1895 not found. 1896 In 2 A.R. dept. of agric. 1896 pt. 1 : 732. McKean County serial 1S78-1896. Reporters' notes; crops. In Documents as follows : 1878 Oct. and Nov. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878 : 5. 1879-1882 not found. 1883 [Nov.] in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1S83: 33-34. 1884 In 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1884 : 9-10. 1895 not found. 1896 In 2 A.R. dept. of agrlc. 1896 pt. 1 : 732-733. non-serial 1883. Crop conditions and per cent yield in McKean Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1SS3: 3:!-34.) Wheat, oats, corn, buckwheat, potatoes, hay, apple. Mercer County 1878-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1878 Jly. and Aug. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jiy. nnd Aug. 1878 : 16. 1879 May In Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and Mav 1879 : 24. 1879 [Nov.) in 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 11. 1880 [May] in 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of ngrlc. Mch., Apr. and Mnv 1880: 6. 1880 Aug. in 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880 : 23. 1881 Nov. In 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : IS. 1882 Oct. In 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrle. 1882 : 35-36. 208 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Mercer County — cont'd 1883 [Nov.] In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of ngric. 1883 : 32-33. 1884-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.E. dept. of ngric. 1896 pt. 1 : 733. Mifflin County 1877-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 Sept. and Nov. in 1 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1877 : 309 ; 315. 1879 Mav in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May" 1S79: 24. 1879 [Nov.] In 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879: 11. 1880 Aug. in 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1S80 : 23. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1881 ■ 18 1882 May in 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 12-13. 1882 Oct. in 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1882:36. 1883 [Nov.] in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 34. 1884 in 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1884 : 10. 1885-1895 not found. 1896 In 2 A.R. dept. of agric. 1806 pt. 1 : 733. Monroe County 1878-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1878 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 25. 1879 Nov. in 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 11-12. 1880 not found. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 18-19. 1882 May in 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1882 : 13. 1883 [Nov.] In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 35. 1884-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.K. dept. of agric. 1896 pt. 1 : 733-734. Montgomery County 1877-1883. Reporters' notes; crops, etc. In Documents as follows : 1877 in 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877 : 309. Texas fever. 1878 Jly. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 16-17. 1878 Oct. and Nov. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878 : 5. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 25. 1879 [Nov.] In 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 12. 1880 .\ug. in 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880: 23-21. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 19. 1882 May In 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 13. 1882 Oct. In 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 30. 1883 [Nov.] in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 34-35. Montour County 1879-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1879 May In Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 25. 1880 not found. 1881 Nov. In 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 19-20. 1882-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of agrlc. 1896 pt. 1 : 734. 'Northampton County 1879-1896. Reporters' notes; crops. In Documents as follows : 1879 May In Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1879: 25. 1880 not found. 1881 Nov. In 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 20. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Northampton County — cont'd 1882 May In 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1882 . 13-14. 1882 Oct. in 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1882 : 36. 1883 [Nov.] in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 18S3 * 35 1884 in 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1884 : 10. 1885-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of agrlc. 1896 pt. 1 : 734. Northumberland County 1879-1896. Reporters' notes; crops. In Documents as follows : 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 25. 1882 in 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1882 : 36-37. 1883-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of agrlc. 1896 pt. 1 : 734-735. Perry County 1878-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows ; 1878 Jly. and Aug. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 17. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and Mav 1879 : 25. 1879 [Nov.] in 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1S79 : 12. 1880 [May] in 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1880 ; 6. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 20. 1882 not found. 1883 [Nov.] in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 35. 1884 In 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1884 : 10. 1885-1895 not found. 1896 In 2 A.E. dept. of agrlc. 1896 pt. 1 : 735. Philadelphia County 1877-1883. Reporters' notes; livestock (1877); crops 1878, et seq. In Documents as follows : 1877 in 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877 : 309. Livestock diseases. 1878 Jly. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1S7.S : 17. 1878 Oct and Nov. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878 : 5. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 25. 1879 [Nov.] in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879: 12. 1880 not found. 1881 Nov. In 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 20-21. 1882 May In 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 14. 1883 [Nov.] In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 36. Pike County serial 1879-1896. Reporters' notes; crops. In Documents as follows : 1879 May In Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 25. 1879 [Nov.] In 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879: 12. 1880 Aug. in 9 (Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. IKSO: 24. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 20-21. 1882 Oct. in 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 37. 1883 [Nov.] In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 35-36. 1884-1895 not found. 1896 In 2 A.R. dept. of agrlc. 1896 pt. 1 : 735. non-serial 1883. Yield per cent of Pike Co. crops. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agrlc. 1883: 3,5.) Wheat, rye, oats, corn, potatoes, hay, straw, apples, cherries, plums, grapes, berries. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 209 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Potter County 1878-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Docunii'uts as follows : 18VH ,Ilv. nud Auk. In QuartiTly rept. bd. of iigrlc. Je., .lly. and Auk. 1878 : 17. 187!) May In Quarterly rept. bd. of aKrlo. Mch., Apr. and .May l.s7i) : 25. 1879 I Nov. I in (J Quarterly rept. bd. of aKrle. Sept., Oct. and Nov. IS7!i : IL'. 1880 Auk. In !l Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., .lly. and Aug. 1880 : 24. 1881 Nov. lu 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. ISSl : 21. 1882 Get. In IS Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1882: 37. 1883 [Nov.] in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 30. 1884 in 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1884 : 10. 1885-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.U. dept. of agvic. 1800 pt. 1:735. Schuylkill County 1878-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock In Documents as follows : 1878 Jly. and .Vug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jlv. and Aug. 1S7S : 17. 1879 M.iy in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 25. 1880 not found. 1881 Nov. In 14 and 15 Quiirtfrly repts. bd. of agric. 1881 : 21. 1882 not found. 1883 [Nov.l in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 ■ 36 1884-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of agric. ISOG pt. 1 : 735-736. Snyder County 1877-1883. Reporters' notes; crops, etc. In Documents as follows : 1877 in 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877 : 309. Hog cholera. 1878 Jly. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je.. Jly. ami Aug. 1878 : 17. 1878 Oct. and Nov. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878 : 0. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 25-26. 1879 [Nov.] in 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 12. 1880 [May] in 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 6. 1880 .\ug. in 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880; 24. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1881 : 21. 1882 May in 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1882 : 14. 18S2 Oct. in 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1882 : 37. 1883 [Nov.] in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 ; 37. Somerset County 1877-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 In 1 A.K. bd. of agric. 1877 : 309. Livestock only. 1878 Jly. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 ; IS. 1878 Oct. and Nov. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878 : 5-6. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 26. 1879 Nov. In 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 12-13. 1880 [May] In 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 6. 1880 Aug. in 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880:24. 1881 Nov. In 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1881 : 21-22. 1882 May In 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1882 : 14. 1882 Oct. in 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 37-38. 1883 [Nov.] In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 36-37. 1884-1895 not found. 1896 In 2 A.R. dept. of agric. 1896 pt. 1 : 730. 14 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Sullivan County 1877-1883. Reporters' notes; crops. In Documents as follows: 1877 In 1 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1877: 310. 1878 Jlv. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1.H78 : 18. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1.S79 ; 26. 1879 Nov. in 6 Qu.irtiTly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879: 13. 18S0-1S82 not found. 1883 Nov. in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 37. Susquehanna County serial 1877-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 in 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877 : 310. Livestock only. 1878 Jly. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 18. 1878 Oct. and Nov. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878 : 5. 1879 M.iy in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 26. 1879 [Nov.] in 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 13. 1880 [May] in 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1880: 0. 1880 Aug. in 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880 : 24. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1881 : 2'^-*'3 1882T895'not found. 1896 in 2 A.U. dept. of agric. 1896 pt. 1 : 730-.37. noti-serial 1854. General results of crops in Susquelianna Co. (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 118C-4]: 278.) Tioga County 1877-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 Sept. and Nov. in 1 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1877 : 310 ; 315. 1878 Jlv. and .\ug. In Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878: IS. . . 1879 Mch., Apr. and May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 26. 1879 [Nov.] In 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 13. 1880 [May] In 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1880:6. .„„, 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 23. 1882 Oct. In 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1882 : 37-38. 1883-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.H. dept. of agric. 1890 pt. 1 : 737. Union County serial 1877-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 Sept. and Nov. In 1 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1877 ; 310 ; 315. Crops only. 1878 Jly. and .^ug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 18 18; 18 1878 Oct. and Nov. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878 : 6. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 26. 1879 Nov. in 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879: 13. ,, ^ . 1880 [Mav] In 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 0-7. 1880 Aug. In 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1S80: 24-25. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 23-24. 1882 Mav In 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1882: 14-15. 1882 Oct. In 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1882:38-39. 1883 (Nov.l in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 38.39. 1884 In 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1884: 11-12. 1886-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of agrlc. 1896 pt. 1 : 737. 210 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Union County — cont'd non-serial 1883. Effect of frost on Union Co. crops. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1S83: 38.) . Comment on crop conditions and yields in Union Co. (21 and 22 some 1883: 38-39.) Corn, potatoes, potnto blight, fruit, "wheat, phosphates, buckwheat, rye, tobacco, clover, timothy, pasture, oat. Yenango County 1877-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 Sept. in 1 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1877 : 310. Cattle diseases only. 1878 JlT. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 18. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1870 : 26. 1879 [Nov.] in 6 Quarterly rept. hd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 13. 1880 [May] in 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 7. 1880 Aug. in 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880 : 25. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1881 : 24-25. 1882 May in 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1882 ' 15 1882 Oct.'in 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1882 : 39. 1883 [Nov.] in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 18S3 ' 39 1884 in 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 188^ 12-13. 1885-1895 not found. - 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of ngric. 1896 pt. 1 : 737-738. Warren County 1878-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1878 Jly. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 18-19. 1878 Oct. and Nov. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878 : 6. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 26. 1879 [Nov.] in 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 13. 1880 [May] in 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 7. 1880 Aug. in 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880 : 25. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1881 ; 25. 1882 in 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1882 : 39-40. 1883-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of agric. 1896 pt. 1 : 738. Washington County 1877-1896. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 Sept. and Nov. in 1 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1877 : 310 ; 315. 1878 Jly. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878: 19. 1878 Oct. and Nov. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Oct., Nov. and Dec. 1878 : 6. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 2G. 1880 [Mnv] in 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1880: 7. 1880 Aug. in 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880 : 25, 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 25-26. 1882 May in 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 15. 1882 Oct. In 18 Quarterly rent. bd. of agric. 1882:40. 1883 [Nov.] in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883: 40. 1883 in 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1884 : 13. 1885-1895 not found. 1896 In 2 A.R. dept. of agrlc. 1896 pt. 1 : 738. Wryne County 1877-1896. Reporteri notes; crops. In Documents a follows ; 1877 Nov. In 1 A.I bd. of i«rlc. 1877 : 315. 1878 Oct. and Nov n Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. (78 : 8. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Wayne County — cont'd 1879 [.Nov.] in 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 13. 1880 [.May] in 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 7. 1880 Aug. in 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880 : 25. 1881 Nov. In 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 26-27. 1882 May In 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 15. 18S2 Oct. In 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 40-41. 1883 [Nov.] In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 39-40. 1884 In 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1884 : 13-14. 1885-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of agric. 1896 pt. 1 : 738-739. Westmoreland County 1877-1S96. Reporters' notes; crops and livestock. In Documents as follows : 1877 Sept. and Nov. in 1 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1877 : 310-311 ; 315. 1878 Jly. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 19. 1879 May in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and May 1879 : 26-27. 1879 [Nov.] in 6 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879 : 13. 1880 [May] in 8 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1880 : 7. 1880 Aug. In 9 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880 : 25. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. hd. of agrlc. 1881 : 27. 1882 May in 16 and 17 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 15. 1882 Oct. in 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1882 : 41. 1883 not found. 1884 In 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1884 : 14. 1885-1895 not found. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. of agrlc. 1896 pt. 1 : 739. Wyoming County 1878-1884. Reporters' notes from Wyoming Co.; crops. In Documents as follows : 1878 Jly. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 19. 1879 Mav in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Mch., Apr. and Mav 1879 : 27. 1880 not found. 1881 Nov. In 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 27. 1882-1883 not found. 1884 in 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1384 : 14. York County serial 1878-1884. Reporters' notes. In Documents as follows : 1878 Jly. and Aug. in Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Jc., Jly. and Aug. 1878 : 19. 1881 Nov. in 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1881 • 27-29. 1882 Oct. In 18 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1882 : 41. 1883 [Nov.] in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 18S3 : 40-42. 1884 in 23 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1884 : 14. non-serial 1883. Crop yields per cent in York Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 40-41.) Wheat, rye, oats. corn, clover, hay, timothy, compared with' last year and with five year average ; do. for apples, pears, plums, garden products; potatoes. Celery 1885. Celery culture and Its profits [to Penn. farmers] ; by G. Hiester. (9 A.R. bd. of agric. 1885: 212-215.) 1892. On celery culture; by H. M. Crlder. (Rept. of state hortic. assn. 1892: 55-56.) Chestnut 1884-1893. My experience in chestnut culture; by J. T. Smith, Swales. (Rept. of state hortic. assn. 1893: 60.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 211 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Chestnut — cont'd 1891. Chestnut culture; by Wm. H. Brinton. (45 and 46 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1891: 111-114.) . Chestnut culture for fruit; by Wm. A. Buckliout. (A.R. Penn. State College 1891 pt. 2: 165-172; Penn. state college agric. e.'cpcr. station ball. 16: 3-11.) . Analysis of several varieties of chestnuts; by Wm. Frear. iSame 1891 pt. 2: 173-178; mine bull. 16: 12-18.) . Culture of the chestnut for fruit analysis of several varieties of chestnuts; by W. A. Buckhout. 18 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. no. 16.) 1896. Chestnut possibilities in Penn.; by J. T. Rothrock. (2 A. R. dept. agric. 1896 pt. 1: 410-414.) . Same. (Preliminary rept. comr. of forestry 1896: 47-51.) . Chestnut culture for fruit, by Wm. A. Buckhout. (A.R. Penn. State College 1896 pt. 2: 111-121.) . Same. 15 pp. (Penn. agric. college exper. station bull. 36.) 1904. Chestnut culture in Penn. by N. F. Davis. 49 pp., 46 pis. (Dept. of agric. bull. no. 123.) Fiber Crops 1878. Textile fiber plants — their adoption to Penn. soil and climate; by J. P. Edge. (2 A.R. bd. agric. 1878: 118-122.) Flax 1809. Rept. of grand [select] committee (Gordon) on res. for encouraging raising of sheep and cultivating of hemp and flax. (House jol. 1S08/9: 544-546.) 1854. General discussion of importance of cultivation of flax. (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. [1854]: 213-215.) 1875. Flax culture; by W. Wilson. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 521-523.) Whe.-it vs. flax ; world's production of flax, and its value : domestic linens from domestic flax ; suicidal importation of raw flax and mnftres. 1S92. See above, Agriculture, this date. Note. Hemp 1809. See above. Flax, this date. Jute 1878 Feb. 6. Letter from secy, of Internal affairs (Mc- Candless) transmitting communication from W. Watson indorsed by Peter Cooper encouraging culti- vation and manufacture of jute in Penn. (House jol. 1878: 294-295; Legisl. Record 1878: 478.) . Rept. of committee on agric. (Edge) on communi- cation from secy, of internal affairs resp. jute cul- ture in Penn. (House jol. 1878: 411.) . Cultivation of jute in Penn. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1878: 3-4.) 1879. American jute; by Saml. C. Brown. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879: 15-16.) R.^MIE 1889. Rept. on ramee culture in Penn.; by Burnet Lan- dreth. (13 A.R. bd. agric. 1889: 77-79.) Fruit See also below, Pests : Insects. [1855.] Analyses of fruit [and other] trees: by Prof. Emmons, Albany, N. Y. (3 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1855: 343-353.) Pear tree: sweet apple tree; sugar maple; hickory; white oak ; white elm ; chestnut ; bass wood ; butternut ; Ironwood ; peach ; plum ; apple ; leaves of Bergamot pear, ox-heart cherry, large yellow Spanish cherr.v, Catawba grape ; f nilt of black wal- nut ; currant leaves and flowers. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Fat IT — cont'd 1872. Communication from F. R. Elliott of Cleveland, stating that mingling of evergreens with orchard trees is essential to success of fruit orchards. (Rept. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1871/2: 374-375.) Paging from v. 8 Uept. trans, state agric. socy. 1873. How does water benefit plants; how do plants feed; and has science aided fruit culture? by J. Stauffer. (-S'rjmf 1872/3: 55-61.) . What is best method of manuring fruit trees? their appropriate manures, etc. (Same 1872/3: 11- 19.) . What is best preparation of ground for an orchard? by H. M. Engle. (Satnr 1872/3: 34-38.) 1874. What soils are best adapted to various fruits resp., with suggestions for counteracting evils re- sulting from those of uncongenial character; by P. Morris. (Same 1873/4: 96-105.) Paging from app. v. 9 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. . Is it desirable to devote our best farm lands to cultivation of fruits; by J. H. Bartram. (Same 1873/4: 108-109.) Paging from app. v. 9 Rept. trans, state agric. fiocy. . Are dwarf trees desirable; by T. Martin. (Same 1873/4: 110-111.) Paging from app. v. 9 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. . Do fruit trees require pruning and if so, why? by H. M. Engle. (Same 1873/4: 111-113.) Paging from app. v. 9 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1875. Four-fold advantages of lime in the orchard. (Same 1874/5: 24.) . Benefits of alkali in fruit raising, especially peaches. (Same 1874/5: 25-26.) . How to cultivate, manure and prune; discussion by Thos. Meehan and others. (Same 1874/5: 29-30.) . Observations by A. R. Sprout of Lycoming Co. on culture of strawberries (preparation of ground, setting plants, cultivating crop, picking and market- ing, product); peaches; raspberries; apples, pears and quinces; on codling moth, quince curculio, apple and quince borer, local influences. (Same 1874/5: 18-21.) 1876. Hybridization of fruits by design; by Mr. Mee- han; with discussion. (Same 1875/6: 42-44.) . Mngmnt. of orchards; by J. I. Carter; discussion. (Same 1875/6: 36-40.) . Fruit trees; by Mr. Stauffer of Lancaster. (Same 1875/6: 58-66.) 1877. How to be sure of good fruit; by Levi S. Reist. (v. 12 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1877: 103.) 1887. Fruit for the family; by John S. Williams. (34 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1887: 79-81.) . Success and failure in fruit growing; by Wm. H. Moon; with discussion. (34 same 1887: 85-89.) . Some requirements in fruit culture; by J. A. Herr. (34 same 1887: 101-104.) . Small fruits and their culture; by E. A. W'eston. (35 same 1887: 135-139.) 1888. See Agricultural Experiment Stations, this date. - — — . Fruit culture: by Edwin Davis. (37 and 38 same 1888: 7-8.) . Small fruit for all purposes; by Edward W. Reid. (37 and 38 same 1888: 269-276.) 1889. Fruit culture; by Gabriel Hiester. (39 and 40 same 1889. 266-270.) . Fruit on the mountains; by Cyrus T. Fox. (39 and 40 same 1889: 60-67.) . Fruit growing as source of profit; by Dr. James Calder. (39 and 40 same 1889: 5-9.) 1890. The fruit failure and its causes; by C. T. Fox. (14 A.R. bd. agric. 1890: 107-109.) 212 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Fruit — cont'd 1891. Fruit and fruit trees; by W. B. K. Johnson. (45 and 46 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1891: 89-96.) . How to make fruit culture profitable; by D. K. Laubach. (45 and 46 same 1891: 154-158.) . Small fruits for the home and for profit; by John G. Reed. (45 and 46 same 1891: 236-238.) . Fruit — its culture, care and profit; by Saml. Bream. (45 and 46 same 1891: 287-289.) . Fruit growing; by Wm. M. Benninger. (45 and 46 same 1891: 252-256.) 1892. Information on spraying fruits; by G. C. Butz. 13 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. no. 19.) 1893. FVuit culture; by J. B. Johnston. (50 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1893: 137-142.) . Another year in the orchard; by Col. J. A. Stable. (50 same 1893: 28-31.) . Planting and care of the orchard; by Geo. 0. De Graw. (51 same 1893: 126-128.) . The planting and care of fruit trees; by J. Q. At- kinson. (51 same 1893: 110-113.) 1894. To make fruit culture pay; by Ulysses S. Myers. (53 smme 1894: 143-144.) . The farmer's fruit garden; by E. C. Fox. (52 same 1894: 53-56.) . Fruit culture — its difficulties, pleasures and profits; by Joseph Thomas. (52 same 1894: 111-115.) . Fruit culture; by W. H. Stout. (52 same 1894: 70-71.) . Spraying fruit trees; by Thomas Hayes. (53 same 1894: 86.) . Development of horticulture; by N. H. Thompson. (53 same 1894: 86-87.) 1902. How N. Y. eats fruit; by H. W. Collingwood. (8 A.R. dept. [26 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1902 pt. 2: 118-121.) 1903. Horticultural appropriations by various states. (9 A.R. dept. of agric. 1903: 720-722.) III., Md., Ind., Mich., Va., O., la.. Mo., Ore., Cal., Wash., Col., N. Y., Kan., Me. 1903. New methods in fruit production. (Mo. bull, of division of zoology v. 1, no. 6: 21-25.) . Thinning of fruit; by J. H. Funk, {fiame v. 2 (no. 3): 81-84.) PE^fNSYLVANIA serial See also below, Associatlona. 1 series 1886-1903/4. Rept. of the dept. of botany and horti- culture of Penn. State College.* Id Documents as 1886 In A.R. Penn 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1806 " •■ 1897 1898 1899 1900/1 1901/2 ' 1902/3 " " 1903/4 follows : State College 1886 : 11-13. 1887 pt. 1 : 14-15. 18S8pt. 1: 17; 40-44. 1889 pt. 1 : 38-44. 1890 pt. 1: 14-17. 1890 pt. 1 : 24-27. 1891 pt. 1 : 13-14. 1892 pt. 1 : 18-20. 1892 pt. 1 : 26-28. 1803 pt. 1:36-37. 1894 pt. 1 : 67-74. 1894 pt. 1 : 75-79. 1S95 pt. 1 : 36-37. 1896 pt. 1 : 30-31. 1890pt.l : 32-34. 1897 pt. 1 : 30-31. 1898/9 pt. 1 : 34-36. 1800/00 i)t. 1 : 27-31. 1900/1 pt. 1 : 27-28. 1901/2 pt. 1 : 38-39. 1902/3 pt. 1 : 21-25. 1903/4 pt. 1 ; 29-30. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Fkuit — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd 2 series 1900/1-1903/4. Rept. of division of horticulture. In Documents as follows : Oeo. C. But:, horticulturist 1900/1 in A.R. Penn. State College 1900/1 pt. 2 : 342-344. 1901/2 1901/2 pt. 2 : 402-443. 1902/3 ' " " 1902/3 pt. 2: 183-214. 1903/4 1903/4 pt. 2 : 239-262. non-serial 1857-1871. Experience of J. E. Mitchell of Phila. in fruit growing on Chestnut Hill. (Rept. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1871/2: 370-373.) Pears, apples, native grapes, foreign grapes under glass ; small fruits ; strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants ; keeping and ripening pears ; injurious insects. Paging from v. 8 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1871. Forcing of fruits under glass has not received merited attention. (Same 1870/1: 495.) I'aging from v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1872. Penn. seedling fruits; [by committee on nomen- clature!. (Same 1871/2: 357-359.) Reading pear ; Krauser apple ; Fallawater water ; Smitlis cider apple. Paging from v. 8 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. . Letter from J. B. Garber of Columbia rel. to fruit crop in that section. (Same 1872/3: 46-47.) . Same from H. S. Rupp, Cumberland nurseries, Shiremanstown. (Same 1872/3: 47-48.) . Same from J. W. Pyle, Willowdale. (Same 1872/3: 48-50.) . Same from Casper Hiller of Conestoga. (Same 1872/3: 50-51.) . Same from A. R. Sprout of Picture Rocks. (Same 1872/3: 51-52.) . Same from T. M. Harvey of West Grove. (Same 1872/3: 52.) 1872-1905. Rept. of general fruit committee of Penn. Fruit Growers' Socy. [State Hortic. Assn., 1882- 1904.] In Documents as follows : E. Satterthwait, chairman 1872 in rept. Penn. Fruit Growers' Socy. 1871/2:362- 370. t General conditions in Penn. during past yr. (1871) for growth of grapes, apples, pears, plums, straw- berries, raspberries, peaches, etc. 1873 in rept. Penn. Fruit Growers' Socy. 1872/3 : 30-45. Peculiarities of season (1872), effects of winter, small fruits, grapes, apples, pears, pear blight, clierries, peaches, plums, insects, varieties of fruit, cause nf wonderful fruit fulness of last yr. 1874 in rept. Penn. Fruit Growers' Socy. 1873/4 : 89-94.t 1875 not found. H. M. Engle, chairman 1876 in rept. Penn. Fruit Growers' Socy. 1875/6:12-17. General summary of crops during season of 1875: apple, pear, peach, plum, cherries, grapes, black- berries, raspberries ; causes of failures, extent of cultivation, etc. 1877 not found. John I. Carter, chairman 1878 In Rept. of Fruit Growers' Socy. 1878: 547-550.t 1879-1880 not found. E. Satterthwait, chairman 1881 In Rept. of Fruit Growers' Socy. 1881 : 26-30. Casper lliller, chairman 1882 In Rept. of State Uortic. Assn. 1882 : 9-18. • The majority of these repts. were made by Win. A. Buckhout ; Geo. C. Butz made a horticultural rept. in 1887, 1888, 1880, 1890, 1892, 1894 and a botanical rept. In 1S90. t Paging from Rept. trans, state agric. socy. t Paging from 2 A.R. bd. of agric. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 213 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Fbuit — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd E. Satterthwait, chairman 1883 In Kept, of State Hortlc. Assn. 1883 : ll-l."i. 1884 " -^ 1884 : 14-21. 1885 not found. Cyrus T. Fox, chairman 18SG In Rept. of State Hortlc. Assn. 1886 : 42-52. 1887 : 50-52. 1888 : 46-5.^. 1889 : 13-20. 1800: 17-21. 1891 : 28-37. 1892: 12-22 1893:9-34. 1894 : 11-34. 1887 1888 " " " 1889 " " " 1890 ' 1891 •' " •• 1892 1893 " " ■' 1894 " " " 1895 not found. 1896 In Rept. of State Hortlc. Assn. 1896 : 299-309.* 1897-1898 not found. Henrji C. Snavely, chairman 1899 In Rept. of State Hortlc. Assn. 1899 : 146-157.t 1900 " •' 1900 : 287-29G.t 1901 " '■ ' " 1901 : 107-121.7 1902 ' " " " 1902: 91-llO.t 1903 " " " ■' •■ " 1903 : 729-73G.t R. L. Watts, chairman 1904 In Rept. of State Hortlc. Assn. 1903 : 775-780.t 1905 ' '■ " ■' 1904 : 500-506.t 1875. Division of state sliould be made upon geol. or climatic basis: contradictory repts. so often heard would be better understood if made witli reference to soil, elevation, etc. (Rept. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1874/5: 25.) 1876. Fruit display at the centennial. (Legisl. Record 1876: 1192-1194.) 1877. Horticulture in Penn.; by Josiah Hoopes, pomolo- gist, Penn. state bd. agric. and pres. Penn. Fruit Growers' Socy. (v. 12 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1877: 368-371.) . Horticulture in Penn.; by J. Hoopes. (1 A.R. bd. agric. 1877: 172-175.) 1878. Best varieties of fruit for Penn.; by H. M. Engle. (2 same 1878: 76-78.) . See also below. Pests: Insects, this date. 1879. Fifteen years' experience with fruit culture in Penn.; by A. Battles. (3 same 1879: 198-207.) 1880. Yield and condition of fruit, Aug., 18S0, as com- pared with last yr. ; with average of last 5 yrs. (4 same 1880: 283.) . Same. (9 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880: 29.) 1880-1903. Rept. of pomologist of bd. of agric. In Documents as follows : Josiah Hoopes 1880 In 4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880 : 80-81. 1881-1900 not found. Cyrus T. Fox 1901 In 8 A.R. dept. [26 .\.R. bd.] of agric. 1902 pt. 2: 50-53. 1902 in 9 A.R. dept. [27 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1903:233- 243. 1903 In 9 A.R. dept. (27 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1903:536- 544. 1881. Comparative yield of fruit; per cent compared with 1880 and with five year average. (5 A.R. bd. of agric. 1881: 292.) Apples, peaches, pears, cherries, plums, grapes and berries. . Table: comparative yield of fruit compared with last yr. and with average of last 5 yrs.: by cos. (14 and 15 quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1881: 89.) Apples, peaches, pears, cherries, plums, grapes, berries. AGRICULTURE — cont'd Crops — cont'd Fbuit — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1881-1888. Rept. of committee on orcharding of Fruit Growers' Socy. In Documents as follows : Thos. H. Ilarrey J§§\ In Trans, of Fruit Growers' Socy. 1881 : 10-12. 1882-1885 not found. Geo. F. McFarland 1SS6 In Trans, of State Hortlc. Assn. 1886 : 77-80 }ooi '.'. ". :; :: " " 1887:4.5-47. 18''S 1888:4146. 1882. Fruit culture [of Penn.]; by G. Hiester. (6 A.R. bd. of agric. 1882: 266-270; 16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May, 1882: 78-83.) 1882-1904. Rept. of committee on fruit and fruit cult- ure of bd. of agric. In Documents as follows: H. M. Engle 1882 In 6 A.R. bd. of agric. 1882 : 165-167. t 1883 " 7 " " " •• 1883 : 48-50 1 1884 " 8 1884 : 253-255. 1885 " 28 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1885:44-46. Gahriel Hiester 1886 In 10 A.R. bd. of agric. 1886:234-236.1 1887 "11 ■• •• " •■ 1887:106-108. J. A. Herr 1888 In 12 A.R. bd. of agric. 1888 : 66-67. Geo. D. Stitsel 1889 In 13 A.R. bd. of agric. 1889 : 56-58. Calvin Cooper 1890 In 14 A.R. bd. of agric. 1890 : 186. 1891 not found. Oeo. Hopwood 1892 In 16 A.R. bd. of agric. 1892 : 147-148. 1893 ■• 17 " " " " 1893 : 145-146. 1894-1902 not found. Enos B. Engle 1903 In 9 A.R. dept. [27 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1903 : 252-254. J. F. Boyer 1904 In 10 A.R. dept. [28 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1904:359- 361. 1886. Hist, and present condition of fruit-growing in Penn.; by E. Satterthwaite. (10 A.R. bd. agric. 1886: 106-111.) 1887. Rept. of committee on fruit houses; by Judge Stitzel, chrm.; discussion. (Rept. State Hortlc. Assn. 1887: 48-50.) . Fruit culture for profit [to Penn. farmers]; by G. Hiester. (11 A.R. bd. of agric. 1887: 309-313.) . How shall we make our orchards more profitable? by T. Day. (11 same 1887: 286-288.) 1888. Fruit list for Penn. arranged by counties. (29 A.R. state hortic. assn. 1888: 68-89.) . Horticultural rept.; by Geo. C. Butz. (Rept. Penn. State College pt. 2, agric. exper. station 1888: 136- 163.) Vegetables, fruits, etc. . Possibilities of fruit culture in Penn.; by H. M. Engle. (12 A.R. bd. agric. 1888: 222-224.) 1891. Fruit in Penn.; by C. T. Fox. (15 same 1891: 91- 92.) . Fruit culture [in Penn.]; by H. W. Northup. (Rept. of state hortic. assn. 1891: 39-43.) 1892. See below. Pests: Fungi, this date. 1893. Fruit growing among the Penn, mts. ; by W. M. Bennlnger. (Rept. of state hortic. assn. 1893: 51- 57.) • Paging from Rept. trans, state agric. socy. t Rept. of Hortlc. Assn. Is paged continuously with that of Dept. of Agric. t Repts. for 1882, 1883 and 1886 called Rept on fruit. 214 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Fbuit — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1894. Fruit in Penn.; by J. B. Brown. (53 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 66-67.) . The fruit interests of Penn.; by T. Fox. (18 A.R. bd. agric. 1894: 237-239.) 1S99. Inspection of nurseries; importance of enacting a law for same; by John Hamilton. (5 A.R. dept. [23 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1899 pt. 1: 14-15.) . Possibilities of Penn. as a fruit-growing state; by S. B. Heiges. (5 A.R. dept. agric. 1899 pt. 1: 194- 196.) 1900. Penn. as a fruit-growing state; by John Hamil- ton. (6 same 1900 pt. 2: 316-319.) 1902. Nurseries in Penn. ; acreage in good, fair and poor condition; plants examined for San JosS scale. (8 A.R. dept. [26 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1902 pt. 1: 25-26.) . The varieties of fruit that can be profitably grown in Penn.; by G. Hiester. (8 A.R. dept. of agric. 1902 pt. 1: 412-453.) . Same. 50 pp. (Dept. of agric. bull. 106.) . Some hindrances to fruit culture in Penn.; by G. Hiester. (8 A.R. dept. of agric. 1902 pt. 2: 127- 129.) 1903. Pennsylvania's duty to its horticultural Inter- ests; by S. B. Heiges. (9 same 1903: 719-720.) . Fruit culture in Penn.; by J. H. Ledy. (9 same 1903: 564-566.) . Rept. of committee of state hortic. assn. (Hiester) on legislation rel. to veto of act to establish a divi- sion of hortic. in the dept. of agric. and to provide for the apptmt. of a comr. of hortic. and a clerk and to fix their salaries. (9 same 1903: 701.) . Veto of act to establish division of horticulture in dept. of agric, to provide for apptmt. of comr. of horticulture and clerk, and to fix their salaries; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pennypacker) 1903: 108.) 1904. Horticulture in Penn. (Mo. bull, of division of zoology v. 1, no. 9: 12-14.) 1905. Rel. to ann. mtg. of the State Horticultural Assn. to be held at Harrisburg, Jan. 17 and 18. {same v. 2 (no. 8): 253.) Allegheny County 1882. Fruit crop of apples, peaches, plums, and cherries an entire failure in Allegheny Co.; berries abun- dant. (18 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 26.) . Fruit crop in Allegheny Co. (16 and 17 same Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 7.) Armstrong County 1882. Failure of fruit crop in Armstrong Co. (18 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 26.) Beaver County 1882. Fruit crop In Beaver Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 7; 8.) Bedford County 1882. Fruit in Bedford Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 8.) 1883. Fruit and apples in Bedford Co.; pears; peaches; plums. (21 and 22 same 1883: 16.) Berks County 1881. Fruit crops in Berks Co.; by Cyrus T. Fox. (A.R. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1881: 49-52.) 1882. Fruits in Berks Co.; destruction of peach buds by English sparrow. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 8.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Fbuit — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Bucks County 1883. Bucks Co. fruits. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 18-19.) Butler County 1882. Failure of Butler Co. fruit crop on acct. of a late frost; damage to grapes by rose bugs. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 29.) Cambria County 1882. Fruit crop in Cambria Co.; plum curculio. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 29.) Centre County 1882. Fruit crop in Centre Co.; apples, pears and peaches; grapes. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 29.) Chester County 1883. Apple crop of Chester Co.; other fruits; peaches; grapes; small fruit. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 20; 21.) Clinton County 1882. Fruit crop in Clinton Co.; peaches. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 9.) . Fruit crops in Clinton Co.; apples, peach, quince and grape. (18 same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 30.) Columbia County 1882. Apple and pear crops in Columbia Co. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 31.) 1883. Apple crop in Columbia Co.; pears and other fruit. (21 and 22 same 1883: 22.) Crawford County 1882. Damages to fruit crop of Crawford Co. by back- ward season. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 9; 10.) 1883. Grape crop in Crawford Co.; injury by insects; do. pears and cherries. (21 and 22 same 1883: 24.) Dauphin County 1882. Fruit crop a failure in Dauphin Co. (18 quar- terly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 32.) Delaware County 1882. Effect of frosts on cherries and peaches in Dela- ware Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 11.) Erie County 1903. Fruit growing statistics of Erie Co.; by L. G. Youngs. (9 A.R. dept. of agric. 1903: 715-718.) Fayette County 1882. Wild fruit in Fayette Co.; injury to fruit by freezing; injury to grape by the poloxera. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 32.) . Effect of Apr. freeze on Fayette Co. fruit crop. (16 and 17 same Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 11.) Franklin County 1882. Crop outlook in Franklin Co.; peach and early fruits; clover, wheat, corn, oats, potatoes; potato beetles. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 12-13.) 1883. Fruit crops in Franklin Co.; apples, peaches, grapes, berries. (21 and 22 same 1883: 26.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 215 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Fruit — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Huntingdon County 1882. See Crops. Grain. Huntingdon Co. . Fruit crop prospects in Huntingdon Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 12.) 1883. Fruit crop in Huntingdon Co.; scarcity of apples. (21 and 22 same 18S3; 27.) Indiana County 1882. Fruit crops in Indiana Co.; apples, cherries, grapes, peaches, orchards in general. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 33.) Juniata County 1890. Early fruit growers in Juniata Co.; by [Edwin] Davis. (Rept. of state hortic. assn. 1890: 49-50.) Lancaster County 1856. Efforts of Lancaster Co. agric. socy. through fruit committee, to increase attention to fruit culture. (4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1856: 307- 308.) 1881. [Rept. on fruit crops of Lancaster Co.]; by Casper Hiller. (Rept. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1881: 30-31.) 1883. Fruit in Lancaster Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 30.) Apples, grapes, plums, peaches and pears. Lawrence County 1888. Fruit growing in Lawrence Co.; by J. B. Johnson. (37 and 38 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1888: 65-69.) Lebanon County 1881. [Rept. of Bassler Boyer on fruit crops in Lebanon Co.] (Rept. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1881: 31-35.) 1882. Apple and pear crops of Lebanon Co.; growing In- terest in fruit culture. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 35.) 1883. Fruit crop of Lebanon Co.; yield and price of apples; yield of peaches, cherries and pears, grapes; fruit culture. (21 and 22 same 1883: 31.) Lehigh County 1882. Cherry crop in Lehigh Co.; comment; apple crop; injury by caterpillar. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1S82: 35.) 1883. Pears and cherries in Lehigh Co. (21 and 22 same 1883: 32.) Mercer County 1882. Fruit crops in Mercer Co.; apples, peaches, ber- ries, grapes, wild fruits. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 36.) 1883. Fruit crop In Mercer Co.; percent. (21 and 22 same 1883: 33.) . Strawberries, raspberries and apples in Mercer Co. (21 and 22 same 1883: 33.) Mifflin County 1882. Fruit crop outlook in Mifflin Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 12-13.) Northumberland County 1882. Fruit crop of Northumberland Co.; apples. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept, Oct. and Nov. 1882: 37.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Fhuit — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Perry County 1883. See below. Crops. Grain. Perry Co., this date. 1889. How to grow successfully the larger fruits and the varieties best adapted to Perry County. (39 and 40 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1889: 203-206.) Potter County 1882. Berry crop in Potter Co.; apples a poor crop. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 37.) Somerset County 1882. Apple and fruit crop in Somerset Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 14.) Tioga County 1883. Fruit crop of Tioga Co.; insect injury; apples and pears; the borer in orchards. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 18S3: 37.) . Percent yield of Tioga Co. crops. (21 and 22 «ame 1883: 37.) Wheat, oats, corn, barley, buckwheat, hay, timothy, clover, potatoes. Venango County 1S82. Fruit outlook in Venango Co.; peaches, apples and pears, berries. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 15.) Warren County 1882. Berry crop in Warren Co.; failure of other fruits; drought of ISSl. (18 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 39.) Washington County 1882. Fruit crop in Washington Co.; oats and rust; corn. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct and Nov. 1882; 40.) Westmoreland County 18S2. Fruit crop in Westmoreland Co. almost entirely destroyed by Apr. freeze. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 15.) 1891. Fruit growing in Westmoreland Co.; by W. R. Barnhart (Rept of state hortic. assn. 1891: 79-81.) York County 1883. Fruit crop in York Co.; apples; peaches; pears. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 41.) Apple 1871. See below. Pests: Insects, this date. 1873. See below, under Pears, this date. 1874. Can an apple orchard be permanently in grass with benefit, either in longevity of trees or quantity of fruit? by Geo. Balderson. (v. 10 Rept trans, state agric. socy. 1874/5: 135-138.) 1876. Varieties of apple suitable for [vicinity of West Grove], (v. 11 same 1876: 236-237.) . Cultivation of apple [and list of varieties] ; by Mr. Noble; with discussion. (Rept. Penn fruit growers' socy. 1S75/6: 44-50.) 1878. The apple in Penn.; by J. Hoopes. (2 A.R. bd. agric. 1878: 260-263.) . Penn. apples for export; by H. M. Engle. (.2 same 1878: 577-579.) . See also below. Pests: Insects, this date. . Apple culture in eastern Penn.; by [Calvin] Cooper. (2 A.R. bd. agric. 1878: 579-584.) . List of summer, fall and winter apples suited to Penn. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept, Oct and Nov. 1878: 8.) 216 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Fbtiit — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Apple — cont'd 1880. Why is the apple not grown as extensively in Penn. as in many other states? by J. S. Keller. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880: 113-114.) 1881. Apple culture in Cumberland Valley; by R. Low- ry Sibbet. (A.R. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1881: 54-63.) 1882. See below, Pests: Insects, this date. 1889. Fruit growing; by \V. M. Benninger. (39 and 40 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1889: 125-128.) Apple culture. 1892. The proper care of apple orchards; by Henry Omwake. (49 and 50 same 1892: 19-24.) 1893. The apple; by Prof. George C. Butz. (50 same 1893: 85-91.) 1894. Apple culture; by George S. Resseguie. (53 sajne 1894: 125-126.) . Starting an apple orchard; by S. Nilderriter. (53 same 1894: 125.) . Apple culture; by A. D. Taylor. (53 same 1894: 13.) 1895. Apples in 1895; by Geo. C. Butz. (A.R. Penn. State College 1S95 pt. 2: 132-135.) 1897. Apples in Penn. by Geo. C. Butz. {Same 1S97 pt. o. 72-86 ) . Same. 19 pp., illus. (Penn. Agric. College Exper. Station Bull. 43.) 1899. The chemical study of the apple and its products: by C. A. Browne, Jr. 44 pp. (Dept. of agric. bull. 58.) . See below. Pests: Insects, this date. 1901. See below. Pests: Fungi, this date. 1903. Apple culture in Penn.; by R. L. Watts. (9 A.R. dept. of agric. 1903: 724-728.) 1904. The queen of fruits (American apple). (Mo. bull, of division of zoology v. 1, nos. 11-12: 24-25.) . See below. Pests: Fungi, this date. . See below, Pests: Insects, this date. Beaver County 1882. Apple growing in Beaver Co.; varieties. (IS quarterly rept. Penn. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 27.) Bedford County 1883. Apple crop of bedford Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 15.) Berks County 1880-1882. Apple crop in Berks Co. (18 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 28.) 1882. Peach and apple crops in Berks Co.; codling moth. (18 same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 28.) Bucks County 1883. Apple crop of Bucks Co.; prices; canker worm of caterpillar. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 16-17.) Lancaster County 1882. Apple crop in Lancaster Co.; cider. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 34.) Lehigh County 1883. Apples In Lehigh Co.; apple brandy. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 32.) Associations American Pomological Society 1884. Rept of representatives to Araer. Pomological Socy. (25 A.R. state hortic. assn. 1884: 13-14.) 1886. Rept. of delegate to Amer. Pomological Socy. (28 same 1886: 17-19.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Fbuit — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Nurserymen's Association 1903. Call for organization of nurserymen's assn. (9 A.R. dept. agric. 1903: 189-190.) 1904. Organization of Penn. state nurserymen's assn. Jan. 21, 1904. (9 same 1903: 190.) Pennsylvania Fruit Growers' Society This soclet.T became the State Horticultural Assoclntion in 1882. serial 1 series 1870/1-1880/1. Rept. of Penn. Fruit Growers' Socy. [incl. procs. of ann. mtg.]. Checklist No separate copies were found. • In Documents as follows : 1-11. 18601870 not found. 12. 1870/1 in V. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1864/70 481-576. 13. 1871/2 In V. 8 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1871/2 349-428. 14. 1872/3 in v. 9 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1872/3 76 pp. 15. 1873/4 in V. 9 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1872/3 app. pp. 77-140. 16. 1874/5 in T. 10 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1874/5 55 pp. 17. 1875/6 in v. 11 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1876 73 pp. 18. 1876/7 in v. 12 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 187i 79 pp., pis. Has its own title page, with Imprint. Harrlsburg L. S. Hart, 1877. 19. 1877/8 In 2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1878 : 525-611. 20. 1878/9 not found. 21. 1879/80 in 4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880. 75 pp., 1 pi. 22. 1880/1 In 5 A.R. bd. of agric. 1881. 09 pp., pis. 2 series 1882-1904. Rept. of State Horticultural Assn. of Penn- sylvania. In Documents as follows: 23. 1882 in 6 A.R. bd. of agric. 1882. 79 pp. 24. 1883 " 7 ' 1883. 25. 1883 " 8 ' '• 1884. 26. 1884 not found. 27. 1885 In 9 A.R. bd. of agric. 1885. 28. 1886 " 10 " •' " 29. 1887 " 11 " " " 30. 1888 " 12 " 1888. 89 pp. 1889. 62(2) pp. 1890. 67 pp. 1891. 81 pp. 1892. 67 pp. 1893. 72 pp. •' " '• 1894. 104 pp. 37. 1895 not found. 38. 1896 In 2 A.R. dept. [20 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1896 pt. 2 : 287-375. 39. 1897 not found. 40. 1898 in 5 A.R. dept. [23 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1899 pt. 2 : 42-58. 41. 1899 In 5 A.R. dept. [23 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1899 pt. 2 : 59-67. 42. 1900 in 6 A.R. dept. [24 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1900 pt. 2:06-118. 43. 1901 in 7 A.R. dept. [25 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1901 pt. 2 : 98-156. 44. 1902 in 8 A.R. dept. [26 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1902 pt. 2 : 83-149. 45. 1903 in 9 A.R. dept. [27 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1903: 703-812. 46. 1904 in 10 A.R. dept. [28 A.R. bd.] of ngrlc. 1904: 497-544. 80 pp. 75 pp. 69 pp. 1886. 80 pp. 1887. 79 pp. 31. 1889 ' 13 32. 1890 ' 14 33. 1891 ' 15 34. 1892 ' 16 35. 1893 ' 17 36. 1894 ' 18 • Pres. Hoopee In his nddross bcfnre tho Socy. In 1871, states that "owing to scarcity of funds at our disposal we have been unable for several years to Issue a detailed acct. of our mtgs, and therefore present vol has been made unusually hirge, ctunprlslng as It does, years. 1867-08-69-70." Cost of work, amt. still due on edlthtn of ITiOO copies, (v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1864/70.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 217 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Fruit — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial [1859?] Constitution and by-laws of Penn. Fruit Grow- ers' Socy. (Kept, of Penn. fruit-growers' socy. 1870/1: 483-484.) raging from v. 7 Uopt. trnns. state agrlc. socy. . Same. (Same 1S75/6: 3-5.) 1859. First nitg. of Penn. fruit growers' socy. held. (Same 1870/1: 576.) Paging from v. 7 Kept, trnns. state agrlc. socy. 1865. Pomological formula of description, adopted by Penn. Fruit Growers' Socy. Feb. 15. (v. 7 Kept, trans, state agric. socy. 1S64/70: 73-74.) Circular. 1S71-1876. List of life, honorary and ann. members of Penn. Fruit Growers' Socy. (Rept. of Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1870/1 (pp. 486-487) — «amc 1876.) Paging from v. 7 Ropt. trans, state agric. socy. 1872. Finances of socy. not in flourishing condition; recommended that each member be assessed $1, in addition to regular fee. (.s'«mf 1871-2: 388.) Paging from v. 8 Rept. trnns. state agrio. socy. 1872-1904. List of officers of Penn. Fruit Growers' Socy. (State Hortic. Assn.). (Same 1871/2 (p. 351) — A.R. state hortic. assn. 1904.) Paging from v. 8 Rept. trans, state agrlc. socy. 1873 not found. 1875. Suggested that scope of socy. be enlarged so as to Include cultivation of vegetables and fruit growing interests. (Rept. trans. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1874/5: 25.) Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Founded In 1S27. 1829. Rept. of committee on corporations (Wilkins) rel. to incorporating Penn. Horticultural Societv. (House jol. 1829/30 v. 2: 134 (doc. 24).) 1830. Same (Wilkins). (Same 1829/30 v. 2: 756-757 (doc. 339). 1 1899-1904. List of officers of Penn. Hortic. Socy., rules for exhibitions, etc. (5 A.R. dept. of agric. 1899 pt. 1 (pp. 42-45)— 10 same 1904.) Exhibition rules, etc. are given in 1899 only ; the list is usually found in pt. 2 of the agrlc. rept. State Horticultural Association See also above. Pennsylvania Fruit Growers' Society. 1884. See above, Agriculture. Pennsylvania, this date. 1900. Constitution and by-laws of State Horticultural Association of Penn. (6 A.R. dept. of agric. 1900 pt. 2: 97-98.) Receipts and Expenditures. 1871-1896. Financial stmt, of Penn. Fruit Growers' Socy. (State Hortic. Assn.). (Rept. Penn. Fruit Growers' Socy. 1871 (p. 503)— some 1896.) Paging from v. 8 Rept. Trans. State Agrlc. Socy. Omitted 1879, 1S91, 1893. 1895. 1888-1892. Expenditures on acct. of Penn. Hortic. Socy. fi. e. State Hortic. Assn.]. (A.R. Auditor gen. 1887/8 (p. 231)— .s(7me 1891/2.) Blackberries See below, Small Fruits. Chebby 1880. Cherry culture in Penn.; by W. S. Roland. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880: 161-162.) 1893. Can Heart and Bigarreau cherries be grown in this state with sufficient certainty to be profitable? by Casper Hiller. (Rept. of state hortic. assn. 1893: 69-70.) 1899. See below, Pests: Insects, this date. 1903. See below. Pests: Fungi, this date. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Fruit — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Cranukrry See below. Small Fruits. CUURANTS See below. Small Fruits. EXIIIUITS 1857. Horticultural Exhibition held by the Blair Co. Agric. Socy. Jly. 31 and Aug. 1. (v. 5 Trans, state agric. socy. 1857/8: 318.) GOOSEIIERRIES See below. Small Fruits. Grape 1793. Rept. of committee on memorial of Peter Legaux resp. culture of the vine. (House jol. 1792/3: 129.) Messrs. Hare, Ilaunum. Gallatin, Evans and Potts con- stltnted the committee. 1794. Repl. of committee on memorial of Peter Legaui for leave to introduce culture of the vine into Penn., unfavorable. (.S'o me 1793/4: 106.) Messrs. li., Whclen, Stover, Kelly and Evans constituted the committee. 1808. Petition of pres. and mgrs. of co. for promoting the cultivation of the vine in Penn. rel. to failure of comrs. apptd. by act of Mch., 1806 to raise $7000 by way of lottery to act. (Sen. jol. 1S08/9: 36-37; House jol. lSOS/9: 46.) 1825. Rept. of committee on agric. (Roberts) rel. to a loan for the purpose of introducing cultivation of the vine. (House jol. 1824/5 v. 2: 351 (doc. 152).) 1832. Rept. of committee on agric. and domestic mnfres. (Drumheller) on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to culture of the vine and mulberry tree; encourage- ment of societies for promotion of agric. and mnfres. (Sen. jol. 1831/2 v. 1: 264-266.) 1856. Rept. on cultivation of native grapes for fruit and wine; by S. G. Fisher. (4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1856: 420-437.) . Cultivation of native grapes; bv S. G. Fisher, (v. 8 Same 1S71/2: 140-151.) 1858. The grape propagation and mildew; by S. Miller. (2 A.R. farmers' high school 1857/8: 78.) 1866. Phila. and California vineyard co. — bonus clause; debate. (Legisl. Record 1866: 552-554.) 1871. New method of grafting and budding grape vines; by J. S. Houghton. (Rept. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1870/1: 531-535.) Paging from v. 7 Rept. trans, state agrlc. socy. 1873. Remarks on grapes; by F. F. Merceron. (.Same 1872/3: 68-71.) 1876. See below. Pests: Insects, this date. . Communication from A. Huidekoper, giving his method of grape culture. (Rept. Penn. fruit grow- ers' socy. 1875/6: 18-19.) 1877. See below. Pests: Insects, this date. 1882. See below. Pests: this date. . See below. Pests: Insects, this date. 1883. Grape culture in eastern Penn.; by G. Hiester. (7 A.R. bd. agric. 1883: 225-227.) 1886. Grape-growing in central Penn.; by J. A. Herr. (10 same 1886: 160-163.) 1888. Grapes and how to grow them: by John R. Town- send. (37 and 38 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1888: 120-123.) 1893. Grape growing; by Milton T. Donmoyer. (51 same 1893: 50-52.) 1893. See below, Pests: Fungi, this date. 1894-1895. The Lake Erie grape and fruit region of Penn.; by L. G. Youngs. (1 A.R. dept. agrlc. 1895 pt. 1: 152-154.) 1899. See below, Pests: Insects, this date. 218 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Fbuit — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Grape — cont'd 1904. Grape culture [in best grape growing distrs. of Penn. and neigliboring states] ; by G. C. Butz. 62 pp. (Dept. of agric. bull. no. 128.) . See below, Pests: Fungi, this date. Mexon 1904. See below, Pests: Fungi, this date. . See below, Pests: Insects, this date. Peach 1863-1895. Peach culture in Juniata belt; by J. S. Ail- man. (1 A.R. dept. agric. 1895 pt. 1: 148-151.) 1871. Peaches; by Wm. Parry of N. J. (Kept. Penn. Fruit Growers' Socy. 1870/1: 526-531.) Pruning and cultivation, profltg, kind to plant, raging from v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. [1874.] See below. Pests: Fungi, this date. 1875. Communication from Wm. Parry of Cinnamln- son, N. J., giving varieties of peaches of that section and their chief characteristics. (Rept. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1875/6: 19.) . Peach culture; by Israel Garretson. (Same 1874/5: 15-17.) . Peach culture; by Casper Hiller; discussion. (Same 1874/5: 34-37.) 1878. See below. Pests: Insects, this date. 1882. See same, this date. . Some practical points in peach culture [in Penn.; by E. Satterthwalt. (6 A.R. bd. of agric. 1882: 47-51.) 1883. See below. Pests: Fungi, this date. 1887. Peach culture and treatment of yellows; by J. F. Smith. (Rept. of state hortic. assn. 1887: 23-26.) Treats of peaches grown in Juniata Co. 1888. The peach and peach culture; by Eli Minch. (37 and 38 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1888: 217-221.) 1889. Peach culture in Penn.; by J. E. Jamison. (13 A.R. bd. agric. 18S9: 416-422.) 1892. Peach culture in Easton; by W. M. Benninger. (49 and 50 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1892: 142-144.) . The peach crop of 1892 and its lessons; by Mr. Jamison [J. E. Jameson] of Juniata Co. (Rept. of state hortic. assn. 1893: 63-65.) 1894. Successful peach culture; by Philip Harris. (53 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 69-70.) 1895. Peach growing in southern Penn.; by D. Z. Shook. (1 A.R. dept. agric. 1895 pt. 1: 140-148.) 1896. Peach industry in Penn.; by Geo. C. Butz. (A.R. Penn. State College 1896 pt. 2: 85-111.) . Same. 30 pp. (Penn. Agric. College Exper. Sta- tion Bull. 37.) 1899. See below, Pests; Insects, this date. 1901. See below, Pests: Fungi, this date. 1903. See same, this date. 1904. See below. Pests: Insects, this date. . State peach crop not a complete failure. (Mo. bull, division of zoology v. 2 (no. 4): 113-114.) Peab [1860-1870.] Cost of land, labor and results from pear orchard of T. Martin at Mercersburg. (Rept. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1870/1: 494.) I'aglng from v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1871. Pears [and pear culture]; by E. Satterthwalt of Jenkintown. (Rept. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1870/1: 535-549.) Paging fruni v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1873. What new or little known varieties of pears or apples are believed to be worthy of more notice; by Tobias Martin. (Same 1872/3: 20-23.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Fruit — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Pear — cont'd 1875. Discussion on profitableness of growing many varieties [of pears]. (Same 1874/5: 45-47.) . $400 worth of pears from 3 acres marketed from Eastern Experimental Farm. (v. 11 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1876: 237.) 1876. See below. Pests: Fungi, this date. 1882. See below. Pests: Insects, this date. 1899. See same, this date. 1904. See below, Pests: Fungi, this date. PruM 1883. See below, Pests: Insects, this date. 1890. See below. Pests: Fungi, this date. 1896. See below, Pests: Insects, this date. 1899. See same, this date. 1903. See below. Pests: Fungi, this date. 1904. See below. Pests: Insects, this date. Raspberry See below. Small Fruits. Small Fruits 1864-1866. Rept. of successful strawberry grower for West Chester markets on experience with Triomphe de Land; no. of plants, distance apart, yield and value. (Rept. of Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1870/1: 492-493.) Paging from v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. [1870?] The cranberry and its culture; by A. H. Richards, (v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1864/70: 210-223.) General views, soil, etc. ; preparation of land, dams, etc. : tools ditches, etc. ; growth of vine ; planting, weeding, etc. ; picking and marketing ; manures and flooding ; yield, consumption, etc. ; expense. [1871.] See below. Pests: Insects, this date. 1871. Profits of small fruits; by Wm. Parry of N. J. (Rept. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1870/1: 506-523.) Paging from v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. Strawberries : kinds to plant, time to plant, soli and preparation, cultivation, mulching, baskets, pick- ing, yield and profit ; raspberries : Imported, native, blackcaps, Phila. raspberry, market prices, soil and treatment, yield and profit : blackberries : varieties, preparation of ground, pruning, price of berries and profit ; cranberries. 1872. Small fruits; by A. S. Fuller. (Same 1871/2: 398-405.) Paging from v. 8 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. Market overstocked: varieties; taste; origin of varieties ; evident results. . On blackberries; by J. S. Collins. (Same 1871/2: 407-408.) Paging from v. 8 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1877. See below. Pests: Insects, this date. 1887. Methods and profits of strawberry culture [in Penn.]; by G. R. Ressiguie. (11 A.R. bd. of agric. 1887; 293-297.) 1888. Strawberry culture; by J. Q. Adams. (37 and 38 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1888: 103-107.) 1890. Rept. on strawberries, raspberries and black- berries for 1889; by E. C. Brlnser. (Rept. of state hortic. assn. 1890: 28-30.) 1892. Raspberry culture; by George DeGraw. (49 and 50 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1892: 80-83.) . Notes on new and old varieties of orchard fruits and small fruits; by Geo. C. Butz. (A.R. Penn. State College 1891 pt. 2: 137-150.) . Same. 16 pp. (Penn. Agric. College Exper. Sta- tion Bull. 18.) 1893. Strawberry culture; by T. Harvey Smith. (51 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1893: 55-57.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 219 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Fruit — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Small Pbuits — cont'd 1893. Small fruits in 1893; by George C. Butz. (A.R. Penn. State College 1.S93 pt. 2: 118-126.) . Same. 12 pp. (Penn. agric. college exper. station Bull. 25.) Strawberrk'S ; raspberries ; blacltbcrrlea ; currants ; (gooseberries. 1894. Strawberry culture: by J. H. Welsh. (53 quar- terly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 122-123.) . Strawberry culture: by Philip Harris. (53 same 1894: 48.) . Small fruits In 1894: by G. C. Butz. 13 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. no. 30.) . The raspberry patch: by D. H. Le Fever. (53 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 116-117.) 1895. Small fruits in 1894: by Geo. C. Butz. (A.R. Penn. State College 1894 pt. 2: 121-131.) . Same. 13 pp. (Penn. Agric. College Exper. Sta- tion Bull. 32.) Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, misc. 1899. See below, Pests: Insects, this date. 1900. Small fruits in 1899: by Geo. C. Butz and J. P. Pillsbury. (A.R. Penn. State College 1898/9 pt. 2: 208-226.) . Same. 6 pp. (Penn. Agric. College Exper. Sta- tion Bull. 51.) 1903. Small fruits, their origin, culture, and market- ing: by G. C. Butz. 65 pp. (Dept. of agric. bull. no. 111.) 1904. See below. Pests: Insects, this date. Strawberry See above, Small Fruits. Ginseng 1903. An experiment in ginseng culture: by Geo. C. Butz. 14 pp., illus. (Penn. state college agric. exper. station Bull. 62: A.R. bd. trustees Penn. agric. college 1902/3: 185-200.) Gbain See also Prices. serial 1 series 1853-1856. Rept. of committee on field crops of state agric. socy. [and ace. docs.]. In Documents as follows : 1853 In 1 A.U. trans, state acrlc. socy. 1S53 : 42-51. 1854 " 2 [18541:22-26. 1855 " 3 1855: 15. 1856 " 4 1S56: 15-19. A. O. Hlester was chrm. In 1853, 1855, 185G ; H. N. M'AIIister in 1854. 2 series Rept. of committee on cereal crops of bd. of Documents as follows: David H. Branaon^ chairman in Trans. State Agric. Socy. 1883 : 2-3. not found. 1883-1904. agric. In 1883 1884 1885 1884 : G-7. 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 J. A. Herr, chairman Id 10 A.R. bd. ot agric. 1886 : 237-240. not found. Israel Oarretaon, chairman In 12 A.R. bd. of agric. 1888 : 68-70. not found. Geo. D. Stitzel, chairman in 14 A.R. bd. of agric. 1890: 187-18!). not found. J. A. Oundy, chairman 1892 in 16 A.R. bd. of agric. 1892; 141. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Grai.\ — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd 2 series — cont'd D. II. Patterson, chairman 1893 In 17 A.R. bd. of agric. 1893: 141-142 1894 not found. L. Piolett, chairman 1895 In 1 A.R. (iept. [1. e. 19 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1895 1890-1901' not f'ou'nci. A. I. Weidner, chairman 1902 in 8 A.R. dept. [26 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1002 pt. 2: 1903 in » A.R. dept. (27 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1903 : 201-262. .1. T. Holman, chairman 1904 in 10 A.R. dept. (28 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1904:470- 473. non-serial 1837. Rept. of committee on agric. (Harper) on peti- tion from citizens of Phila. for passage of a law to prevent distillation of grain for one year. (Sen jol. 1836/7 V. 1: 279-280.) 1839. Table: no. of bu. of wheat, oats, corn, barley, buckwheat, potatoes, tons of hay, lbs. of wool pro- duced: value of aggregate product. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 41.) [1842.] Table: cash value of farming implements, or- chard products, market gardening, animals slaugh- tered, all livestock: bu. of wheat, rye, Indian corn, oats, barley, buckwheat, lbs. of tobacco and wool raised. ([3] same 1874/5: 42.) 1862-1863. Estimated amts. of wheat, rye, barley and oats, corn, buckwheat, potatoes, each yr. in the several states producing them. (v. 6 Rept. trans. state agric. socy. 1S61/3: 788-791.) 1871-1880. Diagr. showing gross value per acre of corn, wheat, oats, and buckwheat crops of Penn. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880: betw. pp. 192-193.) 1879. See below. Pests: Fungi, this date. 1880. On western competition, especially in the grain market. (4 A.R. bd. agric. 1880: 8.) 1882. See below. Pests: Insects, this date. — — . Injury to wheat and rye crops in FYanklin Co. by hail. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 32-33.) 1884. How can our cereal crops be most economically increased? by W. H. Jordan. (8 A.R. bd. of agric. 1884: 155-160.) 1887. Our cereals and their tendency to deteriorate; by David H. Branson. (34 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1887: 126.) 1891. Grazing vs. grain culture; by Wm. Tomlinson. (45 and 46 same 1891: 3-5.) . Do cereal crops pay? by C. C. Kean. (45 and 46 same 1891: 249-252.) Berks County 1882. Cereal crops in Berks Co. (18 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 28.) . Cereals in Berks Co.; wheat. (16 and 17 same Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 8.) Huntingdon Cov/nty 1882. Wheat crop in Huntingdon Co.; corn; clover; fruit: potatoes. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 33.) Jefferson County 1882. Diminished acreage in fall grain in Jefferson Co.; owing to fall in price of wheat and demand for farm teams on the new r.r. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 34.) 220 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Gbain — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Mercer County 1883. Per cent yield of grain in Mercer Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 18S3: 33.) Rye, wheat, corn, hay, potatoes, buckwheat, oats. Monroe County 1882. Outlook for grain crops in Monroe Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 13.) Perry County 1883. Wheat crop in Perry Co.; injury by worms and insects; hay crop; corn; fruit; grasshopper raid on clover seed; use of phosphates. (21 and 22 quar- terly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 35.) Potter County 1882. Grain a fair yield in Potter Co. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 37.) Union County 1882. Wheat crop in Union Co.; corn; potatoes. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 18S2; 14-15.) Barley 1869-1878. Synopsis of repts. from experimental farms resp. experiments with barley. (Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college 1869: 13-15; 19; A.R. Penn. State College 1878.) Hereafter the statement is In tabular form ; In 1870 and 1872, the table is cumulative from 1869. 1888. See above, Crops. Pennsylvania, this date. Buckwheat See also Prices. [1855.] Analysis of buckwheat. (3 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1855: 341-342.) 1864-1882. See below, Oats, these dates. 1871-1880. Ann. acreage, yield, value Penn. buckwheat crop. (8 A.R. bureau Industrial statistics 1879/80: 171.) . Buckwheat: ann. acreage, yield, and value of crop in U. S. and in Penn. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880: 43-45.) . Same. (10 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1880: 28-30.) 1880. Buckwheat; a plea for its cultivation in Penn.; by M. W. Oliver. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1S80: 160-161.) 1883. Buckwheat — is it profitable in Penn., and if so, where? by V. F. Underwood. (7 same 1883: 258-262.) Crawford County 1883. Buckwheat crop of Crawford Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 24.) Mercer County 1883. Per cent yield of buckwheat in Mercer Co.; price per bu. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 32; 33.) COBN See also Prices. 1818. See below. Pests: Insects, this date. 1829. Rept. of committee on agric. (Patterson of Mifflin) rel. to standard weight of rye and corn. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 588 (doc. 210).) 1850-1877. Table: bushels, yield and value of corn crop, for centennial years and each year, 1871-1877. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878: 5.) Yield and value not given for 1850, 1860 and 1870. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Grain — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Corn — cont'd [1855.] Analytical tables; by J. H. Salisbury, Albany, N. Y. (3 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1855: 337-341.) Different varieties of corn and broom corn. 1855. See below. Wheat, this date. 1864-1882. See same, these dates. 1869-1878. Synopsis of repts. from the experimental farms resp. experiments with corn. (Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college 1869: 11-13; 19; A.R. Penn. State College 1878.) Hereafter the statement is in form ; in 1870 and 1S72, the table is cumulative from 1869. 1870/9-1893. Comparison of yield of corn crops of U. S. and price per bu. (17 A.R. bd. of agric. 1893: 22.) 1871-1880. Table: acreage, yield and value of Penn. corn crop, each year. (10 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1880: 12; 4 A.R. bd. agric. 1880: 27.) . Same. (8 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1879/80: 164.) . Diagr. exhibiting yield and price per bu. of corn crop of Penn. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880: betw. pp. 32-33.) . Table: acreage, yield and value of corn crop of the U. S. (10 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1880: 10; 4 A.R. bd. agric. 1880: 25.) . Table: ann. yield per acre in bushels of Penn. corn crop. (10 same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1880: 13; 4 same 1880: 28.) 1873. Experiments with fertilizers on corn at Eastern Exper. Farm. (Rept. of bd. of trustees of agric. college 1873: 55.) 1878. See below. Pests: Insects, this date. . Comparative corn production of 22 cos. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1878: 279.) . Corn; yield of crop for year. (2 .same 1878: 11-12.) . See below. Pests: Insects, this date. . Diagr.: corn production In 22 cos. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878: 20.) 1879. Condition of corn crop in different localities. (Same Mch., Apr. and May 1879: 29.) 1879-1880. Corn crop of 1880 below that of 1879 in Brad- ford, Clinton, Delaware, McKean and Phila. cos.; little variation reported in Adams, Cumberland, Lebanon and York; returns from otlier cos. indicate an increase. (10 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1880: 14; 4 A.R. bd. agric. 1880: 29.) 1880. Corn crop; condition and estimates. (9 Quar- terly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880: 17-18.) 1882. The results of experiments with various ferti- lizers on corn; examination of agric. seeds. (Penn. State College Bull. 2 (1 series).) • : Same. (Rept. Penn. State College 1886: 246-253.) 1883. See below, Pests: Insects, this date. . The use of special fertilizers for corn; by C. Eves. (7 A.R. bd. of agric. 1883: 263-264.) Relates specially to Columbia Co. . See also below. Pests; this date. 1884. The results of experiments showing the effect of various fertilizers on the growth of corn, oats and wheat. (Penn. State College Bull. 9 (1 series).) . Same (Rept. Penn. State College 1886: 293-299.) . The results of experiments showing effect of various fertilizers on the growth of corn, oats, wheat and grass, pp. 60-66. (Penn. State College Bull. 8 (1 series).) . Same. (Rept. Penn. State College 1886: 286-293.) 1885. The corn crop. (9 A.R. bd. of agric. 1885: 29-30.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 221 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Grain — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Corn — cont'd 1887 A study upon rate of development of corn in its relation to meteorological conditions. (A.R. Penn. State College 1XS7 pt. 2: 87-10:i.) 1888. See above, Crops. Pennsylvania, this date. . Tests of varieties (of cornl; by W. H. Caldwell. (Penn. State College Agric. Exper. Station Bull. 7: 3-12.) . Remarks of the director (H. P. Armsby) on ex- periments with corn at the agric. exper. station. (Kept. Penn. state college pt. 2, agric. exper. station 18S8: 3:!-35.) . Relntion of meteorological conditions to the de- velopment of corn: by \Vm. Frear and Wm. H. Caldwell. (Same 1888: 1G7-170.) . Remarks on tests of varieties of corn; by H. P. Armsby. (Penn. State College Agric. Exper. Sta- tion Bull. 7: 12-14.) 1890. Indian corn as a grain and forage crop: by Wm. H. Caldwell. (A.R. Penn. State College 1890 pt. 2: 30-43.) . Same. 16 pp. (Penn. College Agric. Exper. Sta- tion Bull. 11.) ,1891. Influence of variety and of rate of seeding on yield of ensilage corn: by H. P. Armsby. (A.R. Penn. State College 1891 pt. 2: 17-26.) . Same. 13 pp. (Penn. Agric. Exper. Station Bull. 15.) . Corn and its culture; by Casper Hiller. (45 and 46 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1891: 42-45.) . Corn crop of state, quantity, prices, etc. (15 A.R. bd. agric. 1891: 31-32.) . See below. Pests: Fungi, this date. 1892. Fertilizer for corn; E. F. Heil. (47 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1892: 39-40.) 1893. Crops of 1893; corn. (17 A.R. bd. of agric. 1893: 21-23.) . Corn and potato culture; by Wesley Dershamer. (51 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1S93: 139-141.) 1894. The corn crop; by A.R. Martin. (53 same 1894: 63.) . Corn culture; by Jason Blackburn. (53 same 1894: 106.) 1904. The improvement of corn in Penn,; by D. C. Wing. 76 pp. (Dept. of agric. bull. no. 133.) . See below. Pests, this date. Bedford Comity 1883. Corn crop of Bedford Co.; effect of frosts, etc. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 15.) Bucks County 1883. Corn crop of Bucks Co.; yield. (21 and 22 quar- terly repts. bd. agric. 18S3: IG.) Centre County 1882. Corn and wheat crop in Centre Co. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 29.) Chester County 1876. Profits of raising corn in Chester Co.; by Supt. Carter [of Eastern Exper. Farm], (v. 11 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1876: 242.) 1883. Corn crop of Chester Co.; price; comparison with last year. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 20; 21.) Clinton County 1881-1882. Corn crop of Clinton Co. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 30.) Columbia County 1883. Failure in corn crop in Columbia Co. (21 and quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 22.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Grain — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Corn — cont'd Franklin County 1882. Corn crop in Franklin Co. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 33.) Lancaster County 1883. Corn crop of Lancaster Co.; yield and condition. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 30.) Lebanon County 1883. Corn crop of Lebanon Co.; price. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 31.) Mercer County 1S82. Corn crop in Mercer Co. (IS quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 35.) 1883. Condition of corn crop in Mercer Co.; per cent yield; effect of weather. (21 and 22 same 1883: 32; 33.) Mifflin County 1882. See below, Oats. Mifflin Co., this date. 'Northampton County 1853. Excellent corn crop of Northampton Co. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 217-24S.) Oats See also Trices. 1871-1880. Table: acreage, yield and value of oats crop in the U. S. (10 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1880: 21; 4 A.R. bd. agric. 1880: 36.) 1S76. About oats; is oat crop more impoverishing to soil than any other cereal? (v. 11 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1876: 229-231.) 1878. Oats; effect of dry'weather on crop. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1878: 9-10.) PENNSYLVANIA 1864-1882. Chart showing yield per acre of oats and buckwheat in Penn., each year. (6 A.R. bd. agric. 1882: facing p. 97.) 1869-1878. Synopsis of repts. from experimental farms resp. experiments with oats. (Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college 1809: 15; 20; A.R. Penn. state col- lege 1878.) After ISCn the statement is In tabular form ; In 1870 and 1S72. the table is cumulative from 1869. 1871-1 878. Table: bushels, yield and value of oats crop. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878: 6.) 1S77 and 1878 estimated. 1871-1880. Table: acreage, yield and value of Penn. oats crop, each year. (10 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. ISSO: 21; 4 A.R. bd. agric. 1880: 36.) . Same. (8 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1879/80: 168.) . Average yield per acre and cash value per acre of the oats crop in Penn. (10 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. ISSO: 22-23; 4 A.R. bd. agric. 1880: 37-38.) . Diagr. of yield and price per bu. of oats crop of Penn. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880: betw. pp. 240-241.) 1878. Oats crop affected by drouth ; carelessness in prep- aration for this crop; suggestions. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878: 5.) 1879. Condition of oats crop In different localities. (Same Mch., Apr. and May 1879: 29.) 222 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Grajx — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Oats — cont'd ISSO. Oats crop; outlook. (9 same Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880: IS.) . Cos. reporting a variation in oats crop compared with 1S79. (10 mme Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1880; 25; 4 A.R. bd. agric. 1880: 40.) . Graphic representation, comparing a three year average oats crop and its value in Penn., with that in Wis., Minn., la., 0., N. Y., 111., Mo., Ind. (10 same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1880: 23-24; 4 same 1880: 38-39.) 1882. See below. Pests: Fungi, this date. . See below. Pests: Insects, this date. 1884. See above. Corn, this date. 1885. The oat crop for the yr. (9 A.R. bd. of agric. 1885: 30.) 1888. See above. Crops. Pennsylvania, this date. 1891. See below. Pests: Fungi, this date. . Oat crop of state, quantity, prices, etc. (15 A.R. bd. agric. 1891: 32.) 1893. Crops of 1893; oats. (17 same 1893: 23.) 1897. See below. Wheat. Pennsylvania, this date. 1900/1. Variety tests of oats and potatoes; by G. C. Watson and E. H. Hess. (Rept. Penn. State College pt. 2, agric. exper. station 1900/1: 223-234.) 1904. See below, Pests: Fungi, this date. Armstrong Comity 1882. Oats crop in Armstrong Co. (18 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 26.) Bucks County 1883. Oats crop of Bucks Co.; quality; effect of weather. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 16.) Butler County 1882. Oats crop of Butler Co. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 29.) Chester County 1883. Oats crop of Chester Co.; comparison with 1882. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883; 20; 21.) Greene County 1882. Oats crop in Greene Co.; rust. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 33.) Lancaster County 1883. Extra crop of oats in Lancaster Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 30.) Lebanon County 1883. Oats crop of Lebanon Co.; cut-worms; price; weight. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 30; 31.) Lehigh County 1883. Yield of oats in Lehigh Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 32.) Mercer County 1882. Oats crop in Mercer Co.; effect of wet weather. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 35; 36.) Mifflin County 1882. Oats crop In Mifflin Co.; rust; corn; hay; pota- toes; clover and timothy; wheat. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 36.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Grain — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Rye See niso Prices. 1829. See above. Corn, this date. 1870/72-1873. Result of experiments with rye at the experimental farms. (Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college 1872 (p. 213)— .same 1873.) 1879. Condition of rye crop in different localities. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879: 28.) 1880. See below. Wheat, this date. 1888. The digestibility of soiling rye; by Wm. Frear. 11 pp. (Penn. State College Agric. Exper. Station Bull. 4.) Bucks County 1883. Rye crop of Bucks Co.; little grown owing to low price of straw; use of tarred rope instead of rye straw for binding corn fodder; comparative cost. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 16.) 1883 Columbia County See below. Wheat, this date. Lancaster County 1883. Rye crop in Lancaster Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 30.) Lebanon County 1883. Rye crop of Lebanon Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 30.) Lehigh County 1883. Rye crop in Lehigh Co.; yield. (21 and 22 quar- terly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 32.) Mercer County 1883. Per cent yield of rye crop in Mercer Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 32.) York County See below, Wheat. York Co. Wheat See also Prices. 1861. Res. that comr. of patents of U. S. be requested to have imported quantity of Mediterranean wheat, for distribution, (v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1861/3: 236.) 1870. Relative rank of leading wheat growing states. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3; 46.) 1871-1880. Table: acreage, yield and value of wheat crop in the U. S., each year. (10 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1880: 16; 4 A.R. bd. agric. 1880: 31.) 1873. See below, Pennsylvania, this date. 1874. Estimated cost to raise bu. of wheat, (v. 10 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1874/5: 156.) 1876. Wheat growing; by J. B. Garber. (v. 11 some 1876: 146-147.) 1877. Wheat and its culture; by Geo. Geddes. (v. 12 same 1877: 140-148.) 1887. The wheat crop of the world. ( 11 A.R. bd. of agric. 1887: 39-42.) — — . Variation in composition of wheat in acclimatiza- tion. (A.R. Penn. State College 1887 pt. 2: 104-109.) 1888. Comparative value of different forms of phos- phoric acid — wheat; by H. P. Armsby and W. H. Caldwell. (Rept Penn. State College pt. 2, agric. exper. station 1888: 124-134.) 1891. Different varieties of wheat and their flouring qualities; by D. L. Ellis. (45 and 46 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1891: 142-149.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 223 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd GiiAJN — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd WiiKAi' — cont'd 1892. Fertilizers for wheat; by E. F. lleil. (47 name 1892: 45-40.) 1893. Wheat — how to increase the yield; by Josiah Gib- son. (51 same 1893: 78-80.) . Wheat culture; by W. A. Blaln. (50 same 1893: 18-20.) . Vital points of successful wheat culture; by Wm. F. Beck. (51 same 1893: 92-95.) 1894. Wheat culture; by L. M. Putney. (53 same 1894: 124.) . Wheat culture; by J. L. Patterson. (53 same 1894: 117.) . Can we afford to raise wheat? by J. G. Ramsey. (53 same 1894: 74-75.) . What shall we do with our wheat? by John H. Ely. (53 same 1894: 89-90.) [1904 Apr.l Variety tests of wheat. (Penn. State Col- lege Agric. Exper. Station Bull. 67.) Not found. PENNSYLVANIA 1853. Address of Hon. Alex. L, Hayes at ann. fair of York Co. Agric. Socy. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 306-319.) Importance of wheat crop In Penn. ; care of the soil : Ilnie as a fertilizer, manures; Kuano of Peru; " Jonrdan's aminonlated super-phosphate of lime " : dignity of an agricultural calling; schools and socys. for advancement of agric. 1853. Wheat production of Penn. in 1840 and in 1850: estimated yield in 1870; same rate of increase ap- parent for rye, corn, oats, barley, buckwheat and livestock. (Govs. mess. (Bigler) Jan. 5, 1853.) [1855.] The culture of wheat: [defects in soil and reme- dies]. (3 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1855: 330-33C.) 1855. Stmt, showing value of ton of wheat and one of corn, at given distances from market, as affected by cost of transportation by r.r. and over ordinary highway. (3 same 1S55: 329.) 1864-1882. Chart showing yield per acre of wheat and corn each year. (6 A.R. bd. agric. 1882: facing p. 73.) 18G9-1878. Synopsis of repts. from experimental farms resp. experiments on wheat. (Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college 1869: 20-21.) After 1860. the statement is in tabular form ; in 1870 and 1S72 the table Is cumulative from 1869. 1871-1878. Table: bushels, yield and value of wheat each year. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878: 4.) Estimated for 1877 and 1878. 1871-1880. Acreage, yield and value Penn. wheat crop. (8 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1879/80: 166.) . Same. (10 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1880: 16; 4 A.R. bd. agric. 1880: 31.) . Ann. yield per acre of Penn. wheat crop, each year. (10 same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1880: 17; 4 same 1880: 32.) . Graphic representation of acreage and value Penn. wheat crop. (10 same 1880: 17-18; 4 same 1880: 31-32.) . Diagr. showing yield and price per bu. of wheat crop of Penn. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880: betw. pp. 144-145.) 1873. Experiments with fertilizers on wheat at Eastern Exper. Farm. (Rept. of bd. of trustees of agric. col- lege 1873: 59-60.) . Tabular stmt, showing no. of millions of acres, bushels per acre, price per bushel, value per acre, total value of wheat crop in 111., Calif., Iowa, Wise, AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Ghai.n — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Wheat — cont'd Ind., Ohio, Penn. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 521.) 1878. See below, Pests: Insects, this date. . Diagram: wheat production in 22 COS. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878: 20.) Erroneously prtd. corn ; the wheat diagram is no. 1. . The proper time to cut wheat; by H. M. Engle. (Same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878: 39-41.) . See below. Pests. Insects, this date. . The result of five years' experiment in wheat culture [in York]; by J. M. Heiges. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1878: 229-231.) 1879. Condition of wlieat crop in different localities. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mcli., Apr. and May 1879: 27-28.) 1880. Wheat and rye crops of different localities; pros- pects. (8 same Mch., Apr. and May 1880: 9-10.) . Wheat crop; condition in different localities. (9 same Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880: 17.) . Weather conditions effecting the Penn. wheat crop. (10 same 1880: 20; 4 A.R. bd. agric. 1880: 35.) . Counties in which the wheat crop shows an in- crease over 1879 and vice versa. (10 same 1880: 20-21; 4 same 1880: 35-36.) . Graphic representation comparing a 3-year average wheat crop (acreage and value) in Penn. with that in Mich., Ohio, Kan., Penn.. Ind., Cal., 111., Minn., la. (10 same 1880: 18-19; 4 same 1880: 33-34.) 1880-1886. Table: average yield, price per bu., and value per acre of wheat crop of state. (11 A.R. bd. agric. 1887: 40.) 1881. Graphic representation of yield of wheat in 16 cos. (13 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1881: 36.) . Same acreage. (13 same 1881: 42.) 1882. See below, Pests: Fungi, this date. . The results of an experiment showing effect of various fertilizers on the quantity and quality of the wheat crop; by W. H. Jordan. (Penn. State College Bull. 1 (1 series).) . Same. (Rept. Penn. State College 1886: 239-245.) . See below. Pests: Insects, this date. 1883. Can wheat be grown at a profit in Penn. at $1 per bu.; by N. F. Underwood. (7 A.R. bd. agric. 1883: 138-155.) 1884. See above, Corn, this date. . The wheat crop for 1884 and Its market. (8 A.R. bd. of agric. 1884: 50-51.) 1885. The wheat crop in Penn. (9 .same 1885: 28-29.) 1887. The wheat crop of 1887: summary of data fur- nished by each co. (34 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1887: 146-149.) 1888. See above, Crops. Pennsylvania, this date. . Since wheat production in Penn. is unprofitable, what is the best course for the Juniata farmer to pursue? by D. B. Williams. (37 and 38 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1888: 5-6.) 1890. See below. Pests: Insects, this date. 1891. See below. Pests: Fungi, this date. . Wheat crop of state, quantity, prices, etc. (15 A.R. bd. agric. 1891: 30-31.) 1893. Crops of 1893; wheat. (17 same 1893: 19-21.) 1897. Variety tests of wheat, oats and potatoes; by Geo. C. Watson and Enos H. Hess. (A.R. Penn. State College 1897 pt. 2: 134-146.) . Same. 16 pp. (Penn. Agric. College Exper. Sta- tion Bull. 39.) 1899. See below, Pests: Insects, this date. 224 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops— Geain- ■cont'd -cont'd PENNSYLVANI A— cont'd Wheat — cont'd 1899. Variety tests of wheat; by Geo. C. Watson and Enos H. Hess. (A.R. Penn. State College 1898/9 pt. 2; 197-207.) ■ . Same. 7 pp. (Penn. Agric. College Exper. Sta- tion Bull. 46.) 1901. Variety tests of wheat; by Geo. C. Watson and Enos H. Hess. (A.R. Penn. State College 1899/00 pt. 2: 277-283.) . Same. 8 pp. (Penn. Agric. College Exper. Sta- tion Bull. 55.) 1902. See below, Pests: Insects, this date. 1903. See same, this date. Allegheny Count;/ 1882. Wheat and clover crop in Allegheny Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 7.) Beaver County 1882. Wheat raising in Beaver Co. (IS quarterly rept. Penn. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 27.) Berks County 1882. See above. Grain, this date. Bucks County 1883. Wheat crop of Bucks Co.; fly; time of seeding. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883; 16.) Butler County 1894. Wheat culture in Butler Co.; by Hon. A. D. Weir. (52 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 135-137.) Chester County 1883. Wheat crop of Chester Co.; Hessian fly; com- parison with last year. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 20; 21.) Clinton County 1882. Wheat in Clinton Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 9.) Columbia County 1882. Wheat crop in Columbia Co.; Hessian fly. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 31.) 1883. Comparative acreage of wheat and rye with last five years. (21 and 22 same 1883: 23.) Crawford County 1882. Wheat in Crawford Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 9-10.) Dauphin County 1882. Wheat crop of Dauphin Co.; wheat louse. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 32.) Fayette County 1882. Wheat prospect in Fayette Co. good, fruit pros- pect poor. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 11.) Franklin County 1882. Wheat in Franklin Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 11.) 1883. Wheat crop in Franklin Co.; fertilizers. (21 and 22 same 1883: 26.) Lancaster County 1883. Wheat in Lancaster Co.; fly; quality, etc. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 30.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Gbain — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Wheat — cont'd Lebanon County 1883. Wheat crop in Lebanon Co.; Hessian fly and army worm; quality of wlieat crop; price. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 30; 31.) Lehigh County 1883. Wheat crop of Lehigh Co.; Hessian fly; yield. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 32.) Mercer County 1882. Wheat crop of Mercer Co. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 36.) 1883. Wheat crop of Mercer Co.; condition and per cent yield; rust and other injuries. (21 and 22 same 1883: 32; 33.) Mifflin County 1882. See above, Oats. Mifflin Co., this date. Montgomery County 1882. Wheat crop in Montgomery Co.; yield per acre; effect of drouth on corn; potatoes. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 36.) Susqtiehanna County 1854. Wheat crop and Hessian fly in Susquehanna Co.; other crops. (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. [1854]: 278.) Tioga County 1854. See below, Crops. Grass and Forage, this date. Westinoreland County 1882. Falling off in acreage of wheat in Westmoreland Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 15.) York County 1883. Wheat and rye in York Co.; mode of cultivation. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 41.) Grass and Forage Crops serial 1 series 1882. Rept. of committee on grass and grasses of Penn. of bd. of agric. In Documents as follows : iV. F. Underwood 1882 In 6 A.R. bd. of agric. 1882 : 168-175. 2 series 1886. Rept. of committee on grasses and fodder of bd. of agric. In Documents as follows ; JV. F. Underwood 1886 in 10 A.R. bd. of agric. 1886 : 240-242. 3 series 1888. Rept. of committee on grasses and fodder crops of bd. of agric. In Documents as follows : ff. M. Engle 1888 In 12 A.R. bd. of agric. 1888:62-63. 4 series 1890-1893. Rept. of committee on ensilage and fodder crops of bd. of agric. In Documents as follows : J. B. Phelps isno in 14 A.R. bd. of agric. 1890:187. 1881 not found. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 225 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Grass and Forack Chops — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 4 series — cont'd A. L. Wales 1892 In 10 A.R. bd. of nsrlc. 1892 : 148-149. Jaaon iiexto7i 1893 lu 17 A.R. bil. ot agrlc. 1893: 147-148. non-serial 1854. Address of A. U. Dickinson of N. Y. delivered before Tioga Co. Agric. Socy. May 1. (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1854: 29S-308.) ■•Butter" or grazing liind ; slipep and wool Industry; preptiration of butter for market ; care of grass lands ; hay as fooil for stock : selection of seed wheat [for use In Tioga t'o.] ; recommendation of agrlc. paper. 1887. Studies upon the composition and development of soiling crops: by \Vm. Frear. (Penn. State Col- lege Agric. Exper. Station Bull. 1: 19-oS.) 1888. See above, Crops. Pennsylvania, this date. 1889. Digestibility of corn fodder and silage; by H. P. Armsby and Wm. H. Caldwell. 16 pp. (Penn. State College Agric. Exper. Station Bull. 9.) 1892. Selling straw; by S. Edwd. Paschall. (47 quar- terly rept. bd. agric. 1892: 50-51.) Alfalfa 1896. Will alfalfa do well in Penn.? (2 A.R. dept. [20 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1896 pt. 1: 186-187.) Conclusions drawn by secy, from answers made at Institutes. Cloveb See also below. Soils and Fertilizers. Fertilizers, under dates 1S91 and 1892. 1869-1878. Synopsis of repts. from the experimental farms resp. experiments on clover and timothy. (Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college 1869: 20.) After 1869, the statement is in tabular form ; in 1870 and 1872 It is cumulative from 1869. 1880. Clover, timothy and pasture: condition in dif- ferent localities. (8 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1S80: 10-11.) 1883. See below, Timothy, this date. 1893. Clover; by J. E. Carnahan. (51 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1893: 36-37.) 1894. A talk on clover; by Wm. F. Beck. (53 same 1894: 83-84.) . Crimson clover; by W. Scott Whiteford. (53 some 1894: 81-82.) . Raising clover seed; by D. Devlin. (53 same 1894: 136.) . Crimson or scarlet clover; experience of C. Cooper of Lancaster Co., with this crop. (18 A.R. bd. of agric. 1894: 59-61.) 1895. Rept. by C. Cooper on investigation of value of crimson clover as plant Penn. farmers should grow. (1 A.R. dept. agric. 1895 pt. 1: 135-139.) 1899. Crimson clover and its place in agric; by J. W. Allison. (Dept. of agric. Bull. 52: 115-118.) Adams County 1882. Grass and clover growth In Adams Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 7.) Berks County 1882. Clover and timothy in Berks Co. (18 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 28.) Bucks County 1883. Clover crop of Bucks Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agrlc. 1883: 16.) 15 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Grass and Fora(;k Ckiji'.s — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Clover — cont'd Franklin County 1883. Clover-seed crop in Franklin Co. quarterly repts. bd. agrlc. 1883: 26.) (21 and 22 Huntingdon County 1881-1882. Clover in Huntingdon Co. (16 and 17 quar- terly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 12.) 1882. See Crops. Grain. Wheat, Huntington Co. Lehigh County 1882. Clover and timothy in Lehigh Co. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 35.) Grasses 1827. Cultivation of grasses, root-crops, hay and its substitutes; from corresp. of J. N. Powel [with notes by Mr. Powel]. (v. 10 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1874/5: 392-423.) 1873. Experiments with fertilizers on grass at Eastern Exper. Station. (Rept. of bd. of trustees of agric. college 1873: 56-58.) . On the grasses; by W. P. Hazard, (v. 9 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1872/3: 32-46.) Composition, beneflts. etc.; clover; alsike clover. . Essay on grasses; by W. B. Rumsey. (v. 9 .same 1872/3: 66-69.) [1874.] Pasture and grazing; by J. Wilkinson, (v. 10 same 1874/5: 107-112.) 1875. Grass; by Col. O. 0. Potter. (2 A.R. state dairy- men's assn. 1875: 335-344.) Cultivation of grass urged ; desirable varieties ; pasture ; hay for market, etc. Paging from v. 11 Kept, trans, state agrlc. socy. 1877. Brome-grass, chess, cheat (Ger. Roggent respe) : by J. S. (v. 12 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1877: 175-177.) 1881. Penn. grasses; by W. R. Shelmire. (5 A.R. bd. of agric. 1881: 146-158; 14 and 15 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1881: 32-46.) 1882. Rept. of committee on grasses of Penn. (10 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr., May 1882: 77-78.) N. F. Underwood. W. R. Shelmire, 11. L. Scott. 1884. See above. Grain Crops. Corn, this date. 1886. Grasses of Penn.; by W. R. Shelmire. (10 A.R. bd. agric. 1S86: 242-244.) . The grass crops of 1885; by Wm. Frear. (Penn. State College Bull. 14 (1 series).) . Same. (Rept. Penn. State College 1886: 319-325.) 1888. Yield and composition of pasture grass; by H. P. Amsby, H. J. Patterson and Geo. L. Holter. (Rept. Penn. State College pt. 2, agric. exper. station 1888: 55-77.) Beaver County 1882. Pasture in Beaver Co.; scarcity of cows. (18 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 27.) . Grass crop in Beaver Co. (16 and 17 same Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 8.) Delaware County 1882. Condition of grasses in Delaware Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 11.) Fayette County 1882. Grass crop in Fayette Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 11.) 226 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Grass and Forage Crops — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Grasses — cont'd Mifflin County 1882. See below, Grain Crops. Oats. Mifflin Co., this date. Monroe County 1882. Grasses in Monroe Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 13.) Montgomery County 1882. Condition of grasses In Montgomery Co., par- ticularly clover. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 13.) Perry County 1883. See below. Grain. Perry Co., this date. Somerset County 1882. Clover and other grass In Somerset Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 14.) Hat See also Prices. 1840. Rept. of committee on agric. (Caldwell) on petitions for apptmt. of a weighmaster of hay and straw for the city and co. of Phila. (Sen. jol. 1840 V. 1: 243.) 1869. See above. Clover, this date. 1871. Ann. acreage, tons, value of Penn. hay crop. (8 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1879/80: 171.) 1871-1878. Table: tons, yield and value of hay crop, each year. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878: 6.) 1877 and 1878 estimated. 1871-1880. Average yield per acre and price per ton of hay in Penn. (8 A.R. bureau Industrial statistics 1879/80: 172.) . Hay; ann. acreage, yield and value of crop of U. S., and crop of Penn. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880: 45-48.) . Same. (10 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1880: 30-32.) . Diagr. showing yield and price per ton of hay crop of Penn. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880: betw. pp. 176-177.) 1878. Hay crop large and of fine quality. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878: 6.) . Same. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1878: 10-11.) . Diagr.: comparative production of hay In 22 cos. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878: 7.) 1879. Condition of hay crop In different localities. (.Same Mch., Apr. and May 1S79: 29-30.) 1880. Hay crop small ; causes. (9 same Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880: 18-19.) . Weather condition affecting Penn. hay crops; cos. reporting an Increase or decrease. (10 fe v. 2 (no. 3); 85-88.) . Spraying for potato rot. (Same v. 2 (no. 4); 110-111.) . How I saved my cantaloupes from blight; by J. H. Ledy. (Same v. 2 (no. 4) ; 111-112.) . Practical measures for plant diseases and insects during Sept. (Same v. 2 (no. 5): 134-137.) Apples, asparagus, beans, blackberries, cabbage and cauliflower, celery, corn, cucumbers, melons, squnsh. canteloupes, etc., grapes, onions, peach, pear, pota- toes, tomatoes, wheat. . See below. Insects, this date. [1904 Jan.] Spraying grapes for black rot. (Penn. State College Agric. Exper. Station Bull. 66.) Not found. Insects 1818. Rept. of committee (Eichelberger) to whom was referred petition of Cornelius Dysart for compensa- tion upon publication of his method of preventing cut worms from destroying corn. (House jol. 1817/8: 570.) 1854. Wheat crop of Susquehanna Co. injured by In- sect " cecidomyia tritici " and in less degree by Hessian fly. (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. [1854]: 278.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Pk.sts — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd I.NSECTS — cont'd [1869?! Order hemiptera or bugs; by S. S. Rathvon of Lancaster, (v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1864/70: 111-135.) Squash-bug and similar bugs ; blacliberry bug ; arbor plant bug ; chinch bug ; 17-yr. cicada ; dog-day harvest fly ; tree-hoppers : plant lice ; cochineal insect ; barti louse. This article has a note saying that it was written several years ago and nomenclature has changed somewhat since. [1871.] Insects injurious to small fruit; by S. S. Rath- von. (v. 8 same 1871/2; 42-60.) Currant: gooseberry; strawberry; raspberry; black- berry. . Centipedes and millipedes, (v. 8 Rept. trans. state agric. socy. 1871/2; 61-65.) 1871. Insects injurious to the apple; by S. S. Rathvon. (Rept. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1870/1; 550-574. I'aging from v. 7 Ilept. trans, state agric. socy. 1872. Colorado potato beetle; by S. S. Rathvon. (v. 8 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1871/2; 169-174.) Hist., habits, remedies. 1873. White cabbage butterflies; by S. S. Rathvon. (v. 9 same 1872/3: 94-100.) . The Colorado potato bug; by W. P. Hazard, (v. 9 .tame 1872/3; 140-144.) What it is, where it comes from ; means for destruction. . The Colorado potato beetle; by S. S. Rathvon. (v. 9 name 1872/3; 70-81.) . The "White-lined army worm" (Lucania Albi- linea); by S. S. Rathvon. (v. 9 same 1872/3; 165- 168.) [1874.] The enemies of our fruit and forest trees; by S. S. Rathvon. (v. 10 same 1874/5; 45-62.) The codling moth ; curculio or plum-weevil ; rascal leaf crumpier ; drop worm. . Bark lice. (v. 10 same 1874/5; 277-279.) Oyster-shell bark louse, Harris' bark louse ; pine-leaf scale ; elm scale, or bark louse. . Entomolography; by R, (v. 10 same 1874/5: 240- 247.) 1874. Entomological corresp. [rel. to harlequin cab- bage bug, beetles, etc.]. (v. 10 same 1874/5; 248-252.) . What are the most destructive insect enemies agst. which we have to contend; methods of ex- termination, etc.; by A. S. Fuller. (Rept. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1873/4; 126-133.) Paging from app. v. 9 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. Colorado potato beetle; cabbage worms; harlequin cab- bage bug ; orchard insects ; grain weevils. . Discussion of Colorado potato bug. (v. 10 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1S74/5: 141-142.) [1875.] The hist, and habits of Colorado potato beetle; by S. S. Rathvon. (v. 10 same 1874/5: 213-225.) 1876. Noxious insects; by S. S. Rathvon. ([4] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1875/6: 784-792.) Paging from Collected docs. Colorado potato beetle or " tenlined spearman." . Insects never grow; by S. S. Rathvon. (v. 11 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1876: 96-99.) . Elm tree leaf beetle; by S. S. Rathvon. (v. 11 same 1876; 134-137.) . Rogues' gallery of injurious insects; by J. Stauf- fer. (v. 11 same 1876; 257-260.) Besides ilius. of many Insects, special notes are given on codling moth, notodonta concinna (red-humped caterpillar), anesopteryx, vernata (moth of canker worm, fall worm). . Grape phylloxera; by S. S. Rathvon. (v. 11 same 1876: 130-133.) . Where the potato bugs go. (v. 11. same 1876: 100-101.) Disappearing from Ijuncaster Co.; progress of potato beetle through U. S. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 229 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Pests — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Insects — cont'd 187G. Discussion of methods of dealing with codling moth. (Rept. Penn. fruit frowers' socy. 1875/6: 51- 52.) 1877. The grape codling; by R. (v. 12 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1877: 96-97.) . The grape-seed Insect; by R. (v. 12 muiw 1877; 98.) . The currant worm; by R. (v. 12 same 1877: 99-102.) . Extermination of the curculio possible; by R. (v. 12 ,wmc 1877: 95-96.) . Stinging nettle (die Brennessel — German); by J. A. (V. 12 same 1877: 179-180.) . Grape-berry curculio; by R. (v. 12 same 1877: 102.) 1878. See below, Vegetable Crops. Potato, this date. . Insect and other enemies in fruit culture [in Penn.]; by P. C. Hiller. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1878: 592-594.) . The apple tree borer, its habits, ravages, destruc- tion and prevention; by J. S. Keller. (2 same 1878; 151-152.) . Communications from W. M. Young and S. S. Rathvon rel. to a new insect enemy of the peach tree, in Reading. (2 same 1S78: 598-601.) . Injury of corn crop by frost and by insects. {Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878; 4-5.) . Damage to wheat crop by fly and frost. {Same Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878: 4.) . Same. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1878: 8-9.) 1880. See below, Vegetable Crops. Potato, this date. . Some of the insects injurious to forest and shade trees of Penn.; by W. H. Buckhout. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880: 86-92.) 1882. Insect pests complained of in 1882. (6 same 1882: 228-234.) Potato stalk weevil; apple-tree borer (Union Co.) ; strawberry worm (York Co.) ; snowy tree cricket (CliC'Ster Co.l ; grape beetle; potato stalk-borer (Cliester Co.l ; bag worm; corn worm (Erie Co.) ; locust saw-fly (Lancaster Co.); clover worm; clover leaf midge. . Shortage in grape crop of Beaver Co. caused by pore bug. (18 (juarterly rept. Penn. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 27.) . Damage in Chester Co. by cabbage worm and hairy caterpillar. (IS same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 30.) . Insect depredations In Y'ork Co.; particularly the caterpillar; potato beetle; farm crops; apples, pear,s, and peaches; winter grain; livestock. (18 some Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1S82: 41.) . Potato bug and rot in Warren Co.; wheat, corn, oats and rye. (18 same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 39-40.) . Colorado potato beetle in Lackawanna Co.; cod- ling moth; cabbage worm; pea and bean weevil; fruit tree borer. (IS same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882; 35.) . Injury to apple orchards and locust timber by the borer in Fayette Co.; killing of insectivorous birds. (IS same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882; 32.) . Insect injury to oats crop in Cambria Co. (18 same Sept., Oct" and Nov. 1882; 29.) . Injury to cabbage in Butler Co. (18 same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 29.) . Injury to grape vines and fruit trees by the caterpillar. (18 same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 29.) . Hessian fly in Berks Co. (18 same Sept., Oct. and Nov 1S82- 28.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Pksts — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA — cont'd Inshxts — cont'd 1882. Injury to grape crop of Jefferson Co. by rose bug. (18 same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 33.) Insect pest complained of in 1882 [by Penn. farmers]. (6 A.R. bd. of agric. 1882: 228-234.) 1883. Birds vs. insects; by Prof. W. A. Buckhout. (7 same 1883; 50-58.) . Plum crop in Franklin Co. ruined by curculio. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 26.) . Damage caused by caterpillars in York Co. (21 and 22 same 1883: 42.) . Damage by pUira curculio in Indiana Co.; damage to grapes and apples by rose bug; remedies. (21 and 22 same 1883: 28.) Damage to Allegheny Co. fruit by rose bug; potato beetle. (21 and 22 same 1883: 15.) The corn worm; bv Prof. S. S. Rathvon [refers principally to Lancaster Co.]. (7 A.R. bd. of agric. 1883: 238-244.) , ^ 1884 Insect pests of farm, garden and orchar(i com- plained of in 1884; by the secy. [Thos. J. Edge]. (8 same 18S4; 97-108.) Mav beetle; clover-seed midge; leaf gall o«/e^.™"P^/.' ■ asparagus beetle ; Penn. ground beetle . pear- l,li"ht beetle ; Iwlg girdler ; peach-tree borer; bop- grub or borer, bee moth ; apple-tree pruner. 1889. Periodical cicada in Penn.; by Wm A Buckhout. (AR Penn. State College 1889 pt. 2: 182-18(.) . The horn fly: its appearance in Penn.; oy Ihe secy. [T. J. Edge]. (13 A.R. bd. of agric. 1889. 163-167.) . , . 1890 The wheat aphis; appearance in large nos. in many parts of stat3. (14 .sdHie 1890; 61-66.) 1891-1893. Insect enemies; by the secy. [T. J. Edge). (15 same 1891 (pp. 248-260)— 17 same 1893.) 1896. Some injurious insects of Penn.; by C W John- son. (2 A.R. dept. of agric. 1896 pt. l: 345-364 J San Jose scale in Penn.; by Dr. G. G. Groff. (- same 1896 pt. 1: 514-528.) ^ t - lo Synopsis of state laws against San Jose scale. (2 .some 1896 pt. 1; 528-53L) _ , .v. „„v . Suggestions for preventing invasion of tbe army worm in state; by B. H. Warren. (2 same 1896 pt. 1; 57-60.) c Ti -,« . v.« Insect ravages on the plum crop of Penn., by B.H.Warren. (2 some 1896 pt. 1; 47-48 ) Army worm; by B. H. Warren. (A.R. Penn. State College 1896 pt. 2:164-220.) _ 1899 Some insects injurious to fruit; insects affecting the apple, the pear, the plum, the peach, the cherry, the grape, the raspberry and blackberry currants and gooseberries, and the strawberry; by B. F. Mac- Cartney. (5 A.R. dept. [23 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1899 ^^*' Some' insects attacking fruit and fruit trees; by H T Fernald. (Dept. of agric. Bull. 47.) Codling moth apple tree tent caterpillar, cecropia ^"emperor uioth^und-headed apple-tree borer, peach tree borer, peach twig borer, plum curculio. . Some insects injurious to wheat; by H. T. Fer- nald. 14 pp. (^'ome Bull. 46.) ^ „ a, r^, . Some harmful household insects; by H. 1. ter- nald. 14 pp. (.Some BuU. 45.) Moths, beetles, ants. San Jos6 scale and other scale insects: by H. T. Fernald. 22 pp. (Same Bull. 43.) Other scale insects are the oyster shell scale, scurry scale, peach rtlaspls. English walnut. Putnam s scale, rose scale, peach lecanlum. . Common cabbage insects; by H. T. Fernald. 14 pp. (i8'o mc Bull. 48.) 230 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Pests — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd I x SEC Ts — con t'd 1S99. Methods for the protection of crops from insects and fungi; by H. T. Fernald. 2d ed. 20 pp. (.Same Bull. 49.) . The life histories of insects as a guide to their treatment; by H. T. Fernald. {Same Bull. 52: 69-75.) 1901. Lecanium magnoliarum, a new cucumber insect. (Rept. Penn. State College pt. 2, agric. exper. sta- tion 1900/1: 344.) . List of places in Penn. infested by San Jose scale. (Same 1900/1: 342-343.) . Value of hydrocyanic acid gas as an insecticide. (Same 1900/1: 344.) 1902. Insects injurious to cucurbitaceous plants, by H. A. Surface. 30 pp., pis. (Dept. of agric. bull. 96.) . Some common insect pests of the farmer; by H. T. Fernald. 32 pp., pis. (Same bull. 99.) . Hessian fly investigation. (8 A.R. dept. [26 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1902 pt. 1: 26-27.) • . Control of insect pests. (8 same 1902 pt. 1: 26.) 190o. Attention to be directed chiefly to economic entomology. (Mo. circular of the division of zoology V. 1, no. 1:3.) . Entomological measures for Jly. (Mo. bull, of the division of zoology v. 1, no. 3: 9-20.) Scale insects; plnnt lice or aphlds : for pests on large fruits ; for the Insects attacking small fruits and grapes ; for insects infesting field crops ; Jly. insects attacking ornamental plants and shade trees : insects attacking garden crops ; insects In the household ; pests, pests of poultry and live- stock. . The chief insects of the month: general meas- ures; flea beetle; wooly aphis; insects attacking the large fruits; insects on small fruits and grapes; insects injurious to garden crops (pea lice, squash bugs, cucumber beetles, cabbage and cauliflower worms, tomato leaf blight, melon blight, and celery rust, etc.) ; pest of field crops for Aug. (potatoes, In- dian corn, wheat — Hessian fly); Aug. insects on ornamental plants and shade trees; insects in the household; insects on livestock and poultry; gapes in fowls; misc. (Same v. 1: 10-21.) . The " Buffalo moth " or carpet beetle and other pests in carpets. (Same v. 1, no. 4: 22-23.) . The grain weevils. (Same v. 1, no. 4: 24-25.) . Specific applications for insects injurious to field crops. (Same v. 1, no. 2: 14.) White and sweet potatoes only. . Pests attacking ornamental plants; applications recommended. (Same v. 1, no. 2: 13.) . Specific applications for pests in the garden. (Same v. 1, no. 2: 14-16.) Cabbage, cauliflower, tobacco, tomatoes, egg-plants, cu- cun)bers, onions. . Summer remedies for scale insects. (Same v. 1, no. 2: 12-13.) . Specific applications for pests of grapes and small fruits. (Same v. 1, no. 2: 11-12.) . Specific applications for insects attacking fruit trees. (Same v. 1, no. 2: 10-11.) . The more important insect remedies for the month of Je. (Same v. 1, no. 2: 8-9.) [Preventive measures.] • . Insecticide for treating San Jos6 scale. (Same v. 1, no. 7: 15.) . Winter treatment of San Jos6 scale; means of distribution; artificial means of distribution; kinds of plants attacked; remedies. (Same v. 1, no. 7: 15- 21.) . Nov. insect remedies and preventives. (Same v. 1, no. 7: 11-13.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Pests — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Insects — cont'd 1903. Examine your trees and plants [in regard to diseases and pests]. . (Same v. 1, no. 6; 19-21.) . Insects for Oct.: canker worm or measuring worm, peach tree borers, scale insects, apple borers, bag-worm. (Same v. 1, no. 6: 10-13.) . Striking at the root of an evil [measures agst. insects and other pests]. (Same v. 1, no. 5: 22-24.) . The San Jose scale. (Same v. 1, no. 5: 24-26.) . Insects on shade trees and ornamental plants. (Same V. 1, no. 5: 10-11.) . Sept. pests in field crops (Hessian fly, corn-ear worm, smut of corn stalks). (Same v. 1, no. 5: 8-9.) . Remedies for pests on garden crops: asparagus rust and beetles, celery caterpillar, squasii borer, cabbage worms, etc. (Same v. 1, no. 5: 9-10.) . Insects injuring fruit trees; treatment. (Same v. 1, no. 5: 6-7.) Fall web worms, codlln moths, fall canker or measuring worm, bark beetles or sliot-hole borers, etc. . [Blank form rel. to wheat crops and the seven- teen year locust or cicada.] (Same v. 1, no. 4: 31-32.) Reader requested to fill blanks and return the page to the Economic Zoologist. . Suggestions about sending specimens and com- bating insects in general. (Same v. 1, no. 2: 34.) . The May calendar for injurious insect and plant diseases. (Same v. 1, no. 1, 9-14.) Timely suggestions for important practical measures In the orchard and vineyard, in the garden and field, in the household. . The principles of insect warfare. (Same v. 1, no 1: 6-S.) . Extr. from a Kansas bull. rel. to the Hessian fly. (Same v. 1, no. 5: 13.) . Wanted — an infested wheat field. (Satne v. 1, no. 6: 13-14.) . Preserve the hornets' nest. (Same v. 1, no. 6: 16-17.) . See above. Fungi, this date. 1904. Practical measures for February; plant diseases. (Mo. bull, of division of zoology v. 1, no. 10: 10-13.) Club root of cabbnge and cauUfiower, apple rust, crown gall, fire blight or twig blight. . How to make a collection of insects; by H. A. Surface. (Same v. 2 (no. 6): 167-171.) . Fundamental principles. (Same v. 2 (no. 7): 200-203.) Application of principles of biology In combating dis- eases and Insects injurious to plants. . How to rear insects. (Same v. 2 (no. 5) : 137-139.) . Special article; the apple-tree tent-caterpillar (clisiocampa americana) ; by H. A. Surface. (Sayne v. 1, nos. 11-12: 3549.) . F'ractical measures during Jan. to prevent dis- eases of plants and depredations by insects. (Same V. 1, no. 9: 21-22.) . San JosS scale notes. (Same v. 1, no. 9: 23.) . Information requested on San JosS scale and pro- duction of silk in Penn. (Same v. 1, no. 9: 32.) . Practical measures for Feb.; insect remedies. (Same v. 1, no. 10: 13-16.) Shot-hole borers ; destroying old and wild trees j pear- tree psylla ; insects in mills, granaries and store houses. . Bag worms. (Same v. 1, no. 10: 17-18.) . Special treatment of the osage orange for the San Jos6 scale. (Same v. 1, no. 10: 18-21.) . Practical timely measures for insects, etc. (Same V. 1, nos. 11-12: 9.) Plowing and cultivation; seeds, plants, trees, etc. . On avoidance of strawberry pests. (Same v. 1, nos. 11-12: 10.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 231 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Pests — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Insects — cont'd 1904. Prevention of raspberry pests. (Same v. 1, nos. 11-12: 10.) . On the plum curculio; treatmenc. (.Sumc v. 1, nos. 11-12:' 11.) . Prevention of beetles boring trunks of fruit trees, remedies agst. plant lice or apliids, etc. (t nn 3 pis. * ' '' Issued as Zoological Circular No. 1. 2. 1903 Aug 15. The economic value of our native birds. 1903. 16 pp. 3. 1903 Nov. 15. Same. 1903. 32 pp. 4. 1904 Feb. 15. Same. 1904. 32 pp., 4 pis v. 2. Nos. 1-3. 1. 1904 May 15. The economic value of Penn. animals in relation to agric shown in the agric. exhibit of lenn. at the St. Louis Exposition. 1904. 32 pp pis ^- W?ds.^"f90i'- pp^"'^l3-r8"°'"""= "'''" "' °" "^"^^ 3. 1904 Nov. 15. The economic value of our native ?J, o.' discussed by orders and families. 1904. pp 4y-o4, 2 pis. non-serial 1896. Taxidermy; how to collect, skin, preserve and mount birds; by B. H. Warren. 128 pp., illus (Dent of Agric. Bull. 6.) Also contains fish and game laws 1878-1895. 1896-1902. Resp. work of the division of economic zoology. (2 A.R. dept. [20 A.R. bd.J of agric. 1896 pt. 1 (p. 13)— 8 same 1902.) 1898. The economic status of the mole; the mole family In Penn., with economic relation of the mole to agric; by H. Wilson. 42 pp. (Dept of agric. bull. no. 31.) • Seen In the Free Library of Phlln. t Also In Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phlla. I All found in the Free Library of Phlla.: noB. 3 and 4 of vol 1 were also seen iu the Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phlla. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Economic Zoology — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1903. Publications of the division of zoology. (Mo. bull, of division of zoology v. 1, no. 2: 4.) Monthly circular (bulletin] of the division of zoology, zoological quarterly [bulletin], [special] bulletins, ann. repts. Repeated in no. 3, with added Inforuiatlon, as to dates, etc. . Outline of objects and work of tlie division of economic zoology. (Mo. circular of the division of zoology V. 1, no. 1: 3-5.) (1) Examining specimens and answering questions; (2) personal work of the economic zoologist — investigation and experimentation; (3) publica- tion; (4) lectures; (5) inspection of nurseries and private premises; (6) inspection of imported plants, seeds and fruits; (7) making collections. . Respecting change of titles in publications of the division of zoology, viz.: "The Monthly Circu- lar of the Division of Zoology " to " The Monthly Bulletin ...."; and "The Zoological Quarterly" to " The Zoological Quarterly Bulletin." (Mo. bull, of division of zoology v. 1, no. 3:4.) . The relation of forestry and zoology; by H. A. Surface, {iiame v. 1, no. 5; 30-32.) From the Zoological Press circular Issued by Penn. State College. . The zoological exhibition of Penn. at St. Louis. (Same v. 1, no. 7: 29-31.) . Directions to correspondents [resp. questions, specimens, replies, etc.]. (Same v. 1, no. 5; 26-27.) 1904. Index to vol. 1, nos. 112. {Same v. 1, nos. 11-12: 56-64.) . The study of zoology. {Same v. 2 (no. 8); 228- 236.) . Apptmts. for addresses by the zoologist. {Same V. 1, no. 9: 14-15.) . Organization of Penn. naturalists. {Same v. 2 (no. 7): 217-218.) . Our collection for the St. Louis Exposition. {Same v. 1, no. 9: 31.) Education 1804. First agric. school founded by Thaer [at Moeglin, near Berlin]. (Rept. bd. of trustees of Farmers' High School 1860/3: 726.) Paging from v. 6 Rept. trans, state agrlc. socy. Sketch of life of Thaer (1752-1828) given in note. 1820. Description of Thaer's school; by an English traveller. {Same 1860/3: 726-727.) Paging from v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1851. See above. Agriculture, this date. 1853. Education of farmers; by J. R. Jones. (Penn. School Journal v. 2; 188-190.) . See also above, Crops. Wheat. Pennsylvania, this date. . See also below. Fairs. County and Local, this date. . Address of J. Richter Jones before socy. for promotion of agric. and mech. arts in Susquehanna Co. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 267-279.) The plow and the book ; relation of the sciences, partic- ularly chemistry, to agric. ; rural schools ; educa- tion of the farmer's sons. 1858. Address of Dr. C. K. Thompson before the Tioga Co. Agric. Socy. (v. 5 same 1857/8: 503-512.) Relates chiefly to education for the farmer. [1860.] See below, Penn. State College, this date. 1862-1889. Table; population and valuation of the several states (census of 1880); proceeds of national land grant of 1862, with apprns. made to state colleges and universities by the Legislature to carry that act into effect. (Rept. Penn. State College 1888 [pt. 1] : foldg. table betw. pp. 8 and 9.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 237 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd 1863. Lands granted to states for endowment, support, etc., by each state, of at least one college for teach- ing such branches of learning as are related to agric. and mechanic arts, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including mili- tary tactics; recommendation that proper prov. be made by legisl. for having the lands thus granted to Pa., selected and used for asylum for disabled soldiers. (Govs. mess. (Curtin) Jan. 1S(;3: 12.) 18G4. Summary of ann. income and expenditure of an industrial college, (v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1861/3: 29.) Based on nioilel described by Dr. Pugh. 1878. Education of the farmer; by E. E. White. (Penn. School .lournal v. 26: 301-302.) 1879. Substance of remarks of J. P. Wickersham on education in Europe as it affects agric. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Dec, Jan. and Feb. 1878/9; 13.) 1882. Michigan Agric. College; by A. W. Potter. (Penn. School Journal v. 31: 50-54.) 1887. Rept. of trustees and treasurer of State Agri- cultural College for years 1885 and 1886; with table showing what several states have done to carry out the national land grant act of 1862. (Legisl. Record 1887: 218-221.) 1889. Rural schools; by S. S. Thomas. (39 and 40 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1889: 20-24.) . The relation of our public schools to agric; by Wm. C. Storick. (39 and 40 same 1889: 169-170.) . Relations of the farmer to the public schools; by E. B. Goodling. (39 and 40 same 1889: 176-179.) . The relation of public schools to the farming industries — do they encourage or create distaste for agric. pursuits? by John V. Ommeren. (39 and 40 name 1889: 58-60.) 1891. What should constitute the farmer's education? by Mrs. Andrew Crawford. (45 and 46 name 1891: 61-66.) 1894. Can and should agric. be taught in the common schools? by John Hamilton. (Penn. School Journal V. 43: 137-141.) . Agric. teaching for rural schools; by Geo. G. Groff. (Same v. 42: 294-296.) 1897. Some statistics of land grant colleges, with illus- trative charts; by Louis E. Rel>er. (A.R. Penn. State College 1897 pt. 1: S-11, and 8 pis.) Plates 1 and 2 contain a graphic representation of the total state apprns. In the different states of the Union; (3) fixed ann. state apprns.; (4) additions to equipment; (5) cost per student; (0) U. S. assessed valuation ; (7) ratio of apprns. to the assessed valuation of their property ; (8) compara- tive statistics embracing total revenue, total state revenue, fixed ann. state revenue, additions to equipment. 1899. The school and the farm. (66 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1898/9: ix-x.) 1900/1901. Statistics of U. S. land grant colleges, year endg. Je. 30. (A.R. Penn. State College 1901/2 pt. 1: 4.) 1901. Agric. education; rural schools; by John Hamil- ton. (7 A.R. dept. of agric. 1901 pt. 1; 45.) 1903. Responsibilities and duties of state bds. and teachers of agriculture; by I. P. Roberts. (9 .same 1903: 266-272.) 1904. Table: Sugested grouping of states and terri- tories for normal agric. school purposes. (10 same 1904: 182-183.) . Education for the farmer. (Mo. bull, division of zoology v. 2 (no. 4): 119-121.) . Rural education; by Geo. T. Winston. {Same V. 2 (no. 5): 151-154.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA serial A FARMERS' HIGH SCHOOL OF PENN. 1856-1860/3. Ann. rept. of the bd. of trustees of the Farmers' High School of Penn. Harrisburg: A. B. Hamilton. CheckllKt unnuni. 1850. Not printed separately? 1. 1857 dept. cd. (House). 1858. 22 pp. Copies seen in the Free Llbrnry of i'blia. and in the Penn. State I/ll)r«ry. 3000 copies were ordered prtd. 1. 1857 dept. ed. (Senate?), h. t. p. 22 pp. Copies seen in the Free Lil>rary of I'hlla. and In the Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phlla. 1. 1857 doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 331-350. 1. 1857. In German. Not seen. 1500 copies were ordered prtd. (House Jol. .Tan. 1858: 149.) 2. 1858 dept. ed. 1859. 79 pp. 2. 1858 doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 745-818. unnum. 1859-18C0/3. Not found. In Collected docs, as follows : unnum. 185t> not found. 1. 1857 In Legisl. docs. 1858, doc. 17. 2. 1858 '• ■' " 1859, doc. 51. unnum. 1850-1860/3 not found. Also In Documents as follows : unnum. 185G In 4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1856 : 22- 1. islif In V. 5 Itcpt. trans, state agric. socy. 1857/9 : 28- 51. 2. 1858 in V. 5 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1857/9: 73- 160. unnum. 1859 not found, unnum. 1860/3 in v. G Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1861/3:705-785. B AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Opened to students on Feb. 16, 1859, as the Farmers' High School. Enlarged In scope under federal act of Jly. 2, 1862. Annual Reports 1 series Under act of Apr. 1, 1863. 1863-1866. Rept. upon income and expenditures of agric. college of Penn. Checklist No separate copies were found. In Collected docs, as follows : 1863 in Legisl. docs. 1864 : 1285-1287 (doc. 30). 1864-1865 not found. 1866 In Legisl. docs. 1867 v. 1: 817-818 (doc. 25). 2 series 1864-1873. [Ann.l rept. of the bd. of trustees of the Agricultural College of Penn. Harrisburg, 1869-1874. Checklist 1864 dept. ed. Philadelphia : J. B. Rodgers, 1865. 8 pp. Copy seen In the Penn. State Library. 1864 doc. cd. None found. 1865-1867. Not found. 1868 dept. ed. Not found. 1868 doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 819-827. 1869 dept. ed. H. SIngerly, 1870. 80 pp. 1869 doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 99-176. 1870 dept. ed. B. SIngerly, 1871. 138 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phila. 1870 doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 181-314. 1871.* 1872 dept. ed. B. SIngerly, 1873. 224 pp. 1872 doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 724-944. 1873 dept. ed. B. SIngerly, 1874. 104 pp. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In the Penn. State Library. 1873 doc. cd. n. t. p. pp. 472-555. • The only rept. found for 1871 was that prtd. In v. 8 Rept. trans. state agric. socy. '* The ann. rept. for 1871 was duly made in Jan., 1872, and 7000 copies ordered to be printed : but .... the manu- script was lost whilst in the custody or the legislature 238 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial^conVH B — cont'd AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE— cont'd Annual Reports — cont'd 2 series — cont'd In Collected docs, as follows : 1864-1867 not found. 1868 in Leglsl. docs. 1869:819-827 (doc. 15). 1869 " •• " 1870:99-176 (doc. 6). 1870 " " " 1871:181-314 (doc. 12). 1871.» 1872 in Legisl. docs. 1873 v. 2:724-944 (doc. 14). 1873 " " " 1874 V. 1:472-555 (doc. 4). Also an abridged rept. in Documents as follows : 1869 in V. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1864/70:393- 424. 1870 in V. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socv. 1864/70 : 425- 479. 1871 in V. 8 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1871/2:300- 348.* 1872 in Leglsl. jol. 1873:109-111. President's rept. only. 1873 in T. 9 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1S72/3 : 217- 287. 3 series 1874-1904. Ann. rept. of Penn. State College, burg, 1875-1905. Harris- Checlillst 1874 dept. ed. B. F. Meyers, 1875. 81 pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn., Fhila. and in the Penn. State Library. • doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 104-171. 1875 dept. ed. Patriot Publishing Co., 1876. 103 pp. " doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 981-1061. 1876 dept. ed. Patriot Publishing Co., 1877. 75 pp. " doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 1116-1175. 1877 dept. ed. L. S. Hart, 1878. 69 pp. " doc. ed. n. t. p. 69 pp. 1878 dept. ed. L. S. Hart, 1879. 75 pp. Copy seen in the Penn. State Library. 1878 doc. ed. n. t. p. 75 pp. 1879/80 dept. ed. L. S. Hart, 1881. 132 pp. doc. ed. n. t. p. 10 pp. 1881 dept. ed. L. S. Hart, 1881. " doc. ed. n. t. p. 20 pp. 1882 dept. ed. L. S. Hart, 1883. " doc. ed. n. t. p. 59 pp. 1883 dept. ed. L. S. Hart, 1884. " doc. ed. n. t. p. 46 pp. 1884 dept. ed. L. S. Hart, 1885. ' " L. S. Hart, 1885. Not found. 20 pp. 59 pp. 46 pp. 56 pp. 56 pp. doc. ed. 1885 dept. ed. " doc. ed.t 1886 dept. ed. table. 1886 doc. ed. In Collected docs, as follows : 1874 in Legislative docs. 1875 v. 3:104-171 (doc. 8). E. K. Meyers 1887. 404(1) pp., foldg. Q. t. p. 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1876 T. 3:981-1061 (doc. 6). 1877 T. 3: 1116-1175 (doc. 5). 1878 T. 1 (doc. 10). 1878/9 V. 5 (doc. 33). 1879/80 T.l (doc. 4app.).t 1880/1 v. 4 (doc. 29). 1881/2 v.l (doc. 4 app.),t 1882/3 V. 1 (doc. 4app.).t 1882/3 V. 4 (doc. Iff) (full rept.). 1883 In Legislative docs. 18S3/4 v. 1 (doc. 4 app.).t 1884 " " " 1884/5 v. 2 (doc. 13). 1885 " " " 1885/6 V. 1 (doc. 4 app.).t 1886 " Official " 1886/7 V. 4 (doc. 5app.).t Also an abridged rept. In Documents as follows : 1874 in V. 10 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1874/5 : 424- 463. 1875 In V. 11 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1876:261- 299. 1876 in V. 12 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1877 : 184- 192. 1877 in Legisl. Record 1877 : 315-322. 1878 In 2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1878 : 613-625. 1879 not found. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE— cont'd Annual Ra'ORTS — cont'd 4 series — cont'd 1880 in 4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880. 20 pp. " Legisl. Record 1881 : 535-571. 1881 " 5 A.R. bd. of agric. 1881. 20 pp. 1882 " 6 " " " " 1882. 19 pp. 1883 " 7 " 1883. 46 pp. 1884 " 8 " " " " 1884. 20 pp. 1885 omitted 1886 in 10 A.R. bd. of agric. 1886. 20 pp. 4 series 1887-1903/4. Ann. rept. of Penn. State College, pt. 1, Depts. of instruction; pt. 2, Agric. exper. station. Harrisburg.t 1888-1904. Checklist Dept. and doc. editions are series. 1887 [pt. 1]. E. K. Meyers, 1888. 108 pp " pt. 2. n. p., n. d. 226 pp., foldg. pi Copy seen In Free Library of Phila. 1888 tpt. 1]. E. K. Meyers, 1889. (4), ^„„ j,^., „. table, 16 pis., illus. 1888 pt. 2. n. p., n. d. 242 pp., 6 pis., illus. Copies of both pts. 1 and 2 seen In Free Library of Phila. E. K. Meyers, 1860 E. K. Meyers, 1890 the same throughout this 108 pp., 2 pis. 150 pp., foldg. 1889 pt. 1. •• pt. 2. chart. 1890 pt. 1. •• pt. 2. diagrs. 1891 pt. 1. " pt. 2. „. „. ..„,„„, errata. I pt. 1. E. K. Meyers, 1893 le doc. ed. has no title nage. 57 pp., 2 pis. 282 pp., 12 plB., map, E. K. Meyers, 1891. E. K. Meyers, 1891. 2 plans. E. K. Meyers, 1892. E. K. Meyers, 1892. 1892 The doc. ed. has no title page. "- " ~ " ' 1893. W. S 1892 pt. 2. E. K 1893 pt. 1. n. p. pt. 2. n. p. erratum slip. 1894 pt. 1. n. p. 1 map. 1894 pt. 2. n. p. 9 diagrs., 1 map 1895 pt. 1. n. p. " pt. 2. n. p. 4 diagrs. 1896 pt. 1. n. p. pis., 2 maps. 1896 pt. 2. n. p. map. 1897 pt. 1. n. p pis., 4 maps. 1897 pt. 2. n. p. W. S diagr., 17 foldg. pis. 1898/9 pt. 1. n. p. W. maps, 2 pis. 1898/9 pt. 2. n. p. 1899/00 pt. 1. n. p. pt. 2. n. p. pis., map 1900/1 pt. 1. " pt. 2. 1901/2 pt. 1. •■ pt. 2. diagrs, '7 1902/3 pt. chart. 1902/3 pt. diagrs 1903/4 pt. " pt. Meyers. C. M. Busch, C. M. Busch, C. M. Busch, C. M. Busch, 66 pp., 8 pis. 270 pp., 5 pis., 3 69 pp., 9 pis. 276 pp., pis., 6 diagrs., 82 pp., 10 pis. 232 pp., pi. 1894. 138 pp, 1894. "-' 1895. 1895. M. Busch, 1896. M. Busch, 1896. M. Busch, 1897. M. Busch, 1897. Ray, 1898. Ray, 1898. S. Ray, 1900 138 pp., 14 pis. 251 pp., 13 pis., 264 pp., 7 pis., 376 pp., 5 pis., 84 pp., 3 pis. 349 pp., 12 pis., 122, 122 pp., 33 297 pp., 22 pis., 86, 184 pp., 24 346 pp., 3 pis., . 100, 76 pp., 3 1 2. n. p. n. p. n. p. n. p. pis. n. p. n. p. pis. n. p. n. p. W. S. Ray, 1900. W. S. Ray, 1900. W. S. Ray, 1901. W. S. Ray, 1902. W. S. Ray, 1901. W. S. Ray, 1902. W. S. Ray, 1902. W. S. Ray, 1903. W. S. Ray, 1903. W. S. Ray, 1904. W. S. Ray, 1904. 343 pp., 28 pis. 112, 45 pp. 432 pp., 13 iv, 90 pp. 440 pp. Ill pp. 483 pp., 92 pp., 250 pp., 86 pp. 294 pp.. 10 2 pis.. 21 pis. • The only rept. found for 1871 was that prtd. in v. 8 Rept. trans. state agric socy. "The ann. rept. for 1871 was duly made In Jan., 1872, and 7000 copies ordered to be printed; but .... the manu- script was lost whilst in the custody of the liCgislature " t An abridged report, being part of the ann. rept. of the board of agriculture. } n. p., 1893-1904. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 239 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE— cont'd Annual Rltorts — cont'd 4 series — cont'd In 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 189G 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Collected docs, ns follows pts. 1-2 In Odiclal docs. (Abridged) pts. 1-2 1887/8 188S/9 1880 V. 1890 V. 1890 V. 1891 V. 1892 V. 1893 V. 1894 V. 1895 V. 1896 T. 1897 V. 1898 V. 1899 V. 1900 V. 1901 V. 1002 V. 1903 V. 1904 V. V. B (doc. 13). V. (i (doc. 17). 6 (doc. 21). 5 (doc. 22). 2 (doc. 4. iipp. ). 10 (doc. 17) 6 (doc. 17). 4 (dcic. 19). 10 (doc. 20). 10 (doc. 21). 11 (doc. 22). 12 (doc. 21). 9 (doc. 21). 9 (doc. 22). 2 (doc. 21). 9 (doc. 21). 9 (doc. 20). 9 (doc. 19). 9 (doc. 20). Also an abridged rept. in Documents as follows : 1887 in 11 A.U. bd. of agrlc. IS 1888 " 12 1889 " 13 ' 1890 ■• 14 1891 not found. 1892 In 16 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1893 " 17 1894 " 18 " ' 1888. 1889. 1890. 1892. 1893. 1894. 20 pp. 20 pp. 20 pp. 20 pp. 20 pp. 18 pp. 16 pp. BVLLETINS 1 series 1882-1886. lege.] [Bulletins issued by the Penn. State Col- Checkllst 1. 1882 Nov. 15. The results of nn experiment showing effect of various fertilizers on the quantity and quality of the wheat crop ; by W. tl. Jordan. . Reprint. (Rept. Penn. State College 1886:239- 245.) 2. 1882 Dec. 30. I. The results of experiments with various fertilizers on corn and oats. II. An examina- tion of agrlc. seeds. . Reprint. (Rept. Penn. State College 1886:246- 253.) 3. 1883 Jan. 30. The composition, valuation and pur- chase of commercial fertilizers; by W. H. Jordan, n. t. p. 11 pp. Copy seen In Penn. State Library. Reprint. (Rept. Penn. State College 1886:253- 264.) 4. 1883 May 10. . Reprint. 270.) 5. 1883 Aug. 10 The use of commercial fertilizers. (Rept. Penn. State College 1886: Results of experiments on effect of cutting timothy and clover grass at different stages of growth. ~ ■ (Rept. Penn. State College 1886:271- Reprlnt. 277.) 6. 1883 Nov. 26 . Reprint. 284.) 7. 1883 Dec. 10 Feeding experiments. (Rept. Penn. State College 1886:278- Note on an experiment with native potatoes : by Wm. A. Buckhout. . Reprint. (Rept. Penn. State College 1886:284- 285.) 8. 1884 Apr. 25. The results of experiments showing effect of various fertilizers on the growth of corn, oats, wheat and grass, n. t. p. pp. 60-66. Copy seen In Penn. State Library. . Reprint. (Rept. Penn. State College 1886:286- 293.) 9. 1884 Jly. 20. The results of experiments showing the effect of various fertilizers on the growth of corn, oats and wheat. . Reprint. (Rept. Penn. State College 1886:293- 299.) 10. 1885 Jan. Feeding experiments, d. t. p. pp. 76- 81(1). Copy seen in Penn. State Library. . Reprint. (Rept. Penn. State College 1886:299- 304.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE — cont'd Buu.ETrNs — cont'd I series — cont'd Checklist— cont'd 11. 1885 Jlv. 20. Experiments with ferllllzers in 1884. . Reprint. (Rept. Penn. State College 1886:304- 309.) 12. ISHO Jan. 1. Feeding experiments, n. t. p. pp. 92- 97(1). Copy seen in Penn. State Library. Exi)Vrlments were made by W. II, Jordan ; the bull. was prepared by Wni. Frear. , Reprint, (Rept, Penn, State College 1886:309- 313.) 13. 1886 Feb. 1. Course In mechanic arts. n. t. p. pp. 100-104. Copy seen In I'enn. State Library. . Reprint. (Rept. Penn. State College 1886:314- 318.) 14. 1886 Je. 10. The grass crops of 1885 : by Wm. Frear. , Reprint. (Rept. Penn. State College 1886:319- 325.) 15. 1886 Oct. 30. The composition of soiling rye. . Reprint. (Rept. Penn. State College 1886:325- 327,) 16. 1S86 Nov. 15. The composition and food value of dcs- sicated apple-pomace. . Reprint. (Rept. Penn. State College 1886:327- 330.) 2 series 1887-1903. Agric. Exper. Station Bulletins. Checklist 1887 1. Oct, Announcement. Hist, sketch of agric. experi- ments at Penn. State College 1857-1887 ; soiling crops ; by Wm. Frear. n. t. p. 42 pp. 1888 2. Jan. Announcement. Field experiments with phos- phates : bv H. P. Armsby. n. t. p. 19 pp. 3. Apr. Composition and digestibility of corn stover ; by H. P. Armsby. n. t. p. 16 pp. 4. Jly. Seed germinations ; by Geo. C, Butz. n. t. p. 5. Oct, The digestibility of soiling rye; by Wm. Frear. n. t. p. 11 pp. 1889 6. Jan, Tests of varieties, 1888; by Wm. H. Caldwell and asst. agriculturists, h. t. p. 16 pp. 7. Apr. Tests of varieties, 1888 ; by W. H. Caldwell, Analyses and valuation of fertilizers ; by Wm, Frear. n. t. p. 23 pp. . ^, 8. Jly. Systematic testing of new varieties ; germination tests ;■ by Geo. C. Butz. n. t. p. 7 pp. , „ „ 9. Oct. Digestibility of corn fodder and silage ; by H, P, Armsby and Wm. H. Caldwell, n. t. p. 16 pp. 1890 10. Jan. Should farmers raise their own vegetable seeds? [and] notes on new varieties of vegetables; by Geo. C. Butz. Tests of agric. varieties, 1889 ; by Wm. 11. Caldwell, n. t. p. 31 pp. 11. Apr. Indian corn as a grain and forage crop ; by \\ m. H. Caldwell, n. t. p. 16 pp. . .„ , , u 12. Jlv. Simple methods of determining milk fat ; by Wm. Frear .nnd Geo. L. Holter. n. t. n. 33 pp. 13. Oct, Black knot on plums [and] a few ornamental plants ; by Geo. C. Butz. n. t. p. 8 pp., Ulus. 1891 14. Jan. Tests of varieties of vegetables tor 1890 ; by Geo. C. Butz. n. t. p. 15 pp. 15. Apr. Influence of variety and of rate of seeding on the yield of ensilage corn ; by H. P. Armsby, n, t. p. 16. Jlv. Culture of the chestnut for fruit: by Wm. A. Buckhout. Analysis of the several varieties of chest- nuts ; bv Wm. Frear. n. t. p. 18 pp. 17 Oct The value of cotton-seed meal as compared with bran for the production of butter; by Thos. F, Hunt. n. t. p. 19 pp. • •■ The earlier bulletins Issued by the College have long been out of print, and are here reprtd. in response to numerous calls." (Rept. Penn. State College 1886:237.) Separate copies were found only for nos. 3, 10, 12, 13. 240 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLV AN I A— cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE— cont'd Bulletins — cont'd 2 series — cont'd Checklist — cont'd 1892 18. Jan. Notes on new and old varieties or orchard fruits and small fruits; by Geo. C. Butz. n. t. p. 16 pp. 19. Apr. Information on spraying fruits ; by Ueo. C. Butz. n. t. p. 13 pp. 20. Jly. Tests of dairy apparatus ; by H. P. Armsby, H. J. Waters and \V. H. Caldwell, n. t. p. 18 pp. 21. Oct. The Koch test for tuberculosis ; by H. P. Armsby and Leonard l*earson. n. t. p. 19 pp. 1893 22. Jan. Tests of dairy apparatus ; by Wm. H. Caldwell. n. t. p. 20 pp. 23. Apr. Forest Hres ; by Wm. A. Buclthout. Experience with evergreens in Penn. ; by Geo. C. Butz. n. t. p. 17 pp. 24. Jly. Influence of quantity of food upon economy of milk and butter production ; by II. J. Waters, W. H. Caldwell and li. J. Weld. n. t. p. 17 pp. 25. Oct. Small fruits in 1893 ; by Geo. C. Butz. n. t. p. 12 pp. 1894 26. Jan. Mangels and sugar beets vs. silage ; yield cost and feeding value ; by H. J. Waters and R. J. Weld, n. t. p. 10 pp. 27. Apr. Tests of cream separators ; by H. P. Armsby, Wm. II. Caldwell and L. E. Reber. n. t. p. 22 pp. 28. Jly. Cotton-seed feed for dairy cows ; by H. P. Armsby and E. H. Hess. n. t. p. 22 pp. 29. Oct. Tuberculosis of cattle ; by Leonard Pearson. n. t. p. 39 pp. 1895 30. Jan. Tobacco experiments ; by Wm. Frear and E. J. Haley, n. t. p. 19 pp. 31. Apr. Rept. of director (H. P. Armsby) for 1894. n. t. p. 26 pp. 32. Jly. Small fruits in 1894 ; by Geo. C. Butz. n. t. p. 13 pp. 33. Oct. Directions for using the Babcock milk test ; by Harry Hayward and M. E. McDonnell, n. t. p. 13 pp. 1896 unnum. Computation of rations for farm animals; bull. of information no. 1. 2d ed. State College, Dec. 1896. 39 pp. 34. Jan. A phosphate deposit in Juniata Co. ; by M. C. Ihlseng. n. t. p. 14 pp. 35. Apr. A soil test with fertilizers ; by II. P. Armsby. n. t. p. 25 pp. 30. May. Chestnut culture for fruit ; hout. n. t. p. 15 pp., ilius. 37. Nov. The peach industry in Penn n. p. 1897. 30 pp., ilius., map. n. t. p. ; imprint taken from cover. 1897 38. Jan. A test of hand separators; by Harry Hayward. n. p. C. M. Busch 1897. 27 pp. n. t. p. ; imprint taken from cover, unnum. Sept. Bull, of information, no. 2. Not seen. Entry from Bowker. 39. Nov. Wheat, oats and potatoes; by Geo. C. Watson and Enos. H. Hess. n. p. Wm. Stanley Ray 1897. 10 pp. n. t. p. : Imprint taken from cover. 40. Dec. The sugar beet in Penn. ; by Ilenry Prentiss Armsby. n. p. W. S. Ray 1898. 24 pp. n. t. p. : imprint taken from cover. 41. Dec. Tests of dairy feeds ; by Harry Hayward and R. J. Weld. n. p. W. S. Ray, 1898. 18 pp., chart, n. t. p. ; imprint taken from cover, 1898 42. Je. The maintenance ration of cattle ; by Ilenry Prentiss Armsby. n. p. W. S. Ray, 1898. 188 pp., lllus., chart. 43. Je. Apples In Penn. : by Geo. C. Butz. D. p. W. S. Ray 1898. 1!) iip., illiis. 44. Nov. Commercial butter cultures ; by Harry Hayward and M. K. McDonnell, n. p. W. S. Ray, 1899. 21 pp. 45. Dec. Heated milk for butter making; by 10. Hayward and V. F. Pepper, n. p. Wm. Stanley Ray 1899. 8 pp. by Wm. A. Buck- ; by Geo. €. Butz. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE— cont'd Bulletins — cont'd 2 series — cont'd Checklist — cont'd 1899 46. Jly. Variety tests of wheat; by Geo. C. Watson and Enos H. Hess. n. t. p. 7 pp. 47. Nov. Tests of the sugar-beet In Penn. ; by H. P. Armsby and E. II. Hess. n. t. p. 8 pp. 48. Itec. ^Vinte^ vs. spring bran ; by Wra. Frear and W. A. Hutchinson, n. t. p. 8 pp. 1900 49. Feb. Field fertilizer experiments on tobacco ; by Wm. Frear. n. t. p. 8 pp. 50. Feb. Distillery waste; by Wm. Frear and C. A. Browne, Jr. Misc. cattle food analyses ; by Wm. P^rear. n. t. p. 12 pp. 51. Apr. Small fruits in 1899 ; by Geo. C. Butz and J. P. Pillsbury. n. t. p. 6 pp. 52. Je. Rye-meal and quaker oats feed for milk produc- tion ; by Harry Hayward. n. t. p. 8 pp. 53. Sept. Methods of steer feeding ; by G. C. Watson and M. S. McDowell, n. t. p. 8 pp. 54. Nov. The manurial value of the excreta of milch cows ; by W. S. Sweetser. n. t. p. 7 pp. 1901 55. May. Variety tests of wheat; by Geo. C. Watson and Enos H. Hess. n. t. p. 8 pp. 56. .Te. Methods of dairy feeding ; by Harry Hayward. n. t. p. G pp. 57. Nov. Methods of steer feeding ; by G. C. Watson and A. K. Risser. n. t. p. 12 pp. 1902 58. Mch. -Weeds in general : two new comers into Penn. ; by W. A. Buckhout. n. t. p. 8 pp. 59. Apr. Penn. sugar beets in 1901 ; by Wm. Frear and W. T. Carter, n. t. p. 8 pp. 60. Jly. The rearing of calves on milk substances ; by Harry Hayward. n. t. p. 12 pp., 2 pis. 61. Oct. Ann. rept. of director (H. P. Armsby). n. t. p. 12 pp. 1903 62. Jan. An experiment in ginseng culture ; by Geo. C. Butz. n. t. p. 14 pp., ilius. 63. Apr. Losses in manure ; by Wm. Frear. n. t. p. 6 pp. 64. Oct. Methods of steer feeding ; by T. I. Mairs and A. K. Risser. n. t. p. 8 pp. 65. Dec. Forage and soiling experiments ; by Geo. C. Watson and Thos. I. Mairs. n. t. p. 12 pp. 1904 66. [Jan.] Spraying grapes for black rot in Erie Co. ; Penn. Not found. 67. [Apr.] Variety tests of wheat. Not found. 68. tJIy.l Methods of steer feeding. Not found. 69. [Dec] .\nnual rept. of director. No separate copy found. CinCULARS 1870. Circular of the agric. college of Penn. [officers, faculty, terms of admission, etc.]. Separate copy not seen. . Same. (Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college 1869: 86.) 1871. Same [as to officers, students, instruction, de- scription, means of access, etc.]. Separate copy not seen. . Same. (Rept. of bd. of trustees of agric. college of Penn. 1870: 182-194.) Paging from Collected docs. College F'resident's Repobt 1870-1903/4. Ann. rept. ot tlie President of tlie college [on tlie academical, industrial and fiscal operations of the college]. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 241 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE— cont'd CiRi uiAiis — cont'd Coi.i.KGK Pkksidk.nt's Rki'oht — cont'd In Doounit'Dts as follows: Thos. 11, Iturrowes, president 1870 In Kept- l)il. of trusties of iigrle. loll. of inS-L'Ol.* .laincH Ciildcr. president 1871 in I(ci)t. bil. of trustees of ugrlc. iiill. of 17-20. 1872 In Kept. bd. of trustees of iigrle. coll. of 20-23. t 1873 In Kept. bd. of trustees of agrlo. coll. of 4U,"i-4!>0.* 1874 lu A.U. reun. Stiite College 1874 : 129 1875 •• •' 1875 : 981- 1876 " •• 1876:5-7. 1877 • " " 1.S77 : 3-4. 1878 " " 1878:3-4. Paging from doc. cd. 1879 not found. Joseph t>hortlidffe, president 1880 In A.R. I'cnn. State College 1879/8(1 : 1-7. 1881 not found. 'enn. 1870 : I'onn. 1872 Penn. 1872 Penn. 1873 130.* 984.* Oeo. ir. Athtrton, prest dent 1882 In A.U. 1 •enn. State College 1882 : 3-12. 1883 not foun d. 1884 in A.R. I •enn. State College 1884 : 2-5. 1885 not toun d. 1886 In A.R. Peun. State College 1886:4-8. 1887 •' " " •' 1887 pt. 1 : 1-5. 1888 " " ** •' ■' 1888 (pt. 1] : 9-14. 1889 •■ " 1890 " " ;: !.' " 1SS9 pt. 1 : 7-14. isno pt 1 : 5-12. 1891 " " " " " 1891 pt. 1 :5-ll. 1892 " " 1893 ;; ■' :: :; :: 1892 pt. 1 : 3-12. 1893 pt. 1 : 3-15. 1893 pt. 1 : 99-105. To Sec.v. of uterlor ;ind Sec.v. of .\grlc. 1894 In A.I . Penn. State College 1894 pt. 1:5-11, 1895 " ■• 1895 pt. 1 : 5-12. 1896 " •• 1896 pt. 1 : 3-12. 1897 " " 1.S97 pt. 1 : 1-7. 1898 " '• 1808/9 pt. 1 : 1-15 1899 " " " •* " 1890/00 pt. 1 : 1-5. 1900/1 " " 1900/1 pt. 1 : 1-9. 1901/2 " " " *' *' 1901/2:1-11. 1902/3 " " " " *' 1902/3 : 1-6. 1903/4 " " 11 >i (> 1903/4 ; 1-10. E.\PERiME-\T Station Director's Report 1887-1904. Rept. of the director of the agric. college exper. station [on work of the exper. station and operations of the school of agric.]. In Documents as follows : 1887 In A 1888 1889 ;; 1890 ;; 1891 II 1892 II 1893 II 1894 II 1895 II 1896 II 1897 II H. P. Armsby, director In A.R. Penn. State College 1887 1888 II " 1889 II II II 1890 II II II 1891 II II II 1892 II II II 1893 1804 pt.2 •• 1 " 1 1895 1896 1897 12-15. 15-18. 14-20. 13-17. 46-52. 15-18. 42-52. 13-17. 53-62. 12-14. 16-26. 10-13. 13-34. 9-12. 13-25. 9-15. 13-23. : 9-17. 12-20. 11-16. • Paging from Collected dors. t Tbere Is also a rept. In [39] A.R. supt. common schools 1871/2 : 273-277. It is a more general rept. than that In the college report. 16 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd B— cont'd AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE— conld CiRci iJVRs — cont'd Exi'eri.mb.nt Statio.n Director's Report — cont'd //. /•. Armsbp, director — cont'd 1898 In A.R. Penn. State College 1898 pt. 1 ; 1«--1'-, ... 10. 1S99/00 '• 1 : 16 23. ■• 2:9-14. 1900/1 '• 1 : 10-19. "2: 11-20. 1901/2 " 1: 12-18; 1899 ••_ "^ " 1900/1 II II II II 1901/2 ' 1901/2'ln A.R. Penn. State College 1901/;2 pt. 2 : 11-21 1902/3 II II II II II 1^02/S __ 1 : 14 20. 1003/4 " " 1003/4 " l! 19-28: i.7u.>/i ^^ ^^ ^_ _^ ., ,. ,. 2:9-20. Also In Documents as follows : 1894 in Penn. Agric. College Exper. Station lUill. 31. 1902/3 in' Penn. Agric. College Exper. Station Bull. 61. 1903/4 in' Penn. Agric. College Exper. Station Bull. 69. 20 pp. non-serial 1847. Rept. of committee on agric. (Gould) on memo- rial of J. S. Skinner suggesting an apprn. to place an agric. work in the public schools. (House Jol. 1847 V. 1: 245-246.) Rept. of committee on education (Black) on memorial praying for apprn. for placing " Farmers' Library " and " Monthly Jol. of Agric." and other agric. works in common schools. (Sen. jol. 1847 V. 1: 465-467.) 1850-1851. Recommendations for carrying out project of an agric. school in state. (17 A.R. supt. of com- mon schools 1849/50 (pp. 11-15)— 18 same 1850/1.) 1851. Suggested that a comn. be apptd. by legisl. with authority to investigate and rept. on project of state agric. school. (IS ■tame 1850/1: 16.) 1853. See above, Agricultural Chemistry, this date. . Nature of education required by farmers; esti- mate of cost of construction and maintenance of an institution capable of imparting that knowledge. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 8-9.) . Expediency of establishing a state agric. school considered at ann. mtg. in Jan.; general conven- tion of delegates to consider the subject met Mch. 8; establishment of a school for the education of farmers recommended. (1 same 1853: 8.) 1854. See Agricultural Societies: Individual. Penn. State Agric. Socy., this date. . Scientific farming; propriety of apptg. an agric. chemist; utility of establishing an agric. college with a model farm attached. (Govs. mess. (Bigler) Jan. 4, 1854.) 1856. Commendation of agric. school in Centre Co.; need of more such schools; advantages to be de- rived from them. (4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1856: 94-97.) 1859. Penn.'s need of a school which shall combine the elements of learning and agric. labor. (Govs, mess. (Packer) Jan. 5. 1859: 10.) 1865. The economy of intelligence; by Wm. H. Allen, (v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. ^ocy. 1864/70: 243- 251.) Relation of Intelligence and Industry : Glrard College and Agric. College of Penn. both designed to elevate labor; benefit of Agric. College. 1866. Agric. educ; the public or distr. school. (Penn. School Journal v. 14; 267-269.) 242 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULT URE— cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd ?! on-serial — cont'd 1872. Rept. of one of committee (A. B. Hamilton) apptd. to attend National Agric. Conv. at Washing- ton; subject of agric. education given particular attention; plan for scholarships to Penn. agric. col- lege suggested, (v. 8 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1871/2: 33-35.) . Agric. colleges; by H. N. M'Allister. (v. 8 same 1871/2: 80-88.) Essa.v on proper sphere, objects nnd duties of agric. eolleses In II. S., under provisions of Cong, act of Jly. 2, 18R2, rend before National Agric. Cone, at St. Louis, May 29, 1872. 1879. Should agric. text-books be introduced in the public schools? by Dr. Jas. Calder; with discussion. (3 A.R bd. of agric. 1879: 176-181.) 1880. Ann. expenditures of agric. colleges in Penn. and other states. (AR. Penn. State College 1879/80: 5-7.) 1882. Agric. education; by S. B. Heiges. (6 A.R. bd. of agric. 1882: 117-139.) Plan of education for large boys and girls of Penn. wherein more attention shall be paid to agric. 1887. Rept. fit conference committee on House bill 243, rel. to granted lands for endowment of agric. col- leges. (Legisl. Record 1887: 2716.) 1887-1905. See above, Agriculture. Pennsylvania, these dates. 1893. Should the science of agric. be taught in our public schools? by B. F. Herrington. (17 A.R. bd. agric. 1893: 196-197.) . Agric. in the public schools; by S. H. Heiges. (17 same 1893; 239-243.) 1900. Conference on agric. education; res. adopted. (67 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1899/00 v. 1: vi.) . Agric. education; need of provision for promo- tion of. (6 A.R. dept. [24 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1900 pt. 1: 47-49.) 1901. The betterment of rural schools for the benefit of the farmer; by J. J. Heilman. (7 same [25 same] 1901 pt. 2: 269-274.) 1902. Agric. education. (8 same [26 same] 1902 pt. 1: 51-59.) '• Committee of Twelve on Rural Schools " apptd. by National Council of Education In 1895 ; Ideal classi- fied school ; transportation of children ; centraliza- tion of rural schools in Penn. 1903. Rept. of executive committee of allied agric. organizations at ann. mtg. of state hortic. assn., offering res. for adoption resp. apprns. by legisl. to different institutions instructing in agric, for- estry, nature study, etc. (9 same [27 same] 1903: 713-714.) . Rept. of conference committee on Senate bill 164, rel. to lands granted by U. S. for endowment of agric. colleges. (Legisl. Record 1903 v. 2: 3837- 3838.) Fabmebs' High School See below, Penn. State College. Faemebs' Institutes serial A Under act of Jc. 2, 1887. 1886-1891/2. List of local or co. farmers' institutes held under auspices of the Penn. state bd. of agric. In Documents as follows : 1886 In 31 Quarterly rept. bd. of aerlc. 1886 : S-i. 1887 " 34 •' "• 1887-6 1887/8 " .^6 1887; 9: " 37 and 38 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1888 : AGRICULT URE— cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Fabmebs' Institutes — cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd 1888/9 in 39 and 40 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1889 4. 1889/90 In 41 and 42 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1890 5. 1891/2 in 49 and 50 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1892 6-8. Also in Documents as follows, with the addition of general information as to the institutes, list of lecturers, etc. : 1895 in Dept. of agric. bull. no. 2. 36 pp. 1896 " ■ 14. 92 pp. 1896/7 25. 8 pp. 1897/8 ' 26. 74 pp. 1898/9 ' 39. 87 pp.* 1899/00 " ' 53. 94 pp. 1900/1 " ' ' " 68. 90 pp. 1901/2 85. 102 pp. 1902/3 '• 103. 68 pp., map. 1903/4 ■ ' 116. 64 pp. 1904/5 127. 71 pp. Also in Documents as follows ; 1890 in 14 A.R. bd. of agric. 1890 : 33. 1891 not found. 1892 in 10 A.R. bd. of agric. 1892 : 15-16. 1893 " 17 1893: 365. 1894 " 18 •• " " •• 1894 : 366-369. 1895 •• 1 A.R. dept. [19 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1895 pt. 1: 858-862. 1896 not found. 1897 in 3 A.R. dept. [21 A.E. bd.] of agric. 1897 pt. 1 : 227-247. 1898 in 4 A.R. dept. [22 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1898 pt. 1 : 8-14. Abstract only. 1899 in 5 A.R. dept. [23 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1899 pt. 2 263-357.1 1900 in 6 A.R. dept. [24 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1900 pt. 2 42-54. 1901 in 7 A.R. dept. [25 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1901 pt. 2 41-55. J 1902 in 8 A.R. dept. [26 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1902 pt. 2 63-71.t 1903 in 9 A.R. dept. [27 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1903:303- 497. t Also in Bull. 115 of Dept. of Agric. 210 pp. 1904 in 10 A.R. dept. [28 A.R. bd.) of agric. 1904 ; 122- 351. § Also in Bull. 131 of the Dept. of Agric, pp. 25-259. B 1895-1904. Rept. of deputy secy, and director of farmers' institutes. Id Repts. as follows : Jok7i Hamilton^ deputy secretary, etc. unnum. 1895 In 1 A.R. dept. [19 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1895 pt. 1 : 11-16. unnum. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. [20 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1896 pt. 1 : 33-44. unnum. 1807 in 3 A.R. dept. [21 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1897 pt. 1 : 70-80. unnum. 1898 in 4 A.R. dept. [22 A.R. bd.l of agric. 1898 pt. 1 : 93-103. A. L. Martin, deputy secretary unnum. 1899 in 5 A'.R. dept. [23 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1899 pt. 1 : 42-48. unnum. 1900 in 6 A.R. dept. [24 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1900 pt. 1 : 52-61. unnum. 1901 In 7 A.R. dept. [25 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1901 pt. 1 : 00-73. unnum. 1902 in 8 A.R. dept. [26 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1902 pt. 1 : 70-85. 9. 1903 in 9 A.R. dept. [27 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1903:23- 63. 10. 1904 in 10 A.R. dept. [28 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1904: 13-43. Also in Documents as follows : 1896 in Dept. of Agric. Bull. 20 : 32-43. 1897 " " 34 : 72-82. • Bull, no 38 contains a list of dates and places, being a circular letter issued by the deputy secy., Sept. 10, 1898. t Contains (inly papers read at mtg. j Includes minutes of ann. mtps. § Called Minutes of Farmers' Normal Institutes. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 243 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education- — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Karmkrs' Institutes — cont'd non-sprial 1842-1898/9. Farmers' institutes. (.'! A.R. dept. (21 A.R. bd.l of agric. 1897 pt. 1: 710.) Mass. ISnniSSO; Mich. ISGl : Inwn l.SOO : N. Y. 1,S42 ot sen.: rpnn. l,S77-lsnH/0 ; npprns. from l.SS.'".'!; to 111 rcnn.. Ill), iiud dunitlcin of instltuti's e.'ich ypnr, fiiniier.y' clubs, etc. 1859-1892. History of farmers' institutes; by T. J. Edge. (16 A.R. bd. agric. 1892: 10-13.) 1881. Farmers' institutes; by N. F. Underwood, (fi same 1881: 245-249.) Relates chiefly to proveutlng monojiollcs on fiirni products. 1882. Farmers' institute: plan of work, etc. (A.R. Penn. State College 1881: 4.) 1884. Continuance of farmers' institutes not advisable; reason. {Siniit- 1SS4: 7.) 1885-1891. [Outline history ofl local farmers' insti- tutes; by T. J. Edge. (15 A.R. bd. agric. 1891: 24- 2fi.) 1885-1904. History of farmers' institutes of Penn.; bv A. L. Martin. (10 A.R. dept. [28 A.R. bd.) of agric. 1904: 42-43.) 1888. Opening address at Washington Institute; by John McDowell. (37 and 38 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1888: 261-263.) Bd. of ngrlc and farmers' Institutes: aRric. apathy in Lawrence Co. : wool-growinp. 1889. Introductory address at Millville Institute; by Frances M. Eves. (39 and 40 samr 1889: 73-75.) Influence of the farmer's home in the nation ; attendance of women at institutes; advancement of woman; liquor proliiem. 1890. Farmers' institute; by Calvin Cooper. (14 A.R. bd. agric. 1890: 201-203.) 1891. Farmers' institutes; by Eastburn Reeder. (15 xfime 1891: 170-172.) . The mngmnt. of farmers' Institutes; by Joel A. Herr. (15 siDiir 1891: 173-175.) . Farmers' institutes, their development and future; by John A. Woodward. (15 samr 1891; 175- 177.) . The object of farmers' institutes; by M. R. Bashore. (15 samr 1S91: 177-180.) . Farmers' institutes; by W. H. Knouse. (15 f^innr 1891: 181-18G.) . Farmers' institutes, their object and value; [by Mr. Powell of N. Y.l. (15 xame 1891: 186-190.) . Farmers' institutes and their mngmt. ; general discussions at bd. mtgs. (15 same 1891: 190-196.) . The need of comment on institute essays; by Edwd. Ivins. (45 and 46 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1891: 290-291.) . The object of farmers' institutes; by M. R. Ba- shore. (45 and 46 .lame 1891: 6-9.) . Circular issued by authority of bd. agric. resp. local farmers' institutes. (49 and 50 .so»rrl892: 5.) 1891 Aug. 10. Local farmers' institutes; circular. (49 and 50 same 1892: 5.) 1891-1902. Local farmers' institutes: secy.'s comments on work of. (15 A.R. bd. of agric. 1891 (pp. 24-27) — 8 same dept. of agric. 1902.) 1892. Circular resp. local farmers' institutes. (50 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1893: 5.) . Rept. of committee (Helster) to visit N. Y. farm- ers' institutes. (16 A.R. bd. agric. 1892: 150-152.) 1893. Stmt, showing amt. of funds awarded each CO. for farmers' institutes. (17 fmmr 1893: 27.) . How should the apprn. for farmers' institutes be distributed among cos. of state? by J. A. Herr. (17 same 1893: 189-190.) . See above, Board of Agriculture. Pennsylvania, this date. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Fabiiers' Institutes — cont'd non-sen'oi- -cont'd 1894. Farmers' Institutes; by David R. Hindman. (53 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 100-101.) . Woman's work at farmers' institutes; by Miss Helen S. Johnson. (53 .wmc 1894: 99-100.) . Educational influence of Institutes; by Prof. J. W. Speers. (53 saitie 1894: 65-66.) 1894/5. List of local farmers' institutes held by the dept. of agric. (Dept. of agric. bull. 14: 84-91.) 1895. Farmers' institutes in the various states; by John A. Woodward. (1 A.R. dept. [19 A.R. bd.) of agric. 1895 pt. 1: 97-115.) . See below. Laws, this date. 1895-1898. See below, Penn. State College, these dates. 1896. The way and the how of farmers' institutes; by Col. J. A. Woodward. (2 A.R. dept. [20 A.R. bd.) of agric. 1896 v. 2: 89-98.) . Penn. farmers' institutes; by Prof. John Hamil- ton. (2 same [20 .wmr) 1896 v. 2: 109-115.) . Directions for constituting local committees on institute work in the several cos. of Penn. (Dept of agric. bull. 14: 15-16.) . Suggestions to bds. of mngrs. of institutes in the several cos. of Penn. resp. object of farmers' institutes, preparation for them, etc. (Same bull. 14: 7-14.) . Sample program of co. farmers' institute, (fiame bull. 14: 25-29.) . Draft of proposed amdmt. of act establishing a dept. of agric, etc. in regard to apptmt. of local managers of farmers' institutes in the several counties of the state. (2 A.R. dept. of agric. 1896 pt. 2: 27-29.) 1896/7. Apportionment of farmers' Institutes. (Same bull. 14: 17-19.) . General list of lecturers, speakers and essayists, with their subjects. (I^ame bull. 14: 53-82.) . List of speakers for farmers' institutes and their assignments. (Smne bull. 14: 30-39.) • . Farmers' institutes in Penn. 91 pp. (Same bull. 14.) . List of farmers' institutes, giving the cos. in alphabetical order. (Same bull. 14: 20-24.) . Penn. farmers' institutes: schedule of dates, places and lecturers. (Same bull. 14: 40-52.) 1897. Veto of act providing for apptmt. of local mngrs. of farmers' institutes and defining duties of supt. of institutes: with text of bill. (Vetoes (Hastings) 1897: 131-135.) . Approximate no. of farmers' institutes held; average attendance: apprn.; comparative rate of Penn. apprn. to that of other states; average ann. apprn. to farmers institutes and agric. college; inadequacy and disproportion. (Govs. mess. (Hast- ings) Jan. 5, 1897: 31.) . Organization of farmers' institutes; by J. Hamil- ton. (3 A.R. dept. [21 A.R. bd.) agric. 1897 pt. 1: 227-242.) 1899. No. of farmers' institutes held in state in four years and average attendance; effect; necessity of sufficient ann. apprn. to carry on work. (Govs. mess. ( Hastings )»Jan. 3, 1899: 16.) •. How shall the institute be best advertised? by Geo. G. Hutchinson. (Dept. of agric. Bull. 52: 165- 168.) . Institute work at headquarters; by John Hamil- ton. (Same Bull. 52: 109-170.) . What should the local mngr. give to state speak- ers; by H. V. White. (Same Bull. 52: 189-190.) 244 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Fabmebs' Institutes — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1899. How to organize a successful institute; by Gerard C. Brown. (Same Bull. 52: 103-165.) 1900-1902. Directions (or constituting local commit- tees on institute work in several cos. of Penn. (6 A.R. dept. [24 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1900 pt. 2 (pp. 48-51)— 8 same 1902.) 1903/4. Division of farmers' institutes; map repre- senting state by cos. with five institute sees, into which it is divided, and presenting names and location of places where institutes will be held dur- ing season. (Ace. dept. of agric. bull. 116.) 1904. Farmers' institutes for Feb. (Mo. bull, of division of zoology V. 1, no. 10: 23-27.) . Farmers' institutes for Jan. (Same v. 1, no. 9: 19-21.) • . Farmers' institutes to be held, Nov. 30-Dec. 31; place and speakers. (Same v. 2 (no. 7): 222-224.) . Acct. of first ann. farmers' normal institute in Penn. (.S'umc v. 2 (no. 6): 186-190.) A mtg. of institute mgrs. nnii spe.ilters. . An address on normal schools of agric. for farm- ers' institute workers; by John Hamilton, n. p., W. S. Ray, 1905. IS pp. 1905. Farmers' institutes in Penn. for Jan., 1903. (Mo. bull, of division of zoology v. 2 (no. 8): 254- 256.) Normal Aoricultibal Schools 1904. Normal school of agric. for institute workers; by Prof. Hamilton. (10 A.R. bd. of agric. 1904; 169- 182.) Pennsylvania State College Incorporated Feb. 22, 1855. See also above. Education. Tennsylvanla, the serial group. Also below, Laws. 1853. Res. adopted favoring apptmt. of a committee to consider the expediency of adopting measures for establishment of a state agric. school to be called " The Farmer's High School of the State of Penn." (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 18r3: 57.) . Rept. of A. S. Roberts, chrm. of the committee apptd. on the subject of an agric. school; res. offered and adopted for holding an agric. convention at Harrisburg, Mch. 8, to adopt measures for the estab- lishment of an agric. institution to be styled " The Farmers' High School." (1 same 1853: 58.) 1853-1875. Penn. State College. ([3] A.R. bureau of Industrial statistics 1874/5: 431-471.) History (organization, location, name, endowment, edu- cational alms and status) ; organization of an in- dustrial college (cost, officers and assts., faculty bidgs. and equipment, courses of study, summary of ann. income and expenditure of an industrial college) ; extrs. from catalogue of Penn. State College In 1874 (courses of study, military tactics, description of institution — college bldg. and other bldgs., college land, facilities, etc., central experi- ment farm, prizes, admission, charges). 1854. Rept. of committee (Watts) to whom was re- ferred subject of organization of " Farmers' High School " of Penn. (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. [18541: 30-34.) Defects in bill for organization ; estimate of cost of grounds, bldgs., equipment, etc. ; estimate of cost of support: estimate of state apprn. needed for support and of Income to be derived from tuition and produce ; object of scho(d ; address to people, rel. to object, etc., and soliciting propositions for location of school. . Remarks of Mr. Fry on bill to incorporate the Farmers' High School of Penn. (Daily Legisl. Union V. 1 (no. 49): 242.) . Charter of Farmers' High School of Penn.; Apr. 18. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 479-481.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Pennsylvania State College — cont'd 1854-1876. Hist, sketch of Penn. College, originally organized as Farmers' High School, in Centre Co. (A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 140-141.) 1855. $10,000 appropriated by executive committee to establishment of Farmers' High School, Jly. 17; amt. of contributions from other quarters; location selected (Centre Co.). (3 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1855: 17.) . Petition of Jas. Gowen, pres. of Penn. Agric. Socy. in behalf of Farmers' High School of Penn. solicit- ing state endowment. (3 name 1855: 305-307.) . Res. invoking legisl. to modify act to incorporate Farmers' High School of Penn. in such manner as to secure establishment of institution at earliest practicable period. (2 same [1854]: 29.) . Circular (Nov. 10) to vice-presidents of Penn. state agric. socy., suggesting expediency of setting on foot in the several distrs. subscriptions for life membership in state agric. socy., proceeds to be applied to support of Farmers' High School; by Jas. Gowen. (3 same 1855: 308-309.) . Communication from Jas. Miles, tendering 200 acres of land to Farmers' High School, provided that institution be located on said land, in Girard township, Erie Co. (2 same [1854]: 28.) . Utility of a college devoted to agric. (Govs. mess. (Bigler) Jan. 3, 1855: 19.) 1855-1874. Penn. State College Incorporated as " Farm- ers' High School" in 1855; organized in 1859; changed its name to " Agricultural College " in 1862; changed to "Penn. State College" in 1874. (State prisons, hospitals, etc., compiled by auditor gen. [18971: 223.) 1855-1894. See below, Receipts and Expenditures. Penn. State College, under date 1895. 1855-1900. Hist, sketch of Penn. State College. (3 Bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 667-678.) Paging from rept. of supt. of public instruction. 1856. Incorporation of Farmers' High School; loca- tion; endowment; propriety of state aid. (Govs, mess. (Pollock) Jan. 1, 1856.) . Location and prospects of Farmers' High School. (Penn. School Journal v. 5: 184-5.) 1857. Memorial of committee of bd. of trustees of Farmers' High School, praying apprn. of $50,000. (4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1856: 104-110.) Contains acct. of Incorporation, donations, subscriptions, etc., location, objects, needs and all matters rel. to school during 1855 and 1856. . Same, separate, n. t. p. 5 pp. Copy seen in library of the Library Co. of Phlla. 1000 copies were ordered prtd. . Establishment of agric. bureau In one of state depts. and apprn. for Farmers' High School com- mended to consideration of legislature. (Govs, mess. (Pollock) Jan. 7, 1857.) . List of subjects proposed to 'be taught in the farmers' high school. (1 A.R. bd. trustees of farm- ers' high school 1857: 21-22.) . Rept. of operations on the school farm; by Wm. G. Waring. (1 same 1857: 4-21.) Detailed stmt, of work done each mo., Mch, 31-Dec. 18, 1857, with explaoatiiin : wants: winter work in the shop : Inventory of personal property belonging to the Karniers' High School. . 200 acres of limestone land donated by Gen. James Irvin, with privilege of purchasing 200 more adjoining it; consummation of purchase; pecuniary means of the bd. and anticipated funds; bldgs. (1 same 1857: 3-4.) INDEX TO DOCUNfENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 245 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Pennsylvania Statk Coi.i.iaiK, — cont'd 1857. Rept. of committee on agric. and domestic mnfres. (Gregg) on petitions for apprn. in aid of Farmers' Higli Scliool. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1857: 322- 323.) . The Farmers' Higli ScliooI of Penn. Ircpt. 1. (Penn. Scliool Journal v. (i: 149-15G. ) . See also Agriculture. Pennsylvania, this date. 1857-1S95. Penn. State (College; apprns. each year, 1857-1895, for erection and completion of bldgs., furnishing and equipment, support and mainten- ance, improvements, repairs and alterations, in- debtedness, for experimental farming, deficiency, insurance, incidentals, and contingent. (State prisons, hospitals, etc., compiled by auditor gen. [1897]: 224.) 1857/8. Wages paid at farmers' high school; salaries. (2 A.R. farmers' high school 1857/8: 28.) . Summary: hours of worlv done, and wages paid at the High School farm, each mo., Dec. 21, 1857 to Dec. 1, 1858. (2 same 1857/8: 7-19.) [1858?] Circular of Farmers' High School, n. t. p. 10 pp. Objects, present condition and wants. Copy seen In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. 1858. The college bldg. (2 A.R. farmers' high school 1857/8: 52-55.) . Farm bldg. and implements; the farm; experi- mental dept. (2 sdiiic 1857/8: 57-63.) . Crops, culture and improvements [at the farm]. (2 same 1857/8: 46-51.) . Inventory of personal property belonging to the Farmers' High School. (2 mine 1857/8: 31-39.) . Remarks of Gov. Packer in favor of education for the farmer, and the Farmers' High School in par- ticular, (v. 5 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1857/8: 293-294.) . Remarks of Judge Burnside on contribution of Centre Co. to the Farmers' High School, (v. 5 same 1857/8: 292.) . Progress of Farmers' High School, (v. 5 same 1857/8: 67.) . Conditions of admission. (2 A.R. farmers' high school 1857/8: 55-57.) . List of contributors of seeds, plants, implements, etc. (2 same 1857/8: 39-44.) . Acct. of convention of delegates from co. agric. socys. tor ann. election of trustees of the Farmers' High School, Sept. 1. (v. 5 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1857/8: 285-295.) . Remarks of Hon. Frederick Watts, pres. of bd. of trustees of Farmers' High School on the objects and purposes of the institution, (v. 5 same 1857/8: 287-289.) . Remarks of H. N. M'Alllster on means of pecun- iary support for the Farmers' High School, (v. 5 same 1857/8: 289-291.) . Remarks of Thaddeus Banks on subscription of Blair Co. to the Farmers' High School, (v. 5 same 1857/8: 292.) . Address from the bd. of trustees of the Farmers' High School; subscription solicited. (Penn. School Journal v. 7: 126-128.) . Agric. education; by Alfred L. Kennedy. (Same V. 7: 187-189.) 1859. Announcement of Farmers' High School rel. to admissions. (Same v. 7: 229.) . Support given state agric. college or Farmers' High School in Huntingdon Co. (v. 5 A.R. rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1857/8: 391.) ■ . Farmers' High School to open Feb. 16. (2 A.R. farmers' high school 1857/8: 55.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Pennsylvania State Collece — cont'd 1859. Object of Farmers' High School: commendation (Govs. mess. (Packer) Jan. 5, 185'J: 10.) 1860. Rept. of a committee (E. W. Sturdevant) apptd by the Penn. State Agric. Socy. to visit the Farmers' High School of Penn. n. p., n. d. 7 pp. Copies seen In lllst. Socy. of Penn. unri In the Penn Stale Library. E. W. Stunb-vant. David TagRnrt, and Will. A. Stokes were the eoniinltteeinen. . Workings of Farmers' High School. (Govs mess. (Packer) Jan. 4, 1860.) . $120,000 already appropriated must become al- most a total loss unless additional apprn. of $50,000 be made. (Rept. bd. of trustees of Farmers' High Scliool 1860/3: 724-725.) PaghiK from v. (> Kept, trans, state agric. socy. . Description of property belonging to Farmers' High School and estimate of value of bldgs., stock, crops, furniture, etc. (Same 1860/3: 720-722.) PaclnK from v. G Kept, trans, state agrle. sooy. ■ Farmers' High School: conditions and form of admission; nomination of students. (Same 1860/3: 708-709.) PaglnR from v. (! Rept. trans, state agric. socy. . No. of students from each co. at Farmers' High School. (Same 1860/3: 700-707.) Paging from v. (i Rept. trans, state agric. socy. . List of members of bd. of trustees of Farmers' High School. (Same 1860/3: 705-706.) Paging from v. (> Kept, trans, state agric. socy. [ISOO.l Of rise and progress of Agric. College of Penn (Same 1860/3: 725-769.) Paging from v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. soev. Includes hist, of agric. educitlon In Kiinipe from 1730; in N. Y. from 1838 ; Mich, from iS.iO : Iowa ( IS.iS) ; Minn. (KS.'iS) ; III. (18521; Penn. from 1785; complete hist, of Penn. Agric. College from organi- zation to date, with plan of each story (1853) course of study, facilities, location, etc. 1861. Rept. of committee apptd. by Northumberland Co. Agric. Socy. to visit Penn. Agric. College, (v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1861/3: 685-701.) Origin of college (1853); opening (185!)); mngmnt. ; location ; natural scenery around college ; college tildgs. ; nursery and vegetable garden ; botanic gar- den ; livestock: hedge-fencing; manures; water: faculty ; admission of students ; studies of students ; farmwork of students: freedom from temptations to idleness and vice; library and societies; Sunday exercises ; govt, of students ; post-offlce facilities"; general observations. . Farmers' High School of Penn.; by Evan Pugh. (Penn. School Journal v. 9: 348-349.) Origin, selection of site, opening of school, success, financial condition. Originally published in Phila. Ledger. 1862-1896. Penn. State College; historical and descrip- tive sketch. (State prisons, hospitals, etc. compiled by auditor gen. [1897]: 53-67.) 1863. Operations of college during 5th ann. sess. (Feb. 18-Dec. 16). (Rept. bd. of trustees of Farmers' High School 1860/3: 775-784.) Paging from v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. . Remarks (Johnson) on act to accept the grant of public lands by the U. S. for the endowment of agric. colleges. (Legisl. Record 1863: 502-503.) 1864. Public lands for educational [agric. and in- dustrial I purposes; agric. college of Penn.; discus- sion. (Same 1864: 744-748; 771-772; 776-777; 920- 927; 982-983; 1057-1060.) . Rept. of special committee (Negley) resp. na- tional grant of land for educational purposes. (Same 1864: 171.) . Communication from Gov. (Curtln) and auditor gen. (Slenker) rel. to land scrip. (Same 1864; 189.) 246 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Pennsylvania State College — cont'd 1864. National grant ot land for educational purposes; debate. (Same 1S64: 153-154.) . A rept. upon a plan for the organization of col- leges for agric. and the mechanic arts with especial reference to the organization of the agric. college of Penn. in view of the endowment of this institu- tion by the land scrip fund, donated by Congress to the state of Penn.; addressed to the bd. of trustees of the Agric. College of Penn., convened at Harris- burg, Jan. 6, 1864, by Dr. E. Pugh, pres. of the faculty. Prtd. by order of the bd. Harrisburg: Singerly & Myers, 1864. 35(1) pp. Copies seen In Hist. Soc.v. of Penn., in tlie Penn. State Library, and in the Amer. I'hil. Socy., I^liila. . Same. (v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1861/3.) 1865. See above. Education. Pennsylvania, this date. . F^iblic lands for educational purposes; debate. (Legisl. Record 1865: 435-443.) . Memorial of agric. college of Penn., agst. repeal of act of Apr. 1, 1863, resp. agric. land scrip; with ace. docs. (Same 1865: 343-346.) 1866. Memorial of bd. of trustees of agric. college of Penn. (Same 1866: 382-384.) 1866-1868. Exhibit of interest and Income reed, by treasurers (Humes and Thompson) of agric. col- lege, from comrs. as interest of investment of 9/10 of proceeds of agric. college land scrip with dis- position thereof, (v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1869/70: 386.) 1867. Debate on sale of agric. land scrip. (Legisl. Record 1867 (pp. 168-171) — same app. 1867: exxxiv- cxliv.) 1868. Agric. land grant of 1862; extent of Penn.'s share; benefit appropriated to agric. college of Penn. (act of Feb. 19, 1867) ; amt. of sales of land scrip; application of proceeds; instruction and faculty of college. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 7, 1868.) . Agric. College of Penn.: address to citizens who desire to educate their sons as farmers, mechanics, engrs., mnfrers. and merchants. (Penn. School Journal v. 17: 186-190.) 1869. Endowment of Agric. College; purchase of model and experimental farms, their cost. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 6, 1869: 12-13.) . Rept. of committee on education (Brown of Mercer) on condition, financially and otherwise, of State Agric. College in Centre Co. (Sen. Jol. 1869: 1193-1196; Legisl. Record 1869: 1202-1206.) . Debate on suppl. to act rel. to Agric. College of Penn. and establishment of experimental farms in connection therewith. (Legisl. Record 1869: 1092- 1093.) 1870. Endowment of Agric. College; faculty; terms of admission; no. of students; experimental farms. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 5, 1870: 16.) . Circular of the Agric. College of Penn. [officers, faculty, terms of admission, etc.]. (Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college 1869: 80.) 1870-1877. General principles of educational system of Penn. Agric. College. (A.R. bd. of trustees of Penn. Agric. College 1870: 186-188.) Paging from Collected docs. 1870/71-1901/02. Table: summary of faculty, students, courses, depts., etc. (Rept. Penn. State College 1900/1 pt. 1 (p. 8)— «a»i« 1901/2.) 1871. No. of students at Agric. College; benefits of experimental farms. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 4, 1871: 20.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Pennsylvania State College — cont'd 1871. Circular |of the agric. college of Penn. as to officers, students, instruction, description, means of access, etc.]. (Rept. of bd. of trustees of agric. college of Penn. 1870: 182-194.) Paging from Collected docs. . Tuition at Agric. College made free. (v. 8 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1871/2: 300.) 1871-1872. Agric. College of Penn.; rept. of. ([38] A.R. supt. of common schools 1870/1 (pp. 371-374)— [39] siuiw 1871/2.) 1871/2. List of trustees and officers of corporation at Agric. College, (v. 8 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1871/2: 301.) 1872. Suggestion rel. to originating some practical plan of effecting union betw. agric. college and schools. ([39] A.R. supt. common schools 1871/2: xvi.) . Character and aims of the Penn. Agric. College, shown by extrs. from their catalogue. (Penn. School Journal v. 20: 385-386.) 1873. Communication from James Calder, Pres. of the college to T. B. Bigham, secy, of bd. of trustees of " Mechanics' High School of Penn." resp. work of the college and sympathy with the Mechanics' High School. (Rept. bd. trustees of agric. college 1873: 39-42.) . Prosperity of Agric. College and experimental farms; no. of students; courses; admission of females; manual labor. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 8, 1873: 24.) 1878. Water system of Penn. Agric. College. (A.R. Penn. State College 1878: 7.) . Same. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1878: 617.) 1879. Rept. with testimony of jt. committee (Acker- ley) apptd. to investigate affairs of Penn. state agric. college. 94 pp. (Legisl. docs. 1878/9 v. 3, doc. 24.) . Same. Proc. of jt. committee apptd. to investi- gate aifairs of the Penn. State College. 33(1) pp. (Legisl. Record 1879 v. 2, app. [1].) In the Legisl. docs, the rept., which Is a brief one. Is prtd. at the beginning ; in the Legisl. Record it is found at the end. . Veto (Hoyt) of concurrent res. authorizing apptmt. of a committee to inquire into mngmt. of Agric. College of Penn. and making apprn. for same. (Sen. jol. 1879: 759-760.) . Debate on proposed investigation of state college. (Legisl. Record 1879: 732-734.) 1879-1880. R6sum6 of students, apprns., gifts and ann. income of Penn. Agric. (College. (A.R. Penn. State College 1879/80: 5.) 1880. [Comment on] act of Apr. 3, 1872 authorizing issue of a registered state bond, payable to agric. land scrip fund of Penn. {flame 1879/80: 4.) . [Comment on] act of Apr. 1, 1863 appropriat- ing interest from certain funds for purpose of teach- ing such branches of learning as are related to agric. and mechanic arts in Penn. Agric. College. (.Same 1879/80: 3.) r. Penn. State College. Address, legislation and de- crees of the courts. Harrisburg: L. S. Hart, 1880. 58 pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. . Same; address only. (Legisl. Record 1881: 254- 257.) The address was made by a committee apptd. by the bd. of trustees of the Penn. State College to prepare an address to the people of Penn. to counteract effects of a rept. of a Joint committee of the Legisla- ture Je. 5, 1879. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 247 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— confd PlXNSVLVANIA STATE CoiXKCE — Cont'd 1881. Rept. of committee appttl. to confer with the trustees of State College rel. to utilization of exper. farms for purpose of agric. education. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1881: 19.) . Free scliolarships establislied. (A.R. Penn. State College 1S81: 4-5.) . Memorial from bd. of trustees of Penn. State College rel. to financial condition and mngmnt. of that institution. (House jol. 1S81: 827-828; Legisl. Record 1881: 1148; 11SM182.) Feb. 11. Rept. of committee to investigate Penn. State College. (Legisl. Record 1881:253.) 1882. Apprn. of a few thousand per year to State Col- lege recommended. (A.R. Penn. State College 1882: 9.) . Work and aims of Penn. Agric. College, (finiiir 1882: 10-12.) 1882/3-1896. Tabulated stmt, showing changes made year by year in respect to courses of study, no. of members of teaching force, no. of students, college and preparatory, no. of cos. represented by students, etc. (Same 1893 pt. 1 (p. 6)— sn«)p 1896.) 1882/3-1903/4. Penn. State College: new bldgs. in 1903- 1904 and cost; enrollment, same period; compara- tive enrollment in 1882/3 and 1903/4; corresp. course in agric; changes in curriculum. (5 Bienn. rept. of higher education 1903/4: 612-613.) PaglDg from ropt. of supt. of public instruction. 1883. Rept. of the committee of the General Assembly apptd. at the request of the board of trustees to investigate the affairs of the Penn. State College, under jt. res. of Apr. 28, 1881; with laws and de- crees of court relating to said college. Harrisburg: Lane S. Hart, 1883. 381 pp. C. T. Alex.inder. chrm., Geo. VT. Hall, secy. ; the other members were .\mos H. Mylln, .Tohn C. Newmyer, Evnn Holilen. Wm. B. Roberts, Alfred Slack, James Mllhani, A. Wilson Norris. Copies seen In the Free Library of Phila., in library of the Library Co. of Phlla., in the Penn. State Library, and in the Library of Congress. . Same. 381pp. (Legisl. docs. 1882/3 v. 5, doc. 18; Legisl. Record 1883: 356-360; Sen. jol. 1883: 292- 304.) Acts of Assem. and decrees of court [lS.54-1878] and the minutes of meetings and testimony are omitted from the Senate Jol. and from the Legisl. Uecord. 1884. Suggested that an apprn. of $10,000 be made to dept. of mechanic arts and mechanical drawing. (A.R. Penn. State College 1884: 12.) 1886. The Penn. State College. Addresses delivered on occasion of the opening of the new bldg. for the dept of mechanic arts. n. p., n. d. 22 pp. Prof. Hamilton, Gen. James A. Beaver, Dr. Geo, W. Atherton. pres. [Extr. from Keystone Gazette. Belief onte, Penn., Feb. 19, 1886.] Copy seen In Phila. Free Library. . Large apprn. for new bldgs. for Penn. Agric. College suggested. (A.R. Penn. Agric. College 1886: 8.) 1886-1894. Hist, sketch of course in mechanical engi- neering in Penn. Agric. College; by Louis E. Reber. (Same 1894 pt. 1: 157-159.) 1887. Rept. of conference committee (Myjin) on act to accept grant of public lands by U. S. to several states tor endowment of agric. colleges. (Sen. jol. 1887: 1300-1302.) 1888. Inconvenience resulting from failure of con- tractors to complete repairs to College bldg.; need of additional bldgs.; details. (Rept. Penn. State College 1888 [pt IJ: 4.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— confd State Cou.y.r.K — cont'd 1888. Suggested establishment of a dept. of industrial art and design and one of domestic economy. (Same 1888 [pt 1]: 3-4.) . Legisl. should be asked to make provision for removing the mortgage Indebtedness of the College and for a regular ann. maintenance of the leading depts. of the College. (Same 1888 [pt 1]: 5.) . Division of salaries betw. the College and Sta- tion. (Same 1888 [pt Ij: 12-14.) . Estimate of what is needed to put the College upon a footing of permanent prosperity and of the minimum amt. of money required tor each purpose (Same 1888 [pt Ij: 6-7.) . Need of addition to the teaching force of the College. (Same 1888 (pt. 1]: 7.) 1888-1889. Rept. of the bldg. committee of Penn. State College. (Same 1888 [pt 1] (pp. 141-150)— «ame 1889.) 1889. Exper. station at Penn. State College; apprn. reed., by Hatch Bill; publication of bulletins. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 1, 1889: 17.) . Stmt, showing distribution of labor employed during year. (A.R. Penn. State College 1889 pt. 1: 17.) . New bldgs. needed. (Same 1889 pt. 1: 10-11.) . Brief stmt, presenting extent and variety of new appliances given by legisl. to College. (Same 1889 pt 1: 8-9.) 1891. Procs. on act to accept grant of public lands by U. S. for endowment of agric. colleges. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1891: 1582-1583.) . Increased endowment of Penn. State College; bldgs. dependent on state apprns. ; fame of college for course in mechanic arts. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 6, 1891: 13-14.) . Instruction in agric. at the Penn. State College. n. p., 1891. 14 pp. Copy seen In Free Library of Phila. . Stmt, of needs of different depts. of college. (A.R. Penn. State College 1891 pt 1: 9-11.) 1891-1903. Students in engineering courses by years. (Same 1902/3 pt 1: 31.) 1892. Crown of free school system. The Penn. State College, n. t. p. 8 pp. [From Penn. School Journal Dec. 1892.] Copy seen In Free Library of Phila. . Opinion of atty. gen. (Hensel) rel. to payment of apprns. to Penn. State College. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1891/2: app. 79-81.) . Executive committee recommends that apprns. be asked for new bldgs., additions to bldgs.; and new equipment. (A.R. Penn. State College 1892 pt 1: 14.) . Penn. State College. (Penn. School Journal v. 41: 293-296.) Rept. of Geo. W. Atherton, pres., to secy, of dept. of Interior. -. Location, work and hist of Penn. State College. (Same v. 41: 259-263.) 1892-1903. Chart showing growth of school of engi- neering In no. of students. (Same 1902/3 pt. 1: betw. pp. 30 and 31.) 1893. The State College an essential part of system of public instruction. (60 A.R. supt of public in- struction 1892/3: xiil.) . Penn. State College; by H. C. Hickok. (Penn. School Journal v. 41: 44.3-445.) Ad educational force In the state ; progress. 248 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE — cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Pennsylvania State College — cont'd 1893. Rept. of conference committee (Meek) on further suppl. to act to accept grant of public lands, by U. S. for endowment of agric. colleges. (Sen. jol. 1893: 15S5-1587.) . Procs. on act to accept grant of public lands, by U. S. for endowment of agric. colleges. (House jol. 1893: 2080-2082.) . Relation of State College to public school system of state. (A.R. Penn. State College 1893 pt. 1: 12.) — — . Legal relation of state to Penn. Agric. College and extent to which state has assumed duty of maintaining it. (Same 1893 pt. 1: 14-15.) 1894. President recommends a permanent apprn. for maintenance so adjusted to growth of college as to make special application to legisl. unnecessary. (Same 1894 pt. 1: 11.) 1895. Mining engineering; tabular stmt, showing total no. of hours devoted to each subject and no. of students attending classes. (Same 1895 pt. 1: 63.) . The Penn. State College to establish free scholar- ships. (Penn. School Journal v. 43: 448-450.) 1895-1898. Work of Penn. State College in connection with farmers' Institutes. (2 Bienn. rept. of higher education 1897/8: 33-36.) 1896. Commendation of work of State College and exper. station. (1 samr 1895/6: 22-23.) 1897. Rept. of the committee (Gibson) apptd. to con- sider bill proposing a change in the mngmt. of Penn. State College. (Sen. jol. 1897: 1770-1776.) Includes finonoial history of the college 1855-1897. . Same. (Legisl. Record 1897 v. 2: 2422-2425.) . Penn. State College Chautauqua course of home study in agric. Lesson no. 1, " Tile drainage." (A.R. Penn. State College 1897 pt. 1: 23-27.) 1899. Hist, sketch of Penn. Agric. College. {Same 1898/9 pt. 1: 7-14.) . Veto of eight specified items of suppl. to act to accept grant of public lands by U. S. for endowment of agric. colleges, and making apprns. for carrying same into effect; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Stone) 1899: 84-86.) . The State College [its work]; by John Hamilton. (5 A.R. dept. [23 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1899 pt. 1: 28- 29.) . Rept. of special Senate committee apptd. to in- vestigate affairs of State College; with exhibits of federal and state laws rel. to said college and to other colleges and universities, minutes of sessions of committee and testimony of witnesses taken by committee. (Legisl. Record 1899 v. 1: 3015-3038.) . Memorial of Board of Trustees of Penn. State College announcing the donation of one hundred thousand dollars by Andrew Carnegie for the erec- tion of library building for the use of the College. (.sV;»ie 1899 v. 1: 302-303.) 1900-1904. State College; School of Agric; list of offi- cers. (5 A.R. dept. [23 A.R. bd.l of agric. 1899 pt. 2 (pp. 79-80)— 10 same 1904.) 1901-1902. Penn. State College: college year 1901-1902 marks first gifts of bldgs. by private individuals, and beginning of gifts by alumni (list of gifts). (4 Bienn. rept. of higher education 1901/2: 921-923.) Paging from rept. of supt. of i>uhlic Instruction. 1903. A microscopic examination of state college water supply (not including bacteria) ; by Wra. A. Buckhout. (A.R. Penn. State College 1902/3 pt. 2: 179-182.) . Procs. on act to accept grant of public lands by U. S. for endowment of agric. colleges and making apprns. for carrying same into effect. (House jol. 1903 pt. 2: 2292-2295.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Pennsylvania State College — cont'd 1903. Erection of new Carnegie library bldg. for the State College. (2 Rept. free library comn. 1903: 12.) Agricultural Chemistry See above, that title. Agriculturist and Agricultural Department See Agriculture. Pennsylvania, serial group B. Botanist See Agriculture. Crops. Fruit, the serial group. Also Pests. Division of Animal 'Nutrition See below, Livestock. Feeding. Experimental Farms See Agricultural Experiment Stations. Horticulturist See Agriculture. Crops. Fruit. Library 1884-1904. Rept. of college librarian. (A.R. Penn. State College 1884 (p. 13)— same 1903/4.) Omitted 1889-1805 ; Chas. P. Reeves was librarian 1884- 1888 ; Helen M. Bradley 1894-1904. 1903-1905. See above, Agriculture. Pennsylvania, under dates 1887-1905. Receipts and Expenditures See helow, that title. Zoologist See above. Economic Zoology, serial group A. Ensilage; see below, Livestock. Feeding Exhibits See also below. Fairs. 1876. Communication from B. Landreth, chief of bureau of Agric. Centennial Exposition, outlining work of bureau and suggesting ways in which state agric. socy. might aid exhibition, (v. 11 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1876: 18-22.) . " Executive committee of agric. socy. voted $1000 to Centennial Comn. to be awarded under its direc- tion." (v. 11 same 1876: 3.) 1877. Rept. of disbursements of premiums of $1000 given to Centennial Exposition by Penn. State Agric. Socy. (v. 12 same 1877: 28-34.) Horticultural; see above, Crops. Fruit Zoological 1903. See above. Economic Zoology, this date. 1904. See same, this date. Expenditures for; see below, Receipts and Expenditures Fertilizers; see below. Soils, etc. Fairs 1855. See above. Agriculture, this date. 1887. Agricultural fairs; by Hon. T. K. Stubbs. (34 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1887: 135-139.) County and Local Fairs 1820-1880. See Agricultural Societies. Pennsylvania, these dates. 1853. Address of James Gowen before Mercer Co. Agric. Socy. at its ann. mtg. Sept. 20. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 225-244.) Advantages of agric. exhibitions ; condemnation of per- formances of mountebanlis. etc., at these exhibi- tions ; agric. education : need of science in soil cultivation ; grazing suggested as advantageous to the county ; remarlts on different breeds of cattle and their milliing qualities. . Same. (2 .some [1854] : 363-382.) 1857. See above. Agriculture. Pennsylvania, this date. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 249 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Fairs — cont'd County and Local Faihs — cont'd 1877-1904. See Agricultural Societies. Pennsylvania, these dates. 1878. Table: Analysis of premiums offered by co. agric. Bocys. (Quarterly rept. bd. ot agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 187S: 42-43.) 1878-lSSO. List of CO. and local fairs in Penn., when and where lield. In lidcunu'iits jis follows: 1878 In QnartiTl.v icpt. b (.inartprly rept. txl. of agric. .Ip., .Ilv. and .\ug. 18.S0 : .-U-liL'. ■ . List of state and local fairs in Penn. and other states. In Documents as follows : 1878 in Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. .le., .Tly. and Aug. 1878: 45. 1879 In [iiamc] Je., ,lly. and Aug. 1879 : 4-.'i. 1880 in 9 l^ame] Je., Jly. and Aug. 18S0 : 30. 1879. Apptmt. of committees to visit and report on co. fairs; instructions. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1879: 10.) 1883. See Agricultural Societies. Pennsylvania, this date. 1883. Freight charges on exhibits. (20 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1883: 32.) ■ . How should judges or committees to award premiums be selected? general discussion at mtg. of delegates from agric. socys. (20 name Je., Jly. and Aug. 1883: 11-14.) . Should there not be some mutual understanding betw. agric. socys. in adjoining cos. so as to avoid holding their ann. exhibitions during the same week? (20 .vrimc Je., Jly. and Aug. 1883: 32-33.) . Should the expenses of delegates to neighboring fairs be paid by the socy. which appoints them? (20 fiaiiie Je., Jly. and Aug. 1883: 33-34.) . Should side-shows be encouraged [at fairsl? general discussion at mtg. of delegates from agric. socys. (20 Mine Je., Jly. and Aug. 1883: 25-27.) . What system of entries is most desirable, and should the exhibitor's name appear on the entry card? general discussion at mtg. ot delegates from agric. socys. (20 same Je., Jly. and Aug. 1883: 23-24.) . How can exhibitions be made most attractive and profitable? general discussion at mtg. of dele- gates from agric. socys. (20 name Je., Jly. and Aug. 1883: 14-23.) Attraction and profits ; large premiums : exhibits from other cos. : good olEcers : horses at fairs. . Should not the entries of horses and cattle close at least one week before the opening of the fair? general discussion at mtg. of delegates from agric. socys. (20 name Je., Jly. and Aug. 1883: 31-32.) . What system or plan of issuing admission tickets Is best adapted to agric. exhibitions? general dis- cussion at mtg. of delegates from agric. socys. (20 name Je., Jly. and Aug. 1883: 6-11.) 1887. See Agricultural Societies. Pennsylvania, this date. 1890. Should side-shows be encouraged? general dis- cussion by Penn. state assn. of agric. socys. (43 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. of agric. 1890: 75-78.) . How should judges to award premiums be selected? general discussion by Penn. state assn. of agric. socys. (43 name 1890: 73-75.) . What system of entries is most desirable, and should the exhibitor's name appear upon the entry card? general discussion by Penn. state assn. of agric. socys. (43 name 1890: 78-80.) . How can agric. exhibitions be made most attrac- tive and profitable? general discussion by Penn. state assn. of agric. socys. (43 same 1890: 80-89.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Fairs^ont'd C0U.\TY AND Lo( AL PAIRS Cont'd 1890. What system or plan of issuing admission tickets is best adapted to agric. exhibitions? general dis- cussion by Penn. state assn. of agric. socys. (43 same 1890: 89-94.) . Should premiums be restricted to the co. in which the fair is held, or should they be open to all? general discussion by Penn. state assn. of agria socys. (43 mime 1S90: 56-58.) . CJeneral discussion by Penn. state assn. of agric. socys.: in awarding premiums should the premium list be strictly adhered to by both judges and officers? (43 name 1890: 34-37.) . General discussion by Penn. state assn. of agric. socys.: what system of general admission tickets will best protect the socy. from fraud? should exhibitor's tickets be issued, and, if so, how can they be arranged so as to prevent their fraudulent use? should passes be used, and, if so, how guarded agst. their improper transfer and use? (43 name 1890: 18-24.) . General discussion by Penn. state assn. of agric. socys.: how should the judges at co. exhibitions be selected, and how should they be protected from exhibitors and others? (43 name 1S90: 30-34.) • . How can mngrs. of agric. fairs best avoid im- position on the part of the numerous class who purchase what are known as " special privileges "? general discussion by Penn. state assn. of agric. socys. (43 name 1890: 61-63.) . Is a speed premium essential to a successful fair? general discussion by Penn. state assn. of agric. socys. (43 name 1890: 63-65.) . General discussion by Penn. state assn. of agric. socys.: what system is most desirable and con- venient for secys. and judges? should the name of the exhibitor be placed on the entry card, and should the judges know the names of the exhibitors? (43 name 1890: 24-30.) . General discussion by Penn. state assn. of agric. socys.: how can the exhibitions of agric. socys. be made most attractive, and at the same time profit- able to the socy? (43 name 1890: 5-18.) . Should premiums for speed be awarded under the rules of some leading trotting assn.? general discussion by Penn. state assn. of agric. socys. (43 name 1890: 70-71.) 1894. The farmer and co. fairs; by Wm. T. Beck. (53 name 1894: 38-39.) . Gambling at co. fairs; by Alfred Sharpless. (53 name 1894: 8-9.) Adams County serial 1877-1879. Rept. on Adams Co. fair. In Documents as follows: 1877 in 1 Alt. bd. of agric. 1877 : 285. 1878 omitted.' 1879 in 7 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Dec.-Feb. 1879/80 : 8-9. non-serial 1860. First exhibition of Adams Co. Agric. Socy. held Sept. 24-26; approximate receipts and expenditures of that fair. (v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socv. 1861/3: 613.) . See also Agricultural Societies. Adams Co., under dates, 1854-1861. 1861. Amt. of receipts and expenditures of Adams Co. Agric. Socy. at ann. fair. (v. 6 Rept trans, state agric. socy. 1861/3: 614.) • The official rept. of the county fairs for the fall of 1878 was omitted from the ann. rept. uf the agric. dept. for 1879 for want of space. 250 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Fairs^ont'd County and Local Fairs- cont'd Allegheny County 1853. See below, State Fair, this date. 1854. See Agricultural Socys. Allegheny Co., this date. 1856. No fair held, Allegheny Co. having united with state socy. in exhibition; but in Je. premiums were offered for best reaping and mowing machines — results of competition. (4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1856: 178.) 1858. Agreement with Allegheny Co. Agric. Socy. resp. state fair to be held near Pittsburg, (v. 5 Trans state agric. socy. 1857/8: 58-59.) . No ann. fair held by Allegheny Co. Agric. Socy., their fair grounds being occupied by state agric. socy.; renewal of lease for grounds, (v. 5 same 1857/8: 299-300.) 1859. Fair of the Allegheny Co. Agric. Socy. (v. 6 .wwr 1861/3: 484-485.) Armstrong County 1881. Kept, on fair of Leechburg Agric. Socy. of Arm- strong Co. In Documents as follows : 1881 in 5 A.R. bd. of agric. 1881 : 253-257. Beaver County See also Agricultural Societies : Indivlilual. Beaver Co. serial 1879-1881. Rept. on fair of Beaver Co. Agric. Socy. In Documents as follows ; ^^^•'ioW?o,>''',J>,9"'"''^'''y ""^P*- '"'• "f ii%T\Q. Dee.-Feb. Io7y/80 '. 10-11. [27.] 1880 not found. 28. 1881 in 5 A.U. bd. of agric. 1881 : 257. non-serial 1853. Acct. of exhibition of the Beaver Co. Agric. Socy. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 108.) 1854-1855. Fair grounds and bldgs. of Beaver Co. Agric. Socy.; acct. of fair. (2 same [1854] (p. 89)— 3 same 1855.) - — . List of premiums paid by treasurer of Beaver Co. Agric. Socy. at ann. fair. (2 same [1854] (pp. 92-94) — 3 same 1855.) Bedford County See also Agricultural Societies : Individual. Co. Bedford 1881. serial Rept. on fair of Bedford Co. Agric. Socy. In Documents as follows : 8. 1881 In 5 A.R. bd. of agric. 1881 : 257-258. non-serial 1852. First fair of Bedford Co. Agric. Socy. held Sept. 29 and 30. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 144.) 1853. Exhibition of Bedford Co. Agric. Socy. held Oct 18 and 19. (1 same 1853: 144.) Berks County See also Agricultural Societies : Individual. Berks Co. serial 1877-1883. Rept. on Berks Co. fair. In Documents as follows : 23. 1877 In 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877 : 273-274 ; 283- 284. 24. 1878 In 2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1878 : 209-210. 25-26. 1879-1880 not found. 27. 1881 In 5 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1881 : 258-259. 28. 1882 not found. 29. 1883 In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 42-4.3. non-serial 1864. Berks Co. fair grounds leased for 99 years, Nov. 21. (1 A.R. bd. agric. 1877: 273.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Fairs — cont'd County and Local Fairs— cont'd Berks County — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1870-1875. See Agricultural Societies. Keystone Agric. and Hortic. Socy., these dates. Blair County See also Agricultural Societies : Individual. Blair Co. serial 1878-1883. Rept. on ann. fair of Blair Co. Agric. Socy. In Documents as follows : 1878 In 2 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1878:210-211. 1879-1882 not found. 1883 In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 43- 44. 7ion-serial 1853. First ann. exhibition of Blair Co. Agric. Socy. held in Oct., 1853; acct. thereof, (v. 5 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1857/8: 318.) 1854. Second exhibition of Blair Co. Agric. Socy. held Oct. 18-20, 1854; amt. of premiums; attendance, (v. 5 same 1857/8: 318.) 1857. Third ann. fair of Blair Co. Agric. Socy. held Oct. 7-9; amt. of premiums, etc. (v. 5 same 1857/8: 318.) . See above. Crops. Fruit. Exhibits. Bradford County See also Agricultural Societies : Co. Individual. Bradford serial 1877-1882. Rept. of fair of Bradford Co. Agric. Socy. In Documents as follows: unnum. 1877 in 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877:282-283. unnum. 1878 omitted.* unnum. 1879 In 7 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Dec. -Feb. 1879/80 : 11-13. 28. 1880 in 4 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1880 : 262-264. 29. 1881 " 5 1881 : 259-260. 30. ? not found. 31. 1882 In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agrlc. 1883 : 44-46. non-serial 1852. Judges' repts. and awards at fair of Bradford Co. Agric. Socy. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 157-179.) . Rept. of the executive committee of the Brad- ford Co. Agric. Socy (1 same 1853: 155-157.) Preparation for first ann. exhibition Oct. 6-7, 1853 ; result. 1854. Rept. of executive committee of Bradford Co. Agric. Socy. on ann. fair [with ace. docs.]. (2 same 1854: 97-123.) Bucks County serial A 1883. Rept. on ann. exhibition of Bucks Co. Agri- cultural and Mechanics' Institute. In Documents as follows : 1-18. 1864-1882 not found. 19. 1883 In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1883 : 46-48. B 1877-1881. Rept. on ann. fair of Doylestown Agric. and and Mechanics' Institute. In Documents as follows : unnum. 1877 In 1 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1877 : 279-280. 14. 1S78 in 2 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1878: 211-213. 15. 1879 In 7 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. Dee.-Feb. 1879/80:13. 16. 1880 In 4 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1880 : 264. 17. 1881 " 5 1881 : 260-261. •The official rept. of the county fairs for the fall of 1878 was omitted from the ann. rept. of the agrlc. dept. for 1879 for want of space. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 251 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Fairs — cont'd County and Local Fairs — cont'd Bucks County — cont'd non-serial 1853. Repts. of committees on exliibits at Bucks Co. agric. fair. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 123-143.) 1853-1860. Bucks Co. [Agric. Socy.]: 10th ann. fair held in 1853; 14th ann. fair in 1S57; receipts and expenditures in 1860. ([3J A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 70.) 1856-1860. Repts. of committees of Bucks Co. Agric. Socy. on exhibits and awards made. (4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1856 (pp. 182-204) — v. 6 same 1801/3.) Butler County 1856. Description of fair grounds of Butler Co. Agric. Socy.; success of first fair. (4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1856: 205-206.) Cambria County 1855-1856. Acct. of 1st and 2d ann. fairs of Cambria Co. Agric. Socy.; no premiums paid at first; aggre- gate amt. of premiums at 2d fair. (4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1S56: 207-20S.) Centre County See also Agricultural Societies : Individual. Centre Co. 1853-1800. Table: aggregate amts. of premiums awarded by Centre Co. Agric. Socy. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853 (p. 198)— v. 6 same 1861/3.) 1856-1859 not found. 1878. Acct. of fair of Centre Co. Agric. Socy. (7 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Dec.-Feb. 1879/80: 14.) Chester County See also Agricultural Societies : Individual. Chester Co. serial 1879. Account of fair of Brandywine Farmers' Club. (7 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Dec.-Feb. 1879/80: 17.) B 1877-1883. Rept. on fair of Chester Co. Agric. Socy. In Documents as follows : 1877 in 1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877 : 286-288. 1878 •• 2 1878 : 213-215. " 7 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Dec.-Feb. 1879/80 : 15 16. 1879 not found. 1880 in 4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880 : 265-266. 1881-1882 not found. 1883 in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1883 : 49- 50. C [18711-1883. Rept. on ann. exhibition of Oxford (Ches- ter Co.) Agric. Socy. In Documents as follows : [1-7.] [1871-1877] not found. 8. 1878 In 2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1878 : 223-224. 9. 1879 " 7 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Dec.-Feb. 1879/80: 16-17. 10-12. 1880-1882 not found. 13. 1883 In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1883 : 50-51. non-serial [1852?] First ann. fair of Chester Co. Agric. Socy. held at West Chester, Sept. 16 and 17. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 181.) 1853. Second ann. cattle show and exhibition of Chester Co. Agric. Socy. held at Oakwood near Bellefonte, Oct. 5-7. (1 same 1853: 198.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Fairs — cont'd County and Locai, Fairs — cont'd Chester County — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1855-1860. Acct. of ann. exhibition of Chester Co. Agric. Socy. at West Chester, Oct. 21-22. (3 same 1855 (pp. 126-127)— V. 6 same 1861/3.) . Amt. of premiums awarded at Chester Co. agric. fair. (3 same 1855 (p. 135)— v. 6 same 1861/3.) List given in 1858 and 1860 ; 1859 not found. 1856. Description of Chester Co. Agric. Socy. fair grounds and bidgs. and means of defraying expendi- tures for them. (4 same 1856: 210-211.) . Abstr. of entries in the several depts. of ann. exhibition of Chester Co. Agric. Socy. (4 same 1856: 211-212.) Cattle, horses, sheep, swine, poultry, agric. Implements, fruits, vegetables, flour and grain, butter, domestic productions and mnftres. Clarion County 1854-1875. See Agricultural Societies. Clarion Co., these dates. 1856. Description of Clarion Co. fair grounds and bldgs. (4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1856: 219.) . Acct. of 3d ann. fair of Clarion Co. held Oct. 8-10. (4 same 1856: 219.) Clearfield County See Agricultural Societies : Individual. Clearfield Co. Clinton County 1860. First ann. fair held Oct. 10-12; rules and regula- tions; list of premiums awarded, (v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1861/3: 565-577.) CoUimbia County 1878-1883. Rept. on Columbia Co. fair. In Documents as follows : 1878 in 2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1878 : 215-216. 1879 not found. 18.80 in 4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880:266. 1881 •• 5 1881 : 262-263. 1882 not found. ^ , ,„„„ ., 1883 in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1883 : ol- 52. Connoquenessing Valley [18751-1883. Rept. on ann. fair of Connoquenessing Valley Agric. Assn. In Documents as follows : [1-5.] [1875-1879] not found. 6. 1880 In 4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880 : 265. 7. ISSl ■■ 5 1881 : 262. 8. 1882 not found. . .„„„ 9. 1883 In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1883: 48-49. Crawford County serial A 1879-1883. Rept. on ann. exhibition of Crawford County Agric. Socy. In Documents as follows: 1879 In 7 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Dec.-Feb. 1879/80 : 19. 1880 not found. 1881 in 5 A.R. bd. of agric. 1881 : 263-264. 1882 not found. ,oo« .^o 1883 in 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1883 : 52- 53. B [18751-1881. Rept. on fair of the Oil Creek Valley Agric. Assn. of Crawford Co. In Documents as follows : [1-3.1 [1875-1877] not found. 4. 1878 (Titusville) In 2 A.U. bd. of agric. 1878 : 223. 5. 1879 " '■ 7 Quarterly rept. bd. of agrle. Dec.- Feb. 1879/80 : 18. 5(sic». 1880 In 4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880 : 275. 7. 1881 (Titusville) In 5 A.R. bd. of agric. ISSl : 264-265. 252 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Fairs — cont'd County and Local Fairs — cont'd Crawford County — cont'd non-serial 1856. Aggregate amt. of premiums paid at ann. fair of Crawford Co. Agric. Secy. (4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1S56: 220.) . $10 award to township taking greatest no. of premiums paid into scliool fund of that township, by Crawford Co. Agric. Socy. (4 mine 1856: 220.) . List of premiums awarded at ann. exhibition of Crawford Co. Agric. Socy. (4 mine 1856; 221-229.) 1857. Fair of Crawford Co. Agric. Socy. held Oct. 7-9; general description, (v. 5 same 1857: 336.) 1858. Detailed acct. of 6th ann. fair of Crawford Co. Agric. Socy., with list of premiums awarded, (v. 5 mine 1857/8: 339-354.) . Sixth ann. fair of Crawford Co. Agric. Socy. held at Conneautville, Oct. 5-7; complete success; pre- miums; receipts, (v. 5 mine 1857/8: 337-338.) 1860. Cost of improvements on Crawford Co. Agric. Socy. fair grounds; size of grounds; fair. (v. 6 same 1861/3: 578.) Cumberland County See also Agricultural Societies : Individual. Cumber- land Co. 1879-1881. Rept. on fair of Cumberland Co. Agric. Socy. In Documents as follows : 21. 1879 In 7 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Dec.-Feb. 1879/80 : 19-21. 22. 1880 not found. 23. 1881 in 5 A.U. bd. of agric. 1881 : 26,-)-266. Dauphin County See also Agricultural Societies : Individual. Dauphin Co. 1853-1858. Acct. of fair of Dauphin Co. Agric. Socy. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853 (pp. 199-201) — V. 5 same 1857/9.) Given only in 1st and 2d ann. repts. and in v. 5. 1854. Repts. of committees of Dauphin Co. Agric. Socy. [on fair exhibits]; with amt. of premiums. (2 mine [1854]: 130-145.) . Regulations and arrangements for exhibition of Dauphin Co. Agric. Socy., Sept. 22-24, 1858. (v. 5 .same 1857/8: 354-357.) . List of awards and premiums at fair of Dauphin Co. Agric. Socy. (v. 5 same 1857/8: 357-382.) Delaware County serial A 1881. Rept. on fair of Delaware Co. Agric. Socy. In Documents as follows : 1881 in 5 A.R. bd. of agric. 1881 : 266-268. 1883. Rept on ann. exhibition of Agric. and Industrial Socy. of Delaware Co. In Documents as follows : 1-5. 1878-1882 not found. 6. 1883 In 21 and 22 Quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1883: 53-54. non-serial [1856.] Address delivered before Del. A. R. M'llvain at 2d ann. exhibition. state agric. socy. 1856: 267-274.) . Rept. on 2d ann. exhibition of Delaware Co. Socy., Incl. list of exhibits and awards. (4 same 1856: 229- 267.) . List of premiums and awards at fair of Del. Co. Agric. Socy. (4 same 1856: 229-267.) Co. Socy. by (4 A.R. trans. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Fairs— cont'd County and Local Fair.s — cont'd Delaware County — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1856. Second ann. fair of Delaware Co. held. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 85.) Erie County serial 1879-1881. Rept. on fair of Erie Co. Agric. Socy. In Documents as follows : 1879 In 7 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Dec.-Feb. 1879/80 : 21-22. 1880 not found. 1881 in 5 A.R. bd. of agric. 1881 : 268-269. non-serial 1855. Acct. of ann. exhibition of the Erie Co. Agric. Socv. ; awards made. (3 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1855: 137-151.) Fayette County See also Agricultural Societies : Individual. Fayette Co. 1853. Premiums awarded at fair of Jefferson town- ship, Fayette Co., Penn. Agric. and Hortic. Socy. held Oct. 5-7. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 211-220.) 1856. Rept. of premiums awarded at Fayette Co. fair. (4 same 1856: 275-281.) . Address of Geo. V. Lawrence at Fayette Co. fair. (4 same 1856: 282-288.) Franklin County 1853. First ann. exhibition of Franklin Co. Agric. Socy. held Oct. 24; description; premiums. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 202-209.) 1859. First ann. fair of Farmers' and Mechanics' In- dustrial Assn. of Franklin Co. held Oct. 25-28; description, incl. financial stmt. (v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1861/3: 379.) ■ . List of premiums awarded at ann. fair of Farm- ers' and Mechanics' Industrial Assn. of Franklin Co. (v. 6 .soMP 1861/3: 381-390.) Oreene County See also Agricultural Societies: Individual. Greene Co. 1853-1855. Receipts and expenditures of three fairs of Greene Co. Agric. Socy. (3 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1855: 153.) [1855.] List of premiums awarded (amts. not given) at ann. fair of Greene Co. Agric. Socy. (3 same 1855: 153-159.) 1861. Amt. paid out at 8th ann. exhibition of Greene Co. Agric. and Mnfg. Socy. (v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1861/3: 615.) . Size and cost of fair grounds of Greene Co. Agric. and Mnfg. Socy. (v. 6 same 1861/3: 615.) 1862. Total amt. of premiums awarded at ann. fair of Greene Co. Agric. and Mnfg. Socy. (v. 6 same 1861/3: 685.) Huntingdon County See also Agricultural Societies : Individual. Hunting- don Co. 1855-1859. Acct. of ann. fair held by Huntingdon Co. Agric. Socy. (3 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1855 (pp. 159-160)— V. 6 .tame 1861/3.) 1858. List of premiums awarded at 4th ann. exhibition of Huntingdon Co. Agric. Socy. held at Huntingdon, Oct. 6-8. (v. 7 same 1857/8: 392-406.) 1859. Receipts and expenditures of Huntingdon Co. Agric. Socy. at ann. exhibition, (v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1861/3: 393.) 1871-1875. See Agricultural Societies. Brady Town- ship, these dates. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 253 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Fairs— cont'd County and Local Fairs — cont'd Iiiiliami County See nlso AKrlfiiltural Soch'tles : Indhiiliuil. Itxllann I'o. Indlnua Co, Apric Socy. wns orgnnlzed .Tnn. Ti, 185."; flrHt nnn. fnir hold in Oct., 1855; fairs hidd nan.. e.\R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 7.) . Acct. of ann. fair held the last three days in Oct., 1851. (1 same 1853: 36.) 1852. Same. (1 Mvie 1853: 54-55.) . Second " Annual Exhibition " held at Lancaster. (1 same 1853: 8.) . Repts. of judges and premiums awarded at 2d ann. exhibition of Penn. State Agric. Socy. held at Lancaster, Oct. 20-22. (1 same 1853; 60-100.) . Success of agric. exhibition; establishment of state socy. for western Penn. would be advantageous. (Govs. mess. (Johnston) Jan. 5, 1852.) 1853. Premiums and regulations for the 3d ann. exhibi- tion of the state agric. socy. held at Pittsburgh, Sept. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 447-476.) . Preparation for 3d ann. fair of the state agric. socy.; result. (1 same 1853: 371-372.) . Union of Allegheny Co. Agric. Socy. fair with the state fair. (1 some 1853; 372.) 1854. Brief description of ann. fair of state agric. socy. (2 same [1854]; 17.) 1855. List of judges at 5th ann. exhibition of State Agric. Socy. at Harrisburg. Philadelphia. 8 pp. 16°. Copy seen in Amer. Phil. Socy., Phila. . Bill of John Clarke for articles furnished exhibi- tion in Phila. [in 1854] and request for compensa- tion for services rendered presented Apr. 17; allowed. (3 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1855: 102.) . Deficiency of funds not attributable to fault of mngmnt. of state fair, but to want of attendance on part of people. (3 same 1855: 17.) . Acct. of preparation of grounds and bldgs. for 5th ann. fair of state agric. socy. (3 same 1855; 16.) 1856. Arrangements, regulations, judges, premium list, etc. for exhibition at Pittsburg, Sept. 30, Oct. 1-3. (3 same 1855: 360-412.) . Want of r.r. communication ruling cause for not holding agric. fair in Adams Co. (4 same 1856; 177.) 1857. Arrangements for holding of ann. exhibition, selection of place, regulations, instructions, etc., list of premiums to be offered. (4 same 1856: 127-174.) . Preparation for 7th ann. exhibition; result, (v. 5 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1857/8: 24-25.) 1858. On regulations in regard to admission of visitors to the Fair Grounds, (v. 5 same 1857/8: 59.) . Regulations and arrangements for the exhibition held at Pittsburg, Sept. 28-30 and Oct. 1. (v. 5 same 1857/8: 214-219.) . Preparations for 8th ann. exhibition; result, (v. 5 same 1857/8: 63-66.) 1859. Regulations and arrangements for exhibition to be held at Phila., Sept. 27-30. (v. 5 same 1857/8: 584- 689.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Fairs — cont'd State Fair — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1859. Judges and premium list. (v. 5 some 1857/8; 590-642.) . Receipts of exhibitions of 1855, 1856 and 1857 did not pay expenses, (v. 5 same 1857/8; 63.) [1861.] Rept. of committee apptd. to award premium for best description of exhibition at Wyoming, [in I860], (v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1861/3; 234-235.) Jacob S. Haldeman, A. 0. Hlester, C. K. Engle. 1864. Regulations and premium list for exhibition of Penn. State Agric. Socy. to be held at Easton, Sept. 27-30. (v. 6 same 1861/3: app. 36-98.) 1865-1869. Stmt, of workings of socy. and recommenda- tions by A. B. Hamilton, pres. (v. 7 same 1864/70: 77-81.) Balances after each exhibition 1864-1868 ; value of prop- erty at Harrisburg : receipts in cash for yearly mem- berships, single admissions and life memberships 1864-1868 ; recommendation that price of single admission be increased, that all material not requi- site for yearly use be sold, that duplicate premiums in separate numbers he discontinued, that secy.'s salary be increased, that salaries of assts. to secy, and treasurer at ann. exhibitions be fixed; no. of life members in 1864 and 1869. 1866. Description of exhibition of Penn. State Agric. Socy. held at Easton; by John F. Wolfinger. (v. 7 same 1864/70; 251-269.) 1867. Description of 15th ann. exhibition of Penn. State Agric. Socy. held at Pittsburg; by Wm. B. Redfleld. (v. 7 same 1864/70; 270-285.) 1869. Rept. of special committee (Cornell) apptd. to consider matter of loss by goods being stolen during state fair in 1868. (v. 7 same 1864/70: 81.) . Rept. of special committee (Bissell) on ex- pediency of increasing prices of admission at state fair. (v. 7 same 1864/70; 84-85.) 1871. Memorial asking revision of premium list in regard to agric. implements and machinery, (v. 7 same 1864/70: 107-108.) 1872. Rept. on chemical examination of several articles exhibited at Erie; by Hugh Hamilton, (v. 9 same 1872/3: 144-145.) Plumbage or black lead; paints ground in oil; mineral paint and Erie Mineral Paint Co. 1873. Description of exhibition held at Erie, Sept. 30- Oct. 3. (V. 9 same 1872/3: 169-198.) 1875. Rept. of 23d ann. exhibition of Penn. State Agric. Socy. held at Lancaster, Sept. 27-Oct 1; by J. L. Lyte. (v. 10 same 1874/5; 482-556.) 1877. The state fair at Erie; by A. T. C. (v. 12 same 1877; 167-172.) . Rept. of the exhibition at Erie. (v. 12 same 1877; 63-94.) 1878. Rept. on agric. exhibition at Erie. (2 A.R. bd. agric. 1878: 335-362.) 1878-1880. See above, County and Local Fairs, these dates. 1886-1893. List of premiums awarded by Agric. Socy. (A.R. State Agric. Socy. 1886 (pp. 13-79)— some 1893.) Omitted in 1892. Farm Life 1873. Is it advantageous to beautify one's grounds? by C. H. Miller. (Rept. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1872/3: 61-64.) 1876. How shall we best keep our boys on the farm; by H. Preston, (v. 11 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1876: 206-208.) 1877. How to keep the boys on the farm. (v. 12 same 1877: 180-182.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 259 AGRICULTUKE— cont'd Farm Life — cont'd 1S78. Stick to tlie farm: by David Wilson. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878: 34-37.) . The training of farmers' boys; by Ezra Griesemer. (Penn. School Journal v. 27: 31.) 1886. How to keep boys on the farm; by Thos. J. Edga (31 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1886: 19-21.) 1887. Abstract of an address at the Montrose institute; by James E. Carmalt. (35 same 18S7: 143-146.) Domestic life on the farm ; house and barn need to work hand In hand. 1888. The social side of farm life; by Sara W. Goentner. (37 and 38 xame 1888: 231-237.) . What education should farmers give their sons and daughters? by Dr. E. T. Jeffers. (37 and 38 same 1888: 167-173.) . Some mistakes that farmers make, by Isaac Seltzer. (37 and 38 same 1888: 154-158.) Etlucntlon of the boys ; horse-racing. . How shall the farmer's family be educated; by Miss Lizzie Moore. (37 and 38 same 1888: 176-177.) 1889. Necessity of educating farmers' daughters; by Laura A. Reinhard. (39 and 40 same 1889: 128-131.) . The education of our children; by Sallie L. Wat- son. (39 and 40 same 1889: 113-118.) . Education for the farmer; by Jasper J. Jennings. (39 and 40 same 1889: 10-16.) . The training of our boys; by R. J. Linderman, M. D. (39 and 40 same 1889; 42-45.) . The farmer's daughter — her studies and her accomplishments; by Miss Florence J. Kirk. (39 and 40 same 1889: 51-54.) 1891. The proper education for farmers' boys; by James L. Branson. (45 and 46 same 1891: 104-107.) 1892. Free mail delivery for farmers; by G. W. Oster. (49 and 50 same 1892: 12-14.) . Keep up with the procession; by Henry Buckley. (49 and 50 same 1892: 29-31.) Advancement of the farmer in education, etc. compared with other employments. . What has the farmer to do with education? by J. P. Welsh. (49 and 50 same 1892: 70-74.) . Educate farmers' boys witli a view to keeping them on the farm; by W. B. Benn. (49 and 50 same 1892: 27-29.) . Industrial education on the farm; by A. G. Sey- fert. (49 and 50 same 1892: 14-16.) 1893. Necessity for the education of the farmer; by D. B. McWilliams. (50 same 1893: 91-93.) . Farmers' rights and duties; by S. S. Brockway. (51 same 1893: 98-99.) Social and educational. . Education the greatest need of the farmer; by Wm. J. Rice. (51 same 1893: 99-101.) . How to keep the boys on the farm; by E. A. Weston. (50 same 1893: 99-105.) . Give the boys a chance [in the mngmt. of the farm, education, etc.]; by George Hopwood. (50 .some 1893: 9-12.) 1894. Farmers' boys; by Mrs. D. H. Bolton. (53 same 1894: 97.) . Locating farm bldgs.; by J. B. Read. (53 same 1894: 107-108.) . A farmers' life; by S. F. States. (53 same 1894: 109-110.) . Boys on the farm; by Thomas J. Philips. (53 same 1894: 55.) . Why boys leave the farm; by Jason Sexton. (53 same 1894: 31.) . Boys and girls of the country; by Miss Rosa R. Bender. (53 same 1894: 75.) . Boys and girls on the farm; by Mary Sammons Parry. (53 same 1894: 23-24.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Farm Life — cont'd 1894. Farmers' boys; by H. W. Jeffers. (52 same 1894: 115-117.) . Educate the farmer; by A. J. Frampton. (53 same 1894: 79.) . The literature a farmer should provide for his children; by Mrs. Alma Sager Welsh. (52 same 1894: 122-125.) . Literary culture on the farm; by Mrs. S. A. In- ghram Wood. (52 .some 1894: 105-106.) . The farmers' education; by J. M. Peachey. (52 same 1894: 48-51.) . Education for farmers; by Miss Lydia Blightol. (53 same 1894: 104.) . Education needed by farmers; by Jason Sexton. (53 same 1894: 53-54.) . Intellectual culture of the farmer's daughter; by Miss Lizzie Hissem. (53 .some 1894: 51.) . Farmers and popular education; by T. L. Wall. (53 same 1894: 146-147.) . The farmer and the school; by Prof. A. E. Malt- by. (53 same 1894: 114.) . Education of farmers' children; by N. F. Altman. (53 same 1894; 28.) . Agric. and education; by Estelle Van Soyac. (53 same 1894: 5.) . Farm literature; by W. F. Biddle. (53 same 1894: 116.) . Sending children away to be educated; by Wm. A. Martin. (53 .some 1894: 57.) . The farmer's library; by John P. Watts. (52 same 1894: 132-133.) . The education of farmers' sons and daughters; by N. C. Schaeffer. (18 A.R. bd. agric. 1894: 321-325.) . Education and agric; by G. William Miller. (53 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 142-143.) . Farm improvements; by J. M. Douthett. (52 same 1894: 45-46.) Appearance of bldgs. and grounds. . Keeping boys on the farm; by Dallas J. Fike. (52 same 1894: 57-60.) . Electricity on the farm; by W. H. Stout. (53 same 1894: 103-104.) . Farmer and the farm; education of farmers' sons and daughters. (Penn. School Journal v. 42: 444-446.) 1899. The home on the farm; by H. G. McGowan. (Dept. of agric. Bull. 52: 25-29.) . The principal crop — our families; by J. B. Johns- ton. (Some Bull. 52: 222-227.) . The relation of education to our farmers; in the past, present and future; by D. Wyant. (5 A.R. dept. [23 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1899 pt. 2; 271-277.) 1900. List of books for farmers' library; compiled by M. L. Dock. (6 same [24 same ] 1900 pt. 1: 854-879.) . Farmers' library list; compiled by M. L. Dock. 30 pp. (Dept. of agric. bull. no. 65.) . 'The relation of the school to the farmer; by John Hamilton. (Penn. School Journal v. 49: 52-54.) . Same; by E. M. Rapp. (Same v. 49: 54-56.) Farms and Farming 1854. Portrait of what model farmer should be: cares more for quality than quantity of land; understands nature of soil; ploughs deep into land; gives atten- tion to crop rotation, livestock and dairy produce, fruits, agric. machinery. (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. [1854]: 199-202.) . Barn mngmt.; winter feeding; cutting straw and other forage; disposition of manure; by Lewis F. Allen. (2 .some 1854: 346-349.) . Plan of barn bldgs. ; by L. F. Allen of Black Rock, N. y. (2 same [1854]: 333-341.) Description ; observations on various points In descrli>- tion, protection and pre.servatlon of manure : con- struction of barn and attachments: cost; lllus. 2G0 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Farms and Farming — cont'd 1S56. High wages to laborers will compel farmer to practice more careful husbandry. (4 mine 1S56: 93.) . If farmers would preserve their markets unhurt by fluctuations of currency, their influence should be exerted for maintenance and extension of metallic currency. (4 stimc 1850: 102.) . Smaller farms needed in Penn. (4 same 1856: 97-98.) 1858. Address of Gen. Will. A. Stokes delivered Oct. 1, 1858 before Penn. State Agric. Socy. at the ann. fair at Pittsburg, (v. 5 same 1857/8: 274-282.) Farming as a business ; size of farms should depentl on capital ; deep plowing. [I860.] Failures in farming; by Wm. A. Stokes, (v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1S61/3: 255-263.) 1865. Extent of Penn. fields is more than one-third more than the fields of all Europe, (v. 7 same 1864/70: 231.) 1871. Economy of the farm; by Thos. Wood. (v. 8 same 1871/2: 127-130.) Estimate of amt. required to fence a farm of about 100 acres ; economy of adopting soiling system and doing away with road and line fences ; advantages of soil- ing system In addition to amt. saved by not building fences. 1873. Table: no. and size of farms in Penn., by cos. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 34-35.) 1876. Ignorance in farming [i. e. estimating values of production and property, etc.].— Correspondence Country Gentlemen, (v. 11 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1876: 152-153.) 1883. The law of landlord and tenant [with reference to farms]; by G. W. Hood. (7 A.R. bd. of agric. 1883: 227-231.) Relates to laws of Penn. and N. Y. 1884. Farm law; by G. N. Hood. (8 same 1884: 121-132.) 1886. How to bring up a worn-out farm; by Wm. Gates. (31 Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1SS6: 16-18.) . Experiments in farming; by M. W. Oliver. (31 sajiie 1886: 12-16.) 1887. Does farming pay in Penn.? by M. W. Oliver. (11 A.R. bd. agric. 1887: 365-368.) . Some political duties of, and some legislation needed for, farmers; by M. H. Boreland. (34 quar- terly rept. bd. agric. 1887: 38-45.) Corruption of the ballot : revision of tax laws ; state revenue ; freight discrimination ; school laws ; liquor traffic. . The citizen farmer; by W. H. Snyder. (37 and 38 same 1888: 158-159.) . Address of Hon. J. B. McCullum at opening of institute at Montrose. (35 same 1887: 133-135.) Farming In Susquehanna Co. ; farming as a profession. . What we should learn; by John M. Stockdale. (34 .same 1887: 33-37.) Influence of the farmer In politics and legislation; unfair advantage taken by corporations, etc. . The farmer's responsibilities and possibilities; by B. R. L. Munce. (34 same 1887: 28-33.) . The morrow of the farmer; by J. B. McBride. (34 same 1887: 26-28.) Intellectual growth in agric. pursuits. . What does the farmer need most to know; by Robt. K. Tomlinson. (34 same 1887: 76-79.) General article on judgment In Investment in nuichlnery, understanding of soils, architecture and road- making; farmer combines functions of labor and capital. 1888. Industrial development as it affects farm economy and determines the comparative profits of farm products; by Wm. S. Hoffeins. (37 and 38 .sr/mf 1888: 237-240.) . Farming in general: by Israel Hollowell. (37 and 38 same ISSS: 201-205.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Farms and Farming — cont'd 1888. Farmers and their teachers; by D. P. Forney. (37 and 38 samp 1888: 208-212.) Agric. bureaus, colleges, assns., press, fairs, politics, etc. . Influence of railroads upon farming; by Howard M. Jenkins. (37 and 3S same 1888: 212-217.) . Specialties in farming; by H. W. Northup. (37 and 38 same 18S8: 290-29:!.) . Economy on the farm; bv David H. Branson. (37 and 38 same 18SS: 145-147.) . The future of agriculture in the eastern states; by James G. McSparran. (37 and 38 same 1888: 135- 141.) . The relation of landlord to tenant; by C. S. Mc- Cormick. (37 and 38 saiiie 1S88: S9-94.) . See above, Agriculture, this date. 1889. See above. Education. Farmers' Institutes, this date. . Does farming pay? by Francis W. Evans. (39 and 40 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1889: 237-239.) . How to make the farm pay; by D. P. Diehl. (39 and 40 same 1889: 291-296.) . Using leisure profitably; by Aaron I. Weidner. (39 and 40 same 1889: 170-172.) Profitable ways for the farmer to employ his time In winter ; repairing machinery, planning work, read- ing, etc. . How can we get the best profit from our farm products? by A. L. Martin. (39 and 40 same 18S9: 154-156.) . Does farming pay? if not, why not? by C. Fremont Wickersham. (39 and 40 same 1889: 137-141.) . What can farmers do to improve their markets? by Elmer M. Preston. (39 and 40 same 1889: 142- 144.) . A farmers' club; by John S. Williams. (39 and 40 same 1889: 109-113.) . Why [does farming not pay]? by J. E. Baker. (39 and 40 same 18S9: 119-122.) . Legislation needed by farmers; bv N. F. Under- wood. (13 A.R. bd. agric. 1889: 148-153.) . Farming and farm values. (17 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1889: Al-263.) . Questions contained in blank circulated by State Grange, soliciting information on farms and farm values. (17 .samp 1889: Al-2.) . Replies reed, to the above. (17 same 1889: A8-205.) 1890. Changes in farm values. (18 .snmp 1890: Al-93.) Advantages of Interchange of products, prices of seeds and labor, agric. Implements, transportation, whole- sale prices, consumers' prices ; profits of packing houses; farmer's cost of living; settlement of western lands : silver — foreign competition ; need of more money, local markets, tariff, modes of relief; statistics. . The organization of farmers; by E. Reeder. (14 A.R. bd. agric. 1890: 234-241.) 1891. The farmer as a citizen; by G. K. Finney. (45 and 46 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1891: 115-117.) . Does farming pay? by David R. Hlndman. (45 and 46 .samp 1891: 183-184.) . Ideal standards in farming; by George E. Hull. (45 and 46 same 1891: 173-177.) . Profitable farming; by Danl. Devlin. (45 and 46 .s(/mp 1891: 184-188.) . What I know about farming; by James L. Bran- son. (45 and 46 same 284-286.) Soil ; fertility ; sheep as weed killers ; root crops for stock raisers. . Ways and means on the farm; by Henry Cm wake. (45 and 46 same 1891: 50-54.) . A diversity of interests the need of the farmer; by Thomas Baker. (45 and 46 same 1891: 281-283.) . Economy on the farm; by Hon. W. S. Waldron. (45 and 46 same 1891: 261-204.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OK THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 261 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Farms and Farming — cont'd 1S91. The farmer's garden; by Col. J. A. Stalile. (45 and 40 mmr 1891: 247-249.) . Docs it pay the farmer to go to market? by Joseph Carroll, Jr. (45 and 46 sdiiir 1S91: 246-247.) . What farmers should read to promote their in- terest as farmers: by Samuel Shillinger. (45 and 46 -lamc 1S91 : 234-235.) • . Comfort and economy in the barn; by J. B. John- son. (4.5 and 46 mniir. 1S91: 163-165.) . The relation of farming to other occupations; by Rev. David M. James. (45 and 46 mine 1891: 133-13S.) . Some things I don't know about farming; by \V. B. Sheddan. (45 and 46 sdiiic 1891 : 79-S4.) Why farmers have inoro liimi thim they can farm well : care of farm stock : sanitation and ventila- tion : insanity among farmers; education. . Some things of interest to farmers and owners of real estate; by Hon. J. C. Brown. (45 and 46 same 1891: 193-204.) Coinage ; national banking system ; tariff and free trade ; reciprocity. 1892. Farming for profit; by \Vm. J. Rice. (49 and 50 same 1S92: 260-264.) . Requisites to success in farming; by A. P. Young. (49 and 50 same 1892: 243-248.) Soil and tiliage, thoroughness, fertiiizers, stocit feed- ing, etc. . The farmer as a citizen; by James G. McSparran. (49 and 50 xaiiie 1S92: 234-240.) . Marketing the produce of the farm; by Asher Mattison. (49 and 50 .s«»if 1892: 144-146.) . What protection do farmers need? by James G. McSparran. (49 and 50 same 1892: 120-126.) . Failures in farming; by E. S. Hoover. (49 and 50 mine 1S92: 108-111.) . The depression in farming and why farmers fail; by M. H. Bashore. (49 and 50 mine 1892: 97-100.) . The farmer of fifty years ago and the farmer of to-day; by Montilion Brown. (49 and 50 mine 1892: 91-93.) Changes in methods of worlt and manner of living. . Small economies on the farm; by Luther Gates. (49 and 50 name 1892: 78-80.) . Necessity of enthusiasm in farming; by Tliomas McCleery. (49 and 50 mine 1892: 48-50.) . Mixed husbandry; by J. A. Stable. (49 and 50 same 1892; 290-291.) 1893. Qualities that constitute a successful farmer; by James Fulton. (51 some 1893: 25-28.) . Why I am a farmer; by David Watts. (51 same 1893: 81.) . Necessity of systematic farming; by D. Holder- baum. (51 same 1893: 143-144.) . Successful farmers; by S. C. Watts. (51 same 1893: 141-143.) ■ . Knowledge for the farmer; by J. H. Cessna. (51 same 1893: 113-117.) . The successful farmer; by Philip J. Shoemaker. (51 same 1893: 106-107.) . How can farming be made profitable? by Saml. M. Ebert. (50 same 1893: 144-140.) . Farming a study; by P. Compton. (50 same 1893: 31-32.) . Intensive farming; by C. J. Wasson. (51 same 1893: 89-91.) . The farmers' machine ["the fruitful eartli"]; by Paul H. Gaithers. (51 same 1893: 103-106.) . Relation of farming to literature; by G. S. Mar- row. (51 same 1893: 86-89.) . What ails farming? by Wm. Shanafelt. (51 same 1893: 75-76.) Status of farming: fertilizing, dairying, etc. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Farms and Farming — cont'd 1S93. Farm economy; by Danl. H. Pershing. (50 same 1893: 115-117.) . What legislation is needed by the farmer; by Hon. B. F. Junkin. (50 same 1893: 105-106.) . Why farmers fail; by Thomas J. Philips. (50 same 1893: 95-99.) . How to make farming successful; by George De Graw. (50 same 1893: 70-74.) . The relation the farmer sustains to other people; by Hon. D. B. Douthett. (50 same 1893: 61-66.) . The farmer; by J. E. Stephens. (51 same 1893: 9-11.) . Is general farming more profitable than special- ties? by W. H. Christy. (50 same 1893: 16.) . How can we make the farm pay? by Frank T. Gernet. (50 same 1893: 7-9.) 1894. Now and then; by John Walter. (53 same 1894: 70-71.) Contrast of modern with ancient farming. . Ambition on the farm; by Miss Kate Mumper. (53 same 1894: 145-146.) . The American farmer; by Wm. Cook. (53 same 1894: 140-141.) . The organization of farmers; by J. Blair Read. (52 same 1894; 56-57.) . The one-horse farmer; by W. L. Thacher. (52 same 1894: 117-121.) . Should farmers organize? by Allen Tomlinson. (53 same 1894: 105.) . Science on the farm; by W. E. Lutz. (53 same 1894: 19-20.) . Progress in farming; by Hon. W. Rush Glllan. (53 same 1894: 102.) . Relations betw. the farmer and mechanic; by T. C. McGaughey. (52 same 1894: 137-138.) - — . How to make the farm garden pay; by Robert M. Simmers. (52 same 1894: 133-135.) . W'hat kind of a man should a farmer be? by Capt. Wm. Hayes. (52 same 1894: 141-143.) . The progressive farmer; by Miss Minnie Stam- baugh. (53 same 1894: 47-48.) . The farmer and the farm; by Prof. Wm. Jloyer. (53 same 1S94: 49.) . The pioneer farmer; by D. H. See. (53 same 1894: 121-122.) . The farmer's position; by Thomas BuUers. (53 same 1894: 121.) . Wastes on the farm; bv Philip J. Shoemaker. (53 same 1894: 111-112.) . Farm industry; by Miss Ada Page. (53 same 1894: 106-107.) . Why farmers fail; by Harvey Raffensperger. (53 same 1894: 91.) . The old fashioned farm vendue; by Oliver D. Schock. (52 same 1894: 87-91.) . Same; extr. (2 A.R. dept. of agric. 1896 v. 2: 201-202.) 1896. Relation of forests to the farmer; with copy of act for encouragement of forest culture and provid- ing penalties for the injury and destruction of forests. (Preliminary rept. of comr. of forestry 1896: 17-31.) . Why this great depreciation in value of farm lands in Eastern Penn.? by I. Parry. (2 A.R. dept. agric. 1896 v. 2: 121-126.) . Comparative condition of farming here and abroad; by R. V. Mattison. (2 same 1896 v. 2: 133- 142.) 1899. The convenient arrangement of farm bldgs.; by Abner Fague. (Dept. of agric. Bull. 52: 220-222.) . The American farmer as a factor in our govern- ment; by Gerard C. Brown, {l^ame Bull. 52: 227- 232.) 262 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Farms and Farming — cont'd 1899. Old and new way of farming; bv J. F. Boyer. (Same Bull. 52: 43-46.) Bucks County 1891. The bright side of farm life in Bucks and Mont- gomery counties; by Jonathan Lukens. (45 and 46 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1891: 32-36.) Agric. socys., etc. ; nearness to Phlla. market. Montgomery County See above, Bucks Co. Susquehanna County 1880. No. of farms in Susquehanna Co., value, value of implements, machinery, etc., value of farm produc- tions in 1879. (35 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1887: 133.) 1887. See above. Farms and Farming, this date. York County 1894. Old time farming [in York Co.]; by Wm. G. Coulson. (53 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 12-13.) Accounts [1865.] System of accts. prepared to meet wants of farmers, submitted in competition for prize of Penn. State Agric. Socy. ; by a practical farmer, (v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1864/70: 190-198.) 1874. Farm accts.; by E. A. Hertz, (v. 10 same 1874/5: 256-259.) 1888. The benefits of farm accts.; by Isaac Eyre. (37 and 38 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1888: 33-36.) 1892. Farm accts.; by Prof. H. M. Rowe. (49 and 50 some 1892: 270-274.) 1893. Something about economy; by J. C. Ball. (50 same 1893: 146-149.) Living within cue's Income ; suggestions about how farmers may determine whether they are gaining or losing. Sanitation serial 1901-1904. Rept. of sanitarian. In Documents as follows : Benj. Lee, sanitarian 1901 In 7 A.R. dept. [25 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1901 pt. 1: 439-446. 1902 not found. 1903 In 9 A.R. dept. (27 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1903:211- 219. 1904 In 9 A.R. dept. [27 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1903:604- 611. non-serial 1894. Sanitary condition of our country houses; by Mrs. E. R. Humeston. (52 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 144-147.) Fencing 1805. See below, Livestock. Swine, this date. 1810. Rept. of committee (Mitchell) to whom was re- ferred petition of inhabitants of Bucks Co. for a law more effectually to preserve stone fences. (House jol. 1810/1: 58.) 1832. Rept. of [select] committee (Shannon) rel. to alteration in fence laws. {Same 1831/2 v. 2: 584 (doc. 128).) 1855. Summary of Dr. Warder's (of Cincinnati) address on line hedges. (4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1856: 372.) 1875. Fences vs. hedges; by H. M. Engle; discussion. (Rept. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1874/5: 30-33.) . The fences of the U. S.; by I. L. Landis. (v. 10 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1874/5: 206-212.) 1876. Farm fencing [in Centre Co.]; by Prof. John Hamilton, (v. 11 same 1876: 47-58.) . Fencing laws; debate. (Legisl. Record 1876: 392-394; 619-622.) . See also below Soils, etc. Manures, this date. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Fencing — cont'd 1878. Debate on repeal of fence law. (Legisl. Record 1878: 1057-1000.) . Fence laws; value of. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1878: 6.) 1879. Letter from Thos. J. Edge, secy. Penn. bd. of agric. rel. to fence laws. (Legisl. Record 1879 (V. 2): 1910.) . Fence laws; changes needed in. (3 A.R. bd. of agric. 1879: 5-0.) 1880. Farm fences and ways over the farm; by G. W. Hood. (4 same 1880: 105-110.) . Farm fences; discussion on. (4 same 1880: 248- 252.) . The most economical farm fence for Penn. farms; by Col. D. H. Wallace. (4 sa7ne 1880: 156-160.) 1881. The duties of adjacent land owners with regard to division fences; by A. N. Perrin. (5 same 1881: 117-124.) 1883. Regulation and maintaining of fences; debate. (Legisl. Record 1883: 2301-2305.) 1885. Cost of fencing. (9 A.R. bd. of agric. 1885: 51-53.) 1886. The fence laws of Pa., by G. W. Hood, incl. sum- mary of fence laws of other states. (10 same 1886: 288-293.) . The fence laws of Penn.; by H. M. Seeley. (10 same 1886: 293-299.) . Tlie cost of fencing; osage hedges and their cost; secy.'s comments on. (10 same 1886: 36-44.) 1887. Fencing and forestry; by W. H. Black. (36 quar- terly rept. bd. agric. 1887: 115-118.) . The cost of fencing; by T. J-. Edge, secy. (32 and 33 same 1887: 49-53.) Prtd, blanks were sent to the official correspondents of the bd. asking repts. resp. post and rail fence, worm fence, board fence, wire fence : the replies are embodied In a table giving returns from each co. . Fencing; by John S. Hope. (34 same 1887: 139- 142.) . The road fence and trespass laws, as they affect the farmer; by H. J. Vankirk, with discussion. (32 and 33 sa7ne 1887: 30-40.) . The fence laws of Penn.; by Henry M. Seeley. (32 and 33 same 1887: 19-25.) . Same; by Geo. W. Hood. (32 and 33 .some 1887: 25-30.) Includes a synopsis of fence laws In other states. . The duties of adjacent land owners with regard to division fences; by A. N. Perrin; with discus- sion. (32 and 33 same 1887: 10-19.) . Wire fences; by John I. Carter. (34 same 1887: 119-121.) 1888. Fence laws. (12 A.R. bd. agric. 1888: 33-35.) . Fences and forestry; by Wm. H. Black. (37 and 38 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1888: 194-198.) 1889. Regulation of fences. (Legisl. Record 1889: 516- 549; 550-552.) . The fence laws of Pa. in connection with cattle running at large; by A. J. Patterson of Mifflintown, Pa. (13 A.R. bd. agric. 1S89: 318-322.) Read at I'ort Hoval Institute, previous to repeal of fence law of 1700 by legisl. of 18S9. . Should be a general system of fence laws; fence building and forest preservation. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 1, 1889: 19-20.) 1890. Table: cost of fences and fence materials; by cos. (14 A.R. bd. agric. 1890: 357.) . The fence laws of Pa.; by H. B. Packer. (14 same 1890: 218-221.) — . Cost of farm fences and fencing materials. (14 same' 1890: 44-46.) . Experience with hedge fences; by H. M. Engle. (Rept. of State Hortic. Assn. 1890: 47-48.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 2G3 (lGRICULTURE— cont'd Fencing — cont'd 1893. Line or division fences. (17 A.R. bd. of agric. ISO-S: 36-40.) . Discussion on bill providing for the erection and regulation of proper fences in the several cos. of the commonwealth. (Legisl. Record 1893 v. 1: 513-515; C29-C34.) . Veto of act providing for fencing of Improved lands used for agric. and hortic. purposes in Clear- field, Centre and Cameron cos.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1893: 105-106.) . The fence laws of Penn.; by J. Stranahan. (17 A.R. bd. agric. 1893: 301-311.) 1S94. Fence laws of Penn.; by Thomas Swenk. (53 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1S94: 85-86.) . The fence laws; by Thomas J. Edge. (53 same 1894: 5-6.) . Division fences: comments on laws rel. to; by T. J. Edge. (18 A.R. bd. of agric. 1894: 38-43.) 1897. Veto (Hastings) of bill to allow erection of wire fences on public roads. (Legisl. Record 1897 v. II; 2651.) . Veto (Hastings) of act making it lawful to erect and maintain fences constructed in whole or in part of wire along public roads and betw. adjoining lands of commonwealth. (House jol. 1897: 2224.) . Same; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Hastings) 1897: 28-29.) . Cost of fencing; bv T. J. Edge. (3 A.R. dept. agric. 1897 pt. 1: 868-869.) 1898. The laws in regard to fences; by D. S. Dubbs. (4 same 1898 pt. 1: 325-327.) . Fence laws and fencing; by Chas. F. Haines. (4 same 1898 pt. 1: 366-372.) Flax; see above, Crops. Fiber Floriculture serial 1903-1904. Rept. of committee on floriculture. In DocumentB as follows : Edwin Lonsdale, chairman 1903 In 9 A.R. dept. [27 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1903 : 263- 265. 1904 In 10 A.R. dept. [28 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1904 : 465- 466. non-serial 1860-1900. Advancement of floriculture in Allegheny Co. the last forty years; by P. S. Randolph. (6 A.R. dept. of agric. 1900 pt. 2: 315-316.) 1874. What new roses are best for general cultivation? by 0. H. Miller. (Rept. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1873/4: 113-123.) Paging from app. v. 9 Rept. tr.ins. state agric. socy. 1875. Cultivation of flowers and decorating of homes; by H. S. Rupp. {Same 1874/5: 41-43.) 1884. Horticulture in Cal.; by Prof. [Thos.] Meehan. (Rept. of State Hortic. Assn. 1884: 31-35.) 1887. The flora of Crawford Co.; by J. E. Whltesides. (11 A.R. bd. of agric. 1887: 346-351.) 1893. House plants; by Mrs. Mary E. Gable. (51 quar- terly rept. bd. agric. 1893; 33-34.) 1900. Statistics of greenhouse industry in Penn.; by cos. (6 A.R. dept. of agric. 1900 pt. 1: 885-889.) Area of glass, area of land cultivated, value of establish- ments, amt. of ann. business, employes. 1902. The mngmt. of greenhouses: by Edwin Lonsdale. 42 pp. (Dept. of agric. bull. 97.) 1904. "The queen of summer flowers (rose). (Mo, bull. division of zoology v. 2 (no. 2); 49-51.) Fruit; see above, Crops Gooseberry; see above. Crops. Fruit Grain; see above, Crops Grape; see above. Crops. Fruit AGRICULTURE— cont'd Hay; see above. Crops. Grass, etc. Hemp; see above, Crops. Fiber Horses; see below, Livestock Implements See also Prices. serial 1887-1889. Rept. of committee on farm implements and machinery. In Documents as follows : Israel Qarretson, chairman 1887 In 11 A.R. bd. of agric. 1887 : 108-109. ISSS not found. Chandtce lies, chairman 1889 in 13 A.R. bd. of iigrlc. 18.89:65-66. non-serial 1859. Trial of reapers and mowers under auspices of the Northumberland Agric. Socy. (v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1861/3: 436-439.) . Table exhibiting merit marks of reapers and mowers as made up by judges of Northumberland Co. Agric. Socy., with prices of machines, (v. 6 same 1861/3: 437-438.) 1869. Rept. of trial of plows and other implements at the Eastern Experimental Farm. (Rept. bd. of trustees of agric. college 1869: 68-72.') 1871-1872. Trial of reapers and mowers at agric. col- lege of Penn. (Same 1872: 86-89.) 1873. Essay on farming implements and their eco- nomical use; by J. Wilkinson, Balto., Md. (v. 9 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1872/3: 84-94.) Cast iron plow ; steel plow ; steam plowing : Inventor and mnftrer. ; burrow; hoe: digging fork ; pick ; cultivator; carts and wagons; thresher and win- nower; broadcast seed sower; grain drill. 1873-1875. Trial of mowers and reapers at the college. (Rept. of bd. of trustees of agric. college 1873 (p. 44)— some [A.R. Penn. State College] 1875.) 1878. Drills; by Thos. G. Janvier. (2 A.R. bd. agric. 1878: 362-368.) . Diagr.; comparative value of farm implements and machinery in 22 cos. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept.. Oct. and Nov. 1878: 46.) 1891. Purchase and care of farm implements; by J. C. Bell. (45 and 46 .some 1891: 165-171.) . Care of farm machinery; by John A. Warden. (45 and 46 sa>ne 1891: 256-258.) Manufacture of; see In-dustries, etc. See also Labor. Employment. Clinton County 18S2. Advance in farm machinery in Clinton Co. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 30.) Inspection Livestock; see below, that title Seeds; see below, Seeds Irrigation; see below, Soils, etc. Italian Rye Grass; see above. Crops. Grass, etc. Jute; see above, Crops. Fiber Laws 1854-1861. Text of acts rel. to Farmers' High School of Penn. (A.R. Penn. state college 1875.) 1854-1895. Penn. State College; acts rel. to. (State prisons, etc. compiled by auditor gen. [1897]: 525- 569.) 1855. Text of act of incorporation of Farmers' High School of Penn. (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. [1854]: 12-14.) Approved Mch. 1855. 26-i INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Laws — cont'd 1863-1S(1C. Text of acts rel. to acceptance of grant of public lands to the several states for agric. colleges (A.R. Penn. State College 1S75.) 1867. Text of act rel. to agric. college of Penn. and establishment of experimental farms in connection therewith, (.s'owr 1875.) 1876. Text of act to establish a state bd. of agric. (Legisl. Record 1876: 2432; 23 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1884: 4: 47 same 1892: 4.) . Same. (1 A.R. dept. [19 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1895: 478.) Repeated In subsequent repts. to and including 1901. 1889. Act to prevent spread of contagious diseases among domestic animals in commonwealth of Penn. (5 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1888/9: 577.) 1895. Act establishing dept. of agric. (7 A.R. dept. agric. 1901 pt. 2: 5-8.) . Act establishing a state livestock sanitary bd. (5 .same 1899 pt. 2: 32-34.) Repeated In 1901. . Same. (Dept. of agric. Bull. 42: 71-73.) . Text of sec. 5 of act of Mch. 13, 1895 rel. to duty of supt. of [farmers'] institutes. (Penn. Dept. of agric. bull. 14: 3.) 1897. Act to protect health of domestic animals, ap- proved May 26, 1897. (4 A.R. dept. of agric. 1898 pt. 1: 174.) Repeated In 1901. . Same; with rules for its enforcement. (Dept. of agric. Bull. 42: 77-80.) 1901. Suppl. to act for taxation of dogs and protection of sheep. (6 A.R. dept. of agric. 1900 pt. 2: 60.) Repeated in 1901. . Act for prevention of spread of disease from carcasses of animals. (6 same 1900 pt. 2: 61-63.) . Text of act regulating the sale of concentrated commercial feeding stuffs, defining concentrated feeding stuffs, prohibiting their adulteration, pro- viding for the collection of samples, the expenses of the enforcement of the law, etc. (Dept. of agric. bull. 87: 39-41.) Livestock See also Prices. 1854. See above. Agriculture, this date. [I860.] Veterinary science; essay for socy. by R. M'Clure of Phila. (v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1861/3: 241-252.) 1873. Beds for animals; by S. Hoagland. (v. 9 same 1872/3: 118.) [1874.] Breeding in-and-in; by Dr. E. Michiner. (v. 10 same 1874/5: 261-262.) 1877. American livestock; by L. F. Allen before National Agric. Cong, at Phlla., 1876. (v. 12 same 1877: 115-134.) Ilorse. iisa. mule, cattle (breeds), sheep, swine, poultry, honey-bee. . The animal and the vegetable — their physical relations to each other; by S. S. Rathvon. (v. 12 same 1877: 182-183.) . A plea for veterinary science: by H. J. Smith (1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877: 119-141.) 1878. Same. (2 .some 1878: 104-107.) . Well and ill-bred stock. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878: 18-19.) By a New York correspondent. 1889. Winter care and treatment of farm animals; by D. J. McNaul. (39 and 40 same 1889: 67-70.) . Some points in stock breeding; by J. A. B. Walker. (39 and 40 same 1889: 148-151.) 1891. Wintering stock with economy and profit; by H. W. Northup. (45 and 46 same 1891: 107-109.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Livestock — cont'd 1891. The profits realized from the livestock on the farm: by D. K. Laubach. (45 and 46 same 1891: 208-211.) 1892. Mixed husbandry; by Clark Sisson. (49 and 50 some 1892: 129-137.) . The art of breeding; by A. B. Walker. (49 and 50 same 1892: 89-91.) 1893. The care of farm animals; by U. H. Esh. (51 some 1893: 48-50.) . Farm stock for profit; by L. R. McMillan. (51 same 1893: 117-118.) . Stock raising and general farming; by George W. Magee. (50 same 1893: 59-61.) . Progress of veterinary science; by Dr. C. R. Good. (50 some 1893: 40-43.) 1894. Mixed husbandry; by H. W. Northup. (52 same 1894: 60-63.) . Hygiene rel. to the animals of the farm; by Dr. S. P. Heilman. (52 same 1894: 92-97.) . Wintering stock with economy and profit; by Isaac K. Seltzer. (52 same 1894: 26-29.) . Animals' rights; by Prof. A. B. Miller. (53 same 1894: 19.) . Livestock in winter; by S. S. Reigharie. (53 some 1894: 106.) 1899. Stock raising for profit; by P. K. Patterson. (Dept. of agric. Bull. 52: 36-38.) 1903. Remedies for flies on livestock. (Mo. bull, of division of zoology v. 1, no. 5: 16-18.) From Bull. 81 of S. Dak. Agric. Coll. Exper. Station. 1904. Flies on livestock. (Same v. 2 (no. 3): 88-90.) • . The branches of sub-kingdoms of animals, {i^ame V. 2, no. 8: 236-250.) PENNSYLVANIA See also above. Crops, the serial groups, under the several counties. serial See also below. Feeding ; also Inspection. 1901-1904. Rept. of livestock committee [on the live- stock industry of Penn.]. In Documents as follows : M. E. Conrad, chairman 1901 In 7 A.R. dept. [25 A.R. bd.] ot agric. 1901 pt. 1 : 'J28-234. 1902 in 8 A.R. dept. [26 .\.R. bd.] of agric. 1902 pt. 2: 46-49. 190:! In 9 A.R. dept. [27 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1903:258- 260. Damon A. Knttppenburg^ chairman 1904 in 10 A.R. dept. [28 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1904:383- 385. 7ion-serial 1815. Rept. of committee (Hodgdon) to whom was re- ferred petition from Bucks Co. rel. to veterinary lectures in Phila. and advantage to be derived from their diftusion throughout the state. (House jol. 1814/5: 269.) 1850-1890. Value of farms and livestock in Penn. (1 A.R. dept. agric. 1895 pt. 1: plate opposite p. 159.) 1851. See above. Agriculture. Pennsylvania, this date. 1870. See above. Crops. Pennsylvania, this date. 1871-1880. Livestock, comparison for past ten yrs. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880: 51-59.) . Same. (10 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1880: 36-44.) Horses, mules, cows, oxen and other cattle, swine, sheep. 1878. The best methods of inducing [Penn.] farmers to breed better stock; by Prof. Hamilton. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1S7S: 15-17.) . Table: condition of livestock, Oct., by cos.; per cent compared with 1877 and with average of five years. (2 same 1878: 281.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 265 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Livestock — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1878. Same. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878: 48.) Horses, mules, oxen, ciiws. sheep, swine, fat cnttle. . Diagr. : comparative value of livestock in 22 cos. {Slime Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878: 4G.) 1878-1882. Table: condition of livestock by cos.. May 1 and Nov. 1, as compared with 1881 and with average of past 5 years, (ti A.R. bd. agric. 1882: 382-385.) 1879. Condition of farm stock from May and Nov. returns of official reporters. (3 same 1879: 254-255.) 255.) . Condition of livestock in Penn. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1879: 30-31.) Horses and mules, cows, sheep, swine, fat cattle. . Table: condition of farm stock, by cos.; per cent compared with last year and average of last 10 years. (6 same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1879: 17.) . Table: condition of farm stock, by cos.; per cent compared with last year and with average of past five years. (Same Mch., Apr. and May 1879: 38.) 1880. See above. Crops. Pennsylvania, this date. . Condition of livestock in May compared with that in Aug. of last year, and of last 5 years. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880: 288-289.) . Table: no., value per head and total value in state of horses, cows, oxen and cattle, swine, sheep, mules. (10 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1880: 36; 4 A.R. bd. agric. 1880: 51.) . Table: condition of livestock in Aug., by cos.; per cent compared with last year and with average of 5 years. (9 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1880: 26.) . Condition of farm stock in May, by cos. ; per cent compared with last year and with average of last 5 years. (8 same Mch., Apr. and May 1880: 12.) . Same. (8 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1879/80: 174.) 1881. Condition of livestock — Nov. (5 A.R. bd. of agric. 1881: 293.) . Interests of stock owners advanced by apprn. for investigation of diseases of livestock; increase of the apprn. desirable. (11 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Dec, Jan. and Feb. 1880/1: 14.) . Condition of livestock, compared with last year and average of 5 yrs., by cos. (14 and 15 same 1881: 90.) Horses, mules, oxen, cows, sheep, swine, fat cattle, poultry. 1882. Condition of livestock. May, compared with same time last year and with average of past 5 years. (16 and 17 same Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 24.) . Same, Nov. (18 same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1S82: 45.) 1883. Is importation of foreign livestock a benefit to Penn. farmers? by A. D. Shimer. (7 A.R. bd. agric. 1883: 264-266.) 1884. Condition of livestock Je. 1, 1884., compared with last year and average of 5 yrs., by cos. (23 quar- terly rept. bd. agric, 1884: 15.) Horses, mules, oxen, cows, sheep, swine, fat cattle, poultry. 1888. Is the early maturity of stock profitable and does it tend to improvement? by W. W. Hunter. (37 and 38 same 1888: 276-279.) 1889. Protection to the health of the people and help for the stock raisers of Penn. (39 and 40 same 1889: 133-137.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Livestock — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1890. How can farmers be induced, through agric. socys., to raise better stock? general discussion by Penn. state assn. of agric. socys. (43 same 1890: 71-73.) 1896. Importance of livestock industry In state. (2 A.R. dept. [20 A.R. bd.] of agric 1896 pt. 1: 103.) . Table: value of livestock, May, 1896. (2 same 1896 pt. 1: 800.) 1897. Table: value of livestock, Oct. 1, by cos. (3 same 1897 pt. 1: 790.) 1898. Rules for enforcement of act rel. to protection of health of domestic animals. (4 same 1898 pt. 1: 175-176.) 1899-1901. Extrs. from rules and regulations of state livestock sanitary bd. of Penn. (5 same 1899 pt. 2 (pp. 37-39)— 7 same 1901.) 1900. Law needed in Penn. similar to those in opera- tion in neighboring states, to prevent frauds now possible in sale of cattle feeds in markets in state. (6 same 1900 pt. 1: 46.) A plea for better livestock in Penn.; by H. Hay- ward. (6 same 1900 pt. 2: 238-243.) . Extrs. from rules and regulations of state live- stock sanitary bd. of Penn. (6 same 1900 pt. 2: 63- 65.) . Livestock in western Penn.; by J. S. Burns. (6 same 1900 pt. 2: 215-218.) 1903. Stmt, showing estimated no. and value of live- stock in state. (9 iumc 1903: 4.) . The collection of Penn. animals for the St. Louis Exposition. (Mo. bull, of division of zoology v. 1, no. 7; 16.) . [Blank form, asking information about mam- mals or hairy animals ("Quadrupeds") of Penn.] (Same v. 1, no. 6: 31.) Allegheny County 1882. Condition of livestock in Allegheny Co.; "Pink- eye" among horses. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 7.) . Condition of farm stock in Allegheny Co. (18 same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1SS2: 26.) Beaver County 1883. Condition of livestock in Beaver Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 15.) Horses ; sheep. Berks County 1883. Condition of livestock in Berks Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 16.) Bedford County 1883. Condition (per cent) of horses, cattle, sheep and hogs in Bedford Co.; prices of milch cows, horses, sheep. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 15.) Chester County 1882 Condition of livestock in Chester Co.; poultry cholera. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 30.) 1883 Livestock in Chester Co.; Texas fever. (21 and 22 same 1883: 21-22.) Clinton County 1882 More attention paid to blooded stock in Clinton Co. than formerly. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 9.) 266 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Livestock — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Crawford, County 1852. Livestock in Crawford Co.; cattle, sheep, hogs, cows; dairy interest. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 10.) 1883. Condition of livestock in Crawford Co. (21 and 22 same 1883: 24.) Fayette County 1853. Marked improvement in livestock in Fayette Co. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 211.) 1882. Low average in condition of livestock in Fayette Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882; 11.) . Livestock in Fayette Co.; hogs, cattle, horses, sheep and dogs. (IS same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1S82: 32.) Huntingdon County 1858. Business of stock growing increasing in Hunt- ingdon Co. owing to recent failures of grain crops, (v. 5 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1857/8: 389.) 1883. Livestock in Huntingdon Co. (21 and 22 quar- terly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 27.) Indiana County 1882. Livestock in Indiana Co.; horses, cows, fat cat- tle, swine, sheep and poultry; disease among sheep; prices. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882; 33.) 1883. Livestock in Indiana Co.; prices of horses, beef cattle, cows, hogs, sheep. (21 and 22 same 1883: 28.) Elk County 1891. Veto of act to encourage the raising of horses, mules, cattle, sheep and swine and to regulate fences within the county of Elk. (Vetoes (Patti- son) 1891: 46.) Lackawanna County 1879. Veto (Hoyt) of act to prohibit the running at large of cattle, horses, mules, sheep, goats and hogs in Lackawanna Co.; with text of act. (Bills filed in office of secy, of the commonwealth by the Gov. 1879/81; 2.) Lancaster County 1879. Veto (Hoyt) of act to prevent cattle, horses, mules, sheep and hogs, from running at large in the township of West Donegal, Lancaster Co.; with text of act. (Bills filed in office of secy, of common- wealth by the Gov. 1879/81: 3-4.) Lehigh County 1882. Livestock in Lehigh Co.; pinkeye; pasture. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882; 35.) Mercer County 1883. Livestock in Mercer Co.: improvement in sheep and wool. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 32; 33.) Mifliin County 1882. Condition of horses and cattle owing to shortage of corn crop; pink-eye; chicken cholera. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 12.) Perry County 1883. Livestock in Perry Co.; "pink-eye" among horses. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 35.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Livestock — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Potter County 1883. Prices of stock in Potter Co. (21 and 22 quar terly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 36.) Horses, oxen, cows, calves, sheep. . Veto of act to extend provisions of act rel. to running at large of domestic animals in certain townships of Potter Co.; with text of act. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1883; 67-69.) Somerset County 1SS2. Prices of horses and cattle in Somerset Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882; 14.) Tioga County 1883. Livestock in Tioga Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 37.) Horses and mules, cattle and milk cows, sheep, price of wool, pork. Venango County 1882. Condition of livestock in Venango Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882; 15.) Westmoreland County 1882. Poor condition of livestock in Westmoreland Co. owing to high price of corn and oats. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 15.) York County 1883. Increase per cent in sales of horses, mules and cows, fat cattle, sheep. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 40.) . Pastures and livestock in York Co.; condition. (21 and 22 same 1883; 41.) Associations Pennsylvania Live Stock Breeders' Assn. 1899-1904. Penn. Live Stock Breeders' Assn.; list of officers and committee. (5 A.R. dept. [23 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1899 pt. 2 (pp. 40-41)— 10 same 1904.) State Livestock Sanitary Board See also below. Inspection, the serial group. 3 series. 1895. State live stock sanitary bd. of Penn. estab- lished to provide for control and suppression of dangerous diseases of domestic animals. (11 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1894/5: 21.) . See above. Laws, this date. 1897. Work of Live Stock Sanitary Board; eradication of tuberculosis in cattle: hindrance in eradication of destructive diseases through delay in making prompt rept. to bd.; ann. investment in livestock and yearly loss from preventable diseases. (Govs. mess. (Hastings) Jan. 5, 1897; 31-32.) 1898. Amt. allowed State Live Stock Sanitary Bd. for the year endg. May 31, 1898 and how expended. (A.R. state veterinarian 1898: 8.) . Outline of work of the state live stock sanitary bd. and state veterinarian. (.Same 1898: 5-8.) . Increased work of the state live stock sanitary board; "in addition to the general control and suppression of the dangerous, infectious and con- tagious diseases which this bd. is required by law to exercise and effect, it is also responsible for the enforcement of the law requiring an inspection of dairy cows and cattle for breeding purposes coming into Penn. from other states, and for the direction of the work of investigation required by the act of Jly. 22, 1897." (A.R. state veterinarian 1898; 5.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 267 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Livestock — cont'd Associations — cont'd State Livestock Sanitary Board — cont'd 1899. Approximate capital invested in livestock; work of live stock sanitary bd.; reduction of percentage of tuberculosis in herds, suppression of outbreaks of rabies, checking outbreaks of anthrax, suppres- sion of black-quarter, eradication of glanders, reduction of prevalence of hog cholera. (Govs, mess. (Hastings) Jan. 3, 1899: 14.) 1899-1904. State live stock sanitary bd.; officers of; extrs. from rules and regulations, etc. (5 A.R. dept. [23 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1S99 pt. 2 (pp. 32-39)— 10 same 1904.) Cattle 1833/7-1855. Hist, of Ohio Co. for importing English cattle and results of their work. (3 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1855: 354-359.) List of Bubscribers and nmt. subsoilhod by each ; pur- chase, exhibition and sale of Durham stock [name of purchaser, his address and amt. paid] ; results [In Ohio] from Introduction of stock. 1871. Guernsey cattle; by Chas. R. King. (v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1SG4/70: 207-210.) 1871-1880. Graphic representation showing value of oxen and other cattle in the U. S. (10 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric. 1880: 42; 4 A.R. bd. agric. 1880: 57.) 1873. Guenon's method of determining milking quali- ties of cow; by C. Harvey, (v. 9 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1S72/3: 135-140.) 1874. Discussion of Guenon method of judging cows. (V. 10 same 1874/5: 143-144.) [1874.] Devon cattle; by W. B. Rumsey. (v. 10 same 1874/5: 113-116.) 1875. Exclusive meal feeding; by L. W. Miller. (2 A.R. state dairymen's assn. 1875; 345-351.) . Observations of committee of N. Y. Dairymen's Assn. on L. W. Miller's (Stockton, N. Y.) feeding plan. (2 same 1875: 352-355.) Paging from v. 11 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. [1875.] Cows and milk. (v. 10 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1874/5: 201-205.) Abstr. from rept. of proceedings of Mass. State Bd. of Agric. in New England Farmer. 1876. Disposition of food in a cow's stomach; by C. B. Mechener. (v. 11 same 1876: 201-205.) . The ruminant's stomach; by E. Michener. (v. 11 same 1876: 209-214.) 1877. Breeding dairy stock; by Col. 0. 0. Potter, (v. 12 same 1877: 109-114.) 1878. The Guenon system. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1878: 4-5.) 1879. (^an we regulate the sex of the offspring of the domestic animals? (Quarterly rept. of bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1879: 21-27.) . The negative side of the Guenon system; by E. Reeder. (3 A.R. bd. of agric. 1879: 55-64.) 1886. The Guenon system of selecting cows; secy.'s explanation, etc. (10 same 1886: 52-57.) . The model dairy cow; by Wm. Fairweather. (31 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1886: 8-11.) 1887. Breeding and raising calves for the dairy; by Ezra Michener. (34 same 1887: 89-92.) . The Chicago fat stock show of 1886; by T. J. Edge, secy. (32 and 33 same 1887: 84-90.) Breeds, prizes, killing, feeding, weights and grains per day. 1889. The general-purpose cow; by J. A. Eschbach. (39 and 40 same 1889: 156-157.) 1891. Success in cattle farming; by Forest Preston. (45 same 1891: 216-218.) . The .Jersey Cow; by J. C. Sibley. (45 and 46 saine 1891: 238-246.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Livestock — cont'd Cattle — cont'd 1893. Dehorning cattle; by C. B. Smith. (50 same 1893: 132-133.) . Cattle raising for profit; by W. H. Walker. (51 same 1893: 102-103.) . Dehorning cattle; by C. B. Moore. (50 same 1893: 43-44.) . Holstein cattle— their origin and usefulness as a dairy and general purpose animal; by B. B. Lord. (51 same 1893: 65-69.) 1894. The farmer's cow; by D. W. Lee. (53 same 1894: 100.) . The winter milker; by L. S. Overfield. (53 same 1894: 37-38.) . The dairy cow; by P. W. Berg. (53 .same 1894: 124.) . Holstein cattle; by W. M. Benninger. (53 same 1894: 22-23.) . Dehorning cattle; by C. B. Smith. (53 same 1894: 101.) . Dehorning cattle; by C. B. Smith. (53 same 1894: 4243.) PENNSYLVANIA 1854. Corresp. (translated from German) betw. prea, (Kohler) of Lehigh Co. Agric. Socy. and U. S. Con- sul (Gundie) at Zurich, Switzerland rel. to breeds of Swiss cattle, comparison with English breeds, prices and probable cost of transportation, best season for purchase, etc. (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. [1854]: 204-206.) 1856. Pedigree of " Duke of Cumberland." (4 same 1856: 507.) 1871-1880. Table: no., value per head and total value of oxen and other cattle. (8 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1879/80: 176.) . Table: no., value per head, total value of cows of state. (8 same 1879/80: 175.) . Table: no., value per head and total value of cattle in Penn., each year. (10 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric. 1880: 43; 4 A.R. bd. agric. 1880: 58.) . Table: no., value per head and total value of cows in state. (10 same 1880: 39; 4 .same 1S80: 54.) . Graphic representation showing value of cows in Penn. (10 same 1880: 40-41; 4 same 18S0: 55.) 1873. The cow; by W. P. Hazard, (v. 9 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1872/3: 101-117.) Holstelns ; short-horns; Devons ; Ayrshire; Jersey; Hereford ; Galloway ; Kerry ; Swiss cattle ; what Chester Co. farmer needs ; how to choose good cow : Guenon's method ; how to maintain cow In proflt ; art of feeding ; mngmnt. of cow ; art of milking. 1878. Raising dairy stock — does it pay in Eastern Penn.? by W. G. Moore. (2 A.R. bd. agric. 1878: 123-125.) . Rept. of the Penn. Guenon comn. Harrisburg: L. S. Hart, 1879. 37 pp., foldg. leaf. Copy seen in Free Library of Phila. Geo. Blight, Chalkley Harvey and Willis P. Hazard, apptd. by Gov. under res. of bd. of agric, Jan. J, 1S78. . Same. (2 A.R. bd. agric. 1878: 172-208.) . Preliminary rept. of the comn. apptd. to test the Guenon system of judging cows. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878: 27-38.) Geo. Blight, Chalkley Harvey and Willis P. Hazard. [Final] rept. of Penn. Guenon comn. (Same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878: 22-29.) . Cost and value of home raised stock. (Same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878: 15-16.) Estimates reed. In reply to blanks. . Circular to dairymen rel. to investigations to be made, the first being regulation of the sex of calves. (Same Je., Jly. and Aug. 1879: 24.) 268 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Livestock — cont'd Cattle — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1S78. Livestock in excellent condition; few cases of disease; milk fever prevalent in dairy distrs. (Same Je., Jly. and Aug. 1S78: 8.) . Table: consolidated dairy and stock repts., by COS.; summer butter, winter butter, cost of a home raised cow and value at 3 years. (Same Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878: 27.) Averaged from replies to a circular sent to 200 practical dairymen and stock breeders. 1880. Cos. reporting an improvement in condition of cows. (10 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric. 1880: 41; 4 A.R. bd. agric. 1S80: 56.) 1883. Guenon's system of selecting cows by the escutch- eon; by W. P. Hazard, secy, of Penn. Guenon comn. (7 A.R. bd. of agric. 1883: 112-132.) Urges practice uf system by every farmer In state. . See above, Fairs. County and Local, this date. 1885. Cost of beef. (9 A.R. bd. of agric. 1885: 46-50.) 1895/6-1900/1. Rept. on hospital herd by pathologist of State Hospital for Insane, Norristown. (14 A.R. committee on lunacy of bd. of public charities 1895/6 (pp. 177-180)— 19 same 1900/1.) Bucks County 1882. Loss of cows in Bucks Co. from pasture in clover fields; value of cows. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 29.) 1883. Pasture in Bucks Co.; effect of frosts; fodder corn. (21 and 22 same 1883: 16.) Centre County 1853-1875. See Agricultural Societies: Centre Co. Individual. Dauphin County 1853. Few cattle raised in Swatara township, Dauphin Co. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 200.) Jefferson County 1883. Cattle In Jefferson Co.; price. (21 and 22 quar- terly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 28.) Lancaster County 1883. Cattle in Lancaster Co.; Texas fever. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 30.) 1892. Cattle feeding in Lancaster Co.; by H. G. Rush. (49 and 50 same 1892: 194-198.) Lawrence County 1889. Best breed of cattle for Lawrence Co.; by E. C. McClelland. (39 and 40 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1889: 151-154.) Mercer County 1882. Price of beef by butchers, and on foot, in Mercer Co. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 36.) Northumberland County 1853. Improved meat stock in Northumberland Co. (v. 1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 260.) Snyder County 1882. Fattening cattle in Snyder Co. (16 and 17 quar- terly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 14.) Susquehanna County 1856. Cattle breeding in Susquehanna Co. (4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 185G: 473.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Livestock — cont'd Diseases; see below. Inspection Dog Laws 1878. Effect of present dog laws, with suggestions for their improvement; by J. P. Barnes. (2 A.R. bd. agric. 1878: 66-68.) 1881. Protection of sheep and taxing dogs in Lycoming Co. (Legisl. Record 1881: 383-384.) 1901. See above. Laws, this date. 1893. Dogs; by John McDowell. (51 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1893: 121-123.) Their care and training ; injury to sheep. Feeding See also Prices. serial 1901/2-1903/4. Rept. of division of animal nutrition. In Documents as follows : Henry Prentiss Armsby, director 1901/2 in A.R. Penn. State College 1901/2 pt. 2:280- 299. 1902/3 In A.R. Penn. State College 1002/3 pt. 2 : 95- 178. 1903/4 In A.R. Penn. State College 1903/4 pt. 2 : 205- 23S. non-serial 1792. Rept. of committee apptd. Feb. 1, on petition of merchants of Phila., rel. to inspection of midlings. (House jol. Dec. 1791: 164-165.) 1857-1887. Soiling crops; historical sketch of the agric. experiments conducted by the State College; by Wm. Frear. (Agric. exper. station bull. no. 1: 5-18.) 1858. Roots for stock feeding; by James Gowan. (2 A.R. farmers' high school 1857/8: 73-74.) [1874.] Cultivation of roots for feeding stock and best mode of preserving them; by J. Wilkinson, (v. 10 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1874/5: 93-100.) . Cutting and cooking food for stock; by C. B. Moore, (v. 10 same 1874/5: 263-270.) 1875. Rept. of committee on steaming foods for stock, (v. 10 same 1874/5: 169.) . Acct. of experiment made by J. I. Carter, com- paring scalded and dry cut feed for making of but- ter, (v. 10 same 1874/5: 169-170.) 1876. Cattle food and cattle feeding; by T. J. Edge. (v. 11 same 1876: 170-179.) . Experiment [at Eastern Exper. Farm] with feed- ing oats straw to milch cows. (v. 11 same 1876: 232.) 1878. Soiling system. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Dec, Jan. and Feb. 1878/9: 15-24.) Selection of replies reed, to circular of Inquiry. . Circular of bd. of agric. inquiring about experi- ence in soiling farm stock. (Same Dec, Jan. and Feb. 1878/9: 15.) 1881/2. See above. Crops. Pennsylvania, this date. 1882. Ensilage; secy.'s remarks on. (6 A.R. bd. of agric 1882: 23-25.) . Extr. from rept. of secy, on ensilage; its economic value and resulting product. (IS quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 13-14.) 1883. How far can soiling system be made profitable in Penn.? by M. W. Oliver. (7 A.R. bd. agric. 1883: 245-248.) . Feeding experiments. (Penn. State College Bull. 6 (1 series).) . Same (Rept. Penn. State College 1886: 278-284.) 1885. Feeding experiments, pp. 76-81(1). (Penn. State College Bull. 10 (1 series).) . Same (Rept. Penn. State College 1886: 299-304.) . Comparative value of stock foods. (9 A.R. bd. of agric 18S5: 58-59.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 269 -cont'd soiling rye. (Penn. State AGRICULTURE— cont'd Livestock — cont'd Feeding — cont'd non-serial- 1SS6. Tlie composition of College Bull. 15 (1 series).) . Same. (Kept. Penn. State College lS8f>: 325-327.) -. Feeding experiments, pp. 92-97(1). (Penn. State College Bull. 12 (1 series).) . Same. (Kept. Penn. State College 18S6: 309-313.) E.xperlmcnts liy W. H. Jordan ; bull, prepared by Wm. Krear. . The composition and food value of dessicated apple-pomace. (Penn. State College Bull. 10 (1 SGriGS ) ) . Same. (Rept. Penn. State College 18SG: 327-329.) 1888. Digestibility of soiling crops; by Wm. Frear, ■yVm. H. Caldwell, G. L. Holter, and W. S. Sweetser. (Some pt. 2, 1888: 77-95.) . Yield and nutritive value of soiling crops: by H. P. Armsby and Wm. H. Caldwell. (Same pt. 2, 1888: 95-105.) . The soiling system for milch cows; by H. P. Armsby, Wm. Frear, H. .1. Patterson, Geo. L. Holter and Wm. H. Caldwell, (l^diiir pt. 2, 18SS: 54-55.) . Composition and digestibility of corn stover; by H. P. Armsby. (A.R. bd. of trustees of Penn. State College 1887 pt. 2: 144-157; Penn. Agric. College Exper. Station Bull. 3, 16 pp.) . Feeding standards and composition of feeding stuffs; by H. P. Armsby. (Rept. Penn. State College pt. 2, agric. exper. station 1888: 47-54.) 1889. Ensilage; by Jason Sexton. (39 and 40 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1889: 97-103.) . Soiling for a winter dairy; and 40 same 1840: 81-83.) 1890. Feeding cows on brewers' Thos. J. Edge and others, 1889/90: 654-656.) 1891. Silos and ensilage; by B. C. Mitchell, quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1891: 40-42.) . Cattle feeding; by D. P. Forney. (45 and 46 s-|)ek] 1879. Acute laminitis [founder]; by C. B. Michener. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Dec, Jan. and Feb. 1878/9: 34-36.) LuNo Worm Disease 1898. Lung worm disease: prevalence; symptoms; pre- vention and cure. (A.R. state veterinarian 1898: 36-37.) Phthisis Pulmonalis Verminalis (Hoose) 1880. Phthisis pulmonalis verminalis (hoose); treat- ment of animals in Penn., principally in Bucks Co. (4 A.R. bd. of agric 1880: 92-94.) . Phthisis pulmonalis verminalis (hoose) ; by C. B. Mechener. (8 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1880: 30-32.) Pink-Eye Beaver County 1882. Pink-eye among horses in Beaver Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 7.) Columbia County 1882. "Pink-eye" among horses in Columbia Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 9.) Cumberland County 1882. Stock in Cumberland Co.; "pink-eye" among horses: scarcity of feed. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1S82: 10.) Huntingdon County 1883. Pink-eye among horses in Huntingdon Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric 1883: 27.) Jefferson County 1882. "Pink-eye" among horses in Jefferson Co. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric Sept. Oct. and Nov. 1882: 33.) Lawrence County 1883. Cattle in Lawrence Co.; pink-eye among horses. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric 1883: 29.) Pleuro-Pneumonia 1860. Communication prepared by J. S. Haldeman, rel. to need of precautionary measures for prevention of pleuro-pneumonia; hist, of disease in Holland and U. S. (v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1861/3- 231-233.) 1877. Epizootic pleuro-pneumonia; by Chas. B. Mich- ener. (v. 12 same 1877: 372-380.) . Same. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Dec, Jan. and Feb. 1878/9: 36-42.) Republished from A.R. of 1877. 1879. Govs. mess. (Hoyt) transmitting communications concerning plpuro-pnoumonia among cattle in Penn.; with ace docs. (Sen. jol. 1879: 596-597.) 274 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Livestock — cont'd Inspection" — cont'd Pleuro-Pneumoxia — cont'd 1879. Lung plague (contagious pleuro-pneumonia) ; by tlie special agt. of the Gov. [Thos. J. Edge]. (3 A.R. bd. agric. 1S79: 132-144.) Legisl:ition : niousui-os taken by state nuthorltles; name history, nature anil symptoms of the disease, etc. A revision of this article is found in 6 A.R. bd. of agrlc. . Same. (6 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1S79: 19-34.) . Pleuropneumonia in Penn. (5 some Je., Jly and Aug. 1879: 27-32.) Introduction, nature of the dise.ise, extent of the disease preventive action. . Pleuro-pneumonia in cattle. (Legisl. Record 1879 (v. 2): 1213-1217.) . Measures to be taken to prevent spread of pleuro- pneumonia considered. {Same 1S79: 730-731.) 1881. Summary of work in suppression of pleuro- pneumonia. (11 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Dec Jan. and Feb. lSSO/1: 12-13.) . Suppression of pleuro-pneumonia in the state (5 A.R. bd. of agric. 1881: 28-30.) . Measures taken to suppress spread of pleuro- pneumonia in cattle: cost in Penn., in N. Y. and in N. J. (Govs. mess. (Hoyt) Jan. 4, 18S1: 22.) 1883. Eradication of pleuro-pneumonia. (Same (Hovt) Jan. 2, 1883: IL) 1888. Suppression of contagious pleuro-pneumonia among cattle in this state; by special agt. of gov [secy, of bd. of agric. T. J. Edge]. (12 A.R. bd of agric. 1888: 312-318.) 1889. Measures taken to prevent spread of pleuro- pneumonia. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 1, 1889: 1^-18.) Lancaster County 1884 Lung plague or contagious pleuro-pneumonia in Montgomery and Lancaster cos. (8 A.R. bd. of agric. 1884: 81-83.) Montgomery County 1866. Communication from Hiram Corson, rel. to the cattle disease in Montgomery Co. (Legisl. Record 1866: 267-268.) .Rept. of select committee (Worthington) upon pleuro-pneumonia in Montgomery Co.; localities in r«cr /o^'fol^f^'^ *" ^^^2, 1863 and 1864. (Sen. jol. ISbb: 494-495.) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1866: 509-510.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 1500 copies In English and 500 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1SCG:495.) 1884. See above, Lancaster Co., this date. Spinal-Meningitis 1887. Corresp. rel. to prevalence of epizootic spinal- nieningitis in N. J. (3 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1886/7: oOo-olO. ) Texas Fever 1878. Legislation needed to protect farmers and stock raisers from Texan or splenic fever. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug. 1878: 8.) 1898. Texas fever; Penn. free from it; need of precau- tion in regard to shipment of southern cattle. (A R state veterinarian 1898: 35-36.) Chester County 1883. See above. Livestock. Chester Co., this date. . See above. Cattle. Lancaster Co., this date. . Texas fever or a similar disease in Lancaster Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 29.) AGRICULTURE — cont'd Livestock — cont'd Inspection — cont'd Texas Fevee — cont'd Chester County — cont'd 1893. Texan fever; outbreak In Luzerne, and Chester cos. (17 A.R. bd. of agric. 1893: 28-3L) Luzerne County See above, Chester Co. Tuberculosis Minnesota 1897. Decision of Supreme Court of Minn., sustaining milk and dairy ordinance of Minneapolis, providing for inspection of dairy-herds outside of city and use of tuberculin test. (13 A.R. bd. health 1897 v. 2: 583-587.) New York 1898. Rept. of N. Y. state bd. of health rel. to bovine tuberculosis. (14 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1897/8 v. 1: 590-597.) Pennsylvania 1892. The Koch test for tuberculosis; by H. P. Armsby. (Penn. State College Agric. Exper. Station Bull. 21: 3-8; A.R. Penn. state college 1892 pt. 2: 94-97.) . Tuberculosis [in domestic animals, Koch test]; by Leonard Pearson. {Same Bull. 21: 8-19; same 1892 pt. 2: 98-107.) - — . The Koch test for tuberculosis; rept. of work done in co-operation with the Penn. state bd. of agric; by H. P. Armsby. 19 pp. (Agric exper. sta- tion bull. no. 21.) 1893. Bovine tuberculosis; history of disease, among Clairmont herd. (9 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1892/3: 291-301.) 1S94. Tuberculosis of cattle by Leonard Pearson. (A.R. Penn. State College 1894 pt. 2: 89-123.) . Same. 39 pp. (Penn. Agric. College Exper. Sta- tion Bull. 29.) . Suppressing tuberculosis; by Oliver D. Schock. (53 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 72-73.) ■ . Tuberculosis [among cattle] at state hospital for insane, Norristown; by Florence Hull Watson. (18 A.R. bd. agric. 1894: 240-252.) IM-evaience of disease ; details of symptoms and effect on the different organs. . Action of bd. of health of Phila. on bovine tuber- culosis. (10 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1893/4: 158-159.) 1895. Legislation needed to prevent further spread of tuberculosis among domestic animals. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 1, 1895: 30.) 1S9C. Tuberculosis in cattle; Secy. Edge, of state bd. of agric. discusses tuberculin test. (12 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1895/6 v. 1: 537-539.) . Circulars nos. 1-4 of livestock sanitary board rel. to tuberculosis. (2 A.R. dept. agric. 1896 pt. 1: 432-447.) 1897. Health of domestic animals [tuberculosis in cat- tle! ; remarks of J. VJ. Morrow. (Legisl. Record 1897 v. 1: 1999-2000.) 1898. Tuberculosis: inspection of herds; tests; prog- ress in work of suppression; law of 1897 resp. dairy cows; its enforcement. (A.R. state veterinarian 1898: 24-33.) 1899. Rept. on tuberculosis of cattle; by Leonard Pear- son and M. P. Ravenel. (5 A.R. dept. of agric. 1899 pt. 1: 323-533.) . Penn. plan for controlling tuberculosis of cattle and summary review of reasons upon which it is based; by Leonard Pearson. (5 some 1899, pt. 1: 154-175.) Prepared In Sept., 1890, and read before Amer. Veter- inary Assn. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 275 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Livestock — cont'd Insi'ectio.n — cont'd Tuberculosis — cont'd rcnnsylvaiiia — cont'd 1899. Penn. plan for controlling tuberculosis in cattle; by Leonard Pearson. (5 same 1899 pt. 1: 458-475.) . Extracts from the rules and regulations of the state live stock sanitary board of Penn. resp. tuber- culous cattle. (Dept. of agric. Bull. 82: 81-Si;.) 1900. The repression of tuberculosis of cattle by sani- tation; an acct. of a special investigation to deter- mine influence of good and bad stabling conditions on spread of tuberculosis; by L. Pearson, ((i A.R. dept. [24 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1900 pt. 1: 653-6G9.) 1901. Same. 24 pp. (Dept. of agric. bull. no. 74.) . Tuberculosis of cattle and the Penn. plan for its repression; by L. Pearson and M. P. Ravenel, with paper on tuberculosis of cattle and its repression in Denmark; by B. Bang. 262 pp. (Dept. of agric. bull. no. 75.) Typhus A form of typus affecting the horse in Penn.; by B. Michener. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880: 196-205.) See above, Horses and Mules, this date. 1880. C. OXEN 1874. Sheep See also Prices. 1796. Rept. of committee on petition from Bucks and Montgomery cos. resp. damages to sheep by dogs. (House Jol. 1795/6: 324.) 1809. Rept. of grand [select] committee (Gordon) on res. for encouraging raising of sheep and cultiva- tion of hemp and flax. {Same 1808/9; 544-546.) 1836. Rept. of committee on agric. (Oliver) upon peti- tion of sundry inhabitants of Allegheny Co. rel. to improvement of breed of sheep. (Same 1835/6 v. 2: 627-628 (doc. 178).) 1855. Address delivered by P. A. Browne before state agric. socy. at ann. exhibition. (3 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1855: 86-98.) On difference betw. sheep's hair and sheep's wool, facllit.T of U. S. to produce both and thus build up domestic industry and supply foreign countries ; Penn. behind Bister states In this industry. . Description of Tartar or Shanghai sheep recently introduced into U. S.; by A. Clement. (4 same 1856: 366-367.) [1871.] On breeding and mngmnt. of sheep; by D. A. A. Nichols, (v. S Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1871/2: 97-103.) 1873. Essay on sheep husbandry; by E. Reeder. (v. 9 same 1872/3: 55-61.) . Washing and shearing sheep, etc.; by S. Hoag- land. (v. 9 same 1872/3: 145-147.) [1874.] The sheep bot-fly: the fly, grubs, remedies, (v. 10 same 1874/5: 2S0-2S2.) 1874. Res. that committee be apptd. to draft bill asking legisl. to enact law for protection of sheep from dogs. (v. 10 .Sflme 1874/5: 32.) 1878. The best breed of sheep for profit [in Penn.], by E. Reeder. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1878: 54-65.) 1880. International exhibition of sheep, wool and wool products held at Phila., Sept. 20-25, under auspices of Penn. state agric. socy. (A.R. state agric. socy. 1881: 127-148.) 1881. Abstr. of proceedings at wool growers' and wool manufacturers' convention held in Washington, D. C. in answer to a call of the comr. of agric. for a meeting to be held during the international sheep exhibition. (Same 1881: 148-150.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Livestock — cont'd Shkki" — cont'd 1885-1895. Schedule of no. of sheep in Pa. (1 A.R. dept. of agric. 1S95 pt. 1: plate facing p. 223.) 1887. See above. Agriculture, this date. 1888. See above. Agricultural Education. Farmers' In- stitutes, this date. . The relation of the tariff to the prosperity of sheep husbandry; by Hen. John G. Clark. (37 and 38 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1888: 70-74.) . Sheep of the Ohio Valley as they were and as they are; by .John C. McNary. (37 and 38 same 1888; 279-285.) 1891. Sheep husbandry; by A. H. Olmstead. (45 and 46 same 1891: 230-234.) 1892. See above. Agriculture, this date. Note. . Should sheep be taxed as well as dogs? by Saml. Shillinger. (49 and 50 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1892: 35-36.) 1893. Sheep; by Emanuel Stoner. (51 same 1893: 34- 35.) . Sheep; by Levi Wilson. (51 same 1893: 84.) . Sheep husbandry; by James E. Stephens. (50 ■snme 1893: 20-21.) 1894. Sheep husbandry; by S. C. Thompson. (53 same 1894: 64.) . Sheep for profit; by McKee Davis. (53 same 1894: 119.) . Sheep husbandry; by J. L. Molyneux. (53 same 1894: 123.) . The merino of the future; by A. M. Garland. (52 same 1894: 20-24.) 1900/1. The maintenance ration of sheep; by Wells W. Cooke. (Rept. Penn. state college pt. 2, agric. exper. station 1900/1: 238-294.) 1901. See above, Laws, this date. Bucks County 1796. See above, the general group, this date. 1883. Sheep in Bucks Co. fast disappearing from farms. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 17.) Columbia County 1882. Sheep raising in Columbia Co. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882; 30-31.) Fayette County 1855. Breeds of sljeep in Fayette Co. and chief char- acteristics of each. (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. [1854]: 146.) Jefferson County 1883. Sheep in Jefferson Co.; foot-rot; prices. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 28.) Lancaster County 1883. Sheep in Lancaster Co.; itch. (21 and 22 quar- terly repts. bd. agric. 1883; 30.) Montgomery County 1796. See above, the general group, this date. Susquehanna County 1825. Rept. of committee on agric. and domestic mafres. (Dewart) on petition for formation of an assn. witli corporate powers, for the encouragement of domestic mntres. and agric. and raising and im- proving the breed of sheep, etc., in Susquehanna Co., with a capital of ?50,000. (Sen. jol. 1824/5: 184.) Washington County 1887. Why Washington Co. should be proud of her flocks; bv John G. Clark. (34 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1887: 72-76.) Pride In sheep and other stock. 276 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Livestock — cont'd SWLNE 1805. Kept, of committee (Harris) on petition from Lycoming Co. resp. regulation of fences and apptmt. of appraisers in eacli township in Bedford, North- umberland, Westmoreland, Washington and Fayette cos., and to encourage the raising of swine. (Sen. jol. 1804/5: 291.) 1871-1880. Table: no., value per head and total value of swine in Penn. (10 quarterly rept. Penn. bd. agric. 1880: 43; 4 A.R. bd. agric. 1880: 59.) . Same. (8 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1879/80: 176.) 1885. Cost of pork. (9 A.R. bd. of agric. 1885: 50-51.) 1894. Raising hogs; by Danl. Pershing. (53 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 25-26.) 1903. Swine in Penn.; decrease in no. raised probably due to introduction of compound lard. (A.R. dairy and food comr. (Warren) 1903: 20.) Bucks County 1883. Swine in Bucks Co.; prices of pork, sausage, and pigs. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 17.) Clinton County 1883. Scarcity of hogs in Clinton Co.; shipments from the west. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agrlc. 1883: 22.) Fayette County 1855. Suffolk breed of hogs popular in Fayette Co. (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. [1854]: 146.) 1894. Butchering hogs in Fayette Co.; by Danl. Persh- ing. (53 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 11.) Jefferson County 1883. Hogs in Jefferson Co.; price, terly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 28.) (21 and 22 quar- Lancaster County 1883. Swine in Lancaster Co.; high price. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 30.) Manures; see below, Soils, etc. Melon; see above, Crops. Fruit Mules; see above, Livestock, Horses, etc. Oats; see above, Crops. Grain Oxen; see above, Livestock Pea; see above, Crops. Vegetable Peach; see above. Crops. Fruit Pear; see above, Crops. Fruit Periodicals; see above. Agricultural Press Plum; see above, Crops. Fruit Potato; see above, Crops. Vegetable Poultry Raising serial 1902-1904. Rept. of committee on poultry. In Documents as follows : Norria G. Temple, chairman 1002 In 8 A.R. dept. [2G A.R. bil] of agrlc. 1902 pt. 2: 5;i-56. 1903 In 9 A.R. dept. [27 A.U. bd.] of agric. 1903:040- 644. 1904 In 10 A.R. dept. [28 A.R. bd.] of ngrlc. 1904:424- non-serial 1377. Our poultry interests; by A. M. Dickie. (1 A.R. bd. agric. 1877: 244-248.) . Our poultry interests: by Dr. A. M. Dickie, (v. 12 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1877: 385-389.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Poultry Raising — cont'd 7ion-serial — cont'd 1878. Our poultry interests; paper by Dr. Dickie set- ting forth necessity of scientific investigation of diseases of poultry of the state. (1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877: 141-144.) 1880. Poultry as a farm crop In Penn. ; by. A. M. Dickie. (4 same 1880: 205-207.) 1887. Does poultry pay? by Mrs. J. Ernest Scott. (34 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1887: 60-64.) 1888. Pure-bred poultry; by W. B. German. (37 and 38 same 1888: 132-133.) . Poultry culture for profit; by Harry F. Church. (37 and 38 same 1888: 21-24.) . Poultry for profit; by D. B. Esh. (37 and 38 same 1888: 9-12.) . Poultry as a source of profit on the [Penn.] farm; by E. Reeder. (12 A.R. bd. of agric. 1888: 293-294.) 1889. Is there any profit in poultry? by Chas. Kester. (39 and 40 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1889: 79-80.) . Profit in poultry; by W. B. German. (39 and 40 same 1889: 77-79.) . Management of poultry; by Henry Rote. (39 and 40 same 1889: 75-77.) . Poultry raising for profit; by L. W. Finley. (39 and 40 same 1889: 187-189.) 1891. The ups and downs of the poultry business; by Wm. T. Creasy. (45 same 1891: 218-222.) . The artificial hatching of poultry; by S. V. Ben- net. (45 and 46 same 1891: 160-162.) . The care of poultry; by Miss M. Alice Meyer. (45 and 46 same 1891: 158-160.) . Breeding and raising poultry; by W. A. Yerkes. (45 and 46 same 1891: 119-122.) . How to get a basket of eggs in Jan.; by John D. Harp. (45 and 46 same 1891: 207-208.) . Poultry as a farm crop; by Eastburn Reeder. (15 A.R. bd. agric. 1891: 315-317.) 1892. A season in the poultry yard; by Miss M. Alice Meyer. (49 and 50 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1892: 295-298.) . Eggs in winter; by Albert R. Craig. (49 and 50 same 1892: 253-255.) . Pleasures and profits of poultry keeping; by Mrs. C. A. Stranahan. (49 and 50 same 1892: 4347.) . Which do you consider the most profitable, poultry culture or dairying? by Irving Chopin. (49 and 50 same 1892: 227-231.) 1893. Does poultry raising pay? by Oliver D. Schock. (50 some 1893: 25-28.) . Chickens and their cousins; by J. O. AUeman. (50 same 1893: 74-79.) . Poultry for profit; by Col. J. A. Stable. (50 same 1893: 125-126.) . Poultry on the farm; by J. D. McClintic. (50 same 1893: 142-143.) . Poultry for profit; by Milton Work. (50 same 1893: 120-122.) . Squab raising for market; by Edwd. R. Kirk. (50 same 1893: 45-48.) 1894. The poultry industry; by Norris G. Temple. (52 same 1894: 35-40.) . Rearing chicks in brooders; by Mrs. R. E. Knapp. (53 same 1894: 26-27.) . Profit of poultry; by L. O. dinger. (53 same 1894: 15.) . Poultry for profit; by K. P. Allshouse. (53 same 1894: 01-62.) . Poultry for profit; by Wm. H. Heath. (53 same 1894: 129.) . Poultry on the farm; by Mrs. John Gaillard. (53 same 1894: 20-21.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 277 GRICULTURE— cont'd Poultry Raising — cont'd non-srrinl — cont'd 1896. Diseases of poultry and the furred and feathered enemies of domestic fowls |of Penn. 1 ; by state veterinarian and state zoologist. 128 pp., illus. (Dept. of aKrlc. bull. no. 17.) Leonard ronrson and B. II. Warren. 1897. Diseases and enemies of poultry. Special rept. by L. Pearson and B. H. Warren. 1 v. in 2 pts., IK!, 749 pp., col. pi., illus. Not Been. Entry from Bowker. 1900/1-1903/4. See above. Agriculture. Pennsylvania, serial group B, series 3. Columbia County 1882. Cliicken cholera in Columbia Co. (IS quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 30.) . Same. (16 and 17 same Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 9.) Penn. State Poultry Assn. 1900-1902. Penn. State Poultry Assn.; list of officers; constitution. (5 A.R. dept. [23 A.R. bd.l of agric. 1899 pt. 2 (pp. 92-93)— 7 same 1901.) Premiums Crops; see above, Crops Faiks; see above, Fairs Ramee; see above, Crops. Fiber Raspberry; see above, Crops. Fruit Receipts and Expenditures 1867-1880. Apprns. of state of Me. to her land grant college. (A.R. Penn. State College 1879/80: 4.) 1901. Stmt, showing sums appropriated by state legis- latures to land grant colleges for agric. purposes. (Same 1901/2 pt. 1: 17.) PENNSYLVANIA 1889. Comparison of state apprns. of Penn. for benefit of agric. with that of other states. (13 A.R. bd. agric. 1889: 28-30.) 1891/2-1895/6. Apprns. made by state for agric. educa- tion. (A.R. Penn. State College 1896 pt. 1: 22-23.) Board op Aoriculture 1878/9-1894/5. Table: expenditures tor maintenance of the bd. of agric. (A.R. auditor gen. 1878/9: (p. 149) —same 1894/5.) 1880. Financial stmt, of bd. (5 A.R. bd. agric. 1881: 4-5.) . Tables: acct. of secy, of the bd. (Edge). (11 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Dec, Jan. and Feb. 1880/1: 4.) 1887. Financial rept. of secy, of bd. (36 same 1887: 8-9.) Department of Agriculture 1894/5-1903/4. Table: expenditures on acct. of dept. of agric. (A.R. auditor gen. 1894/5 (pp. 262-263) — some 1903/4.) 1895. Dept. of agric: old and new system; expenses contrasted. (Penn. School Journal v. 44: 80-82.) Farmers' Institutes 1894-1895. Table: apprns. for local farmers' institutes; by cos. (18 A.R. bd. agric 1894 (pp. 26-29)— 19 same 1895.) Penn. State College 1855-1874. Stmt, of expenses of rent, full, etc. for each student at Penn. State College. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 470.) 1855-1S95. Rept. of Saml. M. Jackson, state treasurer, In compliance with House res. of Jan. 18, 1895, respecting Penn. State College from its establish- AGRICULTURE— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Penn. State College — cont'd ment as the Farmers' High School in 1855 to date; history of funds, contributions, and acct. of apprns. made. (State prisons, hospitals, etc compiled by auditor gen. [1897] : 225-230; Legisl. Record 1895 v. 1: 686-688.) 1850-1859/60. Financial rept. of Farmers' High School. (Rept. bd. of trustees of Farmers' High School 1850 (pp. 23-25)— .s«»ie 1860/3.) I'aglng from v. 4 Rept. trans, state ngrlc. socy. 1866-1868. Acct. of indebtedness of Agric. College and payment on acct. of same. (v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1864/70: 386-389.) 1S67-1870. Stmt, of anit. realized from sale of Agric. College land scrip, paid to Agric. College for pur- chase of exper. farms. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1867 (pp. 11-13)— .wwe 1870.) 1868. Rept. of the financial agt. (John Hamilton) of the agric. college of Penn, (Ann. stmt, of bd. of trustees of Penn. Agric College 1868: 819-825.) I'nglng from CoUected docs. 18681903/4. Rept. of treasurer in acct. with agric. col- lege of Penn. (Samr 1868 (pp. 825-827)— A.R. Penn. State College 1903/4.) Paging from Collected docs. Beginning with 1888 tlie stmt. Is subdivided Into four headings, viz.: (1) general acct., consLstlng of Interest from land grant fund, re'celpts from students, college farm, and general Income of the institution, from which salaries, rei)airs and gen- eral expenses, etc. are paid; (2) state apprn. acct. into which is deposited nil money reed, from the legisl. under act of Je. 3, 1887: (3) state exper. station acct. ; (4) U. S. exper. station acct. under Hatch act. In ISnn. there are seven items: general acct. with the college, state apprn. acct. of 1887. state appru. acct. of, Eastern and Western Experimental Farm Interest acct., exper. station general acct.. U. S. exper. station acct. In ISOO, the U. S. College act of 1890 Is added (8 Items). In 18ec 20 Military fines and courts martial. (Same 1827/8 V. 2: 77-78 (doc. 37).) _ ,..,,„ 1828 Jan 3 Tolls on turnpike roads in which state hoWs stock. (Same 1827/8 v. 2: 91-92 and foldg. sheet (docs. 46 and 47).) Inspectors' returns. (Same 1828/9 v 2: 550.) Feb 21 Same. (Same 1827/8 v. 2: 819-822.) 1829 Jan 15 Fees. (Same 1829/30 v. 2: 585.) - Jan. 28. Same. (Same 1829/30 v. 2: 609-610.) Feb. 9. Inspector's returns. (Same 1828/9 v. 2. 550.) Feb 9 Returns of Inspectors of bark, flour, salted provisions, domestic distilled spirits, butter and lard. (Same 1828/9 v. 2: 550 (doc. 186).) 1830 Jan. 2. Stmt, of debts due on loans by commo'i- wealth. (Same 1829/30 v. 2: 572-579 (docs. 176-177) , ^'^Dof^cT: Govrm!ss.\f Jan. 14, 1830. of wWch 500 Mch. 6. Militia fines. (Sen. Jol. 1829/30 [v. 1]: 331-333.) Daniel Sturgeon, auditor gen. May 3, 1830-May (?), 1836 1831 Feb. 10. Inspectors' returns. (Sen. jol. 1830/1 v. 1: 253-256.) 1832 Dec. 19. Co. rates and levies. (House jol. 1832/3 V. 2: 187-230 (docs. 66-67).) Dec 19. Taxes in each co.; valuation of real and personal property. (Sen. jol. 1832/3 [v. 1]:145- 147.) 1833 Jan. 9. State loans. (Some 1832/3 [v. 1]: 195-196.) Jan 23. Articles inspected at port of Phila. 1830- 1832. (Same 1832/3 [v. 1]: foldg. table betw. pp. 288-289.) Feb. 9. State loans. (Same 1832/3 v. 2: 529-589.) 1834 Dec. 16. Common school fund. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 117-119 (doc. 51).) 1835 Jan. 12. Bank notes in circulation. (Sen. jol. 1834/5 V. 2: 363.) Jan. 28. State debt. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 513 and foldg. table (doc. 113).) Feb. 10. Officers, agts., foremen and laborers on Penn. Canal and their salaries. (Same 1834/5 v. 2: 556-562 (doc. 149).) Feb. 10. Rept. of auditor gen. (Sturgeon) rel. to officers and agts. upon Penn. Canal and (Same 1834/5 V. 2: 556-561 (doc. 149).) AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE— cont'd Salary; see Salaries: State. Executive — cont'd no7i-serial — cont'd First Period — cont'd 1789-1851— cont'd Under Appointment by the Governor — cont'd Daniel Sturgeon, auditor gen. — cont'd May 3, 1830-May (?), 1836— cont'd 1835. Same, separate. Harrisburg: Welsh and Patter- son, 1S35. 8 pp. Copy seen In Library Co. of Phlla. and In Amer. Phllos. Socy. 1000 copies were ordered prtd. in English and" .500 in German. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 1 : 359.1 • — — Feb. 10. Officers and agts. upon Penn. Canal and (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 556-561 (doc. 149).) • Feb. 10. Officers, agts., etc. upon Penn. Canal and (Same 1834/5 v. 2: 556-562 (doc. 149).) 1836 Jan. 12. Co. rates and levies. (Same 1835/6 v. 2: 233-234.) Feb. 19. Correcting list of employes on canals and transmitted Feb. 12. (Same 1835/6 v. 2: 584 (doc. 145).) Nathaniel P. Hobart, auditor gen. May (?), 1836-May 6, 1839 1836 Dec. 16. Damages by canal and (Sen. jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 42-45.) Dec. 20. Bank returns; circular of inquiry of Nov. 21, 1836. (Same 1836/7 v. 1: 104-105.) 1837 Jan. 20. State employes Nov. 1, 1836. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 397-434 (docs. 115-116).) May 15. Jt. rept. with secy, of the Common- wealth resp. judges and their compensation. Har- risburg: Prtd. by Thompson & Clark, 1837. 11 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. Je. 20. [Jt. letter with] secy, of commonwealth (Burrowes), ace. with a rept. on the expenses of general education and stmts, of the school fund, etc. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Thompson & Clark, 1837. 23 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. Dec. 20. [Bank stmt, prepared for the Conven- tion.] Philadelphia: Prtd. by Thompson & Clark, 183S. 55 pp., foldg. table. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1838 Feb. 3. Scrip issued by W. B. Mitchell, late supt. of Columbia R.R. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 470-471 (doc. 112).) Mch. 12. Paper currency. (Same 1837/8 v. 2: 747-771 (doc. 152).) ■ . Same, separate. Not seen. 1000 copies ordered prtd. in English and 500 copies in German. (House Jol. 1837/8 v. 1 : 712.) Mch. 29. Holders of state loans Nov. 1, 1837. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 787-817 (doc 166).) Apr. 12. Returns of brigade inspectors. (Sen. jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 653-657.) 1839 Feb. 20. Receipts and expenditures of public works, 1836-1838. (House jol. 1838/9 v. 2 [pt. 11: 770-771, 4 foldg. tables.) George R. Espy, auditor gen. May 6, 1839-May 4, 1842 Also romr. of Internal Improvement Fund 1826/7- 1S41/2 ; see Canals, etc. : Individual (State). Penn. Canal [and U.K.). Canal Fund. 1838 Jan. 14. Canal betw. Huntingdon and HoUidays- burg. (House jol. Jan. 1840 v. 2 [pt. 1]: 225-364 (doc. 18).) 1839 May 22. Preservation of books and papers In auditor's dept. (Same 1838/9 v. 2 [pt. 1]: 929-930 (doc. 161); Sen. jol. 1838/9 v. 2: 873.) May 30. Tioga and Tunkhannock lines of No. Br. division of Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1838/9 v. 1: 961-962.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 293 AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE— cont'd Salary; see Salaries: State. Executive — cont'd non-serial — cont'd First PEniOD — cont'd 1789-1851— cont'd TTn»l»T Apiioiutnient by the Ciovcrnor — cont'd George R. Kspy, auditor gen. — cont'd May 6, lS39-May 4, 1842— cont'd 1839 Je. 5. Payments on Tioga and Tunkhannock lines of No. Branch Division of Penn. Canal, (tiamc 1838/9 V. 2: 74G-749.) Je. 7. Judicial salaries, 1837/8. (Same 1838/9 v. 2: 750-751.) 1840 Jan. 14. Canal betw. Huntingdon and HoUidays- burg. (.^amr 1840 v. 2: 121-254.) Jan. 15. Repair of canal betw. Huntingdon and Hollidaysburg. Harrisburg: Holbrook, Henlock & Bratton, v. 2. 15 pp. Copy seen In N. T. Public Library. 1000 copies in English nnd 500 in German ordered prtd. by the Senate and House resp. (Sen. Jol. 1840 v. 1 : 8ti ; House Jol. 1840 v. 1 : 77.) Jan. 27. Public improvements; officers, salaries and other expenses. (House jol. 1840 v. 2 [pt. 1]: 415-423 (doc. 70).) Feb. 7. Bank bills in circulation, etc. (.Same 1840 V. 2 [pt. 1]: 452-456 (doc. 87).) Feb. 17. Manner of keeping accts. of public Im- provements. (Some Jan. 1840 v. 2 pt. 2: 67-69 (doc. 104).) Feb. 17. Fees paid 0. F. Johnson and J. M. Porter for professional services in suits agst. president judges. (Same 1840 v. 2 [pt. 1]: 392-394 (doc. 23).) Apr. 2. Troops at Harrisburg riots In Dec, 1838. (Same 1840 v. 2 pt. 2: 458 (doc. 142).) 1841 Jan. 15. Expenses on public works. (Same 1841 V. 2: 98-100 (doc. 22).) Feb. 9. Contractors and contract prices on She- nango line of Erie Extension, Penn. Canal. (Same 1841 V. 2: 164 and foldg. table (doc. 85).) Feb. 9. Work on Shenaugo Line of Erie Exten- sion. (Same 1841 v. 2: 164, 2 foldg. tables.) ■ • Feb. 11. Contracts and contract prices on Western division of Penn. Canal. (Same 1841 v. 2: 166 and foldg. table (doc. 89).) Feb. 11. Contracts on Western Division of Penn. Canal. (Same 1S41 v. 2: 166, 2 foldg. tables.) Feb. 13. Juniata Division of Penn. Canal. (Same 1841 V. 2: 172, 2 foldg. tables.) Feb. 16. Wyoming line of North Branch Division, Penn. Canal. (Same 1841 v. 2: 332, 3 foldg. tables (doc. 97).) Feb. 16. U. S. Bank. (Same 1841 v. 2: 333, 10 foldg. tables (doc. 98).) Feb. 17. Tunkhannock Line of North Branch Division, Penn. (Same 1841 v. 2: 334 (doc. 99).) Feb. 19. Tioga Line North Branch Canal. (Same 1841 v. 2: 356, foldg. table (doc. 102).) Feb. 19. U. S. Bank. (Same 1841 v. 2: 369, foldg. table (doc. 104).) Feb. 19. Election of directors of banks of city and CO. of Phila. (Same 1841 v. 2: 357-368 (doc. 103).) Feb. 22. U. S. Bank. (Same 1841 v. 2: 409 and foldg. sheet betw. pp. 412 and 413 (doc. 108).) Mch. 12. Acct. current for erection of an office for auditor gen. (Same 1841 v. 2: 475-477 (doc. 126).) Mch. 25. Moneys in hands of persons employed on public works. (Sen. jol. 1841 v. 2: 383-384 (doc. 41).) ■ Mch. 26. Defalcation of Frederick Fritz, late col- lector of tolls on Phila. and Columbia R.R. (Same 1841 V. 1: 574.) AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE— cont'd Salary; see Salaries: State. Executive — cont'd non-serial — cont'd FinsT Pei'.iod — cont'd 1789-1851— cont'd Under Appointment by the Governor — cont'd Oeorge R. Espy, auditor gen. — cont'd May 6, 1839-May 4, 1842— cont'd 1841 Mch. 29. Suit agst. Frederick Fritz, late collector at Phila. (Same 1841 v. 1: 595-596.) Mch. 31. Balances due state, 1830-1840. (House jol. 1841 v. 2: 511-524.) Mch. 31. Ann. expenditure on canal and r.r. routes. (Sen. jol. 1841 V. 1: 611.) Mch. 31. Expenditures on canal and r.r. routes. (Same 1841 v. 1: 611.) Mch. 31. Balances due state by various officials. (House jol. Jan. 1841 v. 2: 510-524.) Apr. 3. Columbia and Phila. R.R. (Same 1841 v. 2: 528-529 (doc. 153).) Apr. 18. Nicholson Court. (Same 1841 v. 2: 486- 487 (doc. 132).) 1842 Jan. 12. Banks. (Same 1842 app. to v. 2: 118-119.) . Communications transmitting returns of banks. Harrisburg: Henlock & Bratton, 1842. 120 pp., foldg. tables. Contents : Bank stmt, transmitted .Tan. 14. 1842. 120 pp. Mo. stmt, of Bank of U. S. transmitted Jan. 11, 1842. p. 116 and foldg. tables. Communication of .Tan. 12. 1842, transmitting stmt, of names and location of banks Jan. 18. Bank of Penn. (House jol. Jan. 1842 app. to V. 2: 115-117.) Feb 3. Tolls on North Branch and Susquehanna division of Penn. Canal. (Same 1842 v. 2: 209 (doc. 75).) Feb. 4. Officers on public works, salary, etc. (Same 1842 v. 1: 217-242 (doc. 80).) Feb. 21. State tax paid in 1841 and population of each CO., 1840. (Same 1842 v. 2: 286-288 (doc. 95).) Feb. 28. Coal tonnage and tolls on state canal in 1841. (Same 1842 v. 2: 340.) Feb. 28. Coal transported on state canal; tolls. (Same 1842 v. 2: 340 (doc. 101).) Mch. 1. Co. assessments. (Same 1842 v. 2: 348, foldg. table (doc. 104).) • Mch. 2. Circular to banks. (Same 1842 v. 2: 485- 487.) Mcli. 14. Officers and employes on public works. (Sen. jol. 1842 v. 2: 141-166 (doc. 19).) Mch. 16. Erie Extension of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1842 V. 2: 449-454 (doc. 121).) Mch. 17. Transmittal of replies to bank circular of Mch. 2. (Same 1842 v. 2: 455-556 (doc. 122).) . Same, separate. Not seen. 500 copies were ordered prtd. (House jol. 1842 v. 1 : 827.) The replies are also prtd. In Senate Jol. 1842 v. 2 : 239- :i42 (doc. 27). Mch. IS. Copies of official returns reed, of state tax assessed for 1842. (Sen. jol. 1842 v. 2: 426-514 (doc. 32).) Mch. 18. Official returns of taxes assessed. (House jol. 1842 V. 2: 561-650 (doc. 124).) Mch. 26. State tax of 1842. (Sen. jol. 1842 v. 1: 215-216 (doc. 22).) Mch. 31. Assessments from Lancaster. Lehigh and Monroe cos. for 1842. (House jol. 1842 v. 2: 750-755 (doc. 143).) Apr. 1. Canal and r.r. accts. (Same 1842 v. 2: 756, foldg. table betw. pp. 764 and 765 (doc. 144).) 294 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE— cont'd Salary; see Salaries: State. Executive — cont'd non-serial — cont'd First Period — cont'd 1789-1851— cont'd Under Appointment by the Governor — cont'd William F. Packer, auditor gen. May 4, 1842-May 1, 1845 1842 Je. 28. Credits entered on books of his dept. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1842 v. 1: 955-960.) Je. 30. Militia fines. (House jol. 1842 v. 2: 787- 788 (doc. 168).) • Jly. 5. Funded debt of state. (Sen. jol. 1842 v. 1 (p. 1003)— same v. 2: 367-368.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 1000 copies in Engllsli ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1842 T. 1 : 1004.) Jly. 7. Bank stmt. (Sen. jol. 1842 v. 1: 369-424 (doc. 31).) . Tax assessments. (Same 1842 v. 1: 893-894.) 1843 Jan. 7. Notes issued by authority of act of May 4, 1841, redeemed for conversion of state loan. (Same Jan. 1843 v. 1: 62-G3.) Jan. 26. Taxes on dividends declared by incor- porated cos. (House jol. Jan. 1843 v. 2: 206-207 (doc. 51).) Jan. 27. List of employes in his office and their salaries. (Sen. jol. 1843 v. 1: 240-241.) Jan. 31. Delaware division of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1843 v. 2: 227-253 (doc. 56).) Feb. 7. Tax on offices. (Same 1843 v. 2: 295 (doc. 66).) Feb. 10. Contracts upon public improvements. (Same Jan. 1843 v. 2: 303 (doc. 73).) Feb. 20. Credits allowed on his books under provs. of res. of Apr. 7, 1842. (Same 1843 v. 1: 448- 449.) Mch. 24. Public defaulters. (Sen. jol. 1843 v. 2: 270-285 (doc. 15).) Mch. 31. Receipts and expenditures in motive power dept. of Columbia and Phila. R.R. (Same 1843 v. 2: 286-291.) 1844 Jan. 29. Payment of laboring creditors. (Same 1844 v. 2: 60-61 (doc. 12).) Jan. 31. Receipts for state taxes and payments for educational purposes. (Same Jan. 1844 v. 2: 62- 65 (doc. 13).) Jan. 31. State taxes and payments for educational purposes, 1841-1843. (Same Jan. 1844 v. 2: 62-65 (doc. 13).) Feb. 9. State tax due for 1842 and 1843. (House jol. 1844 v. 2: 297-298 (doc. 35).) Feb. 13. Funded debt. (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 2: 133- 134 (doc. 20).) Feb. 14. Public prtg. of the several depts. in 1842 and 1843. (Same 1844 v. 2: 134-140.) Mch. 11. Claims due commonwealth from persons employed on public works. (Same 1844 v. 2: 147-149 (doc. 27).) Mch. 20. Warrants drawn by speaker of House. (House jol. 1844 v. 2: 394-395.) Mch. 30. Taxes, 1830-1843. (Same 1844 v. 2: 420- 423, foldg. table (doc. 70).) Apr. 11. Delinquent collectors and supervisors on public works of state. (Same 1844 v. 2: 444-446 (doc. 77).) 1845 Jan. 14. Receipts and expenditures on public im- provements. (House jol. 1845 v. 2: 210 (doc. 14).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1845, 2 11. Jan. 24. Insane asylum. (Sen. jol. 1845 v. 2: 161- 167 (doc. 21).) AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE— cont'd Salary; see Salaries: State. Executive — cont'd non-serial — cont'd First Period — cont'd 1789-1851— cont'd Under Appointment by the Governor — cont'd William F. Packer, auditor gen. — cont'd May 4, 1842-May 1, 1845— cont'd 1845 Jan. 29. A tabular stmt. rel. to tax on real and personal estate. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1845. 13 pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn., Free Library of Phlia., nnd library of the Library Co. of Phila. . Same. (Sen. jol. 1845 v. 2: 174-183.) Jan. 30. Accts. due state from collectors and others on canals and (Same 1845 v. 2: 197- 201 (doc. 287).) Feb. 19. Militia fines. (Same 1845 v. 2: 215 (doc. 40).) Feb. 28. Inspections and fees of Inspectors. (Same 1845 v. 2: 267-271 (doc. 46).) • ■ Apr. 8. Acct. of committee on library. (Same 1845 v. 2: 332-333 (doc. 60).) Apr. 8. Receipts and payments on acct. of Nichol- son estate. (Some 1845 v. 2: 331 (doc. 59).) Joint rept. with treasurer. John N. Purviance, auditor gen. May 1, 1845-1851 1846 Jan. 15. Jt. rept. with state treasurer (Snowden) as to balances due from defaulters to the Common- wealth. (Sen. jol. 1846 v. 2: 419-433.) Jan. 19. Funding interest certificates. (House jol. 1846 V. 2: 229-231 (doc. 19).) Jan. 22. Original holders of uncancelled domestic creditor scrip. (Same 1846 v. 2: 255-261 (doc. 26).) Jan. 30. Services of J. J. M'Cahen for collecting public moneys. (Sen. jol. 1842 v. 2: 260-262 (doc. 35).) Feb. 4. Revenue and expenditures on public works. (Same 1846 v. 2: 263-270 (doc. 37).) Feb. 24. Erie Bank. (Same 1846 v. 2: 296-297 (doc. 48).) McK 24. Prtrs." accts. 1844/5. (House jol. 1846 v. 2: 452-477 (doc. 73).) Apr. 8. Returns of co. auditors; 1840/1-1843/4. (Sen. jol. 1846 v. 2: 401-418 (doc. 62).) 1847 Jan. 26. Conneaut line of Penn. Canal. (House jol. Jan. 1847 v. 2: 256-259; Sen. jol. 1847 v. 2: 346- 349 (doc. 37).) Feb. 9. Extra pay, etc. on canals and roads. (House jol. 1847 v. 2: 272-273 (doc. 41).) Feb. 19. Conneaut line, Erie Extension of Penn. Canal. (Same Jan. 1847 v. 2: 342; Sen. jol. 1847 v. 1: 290; V. 2: 342 (doc. 33).) 1848 Jan. 20. Damages on Conneaut line, Erie Exten- sion, Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1848 v. 2: 241-243 (doc. 24); House jol. V. 2: 263-265 (doc. 28).) Jan. 26. Increase of revenue. (House jol. 1848 v. 2: 304-311 (doc. 40).) Joint rept. with secy, of commonwealth (Miller) and state treasurer (Banks). Jan. 29. Escheats. (Sen. jol. 1848 v. 2: 465 (doc. 69).) Feb. 7. State tax on real and personal estate and amt. paid to common schools, 1841-1847. (House jol. 1848 V. 2: 336-349 (doc. 45).) Mch. 1. Militia expenses. (Sen. joL 1848 v. 2: 467-468 (doc. 71).) Mch. 1. Bank dividends in 1847. (House jol. Jan. 1848 v. 2: 380-383 (doc. 52).) 1849 Jan. 9. Damages on Columbia R.R. 1840-1848. (Sen. jol. 1849 v. 2: 309-312.) Feb. 7. Defalcations in Monroe Co. (Same 1849 V. 2: 490-491 (doc. 69).) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 295 AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE— cont'd Salary; see Salaries: State. Executive — cont'd non-serial — cont'd I'"iKST rt:iiio[) — cont'd 1789-1851— cont'd Under Appolntnu'Ut by tUe Covernor — cont'd John N. Purviancc. auditor gen. — cont'd May 1, 1845-1851— cont'd 1849 Feb. 16. Payments into state treasury by county officers of Phila., 1S39-1849. (t^ame 1849 v. 2: 254- 257.) Feb. 26. Jt. rept. with state treasurer (Plumer) resp. revenue. (House jol. 1849 v. 2: 335 (doc. 31).) Mch. 2. Fees of deputy atty. gens. (Sen. jol. 1849 V. 2: 262-263 (doc. 20).) Mch. 24. Expenditures on Allegheny Portage R.R. (House jol. 1849 v. 2: 590-649 (doc. 81).) Mch. 31. Claim of Green, Dorsey & Co. for ma- terials furnished on the Juniata Division of Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1849 v. 2: 488-489 (doc. 68).) Apr. 6. Claim of John Brotherline; work on Penn. Canal. (Same 1849 v. 2: 481-482 (doc. 62); House jol. 1849 v. 2: 545-546 (doc. 69).) Apr. 9. Communication from auditor gen. rel. to claim of Wm. Keeler for work done on Tioga Line of North Branch extension of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1849 v. 2: 555-556 (doc. 76) ; Sen. jol. 1849 v. 2: 508-509 (doc. 78).) 1850. Caldwell claim for money due on contract for Gettysburg extension, Penn. R.R. (.Shoic Jan. 1850 V. 2: 578-583; some Jan. 1850 v. 2: 562-567 (doc. 61.) Jan. 8. Apprns. and disbursements on acct. of state library, 1816-1849. (House jol. 1850 v. 2: 76-78 (doc. 8).) Jan. 9. Defalcation of J. Sallade, late surveyor gen. (Sen. jol. 1850 v. 2: 61 (doc. 8).) Feb. 2. Accts. of J. F. M'Cague, late supervisor western div. of Penn. canal. (Same 1850 v. 2: 6S3.) Feb. 4. Accts. of chrm. of jt. library committee, 1847-1849. (House jol. 1850 v. 2: 372-373 (doc. 43).) Feb. 22. Accts. of chrm. of jt. library committee. (Sen. jol. 1850 v. 2: 696-697 (doc. 109).) Mch. 6. Accts. of John B. Johnson, late chrm. of joint library committee. (House jol. 1850 v. 2: 520- 521.) Mch. 9. Claim of J. Hanson for work on North Branch Canal. (SSame 1850 v. 2: 650-654 (doc. 75).) Mch. 9. Claim of John Hanson. (Sen. jol. 1850 v. 2: 634-638 (doc. 69).) Mch. 20. Claim of Bogle, Hall and Bogle, con- tractors on North Branch Canal. (House jol. 1850 V. 2: 666-668 (doc. 82).) Mch. 21. Gettysburg Extension of Penn. Canal and R.R. (Same 1850 v. 2: 699-704.) Apr. 16. Claim of S. Kerr; moneys expended on Beaver Division of Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1850 v. 2: G64-665.) May 10. Clerk hire. (Same 1850 v. 2: 709-710.) 1851 Jan. 29. Tax on tonnage. (Sonic 1851 v. 2: 145- 146 (doc. 11).) Mch. 12. Bank bonuses and premiums on loans. (House jol. Jan. 1851 v. 2: 156-159.) Mch. 27. Banking capital in Penn.; 1841-1850. (Sen. jol. 1851 v. 2: 382 (doc. 25); House jol. v. 2: 318 (doc. 23).) Second Period 1851-date By Election of the People Ephraim Banks, auditor gen. 1851-1857 1851 Feb. 20. Stmt, showing what banks were re- chartered. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1852 v. 2: 320-322 (doc. 36).) (Sen. jol. joint rept. with 1852 v. 2: 422-428 (doc. A. B. Hamilton, AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE— cont'd Salary; see Salaries: State. Executive — cont'd non-serial — cont'd Second Period — cont'd 1851-date — cont'd By Election of the People — cont'd Ephraim Banks, auditor gen. — cont'd 1851-1857— cont'd 1851 Feb. 21. Banks chartered. (House jol. 1852 v. 2: 384-386 (doc. 37).) 1852 Feb. 9. Cost, revenue and expenditures of public works of Penn. (Sen. jol. 1852 v. 2: 160-176 (doc. 32).) .It. rept. with state trciiaurcr (Blckel). . Same, separate, n. t. p. 16 pp. Copy seen In the New York Public Library. Feb. 12. County and city indebtedness 1852 V. 2: 327-328.) Mch. 10. Escheats and alleged escheats 1838-1852. (House jol. 1852 v. 2: 387-406.) . Same, separate, n. t. p. 22 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. ot Penn. Mch. 20. Deposit in U. S. Bank auditor gen. (House jol 42).) May 1. Taxes upon bank capital and bank divi- dends. (Sen. jol. 1852 v. 1: 963.) 1854 Jan. 26. Cost, revenue and expenditure of public works of Penn. to Nov. 30, 1853. (Legisl. docs. 1854: 296-308.) Joint rept. with state treasurer (Blckel) . Same, separate. Harrlsburg: 1854. 16 pp. , ^ Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in library of the Library Co. of Phila. Feb. 13. Compensation of co. treasurers. (Legisl. docs. 1854: 640.) Mch. 22. Communication from auditor gen. (Banks) rel. to no. and so. track of the Phila. and Columbia R.R. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 43): 207-208.) Contains a stmt, of the amt. paid each year on the Columbia and Phila. R.R.. 1838-lSo4. and of the amt paid each year. 1835-1853. for locomotive engines for the Columbia and Phila. and Allegheny Portage railroads. , ^ , t- . . / „ 500 copies ordered prtd. (Dally Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 43) : 208.) Mch. 22. Phila. and Columbia and Allegheny Portage (Legisl. docs. 1854: 599-600.) Apr. 20. Joint rept. with state treasurer; tax. (Same 1854: 603.) 1855 Feb. 7. Funded and unfunded debt; joint stmt. with treasurer (Baily). (Same 1855: 467-470.) Feb. 23. English prtg. (Same 1855: 454-456 (doc. 44).) 1856 Jan. 10. Foreign insurance cos. making ann. re- turns and paying tax. (Same 1856: 328-329 (doc. 19).) Jan. 24. Militia tax in Phila. (Same 1856: 346 (doc. 27).) Feb. 12. Refusal of banks to pay taxation. (Same 1856: 578-579 (doc. 61).) 1857 Mch. 20. Williamsport and EUnira R.R. Co. (Daily Legisl. Record 1857 no. 53: 5.) Jacob Fry, auditor gen. 1857-1860 1857 May 11. Information in compliance with House res. of May 6 as to amt. reed, on acct of material disposed of from old Allegheny Portage R.R. since Dec. 1, 1849. (Daily Legisl. Record 1857, no. 96: 3-4.; no. 97: 8; no. 99: 8.) [1. e. 1858). Quarterly stmts, of banks. 1 p. (Legisl. docs. 1858: 463 (doc. 39).) Keply to House res. of Feb. 18. 296 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE— cont'd Salary; see Salaries: State. Executive — cont'd non-seriaJ — cont'd Second Pebiod — cont'd 1851-date — cont'd By Election of the People — cont'd JacoX) Fry, auditor gen. — cont'd 1857-1860— cont'd 1858. Amt. of militia tax reed. 1855-1857. (Same 1858: 494-496 (doc. 44).) Jan. 14. Rept. of auditor gen. on examination of special rept. of state treasurer of Jan. 13. (Legisl. Record 1S5S: 28; Legisl. docs. 1S5S: 414 (doc. 23).) Jan. 29. Tabular stmt, submitted by auditor gen. (Fry) in pursuance of Sec. 25, act of Mcli. 31, 1856 rel. to sale of intoxicating liquors. (Legisl. Record 1858: 292-295; Legisl. docs. 1858: 446-452.) Mch. 1. Fees of notaries public. (Legisl. docs. 1858: 529-545.) Mch. 25. Sinking fund. (Same 1858: 758-760 (doc. 87).) Mch. 29. Joint rept. with treasurer rel. to moneys collected by J. W. Hammond. (Same 1858: 779-782 (doc. 91).) Mch. 30. Communication from auditor-gen. rel. to revenue, expenditures and cost of construction of the several divisions of canals, 1851-1857. (Legisl. docs. 1858: 635-642 (doc. 60).) Mch. 30. Revenue, expenditures, cost of construc- tion of canals; 1851-1857. (Legisl. docs. 1858: 635- 642 (doc. 60).) . Same, separate, n. t. p. 11 pp. Copy seen In Free Library of Phlla. nnd In Hist. Socy. of Penn. S.'jOn copies were ordered printed In English nnd 500 copies In German. (House Jol. Jan. 185S : 641.) Apr. 10. Accts. of late treasurer of city of Phila. (Legisl. docs. 1858:761-765 (doc. 88); Legisl. Record 1858: 493-494.) 1859. State tax paid by Penn. R.R. Co. (Legisl. docs. 1859: 1D45-1049 (doc. 82).) . Bank failures. (Same 1859: 1050 (doc. 84).) Feb. 1. Repts. of mnfg. cos. (Some 1859: 705-707 (doc. 34).) Feb. 7. Capital of banks and brokers. (Same 1859: 739 (doc. 47).) 1860 Jan. 12. Returns made by r.r. cos. (House jol. Jan. 1860: 107-108.) Jan. 26. Jt. rept. with state treasurer and atty. gen. rel. to claims on main line of Penn. Canal. (Legisl. docs. 1860: 765-766 (doc. 21).) Thomas F. Cochran, auditor gen. 1860-1863 1861 Jan. 17. Payment of taxes by Delaware and Hud- son Canal Co. (Legisl. docs. 1861: 450-452 (doc. 17).) Jan. 29. Unadjusted claims on main line of Penn. Canal. (Same 1861: 1102 (doc. 66).) Jt. rept. with the state treasurer and atty. gen. Feb. 12. Tonnage tax due and unpaid by Penn. R.R. Co. (Same 1861: 801 (doc. 36).) Mch. 13. Taxes paid by Erie Canal Co. (Same 1862: 1317 (doc. 82).) Mch. 29. Jt. communication with state treasurer (Moore) rel. to guaranteed interest to stockholders of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co. (Same 1861: 888-890.) 1862. Rept. showing condition of foreign insurance, trust and annuity cos. obtaining license from his office since Mch. 15, 1861. (Legisl. Record 1862: 290-303.) Jan. 30. Taxes paid by Erie Canal Co. (Legisl. docs. 1862: 1255 (doc. 71).) AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE— cont'd Salary; see Salaries: State. Executive — cont'd non-serial — cont'd Second Period — cont'd lS51-date — cont'd By Election of the People — cont'd Thomas F. Cochran, auditor gen. — cont'd 1860-1863— cont'd 1862 Feb. 1. Taxes in different cos. (Same 1862: 867- 869 (doc. 42).) Feb. 24. Receipts and expenditures of land dept. 1S57-186L (Same 1862: 1252-1253.) Apr. 8. Taxes paid by Penn. R.R. Co. (Same 1862: 1319-1320.) 1863 Jan. 22. R.R. repts. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1863: 80.) • Feb. 12. Payments by Atlantic and Ohio Tele- graph Co. 1851-1863. (Legisl. docs. 1863: 1296 (doc. 60).) Feb. 19. Taxes paid by Atlantic and Ohio Tele- graph Co. (Same 1863: 809-810 (doc. 18).) Feb. 20. Taxes paid by telegraph cos. 1851-1862. (Same 1863: 1225-1226 (doc. 50).) Feb. 26. Foreign insurance cos. (Same 1863: 1235-1290 (doc. 54).) Isaac Slenker, auditor gen. 1S63-1866 1863 Jan. 15. Creating loan and arming state. (Legisl. docs. 1864: 1194-1195 (doc. 24).) Feb. 15. Joint communication with Gov. Curtin rel. to land scrip. (Daily Legisl. Record 1864: 189.) 1864 Jan. State loan. (Sa»ne 1864: 51; 58.) Feb. 22. Claims agst. state. (Same 1864: 235- 236.) 1865 Feb. 2. Phila. and Trenton R.R. (Same 1865: 160.) . Same. (Sen. jol. 1865: 159.) 1866 Jan. 29. Arming of the state. (Same 1866: 127.) John F. Hartranjt, auditor gen. 1866-1872 1869 Jan. 26. State tax due and overpaid. (Legisl. docs. 1869: 891-892 (doc. 27).) 1871 Feb. 9. Communication from auditor gen. in reply to House res. requesting information as to amt. of money expended by the state for public prtg. and binding 1868-1870. (Legisl. jol. 1871: 113.) Feb. 9. State expenditure for public prtg. and binding. (House jol. 1871: 283-284.) 1872 Jan. 24. Cost of fitting up halls of Senate and House of Representatives. (Legisl. jol. 1872: 139- 144.) Justus F. Temple, auditor gen. 1875-1878 1877 Feb. 2. Adverse to reduction of his staff or their salaries. (Legisl. Record 1877: 328.) . Same. (House jol. 1877: 162-163.) William P. Schell, auditor gen. 1878-1881 1879 May 31. Finances of Commonwealth. (Sen. Jol. 1879: 1064-1065.) John A. Lemon, auditor gen. 1881-1884 1883 Mch. 13. Mercantile appraisements for 1881 and 1882. (Sen. jol. 1883: 519-523.) Jerome B. Niles, auditor gen. 1884-1887 1887 Mch. 7. Cost of 2d geol. survey. (House jol. Jan. 1887: 449-451.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 297 AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE— cont'd Salary; see Salaries: State. Executive — cont'd non-serial — cont'd Second I'eriod — cont'd 1851-date — cont'd By Election of the People — cont'd David McMurtrie Gregg, auditor gen. 1892-1895 1895 Jan. 8. Prtg. and binding done by public prtr. tor ■World's Fair Comn. (Sen. jol. 1895: 128.) Amos H. Mylin, auditor gen. 1895-1898 1897-1898. See Maintenance, these dates. AUGUR (E. P.) [1875.] Roads, (v. 11 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1876: 59-95.) 1890. Roads. (41 and 42 quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1890: 231-235.) From Conn, agric. rept. Name here is spelled Auger. AUGUSTINE (JONAS) Represent.Ttlve for Somerset Co. 1856-1857, .SO-81 Assem. 1856 Mch. 29. Liquor bill. (Daily Legisl. Record 1856: 386.) 1857 Apr. 20. Sale of public works. {Same 1857 no. 77: 6.) AULL (WILLIAM F.) Commissary-General 1881 ; see MUltla, the serial group. Senator from city of Pittsburg and Allegheny Co. 1883/4. AUMAN (W. E.) County supt. of schools 1885/6-1889/90 ; see Education. Juniata Co. AUMILLER (EMMET U.) County supt. of schools 1885/6-1892/3; see Education. Perry Co. AUSTIN, POTTER CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local AUSTRIA Education; see that title AVALON, ALLEGHENY CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local AVERY (R. N.) County supt. of schools 1S56/7 ; see Education. Beaver Co. 1857. Graded schools in town and country. (Penn. School Journal v. 6: 127-128.) In this publication the Initials are R. M. AVONDALE, CHESTER CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local AVONDALE, DELAWARE CO. Diphtheria at; see Public Health Scarlet Fever; see Public Health Typhoid Fever in; see Public Health AVONMORE, CHESTER CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local AVONMORE, WESTMORELAND CO. Banks; see Banks: Individual. Avonmore AYRCRIGG (B.) 1836 Dec. 13. Exploration of country betw. West Branch improvements and town of Franklin on Allegheny River. (Rept. canal comrs. 1835/6: 137- 143). Paging from Sen. dopt. ed. . Same. (House jol. 1836/7 app. to v. 2: 176-182 (doc. 41).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Boas & Coplan, 1839. 9 pp. Copy seen In Illst. Socy. of Penn. 1837 Feb. Final rept. and estimates of the survey of a canal route betw. the West Branch improvements and the town of Franklin. Harrisburg: S. D. Pat- terson, 1837. 54 pp., 4 foldg. tables. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In Amer. Phil. Socy., Phlla. :;000 copies In English and 1000 In Gerinan were ordered prtd. by the House. (House Jol. 1836/7 V. 1 : 648.) Feb. Same, Sen. ed. Harrisburg: E. Guyer, 1837. 56 pp., tables. Copies seen In Amer. Phil. Socy. and In Columbia Univ. Library. 1000 copies were ordered prtd. by the Senate", 500 In German. (Sen. Jol. 1836/7:473; 499.) Feb. Same. (Sen. jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 385-438; House jol. 1836/7 V. 2: 003-654 (doc. 199).) Feb. Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Boas & Coplan, 1839. 12 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phlla. Feb. Proposed connection of West Branch im- provements with the Allegheny River by canal. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 602-654, 4 foldg. tables (docs. 198-199) ) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: E. Guyer, 1837. 56 pp. Copy seen in Columbia University Library. 1838. Rept. as engr. on Tangascootack and Sinnema- honing extensions, West Branch division of Penn. Canal. (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8: 150-153.) Paging from House doc. ed. Jly. 23. Sinnemahoning Extension of West Branch Division, Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1838/9.) 1839 Feb. Same, suppl. to repts. of Dec. 15, 1836 and Mch. 1, 1S37. Harrisburg: Boas & Coplan, 1839. 61 pp. Copy seen In Amer. Phil. Socy., Phlla. 1840 Feb. 5. Sinnemahoning Extension, No. Branch Division of Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1840 v. 2: 574- 575.) AYRES (WILLIAM) Representative for Dauphin Co. 1833/34-1834/5, 58-59 Assem. Committee on Corporations 1835 Mch. 16. Lombard Co. of Phila. (House jol. 1834/5 V. 1: 565-566.) Mch. 18. Dyottvllle Mnfg. and Banking Co. {Same 1834/5 v. 2: 657 (doc. 201).) BABB (GEO. C.) Member of boaid of appraisers of damages appointed In 1858. BABCOCK (C. A.) City supt. of schools 1883/4-1803/4, see Education. Oil City. BABCOCK (E. V.) 1899. Small-pox in Ashtola. (15 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1898/9 v. 1: 286.) 298 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BACHE (ALEXANDER DALLAS) 1839 Je. 13. Surveys for state map. (House jol. 1838/9 V. 2 [pt. 1]: 106S-1071; Sen. jol. 1838/9 v. 2: 751- 755.) Joint rept. with Wm. P. Alrlch. . Same, separate. Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1838/9 v. 1 : 1083.) BACKUS (SETH A.) 1857. Remarks; log floating. (Daily Leglsl. Record 1857, no. 80: 3-4.) BACON (JOHN) Vice-pres. of Phila. Socy. for .\llevlnting Miseries of Public Prisons. [1837.] Co. jails of Penn. (Sen. jol. 1S37/8 v. 2: 12-15.) BACTERIOLOGICAL CONVENTION; see PUBLIC HEALTH. CONGRESSES, ETC. BADE (W. F.) 1900. Moravian College and Tlieological Seminary; 1807-1900. (3 Bienn. rept. of liigher education 1899/00: 651-654.) Paging from rept. of supt. of public instruction. BADEN, GERMANY Roads; see that title BADOLETT (JOHN) Monongahela and Youghiogheny rivers ; see Canals, etc. Pennsylvania, under dates 1790-1793. BAER (SAMUEL A.) County supt. of schools 1875/6-1879/80 ; see Education. Berks Co.. city supt. of schools 1881/2-1883/4, 1890/1-1895/6 ; see Education. Reading. County supt. of Berks Co. 1877. The educational problem among the German ele- ment. (Penn. School Journal v. 26: 109-113.) 1882. High school and normal school. (Same v. 30: 337-340.) 1884. Education and labor. (Same v. 33: 100-104.) City supt. of Reading 1892. The improvement of teachers in cities and towns. (Penn. School Journal v. 40: 389-390.) 1894. Truancy and irregular attendance. {Same v. 42: 401-403.) 1895. Night schools. (Same v. 43: 390-392.) 1899. Making of a high school course. (Same v. 47: 480-482.) BAGGS (LOUISE D.) Supt. of city schools 1896/7-1903/4; see Education. Bristol. BAILEY (EDWARD) -Menilier of Capital Building Comn. under act of Jly. 18. 1901. BAILEY (H. T.) 1892. Drawing in public schools. (Penn. SchoolJournal v. 41: 106-110.) BAILEY (LOUIS J. C.) 1895. Diphtheria at Leisenrlng. (11 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1894/5: 246.) BAILHACHE (PRESTON H.) 1888. Quarantine at Delaware Breakwater. (4 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1887/8: 489.) BAILY (ABRAHAM) Representative from Chester Co. 1808/9. 1813/3. 1819/20. Senator from Chester Co. 1814/5-1817/8. Representative 1820 Feb. 28. Moore petition resp. monies due from state for Luzerne Co. lands. (House jol. 1819/20: 738-740.) [Select] Committee 1809 Mch. 10. Sale of spirituous liquors on trust. (House jol. 1808/9: 631-632.) BAILY (E. W.) Representative from Chester Co. 1873-1875/6. [Select] Committee 1876 Apr. 26. State treasury; minority rept. (House jol. 1876: 936-939.) BAILY (JOHN P.) See also Canals, etc.: Individual (State). Penn. Canal and R.R. Columbia and Phila. R.R. ; Schuyililll Inclined Plane, under date Feb. 6, 1837. 1836. Rept. as engr. on Columbia plane. (A.R. canal comrs. 1835/6: 59-60.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. -. Rept. as engr. on Gettysburg Extension. 1835/6: 61-68.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. (Some 1836-1838. Rept. as engr. on Main Line of public works. (A.R. canal comrs. 1S35/6 (pp. 59-69)— some 1837/8.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1837 Jan. 30. Bridge over the Susquehanna at Dun- can's Island. (House joL 1836/7 v. 2: 490-491 (doc. 156).) Mch. 17. Bridge at Duncan's Island. (Sen. jol. 1836/7 V. 2: 456-457; House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 729-730.) Nov. 8. Delaware division of Penn. Canal. (A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7: 50-52.) Paging from Collected docs. 1837-1838. Rept. as engr. on Allegheny Portage R.R. (Same 1836/7 (pp. 33-45)— some 1837/8.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. BAILY (JOSEPH) Representative from Chester Co. 1840. Senator from Third District (Montgomery, Chester and Delaware CO.S.) 1843-1845. Senator from Cumberland and Perry cos. 1851-1853. Representative from Chester Co. Committee on Inland Navigation and Internal Improvement 1840 Mch. 7. Minority rept. ; state improvements; pub- lic debt. (House jol. Jan. 1840 v. 2 pt. 2: 253-259 (doc. 124).) . Same, separate. Not seen. 1000 copies in English and 500 In Oennan ordered prtd. (House Joi. 1840 v. 1 : 588.) Select Committee Mch. 13. Colonization for emigrants to Liberia. (House jol. 1840 v. 2 pt 2: 234-238 (doc. 120).) BAILY (SILAS M.) Member of the Sinking Fund Commission 1881-1883. BAIR (ROBERT C.) 1904. [Statistical work of the Penn. labor dept] (32 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1904: 32-35.) BAIRD (E. J.) 1904. Treatment for peach tree borers. (Mo. bull, division of zoology v. 2 (no. 6) : 175-177.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 299 BAIRD (SAMUEL) Representative from Montgomery Co. 1814/15. Select Committee 1815 Feb. 22. Dog tax in Montgomery Co. (House jol. 1S14/5: 437.) BAKER (G. W.) County supt. of schools 1SD9/60 ; see Education. Greene Co. BAKER (GEORGE N.) Uepresentiitlve from Philadelphia Co. 1822/3-182C, 7. Senator from Philadelphia Co. 1833/4-1837. Representative Select Committee 1827 Dec. 20. Auction laws. (House jol. 1827/8 v. 2: 78 (doc. 38).) Senator Committee on Banks 1837 Jan. 27. Circulation of bank notes and bills. (Sen. Jol. 1836/7 v. 1: 261-262.) Committee on Private Claims 1834 Feb. 15. Damages done property of Alex. Mont- gomery, by Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1833/4 v. 1: 374.) Select Committee 1834 Feb. 11. Communication from comrs. of Phila. Co. (Sen. jol. 1833/4 v. 2: 409-414.) . Same, separate, n. t. p. 7 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Soc.v. of Penn. 1836 Feb. 15. Investigation of attempt to corrupt in- tegrity and influence vote of Jacob Krebs, etc. (Sen. jol. 1835/6 v. 1: 343.) Feb. 26. Inquiry into alleged attempt to influence vote of Jacob Krebs. (Same 1835/6 v. 1: 404-407.) 5000 copies In EnirHsh and 2000 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1835/6 v. 1:407.) BAKER (HENRY B.) 1892. The Mich, plan for the restriction and prevention of the dangerous communicable diseases. (Procs. and papers of conference of state and provincial bds. of health 1892: 68-71.) BAKER (J. E.) 1887. More bushels — less acres. (34 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1887: 116-119.) 1889. Why [does farming not pay]? (39 and 40 sitme 1889: 119-122.) BAKER (JAMES W.) County supt. of schools 1868/9-1877/8 ; see Education. Delaware Co. BAKER (JESSE M.) Representative from Delaware Co. 1889/90-1801/2. Senator from Delaware Co. 1893/4. Representative Conference Committee 1889 Apr. 25. Regulation of corporations. (House jol. Jan. 1889: 1318-1319.) May 7. Removal of houses of refuge and reforma- tories for juvenile delinquents from one co. to another, etc. (Same 1889: 1553-1554.) Senator 1893. West Chester and Wilmington Plank Road Co (Legisl. Record 1893 v. 1: 2198-2199.) . Rept. and testimony taken by the committee apptd. to investigate the soldiers' orphans' schools (Same 1893 v. 2: 3318-3322; 3335-3339.) Jesse N. Baker, chrm. BAKER (JESSE M.)— cont'd Conference Committee 1893 May 31. Penn. Training School for Feeble-Mlnded Children at Ehvyu, Delaware Co. (Sen. jol. 1893: 1603-1604.) [Selectl Committee 1893 May 31. Soldiers' orphans' schools of Penn. (Sen. jol. 1893: 1661-1665.) BAKER (JOSEPH B.) Supervisor of repairs on AllcKheny Portage R.R. 1851/2- 1856/7 ; see Canals : Individual. Penn. Canal and R.R. Allegheny I*ortage. Supt. of motive power, etc. on Columbia and Phlla. R.R. 1852-1853. See Canals, etc. : Individual. Penn. Canal and R.R. Columbia and Phila. division. BAKER (R. M.) County supt. of schools 1879/80-1883/4 ; see Education. Huntingdon Co. BAKER (THOMAS) 1888. Criticisms on our dairy husbandry. (37 and 38 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1888: 151-154.) 1889. Amer. agric. — past, present and future. (39 and 40 same 1889: 212-222.) 1891. A diversity of interests the need of the farmer. (45 and 40 same 1891: 281-283.) BAKER (W. W.) 1899. Small-pox at Dunlo. (15 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1898/9 v. 1: 311-312.) BAKERIES Employment; see Labor. Employment Inspection; see Labor. Factory Inspection BAKING POWDER; see FOOD AND DRUG LAW BALD EAGLE CREEK; see CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION BALD EAGLE AND SPRING CREEK NAVIGATION CO.; see CANALS, ETC.: INDIVIDUAL (PRIVATE) BALDERSON (GEO.) 1874. Can an apple orchard be permanently in grass with benefit, either in longevity of trees or quantity of fruit? (v. 10 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1874/5: 135-138.) BALDERSTON (JOHN L.) 1891. Telford roads. (45 and 46 quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1891: 227-230.) 1894. State aid for public roads. (52 same 1894: 139- 141.) BALDWIN (C. E.) 1875. Selection and breeding of dairy cattle. (2 A.R. state dairymen's assn. 1875: 328-334.) Paging from v. 11 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. BALDWIN (E.) Claimant 1830 Mch. 20. Susquehanna Division of Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1830/1.) BALDWIN (J.) 1875. Normal institutes. (Penn. School Journal v. 24: 4-6.) 300 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BALDY (J. M.) 1898. Gynecean Hospital. (Charitable Institutions which reed, state aid in 1897 and 1898 .... pp. 129- 132.) BALENTINE (WM. L.) City Bupt. of schools 1881-1888/9 ; see Education. Mahanoy City. BALL (A. J.) See Finance : State. Misappropriation of Public Funds. BALL (E. G.) 1887. How we manage our dairy. (35 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1887: 147-148.) BALL (E. G.) AND (C. P.), OF MONTREAL 1887. Our experience in practical dairying. (11 A.R. bd. agric. 1887: 229-231.) BALL (F. P.) 1896. Sanitary problems in flooded valleys. (Frees, and papers 9 state sanitary convention 1896: 73-79; 11 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1895/6 v. 2: 702-708.) BALL (GIDEON J.) Member of the Sinking Fund Commission In 1849. Representative from Erie Co. 1848-1849, 1854-185", 1861. Representative Select Committee 1854 Apr. 24. Procs. at Erie concerning commerce betw. states. (Leglsl. docs. 1854: 613-617.) 1857 Oct. 12. Financial situation. (House jol. Oct. 1857: 44-54.) 1500 copies of the rept. and ace. docs, ordered nrtd. (House Jol. Oct. 1857 : 55.) Oct. 12. Financial embarrassments. (Same Oct. 1857: 44-54.) 1500 copies ordered prtd. (House jol. Oct. 1857:55.) 1861 May 2. Govs, special mess, on the militia. (Same Apr. 1861: 14-18.) BALL (J. C.) 1893. Something about economy. (50 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1893: 146-149.) [Farmers* accounts.] BALLANTINE (JOHN) Member of comn. apptd. under Sen. res. of Mch. 22, 1883, for revision of public accts. BALLARD (T. P.) 1887. The civil service and the public schools. (Penn. School Journal v. 35: 474-477.) BALLIET (THOMAS M.) County supt. of schools 1881/2-1883/4 ; see Education. Carbon Co. City supt. of schools 1885/6-1886/7 ; see Education. Ueudlng. 1897. Manual training. (Penn. School Journal v. 45: 453-456.) 1903. Manual training. (Same v. 52: 330-334.) County supt. Carbon Co. 1883. Defects in our system of graded schools. (Penn. School Journal v. 32: 109-112.) BALLMAN (SAMUEL P.) County supt of schools 1853/4-1862/3 ; see Education. Indiana Co. BALMER (A. F.) 1896. Small-pox at Brookvllle. (12 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1895/6 v. 1: 530.) 1897. Nuisance at Falls Creek. (13 same 1896/7 v. 1: 236-239.) 1899. Small-pox in Jefferson Co. (15 same 1898/9 v. 1: 316-317.) 1901. Nuisance at Falls Creek. (17 same 1900/1 v. 1: 248.) 1902. Small-pox at Eleanor. (18 same 1901/2: 252-253.) BALPH (D. F.) County supt. of schools 1879/80-1883/4. See Education. Lawrence Co. BALPH (THOMAS) County supt. of schools 1857/8-1858/9 ; see Education. Butler Co. BALSBACH (JOHN) Representative from Juniata, Union and Snyder cos. 1864. Representative from Huntingdon, Mifflin and Juniata cos. 1865. [Select] Committee 1865 Jan. 25. Publication of Daily Legisl. Record. (Legisl. Record 1865: 98-99; House jol. Jan. 1865: 114-116.) BALTIMORE, MD. Education; see that title BANGOR, NORTHAMPTON CO. Diphtheria at; see Public Health. Diphtheria Health Boards; see Public Health. Boards of Health: State Slaughter Houses; see Abattoirs BANKRUPTCY 1791. Laws rel. to bankruptcy defective in several points; should be remedied. (Govs. mess. (Mifflin) Dec. 1791.) 1792. Law regulating bankruptcy expires Jan. 1, 1793; suggested that public good will be promoted by con- tinuance of the law. (Same (Mifflin) Dec. 7, 1792.) 1793. Rept. of committee apptd. to consider act for regulation of bankruptcy and suppl. (House jol. 1792/3: 86-87.) . Rept. of committee on part of Govs. mess. rel. to act for regulation of bankruptcy and suppl. (Same 1792/3: 112.) 1794. Rept. of committee on memorial of comrs. of bank- ruptcy; extension of time for procs. recommended. (Same 1793/4: 188.) 1842. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (Sulli- van) on memorial of Phila. Board of Trade praying legisl. to urge upon Congress certain amdmts. to existing law. (Sen. jol. 1842 v. 1: 185.) 1843. Rept. of committee on judiciary (Gibons) on memorial of citizens of No. Penn., praying for pas- sage of res. instructing Congress to repeal bankrupt law. (Slime 1843 v. 1: 196-197.) 1857-1874. Total no. of failures In U. S. each year and amt. of liabilities. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 415.) 1870-1873. Bankruptcies: no., amt., cause, results, etc. (2 .same 1873/4: 70-73.) 1871-1874. Failures in the several states each yr., no. and amt. of liabilities. (2 same 1873/4: 413-414.) 1876. Bankruptcy law; debate. (Legisl. Record 1876: 375-376.) Laws 1812. New Insolvent law. Phila.: Prtd. by J. Blnns, 1812. 22 pp. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 301 BANKS 1820. N. H. res. resp. Penn. res. rel. to power of Con- gress to incorporate banks or monled institutions outside of Distr. of Columbia. (Sen. jol. 1820/1: 366.) . Communication from Gov. of Ohio (Brown) on amdnit. to constitution of U. S. proposed by Penn., confining power of Congress, in establisliing any monied institution to District of Columbia. {Saiiic 1819/20: 283-287.) 1820-1827. No. of banks in U. S., capital, loans and dis- counts, circulation, specie in 1820, 1830 and 1837. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840: 14.) 1822. Kept, of Md. legisl. rel. to apprn. of public lands to certain states for support of schools; res. of S. C. disagreeing with amdmt. to U. S. const, rel. to in- corporating banks, proposed by Penn. legisl., etc. (Sen. jol. 1822/3: 41-50.) 1823. Mass. rept. on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to proposed amdmt. of constitution, limiting power of Congress to incorporate monied institutions. {Same 1822/3: 240-241; House jol. 1822/3: 420-421.) 1836. Circular of secy, of U. S. treasury (Woodbury) to receivers of public monies, collectors, disbursing officers, and deposit banks of U. S. (House jol. 1835/6 v. 1: 851-852.) 1838. Ky. res. rel. to derangement of currency, etc. (Sen. jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 636-638.) 1842. Preamble and res. of Ky. rel. to claims of Bank of Ky. upon Schuylkill Bank of Penn., also rept. of Pres. and Directors of the Bank of Ky. rel. to Bank of Schuylkill. (House jol. 1842 v. 2: 387-443.) PENNSYLVANIA serial Annual Reports See also Free B.inking Law. 1 series Under sec. 15, .\ct of Mch. 21. 1814. 1814-1824. Stmt, of returns made to the auditor gen. by certain banks. Checklist 1814. Jan. 25, 1815, dcpt. ed. Not found. . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 39-49. . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 253-263. 1815. Jan. 13, 1816, dept. ed. n. t. p. 28 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 300 copies were ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1815/6:90.) . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 35-57. . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 171-193. 1816. Jan. 13, 1817, dept. ed. Not found. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1816/7: 223.) . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 98-127. . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 191-222. 1817. Jan. 21, 1818, dept. ed. Harrlsburg : Prtd. by C. Gleim, n. d. 39 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. Usual no. of copies were ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1817/8 : 281 ; Sen. Jol. 1817/8 : 201.) Sen. ed. was to Include repts. of Bank of Phlla. — — . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 168-200. . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 246-281. 1818. Jan. 8, 1819^ dept. ed. n. t. p. 37 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. 300 copies were ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1818/9:135); 500 copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1818/9:202). . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 99-135. . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 158-194. 1819. Jan. 7, 1820. dept. ed. n. t. p. 32 pp. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in Penn. State Library. Usual no. of copies were ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1819/20:128); 500 copies (House Jol. 1819/20:218). . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 99-128. . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 187-217. 1820. Jan. 8. 1821. n. t. p. 33 pp. Copies seen In Amer. Phil. Socy., Phlla., and In the Penn. State Library. Usual no. of copies were ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1820/1:212; House Jol. 1820/1: 292.) . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 179-211. . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 259-291. BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd Annual Rkports — cont'd 1 series — cont'd Checklist — cont'd 1821. Jan. 9, 1822. dept. ed. n. t. p. 32 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. Usual no. of copies were ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1821/2: 188; House Jol. 1821/2: 272.) . doe. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 157-187. . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 228-258. 1822. Jan. 13, 1823, dept. ed. Not found. Usual no. of copies were ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1822/3:280.) . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 142-1(57. . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 255-279. 1823. Jan. 2, 1824, dept. ed. n. p., C. Glelm, 1824. 27 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. Usual no. were ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1823/4:183; House Jol. 1823/-1 :32(!.) . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 157-182. . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 300-325. 1824. Jan. 3, 1825. [House ed.] Harrlsburg: Prtd. by John S. Wlestllng. 1825. 30 pp. Copies seen In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. , and In the Penn. State Library. In Collected docs, as follows : 1814 In Senate Jol. 1814/5 app. pp. 39-49. " House " 1814/5 : 253-263. 1815 " Senate " " House 1816 " Senate '* " House 1817 " Senate " " House 1818 " Senate " " House 1819 •' Senate " " House 1820 " Senate '* " House 1821 " Senate " " House 1822 " Senate " " House 1823 " Senate " House 1824 " Senate ** House 1815/6 app. pp. 35-57. 1815/6:171-193. 1816/7:98-127. 1816/7 : 191-222. 1817/8 : 168-200. 1817/8 : 246-281. 1818/9:99-135. 1818/9 : 158-194. 1819/20:99-128. 1819/20: 187-217. 1820/1 : 179-211. 1820/1 : 2,59-291. 1821/2: 157-187. 1821/2 : 228-258. 1822/3: 142-167. 1822/3 : 255-279. 1823/4 : 157-182. 1823/4 : 300-325. 1824/5: 123-139. 1824/5 V. 2:87-110. 2 series Under nets of Mch. 28 and 31, 1823, Mch. 25 and 29 1824. For reprints of these reports In the federal documents under House res. of Jly. 10, 1832. see note below under 3 series, following the caption " In Federal Documents as follows." 1824-1835. Communication from auditor-gen., accom- panied with a stmt, of certain banks. Checklist 1824. Jan. 3, 1825, dept. ed. Included In Rept. for 1824 noted In series 1 : see above. . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 140-143. . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 82-86. 1825. Jan. 2, 1826, dept. ed. Not found. Usual no. of copies were ordered prtd. (House jol 1825/6:139; Sen. Jol. 1825/6:131.) . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 108-130. — — . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 118-141. 1826. Dec. 30, 1826, dept. ed. Harrlsburg: Prtd. by J. S. Wlestllng. 1827. 28 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. U.':nal no. of copies were ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1826 7 : 147.) . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 122-147. . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 89-112. 1827. Jan. 7, 1828, dept. ed. Not found. . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 548-574. . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 588-614. 1828. Jan. 2. 1829. Harrlsburg: Prtd. at office of the Reporter, 1829. 31 pp. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In Penn. State Library. Usual no. of copies were ordered prtd. (House Jol 1828/9 v. 1 : 150.) . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 332-359. . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 413-439. 1829. Jan. 4, 1830, dept. ed. Not found. 300 copies were ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1829/30: 219-220.) . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 432-461. . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 514-544. 302 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— cont'd arrlsburg : Prtd. by II. PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd Annual Retorts — cont'd 2 series — cont'd Checklist — cont'd 1S30. Jan. 4, 1831, dept. ed. Harrlsburg : Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1S31. 32 pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In Penn. State Library. Usual no. of copies were ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1830/1 v. 1 : 103.) ■ . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 426-455. . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 537-566. 1831. Jan. 9, 1832, dept. ed. Hai ' ' " " Welsh, 1832. 32 pp. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in library of the Library Co. of Phila. 300 copies were ordered prtd (Sen. jol. 1.S31/2 v. 1:155.) . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 412-441. ■ — — . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 521-550. 1832. Jan. 2, 1833, dept. ed. Harrlsburg : Prtd. bv 11 Welsh, 1833. 40 pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn., in Mercantile Library of Phila., and in Penn. State Library. Usual no. of copies were ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1832/3 T. 1 : 159.) ^ . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 418-445. ■ . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 233-270. 1S33. Jan. 4, 1834. dept. ed. Harrlsburg; Prtd. by H Welsh, 1834. 39 pp. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phila., and In Penn. State Library. 500 copies were ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1833/4 V. 1 : 130) ; 1000 copies in English and 500 in German (House jol. 1833/4 : 126). Copy (English ed.). ^' . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 108144. . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 208-244. 1834. Jan. 5, 1835, dept. ed. Harrlsburg : Welsh and Patterson, 1834-35. 40 pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phila., in the library of the Library Co. of Phila., and in Penn. State Library. lOOO copies ordered prtd. (House joL 1834/5: 111.) 1000 copies in English and 50O in German. (Sen. Jol. 1834/5 v. 1 : 84.) . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 77-114. . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 139-176. 1835. Jan. 4, 1836, dept. ed. (Senate.) Harrlsburg: Prtd. by Crabb & Barrett, 1835-36. 46 pp. Two copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phila. lOOO copies in English and 500 in German ordered prtd (Sen. Jol. 1835/6 v. 1 : 109 ; do. House jol. 1835/6 V. 1 : 171.) . doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 88-131. . doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 144-193. 1835. Jan. 4, dept. ed. (House.) Harrlsburg: Prtd. by T. Fenn, 1836. 52 pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. In Collected docs, as follows : 1824 in Senate Jol. 1824/5: 140-143. " House " 1824/5 T. 2 : 82-86. 1825 " Senate " 1825/6 : 108-130. *' " House " 1825/6 V. 2: 118-141. 1826 " Senate •• 1826/7 : 122-147. " " House " 1826/7 V. 2 : 89-112. 1827 " Senate " 1827/8 T. 2 : 548-574. *' " House '• 1827/8 V. 2 : 588-614. 1828 " Senate " 1828/9 T. 2:332-359. " " House " 1828/9 V. 2 : 413-439. 1829 " Senate " 1829/30 V. 2 : 432-461. " " House " 1829/30 v. 2 : 514-544. 1830 " Senate " 1830/1 V. 2 : 426-455. " " House " 1830/1 v. 2:537-566. 1831 " Senate " 1831/2 V. 2 : 412-441. " " House " 1831/2 V. 2:521-550. 1832 " Senate " 1832/3 V. 2:418-445. " " House " 1832/3 V. 2 : 233-270. 1833 " Senate •' 1833/4 V. 2 : 108-144. " " House '• 1833/4 V. 2 : 208-244. 1834 " Senate " 1834/6 V. 2 : 77-114. " " House " 1834/5 V. 2: 139-176 ( 1835 " Senate " 1835/6 V. 2:88-131. " House " 1836/6 V. 2 : 144-193. 3 series (docs. 61-62). Under Act of Apr. 1, 1830, requiring banlis to make quarterly statements, and Apr. 16, 1850, act regu- lating banks. From 1836 to 1838 the stmt, of liabilities and resources of the banks was issued separately under the title "Abstract, etc." l'"roin 1839-1891 it was a part of the regular report on banks ; for this period, how- ever, the summary covers but one date, viz. : (Jet. or Nov. The first three Issues are collated below under " Abstract." BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd Annual Rei'orts — cont'd 3 series — cont'd 1836-1891. Returns of the several banks and savings banks of Penn., communicated by auditor gen. Checklist 1836 dept. ed. (Senate.) Harrlsburg: E. Guyer, 1837. 109 pp., foldg. tables. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn., in the library of the Library Co. of Phila., and in the Penn. State Library. dept. ed. (House.) Harrlsburg: Prtd. by S. D. Patterson, 1836-7. 118 pp., foldg. tables. . Same, in German. Not seen. 1000 copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1836/7 V. 1 : 105.) doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 46-148, foldg. tables. ■ doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 101-214, foldg. tables. 1837 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : Prtd. by Packer, Barrett & Parke, 1837-8. 113 pp. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn., in library of the Library Co. of Phila. and in the Penn. State Library. 3000 copies in English and 1000 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1837/8 v. 1:117) ; 500 copies of stmt., 3000 of abstract in English and 2000 in German ordered prtd. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 1 : 114) ; 2500 additional copies in English and 1000 in German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1837/8 v. 1 : 164). doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 46-157, foldg. tables. doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 93-203, foldg. tables. 1838 dept. ed. (Senate.) Harrlsburg: Prtd. by E. Guyer, 1838. 55 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. dept. ed. Harrlsburg : Prtd. by Boas & Coplan, 1839. 57 pp., foldg. tables. doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 35-87, foldg. tables. doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 84-137, foldg. tables. . Same, in German. Not seen. 1000 copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1838/9 V. 1 : 155.) 1839 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : W. D. Boas, 1840. 70 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 2000 copies in Eng- lish and 500 In German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1840 V. 1 : 68) ; 1000 copies in English and 500 Ger- man. (Senate Jul. 1840 v. 1 : 114) ; 2000 copies in English and 1000 In German were ordered of the stmt, of resources and liabilities. (House jol. 1840 V. 1:439). No separate copy of the stmt, was found. doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 53-120, foldg. tables. — — doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 147-218, foldg. tables. 1840 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : Elliott & M'Curdy, 1841. 211 pp., 3 foldg. tables. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 3000 copies ordered prtd. (House jol. 1841 v. 1 : 138.) doc. ed. (Senate.) Omitted. doc. ed. (House.) Omitted. The tables only, comprising, for these years, the Ab- stract, were printed in the Collected documents ; see below, the collation under Abstract. 1841 dept. ed. Harrlsburg :_ Henlock & Bratton, 1842. 120 pp. foldg. tables. Copies seen in the Hist. Socy. of Penn. 2000 copies In English and 500 in German were ordered prtd. (House jol. 1842 v. 1 : 359.) doc. ed. (Senate.) Not prtd. doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 3-113. 1842 dept. ed. Harrlsburg: J. B. Bratton, 1843. 112 pp. Two copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and one In the Penn. State Library. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1843 v. 1:325.) doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 83-192. 1843 dept. ed. Harrlsburg: I. G. M'Klnley, 1844. 91 pp., 2 foldg. II. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn., library of the Library Co, of Phila., In the Penn. State Library, and an imperfect copy in the New York Public Library. doc. ed, (House.) n. t. p. pp. 131-219, 2 foldg. tables. 1844 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : J. M. G. Lescure, 1845. 99 pp., 2 foldg. tables. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn., library of the Library Co. of Phila. and Penn. State Library. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 33-128, 2 foldg. - doc. ed. tables. - doc. ed. tables. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 114-209, 2 foldg. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 303 lANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd Annual Rhu'okts — cont'd 3 series — cont'd Checklist — cont'd 1845 dppt. P(l. nnrrlsbiirg: J. M. G. Lescurp, 1846. 06 pp.. 2 fohlg. tables. n. t. p. n. t. p. pp. doc. ed. (Senate.) tables. doc. ed. (House.) tables. 1846 dept. ed. ITarrlsburg 95 pp., 2 foldg. tables. Copy seen In tllst. Socy. of Penn. ; 1000 copies In English and 250 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1.S47 V. 1 : 47-48.) t. p 52144, 2 foldg pp. 68-100. foldg J. M. G. r.#scure, 1847 of Penn doc. ed. tables. doc. ed. tables. 1847 dept. ed. (Senate.) (House.) n. t. p. pp. 50-141, 2 foldg. pp. 66-157, 2 foldg. Hnrrlsburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1848. 96 pp.. 2 foldg. 11, 2500 copies In English and 1000 In German ordered prtd, (Sen. jol. 1848 v. 1:109.) - doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 149-240, 2 foldg. 11. • doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 168-260, 2 foldg. 11. 1848 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : J. M. G. T^escure, 1849. 109 pp. Copies seen In Hist, Socy. of Penn,. library of the Library Co. of Phlla.. and Penn. State Library. doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 149-253. doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 196-301. 1849 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : J. M. G. Lescure. 1850. 127 pp. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and library of the Library Co. of Phlla. doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 148-271. doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 164-287. 1850 dept. ed. n. p.. n. d. 139 pp. Copies seen In library of the Library Co. of Phlla.. and in Penn. State Library. doc. ed. (Senate,) n. t. p. pp. 243-379. doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 179-315. 1851 dept. ed, n. p.. n. d. 143 pp. 5000 copies In English and 2000 In German ordered prtd, (House Jol. 1852 v. 1 : 87.) doc. ed. (Senate,) n. t. p. pp. 179-319. doc. ed. (House,) n. t. p. pp. 243-383. 1852 dept, ed. n. p,. n. d. 139 pp. Copy seen In library of the Library Co. of Phlla, 3000 copies In English and 1000 In German ordered prtd. (Sen, Jol. 1853 v. 1: 19,) doc. ed. (Senate,) n. t. p. pp. 195-331. doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 131-267. 1853 dept. ed. Harrlsburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1854. 175 pp. doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 3-175. . Same. In German. Berlchte der verschledenen Banken und Sparanstalten von Pennsylvania mlt- gethellt von dem General-audltltor (sic) an die Gesetzgebung, 1854. Harrlsburg : A. B. Hamilton, 1854, 183 pp. 1854 dept. ed. Harrlsburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1855. 185 pp. doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 67-249. 1855 dept. ed. Harrlsburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1856. 201 pp. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In Penn. State Library. doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 68-266. 1856 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : A. B. Hamilton, 1857. 203 pp. Copy seen In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. and In Penn. State Library. doc. ed, n, t. p. pp. 84-283. 1857 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : A. B. Hamilton, 1858. 215 pp. doc. ed. n. t. p. 215 pp. 1858 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : A. B. Hamilton, 1858. 340 pp. Copies seen In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. and In the Penn. State Library. doc. ed. n. t. p. 340 pp. 1859 dept. ed. Harrlsburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1860. 345 pp. Copy seen In Free Library of Phlla,. and two copies In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. doc. ed. n. t. p. 345 pp. 1860 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : A. Boyd Hamilton, 1861. 341 pp. Copy seen In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. ■ doc. ed. 340 pp. BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd Annual Reports— cont'd 3 series — cont'd Checklist — cont'd 1861 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : A. Boyd Hamilton. 1802. 353 pp. Copies seen In Free Library of Phlla, and In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. doc. ed. n. t, p. 3.^:: pp. 1862 dept. ed. Harrlsburg: Slngerly & Myers, 1803. 380 pp. 5000 copies In English and 2000 German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1863:72.) ■ doc. ed. n. t. p. 3S0 pp. 1863 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : Slngerly & Myers, 1804. 388 pp. Two copies seen In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. doc. ed. n. t. p. 38K pp. 1864 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : Slngerly & Myers, 1865. 384 pp. Two copies seen In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. doe. ed. n. t. p. 384 pp. 1865 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : Slngerly & Myers, 1806. 70(1) pp. Copy seen In Columbia T'niversity Library. doc. ed. n. t. p. pp, 3-73. 1866 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : Slngerly & Myers, 1867. 58(1) pp. Copy seen In Penn. State Library. doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 61-116. 1867 dept. ed. Not found. doc. ed. n, t. p. pp. 1037-1101. 1868 dept. ed. Not found. 5000 copies In English and 1000 in German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1869 : 112.) doc, ed. n, t. p. pp. 99-183. 1869 dept. ed. Not found. doc, ed. n. t. p. pp. 1507-1602. 1870 dept. ed. Not found. doc. ed. n. t, p. pp. 1356-1504. 1871 dept. ed. Not found. ' n. t. p. pp. 3-213. Not found. n. t. p. pp. 943-1268. Harrlsburg: B. Slngerly, 1874. 411 pp. n. t. p. pp. 659-1063, 1874 dept. ed. Harrlsburg: B. F. Meyers, 1875. 431 pp. Copy seen In Univ. of Pennsylvania. doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 531-9.'-i6. 1875 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : B. F. Meyers, 1876. 427 pp. doc. ed, n, t. p. pp. 499-919. 1876 dept. ed. Not found. doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 835-1235. 1877 dept. ed. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart, 1878. 379 pp. Copy seen In Free Library of Phlla. doc. ed. n. t. p. 379 pp. 1878 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : L. S. Hart. 1879. 331 pp. Copy seen In Free Library of Phlla. doc. ed. n. t. p. 331 pp. 1879 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : L. S. Hart, 1880. 225 pp. doc. ed. n. t. p. ' 225 pp. 1880 dept. ed. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart, 1881. 297 pp, doc. ed. n. t. p. 297 pp. 1881 dept. ed. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart, 1882. 329 pp. Copy seen In Free Library of Phlla. doc. ed, n. t. p, 329 pp. 1882 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : L. S. Hart, 1883, 319 pp doc. ed. n. t. p. 319 pp. 1883 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : L. S. Hart, 1884. 317 pp doc. ed. n. t. p. 317 pp. 1884 dept. ed. Harrlsburg: L. S. Hart, 1885. 323 pp doc. ed. n. t. p. 323 pp. 1885 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : E. K. Meyers. 1886. 325 pp. doc. ed. n. t. p. 325 pp. 1886 dept. ed. Harrlsburg: E. K. Meyers. 1887. 325 pp doc. ed. n. t. p. 325 pp. 1887 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : E. K. Meyers. 1888. 315 pp Copy seen In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. . doc. ed. n. t. p. 315 pp. 1888 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : E. K. Meyers. 1889. 329 pp Copies seen In Free Library of Phlla. and In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. doc. ed. n. t. p. 329 pp. 1889 dept ed. Harrlsburg : E. K. Meyers, 1890. 327 pp doc. ed. n. t. p, 327 pp. 1890 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : E. K. Meyers, 1891. 353 pp doc. ed. n. t. p. 353 pp. 1891 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : E. K. Meyers, 1892. 351 pp, doc. ed. n. t. p. 351 pp. doc. ed. 1872 dept. ed. doc. ed. 1873 dept. ed. doc. ed 304 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd Annual Reports — cont'd 3 series — cont'd In Collected docs, as follows 1836 In Senate Jol. 1836/7 v. 2 : 46-148 and foldg. tables " ' House ' 1836/7 V. 2 docs. 47-48. 1837 • ' Senate ' 1S37/8 V. 2 : 46-157. " ' House ' 1837/8 V. 2 doc. 47. 1838 ■ ' Senate ' 1838/9 : 35-87 and folds, tables. ** ' ' House ' 1838/9 V. 2 docs. 11-12. 1839 • ' Senate ' 1840:53-120 and folds, tables. " ' ' House ' 1840 V. 2 docs. 13-14. 1840 omitted. 1841 in Senate jol. 1842 app. to v. 2 : 3-120, foldg. table *' ' ' House ■ 1842 app. to V. 2 : 3-113. 1842 ' ' Senate ' 1843 V. 2:83-192. 1843 ' ' House ' 1844 V. 2 doc. 2D. 1844 ' ' Senate ' 1845 T. 2 •' 8. " * ' House ' 1845 V. 2 '• 13. 1845 ' ' Senate ' 1846 T. 2 " 8. " ' ' House ' 1846 V. 2 " 12. 1846 ' ' Senate ' 1847 V. 2 " 4. " * ' House ' 1847 V. 2 " 6. 1847 ' ' Senate ' 1848 V. 2 [ " 23]. " • ' House ' 1848 V. 2 " 25. 1848 ' ' Senate ' 1849 T. 2 " 15. t( t ' House ' 1849 V. 2 " 22 1849 ' ' Senate ' 1850 V. 2 " 22! '* ' ' House ' 1850 T. 2 " 23. 1850 • ' Senate ' 1851 V. 2 " 17. *' * ' House ' 1851 v. 2 " 17. 1851 ' * Senate • 1852 v. 2 " 35. . ' House • 1852 T. 2 " 36. 1852 • ' Senate " 1853 V. 2 " 10. '* ' ' House ' 1853 V. 2 " 6. 1853 ■ 1 Leglsl. does. 1854 : 3-175. 1854 ' 1855 doc. 6. 1855 ' " 1856 " 5. 1856 ' 1857 " 7. 1857 ' 1858 " 1. 1858 ' " 1859 " 2. 1859 ' 1860 " l! 1860 • 1861 " 1. 1861 ' " 1862 " 1. 1862 ' " 1863 " 1. 1863 ' " 1864 " 1. 1864 * 1865 V. 1 doc. 1. 1865 ' " 1866 T. 1 " 1. 1866 ' " 1867 T. 1 " 4. 1867 ' 1868 v. 1 " 22. 1868 ' 1869 T. 1 ■■ 8. 1869 ' 1870 V. 1 " 38. 1870 ■ 1871 V. 1 '• 34. 1871 ' 1872 V. 1 " 1. 1872 ' " 1873 T. 1 " 14. 1873 ' " 1874 v. 2 " 9. 1874 ' 1875 V. 1 " 5. 1875 ' 1876 V. 2 " 6. 1876 ' 1877 V. 2 " 8. 1877 ' 1878 V. 1 " 1. 1878 ' " 1878/9 T. 1. doc. 1. 1879 ' " 1879/80 T. 1 " 1. 1880 ' 1880/1 V. 1 " 1. 1881 ' " 1881/2 V. 1 " 1. 1882 • " 1882/3 V. 1 " 1. 1883 ' " 1883/4 V. 1 " 1. 1884 ' 1884/5 V. 1 " 1. 1885 ' " 1885/6 T. 1 " 1. 1886 ' ; Official " 1886/7 V. 1 " 2. 1887 ' 1887/8 V. 1 " 14. 1888 ' 1888/9 V. 1 " 16. 1889 ' " 1889 V. 1 doc. 7. 1800 ' " 1890 V. 1 " 8. 1891 ' 1891 V. 3 " 4. In Federal documents as follows : I'ursuant to U. S. House resolution of .Tly. 10, 1832, the Secretary of the Treasury wiis directed to sub- mit to Congress at the next and at each successive session a return showing the capital, circulation, etc. of the various state banks. Ueturns were made annually from 1833 to 1863 Inclusive, when the first national bank act went into operation. Under the federal resolution the following annual re- ports of the state of Pennsylvania came to be printed In the federal documents. Returns made by the U. S. Secretary of the Treasury to Congress, which are not annual reports, are entered below in their chronological place under the *' non- serial " group. BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd Annual RBa-OKTS — cont'd 3 series — cont'd Checklist — cont'd I doc. 105:42-68. " 190 : 102-145. " 42 : 40-43. " 63 : 114-118. " 79 : 360-375. " 79 : 376-393. " 227 : 220-272. •' 172:188-254. " 120 : 164-181. " 77:422-441.* '• 68 : 226-233.' " 122 : 196-218.* " 102 : 132-139.* " 82 : 149-152.* " 102 : 137-144.* " 87 : 128-135.* " 107:164-171.* " 112:138-143.* " 49 : 134-148.* " 77:171-185.* " 25 : 147-155.* " 20 : 148-150.* Under Act of Je. 8, 1891. 1892-1894. Rept. supt. of banliing, 1-3. Harrisburg, 1892-1895. Checklist 1. 1891/2 dept. ed. E. K. Myers, 1893. 601 pp. doc. ed. n. t. p. 601 pp. 2. 1892/3 dept. ed. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1894. 655 pp. doc. ed. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1894. 655 pp. 3. 1894 dept. ed. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1895. 675 pp. doc. ed. n. t. p. 675 pp. In Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1891/2 in Official docs. 1892 v. 2 doc. 5. 2. 1892/3 " " " 1893 v. 1 " 4. 3. 1893/4 ' 1894 v. 3 " 5. 5 series Under Act of Feb. 11, 1895. 1895-1904. Rept. of comr. of banking, 1-10 (4-13) of banking dept. [Harrisburg], 1896-1905. pt. 1. Banks, savings institutions and trust cos. pt. 2. Bldg. and loan assns. Checklist Dept. and doc. editions are the same. 1. (4) 1895 pt. 1. n. p., C^ M. Busch, 1896. xl, 699 pp. 1831 In U S. 22 :ong. 2 sess. E 1832 " ■ ' 23 •' 2 '• 1834 " ' ' 24 " 1 " 1835 " ' ■ 24 " 2 " 1836 " ' ■ 25 « 2 " 1837 " ' ' 25 1. 2 " 1838 •' ' ■ 25 " 3 " 1839 " ' ' 26 " 1 " 1846 " ' ' 29 '■ 2 " 1847 " ' ' 30 " 1 " 1849 " ' ' 31 " 1 " 1850 " ' ' 32 " 1 " 1853 " ' ' 33 " 1 " 1854 " ■ ' 33 ■• 2 " 1855 " ' ' 34 " 1 " 1856 " ' ' 34 " 3 '• 1857 " • ■ 35 " 1 " 1858 " ' ' 35 " 2 " 1859 " ' ' 36 " 1 " 1860 " • ' 36 ,i 2 '• 1861 " ' • 37 " 3 " 1862 •• ■ ' 38 " 1 •■ 4 series 2. (5) 1896 pt. 1. pt. 2. pp.t 3. (6) 1897 pt. 1. pt. 2. 4. (7) 1898 pt. 1. pt. 2. 5. (8) 1899 pt. 1. pt. 2. 6. (9) 1900 pt. 1. pt. 2. 7. (10) 1901 pt. 1. pt. 2. 8. (Ill 1902 pt. 1. pt. 2. 9. (12) 1903 pt. 1. pt ~ pt. 2. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1896. x, 1234 pp. r.*- 1 « n r- Af Riienh 1 Kn7 vl 7'>'> nn. p. n. p C. M. Busch. 1897. , C. M. Busch, 1897. vl, 72 , 722 pp. vl, 1290 n. p., n. p.. W. S. Ray, 1898. vl, 740 pp. W. S. Rav, 1898. Iv, 1336 pp. n. p., W. S. Kay, 1899. xx, 660 pp. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1899. vlU, 710 pp. n. p., W. S. Ray. 1900. viii. 602 pp. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1900. vlii, 704 pp. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1901. xil. 682 pp.t n. p., W. S. Ray, 1901. xlv, 692 pp. n. p., W. S. Uav, 1902. xvlii. 854 pp. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1902. x, 656 pp. n. p., W. S. Rnv, 1903. x, 948 pp. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. viii, 656 pp. n. p., W. S. Rav, 1904. x. 854 pp. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1904. xil, 664 pp. Copy seen in Free Library of Phila. 10. (13) 1904 pt. 1. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1905. x. 944 pp. pt. 2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1905. 688 pp. In Collected docs, as follows : 1. (4) 1895 in Official docs. 1895 V. 3 doc. 4; v. doc. 22. 2. (5) 1896 in Official docs. 1S96 v. 5 docs. 5; 24 11 3. (6) 1897 4. (7) 1898 5. (8) 1899 6. (9) 1900 7. (10) 1901 8. (11) 1902 9. (12) 1903 10. 13) 1004 1897 V. 6 ' • 4 22. 1898 V. 2 ' ' 8 5. 1899 V. O 1 ■ 4 23. 1900 V. 5 ' ' 5 24. 1901 V. 5 ' ' 4 23. 1902 V. 5 ' • 1 24. 1903 V. 5 ■ ' 5 23. 1004 V. 5 ' ' 5; 22. • For Inst quarter, vl7,., Nov., only. + Copies seen in Mercantile I/ibrarv of Phlln., the Free Ubrary of Phlla.. library of the Library Co. of Phlla., and In the Penn. Hist. Socy. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 305 BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd AUSTRACT This nhstrnrt la prepared from bunk returns submitted hv the muiltoi- under act iif Apr. 1. l.s.'iC. The a'bKtniit iiiinprlaes a detailed statement of the liabilities and resources of the banks of the state. Krom 1S42 to IS'M this statement Is embodied In the auditor's regular report on lianks ; see above, series '.i under .\nnual Reports. 1S36-1841. Abstract from returns of banks . . . show- ing state of ... . banks at tour periods of year. Prepared by the auditor gen. Harrisburg, 1S361842. Checklist 183(i dept. ed. Kmanuel Guyer, 1837. 9 pp. 16%" x 10". Feb., ^Iay, Aug. and Nov. Copies seen In lllst. Sooy. of Penn. and In Library of Congress; 1500 copies in English and 500 In Ger- man ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1836/7 v. 1:215.) There Is also a copy in the Library of Congress. IS.'iR doc. ed. n. t. p. 9 pp. 1837 dept. ed. Packer, Barrett & Parke, 1837-8. 11 pp. I6V2" X 10". Jan., May, Je. and Nov. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. See above. Annual Reports, 1837. for order to print. 1837 doc. ed. n. t. p. 11 pp. 18.38 dept. ed. Prtd. by Boas & Coplan. 1839. 11 pp. uvy xio". Jan., May, Je. and Nov. Copv seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 3000 copies In "English and 1000 In German were ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1S3S'9 v. 1: 155.) 1838 doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. 11 pp. doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. 10 pp. p. 10 occurs twice In this ed. 1839 dept. ed. Not found, doc. ed. Not found. 1840 dept. ed. James S. Wallace, 1841. 2 11., : tables. (Senate.) p. 80. 3 foldg. tables. (House.) p. 109, 3 foUlg. tables. Henlock & Bratton, 1842. 2 11. foldg 1840 doc. ed. " doc. ed. 1841 dept. ed tables. 1841 doc. ed. " doc. ed. (Senate.) Not prtd. (House.) Not found. In Collected docs, as follows : 1836 In Sen. Jol. 1836/7 v. 2 following p. 186. 1837 ' 1837/8 v. 2 preceding p. 47. 1838 " " " 1838/9 T. 2 doc. 13 ; Sen. Jol. preceding p. 35. 1839 omitted. 1840 in Senate Jol. 1841 v. 2 doc. 16. •• House •• 1841 v. 2 doc. 58. 1841 omitted. non-serial n. d. Rept. of committee of the Senate apptd. on the judiciary system, n. t. p. 11 pp. Copies seen In the Hist. Socy. of Penn.. the library of the Library Co. of Phila., and the Amer. Phil. Socy., Phiia. Rept. relates to different courts ; debts of stockholders in banks and other Incorporated cos. 1803. See below, Banks: Individual. Bank of Penn., this date. . Rept. of committee (Davis) to whom was re- ferred a letter from the state treasurer on the sub- ject of bank notes, with the opinion of the atty. gen. attached. (House jol. 1803/4: 59-60.) 1808. Rept. of committee (Miner) apptd. to inquire into expediency of prohibiting the circulation of bank notes of other states of less value than five dollars and to whom were referred res. and petition rel. to prohibiting any banking co. in state from issuing notes of less than $5. (Same 1807/8 pt. 2: 138-139.) 1810 Mch. 1. Rept. of committee of accts. (Doty) on accts. of committee that examined the banks. (Sen. jol. 1809/10: 363.) 20 BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd noti-serial — cont'd 1811. Injurious consequences of law to punish robbery or larceny of bank notes of incorporated banks In same manner as larceny of other goods, arising from necessity of proving stolen notes are notes of an incorporated bank. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. 5, 1811.) . Rept. of committee on banks (Biddle) to whom was referred res. resp. taxing of bank stock. (House jol. 1810/1: 526-527.) Mch. 26. Rept. of committee of accts. (Doty) on accts. of committee who examined the banks. (Sen. jol. 1810/1: 5ir..) 1812. Rept. of committee (Satterlee) to whom was re- ferred res. rel. to repeal of restrictive law upon banking assns. and taxing of all unincorporated banks. (House jol. 1811/2: 591-592.) . Amt. subscribed by U. S. banks in Phila. to U. S. loan, whole amt. of subscription in Phila.; amt. taken by banks in treasury notes; capital unem- ployed. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. 3, 1812.) 1813. Mischief resulting from paper thrown into circu- lation by unincorporated banks; objections to general banking law. (Same (Snyder) Dec. 10, 1813.) ^. ^ Rept. of committee (Weaver) apptd. on subject of sundry banks furnishing a list of all their salaried officers pnd hirelings, together with their salaries and privileges. (Sen. jol. 1812/3: 236-237.) Veto (Snyder) of act to establish general system of banking. (House jol. 1812/13: 578-582; Sen. jol. 1812/3: 484-487.) . Same, separate. Not seen. Usnal no. of copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1812/3:582.) 1814 Multiplication of bank paper; suspension of specie pavments; threatened law suit agst. one of banks: impending danger. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. 10, 1814.) Govs mess. (Synder) disapproving of act regu- lating banks. (Sen. jol. 1813/14: 449452.) Rept of committee on banks (Evans) on res. rel. to ascertaining no. of banks which have gone Into operation under act to regulate banks. (House jol. 1814/15: 73-74.) 1815 Jan. 3. Govs. mess. (Snyder) resp. loan from banks, etc. (Sen. jol. 1814/5: 102-103.) Rept. of committee (T. Morgan) apptd. to enquire into the necessity, it any, of further stay of execu- tion, where bank notes may be refused to be taken in payment. (House jol. 1814/5: 304-305.) 1816 Rept. of committee on banks (M'Euen) rel. to cause of suspension of specie payments by banks within commonwealth; measures to be adopted by legislature on subject. (Same 1815/16: 159-161.) Repts. of committee on banks (M'Euen) on res. rel. to passing notes of a less denomination than one dollar and on petition for establishment of a state bank. {Same 1S15/6: 317.) Rept. of state treasurer (Findlay) In reply to Sen. res. of Feb. 16, stating percentage paid to state by the respective banks, Nov. 21, 1814-Jan. 3, 1816. (Sen. jol. 1815/6: 227-229.) 1817. Rept. of committee on banks (M'Euen) to whom were referred petitions complaining that banks have failed to comply with sec. 9 of act of Mch. 21, 1814 requiring them to loan certain proportion of their capital to farmers, mechanics and mnfrers., and that they refuse to pay specie for their notes. (House jol. 1816/7: 511-512.) 306 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd jion-serial — cont'd 1818. Rept. of committee on banks (G. Evans) to whom were referred petitions for repeal of so much of act regulating banks, as imposes an additional duty of 2% on their dividends and also that they may be authorized to issue notes to the amt. of two and three dollars. (Same 1S17/8: 352.) . Letter from state treasurer (Grain) announcing delivery of 600 copies of his ann. rept. and calling attention to payments due from banks. (Same 1818/9: 111.) 1819. Influence of act of Mch. 29 suppl. to act regulating banks: bank paper. (Govs. mess. (Findlay) Dec. 10, 1S19.) . Names of chartered banks within states, notes of which secy, of commonwealth refuses to receive. (Sen. jol. 1818/9: 268-284.) . Communication from state treasurer (Grain) rel. to his refusal of notes of certain banks. (House jol. 1818/19: 142-144.) . Letter from state treasurer (Grain) stating names of chartered banks, whose notes he refuses to receive. (Same 1818/9: 603.) 1819-1837. Summary stmts, of condition of Penn. banks at different periods. (U. S. 25 cong. 2 sess. House doc. 79: 832-833.) 1819-1839. Table: condition of banks of Penn. (U. S. 26 cong. 1 sess. House doc. 172: 1337-1338.) 1820. Rept. of committee (Raguet) on present dis- tressed and embarrassed state of commonwealth due to abuses of banking system; suggestion for abridg- ing corporate banks, etc. (Sen. jol. 1819/20: 221- 236.) . Govs. mess. (Findlay) approving sundry bills and transmitting copies of 0. and Ind. res. concur- ring in amdmt. to U. S. constitution proposed by Penn. confining power of Congress in establishing any bank or other monied institution to Distr. of Columbia and copies of a letter from chrm. of bd. of comrs. of 0. Canal Co. rel. to procuring from Penn. a subscription to stock of the Co. (House jol. 1819/20: 535-541.) Docs. ace. mess. . Govs. mess. (Findlay) transmitting copies of Conn, and N. J. res. disagreeing to and Tenn. res. concurring in amdmt. to federal constitution resp. power of Congress to establish banks proposed by Penn.; copies of N. J. act to prevent obstructions to navigation of the Delaware River; copies of letter from Gov. of Md. covering act of legisl. of that state to incorporate the Octorara Navigation Co. (Sen jol. 1820/1: 54-60; House jol. 1820/1: 65-80.) Md. act to Incorporate tlie Octorara Co. Is omitted from the Sen. Jol, 1821. Rept. of committee (Raguet) apptd. to enquire into expediency of renewing charters of banks in- corporated by law, as they shall severally expire, etc. (Sen. jol. 1820/1: 252-268.) . Same, separate, n. t. p. 19 pp. Copy seen In Amer. Phil. Soey. 1375 copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1820/1 : 2G9.) 1822. Rept. of auditor gen. (Duncan) stating situation of banks incorporated under act of Mch. 21, 1814. (House jol. 1821/2: 344 and 2 foldg. tables.) No. and names of banks; dates of letters patent; loca- tion; stock subscrllieil : capital paid In; specie paid In ; capital paid In Nov, .'>, 1821, and specie on hand same datc> ; notes in circulation ; dividends declared; tax paid; banks deprived of charters; banks In exlstente; tax paid ann. by each bank, 18141821 and total. BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1822. Rept. of committee on banks (Robertson) to whom were referred petitions and memorials of several banks within Commonwealth praying for extension of their charters. (Same 1821/2: 586- 588.) . Govs. mess. (Hiester) with copies of procs. of N. C. legisl. on apprn. of public lands for support of schools; also copies of letter from gov. of S. C, covering a res. of legisl. of that state, disagreeing to amdmt. of const, of U. S., proposed by legisl. of Penn. that Cong, make no law to erect or incorporate any bank or other monied institution, except within Distr. of Columbia, etc. (Same 1822/3: 68-77.) 1823. Govs. mess. (Hiester) approving sundry bills and transmitting copies of proceedings of Ga. legisl. dis- agreeing to amdmt. to federal constitution proposed by Penn. limiting power of Congress to incorporate a bank or other monied institution, to the Distr. of Columbia. (Sen. jol. 1822/3: 393-394; House jol. 1822/3: 645-647.) Mch. 28. Reasons of J. B. Sutherland and others for voting agst. passage of the bank bill. (House jol. 18"22/3: 953-955.) 1824. Rept. of committee on banks (Stevenson) on petitions for re-chartering banks instituted under act of 1814. (Same 1823/4: 487-490.) . Same, separate. Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1823/4 : 480.) 1825. List of rechartered banks. (Sen. jol. 1824/5: 159- 160.) 1828. Rept. of committee on banks (Snyder) rel. to restraining circulation of notes under denomination of $5, not authorized by laws of state. (House jol. 1827/8 V. 2: 800-804 (doc. 219).) . Same, separate, n. t. p. 7 pp. Copy seen In Amer. Phil. Socy., Phlla. Usual no. of copies were ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1827/8 v. 1 : 441.) . Rept. of committee on banks (Snyder) rel. to act concerning small notes for payment of money. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 398-402 (doc. 116).) . Rept. of committee on banks (Kerlin) on ex- pediency of repealing act rel to small notes for pay- ment of money. (Sen. jol. 182S/9 v. 1: 82-84.) 1829. Rept. of committee on banks (Snyder) on author- izing one or more chartered banks of commonwealth to issue notes of less denomination than $5. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 485 (doc. 153).) 1830. Corresp. arising from negotiation of charter loans from several banking institutions of common- wealth. (Same 1830/1 v. 2: 26-47; Sen. jol. 1830/1; 3-24.) 1830-1846. General stmt, of condition of Penn. banks. (U. S. 29 Cong. 2 sess. House doc. 120; 285-286.) 1830-1849. Synopsis of condition of banks of Penn. (U. S. 31 Cong. 1 sess. House doc. OS; 376-377.) 1830-1850. Synopsis of condition of banks in Penn. (U. S. 32 Cong. 1 sess. House doc. 122: 308-309.) 1831. Rept. of committee on banks (Simpson) on sundry applications for incorporation. (House jol. 1830/1 V. 2: 866-870 (doc. 217).) Banking capital of Penn.; her rank In capital and broken banks ; fiiiancl;il situation of banks, as a whole. In Nov. 1820; law of Apr. 12, 1820, resp. circulation of notrs of a less (It-iioiiilnatUtn than $5 ; recommended that the amt. be made $10 ; quotation from a publication of Albert Gallatin resp. metallic currency and bank notes ; banking capital In Phlla. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 3o; BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1S33. Kept, of the committee on banks in pursuance of a res. instructing tlieni to report on tlie currency of Penn., witli their opinions on tlie expediency of in- creasing tlic no. of banlts and banliing capital in the state, and tlie probable effect upon the currency that will be produced by a dissolution of the Bank of the U. S. should that institution not be re- chartered; Learning. (.Sdiiic 1S32/3 v. 2: 421-432.) . Same, separate; Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1833. 14 pp. 1833/4. Stmt, of banks of Penn., showing amt. of capi- tal, circulation, specie and issues of $5 bills. (U. S. 23 cong. 2 sess. House doc. 190: 86.) 1834. Increase of banking institutions should be checked; bank paper; specie circulation; remedial measures suggested. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. ;;, 1834.) . Corresp. [of secy, of commonwealth with various banks, etc.] rel. to loan under act of Apr. 5, 1834. (House jol. 1S34/5 v. 2: 22-26 (doc. 3).) . Speech of Mr. Keating in the House of Represen- tatives in support of the res. offered by him Jan. 6, 1833 calling upon the state banks for weekly repts. of their condition. Harrisburg: Prtd. bv H. Welsh, 1834. 40 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. . Probable cessation of specie payments by state banks. (Rept. of committee of ways and means (Keating) Mch. 1, 1834: 22.) . Financial crisis attributed to the removal of de- posits from the Bank of the U. S. and hostility of the Federal Executive to that institution. (Sanif 1834: 15.) . Objections to the Govs, recommendation of a law authorizing a call upon state banks tor a loan equal to 5% of their capital. (Same 1834: 31-32.) . List of banks liable to be called on for loan of 5'%, upon their capital. (Same 1834: 35.) — ■ — . Table; Penn. banks: names, capital of each, notes in circulation, per cent on capital, specie, per cent on notes. (Same 1834: 36-37.) . Table: proportion of specie to circulation of the safety fund banks, in N. Y. State, Jan. 1, do. N. Y. City. (Same 1S34: 38.) 1835. On paper money and metallic currency. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 15, 1835.) . Stmt, of condition of banks of Penn. Nov. 3. (U. S. 24 Cong. 1 sess. House doc. 42: 42-43.) . Corresp. of secy, of commonwealth and banks rel. to state loans. (Sen. jol. 1S35/6 v. 2: 3-7.) . Rept. of auditor gen. (Sturgeon) showing amt. of paper each bank in Commonwealth has in circu- lation, in bills of $5. (Same 1834/5 v. 2: 363.) . Rept. of committee of ways and means (Morris) rel. to revenue to be derived from banks. (House jol. 1834/5 V. 2: 526-530 (doc. 123).) . Same; minority rept. (Irish). (Same 1834/5 v. 2; 530-534 (doc. 124).) 1836. See below. Banks. Individual. Girard Bank, this date. . Disapproval of govt, and bank partnership. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 6, 1836.) . On circulating medium; recommended that state banks be prohibited from issuing and interdicting circulation of bank notes of less than $10; sug- gestions for establishing banking system. (Same (Ritner) Dec. 6, 1836.) . Rept. of committee on banks (Pennypacker) upon petition of citizens of commonwealth, praying for increase of banking capital. (House jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 584-585 (doc. 146).) BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 7ion-serial — cont'd 1836. Repts. of committee of accts. (Rogers) on vouchers of committees apptd. to visit Penn. and Phila. Banks. (Sen. jol. 1835/6 v. 1: 574.) . Rept. of auditor gen. (Hobart) transmitting re- turns of Bank of U. S. and of other banks; text of circular addressed to banks of commonwealth Nov. 21, 1S36. (Same 1836/7 v. 1: 104-105.) 1837. Returns reed, from all banks in state except the Northampton Bank, Lumbermen's Bank at Warren, Honesdale Bank, and Columbia Bridge Co.; 50 banks in state. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 6, 1837.) . Currency in Penn. from organization of national paper currency to date; Penn. little effected by tamperings with currency — reasons; circulation, specie, discounts and deposits of banks in May and Nov.; banks sustained themselves well during crisis, but only a defective bank system could admit of such a crisis; reformatory measures suggested; resumption of specie payments; circulation of small notes; permanent remedy must come from Wash- ington. (Same (Ritner) Dec. 6, 1837.) . Stmts, of the affairs of the several banks of Penn. on the first discount days in the months of Jan., May. Je. and Nov., 1837, to which is prefixed, an abstr. of the returns made by the Bank of the U. S., in the mos. of Apr., May, Je., Jly., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec, 1837. Prepared for the Convention by the auditor gen. (Hobart). Philadelphia: Prtd. by Thompson & Clark, 1838. 55 pp., foldg. table. Cop.v si-en in Hist. Socy. of Penn. . Letter from the secy, of the Commonwealth accompanied with a stmt, of the no. of institutions for banking, and for other purposes, incorporated by the Legisl. of Penn. since 1776 together with the date of incorporation, amt. of capital authorized to be employed, the quantity of land owned, the amt. of ann. income, and the place of transacting the business of each co. To which is added an abstr. from the returns of all the banks of the state in operation in Nov., 1836. Read in Convention, Je. 29, 1837. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Thompson & Clark, 1837. 160 pp., 5 foldg. tables. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in Library of Congress. 1837. Kept, of committee on banks (Baker) on inquiry into expediency of suppressing circulation of all bank notes and bills of less denomination than $10. (Sen. jol. 1836/7 v. 1: 261-262.) . Rept. of select committee (Hopkins) rel. to abuses arising from banks. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 733 (doc. 230).) . Rept. of the state treasurer (Sturgeon) showing the expenditures, income, debts and property of the Commonwealth, the sums reed, or receivable from banks as a bonus, dividend, or otherwise, etc. Read in Convention, May 29, 1837. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Thompson & Clark, 1S37. 11 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1838. Rept. of select committee (Johnston) rel. to cur- rency, ace. with docs. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 846- 990 (doc. 173).) The ace. docs, are replies from banks to circular of Jan. 30. 1838, sent out by the committee ; the inter- rogatories relate to suspension of specie payments, effect on business In the locality, discounted notes, denomination of bills, loans made by bunks. . Rept. of minority of committee on banks (Hayes) rel. to bill on bank charters. (Same 1837/8 v. 2: 290-293 (doc. 87).) . Healthful change accomplished in currency dur- ing yr. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 27, 1838.) 308 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1838. Kept, of committee on banks to whom was re- ferred the bill from the House of Representatives entitled: "An act for the better regulation of the several banking and savings institutions and loan cos. within this Commonwealth"; F. Fraley, chrm. Harrisburg: Thompson & Clark, 1838. 13 pp. In a panigraph on p. 13. Isaac Leet expresses dissent from the majority rept. Copy seen In the State Library of Penn., In the Hist. Socy. of Penn., In Univ. of Penn. and In the Library of Congress. 0000 copies In English and 2000 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1837/8 v. 1 : 514- 515.) . Same. (Sen. jol. 1837/8 v. 1: 506-514.) . Rept. of the auditor gen. in rel. to the circula- tion of paper currency under denomination of $5. Harrisburg: Packer, Barrett & Parke, 1837. 28 pp. Copy seen in Library of Congress and in N. Y. Public Library. 1500 copies were ordered printed in English and 500 copies in German. (House jol. 1837 v. 1 : 712.) . Communication from secy, of commonwealth (Shunk), ace. with a stmt, of banking institutions and incorporated cos. (House jol. 1838/9 y. 2 pt. 2: 263-290 (doc. 232).) 1839-1904. Abstr. of returns showing resources and liabilities of banks and savings institutions of Penn. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1839 (foldg. tables 1-3) ; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) The abstr. was made in Oct. or Nov. ; previous to 1839. It was made at four periods of ttie year ; see above, the serial group, under " Abstract." 1840. Defects In banking systems of U. S.; public credit system. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840: 16-19.) . Apptmt. of three bank comrs. recommended; powers and duties suggested. (Same (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840: 22.) . Passage of law recommended, compelling all banks in state to receive each other's notes at par, so long as the respective banks continue to redeem their notes in specie; action to be taken on failure of bank to redeem its notes in specie. (Same (Por- ter) Jan. 8, 1840: 22.) . Recommended that provision be made to prevent banks in Penn. from purchasing and holding bank stock or any other stock except their own, and stock of Penn. and of U. S., that amt. to be limited; that law authorizing stockholders to vote by proxies be repealed; that issue of post notes be prohibited; that power of repealing bank charters, reserved to the legislature on the creation of such corporations, be made a fundamental article of every bank charter that time for proceeding to have bank charter forfeited on refusal of specie payment be restricted to 30 days; that directors be rendered personally liable for payment of notes when circula- tion and deposits exceed ratio of three dollars to one of specie In their vaults; that issue of notes under $10 be prohibited; that banks be prohibited from making dividends exceeding 7% per annum, etc.; that more effectual provision be made to compel banks to furnish full statements of their condition to the auditor gen. or bank comrs. (.Same (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840: 22-24.) . Separation betw. state and banking institutions ought to take place; sale of state stock in Penn., Phlla. and Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank recom- mended. {Same (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840: 25.) . Suspension of specie payments; prohibition of issue and circulation of notes under |5. (Same (Por- ter) Jan. 8, 1840: 12-13.) . Propriety of inquiring Into condition of banks of state and fixing earliest possible period for resump- tion of specie payments. (Same (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840: 22.) BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1840. Utility of Law prohibiting issue and circulation of notes of a less denomination than |5. (Same (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840: 20-21.) . Recommended that investigation be made whether banks have taken usurious interest; sus- picion that certain banks in Phlla. have offended in this respect, and also rel. to election and rotation of directors. (Same (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840: 26.) . On independent treasury for the general govt.; effect on banks. (Same (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840: 25-26.) . Law recommended for more adequate prevention and punishment of frauds, and fraudulent breaches of trust by officers of banks, collectors of public tolls, and all other receivers and disbursers of public moneys. (Same (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840: 26.) . Rept. of state treasurer (Read) rel. to banks which have declared dividends since suspension of specie payments. (House jol. 1840 v. 2 [pt. 1]: 403-404 (doc. 30).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Holbrook, Henlock & Bratton, 1840. 4 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. . Communication from auditor gen. (Espy) ace. with a stmt, of five, ten and twenty dollar bills, of the several banks of the commonwealth in circula- tion and the number of shares held by each stock- holder. (House jol. 1840 v. 2 [pt. 1]: 452-456 (doc. 87).) . Same, separate. Not seen. 1000 copies in English and 300 in German were ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1840 v. 1 : 285.) . Reasons of J. C. Fisher and others for adverse vote on passage of bill for regulation of banks, sav- ings institutions and loan cos. of this common- wealth. (House jol. 1840 v. 1: 798-800.) . Message of the Gov. (Porter), ace. with the cor- resp. from the banks in Phila. and the Harrisburg Bank rel. to the loan authorized by act of Jan. 23, 1840. Harrisburg: Holbrook, Henlock & Bratton, 1840. 13 pp. Copy seen In State Library of Penn. . Rept. from committee on banks (Snowden) rel. to authorizing banks to issue small notes of one, two, and three dollars. (House jol. 1840 v. 2, pt. 2: 464-466 (doc. 148).) 1841. Recommendation that no increase of banking capital be made, and that effectual provision be made by law that suspension of specie payment shall be forfeiture of charter. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 6, 1841: 4-5.) . Dissent of Findley Patterson from rept. of com- mittee on banks resp. specie payments. (Sen. jol. 1841 V. 1: 236-237.) . Memorial of president, etc. of Bank of U. S. of Penn. rel. to specie payments. (House jol. 1841 v. 2: 173-178.) . Reasons for Govs. (Porter) disapproval of bill rel. to banks and providing better govt, thereof. (Same 1841 v. 1: 765-776; Sen. Jol. v. 1: 667-677.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 5000 copies in English and 500 In German ordered prtd. (House jol. 1841 v. 1:776.) 1841-1850. Rept. auditor gen. (Purviance) rel. to amt. banking capital in Penn. (Sen. jol. 1851 v. 2: 382 (doc. 25) ; House jol. v. 2: 318 (doc. 23).) 1842. Rept. of committee on banks (Deford) to whom was referred so much of Govs. mess, as relates to reformation of banking system, and early resump- tion of specie payments. (House jol. 1842 v. 2: 204- 207 (doc. 72).) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 309 BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd noti-serial — cont'd 1842. Same, separate. Harrisburg: Henlock and Brat- ton, 1842. 8 pp. Copy soon In State Library of Tenn. 3000 copies In Knglish and 1000 In Germiin ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1842 V. 1 : 223. . Tables: banks subject to tax on dividends, capital, amt. subscribed to stock created by act of May 4, 1841; capital of those whicli failed to subscribe; banks not subject to tax; expiration of bank charters; value of bank stock owned by state 1839- 1842. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 6, 1842.) Messape indexed from doc. ed. . Condition of banks and currency; small notes in circulation; tax of bank capital; loans taken by banks; specie payments; sale of state stock in banks recommended; value of this stock; renewal of charters. (Same (Porter) Jan. 6, 1842.) . Communication from auditor gen. (Espy) with circular forwarded to banks requesting condition of said banks. (House jol. 1842 v. 1: 485-487.) . Communication from auditor gen. (Espy) trans- mitting replies to circular forwarded to banks Mch. 2, with ace. docs. {Same 1842 v. 2: 455-556 (doc. 122).) . Same, separate. Not seen. 500 copies were ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1.S42 V. 1 : S27.) . Same, omitting auditor's letter. (Sen. jol. 1842 V. 2: 239-342 (doc. 27).) . Reasons of Nathaniel Brooke and others for vote agst. act to provide for resumption of specie pay- ments. (Same 1842 v. 1: 481-484.) . Reasons (Boone) for vote agst. adoption of rept. of conference committee on subject of amdmts. to bill providing for resumption of specie payments by banks. (House jol. 1842 v. 1: 560-564.) . Rept. of jt. committee (Sharswood) to investi- gate conduct of the banks. (Same 1842 v. 2: 739-741 (doc. 137).) . Govs. mess. (Porter) rel. to alleged corrupt legis- lation in 1840 and nolle prosequi proceedings in case of Geo. Handy. (Same 1842 v. 1: 860-861.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 1000 copies in Englisli ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1842 v. 2; 861.) . Communication from auditor gen. (Packer) ace. with a stmt, of banks, made in compliance with Sen. res. of Je. 20. (Sen. jol. 1842 v. 1: 369-424 (doc. 31).) . Majority (Sharswood) and minority (Lowry) repts. of joint committee rel. to an investigation into any corrupt means which may have been em- ployed by banks, or their agents, for purpose of influencing the action of the Legisl., or any other dept. of govt., in regard to any legislation for their benefit; ace. with testimony. Harrisburg: Henlock & Bratton, 1842. 360, iii pp. The Investigation Included dates 1836 to 1840. — ^. Same. (House jol. 1842, app. to v. 2: 171-531, iii pp.) . Same. (Senate edition.) Harrisburg: Boas & Patterson, 1842. 319, iii pp. This edition was seen only in Columbia Univ. Library. . Same, omitting testimony. (Sen. jol. 1842 v. 1: 1080-1096.) . Same, testimony only. (Same 1842 v. 2 app.: 171-631.) . Same, rept. including testimony. Harrisburg, 1842. 319, iii pp. This edition was compiled and prepared by J. Franklin Relgart. secy, of the Investigating committee. The title differs slightly from that of the other editions : " A full and correct rept. of the testimony given before the Jt. committee of the Legislature of 1842, inquiring into the charges of bribery and cor- BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd ruptlon by the bunks during the session of 1840. together with the proceedings had nt the bar of the House of Hepresentatlves in the case of (George Ilandy, one of the directors of the U. S. Bank, etc. ace. by rept. of the committee." 1842. Same, in German. Bericht der Mehrheit und Min- derhelt des Gemeinsamen UntersuchungsConimittee des Senates und Reprasentantenhauses iiber etwaige Bestechungen der Gesetzgebung oder eines andern Regierungs-Departmonts durch die Banken Oder deren Agenten. Nebst Zeugnissen, Harrisburg: Gedruckt bei Baab und Hummel, 1842. 458, iii pp. . Rept. of auditor-gen. (Espy) rel. to banks of com- monwealth and the law of May 4, 1841; with stmt, exhibiting names and location of banks of common- wealth designating those which subscribed to loan authorized bv act of May 4, 1841, with amt. taken by each. (House jol. 1842 app. to v. 2: 118-119.) See also entry immediately following this. . Rept. of the committee on banks (Kidder) ace. with a bill rel. to banks. Harrisburg: J. B. Bratton, 1843. 16 pp. Copy seen In the State Library of Penn. 1843. Fatal result from increase of banking capital of Penn. from $20,000,000 to $60,000,000. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 4, 1843: 3.) . Banking system of the commonwealth has fallen by the weight of its own imperfections; legisl. action suggested. (Some (Porter) Jan. 4, 1843: 11.) . Rept. of committee on banks (Deford) rel. to authorizing banks to issue notes of a less denomina- tion than $5, redeemable in specie. (House jol. 1843 V. 2: 319-320 (doc. 83).) . Rept. of committee on banks (Deford) on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to banks and cur- rency. (Same 1843 v. 2: 270-275 (doc. 58).) . Same, separate. Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1843 V. 1 : 271.) . Rept. of the minority of the committee (Parke) to whom was referred the petition of Andrew Mil- ler and others praying that articles of impeachment be preferred agst. David R. Porter. Harrisburg: T. Fenn, 1843. 15 pp. Charges of bribery and other misdemeanors, particularly in connection with banks. Copy seen in library of the Library Co. of Thlla. . Same. (House jol. 1843 v. 2: 410-435 (doc. 93).) . Same; majority rept. (Elwell). (Some 1843 v. 2: 402-409 (doc. 92).) . Rept. of committee on banks (Kidder) on peti- tions for legisl. action rel. to banking institutions. (Sen. jol. 1843 v. 1: 652-661.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 500 copies In English and 250 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1S43 v. 1 : 662.) . Minority rept. of committee on banks (Black) rel. to granting banks permission to issue notes of less denomination than $5. (Sen. jol. 1843 v. 1: 713- 718.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. B. Bratton, 1843. 7 pp. Copy seen in State Library of Penn. 500 copies in English and 250 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1843 V. 1 : 718.) 1844. Govs. mess. (Porter) on res. rel. to prosecution of persons connected with conspiracy to procure im- proper legislation in 1840. (House jol. 1844 v. 1: 33- 35.) 1845. Message from Gov. (Shunk) rel. to cancellation of relief notes. (Same 1845 v. 2: 688-689 (doc. 102).) 1846. Recommended that banks be required to make monthly returns to auditor-gen. (Govs. mess. (Shunk) Jan. 7, 1846: 15.) 310 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 184S. Influx of specie into U. S.; effect; care needed to establish a sound currency. (Saine (Sliunk) Jan. 5, 184S.) . Increase of banking capital impolitic; cautions respecting rechartering of banks; increase of tax on dividends recommended; free banking. (Same (Shunk) Jan. 5, 1848.) . Extrs. on banks and currency of state, from mes- sage of Gov. Shunk Jan. 5. (U. S. 30 Cong. 1 sess. House doc. 77: 442-443.) . Communication from secy, of commonwealth (Miller) giving date and time of expiration of charter of banks of commonwealth. (House jol. 1848 v. 2: 281-283 (doc. 32).) . Rept. of committee on banks (Benedict) on ex- tending charters of certain banks. (Same 1848 v. 1: 293-294.) Feb. 16. Same; minority rept. (Swartzwelder). (Same 1848 v. 1: 302-303.) Columbia Bank and Bridge Co., Bank of Northern Liberties of Phlln. ; Farmers' and Drovers' Bank of Waynesburg ; Bank of Delaware Co. ; Bank of Montgomery Co. ; Bank of Chambersburg ; Hanover Savings Fund Socy. In York Co. 1849. Suggestions respecting renewal of bank charters: currency in circulation. (Govs. mess. (Johnston) Jan. 6, 1849.) . Investigation of committee on banks (Laird) into affairs of banks and savings institutions of state. (House jol. 1849 v. 2: 712-1023 (doc. 93).) 1849-1851. Rept. of auditor gen. (Banks) rel. to banks chartered; capital of each; bonus. (Same 1852 v. 2: 384-386 (doc. 37).) . Same. (Sen. jol. 1852 v. 2: 320-323.) 1850. Circulation of notes of less denomination than $5. (Govs. mess. (Johnston) Jan. 1, 1850.) . Investigation of committee on banks (Laird) into affairs of different banks and savings institu- tions of commonwealth. (House jol. 1850 v. 2: 845- 906 (doc. 112).) 1850-1857. Synopsis of returns of banks in Penn. (U. S. 35 Cong. 1 sess. House doc. 107: 327.) 1851. Communication from auditor gen. (Purviance) in reply to House res. of Mch. 8, transmitting a tabular stmt, of bank bonuses and premiums on loans; banks chartered or rechartered since Jan. 1, 1830, that have paid bonuses tor their charters; date of charter; capital; bonuses paid; loans to com- monwealth, by whom taken, rate, premium, etc. (House jol. Jan. 1851 v. 12: 156-159.) . For system of banking based upon state stock under proper restrictions. (Govs. mess. (Johnston) Jan. 7, 1851.) . Need of increased banking facilities; free bank- ing; small notes. (Same (Johnston) Jan. 7, 1851. » . Remarks of Mr. Muhlenberg of Berks Co. on bill authorizing a system of banking based upon state stocks; in Senate, n. t. p. 10 pp. Copy Been In Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phlla. 1852. On circulation of small notes. (Govs. mess. (Johnston) Jan. 5, 1852.) . Specie and paper as a circulating medium. (Same (Bigler) Jan. 20, 1852.) . Rept. of treasurer (Bickel) on amt. of relief notes In circulation. (House jol. 1853 v. 2: 378 (doc. 42).) . Veto (Bigler) of acts to incorporate MeadvlUe Bank, a bank at Pittsburg, one at AUentown, Car- lisle, North Castle, Tamaqua, Mauch Chunk, Phoe- nlxvllle, Monongahela City, etc.; banking capital of state. (Sen. jol. 1852 v. 1:826-831; House jol. 1852 v. 1: 843-848.) BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1852. Same, separate, n. p., n. d. 8 pp. Copy seen In Penn. State Library. 5000 copies In English and 1000 copies in German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1852 v. 1 : 851-854.) . Remarks of J. Ellis Bonham on the bank ques- tion, together with Gov. Bigler's veto on the bank bills and the debate on the same. Harrisburg: M'Kinley & Lescure, 1852. 23(1) pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. . Communication from auditor gen. (Banks) rel. to taxes upon bank capital and bank dividends. (Sen. jol. 1852 v. 1: 963.) . Interrogatories addressed to banks by committee on banks; with replies. (House jol. 1852 v. 2: 658- 676 (doc. 930).) 1853. Same. (Same 1853 v. 2: 622-634.) . Communication from treasurer (Bickel) with stmt, of money standing to credit of commonwealth in various banks on first day of each mo. (Legisl. docs. 1854: 221.) . Same, for Individual banks. (Same 1854: 222- 224.) 1854. Currency system of Penn.; paper notes and specie; evil tendencies of system can be restricted by requiring institutions to make frequent settle- ments and confining amt. of banking capital, as a basis of paper issues, to lowest point consistent with demands of legitimate business. (Govs. mess. (Bigler) Jan. 4, 1854.) . Amt. of relief issues in circulation; remedies suggested. (Same (Bigler) Jan. 4, 1854.) . Veto (Bigler) of act regulating banks. (Sen. jol. 1854: 35-37.) . Same. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1, no. 1: 5-6.) . Veto (Bigler) of acts to incorporate various banks. (Same v. 1 (no. 81): 396.) 1854-1862. Synopsis of returns of banks in Penn. (U. S. 38 Cong. 1 sess. House doc. 20: 214.) 1855. Interrogatories, adopted by committee on banks, to be addressed to all banks, etc., applying for charter or re-charter. (House jol. 1855: 50-51.) . Care needed in chartering new banks, increasing banking capital and savings institutions, etc. (Govs, mess. (Pollock) Jan. 16, 1855.) . Stmt, showing amt. of paper each bank in com- monwealth of Penn. has in circulation in bills of denomination of $5. (U. S. 23 cong. 2 sess. House doc. 190: 102-145.) . Jan. 6. Veto (Bigler) of act rel. to certain penalties. (Legisl. Record Jan. 6, 1855: 3-4; Sen. jol. 1855: 41-43.) The bill legalized the circulation of foreign bank notes of small denomination, remitted all penalties In- curred by a r.r. or canal co. under sec. 48, act of 1850 except one ; method suggested In the message of relieving the Inconvenience in the use of currency. 1856. Incorporation of new banks and increase of bank- ing capital; tax should be imposed on new charters or re-charters. (Govs. mess. (Pollock) Jan. 1, 1856.) . Res. proposing address of interrogatories (24) to banks and savings institutions applying for re- charter or extension or restoration of capital. (House jol. Jan. 1856: 83-85.) . Rept. of committee on banks (Irwin) rel. to banks and savings Institutions. (Legisl. docs. 1856: 334-337.) . Consideration of bank bills. (Daily Legisl. Record 1856: 414-416.) Acts to Incorporate the Stroudshurg Bank, Mercer Co. Bank, Central Bank of Penn. 1857. Memorial of the bd. of trade of Phlla. resp. bank- ing and currency regulations. (Same 1857 no. 23: 4-5.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 311 BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1857. On banks and the currency; private banks and depreciated bank paper. (Govs. mess. (Pollock) Jan. 7. 1857.) . Res. autliorizing committee on banks to pro- pound certain inquiries to institutions making appli- cation for re-charters or increase ot capital. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1857: 13413t;.) 1857 [1858]. Communication from auditor gen. (Fry) rel. to quarterly stmts, of banks. (Lcgisl. docs. 1858: 463 (doc. 39).) Reply to rea. of Feb. 18. 1858. 1858. Rept. of committee apptd. under House res. of Mch. 26, 185S to investigate affairs and condition of certain banks. {Siime 1859:470-527 (doc. 17); Legisl. Record 1859: 57-62.) r. C. Grttman, R. 1". Miller und Oliver Evans constituted the <-oiiimittee. In the Record this body Is referred to ns the " conwuissioners." . Present derangement of currency will suggest necessity of reform in the banking system and in mngmt. of banking institutions. (Govs. mess. (Pol- lock) 1858: 10.) . Extr. rel to currency, bank notes, etc., from in- augural address of Gov. Packer of Pennsylvania, Jan. 19. (U. S. 35 Cong. 1 sess. House doc. 107: 172- 173.) . Remarks (Nill of Franklin) on the law regulat- ing banks. (Legisl. Record 1858: 492-493.) . Debate on act suppl. to act of Apr. 16, 1850, regu- lating banks. (Ni/Hic 1858: 309-373; 409-410.) Jan. 15. Res. of bd. of trade of Pittsburgh rel. to bank dividends and contingent funds, covering res. of Mch. 27, 1857. (Smiie 185S: 91.) Feb. 18. Debate on bill to facilitate the resump- tion of specie payment by banks of Penn. {Same 1858: 142.) Feb. 19. Communication from auditor gen. (Fry) in reply to Sen. res. of Feb. 18, stating banks which have reported since submission of the auditor gen.'s ann. stmt. (Same 1858: 150.) Stroudshurs Bunk. of Beaver Co. and Farmers' Bnuk of Schuylkill Co. Feb. 25. Remarks (Marselis) on bill to facilitate the resumption of specie payments by the banks of the Commonwealth. (Same 1858: 178-179.) 1858/9. Table: amt. on deposit in the resp. banks and banking houses at the end of each mo. of the fiscal year. (Daily Legisl. Record 1860: 159-160.) 1859. On repealing charters of certain banks. (Govs, mess. (Packer) Jan. 5, 1859: 11.) . A law requiring all issues of banks hereafter organized, to be secured by pledge of loans, would enhance value of present loans. (Same (Packer) 1859: 12.) . On imperfection of existing laws rel. to banks and banking. (Same (Packer) Jan. 5, 1859: 11-12.) . Great financial depression of past 18 mos. due principally to banking system now in use. (Same (Packer) Jan. 5, 1859: 12.) . Communication from auditor gen. (FYy) rel. to capital of banks and brokers. (Legisl. docs. 1859: 739 (doc. 47).) Reply to House res. of Feb. 1 ; unable to furnish infor- mation. . Communication from auditor gen. (Fry) in reply to Sen. res. of Mch. 2, 1859, inquiring about bank failures 1830 to date; no record kept of them. (Same 1859: 1050 (doc. 84).) . Debate on act establishing a general banking law. (Legisl. Record 1859: 210-211; 485-488; 530-532.) . Debate on act to prohibit the issuing and circula- tion of bank notes of a less denomination that $5. (Same 1859,- 358-359.) BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1859 Feb. 25. Rept. of committee of accts. (Wright) on examination into charges of abuse of franking privilege. (Same 1859: 281.) 1860. Changes in general banking law and in act of Mch. 31, 1860 suggested. (Rept. auditor gen. on tree banking I860: 394-395.) Paging from Collected docs. . Banking system defective; chartering of new banks disapproved. (Govs. mess. (Packer) Jan. 4, 1860.) 1860-1865. Expenses of auditor gen.'s ofBce under gen- eral banking law, etc. 1864/5; receipts; balance; balance each year, 1800-1865. (Rept. auditor gen. rel. to free banking law 1865: 15.) 1860/1. Expenses of auditor's office on acct. of banks organized under general banking law; receipts; purchase of a safe. (Same 1861: 9.) 1861. Recommended that banks organized under the general banking law be allowed to issue notes of a lower denomination than $5. (Same 1861: 9.) . On policy of requiring circulating notes of banks to be secured by a pledge of public stocks. (Same 1861: 10.) . Debate on proposed Investigation to ascertain if any banks have forfeited their charters by reason of non-compliance with laws regulating banks. (Legisl. Record 1861: 246-247; 263-266.) . Rept. of committee on banks (Lawrence) on sus- pension of specie payments. (Sen. jol. 1861: 527- 532; Legisl. Record 1861: 686-688.) Contains a list of suspended banks ; do. not suspended ; list of banks whose discounts decreased (amt.) ; do. increased. . Debate on resumption of specie payments by the banks. (Legisl. Record 1861: 649-656; 731-736; 895- 901; 917-922.) . Debate on suppl. to act establishing a system of free banking in Penn. and to secure the public agst. loss from insolvent banks. (Same 1861: 760-767; 786-787.) 1S61-1862. Table: whole amt. of banking capital re- turned by banks organized under general banking law; amt. of their debts and liabilities; circulating notes outstanding; total amt. of means and resources of these banks; amt. of specie held by them. (Rept. auditor gen. rel. to free banking law 1861 (p. 8) — same 1862.) 1862. List of brokers and private bankers who have paid money into state treasury as well as those who have not complied with statute. (Legisl. docs. 1862: 815-820.) . Rept. of committee (Smith of Phila.) apptd. to inquire into facts connected with passage of act (Apr. 17, 1861) requiring resumption of specie pay- ments by banks and for equalization of currency of state; improper influences alleged. (House jol. 1862: 753-755; Legisl. Record 1862: 907; 1038-1039.) • . Suggestions for creating such a banking system as to do away with special charters. (Rept. of auditor gen. rel. to free banking law 1862: 467.) Paging from Collected docs. . Debate on resumption of specie payments by the banks. (Legisl. Record 1862: 618-634; 821-825; 827- 832.) . Debate on bill to protect bank creditors agst. fraud. (Same 1862: 875-877.) 1862-1863. Stmt, of circulation of several banks of Penn. at close of Jan., Apr., Jly., Oct., 1862 and Apr. 1863. (U. S. 38 Cong. 1 sess. House doc. 20: 153-155.) 1863. Recommendation that no more banks be in- corporated because of large number already incor- porated. (Govs. mess. (Curtin) Jan. 1863: 6.) 312 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1863. Table: whole amt. of banking capital returned by banks organized under general banking law; amt. of debts and liabilities; amt. of circulating notes outstanding; amt. of means and resources of the banks. (Rept. of auditor gen. rel. to free banking law 1863: 17.) . Stmt, of bank capital and no. of banks of each town and county in Penn.; May. (U. S. 38 Cong. 1 sess. House doc. 20: 151.) . Communication from state treasurer (Moore) rel. to amt. of specie certificates issued to several banks of commonwealth. (Legisl. docs. 1863: 1299-1301 (doc. 63); Legisl. Record 1863: 314-315.) 1864. Govs, mess (Curtin) on repayment of advances by banks tor the payment of the militia. (Legisl. Record 1864: 964.) . Proposed investigation concerning banks. (Same 1864: 65-67.) . Renewal of bank charters; extension of time dur- ing which banks are now relieved from penalties for not paying their obligations in coin, recom- mended. (Govs. mess. (Curtin) Jan. 7, 1864: 7.) 1865. Circulation of small notes of other states; debate. (Legisl. Record 1865: 218-219.) . Rept. of treasurer (Moore) on what banks intend to avail themselves of enabling act, of Aug. 22, 1864, and amt. paid from all sources, by such banks, into treasury. (House jol. 1865: 106-108.) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1865: 95.) . Rept. of treasurer (Moore) in reply to res. in- quiring what banks of commonwealth have sur- rendered specie certificates, together with amt. of specie which each of said banks loaned to common- wealth, etc. (House jol. 1865: 577.) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1865: 520.) . Veto (Curtin) of suppl. to act enabling banks of commonwealth to become assns. for purpose of bank- ing under laws of U. S. and to enable free banks to become national banks. (Same 1865: 713.) 1866. Stmt, in detail of the securities held in trust for each banking assn., and amt. of circulating notes issued and outstanding Jan. 4, 1866; capital of each bank. (Rept. auditor gen. rel. to tree banking law 1865: 13-15.) Clearfield Co. Bank ; Downlngtown Bank, Mechanicsburg Bank, Milton Bank, Farmers' Bank of Mount Jo.t. Venango Bank, Petroleum Bank, Government Bank, National Bank of Penn., Mifflin Co. Bank. 1867. Veto (Geary) of act to enable state banks to set- tle and close up their affairs. (House jol. 1867: 699- 700.) 1869. Atty. gen. submitted a rept. to gov. rel. to Credit Mobilier of America, recommending that " quo war- ranto " be discontinued. (A.R. atty. gen. 1869: 1049.) Paging from Ijeglsl. docs. 1870. 1873. Tabular: stmt, of resources and liabilities of banks and savings institutions of Penn., Nov., 1873. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 141-147.) 1874. Necessity of limitation to powers conferred on moneyed corporations; banks of discount; interest on deposits; chartering of state banks under name of savings banks; difference betw. banks and savings funds; objects of trust cob.; suggested that state banks, savings funds and trust cos. be subject to examination by a committee, required to publish quarterly stmts., that their stockholders be made personally liable for double amt. of stock held by them and that they be compelled to have In their vaults a cash reserve of 10% of their liabilities. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 7, 1874: 17-19.) BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1874. Stmt, showing resources and liabilities of state banks. (2 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1873/4: 83-86.) — — . Rept. of committee (Young) apptd. to investigate authorsliip of circulars addressed to banks and bankers rel. to bill to repeal usury laws of the com- monwealth. (House jol. Jan. 1874: 330-332.) A scheme originated by Wm. H. Dlmmlck, a member of the House, tor his private profit ; he anticipated any action by the House by resigning Feb. 23, 1874. . Testimony in the bank investigation directed by the House of Repr. (Legisl. jol. 1874: 2097-2144.) . Incorporation and regulation of banks; debate. (Same 1874: 1204-1211.) . Rept. of conference committee (Henry) on act for incorporation and regulation of banks of discount and deposit. (House jol. 1874: 1083-1084.) 1875. No. of national banks in state; capital; no. and capital of state banks and savings institutions: aggregate capital; incorporation of banks without limitation of powers and privileges; deposits in 1874; interest paid; savings banks and banks of discount; interest rates should be regulated; sug- gested that banks be required to have capital of $15,000 at organization, that stockholders be made personally liable and be prohibited from charging or receiving interest above legal rates; banks should be subject to examinations and be required to pub- lish quarterly stmts, and retain in vaults cash re- serve of 10% of net liabilities. (Govs. mess. (Hart- ranft) Jan. 6, 1875: 15-18.) ■ . Incorporation and regulation of banks of discount and deposit. (Legisl. Record 1875: 634-637.) 1876. Confirmation of views expressed in former mes- sages on organization and mngmt. of banks, sav- ings funds and trust cos. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 4, 1876: 34.) . Regulation of banks of discount and deposit; de- bate. (Legisl. Record 1876: 503-506; 944-948; 1934- 1936.) . Personal liability of stockholders of banks and banking cos. (Same 1876: 712-713.) . Resumption of specie payments; debate. (Same 1876: 158-160.) 1877. Effect of new banking law. (Govs. mess. (Hart- ranft) Jan. 3, 1877: 8-9.) 1878. Creation of a banking dept.; bill; debate. (Legisl. Record 1878 (v. 2): 2712-2716.) . Debate on act to create the banking dept. (Same 1878: 519-523; 524-528; 682-684; 1099-1104; 1186- 1189.) . For creation of bank examiner or comr. with authority to make periodical examination of condi- tion of banks of commonwealth. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 2, 1878: 8.) 1879. For creation of bank dept. (Same (Hartranft) Jan. 8, 1879: 8.) . Veto (Hoyt) of act to prevent apptmt. of persons to assess shares of bank stock in the commonwealth and to provide for the assessment thereof and pay- ment of the taxes thereon; with text of act. (Bills filed in office of secy, of commonwealth by the Gov. 1879/81: 9-11.) 1884. Recommended that all private banking Institu- tions of state be forced to make semiannual repts. under oath to auditor's dept. as means of protecting depositors. (A.R. auditor gen. 1884: 6.) 1885. Regulation of banks, banking assns. and indi- vidual bankers not incorporated under laws of Penn. (Legisl. Record 1885: 1584-1590.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 313 JANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1887. Veto of act to provide for the renewing of charters of banks of discount; with text of act. (Vetoes (Beaver) 1887: 31-32.) . Private banliers and banking institutions should be entirely barred from being made custodians of state balances; lawfully incorporated banks should be permitted to be named as depositories. (Govs, mess. (Pattison) Jan. 4, 1887.) . Attention of legisl. called to remedy oppressive and injurious method of banking. (.s'«mp (Pattison) Jan. 4, 1887.) . No. of banks incorporated by state, no. chartered by special acts; general condition. {Same (Patti- son) Jan. 4, 1887.) . No. of private banks; ann. income; non-security to depositors; failures; loss to depositors; many institutions insolvent or state is being defrauded of legitimate revenue. {Same (Pattison) Jan. 4, 1887.) . Kept, of special committee apptd. to investigate charges of collection of money to influence the action of House of Representatives on the Bank Examiner bill; with testimony of witnesses taken by com- mittee. (Legisl. Record 1887: 2330-2344.) Edmund Shaw. chrm. 1888. Case of ex-state treasurer (Baily) rel. to moneys deposited in bank subsequently insolvent. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1887/8: xll.) 1890. Opinion of atty. gen.: before a state bank can in- crease its capital stock it must give notice by publi- cation in two newspapers in co. of its location at least once a week for three months of such proposed increase. {Same 1889/90: app. xlv.) . Credit Mobilier of America; suit rel. to settle- ment of accts. {Same 1SS9/90: 24-26.) 1891. Necessity for inspection and regulation of state and private banks. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 20, 1891: 8.) . Rept. of jt. committee (Robinson) to investigate cause of the recent failures of incorporated state and private banks. (Sen. jol. 1891: 855-857; Legisl. Record 1891: 1472-1473.) . Proceedings of above-mentioned committee. 208 pp. (Official docs. 1891 v. 3, doc. 22; Legisl. Record 1891 v. 2: 3521-3582.) 1892. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to power of supt. of banking to withhold repts. of banking institutions. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1891/2: app. 114-115.) . Opinion of atty. gen.; re-chartering of a banking corporation in Penn. incorporated under a special law, does not subject it to provisions of act of May, 13, 1876, but merely renews its former corporate powers. {Same 1891/2: app. 110-111.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to duties of supt. of banking. {Same 1891/2 app.: 94-95.) . Opinion of atty. gen.; bank examiner is charged under act of Je. 8, 1891, with supervision of all banks and banking cos., etc., and every other corporation having power and receiving money on deposit and Incorporated under laws of Penn. {Same 1891/2: app. 91-92.) 1893. Enactment of bank law; apptmt. of supt.; apprn. recommended to defray expenses of dept. in 1891 and 1892; work carried on by supt. and assts.; no. banks, trust COS., capital, surplus, undivided profits, de- posits Dec. 1, 1892; suggestions by bank examiner commended, viz.: 1st, passage of act providing that no CO. be permitted to loan its money upon Its own capital stock; 2d, limitation of loans to officers, directors and employes; 3d, prohibition of any in- BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd dividual or firm using in business name, sign or de- vice resembling that of any bank or other financial corporation; 4th, obtaining consent of state by foreign corporations desiring to do banking busi- ness in state; 5th, empowering of supt. of banking or examiner to administer oaths, etc.; Cth, penalty for failure of any company to rept. at request of supt.; empowering of supt. of banking to appt. tem- porary receivers, etc.; Sth, increased payment of ex- aminers; 9th, authorization of supt. to require pay- ment of loans when securities depreciate. (Govs, mess. (Pattison) Jan. 3, 1893: 8-10.) 1893. Assns. taking money on deposit. (21 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1893: A 43.) . Opinion of atty. gen.; matter of renewing or ex- tending corporate franchises of a banking institu- tion is one in which public have a concern and about which they have a right to public notice. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1893/4: app. 59-60.) . Discussion of bill to encourage and authorize the formation of co-operative banking associations where the profits derived from the business, after paying all legitimate expenses, shall accrue to the depositors and borrowers of the assn. (Legisl. Record 1893 v. 1: 694-695; 739-742.) . Discussion of proposed suppl. to act creating a banking dept., by extending supervision of the Bank- ing Dept. to certain financial corporations chartered under the laws of other states, etc. {Same 1893 v. 1: 721-725.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to renewal of bank char- ters; advertisement cannot be waived. (Bienn. rept. of atty. 1893/4: app. 57-58.) 1893-1904. Names of banks, trust cos. and savings insti- tutions under supervision of banking dept. (A.R. supt. banking pt. 1: 40-649; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) 1894. See below. Savings Banks, this date. . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to establishment of branch offices by savings banks, trust cos. and banks. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1893/4: app. 114-117.) 1895. Opinion of atty. gen.; officers and stockholders of banks ineligible to apptmt. as notaries public. {Same 1895/6: 62-63.) 1896. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to publication and dis- tribution of rept. of comr. of banking. {Same 1895/6: 180-181.) . Opinion of atty. gen.: clerks and employes of banking institutions cannot be apptd. to office of notary public. (Some 1895/6: 24-25.) . Banking dept. of Penn.: title of act creating the dept.; officers, examiners and clerks; examinations — authority for; repts. and their publication; pro- cedure in case of impairment of capital stock; pro- cedure in case of corporations having no capital stock; refusal of corporations to submit books, etc., foreign corporations; ann. rept.; charters; trust cos. {Same 1895/6: 274-281.) 1897. Payment of interest on state funds deposited in banks. (Legisl. Record 1897 v. 1: 1201-1203.) . Payment of interest on deposits by banks receiv- ing deposits from state treasury. (Govs. mess. (Hastings) Jan. 5, 1897: 11.) . Amt. of deposits held by banking institutions in 1896; increase; amt. in hands of trust cos.; recom- mended that applications for charters of financial institutions be submitted to banking dept. for ap- proval ; that foreign cos. be required to secure approval of banking dept.; that in addition to ex- amination fees fixed by law, there be a general 314 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-scrinl — cont'd license fee imposed upon foreign financial corpora- tions doing business in state. (Same (Hastings) Jan. 5, 1S97: 41.) 1899. No. of corporations controlled by banking dept. ; amdmts. to law recommended, viz.: limitation of percentage of loans to officers and directors of trust cos. and other financial institutions; keeping of reserve fund in proportion to deposits; reserve fund for trusts; permission of banking comr. to give in- formation to officers, directors and stockholders of condition of corporations in which they are inter- ested; etc. {S(wie (Hastings) Jan. 3, 1899: 21.) 1901. Proceedings on act authorizing banks chartered under laws of commonwealth to loan money on security of bonds and mortgages on real estate, and to invest funds in bonds, mortgages, notes and other interest-bearing securities and obligations. (House jol. 1901 v. 2: 2565-2566.) 1903. Increased no. of banks; capital, surplus, deposits. (Govs. mess. (Stone) Jan. 6, 1903: 3.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to right of banking in- stitutions to establish branches in city or co. where such institutions are located. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 197-198.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to bank charters; certifi- cation of charter by atty.-in-fact for an incorporator of corporation for banking purposes. (Same 1903/4: 199-200.) 1903-1904. List of insurance co. and bank charters ap- proved. (Same 1903/4 app. II: 397-398.) . Veto of act amending act conferring upon certain fidelity, insurance, safety deposit, trust and savings cos. powers and privileges of cos. incorporated under act and Apr. 29, 1874, etc.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Stone) 1903: 24-26.) 1904. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to comr. of banking: certification that full amt. of capital had been paid in bank. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 206.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to publication of abstr. of repts. of banks and trust cos. in German news- paper. (Same 1903/4: 205-206.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to banks and banking; foreign banking corporation sending agent through Penn. to solicit business. (Same 1903/4: 200-202.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to banking act — direct- ors; under act of Apr. 10, 1850, no person can legally serve as a director in more than one state bank. (Same 1903/4: 203.) Bucks County 1830. Rept. of committee on banks (Martin) on peti- tion from Bucks Co. for establishment of a bank at Doylestown. (House jol. 1829/30 v. 2: 711 (doc. 307).) Lock Haven 1842. Rept. of committee on banks (Deford) on estab- lishment of a bank at Lock Haven. (House jol. 1842 V. 2: 209-210 (doc. 76).) Mifflin County 1904. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to Mifflin Co. bank: satisfaction of mortgage given by state bank to state. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 204-205.) Philadelphia See also below, Nntlonal Backs ; niso Bunks : Individual. 1811. Rept. of committee of accts. (Hanna) rel. to adjustment of accts. of jt. committee to examine different banks in Phila. (House jol. 1810/11: 204.) BANKS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Philadelphia — cont'd 1816. Rept. of the committee of the Senate rel. to banks in Phila., etc. n. t. p. 15 pp. Copies seen In Amer. Phil. Socy. and in Hist. Socy. ot Penn. 300 copies ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1815/6 ; 86.) •. Same. (Sen. jol. 1815/6: 75-86.) Rept. made by Tlios. J. Rogers. Phila. Bank, Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank. Bank of Penn. ; tabular stmt, of condition of each ; exchange of Spanish milled dollars for American dollars. 1828. Rept. of committee on banks (Snyder) rel. to establishment of bank in Phila. (House jol. 1827/8 V. 2: 659 (doc. 170).) 1834. Rept. of committee on banks (Bratton) on me- morial for incorporation of a bank in Phila. with a capital of $10,000,000. (Same 1833/4 v. 1: 691.) 1840. Communication from a committee of several banks of city and co. of Phila. exhibiting their con- dition, and inability to meet requirements of char- ters, and Feb. 1, 1841, is the earliest time for perma- nent resumption of specie payments. (Same 1840 v. 2 [pt. 2]: 64-66 (doc. 103).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Holbrook, Henlock & Bratton, 1840. 7 pp. John White. Robt. Howell, Jos. B. Mitchell, were the committee. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 2000 copies in English and 800 in German ordered prtd. (House jol. 1840 V. 1 :340.) 1841. Rept. of auditor gen. (Espy) rel. to legality of election ot directors of banks of city and co. of Phila. (House jol. 1841 v. 2: 357-368 (doc. 103).) Tioga County 1840. Rept. of committee on banks (Penniman) on establishment of a bank in Tioga Co. (House jol. 1840 V. 2 [pt. 1]: 400 (doc. 27).) Banking Department Created by act ot Je. 8, 1891, which was superseded by act of Feb. 11, 1895. 1891. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to banking dept.; duty of auditor gen. to procure and publish returns of banks and banking institutions for year 1891. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1891/2: app. 40-41.) . Banking dept. of state govt, organized under act of Je. 8. (Same 1891/2: xxxi-xxxii.) 1892. Opinion of atty. gen., under provisions of sec. 10 of act of Je. 8, 1S91, creating banking dept. its duties are limited and restricted to institutions in exist- ence, at time of its creation or thereafter incor porated. (Same 1891/2: app. 81-82.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to banking dept.; pay- ment of capital stock; loans to directors; re-charter- ing trust COS. (Same 1891/2: app. 83-86.) 1893. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to banking dept.; moneys paid into state treasury under banking act of Je. 8, 1891 may be withdrawn without a specific apprn. (Same 1893/4: app. 17-18.) 1894. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to banking dept.; im- pairment of capital of trust co. (Same 1893/4: app. 70.) 1895. Work of banking dept.; Increase in capital, de- posits and investments of banking establishments; need of legal limitations of loans to individuals, firms and corporations, assurance of formation of surplus fund, etc. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 1, 1895; 14.) . Opinion of atty. gen.; use by state banking dept. of moneys appropriated by act of 1893. Continued under act of 1895. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1895/6: 45-47.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 315 BANKS— cont'd Banking Department — cont'd 1895. Opinion of atty. gen.: taxes paid by foreign cor- porations under sec. 4, act of I'"'eb. 11, 189,'), are tor purpose of raising revenue to provide for expenses of banking dept. {Same 1.S95/6: 8,^)-S7.) 189C. General rules of practice in banking dept.; foreign corporations: information as to repts., financial standing, etc. of corporations proliibitcd. {.Same 1895/G: 279.) . Same; ann. rept. ; charters for banks and savings Institutions; trust cos.; renewal and extension of charters of banks, savings banks and trust cos. (Same 1895/6: 2S0-2S1.) . Same; procedure when a corporation with or without capital stock is in an unsafe and unsound condition, or is conducting business of same in an unsafe and unsound manner. (Same 1895/6: 278- 279.) . Same; refusal of corporations to submit books, etc. (Siimr 1895/6: 277-278.) . Same: procedure in case of corporations having no capital stock. (Same 1895/6: 277.) . Same; procedure in case of impairment of capital stock. (Same 1895/6: 276-277.) . Same; officers, examiners and clerks; examina- tions, authority for making same; repts. and publi- cation of same; failure to make rept. and penalty therefor. (.Same 1895/6: 274-276.) 1899. See above, Banks. Pennsylvania, this date. Banking Privilege Soe .also below. Banks; Indlvidunl. Columbia Bank; New Hope ; Delaware Bridpe Co. 1818. Rept. of committee (Reed) to whom was referred petition from president and mgrs. of the Harmony Institute (a "seminary of learning") for act of incorporation with power of issuing bank notes. (Sen. jol. 1817/8: 165.) 1823. Rept. of committee (Wise) to whom were re- ferred res. rel. to banks, bankers or offices without charters doing banking business contrary to laws of commonwealth. (House jol. 1822/3: 621-623.) 1854. Veto (Bigler) of suppl. to act to incorporate cash fire mutual insurance co. ; terms of proposed form confer banking privileges. (Sen. jol. 1854: 1060- 1061.) Counterfeiting 1862. Debate on act for suppression of counterfeit bank notes. (Legisl. Record 1862: 246-249; 310-314.) Dividends 1807/8. Stmt, of bank dividends. (A.R. register gen. 1807/8: 3.) 1848. Rept. of auditor gen. (Purviance) on amt. or rate per cent, of dividends declared by banks of commonwealth in 1847. (House jol. 1848 v. 2: 380- 383 (doc. 52).) 1865. Rept. of committee on judiciary (Champneys) on act taxing dividends of banks associated under name of national banking law. (Sen. jol. 1865: 167- 173.) Free Banking Law See also Banks: Individual; Clearfield Co. Bank: Downlngton Bank, Farmers' Bank of Mount Joy. Government Bank at Pottsvllle. Xlechanicshurj? Bank. Mifflin Co. Bank. Milton Bank, National Bank of Fenn., Petroleum Bank at TltusviUe, Venango Bank. serial Under act of Mch. 31, 1S60, and sec. 5 of supplementary act of May 1. 1861. 1860-1891. Rept. of the auditor gen. rel. to free banking law. BANKS— cont'd Free Banking Law — cont'd srridl — cont'd rbi'cklUt LSOO dept. ed. Not found. doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. ;ii>"_*-.':i'0. 1861 dept. ed. n. p., n. (i. 10 pp. Copy seen In Kree Library of l*hllu. doc. ed. n. t. p. |>i). 4S5 -4(11. 1862 dept. ed. Not found. doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 4r,9-46S. 1863 dept. ed. n. p., n. <1. IS pp.* doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 741-755. 1864 dept. ed. n. p.. n. d. 16 i>ri.* doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. "!10-807. 1865 dept. ed. n. p., n. tl. 15 pp.* doc. ed. Not found. 1806-1877. No dept. eds. fo\ind. 1878. Ilarrisburj;: L. S. Mart, 1870. 8 pp. Copy seen in l?nlv. of I'enn. 1879-1891. Forms jiart of report containing quarterly stmts, made to the auditor gen. ; see above, the serial group, series 3. In Collected docs, as follows: 1860 in Legisl. docs. 1861 doc. 8. Record 1861 : 124. 1861 " " docs. 1862 doc. 13. Record 1862 : 19-20. 1862 •• " docs. 1863 doc. 5. 1863 " " " 1864 doc. 6. Record 1864 : 90-95. 1864 " " docs. 1865 v. 1 doc. 8. 1865 not found. 1866 In Legisl. docs. 1867 v. 2:1222-1231 (doe. 7). 1867 1868 : 1028-1035 (doc. 20). 1868 " " " 1869:40-47 (doc. 2). 1869 1870: 1486-1493 (doc. 34). 1870 1871:34-41 (doc. 2). 1871 " " " 1872 V. 1:385-393 (doc. 10).* 1872 1873 v. 2:78-85 (doc. 6). 1873 1874 V. 2:652-659 (doc. 8). 1874 " " " 1875 v. 3:69-76 (doc. 4). 1875 " " " 1876 V. 2:49-56 (doc. 3). 1876 1877 V. 3: 3-10 (doc. 1). 1877 '• " " 1878 V. 1 doc. 2. 8 pp. 1878 ' 1878/9 v. 1 doc. 2. 8 pp. 1879-1891. Forms a part of quarterly stmts, made to audltor-genl. ; see above the serial group, series 3. non-serial 1848 Mch. 10. Remarks of Mr. Myers, of Berks Co., on the system of free banking, delivered in the House of Representatives. Harrisburg: I. G. M'Kinley & J. M. G. Lescure, 1848. S pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. 1857. Discussion of bill rel. to free banking assns. (Daily Legisl. Record 1857 no. 59: 7-8; no. 60: 1.) 1860. See below, Laws, this date. . Debate on act to establish a system of free bank- ing in Penn. and to secure the public agst. loss from insolvent banks. (Daily Legisl. Record 1860: 536- 539; 553-564; 5S7-5S9.) Mch. 14. Speech of Henry K. Strong on bill to establish a system of free banking in Penn. and to secure the public agst. loss from insolvent banks. (Same 1860: 743-746.) 1860/5-1860/91. Table: amt. of circulating notes issued by the dept. since passage of free banking act, the denominations, and amt. outstanding at end of the year. (Rept. auditor gen. rel. to free banking system 1865 (p. 13)— same 1891.) 1861 Jan. 3. Rept. of auditor gen. (Cochran) under act of Mch. 31, 1860, to establish a free banking law. (Legisl. Record 1861: 24-25.) 1863. Kind of securities deposited to secure circulation, by the resp. banks: Farmers' Bank of Mount Joy, Clearfield Co. Bank, Milton Bank, Mechanicsburg Bank, Downlngton Bank, Venango Bank. (Rept. auditor gen. rel. to free banking law 1863: 17.) . Debate on act rel. to free banking system. (LegisL Decord 1863: 682-685.) . Free banking act; debate. (Sume 1863: 402-404.) ' Copy seen In library of the Library Co. of Phila. 316 INDEX TO DOCtTMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— cont'd Free Banking Law — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1865. " The small no. of stmts, reed, is accounted for by the fact that all of the free banks, except five, have become national banks, and have made no stmt, after their conversion. The Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Shippensburg and Mifflin Co. Bank are incorporated by special acts, and are not required to make any stmt." (Rept. auditor gen. rel to free banking law 1865: 9.) 1865-1891. Tables: amt. and denomination of circulat- ing notes issued to each bank, amt. and denomina- tion cancelled and burned, rnd amt. and denomina- tion of notes still in circulation; securities held in trust for each banking assn., and amt. of circulating notes issued and outstanding at end of the year: capital of each bank. {Same 1866 (pp. 9-16) — same 1891.) Laws 1814. An act regulating banks in the state of Penn. Philadelphia, Mch. 25, 1814. 20 pp. Copy seen In the Anier. Phil. Socy., Phlla. 1830. An act to authorise a loan to defray the expenses of the Penn. Canal and R.R. and to continue for a further time an act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of Penn. n. t. p. S pp. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Tenn. and in the Amer. Phil. Socy. 1840. An act suspending the operation of the sundry acts of the commonwealth prohibiting the incor- porated banking institutions thereof from making or issuing bills or notes of a less denomination than f5, etc. n. t. p. 4 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phila. 1841. An act rel. to banks, and to provide for the better govt, thereof, ace. with the veto mess, of the Gov. [Porter]. Harrisburg: J. S. Wallace, 1841. 25 pp. Copy seen in library of the Library Co. of Phila. 1848. An act to regulate the business of banking In Penn. Reported Jan. 31, 1848. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1848. 9 pp. Benedict, chrm. Copy seen in Library of Congress. 1850. An act for the regulation of banks. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1850. 17 pp. Copies seen In the Free Library of Phlla. and In the Library Co. of Phlla. 500 copies were ordered prtd. 1854. A digest of the laws of Penn. of a general nature, rel to banks and bankers, savings institutions and loan COS.; to bank notes and paper currency; em- bracing references to the laws incorporating the several banks; with notes of judicial decisions on those laws, and on bills of exchange and promissory notes; by Mordecal M'Kinney. Harrisburg, 1854. iv, 172, X pp. 1860. An act to establish free banking in Penn. Harris- burg: A. Boyd Hamilton, 1860. 15(1) pp. Copies seen In the Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phlla. and in the library of the Library Co. of Phlla. . Same. (Daily Legisl. Record 1860: '750-753.) 1862. Text of act requiring resumption of specie pay- ments. (Legisl. Record 1862: 1039.) 1864. An act enabling the banks of [Penn.] to become assns. for the purpose of banking, under the laws of the U. S. n. t p. 4 pp. Copy Been In the Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phlla. . Same, including debate. (Legisl. Record 1864: 837-839; 987-989; 1064-1069; 1173.) 1895. Digest of laws relating to corporations under the supervision of the banking dept. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1895. 134 pp. Copy seen In Free Library of Phila. and In Penn. State Library. BANKS— cont'd Loans to State; see Debt: State. Period 2 National Banks 1S64. National banking law; debate. (Legisl. Record 1864: 88-89.) . List of state banks that have become national banks transmitted by state treasurer (Moore) Jan. 25, 1865. (Legisl. docs. 1865 v. 1: 736-737.) 1864-1873. Table: progress of national banking system. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 139.) 1865. Remarks of T. J. Bigham, on right of Penn. to tax proprietary interest of stockholders in national banks. (Sen. jol. 1865: 179-183.) . Veto (Curtin) of suppl. to act authorizing banks of Penn. to become national banks. (Legisl. Record 1865: 621.) 1869-1874. Dividends and earnings of national banks In Penn. and of those in Phlla. and Pittsburg, with their ratios to capital and surplus fund semi-ann. Mch. 1, 1869 to Sept. 1, 1874. (2 A.R. bureau of sta- tistics 1873/4: 81-86.) 1872. Table: liabilities and resources of national banks of Penn. at close of business, Dec, 1S72. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 140.) 1874. National banks in Penn. with amt. of capital stock and circulation of each, Oct. 1. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 75-80.) . Abstr. of repts. made to comptroller of currency showing condition of national banks of Penn. Je. 26. (2 same 1873/4: 74.) . Condition of national banks of Penn., Oct. 2. (2 same 1873/4: 387-388.) Philadelphia 1874. Condition of national banks in Phila. Oct. 2. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 388-389.) Pittsl)urgh 1874. Condition of national banks in Pittsburgh Oct. 2. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 389-390.) Receipts and Expenditmes " Penn. imposed onerous conditions upon the grant of a bank charter, besides requiring payment Into the state treasury of large amts. of money by way of bonus or consideration. The Phlla. Bank passed to the credit of the state treasurer the great sum of $135,000 to be drawn out as the exigencies of the state might require. The Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Phila. gave the state in 1809, $75,000 of its capital stock. The Bank of No. Amer. paid for a renewal of Its charter in 1814. a gratuity of $120,- 000. The Glrard Bank, Incorporated In 1832, was required to pay into the treasury of the Common- wealth, within one year from the date of the charter, $25,000, and within three years $25,000 more." 1808/9-1903/4. Table: receipts from banks. (A.R. audi- tor gen. 1809— «ame 1904.) 1834/5-1836/7. Stmts, of revenue from premiums on bank charters. {Same 1834/5 (p. 24)— same 1836/7.) 1860. Expenses on acct. of banks under general bank- ing law. (Rept. auditor gen. on free banking 1860: 393.) Paging from Collected docs. 1860/1-1872/3. Table: receipts from free banking sys- tem. (A.R. auditor gen. 1860/1 (p. 52)— same 1872/3.) Omitted 1867/8-1869/70 ; 1871/2. 1860/1-1877/8. Expenses on acct. of free banking sys- tem. (Same 1860/1 (p. 109)— same 1877/8.) Omitted 1867/8-1873/4 ; 1875/6-1876/7. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 317 BANKS— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd 1861/2. Expenses of auditor gen. on acot. of banks organized under the general banking law; receipts. (Rept. of auditor gen. rel. to free banking law 1862: 465.) PuglDg from Collected docs. Bankino Dei'abtme.nt 1892-1904. Expenditures for maintenance of banking dept. (A.R. auditor gen. 1892 (p. 217)— sumt 1904.) ¥bee Banks 1860/6-1860/77. Receipts and expenditures under gen- eral banking law and tree system. (Rept. auditor gen. rel. to free banking system 1S66 (p. 1231) — same 1874.) I'aglug from Collected docs. 1861/2-1S65/6. Revenue from free banking system. (A.R. auditor gen. 1861/2 (p. 57)— same 18C5/6.) 1861/2-1866/7. Expenditures on acct. of free banking system. (Same 1861/2 (p. 102)— some 1806/7.) Omitted 1865/6. 1862/3. Amt. of expenses of auditor gen.'s office on acct. of banks organized under the general banking law; receipts. (Rept. auditor gen. rel. to free banking law 1863: 18.) Relief Notes; see Debt: State Safe Deposit Companies; see that title Stocks Owned by State; see Finance: State. Investments BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS See below for Individual Safe Deposit and Trust Com- panies .Tnd Individual Savings Banks. Individual Banks have been set out in full up to 1859; from that date to 1904 the ann. repts. have an index. I'revlous to 1859 the repts. have no Index and the bank returns are not arranged in alpha- betical order. Allegheny Bank of Pennsylvania Commenced business Sept. 5, 1857. 1857-1864. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows: 1857 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1857 : 160. 1858 ■' ■■ ' 1858 : 208-1161. 1S59-1S64 " ■• •■ " '• " 1S59-1S64.* Allegheny Bank of Penn. 1814-1824. Ann stmt. In Documents as follows : 1814 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1814 1815 " •• 1816 " 1817 " 1818 " " 1819 •' " 1820 •' " ' 1821 " " ' 1822 " " 1823 " " 1824 " " Allegheny Valley Bank of Pittsburgh 1901-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1901 (pp. 3-5)— same 1904.) AUentown Bank 1855-1864. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1855 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1855 : 225. t 1856 •' " 1856 : 243-245.t 1857 " " " " " " 1857 : 95-97. 1858 " " " " " '• 1858 : 129-131. 1859-1864 In [Rept auditor gen. on banks) 1859-1864.* 1814 39.t 1815 35.t 1816 98.t 1817 169. t 1818 lOO.t 1819 99. t 1820 18U.t 1821 181.t 1822 143.t 1823 158.t 1824 124.t BANKS— cont'd Anthracite Bank of Tamaqua 1855-1864. Ann. stmt. In Documents ns follows: 1855 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 18.'>5 1856 1857 1858 1856 1857 1858 223-224 X 243-24.14 198-200. 8-12 1859-1864 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1864.* Armstrong County Bank 1846. Veto (Shunk) of bill Incorporating Armstrong Co. Bank. (House jol. 1S4G v. 1: 12-13.) Arsenal Bank of Pittsburg 1873-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1873: 10-12; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Ann. stmts, after 1891. Artisans' Deposit Bank of Pittsburgh 1868. Veto (Geary) of act to incorporate Artisans' De- posit Bank of Pittsburgh. (Sen. jol. 1868: 545-546.) 1870-1879. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1870 (pp. 1360-1362)— same 1879.) Paging from Collected docs. Augusta Bank, Sunbury 1873-1873. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] (pp. 16-18)— same 1875.) Avonmore Bank 1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1904: 12-13.) Bank of America, Phila. 1871-1889. Ann. stmt. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1871 (pp. 7-10)— Aume 1889.) Bank of Beaver 1815-1823. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1815 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1815: joifi " •• " " " " 181o : 1817 *' ioi( . T fii fi ** '* '* " *' " 1818 : ^"^^ << II II II 1 COO ■ t ROO ** ** " ISJii , ^'^"^ , .1 II II II IftO^ 1823 " " ' 1'*'^*' 41.t 99.t 170.t lOl.t lOO.t 181. t 186.t 144.t 159.t Bank of Beaver County 1858-1864. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1858 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1858 : 35-37. ^ 1859-1864 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] lSoa-1804. Bank of Brandywine 1871-1S75. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1871 (pp. 11-13)— same 1875.) Bank of Brushton 1903. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1903 (pp. 12-13)— same 1904.) Bank of Bucks Co. 1815. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1815 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1815:45.1 Bank of Catasauqua Commenced business Sept. 20, 1857. 1857-1864. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows: 1857 In [Kept, auditor gen. on banks] 1857:161. jg5g •• •• •' ■• " " 1858 : 139-14A 1S59-1864 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1864.* • The auditor general's repts. for this period being fully Indexed, the pagination Is omitted here. t Paging from Senate doc. ed. t Paging from Leglsl. docs. 318 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Bank of Chambersburg 1814-1864. Ann. stmt. sei'ial In Documents as follows : 1814 In [Kept. auditor Ken. on bank 3] 1814 :40.* 1S15 " 1815 40.* 1816 *' " " 1816 100.' 1817 " " ** 1817 171.' 1818 " •• " '* •' 1818 102.* 1819 " " " " ^' 1819 105.* 1820 " " *' " •' 1820 184.* 1821 *' " " " '* 1821 177. • 1822 '* *• " " " 1822 145.» 1823 " " " 1823 160.* 1824 •* •* .1 " " 1824 125.« 1825 ** •' •' " '• 1825 120121. 1826 •* " •' " " 1826 92. 1827 " •' *' .. tt 1827. 1828 *' *' " '* *• 1828 435-436.' 1829 " '• " " ■* 1820 455-456.« 1830 *• " " *' ** 1830 437-438.' 1831 •' •* •* *' '• 1831 428.' 1832 " " *' tt tt 1832 39. 1833 *' '* '* ti It 1833 140.' 1834 " *' " It tt 1834 109-110.' 1835 " " " 11 It 1835 367 37? 1836 " *' " " " 1836 108-109.* 1837 '* " " " 1837 100-101.' 1838 *' " " It tt 1838 61.' 1839 ■*• " " tt tt 1839 90-91.' 1840 " " " " '* 1840 foldg. tables 1 ac d 2. 1841 in [Kept. auditor gen. on bank 3] 1841 : 49-51. 1842 •' 1842 • 38-41. 1843 " " " tt It 1843 88-91. 1844 *• " tt It 1844 124-127.' 1845 •* •' ** 11 It 1845 90-91.' 1846 " *' " It tt 1846 136-137.' 1847 '• '* *' 11 It 1847 208-209.' 1848 " " " tt 11 1848 210-211.' 1849 " ** " 11 tt 1849 228-229.' 1850 '* *' 11 11 1850 258-261.' 1851 *' *' '* II It 1851 270-273.' 1852 " " " II It 1852 282-284.' 1853 *' •' " It II 1853 78-80. 1854 •• '* " •1 It 1854 146-148.' 1855 *' " " It 11 1855 151-153.' 1856 " *' •* It It 1856 166-169.' 1857 *' " " 11 11 1857 84-87. 1858 " " 11 II 1858 74-77. 1859-1864 in [Rept. au dltor gen. on banks] 1859-1864.t non-serial 1810. Rept. of [select] committee (Bard) on petition of directors of Chambersburg Bank praying for act of incorporation. (House jol. 1S09/10: 219.) 1811. Rept. of committee on banks (Biddle) on petition of stockholders of Chambersburg Bank for incor- poration. {Same 1810/11: 333.) 1816. Communication from auditor gen. (Bryan) trans- mitting a copy of a letter from the president and cashier of the Chambersburg bank stating amt. of specie in that bank. (Sen. jol. 1815/16: 144-145.) . Letter from President (Edwd. Crawford) of Bank of Chambersburg to auditor gen. amending rept. of Nov., 1815. (House jol. 1815/6: 276.) 1842. Govs. mess. (Porter) recommending forfeiture of charter of Chambersburg Bank on acct. of refusal to make loan to state as required by her charter. (Sen. jol. 1842 V. 1: 286-288; v. 2: 89-93 (doc. 13).) V. 1 contains mess. ; v. 2, ace. docs. . Same. (House jol. 1842 v. 1: 317-319.) 1848. See above, Banks. Penn., this date. . Veto (Shunk) of act to extend charter of Bank of Chambersburg. (Sen. jol. 1848 v. 1: 726-730.) . Same. (U. S. 30 Cong. 1 sess. House ex. doc. 77: 450-455.) 1849. Rept. of minority of committee on banks (Laird) rel. to re-charter of bank of Chambersburg. (House jol. 1849 V. 2: 589 (doc. 80).) 1863. Debate on act to extend charter of Bank of Cham- bersburg. (Legisl. Record 1863: 500-502.) Bank of Cbarleroi 1898-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1898 (pp. 16-18)— «ame 1904.) BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Bank of Chester Co. 1815-1864. Ann. stmt, [quarterly after 1835]. In Documents as follows : In [Rept. auditor gen. on 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 '• 1822 " 1823 " " 1824 " 1825 " " 1826 " " 1827 " " 1828 " 1820 •■ " 1830 " " 1831 " ■• 1832 " •• 1833 '• 1834 " •■ 1835 " 1836 " " 1837 " •' 1838 " " 1839 " " 1840 " tables 1 and 2. 1841 in [Rept. auditor gen. on 1842 1843 ' 1844 " " 1845 " " 1846 " 1847 " " 1848 " 1849 " •■ 1850 " " 1851 " 1852 " " 1853 " 1854 '■ ■' 1855 " •' 1856 " 1857 " 1858 " 1859-1804 in [Rept. auditor gen. banks] 1815: 1816: 1817: 1818: 1819: 1820: 1821 : 1822: 1823 : 1824 : 1825: 1826: 1827. 1828: 1829 : 1830: 1831 : 1832 : 1833: 1834 : 1835 : 1836: 1837 : 1838: 1839 : 1840 : 41.' 101.' 171.' 103.» 106.' 187.' 162.* 146.' 161.' 125-126.' 119-120.' 97-98. 428-429.' 449.' 453-454.' 413-414.' 17.' 132.' 98.' 21. 94-95.' 82-83.' 52.' 84.' foldg. banks] 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 10-11. 42-43. 47. 87.' 88.' 108-109.' 180-181. 180-181.' 1849: 186-187.' 1850 : 256-257.' 1851 : 226-227.' 1852:220-221.' 1853 : 120-121. 1854 : 188-189.' 1855 : 192-193.' 1856 : 206-207.' 1857 : 17-18. 1858 : 94-97. on banks] 1859-1864.t Bank of Chester Valley 1857-1864. Ann. stmt. 1857 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1857 : 65. 1858 " " ' " 1858 : 208-210. 1859-1864 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1864. t Bank of Coal Center 1904. Rept. of condition, Nov. 21. (10 A.R. comr. of banking (13 A.R. banking dept.) 1904: 17-18.) Bank of Commerce at Erie 1859-1861. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859 (pp. 200-201)— some 1861.) 1862. Communication from treasurer (Moore) rel. to accts. of Bank of Commerce, at Erie. (Legisl. docs. 1862: 1254 (doc. 70).) . Bank of Commerce, Erie; proposed investigation of alleged frauds. (Legisl. Record 1862: 250-256.) . Proceedings of select committee on mngmnt. and condition of Bank of Commerce at Erie. (Legisl. docs. 1862; 1006-1061 (doc. 57) ; Legisl. Record 1862: 714-735.) . Bill of costs of investigating committee. (Legisl. docs. 1862: 1423.) . Rept. of select committee (Lowry) on alleged frauds of Bank of Commerce at Erie. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1862: 415-425.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 2000 copies of rept. and testimony ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. Jan. 1862 : 425.) 1863. Procs. instituted on cashier's bonds, by atty. gen. to recover money due state by Bank of Commerce at Erie. (Govs. mess. (Curtin) Jan., 1863: 13.) • Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1828 (House doc. ed.) end 18,54-1856 (Legisl. docs.). t The auditor general's repts. for this period being fully Indexed, tbe pagination is omitted here. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 319 iNKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Bank of Commerce, Phila. 1840-1S64. Ann, stmt. In Doc>inipnt8 iis follows : 1845 in [Kept, auilltor gen. 1846 ■• 1847 '• 1848 " 184! ]8.-)0 '• 1851 " 1852 ■• 1853 " 1854 " 1855 " 1856 " 1857 " 1858 " 1859-1864 in [Kept, luiditor fcn. banks) 1845:70-71.* 1846:134-135.* 1847 : 162-163.* 1848: 162-16:i.« 1849: 166-167. • 1850 : 326-327. • 1851 : 198-199.* 1852: 213-214. • 1853:10-11. 1854 : 74-75.« 1855 : 76-77.* 1856 : 92-93.* 1857 : 13-16. 1858:38-41. on bunks] 1859-1864.t 1904. Rept. of condition, Nov. 21. (10 A.R. comr. of banking (IS A.R. banking dept.) 1904: lS-19.) Bank of Crawford Co. 1858-1864. Stmt. 1858 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1858 : 173-175. 1859-1864 In (Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1864. t Bank of Danville 1850-1864. Stmt. In Documents as follows : 1850 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1850:352-353.* 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1851 1852: 1853 1854: 1855 1856 1857 296-298.' 314-315.* 83-85. 151-153.* 156-158.* 172-174.* 46-48. 1858: 166-167. 1859-1864 in [Rept. auditor gen, on banks) 1859-1864.t Bank of Delaware Co. serial 1815-18G4. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1815 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1815 : 42. J 1816 •• 1816: 102, t 1817 " " " 1817 : 170.1: 1818 " 1818: 104, t 1819 " *' ■' 1819: 103, t 1820 " " '* 1820 : 185, t 1821 •■ " *' 1821 : 164, i 1822 " " " 1822 : 147. t 1823 " " " 1823 : 164, t 1824 '• 1. .. 1824 : 127, t 1825 " " *' 1825: 130. t 1826 " '• *■ 1826:111-112. 1827 " ** •■ 1827. 1828 " " •* 1828: 429-430, t 1829 " " *' •• •' 1829 : 450,t 1830 " «• >> 1830 : 447-448,t 1831 " " " 1831 : 439-440,1 1832 " " '• 1832 : 7. 1833 " " " 1833: 131, t 1834 " " •* ■• " 1834: 110-lll,t 1835 " " *' 1835 : 19, 1836 " " " ■• " 1836 : 87-89,t 1837 " ** " " " 1837 : 84-85.t 1838 " " *' 1838 : 53, t 1839 •' '* " " " 1839 : 74-75,t 1840 " " *' 1840 : foldg. tables 1 an d 2. 1841 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1841 : 24-25, 1842 •• " " 1842 : 46-47. 1843 •' " *' •• " 1843:50-51. 1844 " " *• " " 1844 : 68-69.t 1845 " " '* 1845 : 84-85 ; 144. t 1846 in (Rept. auditor gen on banks] 1846 : 98-99, t 1847 •• " " 1847: 178-179,t 1848 " " 1848: 178-179, t 1849 " ** " 1849: 184-185,t 1850 " «• •• 1850 : 356-362, t 1851 " • • *t 1851 : 218-222,* 1852 ■• •t •• 1852 : 242-246.t 1853 " .1 t. 1853:50-55. 1854 " " •• 18,54: 113-118. t 1855 " •1 .. " " 1855 : 120-124.t BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Bank of Delaware Co.— cont'd serial — cont'd 1856 In (Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1856:144-149.1 1857 " •• 1857 : 25-29. 1858 1858:1.3-17. 1859-1864 in [Kept, auditor gen. on banks) 1859-1884.$ 1848. non-serial See above, Banks. Penn., this date. comr. of banking 1902 Bank of Donora 1902-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. (pp. 18-19)— .vHHic 1904.) Bank of Erie 1858. Ann. stmt. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1858: 220-223.) Same as Erie Bank? See below. Bank of Fayette Co. 1858-18G4. Stmt. In Documents as follows : 1858 in (Kept, auditor gen. on banks) 1858:214-216. 1859-1804 in [liept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1864. t Bank of Franklin 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act to incorporate Bank of Franklin. (House jol. 1ST4: 97; Legisl. jol. 1874: 35-36.) Bank of Germantown serial 1814-1864. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1814 In [Rept. auditor gen. 1815 " 1816 " 1817 •' 1818 " 1819 ■' 1820 " 1821 " 1822 " 1823 " 1824 " 1825 " 1826 " 1827 " 1828 " 1829 " 1830 " 1831 " 1832 " 18.33 " 1834 " 1835 " 1836 " 1837 " 1S38 ■• 1839 ■' 1840 " tables 1 and 2. 1841 in [Rept, auditor gen, 1842 •' 1843 •■ 1844 •■ 1845 " 1846 ■■ 1847 " 1848 " 1849 ■' 1850 " 1851 " 1852 " " •• ■ 1853 ■• 1854 " 1855 " " " ■ 1856 " 1857 '• 1858 " 1859-1864 in [Rept. auditor on banks] 1814: 1815: 1816: 1817 : 1818: 1819: 1820: 1821 : 1822: 1823 : 1824: 1825: 1820: 1827. 1828 : 1829 : 1830: 1831 : 1832 : 1833: 1834: 1835: 1836: 1837 : 1838 : 4839 : 1840 : 43,t 39, j 103. t 181. t 105.t 104.i 186.t 163.t 148.t 169. t 130-131. t 113-114. t 101. 420-421.t 440-441.t 443-444, t 422-423,t i22,t 91-92.t 18. 66-67.t 76-77.t 49.t 80. t foldg. on banks] 1841 : 8-9, 1842 : 08-59. 1844 : 66-67.t 1845 : 82-83.t 1846: 126-127.t 1847: 176-177.1: 176-177.t : 182-183. t : 338-340.}: : 223-225.t : 252-254. t : 44-46. : 108-109. t : 115-116.t : 139-140.$ : 162-163. 1848: 1849: 1850: 1851 : 1852 : 1853: 1854 : 1855 : 1856 : 1857 1858:316-319, gen. on banks] 1859-1864, f • Paging from Senate doc, ed, except 1854-1856 (Legjsl., docs ). t The auditor general's repts, for this period being fully indexed, the pagination has been omitted here. „„ „ , j , „j } Paling from Senate doc. ed.. except 1828 (House doc. ed.) and ^^'S Repts, *fm-^'this 'plriod being fully Indexed, the pagination 1b omitted here. 320 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Bank of Gennantown^ont'd non-serial 1864. Debate on act to extend charter of the Bank of Germantown. (Legisl. Record 1864: 374.) . Remarks of Mr. Lowry of Erie on bill to extend the charter of the Bank of Germantown. (Same 1864: 464.) Bank of Gettysburg serial 1814-1864. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1814 In [Kept. auditor gen. on banks] 1814:43.* 1813 •• " 1815:40.' 1816 " " " 1816: 115.* 1817 " ** *• 1817: 172.* 1818 " " ** 1818 : 106.* 1819 •• •* *( 1819: 107.* 1820 " •« t* 1820: 188.' 1821 " U it 1821 : 175.* 1822 " •1 11 1822: 149.* 1823 " '* ** 1823:170.* 1824 " •• (• 1824: 131.* 1825 " n. on banljs] 1859-1864.t non-serial 1848. See above, Banks. Penn., this date. 1S51. Docs. ace. rept. of committee on banks (Brindle) rel. to Bank of Montgomery Co. (House jol. 1851 V. 2: 633-638 (doc. 92).) 1861-1864. Table: amt. of paper discounted per week by the Bank of Montgomery Co. Apr. 6, 1861, to Mch. 19, 1864. (Legisl. Record 1864: 787-788.) 1863. Extension of charter of bank of Montgomery Co.; debate. (Legisl. Record 1863: 716-718.) 1864. Veto (Curtin) of act to extend charter of bank of Montgomery Co. (Sen. jol. 1864: 43-44; Legisl. Record 1864: 17.) . Assets of the Bank of Montgomery Co. Mch. 21. (Legisl. Record 1864: 788.) . Re-charter of Bank of Montgomery Co.; discus- sion. {Same 1864: 157-158; 786-788.) Bank of Mount Pleasant 1855. Remarks (Frazer) on bill to incorporate the Bank of Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland Co. (Legisl. Record May 4, 1855: 4.) Bank of New Castle See also above. Bank of Lawrence Co. 1855-1856. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1855 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1855 : 227. t 1856 " " 1856 : 249. t Bank of North America serial 1 series 1824. Stmt, of affairs. In Collected docs, as follows: 1824 in House Jol. 1824/5 v. 2:402-403. 21 BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Bank of North America — cont'd serial — cont'd 2 series 1828-1864. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1828 In [Kept, auditor gen. on banks] 1828:413-414.* 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 18:!5 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1829: 432-433.* 1830 : 432-433.* 1831 : 440-441.* 1832 : 10. 1833 : 111-112.* 1834 : 88.* 1835 : 8-9. 1836 : 78-79.* 1837: 60-61.* 1838: 41.* 1839 : 02-63.* 1840 : foldg. tables 1 and 2 1841 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1841:60-61. 1842 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 14-17. 1843: 14-15. 1844 : 60-61.* 1845 : 54-55.* 1846 : 82-83.* 1847: 154-155.* 1848 : 154-155.* 154-155.* 248-249.* 1851 : 184-185.* 1852 : 200-201.* 1853 : .34-35. 1854 : 98-99.* 1855: 104-105.* 1856: 124-125.* 1858 : 42-43. 1858 : 42-45. 1849 : 1850: 1859-1864 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1864.t non-serial 1791. On loan from Bank of No. America. (Govs. mess. (MifDin) Dec. 1791.) . Govs. mess. (Mifflin) resp. proposition for deposit of U. S. certificates, the property of Penn.; in the Bank of North America. (Sen. jol. 1790/1: 156; House jol. 1790/1: 261-262.) . Rept. of committee (Powel) on Govs. mess. rel. to deposit of U. S. certificates, the property of Penn. in the Bank of North America, etc. {Same 1790/1: 184; same 1790/1: 306.) . Govs. mess. (Mifflin) resp. opening of negocia- tion with the Bank of N. A. for obtaining a loan. (House jol. 1790/1: 354-355.) 1793. Govs. mess. (Mifflin) transmitting res. of stock- holders of Bank of North America rel. to invest- ment in stock of that institution. (Same 1792/3: 142.) 1795. Rept. of committee of ways and means on Inactive public monies due bank of North America; redemp- tion of unfunded certificates, duty upon sales at auction. {Snme Sept., 1794: 46-47.) 1S14. Rept. of committee on banks (Mitchell) on petition from president, directors and co. of Bank of North America for extension of their charter. {Same 1813/4: 196-197.) Bank of Northern Liberties serial 1814-1864. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1814 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1814:46.* 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1815: 37 1816; 104.* 1817: 189.* 1818: 108.* 1819: 101.* 1820: 182.* 1821 : 161.* * Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1828 (House doc. ed.) and 1854-1850 (Legisl. docs.). t The auditor general's repts. for this period being fully Indexed, the pagination is omitted here. t Paging from Legisl. docs. 322 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Bank of Northern Liberties — cont'd serial — cont'd 1822 In [Rept. auditor gen. 1823 " 1824 •■ 1825 " 1826 " 1827 " 1828 " 1829 " 1830 " 1831 '• 1832 •' 1833 ■' 1834 •• 1835 " 1836 " 1837 " 1838 •' 1839 " 1840 " tables 1 and 2. 1841 in [Rept. auditor gen. 1842 in [Rept. auditor gen. 1843 ■■ 1844 " 1845 " 1846 " 1847 " 1848 " 1849 " 1850 " 1851 " [1. e. 200-202 ].• 1852 In [Rept. auditor gen. 1853 •• 1854 " 1855 " 1856 " 1857 " 1858 '• 1859-1864 In [Rept. auditor on banks] 1822: 151.' 1823:176.« 1824: 141. • 1825: 113. • 1826:109-110. 1827. 1828:419.' 1829 : 439.' 1830:433-434.' 1831 : 431-432.' 1832 : 26. 1833:119.* 1834 : 82-83.» 1835 : 13-14. 1836 : 52-53." 1837:68-69.* 1838 : 45.* 1839 : 68.* 1840 : foldg. banks] 1841 : 26-27. banks] 1842 : 24-25. 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 22-23. 50-51.* 58-59.* 94-96.* 168-169.' 168-169.' 172-173.' 365-371.' 202-202 on banks] 1852 : 225-227.* 1853 : 18-20. 1854 : 82-85.* 1855:87-90.* 1856:105-108.* 1857 : 133-135. 1858 : 184-187. gen. on banks] 1859-1864. t non-serial 1811. Rept. of committee on banks (Holgate) to wliom was referred memorial of stockholders of the bank of the Northern Liberties for a charter; proposed terms of charter. (House jol. lSlO/1: 390.) 1848. See above. Banks. Penn., this date. 1855. Rept. of [select] committee (Steel) on petition for apptmt. of special committee to investigate charges made agst. Bank of No. Liberties. (House jol. 1855: 594-596.) Bank of Northumberland 1831-1834. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1831 In [Rept. auditor 1832 " 1833 " 1834 •• 1835 " 1836 " 1837 •■ 1838 " 1839 " 1840 " tables 1 and 2. 1841 In [Rept. auditor 1842 In [Kept, auditor 1843 •• 1844 " 1845 " 1846 " 1847 •' 1848 " 1849 " 1850 " 1851 " 1852 " 1853 •' 1854 " 1855 ■' 1856 " gen. on banks] 1831:425-426.1 1832:445.t 1833 : 127-128.t 1834:97.t 1835 : 33-34. 1836 : 106-107. t 1837 : 88-89.} 1838 : 55. t 1839 : 78.t 1840 : foldg. gen. gen. on banks] on banks] 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 46-48. 90-93. 84-87. 118-121.} 96-99.} 124-125.} 212-213.} 216-217.} 1849:234-235.} 1850 : 296-297.} 1851 :274.} 1852 : 290-291.} 1853: 58-59. 1854: 121-122.} 18.-,5: 127-128.} 1856: 151-153.} BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Bank of Northumberland — cont'd 1857 " " " " " " 1857 : 58-60. 1858 " " 1858:54-57. 1859-1864 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1864.t Bank of Penn Township 1828-1864. Ann. stmt. serial In Do cuments as follows : 1828 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1828 : 422-423.* 1829 •• " 1829:442-443.* 1830 " *' ** 1830 : 435.* 1831 " " •' 1831 : 418.* 1832 " " " 1832:449.* 1833 '• " *• 1833:118.* 1834 " " 1834:83.* 1835 " *' " 1835 : 16. 1836 " *' " 1836 : 68-69.* 1837 " " " 1837 : 72-73.* 1838 " *' •• 1838:47.* 1839 •• *' ** 1839:71.* 1840 " '* *' 1840 : toldg. tables 1 and 2. 1841 in [Rept. auditor ^en. on banks; 1841 : 18-19. 1842 " " •' 1842:26-27. 1843 " " '* *' •' 1843 : 24-25. 1844 " " •' *' *' 1844 : 46-47.* 1845 " •• " *' ♦* 1845 : 60-61.* 1846 " *' " '* 1846: 138-139.* 1847 " " '* '* " 1847:170-171.* 1848 " 1849 " ,t .. !'. '.! 1848:170-171.* 1849:174-175.* 1850 •• *• *' " •' 1850:342-343.* 1851 " " " " " 1851:210 [1. e. 208 209].* 1852 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1852 : 216-217.* 1853 " 1853 : 26-27. 1854 " " '• *' 1854 : 91-92.* 1855 '• '* ** " '* 1855:97-98.* 1856 ■' " *' " " 1856: 115-118.* 1857 " " ■" " *' 1857:9-12. 1858 " *• *' " tr 1858 : 46-49. 1859-1864 in [Rept. auditor gen on banks] 1859-1864.t non-serial 1854. Remarks of IMr. Wright of Phila. on act to extend the charter of the Penn Township Bank. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 77) 376.) Bank of Pennsylvania Chartered Mch. .30, 1793, the Incorporating act provided that six of the twenty-five directors elected an- nually were to be chosen by the state legislature, three by the Senate, three by the House. serial 1816-1828. 1 series Stmt, of affairs. In Collected docs, as follows : 1816 In Senate Jol. 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 House Senate House Senate House 1816/7: 143-144.5 1817/8: 143. 1818/9: 175-176.11 1819/20: 149-151.11 1819/20: 295-297. 1820/1 : 242-244.** 1821/2 1822/3 : 341-342. 1823/4 : 334-335. 1824/5 v. 2 doc. 121. 1825/6 : 290-291. 1826/7 V. 2 doc. 102. 1827/8 V. 2 doc. 150. 1828/9 V. 2 doc. 133. * Paging from Sen. doc. ed. except 1828 (House doc. ed.) and 1854-1856 (Legisl. docs.). t The auditor general's repts. for this period being fully Indexed, the pagination has been omitted here. } Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1854-1856 (Legisl. docs.). S Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. of stmts, submitted by Farmers', and Mechanics' Bank and by banks of Penn. and Phila. (Senate Jol. 1816/7 : 153.) i Also .separate. Repts. from the Penn. Phila. and Farmer's (sic) and Mechanic's banks, n. p., n. d. 8 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. 300 copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1818/9: 178.) II Also ordered prtd. separately, together with stmts, of Phlln. Rank and Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Phila. (Sen. Jol. 1810/20: 160). *• Ordered prtd., together with stmt, of Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank. (Sen. Jol. 1820/1 : 245.) tt Ordered prtd. together with stmts, of Bank of Phila. and Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank. (Sen. Jol. 1821/2: 227). INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 323 BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Bank of Pennsylvania — cont'd 2 series 1830-1857. Ann. stmt. In Collected does, ns follows: 18H0 In [Kept, auditor gen. on banks) 1830 : 426-4'27.* IS.'il ■• •• 1831: 428.* 1832 •' •' 1832 : 4-5. 1833 " " 1833: 108-10n.« 1834 " " 1834 : 77-78.« 1835 " •• 1835:3-4. 1836 " " 1830 : 48-49.* 1837 " " 1837 : 48-49.» 1838 " '• 1S38 : 35.* 1839 " " 1839 : 54-55.' 1840 " " ' " 1840 : foldg. tablei! 1 and 2. 1841 In [Kept, auditor gen. on banks] 1841:106-107. 1842 " •• 1841. Stmt, submitted Mch. 2, 1842. 1843 In [Kept, auditor gen. on banks] 1843:6-7. 1844 '• •• 1844:38-39. 1845 •' " " " " " 1845 : 56-57.* 1846 " " 1840: 114-115.* 1847 '• " " " " " 1847:150-151.* 1848 " " " 1848:150-151.* 1849 " " 1849 : 150-151.* 1850 " " " 1850:284-285.* 1851 " " 1851 : 180-181.* 1852 " " ' 1852:196-197.* 1853 " " ' " 1853 : 8-9. 1854 " " 1854 : 72-73.* 1855 " " 1855 : 74-75.* 1856 " " 18.56 : 90-91.* 1857 " " ' " 1857:176-177. tion-serial 1793. Stmt, of Bank of Penn. (A.R. register gen. 1793.) . Govs. mess. (Mifflin) resp. loan from Bank of Penn. (Sen. Jol. 1793/4: 44.) 1793-1827. Docs. rel. to administration of Bank of Penn. from establishment to date. (Sen. jol. 1827/8: 237- 246.) 1794. Govs. mess. (Mifflin) rel. to payment of last in- stalment of stock borrowed from Bank of Penn. (House jol. 1793/4: 259; Sen. jol. 1793/4: 125.) 1796. Rept. of committee (I. Whelan) apptd. to confer with directors of Bank of Penn., rel. to alfairs of that institution. (Sen. jol. 1796/7: 38-39.) A similar rept. is given in House Jol. 1796/7 : 32-33. 1797. Rept. of committee (I. V/helan) on petition of a committee of directors of the Bank of Penn. for a bill authorizing the Gov. to appt. the cashier of the Bank of Penn. and his successors in office, a notary public. {Same 1797/8: 37-38.) . Rept. of jt. committee (I. Whelan) on situation of the Bank of Penn. (Same 1796/7: 72-73; House jol. 1796/7: 115-116.) 1798. Rept. of committee (I. Whelan) apptd. to join the committee of House of Representatives to inspect accts. of the Bank of Penn., etc. (Same 1797/8: 150; same 1797/8: 229-230.) 1799. Rept. of committee on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to robbery of Bank of Penn. (House jol. 1798/9: 97-101.) . Rept. of committee apptd. to consider the pro- priety of authorizing the president and directors of the Bank of Penn. to subscribe to loan proposed by secy, of treasury. (House jol. 1798/9: 146-147.) 1803. Letter from Isaac Weaver, Jr., state treasurer resp. bank notes to be received: attitude of Bank of Penn. toward other banks; accompanied by opinion of atty. gen. (J. B. M'Kean) on the subject, Jly. 4, 1803. (Same 1803/4: 22-24.) . Letter from the directors of the Bank of Penn., requesting that there be no proceedings for charter- ing a new banking institution until a memorial in course of preparation, shall be laid before the Legis- lature. (Sen. jol. 1803/4: 52-53; House jol. 1803/4: 83-104.) * Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1854-1856 (Legisl. docs.). BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Bank of Pennsylvania — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1803. Memorial of president, directors and committee of Bank of Penn. remonstrating agst. proposals of the projectors of a new bank in Phila. ; presented by Mr. Gamble. (Sen. jol. 180.V4: 71.) . Observations of stockholders of Phila. Bank on committee rept. and application of stockholders of Phila. Bank praying for a charter, also memorial of directors of Penn. Bank. (House jol. 1803/4: 285- 287.) 1804. Substance of a letter from Godfrey Haga, Robt. Porter and Alex. Henry in behalf of Penn. Bank offering a loan of $100,000, provided the grant of a charter of incorporation to the Phila. Bank be post- poned. (Same 1803/4: 379.) . Letter from Godfrey Haga, on behalf of a com- mittee apptd. by the president and directors of the Bank of Penn. protesting agst. incorporation of a new bank, and offering the state a loan upon ad- vantageous terms. (Sen. jol. 1803/4: 250-251.) . Letter of committee from Bank of Penn. ace. by proposition [state subscription to stock] rel. to re- chartering of said bank. (Same 1803/4: 272-274.) 1805. Letter reed, from Isaac Weaver, state treasurer, with an extr. from a letter from the cashier of the Penn. Bank rel. to deposit of inactive monies of Penn. and Phila. (House jol. 1804/5: 223.) 1807. Rept. of jt. committee (Dorsey) apptd. to enquire into the state of Penn. and Phila. banks. (Sen. jol. 1806/7: 61-63.) 1809. Necessity for legislation on expiration of charter of Penn. Bank. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. 7, 1809.) . Charter of Penn. Bank to expire in three years; amt. of state subscription to stock. (Same (Snyder) Dec. 7, 1809.) . Rept. of [selectl committee (Preston) on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to Bank of Penn., etc. (Sen. jol. 1809/10: 67-71.) 1810-1816. Rept. of jt. committee apptd. to examine into state of Penn., Phila. and Farmers' and Mechanics' banks. In Collected docs, as follows : 1810 (Weaver) In Senate jol. 1811 (Roberts) " (Leech) " House 1812 (Brady) " Senate " (Ogle) " House 1813-1815 not found. 1816 (Rowland) In House jol. 1815/6:146-158. 1811 Mch. 1. Letter from secy, of the commonwealth (Boileau) informing legisl. of amt. invested in stock of Penn. Bank. (Sen. jol. 1810/1:345-346; House jol. 1810/1: 571.) Dec. 17. Same. (House jol. 1811/2:88; Sen. jol. 1811/12: 49-50.) 1814. Minority rept.: dissenting to procs. of bd. of directors of Bank of Penn. rel. to allowing cashier of said bank to carrv on any business other than that of bank. (Sen. jol. 1814/5: app. 21-24.) 1815. Govs. mess. (Snyder) transmitting copies of a communication from one of the directors on behalf of the state in the Bank of Penn. [protesting agst. vote of board justifying transfer of a specified sum to private acct. of cashier]. (House jol. 1814/5: 242-245.) Docs. ace. mess. . Rept. of special committee (Sutherland) on man- ner in which business of Bank of Penn. has been conducted. (Same 1814/5: 471-477.) . Same, separate, entitled " Rept. and docs, of the committee apptd. to enquire Into the conduct of the cashier and directors of the Bank of Penn." n. t. p. 16 pp. Copy seen In the Amer. Phil. Socy.. Phila. The usual no. of copies were ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1814/5 : 477.) 1809/10 : 142. 1810/1 : 86. 1810/1 : 179. 1811/2:76-80. 1811/2: 153-156. 324 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Bank of Pennsylvania — cont'd non-serial- -cont'd 1815. Copy of a letter from Jared Ingersoll rel. to a suit directed to be instituted agst. Jonathan Smith, cashier of Bank of Penn. (House jol. 1815/6: app. 82.) 1816. See above, Banks. Phila., this date. . Kept, of committee on banks (M'Euen) to whom ■was referred letters of Jared Ingersoll, atty. gen. dated Dec. 14, 1815 and Feb. 2, 1816 resp. suit of Commonwealth agst. Jonathan Smith, cashier of Bank of Penn. (House jol. 1815/6: 675-676.) 1823. Govs, mess (Hiester) with letter reed, by him from cashier of Bank of Penn., rel. to loan to state under act of Mch. 23, 1818; also copies of corresp. betw. state treasurer and cashier which gave rise to that letter. (.Same 1822/3: 335-341.) 1824. Govs. mess. (Schulze) rel. to state subscriptions to stock of Bank of Penn. (Sen. Jol. 1823/4: 624- 625.) 1827. Corresp. of secy, of commonwealth with Bank of Penn., and Phila. Bank rel. to loan to state, under act of Apr. 9, 1827. (House joL 1827/8 v. 2: 24-28 (docs. 4-5).) 1828. Rept. of committee of ways and means (Harri- son) rel. to Bank of Penn. withholding semi-ann. dividend in Jly., 1827. (Same 1827/8 v. 2: 734-735. (doc. 204).) 1829. Re-chartering of Bank of Penn. (Govs. mess. (Schulze) Nov. 4, 1829.) . Preamble and res. passed by committee (Simp- son) apptd. to examine affairs of Bank of Penn. and of Phila. Bank. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 458 (doc. 135).) . Preamble and res. passed by committee (Bur- den) apptd. to examine affairs of Bank of Penn. and Phila. Bank. (Sen. jol. 1828/9 v. 1: 117-118.) . Rept. of jt. committee (Simpson) apptd. to ex- amine Bank of Penn. and Phila. Bank. (House jol. 1828/9 V. 2: 553-564 (doc. 191).) . Rept. and procs. of jt. committee (Burden) apptd. to examine into concerns of Bank of Penn. and Bank of Phila. (Same 1828/9 v. 2: 386-499.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. at the office of the Reporter, 1829. 115 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. . Bank of Penn. [resp. loan of 18291. n. t. p. 28 pp. Contains abstr. of rept. of Joint committee of the Leelsl., Feb. 10, 1829 and present stockholders' side or the question. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. . Rept. of committee of state directors of Bank of Penn. apptd. Nov. 14, 1829, upon loans of 1828 and 1829. n. t. p. 14 pp. A. Okie ; J. T. Sullivan. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phila. 1833. Rept. of committee on banks (Learning) on en- quiry into expediency of repealing so much of acts Incorporating the Bank of Penn. and the Phila. Bank as requires election of directors by the state. (House Jol. 1832/3 v. 2: 432-433 (doc. 127).) . Letter from Elihu Chauncey, who acted for Bank of Penn. in negotiation of state loan. (Sen. Jol. 1832/3 [v. 1]: 742.) 1836. Rept. of committee (Dickey) apptd. to Inquire into state of affairs of Bank of Penn. (Same 1835/6 V. 2: 375-385, and foldg. table.) 1837. See below, Phila. Bank, this date. . Corresp. betw. foreign agts. of holders of Penn. state stock, and Bank of Penn., rel. to payment of Interest upon said stock. In specie or its equivalent. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 33-35.) . Govs. mess. (Ritner), ace. with letter from cashier of Bank of Penn., announcing probable arrangement of difficulty rel. to payment of Interest on state dept. (Same 1837/8 v. 2: 82 (doc. 44).) BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Bank of Pennsylvania — cont'd non -serial — cont'd 1841. Letter from auditor gen. (Espy) with stmt. rel. to condition of Bank of Penn. (Same 1842 app. to v. 2: 115-117.) 1842. Govs. mess. (Porter) stating measures taken to prevent loss of funds deposited in Bank of Penn., and recommending disconnection of administration of govt, from banking institutions. (Same 1842 v. 1: 250-253.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 5000 copies in English and 2000 copies in German ordered prtd. (House jol. 1842 v. 1 : 253.) . Govs. mess. (Porter) with communication from Bank of Penn. assigning reasons for failure to meet the interest on the public debt of the state Feb. 1. (House jol. 1842 v. 1: 302-306.) . Govs. mess. (Porter) stating probable necessity of Bank of Penn. making an assignment and liqui- dating its affairs; importance of severing connec- tion of state treasury with this and other banks; legislation rel. to closing recommended. (Sen. jol. 1842 v. 1: 509-510; House jol. 1842 v. 1: 547-548.) . Govs. mess. (Porter) rel. to assignment of Bank of Penn. (Same 1842 v. 1: 753-754; same 1842 v. 2: 761-762 (doc. 151).) . Communication from state treasurer (Mann) rel. to selection of assignees of Bank of Penn. (Same 1842 V. 2: 236-238 (doc. 26); same 1842 v. 2: 763-765 (doc. 151).) . Veto (Porter) of bill repealing act to enable Bank of Penn. to make an assignment for payment of its debts, etc. (Sen. Jol. 1842 v. 1: 1233-1235.) 1843. Condition of the Bank of Penn.; in no contin- gency should it be placed in the hands of private stockholders. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 4, 1843: 11.) 1849. Stmt, of different kind of funds paid by Bank of Penn. (Sen. Jol. Jan., 1849 v. 2: 482-483.) 1852 Apr. 9. Remarks of R. M. Henderson on bill rel. to the case of the Commonwealth vs. the Bank of Penn. Harrisburg: Prtd. by T. Fenn & Co., 1852. 7 pp. Copy seen In Penn. State Library. 1857. Debate on bill giving the consent of the common- wealth, to the purchase by the U. S. Govt., of the Penn. Bank property, for the location of a post office. (Daily Legisl. Record 1857, no. 4:3.) . Repts. of comrs. apptd. to investigate condition of Bank of Penn. (Legisl. docs. 1858: 417-420 (doc. 25).) James T. Hale, Ell Slifer, J. C. Bombereer. were the comrs. ; one rept. was made Nov. 2.'), 1857, the other Jan. 2, 1858. See also following entry. 1858 Jan. 16. Govs. mess. (Pollock) in reply to request for rept. of comrs. apptd. by him to investigate con- dition of the Bank of Penn. (Legisl. Record 1858: 34-35.) Final rept. not rendered ; two partial repts. nccom- pnny the messaRe, one made Nov. 25. 1857, the other Jan. 2, 1858; they are both signed by James T. Hale, Ell Slifer, J. C. Bomberger. These repts. were also printed as documents ; see pre- ceding entry. [1858.] Final rept. of comrs. apptd. to Investigate con- dition of Bank of Penn. (Legisl. docs. 1858: 642-646 (doc. 61); Legisl. Record 1858: 198-199.) James T. Hale, Ell Slifer and J. C. Bomberger. 1861. Debate on act to compel the assignees of the Bank of Penn. to settle their accts. (Legisl. Record 1861: 421-424.) 1862 Jan. 29. Rept. of state treasurer (Moore) resp. state deposit In Bank of Commerce at Erie when It closed its doors, etc. (Same 1862: 119.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 325 Philadelphia: ANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Bank of Pennsylvania — cont'd Laws 1793-1810. Laws of the Bank of Penn. J. Binns, 1811. 26 pp. Copy sei'ii In Hist. Socy. of I'enn., I'hlla. LoA.NS TO State; see Debt: State. Period 2 Bank of Philadelphia Sec below, Philadelphia Bank. Bank of Phoenixville 1859-186-1. Ann. stmt. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks) 1859 (pp. 277-279)— «ame 1864.) Bank of Pittsburgh Incorporated under the "Mammoth" act of Mch. 21, 1814. The bank was organized In 1H()8, but lu Mch., 1810, was prohibited from conducting a bank- ing business unless chartered by the Legislature. The business was continued however, under the title " Pittsburg .Manufacturing Co." until a charter was secured when the old title was resumed. A branch bank was maintained at Beaver from 1834 to 1839. serial 1815-1904. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1815 in [Rept. auditor gen. 1816 " 1817 " 1818 " 1819 " 1820 " 1821 " 1822 " 1823 1824 " 1825 " 1826 " " - " 1827 " " - - 1828 " 1829 " 1830 " 1831 " 1832 •' 1833 " 1834 ■' 1835 " 1836 " 1837 " 1838 " 1839 " 1840 " tables 1 and 2. 1841 in [Rept. auditor gen. 1842 " - - - 1843 " 1844 " 1845 " 1846 " 1847 " 1848 " 1849 " 18.50 " 1851 " 1852 " 1853 " 1854 " 1855 " 1856 " 1857 " 1858 " 1859-1891 in [Rept. auditor 1891/2-1894 in Rept. supt. o 1895-1904 In Rept. comr. of non-serial 1810. Memorial from inhabitants of Allegheny Co. re- monstrating agst. incorporation of stockliolders of Pittsburgh Bank. (House jol. 1810/1: 185.) 1811. Rept. of committee on banks (Biddle) on peti- tion of stockholders of Pittsburgh Bank for incor- poration. (Same 1810/11: 334-335.) 1839. Rept. of committee (Morton) upon petitions rel. to removal of office of discount and deposit from Beaver by Bank of Pittsburgh. (.Same 1838/9 v. 2 [pt. 1]: 1019-1051 (doc. 199).) on banks] 1815 : 1816: 1817: 1818: 1819: 1820: 1821 : 1822: 1823 : 1824 : 1825 : 1826. 1827. 1828 : 1829 : 1830: 1831 : 1832: 1833 : 1834 : 1835 : 1836 : 1837 : 1838 : 1839 : 1840: 38.* 105.* 194.* 109.* 102.* 1S3.» 184. • 152.* 178.* 137.* lis.* 424.* 444. • 450-451.* 420-421.* 429.* 141.* 95-96.* 38-39. 84-85.* 92-93.* 57.* 83.* foldg. on banks] 1841 : 52-53. u u 1842 : 94-95. 1843:72-73. 1844 : 102-103.* 1845:92-93.* 1846 : 90-91.* 1847 : 222-223.* 1.S48 : 224-225.* 1840 : 240-241. 1S.^0 : 318-319.* 1851 : 280.* 1S52 : 296-299.* 1853 : 133-136. 1854 : 201-205.* 1855: 205-208.* 1856 : 225-228.* 1857 : 139-143. 1858 : 244-247. gen. on banks] 1859-1801. t f banking 1891/2-1894.1 banking 1895-1904.t BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Bank of Pittsburgh— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1839. Same (Pennlman); minority rept. (Some 1838/9 V. 2 [pt. 1]: 1051-1053 (doc. 199).) . Same, separate. Not seen. 200 copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1838/9 V. 1 : 1205.) . Rept. of committee of accts. (Hoge) upon accts. of witnesses attending before committee apptd. to investigate Pittsburgh Branch Bank at Beaver. (House jol. 1838/9 v. 2 [pt. 1]: 986-987 (doc, 180).) . Rept. of committee of accts. (Crabb) apptd. to inquire into causes which led to removal of office of discount and deposit, from town of Beaver. (Same 1838/9 V. 2 pt. 2: 94-95 (doc. 224).) 1864. Act to extend the charter of the Bank of Pitts- burgh. (Legisl. Record 18C4: 715-716.) Bank of Pottstown serial 1857-1864. Stmt. In Documents as follows : 1857 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1857:116. 1858 not fouud. m-nioniJ- 1859-1864 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 18o9-1804.i non-serial 1S55 Mch 23. Veto (Pollock) of act authorizing the incorporation of the Bank of Pottstown. (Legisl. Record Mch. 24, 1S55: 5-6.) Bank of Susquehanna County serial 1839-1848. Stmt, of affairs. In Documents as follows : 1839 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] }|^q : j^j^* 1840 tables 1 and 2. ■, , i ioocuments as follows : 1815 iu [Rept. auditor gen. on banks) 1815 : 39.t jKie - " " i> « « 1816:106.1 isJ? u M . u a - 1817:196.: IXIS •• " u u u u 28^8 1819 " - .. u u 1820 •' " - - - 1821 " " « - - .„.„: llO.t 1819 : lOO.t 1820 : 190.t 1821 : 173.t * Paging from Senate doe. ed. except 1828 (House doc. ed.) and 1854-1856 (I^glsl. docs.). , , ^ . , ,, . j„„j t The auditor general's repts. for this period being fully Indeiea, the pagination is omitted here. t Paging from Senate doc. ed. 326 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Bank of United States (National) The first of the ITnlteii States wns established in Phila. See U. S. 61 Cong. 2 sess. Senate doc. 571 ; this document also contains an account of the private bank of Stephen Girard -n-hich filled the Interval betw. the liquidation of the TT. S. Bank In 1811 and the chartering of the Girard Bank in 1832. Under act of the Penn. Legisl., Feb. 18. 1836, a state bank was chartered : " The present stockholders of the Bank of the United States, excepting the United States and the Treasurer of the United States, and such other persons as may become stockholders, agreeably to the by-laws made for that purpose to an amount not exceeding in the whole the present capital of the bank, their successors and assigns to be, and are hereby created a corporation and body politic, by the name and style of the I^resi- dent. Directors and Company of the Bank of the United States." serial 1836-1848. General stmt, of Bank of United States transmitted by auditor gen. Checklist The following separates were found in the Illst. Socy. of Penn., Phila, Possibly they were origin.iUy part of the auditor general's rept. on banks. 1836 Apr. 2-Dec. 5. Folding tables, nos. 1-9. 1838 ] ^^^ ^ [ Folding tables, nos. 1 and 6. 1838 Dec. 1. I r^ ,^- ^ ^, , , , 1839 .Tan.-Nov. 4. ( Pol'^'ig tables, nos. 1-12. In Documents as follows : 1836 Apr. 2-Dec. 5 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 18."(j ■ 9 foldg. tables betw. pp. 46 and 47.* 1837 Jan.__ 2-Mch. 1. See below " In Special Reports J??I -^P""- 1-Dec. I in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1837 ■ 1838 Jan. 5 ) 10 tables betw. pp. 46 and 47.* 1838 Feb. _1-Apr. 1. See below "In Special Reports 1838 May 1-Nov. 1 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks! 1838 : 7 tables betw pp. 34 and 35. • 1838 Dec. 1 1 . rr. x 1839 .Tan. 1-Dec. yJi {^^P^- auditor gen. on banks] 1839: 1840 Jan. 2 J 1* tables betw. pp. 112-113.' 1840 Feb. 1-Dee. 1 I „ . , .. , ^ 1842 Jan.-Mch. ( ^^^ below In Special Reports." }lih *'<'1>--Dec. I in [Rept. auditor gen. nn banks] 1S41 1842 Jan.-Feb. (tables betw. pp. 116-117. 1842 Apr.-Dec. not found. 1844 ( •'""■ '" [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1843 : 4-5. ir!r " " ". !i '.! '.'. " 1844:45.« it*° 1845:142.« ?°J' „ „ .. ' 1846:140.' 1847 Dec. ' 1347 . 240 . !:; 1848 1848 : 245.' In Special Reports found in Collected docs, as follows : 1837]-{-'°- I, |. '°,^''''^t« J"'- 1836/7 ^- 2 : 2 foldg. tables I Jan. 31 1 betw. pp. 438 and 439. Ordered prtd. (Senate Jol. 1836/7 v. 1 : 469). No separate copy found. 1837 !Mch. 1 in Senate Jol. 1836/7 v. 2 : table betw. pn 454-455. 1838 Feb. 1-Apr. 1 In Senate Jol. 1837/8 v. 2 : 3 tables betw. pp. 658-659. 1838 Feb. 1-Ai>r. 1 in House Jol. 1837/8 v. 2 : 4 tables betw. pp. 1010-1011. 1840 F.h 1 in Senate Jol. 1840 v. 2 : table betw. pp 120 and 121. 1840 .Mch, 2-Dpc. 1 in House Jol. 1841 v. 2 : 10 tables betw. pp. 332 and 333. 1840 Dec 1 lln Senate Jol. 1841 t. 2 : 3 tables betw. 1841 Jan. 4-Feb. 4 [ pp. 342 and 343. Resources and liabilities for Dec. 1840 are also included in abstr. in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1840. 1841 Jan. in House Jol. 1841 v. 2 : table betw. pp. 368- 1841 Feb. In House Jol. 1841 v. 413. ! : table betw. pp. 41:; 1841 Mch. -Dec I In House Jol. 1842 app. to T. 2 : tables 1842 Jan.-Mch. f hetw. pp. 120-121. <■<''.•'■ «oie8 • Paging from Senate doe. cd. BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Bank of United States (National)— cont'd n07i-serial 1810. Res. (Holgate) suggesting protest to federal govt, rel. to legality of administration and extension of charter of Bank of U. S. (House jol. 1810/1: 66-70.) . Same, separate, incl. debate entitled " Debate in House of Representatives of Penn, on ]VIr. Hol- gate's res. rel. to the Bank of the U. S." Report by W. Hamilton. Prtd. by the Reporter, n.d. 54 pp. Copies seen in the library of the Library Co. of Phila., the Amer. Phil. Socy., and the Penn. Hist. Socy., Phila. 1811. Govs. mess. (Snyder) approving certain bills, in- forming Gen. Assem. that res. resp. chartering of U. S. Bank has been forwarded to Penn. Senators and Representatives in Congress, etc. (Sen. jol. 1810/1: 164-165.) 1814 Oct. 19. Extr. from a letter from Secy. Dallas to chrm. of committee of ways and means (Eppes) rel. to establishment of a national bank. (Rept. of committee of ways and means (Keating) Mch. 1, 1834: 39-40.) 1816 Jan. 16. Rept. of committee of accts. (Fralley) apptd. to examine into state of Penn., Phila. and Farmers' and Mechanics' Banks. (Sen. jol. 1815/6: 97.) 1821. 111. res. rel. to amdmts. of U. S. constitution, con- cerning Bank of U. S., etc. (House jol. 1820/1: 926- 927.) 1822. Govs. mess. (Hiester) transmitting copies of Mass. proceedings on subject of a rept. of a jt. com- mittee of both houses of the Ohio Gen. Assem. on the communication of auditor-gen. of that state rel. to proceedings of Bank of U. S. agst. officers of the state in the circuit court of the U. S.; etc. (Same 1S21/2: 715-734.) Docs. ace. mess. 1832. National policy rel. to U. S. bank. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 6, 1832.) 1832-1834. Tables: business of the U. S. Bank. (Rept. of committee of ways and means (Keating) Mch. 1, 1834: 19-21.) 1833. Table: balances due from banks in Phila. to the Bank of the U. S. each month. (Rept. of committee of ways and means (Keating) Mch. 1, 1834: 39.) 1834. Rept. of the committee on the memorial of the Banks of Penn., etc. praying for legislative inter- ference in favor of the restoration of the public deposits to the United States Bank; Petrikin. Har- risburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1834. 11 pp. Copy seen in Univ. of Penn. 1000 copies in English and 600 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1833/4 V. 1 : 301.) . Same. (Sen. jol. 1833/4 v. 1: 293-301.) . Same; minority rept. [Boyd]. (Same 1833/4 V. 1: 341-348.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1834. 11 pii. Copy seen In Columbia University Library. 1000 copies in English and 500 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1833/4 V. 1 : 348.) . Rppt. of the committee of ways and means (Keat- ing), upon the finances of the state and upon the res. of Dec. 20, rel. to the Bank of the U. S. (House jol. 1833/4 V. 2: 662-696 (doc. 162).) . Effect of federal opposition to U. S. Bank upon city and state banks. (Rept. of committee of ways and means (Keating) Mch. 1, 1834: 16-17.) Mch. 18-19. Speech of Chas. B. Penrose on re- charter of the U. S. Bank and restoration of the deposits. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1834. 52 pp. Copy seen In Penn. State Library. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 327 lANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Bank of United States (National) — cont'd 7ion-seiial — cont'd 1836. Table: expense acct. of U. S. Bank. (Sen. jol. 1842 V. 1: 1092.) Extr. from ri'pt. on corrupt legislation lii rcpird to biiuka. . Govs. mess. (Ritner) rel. to Bank of U. S. (Sen. jol. 1835/6 V. 1: 373; House jol. 1835/G v. 2: 597 (doc. 150).) . Speech of Ovid F. Johnson before the House of Representatives as counsel, in defence of Henry \V. Conrad, upon a res. to " place him at the bar and publicly reprimand him by the Speaker " for certain expressions of opinion in reference to the manner in which the U. S. Bank charter was procured. Harrisburg: Prtd. by S. D. Patterson, 1836. 22 pp. Copy seen in University of Penn. Library. . See Corrupt Practices. Krebs. . See also above the general group under Banks, this date. 1837. Reasons of Jos. M'llvaine and others for vote agst. res. of Jan. 21 for apptmt. of a committee to inquire into mngmt. of Bank of U. S. (House jol. 1836/7 V. 1: 297-300.) . Rept. of select committee (Hill) rel. to U. S. Bank, together with testimony. (.S'ame 1836/7 v. 2: 744-749 (doc. 239).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by S. D. Patterson, 1837. 55 pp. Copies seen In I'enn. State Library, in Free Library of Phlla. and la Library of Univ. of Penn. . Same; minority rept. (Fling). (House jol. 1836/7 V. 2: 750-796 (doc. 240).) Tbls rept. Is also found pp. 9-15 of the separate edition of the majority rept. . Rept. of committee of accts. (James) upon accts. of witnesses attending before committee apptd. to investigate mode, manner and means by which Bank of U. S. obtained its charter. {Same 1836/7 V. 2: 710 (doc. 220).) . Rept. of committee of accts. (James) upon accts. of witnesses attending before committee apptd. to investigate into mode, manner and means by which Bank of U. S. obtained its charter. (.Same 1836/7 V. 2: 727 (doc. 225).) . Rept. of committee of accts. (James) upon accts. of witnesses attending before committee apptd. to investigate into mode, manner and means by which Bank of U. S. obtained its charter. (Same 1836/7 v. 2: 732 (doc. 229).) . Reasons of Wm. English and others for negative vote on res. reptd. by committee to make inquiries into mngmt. of Bank of U. S. viz., that the com- mittee on the judiciary system be instructed to re- port a bill repealing the charter of the bank. (Same 1836/7 V. 1: 1085-1086.) . Rept. of committee of accts. (Dimock of Susque- hanna) upon accts. of witnesses attending before committee apptd. to investigate into mode, manner and means by which the Bank of the U. S. obtained its charter. (Same 1836/7 v. 2: 987 (doc. 247).) . Rept. of committee of accts. (James) upon accts. of witnesses attending before committee apptd. to inquire into mode, manner and means by which the Bank of the U. S. obtained its charter. (Same 1836/7 V. 2: 680 (doc. 212).) . Rept. of committee of accts. (James) upon accts. of witnesses attending before committee apptd. to inquire into mode, manner and means by which U. S. Bank obtained its charter. (Sajne 1836/7 v. 2: 661- 662 (doc. 207).) . Adverse to provision In United States Bank charter resp. a loan to the state. (Rept. of com- mittee of ways and means (Johnston) Jan. 10, 1837.) BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Bank of United States (National)— cont'd 71071-serial — cont'd 1840. Resignation of John J. Pearson as chrra. of com- mittee on judicary system on acct. of instruction to report a bill for repeal of U. S. Bank charter. (Sen. jol. 1840 V. 1: 97-99.) . Reasons of F. Froley ana others for declining to vote on res. instructing judiciary committee to re- port a bill for repeal of charter of Bank of U. S. (Same 1840 v. 1: 95-96.) . Rept. of state treasurer (Read) rel. to money reed, from Bank of U. S. 1836-1839. (House jol. 1840 v. 2 [pt. 1]: 402403.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Holbrook, Henlock & Bratton, 1840. 4 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1S41. Communication from secy, of the commonwealth (Shunk) rel. to refusal of U. S. Bank to receive deposit of money borrowed from the Girard Bank to pav for repairs on the Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1841 v. 1: 64-65.) . Communication from president and directors of Bank of U. S. resp. specie payments. (Same 1841 V. 1: 247-252.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 1000 copies In English and 250 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1841 v. 1:252.) 1842. Communication from secy, of commonwealth (Shunk) rel. to reconsideration of Bank of U. S. respecting refusal to receive deposit from Girard Bank, under act of Je. 11, 1840 to provide for con- tinuing improvements of state. (House jol. 1842 V. 1: 79-80; Sen. jol. 1842 v. 1: 103.) . See above. Banks. Penn., this date. 1848. Communication from president Robertson, and minutes of meeting of stock holders of Bank of U. S. held in Phila., Je. 5. (U. S. 30 Cong. 1 sess.. House ex. doc. 77: 446-449.) Laws [1836.] An act to repeal the state tax on real and per- sonal property and to continue and extend the im- provements of the state by and canals and to charter the U. S. Bank as passed by the House of Representatives. Prtd. by order of the Senate. Har- risburg: Prtd. by Crabb & Barrett, 1835-'36. 8 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. Bank of Washington 1815-1S18. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1815 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1815 : .J7.* 1816 " " " ISW : 10b.' JSI? " " " ' 1817:199.« JsiS " " 1818: 111.* Bank of Waynesboro 1895-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1895 (pp. 23-25)— .tame 1904.) Beaver Deposit Bank 1871. Veto (Geary) of act to incorporate Beaver De- posit Bank. (Sen. jol. 1871: 1407-1408.) Berks County Bank 1836-1841. Stmt, of affairs. serial In Documents as follows : 1S36 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1836:90.' 1837 " " 1837: 120121. • 1838 1838:G.S.« 1839 1839: 97.' 1840 '• " " " " " 1840 : foldg. tables 1 and 2. _ _ 1841 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1841 : •> 1841 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1S41 . JZ-16. l|lo .. .. ' 1843:82-83. itli « « u u u u 1844:76-77.1 fg|J u u „ u " » 1845 : 120-121.1 iSlfi M - „ „ - - 1846:92-93.1 }g|7 « - u . . - 1847 : 186-187.1 |S40 a u a a u u 1348 ; 186-187.1 iSlq « u . a - .. 1849:194-195.1 io^o " " u - u " 1850:287-288.1 Issi " " a u u u 1851 : 250-251.1 JSgi u - „ .. - » 1852:228-229.1 iSSo .. ' ■• 1853 : 130-132. iSSi u ^ M - " « 1854 : 198-200.1 ioSJ ,. u „ „ u .. 18.55:202-204.1 ,C5R - " „ .. a » 1856 : 216-219.1 ifi'SS 1857:105-108. Jggg " " 1*58 : 196-200. 1859-1864 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1S59-1S64.5 non-serial 1811. Rept. of committee on banks (Biddle) to whom was referred petition from Northampton Co. for establishment of the bank of Easton. (House jol. 1810/1: 335.) 1822-1826. Communication from pres. of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. in answer to res. of Feb. 8, 1827, ace. with stmt, of checks and drafts drawn by actg. mngrs. of co. on Easton and Northampton banks each yr.; stmt, of co.'s cash disbursements each yr.; also stmt, and communication from cashier of Easton Bank, rel. to checks and drafts of said co. (Same 1826/7 v. 2: 545-614 (docs. 237-238).) 1826. Rept. of committee on banks (Povall) rel. to Easton Bank issuing notes of less denomination than $5.00. (Same 1825/6 v. 2: 192 (doc. 109).) * Pacing from Senate doc. ed. except 1854-1856 (Legisl. docs.). t Repts. for tbis period l)elng fully indexed, the pagination la ""t Pagln|7rom Senate doc. ed. except 1856-1858 (I*glsl docs ). I The auditor generars repts. for this period being fully indexed, the pagination is omitted here. j \ „.i 1 Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1828 (House doc. ed.) and 1854-1856 (Leglsl. docs.). 332 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Easton Bank — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1827. Communication from pres. of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. rel. to res. of Feb. 8, requiring a stmt, of amt. of drafts and checlcs drawn by them on Easton and Northampton banks, etc. (&'a»ic 1826/7 V. 2: 491-492 (doc. 215).) Elizabethtown Exchange Bank 1887-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1887: 57-59; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Annual stints, after 1891. Erie Bank 1829-1849. Ann. stmt, [quarterly after 1835]. In Documents as follows : 1829 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1829; 461. • 1830 " •• " ■' " '• 1830 : 455.» 1831 " " ' " 1831 : 414-415.* 1832 " " 1832 : 32. 1833 " " ' 1833 : 143-144.* 1834 " '• •• •• " ■■ 1834 : 112-113.* 1835 '■ " ' •■ 1835 : 43. 1836 omitted from ann. rept.; see below "In Collected docs." 1837 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1837:138-139.* 1838 " " 1838:76.* 1839 " " 1839 : 110.* 1840 " " 1840 : foldg. tables 1 and 2. 1841 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1841 : 100-101. 1842 ■• " " " " " 1842 : 112. 1843 " " ' " 1843 : 69. 1844 " " ' " 1844 : 128.* 1845 omitted from ann. rept. ; see below " In Collected docs." 1846 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1840:51.* 1847 " " ' " 1847:149.* 1848 not found. 1849 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1849:222-223.* In Collected docs, as follows : 1836 in Sen. jol. 183G/7 v. 2 : 175, 1837-1844. Omi " " ' only. itted. In Rept. of auditor gen. on banks 1845 in Sen. jol. 1846 v. 2 : 296-297. " House Jol. 1846 v. 2 doc. 61. Erie City Bank serial 1853-1857. Quarterly stmts, of Erie City Bank. In Documents as follows: 1853 in [Kept, auditor gen. on banks] 1853:95. 1854 " " - - u .. jg54 . i63.i64.t 1855 " " - M « a jgjg . jgg.jgg ,;. 1856 1857 1856: lS4-185.t 1857: 201. non-serial 1853. Govs. mess. (Bigler) approving of act to establish Erie City Bank. (Sen. jol. 1853 v. 1: 592-594; House jol. 1853 V. 1: 618-619.) Approved because this bank was designed as a successor to the old Erie Bank, which had commenced wind- ing up Its affairs, thus leaving the city with no banking institution. . Same, separate. Not seen. 5000 copies were ordered prtd. (House jol. 1853 T. 1 :619.) Exchange Bank of Franklin 1888-1904. Ann. stmt. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1888: 68-71; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh 1836-1864. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1836 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1836 : 122-123.t 1837 " » - « - » 1837:94-85.t 1838 - - - « - « 1838:58.t 1839 " « a a « ,< 1839:88-89.t 1840 " " 1840: foldg. tables 1 and 2. 1841 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1841:62-63. 1842 " « u u u . ]S42:!m9fl. 1843 " " " ' 1X43:76-77. 1844 " " . » u « 1844 : 100-101. t 1845 " " « « .. - 1845:100-101.1 1840 " " « - u .. I846:72.t 1847 " " u „ u « jg4.f . 22e.t BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh — cont'd 1848 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1848 : 226-227. J jg4g - - u - - „ - ■- ■ 1850 - " u u u u 1851 « " - - - - 1852 « " .. u M .. 1853 " " 1854 " « u « u - 1855 " " - - - « 1856 " " - - - . 1857 " 1858 " " 1859-1864 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1864. § Farmers' Bank of Bucks Co. lSlG-1864. Ann. stmt, [quarterly stmts, after 1835]. In Documents as follows : 1849 242-243.t 1850 350.t 1851 283-285.t 1852 292-294. t 1853 139-142. 1854 208-211. t 1855 211-213.t 1856 220-222 i 1857 88-90. 1858 50-53. 1816 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks ] 1816: 111.11 1817 *• " " " ** 1817 : 177.1) 1S18: 116.11 1818 " U H " " " 1819 " " " " " " 1819: 114.11 1820 ** U u " " " 1820 : 196.1i 1821 " U M M " " 1821 : 165.11 1822 " " " " " " 1822 : 156.11 1823 " (t U " " " 1823 : 166.11 1824 " M U " " " 1824 : 129.11 1825 « U tl " " •* 1825 : 126-127.11 1826 " U M u " " 1826. 1827 " u u " " " 1827. 1828 " u u ** ** " 1828 : 439.11 1829 « " " " " ** 1829:460.* 1830 « M •• " " ** 1830 : 443.' 1831 « M 14 " " « 1831 : 439." 1832 " tl it '* '• " 1832 : 25. 1833 " 41 tt " " ** 1833: 123.11 1834 " " " " u u 1&34 : 107.11 1835 *' II .< " •* " 1835 : 22. 1836 " u u " " " 1836:136-137.1 1837 " u n " " ** 1837 : 104-105.11 1838 « a M " ** " 1838:64.11 1839 " u u " ** " 1839 : 94.11 1840 " It II ** " •* 1840 : foldg. tables 1 and 2. 1841 In [Kept, auditor gen. on banks] 1841 : 38-39. 1842 " " 1842:50-51. 1843 " II It *' '* " 1843 : 60-61. 1844 " ** ** " " " 1844 : 72-73.11 1845 " *' " " " " 1845:112-113.11 1846 " u tt " " " 1846: 106-107.11 1847 " M U ** « " 1847 : 182-183.1! 1848 " " " " " " 1848: 182-183.11 1849 " M II " « " 1849: 188-191.11 1850 " M U " " " 1850:279-282.11 1851 - II M ** " " 1851 : 241-243." 1852 : 248-251." 1852 " U II " " " 1853 " II II *' *' '* 1853: 124-127. 1854 " tl M " " " 1854: 192-195.11 1855 " II U " " " 1855:196-199.11 1856 " " " •* " " 1856 : 210-213.11 1S57 " " " " " " 1857 : 146-147. 1S58 " II 11 '* " '* 1858 : 162-165. 1.S50-1SG4 in tRept. auditor gen on b inks] 1859-1864.11 Farmers' Bank of Carlisle 1869-1901. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1869: 1516-1518; rept. comr. on banking 1901.) Paging from Collected docs. Annual stmts, after 1891. Farmers' Bank of Harrisburg 1873-1892. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1873 (pp. 118-120) same 1892.) Annual stmt, in 1892. Farmers' Bank of Hummelstown 1SS5-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1885: 77-79; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Annual stmts, after 1891 Farmers* Bank of Indiana 1888-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1888: 99-102; rept comr. of banking 1904.) Annual stmts, after 1891 • Paging from Senate doc. ed. t Paging from Leglsl. docs. t Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1854-1856 (Leglel. docs.). 8 Repts. for this period being fully indexed, the pagination Is omitted here. H Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1828 (House doc. ed.) and 1854-1856 (Ix'glsl. docs.). [[The aiKiltnr gonenil's repts. for this period being fully indexed, the pagination is omitted here. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 333 \NKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Farmers' Bank of Lancaster serial 1814-1864. Ann. stmt. In 1814 isi.-i 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1S24 1825 1820 1827 1828 1829 IS-SO 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1830 1840 Docunu'iitH as follows: In [ISppt. uudltor gen. t.nbles 1 and 2. In [Rept. auditor gen. 1841 1842 1843 " 1844 " 1845 " " « - 1846 " 1847 " 1848 1849 " 1850 ■' 1851 " 1852 " 1853 " 1854 " 1855 " 1856 " 1857 " 1858 " 1859-1864 In [Rept. auditor 42.* 40.« 113.* i-s.« ns.» 115.' 197.' 170.» in7.* 107. • i2n.» 115.' 425.* 445-446.* 4SS-439.* 434-430.* 23. 133.* 102-103.* 26. 116-117. • 110-111. • 82.* 92-93." foldg. 4-5. 74-75 34-35. 78-79. • lOS-lOD.* GO-61.' 238-239 • 2fl2-203!» 1S49 : 2fiO-2(!l.» 1850 : 304-305.* 1851 : 294-295.* 1852:265-266.* 1853 : 109-112. 1S54 : 176-179.* 1855 : lSl-183.* 1856:195-197.* 1857:22-24, 1858 : 146-149. gen. on banks] 1859-1864. t on banks] 1814 1S15 1S16; 1S17 isis 1S19 1S20 1.S21 1S22 1S23 1824 1825 1826. 1827. 1828 1829 1830 ; 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 on banks] 1841 : 1842: 1843: 1844 : 1S45 : 1846 : 1847 : 1848: n07i-serial 1816. Rept. of committee on banlvs (M'EuenI on peti- tion of stocliholders of Farmers' Bank of Lancaster for alterations in act regulating banks with respect to election of directors. (House jol. 1S15/16: 675.) 1818. Rept. of committee on banks (G. Evans) to whom was referred petition from Farmers' Bank of Lan- caster for a credit for a sum of money paid into the treasury by mistake; unfavorable. (Same 1817/8: 542.) . Rept. of committee (T. Wilson) on petition of Henry Good complaining of conduct of the " Farm- ers' Bank of Lancaster." (Same 1817/8: 703-704.) 1818/9. Docs. rel. to controversy with Farmers' Bank of Lancaster resp. tender of notes in payment of taxes. (Sen. jol. 1818/9: 92-95.) Farmers' Bank of Lebanon 1892-1893. Ann. stmt. (Rept. supt. of banking 1891/2 (pp. 91-92)— .same 1893.) Farmers' Bank of McSherrystown 1903-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1903 (pp. 72-73)— soHie 1904.) Farmers' Bank, Middletown 1883-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1883: 68-71; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Annual stmts. In 1892-1904. Farmers' Bank of MifQinburg 1889-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1889: 98-100; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Annual stmts, after 1891. BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Farmers' Bank of Mount Joy 1862 Oct. 27. Semi-ann. stmt, of Farmers' Bank of Mt. Joy. (Rept. of auditor gen. rel. to free banking law 1862: 459-460.) Paging from Coll. docs. 1863-1864. Seml-ann. stmt. (Same 1863 (pp. 13-14) — same 1864.) Farmers' Bank of Reading serial 1814-1864. Ann. stmt, [quarterly after 1835]. In Documents as follows : 1814 In i Rept. auditor gen. on banks 1814 : 42. • 1815 *' " " 1S15: 47.* 1816 " " " *' 1K16: 114.* 1817 " " " " 1H17 : 178. • 1818 " '* '* '* 1818: 114. • 1819 " " *• ** 1819: 115. • 1820 " *' " " IM'JO : 195.* 1821 " " " " 1K21 : 169.« 1822 " *' *' *• 1X22: 158. • 1823 " " •' *' 1823: 168.* 1824 " •' •* ** 1S24: 130.* 1825 " '* '• '* 1S25: 12r,.* 1826 " ** " " ** 1 H 2(1. 1827 " " " " " 1S27. 1828 " " '* " 1828:428.* 1829 *• •' •* 1829:448.* 1830 " " *' *' IS.'iO : 444-44.5.« 1831 * *' '* '* 1S31 : 412-413. • 1832 " •• *' 1S32 : 33. 1833 '* " *' ** 1833: 129.« 1834 " •' " *' 1.S34 : 1O4105.* 1835 " " '* " 1S35: 31-32. 1836 " " *• *' lH3r, : 104-1O5.* 1837 " '• " *' 1837 : 122-123.* 1838 " ** " " I,s38 : CO.* 1839 ** •* '* " 1839 : 112.* 1840 " " " •' 1840 : foldg. tables 1 and 2. 1841 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banlts 1841 : 16-17. 1842 " ** " 1842:54-55. 1843 ** '• " '* 1843 : 42-4.3. 1844 ** " " " 1844:88-89.* 1845 " " " " 1845: 122-123.* 1846 " *• *' " 1846 : 128-129.* 1847 " *' '* *' 1847 : 196-197.* 1848 " " *' " 1848 : 196-197.* 1849 " " ** " 1849 : 204-205. • 1850 •' '* " " 1850:316-317.* 1851 " *' " " 1851:251-252.* 1852 *' " " •' 1852:247.* 1853 " " *' " 1853 : 56-57. 1854 " *' *• " 1S54: 119-120.* 1855 ** '• '* " 1S55: 125-126.* 1856 *' *' " *' 1S56 : 150.* 1857 " " " ** 1S57 : 68-69. 1858 " *' *' " 1S.58: 62-65. 1859-1864 In [Rept. auditor gen on bnnlis] lS59-1864.t Additional stmts, in Collected docs, as follows : 1815 In Senate jol. 1815/6:161. " House '• 1815/6:313-314. 1826/7 1827/8 : 898-899. non-serial 1855. Debate on re-charter and Farmers' Bank of Reading. 16, 1855: 3-4.) Farmers' Bank of Schuylkill Co. 1847-1868. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1847 In (Rept. auditor gen. on banks] increase of capital of (Legisl. Record Mch. 1848 1849 " " u « u 1850 " " .. „ - 1851 " " a . - 1852 - " u u „ 1853 " 1854 " " « - - 1855 " " « „ a 1856 " " « u » 1857 " 1858 •' " 1859-1868 In [Rept. auditor gen. 1847 : 199.t 1.S48 : 190-191. t 1849 : 198-199. t 18.50: 312-313.t 1851 : 26.J-267.): 1.852 : 241. t 1853 • 72-73. 1854 : 140-141. t 1855 : 145146.t 1856: 159-160.t 185T : 54-55. 1858 : 281-284. banks] 1859-1868.t * Paging from Senate doe. ed. except 1828 (House doc. ed.) and 1854-1856 (Legisl. docs.). t The auditor general's repts. for this period being fully Indexed, the pagination has been omitted here. t Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1854-1856 (Legisl. docs.). 334 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA on banks] 1841 108-lOn 1842 102-103 1843 74-75. 1844 106-107 1845 80-81.* •■ " 1846 70-71.* " " 1847 234.* 1848 237.* •' ■• 1849 254.* 1850 315.* " " 1851 306.' 1852 303.' 1853 155-156 1854 229-230 1855 240-241 18ri6 260-261 1857 97. BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Fanners' Co-operative Banking Association of Cochranton 1895-1S96. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1895 (p. 95)— same 1896.) Fanners' Deposit Bank of Lehigh County 1854. See above, Donegal Deposit Bank. Fanners' Deposit Bank, Pittsburgh serial 1841-1857. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1S41 in [Rept. auditor gen. 1842 •• 1843 •■ 1844 ■' 1845 •• 1846 " 1847 " 1848 " 1849 " 1850 " 1851 " 1852 " 1853 •' 1854 " 1855 ■• 1856 " 1857 non-serial 1847. Veto (Shunk) of act suppl. to act incorporating Farmers* Deposit Bank of Pittsburgh. (Sen. jol. 1847 V. 1: 347-348.) Farmers' and Drovers' Bank of Waynesburg 1836-1864. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1836 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1836:96.* 1837 •■ " 1837:136-137.* 1838 1838:75.* 1839 ' 1839 : 102.* 1840 " " " •• '• " 1840:foldg. tables 1 nnd 2. 1841 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1841:88-89. 1842 not found. 1843 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1843:78-i9. 1844 " " " " '• " 1844 : 108-109.* 1845 1845:73.* 1846 " " 1846:104.* 1847 ' ' 1847:230-231.* 1848 " " 1848:232-233.* 1849 " " " ' 1849 : 248-250.* 1850 " " ' " 1850 : 308-30.9.* 1851 " " ■■ 1851 : 286-287.* 1852 1852:305.* 1853 1853 : 145-146. 1854 " " 1854 : 214-215.* 1855 ■' " ' 1855:218-219.* 1856 '• " " " " " 1856:234-235.* 1857 1857:34-35. 1858 1858:251-253. 1859-1864 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1864. t non-serial 1848. See above, Bank. Penn., this date. Farmers' and Manufacturers' Bank, Canton 1857. Veto of act to incorporate Farmers' and Manu- facturers' Bank of Canton. (Daily Legisl. Record 1857 no. 94: 4.) Farmers' and Manufacturers' Bank of Centre County 1857. Veto (Pollock) of act to incorporate Farmers' and Manufacturers' Bank of Centre Co. (Sen. jol. 1857: 1067; Daily Legisl. Record 1857 no. 95: 4-5; no. 97: 7; no. 99: 7.) Farmers' and Manufacturers' Bank of Delavyare County 1833. Veto (Wolf) of bill to Incorporate Farmers' and Manufacturers' Bank of Delaware Co., and reasons for approval of bill to incorporate Merchants and Manufacturers' Bank of Pittsburgh. (House jol. 1832/3 V. 1: 816-818; Sen. jol. 1832/3 v. 1: 728-730.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 3000 copies In English and 1000 In German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1832/3 v. 1:81); 1000 copies in English and 500 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1832/3 v. 1 : 730). BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of East Birmingham, Pitts- burgh 1872-1886. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1872 (pp. 1032-1034)— sawe 1886.) Paging from Collected docs. Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Easton 1851-1864. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1851 in [Rept. auditor gen. 1852 " 1853 " 1854 " 1855 " 1856 " 1857 " 1858 " 1859-1864 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1864.^ Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Erie 1847. Govs, veto of bill incorporating Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, to be located in borough of Erie. (Sen. jol. 1847 v. 1: 502-503.) Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Greencastle 1815-1818. Ann. stmt. anks] 1851 : 307.* 1852 260-261.* 1853 128-129. 1854 196-197.* 1855 200-201.* 1856 214-215.* 1857 36-38. 1858 176-179. In Documents as follows: 1815 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1815 : 46.§ 1816 " " " " " 1816:112. 1817 " " U M 44 44 1817 : 180. 1818: 117. 1818 " U « 44 44 Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Phila. serial 1 series 1816-1824. Stmt, of accts. In Collected does, as follows : 1816 in Sen. Jol. 1816/7: 151-152.11 1817 " " 1817/8: 151-152. 1818 " " 1818/9 ■ 177-178.11 1819 " " 1819/20 : 158-159. " " House " 1819/20 : 300-301.11 1820 " " 1820/1 343-346.11 230-231.11 1821 " Sen. " 1821/2 : 1822 " " 1822/3: 344-345. 1823 " " 1823/4 331-333. 1824 " House " 1824/5 : 2 series 85. 1824-1865. Ann. stmt, [quarterly stmts after 1835]. In Documents as follows 1824 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1824 : 142.** 1825 " " " 44 44 1825 : 109-110.** 1826 " U 41 44 44 1826. 1827 •' M M 44 44 1827. 1828 " U U U 44 1828:415-416.** 1829 " " ** 44 44 1829:435-436.** 1830 " " *• U U 1830:429.** 1831 " (1 M 44 44 1831 : 424-425.** 1832 " •* " 44 44 1832 : 28. 1833 " U M 44 44 1833: 110-111. •• 1834 " It 44 44 44 1834:81-82.** 1835 " 44 44 44 44 1835 : 6-7. 1836 " 44 44 44 44 1836:72-73.** 1837 " " 44 U 44 1837 : 56-57.** 1838 " 44 44 44 44 1838:39.** 1839 " 44 44 44 44 1839: 70.** 1840 " 44 44 44 44 1840 : foldg. tables 1 and 2. 1841 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1841 : 76-77. 1842 not found 1843 in [Rept auditor ^en on banks; 1843:18-19. 1844 " 44 44 1844 : 62-63.** 1845 " 44 U 44 U 1845: 134-135. •• 1846 " 44 44 44 44 1846: 54-55.** 1847 " U 44 44 44 1847: 158-159.** 1848 " 44 44 44 44 1848:158-159.** 1849 " 44 44 44 44 1849:158-162.** * Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1854-1856 (Legisl. docs.). t The auditor general's rcpts. for this period being fully Indexed, the pagination Is omitted here. t Repts. for this period being fully Indexed, the pagination is omitted here. § raging from Senate doc. ed. H See above, Rank of Penn., the serial group, this date. II Also prtd. separately, n. t. p. 6 pp. Copy In Amer. Phil. Socy., Phlla. Usual no. ordered prtd. ( Sen. Jol. 1820/1:245.) ** Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1828 (House doc. ed.) nnd 1854-1856 (I/eglsl. docs.). INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 335 BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Phila. — cont'd serial — cont'd 2 series — cont'd 1860 In [Rcpt. auditor gen. on banks] 1850 : 250-255. • 1861 ■■ •• 1851 : 190 194. • 1852 '• •• 1852 : 20G-210.* 1853 •' " 1853:21-25. 1854 ■• " • 1854 : 86-00.* 1855 " " " lR55:!U-90.« 1856 " " 1856: 109114. • 1857 " " 1857:110-115. 1858 " " 1858:235-239. 1859-1865 in [Rept. nndltor gen. on bnnlisl 1850-1865.t non-serial 1808. Petition from directors of Farmers' and Me- chanics' Bank of Phila. soliciting a charter and offering inducements for the granting of the charter. (Sen. jol. 1807/8: 109-111.) — ^. Rept. of committee (Sergeant) to whom was re- ferred petition from Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, for charter of incorporation. (House jol. 1807/8 v. 1; 194-199.) . Same, separate. Not Been. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1807/8: 199.) 1810. Rept. of [select] committee (Patterson) on me- morial praying that " Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank " may be authorized to establish a branch in the borough of Pittsburgh. (House jol. 1809/10: 519- 520.) 1810-1816. See above. Bank of Pennsylvania, these dates. 1811. Rept. of committee (Roberts) to whom was re- ferred res. inquiring whether the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank are aiding and abetting any un- lawful assn. of citizens who are carrying on the business of banking. (Sen. jol. 1810/1: 136-137.) . Same, separate. Not seen. Usunl no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1810/1 : 137.) 1812. Rept. of committee on banks (Drinker) on peti- tion for increase of capital and extension of time for duration of the charter of the Farmers' and Me- chanics' Bank. (House jol. 1811/2: 345-347.) 1816. See above. Banks. Phila., this date. 1825. Stmt, of expenses of Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank. (Sen. jol. 1825/6: 296-297.) Furnished In accordance with Sen. res. of Jan. 24, 1826. 1836. Govs. mess. (Ritner) stating his objections to re-charter and extension of Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank. (House jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 938-942 (doc. 282).) . Same, separate. Not seen. 2000 copies In English and 1000 In German were ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1835/6 v. 1 : 1447.) 1844. Rept. of committee on banks (Cummins) on sup- plement to act to re-charter Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Phila. (House jol. 1844 v. 1: 145-151.) . Rept. of committee on banks (Penniman) on Sen. bill resp. Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Phila. (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 1: 260-263.) 1897. Abatement, since 1858, of taxes of Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Phila. on acct. of services in connection with loans of state: no reason for con- tinuation. (Govs. mess. (Hastings) Jan. 5, 1897: 11.) Laws 1843. An act to re-charter the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Phila. Philadelphia: Prtd. by Joseph & William Kite, 1843. 8 pp. Copy seen In Columbia University Library. Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Pittsburgh 1815-1818. Ann. stmt. In Dociiments as follows : 1815 In [Rcpt. auditor gen. on banksl 1815 : 47. t 1818 " " « - - - 1816: 114. t 1817 - - « u - « 1817:179.t 1818 " - u u u u I818;114.t BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Sharpsburg 1879-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1879: 41-42; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Annual stmt, after 1891. Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Shippensburg 1864. Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Shippensburg certified Aug. 19. (Rept. auditor gen. rel. to free banking law 1864: 5.) 1878. Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Shippensburg the only one that has returned any of its circulation since Dec. 31, 1877. (Same 1878: 1.) Farmers' and Merchants' Bank, Greenville 1901-1902. Ann. stmt. (Kept. comr. of banking 1901 (pp. 101-102)— .va me 1902.) Farmers' and Merchants' Bank, New Oxford 1901-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1901 (pp. 102-lM)— same 1904.) Farmers' and Merchants' Bank, West Newton 1901-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1901 (pp. 105-107)— «fimc 1904.) Farmers' and Traders' Bank of Philadelphia 1833. Govs. mess. (Wolf) stating his objections to bill for establishment of Farmers' and Traders' Bank of Phila.; banking capital of city and co. of Phila. (House jol. 1832/3 v. 1: 877-879; Sen. jol. 1832/3 [V. 1]: 765-767.) Fidelity Deposit and Discount Bank, Dunmore 1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1904: 92-93.) Fifth Avenue Bank of Pittsburgh 1877-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1877: 86-89; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Ann. stmts, only after 1891. First Northern Colored Co-operative Banking Association 1901. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1901: 110- 111.) Fox Chase Bank 1898-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1898 (pp. 97-99)— same 1904.) Franklin Bank of Washington 1836-1864. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1836 In (Rept. auditor gen. on ban Its] 1S36 125.§ 1837 « " " 1837 124-125.S 1838 " " " " " " 1838 70.§ 1839 " ** " " " " 1839 105.§ 1840 " '* " " " '* 1840 foldg. t nbles 1 and 2. 1841 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks; 1841 32-33. 1842 " " " 184 2 56-57. 1843 '* '* " " " *' 1843 65. 1844 " « " " " " 1844 110-111. § 1845 " " " " " " 1843 126-127.S 1846 " •* " " *' " 1846 11S-119.§ 1847 " " *• " " " 1847 232-233.5 1848 M " " " " " 1848 234-235.§ 1849 " " " " " " 1S49 252-253. § 1850 " " " " " " 1850 v330-331.§ 1851 " " ** " " " 1851 292-293. § 1852 ** " " " " " 1852 312-313.§ 1853 *' " '* " " '* 1853 90-91. 1854 « " " " " " 1854 158-159.5 1855 " " " u u ** 1855 162-164. § 1856 " " " ** u *• 1856 178-180. § 1857 •» '* •' " *• " 1857 49-51. 1858 *' " '* •* '* '* 1858 240-243. 1859-1864 In [Rept. auditor gen . on banks] lS59-1864.t • Paging from Senate doc. cd. except 1828 (House doc. ed.) and 1854-1856 (Legisl. docs.). t The auditor geueral's repta for this period being fully Indexed, the pagination Is omitted here. t Paging from lyeglel. tlocs. 5 Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1854-1856 (Leglsl. docs.). 33G INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Franklin Co. Bank, Chambersburg 1878. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 187S: 75-77.) Freehold Bank and Building Assn. of Pittsburgh 1872-1904. Quarterly stmts. (|Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1872: 1035-1037; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) r.Tging from Collected docs. In ISfo and lSSO-1904 title Is Freehold Bank of Pitts- burgh. Annual stmts, after 1891. Freeport Bank 1886-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen.; on banks] 1886: 91-93; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Annual stmts, after 1891. German American Bank of Pittsburgh 1874-1875. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1874 (pp. 653-655)— *unie 1875.) German Improvement Co. of Allegheny City 1874. Veto (Hartrauft) of act to incorporate the Ger- man Improvement Co. of Allegheny City; land co. with banking powers. (Legisl. Jol. 1874: 40.) Girard Bank of Allegheny 1877-1881. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1877 (pp. 101-103)— .vume 1881.) Girard Bank, Phila. Chartered In 1832 ; became a national bank In 1865. See also above, note under Bank of United States (National). serial 1832-1864. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows: 1832 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1832:29. 1833 '• ■■ 1833: 112-113. • 1834 " " 1834: 79-80.* 1835 " " " •' " " 1835 : 5-6. 1836 " " " 1836 : 62-63.* 1837 •• " 1837 : 52-53.* 1838 " " " 1838 1839 " 1840 " " ' tables 1 and 2. 1841 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1841 : 96-97. 1843 " " - „ - u jvj^g 1844 omitted. 1845 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banlis] 1845 1846 " " ' 1847 " 1848 " " 1848 : 14!). 1849 " " 1849:149.* 18.50 " " " 1850:301.* 1851 " " " " " " 1851 : 195.* 1852 " " " " " " 1852 : 205.* 18.53 " " •' " " " 1853 : 32-33. 1854 " " 1854 : 90-97. 1855 " " " 1855 : 102-103.* 1856 " " 1856: 122-123. • 1837 " " 1857 : 181-184. 1858 " " •' •" " " 1858 : 230-234. 1859-1864 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1864.t non-serial 1832. Corresp. rel. to Girard Bank. (Sen. jol. 1831/2 V. 1: 812-813.) . Govs. mess. (Wolf) on procs. of comrs. apptd. to open books for subscription of stock of Girard Bank. (House jol. 1831/2 v. 2: 855-850 (doc. 274).) . Rept. of [select] committee (Findlay) rel. to stock of Girard Bank. (Same 1831/2 v. 2: 859-860 (doc. 278).) 1836. Veto (Ritner) of act to incorporate Girard Bank In city of Phila. (Same 1835/6 v. 1: 841-852; Sen. jol. 1835/6 V. 2: 395-404.) Review of principles of banking, banking capital and currency. . Same, separate. Not seen. 4000 copies in Kngllsh and 2000 Id German were ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1835/6 v. 1:852.) 1842. Communication from assignees of Girard Bank, enclosing stmt, of assets which passed under assign- ment with their appraised value; liabilities agst. 1839 : 60.* 1840 : foldg. ; 141.* 1846: 141.* 1S47 : 108.* BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Girard Bank, Phila. — cont'd non-serial — cont'd trust funds; also stmt, of trust fund collected, and manner of their disbursements. (Sen. jol. 1843 v. 2: 261-269.) 1845. Rept. of committee on banks (Smith of Berks) on act to reduce capital stock of Girard Bank in Phila. (House jol. 1845 v. 1: 183.) 1862. Debate on bill to reduce the capital of Girard Bank in Phila. (Legisl. Record 1862: 224-225; 284- 285; 387-388; 588-589.) Government Bank 1863. Certificate of " The Government Bank " filed Feb. 17; capital; deposits in auditor's oflice. (Rept. of auditor gen. rel. to free banking law 1863: 5.) 1863-1864. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1863 (pp. 284-296)— suHie 1864.) 1863-1865. Semi-ann. stmt. (Rept. auditor gen. rel. to free banking law 1863 (pp. 5-6)— some 1865.) 1865. See above, Clearfield Bank, this date. Harrisburg Bank 1814-1864. Ann. stmt. serial In Documents as follows : 1814 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1814 : 44-45.t 1815 " - a - u u 1815:48.t 1816 " « « « « « 1816:116.t 1817 " " u ., « „ 1817:183.}; 1818 " " ^ u u „ jgjg. i20.t 1819 « " c u u a I819:116.t 1820 " « a - u ., 1820: 198. t 1821 " « a u „ u jg2i : 1724 1822 " " « .. « u jgoo : 1504 1823 " " u u u u 1823:171.1 1824 - " „ « a u jg24 . 132. J 1825 " " u « u a jg25 . ii9_j 1S26 « " u u a „ ig2g 1827 " " u u u u J827 1828 " " ^ u . a I828:423.t 1829 " " u u u u 1829 : 443-444.t 1830 " " „ a « u 1830: 454. t 1831 " " « u « „ 183J . 437.4384 1832 " " •• " " " 1832 : 40. 1833 " " « . « a jg33 . 137 J. 1834 " " u u u H ig34 . 1Q6 J. 1835 " " " " " " 1835 : 29. 1836 " « u .. u ■■ 1836: 112-113.t 1837 « " « .. « u jg37 . 114.1154 1838 " " « - .. u ig3g . g3^ 1839 " " „ .. „ „ igjg . 36-374 1840 " " " " " " 1840 : foldg. tables 1 and 2. 1841 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1841:70-71. 1842 " " ' 1842:64-65. 1.843 " " ' 1843:44-45. 1844 » " «....- ig44 . 36-374 1845 " " « u „ u 1845: IIO.J; 1846 " " " .. « « 1846:76.1 1847 " " u „ u u jg47 . 2074 1848 « " a « u ,. 1848:212-213.* 1849 " " „ u « - 1849: 230-231. t 1850 " " „ a « .. jg5o . 346-3474 1851 " - u « a ,- ig5i . 2994 1852 " " ...■«« ig52 . 285.287.* 1853 " " " " " " 1853:115-118. 1854 " " » 1854 : 182-185.* 1855 " " »..«.. J855 . 186-189.* 1856 " " ..." - 1856 : 200-203.* 1857 " " ' " 1857 : 80-83. 1858 " " " " " " 1858 : 192-195. 1859-1864 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1864.* non-serial 1830. Letter from Thos. Elder, president of Harrisburg Bank, offering loan to state, contribution for public improvements in Harrisburg, etc. in case their charter be extended and the ofBce of discount and deposit of Bank of Penn. be withdrawn from Dauphin Co. (Sen. jol. 1829/30 [v. 1]: 172-173.) 1834. Stmt, of realty belonging to Harrisburg Bank. {Same 1834/5 v. 2: 641-645.) • Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1854-1856 (Legisl. docs.). t The auditor general's repts. for this period being fully indexed, the pagination is omitted here. * Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1828 (House doc. ed.) nnd 1854-1850 (I-egisl. does.). INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATK OP PENNSYLVANIA 337 BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Hazelton Deposit Bank and Trust Company 1S67. Veto (Curtln) of act to incorporate Hazleton Deposit Bank and Trust Co. (Sen. jol. 1867: 40.) Hazlewood Bank, Pittsburgh 19ni-19()-1. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of bunking 19U1 (pp. 131-133)— .sHwc 1904.) Hestonville Bank 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act to incorporate Heston- ville Bank. (Sen. jol. 1S74: 94-95; Legisl. jol. 1874: 54.) Homewood People's Bank, Pittsburgh 1901-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1901 (pp. 135-136)— same 1904.) Honesdale Bank serial 1837-1864. Quarterly stmts. lu Documents as foil ows : isa? In [Rept. auditor gen. on bail Its] 1837: 144-145.* 1838 *' " " 1838:79.* 1830 11 14 " " " '• 1830 : 103.* 1840 ** " *• " " '* 1840: foldg. t iibles 1 nnd 2. 1841 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1841:42-43. 1842 11 .1 " 1842 : 68-69. 1843 11 11 " '* " 1843:67. 1844 " " *' " *' 1844:98.* 1845 " " " " •• 1845 : 132.* 1846 " " ** •* " 1846: 103.* 1847 " '* ■* •' *' 1847 : 220-221.* 1848 11 t< *' " 1848 : 220-221.* 1840 It 11 '* " 1840:251.* 1850 " " •* " " 1850:322-323.* 1851 11 K ** *' '■ 1851 : 277-279,* 1852 " '* " '• " 1852: 289-290.* 1853 " " " *' ** 1853:81-82. 1854 11 11 ** *' " 1854 : 140-150. 1855 " *• " *' " 1855: 154-155.* 1856 " '* *' '* 1H56: 170-171,* 1857 11 11 *' " " 1857:30-31. 1858 (1 11 '* *' " 1858 : 29-31. 1859-1S64 In [R ept. auditor gen on ba 3ks] 1859-1864.t non-serial 1836. " The Honesdale Bank of Wayne Co. has not commenced operations." ([Rept. of auditor gen. on banks] 1836: 124.) raging from House Jol. 1836/7 v. 2. 1842. Stmt, of Honesdale Bank. (House jol. 1842 v. 2: 747-749.) A specl.Tl rept. of the auditor gen., Mch., 1842. 1855. Veto (Bigler) of suppl. to act. to charter Hones- dale Bank. (Sen. jol. 1855: 40-41; Legisl. Record Jan. 6, 1855: 3.) Huntingdon Bank 1815-1821. Ann. stmt. In Documents ns follows: 1815 In [Hept. auditor gen. on banks] 1815:49.1 1817 « - » « a « 1818 " » « « a a 1819 " " u « « u 1820 " " .4 - u „ 1821 " " « u u „ Hyde Park Bank, Scranton 1871-1877. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1871 (pp. 56-58)— some 1877.) Indiana County Deposit Bank 1872. Veto (Geary) of act to incorporate Indiana Co. Deposit Bank. (Sen. jol. 1872: 10751076.) 1874-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1874: 691-693; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) I'aglng from Collected docs. Iron Bank, Phoenixville 1874. Quarterly stmts. ( [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1874: 685-686.) I'aglng from Collected docs. 22 1816 llT.t 1817 182. t 121.i 1818 1819 117. t 1820 1119. t 1821 180.t BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Iron City Bank, Pittsburgh Commenced biiHlni^KS Aug. 27, 1857. 1857-1864. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows: 1857 In [Kept, auditor gen. on banks] 1857: 158-159. Nov. only. 1858 In [Kept, auditor gen. on banks] 1858: 210-213. 1859-1864 In [Kept, auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1804. t Jersey Shore Bank 1858-1865. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1S5S In [Kept, auditor gen. on hanks] 1858: 278-280. 1859-1805 In [Kept, auditor gen. on bunks] 1851)-1865.t Jersey Shore Banking Co. 1886-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1886: 131-132; rept. comr. of banking 1904.J Annual stmts, after 1891. Jonestown Bank 1874-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1874: 694-696; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Paging from Colli'ctcd docs. Annual stmts, after 1891. Juniata Bank 1814-1818. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows ; 1814 In I Kept, auditor gen. on hanks] 1814 : 45. S 1S15 " " u « . u 1815:50.§ ISIG " " - - " « 1810: H8.| 1817 " " - " - " 1817:184.| 1818 " " - u a u 1818:122.1 Kensington Bank 1828-1864. Ann. stmt, [quarterly stmts, after 1835]. In Documents as follows : 1828 In [Rept. auditor gen. on 1829 " - . - - 1830 " " ^ u u 1831 " " - u - 1832 " " 1833 " « « - - 1834 " " - - . 1835 " " 1836 « " u u . 1837 « " „ ^ u 1838 " " u " " 1839 « " u - u 1840 " •■ tables 1 and 2. 1841 in [Rept. auditor gen. on 1842 " " « - - 1843 " 1844 " " « « a 1845 « " u u M 1840 " " X « u 1847 » " « « - 1848 " " « « - 1849 " " a u „ 1850 " " - u - 1851 " " « - " 1852 " " u « - 1853 " 1854 " " u a a 1855 " " ,. « u 1856 " « a u .. 1857 " 1858 " " 1859-1864 In (Rept. auditor gen. Keystone Bank of Phila. 1871-1885. Quarterly stmts. (Rept. comr. of banking 1871 (pp. 59-61)— .TO Hifi 1885.) Omitted 1870-1883. Keystone Bank of Pittsburgh 1886-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1886: 134-136; rept comr. of banking 1904.) Annual stmts, after 1891. banks] 1828 421-422.11 1829 441-442.11 " 1830 424-425.1! " 1831 421.11 *' 1832 13. " 1833 120-121.1 " 1S34 91.11 '* 1835 15. " 1836 -4-75.1 " 1837 74-75.11 " 1838 48.1 " 1839 09.1 " 1840 foldg. banks 1841 : 82-85. 1842 28-32. " 1843 28-29. " 1844 48-49.1 " 1845 04-65.1 " 1846 58-59.1 " 1847 174-175.1 " 1848 174175.1 " 1849 178-179.1 » 1850 348-349.1 " 1851 214-217.1 " 1852 222-224.1 '* 1853 38-41. " 1854 102-105.1 108-111.1 •* 1855 " 1850 128-131.1 " 1857 120-121. " 1858 114-118. on ba nks] 1859-1864.t • Paging from Sen. doc. ed. except 1854-1866 (I.eglsl. dors.). t The auditor general's reports for this period being fully indexed, the pagination Is omitted here. t Paging from lycglsl. docs. § Paging from Senate doc. ed. 1 Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1828 (House doc. ed.) and 1854-1856 (Legisl. docs.). 338 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Keystone Bank of Scranton 1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1904: 124- 126.) Kittanning Bank, Kittanning 1S57-1S65. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1857 in [Kept, auditor gen. ou banks] IS.')" : 109. Nov. 3, 1S57, only. 185S in [Kept, auditor gen. on banks] 1858 : 262-264. 1859-1865 in Rept. auditor gen. on banks, 1859-1865.' Lackawanna Valley Bank, Scranton 1874-1SS6. Quarterly stmts. ( [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1S74 (pp. 717-719)— same 18S6.) I'aging from Collected docs. Lancaster Bank serial 1818-1855. Ann. stmt, [quarterly stmts, after 1835]. In Documents as follows : 1818 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks) 1818 : 123. t 1819 ■'" ■ 1820 " 1821 - 1822 " " .... 1823 " " .. « 1824 " " .... 1825 '• « « .. 1826 « " .. " 1827 " " - .. 1828 " " .. .. 1829 " " « .. 1830 - " - .. 1831 " 1832 " 1833 " " « .. 1834 " 1835 " 1836 " " ., - 1837 " 1838 " " .... 1839 « " « .. 1840 " tables 1 and 2. 1841 In [Rept. auditor gen. 1842 " " .. u 1843 " 1844 " " .. " 1845 " " .. - 1846 " " .. u 1847 " » .... 1848 " « .... 1849 " " u - 1850 " " .... 1851 " 1852 - - .... 1853 " 1854 " 1855 " « - .. 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 llS.t 200.t 171. t 160.t 172. t 132-133.^ 1830 1831 : 1832: 1833: 1834 : 1835; 1830: 1837 : 1838 : 1839 : 1840; on banks] 1841 1842: 1843; 1844 ; " 1845 ; 1846 ; 1847 ; 1848 ; 1849 ; 1850 ; 1851 ; 1852 : 1853 18.'i4 1855 1825 : 116.t 1826. 1827. 1828 : 426.t 1829:44G.t 446-447.1 430-431. t 20. 134.t 103-104. t 27. 100-101. t 108-109.t 81.t 86.1 foldg. ; 30-31. 70-71. 38. 84-85. t 130-131. t 110-111. t 194-195.t 198-199. t 206-207. t 289-290. t 253-257. t 270-275. t 102-105. 171-172.t 176-177.t non-serial 1849. Rept. of minority of committee on banks (Laird) rel. to standing of Lancaster Bank. (House jol. 1849 V. 1: 874-875.) 1858. Rept. of comrs. on affairs of Lancaster Bank. (Legisl. docs. 1858: 720-755 (doc. 84).) Thos. H. Burrowes, Geo. Darsle, J. Y. James were the comrs. Lancaster County Bank serial 1842-1864. Stmt, of affairs [quarterly]. In Documents as follows : 1842 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1842 1843 1844 1845 1840 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1843 1844 1845 1S46 1847 1848 1849 18.50 18.-.1 1.H52 1853 1854 : 72-74. 40-41. 82-83.t lll.t 52.t 204 -205.1 200-201. t 20S-209.}: 300. ± 2.19-261. t 207-209, t 106-108. 173-175,1 '4 1855: 178-180,} 1856: 192-194, t 1857 : 178-180. 1858 : 123-120. 1859-1884 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1864. { BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Lancaster County Bank — cont'd non-serial 1862. Lancaster Co. Bank debate. (Legisl. Record 1862: 989.) . Remarks (Vincent) on act. to extend charter of the Lancaster Co. Bank. {Same 1862: 696-698.) 1863. Debate on act to extend charter of the Lancaster Co. Bank. (Same 1863: 458-462.) Lancaster County Loan Company 1840. Veto (Porter) of act to incorporate a bank to be called "Lancaster Co. Loan Co." (Sen. jol. 1840 v. 1: 840-844.) Lancaster Trading Co. 1814-1817. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows: 1814 in [Rept. auditor gen. ou banks] 1814 1815 1816 1817 181, lt-6 1817 : 46.11 : 50.11 : 116.11 : 185,11 Lawrence Bank of Pittsburgh See below, Banks : Individual Savings Banks. Lawrence. Lebanon Bank 1832-1SG4. Ann. stmt, [quarterly after 1835]. In Documents as follows : 1832 in [Uept. auditor gen. on banks] 1832; 1833 : 1834 : 1835: 1836 : 1837 38. 135-136.1 111.11 35. 98-99.11 134-135.1 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 " " ' 1838:74.11 1839 « - .... .. .. 1839:104.11 1840 " •• " 1840: foldg. tables 1 and 2. 1841 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1841:68-69. • " 1842, 1843 : 48-49. 1844 : 92-93.11 1845 : 116-117. 1846:74-75.11 1847 : 192-193, 1848 : 194-195, 1849 : 200-203, 1850 : 324-325, 1851 : 247-249, 1852 : 257-260. 1853 : 74-76. 1854 : 142-144. 1855: 147-148- 1856: 161-162. 1857 : 32-33. 1858 : 132-134. on banks] 1859-1864.* 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859-1864 in [Rept. auditor gen. Lebanon Valley Bank 1855. Veto (Pollock) of act to incorporate Lebanon Valley Bank. (Sen. jol. 1855: 935-936.) 1858-1864. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1858 (pp. 5-7)— some 1864.) Liberty Discount and Savings Bank; see below, Individual Savings Banks Lehigh County Bank serial 1845-1846. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows: 1845 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1845:138-139.11 1846 " " « « « » 1846 : 102.1 non-serial 1845. Kept, of committee on banks (Struthers) on memorials rel. to " Lehigh Co. Bank." (House jol. 1845 V. 2: 508-509 (doc. 75).) • The auditor genorafs repts. for this period being fully Indexed, the pagination is omitted here. t Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1828 (House doc. ed.) and 1854-1855 (Ix'gisl, docs,). t Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1854-1856 (I^eglsl. docs.). {) Repts, for this period being fully indexed, the pagination is omitted iiere, 1] Paging from Senate doc. ed. ll Paging from Legisl. docs. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 339 BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Lehigh County Bank — cont'd non-serial- — cont'd 1846. Kept, of committee on banlis (Samuels) in rel. to Lehigh Co. Bank. (Same 1S46 v. 2: 291 (doc. 36).) . Rept. of committee on banks (Samuels) rel. to testimony ot Lehigh Co. Bank. (iS'iime 1846 v. 2: 484-486 (doc. 77).) . Rept. of committee on banks (Samuels) rel. to Lehigh Co. Bank. (Same 1846 v. 2: 444-450 (doc. 71).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1846. 9 pp. Copy seen in Pcnn. State Library. 2000 ooplee In Kncllsh and 500 In German were ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1846 v. 1 : 408.) 1847. Rept. of committee on banks (Crabb) on bill to annul charter of Lehigh Co. Bank. (Sen. jol. 1847 V. 1: 301-302.) . See Corrupt Practices. M'Cook, this date. Lewisburg Bank 1857-lSt;4. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1857 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1857:98-99. 1858 " " 1858 : 103-10.5. 1850-1SG4 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-18641.* Lewisburg Deposit Bank 1864. Ann. stmt. In Collected docs, as follows : 18H4 in Legisl. docs. 1S65 v. 1 : 1102-1103. . Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1865 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1864:320-323. Lock Haven Bank 1855-1864. Stmt. of. In Documents as follows : 1855 in [Rept. auditor gen. on b.nnks] 1855:222.1 1856 " " " .. - » 1856 : 2.-)8-239.t 1857 " " " " " " 1857:192-194. 1858 " " " 1858 : 227-229. 1850-1864 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1850-1864. • Lumbermen's Bank at Wanen serial 1835-1837. Ann. stmt, [quarterly after 1835]. In Documents as follows : 1835 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1835:42-43. 1836 " " " " " " 1836 : 144-145. t 1837 " » u „ u ^ 1837:128-129.} non-serial 1834. Govs. mess. (Wolf) explaining why he approved bill to incorporate Lumbermen's Bank at Warren though his convictions of the pernicious tendency of banks are unchanged. (Sen. jol. 1833/4 v. 1: 443; House jol. 1833/4 v. 1: 489.) 1838. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (Pearson) to whom was referred res. rel. to an investigation Into affairs of Lumbermen's Bank at Warren. (Sen. jol. 1837/8 V. 1: 459-460.) 1839. Rept. of jt. committee (Maclay) apptd. to in- vestigate affairs of Lumbermen's Bank of Warren. (Same 1838/9 v. 1: 861-864; v. 2: 637-687; House jol. 1838/9 V. 2 pt. 1: 932-935 (doc. 164).) Ace. docs, are found only in v. 2 of Senate Jol. . Same, separate. Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1838/9 V. 1 : 1026.) . Rept. of [select] committee (Hays) on enquiry Into cause of sudden and extraordinary circulation of Phila. Loan Co.'s notes in western counties of state and connection existing betw. said co. and Lumbermen's Bank at Warren, and corporate powers of said CO. (Sen. jol. 1838/9 v. 1: 300-302; v. 2: 289- 297.) The ace. docs, are In v. 2. gen. on gen. on BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Lumbermen's Bank at Warren — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1839. Rept. of committee of accts. (Crabb) apptd. to investigate affairs of Lumbermen's Bank at Warren. (House jol. 1838/9 v. 2 [pt.l]: 1061 (doc. 205).) Lykens Valley Bank 1872-1875. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1872 (pp. 1081-1083)- same 1875.) Paging from Collected docs. Manayunk Bank, Phila. 1871-1886. Quarterly stmts. (Rept. auditor banks 1871 (pp. 80-83)— same 1886.) Manufacturers' Bank of Pittsburgh 1890-1904. Quarterly stmt. (Rept. auditor banks 1890: 188-190; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Annual stints, after 1891. Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Bank of City and County of Phila. 1854-1864. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1854 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1854 : 76-77. t 1855 " - .. a » .. 1855 ; 78-79.1 1856 " " " " " " 1856 : 94-98.t 1S57 " " " " " " 1857:4-8. is5S " ■• 1858 : 274-277. 18.'J!)-1S64 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1864. • Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Bank of Northern Liberties, Phila. Co. 1832-1854. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1832 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks) 1832:8. 1833 •• ■■ •• ■ 18.33 :119-120.§ 1834 " " u .. " « 1834:89.§, 1835 •■ '■ " " ■• 1836 " 1837 " " .. .. « 1838 ■' " 1839 " " u .. » 1840 " " tables 1 and 2. 1841 in (Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1841:34-35. Stmt, ni.-ide Mob. 4, 1842. 1842 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1842:8-11. 1843 ■' •• " o.o.n^oT 1844 " " » " 1845 " " " » 1846 " " ' 1847 " " 1848 « " .. - 1849 " " 1850 •" " 1851 " 1852 " " .... " 18.53 " " 1854 " " „ u u Marietta Bank serial 1814. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1814 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1814 : 47.t non-serial 1823. Communications rel. to robbery of Marietta Bank and conduct of trustees. (House jol. 1823/4: 784- 786.) Marietta and Susquehanna Trading Co. 1815-1820. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1815 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1815 : 51.t 1816 " " a « - - 1816:119.t 1817 " " « » - " 1817:lS8.t 1818 " " . « - .. I818:124.t 1819 " 1819 : 119.t 1820 " " " - - 1835 : 12-13. 1836 : 58-59.§ 18.''.7 : 64-65. § 1838: 43.* 1839 : 84-65. § 1840 : foldg. 1843 : 26-27. 1844 : 58-59.1 1845 : 76-77. § 1846 : 122-123. § 1847 : 172-173.5 1848: 172-173.1 1849:176-177.8 1850 : 246-247.5 1851:210-211.5 : 219-220.1 12-13. 78-79.S 18.-. 1853 : 1854: 1820:201.* • The auditor general's repts. for this period being fully Indexed, the pagination is omitted here. t Paging from Legisl. docs, j Paging from Senate doc. ed. S Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1854 (Legisl. docs.). 340 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Marine Bank 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act to incorporate Marine Bank. (Sen. jol. 1874: 132-133; Legisl. jol. 1874: 64.) Market Bank, Pittsburgh 1877-1879. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1877 (pp. 180-182)— some 1879.) Markle Bank and Trust Co., Hazleton 1892-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. supt. of banking 1892: 148-151; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Masonic Bank of Pittsburgh 1876-1892. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1876: 1013-1016; rept. supt. of banking 1891/2.) Paging from Collected docs. Annual stmt, in 1892. Mauch Chunk Bank 1855-1865. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1S5.T in [Rept. auditor gen. 1856 •' 1857 " 1858 " •• ' 1859-1865 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1865.t Mechanics' Bank of Harrisburg 1860-1867. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1860 (pp. 228-231)— same 1867.) Mechanics' Bank of Philadelphia serial 1814-1864. Ann. stmt, [quarterly after 1835]. In Documents as follows : [Rept. auditor gen. on on banks] 1855 1856 : 1857 : 1858 226.* 246.* 185-186. 18-20. 1814 1815 1816 not found. 1817 In [Kept, auditor gen. on 1818 " " 1819 « " - ,. u 1820 " " « u - 1821 " " « « a « 1822 " " u « u „ 1823 u ^ a „ „ „ 1824 " 1825 " " .. a . „ 182B " " « u a u 1827 " " « .. « « 1828 " " u u „ u 1829 « « M ., „ „ 18Sn " - «...,„ IRSl " " « « « a 18,-jo " 183:? " " .. u „ „ 1S.'!4 " " - » a u IS.-iS " " 1836 » « « u „ „ 1837 " " « „ „ „ 1838 " " « « a „ 1839 " " « u u „ 1840 " ■• ' t.ihlps 1 and 2. 1841 In [Kept, auditor gen. on banks] 1842 " " " « M « ' 1843 " '■ 1844 " " « « « „ 1845 « " « u „ « 184(5 - " « u ., u 1847 " - u . u u 1848 - •■ u « « „ 1849 " " u « „ u 18r.n " " « ., u „ 1851 " « u u u u 1852 " " - u a a 1853 " " " 1854 « " u ., u u 1855 " " ..«.,« 1856 " " « .. u a 1857 " " 1858 " " 1859-1864 In [Rept. auditor gen banks] 1814 : 48.t 1815 : 52.t banks] 1817: 1818; 1819: 1820 : 1821 : 1822 ; 1823 : 1824 : 1825 : 1826. 1827. 1828 : 1829: 1830 : " 1S31 : 1832 : 1833 : 1834 : 1835 : 1S36: 1837: 1838: 1839: 1840: 188.t 125.1: 120.t 202.t 160. t 161. t 173.t 133. 112.t 417-418.t 437-438. t 431-432.}: 427.t 18. 115-116. t 80-81.t 7-8. 76-77.| 58-59 40.t 61.t toldg. 1841 : 14-15. 1842: 12-13. 1843: 12-13. 1844 1845 ; 1846 : 1847: 1848; 1849: 1850 : 1851 ; 1852; 1853: 1854 : 1855 : 1856; 1857 1 858 52-53.t 66-67. t 112-113,t 164-165. t 164-165.t 168-169.t 328-329.t 198-199.t 215-216.t 14-15. 78-70.t 80-84. t 9S-102.t 01-94. 98-102. on banks] 1859-18e4.t non-serial 1811. Rept. of committee on banks (Biddle) on peti- tion of stockholders of Mechanics' Bank of Phlla. for Incorporation. (House jol. 1810/11: 335-337.) BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Mechanics' Bank of Philadelphia — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1820. Letter from auditor gen. (Bryan) with communi- cation from cashier of Mechanics' Bank of Phila. rel. to error in rept. {Same 1819/20: 282-283; Sen. jol. 1819/20: 162.) 1872 Jan. 4. Veto (Geary) of act to relieve the Me- chanics' National Bank of Phila. and the Girard National Bank of Phila. from taxation. (Legisl. jol. 1872: 35.) Mechanics' Bank of Pittsburgh serial 1854-1864. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1855 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1855 : 214-215.* 1856 1857 1858 1856; 229-231.' 1857 ; 189-191. 1858 : 204-207. 1859-1864 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1864. t non-serial 1855. Remarks (Darsie) in favor of incorporating Mechanics' Bank of Pittsburgh. (Legisl. Record Mch. 1, 1855: 2.) Mechanics' and Tradesmen's Loan Co., Phila. 1836-1839. Stmt, of affairs. In Documents as follows ; 1836 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1836:83. 1837-1838 not found. 1839 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1839 : 120.| Mechanicsburg Bank 1861. Certificate of Mechanicsburg Bank filed Jly. 11; capital; deposits in auditor gen.'s office. (Rept. auditor gen. rel. to free banking law 1S61: 6.) 1861-1863. Quarterly stmts. (Rept. auditor gen. on banks 1861 (pp. 225-227)— .same 1863.) 1861-1864. Semi-ann. stmt. (Rept. auditor gen. rel. to free banking law 1861 (p. 6)— .same 1864.) 1862 May 5. Semi-ann. stmt, of Mechanicsburg Bank. (Same 1862: 463.) Nov. 4. Same. (Same 1862: 463-464.) Paging from Coll. does. Mercantile Bank of Pittsburgh 1894-1899. Ann. stmt (Rept. supt. of banking 1894: 153-155; rept. comr. of banking 1899.) Mercer County Bank 1855. Veto (Pollock) of act to incorporate Mercer Co. Bank. (House jol. 1855; 741-742; Legisl. Record Apr. 18, 1855: 2-3.) Merchandise, Loan and Deposit Company of Philadelphia 1871. Veto (Geary) of act to incorporate Merchandise, Loan and Deposit Co. of Phila. (Sen. jol. 1871: 82.) Merchants' Bank of Easton 1871-1876. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1871 (pp. 84-86)— same 1876.) Omitted In 1875. Merchants' Exchange Bank, Phila. Formerly Iron Bank. 1875-1899. Quarterly stmts. (Rept. auditor gen. on banks 1875: 178-180; rept. comr. of banking 1899.). Annual stmts, after 1891. Merchants' and Farmers' Bank of Jeannette 1898. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1898: 128- 129.) * Paging from Legisl. docs. t The au3. 110-117,* 128-129 • 86-87.* 188-189.* 188-180 • 196-107.* 336-337.* 228-238.* 2.30-240.* 60-71* 123-139.* 129-144.* 154-158.* 73-77. 88-93. on 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859-1864 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1864.1 Miners' Bank of Summit Hill 1881-1882. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept, auditor gen, banks] 1881 (pp. 150-153)— same 1882.) Miners' Deposit Bank, Lykens 1872-1904. Quarterly stmts. (Rept. auditor gen. on banks 1872: 1114-1116; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Annual stmts, after 1891. Miners' and Mechanics' Loan and Banking Assn., Hyde Park [Scranton] 1875-1890. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. banks] 1875 (pp. 181-183)— ,s-amc 1890.) Monongahela Bank of Brownsville 1815-1864. Ann. stmt, [quarterly after 1835]. In Documents as follows: 1815 In [Rept. auditor pen. on banks] 1816 - " - - . . 1817 « - - - - u 1818 " " « - a - 1819 " " - - - - 1820 " - ., - - - 1821 - " u u u a 1822 " - - . - u 1823 - " - - - - on 1815 51.t 1816 120.t 1817 187.t 1818 126.t 1819 121.t 1820 203. t 1821 183.t 1822 162.t 1823 174.t • Paging from Sen. doc. pd. except 1S54-1S56 (Legisl. docs.l. 1" The auditor general's repte. for this period being fully Indexed, the pagination Is omitted here, t Paging from Legisl. docs. 342 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Monongahela Bank of Brownsville — cont'd 1S2-1 in [Eept. auditor gen. on banlis] 1825 " '• 1826 " " u u u « IQO7 M U tt 4t U U 1828 " 1829 " " 1830 " 1831 ' '• " " 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1824 : 1825: 1826. 1827. 1828 : 1829: 1830: 1831 1832: 134. » 128-129. • : 437-438.' : 457-458.* : 439-440.* : 432-433.* ; 24. 1833: 142-143.* 1834 : 93-94.* 1835 : 39-40. 1836 : 138-139.* 1837 : 130-131.* 1838 : 72.* 1839 : 107.* 1840 : foldg. tables 1 and 2. 1841 not found. , „ . „„ „_ 1842 in [Kept, auditor sen. on banlts] 1841:86-87. made Mch. 1. 1842. [Kept, auditor gen. on banks] 1842:84-85. 1843:64. Stmt 1842 in 1843 •' 1844 " 1845 " 1846 " 1847 " 1848 " 1849 " 1850 " 1851 " 1852 " 1853 " 1854 " 1855 " 1856 " 1857 " 1858 1844 : 99.* 1845:119.* 1846:97.* 1847 : 228-229.* 1848 : 230-231.* 1849 : 246-247.* : 332-333.* : 290-291.* : 306-307.* : 92-94. I 160-162.* : 165-167.* ; 181-183.* : 130-132. 150-153. 1850: 1851; 1852: 1853: 1854: 1855: 1856: 1857: 1858: 1859-1864 In [Kept, auditor gen. on banlts] 1859-1864. t Monongahela Valley Bank, Duquesne 1901-1903. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1901 (pp. 180-182)— sOHie 1903.) Monongahela Valley Bank, M'Keesport 1859-1861. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859 (pp. 126-128)— .sawe 1861.) Mount Carmel Banking Co. 1895-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1895 (pp. 173-175)— .same 1904.) Mount Joy Bank 1860-1864. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1860 (pp. 34-37)— sume 18fi4.) Mountain City Banking Co. 1872-1876. Ann. stmt. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1872 (pp. 1117-1119)— same 1876.) Paging from Collected docs. Moyamensing Bank serial 1833-1844. Ann. stmt, [quarterly after 1835]. In Documents ns follows : auditor gen. on banks] 1833 1834 1833 In [Rept 1834 " » .... 1S35 " 18.36 " " « u « .. 1837 " " « « u « 1838 " " « « « « 1839 " " - u « « 1840 " " tables 1 and 2. 1841 not found. 1842 in [Itept. auditor gen. on banks] Stmt, made Mch. 2, 1842. 1842 in [Kept, auditor gen. on banks] 1843 •• •■ 1844 ** " " «« « 14 121.t 78-79.t 1835 : 17. 1836 : 04-65.t 78-79.t 50.t 67.| foldg. 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 : 44-45. 1842 : 34-35. 1843 : 20. 1844 : 54-58.t non-serial 1835. Rept. of committee on banks (Peltz) rel. to Moyamensing Bank. (House Jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 597- 598 (doc. 176).) Muncy Banking Co. of Muncy 1893-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. supt. of banking 1893: 175-177; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Myerstown Bank 1873-1899. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1873: 223-225; rept. comr. of banking 1899.) Omitted In 1874. Annual stmts, after 1891. National Bank of Germantown 1864. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1864: 20-23.) National Bank of Penn. 1864. Certificate of National Bank of Penn. filed May 25; capital. (Rept. auditor gen. rel. to free banking law 1864: 5.) 1864-1806. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1864 (pp. 168-169)— same 1866.) 1865-1866. Serai-ann. stmt. (Rept. auditor gen. rel. to free banking law 1865 (pp. 5-6)— same 1866.) Neversink Bank, Reading 1901-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1901 (pp. 187-188)— same 1904.) New Hope Delaware Bridge Co. See also Bridges : Individual. 1835. Rept. of majority of committee on banks (Reed) rel. to privileges assumed by New Hope Delaware Bridge Co. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 1: 544.) . Same; minority rept. (Peltz). {Same 1834/5 v. 2: 646-647 (doc. 192).) . Same, separate (majority and minority). Not seen. Ordered prtd. (House joi. 1834/5 v. 1 : 554.) . Rept. of committee on banks (Reed) upon New Hope Delaware Bridge Co. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2. 618-620 (doc. 187).) New Kensington Bank 1901-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1901 (pp. 189-191)— .same 1904.) Newtown Banking Co. 1871-1877. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1871 (pp. 166-168)— some 1877.) North Scranton Bank 1901-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1901 (pp. 191-193)— same 1904.) Northampton Bank serial 1815-1842. Ann. stmt, [quarterly after 1835]. In Documents as follows : 1815 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1815 : B3.f 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1816:121.5 1817: 191. 1 1818: 127.1 1819: 122.S 1820 : 204.1 1821 : 167.1 1822: 163.1 1823: 177.1 1824 : 136.8 1825 : 124-125.S 1826. 1827. 1828 : 432-433.5 1829 : 453. § 1830:442-443.8 1831 : 436-437.1 1832:12. 1833 : 124-125.8 1834 : 108-109.1 1835 : 25. 1836 : 172-173J Stmts, are for Feb. 23, May 10, Aug. 2 and Nov. 8 ; Feb. 23 and Nov. 8 are also In Senate jol. 1836/7 v. 2 : 171-174. * Paging from Legist, docs. t Tlie auditor general's repts. for this period being fully Indexed, the pagination la omitted here. t Paging from Senate doc. ed. i Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1828 (House doc. ed.). INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 343 BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Northampton Bank — cont'd serial- -cont'd 1837 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1837: 140141. • 1838 " " 1838 : 77.* 1839 " '■ 1839: 100-101. • 1840 " " " •• " " 1840 : foldg. tnblea 1 nnd 2. 1841 not found. 1842 In [Kept, auditor cen. on banks] 1841 : 90-91. Stmt, made Mch. 1. 1842. 1842 In [Kept, auditor gen. on banks] 1842: 88-89. Abstr. of debts and credits. non-serial 1822-1826. See above, Easton Bank; these dates. 1S27. See same, tliis date. Northern Bank of Pennsylvania 1826. Rept. of committee on banks (Povall) rel. to Northern Bank of Penn. (House jol. 1S25/6 v. 2: 260 (doc. 165).) . Rept. of comrs. apptd. by Gov. under act of Apr. 10, to investigate concerns of Northern Bank of Penn., with ace. docs. (Sen. jol. 1826/7: 269-282.) Garriok Mallery, Wm. Ward and James P. Bull were the cuinrs. Northumberland County Bank 1862-1864. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1S62 (pp. 69-71)— «omf 1864.) Northumberland, Union and Columbia Bank 1815-1820. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows: 1815 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1815 : 54. t 1816 - " « a « u 1816: 122. t 1817 " " a - - a I817:192.t 1818 " " ,. a » « 1818: 128. t 1819 " " « - « u jgjQ. j^g.^ 1820 " " a u u a jg20 . OQS.t Additional stmt, in Collected docs, as follows : 1815 In Senate Jol. 1815/6 : 237-238. " House " 1815/6 : 429. Northwestern Bank Late Warren Co. Bank, at Warren. 1859-1861. Quarterly stmts. (Rept. auditor gen. on banks 1S59 (pp. 215-218)— same 1861.) North-Western Bank of Pennsylvania serial 1815-1821. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1815 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1815 : 55t 1816 " 1817 " 1818 " 1819 " 1820 " 1821 " 1816: 123. t 1817 : 192 1818: 129. ■ 1819: 124. 1820 : 207. lii?1 : 187. non-serial 1815. Stmt, of specie and foreign notes in North-West- ern Bank of Penn. (Sen. jol. 1815/6: 256.) 1825. Rept. of committee (Hays) to whom was referred petitions rel. to paper of North-Western Bank of Penn. (House jol. 1824/5 v. 2: 477 (doc. 236).) 1838. Rept. of committee on claims (Reed) of Phila. on memorial of trustees of No.-Western Bank of Penn. in behalf of stockholders. (.Same 1837/8 v. 2: 263 (doc. 67).) 1839. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (Pur- vlance) rel. to North-Western Bank of Penn. (Same 1838/9 V. 2 [pt. 1]: 500 (doc. 61).) Oakland Bank, Pittsburgh 1901-1902. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1901 (pp. 193-194)— some 1904.) Octoraro Bank 1858-1864. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept auditor gen. on banks] 1858 (pp. 217-219)— same 1864.) BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Ohio Valley Bank, Allegheny 1901-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1901 (pp. 195-196)— same 1904.) Oil City Bank 1864. Remarks on act to incorporate the Oil City Bank; Incorporation of new banks under the old banking system. (Legisl. Record 1864: 792-793; 830-831.) 1865. Ann. stmt. (Rept. auditor gen. on banks 1865: 18-19.) Oxford Banking Company 1872-1883. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1872 (pp. 1137-1139)— same 1883.) I'aglng from Collected docs. Palmyra Bank 1887-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1887: 221-22S; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Park Bank 1904. Rept. of condition of Park Bank, Pittsburgh. (10 A.R. comr. of banking (13 A.R. banking dept.) 1904: 167-168.) Penn Bank, Pittsburgh 1873-1883. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1873 (pp. 265-267)— some 1883.) Penn. Agricultural and Manufacturing Bank serial 1815-1818. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1815 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1815 : 55.t 1816 - " u „ u a 1816:126.t 1817 " " u « „ „ 1817:193.1 1818 " " u „ „ . 1818:130.1 non-serial 1815. Amt. of specie and treasury notes in Penn. Agric. and Mnfg. Bank. (Sen. jol. 1815/6: 155.) People's Bank, California, Washington County 1901-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1901 (pp. 201-203)— some 1904.) People's Bank of Carmichaels 1873-1878. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1873 (pp. 268-270)— some 1878.) People's Bank, Danville 1903. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1903: 157- 159.) People's Bank of Fayette County 1875-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1875: 269-271; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Annual stmts, after 1891. People's Bank of Hanover, York Co. 1892-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept supt of banking 1891/2: 191; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) People's Bank of Lebanon 1888-1893. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept auditor gen. on banks] 1888: 235-237; rept supt of banking 1893.) Annual stmts. In 1892 and 1893. People's Bank of McKeesport 1884-1903. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept auditor gen. on banks] 1884: 189-191; rept comr. of banking 1903.) Omitted in 1885. Annual stmts, after 1891. People's Bank of Phila. 1870-1897. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept auditor gen. on banks] 1870 (pp. 1447-1449)— some 1897.) Paging from Collected docs. Annual stmts, after 1891. • Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1828 (House doc. ed.) t Paging from Senate doc. ed. 344 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BANES: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd People's Bank, Pittsburgh 1903. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1903: ITS- ITS.) People's Bank, Scranton 1901-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1901 (pp. 206-208)— «ame 1904.) People's Bank, Steelton 1903. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1903: 161- 162.) People's Bank, Wilkesbarre 1872-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on bank] 1872: 1158-1160; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Paging from Collected docs. Annual Btmts. after 1891. People's Bank of York Co. 1833. Veto (Wolf) of act to incorporate the People's Bank of York Co. (House jol. 1832/3 v. 1: 1000; Sen. jol. 1832/3 [v. 1]: 885.) Petroleum Bank, Titusville 1863. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1863: 288-290.) 1863-1865. Semi-ann. stmt. (Rept. auditor gen. rel. to free banking law 1863 (pp. 7-8)— same 1865.) 1866. Failure of Petroleum and Venango Banks. (Rept. auditor gen. rel. to free banking system 1866: 1223.) Paging from Collected docs. Philadelphia Bank Incorporated Mch. 5, 1804. See also above, Bank of Pennsylvania. serial 1 series 1816-1823. Cashier's stmt. In Collected docs, as follows : 1816 In Senate Jol. 1816/7 : 138-139.* " House *• 1816/7 243 • 1817 " Senate 1817/8: 144 1818 " •' 1818/9 173-174.* 1819 ;; House 1819/2C 1819/20 : 152-153. < : 298-299.* 1820 ;; Senate House 1820/1 1820/1 166-169.1 227-229.t 1821 " Senate 1821/2: 232 233.' 1822 ;• House 1822/3 1822/3 342 520 -344. 1823 " Senate 1823/4 : 367-369. 1824 " House 1824/5 83. 2 series -1856. Ann. stmt. [quarterly after 1835] In Documents as follows : 1824 In [Bept. auditor gen. ^«° banks] 1824 140-141.t 1825 " *• ** " 1825 108-109. t 1826 " u •• M ** " 1826. 1827 " •• •• " « ** 1827. 1828 " u u M •* " 1828 414-415.1 1829 " u 44 " " " 1829 434-435.1 1830 ■• " " " '* 1830 428. 1831 " « •* ** " 1831 429. t 1832 " *' •' •• " 1832 27. 1833 " u *• " ** 1833 109-110. t 1834 " ** « •* « 1834 86-87. t 1835 " '* •* •* •' 1835 4-5. 1836 " * ** " " 1836 56-57.t 1837 - u " " " 1837 50-51. t 1838 " " '* •' *' 1838 36.« 1839 " M " " " 1839 56-57.t 1840 '• '* • 4 ** *• 1840 foldg. tables 1 and 2. 1841 In [Kept. auditor gen. on banks] 1841 102-104. 1842 •• '* " " '• 1842 18-20. 1843 " '* " •' ** " 1843 8-9. 1844 - " *• " •* " 1844 05.t 1845 " u ** " " " 1845 74-75. t 1846 " " " " ** ** 1846 04-65.t 1847 " " " - •* •* 1847 152-153. t 1848 - ** •* " M *• 1848 152-153. t 1849 " ** ** " " " 1849 152-153.t 1850 " " " " " " 18.50 354-355. t 1851 " *• " " " " 1851 182-183. 1852 " ** ** " •* " 1852 198-199.t 1853 ■■ " *' " *' " 1853 6-7. BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Philadelphia Bank — cont'd serial — cont'd 2 series — cont'd 1854 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1S54 : 70-71. t 1855 - " « a u - ig55 . 72-73.t 1856 " « u « .. u jgjQ . 88.89 J 1857 " '• ' 1857 : 151-152. 1858 '• " 1858:110-113. 1859-1864 In [Rept. auditor gen. on b.-inlis] 1S5U-1864.§ non-serial 1803. Rept. of committee (Adcock) on petition of Bank of Phila. and others, on behalf of stockholders in said bank resp. charter, etc. (House jol. 1803/4: 66-68.) 1804. Rept. of committee (Maclay) on petition of stock- holders of Bank of Phila., with memorial of Bank of Penn. agst. granting cliarter to Bank of Phila., etc. (8ame 1803/4: 250-2(!l.) . Letter reed, from Israel Israel and Saml. Meeker as a committee in behalf of the Phila. Bank. (Same 1803/4: 235.) . Communication from president (Geo. Clymer) of the Phila. Bank resp. the act of incorporation and suggesting a suppL (Same. 1803/4: 695-696.) 1806. IVlemorial of directors of Bank of Phila. for ex- tension of their charter, money paid Commonwealth for their charter having depressed the value of the stock. (Sen. jol. 1805/6: 91.) . Rept. of committee (Engle) on memorial and petition from pres. and directors of the Phila. Bank for extension of their charter and legisl. apprn. toward erection of a banking house. (House jol. 1805/6: 163-165.) . Rept. of committee (Pennell) to whom was re- ferred memorial and petition of president and directors of the Phila. Bank. (Sen. jol. 1805/6: 161.) . Letter from Geo. Clymer, president of Phila. Bank suggesting state subscriptions to its capital stock. (Same 1805/6: 221.) 1809. Communication from N. B. Boileau informing the legisl. of the purchase of 358 shares of the stock in the Phila. Bank. (Same 1808/9: 37.) 1816. See above. Banks. Philadelphia, this date. 1822. Mess, from Gov. (Hiester) with ace. docs. rel. to loan to state from Bank of Phila., Apr. 7, 1818, under act of Mar. 23, 1818. (House jol. 1822/3: 86- 88.) 1823. Communication from Phila. Bank in reply to res. requesting acct. of affairs of bank, explanatory of reason for failure sometimes to declare dividends, etc. (Same 1822/3: 588-590.) . Same, separate. Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (House jol. 1822/3: 590.) 1824. Letter from secy, of commonwealth (Rogers) with doc. rel. to acceptance of charter by Phila. Bank. (Sen. jol. 1823/4: 214-216.) 1825. Stmt, of expenses of Phila. Bank. (Some 1825/6: 276.) 1830. Letter from committee (Chas. Graff and Saml. F. Smith) of Phila. Bank offering loan to state un- der certain conditions. (Same 1829/30 [v. 1]: 283.) 1833. See above, Bank of Penn., this date. 1836. Rept. of committee (Darragh) apptd. to inquire Into state of affairs of Bank of Phila. (Sen. jol. 1835/6 V. 2: 385-391.) t. p. • Sec above, Bank of Penn., this date. t Also prtd. separately : Stmt, of accts. of Pblla. Bank. 4 pp. A C0P.V WMB seen In the Amer. Phil. Socy., Penn. The usual no. were ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1820/1 : 170.) J Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1828 (House doc. ed.) and 1854-1856 (Legisl. docs). i Repts. for this period being fully Indexed, the pagination Is omitted here. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 343 BANKS: INDIVIDUAL BANKS— cont'd Philadelphia Bank — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1836. Rept. and procs. of committee (Cox) apptd. to investigate affairs of Phlla. Bank. (House jol. 1835/6 V. 2: 718-724 (doc. 210).) . Same, separate. Not Koon. ITsuiil no. of copies ordered prtil. (House jol. I8:(r./f> V. 1 : a40. 1 1837. Communication from secy, of U. S. treasury (Woodbury) rel. to application of Phila. Bank and Bank of Penn. to be selected as depositories of money of U. S. (House Jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 460-461 (doc. 135).) 1838. Communication from pres. of Phila. Bank (Read) rel. to transfer of certain stocks to B. K. Carpenter. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 256-258 (doc. 62).) Washington Branch 1809. Rept. of committee (Lacock) to whom was re- ferred res. resp. issue of bills by the branch of the Bank of Phila. at Washington. (Sen. jol. 1809/10; 78-79.) . Same, separate. Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1809/:0: 78-79.) Philadelphia Loan Co. 1836. Ann. stmt. In Documents ns follows : 1836 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1836 : 82-83.* 1839 Feb. 2. Rept. of the select committee (Snowden) rel. to the Phila. Loan Co. ace. with testimony, opinion of counsel and bill. Harrisburg; Prtd. by Boas & Coplan, 1839. 14 pp. Copy seen in Fenn. State Library. Pioneer Dime Bank, Corbondale 1903-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1903 (pp. 178-180)~.scglsl, docs. Dime Savings Institution of Harrisburg 1869. Veto (Geary) of suppl. to act to Incorporate Dime Savings Institution of Harrisburg, approved Apr. 3, I860. (House jol. 1869: 376-377; Legisl. Record 1869: 406.) Dime Savings Institution of Susquehanna Depot 1867. Veto (Curtin) of bill to incorporate Dime Sav- ings Institution of Susquehanna Depot, Susque- hanna Co. (House jol. 1867: 30-31.) Dime Savings Institution, Washington 1892-1898. Ann. stmt. (Rept. supt. of banking 1891/2; 298; rept. comr. of banking 1898.) BANKS: SAVINGS BANKS (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd Dime Savings Institution of York 1869-1877. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept auditor gen. on banks] 1869 (pp. 1548-1550)— some 1877.) Omitted In 1875. Paging from Collected docs. Dimes Savings Fund of Slatington 1870-1872. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1870 (pp. 1385-1387)— sa?»je 1872.) Paging from Collected docs. Dollar Savings Bank of Pittsburgh 1874. Thirty-eighth semi-ann. rept. (for 6 mos. ending May 31, 1874) of the Dollar Savings Bank of Pitts- burgh. (2 A. R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 87.) . Ann. [39th seml-ann. ?] rept. of Dollar Savings Bank of Pittsburgh on its condition Dec. 1. (Legisl. docs. 1875 V. 1: 523-528; Legisl. Record 1875: 135.) 1875. Same. (Legisl. Record 1876: 154-155.) 1892-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. supt of banking 1891/2: 299-301; rept comr. of banking 1904.) Dollar Savings Bank of Uniontown 1870-1878. Quarterly stmts. ( [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1870 (pp. 1388-1390)— some 1878.) Paging from Collected docs. Dollar Savings Bank of Waynesburg 1872-1877. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept auditor gen. on banks] 1872 (pp. 997-999)— same 1877.) Paging from Collected docs. Duquesne Savings Bank of Pittsburgh 1871. Quarterly stmts. ( [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1871: 140-142.) Eastern Saving Fund, Safe Deposit and Loan Assn. of Phila. 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act to incorporate the East- ern Saving Fund, Safe Deposit and Loan Assn. of Phila. (Legisl. jol. 1874: 34.) Edinboro Savings Bank 1873. Veto (Geary) of act to incorporate Edinboro Savings Bank. (House jol. 1873: 68-69.) . Same. (Legisl. jol. 1873: 29.) Given as Edinburgh in Legisl. Jol. Enterprise Savings Bank of Allegheny 1872-1894. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept auditor gen. on banks] 1872: 1013-1015; rept supt of banking 1904.) Paging from Collected docs. Ann. stmt, after 1891. Erie Dime Savings and Loan Co. 1868-1895. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept auditor gen. on banks] 1868: 139-141; rept comr. of banking 1895.) Annual stmts, after 1891. Erie Dime Savings and Trust Co. of Erie 1896-1901. Ann. stmt. (Rept comr. of banking 1896 (pp. 83-86)— same 1901.) Farmers' Deposit Savings Bank of Pittsburgh 1903-1904. Ann. stmt (Rept comr. of banking 1903 (pp. 77-78)— some 1904.) Farmers' Savings Bank, Fogelsville 1870-1876. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1870 (pp. 1394-1396)— some 1876.) Paging from Collected docs. First Penny Savings Bank of Phila. 1892-1904. Ann. stmt (Rept supt of banking 1891/2: 302-303; rept comr. of banking 1904.) Franklin Saving Fund Society of Phila. 1873. Quarterly stmts. ( [Rept auditor gen. on banks] 1873: 92-94.) Franklin Savings Bank of Allentown 1871-1876. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1871 (pp. 147-149)— same 1876.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 351 BANKS: SAVINGS BANKS (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd Franklin Savings Fund and Safe Deposit Co., Pittsburgh 1S73-1875. Quarterly stmts. ([Kept, auditor gen. on banks) 1S73 (pp. 95-97)— .v(/»i(^ 1875.) Continued ae Franklin Itankln^ Co. German Savings and Deposit Bank of Birmingham, Pitts- burgh, South Side 1S83-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banksl ISSI!: 87-90; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Annuiil stmts, after ISOl. German Savings Institution, Erie 1872-1SS4. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banksl 1872 (pp. 1044-104G)— same 1884.) Papinp from Collected does. Omitted t874-l.S7S. Germania Savings Bank, Pittsburgh 1871-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banksl 1871: 44-46; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Annual stmts, after ISOl. Germania Savings Institution 1870. Veto (Geary) of suppl. to act incorporating Ger- mania Savings Institution. (Sen. jol. 1870: 66-67.) Girard Savings Bank of Allentown, Penn. 1870-1877. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1870 (pp. 1404-1405)— same 1877.) Paging from Collected docs. Hamburg Savings Bank 1873-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Kept, auditor gen. on banks] 1873: 146-148; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Annual stmts, after 1891. Hanover Saving Fund Society serial 1836-1904. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows: 1836 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1836 : 147-148.* 1837 " •• 1837 : 154-155.' 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 184S 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1838:86.' 1839: 119.' 1840: table 3. 1841 : 112-113. 1842 : 62-63. 1843: 57. 1844 : 95. • 1845 : 136.* 1846: 105.* 1847:236.* 1848 : 242-243.* 1849 : 255.* 1850 : 291.* 1851 : 189.* 1852: 317.* 1853 : 162-163. 1854 : 235-236.* 1855 : 245-246.* 1856 : 265-266.* 1857 : 145. 1858: 268-270. 1859-1891 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1891. t 1891/2-1894 in Kept. supt. of banking 18:11 ''2-1894. t 1895-1904 in Rept. comr. of banking 1895-1904. f non-serial 1848. See above. Banks. Penn., tliis date. Harmony Savings Bank 1869-1883. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1869 (pp. 1557-1559)— same 1883.) raging from Collected docs. Harrisburg Savings Institution 1835-1844. Ann. stmt, [quarterly after 1835]. In Documents as follows: 1835 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1835:45-46. 1836 " •■ 1836:132-133. 1837 " " *■ " " " 1837 : 150-151. t 1838: 84. t 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1839: 115.t 1840 : table 3. 1841: 114-115. 1842 : 66-67. 1843 : 39. 1844 : 35. t BANKS: SAVINGS BANKS (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd Hazleton Savings Bank 1871-1890. Quarterly stmts. ([Kept, auditor gen. on banks! 1871 (pp. 53-55)— same 1890.) Hellertown Savings Bank 1870. Veto (Geary) of bill to Incorporate Hellertown Savings Bank. (Sen. jol. 1870: 540.) Hibernia Deposit Savings Bank of Pittsburgh 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act to incorporate Hibernia Deposit Savings Bank of Pittsburgh. (House jol. 1874: 87; Legisl. jol. 1874: 34.) Hilltop German Savings Bank, Pittsburgh 1901-1902. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1901 (pp. 133-135)— snme 1902.) Home Savings Bank of Pittsburgh 1872. Veto (Geary) of bill to incorporate Home Savings Bank of Pittsburgh. (Sen. jol. 1872: 14-15.) Home Savings Bank, South Waverly (Bradford Co.) 1S74-18S3. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1874 (pp. 679-681)— .same 1883.) Paging from Collected docs. Industrial Savings Bank, Royersford 1892-1902. Ann. stmt. (Rept. supt. of banking 1891/2: 304-305; rept. comr. of banking 1902.) Iron and Glass Dollar Savings Bank, Pittsburgh 1872-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1872: 106C-1068; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Paging from Collected docs. Annual stmts, after 1891. Jamestown Savings Bank 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act to incorporate James- town Savings Bank. (House jol. 1874: 113; Legisl. jol. 1874: 38.) Johnstown Savings Bank 1878-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1878: 120-123; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Annual stmts, after 1891. Kutztown Savings Bank 1869. Veto (Geary) of bill to incorporate Kutztown Savings Bank. (House jol. 1869: 307.) lS69-1875k Quarterly stmts. (Rept. auditor gen. on banks 1869 (pp. 1560-1562)— same 1875.) Paging from Collected docs. 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of suppl. to act to incorporate Kutztown Savings Bank. {Same 1S74: 83; Legisl. jol. 1874: 33.) Lancaster Savings Institution serial 1835-1854. Ann. stmt, [quarterly after 1835]. In Documents as follows : 1835 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks) 1835:45. 1830 : 130.r 1837: 152 i53.S 1838 : 85.§ 1839: 116.1 1840: table 3. 1841: 110-111. 1836 1837 « 1838 " 1839 " 1840 " 1841 " 1842 not found. 1843 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1843:33. 1844 " •• " •• " " 1844 : 86. § 1845 ■' " u .. u .. jgjj . J33 g 1846 « " u u u u 1846 . 56.57 5 1847 " " « „ „ M 1847:235.8 1848 « " " 1848 : 238-239.5 1849 " « u u u a 1849 : 256-257. f 1850 " - .. « u u 18.-.0: 345.5 1851 ■■ " 1851 : 300-:Wl. 1S52 " " « « .. a lS52:2n5,S 1853 " " 1853:160-161. 1854 ■• " « u - - 1854: 234. § • Paging from Sen. doc. edition except 1854-1856 (Legisl. docs.). t Repts. for this period being fully indexed, the pagination Is omitted here. X Paging from Senate doc. ed. i Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1854 (Legisl. docs.). 352 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA : 154. : 227-228. • 1855 : 238-239.* 1856 : 259.« BANKS: SAVINGS BANKS (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd Lancaster Savings Institution — cont'd iW7i-scrial 1859. Rept. of comrs. apptd. under act of Apr. 15, 1858 to examine affairs of Lancaster Savings Institution. (Legisl. docs. 1859: 537-633 (doc. 22).) Includes histor.v of the Instltvitlon (1835-1859) ; causes which led to Its failure; assets; testimony. The comrs. were Benj. Parke, Edwin C. Wilson and George Sanderson. . Same, separate. Harrisburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1859. 101 pp. Lawrence Savings Bank of Pittsbtirgli 1877-1888. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banics] 1877 (pp. 140-142)— .same 1888.) Called I^awrence Bank 1878-1888. Lebanon Dime Savings Bank 1871-1884. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1871 (pp. 62-64)— so wp 1884.) Lewisburg Dimes Saving Institution Commenced operations Sept. 20, 1860. 1861-1863. Ann. stmt. In Collected docs, as follows : 1861 in Legislative docs. 1862 : 719-720 1S62 •• " •' 1863 : 849-850.' 1863 " " " 1864 : 1302-1303. Lewisburg Savings Institution serial 1853-1856. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 185.3 in [Uept. auditor gen. on banks] 1853 ill! .. :: :: :: :: " ^^^^ 1856 " non-serial 1857. Stmts, of Lewisburg Savings Institution in reply to circular of committee on banks. (Daily Legisl Record 1S57 no. 62: 3-5.) Liberty Discount and Savings Bank, Carbondale 1903-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1903 (pp. 115-117)— same 1904.) Liberty Savings Bank, Pittsburgh 1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1904: 128- izy, ) Littlestown Savings Institution 1868-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1868: 145-147; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Paging from Collected docs. Annual stmts, after 1891. Luzerne County Savings Bank 1868. Veto (Geary) of act to incorporate Luzerne Co. Savings Bank. (House jol. 1868: 1115-1116.) Lycoming County Savings Bank 1873-1875. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1873 (pp. 171-173)— sa?ne 1875.) Macungie Savings Bank 1875-1877. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1875 (pp. U8-150)~same 1877.) Manayunk Penny Savings Bank of Phila. 1892-1902. Ann. stmt. (Rept. supt. of banking 1891/2: 310-312; rept. comr. of banking 1902.) Masonic Deposit and Savings Bank of Pittsburgh 1870-1875. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1870 (pp. 142.3-1425)— «am« 1875.) Paging from Collected docs. Mechanics' and Miners' Deposit and Savings Bank, Scranton 1870. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1870: 1038-1040.) Paging from Collected docs. BANKS: SAVINGS BANKS (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd Mechanics' Savings Bank of Harrisburg 1853-1858. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1853 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1853:149. 1854 " " " 1854 • 221-2''2 • 1855 " " ■ 1855 : 232-233!* 1856 " " ' ' 1856 : 254-255.« 1857 •' " •' " " " 1857 : 52-53. 1858 " " " " " " 1858 : 170-172. 1859 " " " 1859 : 102-105. Mechanics' Savings Bank of Pittsburgh 1868. Veto (Geary) of act suppl. to act incorporating Mechanics' Savings Bank of Pittsburgh. (House jol. 1868: 522.) 1868-1872. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1868 (pp. 151-153)— some 1872.) Paging from Collected docs. Mechanics' Savings Institution of Harrisburg 1852. ' Veto (Bigler) of act to incorporate Mechanics' Savings Institution of Harrisburg, witli discount- ing privileges. (Sen. jol. 1852 v. 1: 917-918.) Milton Saving Bank 1859-1861. Quarterly stmts. ( [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859 (pp. 87-89)- some 1861.) Miners' Savings Bank of Wilkesbarre 1868-1904. Ann. stmt. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1868 (pp. 154-156)— some 1904.) Paging from Collected docs. Omitted 1869-1870. Miners' Savings Bank of Pittston 1870-1904. Quarterly stmts. ( [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1870: 1435-1437; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Paging from Collected docs. Annual stmts, after 1S91. Miners' Savings Bank of Summit Hill 1873-1879. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1873 (pp. 220-222)— some 1879.) Monongahela Savings Bank, Pittsburgh 1873-1876. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1873 (pp. 217-219)— some 1876.) Mount Carmel Savings Bank 1872-1892. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1872; 1120-1122; rept. supt. of banking 1891/2.) Paging from Collected docs. Mount Joy Savings Institution serial 1855-1859. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows ; 1855 In [Kept, auditor gen. on banks] 1855:249-250.* 1856 •• " 1856: 268-269.* 1857 " " ' 1857 : 70-71. 1858 " " ' " 1858 : 78-81. 1859 " " • " 1859 : 60-63. non-serial 1860. Veto (Packer) of suppl. to act to incorporate Mount Joy Savings Institution, approved May 13, 1853. (Sen. jol. 1860: 443-444; Daily Legisl. Record 1860: 546; 564-565.) Mount Pleasant Savings Bank 1854. See above, Donegal Deposit Bank. Muncy Savings Bank of Phila. 1896. Chartered Jly. 20, 1896. (Rept. comr. of banking 1896: 324.) Mutual Savings Bank of Phila. 1892-1S99. Ann. stmt. (Rept. supt. of banking 1891/2: 308-310; rept. comr. of banking 1899.) * Paging from Legist, docs. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 353 BANKS: SAVINGS BANKS (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd Nation's Bank for Savings of Allegheny 1873. Veto (Hartranft) of act suppl. charter of Nation's Bank for Saving (sic) of Allegheny. (House jol. 1S73: 869; Legisl. jol. 1873: 978-979.) 1872-1891. Ann. stmt. ([Kept, auditor gen. on banksl 1872: 1131-1133; rept. comr. of banking 1899.) Paging from Collected docs. North Fourth Street Union Savings Bank, Phila. 1892. Ann. stmt. (Rept. supt. of banking 1891/2: 312- 313.) North Lebanon Savings Bank 1872-1877. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banksl 1872 (pp. 1134-1136)— some 1877.) I*aglng from Collected doca. Northampton Savings Bank 1869. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1869: 1572-1574.) Paging from Collected docs. Northern Liberties, Kensington and Spring Garden Saving Fund Society Incorporated under act of Apr. 8, 1833. Commenced business May 20, 1833. 1833-1833/40. Ann. rept. In Collected docs, as follows: 1833 In Senate ]oI. 1833/4 v. 1 : 113-114. " House " 1833/4 v. 2:192-103 (doc. 62). 1833/4 " Senate " 1834/5 v. 2 : 75-77. " House " 1834/5 v. 2:137-138 (doc. 60). 1833/5 " Senate " 1835/6 v. 2 : 132-133. " House " 1835/6 v. 2:142-143 (doc. 41). 1833/6 " Senate " 1836/7 v. 2 : 169-171. " House " 1836/7 v. 2:242-243 (doc. 54). 1833/7 " Senate " 1837/8 v. 2 : 159-160. " House " 1837/8 v. 2:205-207 (doc. 50). 1833/8 " Senate " 1838/9 v. 2 : 33-34. " House " 1838/9 v. 2, pt. 1 : 164-165 (doc. 44). 1833/9 In Senate Jol. 1840 v. 2 : 293-294. •' House " 1840 v. 2:390-301 (doc. 22). 1833/40 " Senate " 1841 v. 2 : 72-74. " House " 1841 v. 2:92-93 (doc. 18). Northern Saving Fund, Safe Deposit and Trust Co. of Phila. Incorpora'ted Je. 14, 1871. 1872-1884. Ann. stmt. In Collected docs, as follows : 1872 in Legislative docs. 1873 v. 2:1476-1477 (doc. 16). 1873 •■ •' •■ 1874 v. 2: 1069-1070 (doc. 12). 1874 " " " 1875 V. 3:1066 (doc. 19). 1875 " " " 1876 V. 2:929 (doc. 9). 1876 " " " 1877 V. 2:834 (doc. 7). 1877 not found. 1878 In Legislative docs. 1878/9 v. 2 doc. 15. 1879 " " " 18S0/1 V. 2 doc. 10. 1880 " " " 18S0/1 V. 2 doc. 16. 1881-1883 not found. 1884 In Legislative docs. 1884/5 v. 2 doc. 21. Northern Saving Fund, Safe Deposit and Trust Co. of Phila- delphia serial 1874-1878. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1874 In Legisl. Record 1875 : 135. 1875 " " " 1876:353. 1876 not found. 1877 in Legisl. Record 1878 : 145. 1878 - " " 1878: 173-174. Northwestern Deposit and Savings Bank, Philadelphia 1874. Veto (Hartranft) act to incorporate North- western Deposit and Savings Bank, to be located in Phila. (House jol, 1874: 104-105; Legisl. joL 1874: 37-38.) Odd Fellows' Savings Bank of Pittsburgh 1873-1897. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1873: 236-238; rept. of comr. of banking 1897.) Annual stmts, after 1891. 23 BANKS: SAVINGS BANKS (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd Parker Savings Bank of Parker City 1877-1881. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen on banks] 1877 (pp. 228-231 )—«uwe 1881.) Pennsylvania Savings Bank, Pittsburgh 1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1904: 168- 170.) People's Savings Bank of Erie 1873. Veto (Geary) of act to incorporate People's Sav- ings Bank of Erie. (House jol. 1873: 67; LegisL jol. 1873: 29.) People's Savings Bank of Erie County 1870. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banksl 1870: 1450-1452.) Paging from Collected docs. People's Savings Bank of Franklin 1SG7. Veto (Curtin) of act to Incorporate People's Sav- ings Bank of Franklin. (Sen. jol. 1867: 38.) People's Savings Bank, Lawrence County 1872. Veto (Geary) of act incoriKjrating People's Sav- ings Bank, Lawrence Co. (House jol. 1872: 958-959- Legisl. jol. 1S72: 1073.) People's Savings Bank of New Castle 1888. Concurrent res. no. 41; action thereunder rel. to collection of moneys due state from sureties of People's Savings Bank of New Castle. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1887/8: xx-xxi.) People's Savings Bank of Pittsburgh 1868. Veto (Geary) of act to incorporate People's Sav- ings Bank of Pittsburgh. (Sen. joL 1868: 393-394.) 1871-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banksl 1871: 198-200; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Annual stmts, after 1891. People's Savings Bank of Pittston 1872-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1872: 1149-1151; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) I'aging from Collected docs. Annual stmts, after 1801. People's Savings Institution, North-East (Erie Co.) 1871-1894. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banksl 1871:87-89; rept. supt. of banking 1894.) Annual stmts, after 1891. Philadelphia Banking and Savings Deposit Company 1871. Veto (Geary) of suppl. to act incorporating Phila. Banking and Savings Deposit Co. (Sen. jol. 1871: 1156; Legisl. jol. 1871: 989.) Philadelphia Saving Fund Society Commenced to receive deposits Dec. 2, 1816. In- corporated Feb. 25, 1819. A 1816/20-1902. Ann. stmt. In Collected docs, as follows : 1816/20 In Senate Jol. 1819/20:297-299. 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824/5 House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate 1819/20 : 564-568. 1820/1 : 564-566. 1820/1 : 757-750. 1821/2 : 669-670. 1822/3: 469-471. 1822/3: 791-792. 1823/4: 690-691. 1823/4: 1114. 1S25/6 : 569-572. Rept. of the auditors Jan. 1, 1824-Jan. 1, 1826, with stmts, for Jan. 1, 1825 and Jan. 1. 1826. 1824/5 In House Jol. 1825/6 v. 2:316-320 (docs. 213- 215>. In addition to Items In Senate ed.. this entry covers a letter from the president of the Socy. Mar. 31, 1826 and a stmt, of the Socy. Nov. 1. 1825. 1826 In Spnnte Jol. 1.S26/7 v. 1 : 03 : 591-592. " House •' 1826/7 v. 2 : 50-51 ; 495-496 (docs. 18: 220). 1827 in Senate Jol. 1827/8 v. 1 : 78. " ITonse •' 1827/8 v. 2 : 65-66 ; 788-789 (docs. 28; 211). 354 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA BANKS: SAVINGS BANKS (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd Philadelphia Saving Fund Society- A — cont'd -cont'd 1830/1 V. 1830/1 V. 1831/2 V. 1831/2 V. V. v. T. 1828 In Senate Jol, " " House " 1829 " Senate " " " House " 149; 210). 1830 in Senate Jol. " " House " 1831 " Senate " " " House " 109; 168). 1832 in Senate jol. 1832/3 v. " House " 1832/3 v. 155). 1833 in Senate jol. 1833/4 v. •• House " 1833/4 v. 1 82; 158). 1834 in House jol. 1834/5 t. 2 37 ; 158). 1835 in Senate jol. 1835/6 v. 2 " House " 1835/6 19; 130). 1836 In Senate jol. 1836/7 •' House " 1836/7 9; 177). 1837 in Senate jol. 1837/8 " House " 1837/8 38; 126). 1838 in Senate jol. 1838/9 v. " House " 1838/9 v. (docs. 40; 101). 1839 in Senate jol. 1840 t. 2 " House " 1840 v. 2 pt. 2:62-63 (doc. 102). 1840 In House jol. 1841 v. 2 1841 not found. 1842 in Senate jol. 1843 v. 1843 " House '• 1844 v. 1844 " Senate " 1845 v. " House " 1845 v. 19; 56). 1845 in Senate jol. 1846 v. '• House " 1846 v. 52). 1846 in Senate Jol. 1847 t. '• House " 1847 v. 21 ; 46). 1847 In Senate Jol. 1848 " House " 1848 v. 51). 1848 In Senate Jol. 1849 v. " House " 1849 t. 52). 1849 in Senate Jol. 1850 v. " House " 1850 v. 41). 1850 In Senate Jol. 1851 v. 1828/9 V. 1 : 256-257. 1828/9 V. 2:392-393 (doc. 107). 1829/30 V. 1 : 216-217. 1829/30 V. 2 : 544 ; 618-619 (docs. 1 : 97-98 ; 300. 2: 798 (doc. 176). 1 : 127; 344-345. 2: 513; 662-663 (docs. 1 : 174-175; 439-440. 2: 339; 530-531 (docs. 84; 1 : 128 : 405-406. 2:474-475; 658-659 (docs. 69-70; 568-569 (docs. 2 : 349-350. 2:81-82; 569-570 (docs. 2 : 368-369. 2 : 51-52 ; 570-571 (docs. 2 : 453. 2 : 77-78 ; 538-539 (docs. : 460-461. pt. 1:146-147; 648-649 586-587. 223-225 (doc. 17) ; 65-66 (doc. 14). T. 2, 2: 241-242 (doc. 12). 2:306-307 (doc. 41). 2: 211-212 (doc. 37). 2 : 219-220 ; 371-372 (docs. 2:284-285 (doc. 44). 2 : 15-16 ; 318-319 (docs. 3 ; 2:229-230 [1. e. 329-330]. 2 : 242-243 ; 329-330 (docs. T. 2 48-49 ; 64-65 ; 349-350. 379-380 (docs. 349-350 (doc. 45). 73-74; 413-414 (docs. 2:59-60 (doc. 6). 2 : 75-76 ; 365-366 (docs. 7 129-130 (doc. 8). 129-130 (doc. 8). 15-16; 125-126 (docs. House " 1851 1851 " Senate " 1852 v. 28). 1851 In House Jol. 1852 v. 1852 •• Senate " 1853 v. 40). 1852 in House Jol. 1853 v. 2 ; 295-296 ; 366 (docs. 25 ; 36). 1853 In Legislative docs. 1854 95-96; 205 (docs. 5; 29). 359-360 ; 430 (docs. 29 ; 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 " 1872 " 1873 " 1874 " 1875 Record 1875 floes. 1870 Record 1876 docs. 1877 Record 1877 docs. 1K78 Record 1878 " 1878/9 " 1880/1 229-230 ; 346. 1855:288; 411-412. 1856 : 266-267 ; 346-347. 1857 : 286 ; 290-291. 1858:218; 424-425. 1859 : 3-4 ; 633-634. 1860 : 461 ; 767-768. 1861 : 397-398 ; 699-700. 1862 : 354 : 721-722. 1863 : 880-881. 1864 : 1192: 1289-1290. 1865 V. 1 : 830-831 ; 1104-1105. 1860 V. 1:, 501-502; 502-503. 1867 V. 2 : 13 ; 857-858. 1868 : 1335 ; 1366-1367. 1869 : 829 ; 829-830. 1870 : 1055-1056 ; 1622-1623. 1871 : 1037-1038 ; T. 2: 1156; V. 2: 1481 ; V. 2 : 1075 ; T. 3 : 1065 ; 176. 926. : 1038-1039. 1532-1533. 1479-1480. 1072-1073. ; V. 2, 226-227. 1303 ; 1300-1301. V. 2: 150. V. 1 ; 200. V. 1 doc. 9 ; T. 6 doc. 37. 60. 2 doc. 10. 2 doc. 12. BANKS: SAVINGS BANKS (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd Philadelphia Saving Fund Society — cont'd A — cont'd doc. 12. doc. 14. doc. 14. doc. 23. doc. 24. 1880 in Legislative Record 1880/1 v. 1881 " « " 1882/3 V. 1882 - " " 1882/3 v. 1883 " " " 1884/5 v. 1884 « " " 1884/5 v. 1S85-1S93 not found. 1S94 in House Jol. 1895 v. 1 : 588-592. 18(15-1900 not found. 1901 In House Jol. 1903 : 191. 1902 - - " 1903 : 201-203. 1892-1904. Ann. stmt. (Kept. supt. of banking 1891/2: 315-320 ;rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Philadelphia Savings Institution serial 1 series 1834-1835. Ann. stmt. In Collected docs, as follows. 1834 in House Jol. 1834/5:867 (doc. 248). 1835 1835/6:573 (doc. 135). 2 series 1836-1837. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1836 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1836:54-55.* 1837 " " 1837 : 146-147.* non-serial 1836. Rept. of committee (Reed) apptd. to investigate affairs of Phila. Savings Institution. (House jol. 1835/6 V. 2: 726-751 (doc. 213).) . Same, separate. Not seen. 1000 copies In English and 500 in German were ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1835/6 v. 1 : 997.) Pittsburgh Bank for Savings Incorporated by act of Apr. 11, 1862. A 1862/3-1875. Ann. rept. In Collected docs, as follows : 1862/3 In Legislative docs. 1864 : 1191. t 1863/4 1864/5 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1865 V. 2 : 800.t 1866 V. 1 : 507.t " 1867 V. 1 : 822. " 1868:1136-1137. " 1869 : 897. " 1870 : 1053. " 1871 : 178. ■• 1872 V. 2: 1527. " 1873 V. 2: 1482. " 1874 V. 2: 1076. " 1875 V. 1 : 956. Record 1875: 47. docs. 1876 T. 2 : 1136. B 1876-1904. Quarterly stmts. (Rept. auditor gen. on banks 1876: 1093-1096; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Paging from Collected docs. Annual stmt, after 1891. Pittsburgh Dollar Savings Institution 1856-1884. Ann. stmt. In Collected docs, as follows : 1856 In Legislative docs. 1857 : 495. 1857 1858 1859 1860 " 1861 " 1862 " 1S63 not found. 1864 In Legislative docs. 1865 v. 1 : 1114-1115. jj.(,5 ., .. , 1866 •• 1867 " 1868 " 1869 " 1870 not found. 1858 : 460. 1859 : 736. 1860 : 1166. 1861 : 840. 1862 : 820-821. 1863 : 890-891. 1866 V. 1 : 847-849. 1867 V. 1 : 823-826. 1868 : 1319-1323. 1869 : 189-193. 1870:834-837. • Paging from Senate doc. ed. 1 1862/3-1864/5 called Dime Savings Institution of Pittsburgh. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 355 1884 5 V. 2 (ioc. 31. 1883-1884 cover iitrlod of 12 BANKS: SAVINGS BANKS (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd Pittsburgh Dollar Savings Institution — cont'd 1871 In Legislative (loos. 1872 v. 2:11.13-1155. 1872 '■ ■' " 1873 V. 1 : 8i»7-900. 1873 •• " •' 1874 V. 3:1018-1020. 1874 " 2 AM. burenii Iiilior Ktiitlstlcs 1874:81; Legisla- tive ilo.s. 1875 V. 1 : 523-528. 1875 In Legislative docs. 187(i v. 1 : 1265-1260. 1876 •• •• •■ 1877 v. 2 : 1332-1333. 1877 '■ •• •• 1878 V. 3 doc. 23. 1878 " •■ •• 1878/9 v. 3 doc. 22. 1879-1882 mif fniiiid, 1883 In Legislative docs. 1884/5 v. 2 doc. 30. 1884 ■• " ■• " ' Uepts. for 1856-1862, inos. Kepts. for 1864-1873, 1875-1878 cover period of 6 mos. ending Nov. 30. Rcpts. for 1874 1st paging for 6 mce. ending Je. ; 2d paging for 6 nios. ending Nov. Pittsburgh Saving Fund Co. 1 series 1833. Ann. stmt. In Collected docs, as follows : 1833 in Senate Jol. 1833/4 v. 1 : 129. " House " 1833/4 v. 2:473-474 (doc. 81). 2 series 1834-1841. Ann. stmt, [quarterly after 1835]. In Documents as follows : 1834 In [Kept, auditor gen. on banks] 1834 : 114.* 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1835:46. 1836: 131. • 1837: 156-157.' 1838 : 87.* 1839: 117.* 1840 : table 3. 1841 : 108. Pittsburgh Trust and Savings Co. 1852. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1852 In [Kept, auditor gen. on banks] 1852: 304.* Pittston Trust Co. and Savings Bank 1872-1873. Quarterly stmts. (Rept. auditor gen. on banks 1872 (pp. 1152-1154)— some 1873.) Paging from Collected docs. Plymouth Savings Bank 1872-1883. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1872 (pp. 1155-1157)— same 1883.) Paging from Collected docs. Port Carbon Saving Fund Society Incorporated by act of Feb. 28, 1834. 1836-1837. Ann. stmt. In Collected docs, as follows : 1836 In Senate Jol. 1836/7 v. 2 : 168-169. 1836/7 V. 2:245-246 (doc. 56). 1837 House Senate House 1837/8 v. 2: 161. 1837/8 v. 2:207-208 (doc. 51). Pottsville Loan and Savings Company 1870. Veto (Geary) of bill to incorporate Pottsville Loan and Savings Co., Scliuylkill Co. (Sen. jol. 1870: 55.) Printers' Dime Saving Institution of Pittsburgh 1871. Veto (Geary) of act to incorporate Printers' Dime Saving Institution of Pittsburgh. (House jol. 1871: 87.) Quakertown Savings Bank 1871-1882. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1871 (pp. 169-171)- same 1882.) Reading Savings Bank 1855-1876. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1855 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1855 : 251.t 1856 " " M a « - 1856:271.t 1857 " " " 1857 : 172-173. 1858 •• " 1858 : 200-203. 1859-1876 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1859-1876.} BANKS: SAVINGS BANKS (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd Real Estate Savings Bank, Pittsburgh 1867. Veto (Geary) of bill incorporating Real Estate Savings Institution (sic, Bank?). (House Jol. 1867: 387-388.) 1867-1878. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1867 (pp. 1(188-1090)— ««nic 1878.) Imaging from Collected docs. Saucon Savings Bank of Hellertown 1872-1876. Quarterly .stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1872 (pp. 1197-1199)— .snmc 1876.) Paging from Collected docs. Savings Fund Society of Germantovyn and its Vicinity Incorporated IS54. 1854-1896. Ann. stmt, of affairs and whole no. of de- positors. In Collected docs, as follows: 1854 In Legislative docs. 1855 : 65. 1855 " " " 1856 : 273 ; 326.J 1856 not found. 1857 In Ix'gislative docs. 1858:276. 1858 not found. 1S59 In I^-glslatlve docs. 1860:462-463. 18G0-186S not found. 1869 in Lcgialative docs. 1870 : 1054-1055. 1870 •• ■• " 1871 : 2035. 1871-1876 not found. 1877 In legislative docs. 1878 v. 6 doc. 36. Record 1878: 5. 1878 " " docs. 1878/9 v. 2 doc. 13. Record 1878 : 673. 1879-1894 not found. 1895 in Leglsl. Record 1895 v. 2 : 2383. 1896 in House jol. 1897 pt. 2 : 2307-2310. B 1854-1857. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1854 in [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1854 : 231. t 1855 " " .. u .. .. iggg . 242.t 1856 " - a a a u ^[ggg . jRO -f 1857 " " 1857 : 175. c 1892-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. supt. of banking 1891/2: 320-324; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Savings Bank of Franklin 1873-1891. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1873 (pp. 329-331)— sajHC 1891.) Omitted in 1881. Savings and Deposit Bank of Annville 1873-1878. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1873 (pp. 326-328)— .v«7/ie 1878.) Savings Institution of Monongahela 1901. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1901: 371- 372.) Savings Institution of City of Williamsport 1868. Veto (Geary) of suppl. to act incorporating Sav- ings Institution of Williamsport. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1868: 498-499.) 1869. Same. (Same 1869: 965.) 1875-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1875: 333-336; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Annual stmts, after 1891. Scranton Savings Bank 1867-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1867: 1091-1093; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Paging from Collected docs. Annual stmt, after 1891. • Paging from Senate doc. ed. t Paging from Leglsl. docs. i Repts. for this period being fully Indexed, the pagination Is omitted here. , , ^ , , . i Double paging means that two repts. were made : 1st given Is of affairs in Je., 2d Is of no. depositors in Nov. Single paging includes both. 356 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BANKS: SAVINGS BANKS (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd Scranton Savings Bank and Trust Co. 1876-1897. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor banks] 1876: 1135-1137; rept. comr. of 1897.) Pnglns from Collected docs. Annual stmts, after 1891. Scranton Trust and Savings Bank, Scranton 1870-1877. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor banks] 1870 (pp. 1472-1474)— same 1877.) Paging from Collected docs. Seamen's Saving Fund Society of Philadelphia Commenced operations In Aug., 1835. gen. on banking gen. on 1855-1858/9. Nov. 1. Stmt, showing whole no. of depositors In Collected docs, as follows : 18.55 In Legislative docs. 1856 : 327-328.* 1855/6 1856/7 1857/8 1858/9 1857 : 285. 1858 : 269. 1859 : 401. 1860 : 772. B 1855/6-1858/9. Stmt, of affairs. In Collected docs, as follows : 1855/6 in Legislative docs. 1857 : 365-360. 1856/7 " " " 1858 : 453-454. 1857/8" " " " 1859 : 708-70(1. 1838/9 " " " 1860 : 886-887. Shackamaxon Bank and Saving Fund, Phila. 1873-1876. Ann. stmt. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1873 (pp. 323-325)— same 1876.) Omitted 1874 and 1875. Sharon Savings Bank 1869. Veto (Gearv) of act to incorporate Sharon Sav- ings Bank. (Sen. jol. 1869: 682-683.) 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act to confer general bank- ing privileges on Sharon Savings Bank. (House jol. 1874: 80; Legisl. jol. 1S74: 32.) Sharpsburg and Etna Savings Bank 1872. Veto (Geary) of bill incorporating Sharpsburg and Etna Savings Bank. (Sen. Jol. 1872: 15-16.) Shoe and Leather Savings Bank of Pittsburgh 1872-1882. Ann. stmt. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1872 (pp. 1203-1205)— .same 1877.) Paging from Collected docs. Shrewsbury Savings Institution serial A 1850-1860. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1850 In [Rept auditor gen. on banks] 1850 351.t 1851 " " u " 1851 305. 319. 1852 " ** *• *• " " 1852 1853 " '* " " " " 1853 147. 1854 " *• « " " " 1854 217-2l8.t 1855 " ** " " " ** *1S55 228-229.t 1856 " " " ** " ** 1856 250-251. t 1857 " •* ** *• " *' 1857 103. 1858 " ** •• " *' '* 1858 265-267. 1859 om Itted. 1860 In [ Kept. auditor gen. on banks] 1860 200-202. 1870-1904. Quarterly strnts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1870: 1466-1468; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Paging from Collected docs. Annual stmts, after 1891. non-serial 1847. Veto (Shunk) of act incorporating Shrewsbury Savings Institution. (House Jol. 1847 v. 1: 622-623.) BANKS: SAVINGS BANKS (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd Six Penny Saving Fund of Philadelphia Incorporated by act of Apr. 5, 1854. serial 1859-1861. Ann. stmt. In Collected docs, as f„llows : 18,59 In Legislative docs. 1860 : 547. 1860 •' " " 1861 : 645. 1861 1862 : 761. non-serial 1861. Communication from pres. of Sixpenny Saving Fund, transmitting resolutions agst. passage of law extending time of giving notice for withdraw- ing deposits. (Legisl. docs. 1861: 750-751 (doc. 33).) Somerset Savings Institution 1850-1S53. Quarterly stmts. In Docnnipnts as follows ; 1850 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1850 : 335.t 1851 omitted. 1852 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks) 1852 : 318.t 1S53 •• " 1853 : 150. South Side Savings Bank, East Birmingham, Pittsburgh 1872-1877. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1872 (pp. 1206-1208)— some 1877.) Paging from Collected docs. Spring Garden Deposit and Savings Bank of Phila. 1871-1873. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1871 (pp. 115-118)— same 1873.) State Deposit and Savings Bank of Scranton 1873. Veto of suppl. to act to incorporate the State De- posit and Savings Bank of Scranton. (Legisl. Jol. 1873: 979.) State Savings Fund of Penn. Chartered on Mch. 27, 1854, as Dime Savings Bank of CIt.v of Phila., and afterwards changed by author- ity of court as above. 1855-1859. Stmt, of affairs. In Collected docs, as follows : 1855 In Legislative docs. 1856 : 348. 1856 " " " 1857 : 287. 1857 not found. 1858 In Legislative docs. 1859 : 1025. 1859 " " " 1860 : 795. Tamaqua Banking and Trust Company 1872-1903. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1872: 1215-1217; rept. comr. of banking 1903.) Paging from Collected docs. Annual stmts, after 1891. Theodore Starr Savings Bank, Phila. 1893-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. supt. of banking 1893: 335-337; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Towanda Savings and Safe Deposit Bank 1872. Veto (Geary) of act to incorporate Towanda Sav- ings and Safe Deposit Bank. (House Jol. 1872: 961- 962.) Tradesmen's Saving Fund and Loan Association 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of supplement to act to alter, renew and extend charter of Tradesmen's Saving Fund and Loan Assn. of Phila. (House Jol. 1874: 91.) Tri-County Banking Co., Pottstown 1901-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1901 (pp. 263-264)— same 1904.) • Aug. to Nov. only. t Paging from Senate doc. ed. except 1854-1856 (Legisl. docs.). t Paging from Senate doc. ed. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 357 BANKS: SAVINGS BANKS (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd Twenty-second Ward Bank of Germantown, Phila. 1871-187G. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1871 (pp. 119-120)— same 1876.) Union Banking Co., Phila. 1870-1876. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1870 (pp. 1478-1481)— same 1876.) I'aglng from Collected docs. Union Savings Bank of Phila. 1892. Ann. stmt. (Rept. supt. of banking 1891/2: 312- 313.) Union Savings Bank of East Penn. at Bath 1870-1877. Quarterly stmts. (Rept. auditor gen. on banks 1S70 (pp. 147.')-1477)— a'OJJIc 1877.) raging from Colloctcd docs. Union Savings Bank of Pittsburgh 1902-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1902 (pp. 260-261)— .v«;«e 1904.) Union Savings and Deposit Bank, Pittsburgh, South Side 1873-1877. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1873 (pp. 353-355)— same 1877.) Warren Savings Bank 1870-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1870 (pp. 1491-1493)— .same 1904.) Tnging from Collected docs. Annual stmt, after 1891. Watsontown Bank 1873-1879. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1873 (pp. 382-384)— so;ne 1879.) Wayne County Savings Bank, Honesdale 1872-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1872: 1245-1247; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Paging from Collected docs. Annual stmt, after 1S91. West End Savings Bank of Pittsburgh 1877-1903. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1877: 353-355; rept. comr. of banking 1903.) Annual stmts, after 1S91. West Philadelphia Bank 1870-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1870: 1485-14S8; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Paging from Collected docs. Annual stmts, after 1891. West Philadelphia Mutual Saving Fund and Trust Company 1SG9. Veto (Geary) of act to incorporate West Phila. Mutual Saving Fund and Trust Co. (Sen. jol. 1869: 805-806; Legisl. Record 1869: 835.) 1890. Ann. stmt. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1890: 297-299.) 1892. Opinion of atty. gen.; West Phila. Mutual Saving Fund and Trust Co. subject to banking act of Je. 8, 1891 but is not subject to act of May 20, 1889, rel. to incorporation and regulation of savings banks and institutions without capital stock. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1891/2: app. 64.) West Side Bank of Scranton 1890-1902. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1890: 269-271; rept. comr. of banking 1902.) Ann. stmt, after 1891. Western Savings Bank of Pittsburgh 1867-1875. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1867 (pp. 1094-1096)— some 1875.) Paging from Collected docs. Western Savings and Deposit Bank, Pittsburgh 1899-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1899 (pp. 219-221)— «ame 1904.) BANKS: SAVINGS BANKS (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd Western Savings Fund Society of Philadelphia Incorporated under act of Feb. 8, 1847 ; opened for busi- ness Jly. 8, 1847. serial 1 series 1847-1884. Ann. stmts, of affairs and whole no. of de- positors. In Collected docs, as follows : 1847 In Senate Jol. 1848 v. 2:446-447 (doc 63). •• House " 1848 v. 2:88-89; 506-507 (docs. 15; 751 1848 In'Senate Jol. 1849 v. 2 : 4.'>7-458 (doc. 59). " •■ House •■ 1849 v. 2 : 5-'l-.'-,22 (doc 6o). 1849 " Senate " 1850 v. 2:414-415 (doe. 51). " House " 1S50 v. 2:511-512 (doc. 58). 1850 " Senate " 1851 v. 2:101; 571-.J72 (does. 14: 1850 Id 'House Jol. 1851 v. 2:100; 587-588 (docs. 14; 1851 In'Senate Jol. 1852 v. 2:78; 340-341 (docs. 16; 43) 1851 In House Jol. 1852 v. 2:158; 436-437 (docs. 17; 1852 In'Senate Jol. 1853 v. 2:339 (doc. 16). " House '• 1853 v. 2:275 (doc. 12). 1853 In Legislative docs. 1854 : 597-598 ; 420. 1854 ■• " " 1855:66. is55 " " •■ 1856 : 364-365 : 320-327. is56 •• " " 1857 : 783-784 ; 82. is-,7 " " " 1858 : 778-779 ; 216. 1858 " " " 1859:739-740; 436. J85? '. " " 1860:515-516; 408. igeb •' " " 1861 : 749-750 ; 448. isei " •' " 1862 : 481-482 ; 356. Jgc'' " •' " 1863:879-880; 470-471. ^863 " •• ■' 1864:1267-1268:1268-1209. i864 " ■' " 1865 V. 1 : 1033-1034 : 831-832. ises " " " 1860 V. 1 : 510511 ; 505-506. ilse •• •• " 1807 v. 1 : 820-821 ; 794. 1867 ■' " " 1868:976-977:975. 1868 " ■• " 1809 : 893 : 828. Js69 ■' ■■ ■' 1870 : 1453-14.54 ; 848. 1870 " " " 1871 :1040; 180. i871 •' '■ " 1872 v. 1 : 304 ; 302. ^872 " •• " 1873 V. 2:80. IsTQ " ■■ " 1874 V. 2 : 1074-1075 ; 609. 1I74 .. •• '• 1875 v. 3 : 228 ; v. 1 : 962-963. Record 1875 : 51. 1875 " •• docs. 1876 v. 2:498; v. I:4i9. Record 1876 : 232. „,,.,„„ 1876 " " docs. 1877 V.2; 13301331; 1331-1332. Record 1877 : 45. 1877 " " docs. 1878 v. 6 doc. 31. Record 1877 : 322. 1878 " ■• docs. 1878/9 v. 2 doc. 11. Record 1878 : 430. 1879 " " " 18S0/1 V. 2. 1880 " " " 1880/1 V. 2. 1851 not found. 1852 In Legislative docs. 1882/3 v. 4 doc. lo. 1883 and 1884 In Legislative docs. 1S84/5 v. 2 docs. 33 ; 2o. 2 series 1892-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. supt. of banking 1891/2: 328-332; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) non-serial 1878. Rept. on Western Saving Fund Socy. of Phila. (Legisl. Record 1878: 73.) White Haven Savings Bank 1872-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1872: 1242-1244; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Paging from Collected docs. Annual stmts, after 1891. Wilkesbarre Deposit and Savings Bank 1871-1904. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1871: 188-190; rept. comr. of banking 1904.) Wilkesbarre Savings Bank 1870-1878. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1870 (pp. 1491-1493)— same 1878.) Paging from Collected docs. 358 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA to act to incorporate (Sen. jol. 1870: 63-64.) BANKS: SAVINGS BANKS (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd Woods Run Savings Fund and Loan Association of Allegheny County 1872-1875. Quarterly stmts. ( [Rept. auditor gen. on banks! 1872 (pp. 1248-1250)— some 1875.) Paging from Collected docs. 1873. Veto (Hartranft) of act suppl. to charter of Woods Run Savings Fund and Loan Assn. of Alle- gheny Co. (House jol. Jan. 1873: 545-649; Legisl. jol. 1873: 557-559.) Workingman's Savings Bank and Trust Co., Allegheny 1898-1904. Ann. stmt. (Rept. comr. of banking 1898 (pp. 254-256)— .samp 1904.) Wyoming County Savings Bank 1870. Veto (Geary) of suppl. Wyoming Co. Savings Bank. York Savings Institution 1845-1849. Ann. stmt. In Documents as follows : 1845 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1845:140.* 1846 •• •• 1846:73.* 1847 " " " ' 1847 : 237.* 1848 " " " " " " 1848 : 240-241.* 1849 " " " ' 1849 : 258-259.* Zinzendorf Savings Bank 1871. Veto (Geary) of act to incorporate Zinzendorf Savings Bank of South Bethlehem, Penn. (Sen. jol. 1871: 1156-1157.) BANKS: TRUST COMPANIES See also below. Banks ; Individual Trust Companies. 1864. Debate on suppl. to act rel. to agencies of foreign trust and annuity cos. (Legisl. Record 1864: 371-373.) 1874. See above, Banks. Penn., this date. 1876. See same, this date. 1878. See above. Savings Banks, this date. 1879. See same, this date. 1892. See above. Banking Department, this date. 1892-1904. Tables: resources and liabilities of trust cos. (A.R. supt. of banking pt. 1 (pp. 577-586) — same 1904.) 1893. See above. Banks. Penn., this date. 1893-1904. See same, these dates. 1894. See above. Savings Banks, this date. . Trust business of trust cos.; cases to determine authority of supt. of banking to examine into, super- vise and regulate and require repts. of exclusive trust business of trust cos. of state. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1893/4: xxxv-xxxvi.) . See above. Banks, this date. . See above. Banking Department, this date. 1896. See above. Banking Dept., this date. 1897. See above. Banks. Penn., this date. 1899. See same, this date. BANKS: TRUST COMPANIES (INDIVIDUAL) In addition to Reports of Individual Trust Companies entered below as being in Collected Documents or Kept, of the auditor-gen. on banks, the following are found in the Repts. of the banking dept. (Rept. supt. of banking 1891/2-1895; rept. comr. of banking 1895-1904). Albertsrin Trust and Safe Deposit Co. of Norrlstown, 1S92 IHO::. Allegheny Trust Co., 1901-1904. Al- ttioua Trust Co., 1901-1904. Ambrldge Savings and Trust Co., 1903-1904. American Trust Co., rhila., 1901-1904. American Trust Co., Pitts- burgh, 1901-1902. American Tnist, I/oan and Guaranteed Investment Co. of Pblla., 18921899. Apollo Trust Co., 1901-1904. Armstrong Co. Trust Co., 1902-1904. Banker.s' Trust Co., i'ittnburgh, 1903-1904. Barclay Trust Co., Creensburg, 1903- 1904. Beaver Co. Trust Co.. 1901-1904. Beaver Trust Co., 1902-1904. liellevue Realty Savings and TniBt Co., 1902-1904. Berks County Trust Co., 1901-1904. Berwick Savings and Trust Co., 1903- ' Paging from Senate doc. ed. BANKS: TRUST COMPANIES (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd 1904. liraddook Trust Co., 1901-1904. Brldgevllle Trust Co., 1903-1904. Brookville Title and Trust Co.. 1903-1904. Bryn Mawr Trust Co., 1892-1904. Bucks County Trust Co. of Doylestown, 1892-1904. Burgettstown Trust Co., 1903-1904. Butler Sav- ings Bank and Trust Co., 1903-1904. Cambridge Trust Co., Chester, 1901-1904. Carnegie Trust Co., 1901-1904. Castle Shannon Savings and Trust Co., 1903-1904. Central Gu:irantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co., Harrisburg, 1893-1904. Central Penn- sylvania Trust Co., 1902-1903. Central Savings Fund, Trust and Safe Deposit Co., Phlla., 1892- 1899. Central Savings and Trust Co., Pittsburgh, 1903-1904. Central Trust Co., Altoona. 1904. Central Trust and Savings Co., Phlla., 1903-1904. Chambersburg Trust Co., 1901-1904. Charlerol Savings and Trust Co., 1901-1904. Chartlers Trust Co., 1901-1904. Chester County Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co., 1892-1896. Chester County Trust Co., 1901-1904. Chestnut Street Trust and Saving Fund Co., 1892-1897. Citizens' Deposit and Trust Co., Sharpsburg, 1898-1904. Citizens' Safe Deposit and Trust Co., 1903-1904. Citizens' Sav- ings and Trust Co., Mt. Pleasant, 1904. Citizens' Title and Trust Co., 1901-1904. Citizens' Trust Co. of Canonsburg, 1901-1904. Citizens' Trust Co. of Clarion, 1904. Citizens' Trust Co. of Gettysburg, 1904. Citizens' Trust and Surety Co., Phlla., 1892- 1898. City Deposit and Surety Co., 1892. City Savings Fund and Trust Co., Lancaster, 1899-1904. City Trust Co., 1901. City Trust, Safe Deposit and Surety Co., Phlla., 1893-1904. Clearfield Trust Co., 1902-1904. Colonial Trust Co., Phlla., 1899-1904. Colonial Trust Co., Pittsburgh, 1902-1904. Colonial Trust Co., Reading, 1901-1904. Colonial Trust Co., South Sharon, 1902 1904. Columbia Avenue Sav- ing Fund, Safe Deposit, Title and Trust Co., 1892- 1904 (called Columbia Avenue Trust Co., 1902- 1904). Columbia Trust Co., Columbia, 1901-1904. Commercial Trust Co. of McKeesport, 1903. Com- mercial Trust Co.. Phlla.. 1903. Commercial Trust Co., Reading, 1904. C'ommonwealth Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co., Harrisburg, 1892-1899. Commonwealth Real Estate and Trust C^o. of Pitts- burgb, 1902-1903. Commonwealth Title Insurance and Trust Co., Phlla., 1892-1904. Commonwealth Trust Co., 1901-1904. Commonwealth Trust Co. of Harrisburg, 1904. Commercial Trust Co. of Phlla., 1894-1904. Continental Title and Trust Co., Phlla., 1898-1904. Continental Trust Co., 1903-1904. Con- tractors' Savings, Title and Trust Co. of Phlla., 1896-1897. Contractors' Surety, Title and Trust Co. of Phlla., 1895. Corapolls Savings and Trust Co., 1903-1904. Coudersport Trust Co., 1903-1904. Crafton Trust Co., 1903-1904. Crawford County Trust Co., 1901-1904. Delaware County Trust, Safe Deposit and Title Insurance Co., 1892-1904. Dime Savings Fund and Trust Co., Phlla., 1892-1904. Dollar Savings Fund and Trust Co., Allegheny, 1892-1894. Dovlestown Trust Co., 1896-1904. Duquesne Trust Co., 1903-1904. East End Savings and Trust Co., 1902-1904. East Pittsburgh Savings and Trust Co., 1902-1904. Ellwood City Trust Co., 1904. Equitable Trust Co., Phlla. Equitable Trust Co., Pittsburgh. Erie Trust Co., 1902-1904. Ex- celsior Trust and Saving Fund Co., 1901-1904. Farmers' Co-operative Trust Co. of Cochranton, 1892-1893. Farmers' and Merchants' Trust Co. of Greenville, 1903-1904. Farmers' Trust Co., Carlisle, 1902-1904. Farmers' Trust Co.. Lancaster, 1904. Favette Title and Trust Co., 1901-1904. Federal Title and Trust Co. of Beaver Falls. 1903-1904. Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Co. of Pblla., 1892-1899. Fidelity Title and Trust Co. of I'ittsburgh, 1892-1904. Fidelity Trust Co., Phlla., 1901-1904. Finance Company of Penn., Phlla., isn2-in04, Frankford Real Estate, Trust and Safe Deposit Co., 1892-1904. Franklin Savings and Trust Co. of Pittsburgh. 1903-1904. Franklin Trust Co.. 1901-1904. Freedom Savings and Trust Co., 1903-1904. German American Savings and Trust Co., Pittsburgh, 1902-1004. German American Title and Trust Co., Phlla.. 1892-1904. German Trust Co., Pittsburgh. 1903-1904. Germantown Real Estate. Deposit and Trust Co., 1892-1899. German- town Trust Co., 1901-1904. GIrard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Co.. 1892-1898. GIrard Trust Co., 1899-1904. Grove Savings and Trust Co., 1903- 1904. Guarantee Safe Deposit and Trust Co., Butler, 1902-1904. Guarantee Title and Trust Co., Phlla., 1809. Guarantee Title and Trust Co., Pitts- burgh, 1901-1904. Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co. of Mt. Carmol. 1902-1904. Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co. of Phlla., 1892-1904. G\larantce Trust and Sife Deposit (^o. of Shamokin, 1895-1904. Guardian Trust Co., lliirrisburgb. 1903- 1904. Guardian Trust Co.. York. 1003-1904. Hamilton Trust Co., Phlla., 1901-1904. Ilamlln INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 359 BANKS: TRUST COMPANIES (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd Hiink and Trust fo., r,M>L'i:">4. Iliirrlslmrc Trust Co., lM!);i-lUU4. Iliizli-wooil Savings aiui Trust Co., r.lOl-l'.KM. Hilltop SiivluKS anil Trust Co., liM):i 1904. Home Title and Trust Co., Uuquesne. Home Trust Co.. New C'astle. r,M)L>-l!M)4. Home Trust Co.. Plttsburch, 1903-11)04. Homestead SavinKS Hank and Trust Co.. 1»o:M904. Industrial Trust, Title and Suvlngs Co.. I'hlla. Integrity Title Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Co.. I'lilla., ls!)i;-i;i04. In teruatlonal SavlnKS and Trust Co., 1904. Invest- meut Company of I'hlla. . 1S92-1904. Investment Trust Co., rhila., 1H9l:-]904. Iron City Trust Co., Pittsburgh. 1902-1904. .leanette Savings and Trust Co., 190S-1904. Jenklntown Trust Co., 1903-1904. Johnstown Trust Co., 1901-1904. Kane Rank and Trust Co., 19021904. Kane Trust and Savings Co., 1902-1904, Lackawanna Trust and Sate Deposit Co, Scrnntou, 1892-1904. Lancaster Trust Co., 1892-1904. Land Title and Trust Co., I'hlla., 1K92- 1904. Land Title and Trust Co., I'tttsliurgh, 1903- 1904. Lansdale Trust and Sate Deposit Co.. 1892- 1904. Lansdowne and Darby Savings Fund and Trust Co., 1903-1904. Lawrence Savings and Trust Co., -New Castle, 1901-1904. l<'l)ani>n Trust Co., 1902-1904. Lehigh Valley Trust and Safe Deposit Co., Allentown, 1892-1904. Lincoln Savings and Trust Co., 1898-1904. Lock Haven Trust and Safe Deposit Co., 1892-1904. Logan Trust Co., 1903- 1904. Luzerne County Trust Co., 1902-1904. McDonald Savings and Trust Co., 1903-1904. McKees Rocks Trust Co., 1901-1904. McKeesport Title and Trust Co., 1901-1904. McKlnley-Lannlng Loan and Trust Co.. I'hlla., 1897-1902. Manayunk Trust Co., 1892-1904. Manchester Savings Rank and Trust Co.. Allegheny, 1903-1904. Mauch Chunk Trust Co., 1903-1904. Media Title and Trust Co., 1892-1904. Mercantile Trust Co.. 1892-1904. Mer- cantile Trust and Safe Deposit Co., Phlla., 1896- 1899. Mercer County Trust Co.. 1902-1904. Merchants' Banking Trust Co., 1903-1904. Mer- chants' Savings and Trust Co., 1902-1904. Mer- chants' Trust Co., Greensburg, 1904. Merchants' Trust Co., Phlla., 1892-1904. Merlon Title and Trust Co., 1892-1904. Metropolitan Trust Co., Pittsburgh, 1904. Milton Trust and Sate Deposit Co., 1892-1904. Monessen Savings and Trust Co., 1902-1904. Monongahela City Trust Co., 1902-1904. Monongahela "Trust Co., Homestead, Allegheny Co., 1901-1904. Montgomery Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Co., 1892-1903. Montgomery Trust Co., 1904. Moreland Trust Co., 1901 -1903. Mortgage Banking Co., 1902-1904. Mortgage Trust Co. of Penn., 1S92-1904. Mount Washington Savings and Trust Co., 1903-1904. New Castle Savings and Trust Co., 1903-1904. Norristown Title, Trust and Safe Deposit Co., 1892-1899. Norristown Trust Co., 1901-1904. North American Life and Surety Co., 1898. North American Savings Co.. Pittsburgh, 1902-1904. North Phlla. Trust Co., 1903-1904. Northampton Trust Co., 1902-1904. Northern Sav- ing Fund, Safe Deposit and Trust Co., 1892-1901. Northern Trust Co., Phlla.. 1902-1904. Northern Trust and Savings Co.. 1902-1904. Oakland Sav- ings and Trust Co., 1903-1904. Ohio Valley Trust Co., 1901-1904. on City Trust Co.. 1903-1904. Oly- phant Trust Co., 1893-1894. I'enn Trust Co., Norris- town, 1904. Penn. Co. for insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities, Phlla., 1892-1904. Penn. Title and Trust Co., Pittsburgh, 1896-1899. Penn. Trust Co., Pittsburgh, 1901. Penn. Trust Co.. Reading. 18921904. Penn. Warehousing and Sate Deposit Co., Phlla., 1896-1904. People's Trust Co., Lan- caster, 1904. People's Trust Co., Pittsburgh, 1901- 1904. People's Trust, Savings and Deposit Co., Lancaster, 1892-1903. Perklomen Trust Co.. East Greenville, 1895-1898. Phlla. Mortgage and Trust Co., 1892-1904. Phlla. Trust. Safe Deposit and Insurance Co., 1892-1904. Pittsburgh Surety Co., 1904. Pittsburgh Trust Co., Pittsburgh, 1893-1904. Potter Title and Trust Co., 1902-1904. Provident Life and Trust Co., 1892-1904. Provident Trust Co., 1902-1904. Prudential Trust Co., 1901-1902. Public Trust Co., 1902. Quakertown Trust Co., 1904. Reading Trust Co. of Reading, 1892-1904. Real Estate Investment Co. of Phlla., 1892-1899. Real Estate Savings and Trust Co., Allegheny, 1904. Real Estate Title Insurance and Trust Co., Altoona, 1903-1904. Real Estate Title Insurance and Trust Co.. Pblla., 1892-1904. Real Estate Trust Co., Phlla., 1892-1904. Real Estate Trust Co., Wash- ington, 1902-1904. Real Estate Trust Co., Pitts- burgh, 1901-1904. Rochester Trust Co., 1903-1904. Rogerstord Trust Co., 1903-1904. Safe Deposit and Trust Co., Greensburg, 1895-1904. Sale Deposit and Trust Co., Pittsburgh, 1892-1904. Safe Deposit and Title Guaranty Co. of Klttannlng. 1892-1904. St. Clair Savings and Trust Co., 1903-1904. St. Mary's Trust Co., 1903-1904. Savings and Trust BANKS: TRUST COMPANIES (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd Co. of Indiana, 1903-1904. Schuylkill Real Estate, Title Insurance and Trust Co., Potlsvllle, 1892-1896. Schuylkill Trust Co. of Pottsvllle, 1897-1904. Scottdale Savings and Trust Co., 1901-1004. Security Co., Pottslown, 1892-1904. Security Sav- ings and Trust Co., Erie, 1903-1904. Security Title and Trust Co. of York, 1893 1904. Security Trust Co., I'hlla., 1895. Security Trust and Lite Insur- ance Co. of Phlla., 1896-1897. Sewlckley Valley Trust Co., 1901-1904. Sharon Savings and Trust Co., 1902-1904. Shenandoah Trust Co., 1902-1904. Solicitors' Loan and Trust Co., I'hlla., 1H92 1895. Somerset Trust Co., 1901-1904. South 11111s Trust Co., 1903-1904. South Side Trust Co., Pittsburgh, 1901-1904. Standard Security Trust Co., I'itts- burgh, 1902-1904. Standard Trust Co., 1903. State Mutual Savings Fund and Trust Co.. Phlla., 1892- 1904. Steelton Trust Co., 1902 1904. Sunbury Trust and Safe Deposit Co., 1X92 1903. Sunbury Trust and Sate Deposit Co., 1901-1902. Susque- hanna Trust and Sate Deposit Co., Wllllanisport, 1892-1904. Tacony Saving, Safe Deiiosit, Title and Trust Co., 18921901. Tacony Trust Co., 1902- 1904. Tarcntum Savings and Tru.'^t Co., 1902-1904. Tioga County Savings and Trust Co., 190.3-1904. Title and Trust Co. of Western I'enn.. 1901-1904. Title Guarantee and Trust Co. of Scranton, 1901- 1904. Title Guarantee and Trust Co. of Wash- ington, 1898-1901. Tradesmen's Trust Co., 1903- 1904. Tradesmen's Trust and Saving Fund Co., Phlla., 1892-1902. Treasiiry Trust Co., 1904. Trust Co. of North America, 1892-1904. Turtle Creek Savings and Trust Co., 1902-1904. fnlon Banking and Trust Co. of DuRols, 1901-1904. Union Deposit and Trust Co., Waynesburg. 1901- 1904. Union Fidelity Title Insurance Co. of Pitts- burgh, 1903-1904. Union Savings and Trust Co. of Plttston. 1903-1904. Union Surety and Guaranty Co., 1899-1903. Union Trust Co. of Altoona. 1903- 1904. Union Trust Co. of Clalrtown. 1902-1904. Union Trust Co. of Donora, 1903-1904. Union Trust Co. of Lancaster, 1902-1904. Union Trust Co of Phlla., 1892-1904. Union Trust Co. of Pitts- burgh, 1892-1904. Union Trust Co. of Washington, 1902-1904. United Security. Life Insurance and Trust Co. of Penn., 1892-1904. United States Trust Co., Phlla.. 1901. Valley Deposit and Trust Co., 1903-1904. Valley Trust Co., Pittsburgh, 1901. Valley Trust Co. of Palmyra, 1903-1904. Vander- grift Savings and Trust Co., 1902-1904. Warren Trust Co.. 1901-1904. Washington Trust Co., 1901- 1904. Wayne Title and Trust Co.. 1892-1904. Waynesboro" Dime Savings Fund and Trust Co., 1895-1896. West End Savings Bank and Trust Co., 1903-1904. West End Trust and Safe Deposit Co.. 1892-1899. West End Trust Co., Phlla., 1901- 1904. West Phlla. Mutual Saving Fund and Trust Co. of Phlla., 1892-1899. West Phila. Title and Trust Co. of Phila., 1892-1904. Westmoreland Sav- ings and Trust Co., 1901-1904. E. P. Wilbur Trust Co. of South Bethlehem. 1892-1904. Wilklnsburg Real Estate and Trust Co., 1903-1904. Wyoming Valley Trust Co. of Wilkesbarre, 1893-1904. York Trust Co., 1901-1904. York Trust, Real Estate and Deposit Co., 1892-1899. Braddocks Trust Co., Braddocks, Allegheny Co. 1873-1882. Quarterly stints. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1873 (pp. 35-37)— .sume 1882.) City Deposit Bank and Trust Company of Scranton 1867. Veto (Curtin) of act to incorporate City Deposit Bank and Trust Co. of Scranton. (Sen. jol. 1867: 40-41.) Compound Trust Company 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of Sen. bill 207 to incorporate Compound Trust Bank. (Sen. jol. 1874: 110.) Empire Trust Bank of Allentown 1872-1877. Quarterly stmts. ([Kept, auditor gen. on banks] 1872 (pp. 1016-1018)— same 1877.) Mechanics' Trust Company of Pittsburgh 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act to incorporate Me- chanics' Trust Co. of Pittsburgh. (House jol. 1874: 80-81; Legisl. jol. 1874: 32.) Miners' Deposit Bank and Trust Company 1867. Veto (Curtin) of act to incorporate Miners' De- posit Bank and Trust Co. (Sen. jol. 1867: 42.) 3G0 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA BANKS: TRUST COMPANIES (INDIVIDUAL)— cont'd Miners' Trust Company Bank, Pottsville 1872-1874. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1872 (pp. 1110-1113)— som 1874.) Paging from Collected docs. National Trust Co. of Phila. 1873. Veto (Hartranft) of act to incorporate National Trust Co. of Phila.; " desires to insure and also be a bank, to engage in banking and to receive deposits and yet to deal in real estate." (Sen. jol. 1873: 1133-1134.) National Trust Company of Pittsburgh 1867. Veto (Curtin) of bill to incorporate National Trust Co. of Pittsburgh. (House jol. 1S67: 31; Legisl. jol. 1873: 1217.) Oil City Trust Co. 1SS4-1902. Quarterly stmts. ([Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1884; 182-185; rept. comr. of banking 1902.) Annual stmts, after 1S91. Pennsylvania Land and Trust Company of Pittsburgh 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act to incorporate Penn. Land and Trust Co. of Pittsburgh. ( House jol. 1874 ; 82.) Pittsburgh Trust Company serial 1853-1856. Quarterly stmts. In Documents as follows : 1S53 In [Rept. auditor gen. on banks] 1853:148. 1854 " •• 1S54 : 219-220.* 1855 " " " 185.1 : 230-231. ♦ 1856 " " " " " " 1856 : 252-253.* non-serial 1873. Veto (Hartranft) of act to incorporate Pittsburgh Trust Co. (House jol. 1873: 1208.) Scranton Trust and Savings Bank; see above, Individual Sav- ings Banks Southern Insurance and Trust Company 1847. Veto (Shunk) of bill to change corporate powers and name of Southern Insurance and Trust Co., of Philadelphia, to Tradesmen's Bank of Phila. (Sen. jol. 1847, v. 1: 33-35.) West Phila. Mutual Saving Fund and Trust Co.; see above, Individual Savings Banks BANKS (EPHRAIM) Representative from Mifflin Co. 1828/9-1829/30. Mem- ber of the Sinking F^nd Commission 1851-1857. Representative Committee on Judiciary 1829 Peb. 11. Patents to actual settlers of lands. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 565 (doc. 192).) 1830 Jan. 18. Measurer of carpenters', masons', paint- ers', etc. work in borough of Harrisburg. (Same 1829/30 V. 2: 590 (doc. 191).) Mch. 11. Salaries of associate judges of Dauphin Co. (Same 1829/30 v. 2: 705-706 (doc. 299).) 1831 Peb. 22. Salaries and general fee bill. (Soine 1830/1 V. 2: 804 (doc. 181).) [Select] Committee 1829 Apr. 13. Infringement of Burr patent in building bridges and aqueducts on line of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 719 (doc. 321).) 1830 Jan. 29. Dam and river lock at North's Is. In Juniata River. (.Vame 1829/30 v. 2: 613 (doc. 206).) • Paging from Leglel. docs. BANKS (JAMES) Representative from Mifflin Co. 1807/8-1808/9. Select Committee 1808 Jan. 12. Unsatisfied land warrants. (House jol. 1807/8 pt. 1: 200.) 1809 Mch. 3. Sale of property for debt. (Same 1808/9: 5G3.) BANKS (THADDEUS) Representative from Blair Co., 1862. 1858. Farmers' High School, (v. 5 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1857/8; 292.) BANNAN (BENJAMIN) 1873. A few thoughts on capital and labor. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3 (ed. 2): 523-531.) Found only In 2d ed. BAPTIST HOME OF PHILADELPHIA; see MAINTENANCE: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS BARBECK (WILLIAM) 1879. Microscopic fungi in cereals. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch., Apr., and May 1879: 4-7.) BARBER (JOHN) 1830-1832. Rept. as supt. of Eastern division, Penn. Canal. (A.R. canal comrs. 1829/30 (pp. 101-103) — same 1831/2.) Paging from Senate doc. ed. 1831-1832. Ann. rept. as supt. of Delaware division, Penn. Canal. (Same 1830/1 (pp. 202-204)— same 1831/2.) Paging from Senate doc. ed. BARBERS Licensing of; see Licenses BARBER'S MILL Small-pox; see Public Health BARCLAY (E. R.) City supt. of schools 1902/3-1903/4 ; see Education. Huntingdon. BARCLAY (JAMES J.) 1848 Jly. 1. Address delivered at the laying of the cornerstone of the House of Refuge for colored juvenile delinquents. Phila.: T. K. and P. G. Col- lins, 1848. 15 (1) pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. 1870 Sept. 5. Address at laying of cornerstone of the new bldgs. at Phila. House of Refuge. Published by order of the bd. of mgrs. 1870. 13(1) pp. BARCLAY (JOHN), INSPECTOR OF GUNPOWDER Claimant 1806 Feb. 26. Remuneration for erection of a bldg. (House jol. 1805/6: 384.) BARCLAY (JOHN) Senator from city and co. of Phila. 1810/11-1814. [Select] Committee 1812 Jan. 25. Phila. prison. (Sen. jol. 1811/2: 163.) BARCLAY (JOHN M.) 1829. Apptmt. as comr. of loans and corresp. with secy, of Commonwealth on subject of loans. (Sen. jol. 1829/30 V. 2: 102-105; House jol. 1829/30 v. 2; 110- 113.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 361 BARCLAY (SAMUEL M.) Rq)roscntiitlv(> from Bfdford Co. 1833/34. Senator from Bedford and Somerset cos. 1837/81841. Senator Select Committee 1839 Je. 24. See Riots. Buckshot War, this date. BARD (ARCHIBALD) ItpproBcntatlve from Franklin Co. 1809/10 1810/11. [Select] Committee 1810 Jan. n. Chambersburg Bank. (House jol. 1S09/10: 219.) 1811 Jan. 26. Manual for justices of the peace. (Same 1810/11: 323.) BARDSLEY (JOHN) See Finance; State. Misappniprlation of rublic Funds. BARDWELL (E. 0.) 1899. Inspection at Sinnemahoning, Cameron Co., on acct. of diphtheria. (16 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1899/00 V. 1: 150-151; 235-236.) 1901. Small-pox at First Fork. (IS same 1901/2: 237- 238.) 1903. Small-pox in Cameron Co. (19 same 1902/3 v. 1: 380-381.) 1903. Small-pox in Cameron Co. (19 same 1902/3 v. 1: 380-381.) BARKER (ABNER) Western State Penltentiar.v comr. 1820-1823; see Main- tenance ; Individual Institutions. BARKER (FRED D.) Comr. Topographic and Geological Survey of Tenn. 1899-iaOO. BARKER (JOHN) 1852. The past of the Crawford Co. Teachers' Assn. (Penn. School Journal v. 1: 299-300.) 1858. School libraries. (Same v. 6: 380-3S4.) BARKLEY (CHAS. G.) County supt. of schools 1863/4-1871/2 ; see Education. Columbia Co. BARLEY Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Grain BARNARD (ISAAC D.) Senator from Chester and Delaware cos. 1820/21-1824. [Select] Committee 1823 Jan. 15. Loans made by Phila. Bank to state, etc. (Sen. jol. 1822/3: 175-176.) BARNES (EARL) 1903. An ideal institute. (Penn. School Journal v. 52: 95-96.) BARNES (J. P.) 1878. Effect of present dog laws, with suggestions for their improvement. (2 A.R. bd. agric. 1878: 66-68.) 1879. Agric. of Lehigh Co. (3 same 1879: 245-247.) 1882. Silk culture. (6 .same 1882: 180-186.) 1886-1887. Rept. as chrm. of committee on silk and silk culture to bd. of agric. (10 same 1886 (pp. 224- 226)— 8 same 1887.) 1893. Hist, of bounties to agric. socys. (17 same 1893: 186-188.) BARNES (JOSEPH) 1832 Apr. 6. Tolls on Del. and Lehigh canals; rept. of Feb. 25, 1832 reflecting on writer. (Sen. jol. 1831/2 [V. 1]: 676.) BARNES (M.) 1900. Westminster CoHege; 1852-1900. (3 Bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 747-750.) I'aging from rept. of supt. of public InHtructlon. BARNET (WILLIAM) Representative from cos. of Northampton and Wayne 1790/00-1807/8. [Select] Committee 1S05 Feb. 18. Easton Union Academy. (House jol. 1804/5: 348.) BARNETT (J. E.) Member of the Sinking Fund Commission 1899-1900. BARNHART (W. R.) Iteprcsentative from Westmoreland Co. 1893/4. 1891. Fruit growing in Westmoreland Co. (Rept. state hortic. assn. 1891j 79-81.) BARNS (WILLIAM) Claimant 1851. Damages; Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1851 v. 2: 609.) BARNWELL (JAMES G.) 1S52. Phila. Assn. of principals of public schools. (Penn. School Journal v. 1: 231-232.) BARR (C. E.) 1903. Small-pox in Cambria Co. (19 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1902/3 V. 1: 379-380.) BARR (J. S.) County Bupt. of schools 1853/4-1834/5 ; see Education. Huntingdon Co. BARR (JAMES P.) Surveyor General 1863-1866 ; see Land, the serial group. One of comrs.. 1S64. to erect an addition to auditor general's office ; see I'ublic Bldgs. BARR (MARTIN W.) 1904. What can teachers of normal children learn from the teaching of defectives? (Penn. School Journal V. 52: 491-495.) BARR (S. L.) 1897. Ought there to be township high schools? (3 A.R. dept. [21 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1897 pt. 1: 294-295.) BARRE (A. J.) Borough supt. of schools 1895/6-1896/7 ; see Education. South Bethlehem. BARREN HILL Small-pox; see Public Health BARRETT (GEORGE R.) Representative for cos. of Lycoming, Clearfield and Clinton 1842-1843. Committee on the Judiciary 1843 Jan. 21. Moneys paid by treasurer of Allegheny Co. upon forged certificates. (House jol. 1843 v. 2: 197-198 (doc. 43).) Mch. 25. Repts. of majority (Barrett) and minor- ity (Sharswood) of committee on judiciary rel. to abolition of capital punishment. (Same 1843 v. 2: 675-708 (docs. 107-108).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: M'Kinley & Lescure, 1843. 44 pp. Copy seen In library of the Library Co. of Phila. Apr. 18. Imprisonment for debt. (House jol. 1843 V. 2: 868-872 (doc. 153).) Select Committee 1843 Jan. 6. Accts. of sergeant-at-arms and doorkeeper of House. (House jol. 1843 v. 3: 47.) 362 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BARRETT (J. W.) County supt. of schools 1853/4-1854/5 ; Lycoming Co. see Education. BART Small-pox; see Public Health BARTCH (G. W.) City supt. of schools 1874/5-1883/4 ; see Education. Shenandoah. BARTHO (B. F.) 1S92. Dlphtlieria at Locust Gap. (8 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1S91/2: 214-217.) BARTHOLOMEW (H. H.) County supt. of schools 1875/6-1877/8 ; see Education. Northumberland Co. BARTLETT (E. T.) 1900. Divinity School of Prot. Episcopal Church, Phila., 1862-1900. (3 Bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 700-701.) Paging from rept. of supt. of public Instruction. BARTON (CHARLES E.) County supt. of schools 1902/3-1903/4. Fulton Co. BARTON (JOS. F.) County supt. of schools 1881/2-1886/7 ; Fulton Co. See Education. see Education. BARTON (MATTHIAS) Repr. from Lancaster Co. 1793/4-1795/6 ; Senator from Lancaster Co. 1796/7-1803/4. Joint [Select] Committee 1804 Feb. 7. Burning emissions of paper money. (Sen. jol. 1803/4: 220.) [Select] Committee 1798 Jan. 6. Extension of period for applications for donation lands. (Sen. jol. 1797/8: 55.) 1803 Dec. 31. Claim of James Gunn; escheated estate. (Same 1803/4: 77-78.) Special Committee 1804 Jan. 24. Machinery for carding and spinning wool. (Sen. jol. 1803/4: 168.) BARTRAM (J. H.) 1874. Is it desirable to devote our best farm lands to cultivation of fruits. (Rept. Penn. fruit-growers' sooy. 1873/4: 108-109.) Paging from app. v. 9 Rept. trans, state agrlc. Bocy. 1887. On raising, preparing, and marketing of aspara- gus [in Chester Co.]. (Rept. state hortic. assn. 1887: 56-59.) BASHORE (HARVEY B.) 1900. Diphtheria at Boiling Spring. (16 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1899/00 v. 1: 166-167.) 1901. Small-pox at Mt. Holly. (17 same 1900/1 v. 1: 204.) . Small-pox at Shepardstown. (17 same 1900/1 v. 1: 240-241.) . Diphtheria at Trindel Springs. (17 same 1900/1 V. 1: 253.) . Small-pox at Shippensburg. (17 same 1900/1 v. 1: 209-210.) 1902. Slaughter house at Le Moyne. (18 same 1901/2: 218.) BASHORE (M. H.) 1892. The depression in farming and why farmers fall. (49 and 50 quarterly repts. bd. agrlc. 1892: 97-100.) BASHORE (M. R.) 1891. The object of farmers' institutes. (15 A.R. bd. agric. 1891: 177-180; 45 and 46 quarterly repts. bd. agrlc. 1891: 6-9.) BASS; see FISH AND GAME BATES (F. M.) City supt. of schools 1877/8-1879/80 ; see Education. Shamokin. BATES (FREDERICK) Representative from Crawford Co. 1874. Conference Committee 1874 May 6. Compensation of members of Gen. Assem. (House jol. 1874: 833-836.) BATES (SAMUEL R.) County supt. of schools 1857/8-1859/60 ; see Education. Crawford Co. Deputy supt. common schools 1860- 1866. City supt. of schools 1874/5-1879/80 ; see Education. Meadvllle. County supt., Crawford Co. 1856. Popular education. (Penn. School Journal v. 5: 288-294.) Deputy supt. Common Schools 1860-1866 1861. Observations on colleges and college instruction. (Penn. School Journal v. 11: 204-208.) 1862. Normal school of 12th distr., Edinboro. (Same V. 11: 188-192.) . Rept. on the condition of the state normal school of the 2d distr. (Some v. 11: 156-160.) . Allegheny College. (Same v. 11: 285-288.) 1863. Rept. as traveling agt. of the school dept. (Same v. 12: 222-224.) . Notes on co. institutes. (Sam^ v. 11: 266-268.) . Dickinson Seminary. (Same v. 11: 319-320.) . Co. institutes in Northumberland, Warren and Wayne cos. (Same v. 11: 299-300.) . Co. institutes. (Same v. 11: 237-238.) . Univ. of Penn. (Same v. 11: 371-376.) . Notes on co. institutes: Lebanon, etc. (Same v. 11: 331-332.) . Univ. at Lewisburg. (Same v. 11: 347-352.) Je. 4. Rept. as deputy supt. of schools. (30 A.R. supt. common schools 18C2/3: xxv-xxxii.) BATH, NORTHAMPTON CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: State Savings Banks; see Banks: Individual Savings Banks. Union Savings Bank BATT (WILLIAM H.) 1856. Infant schools. (Penn. School Journal v. 5: 83- 85.) BATT (WILMER R.) 1903. Small-pox in western distr. of Penn. (19 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1902/3 v. 1: 484-529.) . Quarantine of Ohio River. (19 same 1902/3 v. 1: 349-350.) 1904. Polluted cress beds at Boiling Springs. (20 same 1903/4: 94-95.) . Small-pox. (20 some 1903/4: 146.) . Typhoid fever at Doylestown. (20 same 1903/4: 93-94.) . Small-pox at Whittaker. (20 same 1903/4: 168.) . Small-pox at Whitselt. (20 same 1903/4: 170.) . Small-pox at West Middlesex. (20 same 1903/4: 168.) . Small-pox at Tltusvllle. (20 same 1903/4: 170- 171.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 363 BATT (WILMER R.) -cont'd 1904. Small-pox at PittsburBh. (20 .fame 1903/4: 169.) . Small-pox at Howard. (20 same 1903/4: 167- 168.) . Small-pox at FinleyviUe. (20 some 1903/4: 167.) . Small-pox; inspection at Boswell, Somerset Co. (20 same 1903/4: 169; 170.) . Small-pox in Carbon Co. (20 same 1903/4: 171.) . Small-pox [near Pittsburgh 1. (20 same 1903/4: 170.) . Small-pox in Allegheny Co. (20 same 1903/4: 167.) . Small-pox at Cramer. (20 same 1903/4: 168-169.) . Unsanitary conditions at Butler. (20 4'o»ie 1903/4: 90.) BATTLES (A.) 1879. Fifteen years' experience with fruit culture in Penn. (3 A.R. bd. agric. 1S79: 198-207.) BAXTER (COL. ) Claimant 1816. Donation land. (House jol. 1815/6: 286.) BAY (THOMAS) Claimant 1805 Jan. 31. Donation land. (Sen. jol. 1804/5: 131.) BAYNE (ANDREW) Representative from Allegheny Co. 1831/2-1834/5. [Select] Committee 1833 Feb. 6. Western Penitentiary. (House jol. 1832/3 V. 2: 458-467 (doc. 131).) BAYNTON (PETER) See Fln.ince : State. Misappropriation of Public Funds. BEACOM (JAMES S.) Member of the Sinking Fund Commission 1897-1899. Member of Capitol Bldg. Comn. 1899. BEALE (D. S.) 1855. The country's demand for educated women. (Penn. School Journal v. 4: 311-312.) BEALE (WILLIAM) Representative from Mifflin Co. 1799/00-1805/6. Senator from Mifflin and Huntingdon cos. 1812/3-1816. Representative Select Committee 1804 Dec. 13. Mifflin Co. land. (House jol. 1804/5: 65- 66.) BEALL (GEORGE W.) 1893. Influence of the agric. press on the general farmer. (50 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1893: 106- 108.) BEAM (L. T.) 1860. Physical education. (Penn. School Journal v. 8- 379-382.) BEAN Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Vegetable BEAN (JESSE) Representative from Montgomery Co. 1811/12-1813/4. [Select] Committee 1812 Dec. 15. Compensation of constables for attend- ance at courts. (House jol. 1812/3: 85.) BEAN (TARLETON H.) 1891. Fishes of Penn. vli, 149 pp., pis. (Rept, comrs. of fisheries 1888/91.) BEAN (THEODORE W.) Menilier of Committee on Industrial Education 1889. BEANS (SILAS H.) Representative from Bucka Co. 1854. 1854. Sale of public works and reduction of state debt. (Daily Legisi. Union v. 1 (no. 52) : 256.) BEARDSHEAR (W. M.) 1892. State education — its purposes and needs. (Penn. School Journal v. 40: 451-455.) BEARDSLEY (L. A.) City supt. of schools 1894/5-1897/8; see Education. Milton. BEATH (ROBT. B.) Surveyor General 1873-1874 ; see Land, the serial group. BEATTY (WILLIAM) Representative from Allegheny and Butler cos., 1825/6- 1827/8. Select Committee 1828 Jan. 28. State road from Mercer to Dawson's ferry. (House jol. 1827/8 v. 2: 661-662 (doc. 173).) . Mch. 24. Road from Hookstown, Beaver Co., to intersect Pittsburgh and Steubenville Turnpike Road. (Same 1827/8 v. 2: 893 (doc. 255).) BEATY (FINLAW) AND ALEX. SHAW Claims 1837 Feb. 7. Damages; French Creek division of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 506.) BEAUMONT (ANDREW) Representative from cos. of Luzerne and Susquehanna 1821/22-1822/3. Representative from Luzerne Co. 1850. Committee on Inland Navigation and Internal Improvements 1850 Apr. 13. Minority rept.; Bridgeport and Chester R.R. Co. (House jol. 1850 v. 1: 916-918.) BEAVER 1794. Payments on acct. of Beaver, or M'lntosh Town. (A.R. register gen. 1794: 16.) Banks; see Banks: Individual. Bank of Beaver BEAVER (GEORGE E.) 1893. Does it pay to use commercial fertilizers. (51 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1893: 123-125.) BEAVER (GEORGE W.) 1894. Road mending. (53 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1894: 26.) BEAVER (HENRY) Representative from Huntingdon Co. 1829/30-1831/2. Committee on Bridges and State and Turnpike Roads 1830 Mch. 31. Bedford and Martinsburg, and Martins- burg and Williamsburg Turnpike Road cos. (House jol. 1829/30 v. 2: 756 (doc. 338).) BEAVER (JAMES A.) Governor of Penn. 1887-1891. For messages as Governor see under Governor. 1890. Roads and road laws of Penn. (41 and 42 quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1890: 8-13.) 364 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BEAVER COONTY Orgnnizeil Mch. 12. 1800; formed of a part of Allegheny and Washington. Agricultural Society; see Agricultural Societies: Individual Apple Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Banks; see Banks: Individual. Bank of Beaver Co. Court House; see Public Bldgs., etc.: County Crops; see Agriculture. Crops Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs Fruit Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Fruit Geology; see Geological and Topographical Surveys Grasses; see Agriculture. Crops Health Board; see Public Health: Boards of Health: Local Hog Cholera; see Agriculture. Livestock. Inspection Land; see that title Livestock; see Agriculture. Livestock Petroleum Production; see Oils Pink-eye; see Agriculture. Livestock. Inspection Roads; see that title Sanitation; see Public Health Schools in; see Education Small-Pox; see Public Health Sorghum Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Sugar Teachers' Associations; see Education. Associations Teachers' Institutes; see Education. Beaver Co. Wheat Crop; see Agriculture. Crops BEAVER FALLS, BEAVER CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Schools in; see Education BEAVER RIVER; see CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVI- BEAVER VALLEY GENERAL HOSPITAL, BEAVER COUNTY; see MAINTENANCE: INDIVIDUAL INSTITU- BEAVERTOWN Diphtheria at; see Public Health. Diphtheria BEBOUT (?) 1894. Organizations. (53 quarterly rept. bd. of agric 1894: 112-113.) BECHT (J. GEORGE) County gupt. of schools 1893/4-1902/3 : see Education Lycoming Co. 1897. The rural school, its relation to farming. (Penn School Journal v. 45: 538-540.) 1901. The state and the schools. {Same v. 50: 52-57.) BECHTEL (OLIVER P.) Senator from Tenth District (Schuylkill Co.) 1874-1876. Conference Committee 187G Apr. 7. Wages of manual labor; appeals from justices of the peace and aldermen. (Sen. jol. 1876: 6G0-662.) BECK (JOHN B.) Representative from Clinton, Lycoming and Potter COS- 18.y ; from Clinton and Lycoming cob. ISC.,)- 1864. Senator from Lycoming, t'nlun and Snyder COS., 1868-1870. Select Committee 1854 May 8. Examination of affairs of Forest Improve- ment Co. (Leglsl. docs. 1854: 618-629.) BECK (WILLIAM F.) Representative from Northampton Co. 190.3/4 ; 1907/8. 1893. Vital points of successful wheat culture. (51 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1893: 92-95.) 1894. A talk on clover. (53 same 1S94: 83-84.) . The farmer and county fairs. (53 same 1894: 38- 39.) 1896. Northampton Co. Agric. Socy. (2 A.R. dept. agric. 1896 v. 2: 162-163.) BECKER (ELLWOOD) Senator from city of Phila. 1891-1808. Conference Committee 1893 May 31. Penn. Oral School for Deaf. (Sen. jol. 1893: 1636-1637.) BEDFORD (RICHARD) County supt. of schools 1853/4-1856/7 ; see Education. Sullivan Co. BEDFORD, BEDFORD CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Scarlatina; see Public Health Small-Pox; see Public Health Union School; see Education. Secondary BEDFORD COUNTY Organized Mch. 9, 1771 ; formed of a part of Cumber- land. Land; see that title Public Printing; see that title Small-Pox; see Public Health Teachers; see Education: Teachers Teachers' Institute; see Education. Teachers' Institutes Bee-Keeping; see Agriculture BEEBE (MANLY C.) County supt. of schools 1853/4-1856/7 ; see Education. Venango Co. Representative from Mercer and Venango cos. 1862-1863. 1885. Obituary notice. (28 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Jly., Aug. and Sept. 1S85: 38-39.) Native of New Torls ; co. supt. public schools In Venango Co. 1858 (sic) ; member of sUite leglsl. from Mercer and Venango cos. in 1867 and 1868 (sic) ; member of constitutional convention in 1872 ; member of state bd. of agric. 1877-1885 ; first pres. of Oil Creek Valley Agric. Socy. and prominent in organ- ization and mngmt. of Venango Co. Agric. Socy. Member, State Bd. of Agriculture 1880. Rwy. transportation, as it effects agric. interests of Penn., in competing with the West. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880: 170-174.) BEEBY (F. L.) 1895. Scarlatina at Kennett Square, health, etc. 1894/5: 250.) (11 A.R. bd. of BEMUS (D.) Claimant 1835 Jan. 8. French Creek division of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 213-214.) BEMUS (DANIEL) Claimant 1850 Mch. 15. French Creek division of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1850 v. 2: 576-578; Sen. jol. 1850 v. 2: 560-562.) BENEFICIARY ORGANIZATIONS 1883. Beneficial fund for aid of widows and orphans of miners; rules of. (Repts. of Inspectors of mines 1883: 244-247.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 3G5 BENEFICIARY ORGANIZATIONS— cont'd 1887. Rept. of conference committee (MacFarlane), on act to define power of corporations organized for beneficial or protective purposes. (Sen. jol. 1887: 1305-1310.) 1887-1889. Beneficial assns.; courts' decision rel. to powers of such assns. incorporated by courts. (15 A.R. insurance comr. 18S7 (pp. v-ix) — 17 same 1889.) 1888. Decision as to powers of beneficial assns. (IG same 18S8 pt. 2: v-viil.) . Proposed legisl. rel. to operations of beneficial assns. (If. same 1888 pt 2: viil-ix.) . Bill for incorporation of friendly societies; re- marks on. (IG same 18SS pt. 2: ix-xii.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to parading in public of voluntary assns., organized for social, beneficial, or other lawful objects. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1887/8: app. 20-23.) 1889. Veto of act to provide for Incorporation and regu- lation of corporations to be known as friendly socys. and for re-incorporation of cos. heretofore organ- ized for beneficial or protective purposes, to their members, from funds collected therein; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Beaver) 1889: G2-G6.) 1890. R.R. Relief Assn. (18 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1890: El-72.) Assns. in general ; statistics as to membership, ex- penditures, etr. of Penn. lines west of Pittsburgh, Baltn. and Ohio It.U. Emplorg's Relief .\ssn.. plan of relief fund of the Lehigh Valley U.R. Co.. Phlla. nnd Reading R.R. Relief Assn.. beneflclnl fund of Phlla. and Reading Coal and Iron Co. 1892. So-called "Beneficial societies"; proceedings in- stituted agst. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1891/2: xxx-xxxi.) 1893. Beneficial assns.; powers should be defined; abuse of privileges. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 3, 1893: 44.) . Opinion of atty. gen.; insurance comrs. may in his discretion permit beneficial societies to register as provided by act of .4pr. 6, 1893, after expiration of 60 days required by act. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1893/4: app. 34-35.) 1893-1904. Abstr. of ann. stmts, of fraternal, beneficial and relief societies. (A.R. insurance comr. 1893, pt. 2 (pp. 703-755)— ,«ame 1904, pt. 2: 365-405.) . Abstr. of ann. stmts, of secret fraternal beneficial societies authorized to do business in Penn. (S«;Hf 1893 pt. 2 (pp. 409-412)— .simp 1904 pt. 2.) 1894. " Beneficial societies " and foreign loan and in- vestment COS.; legisl. advised to enact some law to restrain and prohibit all such concerns from doing business in state unless they submit themselves to supervision and regulation of state authorities and deposit a sum sufficient to protect their Penn. stock- holders, depositors and investors. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1893/4: xxi-xxiii.) 1897. Fraternal orders; needed legislation. (25 A.R. insurance comr. 1897 pt. 2: vi-vii.) 1903. Fraternal and beneficial societies should be brought under control of insurance dept. (Govs. mess. (Stone) Jan. 6, 1903: 3-4.) . Veto of act defining mutual beneficiary assns. and their status, providing for their registration in office of insurance comr., etc.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pennypacker) 1903: 83-86.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to registration of foreign beneficial societies by insurance comr. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 183-184.) BENEFICIARY ORGANIZATIONS: INDIVIDUAL Employees' Benefit Fund 1874. Rept. of Employees' [of Wilkesbarre Coal & Iron Co.l Benefit Fund. (Rept. of inspectors of mines 1874: 211-213.) BENEFICIARY ORGANIZATIONS: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Equitable Aid Union 1896. A fraternal failure; Equitable Aid Union; history of, 1879-1896. (24 A.R. Insurance comr. 189G pt. 2: v-vii.) Equitable Beneficial Association 1889. Opinion of court in case of Equitable Beneficial Assn. rel. to use of certain franchises, rights and privileges. (17 A.R. insurance comr. 1889 pt. 2: xxi-xxxi.) 1890. Beneficial assns.; Commonwealth vs. Equitable Beneficial Assn.; rel. to methods of doing business. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1889/90: 10-11.) Franklin Beneficial Society 1829. Rept. of committee on corporations (Wilkins) rel. to incorporating FYanklin Beneficial Society. (House jol. 1829/30 v. 2: 223 (doc. 66).) Keystone Saw- Works 1877-1 S87. Receipts and payments of employees' aid assn. — Keystone saw-works. (15 A.R. bureau In- dustrial statistics 1887: 34 E.) 187S-18S7. Assistance rendered by Keystone saw-works CO. to their employees. (15 same 1887: 33 E.) Lansford Beneficial Fund 1884-1886. Lansford Beneficial Fund: institution founded by Lehigh Coal Navigation, its work; stmt, for 1S86 showing contributions by employes and co., amt. of benefits paid, cash balance on hand, etc.; summary of statistics for 1884, 18S5 and 1886; esti- mated benefit if all companies and employes had such a combination. (14 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1886: 124-12GA.) 1884-1903. Lansford Beneficial Fund; rules of; brief stmt, of its purposes and results of its operations. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: xiixiii.) 1885. Beneficial fund: second ann. stmt, of Lansford organization supported by Lehigh Coal and Navi- gation Co., showing mo. contributions of employes and CO., benefits paid, expenses, cash balance; com- mendation [by inspector of 4th anthracite distr.l. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: 136- f37A.) 1S85-1S86. Beneficial fund.; ann. stmt, of Lansford Beneficial Fund, supported by Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. and its employes. (Repts. of in- spectors of mines 1SS5 (pp. 128-129)— .same 1S8G.) 1903. Brief stmt, of purposes and results of operations of Lansford B. F. with rules governing same. {f!ame 1903 pt. 1: xiixiii.) . Rept. of Lansford Beneficial Fund with purposes and results of its operations and rules governing same. (Same 1903 pt. 2: x-xii.) Lehigh Valley Coal Co. 1879. Relief fund for employes of Lehigh Valley Coal Co., in Wyoming Valley; proposed plan for. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1879: 106-107.) 1884. Rules for establishing and administering bene- ficial fund of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., Lans- ford South Distr. (Same 1884: 237-2:19.) 1900. Widows and Orphans' Relief Fund; res. adopted by employes Upper Lehigh Coal Co. rel. to fatal in- jury of any employe at Upper Lehigh collieries. (Same 1900: lGO-161.) People's Beneficial and Industrial Association of Shenandoah 1888. Beneficial assns. doing an insurance business are illegal; case of People's Beneficial and Industrial Assn. of Shenandoah. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1887/8: xvii.) Plymouth Workingmen's Beneficial Association 1871. Veto (Geary) of act to Incorporate Plymouth Workingmen's Beneficial Assn. (House jol. 1871: 89.) 366 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA BENEFICIARY ORGANIZATIONS: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Provident Fund Society, New York City 1888. Abstr. of Provident Fund Socy., N. Y. City. (IG A.R. insurance comr. 1888 pt. 2: 316-317.) Sexennial League 1895. Decree of court rel. to business of Sexennial League. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1895/6: 31-33.) Southern Pennsylvania Mutual Relief Association of Hanover 1883. Proc. agst. officers of So. Penn. Mutual Relief Assn. of Hanover to compel them to refund money illegally abstracted from treasury of co. (11 A.R. insurance comr. 1883 pt. 2: xi-xii.) United Brethren Mutual Aid Society of Pennsylvania 1874. Examination into condition of United Brethren Mutual Aid Socy. (2 A.R. insurance comr. 1874 pt. 2: vi.) 1888. United Brethren Mutual Aid Socy.; comments on, with yrly. assessments collected, etc. from 1878. (16 same 1888 pt. 2: xii-xv.) 1890. Commonwealth vs. United Brethren Mutual Aid Society; rel. to methods of doing business. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1889/90: 18-19.) 1896. Quo warranto cases: U. B. Mutual Aid Society of Penn.; insolvency of co. (Same 1895/6: 13-14.) Young Men's Christian Association of Warren 1894. Young Men's Christian Assn. of Warren; bill to prevent their erecting a bldg. at such a place as to infringe upon rights of public. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1893/4: xxxiv.) BERI-BERI; see PUBLIC HEALTH BETTING; see GAMBLING BIG SWATARA CREEK; see CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION BILLIARD ROOMS Licenses; see that title. Receipts, etc. BINGHAM & DOCK Claimants 1850 Feb. 13. Allegheny Portage R.R. (Sen. jol. 1850 v. 2: 633; House jol. v. 2: 649.) BIRDS; see FISH AND GAME BLACK (SAMUEL) Claimant 1851. Damages; Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1851 v. 2: 611- 612.) BLACK QUARTER; see AGRICULTURE. LIVESTOCK. IN- SPECTION BLACKBERRY CROP; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS BLACKLISTING; see LABOR. BLACKLISTING BLOOMSBURG NORMAL SCHOOL; see EDUCATION. NOR- MAL SCHOOLS: STATE. SIXTH DISTRICT BOARD OF PARDONS Expense; see Finance: State. Expenditures BOARD OF PROPERTY; see LAND BOGGS (ALEXANDER) Claimant 1835 Feb. 11. Damages from Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1834/5 V. 2: 550-552 (doc. 143).) 1836 Jan. 16. Same. (Same 1835/6 v. 2: 373 (doc. 75).) BOGGS (ANDREW) Claimant 1833 Mch. 16. Western Division of Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1833/4.) . Same. (Sen. jol. 1832/3 v. 1: 608-613; House jol. 1832/3 v. 2: 659-664.) BOGLE, HALL AND BOGLE Claimants 1850 Mch. 20. North Branch Division of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1850 v. 2: 666-668.) BOILER INSPECTION 1871. Steam boilers; precautions rel. to steam boilers for mines. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1871: 61-62.) 1883. Office of boiler inspector should be dispensed with. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Feb. 6, 1883: 12.) The mess, is bound and paged with Inaugural address. . Petition from German Technical Socy. of Phila., adverse to abolition of office of boiler inspector in Phila. (Legisl. Record 1883: 923.) 1894. Special boiler inspectors needed. (5 A.R. factory inspector 1894: 11-12.) 1895. Opinion of atty. gen.; gov. has right to appoint as inspector of steam engines and boilers any one of persons named by bd. of examiners. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1895/6: 106-107.) 1897. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to apptmt. of deputy or assistant inspector of boilers under act of Je. 6, 1873. (Same 1897/8: 41-42.) . Boiler explosions at Hollidaysburg and Danville; lack of authority on part of factory dept. to Inspect boilers. (Govs. mess. (Hastings) Jan. 5, 1897: 40.) . Boiler inspection; by W. S. MuUin. (8 A.R. factory inspector 1897: 628-634.) Read at convention of International Assn. of factory inspectors. BOLARD & DAVID Claimants 1846 Apr. 8. Damages; French Creek Division of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1846 v. 1: 644-645; Sen. jol. 1846 T. 2: 390 (doc. 58).) BOOK-FOLDERS Wages of; see Labor. Wages BOOT AND SHOE TRADE Employees; see Labor. Employment Manufacture; see Industries, etc. Wages; see Labor. Wages BOTTLERS Licenses; see that title. Receipts, etc. BOUNDARY: COUNTY 1809. Rept. of committee (Ogle) to whom was referred on Feb. 6, the petition of sundry inhabitants of Cambria Co. for apprn. of $3 per mile for marking the bounds of said co. (House jol. 1808/9: 589.) 1811. Rept. of committee (Hanna) to whom was re- ferred petition of comrs. of Cambria Co. for addi- tional compensation to be allowed to persons apptd. to run boundary lines of Jefferson, Clearfield and Cambria. (Same 1810/1: 429-430.) 1897. County lines. (A.R. secy, internal affalfB 1897 pt. 1: 48-50 A.) BOUNDARY: STATE serial See Land, serial group C, series 3 and 4. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 367 BOUNDARY: STATE— cont'd non-serial 1790. Proper to comply with request of ReadiiiK Howell for permission to delineate the no. boundary line under authority of the state. (Mess, of Pres. (Mif- flin) and supreme exec, council Feb. 9, 1790.) 1792. Govs. mess. resp. agitation over jurisdiction in Huntingdon and Mifflin cos. [boundary dispute], collection of co. taxes and militia laws within the disputed distr., need of provision for defraying inci- dental expenses of the executive dept. (House, jol. 1791/2: 144-145.) 1876. Act of May 8 provided that a copy of the rept. of all comns. apptd. to re-establish any of the boundary lines of the Commonwealth, etc.. should be deposited In the dept. of internal affairs. (A.R. secy, internal affairs 1876 pt. 1: 8A.) 1881. Erratic northern and western boundary lines; apprn. needed to replace monuments on boundary lines, recent surveys being marked by temporary stakes. (Govs. mess. (Hoyt) Jan. 4, 1881: 25.) 1887. Rept. of the secy, of internal affairs containing repts. of the surveys and re-surveys of the boundary lines of the Commonwealth, ace. with maps of the same. Prepared In compliance with res. of May 7, 1885. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1887. xx, 650 pp., maps in portfolio. Copies Been In the Free Library of Phlla. . State boundary lines and boundary line monu- ments; publications; progress; monuments. (A.R. secy, internal affairs 1887 pt. 1: A.12-17.) 1887-1889/90. Ann. repts. of the co. comrs. of the border cos. on boundary monument lines for 1S87. (Same 1887 pt. 1 (pp. 18-52A.)— same 1890.) Omitted In 1889. 1888. Boundary lines and boundary line monuments; needed legislation, surveys, etc. (Same 1888 pt. 1: A.17-21.) 1889. Boundary line and boundary line monuments: annual examinations; law of 1889 providing for examinations once In five years. (Same 1889 pt. 1: A.15-19.) 1894. Boundary lines and boundary line monuments; proposed changes In laws. (Same 1894 pt. 1: A.41- 42.) 1895. Boundary lines and boundary line monuments; no examinations made; future plans. (Same 1895 pt. 1: A.17.) 1904. Expense of caring for state boundary line monuments comparatively trifling; wisdom of care bestowed. (Same 1904 pt. 1: A.25.) Circle of New Castle 1846. Govs. mess. (Shunk) rel. to boundary line of Md., Penn. and Del. (Sen. jol. 1846 v. 2: 388-389 (doc. 57); House jol. 1846 v. 2: 487-488 (doc. 78).) 1847. Govs. mess. (Shunk) transmitting Del. res., etc., rel. to boundary line of Penn., Md. and Del. (Sen. Jol. 1847 v. 2: 343-344 (doc. 34).) 1850. Govs. mess. (Johnston) transmitting rept. of comrs. rel. to boundary line betw. Penn., Del. and Md. (Same 1850 v. 2: 475-507 (doc. 57); House jol. 1850 V. 2: 475-507 (doc. 55).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1850. 36 pp. H. G. S. Key, Md. eomr. ; Geo. R. Riddle, Del. comr. ; Joshua P. Eyre, I*enn. comr. . Rept. of select committee (Bowen) to whom were referred Govs. mess, and ace. docs. rel. to determination of point of junction of boundary lines of Penn., Del. and Md. (House jol. 1850 pt 1: 671-672.) 1871. Difference in penal codes of Del. and Penn. makes location of boundary line imperative. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 4, 1871: 28-29.) BOUNDARY: STATE— cont'd Circle of New Castle— cont'd 1889. Circular boundary line betw. Del. and Penn. not clearly defined; provision should be made for repair and restoration of monuments betw. Penn. and other states. (Same (Beaver) Jan. 1, 1889: 34-35.) 1891. See below. New York and Penn., this date. 1893. Circle of New Castle; boundary betw. Penn. and Del. (A.R. secy, internal affairs 1893 pt. 1: 134- 152A.) 1896. Boundary line betw. Del., Md. and Penn. (Same 1896 pt. 1: A.139-151.) 1897. Boundary line betw. Del., Md. and Penn., known as the Circle of New Castle. (Same 1897 pt. 1: 46- 48A.) 1899. See below, Mason and Dixon Line, this date. Mason and Dixon Line See also Rept. on the re-survey of the Md. and Penn. boundary part of the >Ia6on and Dixon Line. [Harrisburg I'uh. Co.. 1000.1 412, 70 pp., maps, pis. Also pul)nBhed In Md. Geol. Survey, v. 7. 1876. Mason and Dixon's Line: by J. Smith Futhey. (Penn. School Journal v. 24: 353-357.) 1898. Hist, importance of the Mason and Dixon Line. (A.R. secy, internal affairs 1898 pt. 1: 44A.) . Rept. of examiners of line betw. Penn. and Md. and West Va. (Same 1898 pt. 1: A.45-62.) W. E. Hewitt, S. W. Moyer and J. R. Wlndolph. 1899. Boundary lines and boundary line monuments; Mason and Dixon Line; Ohio boundary line; N. Y. and Penn. line; Del. and Penn. boundary. (Same 1899 pt. 1: A.25-26.) 1900. Text of agreement betw. Penn. and Md. resp. the Mason and Dixon Line. (Same 1900 pt. 1: A.llO- 112.) 1903. The Mason and Dixon Line. (Same 1903 pt. 1: A.30-40.) 1904. Mason and Dixon Line; re-survey under direction of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. (Same 1904 pt 1: A.25-26.) New York and Penn. serial Under acts of May 8, 1876, Je. 11, 1879 and Jly. 5, 1883. 1877-1886. Rept of Penn. bd. of Penn. and N. Y. jt. boundary comn.* Checklist 1877. Not found. 1878. Harrisburg: L. S. Hart. 1878. 8 pp. Submitted to secy, of internal affairs by James Worrall, chrm. 1879-1886. Not found. In Documents as follows : 1877 In A.R, secy. Internal affairs 1877 pt. 1 : A. 35-40. 1878 - " « •• " 1878 pt. 1 : 48A.-57. 1879 " " " " " 1879 pt. 1 : A.9-10. 1880 " " " " " 1880 pt. 1 : 14A.-31. 1881 " " " " " 1881 pt. 1 : A. 7-8. 1882 " " - « " i.tis2 pt. 1 : A. 11-20. 1883 " " " " " 1SS3 pt. 1 : 54A.-56. Engrs.' rept. (H. W. Clarke ; C. M. Gere). 1884-1885 In A.R. secy, internal affairs 1885 pt. 1 : A.33- 41. Rept. of engr., H. W. Clarke. 1886 In A.R. secv. Internal affairs 1886 pt. 1 : A.25-32. Covers expenditures 1883-1885. non-serial 1876. Adjustment of boundary line betw. N. Y. and Penn. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 4, 1870: 33.) 1877 Jan. 12. Rept. of the Penn. and N. Y. boundary comn. to the secy, of internal affairs. (Legisl. Record 1877: 185-186.) Jas. Worrall, C. M. Gere and Robt. N. Torrey were the comrs. • The Penn. comrs. were C. M. Gere, R. N. Torrey, James Worrall ; the latter was chrm. of the comn. until his death in Apr., 1885 ; repts. subsequent to 1883 were submitted by R. N. Torrey. 368 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA BOUNDARY: STATE— cont'd New York and Penn. — cont'd non-serial— cont'd 1878. Expenses of boundary comn. in 1877 and 1878. (Same 1878: 1222.) Submitted by secy. Internal affaira, Mch. 14, 1878. 1878-1879. Repts. of progress of surveys ot N. Y. and Penn. boundary; by H. W. Clarke. (Rept. secy, internal affairs 1880 pt. 1: A.33-85.) 1879. Apprn. required to complete tracing of boundary betw. N. Y. and Penn. (Govs. mess. (Hartrauftj Jan. 8, 1879: 20.) 18S0. General rept. on condition of the boundary; by H. W. Clarke. (Rept. secy, internal affairs 1880 pt. 1: A.86-105.) 1881. Govs. mess. (Hoyt) resp. boundary line betw. N. Y. and Penn. (Sen. jol. 1881: 586-587; Legisl. Record 1881; 577.) 1882. Operations upon boundary line betw. N. Y. and Penn. (A.R. secy, internal affairs 1SS2 pt. 1: A.13- 20.) 1890. Boundary line betw. Penn. and N. Y.; condition of milestones and monuments; etc. (Same 1890 pt. 1: A.13-26.) 1891. Boundary lines and boundary line monuments: boundary betw. N. Y. and Penn. and betw. Del. and Penn. (Same 1891 pt. 1: A.25-26.) 1892. Boundary lines and boundary line monuments; uniform laws for N. Y. and Penn. advised. (Same 1892 pt. 1: A.31-32.) 1893. N. Y. and Penn. jt. rept. of boundary line and monuments betw. N. Y. and Penn. (Same 1893 pt. 1: A.43-134.) Ahm W. Corson (Penn.) and C. H. Flanigan (N. Y.). 1896. Boundary lines and boundary line monuments; authority of secy, of internal affairs; memoranda of agreement made with reference to examination of boundary line monuments betw. N. Y. and Penn. (Same 1896 pt. 1: A.32-35.) . Jt. rept. on monuments marking the boundary line betw. N. Y. and Penn. (Same 1896 pt. 1: A.35- 40.) John W. Schall, engr. for Penn., Campbell W. .\dams, engr. for N. Y. . Detailed description of monuments on the boundary line betw. N. Y. and Penn. (Same 1896 pt. 1: A.41-139.) 1897. Boundary lines and boundary line monuments; rept. of Jolm W. Schall on repairs to monuments betw. N. Y. and Penn. and erection of new ones. (Same 1897 pt. 1: A.43-44.) 1899. See above, Mason and Dixon Line, this date. 1901. Jt. rept. on monuments marking the boundary line betw. Penn. and N. Y. (A.R. secy, internal affairs 1901 pt. 1: A.37-129.) J. Herman Terry (Penn.), Edwd. A. Bond (N. Y.). 1903. New York boundary line rept. (Same 1903 pt. 1: A.40-165.) S. W. Moyer, O. P. Eaton, J. C. Wilson. 1904. N. Y. boundary line; corresp. resp. monuments; acct. of work. (Same 1904 pt. 1: A.26-43.) O. G. Van Alstyne, comr. of N. Y. ; O. P. Eaton, comr. of Penn. Penn., Ohio and West Va. serial Under act of May 18. 1878, and suppl. of Je. 10, 1881. 1878-1886. Rept. of the Penn, bd. of Penn., Ohio and West Va. jt. boundary comrs.* In Documents as follows : 1878 In Uept. secy. Internal affairs 1878 pt. 1 : n8A.-61. 1870 - - " - « 1870 pt. 1 : 8A.-9. Ohio line only. • Jas. McCullough, Wm. W. Walker and Jas. Worrall were the comrs.; the latter was »hrm. until his death In 1885; he was suc- ceded by Jae. McCullough. BOUNDARY: STATE— cont'd Penn., Ohio and West Va. — cont'd sei-ial — cont'd 1880 in Rept. secy, internal affairs 1880 pt. 1 : A.7-13. 1881 » " •■ " " 1881 pt. 1 : 8A.-0. 1882 « " " - " 1882 pt. 1 : A. 21-23. 1883 " » <• " - 1883 pt. 1 : A. 39-53 ; 56-61 A. 1883 in Rept. secy, internal affairs 1S84 pt. 1 : A.41-72. Rept. of C. H. Sinclair of the Coast and Geodetic Survey on IVnn. and West Va. boundary, submitted to chrm. of Penn. bd. 1884 not found. 1885 In Rept. secy. intern.Tl affnirs 1885 pt. 1 : A.42-43. C. H. Sinclair; Penn. and West Va. 1886 In Rept. secy, internal affnirs 1886 pt. 1 : A.33-43. Comn. rept. ; also rept. ot C. H. Sinclair. non-serial 1877. Ohio boundary line: text of bill; remark (Mor- gan) on the bill; etc. (Legisl. Record 1S77: 670- 672.) 1878. Boundary monuments betw. Penn. and Ohio; proposed comn. (Same 1878 (v. 2) : 1450-1453.) 1881. Northern and western boundary comn. Rept. of the Penn. bd. Harrisburg: L. S. Hart, 1881. 114 pp., 5 foldg. 11. James Worrall. chrm. Copy seen In the Penn. State Library. . Boundary monuments betw. 0. and Penn. (Legisl. Record 1881: 1810-1814.) 1897. Rept. on examination of monuments marking boundary line betw. Penn. and Ohio; by W. E. Hewitt and E. R. Murray. (A.R. secy, internal affairs 1897 pt. 1: A.45-46.) 1899. See above, Mason and Dixon Line, this date. 1902-1903. Rept. on boundary line monuments betw. Penn. and Ohio and West Va. (A.R. secy, internal affairs 1902 pt. 1 (pp. 32A.-43)— same 1903.) S. W. Meyer, O. P. Eaton, J. C. Wilson. BOUNTY Agricultural; see Agricultural Societies Game; see Fish and Game Wolves, Wild-Cats, etc. 1797. Rept. of committee on petition from Lycoming Co. for increase of bounty allowed by law for wolf- scalps. (House jol. 1790/7: 243.) 1883. Veto of act rel. to bounty on wolves of McKean Co.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1883: 103.) 1SS5. Veto of act for protection of farmers agst. ravages of foxes and wild-cats in Clarion Co.; with text of bill. (Same (Pattison) 1885:70-71.) 1886. Bounty law of 1885; by T. J. Edge. (10 A.R. bd. agric. 1886: 80-84.) 1893. Veto of act repealing portion of act for destruc- tion of wolves and wild-cats, providing for destruc- tion of foxes and mink, in its application to Greene Co.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1893: 76.) . Veto of act to repeal portion of act rel. to destruc- tion of wolves and wild cats, providing premium for destruction of foxes in Washington Co.; with text of bill. (Same (Pattison) 1893: 21-22.) . Veto of act repealing act for destruction of wolves and wild-cats, providing premium for destruction, as far as it relates to Fayette Co.; with text of bill. (Same (Pattison) 1893: 72.) BRANDYWINE CREEK; see CANALS, ETC.: INDIVIDUAL (PRIVATE) BRASS WORKS; see INDUSTRIES BRAWLEY (JAMES) Claimant 1830 Mch. 20. French Creek division of Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1830/1.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 369 BRICK; see INDUSTRIES. BUILDING MATERIALS. FIRE- BRICK- BRIDGES See also Lotteries. 16S6-1877. Early bridges in Penn.; progress made. (Penn. and the Centennial Exposition v. 1, pt. 2: 192-194.) 1794. Rept. of committee on petition from Middle Paxton township, Dauphin Co. for apprn. to build a bridge over Powell's Creek. (House jol. 17U3/4: 276.) 1796. Rept. of committee (Wilson) on petition from Berks Co. for act enabling them to raise a sum by lottery to construct a bridge over the Schuylkill. (Sen. jol. 1795/6: 112-113.) 1797. Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion, on sundry petitions for aid in erection of roads and bridges; improvement of Bald Eagle Creek and removal of obstructions in River Schuyl- kill. (House jol. 1796/7: 306-308.) 1798. Rept. of committee (Morgan) on petition from Huntingdon Co. for privilege of erecting a toll bridge over tlie Frankstown branch of the Juniata River. (Sen. jol. 1797/8: 165.) 1799. Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion to whom were referred petitions from North- ampton and Luzerne cos. for pecuniary aid to re- build a bridge over the Tobihanna (sic) River. (House jol. 179S/9: 437-438.) 1803. Rept. of committee (Richards) on petition from Montgomery Co., resp. bridge over Manatawuey Creek. (Sen. jol. 1802/3: 297.) 1804. Rept. of committee (Maclay) to whom was re- ferred petitions from Berks and Northumberland COS. rel. to erecting bridges over Swatara and Deep creeks on the Tulpehocken road. (House jol. 1803/4: 543.) - — — . Rept., by bill, of committee (Gamble) to whom was referred memorial resp. bridge over Delaware River at Trenton. (Sen. jol. 1803/4:368-369.) 1805. Rept. of committee (Holgate) apptd. on petition of Jos. Kirkbride and others for law to erect a draw-bridge across Frankfort Creek, in Phila. Co. (House jol. 1804/5: 293-294.) . Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion (Engle) to whom was referred a petition from Somerset Co. for aid in building a bridge over the Little Youghigeny (sic) River. (Same 1804/5: 468.) 1806. Rept. (by bill) of committee (Dorsey) to whom was referred petition resp. floating bridge at Gray's ferry. (Sen. jol. 1805/6: 148.) 1807. Petition of inhabitants of Venango rel. to bldg. of toll bridge over French Creek at BYanklin. (Same 1806/7: 262-263.) 1808. Petition from Northumberland Co. resp. Incon- veniences experienced under act of April 6, 1802, rel. to making and keeping public roads in repair and for laying out private roads, particularly sec- tion resp. building of bridges. (House jol. 1807/8 pt. 1: 235.) . Rept. of committee (Harris) to whom was re- ferred petition for aid in building a bridge over Bald Eagle Creek. (Sen. jol. 1807/S: 244-245.) . Rept. of committee (I. Smith) on petitions from Lycoming Co. for apprn. of money to build bridges. (House jol. 1807/8 pt. 2: 294.) 1809. Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion (O'Brien) on petition of inhabitants of West- moreland Co., praying tor apprn. for bridge over Turtle Creek. (Same 1808/9: 524-526.) . Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion (Piper) on petition from Cambria Co. for erec- tion of a bridge over Black-Lick Creek. (Same 1808/9: 630.) 24 BRIDGES— cont'd 1809. Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion (Piper) to whom was referred petition of James Montgomery, Jr., Westmoreland Co., for re- lief rel. to building a bridge. (.Same 1808/9: 632.) . Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion (Piper) on petition for aid in erection of a bridge over Slippery Rock Creek. (Same 1808/9: 669.) . Same resp. petition of Wm. Tate for aid in im- proving navigation of Clearfield Creek. (Same 1808/9: 669-670.) . Rept. of committee (Laird) to whom was re- ferred petition of comrs. apptd. to receive subscrip- tions for a bridge over the Susquehanna at Nesco- peck, praying subscription to stock by state. (Sen. jol. 1808/9: 446-447.) . Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion (Duane) on Mercer Co. petitions for legist, aid in road and bridge building. (House jol. 1809/10: 128.) 1810. Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion (Duane) on Westmoreland Co. petition resp. jurisdiction of courts over roads and asking apprn. towards a bridge over Turtle Creek. (Same 1809/10: 196-197.) . Rept. of committee (Laird) to whom was re- ferred act for building a bridge over the Susque- hanna River at Nescopeck Falls. (Sen. jol. 1809/10: 207.) . Rept. of committee (Borrows) to whom was re- ferred petition from Lycoming and Centre cos. resp. aid in erection of bridges. (Same 1809/10: 212-213.) . Rept. of committee (Stevenson) to whom was referred res. rel. to the erection of a bridge at a place called Martin's Crossings, 14 miles west of Bedford. (Same 1809/10: 505-506.) 1811. Rept. of committee (Weaver) apptd. on part of Govs. mess. rel. to roads and inland navigation and to whom was referred rept. of a committee of last session rel. to the erection of a bridge at a place called Martin's Crossings. (Same 1810/1: 161-162.) . Rept. of committee (Leech) to whom were re- ferred petitions for autliority to raise $20,000 to turnpike and erect bridges on part of old York road. (House jol. 1810/1: 428.) . Rept. of committee (Hamilton) to whom was re- ferred petition from Lancaster Co. for apprn. of money due Commonwealth from estate of Wm. Henry, deceased; to the erection of bridges in the CO. (Same 1810/1: 573-574.) — — . Rept. of committee (Tod) on petition of inhabi- tants of Bedford Co. for bridge over Dunning Creek being made a toll bridge. (Same 1810/1: 646-647.) . Charters of incorporation granted companies to build bridges over the Susquehanna River at M'Call's ferry, Columbia and at Sunbury. (Govs, mess. (Snyder) Dec. 5, 1811.) 1812. Public works in progress, viz.: turnpike roads, bridges over the Susquehanna, etc. (Saine (Snyder) Dec. 3, 1812.) 1813. Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion (Brady) to whom was referred petition from Mercer and Beaver cos. for legisl. aid to enable them to erect a bridge over Neshannock Creek. (Sen. jol. 1812/3: 177-178.) 1814-1833. Abstr. of tolls reed, by co. to erect a bridge over the Lehigh River near Northampton. (Same 1833/4 V. 1: 247-255.) 1815. Rept. of committee (Herrington) to whom was referred the petition of Hugh Moore. James Her- ingion and Saml. Evans for authority to erect a toll bridge over French Creek at Evan's Ferry In Mercer Co. (House jol. 1814/5: 147-148.) 370 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BRIDGES— cont'd 1815. Bridges have been erected over the Delaware and Schuylkill and four over the Susquehanna; another building at Berwick over the N. E. branch of the Susquehanna. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. 8, 1815.) 1817. Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion (Reily) on petition praying for apprn. to aid in erection of a bridge over Black Lick Creek. (House jol. 1816/7: 474.) . Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion (Scott) on petitions for a loan to M'Call's ferry bridge co. and tor apprn. in aid of erection of a bridge over the Little Coniaut marsh in Crawford Co. (.Same 1816/7: 529.) . Rept. of committee (Doty) to whom was referred petition praying for apprn. in aid of the erection of a bridge over Tuscarora Creek, Mifflin Co. {Same 1816/7: 634.) 1818. Rept. of committee (Welles) on petition of in- habitants of Centre Co. for aid in building bridge over Bald Eagle Creek at Milesburg, in Centre Co. (Sen. jol. 1817/S: 415.) . Rept. of committee (Leib) to whom was referred petition from inhabitants of the Northern Liberties for legisl. authority to comrs. of Phila. Co. to erect a stone bridge over the Cohocksink Creek. {Same 1818/9: 71-72.) 1820. Rept. of committee (Raguet) to whom was re- ferred petition from Phila. for a law authorizing erection of a bridge across the Delaware at Petty's Island. {Same 1819/20: 464.) . Rept. of comrs. apptd. by the Gov. under act of Mch. 16, 1820 to view ground from west end of Harrisburg bridge to river Juniata near Hillers- town and ascertain practicability of laying out a state road betw. those two points, probable expense of road and bridging the waters. (House jol. 1820/1: 81-83.) John Blair, Wm. Wilson and Thos. Smith were the comrs. 1822. See Canals. Penn., under date of 1822, Mch. 23. 1827. Rept. of auditor gen. (Mann) rel. to apptmt. of mgrs. of turnpike road and bridge cos. in which state holds stock; ace. with repts. of the mgrs. apptd. (House jol. 1826/7 v. 2: 699-712 (docs. 283- 284).) 1828/9. Abstr. of accts. of co. for erecting bridge over river at Lehigh, at or near Siegfried's ferry. (Sen. jol. 1828/9 v. 1: 512-515.) 1829. Rept. of committee on local apprns. (Kerr) on toll bridge over Allegheny River, where Susque- hanna and Waterford turnpike road crosses said stream. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 460.) . Rept. of committee on bridges and state and turnpike roads (Champneys) on bridge over Ten Mile Creek, Greene Co. {Same 1828/9 v. 2: 616 (doc. 234).) 1833. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and in- ternal improvement (Miller) on petition from Juniata Co. for a law authorizing canal comrs. to construct a bridge over the Penn. Canal opposite to Perrysville in said co. (House jol. 1832/3 v. 1: 870-871.) 1834. Rept. of committee on bridges and state and turnpike roads (Maclay) upon petition rel. to a bridge over Penns Creek, at Sellmsgrove. (Same 1833/4 V. 2: 661 (doc. 161).) 1835. Rept. of committee on roads, bridges and inland navigation (Strohm) on petition of H. H. Burr and Wm. M'Coy alleging infringement on their patent for building bridges, in construction of state im- provements. (Sen. Jol. 1834/5 v. 1: 342-343.) BRIDGES— cont'd 1835. Rept. of minority of committee on corporations (T. S. Smith) on bill to authorize Gov. to incor- porate a company to erect a bridge over the Schuyl- kill River near Phila. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 859- 862 (doc. 245).) 1836. Rept. of committee on claims (Hutchinson) on petition of W. Bennett, praying for passage of law authorizing canal comrs. to erect a bridge across Penn. Canal on his farm, or to allow him damages equivalent thereto. (Same 1S35/6 v. 2: 603 (doc. 155).) 1837. Rept. of John P. Bailey, engr., on cost of con- struction of proposed bridge over Susquehanna River at Duncan's Is. (Same 1836/7 v. 2: 490-491 (doc. 156).) . Govs. mess. (Ritner) ace. with communication from canal comrs., with rept. of John P. Bailey, engr., rel. to the cost of proposed bridge over the Susquehanna River, at Duncan's Island; and rept. of H. R. Campbell, on practicability of avoiding the Schuylkill inclined plane on the Columbia and Phila. R.R.; comment. (Same 1836/7 v. 2: 488 (doc. 154); Sen. jol. 1836/7: 310.) . Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to bridge at Duncan's Island. (House jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 716-717.) The ace. docs. (155-157) are indexed separately. . Rept. of committee on judiciary system (Gil- more) upon petition from Brownsville, Fayette Co., protesting agst. erection of bridge at Williamsport. (Same 1836/7 v. 1: 673-674.) . Govs. mess. (Ritner) ace. with communication from bd. of canal comrs. incl. rept. of engr. (Baily) rel. to bridge at Duncan's Island. (Same 1836/7 v. 2: 728-730 (docs. 226-227).) . Same, omitting Govs. mess. (Sen. jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 456-457.) 1837. Rept. of select committee (Trego) rel. to making free certain bridges over the Schuylkill River. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 797-801 (doc. 241).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by S. D. Patterson, 1S37. 7 pp. Copy seen in the Hist. Soey. of Penn., Phlla. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1836/7 V. 1: 909.) See also below, Rept. of Senate Committee on same subject. . Rept. of [select! committee (Burden) on me- morials praying that Schuylkill permanent bridge should be made a free bridge. (Sen. jol. 1836/7 v. 1: 697-699.) Though the rept. is principally on the Schuylkill permanent bridge, it includes three bridges over the Schuylkill. . Same, separate, incl. House rept. Philadelphia: Prtd. by L. R. Bailey, 1837. 14 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. o( Penn. 400 copies ordered prtd. 1838. Completion of bridge at Duncan's Island; cost. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 27, 1838.) . Rept. of committee (Gilmore) apptd. by House to confer with Senate committee rel. to bill author- izing incorporation of a co. to construct a bridge across the Allegheny River at Sharpsburg. (House jol. 1837/8 V. 1: 619.) 1839. Communication from canal comrs. with estimate of cost of repairing bridges over the Susquehanna River, at towns of Northumberland and Danville. (Some 1838/9 v. 2 [pt. 1]: 941-943 (doc. 170).) . Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to bridges at Danville and Northumberland. (Sen. jol. 1838/9 v. 2: 702- 704.) . Rept. of select committee (Zellin) rel. to bridge over Darby Creek. (House jol. 1838/9 v. 2 [pt 1]: 1009-1010 (doc. 188).) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 371 BRIDGES— cont'd 1842. Limited apprn. for repairs made it impossible to rebuild road and farm bridges; townsliips or cos. interested sliould be made to bear tliat expense. (A.R. canal comrs. 1841/2: 24.) 1843. Rebuilding and repairing of private bridges should hereafter be done by the owners of the property, and public ones by townships or cos. In which situated. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 4, 1843: 9.) Dec. 30. Apprn. for repairing and bldg. road and farm bridges on public works. (Kept, canal comrs. 1842/3: 7.) 1845. Destruction of bridge of Cumberland Valley R.R. Co. over the Susquehanna at Harrisburg; amt. of stock held in co. by state; original cost of bridge; amt. required to rebuild. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 8, 1S45.) . Message from Gov. (Porter) rel. to bridge over Kiskiminetas River near Warren. (House jol. 1845 V. 2: 106-113 (doc. 12).) — — . Sum appropriated by act of May 31, 1844 for re- building and repair of farm and public bridges on canals; question of repair of these bridges by state or individuals. (Rept. canal comrs. 1844/5: 13.) 1846. Kept, of select committee (Haley) rel. to suppl. to act authorizing erection of free bridges over Schuylkill River near Phila. (House jol. 1846 v. 1: 141.) 1850. Rept. of canal comrs. on apprn. to repair and keep in order farm and road bridges. (Sen. jol. 1850 V. 1: 495; V. 2: 634; House jol. 1850 v. 2: 650.) 1851. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and in- ternal improvements (Penniman) on condition of public bridges crossing Del. division of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1851 v. 1: 257-259.) 1853. Kept, of canal comrs. rel. to bridges and super- structures on Phila. and Columbia R.R. (Same 1853 V. 2: 377.) 1854. Veto (Bigler) of act to authorize the CJov. to In- corporate a CO. to erect a bridge over the Cone- maugh River, at or near Conemaugh furnace: in Westmoreland, authorizing the borough of Salts- burg to subscribe to stock of the Northwestern R.R., etc. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1, no. 1:8.) . See also Railroads: Individual. Penn. and Ohio R.R., this date. 1861. Veto (Curtin) of act to authorize erection of free bridge over Schuylkill River at South street, Phila. (Sen. jol. Apr. 18G1: 22-23.) 1865. Veto (Curtin) of suppl. to act rel. to roads, high- ways and bridges; extending authority of co. comrs. resp. bridge building, (^amc 1865: 29-30.) 1868. Veto (Geary) of act to require Penn. and N. Y. Canal and H.R. Co. to construct public bridge across canal at Thompson street, Laceyville, Wyoming Co. (House jol. 1868: 1081.) 1873. Letters and petitions in favor of a bridge across the Allegheny River at Oil City. (Legisl. jol. 1873: 319-321.) 1878. Rept. of committee of whole (Miner) on revision of act to revise and consolidate road and bridge laws of commonwealth. (House jol. 1878: 638-644.) 1879. Debate on act to revise and consolidate the several road and bridge laws of Penn., and to lay out, make, build and repair the several roads and bridges thereof. (Legisl. Record 1879: 403-406; 423-424.) 1883. Debate on act to build and keep in repair public roads and bridges. (Same 1883: 1939-1943.) 1889. Erection of bridges by COS.; debate. (Same 1889: 481-484.) 1890. See Roads. Penn., this date. 1891. Re-erection of co. bridges swept away by flood of 1889 (Legisl. Record 1891: 634-636; 1143-1146.) BRIDGES— cont'd 1893. Veto (Pattison) of act to reimburse cos. for re- erection and reconstruction of co. bridges which were swept away by flood during May and Je., 1889. (House jol. 1893: 1853-1854.) . Veto of act authorizing cities and boroughs to purchase bridges or erect and maintain bridges over rivers and streams separating cities and boroughs, providing for condemnation of land necessary for piers, etc.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1893: 97-99.) . Veto of act amending act rel. to bridge tolls; with text of bill. (Same (Pattison) 1893: 106-109.) 1895. Proceedings on act authorizing co. comrs. to rebuild bridges owned by corporations and destroyed by ice, etc. (House jol. 1895 v. 1: 1573-1575; Sen. jol., 1895: 965-967.) . Bridges to be rebuilt by commonwealth; author- ized by act of Je. 3. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1895/6: 36-37.) 1897. Veto of act to enable co. comrs. to place upon record as co. bridges, those bridges for which town- ships have reed. co. aid; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Hastings) 1897: 129-131.) 1900. Bridge proceedings; mandamus case rel. to re- building CO. bridges under act of Je. 3, 1895 (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1899/1900: xxxi-xxxii.) 1901. Veto of act amending act frel. to rebuilding of CO. bridges]; with text of act. (Vetoes (Stone) 1901: 17-22.) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1901 v. II: 2518-2519.) . Veto (Stone) of act to make commonwealth liable for share of cost of construction of bridges built by CO. comrs. over streams above certain width and providing for method of construction and manner of payment of such bridges. (House jol. 1901 V. 2: 2393; Vetoes (Stone) 1901: 34-35.) . Veto (Stone) of act authorizing commonwealth to rebuild co. bridges over navigable rivers and other streams which have been declared public highways, where such bridges have been destroyed by flood. (House jol. 1901 v. 2: 1766-1767.) . Veto of act authorizing and directing co. comrs. to take, maintain and assume control of township and borough bridges over 40 feet in length, etc.; with text of act. (Vetoes (Stone) 1901: 45-46.) 1902. Bridge proceedings under act of Je. 3, 1895 which provides for rebuilding of co. bridges destroyed by flood, fire, or other casualty. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1901/2: xxxv-xxxviii.) . Opinion of atty. gen. ; approaches and wing walls to bridges are part of bridge and state must re- build when destroyed. (Same 1901/2: 48-49.) 1903. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to state bridge; destruc- tion of by fire after repealing act of April 24, 1903. (So we 1903/4: 352-353.) . Veto of act to amend clause 1 of sec. 31 of act to provide for incorporation and regulation of certain corporations; rel. to reconstruction and rebuilding of old bridges, etc.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pen- nypacker) 1903: 20-22.) . Same. (Sen. jol. 1903 pt. 2: 1304-1305.) . Expenditures by bd. of public grounds and bldgs. In replacing bridges swept away by floods: recom- mended that COS. in which bridges are built be re- quired to pay portion of cost. (Govs. mess. (Stone) Jan. 6, 1903: 8-9.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to duty of bd. of public grounds and bldgs. when all legal steps have been taken for rebuilding of a state bridge. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 256.) 1904. Bridge proceedings under act of Je. 3, 1895, as amended by act of Apr. 21, 1903; recommended legislation to relieve state of rebuilding bridges. (Same 1903/4: 12-13.) 372 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA BRIDGES— cont'd 1904. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to supt. of construction for state bridges; apptmt. of by Gov. (Same 1903/4: 70.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to bridge over Susque- hanna River; rebuilding of. (Same 1903/4: 71.) . In rel. to bridge across Susquehanna River at Berwick. (Same 1903/4: 14-15.) . Litigation rel. to rebuilding bridge across Swa- tara Creelc, Lebanon Co. (Same 1903/4: 14.) . Opinion of atty. gen. to supt. of public grounds and bldgs. rel. to ownership of bridges rebuilt by state and material of those subsequently wrecked. (Same 1903/4: 258-259.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to authority to accept proposition of Delaware and Hudson R.R. Co. to rebuild highway bridge at Seelyville, Wayne Co. (Same 1903/4: 259-2G0.) Laws 1890. A digest of the general laws of Penn. relating to roads, highways and bridges, with index to special CO. and township road laws, compiled by the road comrs. of Penn. Coatesville: The Weekly Times Book and Job Print, 1890. 126 (1) pp. Receipts and Expenditures 1817/8-1841/2. Apprns. and balances of apprns. for turnpikes, rivers, bridges, etc., unpaid at end of each vr. (A.R. auditor gen. 1817/8 (p. ill) — same 1.S41/2.) 1828/9-1829/30. Stmts, of payments of dividends on bridge and turnpike stock. (A.R. treasurer 1828/9 (p. 391)— .*o/ne 1829/30.) 1840. Revenue from dividends on bridge stock, Nov. 1-30. (A.R. auditor gen. 1839/40: 53.) 1856/7-1857/8. Revenue from dividends from bridge tolls. (Same 1856/7 (p. 41)— same 1857/8.) 1857/8. Expenditures on acct. of bridge cos. (Same 1857/8: GO.) 1866/7-1868/9. Revenue from [bridge] stock belong- ing to state. (Same 1866/ 7 (p. 103)— some 1868/9.) Returns are for 1867, 1869. 1892-1904. Construction and repairs of streets, roads and bridges; amt. collected for. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs 1891/2 pt. 1 (p. A169)— .some 1903/4.) 1892/3-1895/6. Tabular stmt, showing amts. appro- priated by cos. for support of poor in cos. where poor are a co. charge; also amts. appropriated by cos. for construction and repairs of streets, roads and bridges. (Same 1892/3 pt. 2 (p. 336B)— .some 1895/6.) Stock held by State; see Finance: State. Investments 1829/30. Stmt, of bridge stock the property of com- monwealth Nov. 30. (A.R. auditor gen. 1829/30: 39 app.) BRIDGES: INDIVIDUAL Allentown Bridge 1903. Construction of Allentown bridge under acts of 1895 and 1903. (Blenn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 13.) Athens Bridge Co. 1830. Rept. of committee on corporations (Ruble) on petition of mngrs. of Athens Bridge Co., Bradford Co., asking law to prevent establishment of a ferry, etc., across river in vicinity of that bridge. (House jol. 1829/30 v. 2: 701 (doc. 291).) Camden Bridge 1822. N. J. res. rel. to contingent act for erection of Camden Bridge. (Sen. jol. 1822/3: 700-701.) BRIDGES: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Camden Bridge — cont'd 1822. Memorial of directors of Penn. and N. J. Com- munication Co. resp. erection of a bridge at Cam- den. (House jol. Dec. sess. 1822: 195-200; Sen. jol. Dec. sess. 1822: 108-llL) Catawissa Bridge Company 1835. Stmt, of accts. of Catawissa Bridge Co., with Commonwealth. (House jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 391.) 1904. Litigation rel. to rebuilding of Catawissa bridge under acts of 1895 and 1903. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 13-14.) Columbia Bridge Company Banking privileges were conferred on thia company In 1824 ; see Banks : Individual. Columbia Bank. serial Pursuant to sec. 14, act of Mch. 28, 1809, creating a company to erect a bridge over tbe Susquehanna, at or near Columbia. 1816/7-1822/3. Abstr. of accts. In Collected docs, as follows ; 1816/7 in House Jol. 1817/8:40-41. 1817/8-1818/9 not found. 1819/20 in Senate jol. 1820/1 : S44-3.'53. 1820/1 " " " 1821/2 : 251-252. " House " 1821/2 : 451-454. 1821/2 " Senate " 1822/3 : 50. " House " 1822/3 : 77-78. 1822/3 " •■ " 1823/4 : 277. non-serial 1815. Rept. of committee (Breneman) on petition of the Columbia Bridge Co. for permission to increase rates of toll. (House jol. 1814/15: 165-167.) 1817. Circular directed to co. for erecting bridge over Susquehanna River. (Same 1816/7: 435.) 1820. Letter from secy, of the Commonwealth (Ing- ham) transmitting copies of corresp. betw. Gov. and Wm. Wright, president of Columbia Bridge Co. rel. to extension of credit to the Commonwealth of $45,000. (Sen. jol. 1819/20: 164-166.) . Rept. of G. B. Porter on attendance, in behalf of Commonwealth, at mtgs. of the stockholders of the Susquehanna Bridge Co. (House jol. 1S20/1: 26-31.) . Rept. of committee (Rohrer) on portion of Govs. mess, and petition rel. to co. for erecting a bridge over the Susquehanna River in Lancaster Co. at or near the town of Columbia, in which co. state holds an Interest. (Same 1820/1: 158.) 1821. Rept. rel. to the affairs of the Columbia Bridge Co.; Markley. h. t. p. 12 pp. Copy seen in Amer. Phil. Socy. Usual no. ordered prtd. (Sen. J.)l. 1820/1 : 353.) . Same. (Sen. jol. 1S20/1: 344-353.) 1822. Stmt, of accts. of Columbia Penn. Bridge Co., Nov. 28. (House jol. 1822/3: 77.) . Letter from agt. for Commonwealth (Ober) and committee on part of mgrs. of Columbia Bridge Co. (Grimier and Keffer) resp. need of legisl. relief for that CO. (Same 1821/2: 967-968.) 1S26. Letter from C. Breneman, on behalf of pres. and directors of Columbia Bridge Co., rel. to investiga- tion of affairs of said co. (.Some 182.5/6 v. 2: 168.) . Rept. of [select] committee (Hunt) rel. to Columbia Bridge Co. (Some 1825/6 v. 2: 202 (doc. 121).) . Rept. of committee (Duncan) on petition from stockholders of Columbia Bridge Co. for investiga- tion of affairs of the co. since 1820. (Sen. jol. 1825/6: 269.) 1835. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and in- ternal iniprovomont (Miller of Phila.) rel. to laying of rails on the Columbia Bridge. (House jol. 1834/5 V. 2: 192 (doc. 69).) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 373 BRIDGES: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Columbia Bridge Company — cont'd non-sei'ial — cont'd 1835. Rept. of canal conirs. rel. to tolls to be charged for passing upon rails to be laid on Columbia Bridge. (.Sume 1S34/5 v. 2: 54G-547 (doc. 140).) . Same, separate. Not seen. Ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1834/5 v. 1 : 350.) Conemaugh Bridge Company 1824-1831. Stmt, of affairs of Conemaugh Bridge Co. (House jol. 1831/2 V. 2: C15-61G.) Easton Delaware Bridge Co. Incorporated Mch. 13, 1795. serial 1827-1845. Ann. rept. of Delaware Bridge Co. at Easton. In Collected docs, as follows : 1827 In Senate jol. 1827/8 v. 2:46-59; House jol. v. 2: 3-10. 1828-1S43 not found. 1841/4 in Senate jol. 1845 v. 2:279-283 (doc. 48). " House " 1845 T. 2:515-519 (doc. 78). noji-serial 1806. Letter from Geo. Clymer, pres. of Phila. Bank offering to loan $10,000 for the Easton Delaware Bridge. (Sen. jol. 1805/6: 249.) . Rept., by bill, of committee (Lattimore) on petition for erection of a bridge over the Delaware River at Easton. {Same 1805/6: 193.) . Letter reed, from Saml. Sitgreaves and John Ross resp. Legisl. aid in erection of a bridge over the Delaware at Easton. (Same 1805/6: 212.) . Rept. (by bill) of committee (Sommer) to whom was referred letter of Saml. Sitgreaves and John Ross on behalf of mgrs. and co. for erection of Easton Bridge. (Same 1805/6: 216.) 1827. Rept. of select committee (Ihrie) on accts. of Delaware Bridge Co., Easton. (House jol. 1826/7 v. 2: 676-677 (doc. 259).) 1890-1893. Rept. of pres., mngrs. and co. for erecting a bridge over the Delaware at the borough of Easton. (Legisl. Record 1893 v. 1: 3234-3235.) 1893. Communication from atty. gen. (Hensel) in reply to jt. res. relating to bridge across Dela- ware River, at Easton ; ace. by abstr. of accts. of co. to erect said bridge, Oct. 1, 1889 to Apr. 1, 1893. (House jol. 1893: 2002-2004; Sen. jol. 1893: 1619- 1621.) Fairmount Bridge Co. 1811-1837. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures. In Collected docs, as follows : 1811-1837 In Senate Jol. 1837/8 v. 2:618-619 (doc. 6). " House " 1837/8 v. 2 : 703-704 (doc. 136). Franklin Bridge Co. 1828. Stmt, of affairs of Franklin Bridge Co. In Collected docs, as follows : 1828 in House jol. 1828/9 v. 2:441-442 (doc. 129). Harrisburg Bridge serial 1817-1826. Rept. of co. for erecting a permanent bridge over the Susquehanna River in Dauphin Co., near Harrisburg. In Collected docs, as follows : 1816/7 In House jol. 1816/7 : 437. 1818-1825 not found. 1826 In House jol. 1826/7 v. 2 : 706-710. non-serial 1813. Rept. of committee (Dingman) on petitions ot sundry stockholders in Harrisburg Bridge Co. pray- ing that site fixed on for Harrisburg bridge may be changed. (House jol. 1812/13: 312-313.) BRIDGES: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Harrisburg Bridge — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1826 Aug. 1. Rept. of mgrs. of Harrisburg Bridge Co., apptd. by auditor gen. on part of Commonwealth. (Same 1826/7 v. 2: 700-701.) Jacob Kucher and Solomon Gorgas, mgrs. 1827 Apr. 2. Same. (Same 1826/7 v. 2: 702-703.) Robt. Harris and Wm. Duck, mgrs. 1835. Rept. of committee on claims (T. S. Smith) upon petition of Andrew Dorsheimer, a former subscriber to shares of stock of Harrisburg Bridge Co., asking that a certain amt. of stock be placed to his credit. (Same 1834/5 v. 2: 555 (doc. 148).) 1836. Communication from canal comrs., ace. with rept. of R. Paries, rel. to practicability of connecting bridge asked for by Cumberland Valfey R.R. Co. with Harrisburg Bridge across Susquehanna River. {Same 1835/6 v. 2: 363-365 (doc. 66).) High Street Bridge Company 1815/8. Triennial abstrs. of receipts and payments. In Collected docs, as follows : 1815/8 in House jol. 1818/9:383-384. Lancaster and Schuylkill Bridge, at or near Sheridan's Ferry serial 1818-1831. Stmt, of pres. and mngrs. In Collected docs, as follows : 181.8 in House jol. 1818/9:385. 1819-1820 not found. 1821 in House jol. 1821/2 : 663-664. 1822-1823 not found. 1824 in Senate jol. 1824/5 : 505-506. 1825-1829 not found. 1830 in House jol. 1830/1 v. 2 : 777-778. 1831-1832 not found. 1833 in Senate jol. 1833/4 v. 1 : 328-329. non-serial 1814-1827. Stmt, of pres. and mngrs. of Lancaster and Schuylkill Bridge: moneys reed, and expended, in bldg. and repairing said bridge and making turn- pike road from 9th street, on Callowhill street to said bridge, and from thence until it intersects Lancaster turnpike road. (House jol. 1827/8 v. 2: 628-629; Sen. jol. 1827/8: 118.) Lehigh Bridge Co., near Biery's Mill Incorporjited under act of Mch. 5, 1824. 1828. Abstr. of accts. In Collected docs, as follows : 1828 in House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 728-729 (doc. 328). Lehigh Water Gap Bridge Company Pursuant to sec. 15, act of Mch. 18, 1826. 1826/9. Stmt, of affairs. In Collected docs, as follows : 1826/9 in Senate jol. 1828/9 v. 1 : 510-512. " House " 1828/9 v. 2:725-727 (doc. 327). Lewiston and Tuscarora Bridge Co. 1851-1855. Abstr. of accts. In Collected docs, as follows : 1851 In Senate jol. 1852 v. 2 : 547. "House ■' 1852 V. 2:657 (doc. 92). 1852 not found. 1853 in Legislative docs. 1854 : 601. 1854 not found. 1855 In Legislative docs. 1856 : 794. Lordville and Equinunk Bridge 1871. Veto (Geary) of act rel. to Lordville and Equi- nunk Bridge Co. (House jol. 1871: 1147-1148.) MifQin Bridge Company 1836/7. Stmt, of affairs of Mifflin Bridge Co. for 2 yrs. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 511 (doc. 120).) 374 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BRIDGES: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Milford Delaware Bridge Co. Pursuant to sec. 14, act of Jan. 27, 1814. 1826/8. Kept. In Collected does, as follows : 1S-J6 8 In House Jol. 1828/9 v. 2:465-466 (doc. 144). Monongahela Bridge Company 1829. Rept. ot committee on local apprns. (Kerr) rel. to appropriating dividends on stock held by state In Monongahela Bridge, for improving state road from Pittsburgh to Uniontown; inexpedient. (House jol. 1828/9 V. 2: 669 (doc. 277).) 1832. Govs. mess. (Wolf) ace. by stmt, of bd. of mngrs. of Monongahela Bridge Co.. rel. to injury recently sustained by that improvement. (Same 1831/2 v. 2: 598-600 (docs. 134-145); Sen. jol. 1831/2 v. 1: 242- 244.) . Rept of committee on bridges, state and turn- pike roads (Gebhart) upon petition rel. to Monon- gahela Bridge Co. for aid. (House jol. 1831/2 v. 2: 809 (doc. 242).) . Proceedings of a mtg. of the mgrs. of the Monon- gahela Bridge Co. at Pittsburgh. (Sen. jol. 1831/2 [v. 1]: 497-498.) 1900. Monongahela Bridge Co.; quo warranto case to show by what authority said co. exercised liberties and franchises of a corporation, and why it should not be ousted from further exercise of Its charter privileges. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1899/1900: xvl- xvii.) New Hope Delaware Bridge Company Pursuant to sec. 14, act of Dec. 23, 1812. 1814/7-1835/7. Stmt, of accts. In Collected docs, as follows : 1817 In House jol. 1817/8:726-728. 1824/7 1827/8 v. 2 : 792. 1835/7 " " " 1837/8 v. 2 : 842. Banking Pbtvilege; see Banks: Individual Northampton and Lehigh Bridge Company 1816. Abstr. of accts. of co. In Collected docs, as follows : 1816 in House Jol. 1816/7 : 712-713. Northumberland Bridge Company serial 1812/6-1825/6. Stmt, of affairs. In Collected docs, as follows : 1812/6 In House Jol. 1816/7 : 436. 1816/7 " Senate " 1817/8 : 156-158. " House " 1817/8 : 234-235. 1817/8 " Senate " 1818/9 : 219-222. " House " 1818/9 : 319-323. 1818/9 " Senate " 1819/20 : 90-94. "House " 1819/20:145-148. 1819/20 " Senate " 1820/1 : 518-521. " House ■■ 1820/1 : 693-696. 1820/1 "Senate " 1821/2:198-201. " House " 1821/2 : 277-279. 1821/2 " Senate " 1822/3 : 288-290. " House " 1822/3 : 422-424. 1822/3 " Senate " 1823/4 : 224-226. "House " 1823/4:412-414. 1823/4 " Senate " 1824/5 : 207-210. "House " 1824/5 T. 2: 139-142 (doc. 70). 1824/5 not found. 1825/6 In House Jol. 1825/6 T. 2 : 704-706. non-serial 1809. Rept. of committee (Murray) to whom was re- ferred petition from Northumberland Co. for liberty to build a bridge over the river at Northumberland. (House Jol. 1808/9: 406-407.) 1813. Rept. of committee (Farrelly) to whom was re- ferred petition of Edwd. Lyon of Shamokin Island, Northumberland Co. for change of site of North- umberland bridge. (-Same 1812/3: 486.) 1826. Corresp. betw. secy, of commonwealth and presi- dent of the Northumberland Bridge Co. resp. stmt. to be made, etc. {Same 1826/7 v. 2: 39-45 (doo. 13).) BRIDGES: INDIVIDUAI^-confd Penn. and N. J. Bridge Company 1868. Veto (Geary) of act to incorporate Penn. and N. J. Bridge Co. (House jol. 1868: 97.) Perkiomen Bridge 1803. Petition of inhabitants of Montgomery Co. stat- ing financial result of erection of bridge over Perki- omen Creek and praying law to extend time for re- ceiving toll on the Perkiomen Bridge, or leave to collect a toll for a certain time on the iDrldge which they intend to build over Manatawney Creek. (Sen. jol. 1802/3: 278.) 1804. Rept. of committee (Boileau) on petitions from Montgomery Co. for a law authorizing comrs. of said CO. to take half toll for passing over Perkiomen Bridge for a term of 10 yrs. (House jol. 1803/4: 546.) . Petition from Montgomery Co. for extension of time for collecting toll on Perkiomlng (sic) Bridge. (Sen. jol. 1803/4: 421.) Perrysville Bridge Co. 1840. Rept. of committee of conference (Watts) on bill to incorporate Perrysville Bridge Co. (House jol. 1840 V. 1: 1007-1009.) Schuylkill Permanent Bridge President, directors and company for erecting a perma- nent bridge over the Uiver Schuylkill were In- corporated by act of Mch. 16, 1798. Permanent bridge over River Schuylkill, at or near Philadelphia. 1800/3-1834/6. Triennial abstr. of receipts and pay- ments of Schuylkill Permanent Bridge Co. n. t. p. In Collected docs, as follows : 1800/3 In Senate Jol. 1803/4 : 534-535. " House " 1803/4 : 536-539. 1804/6 " Senate " 1805/6 ; 225-226. 1807/9 " " " 1809/10 : 390-398. 1810/12 not found. 1812/5 in House Jol. 1815/6 : 245-246. 1816/8 not found. 1819/21 In House Jol. 1821/2 : 291-292. 1822/4 " Senate " 1824/5 : 175-176. " House " 1824/5 v. 2:117-119 (docs. 50- 51). 1825/7 In Senate Jol. 1827/8 v. 2 : 154-155. " House " 1827/8 v. 2 : 626-628 (docs. 151- 152). 1828/30 In Senate Jol. 1830/1 v. 1 : 139-140. "House " 1830/1 T. 2:615-616 (doc. 108). 1831/3 " Senate " 1833/4 v. 1:210-211. " House " 1833/4 v. 2:540-541 (doc. 117). 1834/6 " Senate " 1836/7 v. 2 : 298-300. "House " 1836/7 T. 2:451-453 (doc. 127). non-serial 1788. Letter from Thos. Paine to Benj. Franklin, Pres. of State of Penn. transmitting opinion ot the Academy of Sciences at Paris on the principles and construction of his model for a bridge of one arch, of the extent of 100 feet, in iron, to be erected over the Schuylkill at Phlla. (Assem. jol. Oct, 1788: 25- 29.) Incl. French (original) and English translation ot the Academy opinion. 1799. Presentation of a memorial from the select and common councils of Phila. objecting to grant of part of scite (sic) of bridge to the co. for erecting a permanent bridge over the Schuylkill. (Sen. Jol. 1798/9: 181.) . Rept. ot committee (Morgan) to which was re- ferred the representation of a memorial agst. grant- ing a lot ot ground to the Schuylkill Bridge Co. (Same 1798/9: 201.) 1833. Memorial of the president, directors and com- pany for erecting a permanent bridge over the River Schuylkill at or near the City of Philadelphia, remonstrating agst certain alterations prayed for by the West Philadelphia Canal Co. In act to In- corporate a CO. to make a canal round the western INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 375 BRIDGES: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Schuylkill Permanent Bridge — cont'd non-serial — cont'd abutment of the permanent bridge over the River Schuylkill at the City of Philadelphia, passed Apr. 4, 1S31. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1833. 26 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn., Phlla., and in the State Library of Tenn. 1834. Rept. of the committee (Goodman) to whom were referred petitions praying that the Schuylkill permanent bridge should be made a free bridge. (House jol. 1833/4 v. 2: 902-910 (doc. 204).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1834. 11 pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of I'enn. and In Amer. Phil. Socy. 1000 copies in English and 500 in German were ordererl prtd. (House jol. 1883/4:837.) 1837. See above. Bridges, this date. 1861 May 2. Veto (Curtin) of act to authorize the erection of a free bridge over the Schuylkill, in Phila. (Legisl. Record 1861: 963; 1145-1146; 1158.) Laws 1798. Text of act of the Legisl. of Penn. and patent to Incorporate a co. for erecting a permanent bridge over the River Schuylkill. Philadelphia: Prtd. by J. Fenno, n. d. 21 pp. Copy seen in the Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1811-1834. An act and a suppl. thereto to authorize and direct the Gov. to Incorporate a co. for erecting a permanent bridge over the River Schuylkill. Phila- delphia: Prtd. by J. Crissy & G. Goodman, 1835. 23 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. Susquehanna Bridge Company; see above, Columbia Bridge Co. Trenton Delaware Bridge Co. Under lease to Penn. R.R. 1896/7-1903/4. Ann. rept. (A.R. secy. Internal affairs on 1896/7 (pp. 435-436)— same 1903/4.) Valley Creek Bridge 1838. Govs. mess. (Ritner) transmitting communica- tion from canal comrs. rel. to Valley Creek Bridge, on Columbia and Phila. R.R. destroyed by fire; com- ment. (Sen. jol. 1837/8 v. 1: 665.) . Docs. ace. Govs. mess. rel. to Valley Creek Bridge. (Same 1837/8 v. 2: 647-648.) Watsontown Bridge Co. 1870. Veto (Geary) of suppl. to act incorporating Watsontown Bridge Co. (House jol. 1870: 910.) Westmoreland and Indiana Bridge Co. Reports made under acts of Feb. 27, 1838 and Apr. 6, 1848. 1848/50-1863/5. Stmt, of affairs. In Collected docs, as follows : 1848/50 in Senate Jol. 1851 v. 2:598-599 (doc. 55). " House " 1851 T. 2:614-615 (doc. 73). 1850/2 not found. 1852/4 In Legisl. docs. 1855:431-432 (doe. 40). 1854/6 1857:692 (doc. 57). 1856/8 " " " 1859: 737-738 (doc. 45). 1858/60 not found. 1860/2 In Legisl. docs. 1863:878-879 (doc. 24). 1863/5 " " '• 1865:706-707 (doc. 26). Wheeling Bridge 1850. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to bridge across Ohio River at Wheeling. (House jol. 1850 v. 2: 374; Sen. jol. 1850 v. 2: 690-691 (doc. 106).) . Rept. of select committee (Darsie) on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to obstructions to naviga- tion of the Ohio River. (Sen. jol. 1850 v. 1: 276-283.) . Same, separate. " Rept in relation to the bridge across the Ohio River at Wheeling." Harris- burg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1850. 10 pp. Copies seen in Hlat. Socy. of Penn. and in Amer. Phil Socy. BRIDGES: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Wheeling Bridge — cont'd 1850. Rept. of select committee (Porter) rel. to bridge across the Ohio River, at Wheeling. (House jol. 1850 V. 2: 374 (doc. 44).) . Obstruction to navigation of the Ohio River by bridge near Wheeling, Va. (Govs. mess. (Johnston) Jan. 1, 1850.) 1851. Litigation pending rel. to bridge over Ohio River at Wheeling. {Same (Johnston) Jan. 7, 1851.) 1852. Rept. of secy, of commonwealth (Hughes) rel. to corresp. of Wheeling Bridge Case. (House jol. 1852 V. 2: 89-94 (doc. 3).) . Rept. of atty. gen. (Campbell) rel. to Wheeling Bridge case. {Same 1852 v. 2: 417-421 (doc. 41).) Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. 1825-1826. Stmt, of affairs of co. for erecting a bridge over the Susquehanna River at Wilkesbarre, Lu- zerne Co. (House jol. 1826/7 v. 2: 710-711 (doc. 7).) 1827. Rept. of Christian Muench one of mgrs. apptd. by auditor to inquire into affairs of Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. {Same 1826/7 v. 2: 703.) . Rept. of Wm. Swetland, one of mgrs. apptd. by auditor to inquire into affairs of Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. {Same 1826/7 v. 2: 703.) BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION; see PUBLIC HEALTH. ASSOCIATIONS BROBST (S. D.) Claimant 1844 Jan. 23. North Branch Division of Penn. Canal (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 1: 117-118.) BROKERS' LICENSES See Licenses BROTHERLINE (JOHN) Claimant 1849 Apr. 6. Juniata Division of Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1849 v. 2; 481-482; House jol. 1849 v. 2: 545-546.) BRUNER (ABRAHAM) Claimant 1837 Jan. 13. West Branch Division of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 303 (doc. 80).) BUCKSHOT WAR; see RIOTS BUCKWHEAT Crop; see 'Agriculture. Crops. Grain BUILDING CONSTRUCTION; see INDUSTRIES, ETC. BUILDING BUILDING LAWS See also Labor. Factory Inspection. 1873. Veto (Hartranft) of bill prohibiting erection of any foundry, sash, saw, or planing mill, cotton, woolen, or carpet factory or mill, or any other bldg. to contain machinery propelled in whole or part by steam power In Phila. within 150 yds. of any school house. (Sen. jol. 1873: 1091-1093.) 1881. Fire-escapes: requirements of law of Je. 11, V879; disaster in 1881 due to non-compliance with law; proviBion should be made for enforcement of law. (9 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1880/1: 105- 106.) 376 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BUILDING LAWS— cont'd 1882. Fire-escapes, recommended that laws be enacted making it the duty of overseers of hospitals, alms- houses, and other public asylums, to have fire- escapes constructed. (13 A.R. bd. of public charities. 1882: xv-xvi.) 1890. Opinion of atty. gen. on duty of factory inspec- tor with regard to fire escapes. (1 A.R. factory in- spector 1890: 17-19.) 1893. Atty. gen.'s construction of fire escapes and fac- tory inspection laws. (4 same 1893: 11-12.) . Extr. from Govs. mess. rel. to fire escapes, em- ployment of children, etc. (4 same 1893: 5-6.) . Parties responsible [for erection of fire escapes]; opinion of atty. gen. (4 same 1893: 27-30.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to fire-escapes; own- ers in fee or for life in bldgs. not properly supplied with fire escapes to be proceeded agst. and not tenants. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1893/4: app. 6.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to fire escapes; act of 1889 places upon factory inspector duty of deter- mining whether or not a factory is sufficiently pro- vided with means of egress in case of fire or dis- aster. (Some 1893/4: app. 20-22.) 1894. Opinion of deputy atty. gen. on power of factory inspectors to enforce erection of fire escapes. (6 A.R. factory inspector 1894: 13-14.) 1895. Operation of law^s rel. to fire-escapes might properly be extended. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 1, 1895: 24.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to manner of erection of fire escapes. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1895/6: 78.) 1897. Veto of act providing for fire alarms in hotels, etc.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Hastings) 1897: 151-153.) . Veto of act to provide for more sate and efficient means of exit from theatres and other places of public amusement, etc.; with text of bill. (Same (Hastings) 1897: 232-234.) . Veto of act to regulate construction of bldgs. in cities of first class; with text of bill. (Some (Hast- ings) 1897: 123-125.) . Law passed requiring every bldg. used as a seminary, college, hospital, asylum or hotel of three or more stories in height to be furnished with one or more outside iron fire escapes. (15 rept. of com- mittee on lunacy of bd. of public charities 1897: 55.) 1898. Factory dept. should be empowered to enforce fire escape law in respect to hotels, opera houses and public halls. (9 A.R. factory inspector 1898: 8.) 1901. Outside open, iron fire escape not always a safe means of escape; other means of egress should be provided; tower escape. (12 same 1901: 8-9.) 1903. Fire escapes; exhibit by cos. of no. of hotels, school bldgs., seminaries, colleges, hospitals, public halls, factories, etc., upon which fire escapes were ordered. (14 same 1903: 179.) 1903/4. Summary of inspections of academies, colleges, seminaries, hospitals, hotels, public halls, school houses, theatres, etc., and no. of orders issued to provide exits, fire extinguishers and fire escapes thereto. (15 same 1903/4: 18-19.) 1904. Fire escapes; no. erected during year. (15 same 1903/4: 7-8.) Laws 1879. Text of law rel. to fire escapes. (Penn. School Journal v. 28: 157-158.) 1885. Text of fire escape law. (4 A.R. factory Inspector 1893: 61-65.) Kepeiitpd in 1«94, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902. 1897. Text of fire escape law of July 12. (8 same 1897: 33-35.) Repeated in 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902. BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS serial See Banks, the serial group, series 5. 7ion-serial 1849-1887. Total no. of bldg. socy. mortgages recorded in Phila., approximate value, amt. added to value of real estate; no. of dwellings built in Phila. from 1870 to 187G and no. bldg. socy. mortgages recorded within same period; estimated no. of mortgages created from bldg. socy. loans to date. (16 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1888: A. 47.) 1853. Veto (Bigler) of act rel. to land and bldg. assns. etc. (House jol. 1853 V. 1: 348-349.) 1865. Govs, objections (Curtin) to bill authorizing Williamsport Mnfg. Co. to adopt certain provisions of act to prevent waste in certain cases, and in rela- tion to land and building assns., and also of act " to encourage mnfg. operations in commonwealth." (.Same 1866: 42-43.) 1878. Bldg. and loan assns.: debate. (Legisl. Record 1878 (v. 1): 1306-10; 1322-32; 1347-52; (v. 2): 2577- 2585.) 1880. Bldg. and loan assns.; by John H. Kerr. (8 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1879/80: 266-271.) Purpose, characteristics, administration, tax. . Tables: returns from 163 building and loan assns. (8 same 1879/80: 271-285.) . [Circular addressed to secys. of bldg. and loan assns. asking information as to no. of members, capital stock, receipts, expenditures, etc.]. (8 same 1880: 270.) 1888. Comparison of bldg. and loan assns. and savings banks, by chief of bureau. (16 same 1888: A. 1-6.) . Bldg. and loan assns.; by M. J. Brown assisted by J. J. Paist. (16 same 1888: A.6-26.) Primary object ; leading principle ; explanation of principles, etc.; hist, in England (1781-1887); Chinese claim (200 B. C. ) ; what they are; single series assn. ; mo. cost of purchasing homes ; how bldg. socys. are organized : how borrower is helped to pay his loan ; reasons for Joining them ; cost of a loan. . The practical business of a bldg. and loan assn.; showing accts. of a theoretical socy. for 127 mos. (16 same 1888: A.32-45.) . Bldg. and loan assns. in Penn.: estimated no. of shares, loans, assets, expenses, gains, etc. division of assets, etc.; work accomplished in 12-yr. period. (16 same 1888: A.45-46.) . Bldg. and loan assns. in Penn.: name and loca- tion, age, no. of shares, cash receipts and expendi- tures, current expenses, total assets, total gains, in- vestment of assets, etc. (16 same 1888: A. 50-90.) . N. J. bldg. and loan assns.; collection of infor- mation since 1880; summary of statistics. (16 same 1888: A.90-91.) . Maine bldg. and loan assns.: aggregate standing and condition, Nov. 1. (16 same 1888: A.91.) . Bldg. and loan assns.: no., assets, location of larger no. in Ohio, N. Y., Iowa., Cal., Del., D. C, Mich., Minn., Mass., Mo., other states. (16 same 1888: A.92-95.) . Financial condition of the Carroll Bldg. Assn., In- cluding 143d payment made Je. 27. (16 same 1888: A.95-96.) . Ground rents in Penn. (16 same 1888: A.97-98A.) . Permanent or serial assns.: plan of formation. (16 same 1888: A.98-100.) . Rules for dividing gains; from Bldg. Assn. and Home Journal, Phila. (16 same 1888: A.117-120.) 1888-1SS9. Comparative averages of building and loan assns. (17 same 1889: C.71.) 1889. Bldg. and loan assns.: extrs. from communica- tions reed, in regard to different bldg. assns.; tabu- lar stmt, of returns from different socys.; summary of the analysis; results. (17 same 1889: C.1-76.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 377 BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1889. List of bidg. and loan assns. whose repts. were received too late for classification; assets of eacli. (17 same 18S9: C.73.) 1893. Statistics of bldg. and loan assns.: status of such assns. in Penn.; nature and object of the assns.; comparison of Penn. with other states, etc. (111., Cal., Mass., Minn., N. J., English societies, N. Y.) ; suggestions for Penn.; summaries deduced from returns of individual companies; tables containing returns of individual companies, by cos. (1) name, locality and description of assns. (2) premium and interest rates, homes acquired, mortgages fore- closed, loans, etc. (3) no. and value of shares, by series, in certain representative assns. (4) receipts and disbursements in certain representative assns. (21 same 1893: A.1-515.) 1895. Necessity of legislation to prevent any so-called building and loan, saving fund or investment society, not chartered by laws of commonwealth, from soliciting or doing business in state without making some deposit or giving adequate security for same. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 1, 1895: 15.) . " The bldg. and loan assn. is distinctively a Penn. institution, the first effort of the kind in this coun- try having been organized in Phila. in 1831." (Same (Hastings) Jan. 15, 1S95.) . No. of bldg. and loan assns. in U. S. in 1894, no. organized under Penn. laws, no. shareholders in Penn. assns., no. borrowers; no. of national bldg. and loan assns.; value of business and proportion in Penn.; propriety of placing these assns. under control of banking dept. (Same (Hastings) Jan. 15, 1895.) . Worth of Penn. bldg. and loan assns.; harm done by foreign bldg. and loan assns. doing business in state; legislation advised rel. to foreign bldg. and loan saving fund and investment socys. {Same (Pattison) Jan. 1, 1895: 15.) . Under act of 1895 reorganizing dept. of banking, comr. is given power to investigate affairs of bldg. and loan assns. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1895/6: 33-34.) . Opinion of atty. gen.; banking dept. vs. bldg. assns.; bldg. assns: banking act of 1895 — exemp- tion for home assns. ; taxation — liability for foreign investments; basis of stock valuation for banking dept. fees. (Blenn. rept. of atty. gen. 1895/6: 108- m.) . Bldg. and loan assns. In Penn. since 1831. (Penn. School Journal v. 43: 324.) 1895-1900. Rept. of condition of individual foreign building and loan assns. [assns. of other states]. (A.R, comr. banking dept. 1897 pt. 2 (pp. 1143-1200) —same 1900.) 1895-1904. Rept. of condition of individual building and loan assns. transacting business In Penn. (Some 1895 pt. 2 (pp. 1-112)— «ome 1904.) . Tables: Resources, receipts, disbursements and liabilities by counties of building and loan assns. transacting business in Penn. (Same 1895 pt. 2 (pp. 1126-1140)— some 1904.) 1896-1904. Procs. instituted by law dept. agst. insur- ance COS. and bldg. and loan assns. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1895/6 (p. 231)— same 1903/4.) 1897. No. of bldg. and loan assns. reporting to banking dept.; assets; foreign bldg. and loan assns. doing business in state not really bldg. and loan assns.; matter should have attention of Legislature. (Govs. mess. (Hastings) Jan. 5, 1897: 41-42.) BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1897-1904. Rept. of homestead loan and trust cos. (A.R. comrs. banking dept. 1897 pt. 2 (pp. 1219-1240) — same 1904.) 1899. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to Issuance of full paid and prepaid stock by bldg. and loan assns. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1899/1900: 2.S-32.) . Recommended that license fee be required from foreign bldg. and loan assns. (Govs. mess. (Hast- ings) Jan. 3, 1899: 21.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to bldg. and loan assns.; regulation and control of by banking comr. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1899/1900: 20-23.) . Opinion of atty. gen.; bldg. and loan assns. are required to pay a state tax upon monthly payment stock which has matured. (.S'«me 1899-1900: 5-6.) 1900. Bldg. and loan assns.; proceedings agst.; right of to issue prepaid and full-paid stock. (Same 1899/1900: xxxv-xxxviii.) 1903. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to bldg. and loan assns.; loaning of money to alien co. and investments in obligations of township oflicials. (Same 1903/4: 198-199.) Laws 1874-1879. Text of laws of Penn. for Incorporation and regulation of building and loan assns. (16 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 18S8: A.121-124.) Receipts and Expenditures 1904. Opinion of atty. gen.; bldg. and loan assns. can- not do life insurance business. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 204.) 1895/6-1903/4. Table: receipts from bldg. and loan assns. (A.R, auditor gen. 1895/6 (p. 1) — same 1903/4.) BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. INDIVIDUAL COM- PANIES Artisans' Building and Loan Association of Phila. 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of suppl. to act conferring cer- tain privileges upon Artisan's Building and Loan Assn. of Phila. (House Jol. 1874: 91-92; Legisl. jol. 1874: 38.) Artisans' Building and Loan Association of Philadelphia. No. 2 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of suppl. to charter of Artisans' Building and Loan Assn. of Phila. No. 2. (House jol. 1874: 111.) Berean Building and Loan Assn. 1888. Constitution and by-laws of Berean Bldg. and Loan Assn. (16 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1888: 26-31A.) Building Association Hall Company of Philadelphia 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act to incorporate Building Assn. Hall Co. of Phila. (House jol. 1874: 118; Legisl. jol. 1874: 40.) Cameron Building, Loan and Saving Association of Phila- delphia 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act to incorporate Cameron Bldg., Loan and Saving Assn. of Phila. (Sen. jol. 1874: 132; Legisl. jol. 1874: 63-64.) City Building and Loan Association 1859. Veto (Packer) of act to incorporate City Build- ing Assn. (Sen. jol. 1859: 425-426; House jol. 1859: 536.) 378 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS: INDIVIDUAL COM- PANIES— cont'd City of Home Building and Loan Assn. 1888. 12th ann. stmt, of City of Home Bldg. and Loan Assn., Phila., Feb. 6. (16 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1888: 100-107A.) Premium deducting assn. Corry Provident Building and Loan Association 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act to perpetuate charter of Corry Provident Bldg. and Loan Assn., and to in- crease shares of same. (Sen. jol. 1874: 100; Legisl. jol. 1874: 55.) Cumberland Building and Loan Association 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act to amend charter of in- corporation of Cumberland Building and Loan Assn. of Phila. (House jol. 1874: 119; Legisl. Jol. 1874: 40.) David H. Schuyler Building and Loan Assn. 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act to amend charter of in- corporation of the David H. Schuyler bldg. and loan assn. of Phila. (Legisl. jol. 1874: 34.) Eastern Building and Loan Society 1904. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to Eastern Building and Loan Society; facts held not to warrant an applica- tion for a receiver. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 347.) Eastern Saving Fund, Safe Deposit and Loan Association of Philadelphia 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act to incorporate Eastern Saving Fund, Safe Deposit and Loan Assn. of Phila. (House jol. 1874: 87.) Erie City Building and Loan Association 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act to authorize Erie City Building and Loan Assn. to increase no. of its shares. (House jol. 1874: 120; Legisl. jol. 1874: 40.) Freehold Building and Loan Company 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of suppl. to act to incorporate Freehold Building and Loan Co. extending powers thereof. (House jol. 1874: 109; Legisl. jol. 1874: 39.) German Enterprise Building Assn., Phila. 1887/8. Eighth ann. rept. of German Enterprise Bldg. Assn., Phila. Dec. 1887-Nov. 1888. (16 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1888: 110-lllA.) Interest reduction assn. Hermann Building and Loan Assn. No. 2 1888. Hermann Bldg. and Loan Assn. No. 2, Phila. (16 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1888: 112-113A.) Interest In advance assn. Keystone Saw-Works 1887. Table: rents of houses built by operators of Key- stone saw-works. (15 A.R. bureau industrial sta- tistics 1887: 28E.) . Financial rept. of building assn. composed of workmen in Keystone saw-works. (15 same 1887: 28E.) Marine Building Co. 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act to Incorporate the Marine Bldg. Co. (Legisl. jol. 1874: 61.) Masonic Building Association of Oil City 1871. Veto (Geary) of act to incorporate Masonic Build- ing Assn. of Oil City, Venango Co. (House jol. 1871: 86.) Middleberg Building Association 1870. Veto (Geary) of bill to Incorporate Middleberg Bldg. Asan. (Sen. jol. 1870: 68.) BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS: INDIVIDUAL COM- PANIES— cont'd National Cottage Co. and West Phila. Improvement Assn. 1869. Veto (Geary) of bills incorporating National Cottage Co. and West Phila. Improvement Assn. (Sen. jol. 1869: 64.) People's Building and Loan Assn., Pittsburgh 1883-1888. Secy.'s 11th semi-ann. rept. of People's Bldg. and Loan Assn. of Pittsburgh, for half yr. ending Nov. 6, 1888, and exhibit of business transacted by it from its organization, May 15, 1883. (16 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1888: 114-116A.) Mo. premium nssn. Perpetual Saving Fund and Loan Association of Philadelphia 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act to incorporate Perpetual Saving Fund and Loan Assn. of Phila. (House jol. 1874: 90; Legisl. jol. 1874: 34.) Quincy Building and Homestead Association of Quincy, 111. 1888. 14th ann. stmt, of Quincy Bldg. and Homestead Assn. of Quincy, 111., Je. 5. (16 A.R. bureau of in- dustrial statistics 1S88: 108-llOA.) I'reniium deducting assn. Second National Loan and Homestead Assn. 1873. Veto (Hartranft) of act confirming title to property in the Second National Loan and Home- stead Assn. of Allegheny City. (Legisl. jol. 1873: 1065.) Second South-Western Building Association 1870. Veto (Geary) of act rel. to Second South-Western Building Association. (House jol. 1870: 72.) Society Buildings Company 1861. Veto (Packer) of act to incorporate Society Buildings Co. (Sen. jol. 1861: 35.) Tradesmen and Building and Loan Association No. 2, of Philadelphia 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of suppl. to charter of Trades- man and Building and Loan Assn. No. 2, of Phila. (House jol. 1874: 110; Legisl. jol. 1874: 35; 39.) West Hazleton Building and Land Association 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act suppl. to charter of West Hazleton Building and Land Assn., Luzerne Co. (House jol. 1874: 100; Legisl. jol. 1874: 36.) Williamsport Manufacturing Co. 1865. Veto (Curtin) of act authorizing Williamsport Mnfg. Co. to adopt certain provisions of act to pre- vent waste in certain cases, and in relation to land and bldg. assns. (Legisl. Record 1866: 26.) BUILDING STONES; see INDUSTRIES, ETC. BUILDING TRADES Strikes; see Labor Disputes BULLITT BILL; see FINANCE; MUNICIPAL Under date 18'.I7. BUREAU OF INDUSTRIAL STATISTICS; see LABOR BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF LABOR AND AGRICULTURE; see LABOR BUSINESS CONDITION 1819 Dec. 10. Rept. [of committee apptd. on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to the general state of domestic economy, the general stagnation of busi- ness and the practicability, as well as expediency of constituting a loan office 1; Duane. n. t. p. 23 pp. pp. 10 ■-'.•? contain a proposed substitute for the Duane rept. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 379 BUSINESS CONDITION— cont'd 1820 Jan. 28. Rept. of select committee (Duane) on so much of Govs. mess, of Dec. 19, as relates to state of domestic economy. (House jol. 1819/20: 416-428.) Excessive Importation, enormous banking, speculation, absence of specie, loss of conflilence. etc. ; question of establishing loan office; suKceatlon to national government for protection of Inilustrles, for direct taxation ; works of substantial Internal Improve- ment. A substitute for this rept. was proposed Feb. 1 ; for text, see House Jol. 1819/20 : 459-406. 1000 copies of the original rept. and substitute were ordered prtd. (House jol. 1819/20: 400.) . Same, separate (including substitute), n. t. p. 23 pp. Copies seen in Amer. Phil. Socy. and In Hist. Socy. of Penn. Jan. 29. Rept. of committee (Raguet) apptd. to inquire into extent and causes of present general distress. (Sen. jol. 1819/20: 221-236.) . Same, separate, n. t. p. 16 pp. Copy seen in Amer. Phil. Socy., Phlla., and In Hist. Socy. of Penn. Double the usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1819/20 : 236.) Feb. 14. Documents in relation to the extent of the present general distress, n. t. p. 27 pp., 3 foldg. tables. Should have accompanied rept. of Jan. 29. Copy seen In Amer. Phil. Socy.. Phlla. Double usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1819/20 : 337.) . Same. (Sen. jol. 1819/20: 311-337.) Feb. 14. Documents in relation to the extent and causes of the present general distress throughout the Commonwealth, n. t. p. 27 pp., foldg. table. Should have accompanied rept. of 29th ult. BUTCHERS' AND DROVERS' LICENSES; see LICENSES BUTTER Inspection; see Food and Drug Law. Manufacture; see Dairy Industry Dairy CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION 1817 Jan. 27. Rept. of jt. committee of Ohio legislature ture on improving navigation of Ohio River. (Sen. jol. 1816/17: 280-281; House jol., 489-491.) 1823 Jan. 24. Letter from speaker of House of Dele- gates of Md. resp. apptmt. of a committee to con- sider rendering the waters of the Potomac naviga- ble, the ulterior object in view being an entire canal to unite the waters of the Ohio with the tide navigation of the Potomac. (Same 1822/3: 397.) 1827 Dec. 5. Govs. mess. (Shulze) transmitting copies of a letter from the Gov. of Conn, and res. resp. Me. res. rel. to apprn. of funds for internal improve- ment; copies of letters rel. to apptmt. of comrs. from Penn. and Va. to lay out a state road [from Greene Co., Penn. to Middle Island Creek, Va.], etc. (Sen. jol. 1827/8: 13-15; House jol. 1827/8 v. 2: 39-40 (docs. 9-10).) Docs. ace. mess. 1828. Rept. and res. of legisl. of Vt, rel. to proposed amdmts. of constitution of U. S., and to internal improvements. (House jol. 1827/8 v. 2: 729-731.) . Rept. and res. of legisl. of Ga., rel. to tariff and internal improvements. {Same 1827/8 v. 2: 718- 729.) 1831. Advantages of canals over; comparison of; canal rates. (A.R. canal comrs. 1830/1: 28-29.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. Mch. 22. Tendency of public improvements to augment wealth even though involving debt. (Rept. of committee of ways and means (Read) Mch. 22, 1833.) CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION— cont'd 1852 Feb. 20. Message of Gov. (Bigler) rel. to con- struction of ship canal across peninsula of Florida. (House jol. 1852 v. 2: 537-538 (doc. 50); Sen. Jol. V. 2: 441-442 (doc. 49).) KENTUCKY 1818. Subscription in Ky. Ohio Canal Co. solicited by board of comrs. of Ky. (Govs. mess. (Findlay) Dec. 3, 1818.) 1819 Jan. 11. Rept. of committee on roads, bridges and inland navigation (Breck) on communication con- tained in Govs. mess. rel. to Ky. Ohio Canal. (Sen. jol. 1818/9: 148-149.) NEW YORK 1842 Mch. 3. See below. Canals, etc.: Individual (State). Penn. Canal, this date. Erie Canal; see below, Canals, etc.: Individual (State). Erie Canal [Seneca Lake and Tioga River Canal]; see below, Pennsyl- vania. Proposed Canals PENNSYLVANIA Early In the year 1789 recommendations for a general system of Inland navigation were made by both the Supreme Executive Council and the Legislature of Penn. : Apr. 13. 1791. a law was passed appropriat- ing sums for Improving the navigation of certain rivers and constructing certain roads with view to connecting " the eastern and western waters of the state " — an object finally accomplished by the Penn. CTanal. The Improvement of river naviga- tion by removal of obstructions, erection of water- locks, etc.. and the numerous surveys and explora- tions during the period 1789-1824 were the experi- mental measures out of which developed the state svstem of internal Improvement designated by act of Feb. 25, 1826, " The Pennsylvania Canal." (See below. Canals and Slack-Water Navigation: Individual— State.) For the reason that the early river improvements were largely along the lines later Included In the state system of internal improvement and are considered as inaugural steps in the development of that system, a large part of the material relating to Improvement of navigation of rivers and other streams has been classified here, in preference to River Conservancy, or Public Works, headings used In preceding Indexes for this kind of material. The greatest Incentive to improvements In Inland navi- gation in Penn. was Its natural adaptability. Among the Influential factors in development may be noted (1) The Society for the Promotion of Internal Improvement of Road and River Naviga- tion, formed In 1789 ; a memorial of this Society to the Legislature, Feb. 7, 1791. recommended a line of public works which was practically developed In the state system of public works ; reprints of their memorials to the Penn. Legisl. are Included in Amer. State Papers. Misc. v. 2. pp. 834, et seq. (2) Improvements In neighboring states. (3) The many private canal and slack-water navigation com- panies which had been Incorporated and were in active operation before the state system was definitely located. The success of these companies was a strong argument for the establishment of a state work as a source of revenue. Moreover it was thought that the possible combination of these companies might prove a dangerous monopoly. (4) The Penn. Society for the I'romotion of In- ternal Improvements, formed in 1824. did much to bring about state legislation on Internal Improve- ment : their publications being unofficial It has not been possible to Introduce them into this Index ; an excellent collection of their addresses, petitions and sundry publications Is In the library of the Library Co. of Phlla. The Society In- directly promoted the Canal Convention held at Harrisburg. Aug. 4-6, 1825, which adopted a resolu- tion favoring Internal Improvements to connect the Susquehanna and the Allegheny and Ohio, and from the Allegheny to Lake Erie. See also. The State Works of Penn., by A. A. Bishop (Publications of Yale Univ. v. 13. 1907) ; Hist. Highways of America, by A. A. Hulbert, v. 13; Nilis' Register. 380 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA — cont'd serial See nlso Cnnals. etc. : Individual (State i. TeDD. Canal [and R.R.]. 1 series Eepts. submitted by auditor gen. A 18G01864. [Tabulated results compiled from repts of r.r. and passenger rwy. cos.l (A.R. auditor gen. on 1860 (pp. 204-221)— samp 1SG4.) B 1865-1S67. [Tabulated results compiled from repts. of r.r. and passenger rwy. cos. and canal cos.] (A.R. auditor gen. on 1865 (pp. 431-468)— «ame 1867.) C 1868-1874. Tabulated results compiled from repts. of r.r., passenger rwy., canal and telegraph cos. Checklist 1868-1871. No separate copies found. 1872. Harrishurg: B. Singerley, 1873. 91 pp. 1873. Harrisburg : B. Singerley. 1874. 112 pp. 1874. Harrisburg : B. F. Meyers, 1875. 93 pp. In Documents as foilows : 1868 in Rept. auditor gen. on 1868 : xvii-lxxx. 1869 •■ " " 186!) : xv-lxxxii. 1870 " " " " " " 1870 : xvi-lxxxv. 1871 " " " " " " 1871 : xv-Ixxxvli. 1872 " " " '■ " " 1872:xv-cv. 1873 " " " " " " 1873 : xv-cxxiv. 1874 " " " ' 1874 : xv-cvli. 2 series Repts. submitted by secy. Internal affaire. A 1875-1883. Tabulated results compiled from ann. repts. of, passenger rwys., canal and telegraph cos. Checklist 1875. Harrisburg : B. F. Meyers, 1876. 99 pp. 1876-1883. No separate copies found. In Documents as follows : 1875 In A.R. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 1876 " " 1877 " " 1878 " " 1879 1880 " " 1881 " " " 1882 1883 B 1884-1896. Tabulated results compiled from repts. of, express cos., passenger rwys., canals, tele- graph and telephone cos. (A.R. secy, internal affairs pt. 4, 1884 (pp. 305-459)— same 1896.) C 1897-1904. Tabulated results compiled from repts. of r.r. and passenger rwy. cos. (A.R. secy, internal affairs pt. 4 (pp. 709-852)— same 1904.) non-serial Aerangement Canals and Slack-water Navigation General material Laws Proposed Canals Receipts and Expenditures Toils 1732-1877. Lehigh Valley. (5 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1876/7: 592-601.) Early modes of traveling; progress and utility of high- ways; navigation: and canals; I.ehigh Valley R.R. ; I^-hlgh Valley R.R. Bridge over Delaware River; North Penn. R.R. ; I/ehlgh and Sus(|uehanaa R.R. ; New Jersey Central R.R. : Lehigh Valley R.R. and industrial interests along its line, com- mencing at "Forks of the Delaware"; mining In the anthracite regions. 4, 1875 1-99. • 1876 17-118. ' rS77 xv-cxx. " 1878 xv-cxxii. " 1879 iv-clv. ' 1880 Ill-cxl. • 1881 lil-cxvil. ' 1882 Ix-cxix. ' 1883 1-139. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1761-1876. [Canals in Penn.] (Penn. and the Centen- nial Exposition, v. 1, pt. 2: 201-232.) The introduction of canals; Conewago improvement; lessons of the War of 1812; Schuylkill Navigation Co. : Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. ; Conestoga Navigation Co. ; Codorus Navigation Co. ; Union Canal Co. : Delaware and Hutlson Canal Co. ; Sus- quehanna Canal Co. ; Monongahela Navigation Co. ; Muncy Canal Co. ; Penn. Canal Co. ; canal inclined planes ; existing canals : state line of canals and progress each year. 1824-1834; Delaware Division of the canal ; Phila. and Columbia R.R. ; Eastern Division of the canal ; Juniata Division ; Allegheny Portage R.R. ; Western Division of the canal ; Susquehanna Division ; West Branch Divi- sion ; North Branch Division ; Beaver Division ; Erie Extension ; Wlconisco Canal : Allegheny Feeder ; Gettysburg Extension of the Columbia R.R. ; short lines, feeders, etc. : length and char- acteristics of the whole line ; (5nancial stmt. 1844- 1859 ; bd. of comrs. ; Youghlogheny Improvement. 1789-1790. Repts. of sundry comrs. apptd. to view and explore the rivers Susquehanna and Juniata; the River Delaware; the River Schuylkill, etc. Phila- delphia: Prtd. by F. Bailey, MDCCXCI. 27 pp., map. The first rept. In this pamphlet Is by T. Matlnck. Read- ing Howell and W. Dean. Dec. 2. 1789 ; their rept. relates to the Del. and the Lehigh ; they were In- structed by the act under which they were apptd. to mark " places where locks or canals are neces- sary," and found the river I.,ehlgh the only place suitable for " that mode of Improving navigation." The second rept. Is by the comrs. apptd. to view the River Delaware under act of Sept. 28, 1789 ; the comrs. were Timothy Matlnck, Reaillng Howell and Wm. Dean ; date of rept. Feb. 4, 1790. The third rept. Is rept. of the comrs. apptd. to view and explore the rivers Susquehanna and Juniata ; comrs. were Sami. Boyd. Bartrem Galbraith and Thomas Hullng ; date of rept., Jan. 30, 1790. The fourth rept. Is on the river Schuylkill ; the comrs. were John Adlum and BenJ. Rittenhouse. Copies seen In the Historical Socy. of Penn., In the Library Co. of Phila., and In the Penn. State Library. All of these repts. excepting that of Dee. 2, 1789, were reprinted In the House Jol. of 1815/6 ; see below, under dates 1790-1793. 1790 Feb. Apptmt. of Timothy Matlack, Reading How- ell and Wm. Dean to view the Delaware River; Benj. Rittenhouse and John Adlum, the Schuylkill; Bart- rem Galbraith, Saml. Boyd and Thos. Hullng, the Susquehanna; work accomplished. (Mess, of Presi- dent (Miflflin) and supreme exec, council Feb. 9, 1790.) Mch. 27. Rept. of committee on that part of mess. resp. navigation of the Delaware, Schuylkill and Susquehanna. (Assem. jol. Feb. 1790: 226-228; 244- 246.) Rawle, Gurney, Balllott, Ludwlg. Carson, Maclay, Ryer- son composed the committee. Oct.-Nov. Copy of a rept. from Reading Howell, Frederick Antes and Wm. Dean, comrs. apptd. to explore the head-waters of the rivers Delaware, Le- high and Schuylkill, and the north-east branch of the Susquehanna; also the rept. of the comrs. apptd. to examine the Western waters of the State of Penn. Philadelphia: Prtd. by F. Bailey, MDCCXCI. 33 pp. The rept. of Howell, Dean and Antes covers 13 pp. and bears date Nov. 27, 1790; estimates are given of the cost of the improvements suggested. The comrs. to examine the Western waters were Timothy Matlack, Saml. Maclay and John Adlum ; their rept. covers pp. 15-33, dated Dec. 14, 1700 ; estimates expenses for Improvements suggested. Copies seen in library of the Library Co. of Phila., In the Hist. Socy. of Penn., and In the Penn. State Library. Both of the repts. were Included In the House Jol. of 181B/6 ; see below, under dates 1790-1793. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 381 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1790-1793. Repts. of comrs. who explored and surveyed the eastern and western waters of state. (House joL 1815/6: app. 3-82.) Transmilttpd to the House by the secy, of the Common- wenlth In reply to res. of Feb. 20, 1816. Contents : pp. 3-5. Kept, of the oonirs. npptd. to view nnii explore the rivers Suscivichnnna and .Tunlnta. .Tan. 'iO, ITyO. (Snnil. Hoyil, Biirtrem Galbralth, Thos. llnllnB.) pp. 6 8. Kept, of the comrs. apptd. to view and explore the river Sihuylklll, etc. n. d. (John Adlum, HenJ. Rlttenhoiise.) pp. 8-18. Kept, of comrs. npptd, to view the river Dela- ware, acreeably to act of Assem. passcil Sept. L'S. 178!). Keb. 4, 1790. (J. Matlack, Heading Howell, W. Dean.) pp, 19-27. Kept, of comrs. apptd. to explore the head- waters of the rivers Delaware, Lehigh and Schuylkill, an(i the north-east branch of Susquehanna. Nov. 27, 1790. (Reading Howell, W. Dean, Frederick Antes.) pp. 28-44. Kept, of comrs. apptd. to view the western waters. Dec. 14, 1790. (Timothy Matlack, Saml. Maclay, John Adlum.) pp. 44-37. Rept. of \Vm. Flndley and Wm. Smith, on the waters of Conemnugh, Klskemanettas (sic), Dun- ning's Creek and the Bedford Branch of Juniata. -Mch. 5, 1793. pp. S.'S-Si. Rept. of John Badolett, agt. of Information, npptd. to explore the waters of -Monongaheia and Youghiogheny. n. d. 1790-1807. Hist. acct. of rise, progress and state of canal navigation in Penn., containing abstrs. of acts of the Legisl., and their grants of money for im- proving roads and navigable waters. (Amer. State Papers. Misc. v. 1: 834-865.) 1791. Govs. mess. (Mifflin) rel. to exploration of west- ern waters, etc. (Sen. jol. 1790/1: 89-90; House jol. 1790/1: 123-124.) 1791 Apr. 2. Res. presented by committee of the whole resp. apprns. for improvements of roads and inland navigation; adopted (House jol. 1790/1: 325-327: 331.) Sept. 13. Rept. of committee on memorial of socy. for promoting improvement of roads and inland navigation. (Same 1790/1: 502-503.) For material rel. to the Society for Promoting Improve- ment, etc., see above, note preceding the serial group. 1791-lSOS. Abstr. of contracts for opening and improv- ing roads and rivers. (Sen. jol. 1807/8: app. 3-17.) Furnished bv deputv secy, of state (Trimble) Mch. 17, ISOS, pursuant to Senate res. of Mch. 9. 1792 Feb. 28. Rept. of committee to whom were re- ferred memorial of society for promoting the im- provement of roads and inland navigation. (House jol. 1791/2: 179-lSO.) Mch. 3. Further rept. of committee apptd. on part of Govs. mess. rel. to roads and navigation. (Same 1791/2: 195-197.) Mch. 23. Rept. of committee on memorial of society for promoting improvements of roads and inland navigation, (ffnme 1791/2: 258-259.) Dec. IS. Rept. of committee apptd. on petitions for a canal from Hunter's Falls on the Susquehanna to the borough of Harrisburgh. (Same 1792/3: 41- 42.) 1793. Rept. of secy, of state (Dallas) in answer to House res. of Mch. 19, for stmt, of all contracts, made for purpose of opening and improving sundry navigable waters and roads within state. {Same 1792/3: 296-297.) 1795. Rept. of committee on subject of making further provision for improvement of roads and rivers. (Same 1794/5: 341-342.) 1802 Mch. 30. Rept. of committee on roads and inland navigation (Wetherill) on petitions for legisl. aid. for road and navigation improvement. {Same 1801/2: 461-462.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1804 Feb. 1. Memorial of Geo. Bressler protesting agst. petition of inhabitants of Nittany Valley for a canal, etc. (Sen. jol. 1803/4: 201.) Mch. 3. Rept. of committee (Pearson) on peti- tions of Thomas Leiper and John M'llvaine resp. cutting a canal in Delaware Co. {Same 1803/4: 327-328.) Mch. 10. Rept. of committee (Harris) on peti- tions resp. canal from Fishing Creek to Bald Eagle Creek. {Same 1803/4: 369-370.) 1806 Mch. 28. Rept. of committee on roads and inland navigation (Milnor) on petition praying measures for improvement of roads and inland navigation. (House jol. 1805/6: 600-602.) 1806-1820. Amt. appropriated for public improvements, amt. paid, balance due Nov. 30, 1820; loans made to meet apprns. (Govs. mess. (Hiester) Dec. 4, 1823.) 1807 Dec. 3. Liberal patronage of public works recom- mended. {Same (M'Kean) Dec. 3, 1807.) 1809 Mch. 18. Proposed fund for a canal co. (Rept. of committee of ways and means, Mch. IS, 1S09.) 1810 Dec. 6. Connection of road improvement, river navigation and cutting of canals with political economy. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. 6, 1810.) Dec. 6. Contemplated connection of waters of Susquehanna, Schuylkill and Delaware by canals. (Same (Snyder) Dec. 6, ISIO.) 1812. I^iblic works in progress, viz.: turnpike roads, bridges over the Susquehanna; importance of in- ternal navigation. {Same (Snyder) Dec. 3, 1812.) 1816 Feb. 22. Rept. of committee (Conyngham) to whom was referred repts. of comrs. who explored and surveyed the eastern and western waters of the state. (House jol. 1815/6: 456.) The repts. were ordered prtd. as an app. to the House jol.; see above, under dates 1790-1793. Mch. 15. Govs." mess. (Snyder) transmitting a communication from W. C. Nicholas, Gov. of Va. resp. importance of a general inland water com- munication. (Sen. jol. 1815/6: 372-375.) 1817 Feb. 24. Rept. of committee on roads and inland navigation (Gilmore) on apprns. necessary during present session for internal improvements. (House jol. 1816/17: 472-474.) Amts. specified for Schuylkill and other lock naviga- tions. Harrisburg and Pittsburgh turnpike and many others. 1818 Mch. 11. Rept. of committee on roads and inland navigation (Lehman) on advisability of adoption of judicious plan for internal improvement. {Same 1817/18: 619-027.) River Improvement and connection of navigable streams by short canals. . Same, separate. Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (House jol. 1S17/8: 627.) Dec. 3. System for improvement of internal navi- gation should be adopted; proposed plans and methods of execution. (Govs. mess. (Findlay) Dec. 3, 1818.) 1819 Jan. 7. Rept. of committee on roads, bridges and inland navigation (Breck) on res. enquiring into expediency of passing a law authorizing comrs. of different cos. to subscribe to stock for public im- provement. (Sen. jol. 1818/9: 96-97.) Dec. 10. Comrs. apptd. to explore route for canal to unite waters of Chickesalungo, Conestoga and French Creek have not commenced work, owing to inadequacy of compensation. (Govs. mess. (Find- lay) Dec. 10, 1819.) 382 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1819 Dec. 10. Recommended that bd. of comrs. be apptd. to make surveys and take level of principal streams, rept. practicability of rendering them navi- gable and connecting them by canals, etc. {Same (Findlay) Dec. 10, 1819.) Dec. 10. Propriety of anticipating payment of loans for public improvements and protracting time for demand upon treasury, by authorizing another loan. (Same (Findlay) Dec. 10, 1819.) 1820 Jan. 26. Rept. of the committee on roads and in- land navigation (Lehman) on res. directing them to report what objects of general improvement ought to be selected for the apprn. of the public money, and also several petitions rel. to the internal improvements of the state, n. t. p. 8 pp. Copies were seen In the Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In the Amer. Philos. Socy. Points covered by the rept. ; ndvant.iges from fadUtnt- Ing transportation by means of good roads. bridRes, navigable rivers and artificial canals: completion of Union Canal ; turnpike from the Susquehanna to Pittsburgh ; navigation of the Ohio River and its branches; navigation of the Susquehanna; navigation of the Delaware; turnpike from Flarrls- burg to Pittsburgh ; road from Berwick to Elmlra ; Ridge road, and Perklomen and Reading turnpike; Phila. and Great Bend turnpike, Brldgewater and Wilkesbarre turnpike road, and Wilkesbarre bridge. . Same. (House jol. 1819/20: 384-391.) Dec. 7. Urging apptmt, of comrs. to ascertain in- formation rel. to internal Improvement; amt. ex- pended on public improvements in 15 yrs. (Govs, mess. (Findlay) Dec. 7, 1820.) 1821 Jan. 30. Rept. of committee on roads and inland navigation (Lehman) resp. transportation and means of communication and proposing a bill to promote internal improvements (roads, canals, river navigation). (House jol. 1820/1: 443-453.) . Same, separate, n. p., n. d. 13 pp. Copy seen In Amer. Phllos. Socy., Phlla. Usual no. of copies were ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1820/1 : 454.) 1822. Documents ace. rept. of Mch. 23, 1822. Harris- burg: C. Mowry, n. d. 192, ill pp. Copy seen In Penn. State Library and In N. Y. Public Library. The volume contains a circular sent to the various companies and replies reed. ■ Jan. 12. Rept. of committee on roads and inland navigation (Lehman) on res. rel. to apptmt. of comrs. for collection of useful facts rel. to best method of facilitating and cheapening transporta- tion. (House jol. 1821/2: 282-286.) . Same, separate. ^"^ 182i/2'™8G T' "' "^"^'^^ ordered prtd. (House Jol. . Mch. 23. Rept. of committee on roads, bridges and inland navigation (Raguet) in obedience to Sen. res. of Jan. 4, 1822 requiring them to ascertain and report a list of turnpike road cos. incorporated by Penn. leglsl., their location, extent, expense of construction, materials, etc., also information resp. bridge, canal and lock navigation companies. (Sen jol. 1821/2: 654-670, 3 foldg. tables.) . Same, separate, n. p., n. d. C. Mowry, prtr 18 pp., 6 foldg. tables. Copies In the N. Y. Public Library, in the Amer. Philoe bocy., I'hlla., In the Hist. Socy. of Penn., and in the Penn. State Library. 1200 copies were ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1821/2 : 671.) 1823 Mch. 10. Govs. mess. (Hiester) approving sundry bills and transmitting Md. docs. rel. to apptmt. of comrs. to survey route for a canal to connect the waters of the Susquehanna with the city of Balti- more, etc. (House jol. 1822/3: 740-742.) CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1823 Dec. 19. Rept. of select committee (Lehman) to consider apptmt. of a bd. of comrs. to promote internal improvement of state; policy of state re- specting internal improvement. (Same 1823/4: 163-170.) . Same, separate, n. t. p. 8 pp. Two copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and one In Amer. Phil. Socy., Phlla. The usual no. were ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1823/4 : 171.) 1824 Feb. 21. Govs. mess. (Shulze) transmitting copy of a letter from Gov. of Md. (Stevens) stating that 200 copies of rept. of comrs. apptd. by Gov. of Md. to ascertain and fix a canal connecting waters of the Susquehanna with the City of Baltimore have been mailed to the Gov. of Penn.; with ace. doc. (Sen. jol. 1823/4: 373-374; House jol. 1823/4: 681- 682.) Dec. 9. Penn. presents cheapest and best route for connection of western waters with the Atlantic; aid from general govt, may be expected in construc- tion of public works. (Govs, mess (Schulze) Dec. 9, 1824.) 1825 Feb. 10. Govs. mess. (Schulze) transmitting N. J. res. rel. to abolition of slavery in the U. S. and copy of letter from Chas. Trcziyulney, one of comrs. apptd. under act of Mch. 27, 1824, for purpose of promoting internal improvement of state, setting forth his reasons for not signing the rept. of the other two comrs. (Sen. jol. 1824/5; 412-414.) Ace. docs, are included ; N. J. res., pp. 413-414 ; comr.'s letter, p. 114. 1827 Feb. 21. Rept. of select committee (Ellis) on res. rel. to purchase of books on subject of canals and internal improvements. (House jol. 1826/7 v. 2: 526-527 (doc. 230).) Mch. 13. Communication from pres. of bd. of Penn. canal comrs. (Darlington) enclosing copy of instructions to John Mitchell rel. to canal route betw. the Susquehanna and the Potomac; with ace. doc. (Same 1826/7 v. 2: 678-680 (docs. 261-262).) 1828 Dec. 4. Rept. on survey of basins, canal and rwy. routes betw. the Delaware and Susquehanna, by Moncure Robinson, engr. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8: 252-266 (series 8, no. 5).) Paging from Sen. ed. 1829. Mess, of Gov. of N. J., with copy of act for effect- ing an arrangement betw. states of N. J., and Penn., for mutual use of waters of Delaware River for canals and other purposes. (Sen. jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 520-52L) Dec. 5. Agreement betw. comrs. of Penn. and N. J., for mutual use of waters of Delaware River for canal purposes, and rept. of engrs. apptd. on part of each state, rel. to exploration of said waters. (House jol. 1829/30 v. 2: 198-215 (doc. 56-57); Sen. jol. 127-144.) The Penn. comrs. were Nathaniel B. Eldred, John Ross, and David Scott ; the N. J. comrs. John Rutherford, Garret D. Wall and Caleb Newbold ; the engrs. were John L. Sullivan and A. G. Sargent ; their rept. was made Oct. 20, 1H29. 1831. Favoring policy of protective tariff and Internal improvements. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 7, 1831.) 1834 Jan. 18. Rept of committee on judiciary system (Wallace) upon the supervisors, contractors, and other agts. of the public improvements. (House Jol. 1833/4 v. 2: 537 (doc. 114).) Jan. 21. Rept. of committee (T. S. Smith) upon petition rel. to incorporating a co. for the purpose of making a canal upon the west side of the Schuyl- kill River, from Fair Mount dam to Mill Creek. (Same 1834/5 v. 2: 474 (doc. 105).) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 383 CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial— coTit'ii 1835 Apr. 14. Kept. o£ judiciary committee (Penrose) to wtiom was referred rept. of comrs. rcl. to use of waters of Delaware River [for canal purposes, etc. 1. (Sen. Jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 644-G48.) 1836 Feb. (i. Kept, of committee on inland navigation (Reed) upon memorial of Dr. A. Planteau, for apprn. to put into operation his patent canal boat. (House jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 790 (doc. 240).) 1837. Coal not used on Penn. public works; exhaustion of wood; inducements to experiment with coal advised. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 6, 1837.) Dec. 6. See below, Canals; Individual (State). Penn. Canal [and R.R.]. Damages. 1839 May 15. Rept. of select committee apptd. to con- fer with the authorities of N. Y. rel. to a connection of the public works of N. Y. and Penn.; Penrose. Harrisburg: Prtd. by E. Guyer, 1839. 15 pp. Copy seen in Library of Congress. 1841. Table: r.r. routes from Lake Erie to the sea board in operation, in act of being constructed or In contemplation; routes by canal. (A.R. canal comrs. 1S40/1: 359-363.) Paging from Collected docs. ; omitted from dept. eds. 1859-1874. Legislation rel. to state supervision of transportation lines. (Rept. of secy, of internal affairs pt. 4 1883; ii-iii.) 1859-1883. Legislation rel. to ann. repts. of r.r., canal, and telegraph cos., and defining certain duties of secy, of internal affairs. (Same pt. 4 1883; xxxiv- xxxvii.) 1865-1895/6. Tables; canal cos.; length of line, ex- penses of maintaining and operating, receipts. (A.R. auditor gen. on, etc. 1865; 468; A.R. secy, internal affairs on, etc., pt. 4, 1895/6.) The tables ore elaborated in 1867, et seq., showing stoclt and debt, characteristics of canal, tonnage, receipts and expenses ; from 1873-1.S84, the amt. of freight carried is added ; from 1885 to 1S95/6 the table of costs and characteristics and the freight table are omitted. 1872. Penn.'s public works; what the state has accom- plished; tabular statistics rel. to. (Rept. of in- spector of mines 1872; 60-66.) 1872-1873. Table; canals; length; capital stock; liabili- ties; cost of canal and fixtures; tonnage; gross earnings; expenses; dividends. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3 (p. 159) — 2 same 1873/4.) 1875. Table; characteristics of canals in Penn. ([3] same 1874/5; 415.) See below, under dates 1875-1895 for names of canals, etc. 1875-1895. Tables; characteristics of canals; cost, dimensions, boats, value of real estate, etc. (A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4 1874/5 (p. 87) — same 1894/5.) Delaware and Hudson, Delaware Division, Lehigh Coal and Navigation. RIonongahela Navigation, Muncy, Penn., Schuylkill Navigation, Susquehanna, Union ; Union is omitted 1885-1895. 1876. Stmt, showing no. of corporations reporting and amt. of paid-up capital of each. (Same pt. 4 1878; vil.) R.r. COS., passenger rwy. cos., canal navigation cos., telegraph cos. . Memorial from owners and navigators of canal boats and barges plying upon Penn. and N. Y. waters rel. to discrimination agst. them by laws of N. Y. (Legisl. Record 1876; 531.) 1878. Rept. (Nisley) on operations of fish dept., with plan of proposed extension of tide water canal. 20 pp., map. (Legisl. docs. 1878 v. 3, doc. 22; House jol. 1878: 496-512.) Plan for extension of tide water canal made by J. C. Sbarpless. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-scrlal — cont'd 1879. Communication from secy, of Internal affairs (McCandless) rel. to r.r., canal and navigation and telegraph cos. making repts. and those refusing to make repts. ( jol. 1879; 207-208.) 1883. Legislation needed to enforce provisions of art. 17 of Constitution rel. to canals and (Govs, mess. (Pattison) Feb. 6, 1883; 19-20.) Bound and paged with Inaugural address. . Violation of art. 17 of Constitution regulating r.r. and canal cos. (Same (Pattison) .Jan. 1883; 5.) 1887. R.r, canal, telegraph and telephone cos.; required to make ann. detailed repts. to dept. of internal affairs. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs, pt. 1 1886/7; A145.) Apr. 30. Veto of act to authorize r.r. and canal cos. to aid in the development of coal, iron, lumber and other material interests of the state; with text of act. (Vetoes (Beaver) 1887: 4-5.) 1889. On failure of any corporation operating r.r., canal, telegraph and telephone lines, to make ann. detailed repts. to dept. of internal affairs, a penalty of $5000 may be imposed. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1888/9; A172.) 1891-1892. Comparative totals from repts. of street rwy., canal, telegraph and telephone cos. (Same pt. 4 1891/2: xliv-xlvii.) 1893. Veto of act making apprn. for purpose of erect- ing wall and filling washout, caused by erection of dam, of Beaver division of Penn. Canal at Bridge- water; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1893; 137-139.) Laws For Laws resp. the Penn. Canal and its branches ; see below. Canals, etc. : Individual. 1859-1883. Legislation rel. to ann. repts. of r.r., canal and telegraph cos., and defining certain duties of secy, of internal affairs; text. (Rept. of secy, of internal affairs pt. 4 1888; xxxiv-xxxvii.) Proposed Canals 1816 Dec. 5. Advantages to be derived by Penn. from canal connecting lake waters of New York with Susquehanna River. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. 5, 1816.) 1817. Corresp. betw. Govs, of N. Y. and Penn. rel. to contemplated connection of waters of Seneca Lake and Tioga River. (Same Dec. 5, 1817 [ace. doc.].) . Robt. Brook and Chas. Trcziyulney apptd. May 28 to examine route of contempated canal connect- ing waters of Seneca Lake with the Tioga River. (Same (Sydner) Dec. 5, 1811.) 1818 Jan. 31. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to explore route of intended canal tor uniting waters of Seneca Lake and Tioga River in N. Y. state. (Sen. jol. 1817/18: 280-283.) Comrs. : Robt. Brooke ; Chas. Trczlyulny. . Same, separate. Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtU. (House Jol. lS17/8;398.) 1824 Mch. 24. Rept. of [select] committee (Ryon) on subject of uniting waters of Seneca Lake to those of Tioga River. (House jol. 1823/4; 1040.) 1827. Proposed canal route commencing on the Schuyl- kill near the U. S. arsenal, and terminating below the navy yard in the district of South wark. (Rept. canal comrs. 1827; 20.) . Surveys with a view to connecting the Ohio with Lake Erie; estimates. (Same 1827; 18-19.) 384 INDE:X to documents of the state of PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Proposed Canals — cont'd 1827. Cost of proposed canal along the Delaware from Carpenter's Point to Easton. (Same 1827: IS.) . Resp. cost of proposed canal from the mouth of Swatara to Columbia. (Same 1S27: 20.) 1829 Jan. 5. Rept. from M. Robinson, engr. upon pro- posed line of Va. canal betw. No. Branch of Susque- hanna and the Lehigh. (House jol. 1S28/9 v. 2: 444-455 (doc. 132).) Receipts and Expenditures See also below. Individual Canals. 1820. See above, Pennsylvania, this date. 182C/1-1821/2. Amt. expended for public internal im- provements. (Govs. mess. (Hiester) Dec. 5, 1822.) 1821-1823. Apprns. for public improvements, sum paid, etc. (Same (Hiester) Dec. 4, 1823.) The public improvements were those named In a law passed Mch. 26, 1821 ; canals, roads, river naviga- tion. 1830. Expenditures for improvement of the Susque- hanna per act of Apr. 2, 1830 which authorized pay- ment of amt. still due for improvements authorized Mch. 26, 1821. (A.R. auditor gen. 1829/30: 24.) 1854/5. Table: amts. necessary to be appropriated for ordinary repairs, motive power, debts, etc. on the several lines. (A.R. canal comrs. 1853/4: 28-31.) 1865-1895/6. See above, Pennsylvania, these dates. 1872. See same, this date. Stock held by state; see Finance: State. Investments Sunday Observance; see that title Toils Material respecting tolls on individual private canals or particular branches of the stnte system is entered below under the respective canals and divisions. 1802. Corresp. opened with Gov. of Md. resp. tolls claimed by Md. Susquehanna Canal Co. for navi- gating bed of river within that state. (Govs. mess. (M'Kean) Dec. 11, 1802.) 1865 Nov. 27. Veto (Curtin) of bill regulating tolls, on ■U'yoming Valley Canal, West Branch and Susque- hanna Canal, Eastern division of Main line of Penn. Canal; and of Susquehanna Canal. (House jol. 1866: 41-42; Sen. jol. 1866: 38-39.) CANALS AND SLACK-'WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVID- UAL UNDERTAKINGS Allegheny River 1821 Je. 18-Sept. 5. Corresp. of Gov. Hiester of Penn. and Gov. Clinton of N. Y. rel. to obstructions in Allegheny River and Oswego Creek. (Sen. jol. 1821/2: 22-25; House jol. 1821/2: 25-29.) 1827 Mch. 31. See below, Susquehanna River, this date. 1828 Dec. 3. Rept. of Edwd. F. Gay, engr. on examina- tions of the Allegheny, Monongahela and Ohio rivers. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8: 267-287 (series 8, no. 6).) I'aglng from Sen. ed. Bald Eagle Creek 1791 Feb. 23. Rept. of committee apptd. on petition of inhabitants and landholders on West Branch of the Susquehanna, in Northumberland and .Mifflin cos., praying that Bald Eagle Creek be made a public highway. (House jol. 1790/1: 214.) 1797. Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion on sundry petitions for aid in erection of roads and bridges; improvement of Bald Eagle Creek and removal of obstructions in River Schuylkill. (House jol. 1796/7: 306-308.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Company Incorporated under act of Apr. 14. 1834. to make a navigable canal or slack-water navigation for pas- sage up and down Hald Engle and Spring creeks, from pool of state dam across Bald E;igle Creek to point near Bellefonte ; the large interest of the state in the company made the improvement prac- tically a state work. serial 1 series Under act of Apr. 28, 1840. 1845. Ann. stmt. In Collected docs, as follows : 1845 in House Jol. 1846 v. 2 : 294-295 (doc. 40). 2 series Under acts of Apr. 28, 1840 and Apr. 20, 1846. 1846-1847. Ann. stmt. In Collected docs, as follows: 1846 In Senate jol. 1847 v. 2:212-215 (doe. 11). " House •■ 1847 v. 2:230-233 (docs. 13-14). 1847 " Senate " 1848 v. 2 : 273-274 ; 276-277 (docs. 29; 31). 1847 in House Jol. 1848 v. 2:300-301; 303-304 (docs. 37; 39). 3 series Under acts of Apr . 28, 1840, Apr. 20, 1846 and 1848. 1848-1852. Ann. stmt. In Collected docs. RS follows 1848 in Senate jol. 1849 V. 2 '263-266 (doc. 21) " House 1849 V. 2 328-331 (doc. 29) 1849 " Senate 1850 V. 2 415-416 (doc. 52) " House 1850 V. 2 513-514 (doc. 59) 1850 " Senate 1851 V. 2 568-569 (doc. 46) " " House 1851 V. 2 584-585 (doc. 64) 1851 " Senate 1852 V. 2 124-125 (doc. 27) " " House 1852 V. 2 204-205 (doc. 28) 1852 " Senate 1853 V. 2 343-344 (doc. 20) " House 1853 V. 2 279-280 (doc. 16) 4 series Under acts of Apr. 20, 1846 and Mch. 30, 1848. 1853-lSGO. Ann. stmt. In Collected docs, as follows : 1853 in Legist, docs. 1854 : 314-315. 1854-1855 not found. 1856 in Leglsl. docs. 1857 : 604-60! 1857 " ^' " 1858 1858 1859 1860 471-473. 1859:713-714. 1860: 1108. 1861 : 700-701. non-serial 1837. List of stockholders in Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co. (Sen. jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 459- 461.) 1839. Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation; state's Interest therein; length; capital, expenditure, etc.; tolls; Legisl. should provide for its completion. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9: 32-33.) raging from House ed. 1841 Jan. 6. State subscription, etc., to stock of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co.; value as tributary to state canal; further subscription recom- mended. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 6, 1841.) 1842 Jan. 15. Renewed recommendation for comple- tion of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek navigation. (A.R. canal comrs. 1840/1: 18.) Paging from Sen. ed. 1846 Jan. 20. Govs. mess. (Shunk) with rept. of comrs. apptd. to examine affairs and works of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co., Tioga Navigation Co. and Danville and Pottsvilie R.R. Co. (House Jol. 1846 V. 2: 240-253; Sen. jol. 1S4G v. 1: 77-78'; v. 2: 207-218 (doc. 18)t.) David I>. Wagcner. .1. M. Korster and R. II. Hammond were the comrs. • Mess. only. t Kept. only. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 385 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Company— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1847. Tolls collected on Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co. beyond rates charged on Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1848 v. 2: 300-301.) 1861 Mch. 29. Communication from auditor gen. (Coch- ran) and treasurer (Moore), rel. to guaranteed in- terest to stockholders of Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co. (Legisl. docs. 1861: 888-890 (doc. 51).) Beaver River 1822 Dec 27. Kept, of comrs. apptd. under act of Mch. 26, 1821 to improve navigation of Beaver River. (House jol. 1822/3: 163-165.) James Allison, John Pugh, Edwd. Wrlgbt, Arthur Chenoweth. Saral. Clark. The Improvements were removal o£ obstructions and construction of slack- water navigation. Bedford Branch of Juniata River See above, Pennsylvania, under dates 1790-1793. Big Swatara Creek 1817. Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion (Scott) on petition for apprn. in aid of the improvement of the navigation of Big Swatara Creek; favorable. (House jol. 1816/7: 487.) Brandywine Creek Apr. 10, 1793 the Penn. Legist, passed an act to enable the Gov. to incorporate a company for opening a canal and lock navigation on waters of Brandywine Creek, the corporation to be known as " President, Managers and Co. of Brandywine Canal Naviga- tion " ; the provisions ot this act were renewed In a suppl. act. Mch. 19, 1794, Delaware having passed a law on the subject. 1793 Feb. 11. Rept. of committee on petitions for in- corporation of a CO. to open a canal and lock-navi- gation on the Brandywine. (House Jol. 1792/3: 172.) 1795 Jan. 14. Rept. of committee on act to enable the Gov. to incorporate a co. for opening a canal and lock navigation on waters of the Brandywine Creek. (Sen. jol. 1794/5: 58-59.) 1826. Del. communications rel. to canal and lock navi- gation on Brandywine Creek. (Sen. jol. 1825/6: 400-401; House jol. 1825/6 v. 2: 262-264.) Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company See also Amer. State Papers. Misc. v. 2 : 215-217 ; 222- 223; 285-291. 1800 Jan. 4. Govs. mess. (Mifflin) transmitting copy of act, submitted by Gov. of Md., to incorporate a CO. for purpose of cutting and making a canal betw. Delaware River and Chesapeake Bay. (House jol. 1799/00: 87.) Act not prtd. with mess. The usual no. of copies was ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1799/00:87.) No separate copy was found. 1801 Feb. 6. Govs. mess. (McKean) with letter and ace. doc. from Gov. of Del. rel. to passage of act to incorporate a co. for purpose of cutting and making a canal betw. Del. River and Chesapeake Bay. (Same 1800/1: 310-311.) 1803 Feb. 16. Govs. mess. (M'Kean) resp. canal be- tween Delaware River and Chesapeake Bay and clearing of obstruction In the Susquehanna, etc.; subscription to shares of stock. (Some 1802/3: 333- 334; Sen. jol. 1802/3: 260-261.) 1805 Feb. 9. Rept. of committee (Harris) on memorial and petition of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Co. for legislative aid in completing canal communica- tion betw. Bays ot Delaware and Chesapeake. (Sen. jol. 1804/5: 169-171.) 25 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company — cont'd 1805 Feb. 11. Rept. of committee (D. Mitchel) to whom was referred memorial and petition of president and mgrs. of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Co. (House jol. 1804/5: 314-315.) 1806 Feb. 6. Memorial and petition from president and directors of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Co. for assistance. (Sen. jol. 1805/6: 160.) 1811 Dec. 5. For connection of Schuylkill, Delaware and Susquehanna rivers by canals. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. 5, 1811.) 1813 Dec. 10. Importance of internal navigation; possible connection of waters of Chesapeake and the Delaware. (.S'ume (Snyder) Dec. 10, 1813.) 1815 Dec. 8. Connection of waters of the Chesapeake and the Delaware and those of the Susquehanna and Schuylkill. (Same (Snyder) Dec. 8,. 1815.) 1823. Communication from Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Co. rel. to canal route. (Sen. jol. 1822/3: 425- 427.) Jan. 20. Rept. of committee on roads and inland navigation (Lehman) rel. to projected canal to connect waters of Delaware and Chesapeake. (House jol. 1822/3: 316-322.) . Same, separate, n. p., J. S. Weistling (sic). 8 pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In Amer. Phil. Socy. Lsual no. ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1822/3 : 322.) 1824 [Feb.]. Communication from Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Co. in reply to Sen. res. of Jan. 29 requesting information as to route, expense, etc. (Sen. jol. 1823/4: 316-317.) 1825 Jan. 5. Letter from John Read, president of Phila. Bank rel. to subscription to stock of Chesa- peake and Delaware Canal Co. (Same 1824/5: 165- 166.) Nov. 16. Communication from bd. of directors of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Co., rel. to affairs of Co. (House jol. 1825/6 v. 2: 53-54.) 1835. Corresp. rel. to Chesapeake and Del. Canal. (Same 1835/6 v. 2: 29-32.) Mch. 13. Govs. mess. (Wolf) ace. with communi- cations from Govs, of Md. and Del. rel. to Chesa- peake and Delaware Canal Co. (Same 1834/5 v. 2: 622-624 (doc. 190).) Mch. 30. Rept. of select committee (Reed) rel. to Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. (Same 1834/5 v. 1: 674; v. 2: 836-838 (doc. 230).) Nov. 16. Opinion of atty. gen. (G. M. Dallas) rel. to obstructions complained of in navigation of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. (Sen. jol. 1835/6 V. 2: 8-11.) 1841 Mch. 6. See below, Susquehanna Canal Co., this date. Laws 1803. The laws of the legislatures of Md., Del. and Penn. resp. Chesapeake & Delaware Canal. Phila- delphia: Prtd. by Z. Poulson, 1803. 48 pp. Copy seen In Amer. Phil. Socy. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company " Chesapeake and Ohio Canal is the work ot a Jt. stock CO. chartered by the states of Md.. Va. and Penn., and sanctioned by Congress." serial 1828-1835. [Ann.] rept. to the legisl. of Penn., incl. abstr. of receipts and expenditures. In Collected docs, as follows: [annum.] 1828 In Senate Jol. 1828/9 v. 2 : 382-385. ■■ House •■ 1828/9 v. 2 : 530-532 (docs. 170-171). [1.] 1829 not found. 386 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company — cont'd serial — cont'd [2.] 1830 In Senate Jol. 1830/1 v. 1 : 228-229. [3.] " " HoUBe " 1830/1 v. 2:765-769 (docs. 156, 157). [4-5.] 1831/3 not found. 6-7. 1834/5 In Senate Jol. 1835/6 v. (doc. 21). House ; 50-74. 1835/6 V. 2:84-110 non-serial 1824 Feb. 14. Govs. mess. (Pleasants of Va.) with act incorporating Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co. (Sen. jol. 1823/4: 473-487.) Mch. 13. Same (Schulze of Penn.) transmitting communication from clerk of Md. Council, with act incorporating Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co. (Same 1823/4: 551-565.) 1825 Feb. 1. Communication from Gov. of Md. (Ste- vens) with copy of Md. law to confirm Va. act in- corporating Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Ca {Same 1824/5: 341-356; House Jol. 1824/5 v. 2: 225-239.) This act Is also In U. S. 18 Cong. 2 sess. Sen. doc. 24. May 19. Copy of letter from pres. of Potomac Navigation Co., rel. to incorporation of Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co. (House jol. 1825/6 v. 2: 51-53.) 1826 Feb. 2. Reasons of Jno. R. C. Smith for his nega- tive vote on act incorporating the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. (Same 1825/6 v. 1: 304-307.) Feb. 14. Govs. mess. (Schulze) transmitting Va. docs. rel. to Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co.; with ace. docs. (Sen. jol. 1825/6: 336-337.) 1827 Jan. Memorial from committee on behalf of Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Conv. (Same 1826/7: 334-338; House jol. 1826/7 v. 2: 294-296.) 1828 Mch. Same. (Same 1827/8 v. 1: 507-509; same 1827/8 V. 2: 894-896 (docs. 256-257).) 1829. Memorial and Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co. to Gen. Assem. of Md. for authority to sell or lease lands and water-power along margin of canal ; with docs. rel. to canal. (Sen. jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 362-371.) . Communication from Gov. of Va., on acts of Va. rel. to Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. (House jol. 1829/30 V. 2: 688-691.) 1830 Mch. 6. Govs. mess. (Wolf) transmitting Va. act incorporating Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co. and amdmt. thereto; with ace. docs. (Sen. jol. 1829/30 [V. 1]: 326-329.) 1831. Communication from Gov. of Va., enclosing acts of Va. Gen. Assem. rel. to Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co. (House jol. 1830/1 v. 2: 820-826; Sen. jol. 1830/1: 377-383.) . Rept. of [select] committee (Ringland) to whom was referred memorial of president and directors of Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company resp. sub- scription to stock by general govt., etc. (Sen. jol. 1830/1: 301-303.) 1834 Dec. 8. Memorial of Balto. com. for legisl. aid to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, and for passage of a res. recommending the said work to the patron- age of Congress. Not seen. 1000 copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1834/5 T. 1 : 359.) Laws 1824 Jan. 27. Act of Gen. Assem. of Va. incorporating the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co. (House jol. 1823/4: 801-814.) Feb. 17. Act of Md. Gen. Assem. Incorporating Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co. (Same 1823/4: 898-912.) 1826. Copy of act of legisl. of Va., rel. to Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co. (Same 1825/6 v. 2: 244-245.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Chest Creek 1837. Rept. of committee (M'Clelland) upon petition for aid for improvement of navigation of Chest Creek. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 444-445 (doc. 121).) Codorous Navigation Co., York Co. An improvement " effected by means of canals and pools." See also above, Canals, etc. Penn., under dates 1761- 1876. 1836-1850. Stmt, of accts. In 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 Collected docs. In Senate Jol. " House " " Senate " " House " " Senate " " House •' " Senate " *' House " not found. in Senate Jol. " House " Senate " House Senate " House " Senate " House " Senate " House " as follows : 1836/7 V. 2 : 257-259. 1836/7 V. 2:435-436 (doc. 117). 1837/8 T. 2:274-275 (doc. 74). 1838/9 V. 2 : 401-402. 1841 V. 2:316-317 (doc. 31). 1841 V. 2:153-154 (doc. 78). 1841 T. 2:317-318 (doc. 31). 1841 V. 2: 155-156 (doc. 79). 1842 V. 2: 235 (doc. 25). 1842 V. 2:758-759 (doc. 147). 1844 V. 1844 V. 1845 V. 1846 V. 1846 V. 1847 V. 1848 T. 1848 V. 1849 V. 1849 T. 1850 V. 1850 V. 1851 T. 1851 V. 2:220 2:459 2: 707 2 : 298 2 : 368- 2:407 2: 402 2:462 2: 320 2:552 2 : 272 2:288 2:684 2:600 (doc. 41). (doc. 81). (doc. 105). (doc. 49). 369 (doc. 60). (doc. 50). (doc. 60). (doc. 72). (doc. 40). (doc. 74). (doc. 23). (doc. 24). (doc. 50). (doc. 68). Conemaugh River See also above, Pennsylvania, under dates 1790-1793. 1816 Feb. 16. Rept. of committee on roads and inland navigation (Read) on petitions of Inhabitants of Cambria, Somerset and Westmoreland cos. for apprn. to improve navigation of Conemaugh River and road leading from M'Kee's Mill to Conemaugh. (House jol. 1815/16: 402.) Reviews previous legislation on the subject ; recommends apprn. 1822. Apprn. in 1791 for improvement of navigation of Little Conemaugh; diversion of portion of fund to improvement of Monongahela and Youghiogheny rivers and Raystown branch of the Juniata; condi- tion on which to be replaced. (Govs. mess. (Hies- ter) Dec. 5, 1822.) Conestoga Navigation Co. 1833 Apr. 8. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (M'CuUoh) upon petition for annulment of charter of Conestoga Navigation Co. (House jol. 1832/3 v. 2: 757-763 (doc. 231).) Conneaut Creek 1810. Rept. of committee on roads and Inland naviga- tion (Duane) rel. to navigation of Conniaut (sic) Creek. (House jol. 1809/10: 354-355.) Conewago Canal Incorporated Apr. 10, 1793. See also above. Canals, etc., Penn., under dates, 1761- 1876. 1792. Early enterprise in eastern Penn.; construction of artificial waterway [Conewago Canal] to improve navigation of Susquehanna River. (A.R. secy, in- ternal affairs 1903 pt. 1: 224-229A.) 1802 Jan. 26. Rept. of committee (Penrose) on peti- tion of T. W. FYancis for liberty to exact a toll on boats passing through the Conewago Canal and locks. (House jol. 1801/2: 183-184.) 1803 Feb. 8. Rept. of committee (Potts) on subject of Conewago Canal. (Same 1802/3: 288-290.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 387 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Conewago Canal — cont'd 1805 Jan. 7. Rept. of committee on claims (Goodman) on claim of Saml. Clegg for remuneration for services rendered and work done on the Conewago Canal. (Same 1804/5: 152-153.) 1814 Mch. 16. Rept. of committee (Rahm) on petition of C. Spayd and J. Sitgreaves, on subject of improv- ing navigation of Susquehanna River at Green Rock, above Conewago Falls by erection of wharf. (Sen. jol. 1813/14: 415.) 1819. Corresp. of Penn. and Md. authorities rel. to obstructions in Susquehanna River at Conewingo (sic) Falls. (Same 1819/20: 19-22; House Jol. 1819/20: 28-37.) 1820 Mch. 9. Rept. of committee (M'Meens) apptd. to view and examine obstructions to navigation of Susquehanna River at Conewago Falls. (Sen. jol. 1819/20: 430-431.) Mch. 10. Same (Middleswarth). (House jol. 1819/20: 866-867.) 1821. Rept. of committee (Lawrence) apptd. to view obstructions in Susquehanna River at Conewago Falls. (House jol. 1820/1: 193-194.) . Same, separate. Entitled: Rept. of committee apptd. to view the dam of James Hopkins at Conne- wago (sic) Falls, n. t. p. 2 pp. Copy In Amer. Phil. Socy. Usual no. ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1820/1; 194). Jan. 3. Rept. of committee (Conyngham) apptd. to view the dam of James Hopkins at Conewago Falls [on the Susquehanna River]. (Sen. jol. 1820/1: 158-160.) Jan. 30. Rept. of [special] committee (Estep) rel. to obstructions to navigation of the Susque- hanna at Conewago Falls. (House jol. 1820/1: 454- 455.) . Same, separate, n. t. p. 2 pp. Copy in Amer. Phil. Socy. Usual no. ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1820/1:455.) Delaware Division Canal Company The Delaware Division Canal was originally a part of the Penn. system of public works ; It was completed In 1830 and operated as an Independent section of the public works until 1858 when it was sold to the Sunbury and Erie R.R. Co. ; this company resold the canal Jly. 10, 1858, to the Delaware Division Canal Co., Incorporated Jly. 14, 1858 ; In Aug., 1866, at was leased for 99 years to the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. serial 1 series 1863-1865. Ann. rept. (AJl. auditor gen. on 1863 (pp. 368-370)— «ome 1865). 2 series Under lease to Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. 1866-1903/4. Ann. rept. (A.R. auditor gen. on 1866: 485-490; rept. secy, internal affairs on 1903/4.) non-serial 1865 Nov. 27. Veto (Curtin) of act authorizing Dela- ware Division Canal of Penn. to Increase their tolls. (Legisl. Record 1866: 34.) 1875. See above. Canals. Penn., this date. 1875-1895. See same, these dates. Delaware River See also above, Pennsylvania, under dates 1789-1790 ; 1790, 1790-1793. 1820 Jan. 26. See above, Pennsylvania, this date. 1829. See same, this date. 1835. See same, this date. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Delaware River — cont'd 1850. Rept. of committee on inland navigation rel. to an aqueduct over the Delaware River, together with the amdmt. of Mr. Porter. Harrlsburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1860. 9 pp. Copy seen In Penn. State Library, and In the Library of Congress. Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. Originally two companies, the Hudson and Delaware Co. of New York, Incorporated In 1823, with banking privileges and the Lackawaxon Canal Co. of Penn. See also above, Canols, etc.. Penn., under dates 1761- 1876: also under Hallroads: Inillvldual. below; also the New York volume of this series of Indexes. serial 1 series Pursuant to acts of Feb. 9, 1820, and Mch. 13, 1823. 1830-1869. Stmt, of affairs. In Collected docs. 1829 In Senate Jol. 1830 1831 House " Senate " House " Senate " House " Senate " House " Senate " House " Senate " House " Senate " House " Senate " " " House " 1839 " Senate " " " House " Senate " House " 1841-1843 not found 1844 In Senate Jol. " " House Senate " House " Senate " House Senate " House " Senate " House " Senate " " House " 1850 " Senate " " " House " Senate " House " Senate " " " House " 1853 In Legislative 1854 " 1855 " 1856 " 1857 " 1858 " 1859 " 1860 •' 1861 " 1862 " 1863 •' " 1864 " 1865 •' 1866 " 1867 " 1868 " 1869 " 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1840 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1851 1852 as follows : 1829/30 V. 1: 188; 211-212. 1830/1 V. 1 : 190. 1831/2 V. 1:175. 1831/2 V. 2:583 (doc. 126). 1832/3 [V. 1] : 302-303. 1832/3 V. 2:412 (doc. 118). 1833/4 V. 1 : 259. 1833/4 V. 2:548 (doc. 126). 1834/5 V. 1 : 124. 1834/5 V. 2:476 (doc. 108). 1835/6 V. 1 : 194. 1835/6 V. 2:392 (doc. 88). 1836/7 V. 2:301. 1836/7 V. 2:468 (doc. 141). 1837/8 V. 2 : 173-174. 1837/8 V. 2:262 (doc. 66). 1838/9 V. 2 : 233. 1838/9 T. 2, pt. 2 : 505-506 (doc. 65). 1840 V. 2 : 304. 1840 V. 2:395-396 (doc. 25). 1841 V. 2:84-85 (doc. 19). 1841 V. 2:126-127 (doc. 68). 1845 V. 2: 160 (doc. 20). 1845 V. 2:233 (doc. 27). 1846 V. 2:200-201 (doc. 13). 1846 V. 2:227-228 (doc. 16). 1847 V. 2:199 (doc. 7). 1847 V. 2 : 215 (doc. 9). 1848 V. 2: 49-50 (doc. 4). 1848 V. 2: 65-66 (doc. 5). 1849 V. 2: 145 (doc. 12). 1849 T. 2: 302 (doc. 23). 1850 V. 2:77 (doc. 11). 1850 V. 2: 93 (doc. 11). 1851 V. 2:385 (doc. 28). 1851 V. 2: 321 (doc. 26). 1852 V. 2:81 (doc. 18). 1852 V. 2: 161 (doc. 19). 1853 T. 2: 346 (doc. 23). 1853 V. 2: 282 (doc. 19). docs. 1854 : 295. " 1855:412 (doc. 34). •' 1856:329-330 (doc. 20). " 1857:289 (doc. 13). " 1858:460-461 (doe. 37). " 1859: 533-534 (doc. 19). " 1860:516-517 (doc. 12). •• 1861 : 644-645 (doc. 19). " 1862: 724 (doc. 29). " 1863: 474 (doc. 11). " 1864: 1300 (doc. 36). " 1863 : 66. '• 1865 V. 1:1111-1112 (doc. 47). •• 1866 V. 2:732 (doc. 15). •* 1867 V. 1:970 (doc. 47). " 1868: 1134-1135 (doc. 29). " 1869: 896 (doc. 30). '• 1870: 1056 (doc. 27). 2 series 1863-1897/8. Ann. rept. (A.R. auditor gen. on 1863: 382-384; rept. secy, internal affairs on 1897/8.) non-serial 1830 Jan. 30. Rept. of [select] committee (Read) reL to obstructions in Delaware and Lackawaxen rivers constructed by Hudson and Delaware Canal Co. (House jol. 1829/30 v. 2: 615-617 (doc. 209).) 388 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1830 Feb. 25. Rept. of engrs. in obedience to res. of Feb. 6, 1829 rel. to dams erected in Delaware and Lackawaxen rivers, by Hudson and Delaware Canal and R.R. Co. (Same 1829/30 v. 2: 675-676.) J. Mitchell ; F. W. Rawle. Mch. 2. Rept. of select committee (Read) on complaints agst. Hudson and Delaware Canal and R.R. Co.; obstruction of navigation of Lackawaxen and Delaware rivers, refusing use of r.r. to indi- viduals, etc. {Same 1829/30 v. 2: 682 (doc. 270).) 1836 Feb. 15. Rept. of committee on roads, bridges and inland navigation (Strohm) on petition of Jason Torrey for authority to open navigation from head of Delaware and Hudson Canal in Honesdale, to West Branch of Lackawaxen Creek and remon- strances agst. same. (Sen. jol. 1835/6 v. 1: 342-343.) 1844 Aug. 29. Testimony in case of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. {Same 1845 v. 2: 142-156.) For rept., see below, Jan. 17, 1845. 1845 Jan. 17. Rept. of select committee (Crabb) apptd. to investigate charges and complaints agst. Delaware and Hudson Canal. {Same 1845 v. 1: 73- 74.) For testlmooy, see above, Aug. 29, 1844. 1849. Stmt, of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. rel. to cost of works of co. and amt. of capital invested therein. {Same 1849 v. 2: 303-304 (doc. 32); House jol. 1849 v. 2: 372-373 (doc. 42).) 1851 Apr. 3. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and Internal improvement (Penniman) rel. to in- quiry into expediency of Commonwealth resuming charter and franchises of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. (House jol. 1851 v. 1: 722-726.) 1852 Jan. 8. Rept. of committee (Penniman) apptd. to investigate affairs of [Delaware and] Hudson Canal Co. with view of resumption of work by Com- monwealth. {Same 1852 v. 2: 12-89 (doc. 2).) . Same, separate, h. t. p. 80 pp. Copy seen In the Penn. State Library. 3000 copies In English and 1000 in German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1852 v. 1 : 15.) 1853 Mch. 10-21. Testimony in case of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. (House jol. 1853 v. 2: 582-590.) For rept., see below, Apr. 19. Apr. 19. Rept. of select committee (Wharton) to whom was referred res. rel. to expediency of re- sumption of Penn. sec. of Delaware and Hudson Canal by state. {Same 1853 v. 1: 829.) For testimony, see above, Mch. 10-21. 1858 Feb. 10. Stmt, of condition of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. (Leglsl. Record 1858: 131; 156; 175-176; 183-184; 191-192.) 1859 Jan. 22. Rept. of the treasurer of the Del. and Hudson Canal Co. {Same 1859: 93.) 1861. Debate on act rel. to acct. of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. (Some 1861: 296-301; 580-584.) Jan. 17. Rept. of auditor gen. (Cochran) In reply to Senate res. requesting a stmt, of amt. of moneys paid by the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. into the state treasury on acct. of taxes. {Same 1861: 200.) Mch. 18. Speech of W. W. Ketcham on bill author- izing the auditor gen. to settle the accts. of the Dela- ware and Hudson Canal Co. {Same 1861: 778-784.) 1863 Apr. 13. Rept. of [select] committee (Hiestand) on investigation of affairs of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. (Sen. jol. 1863: 730-731.) . Testimony taken by committee of Senate apptd. to inquire into affairs of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. (Leglsl. docs. 1863: 1226-1234.) 1875. See above; Canals. Penn., this date. 1875-1895. See same, these dates. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Delaware and Raritan Canal Company See also New Jersey volume of this Index. 1825 Feb. 4. Letter from Gov. (Shulze) transmitting one from Gov. of N. J. on incorporation of Dela- ware and Raritan Canal Co. (House jol. 1824/5 v. 2: 205-219 (docs. 102-103); Sen. jol. 1824/5:308-321.) Feb. 21. Rept. of committee on inland navigation (Lehman) on Delaware and Raritan Canal. (House jol. 1824/5 V. 2: 355-362 (doc. 156).) . Same, separate, n. t. p. 8 pp. Copy seen In Amer. Phil. Socy. Usual no. ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1824/5 v. 1 : 401.) Dec. 30. Govs. mess. (Shulze) transmitting docs. rel. to Delaware and Raritan Canal; with ace. docs. (Sen. jol. 1825/6: 98-102; House jol. 1825/6 v. 2: 98-102 (docs. 58-59).) The ace. docs, are a certificate of U. S. engrs. and a rept. of N. J. comrs. apptd by act of leglsl. of Dec. 30, 1824, for fixing the gen. route of the canal. 1826. Memorial to Legisl. of Penn. of the committee on behalf of the Delaware and Raritan Canal Co. rel. to the use of the waters of the Delaware River. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Cameron & Krause, 1826. 43 pp. Oarret D. Wall, James Nellson : signed the report. Copy seen In Penn. State Library. 1835 Feb. 10. Govs. mess. (Wolf) in reply to res. of Feb. 6 requesting information rel. to feeder of Dela- ware and Raritan Canal, etc. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 1: 354-355.) Delaware and Schuylkill Canal Incorporated Apr. 10, 1792. See also below. Union Canal. 1791 Dec. 21. Rept. of committee apptd. Dec. 19 to view ground near north end of City of Phila. to be used for making a communication betw. the Dela- ware and Schuylkill, etc. (House jol. 1791/2: 38-39.) 1796. Memorial of pres. and mngrs. of Schuylkill and Susquehanna canal navigation and of Delaware and Schuylkill Canal for raising lottery to complete said works. (Sen. jol. Dec. 1795/6: 73-76.) 1798 Mch. 9. Rept. of committee (Smith) on petition from president and mgrs. of Delaware and Schuyl- kill canal navigation; recommended that auction duties for a term of years within the city of Phila. be appropriated towards erection of this canal. {Same 1797/8 177-178.) 1805 Jan. 10. Memorial and- petition of president, mgrs. and co. of the Delaware and Schuylkill canal navigation, stating amt. expended by the co., por- tion of work completed and seeking legisl. aid. {Same 1804/5: 95.) Feb. 18. Rept. of committee (Sharfwood) on petition of president, mgrs. and co. of the Delaware and Schuylkill canal navigation. (House jol. 1804/5: 346-348.) 1806 Feb. 5. Memorial from president, mgrs. and co. of Delaware and Schuylkill canal navigation for extension of their charter and leglsl. aid In carry- ing on their work. (Sen. jol. 1805/6: 157.) Dunning's Creek See above, Pennsylvania, under dates 1790-1793. Erie Canal Company Incorporated under act ot Mch. 7, 1843 ; by provlslona of this act the Erie division of the Penn. Canal, from town of Erie to the mouth ot Beaver, on the Ohio River, together with the French Creek feeder, was vested in the corporation ; the state was to retain possession of the Beaver line of canal, from New Castle to the Ohio River, until the line wag completed from New Castle to Brie ; the state reserved the right to resume possession of the Beaver division from New Castle to the Ohio River. Nov. 29, 1870 the canal was sold to the Erie and Pittsburgh R.R. Co. (Penn. Co. lessee) ; It was abandoned as a canal and the etone and real estate ■old. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 389 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Erie Canal Company — cont'd serial 1 series Under sec. 15, act of Mch. 7, 1843. 1843-1865. Ann. rept [to the Legisl.]. ChcckllBt 1. 1843. Not found. 1'. 1844. Uarrlsburg : J. M. G. Lcscure, 1845. 5 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. 3-23. 1845-1865. Not found. Id Collected docs, as followf 1843 In Senate Jol. 1844 V. 2:35-38 (doc. 5). " •• *' House " 1844 V. 2 117-120 (doc. 17). 2 1844 " Senate " 1845 V. 2 135 (doc. 11). '* " " House 1845 V. 2 229-232 (docs. 24-25) 202-205 (docs. 1.V16) 3. 1845 " Senate " 1846 v. 2 '* " " House 1846 V. 2 234-237 (docs. 20-21) 4. 1846 " Senate " 1847 V. 2 215-218 (doc. 12). " " " House 1847 T. 2 233-237 (doc. 15). 5. 1847 " Senate " 1848 V. 2 262-273 (doc. 28). '• " " House " 1848 V. 2 284-295 (doc. 32). e. 1848 " Senate " 1849 V. 2 267-275 (doc. 22). " '* " House 1849 V. 2 340-348 (doc. 341. 7. 1849 " Senate " 1850 V. O 140-146 (doc. 20). " " House 1850 V. 2 156-162 (doc. 211. 8. 1850 " Senate 1851 V. 2 585-591 (doc. 51). " House 1851 V. 2 601-607 (doc. 69). 9. 1851 " Senate " 1852 V. 2 127-132 (doc. 29). " " House 1852 V. 2 207-212 (doc. 30). 10. 1852 " Senate " 1853 V. o 361-364 (doc. 30). " " House 1853 V. 2 297-300 (doc. 26). 11. 1853 *' Legislative docs. 1854 . 259-261. 12. 1854 not found. 13. 1855 in Legislative docs. 1856 : 352-354 (doc. 31). 14. 1858 1857 498-501 (doc. 37). 15. 1857 1858 464-470 (doc. 40). 16. 1858 1859 1027-1030 (doc. 78). 17. 1869 1860 768-771 (doc. 23). 18. 1860 1861 740-749 (doc. 31). 19. 1861 1862 702-705 (doc. 22). 20. 1862 1863 471-474 (docs. 9-10). •' " ;| ;; Record 1863 37-38. 21. 1863 docs. 1864 1301-1302 (doc. 37). 22. 1864 ** 1865 V. 1: 1101-1102 (doc. 39). 23. 1865 in Legislative docs. 1866 V. 1:846-847 (doc. 36). 2 series 1863-1872. Ann. rept. (A.R. auditor gen. on 1863 (pp. 354-357)— same 1872.) tionserial ISll Dec. 5. Water communication; project on foot in N. Y.; opportunities of Penn. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. 5, 1811.) Dec. 10. Govs. mess. (Snyder) transmitting N. J. act ratifying proposed constitutional amdmt., pro- hibiting citizens of U. S. from receiving any title of nobility or pension from any foreign power; copies of a rept. of comrs. apptd. by act of Apr. 2, 1811, for the purpose of viewing Northern and Southern routes for a turnpike road from Harris- burgh to Pittsburgh; copies of N. Y. law and letter of comrs. rel. to contemplated canal navigation betw. the Great Lakes and Hudson River. (House jol. 1811/2: 54-56.) Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1811/2: 54-56.) 1812 Jan. 30. Rept. of committee on roads and canals (Brady) to whom was referred part of Govs. mess, rel. to application made by comrs. apptd. by act of legisl. of N. Y. for purpose of opening a canal navi- gation betw. Great Lakes and Hudson River. (Sen. jol. 1811/2: 184-185.) 1829 Dec. 18. See below, Penn. Canal, this date. 1843. Incorporation of Erie Canal Co. authorized Mch. 7, 1843. (A.R. canal comrs. 1842/3: 10.) 1844. See below, Canals: Individual (State). Penn. Canal: Branches. Beaver division, this date. . Erie Canal Co., chartered under act of Mch. 7, 1843; work. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 3, 1844.) CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Erie Canal Company — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1844 Dec. Docs. ace. Govs. mess, of Jan. 10, 1845 rel. to completion of Erie Canal. (Sen. jol. 1845 v. 2: 129- 135 (doc. 10).) Dec. 31. Possibility of injury to state's interest in other canals by toll regulation of Erie Canal Co. (A.R. canal comrs. 1843/4: 11.) Dec. 31. Erie division canal betw. New Castle and Erie surrendered to Erie Canal Co. according to act of Mch. 7, 1843, question of right of co. to Beaver division. {Same 1843/4: 10.) 1845. Charter of Erie Canal Co. in 1843; completion of work, etc. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 8, 1845.) Jan. 10. Govs. mess. (Porter) resp. completion of the Erie Canal. (House jol. 1845 v. 1: 41.) Jan. 13. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. rel. to completion of Erie Canal. (Sen. Jol. 1845 v. 2: 136-137 (doc. 12).) 1S51 Mch. 8. Stmt, [by bd. of canal comrs.] of probable cost to state of resuming Erie Canal. (Same 1851 v. 2: 380-381 (doc. 24).) 1864. Debate on bill to compel the Erie Canal Co. to construct and keep in repair the bridges made neces- sary by the construction of their canal. (Legisl. Record 1864: 193-195.) 1868 Mch. 19. Rept of chrm. of committee on federal relations (Lowry) on Ohio Hiver improvement and enlargement of the Erie Canal. (Same 1868: 771- 774.) Fairmount and Gray's Ferry Canal Co. n. d. Memorial of the select and common councils of Phila. agst. the incorporation of the Fairmount Canal Co. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Welsh & Patter- son, 1835. 7 pp. Copy seen in library of the Library Co. of Phlla. 1835 Jan. 31. Rept. of committee on inland navigation (Miller of Phila.) upon memorial rel. to incorporat- ing Fairmount and Gray's Ferry Canal Co. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 520-521 (doc. 120).) Franklin Canal Company Incorporated by act of Apr. 27, 1844 ; by provisions of this act the Franklin division of the Penn. Canal, from the aqueduct over French Creek, on French Creek feeder, to the mouth of French Creek was vested in the corporation : provision was made for state resumption should it be desired. serial Under act of Apr. 27, 1844, and sec. 8, act of Apr. 9, 1849. 1849-1853. Rept. In Collected docs, as follows : 1849 in Senate Jol. 1850 v. 2:682 (doc. 99). " House " 1850 v. 2:698 (doc. 105). 1850-1851 not found. 1852 in Senate Jol. 1853 v. 2:355-359. " House '■ 1853 v. 2:291-295 (doc. 24). 1853 " Legisl. docs. 1854 : 321-323. " " Dally Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 9) : 50. non-serial 1845 Feb. 1. Communication from James Clarke, president of bd. of canal comrs. rel. to tolls and use of water power at dams on the Franklin Canal. (Sen. jol. 1845 v. 2: 202 (doc. 29).) 1853. Opinion of Supreme Court in case of Common- wealth vs. Franklin Canal Co. (House jol. 1853 v. 2: 372-376; Sen. jol. v. 2: 99-156.) . Same, separate, h. t. p. 60 pp. Copy seen In the Penn. State Library. . On right to construct r.r. from Erie to Ohio state line, claimed by Franklin Canal Co. (Govs. mess. (Blgler) Jan. 5, 1853.) 390 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Franklin Canal Company — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1854. Supreme Court decision agst. right of Franklin Canal Co. to construct a r.r. from the city of Erie to Ohio state line; legislative action to be taken with respect to this road. (Same (Bigler) Jan. 4, 1854.) Jan. 27. Remarks (Chamherlin of Beaver Co.) on Senate bill to annul the charter of the Franklin Canal Co. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 15) : 79-80.) Jan. 20. Discussion (Senators Buckalew, Quig- gle and Price, etc.) of 1)111 to annul charter of the Franklin Canal Co. (Same v. 1 (no. 4): 25-26.). Jan. 27. Remarks (Davis of Crawford Co.) on the Senate bill to annul the charter of the Franklin Canal Co. {Same v. 1 (no. 11): 61-62.) Jan. 28. Discussion (Smith of Crawford Co. and others) of bill to annul charter of the Franklin Canal Co. (Same v. 1 (no. 5): 35.) Feb. 11. Govs. mess. (Bigler) resp. action taken under law revoking charter of Franklin Canal Co.; with ace. docs. (Sen. jol. 1854: 230-238; House jol. 1854:235-243; Daily LegisL Union v. 1 (no. 18): 92-94.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1854. 11 pp. Copy seen In Amer. Phil. >Socy. and in library of the Library Co. of Phila. ; the imprint date is missing from the latter copy. 1000 copies were ordered printed by the Sen.ite. 5000 copies in English and 3000 In German by the House. (House jol. 1854: 264-265.) Mch. 28. Explanation of Geo. Darsle in respect to stmt, in auditor gen.'s rept. on finances that he was paid fSOO for professional services in case of Commonwealth vs. Franklin Canal Co. (Sen. jol. 1854: 622.) Apr. 11. Govs. mess. (Bigler) in reply to Sen. res. of Apr. 11, requesting stmt, of amt. of weekly earnings of the Franklin Canal R.R., and deposit of money due commonwealth from business done on the late Franklin Canal Co. R.R., etc. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 61): 294; Sen. jol. 1854: 830-831.) May 2. Remarks of Mr. Smith on bill to transfer the Franklin Canal R.R. to the Cleveland, Paines- ville and Ashtabula R.R. Co. on condition that it sub- scribe $500,000 to the capital stock of the Sunbury and Erie R.R. Co. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 81): 395-396.) French Creek 1810 Jan. 18. Rept. of committee on roads and inland navigation (Duane) rel. to improving navigation of French Creek. (House jol. 1810/1: 283-286.) Harrisburg Canal, Fire Insurance and Water Company 1826. Copy of record of suit tried in Supreme Court; Commonwealth of Penn. vs. Harrisburg Canal, Fire Insurance and Water Co. (House jol. 1827/8 v. 2: 16-23.) Mch. 18. Letter from pres. of Penn. canal corars. and certain docs. rel. to Harrisburg Canal, Fire In- surance and Water Co. {Same 1825/6 v. 2: 300-311 (doc. 204).) Mch. 27. Rept. of committee (Duncan) on Govs. mess, and docs. rel. to proceedings of Harrisburg Canal, Fire Insurance and Water Co. (Sen. jol. 1825/6: 524-532.) . Case of Commonwealth vs. Harrisburg Canal, Fire Insurance and Water Co.; recommended that provision be made to defray expenses. (Govs. mess. (Schulze) Dec. 5, 1827.) . Proceedings In Supreme Court of Penn. vs. Harrisburg Canal, Fire Ins. and Water Co. rel. to making canal and lock navigation on Susquehanna River near Harrisburg. (Sen. jol. 1827/8: 25-45.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Junction Canal Incorporated under laws of N. T. State, May 11, 1846 ; it extended from termination of the Chemung Canal to the North Branch division of the Penn. Canal. serial 1863-1872. Ann. rept. (A.R. auditor gen. on 1863 (pp. 361-364)— .same 1872.) Omitted 1864-1866. non-serial 1854. " The Junction Canal . . ness during the present (Bigler) Jan. 4, 1854.) . will be ready for busi- month." (Govs. mess. Juniata River See also above, Penns.vIvaDia, under dates 1789-1790. 1803. See below, Susquehanna River, this date. 1822. See below. Little Conemaugh Kiskiminetas River See above, Pennsylvania, under dates 1790-1793. Lacka waxen Canal Co.; see above, Delaware and Hudson Lackawaxen River See also below. Canals, etc.: Individual (Private). Delaware and Hudson. 1808. Rept. of committee (Rinker) to whom was re- ferred petition from Wayne Co. praying that the Lackawaxen River be declared a public highway. (House jol. 1807/8 pt. 1: 136-137.) Lake Erie and Ohio River Ship Canal 1891. On proposed ship canal to connect Lake Erie and Ohio River. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 6, 1891: 31-32.) . Rept. of the Lake Erie and Ohio River Ship Canal Comn. rel. to survey of route for ship canal to con- nect waters of Lake Erie and the Ohio River. (Offi- cial Docs. 1891 V. 3.) . Same, separate. Erie: Prtd. by Despatch Pub. Co., 1891. 173 pp., plans. The plans are omitted in the doc. ed. Lancaster and Susquehanna Slack- Water Navigation Co. 1863. Ann. rept. (A.R. auditor gen. on 1863: 373- 376.) Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. By act of Mch. 20, 1818, three grantees (Josiah White, Geo. F. Hanto, Ersklne Hazard) were authorized to improve the navigation of the River Lehigh ; Aug. 10. 1818. they executed a deed to the " Lehigh Navigation Co." ; and Oct. 21, 1818, a second deed was executed to the Lehigh Coal Co. ; these two com- panies were united Apr. 21. 1820, as the Lehigh Navigation and Coal Co.; May 1. 1821, the title was changed to Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. in 1821 and Feb. 13. 1822. incorporated by the Legislature under that title. See also above. Canals, etc.. Penn.. under dates 1761- 1876 ; also above, Delaware Division Canal Co. serial 1 series 1848-1884. Stmt, of affairs. In 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1864 1855 1866 1857 1858 Collected docs. In House Jol. " Senate " " House *' " Senate *' '* House *' " Senate " " House " " Senate " " House " " Legislative as follows 1S49 v. 2 1850 1850 V. 1851 V. 1851 1852 V. 1852 V. 1853 V. 1853 V. 2; docs. 1854 " 1855 " 1856 " 1857 " 1868 '• 1859 4-5 fdoc. 2). 58 (doc. 5). 74 (doc. 6). 384 (doc. 27). 320 (doc. 25 ». 14-15 (doc. 3). 95 (doc. 4). 332 (doc. 11). 268 (doc. 7). 231. 286-287 (doc. 11). 274 (doc. 11). 284 (doc. 8). 220 (doc. 6). 400-401 (doc. 6). INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 391 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL DNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. — cont'd serial — cont'd 1 series — cont'd 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880- 1882 1883 1884 In Legislative docs. not found. in Legislative docs. not found. in I>egl8latlve docs. " " Record " " docs. 1881 not found. In Legislative docs. 1860: 465 (doc. 6). 1861 : 396-397 (doc. 9). 1862 : 355 (doc. 3). 1863: 469-470 (doc. 7). 1864: 1288-1289 (doc. 32). 1865 v. 1:829-830 (doc. 15). 1866 v. 2:6-7 (doc. 2). 1867 V. 1:60-61 (doc. 3). 1868 : 103.')-1036 (doc. 21). 1869 : 883-884 (doc. 25). 1870:847 (doc. 19). 1872 V. 2: 1522-1523 (doc. 15). 1874 V. 2: 608 (doc. 4). 1875 V. 1:957 (doc. 7). 1876 V. 3:1155-1156( doc. 18). 1877 V. 2: 833 (doc. 6). 1878 V. 1 doc. 8. 1 p. 1878/9 V. 2 doc. 9. 1 p. 187S : 59-60. 1880/1 V. 2 doc. 7. 1 p. 1882/3 V. 4 doc. 11. 1 p. 1884/5 V. 2 doc. 18. 1 p. 1884/5 V. 2 doc. 10. 1 p. 2 series 1863-1903/4. Ann. rept. (Kept, auditor gen. on 1863: 344-346; rept. secy, internal affairs on 1903/4.) non-serial 1818. Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion (Lehman) to whom was committed a res. rel. to the Lehigh Navigation Co. (House jol. 1817/8: 437.) 1822-1826. Communication from pres. of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. in answer to res. of Feb. 8, 1827, ace. with stmt, of checics and drafts drawn by actg. mngrs. of co. on the Easton and Northampton banics each year; stmt, of co.'s cash disbursements each year; also stmt, and communication from cashier of Easton Banli, rel. to checks and drafts of said co. (Same 1826/7 v. 2: 545-614 (docs. 237-238).) 1824-1826. Stmt, and communication from the cashier of the Easton Bank, rel. to checks and drafts of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. (Same 1826/7 v. 2: 609-614 (doc. 239).) 1827. Communication from Northampton Bank, with stmt, of acct. of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., with said bank. (Same 1828 v. 2: 628-631.) Feb. 2. Communication from pres. of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. rel. to res. of Feb. 8, re- quiring a stmt, of amt. of drafts and checks drawn by them on Easton and Northampton banks, etc. (Same 1826/7 v. 2: 491-492 (doc. 215).) . Rept. of select committee (Petrlkin) rel. to checks of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. drawn on Easton and Northampton banks. (S'ajne 1826/7 V. 2: 725 (doc. 294).) 1830 Dec. 21. Description of Lehigh Canal; cost of construction; no. tons of coal passed through this canal since Apr. 1, 1830. ( A.R. canal comrs. 1829/30: 35.) 1832 Feb. 16. Rept. of the committee (Livingston) to whom was referred memorials praying that same rates of toll may be charged on the Delaware Divi- sion of the Penn. Canal as are charged by the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. for the use of the Lehigh Canal, etc. (Sen. jol. 1831/2 v. 1: 227-336.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1832. (?) pp. Incomplete copy seen in the Free Library of Pblla. The usual no. of copies were ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1831/2 V. 1 : 335-336.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. — cont'd not)-serial — cont'd 1832 Feb. 25. Same; minority rept. (Kerlin); a pro- posed substitute for the majority rept. (Sen. jol. 1831/2 V. 1: 380-389.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1832. 12 pp. Entitled : Counter rept. of the minority .... Copies seen in Kree Library of Phlla., and In Hist. Socy. of Penn. The usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1831/2 V. 1:390.) Apr. 6. Letter from .Joseph Barnes rel. to rept. made Feb. 25, 1832 to the Senate, rel. to tolls on Delaware and Lehigh canals, said rept. having re- flected on conduct of the writer. (Sen. jol. 1831/2 [V. 1]: 676.) 1864. Debate on suppl. to act authorizing the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. to extend their r.r. from White Haven to Mauch Chunk. (Legisl. Record 1864: 187-188; 196-198; 352-353.) 1875. See above. Canals, Penn., this date. 1875-1895. See same, these dates. Lehigh River See also above. Pennsylvania, under dates 1789-1790, 1790 and 1790-1793. . 1796. Rept. of committee (I. Whelen) on memorial resp. navigation of the River Lehigh. (Sen. jol. 1795/6: 133.) Little Schuylkill Navigation R.R. and Coal Co. 1833 Dec. 31. Stmt, of accts. of the Little Schuylkill Navigation R.R. and Coal Co., 1832/3. (House jol. 1833/4 v. 2: 854-855 (doc. 195).) Little Schuylkill River 1799. Rept. of committee (Potts) to whom was re- ferred petition from Northampton and Berks cos. for grant of sum to be applied to rendering naviga- ble the Little Schuylkill. (Sen. jol. 1798/9: 72.) Monongahela Navigation Co. The president, managers and company of the Monon- gahela Navigation Co. were Incorporated Mch. 24, 1817 : Mch. 31, 1836 a new company was In- corporated to make a lock navigation from Pitts- burgh to the Va. State Line: in 1897 the D. S. Govt, acquired possession of the improvement. See also U. S. 23 Cong. 1 sess. House ex. docs. 351 and 443 for Federal surveys ; for history of the company and text of all laws passed by the Penn. Legisl. in regard to it, see U. S. 49 Cong. 2 sess. House ei. doc. 112. „ See also above, Canals, etc. Penn., under dates libl- 1876. See also Commerce : Canal-Borne. serial A Under sec. 15, act of Mch. 31, 1836. 1836-1880. Ann. rept. In Collected docs, as follows : 1. 18.36/7 not published. 2. 1837/9 In Senate Jol. 1840 v. 2:5.i-.->80. •' " House " 1840 v. 2, pt. 2:14-61 (doc. 3. 18^0 In Senate Jol. 1841 v. 2:129-146 (doc. 28). ' House " 1841 v. 2:370-387 (doc. 105). [4-5]. 1841-1842 not found. unnum. 1843/4 In Senate JoL 1845 v. 2 : 204 (doc. 31). 1845 1846 V. 2 : 277-278 (doc. 40). 1846 " " " 1847 V. 2:373-396 (doc. 43). "House " 1847 y. 2:261 (doc. 32). 1847 "Senate" 1848 v. 2 : 284-301 (doc. .34). House " 1848 V. 2:313-330 (doc. 42). " 1848 "Senate" 1849 v. 2 : 131-142 (doc. 9). House " 1849 V. 2: 171-183 (doc. 15). 1849 "Senate" 1850 v. 2 : 353-363 (doc. 38). House " 1850 V. 2:337-347 (doc. 37). 1850 " Senate " 1851 v. 2 : 241-242 (doc. 15). " " "House " 1851 V. 2: 177-178 (doc. 15). " 1851 "Senate" 1852 v. 2 : 357-372 (doc. 45). " " "House " 1852 V. 2: 453-468 (doc. 46). " 1852 "Senate" 1853 v. 2 : .365-366 (doc. 33). " " "House " 1853v. 2:303-304 (doc. 29). 392 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Monongahela Navigation Co.— cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd 1853 1854 1856 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1868 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 in Legislative docs. not found. In LegiBlative docs. 1286 (doc. 7). In Legislative docs. 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 18G3 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 ; 269-270. 390-391 344-345 (doc. 21). (doe. 26). 364-365 (doe. 18). : 274-275 (doc. 13). : 534-535 (doc. 20). :708 (doc. 17). : 839-840 (doc. 45). : 750-751 (doc. 31). : 883-884 (doc. 28). : 1522-1524 (doc. 52). V. 2: 991-992 (doc. 12). V. 1 : 519-521 (doc. 18). v. 1:814-816 (doc. 24). : 1131-1133 (doc. 27). : 894-896 (doc. 29). 1877 1878 1879 1880 Record *' docs. Record '* docs. Record not found. in Legislative docs. 1871: 179-180 (doc. 10). 1872 v. 2: 1529-1531 (doc. 22). 1873 V. 2 : 191-192 ; v. 3 : 1285- 1874 V. 3: 1017-1018 (doc. 3). 1875 V. 3: 177-178 (doc. 11). 1876 V. 3:1141-1142 (doc. 15). 1877 V. 2 : 831-833 (doc. 5). 1876 : 359. 1878 V. 6 (doc. 34). 1877 : 225. 1878/9 V. 2 (doc. 12). 1878 : 239. 1880/1 V. 4 (doc. 19). 1870-1896/7. Ann. stmt. (A.R. auditor gen. on, etc. 1870: 592-596; rept. secy, internal affairs on, etc. 1896/7.) non-serial 1819. Co. incorporated in Jly. to make lock navigation of the Monongahela. (Govs. mess. (Findlay) Dec. 10, 1819.) 1837 Mch. 27. Letter from James Clarke, president of Monongahela Nav. Co. rel. to stockholders, amt. of stock, etc. (Sen. jol. 1836/7 v. 1: 736-737.) 1841. Rept. of committee on claims (Smyser) rel. to memorial of Monongahela Navigation Co. praying for state subscription of stock, and petition of citi- zens, remonstrating agst. further subscription to stock of said co. (House jol. 1841 v. 1: 528-529.) 1845 Mch. 24. Rept of select committee (Cummings) rel. to charge of toll on boats on Monongahela River, etc. (Same 1845 v. 2: 590-593 (doc. 93).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1845. 6 pp. Copy in N. Y. Public Library. 1850 Mch. 5. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (Cornyn) on petitions asking further reduction of tolls on Monongahela slack-water navigation, etc. (House jol. 1850 v. 1: 463-464.) 1851. Rept of select committee (Griffin) rel. to de- layed completion of improvement of Monongahela River to Va. state line by Monongahela Slack-Water Navigation Co. (Same 1851 v. 1: 220-221.) 1852 Feb. 18. Rept of committee on inland navigation and internal Improvements (M'Cluskey) rel. to re- duction of tolls of Monongahela Navigation Co.; raising dam no. 4; and completion of improvement of Va. state line. [Same 1852 v. 1: 272-273.) 1875. See above, Canals. Penn., this date. 1875-1895. See same, these dates. 1876. See below, Ohio Canal Co., this date. 1885. Monongahela Navigation Co.: Decrease in re- ceipts and in operating expenses and amt. in total expenses of the Monongahela Navigation Co. (Rept. of secy, of internal affairs 1885 pt 4: vl.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Monongahela Navigation Co. — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1897. Rept. of the committee (Saylor) apptd. to in- quire into the high rates of toll charged by the Monongahela Navigation Co. and to inquire into the conditions of the coal shipments. (Sen. jol. 1897: 1736-173S; House jol. 1897: 2041-2044.) Je. 7. Same. (Legisl. Record 1897 v. 2: 2402-2403.) Monongahela River See also above, Pennsylvania, under dates 1790-1793. serial Under act of Mch. 28, 1814. 1814-1815. Rept. of comrs. appointed to examine Monon- gahela River. In Collected docs, as follows : I. Gregg, H. P. Pearson, John Crawford, comrs. 1814 In Senate Jol. 1814/5 : 330. 1815 House 1815/6 : app. pp. 17-18. 1815/6 : 59-60. non-serial 1822. See above. Little Conemaugh. 1828 Dec. 3. See above, Allegheny, this date. Morris Canal (New Jersey) 1830. Description of Morris Canal. (A.R. canal comrs. 1829/30: 35-36.) Muncy Canal Co. See also above, Canals. Penn., under dates 1761-1876. serial 1863-1879. Ann. rept (A.R. auditor gen. on 1863: 371-372; rept. secy, internal affairs on 1879.) non-serial 1847 Feb. 26. Veto (Shunk) of bill suppl. to act authorizing Gov. to incorporate Muncy Canal Co., etc. (Sen. jol. 1847 v. 1: 345-346.) 1875. See above, Canals. Penn., this date. 1875-1895. See same, these dates. North Branch Canal Co. Purchaser of the North Branch division of the Penn. Canal. 1863-1865. Ann. rept. (A.R. auditor gen. on 1863 (p. 385)— some 1865.) Name changed Mch. 20, 1865 to Penn. and N. Y. Canal and R.K. Co. ; see Railroads. Octorara Navigation Co. 1820. Communication from Gov. of Md., enclosing copy of act incorporating the Octorara Navigation Co. (House jol. 1820/1: 70-80.) Ohio Canal Company 1820. Govs. mess. (Findlay) approving sundry bills and transmitting copies of 0. and Ind. res. [resp. establishment of banks by act of Congress]; also copies of a letter from chrm. of bd. of comrs. of O. Canal Co. rel. to procuring from Penn. a subscrip- tion to stock of the co. (House jol. 1819/20: 535- 541.) Docs. ace. mess. Mch. 6. Rept. of committee on roads, bridges and inland navigation (Breck) on letter to Gov. from bd. of comrs. of Ohio Canal Co., requesting Gov. to subscribe to capital stock of said co. (Sen. Jol. 1819/20: 415-416.) 1829 Dec. 18. See below, Penn. Canal, etc., this date. 1834 Mch. 15. Govs. mess. (Wolf) enclosing Ohio docs. rel. to junction of Ohio and Penn. Canals. (Sen. jol. 1833/4 V. 1: 528-530; House jol. 1833/4 v. 2: 719-720 (doc. 170).) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 393 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd INDIVIDUAL Ohio Canal Company — cont'd 1876. Slack-water navigation on tlie Oliio. (Leglsl. Record 1876: 1589-1590.) Incl. MoDODgubela Davlgatlun. 1828 Dec. 3. Ohio River See above, Alleglieny, this date. Oswego Creek See nbove, Allegheny Hlver. Penn's Creek 1793 Jan. 9. Rept. of committee on petitions from Nortliumberland and Mifflin cos. for assistance in improving navigation of Penn's Creek; favorable. (House jol. 1792/3: 86.) 1837. Rept. of engr. (Harris) rel. to survey of Penn.'s Creek valley; with estimate of canal and r.r. (A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7: 175-185.) TaglDg from Collected docs. Penn's Creek Navigation Co. was authorized by aet of Feb. 23. 1830, which also provided for a survey by the canal commissioners of a canal jtnd railroad route from the lock of Penn. Canal at Penn's Creek to New Berlin ; Feb. 23, 1840 the time for subscrip- tion to stock was extended three years and time for commencing work five years ; the provision for survey by the canal commissioners was renewed. Pennsbury Canal and Railroad Company 1831. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and in- ternal improvement (Ingersoll) on memorials and petitions for and agst. incorporation of Pennsbury Canal and R.R. (House jol. 1830/1 v. 2: 759-760 (doc. 144).) Pennsylvania Canal serial 1 series 1863-1866. Ann. rept. Penn. R.R.; canal dept. (A.R. auditor gen. on 1863 (pp. 339-343)— sa»ne 1866.) 2 series 1867-1903/4. Ann. rept. Penn. Canal Co. gen. on 1867: 524-530; rept. affairs on 1903/4.) (A.R. auditor secy, internal non-serial 1865 Nov. See below, 'U^yoming Valley Canal. 1875. See above, Canals. Penn., this date. 1875-1895. See same, these dates. Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] For preliminary investigations which led to the con- struction of the Penn. Canal, see above, the general group. serial See also below. Receipts and Expenditures. A REPORTS OF CANAL COMMISSIONERS 1 series Under act of Mch. 27, 1824. 1824/5. Rept. and corresp. of the comrs. for promoting the internal improvement of the state. Checklist Jocoi Bolgate, James Clarice, Chaa. Trcziyulny, comre. 1824/5 (Feb. 2. 18251 dept. ed. Harrlsburg : Prtd. by J. 8. WIestlIng, 1825. 71 pp. Contents : pp. 1-47. [Rept. of the majority of the comrs.) p. 48. Letter from Chas. Trczlyulny, explaining why his signature was withheld from the rept. of the canal comrs. Feb. 9, 1825. pp. 49-58. Rept. of Chas. Trczlyulny. Feb. 21, 1825. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd REPORTS OP CANAL COMMISSIONERS— cont'd 1 series — cont'd Checklist — cont'd Jacob Uolgate, Jamea Clarke, Chas. Trczlyulny, comre. — cont'd Contents ; — cont'd pp. .^9-71. I>ettcr from the Gov. ace. with corresp. of "all or any of the comrs. with the execnOve dept. of the Commonwealth, or with the Sec- retary of War." Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn., library of the Library Co. of Phlla., In Amer. Philos. Socy.. Phlln.. and in Penn. State Library. 500 copies were ordered prtd. (House jol. 1824/5 v. 1 : 686.) . Same, another edition, n. t. p. [lost?] 46 pp. The corresp., etc., is omitted from this edition. Copy seen in the Hist. Socy. of Penn.. Phlla. doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. :i56-405 ; 487-49 1. Only the majority rept. and the Trczlyulny rept. of Feb. 21, 1825 are found in this edition. doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 239-2S3 ; 287 ; SIS- SSI ; 368-377. In Collected docs, as follows : 1824/5 In Senate Jol. 1824/5:356-405; 487-497. 1824/5 " House " 1824/5 v. 2. docs. 113. 116, 144, 164. 2 series Under act of Apr. II, 1825. Note: Throughout this series there Is much variation between the departmental and document editions, and, In some cases, between the Senate and House departmental editions. Unless stated to the con- trary, departmental editions from 1828/9 to 1857/8 do not include accompanying documents nor the Journal. The accompanying documents are in- cluded In the document editions up to and Including 1842/3. The Journal of the board of canal commis- sioners has been listed separately (Group B) from the annual report, though It Immediately follows that report as printed in the Senate and House Journals ; it occurs In the departmental edition of the annual report in 1827 and 1827/8 only. On account of the varying pagination and contents of the different editions, a particular effort has been made in indexing the reports to Indicate the edition from which taken and whether found in that edition alone ; the report proper of the canal commissioners occurs In all editions, and, as a rule is paged uniformly. [1825/61-1857/8. [Annual] rept. of the canal comrs. of Penn. Harrisburg, 1826-[1859]. Checklist John Sergeant (Pres.) ; Fobt. M. Patterson, Wm. Darlington, David Scott, Abner Lacock, comrs. [1825/6). [Two vols., one containing the first or pre- liminary rept. of Dec. 30, 1825; the other the "further" rept. of Feb. 3. 1826.] „ ^ , 1. [Preliminary] 1825 Dec. 30 dept. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. 4 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1825/6:145.) Is [Preliminary] 1825 Dec. 30 dept. ed. (House.) Harrlsburg : Prtd. by J. S. Wiestllng. 1826. 7 pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In Penn. State Library. 500 copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1825/6 V. 1 : 145.) „ ^ _ 1. [Preliminary] 1825 Dec. 30 doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 140-144. 1. [Preliminarv] 1825 Dee. 30 doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 159-163. [2.] [Final] 1S26/6 (Feb. 3, 182«) dept. ed. [Senate.] Prtd. by Cameron 4 Krause, 1826. 18 pp. A typographical error occurs In all editions of this rept., viz : " under act of Apr. 7, 1825." It should read Apr. 11, 1825. This error together with the fact that repts. made Dec. 11, 1826 and Feb. 6, 1827 are entitled " First rept " and "second rept " [I. e. first and second of the year, not of the series] serves to give It the appearance of a special rept. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn., library of the Library Co. of Phlla.. In the Penn. State Library and In" the N. Y. Public Library. 394 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]— cont'd serial — cont'd A— cont'd REPORTS OP CANAL COMMISSIONERS— cont'd 2 series — cont'd Checklist — cont'd John Sergeant (Pres.) ; Roht. M. Patterson, Wm. Darlington, David Scott, Ahner Lacock, comrs. — cont'd [2 ] [Final] Feb. 3, 1826 dept. ed. [House.] J. S. Wlestling. 1826. 19 pp. , ^ ,c ^ n The title of this ed. differs from that of the [Senate] ed. : Kept, of comrs. for promoting Internal Im- provement. No. 11. Copy seen In Amer. Phil. Socy., Phila. [2] [Final] Feb. 3, 1826 doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 309-324. [2 1 [Final] Feb. 3, 1826 doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 222-237. John Sergeant, R. M. Patterson, Wm. Darling- ton, David Scott, Abner Lacock, Danl. Montgomery, John PhiUips, Thos. Enoch, Chas. ilowry, comra. [1826 '7 ] [2 vols. ; the first rept. having been made Dec. 11, 1826, the second, Feb. 6, 1827.] Numbering these repts. 1 and sometimes leads to the conclusion that the rept. of Dec. 11, 1826 Is the first of the series ; these numbers refer only to the two parts of the rept. for the year. 1 1826 Dec. 11 dept. ed. (Senate.) Prtd. by Cameron & Krause, 1827. 96 pp.. tables. Copies seen In N. Y. Public Library and Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1500 copies In English and 500 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1826/7 V. 1 : 245.) . . ^ c 1. 1826 Dec. 11 dept. ed. (House.) Prtd. by J. b. Wlestling, 1827. 96 pp., tables , DHn„ Copies seen in library of the Library Co. of Phlla. and In the Penn. State Library. 2000 copies In English and 500 In German were ordered prtd. of rept. and ace. docs. (House Jol. 1826/7 V. 1:310.) 1 1826 Dec. 11 doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 148- 240. 1. 1826 Dec. 11 doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 117-210. 2 1827 Feb. 6 dept. ed. (Senate.) Prtd. by Cameron & Krause, 1B27. 139 pp. Title ■ Second rept. of the canal comrs., together with repts. and estimates of the engrs. Copies seen in N. Y. Public Library, In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. and In Penn. State Ubrary. 1500 copies In English and 500 in German were ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1826/7:547.) 2 1827 Feb. 6 dept. ed. (House.) Prtd. by J. S. Wlestling. 1827. 135(1) pp. Title: Suppl. to rept. of Dec. 12 [1. e. 11]. Com- munications from the Gov. ace. with rept. of the bd. of canal comrs. and docs. ace. said rept. No. 2. 2. 1827 Feb. 6 doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 411- 576. 2. 1827 Feb. 6 doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 337-471. Comrs. same as in 1828/7, with one exception, viz.: Jas. Clarke lor R. M. Patterson 1827 Dec. 25. Dept. ed. (Senate.) 2 vols. Prtd. by S. C. Stambaugh, 1828. V. 1. 145, 2 pp. Contents : Rept. of the canal comrs. pp. 7-24. No 1. Application of members of the leglsl. for the apptmt. of Wm. Wilson and John Mitchell, as surveyors, pp. 25^28. No 2. Instruction to Messrs. Wilson and Mitchell, pp. 26-27. No. 3. Wm. Wilson's rept. pp. 28-32. Nos. 4-5. Kepts. of J. Mitchell to the Penn. Canal comrs. pp. 32-38. No. 6. Rept. of Chas. T. Whlppo, engr. Dec. 14, 1827: pp. 38-43. No 7. Rept. of John Randel, Jr., engr. Dec. 20 1827. pp. 43-50. No. 8. Rept. of John Wilson. Dec. 14, 1827. No^'9.'^^Same. Dec. 17, 1827. pp. 60-69. CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]— cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd REPORTS OP CANAL COMMISSIONERS— cont'd 2 series — cont'd Checklist — cont'd Comrs. same as in MM/7, with one exception, viz.: Jas. Clarke for R. M. Patterson— cont d Contents ; — cont'd No 10. Extr. from rept. of the comrs. of the Susquehanna Canal, made to the Gen. Assem. of Md. Nov. 23, 1823. pp. 69-73. No 11. Rept. of Chas. T. Whippo, engr. Dec. 25, 1827. pp. 74-75. No 12. Same. Dec. 12, 1827. pp. 76-98. No 13. Rept. of D. B. Douglass, pp. 98- 117. No 14 Notes and calculations submitted by D B. Douglass rel. to the supply of water for the Waterford Summit, etc. pp. 118- 120. , ^ No. 15. Rept. of H. G. Sargent rel to survey of a canal along the valley of the Del. pp. 120-123. No 16. Estimate of proposed canal connect- ing the Schuylkill and the Delaware, by H. G. Sargent. Dec. 15, 1827. p. 123. No 17. Letter from J. Ferguson [resp. liiaterlals collected on survey of the valley of French Creek]. Dec 17, 18^7. P- 1^4; No 18. Comparative view of the several routes betw. the Ohio and Lake Erie. pp. 124-126. No 19. List of supt. engrs. and asst. engrs. employed upon the surveys, under the direction of the canal comrs. during the season of 1827, with the rate of wages allowed to each. pp. 627 [1. e. 127]-1.:8. Estimate of the cost of a rwy. *™°i t^^,,"°"r of Swatara down the Susqufehanna to Columbia, and thence to a point near Phlla., by John WUson. Jan. 12, 1828. pp. 129-145. In the House ed. this doc. follows Series 10 ; it was ordered to be em- braced in the 1st volume of the Sen. ed. (Sen. Jol. 1827/8:172.) See also below, note under doc. ed. (Senate) resp. this doc. Copies seen in the Hist. Socy. of Penn in library of the Library Co. of Phlla and in Penn. State Library. 1000 copies of the first and 500 copies of the 2d vol. ordered prtd. ; the first vol. to contain rept. of the canal comrs. and repts. of the surveys of the past season ; 2d vol. all others. (Sen. Jol. 1827/8 : 127.) V 2 Docs, accompanying the rept of the canal comra. for oromotinc the Internal Improvement of the stkte.-with ?he"xceptlon of those rel. to BU-veys "ade in ?he past season K£ad'n the Senate Jan. 4, l828. Prtd. by S. C. Stambaugh, 1828. 180, 3 pp. Contents : Series 1 Letters to and from engrs.. May 2, 18.7. 1. Copy of a letter to Messrs. Strickland and Roberts, p. 5. ,, jj „ 2 Copy of a letter to Messrs. Geddes, Douglass and Guilford, p. 6. 3. Copy of answer from W. Strickland, pp. 4 Copy of answer from N. S. Roberts, p. 7. 8. Copy of answer from D. K. Douglass, pp 7-8 6. Copy of answer from James Geddes. p. 8. 7 Copy of answer from S. Guilford, p. 8. Series' 2. Docs. rel. to the termination of the Western division. 1. Communication from .Pittsburgh com- mittee to the bd. Feb. 5, 1827. p. 9. 2 Res. of the bd., Feb. 1827. pp. 9-10. 8 Instructions to N. S. Roberts, engr., I'eb. "13, 1827. pp. 10-11. 4. Res. of the Councils of Pittsburgh, pp. 11- 12 B Letter from N. S. Roberts, engr. to the pres of the bd. of canal comrs. May 1. 1827. pp. 13-25. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 395 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]- scrial — cont'd A — cont'd cont'd REPORTS OF CANAL COMMISSIONERS- 2 series — cont'd -cont'd Checklist — cont'd Comrg. same as in tSiS/T. with one exception, vis.: Jas. Clarke Jor R. it. Patterson — cont'd C"oiUint3 : — cont'd Series 3. Docs. rel. to the Western and Kiakl- mlnetas divisions. 1. Ijetter from A. Lacock, acting comr., to the bd. of canal comre. Dec. 15, 1827. pp. 27-29. 2. Stmt, showing the anit. of work remaining to be done upon the Western division of the Penn. Canal, from sec. 02 to the Monongahela, with an estimate of the cost of the same, bv J. D. Harris. Nov. 29, 1827. pp. 29-36. 3. List of contracts, etc.. Western division, Nov. 1, 1826-Nov. 1, 1827, sees. 1-!12. 4. List of contracts, etc.. Western tllvision from Pine Creek to Monongahela. 5. Stmt, of work done, and mone.v paid upon contracts, on the Western division of Penn. Canal from sec. 1 to 92, up to Nov., 1827. pp. 33-3'4. 6. Stmt, of work done and money paid on Pine Creek line of the Western division of the Penn. Canal, from the commence- ment to Nov, 20. 1827. p. 3,"). 7. Schedule showing the names of con- tractors, amt. of contracts, probable cost, etc. on the Klsklmlnetas division. 3 foldg. tables betw. pp. 34 and 35. 8. Stmt, of work done and money paid on Kiskiirinetas division from sec. 1 to 78, from the commencement to Dec. 10, 1827. p. 36. 9. List of engrs., asst. engrs. and subalterns employed In the engr. dept., from Kls- klmlnetas to Pittsburgh, pp. 37-38. 10. List of persons employed In the Kis- kimlnetas division of the canal line, with wages of each. pp. 39-40. 11. Stmt, of damages paid by agreement, on Western division of Penn. Canal, from the commencement to Dec. 12, 1827. pp. 41-42. 12. Stmt, of damages agreed to be paid on the Klsklmlnetas division of Penn. Canal. p. 42. 13. Kept, of engr. on the Klsklmlnetas di- vision of the Penn. Canal Dec. 10, 1827. pp. 42-47. Series 4. Docs. rel. to the French Creek feeder. 1. Kept, of ,Tohn Phillips, supt. Nov. 16, 1827. pp. 48-56. 2. Kept, and estimate of James Ferguson, engr., of the cost of the French Creek feeder at contract prices. Nov. 15, 1827. pp. 57-66. 3. List of engrs., asst, engrs., clerks, supts. and other persons employed upon the French Creek feeder, 1827. pp. 66-67. Series 5. Docs. rel. to the Eastern and Susque- hanna division. 1. Kept, of Chas. Mowry, acting comr. Dec. 20, 1827. pp. 68-74. 2. Kept, of F. W. Rawie, engr., with estimate of cost of completion. Dec. 19, 1827. pp. 74-75. 3. Rept. of Simeon Guilford, engr., on the location of the Susquehanna, Je. -8, 1827. pp. 76-95. 4. Estimate of total cost of the Susquehanna division. Nov. 23, 1827. pp. 95-S6. Series 6. Docs. rel. to the Juniata division, the place and mode of uniting It with the Susque- hanna Canal and the place and mode of crossing the Susquehanna. 1. First rept. of DeWItt Clinton, Jr. on the Juniata location. Jly, 1, 1827, p. 97. 2. First rept. of Mr. Guilford on the Juniata location. Jly. 1, 1827. p. 97. 3. Jt, rept. of Messrs. Guilford and Clinton on the Juniata location. Aug. 2, 1827. pp. 98-101. 4. Communication from J. Miller, In behalf of the citizens of Perry Co. Sept, 10, 1827. pp. 101-103. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd cont'd INDIVIDUAL Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]- serial — cont'd A — cont'd REPORTS OF CANAL COMMISSIONERS— cont'd 2 series — cont'd Checklist — cont'd Comrs. same as in 1828/7, with one eseeption, fir.; Jaa. Clarke for It. it. Patterson — cont'd Contents : — cont'd Series 7. Docs. rel. to the Juniata division as placed under contract. 1. Rept. of supt., James Clarke. Nov. 24, 1827. pp. 104-115. 2. Rept. of DeWItt Clinton, Jr., engr. on the Juniata division, with estimate of Its cost at contract prices. Nov. 20, 1827. pp. 110-127. Scries 8. Docs. rel. to the Delaware division. 1. Rept. of supt., T. G. Kennedy. Nov. 5, 1827. pp. 127-132. 2. Rept. of engr., H. G. Sargent. Aug. 20. 1827. pp. 132-136. 3. Estimate of the cost of the 18 miles of the Delaware division under contract, at contract prices. Dec. 15, 1827. p. 136. [Series 9. See vol. 1.] Series 10. Misc. 1. Stmt, showing the probable cost of the several divisions of the Penn. Canal ac- cording to contract rates, the amt. at which they were estimated, naming the engr. who made the estimate and explain- ing the cause of differences, pp. 137-138. 2. Ikflnutes of the bd. of canal comrs. Jan. 31, 1827 to Dec. 25, 1827. pp. 139-180. Copies seen In Penn. State Library and In library of the Library Company of Phlla. : see note under vol. 1, for order to print. . Dept. ed. (House.) Prtd. by S. C. Stambaugh, 1828, 325 pp., foldg. tables. Contents : Rept. of the canal comrs. Dec. 25, 1827. pp. 7-24. List of documents, pp. 25-28. Series 1. Letters to and from engrs. May 2, 1827. pp. 29-32.' Series 2. Docs. rel. to the termination of the Western division, pp. 33-49.* Scries 3. Docs. rel. to the Western and Kls- klmlnetas divisions, pp. 50-71.* Series 4. Docs. rel. to the French Creek feeder. pp. 72-91.* Scries 5. Docs. rel. to the Eastern and Susque- hanna division, pp. 94-120. foldg. tables.* Series 6. Docs. rel. to the location of the Juniata division, the place and mode of uniting It with the Susquehanna Canal and the place and mode of crossing the Susquehanna, pp. 121- 127.* Series 7. Docs. rel. to the Juniata division as placed under contract, pp. 128-151.* Series 8. Docs. rel. to the Delaware division. pp. 151-160.* Series 9. Docs. rel. to the survey, pp. 161-264.* Series 10. Misc. pp. 265-308.* Estimate of Major Wilson of the cost of a rwy. from the mouth of the Swatara down the Susquehanna to Columbia and thence to a point near Phlla. Jan. 12, 1828. pp. 309-325. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1000 copies of the rept. and 300 of the docs, ordered prtd. in English : 300 copies of the rept. and 100 of the docs, ordered prtd. In German. (House Jol. 1827/8: 150.) 1827 Dec. 25 doc. cd. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 3-308. Contents : Same as dept. ed. (Senate), with one exception, viz.: the unnum. doc. following series 9 Is omitted and prtd. In the latter part of the vol. (pp. 572-592) as a separate doc; series 9 (prtd. In vol. 1 of dept. ed.) Is In numerical order, betw. series 8 and 10. 1827 Dec. 25 doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 93-396. Contents : Same as doc. ed. (Senate) : the unnum. doc. referred to in note under Sen. doc. ed. is found In House jol. V. 2:«.'?5-651. • Contents of the Series same as Sen. cd. ; see above. 396 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd REPORTS OF CANAL COMMISSIONERS— cont'd 2 series — cont'd Checklist — cont'd Dai^id Scott, Jonathan Roberta, John Phillips, James Clarke, Thos. Enoch, Aimer Lacock, Chas. llotcry, Danl. llontgomery, John Sergeant, comrs.* 1827/8. Dec. 11, 1828, dept. cd. (Senate.) S. C. Stam- baugh, 1828. 326 pp., tables. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and two copies In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. 1827/8. Dec. 11, 1828, dept. ed. (House.) Harrlsburg : S. C. Stambaugh, 1828. 326 pp., foldg. table. The only copy seen of this edition was In the Penn. State Library. 700 copies In English and 300 In German ordered of the rept. (House Jol. 1828/9 v. 1 : 67) ; 300 copies of the docs. In English and 100 In Ger- man ordered (House Jol. 1828/9: 106; 1200 copies of the rept. and 500 of the docs, ordered prtd. In English : 300 of the rept. and 200 in Herman of the docs, ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1828/9 v. 1 : 74.) 1827/8. Dec. 11, 1828, doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 1-326, tables. 1827/8. Dec. 11, 1828, doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 67- 390. Tables for this edition are In t. 3 of the House Jol. David Scott, James Clarke, John Mitchell, Benj. W. Richards,1 Peter fS. T. Hamot, John Forrey, Nathaniel B. Eldred, Jos. 8. Stevenson, David Frazier, comrs. 1828/9. Dec. 18, 1829. Harrlsburg: Welsh and Miller, 1829. pp. 145-529. Copy seen in Library of Congress. 500 copies ordered prtd., 300 to be In German (Sen. Jol. 1829/30 v. 1 : 108) ; 1000 copies In English and 300 In German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1829/30 : 184.) 1828/9. Dec. 18, 1829, doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 145-304. 1828/9. Dec. 18, 1829, doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 224-384. The Jol. Is not Included In this pagination. Jaa. 8. Stevenson, Jas. Clarke, John Mitchell, comrs. 1829/30. Dec. 21, 1830. H. Welsh, 1830. 48 pp. 500 copies in English and 200 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1830/1 v. 1 : 90-91.) . Same, In German. Harrlsburg: Gedruckt bey (sic) Jacob Baab, 1830. 54 pp. Title : Bcrlcht der Canal Commlssnlre von Pennsyl- vanlen, betreffend die Pennsylvanlen Canale und Riegelstrassen. Copy seen in library of the Library Co. of PhUa. 1829/30. Dec. 21, 1830, doe. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 30-193. 1829/30. Dec. 21, 1830, doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 139-301. Tables are found In v. 3 of the Jol. 1830/1. Dec. 15, 1831, dept. ed. (Senate.) H. Welsh, 1831. 39 pp., map, foldg. table. 500 copies in English and 300 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1831/2 v. 1:100.) 1000 copies In En- glish and 500 in German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1831/2 T. 1:37.) "Deemed expedient [by House] that all the docs, as heretofore, be prtd." 1830/1. Dec. 15, 1831, doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 24- 204. 1830/1. Dec. 15, 1831, doc. ed. (House.) n. t, p. pp. 107- 287. Tables are found In v. 3 of the Jols. Jas. Clarke, John Mitchell, Joilah White, comrs. 1831/2. Nov. 29, 1832, dept. ed. H. Welsh, 1832. 40 pp. 1881/2. Nov. 29, 1832, doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 19- 204. 1881/2. Nov. 29, 1832 doc. ed. 188. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 1- • With the exception of Thomas Knoch who was succeeded by Mr. Hammond In Aug., 1828. these comrs. held office until Je. 1, 1820, when the comrs. named In net of Apr. 10. 1S29 look ofBce. t Succeeded by Kobt. M. Patterson, May 13, 1829. (House.) Theo. Fenn, CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railioad] — cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd REPORTS OF CANAL COMMISSIONERS— cont'd 2 series — cont'd Checklist — cont'd Jaa. Clarke, John Mitchell, Robert M'Coy, comrs. 1832/3. Dec. 2, 1833, dept ed. H. Welsh, 1833. 40 pp. The Senate and House editions are the same, excepting the words, " Read In House," etc. on t. p. 1000 copies in English and 500 in German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1833/4 : 26.) 1832/3. Dec. 2, 1833. doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. 214 pp. 1832/3. Dec. 2, 1833, doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. 214 pp. 1833/4. Dec. 2, 1834, dept. ed. (Senate.) Welsh & Patter- son, 1834. 125 pp. Two copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1833/4. Dec. 2, 1834, doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. 134 pp. 1833/4. Dec. 2, 1834, doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. 134 pp. 1834/5. Dec. 2, 1835, dept. ed. (Senate.) Crabb & Barrett, 1835. 108 pp., tables. Includes ace. docs. 1834/5. Dec. 2, 1835. dept. ed 1835. 23 pp., tables. A copy of each edition was seen in the Hist. Socy. of Penn. ; the Senate edition is also In the Penn. State Library. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1835/6 V. 1 : 17) ; 1000 copies In English and 500 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1835/6 v. 1 : 36.) 1834/5. Dec. 2, 1835, doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. 108 pp. tables. 1834/5. Dec. 2, 1835, doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. 116 pp., tables. Jos. Smith, Jas. D. Paxton, Moses Sullivan, comrs. 1835/6. Dec. 8, 1836, dept. ed. (Senate.) E. Guyer, 1836. 143 pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn., In Penn. State Library, and Columbia Univ. Library, and an imper- fect copy In the Free Library of Phlla. 1835/6. Dec. 8, 1836, dept. ed. (House.) S. D. Patterson, 1836-7. 141 pp. Copies seen in the Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in the Penn. State Library. 1500 copies in English and 500 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1836/7 v. 1 : 50) ; 3000 copies in English and 1000 In German ordered of canal comrs. rept. and ace. docs. 1-2, 4, 5, 9, 12, 17. 18. (House Jol. 1836/7 v. 1 : 38.) 1835/6. Dec. 8, 1836, doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. 184 pp. 1836/6. Dec. 8, 1836, doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. 175 pp. Moses Sullivan, Peter Levergood, Benry Vitmer,' comrs. 1836/7. Dec. 6. 1837, dept. ed. (Senate.) Not seen. . Dec. 6, 1837 dept. ed. (House.) Packer, Barrett and Parke, 1837. 151 pp.. tables. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn., Amer. Phil. Socy. and library of the Library Co. of Phlla. 1000 copies In English and 500 in German were ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1837/8 v. 1:47.) . Dec. 6, 1837, doc. ed. n. t. p. 197 pp. Moses Sullivan, E. F. Pennypacker, John Tag- gart, comrs., Feb. l-Uay 16, J8S8 : E. F. Penny- packer, T. Stevens, J. Dickey, comrs.. May 16, ISSS-Jan. tS, 1839 1837/8. Dec. 21. 1838, dept. ed. (Senate.) E. Guyer, 1838. 164 pp., tables. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 3000 copies In En- flish and 1000 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 838/9 V. 1 : 184) ; 3000 copies In English and 1000 in German ordered prtd. of certain repts. made by engrs. and supts. to canal comrs. to be prtd. in con- nection with rept. of canal comrs., for distribution (Sen. Jol. 18.38/9 v. 1 : 221). Accompanying documents : Rept. of J. D. Harris on North Branch division of Penn. Canal. Do. H. Hoge on survey of r.r. route from Chambers- burg to Pittsburgh. Do. J. P. Bailey rel. to breach on .Tunlata division and on Wlconisco feeder. Do. C. T. Whlppo, engr. of Erie extension. Do. Andrew Menaffey, supt. of motive power on Columbia and Phlla. R.R. Do. W. H. Wilson on Gettysburg R.R. •Succeeded Jos. Smith Feb. 1, 1837. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 397 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd REPORTS OF CANAL COMMISSIONERS— cont'd 2 series — cont'd Checklist— cont'd Hoses Sullivan, E. F. Pennypacker, John Tag- gart, comrs., Feb. IMay 16, 1838; E. F. Penny- packer, T. Stevens, J. Dickey, comrs.. May 16, 1838-Jan. 23, J8.?9— cont'd Do. A. B. AjTcrlRK. cngr. on West Branch Cnnnl and Allegheny feeder. Do. W'ni. Russell, supt. on Columbia and Phlla. R.R. . Dec. 21. 1S;!8. dept. ed. (House.) Boas & Coplan, 1838. 14(!(2) pp., tables. Copies seen In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. and In Penn. State Library. 2000 copies In English and 500 In German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1838/9 T. 1 : 326.) . Dec. 21, 1838, doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 5- 364, tables. . Dec. 21, 1838, doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp.3185, tables. James Clarke, Wm. F. Parker, Edwd. B. Hubley, comrs. 1838/9 Jan. 21. 1840. dept. ed. (Senate.) Wm. D. Boas, 1840. 340 pp., foldg. tables. Copies seen In Free Library of Phlla., in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in Penn. State Library. 1838/9. Jan. 21, 1840. dept. ed. (House.) Holbroolc, Hen- lock & Bratton, 1840. 249 pp.. foldg. tables. Copy seen In Free Library of Phlla. and Library Co. of Phlla. 2000 copies in English and 500 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1840 v. 1 : 127.) 1838/9. Jan. 21, 1840, doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. 340 pp. 1838/9. Jan. 21, 1840, doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. 340 pp. Edtod. B. Hubley, Wm. F. Packer, Hugh Keys,* comrs. 1839/40. Jan. 1, 1841. dept. ed. (Senate.) Elliott & McCurdy, 1841. 52 pp. Contains rept. of comrs. only ; docs, and jol. are omitted. 1839/40. Jan. 1, 1841, dept. ed. (House.) James S. Wal- lace. 1841. 150 pp. Docs. 5-7, 18-19, 21-22, 24 and the Jol. are omitted from this ed. Copy of each edition was seen in the Hist. Socy. of Penn. and the library of the Library Co. of Phlla. There is an imperfect copy of the House ed. in the New York Public Library. 750 copies In English and 250 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1841:89.) 1839/40. Jan. 1, 1841, doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. 407 pp. 1839/40. Jan. 1, 1841, doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. 407 pp. 1840/1. Jan. 15, 1842, dept. ed. (Senate.) Boas & Patter- son, 1842. 87 pp., 4 foldg. tables. Contents : pp. 1-48. Ann. rept. of the canal comrs. pp. 46-48. Rept. of J. Mitchell, supt. of the Erie Ex- tension, pp. 49-54. Extrs. from the rept. of W. Milnor Roberts, principal engr. of the Erie Extension. Given In full in House ed. pp. 55-58. Rept. of Wm. B. Foster, Jr., principal engr.. North Branch Extension, pp. 58-69. Rept. of Thomas Tustln, supt. motive power, Columbia R.R. pp. 70-78. Rept. of Joseph Collins, supervisor first division, Phlla. and Columbia Itwy. Omitted from House ed. pp. 78-87. Rept. of Joseph Mosher, supervisor second division, Phlla. and Columbia Rwy. Omitted from House ed. Copies seen in New York Public Library and In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. : there is an Incomplete copy (48 pp.) in the Penn. State Library. . 1840/1. Jan. 15, 1842, dept. ed. (House.) Henlock & Bratton, 1824 [1. e. 1842]. 80 pp., 4 foldg. tables. Contents : pp. 1-46. Ann. rept. of canal comrs. pp. 47-58. Kept, of Thos. Tustln, supt. motive power, Columbia K.R. pp. 59-68. Rept. of W. Milnor* Roberts, principal engr. of the Erie Extension, pp. 6»-i2. Rept. of J. Mitchell, supt. of the Erie Extension, pp. 73-76. Rept. of Wm. B. Foster, Jr., principal engr., North Branch Extension. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd REPORTS OF CANAL COMMISSIONERS— cont'd 2 series — cont'd Checklist — cont'd Edwd. B. Hubley, Wm. F. Packer, Hugh Keys,* comrs. — cont'd Contents : — cont'd pp. 77-80. Rept. of Wm. E. Morris, engr., reservoirs. Omitted from Senate ed. Copies seen In library of the Library Co. of Phlla., In the Penn. State Library and in the Hist. Socy. of Phila. 1840/1. Jan. 15, 1842 doc. ed. n. t. p. 367 pp. John B. Butler, Levi Reynolds, Jr., Wm. Overfleld,^ comrs. 1841/2. Jan. 4, 1843, dept. ed. M'Klniey & Lescure, 1843. 79 pp., foldg. table. Copies seen In library of the Library Co. of Phlla., In the Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In the Penn. State Library. 1500 copies In English and 150 In German were ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1843 v. 1 : 236) ; lOOO copies in English and 500 In German. (House Jol. 1843 V. 1 : 194.) 1841/2. Jan. 4, 1843. doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 111-183. 1S42/3. Dec. 30, 1843, dept. ed. (Senate.) I. G. M'Klniey, 1844. 34 pp. Copies seen in library of the Library Co. of Phlla., Penn. State Library and Columbia Univ. Library. . Dec. 30, 1843, dept. ed. (House.) I. G. M'Klniey, 1844. 23 pp. Copies seen In' Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in Penn. State Library. 1842/3. Dec. 30, 1843, doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 198 pp. Jos. Clarke, Jesse Miller, Wm. B. Foster, Jr., comrs. 1843/4. Dec. 31, 1844, dept. ed. J. M. G. Lescure, 1845. 29 pp., 1 leaf. Copies seen In Columbia University Library and Penn. State Library. . Dec. 31, 1844, doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 29 pp., 1 leaf. Jas. Clarke, Wm. B. Foster, Jr. and Joshua Hartshome, comrs. 1844/5. Dec. 30, 1845, dept. ed. J. M. G. Lescure, 1846. 105 pp. 500 copies In English and 500 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1846:85-86); 2000 extra copies In English and 500 In German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1846 V. 1:17.) Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and Free Library of Phila. . Dec. 30, 1845, doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 105 pp. Wm. B. Foster, Jr., J. Hartshome, James Bums, comrs. 1845/6. Dec. 31, 1846, dept. ed. J. M. G. Lescure, 1847. 93 pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn., Free Library of Phlla. and in Penn. State Library. 2000 copies in English and 500 in German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1847 V. 1 : 21.) 1000 copies In English and 250 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1847 v. 1:47- 48.) . Dec. 31, 1846, doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 93 pp. J. Hartshome, James Bums, J. if. Power, comrs. 1846/7. Dee. 30, 1847, dept. ed. n. p., n. d. 96 pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn., In the N. Y. Public Library and in Penn. State Library. . Dec. 30, 1847, doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 96 pp. James Bums, J. M. Power, Morris Longstreth, comrs. 1847/8. Dec. 26, 1848, dept. ed. n. p., n. d. 95 pp. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn., Free Library of Phlla., library of the Library Co. of Phlla. and In Penn. State Library. 3000 copies in English and 500 In German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1849 V. 1 : 30.) . Dec. 28, 1848. In German, n. p., n. d. 118 pp. Title : Jahresberlcht der Canal Commissioners mlt begleltenden Dokumenten. Copy seen In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. . Dec. 26, 1848, doc. ed. h. t. p. 95 pp. * Held office nntU his death In Nov., 1841, when he wag succeeded by John B. Butler. t Succeeded G. M. Hollenback. 398 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd REPORTS OP CANAL COMMISSIONERS— cont'd 2 series — cont'd Checklist — cont'd Morrit Longstreth, Israel Painter, James If. Poicer* 1848/9. Dec. 28, 1849, dept. ed. n. p., n. d. 91 pp. Copy In N. Y. Public Libra r.v and others. 500 copies in English and 250 in German ordered provided same shall not cost more than $30. (Sen. jol. 1849 V. 1 : 103.) . Dec. 28, 1849, doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 91 pp. Morris Longstreth, Israel Painter, John A. Gamble, comrs. 1849/50. Jan. 1, 1851, dept. ed. n. p., n. d. 18 pp Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and library of the Ubrary Co. of Phila. 1849/50. Jan. 1, 1851, doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 90 pp. The doc. ed. contains tonnage stmts, which are omitted from the dept. ed. Israel Painter, John A. Gamble, ^Vm. T. Morison, comrs. 1850/1. Jan. 9, 1852, dept. ed. n. p., n. d. 80 pp. Copies seen in Free Library of Phila., Hist. Socy. of Penn., library of Library Co. of Phila. and Columbia Univ. Library. 5000 copies in English and 500 in German ordered prtd. (House jol. 1852 y. 1 : 110.) . Jan. 9, 1852, doe. ed. n. p., n. d. 82 pp. John A. Gamble, TTm. T. Morison, Seth Clover, comrs. 1851/2. Dec. 31, 1852, dept. ed. n. p., n. d. 82 pp. Copies seen in N. Y. Public Library, library of the Library Co. of Phila. and Hist. Socy. of Penn. 5000 copies In English and 1000 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1853 v. 1 :46.) . Dec. 31, 1852. Same, in German. Harrlsburg: G. Bergner, Staatsdnicker, 1853. 180 pp. Title : Jahresbericht der Board der Canal Commissioners mit belfolgenflen Dokumenten, fUr das am 30sten November 1852, endigende Reehnungsjahr. Harris- burg : G. Bergner, Staatsdrucker, 1853. 180 pp. Text corresponds to that of the English document edi- tion. Copy seen In library of the Library Co. of Phila. . Dec. 31, 1852, doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 151 pp. The doc. ed. contains tonnage stmts, not Included in the dept. ed. Wm. T. Morison, Seth Clover. Wm. Hopkins, comrs. 1852/3. Dec. 28. 1853, dept. ed. n. p., n. d. 24, 45 pp f Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. . Dec. 28, 1853, doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 24, 45 pp.t Thos. H. Forsyth, Seth Clover, Wm. Hopkins 1853/4. Dec. 30, 1854, dept. ed. n. p., n. d. 86 pp Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn., in library of the Library Co. of Phila. and in the Penn. State Library. 1853/4. Dec. 30, 1854, doc. ed. h. t. p. 86 pp. Wm. Hopkins, Thos. H. Forsyth, Henry S. Mott 1854/5. Dec. 29, 1855. dept. ed. n. p., n. d. 28 pp. Copies seen In library of the Library Co. of Phila., Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In Free Library of Phila. 5000 copies in English and 500 in German ordered prtd. (House jol. 1856:33.) 1854/5. Dec. 29, 1855, doc. ed. h. t. p. 28 pp. Thomas H. Forsyth, Henry S. Mott, Arnold Plumer 1866/8. Jan. 2, 1857, dopt. ed. n. p., n. d. 34 pp. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn., in Free Library of Phila. and in Penn. State Library. 1855/6. Jan. 2, 1857, doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 34 pp. Henry 8. Mott, Arnold Plumer, George Scott 1856/7. Dec. 30, 1857, dept. ed. n. p., n. d. 23 pp. Copies seen in Free Library of Phila., in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in Penn. State Library. 1856/7. Dec. 30, 1857, doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 23 pp. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd REPORTS OP CANAL COMMISSIONERS— cont'd 2 series — cont'd Checklist — cont'd George Scott, Nimrod Strickland, A. Plumer 1857/8. Dec. 28. 1858, dept. ed. n. p., n. d. 13 pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in Penn. State Library. 1857/8. Dec. 28, 1858, doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 13 pp. In Collected docs, as follows : 1825/6. 1. 1825 (Dec.) in Senate jol. 1825/6 v. 1:140-144. 1. 1825 (Dec.) " House " 1825/6 v. 2:159-163. [2.] 1826 (Feb.) in Senate Jol. 1825/6 v. 1:309-324. [2.] 1826 (Feb.) " House " 1825/6 v. 2, doc. 138. 1826/7. 1. 1826 (Dec.) in Senate jol. 1826/7 v. 1 : 148-240. 1. 1826 (Dec.) " House " 1826/7 v. 2, docs. 60-92. 2. 1827 (Feb.) " Senate " 1826/7 v. 1 : 411-546. 2. 1827 (Feb.) " House " 1826/7 v. 2, docs. 186- 198 1827 'in Senate jol. 1827/8 v. 2:3-308. ■• House " 1827/8 v. 2, docs. 49-111. 1827/8 " Senate " 1828/9 v. 2 : 1-326. " House " 1828/9 v. 2, docs. 31-103 ; T. 3, tables aoc. pp. 102, 112, 122, 134, 146, 161, 176. 1828/9 in Senate jol. 1829/30 v. 2:145-304. " House " 1829/30 v. 2, docs. 68-143. 1829/30 " Senate " 1830/1 v. 2 : 72193. " House " 1830/1 v. 2, docs. 26-81. 1830/1 " Senate " 1831/2 v. 2:24-204. " House " 1831/2 v. 2, docs. 20-98. 1831/2 "Senate " 1832/3 v. 2 : 19-204. " House " 1832/3 v. 3, docs. 8-44. 1832/3 " Senate '• 1833/4 app. to v. 2. " House " 1833/4 app. to v. 2. 1833/4 " Senate " 18,^4/5 app. to v. 2. " House " 1834/5 app. to v. 2. 1834/5 " Senate " 1835/6 app. to v. 2. " House " 1835/6 app. to v. 2. 1835/6 " Senate " 1836/7 app. to v. 2. " House " 1836/7 app. to v. 2. 1836/7 " Senate " 1837/8 app. to v. 2. " " House " 1837/8 app. to v. 2. 1837/8 " Senate " 1838/9 app. to v. 2. " House " 1838/9 app. to v. 2. 1838/9 " Senate " 1840 app. to v. 2. " " House " 1840 app. to v. 2. 1839/40 " Senate " 1841 app. to v. 2. '* " House " 1841 app. to v. 2. 1840/1 " Senate " 1842 v. 3. " House " 1842 v. 3. 1841/2 ' 1843 V. 2, doc. 31. 1842/3 " Exec. docs. 1843. 198 pp. 1843/4 " " •• 1844. 29 pp. 1844/5 1845. 105 pp. 1845/6 " " " 1846. 93 pp. 1846/7 " " " 1847. 96 pp. 1847/8 " " " 1848. 95 pp. 1848/9 " " " 1849. 91 pp. 1849/50 " " " 1850. 90 pp. 1850/1 " » " 1851. 82 pp. 1851/2 " " " 1852. 151 pp. 1852/3 " " " 1853. 24, 45 pp. 1853/4 " " " 1854. 86 pp. 1854/5 " » " 1855. 28 pp. 1855/6 " " " 1856. 34 pp. 1856/7 " " " 1857. 23 pp. 1857/8 " " " 1858. 13 pp. B JOURNAL OP CANAL COMMISSIONERS 1827-1857/8. Journal of the bd. of canal comrs. Checklist 1827-1851/2. No separate copies found. 1852/3. n. p., n. d. 124 pp. Copies seen In library of the Xjibrary Co. of Phila. and inilist. Socy. of Penn. 1853/41857/8. No separate copies found. • Nfr. Power did not sign the rent, for 1849 and failed to meet with the other comrs. after Sept. 1(), 1849. t Tonnage stmts. 45 pp. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 399 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL DNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd JOURNAL OF CANAL COMMISSIONERS— cont'd Checklist — cont'd In Collected docs, as follows : 1827 In Senate Jol. 1827/8 V. 2 : 267-308. " " House 1827/8 V. 2:335-396 (doc. 111). 1828 " Senate " 1828/9 V. 2 : 287-326. •• " House " 1828/9 V. 2 : 351-390 (doc. 104). 1829 " Senate '* 1829/30 v. 2: 304-431. '• " House '* 1829/,S0 V. 2 : 384-511 (doc. 144). 1830/1 " Senate " 1830/1 V. 2 : 193-421 (doc. 56). " '* House " 1830/1 v. 2 : 301-529 (doc. 82). 1831/2 " Senate " 1831/2 V. 2:204-411. ■' " House " 1831/2 V. 2 : 287-502 (doc. 99). 1832/3 " Senate " 1832/3 V. 2 : 204-368. " " House ** 1832/3 V. 3 : 188-352 (doc. 45). 1833/4 " Senate " 1833/4 app. V. 2:215-403. 47). 1834/5 " House '* 1833/4 app. V. 2 : 215-403 (doc. In Senate Jol. 1834/5 app. V. 2:134-436. 29). 1835/6 " House 1834/5 app. V. 2 : 134-436 (doe. In Senate Jol. 1835/6 app. V. 2 : 108-248. 27). 1836/7 " House 1835/6 app. V. 2: 114-263 (doc. In Senate Jol. 1836/7 app. V. 2: 184-272. " " House 1S36/7 app. V. 2 : 221-314 (doc. 33). 1837/8 In Senate Jol. 1837/8 app. T. 2: 199-316. ** " House " 1837/8 app. V. 2 : 199-320 (doc. 30). 1838/9 In Senate Jol. 1838/9 app. V. 2 : 475-666. " " House " 1838/9 app. V. 2 : 187-375 (doc. 38). 1839/40 In Senate Jol. 1840 app. V. 2 : 341-616. " " House 1840 app. V. 2 : 341-616 (doc. 66) . 1840/1 " Senate 1841 app. V. 2 : 409-638 (doc. 28). '* " House 1841 app. V. 2 : 409-638 (doc. 53). 1841/2 " Senate 1842 v. 3 : 369-571 (doc. 28) . " " House 1842 V. 3 : 369-571 (doc. 53). 1842/3 " 1843 V. 2 : 439-635 (doc. 96). 1844 " Executive Joes. 1844. 129 pp. 1845 " " 1845. 130 pp. 1846 " ** " 1846. 138 pp. 1847 " " 1847. 107 pp. 1848 '• *• '• 1848. 87 pp. 1849 " " " 1849. 89 pp. 1850 " " 1850. 71 pp. 1851 .. .> " 1851. 80 pp. 1851/2 .. " 1852. 80 pp. 1852/3 •' " 1853. 124 pp. 1853/4 It •« " 1854. 95 pp. 1854/5 " " " 1855. 77 pp. 1856 " " 1856. 66 pp. 1857 •* " " 1857. 18 pp. 1858 " " " 1858. 34 pp. 1858/9 *' '* 1859. 8 pp. Also In Documents as follows : 1827 In Kept, canal comrs. 1827 : 139-180 (series 10, no. 2). Paging from Senate ed. (v. 2). 1828 In A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8 (series 9). Possibly omitted from House dept. ed. which was not seen. STATE ENGINEER Appointed under sec. 39, act of May 13, 1856. 1856-1857/8. Ann. rept. of state engr. to the canal comrs. Checklist Edward F. Qay, engineer n. p., n. d. 26 pp. 1856. 1857. 1858. n. p., n. d. n. p., n. d. 18 pp. 5 pp. In Collected docs, as follows : 1856 In Exec. docs. 1856. 26 pp. 1857 1858 1857. 1858. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd non-serial ahuaN(;eme.nt Canal commissioners Canal debt Canal fund Claims Damages Employes Frauds, defalcations, etc. Laws Proposed Branches ChnmberHburt: and I'lttsburgh Chambersburg and York Harrlsburg and IMttsburgh West Branch and Allegheny Receipts, Expenditures, etc. Tolls Water Rights Penn. Canal (and R.I!.] : -Main Line General material Allegheny Portage R.R. Road to avohl Inclined plane Columbia and Phlla. R.R. Columbia Plane Schuylkill Plane Eastern Division Juniata Division Frankstown Line Huntingdon Breach Reservoirs "Western Division Penn. Canal [and R.R.] : Branches Allegheny Feeder Beaver Division Delaware Division Erie Extension Conneaut Line Shenango Line French Creek Division Feeder I-.lne Franklin Line Gettysburg Extension North Branch Division Tioga Line Tunkhannock Line Wyoming Line Susquehanna Division West Branch Division Bald Eagle Line Lewisburg Line Lycoming Line Sinnemahoning Line Tangascootack Extension Pennsylvania and Maryland Canal Co. to Yoaghlogheny River 1761-1876. See above. Canals. Penn., these dates. 1818 Mch. 5. Failure to realize substantial benefits from internal improvements may be due to want of regard to importance of objects to be first improved ; had " the whole surplus funds, in the first instance been properly directed to one or two turnpike roads or canals, leading from the west to the east, through the center of the state, in all probability, by this time, those great objects would have been fully completed." (Rept. of committee of ways and means, Mch. 5, 1818.) 1824-1831. Retrospect of rise and progress of canals and of Penn. (A.R. canal comrs. 1830/1: 26-30.) Paging from Sen. dept. ed. Routes surveyed under laws of Mch. 27, 1824, Feb. 2, 1825, Apr. 11. 1825, Feb. 25, 1826, Apr. 10, 1826, authorizing apptmt. of comrs. by gov. 1825 Feb. 2. " Narrative of the means we used to get an engr., and of what we have done without one; of the perfect practicability of making a canal and of some of the fruits which may be expected from it when made .... an estimate of what such a canal may probably cost, and how much money shall be wanted from the treasury to make It." (Rept. comrs. or promoting the internal Improve- ment of the state Feb. 2, 1825: 1-47.) Feb. 9. Letter from Chas. Trczlyulny explaining why his signature was withheld from the canal comrs.' rept. (.Same Feb. 2, 1825: 48.) 400 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1825 Feb. 17. Letter from Gov., ace. with corresp. of " all or any of the comrs. with the executive dept. of the commonwealth, or with the secy, of war. May 31, 1824-Feb. 16, 1825." (.Same Feb. 2, 1825: 59- 71.) Feb. 21. Rept. of Chas. Trcziyulny. (Same Feb. 2, 1825: 49-58.) " A condensed n.Trratlve or report of the levelling and surveys of the routes for certain proposed canals, so far as I was personally engaged.*' Feb. 28. Rept. of committee on inland naviga- tion (Lehman) rel. to water communication betw. eastern and western waters. (Same 1824/5 v. 2: 384-388 (doc. 174).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by J. S. Wiestling. 7 pp. Copy seen in Amer. Phil. Socy. Usual no. ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1824/5 v. 1 : 445.) Dea 7. Water communications in Penn. (Govs. mess. (Schulze) Dec. 7, 1825.) Dec. 7. Proceedings under act to appt. bd. of canal comrs., Apr. 11, 1825. (Same (Schulze) Dec. 7, 1825.) Dec. 30. Connection of levels on the different routes examined so as to give comparative eleva- tion. ([Preliminary] rept. of canal comrs., Dec. 30, 1825.) 1826 Jan. 26. Rept. of committee on inland naviga- tion and internal improvement (Lehman), rel. to Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1825/6 v. 2: 179-183 (doc. 99).) . Same, separate. Not seen. 500 copies were ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1825/6 V. 1 : 192.) Jan. 31. Letter from actg. committee of Socy. for Promotion of Internal Improvements rel. to publi- cation of repts. and plans of W. Strickland. (Same 1825/6 v. 2: 207-208 (doc. 128).) Feb. 2. Estimates for the Juniata route, northern route. West Branch route and Clearfield Creek route. ([Final] rept. canal comrs., Feb. 3, 1826.) Feb. 3. On survey of routes supposed to admit of a navigable communication betw. the Allegheny and Susquehanna River. (Same Feb. 3, 1826.) Examination of northern route by Wm. Wilson ; West Branch of the Susquehanna by John Mitchell ; line from the Susquehanna by Clearfield Creeli to the conemaugh by Francis W. Kawle ; Juniata route by John Davies. Feb. 6. Reasons of B. Champneys and others for their vote on act to provide for commencement of a canal to be constructed at the expense of the state, and to be styled the Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1825/6 V. 1: 326-328.) Feb. 7. Govs. mess. (Schulze) rel. to rept. of canal comrs. (Same 1825/6 v. 2: 220 (doc. 135).) Mch. 6. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to additional apprn. and enlargement of bd. of comrs. (Sen. jol. 1825/6: 431-432.) Apr. 6. Rept. of committee on Inland navigation and internal improvement (Lehman), rel. to mov- ing lock, termed " Hydrostatic Lift." (House Jol. 1825/6 V. 2: 321 (doc. 217).) Dec. 11. Routes surveyed to determine the prac- ticability of a water communication betw. the Sus- quehanna and the Ohio; two routes not yet sur- veyed. (A.R. canal comrs. [1826/7] first rept. Dec. 1826: 7-8.) 1826-1833. No. of miles of r.r. and canals put under contract each yr. ; length of whole Improvements. (Same 1832/3: 3-6.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1827. Amt of apprn. needed for 1827/8. (Rept. canal comrs. 1827: 22.) . Stmt.: probable cost of the several divisions according to contract rates, amt. at which they were estimated, naming the engr. who made the estimate and explaining cause of differences. (Same 1827: 139-140 (series 10, no. 1).) Paging from Senate ed. (v. 2). . Res. of canal comrs., fixing dimensions of locks and certain sees, of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1827/8 V. 2: 34-38.) Feb. 28. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement (Lehman) rel. to further extension of Penn. Canal. (Same 1826/7 v. 2: 614- 627 (doc. 241).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by J. S. Wiestling, 1827. IS pp. Copy seen in Amer. Phil. Socy. and In Penn. State Library. 1500 copies in English and 500 In German ordered prtd. (House joi. 1826/7 : 422-423.) Jly. Repts. from Mr. Clinton and Mr. Guilford resp. a location of the east side of the Susquehanna River. (Rept,^^ canal comrs. 1827: 168.) Paging from Sen. ed. v. 2. Dec. 25. Need of organization of the engr. dept.: alteration in law asked; salaries. (Same 1827: 22- 23.) 1828 Feb. 2. See below, Columbia and Phila. R.R., this date. Feb. 4. Rept. of the committee on internal Im- provement rel. to the extension of the Penn. Canal and the construction of a r.r. Harrisburg: Prtd. by S. C. Stambaugh, 1828. 7 pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. Feb. 25. Rept. of select committee (Roberts) rel. to two bridges across Penn. Canal, in Dauphin Co. (House jol. 1827/8 v. 2: 805-806 (doc. 220).) Mch. 26. Rept. of committee (Roberts) apptd. to form a plan for active operations during the ensu- ing season. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1828.) Dec. 3. Rept. on survey of Allegheny and Monon- gahela rivers with a view to canal and slack-water navigation; estimate of cost; by Edwd. P. Gay. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8: 331-351.) Paging from House doc. ed. Dec. 4. Divisions of Penn. line of canals and work on each; loans. (Govs. mess. (Schulze) Dec. 4, 1828.) Dec. 4. Rept. on survey of basins, canal and rwy. routes betw. waters of Delaware and Susquehanna; by M. Robinson, engr. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8: 316-330.) Paging from House doc. ed. Dec. 9. Rept. of committee [of bd. of canal comrs.] apptd. to consider remonstrance of citizens of Harrisburg agst. change of tow-path. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1828.) Dec. 11. Divisions under contract Dec. 25, 1827; prosecution of work; further contracts. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8: 67-69.) Paging from House doc. ed. Dec. 11. Modification of law asked to enable bd. to promptly make and pay for required repairs. (Same 1827/8: 76.) Paging from House doc. ed. Dec. 11. Importance of line from stationary engine near Judge Peters' to same point on the Schuylkill; want of authority to direct its construc- tion. (Same 1827/8: 71.) Paging from nouse doc. ed. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 401 CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1828 Dec. 11. Scheme for meeting expense attending extension of canal system. (fe'u»ic 1827/8: 74.) I'nglng from lluuse doc. ed. Dec. 11. List of contracts for coming year with estimate of expense to flnisli divisions. (Same 1827/8: 73.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1829. See below, Tolls, this date. . Kept, of system of rules and regulations rel. to navigation of Penn. Canal, powers and duties of canal comrs. and the collection of toll. (A.R. bd. canal comrs., 1828/9: 287-304.) Paging from Senate doc. ed. . Condensed stmt, of rept. of acting canal comrs. rel. to amts. due on their respective lines and esti- mate needed to Jan. 1830. (Sen. Jol. 1829/30 v. 1: 24-26.) Submitted by canal comrs. Nov. 2, 1829. Possibly printed separately, p. 161 of Sen. Jol. 1829/30 (V. 1) contains an order to print tlie usual no. of copies of repts. of acting comrs., supts. and engrs. made to the canal comrs. The order may refer to the above rept. or the ann. rept. of the canal comrs. Jan. 27. Rept. of jt. [select] committee (Prick) rel. to dams at Shamokin ripples and Duncan's Island in Susquehanna River. (House jol. 1828/9 V. 2: 526-527 (doc. 165); Sen. jol. 1828/9 v. 1: 194- 195.) Senate rept. presented by John Ryon, Jr. Feb. 26. Rept. of the committee on inland navi- gation and internal improvement rel. to railroads and canals; Lehman. Harrisburg: Prtd. at the office of the Reporter, 1829. 8 pp. Policy of Penn. spreading the system of Internal im- provement : pledges made ; amt. of apprn. needed ; sources of revenue to meet it. Copies in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in the N. Y. Public Library. 700 copies in English and 300 In German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1828/9 v. 1:449) ; 100 additional copies of bill reported. (House Jol. 1828/9 v. 1:449.) . Same. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 606-611 (doc. 226).) Mch. 14. Anticipated revenue from public works. (Rept. of committee of ways and means (Cunning- ham) Mch. 14. 1829.) Mch. 14. State of finances justifies prosecution of work on internal improvements. (Same (Cun- ningham) Mch. 14, 1829.) Mch. 26. Rept. of canal comrs. in reply to res. requesting rept. rel. to injuries by floods and ice of present spring on several lines of Penn. Canal, and probable cost of repairs. (Same 1828/9 v. 2: 676-680 (doc. 286).) Apr. 13. Rept. of committee (Banks) rel. to alleged infringement on patent of late T. Burr, now owned by Henry H. Burr, in building of bridges and erecting aqueducts on line of Penn. Canal. (Same 1828/9 v. 2: 719 (doc. 321).) Apr. 20. Veto (Schulze) of act rel. to Penn. Canal and r.r. (Sen. jol. 1828/9 v. 1: 546; House jol. 1828/9: 901-902.) Je. 8. Rept. of committee (Clarke) apptd. to digest a system of operations on the canal and r.r. lines. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1829.) Je. 8. Rept. of committee (Scott) apptd. to adopt rules and regulations for direction and govt, of the several officers and agts. upon lines of canal in active operations. (Same 1829.) Jly. 20. Communication from Thos. and Saml. M'Coy proposing to contract for work on the public works on terms other than cash. (Same 1829.) Presented Jly. 23. 26 CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1829 Jly. 24. Rept. of comrs. (Scott and Eldred) apptd. to treat with N. J. in relation to use of the waters of the Delaware for canal and other purposes. (Same 1829.) Oct. 2. Rept. of secy. [Scott] directed by res. of Je. 8 to prepare and report to the bd. a system of rules for regulation of the navigation of the canal, collection of tolls and govt, and direction of the various officers and agts. concerned in the per- formance of their duties. (Same 1829.) Nov. 2. Rept. of canal comrs.: condensed stmt. of repts. of acting comrs. and supts. stating amt. due, in October, on tlveir respective lines, and prob- able amt. required to meet demands until Jan. 2. (House jol. 1829/30: 119-120 (doc. 8).) Nov. 4. Loans on acct. of public works, 1828 and 1829; progress of work on canals. (Govs. mess. (Schulze), Nov. 4, 1829.) Dec. 9. Rept. of committee (Hamot) apptd. to employ agts. to take releases on routes betw. Pitts- burgh and Erie. (Jol. canal comrs. 1829). Dec. 15. System of internal improvement ought to form prominent feature of state policy. ((Jovs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 15, 1829.) Dec. 18. Wbole distance of Penn. Canal author- ized to be constructed and placed under contract prior to Je. 1829; whole distance now under con- tract; amt. already expended; estimated amt. to be expended. (A.R. canal comrs. 1828/9: 145-146.) Paging from Senate doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. Dec. 18. Benefits to be derived from canal; length of Erie Canal from Albany to Buffalo; amt. of toll per mile yielded by that canal in 1828; increase in land values in territory bordering on completed sec. of Penn. Canal; anticipations for the future. (Same 1828/9: 146-147.) Paging from Senate doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1830 Feb. 22. Serious consideration of the legislature directed to internal improvements; policy of the system; success of the Schuylkill Navigation Co. a favorable omen for the state system; expenditures on public works since 1800. (Rept. of committee of ways and means (Mallery) Feb. 22, 1830.) Apr. 5. Rept. of select committee (Evans) of Phila. rel. to state and condition of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1829/30 v. 2: 758-760 (doc. 342).) Je. 10. Rules and regulations connected with the protection and navigation of the Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1830/1.) Dec. 8. Bd. of appraisers provided for under act of Apr. 6th; needed amdmt. to act. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 8, 1830.) Dec. 8. Progress of work on Penn. line of canals; labors of comrs. (Same (Wolf) Dec. 8, 1830.) Dec. 8. One of designs in constructing some divi- sions of canal was to accommodate coal regions; canals have stopped short at points distant from beds; extension aecessary. (Same (Wolf) Dec. 8, 1830.) Dec. 8. Large expenditures on public works and Inadequate return; consequent debt; links neces- sary to connect east and west and render Penn. system valuable. (Same (Wolf) Dec. 8, 1830.) Dec. 21. See below, Main Line, this date. Dec. 21. Views of bd. rel. to improvements de- sirable to be made as early as practicable. (A.R. canal comrs. 1829/30: 37.) Dec. 21. Need of laws for govt, of Penn. Canal and rwy. (Same 1829/30: 40.) 402 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1830 Dec. 21. First apprn. for Penn. Canal made Feb. 25, 1826; small amt. of this apprn., date of first con- tract; ground first broken; immense amt. of work accomplished in four years. (Same 1829/30: 4-5.) Dec. 21. Water admitted into four hundred and six miles of canal; twenty miles more being the whole extent authorized; near completion of work. {Same 1829/30: 4.) Dec. 21. Under provisions of sec. 4 act passed in Mch. making further provision for canals and roads, surveys, plans and estimates were made of canal and lock communication from nearest point on West Branch canal, to the Susquehanna, near Lewis- burg, Union Co.; do. from Harrisburg to the Sus- quehanna. {Same 1829/30: 36.) Dec. 21. Inspection of entire line of canals and rwys. by comrs. {Same 1829/30: 3-4.) 1830-1835. Table: business on canals and since they were first opened for public use; no. of boats, cars, miles traveled by passengers, tolls reed, each year. {Same 1834/5: 5.) 1831. Table: relative useful effects of horse power when employed on common roads, on turnpike roads, on and on canals. {Same 1830/1: 9.) Paging from Senate dept. ed. . Estimate of cost for completing whole work re- quired by act of Mch. 21, 1831. {Same 1830/1: 5-6.) Paging from Senate dept. ed. Jan. 11. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement (Ingersoll) rel. to further improvement of state by canals and railroads. (House jol. 1830/1 v. 2: 594-606 (doc. 100).) The rept. Includes an acct. of the Internal Improvement system of Penn. from Its origin ; apptmt. of canal comrs. by Gov. and leglsl. ; extent of works ; pro- visions for payment ; comment on bill submitted. Jan. 11. Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1831. 16 pp. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in library of the Library Co. of Phlla. Jan. 19. Public Improvements now stand at the point where greatest expenditures have been made to least profit; due to local interests taking prece- dence of the whole line. (Rept. of committee of ways and means (Craft) Jan. 19, 1831.) Feb. 11. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement (Ingersoll) on petition of contractors upon Penn. Canal, rel. to payment of interest upon certain estimates. (House jol. 1830/1 V. 2: 762 (doc. 150).) Mch. 21. Govs. mess. (Wolf) approving act to continue improvement of state by canals and rail- roads; consideration of funds needed to meet in- terest on public debt and to meet obligation implied in bill. (Sen. jol. 1830/1 v. 1: 522-524.) Mch. 22. The public improvements in Penn.; debt really an investment; comparison with other enterprises in neighboring state. (Rept. of com- mittee of ways and means (Read), Mch. 22, 1833.) Dec. 7. Origin of canal movement; hist, of legis- lation, work, extent and cost; origin of interest fund; loans contracted; canals and under contract. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 7, 1831.) Dec. 7. Increasing population In northern and western regions of state; claims to share of public Improvements; advantages of line of communica- tion from Pittsburgh to Erie Harbor and of water communication with system of central New York; Improvement of navigation of the Monongahela by slack-water navigation from Pittsburgh to Browns- CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd non-serial — cont'd villa and extension of canal from Easton to Carpen- ter's Point on the Delaware of vast importance. {Same (Wolf) Dec. 7, 1831.) 1831 Dec. 7. " It is believed that the celebrated Canal Convention which assembled at Harrisburg in the month of Aug., 1825, gave the first impulse to public sentiment in favor of commencing a system of internal improvement within the state upon an enlarged and extensive scale"; action of conven- tion. {Same (Wolf) Dec. 7, 1831.) Dec. 15. No. of miles of r.r., canal, slack-water and towing path put under contract in obedience to act of Mch. 21, 1831. (A.R. canal comrs. 1830/1: 3-4.) Paging from Senate dept. ed. Dec. 15. Advantages of canals over; com- parison of r.r. and canal rates. {Same 1830/1: 8.) Paging from Senate dept. ed. Dec. 15. Penn. Canal; summary of old lines, with length, sums expended for repairs within year and for additional structures. {Same 1830/1: 22.) Paging from Senate dept. ed. Dec. 15. Propriety of making general provision for repairs. (.Same 1830/1: 23.) Paging from Senate dept. ed. Dec. 15. Form of article of agreement to be entered into betw. state [by] supt. of canal division [and contractors]. {Same 1830/1: 33-36.) Paging from Senate dept. ed. 1832 Feb. 2. Govs. mess. (Wolf) with communication from Executive of state of N. J. and N. J. res. rel. to alleged obstructions in Delaware River. (Sen. jol. 1831/2 V. 1: 257-260.) Dam to supply Penn. Canal. Mch. 30. Mess, from Gov. (Wolf) on act rel. to Penn. canals and, which became a law, although it did not embrace within its provisions all inter- ests. {Same 1831/2 v. 1: 616-618; House jol. 1831/2 V. 1: 739-741.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 1000 copies in English and 500 in German were ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1831/2 v. 1 : 741.) Nov. 1. Amt. of work done, amt. yet to be done; length and estimated cost of all lines in progress. (A.R. canal comrs. 1831/2: 22-23.) Nov. 1. Difiiculty in acquiring land; legislation suggested. {Same 1831/2: 25.) Nov. 1. Property of state along lines assessed and taxed by local authorities; property necessary to public improvements should be exempt. {Same 1831/2: 25.) Nov. 1. Table: whole extent of public works ready for use. {Same 1831/2: 31-32.) Dec. 6. Canals and constructed during year; contemplated work; letting of contracts; length of and canals constructed in seven years; amt. needed to finish works authorized. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 6, 1832.) 1832-1834. Table: no. of boats cleared and no. of miles traveled by passengers on public improvements of state. (A.R. canal comrs. 1833/4: 8.) Paging from Collected docs. 1833 Feb. 5. Protest of Thos. H. Burrowes agst. bill for continuance of improvement of state by and canals. (House jol. 1832/3 v. 1: 332.) Mch. 29. Views of three members of grand com- mittee upon canal and r.r. system; [minority rept. (Burrowes)]. (House Jol. 1832/3 v. 2: 753-756 (doc. 229).) Also printed with the separate edition ot the majority rept. ; see below, Apr. 5. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 403 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1833 Apr. 2. Kept, of committee on inland navigation and Internal improvement (Miller) on petitions for passage of a law authorizing construction of out- let locks from the Penn. Canal into the Susquehanna and Delaware rivers, (ffame 1S32/3 v. 1: 870.) Apr. 5. Rept. of grand committee upon canal and r.r. system (Ashbridge) upon investigation of system of internal improvement, (fe'ame 1832/3 v. 2: 747-753 (doc. 228).) . Same, separate; with a suppl. rept. from minor- ity of the committee. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1833. 12 pp. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and Amer. Phil. .Soov. 1000 copies In English nnd 500 In German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1832/3 v. 1 : 926.) For minority rept., see also above, under date Mch. 29. Je. 18. Rules and regulations on Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1833/4.) Aug. 1. Penn. Canal regulations and rates of toll as established by the bd. of canal comrs. and in force Aug. 1, 1833, together with acts for the pro- tection of the canal. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Hamilton & Son, 1833. 56 pp. Copies In N. Y. Public Library. library of Library Co. of Phila. and Hist. Socy. of Penn. Nov. 1. Summary of work upon which apprn. of Mch. 27, 1833 for new work upon old lines has been expended. (A.R. canal comrs. 1832/3: 13.) Nov. 1. Table: sums appropriated and applicable to new lines and sums required to complete same. (Same 1832/3: 33.) Nov. 1. Excellent condition of old lines of canal; necessary repairs made on canal. (Same 1832/3: 7-12.) Nov. 1. Lines ready for use at opening of naviga- tion in spring; no. of miles canal and r.r. ready for use. (Same. 1832/3: 7.) Dec. 4. Progress of work on public works; ad- vantages derived therefrom; western commerce. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 4, 1833.) Dec. 19. Rept. of the canal comrs. rel. to the ex- tension of the Penn. Canal. (House Jol. 1833/4 v. 2: 195-204 (doc. 65).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1833. 11 pp. 1000 copies In English and 500 in German ordered prtd. (House jol. 1833/4: 105.) Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1834 Feb. 10. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement (Miller) in relation to the internal improvements of the state. (House jol. 1833/4 V. 2: 628-636 (doc. 150).) Mch. 15. See above, Ohio Canal, this date. Dec. 2. All lines of canal and rwy. authorized by law so far completed as to admit of transportation throughout entire length. (A.R. canal comrs. 1833/4: 3.) Paging from Collected docs. Dec. 2. Two or three failures only on 134 miles of canal and feeder constructed since passage of act of 1831; all work of most substantial character. (Same 1833/4: 14.) Paging from Collected docs. Dec. 3. Progress of work on public improve- ments; extent; length of canal and of r.r.; cost; negotiation of loans; tolls; commercial advantages; claims of north and northwestern portions of state; contemplated improvements. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 3, 1834.) 1835. Corresp. of secy, of the commonwealth with banks rel. to Penn. Canal and R.R. loan under act of Apr. 13. (House jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 24-29.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1835 Jan. Petition for the extension of the Penn. Canal from Columbia to the Md. line. Read in House of Representatives Jan. 12, 1835 and ordered to be prtd. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Welsh and Patterson, 1835. 7 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of I'enn. 1000 copies ordered. (House Jol. 1834/5 V. 1 : 151.) Petition was from the Inhabitants of Susquehanna Valley. Jan. 8. Rept. of canal comrs. upon amt. saved to the state in construction of public improvements by the facilities afforded by them. (House Jol. 1834/5 V. 2: 188-191 (doc. 68).) . Same, separate, n. t. p. 4 pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In the Amer. Phil. Socy., Phlla. Feb. 17. Rept. of committee on inland naviga- tion (Miller of Phila.) upon internal improvements of state. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 570-576 (doc. 160).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Welsh & Patterson, 1834-'35. 8 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. Rept. made " in compliance with custom, if not with a duty " ; emphasizes the advantages of transporta- tion by canals, etc. ; transportation of coal ; tolls. Mch. 21. Rept. of committee on Inland naviga- tion and internal improvement (Miller) upon peti- tion rel. to giving packet boats the preference in passing locks on Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1834/5 V. 2: 662-663 (doc. 211).) Apr. 7. Reasons of Jacob Herrington for his vote on bill providing for further improvement of state by and canals. (Same 1834/5 v. 1: 810.) ■ Dec. 2. Annual apprn. for canal construction suggested. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 2, 1835.) Dec. 2. Revenues produced by public works of state; desirability of their extension; completion of Penn. Canal to Lake Erie and carrying of the canal from Lackawanna Creek up north branch of the Susquehanna to Intersect Elmira Canal and Ithaca R.R. would increase population, revenue and commerce; propriety of ascertaining practicability of canal from West Branch of the Susquehanna to connect with French Creek Division, etc. (Govs, mess. (Wolf) Dec. 2, 1835.) Dec. 2. Further extension of public improvements advised; lines and extensions of canals suggested. (A.R. canal comrs. 1834/5: 19-20.) Dec. 2. 600 miles of canal and slack water naviga- tion and nearly 120 miles of constructed in state in 9 yrs. (Same 1834/5: 3.) Dec. 2. 400 miles of canal and 520 miles of r.r. at this time completed or in course of construction by incorporated cos. (Same 1834/5: 4.) Dec. 2. Repairs made on canal; those necessary to be made; new work and estimate of cost. (Same 1834/5: 10-13.) Dec. 3. Plan for connecting the Susquehanna Canal with the Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1835/6.) Dec. 15. State policy rel. to internal improve- ment. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 15, 1835.) 1835-1841. Table: apprns. required [recommended] for current year. (A.R. canal comrs. 1834/5 (p. 18) —same 1840/1.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1836. Communication from J. G. Clarkson, of select council, enclosing res. of the select and common councils of Phlla. agst construction of a canal on the west side of the river Schuylkill. (House jol. 1835/6 V. 2: 194 (doc. 43).) 404 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1836 Dec. 6. Policy of extending main line of canal to harbor of Erie. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 6, 183G.) Dec. 6. Extent of Penn. canals and, resp.; unprofitable works; length when complete; esti- mated income to be derived from completed system; income in 1835/6; and canals completed by private enterprise. {Same (Ritner) Dec. 6, 1836.) Dec. 6. Estimated income of public works. (Same (Ritner) Dec. 6, 1836.) . Table: approximate cost of division of Penn. Canal and r.r. ; length, lockage and elevation of highest point above mean tide at Phila. (A.R. canal comrs. 1835/6: 5-6.) Dec. 8. Delay in opening canal due to protracted and severe winter; dates of admission of water and passage of first boat on each division of canal. (Same 1835/6: 4.) Dec. 8. Length of canals and rwy. constructed by state; length of those constructed by incor- porated COS. (Same 1S35/6: 7-9.) 1836/7. Table: navigable condition of canal. (Same 1836/7: foldg. table betw. pp. 24 and 25.) PngiDg from Collected (iocs. 1837 Mch. 27. Rept. of the select committee rel. to the canals and rwys., together with the testimony taken in relation thereto. Harrisburg: Prtd. by S. D. Patterson, 1837. 180 pp. Majority rept. (HUD 15 pp. Minorit.v rept. (Watts and Tyson) pp. 16-31. Testimony, pp. 31-180. Copy seen In Penn. State Library. Mch. 31. Rept. of committee of conference (M'll- vaine of Phila.) rel. to act further to continue and promote improvements of state. (House jol. 1836/7 V. 1: 1009-1010.) Apr. 1. Reasons of J. Washington Tyson and H. M. Watts for negative vote agst. receiving a written doc. ostensibly emanating from committee to investigate condition and management of public works; of which committee they were members; claim that rept. was not properly one of the whole committee. (Same 1836/7 v. 1: 1012-1015.) Dec. 6. Objects to be considered in making apprns. for canals, and turnpike roads; specific recommendations for each division. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 6, 1837.) Dec. 6. Canal and r.r. revenue during past year; cause of Penn.'s feeling commercial panic less than neighboring states; coal and iron trade; expediency of completion of public works. (Same (Ritner) Dec. 6, 1837.) Dec. 9. Probability that Penn. can bring immense tonnage of coal and iron upon public works and supply not only her own demand for iron but a large proportion of that which exists elsewhere and is now supplied hy Great Britain. (A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7: 6.) Paging from Collected docs. Dec. 13. Rept. of committee on roads, bridges and inland navigation (Strohm) on act to provide for repairs and expenses of state canal and and continuing work on Erie extension and North Branch division of Penn. Canal and Gettysburg R.R. (Sen. jol. 1837/8 v. 1: 79-81.) 1838 Jan. 8. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to procuring a chart of public Improvements In Penn. and adjoining states. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 213.) Jan. 9. Mess, from gov. (Ritner) rel. to act to provide for repairs and expenses of state canals and, and continuing work on Erie extension, and No. Branch dlvs. of Penn. Canal and for other CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd non-seiial — cont'd purposes. (Same 1837/8 v. 2:215-221 (doc. 58); Sen. jol. 1837/8 v. 1: 141-147.) Same, separate. Harrisburg: Thompson & Clark, 1838. 10 pp. Copy In N. T. Public Library and Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1000 copies in English and 500 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 183T/8 v. 1:147.) 140 copies. (House Jol. 1837/8 V. 1 : 204.) Mch. 9. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to chart of improvements of Md., N. Y., Ohio and Canada, which may connect with improvements of Penn. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 745-746.) Mch. 28. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to procuring steam tow-boat. (Same 1837/8 v. 2: 786.) Apr. 7. Reasons of John Strohm for his vote on act to provide for repairs and to continue improve- ments of state. (Sen. jol. 1837/8 v. 1: 726-728.) Apr. 11. Rept. of committee (Stevens) apptd. to confer with Sen. Committee upon act to provide for repairs and continue improvements of state, etc. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 1: 1070-1085.) Apr. 14. Govs. mess. (Ritner) rel. to his signing unwillingly act to provide for repairs and to con- tinue improvements of state, etc. (Sen. jol. 1837/8 v. 1: 796-800; House joL 1837/8 v. 1: 1156-1157.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 5000 copies In English and 3000 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1837/8 v. 1:800.) Also ordered prtd. by House. (House Jol. 1837/8 v. 1: 1141-1142.) Apr. 16. Reason of F. Praley for his vote on bill providing for repairs and to continue improve- ments of state. (Sen. jol. 1837/8 v. 1: 818-819.) Apr. 16. Reasons of A. Kauflman for voting agst. act to provide for repairs and to continue improve- ments of state. (Same 1837/8 v. 1: 1156-1157.) • Dec. 21. Suggestion for further improvements to be undertaken by state. (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8: 33-34.) Paging from House doc. ed. Dec. 21. Penn. Canal: condition of different divi- sions of canal, repairs needed and amount expended on each for year. (Same 1837/8: 11-15.) Paging from House Jol. 1S38/9. app. v. 2. Dec. 21. Lines of canal and r.r. put under con- tract in obedience to act of Apr. 14, 1838. (Same 1837/8: 3-4.) Paging from House doc. ed. Dec. 21. Expediency of connection of Penn. public works with those of N. Y. (Same 1837/8: 22.) Paging from Senate doc. ed. Dec. 27. Coal and iron trade will form chief busi- ness of system of public works and are chief hope of paying off cost; desirability of enlargement of Union Canal and possession of a canal from Colum- bia to the Maryland line. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 27, 1838.) Dec. 27. Sums required for coming year on Erie extension; North Branch Canal; Gettysburg R.R.; West Branch Canal; Wlconlsco Canal; Allegheny Peeder; repairs, temporary loans, etc.; means of obtaining sum. (Same (Ritner) Dec. 27, 1838.) Dec. 27. Propriety of leglsl. provision to meet unexpected breach or other Injury of public works. (Same (Ritner) Dec. 27, 1838.) Dec. 27. Progress of new works. (Same (Ritner) Dec. 27, 1838.) 1839. Table: estimated amt. required to finish several lines of canal and r.r. under contract. (Rept. canal comrs. 1838/9: 50.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 405 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd non-serinJ — cont'd 1839. Table: estimated amt. required for repairs on tlie several divisions of canals and rwys. (Same 1838/9: 4-5.) . Old debts and damages; approximate amt. re- quired for old debts. (Same 1838/9: 4(i.) . Table: estimated amt. required to finisli the several lines of canal and r.r. under contract. (Same 1839: 50.) Piiglng from House doc. ed. . Amt. asked in rept. of Mch. 11, 1839 for repairs on Penn. Canal and rwy. (Same 1838/9: 4.) Mch. 1. Prospective revenue from public works; loans. (Rept. of committee of ways and means (Flenniken) Mch. 1, 1839.) Mch. 11. Communication from the canal comrs. exhibiting the condition of the canals and [House ed.]. Harrisburg: Boas & Coplan, 1839. 78 pp. Copy seen In Illst. Socy. of Penn. 3000 copies in En- glish (ind 1500 in German ordered prtd. (House jol. 1838/9 V. 1 : 612.) . Same [Senate ed.]. Harrisburg: E. Guyer, 1839. 84 pp. Copy seen in Amer. rhil. Socy.. Phlla. . Same. (Sen. jol. app. to v. 2, 1838/9: 365-474; House jol. app. to v. 2, 1838/9: 622-696 (docs. 129- 130).) Mch. 25. Govs. mess. (Porter), ace. with a com- munication from canal comrs., ascertaining amt. of debts due by Commonwealth, on finished lines of canal and (House jol. 1838/9 v. 2 [pt. 1]: 890- 892 (doc. 143).) . Same, separate. Not seen. 2000 copies in English and 500 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1838/9 v. 1 : 758.) May 21. Canal contracts; result of investigation. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1839/40.) Includes 8 foldg. tables. May 24. Rept. of committee on roads, bridges and inland navigation (Strohm) rel. to amt. of money necessary for repairs upon different finished lines of canals and railroads. (Sen. jol. 1838/9 v. 1: 892- 912.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by E. Guyer, 1839. 29 pp., foldg. table. Copy seen In Amer. Phil. Socy. and In Penn. State Library. 2000 copies In English and 500 In Ger- man ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1838/9 v. 1 : 913.) May 30. Communication from canal comrs. in reply to Sen. res. requesting the bd. to furnish a copy of res. passed in Mch., directing engrs. to esti- mate work done by contractors on new lines of state improvements, copy of instructions to engrs., etc. (Sen. jol. 1838/9 v. 1: 940-942.) Je. 10. Govs. mess. (Porter) urging provisions for repairs of canal, etc. (House jol. 1838/9 v. 1: 1235-1237; Sen. jol. 1838/9 v. 1: 1037-1039.) Je. 25. Rept. of committee (Ftaley of Phila.) on res. to provide for repairs of canals and and to continue improvements of state. (Sen. jol. 1838/9 V. 1: 1370-1374.) Dec. 13. Rules and regulations for govt, of the canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1839/40.) 1840 Jan. 8. Propriety of providing whole amt. re- quired for prosecution of the works of public im- provements. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840.) Jan. 8. No. of miles of canal and slack-water navigation in operation; do.; no. of miles of canal and slack- water navigation In progress; no. of miles of canal and of r.r. suspended; total cost of internal improvements. (Same (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840: 28.) CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1840 Jan. 21. Surveys: employment of engrs. under sec. 6, act of Jly. 19, 1839 to survey routes for a r.r. betw. Harrisburg and Pittsburgh; northern route (north of the Juniata River); middle route (val- leys of the Juniata, Conemaugh and Black Lick); southern route (Pittsburgh to Chambersburg) ; prosecution of surveys recommended; need of further apprns. ; survey of a route for a turnpike or M'Adamized road across the mountains betw. Laughlinstown and Chambersburg; survey of the Lackawanna River and valley from the feeder dam of the Wyoming division of the Penn. Canal, to the Ragged islands; coal market for antltracite coal of Lackawanna Valley. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9: 44-45.) Paging from House ed. Jan. 21. Importance of extending the system of public improvements in Penn. to ensure market facilities. (Same 1838/9: 7-8.) Paging from House ed. Jan. 21. Length of canals and completed and in operation on the several divisions of public works. (Same 1838/9: 5-7.) Paging from House ed. . Policy of the last legisl. in withholding sums required to place the public works in repair was in- judicious; estimates made for canals and In rept. of Mch. 11. (Same 1838/9: 3-4.) Paging from House ed. Jan. 21. No. of miles of canal and rwy. owned by Commonwealth in operation; lines of canal in prog- ress. (Sa7ne 1838/9: 5-6.) Paging from doc. ed. Feb. 17. Communication from auditor-gen. (Es- py) rel. manner of keeping accts. of public improve- ments. (House jol. 1840 v. 2, pt. 2: 67-69 (doc. 104).) Mch. 17. Rept. of minority of committee on in- land navigation and Internal Improvement (Bally) disapproving of bill reptd. by the majority to pro- vide for continuing improvements of state, and for payment of interest on public debt. (Same 1840 v. 2, pt. 2: 253-259 (doc. 124).) . Same, separate. Not seen. 1000 copies in English and 500 In German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1840 v. 1 : 588.) Mch. 18. Sale of portion of public property to meet demands upon the treasury recommended; certain bank stock. (Rept. of committee of ways and means (Flenniken), Mch. 18, 1840.) May. Communication from canal comrs. ace. with a stmt, of debts due contractors and others on the several lines of canal and r.r. (House jol. 1840 v. 2, pt. 2: 503-505 (doc. 167).) . Same, separate. Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1840 v. 1 : 1045.) Je. 6. Communication from canal comrs. to House of Representatives resp. amt. due for repairs. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1840/1.) . Sums remaining due for repairs on canals and rwys. Nov. 1. (A.R. canal comrs. 1839/40: 4.) Paging from House ed. 1840-1841. Estimated amt. required to finish several lines of canal and r.r. under contract. (Same 1839/40 (p. 50)— same 1840/1.) Paging from House ed. 1841. See Banks; Individual. Berks Co., this date. Jan. 1. Table: miles of canal in progress of com- pletion; miles of canal and r.r. commenced but on which work has been suspended; amt. necessary to complete lines; estimated cost; amt. expended on suspended lines. (A.R. canal comrs. 1839/40: 11-12.) 406 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDDAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1841 Jan. 1. Stmt, of repairs required on several lines of canal and r.r. (Samt 1839/40: 50.) Jan. 1. Table: no. of finished miles of r.r. and canal. {Same 1839/40: 5-6.) Jan. 1. Chief objection to main line of public works is its mixed character, being composed of alternate lines of canals and causing delay and expense in shipments. (Same 1839/40: 25-26.) Jan. 6. Favoring immediate apprn. for public works under contract. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 6, 1841.) Jan. 6. Advisability of apprn. for completion of unfinished works. (Same (Porter) Jan. 6, 1841.) Jan. 6. Increased cost of repairs on canals on acct. of delay in apprns. (Same (Porter) Jan. 6, 1841.) Jan. 6. Enactment of law recommended authoriz- ing canal comrs. to treat with N. Y. state authori- ties for connection of internal improvements of the two states. (Same (Porter) Jan. 6, 1841.) Jan. 27. Propriety of apprn. for canal comrs. (-Same (Ritner) Jan. 27, 1841: 5-6.) Apr. 8. Communication from canal comrs. in reply to House res. of Apr. 6, stating amt. due con- tractors and others, on unfinished lines of canal as reported up to Mch. 1, 1841, and unexpended balance of apprns. applicable to same. (House Jol. 1841 v. 2: 532-533 (doc. 157).) 1842 Jan. 6. Value of public works; list of completed works (rwy. and canal) and their length. (Govs, mess. (Porter) Jan. 6, 1842.) Jan. 6. Cause of unusually large amt. required for repairs on canals and; cost always greater to state than to individuals; sale of public works suggested, particularly Columbia R.R. and Dela- ware Division of Penn. Canal. (Same (Porter) Jan. 6, 1842.) - — - Jan. 6. Propriety of allowing Commonwealth alone to carry passengers on the Columbia R.R., also on line of improvement betw. Phila. and Pitts- burgh. (Same (Porter) Jan. 6, 1842.) Jan. 15. No. of miles of canal and r.r. constructed at public expense, unfinished lines of canal in progress. (A.R. canal comrs. 1840/1: 4-5.) Paging from Senate ed. Jan. 15. Stmt, of amt. due for labor and materials furnished on finished and unfinished lines of public improvements. (Same 1840/1: 38.) Paging from Senate ed. Jan. 15. Penn. line of improvements is most central, most direct and shortest route from Ohio River to cities of Atlantic seaboard. (Same 1840/1: 40.) Paging from Senate ed. Jan. 15. Expediency of providing portable boats on state canals. (Some 1840/1: 44-45.) Paging from Senate ed. Mch. 3. Rept. of committee on internal Improve- ments (Farrelly) on petitions praying that un- finished lines of canal be abandoned. (Sen. Jol. Jan. 1842 v. 1: 419-442.) The rept. considers the design ot the Improvement system, gives dates when the several canals (N. Y. and Penn.] were opened, trade In 1840 and 1841, Incl. O. Canal In 1841 ; treats of the coal trade on the Erie Extension and of the general trade ; a communication from the canal comrs. to House of Representatives, Feb. 17, 1842, estimating expense of abandoning the Erie Extension, etc., accompanies the rept. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1842. Same, separate. Rept. of the internal improve- ment committee rel. to the abandonment of the pub- lic improvements. Harrisburg: Boas & Patterson, 1842. 39 pp. Copy seen in the Library of Congress. Mch. 8. Suggested that individual competition on public works be made possible. (Rept. of com- mittee of ways and means (Gamble) Mch. 8, 1842.) Mch. 8. Advantages to Commonwealth rrom system of internal improvement. (Same (Gamble) Mch. 8, 1842.) Je. 10. Reasons for Govs, veto (Porter) of res. to prevent persons from travelling free of expense on and canals. (House jol. 1S42 v. 1: 892-895.) Je. 15. See below. Employes, this date. Je. 20. Communication from canal comrs., ace. with a paper purporting to be a copy of a preamble and constitution adopted by bd. of canal trans- porters at Pittsburgh. (House jol. 1842 v. 2:771- 776 (doc. 159).) Erroneously dated 1840. 1843 Jan. 4. Effect of financial depression on the busi- ness of the canals and (A.R. canal comrs. 1841/2: 5-6.) Jan. 4. Amt. due for repairs prior to Mch. 1. (Same 1841/2: 26.) Jan. 4. Estimated cost of repairs. (Same 1841/2: 27.) Jan. 4. Trade prospects upon main lines of public improvements. (Same 1841/2: 7.) Jan. 4. Planes, slips and trucks on the public im- provements; effect of these facilities on transporta- tion. (Same 1841/2: 6-7.) Jan. 4. Failure of attempt to secure bids for the sale of the public improvements. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 4, 1843: 7.) Jan. 4. Ultimate value and usefulness of Penn. public works. (Same (Porter) Jan. 4, 1843: 8.) Jan. 4. On the incorporation of cos. to complete the unfinished lines of improvements. (Same (Por- ter) Jan. 4, 1843: 10.) Feb. 4. Rept. of committee on vice and immoral- ity (Karns) rel. to preventing persons from travel- ling or using canals of state on Sabbath days. (House jol. 1843 v. 2: 283-284 (doc. 62).) Feb. 9. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to names of contractors who have finished their con- tracts on improvements of state since Jly. 27, 1842, and have their accts. entered upon books of auditor gen. (Same Jan. 1S43 v. 2: 299.) Feb. 10. Communication from auditor gen. (Packer) rel. to contracts upon public improve- ments of state. (Sa7ne Jan. 1843 v. 2: 303 (doc. 73).) Dec. 30. Public improvements so far from being a burthen upon the treasury, are capable not only of maintaining the cost of their repairs and superin- tendence, but of yielding a revenue, at least equal to the interest on the sum expended in their con- struction; particularly the main line and Delaware division. (A.R. canal comrs. 1842/3: 3.) Dec. 30. Apprn. for repairing and building road and farm bridges on public works, authorized May 31, 1842. (Same 1842/3: 7.) 1844. See Banks: Individual. Berks Co., this date. Feb. 5. Rept. ot canal comrs. rel. to amt due on check rolls, by state. (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 2: 128-129.) The rept. does not state amt. due ; It shows the efforts made to obtain, viz. : a circular addressed to super- visors of the reap, lines of r.r. and canal, Feb. 2, 1844 (text). INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 407 CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd non-sirial — cont'd 1844 Feb. 9. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to importance of an early apprn. for repair of canals and (House jol. 1844 v. 2: 299-300 (doc. 36); Sen. jol. 1844 v. 2: 129-130 (doc. 171).) Feb. 15. Rept. of committee on Internal improve- ments (Farrelly) on petitions praying for passage of law authorizing sale of canals and of Com- monwealth. (Sen. jol. 1S44 v. 1: 253-259.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. G. McKinley, 1844. 9 pp. Copy seen In Pcnn. St.ite Library. Mch. 11. Rept. of canal comrs.: estimates for re- pairs on public works. (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 2: 150-157; House jol. 1844 v. 2: 350-357.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. G. McKinley, 1844, 13 pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. Apr. 3. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to trucks, section boats, etc. on public works. (Sen. jol. 1844 V. 2: 211 (doc. 35).) Apr. 11. Rept. of auditor gen. (Packer) rel. to delinquent collectors and supervisors on public works of state. (House jol. 1844 v. 2: 444-446 (doc. 77).) Apr. 26-27. Rept. of committee of conference to whom was referred act to reduce state debt and in- corporate the Penn. Canal and R.R. Co. Harrisburg: J. G. McKinley, 1844. 16 pp. Copies in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and Free Library of Phila. . Same. (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 1: 880-894; House jol. 1844 V. 1: 922-936.) Thos. Tustin submitted the rept. to the House ; John W. Farrelly to the Senate. The net was passed Apr. 29, 1844 ; it provided for sale of main line of public works and Incorporation of purchasers as the Penn. Canal and E.E. Co. Dec. 31. Navigation interrupted by lack of water; necessity for completion of eastern and western reservoirs at Allegheny Mountain. (A.R. canal comrs. 1843/4: 8.) 1844/5-1856/7. Table: estimated amt. necessary for re- pairs, etc., on lines of canal and r.r. {Same 1843/4 (pp. 19-20)— «ome 1855/6.) 1845. See Banks: Individual. Berks Co., this date. Mch. 13. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to trucks and boat slips on public improvements. (House jol. 1845, V. 2: 527-529.) Dec. 30. Purchase of additional no. of trucks for main line of public Improvements, authorized by act of Feb. 17, 1845. (A.R. canal comrs. 1844/5: 9-10.) Dec. 30. Increase of business on Improvements due to reduction of tolls. (Smne 1844/5: 6.) Dec. 30. Sum appropriated by act of May 31, 1844 for rebuilding and repair of farm and public bridges on canals; question of repair of these bridges by state or individuals. {Same 1844/5: 13.) 1846 Jan. 6. Loss to canals on acct. of flood. (Govs, mess. (Shunk) Jan. 6, 1847.) Mch. 25. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to damage done to public works by late flood. (House jol. 1846, V. 2: 479-482; Sen. jol. 1846 v. 2: 380-389.) Dec. 31. Injuries to public works by malicious persons; suggestion for a fund to be placed at disposal of executive to punish offenders. (A.R. canal comrs. 1845/6: 12.) Dec. 31. Freshets In Mch. sweeping over great portion of canal and causing heavy expenditures for repairs. {Same 1845/6: 6.) Dec. 31. Necessity for immediate apprn. for re- pairs. {Same 1845/6: 13.) CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1847 Feb. 9. Rept. of auditor gen. (Purviance) rel. to extra pay and horse hire on canal and roads. (House jol. 1847 v. 2: 272-273 (doc. 41).) Dec. 30. Numerous petitions reed. rel. to closing public works on Sabbath; bd. has no jurisdiction over matter; referred to legisl. (A.R. canal comrs. 1846/7: 13.) Dec. 30. Provision should be made for repair of extraordinary breaches, when specific apprns. have become exhausted. {Same 1846/7: 14.) 1848 Jan. 6. Govs. mess. (Shunk) and ace. docs. rel. to damage on public works by floods. (Sen. jol. 1848 V. 2: 44-47; House jol. 1848 v. 2: 60-63.) The ace. docs, are a petition addressed to the Gov. by the bd. of canal comrs., Nov. 17, 1847, and corresp. of the Gov. with banks iu reference to loan for repairs on canals. Dec. 1. Tables: amt. due laborers on the public works; list of officers and their compensation. (Sen. joL 1849 V. 2: 492-493 (doc. 70).) Ace. communication from canal comrs. Feb. 15, 1849. Dec. 26. Heavy repairs made during year on breaches caused by disastrous floods and rebuilding of burnt aqueduct across Allegheny River -near Freeport have swelled expenditures beyond esti- mates; interrupted navigation on main line have reduced receipts below those of 1847. (A.R. canal comrs. 1847/8: 5.) 1849 Dec. 28. Recommendation for sale of all property and real estate belonging to state along public im- provements which is no longer useful in their mngmnt. {Same 1848/9: 16.) 1850. Severe penalties should be flxed for contracting debts for repairs and purchase of materials on acct. of public works, beyond apprns. (Govs. mess. (Johnston) Jan. 1, 1850.) 1851 Jan. 1. Penn. Canal; nature and cost of repairs on the several divisions. (A.R. canal comrs. 1849/50: 13-14.) Jan. 7. Inefl5cient supervision of canals and (Govs. mess. (Johnston) Jan. 7, 1851.) Jan. 7. Renewed recommendation to divide state into canal and rwy. districts and to allot to each a canal comr. to whom its entire control be given. (Same (Johnston) Jan. 7, 1851.) 1852 Jan. 5. Improvements in supervision of canals suggested. {Same (Johnston) Jan. 5, 1852.) Jan. 9. Table: miles of state r.r. and canal, in- dependent of feeders not navigable, in operation. (A.R. bd. canal comrs. 1850/1: 5.) Jan. 14. Rept. of canal comrs. on repairs on Shamokin Schute. (House jol. 1852 v. 2: 557.) Mch. 16. Proposition of E. J. Dutihl and others to lease finished lines of r.r. and canals of Common- wealth. {Same 1852 v. 1: 501-502; v. 2: 240.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 2000 copies in English and 1000 In German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1852 v. 1 : 502.) 1853. See below, Allegheny Portage, this date. . Debate (House) on the general apprn. bill; sec. authorizing the Gov. and state treasurer to antici- pate the revenue of the Commonwealth in 1853 and 1854, by procuring loans to be reimbursed as the means may be reed, into the treasury; sec. 39 resp. apprn. for North Branch Canal, relaying the track on the Columbia R.R. and avoidance of inclined planes on the Portage R.R.; bearing of subject on sale of main line. (Legisl. Record v. 1, no. 57.) . Condensed stmt, of operations on lines of canal for year. (A.R. canal comrs. 1852/3: 14-16.) 408 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1854. Speech of Mr. Beans upon amdmt. to Sen. bill for sale of public works and reduction of the state debt. (Daily Leglsl. Union v. 1 (no. 52): 256.) . Increase in net revenue not in proportion to in- crease in trade on acct. of reduction of tolls; re- sults of 1853; general observations on Columbia R.R., North Branch Canal and Delaware Division and Allegheny Portage R.R. (Govs. mess. (Blgler) Jan. 4, 1854.) Jan. 4. On proposed sale of public works. (Same (Bigler) Jan. 4, 1854.) Jan. 4. State's mngmt. of public works. {Same (Bigler) Jan. 4, 1854.) Feb. 4. Rept. of select committee (Evans) on that part of govs. mess. rel. to sale of public works. (Legisl. docs. 1854: 328-340.) How the system affects public morals ; popular opinion ; effect of a sale in 1844 ; effect of a sale in 1854 — state debt, paid in 10 years ; cost and revenue on each line ; revenues from 1830 to 1854 ; receipts and expenses of canals and 1845-1855 : mngmt. of the works : manner of sale and price ; act to provide for sale of public works of Pentf. and reduction of state debt. . Same; minority rept. (Jamison). (Same 1854: 340.) . Same; minority rept. (Quiggle). (Some 1854: 340-343.) . Same (Quiggle). (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 22): 111-112.) . Same, separate [majority and minority repts.]. Harrisburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1854. 18 pp. Copies seen in Free Library of Phila., in Penn. State Library and Penn. Hist. Socy. . Same, another ed. n. t. p. 16 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. . Same, in German. Not seen. 1000 copies were ordered by the Senate. (Sen. Jol. 1854 : 188) ; see also (Daily Legisl. Union 1854 V. 1:57; 87). Feb. 27. Communication from canal bd. asking early apprn. to defray expenses on public works. (Legisl. docs. 1854: 649.) Apr. Communication from Robt. Faries resp. error in part of Govs. mess. rel. to the sale of the public works resp. work to avoid Allegheny in- clined planes and subsequent error in committee rept. on the same. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 53): 258.) 1855 Jan. 16. On advisability of sale of public works; abolition or reorganization of bd. of canal comrs. and substitution of some other system of mngmt. worthy of consideration. (Govs. mess. (Pollock) Jan. 16, 1855.) Apr. 20. Remarks (M'Connell) on bill for the sale of the main line of public works. (Legisl. Record May 2, 1855: 6-8.) 1856 Jan. 1. Failure of attempts to sell public works; cause; policy of sale. (Govs. mess. (Pollock) Jan. 1, 1856.) Apr. 11. Rept. of committee on canals and In- land navigation (Cresswell) on enquiry into ex- pediency of authorizing canal comrs. to publish revised edition of canal laws, and canal and rwy. rules and regulations. (Sen. jol. 1856: 851.) 1857 Jan. 7. Propriety and policy of sale of public works. (Govs. mess. (Pollock) Jan. 7, 1857.) 1858. Remarks (Straub) on bill authorizing the sale of the remainder of the state Improvements to the Sunbury and Erie R.R. Co. (Legisl. Record 1858: 538-539.) . Remonstrance [unBlgnedl agst. proposed sale of the state canals to the Sunbury and Erie R.R. (Same 1858: 344; 348-349.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1858. Remarks (Turney) on bill for the sale of the state canals to the Sunbury and Erie R.R. Co. (Same 185S: 542-544.) . Debate on bill rel. to sale of the state canals. (Snme 1858: 334-335; 337-339; 375; 382; 501.) . Memorial from Luzerne Co. agst. passage of a law to sell the state canals to the Sunbury and Erie R.R. Co. (Same 1858: 295.) . Memorial from Pittsburgh Literary Club agst. sale of the state canals to the Sunbury and Erie R.R. ; agst. repeal of tonnage tax; agst. discrimina- tion in freight rates by the Penn. R.R. (Same 1858: 457-458.) Jan. 5. Rel. to sale of state canals to Sunbury and Erie R.R. Co. (Govs, mess (Packer) Jan. 5, 1859: 5-6.) Mch. 3. Rept. of committee of ways and means (Smith of Cambria) on act for sale of state canals. (House jol. Jan. 1858: 406-412; Legisl. Record 1858: 221-224.) Mch. 17. Remarks (Jenkins) on bill for the sale of the state canals. (Legisl. Record 1858: 326-328.) Apr. 1. Speech of Alex. K. M'Clure on proposed sale of the state canals. (Some 1858: 495-496.) Apr. 10. Rept. of a majority of the committee on canals and inland navigation rel. to bill for sale of the state canals. (Same 1858: 471-472.) The rept. includes tables giving the revenue and ex- penditures on the Delaware, North Branch. Susque- hanna and West Branch divisions. 1848-1857. 1859 Jan. 21. Govs. mess. (Packer) resp. sale of the public works. (Same 1859: 87.) . Debate on res. resp. sale of the public works. (Legisl. Record 1859: 54.) 1860. Debate on suppl. to act for the sale of the state canals. (Daily Legisl. Record 1860: 632-637; 701- 705; 713-715; 723-725; 739-740.) Jan. 4. Sale of state canals to Sunbury and Erie R.R. Co.; delivery of bonds, etc. (Govs. mess. (Packer) Jan. 4, 1860.) 1862. Rept. of select committee rel. to renewal of state rwys. with Penn. cast iron rails; Trego. Harris- burg: M'Kinley & Lescure, 1843. 15 pp. Copy seen in Library of Congress. Jan. 8. On sale of canals by Sunbury and Erie R.R. Co. (Govs. mess. (Curtin) Jan. 8, 1862: 6.) 1874. Stmt, of cost and selling price of public improve- ments in Penn.; loss. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 70.) : in Penn.; by T. J. Bigham. (2 same 1873/4: 383-386.) Brief acct. of Inaugiirntion of Penn. r.r. and canal system, development of system, individual owership, etc. 18S5. Canal papers transferred to custody of auditor gen. by act of Gen. Assem. Jan. 25, 1859; trans- ferred to dept. of internal affairs Feb. 26, 1885. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1884/5: All.) Papers rel. to Penn. Canal and branches. Canal Commissioners See also below. Frauds, etc. serial See above the serial group under Pennsylvania Canal and R.U. Co. non-serial 1826 Dec. 11. Duties of bd. under two distinct heads: survey and examination of canal routes, and loca- tion and construction of canals. (Rept. canal comrs. [1826/7], first rept. Dec. 1826: 7.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 409 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UN DERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Canal Commissioners — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1827 Dec. 25. Acct. of changes in the bd. of canal comrs., supts., engrs. and surveyors, etc. {Same 1827: 5-8.) Dec. 25. Rel. to compensation of the secy, of the bd. [Same 1827: 23-24.) Feb. 28. Rept. of select committee (Petrikin) apptd. to inquire into conduct of Chas. Mowry, canal comr., and answer of C. Mowry to committee. (House jol. 1827/8 v. 2: 823-849 (docs. 229-230).) See also repts. of committee of accts. on accts. of wit- nesses rel. to ooiirtuct of C. Mowry. canal comr. (House Jol. 1S27/S v. 2; 699-700; 732-734; 793- 704; 875.) 1829. See below, Tolls, this date. Feb. 28. Rept. of select committee (Denison) rel. to charges agst. David Scott, one of canal comrs. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 614 (doc. 231).) Mch. 28. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to powers, duties, and emoluments of secy, of bd. (Sen. jol. 1828/9 V. 2: 535-538.) . Same, separate. Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1828/9 V. 1 : 423.) Mch. 29. Rept. of select committee (Rahn) on Inquiry into expediency of altering law rel. to apptmt. of canal comrs. (House jol. 1827/8 v. 2: 900 (doc. 263).) 1830 Mch. 19. Rept. of a committee (Moore) apptd. upon the application of James Clarke, acting com- missioner on the Juniata division of the Pennsyl- vania Canal, to investigate his official conduct, in relation to certain charges set forth against him in a petition; with some of the docs, given in evidence; also abstr. from the testimony taken in the investi- gation. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Welsh and Miller. 1830. 4 pp. The separate edition is dated JXch. 23; it appears under Mch. 19 in both v. 1 and v. 2 of the House Jol. Copies in the N. T. Public Libmry. in the Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in Library of Congress. — -. Same. (House jol. 1829/30 v. 2: 732-736 (doc. 319).) 1833 Jan. 22. Letter from canal comrs. asking Investi- gation of their official conduct. (Same 1832/3 v. 1: 248.) 1834 Apr. 7. Rept. of the committee (Irish) apptd. to investigate the conduct of the canal comrs. and their agts. (Same 1833/4 v. 2: 887-901 (doc. 203).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg, 1834. 16 pp. Copy in Library of Congress ; also in Penn. State Library. See also repts. of committee on accts. upon accts. of witnesses attending before the committee. (House jol. 1833/4 V. 2:738; 887-901: 918-921.) 1835 Dec. 9. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement (Reed) on bill changing time of apptg. canal comrs. (House jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 82-83 (doc. 20).) 1841 Feb. 10. Govs, veto (Porter) of act rel. to canal comrs. [manner of their apptmt. or selection], (Sen. joL 1841 V. 1: 219-223.) Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1841 v. 1 : 223.) 1843 Feb. 11. Speech of Hendrick W. Wright on bill rel. to the election of canal comrs. n. t. p. 11 pp. Copy seen in Free Library of Phila. Apr. 1. Veto (Porter) of act to reduce expenses and provide for election of bd. of canal comrs. ( Sen. jol. Jan. 1843 v. 1: 872-880; v. 2: 313-321 (doc. 19); House jol. V. 1: 922-931.) . Same, separate. Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1843 T. 1 : 880.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Canal Com.missioners — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1844 Jan. 9. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to organization of bd. (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 2: 58-59 (doc. 9).) 1852 Jan. 5. Propriety of electing one canal comr. who shall be entrusted with whole supervision of system, and selecting an engr. whose duty shall be making examination and estimates of cost of construction and repair of public works. (Govs. mess. (Johns- ton) Jan. 5, 1852.) 1859. Abolition of canal bd. recommended. (Same (Packer) Jan. 5, 1S,';9: 8.) The offlces of eanal comr. and state engr. were abolished .Tan. 2.5, 1859; papers, records, etc., were trans- ferred to the custody of the auditor gen. . Debate on proposed abolition of the canal board (Legisl. Record 1859: 24-25; 69-70.) Canal Dedt; see Debt: State. PERion 2 Canal Fund serial One of the duties of the canal comrs. under act of Apr. 11, 182.'>. was inquiry into the establishment and management of a canal fund. In their rept. for 1825/6 (Feb. 3, ]S20> they recommended establish- ment of a comn. to be called " The comrs. of the fund for the improvement of the state." The comn. established eonsisted of the secretary of the com- monwealth, auditor gen. and treasurer. 1 series Under act of Apr. 1, 1826. 1826/7-1829/31. Rept. of comrs. of internal improve- ment fund.* In Collected docs, as follows : 1826/7 in Senate Jol. 1826/7 : 565-567. "House " 1826/7 V. 2:481-483 (doc. 206). Covers period Apr. 1, 1826-Feb. 1, 1827. 1827/8 in Senate Jol. 1827/8 : 283-286. " House " 1827/8 v. 2:696-699 (docs. 193- 194). Covers period Feb. 1, 1827-Feb. 6. 1828. 1828/9 In Senate Jol. 1828/9 v. 2 : 512-514. "House " 1828/9 V. 2:589-592 (docs. 211- 213). Covers period Feb. 6, lS28-Feb. 7, 1829. 1829 in Senate jol. 1829/30 v. 1 : 83-86. Covers period Feb. 7-Nov. 1, 1829. Also ordered printed separately. (Sen. Jol. 1829/30 v. 1 : 86.) No separate copies were found. 1829/30 in Senate Jol. 1830/1 v: 1:229-235. Covers period Dec. 1. lS29-Feb. 1, 1830. 1829/31 in House Jol. 1830/1 v. 2:752-758 (doc. 141). Covers period Dec. 1, lS29-Feb. 1, 1831. Also ordered printed separately. (Sen. Jol. 1830/1 v. 1 : 235.) No separate copies were found. Up to this time these reports were made by the comrs. directly to the General Assembly, and comprised an account of the receipts and disbursements of the fund. The report of Feb. 6, 1828-Feb. 7, 1829, Is accompanied by the estimates for 1830. 2 series Under sec. 1, act of Apr. 1, 1826, and sec. 2, act of Apr. 4, 1831. 1831-1841/2. Rept. of comrs. of internal improvement fund.'* In Collected docs, as follows : 1831 In Senate Jol. 1831/2 v. 1 : 56-62. "House " 1831/2 v. 2: 100-106 (docs. 18-19). Covers period Feb. 1-Dec. 1, 1831. 1831/2 In Senate Jol. 1832/3 v. 1 : 43-63. " House " 1832/3 v. 2:67-75 (docs. 49-50). Covers period Dec. 1, 1831-Oct. 31. 1832. 1832/3 In Senate Jol. 1833/4 : 27-32. " House " 1833/4 v. 2:4-9 (doc. 2). Covers period Nov. 1, 1832-Oct. 31, 1833. • " Rept. of comrs. of Internal Improvement fund 1827-1845 ; publi- cation doubtful for 1828, 44." (Bowker.) 410 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]- Canal Fund — cont'd serial — cont'd cont'd 2 series — cont'd 1833/4 in Senate jol. 1834/5 v. 2 : 27-30. " House " 1834/5 v. 2:48-51 (doc. 32). Covers period Nov. 1, 1833-Oet. 31. 1834. 1834/5 In Senate Jol. 1835/6 v. 2:11-14. " Houae " 1835/6 v. 2:6-10 (doc. 3). Covers period Nov. 1, 1834-Oct. 31. 1835. 1835/6 In Senate jol. 18:^6/7 v. 2 : 6-9. " House " 1836/7 v. 2:7-10 (doc. 4). Covers period Nov. 1. 18;<5-Oct. 31. 1836. 1836/7 in Senate jol. 1837/8 v. 2 : 15-18. " House •• 1837/8 v. 2:55-58 (doc. 32). 1837/8 in Senate jol. 1838/9 v. 2 : 21-24. Nov. 1, 1836-Oct. 31. 1837. •• House " 1838/9 v. 2, pt. 1 : 139-141 (doc. 14). Nov. 1. 1837-Oct. 31, 1838. 1838/9 in Senate jol. 1840 v. 2 : 17-20. "House " 1840 V. 2: 117-120 (doc. 8). Nov. 1, 1838-Oct. 31, 1839. 1839/40 in Senate jol. 1841 v. 2:36-39 (doc. 3). " House '• 1841 v. 2:47-50 (doc. 6). Nov. 1, 1839-Dec. 1, 1840. 1840/1 not found. 1841/2 in Senate jol. 1843 v. 2:322-324 (doc. 20). •• House ■• 1843 v. 2:753-755 (doc. 126). Nov. 1, 1841-Dec. 1, 1842. non-serial 1826 Feb. 3. Suggested that an Internal Improvement fund comn. be established; source of funds. ([Final] rept. canal comrs. Feb. 3, 1826.) Feb. 4. Tax on estates passing to others than direct heirs suggested, this tax, with all escheats to be vested in the internal improvement fund; estab- lishment of an internal improvement fund to be applicable to the commencement of a great eastern and western canal; establishment of a sinking fund; raising of necessary loans to commence a canal. (Rept. of committee of ways and means Feb. 4, 1826.) 1827 Mch. 7. Condition of the internal improvement fund. (Sayne (Harrison) Mch. 7, 1827.) Mch. 7. Sums to be vested in the internal im- provement fund proposed. (Same (Harrison) Mch. 7, 1827.) 1828. Internal improvement fund. (Same (Harrison) Feb. 25, 1828.) . Table: receipts and payments of internal im- provement fund. (Same (Harrison) Feb. 25, 1828.) Apr. 5. Communication from comrs. of internal improvement fund, ace. with copy of res. of bd. of canal comrs. (House jol. 1827/8 v. 2: 936-938 (docs. 275-276).) Dec. 9. Govs. mess. (Schulze) with res. adopted by bd. of canal comrs. Dec. 8, rel. to funds to carry on improvements of Commonwealth. (Sen. jol. 1828/9 v. 1: 62-63; House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 57-58.) Dec. 9. Rept. of the committee (Lehman) rel. to the subject of a bd. of comrs. for the purpose of improving the state, n. t. p. 8 pp. Copy seen In Amer. Piill. Socy. 1829. Act passed Feb. 25, 1826 for construction of Penn. Canal; amt. appropriated by said act; whole sum appropriated for canal and r.r. purposes. (A.R. canal comrs. 1828/9: 145.) Paging from Senate doc. ed. . Communication reed. Jly. 5 from bd. of internal improvement rel. to lack of funds for canal and r.r. purposes; certificates granted to contractors as evi- dence of sums due them; necessity for redemption of these certificates. (Same 1828/9: 151-152.) Paging from Senate doc. ed. CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Canal Fund — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1829 Je. 9. Rept. of committee (Stevenson) apptd. to make inquiry rel. to expenditures upon the canal and rwy. and means to proceed with the work. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1829.) Jly. 23. Stmt, by pres. of the bd. (Scott) resp. canal loan and canal fund, incl. corresp. on the sub- ject. (Same 1829.) 1830. Immediate apprn. to fund applicable to canals and recommended. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 8, 1830.) 1831 Jan. 19. Situation of the internal improvement fund. (Rept. of committee of ways and means (Craft) Jan. 19, 1S31.) 1832 Mch. 10. Stmt, by treasurer of the bd.; pro rata deduction from apprns. to pay interest, under act of Jan. 30, 1832. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1832/3.) Apr. 12. Amt. distributed to the several divisions from additional apprn. made under act of Apr. 5, 1832. (Same 1832/3.) 1833 Dec. 31. Distribution of fund for repairs. (Same 1834/5.) 1836 Nov. 16. Apportionment of fund for repairs. (Same 1836/7.) 1837 Jly. 12. Apportionment of fund for repairs. (Same 1837/8.) 1838. Stmt, of balance of apprns. for internal improve- ment purposes, by act of Apr. 14, 1838. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 27, 1838: 172.) Jan. 11. Apportionment of repair fund. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1837/8.) Apr. 19. Same. (Same 1838/9.) 1839 Sept. 30. Distribution of fund to continue repairs and improvements. (Same 1839/40.) Nov. 13. Same. (Same 1839/40.) Dec. 31. Same. (Same 1839/40.) 1840 Jan. 13. Same. (Same 1839/40.) Mch. 2. Same. (Same 1840/1.) Mch. 27. Rept. of [select] committee (Church) rel. to manner of keeping accts. of internal improve- ment fund. (House jol. 1840 v. 2 pt. 2: 284 (doc. 131).) Apr. 14. Same. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1840/1.) May 15. Same. (Same 1840/1.) ■ Aug. 17. Same. (Same 1840A) Nov. 16. Distribution of fund on hand, available for improvement. (Same 1840/1.) 1841 Feb. 6. Govs. mess. (Porter) rel. to apprns. for continuing improvements of state and for payment of interest on public debt; amt. borrowed during past year. (Sen. jol. 1841 v. 1: 199-201.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 1000 copies ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1841 V. 1 : 201.) Feb. 24. Rept. of treasurer (GUmore) in reply to Sen. res. of Feb. 23 rel. to amt. expected to be real- ized before Aug. 1841, from sources of revenue specifically appropriated to internal improvement fund. (Sen. jol. 1841 v. 1: 313-314.) . Same, separate. Not seen. Dsual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1841 V. 1 : 314.) 1849. " For many years no settlement of the accts. of the comrs. of the internal improvement fund has been made " ; examination of that acct. suggested ; also ascertainment of condition of treasury, etc. (Govs. mess. (Johnston) Jan. 6, 1849.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 411 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Canal Fund — cont'd non-serial — cont'd Oirard Bequest 1832. Corresp. of state treasurer and executors of es- state of Stephen Glrard rel. to Girard legacy of $300,000 to the state. (Sen. jol. 1831/2 v, 1: 759-761.) Feb. 6. Rept. of committee (Ashmead) apptd. to confer with Phila. authorities and e.xecutors of the Girard will rel. to the bequest of $300,000. (House jol. 1831/2 V. 2: 607-609 (doc. 143).) Bequest to oommonwealth for Interniil Improvement. Feb. 7. Rept. of committee of accts. (Huntzinger) upon accts. of select committee apptd. to confer with executors of late Stephen Girard. (Same 1831/2 V. 2: 609-610.) Je. 12. Alteration of res. of Apr. 12 resp. canal funds; apprn. of legacy of Stephen Girard. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1832/3.) Claims See also below, the main line and the several divisions of the Penn. Canal (and Railroad]. See also below, Damages. 1828 Feb. 28. Rept. of select committee (Petrikin) rel. to claim of J. M'Namee, et al., contractors on Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1827/8 v. 2: 850 (doc. 231).) 1830 May 27. Stmt, of Da^^d Scott resp. expenditures for traveling, etc., for which he has reed, no com- pensation. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1830/1.) Read May 29. 1831 Feb. 19. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement (Ingersoll) on petition of J. P. Schuyler, for compensation for services on the Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1830/1 v. 2: 794 (doc. 170).) 1835 Jan. 20. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement (Miller of Phila.) on petition of Thos. Comegys for payment of certain retained percentages on his contract. (Same 1834/5 V. 2: 472-473 (doc. 103).) Feb. 7. Rept. of committee on claims (Bidlack) upon petition of Francis M'Bride asking compensa- tion for losses sustained in consequence of contract on Franklin division of Penn. Canal. (Same 1834/5 V. 2: 544-545 (doc. 138).) 1837. Stmt, of unpaid claims for work done in original construction of improvements. (A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7: 22.) Paging from Collected docs. 1840 Jan. 9. Veto (Porter) of res. rel. to claim of James Frazier, said res. of Je. 25, 1839, directing the re-examination and adjustment of claims of con- tractors on public works on the Erie extension, Gettysburg R.R. and the North Branch, etc. (Sen. jol. 1840 V. 1: 59-60.) May. Stmt, of canal comrs. of debts due con- tractors and others for labor and material on several lines of canal and r.r. (House jol. 1840 v. 2, pt. 2: 503-505 (doc. 167).) 1841 Apr. 3. See below, Eastern Division. Damages, this date. Apr. 15. Rept. of committee on private claims for damages (Sullivan) on petition of Wm. B. Foster for moneys advanced as atty. fees, etc., while collector of tolls at Alleghenytown; comment on this class of claims. (Sen. jol. 1841 v. 1: 754.) 1844 Mch. 11. Communication from auditor gen. (Packer) In relation to claims due the common- wealth from persons employed on the public works. Harrlsburg: I. G. M'Kinley, 1844. 5 pp. Copy Been In Penn. State Library. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Claims — cont'd 1844 Mch. 19. Communication from the bd. of canal comrs. rel. to debts due for labor and materials on the public works. Harrisburg: I. G. M'Kinley, 1844. S pp. Copy seen In the Penn. State Library. 1846 Apr. 8. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Geo. D. Foreman, a contractor on Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1846 v. 2: 446-447 (doc. 68).) 1852 Mch. Claim of J. P. Laughlin. (Some 1852 v. 2: 525.) . Claim of John Nicholas. (.Same 1852 v. 2: 526.) . Claim of Peter Eakman. (House jol. 1852 v. 2: 642.) . Claim of James Dowling. (Sen. jol. 1852 v. 2: 533; House jol. 1852 v. 2: 645.) . Claim of Geo. Hogg & Co. (Same 1852 v. 2: 534; sajne 1852 v. 2: 646.) Feb. 6. Claim of Porter & Smith. (Sen. jol. 1852 V. 2: 546.) Feb. 24. Claim of Wm. Buehler. (Same 1852 v. 2: 450.) Mch. 3. Claim of Rheem & Beelman. (Same 1852 V. 2: 542; House jol. 1852 v. 2: 654.) Mch. 4. Claim of Shirk and Royer. (Sen. jol. 1852 V. 2: 547-549.) Mch. 6. Claim of John Miller. (Same 1852 v. 2: 541; House jol. 1852 v. 2: 653.) Mch. 6. Claim of Wm. Buehler. (Same 1852 v. 2: 540; same 1852 v. 2: 652.) Mch. 10. Claim of John Hanson. (Sen. jol. 1852 V. 2: 524.) Mch. 11. Claim of Bernard Kelly. (Same 1852 V. 2: 451.) Mch. 11. Claim of R. M. Lemon. (Same 1852 v. 2: 451-452.) Mch. 16. Contract with W. A. V. Magaw. (Same 1852 V. 2: 549-551.) Mch. 20. Claim of Henry Fogle. (Same 1852 v. 2: 526-527.) Mch. 24. Claim of Stehman & Herr. (Same 1852 V. 2: 527-528.) Apr. 10. Claim of Benj. Corle. (Same 1852 v. 2: 529-530; House jol. 1852 v. 2: 641-642.) Apr. 12. Claim of Barbara Trucks. (Same 1852 V. 2: 531-532; same 1852 v. 2: 643-644.) Apr. 12. Claim of Wm. Henry. (Same 1852 v. 2: 535; same 1852 v. 2: 647.) Apr. 12. Claim of Jos. Jackson. (Same 1852 v. 2: 536; same 1852 v. 2: 648.) Apr. 12. Claim of James White. (Same 1852 v. 2: 537; same 1852 v. 2: 649.) Apr. 12. Claim of G. W. M'Kellip. (Same 1852 v. 2: 538; same 1852 v. 2: 650.) Apr. 12. Claim of D. Leech & Co. (Same 1852 v. 2: 539; satne 1852 v. 2: 651.) Apr. 15. Claim of Sterrett, Robinson & Co. (Same 1852 V. 2: 539-540; same 1852 v. 2: 651-652.) Apr. 16. Claim of Thos. M'Elrath. (Same 1852 V. 2: 543; same 1852 v. 2: 655.) Apr. 21. Claim of Delaware Mutual Safety Insur- ance Co. (Same 1852 v. 2: 544; same 1852 v. 2: 656.) 1853. Claim of C. S. Qulmby. (Sen. joL 1853 v. 2: 582.) Feb. 18. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to damages on Shenango line of Erie div. (Same 1853 V. 2: 574-576.) Mch. 23. Claim of Jos. Trimmer. (Same 1853 v. 2: 578.) 412 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Claims — cont'd 1853 Mch. 29. Claim of R. M. Lemon. (Same 1S.53 v. 2: 580-581.) Mch. 29. Claim of David Lee. (Same 1853 v. 2: 580.) Mch. 29. Claim of Owen Sweeny. (Same 1S53 v. 2: 579.) Apr. 4. Claim of Chas. Lloyd. (Same 1853 v. 2: 581.) Apr. 6. Claims of Henry Lemon, Anthony and Catharine Lechler, Nathaniel Trout and Sample Slaymaker. (Same 1853 v. 2: 5S2-5S3.) Apr. 12. Claim of Christian Mayer. (Same 1853 V. 2: 584.) Apr. 12. Claim of Alex. M'Connell. (Same 1853 V. 2: 585.) Apr. 17. Claim of J. C. Smith. (Same 1853 v. 2: 583-584.) 1854 Dec. 7. See below, Main Line, this date. 1855. Comrs. apptd. to settle claims agst. state, under act of May 9, 1854; results. (Govs. mess. (Bigler) Jan. 3, 1855: 10.) The greater p.irt of the claims mentioned in this act are for damages on public works ; a few are for compensation, etc. . Rept. of the comrs. apptd. to examine the claims upon the main line of the public improvements. Harrisburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1855. 11 pp. Copy seen in Library of Congress. 1856 Jan. 7. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Saml. R. Richards. (Legisl. docs. 1856: 564-565 (doc. 53).) Feb. 27. Rept. of committee on claims (Orr) on petition of Saml. R. Richards for compensation as a former canal contractor and on act authorizing state treasurer to pay him $10,250. (Same 1856: 269-271 (doc. 8).) Apr. 15. Rept. of committee on finance (Bucka- lew) rel. to claim of Saml. R. Richards. (Same 1856:799-807 (doc. 112); Daily Legisl. Record 1856: 490-492.) 1859 Jan. 10. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to settlement of claims on public works. (Legisl. docs. 1859: 991-993; Legisl. Record 1859: 36.) 1860 Jan. 26. See below. Main Line, this date. 1861 Jan. 28. Communication from auditor gen. (Coch- ran), state treasurer (Moore) and atty. gen. (Pur- viance) rel. to canal claims. (Legisl. Record 1861: 202-203.) Jan. 29. See below. Main Line, this date. 1862 Mch. 10. Jt. rept. of auditor gen. (Cochran), atty. gen. (Meredith) and state treasurer (Moore) on claim of Saml. R. Richards. (Legisl. Record 1862: 453.) 1879. Debate on act for relief of Saml. R. Richards. (Some 1879: 525-526.) Damages See also below, the Main Line and several divisions of the Canal. Sec. 6, act of Apr. 6. 1830. made It the duty of the Governor to appoint three persons as a board of appraisers of damages on the I'enn. Canal. Sec. X act of Jly. 2, 1842 abolished this board and trans- ferred Its duties to the canal commissioners. Act of Mch. 19. 1858, provided for the appointment of a board of appraisers. serial 1858. Rept. of bd. of appraisers. In Collected docs, as follows : 18r.8 In Legisl. docs. 1858 : 792-795. J. Barlow Moorhead, Amos. E. Kapp, Geo. C. Babb. CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Da.mages — cont'd non-serial 1826 Dec. 11. Necessity of change in law for assess- ment of damages. (A.R. canal comrs. [1826/7] first rept, Dec. 1826: 10.) 1829 Je. 9. Rept. of committee on damages (Eldred); defence of suits; specific cases. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1829.) Oct. 3. Damages allowed in Deer Township, Alle- gheny Co. (Same 1829.) Dec. 18. Expediency of revising law regarding damages. (A.R. canal comrs. 1828/9: 230.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1831. Amt. paid during year for damages on Penn. Canal [and R.R.] (Same 1830/1: 24.) Paging from Sen. dept. ed. Feb. 10. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement (Ingersoll) rel. to assess- ment of damages occasioned by construction of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1830/1 v. 2: 760 (doc. 145).) Feb. 11. Rept. of committee on inland naviga- tion and internal improvement (Ingersoll) upon petition of Lewis Horton, mail contractor, rel. to damages sustained by construction of Penn. Canal. (Same 1830/1 v. 2: 763 (doc. 151).) Mch. 23. Rept. of committee on inland naviga- tion and internal improvement (Ingersoll) on peti- tions rel. to damages occasioned by the construc- tion of the Penn. Canal, etc. (Some 1830/1 v. 2: 861-862 (docs. 239-240).) Dec. 7. Damage to canals on acct. of rainy sea- son; provision necessary for repairs. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 7, 1831.) Dee. 17. Rept. of comrs. of internal improvement fund, rel. to disbursements for damages on Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1831/2 v. 2: 503-507 (doc. 102).) 1832. Apprn. for damages; object; disbursement. (A.R. canal comrs. 1831/2: 28-30.) Jan. 10. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to payment of damages occasioned by construction of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1831/2 v. 2: 553-557.) 1833. Summary of damages paid during year. (A.R. canal comrs. 1832/3: 32.) Jan. 14. Res. adopted upon receipt of copy of record of bd. of appraisers of damages containing decisions in 1832 upon appeals from offers for damages of canal comrs. upon Western, Juniata, Susquehanna, West Branch, North Branch and Eastern divisions, and upon Columbia R.R. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1832/3.) Apr. 8. Govs. mess. (Wolf) with reasons for dis- approval of res. rel. to payment of certain Judg- ments agst. commonwealth for injuries occasioned by construction of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1832/3 V. 1: 997-998; Sen. jol. 1832/3 [v. 1]: 882-883.) Jly. 23. Offers for damages on Juniata, Delaware, North Branch, West Branch and Western divisions. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1833/4.) 1834 Jan. 10. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement (Miller of Phila.) on petition of Wm. M'Kee for losses sustained by break- ing of embankment of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 192-193 (doc. 70).) Jan. 25. Table: damages to be paid on the several divisions; date of award, names, amt. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1834/5.) May 31. Same. (Same 1834/5.) Aug. 27. Same. (Same 1834/5.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 413 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Dam AG Es — con t'd non-serial — contd 1834-1838. Stmt, of sums drawn from treasury for pay- ment of damages on canal and rwys. (A.R. canal comrs. 1S33/4 (p. 19)— .sump 1837/8.) I'agliig from Collected does. 1834/5. Sums drawn from treasury for payment of damages upon canal and rwys. {Same 1834/5: 17.) 1835. Table: sums drawn from treasury, for payment of damages upon canal and rwys. (Same 1834/5: 17.) Paging from House doc. ed. Feb. 10. Rept. of committee on claims (T. S. Smith) on petition of John Arts and Saml. Dobbins for compensation for property destroyed on the Conemaugh. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 548-550 (doc. 141).) Feb. 10. Rept. of committee on claims (T. S. Smith) on petitions of Jacob Hill & Co., James Rogers, James M'Keown, \Vm. Cochran, David Bren- neman and Lewis Brenneman. (Same 1834/5 v. 2: 550 (doc. 142).) Simply st:ites that the principles Involved are similar to those ot case of Arts and Dobbins ; see preceding Item. Feb. 10. Rept. of committee on claims (T. S. Smith) on petition of Wm. Stall. (Same 1834/5 v. 2: 552 (doc. 144).) Simply states that principles Involved are similar to those In case of Alex. Boggs ; see following Item. Feb. 10. Rept. of committee on claims (T. S. Smith) upon petition of Alex. Boggs of Lancaster Co. for compensation for losses sustained by con- struction of Penn. Canal through his property. (Same 1834/5 v. 2: 550-552 (doc. 143).) May 1. Table: damages to be paid on the several divisions of canal and rwy. ; date of award, names, amt. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1835/6.) Jly. 9. Same. (Same 1835/G.) Sept. 28. Same. (.Some 1835/6.) 1836 Jan. 16. Rept. from committee on claims (M'Sherry) rel. to the petition of the creditors of Andrew Boggs; damages on Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1835/6 V. 2: 373 (doc. 75).) Jan. 29. Rept. of committee on claims (M'Sherry) upon petition of W. Stall for damages by construc- tion of Penn. Canal through his property. (Same 1835/6 V. 2: 483-484 (doc. 98).) Feb. 5. Rept. of committee on claims (M'Sherry) on petition of A. Treftz for compensation for dam- ages done by construction of Penn. Canal. (Same 1835/6 V. 2: 532-533 (doc. 111).) Feb. 17. Rept. of committee on claims (M'Sherry) upon petition of J. Livergood for compensation for damages caused by construction of Penn. Canal (Same 1835/6 v. 2: 576-577 (doc. 138).) Feb. 24. Rept. of committee on claims (Parker) upon petition of R. Hamilton, for compensation for damages sustained by construction of Penn. Canal. (Same 1835/6 v. 2: 601 (doc. 153).) Mch. 9. Rept. of committee on claims (M'Sherry) on petition of J. Webster for compensation for damages done his property by construction ot Penn. Canal. (Same 1835/6 v. 2: 646-647 (doc. 183).) Je. 3. Damages to be paid on the several divi- sions; date of awards, names, amt. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1836/7.) Dec. 16. Letter from auditor gen. (Hobart) in compliance with res. of Apr. 1, 1836 rel. to damages by canal and; amt. paid to Individuals and CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Damahes — cont'd extra allowances to contractors 1826 to present time; [actual payments were made In years 1831- 1835]. (Sen. jol. 1S36/7 v. 2: 42-45.) 1836 Dec. 17. Rept. of committee on claims (Espy) upon petition of Isaac RItchey for compensation for loss of eyesight on public worlds. (House jol. 1836/7 V. 2: 98 (doc. 45).) 1836/7. Table: amt. drawn from treasury and applied to payment of damages during year ending Oct. 31. (A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7: 23.) Paging from Collected (Iocs. 1837 Jan. 26. Table: damages . to be paid; date of awards, names, amt. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1836/7.) Feb. 23. Rept. of committee on claims (Espy) upon petition of H. M'livaine & Co., for compensa- tion for damages. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 578 (doc. 186).) Oct. 4. Damages to be paid: date of award, names, amt. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1837/8.) Dec. 6. Injury to private property by canals and; propriety of making provision rel. thereto in future acts of incorporation; injury to private prop- erty by state works. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 6, 1837.) Dec. 11. Same. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1837/8.) 1838. Amt. drawn from treasury and applied to pay- ment of damages for canals and railroads. (Rept. canal comrs. 1837/8: 40.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1838/9. Jan. 11. Rept. of committee on claims (Reed, ot Phila.) upon petition of J. Morrison for damages sustained by construction ot Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 261-262 (doc. 65).) Nov. 7. Damages to be paid; names, amt, divi- sion, date of decision. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1838/9. ) Dec. 20. Damages to be paid; names, amt., divi- sion, date of decision. (Same 1838/9.) 1839 Jly. 8. Opinion of atty. gen. (Johnson) ; repts. made and signed by two members of the bd. of appraisers not legal. (Same 1839/40.) Read Jly. 9, 1839. 1840. Rept. from the bd. of appraisers of canal damages on the subject of the damage laws, their effect in practice, damage claims. Harrisburg: Holbrook. Henlock & Bratton, 1840. 16 pp. Copy seen In Penn. State Library. Feb. 7. Rept. from bd. of appraisers of canal damages on subject of damage laws; their effect In practice, damage claims, and awards of the bd. (House jol. 1840 v. 2 [pt. 1]: 457-472 (doc. 88).) Feb. 14. Damages to be paid; names, amt., divi- sion, date of award. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1S40/1.) 1841 Jan. 4. Same. (Same 1840/1.) 1841/2-1857/8. Expenses on acct. of damages to con- tractors on public works, et al., under special acts of Assem. (A.R. auditor gen. 1841/2 (pp. 59-60) — same 1857/8.) Returns are for 1842, 1854, 1857-1858. 1844 Jan. 9. Rept. of committee (Gibson) to whom was referred claim of Wm. C. Miller for damages to his property through construction of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1844 v. 2: 105 (doc. 11).) 1844/5-1854/5. Expenses for damages, etc., on public works. (A.R. auditor gen. 1844/5 (pp. 36-37)— «ame 1854/5.) 1845. Disbursement of apprn. for payment of damages authorized by act of Apr. 16, 1844. (Rept. canal comrs. 1845: 12.) 414 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and RaiIroad]^ont'd Damages — cont'd 1845 Feb. 24. Communications addressed to the Gov. by bd. of canal comrs. rel. to debts due prior to Jan. 9, 1844; damages prior to Apr. 1, 1S42 and since. (House jol. 1845 v. 2: 436-439 (doc. 65).) Attention directed to damages on Erie and North Branch Extensions, transfer of these branches to private companies ; needed legislation. 1845-1848. Table: damages awarded under general and special laws. (A.R. canal comrs. 1844/5 (pp. 22-23) — same 1848.) 1848 Jan. 10. Rept. of canal comrs. on claim of C. E. Young for damages on acct. of wreck of his boat at Green's dam; unfavorable. (Sen. jol. 1848 v. 2: 54 (doe. 7).) 1848/9. Table: damages on canals and of state; date of award, names of claimants, amt. awarded, line of improvement, cause of damage. (Same 1849 V. 2: 500 (doc. 74).) 1850 Mch. 15. Rept. of canal comrs., with stmt, show- ing amt. of damages for which apprns. are required. (Same 1850 v. 2: 648-649; House jol. 1850 v. 2: 664- 665.) 1851 Mch. 16-Apr. 8. Repts. of bd. of canal comrs. on claims for damages, presented by Amos Addis, Wm. Barns and others, stating amt. to which each is entitled. (Sen. jol. 1851 v. 2: 608-617.) 1853 Mch. 30. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to damages caused by avoiding curves on Columbia R.R. (Same 1853 v. 2: 577-578.) 1858. Rept. of bd. of appraisers to assess damages to transporters and others, by reason of sale of the main line. (Legisl. Record 1858: 512.) J. B. Moorhead. A. E. Kapp, Geo. C. Babb. Apr. 16. Govs. mess. (Packer) transmitting the rept. of the appraisers apptd. under act of Mch. 19, 1858, to authorize the apptmt. of appraisers to assess and report damages sustained by transporters and others, by reason of sale of the main line of the Penn. Canal; refusal of the Penn. R.R. to appt. one of the appraisers. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1858: 822; House jol. Jan. 1858: 897.) Employes and Officebs See also below, Receipts and Expenditures ; also Main Line anil the several divisions, etc. 1827. List of engrs. and asst. engrs. employed upon the surveys, under the direction of the canal comrs. during the season of 1827, with rate of wages allowed to each. (Rept. canal comrs. 1827: 627 [I.e., 1271-128 (series 9, doc. 19).) Paging from Senate ed. (v. 1). May 3. Refusal of engrs., with one exception, to accept reduced compensation; suggestions about apptmts. and duties of the several engrs. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827: 149.) Paging from Sen. ed. v. 2. 1828 Je. 27. Employes and salaries on Chambersburg and Pittsburgh survey. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1828/9.) Dec. 10. Compensation of collectors, supervisors and lock tenders. (Same 1828.) 1829 Je. 4. Employes and their compensation. (Same 1829.) 1831 Apr. 6. Employes on Beaver division, French Creek division, North Branch and Susquehanna and West Branch divisions; compensation. (Same 1831/2.) CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Employes and Officers — cont'd 1832 Mch. 9. Rept. of the canal comrs. rel. to the supts., engrs., etc., in the employment of the state upon the Penn. Canal and R.R. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Henry Welsh. 1832. 16 pp., 6 tables. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In Amer. Phil. Socy. Mch. 9. Same. (House jol. 1831/2 v. 2: 764-777.) 1834 Apr. 7. Rept. of canal comrs. ace. with tables ex- hibiting the names and compensation of the supts., etc. in the employment of the state upon the Penn. Canal and railroads. (Same 1833/4 v. 2: 876-883 (doc. 200).) 1835 Jan. 5. Rept. of the canal comrs. rel. to the num- ber of officers and agts. upon the Penn. Canal and railroads. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Welsh and Patter- son, 1834-'35. 11 pp. Copies seen In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. and In the Hist. Socy. of Penn, 1000 copies in English and 500 in German were ordered prtd. (House Jol. 183-1/5 v. 1 : 168.) The rept. was made in compliance with House res. of Dec. 17, 1834 ; erroneously dated Jan., 1834, on title page. Jan. 5. Same. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 177-185 (doc. 64).) Feb. 10. Rept. of the auditor gen. (Sturgeon) reL to officers and agts. upon the Penn. Canal and rail- roads made in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of Jan. 16. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Welsh & Patterson, 1835. 8 pp. Copies seen in library of the Library Co. of Phlla. and Amer. Phil. Socy. 1000 copies in English and' 500 in German ordered prtd. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 1 : 359.) Feb. 10. Same. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 556-561 (doc. 149).) 1836. Letter from auditor gen. (Sturgeon) correcting list of persons in employ of state on lines of canals and transmitted Feb. 12. (Same 1835/6 v. 2: 584 (doc. 145).) Feb. 12. Names and rate of compensation of per- sons in employment of state on several lines of and canals, transmitted by auditor gen. (Same 1835/6 V. 2: 554-566.) 1837. Rept. of auditor gen. (Hobart), ace. with stmt, of names, no. and rate of compensation of persons who were in employment of the state Nov. 1, 1836. (Same 1836/7 v. 2: 397-434 (docs. 115-116).) Mch. 1-2. Apptmts. of collectors and welgh-mas- ters on the Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1837/8.) 1838 Mch. 1. Stmt, of persons in employment of state upon canals and (Same 1837/8 v. 2: 996-1009 (doc. 176).) Transmitted by canal comrs., Apr. 11. 1838. (House Jol. 1837/8 v. 2:994-995 (doc. 175).) 1840 Jan. 27. Rept. of auditor gen. (Espy), with list of officers and agts. upon public improvements, with their resp. salaries; receipts and expenditures for 1838/9 on the public works. (Same 1840 v. 2 [pt. 1] : 415-423 (doc. 70).) 1841 Mch. 16. Rept. of canal comrs.; no. of civil engrs. in employ of state, salaries, etc. (Sen. Jol. 1841 v. 2: 364.) Mch. 22. Rept. of committee on internal improve- ment and inland navigation (Strohm) on petitions of citizens of Huntingdon Co., asking for law to regu late apptmt. of lock-keepers on canals. (Same 1841 V. 1: 524.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 415 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Emi'U)yes ami Ofkickrs — cont'd 1841 Mch. 25. Auditor gen. 's (Espy) rept. on moneys in hands of persons employed on public works with stmt, of names, service, etc. of same. (Same 1841 V. 2: 3S3-384 (doc. 41).) . Same, separate. Not aeon, t'sual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1841 V. 1 : 5G.''..) Apr. 17. Communication from canal comrs. giv- ing names of engrs. and asst. engrs. and supts., etc. on canals and and their salaries. (House jol. 1841 V. 2: 746-761 (doc. 170).) Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1841 V. 1 : 868.) 1842 Feb. 4. Communication from auditor gen. (Espy) transmitting stmt, of names of officers, clerks and agts. employed on the public works, together with their places of residence, kind of employment and per diem pay or salary. Harrisburg: Henlock & Bratton, 1842. 28 pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. Je. 15. Communication from canal comrs. in reply to res. of Mch. 29 requesting a stmt, of no. of officers and agts. in employ of commonwealth at this time upon Phila. and Columbia and Allegheny Portage R.Rs. and the several divisions of the Penn. Canal, with the salary paid to each. (Sen. jol. 1841 v. 1: 837-844.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 500 copies ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1842 V. 1 : 844.) Feb. 4. Communication from auditor gen. (Espy), ace. with a list of officers on the public works, resi- dence, kind of employment, salary. (House jol. 1842 V. 1: 217-242 (doc. 80).) Mch. 14. Stmt, by auditor gen. (Espy) ; names of officers, clerks and agts. employed on public works, residence, kind of employment and salary. (Sen. jol. 1842 V. 2: 141-166 (doc. 19).) Je. 15. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to no. and salary of officers and agts. in employ of state upon Phila., Columbia and Allegheny Portage R.Rs. and Penn. Canal; abstr. showing present operations and future prospects of navigable portions of pub- lic improvements. (Same 1842 v. 1: 837-843.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 500 copies were ordered prtd. (Sen. lol. 1842 V. 1 :844.) 1843 Jan. 4. Large amt. due laborers on check rolls for labor and materials; their exclusion from par- ticipation in acts of Apr. 7 and Jly. 23, 1842; need of legislation for their relief. (A.R. canal comrs. 1841/2: 26-27.) Jan. 4. Engr. corps reduced to one principal engr. and offices of supt. of Erie and North Branch Exten- sion abolished. (Same 1841/2: 19.) Jan. 27. Communication from pres. of bd. of canal comrs. rel. to names, compensation, etc., of people in their employ, excepting contractors. (Sen. jol. 1843 V. 1: 239-240.) . Same, separate. Not seen. " Usual no." of copies ordered printed. Feb. 16. Communication from canal comrs., with list of names and compensation of collectors and supervisors on several lines of canals and in state. (House jol. 1843 v. 2: 310-312 (doc. 78).) 1844 Mch. 11. Rept. auditor gen. (Packer) rel. to claims due commonwealth, from persons employed on public works [since 1829]; amt. due Dec. 1, 1843 and Feb. 19, 1844. (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 2: 147-149 (doc. 27).) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd E.MI'LOYESS AND OFKICflBS — cont'd 1845 Feb. 28. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to no. of officers and their compensation on public works, compensa- tion, etc. (Same 1845 v. 2: 271-278 (doc. 47).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1845. 10 pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. 1848 Dec. 1. See above, the general group, this date. 1849 Feb. 15. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to amt. due laborers on the public works; no. of officers on the public works; salaries. (Sen. jol. 1849 v. 1: 293-294; V. 2: 492-493.) Tabular stmts, are In v. 2. Dec. 28. Reduction in force of men employed on public works; further reduction probably practical, thus causing proportionate increase in revenue. (A.R. canal comrs. 1848/9: 7.) 1851 Apr. 9. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. rel. to persons employed on public works; salaries. (House jol. 1851 v. 2: 497-531 (doc. 45).) 1852 Feb. 7. Protest of Seth Clover agst. appointees of the bd. of canal comrs. holding office more than three years. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1852: 34.) 1855. Tables: compensation of the resp. lock-keepers on the several lines of canal. (Same 1855: 54-59.) 1856 Feb. 8. Communication from canal comrs. in reply to House res. of Jan. 31, requesting a rept. of the no. of engrs., assts. and other members of the engr. corps employed on the public works and rate of compensation. (Dally Legisl. Record 1856: 148.) Frauds, De3-alcations, etc. 1844 Mch. 22. Rept. auditor gen. (Packer) rel to alleged defaulters [officers on canals]. (Sen. jol. 1844 V. 2: 201-202 (doc. 33).) Canal Commissionebs 1830 Mch. Letter from Abner Lacock, late acting comr. on the Western Division of the Penn. Canal to the president of the bd. of canal comrs. Pittsburgh: " Statesman " print, 1830. 31 pp. Copy seen in library of the Library Co. of Phila. The letter does not seem to have been printed by the state In document or separate editions ; it is entered here, however, because of its relation to the Stevenson report, see note under Mch. 9, 1830. Mch. 9. Memorial of J. D. Harris, late engr. upon Western div. of Penn. Canal; with docs. (House jol. 1829/30 V. 2: 715-730.) A reply to charges against the memorialist in the annual rept. of Jas. S. Stevenson, canal comr. for the Western Division for 1829 ; see below Western Division, the serial group. 1832 Jan. 24. Letter from canal comrs. rel. to their alleged official misconduct. (Sen. jol. 1831/2 [v. 1]: 208.) Mch. 22. Rept. of select committee (Greenough) apptd. to investigate official conduct of the canal comrs. (House joL 1831/2 v. 2: 811-814 (doc. 244).) Neglect to repair Shamokin dam In 1831 : partiality In awarding contract for extending chute at Shamokin dam. . Same, separate, n. t. p. 4 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1837 Jan. 23. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. in relation to course pursued by committee apptd. to examine into mngmt. of canals and rwys. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 448.450 )doc. 126).) The communication refers to an Investigation In prog- ress ; see below under date Mch. 25. Mch. 25. Rept. of select committee (Hill) rel. to mngmt of canals and rwys. of commonwealth, to- gether with testimony. (Same 1836/7 v. 2: 801-814 (doc. 242).) 416 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL tmOERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Frauds, Defalcations, etc. — cont'd Canal Commissioners — cont'd 1837. Same, separate. Harrisburg: S. D. Patterson, 1837. 180 pp. Copy seea in Amer. Phil. Socy. 3000 copies in Englisti and 1500 In German ordered prtd. (House jol. 1836/7 T. 1 : 951-952.) Mch. 27. Same; minority rept. (Watts). (House jol. 1836/7 V. 2: 814-829 (doc. 243).) 1839 Mch. 2. Rept. of committee on Inland navigation and internal improvement (Heston) on petitions from Luzerne and Centre cos. requesting that a committee be apptd. to enquire into official conduct of late bd. of canal comrs. (::iiiiiie 1838/9 v. 1: 524- 525.) May 27. Reply of canal comrs. to communication from senate committee on roads, bridges, and in- land navigation resp. their official acts and those ot their officers and agts. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1839/40.) Je. 15. Rept. of committee (Brodhead) apptd. to examine into the several lettings, by the late bd. of canal comrs. with respect to frauds alleged to have have been committed by them and their agents .... and such other frauds on the revenue of the state, as may come under their observation. (House jol. 1838/9 V. 2 pt. 2: 3-14 (doc. 220).) Same, separate. Harrisburg: Boas & Coplan, 1839. 14 pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. Je. 24. Rept. of [select] committee (Hegins) on charges preferred agst. present bd. of canal comrs. by contractors on north and west branches of Penn. Canal; majority rept.; with testimony. (House jol. 1838/9 V. 2 pt. 2: 297-371, 8 foldg. tables (doc. 237).) . Same, minority rept. (Spackman). (Some 1838/9 V. 2 pt. 2: 372-416 (doc. 238).) . Same, separate, entitled " Rept. of the minority of the committee appointed to investigate the con- duct of the late bd. of canal comrs., accompanied with testimony. Harrisburg: Boas & Coplan, 1839. 47 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 2000 copies in English and 500 in German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1838/9 V. 1: 1485.) 1843 Apr. 3. Rept. of select committee, (Heckman) rel. to certain members of bd. of canal comrs., who have held out bribes to members of Legisl. to corrupt them, ace. with testimony. (House jol. 1843 v. 2: 725-732 (doc. 116).) Collectors 1854 Jan. 30. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to alleged fraud connected with collector's office at West Philadelphia. (Legisl. docs. 1854: 647.) May 4. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to alleged frauds in collector's office at Phila. {Satne 1854: 667.) Extension of time for investigation requested. Levi O. Clover 1854 Mch. 3. Letter from the canal comrs. in reply to Sen. res. of Feb. 21 resp. frauds alleged to have been perpetrated by Levi G. Clover, late collector at Pitts- burgh rel. to tolls on market boats and stone flats. (Dally LegisL Union v. 1 (no. 34): 166.) Frederick Fritz 1841 Feb. 13. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. In reply to res. requesting information about pro- ceedings agst. late collector of tolls on eastern termi- nation of Columbia and Phila. R.R. (House jol. 1841V. 1: 317-318.) CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Frauds, Defalcations, etc — cont'd Collectors — cont'd Frederick Fritz — cont'd 1841 Mch. 26. Communication from auditor gen. (Espy) rel. to defalcation of Frederick Fritz, late collector of tolls on Phila. and Columbia R.R. (Sen. jol. 1841 V. 1: 574.) Mch. 29. Communication from auditor gen. (Espy) rel. to suit agst. Frederick Fritz, late col- lector at Phila. (Same 1841 v. 1: 595-596.) Apr. 9. Communication from atty. gen. (John- son) rel. to suits brought by commonwealth agst. Frederick Fritz, late collector of tolls on the Co- lumbia R.R., and his sureties. {Same 1841 v. 1: 721-722.) Jacob M. Strickler 1855 Feb. 6. Communication from state treasurer (Baily) rel. to defalcation of Jacob M. Strickler, late collector of canal and r.r. tolls at Columbia. (Legisl. docs. 1855: 265-267 (doc. 8).) 1856 Apr. 7. Rept. of committee on finance (Buckalew) rel. to defalcation of Jacob M. Strickler. (Same 1856: 664-681 (doc. 86).) 1857 Apr. 19. Rept. of minority of committee on finance (Browne) rel. to relief of sureties of J. M. Strickler late collector of tolls at Columbia. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1857: 635-637; Daily Legisl. Record 1857 no. 67: 1-4.) Laws 1824-1836. A compilation of the canal and r.r. laws of Penn. prepared and published under authority of a res. of the House of Representatives passed Je. 16, 1836. Harrisburg: Theo. Fenn, 1836. 165, 34 pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In tlie Univ. ot Penn. Library, S. D. Ingham was the compiier. 1830. An act to authorize a loan to defray the expenses of the Penn. Canal and R.R. and to continue for a further time " an act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of Penn." n. t. p. 8 pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in Amer. Phil. Socy. 1834. Penn. rwy. regulations, containing the acts for the protection, repair and mngmt. of the, to- gether with the regulations and rates of toll, as established by the bd. of canal comrs. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Hamilton & Son, 1834. 46 pp. Copy in Penn. State Library. [1836.] An act to repeal the state tax on real and per- sonal property and to continue and extend the im- provements of the state by and canals Harrisburg: Prtd. by Crabb & Barrett, 1835-'36. 8'pp- Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. . A compilation of the canal and r.r. laws of Penn. prepared and published under authority of a res. of the House of Repr., passed Je. 16, 1836. Harrisburg: T. Fenn, 1836. 165, 34 pp. Copy In Penn. State Library. 1840. Compilation of the laws of Penn. rel. to the in- ternal improvements; together with the canal and rwy. regulations as established by the bd. of canal comrs. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Barrett & Parke, 1840. 292, 60, xviii pp. Copies seen in Univ. of Penn. Library, Free Library ot Phila., Hist. Socy. of Penn. and N. ¥. Public lAbrn ry . Prepared by [O. F.] Johnson, atty. gen., at the request of the canal comrs. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 417 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Laws — cont'd 1855. Sale of the main line. An act to provide for the sale of the main line of public works, n. t. p. G pp. Copy In Hist. So'ches — cont'd Harrisburg and. Pittsburgh R.R. — cont'd non-serial 1839. Table: heights of gaps on Allegheny mountain above Sugar Run Gap and above tide, with their distances from Blair's Gap traced on crest line sur- veyed this year. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9: 325.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1840. Tables: gradients and distances, together with height above tide of principal points on middle route; do. Conemaugh route; do. northern route; highest gradient on three routes; southern route. {Same 1839/40: 262-271; 277-282; 289; 290-291.) Paging from Collected docs. ; omitted from dept. editions. Jan. 21. Surveys for r.r. connection betw. Harris- burg and Pittsburgh; recommendation for survey for turnpilje or M'Adamized (sic) road betw. Laughlinstown and Chambersburg. (Same 1838/9: 43-45.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1841. Principles and prices upon which estimates are founded. (Same 1840/1: 281-282.) Paging from Collected docs. ; omitted from dept. editions. . Principles upon which comparisons betw. differ- ent routes are predicated; together with compari- sons and their results. (Same 1840/1: 304-350.) Paging from Collected docs. ; omitted from dept. editions. . Expenditure and revenue of Harrisburg and Pitts- burg R.R. graded for single track, via Stone Moun- tain and Black Lick, and predicated upon ann. con- veyance of 60,000 through passengers and 40,000 tons of goods. (Same 1840/1: 363-367.) Paging from Collected docs. ; omitted from dept. editions. . Table: rise, fall, distance, highest gradient and entire cost of three grand routes surveyed betw. Harrisburg and Pittsburgh graduated for double and single track. (Same 1840/1: 280-280[2].) Paging from Collected docs. ; omitted from dept. editions. Jan. 1. Examinations and surveys forming con- nection betw. Harrisburg and Pittsburgh by means of continuous r.r. authorized by act of Jly. 19, 1839; routes, etc. (Same 1839/40: 43-45.) Paging from Collected docs. 1842 Jan. 15. Surveys for continuous r.r. betw. Harris- burg and Pittsburgh and macadamized road betw. Chambersburg and Laughlinstown, authorized by acts of Jly. 19, 1839, and May 6, 1840; results. (Same 1840/1: 29-35.) Paging from Collected docs. West Branch and Allegheny Canal 1836 Dec. 13. Rept. of B. Ayrcrigg, engr. apptd. to ex- plore country betw. West Branch improvements and town of Franklin on Allegheny River. (A.R. canal comrs. 1835/6: 137-143.) Paging from Sen. dept. ed. . Same. (House jol. 1836/7, app. to v. 2: 176-182 (doc. 41).) Dec. 13. Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Boas & Coplan, 1839. 9 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1837 Feb. Final rept. and estimates of the survey of a canal route betw. the West Branch Improvements and the town of Franklin, on the Allegheny River. By B. Ayrcrigg, principal engr. Harrisburg: Prtd. by S. D. Patterson, 1837. 54 pp., 4 foldg. tables. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In Amer. Phil. Socy. 2000 copies In English and 1000 In German were ordered prtd. by tlie House. (House Jol. 1836/7 T. 1 : 648.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Proposed Branches — cont'd West Branch and Allegheny Canal — cont'd 1837 Feb. Same, Sen. ed. Harrisburg: E. Guyer, 1837. 56 pp., tables. Copies seen In .^mer. Phil. Socy. and In Columbia tJnlv. Library. 1500 copies were ordered prtd. by the Senate, 500 in German. (Sen. Jol. 1836/7:473; 499.) Feb. Same. (Sen. jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 385-438; House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 603-654 (doc. 199).) Feb. Same. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Boas & Coplan, 1839. 12 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1839 Feb. Communication from B. Ayrcrigg. civil engr. rel. to West Branch and Allegheny Canal, suppl. to repts. on same subject read Dec. 15, 1836 and Mch. 1, 1837. Harrisburg: Boas & Coplan, 1839. 61 pp. Copy seen in Amer. Phil. Socy., Phlla. Receipts, Expenditures, etc. See also above, Damages. serial In pursuance of sec. 12, act of Feb. 25, 1826. and of act of Jan. 30, 1832. 1826/7-1863/4. Stmt, of accts. of canal comrs. trans- mitted by auditor gen. Checklist 1826. Harrisburg : Cameron & Krause, 1827. 23 pp. Copy in Amer. Phil. Socy. and In Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1500 copies in English and 500 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1826/7:622.) 1827/8-1831/2. No separate copies found. 1832/3. No separate copy found. 1000 copies In English and 500 In German were ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1832/3 [v. 1] : 38.) 1833/4-1863/4. Not found. In Collected docs, as 1826/7 in Senate Jol. 1827/8 ; 1828/9 ; [1829/30] House Senate House Senate House In Senate J " House 334). 1829/30 In Senate Jol. House follows : 1826/7 : 600-601. 1826/7 T. 2 : 510-525 (doc. 228). 1827/8 v. 2 : 765-789. 1827/8 V. 2 : 850-875 (doc. 233). 1828/9 V. 1 : 335-339. 1828/9 v. 2 : 637-641 (doc. 262) . ol. 1829/30 V. 2 : 417-424. " 1829/30 V. 2 : 746-762 (doc. 1830/1 1831/2 1832/3 1833/4 1834/5 1835/6 1836/7 1837/8 Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House 10). 1838/9 In Senate Jol. " " House " 1830/40 " Senate " " ** House " 1840/1 " Senate " " " House " 1841/2 " Senate " " " House " 1842/3-1863/4. (A.R. same 1863/4.) 1830/1 1830/1 1831/2 1831/2 1832/3 1832/3 1833/4 1833/4 1834/5 1834/5 1835/6 1835/6 1836/7 1836/7 1837/8 1837/8 1838/9 1838/9 v. 1 V. 2: V. 1 : V. 2: V. 1: V. 2: V. 1: V. 2: V. 2: V. 2: V. 2: V. 2: V. 2: v. 2: V. 2: V. 2: V. 2: V. 2, 399-408. 829-838 (doc. 210). 506-51". 793-804 (doc. 232). 12-25. 4-17 (doc. 2). 12-16. 9-24 (doc. 3). 13-26. 33-47 (doc. 31). 17-33. 33-51 (doc. 9). 20-31. 53-64 (doc. 10). 33-34. 59-71 (doc. 33). 88-96. pt. 1 : 69-83 (doc. 1840 V. 2 : 25-45. 1840 V. 2 : 126-146 (doc. 12). 1841 V. 2:47-69 (doc. 8). 1841 V. 2 : 67-89 (doc. 15). 1842 v. 2 : 28-48 (doc. 5). 1842 V. 2 : 60-80 (doc. 12). 1843 V. 2 : 222-237 (doc. 9). 1843 V. 2 : 208-223 (doc. 62). auditor gen. 1842/3 (pp. 69-77)— non-serial 1806-1820. See above. Canals. Penn., these dates. 1817. Amt. of apprns. for internal improvement unpaid Nov. 30. (Govs. mess. (Findlay) Dec. 7, 1820.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 419 CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Receipts, Expenditures, etc. — cont'd non-serial— cont'd 1824. Table: settled accts. of comrs. for promoting in- ternal improvement of state apptd. under act of Mch. 27, 1824. (House jol. 1824/5 v. 2: 454-455.) Submitted by auditor gen. (Mnnn) Apr. 6, 1825, In com- pllnnce with House res. 1825/40-1825/58.* Tables: cost, revenue and expendi- tures on public works of Penn. [each division, from origin]. Note : The slmllarlt.v of mnterinl In nnd titles of the reports containing these tables makes it desirable to keep them together, though they are in no sense serial. The title of the report is noted in each case. In Collected docs, as follows : 1825/40 in Sen. ]oI. 1841 v. 2:385-386, 2 foldg. tables (doe. 42). r.*etter from John W. Hammond, bookkeeper [treasury offlcel, ace. by a tabular stmt, of cost, revenue and expenditures on the several finished lines of canals and : Apr. 20. 1841. 1825/41 In House Jol. 1842 v. 2 : 756 and foldg. table betw. pp. 764-765 (doc. 144). Communication from the auditor gen. (Espy) Apr. 1, 1842, ace. with a stmt, showing cost, revenue and expenditures of the several finished lines of canals and, and amt. paid on the unfinished lines of canals and feeders ; reply to res. of Feb. 17, 1842. 1825/51 In Sen. Jol. 1852 v. 2: 160-176 (doc. 32). . Same, separate, n. t. p. 16 pp. Copy seen in the New York Public Library. Cost, revenue and expenditures of the public works of Penn. ; by auditor gen. (Banks) and treasurer (Blckel). In compliance with Senate res. of Jan. 24, 1852 ; Feb. 9, 1852. The last page of this rept. contains a table of disburse- ments for exploratory surveys from 1825-1840. 1825/53. In Legisl. docs. 1854 : 296-308. . Same, separate. Harrisburg : A. B. Hamilton, 1854. 16 pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. Cost, revenue and expenditure of the public works of Penn. to Nov. 30, 1853 : stmt, submitted Jan. 26, 1854, by auditor gen. (Banks) and state treasurer (Blckel) in compliance with House res. of Jan. 7. This rept. like that of Feb. 9, 1852, contains a table of exploratory surveys ; also a list of public loans from 1821 to 1853. 1850/7 in Legisl. docs. 1858 : 635-642 (doc. 60). . Same, separate, n. t. p. 11 pp. Copies seen In Free Library of Phlla. and in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 2500 copies in English and 500 in German were ordered prtd. (House Jol. Jan. 1858 : 641.) Title: Public works of Penn. Official stmt, [by auditor gen. (Fry). Mch. 30. 1858] showing their revenue and expenditures Dec. 1, 1859 to Nov. 30, 1857. Also In Documents as follows : 1825/58 in 2 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1873/4 : 67. 1826-1831. Table: amt. of apprns. for canal and r.r. purposes, amt. drawn on each separate division, etc. (Rept. of committee of ways and means (Craft) Jan. 19, 1831.) 1828/9. Stmt, of amt. of payments made by treasurer of bd. of canal comrs., for canal and r.r. purposes, per mo. for year endg. Apr. 1. (Sen. jol. 1828/9 v. 1: 561-562.) Rendered by treasurer (Mahon) of bd. of canal comrs., Apr. 21, 1829. 1829. Stmt, from C. Blythe showing cash reed, and dis- bursed for canal purposes in Jly., 1829; cash reed, by comrs. of internal improvement from comrs. of loans as per his stmt, to the auditor gen. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1829.) . Stmt, of apprns. for canal and r.r. purposes ex- pended on several divisions; amt due for work done on divisions under contract and estimated cost of work yet to be done. (A.R. canal comrs. 1828/9: 147-149.) Paging from Senate doc. ed. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]— cont'd Receipts, Expenditures, etc. — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1829. Balance of apprn. for canal and r.r. purposes made by legisl. at last session and not expended by late bd.; large part of this sum applied to payment of debts, balance insufficient to prosecute public works during season. (Same 1828/9: 151.) Paging from Sen. doe. ed. 1829/30. Table: amt. of estimate for each division of public works, amt. drawn by each division, amt. overdrawn, amt. left undrawn. (Rept. of committee of ways and means (Craft) Jan. 19, 1831.) 1831. Table: aggregate amt. drawn on each division of the public works, amt. of estimated costs, balance required. (Same (Craft) Jan. 19, 1831.) . Approximate amt. expended by Penn. on Internal improvements since 1791; benefits. (Govs, mess (Wolf) Dec. 7, 1831.) . Amt. expended in 1831 by comrs.; whole amt. reed. for canals up to Dec. 1, 1831; balance in treasury Dec. 1. (A.R. canal comrs. 1830/1: 32.) 1832 Jan. 2. Letter from bd. of canal comrs. covering a stmt, of the state treasurer of apprns. and ex- penditures on the public works; res. resp. work on Columbia and Phila. R.R., etc. (Sen. joL 1831/2 v. 1: 124-126.) Mch. 5. Rept. of canal comrs., rel. to amt. paid for repairs upon Penn. Canal and R.R. (House jol. 1831/2 v. 2: 698-703.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh 1832. 8 pp. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In Amer. Phil Socy. 1832-1833. Stmt, showing condition of fund for repairs. (A.R. canal comrs. 1832/3:14.) 1832-1841. Table: expenditures for repairs on canal lines. (Same 1831/2 (pp. 25-27)— some 1840/1.) 1833. Sums to be paid the several supts. for repairs of the Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1833/4.) . Summary of work upon which apprn. of Mch. 1833 for new work upon old lines, has been expended on canals and railroads. (A.R. canal comrs. 1832/3: IS.) . Stmt, of sums appropriated and applicable to new lines, and of sums required to complete same. (Same 1832/3: 33.) 1833/4. Schedule by rwys. and canals showing apprns. available and amts. expended prior to Nov. 1. (Same 1834: 15-17.) . Stmt, of sums drawn from treasury In year end- ing Oct. 31, 1834, out of fund appropriated for new work upon old lines. (Same 1833/4: 18.) . Stmt, of receipts for construction and repairs of canals and and payment of damages. (3 A.R. treasurer 1833/4: 71.) . Stmt, of payments for construction and repairs of canals and and for payment of damages. (3 same 1833/4: 72.) 1834/5. Stmt, of disbursements for construction of canals and rwys. for yr. endg. Oct. 31. (A.R. canal comrs. 1835: 14-16.) Columbia and Portage rwys., Wyoming line, Lycoming line, Tangascootack. 1835. Amt. expended in construction of canals and since adoption of Internal improvement policy in 1826; terms upon which sum was borrowed; inter- est fund; length of canal and r.r. (Govs. mesa. (Wolf) Dec. 2, 1835.) * The date 1825 does not appear In all the reports ; It Is however covered In the Item, Cost [from origin]. 420 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Receipts, Expenditures, etc. — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1835 Jan. 29. Rept. of canal comrs. to committee on inland navigation rel. to expenditures for 1835. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 516-520 (doc. 118).) Jan. 29. Same, separate, n. t. p. 4 pp. Cop.T seen in library of the Library Co. of Phlla. 1835-1S38. Revenue yielded by public works in 1835 and 1838; expenditures on canals and since 1835. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 27, 1838.) 1835-1839. Table: amt. reed, from tolls and from motive power, each year; amt. expended for motive power, repairs and mngmt. {Same (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840: 9-10.) 1836. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to expenses incurred on several lines of Penn. Canal and rwys., also revenue derived and amt. of tonnage, etc., transported. (Sen. jol. 1836/7 V. 2: 182-183 and table.) . Same, separate. Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1836/7 V. 1 : 198.) . Table: approximate cost of divisions of Penn. Canal and r.r. ; length, lockage and elevation of highest point above tide at Phila. (A.R. bd. canal comrs. 1835/6: 5-6.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. . Amt. of money drawn by different disbursing officers on public works. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 86-91.) Transmitted by state treasurer (Lawrence) Dec. 13, 1836. 1836-1838. Communication from auditor gen. (Hobart), ace. with a stmt, of receipts and expenditures of public works. (Same 1838/9 v. 2 [pt. 1]: 770-771, 4 foldg. tables.) 1836-1840. Rept. of auditor-gen. (Espy) with stmt, of expenses incurred on public works. [Same 1841 v. 2: 98-100 (doc. 22).) 1838/9. Tables: receipts and expenditures on the public works. (Same 1840 v. 2: 420-423.) 1838/9-1840/1. Stmt, of expenditures for all purposes of internal improvement for the year ending Oct. 31. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9 (p. 51)— sawe 1840/L) 1839 May 15. Letter from state treasurer (Sturgeon) transmitting amt. of monies drawn by supervisors for repair of canals and; amt. yet applicable for repairs. (Sen. jol. 1838/9 v. 1: 829.) For ace. docs., see Sen. ]oI. 1838/9 v. 2 : 636. 1840. Table: sums appropriated and nearly expended on several lines of public Improvements. (Govs, mess. (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840.) . Rept. of comrs. of internal improvements rel. to funds used for payment of interest on state loans. (Sen. jol. 1840 v. 2: 695-696.) . Rept. of bd. of canal comrs. under res. of Sen., Apr. 17, requiring canal comrs. to rept. to Senate amts. paid to contractors. (.Same 1840 v. 2: 701-702.) . Rept. of canal comrs. on subject of repair fund; made under requisitions of Senate res. (Same 1840 V. 2: 707-709.) 1841. Communication from state treasurer (Gllmore) showing acct. of canal comrs. for 1840/1. (House jol. 1841 V. 2: 481-483 (doc. 129).) . Letter from auditor gen. (Espy) in reply to Sen. res. of Mch. 23 requesting information about pay- ments to officers on the public improvements. (Sen. jol. 1841 V. 1: 565; v. 2: 383-384 and foldg. table (doc. 41).) Tabular stmt, accompanies letter in t. 2 ; usual no. of copies of letter and stmt, ordered prtd. (Sen. lol. 1841 T. 1 : S65.) CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Receipts, Expexditukes, etc. — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1841. Rept. of auditor-gen. (Espy) on impossibility of obtaining accurate information rel. to original cost, amt. of moneys annually expended, etc., on several canal and r.r. routes. (Same 1841 v. 1: 611.) . Stmt, of canal comrs. rel. to amt. paid for old debts due for repairs; amt. remaining unpaid. (Samp 1842 v. 1: 464-465.) . Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to information as to expenditures, etc., desired by House. (House jol. 1841 v. 2: 460-461.) . Rept. of canal comrs. on delay in furnishing in- formation rel. to vouchers for moneys drawn. (Same 1841 v. 2: 525-526.) . Rept. of select committee apptd. to investigate expenditures upon canal and of state; with testimony. (House jol. 1841 v. 2: 547-744, foldg. table (doc. 168).) Majority rept. (Llghtner) ; minority (Wright) ; testi- mony. Superintendency of motive power on the Columbia R.R. ; expenditures for construction of North track ; con- tract prices ; Juniata division ; Western division ; Conneaut line of the Erie extension. . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. S. Wallace, 1841. 200 pp., 3 foldg. tables. Copy seen in library of the Library Co. of Phila. 3000 copies in English and 1000 in Geiman ordered prtd. (House jol. 1841 v. 1 : 870 ; 894.) 1842. Rept. of committee on internal improvements (Farrelly) to whom was recommitted bill for settle- ment of certain incidental expenses on the unfin- ished lines of canal. (Sen. jol. 1842 v. 1: 311-314.) . Rept. of canal comrs. in reply to res. requesting stmt, of amt. paid in 1841 for old debts due for re- pairs, etc. (Some 1842 v. 1: 464-465.) . Amt. expended and liabilities incurred for re- pairs on the several lines of canal and railroad Mch. 1-Nov. 30, 1842. (A.R. canal comrs. 1841/2: 26.) . Receipts and expenditures on the public works. ((3ovs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 4, 1843: 8.) . Cost of repairs Mch. 1 to Nov. 30. (A.R. canal comrs. 1841/2: 11.) . Efforts to reduce expenditures on finished lines: offices of weigh-master at Easton, Portsmouth and Pittsburgh abolished, and their duties transferred to the collectors; reduction in no. of other employes and offices. (Same 1841/2: 10-11.) 1843. Abstr. of receipts and expenditures on the several lines of canal and r.r. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 3, 1844.) . Apprn. for payment of old debts Incurred prior to Jan. 9, 1842 authorized by act of May 31, 1842. (A.R. canal comrs. 1842/3: 7.) . Apprn. for repairs on canals and authorized May 31. 1842. (Same 1842/3: 13.) . Receipts and expenditures on the different lines of public works, tolls, etc. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 3, 1844.) Jan. 24. Communication from canal comrs., ace. with stmt, of acct. of canal comrs., clerk hire, con- tingent expenses, and postage. (House jol. 1843 v. 2: 202-205 (doc. 50).) Jan. 27. Letter from canal comrs., with stmts. In detail of names, no., station, and compensation, of officers, agts., and others, employed upon public works of state. (Sen. jol. 1843 v. 2: 74-82 (doc. B).) . Same, separate. Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1843 V. 1 : 239-240.) Feb. 16. Communication from canal comrs. with list of names and compensation of collectors and INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 421 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Receii'ts, Expenuitukes, etc. — cont'd tion-serial — cont'd supervisors on several lines of canals and of state. (House jol. 1843 v. 2: 310-312 (doc. 7S).) 1843 Mch. 6. Stmt, by canal comrs. of amt. of actual expenses on several lines of canal comrs.' work, Jan. to Mch. (Sen. jol. 1843 v. 1: 551.) 1843-1846. Table: receipts from canal and r.r. tolls and charges for motive power. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 1847.) 1843-1852. Abstr. of receipts of tolls on canals and rail- roads. (A.R. canal comrs. 1.S52: 9.) 1843/4. Receipts and expenditures on public improve- ments communicated by auditor gen. Jan. 14, 1845. (House jol. 1845 v. 2: 210 (doc. 14).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1845. 2 11. Copy seen In Illst. Socy. of Tenn. 1843/4-1854/5. Stmt, showing receipts and expenditures on improvements. (A.R. canal comrs. 1843/4 (pp. 15-lS)— Sdwe 1854/5.) 1844. Rept. of auditor gen. (Packer) rel. to payment of laboring creditors on accts. due prior to Feb. 10, 1842; amts. in 1843. (Sen. jol. 1S44 v. 2: 60-61 (doc. 12).) 1844-1853. Receipts and expenditures on several lines of state improvements. (A.R. canal comrs. 1843/4 (pp. 15-18)— .same 1852/3.) 1845. Tabular stmt. rel. to revenue and expenditures on public works for year ending Dec. 31. (Sen. jol. 1846 V. 2: 263-270 (doc. 37).) Submitted by auditor gen. (Purviance), Feb. 4, 1846, In compliance with Senate res. of Jan. 28. . Communication from auditor gen. (Packer) showing amts. due commonwealth by late collectors of tolls, supts., supervisors, etc. on the different lines of canals and Mch. 1, 1830 to Jan. 28, 1845. [Same 1845 v. 2: 197-201 (doc. 28).) . Communication from bd. of canal comrs. rel. to expenses and receipts of trucks on state (Same 1845 V. 2: 207-208 (doc. 34).) 1847. Rept. of auditor gen. (Purviance) rel. to extra pay and horse hire on canals and roads. (House jol. 1847 V. 2: 272-273 (doc. 41).) . Net revenue from main line of canal; total revenue from whole line of canal and r.r. (A.R. canal comrs. 1846/7: 11.) 1848. Stmt, of disbursements for extraordinary repairs for year. (Sanie 1847/8: 7.) 1848/9. Table: amt. drawn from state treasury during year and applied on several divisions of public works to payment of debts incurred prior to Dec. 1, 1848. (A.R. auditor gen. 1848/9: 109.) 1849. Increasing revenue of canals. (Govs. mess. (Johnston) Jan. 6, 1849.) . Net revenue to state from public works; increase over 1848; Increase in gross receipts of tolls over 1848. (A.R. canal comrs. 1848/9: 6.) . Expenditures of canal comrs.: tabular stmt, and explanation. (Same 1848/9: 5-7.) Feb. 9. Communication from the canal comrs. rel. to the ann. revenues on the canals and railroads of Penn. and amt. expended for repairs on each divi- sion. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1849. 5 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1. Stmt, of debts due for motive power on the Allegheny Portage H.R. 2. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of motive power for repairs, and for collectors, weighmasters, etc. on the Allegheny Portage R.R., each year, 1844-1848. 3. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures, and net revenue on the several lines of canal and r.r. for the years 1846- 1848. . Same. (House jol. 1849 v. 2: 331-334 (doc. 30).) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Receipts, Expenditures, etc. — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1850. Increased amt. of net revenue should be derived from public works; defective system of mngmt.; improvements suggested. (Govs. mess. (Johnston) Jan. 1, 1850.) . Diminished revenue on acct. of scarcity of water on upper portion of western division of Penn. Canal; completion of western reservoir recommended. (Same (Johnston) Jan. 1, 1850.) 1851/2. Receipts and expenditures of public works. (Same (Bigler) Jan. 5, 1853.) 1852. Gratifying increase in tonnage and revenue on improvements notwithstanding increase in compet- ing lines. (A.R. canal comrs. 1851/2: 5.) . Stmt, of cost of main line and branches of im- provements now In use. (Same 1851/2: 9.) 1852-1853. Total receipts and net receipts on improve- ments for 1852 and 1853; decrease in 1853. (Same 1852/3: 7.) 1853. Stmt, exhibiting sums required to meet all ex- penses of keeping up canals and (Same 1851/2: 26-27.) 1853/4. Total receipts and expenditures for year. (Same 1853/4: 5; A.R. auditor gen. 1853/4: 31.) . Tables: receipts and expenditures in detail. (A.R. canal comrs. 1853/4: 7-8.) 1854. Receipts and expenditures on acct. of public works; comparison with 1853; withdrawal of busi- ness of Penn. R.R. Co. (Govs. mess. (Bigler) Jan. 3, 1855: 4.) . Increase in net revenue not in proportion to in- crease in trade on acct. of reduction of tolls; results of 1853; general observations on Columbia R.R., North Branch Canal and Delaware Division, and Allegheny Portage R.R. (Same (Bigler) Jan. 4, 1854.) 1854/5. Receipts and expenditures on public works. (Same (Pollock) Jan. 1, 1856.) 1855. Stmt, of net revenue on public works for year. (A.R. canal comrs. 1854/5: 23.) 1855/6. Receipts and expenditures of public works; amt. of receipts from canal tolls and from (Govs. mess. (Pollock) Jan. 7, 1857.) 1856/7. Expenditures on acct. of old claims on main line and other divisions of public works. (A.R. audi- tor gen. 1856/7: 64-70.) 1858 Mch. 30. Rept. of auditor gen. (Fry) in compli- ance with House res. of 17th inst. requesting the auditor gen. to furnish the House with a stmt, of the receipts and expenditures on the Delaware Division, Susquehanna Division, Upper and Lower North Branch and West Branch divisions of the Penn. canals. 1851-1857. n. t. p. 18 pp. Copy seen In Penn. State Library. . Public works of Penn. Official stmt, [made by the auditor gen. (Fry)] showing their revenue and ex- penditures, Dec. 1, 1850 to Nov. 30, 1857. n. t. p. 11 pp. Copy In Penn. State Library. 1863/7-1891/6. Tables; capital stock paid in on the resp. canal cos. of Penn.; funded and floating debt of the resp. canals; gross amt. of tonnage; canal and canal fixtures. In Repts. as follows : 1863/7 In ann. rept. auditor gen. on graph cos. 1867 : Ixvlllivlil. 1864/8 In ann. rept. auditor gen. on graph COB. 1868 : Ixxlll-lxxvl. 1865/9 in ann. rept. auditor gen. on, canals and tele- graph COS. 1869: Ixxvlll Ixxli. 1866/70 In ann. rept. auditor gen. on, graph COS. 1870 : Ixxx-lxxxi. canals and tele- canals and tele- , canals and tele- 422 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroadl — cont'd Receipts, Expenditures, etc. — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1867/71 In ann. rept. auditor gen. on, canals and tele- graph COS. 1871 : Ixxjtll-lxxxlii. 1868/72 in ann. rept. auditor gen. on, canals and tele- graph COS. 1S72 : c-cl. 1869/73 in ann. rept. auditor gen. on, canals and tele- graph cos. 1873 : cxiv-cxv. 1870/4 in ann. rept. auditor gen. on, canals and tele- graph cos. 1S74 : xcvlii-xcix. 1871/5 in ann. rept. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals and telegraph cos. 1875 : 90-91. 1872/6 in ann. rept. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals and telegraph cos. 1876; llO-lll. 1873/7 in ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals and telegraph cos. 1877 : cxii-cxUl. 1874/8 in nnn. rept. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals and telegraph cos. 1878 : xxvl-xxvll. 1875/9 In ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals and telegraph cos. 1879 : xcvi-xcvii. 1876/80 in ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals and telegraph cos. 1880 : ci-cii. 1877/81 in ann. rept. sec.v. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals and telegraph cos. 1881 : cvlil-cix. 1878/82 in ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals and telegraph cos. 1882 : cx-cxi. 1879/83 in ann. rept. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4. on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1883 : 127-128. 1880/4 in ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1884 : 449-451. 1881/5 in ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4. on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1885 : 462-465. 1882/6 In ann. rept. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1886 : 12.'ia-128a. 1883/7 In ann. rept. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1887 : 129o-132a. 1884/8 in ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1888 : 134o-138a. 1885/90 in ann. rept. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1889/90 : 853-856. 1886/91 in ann. rept. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1890/1 : 979-980. 1887/92 In ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1891/2:869-870. 1888/93 In ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1892/3:071-672. 1889/94 in ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1893/4 : 175-177A. 1890/5 in ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1894/5 : 747-748. 1891/6 In ann. rept. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1895/6 : 852- 853.* 1863/7-1891/6. Comparative stmt, of expenses for main- taining and operating the resp. canals of Penn. : receipts. In Repts. as follows : 1863/7 in ann. rept. auditor gen. on, canals and tele- graph cos. 1867:lxix. 1864/8 in ann. rept. auditor gen. on, canals and tele- graph COS. 1868 : Ixxvil-lxxvili. 1865/9 In ann. rept. auditor gen. on, canals and tele- graph COS. 1869 : Ixxx. 1866/70 in ann. rept. auditor gen. on, canals and tele- graph COS. 1870 : Ixxxil. 1867/71 in ann. rept. auditor gen. on, canals and tele- graph COS. 1871 : Ixxxlv. 1868/72 In ann. rept. auditor gen. on, canals and tele- graph COS. 1872 : cli. 1869/73 in ann. rept. auditor gen. on, canals and tele- graph COS. 1873 : cxvl. 1870/4 in ann. rept. auditor gen. on, canals and tele- graph COS. 1874 : c. 1871/5 in ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals and telegraph cos. 1875 : 92. 1872/6 in ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals and telegraph cos. 1876 : 112. 1873/7 in ann. rept. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals and telegraph cos. 1877 : cxiv. 1874/8 In ann. rept, secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals and telegraph cos. 1878:xxtI11. 1875/9 In ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals and telegraph cos. 1879 : xcvlU. 1876/80 In ann. rept. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals and telegraph cos. 1880 : citi. 1877/81 In ann. rept. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals and telegraph cos. 1881 : ex. 1878/82 in ann. rept. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals and telegraph cos. 1882 : cxil. * The first table Is called " capital stock now outstandlDg." CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]— cont'd Receipts, Expendxtukes, etc. — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1879/83 In ann. rept. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1883 : 129. 1880/4 in ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4. on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1884 : 451. 1881/5 in ann. rept. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1885 : 465. 1882/6 in ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1886 : 129o-130o. 1883/7 in ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt, 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1887 : 133a-134a. 1884/8 in ann. rept. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1888 : 139o-140a. 1885/90 in ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1889/90 : 857-858. 1886/91 in ann. rept. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1890/1 : 981. 1887/92 in ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1891/2 : 871. 1888/93 in ann. rept. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1892/3 : 673. 1889/94 In ann. rept. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 4, on r.rp., canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1893/4 : 177A. 1890/5 in ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1894/5 : 749. 1891/6 in ann. rept. secy, internal affairs, pt. 4, on, canals, telegraph and telephone cos. 1895/6 : 854. Tolls 1820-1834. Toll reed, on New York canals from 1820- 1833 and on Penn. Canal from 1830-1834. (A.R. canal comrs. 1833/4: 7.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1826-1831. Tolls on New York canals each year; and estimate for Penn. canals after finished. (Rept. of committee of ways and means (Read) Mch. 22, 1833; statement B.) 1829. Stmt, of tolls collected and boats cleared May 5- Sept. 19, at Leechburgh. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1829.) Presented Oct. 3, 1829. 1829/30. Payment at treasury of canal tolls. (A.R. treasurer 1829/30: 347.) 1829/30-1861/2. Receipts from canal tolls. (A.R. audi- tor gen. 1829/30 (p. 19)— same 1861/2.) 1S30. Stmt, of tolls reed, on Penn. Canal. (A.R. canal comrs. 1829/30: 38-39.) 1830-1833. Amt. of tolls paid into treasury: probable amt. of tolls for ensuing season. (Same 1832/3: 15-16.) 1830-1834. Comparative stmt, of toll reed, on N. Y. and Penn. improvements. (Same 1833/4: 7.) Paging from Collected docs. 1831. Tolls reed, on canals. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 7, 1831.) . Penn. Canal : amt. of toll reed, for eleven months ending Nov. 1, 1831; estimated amt. of toll for fol- lowing year. (A.R. canal comrs. 1830/1: 23.) 1831/2-1832/3. Amt. of tolls reed, on public works. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 4, 1833.) 1832. Disasters on canal resulting in reduced amt. of tolls; tolls reed, for year ending Oct. 31. (A.R. canal comrs. 1831/2: 33-34.) . Stmt, showing amt. of tolls reed, by several col- lectors on Penn. Canal, within last year, together with amt. in tons of property conveyed from their several offices during season. (Same 1831/2: 36.) . Rept. of canal comrs., showing amt. of tolls reed. on Penn. canals and during months of Nov. and Dec. (House jol. 1832/3 v. 2: 378-379.) 1833-1834. Stmt, showing amt. of tolls reed. no. of boats cleared at collectors' offices and no. of miles traveled by passengers on Penn. Canal [and R.R.] during year endg. Oct. 31, 1833. (A.R. canal comrs. 1832/3 (p. 40)— same 1833/4.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 423 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Receipts, Expenditures, etc-.— cont'd Tolls — cont'd 1834-1836. Stmt, of amt. of toll collected and paid into treasury within fiscal year. (Same 1833/4 (p. 6) — same 1835/6.) Paging from Tollected docs. 1834/5. Revenue from canal and r.r. tolls. (A.R. audi- tor gen. 1834/5: 22-23.) 1835. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and in- ternal Improvement (Miller) rel. to alteration in tolls charged on coal upon Penn. Canal and extension of Penn. Canal from Columbia to Md. line. (House jol. 1834/5 V. 2: 582 (doc. 165).) . Excess of tolls reed, in 1835 over those of 1834; amt. reed, on canal, on and for motive power. (A.R. canal comrs. 1834/5: 4.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1835-1839. See above. Receipts and Expenditures, these dates. 1835-1842. Amt. of tolls collected at each collector's office upon canal and rwy. and paid in treasury. (A.R. canal comrs. 1834/5 (p. 2Z)— same 1841/2.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1838. Stmt, of canal tolls, rwy. tolls and motive power tolls for year; excess over receipts of last year. (Same 1837/8: 27.) Paging from House doc. ed. . Amt of tolls reed, during year; damage on the Juniata; estimated income for coming yr. (Govs, mess. (Ritner) Dec. 27, 1838.) 1839. Communication from canal comrs. in reply to Sen. res. requesting stmt, of amt. of tolls reed, on different sections of the Penn. Canal and, amts. paid out for different purposes, etc. (Sen. jol. 1838/9 v. 1: 426.) 1839/40. Stmt, showing increase or decrease in amt. of tolls collected at offices for year ending Oct. 31, 1840 as compared with collections of 1839. (A.R. canal comrs. 1839/40: 7-8.) . Amt. of tolls received for year ending Oct. 31, 1840; decrease from previous yr. ; causes for de- crease. (Same 1839/40: 6-7.) 1840. Revenue from canal and r.r. tolls, Nov. 1-30. (A.R. auditor gen. 1839/40: 55-56.) 1842. Table: tolls collected in 1842; expenditures and liabilities Mch. 1-Nov. 30, on each line of the public works. (Same 1841/2: 17.) . Communication from auditor gen. (Espy) stating amt. of tolls reed, on North Branch and Susquehanna division of Penn. Canal upon coal, in 1841. (House jol. 1842 V. 2: 209 (doc. 75).) Feb. 28. Communication from auditor gen. (Espy) ace. with a stmt, showing no. of tons of bituminous coal transported on state canal and tolls reed, for same. (Same 1842 v. 2: 340 (doc. 101).) 1842/51-1843/52. Stmt, of receipts of toll. (A.R. canal comrs. 1850/1 (p. 6)— «ame 1851/2.) 1843-1846. Receipts from canal and r.r. tolls, each yr. (Govs. mess. (Shunk) Jan. 6, 1847.) 1843/4. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. In answer to res. of Feb. 14, 1845, requiring them to communicate to Sen., If practicable " a stmt, of amt. of tolls reed, by collector at Northumberland, from North Branch, West Branch, and Susquehanna dlvs., resp., for year endg. Nov. 30, 1844; together with cost of repair on North Branch div. for same period, designating amts. expended by last and present supervisor, and amt. paid for lock-keepers on same branch, for same period." (Sen. jol. 1845 v. 2: 216- 217 (doc. 41).) CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — csnt'd Receiits, Expenditures, etc. — cont'd Tolls — cont'd 1843/4-1844/5. Whole amt. of toll reed, on coal trans- ported on lines of improvements. (A.R. canal comrs. 1843/4 (p. 28)— .same 1844/5.) 1844. Tolls collected, excess over 1843; excess of col- lections over expenditures. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 8, 1845.) . Whole amt. of toll reed, on Iron of every descrip- tion transported on several lines of improvement during year ending Nov. 30, 1844. (A.R. canal comrs. 1843/4: 29.) 1844-1845. Whole amt. of toll reed, for iron of every description transported on state improvements dur- ing year ending Nov. 30, 1845; tons of iron ore trans- ported in 1844 and tons of iron ore transported in year ending Nov. 30, 1845. (Same 1844/5: 105.) 1S45. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to amt. of tolls paid into state treasury on certain articles, by regulations of 1845. (House jol. 1846 v. 2: 307-308.) 1845/6. Stmt, of whole amt. expended during fiscal year for maintaining motive power upon two of state, repairs of canals and and compensation of all officers and agents. (A.R. canal comrs. 1845/6: 13.) 1847. Amt. of canal tolls; Increase. (Govs. mess. (Shunk) Jan. 5, 1848.) 1847-1853. Stmt, of tolls collected at various offices on iron, coal, flour and grain. (A.R. canal comrs. 1846/7 (p. 7)— same 1852/3.) Omitted In 1850. Lumber Included 1852-1853. 1852. Stmt, of tolls collected; net revenue from tolls; in- crease over previous yr. (Same 1851/2: 6.) Tolls See also above. Receipts and Expenditures. Tolls on the several divisions are entered under those divisions. 1820-1834. Table: comparative progressive increase of tolls of public works of state from 1830 to 1834 and New York canals 1820 to 1883. (3 A.R. treasurer 1833/4: 77.) 1826-1832. Tolls on Schuylkill navigation each year, and estimate for Penn. canals after finished. (Rept. of committee of ways and means (Read) Mch. 22, 1833; stmt. C.) 1828 Dec. 11. Table: rates of toll for transportation on the Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1828.) 1829. Estimated amt. of tolls which will be reed, dur- ing ensuing year; no. of miles of canal navigable next season; necessity for legislation rel. to pen- alties, damages, etc. (A.R. canal comrs. 1828/9: 150.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. Dec. 17. Rept. of committee (Stevenson) apptd. to report an estimate of probable amt. of tolls to be reed, the ensuing year. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1829.) 1831. Penn. Canal; rates of toll to be charged from May 1, 1831. (A.R. canal comrs. 1830/1: 36-39.) Jan. 19. Calculated that tolls will be $50,000. (Rept. of committee of ways and means (Craft) Jan. 19, 1831.) Apr. 9. Table; rates of toll upon the Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1831/2.) 1832 Mch. 29. Rept. of committee on bridges, state and turnpike roads (Gebhart) upon petitions rel. to uni- form rates of toll. (House jol. 1831/2 v. 2: 819 (doc. 252).) 1833. Penn. Canal regulations and rates of toll, as established by the bd. of canal comrs. and in force Aug. 1; together with the acts for the protection of the canal. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Hamilton & Son, 1833. 56 pp. Copy seen In the Penn. State Llbrarj. 424 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Tolls — cont'd 1833 May 22. Table: toll rates upon Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1833/4.) 1834 Jan. 9. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to amt. of toll derived from transportation of r.r. iron and other property belonging to commonwealth. (Sen. jol. 1834/5 V. 2: 362.) Dec. 2. Opinion of bd. rel. to amt. of tolls to be yielded by canals; reasons for opinion. (A.R. canal comrs. 1833/4: 7.) Paging from Collected docs. Dec. 24. Table: rates of toll on the Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1834/5.) 1835. Rates of toll to be charged upon Penn. Canal and R.R. from and after Feb. 1, 1835. Harrisburg: Welsh and Patterson, 1835. 12 pp. Copies seen in .\mer. Phil. Socy., in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in library of the Library Co. of Phlla. 1000 copies were ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1834/5 v. 1 : 159-160.) The stmt, is signed by the canal comrs. Dec. 2. Tolls for year would have been larger but for late opening of canal, insufficient no. of boats and locomotives and lack of authority of agents to employ horses betw. inclined planes on Columbia R.R. (A.R. canal comrs. 1834/5: 5.) Dec. 2. Tolls on public works — estimated and actual. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 2, 1835.) 1836 Mch. 29. Table: rates of toll on Penn. canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1836/7.) 1838 Feb. 8. Rates of toll on Penn. Canal and rwys. {Same 1838/9.) 1839 Mch. 21. Rates of toll on Penn. Canal. {Same 1839/40.) 1840 Apr. 8. Same. (Some 1840/1.) Jan. 21. Increase in tolls in 1839; discouraging prospects and estimates for 1840. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9: 48.) Paging from House ed. 1841 Jan. 1. Reduction of toll rates on groceries, iron and several articles of merchandise. {Same 1839/40: 8.) Paging from House ed. 1842 Jan. 15. Comment on freight rates; suggestion for reducing toll on Penn. improvements. {Same 1840/1: 41-45.) Paging from Sen. ed. Jan. 21. Rates of toll on the Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1841/2.) 1843. Table: computation of weight of articles of mdse. in fixing tolls. {Same 1843: 92-93.) . Table: rates of toll on the Penn. canal. {Same 1843: 84-91.) Mch. 20. Rept. of committee on internal improve- ment (Bigler) on petitions for reduction of rates of toll on public works of state. (Sen. jol. 1843 v. 1: 718-720.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: 5 pp. Copy seen in the Penn. State ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1843 v. 1 : 721.) Apr. 7. Rept. of the select committee (Rockhill) rel. to making a reduction of tolls upon the public works; Rockhill. Harrisburg: M'Kinley & Lescure, 1843. 12 pp. Copy Been In the Penn. State Library. . Same. (House jol. 1843 v. 2: 756-762 (doc. 127).) Apr. 7. Communication from canal comrs. in answer to letter of M. B. Lowry, rel. to tolls on trucks. (Some 1843 v. 2: 839-842 (doc. 136).) 1844. Increase of tolls and tonnage; cause. (Govs, mess. (Porter) Jan. 3, 1844.) J. B. Bratton, 1843. Library. 500 copies CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UN DERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]^ont'd Tolls — cont'd 1844 Jan. 8. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to acct. of collector of city of Lancaster. (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 2: 33-34 (doc. 3).) Apr. 3. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvements (Justin) rel. to rates of toll and drawbacks on public works. (House jol. 1844 v. 2: 438-439 (doc. 73).) 1844-1855. Table: rates of toll on the several lines of the Penn. Canal, and on the Phila. and Columbia and Allegheny Portage Railroads. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1844 (pp. 42-48)— .«nme 1855.) 1845 Dec. 30. See above, Penn. Canal [and R.R.], this date. 1846 Mch. 23. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to tolls. (House jol. 1846 v. 2: 478.) Rates on flour, bacon, cotton, tobacco. 1847. See above. Canals, etc. Private. Bald Eagle and Spring Creek, this date. 1S48. Increase of canal tolls. (Govs. mess. (Shunk) Jan. 5, 1848.) 1849 Dec. 28. Recommendation for amdmt. to law so as to give bd. power to change toll rates when interest of state may require it. (A.R. canal comrs. 1848/9: 16.) 1850. Discrimination in tolls on public works. (Govs. mess (Johnston) Jan. 1, 1850.) 1851 Feb. 26. Rates of toll to be charged for passing outlet lift lock at Portsmouth. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1851: 29-30.) Mch. 8. See below, Columbia and Phila. R.R., this date. 1852 Dec. 31. Reduction of tolls at beginning of year; still further reduction necessary to meet competi- tion. (A.R. canal comrs. 1851/2: 5.) 1853 Dec. 28. Transportation on improvements left to individual enterprise; state receives toll but trans- porter receives all freight charges. {Sam,e 1852/3: 8.) 1854. Recommended that act of Apr. 22, 1846 fixing time for adoption and publication of tolls on public works be repealed. {Same 1853/4: 6.) . Rates of toll, etc. on the several lines and adopted Jan. 7. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1853/4: 8-19.) . Rates of toll and classification of articles on freights cleared at Phila. for Pittsburgh and in- ternal points and vice versa. {Same 1853/4: 30-32.) . Rates of toll and classification of articles on freights carried over the Phila. and Columbia R.R. by the Penn. R.R. Co. {Same 1854: 51-53.) . Allowance to John Huggins, collector of tolls at Liverpool. (Some 1854: 36.) . Rates of toll and classification on Balto. freights coming by canal to Columbia and clear from thence to Pittsburgh and vice versa. {Same 1853/4: 33-35.) . Toll rates on boats at Duncan's Island bridge. {Same 1854: 69.) . Rates of toll on goods carried betw. Phila. and Johnstown by the Penn. R.R. {Same 1854: 64.) . Anticipated addition to tolls on completion of the North Branch Canal. (A.R. canal comrs. 1863/4: 27.) . Tolls on many articles should be increased. (Some 1853/4: 26.) (1855?) Jan. 8. Rates of toll to be charged on the Penn. canals and for the year, 1885, broad- side. Signed by canal comrs. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 425 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Tolls — cont'd 1854 Apr. 24. Rept. of canal comrs. contradicting rumors regarding reduction of tolls. (House jol. 1854:872-873; Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 70): 339; Legisl. docs. 1854: 646.) Apr. 29. Remarks (Cresswell) on bill to repeal the tonnage ta.x on coal and lumber. (Dally Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 81) : 394-395.) 1855 Jan. 3. So much of law as binds canal comrs. to fixed rate of tolls for whole season should be re- pealed. (Govs. mess. (Bigler) Jan. 3, 1855: 5.) 1856 Feb. 28. Remarks (Foster) upon bill to repeal act exempting coal and lumber from the tonnage tax. (Daily Legisl. Record 1856: 228-229.) . Same (M'Comb and others). (Same 1856: 229- 230.) 1857 Jan. 7. Veto (Pollock) of act rel. to the office of tonnage agents. (Same 1857 no. 10: 7; no. 17: 7; no. 18: 7; no. 20: 7; no. 21: 7; no. 22: 7; no. 23: 7; no. 24: 7; no. 26: 6; no. 27: 6.) 1881. Evasion of tolls discussed. (Legisl. Record ISSl: 337-338; 392-393.) Tonnage; see Commerce. Canal-borne Water Rights 1826 Dec. 11. Views of bd. rel. to sale of water rights along canal. (A.R. canal comrs. [1826/7], first rept. Dec. 1826: 10.) 1828 Dec. 10. Letter from Abner Lacock, acting comr. on the western division, resp. use of water for hydraulic purposes at a dam near Blairsvllle. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1828.) Dec. 10. Rept. of committee [of bd. of canal comrs.] on communication from Abner Lacock resp. use of water at a dam near Blairsville for hydraulic purposes; subsequent procs. of the bd. (Same 1828.) Dec. 11. Large amt. of water power on canal to be disposed of; suggested that bd. be granted power to sell or lease water rights. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8: 75-76.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1829 Dec. 18. Large amt. of surplus water at and near feeder dams; provision for sale of hydraulic privi- leges suggested. (Same 1828/9: 150.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1831 Dec. 15. Advantages that would result if author- ity were given bd. to dispose of so much of surplus water as cannot be required for purposes of naviga- tion. (Same 1830/1: 23.) Paging from Sen. dept. ed. 1832 Nov. 29. Act providing for sale of use of surplus water along canal lines recommended. (Same 1831/2: 25.) . Rept. of committee on claims (Pollock) upon petition of David White rel. to use of water to be taken from pool of Neshanock dam for milling purposes. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 834-835 (doc. (doc. 227).) 1835 Mch. 18. Rept. of committee on Inland navigation and internal improvement (Miller) upon petition of Wm. T. Boyd, for a supply of water from the Penn. Canal. (Same 1834/5 v. 2: 654-656 (doc. 199).) Dec. Letter from canal comrs., communicating stmt, of different points on public works at which commonwealth has water power, which may be used for other purposes than supply of canal. (Same 1836/6 v. 2: 137-138.) Dec. 8. Sale or lease of water power on old and finished lines advisable. (A.R. canal comrs. 1835/6: 27.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd INDIVIDUAL Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] — cont'd Water Right.s — cont'd 1838 Dec. 21. Examination of water power on canal by comrs.; few situations on public works where water could be spared for manufacturing purposes. (Same 1837/8: 26). Paging from House doc. ed. 1841 Jan. 1. Propriety of selling or leasing surplus water power created by public works. (Same 1839/40: 11.) Paging from House ed. Jan. 6. Advisability of entrusting canal comrs. with power of selling or leasing water power created by internal improvements. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 6, 1841.) 1842 Jan. 15. Sale or lease on behalf of common- wealth of surplus water owned by state, authorized by act of May 5, 1840; preliminary examination, etc. (A.R. canal comrs. 1840/1: 28-29.) Paging from Senate ed. 1843 Jan. 4. Sale of surplus water on the lines of canals and slackwaters desirable, where it can be used for machinery and milling purposes: advantage of such establishments; need of some one to look after disposal of water powers; list of water powers on the Shenango line, Beaver division. Western divi- sion, Juniata division, Duncan's Island, Eastern division, Columbia line, Delaware division, Susque- hanna division. North Branch division. (Same 1841/2: 19-23.) Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Main Line Extended from Phlla. to Pittsburgh and was divided into five principal divisions, viz. : the ("olumbia and Phila. R.U.. Kastern Division. Juniata Division, Allegheny Portage U.K.. Western Division. serial 1836-1838. Ann. rept. of engr. In Documents as follows : John P. Bttilu. engr. 1. 1836 in A.R. canal comrs. 1835/6 : 59-69.« Rept. relates to Columbia Plane and Gettysburg Extcn- 3. sion only. 1837 In A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7:29-49.' 1838 •• " " " 1837/8 ; 96103.* non-serial 1830 Dec. 21. Length of central line of rwy. and canal from Phila. to Pittsburgh; divisions of this central line and extent of each; whole amt. appropriated for Penn. Canal and r.r. up to Dec. 10, 1830; whole amt. drawn from treasury and amt. under each head. (A.R. bd. canal comrs. 1829/30: 5-8.) 1834 Mch. 8. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to a r.r. from Phila. to Columbia, canal betw. Columbia and Hol- lidaysburg on the Juniata, rwy. over the " Alle- gheny Portage," western canal from Conemaugh to Pittsburgh, etc. (Sen. jol. 1833/4 v. 1: 472-476.) . Same, separate. Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. }oI. 1833/4 V. 1 :476.) 1835 Jan. 6. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to payments for locomotive engines. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 186 (doc. 65).) 1843 Jan. 4. Entire main line heretofore controlled by heavy capitalists; cause; remedy. (A.R. canal comrs. 1841/2: 8.) Jan. 4. See below, Delaware Division, this date. . Veto (Porter) of bill to authorize Gov. to incorporate Penn. Canal and R.R. Co. from Phila. to Pittsburgh, with objections to its passage Into law. (House jol. 1844 v. 1: 13-16.) The bill provided for transferring to the Co. the main line of and canals belonging to the state. • Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 426 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Main Line — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1845 Jan. 8. Sale of main line of Improvements, under act to reduce state debt and incorporate Penn. Canal and R.R. Co. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 8, 1845.) Mch. 17. Kept, of committee of ways and means (M'Caslin) rel. to sale of main line. (House jol. 1845 V. 2: 544-547 (doc. 85).) 1846 Dec. 31. Main line: destruction of Clark's ferry bridge; rebuilding of same and cost. (A.R. canal comrs. 1845/6: 9.) 1847 Feb. 4. Kept. secy, of commonwealth (J. Miller) rel. to votes for and against sale of " Main Line " improvements. (House jol. 1847 v. 2: 265-267 (doc. 36).) 1853. Rivalry betw. main line of public improvements and Penn. R.R. (Govs. mess. (Bigler) Jan. 5, 1853.) 1854. Discussion (House) rel. to sale of main line of public works. (Dally Legisl. Union v. 1 (nos. 51- 52): 251-253.) Chief speakers : Cook, Davis, Strong, Monaghan, Eldred. . Reinarks (Putney) on bill for sale of main line of public works. (Same v. 1 (no. 60) : 291-292.) . Speech (De France) upon bill for sale of main line of public works. (Same v. 1 (no. 64) : 310-311.) . Reasons of John B. Beck and others for their vote agst bill providing for sale of main line of public works from Phila. to Pittsburgh. (Same v. 1 (no. 60): 286-287.) . Causes of falling off of revenue from main line. (A.R. canal comrs. 1853/4: 5-6.) Mch. Remarks (Hamlin) on amdmt. proposing to increase the minimum price of the main line of the public works from $10,000,000 to $11,000,000. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 39) : 191.) Mch. 3. General discussion (Senate) of bill pro- viding for the sale of the public works. (Same v. 1 (no. 34): 162-163; 165.) Chief speakers : Evans, E. W. Hamlin, Buckalew, Darsle, Kunkel, Cresswell, Price. Mch. 7. Stmt. (Darsie) upon the bill for the sale of the main line; amt. necessary for repair and mngmt. of the main line. (Same v. 1 (no. 37) : 180; (no. 43): 211.) Mch. 30. Memorial from John Bingham and Jacob Dock proposing to lease the " main line." (Same v. 1 (no. 54): 264.) Mch. 31. Remarks (Eldred) of Clinton Co. upon the bill for the sale of the main line. (Same v. 1 (no. 60): 289-290.) Apr. 1. Remarks (M'Connell) on bill for the sale of the main line of the public works. (Same v. 1 (no. 75): 363-364.) Apr. Remarks (J. P. Abraham) upon the bill for sale of main line of the public works. (Same v. 1 (no. 64): 308.) Apr. 1. Remarks (Hunsecker) upon the subject of public works. (Same v. 1 (no. 64) : 310.) .Sale of main line ; transporters on Columbia and Phlla. R.R. Apr. 5. Remarks (Bush) on amdmt. to bill pro- viding for the sale of the main line of public works. (Same v. 1 (no. 56): 270.) Apr. 5. Same (Crane). (Same v. 1: 270-271.) Apr. 7. Discussion (House) on sale of the main line of public works. (Same v. 1 (no. 57): 275.) DuDning, Strong, Monaghan, Strutbers. Apr. 8. Same. (Same v. 1 (no. 58): 279.) Moore, Strong, HlUier. Apr. 10. Same. (Same v. 1 (no. 59): 282.) Roberts, Wheeler. CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Main Line — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1854 Apr. 10. Speech (Davis) on the motion to amend the bill providing for the sale of the main line of the public works, by making the stockholders indi- vidually liable for the payment of the purchase money. (Same v. 1 (no. 64): 308-309.) Apr. 10. Remarks (Wheeler) on bill for the sale of the main line of the public works from Phila. to Pittsburgh. (Same v. 1 (no. 62) : 300; (no. 64) : 311- 312.) Apr. 11. Reasons of John B. Beck and others for vote agst. bin providing for sale of main line of public works from Phila. to Pittsburgh. (House jol. 1854: 704-707.) Apr. 11. Remarks (Edinger) on bill to sell the main line of the public works. (Daily Legisl. Union V. 1 (no. 65): 316.) Apr. 14. Remarks (Jamison) on bill for sale of main line of the public works. (Same v. 1 (no. 65) : 316.) 1855. See above, Penn. Canal [and R.R.], Laws, this date. . Amdmt. to House bill rel. to sale of main line of public works. (Legisl. Record Mch. 16, 1855: 5-7.) . Debate on amdmt. of bill rel. to sale of main line of public works. (Same Mch. 17, 1855: 4.) . Debate on bill for sale of the main line of the public works. (Same Mch. 29, 1855: 4-5.) . Same. (Same Mch. 31, 1855: 3-4.) . Same. (Same Apr. 7, 1855: 2-4.) . Debate on bill for sale of main line of public works. (Same May 3, 1855: 3-4.) . Same. (Same May 4, 1855: 1-2; 5.) . Same. (Same May 5, 1855: 3-4.) . Same. (Same May 8, 1855: 5.) . Condensed stmt, of operations on lines of canal. (A.R. canal comrs. 1854/5: 10-15.) Jan. 3. No proposals reed, for sale of main line of public works; policy of sale; value of works, etc. (Govs. mess. (Bigler) Jan. 3, 1855: 8-9.) Dec. 29. Question of sale of main line of public Improvements. (A.R. canal comrs. 1854/5: 22-23.) Dec. 29. Withdrawal of transportation cos. from main line of canal, not being able to compete with Penn. R.R. Co. (Same 1854/5: 19-20.) 1856 Jan. 24. Communication from canal comrs. In reply to Sen. res. of Jan. 21 requesting stmt, of the no. of trucks fit for use on the Portage R.R. and what plan they would suggest for bringing back the trade to the main line of public Improvements. (Daily Legisl. Record 1856: 73.) Feb. 6. Communication from canal comrs. in reply to Sen. res. requesting their views on propriety of abandoning portion of Penn. Canal betw. end of the tunnel through Grants Hill and the Monongahela River, cost of construction of said canal and amt. of damages paid private property holders. (Some 1856: 142.) Apr. 9. Communication from the canal comrs. rel. to the sale of the main line of the public works of the state. Harrisburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1856. 9 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. 8000 copies In En- glish and 2000 In German ordered prtd. (Houic Jol. 1856:755.) . Same. (Legisl. docs. 1856:451-457 (doc. 49).) Proposed sale to Sunbury and Erie R.R. 1857. Sale of main line of public works to Penn. R.R. Co. (Govs. mess. (Pollock) Jan. G, 1858: 8-9.) . Docs, referred to in communication of Gov. rel. to sale of main line of canal and of state. (Legisl. docs. 1858: 420-422.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 427 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Main Line — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1857. Reasons of Wm. Wilkins and others for vote agst. act for sale of the main line of the public works. (Daily Legisl. Record 1S57 no. 98: 5.) Mch. 10. Sale of main line of canals for reason- able price and to responsible purchaser. (Rept. bd. revenue comrs. 1857: 612.) Paging from Collected docs. Mch. 18. Remarks (Johnson) on bill rel. to the sale of the main line of the public works. (Daily Legisl. Record 1857 no. 87: 5-6; no. 88: 5-6.) Apr. 17. Discussion of bill to provide for the sale of the main line of the public works, (tiame 1857 no. 73: 3-4.) Apr. 20. Remarks (Augustine) on bill for the sale of the public works. (Same 1857 no. 77: 6.) Apr. 22. Discussion of bill to provide for sale of main line of public works. {Same 1857 no. 77: 5-6.) Apr. 22. Remarks (Longaker) upon final passage of bill proposing a sale of the main line of the public works. (Same 1857 no. 82: 4-6.) May 7. Speech (Steele) on bill for sale of the main line of the public works. (Same 1857 no. 98: 4-5.) May 7. Discussion of bill rel. to sale of main line of public works. (Same 1857 no. 90: 1-2.) May 11. Same. (Same 1857 no. 93: 1.) May 14. Reasons of N. B. Browne and others for vote agst. bill for sale of main line of public works. (Sen. Jol. Jan. 1857: 1085-1087.) 1858 Jan. 18. Govs. mess. (Pollock) in reply to House res. of Jan. 14, requesting the Gov. to transmit to the House of Representatives a stmt, of the manner and conditions of the sale of the main line of public works. (House jol. Jan. 1858: 77-78; Legisl. Record 1858: 42-43.) Feb. 25. Act for sale of state canals reported by committee of ways and means (Jackman). (House jol. Jan. 1858: 354-357.) . Minority rept. on the above bill; (Turner). (Sam« Jan. 1858: 357-360.) Apr. 16. Govs. mess. (Packer) resp. rept. of appraisers apptd. to assess and report damages sus- tained by transporters and others by reason of sale of main line of the Penn. Canal. (Same Jan. 1858: 897.) 1860 Jan. 26. Rept. of auditor gen. (Fry), state treas- urer (Sllfer) and atty. gen. (Knox), under act of Apr. 13, 1859, in regard to the claims on the main line of Penn. Canal [1850-1855], i.e., the six years prior to sale of the canal to the Penn. R.R. Co. (Legisl. docs. 1860: 765-766 (doc. 21).) 1861 Jan. 29. Same, under extension of act of Apr. 13, 1859 granted Apr. 2, 1860; auditor gen. (Cochran), treasurer (Moore), atty. gen. (Purviance). (Same 1861: 1102 (doc. 66).) 1862 Feb. 5. Govs. mess. (Curtin) rel. to act for sale of main line of public works. (House jol. 1862: 185- 186.) Made in reply to House res. of Feb. 3, requesting Infor- mation as to whether any stipulation was obtained by the Gov. from the Penn. K.R. Co. at the time of his signature to the bill passed at the last session of the Legisl. for the repeal of the tonnage tax, as a condition upon which the bill was approved. Claims See also below. Damages. 1832 Nov. 29. Rept. of Josiah White, canal comr., on claim of Arthur Toner, late a contractor on the Columbia R.R. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1832/3.) Read Dec. 26, 1832. CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Main Line — cont'd CLAi.MS^-cont'd 1835 Apr. 24. Claim of Richard Peters for injury to Belmont estate by construction of the Columbia Rwy. (Same 1835/6.) 1839. Columbia and Phila. Rwy. first division: out- standing claims for repairs Oct. 31, 1839; amt. re- quired for ensuing year. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9: 111-113.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1842 Mch. 30. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claims on file in their office for woik on Phila. and Columbia R.R. (Sen. jol. 1842 v. 2: 217-232 (doc. 23).) 1850 Jan. 25. Rept. of canal comrs. with letter from Norris Bros. resp. claim for sums due on acct. of locomotives purchased by the state. (Same 1850 v. 2: 313-315 (doc. 30).) Bingham and Dock Claimants 1852. Columbia and Phila. Rwy. (A.R. canal comrs. 1851/2: 36-37.) . Agreement of canal comrs. with Bingham and Dock rel. to carrying passengers over Phila. and Columbia R.R. (Same 1851/2: 36-37.) 1854 Dec. 7. Rept. of the comrs. apptd. to examine the claims upon the main line of public improvements. Harrisburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1855. 11 pp. Apptd. under act of May 9, 1854 ; Wm. Williamson, Wm. English, John C. Magiil were the comrs. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in library of the Library Co. of Phila. Dec. 7. Same. (Legisl. docs. 1855: 58-64 (doc. 3).) 1860 Jan. 26. [Jt] rept. of auditor gen. (Fry), state treasurer (Slifer) and atty. gen. (Knox) in regard to claims on the main line of the Penn. Canal. (Daily Legisl. Record 1860: 312.) Damages 1829. Table: damages paid for injury to crops. (A.R. canal comrs. 1828/9 v. 2: 239.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1829/30-1839/40. Table: damages paid from Nov. 15, 1829 to Nov. 25, 1830. (Same 1829/30 (p. 193 stmt F.)— same 1839/40.) Occurs only in doc. editions. Paging from Sen. doc. ed. Omitted 1830/1, 1832/3, 1833/4, 1835/6-1838/9. 1830 Mch. 20. Rept. of committee (Forrey) on petition of Geo. Spies on acct. of damages sustained in con- sequence of construction of the Columbia and Phila. R.R. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1S30/1.) 1832 Je. 16. Damages on Columbia and Phila. R.R. Jan. 4, 1831-Jan. 13, 1832. (Same 1832/3.) 1833 May 8. Offers for damages Nov. 28, 29, 1832. (Same 1833/4.) May 8. Offers for damages on Columbia Rwy., Je. 15, 1832-Apr. 19, 1833. (Same 1833/4.) 1835 Je. 22. Damages on Columbia Rwy. (Same 1835/6.) Feb. 3. Rept of committee on claims (Parker) upon petition for compensation for damages by con- struction of Phila. and Columbia R.R. (House jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 531.) Feb. 17. Same. (Same 1835/6 v. 2: 576 (doc. 137).) 1840 Jan. 31. Rept. of committee on private claims (Ewing) upon petition of John White & Co.. trans- porting merchants on Phila. and Columbia R.R. rel. to damages sustained on Schuylkill Inclined Plane. (Sen. jol. 1840 v. 1: 158-159.) 428 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Main Line — cont'd Damages — cont'd 1840 Feb. 15. Rept. of committee on private claims (Ewing) on petition of John Miller for damages sustained by construction of Phila. and Columbia R.R. (Same 1S40 v. 1: 228.) 1840-1848. Damages paid on Columbia R.R. caused by sparks from locomotives. (Sen. jol. 1849 v. 2: 309- 312.) Stmt, made by auditor pen. Purviance, Jan. 9, 1S49. 1841 Feb. 11. Rept. of committee on claims (Smyser) on petition of J. Miller, praying for compensation for loss in consequence of construction of Columbia and Phila. R.R. (House jol. 1841 v. 1: 298-299.) — — Aug. 18. Damages to be paid on Columbia In- clined Plane and Wiconisco Canal; names, amt., date of award. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1841/2.) 1848 Jan. 10. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Lancaster City and County Fire Insurance Co. on acct. of insurance paid on bldg. burned by sparks from locomotive engine; unfavorable. (Sen. jol. 1848 V. 2: 54-55 (doc. 8).) 1851 Mch. 15. Rept. of canal comrs. on claim of W. Chandler for damage to a car and its contents by sparks from a locomotive engine on Phila. and Columbia R.R. (Same 1851 v. 2: 383.) 1852. Rept. of canal comrs. covering rept. of bd. of appraisers apptd. by act of Feb. 17, 1852 to assess damages done to private property by construction of r.r. to avoid Schuylkill Inclined Plane. (House jol. 1852 V. 2: 702-705; Sen. jol. 1852 v. 2: 574-577.) 1853 Mch. 30. Communication from the Board of Canal Commissioners relative to damages to property caused by avoiding curves on Columbia R.R. (Same 1853 v. 2: 529-530; same v. 2: 577-578.) Employes and Officeks 1829-1841. List of employes in engr. dept. of Columbia and Phila. Rwy.; salaries. (A.R. canal comrs. 1828/9 (pp. 237-239)— some 1840/1.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. Omitted 1830/1, 1832/3. Supts. and other agts. added In 1831/2 ; there is a separate table for motive power from 1834/5-1839/40. 1831 Mch. 28. Employes on the Columbia and Phila. R.R. and their compensation. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1831/2.) 1832 Mch. 9. Rept. of canal comrs., ace. with tables exhibiting names and compensation of supts., engrs., etc., in employ of state upon Penn. Canal and R.R. (House jol. 1831/2 v. 2: 764-777.) [1835] Mch. 24. Rept. of canal comrs. rol. to compen- sation paid to persons employed upon Phila. and Columbia Rwy. (Some 1834/5 v. 2: 769-772 (doc. 219).) 1837 Aug. 3. Employes upon survey to avoid inclined plane at Phila.; compensation. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1837/8.) 1838 Feb. 12. Amts. to be paid persons employed in making survey to ascertain practicability of avoid- ing Schuylkill Inclined Plane. (Same 1838/9.) Mch. 7. Sums to be paid persons employed upon line of rwy. to avoid the inclined plane. (Same 1838/9.) 1842 Je. 15. See above, Penn. Canal, etc. Employes, this date. 1851 Jan. 1. Columbia and Phila. Rwy.; recommenda- tion for increase in pay of manager and foreman of Parkersburg shops. (A.R. canal comrs. 1849/50: 8.) 1854 Mch. 17. Discussion of bill regulating the salaries of state agts. on the Columbia and Phila. R.R. (Dally LeglBl. Union v. 1 (no. 39): 187188.) CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Main Line — cont'd Receipts and Expenditures See also above, Damages. See also above, Penn. Oanal, etc. Receipts and Expendi- tures, under dates 1825/40-1825/58. 1830. Penn. Rwy. [i.e., Columbia and Phila.]; table: amt. drawn from treasury, amt. settled at treasury and balance in hands of supt. (A.R. canal comrs. 1829/30: 193.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1831. Table: amt. drawn from treasury on old work and disbursed during year; amt. disbursed on old line of rwy. since commencement; amt. drawn from treas- ury for payment of contracts made under act of Mch. 21, 1831. (Same 1830/1: 66-67.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. . Cost of main line of public works (canal and r.r.) from Phila. to Pittsburgh and amt. for which sold. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 65-66.) 1832. Table: disbursements on ten miles commencing at intersection of West Chester rwy. and extending westward to west side of Big Brandywine Creek. (A.R. bd. canal comrs. 1831/2: 82, table 2.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. . Table: items for which disbursements have been made since May 1, 1832 on first twenty-two miles west from Phila. (Same 1831/2 v. 2: 60.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. . Eastern division of Columbia and Phila. Rwy.; table: expenditure from May 1-Oct. 31, with amt. of debts due and unpaid; estimate of amt, required to complete twenty-two miles of double track and ten miles of road formation. (Same 1831/2: 61.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept, editions. — . Table: expenditures on twenty-two miles com- mencing at intersection of Broad & Vine St. Phila. and extending westward to intersection of West Chester Rwy. (Same 1831/2: 82, table 1.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1833-1834. Columbia and Phila. Rwy.; classified stmt, of expenditures. (Same 1832/3 (p. 62, tables 1, 2, 3) —same 1833/4.) Found only in doc. ed. 1834 Dec. 2. See above, Columbia and Phila. R.R., this date. 1834-1840/1. [Motive power accts. on Columbia & Phila. R.R.I Material varies each year. In Documents as follows : 1834 in A.R. canal comrs. 1833/4 : 41.' Expenditure only. 1835 in A.R. canal comrs. 1834/5 : 46.t Receipts ; debt. Omitted from House dept, ed. 1836/7 In A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7:10; 66-67; 90.' 1837/8 » - " « 1837/8 : 5 ; 54-55.t 1838/9 " " " " 1838/9 : 80-82.t 1839/40 « " » " 1839/40 : 78-102.t Omitted from Sen. dept. ed. 1840/1 In A.R. canal comrs. 1840/1 : 69-70.* 1834/5. Tables: disbursements tor construction. (A.R. canal comrs. 1834/5: 14-15.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1835. Table: amts. paid for construction of road and misc. expenses, by supt, from May 11, 1835. (Some 1834/5: 27, stmts. 1 and 2.) Paging from House doc. ed. ; occurs in all editions except House dept. . Table: receipts and expenditures from Feb. 2- Jly. 10, 1835, by late supt. (Same 1834/5: 41.) Paging from House doc. ed. ; occurs In all editions except House dept, ed. • Paging from Collected docs. t Paging from House doc. ed. i Paging from Senate doc. ed. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 429 CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] : Main Line — cont'd Receipts and Exi'k.nditukes — cont'd 1835. Table: cost of running locomotive seventy-seven miles. {Slime 1834/5; 45.) I'uglnK from House tloc. c(l. ; occurB In all editions except House (lopt. eti. 1836. Eastern division of Columbia and Phila. R.R.: tables: disbursements Mcli. 1-Oct. :!1 for repairs, materials and motive power, including debts out- standing Mch. 1, and amt. remaining due Oct. 31. (Same 1835/G: 56-58.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; occurs in ali eilitlous except liouse dept. ed. . Western division of Columbia and Phila. Rwy. ; stmt, of amt. reed, from treasurer of bd. and amt. expended from Mch. 1-Oct. 31. (Same 1835/6: 54.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; occurs in all editions. . Columbia and Phila. Rwy.; table: receipts and expenditures from Mch. 1-Oct. 31. (Same 1835/6: 12.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1836/7. Tables: expenditures for extraordinary re- pairs; general view of various funds and apprns. in hands of supt. of repairs during year and balances yet unexpended. (Saine 1836/7: 103-106.) Paging from Collected docs. . Tables: cost of repairs of engines Including materials, pay of hands, supt. of machinery, etc. from Nov. 1, 1836-Oct. 31, 1837. (Same 1836/7: 86-87.) Paging from Collected docs. . Amt. of tolls paid into treasury; cost of repairs; kinds of rails used on road and present condition of rails. (Same 1836/7: 10-11.) Paging from Collected docs. 1837. Table: r.r. toll equal to interest on original cost of road. (Same 1836/7: 66.) Paging from Collected docs. . Table: passenger returns Mch.-Oct.; recapitula- tion. (Same 1836/7: 88.) Paging from Collected docs. 1837/8. Expenditures on acct. of Mitchell [late supt. on Columbia and Phila. R.R.] scrip. (A.R. auditor gen. 1837/8: 51.) 1838. Repairs and construction of new work on Colum- bia and Phila. Rwy.; tolls. (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8: 6.) Paging from Bouse doc. ed. . Table: r.r. toll more than equal to interest on original cost of road. (Same 1837/8: 84.) Paging from House doc. ed. . Table: general view of funds in hands of supt. of construction during year, payments made and balance on hand. (Same 1837/8: 84-88.) Paging from House doc. ed. . Amt. [of revenuel paid by Columbia and Phila. R.R. ; accident at bridge over Valley Creek; cost of repair; experiments with steam as a motive power on this road and on Allegheny Portage R.R.; use of anthracite coal. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 27, 1838.) 1838/9. See above, Columbia and Phila. R.R., this date. 1839. Second division of Columbia and Phila Rwy.; table: amt. drawn from treasury and amt. due for repairs and amt. required for ensuing year. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9: 117-118.) Paging from Collected decs. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Main Line — cont'd Receipts a.n'u Expe.nuituues — cont'd 1839. Table: money expended for repairs on Columbia and Phila. Rwy. from Feb. 5-Oct. 31, to whom paid, nature of expenditure and amt. audited. (Same 1838/9 facing p. 124.) Paging from Collected docs. May 20. See above, Columbia and Phila., this date. Oct. 31. First division of Columbia and Phila. Rwy.; table: balance In hands of supervisor unac- counted for with auditor gen. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9: llO-ni.) Paging from Collected docs. 1839-1842. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of motive power dept. on Columbia and Phila. R.R. during periods that Thos. Tustin and Jas. Cameron were supts. (Sen jol. 1843 v. 2: 286-291.) Transmitted by auditor gen. (Parlier), Mch. 31, 184.3. 1840. Stmt, of amt. due on second division of Columbia and Phila. Rwy., for repairs; estimate of repairs for ensuing year. (A.R. canal comrs. 1839/40: 114.) Paging from Collected docs. ; occurs in doc. editions only. 1840/1. Columbia and Phila. Rwy.; first div.; total cost of repairs for thirteen months ending Dec. 1, 1841; receipts and disbursements for year ending Nov. 30, 1841. (Same 1840/1: 77; 79-80.) Paging from Collected docs. ; occurs in all editions ex- cept Sen. dept. ed. . Table: cost of labor at Parkersburg shops and of engrs. and firemen whose time is kept there, includ- ing all except those employed on Schuylkill level from Nov. 1, 1840-Nov. 30, 1841. (Same 1840/1 stmt. 4 facing 76.) Paging from Collected docs. ; occurs in all editions ex- cept Sen. dept. ed. . Columbia and Phila. Rwy.; second division; table: amts. paid for repairs not audited, amts. due and unpaid and requiring an apprn. divided into amts. due prior to and after Nov. 1, 1840. (Same 1840/1: 86-91.) Paging from Collected docs. ; occurs In all editions except Sen. dept. ed. 1841 Apr. 3. Communication from auditor gen. (Espy) ace. with a stmt, showing cost of construction of Columbia and Phila. R.R., the cost in part to avoid the inclined plane, etc. (House jol. 1841 v. 2: 528- 529 (doc. 153).) . Same, separate. Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1841 v. 1 :738.) 1842. Receipts and expenditures on the Columbia and Phila. R.R., Mch. 1 and Nov. 30. (A.R. canal comrs. 1841/2: 13.) 1843. Amt. of profits on Columbia and Phila. R.R. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 3, 1844.) 1846. Columbia and Phila. Rwy.; necessity for second track betw. White Hall station and Columbia; esti- mate of cost; increased price of iron. (A.R. canal comrs. 1845/6: 7.) . Phila. and Columbia Rwy.; reduced expenditure In proportion to amt. of tonnage and no. cars and passengers transported over road. (Same 1845/6: 6.) 1851-1852. Columbia and Phila. Rwy.: amt. of toll on passengers, mail and freight. (Same 1851/2: 12.) 1854. Table: receipts on main line. (Leglsl. Record Mch. 31, 1855: 4.) 1854-1855. Table: apprns. for main line of public works in 1854; estimates tor 1855. (Same May 4, 1855: 6.) 430 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Main Line — cont'd Allegheny Portage R.R. Commenced Apr. 12, 1831, completed Mch. 18, extended from HoIUdaysburg to Johnstown. See also above, Main Line. See also Railroads : Individual. Fenn. R.R. 1834; serial A Engineer 1 series 1828-1829. Rept. on surveys of routes for a portage across the Allegheny Mountains. In Documents as follows : yathan 8. Roberts, engineer 1828 In A.R. canal comre. 1827/8:280-316 (series 8 No. 4).« Moncure Robinson, engineer 1829 in A.R. canal comrs. 1828/9 : 239-255.t 2 series 1830-1835. Rept. of engrs. apptd. to survey the Alle- gheny Portage. In Documents as follows : S. H. Long, John Wilson, engineers 1830 in A.B. canal comrs. 1829/30 : 72-80.t S Sylvester Welch, engineer 1831 in A.R. canal comrs. 1830/1 : 103-128.t ! 1832 " - " " 1831/2: 73-88.* § 1833 « •■ " " 1832/3 : 74-91.t § 1834 " " " " 1833/4 : 57-69. t 1835 " - » " 1834/5 : 72-93.' Includes a special rept. on motive power. Occurs in all editions except House dept. edition. 3 series 1837-1838. Rept. of engr. on main line of public works [rel. to Allegheny Portage]. In Documents as follows : John P. Baily, engineer 1837 in A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7 : 33-45.t 1838 " " - " 1837/8:43.' 4 series 1839-1841. Rept. of engr. [for part of Main Line and Allegheny Feeder] rel. to Allegheny Portage R.R. In Documents as follows : Wm. B. Morris, engineer 1839 in A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9 : 125-129.' 1840 « - - - 1839/40: 134-141. t 1841 " " - " 1840/1 : 102-108. t § B Superintendent 1 series 1831-1835. Rept. of supt. of Allegheny Portage R.R. In Documents as follows : Bamuel Jones, superintendent 1831 in A.R. canal comrs. 1830/1 : 97-103.t § 1832 " - " " 1831/2:66-73." 8 1833 " - " « 1832/3: 63-74.t 8 1834 - " - - 1833/4 :44-57.t 1835 " " " " 1834/5 : 66-69.' Occurs In all editions except House dept. ed. iri(«on Knott, superintendent 1835 Ifi A.R. canal comrs. 1834/5:69-71: 93-94.' Occurs In all editions except House dept. ed. 2 series a 1836-1841. Rept. of supt. of motive power on the Alle- gheny Portage R.R. In Documents as follows: John S. WiestUng, superintendent 1836 in A.R. canal comrs. 1835/6 : 77-83.t t Occurs Is all editiooB except House dept. ed. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Main Line — cont'd Allegheny Portage R.R.- — cont'd seriaZ— cont'd B — cont'd Superintendent — cont'd 2 series — cont'd a — cont'd Joseph M'. Patton, superintendent 1837 In A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7 : 107-llO.t 1838 " - " " 1837/8 : 139-140.t J. Snodgrass, superintendent 1839 in A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9:129-136.' 1840 " •• - " 1839/40: 142-178.t 1841 " " " " 1840/1 : 109-135.t I 6 1836-1841. Rept. of supervisor of repairs on the Alle- gheny Portage R.R. In Documents as follows : Mark Graham, supervisor 1836 in A.R. canal comrs. 1835/6 : 69-76.t t Called superintendent this year. Occurs in all editions except House dept. ed. 1837 in A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7 : lll-120.t 1838 not found. Wm. G. Moorhead, supervisor 1839 in A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9 : 137-150.' 1840 not found. John Dougherty, supervisor 1841 in A.R. canal comrs. 1840/1 : 136-138.t { 3 series The offices of supt. and supervisor were combined during this period. 1842/3-1857/8. Rept. of supt. of motive power and supervisor of repairs on the Allegheny Portage R.R. Checklist John Snodgrass, superintendent and supervisor 1842/3 in A.R. canal comrs. 1842/3 : 35-60. 1843/4 dept. ed. Not found. " doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 40 pp. David Watson, superintendent and supervisor 1844/5 dept. ed. Harrlsburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1845. 16 pp. 1844/5 doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 16 pp. John Ferguson, superintetident and supervisor 1845/6 dept. ed. Not found. 1845/6 doe. ed. n. p., n. d. 16 pp. Thos, J. Power, superi7itendent and supervisor 1846/7 dept. ed. n. p., n. d. 15 pp. " doc. ed. n. p., u. d. 15 pp. 1847/8 dept. ed. Not found. " doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 14 pp. 1848/9 dept. ed. Not found. " doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 15 pp. Wm. 8. Campbell, superintendent and supervisor 1849/50 dept. ed. Not found. " doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 18 pp. Francis R. West, superintendent; John C. O'Neill, supervisor 1850/1 dept. ed. Not found. " doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 12 pp. Jos. B. Baker, superintendent and supervisor 1851/2 dept. ed. Not found. " doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 16 pp. 1852/3 dept. ed. Not found. " doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 30 pp. 1853/4 dept. ed. Not found. " doc. ed. n. d., n. d. 9 pp. 1854/5 dept. ed. n. p., n. d. 8 pp. " doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 8 pp. 1855/6 dept. ed. Not found. " doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 11 pp. 1856/7 dept. ed. Not found. " doc. ed. n. p., n. d. 11 pp. ' Paging from House doc. ed. t Paging from Senate doc. ed. t 3000 copies In English and 1500 In German ordered of reptB. of late supt. (Westling) and present supervisor (Graham). (Bouse Jol. 1836/7 V. 1 : 232.) i Omitted from dept. editions. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 431 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd INDIVIDUAL Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Allegheny Portage R.R. — cont'd serial — cont'd Main Line — cont'd B — cont'd Superintendent — cont'd 3 series — cont'd In Collected docs, ae foUowB : 1843/4 In Executive 1844/5 1848/6 1846/7 1847/8 184S/9 • 1849/50' 1850/1 ' 1851/2 ' 1852/3 ' 1853/4 ' 1854/5 ' 1855/6 ' 1856/7 ' docs. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851.* 1852. 1853. 1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. non-serial 1829 Dec. 18. Estimated cost of constructing Portage R.R., etc. (A.R. canal comrs. 1828/9: 255-275.) I'aginc from Sen. doc. ed. Dec. 18. Portage r.r. across Allegheny mountain included by bd. in superintendency of Western divi- sion; Moncure Robinson apptd. engr. and continued by present bd. to complete examinations and esti- mates upon this work, rept. upon this work and esti- mated cost. (Same 182S/9: 152-153.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1830 Dec. 21. Question of rwy. or macadamized road across the Allegheny; probable cost per mile of rwy. (Same 1829/30: 49-51.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1831. Table: inclination, length measured horizontally, and height or difference of level betw. head and foot of inclined planes on the portage road. (Same 1830/1: 125.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. . Table: profile or grade of portage r.r. {Same 1830/1: 123-124.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. . Tables: length, space, quantity of materials, price and estimated cost of each culvert and viaduct. (Same 1S30/1: 105-108.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. . Table: no. and length of sections, their estimated cost; together with no. of culverts and viaducts where situated, no. of perches of masonry and their estimated cost. (Same 1830/1: 99-101.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. . Repts. of engrs. apptd. by canal comrs. to examine Allegheny Portage. (Sen. jol. 1830/1 v. 1: 422-451.) Two repts., one by Moncure Robinson, Mch. 5, 1831 ; the other by S. H. Long, Feb. 28, 1831. . Same, separate. Not seen. 150 copies ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1830 [V. 11:452.) Mch. 24. Rept. to canal comrs. in reply to stric- tures passed by Mr. Robinson, on views entertained by Lieut. Col. Long rel. to manner of crossing the Allegheny by r.r.; by S. H. Long, Phila., 1831. 12 pp. Nov. 21. Estimated cost of excavation embank- ment and of all work to be executed under contracts for sections. (A.R. canal comrs. 1830/1: 109-121.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. Dec. 15. Length of Allegheny Portage R.R.; amt. of land appropriated to use of state; most important works on Allegheny portage; estimated cost; proba- ble date of completion. (Same 1830/1: 32.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. * Paging from House doc. ed. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal fand Railroad]: Main Line — cont'd Allegheny Portage R.R. — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1831-1834. Detailed stmt, of various kinds of work con- tracted for since commencement, with present esti- mated cost of each; amt. paid on them and sums re- quired to complete entire road. (Same 1833/4: 48- 53(1).) Paging from Collected dors. 1832. Table: grades, their inclination, etc. (Same 1831/2: 9C-97.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. . Schedule of payments to engrs., etc.; stmt, of fence constructed; iron rails delivered with amt. paid for same. (Same 1831/2: 104.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. Feb. 7. Rept. of canal comrs. with stmt, of quan- tity of iron contracted by them for r.r. purposes, price per ton agreed to pay, whether of Amer. or foreign mnfre., etc. (Sen. jol. 1831/2 v. 1: 280-281.) Nov. 1. Table: sections with present estimated cost and original estimated cost, also viaducts with estimated cost. (A.R. canal comrs. 1831/2: 90-92.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. Nov 1. Specifications of manner of preparing materials and laying rails. (Same 1831/2: 99-102.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. Nov. 29. Construction and description; apprns. and disbursements; length; estimated cost. (Same 1831/2: 24-2S.) 1833. Table of lengths, working strain, etc. of ropes used for elevating cars on inclined planes. (Same 1832/3: 65.) Found only In doc. editions. Mch. 23. Rept. of select committee (M'Culloh) upon system of management of Phila. and Columbia, and Allegheny Portage R.Rs. (House jol. 1832/3 v. 2: 718-725 (doc. 216).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Henry Welsh, 1833. 8 pp. Copy seen In Amer. Phil. Socy. Dec. 2. Manner of use of rwys. (horses or loco- motives) to be decided by legisl. (A.R. canal comrs. 1832/3: 23-24.) 1834. Tables: estimated quantity and value of work done under contracts for viaducts; do. for laying rails on first track. (Same 1833/4: foldg. tables 3 and 4, p. 69.) Paging from Collected docs. . Table: stone blocks delivered for first track; con- tractors' names, price, payments, etc. (Sawe 1833/4: foldg. table 5, p. 69.) Paging from Collected docs. . Table: quantity of timber required for each sec- tion of portage r.r., for rwy. superstructure and amt. paid upon same, etc. (Same 1833/4: foldg. table 5, p. 69.) Paging from Collected docs. . Table: estimated quantity and value of work to be done under contracts for laying rails on 2" track, estimated value of work done and of work remaining to be done with amt. paid and due on each contract. (Same 1833/4: foldg. table 8, p. 69.) Paging from Collected docs. . Table: cost of second set of stationary engines at inclined planes and payments made on each. (Same 1833/4: foldg. table 9, p. 69.) Paging from Collected docs. . Table: estimated cost of grubbing and clearing and fencing lots at- head and foot of each inclined plane and payments. (Same 1833/4: foldg. table 9, p. 69.) Paging from Collected docs. 432 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd INDIVIDUAL Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Main Line — cont'd Allegheny Portage R.R. — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1834. Table: estimated cost of engine houses, walls, etc. for second set of engines, with amt. paid and due on each. (Same 1833/4: foldg. table 9, p. 69.) Paging from Collected docs. . Table: estimated cost of edge rails, wedges, pins, etc.; amt. paid, etc. Nov. 1, 1834 on first and second track. (Same 1833/4 app. v. 2: foldg. table 10, p. 69.) Paging from Collected docs. . Penn. rwy. regulations containing the acts for the protection, repair and mngmt. of the, to- gether with the regulations and rates of toll, as established by the bd. of canal comrs. and in force Je. 14, 1834. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Hamilton & Son, 1834. 4G pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. Jan. 15. Communication from the canal comrs. rel. to the cost of railroad iron. (House jol. 1833/4 V. 2: 523-525 (doc. 105).) 1834 Mch. 14. Rept. of committee on (Keating) rel. to the use of the Penn. (Some 1833/4 v. 2: 705-718 (doc. 169).) . Same, separate. Not seen. 2000 copies in English and 1000 In German ordered prtd. (House jol. 1833/4 v. 1 : 587.) Oct. 30. Estimated cost of motive power for transporting season of 1835 to commence Mch. 10 and terminate Dec. 31, including expense of sta- tionary steam engines, locomotive steam engines on 1 and 2 levels from western end of r.r. and horse power on remaining levels. (A.R. canal comrs. 1833/4: 66-69.) Paging from Collected docs. Nov. 1. Actual amt. required for incidental ex- penses attending motive power, should locomotives and horses be used. (Same 1833/4: 55.) Paging from Collected docs. Dec. 2. Rwys. can not be thrown open like high- ways for indiscriminate use; necessity for com- monwealth to furnish all motive power and direct its application. (Same 1833/4: 12.) Paging from Collected docs. Dec. 2. Allegheny Portage Rwy.; first track com- pleted and opened for public use Mch. 18, 1834; work accomplished and work under way on road. (Same 1833/4: 12.) Paging from Collected docs. Dec. 2. Portage Rwy.; amt. applicable of apprns. made prior to Nov. 1, 1833; apprn. of Apr. 5, 1834; amt. expended prior to Nov. 1, 1833; amt. expended in year ending Nov. 1, 1834; balance on hand; sum required to complete; balance to be provided. (Same 1833/4: 15-16.) Paging from Collected docs. Dec. 2. Second track put under contract; reasons for having rails made in England; their cost. (Same 1833/4: 4446.) Paging from Collected docs. 1834-1835. Table: work to be done, Nov. 1. (Same 1833/4 (p. 69)— same 1834/5.) Paging from Collected docs. 1835. Table: length of each level, distance traveled by each horse, no. of horses allowed for each train of four loaded cars, gross weight of cars, no. of horses employed on each level, power each horse Is re- quired to exert in ascending grade; power each horse is required to exert In descending grade; average power exerted by horse when loaded In both directions, mean grade, distance in which road rises one foot. (Same 1834/5: 88.) Paging from House doc. ed. ; occurs In all editions except House dept. CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] : Main Line — cont'd Allegheny Portage R.R. — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1835 Jan. 28. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement (Miller of Phila. ) rel. to use of rwys. of commonwealth. (House jol. 1834/5 V. 2: 488-505 (doc. 110).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Welsh and Patterson, 1835. 20 pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn.. In library of the Library Co. of Phila. and In Amer. Phil. Socy. . Same; minority rept. (Walker). (Same 1834/5 V. 2: 505-512 (doc. 111).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Welsh and Patterson, 1834-'35. 9 pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in Amer. Phil. Socy. and in library of the [..ibrary Co. of Phila. The question under consideration was whether it would be more beneficial for her interest, for the state to furnish her with motive or other power, or permit cos. or individuals to furnish it. . Table: aggregate cost of edge rails, chairs, pins, wedges, etc. for second track, and amt. paid and due up to Nov. 1. (A.R. canal comrs. 1834/5: foldg. table p. 69.) Paging from House doc. ed. ; occurs in all editions except House dept. . Amt. paid and percentage, retained, etc. for fur- nishing horses and drivers betw. inclined planes of rwy. from May to Oct. 31. (Same 1834/5: 93 [12].) Paging from House doc. ed. ; occurs in all editions except House dept. ed. Dec. 2. Charge for motive power. (Same 1834/5: 9.) Dec. 2. Causes of delay in completion. (Same 1834/5: 8-9.) Dec. 31. Rept. of canal comrs., rel. to importance and utility of horse and steam power on Penn. (House Jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 140-141 (doc. 40).) 1836 Jan. 2. Mess, of the Gov. (Ritner) stating his objections to the res. authorizing the purchase of locomotive engines for the Penn. rwys. Harrisburg: Prtd. by T. Fenn, 1836. 6 pp. 2000 copies in English and 1000 In German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1835/6 v. 1 : 165.) . Same. (House Jol. 1835/6 v. 1: 162-165.) Jan. 8. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. rel. to amts. needed for the Portage and Columbia rwys. and stmt, on the subject in the ann. rept. of the comrs. (Same 1835/6 v. 2: 216-217 (doc. 51).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by T. Fenn, 1836. 4 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. May 21. Rept. of committee on Inland naviga- tion and Internal Improvement (Reed) submitting res. rel. to purchase of locomotives by canal comrs., inclined plane at Colum^bia, Inclined planes on Portage R.R. (House Jol. 1835/6 v. 1: 1144.) . Table: length of each plane and elevation over- come by use of stationary steam power. (A.R. canal comrs. 1835/6: 13-14.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. Dec. 8. Amt. necessary to pay expenditures up to Nov. 1; do. to pay for work necessary from Nov. 1, 1836, Feb. 1, 1837. (Same 1835/6: 76.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from House dept. ed. 1837. See above. Proposed Branches, this date. . Charges that should have been made to acct. of new work upon old lines In 1837. (A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7: 117-118.) Paging from Collected docs. . Suggestion that engines be applied on sections of road betw. all Inclined planes but two; motive power tolls and expenditures from Mch. 21, to Oct. 31. (Same 1836/7: 13-14.) Paging from Collected docs. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 433 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Main Line — cont'd Allegheny Portage R.R. — cont'd non -serial — con t'd 1837 Oct. 31. List of balances unpaid. (Same 1836/7: 119-120.) Paging from Collected docs. 1838. See below, Columbia and Phila. R.R. Receipts, etc., tills date. Dec. 31. Necessity for renewal of tracks on in- clined planes; estimated cost. (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8: 10-11.) Paging from House doc. ed. Dec. 31. Recommended that excess of motive power fund be applied for purchase of engines for Phlla. and Columbia and Allegheny Portage R.R. (Same 1837/S: 32.) Paging from House doc. ed. Mch. 4. Allegheny Portage R.R.; rept. of W. Mil- nor Roberts rel. to repairs. (Same 1837/8: 399-404.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from all other editions. 1839. No. of cords, price per cord and amt. paid for wood purchased for locomotives, etc. Feb. 15-Oct. 31. (Same 1838/9: 134.) Paging from House doc. ed. . Amt. of oil and tar used on Allegheny Portage R.R. this season. (Same 1838/9: 135.) Paging from House doc. ed. Oct. 31. Estimate of materials and cost of work- manship to put masonry on road in good order. (Same 1838/9: 149.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1839-1840. Repair dept.; motive power dept.; estimates for 1840; repairs and business in 1839. (Same 1838/9: 20-22.) Paging from House ed. . Locomotives, name, maker, when commenced running, first cost, present state, days of service. (Same 1838/9 (p. 137)— some 1839/40.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1840. Length of service of ropes, no. on hand, etc.; esti- mate of amt. required in motive dept. for 1841. (Same 1839/40: 178.) Paging from Collected docs. Jan. 21. No change in motive power; locomotives used on long levels, horses on short levels and sta- tionary engines at planes; no. of engines on road; aggregate amt of tonnage passing over road ; motive power expenses; tolls received; apprn. required. (Same 1838/9: 20-22.) Paging from House ed. Jan. 21. Apprn. recommended for purchase of two locomotive engines of first class on Allegheny Por- tage R.R. (Some 1838/9: 21.) Paging from House ed. • Jan. 21. Repeal of act of Apr. 15, 1834, giving in- dividuals the right to place cars for the conveyance of passengers on the state railroads recommended. (Same 1838/9: 14.) Paging from House ed. Repeated in Ann. Rept. for 1839/40. Mch. 18. Recommended that the locomotives, the workshops at Parkesburg, and all appertaining to the motive power upon railroads be sold, thus throwing the state open to individual enter- prize and competition. (Rept. of committee of ways and means (Flennlken) Mch. 18, 1840.) 1840/1. Table: amt. of materials used and required from Nov. 1, 1840-Nov. 30, 1841. (A.R. canal comrs. 1840/1: table 5 facing p. 134.) Paging from Collected docs ; omitted from dept. editions. 1841. See Banks: Individual. Berks Co. Bank, this date. 28 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Main Line — cont'd Allegheny Pobtaoe R.R. — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1841 Jan. 1. Apprns. recommended for motive power, on Portage R.R. (A.R. canal comrs. 1839/40: 26.) 1842. Competition of the Balto. and Ohio R.R.; cost ot Phila. and Columbia and Allegheny Portage, their equipment; fares; proportion reed, by the state; new passenger system needed to Increase travel upon the Improvements. (A.R. canal comrs. 1841/2: 8-10.) Mch. 26. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to contracts for locomotives on Columbia and Phlla. and Portage (Sen. jol. 1842 v. 2: 233-234 (doc. 24).) Je. 15. See above, Penn. Canal, etc. Employes, this date. 1843 Jan. 4. Safety of the Allegheny Portage R.R.; few accidents. (Rept. canal comrs. 1841/2: 14.) . List of contracts made by John Snodgrass, supt. of the Portage R.R. (Jol. of bd. of canal comrs. 1843: 128-129.) Jan. 5. Veto (Porter) of res. rel. to placing trucks upon Phila. and Coliunbia, and Allegheny Portage (Sen. jol. 1843 v. 1: 37-38; House jol. 1843 v. 1: 24.) Jan. 20. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to trucks upon Portage [R.R.] and Columbia R.R. (House jol. 1843 v. 2: 196-197.) Feb. 3. Rept. of select committee (Karns) rel. to placing trucks upon Allegheny Portage and Phila. and Columbia (Same Jan. 1843 v. 2: 279-282 (doc. 60).) Apr. 4. Rept. of select committee (Trego) rel. to renewal of state rwys. with Penn. cast iron rails. (Same Jan. 1843 v. 2: 740-750 (doc. 122).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: M'Kinly & Lescure, 1843, 15 pp. 1000 copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1843 v. 1 : 963.) 1844. Copy of bids for contracts made for repairs and motive power on (House jol. 1845 v. 2: 335- 355 (doc. 42).) . See Banks: Individual. Berks Co. Bank, this date. Jan. Communication from John Snodgrass, late supt. ot motive power and supervisor of repairs on the Allegheny Portage R.R., resp. his alleged In- competence to discharge his official duties. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1844: 5-7.) 1845 Feb. 10. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. rel. to the expenses and receipts of trucks of the state Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1845, 4 pp. Copy seen In the Penn. State Library. Feb. 11. Communication of bd. of canal comrs. rel. to the transportation of passengers over state (Sen. jol. 1845 v. 2: 210-211.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1845. 4 pp. Copy seen in the Penn. State Library. Feb. 19. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to cost ot mov- ing trucks on state railroads. (Sen. jol. 1845 v. 2: 217-218 (doc. 42).) Allegheny Portage only. . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. JL G. Lescure, 1845. 4 pp. Copy seen In the Penn. State Library. Feb. 27. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to bids for re- pairs, etc. on Allegheny Portage R.R. (House jol. 1845 v. 2: 442-452 (doc. 67).) 434 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Main Line — cont'd Allegheny Poetage R.R. — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1845 Jan. 18. Communications from canal comrs. in reply to enquiry about contract of D. H. Dotterer & Co. with supt. of Columbia and Phila. and Allegheny Portage for locomotives. (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 1: 94; 98-99.) Dec. 30. Ordinary and extraordinary repairs; re- ceipts in motive power dept. sufficient for expendi- tures; use of wire ropes. (A.R. canal comrs. 1844/5: 9-10.) 1846 Dec. 31. Additional no. of trucks required to ac- commodate and pass section boats that navigate main line of canal; system severe on rwys., derang- ing track much more than ordinary cars; question whether this mode of transportation should be en- couraged; locomotives and machinery; expenses In proportion to tonnage; further reduction proba- ble. (Same 1845/6: 8.) 1847 Dec. 30. Estimated cost of damage to road by flood; motive power inadequate; more engines sug- gested; increase in tonnage; condition of tracks upon inclined planes. (Same 1846/7: 9-10.) 1848 Feb. 4. Kept, of canal comrs. rel. to tracks on Columbia and Allegheny Portage (Sen. jol. 1848 V. 2: 466 (doc. 70).) Dec. 26. Burning of engine house at plane no. 5; stmt, of repairs; renewed recommendation for re- laying tracks on inclined planes. (A.R. canal comrs. 1847/8: 10.) 1849 Apr. 9. See below, Western Division, this date. Dec. 28. Heavy repairs on road; description; estimate of repairs for 1850. (A.R. canal comrs. 1848/9: 13.) 1850. No. of miles traveled by passengers exclusive of emigrants; repairs. (Same 1849/50: 11.) Jan. 1. Improvement of Portage R.R. suggested. (Govs. mess. (Johnston) Jan. 1, 1850.) Jan. 29. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to patent safety frog, patent of Henry Landry; purchase of right to use on state railroads recommended. (House jol. 1850 V. 2; 648 (doc. 72); Sen. jol. v. 2: 632 (doc. 66).) 1851 Jan. 1. Substitution of locomotives for horse power found practicable on some levels; change ex- tended to other levels. (A.R. canal comrs. 1849/50: 10.) Jan. 1. Supt. directed to take measures to carry all emigrant passengers who travel over road, ex- cept those conveyed In section boats; additional cars required on road. (Same 1849/50: 11.) May 23. Contracts betw. the canal comrs. and the Penn. R.R. Co. resp. Allegheny Portage road. (Same 1851/2: 43-44.) 1853 Apr. 8. See below, Penn. Canal ; Branches. North Branch. . With avoidance of planes on Columbia and Port- age roads, completion of North Branch Canal and relaying of north track of Columbia R.R., state chould abandon policy of constructing improve- ments of this character. (Govs. mess. (Bigler) Jan. 5, 1853.) . Profits and losses on Columbia and Portage (Same (Bigler) Jan. 5, 1853.) 1854. Allotment of timber, coal and castings for Alle- gheny Portage R.R. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1853/4: 29.) . Abstr. of operations on the Allegheny Portage R.R. (A.R. canal comrs. 1853/4: 12-17.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Main Line — cont'd Allegheny Pobtage R.R. — cont'd non-serial— cont'd 1854 Jan. 30. Communication from canal comrs. prom- ising an early rept on Allegheny Portage R.R. (Legisl. docs. 1854: 320.) Mch. 4. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to use of wood on Allegheny Portage R.R., with stmt, of amts. used at various stations. (Same 1854: 562- 564.) Mch. 22. Rept. of auditor gen. (Banks) rel. to improvement of Phila. and Columbia and Alle- gheny Portage R.Rs. (Same 1854: 599-600.) Stmt. resp. Columbia and Phila. R.R. covers period 1838-1853 ; cost of locomotives for each road, 1835- 1853. . Same. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 43): 207- 208.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 500 copies ordered prtd. (Dally Legist. Union v. 1 (no. 43) : 208.) 1855. Progress of Mountain R.R. (Govs. mess. (Big- ler) Jan. 3, 1855: 5.) 1856. Operations of Columbia R.R; of part of main line from Junction to Pittsburgh, Incl. Portage R.R. (Same (Pollock) Jan. 1, 1856.) 1878. Memorials, etc. resp. abandonment of the Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co. (Legisl. Record 1878 (v. 2): 1967-1968.) 1899. The evolution, decadence and abandonment of the Allegheny Portage R.R.; by Wm. B. Wilson. (A.R. secy, internal affairs pt. 4, 1898/9: xU-xcvi.) Allegheny Portage R.R. : Road to Avoro Inclined Planes serial 1850-1854/5. Rept. of engr. of road to avoid inclined planes of the Allegheny Portage R.R. Checklist Roht. Paries, engr. 1850. n. p., n. d. 21 pp. Copies seen in the N. Y. Public Library and in library of the Llbrarv Co. of Phila. 5000 copies In En- glish and 2000 In German ordered prtd. (House jol. 1851 v. 1 : 217.) 1851. h. t. p. 11 pp. One copy only seen, viz. In the Penn. State Library. T. O. Pomeroy, engr, 1852/3-1854/5. Not found. In Collected docs, as follows : 1850 In Senate Jol. 1851 v. 2 : 75-91. " House " 1851 v. 2 : 75-91. 1851 " Senate " 1852 v. 2 : 185-193. " House " 1852 v. 2:105-113. 1852/3 in Exec. docs. 1853. 11 pp. 1853/4 " •< " 1854. 7 pp. 1854/5 " " " 1855. 5 pp. non-serial 1837 Jan. 14. Rept. of Chas. De Hass of a survey and estimate of a r.r. route over the Allegheny Moun- tain, with a view to avoid the Inclined planes on the Portage Rwy. (House jol. 1836/7 app. to v. 2: 212-220 (doc. 113).) 1849 Dec. 28. Survey of route for road to avoid five western planes on Allegheny Portage road. (A.R. canal comrs. 1848/9: 13.) 1851 Jan. 1. Apptmt. of engr. to make surveys for road to avoid Inclined planes. (Same 1849/50: 11.) 1852 Jan. 9. Line to avoid planes, advantages of line; estimated cost; amt. appropriated, amt required to complete; etc. (Same 1850/1: 19-20.) Feb. 11. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to work done on r.r. to avoid inclined plane. (House jol. 1852 ▼. 2: 407-410 (doc. 39).) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 435 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Main Line — cont'd All£oueny Portage R.K.: Road to Avoid Inclined Planes — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1852 Apr. 7. Rept. of select committee (Malone) to investigate lettings on road to avoid inclined planes. (Sen. Jol. 1852 v. 1: 684-G85.) Jly. 23. Prices for work on sections of road to avoid inclined planes on the Allegheny Portage R.R. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1852: 70.) Dec. 24. Estimates for work on the Allegheny Portage R.R., to avoid inclined planes. (Same 1853: 6.) Dec. 31. Allegheny Portage R.R.; plane no. 2 avoided; road to avoid plane no. 3 to be completed by Jan. 1 proposed arrangement with Penn. R.R. Co. for use of their road from Johnstown to inter- section with portage r.r. near western end of big viaduct to avoid plane no 1 in anticipation of con- struction of new road, thus giving road uninter- rupted by planes from Johnstown to foot of plane no. 4. (A.R. canal comrs. 1851/2: 15.) Dec. 31. Allegheny Portage R.R. ; location of line to avoid planes; whole work on eastern slope of mountain to intersection of present road near Hol- lldaysburg put under contract; progress of work on western slope; estimated cost of improvement laid with double track; amt. appropriated and amt. required to complete. (Same 1851/2: 21.) Mch. 28. Estimates of canal comrs.: amt. neces- sary for completion of r.r. to avoid inclined planes on Allegheny Portage R.R. (Sen. jol. 1853 v. 2: 585- 615; House jol. v. 2: 537-567.) Apr. 8. Rept. of committee (Merriman) to whom was referred res. rel. to condition and management of new r.r. avoiding inclined planes on Allegheny Portage Rd. (House jol. 1853 v. 1: 659-660.) Apr. 9. Communication from canal comrs. resp. bids or contracts for supply of cement for road to avoid Inclined planes on Allegheny Portage R.R. {Same 1853 v. 1: 664-666.) Apr. 13. Testimony taken before committee to in- vestigate charge of forgery in a certain transaction rel. to furnishing ties on Allegheny Portage R.R. (Same 1853 v. 2: 591-596 (doc. 72).) Apr. 14. Rept. of majority (Kilbourn) of com- mittee apptd. to examine new road to avoid in- clined planes on Allegheny Portage R.R. (Same 1853 V. 2: 597-606 (doc. 73).) Apr. 15. Same; minority rept. (Merriman). (Same 1853 v. 2: 607-622 (doc. 74).) Apr. 17. Communication from T. J. Power resp. bids or contracts for supply of cement for road to avoid inclined planes on Allegheny Portage R.R. (Same 1853 v. 1: 830-832.) Dec. 28. Line to avoid planes; estimated cost of double track, amt. appropriated and amt. required to complete. (A.R. canal comrs. 1852/3: 17.) 1854. Abstr. of operations on road to avoid inclined planes on Allegheny Portage R.R. (Same 1853/4: 24-25.) 1856 Jan. 1. Delay in completion of r.r. to avoid in- clined planes on the Allegheny Mountain; expendi- tures. (Govs. mess. (Pollock) Jan. 1, 1856.) 1857 Jan. 7. Portage R.R. not complete; impolicy of state's undertaking this work. (Same (Pollock) Jan. 7, 1857.) Claims See also below. Damages. 1835. Rept. of committee on claims (Reigart) on peti- tion of Walker and Royer, carriers on Portage R.R. for indemnification on acct. of accident on that road. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 520 (doc. 119).) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] : Main Line — cont'd Alleohent Poktaob R.R.: Road to Avoid I.nclined Planes — cont'd Claims — cont'd 1837 Oct. 31. Allegheny Portage Rwy.; list of claims on contracts unsettled, of date prior to Mch., 1836. (A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7: 116-117.) PaglDK from Collected docs. 1844 Feb. 27. Rept. of committee (Miller) on claim of John Piper for compensation for inspecting cars on the Allegheny Portage R.R. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1844: 35-36.) 1850 Feb. 13. Rept. of canal comrs. on claim of Bing- ham and Dock for cars and mdse. destroyed by fire on Allegheny Portage R.R. (Sen. jol. 1850 v. 2: 633; House jol. v. 2: 649.) 1858 Mch. 3. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claims on line of New Allegheny Portage R.R. (Leglsl. docs. 1858: 783 (doc. 92).) Mch. 16. Communication from canal comrs. rel to claims on Allegheny Portage R.R. (Same 1858: 646-647 (doc. 62).) Mch. 31. Rept. of select committee (Lawrence) rel. to claim of Gonder & Burke, late contractors on the Allegheny Portage R.R. (House jol. Jan. 1858: 669-673.) 1859 Jan. 19. Rept. of canal comrs. on claim of Peter S. M'CuUough for damages sustained from the Alle- gheny Portage R.R. (Legisl. Record 1859: 78.) 1862 Jan. 12. Jt. rept. of auditor gen. (Cochran) and state treasurer (Moore) on claim of Thos. Brandon & Co. for material furnished for new track on the Allegheny road in 1852. (Same 1862: 26-27.) Damages 1837 Jan. 25. Rept. of committee on claims (Rambo) upon petition of T. B. Kemper and S. S. Sproat, for compensation for damages upon Portage r.r. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 455-456 (doc. 130).) 1838 Feb. 6. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to damages paid occasioned by fire escaping from locomotive engines. (Same 1837/8 v. 2: 475 (doc. 114).) 1848 Feb. 4. See above, Allegheny Portage, this date. 1852 Apr. 21. Rept. of canal comrs. on claim of Dela- ware Mutual Safety Insurance Co. (Sen. jol. 1852: V. 2: 544 (doc. 81).) Damages sustained from Allegheny Portage R.R. 1854 Mch. 22. Communication from canal bd. rel. to claim of Penn. and Ohio Transportation Co. on acct. of damages sustained on Allegheny Portage R.R. (Legisl. docs. 1854: 657.) 1858 Mch. 3. Communication from canal comrs. giving amt. of damages awarded to holders of property on line of new Allegheny Portage R.R. (Same 1858: 577-578 (doc. 55).) Employes and Offleers See also below. Receipts and Expenditures. 1831 Mch. 31. Employes and compensation. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1831/2.) 1853 Jly. 30. Rept. of the bd. of canal comrs. in refer- ence to strike on the Allegheny Portage R.R. (Same 1853: 90-94.) Receipts and Expenditures See also above, Penn. Canal, etc. Receipts and Expendi- tures under dates 1825/40-1825/58. See also above, Damages. [1829?]-1833. Allegheny Portage R.R. ; table: payments on road since commencement. (A.R. canal comra. 1832/3: 70.) Found only In doc. ed. 436 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA amt. required to complete. engines, machinery, ropes, plane for ensuing season. CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Main Line — cont'd At.t.fgheny Portage R.R.: Road to Avoid Inclined Planes — cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd 1831. Total expenditure upon road up to Nov. 20, 1831; entire cost of road when completed. {Same 1830/1: 102-103.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1832. Tabular stmt, of work done, money paid, etc., upon grading; do. culverts; estimates. {Same 1831/2: 104, tables 1-2.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1833. Tables: grades and cost of grading; cost of via- ducts. {Same 1832/3: 76-80.) Found only in doc. ed. . Funds appropriated; {Same 1832/3: 23.) . Average expense of etc. at each inclined {Same 1832/3: 87.) Found only In doc. ed. 1833-1835. Classified stmt, of expenditures and esti- mated cost of work to be done. {Same 1832/3 (p. 91, foldg. tables)— snnif 1834/5.) Found only in doc. ed. 1835. Tables: payments to engrs. and others, incl. em- ployes at inclined planes. {Satne 1834/5: foldg table, p. 69; do. 88; do. 93 (nos. 12 and 14).) Paging from Collected docs. ; occurs In all editions except House dept. ed. . Locomotive built In Boston does work of eighteen horses; daily expense of two trips each way over thirteen mile level. {Same 1834/5: 9.) Paging from House doc. ed. . Disbursements for construction for year ending Oct 31. {Same 1834/5: 15.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1836. Motive power, receipts and expenditures Apr. 1- Oct. 31. {Same 1835/6: 15.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. . Cash paid for new work; amt. drawn from treas- ury for payment of old debts prior to Mch. 13. {Same 1835/6: 73-76.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; occurs In all editions except House dept. ed. 1837-1838. Motive power and repairs on Allegheny Port- age R.R.: operations; tolls; expenses. {Same 1836/7 (pp. 13-14)— «ume 1837/8.) 1839. Table: amt. of bills paid and now in auditor gen.'s office. {Same 1838/9: 145-147.) Paging from House doc. ed. . Amt. due for labor performed and materials fur- nished since Mch. 1. {Same 1838/9: 147-148.) Paging from House doc. ed. . Cost of repairs of masonry during season com- mencing Mch. 1 and ending Oct. 31; cost of each job. {Same 1838/9: 148.) Paging from House doc. ed. . Amt. of cash drawn from treasurer of bd. from Mch. 1-Oct. 31 together with vouchers settled in auditor gen.'s office. {Same 1838/9: 150.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1839-1840. Table: motive power, tolls and expendi- tures. {Same 1838/9 (p. 133)— same 1839/40.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1839-1841. Names of foremen of repairs employed from Feb. 22, with dally pay, no. days employed, whole amt. pay to each and amt. of check roll. (Same 1838/9 (pp. 142-144)— same 1840/1.) Paging from House doc. ed. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Main Line— cont'd Alleohent Portage R.R.: Road to Avoid Inclined Plan es — con t' d Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd 1839-1841. Names, time of service, daily pay and amt. paid each motive power agent. {Same 1838/9 (fac- ing p. 162)— same 1840/1.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1839/40. List of accts. paid out of motive power fund. {Same 1839/40: 171-176.) Paging from Collected docs. ; found in all editions except Sen. dept. ed. 1839/40-1840/1. Motive power supts. acct. with state treasurer. {Same 1839/40 (pp. 146-147) — sa?/ie 1840/1.) Paging from Collected docs. ; found in all editions except Sen. dept. ed. 1840/1. Motive power tolls collected; expenditures. {Satne 1840/1: 113-114.) Paging from Collected docs. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1841/2. Receipts and expenditures on the Allegheny Portage R.R. {Same 1841/2: 14-15.) 1844-1848. Tables: receipts and expenditures on Alle- gheny Portage R.R. (House jol. 1849: 331-334 (doc. 30).) Transmitted by cnnal comrs. Feb. 9, 1849, in reply to res. of Jan. 20. 1845 Feb. 10. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to expenses and receipts in connection with use of trucks for transportation of boats over state (Sen. jol. 1845 V. 2: 207-208 (doc. 34).) 1847. Net receipts from tolls from all sources. (A.R. canal comrs. 1846/7: 9.) 1847/8. Table: amt. of money expended on Allegheny Portage R.R. during fiscal year. (House jol. 1849 V. 2: 590-649 (doc. 81).) Reported by auditor gen. (Purvlance) Mch. 24, 1849. 1852-1853. Enormous cost of operating road; evidences of fraud in expenditures. (A.R. canal comrs. 1852/3: 11-13.) 1854 Mch. 21. Letter from Robt. Faries, civil engr. rel. to cost of Allegheny Portage R.R. (Leglsl. docs. 1854: 575-576.) 1857. Communication from auditor gen. (Fry) in com- pliance with House res. of May 6 requesting in- formation as to amt. reed, on acct. of material dis- posed of from old Allegheny Portage R.R. since Dec. 1, 1849. (Daily Legisl. Record 1857, no. 96: 3-4; no. 97: 7-8; no. 99: 8.) Tolls 1834 Mch. 4. Table: passenger and property tolls on the Portage R.R. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1834/5.) Je. 4. Regulations and rates of toll upon Columbia and Allegheny Portage Rwys. {Same 1834/5.) 1836 Mch. 29. Table: rates of toll upon Phila. and Columbia Rwy. and Allegheny Portage Rwy. (Same 1836/7.) 1837 Feb. 18. Rates of toll upon Phila. and Columbia Rwy. and Allegheny Portage Rwy. (Some 1837/8.) 1839-1840. See above. Receipts and Expenditures; these dates. 1840 Apr. 9. Rates of toll on Columbia and Portage railroads. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1840/1.) 1842 Jan. 21. Rates of toll on Columbia and Phila. and on Allegheny Portage {Same 1841/2.) 1847. See above. Receipts and Expenditures, this date. 1853-1855. Rates of toll on Penn. railroads. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1853 (pp. 60-62; 77-79)- same 1855.) Tonnage See Commerce ; Canal-Borne. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 437 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: DNDERTAKINGS— cont'd INDIVIDUAL Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Main Line Columbia and Pini^iif:iriiiA H.R. -cont'd ronstniotlon nuthorl/.od Mch. 24, 1R28. Si'O niso nbovo. Mnin Mne ; see also Rnllroads : Tldual. Penn. R.R. serial A Engineer 1831-1841. [Ann.] rept. In Documents ns follows : John ^ytt8on, engineer 1831 In A.R. CHnnl comrs. 1830/1 Inuse doc. ed. 1839. Table: length, lockage and total estimated cost. (Same 1838/9: 278.) Paging from Collected docs. 1840 Jan. 8. Amts. appropriated for Erie extension. North Branch extension, Wiconisco feeder, road to avoid inclined plane at Columbia and amts. required for completion. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. S, 1840: 29.) Jan. 21. Length, location and lockage; estimated cost, balance required to complete. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9: 35-37.) Paging from House ed. 1840/1. See below, Conneaut Line, this date. 1841 Jan. 1. Length of Erie Extension; length of She- nango line and estimated cost; length of Conneaut line, total cost. (A.R. canal comrs. 1839/40: 37-38.) Paging from House ed. 1842 Jan. 6. North Branch and Erie extensions; cost; question of completion or abandonment; payment of contractors. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 6, 1842.) ■ Feb. 17. Communication from canal comrs., ace. with estimate of expense of abandoning Erie Ex- tension and estimate of damages by a suspension of that work for one year. (House jol. 1842 v. 2: 272- 276 (doc. 92); Sen. jol. 1842 v. 1: 438-442.) Feb. 26. Rept. of committee on internal improve- ments (Cochran) on petition of Joel B. Curtis and James Patterson for permission to draw oft surplus water of dam no. 2 on Erie Extension of Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1842 v. 1: 381.) Mch. 3. See above, Penn. Canal [and R.R.I, this date. Mch. 16. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (Fleming) to which was transferred a bill authoriz- ing canal comrs. to erect an aqueduct over Conneaut Creek in Crawford Co., to pass water to a mill, or grant them compensation therefor. (Sen. jol. 1842 V. 1: 569-571.) Mch. 16. Communication from canal comrs. rel to amt. due contractors up to May, 1841, and amt. of work done since that period, on the Erie Exten- sion and North Branch Canal. (House jol. 1842 v. 2: 447-448 (doc. 120).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Henlock and Brat- ton, 1842. 4 pp. Cop.v seen In the Penn. State Library. Usual no. of copies ordereil prtd. (House Jol. 1842 T. 1:613.) • Paging from Senate doc. ed. f Paging from House doc. ed. J Paging from Collected docs. 462 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd Erie Extension — cont'd n on-serial — con t'd 1842 Mch. 16. Communication from auditor gen. (Es- py), transmitting copy of a contract as used on the Erie Extension, Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1842 v. 2: 449-454 (doc. 121).) 1843 Jan. 4. Urging prosecution and completion of North Branch and Erie Extension. (A.R. canal comrs. 1841/2: 18.) . Corresp. of the president of the Erie Canal Co. and the secy, of the bd. of canal comrs. rel. to transfer to the Erie Canal Co. of the Erie Extension from New Castle to the borough of Erie incl. French Creek feeder. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1843: 144-145.) 1844 Mch. 14. Kept, of committee on private claims for damages (Darsie) upon petition of Evans and Ferguson, contractors for building road bridge on Erie extension, Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 1: 432.) 1845 Feb. 24. See above, Penn. Canal [and R.R.]. Dam- ages, this date. Note. 1851 Feb. 20. Kept, of canal comrs. rel. to resumption by commonwealth of Erie extension of Penn. canal and French Creek feeder. (House jol. 1852 v. 2: 212-214 (doc. 31); Sen. jol. v. 2: 132-134 (doc. 30).) 1852 Jan. 9. Erie extension consisting of Beaver divi- sion, Shenango and Conneaut lines and French Creek feeder and Wiconisco Canal transferred to private companies. (A.R. canal comrs. 1850/1: 5.) Claims See also below. Damages. 1840 Jan. 9. Veto (Porter) of res. rel. to claim of James Frazier, etc., the res. directing re-examina- tion and adjustment of contractors' claims on Erie Extension, Gettysburg R.R. and the North Branch. (House jol. 1840 V. 1: 25-26.) 1852 Feb. 6. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to claim of Porter and Smith, contractors on Erie extension of Penn. canal. (Sen. jol. 1852 v. 2: 332 (doc. 41).) Damages 1836/7. Erie extension: schedule of temporary dam- ages, fencing, etc. (A.R, canal comrs. 1836/7: 168 [6].) Paging from ColIcoteJ docs. 1843 Feb. 20. Rept. of committee on claims (Lowry) upon petitions and docs, of C. Deavenport, J. Fet- terman, et al., for compensation for destruction of property on Erie extension of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1843 V. 2: 329-331 (doc. 85).) 1845. Erie division; act of Apr. 16, 1845 providing for settlement of claims for damage done by construc- tion not accepted by Erie canal co. ; hope for some provision for finally disposing of damage claims. (A.R. canal comrs. 1844/5: 13.) 1846. Assessment of damages on Erie extension author- ized by the act of Apr. 10, 1846. (Same 1846: 11.) 1852 Jan. 26. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to claims for damages on Erie extension of Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1852: 76-77 (doc. 14) ; House jol. 1852 v. 2: 156- 157 (doc. 15); 560 (doc. 64).) Employes and Officers See also below. Receipts and I'iXpondltures. 1841. Stmt, containing names of contractors and con- tract prices of work on Shenango line of Erie ex- tension. (House jol. 1841 v. 2: 164 and foldg. table (doc. 85).) Transmitted by auditor gen. (Espy) Feb. 9, 1841. Jly. 23. Asst. engrs. and rodman; compensation. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1841/2.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd Erie Extension — cont'd Receipts and Expenditures See also above. Damages. See also above, Penn. Canal, etc. Receipts and Ex- penditures, under dates 1825/40-1825/58. 1836. Table: payments to contractors on Erie Exten- tion. (A.R. canal comrs. 1835/6: 109.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; occurs in all editions except House dept. ed. 1836-1837/8. Table: misc. expenses on Erie extension. (Same 1835/6 (p. 109)— .5Hme 1837/8.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; occurs in all editions except House dept. ed. 1836-1838/9. Table: payments to supt, engrs. and others employed on Erie Extension; etc. (Same 1835/6 (p. 108 [4])— «ame 1838/9.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; occurs in all editions except House dept. ed. Erie Extension: Conneaut Line Located in 1836. serial A See above, Erie Extension. B 1838-1840. Rept. of supt. In Documents as follows : Win. Johns, supt. 1838 in A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8 : 141. • Hugh Keys, supt. 1839 in A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9 : 303-310.* John Mitchell, supt. 1840 in A.R. canal comrs. 1839/40 : 316-369. t 1840 omitted from dept. editions. n07i-serial 1836 Nov. 22. Rept. of engr. (Whippo) upon contem- plated canal routes betw. Conneaut Lake and harbor of Erie, with estimates. (A.R. canal comrs. 1835/6: 110-120.) Paging from Senate doc. ed. ; occurs in all editions except House doc, ed. 1838. Tables: Conneaut line: estimated cost of sec- tions and locks and culverts; cost of work done, to be done; total estimated cost of work under contract. (Same 1837/8: 130-132 (1, 2, 3, 4).) Paging from Collected docs. . Tables; Conneaut line: schedule of contracts entered into up to Oct. 31, 1838; amt. estimated on sections, locks and culverts with amt. retained and paid; recapitulation. (Same 1837/8; 141 (1, 2, 3).) Paging from Collected docs. Jly. 1. Communication from Chas. T. Whippo, engr., resp. Conneaut and Shenango lines. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1838/9.) Read JI.V. 26, 1838. 1839. Tables; Conneaut line: estimated cost of com- pleting works under contract; amt. of work done on each contract, names of contractors. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9: 305-308.) Imaging from Collected docs. 1839/40. Conneaut line; amt. of work done on each contract, description of same, names of contractors. (Same 1839/40: 343-353.) Paging from Collected docs. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1840. Conneaut line: estimated cost, cost of work done during year ending Oct. 31, 1840, total cost of work done up to Oct. 31, 1840 and estimated cost of work to be done. (Same 1839/40: 226-238.) I'aglng from Collected docs. ; omitted from dept. editions. • Paging from House doc. ed. t Paging from Senate doe. ed. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 463 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd Erie Extension: Conneai't Line — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1840. Estimato of completing works now under con- tract. (Same 1839/40: 332-342.) PaKinc from ColU'ctod docs. ; omitted from drpt. editions. Jan. 21. Conneaut line; progress: plans; esti- mated cost; apprn. required. (Xdwc 1S3S'9; 36-37.) Pnging from House ed. 1840/1. Table: amt. due for work on f'onneaut and Shenango lines to Jan. 1, 1842 after balance due on former apprns. is received and paid; amt. of work done during fiscal year; estimated amt. of work done to Jan. 1, 1842, estimated amt. to be done after Jan. 1. 1842 to complete Erie extension; amt. due May 1, Dec. 1 and Jan. 1 above apprns. already made or authorized and amt. due and unpaid for work done at periods enumerated. (Same 1840/1 stmt. 2, fac- ing p. 204.) OccurR only in doc. ed. 1841. Conneaut line: estimated cost of work done on each section, lock and lock section, and bridge; also aqueducts, culverts, waste weirs, lock houses, stop gates and fence to May 1, 1841; total cost of work to Dec. 1 and estimated cost of work to be done. (Same' 1840/1: 192-203.) Occurs only In doc. ed. 1842. Table: credits entered on books of the auditor gen. for work done on the Conneaut line, Erie ex- tension of Penn. Canal, under act of Apr. 7, 1S42. (Same 1841/2: 66.) . Stmt, of cost of abandonment of the Conneaut line of the Erie Extension. (Same 1841/2: 6G-67.) Damages 1838/9-1840/1. Erie extension, Conneaut line; table; damages paid. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9 (p. 310) —same 1840/1.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1847 Jan. 26. Rept. of auditor gen. (Purvlance) rel. to damage done on Conneaut line. (House jol. 1847 v. 2: 256-259; Sen. jol. v. 2; 346-349 (doc. 37J.) Feb. 19. Rept. of auditor gen. (Purviance) witli stmt, from canal comrs. of damages assessed on Conneaut line Erie extension of Penn. Canal. (Same Jan. 1847 v. 2: 342; same v. 1: 290; v. 2: 342 (doc. 33).) 1848 Jan. 20. Rept. of auditor gen. (Purviance) rel. to settlement of claims for damages done by construc- tion of Conneaut line of Erie extension of Penn. canal. (Sen. jol. 1848 v. 2: 241-243 (doc. 24); House jol. V. 2: 263-265 (doc. 28).) 1849 Mch. 12. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to damages of Conneaut line Erie extension of Penn. Canal. (Same 1849:313-319 (doc. 38); same 1849 v. 2:378-385 (doc. 47).) Employes 1839/40. Conneaut line: names of supts., engrs., asst. engrs., etc. and clerks employed during year end- ing Oct. 31, 1840 and amt. of salary of each and whole amt. paid to each during year. (A.R. canal comrs. 1839/40: 366-367.) Paging from Collected docs. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1840. Conneaut line; names, salaries and pay per diem of those in actual service Oct. 31, 1840. (Same 1839/40 v. 2: 368-369.) Paging from Collected docs. ; omitted from dept. editions. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] : Branches — cont'd EiuE Extension: Conneait Line — cont'd Receipts and Expenditures 1838. Conneaut line: schedule of misc. payments. (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8: 141 (3).) Paging from !Io\ise doc. ed. 1838/9. Table: incidental expenses on Conneaut line. (Same 1838/9; 304.) Paging from Collected docs. 1839. Table: cost of work done, cost of work to be don« and total estimated cost of work under contract. (Same 1838/9 stmt. A, facing p. 296.) _ Paging from Collected docs. . Table: estimated cost of sections, locks and lock sections, aqueducts, culverts, waste weirs, bridges, lock houses, fencing and incidental work on Con- neaut line. (Same 1838/9 stmts. B, C, D facing p. 296.) Paging from Collected docs. 1839/40. Table: amt. paid contractors during year and amt. of retained percentage. (Same 1839/40: 354- 365.) Paging from Collected docs. ; occurs in all editions except Senate dept. ed. . Table: amt. expended in construction of locks, culverts, sections, bridges, etc., from Nov. 1, 1839- Oct. 31, 1840, by whom expended, and total amt. (Some 1839/40: 318-331.) Paging from Collected docs. ; occurs in all editions except Senate dept. ed. 1841. See below, Shenango Line, this date. . See above, Penn. Canal [and R.R.]. Receipts and Expenditures, this date. Erie Extension: Shenango Line Located in 1838-39. serial A See above, Erie Extension. B 1837-1840. Rept. of supt. In Documents as follows : John Reynolds, supt. 1837 in A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7 : 166-168.t 1S38 " " " " 1837/8: 137-140.* ./. B. Curtis, supt. 1839 in A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9 : 297-303.t 1840 " - " •• 18:«/40 : i;97-314.* 1840 Is omitted from dept. editions. non-serial 1837 Dec. 6. Estimated cost of Shenango line under contract, amt. appropriated: amt. required to com- plete. (A.R. canal comrs. l,«,'.0/7: 20.) Paging from Collected docs. 1838 Jly. 1. See above, Conneaut Line, this date. Dec. 21. Shenango line: contracts entered into in 1836; apprns. of 1836 and 1838 amt. required to complete line. (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/S: 17-18.) Paging from Hotise doc. ed. 1838/9. Shenango line; table; amt. of work on each contract during year; description of same; names of contractors; amt. paid on each contract and amt. of percentage retained. (Same 1838/9: 302, 4 foldg. tables.) Paging from House doc. ed. • Paging from Senate doc. ed. t Paging from House doc. ed. t Paging from Collected does. 464 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] : Branches — cont'd Ebie Extension: Shexango Line — cont'd non-seriat — cont'd 1839. Estimated cost of completing several works on Shenango line. (Same 1838/9: 299.) Paging from House doc. ed. . Shenango line: amt. of work done, cash paid, percentage retained and name of contractor on bridge at Big Bend of Shenango. (Same 1838/9: 300.) Paging from House doc. ed. . Shenango line: cost of work done, and cost of work to be done on sections, locks, dams, aqueducts, towing path bridges, waste weirs, road bridges, farm bridges, lock houses, total estimated cost; work on Conneaut reservoir clearing; recapitula- tion. (Some 1838/9: 279-295.) Paging from House doe. ed. 1840. Shenango line: amt. of work done, cash paid and retained percentage on Big Bend bridge; con- tractor's name. (Same 1839/40: 313.) Paging from Collected docs. ; omitted from dept. editions. . Shenango line; table: amt. of work done on each contract during present year together with descrip- tion of same and names of contractors; also amt. paid on each job, amt of percentage retained on same. (Same 1839/40: 299-308.) Paging from Collected docs. ; omitted from dept. editions. . Shenango line: cost of work done, cost of work to be done and total estimated cost of line. (Same 1839/40: 209-225.) Paging from Collected docs. ; occurs In all editions except Senate dept. ed. Jan. 21. Shenango line; length; construction; locks; reservoir; Conneaut Lake as a reservoir; estimated cost of the Shenango line. (Same 1838/9: 36.) Feb. 4. Rept. of committee on internal improve- ments (Fleming) on petition of J. B. Curtis and J. Patterson, for leave to use water out of dam no. 2, on Shenango division of Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1840 v. 1: 174-175.) Nov. 23. Shenango line: estimate of cost of com- pleting. (A.R. canal comrs. 1839/40: 298.) Paging from Collected docs. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1840/1. See above, Conneaut Line, this date. 1841. Shenango line: estimated cost of work done on each section lock, aqueduct, dam, towing path bridge, waste weir, road bridge, farm bridge, lock house, clearing section, etc., to May 1 ; cost of work done to Dec. 1, cost of work to be done and esti- mated cost, of each when completed. (A.R. canal comrs. 1840/1: 174-191.) Occurs only In doc. editions. Damages 1839-1841. Erie extension, Shenango line; table: dam- ages paid. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9 (p. 300) — same 1840/1.) P;iglng from Houfio doc. ed. 1847 Jan. 21. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to claims for damages assessed on Shenango line of Erie Exten- sion. (House jol. 1847 v. 2: 250-251 (doc. 27); Sen. jol. v. 2: 258-259 (doc. 21).) 1853 Feb. 18. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to damages on Shenango line of Erie division of Penn. Canal. (Sfjn. jol. 1853 v. 2: 574-576 (doc. 52); House jol. v. 2: 526-528 (doc. 55).) CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] : Branches — cont'd Ebie Extension: Shenango Line — cont'd Employes 1839/40. Shenango line: names of supts., engrs., asst. engrs., etc., employed during year ending Oct. 31, 1840 and amt. of salary of each and whole amt. paid to each during year. (A.R. canal comrs. 1839/40: 309-310.) Paging from Collected docs. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1841 Feb. 9. Communication from auditor gen. (Espy) ace. with a tabular stmt, containing names and con- tract prices of work on Shenango Line of Erie Ex- tension. (House jol. 1841 v. 2: 164, 2 foldg. tables.) Receipts and Expenditures 1838. Shenango line; table: cost of work done, cost of work to be done and total estimated cost on line put under contract in 1836 and 1838. (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8: 114-120; 124-127.) Paging from Collected docs. 1838/9. Shenango line; tables: misc. payments from Nov. 1, 1838-Oct. 31, 1839; incidental work paid for; payments to supts., engrs. and others. (Some 1838/9: 301-303.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1839/40. Shenango line; table: incidental work paid for from Nov. 1, 1839-Oct. 31, 1840, misc. payments. (Same 1839/40: 311-312.) Paging from Collected docs. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1841. Table: amt. of money reed, and expended on Con- neaut and Shenango lines, amt. of apprns. author- ized by law and not yet reed., total amt. of apprns. reed, and expended, total amt. of apprns., amt. re- quired to complete over and above apprn., whole estimated cost and amt. of funds yet to be provided to complete same, to which is added cost of com- pleting repairs on FYench Creek feeder which are necessary to be done before Erie extension can be put into successful operation. (Same 1840/1 stmt. 1 facing p. 204.) Occurs only in doc. ed. French Creek Division See also above, Canals : Individual (Private). Franklla Canal Co. Note. Also Erie Canal. serial A 1827-1841. Rept. of engr. In Documents as follows : James Ferguson, engr. IS-'" in A.R. c:'nal comrs. 1827:57-66 (series 4, no. 2>. Paging from Sen. ed. (v. 1). 1828 In A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8:45-47 (series 2, no. 2).t 1829 omitted. B. B. Vincent, engr. 18.'!0 in A.R. canal comrs. 1829/30 : t36-165.t I \H\n not found. .\-lonzo Lirennore, engr. 18:J2 in A.R. canal comrs. 18.S1/2 : 174177. t S 18;W •• " " •• 1832/:!: 118121. t § 1834 " " " " 1833/4 : 100-102.t B 1827-1834. Rept of supt. In Documents as follows : John Phillips, aupt. 1827 in A.R. canal comrs. 1827:48-56 (series 4, no. 1). Paging from Senate ed. (v. 2). t Paging from Sen. doc, ed. f Omitted from dept. editions. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 465 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd Fut.N't It Cui:i:k Division — cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd ./. Mitchell, aiipt. 1S2S In A.K. oiiiial coinrs. :827/8 : 43-45 (series 2, iii>. ll.t William Dickson, supt. 1829 111 A.K. canal comrs. 1828/!) : 225-228.t Mm. Dickson, supervisor 1830 in A.R. oiiuul comrs. 1820/30 : 135-13G.t § John Anderson, stipt. 1831 in A.U. canal comrs. 1830/1 : 171-174. t S 1832 1831/2; l.'>7-108.* S 1833 " » •• " 1832/3 : 115-117.t I 1834 1833/4 : 98-lOO.t Si/h-ester Welch, engr. 1835 in A.U. canal comrs. 1834/5 ; 110-113.* Occurs in all eJltions except House dept. ed. Chas. T. Whippo, engr. 1836 in A.R. canal comrs. 1835/6 : S9-90.t Occurs in all editions except Senate dept. ed. 1837 in A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7 : 162-165.t 1838 not found. ^y. minor Roberts, engr. 1839 in A. it. canal comrs. 1838/9 : 237-247.t 1840 - •• •• - 1839/40 ; 189-193.t Occurs in all editions except Sen. dept. ed. 1841 in A.R. canal comrs. 1840/1 : 149-157. t S non-serial 1827. Kept, of D. B. Douglass on survey of the routes of the n. w. sec. of the Penn. Canal, from the waters of French Creek to Bay of Presque Isle. (Rept. canal comrs. 1S27: 98-117 (series 9, no. 13).) Paging from Senate ed. (v. 1). ■ Dec. 17. Letter from J. Ferguson [resp. materials collected on survey of the valley of French Creek]. (Sanie 1827: 124 (series 9, no. 17).) Paging from Senate ed. (v. 1). 1834 Dec. 2. French Creek division: amt. applicable of apprns. made prior to Nov. 1, 1833; apprii. of Apr. 5, 1834, amt. expended prior to Nov. 1, 1833; amt. expended for year ending Nov. 1, 1834; Sum re- quired to complete; balance on hand. (A.R. canal comrs. 1833/4: 17.) Paging from Collected docs. 1835 Dec. 2. Practicability of ascertaining canal route from West Branch of Susquehanna to connect with French Creek Division and ultimately with lake Erie suggested. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 2, 1835.) 1837 Dec. 6. French Creek division and feeder; in- juries, tolls and repairs for year ending Oct. 31, 1837. (A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7: 18.) Paging from Collected docs. 1838. See above, Beaver Division, this date. Feb. 28. French Creek division; rept. of Wm. E. Morris rel. to repairs. (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8: 421-429.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from all otlier editions. Dec. 21. French creek division: frequent over- flow, damage to crops, large claims for damages; amt. expended for repairs, {l^ame 1837/8: 14-15.) Paging from House doc. cd. 1839 Mch. S. Rept. of committee on roads, bridges and inland navigation (Strohra) rel. to petition of James Herrington for a law granting him permis- sion to take water from dam no. 2, erected acruss French Creek, for use of the Penn. Canal, for pro- pelling mills, etc. (Sen. jol. IS.^S/g v. 1: 571.) SO CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd Frf.nch Crkkk Division: Feedkk Line 1824 Jan. 21. Rept. of the comrs. apptd. by act of the legisl. of Mch. 21, 1823, to view and examine all the contemplated routes for connecting the waters of Lake Erie and French Creek by canal and slack water navigation. (Sen. jol. 1823/4: 278-289; House jol. 1823/4: 524-535.) The comrs, were Titos. Forster, James Herrington and VVm. Marlts, Jr. . Same, separate, n. t. p. 12 pp. Copies seen In Amer. Plill. Socy.. I'liila., in tlie Free Library of Phlla. and in Hist. Socy. of Penn. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. by tlie Senate and Hotise resp. (Sen. Jol. 1823/4 v. 1:289; House Jol. 1823/4 V. 1 : 535.) 1826 Mch. 20. Rept. of committee on inland naviga- tion and internal improvement (Lehman), rel. to constructing canal from Pittsburgh to Lake Erie. (House jol. 1825/6 v. 2: 293-294 (doc. 199).) 1827. Amt. of French Creek feeder under contract; cost. (Rept. canal comrs. 1827: 10.) 1828. See above. Main Line. JuniaU Division, this date. , . xu . List of contractors with contract prices, for that portion of the French Creek feeder west of the creek. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8: foldg. table 2, following p. 48 (series 2, no. 5).) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. Tabular stmt, of progress of work on the eastern division of the French Creek feeder— showing amt. of work done, payments made to contractors, and percentage retained, up to and incl. Nov. 15, 1828. (Same 1827/8: foldg. table following p. 48 (series 2, no. 4).) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. je. 5. Rept. of committee [of bd. of canal comrs.] in regard to prosecution of the French Creek feeder. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1828.) 1828/9. French creek feeder; list of contracts entered. (A.R. canal comrs. 1828/9: 231-232.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1830 Mch. 20. Rept. of committee (Hamot) rel. to putting under contract balance of French Creek feeder. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1830/1.) , Dec. 14. French creek feeder: estimated cost of constructing canal from Conneaut Lake to Lake Erie. (A.R. canal comrs. 1829/30: 166-188.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1831 Dec. 7. Apprn. to connect French Creek feeder with French creek and the Conneaut lake recom- mended. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 7, 1831.) 1833 Jan. 24. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to apprn. of Girard legacy to complete French creek feeder. (House Jol. 1832/3 v. 2: 410-411.) 1840 Jan. 21. French Creek division (feeder line) : location and length; object, when constructed; bad condition; estimate of amts. required for repairs; amt. drawn from treasury for repairs on the feeder line. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9: 33-34.) 1841. See above, Erie Extension, Shenango Line. Re- ceipts and Expenditures, this date. Jan. 1. Feeder line: hea-iT repairs needed, line not navigable since breaking of Bemus' dam in 1837; amt. estimated for repairs. (A.R. canal comrs. 1839/40: 28-29.) 1851 Feb. 20. See above, Erie Extension, this date. 1852 Jan. 9. See same, this date. * Paging from House doc. ed. t Paglns from Sen. doc. ed. t Pjiging from Collected docs. § Omitted from dept. editions. 466 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE .OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] : Branches — cont'd French Creek Division: Fkanklix Line 1831 Dec. 15. French creek division; Franklin line; principal works, estimated cost of line; necessity for extension of French creek feeder. (A.R. canal comrs. 1830/1: 33.) 1831/3. French creek division: funds appropriated to Franklin line and north and west ends of feeder; estimated cost of completing. (Same 1832/3: 26-27.) 1833. Feeder and Franklin lines: no. of sections, lock sections and dams, cost and estimated amt. to com- plete; also Incidental work; abstract of different kinds of work; cost and estimate for completion; etc. (Same 1832/3: 121 stmts. 1-7.) Found only in doc. editions. 1834. Table: no. sections, names of contractors, length of sections, mode of improvement, estimated quan- tity of materials, total cost, amt. estimated and paid during present year and total amt. estimated re- tained and paid on Franklin line, Oct. 31, 1834; do. lock sections; do. dams, locks, etc. (Same 1833/4: 102 (stmts. 21-25).) 1840 Jan. 21. Franklin line; location; length; lockage; bad condition; sums required for repairs; amt. drawn for repairs in 1838/9. (Same 1838/9: 34-35.) 1841 Jan. 1. Franklin line; bad condition of line, necessity to repair or abandon; amt. required to repair line. (Some 1839/40: 30.) 1842 Jan. 15. Dilapidated and almost useless condition of Franklin line; estimated cost of repairing. (Same 1840/1: 17.) 1843 Dec. 30. Expenditure of apprn. In repairing lower dams and locks on Franklin line, authorized by act of Mch. 19, 1842. (Same 1842/3: 9.) 1851. Penn. canal: Franklin line, Sinnemahoning ex- tension of West Branch Division and Kittanning feeder (unfinished) and Gettysburg R.R. aban- doned. (Same 1850/1: 5.) Claims See also below. Damages. 1830 Mch. 20. Rept. of committee (Mitchell) on peti- tion of James Brawley for compensation for work done on the French Creek feeder. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1830/1.) Mch. 20. Rept. of committee (Mitchell) on appli- cation of Francis Ross resp. his contract to release part of his farm occupied by the canal. (Same 1830/1.) 1836 Jan. 8. Rept. of committee on claims (M'Sherry) on claims of D. Bemus, asking compensation for certain repairs made at Feeder Dam, on French Creek. (House jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 213-214 (doc. 48).) 1843 Mch. 8. Rept. of John Mitchell, supervisor of French Creek division on claim of Danl. Bemus for compensation for damages to his mill, etc. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1843: 107-116.) Damages 1827/8. French Creek feeder; list of damage contracts entered into Nov. 1, 1827-Nov. 1, 1828. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8: 49-50 (series 2, no. 6).) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1829. Table: petitions for damages and awards In each case. (Same 1828/9: 230-231.) Paging from Sen. doc. cd. 1830 Mch. 20. Rept. of committee (Mitchell) on appli- cation of John P. Davis for damage sustained In consequence of the French Creek feeder. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1830/1.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] : Branches — cont'd French Creek Division: Franklin Line — cont'd Damages — cont'd 1832 Je. 16. Damages on French Creek division Jan. 21, 1832. (Same 1832/3.) — — Je. 16. Claims and damages on the French Creek division Nov. 12, 1829-Apr. 15, 1830. (Same 1832/3.) 1833 Feb. 16. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement (Miller) upon petition of Robt. Robinson, for compensation for loss sus- tained consequent upon construction of French Creek feeder, Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1832/3 v. 2: 529 (doc. 154).) May 8. Offers for damages on French Creek divi- sion Sept. 28, 1832-Jan. 1, 1833. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1833/4.) 1836 Feb. 6. Rept. of committee on claims (Ferguson) on petition of R. Robinson for compensation for loss sustained, consequent upon construction of French Creek feeder, Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 542 (doc. 116).) 1837 Feb. 7. Rept. of committee on claims (Rambo) upon petition of Finlaw Beaty and Alex. Shaw for compensation for damages sustained by construc- tion of dam on French Creek. (Same 1S36/7 v. 2: 506 (doc. 158).) Mch. 8. Rept. of committee on claims (Trego) on petition of Edwd. Herrington for compensation for damages sustained in consequence of construction of French Creek feeder of Penn. Canal. (Same 1836/7 v. 1: 710.) 1838. French creek division: list of claimants with amt. of claims and damages. (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8: 36.) Paging from Collected docs. 1846 Apr. 8. Communication from canal comrs. resp. claim of Bolard & I>avld for damages sustained by raising of French Creek feeder in 1842. (House jol. 1836 V. 1: 644-645; Sen. jol. 1846 v. 2: 390 (doc. 58).) 1850 Mch. 15. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Danl. Bemus for damage to mills and other property on French Creek Feeder caused by flood of 1837. (Same 1850 v. 2: 576-578 (doc. 66); same 1850 v. 2: 560-562 (doc. 60).) Employes and Officers 1827. List of engrs., asst. engrs., clerks, supts. and other persons employed upon the French Creek feeder. (Rept. canal comrs. 1827: 66-67 (series 4, no. 3).) Paging from Senate ed. (v. LM. 1828 Nov. 16. Rept. of J. Ferguson, engr., rel. to em- ployes and work on French Creek feeder. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8: 47-48 (series 2, no. 3).) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1831 Apr. 6. See above, Penn. Canal [and R.R.]. Em- ployes, this date. Receipts and Expenditures See also above. Penn. Canal, etc. Receipts and Ex- penditures, under dates 1825/40-1828/58. 1829. French creek feeder; amts. paid or due on special contracts and contracts for repairs to Nov. 15, 1829. (A.R. canal comrs. 1828/9: 229-230.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. Table: work done and amt. paid and due for aque- ducts, etc., on line to Nov. 15, 1829. (Same 182S/9: 228-229.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1832. Table: funds appropriated and disbursements made; whole length and estimated cost. (Same 1831/2: 35-36.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 467 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] : Branches — cont'd French Cbeek Division: Franklin Line — cont'd Ueceipts and Expenditures — cont'd 1832. Franklin and Forder lines: classified stmt, of expenditures for sections, lock sections, locks, feeder dam, etc. (Some 1831/2: 176, stmts. 1-7.) Piiglng from Si>n. (ioc. C(l. Fountl only in doc. cds. 1834. French creek division: or. and dr. stmt. {Same 1833/4: 98-99.) Paging from Collpotod docs. Gettysuuko Extension Authorized by soc. J>. act of Feb. 18. ls:U» ; snspemled by net of Feb. 19, 1839. serial A 1836-1838. Rept. of supt. In Doeunienls as follows : ^aml. Fahiiestock, supt. 1836 In A. It. eanal comrs. 1835/fi : 08-69.* Found in all editions except House dcpt. ed. M. C. Clarkson, supt. 1837 Nov. In A.U. cnnnl comrs. 1836/7 : 143-147.* 1838 .Ian. in Senate jol. 1837/8 v. 2 : 257-i;.59. 1838 Nov. 2 in A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8 : 149.+ B 1836-1840. Rept. of engr. In Documents as follows : John P. lidihj, engr. 1836 in A.R. canal comrs. 1836/0:61-68.* S. TV. Miffiinf engr. 1837 In A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7 : 148-134.t ir. //. Wilson, engr. 1838 In A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8:142.148.1 11'. .fir. Ilvffnagle, engr. 1839 in A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9 : 311 :n2.t 1840 " ' 1839/40:406.* Found only In doc. editions. n07i-serial 1837 Dec. 6. Progress of work ; estimated cost of grad- ing 22% miles under contract; amt. of apprn. ; sum necessary to complete. (A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7: 20-21.) Paging from Collected docs. Dec. 6. For apprn. for Gettysburg extension of Penn. R.R. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 6, 1837.) Dec. 13. See above, Penn. Canal [and R.R.], this date. 1837-1838. Scliedules of masonry and graduation. (A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7 (pp. 151-152)— «ame 1837/8.) I'aglng from Collected docs. 1837/8. Table: amt. estimated on each section and cul- vert from Nov. 1, lS37-Oct. 31, 1838 with amt. paid, amt. of retained percentage paid and amt. due on each section for all work done. (Same 1837/8: 149 A., B.) Paging from House doc. ed. . Schedule of contracts up to Oct. 31, 1838. (Same 1837/8: 149 E, F.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1838. Rept. of minority of committee (Cassat) apptd. to proceed to town of Gettysburg, Adams Co., and from thence along line of r.r. ending on summit of South Mt., and to examine two contemplated routes to where the road is expected to terminate, at, or west of Hagerstown, Md. (Sen. jol. 1837/8 v. 1: 276- 285.) 2000 copies In English and 500 In German ordered prtd. to be attached to and prtd. with majority rept. (Sen. Jol. 1837/8 v. 1 : 285.) Jan. 29. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to cessation of operations on Gettysburg R.R. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 283-284.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd GETTYsnuRO Exten,sion — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1838 .Ian. 29-30. Repts. of the majority (Strohm) and minority (Cassat) of the select committee apptd. to view the line of the Gettysburg Extension of the Penn. R.R. and the contemplated routes to its ter- mination. Harrlsburg: Thompson & Clark, 1838. 20 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 2000 copies In Rn- gllsh and !JUO In German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1837/8 V. 1 : 270; 285). . Same. (Sen. jol. 1837/8 v. ]:241-2.-,4; 276-285.) Feb. 6. Rept. of majority of committee apptd. to examine the route of the Gettysburg R.R. ; M'Elwee. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Packer, Barrett & Parks, 1838. 19 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 2000 copies in K.ngllRh and 1000 in German ordered prtd. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 1 : 481.) . Same. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 477-493 (doc. 116).) . Same; minority rept. (H. Funk). Harrisburg: Prtd. by Packer, Barrett & Parks, 1838. 15 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 2000 copies in English iind 1000 in German ordered prtd. (House jol. 1S37/8 V. 1 : 481. 1 . Same. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 526-527 (doc. 125).) Dec. 21. Progress of work on Gettysburg exten- sion; this road to be connected with Baltimore and Ohio R.R., estimated cost of work put under con- tract in 1836 and 1838; amt. of apprns., estimated amt. required to complete. (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8; 20-21.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1839 Jan. 8. Veto (Porter) of res. to suspend work on Gettysburg R.R. (Same 1838/9 v. 1: 1031-1032.) ■ Mch. 6. Veto (Ritner) of res. rel. to Gettysburg R.R. (Same 1838/9 v. 1: 554-556; House jol. 1838/9 V. 1: 555-557.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 5000 copies in English and 10,000 in German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1838/9 v. 1 : 605.) Je. 15. Rept. of [select] committee (M'Elwee) rel. to Gettysburg R.R. Co.; with testimony. (Hous& jol. 1838/9 V. 2: 15-92, map, 2 foldg. tbls. (doc, 221).) Account of frauds in connection with this work. . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Boas & Coplan, 1839. 80 pp., 2 foldg. tables, map. Copy in library of the Library Co. of Phlla. 1840 Jan. 8. Amt. expended on Gettysburg R.R., Sin- nemahoning extension of West Branch Canal and Allegheny feeder; works suspended. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840: 30.) Jan. 21. Gettysburg Rwy. : suspension of work; amt. due by commonwealth; disapproval of con- tinuing the work which " should never have been commenced." (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9: 42-43.) Paging from House ed. 1841. See above, Columbia and Phila. Rwy. Columbia Plane. Apr. 30. Veto (Porter) of bill for relief of cer- tain contractors on Western Extension [Gettys- burg] of Penn. R.R. (House jol. 1841 v. 1: 984-988; Sen. jol. 1841 v. 1: 928-932.) 1850. Contract betw. commonwealth and J. Clay for completion of Gettysburg extension, Penn. canaL (House jol. 1850 v. 2: 699-704.) Transmitted by auditor gen. (Purvlance) Mch. 21, 1850. * Paging from Sen. doc. ed. t Paging from Collected does. t Paging from House doc. ed. 468 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] : Branches — cont'd Gettysbiko Extexsion — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1851. See above, French Creek Division. Franklin Line, this date. Claims 1840 Jan. 9. See above, Erie Extension, this date. 1847 Jan. 21. See above, Juniata Division. Claims, this date. Mch. 1. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to claim of John Stewart, a contractor on the Gettysburg R.R. (Sen. jol. 1847 V. 2: 400-404 (doc. 46).) 1850 Mch. 18. Communication from auditor gen. (Pur- viance) rel. to claim of James Caldwell for work done upon Gettysburg Extension of Penn. R.R. (House jol. 1850 v. 2: 578-583 (doc. 67); Sen. jol. v. 2: 562-567 (doc. 61).) Receipts and Expenditures 1837-1837/8. Table: expenditures from Mch. 29-Oct. 31. (A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7 (pp. 144-147)— same 1837/8.) Paging from Collected does. 1837/8. Table: payments, Nov. 1, 1837-Oct. 31, 1838, to supts. engrs. and others with term of service and amt. due them. {Same 1837/8: 149 (C).) Paging from House doc. ed. 1843. Table: payments to contractors on the Gettys- burg R.R. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1843: 81.) NOETH Branch Division Extended from Northumberland, on west side of the North Branch of the Susquehanna to Lackawanna Dam ; deeded to Sunbury and Erie R.R. Co. In 1858. serial A 1 series 1828-1841. Rept. of engr. In Documents as follows : Chaa. T. W/iippo, engr. 1828 In A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8 no. 1). 1829 In A.R. canal comrs. 1828/9 1830 not found. James Ferguson, engr. 1831 in A.R. canal comrs. 1830/1 : 192-202.t H John Bennet, engr. 1832 in A.R. canal comrs. 1831/2 : 139-144. t H 1833 " " - " 1832/3 : 123-127.t II Wyoming Line only. Roht. Faries, engr. 1834 in .\.R. canal comrs. 1833/4 : 130.t 1835 " - " " 1834/5 : 98-09. • Found in all editions except House dept. ed. James D. Harris, engr. 1836 in A.R. canal comrs. 1835/6 : 92 : 128-134 : 163- 174.t pp. 128-134 relate to No. Br. Extension, pp. 163-174 relate to Tioga Line : these are found in all editions ; the rept. on the No. Brunch division is omitted from House dept. ed. 1837 in A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7:129-133; 140-142.t Sp. relate to Tioga Line. 8 In A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8 : 91-106.* A. B. War ford, engr. 1839 In A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9:208-212.* pp. 214-218 contain a rept. by Wm. B. Poster on the North Branch Extension: pp. 218-222 a rept. by Thos. Myers on the Tunlthannock Line. 1840 lu A.R. canal comrs. 1839/40:197-201.1 Found lu all editions except Senate dept. ed. 1841 In A.R. canal couire. 1840/1 : 159-162.t 2 series Rept. of engr. Checklist Wm. B. Foster, engr. 1851. h. t. p. 14 pp. Cop,v seen In lllst. Socy. of Penn. 1851/S. Not found. 93-97 (series G, 219-225.t 1851-1853/4. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] : Branches — cont'd North Bra.nch Division — cont'd serial — cont'd 2 series — cont'd if. A. Gamble, engr. 1851/3. Repts. of supt. aud engr. n. p., n. d. 7, 26 pp. The latter part of the pamphlet is the engr.'s rept. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of l*eun., library of tlie Library Co. of Phila. and lu the Western Reserve Hist. Socy. 1853/4. h. t. p. 22 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. In Collected docs, as follows : 1851 In Exec. docs. 1851. 14 pp. 1851/2 " ■• " 1852. 8 pp. 1851/3 ' 1853. 7, 26 pp. 1853/4 " " •' 1854. 22 pp. B 1 series 1828-1841. Rept. of supt. In Documents as follows : T. Woodside, supt. 1828 in A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8 : foldg. tables betw. pp. 96 and 97 (series 6, no. 2). John ilitchetl, acting comr. 1829 in A.R. can.-il comrs. 1828/9 : 215-219.t James P. Bull, supt. 1830 in A.R. canal comrs. 1820/30 ; 110-117.t 1i Lord Butler, supt. 1831 in A.R. canal comrs. 1830/1 : 187-190. t 8 t 1832 •• •' - - 1831/2: 135-138.t 811 1833 - " •■ - 1832/3 : 122-123.t 8 I'i D. M'Cormick, supt. 1834 in A.R. canal comrs. 1833/4 : 129. t Oeorge Crawford, supt. 1835 in A.R. canal comrs. 1834/5 : 06-97. • Found in ail editions except House dept. ed. William Keeler, supt. 1836 in A.R. canal comrs. 1835/6 : 175-176.-f 1837 - " •• " 1836/7 : 135-139.t Tioga Line only. E. Harding, Jr., supt. 1838 in A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8 : 107-109.' Tunkhannoek Line only. Thos. Myers (Tunkhannoek) ; V. E. Piolett {Tioga) 1839 in A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9:218-225.* 1840 " ■' " " 1830/40 : 377-386.* 1i S. P. Callings, supt. 1841 in A.R. canal comrs. 1840 1 : 213-214. 1 1i Tioga and Tunkhannoek lines. 2 series 1851/3-1856/7. Rept. of supt. Checklist TTm. Brindle, supt. 1851/3. See above, Group .\. Series 2. 1853/4. Not found. ir. li. ilaffet, supt. 1854/5. n. p., n. d. 22 pp. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In library of the Library Co. of Phila. 1855/6. n. p., n. d. 10 pp. Copy seen In library of the Library Co. of Phila. 1856/7. Not found. In Collected docs, as follows : 1851/3 in Exec. docs. 1853. 7, 26 pp. 1853/4 " - " 1854. 1854/5 " •' " 1855. 1855/6 " " " 1856. 1856/7 " LeglBl. " 1858 : 359-364. ^ Record 1858 ; 79-81. • Paging from House doc. ed. t Paging from Senate doe. ed. t Paging from Collected docs. § North Branch and Susquehanna divisions. 1; Omitted from dept. editions. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 469 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd NoKTii Bkanch Division — cont'd non-serial 1825 Mch. 15. Kept, of committee on inland navigation (Lehman) rel. to north branch of Susquehanna and on canals to be constructed from Susquehanna to Lehigh and Schuylkill. (House jol. 1824/5 v. 2: 413-415 (doc. 197).) . Same, separate, n. t. p. 3 pp. Cop.v seen In Amer. Phil. Socy. Usual no. ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1S24/0 v. 1 : 536.) 1827 Dec. 25. Importance of the North Branch of the Susquehanna, as a part of the system of improve- ment; estimates. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827: 16-17.) 1828. Stmt, exhibiting the quantity of work done on the North Branch Division from its commencement to Nov. 15, 1828, total cost at contract prices, sum paid on each section and amt. of percentage re- tained. (Same 1827/8 foldg. table betw. pp. 112 and 113 (series 6, no. 5).) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. . Estimate of cost of North Branch Division of Penn. Canal from Nanticoke Falls to sec. 73, etc. {Same 1827/8: 97-107 (series 6, no. 3).) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. . Estimate of cost of completing the remainder of the North Branch Division to Northumberland. (Same 1827/8: 107-112 (series 6, no. 4).) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. Dec. 11. Location of canal line on north branch of the Susquehanna; rapid advance of the work. (Same 1827/8: 69.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1830 Dec. 21. Description of North Branch division; country through which it runs; whole length; original estimate of cost; actual cost. (Same 1829/30: 59-61.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1831. See below, Susquehanna Division, this date. 1832/3. Tables: work on North Branch division; nature, contractors, amts. paid. (A.R. canal comrs. 1832/3: 146-148.) Found only in doc. editions. 1834 Mch. 25. Rept. of committee on accts. (Harper) upon the accts. of select committee apptd. to investi- gate the conduct of the canal comrs. and their agts. upon the north and west branches of the Penn. Canal. (House Jol. 1833/4 v. 2: So4 (doc. 182).) Mch. 29. Rept. of committee of accts. (Wiegand) upon the acct. of Luther Scott, for serving sub- poenas on witnesses called before committee to in- vestigate conduct of John Forsman. (Same 1833/4 V. 2: 843-844 (doc. 191).) — — Mch. 29. Rept. of committee (Irish) apptd. to explore north and west branches of Penn. Canal and to investigate conduct of canal comrs. (Same 1833/4 V. 1: 726-730.) 1836. North branch extension: estimate of canal on west side of Susquehannafrom station 29 to Athens; estimate from dam proposed on Chemung River at Athens to Lackawanna Creek; recapitulation; esti- mate from station no. 235, west side, to station 321, east side, passing Susquehanna by dam at Towanda; recapitulation; estimate of canal on east side of Susquehanna from Athens to Lackawanna Creek; recapitulation. (A.R. canal comrs. 1835/6: 134-162.) Paging from Collected docs. ; occurs in all editions except House dept. ed. Dec. 6. Destined importance of North Branch Canal; work completed and in progress. (Govs, ifiess. (Ritner) Dec. 6, 1836.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd NoBTH Bbanch Divisio.n — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1836-1838. Tables: contracts entered into, date of con- tracts, name of contractors with prices at which different kinds of work have been let; estimates of work done, amt. paid on contracts. (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8: 106 (1-11).) Paging from Collected docs. 1837 Dec. 6. Expediency of constructing locks of per- manent character on north branch division. (Same 1836/7: 16.) Paging from Collected docs. Dec. 13. See above, Penn. Canal [and R.R.], this date. 1838 Jan. 9. See same, this date. Dec. 21. Canals constructed at expense of state up Susquehanna from Duncan's Island to North- umberland, thence up both branches; one improve- ment extending to anthracite coal mines on north, and other to bituminous mines on west branch. (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8: 13.) Paging from House doc. ed. ■ Dec. 21. Whole estimated cost of North Branch extension including estimated cost of forming con- nection with N. Y. improvements, whole amt. of apprns., amt. required to complete. (Same 1837/8: 18-20.) Paging from House doc. ed. ■ Dec. 21. Imperfect construction of North Branch division; necessity for renewing wooden locks; esti- mated cost of repairs within next year; amt. ex- pended in repairs and in payment of old work on finished lines. (Same 1837/8: 12.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1839 Feb. 27. Communication addressed to Speaker of House of Representatives by canal comrs. resp. measures adopted by N. Y. State to connect improve- ments of that state by or canals, with the ex- tension of the North Branch division of the Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1839/40.) . Same, separate; with ace. docs. Harrisburg: Boas & Coplan, 1839. 24 pp. Copies in the N. Y. Public Library, in the Hist. Socy. of Penn., and In the Penn. State Library. May 15. Rept of select committee (Penrose) apptd. to consult with authorities of N. Y. rel. to connection of public works of that state with North Branch canal. (Sen. jol. 1838/9 v. 1: 814-825.) May 15. Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by E. Guyer, 1839. 15 pp. Copies in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In Library of Congress. Je. 22. Rept. of committee on roads, bridges and inland navigation (Strohm), on petitions of con- tractors on North and West Branch Canals, com- plaining of oppressive and vexatious conduct in payment of money and making estimates, by pres- ent supts. and engrs. on those lines of improve- ments. (Sen. jol. 1838/9 v. 1: 1236-1259 and 8 foldg. tables.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 3000 copies in English and 1000 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1838/9 v. 1 : 1259.) Je. 24. See above, Penn. Canal [and R.R.]. Frauds, etc. 1839/40. Table: amt. of payments made on North Branch Extension; whole amt. of retained percent- age unpaid up to that day; recapitulation. (A.R. canal comrs. 1839/40: 386 (1-12).) Paging from Collected docs. ; omitted from dept. editions. 4?0 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd NoBTH Branch Dnisiox — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1840. An address [to the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives] signed by a committee apptd. at a mtg. held in Bradford Co. on the subject on the No. Branch Canal. Prtd. by order of the Senate, May 23, 1840. Harrisburg: \V. D. Boas, 1840. 12 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. Jan. 8. See above, Erie Extension, this date. Jan. 21. North Branch division: extent; naviga- tion; bad condition of locks and aqueducts; bldg. of new locks; floods; feeder dam at Lackawanna; estimate of amt. required for repairs; amt. drawn from the treasury for repairs in 1838/9. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9: 28-30.) Jan. 21. North Branch extension: location; ex- tent; object [market for Wyoming, Lackawanna and Towanda Valleys in Penn. and the lake country of N. Y.]; improvements in New York State; descrip- tion of the Tioga and Tunkhannock lines; sums re- quired for repairs. (Same 1838/9: 37-39.) 1841 Jan. 1. No definite action taken by legisl. on proposition to rebuild Lackawanna feeder dam; old dam destroyed in 1839; navigation since main- tained by brush dam. (Same 1839/40: 33-34.) Paging: from House ed. Feb. 25. Rept. of committee on internal improve- ment and inland navigation (Strohm) on petition of M. J. Clark, a contractor on Tioga line of North Branch division of Penn. Canal for a new contract at increased prices. (Sen. jol. 1841 v. 1: 324-325.) 1842 Jan. G. See above, Erie Extension, this date. Jan. 15. Nortli branch extension: no provision made for prosecuting unfinished works; folly of commencing great state works, expending millions in construction and then abandoning on verge of completion. (A.R. canal comrs. 1840/1: 25.) Paging from Sen. ed. Mch. 16. See above, Erie Extension, this date. 1843 Jan. 4. See same, this date. 1844 Dec. 31. Condition of unfinished line on north branch of Susquehanna from mouth of Lackawanna from mouth of Lackawanna to state line; value and importance of line; suggestion for completing. (A.R. canal comrs. 1843/4: 9.) 1845. Communication from the canal comrs. rel. to tolls on the north and west branches of the Penn. Canal. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1845. 4 pp. Copy seen in tlie Penn. State Library. Feb. 24. See above, Penn. Canal [and R.R.]. Dam- ages, this date. Note. Dec. 30. North branch div. : cost of repairs; necessity of securing safety of Nanticoke dam; sug- gestion for weigh lock on division. (A.R. canal comrs. 1844/5: 11.) Dec. 30. Regret at abandoning construction of North Branch Extension; when finished would probably yield annually more than double the in- terest on sum required to complete. (Same 1844/5: 12-13.) 1846 Dec. 31. See below, Susquehanna Division, this date. 1847 Dec. 30. Rept. on construction of weigh-lock on North branch division authorized by act of Mch. 16, 1847. (A.R. canal comrs. 1847: 12.) 1848 Dec. 26. Construction of welgh-lock at Beach Haven, authorized by act of Mch. 16, 1847; cost. (Same 1848: 12.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] : Branches — cont'd North Branch Division — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1848 Dec. 26. Final estimate of work done and ma- terials delivered by Pettibone & Marcy, contractors for building weigh-lock at Beach Haven, on North Branch division. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1848: 83.) 1849 Feb. 3, 9. Speech of Henry M. Fuller upon bill authorizing completion of North Branch Extension of Penn. Canal and to effect a loan for that purpose [delivered in Penn. House of Representatives], n. t. p. 4 11. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. Page numbers possibly trimmed oIT. Feb. 14. Rept. of committee of ways and means rel. to completion of North Branch Canal. (House jol. 1849 V. 2: 306-308 (docs. 26-27).) Majority rept. (Cooper) ; minority, Feb. 15 (Biddle). Feb. 14. Same, separate; with an app. by a citizen of No. Penn. Harrisburg: I. G. M'Kinley & J. M. G. Lescure, 1849. 24 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1000 copies in English and 250 in German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1849 V. 1 : 316-317.) The importance of the North Branch Extension to coal and iron trade is the chief feature of the appendix. Feb. 16. Rept. of committee of ways and means (Roberts) rel. to sinking fund for liquidation of state debt; avoiding Schuylkill Plane; finishing North Branch Canal; and on finances of state generally. (House jol. 1849 v. 2: 309-327 (doc. 28).) Dec. 28. North branch extension: contracts al- lotted for further work on extension; amt. expended; amt. estimated for completion at time of suspen- sion of work. (A.R. canal comrs. 1848/9: 14-15.) 1850 Jan. 1. Work on North Branch Canal; importance of its completion. (Govs. mess. (Johnston) Jan. 1, 1850.) Feb. 1. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to the allotment of work on North Branch Canal. (House jol. Jan. 1850 v. 2: 375-378.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1850. 6 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1851 Jan. 1. North Branch extension: remaining work put under contract; estimated cost; amt. appro- priated and amt. required to complete. (A.R. canal comrs. 1849/50: 14.) 1852 Jan. 5. North Branch Canal ought to be finished. (Govs. mess. (Johnston) Jan. 5, 1852.) Jan'. 5. Negotiation of loan to complete North Branch Canal; terms. (Same (Bigler) Jan. 5,1853.) Jan. 9. North branch division: length and extent; no. of dams, aqueducts, locks and bridges; cost of repairs; receipts largely exceed those of previous year. (A.R. canal comrs. 1850/1: 16-17.) Jan. 9. North branch extension; length and ex- tent; amt. expended up to 1841 when work was sus- pended; line again put under contract; estimated cost of work under contract; amt. appropriated by acts of 1849, 1850 and 1851; amt. required to com- plete; line will give continuous water communica- tion with canals of N. Y. and connection with running through that state from Hudson River to lakes, thus opening important market for coal of Wyoming valley. (Same 1850/1: 20, 21.) Jan. 20. Speedy completion of North Branch Canal consistent with truest principles of economy. (Govs. mess. (Bigler) Jan. 20, 1852.) May 13. Estimates for work on the North Branch Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1852: 64-G5.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 471 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd NoKTii Bra5.( H Division — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1852 Dec. ".1. North branch extension; estimated cost of work under contract; estimate of work not under contract; total cost from piouth of Lackawanna to state line; amt. available; apprns. ; amt. required to complete to state line. (A.R. canal comrs. 1851/2: 19.) Dec. 31. North branch extension: co. incorporated by state of New York to form junction betw. tliis extension and branch of main line of N. y. canals at Elmira. (Siimr 1.S51/2: 19.) Dec. 31. North branch division: entirely free from debt for repairs; stmt, of tolls reed, showing decrease as compared with 1851. {Same 1851/2: 17.) 1853. See above, Allegheny Portage, this date. Apr. 8. Discussion resp. proposed apprns. to the North Branch Canal and Portage R.R. (Daily Legisl. Record v. 1, no. 5S.) Dec. 28. North Branch extension: progress of work; table showing entire cost since 1849. (A.R. canal comrs. 1852/3: 19.) 1854. See above, Pennsylvania Canal [and R.R.I, this date. Jan. 4. " . . . . State work from Pittston to the dam at Athens .... has been completed." (Govs, mess. (Bigler) Jan. 4, 1854.) Feb. 24. Discussion (House) of bill to appro- priate certain moneys to be expended on tlie Nortli Branch Canal. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 28) : 137.) Feb. 27. Letter from canal comrs. rel. to apprns. needed, particularly that for the North Branch Canal. (Hume v. 1 (no. 30): 146.) Feb. 28. Letter from canal comrs. in reply to Sen. res. of Feb. 24 resp. rate of toll upon the new line of the North Branch Canal. {Same v. 1: (no. 32) 153.) . Abstr. of operations on extension of North Branch Canal. (A.R. canal comrs. 1853/4: 23.) . Abstr. of operations on Lower North Branch division. {Sume 1853/4: 21.) 1855. Work on North Branch Canal; defects in old work; cost. (Govs. mess. (Bigler) Jan. 3, 1855: 6-7.) . Debate (Buckalew) upon bill for repair of No. Branch Canal. (Legisl. Record Apr. 19, 1855: 3.) . Same. {Same Apr. 21, 1855: 2.) . Debate on bill providing for repairs and comple- tion of the North Branch Canal from Pittston north- ward to the state line. {Same Apr. 12, 1855: 1-2.) . Same. {Same Apr. 13, 1855: 1-2.) Apr. 12. Letter from canal comrs. as to effect passage of act for the repairs and completion of the North Branch Canal from Pittston northward, would have on state revenue. {Same Apr. 18, 1855: 5-6.) 1856 Jan. 1. North Branch Canal incomplete; fraudu- lent construction of old work and some of new; expenditures. (Govs. mess. (Pollock) Jan. 1, 1856.) 1857 Jan. 7. Completion of part of North Branch Canal; extent; time consumed in construction; Im- portance. {Same (Pollock) Jan. 7, 1857.) . General apprn. bill; discussion resp. apptmt. of W. R. MafBt, supt. and engr. of No. Branch Canal. (Daily Legisl. Record 1857 no. 50: 2-3.) . Discussion of general apprn. bill, with reference to repeal of sees, of apprn. bill of 1855, by which Wm. R. Mafflt was apptd. supt. and engr. of the North Branch Canal. {Same 1857 no. 57: 3-4.) . Remarks of Steuben Jenkins rel. to the North Branch Canal. {Same 1857 no. 66: 3-8.) CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] : Branches — cont'd Noina Bkanch Divi.-jio.n — cont'd 7ion-serial — cont'd 1857 Feb. 20. Rept. of canal comrs. on violation of law by supt. of Upper North Branch Canal (Wm. R. Maffit) by unauthorized contraction of debt. (Sen. jol. 1857: 262-263.) Feb. 20. Same. (Daily Legisl. Record 1857, no. 32: 4.) 1858 Jan. 26. Communication from canal comrs., trans- mitting copy of resignation of Wm. R. Maffet, supt. of North Branch Canal. (Legisl. docs. 1858: 443.) Mch. 1. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to management of North Branch extension of Penn. Canal. {Same 1858: 156.) Mch. 1. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to repairs on North Branch division of Penn. canal. {Same 1858: 571-572; Sen. jol. 1858: 327-328.) Mch. 2. Rept. of canal comrs. on North Branch Division of the Penn. Canal. (Legisl. Record 1858: 195.) 1859 Jan. 5. See above, Delaware Division, this date. Claims See also below. Damages. 1837 Feb. 23. Rept. of committee on claims (Chamber- lain) upon petition of Geo. Mack, for compensation for work done upon North Branch division of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 578-579 (doc. 187).) 1838 Jly. 31. Proposition resp. claim of Geo. Wausey of Towanda. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1838/9.) 1840 Jan. 9. See above, Erie Extension, (haims, this date. 1844 Jan, 23. Rept. of committee on private claims for damages (Darsie) on act for relief of S. D. Brobst, a contractoc on North Branch division. (Sen. jol. 1844 V. 1: 117-118.) 1845 Feb. 13. Rept. of committee on claims (Dickey) on claim of Hepburn, Johnson and Heylman for work done on North Branch Canal. (House jol. 1845 V. 2: 368 (doc. 53).) 1848 Jan. 10. Rept. of canal comrs. on claim of J. Waldron and Co., contractors for sec. 36, of the Tioga line of North Branch extension. (Sen. jol. 1848 V. 2: 53 (doc. 6).) 1849 Apr. 9. Communication from auditor gen. (Pur- viance) rel. to claim of Wm. Keeler for work done on the Tioga Line of the North Branch extension of Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1849 v. 2: 508-509 (doc. 78) ; House jol. 1849 v. 2: 555-556 (doc. 76).) 1850 Mch. 9. Communication from auditor gen. (Pur- viance) rel. to claim of John Hanson for work on Tunkhannock division of North Branch Canal. (House jol. 1850 v. 2: 650-654 (doc. 75); Sen. jol. 1850 V. 2: 634-638 (doc. 69).) ■ • Mch. 20. Rept. of auditor gen. (Purviance) rel. to claim Bogle, Hall and Bogle, contractors on sec- tion 65, Tunkhannock Division of North Branch canal. (House jol. 1850: v. 2: 666-668 (doc. 82).) 1852 Jan. 30. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to claim of J. McCord for work done on North Branch canal. {Same 1852 v. 2: 82 (doc. 19).) 1856 Jan. 29. Rept. of committee on finance (Bucka- lew) on bill for payment of Colt and Brobst on acct. of work done on North Branch Canal; claim dating from 1840. {Same 1856: 152-154.) 1860 Jan. 5. Veto (Packer) of act rel. to claim of Thos. Morley; damages to real estate by construction of No. Branch Canal. (Daily Legisl. Record 1860: 24.) 1861. Jt. rept. of atty. gen. (Knox), state treasurer (Slifer), auditor gen. (Cochran) on claim of Thos. Morley; No. Br. Canal. {Same 1861: 45.) 472 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd NoBTH Beanch Division — cont'd Claims — cont'd 1861. Veto (Curtin) of suppl. to act rel. to claim of Thos. Morley (Same 1861: 964; 1157.) 1862. Debate on claim of Saml. D. Brobst, former supervisor on the No. Branch Canal. (Same 1862: 347.) . Debate on claim of Thos. Morley for damages done his real estate in Wyoming Co. by the exten- sion of the North Branch Canal. (Same 1862: 286- 288.) Damages 1829/30-1833. North Branch division: damages paid. (A.R. canal comrs. 1829/30 (p. 117, stmt. B)—same 1832/3.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1831-1833. North branch division: money paid for dam- ages from Je. 1, 1831-Oct. 31, 1833. (Same 1832/3: 151-152.) Paging from Senate doc. cd. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1832 Je. 16. Damages on the North Branch Division Sept. 18, 1830-Jan. 21, 1832. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1832/3.) 1833 May 8. Offers for damages on North Branch divi- sion Je. 14, 1832-Peb. 2,1833. (Some 1833/4.) May 8. Offers for damages Nov. 3-6, 1832. (Same 1833/4.) 1834 Feb. 15. Rept. of committee on private claims for damages (Balcer) on petition of Alex. Mont- gomery for remuneration for damage done him in his estate on the North Branch of the Susquehanna, by the Penn. Canal. (Sen. joL 1833/4 v. 1: 374.) 1837 Jan. 16. Rept. of committee on claims (Rambo) upon petition of John Snyder for compensation for damages sustained by construction of North Branch division. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 365 (doc. 93).) Jan. 16. Rept. of committee on claims (Parker) upon petition of Wm. Stall for compensation for damages done by construction of North Branch division. (Same 1836/7 v. 2: 363-364 (doc. 91).) Feb. 18. Rept. of committee on claims (Rambo) upon petition of inhabitants of Plymouth township, Luzerne Co., for compensation for injury sustained by Nanticolie dam. (Same 1836/7 v. 2: 569-570 (doc. 176).) 1846 Feb. 13. Rept. of committee on private claims for damages (Darsie) on petition of Chas. Fuller, a con- tractor on the North Branch Extension. (Sen. jol. 1846 V. 1: 197.) 1861. Debate rel. to damages on North Branch and Wyoming Canal. (Legisl. Record 1861: 690-695; 791-792; 828-829.) 1863. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to claims of Thos. Mor- ley VS. Commonwealth for damages for alleged in- jury done his property by reason of construction of No. Branch extension. (A.R. atty. gen. 1863: 819- 820.) Paging from Legisl. docs. Employes and Officers 1828-1830. North Branch division: list of supts., engrs. and others employed; daily compensation. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8 (pp. 112-113, series 6, no. 6) — same 1829/30.) Omitted 1828/9. 1831 Apr. 6. See above, Penn. Canal [and R.R.]. Em- ployes, this date. 1833/4. North branch division: list of ofBcers employed and amt. paid each. (A.R. canal comrs. 1833/4: 126.) Paging from Collected does. CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd INDIVIDUAL Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] : Branches.— cont'd NoETH Beanch Division — cont'd Employes and Officers — cont'd 1838. North branch extension: payment to supts., engrs. and other persons employed on division from Feb. 22-Oct. 31; amt. due. (Same 1837/8: 106 (12).) Paging from Collected docs. 1841 Feb. 17. Communication from auditor gen. (Espy) ace. with tabular stmt, containing names of con- tractors and contract prices for work on Tunkhan- nock Line of North Branch Division, Penn. Canal, filed subsequent to Nov. 1, 1839. (House jol. 1841 v. 2: 334 (doc. 99).) Receipts and Expenditures See also above. Damages ; do. Employes. See also above, Penn. Canal, etc. Receipts and Expenditures, under dates 1825/40-1825/58. 1830. Table: actual cost and original estimate: amt. forfeited, and amt. actually paid Dec. 1, 1830 for work done; cost of bridges, aqueducts, etc. (A.R. canal comrs. 1829/30: 117, stmt. A.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1831. North branch and Susquehanna divisions: money reed, and expended for new and old work, and dam- ages on completed line; amt. required to complete payments for old work and damages accepted. (Same 1830/1: 189-190.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1832. North branch division; tables: disbursements. (Saine 1831/2: 152-156.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1836. Cr. and dr. stmt. Jly. 29-Nov. 1. (Same 1835/6: 176-177.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; found in ail editions. 1836/7. See below, Susquehanna Division, this date. 1838. Table: amt drawn upon treasurer of bd. of canal comrs. and amt. disbursed from Feb. 28, to Oct. 31; misc. expenses paid. (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8: 106 (13).) Paging from House doc. ed. 1840. North branch division: heavy expenditures for repairs; amt. due contractors for repairs and to finish work under contract. (Same 1839/40: 33.) 1841/2. See below, West Branch Division, this date. Tolls 1843 Apr. 8. Communication from pres. of bd. of canal comrs. rel. to tolls reed, upon No. Branch Canal in 1841 and 1842. (House jol. 1843 v. 1: 1018.) 1845 Feb. 18. Communication from bd. of canal comrs. rel. to tolls on North and West branches of Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1S45 v. 2: 216-217 (doc. 41).) 1847. See below, Susquehanna Division, this date. 1849. Amt. expended on North Branch Canal; amt. re- quired to complete; redemption from ruin urged. (Govs. mess. (Johnston) Jan. 6, 1849.) 1852-1853. North branch division: excess of tolls in 1853 over 1852. (A.R. canal comrs. 1852/3: 15.) North Branch Division: Tioga Line 1836. Tioga line commencing at Athens and ending at Wyalusing creek; estimate of cost. (A.R. canal comrs. 1835/6: 174 [15, 16].) Paging from Collected docs. ; found in all editions. 1836/9-1836/41. Tioga line: value of work done from commencement; value of work done during fiscal year; total value of work done; amt. required to complete; total estimated cost. (Same 1838/9 (p. 224, 7 foldg. tables)— sa^ne 1840/1.) Paging from House doc. ed. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 473 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd NoKTii BRANtii Division — Tioga Link— cont'd 1837. Tioga line: value of work done under contracts for construction up to Oct. 31, 1837. (Same 1836/7: 142 [1, 2, 3, 4].) Paglns from Collected ilocR. Dec. 6. Tioga line; progress of work; estimated cost of work under contract; amt. appropriated; amt. required to complete. {Same 1836/7: 18-19.) Piiglnj: from Collected docs. 1838. Tioga line: work on sections, public and farm bridges, dams and schutes, aqueducts, waste weirs, culverts, iron delivered for locks, removal of build- ings, work on roads. (Same 1837/8: 100, stmts. A and B, 18 foldg. tables.) P.iging from House doc. ed. 1839 Je. 11. See below, Tunkhannock Line, this date. 1840 Jan. 21. Tioga and Tunkhannock lines: length of each amt. of work done, amt. remaining to be done, whole cost of lines, total cost of north branch extension; amt. required to complete. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9: 38-39.) Paging from Collected docs. Jan. 21. See above. North Branch Division, this date. 1841 Jan. 1. Tioga line: estimated cost; length of line. (A.R. canal comrs. 1839/40; 39.) Paging from Collected docs. 1848 Jan. 10. See below, Claims, this date. 1849 Apr. 9. See same, this date. Employes 1837/8. Tioga line: list of persons employed in engr. dept. from Nov. 1, 1837-Oct. 31, 1838; duties, daily pay and term of service of each. (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8: 100, stmt. D.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1838/9. Tioga line: showing names, duties, time of service daily pay and amt. paid to persons, employed from Nov. 1, 1838-Oct. 31, 1839. (Same 1838/9 stmt. 11, facing p. 224.) Paging from Collected does. 1841 Feb. 19. Communication from auditor gen. (Espy) ace. with tabular stmt, containing names of con- tractors and contract prices of different kinds of work for Tioga Line of North Branch Canal subse- quent to Nov. 1, 1839. (House jol. 1841 v. 2: 356, foldg. table (doc. 102).) Receipts and Expenditures 1838/9. Tioga line; amounts paid by late and present supts. on locks, sections, dams, schutes, culverts, waste weirs, aqueducts, bridges, etc. from Nov. 1, 1838-Oct. 31, 1839; retained percentage on same not forfeited. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9; 224, 5 foldg. tables.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1839 May 30. Communication from auditor gen. (Es- py), with stmt, of all moneys placed In hands of supt. of Tioga and Tunkhannock lines of North Branch division of Penn. Canal showing time and amt. of money reed, by said officers from common- wealth. (Sen. jol. 1838/9 v. 1: 951-952.) 1840/1. Amt paid on Tioga line during fiscal year; also total amt. due Nov. 30, 1841. (A.R. canal comrs. 1840/1; 213 (nos. 1, 2, 6, 10, 15, 19.) Occurs only in doc. ed. North Branch Division: Tunkhannock Line 1838 Dec. 21. Letting of most diflScult portions of Tunkhannock line. (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8: 23.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] : Branches — cont'd North Branch Divisio.n: Tcnkiiannwk Line — cont'd 1838. Tunkhannock line: estimated cost of sections, locks, dams, aqueducts, bridges, waste weirs, lock houses, fencing, hydraulic cement and castings and removal of buildings; recapitulation. (.Same 1837/8: 100; stmt C, 1-8.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1839 Je. 11. Rept. of canal comrs. in compliance with Sen. res. requesting copy of table showing amt. of estimates on each sec. under contract on Tunkhan- nock and Tioga lines of North Branch division and Sinnemahoning extension of Penn. Canal by present and former engrs. (Sen. jol. 1838/9 v. 1; 1053; v. 2: 8 foldg. tables betw. pp. 756-757.) 1840 Jan. 21. See above, Tioga Line, this date. Jan. 21. See above, North Branch Division, this date. 1841 Jan. 1. Tunkhannock line: length of line, value of work done, value of work remaining to be done; total estimated cost; cost of north branch extension; balance required to complete. (A.R. canal comrs. 1839/40: 40.) Paging from Collected docs. 1850 Mch. 9. See below. Claims, this date. Mch. 20. See same, this date. Employes 1838/9-1839/40. Tunkhannock line; monies paid engrs. and others. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9 (table facing p. 220)— .same 1839/40.) Paging from Collected docs. 1839. See above, Tioga Line, this date. Receipts and Expenditures 1838/9-1838/41. Tunkhannock line: value of work done from commencement; value of work done during fiscal year; amt. required to complete and total esti- mated cost (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9 (p. 320, tables)— .Mme 1840/1.) Paging from House doc. ed. Tunkhannock line; table: amt. of apprns. ; amt expended; balance remaining; estimated cost of line and amt required to complete. (Same 1838/9 (p. 220)— same 1840/1.) Paging from Collected docs. . Tunkhannock line: amt. estimated, percentage retained, amt. paid and amts. due to contractors up to Oct. 31, 1839. (Same 1838/9: facing p. 220.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1839. Acct. of payments to V. E. Piollet T. Myers, and E. Harding, Jr., for work on various branches of Penn. canal. (Sen. jol. 1838/9 v. 2: 746-749.) Tioga and Tunkhannock lines of No. Branch Division. Transmitted by auditor gen. (Espy) Je. 5, 1839. 1839-1840. Tunkhannock line; list of persons in actual service. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9 (p. 222)— same 1839/40.) Paging from Collected docs. 1839/40. Tunkhannock line; total amts. estimated, re- tained and remaining due from Nov. 1, lS39-Oct. 31, 1840. (Same 1839/40: 381-382.) Paging from Collected docs. ; omitted from dept. editions. North Branch Dn'isioN: Wyoming Line 1831. Wyoming line; estimate of cost. (A.R. canal comrs. 1830/1: 195-201.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1831/3. Wyoming line: funds appropriated; cost when completed. (Same 1832/3: 27-28.) 1832 Nov. 29. Wyoming line: funds appropriated and disbursements made; length of line and whole esti- mated cost (Same 1831/2: 31-32.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; found only In doc. ed. 474 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— <;ont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad] : Branches — cont'd NoETH Branch Division: Wyoming Line — cont'd 1832/3. Wyoming line: tables: amt. of work done and amt. paid. (Same 1832/3: 128-136.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; found only In doc. editions. 1834 Dec. 2. Wyoming line: amt. applicable of apprns. made prior to Nov. 1, 1833: apprn, of Apr. 5, 1834; amt. expended prior to Nov. 1, 1833, amt. expended for year ending Nov. 1, 1834; sum required to com- plete; balance to be provided. {Same 1833/4: 17.) Paging from Collected docs. Dec. 17. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to estimates for completing the Wyoming line of North Branch division of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 122 (doc. 53).) 1835 Jan. 19. Communication from canal comrs. ace. with rept. of John Bennet, late engr. upon Wyoming line of North Branch division, Penn. Canal, explana- tory of excess in cost of said line, over the estimates. (Same 1834/5 v. 2: 468-472 (doc. 102).) 1839. Rept. of engr. (Foster) on survey of Lackawanna Valley, with estimated cost of canal and r.r.; with rept. of E. W. Morgan, asst. engr. ( A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9: 330-340.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1840 Jan. 21. Apprn. recommended to extend feeder of Wyoming division to head of Lackawanna Falls. {Sarne 1838/9: 45.) Paging from House doc. ed. Employes 1831/2. Wyoming line; list of officers employed from Dec. 1, 1831-Oct. 31, 1832. (A.R. canal comrs. 1831/2: 149.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; found only In doc. editions. 1841 Feb. 16. Communication from auditor gen. (Espy) ace. with a tabular stmt, containing names of con- tractors, and contract prices for work on Wyoming Line of North Branch Division, Penn Canal. (House joL 1841 V. 2: 332, 3 foldg. tables (doc. 97).) Receipts and Expenditures 1831/2-1831/3. Tables: disbursements on Wyoming line. (A.R. canal comrs. 1831/2 (pp. 144-148) — same 1832/3.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1834. Wyoming line: amt. paid in fuU, amt. due, and amt. paid since last rept. on sections, locks, water- ways, lock houses, aqueduct, fences, bridges, roads, waste weirs, culverts, etc. {Same 1833/4: 121-125.) Paging from Collected docs. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1834/5. Wyoming line: disbursements; damages paid. {Same 1834/5: 97 [16].) Paging from House doc. ed. ; occurs in all editions except House dept. ed. 1834/5. Wyoming line: disbursements for construction. {Savie 1834/5: 15.) Paging from House doc. ed. Susquehanna Division Extended from Junction of the Susquehanna and Juniata to Northumberland, on west side of the Susque- hanna ; deeded to Sunbury and Erie R.R. In 1858. serial See below, West Branch division ; Branch Division, Group C. also above, North non-serial 1826-1828. Stmt, of work done, percentage retained for completion, and payments made to contractors on estimates of the engr. on the Susq. Div. of the Penn. Canal 1826-Dec. 3, 1828, etc. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8: foldg. sheets 5-6 betw. pp. 70-71 (series 4, no. 12).) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd SrsquEHANNA Divi.siON — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1827 Je. 28. Rept. of Simeon Guilford, engr., on the location of the Susquehanna div. {Same 1827: 76- 95 (series 5, no. 3).) Paging from Senate ed. (v. 2). Nov. 23. Estimate by Simeon Guilford, engr. of total cost of Susquehanna division. {Same 1827: 95-96 (series 5, no. 4).) Paging from Senate ed. (v. 2). Dec. 20. See above. Eastern Division, this date. Dec. 25. Change in dimensions of locks on the Susquehanna and Juniata divisions to correspond with those built on the eastern division. (A.R. comrs. 1827: 24.) Dec. 25. Location of a canal route from the mouth of Juniata to Northumberland; expense. {Same 1827: 10.) 1827/8. List of contracts made on behalf of the state, 1827/8, by Chas. Mowry, acting comr. on the Sus- quehanna Division of the Penn. Canal, together with names of persons to whom such contracts were made for excavation. {Same 1827/8: foldg. sheets 7 and 8 betw. pp. 70 and 71 (series 4, no. 13).) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1828. Estimate of cost for completing the Susquehanna division of the Penn. Canal, Simeon Guilford, engr. {Same 1827/8: 73-74 (series 4, no. 11).) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1829 Nov. 20. Susquehanna and west branch dlvlsiona: rept. of amt. of work to be done; by F. W. Rawle. {Same 1828/9: 205-207.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1830 Dec. 21. Susquehanna division: length, country through which it runs, original estimate and actual cost of this division. {Same 1829/30: 56-57.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1831. Susquehanna and North Branch divisions: list of locks. {Same 1830/1: 202.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1S32/3. Susquehanna division: work from Nov. 1, 1832 to Oct. 31, 1833. {Same 1832/3: 149-150.) Occurs only in doc. editions. 1833 Dec. 2. Propriety of authorizing construction of locks to connect Susquehanna River with canal on Susquehanna division. {Same 1832/3: 33.) 1834 Feb. 10. Rept, of committee on Inland navigation and internal improvement (Thompson) upon peti- tion rel. to extension of the canal upon the east side of the Susquehanna River, from Clarke's Ferry to Millersburg. (House jol. 1833/4 v. 2: 627-628 (doc. 149).) . See also above. Eastern Division, the serial group, Engineer's report. 1837 Nov. 10. Rept. of engr. (Harris) rel. to survey of Penn's Creek Valley, with estimate of canal and r.r. routes. (A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7: 175-185.) Paging from Collected docs. 1838 Dec. 21. Susquehanna division: amt. estimated for extraordinary repairs; amt. expended for ordi- nary repairs during year. {Same 1837/8: 12.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1839. Susquehanna division: extent; navigation; re- pairs made; estimate of sums required for 1840; amt. drawn in 1838/9 for repairs. (Some 1838/9: 27-28.) 1845 Dec. 30. Character of repairs, necessity for thorough repair of Shamokin dam. (Same 1844/5: 10-11.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 475 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd SuSQi KiiANN'A Division — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1846 Dec. 31. Susquehanna and north and west branch divisions: delay in opening; description of repairs. (>sVn/if 1S45/6: 11.) 1852 Jan. 9. Susquehanna division: length and extent, dam, aqueducts, locks, bridges on division; exten- sive repairs, further apprn. required to pay for work done and In progress. (Same 1850/1: IG.) 1854. Abstr. of operations on Susquehanna division. {Same 1853/4: 20.) 1859 Jan. 5. See above, Delaware Division, this date. Claims 1800 Mch. 20. Kept, of committee (Forrey) on appli- cation of Eli Russel, contractor upon Susquehanna division of the Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1830/1.) Mch. 20. Rept. of committee (Mitchell) on appli- cation of John P. Schuyler rel. to construction of sees. 41 and 42, on Susquehanna division of the Penn. Canal. (Same 1830/1.) Mch. 20. Rept. of committee (Mitchell) on appli- cation of E. Baldwin, contractor for construction of bridge across the Susquehanna at Duncan's Island. {Same 1830/1.) Sept. 14. Stmt, of Edwd. F. Gay and F. W. Rawle resp. work done by Thos. Galloher & Co. on the Susquehanna Division. (.S'ame 1830/1.) Read Sept. 17, l."^::". 1840 Feb. 24. Rept. of committee on private claims (Ewing) on petition of Wm. Montgomery for com- pensation tor work and materials on Susquehanna Division of Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1840 v. 1: 265.) Feb. 25. Letter from canal comrs. rel. to claim of Wm. Montgomery for work and materials on the Susquehanna Canal. (.Same 1840 v. 2: 620.) Damages 1827/8. Stmt, of damages agreed to be paid or assessed within the year ending Nov. 3, 1828 on the Susque- hanna Division. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8: 74-77 (series 4, no. 14).) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1829 May 28. Rept. of C. Mowry, acting comr. : dam- ages on the Susquehanna division: progress of work on that line. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1829.) 1830. Susquehanna division: damage paid in year pre- ceding first Mondav in Nov. 1830. {Same 1829/30: 117, stmt. G.) Paging from Son. doc. ed. ; omitted from dopt. editions. Mch. 19. Rept. of committee (Scott) on case of Lewis Dewart for damages. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1830/1.) 1831/3-1831/4. Susquehanna division: money paid for damages. (A.R. canal comrs. 1832/3 (pp. 153-154) — same 1833/4.) Found only in doc. eilitions. 1832 Je. 16. Claims and damages on the Susquehanna division, Sept. 16, lS29-Jan. 4, 1830. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1832/3.) Je. 16. Damages on the Susquehanna division Aug. 9, 1830-Jan. 4, 1831. {Same 1832/3.) 1833 May 8. Offers for damages Oct. 21, 1832. {Same 1833/4.) May 8. Same, for Dec. 29, 1832-May 7, 1833. (Some 1833/4.) 1847 Dec. SO. Susquehanna division: description of re- pairs: cost of damage by floods. (A.R. canal comrs. 1846/7: 11.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd St .sguEiiAXNA Divi.sio.N — cont'd Employes and Officers 1828 Nov. 3. List of engrs., supts., etc. on the Susque- hanna Division, submitted by Chas. Mowry, acting canal comr. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8: 77-78 (series 4, no. 15).) Paging from Sen. doc. v(\. 1828/9. Susquehanna division: list of supts., engrs., asst. engrs., and clerks, with rate of pay and sum paid tliem from Nov. 15, 1828-Je. 2, 1829. {Same 1828/9: 202.) Paging from Son. doc. ed. 1829. Susquelianna and West branch division; list of engrs., supt., etc.; rate of pay of each from Je. 2, 1829-Nov. 15, 1829. {Same 1828/9: 203-204.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. Nov. 15. Susquehanna and West branch divi- sions: list of persons employed witli salary of each. {Same 1828/9: 204-205.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1829/30. Susquehanna and West branch divisions: list of persons employed; salary of each. (Same 1829/30: 117, stmt. F.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dcpt. editions. Receipts and Expenditures See also above, Penn. Canal, etc. Receipts and Expendi- tures, under dates 1825/40-1.S2.5/58. 1827/8. Stmt, of engineering and misc. expenses on the Susquehanna Div., by C. Mowry Dec. 1, 1828. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8: 79-80 (series 4, no. 16).) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1831. See above. North Branch. Receipts and Expendi- tures, this date. 1832. Tables: disbursements. (A.R. canal comrs. 1831/2: 157-159.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1836/7. Susquehanna, North and West Branch divi- sions: amt. of tolls and repairs. {Same 1836/7: 17.) Paging from Collected docs. 1S39/40-1840/1. Susquehanna branches: stmt, of tolls collected for year ending Oct. 31, 1841 as compared with those received in corresponding period of previous year. {Same 1840/1: 21.) Paging from Sen. ed. 1841/2. Collections for the year ending Nov. 30, 1842 on the Susquehanna division from Duncan's Island to Northumberland, and the North and West Branch divisions and expenditures Mch. 1-Nov. 30, 1842. {Same 1841/2: 16-17.) 1847. Toll reed, on Susquehanna, North and West branch divisions; excess over 1846. {Same 1846/7: 12.) West Bkanch Extended from Northnndierland. on east side of West Branch of the Susquehnnna to Farraudsville ; deeded to Sunbury and Erie R.U. in 1858. se7-ial A 1828-1835. Rept. of supt. of Susquehanna and West Branch divisions. In Documents as follows : Andrew M'lieynolds, supt. 1828 In A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8:129-131 (series', no. 2).t John Ryon, Jr., supt. 1820 In A.R. canal comrs. 1828/9 : 200-201. t t Paging from Senate doc. ed. 476 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd West Branch — cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd Ja$. P. Bull, eupt. 1830 In A.R. canal comrs. 1829/30 : 110-117. t I TV. B. Mitchell, supt. 1831 in A.R. cnnal comrs. 1830/1 : 174-178.t i West Branch Division only. Wm. F. Packer, 8upt. 1832 In A.R. canal comrs. 1831/2 : 144-149. • § Lycoming Line and West Branch. 1833 in A.R, canal comrs. 1832/3 : 154-162.t S Lycoming Line only. 1834 in A.R. can.Tl comrs. 1833/4 : 102-llO.t West Branch Division only. Qeo. Crawford, supt. 1835 in A.R. canal comrs. 1834/5 : 95-97. • West Branch Division and Wyoming Line of No. Branch division. Occurs in all editions except House dept. ed. A. B. Reed, supt. 1836 in A.R. canal comrs. 1835/6 : 127-128.t Tangascootack Extension only ; occurs in all editions except House dept. edition. 1837 in A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7:122-124.1 Tangascootack Extension only. Qeo. Bressler, supt. 1838 in A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8 : 167.' Sinnemahonlng Extension only. John A. Gamble, supt. 1839 in A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9:234-237.* Sinnemahonlng Line and Tangascootack Extension. B 1828-1841. Rept. of engr. of West Branch and Susque- hanna Divisions. In Documents as follows : F. 11'. Rawle, engr. 1828 in A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8:113-128 (series 7, no. l).t West Branch Division only. 1829 in A.R. canal comrs. 1828/9 : 205-207.t 1830 ■• - - » 1829/30; 117-118. t § Relates only to a canal from the West Branch to Evewls- burg. James Ferguson, engr. {Susquehanna- Div.) 1831 In A.R. canal comrs. 1830/1 : 190-192. t § John Bennet, engr. (Susquehanna Div.) 1832 In A.R. canal comrs. 1831/2 : 138-139.t § 1833 « " " " 1832/3: 123. t§ Jas. D. Harris, engr. (Upper Div., Lycoming Line) 1831 in A.R. canal comrs. 1830/1 : 178-182. t § 1832 " •■ " " 1831/2 : 166-168.1 S 1833 « " " " 1832/3 : 166-173.+ | 1834 " " « " 1833/4 : 111-115. t Robt. Faries, engr. (Lower Lycoming Line) 1831 in A.R. canal comrs. 1830/1 : 183-186. t § 1832 " " " " 1831/2: 169-172. t I 1833 » " " - 1832/3 : 173-176. t § 1834 " " " " 1833/4 : 116-119.t Robt. Faries, engr. (Susquehanna and Vest Branch) 1835 in A.R. canal comrs. 1834/5 : 98-106.* Occurs in nil editions except House dept. ed. James D. Harris, engr. 1836 in A.R. canal comrs. 1835/6 : 91 ; 93-95 ; 120-123. i Occurs in all editions except House dept. ed. 1837 In A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7:125-129; 133-134. t B. Ayrcrigg, engr. 1838 In A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8 : 150-153. • Tangascootack and Sinnemahonlng Extensions. A. B. Warlord, engr. 1839 in A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9:212-213; 226-234. t 1840 " " •■ - 1839/40 : 194-19G ; 201-202. t P'ound in all editions except Senate dept. ed. 1841 in A.R. canal comrs. 1840/1 : 157-109 ; 163. t § CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd West Branch — cont'd non-serial 1825 Jan. 10. Rept. of committee on Inland navigation (Lehman) on petition praying for aid to improve navigation of West Branch of Susquehanna. (House jol. 1824/5 v. 2: 119-120 (doc. 52).) Dec. 30. Acct. of examination of the several sum- mits on the route by the West Branch of the Sus- quehanna. ([Preliminary] rept. of canal comrs. Dec. 30, 1825.) 1827. Results of examinations to determine practica- bility of a continued water communication betw. the West Branch of the Susquelianna and Alle- gheny River; navigable communication betw. east- ern and western waters Impracticable. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827: 15-16.) . Application of members of the Legisl. for the apptmt. of Wm. Wilson and John Mitchell as sur- veyors. (Same 1827: 25-26 (series 9, no. 1).) Paging from Senate edition (v. 1>. . Repts. of J. Mitchell to the Penn. Canal comrs. on explorations of the Sinnemahoning and West Branch of the Susquehanna. (.Same 1827: 32-38 (series 9, nos. 4-5).) Paging from Senate edition (v. 1). . Wm. \vilson's rept. on survey for connection of the West Branch with the Allegheny, via the Sinne- mahoning. (Same 1827: 28-32 (series 9, no. 3).) Paging from Senate edition (v. 1). May 15. Instruction to Messrs. Wilson and Mit- chell on course to be pursued in survey for a com- munication betw. the Allegheny and Susquehanna Rivers. (^Same 1827: 26-27 (series 9, no. 2).) Paging from Senate edition (v. 11. 1828. West branch division: probable cost of construc- tion from Muncy Hills to Northumberland. (Same 1827/8: 195.) Paging from House doc. ed. Aug. 19. Rept. of committee [of bd. of canal comrs.] apptd. to consider location of a canal along the West Branch. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1828.) Dec. 11. Expediency of communication betw. Penn. Canal along west branch with river at point opposite Lewisburg. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8: 75.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1829 Nov. 20. See above, Susquehanna Division, this date. 1830. West branch division; actual cost, original esti- mated cost, amt. forfeited, amt. actually paid on sections, also balance due contractors to Nov. 30, 1830; condensed stmt (A.R. canal comrs. 1829/30: 117 (stmt. D).) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. Dec. 21. West branch division: description, length, estimated cost and actual cost. (Same 1829/30: 57-58.) Imaging from Sen. doc. ed. 1834. Table: entire cost of new work on West Branch division. (Same 1833/4: 107-108.) Paging from Collected docs. 1836 Dec. 13. Rept. of B. Ayrcrigg, principal engr. apptd. to explore the country betw. the West Branch improvements and the town of Franlclin on the Allegheny River. Harrisburg: Boas and Coplan, 1839. 9 pp. • Paging from House doc. ed. t Paging from Senate doc. ed. X Paging from Collected docs. S Omitted from dept. editions. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 477 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches— cont'd Wkst Biiancii — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1837 Feb. Rept. of B. Ayrcrigg, principal engr. of the country for the improvements on the West Branch to the town of Franklin in Venango Co. Harrisburg: Boas & Coplan, 1839. 12 pp. Mch. 29. Rept. of committee (Coplan) apptd. to investigate mugmt. of canals and rwys. rel. to con- duct of Dr. Jacob Wagonseller, a supervisor on the West Branch division. (House jol. 183tV" v. 2: 830- 982 (doc. 244).) 1838 Jly. 23. Communication from B. Ayrcrigg resp. Sinnemahoning extension. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1838/9.) Dec. 21. Estimate for repairs on West branch division; amt. expended for repairs during year; amt. of tolls on Susquehanna, north branch and west branch for fiscal year. (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8: 13.) Paging from House doc. ed. Dec. 21. See above, North Branch, this date. 1839. Communication from B. Ayrcrigg, civil engr. rel. to the West Branch and Allegheny Canal, suppl. to the repts. on the same subject read Dec. 16, 1837 and Mch. 1, 1837. Harrisburg: Boas and Coplan, 1839. 61 pp. Copies seen In the Penn. State Library and in the Library of Congress. Feb. 19. Communication made to the House of Repr. rel. to the West Branch and Allegheny Canal, suppl. to the repts. on the same subject, read Dec. 15, 1836 and Mch. 1, 1837; by B. Ayrcrigg, civil engr. Harrisburg: E. Geyer, 1839. 66 pp. Je. 24. See above, Penn. Canal [and R.R.]. Frauds, etc. 1840 Jan. 21. Tolls on west branch division for 1839 and 1840; gratifying increase, repairs made and re- quired; renewed recommendation for state to com- plete Bald Eagle and Spring Creek canal. (A.R. canal comrs. 1839/40: 35-37.) Jan. 21. West Branch division: extent; object; repairs; estimated amts. required for repairs; amt. drawn from treasury for repairs in 1838/9. (Some 1838/9: 30-32.) 1846 Dec. 31. See above, Susquehanna Division, this date. 1850. Names of contractors on West Branch division who have not been paid their forfeited percentage. (Sen. jol. 1850 v. 2: 708.) Transmitted by can.Tl comrs. Mch. 20, 1.S50. 1852 Jan. 9. West branch division of Penn. Canal; length and extent; no. of dams, aqueducts and locks; lockage; repairs required; increase of tolls on this division. (A.R. canal comrs. 1850/1: 16.) 1854. Abstr. of operations on West Branch division. (A.R. canal comrs. 1853/4: 20-21.) 1859 Jan. 5. See above, Delaware Division, this date. Claims 1833 Apr. 18. Rept. of James Clarke on application of James D. Harris and Robt. Faries, principal engrs. upon West Branch division of Penn. Canal, asking additional compensation. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1833/4.) 1836 Feb. 4. Rept. of committee on claims (Ewing) on petition for work done on Lycoming Division of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 531.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd Wi-ST Branch — cont'd Damages 1S30. Table: damage paid in the year preceding first Monday in Nov. 1830. (A.R. canal comrs. 1829/30: 117, stmt. E.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1830 Mch. 20. Rept. of committee (Hamot) resp. claims for damages, etc., on the West Branch Divi- sion. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1830/1.) 1832 Je. 16. Damages on West Branch division Aug. n, 1830-Jan. 20, 1832. {Same 1832/3.) 1833 May 8. Offers for damages Nov. 2, 1832. {Same 1833/4.) May 8. Offers for damages Dec. 31, 1832-Apr. 29, 1833. {Same 1833/4.) 1833/4 Table: damages paid during year ending Oct. 31, 1834. (A.R. canal comrs. 1833/4; 110 (30).) Paging from Collected docs. 1835. Table: damages paid Je.-Sept. 1S35. {Same 1834/5: 97 [16].) Paging from House doe. ed. ; found in all editions except House dept. ed. 1837 Jan. 12. Rept. of committee on claims (Trego) on petition of Lawrence Miller for compensation on acct. of damages sustained by construction of West Branch Canal. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 299 (doc. Jan. 13. Rept. of committee on claims (Parker) upon petition of Abraham Bruner for damages sus- tained by construction of West Branch division of Penn. Canal. {Same 1836/7 v. 2: 303 (doc. 80).) Employes 1828 List of persons employed while laying explored line on east and west side of river from Northumber- land to Bald Eagle; persons now employed. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8: 193-194.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1829. See above, Susquehanna Division, this date. . Penn. canal; west branch div.; list of all supts., engrs. and assistant engrs. with amt. of salary of each from Nov. 20, 1828. (A.R. canal comrs. 1828/9: 202-203.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. Nov. 15. See above, Susquehanna Division, this date. 1829/30. See same, this date. 1831 Apr. 6. See above, Penn. Canal [and R.R.]. Em- ployes, this date. 1834 Table: money paid to engrs., etc. for year ending Oct. 31, 1834. (A.R. canal comrs. 1833/4: 110 (30).) Paging from Collected docs. Receipts and Expenditures See also above, Damages ; do. Employes. See also above, Penn. Canal, etc. Receipts and Ex- penditures, under dates 1825/40-1825/58. 1834/5. Itemized stmt, of expenditures from Nov. 1, 1834-Oct. 31, 1835. (A.R. canal comrs. 1834/5: 97 (16).) Paging from House doc. ed. 1836/7. See above, Susquehanna Division, this date. 1841/2. See same, this date. 1847. See same, this date. West Branch: Bald Eagle Line 1831/3. See below, Lycoming Line. 1834. West branch division; Bald Eagle side-cut, stmt, of work, with actual cost. ( A.R. canal comrs. 1833/4 : 115 (36).) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 4:8 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd West Branch: LEwisuiTiG Line 1831/3. See below, Lycoming Line, this date. 1832. See same, this date. West Bra.nch: Line 1831 Dec. 15. Lycoming line: length of canal, slack- water and tow path; estimated cost of line; neces- sity for extension of west branch division to coal and iron region. (A.R. canal comrs. 1830/1: 33-34.) P!iging from Sen. doc. ed. 1831/3. Stmt, of funds of the Lycoming line, Lewisburg and Bald Eagle side cuts. {Satnc 1832/3: 30.) 1832. Lycoming line: stmt, of work showing amt. esti- mated, percentage retained and amt. paid to con- tractors up to Oct. 31, 1832. (Sunn: 1831/2: 172, 7 foldg. tables.) Pnging from Sen. doc. ed. ; occurs only in doc. eds. . Stmt, of all work on Lycoming line, with esti- mated cost. (Same 1831/2: 172, stmts. A-G.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; occurs only in doc. eds. Nov. 29. Lycoming line and Lewisburg cross cut; funds appropriated and disbursements made; length of line and whole estimated cost. (Same 1831/2: 33-34.) 1833. Lycoming line: amt. of work done up to Nov. 1, 1833 and amt. of work unfinished at that time. (Same 1832/3: 176 (24-30).) Found only in doc. ed. Mch. 18. Communication from canal comrs. In reply to res. of Mch. 15 [i. e., 16] requiring estimate of cost of an artificial water communication con- necting Lycoming line of Penn. Canal with Bald Eagle Creek, benefits and advantages to accrue to the state, etc. (Sen. jol. 1832/3 [v. 1]: 606-608.) 1834. Lycoming line: work upon each section, aqueduct, culvert, guard gate, lock house, waste weir and bridge, with actual cost; do. wells and misc. work; do. feeder dam and schute. (A.R. canal comrs. 1833/4: 115 (31-35).) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. . Lycoming division; water taken from canal for milling purposes; $125 per annum to be paid for 4 inches of water, 4 feet in width, drawn from surface. (Same 1833/4: 119.) Paging from Collected docs. . Lycoming line: cost of each item of work. (Same 1833/4: 119 (37-38).) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. . Dec. 2. Lycoming line: amt. applicable of apprns. made prior to Nov. 1, 1833; apprn. of Apr. 5, 1834, amt. expended prior to Nov. 1, 1833, amt. expended for year ending Nov. 1, 1834; sum required to com- plete; balance to be provided. (Same 1833/4: 16.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1834/5. Extension of Lycoming line; stmt, of work done and amt. paid from Nov. 1, 1834-Oct. 31, 1835. (Some 1834/5: 97 [16].) Paging from House doc. ed. ; occurs in all editions except House dept. ed. Claims 1832. Damage to Lycoming line; necessity for new loca- tion; increased cost of work. (A.R. canal comrs. 1831/2: 160-161.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. Receipts and Expenditures 1834/5. Disbursements for construction for vear end- ing Oct. 31, 1835. (A.R. canal comrs. 1834/5: 15-16.) 1833. Table: names of contractors, amt. estimated and paid on each item of work during year ending Oct. 31, 1833. (Same 1832/3: 176 (31-33).) Found only In doc, editions. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd West Branch: Lycoming Line — cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd 1834. Table: amt. estimated and paid to contractors on Lycoming line for year ending Oct. 31, 1834, with percentage retained. (Same 1833/4: 110 (27-29).) Paging from Collected docs. West Branch: Sinnemaiionino Line 1838. Sinnemahoning extension; estimate for work under contract; work not under contract; total amt. estimated to complete div. (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8: 160-163.) Paging from House doc. ed. . Sinnemahoning extension: amt. estimated on each section from Aug. 1-Oct. 31, with amt paid, amt. retained, percentage and amt. due on each sec- tion; do. locks and lock sections. (Same 1837/8: 167 (A-B).) Paging from House doc. ed. . Sinnemahoning extension; schedule of contracts up to Oct. 31. (Same 1837/8: 167 (1-2).) Paging from House doc. ed. Dec. 21. Sinnemahoning extension; estimated cost, amt. appropriated and amt. required to com- plete. (Same 1837/8: 21-22.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1838/9. Sinnemahoning line: amt. paid on each section, lock, lock section and culvert, retained percentage, amt. due contractors on final estimate suspended to- gether with list of prices. (Same 1838/9: 226, 3 foldg. tables.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1839 Je. 11. See above. North Branch. Tunkhannock Line, this date. 1840 Jan. 8. See above, Gettysburg Extension, this date. — — Jan. 21. Re-measurement and re-estimate of all work done on Sinnemahoning extension of West Branch division authorized by act of Jly. 19, 1839. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9: 41.) Paging from House doc. ed. Jan. 21. Sinnemahoning extension: no provision made for carrying on work; all operations sus- pended; necessity for apprn. to pay debts for work done and materials furnished. (Same 1838/9: 40-41.) Paging from House ed. • Feb. 5. Letter of B. Ayrcrigg to canal comrs. stat- ing his reasons for refusal to remeasure his work on the Sinnemahoning Extension. (Sen. jol. 1840 v. 2: 574-575.) 1841 Jan. 1. Sinnemahoning extension; no apprn. made at last two sessions except amt. to pay balance due contractors; work suspended; further amt. due contractors; cost of line; amt. of work done; amt. required to complete. (A.R. canal comrs. 1839/40: 41-42.) Paging from Collected docs. 1842 Jan. 15. Sinnemahoning extension: division sus- pended In 1839 on account of no apprn.; total esti- mated cost; amt. work done; amt. required to com- plete. (Same 1840/1: 27.) Pnging from Sen. ed. 1851. See above, French Creek Division. Franklin Line, this date. West Branch: Sinnemahoning Line 1838. Table: payments made from Apr. 19-Oct. 31 to supt., engrs. and others with term of service and amt. due up to Oct. 31; misc. expenses; general stmt. (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8: 167 C, D.) Paging from House doc. ed. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OK THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 479 CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Pennsylvania Canal [and Railroad]: Branches — cont'd Wkst Biianch: Tangascootack Extension 1835. Table: disbursements for year ending Oct. 31, 1835. (A.R. canal comrs. 1834/5: 16.) raging from House doc. ed. 1836. Tangascootack extension; work done; estimated cost of completion. {Same 1835/6: 124-127.) Paging from Sen. doc. od. . Table: names of contractors, amt. estimated and paid, percentage retained and amt. paid for printing and stationery. (Same. 1835/6: 128 (stmt. A).) Paging from Son. doc. ed. 1837. Tangascootack extension ; names of contractors, amt. estimated, amt. of percentage retained and amt. paid. (Some 1S36/7: 123.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. Dec. 6. Tangascootack extension; estimated amt. of work done, estimated amt. of work to be done, estimated cost, amt. of apprn. yet required. (Same 1836/7: 17.) Paging from Collected docs. . Table: amt. paid to engrs., supt., rod men, axe men, stationery, ofiice rent, fire wood, printing, etc. (Same 1836/7: 123.) Paging from Collected docs. Dec. 6. For apprn. to complete Tangascootack extension of West Branch canal. (Govs. mess. (Rit- ner) Dec. 1S37.) 1838. Tangascootack extension stmt, of work: work finished during present year, contract for year; funds appropriated; work required next year; no apprns. made. (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8: 159.) Paging from Ilonse doc. ed. 1840 Jan. 21. Tangascootack extension: length of line, small amt. of work remaining to be done, necessity of dam at Farrandsville to enable owners of coal mines to get coal to market; amt. required to com- plete repairs. (Same 1838/9: 41-42.) 1851 Feb. 25. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to Farrands- ville Dam and Tankascootack extension. (House jol. 1851V. 2: 541 (doc. 54).) Pennsylvania and Maryland Canal Company 1826. Communication from citizens of Baltimore with copy of act of Md. to incorporate Penn. and Md. Canal Co. (House jol. 1826/7 v. 2: 660-672.) 1827 Mch. 31. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement (Lehman) rel. to con- templated Penn. and Md. canal. (Same 1826/7 v. 2: 684 (doc. 276).) Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal Company 1827. Letter from gov. of Ohio with authenticated copy of act to incorporate Penn. and Ohio Canal Co. (Sen. jol. 1826/7: 375-384; House jol. 1826/7 v. 2: 317-328 (docs. 171-172).) 1829 Dec. 18. Rept. of committee (Hamot) on connec- tion of the Penn. and Ohio Canal with the Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1829.) 1835. Text of act of Ohio Legisl. extending time for completing Penn. and Ohio Canal. (House jol. 1834/5 V. 2: 594-596 (doc. 174).) . Same. (Same 1835/6 v. 2: 696-698.) . Same. (Sen. jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 405, 406.) 1837. Same. (Same 1837/8 v. 2: 177-179; House jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 268-269 (doc. 71).) 1841 Mch. 23. Rept. of committee on claims (Ander- son) on petition of Penn. and Ohio Transportation Co. stating amt. of damages sustained on acct. of drawback in tolls of 20 cents per bbl. on flour from Pittsburgh to Phila. and praying allowance of said tolls. (House jol. 1841 v. 1: 604-605.) CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Reliance Portable Boat Company 1844 Feb. 21. Rept. of committee on claims (Cum- mings) rel. to claim of Reliance Portable Boat Co. (House jol. 1845 v. 2: 387-389 (dof;. 61).) Sandy and Beaver Canal Company 1828. Memorial and bill to incorporate Sandy and Beaver Canal Co. (Sen. jol. 1827/8: 412-421.) 1831 Feb. 11. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement (IngersoU) on memorial of comrs. named in act incorporating Sandy and Beaver Canal Co. asking legisl. aid; adverse. (House Jol. 1S30/1: V. 2: 761 (doc. 147).) Schuylkill Navigation Co. I'artly canal, partly slack-water navigation; company was Incorporated Mch. 8, 1815; state subscription was authorized by sec. 2, act of Mch. 24, 1817. See also above, Canals, etc. Pennsylvania, under dutes 1761-1876. serial 1 series 1817-1860. Stmt, of affairs. In Collected docs, as follows : 1817 in House jol. 1817/8 ; 82-83. 1818 " " •' 1818/9:216-217. 1819 " " " 1819/20:167-170. 1820 " Senate jol. 1S20/1': 1.52-154. " House " 1820/1 : 201-202. 1821-1827 not found. 1828 in Senate Jol. 1829/30 v. 1 : 125-12«. " House '• 1829/30 v. 2:551 (docs. lol-lo2). 1829-1847 not found. .„ „„^ ,., .-. . 1848 in Senate Jol. 1849 v. 2 : 3o2-365 (doc. 4<).« " " House " 1849 v. 2:416-429 (doc. 54).« 1849 not found. .„„ ,^ 1850 in Senate Jol. 1851 v. 2 : 573-o83 (doc. 49). " House " 1851 v. 2:589-599 (doc. 67). 1851-1853 not found. _,,—„,., oov 1854 In Legislative docs. 1855 : i45-io9 (doc. 68). 1855-1859 not found. ,„,„„, ,j ,,, > 1860 In Legislative docs. 1861:1058-1081 (doc. 61). 2 series 1863-1869. Ann. rept. (A.R. auditor gen. on, etc. 1863 (pp. 377-381)— same 1869.) 3 series Under lease to Phila. and Reading U.R. Co. under name of Schuylkill Canal. 1870-1903/4. Ann. rept. (A.R. auditor gen. on, etc. 1870: 606-607; rept. secy, internal affairs on, etc. 1903/4.) From 1870 to 1903/4 there are two repts.. one by the Schuylkill Navigation Co. and one by the lessee. 7ion-serial 1819. Progress in improvement of the Schuylkill, by co. incorporated for that purpose. (Govs. mess. (Find- lay) Dec. 10, 1819.) 1824 Nov. 18. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to view and ex- amine locks on sections of Schuylkill River com- pleted by Schuylkill Navigation Co. (Sen. jol. 1824/5: 20-21; House jol. 11-12.) Wm. Strickland, Danl. Groves and Stephen Hills. Dec. 9. Locks, etc., on upper section of Schuyl- kill River; workmanship. (Govs. mess. (Schulze) Dec. 9, 1824.) 1825. Schuylkill navigation. (Same (Schulze) Dec. 7, 1825.) 1826-1832. Tolls on Schuylkill navigation each year, and estimate for Penn. canals after finished. (Rept. of committee of ways and means (Read) Mch. 22, 1833; statement C.) 1830. Schuylkill canal: first canal carried into success- ful operation in state, belongs to incorporated co.; length of canal, cost, etc. (A.R. canal comrs. 1829/30: 45.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. • Stmt, for 1848 contains stmt, of business 1818-1848. 480 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Schuylkill Navigation Co. — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1837. Schuylkill Navigation Co.'s canal only lOS miles long; ami. of tolls for present season; large returns due to mining operations in Schuylkill coal fields. (Same 1836/7: 4.) Paging from Collected docs. 1875. See above, Canals, Penn., this date. 1875-1895. See same, these dates. Schuylkill River See also above, Fennsylvanla, under dates 1789-1790, 1790 and 1790-1793. 1797. See above. Bald Eagle Creek, this date. 1813. Rept. of committee on roads and Inland naviga- tion (Brady) on petitions for legisl. aid in improv- ing west branch of the Schuylkill and of the big Schuylkill. (Sen. jol. 1812/3: 308.) 1814. Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion (Sergeant) to whom was referred petition of John Jacobs for a law authorizing him to erect and maintain a dam across the Schuylkill River, etc. (House jol. 1813/4: 257.) 1817 Feb. 24. See above, Pennsylvania, this date. 1846. Veto (Shunk) of bill supplementing act author- izing incorporation of a co. to make a lock naviga- tion on the Schuylkill River. (Sen. jol. 1846 v. 1: 764-766.) Schuylkill and Susquehanna Canal Company A company incorporated Sept. 29, 1791, to open n canal and lock navigation betw. Rivers Schuylkill and Susquehannji. by waters of the Tulpehocken, Quit- tapahllla and Swatara. See also below. Union Canal Co. 1791 Sept. 5. Memorial of society for promoting im- provements in roads and inland navigation in Penn. asking leave to introduce a bill for opening a navi- gable canal betw. Susquehanna and Schuylkill rivers by means of waters of Tulpehocken and Quit- tapahilla creeks in Berks and Dauphin cos. (House Jol. 1790/1: 476.) 1794. Memorial and petition of president and mgrs. of Schuylkill and Susquehanna navigation, suggesting state investment in stock of the co., or a loan to the CO. (Sen. jol. 1793/4: 272.) 1796. See alwve, Delaware and Schuylkill, this date. 1806 Feb. 6. Memorial and petition of president, mgrs. and CO. of the Schuylkill and Susquehanna Canal Navigation for legisl. aid. (Sen. jol. 1805/6: 159- 160.) Mch. 31. Rept. of committee on roads and inland navigation (Milnor) on Berks Co. petition resp. improvement of navigation of the Schuylkill from Tulpehocken Creek to the City of Phila. (House Jol. 1805/6: 621.) 1808 Dec. 15. Memorial of the president, mgrs. and co. of the Schuylkill and Susquehanna navigation stat- ing failure of lotteries to accomplish their object and praying prevention of future increase of lot- teries until they have raised desired amt. (Sen. Jol. 1808/9: 42-43.) 1809 .Tan. 26. Memorial from Turner Camac of Phila., a stockholder in the Schuylkill and Susquehanna, and Delaware and Schuylkill Canal cos. resp. pro- posed alteration of corporate title of the Schuyl- kill and Susquehanna Navigation Co.; control of Chas. G. Paleske in the Schuylkill and Susquehanna navigation and lottery privileges vested in him. (House jol. 1808/9: 291-292.) 1811. See above, Chesapeake and Delaware, this date. 1815. See same, this date. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Schuylkill and Susquehanna Canal Company — cont'd 1819. Rept. of Jt. committee (Breck) apptd. to ex- amine works executed by former Schuylkill and Susquehanna Canal Co. (Sen. Jol. 1818/19: 268-284.) 1841 Mch. 6. See above, Susquehanna Canal Co., this date. Susquehanna Canal Company The Susquehanna, or " Tide water," Canal extended from Wrightsville. Penn., to Havre Ue Grace, Md., connecting the Penn. Canal and Chesapeake Bay. See also above. Canals, etc. Penu., under dates 1761- 1876. serial 1 series 1836-1838. Ann. stmt. In Collected docs, as follows : 1835 in House Jol. 1835/6 v. 2:517-518 (doc. 105). 1836 " Senate " 1836/7 v. 2 : 310. 1837 1837/8 v. 2 : 619-620. 1S38 " " " 1838/9 V. 2:418-419. 2 series 1863-1867. Ann. rept. of Susquehanna and Tide-Water Canal. (A.R. auditor gen. on 1864 (pp. 674-677) —same 1867.) Omitted for 1864, 1865, 1866. 3 series 1868-1871. Ann. rept. of Susquehanna Canal Co. (A.R. auditor gen. on 1868 (pp. 570-573) — same 1871.) 4 series Under lease to Phila. and Reading R.R. 1872-1895/6. Ann. rept. (A.R. auditor gen. on 1872: 816-823; rept. secy, internal affairs on 1895/6.) Both repts. of the company and the lessee are Included lS72-lbi.3/4. non-serial 1823 Nov. 23. Extr. from rept. of comrs. of the Susque- hanna Canal made to the Gen. Assem. of Md. on sur- vey of a canal line from Conewago Falls to head of tidewater. (Rept. canal comrs. 1827: 69-73 (series 9, no. 10).) Paging from Senate ed. (v. 1). 1835. Act authorizing Gov. to incorporate the Sus- quehanna and Delaware Canal and R.R. Co. [ap- proved Apr. 1826, with suppls. approved 1828 and 1831]. New York, 1835. 16 pp. Not seen. Entry from Bowker. 1836 Feb. 6. Rept. of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement (Reed) rel. to Susque- hanna Canal Co. (House jol. 1835/fi v. 2: 534-540 (doc. 113).) 1839 Jan. 21. Rept of committee on inland navigation and internal improvement (Heston) upon petition of Wm. Wright, complaining of Susquehanna Canal Co. (Same 1838/9 v. 2 [pt. 1]: 506 (doc. 66).) 1841 Mch. 6. Rept. of W. K. Huffnagle, engr., on legis- lation to secure to the commonwealth benefits of In- corporation of the Susquehanna Canal Co. (Same 1841 V. 2: 462-474 (doc. 125).) Connection of the Susquehanna and Tidewater Canal with Chesapeake and Delaware, Union, and Schuyl- kill canals ; competition via Columbia and Phila. Rwy. 1845 Jan. 9. Veto (Porter) of res. to compel Susque- hanna and Tide Water Canal Co. to receive their certificates for tolls. (Same 1845 v. 1: 14-15.) Jan. 21. Rept. canal comrs. rel. to removal by Susquehanna Canal Co. of obstructions in Susque- hanna River. (Same 1846 v. 2: 239 (doc. 23).) 1848 Apr. 5. Rept. of canal comrs. rel. to Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal Co. (Same 1848 v. 2: 518 (doc. 79).) 1SG5 Nov. See below, Wyoming Valley Canal. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 481 the Susquehanna : 711-712; 727-728.) date. Usual DO. oiilerert Cameron, 18'J-J. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL DNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Susquehanna Canal Company — cont'd jion-serial — cont'd 1867. Consideration of act rel. to Canal Co. (Legisl. Record 1SG7 1875. See above. Canals, Penn., this 1875-1895. See same, these dates. 1879. Debate on act for removal of the Columbia dam and the extension of the Susq. Canal, and other improvements, and making apprn. tlierefor. (Legisl. Record 1879: 452-453.) Susquehanna River See nlso above, Penn.s.vlvanla. umJor datos 17S9-1790, 1700 and 1700-1703; also below. Canals: Indi- vidual. Susquehanna Canal Co. See also Lotteries. serial Under act of .Mch. 31, 1S23. 1823-1827. Rept. of comrs. for improvement of tlie Sus- quehanna from Columbia to the Md. line. Checklist Jahex Hyde, Jr., John M'Meens, Saml. II. iriJsoii 1823. n. t. p. 7 pp. Title : rept. ot comrs. to explore the River Susquehanna Copy seen in Amer. Phil. Socv. -• ■ ■ prtd. (Sen. jol. 1S23 '-1 : lis, i 1824. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Mowry & 8 pp. Title : Letter from the secy, of the commonwealth ace. rept. of the Susquehanna comrs. . . . Copies seen in Amer. Phil. Socy. and in Hist. Socy. of Penn. The usual no. were ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1824/5:66.1 1825-1S27. No separate copies found. In Collected docs, as follows : 1823 in Senate Jol. 1823,4:113-118. • ~ 1823/4 : 17.5-178. 1824 5 : 52-58. 1824 5 V. 2: 42-48. 1825-6 V. 2: 21-28.* 1823/6 V. 2 : 11-18.* 1826/7:21-24: 310-316. 1826 '7 V. 2 : 21-24. 1827/8: 163-167. 1827/8 V. 2 : 630-631. Tion-serial 1794 Mch. 22. Rept. of committee on petition from resi- dents near Susquehanna River rel. to inadequacy of of apprn. for improving navigation of the Susque- hanna from the mouth of the Juniata to the mouth of Swatara Creelv. (House jol. 1793/4: 281.) 1796. A description of the River Susquehanna, with observations on the present state of its trade and navigation, and their practicable and probable im- provement. Philadelphia; Prtd. by Z. Poulson, junior, 1796. 60 pp., map. Copy seen in librar.v of the Library Co. ot Phila. Probably not an official publication ; it is listed here, however, because pp. 51-38 contain a list of grants of money by the of Penn. for improvement of the Susquehanna and different roads, and waters connected with it. 1791-1794. 1801 Dec. 5. Improvement of navigation ot Susque- hanna: additional apprn. requisite; provision for continuing draft to lieads of main branches of river recommended. (Govs, mess. (U'Kean) Dec. 5, 1801.) 1802 Dec. 11. Corresp. opened with Gov. of Md. resp. tolls claimed by Md. Susquehanna Canal Co.; exer- tions in other states to improve situation of roads and rivers; expediency of attention to similar ob- jects in Penn. (Same (M'Kean) Dec. 11, 1802.) 1803. Petition from inliabitants of Huntingdon Co. on advantages from improvement of navigation of Sus- quehanna and Juniata rivers, praying for authoriza- tion to raise $15,000 by lotterv. (House jol. 1803/4: 340.) . Rept. of committee (Potts) apptd. on part of Govs. mess. rel. to navigation of the Susquehanna. (Same 1802/3; 305-306.) 31 M 1824 » House Senate " " House 1825 tt Senate M House 1826 " Senate " " House 1827 " Senate " ** House CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Susquehanna River — cont'd noHSCiial — cont'd 1803. Rept. of jt. committee (Wells) on apptmt. o! comrs. to meet Md. comr. and those of Md. Canal Co. in regard to navigation of tlie Susquehanna; tolls (name 1802/3: GSti.) 1809. Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion (Piper) to whom was referred petition from Clearfield Co. for apprn. tor improving the west branch of the Susquehanna. (Same. 1808/9:669.1 1817. Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion (Read) to whom was referred petition of Theo- dore Burr for right to make and sustain a lock to convey boats and other craft up and down the Sus- quehanna River, at the narrows of Wiconlsco Mt., subject to toll. (Same lSlG/7: 299.) Feb. 6. Letter from gov. of Md. transmitting res. rel. to improvement of navigation of Susquehanna River; co-operation of Penn. suggested. (Sen. jol. 1816/7: 247.) Feb. 2C. Rept. of committee on roads and inland navigation (Scott) rel. to improvement ot naviga- tion of Susquehanna River. (House jol. 1816/17: 486-487.) 1817 Mch. 25. Res. apptg. comrs. to view, in conjunc- tion with Md. comrs., the Susquehanna River, (Same 181G/7; 742.) Mch. 1. Rept. of committee on roads and inland navigation (M'Farland) to whom was referred com- munication from Gov. of Md. on subject of improv- ing navigation of the Susquehanna River. (Sen. jol. 1816/7; 302.) Sept. 1. Rept. of comrs. apptd. by res. of the Penn. Legisl. Jlch. 25, 1817, to examine, with Md. comrs.. the Susquehanna River and means to improve its navigation. (House jol. 1817/18: 56-61; Sen. jol. 1S17/8; 44-49.) The Penn. comrs, were Ben]. R. Morgan. Robt. Harris, Jno. Boyd. Wm, Wilson, John Holleuback. Their rept. considered the practicability of the proposed improvement, canals, locks, tolls, removal of ob- structions from the river, etc. 1820 Jan. 26. See above, Canals, etc. Pennsylvania, this date. . Communication from auditor gen. (Bryan) in reply to res. requesting copies of letters and papers rel. to proceedings of Wm. P. Beatty, treasurer apptd. by mgrs. under act for raising by lottery sum for removing obstructions and improving navigation of Susquehanna River and branches thereof. (Sen. jol. 1819/20; 267-268.) 1822 Jan. 28. Govs. mess. (Hiester) transmitting copies ot a letter of the Gov. of Md. with copies of res. and act of legisl. of that state rel. to improvement ot the navigation of the Susquehanna River. (House jol. 1821/2; 488-490; Sen. jol. 1821/2: 269.) ■ •. Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion (Conrad) to whom were referred petition of Peter A. Karthause and others rel. to improvement of the west branch of the Susquehanna. (House jol. 1821/2: 577.) 1824 Mch. 27. Rept. of [special] committee (Streator) rel. to navigation of north-east branch of the Sus- quehanna. (Same 1823/4: 1087.) 1827 Mch. 5. Rept. of engr. (Trcziyulny) apptd. by comrs. tor improvement of Susquehanna River. (Sen. jol. 1826/7 v. 1: 685-701; House jol. 1S26/7 v. 2: 643-659 (doc. 252).) • Doc. ace. Govs. mess. (Shulze), Dec. 7, 1825. 482 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Susquehanna River — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1827. Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. S. Wiestling, 1827. 19 pp. . Same. Harrisburg: Cameron & Krause, 1827. 19 pp. Copies of each ed. seen in Amer. Phil. Socy. The Wiestling print Is also in the N. Y. Public Librnry. Mch. 31. Rept. of committee on inland navigation (Lehman) reL to surveys of streams flowing into Susquehanna and Allegheny rivers. (House jol. 1826/7 v. 2: 6S4 (doc. 277).) Dec. 12. Rept. of Chas. T. Whlppo, engr. on sur- vey of proposed canal route betw. the Allegheny River and Lake Erie by way of the Ohio, the Beaver and Shenango; examinations across the dividing ridge betw. head of the feeder at Meadville, by way of French Creek and what is called Beaverdam summit, to the Bay of Presque Isle; summits betw. Sandy Lick and Bennett's Branch of the Sinne- mahoning; and betw. the Cushing and the Tar Lick of the Conemaugh. (Rept. of canal comrs. 1827: 76-98 (series 9, no. 12).) Paging from Senate ed. (v. 1). Dec. 25. Rept. of Chas. T. Whippo, engr. on ex- amination of proposed canal route on east side of the Susquehanna River, betw. Chickies Creek and the Md. line. (Same 1827: 74-75 (series 9, no. 11).) Paging from Senate ed. (v. 1). 1S30. See below. Receipts and Expenditures, this date. 1831. Communication from Gov. of Md. with preamble and resolutions of general assembly, rel. to dams erected in Susquehanna River. (House jol. 1830/1 V. 2: 805-809; Sen. jol. 1830/1: 313-316.) . Commissions granted by Gov. of Md. to comrs. apptd. in behalf of Md. to remonstrate agst. arti- ficial obstructions to navigation in Susquehanna River. (Sen. jol. 1830/1 v. 1: 471-472.) Mch. 15. Message from Gov. (Wolf) rel. to apptmt. of comrs. on part of Md. for removal of artificial obstructions to navigation of Susquehanna River. (House jol. 1830/1 v. 2: 841 (doc. 216).) Mch. 31. Rept. of [select] committee (Burden) on Govs. mess, with mess, from Gov. of Md. and Md. res. rel. to dams in Susquehanna River. (Sen. jol. 1830/1 V. 1: 650-654; House jol. 1830/1 v. 9: 882-883 (doc. 259).) A letter by chrm. Burden is omitted from the House rept. Dec. 15. Result of inquiry as to whether act of Feb. 19, 1801, declaring Susquehanna to Maryland a public highway has been violated by erection of dams. (A.R. canal comrs. 1831: 45.) 1832 Mch. 12. Govs. mess. (Wolf), with Md. docs. rel. to re-construction or repair of Muncy and Shamo- kin dams in the Susquehanna River in Penn. (Sen. jol. 1831/2 [V. 1]: 471-472.) 1834 Jan. 20. Rept. from committee on inland naviga- tion and internal improvement (Miller) rel. to the free locks on the Susquehanna River. (House jol. 1833/4 v. 2: 542-544 (doc. 119).) 1841 Apr. 14. Govs. mess. (Porter) rel. to damages caused by erection of dam in river Susquehanna at mouth of Conestoga Creek. (Sen. jol. 1841 v. 1: 745.) Apr. 17. Rept. of select committee (Steele) rel. to interruption of navigation of Susquehanna by the schutes at Columbia and at mouth of Conestoga. (House jol. 1841 v. 2: 544-546 (doc. 167).) . Same, separate. Not seen. 1000 copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1841 T. 1 : 864.) 1863. Debate on jt. res. rel. to dam of the Susquehanna Canal Co. (Legisl. Record 1863: 304-306; 427-430.) CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal Company; see above, Susquehanna Canal Susquehanna and Patapsco Canal Company 1826 Mch. 21. Govs. mess. (Shulze) transmitting Md. act incorporating Susquehanna and Patapsco Canal Co.; with ace. doc. (Sen. joL 1825/6: 486-490; House jol. 1825/6 v. 2: 244-298 (doc. 201).) Tioga Navigation Co. Incorporated Feb. 20. 1S26. 1844. Rept. of select committee (Hughes) on petitions of citizens of Tioga Co. asking apptmt. of a commit- tee to investigate stmt, made by Tioga Navigation Co. of their receipts and expenditures for 1843. (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 1: 562-564.) 1846 Jan. 20. See above. Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation Co., this date. Union Canal Company Formed from the tinion of th^ Schuylkill and Susque- hanna Canal and the Delaware and Schuylkill, Apr. 2, 1811 : in 1SS5 it was sold and reorganized under name of Schuylkill and Middletown Canal Co. ; this company was dissolved by court. See also above, Canals, etc. Penn., under dates 1761- 1S76. serial 1 series 1854-1856. Ann. rept. of mgrs. of Union Canal Co. of Penn. n. t. p. In Collected docs, as follows : 1854 in Legislative docs. 1855:4.59-467 (doc. 47). 1S55 " " " 1856:591-593 (doc. 67). 1856 " " " 1857: 503-505 (doc. 39). 2 series 1863-1885. Ann. rept. (.\.R. auditor gen. on 1863. 365-367; rept. secy, internal affairs on 1885.) non-serial 1810 Dee. 13. Memorial of the President, mngrs. and CO., of the Schuylkill and Susquehanna Navigation and of Delaware and Schuylkill Canal Navigation with ace. docs. (Sen. jol. 1810/1: 65.) The memorial proposed to unite the two cos. and solicited a state loan. . Same, separate, n. t. p. 3 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. I>ec. 21. Rept. of committee (Leech) on memorial of Schuylkill and Susquehanna Navigation and of Delaware and Schuylkill Navigation. (House jol. 1810/11: 140-142.) 1811 Apr. 1. Rept. of jt. committee (Leech), on dis- agreement of two Houses on act for incorporation of Union Canal Co. of Penn. (.Some 1810/11: 784- 786.) Nov. 19. Memorial of Union Canal to U. S. Cong. praying aid. (Amer. State Papers, Misc. v. 2: 161.) [1811 Dec.?] Memorial of stockholders in Delaware and Schuylkill Canal Navigation Co. to Senate and House [rel. to injustice of incorporating Union Canal Co.]. n. t. p. 2 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. Dec. 5. Co. incorporated to connect Schuylkill and Delaware rivers; state aid probably necessary to accomplish object. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. 5, 1811.) Dec. 19. Rept. of committee (Gemmill) to whom was referred memorial of president and mgrs. of the Union Canal Co. of Penn., remonstrance from stock- holders In the Schuylkill and Susquehanna Naviga- gation, and the Delaware and Schuylkill Canal Co.; state loan recommended. (Sen. jol. 1811/2: 55-56.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 483 CAHALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Union Canal Company^ont'd )ion-scrial — cont'd 1813 Jan. 20. Rept. of committee ((Icmmill) to whom was referred memorial of president and mgrs. of the Union Canal Co. of Penn. for a loan for the sum which the co. are permitted to raise by lottery, etc. (Same 1812/3: 1G4-165.) Mch. 19. Reasons for adverse vote (Iluane. chair- man of committee on roads and inland navipiation) on decision refusing to grant request of Union Canal Co., for guarantee of repayment, in 15 yrs. of sum of money co. wished to borrow. (House jol. 1812/13: 571-576.) 1819 Feb. 6. Rept. of jt. committee [Lehmanl apptd. for purpose of examining the works erected by the former Schuylkill and Susquehanna Co. Read Feb. 9, 1819. n. t. p. 12 pp. Copy Been In Amer. Phil. Socy. Usual uo. ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1818/9: 408.) . Same. (House jol. 1818/9: 396-407.) Feb. 9. Rept. of jt. committee (Lehman) apptd. to examine works of Union Canal Co. in Lebanon Co. (Same 1818/19: 396-401.) Apr. 19. Act suppl. to act to incorporate Union Canal Co. of Penn. 6 pp. 1820 Jan. 26. See above, Canals, etc. Pennsylvania, this date. 1821 Mch. 8. Letter from president and treasurer of Union Canal Co. in compliance with Sen. res. resp. amt. of stock of the co. and proportion which is the stock of the Delaware and Schuylkill Navigation Co. (Sen. jol. 1820/1: 604-605.) Dec. 5. Concerning mngmt. of Union Canal; no apprehension of call upon state. (Govs. mess. (Hies- ter) Dec. 5, 1821.) Dec. 11. Rept. of ex-ofEcio mgrs. of Union Canal Co. on progress of work, etc. (House jol. 1821/2: 80-81; Sen. jol. 1821/2: 56-58.) Ex-officlo managers were auditor gen., seoy. and state treasurer. 1822. Letter and docs, in relation to the dissolution of the engagement of Loammi Baldwin, with the Union Canal Co. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Mowry & Cameron, 1823. 23 pp. Copy seen In Amer. Phil. Sooy.. Phila. Usual no. ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 182i/3 : 429.) . Same. (Sen. jol. 1822/3: 405-425.) Dec. 5. Importance of water communication; Union Canal; connection of the Susquehanna and Delaware by canal. (Govs. mess. (Hiester) Dec. 5, 1822.) 1825 Dec. 7. Work of Union Canal Co. (Same (Schulze) Dec. 7, 1825.) 1827 Dec. 55. Union Canal approaching completion; Penn. Canal under contract. (Same (Schulze) Dec. 5, 1827.) 1828 Feb. 9. Rept. of committee of ways and means (Harrison) rel. to Union Canal lottery, and to pre- vent sale of foreign lottery tickets. (House jol. 1827/8 V. 2: 691-696 (doc. 192).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by S. C. Stambaugh, 1828. 7 pp. Copy seen in the Penn. State Library. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1827/8 v. 1 : 348. t 1830 Dec. 21. Union Canal property of incorporated CO.; length of canal, locks, etc. (A.R. canal comrs. 1829/30: 45.) Paging from Sen. doe. ed. 1831 Feb. 21. Rept. of committee of ways and means (Craft) rel. to lotteries and vending of lottery tickets. (House jol. 1830/1 v. 2: 799-802 (doc. 177).) Includes History of Union Canal Co. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Union Canal Company — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1S3L Practice of selling foreign lottery tickets; impos- sible to abate evil until abolishment of Union Canal lottery. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 7, 1831.) 1832 Feb. 21. Rept. of committee on vice and immo- rality (Fullerton) on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to lotteries. (Sen. jol. 1831/2 v. 1: 353-360.) Includes hist, of Union Canal Co. and stmt, of treasurer of that CO., 1814-1831. . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1832. 15 pp. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of I'enn. and In the Penn. State Library. 3000 copies in English and 1000 In (Jerman were ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1831/2 r. 1 : 3G5-366.) . Same. Philadelphia, 1832. 15 pp. Copies seen in lil)rary of tlie Library Co. of Phila. and in Hist. Socy. of Penn. Dec. 6. Demoralizing influence of lotteries; con- tract of Yates and M'Intyre with Union Canal Co. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 6, 1832.) 1S33 Jan. 1. Communication from mngrs. of Union Canal Co., with stmt. rel. to their lotteries made in compliance with House res. (House jol. 1832/3 v. 2: 334-335.) Jan. 31. Reasons of Saml. Breck and others for voting agst. bill abolishing lotteries [on acct. of its effect on Union Canal Co.l. (Sen. jol. 1832/3 [v. 1]: 328.) ■ Jlch. 29. Rept. of select committee (M'CuUoh) on memorial of Union Canal Co. for passage of an act explanatory of proviso of section 3 of act for entire abolition of lotteries. (House jol. 1832/3 v. 1: 828.) 1835 Mch. 27. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (M'Culloh) on petitions rel. to changing mode of assessing damages and repairing bridges in case of Union Canal Co. (Same 1834/5 v. 2: 755 (doc. 217).) 1S3S. Rept. of Union Canal Co. rel. to stock and loan holders. (Same 1837/8 v. 2: 512-522.) Dec. 27. See above. Canals, etc.: Individual (State). Penn. Canal, this date. 1839. Memorial of a convention of citizens of common- wealth to enlarge the Union Canal. Harrisburg: E. Guyer, 1839. 14 pp. Copy in Amer. Phil. Socy., Phlla. 2000 copies In English and 500 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1838/9 V. 1 : 246.) The House ordered 3000 copies In English and 1000 In German of the rept. of the committee apptd. by a state convention Dec. 4, 1838, In favor of enlarge- ment of the Union Canal. (House jol. 1838/9 v. 1 : 161.) No copy was found. Jan. 22. Rept. of James D. Harris, engr., on ex- amination of the Union Canal, with view to Its en- largement. (House jol. 1838/9 app. to v. 2: 490-509 (doc. 94).) . Same, separate. Not seen. 1500 copies were ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1838/9 V. 1 : 300.) Feb. 9. Communication from pres. of Union Canal Co. (Wm. Boyd) ace. with rept. of Jas. D. Harris on examination of the Union Canal to ascertain cer- tainty of obtaining water supply when enlarged to size of the Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1838/9 app. to V. 2: 489 (doc. 93).) For rept. of Mr. Harris, see above, under date Jan. 22, 1839. . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Boas & Coplan, 1839. 24 pp. Copy seen in the Penn. State Library. 484 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENT^SYLVANIA CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Union Canal Company — cont'd no>i-s€rial — cont'd 1540 Jan. 9. Veto (Porter) of res. for relief of Union Canal Co., etc. (House jol. 1840 v. 1: 21-22; Sen. jol. V. 1: 61-62.) 1541 Mch. 6. See above, Susquehanna Canal Co., this date. 1ST5. See above, Canals, Penn., this date. 1875-1895. See same, these dates. 1885. Sale to Schuyler and Middletown Canal Co.; dis- solution of that CO. by court in Nov., 1SS5. (A.R. secy, internal affairs pt. 4, 1885: vi.) Receipts and Expe.nditukes 1811/26-1811/32. Tables: Union Canal lotteries. In Collected docs, as follows : 1811/26 in House jol. 1826/7 v. 2 : 85-SS. 1811/29 - " " 1830/1 V. 2:568-571. 1811/32 " Senate " 1831/2 v. 1 : 360-366. 1812-1818. Stmt, of accts. of the Union Canal made in pursuance of a res. of the Senate and House; Jos. Watson, pres. n. t. p. 8 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1813/9:248; House jol. 1818/9: 363.) . Same. (House jol. 1818/9: 357-362; Sen. jol. 1818/9: 242-243.) Submitted in compliance with joint res. of the Legisl. 1828-1830. Table: tolls reed, by Union Canal Co. (House jol. 1830/1 V. 2: 655-657 (doc. 128).) West Branch and Allegheny Canal; see above, Pennsylvania Canal [and R.R.]. Proposed Branches West Branch and Susquehanna Canal Co. Purchaser of West Branch and Susquehanna Divisions of the Penn. Canal. serial 1 series 1863-1868. Ann. rept. (A.R. auditor gen. on 1S63 (pp. 350-353)— same 1868.) 2 series Under lease by Penn. Canal Co. 1869-1873. Ann. rept. (A.R. auditor gen. on 1369 (pp. 639-640)— same 1873.) Sold under foreclosure of mortgage and purchased by Penn. Canal Co. non-serial 1865 Nov. See below, Wyoming Valley Canal. West Philadelphia Canal Co. 1833. Memorial of president, directors and company for erecting a permanent bridge over the River Schuylkill at or near the City of Phila., remonstrat- ing agst. certain alterations prayed for by the West Phila. Canal Co. in act to incorporate a co. to make a canal round the western abutment of the Perma- nent Bridge over the River Schuylkill at city of Phila. passed Apr. 4, 1831. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1833. 26 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. Wiconisco Canal Co. 1 series 1851/2. Ann. stmts. In Collected docs, as follows : 1851/2 In Senate Jol. 1853 v. 2:570-572 (doc. 50K " " House " 1853 v. 2:552-553 (doc. 53). 2 series 1863-1872. Ann. rept. (A.R. auditor gen. on 1863 (pp. 358-360)— «ame 1872.) Sold upon Judgment obtained by Penn. Canal Co. and purchased by that Co. 1S40 1841 1837 Dec. 6. CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Wiconisco Canal Co. — cont'd Wicoxisco Canal '■ Extends from the slucUwater of the Clark's Ferry dam, near Duncan's Island bridge, to the Wiconisco Creek." serial A 1S3S-1S41. Rept. of supt. J. P. Rutherford, supt. 1838 in A.R. canal comrs. 1837, 8 : 169-175.* Sivioii Sallade, supt. 1839 In A.R. canal comrs. 1838, 9 : 19S-207.' John C. M'AlIister, supt. 1840 in A.R. canal comrs. 1839/40:389-400.* 1S41 " " " " 1S40/1: 216.* t B 183S-1S41. Rept. of engr. J. Bradlfi, engr. 1S3S in A.R. canal comrs. 1837, S : 105-114.* A. B. Warjord, engr. 1.8.'!9 in A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9 : 179197.* 1839/40 : 386-389.* " " " 1840/1 : 214-215.* t noti-serial Construction of canal from Wisconisco to head of Clarke's Ferry dam, and rwy. from Harris- burg to connect with Phila. and Columbia R.R. at Columbia. (A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7: 7.) Paging from Collected docs. 1838. Table: state and progress of work, together with estimate of cost of completing same. (Same 1837/8: 46 (A).) Paging from House doc. ert. . Table: contractors, work and prices; amt. esti- mated, retained percentage and amt. paid; payments made to supt., engrs. and others; recapitulation. (Same 1837/8: 171-175.) Paging from House doc. ed. Dec. 21. Wiconisco Canal put under contract; location; estimated cost, including feeder; amt. appropriated; amt. re(iuired to complete. (Same 1S37/S: 23-24.) 1S38/9. Table: estimate of cost of completing; esti- mated value of work done from Nov. 1, 1838-Oct. 31, 1839, amt. paid on different contracts during that time and by whom paid and amt. of percentage re- tained. (Same 1838/9: facing p. 198.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1838/9-1839/40. Stmt, of amt. of work done from Nov. 1, 1838-Oct. 31, 1839 showing different items under each contract. (Same 1838/9 (pp. 199-206)— same 1839/40.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1839/40. Table: estimated amt. of work done; amt. paid by former supt.; amt. paid by present supt.; whole amt. paid and whole amt. of retained per- centage. (Same 1839/40: 390 (1-3).) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from dept. editions. 1840 Jan. 8. See above, Erie Extension, this date. Jan. 21. Length and lockage of Wiconisco Canal; necessity for construction of feeder; cost of work done; amt. required to complete. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9: 40.) Paging from House ed. 1841 Jan. 1. Length; value of work done; amt. due contractors; amt. required to complete. (Satne 1839/40: 40-41.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. Aug. 18. See above, Columbia and Phila. R.R. Damages, this date. * Paging from Sen. doc. ed. t Omitted from dept. editions. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 485 CAlf ALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS— cont'd Wiconisco Canal Co. — cont'd W'lcoNisco Canal — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1842 Jan. 15. No apprn. made at last session to con- tinue work; estimated amt required to complete and amt. due contractors. (A.R. canal comrs. 1840/1: 26-27.) Paging from Sen. ed. EMPLOYES 1839-1840. Names of officers and engrs. employed on Wiconisco Canal with pay and salaries per diem and per annum. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9 (p. 207) — same 1839/40.) Paging from House doc. ed. Wyoming Canal Company Succeeded by the Wyoming Valley Canal Co., which was Incorporated Apr. 3, 1863 : Bee below. 1863. Receipts from Wyoming Canal Co. on acct. of bonds redeemed. (A.R. auditor gen. 1862/3: 51.) . Debate on act to authorize the Wyoming Canal Co. and its creditors to agree to an adjustment of their resp. rights. (Legisl. Record 1863: 3S7-389; 396-398; 400-402; 418-420; 572-576; 577-579.) Feb. 13. Communication from treasurer (Moore) with stmt, rel. to amt. of money due common- wealth by Wyoming Canal Co. (Legisl. docs. 1863: 1297; Legisl. Record 1863: 186.) Jan. 7. Wyoming Canal still in hands of re- ceivers; comments on. (Govs. mess. (Curtin) Jan. 7, 1863: 13.) Wyoming Valley Canal Co. See also above, Wyoming Canal Co. serial 1863-1869. Ann. rept. (A.R. auditor gen. on 1863 (pp. 347-349)— same 1869.) Merged into Penn. Canal ; see above. 7ion-serial 1865 Nov. Veto of act to regulate tolls on the Wyom- ing Valley Canal, West Branch and Susquehanna Canal, Eastern Div. of main line Penn. Canal and the Susquehanna Canal. (Legisl. Record 1866: 26.) Youghiogheny River See also above. Pennsylvania, under dates 1761-1876, and 1790-1793. 1809. Rept. of committee on roads and inland naviga- tion (O'Brien) on petition of sundry inhabitants of Somerset and Lafayette cos. praying for apprn. for improving navigation of Youghiogheny River. (House jol. 1808/9: 691.) 1822. See above, Little Conemaugh. CANNED GOODS; see FOOD AND DRUG LAW CANNING INDUSTRY; see INDUSTRIES, ETC. CANNING CANON (J. W.) City supt. of schools 1881/2-1895 '6 : see Education. Sharon. City supt. of schools 1S95/G-1903/4 ; see Education. New Castle. Supt. of Schools, 'Newcastle 1900. Pensions for teachers. (Penn. School Jol. v. 49: 81-83.) CANONSBURG, WASHINGTON CO. Climate; see that title. Precipitation Rainfall; see Climate Savings Banks; see Banks: Individual. Canonsburg Small-Pox in; see Public Health Temperature; see Climate CANTON, BRADFORD CO. Banks; see Banks: Individual. Farmers' and Manufacturers' Bank Health Board; see Public Health: Boards of Health: Local CAPE HENLOPEN Quarantine; see Public Health CAPITOL; see PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: STATE CAPP (WILLIAM) 1898. Phila, Lying-in Charity and Nurse Training School. (Charitable Institutions which reed, state aid in 1897 and 1898 .... pp. 729-735.) CAR MANUFACTURERS Wages; see Labor. Wages CARBON COUNTY Organized Mch. 13, 1843; formed of a part of Northamp- ton and Monroe cos. Crops; see Agriculture. Crops Miners; see Labor. Trades. Miners Schools in; see Education Small-Pox in; see Public Health Strikes; see Labor Disputes. Miners Teachers' Institute; see Education. Teachers CARBONDALE, LACKAWANNA CO. Banks; see Banks: Individual. Carbondale Health; see Public Health Sanitation; see Public Health Sa\'ings Banks; see Banks: Individual Savings Banks. Liberty Schools in; see Education Typhoid Fever in; see Public Health CARDINGTON, DELAWARE CO. Nuisances; see Public Health CAREY (H.) 1903. Small-pox in Somerset Co. (19 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1902/3 v. 1: 429-430.) CARHART (JOSEPH) 1894. The true standard of educational values. (Penn. School Jol. V. 42: 327-329.) CARLISLE, CUMBERLAND CO. Academies; see Education. Secondary Anthrax; see Public Health Banks; see Banks: Individual. Carlisle; Farmers' Bank of Carlisle Climate; see that title Health Board; see Public Health: Boards of Health: Local Nuisances; see Public Health Rainfall; see Climate Savings Banks; see Banks: Individual Savings Banks: Carlisle Schools in; see Education Small-Pox in; see Public Health Typhoid Fever in; see Public Health CARLISLE BARRACKS, CUMBERLAND CO. Temperature; see Climate 486 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CARLL (J. F.) 1S75. Rept. of progress in the Venango Co. distr. (2(1 geol. survey I: 5-49.) 1877. Oil well records and levels, xiv, 398 (1) pp. Part II of 2d gpol. survey publications. ISSO. Geology of the oil regions of Warren, Venango, Clarion and Butler cos preglacial and post- glacial drainage of the Lake Erie country, xxiv, 482, 4 pp., 23 pis., 1 vol. of maps. Part III of 2d geol. survey publications. 1883. Geol. rept. on Warren Co. and neigliboring oil regions, xxi, 439, 5 pp., 2 pis., 4 maps, chart. Part IV of 2d geol. survey publications. 1S90. 7th rept. on the oil and gas fields of western Penn. [etc.]. viii, 356 pp., maps, illus. CARLTON (L. T.) 1898. Financial value of angling to a state. (Rept. comrs. of fisheries 1897/8: 155-158.) CARMICHAELS, GREENE CO. Banks; see Banks: Individual. People's Bank Health Board; see Public Health: Boards of Health: Local CARMICHAELTOWN, GREENE CO. Academies; see Education. Secondary CARNAHAN (J. E.) 1893. Clover. (51 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1S93: 36-37.) CARNEGIE, ALLEGHENY CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local CARNEY (JOHN H.) County supt. of schools 1S00/1-1S92/3 ; see Education, Juniata Co. CAROTHERS (T. C.) County supt. of schools 1S57/8-1862/3 : see also Educa- tiitn. Beaver Co. 1859. Duties and responsibilities of the teaclier's pro- fession. (Penn. School Jol. v. 8: 28-32.) CARP; see FISH AND GAME CARPENTERS Wages; see Labor. Wages CARPET MANUFACTURERS Wages of; see Labor. Wages CARRELL (JAMES W.) Fish comr. 1805/6-1902/3 ; see Fish and Game. CARRELL (JOSEPH, JR.) 1891. Does it pay the farmer to go to market? (45 and 46 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1891: 246-247.) CARMALT (JAMES E.) 1887. Abstr. of address at Montrose institute [resp. domestic life on farm, etc. J. (35 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1887: 143-146.) CARROLL (0. F.) City supt. of schools 1881/2 ; see Education. Oil City. CARROLL (DENNIS) Claimant 1839. Donation land. (House jol. 1838/9 v. 1: 440.) CARROLL (JOHN S.) County supt. of schools 1899/00-1903/4 ; see Education. Fayette Co. CARROLLTOWN, CAMBRIA CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local CARRIAGE BUILDERS Wages of; see Labor. Wages CARSON (HAMPTON L.) Attorney General 1?03-1!)0G ; see Administration of Justice. State. CARSON (THOMAS) Representative from Franklin Co. 1834/5-1835/6, 1843- 1844. Senator from Franklin and Adams cos., 1845-1847, 1851-1853. Represeiitative Committee on Vice and Immorality 1S36 Mch. 23. Gambling. (House jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 717.) CARTER (CHARLES MILTON) 1875. Drawing in the public schools. (Penn. School Jol. V. 23: 331-333.) CARTER (JOHN I.) Supt. Eastern Experimental Farm 1873-1879 ; see also Agricultural E.xperiment Stations. Chairman of general fruit committee, Penn. Fruit Growers' Society, 1878 ; see -Agriculture, Crops. Fruit, Peunsylvania, under dates 1872-1905. 1575. Roads, (v. 10 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1874/5: 176-179.) . What kind of fertilizers, (v. 10 same 1874/5: lSl-184.) . Acct. of experiment made [in dairy feeding]. (V. 10 .same 1874/5: 169-170.) . [Method of making butter.] (v. 10 same 1874/5: 174.) 1576. Profits of raising corn in Chester Co. (v. 11 same 1876: 242.) . Mngmt. of orchards. (Rept. Penn. fruit growers' assn. 1875/6: 36-40.) . How to estimate value [in money] of fertilizers. (v. 11 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1876: 33-41.) 1877. Fertilizers on the Eastern Penn. Experimental farm. (v. 12 same 1877: 337-340.) 1884. Creameries, co-operative and private, their cost and value as a market for milk. (8 A.R. bd. agric. 1884: 132-139.) 1887. Complete fertilizers. (35 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1887: 22-23.) . Wire fences. (34 same 1887: 119-121.) 1S90. Township statistics as relating to the road sub- ject. (41 and 42 -^aitie 1890: 48-50.) 1802. Silos and ensilage. (49 and 50 same 1892: 174- 178.) 1S94. Foods for the dairy. (52 same 1894: 67-68.) CARTER (W. T.) 1902. See Frear (Wm.). CARVER (SAMUEL) Representative from city of Phlla.. 1803/4-1807/8. Committee on Roads and Inland Navigation 1803 Dec. 20. Lottery for artificial road. (House jol. 1803/4: 89.) 1804 Jan. 10. Petitions for a turnpike road. (Same 1803/4: 189.) Jan. 10. Westmoreland Co. petition; repair of state road from Bedford to Pittsburgh. (/Some 1803/4: 192-193.) Jan. 28. Mifflin Co. petition for a road across the Tuscarora Valley. (.Same 1803/4: 310.) Jan. 31. Fishing Creek. (Same 1803/4: 321.) Feb. 23. Expense of Huntingdon Co. for road making. (Same 1803/4: 457-458.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 487 CAKVER (SAMUEL)— cont'd Committee on Roads and Inland Navigation — cont'd 1S04 Feb. 2S. Petition from Phila. rel. to payment for property of individuals tlirougli which roads pass, etc. (Same 1S03/4: 4S7-4SS.) Feb. 29. Water works in Delaware River, {ttumc UO?,/i: 49S.) [Select] Committee 1SU4 Jan. 10. Continuation of Le Beuf Creek as a public highway. (House jol. 1S03/4: 187-188.) CARY (G. L.) 1900. Meadville Theological School. (3 bienn. rcpt. of higher education 1899/00: 644-047.) P.igiui; from rept. of supt. of public iustructlou. CARYDON, WARREN CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local CARYS BANK Nuisances; see Public Health CASE (ELIHU) .Senator from Br.TtlforJ and Susquehanna cos. 1837/38- 1841. Select Committee 1838 Feb. 5. Poor-house in Bradford Co. (Seu. jol. 1S37/S V. 1: SIO.) CASE (D. BRAINARD) 1886. Defects in Penn. school laws. (Penn. School Jol. V. 35: 92-95.) CASH (JOHN S.) 1835. Rept. as supt. of motive power and machinery on Columbia and Phila. R.R. (A.R. canal comrs. 1834/5: 41-47.) Paging from House doc. ed. CASS (M. F.) Count.v supt. of schools lSSl/2-1893/4 ; see Education. Tioga Co. CASSAT (JACOB) Kepresentiitive fron> Adams Co. 1820/1-1S23/4. Sen- ator from Adams. Cumberland and Fraulilin cos., 1837/S-1S41. Representative Select Committee 1821 Mch. 14. Fishing in Conevvago Creek and branches. (House jol. 1S20/1: S02.) 1822 Jan. 18. Prtg. laws in German. (Same 1821/2: 834-835.) Senator 1838 Jan. 30. See Strohm (John). Feb. 1. Routes for a road from Gettysburg to Hagerstown, Md. (Sen. jol. 1S37/S v. 1: 276-235.) 2000 copies in English and 500 in German ordered prtd. to be attached to and prtd. with majority rept. (Sen. Joi. 1S37/S v. 1: 2So.) CASSELMAN, SOMERSET CO. Typhoid Fever in; see Public Health CASSIDAY (LEWIS C.) Representative for Phiia. Co. IS.51. Attorney General 1883-1SS6 ; see Adndnistratlon of Justice : State. CASTELLMANOS (J. J.) 1897. Mississippi River quarantine stations. (14 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1S97/S v. 1: 603-605.) CASTLE SHANNON, ALLEGHENY CO. Diphtheria at; see Public Health. Diphtheria CASTLES (HUGH) Count.v .sui)t. of schools ISo I-ycoming Co. 8-1SG2/3: sec Education. CATALPA; see FORESTS AND FORESTRY CATASAUQUA, LEHIGH CO. Banks; see Banks: Individual. Bank of Catasauqua; aha Catasauqua Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Typhoid Fever in; see Public Health CATASTROPHES Floods; see Climate Public Aid; see that title For mine disasters see Coal Mines and Mining th? various I'ntries under Accidents for anthracite and bituminous mines resp. CATAWISSA, COLUMBIA CO. Banks; see Banks: Individual. Catawissa Climate; see that title Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Loca! Rainfall; see Climate Temperature; see Climate Typhoid Fever; see Public Health CATFISH; see FISH AND GAME CATTELL (W. C.) 1S7G. Relation of technical schools to our educational system. (Penn. School Jol. v. 25: 103-104.) CATTLE; see AGRICULTURE. LIVESTOCK CAUGHEY (JOHN) Representative from P.eaver Co. 1S77 8-1S70/S0. Committee on Appropriations 1S7S May 24. Procs. during session; apprns. recom- mended, etc. (House jol. 1878: 1519-1520.) CAVERLY (C. S.) 1894. Anterior poliomyelitis in Vt. health, etc. 1894/5: 267-278.) (11 A.R. bd. of CAWLEY (FLORENCE J.) ISSS. Education prompts labor. (37 and 38 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1S88: 178-179.) CAWLEY (MORRIS F.) 1895. Diphtheria at Allentown. (11 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1894/5: 243-244.) . Diphtheria at Old Ainevville. (11 xame 1S94/5: 244-245.) 1896. Diphtheria in Lehigh Co. (12 . stmt, of the no. of persons In each CO. in Penn. and in the City of Phila. 1830. Abstr. of the census of eastern and western dis- tricts of Pa. (Sen. Jol. 1S31/2 v. 1: 772-787.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: H. Welsh, 1832. 18 pp., 2 tables. Copy in Library of Congress. 1S40. Sixth census of Penn. by cos., townships and wards. Harrisburg: Boas & Patterson, 1842. 24 (2) pp.. 2 foldg. tables. . Same. (House jol. 1842 v. 2: 837-861 (doc. 193); Sen. jol. 1S42 v. 2: 343-365 (doc. 28).) Two folding tables heloneing to this doc. are bound betw. pp. 36S and 369 in the Sen. jol. ed. 1850. Abstr. of census returns. Not seen. 3000 copies in Enijlish and 1000 in German ordered prtrt. (House jol. 1S52 v. 1 : 131.) 1852 Jan. 31. Rept. of secy, of commonwealth (Hughes) rel. to census. (Sen. Jol. 1852 v. 2: 323-326 (doc. 37).) 1861. Communication from secy. (Slifer) on census of Penn. for 1860, as per resolution of House Feb. 28, 1861. (Legisl. docs. 18C1: 837-838 (doc. 44).) 1874. Propriety of state census in 1875. (Govs, diess. (Hartranft) Jan. 7, 1S74: 22-23.) 1884. Decennial state census recommended, to be fixed at end of fifth year next following general census by U. S. Govt. (12 A.R. bureau of industrial sta- tistics 1884: vii.) School; see Education CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM; see AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL; see EDUCATION. PHILA. CENTRALIA, COLUMBIA CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Small-Pox in; see Public Health CENTRE COUNTY Organized Feb. 13. ISOO : formed of a part of Mifflin, Northumberland, Lycoming and Huntingdon cos. -Academies; see Education. Secondary Agricultural Society; see Agricultural Societies: Individual Agriculture; see that title Cattle; see Agriculture. Livestock Corn Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Crops; see Agriculture. Crops Diphtheria; see Public Health. Diphtheria Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs Finances; see Finance: County Fruit Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Fruit Geology; see Geological and Topographical Surveys Hog Cholera; see Agriculture. Livestock. Inspection Liquor TrafSc; see that title Salaries; see Salaries. County Officers Schools in; see Education CENTRE COUNTY— cont'd Small-Pox in; see Public Health Teachers' Assns.; see Education. Associations Teachers' Institute; see Education. Teachers CENTRE COUNTY NORMAL SCHOOL; see EDUCATION. NORMAL SCHOOLS CENTRE HALL, CENTRE CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local CENTRE SQUARE, MONTGOMERY CO. Nuisances; see Public Health CENTREVILLE, BUTLER CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local CENTREVILLE NORMAL SCHOOL; see EDUCATION. NOR- MAL SCHOOLS: STATE. ELEVENTH DISTRICT CEREALS; see FOOD AND DRUG LAW CESSNA (JOHN) Representative from Bedford and Cambria cos. 1S50- ISol. 1S62-1SG3, 1893,4. 1893 Jlay 31. Remarks: r.r. corporations. (Legisl. Record 1S93 v. 2: 3277-3279.) CESSNA (JOHN H.) County siipt. of schools ISSl 2-1859 '90 ; see Education. Bedford Co. 1893. Knowledge for the farmer. (51 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1893: 113-117.) CHADD'S FORD, DELAWARE CO. Diphtheria at; see Public Health. Diphtheria Nuisances; see Public Health Small-Pox in; see Public Health CHADWICK (BURG) 1895. Nuisance at Foster. (12 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1895/6 V. 1: 239-240.) 1890. Slaughter house at Coleville. (12 same 1895/6 v. 1: 295-296.) 1897. Diphtheria at Larabee and Jloody Hollow. (13 same 1896/7 v. 1; 229.) . Diphtheria at Lewis' Run. (13 same 1896/7 v. 1: 221.) . Diphtheria at Ormsby. (13 same 1896/7 v. 1: 220.) 1899. Diphtheria at Riderville. (15 some 1898/9 v. 1: 201.) . Scarlet fever at Burg. (15 .frio/r 1S9S/9 v. 1: 203.) 1902. Small-pox in Cumberland Co. (18 same 1901/2: 242.) . Small-pox in McKean Co. (IS same 1901/2: 255.) . Typhoid fever at Ludlow. (19 some 1902/3 v. 1: 245-24S.) CHADWICK (FRANCIS J.) County supt. of schools 1863/4-1865/0; see Education. Cameron Co. CHADWICK (RICHARD, JR.) County supt. of schools 1861/2-1862 '3 ; see Education. Cameron Co. CHALLENS (JAMES C.) 1854. School and distr, libraries. (Penn. School Jol. v. 3: 208-211.) CHAMBERLAIN (C. F.) County supt. of schools 1S78. 9-1883/4 ; see Education. Crawford Co. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 489 CHAMBERLAIN (JOSEPH) ReprpRontaflve from Somerset and Cambria cos. 1S3C/37- 1837/38. Committee on Claims 1837 Feb. 23. Petition of Geo. Mack; work on North Branch division of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1836/7 V. 2: 578-579 (doc. 187).) Mch. 8. Damages sustained by John Ridgway on Susquehanna and Waterford Turnpike Road Co. (Same 183C/7 v. 1: 711.) CHAMBERLAINE (S.) 1879. Silk culture. (3 A.R. bd. of agric. 1879: 92-104.) CHAMBERLIN (BROWN B.) RepresPntntlve from Beaver, Butler and Lawrence cos. 1853-1855. 1854 Jan. 27. Franklin Canal Co. (Daily Legisl. Union V. 1 (no. 15): 79-80.) Feb. 27. Remarks: liquor license in Chester Co. {Same v. 1 (no. 31): 151.) Committee on Judiciary 1855. License laws. (Legisl. Record Mch. 7, 1855: 3-4.) Concluded In Record of Mch. 8, 1855. CHAMBERS (ROBT.) Claimant 1808 Feb. 16. Donation land. (House jol. 1807/8 pt. 2: 113-114.) CHAMBERSBURG, FRANKLIN CO. Banks; see Banks: Individual. Bank of Chambersburg; Franklin Co. Bank Climate; see that title. Precipitation Fever; see Public Health. Fever Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Scarlet Fever; see Public Health Schools in; see Education Temperature; see Climate CHAMBERSBURG AND YORK R.R.; see CANALS, ETC.: IN- DIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS. PENN. CANAL [AND R.R.]. PROPOSED BRANCHES CHAMBERSBURG AND PITTSBURGH R.R.; see CANALS, ETC.: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS. PENN. CANAL [AND R.R.]. PROPOSED BRANCHES CHAMPNEYS (BENJAMIN) Representative from Lancaster Co. 182.^/6, 1828/9. 1863. Senator from 6th dist. (Lancaster and York cos.) 1843, 1864-1866. Representative fist Term) [Select] Committee 1826 Jan. 4. Lottery for water works in Lancaster. (House jol. 1825/6 v. 2: 154-155 (doc. 71).) Mch. 3. Anderson's Ferry, Waterford and New Haven Turnpike Road Co. (Same 1825/6 v. 2: 266 (doc. 170).) Committee on Bridges and State and Turnpike Roads 1829 Jan. 16. Turnpike road from Lewisburg to Young- manstown. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 469 (doc. 146).) Mch. 3. State road from Pittsburg to Va. state line. (Same 1S28/9 v. 2: 617 (doc. 235).) Mch. 3. Greensburg and Stoystown turnpike road. (Same 1828/9 v. 2: 616 (doc. 233).) Mch. 3. Bridge over Ten Mile Creek, Greene Co. (Same 1828/9 v. 2: 616 (doc. 234).) Apr. 18. Keeping turnpike roads in repair. (Same 1828/9 v. 2: 731-732 (doc. 331).) CHAMPNEYS (BENJAMIN)— cont'd Committee on Bridges and State and Turnpike Roads — cont'd Representative (1st Term) — cont'd 1829 Apr. 23. Ludwick's tavern road. (Same 1828/9 V. 2: 762 (doc. 345).) Apr. 23. Hookstown road, etc. (Same 1828/9 t. 2: 763 (doc. 346).) Senator (1st Term) Committee on Estates and Escheats 1843 Feb. IS. Authorization of purchase of real estate by administrators and others. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1843 V. 1: 408-413.) Committee on Prtg. 1844 Jan. 16. Election of state prtrs., etc. (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 1: 80-82.) Feb. 15. Election of state prtrs. (Same 1844 v. 1: 229-243.) [Select] Committee 1844 Jan. 31. State prtrs. (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 2: 66-128 (doc. 15).) Senator (2d Term) 1866. General r.r. law. (Legisl. Record 1866 app. pp ciii-civ. ) Committee on Judiciary 1865 Feb. 3. Taxation of bank dividends. (Sen. jol. 1865: 167-173.) CHANCE (H. MARTYN) 1879. Rept. of progress in 1879. Geology of Clarion Co. XV, 232, 4 pp., 4 pis., 3 maps, illus. Part V V of 2d geol. surve.T publications. . Rept. of progress. Pt. 1, no. townships of Butler Co.: pt. 2, survey made in 1S75 along Beaver and Shenango rivers .... xvii, 248, 3 pp., pi., maps, illus. Part V of 2d geol. survey publications. 1880. Rept. of progress, pt. 1, geology of Clinton Co. pt. 2, special study of the carboniferous and De- vonian strata, along the West Branch of the Susque- hanna River.^ xiv, 183, 14 pp., pis., map, illus. Part G 4 of 2d geol. surve.T publications. 18S1. The available tonnage of bituminous coal fields of Penn. (9 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1880/1: 11-26.) 1882. Special surveys of the Delaware and Lehigh Water Gaps [in 1S74-5]. (2d geol. survey G 6: 335- 366.) 1883. Rept. on the mining methods and appliances used in the anthracite coal Jields. xx, 574, 5 pp., illus., pis., atlas. Part A C of the 2d geol. survey publications. 1884. Rept. of progress. Revision of the bituminous coal measures of Clearfield Co. xv, 197, 6 pp., 1 map, illus. Part H 7 of 2d geol. survey publications. CHANDLER (CHARLES, JR.) Representative from Susquehanna Co. 1838/39-1840. Committee on Agriculture 1840 Feb. 14. Silk culture. (House jol. 1840 v. 1: 329- 330.) CHANDLER (JOHN, JR.) Representative from Chester Co. 1823/24-1825/26. [Select] Committee 1825 Dec. 13. State road in Washington Co. (House jol. 1S25/6 v. 2: 67 (doc. 24).) 490 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CHAPIN (JOHN B.) 1884. Penn. Hospital tor Insane, Phila. (2 rept. of committee on lunacy of bd. of public cliarities 1884: 50-56.) 1892. Insanity. (10 same 1892: 95-100.) CHANDLER (W.) Claims 1851 Mch. 15. Damages; Pliila. and Columbia R.R. (Sen. jol. 1851 v. 2: 383.) CHAPMAN (THOMAS J.) County supt. of schools lSG0,'7-18fi7/8. 1874/5: see Ertncation. r'nmbrla Co. County supt. of schools 1S71 2 ; see EiUication. Butler Co. 1892. Educational progress. (Penn. School Jol. v. 41: 110-115.) Charcoal Manufacture; see Industries, etc. CHARLEROI, WASHINGTON CO. Banks; see Banks: Individual. Bank of Charleroi Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Refuse Disposal; see that title Typhoid Fever in; see Public Health CHARLESTON, S. C. Quarantine; see Public Health CHARLESVILLE, BEDFORD CO. Climate; see that title. Precipitation Temperature; see Climate CHARTIERS CREEK Improvement; see River Conservancy CHASE (R. H.) 1891. Dysentery at State Hospital for Insane. (7 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1830/1: 532.) CHASE (SIMEON B.) Represent-itive from Susquehanna. Sullivan and Wyom- ing COS. 18.57 ; from Susquehanna Co. 1858-1859. 1857. Kansas. (Daily Legisl. Record 1857 no. 26: 4-6.) 1858. Liquor bill. (Legisl. Record 1858: 438-439.) CHAUNCEY (ELIHU) 1828. Apptmt. as comr. of loans, etc. (Sen. jol. 1828/9 V. 1: 49-50; House jol. 1S2S/9 v. 2: 44-45.) 1833 Mch. 29. Bank of Penn. and state loan. (Sen. jol. 1832/3 [V. 1]: 742.) CHEESE Inspection; see Food and Drug Law. Dairy Manufacture; see Dairy Industry CHEESEMAN (S. L.) County siipt. nf schools 1S96 '7-1898, 9 ; see Education. Butler Co. CHELTENHAM TOWNSHIP. MONTGOMERY CO. Schools in; see Education CHEMISTRY Agricultural; see Agriculture CHENOWETH (ARTHUR) 1822 Dec. 27. Jt. rept. with James Allison and others rel. to Beaver River improvement. (House jol. 1822/3: 163-165.) CHERRY Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Fruit CHERRY TREE, INDIANA CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local CHESAPEAKE AND DELAWARE CANAL CO.; see CANALS, ETC.: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO CANAL; see CANALS, ETC.: IN- DIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS CHESNUT (CLEM) County supt. of schools 1893/4-1901/2; see Education. Fulton Co. CHEST CREEK; see CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVI- GATION. INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS. CHESTER, DELAWARE CO. Health; see Public Health Schools in; see Education Typhoid Fever in; see Public Health CHESTER COUNTY One of the thive original counties established at settle- ment of the Province in 16S2. Agricultural Society; see Agricultural Societies: Individual Agriculture; see that title Banks; see Banks: Individual. Bank of Chester Co.; Bank ot Chester Valley; Chester Valley Birds; see Fish and Game Corn Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Consumption in; see Public Health. Consumption Courts; see Administration of Justice Creamery Inspection; see Food and Drug Law. Dairy Crops; see Agriculture. Crops Diphtheria in; see Public Health. Diphtheria Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs Farm Wages; see Labor. Wages. Farm Finances; see Finance: County Fish; see Fish and Game Food Inspection; see Food and Drug Law Fruit Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Fruit Geology; see Geological and Topographical Surveys Hay Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Hog Cholera; see Agriculture. Livestock. Inspection Iron Workers Wages; see Labor. Wages. Iron Land; see that title Leprosy; see Public Health Liquor Traffic; see that title Livestock; see Agriculture. Livestock Oats Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Potato Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Quarantine; see Public Health Roads; see that title Sanitation; see Public Health Savings Banks; see Banks; Individual Savings Banks. Chester Savings Banks; see Banks: Individual Savings Banks. Dime Savings Bank Schools in; see Education School Conventions; see Education. Conventions, etc. Teachers; see Education. Teachers Teachers' Assn.; see Education. Associations Teachers' Institutes; se* Education Texas Fever; see Agriculture. Livestock. Inspection Wheat Crop; see Agriculture. Crops INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 491 CHESTER HEIGHTS, DELAWARE CO. Sanitation; see Public Health CHESTER HILL, CLEARFIELD CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local CHESTER (FREDERICK D.) 1887. State line serpentine and associated rocks. (A.R. geol. survey 1887: 93-in.i.) 1902. Bacteria of tlie soil in their relation to agric. 88 pp., pis. (Dept. of agric, bull. 98.) CHESTNUT Crops; see Agriculture. Crops Tree; see Forests and Forestry CHESTNUT HILL, PHILADELPHIA CO. Now n post suburb uud section of Philadelphia. Sanitation; see Public Health CHESWICK, ALLEGHENY CO. Meningitis; see Public Health CHICAGO, ILL. Education; see that title Small-Pox; see Public Health CHICKAMAUGA AND CHATTANOOGA BATTLE-FIELD COMMISSION; see PARKS AND MONUMENTS CHILD LABOR; see LABOR CHINA Education; see that title CHINESE; see POPULATION CHOCOLATE AND COCOA; see FOOD AND DRUG LAW CHOLERA; see PUBLIC HEALTH CHOPIN (IRVING) 1892. What do you consider the more profitable, poultry culture or dairying? (49 and 50 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1892: 227-231.) CHRISMAN (Z. TAYLOR) 1895. Scarlatina at Warwick. (11 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1894/5: 250.) CHRISTMAN (J. D.) 1892. Smallpox at AUentown. (8 A.R. bd. health, etc. 1891/2: 229.) CHRISTY (NYMAN) 1892. Commercial fertilizers, agric. 1892: 82-8u.) (47 quarterly rept. bd. CHRISTY (W. R.) 1893. Is general farming more profitable than special- ties? (50 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1893: 16.) CHRISTY PARK, DELAWARE CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local CHROMDALE (LIMA) DELAWARE CO. Climate; see that title. Precipitation Rainfall; see Climate Temperature; see Climate CHUBBUCK (OTIS J.) Countv supt. of schools 1863 '4-lSGS ; see EiUication. Bradford Co. CHURCH (GAYLORD) Represontatlve from Crawford Co. 1840-1841. 1841. Reasons of Church for vote on Wright amdmt. of res. rel. to public lands. (House jol. 1841 v. 1: 141.) CHURCH (HARRY F.) ISSS. Poultry culture for profit. (37 and 38 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1888: 21-24.) CHURCH (THOMAS) Claimant 1S12 .Tan. 31. Donation land. (House jol. 1811/2: 33S- 339.) CHURCHES; see CORPORATIONS CINCINNATI, 0. Consumption in; see Public Health CIRCLE OF NEW CASTLE; see BOUNDARY CIVIL SERVICE 1885. Civil service law recommended. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 6, 1885: 25.) 1SS7. Same. (.'-Vojip (Pattison) Jan. 4, 1887.) 1S90. Bullitt bill and civil service bd.: commonwealth ex rel. vs. E. H. Fitler et al.; case involving scope of civil service provisions of Bullitt bill. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1889/90: 28-29.) 1891. Necessity tor civil service in state apptmts. ($fime (Pattison) Jan. 20, 1S91: 8.) . Debate on act to regulate and improve the civil service of the commonwealth, and the cities, boroughs and cos. thereof. (Legisl. Record 1891; 1860-1863.) 1892. Bullitt bill and civil service bd.: case rel. to apptmt. of medical staff of Phila. Hospital under civil service rules of Phila. or by a majority of the bd. of charities and corrections. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1891/2: xxvi-xxvii.) 1S93. Efficiency of civil service reform in federal apptmts.: possibility of being desirable in state depts. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 3, 1893: 48.) 1S97. Discussion of civil service reform bill. (Legisl. Record 1897 v. 1: 664-668.) CLAFLIN (R. T.) County supt. of schools 1S63/4-1S65/6. See Education. I'ottcr Co. CLAGHORN (LOUISE E.) 1898. Northern Home for Friendless Children. (Chari- table Institutions which reed, state aid iu 1S97 and 1S9S .... pp. 575-581.) CLAIMS Canal; see Canals and Slack-Water Navigation: Individual Undertakings Judiciary; see Administration of Justice: State Military; see Militia CLAIMS AGAINST STATE; see DEBT CLARINGTON, FOREST CO. Fever; see Public Health. Fever Typhoid Fever; see Public Health CLARION, CLARION CO. Climate; see that title: Precipitation Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local School Sanitation; see Education Temperature; see Cimate 498 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CLARION COUNTY Organized Mch. 11, 1839 ; formed of a part of Venango and Armstrong. Agricultural Society; see Agricultural Societies: Individual Crops; see Agriculture. Crops Diphtheria in; see Public Health. Diphtheria Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs Geology; see Geological and Topographical Surveys Hog Cholera; see Agriculture. Livestock. Inspection Oil Regions; see Oils School Conventions; see Education. School Conventions School Libraries; see Education. School Libraries Schools in; see Education Small-Pox in; see Public Health Teachers' Institute; see Education. Teachers CLARION NORMAL SCHOOL; see EDUCATION, NORMAL SCHOOLS: STATE. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT CLARION RIVER Improvement; see River Conservancy CLARK (A. C.) 1896. Scarlet fever at Trevarton. (12 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1895/6 v. 1: 260.) 1897. Diphtheria at East Lewisburg, Northumberland Co. (13 same 1896/7 v. 1: 231-232.) 1901. Nuisance at Shamokin. (18 same 1901/2: 201- 202.) 1903. Small-pox in Northumberland Co. (19 same 1902/3 v. 1: 410-412.) CLARK (BENJAMIN) Claimant 1805 Feb. 20. Donation land. (House jol. 1804/5: 365- 366.) CLARK (C. H.) 1884. Textile fabrics. (12 A.R. bureau Industrial sta- tistics 1884: 105-116.) 1885. Same. (13 some 1885: 17-29.) CLARK (CURTIS S.) 1892. Draining hard-pan soil. (49 and 50 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1892: CO-63.) CLARK (GEORGE S.) Representative tor city of Phlla. 1881/2-1883/4. Mem- ber of committee apptd. by the Gov. In 1881 to in- vestigate House of Refuge, Phila., and the reforma- tory at Huntingdon. CLARK (JOHN G.) Representative from Washington Co., 1887/3. 1887. Why Washington Co. should be proud of her flocks. (34 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1887: 72-76.) 1888. Relation of the tariff to the prosperity of sheep husbandry. (37 and 38 same 1888: 70-74.) 1890. A better method of repairing roads. (41 and 42 same 1890: 154-156.) 1892. Public roads. (49 and 50 «ame 1892: 74-77.) CLARK (SAMUEL) 1822 Dec. 27. Jt. rept. with James Allison and others rel. to Beaver River improvement. (House jol. 1822/3: 163-165.) CLARK (WILLIAM) Secretary of Land Office 1818-1820: see Land, the serial group. State treasurer 1821-1827. Repre- sentative from Perry Co., 1837/38. Btate Treasurer See also Finance (the serial group). 1825. One of the comrs., 1825, to superintend repairs of public bldgs.; see Public Buildings. CLARK (WILLIAM H.) 1894. Compulsory vaccination. (10 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1893/4: 514-516.) CLARKE (H. W.) See also Boundaries. New York and Penn., the serial group (1883. 1884-1885). 1S78-1879. N. Y. and Penn. boundary. (Rept. secy. In- ternal affairs 1880 pt. 1: 33-35A.) 1880. Same. {Same 1880 pt. 1: 86-105A.) CLARKE (JAMES) Representative from Westmoreland Co. 1822/23-1825/6. Commissioner for Promoting Internal Improvement 1824/5, see Canals. Canal Commissioner 1827- 1835. Among tlie private offices held by Clarke following his first service as canal comr. was that of president of the Monongaheia Navigation Co. Canal Commissioner 1839. Member of comn. for sale of state stoclts 1843 ; see Dept : State. Period 2. Canal Commissioner 1844-1845. Representative from Westmoreland Co. 1846-1847. Representative (1st Term) Select Committee 1824 Feb. 10. Same, separate, n. p., J. S. Wlestllng, 1824. 13 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socv. of Penn. and Amer. Phil. Socy. 300 copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1823/4 : 617.) Feb. 10. Water communication betw. Mlddletown and Pittsburgh. (House jol. 1823/4: 606-616.) 300 copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1823/4 : 617.) 1826 Mch. 9. Part of old Penn. road in Westmoreland Co. {Same 1825/6 v. 2: 273-274 (doc. 178).) Canal Commissioner 1827. Rept. as supt., Juniata division, Penn. Canal. (Rept. canal comrs. 1827: 104-115 (series 7, no. 1).) Paging from Sen. ed. (v. 2). 1828-1829. Rept. as acting comr. on Juniata division of Penn. Canal. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8 (pp. 114- 117)— some 1828/9.) Paging from House doe. ed. President of Monongaheia Navigation Co. 1837 Mch. 27. Letter rel. to stockholders, amt. of stock, etc. (Sen. jol. 1836/7 v. 1: 736-737.) CLARKE (JAMES) Claimant 1829 Oct. 3. Juniata Division of Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1829.) CLARKE (JAMES C.) Senator from Westmoreland Co. 1875/6-1877/8. [Select] Committee 1878 May 23. State taxes alleged to be due from Union R.R. and Transportation Co.; minority rept. (Sen. jol. 1878: 1135-1148.) . Same. (Legisl. docs. 1878 v. 6 (doc. 30).) CLARICE (JOHN) Representative from 1833/4-1835/6. Beaver Co. 1815/16-1817/18, Committee on Claims 1834 Mch. 29. Accts. of witnesses before committee In- vestigating conduct of officers on Juniata Division. (House jol. 1833/4 v. 2: 845-846 (doc. 193).) CLARKE (MATTHEW) Representative from York Co. 1803/41804/5, 28 Assem. [Select] Committee 1805 Mch. 11. Proposed use of arrearages of taxes In York Co. for erection of a poor-house. (House Jol. 1804/5: 469.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 493 CLARKE (ROBERT) Claimant 1830 Sept. 25. Damages: Eastern Division of Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1S30/1.) 1833. Same. (House jol. 1832/3 v. 2: 517-527 (doc. 151).) CLARKSON (JOSEPH G.) Repres™tatlve for olty of Phlla. 1S32 SH. Committee on Education 1833 Feb. 15. Rept. of committee on education of the Commonwealth to whom was referred so much of Govs. mess, as relates to the improvement of the moral and intellectual condition of the citizens of the Commonwealth; Clarkson. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1833. 16 pp. Copy seen in the Peon, State Library. CLARKSON (M. C.) 1837-1838. Rept. as supt. on Gettysburg Extension. In Documents as follows : 1837 Nov. In A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7: 143-147. Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1838 Jan. in Sen. Jol. 1837/S v. 2 : 259. 18.38 Nov. 2 In A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8 : 149. Paging from House doc. ed. CLAXTON (JOHN) One of comrs. apptd. In 1821 to Investigate causes of pauperism in Phlla. CLARKSVILLE, MERCER CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local CLAYPOLE (E. W.) 1885 Feb. 9. Preliminary rept. of the palaeontology ot Perry Co. xxii, 437 (13) pp., 48 pis., 2 maps. Part F 2 ot the 2d geol. survey publications. CLAYS Production and Products of ; see Industries, etc. Pottery. Clay and Glass CLAYSVILLE, WASHINGTON CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local CLAYVILLE, JEFFERSON CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local CLEARFIELD COUNTY Organized Mch. 26. 1804 ; formed ot a part of Hunting- don and Lycoming. Agricultural Society; see Agricultural Societies: Individual Banks; see Banks: Individual. Clearfield Crops; see Agriculture. Crops Diphtheria in; see Public Health. Diphtheria Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs Fire-Clay; see Industries, etc. Pottery, Clay and Glass Geology; see Geological and Topographical Surveys Health Board: see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Roads; see that title Schools in; see Education Soil; see Agriculture. Soils, etc. Fertilizers Small-Pox in; see Pubic Health Teachers' Assn.; see Education. Associations Teachers' Institutes; see Education. Teachers Text-books; see Education CLEAVER (L A.) 1897. Text-books. (Penn. School Jol. v. 45: 419-421.) CLEAVER (ISRAEL) 1898. Reading Hospital. (Charitable Institutions which reed, state aid in 1897 and 1898 .... pp. 327-3.36.) 1902. Small-pox in Berks Co. (18 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1901/2: 231-232.) CLE.4.VER (KIMBER) city supt. of schools 1896/7-1901/2 ; see Education. Huntingdon. CLEGG (SAMUEL) Claim 1805 Jan. 7. Services on Conewago Canal. (House Jol. 1S04/5: 152-153.) CLEMENT (A.) 1855. Description of Tartar or Shanghai sheep recently introduced in U. S. (4 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1856: 366-367.) CLIFTON HEIGHTS, DELAWARE CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local CLINGER (L. 0.) 1894. Profit ot poultry. (53 quarterly rept. bd. agrlc. 1894: 15.) CLINTON COUNTY Organized .Te. 21, 1839 ; formed of a part of Lycom'.cj and Centre cos. Agricultural Society; see Agricultural Societies: Individual Auctions; see Licenses Corn Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Crops; see Agriculture. Crops Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs Fruit Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Fruit Geology; see Geological and Topographical Surveys Hog Cholera; see Agriculture. Livestock. Inspection Implements (Agricultural); see Agriculture. Implements Livestock; see Agriculture. Livestock Public Printing; see that title Roads; see that title Schools in; see Education Small-Pox in; see Public Health Sorghum Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Sugar Swine; see Agriculture. Livestock Teachers' Salaries; see Education. Teachers Tobacco Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Tobacco Wheat Crop; see Agriculture. Crops CLINTON (DEWITT) 1S27 .yy. 1. Juniata location. (Rept. canal comrs. 1827: 97 (series 6, no. 1).) Paging from Sen. ed. (v. 2). Aug. 2. Jt. rept. with Guilford on the Juniata location. (Some 1827: 98-101 (series 6, no. 3).) Paging from Sen. ed. (v. 2). Nov. 30. Juniata division. {Same 1827: 116-127 (series 7, no. 2).) Paging from Sen. ed. (v. 2). 1828. Rept. as engr. on Juniata division, Penn. Canal. (A.R. canal comrs. 1827/8: 117-123.) Paging from House doc. ed. CLINTON (W. D.) 1890. The floods as they affect the people of S. C. (6 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1889/90: 435-437.) CLOSSON (C. H.) 1891. Altoona health records, etc. 1890/1: 489-494.) (7 A.R. bd. of health, 494 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CLOVER (SETH) Canal Commissioner 1852-1854. CLUNN (JOSEPH) Representative from Bucks Co. 1811/12-1S13/14. 1S12 Jan. 24. Gideon Olmsted case. (House Jol. lSll/2: 293-294.) Feb. 26. Resp. law regulating fisheries in the Delaware River. (Same 1811/2: 478.) CLYMER (GEORGE) 1806 Feb. 20. Phila. Bank; state subscriptions to stock. (Sen. jol. 1805/6: 221.) Feb. 28. Offer of loan by Phila. Bank for Easton Delaware Bridge. (Same 1805/6: 249.) CLYMER (HIESTER) Senator from Berks Co. 1S61-1S67. 1S61 May 13. Speech; Mahanoy and Broad Mountain R.R. Co. (Legisl. Record 1S61: 1130-1132.) 1878. The educational work. (Penn. School Jol. v. 27: 116-119.) CLIMATE serial A ANNUAL REPORT 1887-1896. [Annual report] of the state weather service bureau. In Documents as follows : 1887 in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1886/7:100- 136A. 1888 in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1887/8 : 77- 310A. 1889 in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1888/9 : 32- 149A. 1890 in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1889/90 : 48- 176A. 1891 in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1890/1 : 27- 149A. 1892 in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1891/2 : 33- 156A. 1893 in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1892/3 : 153- 311A. 1894 in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1893/4 : 42- 188A. 1895 in A.R. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 1. 1894/5 : 18- 196A. 1896 in A.R. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 1, 1895/6 : 151A. Also an abstract in Documents as follows : 1887/8-1895/6 In 4 A.R. bd. of health 1887/8 (pp. 1115- 1167)— 12 same (1895/6). In 1895/6 the rept. is complete for each month, contrary to that In Rept. of secy, of internal affairs, consist- ing of a single paragraph. Monthly repts. on climatology are published in the ann. rept. of the state bd. of health until 1904 ; see note below, under Bulletins. BULLETINS (Monthly) Monthly weather bulletins were Issued Oct., 1887, until Feb., 1896. Besides the re-Issues In the Journal of the Franklin Institute, Oct. 1, 1887-May 31, 1895, they were reprinted in (2) state publications, Tiz. : the Ann. Rept. of the Secretary of Internal Affairs, pt. 1 and the Ann. Rept. of the State Board of Health ; at first only an abstract was printed in the latter rept. ; beginning with Dec, 1894 they are printed In full and from Dec. 1, 1895, to Feb., 1896, are found In the Ann. Rept. of the Board of Health alone. It should be noted also that the greater part of the material, with the exception of crop repts., listed below. In Groups B and C, was reprinted in the Board of Health Reports, 1896- 1904. 1887-1896. Penn. state weather service bulletins: monthly summary of meteorological repts. made by voluntary observers, to, and monthly reviews pre- pared by, the meteorological committee of the Franklin Institute, Phila. [Known as the Monthly Weather Review, May, 1888, et seq.] CLIMATE— cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd BULLETINS— cont'd Monthly — cont'd Checklist 1SS7-1896. No separate copies found. The bulletins were however re-issued as a supplement to the Jol. of the Franklin Institute during the greater part of the series. No separates having been found, the pagination, etc., as given in that Jol. is listed here ; 1887 Oct. 1 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 124. Nov. 1 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 124. foldg. table. Dec. 1 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 124. foldg. table. Dec. 31 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 124. foldg. table. 1888 Jan. 31 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 124. foldg. table. Feb. 29 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 124. foldg. table. Mch. 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 125. 2 foldg. tables. Apr. 30 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 125. 2 foldg. tables. May 31 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 126. 2 foldg. tables. Je. 30 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 126. 2 foldg. tables. Jly. 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 126. 2 foldg. tables, -iug. 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 126. 2 foldg. tables. Sept. 30 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 126. 2 foldg. tables. Oct. 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 126. 2 foldg. tables. Nov. 30 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 127. 2 foldg. tables. Dec. 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 127. 2 foldg. tables. 1889 Jan. 31 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 97. 2 foldg. tables. Feb. 28 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 127. 2 foldg. tables. Mch. 31 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 127. 2 foldg. tables. Apr. 30 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 127. 2 foldg. tables. May 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 128. 2 foldg. tables, map. Je. 30 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 128. 2 foldg. tables. Jly. 31 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 128. 2 foldg. tables, 2 maps. Aug. 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 128. 2 foldg. tables. 2 maps. Sept. 30 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 128. 2 foldg. tables, 2 maps. Oct. 31 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 128. 2 foldg. tables, 2 maps. Nov. 30 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 129. tables, 2 maps. Inserted betw. pp. 80 and 81. Dec. 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 129. tables, 3 maps. Inserted betw. pp. 168 and 169. 1890 Jan. 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 129. tables. 2 maps. Inserted betw. pp. 263-264. Feb. 28 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 129. tables, 2 maps. Inserted betw. pp. 352 and 353. Mch. 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 129. tables, 2 maps. Inserted betw. pp. 448-449. Apr. 30 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 129. tables, 2 maps. Found at end of vol. 129. May 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 130. 2 foldg. tables, 2 maps, le. 30 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 130. 2 foldg. tables. 2 maps. Jly. 31 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 130. 2 foldg. tables, map. Suppl. 3 11. Suppl. 2 II., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 5 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 6 pp., 5 pp., 2 foldg. 5 pp., 2 foldg. 5 pp., 2 foldg. 5 pp., 2 foldg. 5 pp., 2 foldg. 6 pp., 2 foldg. Snppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp., Suppl. 4 pp.. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 495 CLIMATE— cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd BULLETINS— cont'd Monthly — cont'd Ohockllst — cont'd 1S90— cont'd Aug. 31 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. I.IO. Suin'I. 4 pp., 4 pp., 2 foldg. tables, ninp, Sept. 30 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 130. Supp: 2 (oldR. tables, map. Oct. 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, T. 130. Suppl. 4 pp., 2 foldg. tables, map. Not. 30 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 131. Suppl. a pp., 2 foldg. tables, map, Dec. 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 31. Suppl. 5 pp., 2 foldg. tables, map. isni Jan. 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 131. Suppl. 5 pp., 2 foldg. tables, map. Feb. 28 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 131. Suppl. 4 pp., 2 foldg. tables, map. Mch. 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 131. Suppl. 5 pp., 2 foldg. tables, map. Apr. 30 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 131. Suppl. 4 pp., 2 foldg. tables, map. May 31 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, t. 132. Suppl. 4 pp., 2 foldg. tables. The publication of the Monthly Weather Review was discontinued until Apr., 1893, for want of funds. Tables containing monthly summary of Reports by voluntary observers, Je.-Nov., 1891, with summaries for years, 1889. 1890, 1891 are found in v. 135 of the Jol. of the Franklin Institute, betw. pp. 88 and 89; the bulletins are continued in the Rept. of the Secretary of Internal Affairs for this period ; see below. 1893 Apr. 30 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 136. Suppl. 6 pp. 2 maps, 2 foldg. tables. May 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 136. Suppl. 4 pp 1 map, 2 foldg. tables. Je. 30 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 136. Suppl. 3 pp 2 maps. 2 foldg. tables. Jly. 31 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 136. Suppl. 4 pp. 2 maps. 2 foldg. tables. Aug. 31 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 136. Suppl. 4 pp. 2 maps. 2 foldg. tables. Sept. 30 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 136. Suppl. 4 pp, 2 maps, 2 foldg. tables. Oct. 31 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 136. Suppl. 5 pp 2 maps. 2 foldg. tables. Nov. 30 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 137. Suppl. 4 pp 2 maps, 2 foldg. tables. Dec. 31 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 137. Suppl. 4 pp 2 maps, 2 foldg. tables. 1894 Jan. 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, 2 maps, 2 foldg. tables. Feb. 28 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, 2 maps, 2 foldg. tables. Mch. 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, 2 maps. 2 foldg. tables. Apr. 30 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, 2 maps, 2 foldg. tables. May 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, 2 foldg. tables, map. Je. 30 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, 2 foldg. tables, map. Jly. 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, 2 foldg. tables, map. chart. Aug. 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, 2 foldg. tables, map. Sept. 30 In Jol. of Franklin Institute 2 foldg. tables, map, Oct. 31 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, 2 foldg. tables, map. Nov. 30 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, tables, map. Inserted betw. pp. 80 and 81. Dec. 31 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, tables, map. Inserted betw. pp. 160 and IGl. 1895 Jan. 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 139. 3 pp., 2 foldg. tables, map. Inserted betw. pp. 240 and 241. Feb. 28 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 139. 3 pp., 2 foldg. tables, map. Inserted betw. pp. 320 and 321. V. 137. V. 137. V. 137. V. 137. V. 138. V. 138. V. 138. , V. 138. V. 138. V. 138. V. 139. Suppl. 4 pp Suppl. 4 pp Suppl. 4 pp Suppl. 4 pp Suppl. 4 pp Suppl. 4 pp Suppl. 4 pp, Suppl. 3 pp, Suppl. 3 pp, Suppl. 3 pp 3 pp., 2 foldg. V. 139. 3 pp., 2 foldg. CLIMATE— cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd BULLETINS— cont'd Monthly — cont'd Checklist — cont'd 1895 — cont'd Mch. 31 In Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 139. 3 pp., 2 foldg. tables, map. Inserted bclw. pp. 4(iO-401. Apr. 30 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 139. 3 pp., 2 foldg. tables, map. Inserted .at end of vol. -May 31 in Jol. of Franklin Institute, v. 140. 3 pp., 2 foldg. tables, maji. Inserted at end of vol. Publication in Jol. of Franklin Institute discontinued. In Documents as follows : 1887 Sept.-Dec. in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1866/7: A.117-195A. Dated resp. Oct. 1, Nov. 1, Dec. 1 and Dec. 31. ISSS Jan. -Nov. in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1887/8: 190A.-A.307. Dec. in A.H. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1S88/9: 34A-A43. 1SS9 Jan.-Nov. in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1888/9 : 44A.- A.140. Dec. in .^.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1. 1889, '90 : 50.\-64.\. 1890 Jan.-Nov. in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1889,90: A.B5-176A. Dec. in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1S90/I : A33-44A. 1S91 Jan.-Nov. in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1890 1 : A.45- 149A. Dec. In A.R. secy. Internal affairs, pt. 1, 1891/2 : 3GA-45A. 1892 Jan.-Dec. in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1891/2 : 46A.- A.168. 1893 Jan.-Nov. In A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1892/3 : A.169-A.311. Dec. in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1893/4 : A47-A56. 1804 ^ Jan.-Nov. in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1893/4 : A.57-A.154. Dec. in A.K. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1894/5 : A27-A35. 1S95 Jan.-Nov. in A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1894/ A. 117. Also in Documents as follows : 1887 Oct.-Deo. in 4 A.R. bd. of health 1887/8: 1124-1140. 1SS8 Omitted. 1889 Jan.-Dec. in 5 A.R. bd. of health ISSS 9 : 604-699. 1890 Jan.-Dec. in A.R. bd. of health 1889 90 : 194-291. : 36A.- Jan.-Dec 1891 in 7 A.R. bd. of health 1890 1 : 188-28 1892 Jan.-Dec. in S A.R. bd. of health 1891/2 : 611-718. 1893 Jan.-Dec. iu 9 A.R. bd. of health 1S92/3 : 307-429. 1894 Jan.-Dec. in 10 A.R. bd. of health 1893/4 : A.1-A.116. Two maps accompany each rept., Jan. -Mch., one map each month. 1895 Jan.-Dec. In 11 A.R. bd. of health 1894 /o : 2A.-A.89, map. One map accompanies each rept., Jan.-Dec. 1896 Jan.-Feb. in 12 A.R. bd. of health 1895/6: 1022-1037. 496 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CLIMATE— cont'd serial — cont'd BLXLETINS (Weekly) 188S-1904. Weekly weather crop bulletins of Penn. state weather service. Checklist 188S1904. No separate copies found. In Documents as follows : 1888 1-7. Omitted. 8. Jly. 23 In Rept. Chief Signal Officer (U. S. War Dept.) 1S8S * 131 9. Jly. 28 in A.R. secy, internal afiEairs, pt. 1, 1887/8 : 102-103A. 10-18. Aug. 4-Oct. 6. Not found. 1S89-1S93 Omitted. 1894 Apr. 30-Sept. 17 in A.R. secy, internal aSairs, pt. 1, 1S93/4 : 155-185A. 1895 Omitted. 1896-1904 Included in publications listed in Group B, see below. B 1896-1904. U. S. Dept. of Agric. Penn. section of the climate and crop service of the weather bureau. 4°. Checklist vol. 1. 1896. Not seen. vol. 2. 1897. Not seen. vol. 3. 189S. n. p . n d. 1. Jan. 8 pp. 7. Jly. 8 pp. 2. Feb. 8 pp. 8. Aug. 8 pp. 3. Mch. 8 pp. 9. Sept. 8 pp.t 4. Apr. 8 pp. 10. Oct. 8 pp. 5. May. 8 pp.* 11. Nov. 8 pp. 6. Je. 8 pp. 12. Dec. 8 pp. vol. 4. 1899. n. p. , n. d. 1. .Ian. 8 pp. 7. Jly. 8 pp. 2. Feb. 8 pp. 8. Aug. S pp. 3. Mch. 8 pp. 9. Sept. 8 pp.t 4. Apr. 8 pp. 10. Oct. 8 pp.. 5. May. 8 pp.* 11. Nov. 8 pp. 6. Je. 8 pp. 12. Dec. 8 pp. vol. 5. 1900. n. p. n. d. 1. Jan. 8 pp. 7. JI.V. 8 pp. 2. Feb. S pp. 8. Aug. 8 pp. 3. Mch. 8 pp. 9. Sept. 8 pp.t 4. Apr. 8 pp. 10. Oct. 8 pp. 5. May. 8 pp.* 11. Nov. 8 pp. 6. Je. 8 pp. 12. Dec. 8 pp. vol. 6. 1901. D. p. > n. d. 1. Jan. 8 pp. 7. Jly. 8 pp. 2. Feb. 8 pp. 8. Aug. 8 pp. 3. Mch. 8 pp. 9. Sept. 8 pp.t 4. Apr. 8 pp. 10. Oct. 8 pp. 5. May. 8 pp.* 11. Nov. 8 pp. 6. Je. 8 pp. 12. Dec. 8 pp. vol. 7. 1902. n. p. , n. d. 1. Jan. 8 pp. 7. J1.V. 8 pp. 2. Feb. 8 pp. 8. Aug. S pp. 3 Mch. 8 pp. 9. Sept. 8 pp.t 4. Apr. 8 pp. 10. Oct. 8 pp. 5. May. 8 pp.* 11. Nov. 8 pp. 6. Je. 8 pp. 12. Dec. 8 pp. vol. 8. 1903. n. p. n. d. 1. Jan. 8 pp. 7. Jly. 8 pp. 2. heb. 8 pp. 8. Aug. 8 pp. 3. Mch. 8 pp. 9. Sept 8 pp.t 4. Apr. 8 pp.* 10. Oct. 8 pp. 5. May. 8 pp. 11. Nov. 8 pp. 6. Je. 8 pp. 12. Dec. 8 pp. vol. 9. 1904. n. p , n d. 1. Jan. 8 pp. 7. Jly. 8 pp. 2. Feb. 8 pp. 8. Aug. 8 pp. 3. Mch. 8 pp. 9. Sept. 8 pp.t 4. Apr. 8 pp. 10. Oct. 8 pp. 5. May. 8 pp.* 11. Nov. 8 pp. 6. Je. 8 pp. 12. Dec. 8 pp. [Abstr.l in Documents as follows: 1896 Mch.-Dec. in 12 A.R. bd. of health 1893/6:1038-1177. 1897 Jan.-Dec. In 13 A.R. bd. of health 1896/7 : 871-1085. • Weekly weather crop bulletins begin with this number. t Weekly weather crop bulletins terminate with this number. 1- 2. 1896-1897 I Mot 3. 1898. n. p. n. d. 4. 1899. n. p. n d. 5. 1900. n. p. n d. 6. 1901. n. p. n d. 7. 1902. n. p. n. d. 8. 1903. n. p., n. d. 9. 1904. n. p. n. d. CLIMATE— cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd BULLETINS— cont'd (Weekly) — cont'd Checklist — cont'd 1898 Jan.-Dec. in 14 A.R. bd. of health 1897/8 : 971-1139, map. 1899 Jan.-Dec. in 15 A.R. bd. of health 1898/9 : 1159-1231. 1900 Jan.-Dec. in 16 A.R. bd. of health 1899/00 : 1009-1079. 1901 Jan.-Dec. in 17 A.R. bd. of health 1900/1 : 825-1023. 1902 Jan.-Nov. In 18 A.R. bd. of health 1901/2 : 706-769. Dec. Omitted. 1903 Jan.-Dec. in 19 A.R. bd. of health 1902/3 : 1018-1089. 1904 Jan.-Dec. in 20 A.R. bd. of health 1903/4 : 461-524. C 1898-1904. U. S. Dept. of Agric. Annual Summary, Pens, section of the climate and crop service of the weather bureau. Checklist found. 12 pp. 12 pp. 12 pp. 12 pp. 12 pp. 12 pp. 12 pp. [Abstr.] in Documents as follows: 2. 1897 in 13 A.R. bd. of health 1896/7 : 1086-1095. Temperature tables alone. 3. 1898 in 14 A.R. bd. of health 1897/8 : 1140-1155, map. Climatologlcal data ; temperature tables. 4. 1899 In 15 A.R. bd. of health 1898/9 : 1232-1249, map. Comment for each month, climatologlcal data, tempera- ture tables. 5. 1900 In 16 A.R. bd. of health 1899/00 : 1080-1099, map. Same material as in 1899. 6. 1901 In 17 A.R. bd. of health 1900/1 : 1024-1045, map. Cllmatological data, temperature tables, precipitation tables. 1902. Omitted. 1903 in 19 A.R. bd. of health 1902/3: 1011-1017, map. Comment for each month, climatologlcal data. 1904 in 20 A.R. bd. of health 1903/4 : 521-524. Climatologlcal data only. non-serial 1748-1888. Meteorological records available to aid in establishing the permanent conditions of climate in Penn. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt 1 1887/8: 107-187A.) 1822-1876. Hist, of Conestoga stream; its floods [cli- matic changes], (v. 11 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1876: 140-141.) 1837. Act of Mch. 21 granting apprns. to " Franklin Institute of Penn., for Promotion of Mechanic Arts " for purpose of promoting improvement of meteorological science. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1886/7: 135A.) 1837-1887. State of Penn. first to encourage and lend material aid to science of meteorology; hist, sketch. (Same pt. 1 1886/7: 116 A.) 1837-1888. Development of meteorological science ia Penn.; Franklin Institute. (4 A.R. bd. of health 1887/8: 1115-1117.) 1843. Communication from Franklin Institute, rel. to improvement In meteorological science. (House jol. 1843 V. 2: 816-819, foldg. table; Sen. jol. 1843 v. 2: 325-328.) 1858. Climatic retrospect: notes from the Farm Dairy, each month. (2 A.R. Farmers' High School 1857/8: 44-45.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 497 CLIMATE— cont'd non -serial — con t'd 1872-1888. Consolidated meteorological repts. from 12 cities and stations in Peiin.: rainfall, each year; [average] temperature; pressure; days clear, cloudy; humidity; etc. (2 A.R. bd. health and vital statistics 1885/6: 532.) Pittsburgh. Erie, Phlla., Catawlssa, rhambersburg, Dyberry. Quakertown, Grampian Hills, Carlisle, West Chester, State College. 1876. Climatology: rainfall and moisture in Penn.; ann. average rainfall at Phila., Carlisle and Pitts- burgh; average ann. rainfall upon every square mile of Miss. Valley, in England and for globe, at Cal- cutta and St. Petersburg: comparative rain and snowfall for different parts of U. S. for different yrs. : climate of various seasons in England and U. S., at intervals of yrs.; evaporation, etc. (v. 11 Rept. trans, state aerie, socy. 1876: 138-143.) 1878. The season; its effects on crops. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1878: 8.) 1884. Meteorological notes; by I. Thornton Osmond. (8 same 1884: 94-96.) State meteorological bureaus; local prefiictlon of rain. 1887. Physics of the atmosphere; by I. Thornton Os- mond. (11 A.R. bd. agric. 1887: 73-83.) Size; constitution, etc.; temperature; movements, gen- eral, cyclones, tornadoes ; meteors. . Forest and rainfall. (36 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1887: 106-114.) . Siieleton map of Penn., showing location of sta- tions of state weather service. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt 1 1886/7: betw. pp. 110 A-A 111.) . War dept., signal service, U. S. Army; weather signals, adopted for general use on and after Mch. 1. (Same pt. 1 1887/S: A 102 and plate opp.) . Communication from gen. mngr. of Western Union Telegraph Co. (Eckert), with proposition to state weather service for use of their lines. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: A 101.) 1887-1900. Table: ann. summaries: barometer, tem- perature, rainfall, cloudiness, wind, etc.; winter season, growing season; principal periods of crop development. (Rept. Penn. State College pt. 2, agric. exper. station 1900/1: 430-435.) 1888. U. S. signal service; instructions to voluntary observers of the signal service. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 82 A-84 A.) . Isothermal lines for Penn. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: A 123-124 A.) 1891. Meteorology in its relation to agric. (45 and 46 quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1891: 22-26.) 1893. Formulas for forecasting; prepared by L. M. Dey, for Eastern Penn. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1892/3: A 261-262 A; A 277-A 279.) 1894-1895. Rept. of weather conditions affecting crops of current year. (Same pt. 1, 1S94 (A185-A18S) — satne 1895.) Each month, Mch.-Sept. in 1894 ; Jan.-Oct. In 1895. 1897. Forests and water supply [of state] ; by J. Blrk- Inbine, consulting engr. (Rept. of division of for- estry 1897: 114-166.) Shows effect of forests upon climate and various drainage basins of the state. 1898-1904. Table: climatological data for year; tem- perature, precipitation, sky, wind. (14 A.R. bd. health 1897/8 (pp. 1140-1143)~20 same 1903/4.) Omitted in 1902. . Same. (U. S. dept. of agric. v. 3 Ann. Summary, Penn. sec. of climate and crop service 1898 (p. 5) — v. 9 same 1904.) Climatological data for each month is also published in the monthly bulletins of the climate and crop service and In their reprints in the ann. rept. of the state bd. o£ health. See above, serial group B. 32 CLIMATE— cont'd Altoona See also below, Precipitation. 1SS7/8. Table: monthly maximum, minimum and mean pressure and temperature; humidity; precipitatloQ: weather; wind. (4 A.R. bd. health 1887/8: 1149.) . Same, by seasons; wind omitted. (4 game 1887/8: 1151.) Bellefonte See below. State College. Bethlehem See also below. Precipitation. 1887/8. Table: monthly maximum, minimum and mean pressure and temperature; humidity; precipi- tation; weather; wind. (4 A.R. bd. health 1887/3: 1164.) . Same, by seasons; wind omitted. (4 same 1887/3: 1166.) Carlisle See also below, Precipitation; also Rainfall. 1887/8. Table: monthly maximum, minimum and mean pressure and temperature; humidity; precipitation; weather; wind. (4 A.R. bd. health 1887/8: 1153.) . Same, by seasons; wind omitted. (4 same 1887/3: 1154.) Catawissa See also below. Precipitation. 1887/8. Table: monthly maximum, minimum and mean pressure and temperature; humidity; precipitation; weather; wind. (4 A.R. bd. health 1887/8: 1152.) . Same, by seasons; wind omitted. (4 same 1887/8: 1154.) Drifton 1884-1886. Stmts, taken from voluntary signal service observations made by H. D. Miller at Drifton. (2 A.R. bd. health and vital statistics 1885/6: 528.) Highest, lowest and mean temperature each month Feb. lSS4-Mch. 1880, snowfall, rain and melted snow. 1887/8. Table: monthly maximum, minimum and mean pressure and temperature; humidity; precipitation; weather; wind. (4 same 1887/8: 1162.) . Same, by seasons; wind omitted. (4 Aame 1887/S; 1163.) Eagle's Mere See also below. Precipitation. 1887/8. Table: monthly maximum, minimum and mean pressure and temperature; humidity; precipitation; weather; wind. (4 A.R. bd. health 1887/8: 1167.) Erie See also below, Precipitation. 1887/S. Table: monthly maximum, minimum and mean pressure and temperature; humidity; precipitation; weather; wind. (4 A.R. bd. health 1887/8: 1155.) . Same, by seasons; wind omitted. (Same 18S7/S: 1157.) Harrisbiirg See also below. Precipitation. 1889-1892. Table: daily weather record; by Wm. A. Kelker. (13 A.R. bd. agric. 1889 (p. 431)— 16 satne 1892.) 1889-1896. Table: temperature, pressure, rainfall, weather, winds at Harrisburg, each month, with re- marks. (13 same 1889: 430; 2 A.R. dept. agric. 1896.) Franit Rldgway was observer 1889-1895 : E. R. Demaln in 1896 ; table Is given in greater detail in 1896. Huntingdon 1887/8. Table: monthly maximum, minimum and mean pressure and temperature; humidity; precipitation; weather; wind. (4 A.R. bd. health 1887/8: 1158.) . Same, by seasons; wind omitted. (4 same 1S87/S: 1160.) 498 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CLIMATE— cont'd Indiana 1887/8. Table: monthly maximum, minimum and mean pressure and temperature; humidity; precipitation; weather; wind. (4 A.R. bd. health 1S87/8: 1159.) . Same, by seasons, wind omitted, (i same 18S7/S: 1160.) Harrisburg See also below, Precipitation, Rainfall, Temperature. 1828. Extr. from meteorological register, talven at state capital; Dec. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 467-468.) Temperature, pressure, winds, weather. Lancaster 1887/8. Table: monthly maximum, minimum and mean pressure and temperature; humidity; precipitation; weather; wind. (4 A.R. bd. health 1887/8: 1161.) . Same, by seasons; wind omitted. (4 .same 1887/8: 1163.) Philadelphia See also below. Precipitation. 1780-1855/7. Winter of 1780 coldest winter known in Phila. until 1855, 1856 and 1857. (v. 11. Rept. trans. state agric. socy. 1876: 139.) 1798-1804. Meteorological observations by Dr. J. R. Coxe, made at 2d and Market St., Phila. (A.R. secy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 126A.) 1807-1828. Meteorological observations at health office Phila., for Jan. and Feb. each yr., as published in Hazard's Register, vol. 2, 1828. {Same pt. 1 1887/8: 126A.) 1807-1826. Meteorological observations by Jas. Young; made at 2d and Dock strs., Phila. {Same pt. 1 1887/8: A127.) 1872-1885. Table from records of Phila. station, Univ. St. Signal Service. (2 A.R. bd. health and vital sta- tistics 1885/6: 518.) Pittsburgh See also below. Precipitation. 1887/8. Table: maximum, minimum and mean pres- sure and temperature; humidity; precipitation; weather; by seasons. (4 A.R. bd. of health 1887/8: 1148.) Quakertown See also below. Precipitation. 1881-1885. Tabular stmt, of records of weather kept at Quakertown. (2 A.R. bd. health and vital statistics 1885/6: 526-527.) 1882/3. Meteorological table, by J. L. Heacock, Quaker- town, Bucks Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 91.) Highest, lowest, average and daily range of temperature, monthly range barometer, rain and snow fall, fair, clear and cloudy days. 1882/3-1890. Table: temperature, pressure, rainfall, weather; observations of J. L. Heacock. (7 A.R. bd. agric. 1883 (p. 361)— 14 same 1890.) Omitted in 1884, 1887 and 1888. 1886. Table: weather rept.; by J. L. Heacock. (32 and 33 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1886: 96.) Temperature, barometer, rain, fair, clear and cloudy days, by mos. This is the eaiiie table as given in the A.R. of the bd. of agric. for 1886. Reading See also below, Precipitation. 1887/8. Table: monthly maximum, minimum and mean pressure and temperature; humidity; precipitation; weather; wind. (4 A.R. bd. health 1887/8: 1147.) . Same, by seasons; wind omitted, (i same 1S81/8: 1148.) CLIMATE— cont'd State College See also below, Precipitation ; Temperature. 1882/3. Table: meteorological record at State College from observations of I. P. Osmond. (7 A.R. bd. agric. 1883: 360.) Pressure, temperature, humidity, rainfall, cloudiness, wind. 1887/8. Table: monthly maximum, minimum and mean pressure and temperature; humidity; precipitation; weather; wind. (4 A.R. bd. health 1887/8: 1150.) . Same, by seasons; wind omitted. (4 some 1887/8: 1151.) 1889-1904. Meteorological records at State College (Rept. Penn. State College 1889 pt. 2 (pp. 208-223) —same 1904.) t'niontoicn See also below. Precipitation. 1887/8. Table: monthly maximum, minimum and mean pressure and temperature; humidity; precipitation; weather; wind. (4 A.R. bd. health 18S7/8: 1156.) . Same, by seasons; wind omitted. (4 same 1887/8: 1157.) Waiine County 1882. Climate in Wayne Co. during Nov. and Dec., Mch., Apr. and May; effect on grass and grain; fruit prospects. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and .May 1SS2: 15.) Cyclones 1888. The law of cyclones. (A.R. secy, internal affairs, pt. 1, 1887/8: 308-310A.) Drouth 1881. Effects of drouth of 18S1. (6 A.R. bd. agric. 1882: 341-342.) 1883. Effect of drouth in Greene Co.; average percent of crops. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 26.) Wheat, oats, corn. hay. fruit, berries, cherries, peaches, apples, livestock (hogs, sheep, cattle, horses). Clearfield County 1882. Drouth in Clearfield Co. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 18S2: 30.) Floods 1692-1894. Records of series of floods in Penn. (11 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1894/5: 144.) 1822-1876. See above; the general group, these dates. 1890. The floods as thev effect the people of S. C. (6 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1889/90: 435-437.) 1891. Extrs. from Govs. mess, of Jan. 5, rel. to destruc- tiveness of recent rain storms throughout state. (7 same 1890/1: 4-6.) . Rept. of conference committee (Thomas) on acct. of Johnstown flood and settlement of accts. in con- nection with that disaster on act providing for ascer- tainment of amt. of money expended by Gov. Beaver. (Sen. jol. 1S91; 948-951.) 1892. The floods and fires of Je. 5, in Penn. (8 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1S91/2: 31-32.) . Floods and fire at Oil City, Venango Co.; action rel. to disasters by flood and fire at Oil Creek and Titusville. (S same 1891/2: 245-249.) 1893. Loss of life and property by breaking of dams; need of legislation respecting safeguarding of dams, etc.; destruction of forests; effect on streams and floods. (Govs. mess. (Pattlson) Jan. 3, 1893: 32-33.) 1894. Special sources of disease; the flood at Lewis- burg. (10 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1893/4: 270-271.) . Same; flood in Lehigh Valley. (10 same 1893/4: 271-273.) . Same; floods near Lock Haven, Clinton Co. (10 same 1893/4: 26C-270.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 499 CLIMATE— cont'd Floods— cont'd 1896. Flood conditions on the west branch of the Sus- quehanna; by G. D. Snyder. (11 same 1S95/6 v. 2: 666-676; Proc. and papers of state sanitary comn. 1896: 37-47.) 1903. In sanitary conditions in vicinity of Brush Creek, Westmoreland Co. owing to excessive floods; cor- resp. and inspection. (19 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1902/3 V. 2: 584-588.) 1904. Relief of flood conditions at Penn. Station, West- moreland Co. (20 same 1903/4: 12.) Johnstown Flood 1889. Preliminary rept. of bd. of health on sanitary condition of flooded regions in Cambria, Westmore- land, Indiana, Allegheny and Beaver cos. (Govs, mess. (Beaver) Jan. 6, 1891: 37-47.) Tbis rept. appe.irs in all editions of the Govs. mess., viz. : the pamphlet edition, as above, that in OtDcial docs. 1889, v. 6, doc. C, Sen. jol. 1891 : 41-50, House jol. 1891 : 58-60. . Floods in Penn. Alay 31 and Je. 1, 1889; by Lorin Blodget. (A.R. secy, internal affairs 1889, pt. 1: A 143-A 149.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Jleyers Prtg. & Pubg. House, 1889. 7 pp., maps. Advance sheets from Ann. Rept. secy, internal affairs. . Operations of bd. in consequence of floods of Jlay 31, 1889. (5 A.R. bd. health 1SS8/9: 419-552.) . Financial stmt, of state bd. of health in acct. with Gov. Beaver, in abatement of nuisances caused by floods of May 31, 1889. (5 same 1888/9: 551-552.) . Preliminary rept. of secy, of state bd. of health on sanitary condition of flooded regions in Cambria, Westmoreland, Indiana, Allegheny and Beaver cos. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 6, 1891: 37-47.) . The Johnstown horror; stmts, of eye-witnesses. (Penn. School Jol. v. 38: 22-25.) . See also Public Health, Boards of Health: State. Penn., this date. 1890. See same. Boards of Health: Local, this date. . Rept. of the secy, of the flood relief comn. apptd. to distribute the funds contributed for the relief of sufferers in Penn. by the flood of May 31 and Je. 1, 1889. Harrisburg: Meyers Printing and Publishing House, 1890, 56, 108 pp. . The sanitary surprises of the flood of 1S89. (6 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1889/90: 391-394.) 1891. Disaster wrought by Johnstown flood: relief; Flood Relief Comn.; work of state bd. of health; securing of funds to abate nuisances and carry on sanitary work; apprn. recommended to reimburse bank [People's of Phila.]; expenditure by Pitts- burg relief committee and demand for reimburse- ment; recovery from effects of disaster. (Govs, mess. (Beaver) Jan. 6, 1891: 1-6.) . Gov. Pattison's approval of act resp. expenditure by Gov. Beaver on acct. of Johnstown flood; com- ment. (Legisl. Record 1891: 1922-1923.) . Govs. mess. (Pattison) approving act for settle- ment of accts. resp. Johnstown flood; comment. (House jol. Jan. 1891: 1179-llSO.) . Johnstown flood; ascertainment of amt. ex- pended by Gov., etc. (Legisl. Record 1891: 1346- 1349.) Franklin Institute; see below Weather Service Frost 1899-1902. Dates of first killing frosts in Penn. each year, at different stations. (Mo. bull, of division of zoology V. 1, no. 5: 14.) 1889-1903. Same. (Same v. 2 (no. 5): 160.) 1889-1904. Same. (Same v. 1, nos. 11-12: 33.) CLIMATE— cont'd Laws 1887. Act to establish state service to increase eflBciency of U. S. signal service, and to establish meteor- ological stations in each co. (4 A.R. bd. health 1887/8: 1118-1119.) Precipitation 1887/91-1887/95. See below. Temperature; these dates. 1888/92-1888/95. See same, these dates. 1894/5. See same, this date. Allegheny Arsenal 1836-1892. Precipitation at Allegheny Arsenal, 1836- 1859, 1889-1892. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt 1 1S94/5: 120 A.) Altoona 1888-1895. Precipitation at Altoona. (A.R. secy, of In- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 126 A.) Aqueduct 18S9-1S95. Precipitation at Aqueduct. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 176 A.) Bellefonte See below. State College. Bethlehem 1877-1S95. Precipitation at Bethlehem. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 173.) Blooming Grove 1865-1895. Precipitation at Blooming Grove, 1865/87, 1889/95. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 180 A.) Blue Knob 1SS9-1S94. Precipitation at Blue Knob. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A. 127.) Brookville 1885-1895. Precipitation at Brookville. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 160 A.) Broiler's Lock 1890-1895. Precipitation at Brower's Lock. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 170 A.) Canonsburg 1S40/7S-1889/90. Precipitation at Canonsburg, 1840/78 and 1889/90. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 189.) Carlisle 1888-1895. Precipitation at Carlisle. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 150 A.) Catatcissa 1S7S-1891. Precipitation at Catawissa, (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 147.) Chambersburg lSSS-1895. Precipitation at Chambersburg. (A.R. secy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 156 A.) Charlesville lSSS-1892. Precipitation at Charlesville. (A.R. secy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 123.) Chromedale 1849-1859. Precipitation at Chromedale (Limaj. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt 1 1894/5: 152 A.) Clarion 1SS8-1895. Precipitation at Clarion. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt 1 1894/5: 144 A.) Coatesville lSSS-1895. Precipitation at Coatesville. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt 1 1894/5: A 139.) 500 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CLIMATE— cont'd Precipitation — cont'd Coliimhus 1886-1892. Precipitation at Columbus. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 189.) Confluence 1875-1895. Precipitation at Confluence. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1S94/5: 1S2A-A1S3.) Coapers1)urg 1890-1895. Precipitation at Coopersburg. (.\.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 165. ) Davis Island Dam 1891-1895. Precipitation at Davis Island Dam. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1S94/5: 120 A.) Doylestown 1889-1895. Precipitation at Doylestown. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 129.) Du Bois 1891-1895. Precipitation at Du.Bois. (A.R. secv. of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 145.) Dyberry 1866-1895. Precipitation at Dyberry. (A.R. secv, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 191.) Eagle's Mere 1888-1892. Precipitation at Eagle's Mere. (A.R. secy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 184 A.) Easton 1856-1895. Precipitation at Easton, 1856/9, 1SS3/95. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 174 A- A175.) Egypt See below, North Whiteh.iU. Emporium 1888-1895. Precipitation at Emporium. (A.R, secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 136 A.) Ephrata 1865-1877. Precipitation at Ephrata. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 16C.) Erie 1873-1895. Precipitation at Erie. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 154 A.) Fountain Dale 1867-1872. Stmt, showing precipitation of Fountain Dale, Adams Co. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 119.) Frankford Arsejial 1836-1892. Precipitation at Frankford Arsenal, 1836/43, 1889/92. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 177.) Frayiklin 1840/83-1888/91. Precipitation at Franklin, 1840/83 and 1888/91. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 187.) Frederick 1889-1895. Precipitation at Frederick. (A.R. secv. of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 171.) Freeport 1888-1895. Precipitation at Freeport. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1S94/5: 122 A.) Girardville 1888-1895. Precipitation at Girardville. (.\.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 181.) CLIMATE— cont'd Precipitation — cont'd Orampian 1864-1895. Precipitation at Grampian. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 146 A.) Greensborough 1889-1895. Precipitation at Greensborough. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 157.) Greenville 1S8S1895. Precipitation at Greenville. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 169.) Hamburg 1S90-1S95. Precipitation at Hamburg. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt 1 1894/5: 124 A.) Harrisburg 1840-1895. Precipitation at Harrisburg. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 151.) No returns 1872-18S7. Baverford College 1839-1885. Precipitation at Haverford College, (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 151.) No returns given for 1842-1853, 1863-1883. Hollidaysburg lSSS-1895. Precipitation at Hollidaysburg. (A.R. secy, of Internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 127.) Honesdale 1882-1895. Precipitation at Honesdale. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 192 A.) HorsUam See below, Moreland. Hulmeville 1S77-1884. Precipitation at Hulmeville. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 131.) Huntingdon 1S8S-1895. Precipitation at Huntingdon. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 158 A.) Indiana 1888-1892. Precipitation at Indiana. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 159.) Johnstown 1S6S-1S95. Precipitation at Johnstown. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 135.) Kennett Square 18S9-1895. Precipitation at Kennett Square. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 140 A.) Lancaster 1839-1895. Precipitation at Lancaster. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 162 A.) Lansdale 1SS9-1S95. Precipitation at Lansdale. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 171.) Lebanon 1883-1895. Precipitation at Lebanon. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 165.) No returns for 1887. Le Roy 1889-1S95. Precipitation at Le Roy. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 128 A.) Lewisburg 1856/60-1889/95. Precipitation at Lewisburg, 1856/60, 1865/73 and 1889/95. (A.R. secy, of Internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 186A-A187.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 501 CLIMATE— cont'd Precipitation — cont'd Ligonier 1890-1894. Precipitation at Ligonier. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 193.) Lock No. 4, Washingtmi Countij 1886-1895. Precipitation at Lock No. 4, Washington Co. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 190 A.) Lock Haven 1888-1895. Precipitation at Lock Haven. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 147.) Lycippus 1893-1895. Precipitation at Lycippus. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 194 A.) McConnells'burg 1888-1893. Precipitation at McConnellsburg. (A.R. Becy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 157.) Mahoning 1885-1895. Precipitation at Mahoning. (A.R. secy, of Internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 122 A.) Mauch Chunk 1889-1895. Precipitation at Mauch Chunk. (A.R. secy. of Internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 137.) Meadville 1888-1893. Precipitation at Meadville. (A.R. secy, of Internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 148 A.) Milton 1879-1882. Precipitation at Milton. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 175.) Moreland 1864-1873. Precipitation at Moreland and Horsham. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 171.) Mon-isviUe 1825-1852. Precipitation at Morrisville. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 131.) Mt. Joy 1857-1873. Precipitation at Mt. Joy. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 162 A.) No returns given for 1860, 1868-1871. Neshaminy 1889-1895. Precipitation at Forks of Neshaminy. (A.R. secy, of Internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 130 A.) New Bloomfteld 1888-1890. Precipitation at New Bloomfield. (A.R. secy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 176 A.) Ne%vcastle 1870-1894. Precipitation at Newcastle. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 163.) No returns 1883-1887. Newton 1838-1843. Precipitation at Newton. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 131.) Nisbet 1889-1891. Precipitation at Nisbet. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 168 A.) Norristown 1854-1863. Precipitation at Norristown. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 171.) North Abington 1868-1874. Precipitation at No. Abington. (A.R. secy. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 166 A.) CLIMATE— cont'd Precipitation — cont'd Northumberland 1839-1841. Precipitation at Northumberland. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1S94/5: A 175.) No. Whitehall 1S72-1SS1. Precipitation at No. Whitehall and Egypt. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 166 A.) Oil City 1S77/S3-1887/95. Precipitation at Oil City, 1877/83 and 1887/95. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 187-188 A.) Ottsville 1859-1893. Precipitation at Ottsville. (A.R. secy, of In- ternal affairs pt. 1 1S94/5: 132 A.) Parker's Landing 1SS5-1S95. Precipitation at Parker's Landing. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 123.) Petersburg 18S9-1S91. Precipitation at Petersburg. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 159.) Philadelphia 179S/1S02-18S4/7. Precipitation at Phila., 1798/1802, 1819/27, 1825/88, 1831/7, 1843/53. 1851/81, 1884/7. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 178 A.) 1S72-1S95. Precipitation at Phila. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: A 179.) 1S8S/92-1888/96. See above, the general group, note under dates 1887/8-1903/4. 1S91-1895. Precipitation at Phila. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 178 A.) Philipsburg lSSS-1890. Precipitation at Philipsburg. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 138 A.) Phoenixville 1890-1895. Precipitation at Phoenixville. (A.R. secy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 141.) Pittsburgh 1871-1895. Precipitation at Pittsburgh. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 121.) Plymouth Mtg. 1868-1872. Precipitation at Plymouth Mtg. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 172 A.) Pocopson 1845-1873. Precipitation at Pocopson. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt 1 1894/5: A 141.) Point Pleasant 1889-1895. Precipitation at Point Pleasant. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 132 A.) Pottstown 1876-1895. Precipitation at Pottstown. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 172 A.) Quakertown 1872-1895. Precipitation at Quakertown. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 133.) Reading 1869-1895. Precipitation at Reading, 1869-1886, 1888- 1895. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 125.) Ridgeicay 1891-1895. Precipitation at Ridgeway. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 153.) 502 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CLIMATE— cont'd Precipitation — cont'd Saegerstoiin 1892-1895. Precipitation at Saegerstown. (A.R. secy. o£ internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 149.) Salem Corners 1869-1895. Precipitation at Salem Corners. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 193.) 1872-18ST omitted. Saltshurg 1888-1895. Precipitation at Saltsburg. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 160 A.) Seisfioltzville 1889-1895. Precipitation at SeisUoltzville. (A.R. secy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 134 A.) Selinsgrove 1888-1895. Precipitation at Selinsgrove. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 1S2 A.) Smethport 1888-1895. Precipitation at Smethport. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 170 A.) Smith's Corners 1889-1895. Precipitation at Smith's Corners. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 134 A.) Somerset 1848/61-1888/95. Precipitation at Somerset, 1848/61 and 1888/95. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 183.) South Easton 1889-1895. Precipitation at So. Easton. (A.R. secy, of Internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 195.) State College 1888-1895. Precipitation at State College. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 139.) Stoyestoivn 1891-1895. Precipitation at Stoyestown. (A.R. secy, of Internal affairs pt 1 1894/5: 184 A.) Swarthmore College, Delaware Co. 1888-1895. Precipitation at Swarthmore College. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 153.) Uniontown 1888-1895. Precipitation at Uniontown. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 155.) Warren 1889-1895. Precipitation at Warren. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 189.) Wellsborough 1888-1895. Precipitation at Wellsborough. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 185.) West Chester 1823-1895. Precipitation at West Chester, 1823-1827, 1860-1887, 1868-1874, 1888-1895. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 142 A.) West Marlborough 1843-1857. Precipitation at West Marlborough. (A.R. Becy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 141.) Westtown 1888-1895. Precipitation at Westtown. (A.R. secy, of Internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 143.) Wilkes-Barre 1883-1895. Precipitation at Wilkes-Barre. (A.R. secy, of Internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 167.) No returns for 1888. CLIMATE— cont'd Precipitation — cont'd Williamsport 1873-1895. Precipitation at Williamsport, 1873/8 and 1895. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 168 A.) Wysox lSSS-1893. Precipitation at Wysox. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: .\129.) York 1S8S-1S95. Precipitation at York. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 196 A.) Kainfall 1874-1888. Tropical excess of rainfall on the Atlantic coast from Florida nearly to N. Y. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1SS7/8: A 163-164 A.) 1877. Forest and rain-fall; by Thomas Meehan. (v. 12 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1877: 341-352.) . Rain-fall; by Major S. W. Woodward, (v. 12 same 1S77: 360-367.) 1893. Distribution of rain and snow in the U. S.; by Frank Ridgway. (17 A.R. bd. of agric. 1893: 116- 118.) 1S9S-1904. Tables: mo. and ann. precipitation, (v. 3 U. S. dept. of agric. Penn. sec. of climate and crop service 1S98 (p. 9)— v. 9 same 1904.) 1901 is reprinted in tlie 17 A.R. Penn. state bd. of health 1900 1. Precipitation tables are also found in the monthly bulletins of the climate and crop service and their reprints in .\nn. Rept. of the Peuu. state bd. of health ; see above, serial group B. COLORADO 1872-1876. Record of rain-fall at Denver, Col. (1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1877: 69.) NEW JERSEY See below, Easton, Penn., under dates 1883-1886. PENNSYLVANIA 1798-1888. Records of rainfall in Penn., compiled by Lorin Blodget. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 158-161 A.) 1821-1888. Review of climatological records of Penn.: distribution of rainfall. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: 161- 163 A.) 1884. Rainfall; amt. of in northeastern Penn. (Same pt. 1 1883/4: 11-13A.) 18S9. Topographical map of Penn. showing distribu- tion of rainfall during storm of May 30-31. (Same pt. 1 1888/9: betw. pp. 76-77A.) 1897. Quantity of water falling as rain upon area of Penn.; by John Birkinbine. (3 A.R. dept. agric. 1897 pt. 2: 122-125.) . Deficiency of rainfall in state; serious injury to business by decrease in water supply of rivers; causes of deficiency. (Preliminary rept. of comr. of forestry 1897: 97-103.) Pagins is that of 3 A.R. dept. [21 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1897 pt. 1. Allegheny Arsenal 1836-1859. Statistics of rainfall at Allegheny Arsenal (near Pittsburgh). (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 187A.) Altoona 1884-1896. Total rainfall each year at Altoona. (14 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1896/7 v. 1: 345.) Bethlehem 1885-1887. Statistics of rainfall at Bethlehem: Phila. Water Dept. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 175A.) 1886. Rainfall at Bethlehem; results of observations for last 9 years. (Same pt. 1 1885/6: 66-69A.) Reprint from Jol. of Engineering Society of Lehlgb Onlv. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 503 CLIMATE— cont'd Rainfall — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Blooming Grove See below, Nycea. Bucks County 1883-1886. Rainfall statistics; Toliickon and Nesham- iny series, Bucks Co. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 1S3A.) Observations made at Ottsvllle. Quiikertown, Doyles- town. SellersviUe, Landsdnle, Neshumlny Forks, Tohlckon. Byherry 1854-1863. Statistics of rainfall at Eyberry; J. Comly, J. C. Martindale. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 18S7/8: 16S A.) Carlisle 1843-1852. Table: mean mo. and ann. rainfall at Car- lisle. (2 A.R. bd. healtli and vital statistics 1886: 520.) Canonsburg 1840-1878. Statistics of rainfall at Canonsburg; J. R. Williams, et al. (A.R. secv. of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 185-186 A.) Cata-wissa 1878-1887. Statistics of rainfall at Catawissa; W. G. Yetter. (A.R. secv. of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/S: 176 A.) Chromedale 1849-1859. Statistics of rainfall at Chromedale; J. Ed- wards. (A.R. secv. of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 179A.) Drifton 1884-1888. Statistics of rainfall at Drifton; by H. D. Miller. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1SS7/S: 174 A.) East on 1856-1859. Statistics of rainfall at Easton: by G. R. Houghton. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8; ISO A.) 1883-1886. Delaware River series; statistics of rainfall. (&«me pt. 1 1887/8: 1S2A-A1S3.) Observations made at Easton, Penn., PhilUpsburg and Princeton. N. J.. Fallsingtou, Penn., and Moores- town, N. J. 1883-1887. Statistics of rainfall at Easton; by J. W. Moore. (Some pt. 1 1SS7/8: ISO A.) Doylestoivn See above, Bucks Co. Egypt See below. North Whitehall. Ephrata 1865-1887. Statistics of rainfall at Ephrata; W. H. Spera. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 177 A.) Erie 1873-1888. Statistics of rainfall at Erie. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 187 A.) 1895-1897. Rainfall at Erie; deflciency. (3 A.R. dept. of agric. 1897 pt. 1: 98.) Factoryville 1868-1874. Statistics of rainfall at Factoryville and North Abington; by R. Sisson. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1887/S: 174 A.) Fallsington See also below. Morrlsville. 1879-1886. See below, Temperature. Fallsington, these dates. 1883-1886. See above, Easton, these dates. CLIMATE— cont'd Rainfall — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Fort Mifflin 1843-1853; Statistics of rainfall at Fort Mifflin. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 168 A.) Fountain Dale 1867-1872. Statistics of rainfall at Fountain Dale; S. C. Walker. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 185 A.) Frankford Arsenal 1836-1843. Statistics of rainfall at Frankford Arsenal; by Maj. A. Mordecai. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 166 A.) Franklin 1S40-18SS. Statistics of rainfall at Franklin; by M. A. Tollman and J. Bell. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 186 A.) 1875-1880. Table: rainfall, Franklin. (2 A.R. bd. health and vital statistics 1886: 528.) Recorded by Jos. Bell. Germantoivn 1819-1827. Rainfall at Germantown; by R. Haines. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 165.) 1843-1887. Statistics of rainfall at Germantown; Thos. Meehan. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: 168 A.) Gettysburg 1S39-18C5. Statistics of rainfall at Gettysburg; M. Jacobs. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 184 A-A185.) Hamlinton (Salem) 1SC9-1874. Statistics of rainfall at Hamlinton (Salem) ; by J. D. Stocker. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 174 A.) Harrisburg 1826-1828. Table: mean temperature, rainfall, each year. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 468.) 1827-1892. Record of rainfall near Harrisburg. (17 A.R. bd. of agric. 1893: 209.) 1840-1871. Statistics of rainfall at Harrisburg; J. Heisely. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 184 A.) 1889-1900. See below. Temperature. Harrisburg; these dates. 1895-1897. Rainfall at Harrisburg; deficiency. (3 A.R. dept. of agric. 1897 pt. 1: 98.) Haverford 1839-1885. Statistics of rainfall at Haverford, or West Haverford; by P. Swift. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 179.) Honesdale 1SS2-1887. Statistics of rainfall at Honesdale; by J. Torrey. (A.R. secy, of Internal affairs pt 1 1887/8: 174 A.) Horsham See below, Moreland. Hulmeville 1877-1884. Statistics of rainfall at Hulmeville; L. P. Townsend. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 176 A.) Johnstown 1868-1893. Average amt. of rainfall each year at Johns- town. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1892/3: 244 A.) 504 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CLIMATE— cont'd Rainfall — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Lancaster 1812-1819. Lancaster; rainfall records; Hazard's Regis- ter, 1828. (A.R, secy, of internal affairs pt 1 1887/8: 176 A.) 1839-1843. Lancaster City; records of rainfall reported to Franklin Institute by S. Scott and W. L. Atlee. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: 176 A.) 1883. Rainfall in Lancaster Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 30.) Lansdale See above, Bucks Co. Milton 1879-1882. Statistics of rainfall at Milton; by T. H. Duffv. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 175.) Moorestown 1883-1886. See above, Fasten, these dates. Moreland 1864-1873. Statistics of rainfall at Moreland and Hors- ham; by Anna Spencer. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 171.) Morrisville 1790-1887. Statistics of rainfall at Morrisville, as re- corded by C. Pierce, 1790 to 1859 (autumnal mos. only, 1790 to 1824), with continuation at Fallsing- ton, by E. Hance, from 1860 to 1877, and thereafter by M. Gillingham. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 169-170A.) Mount Joy 1857-1873. Statistics of rainfall at Mt. Joy; J. R. Hoffer. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 177.) J^azareth 1856-1862. Statistics of rainfall at Nazareth. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 175.) Neshaminy Forks See above, Bucks Co. Newton 1838-1843. Statistics of rainfall at Newton; by L. H. Parsons. (A.R. secy, of Internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 171.) Norristown 1854-1863. Statistics of rainfall at Norristown, by J. G. Ralston. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 171.) JfortJi Aiington See above, FactoryvlUe. N(yrth Whitehall 1860-1881. Statistics of rainfall at No. "Whitehall and Egypt; by E. Kohler. (A.R. secy, of Internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 181.) Northumberland 1839-1841. Statistics of rainfall at Northumberland; Jol. Franklin Institute. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 175.) Nyces 1865-1887. Statistics of rainfall at Nyces and Blooming Grove; by J. Grothwohl. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 173.) Ottsville See above, Bucks Co. CLIMATE— cont'd Rainfall — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Philadelphia 1798-1802. Table: rainfall at Phila.; record kept by J. R. Coxe. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 165.) 1800/85-1800/94. Ann. mean temperature each year, with ann. amt. of rain and snow, in inches, begin- ning with 1825. In Repts. as follows : 1800/85 In 2 A.R. bd. he.nlth 1885/6 : 519. 1800/86 " 2 " " " 1885/6 : 1023. 1800/92 " 9 " " " 1892/3:610-611 1800/94 " 10 " " " 1893/4:411. 1825-1888. Statistics of rainfall at Penn. Hospital, Phila. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 166-167 A.) 1831-1837. Statistics of rainfall at Phila., as reported to Franklin Institute and published mo. in Franklin Institute Jol. (Sa7ne pt. 1 1887/8: 166 A.) 1851-1881. Statistics of rainfall at Phila., as recorded by Prof. J. A. Kirkpatrick, Central High School. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: 167-168 A.) 1895-1897. Rainfall at Phila.; deficiency. (3 A.R. dept. agric. 1897 pt. 1: 98.) 1903. Chart showing wkly. incidence of typhoid fever, wkly. rainfall in Phila., and level of water in the Schuvlkill. (20 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1903/4: betw. pp. 264-265.) Pittsburgh 1871-1888. Statistics of rainfall at Pittsburgh. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt 1 1887/8: 186 A.) 1883/4. Record of rainfall and depth of river at Pitts- burgh. (Same pt. 1 1883/4: 14-15 A.) 1895-1897. Rainfall at Pittsburgh; deficiency. (3 A.R. dept. agric. 1897 pt. 1: 98.) Plymouth Meeting 1868-1872. Statistics of rainfall at Plymouth Mtg.; by M. H. Corson. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 171.) Pocopson (Parkesville) 1854-1873. Statistics of rainfall at Pocopson (Parkes- ville) ; by F. Darlington. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 179.) Pottstoivn 1876-1888. Statistics of rainfall at Pottstown; by C. Moore. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 180 A.) Quakertown 1872-1888. Statistics of rainfall at Quakertown; J. L. Heacock. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 176 A.) 1883-1886. See above, Bucks Co., these dates. Reading 1839-1886. Statistics of rainfall at Reading; by J. B. Pease, J. H. Raser and E. F. Smith. (A.R. secy, of Internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 172 A.) Schuylkill Haven See below. Temperature. Sellersville See above, Bucks Co. Shamokin 1857-1862. Statistics of rainfall at Shamokin; P. Friel. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 175.) Somerset 1840-1861. Statistics of rainfall at Somerset; G. Mowry and others. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 185.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 505 CLIMATE— cont'd Rainfall — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd South Bethlehem 1S85-18S7. Statistics of rainfall at So. Bethlehem; by H. S. Housekeeper. (A.R. bd. of public charities pt. 1 1887/8: A 175.) Spring Mill lSlO-1827. Statistics of rainfall at Spring Mill: by P. Legaux showing total quantity of water that fell in each year. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 172 A.) Tanagua See below, Teii]i,ci-.itiire. Tohickoii See above, Bucks Co. West Chester 1823-1S27. Statistics of rainfall at West Chester; W'm. Darlington. (A.R. secy, of interna! affairs pt. 1 1S&7/8: A 177.) "As published in SillimaD's Jol., Jly., 1828." 1860-1887. Same; J. C. Green. {Same pt. 1 1S87/S: A 177-178 A.) 1868-1874. Same; Geo. Martin. (Same pt. 1 1SS7/S: 178 A.) 1875-1885. Table: mean mo. and ann. rainfall at West Chester. (2 A.R. bd. health 1886: 520.) J. C. Green, recorder. West Haverford See above. Haverford. West Marlhorough 1843-1857. Statistics of rainfall at West IMarlborough ; M. Cope. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 178 A.) Wilkes-Barre See also below. Tempt^rature. Wilkes-Barre. 1883-1887. Statistics of rainfall at Wilkes-Barre; by F. B. Hodges. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 174 A.) Williamsport 1873-1878. Statistics of rainfall at Williamsport; H. C. Moyer and J. Emery. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1SS7/S: A 175.) UTAH 1857-1875. Record of rainfall at Salt Lake City A.R. bd. of agric. 1877: 68.) (1 VERMONT 18S7-1894. Average temperature, humidity, and rain- fall during summer mos. at Northfield, Vt. (11 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1894/5: 269.) Temperature 1748-1S7S. Temperature observations in Penn.; princi- pal publications rel. to and compilers of same. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 18S7/8: 108A-A109.) 1748-1888. List of stations, observers, and periods of observation in Penn., at which mean temperatures monthly have been recorded. (Same pt. 1 1887/8; A109-A121.) 1790-1888. Temperature observations in central and so. Penn. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: A 133-142 A.) 1825-1888. Same. (Same pt 1 1887/8: 152 A-A 155.) 1839-1888. Same. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: A 155-158 A.) 1854-1888. Same. (Same pt. 1 1887/S: A 149-152 A.) 1S56-18S8. Same. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: 146 A-A 149.) CLIMATE— cont'd Temperature — cont'd 1887/91-1887/93. Comparative stmt, sliowing mean tem- perature in state each year for mo. of Dec. (Penn. State Weather Service Bull., Dec. 31, 1891 (p. 1) — mme Dec. 31, 1895.)* t Precipitation each year also given in bulletins and reports foIIowioK ISfll. 1887/92-1888/95. Comparative stmt, showing mean temperature and mean precipitation each year in Penn. for mo. of Nov. (Same Nov. 30, 1892 (p. 17) — same Nov. 30, 1895.) *t ISSS. Normal curves of temperature in Penn. among the mos. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 122 A-A 123.) 1888/92-1888/95. Comparative stmt, showing mean tem- perature and mean precipitation in Penn. each year for mo. of Jan. (Penn. State Weather Service Bull., Jan. 31, 1892 (p. 11)— same Jan. 31, 1895)'* t . Same; Feb. (Same Feb. 28, 1892 (p. ID—same Feb. 28, 1895)'* t . Same; Mch. (Same Mch. 31, 1S92 (p. 1?)— same Mch. 31, 1895.)* t . Comparative stmt, showing mean temperature and mean precipitation in state each year for mo. of Apr. (Same Apr. 30, 1S92 (p. 1?)— same Apr. 30, 1895.)* t . Same; May. (Same May 31, 1892 (p. 1?)— .same May 31, 1895.)* t ■ . Same; Je. (Same Je. SO, 1S92 (p. 1?)— same Je. SO, 1895.)* t . Same; Jly. (Same Jly. SI, 1892 (p. 1?)— .vame Jly. 31, 1895.)* t . Same; Aug. (Same Aug. 31, 1892 (p. 1?)— .?ame Aug. 31, 1895.)* t . Same; Sept. (Same Sept. 30, 1S92 (p. 1?)— .same Sept. 30, 1895.)* t . Same; Oct. (Same Oct. 31, 1S92 (p. 1?)— same Oct. 31, 1895.)* t 1894/5. Tables: temperature and precipitation of Penn. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1S96. 196 A. pp., maps. Extr. from ann. rept. of secy, of Internal affairs [pt. 1), 1894/5. 1898-1904. Tables: mo. and ann. mean temperatures; monthly maximum temperatures; do. minimum at the several stations in Penn. (V. S. dept. of agric. v. 3 ann. summary, Penn. sec. 1898 (pp. 6-8) — v. 9 same 1904.) Reprinted In ann. rept. Penn. state bd. of agric. 1S98- 1901. Temperature t.ibles for each month are also found in the monthly bulletins of the climate and crop serv- ice and their reprints in the ann. rept. of the Penn. st.Tte bd. of health. See above, serial group B. Temperature tables begin in 1897 in the bd. of health rept. Allegheny Arsenal 1825-1867. Jlean temperatures at Allegheny Arsenal, near Pittsburgh. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1SS7/S: A 153-154 A.) 1825-1892. Same. 1825-1867, 1889-1892. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: 120 A.) Altoona 1888-1895. ;Mean temperature at Altoona. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 125.) Aqueduct 1S89-1895. Mean temperature at Aqueduct. (A.R. secy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1S94/5: A 175.) Belle foiite See below, State College. • Also found In A.R. secv. internal affairs, pt. 1 (excepting Dec. 31 ISflo. Jan. 31 and Feb.. 1896). and in A.R. state board of health. ■^ Repeated onl.v in bulletins corresponding to month in which the table first appears. 506 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF TllE STATE OF PErWSYLVANIA CLIMATE— cont'd Temperature — cont'd Bethlehem, 1888-1895. Mean temperature at Bethlehem. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1S94/5: A 173.) Blooming Grove 1865-18S7. Mean temperatures at Blooming Grove and Nyces. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 144-145 A.) 1865-1895. Mean temperature at Blooming Grove. (Some pt. 1 1S94/5: 180 A.) Blue Knob 1889-1894. Mean temperature at Blue Knob, Blair Co. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 126 A.) Canonsburg 1839-1878. Mean temperatures each year at Canonsburg, Jefferson College. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1S87/8: 156 A.) 1856/78-1889/90. Mean temperature at Canonsburg 1856/78 and 1889/90. {Sume pt. 1 1894/5: A 189.) Carlisle Barracks, Cumberland County 1839-187S. Mean temperatures at Carlisle Barracks, Cumberland Co. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 141.) 1839-1895. Mean temperature at Carlisle. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: A 149.) No returns given 1S79-1SS7. Catawissa 1878-1887. Mean temperatures at Catawissa; W. G. Yetter observer. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 147.) 1878-1891. Mean temperature at Catawissa. (Sume pt. 1 1894/5: A 147.) Chambersburg 1858-1885. Mean temperature at Chambersburg. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 142 A.) 1858-1895. Mean temperature at Chambersburg. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: 156 A.) Charlesville 1888-1892. Mean temperature at Charlesville. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 123.) Chromedale (Lima) 1849-1859. Mean temperatures at Chromedale (Lima), Delaware Co. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 139.) . Mean temperature at Chromedale (Lima). (Same pt. 1 1894/5: 152 A.) Clarion 1888-1890. Mean temperature at Clarion. (A.R. secy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 143.) Coatesville 1888-1895. Mean temperature at Coatesville. (A.R. secy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 138 A.) Columbus 1880-1892. Mean temperature at Columbus. (A.R. secy. of internal affairs pt 1 1894/5: 188 A.) Coopersburg 1890-1895. Mean temperature at Coopersburg. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 165.) Drifton 1884-1887. Mean temperatures at Drifton, Luzerne Co., as observed by H, D. Miller (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 145.) CLIMATE— cont'd Temperature — cont'd Dyberry See also below, Tioga. 1865-1887. Mo. means of temperature at Dyberry, Wayne Co.; by T. Day, with records of extremes from 1870. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/S: A 143- 144 A.) 1865-1895. Mean temperature at Dyberry. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: 190 A.) Eagle's Mere 1888-1892. Mean temperature at Eagle's Mere. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 184 A.) Easton 1S55-1S95. Mean temperature at Easton, 1855/9, 1884/5, 1891/5. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 174 A.) Edinborough 1889-1895. Mean temperature at Edinborough. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 153.) Egypt See below, North Whitehall. Emporium 1888-1895. Mean temperature at Emporium. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 136 A.) Erie 1873-1887. Mean temperatures at Erie. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 150 A.) 1873-1895. Same. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: 154 A.) Fallsington 1860-1887. Mean temperature at Fallsington, 4 miles so.-west of Morrisville. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 135-136 A.) •. Same. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: A 131.) 1879-1886. Table: pressure, temperature, rainfall and snow fall, etc. at Fallsington, monthly, each year. (2 A.R. bd. health and vital statistics 1885/6: 522- 525.) Record of Milnor Dillingham. Fayette Tannery 1862-1873. Mean temperatures each yr. at Fayette Tan- nery. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/S: A 157.) . Same. (Some pt. 1 1894/5: A 155.) Fort Mifflin 1822-1853. Mean temperatures observed at Fort Mifflin, on an island at tide level in the Delaware River, on so. boundary of Phila. Observations taken at 7 a. m., 2 and 9 p. m., by U. S. asst. surgeon in the military system. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 129.) Frankford Arsenal 1836-1843. Temperature observations by A. Mordecai, made at Frankford Arsenal. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 130 A.) 1889-1892. Mean temperature at Frankford Arsenal. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: A 177.) Franklin 1867-1887. Mean temperatures at Franklin. (A,R. secy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 151.) 1867-1890. Same. (Some pt. 1 1894/5: A 187.) Freeport 1877-1887. Mean temperature at Freeport. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 121.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 507 CLIMATE— cont'd Temperature — cont'd Germantoicn 1819-1828. Mean temperature at Germantown. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 132 A.) 1819-1871. Series of observations in Germantown; by R. Haines, C. J. Wister, T. Meehan, and E. Turner, at wliich mean temperatures monthly have been recorded. {Same pt. 1 1887,/S: 112 A.) Oettysliurg 1839-1865. Mean temperatures at Gettysburg, Penn. College. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 142 A.) 1839-1895. Mean temperature and precipitation at Gettysburg, 1839-1865, 1889-1895. (Same pt. 1 1S94/5: A 119.) 1859-1S65. Series of observations in Gettysburg (Penn. College) ; by Prof. M. Jacobs, at which mean tem- peratures monthly have been recorded. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: A 113.) " This is one of ttie most valu.ible series in tlie country." Girardville 1888-1893. Mean temperature at Girardville. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1S94/5: A 181.) Orampian 1864-1887. Mean temperature at Grampian Hills. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 148 A.) 1864-1895. Mean temperature at Grampian. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: A 145.) Greejiville 1888-1895. Mean temperature at Greenville. (A.R. secy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1S94/5: A 169.) Hamburg 1S91-1S95. Mean temperature at Hamburg. (A.R. secy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 124 A.) Harrisburg 1826-1828. See above, Rainfall. Harrisburg, these dates. 1829. Meteorological tables, Oct. and Nov.: tempera- ture, pressure, atmosphere, wind. (Sen. Jol. 1829/30 v. 2: 121-126.) 1840-1873. Mean temperature at Harrisburg. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 140 A.) 1840-1895. Mean temperature at Harrisburg. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: A 151.) No returns given for 1874-188S. 1889-1900. Comparison of temperature and rainfall of 1900 with records of previous years; by E. R. De- main. (7 A.R. dept. of agric. 1901 pt. 1: 6S0-6S1.) Haverford College 1854-1885. Mean temperatures at Haverford College, Delaware Co. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 137.) . Same. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: A 151.) No returns for 1S64-1S82. JBollidaysburg 1888-1895. Mean temperature at HoUidaysburg. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 127.) Honesdale 1885-1895. Mean temperature at Honesdale. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 191.) Hulmeville, Bucks County 1877-1880. Series of observations in Hulmeville (Buclcs Co.); by L. P. Townsend, at which mean tempera- tures monthly have been recorded. (A.R. secy, of Internal affairs pt 1 1887/8: 114 A.) " A valuable series." CLIMATE— cont'd Temperature — cont'd Huntingdon 1888-1895. Mean temperature at Huntingdon. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 158 A.) Indiana 188S-1892. Mean temperature at Indiana. (A.R. secy, of iuternal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 159.) Johnstown 1888-1895. Mean temperature at Johnstown. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 135.) Kennett Square 1SS9-1S95. Mean temperature at Kennett Square. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 140 A.) Kilmer 1SS9-1S93. Mean temperature at Kilmer. (A.R. secy, ot internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 161.) Lancaster 18SS-1895. Mean temperature at Lancaster. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 161.) Lebanon 1SS8-1S95. Mean temperature at Lebanon. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 164-A.) Le Roy 1889-1895. Mean temperature at Le Roy. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 128 A.) Lewisburg 1S56-1873. Series of observations at Lewisburg Uni- versity, by C. S. James, at which mean temperatures monthly liave been recorded. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 114 A; 147 A.) " A valuable series." 1856/73-1889/95. Mean temperature at Lewisburg, 1856/73, 1889/95. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: 186 A.) Ligonier 1890-1894. Mean temperature at Ligonier. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 193.) Lycippus 1893-1895. Mean temperature at Lycippus. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 194 A.) McConnellsburg 18SS-1893. Mean temperature at McConnellsburg. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 157.) Mahanoy Plane See below, Tnnagua. Mauch Chunk 1889-1895. Mean temperature at Mauch Chunlc. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 137.) MeadviUe 1855-1858. Mean temperatures at MeadviUe each yr. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 151.) 1855-1893. Mean temperature at MeadviUe. (Same pt 1 1894/5: 148 A.) Moreland 1864-1873. Series of observations in Moreland, by Anna Spencer, at which mean temperatures monthly have been recorded. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 115.) " Valuable table and summary." 508 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CLIMATE— cont'd Temperature — cont'd iloiTisviUe 1790-1859. Series of observations in Morrisville (Bucks Co.); by C. Pierce, and E. Hance, at which mean temperatures monthly have been recorded. lA.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: Alio.) •■ Earliest and apparently the best single series taken In the CO." . Mean temperature at Morrisville. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: A 131.) No returns given for 1847-1S48. . Mean temperatures at Morrisville, Bucks Co. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: 134 A-A 135.) Moss Grove 1852-1867. Series of observations in Moss Grove (Craw- ford Co.) ; by F. Schreiner, at which mean tempera- tures monthly have been recorded. (A-R- secy, of Internal affairs pt. 1 1SS7/S: Alio.) ** A valuable series and summary." 1854-1857. Mean temperatures at Moss Grove. {Same pt. 1 1887/8: A 151.) . Same. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: 148 A.) Mt. Joy 1S57-1873. Series of observations in Mt. Joy (Lancas- ter Co.); by Dr. J. R. Hoffer, at which mean tem- peratures monthly have been recorded. (A.R. secy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 115.) " A valuable series." . Mean temperatures at Mt. Joy. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: A 139-140 A.) . Same. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: 162 A.) Forks of Neshaminy 1889-1895. Mean temperature at Forks of Neshaminy. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 130 A.) Neio Bloomfield 1888-1890. Mean temperature at New Bloomfield. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 176 A.) New Castle 1862-1894. Mean temperature at New Castle. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 163.) No returns for 1883-1887. 1866-1882. Series of observations in New Castle (Law- rence Co.) ; by E. M. McConnell, at which mean tem- peratures monthly have been recorded. (A.R. secy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 115.) " A valuable series and summary." . Mean temperatures at New Castle eacli year. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: A 153.) Newton, Bucks County 1837-1843. Series of observations in Newton (Bucks Co.) ; by L. H. Parson, at which mean temperatures monthly have been recorded. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 116 A.) " Results of observations are among the best both in Penn. and N. J." Nisbet 1889-1891. Mean temperature at Nisbet. (A.R. secy, of Internal affairs pt 1 1894/5: A 167.) Norristown 1843-1863. Series of observations in Norristown; by J. G. Ralston and L. E. Corson, at which mean tem- peratures monthly have been recorded. (A.R. secy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 116 A.) " A valuable series giving true temperatures of the latitude." No. Abington 1864-1873. Mean temperatures at No. Abington. (A.R. secy, of Internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 145.) . Same. (.Vame pt. 1 1894/5: 166 A.) CLIMATE— cont'd Temperature — cont'd North Mountain 1S'7G. Table: temperature at North Mt., Sullivan and Luzerne cos. Jly. and Aug. (2 A.R. bd. health and vital statistics 18S5/6: 530.) Recorded by Lewis H. Taylor of WllkesBarre. North Whitehall 1S56-1SS1. Mean temperatures at North Whitehall and Egypt, Lehigh Co. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1S87/8: 136 A-A 137.) . Same. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: 166 A.) Northfield 1887-1894. Average temperature, humidity, and rain- fall during summer mos. at Northfield, Vt. (11 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1894/5: 269.) Nyces See above, Blooming Grove. Pennsville 1S64-1S70. Series of observations in Pennsville (Clear- field Co.); by E. Fenton, at which mean tempera- tures monthly have been recorded. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1SS7/8: 116 A.) " Entire record valuable as fixing temperature of a new distr." Petersburg 1889-1891. Mean temperature at Petersburg. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 159.) Philadelphia 1748-1888. Series of observations in Phila., at which mean temperatures monthly have been recorded. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 116- 118 A.) 22 series are cited, aggregating 300 yrs. of observation. 1758-1777. Abstr. of a jol. of the state of the thermome- ter at Phila. during 1758, 1759; 1767-1777; mean tem- peratures (from extremes). (Same pt. 1 1887/8: A 125.) 1758-1888. Temperature observations at Phila. and vicinity. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: 125-133 A.) 1758/77-1862/87. Mean temperature at Phila., 1758/77, 1829/38, 1798/1804, 1807/26, 1825/88, 1822/53, 1831/43, 1836/43, 1851/81, 1851/72, 1871/88, 1819/28, 1862/87. (Samept. 1 1894/5: A177.) 1800/85-1800/94. See above. Rainfall. Phila., these dates. 1825-1888. Mean temperatures observed at the Penn. Hospital, 8th and Spruce Sts., calculated from daily extremes. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 127-129 A.) 1829-1838. Abstr. of jol. of state of the thermometer at Phila. each yr.; by Thos. Hewson. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: A 125.) 1831-1843. Temperature observations by a committee of the Franklin Institute published mo. in the Jol. of the Institute. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: 130 A.) 1840-1845. Temperature observations at Girard College Observatory. (Sayne pt. 1 1887/8: A 131.) 1851-1881. Temperature observations by Prof. J. A. Kirkpatrick, Central High School, Phila. (Some pt. 1 1887/8: A131; 167-168 A.) 1871-1888. Mean temperatures at Phila. signal station. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: 132 A.) 1871-1895. Mean temperature at Phila. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: A 179.) 1876/86-1876/89. Mean temperature In Je., Jly., Aug. and Sept. each year. (2 A.R. bd. health 1885/6 (p. 1010)— 6 same 1889/90.) 1SS8/92-1880-96. See above, the general group, note un- der dates 1887/8-1903/4. 1891-1895. Mean temperature at Phila. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 178 A.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 509 CLIMATE— cont'd Temperature — cont'd Philipsbiirg 1888-1890. Mean temperature at Philipsburg. (A.R. secy, of Internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 137.) Phoenixville 1890-1895. Mean temperature at Phoeui.xville. (.\.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 141.) Pittsburgh 18541887. Mean temperatures at Pittsburgh, each yr. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/S: 154 A- A155.) 1862-1895. Mean temperature at Pittsburgh. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: A 121.) Pocopson 1853-1873. Mean temperatures at Pocopson, Chester Co. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1SS7/8: 138 A- A139.) . Same. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: A 141.) PottstoiLm 1888-1895. Mean temperature at Pottstown. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 172 A.) Quakertoicn 1876-1895. Mean temperature at Quakertown, (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 133.) Reading 1866-1879. Mean temperatures at Reading, Berks Co. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/S: A 137.) 1866-1895. Same. (S«?)ie pt. 1 1894/5: A 125.) Rimersburg 1888-1891. Mean temperature at Rimersburg. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 144 A.) Sacgerstoivn 1892-1895. Mean temperature at Saegerstown. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 149.) Salem Corners 1888-1895. Mean temperature at Salem Corners. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 192 A.) Schuylkill Haven 1880-1885. Table: temperature and rainfall at Schuyl- kill Haven each year. (2 A.R. bd. health and vital statistics 1886: 531.) Record furDlshed by Wm. H. Dechant. Selinsgrove 1888-1895. Mean temperature at Selinsgrove. (A.R. secy, of Internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 181.) Smcthport 1888-1895. Mean temperature at Smethport. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 169.) Somerset 1839-1869. Series of observations in Somerset; by G. Mowry, at which mean temperatures monthly have been recorded. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 119; 157.) " A valuable scries and sumumry." 1839/69-1888/95. Mean temperature at Somerset, 1839/69 and 1888/95. (Same pt. 1 1S94/5: A 183.) South Easton 1889-1895. Mean temperature at So. Easton. (A.R. secy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 195.) State College 1888-1895. Mean temperature at State College. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 138 A.) CLIMATE— cont'd Temperature — cont'd Swarthmore College 1888-1895. Mean temperature at Swarthmore College. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: 152 A.) Tanagita 1S84-1SS6. Record sliowing tpniperature and rainfall at Tanagua and Mahanoy Plane. (2 A.R. bd. health 1887/S: 531.) Tioga 1S63-1879. Mean temperatures at Tioga; E. T. Bradley, observer. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: A 147.) . Same. (Same pt. 1 1894/5; A 185.) 1S8S. Graphic representation of the normal curve ot temperature among the mos., as drawn for Tioga.. Wellsboro, and I>>berry. (Same pt. 1 1887/S: facing p. 148 A.) U7iio}itown 1SS8-1S95. Mean temperature at Uniontown. (A.R. secy. of internal affairs pt. 1 1S94/5: A 155.) ^yellsboro' See also above, Tioga. 1S79-1887. Mean temperatures at Wellsboro'; H. D. Deming, observer. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 148 A.) 1S79-1S95. Same. (Sawe pt. 1 1894/5; A 185.) West Chester 1855-1888. Series of observations at West Chester; by J. C. Green, at which mean temperatures have been recorded. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/S: A 121.) •■ A very valu:ibk' and I'outiiinuus series, affording data for detertiiiuiag const.iuts." . Mean temperatures at West Chester. (Same pt. 1 1S87/S: 138 A.) 1S55-1895. Same. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: 142 A.) West Newton 1S91-1S95. Mean temperature at West Newton. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 195.) Westtow7i lSSS-1895. Mean temperature at Westtown. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 143.) Wilkes-Barre 18S1-1885. Stmt, of mo. and ann. temperature, mean, maximum and minimum, together with rainfall. (2 A.R. bd. health 18S6: 529.) From records of E. L. Dana and F. B. Hodge. 18S3-1S87. Mean temperatures at Wilkes-Barre; F. B. Hodges, observer. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt 1 1887/S: 146 A.) 1SS31895. Same. (Some pt. 1 1894/5; A 167.) No returns tor 1S88. Williamsport 1873-1878. Mean temperatures at Williamsport, Lycom- ing Co., as observed bv J. Emery. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 146 A.) 1873-1895. Mean temperature at Williamsport during period 1873/78 and year 1895. (Same pt. 1 1894/5: 168 A.) Wysox 18S8-1S93. Mean temperature at Wysox. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 129.) York 1S88-1895. Mean temperature at York. (A.R. secy, ot Internal affairs pt. 1 1894/5: A 195.) 510 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CLIMATE— cont'd Weather Service Bureau See also aboTe, note under Climate. Also the serial group. 188[?]. Penn. State Weather Service. [Form 1 for] original observation. Copy seen in Library of Congress. 1S87. State weather service established by act of May 13. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 6, 1891: 19.) . Rept. of special committee of Franklin Institute to formulate plan for state weather service; with act of Mav 13, 1887, establishing bureau. (A.R. secy. internal affairs pt. 1 1886/7: 102 A-A 107.) . Establishment of state weather service bureau; mngmt. of affairs imposed upon Franklin Institute, Phila. {Same pt. 1 1887/8: A 77.) . Rept. on state weather service cooperating with signal service of Penn. (Same pt. 1 1887/S: A89- 102 A.) 1887-1888. Penn. state weather service; rept. rel. to progress made in establishment of. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: 92 A-A 93.) . State weather services established during year. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: 84 A-A 85.) . Weather crop bulletin issued. (Same pt. 1 1886/7: 114 A-A 115.) . Copies of weather-crop bull, dispatches reed, at chief signal office from state weather services, Aug. 13. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: A 95-96 A.) . Weather crop rept.; showing weather conditions all over U. S. of wheat, cotton, corn, and tobacco distrs., for benefit of agric. and commercial interests. for weeks endg. Aug. 20 and Sept. 15. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: A 99-100 A; 104 A-105 A.) . War dept., signal service, U. S. Army; form issued for weekly weather crop rept. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: 98 A.) 1888. See above, the general group, under dates 1837- 1888. . Communication from secy, of state bd. of health to meteorological committee of Franklin Institute, requesting meteorological repts. modified to suit especial requirements of sanitary investigation. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1887/8: 80 A- A81.) . On repts. published and distributed by state weather service bureau. (Same pt. 1 1887/8: 78 A- A79.) 1889. Letter to meteorological committee of Franklin Institute from secy, of bd. asking their co-operation in sanitary investigations. (5 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1888/9: 593-594.) 1891. Establishment of state weather service (1887); connection with Franklin Institute and dept. of in- ternal affairs. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 6, 1891: 19-20.) Je. 11. Veto of act amending act to establish a state weather service, etc.; with text of act. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1891: 64-65.) 1900. Suggested that act providing for establishment of weather service bureau be repealed. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1899/00: 124 A.) Wind 1897. Windfalls [being term applied in Penn. to a forest laid fiat by violent storm of wind]; by J. T. Rothrock. (Rept. of division of forestry 1897: 111- 113.) CLOTHING TRADE Employment; see Labor. Employment Manufactures; see Industries, etc. Clothing Wages; see Labor. Wages CLOVER Crop; see Agriculture. Crops CLOVER (LEVI G.) Collector at Pittsburgh 1854 Mch. 3. Frauds. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 34); 166.) COAL 1874. The age of coal — that is, time required for its formation. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 201- 202.) Consumption 1820-1869. Coal consumed in the Union from various coal regions. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1870: 1786.) Paging from Legisl. docs. 1871. 1864/72-1864/73. Total consumption of anthracite and bituminous coal in the U. S. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3 (p. 216) — 2 same 1873/4.) 1872/4-1872/5. Table: supply of anthracite coal sent to market and consumed in mining cos., viz., Schuyl- kill, Northumberland, Columbia, Dauphin, Luzerne, Carbon. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1874 (p. 49)— same 1875.) 1874. Consumption of coal by various industries — especially iron. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 202-205.) 1895. The coal consumption of the principal countries of the world. (Mining bull. Penn. State College V. 2, no. 1: 11-17.) . The fuel problem; by Jos. D. Weeks. (Same V. 2, no. 1: 4-7.) Relates chiefly to coal ; extr. from address before Ameri- can Institute of Mining Engrs. Production 1852-1872. Product of Belgium coal. (Rept. of inspectors of mines 1872: 20.) 1854-1869. Quantity of coal mined and exported from Great Britain each year. (Same 1870: 1785.) Imaging from Legisl. docs. 1871. . Coal tonnage of Great Britain for 16 years com- pared with that of the U. S. for same period. (Same 1870: 1787.) Paging from Legisl. docs. 1871. 1854-1872. Statistics of coal mined in the United King- dom. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 198.) 1860-1874. Coal trade of Great Britain. (Rept. of in- inspector of mines 1874: 58.) 1862-1873. Coal production of the world. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 244.) 1866-1867. Belgium coal production. (Rept. of in- spector of mines 1870: 1785.) Paging from Legisl. docs. 1871. 1871. British mining distrs.; no. of collieries in each, the force employed and proportion of deaths to tons of coal mined in each. (Satiie 1871: 9.) 1872. Coal production of the globe. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 197.) 1872-1875. Comparison of coal production of Penn. with that of England and Nova Scotia. (Rept. of in- spector of mines 1875: 179.) 1874. Coal productions of globe. (5 A.R. bureau of In- dustrial statistics 1876/7: 422.) Great Britain ; U. S. ; Prussia : Belgium ; France ; Austria ; Chill ; India and Chlua ; Nova Scotia ; Spain : total. 1876. Coal productions of the globe. (Same 1877/8: 525.) Great Britain, V. S., Germany. France, Belgium, Austria, Kussiu, Australia, India, Nova Scotia, Spain, Japan, Vancouver's Island, Portugal, Italy, China, Cblll. etc. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 511 COAL— cont'd Pioduction — cont'd 1893-1895. Stmt, of coal production of the world. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1895: xx.) 1898. Summary of rept. of mine inspector of Ohio; coal production. (Mining bull. Penn. State College v. 4 (no. 4): 90-93.) PENNSYLVANIA 1873. Coal tonnage: sold coal, consumed coal, tons mined. (Siimc 1S73: 26.) Sihu.vlkill, .N'orthumbcrland, Columlila, Dnuphin, Carbon, l/uzernc. 1874. Tables: Coal production of Penn. (anthracite, semi-bituminous, bituminous, Mercer Co. block coal) and other states (bituminous); amt. in tons. (2 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1873/4: 39G-397.) 1875. Semi-bituminous and anthracite coal; cost of labor and production. ([3] same 1874/5: 172-195.) 1888. Coal production — anthracite and bituminous: no. of tons, no. of men employed; by cos. (16 same 18S8: 109.) 1888-1892. Comparative table showing production of anthracite and bituminous coal, resp., each year. (A.R. inspectors of coal mines 1892: vi.) 1891. Table: no. of tons of anthracite and bituminous coal produced, no. of employees, no. of accidents. (Rept. inspectors of mines 1891: 3.) 1891/9-1891/00. Table: production of anthracite and bituminous coal in tons by distrs. (Rept. dept. of mines 1899 (p. xxvii) — same 1900.) 1892/01-1893/04. Table: production of coal in tons of 2000 pounds, no. of tons produced per employe in- side, quantity of explosives used and no. of tons gotten for each pound of explosives used in anthra- cite mines. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1901: 26; rept. dept of mines 1904 pt. 1.) Cumulative from 1892, excepting in rept. for 1904. 1900. Combined production of -anthracite and bitumi- nous coal during yr. largest ever made in state. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1900: vii.) 1900-1903. Table: quantity of coal produced by each co. which produced more than 700,000 tons, no. persons employed by said companies in anthracite districts. (A.R. inspectors of coal mines 1901 (p. 28) — same 1903.) Returns are for 1900. 1902 and 1903 only. Anthracite 1820-1881. Diagram and tables showing ann. production of anthracite coal, amt. produced in each region, to- gether with tonnage of transportation cos. since 1870. (Misc. sheet 3 ace. 2 geol. survey A A atlas southern anthracite field v. 1.) 1S20-1886. Total production of anthracite coal in Schuylkill, Lehigh, and Wyoming regions. (A.R. geol. survey 1886 pt. 3: 1034.) 1820/79-1820/80. Output of anthracite coal in Schuyl- kill, Lehigh, Wyoming regions and total. In Documents as follows : 1820/79 in 7 A.R. bureau Industrial statistics 1878/9 : 17. 1820 80 in 8 A.R. bureau Industrial statistics 1879/80: 19. 1863-1874. Coal tonnage of Schuylkill, Luzerne and Carbon cos. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1874: 50.) 1865-1874. Coal product of U. S. compared with that of Penn. (Same 1874: 50.) 1869-1873. Table: coal tonnage in the mining distr. of Schuylkill, proportionate to the deaths and injuries in the state. (8anie 1873: 25.) 1869/71-1869/74. Schuylkill distr. coal tonnage and pro- portionate no. of tons to a death. {Same 1871 (p. 8) — same 1874.) COAL— cont'd Production — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Anthracitr— cont'd 1870-1878. Total output of coal in three so. anthracite distrs., comprising Schuylkill, Dauphin, Northum- berland, and Columbia cos., compared with no. of lives lost. (Same 1878: 12.) . Same. Second Schuylkill Distr. (Same 1878: IL) 1870-1904. Total production of coal in Penn. (32 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1904: 387.) 1871-1873. Coal production in the Middle Distr. of Lu- zerne and Carbon cos. (Repts. of Inspectors of mines 1S73: 2i:{-2]4.) 1871-1874. Coal tonnage of Schuylkill, Northumberland, Columbia, & Dauphin cos. (Same 1871 (p. 10) — same 1874.) 1872. Coal tonnage of the several collieries in Schuyl- kill Co. (Same 1873: 27-30.) . Co. coal tonnage for each colliery of Schuylkill, Northumberland, Columbia, and Dauphin cos. (Same 1872: 21-24.) 1872-1873. Table: whole production. Including con- sumption in regions of anthracite coal. (2 A.R. bureau of labor statistics 1873/4: 226.) . Tonnage of the several collieries, each year. (Rept. of inspectors of mines 1873: 31-32.) 1873. Production of anthracite coal in Penn. in 1820, 1870 and estimate for 1872; product of bituminous coal in 1870. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 8, 1873: 15.) 1873-1874. Table: coal tonnage of Schuylkill Co. col- lieries, names of colleries, location, operators and land-owners. (4 A.R. inspector of coal mines 1874: 73-75.) 1874. Anthracite production in tons for each region. (2 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1873/4: 398-399.) 1S74-1S75. Comparison of coal produced in tons per year, no. of persons employed, ratio of coal produced in tons to each employe; no. of lives lost, ratio of coal produced per life lost, ratio of persons employed per life lost in anthracite coal mines of Penn., with England and with Nova Scotia. (Rept. inspectors of mines 1876: 1011.) Paging from Legisl. docs. 1877, v. 3. 1874/6-1874/8. Table: amt. of coal mined in tons, kegs of powder used, days worked, no. of persons em- ployed, ratio of coal mined per employe, per accident, per life lost, for each working colliery, and ratio of coal mined per accident and life lost. (Same 1876 (pp. 180-183)— .s(7»ie 1878.) Paging from I^cisl. docs. 1877. v. 3. Returns are for individual collieries, for the several periods (not each yearl, 1874/6, 1874 '7, 1S74/S. 1875. Anthracite coal; cost of labor and production by counties. ([31 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 196-215.) 1875-1878. Coal production, no. of tons marketed, and amt. of coal consumed for home purposes in So. distr., or Lehigh region. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1S78: 251.) 1875/6-1876/7. Table: coal produce in tons per year and no. of persons employed in third anthracite distr. (Same 1876 (p. 24)— .'.Hmc 1877.) 1S75/7-1875/8. Table: actual shipment of coal from Le- high region (Luzerne and Carbon cos.. South distr.), each year. (.Some 1877 (p. 196)— same 1878.) 1876. No. of tons of coal produced to each keg of powder used, etc. at mines of So. distr. of Luzerne and Car- bon cos. (Same 1876: 93.) 1877-1878. Comparison of amt. of coal produced in tons at 1st or Pottsville Distr., and no. of tons per fatal and non-fatal accidents. (Same 1878: 8.) 1877-1879. Production of coal and amt. shipped to market from So. distr. each year. (Same 1879: 289.) 512 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAI^— cont'd Production — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Anthi-acite — cont'd 1880. Coal mined by " stripping " in South Distr. ot Luzerne and Carbon cos. {Same 1880: 209.) . Table: name ot operator, no. of acres of land owned or leased, no. of acres worked, no. of persons employed, no. of days in operation, production, etc. of collieries in anthracite coal region of state. (8 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1879/80: 22-26.) 1881-1884. Tabulation of anthracite coal statistics show- ing amt. of coal produced; amt. paid in wages; no. of persons employed; no. of days iu operation. (9 same 1880/1 (pp. 1-3)— 12 same 1884.) In 188:5. indiviJual collieries are Dot given, returns bting given by counties onl.v. 1881-1900. Table: no. of employes inside and outside of mines, no. of fatalities inside and outside, no. of miners and miners' laborers employed, and no. ot fatalities in both classes, percentage of fatalities; average no. days worked each year and average pro- duction of coal from anthracite mines. (A.R. In- spectors of coal mines 1900: xxiii-xxiv.) 1881/2-1882/3. Table: no. of tons of coal produced in 1st Distr., persons employed, lives lost, accidents, tons of coal mined per life lost and no. of employes per life lost. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1882 (pp. 5-6)— same 1883.) 1882-1884. Second rept. of progress in anthracite coal region; pt. 1 statistics of production and shipment 1885. 21 pp. 1 map. (2 geol. survey AA.) 1882-1886. Table: total production of coal fields by cos. (A.R. geol. survey 1886 pt. 3: 1044.) . Table: area and total production of individual anthracite coal fields. (Same 1886 pt. 3: 1031.) 1SS3-1884. Tables comparing production of coal, in 1st or Pottsville Distr. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1884: 7.) . Table: production of individual coal fields of anthracite region. (A.R. geol. survey 1885: 331.) . Table: relative importance of different cos. of anthracite coal region, to coal trade, by giving no. of tons and per cent of coal produced iu each co. (Same 1885: 276.) 1884-1886. Table: shipments and productions of col- lieries at work in each of the anthracite coal dis- tricts. (Same 1886 pt. 3: 1012-1029.) . Table: amt. of different kinds of coal produced in different fields, no. ot producing collieries in each field from which different varieties of coals come, and proportion produced, both in tons and per cent of total production. (Same 1886 pt. 3: 1047.) . Table: amt. of different kinds of coal produced by different consumers and no. of collieries producing each kind of coal, (same 1886 pt. 3: 1049.) 1885. Amt. of coal produced by each company in 4th anthracite distr. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial sta- tistics 1885: 118A.) . Rept. on vegetable origin of coal, by L. Lesque- reux, with notes bv J. P. Lesley. (A.R. geol. survey, 1885: 95-124.) 1885-1886. Statistics ot production and shipment ot anthracite coal. (Same 1886 pt. 3: 1008-1057.) 1886. Anthracite coal statistics: no. of mines, no. of tons ot coal mined and shipped, no. ot employes, days employed, fatal and nonfatal accidents, etc. (Repts. of inspectors ot mines 1886: 2-3.) 1886-1887. Coal production in 6th anthracite distr. (Same 1887: 117.) 1887. Amt. ot coal produced in 4th anthracite distr. (Some 1887: 73.) . Amt. of coal mined by the various cos. in 2d an- thracite distr. (Same 1887: 25.) COAL— cont'd Production — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Anthracite — cont'd 1888-1897. Table: coal production in Penn. each year and relation to total production of past decade; re- ported by E. A. Parker, statistician of U. S. geol. survey. (3 A.R. dept. of agric. 1897 pt. 2: 181.) 18S8/92-1891/5. Tables: production of anthracite and bituminous coal, average ann. production of coa' per man, no. of fatal accidents attending mining ot coal. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1892 (pp. vi-vii» — same 1895.) 1888/92, 1889/93, 1890/4, 1891/.J. 1888/92-1890/1904. See below, the material under An- thracite Mines, 3d Period. 1890. Table: no. of tons of anthracite and bituminous coal produced, no. of miners employed and no. o." miners' laborers employed. (Rept. inspectors of mines 1890: 1-3.) 18901894. Table: average ann. production ot coal i;. anthracite region per employee. (Same 1894: v.) 1890-1903. Table: production of anthracite coal by counties. (A.R. dept. ot mines 1903: lii.) . Table: production of anthracite coal in the several distrs. (1-15), each year. (Same 1903: l-li.» 1891/5-1892/6. Stmt.: production in tons ot anthracit» coal each year. (Rept. inspectors of coal mines 1895 (p. ix) — same 1896.) 1891/9-1893/1902. Tables: production of anthracite coal in tons, by counties. (Rept. bureau of mines 183'.) (p. xxxi) — same 1902.) In 1899 and 1900 tables are cumulative as from 1891 ; in laoi from 1892 ; in 1902 from 1893. 1892-1896. Table: quantity ot coal mined and shipped, no. ot days worked, no. ot persons employed, no. of persons killed and injured in and about mines o- 1st anthracite distr. (Repts. of inspectors of mine^ 1896: 4.) 1892-1903. Table: production ot anthracite coal in tons of 2000 pounds, no. of tons produced per employe inside, quantity of explosives used, and no. of tons of coal produced for each pound of explosive used. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 v. 1: xlvii.) 1892/1901-1893/1902. Tables: production of coal in tons by districts in anthracite coal mines. (A.R. In- spectors of coal mines 1901 (p. 34) — same 1902.) 1895. Tables: production, employes, accidents in the anthracite and bituminous mines in Penn. (Mining bull. Penn. State College v. 2 (no. 4) : 100.) 1896-1897. Table: total production, shipments, increase or decrease over preceding year, no. of employes, tons of coal produced per employe: tons of coal per underground workman, kegs of powder and pounds of dynamite used; no. ot horses and mules, no. oE steam boilers in use, fatal and non-fatal accidents, fatal and non-fatal accidents per 1000 employes, tons of coal mined per life lost and per non-fatal acci- dent, in anthracite collieries of state. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1897: xxii-xxiii.) 1899. Table: total no. of tons of coal mined, no. of days worked, no. ot employes, no. ot persons killed and injured, no. of kegs ot powder, etc., used in anthra- cite districts. (Same 1899: xxxvi.) 1899-1900. Table: quantity of coal produced and shipped from 6th anthracite distr. (Same 1900: 200.) . Table: no. ot gaseous and non-gaseous mines, production of coal from gaseous, non-gaseous mines and washeries, and percent of production in each, in anthracite distrs. (Same 1700' (p. xxxix) — sami 1904.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 513 COAI^-cont'd Production — cont'd PENXSYLVA MA— cont'd Anthracitf — cout'd 1899-1900. Table: no. of tons of coal mined, no. of days worked, no. of employes, no. of persons killed and Injured, no. of kegs of powder, etc., used in anthra- cite distrs. (Same 1S99 (pp. xxxvi-xxxvii) — .same 1904.) 1900-1901. Recapitulation tables: total no. of tons coal mined, shipped, etc.; no. of days worked: no. of employees; no. of persons killed and injured, no. of kegs of powder and lbs. of dynamite used in antlini- citedistrs. (.s'a/nf 1900 (pp. Ixvlil-lxix)— same 1901.) 1900-1904. Table: quantity of coal produced by each co. which produced more than 700,000 tons, no. of per- sons employed by said cos. in anthracite distrs. (Same 1901 (p. 2S)— same 1904 pt. 1.) 1902. Abstr. of anthracite rept.; table: no. of tons of coal mined, shipped, etc.; no. of days worked; no. of employees; no. killed and injured; no. of kegs of powder and pounds of dynamite used in anthracite region. (Same 1902: following p. 16.) 1902-1904. Statistics of anthracite coal operations; cos. in which coal is mined, with no. of collieries in each. (30 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1902 (pp. 434-435)— 32 snyiic 1904.) 1903. Tabulated abstr. of no. of tons of anthracite coal mined, shipped, used at coUeries, sold to local trade and used by employes; no. of days worked, no. of persons employed, no. killed and injured, amt. of powder and dynamite used, etc. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: xxxv.) 1903-1904. Statistics of anthracite coal operations: no. of tons mined, value, employes, wages, etc. (31 A.R. bureau Industrial statistics 1903 (p. 415) — 32 same 1904.) . Comparison of anthracite coal mining: no. of tons mined, market value, employes, wages, average days of employment, each yr. (32 same 1904: 389.) Bituminotis 1890-1894. Table showing average ann. coal production in bituminous region per employee. (A.R. inspectors of coal mines 1894: vi.) 1892-1902. Stmt, showing production of bituminous coal, quantity of explosives used, no. of tons of coal produced for each employe inside of mines. (Rept. bureau of mines 1902: 90.) 1892/01-1892/04. Table: production of bituminous coal, quantity of explosives used, no. of tons of coal pro- duced for each pound of explosives, and average quantity of coal produced for each employe inside of mines. (Same 1901 (p. 55)— som* 1904.) Kept, of special jt. committee appointed to Investigate charges of incompetency against the examining board for bituminous mine inspectors. With testi- mony of witnesses talien by committee. May 27, 1887. A. A. Phillips. A. W. Smiley, John R. Byrne, on part of House. Samuel S. Steel, J. H. Wilson, on part of Senate committee. (Legist. Record, 1887, pp. 2829-2886.) n. t. p. 1890-1903. Table: production of bituminous coal in tons, by counties. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903: xxxviil.) 1890-1903. Table: production of bituminous coal, by distrs. (1-15). (A.R. dept. of mines 1903: xxxvii.) 1891/9-1893/01. Tables showing production of bitumi- nous coal in tons, by counties. (Rept. bureau of mines 1899 (p. xxxiil) — same 1902.) 1891/9, 1891/00. 1892/01, 1893/02. 1892-1903. Production of bituminous coal In tons of 2000 pounds, no. of tons produced per employe in- side, quantity of explosives used, and no. of tons of coal produced for each pound of explosives used. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 v. 2: xxxiv.) 33 COAI^— cont'd Production — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Bituminous — cont'd 1892/01-1893/02. Tables: production of coal in tons from bituminous mines, by distrs. (Rept. bureau of mines 1901 (p. 59)— same 1902.) Trade 1820-1872. Table: anthracite coal trade of the U. S., each year. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1873: 1903.) raging from Collected docs. 1869-1873. Coal trade in Nova Scotia. (Same 1874: 58.) 1872-1875. See below, Penn., tliese dates. 1897-1900. Export of Amer. coal; rept. rel. to. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1900: xli-xliil.) PENNSYLVANIA 1807-1820. Amt. of coal, in tons, shipped from Wyo- ming and Lehigh regions each year. (Repts. of in- spectors of mines 1S91: 84.) 1812-1813. Acct. current rendered by Price & Water- bury, of N. Y., to Abijah Smith & Co., of Penn., show- ing amt. of coal sold, amt. of cash paid, quantity of coal remaining on hand unsold; coal shipped by way of Susquehanna River to Havre de Grace, Md., and thence by coasting vessels to N. Y. (Same 1891: 82-83.) 1820-1S59. Table: anthracite coal trade of Penn.: tons shipped, value. (Daily Legisl. Record 1860: 221.) 1S20-18G9. Quantity of anthracite coal sent to market by canal and r.r. from the several regions since commencement of the trade in this country. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1870: 1784.) Paging from Legisl. docs. 1871. . Quantity of coal sent to market from the several anthracite regions of Penn. (Same 1870: 1820.) Paging from Legisl. docs. 1871. 1820-1872. Progress of the anthracite coal trade of Penn. (Some 1S73.) Foldg. table betw. pp. 200 and 201. . Table: anthracite coal trade of the U. S.: an- thracite coal sent to market from different regions in Penn.; bituminous trade moved towards the sea- board, importations of foreign coal, exportations of domestic coal. (Same 1873: 190-193.) . Table: anthracite coal sent to market from dif- ferent regions in Penn. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 213-214.) 1S20-1S75. Table: anthracite coal trade of Penn.: ship- ments each year. (4 same 1875/6: 409.) Paging from Collected docs. • . Table: aggregate coal tonnage of Penn. from commencement of trade to close of 1875. (5 A.R. Inspectors of coal mines 1875: 56.) 1820-1881. Tonnage resp. of Schuylkill, Lehigh and Wyoming regions. (2 geol. survey A C: 552-553.) 1820-1884. Table: ann. shipment of anthracite coal in Penn. (2 same A A 2d rept. of progress 1883/4: 17-18.) 1820-1886. Table: ann. shipments of anthracite coal, with no. of tons and percentage shipped for Schuyl- kill, Lehigh, and Wyoming regions. (A.R. geol. survey 18S6 pt. 3: 1033.) 1834 Mch. 4. Rept. of [select] committee (Packer) [apptd. Apr. 4, 1833] to investigate subject of coal trade in Penn. and history of mining operations, and to whom was referred memorial of coal dealers in Schuylkill Co. (Sen. jol. 1833/4 v. 2: 449-572.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: F*rtd. by H. Welsh, 1834. 126 pp., errata slip, foldg. table, map. Copies seen in N. Y. Public Library, Free Library of Phlla., library of the Library Co. of Phila., In Amer. I'hil. Socy. and in Penn. State Library. 1000 copies in English and 500 in German were ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1S33/4 v. 1 : 455-456.) 514 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL— cont'd Trade — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1834-1874. The coal trade condition in 1874, and prices at various periods in past. {2 A.R. bureau of sta- tistics 1873/4: 208-209.) 1839-1874. Table: tons of coal shipped from Shamokin, Lykens Valley, Big Lick collieries. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 484.) 1839-1875. Coal trade of Shamokin region, in tons, each year. ([3] same 1874/5: 490.) 1839/77-1839/78. Table: total shipments each year from Shamokin region. (5 same 1876/7 (p. 422) — 6 same 1877/8.) 1843-1845. Table: quantity of coal shipped at certain offices with increase or decrease at each office. (A.R. canal comrs. 1844: 28.) 1844-1875. Table: total bushels coal passing Mononga- hela Navigation Co.'s locks. ([4] A.R. bureau in- dustrial statistics 1875/6: 98-99.) Piiging from Collected docs. 1844-1885. Table: shipments of coal through Mononga- hela Navigation Co.'s locks. (A.R. geol. survey 1886 pt. 1: 17.) 1845/73-1845/74. Ann. tonnage of Morris Canal Coal trade — now leased by Lehigh Valley R.R. Co. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4 (p. 235) — 3 satne 1874/5.) 1850-1873. Amt. of coal trade of line betw. Pottsville and Phila. and on Lebanon Valley R.R. each year. (2 same 1873/4: 232.) 1858-1873. North Penn. R.R. coal trade. (2 same 1873/4: 238.) 1860-1869. Quantity of coal sent to Phila. each year by r.r. and canal. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1870: 1767.) Paging from Legist, docs. 1871. 1863-1874. Table: distribution of coal carried over Phila. and Reading R.R. Co.: Line, Phila., Port Richmond. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 478.) 1866-1870. Coal tonnage of Northern Central R.R. each year. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1871: 49.) 1866-1873. Coal tonnage of Northern Central R.R. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 236-237.) . Ann. coal tonnage of Morris and Essex R.R. (2 same 1873/4: 241.) 1869. Shamokin coal trade; stmt, showing quantity of coal transported over Shamokin division of No. Central R.R. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1870: 1768.) Paging from I>egisl. docs. 1871. . Fuel on the seaboard; anthracite and bituminous coal trade. (Same 1870: 1774-1775.) Paging from Legist, docs. 1871. 1869-1871. Quantity of coal transported over Phila. and Reading R.R. from all sources. {Same 1870 (p. 1769) — same 1871.) Paging from Ix^gisl. docs. 1871. 1869-1873. Coal tonnage of the mining distr. of Schuyl- kill, proportionate to the deaths and injuries. (Same 1873: 25.) 1870. Coal tonnage of Schuylkill distr. (Same 1870: 1768.) Paging from I.cglsl. docs. 1871. . Schuylkill navigation; stmt, showing distribu- tion of coal at points along line of Schuylkill canal navigation, now managed and directed by Phila. and Reading R.R. (.S'amc 1871: 47.) . Quantity of coal supplied to certain points em line of r.r. and canal. (Same 1870: 1767.) Paging from lyoglsl. does. 1871. COAL— cont'd Trade— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1870-1871. Schuylkill navigation; coal trade of line betw. Pottsville & Phila., and on Lebanon Valley R.R., showing increase over preceding year. (Same 1871: 47.) . Table: No. Penn. R.R. coal trade. (Same 1871: 91.) 1870-1881. Anthracite coal tonnage of different trans- portation companies. (2 geol. survey A C: 549-551.) 1870-1886. Table: no. ef tons of coal transported by different r.r. cos. (A.R. geol. survey 1886 pt. 3: 1042.) 1870/1. Total coal tonnage of Lehigh Valley R.R. (Rept. of inspectors of mines 1871: 43-44.) 1871. Table: Little Schuylkill coal trade. (.S'dme 1871: 42.) . Recapitulation of Schuylkill distr. tonnage (coal ) . (Stiiiie 1871: 41.) . Proposed regulation of weight of anthracite coal delivered by retail coal dealers in Phila. (Legisl. jol. 1871: 797-802.) . Memorial from Reading R.R. Co. rel. to cessation of mining operations in two anthracite coal fields which depend for outlet to market upon rwys. and canal now controlled by them. (Sen. jol. 1871: 531- 534.) . Rept. of Lehigh and Mahanoy R.R. coal tonnage, with shipping point and destination. (Rept. of in- spectors of mines 1871: 46.) . Coal trade and consumption in Lykens Valley, Boston, London (Eng.), Phila., N. Y. City, and Balti- more. (Same 1871: 91-92.) 1871-1872. Tonnage of anthracite region compared with no. of deaths in same. (Same 1872: 8-9.) 1871-1874. Tons of anthracite coal forwarded over Sulli- van and Erie R.R. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial sta- tistics 1874/5: 485.) 1872-1873. Comparative table showing supply anthra- cite coal sent to market from each region. (2 same 1873/4: 228.) . Tables: amt. of anthracite coal sent to market, estimated home consumption and total, each yr. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 225.) . Sources of coal reed, by Lehigh Valley R.R. (2 same 1873/4: 232.) 1872/3. Quantity of coal sent over Lehigh and Mahanoy R.R. (2 same 1873/4: 237.) 1872-1875. Anthracite coal: amt. marketed and con- sumed in the several counties. ([4] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1875/6: 405.) I'.iging frcini folleeted docs. 1873. Table: amt. of coal shipped from the several collieries in Schuylkill, Columbia, Dauphin and Northumberland cos. (Repts. inspectors mines 1873: 27-33.) . Coal tonnage of Lehigh and Susquehanna R.R. and sources from which derived. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 233.) . Stmt, of quantity of coal transported through Lehigh Canal, distribution, and points from which reed. (2 same 1873/4: 233.) 1873/4. Details of coal business: anthracite reed., bituminous reed, from the various sources, for year ending Nov. 30, 1874. ([3J A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 475-476.) 1874. Table: tons of anthracite coal forwarded over various during year. ([3] same 1874/5: 484- 485.) . Stmt, of tons of each kind (cannel, splint, coke) of coal reed, from mines by Chesapeake and Ohio R.R. ([3] same 1874/5: 484.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 515 ;OAL— cont'd Trade— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1874. Stmt, of coal and coke tonnage forwarded by Penn. R.R. (2 S(tme 1873/4: 399.) . Table: coal carried through Lehigh canal. ([31 samp 1S74/5: 482-4S3.) 1874-1875. Comparison of coal and coke reed, direct from mines on main line and branches of Penn. R.R. ([3] .WHie 1874/5: 410.) 1874/5. Coal tonnage of the several ([3] same 1874/5: 224-231.) 1875. State of the coal trade of Penn. (Rept. of inspec- tor of mines 1875: 68.) 1876. Names of firms not owning collieries and value of coal shipped by them. ([4] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1875/6: 98.) I'aging from ('ollected doos. 1880. Coal statistics of Schuylkill mining distr.: total amt. of coal shipped from each division, consumed or sold at colliery, total no. of employes, no. of days worked by breaker, no. of fatal and non-fatal casual- ties, etc. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 18S0: 2-3.) 1882-1885. Table: distribution of shipments of anthra- cite coal tjy different r.r. cos. (A.R. geol. survey 1886 pt. 3: 1043.) 1884-1885. Table: amt. of coal shipped and amt. of coal sold or used at collieries, total production — 7th an- thracite distr. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial sta- tistics 1885: 239A.) 1885. Stmt, of total amt. of tons mined during year by various cos. of 3d anthracite distr. (13 .suiin; 1885: 59A.) 1886. Remarks of J. S. Harris, pres. of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., before common pleas court of Dau- phin Co., Dec. 28, rcl. to condition of anthracite coal trade, history of its development and necessity and advantages of concerted action on part of mining and transportation cos. (A.R. geol. survey 1886 pt. 3: 1050-1057.) 1886-1887. Table: amt. of coal shipped, together with the estimated amt. used and sold at the collieries. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1887: 142.) 1898. Table: quantity of coal shipped by rail, used for steam and heat, sold to local trade and used by employes, no. of days worked, kegs of powder and lbs. of dynamite used, horses and mules in use, steam boilers, no. of pumps, capacity in gals., steam engines of all classes, horse power, electric dynamos, voltage, no. of electric locomotives, air compressers, and air locomotives, etc. anthracite region. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1898: Ixxxiii.) Transportation Rates; see Railroads. Freight lOAL MINES AND MINING 1871. Mining as an occupation. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1871: 75-76.) 1884. Remarks on application of theoretical knowledge to the practice of coal mining. (.S'amf 1884: 94-95.) 1903. Mining compared with other occupations. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: 79-81.) PENNSYLVANIA serial 1 series Under Act of Moh. 3, 1870, providing for the health jind safety of persons employed in mines, etc. 1869-1884. Repts. of the inspectors of coal mines of the anthracite coal regions of Pennsylvania. Harris- burg, 1870-1886. COAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd 1 series — cont'd Checklist 1K69. B. Singerly, 1870. ^'00 pp.* 1870. B. SingiTly, 1871. vll. liiiO (11 pp., map.* 1871. R. SingiTly, 187i;. vili, :;1!) pp., :i foldg. maps. 1872. K. Mingerly, 187;i. 2 p. 1., :i03 pp., 2 foldg. mape. 1874. B. F. Meyers, 1875. 220 pp., 3 maps, 5 pis., 2 tables. 1875. B. F. Meyers, 1876. 228 pp. plans, pis., map. 1876. B. F. Meyers, 1877. 183 pp., plans, table. 1877. L. S. Hart, 1878. 219 (1) pp., plans, pis. 1878. L. S. Hart, 1879. 2 p. 1., 200 pp., plans, map. 1879. L. S. Hart, 1880. 2 p. 1. 327 pp., plans, pis. 1880. L. S. Hart. 1881. 2 p. 1., 249 pp., plans, pis., map. 1881. L. S. Hart, 1882. 1 p. I.. 327 pp.. plans, pis. 1882. r.. S. Hart, 1883. 1 pi., 321 (1) pp., plans, pis. 1883. L. S. Hart, 1884. 1 p. 1.. 289 (1) pp., plans, pis. 1884. h. a. Hart, 188.5. 1 p. I., 283 (1) pp. In Collected docs, as follows : 1869 omitted. 1870 in Legisl. docs. 1871:1739-1986 (doc. 41). 1871 •• " •• 1872 V. 2: 834-1149 (doe. 0). 1872 " " " 1873 V. 3: 1290-1590 (doc. 10). 1873 " " " 1874 V. 3: 1022-1300 (doc. G). 1874 " " " 1875 V. 1 : 963-1180 (doc. 13). 1875 " " " 1870 V. 2: 929-1152 (doc. 10). 1876 " " " 1877 V. 3 : 937-1115 (doc. 4). 1877 " E.tecutivo " 1877/8, pt. 2. doc. 10. 1878 " " '• 1878/9. pt. 2, doc. 10. 1879 " " " 1879/80. pt. 2. doc. 8. 1880 " •■ " 1880/1, pt. 2, doc. 10. 1881 " ■■ •• 1881/2, pt. 2, doc. 8. 1882 " •• •' 1.S82/3, pt. 2, doc. 10. 1883 " " '• 1883/4, pt. 2, doc. 8. 1884 " " " 1884/5, doc. 10. 2 series In compliance with requirements of Act of Je. 30. 1885. " Act to provide for the health and safety of persons employed in and about the anthracite coal mines of Pennsylvania, and for the protection and preserva- tion of property connected therewith." 1885-1887. Repts. of the inspectors of mines of the an- thracite coal regions of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, 1886-188S. Checklist 1885. E. K. Meyers, 1880. 1 p. I.. 258, 28 pp., plans, pis., 4 maps in pocket. ISSG. E. K. Meyers. 1887. 1 p. 1., 209 pp., plans, pis., 7 plans in pocket. 1887. E. K. Meyers. 1888. 1 p. 1.. 149 pp.. pis. In Collected docs, as follows ; 1885 omitted. 1886 omitted. 1887 omitted. In Documents as follows: 1885 in 13 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1885 [sec] a-b. 1880 in 14 Rept. bure.TU industrial statistics 1886 [sec] a-b. 1887 in 15 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1887 [sec] I-W 3 series 1SSS-1S92. Repts. of the inspectors of mines of the an- thracite and bituminous coal regions of Pennsyl- vania. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1889-1893. Checklist 1888. 1889. 3 p. 1., 434 pp., plans, pis. 1889. 1890. 3 p. 1., 463 pp., plans, pis. 1890. 1891. 3 p. 1., 491 pp., plans, pis. 1891. 1892. 4 p. 1., 513 pp., pis. 1892. 1893, xlv. 476 pp., pis. In Collected docs, as follows: 1888 in Official docs. 1888/9, v. 6, doc 21. 1889 " " " 1889, V. 6, doc. 13. 1890 " " " 1890, V. 3, doc. 15. 1891 " " " 1891, V. fi, doc 12. 1892 " " " 1892, V. 5, doc. 12. 1893 •' " " 1893, V. 6, doc. 10. In Documents as follows : 1888 in A.R. secy. Internal affairs 1887/8. pt. b. 1889 " " " " " 1888/9. pt. 5. 1890 " " " " " 1889/90, pt 5. 1891 " ■• " " " 1890/1, pt. 5. 1892 •■ » " " - 1891/2, pt. 5. • Called " Rept. of Inspector of Mines of Schuylkill Co.' 516 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd 4 series 1S93-1896. Repts. of the inspectors of coal mines of Penn. n. p.: C. M. Busch, 1894-1897. Checklist 1S93. 1S94. xliii, 532 pp.. plans, pis. 1894. 1895. lUi, 571 pp., plans, pis., 1 plan In pocket. 1895. 1S96. xci, 598 pp., plans, pis. 1896. 1897. c.ti, 578 pp., pis. In Collected docs, as follows : 1893 in Official docs. 1893, v. 6, doe. 10. 1894 " " " 1894, V. 6, doc. 11. 1895 " » " 1895, T. 6, doc. 10. 1896 " " " 1896, V. 6, doc. 11. In Documents as follows : 1893 in A.R. spcy. internal affairs 1892/3, pt. .">. 1894 " " " " " 189:V4. pt. 5. 1895 " " " " " 1894/5, pt. 5. 1896 « " " " " 1895/6, pt. 5. 5 series Under Sec. 5 of Act of .Ily. lo, 1S97. establishing a Bureau of Mines in the Dept. of Internal Affairs. 1S97-1902. Kept, of the bureau of mines of the Dept. of Internal Affairs of Penn., including repts. of mine inspectors, n. p.: Wm. Stanley Ray, 1898-190.3. Checklist 1897. 1898. cxx.xix, 519 pp., pis., plans. 1898. pt. 1. Text. 1899. clxxi. 058 pp., plans, pis pt. 2. 21 maps and plans in separate cover. 1899. 1900. cxxxiii, 95S pp., plans, pis. 1900. 1901. clix, 715 pp., plans. 1901. ino2. civ, 896 pp., pis. 1902. 1903. civ, 960 pp., plans, pis. In Collected docs, as follows : 1897 In OfBclal docs. 1897, v. 2. doc. 10. 1898 U M " 1898, V. 6, doc. 11. 1899 " M " 1899, V. 9, doc. 10. 1900 U tl " 1900, V. 6, doc. 11. 1901 " " 1901. V. 6, doc. 10. 1902 M " " 1902. V. 6, doe. 13. In Documents as follows : 1897 in A.R. secy, internal affairs 1896/7, pt. •". 1898 " " 1897/S, pt. 5. 1899 " " 1898/9, pt. 5. 1900 " " 1899/00. pt. 5. 1901 M « 1900/1, pt. 5. 1902 *' « 1901/2. pt. 3. 6 series Under Act of 1903 creating the Dept. of Mines to super- sede the Bureau of Mines. 1903-1904. Rept. of the dept. of mines [pt. 1]. Anthra- cite region, n. p.: Wm. Stanley Ray, 1904-1905. 1903. 1904. Checklist 1904. liv, 674 pp. 1905. xxxviii, 573 pp. 1903-1904. Rept. of the dept. of mines [pt. 2]. Bitumi- nous region. Checklist 1903 n. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1904. xlii. 1030 np. 1904. Harrlsburg : Harrlsburg Pubg. Co., 1903. lixxii. 803 pp. non-serial 1760-1886. History and statistics of coal mining in Penn.; by E. V. d' Invillicrs. (A.R. geol. survey 1886 pt. 1: 5-29.) 1807-1891. The discovery and early development of coal in Wyoming coal region. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1891: 80-85.) 1812. Rept. of committee (Laird) to whom was re- ferred memorial of Abijah Smith and Lewis Hep- burn of Luzerne Co. for incorporation of a company to facilitate the working of their stone-coal quarries. (Sen. jol. 1811/2: 193-194.) COAL MINES AND MININCJ— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1S24 Mch 13. Rept. of committee (Conyngham) to whom was referred res. rel. to foreign corporations holding mines in Penn. (Some 1823/4: 548-549.) 1828. Beds of superior coal add to wealth of Penn. (Govs. mess. (Schulze) Dec. 4, 1828.) 1830. Rept. of committee on corporations (Wilkins) rel. to incorporating Kirkendall and Bruce and asso- ciates for mining purposes. (House jol. 1829/30 V. 2: 670-671 (doc. 255).) 1836. Rept. of select committee (Jones) rel. to exami- nation of Schuylkill coal fields. (Same 1835/6 v. 2: 759-760 (doc. 220).) 1837. Suggested that inducements be held out to en- courage individuals to enter mine industries. (Govs, mess. (Ritner) Dec. 6, 1837.) 1838. Communication from secy, of commonwealth (Shunk), with statistical tables of agric, mnfres., commerce and mining in state, in answer to res. of Apr. 16, directing secy, to send to assessors of every ward, township and distr. within state, prtd. lists of queries on subject of agric, mnfres., etc. (House jol. Jan. 1840 v. 2: 114-116 and ace. tables.) 1839. Rept. to the legislature containing a description of the Swatara mining distr.; Henry K. Strong, chrm.; presented by Mr. M'Elwee. Harrisburg: Boas & Coplan, 1839. 61 pp., map. Copy seen in .imer. Phil. Socy. and In the Penn. State Lit)rary. 1840. Coal and iron as source of wealth and industry. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840: 42-43.) 1841. Coal and iron industries of Penn. {Same (Por- ter) Jan. 6, 1841.) 1842. Duty of encouraging mnfg. industries and of con- verting coal and iron to useful purposes. (Same (Porter) Jan. 6, 1842.) 1843. Wealth of Penn. in coal and iron deposits. (Same (Porter) Jan. 4, 1843: 4-5.) 1852. Mineral interests of Penn., particularly coal and iron. (Same (Bigler) Jan. 20, 1852.) 1865. Appalachian coal field of Penn., Va., Md., C, etc. nearly six times all Europe. (Rept. trans, state agric. socy. v. 7 (1864/70): 231.) 1S70-1879. Chart comparing prices of boiling of iron with mining coal, and coal on wall, walltrack with mining coal. (7 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1878/9: betw. pp. 150 and 151.) 1871. Suggestion as to government of mines. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1871: 72.) . Remarks on mistaken mining course; suspension of business; results. {Same 1871: 51-54.) Mch. 30. Argument of Franklin B. Gowen before the Senate judiciary committee of Penn. on behalf of the r.r. and mining interests of Penn. Phila- delphia: The Lelsenring Steam Prtg. House, 1871. 38 pp. Copy seen in library of the Library Co. of Phlla. 1872. See Agriculture. Fairs. State Fair, this date. 1873. The counties with and without coal. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 211- 212.) 1874. Preparation of coal; present system objectionable and should be condemned. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1874: 34-35.) . Demands for mining operations. (Same 1874: 63-64.) . The COS. with and without coal. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 223.) . Form of blank sent to manufacturers and miners with explanation on back thereof. (2 Kame 1873/4: 422424.) Found only In 2d cd. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 517 COAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA — ronfd non-serial — toiit'd 1S75. Remarks on analyses of coal: water, ash, phos- phoric acid, volatile matters, fixed carbon, carbonate of lime, weather waste of coal. ([3] name 1874/5: 260-267.) . Early discovery of coal in Penn.; by Wm. J. Buck. (Rept. trans, state agric. secy. v. 10 (1874/5) : 294-302.) . Demand for mining developments. (Rept. of in- spector of mines 1875: 71-72.) . See also, Coke, this date. 1877. Special rept. on correlation of coal measures in western Penn. and eastern Ohio by I. C. White. (2 geol. survey QQ: 215-336.) 1878. Coal mining in Penn. (Penn. and the Centennial Exposition v. 1, pt. 2: 119-134.) 1883-1884. Table: approximate areas underlaid by work- able beds in different fields, with no. of tons of coal mined from each field. (A.R. geol. survey 1885: 277.) 1884. Application of theoretical knowledge to practice of coal mining. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1884: 94-95.) . Rept. on the coal mines of tlie Monongahela River region from the West Va. state line to Pittsburgh incl. mines on the lower Youghiougheny River; by J. S. Wall. Pt. 1, Description of the mines, xxxviii, 231 pp., 7 pi., 2 maps. (2 geol. survey K4.) 1885-1886. Table: r.r. and colliery division of produc- tion of individual coal fields. (A.R. geol. survey 1886 pt 3: 1035-1041.) 1892. Why is there no coal in the Great Valley; by J. P. Lesley. (Final rept. geol. survey 1892 v. 1: 294-298.) . See below. Laws, this date. 1897. A chronology of coal mining; by H. H. Stock. (Mining bull. Penn. State College v. 3 (no. 3): 53- 56.) 1898. The coal mining industry. {Same v. 4 (no. 1): 10-12.) 1899. The great danger to mines from out crops of coal seams and pot holes buried under deep deposits of quicksand. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1899: 182- 191.) . Rel. to better methods of enforcing provisions of mining law. (Same 1899: 78-80.) 1903. Mining compared with other occupations. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: 79-81.) . Declination of atty. gen. to advise private indi- vidual as to right of transportation co. to mine coal. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 306.) 1903-1904. Coal dredged from Susquehanna and Schuyl- kill rivers, and their tributaries. (31 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1903 (pp. 417-419)— 32 same 1904.) Statistics of washery coal: no. of washeries, no. of tons of coal washed, market value of product, no. of persons employed and average earnings. (31 same 1903 (p. 416)— 32 same 1904.) 1904-1905. See Agriculture. Soils and Fertilizers, serial group B. Armstrong County 1875. Analyses of coals of collieries in Clearfield. Cen- tre, Jefferson, Armstrong and Clarion cos. ( [3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 268-270.) 1895. Table: analyses of coals in Armstrong Co. (A.R. geol. survey 1895 v. 3 pt. 2: 2359.) Bedford County 1892. Coal field in Huntingdon and Bedford cos. should be surveyed. (Rept. of comrs. of geol. survey 1891/2: 5.) COAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Blair County 1875-1885. Rept. on Llptou Run coal openings, Blair Co. (coal beds in Pocono formation No. X) ; by C. A. Ashburner. (A.R. geol. survey 1885: 250-268.) Bradford County See below, Welfare Work. 1884. Cameron County See below. Elk Co., this date. 1863-1864. Carbon County See below, Schuylkill Co., these dates. Centre County 1875. See above, Armstrong Co., this date. 1876. The Queen's Run and Tangascootac coal basins in Centre and Clinton cos.; by F. Piatt. (2 geol. survey G 4: 153-174.) Clearfield County 1875. See above, Armstrong Co., this date. Clinton County 1876. See above. Centre Co., this date. Dauphin County 1839. Rept. containing a description of the Bear Valley Coal Basin situated in Dauphin and Schuylkill cos. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Packer, Barrett & Parke, 1839. 12 pp., map, diagr. 32°. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. 1840. The coal trade, with a description of the Bear Valley Coal Basin, and a brief notice of the peculiar advantages of the Union R.R. and Mining Co. located in Dauphin and Schuylkill cos. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Barrett & Parke, 1840. 24 pp. Copy seen In Penn. State Library. 1872-1873. Amt. of coal shipped in Dauphin Co. col- lieries. (Rept. of inspectors of mines 1873: 33.) Elk County 1884. Township geology of Elk and Forest cos., by C. A. Ashburner: and of Cameron Co., by A. W. Sheaf er; especially rel. to geology of coal measures of carboniferous ages, xvi, 405 pp. 1 map and 1 vol. of maps. (2 geol. survey RR pt. 2.) Fayette County 1882. Fayette mainly a mining co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 11.) . Fayette a mining Co. (18 same Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1882: 32.) 1884. Forest County See above. Elk Co., this date. Huntingdon County 1892. See above, Bedford Co., this date. Indiana County 1877. Rept. of progress in Indiana Co. by W. G. Piatt. xxvi, 316 pp. (2 geoL survey HHHH.) Largely devoted to location and description ot coal mines. 1875. Jefferson County See above, Armstrong Co., this date. Lancaster County 1718-1877. Review of most important mining industries ot Lancaster Co. (2 geol. survey CCC: 161-247.) 1S75. Mineral resources of Lancaster Co. ([31 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 346-357.) Pig iron : blooms : nickel mines ; zinc mines : general mineral resources — by W. P. Bolton. 518 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd PENNSYLV AN I A— cont'd Lehigh Begion 1877-1878. Estimate of thickness and no. of acres of coal in Schuylkill. Lehigh, Shamokin, Lackawanna and Wyoming regions. (5 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1876/7 (p. 421)— 6 same 1877/8.) 1878. Table: No. of abandoned mines in Lehigh region and date of abandonment, no. of years in operation, etc. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1878: 258-259.) . Table: statistics pertaining to tunneling in Le- high region; expenses for labor, etc. no. of em- ployes; prices paid contractors for rock and coal; etc. (Same 1S7S: 248-249.) 1863-1864. Luzerne Count ii See below, Schuylkill Co., these dates. McKean County 1881. Drillings for coal in Sergeant township, McKean Co.; a corresp. by N. F. Jones, J. P. Lesley and Chas. A. Ashburner. Harrisburg; Prtd. by the bd. of comrs. for the 2d geol. survey, ISSl. 35 pp. [App. A, to repts. on progress of geol. survey for 18S0, R.R., McKean Co.] Cop.T seen in Free Library of Phila. . Same. (2 geol. survey RR pt. 2: 327-362.) Mercer County 1873-1874. Mercer Co. block coal. (1 A.R. bureau of sta- tistics of labor and agric. 1S72/3 (pp. 209-210) — 2 same 1873/4.) 1874. See below. Anthracite, this date. 'Northumherland Cmtnty 1869-1871. Northumberland Co. coal trade. (Rept. of inspectors of mines 1870 (p. 1770) — sam^ 1871.) Pairing from Legisl. docs. 1871. 1873. Quantity of coal mined and sent to market by dif- ferent operations in Northumberland Co. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 242.) Pittsburgh Coal Region 1886. Rept. on Pittsburgh coal region; by E. V. d' In- villiers. (A.R. geol. survey 1886 pt. 1: xvi, 1-573, 9 pp., 6 pis., 4 diagrs., 2 maps in pockets.) . General methods of Pittsburgh coal region; by Selwyn Taylor. (Same 1886 pt. 1: 373-410.) Potter County 1878. Description of the Barclay, Blossburg, Fall Brook, Arnot, Antrim and Gaines coal fields, and at tlie forks of Pine Creek in Potter Co., by F. Piatt. (2 geol. survey G: 97-234.) 1880. Coal fields of Potter Co.; by F. Piatt. (2 smiie GCJO: 69-105.) Schuylkill County 1831. Rept. of committee on corporations (Wise) on petitions for incorporation of a co., for the purpose of holding coal lands and carrying on the coal trade in Schuylkill Co. (Sen. jol. 1830/1 [v. 11: 260-261.) 1887. Rept. on New Boston and Morea coal lands, in Schuylkill Co.; ace. by a geol. topographical map; by B. S. Lyman. (A.R. geol. survey 1887: 37-91.) Mup In pocket. Somerset County 1885. Coal-beds and fireclays of Wellersburg Basin, in Somerset Co.; by J. P. Lesley. (A.R. geol. survey 1885: 227-239.) Sullivan County 1878-1885. Rept. on Bernice coal-basin in Loyalstock and Mehoopany coal-field, in Sullivan Co.; by Chas. A. Ashburner. (A.R. geol. survey 1885: 4.59-490.) 1883. Notes on Mehoopany coal-field; by J. P. L[esley]. (2 geol. survey G7; 405-410.) COAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd Bibliography 1897. A technical bibliography of mining and metal- lurgy. (Mining bull. Penn. State College v. 3., nos. 4 and 5.) Bureau of Mines Succeeded in 1903 by the Dep.artment of Mines. UNITED STATES 1898. A secy, of mines and mining [i. e., a federal exec, dept.]. (Mining bull. Penn. State College v. 4 (no. 2): 35-37.) Pennsylvania 1895. Suggestions rel. to needed legislation; organi- zation of separate department of mining. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1895: v-vii.) 1896. Proposed act establishing bureau of mines in dept. of internal affairs of Penn. (Rept. inspectors of coal mines 1896: vi-xi.) 1897. For establishment of responsible head to whom various mine inspectors may report. (Govs. mesa. (Hastings) Jan. 5, 1897: 24.) 189S-1903. Summary of work of dept. of mines: anthra- cite region. (Rept. dept of mines 1903 pt. 1 : xxxiv.) 1899. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to bureau of mines — costs of arbitration by; right of coal co. to recon- struct a breaker built prior to passage of act of Je. 2, 1891. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1899/1900: 2.) . Organization of bureau of mines; accidents since establishment of bureau; causes; mine foremen and supts.; adequate assistance should be furnished dept. (Govs, mess (Hastings) Jan. 3, 1899: 22-24.) 1900. Recommended that act of Jly. 15, 1897, establish- ing a bureau of mines in dept. of internal affairs of Penn. defining its purpose and authority, etc., be amended. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1900: xii.) . Urged that allotment of repts. of bureau of mines be increased from 2000 to 5000. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1899/1900: A125.) 1901. Changes recommended rel. to bureau of mines. (Rept. bureau of mines 1901: 47-48.) By-Products 1875. Utilization of coal waste. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1875: 371.) 1878. Coal wastes — [description of machine invented by J. R. Hayes, for pressing into balls the dust of coal]. (6 .same 1877/8: 557-558.) 1880. Waste of coal in mining. (8 same 1879/80: 297- 298.) 1881. Special rept. upon causes, kinds and amt. of waste in mining anthracite by F. Piatt; with chapter on methods of mining by J. P. Wetherill. xiii, 134 pp. plans, charts, etc. (2 geol. survey A 2.) 1892. Girard Estate — notes on waste in mining and preparing coal and on per cent of coal won at repre- sentative collieries on estate. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1892: 202-213.) 1893. Report of the commission appointed to Investi- gate the waste of coal mining, with the view of the utilizing of the waste .... May, 1893. Philadel- phia: Allen, Lane & Scott's prtg. house, 1893. iv, 183 pp., map, tables. The original conimlssloners were .T. A. Price (died Aug: 2. l.HO'J), Peter \V. Sheafer (died Mch. 26, l.S'.ll). Eckley B. Coxe ; the comnilssliiners who re- ported were Eckley B. Coxe, llebcr S. Thompson, Wni. Griffith. Copies seen In the I.lbrary of Congress, State bibrnry of Penn., Free Public Library of I'hlla.. Coluniblii Univ. Library and the N. Y. Public Library. . Communication from conin. apptd. to investigate waste of coal mining with view to utilizing waste under act of May 7, 1889, transmitting rept. (Sen. jol. 1893: 1493-1994; Legisl. Record 1893 v. 2: 3142.) 1896. Coal waste fin production]. (Mining bull. Penn. State College v. 2 (no. 5): 109-112.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 519 ;OAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd Companies 1S9S. The economics of joint stock cos. (Mining bull. Penn. State College v. 4 (no. 4); 8(;-89.) Anthracite Coal and Iron Co. 1864. Remarks (Lowry) and others on suppl. to act to incorporate the Anthracite Coal anegislative Record 1883:1262. 1S8:V4 not found. „ , 1884/5 in Legislative docs. 1884/5. v. 2, doc. 20. Delaware and Hudson Co. 1829-1874. Table: quantity of coal mined by Delaware and Hudson Co., Penn. Coal Co., Delaware, Lacka- wanna and Western R.R. since organization. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 483.) 1903. Inrush of sand and water into workings of Eddy Creek shaft of Delaware & Hudson Co., at Olyphant. 2d anthracite distr. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: 77-78.) Howard Iron and Coal Co. 1866 Veto (Curtin) of act incorporating Howard Iron and Coal Co. (Sen. jol. 1866: 930.) Jefi-erson Coal and Mnfg. Co. 1874. Veto of act to incorporate the Jefferson Coal and Mnfg. Co. (LegisL jol. 1874: 34.) KEY.STONE Iron and Coal Co. 1868. Veto (Geary) of act to incorporate Keystone Iron and Coal Co. (House jol. 1868: 587.) Lackawanna Coal and Iron Co. Commenced business Je. 10, 1853. 1853-1866. Ann. rept. In Collected docs, as follows : 1853 in Legislative docs. 1854:312-313. 1854-1857 not found. 1858 in I-cgislative docs. 1859:698-699. l.S.i9 " " " 1860: 1161-1162. 1860-1864 not found. 1,S65 in Legislative docs. 1866. v. 1 : 852-853. 1866 " •• •■ 1867, V. 1 : 968-969. Lamoka Coal Co. 1874. Veto of act to incorporate the Lamoka Coal Co. (Legisl. jol. 1874: 34.) Lehigh Coai, and Navigation Co. 1820-1873. Table: coal production of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial sta- tistics 1874/5: 478.) 1882-1883. Production of the collieries of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. (Rept. of bd. of comrs. of 2d geol. survey 1884; [11].) Lehigh and Wilkesharre Coal Co. 1874. Table; coal shipped by Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Co. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5; 479.) 1897. Rept. of committee on corporations (Thomas) apptd. to investigate alleged irregularities in con- duct of affairs of the Central R.R. of N. J. and the Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal Co. (Sen. jol. 1897: 1119.) . Remarks by Senator Gibson in regard to rept. of the committee on corporations; Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal Co. (Legisl. Record 1S97 v. 1: 1495-1497.) ■)20 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd Companies — cont'd Locust Mountain Coal and Irox Co. Incorporated under Sec. 8, Act of Apr. 5, 1842. 1S49/50-1866. Ann. stmt, of affairs of co. In Collected docs, as follows ; 1849/50 in Senate jol. 1S51, v. 2 : 602. " House " 1851, v. 2 : 618. 1850/1 " Senate " 1852, v. 2 : 67. " House " 1851, Y. 2 : 147. 1851/2-1852/3 not found. 1853/4 in I.«'gislative docs. 1855 : 335. 1854-1855/6 not found. 1856/7 in Legislative docs. 1858. 1857/8 " - " i.ssn : 697-698. 1858/9 " " " 1860:800. 1859/60-18G1/2 not found. 1862/3 in I^egislative docs. 1864 : 1509. 1863/4 not found. 1865 in legislative docs. 1860. v. 1 : 855. 1866 •' " " 1867, v. 1 : 795. LvcoMixfi Coal Co. seriaJ 1832/3-1839/40. Stmt, of accts. of the co. In Collected docs, as follows : 1S32/3 in Senate jol. 1S33/4, v. 1 1833/4 1834/5 106. 1834/5, v. 2:49-50. 1834/5, V. 2. 1835/6, v. 2 : 75. 1835/6. V. 2. 1836/7, V. 2 : 308-309. House Senate House 1835/6 " Sen.ite 1836/7-1837/8 not found 1838/9 In Senate jol. 1840, v. 2 : 314. " House " 1840, V. 2. 1839/40" Senate " 1841. v. 2 : 87. " House " 1841, v. 2. non-serial 1835. Rept. of committee on corporations (T. S. Smith) on petition of agt. of Lycoming Coal for alteration in charter of the co. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 209.) Lycojiing Ibox and Coal Co. Under act of Je. 16, 1836. 1850-1854. Rept. of. In Collected docs, as follows: 1849 in Senate jol. 1850, v. 2 : 348-350. IS.-O " House " 1851, v. 2 : 610-618. 187J1-1S53 not found. 18.54 in Legislative docs. 1855 : 334-335. Lykens Valley Coal Co. serial 1837-1868. Ann. stmt. of affairs of the co. In Colleirted docs. as follows : 1837 in House jol. 1837/8, V. 2 : 270-273. 1838 not found. 1839 In Senate Jol. 1840. V. 2: 300-307. 1840 " House " 1841, V. 2, doc. 75. 1841-1844 not found 1845 in Senate Jol. 1846, V. 2:234-235. 1840 - 1847, V. 2: 352-353. " " House " 1847, V. 2 : 350-351. 1847 " Senate " 1848, V. 2 : 448-449. " " House " 1848, V. 2: 508-509. 1848 " Senate " 1849, V. 2 : 504-505. 1849 " 1850, V. 2:410-411. " " House 18.50, V. 2 : .-07-508. 1851 " 1852, V. 2 : 700-701. 1852 not found. 1853 in Legislative docs. 18,54 : 568-569. 1854 " " 1855 : 546. 1855 " " 1850:602. • 1856 " " 1857:778-779. 1857 not found. 1858 In U-glslatlve docs. 1859 : 896-897. 1859 " " 1800:1160. 1860 not found. 1861 In legislative docs. 1802: 1195. 1862 " " 1863:1291. 1863 not found. 1864 In Legislative docs. 1865. V. 1:1108-1109 1865 " " 1866. V. 1: 854. 1866 " " 1867, V. 1 : 944-945. 1867 " " 1868:1361-1.302. 1808 " • 1809 : 928-920. COAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd Companies — cont'd Lyke.ns Valley Coal Co. — cont'd Hon-SL'i'ial 1848. Veto (Shunk) of suppl. to act to incorporate the Lykens Valley Coal Co. (House jol. 1848 v. 1: 517- 518.) 1864. Veto (Curtin) of suppl. to act to incorporate the Lykens Valley Coal Co. in Dauphin Co. (Legisl. Record 1864: 22-23.) M'Kkan Coal Co. 1854. Veto (Bigler) of act to incorporate the M'Kean Coal Co. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1, no. 1: 8.) Madera Coal and Improvement Co. 1866. Veto (Curtin) of act authorizing Madera Coal and Improvement Co. to hold more land and to change par value of their stock, (Sen. jol. 1866: 931.) Manufacturers' and Consumers' Anthracite Coal Co. 1866. Manufacturers' and Consumers' Anthracite Coal Co.; debate on act of incorporation. (Legisl. Record 1866: 486-490.) Middle Lehigh Coal Co. 1874. Veto of act to incorporate the Middle Lehigh Coal Co. (Legisl. jol. 1874: 54.) Mill Creek Coal Co. 1S9S. Mill Creek Coal Co.; compressed air haulage at Buck Mt. Colliery; rept. and tables comparing ex- penses of operating with mule power and compressed air locomotives. (Repts. of bureau of mines 1898: 183-188.) Moshanon Coal and Iro.v Co. 1857. Veto (Pollock) of act incorporating Moshanon Coal and Iron Co. (Sen. jol. 1857: 32-33.) New York and Carbondale Coal Co. 1860. Veto (Packer) of act rel. to incorporation of N. Y. and Carbondale Coal Co. (House jol. 1860: 33-34; Sen. jol. 1860; 44.) New York and Penn. Coal Co. 1873. Veto (Hartranft) of act to incorporate the N. Y. and Penn. Coal Co. (Legisl. jol. 1S73: 1280.) NoHTii American Coal Co. 1833-1837. Stmt, of affairs of the co. In Collected docs, as follows: 1833/4, V. 1 1834/5, V. 2 1834/5, V. 2 1835/6, V. 2 1836/7, V. 2 : 369-371 1830/7, V. 2. 1837/8, V. 2 1837/8, V. 2. 1833 in Senate jol. 1834 ■' " House 1835 " Senate 1836 : 162-104. : 388-389. : 501-503. ; 315-310. 1837 : 648-650. House Senate ** " House Northern Coal and Iron Co. 1866, Ann. rept. of the co. In Collected docs, as follows: 1866 In Legislative docs. 1867, v. 1 : 790-797. Old Forge Coal Mining Co. 1901. Quo warranto case; Old Forge Coal Mining Co.; decree of ouster entered agst. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1901/2: ix.) Pennsylvania Coal Co. serial 1838-1850. Ann. rept. of the co. In Collected docs, as follows : 1838 in Senate Jol. 1838/9, v. 2 : 287. 18,39 1840, V. 2 : 303. 1840-1843 not found. 1844 In Senate Jol. 1845. v. 2: 203. 1845 •" " •• 1846, V. 2 : 203. 1846 " - " 1847, V. 2: 272. 1847 not found. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 521 COAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd Companies — cont'd Pennsylvania Coal Co.- — cont'd serial — cont'd 1848 In Senate Jnl. 1849 " " " House " 1850 " Semite " " " House " 1849, V. 2 : 367. IH.IO, V. 2:81-82. 18r>0, V. 2 : 97-98. IS.-il, V. 2; 418. 1851, V. 2: 38G. non-serial 1829-1S74. See above, Delaware and Hudson Co., these dates. 1853. Veto (Bigler) of further suppl. to act incorporat- ing Penn. Coal Co. (House jol. 1853 v. 1: 345-348.) 1875. Official stmt, of Penn. Coal Co., showing no. and wages of employees. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 492.) Pennsylvania Mining and Smelting Co. 1851-1853. Rept. of the co. In Collected docs, as follows : 1851 In Senate jol. 1852, v. 2 : 570. " House " 1852, v. 2. 1852 not found. 1853 in Legislative docs. 1854 : 309. Phoenix Iron and Coal Co. 1853. Ann. stmt In Collected docs, as follows ; 1853 in Legislative docs. 1854 : 412. PiTTSBiTUSH Coal Co. 1904. Appeal of Pittsburgh Coal Co. from decision of inspectors in regard to operating Euclid Mine. (Rept. of dept of mines 1904 pt. 2: 508-526.) PiTTSBUEGH AND MaHONING CoaL A.VD MINING Co. 1874. Veto of suppl. to act rel. to Pittsburgh and Ma- honing Coal and Mining Co. (Legisl. jol. 1874: 38.) Plymouth Coal Co. 1839-1840. Stmt, of affairs of co. In Collected docs, as follows : 1839 In House Jol. 1840, v. 2. 1840 - " " 1841, v. 2. Quemahonino Valley Coal Co. 1903. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to Quemahoning Valley Coal Co.; exclusive apprn. to name of a distr. in a locality when article to which it is applied is a product of place named. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 323-325.) Short Mountain Coal Co. Incorporated under act of Feb. 20, 1850. 1853-1856. Ann. stmt, of the co. In Collected docs, as follows : 1853 In U'sislative docs. 1854 : 602. 1854 - ' - " IS.-).-) : 609. 1855 " " " 1850:413. 1856 " •' " 1857 : 847. Sugar Loaf Coal Co. Inc orporated under sec. 9, act of Apr. 16, 1838. 1838-1840. Stmt, of affairs of the co. In Collected docs, as follows : 1838 in Senate Jol. 1838/9, v. 2 : 347-348. - House " 1838/9, v. 2, pt. 1 : 609-610. 1830 " Senate " 1S40, v. 2 : 309-310. " House " 1840, v. 2: 414-415. 1840 " •• " 1841, V. 2: 151-152. Swatara Co. 1868. Veto (Geary) of suppl. to act for incorporation of the Swatara Co. (House jol. Jan. 1868: 99-100.) The CO. was incorporated by act of Mch. 6, 1849, Its object being *' to make leases of the coal veins which may be found In the tracts belonging to the CO. and to effect sales of the same. The proposed suppl. increased the land privileges. Trough Creek Iron and Coal Co. 1874. Veto of suppl. to act to incorporate the Trough Creek Iron and Coal Co (Legisl. joL 1874: 39.) COAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd Companies — cont'd Twin Sii.\et Collieiiv See below, Accidents. Victor Coal Co. 1904. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to Victor Coal Co.; can- not extend term of existence and enlargement of territory by amending charter under act of Je. 13, 1883 (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 29-34.) Washington Coal Co. 1848. Ann. rept. of the co. In Collected docs, as follows : 1848 in Senate Jol. 1849, v. 2 : 368. West Ridge Coal Co. 1893. Description of territory and plant of West Ridge Coal Co. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1893: 53-54.) Wilkesuarke Coal Co. 1849-1850. Stmt, of affairs of the co. In Collected docs, as follows : 1849 in Senate Jol. 1.S50, v. 2 : 273. " " House •• 1850, V. 2: 302-303. 1850 " Scn.jtt. " 185], V. 2: 242. " House ■• 1851, V, 2 : 178. Wilkes Barre Coal and Iron Co. For the emidoyees' bcuetit funri of this co., see Bene- ficiary (")rganizations : Individual. 1869-1873. Tons of coal production each year of Wilkes- barre Coal and Iron Co. ([3] A.R. bureau of in- dustrial statistics 1S74/7: 479.) 1903. History of case of commonwealth vs. The Wilkes- Barre and Scranton Coal and Iron Co. rel. to alleged violation of law on part of said co. in rebldg. a breaker on site of old breaker of Hillman Vein Coal Co. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: xxvi-xxxii.) Wyoming Coal Co. Incorporated under sec. 9, act of .^pr. 16, 1838. serial 1833-1843. Ann. rept. of the co. In Collected docs, as follows : 1833 in House Jol. 1833/4, v. 1834-1838 not found. 1839 in Senate Jol. 1840, v. 2 " House " 1840, V. 2 1840 " Senate " 1841. v. 2 " •* House " 1841. V. 2 1841-1842 not printed. 1843 in House Jol. 1844. v. 2 : 2: 205.* 308-309. 406-407. 85-86. 125-126. 224. non-serial 1830. Rept. of committee on corporations (Hassinger) rel. to incorporating Wyoming Coal Co. (House jol. 1829/30 v. 2: 621.) Department of Mines; see above, Bureau of Mines Inspection See also below. .\Dthracite and Bituminous Mines, resp. serial See above the group under Coal Mines and Mining. Pennsyh-ania. non-serial 1874. Mine inspection: necessity of continuation of pro- visions of act providing for inspection of mines. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1874: 29-31.) 1879. Necessity of provision for individual inspection of mines and mnfctories. ; ineffectiveness of circu- lars, blanks, etc. (7 A.R. bureau of industrial sta- tistics 1878/9: 1-4; 7-8.) 1881. Qualifications required on part of applicants for examination as mining bosses in England, with abstr. of examining questions. (9 same 1880/1: 553- 554.) • Called " Communication from the Secy, of the Commonwealth ' ace. with an abstr. of the accts. of the Wyoming Coal Co. 522 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd Inspection — cont'd iron-serial — cont'd 1S83. Suggestions to mine inspectors on requirements to be made in circulars issued to operators, viz.: 1st, to letter of coal seams according to notation in 2d geol. survey; 2d, to give thickness of coal seam; 3d, to give thickness of roof bench not mined; 4th, to give thickness of bottom bench not mined. (11 same 1882/3: vii.) . Complaints of miners in reference to opposition to check-weighmen. (11 .some 1882/3: vii-viii.) . Consolidation of repts. of anthracite and bitu- minous mine inspectors in one volume and issuance from one dept. recommended. (11 same 1882/3: vi- vii.) 1884. Inspectors should be relieved from duties of test- ing scales and branding pit cars, and persons specially apptd. for that purpose. (12 same 1884: 5A.) . Recommended that sufficient copies be prtd. of inspectors' repts. to allow 500 copies to each in- spector for distribution. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1884: 239-240.) 1885. Prtg. of repts. of inspectors of anthracite and bituminous in one vol. suggested. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: x-xi.) . Inspectors should be released from duties of sealer of weights and measures. (13 same 1885; 81B.) . Duties of inspectors under " check-weighman's act " of 1883, inconsistent with regular duties of that office — special officer should be apptd. (13 same 1885: 1B-2B.) . Inspectors of mines should be relieved from duties of testing scales and branding pit cars. (13 same 1885: 112B.) 1886. Unwise provision of mining law requiring inspec- tor to visit each mine in his distr. four times a year. (14 same 1886: 33B.) 1887. Suggested amdmts. to mining laws: inspectors should be supplied with copy of map of each mine in his distr.; distance of entries, air-ways, etc., In advance of air-current; requirement that inspector visit each mine every three mos. impracticable; detrimental effect of provision requiring inspector to give five days' notice upon discovery of violation of law; offenders should be brought within juris- diction of justices of peace and amt. of fine reduced ; regulation of storage of powder, etc. needed. (15 same 1887: 30-40.) 1888. Opinion of atty. gen.; a miner holding a certifi- cate granted pursuant to act of May 9, 1887, issued by miners' examining bd. of one distr. who goes to work in another distr. is required to register in distr. to which he removes. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1889/90: app. Ixxiv.) 1891. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to inspection of mines; act of Je. 2, 1891 repeals all parts of act of Je. 30, 1885, inconsistent or in conflict with it; no apptmts. can be made under act of 1891 before 1st term of court in 1892. (Hume 1891/2: app. 17-18.) 1893. Opinion of atty. gen.; act of Je. 30, 1885 con- templates continuous session of mine examiners; entitled to one mileage of 6 cents per mile for one trip going and returning to place of meeting. (Same 1893/4: app. 9-10.) 1894. Outline of condition of work of bds. for examina- tion of candidates for positions connected with min- ing in anthracite and bituminous coal mines with recommendations rel. to regulation of salaries and mileage thereof. (A.R. auditor gen. 1894: 14-15.) COAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd Inspection — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1894. Opinion of atty. gen.; mine inspector must answer 90 per cent of questions propounded by bd. of mine examiners. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1893/4: app. 89-91.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to mining act; com- pensation of bd. of mine examiners. (Same 1893/4: app. 101-102.) 1895. Suggestions rel. to needed legislation governing mine inspectors. (A.R. inspectors of mines 1895; v-vii.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to mine inspection of anthracite and bituminous mines. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1895/6: 77-78.) 1896. Mine inspection in Penn.; coal regions divided into distrs., the inspectors being left to their owi; judgment in discharge of duties; recommended that legisl. establish bureau of mines with chief to super- vise; work of inspectors, etc. (A.R. secy, internal affairs pt. 1 1896: 168A.) 1897. Results of prosecutions instituted by inspectors of mines of operators, mine-foremen and others. (Rept. bureau of mines 1897: xiii-xxi.) . Table: prosecutions of owners, managers, etc., for offences under mine acts. (Same 1897: xii. ) . Table: amt. of fines and costs imposed, resulting from prosecutions instituted by inspectors of mines (Same 1897: xi.) . Comparison of Penn. system of mining inspection with that of other states and countries. (Govs, mess. (Hastings) Jan. 5, 1897: 24-25.) 1900. Mine inspection; comments on by secy, of in- ternal affairs. (Rept. of inspectors of mines 1900: Ix-x. ) 1902. Opinion of atty. gen.; certificate of nomination for mine inspector should be filed with co. comrs. and not with secy, of state. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1901/2: 50-51.) 1903. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to auditor gen.'s dept.; issuance of a warrant to mine inspector for rept. furnished dept. of mines. (Same 1903/4: 103-104.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to auditor gen.'s dept.; claim for services of bd. of examiners of inspectors of mines. (Same 1903/4: 107-108.) Labor See also below, Mines, etc. Anthracite and Bltumiuous Mines, resp. 1885. Remarks on new mining act: commendable pro- vision prohibiting employment in mines of boys under 12 years of age; impracticability of provision requiring inspectors to visit each mine four times a year; examination of mine bosses. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: 80B-81B.) 1886. Need of better discipline among miners; sug- gested amdmt. to law. (14 same 1886: 154B.) 1891-1899. Table: number of employees in and about the coal mines from 1891 to 1899 inclusive. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1899: xxix.) 1891-1900. Table: number of employees in and about the coal mines from 1891 to 1900, inclusive. (Same 1900: Ivii.) 1903. Legal age of boy-employees. (Same 1903 pt. 2: xii-xvi.) Mi.NE Boss 1879. An assn. of mine bosses for mutual improvement recommended. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1879: 249-253.) . Imperative necessity for legal code of general and special rules for govt, of mine bosses and work- ingmen. (Same 1879: 20-21.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 52 :J COAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd Labor — cont'd Mine Boss — cont'd 1880. Necessity of miner being competent to perform his duties independent of care and watcli of mine boss. (Same 1880: 87.) 1882. Need of law providing for intelligent and com- petent mining bosses. (9 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1880/1: 396-397.) 1903. Examination of fire bosses. (Rcpt. of dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: xxv-.\xvi.) Mine Foremen 1891. Mine foremen and asst. mine foremen; law rel. to issuing of certificates; opinion of atty. gen. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1890/1: 160- 166A.) 1893. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to mine foreman; duties and powers. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1893/4: app. 51-52.) 1894. Atty. gen.'s rept. as to necessary qualifications for applicants for mine foreman's certificates. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1894: 419-421.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to mining law; qualifi- cation of fire boss. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1893/4: app. 111-112.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to qualifications de- manded of a foreman and fire boss of mines. (Same 1893/4: app. 82-84.) 1895. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to mine inspection; no. of mine foremen. (Same 1895/6: 88-89.) . Opinion of atty. gen.; mine inspection, apptmt. of foremen ; statutes — interpretation — mining law — words and phrases; mine foreman — when he may employ assistants; assistants must have certificate of qualification. (Same 1895/6: 113-114.) 1897. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to examination of mine foreman. (Same 1897/8: 21.) 1898. Copy of decision given to Jas. Fox, upon point of law rel. to employment of mine foreman without certificate of competency. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1898: 444-448.) 1903. Veto of act to establish uniform method for issu- ing and recording certificates granted to mine fore- men and asst. mine foremen in coal mines; with text of bill. (Govs, vetoes (Stone) 1903: 120-121.) Laws 1872. Text of mining laws of Great Britain. (10 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1881/2: 193-231.) PENNSYLVANIA 1865. Mining and mnfg. laws of the state now in force, with approved forms for organizing cos. Comp. by C. Nettleton, N. Y., 1865. Not seen. Dntry from Bowker. 1870. Text of ventilation law of 1870. (Repts. of in- spectors of mines 1873: 45-53.) Repp.itcd in 187.^ .tiitl 1S7G. . Same, separate, [n. p., 1870.] 11 pp. Copy in Library of Congress. . Text of ventilation law. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1873: 45-53.) . Act for preservation of records of inspection of mines in mining distrs. of Schuylkill and Luzerne, embracing anthracite coal region of Penn., passed Apr. 5. (Same 1876: 144-145.) 1870-1878. Mine laws; text. (2 geol. survey AC: 493- 523.) 1871. Act to regulate the shipment of coal; debate. (Legisl. jol. 1871: 937-939.) 1883-1901. General mining laws. (Rept. bureau of mines 1901: xclx-civ.) Laws rel. to coal min- t. p. n. p., C. M. Busch, Copy si'cu iu Penn. State (Repts. of in- COAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd Laws — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1884. Extrs. from mining law and general rules of [N. W. M. and Exchange] Co. in [Elk Co.], approved by pres. and supt. Jan. 1. (12 A.R. bureau of in- dustrial statistics 1884: 101-107A.) 1893. Laws relating to coal mining in Penn.; 1891-1893. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1893. 68 pp. Copy seen in Krve Lil>rary of I'liilii. 1895. Laws relating to coal mining; 1883-1895. n. t. p. 78 pp. Copy seen In Penn. Stnte Llbniry. 1895-1903. Laws rel. to coal mining. (Itept. inspectors of coal mines 1895: liv-xci; rept. dept of mines 1903.) 1896. Dept. of internal affairs, ing in Penn.; 1883-1893. n. 1896. 78 pp. Imprint talien from cover. Library. COMMKNTAET 1888. Remarks rel. to the mining law. spectors of mines 1888: 289-290.) 1889. For amdmts. to mining laws of state. (Govs, mess. (Beaver) Jan. 1, 1889: 22.) 1891. For apptmt. of special commission to inquire into working of mining laws of state in anthracite and bituminous regions with regard to revision of same. (Same (Beaver) Jan. 6, 1891: 33.) . Mining codes should be revised so as to insure payment of damages in case of injury or loss from fault of mine owner. (Same (Pattison) Jan. 20, 1891: 8.) 1895. Pernicious laws; acts of 1870 and 1S85 only ones beneficial to miners; opinion of inspector of 4th anthracite distr. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1895: 96-97.) 1901. Objects of mine law of 1891. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1901: 122.) . New law and manner in which its provisions are respected. (Same 1901: 128.) 1904. Mine laws; comment. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1904 pt. 1: vi-vii.) . Same. (Same 1904 pt. 2: vi-ix.) Printing 1877. Prtg. and distribution of mining law among workmen; recommendation rel. to. (Rept. of in- spectors of mines 1877: 63-64.) 1883. Revision of mining laws; debate. (Legisl. Record 1883: 2248-2250.) 1895. Publication of mining laws; res. passed Fob. 8, requiring general mining laws of state to be prtd. in mine rept. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1895: vii. ) 1900. Suggestion rel. to distribution of mining law. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1900: 37-38.) . Recommended that laws rel. to mining of coal be prtd. in separate pamphlet. (A.R. secy, of in- ternal affairs pt. 1 1899/00: A125.) Violation 1871. Prosecutions for infringements of the raining law. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1871: 253.) 1879. Prosecutions for violations of mining law. (Same 1879: 243-247.) 1898. Violations of mine laws; prosecutions tor. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1898: xxxli-lvil.) . Suggestion to inflict specific penalties on miners for contravention of the mine laws. (Same 1898: ix-xil.) 524 INDEX TO DOCUJIENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd Maps 1895. Improvements needed in mine maps. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1895: 151-153.) 1899. Importance of having correct maps of mines. (.Same 1899: 87-89.) Mining Methods 1871. Present system of mining in high dipping coal veins, i. e., pillar and breast working, unsafe. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1871: 59-60.) 1876. Coal cutting machine — description of. ([4] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1875/6: 270-272.) Pacing from Collected docs. . Endless wire rope — method of gathering coal; by Horace F. Brown. ([4] same 1875/6:272-273.) Paging from Collected docs. 1878. Plan of self-pumping carriage for mines. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1878: betw. pp. 100-101.) 1878-1898. Description of difference between old and new methods of mining in Penn. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1898: xiil-xix.) 1880. Drags on cars in slopes. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1880: 166-167.) . Description of S. Diescher's coal-washing ma- chine. (8 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1879/80: 348-350.) 1887. Electricity in use as motive power for under- ground mine haulage. (Rept. of inspectors of mines 1887: 121-123; 15 A.R. bureau of Industrial sta- tistics 1887: V 5-7.) 1888. On improvements in system of mining. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1888: 385-386.) 1889. Economy of work in the construction of mine cars and car wheels; with diagram and tables show- ing results of friction tests of old and new system of wheels. (Same 1889: 109-116.) 1893-1894. The Improved Stanley header; an important invention for driving headings, or gangways, in coal mines. (Same 1893 (pp. 371-375)— sawe 1894.) 1895. Gas engines for mining work. (Mining bull. Penn. State College v. 2, no. 1: 17-18.) From Engineering and Mining Journal, Nov. 2. 1SP5. 1898. The method and cost of flushing culm into anthr. mines as used at the " Dodson " and " Black Diamond" collieries; rept. presented at the meet- ing of the Anthracite Coal Operators' Assn. Jan. 12, 1898, by Mr. Haddock. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1897: xxxv-U.) 1903. Plan of an ideal system of mining and ventilat- ing. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2: betw. pp. 576-577.) Receipts and Expenditures 1871. Geol. survey, coal and oil interests; bill and de- bate. (Legisl. jol. 1871: 655-656; 688-692.) 1885. Rept. on survey of no. coal field. (A.R. geol. survey 1885: 353-365.) . Rept. on survey of eastern middle coal-field. (Same 1885: 347-352.) . Rept. on survey of western middle coal-field. (Same 1885: 333-346.) . Rept. on survey of southern coal-field. (Same 1885: 325-332.) . Completion of surveys of coal beds and fire-clays in Somerset Co.; coal basin in Blair Co.; iron ore mines in Lebanon Co.; kaolins in Delaware Co.; coal basin in Sullivan Co. (Rept. of comrs. of geol. survey 1885/6: 2.) . Preliminary rept. of work done, on survey of Pittsburgh coal region, by E. V. d'Invilliers. (A.R. geol. survey 1885: 125-221.) 1886. Survey of western middle coal field. (Same 1886 pt. 3: 963-1007.) . Survey of no. coal field. (Same 1886 pt. 2: 925- 962.) COAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd 1892. Only a permanent geol. bureau, disinterested com- mercially with the output of coal, can satisfactorily continue coal surveys. (Rept. of comrs. of geol. survey 1891/2: 6-7.) Anthracite Coai. Mines 1868/9. Expenditures on acct. of ventilation of mines in Schuylkill Co. (A.R. auditor gen. 1868/9: 142.) 1869. Inspector's stmt, of expenses for Schuylkill distr. for nine months ending Dec. 31. (Rept. inspector of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 24-25.) 1869-1871. Inspector's stmt, of expenses incurred as inspector of mines of Schuylkill Co. (Same 1869 (pp. 872-873)— Aome 1871.) Paging frum Legisl. docs. 1870. 1869/70-1903/4. Expenses on acct. of inspectors of mines. (A.R. auditor gen. 1869/70 (p. 131) — sam.e 1903/4.) Given as inspectors of mines 1869/70-1877/8 ; 1878/9- 1903/4 given as a subdivision of expenses of govern- ment, at first as inspection of coal mines and later as dept. of mines. 1S70. Office expenses of clerk of Schuylkill mining distr. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1870: 1840.) Paging from Legisl. docs. 1871. 1870. Expenses of inspector of first, or Pottsville, distr. (Same 1870 (p. 1885)— Mme 1871.) Paging ii-om Ivcgisl. docs. 1S71. 1870-1871. Expenses of third, or Shamokin, distr. (Same 1870 (p. 1963)— same 1871.) I'aging from Legisl. docs. 1871. 1870-1871. Expenses of inspector of second, or Ash- land, distr. (Same 1870 (p. 1928)— «ame 1871.) Paging from Legisl. docs. 1871. 1880-1883. Expenses of clerk of mining distr. of Schuyl- kill. (Same 1880 (p. 2)—saiiie 1883.) Safety Measures 1871. Drainage of coal mines. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1871: 55.) 1873. Diagram of W. B. Culver's safety hoisting car- riage; scale % inch = 1 ft. (Repts. of Inspectors of coal mines 1873: betw. pp. 202 and 203.) . Safety hoisting carriage in use at the Empire shaft, Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Co.; scale: V2 inch = 1 ft. (Same 1873: betw. pp. 202 and 203.) . Notice sent to mining cos., in Middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos. rel. to safety catches; repts. returned. (Same 1873: 207-209.) . Dangers in coal mines; falls of coal and rock, ex- plosions of gas, powder and blasts, suffocation, reck- less working and haulage and a disregard of dis- cipline. (Same 1873: 64-65.) . Gases, their character, constituent, measure and weight. (*."o»ie 1S73: 65-73.) . Suggestions about storage and use of dynamite or giant powder. (Same 1873: 53-55.) 1874. Plan of safety and self dump carriages in use at the Audenried shaft, Lehigh & Wilkesbarre Coal Co.; by F. B. Parrish; scale: V2 inch = 1 foot. (Same 1874: betw. pp. [188] and [1891.) 1875. Electric signal system in Stanton slope. (Same 1875: 175.) 1876. Dangers of mining anthracite coal, as compared agst. bituminous. (Same 1876: 20-21.) . Rept. rel. to greater danger attending mining of anthracite coal of Penn. as compared with that of bituminous mines of Great Britain and of this and other states. (Same 1876: 44-47.) 1877. Danger from using "patent squibs." (Same 1877: 54.) . Care in handling the patent miner's cartridges. (Same 1877: 55-56.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA :OAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd Safety Measures — cont'd 18S0. Perils of fast hoisting in shafts. (Same 1880: 102-103.) . Rigid discipline needed to insure greater safety in business of mining coal. (Same 1880: 137.) . Miner's lamp oil. (Same 1880: 74-75; 204-206.) . Steam as a fire extinguisher; gas as a flro ex- tinguisher. (Same 1880: 38-41.) 1881. Mine doors. (Same 1881: 136.) . Propping; description of the three systems of propping- (Same 1881: 136-138.) . Danger of wooden structures over the mouths of slopes and shafts. (.Same 1881: 8-10.) 1883. Improvement in safety-lamps. (Same 1883: 118.) . The Williams Improved Davy Safety Lamp with patent extinguisher. (Same 1883: 84.) 1884. An apparatus for producing carbonic acid gas for the purpose of extinguishing fires in mines; description and diagram. (Same 1884: 98-99.) 1885. Electric signals in mines of 3d anthracite dlstr. (Same 18S5: 57.) . Stmt, of amt. and cost of lumber used at some of the mines. (Same 1885: 130-131.) . Electric signals in mines; fans — speed-indicator; 3d anthracite distr. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: 65A.) . Amdmt. to anthracite mining law rel. to penal- ties, suggested; ambiguity of sec. making it com- pulsory for operators to furnish props, etc. for safe mining of coal — cost in some cases deducted from miners' pay. (13 same 1885: xi.) 1886. Opinion by Judge Hand rel. to case involving construction of sec. 5, art. iv., act of Je. 30, 1885, rel. to anthracite coal mines, providing for health and safety of persons employed, and protection and preservation of property. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1886: 7-12.) . Necessity of requiring natural gas cos. to lay pipes above ground where they cross mine workings. (14 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1886: 33B.) 1887. Rept. of committee of mine inspectors apptd. by Gov. Robt. E. Pattison, to investigate the ex- plosive properties of after-damp. (Legisl. Record 1887: 1562-1563.) From romnrks of Representative FInley, Apr. 25, 1887. Henry Loutlt, .I.Tmes Bliok. .T. .T. Davies, committee. • . Arbitration in 4th anthracite distr. [to determine safety of a mine]. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1887: 77-79.) . Speed recorders on fans in 3d anthracite distr. (14 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1887: 3-4S.) 1888. Iron vs. wooden roads in rooms in mines. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1888: 238.) 1893. Construction of act of Je. 2, 1891, rel. to health and safety of anthracite coal miners; refusal of court to grant injunction. (Same 1893: 23-25.) 1894. Hempel's apparatus for quick determination of gases. (,S'(/mR 1S94: 231-233.) 1895. Rules for storing, keeping, moving, thawing, charging, firing, etc., dynamite mnfred. by Atlantic Dynamite Co. of N. J., in accordance with art. xii rule 29, of anthracite mine law of Penn., approved 1891. (Same 1895: 155-157.) 1897. Mine timbering; by J. Birkinbine, consulting engr. (Rept. of division of forestry 1897: 167-182.) Description of mining methods of state, mineral interests to which mining Is related, use of wood in mines, methods of timbering mines, etc. 1898. Commonwealth vs. Elk Hill Coal & Iron Co.; mining law — 2d opening — safety appliance — act of Je. 2, 1S91, construed. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1898: Ivll-lvlll.) COAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd Safety Measures — cont'd 1898. Measures for increasing the safety of ascent and descent into mines. (Mining bull. Penn. State Col- lege v. 3 (no. 1): 9-21.) 1899. Electricity and compressed air as now used in mines and tlieir comparative degrees of safety to employes. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1899: 479-483.) . Colliery improvements and their effects upon safety of the mine. (Same 1899: 84-86.) 1900. Overwinding device tor hoisting engines; with diagram, see between pp. xxvi and xxvil. (Same 1900: xvi.) . Recommended that act of July 15, 1897, for pro- tection of miners from dangers resulting from in- competent miners working in anthracite coal mines, be repealed. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1899/00: 126-127A.) 1901. Separate traveling ways for workmen of mines with electric haulage recommended. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1901: 3.) . A boon to mining interests; improved cartridge which will avert danger from explosions of gas and fires. (Same 1901: 69-72.) 1902. Reasons why systematic propping should be adopted in coal mines. (Same 1902: 11-16.) 1903. Safety of mines of 2d anthracite distr. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: 79.) 1904. The Williams-Kohlbraker overwinding or safety device; with diagram. (Same 1904 pt. 2: v-vi.) . Overwinding or safety device; remarks in favor of Williams-Kohlbraker overwinding device in- stalled at Susquehanna Coal Co.'s shaft at Glen Lyon. (Same 1904 pt. 1: xiii-xiv.) Telephones 1882. Telephones introduced into mines of so. distr. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1882: 253-254.) Ventilation 1869. Force of air currents in the mines. (Rept. of inspectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 15.) 1870. Reforms in mines rel. to ventilation. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1870: 1781-1782.) Paging from Leglsl. does. 1871. . The mine ventilation law and suppl. thereto. (Same 1877: 133-134.) Paging from Collected doc. ed. ■ . Ventilation of mines [an act providing for the health and safety of persons employed in coal mines, [n. p., 1870.] 11 pp. Copy seen in Liliraiy of Congress. 1870-1875. Requirements of mine ventilation act of Mar. 3, 1870. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1871 (pp. 93-95)— same 1875.) 1871. Insufficient ventilation in the mines. (Same 1871: 58.) . Advantages of using steam fans in coal mines. (Same 1S71: 161-162.) . Mine ventil'ation law sustained; opinion of Judge G. M. Harding of Luzerne Co. (Same 1871: 95105.) 1872. Decision of Judge Dana, in case of Inspector Blewitt vs. A. Tomkins, involving important mat- ter rel. to mine ventilation law. (Same 1872: 217- 219.) 1875. Mine signals from ventilators; importance of. (Same 1875: 175.) . Ventilation of mines. (Same 1875: 63-64.) 1877. Ventilation; remarks on furnace and fan venti- lation. (Saine 1877: 14-16.) 1878. Plan of the Murphy champion ventilator. (Same 1878: betw. pp. 178-179.) . Mine ventilation; fans and furnaces. (6 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1877/8: 35-37.) 526 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd Ventilation — cont'd 1879. Plan of Dinas Collie^-, Sa Wales, showing system and ventilating one vein with return air from two other veins. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1879: betw. pp. 230-231.) 1880. Ventilation; utilization of power; ascensional ventilation; dangerous effect of natural forces upon ventilation. (Same 1880: 93-97.) . Ventilation of coal mines. (Same 1880: 204.) — ^. Object of splitting air-currents. (Same 1880: 16-1-lCC.) 1881. Common Pleas of Luzerne Co.; Commonwealth vs. Haddock, et al.; construction of statutes; juris- diction of court to restrain mining of coal in con- travention of mine ventilation act; new workings. (Same 1881: 15M58.) 1882. Amend the ventilation law; a more stringent law needed. (Snme 1882: 254.) 1883. A new double fan ventilator; with plan. (Same 1883: 118-120.) . Opinion and decision of Supreme Court of state in case of Commonwealth ex rel. mine inspector vs. Haddock et al.; mine ventilation law. (Same 1883: 105-109.) 1884. Law of diffusion of gases in coal mines. (Same 1884: 95-98.) . Improved attachments for ventilation of mines. (12 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1884: 31- 32A.) 1886. Time and speed indicator required by law for all ventilators at mines generating explosive gases; description of instrument invented by Edmund Bartl, engr. Del., Lackawanna and Western Co.; Townsend Poore's speed register for fans or other machinery. (14 same 1886: 22-24A; repts. of in- spectors of mines 1886: 22-24.) 1887. Importance of ventilation in mines; methods in use. (15 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1887: 1-30.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to duties of fire boss of mines under act of Je. 30, 1885. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1887/8: app. 72-73.) 1904. Mine ventilation; remarks. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1904 pt. 1: xv-xvi.) Wages; see Labor. Wages. Miners Welfare Work Spe also below, Anthracite nnd Bituminous Minef^. 1875. Bradford Co.: Social condition of mining distrs. — situation of mines, dwellings, schools, churches, public hall, socys., market, physician, prices of articles at store and market, average price per day and per mo. for farm hands. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 161-162.) . Bradford Co. — social conditions: churches, socys., dwellings, mines, markets, stores, physicians, etc. in Fall Brook, Morris Run, Arnot, Blossburg, An- trim. ([31 same 1874/5: 163-169.) 1879. Education of boys connected with mines: law similer to that of Ohio should be enacted in Penn.; compelling children betw. ages of 6 and 14 years to attend day school, etc. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1879: 87-88.) 1881. Ambulances and stretchers for conveying in- jured persons. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1881: 151.) 1882. Aid for widows and orphans of miners suggested. (Same 1882: 261.) . Education for the young who are crippled in the mines suggested. (Same 1882: 25G.) 1888. Legislative action necessary for betterment of miners. (Repts. of Inspectors of mines 1888: 289- 290.) COAL MINES AND MINING— cont'd Welfare Work— cont'd 1897. Veto (Hastings) of concurrent res. requesting state treasurer to pay chrm. of joint committee apptd. to Investigate the condition of the miners in the anthracite and bituminous coal distrs. of Penn. the witness fees, etc. (Sen. jol. 1897: 1226-1227.) . Same; with text of res. (Vetoes (Hastings) 1897: 47-48.) 1899. Ambulance work; miners should be instructed in, during winter mos. (Repts. of bureau of mines 1899: 83.) 1901. Education and training for the young who are crippled about the mines, factories, etc. needed. [An appeal to the wealthy " who have acquired wealth from the mines, factories and workshops of the state . . . ."] (Same 1901: 46-47.) 1902. State tax on coal for the benefit of crippled miners recommended. (Same 1902: 3.) 1903. Legal age of boy employees. [Remarks on child labor in the mines and suggestion to reduce the legal minimum age (16 yrs. ) of boys employed in the mines.] (Rept. of dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: xiv-xviii.) . Care of injured miners. [Suggestion to tax em- ployers of labor for the benefit of widows and orphans of miners, and for burial expenses of the killed.] (No we 1903 pt. 1: ix-xiii.) . Care of injured miners. [Suggestion to tax em- ployers of labor for the benefit of widows and orphans of miners, and for the burial expenses of the killed.] (Same 1903 pt. 2: vii-xii.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES serial See nbove, the Serial grotip under Coal Mines and Min- ing. non-srrial 1768-1879. Anthracite coal — development in Penn. (7 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1878/9: 12-16.) 1768-1885. History of anthracite coal industry. (A.R. geol. survey 1885: 277-279.) 1837. Recent successful use of anthracite coal in iron mnftre. in Wales; probable application of process in Penn. (A.R. canal comrs. 1836/7: 6.) 1869. Award for Penn. anthracite coal exhibit at Paris exposition. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 6, 1869. 18-19.) 1870. Anthracite coal area of the state. (Rept. of In- spector of mines 1870: 1769.) Paging from l.egisl. docs. 1871. . Anthracite coal fields of Penn. — coal, iron and oil; description of coal fields of Schuylkill Co., and of the middle anthracite coal fields. (Same 1870: 55-84.) 1870-1871. Table of comparison, exhibiting condition of various mines in middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos. (Same 1871: 286-293.) Tiocatlon ; name; operator: supt. ; mine boss: openings: safety appliances, etc. ; ventilation ; employes ; mules or horses; gases. 1872. Anthracite coal; geol. conformation of soil of Penn. (Samr 1872: 25-29.) 1873. Anthracite coal fields of Penn. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 201-206.) 1874. Anthracite" coal-fields of Penn.; location and de- scription. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4; 211- 214.) . Analysis of anthracite coal and coke for blast furnaces. (2 xamr 187.3/4: 206-208.) 1875. Estimate of thickness of coal and no. of acres in anthracite coal fields of Penn. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 491.) . Table: nrea of anthracite coal basins of Penn. ([3] same 1874/5: 491.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 527 COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1S7G. Anthracite coal statistics; rcpts. of oporators showing location, quantity and value of product; classification, no. of employees, daily wages, char- acteristics of colliery, etc. ([4] some 1875/6: 273- 365.) J'aKiiiK from CoHcotfd docs. 1876-1878. Table: anthracite coal — employees, produc- tion and value for each colliery. ([41 samr 187r)/6 (pp. 369, 372-373, 377, 378, 380, 381, 383, 386-387) — 6 same 1878.) Pagiug from Collected docs. 1877-1 878. Repts. of operators of anthracite coal mines: location, quantity and value of ann. product, no. of persons employed, capital, wages, amt. paid for materials, classification of labor, characteristics of colliery. (5 same 1876/7 (pp. 319-420)— 6 same 1877/8.) 1877-1880. Area of anthracite coal basins of Penn. (5 same 187G/7 (p. 422)— 8 same 1879/80.) Omitted in 1878/9. 1879. Anthracite coal statistics: name of colliery, operator, county, year opened, quantity and value of product, amt. paid for materials, employes, wages. (7 same 1878/9: 19-22.) 1880. The anthracite coal fields of Penn. and their ex- haustion; by P. W. Sheafer. (8 same 1879/80: 8-18.) . Survey of the anthracite coal fields. (Rept. of bd. of comrs. of 2d geol. survey 1879/80: 2.) 1881. How anthracite coal Is mined; by John Price Wetherill, (2d geol. survey A2: 5-22.) 1881-1882. Progress of the anthracite survey. (Rept. of bd. of comrs. of 2d geol. survey 1881/2: 2-3.) 1883. First rept. of progress in anthracite coal region; geology of Panther Creek basin; by C. A. Ashburner. 1883. .\lvii, 407 pp., atlas. (2d geol. survey A. A.) . Need of apprn. for anthracite survey; amt. (Rept. of bd. of comrs. of 2d geol. survey 1881/2: 4.) 1883/4. Estimated cost of the anthracite geol. survey. (Legisl. Record 1883: 1196.) 1884. Anthracite survey: progress; amt. of money re- quired; value of anthracite and of bituminous coal mined in Penn. in 1883. (Rept. of bd. of comrs. of second geol. survey 1883/4: 2.) 1884-1885. Second rept. of progress in anthracite coal- regions, part II., by Charles A. Ashburner. (A.R. geol. survey 1885: 269-436.) 1885. Progress of field work in the anthracite survey. (Rept. of comrs. of geol. survey 1885/6: 2.) . General description of anthracite coal-fields. (A.R. geol survey 1885: 269-275.) . Mining in anthracite region. (Same 1885: 296- 299.) . Classification and composition of Penn. anthra- cites. (Same 1885: 300-324.) . Analyses of anthracite coals and ashes of same from 42 collieries in western middle and southern fields; by C. M. Cresson. (Same 1885: 322-323.) 1886. Field surveys in the anthracite distrs. (Rept. of comrs. of geol. survey 1885/G: 3.) . Mining methods practiced by Westmoreland Coal Co., Irwin, Penn.; by A. N. Humphreys. (A.R. geol. survey 1886 pt. 1: 410-456.) . Anthracite coal statistics: no. of mines, no. of tons mined and shipped, no. employed, days em- ployed, fatal and non-fatal accidents. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1886: 2-3.) . Anthracite region of Penn. is most important In state because of special character of coal it pro- duces. (A.R. geol. survey 1886 pt. 3: 1008.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1886. Kept, on the anthracite region; by F. A. Hill. (Same 18X6, pt. 3; x, 919-1329, 9 pp. 4 maps, 1 pi. and atlas of 6 maps and 1 chart.) 1891. Debate on act to prohibit dockage of coal in the anthracite coal fields. (Legisl. Record 1891; 1895- 1899.) . Veto of act authorizing municipal authorities to regulate by ordinance the sale of anthracite coal; with text of act. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1891:86-87.) — — . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to anthracite piining act of 1871 |i. e., 18911; names of applicants and (luestions and answers to be sent to secy, of state. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1891/2: app. 35.) 1892. Thoroughness of tlie survey of the anthracite region. (Rept. of bd. of comrs. of second geol. sur- vey 1891/2: 6-7.) 1895. Rept. on anthracite region; by A. I). W. Smith. (Final rept. geol. survey 1895 v. 3, pt. 1: 1916-2152.) . Commercial importance of anthracite region. (A.R. geol. survey 1895 v. 3, pt. 1: 1916.) 1897. Veto of act making apprn. for payment of ex- penses incurred by joint committee to investigate and rept. conditions in anthracite coal regions; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Hastings) 1S9T: 257-259.) Accidents 1S70-1S99. Tables: comparison of anthracite produc- tion, no. of employes, no. of lives lost, no. of lives lost per 1000 employed, no. of tons produced per life lost, no. of tons produced per employe. (Rept. bureau of mines 1899: ix-x.) 1880/3-1896/7. Table: no. of deaths from different causes in anthracite mines — per 1000 employes. (Mining bull. Penn. State College v. 4 (no. 6) : 133.) 1S81/1900-18S1/1904. Table: no. of employes inside and outside of mines, no. of fatalities inside and outside, no. of miners and miners' laborers employed and no. of fatalities amongst employed inside and out- side, average no. of days worked in each year and average production of coal per day from anthracite mines. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1900: xxiil-xxlv; rept. dept. of mines 1904 pt. 1.) Items var.v sllghtl.v in 1003 and 1904. 1881/1901-1881/1904. Table: no. of employes inside and outside anthracite mines, no. of fatal accidents, no. of fatal accidents per 1000 persons employed, and production in tons per fatal accident inside. {Same 1901: 25; same 1904 pt. 1.) 1881/1900-1883/1904. Table: no. of fatalities and cause of fatal accidents occurring in and about mines of anthracite region. (Same 1900: xxxi-xxxiii; same 1904.) 1881/00. 1882 01. 1883/02-1883/04. 1881/1900-1883/1904. Table: classification of employes who were killed or fatally injured in and about mines of anthracite regions. (Same 1900; xvii-xix; same 1904.) 1881/00, 1882/01, 1883/02-1883 04. CoUimbia County 1870. Names of persons killed, maimed or injured in and about mines of Columbia Co. (Rept. of In- spector of mines 1870: 1762-1763.) Paging' from Xjegisl. docs. 1871. 'Sorthwmherland Cwinty 1870. Names of persons maimed and injured in and about coal mines of Northumberland Co. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1870: 1761-1762.) Paging from Ijegisl. docs. 1871. . Table: names of persons killed in mines of Northumberland Co. (Same 1870: 1753.) Paging from Legist, dues. 1871. 528 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES— cont'd Accidents — cont'd Schuylkill County 1861-1871. Foreign casualties; comparison of casualties in Schuylkill Co., with those of west Lancashire and no. and so. Wales. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1S71: 51.) 1869-1871. List of mortality iu and about mines of Schuylkill Co. (.s'ame 1869 (p. 865) — same 1871.) Paging from Legisl. docs. 1870. 1869-1872. List of persons maimed and injured, and killed in and about mines of Schuylkill Co., with character and cause of each injury. (Same 1869 (pp. 866-867)— ^ume 1872.) PagiDg from Legisl. docs. 1S70. 1869-1873. See above, Coal. Production (Pennsylvania), these dates. Collieries 1879-1889. Days in operation of anthracite and bitu- minous collieries and name of operator of each colliery. (17 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1889: 4B.-34.) 1886/92-1888/94. Table: no. of days in operation of each anthracite colliery and name of operator. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1892 (pp. xiv-xxv) — same 1894.) 18S0'n2. 1887,03, 1S8S 94. . Table: no. of days in operation of each anthra- cite colliery and name of operator. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1892 (pp. xiv-xxv) — same 1894.) 1886/92, 1887/93, 1S8S/94. Laws 1881. Act for securing to anthracite coal miners relief from unjust weight and dockage. (Legisl. Record 1881: 1804-1807.) 1885. Anthracite mine law considered. (Sane 1885: 863-868; 923-935; 1605-1618.) . The mining laws of the anthracite coal distrs. of Penn. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1885. 61(2) pp. Copy seen in Univ. of I'enn. Library. 1891. Rept. of comn. (Connell) apptd. by Gov. to re- vise mining and ventilation laws of anthracite coal regions. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1891: 960-961.) . Same; minority rept. (Same 1891: 962-963.) The niiuority rept. is signed by Anthony Reilly, Martin McCormick, John P. Kearney, M. J. Gibbons. 1901. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to anthracite mine law; construction of rule 48, art. 12 of act of Je. 2, 1891. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1901/2: 4.) 1903. Anthracite mining laws of Penn., 1895-1903. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903, 92 pp. 16^ Copy seen In Free Library of Phila. Maps 1858. Geol. and topographical map of the anthracite fields of Penn., constructed from original explora- tions and surveys conducted by Henry D. Rogers. [In atlas ace. final rept. of first survey.] 1869-1871. List of maps of coal mines furnished by operators, now on file in office of mining distr. of Schuylkill. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1869 (p. 874)— soHie 1871.) Paging from Legisl docs. 1870. 1875. Map of the first and second anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania; by Strauch and Cochran, mining engrs. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1874: f acting t. p.) 1877. Map of anthracite coal fields of Penn., with their outlets to market; by Geo. B. Strauch and A. B. Cochran. (Rept. of inspectors of mines 1877: facing t. p.) 1878. Same. (Same 1877: facing t. p.) 1879. Same. (Sanre 1878: facing t. p.) 1880. Same; by A. B. Cochran, (.s'unie 1880: facing t. p.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES— cont'd Maps — cont'd 1884. General map of the anthracite coal fields of Penn.; by Chas. B. Scott. (Rept. of bd. of comrs. of 2d geol. survey, 1SS4.) Half of the foldg. map is talion up by a list of working mines, and their total production for 1882 and 1S.>:; resp. • . Map showing progress of survey of anthracite coal regions. (Same 1883/4.) 1885. Skeleton map of Wyoming Valley, showing rela- tive positions of no. coal, field mine sheets. (A.R. geol. survey 1885: facing p. 354.) 1886. General map of the anthracite coal fields of Penn. and adjoining cos., showing the position of each colliery. Scale: 2 in. = 1 ft. (Same 1886 pt. 3: frtsp. 2.) . Map showing progress of survey of anthracite coal fields. (Same 1886 pt. 3: facing p. 919.) . Geol. map of s.-w. Penn. with special reference to Pittsburgh coal bed. (Same 1886 pt. 1 in front pocket. ) 1890. New general map of the anthracite region re- vised to date, published by the geol. survey of Penn. 2 pts., in folder. Copies seen iu I'enn. State Library and in Free Library of Phlla. Mining Methods 1881. Special rept. upon causes, kinds and amt. of waste In mining anthracite by F. Piatt; with chapter on methods of mining by J. P. Wetherill. xili, 134 pp., plans, charts, etc. (2 geol. survey A2.) 1883. Rept. on mining methods and appliances used in anthracite coal fields; by H. M. Chance, xx, 574 pp. and atlas. (2 same 1883 AC.) 1893. Description of a furnace with automatic stoker, traveling grate, and variable blast, intended espe- cially for burning small anthracite coal; by E. B. Coxe, Penn. (Same 1893: 160-172.) Part of a paper read at International Engineering Cong, at Chicago, Aug. Welfare Work 1871. Apprn. necessary for relief of widows and orphans of miners. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1871: 31-32.) 1887. Veto of amdmt. to act providing for the health and safety of employes of anthracite coal mines: with text of act. (Vetoes (Beaver) 1887: 63-64.) 1897. Rept. of the committee (Meredith) apptd. to in- vestigate conditions existing among the miners in the anthracite coal regions. (Sen. jol. 1897: 1823- 1842.) Drifton Hospital 1884. Stmt, of no. of patients, etc., at Drifton Hospital (owned by Coxe Bros, and Co.) — South Distr. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1884: 236-237.) Enterprise Coal Works Wobkingmen's Death and Acci- dent SOCY. [1882]. Rules and regulations of Enterprise Coal Works Workingmen's Death and Accident Socy. (10 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1881/2: 22a-23a.) Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. The Beneficial Fund of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. is maintained by the Co. and its employees. The Co. contributes one cent per ton of produced coul, and of the employees the Inside men contribute monthly one per cent of their earnings and the outside men one-half per cent. 1883. Rules of the beneficial fund of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co.; aid to widows and orphans of killed miners and to Injured miners. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1883: 244-246.) INDKX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 529 COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES— cont'd Welfare Work— cont'd Lkhioh Coal a>u Navigation Co. — cont'd 1884. Rules tor establishing and administering the beneficial fund of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., Lansford; with monthly stmt, of receipts, bene- fits and expenses for 1S84. (.s'ame 1884: 237-239.) 1884-1886. The Lansford Beneficial Fund, with finan- cial statement for yr. 1886. (.Same 1886: 124-126.) 1885. Second annual stmt, of the Lansford Beneficial Fund for yr. 1885. (Same 1885: 128.) 1901. Provision for widows and orphans; general re- marks, with rules of t!\e Lehigh Coal and Naviga- tion relief fund and financial stmt, for 1883-1901. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1901: 43-46.) 1903. Rules of the Lansford Beneficial Fund [organ- ized by the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. in 1884], with financial statement for 1903. (Rept. of dept of mines 1903 pt. 1: xli-.xiii.) . Rules of the Lansford Beneficial Fund; with financial statement for 1903. (Same 1903 pt. 2: x-xii.) Lehigh and Wilkksbabre Coal Co. 1875. Annual Rept. of the Employees' Benefit Fund, under the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Co.; gen- eral stmt., 1875. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1875: 177.) Lehigh Vaixey Coal Co. 1879. [Proposed] relief fund for the employees of the Lehigh Valley Coal Co., in the Wyoming Valley, Pa. (Repts. of Inspectors of coal mines 1879: 106- 107.) Philadelphia and Reading R.R. Co. 1874. Relief fund for benefit of widows and orphans of miners of Philadelphia and Reading R.R. Co. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1874: 30.) 1875. Rules and regulations for the govt, of the work- men employed at the collieries of Phila. and Read- ing Coal and Iron Co. in 1875. (Same 1875: 70.) Upper Lehigh Coal Co. 1900. Plan of widow and orphans' relief fund adopted by the upper Lehigh Coal Co. and its employees. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1900: 160-161.) Wilkesbarre Coal and Iron Co. 1869-1874. Relief fund for benefit of widows and orphans of miners of Wilkesbarre Coal and Iron Co. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1874: 30.) . Rept. of [Wilkesbarre Coal and Iron Co.] em- ployees' benefit fund; proc. and financial stmt. (Same 1874: 211-213.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884) I'mler Act of .Mrh. 3. 1870. 1879. Tabular stmt, showing performance of work done by miners working breasts or chambers in differ- ent coal seams in Lehigh region and earnings made by same, etc. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1879: 320-323.) Accidents 1870-1898. Diagram: no. of persons employed, no. gross tons mined, and no. of deaths from accidents in anthracite coal mines of Penn. (Rept. bureau of mines 1897 (following table p. viii) — same 1898.) 1870-1903. Table: fatal accidents per each 1000 em- ployes in and about the mines, and tons of anthra- cite coal mined for each fatal accident. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 v. 1: liii.) 34 COAL MINES AND MINING: AJfTHRACITE MINES (1ST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd Accidents — cont'd 1870/97-1870/98. Diagram: no. of persons employed, no. gross tons mined, and no. of deaths from acci- dents in anthracite coal mines of Penn. (Rept. bureau of mines 1897 (following table p. viii) — .same 1898.) 1870/97-1870/04. Table: no. of employes in and about anthracite mines; no. of fatal accidents; fatal acci- dents per 1000 employes; tons of coal mined, tons mined for each fatal accident. (Same 1897: viii; rept. dept. of mines 1904 pt. 1.) 1871. Large no. of accidents in mines sustains neces- sity of a stringent, clear and uncontrovertible rain- ing law. (Rept. of inspectors of mines 1871: 3.) . Mining casualties, compared with co. casualties. (Same 1871: 10.) 1871-1872. Tonnage of anthracite region compared with no. of deaths in same. (Same 1872: 8-9.) 1872-1874. Accidents in coal mines; the chief causes; safety devices. (Same 1872 (pp. 32-35)— .some 1874.) 1872-1881. Table: no. of lives lost in the 6 distrs. com- bined, with no. of widows and orphans each year; total production of each year, and no. of tons of coal produced each year per life lost — per widow, and per orphan. (Same 1882: 262.) . Table: no. of lives lost, no. of widows and no. of orphans caused by said loss in each distr. (1st, 2d, 3d, Middle, East, South). (Same 1882: 260-261.) 1873. Table: casualties, each mo., killed, maimed, widows, orphans. (Same 1873: 24.) . Deaths and injuries in the anthracite cos. (Same 1873: 25.) Schu.Tlkill. XoithumbpiUiud, Columbia, Dauphin, Carbon, Luzerne. 1874-1875. Tabular stmt, of fatal accidents that occurred in mining districts in anthracite regions, by coun- ties. ([4] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1875/6: 395.) Paging from Collected docs. 1875. Condensed stmt, of no. of fatal accidents that occurred in mining distrs. of Schuylkill, North- umberland, Columbia, Dauphin, Luzerne, and Car- bon COS., including no. of hands employed, no. of collieries operated, no. of tons of coal mined, no. of deaths per tons mined, no. of fatal accidents to no. of hands employed, and likewise the no. of non- fatal accidents in the same. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1875: 56.) . Mine accidents; causes of. (Same 1874 (pp. 35- 39)— «ame 1875.) 1874-1876. Comparison of coal production, employes, fatal accidents, etc., of bituminous mines of Eng., Nova Scotia, and Ohio, with same of anthracite mines of Penn. (Same 1876: 115.) 1875. Character of injuries sustained by persons em- ployed in and about collieries of resp. districts. ([4] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1875/6: 400- 401.) Paging from Collected docs. 1879. Strict discipline necessary to prevent accidents in mines. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1879: 219- 225.) 1880. Treatment of injured persons at mines. (Same 1880: 182-183.) . Case of Commonwealth agst. Forsythe in Wash- ington acct. on acct. of violation of mining law by failing to report fatal accident. (8 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1879/80: 298-299.) 1884. Remarks on accidents and their causes. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1884: 229-232.) 530 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd Accidents — cont'd 1888/92-1891/5. Percentage of fatal and non-fatal acci- dents each year in antliracite coal region. (Same 1892 (p. vii) — same 1895.) .1888/92. 1889/93, 1890/4, 1891/5. 1889-1893. Table: no. fatal accidents attending mining of coal in anthracite and bituminous regions. (Same 1893: iii.) Collieries 1876. Tables: collieries in pools of Monongahela River, showing date of establishment, no. employees, wages, bushels mined, value, etc. ([4] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1875/6: 93-97.) Paging from Collected (iocs. . Tables: collieries and cokeries, showing date of establishment, no. employees, bushels mined, etc. ([4] mme 1875/6: 100-108.) Paging from Collected docs. . No. and value of Penn. collieries and their acces- sories and wages paid employees. ([4] same 1875/6: 109-141.) Paging from Collected docs. Inspection 1874. Necessity of separate inspection of steam-boilers in the mines. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1874: 211.) 1875. Same. (Snme 1875: 169-170.) . Steam boilers under ground. (Same 1875: 168.) 1877. Rules for government of mines and miners, issued by inspector. (Same 1877: 122-126.) 1881. Rules adopted by operators and superintendents Dec. 24. 1881 .... for the purpose of preventing injury to persons or property from negligence or carelessness of employees. (Same 1881: 227-233.) Labor 1871. Suggestion as to govt, and conduct of workmen in mines. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1871: 72-73.) LUZERNE MINING DISTRICT Eastern District serial 1 series 1872-1876 * 1872-1876. Rept. of inspector of coal mines of the Wyoming coal field, Luzerne Co., to the Governor. In Documents us follows : Patrick Blewitt, inspector 1872 in Uepts. inspectors coni mines 1872:216-303. 1873 1874 187r. 1876 1873: 215-261. 1874 : 166-189. 1875 : 195-228. 187C: 158-183. 2 series 1876-1884 1877-1884. Rept. of inspector of coal mines of the eastern district, Luzerne and Carbon cos., to the Governor. William S. Jones, inspector 1877 in Kepts. inspectors coal mines 1877: 1878 " •• 1878: 187» " " " ■• •' 1879: 1880 - " •• •• " 1880: Patrick lileicitt, inspector 1881 in IteptB. inspectors con] mines 1881 : 1882 " " " " •■ 1882; 188;i " » .... .. jgR3 1884 " " .... .. igg4 . 88173. 127-205. 169-287 137-202. 219-272. 179-250. 163-237. 148-226. • Ilept. of tile inspector of llie ICastern illstr. for 1871 wiis not pub- llsheil iiltliough tranHmitt('k 1872. Rackett's Brook Breaker; description of. (Repts. of inspectors coal mines 1872; 303.) Ravi.xe Colliery 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors coal mines 1872: 255.) RoARi.NG Brook Colliery- 1872. Roaring Brook Colliery; description of and con- ditions in. (Repts. of inspectors coal mines 1872: 289.) Rock Hill Tinnel 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors coal mines 1872: 257.) Roiling Mux Colliery 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors coal mines 1872: 286.) Rough and Ready Shaft Colliest 1872. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors coal mines 1872: 258.) Scraxton Coal Co. Mine 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors coal mines 1872: 270.) Seneca Colliery 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors coal mines 1872: 255.) Sloan Colliery 1872. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors coal mines 1872: 275.) Spring Bbook Colliery 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors coal mines 1872: 263.) Stafford Brook Colliery 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors coal mines 1872: 268.) Stark's Colliery- 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors coal mines 1872: 263.) Taylor Coixiery Drift 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors coal mines 1872: 2G7.) Taylor Coixiery Shaft 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors coal mines 1872: 266.) Tomkin's Colliery 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors coal mines 1872: 250.) Tripps Si>ope 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of In- spectors coal mines 1872: 282.) 534 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OB' PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884) — cont'd LUZERNE MINING DISTRICT— cont'd Eastern District — cont'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd Twin Shaft CoLLitaiY 1S72. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors coal mines 1872: 257.) Valley Tu.nnel 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors coal mines 1872: 301.) Vo.x Storcii Colliery 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors coal mines 1872: 283-284.) West Brook side Colliebt 1879. Diagram of West Brookside colliery owned by Phila. and Reading Coal and Iron Co. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1879: betw. pp. 46-47.) White Bridge Tunnel 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors coal mines 1872: 299.) White Oak Colliery 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors coal mines 1872: 295.) Labor 1878. Table: no. of enlployees, classified, at each col- liery in the Eastern distr. (Repts. of inspectors coal mines 1878: 202-204.) 1879. Table: no. of men and boys employed in each col- liery. (Same 1879 (pp. 277-280)— s«Hie 1880.) 1881. Inspectors of mines in the Lackawanna distr. (Legisl. Record 1881: 1379-1382.) 1881-1882. Table: number of each class of employees at each colliery. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1881 (pp. 246-249)— «nwie 1882.) 1884. Table: no. of each class of employees at each colliery, no. of days worked during yr., no. of mules and horses, no. of persons killed and injured, tons of coal mined, etc. (Same 1884: 168-173.) Ventilation 1874. Table showing ventilating fans erected during yr. (Repts. of inspectors coal mines 1874: 192.) 1875. Table showing amt. of ventilation per minute; safety of doors; competency of mining boss; dimen- sions of shafts, slopes, tunnels; number of mine cars; nature of roof; thickness of vein; size of wire rope used; number of horses and mules; date of first opening of mine, etc. (Same 1875: 214-221.) 1877. Improvements In ventilation made in distr. (Same 1877: 127-129.) . Table: condition of ventilation in collieries using furnaces. (Same 1877: 170.) . Table: no., kind and size of ventilating fans, horse power used, quantity of air produced, etc., in the collieries. (-Same 1877: 168-169.) 1878. Free distribution of the ventilation law to miners and employes of Eastern distr. (Same 1878: 187.) 1879. Table: quantity of air In the collieries, no. of splits into which the air is divided, quantity of air per person, etc., in the Eastern distr. (Same 1879: 284-287.) . Improvements in ventilation In distr. during the year. (.S'a/ne 1879: 240-243.) 1882-1884. Table: condition of ventilation in the East- ern distr. (Same 1882 (pp. 214-223)— .•(ame 1884.) Name of colliery, mode of ventilation, dimensions of ran, amt. of ventilation per minute, condition of ventila- tion, etc. COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd LUZERNE MINING DISTRICT— cont'd Middle District serial 1S71-18S4. Kept, of the inspection of collieries in and for the Middle district of Luzerne and Carbon counties, to the Governor. In Documents as follows: T. M. WilUams, inspector 1871 in Repts. inspectors coal mines 1871 : 251-294. 1872 " " " " " 1872 : 158-215. 1873 " •• " " " 1873:202-214. 1874 " " •■ " " 1874 : 190-226. 1875 " " " " " 1875 : 165-194. 1876 " " " " " 1876 : 97-157. 1877 " " " " " 1877 : 49-87. 1878 " " " " " 1878 : 98-126. 1879 " '• " " " 1879 : 72-168. 1880 " " " " " 1881 : 212-218. For the period from .Ian. 1 to .Tly. 19, 1880. wlien in- cumbent was succeeded by O. M. Williams. O. M. Williams, inspector 1880 in Repts. inspectors coal mines 1S80 : 86-136. 1881 " " " " " 1881 : 132-211. 1882 " " " " " 18.02:100-177. 1S83 " " " " " 18S3 : 97-161 . 1SS4 " " " " " 1884 : 87-147. non-serial 1870-1871. Table of comparison exhibiting the condi- tion of mines in 1870 and 1871. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1871: 286-293.) Name and location of colliery, names of operators and mine officers, liind and dimensions of openings, mode 01 ventilation, amt. of air passing through mine, safety of breaker machinery and landings, number of employees, etc. 1871/83-1871/84. Table: tons of coal mined, no. of per- sons employed, no. of days worked by breakers, no. of lives lost, and tons of coal per life lost each year in Middle distr. (Same 1883 (p. 101)— same 1884.) 1873. Tables: middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos.; coal production; employes, casualties. (Some 1873: 213.) 1875. Shaft sinking temporarily discontinued. (Same 1875: 166.) 1878. Mine improvements during 1878. (Same 1878: 99.) 1879. Same. (Same 1879: 124-131.) 1880. Same. (Satne 1880: 97-99.) 1881. Table giving details rel. to progress of new shafts in Wilkesbarre district, and their depth. (Samt 1881: 145.) . Present condition of mines. (Same 1881: 134.) 1882. Table: details rel. to progress of new shafts. (Same 1882: 126.) . The present condition of the mines. (Same 1882: 104-105.) 1882-1883. Tables: total amt. of coal mined in Middle distr; no. of fatal accidents and amt. of coal pro- duced per life lost; no. of employes and tons of coal mined per person employed, and average no. of days worked and tons of coal mined per day. (Samt 1882 (pp. 101-102)— some 1883.) 1883. Same. (Satne 1883: 102.) 1884. Table showing progress of new shaft sinking. (Same 1884: 107.) . Temporary head structures for new shafts; with 4 pis. (Same 1884: 99.) . General condition of the mines. (Same 1884: 92-93.) Accidents 1870-1883. Rept. of no. of accidents and deaths there- from in Middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1870 (p. 1974) — same 1883.) Paging from Legisl. docs. 1871. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 535 COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd LU55EUNE MININ(3 DISTRICT— cont'd Middle District — con'd Accidents — cont'd 1871/75-1871/76. Table: no. of persons killed and in- jured, each year, and cause of accident in Middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos. (Same 1875 (p. US)— same 1876.) 1871/75-1872/76. Table: coal production: no. of persona employed, lives lost, etc., in Middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos. {Same 1875 (p. 179) — name 1876.) 1871/79-1871/8.S. Tables: no. of persons killed in Mid- dle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos.; summary of fatalities in Wilkes Harre distr. and coal production per life lost. (Same 1879 (pp. 76-77)— .some 1883.) Oiiiittpil in IS.S'J; ISSl ami 1.S83 inrliule do. of tons mined ami avorage no. of employes. 1871/83-1871/84. Table: tons of coal mined, no. of per- sons employed, no. of days worked by breakers, no. of lives lost, and tons of coal mined per life lost, each yr. in Middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos. (Same 1883 (p. lOD—same 1884.) 1872-1876. Table: no. of lives lost in each colliery of Middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos.; total coal shipments; no. of tons shipped per life lost each year. (Same 1876: 112-113.) 1873. List of accidents in the Middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos. (Same 1873: 203-206.) 1873/77-1S74/78. Tables: no. of persons killed in Mid- dle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos.; summary of fatalities in Wilkes Barre distr. and coal produc- tion in tons per life lost. (Satiie 1877 (pp. 66-67) — same 1878.) See also above, nnder dates 1871/79-1871/83. 1874. Fires in anthracite coal mines. Middle distr. with map. (Same 1874: 193-205.) Fires occurred of Empire CoUler.v. Prospect Shaft Col- liery, and Baltimore old mines. 1876-1877. Mines on fire in Middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos.; repts. on. (Same 1876 (pp. 132-134) — same 1887.) 1880. Classification of fatal and non-fatal accidents which occurred from Jly. 19 to Dec. 31 in Luzerne and Carbon cos.. Middle distr. (Same 1880: 89.) . Table: no. of fatal accidents in each company and amt. of coal produced per life lost. (Sayiie 1880: 88.) . Causes, no. and per centum of fatal accidents. (Same 1880: 87.) Luzerne and Carbon cos. — Middle Distr. . List of fatal and non-fatal accidents proving fatal in Middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos., Jly. 19 to Dec. 31. (Same 1880: 114-119.) . Descriptive record of fatal accidents in Luzerne and Carbon cos.— Middle distr. (Same 1880: 103- 113.) 1881-1882. Table: no. of days worked, no. of persons employed, persons injured and persons killed In Middle distr., with ratio of employes to no. killed and injured, and tons of coal mined per employe, per life lost, and total tonnage per each colliery, etc. (Same 1881 (pp. 198-200)— «ame 1882.) 1882. Repts. of fires in mines of Middle distr. (Same 1882: 108-111.) 1882-1883. Tables: coal mined In Middle distr.; no. of fatal accidents and amt. of coal produced per life lost; etc. (Same 1882 (pp. 101-102)— some 1883.) 1884. Table: no. of each class of employes, no. seriously and fatally injured, per centum of each class Injured and killed and per centum of each class seriously or fatally Injured in Middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos. (Same 1884: 90.) COAL MINES AND MINING: AJfTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd LUZKUNE MINING DISTRICT— cont'd Middle District — con'd Accidents — cont'd 1884. No. of fatal accidents and amt. of coal produced per life lost, for different companies in Middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos. (Same 1884: 88.) . Classification of fatal and non-fatal accidents in Middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos (Same 1884:89.) . Detailed acct. of fatal accidents in Middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos. (Same 1884: 108-129.) . Lists of accidents in Middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos., cause, etc. (Same 1884: 130-139.) Collieries 1870. Description of collieries witli single openings. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1870: 231-234.) 1873-1884. Improvements in collieries during 1873 (Same 1873 (pp. 209-213)— .svone 1884.) 1875. Table: no. of colliery openings, persons employed, and tons of coal produced. (Same 1875: 180-181.) . New shafts and drifts. (Same 1875: 166.) 1875-1879. Second openings completed during 1875 (Same 1875 (p. 167)— aome 1879.) Omitted in IfSTC;. - 1876. Table: no. of drafts, depth, area and height of head above water; number of slopes, their length, vertical depth and height of head above tide, num- ber of surface openings and coal breakers, etc., in ^ yr. 1S7C. (Same 1876: 147-148.) 1876-1882. Table showing no. of horses and mules in use; no. and horse power of steam boilers, locomo- tives, fan and pumping engines, etc. (Same 1876 (pp. 149-153)— *u«(e 1882.) Omitted 1S77-1SS1. 187G-1884. Table: name and location of colliery; name and thickness of coal seam; no. of persons em- ployed; no. of coal breakers and days operated; tons of coal shipped ; number of kegs of blasting powder used; etc., in the Wilkesbarre distr. (Same 1876 (pp. 98-99)— .same 1884.) . Table: no. of coal breakers and days operated, classes and total no. of employes; also total no. of days of labor wrought, total tons of coal produced and average no. of tons produced per employe per miner; also for colliery in Middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos. per day. (Same 1876 (pp. 116-117) — same 1884.) Omitted In 1877. 1880. List of collieries, operators, coal seams, thickness of seams, and names of ofl3cers in the Middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos. (Same 1880: 134-135.) 1883. Table: name and class of openings of collieries and names of operators and officers. (Same 1883: 160-161.) Collieries : Individual ' Baltimore Tunnel Colliebt 1881. Tests made with the new fan at the Baltimore Tunnel colliery, Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1881: 148-149.) . Table: details of tests made with the new double fan, erected at the Baltimore Tunnel mines, Oct. 24, 1881. (Same 1881: 150.) . Diagram: 17 5/10 ft. double fan driven by pair 16" X 30" engines at the Baltimore Tunnel mines; scale: % to the foot. (Same 1881: betw. pp. 150 and 151.) Blake and Co's. Shaft 1872. Blake and Co.'s shaft, West Plttston; description of. (Repts. of Inspectors coal mines 1872: 158.) 536 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd LUZERNE MINING DISTRICT— cont'd Middle District — con'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd Consumers' Coal Co. 1872. Consumers' Coal Co.'s shaft (East Boston]; de- scription of and conditions in. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1872: 158.) Delawabb and Hudson Co. 1872. Description of and conditions in mines of co. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1872: 159-162.) Baltimore uo. 1, tunael ; Baltimore no. 2, shaft; Bal- timore no. 3, slope ; Laurel Run slope ; Pine Ridge shaft ; Mill Creek slope ; Young's slope, and Conyng- hara shaft. Delaware. Lackawanna and Western R.R. Co. 1872. Description of and conditions in mines of co. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1872; 162-164.) Boston shaft ; Jersey mine ; .\vonciale shaft. EnTERPBISE COLLIEEY 1884. Cave at Enterprise Colliery in Middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1884; 9:J-94.) Franklin Coal Co. 1872. Description of and conditions in mines of co. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1872; 164.) Brown's slope ; old slope. Henry Colliery, Wilkksbarre, Pa. 1872. Map of; sale 1 inch = 200 ft. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1S72; betw. pp. 168 and 169.) HiLI.MAN AND SoNS" CoiLIERY 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1872: 165.) Hillside Coal and Iron Co. 1872. Description of and conditions in mines of co. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1872: 167-168.) Enterprise mines ; Fort Bowkley slope. HOLLENBECK ShaJ'T 1872. Elliot and Co. colliery [Hollenbackl; description of and conditions in. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1S72; 164.) 1878. Hollenback shaft; description of. (Same 1878: 100.) 1880. Plan of 35-ft. fan for Hollenback shaft, Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Co.; scale: 16 feet = 1 inch. (Same 1880: betw. pp. 100 and 101.) Hutchison and Co. Siiait 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1872; 167.) Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. 1872. Description of and conditions in mines of co. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1872: 165-166.) Slope no. ;j ; drift no. 2 ; slope no. 1 ; tunnel no. 1 ; drift no. 1 ; slope no. 2 ; slope no. 4 ; NottinKhiini shaft. Lehigh Valley Coal Co. 1875. Plan of Head House at Oakwood shaft; scale: Vi inch = 1 foot. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1875: betw. pp. 166 and 167.) Luzerne Coal and Iron Co. 1872. Description of mines of co. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1872: 168-173.) Burrough's shaft ; description of and conditions in. Henry shaft ; de»arre shaft: Ijiince shaft; Dodson shaft; Tayiord slope ; Ne^' shaft. West Pittston Mine 1871. Rept. witli testimony, rel. to West Pittston mine disaster; decision rel. to co. paying costs of inquest, etc. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1871:261-275.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 537 COAL MINES AND MINING: AJJTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd LUZERNE MINING DISTRICT— cont'd Middle District — con'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd WlLKESBAHliE AND SKNECA LaKE CoAL Co. 1872. Description of and conditions in mines of co. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1872: 178.) Labor 1877. Complaints of workmen and operators of mines of Middle distr. of Luzerne and Carbon cos. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1877: 56-63.) 1879-1884. Table: no. of employees in the distr. {Same 1879 (p. 82)— .same 1SS4.) 1880-1884. Table: no. of each class of employees at every colliery in the distr. for yr. (Same 1880 (pp. 123-125)— .s'(i me 1884.) Ventilation 1S70. Table: no. and dimensions of fans in use in 1870. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1875: 182.) . Same. (Same 1879: 131.) . Improvements in ventilation during the year. (Same 1870: 235.) 1870-1875. Table showing no. of fans erected, also quantities of air circulating in the collieries, tem- perature, etc. (Same 1875: 183-185.) 1870-1879. Table: no. and dimensions of fans erected in the Wilkesbarre inspection distr. from Jly., 1870, to Dec. 1879. (Same 1879: 132-133.) 1875. Ventilation in the several collieries. (Same 1875: 170-175.) 1876. Table: showing no., system and power of fans and engines, quantity of air circulated. (Same 1876: 106-109.) 1879. Defects of ventilation in the collieries and im- provements necessary. (Same 1879: 118-120.) 1880-1881. New fans erected. (Same 1880 (pp. 99-101) — same 1881.) 1880-1882. Table: state of ventilation in all collieries. (Same 1880 (pp. 130-133)-^.s;nwood Slope, no. 1 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. In- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 90-91.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 543 COAL MINES AND MINING: AJJTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT— cont'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd HaRTJXJRD ColXIFJiY 1860. Description of and conditions in. (Ropt. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 42-43.) Hecksciiebville Deep Slope 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 85-88.) High Mines, Tamaqua 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 96.) Hill and Hakris Slope 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 99-100.) Honey Bkook Slope.s, nos. 1, 2 and 3 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 82-85.) Hunter Colliery, no. 4 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 78-79.) James Bowen Colliery 1869. Description of. (Rept. inspectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 140.) John Johnson's Drift Colliery 1869. Description of. (Rept. inspectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 142.) Kaska-William Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 141.)'s Slope Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 124-126.) Keab's Slope; Wolp Creek 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 117118.) Kentucky Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 142.) Key.stone Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 157-158.) Knickerbocker Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 145.) Koh-i-noor Shaft 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 176-178.) Lawrence Slope 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 79-80.) Ledger Vein Slope 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 127-128.) Lost Creek Collieby 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 34.) LowEB Rauch Creek Slopes 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 111-113.) M'Neill's No. 1 Breakee (Jackson Colliery) 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 147-148.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT— cont'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd M'Neill's Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 146-147.) Mammoth Shait 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 95-96.) Mammoth Vein Coixieby 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 59-60.) Mammoth Vein Slope 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. In- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 114-115.) Manhattan Shaft Coijjery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. In- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 123-124.) Maple Dale Colliery 1869. Description of. (Rept. inspectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 66-68.) Middle Creek Slopes 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 102-103.) Mine Hill Gap Si-ope 1869. Description of. (Rept. inspector of mines Schuyl- kill Co. 1S69: 118.) Mount Pleasant Slope 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 88-90.) New Boston Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 174-175.) New Castle Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 158-159.) New Kirk Slopes 1S69. Description of. (Rept. inspectors of mines Schuyl- kill Co. 1869: 173.) New Phila. Gate Vein 1869. Description of. (Rept. inspectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 168.) Norton Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of coal mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 45-46.) Old Reeves Dale Colliery 1S69. Description of. (Rept. inspectors of mines Schuyl- kill Co. 1869: 173.) Otto Slope, White Ash 1869. Description of and conditions In. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 70-72.) Otto Slope, no. 2 1869. Description of. (Rept. inspectors of mines Schuyl- kill Co. 1869: 72.) Otto Slope, no. 3, Red Ash 1869. Description of. (Rept. Inspectors of mines Schuyl- kill Co. 1869: 73.) Pardee's New Slope 1869. Description of. (Rept. inspectors of mines Schuyl- kill Co. 1869: 174.) Peakhu) Mountain Shafts 1869. Description of and conditions In. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 57-58.) 544 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT— cont'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd Peach Mou:*taix Colliery 1869. Description o£ and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 40.) Peach Obchard Swasip Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 144.) Phoemn Colliery, .no. 1 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. In- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 63-65.) Phoenix Collikky, no. 2 1869. Description of. (Rept. inspectors of mines Schuyl- kill Co. 1S69: 65.) PlIOE.NI.X CoLUIEKV, NO. 3 1S69. Description of. (Rept. Inspectors of mines Schuyl- kill Co. 1S69: 66.) Pine Forest Siiaff 1SG9. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 68-70.) Pioneer Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. In- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 37-38.) Plank Bridge Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 49-51.) Pott's Slope 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 115-117.) Preston Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 39-40.) Preston Colliery, no. 3 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 51-53.) Presto.x Red Ash, no. 1, Colliery 1869. Description of. (Rept. inspectors of mines Schuyl- kill Co. 1869: 126-127.) Pbimbose Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. In- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 101.) Radch Creek Slopes 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 109-111.) Rectes Dale South Colliehy 1869. Description of. (Rept. inspectors of mines Schuyl- kill Co. 1869: 172.) Revenue Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. In- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 131-132.) Saint Ci^aik Siiaj-t 1869. Description and condition. (Rept. inspectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 26-28.) St. Nicholas Slope 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. In- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 97-99.) Saylor Coli.iery 1869. Description of. (Rept. inspectors of mines Schuyl- kill Co. 1869: 136.) Shenandoah City Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- Bpectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 46.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884) — cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT— cont'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd Sherman Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 152.) SiLLiMAN Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. la spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 148.) Silver Creek Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions In. (Rept. In- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 128-130.) Silver Brook Shaft 1S69. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. In spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 81-82.) Spruce Forest Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 159.) Suffolk Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 94.) Swataba Coal Co.'s Slope 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 106-107.) Swatara Slope, no. 1 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. In- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 74-75.) Swatara Falls Slope, no. 2 1869. Description of. (Rept. Inspectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 75.) Swatara Slope, no. 3 1869. Description of. (Rept. inspectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 76.) Swift Creek Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. In- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 143.) Tamaqua Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions In. (Rept. in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 176.) Tamaqua Old Slope 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 41.) Thomas Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 47-49.) Tower Slope 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 108-109.) Tremont Coal Co. Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 105.) Trenton Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. In- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 153.) Tunnel Ridge Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1S69: 165-167.) Tunnel Slope Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. mine inspector of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 31-33.) Union Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 154-155.) INDEX TO DOCUMKNTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 545 COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869- 1884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT—COnfd Collieries: Individual — cont'd Wapesviu-k Shaft Coixiehy 1869. Description and condition. (Rept. inspectors of mines of Schuylliill Co. 1SG9: 28-30.) West Mount Laffy Sloi'e 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylltm Co. 1869: 119-120.) West Pine Knot Slope 1869. Description of and conditions In. (Rept. in- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 122.) William Pexn Collifjiy 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. in- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 164-165.) Windy Hakbob Slope 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. In- spectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 61-63.) WizzAN AND Co. Slope 1869. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. In- spectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 167-168.) Labor 1873-1874. Basis for wages of miners and laborers. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1874: 58-59.) 1879. Schuylkill basis wages. (Same 1879: 3-4.) Maps 1869. List of maps furnished by collieries and on file in office of inspector. (Rept. Inspectors of mines Schuylkill Co. 1869: 26.) 1870. Map of the one and two anthracite coal fields of Penn.; by Strauch and Cochran, mining engineers, Pottsville, Pa., 1872. (Same 1870 (folding leaf fac- ing t. p.) — .same 1874.) 1871. A list of maps furnished of the collieries of the first district. (Same 1871: 152.) . A list of maps of coal mines, furnished by opera- tors, for year ending Dec. 31, 1871. (Same 1871: 89.) 1873. Maps of collieries of the Schuylkill distr. in 1873; list on record. (Same 1873: 73-74.) 1875. Section maps: (1) through West Mt. Carmel basin, scale: 1500 ft.= 1 inch; (2) through Heck- Bchersville basin, scale: 750 ft.= 1 inch; (3) through Middle Creek, scale: 7460 ft.= 1 inch. (Same 1875: betw. pp. 68 and 69.) Ventilation 1869. Various systems of ventilation in collieries of Schuylkill Co. (Rept. of inspectors of mines of Schuylkill Co. 1869: 8-11.) 1870. Summary of condition of district ventilation. (Rept. inspectors of coal mines 1870: 9.) First (or Pottsville) District Under sec. 15 of the Act of Mar. 3, 1870. Durinc this period this sub-district of the Schuyllflll Mining District comprised all the collieries south of Broad Mt. and east of the West Branch of the Schii.vllilll River to the Carbon County line in Schuylliili Co. serial 1870-1884. Rept. of the Inspector of mines of the first, or Pottsville, district, to the Governor of the Com- monwealth. In Documents as follows : Frank Schmeltzer^ inspector 1870 In Repts. Inspectors coal mines 1870:1841-1885.* 1871 " " " u u jg.ji . X06-159. 1872 " " " - - 1872:67-9i». 1873 * " " - - lg73 . 1874 • " " « . 1874:83-103. COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-T884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT— cont'd First (or Pottsville) District — cont'd serial — cont'd Sampson Parton, inspector 1875 in liepts. Inspectors coal mines 1875:80-88. • Collation from Collected docs. 35 1876 1877 1878 1879 1876 : 40 54. 1878 : 1-16. 1878 : 1-9. 187U : 5-18. It the Samuel Gay, inspector 18S0 In Repts. Inspectors coal mines 1880 : 5-20. 1881 " " •• - - 1881:5-45. 1882 " " " « « 1882 : 5-27. 1883 " " " u u 1883:. 5-22. Inspector refers to this as his ninth anuuai rept is bis fourth annual rept. for this district, earlier repts. being made as inspector of the seconi district. 1884 in Repts. inspectors coal mines 1884 : 5-22. non-serial 1870. New slopes opened during year. (Repts. of in- spectors of mines 1870: 44.) 1871. Improvements in dlstr. (Same 1871: 90.) 1875. Address to all coal operators, supts., bosses, miners, laborers, and all others employed In and about the coal mines of the dlstr. of Schuylkill county; issued by Sampson Porton, inspector of mines; [rel. to the mine ventilation act]. (Same 1875: 81-82.) 1875/79-1880/84. Table: casualties; tonnage and em- ployes in distr. (Same 1879 (p. 13) — same 1884.) In 1879 and 1880, the table is cumulative from 1875 ; thereafter from 1880. 1879-1883. Rept. of employes, coal mined, days worked, etc. in distr. (Same 1879 (pp. 16-17)— some 1883.) 1880. Total no. of employes, production of coal to each employe, ratio of lives lost to tons mined, etc. (Same 1880: 5.) 1881. Prosecutions for violation of mining law in distr. (Same 1881: 7-8.) 1881-1883. Rept. rel. to improvements made at mines of distr. (Same 1881 (pp. 16-19)— «ame 1883.) 1883. Prosecutions in distr. for violation of mine law of 1870. (Same 1883: 8.) 1884. Table: no. of employes, coal mined, days worked, etc. in each mine distr. (Same 1884: 18-19.) Accidents 1871-1872. No. and causes of deaths in mines of distr. (Rept. of inspectors of mines 1871 (p. 16) — same 1872.) 1871-1883. List of persons killed, maimed or injured in distr. (Same 1871 (pp. 109-113)— same 1883.) 1S73. Tables: fatal and non-fatal accidents: names, col- lieries, etc. (Same 1873: 77-80.) 1S75-1884. Tables summarizing fatal casualties, each yr. in distr. (Same 1884: 8.) 1880. Register of fatal and non-fatal casualties in distr. : date, name of the injured, name of colliery, age, etc. of victim, remarks; with recapitulation of fatal and non-fatal accidents. (Same 1880: 11-16.) . Total no. of fatal accidents and cause in distr. (Same 1880: 5.) . Explosions of C. H. gas in distr. (Same 1880: 7-8.) . Acct. of underground fires in distr. (Same 1880: 8-9.) 1881. Rept rel. to non-fatal accidents resulting from explosion of gas in distr. (Same 1881: 12-13.) 1881-1882. Underground mine fires in dlstr. (Same 1881 (pp. 13-15)— same 1882.) 1881-1883. Descriptive record of accidents in distr. (Same 1881 (pp. 28-34)— some 1883.) 546 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT—cont'd First (or Pottsville) District — cont'd Accidents — cont'd 1883-1S84. Comparison of no. of persons employed, tons of coal produced to life lost, ratio of employes per lives lost, no. of tons mined per each personal in- jury, average no. of tons mined per employe, ratio of employes, per each personal Injury. [Same 1884: 7.) . Comparative stmt, of fatal and non-fatal casual- ties in distr. (Same 1884: 6.) 1884. Register of fatal and non-fatal casualties: date; name of victim, age, occupation, etc., name of col- liery, remarks. (Same 1884: 14-16.) . Detailed acet. of accidents in distr. (Same 1884: 11-13.) Collieries 1870. Description of land-sale collieries of the distr. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1870: 145-146.) 1870-1871. Abandoned slope collieries. (Same 1870 (pp. 44-45)— same 1871.) 1871-1875. Table: colliery statistics in distr.; name and location of collieries, no. of shafts, slopes, drifts and tunnels, system of ventilation, name and thick- ness of coal seam, no. and horse power of steam engines, etc. (Same 1871 (pp. 154-159)— some 1875.) 1873. Table: collieries in operation in the [Pottsville] mining distr., operators, coal seams, thickness of coal, landowners. (Same 1873: 34-35.) 1875/9-1880/4. Names of collieries in operation; loca- tion; operators; production of coal each year. (Same 1879 (pp. 14-15)— same 1884.) In 1879 and 1880 the table Is cumulative from 1875; thereafter from 1880. 1880-1884. Improvements at the several collieries. (Same 1880 (pp. 9-10)— .5ome 1884.) Omitted In 1881. 1881-1885. Names of collieries in operation. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: A254-255.) 1884. General condition of collieries. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1884: 7.) Collieries: Individual Adam Jackso.v and Co. Colliery 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 136.) Alaska Cohjeby 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 129.) 1872. Description of. (Same 1872: 86.) 1873. Description of. (Same 1873: 88.) 1874. Description of. (Same 1874: 91.) Alaska Coal Co. Colliery 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 139.) Alliance Coal Mining Co. 1881. New shaft of the Alliance Coal Mining Co. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1881: 16.) Anchor Collibet 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1873: 81.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874: 90.) Anthkacite Coluert 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 142.) 1872. Description of. (Same 1872: 92.) Baltimore Collieey 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1874: 98.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869- 1 884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT— cont'd First (or Pottsville) District — cont'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd Beech Wood CoLLreBY 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 117.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871: 123-124.) 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1872: 89.) 1874. Description of. (Same 1874: 93.) Beechwoor Slope 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1873: 96.) Bear Run Colliery 1875. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1875: 90.) Big Tracy Colliery 1871. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1871: 148.) Big Tracy Drift 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 144.) Black Heath Colliery 1870. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1870: 147.) 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1872: 79.) 1874. Description of. (Same 1874: 94.) Bi-ack Valley Colliery 1874. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1874: 99.) Boston Run Colliery 1875. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1875: 93.) Buckville Colliery 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1874: 92.) Buckville Slope 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of In- spectors of coal mines 1873: 92.) Buckville Slope Colliery 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 133.) Bull Run Colliery 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 137.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874: 100.) Bull Run Colliery (Tunnel no. 2) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 149.) Bull Run Colliery (Tunnel no. 10) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 132.) 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1872: 92.) Bull Run Tunnel 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1873: 96.) Bullock Collieby 1872. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1872: 81.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 547 COAL MINES AND MINING; ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT— cont'd First (or Pottsville) District — cont'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd BuuLOCK DmiT 1874. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1874: 101.) BURKVII-I.K C(JLI.IEUY 1872. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1872: 95.) BuTi-EK Colliery 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1872: 74.) Butler Coixieby, Shatcb Creek 1871. Description of and conditions In. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 127.) Cedar Hill Colliery 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1873: 83.) Coal Dale Colliery 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 140.) 1872. Description of and conditions in. {Same 1872 78.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1873 86.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874 92.) COLOBAIK) CoLIJEKY 1875. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of In- spectors of coal mines 1875: 91.) Commercial Colliery 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 130-131.) 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1872: 76.) Collieby (Repts. of inspectors of coal (Repts. of inspectors of coal (Repts. of in- CoNNBUt (Little Tbacy) 1871. Description of. mines 1871: 148.) Copley' Collieby 1875. Description of. mines 1875: 93.) Crow Hollow Colliery 1871. Description of and conditions in. specters of coal mines 1871: 136.) CuYLER Colliery 1875. Description of and conditions in. spectors of coal mines 1875: 92.) Diamond Colliery' 1874. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1874: 95.) Diamond Colliery (at Phob^^ix Park) 1874. Description of and conditions in. spectors of coal mines 1874: 100.) Diamond Colliery, no. 2 1872. Description of and conditions in. spectors of coal mines 1872: 84.) Diamond Drift 1873. Description of and conditions in. spectors of coal mines 1873: 91.) Eagle Colliery 1870. Description of and conditions in. spectors of coal mines 1870: 110-111.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. 122.) (Repts. of in- coal (Repts. of in- (Repts. of in- (Repts. of in- ( Repts. of in- (Same 1871: COAL MINES AND MINING: AJNTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT— cont'd First (or Pottsville) District — cont'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1872: 82.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1873: 85.) 1S74. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874: 97.) Eagle Hn.L Colliery 1S73. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1873: 89.) 1881. Improvements at Eagle Hill colliery. (Same 1881: 17.) 1SS4. Description of Eagle Hill colliery and improve- ments made during 1884. With cross section map. (Same 1884: 9.) Eagle Hill Shaft Colliery 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 109.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871: 12L) 1572. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1872: 74.) East Mine Colliery (sjiall) 1872. Description of. (Repts. of inspector of coal mines 1872: 94.) East JIine Land Sale Colliery 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1872: 77.) East Mine Mammoth Shafts 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1872: 84.) East Mine Slope Collifjiy 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 145.) East Pine Knot Collieby 1871. Description of, conditions in, etc. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 115.) 1872. Description of and conditions In. (Same 1872: 78.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1873: 90.) Ellsworth Colliery 1573. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1873: 84.) 1874. Description of. (Same 1874: 94.) Elmwood Colliery, near Mahanoy City 1S75. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1875: 93.) EiREKA Colliery 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 141.) Fair Lawn Mine 1886. Acct. of Fair Lawn disaster; relief fund for be- reaved families of Fair Lawn and Marvine mine disasters; Meadow Brook shaft fire and accident; Marvine mine disaster and verdict at inquisition. (14 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1886: 15- 22A.) . Facts rel. to Pair Lawn disaster; explosion of fire damp in Pair Lawn mine. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1886: 15-17.) Faust Collieby 1871. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1871: 147.) 1874. Description of. (Same 1874: 99.) 548 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT— cont'd First (07- Pottsville) Distnct — cont'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd Feedeb Dam Collikry 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 112.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same ISTl: 118.) 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Some 1872: 76.) FOBESTVILLE COLLIERY 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Rept. of in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 120.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. {fiame 1871: 133.) 1872. Description of and conditions in. {Same 1872: 83.) FORESTVILLE SLOPE 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1873: 93.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874: 99.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874: 99.) FOEESTVILLE SLOPE COLLIEBT, NO. 2 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 134.) Gi»BOE Seibebt's Small Collieby 1871. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1871: 151.) GiLBEBTON COLLIEIBY 1875. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1875: 90.) GiBABO COUJEBY 1875. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1875: 89.) GlBABDS\lLLE CoLUEBY 1875. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1875: 90.) Glen Cabbon Collieby 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1872: 75.) Glen Cabbon Slope Collieby 1871. I>escription of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 125.) Glendoweb Collieby 1870. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1870: 148.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871 135.) 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1872 8L) 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1873 94.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874 96.) 1881. Improvements at Glendover colliery. (Same 1881: 18.) Glentwobth Collieby 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of In- spectors of coal mines 1870: 109-110.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871: 132.) 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1872: 80.) 1874. Description of. (Same 1874: 92.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT—cont'd First (or Pottsville) District — cont'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd Glentwobth Slope 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1873: 91.) Gbeenwood Collieby, no. 1 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 127.) 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1872: 88.) Gbeenwood Collieby, no. 2 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 127.) Greenwood Collieby, no. 1 [i. e., 2?] 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1872: 89.) Gbeenwood Slope 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1873: 98.) Gbeenwood Slope Collieby 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 136.) Hammon Colliery 1875. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1875: 90.) Heckscheeville Slope Collieby 1870. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1870: 137.) 1S71. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871: 137.) 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1872: 92.) HicKOBY Collieby 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1872: 84.) Hickory Shaft 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1874: 90.) Hickory Shaft Collieby 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1872: 88.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1873: 95.) High Mines Collieby 1870. Description of and conditions In. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 138.) JUOULAB Dbift 1871. Description of. (Repts. of Inspectors of coal mines 1871: 150.) Junction Slope, Westwood 1871. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1871: 151.) Kalmia Collieby 1881. Improvements at. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1881: 17.) Kaska-William Collieby 1870. Description of. (Repts. of Inspectors of coal mines 1870: 141.) Keab Slopes 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of In- spectors of coal mines 1873: 87.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 549 COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT— cont'd First (or Pottsville) District — cont'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd Kentucky CorxiEBv 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 132.) 1872. Description of and conditions in. (l^ame 1872: 94.) Kentucky Slope Coli.ieby 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 132.) 1873. Description of. (Same 1873: 93.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (»S'awe 1S74: 102.) Lahibebt (or Novelty) Colliery See also below. Novelty Colliery. 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 128.) 1872. Description of. (Same 1872: 91.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. (tiame 1873: 89.) 1874. Description of. (Same 1874: 97.) Lawrence Collieby 1875. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1875: 91.) LEnoEB Vein Colueey 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 140.) Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. (No. 10 CoixJEiiY) 1881. Improvements at no. 10 colliery. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1S81: 18.) Lev AN Slope Colliery 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 147.) Little Tracy Collieby 1872. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1872: 93.) 1874. Description of. (Same 1874: 99.) Littij; Tracy Drift, No. 2 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 146.) Little Tracy Slope Colliery 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 145.) 1873. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1873: 99.) Live Oak Collieby 1871. Description of, conditions in, etc. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 114.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1S73: 82.) Live Oak or West Mount Laftee Colliery 1870. Description of conditions in. (Repts. of In- spectors of coal mines 1870: 123.) Llbtwkllyn Colliery 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 141.) Locust Dale Collieby 1875. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of In- spectors of coal mines 1875: 92.) IXKLUST Run Colliery 1875. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1875: 91.) (Repts. of inspectors of coal (Same 1873: 98.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1 869- 1 884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT— cont'd First (or Pottsville) District — cont'd Collieries: Individual^ont'd Mammoth Shaft 1871. Description of. (Repts. of Inspectors of coal mines 1871: 145.) Mammoth Vein Collif.kv 1872. Description of. mines 1872: 81.) 1873. Description of. Mammoth Vein Slope 1873. Description of and conditions in. spectors of coal mines 1873: 90.) . Proposed plan of mining the Mammoth Coal Dam; by David P. Brown. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1873: 187-189.) Manchester Colliery 1869. Description of and conditions in. spectors of coal mines 1870: 116.) 1S71. Description of, conditions in, etc. 116.) Manchester Colliebies, nos. 1 and 2 1872. Description of and conditions in. spectors of coal mines 1872: 79.) Manchestbx Slopes 1873. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1873: 97.) JiARViNE Mine 1886. Rept. rel. to Marvine mine disaster. (Repts. in- spectors of mines 1886: 20-22.) JI bad's Colliery (Repts. of inspectors of coal (Repts. of in- ( Repts. of in- (Same 1871: (Repts. of Iri- ( Repts. of inspectors of coal (Repts. of inspectors of coal (Repts. (Same (Same 1871. Description of. mines 1871: 151.) Middle Port Colliery 1873. Description of. mines 1873: 101.) JIiLL Drift Colliery 1870. Description of. mines 1870: 147.) JIiNB Hill Gap Collieby 1870. Description of and conditions in. spectors of coal mines 1870: 130-131.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. 138.) 1872. Description of and conditions in. 85.) 1873. Description of. (Same 1873: 100.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. 96.) Monitor Collieby 1872. Description of and conditions in. spectors of coal mines 1872: 83.) 1873. Description of. (Same 1873: 84.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. 95.) Monitob Colliery (or Sayloe) 1871. Description of and conditions in spectors of coal mines 1871: 126.) New Castle Colliery 1872. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors mines 1872: 81.) New Castle Slope Collieby 1870. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1870: 143.) of in- 1871: 1872 (Same 1874: (Repts. of in- (Same 1874: (Repts. of in- of coal coal 550 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT— cont'd First (or Pottsville) District— cont'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd New Kirk Collieby 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 134.) 1872. Description of and conditions in. (.Some 1872: 87.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. {Same 1873: 83.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. {Same 1874: 9L) New Phila. Collieby 1870. Description of and conditions In. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 127.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871: 142.) 1872. Description of. (Same 1872: 91.) New Woodside Slope Collieby 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 122.) Nobth AMESticA Colliery 1873. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1873: 99.) North America Collieby (sjiali,) 1872. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1872: 93.) North Amebica Collieby, no. 2 (small, new) 1872. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1872: 93.) Nobth America Collieby, no. 3 1872. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1872: 93.) Nobth America Slope Colliery 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 144.) Nobth Mahanoy Slope 1875. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1875: 93.) Nobth Vei.\ Colliery 1870. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1870: 147.) Norwegian Coli^iery 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 117.) 1872. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1872: 75.) Norwegian Slope and Shaft Colliery 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1S70: 142.) Novelty Colliery See also above, Ijambcrt (or Novelty) Colliery. 1870. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1870: 141.) Oakdale Colliery 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 118.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871: 125.) 1873. Description of. (Same 1873: 86.) Oak Dale Shaft 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1874: 93.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT— cont'd First (or Pottsville) District — cont'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd Old Hickory Slope Colliery 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 137.) Old Reevesrale Drift Colliery 1870. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1870: 142.) Old Silver Creek Colliery 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 140.) Otto Collieby 1881. Improvements at. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1881: 18.) Palmee Collieby 1874. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1874: 98.) Palmeb Colliery (small) 1872. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1872: 94.) Palmer Vein Coixieby 1881. Improvements at. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1881: 17.) Palmer Vein Drift Colliery 1871. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1871: 148.) Peach Mountain Colliery 1874. Description of. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1874: 94.) Peach Mountain Slope Colliery 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 135.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871: 145.) Peach Mountain Slope 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1873: 95.) Pbiach Orchard Colliery 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 141.) 1872. Description of. (Same 1872: 95.) Peach Orchard Slope Colliery 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 133.) Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Co. Collieries 1875-1876. Tonnage of Phila. and Reading Coal and Iron Co.'s collieries in 1st or Pottsville distr. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1875 (p. 62)— same 1876.) 1885. Analyses of coals from six collieries of Phila. and Reading Coal and Iron Co.; by C. M. Cresson. (A.R. geol. survey 1885: 321.) 1886. Remarks of J. S. Harris on characteristics of coals produced from properties of Phila. and Read- ing Coal and Iron Co. (Satne 1886 pt. 3: 1045-1046.) . Section map of Phila. and Reading Coal and Iron Co.. Mount Carmel shaft. Scale: 6 feet per inch. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1875: betw. pp. 70 and 71.) Phoenix, no. 1, Colliery 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. of in- spectors of coal mines 1S7.o. 2 1878. Description of. (Repts. Inspectors of coal mines 1S78: 77.) Henby Ciay Shait, no. 1 1878. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1878: 63.) Henry Heil's Fka.xkh.n Coixieey^ 1870. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1870: 209.) HlCKOBY RlUGE COU.ILRY 1870. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1870: 219.) 1871. Description of. (Same 1871: 239.) 1873. Description of. (Same 1873: 1.59.) 1874. Description of. (Same 1874: 157.) 1875. Description of. (Same 1875: 127.) 1878. Description of. (Same 1878: 83.) Hickory Swamp Collieey 1870. Description of and conditions In. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 219.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871 230.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1873 165.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874 156.) 1875. Description of. (Some 1875: 127.) Kalmia. Colliery 1873. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1873: 181.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874: 159.) Kemble Colliery 1873. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1873: 175.) Keystone Colliery 1875. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1875: 123.) 1878. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1878: 53.) Kline Colliery 1878. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1878: 63.) Lambert Colliery 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 221.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871: 231.) 1873. Description of. (Same 1873: 161.) Lancaster Collikky 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 202.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871: 225.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874: 148.) 1875. Description of. (Som« 1875: 128.) 1878. Description of. (Same 1878: 06.) Lancaster Colliery, no. 2 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1873: 162.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884) — cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT—conf d Second (or Ashland) District — cont'd non-serial — cont'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd Lilly Colliery 1875. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1875: 120.) 1876. Description of. (Same 1878: 77.) Lincoln Colliery 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 213.) 1871. Description of. (Same 1871: 242.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1873: 18L) Lincoln (Tunnel) Colliery 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1874: 163.) Little Mine Run Colliery 1878. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1878: 80.) Locust Cre^ik Collieey 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 220.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871: 238.) Locust Gap Colliery 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 221.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871: 240.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874: 148.) 1875. Description of. (Same 1875: 120.) 1878. Description of. (Same 1878: 56.) Locust Run Colliery 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1873: 162.) 1875. Description of. (Same 1875: 123.) 1878. Description of. (Same 1878: 55.) Locust Spring Colliery 1871. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1871: 243.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874: 149.) 1875. Description of. (Same 1875: 120.) 1878. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1878: 61.) L0CU8TDAI.E Colliery, in Columbia County 1875. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1875: 125.) Logan Colliery 1880. Description of. [New colliery opened during 1880.] (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1880: 63- 64.) Lowers Ranch Creek Colliery 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. In- spectors of coal mines 1871: 55.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1873: 170.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874: 159.) Luke Fidler Colliery 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 200.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871: 223.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA Ooo COAL MINES AND MINING; ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL. MINING DISTRICT— cont'd Second (or Ashland) IHstrict — cont'd non-serial — cont'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd Luke Fiui.eb Collieey — cont'd 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1873: 160-161.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874: 144.) 1878. Description of. (Same 1878: 72.) Luke Fidleb Colliery (Nortiiumbebjland County) 1875. Description of. (Repts. Inspectors of coal mines 1875: 125.) Mammoth Coal Seam 1873. Proposed plan of mining the Mammoth Coal Seam; by Col. David P. Brown, Pottsville; with diagram. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1873: 187-189.) Mammoth Vein Coai, and Ibon Co. 1874. Diagram: section of the Mammoth Vein Coal and Iron Co.'s East and West shafts; scale: 60 ft. per inch. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1874: betw. pp. 30 and 31.) Mabiam Collieby 1870. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1870: 222.) 1871. Description of. (Some 1871: 234.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1873: 153.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874: 147.) Marshall Colliery 1871. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1871: 239.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1873: 166.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874: 142.) 1875. Description of. (Some 1875: 122.) Mazie Franklin Collieby 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1871: 232.) Mebbiam Collieby 1875. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1875: 126.) 1878. Description of. (Same 1878: 56.) Middle Creek Colliebt 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 211.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Satne 1871: 237.) 1873. Description of new shaft; with diagr. (Same 1873: 179.) Middle Creek SnAt-r 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1874: 162.) Monitob Collieby 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 222.) 1871. Description of and condition In. (Same 1871 240.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Sajne 1873 152.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874 148.) 1875. Description of. (Same 1875: 122.) 1878. Description of. (Sajne 1878: 82.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT— cont'd Second (or Ashland) District — cont'd non-seria I — con t'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd Montana Collikbv 1878. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1878: 63.) MOBETON COLLIEEY 1874. Description of. (Same 1874: 153.) 1875. Description of. (Same 1875: 120.) MoETON Collieby 1871. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1871: 241.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1873: 156.) Mou.NT Cvbmel Shaft 1874. Section map of Phila. and Reading Coal and Iron Co.'s Mount Carmel shaft. Scale: 60 feet per inch. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1874: betw. pp. 152 and 153.) 1878. Description of. (Same 1878: 70.) -Mount Carmel Shaft (Alaska) 1873. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1873: 167.) New Locust Gap 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1873: 164.) NoBTH Ashland, fobmekly Union, Colliery 1877. Description and condition of. (Repts. of inspect- ors of mines 1871: 47.) 1878. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1878: 55.) North Franklin, no. 1, Collieby 1878. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1878: 58.) NoBTH Franklin, no. 2, Collieby 1878. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1878: 58.) North Side Collibiby 1873. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1873: 181.) 1874. Description of. (Same 1874: 160.) 1875. Description of. (Same 1875: 117.) Xoeth Side Collieby- [no. 2] 1874. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1S74: 164.) Otto Colliery 1871. Explosion at Otto Colliery, No. 2. (Rept. of in- spectors of mines 1871: 213-214.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1874: 161.) Otto, no. 1, Colliery' 1S70. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1S70: 214.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871: 235.) OnO, NO. 2, COLI.IEBY 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1873: 175.) Otto Red Ash Collieby- 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of mines 1871: 242.) PaCKEB COLLIFJIY 1878. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1878: 65.) 556 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884) — cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT— cont'd Second (or Ashland) District — cont'd non-serial — cont'd Collieries: Individual^ont'd Peebuess Colliebt 1877. Description and condition of. (Rept. inspectors of mines 1877: 48.) 1878. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1878: 83.) PllILirS AND Sheafek Colueby 1870. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1870: 225.) Phoenix no. 2 Colxjeby 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 207-209.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871: 234.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874: 161.) Phoenix no. 3 Coloeby 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 212.) 1871. Etescription of and conditions in. (Same 1871: 235.) Phoenlx Pabk Colliebt, no. 2 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1873: 168.) Phoenix Park Colueby, no. 3 1873. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1873: 169.) Porrs Colueby 1878. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1878: 53.) PBESTON, no. 1, COLLIEEY 1875. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1875: 124.) 1878. Description of. (Same 1878: 50.) PBESTON, no. 2, COLLIEBIES 1875. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1875: 124.) 1878. Description of. (Some 1878: 50.) Pbeston, no. 3, Colueby 1878. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1878: 51.) Pbeston, nos. 3 and 4, Coluebies 1875. Description of. (Repts. Inspectors of coal mines 1875: 124.) Pyxe Colliery 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 212.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871 237.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1873 173.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874 162.) Rauch Creek Coluebies 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 215.) Rauch Gap Colliery 1874. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1874: 164.) 1878. Description of. (Same 1878: 81.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT— cont'd Second (or Ashland) District — cont'd 7i(»i-serial — cont'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd Red Ash Tunnel 1874. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1874: 164.) 1875. Description of. (Same 1875: 127.) Reliance Colueby 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 201.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871 224.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1873 155.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874 146.) 1875. Description of. (Same 1875: 121.) 1878. Description of. (Som« 1878: 64.) Reno Coixieby 1875. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1875: 128.) Royal Oak Collieby 1873. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1873: 163.) 1874. Description of. (Same 1874: 157.) 1875. Description of. (Some 1875: 122.) 1878. Description of. (Same 1878: 62.) SiiAMOKiN Colueby 1870. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1870: 204.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871: 230.) 1873. Description of. (Same 1873: 165.) Shobt Mountain Colueby 1870. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1870: 225.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871 227.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1873 178.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1874 149.) 1875. Description of. (Some 1875: 121.) 1877. Rept. rel. to fire at Short Mountain Colliery. (Same 1877: 47.) 1878. Description of and conditions in. (Some 1878: 73.) 1883. Rept. of Lykens Valley Coal Co.'s Short Mountain and Lykens Valley Colliery mine fire, in Wiconisco township, Dauphin Co. (Same 1883: 64-67.) Stebuno Colueby 1878. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1878: 74.) Stewartsville Colliery 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 197.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871: 221.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1873: 154.) 1875. Description of. (Same 1875: 127.) 1878. Description of. (Some 1878: 68-69.) Stbaw Collieby 1870. Description of. (Repts. Inspectors of coal mines 1870: 225.) 1871. Description of. (Some 1871: 242.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 55r COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL, MINING DISTRICT— cont'd Second {or AshJand) D-istrict — cont'd non-serial — cont'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd Summit Branch Colueky 1866-1882. Table: coal shipped from Summit Branch Colliery each year. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1882: 70.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. (Ropts. in- spectors of coal mines 1874: 151.) 1875. Description of. {Same 1875: 122.) 1878. Description of and conditions in. {Same 1878: 75-76.) Summit Branch Collieby (Wiijjamstown) 1882. Description of. With section map and diagram. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1882: 68-71.) Tower City Colliery 1870. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1870: 214.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. {Same 1871: 241.) 1873. Description of. {Same 1873: 172.) Tbevorton Colliery 1870. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1870: 224.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1871 229.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. {Same 1873 176.) 1874. Description of and conditions in. {Same 1874 143.) 1875. Description of. {Same 1875: 123.) Tunnel Colliest 1875. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1875: 123.) 1878. Description of and conditions in. (Same 1878: 52.) Vauqhan Colliery 1875. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1875: 118.) 1878. Description of. {Same 1878: 78.) ■Wadley Colliery (at Ashland) 1875. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1875: 120.) Wadleioh Slope 1878. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines 1878: 80.) West Brookside Colliery 1878. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1878: 84-86.) 1879. Plan of West Brookside colliery owned by Phila. and Reading Coal and Iron Co. Scale: 600 ft.= 1 inch. {Same 1879: betw. pp. 46 and 47.) West End Colliery 1871. Description of. 1871: 244.) 1873. Description of. 1874. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of coal mines (Same 1873: 174.) {Same 1874: 159.) 1885. Prosecution under new mine law on acct. of criminal negligence of C. Coonrad, mining boss, in West End Colliery. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: A65-74.) Wllliamstown Colliery 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 223.) 1871. Description of. {Same 1871: 234.) 1873. Description of and conditions in. {Same 1873.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (iST PERIOD, 1869-1884)— cont'd SCHUYLKILL MINING DISTRICT—cont'd Second {or Ashland) District — cont'd non-serial — cont'd Collieries: Individual — cont'd Wolf Colliery 1870. Description of and conditions in. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 220.) 1871. Description of and conditions in. {Same 1871; 238.) Third {or Shamokin) District Under sec. in of the Act of Mar. 3, 1870. Durlnc tliis pprlod this sub-district of the Schuylkill Mininj; District comprised nil the mines in Northumberland iind IJuuphln counties together with all collieries in Schuylidli Co. west of the West Branch of the Schuyllilll Itiver In Schuylkill Co. serial 1870-1884. Rept. of inspector of mines of the third, or Shamokin, district to the Governor. In Documents as follows : David Edmunds, inspector 1870 In Repts. inspectors coal mines 1870 : 1931-1986 • 1871 •• " " - - igYi . 2i2-2.';o. 1872 " " " « - igY2 : 130-134. William. Hemingray, inspector 1873 in Repts. inspectors coal mines 1873 : 14.=>-166 1874 " " " " •■ 1.S74 : I3.=i-l(i.-). 1875 •' " " •• 1S7.T : 109-128. 1876 " " " » .. 1870:5-26. James Ryan, inspector 1878 in Repts. Inspectors coal mines 1S78 : 34-l"6 1879 " •• " - 1880 " " 1881 " " 1882 " 1883 •' " 1884 " 1879: 44-71. 1880 : 62-85. 1881 : 97-131. 1882 : 67-99 1883 : 59-9.-1. 1884 : 53-80. non-serial Accidents 1873/8-1880/4. Comparative stmt, of accidents and their ratio to coal mined, and total no. of employes for third or Shamokin distr. of Schuylkill distr. In Repts. as follows : 1873/8 in Repts. Inspectors mines 1878 : 47. 1875/9 " " - " 1879:63. 1875/80" " - .. 1880:81. 1875/81 " " " •' 1881 : 127. 1878/82 " •' " " 1882 : 95. 1880/3 " - •• - 1883:91. 1880/4 " " « " 1884:86. Labor 1876-1880/3. No. and general description of collieries in distr. showing names of colliery and operator, land-owner, location, total coal tonnage, employes, safety devices, etc. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1876 (pp. 13-14)— same 1883.) 1878. Table: classiflcation in detail of employees, with ratio of coal shipped to no. of employees, powder used and to each miner in Shamokin division of Schuylkill distr. for yr. ending Dec. 31. (Same 1878: 94-97.) Maps 1871. List of maps furnished by the operators of the third, or Shamokin, distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1871: 244.) Ventilation 1870. Condition of ventilation in the distr. (Repts. in- spectors of coal mines 1870: 226.) 1878-1883. Improvements in ventilation of collieries. {Same 1878 (p. 48)— same 1883.) • Collation from Collected docs. 558 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (2D PERIOD, 1885-1890) 1886/92-18SS/94. Septennial tables: days in operation of anthracite collieries. (A.R. inspectors of coal mines 1892 (pp. xiv-xxv) — some 1894.) Accidents 1885. List of accidents reptd. to inspector of Eastern Distr. of Wyoming Coal Fields, Luzerne & Carbon COS., now incl. all of Lackawanna and portion of Wayne and Susquehanna cos.; name, age, etc. of person injured, date and nature of accident. (13 A.R. bureau of Industrial statistics 18S5: A28-37.) First District serial Uudfr .\ct of Je. 30. I880. During this period this (listnot comprised that portion of the Wyoming coal field included In Laclsawanna, Wayne and Sus- quehanna counties. 1885-1890. Ann. rept. of inspector of coal mines for first anthracite district to the Secy, of Internal Affairs. In Documents as follows: Patrick Blewitt, inspector 1555 in Kepts. inspectors anthracite mines IS80 : 1-34. " " 13 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics 1885 : A9- 42. 1556 In Repts. inspectors anthracite mines 1886 ; 5-44. " " 14 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1886 ; A.5- 43. 1S87 in Repts. inspectors anthracite mines 1887: 1-23. " " 15 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 18S7 Q : 23 pp. 1888 in Repts. inspectors mines 1888:4-66. 1.S89 " " " " 1880 : 1-65. ISno •• " " " 1890 : 1-68. non-serial 1885. Table: methods of ventilation, size of fans and furnaces, size of inlets and outlets, no. of headings, no. of openings and air measurements taken at collieries of distr. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: A 16-27.) . Table: character of coal, production, no. of em- ployes, days employed, casualties, etc. in distr. (13 same 1885: 13-15A.) 1885-1886. Table: grand total of employes, horses, mules, engines, pumps, boilers, and powder em- ployed, tons of coal mined and shipped, fatal and non-fatal accidents, etc. in distr. (13 same 1885: (p. 42A)— 14 same 1886.) 1886. Petition to readjust boundary line betw. distrs. nos. 1 and 2. (Repts. Inspectors of mines 1886: 6-7.) . Same. (14 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1886: 6-12A.) 1886-1887. Table: total no. of tons of coal mined and tons of coke produced in each colliery, no. of days worked, no. of employes, no. of persons killed and injured, no. of kegs of powder used, etc. in distr. (14 same 1886 (pp. 27-28)— 15 mine 1887.) 1887. Table: names of collieries, mode, amt. and con- dition of ventilation, no. of persons working In mines, no. of horses and mules, etc. (Repts. in- spectors of mines 1887: 21-23Q.) Accidents 1887. List of accidents in distr.; nature and cause. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1887: 12-20.) 1889. Coroner's inquests; investigations into deaths from accidents in mines of distr. (Same 1889: 20- 26.) Collieries Meadow Bbook Shakt 1886. Rept. on Meadow Brook shaft fire and accident. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1886: 19.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (2D PERIOD, 1885- 1890)— cont'd First District — cont'd Labor 1887-1890. Table: no. of each class of employees at each colliery. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1887 (pp. 9-11)— same 1890.) Ventilation 1885. Table: system of ventilation, size of fans and furnaces, no. of openings and headings, air measure- ments, etc., for year. (Repts. of Inspectors of mines 1885: 8-19.) 1888-1890. Table: condition of ventilation in the col- lieries of the distr. (Same 1888 (pp. 40-66) — same 1890.) Second District L'uder Act of Je. 30, 1885. During this period this sub- district comprised Sullivan Co. and that portion of the Wyoming coal field situated in Luzerne Co. east of and Including Plains and Kingston townships. serial 1885-1890. Ann. rept. of inspector of coal mines of second anthracite district to the Secy, of Internal Affairs. In Documents as follows : H. McDonald, inspector 1885 in Repts. Inspectors anthracite mines 1885 : 35-49. " 13 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics 1S85 : A43- 57. 1SS6 in Itepts. inspectors anthracite mines 1886 : 45-70. " 14 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1886 : A45- 69. 18S7 in Repts. inspectors anthracite mines 1887 : 25-44. " 15 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1887 R. 20 pp. 1888 in Kepts. inspectors mines 1888 : 67-91. 1889 " ■• " •' 1889:67-92. 1890 " " " " 1890 : 69-107. non-serial 1SS5. Stmt, of no. of employes and tons of coal mined per person employed, by companies in distr. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: 47A.) 1887. Prosecutions for violation of the mine law in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1887: 28.) . Table : no. of tons of coal mined in each colliery, no. of days worked no. of employes, no. of persons killed and injured, no. of kegs of powder used, etc. in distr. (Same 1887: 31-33.) . Acct. of prosecutions for violation of mine law in distr. (15 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1887: 4R.) 1888. Prosecutions for non-compliance with mine law in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1888: 69.) Accidents 1882. Mine fires in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1882: 54.) 1882-1883. Tabular stmts, showing casualties in Shen- andoah distr., nationalities of persons injured. (Same 1882 (p. 56) — same 1883.) 1884. Tables: no., class and mo. in which occurred fatal and non-fatal casualties in distr. (Same 1884: 26-27.) . Summary of casualties in distr. (Same 1884: 23-24.) ■ -. No. of employes, no. killed and injured, together with ratio for each class of employes in distr. (Same 1884: 24.) . Register of fatal and non-fatal casualties in Shenandoah (2d) division: date, name of colliery, name of victim, occupation, age, etc., remarks. (Sajne 1884: 40-44.) . Accidents from explosions of gas in distr. (Same 1884: 28.) 1885. Classification of accidents from Oct. 25 to Dec. 31: causes, no., per centum. (13 A.R. bureau of in- dustrial statistics 1885: 47A.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA i59 COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (2D PERIOD, 1885-1890)— cont'd Ifcroncl DislrUt — cont'd Accidents — cont'd 1885. Description of fatal accidents in distr. by falling down shaft, by falls of roof and coal, by mine and r.r. cars, by explosion of fire damp. (13 same 1885: 45-47 A.) 1885-1887. List of accidents occurring in and about mines of distr., name, age, etc. of victim, name and location of colliery, date, nature and cause of acci- dent. (13 xamr 1885 (p. 56A)— 15 .whip 1887.) 1885-1890. Comparative stmts, of fatal and non-fatal accidents and their causes, and of casualties and employes in mines of distr. each yr. (Ilepts. in- spectors of mines 1890: 67-68.) ■ . Descriptive record of fatal accidents in distr. {Same 1885 (pp. 37-39)— .suhic 1890.) 1887. No. of accidents and amt. of coal produced per life lost in distr. (Same 1887: 26.) . List of accidents in mines of distr.; nature and cause. (Same 1887: 37-43.) . Review of fatal accidents in distr. {Same 1887: 27-28.) Collieries 1885-1886. General condition of collieries in distr. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885 A (pp. 44- i5)—same 1886.) 1885-1887. Table: location of collieries in distr., name of operator and supt. (13 same 1885 A (p. 51) — 15 same 1887.) 1885-1889. General condition of collieries. (Repts. in- spectors of mines 1885 (p. 36)— same 1889.) Omitted in 1S87. 18851890. Detailed rept. of colliery improvements in distr. {Same 1885 (pp. 40-42)— .some 1890.) 1885-1904. Tables: location of collieries; character of coal, production, no. of employes and no. of casual- ties; state of ventilation of mines; grand total of employes, horses, mules, engines, etc. employed, tons of coal mined and shipped, and fatal and non- fatal accidents occurring in 2d Anthracite Mine Distr. {Same 1885 (pp. 43-49)— same 1890.) 1886. New collieries in distr.: Keystone Coal Co., near Mill Creek Station in Luzerne Co.; Penn. Coal Co. at Port Griffin. (14 A.R. bureau of industrial sta- tistics 1886: 47-48 A.) 1887. Table: location of collieries in second anthracite distr. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1887: 29-30.) 1890. Table showing location of collieries in the distr. (Some 1890: 87-88.) Collieries: Individual Consolidated Bre.\keb 1888. Coal breakers destroyed by fire; burning of the Consolidated breaker. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1888: 72.) Kehley Run 1880. Kehley Run Mine Hre. {Same 1880: 28-38, map; 42-44.) . Suffocation by gas at Kehley Run colliery; acct. of accidents, cause, etc. {Same 1880: 23-27.) 1881. Rept. and diagrs. rel. to Kehley's Run colliery fire. {Same 1881: 70-77.) P'ENNSYLVANIA COAL CO., NO. 4 SHATT 1890. Rept. rel. to fire in. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1890: 77-80.) Stanton Colliery 1881. The Stanton colliery mine fire. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1881: 77-80.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (2D PERIOD, 1885-1890)— cont'd Second District — cont'd Labor 1885. Stmt, of average no. of days worked and tons of coal mined per day for each person employed In distr. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885; 48A.) 188G. List of mine bosses and their addresses, who reed, certificates of service in distr.; list of appli- cants who reed, certificates of Qualification. (14 mime 1886: 51A.) 1886-1887. Table: total no. of tons of coal mined and tons of coke produced in each colliery, no. of days worked, no. of employes, no. of persons killed and injured, no. of kegs of powder used, etc. in distr. (14 same 1886 (pp. 54-56A)— 15 .some 1887.) 1886-1890. Table; number of each class of employees at each colliery in distr. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1886 (pp. 57-59)— .same 1890.) 1887-1890. Examination of applicants for mine fore- man's certificates in distr. {Same 1887 (p. 27) — .some 1S90.) Ventilation 1885. Table: state of ventilation in collieries of distr. for yr. ending Dec. 31. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1885: 46-47.) 1887. Table: mode and state of ventilation in the col- lieries of distr. (.S'ame 1887: 44.) . Same. (15 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1887 R: 20.) 1889-1892. Table: quantity of air circulating through the mines of distr. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1889 (pp. 74-75)— .same 1892.) Omittea in isni. Third {or Wilkesbarre) District rndpr Act of Je. 30. 1885. Durinc this period this suh- district of the Schiiylljill Mining District compriseil portions of the Wyoming cn,Tl flelrt not Inciudeii in the 2d district west of Plains iind Klncstou town- ships with the city of Willipsbarre and the boroughs of Kingston and Edwardsville. serial 1885-1890. Ann. rept. of inspector of coal mines of third anthracite district to the Secy, of Internal Affairs. In Dncnments as follows: G. M. Williams, inspector IRSo in Repts. inspectors anthracite mines 1SS.5 : .50-108. •' 13 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1885 : A58- IIG. 1S86 in Rents, inspectors anthracite mines 1886 : 71-1(19. " " 14' Kept, bureau Industrial statistics 1886 : A70- 108. 1887 in Repts. Inspectors anthracite mines 1887 : 4u-7-. " " !'> Uepts. bureau indostiial statistics 1887 S. 28 pp. 18SS in Repts. inspectors mines 1888:03-138. 1S80 " ■' " " 1889:93-146. 1890 " " " " 1890:109-165. non-serial 1884-1886. Prosecution for violation of mine laws in distr.; effect lost by long delay. (14 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1886 A: 77.) 1885. General condition of mines in distr.; new col- lieries started to ship coal. (13 same 1885 A: 60-61.) 1885-1888. Condition of mines. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1885 (p. 52)— some 1888.) 1886-1887. Table: no. of tons of coal mined and tons of coke produced in each colliery, no. of days worked, no. of employes, no. of persons killed or injured, no. of kegs of powder used. etc. in distr. (14 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1886 A (pp. 86-88)— 15 .some 1887.) 1887. General condition of mines in distr. (15 same 1887 S: 3.) 560 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (2D PERIOD, 1885-1890) — cont'd Third (or Wilkesbarre) District — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1889. Table: showing no. of days worked by breakers average tons of coal mined per day. no. of persons employed, tons of coal mined per employe, persons injured and killed, tons of coal mined per persons injured and killed, tons of coal mined per life lost, ratio of employes to persons injured and killed, total tons of coal mined, kegs of powder used, and mules and horses employed during yr. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1889: 96.) . New breakers in course of erection. (Some 1889: 104.) 1890. Prosecutions in dlstr. for violation of mine law. (Same 1890: — .) Accidents 1884. Detailed acct. of accidents in distr. (Repts. in- spectors of mines 1884: 59-69.) 1885. Description of accidents in distr. by gas explo- sions, falls of roof and coal, falling down shafts, crushed by mine cars, explosions of powder and blasts, misc. causes; West End disaster; No. 1 Slope, Nan ti coke; colliery accidents on surface; Oakwood shaft. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial sta- tistics 1885: 74-87A.) . Classification and no. of fatal and serious non- fatal accidents in third anthracite distr. (13 same 1885: 59A.) 1885-1887. List of accidents in distr.; names of injured, age, nationality, occupation, etc., name of colliery, cause of accidents. (13 same 1885 (pp. 88-99A)— 15 name 1887.) 1885-1890. Table: fatal and non-fatal accidents; no. of days worked, average no. of tons mined per day, no. of tons of coal mined per life lost; no. of each class of employes at each colliery, state of ventila- tion in all collieries operated; and location of all collieries; etc. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1885 (pp. 80-106)— same 1890.) 1886. Description of fatal accidents in distr. (14 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1886: 79-83A.) 1887. No. of accidents per tons of coal produced in distr. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1887: 46.) Collieries 1885. Table: no. and horse power of engines and no. of steam boilers In use at each colliery. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1885: 102-104; 13 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1885: 110-112 A.) . Table: no. of days worked by each breaker at every colliery in distr., each mo. (Repts. inspectors mines 1885: 100-101; 13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: 108-109A.) 1885-1887. Table: location of collieries in distr., name of operator and of supt (13 A.R. bureau of in- dustrial statistics 1885 (pp. 115-116A)— 15 same 1887.) 1885-1890. Colliery improvements in distr.; detailed rept. of. (Kept, of bureau of mines 1885 (pp. 53-55) — same 1890 pt. 1.) 1887. Coal breakers in distr. consumed by Are: Boston breaker of Del. and Hudson Canal Co. at Plymouth; Parrish Coal Co. at Plymouth; No. 10 breaker of Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal Co. at Sugar Notch. (15 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1887 S: 9-10.) 1890. Collieries damaged by a cyclone. (Repts. in- spectors of mines 1890: 118.) . Condition of collieries at end of yr. (Some 1890: 112-113.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (2D PERIOD, 1885-1890)— cont'd Third (or Wilkesbarre) District — cont'd Labor 1885-1890. Table: no. of each class of employees at each colliery during the year. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 18S5 (pp. 97-99)— same 1890.) 1886-1890. Examination of applicants for mine fore- men's certificates in distr. (Some 1886 (pp. 75-77) — some 1891.) Ventilation 1885-1887. Table: state of ventilation in all collieries operated in distr. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885 A (pp. 113-114)— 15 same 1887.) Items In table vary somewhat. In 1885 stmts, being given for each split, and no. of persons employed In each split on day shift ; in 1886 names of oper- ators are given and stmts, are made for the mine as a whole. Omitted In 1886. 1885-1892. Table: state of ventilation in the collieries of distr. at the close of yr. ending Dec. 31. (Repts. of inspectors of coal mines 1885 (pp. 105-106) — same 1892.) 1888. Observations on the furnace and fan mine venti- lation of distr. (Same 1888: 103-108.) 1889. New ventilating machines erected during 1889. (Same 1889: 104.) Fourth Anthracite District Dnder Act of Je. 30, 1885. During this period this district comprised that part of Luzerne Co. lying south of the Wyoming coal field, together with Carbon Co. serial 1885-1890. Ann. rept. of inspector of coal mines of fourth anthracite district to the Secy, of Internal Affairs. Id Documents as follows: James E. Roderick, inspector 1885 In Repts. inspectors anthracite mines 1885: 109-175. " 13 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics 1885 : A117- 184. 1886 in Repts. Inspectors anthracite mines 1886: 110-146. " 14 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1886 : AllO- 145. 1887 in Repts. inspectors anthracite mines 1887 : 73-115. " 15 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1887 T. 24 pp. 1888 " Repts. inspectors mines 1888 : 139-180. David Jonathan, inspector 1889 in Repts. inspector mines 1889 : 147-182. John M. Lewis, inspector 1890 in Repts. Inspector mines 1890: 167-205. non-serial 1871-1897. Tables: production of coal, no. of persons employed, no. in each class of fatal accidents and tons of coal mined per life lost in each year in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1897: 96-98.) 1885. New anthracite mine law operating smoothly in dlstr., with exception of provision requiring com- panies to deliver props and timbers to face of each working place, free of charge; stmt, of amt. and cost of lumber used at some mines. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: 137A.) . General condition of mines in distr. (13 same 1885: 122A.) 1885-1887. Table: total no. of tons of coal mined in distr., no. of days worked, ratio of coal mined per day, no. of employes, no. of persons killed and injured, ratio of coal mined per person killed, and per person injured, no. of kegs of powder used — 4th anthracite distr. (13 same 1885 (p. 183A) — same 1887.) 1886. Arbitration in distr.; 1st, as to strength of bar- rier pillar betw. Ebervale and Oak Dale mines; do. betw. Yorktown No. 6 and Tresckow No. 6. (14 same 1886: 116-122A.) IXDKX TO DOCn'MENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 561 COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (2D PERIOD, 1885-1890)— cont'd Fourth Anthracite District — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1887. Table: no. of tons of coal mined and tons of coke produced in each colliery, no. of days worked, no. of employes, uo. of persons killed and injured, no. of kegs of powder used in distr. (Repts. of inspec- tors of mines 1887: 83-85.) Accidents 1881-1885. Comparative table showinp; causes of fatal accidents in distr. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: 119 A.) . Table of comparison sliowing no. of fatal acci- dents per 1000 persons employed in and about mines of distr. (13 same 188fi: 120A.) — — . Diagr. showing no. of fatal accidents each uio. in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1885: betw. pp. 136-137.) 1881/5-1881/90. Tables: causes of fatal accidents in distr.; no. of fatal accidents per thousand persons employed in and about mines. (Same 1885 (pp. 111-112)— .fame 1890.) 1881-1887. Table: causes of fatal accidents in distr. (Same 1887: 74.) . Table: nature and no. of non-fatal accidents in distr. (Same 1887: 77.) . Table: non-fatal accidents per 1000 persons era- ployed in and about mines of distr. ( Same 1887 : 76. ) 1885. General remarks on accidents iu distr. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: 145-146A.) . No. of fatal accidents and amt. of coal produced per life lost in distr. (13 same 1885: 119A.) . Table: total no. of each class of employes, no. of deaths in each class and ratio of each class em- ployed per life lost in mines of distr. (13 aunie 1885: 121A.) . Description of accidents In distr., caused by falls; by mine cars: premature blasts; explosion of carbureted hydrogen gas; by falling into slope and breast: boiler explosion; misc. causes; litigation. (13 same 1885: 146-173A.) . Table: no. of deaths in different classes of em- ployes inside and outside of mines in distr. and causes thereof. (13 some 1885: 120A.) . Table: no. of non-fatal accidents and no. of each class and causes thereof in distr. (13 same 1885: 122A.) . Table: total no. of each class of employes, no. of injuries to each class and ratio of each class em- ployed per injury inside and outside of mines in distr. (13 same 1885: 121A.) 1885-1890. Tabular stmt, of fatal and non-fatal acci- dents occurring in distr.; no. of each class of em- ployes; total no. of tons of coal mined, no. of days worked, no. of employes, etc., and location of col- lieries. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1885 (pp. 166- 176)— snme 1890.) . Descriptive repts. on fatal accidents in distr. (Same 1885 (pp. 138-165)— sawic 1890.) 1886-1887. List of accidents occurring in and about mines of distr., name, age, etc., of victim, name and location of colliery, date, nature and cause of acci- dent. (14 same 1886 (pp. 139-145A)— 15 same 1887.) 1887. Table: total no. of each class of employees, no. of deaths in each class, ratio of each class employed per life lost inside and outside the mines of distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1887: 75.) Collieries 1881-1885. Table: no., diameter and width of fans erected in this distr. during the yrs. 1881-1SS5. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1885: 115.) . Same. (13 A.R. bureau of Industrial statistics 1885: 123A.) 36 COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (2D PERIOD, 1885-1890)— cont'd Fourth Anthracite District — cont'd Collieries — cont'd 1885. General condition of the mines. (Repts. in- spectors of mines 1885: 114.) 1885-1890. Rept. on colliery improvements in distr. (Same 1885 (pp. 131-137)— .sojue 1890.) 1886-1887. Table: location of collieries in distr., name of operator and supt. (14 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1886 (pp. 127-128A)— 15 same 1887.) 1886-1890. Table showing location of collieries in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1886 (pp. 127-128) — same 1890.) Collieries: Individual Bea\'eb Bbook Coixieeies 1888. Improvements; the Double Bradley Jig in use at the Beaver Brook collieries; with diagram. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1888: 147148.) Hableigh and Ebekvale Mines 1885. Rept. on Ebervale mine fire. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1885: 115-119.) -. Rept. on flooding of Harleigh and Ebervale mines. (Same 1885: 119-123.) . The Ebervale mine fire, flooding of Harleigh and Ebervale mines. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: 123-131A.) Hazleton Mine 1890. Rept. on mine fire at Hazleton mine of A. Pardee and Co. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1890: 178-179.) Lattimeb Mine 1888. Rept. on fire at mine. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1888: 149-157.) Labor 1885-1887. No. of employes, with average no. of tons mined per employe in distr. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885 (p. 118A)— same 1887.) Omitted in 1886. 1887. Names and post ofiice address of mine foremen in distr. who reed, certificates of service under art. 7 of anthracite mine law. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1887: 94-95.) 1890. Examination of applicants for certificates of qualification as mine foremen. (Same 1890: 178.) Ventilation 1888-1890. Table: amt. of air passing through the mines of the distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1888 (p. UD—same 1890.) Fifth Anthracite District Under Act of Je. 30, 18S5. During this period this district comprised that part of the Schuylkill coal field in Schuylkill Co., lying north of the Broad Mt. and east of a meridian line through the center of the borough of Glrardville. serial 1885-1890. Ann. rept. of inspector of coal mines of fifth anthracite district to the Secy, of Internal Affairs. In Documents as follows : William Stein, inspector 1883 in Repta. inspectors anthracite mines 1885 : 17C-1M. 13 Bept. bureau industrial statistics 1885 : A184- 205. 1886 In 164. 18_87 In 19 1888 In 1889 " 1890 " Repts. inspectors anthracite mines 1886 ; 147-16.". 14 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics 1886 : A147- Repts. inspectors anthracite mines 1887 : 97;113. 15 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics I881 L. pp. Repts. Inspectors mines 1888 : 181-204. 1889 : 183-204. 1890 : 207-229. 662 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (2D PERIOD, 1885-1890)— cont'd Fifth Anthracite District — cont'd non-serial 1885. Suggested by inspector of distr. that 300 copies of ann. rept be published for distribution to bosses and workmen. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial sta- tistics 1885: 185A.) . Table: character of coal, production, no. of em- ployes, days employed, casualties, etc. in each col- liery in distr. (13 same 1885: 198-199A.) 1886-1887. Table: employes, coal produced, ratio of employes per life lost, etc. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1887: 102.) . Table: no. of tons of coal mined and tons of coke produced in each colliery, no. of days worked, no. of employes, no. of persons killed and injured, no. of kegs of powder used, etc. in distr. (14 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1886 (pp. 156-157A) — 15 sarne 1887.) Accidents 1881/5-1SS6/90. Comparative stmt, of fatal and non- fatal casualties and their causes; casualties, ton- nage, and employes. In Repts. as follows: 1881/5 in Repts. inspectors mines 1885 : 180-181. 1882/6 " " " " 1886:153-154. 1884/8 " " " " 1888 : 184-185. 18S5/9 " •• " •• 1889 : 187-188. 1886/90 " " - " 1890:212-213. 1882/91-1892/1901. Comparative stmt, showing produc- tion of coal; no. of tons of coal produced per fatal accident; no. of persons employed per life lost, and no. of fatalities per thousand persons; no. and causes of fatal accidents. In Repts. as follows : 1882/91 in Repts. inspectors coal mines 1891 : 136. 1883/92 " " " .. " 1892 ; igjj. 1884/93 " " " ,. « 1S93 : 149. 1880/94 " " ■' " •• 1894 : 186. 1887/90 " " " " " 1896 : 150. 1888/97 " Kept, biiieaii mines 1897:127-128. 1889/98 " •• " " 1898 : 131-132. 1890/99 " '• " " 1899 : 238. 1891/01 - " " " 1900:156157. 1892/02 " " " " 1901 : 238-239. 1881-1885. Comparative stmt, of fatal and non-fatal casualties and their causes in distr. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1S85: 188A.) . Comparative stmt, of casualties, tonnage and employes in distr. (13 same 1885: 189A.) . Table: casualties, tonnage and employes of distr. (13 same 1885: 236A.) 1883-1887. Table: casualties, tonnage and employes each year in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1887: 104.) . Fatal and non-fatal casualties from the several causes, each yr. (Same 1887: 103.) 1884-1885. Comparative stmt, of fatal and non-fatal casualties in distr.; no. of fatal accidents and amt. of coal mined per life lost. (13 A.R. bureau of in- dustrial statistics 1885: 186A.) . Comparative table: no. of persons employed, tons of coal produced per life lost, ratio of employes per lives lost, no. of tons mined per each personal injury, average no. of tons mined per employe, ratio of employes per each personal injury. (13 same 1885: 187A.) 1885. Table: no. of employes, no. of deaths, death rate per 1000 in distr. (13 same 1885: 188A.) - — -. Descriptive record of fatal accidents in distr. (13 same 1885: 189-190A.) 1885-1887. List of accidents occurring in and about mines of distr., name of victim, age, etc., name and location of colliery, date, nature and cause of acci- dent. (13 same 1885 (pp. 200-204A)— 15 same 1887.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (2D PERIOD, 1885-1890)— cont'd Fifth Anthracite District — cont'd Accidents — cont'd 1885-1890. Descriptive record of fatal accidents in distr. (Repts. Inspectors of mines 1880 (pp. 181- 182)— .some 1890.) 1887. List of accidents in distr., nature and cause. (Same 1887: 110-115.) . Casualties in distr. each year; no. and amt. of coal produced per life lost in 1887. {Same 1887: 101-102.) 1890. Precautionary Measures taken in distr. to pre- vent mine fires. (Same 1890: 208.) Collieries 1885-1887. Table: location of collieries in distr., name of operator and supt. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885 (p. 197A)— 15 same 1887.) 1885-1890. Table showing location of collieries in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1885 (p. 189) — same 1890.) . Repts. on improvements at collieries in distr. (Same 1885 (pp. 182-185)— .soinc 1890.) 1886-1890. General condition of collieries. (Same 1886 (pp. 148-149)— .same 1890.) Labor 1886-1890. Table: no. of each class of employees at each colliery in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1886 (pp. 158-159)— same 1890.) 1889-1890. Examination of applicants for mine fore- man's certificates in distr. (Same 1889 (pp. 189-190) — some 1904 pt. 1.) Sixth Anthracite District Under Act of Je. 30, 1885. During this period this district comprised that part of the Schuylliill coal field in Schuylkill Co. lying north of the Broad Mt. and west of a meridian line through the center of the borough of Girardville, together with Colom- bia, Northumberland and Dauphin cos. serial 1885-1890. Ann. rept. of inspector of coal mines of sixth anthracite district to the Secy, of Internal Affairs. In Documents as follows : James Ityan, inspector 1885 in Repts. Inspectors anthracite mines 1885: 198-228. •• 13 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1885 : A206- 236. 1886 In Repts. inspectors anthracite mines 1886: 166-193. " 14 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1886 : A166- 193. 1887 in Repts, inspectors anthracite mines 1887: 117-130. " 15 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics 1887 V. 23 pp. William McMurtrie^ inspector 1888 In Repts. inspectors mines 1888 : 205-220. 1889 •' " " " 1889 : 205-233. 1890 » " " " 1890 : 230-258. non-serial 1885. Table: character of coal, production, no. of em- ployes, days employed, casualties, etc. in distr. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: 228-229A.) 1885-1887. Table: grand total of employes, horses, mules, engines, pumps, boilers and powder em- ployed, tons of coal mined and shipped, fatal and non-fatal accidents in distr. (13 same 1885 (p. 235A) —15 same 1887.) 1886. Injunctions to enforce compliance with mining law; Northumberland Co. (14 same 1886: 167A.) 1886-1887. Table: total no. of tons of coal mined and tons of coke produced in each colliery, no. of days worked, no. of employes, no. of persons killed and injured, no. of kegs of powder used, etc. in distr. (14 same 1886 (pp. 182-183A)— 15 same 1887.) 1887. Prosecutions for not complying with mine law in distr. (Repts. Inspectors of mines 1887: 118-119.) . Same. (15 savie 1887: 2-3V.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THK STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 563 COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (2D PERIOD, 1885-1890)— cont'd Sixth Anthracite District — cont'd Accidents 1881/5-1894/7. Comparative stmt, of casualties, ton- nage and employes of distr. In Kepts. as follows : 1881/5 In Rept.s. Inspectors mines 188r- : 228. 1881/6 - - - - 1886:169. 1883/7 " " - " 1887:125. 1887/8 " " - •• 1888 : 207-208. 1887/9 " " " " 1889 : 221. 1887/90 " " " " 1892 : 231-232. 1887/91 " " " " 1891 : 208-209. 1888/92" " " " 1892:199-200. 1889/93 " " " - 1893 : 203-204. 1890/4 " » - " 1894 : 228-229. 1891/5 " " " « 189r): 197. 1892/6 " " " " 1896 ; 193-194. 1893/7 " - bureau " 1897 : 164. 1894/7 " " " " 1898 : 175. 1885-1886. Description of accidents in distr. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885 (pp. 212-226A) —14 same 1886.) 1885-1887. List of accidents in distr.: names of in- jured, age, etc., name and location of colliery, date, nature and cause of accident. (13 same 1885 (pp. 230-234A)— 14 same 1886.) 1885-1890. Descriptive rept. rel. to accidents occurring in distr. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1885 (pp. 204-218)— some 1890.) 1890. Rept. on mine fires in distr. (Same 1890: 236-239.) Collieries 1885-1890. Table: location of collieries in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1885 (p. 219) — sanje 1890.) 1885-1887. Same. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial sta- tistics 1885 (p. 227A)— 15 same 1887.) 1889-1890. Detailed rept. on Improvements made at collieries in distr. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1889 (pp. 212-219)— sume 1890.) Collieries: Individual PmLADELPIIIA A>D READING COAL AXD IRON Co. 1885. Improvements made by co. in and about their collieries in Shamokin distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1885: 199-204.) Philadelphia Coal and Iron Co. 1890. Rept. on improvements at collieries of CO. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1890: 239-244.) Labor 1886-1890. Table: no. of each class of employees at each colliery in the distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1886 (pp. 184-185)- same 1890.) 1890. Examination of applicants for mine foreman in distr. {Same 1890: 244-245.) Ventilation 1886-1887. General condition of ventilation in collier- ies of distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1886 (p. 167)— sume 1887.) Seventh Anthracite District Under Act of Je. 3D, 1885. During this period this district comprised all that part of the Schuylkill coal field In Schuylkill Co. lying south of the Mahanoy Valley and Lebanon Co. serial 1885-1890. Ann. rept. of inspector of coal mines of seventh anthracite district to the Secy, of Internal Affairs. In Documents as follows : Samuel Oay, inspector 1885 In Repts. Inspectors anthracite mines 1885 : 229-252. " " 13 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1885 : A237- 260. 1886 in Repts. inspectors anthracite mines 1SS6 : 194-209. " " 14 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1SSG:A194- 209. 141149. 1887 W. COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (2D PERIOD, 1885-1890)— cont'd Seventh Anthracite District — cont'd serial — cont'd Satnttfl flay, itmpector — cont'd 1887 in Repts. Inspectors anthracite mines 1887 " "15 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 9 pp. 1888 In Repts. Inspectors mines 1888:221-2.36. 1889 " " " " 1889 : 235-256. 1890 " " " " 1890:258-273. non-serial 1884-1885. Table: no. of persons employed, no. of tons produced per life lost, ratio of employes per life lost, no. of tons of coal produced per each per- son injured, tons of coal mined per each employe, ratio of employes per personal injury in distr. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: 239A.) 1885. Table: character of coal production, no. of em- ployes, days employed, casualties, etc. in distr. (13 some 1885: 252-253A.) 1886-1887. Table: no. of persons employed, no. of tons of coal produced per lite lost, no. of tons produced per each person seriously injured; tons of coal pro- duced per employe. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1887: 143.) . Table: giving total no. of tons of coal mined and tons of coke produced in each colliery, no. of days worked, no. of employes, no. of persons killed and injured, no. of kegs of powder used, etc. in distr. (14 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1886 (pp. 202-203A)— 15 same 1887.) Accidents 1880-1885. Table: casualties, tonnage and employes each yr. in distr. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1885: 252.) . Same. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: 260A.) 1884-1885. Comparative stmt, of fatal and non-fatal casualties in distr. (13 same 1885: 238A.) 1SS5. Table: no. of fatal accidents; amt. of coal pro- duced per life lost by different companies and in- dividual firms in distr. (13 .some 1885: 238A.) . Table: no. of employes, no. of deaths, and ratio of same per 1000 employes of different cos. and individual firms in distr. (13 satne 1885: 240A.) 1885-1886. Descriptive list of fatal accidents in distr. (13 same 1885 (pp. 247-249A)— 14 some 1886.) 1885-1887. List of accidents occurring in mines of distr.: names of injured, age, etc., name and loca- tion of colliery, date, nature and cause of accident. (13 .same 1885 (pp. 256-259A)— 15 same 1887.) 1885-1890. Descriptive list of fatal accidents in distr. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1885 (pp. 239-242) — ,vnme 1890.) 1885/6-1889/91. Comparative stmt, of fatal and non- fatal casualties; amt. of coal produced per life lost by different cos. and individual firms; total amt. of coal shipped to market, with estimated amt. used or sold at collieries, each yr. in distr. In Repts. as follows ; 1885/6 in Repts. inspectors mines 1886 : 195-196. 1886/7. 18S7/8 » " " " 1888 : 222-223. 1888/9 " " " " 1889 : 2.S6-237. 1889/90" " - - 1890:260-261. 18S9/91 " " " " 1891 : 246-247. 1886-1887. Comparative stmt, of fatal casualties in distr.; causes. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1887: 141.) 1887. Table: no. of accidents and amt. of coal pro- duced per life lost. (Same 1887: 142.) . Table: no. of deaths and ratio thereof per every 1000 employes of the different cos. and individual firms. (Same 1887: 143.) 5G4 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (2D PERIOD, 1885- 1890)— cont'd Seventh A7ithracite District — cont'd Accidents — cont'd 1888-1889. Rept. on outbursts of gas in distr. {i<(nne 1888 (pp. 225-226)— .s« we 1889.) Collieries 1S81-1885. Names of collieries in operation and coal mined in distr. each yr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1885: 246-247.) 1885. General condition of collieries in distr. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: 240A.) 1885-1890. General condition of mines. (Kepts. in spectors of mines 1885 (p. 232)— same 1890.) Omitted in 1886 and 1887. • . Table showing location of collieries in distr. (Same 1885 (p. 243)— same 1890.) . Repts. on colliery improvements made in distr. (Same 1885: 237-238; Rept. dept of mines 1900.) Collieries: Individual Otto Coixieby 1885. Sudden outburst of gas at colliery. (Repts. in- spectors of mines 1885: 233-236.) 1885. Same. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: 241-244A.) Crystal Collieby 1885. Injunction; acct. of proceedings. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885: 240-241A.) Labor 1886-1890. Table: no. each class of employees at each colliery in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1886 (pp. 204-205)— some 1890.) Omitted In 1887. 1886. Same. (14 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1886: 197A.) 1886. Names of persons who reed, certificates of service and those who reed, certificates of competency un- der act of Je. 30, 1885. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1886: 197.) 1889. Examination of applicants for mine foremen certificates in distr. (Same 1889: 246.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (3D PERIOD, 1891-1904) 1888/92-1890/04. Comparative table showing produc- tion of coal and coke in tons; no. of employes in and about mines; no. of fatal and non-fatal acci- dents in each anthracite and bituminous district. In Repts. as follows : 1888/92 in Repts. inspectors coal mines 1892 : ix-x. 1869/93 - •• .. « .. i8S3:v-Ti. 1890/4 ■• " .. u .. 1894 . Tiii.ii. 1891/5 " - " - « 1895 : xiii-xiv. 1892/6 " " - u u jggg . xvi-xvii. 1893/7 " Rept. bureau mines 1897 : xix-xxxi. 1894/8 " 1898 : Ixx-lxxl. 1891/9 " " - " 1899 : xxvli-xxi. 1891/00 " " " "• 1900:1U-I111: Ivil; Ix-lxi. 1892/01 " - - - 1901 ; 34 ; 36 ; 38-39 : 59- 60 : 63 ; 65-66. 1893/02 in Rept. bureau mines 1002: 19 ; 21 ; 23-24: SC- SI ; 84 ; 86-87. 1890/03 In Rept. dept mines 1903, pt. 1 : xlv ; xlvl ; xlviii ; 1-111 ; pt. 2 : xxxll-xixlll ; xxxv ; xxxvli ; xl. 1900/04 In Kept. dept. mines 1904, pt. 1 : xxvlli-xxix ; iiii ; xixlil-xxilv: pt. 2 : IxvU-livill ; Ixi ; Ixxli-lxxiil ; Ixxvil-l.txviil. . Comparative table showing production of anthra- cite coal and no. of employes in and about mines by counties. In Repts. as follows : 1888/92 In Repts. inspectors coal mines 1892 :ii. 1889/93 " " " « » 1893 :vli. 1890/4 " •• " « .. i8fl4 . J 1891/5 " " " « .. 1895: XV. 1892/6 " " " - - 1896 : xxxii. COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (3D PERIOD. 1891-1904)— cont'd i.' 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 111 r.dtcard Roderick, inspector Kepts. inspectors mines 1892:1-30. Ucpts. inspectors coal mines 1893 : .5-40. 1894 : 1-04. " " " 1895:1-33. " - 1896:1-41. Kept, bureau mines 1897 : 1898: 1899 1900 1901 1902 1-24. 1-32. 1-72. 1-30. 75-114. 95-122. Ij, M. Eiann, inspector lOo.f In Rept. dept. mines 1903, pt. 1 : 3-30. 1904 " " " " 1904, pt. 1 : 3-38. non-serial 1892. General condition of mines in the distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1892: 4-5.) 1893. Table: no. and horse power of engines and no. of steam boilers in use. (Same 1893: 48-49.) — — . Table- rept [of condition] of steam boilers In use in the first anthracite distr. during 1893. (Same 1893: 45-47.) 1898. Map: location of coal mines in the first anthra- cite distr.; scale: 2 miles to 1 inch. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1898 pt. 2.) 1902-1903. Table: names of mines and operators, kind of opening, type of fan, size of fans and furnaces, volume of air in mine, no. of employees, quantity of air per minute per employee, etc. (Same 1902: 103-105; Rept. dept. of mines 1904.) 1903. Condition of mines in the distr. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: 32-34.) Accidents 1885-1887. List of accidents occurring in and about mines in first anthracite distr., name of the injured, age, etc., name and location of colliery, date, nature and cause of accident. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885 (pp. 38-41A)— 15 same 1887.) Nationality of victims given In 1885. 1892-1904. Descriptive record of accidents in first an- thracite distr. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1892 (pp. 11-20)— same 1904 pt. 1.) 1895. Brief remarks on causes of accidents in first anthracite distr. (Same 1895: 4-5.) Collieries 1885-1886. Table: location of collieries of first anthra- cite distr. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1885 (pp. 11-12A)— 15 same 1887.) 1891-1904. Table showing name and location of col- lieries in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1891 (pp. 9-12) — same 1896; same bureau of mines 189S (pp. 7-8); sajne 1902; same dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 14-15)— same 1904.) . Colliery improvements during yr. (Same 1891 (pp. 7-8) — same 1898; same bureau of mines 1899 (pp. 5-8) — same 1900; same dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 34-35)— same 1904.) • rontained in the 1891 report of the second district. 566 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (3D PERIOD, 1891-1904)— cont'd First Anthracite District — cont'd Collieries: Individual Lackawanna Mine Fike 1894. Rept. on. (Repts. of inspectors ot mines 1894: 11-14.) Labor 1886-1904. Table: no. of each class of employees in first district during 1886. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1886 (pp. 29-31) — same 1896; same bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 13-16)— some 1902; same dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 20-23)— same 1904.) Omitted 1900. 1893-1904. Examination of applicants for mine fore- man and asst. mine foreman's certificates in distr. {Same 1893 (p. 25)— same 1904 pt. 1.) Ventilation 1892-1893. Table: quantity of air circulating through the mines of distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1892 (pp. 21-22)— same 1893.) 1901. Table: method of ventilating and quantity of air circulating in each mine. (Rept. bureau of mines 1901: 81-88.) Second Anthracite District Under Act of Je. 2, 1891, this district comprised that portion of the Lackawanna coal field in Lackawanna Co. lying southwest of East and West Market streets in the city of Scranton, and west of Slocum and Drinker streets in the borough of Dunmore. serial 1891-1904. Ann. rept. of inspector of coal mines for sec- ond anthracite district to the Secy, of Internal Affairs. In Documents as follows : Patrick Blewitt, inspector 1891 In Repts. Inspectors mines 1891 : 5-37. 1892 " " " - 1892:37-71. 1893 " " " conl mines 1893 : 51-7.".. 1894 " " " .. " 1894 : 65-82. 1895 « " " u u jg<,5 . 35.51 B. 0. Prytherch, inspector 1896 in Repts. Inspectors coal mines 1896 : 13-67. 1897 In Rept. bureau mines 1897 : 25-62. 1898 " " " " 1898 : 33-67. 1899 - " " " 1899 : 73-128. 1900 " " " " 1900 : 31-66. 1901 a " " " 1901 : 115-156. 1902 « " " « 1902 : 123-156. P. J, Moore, inspector 1903 in Rept. dept. mines 1903 pt. 1 : 37-82. 1904 " - " " 1904 pt. 1 : 39-68. non-seriol 1891-1895. Table: tons of coal mined, no. of days worked, no. of employees, no. of accidents, mode of ventilation, no. of boilers, no. and horse power of engines and mine locomotives, condition of boilers, no. of splits of air, quantity of air passing at intake, face of workings and outlets, etc. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1891 (pp. 13-25)— same 1895.) 1897. Remarks on system of mining and general con- dition of mines In the distr. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1897: 30-36.) 1898. Map: location of coal mines in the second anthra- cite distr.; scale: 2 miles to 1 inch. (Rept. bureau of mines 1898 pt. 2.) 1899. General remarks on condition of mines. (Same 1899: 80.) 1901. Same. (Same 1901: 127.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (3D PERIOD, 1891- 1904)— cont'd Second Anthracite District — cont'd non-serial — con t'd 1902-1903. Table: names of mines and operators, kind of opening, volume of air in the mines, no. of em- ployees, quantity of air per minute per person, etc. (Some 1902 (pp. 131-133)— same dept. of mines 1903 (pp. 46-47)— same 1904.) 1903. Condition of drainage in the mines of distr. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: 79.) . General condition of the mines. (Some 1903 pt. 1: 72.) . Safety of mines in the distr. (Some 1903 pt. 1: 79.) Accidents 1892-1902. Production of coal and accidents in distr. each year. (Rept. bureau of mines 1902: 135.) Collieries 1890. Condition of the collieries in the distr. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1890: 69.) 1891-1904. Colliery improvements in the distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1891 (pp. 9-12) — same 1893; same bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 39-40) — same 1901; same dept. of mines 1903 (pp. 73-75) — same 1904.) 1892. Table: machinery, boilers and steam power used at each colliery in the distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1892: 68-71.) 1892-1904. Table: location of collieries in the distr. (Same 1892 (pp. 44-45) — same 1893; same bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 41-42) — same 1901; same dept. of mines 1903 (pp. 48-49)— same 1904.) Omitted 1894-1895, 1902. 1897. Collieries where mining operations were discon- tinued in 1897. (Rept. bureau of mines 1897: 38-39.) 1899. Effect of colliery improvements on the safety of the mine. (Same 1899: 84-86.) . Collieries which have resumed operations dur- ing yr. (Same 1899: 89.) 1902. Table: name and location of collieries, name of operator and supt., railroad to mine, etc., in the distr. (Same 1902: 138-140.) 1904. Condition of collieries of the distr. (Rept. dept. of mines 1904 pt. 1: 64-65.) Collieries: Individual Keystone Coal Co. 1886. Description of. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1886: 47.) West Ridge Coal Co. 1894. Communication from J. H. Rittenhouse, genl. mgr. of CO., describing territory and plant of the proposed mines of the co. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1893: 53-54.) Labor 1891-1904. Table: no. of each class of employees at each colliery in the distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1891 (pp. 26-29) — some 1896; same bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 46-48) — same 1901; same dept of mines 1902 (pp. 145-149)— .tame 1904.) Omitted 1895. . Examination of applicants for mine foreman's certificates. (Repts. Inspector of mines 1891-1896; same bureau of mines 1897-1902; same dept. of mines 1903-1904.) Ventilation 1897-1899. Rept. rel. to ventilation of mines of distr. (Repts. of bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 35-36) — same 1899.) 1901. Same. (Some 1901: 118-119.) 1903. Same. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: 78.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 567 COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (3D PERIOD, 1891-1904)-- cont'd Third Anthracite District Under Act of .Te. 2, 1S91, this district comprised thiit portion of the WyomlnB t'oiil field situated la Ijuzern; Co., eust of and Inel. I'lalns and Kingston townships. serial 1891-1904. Ann. rept. of inspector of coal mines of tliird anthracite district to the Secy, of Internal Affairs. In Documents ns follows : IJ. McDonald, inspector 1891 In Uepts. Inspectors mines 1891 : 39-08. 1892 - •• " " 1892 : 73-107. 1893 " ■' - coal mines 1893 : 77-104. 1894 - " " - u 1894:83-115. 1895 " " " " " 189.5 : 53-80. 1896 " " " - - 1896:09-107. 1897 " " bureau mines 1897 : 63-86. 1898 " " ... 1898 : 67-98. 1899 " " .. « 1899 . 129-170. J900 •' - - - 1900:67-104. 1901 " " - - 1901 : 157-194. 1902 " " - " 1902 : 157-194. //. O. Prytherch, inspector 1903 in Rept. dept. mines 1903 pt. 1 : 83-116. 1904 - - - - 1904 pt. 1 : 69-96. non-serial 1892. Table: condition of steam boilers in use in the distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1892: 86-89.) 1893. General condition of the mines in the distr. (Same 1893 (p. 81)— same 1894.) 1898. Map: location of coal mines in the third anthra- cite insp. distr. of Pa. Scale: 2 miles to 1 inch. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1898 pt. 2.) 1900. Same. (Same 1900: 72.) 1902-1904. Table: names of operators and mines, kind of openings, type and size of fans, size of furnaces, volume of air produced, no. of employees, quantity of air per minute per employee, etc. (Same 1902 (pp. 166-169)— sa we dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 92-93)- sa;ne 1904.) 1903. Condition of mines, ventilation and drainage. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: 114-115.) Accidents 1891-1904. Table: fatal and non-fatal accidents. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1891 (pp. 41-42) — same 1896; same bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 70-71)— some 1892; same dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (p. 86) — same 1904.) 1896-1901. Rept. on fires in third anthracite distr. (Repts. of bureau of mines 1896 (pp. 74-76) — same 1901.) Collieries 1891-1892. Condition of collieries at end of yr. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1891 (p. 46)— «ame 1892.) 1891-1904. Table: showing location of the collieries. (Same 1891 (pp. 51-52) — same 1896; same bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 72-73) — same 1902; same dept. of mines 1903 (pp. 94-95)— same 1904.) . Colliery improvements made during 1884. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1891 (p. 46) — same 1896; same bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 66-67) — same 1904.) . Examination of applicants for mine foremen's certificates in third anthracite distr. (Repts. inspec- tors of mines 1891 (p. 40) — same 1896; sarne bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 65-66) — same 1902; same dept. of mines 1903 (p. 115)— same 1904.) 1902-1903. Condition of collieries in 1902 and colliery improvements for 1903. (Rept. bureau of mines 1902: 170-171.) 1903. Description of accidents occurring in third anthracite distr. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: 113-114.) 1904. Condition of collieries and improvements made during yr. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1904 pt. 1: 95-96.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (3D PERIOD, 1891-1904)— cont'd Third Anthracite District — cont'd Collieries: Individual Annoba. Coal Co. 1894. Rept. rel. to burning of breaker of Annora Coal Co., third anthracite distr. (Repts. of Inspectors of mines 1894: 97-98.) DORBANCE COLIJEBY 1885. Fire in Dorrance Colliery, near Wilkes-Barre — third anthracite distr. (13 A.R. bureau of Industrial statistics 1885: 63-64 A.) . Fire in Dorrance Colliery, third anthracite distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1885: 55-56.) FoBTT FoBT Colliery 1892. Dam erected by the Wyoming Valley Coal Co. in the colliery; with diagram. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1892: 77-78.) HiLLMAN Shaft 1892. Description of dam in the old Hillman shaft of the Lehigh Valley Coal Co.; with diagram. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1892: 77.) Lehigh Vallet Coal Co. 1901. Improvements made by the co. during yr. (Rept. bureau of mines 1901: 165-167.) Lehigh and Wilkes-Babre Coal Co. 1888. Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal Co.— Wyoming Div. ; stmt, showing no. of accidents and their dis- tribution among the nationalities employed. (Repta. inspectors of mines 1888: 99.) Mt. Lookout Coal Co. 1894. Electric power plant of the co.; with diagram. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1894: 94-97.) Nanticoke Mine 1885. Special rept. on Nanticoke Mine disaster at No. 1 Slope, Dec. 18; prepared by G. M. Williams. 28 pp. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1885: app.) . Description of Buried Valley of Newport Creek. near Nanticoke, with special reference to mine acci- dents of Dec. 18, 1885, by C. A. Ashburner. (A.R. geol. survey 1885: 627-636.) Newport Colliery 1885. New collieries started in 1885; description of the Newport colliery. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1885: 53.) Stanton Colliery 1885. A powerful explosion of gas at Stanton Colliery, Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal Co. (Repts. of in- spectors of mines 1885: 56-57.) . Explosion of gas at Stanton Colliery in Wilkes- Barre. (13 A.R. bureau of industrial statistica 1885: 64-65A.) Twin Shaft Colliery 1896. The Twin Shaft disaster, Newton Coal Mining Co., third anthracite distr., rept rel. to cave-in of mine. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1896: 79-85.) . Rept. of Wm. Stein, Edwd. Roderick and Edwd. Brennan, who were requested by the Gov. to in- vestigate the disaster at the Twin Shaft Colliery, Pittston, Je. 28, 1896. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1897, 160 pp. Copy seen In Free Library of Phlla., and In N. T. Tubllc Library. 1897. Acct. of accident at Twin Shaft Mine near Pitts- ton. (Govs. mess. (Hastings) Jan. 5, 1897: 23.) Wyoming Colliery 1895. Description of fire in Wyoming Colliery, Lehigh Valley Coal Co., third anthracite distr. (Repts. in- spectors of mines 1895: 64-65.) 568 INDEX TO tKJCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (3D PERIOD, 1891-1904) — cont'd Third Anthracite District — cont'd Labor 1891-1904. Table: no. of each class of employees at each colliery in the distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1891 (pp. 57-59) — same 1896; same bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 77-79)— some 1902; same dept. of mines 1903 (pp. 102-107)— .sn me 1904.) Ventilation 1901. Table showing method and state of ventilation in the distr. (Rept. bureau of mines 1901: 162-163.) Fourth Anthracite {or Lehigh ayid Wyoming) District Under Act of .Te. 2, 1891, this district couiprisert that portion of the WyominR coal Held not incl. in district three, west of I'laius and Kingston town- ships, incl. the city of WilUes-Bnrre and the boroughs of Kingston and Edwardsville. serial 1891-1904. Ann. rept. of inspector of coal mines of fourth anthracite district to the Secy, of Internal Affairs 1891-1902 and to the Chief Dept. of Mines 1903-1904. In Documents as follows : G. il. WilUams, inspector 1891 In Repts. Inspectors mines 1891 : eg-l.'iS. 1892 - " " '• 1892 : 109-16". 1893 " " •• coal mines 189.S: lO.-.-l 4:;. 1894 " " " " " 1894:117-180. 1895 " " " " " 1895:STi:!8. 1896 " - •' " " 1896; lOOH.-,. 1897 " Rept. bureau mines 1897 : 87-124. 1898 " - " •' 1898 : 99-12S. 1899 " " » " 1899 : 171-2n4. 1900 " " " " 1900 : 105-152. Edward E. Ifejtuolds, inspector 1901 in Rept. bureau mines 1901 : 19,^-234. 1902 " " " " 1902 : 195-236. D. T. WiUiams, inspector 1903 In Rept. dept. mines 1903 pt. 1 : 117-152. 1904 1904 pt. 1 : 97-130. non-serial 1891. Pillars betw. adjoining coal properties required by sec. 10, art. 3, act of Je. 2, 1891; formulas and terms rel. to erection of in fourth anthracite distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1891: 75-77.) 1892. General condition of mines in the distr. {Same 1892: 111-112.) 1893. Pumping by electricity; introduction of first electric pump into fourth anthracite distr. {Same 1893: 112.) 1896. Rept. rel. to method of mining in distr. {Same 1896: 122-126.) 1897. The mines and mine inspection of fourth anthra- cite distr. {Same 1897: 99-100.) 1898. Map: location of coal mines in the distr.; scale: 2 miles to 1 inch. (Rept. bureau of mines 1898 pt. 2.) 1902-1904. Table: names of operators and mines, kind of openings, type and size of fans, size of furnaces, volume of air produced, no. of employees, quantity of air per employee per minute, etc. {Same 1902 (pp. 203-205)— .same dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 126-127)— .some 1904.) Accidents 1891. Breakers destroyed by fire in distr. (Uepls. in- spectors of mines 1891: 90.) 1891-1901. Repts. on fires in collieries of distr. {Same 1891 (pp. 100-103)— tome 1901.) Omitted 1893-1895. 1891-1904. Fatal and non-fatal accidonts in distr. (Same 1891 (pp. 70-71) — -same 1896; xume bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 90-91) — name 1902; some dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (p. 120)— somo 1904.) 1902-1904. Brief description of fatal accidents occur- ring in distr. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1902 (pp. 207-214)— same 1904 pt. 1.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (3D PERIOD, 1891-1904)— cont'd Fourth Anthracite {or Lehigh and Wyoming) District — cont'd Collieries 1891-1894. Condition of collieries in the distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1891 (p. 72) — same 1894.) Omitted in 1892. 1S91-1904. Table: location of collieries in distr. {Same 1891 (p. 108) — some 1896; same bureau of mines 1897 (p. 109)— some 1902; same dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 136-141)— some 1904.) . Record of improvements during 1891. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1891 (pp. 85-89) — same 1896; .some bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 105-107) — same 1902; .some dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1— some 1904.) 1892. Table: no. and horsepower of engines and no. of steam boilers in use at each colliery in the distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1892: 132-133.) . New coal breakers erected in the distr. during yr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1892: 126.) 1903-1904. Present condition of collieries. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (p. 150)— some 1904.) Collieries: Individual AvoND.vLE Mine 1897. A squeeze and serious inflow of water at mine. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1897: 102-103.) B.\LTiM0RE No. 2 Shaft, Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. 1892. Plan of automatic system for transferring cars from shaft head to breaker dump. (Repts. in- spectors of mines 1892: betw. pp. 126-127.) Dodson Colliery; see below, Hillman Vmn Colliery HiLLMAN Vein Colliery 1900. Abandonment of and reopening of Dodson col- liery. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1900: 115.) Kingston Coal Co., no. 4 Shaft 1891. The re-erection of breaker over shaft enjoined; decision by court of Luzerne Co. rel. to police power — mine regulation act of 1891. (Repts. in- spectors of mines 1891: 91-100.) Lehigh Valley Coal Co.'s Collieries 1892. Repts. on experiments with ammonite made by mining engr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1892: 117-123.) Old Forge Breaker, Penn. Coal Co. 1903. Burning of. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903: 151.) Susquehanna Coal Co. No. 6 Colliery 1896. Description of compressed air motor haulage plant at the colliery at Glen Lyon, Penn.; with diagr. and pits. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1895: 104-109.) Woodward Coixikry 1893. Pumping by electricity at the colliery; first electric pump in the distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1893: 112.) YoRKTowN No. 5 Mine 1887. Arbitration to decide on safety of mine. (15 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1887: 5-7T.) 1885-1904. Table: no. of each class of employees in the distr. during yr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1885 (p. 174) — same 1896; some bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 114-117) — same 1902; same dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 128-129)— some 1904.) 1891-1902. Examination of applicants for certificates of qualification as mine foremen in 4th anthracite distr. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1891 (p. 178) —same 1902.) Ventilation 1891. Table: quantity of air circulating through mines of distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1891: 73-74.) . Recording instruments on ventilators in the distr. (Same 1891: 89-90.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OK THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 569 COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (3D PERIOD, 1891-1904)— cont'd Fourth Anthracite (or Lehigh and Wyoming) District — cont'd Ventilation — cont'd 1896. Ventilation in mines of the distr. (Same 1896: 111.) 1901. Table showing quantity of air circulating through mines of distr. (Kept, bureau of mines 1901: 201- 203.) fHfth Anthracite District Under the Act of Jc. 2. 1891, this illstrlct comprised that part of Luzerne Co. lying south of the Wj'oniing coal field, together with Carbon Co. serial 1891-1904. Ann. rcpt. of inspector of coa! mines of fifth anthracite district to the Secy, of Internal Affairs 1891-1902 and to the Chief Dept. of Mines 1903-1904. In Documents as follows : John il. Lewis, inspector 1801 in Itepts. Inspectors mines 1891 : 13.3-i;0i:. 1892 1893 " 1894 " 1892: 16.'5-10:i. coal mines 1893 : 14.'3-19r). 1894 : lSl-222. James E. Iloderick, inspector 1893 In Uepts. inspectors coal mines 189.') : HO-ltiO. IT. H. Daviea ( f ) Davis (t), inspector 1896 In Repts. inspectors coal mines 1896:147-187. 1897 " Kept, bureau mines 1897:125-160. 1898 1899 " 1900 " 1901 " 1898 : 129-17.3. 1899 : 23.';-289. 1900 : 15:^-202. 1901 : 235-284. David J. Roderick, inspector 1902 in Uept. bureau mines 1902 : 237-263. H. McDonald, inspector 1903 in Kept. dept. mines 1903 pt. 1 . 15.3-196. 1904 - '• " - 1904 pt. 1 : 131-160. non-serial 1891. Table: no. of days worked by collieries, no. of persons employed, tons of coal mined per employe, tons of coal mined per persons injured and killed, no. of fatalities, no. injured, tons of coal mined per person injured, tons of coal mined per persons killed, ratio of employes to fatalities, tons of coal mined during yr., no. of kegs of powder used in mining, and no. of pounds of dynamite used at collieries of 5th Anthracite Distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1891: 138.) 1895-1896. Mine improvements during 1895: with plans. (Same 1895 (pp. 144-151)— ««me 1896.) 1898. Map: location of coal mines in the distr.: scale: 2 miles to 1 inch. (Rept. bureau of mines 1898 pt. 2.) 1899. Surface method of mining in distr. (Same 1899: 241-243.) 1900-1901. Mine improvements made during yr. (Same 1900 (pp. 162-170)— some 1901.) 1903-1904. Table: names of operators and mines, kind of openings, type and size of fans, size of furnaces, volume of air produced, no. of employees, quantity of air per employee per minute, etc. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 162-163)— same 1904.) Accidents See also comparative tabies fur this distrift under Second I'eriod, above. 1891-1904. Descriptive record of fatal accidents in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1891 (pp. 146-150) —same 1896 (pp. 165-168) — Mime bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 137-138) — same 1902; same dept. of mines 1903 (pp. 185-194)— same 1904.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (3D PERIOD, 1891- 1904)— cont'd Fifth Anthracite District— cont'd Accidents — cont'd 1893. Rept. on mine fires in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1893: 152-153.) 1895. Same. (Same 1895: 157-169.) Collieries 1891-1904. Table showing location of collif-rics in the distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1891 (pp. 182- 183) — same 1896: yame bureau of mines 1897 (p. 141) — same 1902; name dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 164-165)— .wjiir 1904 pt. 1.) . Colliery improvements during yr. (Repts. in- spectors of mines 1891 (pp. 141-144)— .«(me 1896; .va;)ic bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 131-137)— .istrict — cont'd Accidents — cont'd 2 series 1895/9-1897/01. Comparative table showing coal pro- duction (coal shipped, used at collieries and local sales, total produced) and accidents (no. of fatal, non-fatal, total) in 7th anthracite distr. In Repts. ns follows : 1895/9 In Uept. burciiu mines 1899 : 340-341. ISnC./OO" ^ .. - 1900:236-237. 1897/01 " 1901 : 313-314. 1891-1893. Descriptive list of fatal accidents in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1885 (pp. 239-242) — name 1893.) 1903-1904. Same. (Kept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 270-276)— ,sfj we 1904 pt. 1.) Collieries 1891-1894. General condition of collieries. (Repts. in- spectors of mines 1891 (p. 248) — same 1894.) 1891-1900. Improvements in the collieries of the distr. during yr. (Same 1891 (pp. 248-256)— same 1895; same bureau of mines 1899 (p. 342) — same 1900.) Omitted 1896-1898. 1891-1904. Table showing location of collieries in the distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1891 (p. 260) — same 1896; same bureau of mines 1897 (p. 196) — same 1902; same dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (p. 255) — same 1904.) 1903-1904. Improvements made in collieries of distr. during yr. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 276-280)— «a»ie 1904 pt. 1.) Collieries: Individual Pennsylvania Colliery, Union Coai Co. 1893. Rept. on fire at colliery. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1893: 224-225.) RiCHAEDS Colliery, Union Coal Co. 1897. Method of mining and robbing pillars at colliery. (Rept. bureau of mines 1897: 192-195.) Labor 1891-1904. Table: number of each class of employees at each colliery in the distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1891 (pp. 263-264) — same 1896; same bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 199-200) — same 1902; same dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 260-263) — same 1904.) Eighth Anthracite District serial Under Act of Je. 2, 1891. During this period this dLstrict comprised all that part of the Schuylkill coal field In Schuylkill Co. lying south of the Mahanoy Valley and Lebanon Co. 1891-1904. Ann. rept. inspector of mines for eighth anthracite district to the Secy, of Internal Affairs 1891-1902 and to the Chief, Dept. of Mines 1903-1904. In Documents as follows : Samuel Oay, inspector 1891 in Repts. Inspectors mines 1891 : 271-288. 1892 1892 : 243-261. John Uaguire, inspector 1893 In Repts. Inspectors coal mines 1893 : 243-254. 1894 - " " - u 1894:279-301. 1895 " " " - " 1895 : 241-27fi. 1896 " " " •' " 1896:239-287. 1897 " Rept. bureau mines 1897 : 207-232. 1898 ■' " . " i89g . 227-270. 1899 " " « - 1S99 : 365-408. 1900 " " " " 1900 : 253-288. 1901 " " ^ u 1901 : 331-362. Michael J. Brennan, inspector 1902 In Rept. bureau mines 1902 : 313-342. COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (3D PERIOD, 1 89 1 -1904)— cont'd Eighth Anthracite District — cont'd serial — cont'd D. T. Davis, inspector 1903 In Rept. dept. mines 1903 pt. 1 : 281-310. 1904 - " ■• - 1904 pt. 1 : 237-272. non-serial 1898. Map: location of coal mines in the distr.; scale: 2 miles to 1 inch. (Rept. bureau of mines 1898 pt. 2.) 1902-1904. Table: names of operators and mines, kind of openings, type and size of fans, size of furnaces, volume of air produced, no. of employees, quantity of air per minute per person, etc. {Same 1902 (pp. 322-323)— .wnie dept. mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 290-291) same 1904.) Accidents 1892-1904. Rept. on accidents in distr. (Repts. in- spectors of mines 1892 (pp. 245-250)— si me 1904 pt. 1.) 1895-1896. Rept. rel. to mine fires in distr. {Same 1895 (pp. 248-249)- .same 1896.) 1898. Same. (Rept. bureau of mines 1898: 232-244.) Collieries 1891-1894. General condition of collieries. (Repts. in- spectors of mines 1891 (p. 274) — same 1894.) Omitted in 1893. 1891-1904. Table showing location of collieries in the distr. (Same 1891 (p. 280)— same 1896; same 1897 (p. 219)— same 1902; same dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (p. 292)— same 1904.) . Colliery improvements made during the yr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1891 (pp. 277-278) — same 1896; same bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 214-218) — same 1902; same 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 314-316) — same 1904.) 1897. Collieries abandoned during yr. (Rept. bureau of mines 1897: 218.) 1900. Collieries abandoned during yr. (Same 1900: 268-269.) 1902. List of new collieries opened during yr. (Same 1902: 327.) 1903-1904. General condition of collieries. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 313-314)— same 1904.) Collieries: Individual Kaska-William Colliery 1898. Plan and section of colliery; scale: 1 inch = 100 ft. (Rept. bureau of mines 1898 pt. 2.) Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co.'s Mine 1894. Rept. on fire at mine of co. (Repts. Inspectors of mines 1894: 280-281.) Marion Colliery 1898. Arbitration rel. to location of pumping plant at colliery. (Rept. bureau of mines 1898: 244-248.) Richardson Colliery 1891. Disaster at colliery. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1891: 274-277.) Labor 1891. Examination of applicants for mine foremen certificates in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1891: 278-279.) 1891-1904. Table: no. of each class of employees at each colliery in distr. (Same 1891 (pp. 283-284) — same 1896; same bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 222-223) — same 1902; same dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 298-301)— sa?ne 1904.) Ventilation 1901. Table showing quantity of air circulating through the mines of the distr. (Rept. bureau of mines 1901: 337.) 573 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (3D | PERIOD, 1891-1904) — cont'd i Ninth Anthracite District serial 1903-1904. Ann. rept. Inspector of mines for ninth anthracite district to the Chief of Dept. of Mines. In Documents as follows : David J. Rodenck, inspector 1903 In Rept. dept. mines 1903 pt 1 : 317-372. 1904 1904 pt. 1 : 273-315. non-serial 1903-1904. Table: names of operators and mines, kind of openings, type and size of fans, size of furnaces, volume of air produced, no. of persons employed, quantity of air per person per minute, etc. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 326-32S)— same 1904 pt. 1.) Accidents 1903. Rept. rel. to mine fires in distr. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: 370-371.) . Descriptive record of fatal accidents occurring in distr. (,Same 1903 pt. 1: 350-362.) Collieries 1903-1904. Colliery improvements in distr. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 362-370)— «awe 1904 pt. 1.) . Table showing location, etc., of collieries. (Rept. bureau of mines 1903 pt. 1: 329-330.) Collieries: Individual DBrFTON No. 1 COLLIEET OF CoXE BBOS. AND Cc, ISC. 1904. Boiler explosion at. (Rept. dept. of mines 1904 pt. 1:302.) Hazel Bbook Coluebies 1904. Boundary pillar agreement betw. Jno. S. Wentz and Co. and Coxe Bros., Inc. (Rept. dept. of mines 1904 pt. 1: 303-304.) Pond Cheek Coal Co. 1904. Boundary pillar agreement betw. co. and G. B. Markle and Co. (Rept. dept. of mines 1904 pt. 1: 302-303.) Labor 1903-1904. Table: no. of each class of employees at each colliery and no. of days wored each month. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 337-342)— .same 1904 pt. 1.) . Examination of mine foremen in distr. {f!ame 1903 pt. 1 (p. 371)— sa/ne 1904 pt. 1.) Tenth Anthracite District serial 1903-1904. Ann. rept. inspector of mines for the tenth anthracite district to the Chief, Dept. of Mines. In Documents as follows : WilUam Stein, inspector 1903 In Bept. dept. mines 1903 pt. 1 : 373-40S. 1904 " - " " 1904 pt. 1 : 315-342. non-serial 1904. Table: name of operator and mine, kind of open- ing, type and size of fan, size of furnace, volume of air produced, number of persons employed, quantity of air per person per minute, etc. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1904 pt 1: 324-325.) 1903. Table: names of operators and mines, kind of openings, type and size of fans, size of furnaces, volume of air produced, number of persons em- ployed, quantity of air per person per minute, etc. (Same 1903 pt. 1: 382-383.) Accidents 1903. Descriptive rept. of accidents occurring in distr. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: 402-403.) COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (3D PERIOD, 1891-1904)— cont'd Tenth Anthracite District — cont'd Collieries 1903. General condition of collieries. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: 403-404.) . Table: no. of each class of employees at each colliery and no. of days worked each month. {Same 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 392-390)— sdwe 1904.) . Table showing location, etc., of collieries. (Rept. bureau of mines (pp. 384-385) — same 1904.) 1903-1904. Improvements made during yr. in collieries of distr. (Same 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 404-406)— xdwie 1904 pt. 1.) 1903-1904. Examination of mine foremen in distr. (Same 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 406-407)— 60 me 1904 pt. 1.) Eleventh Anthracite District serial 1903-1904. Ann. rept. inspector of mines for the eleventh anthracite district to the Chief, Dept. of Mines. In Documents as follows : P. C Fenton, inspector 1903 In Rept. dept. mines 1903 pt. 1 : 409-442. 1904 " 1904 pt. 1 : :!43-370. non-serial 1903-1904. Table: names of operators and mines, kind of openings, type and size of fans, size of furnaces, volume of air produced, no. of persons employed, quantity of air per person per employee, etc. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 418-419)- same 1904.) Accidents 1903. Descriptive record of accidents in collieries of distr. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: 434-436.) Collieries 1903-1904. Condition of collieries and improvements made during yr. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 436-440)— some 1904.) . Table showing location, etc., of collieries. (Same (p. 420)— soJHe 1904.) Collieries: Individual Maple Hill No. 2 Shaft of Phila. and Reading Coal a.\d Ikon Co. 1904. Explosion of dynamite. (Rept. dept. of mines 1904 pt. 1: 364.) Labor 1903-1904. Examination of mine foremen in distr. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 440-441) — same 1904 pt. 1.) . Table: no. of each class of employees at each colliery and no. of days worked each month. (Same 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 425-427)— same 1904.) Twelfth Anthracite District serial 1903-1904. Ann. rept. inspector of mines of the twelfth anthracite district to the Chief, Dept. of Mines. In Documents as follows : Michael J. llreiinan, inspector 1903 In Bept. dept. mines 1900 pt. 1 : 443-486. 1904 " 1904 pt. 1 : 371-403. 7ion-serial 1903. Table: names of operators and mines, kind of openings, type and size of fans, size of furnaces, volume of air produced, no. of persons employed, quantity of air per person per minute, etc. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: 452-453.) 1904. Table: name of operator and mine, kind of open- ing, type and size of fan, size of furnace, volume of air produced, no. of persons employed, quantity of air per person per minute, etc. (Same 1904 pt. 1: 380-381.) INDEX TO nOCUMKNTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 573 COAL MINES AND MINING: ANTHRACITE MINES (3D PERIOD, 189 1 -1904)— cont'd Twelfth Anthracite District— cont'd Accidents 1903-1904. Accidents occurriuK in distr. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 473-477) — so mr 1904 pt. 1.) Collieries 1903. Colliery improvements made durin.a; yr. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: 480-484.) 1903-1904. Table showing location, etc., of collieries. (Same 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 454-455)— .vnmfl 1904.) . Condition of collieries in the distr. (Same 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 477-480)— same 1904.) Labor 19031904. Table: no. of each class of employees at each colliery and no. of days worked each month. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 462-466)— sa7ne 1904.) . Examination of mine foremen of distr. (Same 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 484-485)— «ame 1904 pt. 1.) Thirteenth Anthracite District serial 1903-1904. Ann. rept. inspector of mines of the thir- teenth anthracite district to the Chief, Dept. of Mines. In Docnments as follows : John Curran, inspector 1903 in Rept. dept. mines 1903 pt. 1 : 487-530. 1904 1904 pt. 1 : 403-440. non-serial 1903-1904. Table: names of operators and mines, kind of openings, type and size of fans, size of furnaces, volume of air produced, no. of persons employed, quantity of air per person per minute, etc. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 496-497)— .same 1904.) Accidents 1903. Record of fatal accidents occurring In mines of distr. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1: 519-523.) Collieries 1903-1904. Colliery improvements made during yr. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 526-530) — same 1904.) . Table showing location, etc., of collieries. (Same 1903 pt. 1: 498-499)— some 1904.) . Condition of collieries in distr. (Same 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 523-525)— same 1904.) Collieries: Individual No. 11 COLUEBY OF LeHIGH CoaL AND NAVIGATION CO. 1904. Fire at colliery. (Rept. dept. of mines 1904 pt. 1: 434.) Labor 1903-1904. Table: no. of each class of employees at each colliery and no. of days worked each month. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 506-511)— .some 1904.) . Examination of mine foremen In distr. (Same 1903 pt. 1 (p. 530)— some 1904 pt. 1.) Fourteenth Anthracite District serial 1903-1904. Ann. rept. Inspector of mines of the four- teenth anthracite district to the Chief, Dept. of Mines. In Documents as follows : Benjamin I. Evans, inspector 1903 in Rept. dept. mines 1903 pt. 1 : 531.106. 1904 » " " " 1904 pt. 1 : 441-4-:.'. COAL MINES AND MINING: AJJTHRACITE MINES (3D PERIOD, 1891-1904)— cont'd Fourteenth Anthracite District— cont'd non-serial 190.V1904. Table: names of operators and mines, kind of openin.i^s, type and size of fans, size of furnaces, volume of air produced, no. of employees, quantity of air per person per minute, etc. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 540-541 (—.tome 1904.) Collieries 1903-1904. Condition of collieries in the distr. (Kept, dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 562-564)— same 1904.) . Table showing location, etc., of collieries. (SaDie 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 542-543)— some 1904.) Collieries: Individual COBBIX COLUEBY OF EXCELSIOB COAL Co. 1904. Explosion of gas at. (Rept. dept. of mines 1904 pt. 1: 466.) LocrsT Gap Colliery of Phila. and Reading Coal and IBON" Co. 1904. Fire at. (Rept. dept. of mines 1904 pt. 1: 466- 467.) Labor 1903-1904. Table: no. of each class of employees at each colliery and no. of days worked each month (Rept. of dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 550-555) — same 1904.) . Examination of mine foremen in distr. (Same 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 564-566) — same 1904 pt. 1.) Fifteenth Anthracite District serial 1903-1904. Ann. rept. inspector of mines of the fif- teenth anthracite district to the Chief, Dept. of Mines. In Documents as follows : Martin Kelly, inspector 1903 in Rept. dept. mines 1903 pt. 1 : 567-39.".. 1904 " " '• " 1904 pt. 1 : 473-494. non-serial 1903. Table: names of operators and mines, kind of openings, type and size of fans, size of furnaces, volume of air produced, no. of persons employed, quantity of air per person per minute, etc. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (p. 576)— some 1904.) Accidents 1903-1904. Descriptive record of accidents occurring in distr. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 589- 591)— some 1904 pt. 1.) Collieries 1903-1904. Condition of collieries and improvements made during yr. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 591-593)— .some 1904.) . Table showing location, etc., of collieries. (Same 1903 pt. 1 (p. 577)— some 1904.) Collieries: Individual 1904. Accident at Williamstown Colliery of Summit Branch Mining Co. (Rept. dept. of mines 1904 pt. 1; ix-x. ) Labor 1903-1904. Table: no. of each class of employees at each colliery and no. of days worked each month. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 582-584) — same 1904.) . Examination of mine foremen in distr. (Same 1903 pt. 1 (pp. 594-595)— some 1904 pt. 1.) 574 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS 1864-1869. Aggregate bituminous coal mined in other states of the Union. (Kept, inspector of mines 1870: 1786.) PagiDg from Leglsl. docs. 1871. PENNSYLVANIA 18201872. Table: bituminous coal trade of Penn. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 215-216.) 1872. Coal — bituminous; geological formation in Penn. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1872: 35-36.) 1872-1873. Total amt. of bituminous coal moved to- wards seaboard each yr. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 226.) 1873. Bituminous coal regions of western Penn. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 207-209.) 1874. Bituminous coal regions of western Penn.; lower coal-measures, Pittsburg seam. (2 same 1873/4: 219- 220.) 1874-1889. Retrospective view of condition of bitumi- nous coal mines and what enactment of bituminous mining law has accomplished. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1889: 319-322.) 1875. Rept of comrs. apptd. by Gov. under res. of Mch. 16, 1874, to investigate bituminous coal fields of Penn. (Legisl. docs. 1875 v. 3: 179-226; Leglsl. Record 1875: 383-402.) Augustus Stlnner, John O'Neil and John Arcbibald, comrs. . Same, separate. Harrisburg: B. F. Meyers, 1875. 50 pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. . Analyses of bituminous coal. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 256-259.) . Reasons for not surveying the anthracite coal regions and for surveying the bituminous regions; oil regions. (Rept. of bd. of comrs. for 2d geol. survey 1875: 7.) 1875-1877. Table: production of semi-bituminous coal of No. Penn., amt. for each company. (5 same 1876/7: 187.) 1876-1878. Repts. from operators of bituminous mines; location, amt. and value of product, no. of employes, wages, amt. paid for materials, classification of labor, etc., characteristics of colliery. (4 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1875/6 (pp. 182-257) —6 same 1877/8.) 1877. List of operators [of bituminous coal mines] In Allegheny, Westmoreland, Washington, Fayette, Somerset, Bedford cos. (5 same 1876/7: 251-254.) 1878. Ruination of some bituminous mines from work- ing to get cheap coal. (6 same 1877/8: 232.) 1879. Bituminous coal statistics: name of colliery, by whom operated, county, year opened, quantity and value of product, amt. paid for materials used in business, employes, wages, production, etc. (7 same 1878/9: 36-39.) 1880. Table: production, etc. of collieries in bitumi- nous coal region of state: no. of acres of coal land owned or leased, worked, employes, days in opera- tion, no. of ovens, tons produced, remarks. (8 same 1879/80: 28-33.) 1881. The available tonnage of bituminous coal-fields of Penn.; by H. M. Chance. (9 same 1880/1: 11-26.) 1881-1884. Bituminous coal: no. of collieries, name of operator, employees, production, wages, etc. (9 same 1881 (pp. 4-8) — 12 same 1884.) Names of operators not giTen In 1883 ; returns are giveo by counties. COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1883. Aug. Circular letter to owners, operators, agents and mining bosses of bituminous and semi-bitumi- nous coal mines of Penn. [calling attention to new division of distrs. and amdmt. to ventilation act, etc.]. (11 same 1883: 4-eA.) The circular given here gives cos. In 1st dietr. Circular does not occur again but on p. Sla, Inspector of 2d distr. states. " At a mtg. of Bit. Mine inspectors in Pittsburgh, it was agreed to issue a circular letter ' to owners, operators, agte. and mining- bosses of bit. coal mines of Penn." [Said cir. will be found In rept. of Insp: of first bit. dlstr.] " 1884. How can the mines be worked to secure greater safety, by Augustus Stinner; with illustrations from fifty bituminous distr. (12 same 1884: 173-178A.) . Suggested by inspector of 3d bituminous coal distr. that comn. be apptd. to revise bituminous mine law. (12 same 1884: 83A.) 1885. Recommended that comn. be created to revise bituminous mining laws. ((Jovs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 6, 1885: 12.) . Check weigh-men employed in bituminous coal mines to secure payment for all coal mined. (Legisl. Record 1885: 860-861.) 1886. Progress of survey in the bituminous coal distrs. (Rept. of comrs. of geol. survey 1885/6: 2-3.) 1886/92-18S8/94. Septennial tables: days in operation of bituminous collieries. (A.R. inspectors of coal mines 1892 (pp. xxvi-xlv) — same 1894.) 1888. Suggestions to mine officials and miners of bitu- minous regions. {Same 1888: 291-292.) 1888/90. Opinions of atty. gen. on act of Je. 30, 1885 rel. to bituminous coal mines; certificates of mining bosses. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1889/90: app. pp. Ixxiv-lxxvii.) 1888/92-1890/04. Comparative table showing production of coal and coke in tons; no. of employes in and about mines; no. of fatal and non-fatal accidents in each anthracite and bituminous district. For collation of table see material under anthracite mines. Third Period. 1888/92-1893/7. Quinquenn. tables: production of bitu- minous coal, coke, and no. of employees in and about mines by counties. (A.R. inspectors of coal mines 1892 (pp. xii-xiii) — same 1897.) 1891. Decisions and opinions of judge of courts of Westmoreland Co., on sees. 4, 5, 6 of bituminous mining act of Je. 30, 1885. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1891: 323-327.) . Rept. of commission on revision of laws rel. to ventilation and regulation of bituminous coal mines of state. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1891: 1069-1073.) The report, presented by Hobblns, contains a report dated Apr. 29, 1891, signed by T. K. Adams, chrm., and a minority report signed by GraCf, Hughes, Hartley, Wood and Nearing. . Rept. of conference committee (Mehard) rel. to apptmt. of comn. to revise mine laws and ven- tilation acts, rel. to bituminous coal regions of Penn. (Same 1891: 344-345.) 1891/5-1892/6. Quinquennial stmts, of ann. production in tons of bituminous coal region. (Rept. inspectors of coal mines 1895 (p. x) — same 1896.) 1892-1901. Table: production of bituminous coal, quan- tity of explosives, used, no. tons of coal produced for each pound of explosives, and average quantity of coal produced for each employe inside of mines. (Rept. bureau of mines 1901: 55.) 1893. Condition of laws providing for ventilation and regulation of bituminous coal mines. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 3, 1893: 31-32.) 1895. Rept. describing bituminous coal fields (E. V. d'lnvilliers) and the new red of Bucks and Mont- gomery COS. (B. S. Lyman.) (Final rept. geol. sur- vey 1895 V. 3 pt. 2: xxiii, 2153-2638 pp. 215 pi.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 575 COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1896-1897. Table: production, shipments of coke in 1897, Increase compared with 1896, no. of employes, tons of coal produced per employe, kegs of powder and lbs. of dynamite used, no. of horses and mules, no. of steam boilers in use, fatal and non-fatal acci- dents in bituminous coal mines of Penn. (Rept. bureau of mines 1897: sxiv-xxxiv.) 1897. Tabular stmt, showing average thickness of coal seam, average no. of tons secured per acre, character of coal, acres worked out, etc. in each inspection dlstr. in bituminous coal region. {Same 1898: Ixxvii.) 1898. The system of mining in the bituminous mines; with description of raining methods in the Oliver mines, by Fred. E. Keighley's rept. (Same 1898: xiii-xvi.) . Table: quantity of coal shipped by rail and river, used for steam and heat, sold to local trade and used by employes, no. days worked, kegs powder and lbs. of dynamite used, horses and mules in use, steam boilers, mine locomotives and coke ovens in use in bituminous region. (.Same 1898: Ixxvl. ) 1898-1903. Summary of work of dept. of mines; bitu- minous region. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2: xxl.) 1899. Inspection of bituminous mines; list of cos. in which bituminous coal is mined; recommended that region be re-districted and that 12 distrs. be made of present 10. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1899: xvi-xvii.) 1899-1903. Table: no. of gaseous and non-gaseous mines, production of coal from gaseous and non-gaseous mines, percentage of gaseous and non-gaseous mines and percentage of production in each in bituminous region. (A.R. inspector coal mines 1900 (p. xl) — same 1903.) 1900. Corresp. rel. to uniformity in make-up of per- manent danger signals in bituminous mines. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1900: 292.) . Recommended that sec. 2, of art. 5, of bituminous mine law be amended to conform with anthracite law. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs 1899/00 pt. 1: 126 A.) . Recommended that sec. 2, art. 15 of bituminous mine law referring to certificates of mine foremen and assts. be amended so as to conform with anthra- cite mine law rel. to same. (Rept. bureau of mines 1900: xi-xii.) 1900-1903. Tables: quantity of coal for each co. that produced 700,000 tons or more, inspection districts in bituminous regions in which such cos. mines are located, and no. employees for each of these cos. (A.R. inspector of coal mines 1901 (p. 56) — same 1903.) Omitted in 1901. 1901. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to construction of act of May 15, 1893, sec. 5, article 10— right of bd. of examiners of bituminous coal mines to increase no. of inspection distrs. in state. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1901/2: 5-6.) 1902-1904. Tables: no. of mines in which mining ma- chines are used, no. of machines in each bituminous distr., motive power used to operate them and no. of tons of coal produced in each distr. by machines. (Same 1902 (p. 90)— same 1904 pt. 2; 30 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1902 (pp. 435-437)— 32 same 1904.) 1903. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to dept. of mines; de- fective amdmt. to bituminous mine law of Je. 30, 1885. (Blenn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 239-240.) . Tables: bituminous districts as re-arranged in Jan. 1903, in conformity with law approved 1893, COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd giving no. of collieries, employes, and production of each district. (Rept. bureau of mines 1902: 14-16.) 1904. Bituminous coal operators, in answer to question, " Was your mine idle from any other cause than strikes or lockout? " (32 A.R. bureau of mines 1904- 409-410.) Beaver River nistrict 1875. Rept. of progress in Beaver River distr. of bitu- minous coal fields of western Penn.; by J. C. White, li, 337 pp., 21 pis., 3 maps. (2 geol. survey I.) Broad Top Region 1871. Broad Top semi-bituminous coal trade; exhibi- tion of amt. of coal shipped to market from this region. (Rept. of inspectors of mines 1871: 43.) 1871-1874. Location of semi-bituminous coal fields of Penn.; production in 1871; comparative production in Tioga, Bradford and Lycoming cos. in 1872 and 1873. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 214-215.) 1873. Semi-bituminous coal field of Penn. — Broad Top Mountain. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 206-207.) 1873-1874. Table: amt. of coal mined and sent to mar- ket in 1873, from collieries of Broad Top semi- bituminous coal region, with present facilities and estimated capacity for 1874, furnished by J. Fulton, mining engr. (2 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1873/4: 192-218.) Cambrian and Somerset District 1875/6. Rept. of progress in the Cambrian and Somer- set district of the bituminous coal fields of western Penn.; by F. and W. G. Piatt 2 vols. (2 geol. survey HH and HHH.) Clearfield and Jefferson District 1874. Rept. of progress in Clearfield and Jefferson district of bituminous coal fields of Penn.; by F. Piatt, viii, 1-246, 9 maps. (2 geol. survey H.) 1S84. A revision of bituminous coal measures of Clear- field Co.; by H. M. Chance, xv, 197 pp., 1 map. (2 same H 7.) Fayette and Westmoreland District 1876/8. Rept. of progress in Fayette and Westmoreland district of bituminous coal fields of western Penn.; by J. J. Stevenson. 2 v. viii, 436 pp., 3 pis., 3 maps. (2 geol. survey KK and KKK.) Greene and Washington District 1875. Report of progress in Greene and Washington district of bituminous coal field of western Penn.; by J. J. Stevenson, x. 419 pp., 2 maps. (2 geol. survey K.) Pittsburgh and Monongahela Region 1885. Progress of field work in the Pittsburgh and Monongahela Valley bituminous regions. (Rept. of comrs. of geol. survey 1885/6: 1-2.) Accidents 1878-1898. Diagram, showing no. of persons employed, no. of net tons mined and no. of deaths from acci- dents in bituminous coal mines of Penn. (Rept. bureau of mines 1S97 (following p. viii) — same 1898.) 1878/97-1888/04. Table: no. of employes in and about bituminous mines; no. of fatal accidents; no. of fatal accidents per 1000 employes; tons mined; tons mined for each fatal accident. (Rept. bureau of mines 1897 (p. ix) — rept. dept. of mines 1904.) In 1897 anil 1S98 the table is cunuilatlve from 1878 ; thprcafti'r from 1884. 576 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS— cont'd Accidents — cont'd 1880-1899. Table: comparison of bituminous mines pro- duction, no. of employes, no. of lives lost, no. of lives lost per 1000 employed, no. of tons produced per life lost, no. of tons produced per employee. (Rept. bureau of mines 1899: xiv.) 1880/3-1896/7. Table: no. of deaths from different causes in bituminous mines per 1000 employes. (Mining bull. Penn. State College v. 4 (no. 6) : 134.) 1886-1904. No. of employes inside and outside bitumi- nous mines; no. of fatal accidents; no. of fatal acci- dents per 1000 employes; no. of tons of coal mined per fatal accident. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1904 pt. 2: xiii.) 18S8/92-1891/5. Percentage of fatal and non-fatal acci- dents each year in bituminous coal region. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1892 (pp. vii-viii) — same 1S95.) 18S8/!i2, 1889/93, 1890/4, 1891/5. 1891. Danger from air and gas wells drilled through the coal measures of western Penn. {Same 1891: 453-455.) 1891/00-1893/02. Table: no. and percentage of each class of fatal accidents in and about bituminous coal mines, each year. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1900 (p. xxxviii)— same 1902.) 1891/00, 1892/01, 1893/02. 1891/00-1893/04. Table: no. of fatalities, and causes of fatal accidents in mines of bituminous coal region. (Same 1900 (p. xxxv) — rept. dept. of mines 1904 pt. 2.) 1891/00, 1802/01, 1893/02-1893/04. . Classification of employes who were killed or fatally injured about bituminous mines. (.Same 1900: xxi; same 1904 pt. 2.) 1891/00, 1892/01, 1893/02-1893/04. 1894. [Accidents and their causes in mines, fire damp, mine gas, etc.] (Mining bull. Penn. State College V. 1, no. 2.) 1897-1898. Tabular stmt, showing cause of accidents, no. and per cent attributable to each cause and total no. of fatal and non-fatal accidents at bituminous coal mines in Penn. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1897 (pp. xxviii-xxix) — same 1898.) 1898-1900. Tabular stmt, showing nationality of per- sons fatally and non-fatally injured in and about bituminous collieries during yr. (Repts. of in- spectors of mines 1898 (p. Ixxxiii) — savie 1900.) 1898-1903. Table: causes of accidents, no. attributable to each cause and total no. of fatal and non-fatal accidents in and about bituminous collieries, to- gether with no. of wives left widows and no. of children fatherless. (Rept. bureau of mines 1S98 (p. Ixxxl)— «ame 1903 pt. 2.) 1899/00-1899/04. Comparative stmt, of nationality, by birth of employes killed and fatally injured in and about bituminous mines. (Same 1900 (p. xxix) — savie 1904.) Omitted for 1899/01-1899/02. 1899-1902. Tabular stmt, showing no. of tons of coal mined, no. of days worked; no. of employes, no. of persons killed and injured, no. of kegs of powder, etc., uses In bituminous diatrs. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1899 (pp. xxxvill-xxxix) — same 1902.) 1904. The Harwick mine explosion; repts. rel. to. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1904 pt. 2: xlil-liv.) Labor 1872. Bituminous coal mines; protection of labor. (Legisl. jol. 1872: 659-663; 665-666.) 1871. Debate on act for the protection of miners in the bituminous coal regions of Penn. (Same 1871: 286-291, 355-357; 411-414; 701-704.) COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS— cont'd Labor — cont'd 1876. Consideration of act to provide for the health and safety of employes in the bituminous coal mines. (Legisl. Record 1876: 972-982; 1042-1048; 1080- 1082.) . Bituminous coal mines; health and safety of em- ployes. (Same 1876: 509-517; 718-724.) 1877. Text of Act providing means for securing health and safety of persons employed in bituminous coal mines of Penn. (5 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1876/7: 313-318; House jol. 1877: 145-152.) 1890-1904. No. of employees in and about the mines, by districts. In Eepts. as follows : 1890-1893 In Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2 : xiivi. 1892-1901 " " bureau " " 1901 : 63. 1893-1902 " " dept. " " 1902:84. 1890-1903 " " - « a 1903 pt. 2 : ixiT. 1890-1904 " " « - " 1904 pt. 2 : Ixx. . No. of employees in and about the mines, by counties. In Repts. as foliows : 1890-1904 in Rept. dept. of mines 1904 pt. 2 : Izzi. 1891-1899 •• " bureau " " 1899 : xxxiv. 1891-1900 " " dept. " " 1900 :lix. 1892-1901 " " « u „ 19Q1 . g4 1893-1902 " " a a a 1902:85. 1892-1896. No. of employees in the bituminous region. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1896: xii.) 1895. Same. (Same 1894: x.) 1897. Rept. of committee on mines and mining (Beck- er) on res. resp. industrial condition of the bitu- minous coal region; discussion. (Legisl. Record 1897 v. 1; 576-580.) . Industrial condition of the bituminous coal region; discussion. (Same 1897 v. 1: 624-626.) •. Res. resp. industrial condition of bituminous coal regions. (Same 1897 v. 1: 462-463; 541.) . Rept of committee (Saylor) apptd. to investi- gate condition of miners in the bituminous coal mining regions. (Sen. jol. 1897: 1726-1735.) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1897 v. 2: 2372-2376.) ■. Same, separate, n. t p. 12 pp. . Veto of act making apprn. to pay expenses of jt. committee to investigate industrial condition and state of miners of bituminous coal region, inquire into rate of tolls charged by Monongahela Naviga- tion Co., etc.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Hastings) 1897: 263-265.) 1901-1904. Table: no. of each class of employees in each bituminous distr. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1901 (p. 51)— rept. dept. of mines 1904.) Ventilation 1872. Ventilation of bituminous coal mines; debate. (Legisl. jol. 1872: 975-980.) 1875. Ventilation of bituminous coal mines; debate. (Legisl. Record 1875: 1036-1039.) 1876. Ventilation of bituminous coal mines; res, adopted at mtgs. of miners in Allegheny Co. (Same 1876: 836; 953-960; 1031-1036; 1921-1922; 2009-2012; 2017-2021.) 1877 Mch. 20. Rept of conference committee; ventila- tion of bituminous mines. (Same 1877: 1279-12S0.) . Ventilation of bituminous coal mines; debate. (Same 1877: 296-299; 848-850; 901-902; 1235-1236.) . Ventilation of bituminous coal mines; bill; de- bate. (Same 1877: 448-452.) 1881. Ventilation [in bituminous mines]. (9 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1880/1: 520-522.) 1902-1904. Rept rel. to ventilation of bituminous mines. (Rept of bureau of mines 1902 (pp. 51-52) — same 1904 pt 2.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 577 COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS DISTRICTS The Act of Apr. 18, 1877 provldi-d for the appointment of n board of examiners ; tlipy weri> authorlipd to dlvldo the hitumlnoiis coal region Into three Inspec- tlnn districts; this division was to he revised when- ever the examiners deemed It neceflsary. The redlstrlctlns of the hltumlnous coal field In 1883 was done pursuant to provisions of the ami'ndment of .le. IS, 1883 of the Act of Apr. 18. 1877, gen- erally referred to as the ventllatli>n law. ist Bituminous District serial 1 series 1S77-1S82 During this period this District comprised that part of Allegheny Co. lying south of the Ohio and Monon- gahela rivers, with the cos. of Kcdford, Fayette, Greene, Somerset and \Vashlngt(m. 1877-1882. Repts. of inspectors of bituminous coal mines to tlie Secy, of Internal Affairs. First district. In Documents as follows : William Wilcox, inspector 1877 In 5 Kept, bureau Industrial statistics 1870/7 : 201- 254. 1878 In 6 Kept, bureau Industrial statistics 1877/8 : 33- 161. 1879 in 7 Kept, bureau Industrial statistics 1878/0:401- 496. 1880 In 8 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1870/80 : 286- 341. 1881 in 9 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics 1880/1 : 394- 445. James Louttit, inspector 1882 In 10 Rept, Industrial statistics 1881/2 : 2a-58a. 2 series 1883-18S3/4 During this period this District comprised that part of Allegheny and Beaver counties lyin^ south and west of the Ohio. Monongahela and \oughiogheny rivers, and that part of Westmoreland lying be- tween the Monongahela and Yloughlogheny rivers, and the counties of Greene and Washington. 1883-1883/4. Repts. of inspectors of bituminous coal mines to tlie Secy, of Internal Affairs. In Documents as follows : James Louttit, inspector 1883 In 11 Kept, bureau industrial statistics 1882/3 : 3- 34A * 1883/4 in 12 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1884 : 3- 47A.t 3 series 1885-1904 Under Act of Je. 30, 1885. this district comprised Greene and Washington counties, that part of Westmore- land Co. lying between the Monongahela and Youghiogheny River, and that part of Fayette Co. lying along and adjacent to the Monongahela River. 1885-1904. Ann. rept. inspector of mines for first bitu- minous district to ttie Secy, of Internal Affairs for the year ended Dec. 31. In Documents as follows : Henry Louttit, inspector 1885 In 13 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics 1885 : Ib- 37b. 1886 In 14 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1886 : 3b- 30b. 1887 in 15 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1887 I. 26 pp. 1888 In Repts. inspectors mines 1888 : 237-262. 1889 " » " " 1889 : 2!>9-286. 1890 " " " " 1890 : 279-306. 1891 " " " " 1891 : 201-314. 1802 " " " " 1802 : 265-290. 1803 " Repts. Inspectors coal mines 1893:257-286. 1894 " " " - - 1894:305-339. 1895 " " " " " ig95 . 280-305. 1896 " " " u u jj^gg . 291-330. 1807 " Rept. bureau mines 1897 : 233-260. 1808 " " " " 1808 : 271-304. 1809 » " " " 1899:411-462. 1900 " " " " 1000 : 291-338. inni » " " " 1901 ; 365-408. 1902 " " » " 1902 : 343-389. • This rept. is tor the ten months ending Oct. 31. t This rept. is for the year ending Oct. 31. COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS DISTRICTS— cont'd ist Bituminous District — cont'd serial — cont'd 4 series 1903-1904 Tnder Act of Apr. 14, 1903. During this period this district comprised Fayette, Greene, Washington and Westmoreland Co. 1903-1904. Ann. rept. inspector of mines for first bitu- minous district to the chief, Dept. of Mines. In Documents as follows; Henry Louttit, inspector 1903 In Rept. dept. mines 1903 |pt. 2] ; 3-64. 1904 •• " - » l!)()4 (pt. 2) : 3-48. non-serial 1S78. Circular issued by inspector of 1st bituminous distr. [asliing information about employes, product, accidents, etc,]. (6 A.R. bureau of industrial sta- tistics 1878: 34.) . Names and addresses of operators of mines, by counties. (6 siime. 1878: 78-81.) 1879. Mode of working mines. (7 same 1878/9: 410-411.) . Summary of replies reed, to circular sent to operators of mines in first bituminous distr., show- ing no. of mines, cost of mining, production, em- ployes, wages, accidents, material used, etc. (7 same 1878/9: 403-405.) . Intelligent supts. and mining bosses needed. (7 same 1878/9: 412.) . Improvements made in mines. (7 same 1S78/9: 412-433.) Feb. 21. [Circular issued by inspector of mines of 1st bituminous distr., calling attention of opera- tors to provisions of ventilation law, etc.] (7 same 1879: 407-410.) Dec. 30. [Circular issued by inspector of 1st bitu- minous distr. to operators aslting them to make re- turns of employes, coal shipments, etc.] (7 same 1879: 403.) 1880. Mch. 1. [Circular addressed to mine owners, mine supts. and mining bosses of 1st bituminous distr.] (8 same 1880: 293-295.) . New mines and improvements. (8 same 1879/80: 290-293.) 1881. Jan. 1. [Circular sent to each mine operator of first bituminous distr. soliciting information as to production, employes, wages, improvements, etc.] (8 same 1880: 288.) . Jly. 1. [Circular issued to operators, supts. and mining bosses by inspector of 1st bituminous distr. calling attention to requirements of law rel. to maps, openings, ventilation, competency of mining bosses.] (9 same 18S1: 39S-399.) . [Circular addressed to mine bosses of 1st bitu- minous coal distr. by inspector, calling attention to provisions of mining law and duties of boss.] (9 same 1880/1: 400.) 1882. Jan. 1. [Circular and blank sent by inspector of 1st bituminous distr. to operators, soliciting infor- mation about employes, product, machinery, etc.] (9 same 1881: 394-395.) . Apr. 6. [Circular and blank sent to mine owners and operators of 1st bituminous distr. soliciting in- formation on location, mngmnt., employes, product, machinery, etc.] (10 same 1882: 3-4A.) 1885. Improvements in distr. (13 same 1885: 4B-5B.) . Table: character of coal, production, no. ^of em- ployes, days employed, casualties, etc. (13 same 1885: 24B-25B.) 37 578 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS DISTRICTS— cont'd ist Bituminous District— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1885. Table: grand total of employes, horses, mules, engines, pumps, boilers, and powder employed, tons of coal mined and shipped, fatal and non-fatal acci- dents in the various cos. and parts of cos. (13 some 1885: 37B.) . Aug. 21. [Circular to operators of 1st bitumi- nous distr. announcing apptmt. of inspector, etc.] (13 sa?ne 1885: 2B.) 1886. Table: total no. of tons of coal mined and tons of colce produced in each colliery, no. of days worked, no. of employes, no. of persons killed and injured, no. of kegs of powder used, etc. (14 same 1886: 22B-23B.) [ .] Jan. 1. [Blanks sent to operators of 1st bitu- minous distr. requesting information as mine- bosses, employes, product, machinery, etc.] (13 same 1886: 2-3B.) . Apr. 15. [Circular sent to mine bosses of 1st bituminous distr. by inspector, rel. to air measure- ments, etc.] (14 same 1886: 4b.) [1887.] Jan. 1. [Blanks sent to operators in 1st bitu- minous distr., soliciting information as to operators, employes, production, etc.] (14 same 1886: 4B-5B.) 1888-1904. Description of mines in 1st bituminous distr. (Repts. inspector of mines 1888 (pp. 240-250)— iome 1896; rept. bureau of mines 1897: 235-245; rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2 (pp. 58-63)— «anie 1904.) . Tables: location of collieries, no. of tons of coal mined and tons of coke produced in each colliery; no. of days worked; no. of employes; no. fatal and non-fatal accidents, etc. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1888: 251-259; Rept. dept. of mines 1904 pt. 2.) 1894. Prosecutions in first bituminous distr. for viola- tion of mine law. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1894: 307-309.) 1899. Table: name of mine and operator, method of haulage, system of ventilation, kind of openings, pick or machine mine, etc. (Rept. bureau of mines 1899: 419-420.) 1900. Installation of electricity at several mines in distr. {Same 1900: 293.) . Circular to mine foremen rel. to danger-signals, issued by Henry Louttit, mine inspector, 1st distr. (Same 1900: 292.) . Letter to operators of distr. rel. to filling up entrances to abandoned mines, by Henry Louttit, mine inspector. (Same 1900: 292-293.) 1901. Table: no. and type of mining machines and motive power for their operation. (Same 1901: 371.) . Table: name of mine, kind of opening, method of ventilation, quantity of air circulating in the mines of distr., etc. (iSome 1901: 372-375.) 1902-1904. Table: names of operators and mines, kind of openings, type and size of fans, size of furnaces, volume of air produced, no. of employees, quantity of air per employee per minute, etc. (Same 1902: 352-355; Rept dept. of mines 1904.) . Table: mines using coal cutting machines, power used, name and thickness of coal seam, etc. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1902 (pp. 356-357)— «ome 1904.) 1903. No. of mines using coal cutting machines, no. of machines and motive power used, and quantity of coal produced by machines in each district. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2: xlli.) 1904. Prosecutions In Ist distr. for violation of mine law. (Same 1904 pt. 2: 41-42.) COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS DISTRICTS— cont'd ist Bituminous District — cont'd non-serial — cont'd AccroENTs 1877-1889. Comparative stmt, of fatal and non-fatal accidents occurring in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1889: 261.) 1879. Gas explosion in Coal Run Mine of Penn. Gas Coal Co., Westmoreland Co. (7 A.R. bureau of in- dustrial statistics 1878/9: 413-416.) Collieries 1879. Name of colliery and post oflSce address of com- panies in distr. (7 same 1879: 434-439.) . Mo. stmt, of names, power, capacity and ventila- tion of resp. collieries. (7 same 1878/9: 440-487.) . List of accidents occurring in mines of distr., cause. Investigation, etc. (7 same 1879: 488-495.) 1880. List of serious accidents in 1880 in distr., their cause, litigation, etc. (8 same 1879/80: 299-316.) . Fatal accidents in distr., inquests, verdict, etc. (8 same 1879/80: 343-348.) 1880-1887. List of accidents occurring in mines of distr. : name of victim, age, etc., name and location of col- liery, date, nature and cause of accident. (8 same 1879/80 (pp. 338-341)— 15 same 1887.) . Table: location of collieries in distr. (8 same 1879/80 (pp. 317-322)— 15 same 1887.) 1882-1886. Acct. of fatal and non-fatal accidents in mines of distr. (10 same 1881/2 (pp. 16a-21a)— 13 same 1886.) 1888-1904. Descriptive record of fatal accidents in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1888 (pp. 260-262) — same 1904 pt. 2.) 1890. Table showing location of collieries in the 1st bituminous distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1890 (pp. 298-299)— «ame 1896; rept. bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 250-251) — same 1902; rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2 (pp. 19-22)— same 1904.) Labor 1886. Table: no. of each class of employes at each col- liery in distr. (14 A.R. bureau of industrial sta- tistics 1886: 24-25B.) 1888-1904. Table: no. of each class of employes at each colliery in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1888 (pp. 255-256) — same 1896; rept. bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 254-255)— some 1902; rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2 (pp. 33-42)— some 1904.) 1889. List of persons granted certificates of service and competency by distr. examining bd. (Repts. of in- spectors of mines 1889: 285-286.) Maps 1877-1883. Map of 1st bituminous coal distr. of Penn.; scale % ft. = 300,000 ft. (5 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1876/7 (facing p. 201)— 11 same 1882/3.) The map Is the same, 1877-1879; omitted In 1880: the territory covered changes In 1881, 1883 and 1884. 1898. Map: location of coal mines In the 1st bitu- minous distr. of Penn.; scale 4 mi. to 1 in. (Rept. bureau of mines 1898 pt. 2.) Ventilation 1880. Table: average mo. stmt, of ventilation of resp. collieries of distr. (8 A.R. bureau of industrial sta- tistics 1879/80: 330-337.) . Ventilation: list of ventilating furnaces and fans erected during yr. (8 some 1879/80: 295-296.) . Table: method of ventilation, amt. of air dis- charged, no. of openings and headings, and size of inlets and outlets in resp. collieries. (8 same 1879/80: 326-329.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 579 COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS DISTRICTS— cont'd ist Bituminous District — cont'd Ventilation' — cont'd 1881. Average mo. stmt, of ventilation of resp. col- lieries. (9 same 1880/1 (pp. 434-441)— 13 same 1885.) . List of ventilating furnaces and fans erected. (9 mme 1880/1: 400-401.) 1883-1885. Table: method of ventilation, amt. of air discharged, no. of openings and headings, and size of inlets and outlets in resp. collieries. (11 same 1882/3 (p. 26A)— 13 same 1885.) 1886. List of ventilating furnaces and baskets built. (14 same 1886: 6B.) 2d Bituminous District serial 1 series 1877-1882 Under Act of Apr. 18. 1877. During this period this District comprised that portion of Alleghen.v Co. lying north or the Ohio. Monongahela and Youghlo- gben.v rivers, and the counties of Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Indiana and Westmoreland. 1877-1882. Repts. of inspectors of bituminous coal mines to the Secy, of Internal Affairs. Second distr. In Documents as follows : John J. Davis, inspector 1877 in 5 Kept, bureau industrial statistics 1876/7 : 255- 281. 1878 in 6 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1877/8 : 162- 231. 1879 in 7 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1878/9 : 497- 565. 1880 in 8 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1879/80 : 342- 374. 1881 in 9 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1880/1 : 446- 487. 1882 in 10 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1881/2 : 39- 78A. 2 series 1883-1883/4 During this period this District comprised that part of Allegheny Co. lying east of the Allegheny, Monon- gahela and Youghlogheny rivers, and all that part of Westmoreland Co. lying east of the Youghlogheny river. 1883-1883/4. Repts. of inspectors of bituminous coal mines to the Secy, of Internal Affairs. Second distr. In Documents as follows : John J. Davis, inspector 1883 in 11 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1882/3 : 35- 67A.* 1883/4 In 12 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1884 : 49- SlA.t 3 series 1885-1892 Under Act of Je. 30, 1885. During this period this district comprised that part of Allegheny Co. lying east of the Allegheny, the Youghlogheny and the Monongahela rivers and all that part of Westmore- land Co. lyin^ north and east of the Youghlogheny River, excepting the mines east of Beattys' Station on the Penn. R.R. and the mines on the West Penn. R.R. 1885-1892. Ann. rept. Inspector of mines for second bituminous district to the Secy, of Internal Affairs for the year ended Dec. 31. In Documents as follows : William Jenkins, inspector 1885 in 13 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics 1885 : 38- 78B. 1886 in 14 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics 1886 : 31- 6oB. 1887 In 15 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics 1887 J. 20 pp. 1888 In Repts. Inspectors mines 1888 : 263-285. 1889 - " " " 1889 : 287-315. 1890 " " " " 1890 : 307-334. 1891 " " " " 1891 : 315-353. 1892 " " " " 1892 : 290-321. • This rept. is for the ten months ending Oct. 31. t This rept. Is for the year ending Oct. 31. COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS DISTRICTS— cont'd 2d Bituminous District — cont'd serial — cont'd 4 series 1893-1902 Under Act of May 15, 1893. During this period this district comprised Allegheny, Indiana and West- moreland cos. 1893-1902. Ann. rept. Inspector of mines for second bituminous district to the Secy, of Internal Affairs for the year ended Dec. 31. In Documents lis follows : William Jenkins, inspector 1893 in Kept. Inspectors coal mines 1893:287-313 1894 " " " " - • 1S94 : 341-369. 1895 " " " " " 1895:307-343. 1806 " " " u u 1896:331-360. C. B. Ross, inspector 1897 in Rept. bureau mines 1897 : 261-296. 1898 " •• " .. i89g . 305-341. 1899 « « " " 1899 . 463-542. 1900 " " •• " 1900 : 339-392. 1901 " " •• " 1901 : 409-458. 1902 » " " " i9oa : 389-440. 5 series 1903-1904 Under Act of Apr. 14, 1903. During this period this district comprised Indiana and Westmoreland cos. 1903-1904. Ann. rept. inspector of mines for second bituminous district to the chief, Dept. of Mines. In Documents as follows : C. B. Ross, inspector 1903 In Rept. dept. mines 1903 [pt. 2] : 65-128. 1904 " •' " •• 1904 [pt. 2] : 49-100. non-serial 1879. Circular was issued by inspector of mines of 2d bituminous distr. to mine operators or supts. solicit- ing information as to amt. and value of product, employes, days worked, improvements, etc. (7 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1879: 498.) . Improvements made in mines. (7 scime 1878/9: 501-506.) . Summary of replies reed, to circulars issued by inspector of 2d bituminous distr. to mine operators, showing no. of mines in operation, average produc- tion, employes, earnings, accidents, etc. (7 same 1878/9: 498-499.) . New mines opened. (7 .sawi? 1878/9: 506-511.) 1880. Dec. Circular was issued by insp. of 2d bitumi- nous distr. to operators of mines asking informa- tion as to production, employes, machinery, etc. (8 same 1880: 342.) 1886-1887. Table: total no. of tons of coal mined and tons of coke produced in each colliery, no. of days worked, no. of employes, no. of persons killed and injured, no. of kegs of powder used, etc. (14 same 1886 (pp. 56B-57B)— 15 same 1887.) 1888-1904. Tables: location of collieries, no. of tons of coal mined and tons of coke produced in eacli col- liery; no. of days worked, no. of employes, no. of fatal and non-fatal accidents, etc. (Repts. of in- spectors of mines 1888 (pp. 276-285)— so;ne 1904 pt. 2.) . Descr. of mines and mine improvements in distr. (Same 1888 (pp. 266-274)— saTne 1896: rept. bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 266-283) — same 1902; rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2 (pp. 120-127)— sajne 1904.) 1895. Stmt, of cases for violation of mining laws in 2d bituminous distr. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1895: 308-309.) 1899. Electricity and compressed air as now used in the mines, and their comparative degrees of safety to employees. (Rept, bureau of mines 1899: 479-483.) 580 INDEX TO D0CUME:NTS of the state of PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS DISTRICTS— cont'd 2d Bituminous District — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1899-1904. Table: name of mine, kind of opening, method of haulage, method of ventilation, pick or machine work, etc. (Same 1899 (pp. 471-474) — same 1902; rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2 (pp. 75-79) — same 1904.) 1901. Table: name of mine, name and thickness of coal seam worked, no. and type of machines used, etc. (Rept. bureau of mines 1901: 420.) 1902-1904. Table: mines using coal cutting machines, name of machine and power used, name and thick- ness of coal seam, and tonnage of coal produced by machines. (Same 1902: 405; rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2 (p. 80)— same 1904.) ACCmENTS 1880-1S87. List of accidents occurring in mines of distr. ; name of victim, age, etc., nature and cause of accident. (8 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1879/80 (pp. 373-374)— 15 same 1887.) 1884. Seams of coal worked and mine accidents in distr. (12 same 1884: 50-51A.) 18S5-1S88. Comparative stmt, of casualties, coal ton- nage, and employes in distr. (Repts. Inspectors of mines 1888: 275.) 1897-1903. Description of fatal accidents occurring In distr. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 283-285) —same 1903 pt. 2.) 1904. Overwinding or safety device installed at Sus- quehanna Coal Co.'s shaft at Glen Lyon. (Rept. of dept. of mines 1904 pt. 2: v-vi.) Mammoth Mine Disaster 1891. Rept. on Mammoth Mines fire, 2d bituminous distr. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1891: 316-321.) . Rept. of comn. (Thompson) apptd. to investigate accident at Mammoth mine near Scottdale. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1891: 471-476; official docs. 1891 v. 6 doc. 24; Legisl. Record 1891: 762-764; 768-771.) Commission was composed of A. F. Thompson, W. H. Hlnes, Elias Davis, W. Scott Mullln, Jno. F. Farrell. . Testimony taken before comn. to investigate Mammoth mine disaster. (Legisl. Record 1891: 1186-1251.) . Debate on mine disaster at Scottdale. (Same 1891: 202-204.) . Memorial on disaster at Mammoth Mine near Scottdale, suggesting alteration in mining laws. (House Jol. Jan. 1891: 206-207.) CoU.rEBIES 1879. Mo. stmt, of names, power, capacity and ventila- tion of resp. collieries. (7 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1878/9: 514-565.) 1879-1884. List of collieries, location, name of co., etc. (7 same 1878/9 (pp. 512-513)— 12 same 1884.) 1885. Stmt, showing characteristics, no. of employes, production, etc. of resp. collieries in distr. (13 same 1885: 60-61B.) 1885-1887. Location of collieries in distr., name of operator and supt. (13 same 1885 (pp. 58-59B) — 15 same 1887.) 1888-1904. Table showing location of collieries in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1888 (pp. 276-277) — same 1896; rept. bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 286-287) — same 1902; rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2 (pp. 81- 84)— «ame 1904.) Labor 1888-1904. Table: no. of each class of employees at each colliery in the distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1888 (pp. 280-281)— .snmc 1896; rept. bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 290-291)— .lonifi 1902; rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2 (pp. 99-111)— same 1904.) COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS DISTRICTS— cont'd 2d Bituminous District — cont'd Labor — cont'd 1893/01-1902. Examination of applicants for certificates of competency as mine foreman. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1901 (pp. 424-425)— same 1902.) Mats 1877. Map of distr. of Penn.; scale not given. (5 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1876/7: betw. pp. 256 and 257.) . Same. (6 same 1877/8.) 1897. Map of Carbon Coal Co.'s Gettysburg mine. (Rept. bureau of mines 1897 (betw. pp. 282-283) — same 1898.) 1898. Map: location of coal mines in the distr.; scale: 4 mi. to 1 in. (Same 1898 pt. 2.) Ventilation 1880-1885. Table: method of ventilation, amt. of air discharged, no. of openings and headings and size of inlets and outlets in resp. collieries. (8 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1879/80 (p. 363)— 13 same 1885.) . Average mo. stmt, of ventilation of resp. col- lieries. (8 same 1879/80 (pp. 364-372)— 13 same 1885.) 1888. Ventilation in mines of distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1888: 265.) 1899. Table: name of mine and operator, quantity of air in circulation per minute, no. of persons em- ployed inside and air per minute per person. (Rept. bureau of mines 1899: 475-477.) 1901. Table: no. and size of fans and furnaces, quantity of air in circulation, no. of persons employed, cubic feet of air per minute per person, etc. (Same 1901: 421-423.) 3d Bituminous District serial 1 series 1877-1882 Under Act of Apr. 18, 1S77. During this period this District comprised Cameron, Clarion, Clearfield. Crawford, Elk, Erie, Forest, Jefferson, Lawrence, McKean, Mercer, Venango and Warren cos. 1877-1882. Repts. of inspectors of bituminous coal mines to the Secy, of Internal Affairs. Third distr. In Documents as follows : TT. Z/. Richards, inspector 1877 in 5 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1876/7 : 282- 313 1878 in 6 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1877/8 : 232- 335 1879 In 7 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics 1878/9 : 566- 655. 1880 in 8 Uept. bureau industrial statistics 1879/80:375- 423. Thomas K. Adams, inspector 1881 in 9 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics 1880/1 : 488- 551 1882 In 10 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics 1881/2:79- 131A. 2 series 1883-1883/4 During this period this District comprised that part of Beaver Co. lying north of the Ohio River and the counties of Butler, Cameron, Clarion, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Forest, .lefferaon, Lawrence, McKean, Mercer, Venango and Warren. 1883-1883/4. Repts. of Inspectors of bituminous coal mines to the Secy, of Internal Affairs. Third distr. In Documents as follows : Thomas K. Adams, inspector 1883 in 11 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1882/3:68- lOfiA.' 1883/4 in 12 Kept, bureau industrial statistics 1884:82- 126A.t • This rept. is for the fen months ending Oct. 31. t This rept. Is for the year ending Oct. 31. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 581 COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS DISTRICTS— cont'd 3d Bituminous District — cont'd serial — cont'd 3 series 1S85-1904 Under Act of Je, 30, 1S85. During this porlod this (ilstrk't OdinpristMl Arinstronj:, HeaviT. Butk'r. Chirion, Lawrence nnd Men'er cos. niul that part of WestniorelantI Co. lying on West I'eun U.K. 1885-1904. Ann. rept. inspector of mines for third bitu- minous distr. to the Secy, of Internal Affairs for the year ending Dec. 31. In Doeuuiunts as follows: Thomas K. Adams, inspector 18S5 in 13 Kept, burejui industrial statistics 1885:78- lllB. 1886 in 14 Kept, bureau industrial statistics 1880 : G7- 84B. 1887 In 15 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics 1887 K. 11 pp. 4 series 1888-1892 During this period this district comprised Armstrong, Butler. Clarion, Indiana, Jefferson, Lawrence, Mercer and Westmoreland cos. 1888-1892. Ann. rept. inspector of mines for third bitu- minous district to the Secy, of Internal Affairs for the year ending Dec. 31. In Documents as follows : Thomas K. Adams, inspector 1888 in Repts. inspectors mines 1888 : 287-304. 1889 " ■• - •• 1889:317-334. 1S90 " - - ■• 1890:335-356. l.sni " " •' " 1891:355-374. 1892 - " " - 1892 : 323-341. 5 series 1893-1902 During this period this district comprised Armstrong, Butler, Clarion, Indiana, Jefferson, Westmoreland and Beaver cos. 1893-1902. Ann. rept. inspector of mines for third bitu- minous district to the Secy, of Internal Affairs for the year ending Dec. 31. Id Documents as follows : Thomas K. Adams, inspector 1893 In Repts. inspectors coal mines 1893 : 315-336. 1894 " - " - - 1X1,4 . 371.398. 1895 - •• " u - 1895:345-368. 1896 - " ■• - » ixjie . 361-392. 1897 In Rept. bure.-iu mines 1897 : 297-326. 1898 " " " .. 1898 : 343-366. 1899 " .. - - 1899:543-590. 1900 - - " " 1900 : 393-432. t901 - - " - 1901 : 459-508. 1902 - " •• " 1902 ; 441-502. 6 series 1903-1904 During this period this district comprised Armstrong, Butler, Clarion, Lawrence and Mercer cos. 1903-1904. Ann. rept. inspector of mines for third bitu- minous district to the chief, Dept. of Mines.* In Documents as follows : Thomas K. Adams, inspector 1903 In Rept. dept. mines 1903 [pt. 2] : 129-204. 1904 " " - - 1904 [pt. 2] : 101-154. non-serial 1877. Dec. 14. Circular to operators and mine supts. of distr. [on provisions of ventilation law, etc.]. (5 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1877: 292- 293.) 1878. Je. 3. [Circular addressed to operators of distr. (by inspector) calling their attention to manner of ventilation and showing requirements.] (6 same 1878: 260-263.) 1879. Condition of mines in distr. (7 same 1878/9: 571-582.) • This report covers 14 mos. ending Dec. 31. COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS DISTRICTS— cont'd 3d Bituminous District — cont'd non-scria.1 — cont'd 1880. General condition of mines [and mining] in distr. (8 same 1879/80: 376-378.) [1881.] [Circular issued by Inspector of distr. solicit- ing information as to production, employes, machin- ery, etc.] (9 same 1881:488-489.) . Proposed amdmts. [by inspector of distr.], viz.: 1st, provision by law for examination of mining bosses; 2d, securing roof, etc. to prevent accidents; 3d, measures to prevent employment of illiterate boys in mines. (9 same 1880/1: 522-525.) 1882. Mine haulage and hauling machinery in distr.; coal cutting machinery. (10 same 1881/2: 82-89A.) . Coals of first coal basin and development of Clearfield Co. (3d bituminous distr.). (10 same 1881/2: 89-91A.) 1885. Instructions given to mine-bosses in distr. to assist them in returning correct air measurements, monthly. (13 .some 1885: 81-83B.) . Table: character of coal, production, no. of em- ployes, days employed, casualties, etc., in distr. — each colliery. (13 same 1885: 98-99B.) . Table: grand total of employes, horses, mules, engines, pumps, boilers and powder employed, tons of coal mined and shipped, fatal and non-fatal acci- dents, etc., in distr. (13 .same 1885: lllB.) 1886-1887. Table: no. of tons of coal mined and tons of colce produced in each colliery no. of days woriied, no. of employes, no. of persons killed and injured, no. of kegs of powder used, etc. (14 same 1886 (pp. 78-79B)— 15 same 1887.) 1888. Rept. rel. to new mines and improvements in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1888: 309-312.) . Suggestions to mine oflHcials and miners as to the safe, healthy and profitable operation of the mines. (Same 1888: 291-292.) 1888-1904. Description of mines in distr. (Repts. in- spectors of mines 1888 (pp. 294-296)— 6-ame 1896; rept. bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 299-311)— some 1902; rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2 (pp. 120-126)— same 1904.) 1892-1895. Recapitulation of improvements at mines of distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1892 (pp. 325- 331)— same 1895.) 1895. Mining machines in use in distr. (Same 1895: 366-369.) 1896. Same. (Same 1896: 366-369.) . Suggestions as to apptmt. of a chief mine in- spector. (Same 1896: 365-366.) 1899-1901. Table: name of mine, kind of opening, method of haulage and ventilation, pick or machine work, etc. (Rept. bureau of mines 1899 (pp. 549- 550)— sa??!e 1901.) 1900-1903. Description of new mines opened during yr. (Same 1900 (pp. 400-403)— same 1902; rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2 (pp. 198-201).) 1902-1903. Description of old mines of distr. (Rept. bureau of mines 1902: 465-466; rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2: 201-203.) 1902-1904. Table: mines using coal cutting machines, name of machine and power used, name and thick- ness of coal seam, and tonnage of coal produced by machines. (Rept. bureau of mines 1902 (pp. 460- 461); rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2 (pp. 146-148) — some 1904.) . Table: names of operators and mines, kind of openings, type and size of fans, size of furnaces, volume of air produced, no. of employees, and quan- tity of air per each emi)loyee per minute. (Rept. bureau of mines 1902 (pp. 452-459); rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2 (pp. 139-145)— same 1904.) 583 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS DISTRICTS— cont'd 3d Bituminous District — cont'd n on-serial — cont'd Accidents 1S78. List of accidents occurring in mines of 3d distr. (6 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1877/8: 264- 265; 272-273; 278-279; 284-285, 290-291; 296-297; 302-303; 308-309; 314-315,320-321; 326-327; 332-333.) 1879-1887. List of accidents occurring in mines of distr., nature, cause, etc. (7 same 1878/9 (pp. 654-655) — 15 same 1887.) 1879-1890. Comparative stmt, showing no. of fatal acci- dents, no. of employes and tonnage each year in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1S90: 337.) 1880-1881. Remarks on accidents in distr. (8 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1879/80 (pp. 379- 380)— 9 same 18S0/1.) 1881. Inquests, etc., held over miners in distr. (9 same 1880/1: 544-551.) 1882-1885. Descriptive record of fatal accidents in distr. (10 same 1881/2 (pp. 103-113A)— 13 same 1885.) 1888. Descriptive record of fatal accidents in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1888: 312-317.) 1903. Descriptive record of fatal accidents in mines of distr. (Rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2: 197-198.) Collieries 1879. Stmt, of names, power, capacity and ventilation in resp. collieries, each mo. (7 A.R. bureau of in- dustrial statistics 1878/9: 606-653.) 1880-1887. Table: location of collieries. (8 same 1879/80 (pp. 408-409)— 15 some 1887.) 1884. Table: name of collieries, their location and name, and thickness of coal seam mined. (12 same 1884: 122-123A.) 1888-1904. Table showing location of collieries in the distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1888 (pp. 297- 298) — same 1896; rept. bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 312-313)— same 1902; rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2 (pp. 149-153.) liiBOB 1888-1904. Table: no. of each class of employees at each colliery in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1888 (pp. 301-302) — same 1896; rept. bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 316-317)— .same 1902; rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2 (pp. 174-192)— some 1904.) 1892-1893. Certificates of competency and of service granted to mine bosses in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1892 (pp. 331-333)— same 1893.) 1893/01-1904. Names of persons granted certificates of competency as mine foreman in distr. (Rept. of bureau of mines 1901 (p. 470) — rept. dept. of mines 1904 pt. 2.) Maps 1898. Map: location of coal mines in the distr.; scale 4 mi. to 1 in. (Rept. bureau of mines 1898 pt. 2.) Ventilation 1878. Mode of working and ventilating mines in distrs. (6 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1877/8: 237- 240.) 1880-1885. Table: method of ventilation, amt. of air discharged, no. of openings and headings and size of Inlets and outlets of resp. collieries. (8 same 1879/80 (pp. 412-413)— 13 same 1885.) . Table: average mo. stmt, of ventilation of resp. collieries. (8 same 1879/80 (pp. 414-421)- 13 some 1885.) 1882. List of new ventilating powers (furnaces and fans) built during year. (10 same 1881/2: 81-82A.) 1883. List of ventilating powers erected In mines of distr. (8 same 1880: 70A.) COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS DISTRICTS— cont'd 3d Bituminous District — cont'd Ventilation — cont'd 1898. Modification of the single-entry system of extract- ing the coal seams and the adoption of fans instead of furnaces for ventilating purposes suggested. (Rept. bureau of mines 1898: 345-347.) 1901. Table: system of ventilation, quantity of air in circulation, number of air splits, quantity of air per minute per person, etc. (Same 1901: 468-470.) 4th Bituminous District serial 1 series 1881-1882 During this period this District comprised the counties o( Blair, Bradford. Cambria, Centre, Clinton, Hunt- ingdon, Lycoming, I'otter, Sullivan and Tioga. 1881-1882. Repts. of Inspectors of bituminous coal mines to the Secy, of Internal Affairs. Fourth distr. In Documents as follows : Roger Hampaon, inspector 1881 in 9 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics 1880/1 : 552- 579 1882 in 10 Kept, bureau industrial statistics 1881/2 : 132- 163 A. 2 series 1883-1883/4 During this period this District comprised the counties of Blair, Bradford, Centre, Clinton, Huntingdon, Lycoming, Sullivan, Potter and Tioga. 1883-1883/4. Repts. of inspectors of bituminous coal mines to the Secy, of Internal Affairs. Fourth distr. In Documents as follows : Roger Hampaon, inspector 1883 In 11 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics 1882/3 : 107a-129a.* 1883/4 in 12 Kept, bureau Industrial statistics 1884 : 127- 148A.t 3 series 1885-1904 Under Act of Je. 30, 1885. During this period this district comprised Bradford, Tioga, Lycoming, Clinton, Potter, McKean, Elk, Cameron, Jefferson and that part of Clearfleid Co. lying along the Low Grade Division of the Allegheny Valley R.K. 1885-1904. Ann. rept. inspector of mines for fourth bituminous district to the Secy, of Internal Affairs for the year ending Dec. 31. In Documents as follows : Roger Hampaon, inspector 1885 in 13 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1885; 112- i:^OB. 1886 in 14 Kept, bureau industrial statistics 1886 : 85- lOlB. 1887 In 15 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics 1887 L. 10 pp. 4 series 1888-1892 During this period this district comprised McKean, Potter, Tioga, Bradford, Sullivan, Lycoming, Clinton. Cameron and Elk cos., and portions of Jefferson. Clearfield and Centre cos. 1888-1892. Ann. rept. Inspector of mines for fourth bituminous district to Secy, of Internal Affairs for the year ended Dec. 31. In Documents as follows : Roger Hampaon, inspector 1888 In Kepts. Inspectors mines 1888 : 305-324. James N. Patterson, inapector 1889 in Repts. inspectors mines 1889 : 336-350. 1890 » " " " 1890 : 357-369. 1891 « " " " 1891 : 375-389. 1892 " " " " 1S92 : 343-368. • This rept. Is for the ten months ending Oct. 31. t This rept. is for the year ending Oct. 31. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 583 COAL MINES AND MINING: BITOMINOUS DISTRICTS— cont'd 4th Bituminous District — cont'd serial — cont'd 5 series 1893-1902 During this porlod this district comprised McKean, Totter, Tioga, Brjulford, Sullivan, Lycoming, Clinton, Cameron and Elk cos., and portions of Clearfield and Jefferson cos. 1893-1902. Ann. rept. inspector of mines for fourtli bitu- minous district to Secy, of Internal Affairs for tlie year ended Dec. 31. In Documents as follows: Jainca .V. Patterson, irispcctor 1803 In Kepts. Inspectors coal mines 18!).'! : ;{37-3.''>2. 1884 - " •• « - lg(,4 . 399.414 1895 " " " " - 1895:309-387. 1890 " " " " - 181I6: 393-412. 1897 In Kept, bureau mines 1897 : 327-342. 1898 « « " " 1898 : 367-384. Ktuis PbiUipa, inspector 1899 In Kept, bureau mines 1899:591-622. 1900 - - - - IHPO ; 433-472. 1901 - " " " 19U1 : 509-548. 1902 - - " " 1902 : 503-550. 6 series 1903-1904 During this period this district comprised Jefferson, Elk, Clearfield, Tioga, Clinton, Lycoming, Cameron and McKean cos. 1903-1904. Ann. rept. Inspectors of mines sixtli bitu- minous district to the cliief, Dept. of Mines. In Documents as follows : 1903 in Rept. dept. mines 1903 [pt. 2] : 205-268. 1904 " - - - 1904 [pt. 2] : 155-198. no7i-serial 1881. Improvements In distr. (9 A.R. bureau of in- dustrial statistics 1880/1: 554-556.) 1885. Table: character of coal, production, no. of em- ployes, days employed, casualties, etc. In distr. (13 same 1885: 122B.) . Table: grand total of employes, horses, mules, engines, pumps, boilers, and powder employed, tons of coal mined and shipped fatal and non-fatal acci- dents, etc., in distr., by counties. (13 same 1885: 135B.) 1886-1887. Table: total no. of tons of coal mined and tons of coke produced In each colliery, no. of days worked, no. of employes, no. of persons killed or injured, no. of kegs of powder used, etc., in distr. (14 same 1886 (pp. 96-97B)— 15 same 1887.) 1888. Description of endless wire rope haulage at An- trim mines, Tioga Co.; with diagram. (Rept. in- spectors of mines 1888: 310-312.) . New mines opened and improvements made dur- ing 1888. (Same 1888: 309.) 1888-1904, General condition of the mines. (Rept. in- spectors of mines 1888 (pp. 306-308)— some 1896; rept. bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 328-333)— ,«ame 1902; rept. dept of mines 1903 pt. 2 (pp. 263-267)— same 1904.) 1900. Table showing location, etc., of mines in distr. (Rept bureau of mines 1900: 458-459.) 1901-1904. Table: mines using coal cutting machines, kind of opening, method of ventilation, type and number of machines, power used, etc. (Rept. bureau of mines 1901 (p. 514) — same 1902; rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt. 2 (pp. 221-222)— some 1904.) Accidents 1881-1887. List of accidents occuring In distr.; name and age of victim, name and location of colliery, date, nature and cause of accident. (9 A.R, bureau of Industrial statistics 1880/1 (pp. 578-579)— 15 same 1887.) COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS DISTRICTS— cont'd 4th Bituminous District — cont'd Accidents — cont'd 1882. Remarks on fatal accidents in distr. (10 same 1881/2: 143-147A.) 1883-1885. Description of fatal accidents in distr. (11 same 1883 (pp. 1H-117A)— 13 same 1885.) 1901-1903. Same. (Rept. bureau of mines 1901 (pp. 518- 519)— sojnc 1903 pt. 2.) CoixiEKi?:,s 1881-1887. Table: location of collieries In distr. (9 A.R, bureau of industrial statistics 1880/1 (p. 570) —15 same 1887.) 1888-1904. Table showing location of collieries in the distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1888 (p. 318) — same 1897; rept. bureau of mines 1898 (p. 374-375) —same 1902; rept dept. of mines 1903 pt 2 (pp. 223-226)— .same 1904.) Labob 1888-1904. Table: no. of each class of employees at each colliery in distr. during yr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1888 (pp. 321-322)— .some 1896; rept bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 337-338)— same 1902; rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt 2 (pp. 241-253)— same 1904.) 1889-1890. List of persons to whom certificates of service and of competency were granted by distr. examining board. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1889 (p. 343) — same 1890.) 1893/01-1904. Examination of candidates for mine fore- men and fire bosses certificates in distr. (Rept of bureau of mines 1901 (pp. 529-530)— same 1904 pt 2.) Maps 1898. Map: location of coal mines in the 4th distr.; scale: 4 mi. to 1 in. (Rept. bureau of mines 1898 pt 2.) Ventilation 1^81-1885. Table: average mo. stmt of ventilation in resp. collieries of distr. (9 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1880/1 (pp. 574-577)— 13 same 1885.) . Table: method of ventilation, amt. of air dis- charged, no. of openings and headings and size of Inlets and outlets in resp. collieries. (9 same 1S80/1 (p. 573)— 13 same 1885.) 1900-1904. Table: name of mine, kind of opening, mode of ventilation, size and capacity of tan or furnace, quantity of air per minute per person, etc. (Rept bureau of mines 1900 (pp. 439-440)— same 1902; rept dept of mines 1903 pt 2 (pp. 216-220)— same 1904.) 5th Bituminous District serial 1 series 1883-1883/4 During this period this District comprised the countieg of Bedford, Kayette and Somerset. 1883-1883/4. Repts. of inspectors of bituminous coal mines to the Secy, of Internal Affairs. Fifth distr. In Documents as follows : Augustus Stinner, inspector 1883 In 11 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics 1882/3: 130- 138A,* 1883/4 In 12 Rept. bureau Industrial statistics 1884 : 149- 196A.t • This rept. Is for the two months ended Oct. 31. Stinner commenced his duties on Sept. 0. t This rept Is for the year ending Oct. 31. Inspector 584 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 1898 1899 1900 COAL MINES AND MINING? BITUMINOUS DISTRICTS— cont'd 5th Bituminous District — cont'd serial — cont'd 2 series 1SS5-1904 Tnder Act of Je. 30. 1885. During this period this district comprised Fa.Tette and Somerset cos. 1885-1902. Ann. rept. inspector of mines for fifth bitu- minous district to tiie Secy, of Internal Affairs for the year ending Dec. 31. In Documents as follows : Augustus Stinner, inspector 1885 in 13 Kept, bureau industrial statistics 1885 : 136- 17SB.« J. J. Davis, inspector 1886 in 14 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1886:102- 1887 in 15 Rept. bureau industrial statistics 1887 M. 20 pp. 1888 in Repts. inspectors mines 1888 : 325-357. Fred C. Eeighley, inspector 1889 in Repts. inspectors mines 1880 : 3."il-388. 1890 " " " '■ isgo : 371-397. ^Villiam Duncan, inspector 1891 in Repts. inspectors mines 1801 : 391-421 1892 " " " - 1892 : 359-384. Charles Connor, inspector 1893 in Repts. inspectors coal mines 1893:353-384. l^^i " " " " " 1894 . 415.449. JS™ „ " " " " 1895 : 389-431. liS? • T> . u " " " 18"<5 : 413-440. 1897 in Rept. bureau mines 1897 : 34.3-375 " " " " " " 1898: 385-414. 1899:623-695. " 1900:473-518. Isaac a. Roiy, inspector 1901 in Rept. bureau mines 1901 : 549-5fl'> 1902 •• - - - 1902 : 551-596.' 3 series 1903-1904 During this period this district comprised Fayette Co. 1903-1904. Ann. rept. inspector of mines for fifth bitu- minous district to the chief, Dept. of Mines. In Documents as follows: Isaac G. Rohy, inspector 1903 in Rept. dept. mines 1903 [pt. 1) : 269-334. 1^04 " - " " 1904 [pt. 2] : 199-244. non-serial 1884. Decisions [relative to non-safety, etc. of minesl and legal proceedings in distr. (12 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1884: 178-lSOA.) 1885. Table: character of coal, production, no. of em- ployes, days employed, casualties, etc., in distr. (13 same 1885: 166-167B.) 1886-1887. Table: total no. of tons of coal mined and tons of coke produced in each colliery, no. of days worked, no. of employes, no. of persons killed and injured, no. of kegs of powder used, etc. in distr (12 .same 1886 (pp. 121-123B)— 15 same 1887.) 1888-1904. Description of mines in distr. with diagrams and plans. (Rept inspectors of mines 1888 (pp. 327-346)— .same 1896; rept. bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 345-360) — same 1902; rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt 2 (pp. 321-325)— .same 1904.) 1894. Description of the " Stanley Header " machine in use at Leisenring, no. 2, mine, H. C. Frick Coke Co. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1894: 421-426.) 1895. Important mining decision rel. to violation of mining law In distr. (Same 1895: 391-395.) 1899-1901. Table: name of mine and of officers, haulage system, method of ventilation, kind of opening, pick or machine work, etc. (Rept. bureau of mines 1899 (pp. 629-632)— same 1901.) •This rept. covers the period from Nov. 1, 1884 to May 25, 1885. COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS DISTRICTS— cont'd 5th Bituminous District — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1902-1904. Table: names of operators and mines, kind of openings, type and size of fans, size of furnaces, volume of air produced, no. of employees, quantity of air per person per minute, etc. (Rept. bureau of mines 1902 (pp. 561-564); rept dept of mines 1903 pt 2 (pp. 217-283)— «ame 1904.) . Table: mines using coal cutting machines, name of machine and power used, name and thickness of coal seam, and tonnage of coal produced by ma- chines. (Rept. bureau of mines 1902 (p. 565) ; rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt 2 (p. 284)— same 1904.) 1904. Prosecutions for violations of mining laws of distr. (Rept dept of mines 1904 pt 2: 244.) Accidents 1884-1885. Description of fatal accidents in distr. (12 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1884 (pp. 159- 173A)— 13 same 1885.) 1884-1887. List of accidents occurring in mines of distr., name, age, etc. of person injured, date, nature and cause of accident (12 same 1884 (pp. 195-196A)— 15 same 1887.) 1890. The Hill Farm disaster; rept. of fire in mine owned by Dunbar Furnace Co., Fayette Co. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1890: 371-379.) 1899. Explosions of fire damp; accident in Braznell mine. (Rept of bureau of mines 1899: xvli-xx.) 1901. Gob or mine fires in distr. (Same 1901: 560-562.) Collieries 1883-1887. Table: location of collieries in distr. (11 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1883 (p. 134A) — 15 same 1887.) 1888-1904. Table: location of collieries in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1888 (pp. 347-348)— same 1896; rept bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 363-364) — same 1902; rept. dept of mines 1903 pt 2 (pp. 285-289) — same 1904.) 1903. Colliery improvements made during the year. (Rept. dept of mines 1903 pt 2: 325-332.) Labor 1888-1904. Table: no. of each class of employees at each colliery in distr. (Repts. inspectors of mines 1888 (pp. 352-353) — .some 1896; rept. bureau of mines 1897 (pp. 368-369)— .same 1902; rept. dept. of mines 1903 pt 2 (pp. 302-312)— same 1904.) 1889-1901. List of names of successful candidates for mine foremen In distr. (Rept. dept. of mines 1901: 571-573.) Maps 1898. Plan: boundary workings, actual and projected, of Oliver mines nos. 1 and 2, Oliver, Pa.; scale: 1 in. = 100 ft. (Rept bureau of mines 1898 pt. 2.) . Map: location of coal mines in the distr.; scale: 4 mi. to 1 in. {Same 1898 pt 2.) Ventilation 1883. Bad ventilation In mines of distr. (11 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1883: 130A.) 1883-1885. Average mo. stmt, of ventilation of resp. collieries. (11 same 1882/3 (pp. 137-138A)— 13 same 1885.) 1884-1885. Table: method of ventilation, no. of open- ings and headings and size of Inlets and outlets In resp. collieries of distr. (12 same 1884 (pp. 185- 187A)— 13 .same 1885.) 1901. Table: no. and size of ventilating fans and fur- naces, no. of persons employed, quantity of air per minute per person, etc., in each colliery. (Rept bureau of mines 1901: 556-559.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 585 COAL MINES AND MINING: BITUMINOUS DISTRICTS— cont'd 6th Bituminous District serial 1 series 1883-1883/4 Durlnp this pprlod this District romprlsfd thnt pnrt of Allegheny Co. lying north of the Ohio nnd Allegheny rivers, nn0;! [pt. 2] ; 705-818. 1904 1904 [pt. 2) :r>7n-616. non-serial 1903-1904. Condition of mines in the distr. rd Co. ; supt. of common schools, 1S63-18G6 ; see Education, the serial group. . Biographical sketch of. (Penn. School Journal V. 49: 173-174.) County Supt. of Schools 1861. Institutes In Bradford Co. (Penn. School Journal v. 10: 177-178.) Supt. of Common Schools 1866. Triennial election of co. supts. (Penn. School Journal v. 32: 350-351.) . Resignation as supt. of common schools. (Govs. mess. (Curtin) Jan. 2, 1S67.) COCHRAN (C. B.) Microscopist and hygienist of state bd. of agric, 1886- 1894 : see Food and Drug Law. 1896. Butter colors. (Penn. dept. of agric. Bull. 13.) COCHRAN (GEORGE) Repr. from Allegheny and Butler cos., 1812/13 ; repr. from Beaver Co., 1818/19. Repr. from Allegheny and Butler Cos. [Select] Committee 1812. Dec. 9. Land titles to actual settlers. (House jol. 1812/13: 57-58.) 1813. Jan. 18. Petition for establishment of a state road from Connelsville to the town of Washington. (Same 1812/13: 214.) . Feb. 24. Reasons for adverse vote on passage of bill confirming titles to lands in depreciation districts, no. and west of Ohio and Allegheny rivers. (Same 1812/13: 440-441.) COCHRAN (J. HENRY) Senator from Lycoming, Montour, Sullivan and Colum- bia COS., 1895/6 ; 1899/1900 ; 1903/4 ; 1907/8. Special Committee 1897. Mch. 23. Treasurer and auditor genls. depts.; minority rept. (Legisl. Record 1897 v. 1: 862-902; 1430-1432.) . Same. (Sen. jol. 1897: 961-962; House Jol. 1897: 1010.) . State treasury and auditor genls. depts.; minority rept. (Sen. jol. 1897: 961-962.) COCHRAN (JOHN) Secretary of Land OtRce, 1809-1817 ; see Uind, the serial group. 1832. Joint rept. with John Boyd on land in Erie Co. (House jol. 1831/2 v. 2: 853-854.) COCHRAN (SAMUEL) Repr. from Chester Co., 1816/17-1817/18; Sen. from Chester and Delaware cos., 1818/19-1822. One of comrs. apptd. in 1821 to ascertain owners of ground in frout of capital bldgs. Surveyor General, 1821- 1824 : see [.>gisl. docs. 1864 : 834-838. 1836-1840. Comparative amt. of exports and Imports of U. S. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 6, 1841.) 1851. Rept. of [select] committee (Hart) on res. rel. to steam communication connecting China, Cal., and Europe, with Norfolk, in Va. and Phila. (House jol. 1851 v. 1: 78-79.) 1855. Approximate no. of lbs. of cotton sent to England ann. (3 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1855: 95.) 1862/3. Stmt, of amt. of breadstuffs exported from U. S. to Great Britain and Ireland from Sept. 1, 1862 to Sept. 1, 1863. (v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1861/3: 792.) Flour, corn meal, wheat, corn. 1863-1892. See below, Phila., these dates. 1866-1895. Table: showing average rate upon wheat, per bushel, from N. Y. to Liverpool. (Rept. of secy, of internal affairs 1895/6 pt. 4: xxviii.) 1868-1875. Stmt, of amt. of oil exported from New York and other ports. ([4] A.R. bureau of indus- trial statistics 1875/6: 139.) Paging from Collected docs. 1868-1895. Schedule of ann. average freight rates per bu. on wheat — Chicago to New York. (29 A. R. dept. agric. 1896 pt. 1: plate facing p. 28.) 1870. " We should oppose any reciprocity treaties by which the people of Canada can gain advantages over our own lumbermen, farmers and other pro- ducers." (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 5, 1870: 35.) 1871. Chicago anthracite coal trade. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1871: 87.) Extr. from Dally Jol. 1871-1895. Ann. average freight rates on flour per bbl. — Chicago to New York. (2 A.R. dept. agric. 1896 pt. 1: plate facing p. 132.) 1871/2-1873/4. Stmt, of total imports and exports ol U. S.; with those of her principal ports (Phila., Bos- ton, New Orleans, New York. Balto. and all other ports), compiled from statistics furnished by Bureau of Statistics, Washington, D. C. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 321; 349.) 1873-1874. Value of imports from foreign countries in Amer. and foreign vessels in 1874; comparison of total for 1873 and 1874. (2 same 1873/4: 344.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 696 COMMERCE— cont'd 1876-1884. Quantities and values of petroleum and its products exported from principal and other U. S. ports. (12 same 1884: 1,'51-1.32.) 1877. Exports of petroleum [from U. S.]; value. (5 sa/ne 1876/7: 26.) 1878. Jan. 16. Rept. of committee on federal rela- tions (Nakel) rel. to govt aid by the U. S. to con- templated steamship line from the U. S. to Brazil. (Legist. Record 1878: 152-153.) 1882/3-1884/5. Value of importations of worsted and woolen fabrics before and after tariff went into operation Jly., 1883. (13 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 188*5: 21.) Pennsylvania 1788/9. Stmt, of tonnage duties. (A.R. register gen. 1788/9.) 1811. Domestic commerce and mnftres. promoted by war. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. 5, 1811.) . Domestic commerce of greater value than foreign; promotion by internal improvements. (Same (Snyder) Dec. 5, 1811.) 1823. Rept. of committee on domestic mnfres. (Steven- son) on act for protection and promotion of com- merce, internal trade, and manufactures of state of Penn. (House jol. 1822/3: 654-655.) 1824. Rept. of [special] committee (Streator) rel. to navigation of the Susquehanna; commercial value. (Same 1823/4: 1087.) 1838. Communication from secy, of commonwealth (Shunk), with statistical tables of agric, mnfres., commerce and mining in state, in answer to res. of Apr. 16, directing Secy, to send to assessors of every ward, township and distr. within state, prtd. lists of queries on subject of agric. mnfres., etc. (.Same 1840 v. 2: 114-116 and ace. tables.) 1839. See Agricultural Statistics, this date. 1855. " The interests of our great commercial em- porium should receive the considerate attention of the Legislature." (Govs. mess. (Pollock) Jan. 16, 1855.) 1864. Veto (Curtin) of act rel. to the advertising of venders of foreign maze in Phila. (Legisl. Record 1864: 17.) 1866. Remarks (Crosland) on act for encouragement of incorporated cos. chartered by the state for the development of her mineral wealth and her com- mercial value. (Same 1866: 889.) 1873. Statistics of the trade of 1873 — iron, iron ore, coal, petroleum, produce, etc. (1 A.R. bureau of sta- tistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 286-288.) From Pittsburg Commercial. Pennsylvania: Canal-borne See nlso Cnnals. etc ; UndertaklngB. Penn. Cinal [and R.R.]. Receipts and Expenditures: Tolls. 1833-1834. Amt. of tolls reed., no. of boats cleared, and quantity of tonnage cleared, at several collectors' offices, also, no. of miles travelled by passengers on state canal and rwy. (A.R. canal comrs. 1832/3 (p. 40)— .same 1833/4.) 1837. Probability that Penn. can bring Immense ton- nage of coal and iron upon public works and supply not only her own demand for iron but a large pro- portion of that which exists elsewhere and is now supplied by Great Britain. (Same 1836/7: 6.) Paging from Collected docs. 1843/4-1844/5. Tables: quantity of coal shipped at various offices on Improvements; do. iron. (Same 1843/4 (pp. 28-29)— same 1844/5.) 1844. Necessity for retention of coal trade on canals; reduction of toll on coal suggested. (Savie 1843/4: 12.) COMMERCE— cont'd Pennsylvania: Canal-borne — cont'd 1844. Letter of James Clarke, president of bd. of canal comrs. rel. to transportation of coal on the public works. (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 2: 66 (doc. 14).) 1846. Amt. of Penn. coal and iron transported over her canals and rwys. (Govs. mess. (Shunk) Jan. 7, 1846.) 1851. Table: amt. of anthracite and bituminous coal shipped from offices on state improvements. (A.R. bd. canal comrs. 1850/1: 9.) 1853. Table: total amt. of tonnage shipped west over Penn. canal. (Same 1852/3: 11.) Paged from [pt. 2], Tonnage Stints. 1863/7-1891/6. See Canals; Penn., these dates. 1869-1874. Amt. of freight on canals, specifying quan- tity in tons. (A.U. auditor gen. on 1869 (p. Ixxvii) — same 1874.) Continued In Rcjit. secy. Internal aCfalrs, pt, 4 ; see below, 1875-1885, 1872-1873. Table: coke receipts per slack water. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 291.) 1872/3. Tonnage and distribution of coal shipped via Schuylkill canal. (2 same 1873/4: 230-231.) 1S75-1SS5. Tables: freight carried on canals, specify- ing quantity in tons. (A.R. secy internal affairs 1874/5 pt. 4 (p. 89)— same 1884/5.) 1885. See below, Rail-borne, this date. Lehigh Canal 1830. Tons of coal passed through the Lehigh Canal Apr. 1. (A.R. canal comrs. 1829/30: 35.) 1874. Table: coal carried through Lehigh canal. ([3] A.R. bureau Industrial statistics 1874/5: 482-483.) Morris Canal 1845-1874. Stmt, of coal business of Morris Canal. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 481.) Pennsylvania Canal 1832. Table: property conveyed on Penn. canal from Easton, Je.-Oct. (A.R. bd. canal comrs. 1831/2: 40.) . Stmt, of property conveyed on Penn. canal from Harrisburg during season of navigation. (Same 1831/2: 53.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. . Stmt, of property conveyed on Penn. canal east- wardly from Pittsburg during season of navigation. (Same 1831/2: 54.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. . Stmt, of property conveyed on Penn. canal from Blairsville during season of navigation. (Same 1831/2: 55.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1832/3. Stmt, of property conveyed on Penn. canal and rwy. (Same 1832/3: 35-39.) 1834. Mdse. carried from Phila. to Pittsburg in eight days for one dollar per hundred lbs.; other rates and distances. (Same 1833/4: 5.) Paging from Collected docs. 1834/5. Table: property shipped westward and north- ward upon Penn. improvements; amt. shipped west- ward upon Portage Rwy. from HoUidaysburg. (Same 1834/5: 23, table 3.) . Table showing property taken off Penn. improve- ments at Phila., Bristol and Portsmouth, also taken oft at and shipped east from Pittsburg. (Same 1834/5: 23, table 2.) . Tables: property shipped on Penn. improve- ments. (Same 1834/5: 21-22.) Paging from House doc. ed. . Table: property shipped eastward and southward at collector's offices upon Penn. improvements. (Same 1834/5: 23, table 4.) Paging from House doc. ed. 596 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COMMERCE— cont'd Pennsylvania : Canal-borne — cont'd Pennsylvania Canal — cont'd 1835/6. Stmt, of property shipped westward on Penn. improvements from Phila. and intermediate offices. (Some 1835/6: 28-29.) . Stmt, of property shipped eastward from Pitts- burg and intermediate offices on Penn. improve- ments. {Same 1835/6: 29-30.) . Stmt, of property shipped southward and north- ward from different offices not on main line of canal. (Same 1835/6: 30-32.) 1837-1838. Table: kinds of property shipped westward from Phila., Portsmouth, Hollidaysburg, Johnstown and intermediate offices; amt. taken off at Pitts- burg from east. (Same 1836/7 (p. 26, table 2) — same 1837/8 (p. 104, table 3).) I'aping from House doc. ed. . Table: kinds of property shipped northward from Bristol and intermediate offices; amt. taken off at Easton, Berwick and Dunstown. (Same 1836/7 (p. 26, table 6)— >sa»ie 1837/8 (p. 104, table 1).) l*jipiDj? from House doc. ed. . Table: kinds of property shipped southward from Easton, Berwick and Dunstown and intermediate offices; amt. taken off at Bristol. (Same 1836/7 (p. 26, table 5)—.iame 1837/8 (p. 104, table 2).) I'nping from House doc. ed. . Table: kinds of property shipped eastward from Pittsburg, Johnstown, Hollidaysburg and inter- mediate offices; amt. taken off at Portsmouth and Phila. (Same 1836/7 (p. 26, table i)—same 1837/8 (p. 104, table 4).) Paging from House doc. ed. 1838. Coal and iron trade will form chief business of system of public works and are chief hope of pay- ing off cost; etc. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 27, 1838.) . Coal trade will undoubtedly be greatest source of revenue on public improvements; estimate of tolls on improvements ten years after completion. (Rept. canal comrs. 1837/8: 28-30.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1839-1840. Table: kinds of property arrived from east and finally taken off Penn. improvements at several specified offices. (Same 1838/9 (p. 52, foldg. table 2)— same 1839/40.) . Table: kinds of property shipped westward upon Penn. improvement at several offices on main line and Susquehanna and north and west branch divi- sions. (Same 1838/9 (p. 52, foldg. table D—xamc 1839/40.) . Same; eastward. (Same 1838/9 (p. 52, table 3) — same 1839/40.) . Table: kinds of property arrived from west at several specified offices on main line and Susque- hanna and north and west branch divisions. (Same 1838/9 (p. 52, table 4)— ,so»ip 1839/40.) . Table: kinds of property shipped and taken off at specified offices on Delaware and Beaver divi- sions. {Same 1838/9 (p. 52, table 5)— sume 1839/40.) 1841. Table: no. of tons of bituminous coal transported on state canal, and tolls reed, for same. (House jol. 1842 V. 2: 340.) Submitted by auditor gen. Feb. 28, 1842. 1842. Coal trade of Erie extension. (Sen. jol. 1842 v. 1: 426-428.) Part of rept. of committee on Internal affairs. . General trade as affected by Erie extension. (Same 1842 v. 1: 429-438.) 1843. Trade prospects upon main lines of public im- provements. (A.R. canal comrs. 1841/2: 7.) COMMERCE— cont'd Pennsylvania: Canal -borne — cont'd P^nnsylvanl*. Canal — cont'd 1843-1852. Comparative stmt, of property shipped east- ward on canal from Pittsburg. {Same 1843/4: (p. 26)— same 1852.) 1843/4. Stmt, of property arrived from east by canal, and taken off at Pittsburg. (Same 1843/4: 27.) . Stmt, of property shipped originally on canal at Columbia, and sent westward. (Same 1843/4: 24.) . Stmt, of property arrived from West by canal, and taken off at Columbia. (Some 1843/4: 25.) 1844. Veto (Porter) of res. rel. to certain classes of boats passing the out-let locks at Columbia. (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 1: 29-30.) . Veto (Porter) of bill rel. to trucks for transpor- tation of section boats; its effect on tolls. {Same 1844 V. 1: 27-28.) 1844-1873. Table: shipments of coal through the Mo- nongahela Navigation Company's locks. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 291.) 1844-1874. Shipment of coal through Monongahela Navigation Company's locks from its opening; bushels and tolls. ([2] A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 304.) 1844-1875. Same. {Same 1875/6: 98-99.) I'aglng from Collected docs. 1844/5-1849*. Table: weight of different kinds of prop- erty sent and reed, southward by the canal from Berwick. (A.R. canal comrs. 1844/5 (pp. 84-85) — same 1848/9.) 1844/5-1851*. Table: weight of different kinds of prop- erty sent and reed, by canal from Williamsport eastward. (Same 1844/5 (pp. 80-81)— some 1850/1.) *. Table: weight of different kinds of property sent and reed, eastward by canal from Dunnsburg. (Same 1844/5 (pp. 82-83)— .some 1850/1.) *. Table: weight of different kinds of property sent and reed, at Liverpool by canal north and west, south and east. {Same 1844/5 (pp. 90-93) — same 1850/1.) 1844/5-1852*. Table: weight of different kinds of prop- erty sent and reed, westward, by canal from Co- lumbia. (Same 1844/5 (pp. 39-40)— »H)ne 1851/2.) *. Table: weight of different kinds of property sent and reed, southward and northward by canal from New Hope. {Same 1844/5 (pp. 97-100) — same 1851/2.) *. Table: weight of different kinds of property sent to and from Johnstown westward by canal. (Some 1844/5 (pp. 67-68)— some 1851/2.) 1844/5-1853*. Table: weight of different kinds of prop- erty sent and reed, eastward and westward by canal from Huntingdon. (Sowie 1844/5 (pp. 59-62) — same 1852/3.) Omitted In 1S49. ♦. Table: weight of different kinds of property sent and reed, by canal from Hollidaysburg, eastward. (Same 1844/5 (pp. 63-64)— *ome 1852/3.) ♦. Table: weight of different kinds of property sent and reed, east and west by canal from Portsmouth. (Some 1844/5 (pp. 41-44)— sume 1852/3.) Omitted In 1849. *. Table: weight of different kinds of property sent and reed, east and west by canal from Harris- burg. (Same 1844/5 (pp. 45-50)— .some 1852/3.) *. Table: weight of different kinds of property sent and reed, east and west by canal from Newport. (Same 1844/5 (pp. 51-54)— .vome 1852/3.) •. Table: weight of different kinds of property sent and reed, at Lewistown by canal east and west. (Some 1844/5 (pp. 54-58)— some 1852/3.) • The stmt. Is comparative In 1845 only. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 597 COMMERCE— cont'd Pennsylvania: Canal-bome — cont'd Pennsylvania Canal — cont'd 1844/5-1853*. Table: weight of different kinds of prop- erty sent and reed, east and westward by the canal from Freeport. (Same 1844/5 (pp. 73-76) — same 1852/3.) -^•. Table: weight of different kinds of property sent south and east, north and west by canal from Northumberland. (Same 1844/5 (pp. 86-90) — same 1852/3.) Omlttpd In 1S:>2. *. Table: weight of different kinds of property sent and reed, east and west by canal from Blalrs- ville. (/ib'OHM- 1844/5 (pp. 69-72)— «;»ir 1852/3.) *. Table: weight of different kinds of property sent and reed, northward by canal from Bristol. (Same 1844/5 (pp. 100-103)— .«i me 1852/3.) *. Table: weight of different kinds of property sent and reed, southward from Easton by canal. (Same 1844/5 (pp. 94-96)— ,wmr 1852/3.) 1845. Prospect of trade upon public works during 1846; estimated tolls. (Same 1S44/5: 14.) 1853-1854. Whole tonnage carried by canal men In 1853; tonnage carried by Penn. R.R. co. in 1S54. (Same 1854/5: 19.) 1873. Coal and coke trade of the Monongahela Valley, by months. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 289.) 1877. Pres. Moorhead's (Monongahela Navigation Co.) review of year's business — transportation statistics. (5 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1876/7: 251.) Benzine 1871/3-1876/7. See below, Pennsylvania: Ports, Phila- delphia, this date. Breadstuffs 1871-1874. See below, Pennsylvania: Ports, Philadel- phia, these dates 1873-1875. See same. Coal 1830. See above. Canal-borne, Lehigh Canal. 1834. Rept. of [selectl committee (Packer) [apptd. Apr. 4, 1833] to investigate subject of coal trade in Penn. and history of mining operations, and to whom was referred memorial of coal dealers In Schuylkill Co. (Sen. jol. 1833/4 v. 2: 449-572.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1834. 126 pp., errata slip, foldg. table, map. Copies seen In N. Y. Public Library, Free Library of Phlla., library of the Library Co. of Phlla. and In Amer. I'hilos. Socy. 1000 copies In ICnglisb and 500 in German were ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1833/4, V. 1 : 455-456.) 1838. See above. Canal-borne, Pennsylvania Canal, this date. 1841. See same, this date. 1842. See same, this date. 1843/4-1844/5. Table: quantity of coal shipped at vari- ous offices on Improvements; do. iron. (A.R. canal comrs. 1843/4 (pp. 28-29)— same 1844/5.) 1844. See above, Pennsylvania: Canal-borne, this date. 1844-1874. See same, Pennsylvania Canal, these dates. 1845-1874. See same, Morris Canal, these dates. 1846. See above, Pennsylvania: Canal-borne, this date. 1850-1874. See below, Pennsylvania: Rail-borne, these dates. 1851. Table: quantity of anthracite and bituminous coal shipped from offices on state Improvements. (A.R. bd. canal comrs. 1850/1: 9.) 1855-1874. See below, Pennsylvania: Rail-borne, these dates. 1863-1874. See same, these dates. COMMERCE— cont'd Pennsylvania: Canal-borne — cont'd Coal — cont'd 1869. Schuylkill navigation trade. (RepL of in- spector of mines 1870: 17691770.) I'agln^ from LeKlsl. iUh-h. In" I. 1870-1871. See below, Pennsylvania: Ports, Philadel- phia, these dates, 1870-1873. See same, Pittsburgh, these dates. . See below, Pennsylvania: River-borne, these dates. 1871. Debate; consolidation of corporations (, canals, etc.). (Legisl. jol. 1871: 512-519; 563-570; 574-575.) Effect on coal transportation. 1871-1874. See below, Pennsylvania: Rail-borne, these dates. 1872/3. Tonnage of Lykens Valley coal trade. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 235-236.) . See above, Pennsylvania: Canal-borne, this date. 1873/4. See below, Pennsylvania: Ports, Port Rich- mond, this date. 1874. See above, Pennsylvania: Canal-borne, Lehigh Canal. Ploub 1839-1840. See below, Pennsylvania: Ports, Pittsburgh, these dates. Grain 1870-1873. See below, Pennsylvania: Ports, Pittsburgh, these dates. Ibo.n 1838. See above, Pennsylvania: Canal-borne, Pennsyl- vania Canal, this date. 1846. See above, Pennsylvania: Canal-borne, this date. 1869-1873. See below, Pennsylvania: Ports, Pittsburgh, these dates. Lumber 1869-1875. See below, Pennsylvania: Ports, Williams- port, these dates. Naphtha 1871/3-1876/7. See below, Pennsylvania: Ports, Phila- delphia, this date. Petroleum 1863-1892. Quantity and value of crude petroleum ex- ported from Philadelphia, N. Y. and other ports. (20 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1892: B99.) . Petroleum exports by grades and shipping ports. (20 same 1892: B186-195.) Phlla., N. Y., Bait., Boston and all others. 1864-1892. Petroleum exports from Phila.; quantity and value of each grade. (20 same 1892: B196-197.) 1865-1876. See below, Pennsylvania: Ports, Pittsburgh, these dates. 1866-1873. Petroleum exports from the U. S. and from Phila. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 259-260.) 1871/3-1876/7. See below, Pennsylvania: Ports, Phila- delphia, these dates. 1873-1877. See same, these dates. Salt 1854. Discussion (House) resp. duty on salt. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 8): 48.) Chief speakers: Strong. M'Connell, Ball, CarUsles Eldred, Porter, M'Combs, Johnson, Roberts. Pennsylvania: Pilotage 1883. Pilotage rates [at port of Phila.]; debate. (Legisl. Record 1883: 1181-1183; 1628-1634.) •The stmt. Is comparative in 1845 only. 598 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA COMMERCE— cont'd Pennsylvania: Ports Beach Ha\'en 1850-1S53. Table: weight of difEerent kinds of property sent bv canal from Beach Haven. (A.R. canal comrs. 1849/50 (pp. 67-68)— sawe 1852/3.) Ebie 1868/74-1868/76. Tabular stmt, of imports and exports from port of Erie, preceded by account of condi- tions, etc. in 1874. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4 (pp. 318-320)— 4 same 1875/6.) Covers current only in 1874/5 and in 1875/6 the narrative portion is omitted. 1872-1873. Port exhibit of trade and commerce at Erie, from Official Records of the Custom House. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor, etc., 1872/3: 292-294.) Philadelphia 1784-1890. Table: domestic and foreign exports [from Phila.]. (19 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1891: C 112-149.) 1804. Representation of the " Phila. Chamber of Com- merce " resp. the exportation of ground blackoak bark. (Sen. jol. 1803/4: 243-244.) 1805. Mch. 7. Memorial from Chamber of Commerce of Phila. resp. obstructions in Delaware River in- jurious to trade and praying a law authorizing them to lay a duty of 4 cents per ton upon vessels engaged in foreign trade, the money to be applied to removing the obstructions. (House jol. 1804/5: 438.) . Memorial of Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, for passage of law laying tonnage duty on all vessels employed in foreign trade. (Sen. jol. 1804/5: 279.) 1808. Rept. of committee (Cope) on petitions rel. to the exportation of butter in kegs of a certain weight. (House jol. 1807/8 pt. 2: 315.) 1809. Rept. of committee (O'Brien) to whom was re- ferred memorial of chamber of commerce rel. to granting legisl. aid to the mariners of the port of Phila. (Same 1808/9: 210-211.) 1821-1876. Table: imports and exports of Phila. (4 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1875/6: 762.) Paging from Collected does. 1822. Rept. of [special] committee (Raguet) submit- ting condensed stmt, of articles inspected and of receipts and expenditures of the resp. officers of the port of Phila. in 1821. (Sen. jol. 1821/2: 735-737.) 1833. Rept. of auditor gen. (Sturgeon) stating amt. of bark, whiskey, flour, salted provisions, butter, lard and tobacco inspected at port of Phila. 1830-1832. (Same 1832/3 [v. 1]: foldg. table betw. pp. 288- 289.) 1851-1852. Comparative stmt, of no. of lbs. of freight destined for Pittsburg, and cleared by all lines at collector's office in Phila. (A.R. canal comrs. 1851/2: 11.) 1863-1892. Quantity and value of crude petroleum ex- ported from Phila., N. Y., and other ports. (20 A.R, bureau industrial statistics 1892: B 98-99.) . Petroleum exports by grades and shipping ports. (20 same 1892: B 186-195.) Phila., New York, Baltimore, Boston and all others. 1864-1892. Petroleum exports from Phila. showing quantities and values of each grade. (20 same 1892: B 196-197.) 1866-1873. Petroleum exports from the U. S. and from Phila. (1 same 1872/3: 259-260.) 1870-1871. Quantity of coal sent to Phila. [from Schuyl- kill dlstr.] by road and canal; comparative stmt. (Rept. of inspector of mines 1871: 48.) 1870-1872. Comparative stmt, of imports reed, at Phila. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 272.) Molasses, coffee, sugar, naval stores, cattle, grain. COMMERCE— cont'd Pennsylvania: Ports — cont'd Ph I LADELPHIA — COn t'd 1870-1873. Tables: value of exports to foreign countries from port of Phila. in 1873; summaries, 1870, 1871, 1872. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics 1872/3: 274; 329.) 1870-1874. Total value, each year of commodities im- ported into customs distr. of Phila. (2 some 1873/4: 331-332.) . Table: no. of vessels, with rig and nationality, loaded at Phila. (2 same 1873/4: 359.) 1871-1872. Value of exports of industrial products from Phila. to foreign ports. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 276.) 1871-1874. Value of breadstuffs and provisions sent to various foreign countries in 1874, with total value of exports in 1871, 1872, 1873— from port of Phila. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 330.) 1871/3-1876/7. Table: total exports of petroleum, ben- zine and naphtha from Phila.; quantity and value, each year. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3 (p. 275)— 5 .some 1876/7.) 1871/3, 1871/4, 1874/5, 1875/6, 1876/7. 1872. Value of exports from Phila. to the several for- eign countries. (1 same 1872/3: 277.) 1872-1874. Comparative stmt: value of goods with- drawn from warehouse in Phila. (2 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1873/4: 332.) 1873. Quantity and value of exports from the port of Phila. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 272-273.) . Table: foreign imports reed, at Phila.; quantity and value. (1 same 1872/3: 268-270.) Quantity and value of each article. . Value of imports from different countries into port of Phila. (1 same 1872/3: 271.) Total for each country. 1873-1874. Total values of exports from port of Phila. (2 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1873/4: 333.) 1873-1875. Table: value of breadstuffs and provisions shipped from Phila. to foreign countries. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3 (p. 274)— 3 same 1874/5.) 1873-1877. Table: exports of petroleum, naphtha and benzine from Phila. to foreign countries. (1 sa7ne 1872/3 (p. 275)— 5 same 1876/7.) 1873/4-1874/6. Total amt. of duties reed, at port of Phila., each yr. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4 (p. 332)— 4 same 1855/6.) Given by months in 1874/5 and 1875/6. 1874. Amt. of duties reed, at custom house of Phila. each mo. (2 same 1873/4: 345.) . Grain elevators of International Navigation Co. at Girard Point, Phila. (2 sanw 1873/4: 352-353.) 1 Table: quantity and value of specified commodi- ties exported to foreign countries from port of Phila. (2 same 1873/4: 327-328.) . Stmt, showing value of imports into customs distr. of Phila., direct and indirect. (2 same 1873/4: 331.) . Commercial advantages of Phila.: terminal facili- ties and growth of trade; imports; exports. (2 same 1873/4: 348-351.) . Quantity and value of the various exports sent from port of Phila. to other countries; summary stmt, of commodities; recapitulation of value of exports to each country. (2 same 1873/4: 322-329.) . Comparative values of exports from port of Phila. (2 same 1873/4: 333.) . Stmt, of foreign mdse. Imported into port of N. Y. and transported thence without appraisement to port of Phila. (2 same 1873/4: 343.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 599 COMMERCE— cont'd Pennsylvania: Ports — cont'd rnii,Ai)Ki,i'iiiA — cont'd 1874. Success of American Steamship Co.: new impulse to Pliila. commerce. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 7, 1874: 26.) 1874-1875. Stmt, showing total exports of petroleum, naphtha and benzine — no. of gallons of each and value. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 515.) 1874-1876. No. of vessels entered and cleared each mo. at port of Phila. and their tonnage. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4 (p. 346)— 4 same 1875/6.) . Quantity and value of commodities brought from foreign countries into customs distr. of Phila. (2 same 1873/4 (pp. 334-343)- 4 .wmc 1874/5.) Stmt, for the several articles for each oumitry. . Nationality, number and tonnage of vessels entered into port of Phila. (2 same 1873/4 (p. 346) — 4 same 1875/6.) 1874-1877. Clearances of vessels at port of Phila.; nationality, no., tonnage, value of cargo. (2 same 1873/4 (p. 331)— 5 same 1876/7.) 1875. The foreign trade of Penn. via port of Phila. ([3] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 493-519.) . Stmt, of foreign mdse. imported into U. S. and transported thence without appraisement to port of Phila. ([3] same 1874/5: 505.) . Value of imports transported immediately from Phila. to interior ports. ([3] same 1874/5: 504.) . Entrances and clearances of vessels from Phila. In the coastwise trade. ([3] same 1874/5: 519.) 1875-1877. Table: exports from Phila., by articles and countries; quantity; value. (3 same 1874/5 (pp. 508-514)— 5 same 1876/7.) 1876. Foreign importations in bond via N. Y. and San Francisco Into Phila. (4 same 1875/6: 751.) I'nplng from Collected does. . The foreign trade of port of Phila. [reported by Peter Wright & Sons]. ([4] same 1875/6: 740-765.) I'.iging from Collected docs. . Mdse. imported via Phila. in bond to several cities. (4 same 1875/6: 752.) Paging from Collected docs. 1876-1877. Summary stmt, of imports of port of Phila.; quantity and value of each article. (4 same 1875/6 (pp. 748-750)— 5 same 1876/7.) i*aglng from Collected docs. . Table: value of exports from port of Phila. to various foreign countries. (4 same 1875/6 (p. 760) —5 same 1876/7.) Paging from Collected docs. 1889. Encouragement of coastwise and foreign com- merce; improvement of Phila. harbor; cost; apprn. by national govt. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 1, 1889: 22-25.) 1891. Commerce, navigation and ship building on the Delaware. (19 A.R. bureau Industrial statistics 1891: C 1-111.) Colonial period, foreign commerce ; port of Phila., coast- wise commerce, etc. Pittsburgh 1839-1840. Penn. canal: no. of barrels of flour shipped from Pittsburg in 1839 and in 1840; increase In amt. of toll. (A.R. bd. canal comrs. 1839/40: 9.) Paging from House ed. 1840-1841. Table: amt. of tonnage shipped at Pittsburg to ports on Ohio River, July 15 to Nov. 15, at various rates per 100 lbs., aggregate cost, average cost per 100 lbs., etc. (Sen. jol. 1842 v. 1: 209.) 1859-1874. Crude oil receipts at Pittsburg, by river and rail. (2 A.R. bureau statistics 1873/4: 309.) COMMERCE— cont'd Pennsylvania: Ports — cont'd PiTTSBUiKiii — cont'd 1865-1870. Table showing no. bbla. of crude petroleum received in Pittsburg by river and rail each yr. ([4] same 1875/6: 139.) Paging from Collected docs. 1869-1873. Receipts of pig iron and ore by r.r. and river, at Pittsburg. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 288.) . Produce receipts at Pittsburg each year. (1 same 1872/3: 288.) Apples, flour, barley, corn, oats, rye, wheat, butter, bacon, cheese. 1870-1873. Receipts of coal by r.r. cos. at Pittsburg (1 same 1872/3: 289-290.) . Amts. of grain reed, at Pittsburg grain elevator. (1 same 1872/3: 288.) 1874. Receipts of leading articles of breadstuffs at Pittsburg. (2 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1873/4: 315-316.) . Statistics of receipts of pig metal, ore, blooms, etc. [at rolling mills in Pittsburg]. (2 A.R. bureau statistics 1873/4: 312-314.) . Coal receipts by rail [at Pittsburg]. (2 same 1873/4: 307-308.) . Pittsburg oil trade; new freight arrangement; stock held by pipe line cos. Aug. 31. (2 same 1873/4: 299-301.) Poet Richmond 1873/4. Table: shipments of coal at Port Richmond. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 476.) WiLLIAMSPORT 1869-1875. Total shipments of lumber from Willlams- port. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 538.) 1873-1875. Comparison of shipments by r.r. and canal from Williamsport. ([3] same 1874/5: 540.) Pennsylvania: Rail -borne See also above. Canal-borne. 1833. Rept. of [select] committee (Ashbridge) rel. to a depot for produce to be transported on Penn. R.R. (House jol. 1832/3 v. 2: 708-709 (doc. 213).) 1846. See above. Canal-borne, this date. 1857. Veto (Pollock) of act rel. to office of tonnage agts. (Sen. jol. 1857: 31-32.) 1860/5-1869/74. Comparative stmt, of tonnage. (A.R. auditor gen. on 1865 (pp. 454-455) — same 1874.) 1871/5-1892/7. Comparative stmt, of r.r. tonnage. (A.R. secy, internal affairs 1874/5 pt. 4 (pp. 49-51) — same 1896/7.) 1874. Stmt, showing tons anthracite coal forwarded over during yr. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 484-485.) 1874-1875. Comparison of coal and coke reed, direct from mines on main line and branches of Penn. R.R. ([3] same 1874/5: 410.) 1875. Coal tonnage of the several railroads. ([3] same ' 1874/5: 224-231.) 1875-1882. Amt. of freight carried specifying quantity in tons. (A.R. secy. Internal affairs 1874/5 pt. 4 (pp. 22-25)— san(€ 1881/2.) 1882/3-1903/4. Table: kind and quantity of freight carried on (Same 1882/3 pt 4 (pp. 35-39) — same 1903/4.) . Kind and quantity of freight carried by r.r. cos. (Same 1882/3 pt. 4 (pp. 35-39)— same 1903/4.) 1883-1904. Quantity of freight carried on and rate per ton. (Same 1882/3 pt. 4 (pp. 40-43)— same 1903/4.) 600 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COMMERCES— cont'd Pennsylvania: Rail-borne — cont'd 1885. Renewed suggestions rel. to inadequacy of art. 17 of constitution in regard to discrimination in transportation of various merchandise by railroads to detriment of canal traffic. (Govs. mess. (Patti- son) Jan. 6, 1885: 22-25.) 1889. In behalf of provisions to prevent violation of art. 17, of constitution in regard to transportation of freight. (Same (Beaver) Jan. 1, 1889: 25-27.) 1891-1895. Comparative summary showing tonnage of freight. (Rept. of secy, of internal affairs 1894/5 pt 4: xli.) 1891/6-1891/7. Comparative summary showing classi- fication of tonnage of freight. (Rept. of secy, of internal affairs 1895/6 pt. 4 (p. xx\)—same 1896/7.) 1902. Opinion of supt. of rwys. rel. to reduction in ton- nage of freight classified as products of agric. {Same 1901/2 pt. 4: xiv-xv.) AiXEUHENT Portage R.R. 1836. Table: no. of cars and weight of burden weighed at weigh scales at Johnstown Apr. 1 to Oct. 31. (A.R. bd. canal comrs. 1835/6: 81.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from Houee dept. ed. — ■ — . Tonnage weighed at weigh scales at Hollidays- burg Apr. 1-Oct. 31. (Same 1835/6: 81.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. ; omitted from House dept. ed. 1849. Dec. 28. Tonnage carried over road during year, no. of section boats carried east and west during season. (Same 1848/9: 12.) 1850. Amt. of tonnage transported on Allegheny Port- age R.R. .during fiscal year. (A.R. canal comrs. 1849/50: 11.) 1851-1852. Amt. of tonnage transported over Allegheny Portage R.R.; new engines. (Same 1851/2: 15.) Chesapeake and Ohio R.R. 1874. Table: coal reed, from mines by Chesapeake and Ohio R.R. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 484.) COLtJMBIA AND PhIIADELPHIA R.R. 1847. Dec. 30. Tonnage conveyed on Columbia and Phila. R.R.; increase over 1846, etc. (A.R. canal comrs. 1846/7: 8-9.) 1851. Communication from canal comrs. rel. to trade over Cumberland Valley R.R. and Phila. and Colum- bia R.R.; tolls and tonnage on public improvements; trade on the Phila. and Columbia R.R. in 1850 and 1851. (Sen. jol. 1851 v. 2: 209-213.) 1852. Stmt, of tonnage over road; no. freight cars cleared at offices. (A.R. bd. canal comrs. 1851/2: 10.) 1854-1855. Tonnage east and west over the road, tolls collected, no. of trips made by locomotives, no. of cars which passed Parkersburg, no. tons freight cleared in 1855 as compared with previous year. (A.R. canal comrs. 1854/5: 9-10.) Pennsylvania R.R. 1855. Tax on tonnage passing over Penn. R.R.; revenue derived from this tax in 1853 and 1854. (Govs. mess. (Bigler) Jan. 3, 1855: 10-12.) 1855-1874. Stmt, showing coal tonnage of Lehigh Val- ley R.R. Co. from commencement of business. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 474.) 1856. Mch. 15. Communication from canal comrs. resp. proposition of the Penn. R.R. to carry tonnage over the Portage R.R.; freights. (Dally Legisl. Record 1856: 327.) 1873. Stmt, of coal tonnage forwarded to all points by Penn. R.R. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 238.) COMMERCE— cont'd Pennsylvania: Rail-bome — cont'd Pen.nsylvania R. R. — cont'd 1874. Rept. of coal carried on Penn. and N. Y. R.R. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1873/4: 479- 480.) Philadelphia and Reading R.R. 1850-1874. Coal business of Phila. and Reading R.R. Co. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 477.) 1863-1874. Stmt, showing distribution of coal carried over Phila. and Reading R.R. ([3] same 1874/5: 478.) 1872/3. Points of supply and distribution of anthra- cite and bituminous coal on Phila. and Reading R.R. and branches. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 231.) Sdllivan and Erie R.R. 1871-1874. Tons of anthracite coal forwarded over Sullivan and Erie R.R. ([3] A.R. bureau indus- trial statistics 1874/5: 485.) Pennsylvania: River-borne 1870-1873. Table: coal and coke shipments by river. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 291.) 1873/4. Monthly river exports of coal shipped by Ohio River, and where to. (2 A.R. bureau Industrial statistics 1873/4: 305-307.) COMMERCE: INTERSTATE 1854. Ohio res. rel. to unlawful proceedings at Erie involving questions of commerce betw. states. (Legisl. docs. 1854: 596-597.) . Rept. of committee on (Quiggle) on res. of Ohio Legisl. rel. to unlawful proceedings at Erie involving questions of commerce between states. (Same 1854; 590-591.) . Rept. of select committee (Ball) in reply to Ohio res. rel. to proceedings at Erie concerning commerce between states. (Same 1854: 613-617.) 1879. Rept. of com. on federal relations (Jones) resp. inter-state commerce bill. (Legisl. Record 1879: 258.) . Same; minority rept. (Gazzam). (Same 1879: 258.) — — . On inter-state commerce bill pending in Cong. (Legisl. Record 1879; 59-67; 102-108; 200-208; 261; 319-327.) . Rept. from committee on federal relations (Jones) on res. instructing senators to support inter-state commerce (Reagan) bill. (Sen. jol. 1879: 228-229.) 1888. Interstate commerce law; by Alfred Sharpless. (37 and 38 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1888: 141-145.) 1890. Case of Norfolk and Western R.R. Co. v. Com- monwealth defines power of a state over corpora- tions engaged in business of interstate commerce. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1889/90: 8-9.) 1897. On interstate commerce act. (3 A.R. dept. agric. 1897 pt. 1: 34-37.) COMMERCIAL EDUCATION; see EDUCATION COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS; see FERTILIZERS COMPANY STORE; see LABOR COMPTON (P.) 1893. Farming a study. (50 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1893: 31-32.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COl COMPTROLLER GENERAL John Nicholson, comptroller 1790. Dec. 17. [Joint rept. with register gen. (Don- aldson) upon the accts. of David Rlttenhouse, late treasurer], n. t. p. 2 11. Cop.v Ht'cn 111 Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1791. Acct. betw. Penn. and the U. S. (House jol. Aug. 1791 app. pp. 19-20.) . Aug. 2. Rept. of comptroller-gen. on public (sic) accts.; giving a concise, retrospective, present, and future view of state of finances of Penn. 5 pp. {Same Aug., 1791 app.) . Aug. 20. State of finances of Penn. 17751791 5 pp. (Sdinr 1790/1 app.) — ' — . Sept. 9. Relinquishment of $400 per annum of his salary. (Same 1790/1: 493-494.) 1793. Jan. 25. Papers rel. to accts. with the U. S. (Siimc 1792/3: 129.) . Dec. 6. Letter from Nicholson read. (Sen. jol. 1793/4: 17.) 1794. Jan. 9. Letter to House of Representatives [with schedules]. Broadsides. <\ipy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. Rel. to articles of Impeachment. John Donaldson, comptroller 1796. Dec. 20. Examination of accts., etc. of late comptroller gen., J. Nicholson. (House jol. 1796/7: 52-53.) 1800. Mch. 3. Unsatisfied claims for donation lands. (,S'nme 1799/00: 332-334.) 1801. Feb. 4. Loans by state to Univ. of Penn. (Same 1800/1: 299-300.) Samuel Bryan, comptroller 1801. Dec. 8. Frauds of late comptroller gen., Nichol- son. (House jol. 1801/2: 39-40.) . Dec. 12. Clerk hire in connection with Nicholson accts.; investigation of transactions of Mr. Donald- son. (Same 1801/2: 48-49.) 1S03. Jan. 5. Joint rept. with register-gen. rel. to state taxes. 16 pp. (Sen. jol. 1802/3 app.) 1804. Jan. 2. Joint letter with register gen. (Duf- field) ; tax arrears. (Same 1803/4: 85-86.) . Jan. 2. Cases of commonwealth agst. estate of David Rittenhouse. (House jol. 1803/4: 130-160.) . Jan. 4. Balance unaccounted for by former Sen. clerk. (Same 1803/4: 86-88.) . Jan. 16. Letter rel. to recovery of debts due commonwealth by estate of J. Nicholson, deceased. (Same 1803/4: 218-225.) George Duffleld, comptroller 1807. Nov. 20. Joint rept with register (Kean) on receipts and expenditures. (Sen. jol. 1807/8: 30-34.) 1808. Jan. 18. Joint letter with register gen. (Kean) resp. accts. of Luzerne Co. comrs. (Same 1807/8: 128-129.) . Mch. 10. Joint rept. with register-gen. rel. to road and river contracts. (Same 1807/8: 349-350.) . Mch. 18. Joint letter with register gen. resp. accts. of Luzerne Co. comrs. (Some 1807/8: 416- 417.) 1809. Feb. 6. Letter rel. to apprn. to bd. of wardens, covering letter of N. Falconer, late master warden. (House jol. 1808/9: 370-372.) COMPTROLLER GENERAL'S OFFICE; see FINANCE: STATE. COMPTROLLER COMPULSORY EDUCATION; see EDUCATION CONDON (J. FRANK) County supt. of schools, 18G3/4-1865/6 ; see Education. Cambria Co. CONEMAUGH, CAMBRIA CO. Scarlatina; see Public Health CONEMAUGH RIVER; see CANALS AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS CONESTOGA NAVIGATION CO.; see CANALS, ETC.: INDI- VIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS CONESTOGA RIVER Fish; see Fish and Game Improvement; see River Conservancy CONEWAGO CANAL; see CANALS, ETC.: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS CONFECTIONERY; see FOOD AND DRUG LAW CONFERENCES; HEALTH: see PUBLIC HEALTH. CON- GRESSES, ETC. CONFLUENCE, SOMERSET CO. Climate; see that title. Precipitation Nuisances: see Public Health CONGRESSES; HEALTH: see PUBLIC HEALTH. CON- GRESSES, ETC. CONKLIN (ROBERT S.) Apptd. forestry comr. of Penn., Je. 1, 1904. 1897. Forest fires [of 1897] and comments thereon. (Rept. division of forestry 1897: 33-46.) CONKLING (E. W.) County supt. of schools. lSo4/5 : see Education. Mon- tour Co. CONNATTY (THOMAS J.) 1853. Relation of teacher and pupils. (Penn. School Jol. V. 2: 25-27.) CONNEAUT CREEK; see CANALS AND SLACK- WATER NAVIGATION: INDIVIDUAL UNDERTAKINGS CONNECTICUT Health Boards; see Public Health: Boards of Health: Local Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: State Railroads; see that title CONNELL (GEORGE) Sen. from Phila. City. 1860-1863 ; 1866-1874. Sketch of Geo. Connell. Diivld Stanton and J. W. Dicker- son in Govs. mess, ((ieary), Jan. 3, 1872:31-3-. 1868. Remarks on amdmts. raising salaries of Supreme Ct. judges and judges of the Ct. of Common Pleas and Distr. Ct. of Phila. (Legisl. Record 1868: 831- 832.) Committee on Finance 1863. Mch. 24. Bounties paid volunteers. (Sen. jol. Jan., 1863: 426-427.) 1867. Marine Hospital. (.Some 1867: 200-201.) 1869. Feb. 11. Bonds of Penn. R.R. held by comrs. of sinking fund. (Same Jan., 1869: 322-329.) CONNELL (WILLIAM) 1891. Apr. 21. Laws rel. to anthracite coal regions. (Sen. jol. Jan., 1891: 960-961.) CONNELLEY (C. B.) 1902. Manual training. (Penn. School Jol. v. 50: 502- 504.) 1903. Manual training. (Same v. 52: 77-80.) 602 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CONNELLSVILLE, FAYETTE CO. Banks; see Banks: Individual. Youghiogheny Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Schools in; see Education Small-Pox in; see Public Health CONNELLY (JOHN) Sen. from City and Co. of Phila., Id place of John Dorsey resigned, 1809/10 ; Repr. for Phila. City, 1812,13-1S13,/14. Committee on Domestic Mnfres. 1814. Jan. 7. Petition of J. Johnson for lottery to aid in mnfre. of woollen cloth. (House Jol. 1813/4: 118- 119.) . Jan. 31. Maple sugar ninfre. (.Same 1813/4: 257-258.) [Select] Committee 1809. Dec. 21. Penal code. (Sen. jol. 1809/10: 81-83.) Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. )ol. 1809/10: 83.) CONNIFF (THAD. M.) City supt. of schools 1S84 ; see Education. Pittston CONNOQUENESSING VALLEY Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs CONNOR (THOMAS G.) Repr. from Phila. City, 1844-1847. Committee of Accounts 1844. Mch. 30. Rept. on accts. of Wm. J. B. Andrews, late clerk of House. (House jol. 1844 v. 2: 424-437.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: I. G. M'Kinley, 1844. 16 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Pcnn. Committee on Retrenchment and Reform 1845. Jan. 30. Judicial labor and reduction of judicial distrs. (House jol. 1845 v. 2: 251-252 (doc. 34).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1845. 4 pp. Copy seen in Hist Socy. of Penn. . Feb. 3. Postage acct. (House jol. 1845 v. 2: 307.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1845. 5 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. . Rel. to prtg. the laws and jols. in the German language. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1845. 4 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn., and in Amer. Phlloa. Socy. . Same. (House jol. 1845 v. 2: 525-526 (doc. 82).) . Apr. 5. Public defaulters. (Same 1845 v. 2: 690- 705 (doc. 103).) CONRAD (HENRY W.) Repr. from Schuylkill Co., 1834/35-1835/36. See also Corrupt Practices. Committee on Judiciary 1836. Mch. 15. Poor in Schuylkill Co. (House jol. 1835/6 V. 2: 704 (doc. 198).) Committee on Pensions, etc. 1835. Dec. 11. Claims of sundry Revolutionary sol- diers. (House jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 110-111 (doc. 23).) CONRAD (JOHN) Repr. from Phila. Co., 1821/22-1822/23. Select Committee 1822. Feb. 22. Pamphlet laws. (House jol. 1821/2: 702.) Committee on Roads and Inland Navigation . Feb. 7. West Branch of the Susquehanna. (House jol. 1821/2: 577.) CONRAD (M. E.) 1901-1903. Rept. as chairman of live stock committee. (7 A.R. dept. of agric. 1901 pt. 1 (pp. 228-234) — 9 same 1903.) Secy. Penn. Dairy Union 1903. Cost of prtg. and distributing bull. (9 A.R. dept. of agric. 1903: 818-1819.) . Same. (Procs. of 6 ann. mtg. Penn. Dairy Union 1903.) CONSHOHOCKEN, MONTGOMERY CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Schools in; see Education Small-Pox in; see Public Health CONSUMPTION; see PUBLIC HEALTH CONVENTIONS Agricultural; see Agriculture Constitutional, Expense of; see Finance: State Expenditures Educational; see Education Fish Commissioners; see Fish and Game Food and Drug; see Food and Drug Law. Congresses, etc. Health; see Public Health. Congresses, etc. Railroad; see that title Road; see that title CONVICT LABOR; see LABOR. CONVICT CONVICTS Discharged 1826/41-1826/1900. Table: ann. no. of convicts reed, and discharged at Western Penitentiary. (15 A.R. inspectors of Western Penitentiary 1841 (p. 106) — bienn. rept. same 1898/00.) Paging from House jol. 1842 v. 2. 1859. In behalf of provision for discharged convicts. ([33] same 1859: 913-914.) 1870. Recommendation of inspectors that agt. be apptd. at state's expense, to provide for discharged con- victs. (44 same 1870: 10.) 1873-1874. Help for the discharged convict; sugges- tion. (47 same 1873 (pp. 87-88)— 48 same 1874.) 1880. Urgent need of a state agt. for discharged con- victs. (54 same 1880: 66-67.) 1888. Apptmt. of state agt. to provide for discharged convicts. (Bienn. rept. inspectors of Western Peni- tentiary 1887/8: 73.) CONYNGHAM (JOHN N.) Repr. from Luzerne Co., 1850. Committee on Judiciary 1850. Mch. 8. Slave laws, etc. (House jol. 1850 v. 1: 495-502.) CONYNGHAM (REDMOND) Repr. from Luzerne and Susquehanna cos., 1815/18. Sen. from Northumberland, Union, Columbia, Lu- zerne and Susquehanna cos., 1820/21-1824. Representative [Select] Committee 1816. Feb. 22. Repts. of comrs. who explored and sur- veyed eastern and western waters of the state. (House jol. 1815/6: 456.) Senator Committee on Judiciary System 1823. Dec. 24. Petition of J. Lewis for compensation for lands in Luzerne Co. (Sen. jol. 1823/4: 125-128.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 603 CONYNGHAM (REDMOND)— cont'd Senator — cont'd Committee on Judiciary System — cont'd 1821. Jan. 3. Dam of James Hopkins at Conewago Falls. (.Same 1820/1: 158-160.) . Feb. 2. Escheats. (Same 1820/1: 372-373.) 1822. Mch. 1. Improvement rights of actual settlers, etc. (Same 1821/2: 614-636.) [Select] Committee 1824. Mch. 13. Foreign corporations and working coal mines in Penn. (Sen. jol. 1823/4: 548-549.) COOK (J. D.) Count.v Supt. of Schools 1877/8 ; see Education. Mon- tour Co. COOK (JOSEPH) 1883. Evil of illiteracy. (Penn. School Jol. v. 31: 433- 434.) COOK (WILLIAM) 1894. The American farmer. (53 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 140-141.) COOKE (SAMUEL) Repr. from Cancaster Co., 1801/2-1803/4. [Select] Committee 1803. Dec. 31. Petition of German Presbyterian Con- gregation of Maytown, Lancaster Co. resp. lottery, favorable. (House jol. 1803/4: 114.) COOKE (WILLIAM H.) County Supt. of Schools 1875/6-1879/80 ; see Education. Penn. Fayettp Co. COOLEY (T. M.) 1896. Diphtheria at Union township, Lawrence Co. (13 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1896/7 v. 1: 207-208.) 1899. Scarlet fever at Greenfield. (15 same 1898/9 v. 1: 203-204.) COOPER (A. N.) 1895. Nuisances near Morrisville. (11 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1894/5: 181.) COOPER (CALVIN) 1878. Apple culture in eastern Penn. (2 A.R. bd. agric. 1878: 579-584.) 1889. Cause and its effects [agric. and dairy]. (39 and 40 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1889: 270-274.) 1890. Rept. as chairman of committee on fruit and fruit legislation. (14 A.R. bd. of agric. 1890: 186.) . Farmers' institutes. (14 same 1890: 201-203.) 1894. Crimson or scarlet clover. (18 same 1894: 59-61.) 1895. Value of crimson clover to Penn. farmers. (1 A.R. dept. of agric. 1895 pt. 1: 135-139.) COOPER (CHARLES W.) County Supt. of Schools 1853/4-1854/5 : see Education. Penn. Lehigh Co. COOPER (E. W.) 1898. State bd. of health of Del. (14 A.R. bd. of health, eta 1897/8 v. 1: 470-471.) COOPER (G. T.) County supt. of schools. 1893/4-1898/9 ; see Education. Penn. Mifflin Co. COOPER (J. A.) 1864. Our state normal schools. (Penn. School Jol. v. 13: 43-44.) 1871. County Institutes. (Same v. 19: 256-258.) 1873. Our normal school policy. (Same v. 22: 94-96.) 1879. State normal schools. (Same v. 27: 367-368.) COOPER (J. W.) city supt. of schools. 1896/7-1003/4; see Education. I'lnn. Shenandoah. COOPER (JAMES) Repr. from Adams Co.. 1844-]84i). 1844. Speech on res. for the relief of the state. Harris- burg: T. Fenn, 1844. 29 pp. Copy seen In Illst. Soc.v. of I'eun. . An Act to reduce the state debt introduced by Mr. Cooper of Adams Co. in the House of Repre- sentatives. Harrisburg: I. G. M'Kinley, 1844. 15 pp. Copy seen in Historical Socy. of Penn. — — . Speech of Hon. James Cooper, of Adams Co., on his resolutions for the relief of the state. Harris- burg: Theo. Fenn, 1844. 29 pp. Copy seen in Illst. Socy. of Penn. Committee of Ways and Means 1845. Mch. 1. Taxing loans; minority rept. (House jol. 1845 V. 2: 503 (doc. 71).) 1849. Feb. 14. Completion of North Branch Canal. (Same 1849 v. 2: 300-308 (doc. 26).) . Feb. 14. See Canals, etc.; Individual. Penn. Canal: Branches. North Branch Extension. [Select] Committee 1849. Feb. 22. Exchange of books with Alex. Vatte- mare. (House jol. 1849 v. 1: 368-369.)' COOPER (LEILA A.) 1891. Temperance instruction. (Penn. School Jol. v. 40: 66-69.) COOPER (THOMAS V.) Repr. from Delaware Co., 1870-1872; Senator from Chester and Delaware cos., 1874-1876; from Dela- ware Co., 1877-1879 ; Pres. pro tern of Senate, 1878 ; Senator from Philadelphia City, 18S1/2 ; do from Delaware Co., 1885/6-1887/88 ; do. from Philadel- phia City. 1889/90 ; repr. from Delaware Co.. 1901/2-1903/4. Member of committee apptd. by the Gov. in 1S81 to in- vestigate House of Refuge. Phlla., and Reformatory at Huntingdon. Senator from Delaware County Conference Committee 1879. Je. 5. Provision tor revenue, by taxation of cor- porations. (Sen. jol. 1879: 1181-1190.) Senator from. Philadelphia 1881. Je. 6. Loan for redemption of maturing bonds. (Sen. jol. 1881: 1238-1240; House jol. (Colborn) 1388-1390.) Senator from Delaware County 1887. May 18. Licensing of wholesale dealers in in- toxicating liquors. (Sen. jol. 1887: 1298-1300; House jol. 1647-1648.) COOPERSBURG, LEHIGH CO. Climate; see that title. Precipitation Nuisances; see Public Health Savings Banks; see Banks: Individual Savings Banks. Coopersburg Temperature; see Climate COOPERSDALE, CAMBRIA CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Nuisance; see Public Health 604 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COOPERSTOWN, VENANGO CO. Health Boaid; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local COPE (CALEB) Member ot comn. apptil. by the Gov. in 1861 to Investi- gate army frauds. COPE (EDWARD DRINKER) 1880. [Icthyology of Penn.] (Rept. comrs. of fisheries 1879/80: 59-145, pis.) . Same. {Same 1881/2: 103-194.) COPE (F. J.) [1857.] Address at exhibition of Westmoreland Co. Agric. Socy. (v. 5. Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1857/8: 572-574.) COPE (G.) 1880. Hist, sketch of Chester Co. agric. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1880: 208-225.) COPE (GEORGE) County supt. of schools, ISoo/Q ; see Education. Penn. Beaver Co. COPE (GEORGE W.) 1891. Nuisance at Nazareth. (7 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1890/1: 558.) COPE (JESSE K.) Dairy and food comr., 1002 ; see Dairy Industry. COPE (M.) n. d. Statistics of rainfall at West Marlborough, 1843- 1857. (A.R. secy, internal affairs 1887/8 pt. 1: 178 A.) COPE (THOMAS P.) Repr. for the City of Philadelphia, 1807/8 to supply the vacancy caused by death of Samuel Carver. (House jol. 1807/8 pt. 1 : 95. ) [Select] Committee 1808. Feb. 6. Wing dam in the Delaware River. (House jol. 1807/8 pt. 2: 51-52.) . Feb. 20. Petition of agric. socy. in Phila. for in- corporation. (Same 1807/8 pt. 2: 152-153.) . Mch. 17. Medical library. (Same 1807/8 pt 2: 315-316.) . Mch. 17. Exportation of butter in kegs. (Same 1807/8 pt. 2: 315.) COPELAND (D.) 1875. The co-relation of preparatory schools and uni- versities. (Penn. School. Jol. v. 24: 73-74.) COPENHAGEN, DENMARK Milk Supply 1894. See Dairy Industry, this date. COPLAN (WILLIAM F.) Kepr. from Fayette Co., lR.'!l/2. 1830/7-1837/8; Sena- tor from Fayette and Greene cos.. 1838/9-1842. Representative from Fayette County Select Committee 1837. Mch. 10. Fayette Co. petition resp. roads to coal mines. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 687-692 (doc. 218).) . Same, separate. Not Been ; 1000 copies ordered printed In Knsllsh and 500 copies In German. (House Jol. 1830/7 v. 1, p. 739.) . Mch. 29. Conduct of J. Wagonseller, a super- visor on the West Branch division. (Same 1836/7 v. 2: 830-982 (doc. 244).) COPLAN (WILLIAM F.)— cont'd Representative from Fayette County — cont'd Select Committee — cont'd 1838. Apr. 2. Bribery charges agst. W. Reynolds. (Same 1837/8 v. 2: 820-832 (doc. 168).) . Same, separate [with minority rept.]. Not seen. 2000 copies in Enslish and 1000 in German ordered prtd. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 1:959.) Senator from Fayette and Greene counties Committee on Education 1840. Mch. 27. General system of education; provi- sions resp. adoption by sub-distrs. (Sen. jol. 1840 V. 1: 455.) COPLIN (W. M. L.) 1894. Beri-beri at state quarantine station. (10 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1893/4: 152-153.) 1896. Sewage purification and water supply of Read- ing. (12 same 1895/6 v. 1: 304-312.) 1904. Insects as carriers of disease. (Mo. bull, division of zoology V. 2 (no. 4): 112-113.) CORAOPOLIS, ALLEGHENY CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local CORN Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Grain CORNEFORTH (C.) County supt. of schools, 1864/5, 1865/6-1866/7 ; see Education. Penn. M'Kean Co. 1869. Family, school and church. (Penn. School Jol. V. 18: 142-144.) 1873. Compulsory education. (Same v. 21: 277-280.) . Universal education. (Some v. 21: 209-211.) CORNELL ( ) 1869. Theft of goods at state fair in 1868. (v. 7. Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1864/70: 81.) CORNSTALK DISEASE; see AGRICULTURE. LIVESTOCK, INSPECTION CORNPLANTER INDIANS Schools; see Education. Indian Schools CORNWELLS Diphtheria in; see Public Health. Diphtheria CORNWELL (R. T.) 1898. Chester Co. Hospital. (Charitable institutions pp. which reed, state aid in 1897 and 1898 . . 65-67.) CORNYN (AUGUSTUS K.) Kepr. from Huntingdon Co., 1849-1850. Committee on Judiciary 1850. Mch. 5. Tolls on Monongahela slack-water navi- gation, etc. (House jol. Jan., 1850 v. 1: 463-464.) CORONERS; see PUBLIC HEALTH CORPORATIONS serial See also below, the non-serial group, under Indexes, etc., for earlier compilations. 1 series Under net of Apr. 20. 1874. 1874-1899. List of foreign corporations registered in the office of the secy, of the commonwealth, Apr. 22, 1874 to Feb. 1, 1899. n. p., Wm. S. Ray, 1899, 94 pp. A copy seen In the Free Library of Phlla. Printed cur- rently as an Appendix to the session laws. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COS CORPORATIONS— cont'd serial — cont'd 2 series UniliT nnidmt. of June 7. 1001. 1899/01-1901/3. List of charters enrolled in the oflice of the secy, of the commonwealtli .... witli an Index tliereto and an alphabetical list of foreign corporations. Cheokllst 1899/01 n. p.. W. S. Kav. 1901. SIO pp. 1901/:t n. p., W. S. Kay. 1903. 300 pp. Copy seen In Univ. of Penn. Library. non-serial 1804. Letter from Jas. Engle defending himself agst. charge of criminality rel. to appearance of monopoly bill on House jol. (House jol. 1803/4: 419-422.) 1820. Necessity of attention to management of cos. in whose stock commonwealth holds an interest noted. (Govs. mess. (Findlay) Dec. 7, 1820.) 1824. Dec. 21. Rept. on limited partnerships; Leh- man, Harrisburg: Prtd. by J. S. Wiestling, 1824. S pp. Copy seen In Anier. Phil. Sncy.. Phlla.. nnd In library ot the Library Co. ot Phlla. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (House jol. lS24/.'5 v. 1:67.) . Same. (House jol. 1824/5 v. 2: 51-56 (doc. 24).) 1833. Indiscriminate conferring of corporate privi- leges; voting by proxy among corporations. (Govs, mess. (Wolf) Dec. 4, 1833.) 1834. Propriety of restricting legislation in regard to conferring corporate powers, to such enterprises as are of incontestible public utility. (Same (Wolf) Dec. 3, 1834.) 1835. Rept. of committee on corporations (Smith) on petition from Phila. praying for incorporation of an ice co. (Sen. jol. 1S34/5 v. 1: 165.) — ■ — . Pernicious consequences resulting from creation of monopolies by legislative enactment and indis- criminate conferring of banking and other corporate privileges; remonstrance agst. practice of guaran- teeing by legislative enactment, the payment of in- terest upon capital employed by cos. incorporated for accomplishing some alleged object of improve- ment in which state has no direct interest, thus making the state an underwriter. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 2, 1835.) . Reasons of J. B. Smith for his vote on question of taking up bill rel. to limited partnerships. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 1: 806-810.) 1836. Speculation in stock; creation of corporate bodies. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 6, 1836.) 1838. Rept. of committee on corporations (Ford) upon memorial of contributors to a certain well of water in Easton, Northampton co., for act of incorpora- tion. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 780 (doc. 160).) 1839. Communication from secy, of commonwealth (Burrowes) ace. with a stmt, of incorporated insti- tutions of state, showing their dates, capital and whether incorporated by legisl. or under the general law. (Same 1838/9 v. 2 [pt. 1]: 225-435 (docs. 54- 55).) Made In compliance with House res. of Mch. 30. 1838. . Stmt, of banking institutions and all incorpo- rated cos. showing capital, date of incorporation and location. (Same 1838/9 v. 2 pt. 2: 263-290.) Submitted by secy, of commonwealth (Shunk), .Tune 22, 1839. In reply to House res. of June 15. . Undue creation and increase of corporations should be discouraged. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 15, 1839: 7.) 1840. Caution enjoined, respecting creation of corpo- rations. (Same (Porter) Jan. 8, 1840; 33-34.) CORPORATIONS— cont'd nonsrrial — cont'd 1840. Communication from Gov. of Ohio on regulation of elections in r.r., turnpike, canal and slack-water navigation cos. in which state is stockholder. (House jol, 1840 v. 2, pt. 2: 423-426.) 1842. Caution respecting grant of corporate privileges. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 6, 1842.) 1848. Opposition to policy of incorporating mining, mnfg., transporting and other cos., for purposes within individual competency. (Same (Shunk) Jan. 5. 1848.) 1853. Dangers from too free granting of corporate privileges; comn. apptd. to investigate matter. (Same (Bigler) Jan. 5, 1853.) 1854. Inexpediency of special acts of Incorporation. (Same (Bigler) Jan. 4, 1854.) 1855. Speech of Ell K. Price on act rel. to corporations and to estates held for corporate, religious and charitable uses. n. t. p. 14 pp. Copy seen In Historical Socy. of Penn., Phlla., and In the I'enn. State Library. 1856. Enactment of general laws respecting incorpo- ration of insurance, gas, water and boom cos., recom- mended; limitation of corporate bodies to purposes of creation, acquirement of banking powers by In- surance COS. (Govs. mess. (Pollock) Jan. 1, 1856.) 1858. Unlimited credits by corporations or individuals will ever be an unmitigated evil; free banking system favored. (Same (Pollock) Jan. 6, 1858; 10.) 1859. Gen. Assembly asked to authorize atty. gen. to sue defaulting corporations, wherever located in state, in court of common pleas of Dauphin co. (A.R. atty. gen. 1859: 464.) Paging from legisl. docs. 18fiO. 1860. Evils from local and class legislation; corporate powers should come under general laws. (Govs, mess. (Packer) Jan. 4, 1860.) 1865. Evil of special acts of Incorporation; repeal ot act rel. to corporations for mechanical, mnfg., min- ing and quarrying purposes and of act to enable joint tenants and adjoining owners of mineral lands to develop and manage same, recommended; foreign corporations permitted to hold 300 acres of land for mining purposes under act last named. (Same (Curtin) Jan. 4, 1865: 8-9.) 1867. Passage of law recommended, regulating exist- ing and incorporation of new cos. (Same (Cur- tin) Jan. 2, 1867; 9.) 1868. Public notice required to be given of certain bills rel. to private acts resp. real estate and for acts of incorporation. (Same (Geary) Jan., 1868.) 1871. Consolidation of corporations [, canals, etc.]; debate. (Legisl. jol. 1871:512-519; 563-570; 574-575.) Effect on coal transportation. . Suppl. to act rel. to corporations for mechanical, mnfg., mining and quarrying purposes; effect on oil business, etc. (Same 1871: 474-476; 481-485.) — . Veto (Geary) of act rel. to transfer of stock in corporations. (Same 1871: xxxiv-xxxv.) . Communication from Workingmen's Assembly of N. Y. resp. hardships on acct. of high price of coal due to a combination ot large operators and transportation monopolies in Penn. (Sen. jol. 1871: 486.) . Veto (Geary) of act rel. to transfer of stock in corporations. (Sen. jol. 1871: 76-77.) 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act to limit the right of action agst. citizens ot Penn. for responsibility In- curred by them as copartners, under the limited partnership laws ot other states. (Legisl. jol. 1874: 37.) 606 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CORPORATIONS— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1876. Kept, of committee of conference (Long) on act to provide for incorporation and regulation of cer- tain corporations. (House jol. 1876: 977-978.) 1878. Debate on bill rel. to corporations holding real estate. (Legisl. Record 1878: 203-207.) 1879. Govs. mess. (Hartranft) transmitting a compila- tion of corporation laws of Penn. prepared under his direction by A. K. Pedrick; opinion of atty. gen. Lear resp. the work. (House jol. 1879: 55-56.) 1881. Govs. mess. (Hoyt) resp. compilation of titles and summary of powers granted corporations, pre- pared principally to facilitate the state in collec- tion of taxes; ace. by communication from the com- piler, Alex. K. Pedrick. (Sen. jol. 1881: 1104-1106.) . Rept. of conference committee (Grady) on bill to provide for incorporation and regulation of cer- tain corporations. (Same 1881: 1372-1373.) 1883. Struggle betw. capital and labor largely due to augmentation of corporate power; labor as an ele- ment in politics. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 1883: 7.) . Unwarranted powers of corporations. {Same (Pattison) Jan. 1883: 5-6.) . Outstanding charters of incorporation granted before adoption of present constitution; monstrous powers conferred; test case to be made by atty. gen.; legislation suggested. (Same (Pattison) Feb. 6, 1883: 18-19.) Bound and paged with inaugural address. . Veto of act authorizing incorporated cos. to de- termine the no. of directors of the same; with text of act. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1883: 107-108.) . Veto of act to amend suppl. to act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corpo- rations, reducing the capital stock, etc.; with text of act. (Same (Pattison) 1883: 105-107.) 1885. Veto of act to provide for settlement of disputes arising upon contracts with corporations by arbi- tration; with text of bill. (Same (Pattison) 1885: 74-76.) . Veto of act to enable citizens of U. S. and corpo- rations chartered under laws of Penn. and author- ized to hold real estate, to hold and convey title which had been held by aliens and corporations not authorized by law to hold same; with text of bill. {Same (Pattison) 1885: 88-89.) . Veto of act to encourage and authorize forma- tion of cooperative assns. productive and distribu- tive by farmers, mechanics, laborers or other per- sons; with text of bill. (Same (Pattison) 1885: 128-137.) . Veto of act suppl. to act providing for incorpo- ration and regulation of certain corporations, au- thorizing incorporation of corporations for profits of second class, for erection and maintenance of halls for public and private purposes, and corpora- tions of second class carrying on lawful business, and amending sec. 31 prohibiting maintenance of ferry within 3000 ft. of ferry of any co. incorporated under laws of commonwealth; with text of bill. (Same (Pattison) 1885: 123-124.) . Veto of bill suppl. to act providing lor incorpora- tion and regulation of corporations, amending sec. 12 and thereby relieving full-paid capital stock from liability of assessment; with text of bill. (Same (Pattison) 1885: 143-145.) . Veto of act to give to petitioners for charters of incorporation of first class .... right of appeal to Supreme Court, etc.; with text of bill. {Same (Pattison) 1885: 105-106.) . Rept. of conference committee (Brooks) on act to provide tor Incorporation and regulation of cer- CORPORATIONS— cont'd n07i-serial — cont'd tain corporations. (House jol. 1885: 1567-1570; Legisl. Record 1885 v. 2: 2797.) 1886. Corporations : vast powers obtained by " omni- bus " legislation prior to adoption of new Constitu- tion; attempt of new Constitution to counteract evil effects of overgrown power, by making what was previously attainable only as a special privilege, general in application; with result that at date there are about 5000 incorporated cos. in common- wealth; result — individual enterprise is placed at a disadvantage, spirit of speculation is fostered, rights of workingmen are disregarded, etc. (14 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1886: 6-9.) 1887. Opinion of atty. gen.; change of name of a cor- poration is an amdmt. or alteration of its charter, within corporation amdmt. act of 1883. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1887/8 app. pp. 24-25.) . Same; a charter should not be granted upon a certiiicate which shows that one chosen director of a proposed corporation is also chosen to office of treasurer therein. (Same 1887/8 app. p. 24.) . Veto of act to make provision for the compila- tion, prtg. and distribution of information rel. powers and franchises of certain corporations; with text of act. (Vetoes (Beaver) 1887: 72-74.) . Rept. of conference committee (MacParlane) on further suppl. to act to provide for incorporation and regulation of certain corporations. (Sen. jol. 1887: 1198-1200.) 1888. Opinion of atty. gen.; change of name of cor- poration of 2d class must be under act of 1883 (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1887/8 app. pp. 37-39.) . Same; rel. to name of new corporation organized on judicial sale. (Same 1887/8 app. pp. 33-37.) . Same; charter of corporation for dual purposes not authorized. (Same 1887/8 app. pp. 32-33.) . Same; rel. to issue of charter upon certificate of incorporation. (Same 1889/90 app. pp. xxiii- xxvil.) 1889. Same; a certificate of incorporation should be confined to such stmts, only as are prescribed by corporation act as prerequisites to granting of charter. (Same 1889/90 app. pp. xlx-xxiii.) . Same; rel. to power of secy, of state to allow a certificate of reorganization to certain corporations. (Same 1889/90 app. pp. xxxix-xlii.) . Rept. of conference committee (Baker) on bill providing for further regulation of certain corpo- rations and for incorporation and regulation of cer- tain additional corporations. (House jol. Jan., 1889: 1318-1319.) . Rept. of conference committee (Marland) on act authorizing formation of partnership assns. in which capital subscribed shall alone be responsible for debts of assn., except under certain circum- stances. (Same 1889: 1623-1625.) 1889/90-1898/00. No. of charters granted to different classes of corporations. (Rept. secy, commonwealth 1888/90 (pp. 6-7)— same 1898/00.) 1890. " It would be of great convenience to the people of the commonwealth if these general corporation laws could be codified and brought into a harmoni- ous and consistent system and then published." (Same 1888/90: 9.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to right of an intended corporation to furnish natural gas for light when another corporation has exclusive authority con- ferred upon it by act of assembly to supply with gaslight same territory in which proposed corpora- tion intends to corporate. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1889/90 app. pp. xxxiv-xxxvi.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 607 CORPORATIONS— cont'd 7ion-serial — cont'd 1890. Same; rel. to applications of proposed corpora- tions for charters under clause 18 of sec. 2 of cor- poration act of 1874. (Same 1889/90 app. pp. xxvii- xxxiil.) 1891. Same; an application for a charter for "mining for and manufacturing of oil and gas " is too gen- eral and indefinite a stmt, of purpose and aught not to be granted. (Same 1891/2: app. 9.) . Increase of capital stock of corporations; debate. (Legisl. Record 1891: 2517-2520.) . Regulation of corporations; debate. (Legisl. Record 1S91: 643-646; 898-901: 19841990.) . Veto of act to provide for the sale of real estate and mining rights of dissolved corporations; with text of act. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1891: 19-20.) . Veto of amdmt. to act resp. conveyance of real estate by officers of dissolved corporations; with text of act. (Same 1891: 72-74.) . No provision of law for publication of repts. of secy, of commonwealth: only public information furnished is list of charters of corporations enrolled therein, indexed and bound with pamphlet laws; rept. Tinformal] submitted to Gov.; suggested that provision be made for ann. rept. containing list of charters of corporations, etc.; insufficient clerical force; systematizing of papers. (Govs. mess. (Bea- ver) Jan. 6, 1891: 16.) . May 4. Veto (Pattison) of act to provide for real estate and mining rights of dissolved corpora- tion. (House jol. Jan., 1891: 1544.) 1893. Discussion of bill to authorize corporations to increase their capital stock for corporate purposes. (Legisl. Record 1893 v. 1: 697-698.) — ■ — ^. Veto of act rel. to uniformity of proxies; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1893: 4-5.) . Neglect of legislation necessary to enforce articles 16 and 17 of Constitution; complaints of corpora- tions engaging in other business than permitted by charter; issue of stock and bonds, discrimination in charges or facilities of transportation by com- mon carriers, issue of free passes by r.r. cos. and other violations of law by private corporations, r.r. and canal cos. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 3, 1893: 12-13.) . Operations of law dept. in 1891 and 1892; col- lections from delinquent corporations, etc.; pend- ing suits. (Same (Pattison) Jan. 3, 1893: 12.) . Enforcement of arts. 16 and 17 of constitution regulating organization of corporations and under- taking business other than that expressly author- ized in their charters, etc., recommended. (Same (Pattison) Jan. 3, 1893: 13-14.) . Veto of act to provide for publication of abstrs. of charters and other documents rel. to corpora- tions, filed in office of secy, of commonwealth; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1893: 77-79.) 1894. Opinion of atty. gen.; a married woman may not be 1 of 5 " persons " comprising no. requisite to form a corporation. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1893/4 app. pp. 107-108.) 1895. Same. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1895/6: 123- 124.) . Same; rel. to light and fuel cos.; charter of light and fuel co. — statutes construed; articles of assn. — limitation of territory. (Same 1895/6: 116-117.) . Increase in business of office of secy, of common- wealth; summary of corporation business; ex- penses of dept. more than paid by receipts from issuance of letters patent and filing of corporation papers. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 1, 1895: 9.) CORPORATIONS— cont'd non-seriai — cont'd 1895. Opinion of deputy atty. gen. (Elkin); charter advertisements — German newspapers — act of Jly. 2, 1895. (Rept. secy, commonwealth 1894/6: 63-64.) 1896. Opinion of atty. gen.; application for charter should not embody more than one purpose. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1895/6: 146-147.) . Compilation of corporation laws provided for by act of May 29, 1893 destroyed by the fire which con- sumed the state prtg. establishment in 1895. (Rept. secy, commonwealth 1894/6: 18.) . Opinion of atty. gen. (McCormick) ; married persons' property act; married women — statutes construed — acts of 1887 and 1893 — corporations. (Same 1894/6: 67-70.) 1897. Veto (Hastings) of act to provide for incorpora- tion and regulation of corporations. (House jol. 1897: 2348-2349.) . Same. (Vetoes (Hastings) 1897: 14-15.) . Opinion of atty. gen.; no certificate of incorpora- tion can be amended so as to change its original purpose. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1897/8: 27-28.) — ■ — . Same; corporations have no authority to enter into partnership with individuals or other corpora- tions; corporations may issue a joint policy of in- surance under certain conditions. (Same 1897/8: 64-66.) . Veto (Hastings) of amdmt. to an act resp. corpo- rations. (Legisl. Record 1897 v. 2: 3628.) Existing laws required seoy. of state to prepare and pub- lish, with ever.v edition of the pamphlet laws, a certified list of .t11 charters of incorporation, under act of Apr. 29, 1874. . Same; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Hastings) 1897: 32-33.) . Veto of act providing for purchase of franchises and property of certain corporations by municipal corporation, etc.; with text of bill. (Same (Hast- ings) 1897: 237-240.) Bill deals with municipal lighting. 1899. On inaccuracies of laws regulating chartering of corporations and taxes assessed on same. (Govs, mess. (Hastings) Jan. 3, 1899: 13.) . Veto of act suppl. to act authorizing incorporated cos. to invest and reinvest surplus funds in mort- gages, stocks and other securities, etc.; with text of bill. (Vetoes 1899: 60-62.) . Proceedings on act to provide for payment of bonus on charters and upon authorized increase of capital stock of certain corporations. (House jol. 1899 pt. 2: 2508-2510; Legisl. Record 1899 v. 1: 2853.) 1901. Veto (Stone) of concurrent res. providing for apptmt. of commission to draft general law regu- lating incorporation and management of certain corporations. (Same Jan., 1901 v. 2: 1621; same 1901 V. 2: 2251.) . Same. (Vetoes (Stone) 1901: 41-43.) 1903. Necessity of passage of act maldng null and void any articles of agreement or consolidations until various parties thereto have filed all required repts. and paid all taxes due, same as corporation or limited partnerships are dissolved by court of com- mon pleas. (A.R. auditor gen. 1903: vii ) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to similarity of corpora- tion names. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 73-74.) — ' — . Same; Gov. refuses to approve an application for a charter in which word " company " is abbreviated by "CO." (Some 1903/4: 307.) • — -. Same; act of April 29, 1874 requires payment of 10% of whole capital stock to treasurer of intended corporation in cash. (Some 1903/4: 310-311.) 608 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CORPORATIONS— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1903. Growth of business in state dept.; fees in four years; wisdom of legislation enabling corporations desiring to do business in Penn. to take out charters there rather than in other states, thus turning bonus and fees into state treasury. (Govs. mess. (Stone) Jan. 6, 1903: 2.) . Veto message of Gov. Pennypacker on Senate bill 263, rel. to incorporation and regulation of certain corporations. (Legisl. Record 1903 v. 2: 2338.) . Veto message of Gov. Pennypacker on House bill 12, authorizing corporations incorporated in other states for manufacture of rubber goods, to purchase and hold real estate within Penn. (Same 1903 V. 2: 2361.) Banks; see that title Bridge Companies; see Bridges Building and Loan Assns.; see that title Canal Companies; see Canals, etc. Churches and Religious Societies 1831. Rept. of committee on corporations (Read of Susquehanna) upon sundry petitions praying for acts of incorporation, etc. (House jol. 1830/1 v. 2: 813-815 (doc. 193).) Petitions are those of churches, religious nnil library socyB. ; comment on this class of applications and mode of obtaining a charter under general law of Apr. 6, 1791 ; amt. of income permitted under that law. 1835. Rept. of committee on estates and escheats (Bid- lack) on bill rel. to New Jerusalem Church, in Phila. ; authorizing members of said church to sell and convey real estate, (tiame 1835/6 v. 2: 111-112 (doc. 24).) . Rept. of mngrs. of Bible Socy. of Phila.. with treasurer's rept. on its finances. (Same 1835/6 v. 2: 120-133; Sen. jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 76-88.) 1836. Rept. of committee on corporations (T. S. Smith) upon petition of members and trustees of M. E. Church, at Mechanicsburg, for act of incorporation. (House jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 572-573 (doc. 134).) 1838. Rept. of committee on corporations (Ford) on bill 480, act to incorporate socy. by name of Baptist Church of Reading, in Penn. (Same 1837/8 v. 2: 778-779 (doc. 159).) 1855. See above, the general group, this date. Foreign Corporations 1824. Rept. of committee (Conyngham) to whom was referred res. rel. to foreign corporations holding lands and working coal mines in Penn. (Sen. jol. 1823/4: 548-549.) 1825. Rept. of committee on corporations (Duncan) on res. rel. to foreign corporations. (Satne 1824/5: 294-308.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Mowry & Cameron, 1825. 16 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn.. American Phil. Socy., and Library To. of Phila. 500 copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jnl. lH24/.'> : 308.) 1864. Reply of auditor gen. to House res. of Jan. 27 requesting a rept. of the names of corporations con- trolling or operating property in Penn. without authority from the State. (Legisl. Record 1864: 127.) 1865. Foreign corporations; debate. (Same 1865: 424; 615-616.) . See above, the general grovp, this date. 1889. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to Issue of fertilizer license to foreign corporations. (Blenn. rept. of atty. gen. 1889/90 app. pp. xlii-xliii.) CORPORATIONS— cont'd Foreign Corporations — cont'd 1890. Efforts to procure the registration of foreign corporations. (Rept. secy, commonwealth 1888/90: 7.) 1892. Opinion of atty. gen.; a foreign corporation de- siring to do business in Penn. is not required to give notice by advertisement, nor must certificate aver that 10% of capital stock has been paid in cash to treasurer of intended corporation. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1891/2 app. pp. 122-123.) 1894. Same; a foreign corporation is doing business in this state when it consigns goods to comn. mer- chants who sell, not for themselves, but for cos. (Same 1893/4 app. p. 92.) . Same; rel. to certificate of office and agent of foreign corporation. (Sa)iic 1893/4 app. pp. 71-72.) 1895. For such change in law providing for bonus upon letters-patent as shall require payment of entire bonus before letters of incorporation to foreign corporations. (Govs, mess (Pattison) Jan. 1, 1895: 4.) . Opinion of atty. gen.; surety bonds of corpora- tions shall apply alone to corporations created by or organized under laws of other states or countries. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1895/6: 117-119.) [1896?] Opinion of the Circuit Court of Appeals of the U. S. on the foreign corporation law of April 22, 1874. (Rept. secy, commonwealth 1894/6: 71-72.) 1896. Registration of foreign corporations. {Same 1894/6: 16.) 1898. Foreign corporations doing business In Penn.; suggested legislation. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1897/8: 6-7.) 1902. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to right of a collection agency of a foreign state to take by assignment claims of creditors agst. residents of this state and proceed to collect same by writs of attachment. (Same 1901/2: 23-25.) 1903. Veto of act to enable foreign corporations to purchase and hold real estate in Commonwealth, for purpose of erecting and maintaining sanitariums and health resorts, and bottling, preparing, selling, etc., mineral and other waters; with text of bill. (Vetoes 1903: 116.) 1904. Danville Bessemer Case rel. to collection of bonus from foreign corporations. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 11-12.) Indexes 1776-1828. List of all acts of incorporations passed since 1776, showing amt. of capital, quantity of land, or extent of income, which corporations are resp. authorized to hold. (Sen. jol. 1827/8 v. 2: 625-763.) Transmitted by secy, of commonwealth (BIythe), Feb. o, 1828. . Same, separate. Not seen. Entry from Bowiier. 1776-1838. Stmt, of incorporated institutions of state, showing their dates, capital and whether incorpo- rated by legisl. or under general law. (House jol. 1838/9 V. 2, pt. 1: 226-435 (docs. 54-55).) Transmitted by secy, of commonwealth (Burrowes), Jan. 12, ISIiO. 1812-1824. List of charters of incorporation obtained under act of April 6, 1791, transmitted by secy, of commonwealth (Rogers). (Sen. jol. 1823/4:490- 504.) Previous to 1812 charters of Incorporation were en- rolled with secy, of land office. 1890. Indexing of the corporation dockets. (Rept. secy, commonwealth 1888/90: 7-9.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYI.VANIA 609 CORPORATIONS— cont'd Indexes — cont'd 1890. Publications: delay in Supreme Court repts.; laws; suggested tliat the secy, of tlie commonwealth be required to make an ann. or biennial rept., that It be published and that the titles, purposes, loca- tion and amt. of capital of corporations be made a part of this rept. instead of being embraced In the pamphlet laws. (Samr 1888 90: 14-17.) 1896. Corporation indices: no general corporation In- dex kept prior to 1889; indices made 1889-1896: apprn. for improved method of indexing suggested. (Same 1894/6: 15.) 1898. Corporation indices; endorsement of recommen- dation made in 1896. (.Same 1896/8: 17-18.) Industrial Corporations 1805. Feb. 11. Rept. of committee (Pearson) apptd. to consider and report on the petition of James Bell, J. R. Griffiths and Adam Traquair requesting In- corporation of a company for the purpose of pro- curing and vending slates for the roofing of houses and other bldgs. (House jol. 1804/5: 315.) 1860. Veto (Packer) of bills incorporating mining and mnfg. cos. (Sen. jol. 1860: 783.) 1865. Veto (Curtin) of suppl. to act rel. to corporations for mnfg.. mining and quarrying purposes, approved Jly. 18, 1863, authorizing sale of real and personal estate, reduction of capital stock and dissolution of corporations organized under said act. (Sen. jol. 1866: 40.) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1866: 33.) . See also above, the general group, this date. 1885. Rept. of committee of conference on act to pro- vide for incorporation and regulation of natural gas companies. (Legisl. Record 1885 v. 2: 1880.) 1887. Rept. of committee of conference on House bill 29, rel. to regulation of certain corporations. (Same 1887: 2558.) 1894. Opinion of atty. gen.; a corporation engaged In mnfre. of vitrified paving brick, fire proof bldg. brick, etc., Is not entitled to apptmt. of special policemen. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1893/4 app. pp. 97-98.) 1897. No provision in Penn. laws for chartering com- mercial or trading companies; Penn. citizens forced to go into other states, but comity permits commer- cial corporations of other states to transact busi- ness in Penn.; authorization of creation of commer- cial corporations commended; suggested that for- eign corporations, doing business in state, have powers so restricted as to enable Penn. cos. to com- pete upon equal terms. (Govs. mess. (Hastings) Jan. 5, 1897: 28-29.) 1899. Veto of act to amend sec. 2, paragraph 18 of act to provide for incorporation and regulation of certain corporations; with text of bill. (Vetoes 1899: 64-66.) Relates to mechanical, mining, quarrying and mnfg. business. Laws 1874. General corporation act and act for the taxation of corporations, n. t. p. 45 (2) pp. Mining Corporations 1854. See above, Industrial, this date. 1860. See same, this date. 1865. See same, this date. 1899. See same, this date. Receipts 1836/7-1903/4. Table: receipts from charters. (A.R. auditor gen. 1836/7— same 1903/4.) For dates as follows : 1836/7 ; 1842/3-1844/5 ; 1S48/9- 1903/4. 1895/6-1903/4. Table: receipts from delinquent corpo- rations. (A.R. auditor gen. 1895/6 (p. 338) — same 1903/4.) 39 CORPORATIONS: INDIVIDUAL 1812. Rept. of committee (Worrell) to whom was re- ferred petition and representation of the " Society of Artists of the U. S." for an act of Incorporation. (Sen. jol. 1811/2: 419-421.) 1821. Rept. of committee (on agric. and domestic ninfres.] (Cochran) to whom was referred petition of James Taylor remonstrating agst. incorporation of the Beaver Falls Water Co. (Hame 1820/1: 745.) 1829. Rept. of committee on corporations, rel. to petition for incorporation of Marine Rwy.; un- favorable. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 734-735 (doc. 336).) 1830. Rept. of committee on corporations (Wilklns) rel. to York County Mnfg. Co. {Same 1829/30 v. 2: 701-702 (doc. 292).) 1831. Rept. of committee on corporations (Laussat) on petition for incorporation of Germanville Glass Mnfg. Co. of Wayne Co. {Same 1831/2 v. 2: 648-654 (doc. 125).) Advantages of a charter to a monled corporation ; antl- republlcun tendency of corporations, etc. "The immense extent to wliich the power of incorpora- tion has already been carried In I'enn., Is strikingly exhibited by the reports of the secy, of the com- monwe.ilth and the Secy, of the Land Office, made to the Senate In the session of 1827-28, and purport- ing to give lists of all Incorporations recorded Id their respective offices." 1832. Rept. of committee on corporations (Read of Susquehanna) upon petition rel. to Newton Ben(» ficial Socy. for incorporation. (Same 1831/2 v 2- 778 (doc. 218).) 1835. Rept. of committee on corporations (Reed of Phila. Co.) rel. to incorporating "Kirks' Anthracite Ware Manufactory." {Same 1834/5 v. 2: 464-466 (doc. 97).) . Rept. of committee on corporations (Ayres) on petition of T. M. Moore, for act to incorporate the Lombard Co. of Phila. {Same 1834/5 v. 1: 565-566.) 1836. Rept. of committee on the judiciary system (M'Connell) upon res. rel. to act authorizing gov. to Incorporate Tioga Navigation Co. {Same 1835/6 V. 2: 775-776 (doc. 232).) 1837. Reasons for not signing bill incorporating Buck Ridge R.R. and Mining Co., etc. (Govs. mess. (Rit- ner) Dec. 6, 1837.) 1838. Rept. of committee on corporations (Ford) rel. to petition of Lombard assn. for the benefit of the necessitous poor of Phila. for act of incorporation. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 783 (doc. 163).) — — : Rept. of committee on corporations (Ford) rel. to petition of New Brighton House Co., for act of Incorporation. {Same 1837/8 v. 2: 782 (doc. 162).) 1839. Rept. of select committee (Snowden) rel. to Phila. Loan Co., ace. with testimony, opinion of council and bill. {Same 1838/9 v. 2 [pt. 1]: 623-632 (doc. 89).) 1847. Veto (Shunk) of act to Incorporate mgrs. and CO. of Conestoga Steam Mills in Lancaster; peril to rights of the people in affording govt, protection to wealthy corporate bodies. (Sen. jol. 1847 v. 1: 259-260.) 1855. Jan. 4. Veto (Blgler) of act to Incorporate the Exchange, Deposit and Discount Institution of Phila. (Legisl. Record Jan. 10, 1855: 1.) . Veto (Blgler) of bill authorizing borough of Huntingdon to subscribe to capital stock of the Broad Top and Mountain R.R. and Coal Co. {Same Jan. 10, 1855: 4.) 1859. Memorials from Duff Green in explanation of the bill to Incorporate the American Improvement and Loan Co. {Same 1859: 75-77; 96; 298-299.) 1860. Debate on proposed incorporation of Pittsburg Bridge Co. (Daily Legisl. Record 1860: 426-428.) 610 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA CORPORATIONS: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd 1862. Remarks (Benson and Smith of Phila.) on pro- posed suppl. to act to incorporate the Fall Brook Coal Co. (Legisl. Record 1862: 642-644.) 1865. Nov. 27. Veto (Curtin) of suppl. to act In- corporating Centre Coal, Iron and Lumber Mnfg. Co. (Same 1866: 25-26.) . Govs, veto (Curtin) of act to incorporate La- mokin Improvement Co. of Chester. (House jol. 1865: 853.) A corporation for building and speculating In purchase and sale of real estate in Delaware Co. 1866. Titusville Pipe Co.; text of act of incorporation; debate. (Legisl. Record 1866: 442-443; 456-458.) 1867. Feb. 20. Remarks of M. B. Lowry on bill to in- corporate the Manta Grandee Silver Mining Co. (App. to Legisl. Record 1867: cxxxii-cxxxiv.) 1868. Veto (Geary) of act to incorporate Phila. Paper Hanging Mnfg. Co. (House jol. Jan., 1868: 99.) . Apr. 6. Veto of suppl. to Act to incorporate the U. S. Iron Armor and Steel Mnfg. Co. of Chester, Penn. (Legisl. Record 1868: 1121-1122.) 1873. Meh. 24. Veto (Hartranft) of act to amend and continue in force the charter of the Harrisburg Car Mnfg. Co. etc. (Legisl. jol. 1873: 838.) . Veto (Hartranft) of bill to Incorporate Watson- town Car Mnfg. Co. (Sen. jol. 1873: 908.) . Veto (Hartranft) of act to incorporate Wyoming Mnfg. Co. (House jol. 1873: 1237-1238.) . Apr. 7. Veto of act to incorporate the King Creek Slate and Iron Co. (Legisl. jol. 1873: 1183.) . Apr. 8. Veto (Hartranft) of act to incorporate the Diamond Coke Co. (Same 1873: 1280.) 1874. Jan. 6. Veto of act to incorporate the Phila. Car Mnfg. Co., giving power to make and dispose of locomotives. (Same 1874: 62.) 1890. Commonwealth vs. American Dredging Co.; tax- ability and situs of unregistered vessels In question. (Bienn. rept of atty. gen. 1889/90: 20.) 1895. Decisions of secy, of the commonwealth; Penn. Electric L., H. and P. Co., application for charter. (Rept. secy, commonwealth 1894/6: 33-36.) . Decisions of secy, of the commonwealth; Kidd Bros. & Bengher Steel Wire Co., application for charter; similarity of name to that of Kidd Steel Wire Co. (Same 1894/6: 36-38.) . Same; Sowego Water and Power Co., application for charter. (Same 1894/6: 22-26.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to McClurg Gas Con- struction Co.; purpose of, construed. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1895/6: 75-76.) 1896. Quo warranto cases; Provident Bicycle Assn.; methods of doing business; division line betw. bene- ficial societies and insurance cos. not well defined. (Same 1895/6: 11-12.) . Same; petition agst. Pittston Pressed Brick Co. alleging that law had not been complied with. (Same 1895/6: 10-11.) . Opinion of atty. gen. (McCormick) ; Pittsburgh Supply Co.; charter application; stmt, of purpose. (Rept. secy, commonwealth 1894/6: 64-65.) — • — . Decisions of secy, of commonwealth; Gas Co. of Altoona; application f6r charter — material amdmts. — title of corporation when not allowable. (Same 1894/6: 46-49.) . Same; Crystal Water Co. of Pittsburg; applica- tion for charter, conflict of title, mnfg. cos. (Same 1894/6: 45-46.) . Same; Penn. Prtg. and Publishing Co.; applica- tion for charter, similarity of names. (Same 1894/6: 57-58.) . Use of name of commonwealth In case of Butler Water Co. rel. to pollution of streams. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1895/6: 15-16.) CORPORATIONS: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd 1899. Punxsutawney Water Co.; quo warranto case to show by what authority said co. claimed to exercise rights, privileges and franchises of a corporation. (Same 1899/1900: ix-x.) 1900. Milton Water Co. claimed exclusive right to privilege! and franchise of furnishing water to borough of Milton and adjacent territory and sisked for writ of quo warranto agst. Mountain Water Co. (Same 1899/1900: xix-xx.) . Port Allegany Water Co.; quo warranto case to forfeit charter of said corporation on acct. of failure and neglect to perform its duties and obligations, as required by law. (Same 1899/1900: xvil-xviii; 1901/2: viii.) 1901. Continental Trust and Finance Co. of Phila.; petitioned that a quo warranto proceeding be insti- tuted to inquire by what right said co. claimed to exercise powers and privileges of a corporation. (Same 1901/2: v-vi.) 1903. Opinion of atty. gen.; Peoples' Gas Light and Fuel Co. of Bucks Co. — validity of application for charter. (Same 1903/4: 21-23.) 1904. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to application for charter of Providence Hydro-Electric Co. — corporations — power cos. — extent of power. (Same 1903/4: 41.) — T — . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to Portland Water and Power Co., application for charter of; water supply — water power — confinement to single locality. (Same 1903/4: 34-40.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to application for charter of National Metal Edge Box Co.; foreign corporations. (Same 1903/4: 53-56.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to Doctor Duff Medical Co.- — application for a charter; no statutory au- thority for granting charter to a corporation for practice of medicine. (Same 1903/4: 40.) . Cherry Hill Township Water Co. vs. Samuel W. Pennypacker, Gov. et al.; case concerns power of a court to control action of Gov. by injunction or mandamus. (Same 1903/4: 9.) . Cherry Hill Township Water Co. vs. Samuel W. Pennypacker, -Gov., et al. ; brief in behalf of com- monwealth agst. right of court to issue an injunc- tion agst. gov., secy, of commonwealth and recorder of deeds of Indiana Co., Penn. (Same 1903/4 app. I, pp. 359-393.) Bradley Ferttlizee Co. of PnrLA. 1897. Decision of secy, of the commonwealth: Bradley Fertilizer Co. of Phila.; charter — application for similarity of names. (Rept. secy, commonwealth 1896/8: 36-37.) . Same; Bradley Fertilizer Co. of Phila.; foreign corporations. (Same 1896/8: 47-50.) Cold Spring Ice and Coal Co. 1865. Nov. 27. Veto (Curtin) of act to incorporate the Cold Spring Ice and Coal Co. (Legisl. Record 1866: 25.) . Reasons for Govs. (Curtin) disapproval of suppl. to act to incorporate Cold Spriug Ice and Coal Co. (House jol. Jan., 1866: 47.) Forest Improvement Co. Incorporated June 12, 1839. serial 1843-1853. Stmt of affairs. In Collected docs, as follows : 1843 in House Jol. 1844, v. 2 : 339-340. 1844 " Senate " 1845, v. 2 : 185. 1845 - " « 184G, V. 2 : 235-236. 1846-1850 not found. 1851 In Senate Jol. 1852, v. 2 : 567. " House " 1852, v. 2 : 695. 1852 not found. 1853 in I.«gisl. docs. 1854 : 327. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 611 CORPORATIONS: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Forest Improvement Co. — cont'd non-serial 1854. May 8. Kept, of select committee (Beck) apptd. to examine Into affairs of Forest Improvement Co. on acct. of alleged violation of its cliarter by min- ing coal. (Legisl. docs. 1854: 618-629.) — — . Same, separate. Harrisburg-: A. B. Hamilton, 1854. 16 pp. Copy scon In N. Y. Public Library. 1864. Jan. 7. Veto (Curtin) of act to incorporate tlie Forest Improvement Co. (Legisl. Record 1864: 17.) Keystone Laundry Co. 1896. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to Keystone Laundry Co.'s charter. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1895/6: 174-175; Rept. secy, commonwealth 1894/6: 66-67.) Marietta Trading Co. 1818. Rept. of committee on banks (G. Evans) to whom was referred petition from Marietta and Susque- hanna Trading Co. for authority to reduce their capital stock. (House jol. 1817/8: 401.) 1819. Rept. of committee (Emlen) on petition of Sus- quehanna ahd Marietta Trading Co. for apptmt. ol a committee to examine affairs of Co. (Same 1818/9: 224.) 1824. Rept. of joint committee of Sen. and House of Repr. (Hill) apptd. to enquire into situation of the Marietta and Susquehanna Trading Co. (Sen. Jol. 1823/4: 572-573.) . Rept. of committee (Shippen) apptd. to enquire into situation of Marietta and Susquehanna Trad- ing Co. (House jol. 1823/4: 937-938.) Taixy-on-Top Salesbook Co. 1895. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to increase of capital stock of Tally-on-Top Salesbook Co. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1895/6: 125-126; Rept. secy, of com- monwealth 1894/6: 61-63.) CREAMERIES; see DAIRY INDUSTRY CORRUPT PRACTICES See also Education. Degrees. 1818. Feb. 19. Rept. of committee to whom was re- ferred memorial of J. Wilson, complaining of official misconduct of the judges of Lancaster co. Harris- burg: Prtd. by J. Peacock, n. d. 14 pp. Copy seen In the Penn. State Library. 1830. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (Moore of Beaver) rel. to threats and intimidations used or practised before day of ann. election. (House jol. 1829/30 V. 2: 629 (doc. 224).) . Rept. of committee on judiciary system (Parke) rel. to use of ardent spirits at elections. (Same 1829/30 V. 2: 712 (doc. 309).) 1831. Rept. of committee on vice and immorality (Pennypacker) on res. rel. to wagering on elections. (Same 1830/1 v. 2: 612 (doc. 106).) 1838. Passage of law agst. betting on elections recom- mended. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 27, 1838.) 1840. See Banks, Penn., this date. 1841. Apr. 9. Rept. of the judiciary committee of the Senate in relation to certain monies alleged to have been drawn from the treasury by the Gov. without authority of law; Williams. Harrisburg: Elliott & M'Curdy 1841. 28 pp. Copy seen In the Penn. State Library. 1842. See Banks, Penn., this date. 1844. See same, this date. CORRUPT PRACTICES— cont'd 1861. Aug. 7. Rept. of the comn. apptd. by the Gov. to investigate the alleged army frauds. Harris- burg: A. B. Hamilton, 1861. 63 pp. BenJ. Haywood. .Incob I"ry. .Jr., Chns. F. Abbot, Caleb Cope, nnd Eviins Udkith. were tho conirs. Copy seen In Univ. of I'enu. Library. 3000 copies In En- Kllsh and 1000 In German ordered prtd. (Uouse Jol. 1802:85,-!.) 1862. Rept. of committee (Greenbank) apptd. to in- vestigate facts in regard to alleged abuses in cer- tain military disbursements. (House jol. Jan., 1862- 755-759.) . Testimony before above committee. (Legisl docs. 1862: 1272-1315.) . Same, separate; rept. and testimony. Not seen. :iOOO copies In EnuUsh and 1000 In German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 18G2 : 85,3.) . Rept. of committee (Hopkins of Washington) on alleged influences used in procuring passage of act for commutation of tonnage duties. (House jol 1862: 761-770.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1862. 56 pp. Copy seen In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. ; 10.000 copies In English and 3000 In German ordered prtd. (House Jol. Jan. 1862 : 802.) 1864. Rept. of joint special committee (St. Clair) rel. to frauds committed upon volunteers (withholding of local bounties by certain military officers). (Legisl. docs. 1864:1315-1359 (doc. 43); Sen. jol. 1864: 743-752.) Testimony not prtd. In Jol. 1865. Rept. of select committee (Kelley) on Investiga- tion of alleged frauds in soldiers' votes. (House jol. 1865: 589-599.) . Same; minority rept. (Anderson). (Same 1865: 599-601.) . Rept. of [select] committee (Lowry) to investi- gate charges that parties, not members of the legisl., have extorted 25 to 30 thousand dollars to buy votes of senators for passage of a bill rel. to r.r. cos. (Sen. jol. 1865: 833; 835-840.) 1868. Rept. of [select] committee (Lowry) apptd. to investigate alleged attempt to procure, by corrupt means, the passage of an act regulating r.r. cos. (Same 1866: 72-76.) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1866: 78-85.) . Rept. of [select] committee (Quay) on charges of corruption and bribery in passage of hill authoriz- ing consolidation of Gt. Western and Atlantic R.R. (House jol. 1866: 89-93.) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1866: 96-98.) . Testimony taken before committee apptd. to in- quire into charges of corruption, contained in an article published in the " Phila. Sunday Dispatch." (Same 1866 app. pp. cxvi-cxviii.) . Same. (Legisl. docs. 1866 v. 1: 856-864.) . Rept of committee (Mann) apptd. by house to investigate charges contained in Phila. Sunday Dis- patch, Mch. 18, 1866, rel. to " Five per cent swindle." (House jol. Jan., 1866: 977-978.) Charges aest. receiver of taxes, Phila., reflecting on Wm. H. Ruddlman, chrm. of local Judiciary com- mittee. — ■ — . Election frauds in Phila.; debate. (Legisl. Record 1866: 460-463; 470.) 1867. Feb. 14. Rept. of committee (Stumbaugh) apptd. to investigate charges of bribery and corrup- tion connected with election of the U. S. Senator. (Same 1867: 262-264.) . Rept. of select committee (Waddell) rel. to charges made by reporters for certain papers in Pittsburg, concerning use of improper and corrupt means, for purpose of procuring passage of act rel. to licenses in AUegeny Co. (House jol. 1867: 761.) 612 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CORRUPT PRACTICES— cont'd 1879. Rept. of the committee apptd. to investigate alleged corruption In regard to the riot bill. (Legisl. Record 1879 (v. 2): 2079-2080.) . Testimony. 98 pp. (Same 1879 (v. 2), app. [2].) 1881. Election frauds; debate. (Sajne 1881: 1142-1148.) 1885. Veto of act to define and punish embezzlement from unincorporated socys.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1885: 112-113.) 1891. Rept. of special committee (McCullough) on in- vestigation of bribery charges agst. members of House In connection with " Lytle Insurance Bill." (House jol. Jan. 1891: 1852.) . Rept. of committee (McCullough) on investiga- tion of charges of bribery and corruption in House of Representatives. (Legisl. Record 1891: 3086- 3094.) Includes the testimony. 1899. Majority and minority rept. of special House committee apptd. to investigate charges of corrupt solicitation of members of House to influence vote upon U. S. Senatorship and Senate bill No. 5. (Same 1899 V. 1: 2558-2561.) Atlantic and Greatwestem R.R.; see Railroads: Individual Baird (Thomas H.) 1835. Mch. 13. Rept. of committee (Cox) apptd. to investigate official conduct of Thos. H. Baird, presV dent judge of 14th judicial distr. (House jol. 1834/5 V. 2: 620-621 (doc. 188).) . Mch. 14. Rept. of committee of accts. (Bennett) upon accts. of witnesses attending before committee apptd. to investigate oflJcial conduct of Thos. H. Baird, president judge of 14th judicial distr. (Same 1834/5 v. 2: 647-648 (doc. 193).) . Mch. 16. Same. (Same 1834/5 v. 2: 649 (doc. 194).) . Mch. 18. Rept. of committee of accts. (Bennett) upon accts. of witnesses attending before committee apptd. to investigate official conduct of Thos. H. Baird, president judge of 14th judicial distr. (Same 1834/5 V. 2: 654 (doc. 198).) — I — . Mch. 21. Rept. of committee of accts. (Brooks of York) upon accts. of witnesses and deputy ser- geant-at-arms, for serving subpoenas on witnesses attending before committee apptd. to investigate official conduct of Thos. H. Baird, president judge of 14th judicial distr. (Same 1834/5 v. 2: 659 (doc. 205).) .' Apr. 2. Rept. of committee of accts. (Stokes upon accts. of witnesses attending before committee apptd. to investigate official conduct of Thos. H. Baird, president judge of 14th judicial distr. (Same 1834/5 V. 2: 841 (doc. 235).) Cameron Election 1863. Apr. 8. Rept. of select committee (Pershing) apptd. to investigate alleged frauds in the election of U. S. Senator [Cameron]. (House jol. Jan. 1863: 781-786.) Report only. . Same, with testimony. (Legisl. docs. 1863: 891- 960; Legisl. Record 1863: 730-758.) . Same, separate. Harrlsburg: Singerly and Myers, 1863. 72, 2 leaves. Copy seen In the Tenn. Stnte Library and In the N. Y. Public Uhrary. 1000 copies In EnKllsh and 2000 copies In German were ordered prtd. (House Jol. Jan. 1863 : 780.) . Apr. 11. Minority report (Brown of Warren). h. t. p. 4 pp. Copy seen In the Penn. State Library. Signed by Wm. D. Brown, D. Lllley and M. C. Beebe. . Same. (House jol. Jan. 1863: 901-904; Legisl. docs. 1863: 961-964; Legisl. Record 1863: 873-874.) CORRUPT PRACTICES— cont'd Chapman (Seth) 1826. Feb. 27. Rept. of committee on accts. (Garber) on acct. of sergeant-at-arms and his deputies for serving subpoenas in impeachment case of S. Chap- man, president and judge of 8th judicial distr. (Sen. jol. 1825/6: 381-382.) 1833. Mch. 12. Rept. of committee on accts. (Miller) on accts. of witnesses before committee apptd. to investigate complaints agst. Seth Chapman, presi- dent judge of Sth judicial distr. (Same 1832/3 [v. 1]: 568-569.) . Mch. 13. Same. (Same 1832/3 [v. 1]:577.) — — . Mch. 23. Rept. of committee on accts. (Miller) on accts. of witnesses in case of Judge Chapman. (Same 1832/3 [v. 1]: 673-674.) . Apr. 2. Rept. of committee on accts. ( Miller ]) on accts. of witnesses in case of Seth Chapman. (Same 1832/3 [v. 1]: 754.) . Same (Blythe). (Same 1832/3 [v. 1]: 754-755.) Conrad (H. W.); see below; Etebs Handy (George) 1842. See Banks. Penn., this date. Jacobs (Benjamin) 1803. Stmt, of amts. due witnesses in case of B. Jacobs, CO. judge, for forgery. (House jol. 1802/3: 209; 304-305.) . Rept. of committee (Heister) on corrupt prac- tices of associate judge (Jacobs) of Chester Co. court of pleas. (Same 1802/3: 512.) Krebs (Jacob) 1836. Feb. 20. Rept. of committee on accts. (Rogers) on accts. of witnesses attending before committee apptd. to investigate alleged attempt to bribe Jacob Krebs. (Sen. jol. 1835/6 v. 1: 365.) . Mch. 7. Rept. of committee on accts. (Rogers) on acct. of J. Irish, witness before committee apptd. to examine into alleged attempt to bribe J. Krebs. (Same 1835/6 v. 1: 467.) . Rept. of [special] committee (Stevens) apptd. to investigate charges of bribery agst. H. W. Con- rad. (House jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 648-691 (doc. 185).) . Feb. 10. Proceedings in Senate resp. alleged attempt to bribe Jacob Krebs to vote for the U. S. Bank bill. (Sen. jol. 1835/6 v. 1: 302-306.) — — . Feb. 15. Rept. of committee (Baker) apptd. to Inquire into and report facts connected with alleged attempt to corrupt integrity and influence vote ot Jacob Krebs, etc. (Same 1835/6 v. 1: 343; 404-407.) . Mch. 9. Record of the testimony, proceedings and repts. ot the committee apptd. to inquire into alleged attempt of Henry W. Conrad, to Influence and bribe the vote of Jacob Krebs rel. to bill to repeal the state tax on real and personal property and to continue and extend the improvements ot the state by and canals, and to charter a state bank to be called the U. S. Bank; Stevens. Harris- burg: Prtd. by Theo. Fenn, 1836. 48 pp. 2 copies In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and one In TJnlv. of Penn. 5000 copies In English and 2000 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1835/6 : 407.) Lippard (Danl. B.) 1819. Letter from comrs. of Phila. Co. resp. conduct of Peter A. Browne, deputy atty. gen. In postponing the trial of Danl. B. Lippard, treasurer of Phlla. Co. on the charge of having obtained his office by bribery (1816). (House jol. 1818/9: 620-628.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 613 CORRUPT PRACTICES— cont'd McCIintock Election 1855. Rept. of joint committee (Jordan) apptd. to In- vestigate cliarges of improper influences in election of U. S. Senator. (Legisl. docs. 1855: 612-677 (doc. 64).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: A. B. Hamilton. 1855. 69 pp. Copy of the separate seen In the Tenn. State Library, where It was bound with the Loglsl. Record for 1855. The Senator In question was Jonas U. McCUntock. In the separate the majority report covers pp. 1-7, the minority report, signed by Fr. Jordan and N. B. Browne p. 8, and the testimony pp. 6-69. M'Cook (Danl.) 1846. Rept. of majority (Knox) and minority (Trego) of select committee apptd. to inquire Into bribery charge agst. Danl. M'Cook resp. vote on Lehigli Co. Bank charter; with testimony. (House jol. 1846 V. 2: 324-339 (doc. 56).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure 1846: 18 pp. Copy seen In N. T. Public Library. The minority rept., signed by Chas. B. Trego and Thos. Nicholson, covers p. 1-6. and the Jol. of the committee p. 6-18. 2000 copies In English and 500 copies in German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1846 v. 1 : 284.) Pennsylvania Canal [and R.R.] See Canals, etc. : Individual Undertakings : Penn. Canal [and R. R.J. Frauds, Defalcations, etc. Porter (David R.) 1843. See Banks. Penn., this date. Porter (Robert) 1825. Dec. 30. Rept. of committee of accts. (Garber) on accts. of clerk for moneys paid to witnesses In case of impeachment of Robt. Porter, president judge of 3d judicial distr. (Sen. jol. 1825/6: 96.) Reynolds (W.) 1838. Rept. of select committee (Coplan) on case of W. Reynolds, of Westmoreland co., with testimony rel. to charges of bribery. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 2; 820-832 (doc. 168).) . Same (Ford); minority rept. (Same 1837/8 V. 2: 833-841 (doc. 169).) . Same, separate [majority and minority]. Not seen. 2000 copies In English and 1000 In German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1S37/8 v. 1 : 959.) Weigart (J.) 1834. Rept. of select committee (Crawford) upon the complaints agst. John Weigart, a justice of the peace of Adams Co. (House jol. 1833/4 v. 2: 504- 505.) Young (John) 1812. Mch. 14. Rept. of committee on accts. (Dale) on accts. of witnesses in complaint agst. John Young, president judge of 10th judicial distr. (House jol. 1811/2: 592.) CORRY, ERIE CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Schools in; see Education CORSON (ALAN W.) 1893. Joint rept. with C. H. Flanlgan on N. Y. and Penn. boundary. (Rept. secy, internal affairs 1893 pt. 1: A. 43-134 A.) CORSON (HIRAM) 1866. Cattle disease [pleuro-pneumonia] In Montgom- ery Co. (Legisl. Record 1866: 267-268.) 1868. Dec. 5. See Agriculture. Livestock. Inspection, this date. CORSON (M. H.) n. d. Statistics of rainfall at Plymouth mtg., 1868- 1872. (A.R. secy. Internal affairs 1887/8 pt. 1: A 171.) CORWIN (D. P.) Fish comr. 1894/5-1900/1 ; see Fish and Game. COSSART Nuisance; see Public Health COST OF LIVING 1875. Table: average weekly expenditures of families of workmen in mnfg. towns of Penn. and average of Middle States. ([31 A.R. bureau industrial sta- tistics 1874/5: 526-527.) Erie. Reading, Norristown. Phlla., Bethlehem. South Bethlehem. Conshohocken, Llnwood, Pittsburg, Harrisburg. 1879. Tabular stmt, of employes' expenditures: size of family; amt. of earnings, expenditures for food, clothing, rent, etc., excess of expenditures over earnings or vice versa. (7 .same 1878/9: 324-325, 330-333, 338-341, 348-352.) COTTINGHAN (W. W.) Local supt. of schools, 1866/7-1903/4 ; see Education. Penn. Easton. COTTON (A. D.) 1861. The profession of teaching; why it is so low and how it may be raised in the public estimation. (Penn. School Jol. v. 10: 285-288.) COTTON GOODS Manufacture of; see Industries, etc. Textile CO0DERSPORT, POTTER CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Small-Pox in; see Public Health COUGHLIN (JAMES M.) County supt. of schools. 1879/80-1889/90 ; see Educa- ti'i'n. Penn. Luzerne Co. City supt. of schools. 1891/2-1903/4. See Education. Penn. ^Yilliesba^^e. Supt. of Schools, Luzerne County 1885. Local institutes. (Penn. School Jol. v. 34: 111- 112.) 1887. Relation of common school training to labor, and labor to education. (Same v. 36: 89-92.) Supt. of Schools, Wilkesliarre 1895. Needed legislation. (Penn. School Jol. v. 43: 402-403.) 1901. Home and schools for neglected children. (Same V. 49: 401-404.) COULSON (WILLIAM G.) 1894. Old time farming [in York Co.] (53 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894; 12-13.) COULTERSVILLE, ALLEGHENY CO. Health Boards; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local COUNSMAN (J. G.) Countv supt. of schools, 1863/4 ; see Education. Penn. Blair Co. COUNTY FAIRS; see AGRICULTURE. FAIRS COURT MARTIAL; see MILITIA 614 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COURTNEY (WILLIAM) One of comrs. to einmlne Pittsburgh Penitentnry In 1826 and 1827. Rcpr. from Allegheny and Butler COS., 1813/14-1814/15. [Select] Committee 1814. Dec. 15. Petition of inhabitants of Pittsburg for apptmt. of additional auctioneer. (House jol. 1814/15: 53.) COURTS; see ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE COVINGTON, LACKAWANNA CO. Slaughter Houses; see Abattoirs COW-POX; see AGRICULTURE. LIVESTOCK. INSPECTION COWAN (EDGAR) Repr. from Crawford and Warren cos., 1861, 1862. 1865. Addresses delivered before the Penn. state agrlc. socy., at its exhibition and meeting at Williamsport, Lycoming Co.; by Edgar Cowan of Westmoreland Co. and Wm. H. Allen, principal of the Agric. Col- lege of Pa. n. p. n. d. 26 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. . Same. (v. 7 trans, state agric. socy. 1864/70: 224-242.) COWDEN (JAMES) Repr. from Lancaster Co., 1851. Committee on Inland Navigation and Internal Improvements 1851. Mch. 8. Tolls on Phila. and Columbia R.R. (House jol. 1851 v. 2: 316-317 (doc. 22).) COWLES (WARREN) Senator from Clinton, M'Kean, Potter and Tioga cos., 1866-1868. COX (C. S.) 1830. Mch. 20. Eastern Penitentiary. (Sen. jol. 1829/30 [v. 1]: 594-595.) COX (HENRY C.) Fish comr., 1001/2-1903/4. COX (JOSHUA F.) Repr. from Somerset and Cambria cos., 1834/35- 1835/36, 1838/39, 1841. [Select] Committee 1836. Mch. 23. Phila. Bank. (House jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 718-724 (doc. 210).) 1839. Je. 11. Juniata division of Penn. Canal. (Same 1838/9 V. 1: 1264-1265.) COXE (ECKLEY B.) Senator from Lackawanna and Luzerne cos., 1881/2- 1883/4. Member of committee apptd. by the Gov. In 1881 to investigate House of Refuge, Phila., and Reformatory at Huntingdon. One of the comrs. apptd. under act of May 7, 1889, to Investigate the waste of coal mining. Conference Committee 1881. Je. 8. Payment of laborers. (House jol. 1881: 1477; Sen. jol. 1279-1280.) Special Joint Committee 1883. Mch. 5. Geological survey of state. (Sen. jol. Jan., 1883: 445-464.) . Same. 20 pp. (Leglsl. docs. 1882/3 v. 5 (doc. 22).) . Same. (House jol. 1883: 433-452.) Presented In House by MacUej'nolds. [Special] Committee 1883. Je. 1. Soldiers' orphans' schools. (Sen. jol. 1883: 1385-1417.) (House of Stephen 136).) Harrisburg: COXE (J. R.) 1888. Rainfall record at Phila., 1798-1802. (A.R. secy. internal affairs 1887/8 pt. 1: A 165.) . Meteorological observations, Phila., 1798-1804. (Same 1887/8 pt. 1: 126 A.) COXE (TENCH) Secretary of Land Office, 1800 ; see Land, the serial group. COYNER (J. M.) 1884. The Utah problem as related to education. (Penn. School Jol. v. 33: 84-85.) CRABB (WILLIAM A.) Repr. for Philadelphia, 1837/8-1842 ; Speaker of the House, 1841 ; Senator from first district (City of Philadelphia), 1843-1854. Representative from Philadelphia Committee on Accounts 1839. Je. 8. Lumbermen's Bank at Warren, jol. 1838/9 V. 2 [pt. 1]: 1061 (doc. 205).) . Je. 18. Removal of office of discount and deposit from town of Beaver. (Same 1838/9 v. 2 pt. 2: 94- 95 (doc. 224).) Select Committee 1842. Mch. 25. Minority rept.; estate Girard. (Same 1842 v. 2: 728-738 (doc. — ' — : Same, separate, with majority rept. Henlock & Bratton, 1842. 60 pp. Copy seen In Penn. State Library. Senator for City of Philadelphia Committee on Library 1845. Mch. 1. Inventory of state library property and disagreement with retiring librarian. (Sen. jol. 1845 V. 1: 320-322.) Select Committee 1845. Jan. 17. Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. (Sen. jol. 1845 V. 1: 73-74.) Committee on Banks 1847. Feb. 22. Lehigh Co. Bank. (Sen. jol. 1847 v. 1: 301-302.) 1853. Feb. 11. On so much of Govs. mess, as relates to growing of wool in Penn. (Same 1853 v. 1: 206- 207; V. 2: 157-158.) 1000 copies in English and 500 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1853 V. 1:207.) CRAFTON, ALLEGHENY CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local CRAIG (A. R.) 1903. Small-pox. (19 A.R. bd. of health, etc., 1902/3 V. 1: 351-354.) CRAIG (J.) Claimant 1812. Jan. 13. 218-220.) CRAIG (WALTER) Donation land. (House jol. 1811/2: Repr. from Washington Co., 1818/19-1819/20; Senator from Washington Co., 1843-1845. Senator from Washington Co. Committee on Vice and Immorality 1844. Feb. 20. Tippling on the Sabbath. Harrisburg: I. G. M'Klnley, 1844. 5 pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. . Same. (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 1: 290-292.) . Feb. 20. Liquor and tavern licenses, oyster cellars, Sunday observance. (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 1: 290- 292.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA C15 ;raighead (s. judson) County supt. of schools, lS7n/S0-18S3/4 ; Bce Education. Inciiana Co.; Repr. from Indiana Co., 1887/8. ;RAIN (RICHARD M.) One of the conira., 1S19-1.S20, to superintend the erec- tion of the state capital ; see Public llulldiDgs. ;ramer Small-Pox in; see Public Health ;RANBERRY; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS ;RANE (FREDERICK M.) Hepr. from Wayne Co., 18.54, 1862. 1854. Apr. 5. Sale of main line of public works. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 56): 270-271.) ;ratty (j. h.) County supt. of schools, 1S6G/7-1S68/9 ; see Education. I'enu. Butler Co. ;RAWF0RD (MRS. ANDREW) 1891. What should constitute the farmer's education. (45 and 46 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1891: 61-66.) ;RAWF0RD (DAVID M.) Senator from Blair. Huntingdon, Centre, Mifflin. Juniata and I'erry cos., 1871-1873 ; Senator from Perry, Mifflin and Juniata cos., 1877/8. RAWFORD (GEORGE) Repr. from Lycoming, Potter, and M'Kean cos., 1831/2- 1833/4. Representative from Lycoming, etc., cos. Committee of Ways and Means 1834. Apr. 10. Petition of contractors upon Columbia and Phila. Rwy. (House jol. 1833/4 v. 2: 923-524 (doc. 210).) Supt. of hranch divisions of Fenn Canal 1835. Rept. as supt of West Branch Division and Wyoming line of North Branch Division, Penn. Canal. (A.R. canal comrs. 1834/5: 95-97.) Paging from House doc. ed. RAWFORD (JOHN) Appointed a commissioner by act of Mch. 28, 1814, to examine Monongabela River. RAWFORD (R. D.) City supt. of schools, 1893/4-1896/7 ; see Education. Penn. Titusvllle. RAWFORD COUNTY Organized Mch. 12, 1800 ; formed of a part of Allegheny. Agricultural Society; see Agricultural Societies: Individual Banks; see Banks; Individual. Bank of Crawford Co.; Crawford Bank Crops; see Agriculture. Crops Dairy Industry; see that title. Cheese Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs Fruit Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Fruit Geology; see Geological and Topographical Surveys Grain Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Livestock; see Agriculture. Live Stock Petroleum Production; see Oils Public Bldgs.; see Public Bldgs., etc.: County CRAWFORD COUNTY— cont'd Schools in; see Education Small-Pox in; see Public Health Teachers' Association; see Education. Associations Teachers' Institute; see Education. Teachers Wheat Crop; see Agriculture. Crops CREAMERIES Inspection; see Food and Drug Law. Dairy CREASY (WILLIAM T.) Kepr. from Columbia Co., ISO.'J/e ; 1899/00-1901/2; 190;V4 ; 1907/8. 1891. The ups and downs of the poultry business. (45 and 46 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1891: 218-222.) CREIGH (JOHN D.) See also Finance : State. Misappropriation of Funds : Nicholson. 1841. Sept. 24. Rept. as comr. on part of common- wealth rel. to Nicholson and Boynton estates. (House jol. 1842 v. 2: 277-285 (doc. 94).) 1842. Feb. 16. Rept. as comr. on part of common- wealth on Nicholson lands. (Sen. jol. 1842 v. 2: 94- 102 (doc. 14).) There are two docs, in this volume numbered " 14." CRELLY (HUGH) 1899. Distribution of apprn. (Penn. School Jol. v. 47: 410-411.) CRESCO Typhoid Fever; see Public Health CRESSON, CAMBRIA CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local CRESSON (C. M.) 1885 Analyses of coals from collieries of Phila. and Reading Coal and Iron Co. (A.R. geol. survey 18So: 321.) . Analyses of anthracite coals and ashes. {Same 1885: 322-323.) CRESSONA, SCHUYLKILL CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Typhoid Fever; see Public Health CRESSWELL (JOHN, JR.) Sen from Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon cos., 1854- 1859. 1854. Apr. 29. Tonnage tax on coal and lumber. (Dally Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 8): 394-395.) Committee on Canals and Inland Navigation 1856. Apr. 11. Publication of canal laws and canal and rwy. rules and regulations. (Sen. jol. Jan., 1856: 851.) CRISES AND DEPRESSIONS See also Business Condition. 1820. Rept. of committee (Raguet) on present dis- tressed and embarrassed state of commonwealth; due to abuses of banking system; suggestions for abridging corporate power of banks, establishing loan office, liberal appropriations for internal im- provements. (Sen. jol. 1819/20: 221-236.) 1858. Present derangement of currency will suggest necessity of reform in banking system and in mngmt. of banking institutions. (Govs. mess. (Pol- lock) 1858: 10.) 616 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CRISES AND DEPRESSIONS— cont'd 1859. Great financial depression of past IS mos. due principally to banking system now in use. (Same (Packer) Jan. 5, 1859: 12.) 1866-1877. List of commercial failures. (5 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1876/7: 140.) 1871-1874. Failures for 1871 and 1872, no. and liabili- ties of the several states in the Union. (2 same 1873/4: 414.) CRISPIN (BENJAMIN) Repr. from Phlln. Co., 1837/38-1840; Sen. from Phlla. Co.. 1S41-1S43. Committee on Pensions and Gratuities 1840. Jan. 18. Revolutionary pensions. (House jol. 1840 V. 1: 106-107.) 1000 copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1840 v. 1 : 107.) CRITCHFIELD (N. B.) County Bupt. of schools, 1866/7-1868/9 ; see Education, renn. Somerset Co. ; Sen. from Somerset, Bedford and Fulton Cos.. 1891/2-1898. 1903. Agrlc. of Penn. (9 A.R. dept. of agric. 1903: 13- 22.) Senator from Somerset, Bedford and Fulton cos. Select Committee 1897. Je. 30. Office of dairy and food comr. (Sen. Jol. 1897: 2516-2522.) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1897 v. 2: 3598-3600; 3681-3684.) CROMWELL (THOMAS T.) Repr. from Huntingdon Co.. 1833/34-1834/35. Select Committee 1834. Apr. 14. Minority rept.; Juniata division of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1833/4 v. 2: 941-943 (doc. 221).) . Apr. 5. Anti-masonry; minority rept. (Same 1833/4 v. 2: 861-874.) CROPS; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS CROSBY (M. 0.) 1860. True education and its results. (Penn. School Jol. V. 9: 158-160.) CROSLAND (JOHN M.) Repr. from Schuylkill Co., 1866. 1866. Corporations for development of mineral wealth and commercial value. (Legisl. Record 1866: 889.) CROSS (SAMUEL J.) Repr. from Beaver, Butler and Washington cos., 1873- 1874. Conference Committee 1874. May 14. Appropriation bill. (House jol. Jan., 1874: 1041-1042.) [Select] Committee 1874. Mch. 12. Rept. on extension of capltol buildings. (House jol. 1874: 383-384; 550.) CROUP; see PUBLIC HEALTH CROUSE (JACOB) Member of comn. on convict labor 1805-1897. CROUTER (A. E. L.) 1898. The Penn. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. (Charitable institutions which reed, state aid in 1897 and 1898 .... pp. 755-772.) CRUIKSHANK (ROBERT) County supt. of schools, 1880/1-1862/3 ; see Education. Penn. Montgomery Co. CRUMBAUGH (JOHN S.) County supt. of schools. 1856/7-1857/8 ; see Education. Penn. Lancaster Co. 1852. Communism in high schools. (Penn. School Jol. V. 1: 1'75-177.) 1852. The influence of national origin upon education in the U. S. (Same v. 1: 312-313.) CRUM LYNN Diphtheria in; see Public Health. Diphtheria Nuisance; see Public Health CUCUMBER Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Vegetable CUMBERLAND Cholera; see Public Health. Cholera CUMBERLAND COUNTY Organized January 27, 1750; formed of a part of Lancaster. Agricultural Society; see Agricultural Societies: Individual Agriculture; see that title Crops; see Agriculture. Crops Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs Geology; see Geological and Topographical Surveys Land; see that title Libraries; see that title Pink-eye; see Agriculture. Livestock. Inspection Sanitary Convention; see Public Health. Congresses, etc. Schools in; see Education School Conventions; see Education. Conventions, etc. Small-Pox in; see Public Health Teachers' Institute; see Education. Teachers CUMBERLAND VALLEY Typhoid Fever; see Public Health CUMINGS (HENRY H.) Sen. from Warren and Venango cos., 1899/00 ; 1903/4. Conference Committee 1901. Je. 11. Liquor licenses. (Sen. Jol. 1901 v. 2: 1619; House jol. v. 2: 2335-2336.) 1903. Apr. 10. State Hospital for Insane, Warren. (House jol. 1903 pt. 2: 2114-2115; Sen. jol. pt. 2: 1895-1896.) CUMMIN (JOHN) Hepr. from Mifflin Co., 1826/7-1829/30. [Select] Committee 1827. Jan. 11. State road from Schnee's Mill to Dug Hill. (House jol. 1826/7 v. 2: 248 (doc. 118).) CUMMINGS (DAVID) Repr. from Payette Co., 1823/24-1824/25. Claimant 1830. Mch. 19. Juniata Division of Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1830/1.) Representative from Fayette Co. Committee on Militia System 1825. Jan. 25. Petition of Richd. Williams resp. re- tail license. (House jol. 1824/5 v. 2: 171 (doc. 93).) . Feb. 18. Expenses of militia. (Same 1824/6 v. 2: 341-344 (doc. 148).) . Feb. 23. Claim of H. Betz. (Same 1824/5 v. 2: 365 (doc. 161).) Select Committee 1825. Apr. 2. Land surveys In Payette Co. (House Jol. 1824/5 V. 2: 447-448.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 617 UMMINGS (JAMES C.) Repr. from Kayctte Co., 18441845. Committee on Claims 1844. Feb. 21. Claim of Reliance Portable Boat Co. (House jol. 1845 v. 2: 387-389 (doc. 61).) 1845. Apr. 3. Petition of Wm. Primrose one of Nichol- son Court comrs. (Same 1845 v. 2: 642-644 (doc. 100).) Select Committee 1845. Moll. 24. Toll on Monongahela River. (House jol. 1845 V. 2: 590-593 (doc 93).) :UMMINGS (M. W.) City Biipt. of schools, 1903/4. See Education, rcun. Olyphant. :UMMINS (JOSEPH) Repr. from Butler Co., 1843-1844 ; do. from Somerset Co., 1S54-1S55. Representative from Butler Co. Committee on Banks 1844. Jan. 24. Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Phila. (House jol. 1844 v. 1: 145-151.) [Select] Committee 1843. Feb. 16. Expenses of govt, etc. (House jol. 1843 V. 2: 315-318 (doc. 81).) lUNNINGHAM (J. S.) 1898. Small-pox at Windber. (15 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1898/9 v. 1: 281.) ;UNNINGHAM (JEREMIAH) Repr. from Huntingdon Co., 1836/7-1838/9. Committee on Roads, Bridges and Inland Navigation 1832. Mch. 1. Petition of J. M'Namee; work, etc. on Juniata division of Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1831/2 [v. 1]: 413-414.) Select Committee 1834. Apr. 2. Part of Phila. and Columbia R.R. betw. the Little and Big Conestoga. (Sen. jol. 1833/4 v. 1: 644-647.) Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1833/4 V. 1:647.) 1835. Mch. 24. House of Refuge. (7 A.R. House of Refuge 1834/5: 15-19.) . Same. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 689-692 (doc. 214); Sen. jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 598-601 [i. e. 514-517].) — — . Same, separate. Not seen. 500 copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1834/5 V. 1 : 418) ; 1000 copies (ib.. 431). ;UNNINGHAM (JOHN W.) Repr. from Chester Co., 1809/10-1810/11. [Select] Committee 1810. Jan. 6. Taxation of donation lands. (House jol. 1809/10: 183-184.) . Feb. 3. Petition of A. Andrew of Chester Co. one of collectors of state tax assessed in 1783. Same 1809/10: 428-429.) . Dec. 15. Escheated estate of I. Bailey. (Same 1810/1: 98.) 1811. Jan. 7. Proposed academy at New London Cross Roads. (Same 1810/1: 187-188.) . Feb. 28. On petition for alteration In laws reap. inspection of provisions. (Same 1810/1: 564-566.) . Mch. 1. Contemplated road from Middletown to Harrisburg. (Same 1810/1: 572-573.) . Mch. 18. Land claim of S. House. (Some 1810/1: 667-668.) CUNNINGHAM (MISS M. J.) 1856. The advantages of female teachers. School Jol. v. 5: 363-364.) ( Penn. CURRENCY 1861. Me. res. rcl. to uniform decimal system of weights, measures and currencies. (Sen. jol. 1861: 184.) . Debate on equalization of the currency of the state. (Legisl. Record 1861: 1067-1070; 1074-1075; 1093-1095; 1125-1130.) CURRY (E. A.) 1899. Small-pox at Limerldge. (15 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1898/9 v. 1: 316.) CURRY (J. L. M.) 1884. Citizenship and education. (Penn. School Jol. v. 31: 83-84.) CURRY (ROBERT) 1874-1875. Rept. as deputy supt. of common schools. (41 A.R. supt. common schools 1873/4 (pp. xxxiv- xxxix)— 42 same 1874/5.) The rept. for 1875 is also prtd. In Penn. School Jol. V. ■2i : 297-301. CURTIN (ANDREW G.) Supt. of common schools. 1855-18.56 ; see Education, the group; Chrm. of Slniting Fund Comn^, 185S- 1857 • Secy, of the Commonwealth, 185o-18oS , Gov. of Penn., 1S61-1S67 ; see Governor ;Comr. In 18G4 to erect an addition to auditor genl s. office , see Public Buildings ; Minister U. S. A. to Russia, 1869-1872 ; Member of bd. of centennial mngrs., 187C-1878 ; see Exhibitions, Phila. CURTIN (AUSTIN) Commissary-General, 1894 ; see Militia, the serial group. CURTIN (HENRY R.) Repr. from Centre Co., 1895/6. 1897. See Food and Drug Law, this date. CURTIS (CARLTON B.) Repr from .TeCEerson, Warren and M'Kean cos.. 1S36/37- 1837/38. 1838 Feb. 26. Eastern Penitentiary. (House jol. 1837/8 V. 2: 706-709 (doc. 38).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Packer, Barrett & Parke, 1838. 7 pp. Copy in Amer. Phil. Socy. 2000 copies In English and 1000 in German ordered prtd. (House Jol. lb3i/8 T. 1 : 595. ) CURTIS (GEORGE WILLIAM) 1891 The public school and civil service reform. (Penn. School Jol. v. 39: 391-394.) CURTIS (J. B.) 1839-1840. Rept. as supt. of Shenango line, Erie Exten- sion, Penn. Canal. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9 (pp. 297-303)— same 1839/40.) Paging from House doc. ed. CURTIS (V. G.) City supt. of schools, 1874/5-1881/2; see Education. Penn. Corry. 1877. Teachers' tenure of office. (Penn. School Jol. v. 26: 100-102.) 1880. Graded course for city schools. (Same v. 28: 501-503.) 618 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CURTIS (WILLIAM N.) Repr. of Wayne Co., 1893/4-1895/6. CURTIS (W. H.) County supt. of schools, 1872/3-1879/80 ; see Education. McKeau Co. CURWENSVILLE, CLEARFIELD CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Typhoid Fever; see Public Health CUTLER (EDITH H.) 18S8. The past and present [need of education]. (37 and 38 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1888: 117-119.) CUTSHALL (H. M.) 1893. Country roads. 1893: 112-115.) DAIRY INDUSTRY (50 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. See also Food and Drug Law. 1874. Discussion rel. to cheap transportation betw. east and west [as effecting dairy interests], (v. 10 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1874/5: 144-145.) [1874.] Dairy rooms and dairy farming; by J. Wil- kinson. (V. 10 same 1874/5: 62-87.) 1875. Selection and breeding of dairy cattle; by C. E. Baldwin. (2 A.R. state dairymen's assn. 1875: 328-334.) Paging from v. 11, Rept. trans, state agric. socy. . Dairy spectacles; by Flint Blanchard. (2 same 1875: 356-361.) Paging from v. 11, Rept. trans, state agric. socy. . Local influences as affecting quality of dairy products; by H. C. Greene. (2 same 1875: 395-399.) Paging from v. 11, Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1876. Dairy house ventilation; by E. Reeder. (v. 11 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1876: 243-247.) 1883. The dairy in Denmark; by J. P. Wickersham. (7 A.R. bd. of agric. 1883: 132-137.) 1887. The dairy and dairy matters; by M. W. Oliver. (11 same 1887: 214-218.) 1889. Cause and its effects. (39 and 40 quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1889: 270-274.) Care of dairy herds ; broken Implements on the farm, etc. 1891. Sanitary mngmt of dairy farms. (7 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1890/1: 19.) 1892. Rept. of dairy and pure food convention held in Washington, Mch. 30, 31; by Eastburn Reeder. (16 A.R. bd. of agric. 1892: 149-150.) 1894. The milk supply of Copenhagen; by T. J. Edge. (18 «anie 1894: 67-70.) 1895. An aseptic dairy plant of neighboring state visited by Phila. physicians. (11 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1894/5: 19-20.) . Directions for using the Babcock milk test. 13 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. no. 33.) 1896. Dairying in Denmark; by J. D. Frederlksen. (2 A.R. dept. [20 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1896 pt. 2: 402- 403.) 1898. Feeding and care of dairy cattle as practiced In Sweden; compared with that In Penn.; by J. A. Fries. (4 A.R. dept. [22 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1898 pt. 1: 767-795.) 1900. What should be done for the protection of the public from the danger In the dairy; by Morltz G. LIppert. (7 ann. mtg. associated health authori- ties and sanitarians 1900: 44-56.) DAIRY INDUSTRY— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA serial A ANNUAL REPORTS Under acts of May 26, 1893, and Mch. 13, 1895. 1893-1904. Ann. rept. of dairy and food comr. Checklist Eastburn Reeder, comr. 1. 1893. Not found. 2. 1894. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1895. 113 pp. Copy seen in Free Library of Phila. Levi 'iVella, comr. 3-7. 1895-1899. Not found. Geo. E. HutchinaoTij comr. 8-9. 1900-1901. Not found. Jesse K. Cope, comr. 10. 1902. Not found. B. H. Warren, comr. 11. 1903. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1904. 32 pp. 12. 1904. Harrisburg : Harrisburg Publishing Co., 1905. 32 pp. In Documents as follows ; 1893 in 52 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894 : 9-16 1S94 not found. 1895 in 1 A.R. dept. [1. e. 19 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1895, pt. 1 41-50 ; 587-596.' 1896 in 2 A.R. dept. [i. e. 20 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1896, pt. 1 73-95 ; 466-471.' 1897 In 3 A.R. dept. [1. e. 21 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1897, pt 1 106-116; 448-477.' 1898 in 4 A.R. dept. [1. e. 22 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1898, pt. 1 128-150. 1899 in 5 A.R. dept. [1. e. 23 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1899, pt. 1 49-58 1900 in 6 A.R. dept. [1. e. 24 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1900, pt. 1 62-78. 1901 in 7 A.R. dept. [1. e. 25 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1901, pt. 1 74-93. 1902 In 8 A.R. dept. [1. e. 26 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1902, pt. 1 86-89 1903 in 9 A.R. dept. [1. e. 27 A.E. bd.] of agric. 1903: 64- 86. 1904 in 10 A.R. dept. [1. e. 28 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1904 : 44- 68. Also In Documents as follows : 1896 In dept. of agric. bull. 20 : 73-95. 1897 " " - " " 34 : 108-118. B BULLETINS 1903/4-1904. Monthly Bulletin of Dairy and Food Divi- sion, issued monthly by the Dept. of Agric, from the office of the dairy and food comr.: analyses by chemists; oleomargarine and renovated butter licenses; suits and prosecutions; etc. Vol. 1, Nos. 1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Vol. 2 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Checklist . 1903/4. •2. Not found. 1903 April 15. n. p. 1903 May 15. n. p., 1903 June 15. n. p., 1903 July 15. n. p.. 1903 Aug. 15. 1903 Sept. 15. 1903 Oct. 15. 1903 Nov. 15. 1903 Dec. 15. 15. Wm. Stanley Ray, 1903. 66 pp. Wm. Stanley Ray, 1903. 54 pp. Wm. Stanley Ray, 1903. 80 pp. Wm. Stanley Ray, 1903. 92 pp. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1903. 120 pp. n. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1903. 88 pp. n. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1903. 68 pp. n. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1903. 68 pp. n. p.. Wm. Stanley Ray, 1903. 62 pp. n. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1904. 98 pp. 1903 Jan, , 1904/5. Feb. 15. n. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1904. 30 pp. March 15. n. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1904. 32 pp. April 15. D. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1904. 36 pp. May 15. n. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1904. 48 pp. June 15. n. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1904. 56 pp. July 15. n. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1904. 64 pp. Aug. 15. n. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1904. 78 pp. Sept 15. n. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1904. 96 pp. Oct. 15. n. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1904. 62 pp. Nov. 15. n. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1904. 62 pp. Dec. 15. n. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1904. 38 pp. Dec. 15. n. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, 1905. 62 pp. • Suppl. repts. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA G19 DAIRY INDUSTRY— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd serial — cont'd C 1903. Special monthly review issued by the dairy and food division of the Penn. dept. of agric, giving analyses of butter and other food products. Checklist No. 1. [1903.1 Not found. No. 2. 1903 April 17. n. p., Wm. Stanley Ray, April, 1903. 38 pp. In aililitliin to analyses, this volume contains a record of suits and prosecutions brought during Jan., 1903. non-serial 1849 (?) -1876. Hist, of dairying in north-western Penn. (2 A.R. state dairymen's assn. 1875: 311-314.) Paging from v. 11, Kept, trans, state agrlc. socy. 1850-1895. Penn. dairy statistics. (2 A.R. dept. agrlc. 1896 pt. 1: 679-680.) 1870. See Agriculture. Crops. Pennsylvania, this date. 1875. Present and future of dairy interest of Penn.; by A. M. Puller. (2 A.R. trans, state dairymen's assn. 1875: 321-327.) Paging from v. 11, Kept, trans, state agrlc. socy. 1877. Mnfre. of oleomargarine and its effects on legiti- mate dairy trade of state. (1 A.R. bd. agric. 1877: 186-201.) 1878. Consolidated dairy and stock repts. by cos., show- ing average and consolidated estimates of cost per lb. of summer and winter butter, and cost of rais- ing a calf at 1, 2, and 3 yrs. old, 5nd its value as a cow at 3 yrs. old; from returns of 200 practical dairymen. (2 same 1878: 274.) . Influence of the dairy business upon the farming community; by John Cole. (2 same 1878: 431-435.) Relates chiefly to no. -western Penn. . Influence of the dairy business upon the farming community; by John Cole. (2 sarne 1878: 431-432.) Relates chiefly to no. -western Penn. . Same; by John Fuller. (2 same 1878: 432-434.) . Same; by I. R. Hale. (2 same 1878: 434-435.) 1879. Dairy interests of Penn.; by L. S. Hardin. (3 same 1879: 124-131.) . Same, summarized. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Mch.-May, 1879: 13.) 1881. Veto (Hoyt) of act for the protection of dairy- men and to prevent deception in sales of butter and cheese; with text of act. (Bills filed in the oflSce of the secy, of the commonwealth 1879/81: 37-39.) 1883. Copy of proposed bill entitled an act for protec- tion of dairymen and to prevent deception in sales of butter and cheese. (Rept. of State Dairymen's Assn. 1883: 17-19.) 1883-1903. Rept. of committee on dairy products. (7 A.R. bd. of agric. 1883: 22-33; 9 A.R. dept. [27 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1903.) Omitted 1890-1891, 1893-1902: Eastburn Reeder was chrm. 1883-1892 ; H. W. Northup in 1903. 1885. Same. (28 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Jly.-Sept. 1885: 37-38.) . Proposed Penn. law rel. to dairy products. (26 same 1885: 47-48.) . Rept. of committee on dairy products; Eastburn Reeder, chrm. (26 same 1885: 8-13.) . Same; discussion of rept. (26 same 1885: 19-43.) . Dairy farming in No. Penn.; by J. W. Ingham. (9 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1885: 105-115.) . Dairy farming in northern Penn.; by J. W. Ing- ham. (28 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Jly.-Sept., 1885: 23-33.) DAIRY INDUSTRY— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1887. Fragments — Including dairymen In the north- west. (34 same 1887: 111-116.) . Winter dairying; by Wm. Sterling. (35 same 1887: 139-143.) — ' — . How we manage our dairy; by E. G. Ball. (35 same 1887: 147-148.) . Our experience in practical dairying; by E. G. and C. P. Ball, Montrose. (11 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1887: 229-231.) . Our dairy industries; by E. Reeder. (11 same station. (Rept. of Penn. State College 1888 [pt. 1]: 11-12.) . Criticisms on our dairy husbandry; by Thomas Baker. (37 and 38 quarterly repts. bd. agrlc. 1888: 151-154.) . Co-operative dairying; by M. B. Lyman. (37 and 38 same 1888: 293-294.) 1889. Our dairy interests; by J. S. Eckman. (39 and 40 same 1889: 83-85.) 1891. The future of dairying in Penn.; by E. Reeder. (15 A.R. bd. agric. 1891: 198-201.) . Dairying; by B. Luther Shimer. (45 and 46 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1891: 101-104.) . Winter dairying and silos; by A. L. Wales. (45 and 46 same 1891: 110-111.) 1892. Dairying as we find it; by F. J. Phillips. (49 and 50 same 1892: 189-192.) . Profit In dairying; by Prof. D. Clinton Smith. (49 and 50 same 1892: 192-194.) . Dairying; by W. W. Weston. (49 and 50 same 1892: 36-39.) . Dairying for profit; by Thomas J. Philips. (49 and 50 same 1892: 9-11.) . Tests of dairy apparatus; by H. P. Armsby, H. T. Waters and W. H. Caldwell. (A.R. Penn. State Col- lege 1892 pt. 2: 51-79.) . Same. 18 pp. (Penn. State College Agric. Exper. Station Bull. 20.) 1893. Leaks in the dairy; by Joseph Roberts. (50 quarterly rept. bd. agrlc. 1893: 17-18.) . How the dairy benefits the farmer; by D. B. Biggs. (50 same 1893: 48-50.) — • — . Tests of dairy apparatus; by Wm. H. Caldwell. 20 pp. (Penn. Agric. College Exper. Station Bull. 22.) 1894. Class legislation; protection of dairymen. (2 A.R. dairy and food comr. 1894: 13.) . Winter and summer dairying; by Jacob Roden- baugh. (53 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 34.) . Winter dairying; by Jacob Rodenbaugh. (53 same 1894: 8.) . Dairying; by Hon. W. D. Hoard. (53 same 1894: 55-56.) . The dairy and creamery; by R. E. Shaw. (52 same 1894: 125-129.) . Dairying for profit; by David Molyneux. (52 same 1894: 121.) . Dairying; by W. H. Knouse. (52 same 1894: 73- 76.) . The possibilities of dairying in n. w. Penn.; by R. Hartley. (A.R. state dairymen's assn. 1894: 17- 23.) . The average farmer and the average farmer's cow; by C. W. Eckman. (52 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 99-103.) . Tests of cream separators. 22 pp. (AgriC. exper. station bull. no. 27.) 620 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA DAIRY INDUSTRY— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1895. The production, transport, sale and delivery of dairy products should be under the sanitary con- trol of local bd. of health where these products are consumed; by Edwd. O. Shakespare. (12 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1895/6 v. 2: 626-63L) 1896. Dairy feeding as practiced in Penn.; by E. H. Hess. 125 pp. (Dept. of agric. bull. no. 16.) 1897. Dairy markets of Penn.; by Prof. H. Hayward. (3 A.R. dept. agric. 1897 pt. 1: 698-617.) . Rept of committee (Schofleld) apptd. to investi- gate certain charges of irregularity in neglect and refusal to properly perform their services by cer- tain of the dairy and food comrs. of commonwealth, as well as by certain of its agents. (House jol. 1897: 2788-2794.) . Same, minority rept. (Hosack). (Same 1897: 2794-2803.) 1897-1902. Dairy and food division; secy.'s summary of work of comr. of. (3 A.R. dept. [21 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1897 pt. 1 (pp. 15-19)— 8 same 1902.) 1899. Tables: dairy statistics of Penn.; no. of cows, gallons of milk, pounds of butter and cheese. (Dept. of agric. bull. 82: 86.) 1900/1-1901/2. Rept. of division of dairy husbandry of Penn. State College Agric. Exper. Station; dairy herd, feeding experiments, dairy experiments at college farm. (A.R. Penn State College 1901/2 pt. 2 (pp. 325-326)— same 1901/2.) The division was In charge of Harry Hayward. 1901. The Penn. farmer as a dairyman — retrospective and prospective; by L. W. Lighty. (7 A.R. dept. of agric. 1901 pt. 2: 450-453.) — > — . The influence of the cream separator upon the dairy industry; by P. M. Sharpless. (7 A.R. dept. [25 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1901 pt. 2: 181-189.) 1902. Rept. of committee apptd. by secy, of bd. to ex- amine accts. and investigate workings of dairy and food division; by H. V. White, chrm. (8 A.R. dept. [26 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1902 pt. 2: 24-26.) . Modern dairy science and practice; by Lucius L. Van Slyke. 128 pp., pis. (Dept. of agric. bull. 104.) . Containing stmt, of work of dairy and food division, Jan. 1-Je. 30; compiled by Geo. G. (sic) Hutchinson. 224 pp. {Same bull. 100.) 1903. Dairying interests; co-operation of all the agric. class, solicited in abolishing all illegal traffic in substitutes for pure butter and other dairy products. (A.R. dairy and food comr. 1903: 17-18.) 1904. Effective and beneficial co-operation of state vet- erinarian. (Same 1904: 19.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to bulletins of dairy and food comr.; instructions as to issuing of monthly and semi-ann. bulletins. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 287.) . Opinion of atty. gen. to dairy and food comnr. ; no authority of law to purchase land and erect state laboratory. (Some 1903/4: 286.) . Scope of dairy and food bureau. (Same 1904: 15.) . See Agriculture. Pennsylvania, under dates 1887-1905. Bucks County 1883. Dairy stock in Bucks Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 19.) . Dairy products of Bucks Co.; prices of butter; cows. (21 and 22 same 1883: 17.) 1889. The dairy Industry of Bucks County; by John G. Weinberger. (39 and 40 same 1889: 37-42.) DAIRY INDUSTRY— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd Columbia County 1888. Dairying in Columbia County— will it pay? By A. P. Young. (37 and 38 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1888: 127-129.) Montgomery County 1882. Dairy farming in Montgomery Co. (18 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov., 1882: 36.) Snyder County 1882. Neglect of dairying in Snyder Co.; adaptation of some localities to the Industry. (16 and 17 quar- terly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May, 1882: 14.) Sullivan County 1857. Oct. 15. Address of Rev. Hallock Armstrong before the Sullivan Co. Agric. Socy. Oct. 15. (v. 5 A.R. trans, state agric socy. 1857/8: 487-495.) In favor of dairy industry In Sullivan Co. Susquehanna County 1854. Dairy industry in Susquehanna Co. (2 A.R. state agric. socy. [1854]: 280.) Associations 1899. List of officials and assns. connected with the dairy interests in the U. S. and Canada. (Dept. of agric. bull. 42: 53-61.) Dairymen's Board of Trade 1875. Penn. Dairymen's Bd. of Trade organized. (2 A.R. trans, state dairymen's assn. 1875: 314.) Imaging from v. 11. Rept. trans, state agric. socy. . Advantages derived from Dairymen's Board of Trade. (2 same 1875: 383-384.) Imaging from v. 11, Rept. trans, state agric. socy. Penn. Dairy Union serial 1899-1904. [Procs. of] ann. mtg. of Penn. Dairy Union. Checklist • 1-5. 1S99-1903. Not found. 6. 1904. n. p., W. S. Ray. 1904. 56 pp. Ilarrisburg. Nov. 21 and Dec. 1. In Documents as follows : 1. 1899 In 5 A.R. dept. [23 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1899, pt. 2 95-106. 2. 1900 in 6 A.R. dept. [24 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1900, pt. 2 94-95. t 3. 1901 In 7 A.R. dept. [25 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1901, pt. 2 157-263. 4. 1902 in 8 A.U. dept. [26 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1902, pt. 2 79. t 5. 1903 in 9 A.R. dept. [27 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1903 : SIS- SOS. 6. 1904 not found. non-serial 1903. Rept. of secretary of Penn. Dairy Union (M. E. Conrad) rel. to cost of prtg. and distributing of 3000 copies of bulletin of papers read at last ann. meeting. (9 A.R. dept. of agric. 1903: 818-19.) . Same. (Procs. of 6 ann. mtg. Penn. Dairy Union 1903.) 1904. 7th ann. mtg. of Penn. Dairy Union to be held at Harrisburg Nov. 30 and Dec. 1. (Mo. bull, divi- sion of zoology v. 2 (no. 7) : 220.) • Not olllcial publicntions but arc Included here on account of thelp having been printed in the repts. of the Dept. of Agric. t Contains list of officers only. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 621 DAIRY INDUSTRY— cont'd Associations — cont'd State Daikymen's Association serial [18741-1896. Trans, of. In Dociinionts ns follows : 1. [1S74] not found. 2. 1875/e In v. 11. Kept, trans, state agrlc. socy. 18 lO: 301-40,''). 3. 1877 In V. 12. Kept, trans, state agrlc. socy. 1877 : 19.1-278. 4. 1S7S In 2 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1878:425-524. 5. 1879 not found. 6. 1880 In i A.R. bd. of ngric. 1880. 7. 1S81 " 5 8. 1882 ** G 9. 1883 " 7 10. 1884 " 8 11. 1885 " 9 12. 1886 ** 10 13. 1887 « 11 14. 1888 " 12 15. 1889 " 13 16. 1890 " 14 17. 1891 " 15 18. 1892 « 16 19. 1893 " 17 20. 1894 " 18 1880. 60 pp. 1881. 99 pp. 1882. 07 pp. 1883. 79 pp. 1884. 100 pp. 1885. 93(1) pp. 18S6. 50(1) pp. 1887. 36 pp. 1888. 48 pp. 1889. 57(1) pp. 1890. 78 pp. 1891. 74 pp. 1892. 72 pp. 1893. 98 pp. 1894. 108(1) pp. 21. 1895 In Dept. of Agrlc. Bull. 9. 22. 1896 in 2 A.R. dept [1. e. 20 A.R. bd.] of agrlc. 1896, pt. 2 : 377-435. non-serial 1871-1884. Hist, sketch of State Dairymen's. Assn. (8 A.R. bd. agric. 1884: 85-86.) . Same. (A.R. State Dairymen's Assn. 1884: 57-58.) 1875. List of officers of Penn. state dairymen's assn. (2 sattte 1875: [303].) Paging from v. 11. Rept. trans, state agrlcy. socy. . Text of constitution of state dairymen's assn. adopted Apr. 15, 1871; amended Jan. 9 and Je. 3, 1874 and Dec. 29, 1875. (2 same 1875: [305].) Paging from v. 11. Rept. trans, state agrlcy. socy. . List of lionorary and life members of state dairy- men's assn. (2 same 1875: 307-308.) Paging from v. 11, Rept. trans, state agrlcy. socy. Receipts and Expenditures 1875. Aggregate expenses of year; do. receipts and balance of indebtedness. (2 A.R. state dairymen's assn. 1875: 315.) Paging from v. 11, Rept. trans, state agrlc. socy. 1878-1893. Financial stmt, of State Dairymen's Assn. (Rept. of State Dairymen's Assn. 1878 (p. 435) — same 1893.) Paging for 1878 continuous with that of 2 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1878. No returns, 1879-1882, 1884, 1888, 1889, 1892. 1888-1895. Expenditure on acct. of state dairymen's assn. (A.R. auditor gen. 1888 (p. 23)— ^ame 1895.) From 1888-1893 given under the caption, " Agrlc. of Penn." ; 1894-1895, " Misc. Institutions." Butter 1850-1890. Schedule of production of butter and cheese In Penn. (1 A.R. dept. agriculture 1895 pt. 1: plate facing p. 190.) 1871. Averages of milk required for 1 lb. of butter, as result of tests made each mo. (v. 10 Rept trans, state agric. socy. 1874/5: 381.) 1872. Veto (Geary) of suppl. to act to protect butter and cheese manufacturers in Erie, M'Kean and Crawford cos. (House jol. 1872: 61-62.) [1875.] Butter and butter making; by W. P. Hazard, (v. 10 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1874/5: 352- 381.) Includes whole process from feeding cows to marlietlDg butter. . Testing milk In cheese factories; by Sophus Sorensen. (2 A.R. state dairymen's assn. 1875: 387- 391.) Paging from v. 11, Rept. trans, state agrlc. socy. DAIRY INDUSTRY— cont'd Butter — cont'd 1875. Result of experiment comparing yield of butter from churning milk of cows separately, and in other case by mixing milk. (v. 10 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1874/5: 163-164.) — ■ — . Acct. of experiment comparing yield and quality of butter from using souring and no souring in milk; by John I. Carter, (v. 10 same 1874/5: 174.) 1876. Acct. of experimental test of Hardin's Refrigera- tor, i. e. comparison of Hardin's system of deep cans and shallow pan system; made by order of Eastern Exper. Farm Club. (v. 11 same 1876: 232- 234; 240.) 1878. Cost of a pound of butter. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1878: 12-15.) Summary of a rept. of Thos. Oawthorp of Westgrove In reply to a circular sent dairymen. 1881. See above, the general group, this date. 1892. Butter making; by M. W. Oliver. (49 and 50 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1892: 184-189.) ■ . Gilt-edge butter; by B. Luther Shimer. (49 and 50 sanie 1892: 95-97.) . A simple method for determination of fat in butter; by W. S. Sweetser. (A.R. of Penn. State College 1892 pt. 2: 143-146.) 1893. Butter substitutes; by Wm. Frear, J. W. Fields and W. S. Sweetser. (Same 1893 pt. 2: 55-58.) . Influence of quantity of food upon economy of milk and butter production; by H. J. Waters, W. H. Caldwell and R. J. Weld. (Same 1893 pt. 2: 24-36.) . Same. 17 pp. (Penn. Agric. College Exper. Sta- tion Bull. 24.) . The milk separator and Babcock milk tester in practical use; by W. E. Perham. (51 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1893: 41-44.) 1894. Essentials of making good butter; by Mrs. Harry Mahan. (53 sajiie 1894: 53.) — ■ — . Making and handling butter; by C. D. Northrop. (52 same 1894: 106-109.) 1895. "Butter and butter substitutes"; by Wm. Frear and W. S. Sweetser. (A.R. bd. of trustees of Penn. Agric. College 1895 pt. 2: 101-106.) 1896. Butter; if that offered for sale were up to a higb standard, sale of oleomargarine would rapidly de- crease. (Rept. of dairy and food comr. 1896: 78-79.) Paging is that of 2 A.R. dept. [20 A.R. bd.) of agrlc. 1896 pt. 1. . Butter color; annatto and coal tar principal ma- terial used. (Same 1896: 80-82.) PaglBg is that of 2 A.R. dept [20 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1896 pt. 1. . Rept. of Prof. C. B. Cochran rel. to butter colors. 8 pp. (Penn. dept. of agric. bull. 13.) . Milk, butter and cheese statistics. (2 A.R. agric. dept [20 A.R. bd.] of agric. pt 2 1896: 82-84.) 1897. The necessity for a butter standard; by F. A. Genth, Jr. (3 A.R. dept [21 A.R. bd.] of agrlc. 1897 pt 1: 549-560.) 1898. Commercial butter cultures by Harry Hayward and M. E. McDonnell. (A.R. Penn. State College 1898/9 pt 2: 177-193.) . Same. 22 pp. (Penn. Agric. Exper. Station Bull. 44.) . Renovated and process or patent butter; mnftre. and sale of in state; by T. J. Edge. (4 A.R. dept. [22 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1898 pt 1: 59-63.) . Care of milk utensils; how to make good butter In the creamery; do. in dairy. (Rept. of dairy and food comr. 1898: 132-134.) Paging is that of 4 A.R. dept. [22 A.R. bd.] of agrlc. 1898 pt. 1. 622 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA DAIRY INDUSTRY— cont'd Butter— cont'd 1898. Butter; condition of dairy business ot 1898 com- pared with that of recent years; importance of higher standard of dairy products. (Same 1898: 130-131.) Paging Is that of 4 A.R. dept. [22 A.R. bd.] of agrle. 1S98 pt. 1. ^. Of utmost importance that standard of quality of butter in state be raised. (Same 1898: 129.) Paging Is that of 4 A.R. dept. [22 A.R. bd.] of agrlc. 1898 pt. 1. . Renovated butter; process of mnftre. by two ex- tensive plants in state. (Same 1S98: 149-150.) Paging is that of 4 A.R. dept. [22 A.R. bd.] of agrlc. 1898 pt. 1. 1899. Does it pay the farmer to make butter? by Philip Harris. (Dept of Agric. Bull. 52: 47-49.) . Passage of renovated butter law; frauds that have been practiced in mnftre. of renovated butter. (Rept. of dairy and food comr. 1899: 50-51.) Paging Is that of 5 A.R. dept. [23 A.R. bd.] of agrle. 1899 pt. 1. 1899-1900. A contribution to chemistry of butter-tat; bv C. A. Browne, Jr. (A.R. Penn. State College 1899/00 pt. 2: 207-261.) 1901. Renovated butter act; results of enforcement of. (Rept. of dairy and food comr. 1901: 76-77.) Paging is that of 7 A.R. dept. [25 A.R. bd.] of agrlc. 1901 pt. 1. . Jly. 11. Veto of act amending act to regulate the sale of " boiled " or " process " butter; with text of act. (Vetoes (Stone) 1901: 51-53.) . Proceedings on act defining boiled or process butter. (Sen. jol. 1901 v. 2: 2131-2138; House jol. V. 2: 2744-2751.) 1903. Opinion of atty. gen.; dairy and food comnr. is without power to extend time of payment of fee for license to sell renovated butter at wholesale. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 285-286.) 1904. Increased sale of renovated butter; creamery butter selling at low price. (A.R. dairy and food comr. 1904: 11-12.) . Labeling renovated butter; mnttrers. selling renovated butter without proper branding liable to prosecution. (Same 1904: 12.) . Artificial coloring of butter. (Same 1904: 23-24.) Monroe County 1882. Attention to butter making in Monroe Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 13.) Cheese 1850-1890. See above, Butter, these dates. 1872. See same, this date. [1875.] What are the characteristics of best cheese and how are such cheese made? By J. M. Bigger. (2 A.R. state dairymen's assn. 1875: 392-394.) Paging from v. 11. Rept. trans, state agrlc. Bocy. [1876.] Manufacturers and patrons [of cheese and cheese factories]; by H. G. Green. (2 game 1876: 403-405.) 1876. The "Percentage" plan In cheese mnfg.; by A. M. Fuller. (2 same 1875: 400-402.) Paging from v. 11, Rept. trans, state agrlc. socy. . See below, Milk, this date. 1878. Chicago cheese fair; by J. M. Bigger. (2 A.R. bd. agrlc. 1878: 453-455.) 1881. See above, the general group, this date. 1883. Cause of diminished production ot cheese in no.- ■western Penn. In recent yrs. (Rept. of State Dairy- men's Assn. 1883: 11-16.) 1887. Amer. and English cheese and cheesemaklng compared; hy L. B. Arnold. (Saine 1887: 22-31.) DAIRY INDUSTRY— cont'd Cheese^ont'd 1889. Canadian cheese-making; by J. W. Robertson. (13 A.R. bd. of agric. 1889: 20-27.) 1896. See above. Butter, this date. — ■ — . Cheese; first factory built in state; fraudulent mnfrtre. of filled cheese; Crawford leading co. in cheese industry. (Rept. of dairy and food comr. 1896: 82-83.) Paging that of 2 A.R. dept. [20 A.R. bd.J of agrlc. 1898 pt. 1. 1897. Opinion ot atty. gen. rel. to branding of cheese sold in state. (Same 1897: 112-113.) Paging is that ot 3 A.R. dept. [21 A.R. bd.] ot agric. 1897 pt. 1. . Branding cheese; act rel. to went into effect Aug. 23. (3 A.R. dept. [21 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1897 pt. 1: 48-50.) . Opinion of atty. gen.; construction of statutes; rules as to branding cheeses. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1897/8: 57-58.) 1898. The cheese law; by T. J. Edge. (4 A.R. dept. of agric. 1898 pt. 1: 56-59.) 1900. Cheese; difficulty in enforcing law regulating mnftre. and sale of cheese; mnftrers. should unite and make effort to establish a trade for their output. (Rept. of dairy and food comr. 1900: 76.) Paging Is that of 6 A.R. dept. [24 A.R. bd.] ot agrlc. 1900 pt. 1. Crawford County 1896. See above, Cheese, this date. Creameries 1881. Centrifugal creamers; by T. 3. Edge. (11 quar- terly rept. bd. of agric. Dec, Jan. and Feb. 1880/1: 19-25.) 1884. Creameries, co-operative and private, their cost and value as a market for milk; by John I. Carter. (8 A.R. bd. agric. 1884: 132-139.) 1886. Creamery system as practiced in eastern Penn.; by E. Brinton. (A.R. state dairymen's assn. 1886: 25-29.) 1887. Creamery system ot eastern Penn.; by E. Brin- ton. (11 A.R. bd. agric. 1887: 237-242.) . Our creameries, their uses and needs; by J. Roberts. (11 same 1887: 234-237; 34 quarterly rept bd. agric. 1887: 98-101.) 1888. The creamery system of eastern Penn.; by A. S. Cadwallader. (37 and 38 same 1888: 24-27.) 1891. Advantages of a creamery to the farmer; by Milford S. Ritter. (45 and 46 same 1891: 117-119.) 1893. Creameries a benefactor to farmers and dairy- men; by Wm. S. Smith. (50 same 1893: 136-137.) 1894. Tests of separators in creameries; by Harry Hayward. (A.R. Penn. State College 1894 pt 2: 33-35.) . Tests of cream separators, by H. P. Armsby, Wm. H. Caldwell and L. E. Reber. (Same 1894 pt. 2: 13-18.) — I — . Same. (Penn. Agric. College Exper. Station Bull. 27: 3-9.) . The steam consumption of cream separators; by Louis E. Reber. (Penn. Agrlc. College Exper. Sta- tion Bull. 27: 10-22.) 1895. " Use of borax preservatives on cream gathering routes," by Wm. Frear and W. S. Sweetser. (A.R. Penn. Stale College 1895 pt. 2: 86-89.) 1896. List of creameries in Penn.; compiled by Oliver D. Schock and Geo. G. Hutchinson. 68 pp. (Dept of agrlc. bull. 7.) 1897. A test of hand separators; by Harry Hayward. 27 pp. (Penn. Agric. College Exper. Station Bull. 38.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 623 DAIRY INDUSTRY— cont'd Creameries — cont'd 1S9S. Heated mi)k for butter making, by H. Hayward and F. F. Pepper. (A.R. Penn. State College 1898/9 pt. 2: 194-196.) . Same. 8 pp. (Penn. Agric. College Exper. Sta- tion Bull. 45.) . Recent improvements and up-to-date machinery used in the creamery and dairy. (Kept, of dairy and food comr. 1898: 131-132.) Paglnp Is that of i A.R. dept. [22 A.R. bd.] of agrlc. 1S9S pt. 1. 1899. List of creameries in Penn.; compiled by Geo. C. Hutchison; revised by M. D. Lichliter. 44 pp. (Dept. of agric. bull. 60.) . List of creameries in Penn., by counties. (Same 42: 7-52.) 1902. List of creameries in Penn.; by Geo. C. Hutchin- son. 34 pp. (Same bull. 88.) Northampton County 1882. Increasing attention to creameries in North- ampton Co. (16 and 17 quarterly repts. Penn. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1882: 14.) Dairy and Food Commissioner 1897. Kept of committee (Critchfield) apptd. to In- vestigate mngmt. of workings of office of dairy and food comr. (Sen. jol. 1897: 2516-2522.) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1897 v. 2: 3598-3600; 3681-3684.) . Same; minority rept. (Hosack). (Same 1897: 2522-2531.) . Same. (Same 1897 v. 2: 3600-3604; 3684-3687.) 1903. Opinion of atty. gen. to dairy and food comn. rel. to payment of expenses of officer of common- wealth during suspension. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 276-279.) Dairy Education 1893. Dairy education in certain foreign countries compared with that of certain states. (A.R. State Dairymen's Assn. 1893: 25-30.) 1894. Penn. State College Dairy School; by H. P. Gurler. (Same 1894: 62-74.) . Same. (52 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 41-44.) Inspection; see Food and Drug Law Laws 1878. Text of act to prevent deception in the sale of butter and cheese. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Je., Jly. and Aug., 1878: 47.) 1883. Text of Penn. act to protect dairymen and to prevent deception in sales of butter and cheese. (26 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1885: 43-44.) 1884. Text of N. Y. act to prevent deception in sale of dairy products. (26 same 1885: 44-46.) 1903. Laws creating office of dairy and food comr. in Penn., and also a digest of laws committed to his administration. 62 pp. (Dept. of agric. bull. no. 118.) Milk 1873. Milk; by "W. P. Hazard, (v. 9 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1872/3: 129-135.) 1875. Milk secretion; by L. B. Arnold. (2 A.R. state dairymen's assn. 1875: 362-379.) Paging from v. 11. Rept. trans, state agrlc. soc.v. 1876. Relation of temperature and depth in formation of cream; by S. B. Heigls. (v. 11 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1876: 250-253.) . Use of microscope in testing milk, cream, cheese, etc. and as farm tool; by Pres. Seymour [of Amer. Dairymen's Assn.]. (v. 11 same 1876: 42-46.) 1883. Cream separators: by T. J. Edge. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 85-90.) DAIRY INDUSTRY— cont'd Milk — cont'd 1890. Simple methods of determining milk fat; by Wm. Frear and Geo. L. Holter. (A.R. Penn. State College 1890 pt. 2: 172-187.) . Same. 33 pp. (Penn. College Agric. Exper. Sta- tion Bull. 12.) 1891. Effect of setting milk w^arm or cooled upon separation of cream; by Wm. H. Caldwell. (A.R. Penn. State College 1891 pt. 2: 118-123.) . Paying for milk according to its quality; by Henry W. Gross. (45 and 46 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1891: 36-40.) . What shall we do with our milk? by C. S. Bal- derston. (45 and 46 same 1891: 30-32.) 1893. See above. Butter, this date. . Tlie production of pure and wholesome milk; by B. C. Mitchell. (50 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1893: 52-56.) . Better system for caring for milk; by Mrs. C. A. Stranahan. (51 same 1893: 53-55.) 1895. " Variation in no. and size of fat globules in milk," by M. E. M'Donnell and J. W. Fields. (A.R. Penn. State College 1895 pt. 2: 75-85.) '. Directions for using the Babcock milk test; by Harry Hay^vard and M. E. McDonnell. 13 pp. (Penn. Agric. College Exper. Station Bull. 33; A.R. Penn. State College 1895 pt. 2: 90-100.) 1896. Double-necked Babcock bottle for testing skim milk and buttermilk; by Milton E. McDonnell. (A.R. Penn. State College 1896 pt. 2: 221-224.) . See above, Butter, this date. 1897. Milk supplies of Penn.; by M. E. McDonnell. (3 A.R. dept. agric. 1897 pt. 1: 561-597.) 1898. Opinion of Justice Mitchell, of Supreme Court, on "separator" milk. (14 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1897/8 V. 2: 751-753.) . The milk supply of our larger cities; by the secy. (Edge). (4 A.R. dept. [22 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1898 pt. 1: 188-206.) . The milk supply of Penn. cities: by T. J. Edge. (4 A.R. dept. agric. 1898 pt. 1: 64-69.) . Comparison of milk supplies and methods in Germany and Denmark with those of Penn.; by M. E. McDonnell. (4 same 1898 pt. 1: 695-716.) 1901. A milk unusually rich in solids; by M. H. Pin- gree. (Rept Penn. State College pt. 2. Agric. exper. station 1900/1: 192-194.) 1903. Veto of act to protect public from unlawful use of bottles, jars, vessels or other packages in sale of milk and cream and their products, etc.; with text of bill. (Vetoes 1903: 114-115.) 1904. Improvement in milk and cream. (A.R. dairy and food comr. 1904: 14.) Adams County 1883. Decrease in milk supply in Adams Co. (21 and 22 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1883: 14.) Philadelphia, Penn. 1890-1901. Tables: milk statistics; 1, milk reed, in Phila. monthly for year 1901; 2, milk reed, in Phila. from 1890-1901 inclusive; 3, average monthly and yearly price of milk and butter from 1896-1900, in- clusive; also no. qts. of milk required to purchase 1 lb. butter. (7 A.R. dept. of agric. 1901 pt. 1: 937- 939.) From " Milk Reporter." Sussex, N. J. Receipts and Expenditures; see Food and Drug Law DAIRY PRODUCTS Prices; see that title 624 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA DAIRYMEN'S BOARD OF TRADE; see DAIRY INDUSTRY. ASSOCIATIONS DAKOTA Agricultural Societies; see that title DALAND (JUDSON) 1899. Leprosy at Nantlcoke. (15 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1S9S/9 V. 1: 243-244.) DALBEY (A. D.) 1896. Typhoid fever at Hustontown. (12 same 1895/6 V. 1; 299-300.) DALE (CHAS. H.) County supt. of schools, 1860/1-1871/2 ; see Education. Penn. Venango Co. DALE (JAS. A.) Fish comr. 1894/5-1900/1 ; see Fish and Game. DALE (SAMUEL) Repr. from Northumberland COy 1792/3 ; Sen. from Northumberland. Luzerne. Lycoming and Mifflin COS.. 1796/7; Repr. from Northumberland Co., 1801/2 ; do. from Mercer and Venango cos., 1808/9- 1S12/3. Senator from Northiimberland, etc., cos. [Select] Committee 1798. Feb. 12. Petition from Northumberland Co. for grant of money for a road. (Sen. jol. 1797/8: 117.) Representative from Mercer and Venango cos. [Select] Committee 1811. Dec. 19. Delay in prtg. House jol. (House jol. 1811/2: 99.) . Dec. 20. Donations to friendly Indians; services of Wm. H. Kilbuck in the Revolution. (Same 1811/2 : 102.) [Select] Committee 1812. Jan. 31. Venango Co. petition for establishment of academy. (House jol. 1811/12: 334-335.) Committee on Claims 1813. Mch. 8. Claim of R. Thompson to donation land. (House jol. 1812/3: 487-488.) . Mch. 8. Same; R. Hamilton. (Same 1812/3: 488.) DALE (W. H.) 1903. Small-pox In Clearfield Co. (19 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1902/3 V. 1: 384-385.) DALLASTOWN, YORK CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Typhoid Fever; see Public Health DALRYMPLE (W. F.) County supt. of schools, 1860/1-1863/4 ; see Education. Warren Co. DALTON, LACKAWANNA CO. Diphtheria in; see Public Health. Diphtheria DALZELL (ROBERT) Fish comr, 1879/80-1881/2. DAMAGES Canal and Railroad; see Canals, etc: Individual Undertakings Penn. Canal [and R.R.] Public Works; see same DANA (E. L.) 1881-1885. Weather observations at Wilkes-Barre. (2 A.R. bd. health 1886: 529.) DANIEL (JOHN T.) 1887. Co. institutes. (Penn. School Jol. v. 36: 101-104.) DANVILLE, MONTOUR CO. Banks; see Banks: Individual. Bank of Danville; People's Bank Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Schools in; see Education Small-Pox in; see Public Health DARBY, DELAWARE CO. Diphtheria in; see Public Health, Diphtheria Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Scarlet Fever; see Public Health DARLINGTON (EDWARD) Repr. from Chester Co., 1802/3-1804/5, 1811/2-1813/4. [Select] Committee 1805. Feb. 23. Balance agst. Andrew Boyd, former treasurer of Chester Co. (House jol. 1804/5: 386- 387.) DARLINGTON (F.) 1888. Statistics of rainfall at Pocopson (Parkesvllle), 1854-1873. (A.R. secy, internal affairs 1887/8 pt. 1: A 179.) 1890. What kind of road and what system of road work is to the best advantage? (41 and 42 quarterly rept. bd. of agrlc. 1890: 206-208.) DARLINGTON (ISAAC) Repr. from Chester Co., 1807/8-1808/9. Select Committee 1809. Jan. 13. Petition of J. Dilworth, tax collector in Chester Co. in 1782. (House jol. 1808/9: 205.) 1809. Feb. 14. Decision of bd. of property resp. lands of James Moore in Luzerne Co. (Same 1808/9: 423- 426.) DARLINGTON WILLIAM Canal Commissioner, 1825-1827. 1855. Natural history in the common schools. (Penu. School Jol. V. 4: 156-160.) DARLINGTON, DELAWARE CO. Scarlet Fever; see Public Health DARRAGH (CORNELIUS) Sen. from Allegheny Co., 1835/6-1839; Atty. Gen. of renn., 184U-1851. Committee on Education 1838. Feb. 23. West Chester Young Ladies' Female Seminary. (Sen. jol. 1837/8 v. 1: 429.) [Special] Committee 1836. Mch. 18. Bank of Phlla. (Sen. jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 385-391.) Select Committee 1838. Jan. 25. Public prisons. (Sen. jol. 1837/8 v 1: 218-221.) DARRANCETON, LUZERNE CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 625 DARSIE (GEORGE) Kepr. from AUoKliony Co.. 1836/7, 1840-41 ; Sen. from AlliKhony ami Butlor cos., 1842-50; do. from AiioKhcD.v Co.. isss-nn. 1858. See Burrowes (Thomas H.), this date. Representative from Allegheny Co. Committee on Claims 1837. Jan. 16. Petition of Jacob Stutzman for com- pensation for damages; Stony Brook feeder. (House jol. 1836/7 V. 2: 303 (doc. 90).) Senator from Allegheny and Butler cos. 1854. Mch. 7. Sale of main line of public works. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 37): ISO; (no. 43) 211.) . Mch. 12. Professional services in case of com- monwealth vs. Franklin Canal Co. (Sen. jol. 1854: 622.) Committee on Private Claims 1S44. Jan. 19. Petition of Geo. Murray for remunera- tion for land appropriated to use of western reser- voir, Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 1: 100-101.) . Jan. 23. Relief of S. D. Brobst, a contractor on North Branch division of Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1844 V. 1: 117-118.) . Mch. 14. Petitions of contractors for building road bridge on Erie extension, Penn. Canal, (tiame 1844 V. 1: 432.) 1846. Feb. 13. Petition of Chas. Fuller, a contractor on the North Branch Extension. (Same 1846 v. 1: 197.) Committee on Finance 1847. Feb. 10. Provision for expenses of Penn. volun- teers in war with Mexico. (Sen. jol. 1847 v. 1: 208- 210.) Joint [Select] Committee 1854. May 6. Venango R.R.; minority rept. (Legisl. docs. 1854: 685-688.) [Select] Committee 1842. Jan. 31. Navigation of the Ohio. (Sen. jol. 1842 V. 1: 204-209, foldg. table.) 1000 copies ordereJ prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1S42 v. 1 : 209.) — — . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Heubeck & Bratton, 1842, 8 pp., foldg. table. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. 1847. Feb. 16. Tariff. (Sen. jol. 1847 v. 1: 252-254.) Select Committee 1850. Feb. 11. Navigation of Ohio River. (Same 1850 V. 1: 276-283.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1850. 10 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in Amer. Phllos. Socy. Library, Phlia. DAUPHIN COUNTY Organized Mch. 4, 1785 ; formed of a part of Lancaster. Agricultural Society; see Agricultural Societies: Individual Agriculture; see that title Banks; see Banks: Individual. Dauphin Deposit Bank Cattle; see Agriculture. Livestock Court House; see Public Buildings, etc. County Courts; see Administration of Justice: County Crops; see Agriculture. Crops Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs Fruit Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Fruit Industry; see Industries and Manufactures Miners; see Labor. Trades. Miners Mining Accidents; see Accidents. Mine. Anthracite Mines Nuisances; see Public Health Orphans' Court; see Administration of Justice: State. Courts 40 DAUPHIN COUNTY— cont'd Salaries; see Salaries, County Officers Schools in; see Education Strikes; see Labor Disputes. Miners Teachers' Assn.; see Education. Associations Teachers' Institute; see Education. Teachers Wheat Crop; see Agriculture. Crops DAVENPORT (R. B.) 1880. Indian education. (Penn. School Jol. v. 29: 207- 209.) DAVIDSON (WILLIAM) Kepr. from Fayette Co., 1814/15-1817/18 ; Sen. from Fayette Co., 1818/0-1822. Senator from Fayette Co. [Select] Committee 1822. Mch. 23. State map. (Sen. jol. 1821/2: 672-680.) DAVIS (A. J.) County supt. of sclioola, 1875/6-1881/2 ; see Education. Penn. Clarion Co. DAVIS (CAROLINE) 1S53. Female education. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 431- 432.) DAVIS (CHARLES R.) County supt. of schools, 1856/7-1858/9 ; see Education. Penn. Wyoming Co. DAVIS (EDWIN) 1888. Fruit culture. (37 and 38 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1888: 7-8.) 1890. Early fruit growers in Juniata Co. (Rept. state hortic. assn. 1890: 49-50.) DAVIS (ELISHA W.) Kepr. from Mercer and Venango cos., 1860-61 ; do. from City of Phiiadeiphia, 18li6-1876, 1879/80. Conference Committee 1879. Je. 5. Provision for revenue by taxation. (House jol. 1879: 1265-1274.) Committee on Railroads 1875. Susquehanna Depot riot. (Legisl. Record 1875: 265-282.) Select Committee 1875. Mch. 17. Phila. passenger rwy. (Legisl. Record 1875; 1297-1298.) DAVIS (GEORGE R.) 1891. Jan. 21. State bldgs. at World's Columbian Ex- position. (Legisl. Record 1891: 30L) DAVIS (ISAIAH) Repr. from Montgomery Co., 1791/2-1802/3. 1807/8- 1808/9. [Select] Committee 1808. Jan. 18. Petition from Limerick township, Montgomery Co., to raise money by lottery for house of worship and school house. (House jol. 1807/8 pt. 1: 240.) DAVIS (J. DE PUY) Sen. from Berks Co., 1867-1873. Conference Committee 1870. Apr. 5. Apprn. bill. (House jol. 1870: 1154- 1161.) 626 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA DAVIS (J. DE PUY)— cont'd Committee on Public Printing 1871. Mch. 2. Proposed bill to regulate public prtg. (Sen. jol. 1871: 503-504.) 1871. Mch. 24. Preliminary rept of investigating comn. rel. to freight rates; Davis. (Legisl. jol. 1871: 525-527; Sen. jol. 1871: 725-730.) . Mch. 24. Same; with ace. testimony. (Legisl. docs. 1871: 1515-1733.) . Apr. 5. Rept. from coal investigating commit- tee; freight rates. (Legisl. jol. 1871: 632-634; Sen. jol. 1871: 787-791.) DAVIS (JOHN) City supt. of schools. 1872/3-1877/8 ; see Education. Penn. Allegheny City. DAVIS (JOHN F.) County supt. of schools, 1863/4-1864/5 ; see Education. Penji. Fulton Co. DAVIS (JOHN P.) Claimant 1830. Mch. 20. Damages; French Creek division of Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1830/1.) DAVIS (L. C.) One of the comrs. apptd. in 1882 to investigate care of the insane. DAVIS (McKEE) 1894. Sheep for profit. (53 quarterly rept. bd. aerie 1894: 119.) DAVIS (M. L.) 1898. Garbage disposal in large towns. (14 A.R. bd of health, etc. 1897/8 v. 1: 418-426.) DAVIS (METHUSELAH) Kcpr. from Chester Co., 1802/3-1805/6. [Select] Committee 1803. Dec. 15. Treasurer's letter rel. to bank notes. (House jol. 1803/4: 59-60.) 1806. Feb. 12. Transactions of late comptroller gen. Bryan. (Same 1805/6: 306-324.) DAVIS (N. S.) County supt. of schools, 1885/6-1892/3 ; I'enn. Lackawanna Co. see Education. DAVIS (NELSON F.) 1903. Typhoid fever at Loysville. (19 A.R. bd of health, etc. 1902/3 v. 1: 256-257.) 1904. Chestnut culture in Penn. 49 pp., 46 plates (Dept. of agric. bull. 123.) DAVIS (S. T.) Kcpr. from Ijincaster Co., 1885/6-1887/8. 1888. Ann. address before state bd. of health, delivered at the sanitary convention. Harrisburg: E K Meyers, 1889. 16 pp. Copy seen In the Free Library of Phlla. . Importance of a thorough organization of state in interest of public health, under the authority of law. (4 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1887/8: 294-305.) 1894. Sins of omission and comn. in our common schools. (10 A.R. bd. of health 1893/4: 335-346.) DAVIS (PROF. S. U.) 1891. Industrial education. (45 and 46 quarterly rept. bd. agrlc. 1891: 138-142.) DAVIS (T. S.) County supt. of schools, 1902/3-1903/4 ; see EducatloD. Penn. Blair Co. DAVIS (THOMAS) Repr. from Phlla. Co., 1802/3-1804/5. [Select] Committee 1803. Dec. 16. Prtg. for the legisl. (House jol. 1803/4: 70-71. DAVIS (WILLIAM) County supt. of schools, 1868/9; see Education. Penn. Armstrong Co. DAVIS (WILLIAM H.) Kepr. from Crawford Co., 1854. 1854. Jan. 27. Franklin Canal Co. (Daily LeglsL Union V. 1 (no. 11): 61-62.) . Apr. 10. Sale of main line of public works. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 64): 308-309.) DAVIS (W. V.) 1855. [Teaching profession.] (Penn. School Jol. v. 4: 80-82.) 1861. Ought candidates for the office of co. supt. to be examined? (.Same v. 10: 88-90.) 1872. School affairs in Utah. (Same v. 20: 372-374.) DAVIS ISLAND Climate; see that title. Precipitation DAY (T.) 1887. How shall we make our orchards more profitable. (11 A.R. bd. agric. 1887: 286-288.) 1888. Statistics of rainfall at Dyberry, 1866-1888. (A.R. secy, internal affairs 1887/8 pt. 1: A 173.) . Mo. means of temperature at Dyberry. (Same 1887/8 pt. 1: A 143-144 A.) DAY (WM. HOWARD) 1899. School libraries. (Penn. School Jol. v. 47: 420- 421.) DAYTON, ARMSTRONG CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local DEAD Care of; see Public Health DEAN (JOHN) County supt. of schools, 1857/8-1858/9 ; see Education. Penn. Blair Co. State. Misappropriation of funds : DEAN (JOHN R.) See Finance : Nicholson. DEAN (SAMUEL H.) Clt.v supt. of schools, si'p Education. Penn. North- umljerlaud Co. 1895. Qualifications of high school teachers. (Penn. School Jol. V. 44: 114-115.) DEAN (WILLIAM) Joint repte. with Reading Howell and T. Matlock resp. the Delaware River and the Lehigh ; see Canals, etc. Pennsylvania, under dates 1789-1790; also 1790-1793. .Toint rept. with Iteadlng Howell and Frederick Antes on exploration of the I'elaware, liehigh, Schuylkill and Susquehanna ; see Canals, etc. Pennsylvania, under dates, 1790 and 1790- 1793. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 627 DEANS (CHAS. W.) County Bupt. of schools, 1855/6-1862/3 ; sec Education. I'enn. Delaware Co. DEANE (CHARLES W.) Count.v Bupt. of schools, 1885/6-1887/8. See Education. I'onn. MoKoesport. 1856. Truancy. (Penn. School Jol. v. 5; 85-88.) 1857. Object and best method of conducting teachers' examinations. (Same v. 6: 120-123.) 1859. The best plans to be adopted to secure punctuality and regularity in attendance of pupils. (Some v. 8: 82-84.) 1862. Standard qualification of teachers and means of rendering it uniform throughout the state. (Same V. 11: 78-83.) DEATH PENALTY; see ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT DEBT: PRIVATE See also Debtors. 1809. Govs. mess. (Snyder) enclosing citation of the case of Henry Miller vs. Wm. Nichols; also copies of letters from J. B. M'Kean, late atty. gen. of state and A. J. Dallas, U. S. atty. for the dlstr. of Penn. (Sen. jol. 1808/9: 120-121.) The letter of Att.v. Gen. M'Kean and the citation of the case are found pp. 121-126 ; Nichols was debtor to the Commonwealth for sums reed, for tavern- licenses as clerk of Mayor's Court of Phila., 1788- 1794, and to the U. S. for moneys collected as col- lector of internal revenue ; question of priority of state and federal claims. 1812. Rept. of committee on claims (Evans) on petition from John Hewson, a calico mnfrer. of Phila. Co. praying release from payment of monies loaned him by commonwealth. (House jol. lSll/2: 358-359.) DEBT: PUBLIC 1807. Notice given by comr. of loans rel. to act making provision for redemption of whole of public debt of U. S. (Sen. jol. 1807/8 v. 18: 35-37.) Stephen Moylan was comr. of loans. 1874. Indebtedness of U. S.: national, state, co., city, r.r. and individual. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 68-70.) DEBT: PUBLIC (COUNTY) 1851. See below. Finance: Municipal, this date. 1853. Veto (Bigler) of act to authorize comrs. of Clin- ton Co. to borrow money; etc. (Sen. jol. 1853 v. 1: 439-441.) 1883. Veto of act rel. to the collection of dlstr. and township debts in the several cos. of the Common- wealth; with text of act. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1883: 104-105.) 1892-1904. Co. debt; total amt. decreased. (A.R. secy, of internal affairs pt. 1 1891/2 (p. 166A) — same 1903/4.) 1903. Veto message of Gov. Pennypacker on House bill 275, authorizing county comrs. to borrow money for current expenses of county. (Legisl. Record 1903 V. 2: 2366.) Philadelphia County 1834. Rept. of the select committee (Baker) to which was referred a communication of the comrs. of Phila. Co. in accordance with Sen. res. of Jan. 9. (Sen. jol. 1833/4 v. 2: 409-414.) The rept. covers the stmts, of the comrs. of Phila. Co., viz. : stmt, of loans, from whom borrowed and rate of Interest ; unsatisfied claims ; property exempt from taxation ; acct. of sums paid to comrs. apptd. to survey certain streets, etc. . Same, separate, n. t. p. 7 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. DEBT: PUBLIC (MUNICIPAL) 1851. Stmt, of amt. of bonds, scrip and other certifi- cates of indebtedness Issued by the several coun- ties, cities, etc., subject to state tax under sec. 42, act of Apr. 29, 1844. (Sen. jol. 1852 v. 2: 327-328.) Transmitted by auditor Ken. (Banlis) Feb. 12, 1852. 1867/76. Stmt, of debts and cost of govts, of a no. of cities of the country In 1867 and 1876. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 4, 1876: 37-43; Legisl. Record 1876: 12-17.) Allegheny, Albany. Bnlto., Boston, Chicago. Cleveland, Detroltj Louisville, Milwaukee, Newark, New Or- leans, New York, Phila.. Portland, F^rovldcnce, Rich- mond, St. Louis, Rochester, Pittsburgh. 1875. Municipal indebtedness and taxation; constitu- tional provisions. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 6, 1875: 21.) 1876. Municipal Indebtedness; a rept. similar to that required of each co. should be made by proper corpo- rate officers of each city, borougli and township, showing amt. of indebtedness of their respective corporations. (A.R. secy, of Internal affairs pt. 2, 1875/6: 116B.) — — . Municipal govt. In the U. S., In early history. In England, and In Penn.; source of municipal debt; local taxation; recommended that legislature au- thorize apptmt. of comn. to examine condition of municipalities, prepare legislation, etc. (Govs, mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 4, 1876: 10-19.) . Stmt, of debts and cost of govt, of no. of cities in country: gross debt; debt in 1867; ann. Increase since 1867 and cause; taxable value of property within city limits, tax levy in 1867; tax levy now; mileage now; mileage in 1867; ann. cost of police; ann. cost of school dept. ; ann. cost of fire dept. ; ann. cost of water dept.; highway dept., how managed and ann. cost thereof; population. (Same (Hart- ranft) Jan. 4, 1876: 38-43.) Allegheny, Albany, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Cleve- land, Detroit, Louisville. Milwaukee, Newark. New Orleans. New York. Phlla.. Portland, Providence, Richmond, St. Louis, Rochester, Pittsburg. . Increasing indebtedness of cities of 2d class; Pittsburg; debate. (Legisl. Record 1876: 586-588, 625-631; 775-779.) 1877. Apptmt. of municipal comn. to devise plans for municipal govt. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 3, 1877: 23.) . Table: gross debt, population and taxable value of some of principal cities [in Penn. and other states]. (Legisl. Record 1877: 1420.) 1878. Completion of work of municipal comn. (Govs, mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 2, 1878: 27.) 1879. Report of municipal comn.; principles of re- form in municipal govt.; municipal indebtedness in smaller cities. (Same (Hartranft) Jan. 8, 1879: 8-11.) . Funding of floating Indebtedness of cities of 1st class. (Legisl. Record 1879 (v. 2): 2172-2174; 2284- 2286.) 1881. Municipal govt.; rept. of comn. unacted upon; nature of municipal organizations; relation to state; local govt. (Govs. mess. (Hoyt) Jan. 4, 1881: 20-21.) 1883. Veto of act authorizing Investment of moneys In the sinking funds of cities of the second class and providing for the consolidation of said funds; with text of act. (Sen. jol. 1883: 238-239.) . Same. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1883: 1-2.) 1885. Veto of suppl. to act rel. to collection of dlstr. and township debts, etc.; with text of bill. (Same (Pattison) 1885: 100-101.) . Veto (Pattison) of act authorizing cities of 1st class to borrow money for increasing water supply of such cities. (House jol. 1885: 1208-1211.) 628 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA DEBT: PUBLIC (BIUNICIPAL)— cont'd 1891. Veto (Pattison) of act authorizing boroughs to redeem outstanding bonds, etc. (Same Jan., 1891: 1486.) . Same, with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1891: 11-12.) . Rept. of conference committee (Flinn) on act on municipal improvements, authorizing issue of evi- dences of indebtedness by municipalities, to pay costs and expenses of street and sewer improve- ments. (Sen. jol. 1S91: 1298-1299.) 1893. Veto of act providing for creation and regulation of municipal liens and proceedings for collection thereof; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1893: 102-105.) . Municipal Indebtedness; constitutional provi- sions; Supreme Court decisions; necessity of pro- tecting population. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 1, 1895: 29-30.) 1897. Veto (Hastings) of act to authorize cities of the first class, whose debt at the time of adoption of the Constitution of 1874, exceeded 7 per centum of the assessed value of the taxable property therein, to increase their indebtedness 3 per centum upon such valuation, and to ratify and confirm any increase of indebtedness heretofore made. (Sen. jol. 1897: 1557-1560.) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1897 v. 1: 1920-1921; 1980.) . Same; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Hastings) 1897: 5-9.) . Veto of act to validate indebtedness of any borough heretofore incurred; with text of bill. (Same (Hastings) 1897: 55-56.) 1901. Je. 14. Veto of suppl. to act for the incorpora- tion and govt, of cities of the third class, providing for the adjustment of the indebtedness of such cities. (Same (Stone) 1901: 39-40.) Scllefonte Borough, Centre County 1879. Veto (Hoyt) of act to authorize the town council of the borough of Bellefonte to purchase or acquire lands, tenements, water power, rights of way, or privileges to erect additional water works, with text of act. (Bills filed in the office of the secy, of the commonwealth by the Gov. 1879/81: 4-5.) Brookville Borough, Jefferson County 1874. Veto (Hartranft) of act authorizing borough of Brookville, Jefferson co., to borrow money, to issue bonds therefor, and to levy and collect an additional tax to pay same. (Sen. jol. 1874: 99-100.) Greene Township, Clinton County 1867. Veto (Geary) of act to legalize bonds Issued by school directors of Greene township, in Clinton Co., for bounty purposes, and to authorize assessment and collection of tax to pay same. (House jol. 1867: 1164-1165.) Earrishurg, Dauphin County 1837. Feb. 27. Rept. of committee on corporations (Ford) rel. to proposed alterations in acts Incorpo- rating borough of Harrisburg, so as to permit ex- tension of loans of money. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 583 (doc. 192).) Middletown, Dauphin County 1873. Veto (Geary) of bill to authorize town council of Middletown, Dauphin Co., to convert certificates of indebtedness Into bonds and Increase present rate of taxation for payment of same when due. (Sen. jol. 1873: 66.) . Same. (Legisl. Jol. 1873: 26.) DEBT: PUBLIC (MUNICIPAL)— cont'd Philadelphia 1874. Petition from Phila. rel. to effort to increase the indebtedness of the city of Phila. (Legisl. jol. 1874: 830; 859-860.) 1897. Letter from James Alcorn, asst. city solicitor of Phila., resp. city indebtedness. (Legisl. Record 1897 V. 1: 1461.) Pitts'bur^jh 1861-1876. Table: increase of city debt [Pittsburg]. (Legisl. Record 1877: 1420.) 1877. Act authorizing cities of 2d class to Increase their indebtedness to 300,000 for construction of new water works; debate. (Same 1877: 1419-1420.) Particular reference to Pittsburgh water works. Porter Township, Schuylkill County 1885. Veto of act to authorize Porter township, Schuyl- kill Co., to borrow money for payment of its In- debtedness; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1885: 83.) Wilkesiarre Township, Luzerne County 1873. Veto (Hartranft) of act providing for payment of indebtedness of the North School distr., Wllkes- barre township, Luzerne Co. (Legisl. jol. 1873: 1066.) DEBT: PUBLIC (STATE) See also National and State Indebtedness and Invest- ments, 1870-1913, Issued by the Census Bureau of the U. S. Dept. of Commerce In 1914. 1843. Dec. 25. Ga. res. rel. to repudiation of state debts. (House jol. 1844 v. 2: 448.) 1844. Apr. 23. Communication from the Gov. of Penn. (Porter) transmitting a res. adopted by Ga. legisla- ture rel. to repudiation of state debts. Harrisburg: I. G. M'Kinley, 1844. 2 leaves. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. PENNSYLVANIA serial See below. Sinking Fund. non-serial The division into periods Is arbitrary. The flret period relates to state indebtedness prior to Inauguration of the Penn. system of internal improvements ; the second period deals with debt contracted in connec- tion with the system of internal Improvements; the third period Is the Civil War period ; the fourth period is mainly concerned with the liquldatton of debts previously contracted. 1 Period (1789-1824) 1789. Stmts, of debts due by state on accts. settled since Mch. 28, 1789. (A.R. register gen. 1788/9.) . Rept. of committee of ways and means on me- morial of committee of public creditors rel. to fund- ing system. (Assem. joL Feb., 1789: 102.) 1788/9. Stmt, of funded debt. (A.R. register gen. 1788/9.) 1790. Continuance of act of Mch. 21, 1789, rel. to bills of credit, funded debt and patenting lands recom- mended. (Mess, of Pres. (Mifflin) and Supreme Exec. Council Feb. 9, 1790.) 1791. Jan. 12. Govs. mess. (Mifflin) stating that a loan may readily be accomplished upon advanta- geous terms. (House jol. 1790/1: 86.) . Jan. IB. Rept. of committee apptd. to confer with the Gov. upon subject of his message of Jan. 12, 1791. (Same 1790/1: 97.) . Feb. 8. Amt. of debts due by and to the state. (Rept. of committee of ways and means Feb. 8, 1791, stmt. D.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 629 DEBT: PUBLIC (STATE)— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1 Period — cont'd (1789-1824)— cont'd 1791. Feb. 8. Proposed res. resp. a foreign loan, do- mestic loan, tax, etc. (S«mc Feb. 8, 1791.) . Sept. 28. Rept. of committee on mess, of Gov., and letters from comptroller and register-gen. rel. to certificates to be granted to creditors of this state. (House jol. 1790/1: 551-552.) 1792. Abstr. of different kinds of state debt redeemed per act of Apr. 10. (A.R. register gen. 1792.) . State of interest on stock of U. S. (Same 1792.) . Debts of state bearing interest. (Rept. of com- mittee of ways and means Feb. 22, 1792.) . Execution of law which provided for the redemp- tion and execution of the state debts. (Govs. mess. (Mifflin) Dec. 7, 1792.) . Arrears on balance on non-subscribed assumed debt, etc. (Rept. of register gen. 1791/2: schedule 30.) . Old debts not classed with any particular revenue. (Same 1791/2: schedule 9.) . Loan office transaction of £150,000. (Sai^e 1791/2 (schedule l)—same 1793.) . State of state debt subscribed to the loan of the U. S. transferred to Penn., for which certificates will issue in favor of the commonwealth Mch. 1, 1793, bearing interest from Jan. 1, 1792. (Same 1791/2: schedule 39.) 1792-1793. Sales of the 3% stock of the U. S. for the redemption of the state debt, per act of Apr. 10, 1792. (Same 1791/2 (schedule 11)— same 1793.) . New loan debt; abstr. of different kinds of state debt redeemed per act of Apr., 1792. (Same 1791/2 (schedule iO)-^same 1793.) 1792-1799. Funded and depreciation debt. (Same 1791/2 (schedules 33-34)— vsame 1799.) 1792-1804/5. Stmt, of unfunded debt. (Some 1791/2 (schedule 32)— .samp 1S04/5.) 1793. Govs. mess. (Mifflin) rel. to additional payment out of unappropriated money lying idle in treasury, towards discharging loan, obtained from Bank of Penn., for completing state subscription to capital stock of that institution. (Sen. jol. 1793/4: 44; House jol. 1793/4: 62.) . State debt redeemed. (A.R. register gen. 1793: schedule 18.) . Arrangements resp. the loan office require revi- sion. (Govs. mess. Dec. 5, 1793.) . Rept. of committee on ways and means on sundry letters and docs. rel. to subscription to loan pro- posed by U. S., and subsequent redemption of certifi- cates, formerly under authority of Penn., and com- monly called New Loan. (House jol. 1792/3: 336- 338.) Ordered prtd. ; no. of copies not specified. (House jol. 1792/3:339.) 1793-1794. Amt. of loan obtained from Bank of Penn. (A.R. register gen. 1793 — same 1794.) 1793-1797. Stmt, of loan from Bank of No. Amer., for bldg. pres. house. (Same 1793 — same 1797.) 1794. Loan obtained from Bank of Penn. (Same 1794: 12.) . Govs. mess. (Mifflin) rel. to payment of last in- stallment of stock borrowed from Bank of Penn. (House jol. 1793/4: 259; Senate jol. 1793/4: 125.) — — . Unfunded debt redeemed per act of Apr. 22. (Rept. of register gen. 1794: 10.) 1794-1799. Unfunded certificates unredeemed. (Same 1794 (p. 16)— same 1799.) DEBT: PUBLIC (STATE)— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1 Period — cont'd (1789-1824)- cont'd 1795. Demands agst. commonwealth; suggested loan from Bank of Penn. (Rept. of committee of ways and means, Mch. 31, 1795.) 1795-1800. Stmt. rel. to unfunded certificates Issued. (A.R. register general 1795 (p. 17) — same 1800.) Given In 1795 nu€i;lsl. docs. 1854 : 225-228.* 1853/4 none made : see below, Triennial Reports. A. O. Curtin, E. Banks, Eli 8U}er, coinra. 1855 in Legisl. docs. 1856: 337-340 (doc. 23). A. a. Curtin, E. Banks, H. S. Uagraw, comrs. 1856/7 in Legisl. docs. 1857 : 831-835 (doc. 97).* B 1849/51-1855/7. Triennial rept. of comrS. of sinking fund, 1-3. Checklist A. L. Bussell, Ephraim. Banks, John M. Bickel, comrs. 1. 1849/51 dept. ed. h. t. p. 7 pp. 1000 copies in Enellsh and 500 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1852 y. 1 : 20.) 1. 1849/51 doc. ed. (Senate) n. t. p. pp. 117-121. 1. 1849/51 doc. ed. (House) n. t. p. pp. 197-201. E. Banks, Jos. Baily, comrs. 2. 1852/4 dept. ed. Not found. 2. 1852/4 doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 415-421. A. G. Curtin, Jacob Fry, Jr., 11. 8. Uagraw 3. 1855/7 dept. ed. Not found. 3. 1855/7 doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 224-226. In Collected docs, as follows: 1. 1849/51 in Senate Jol. 1852 v. 2 : 117-121. 1 « " House " 1852 V. 2:197-201. 2 1852/4 in Legisl. docs. 1855:415-421 (doc. 38). 3.1855/7 " " " 1858:224-226 (doc. 8). 2 series Under sec. 4, act of Apr. 22. 1858, and sec. 5, act of Apr. 13, 1870 and sec. 14, act of May 9, 1874. 1857/8-1903/4. [Annual] rept. comrs. of sinking fund. Checklist TVm. M. Hiester, Jacob Fry, Jr., H. S. Uagraw 1857/8 dept. ed. Not found. " doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 421-427. Wm. M. Hiester, Jacob Fry, Jr., Eli Slifer, comrs. 1858/9 dept. ed. Not found. " doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 508-514. Wm. M. Hiester, Thos. E. Cochran, Eli Slijer 1859/60. Not found. Eli Slifer, Thos. E. Cochran, Henry D. Moore, comrs. 1860/1 dept. ed. Not found. doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 813-814. 1861/2 dept. ed. Not found. doc. ed. n. t. p. p. 969. Eli Slifer, Isaac Slenker, TTm. V. McOrath, comrs. 1862/3 dept. ed. Not found. doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 1313-1314. Eli Slifer, Henry D. Moore, comrs. 1863/4 dept. ed. Not found. doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 1103-1104. 1864/5-1865/6. Not found. F. Jordan, J. F. Hartranft, W. H. Kemble, comrs. 18B6/7 dept. ed. Not found. doc. ed, n. t. p. pp. 357-358. 1867/8. Not found. F. Jordan, J. F. Hartranft, R. W. Mackey, comrs. 1868/9 dept. ed. Not found. " doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 210-215. P. Jordan, J. F. Hartranft, H'. W. Irwin, comrs. 1809/70 dept. ed. Not found. " doe. ed. n. t. p. pp. 2004-2032. DEBT: PUBLIC (STATE)— cont'd Sinking Fund — cont'd serial — cont'd 2 series — cont'd B — cont'd Checklist — cont'd F. Jordan, J. F. Hartranft, R. W. Mackey, comrt. 1870/1 dept. ed. Not found. doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 1467-1520. F. Jordan, R. W. Mackey, comrs. 1871/2 dept. ed. Not found. doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 819-870. M. S. Quay, Harrison Allen, R. W. Mackey, comrs. 1872/3 dept. ed. Not found. doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 555-607. 1873/4 dept. ed. Not found. " doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 48-68. M. S. Quay, J. F. Temple, R. W. Mackey, comrs. 1874/5 dept. ed. Not found. doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 1153-1164. J. F. Temple, M. S. Quay, Henry Rawle, comrs. 1875/6 dept. ed. Not found. doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 925-936. 1876/7 dept. ed. Not found. " doc. ed. n. t. p. 14 pp. 1877/8 dept. ed. Harrisburg : L. S. Hart, 1879. 15 pp. Copy seen in Free Library of Phila. 1877/8 doc. ed. n. t. p. 15 pp. M. 8. Quay, Wm. P. Bchell, Amos. C. Hoyes, comrt. 1878/9 dept. ed. Harrisburg: L. S. Hart, 1880. 13 pp. Copy seen In I'niv. of Penn. 1878/9 doc. ed. n, t. p. 13 pp. M. S. Quay, Wm. P. Schell, Saml. Butler, comrs. 1879/80 dept. ed. Harrisburg: L S. Hart, 1881. 13 pp. " doe. ed. n. t. p. 16 pp. if. 8. Quay, John A. Lemon, Samt. Butler, comrs. 1880/1 dept. ed. Harrisburg : L. S. Hart, 1882. 16 pp. " doc. ed. n. t. p. 16 pp. Francis Jordan, John A. Lemon, Silas M. Bally, comrs. 1881/2 dept. ed. Harrisburg: L. S. Hart, 1883. 14 pp. " doc. ed. n. t. p. 14 pp. W. 8. Stenger, John A. Lemon, 8. M. Baily, comrs. 1882/3 dept. ed. Harrisburg : L S. Hart, 1884. 16 pp. doc. ed. n. t. p. 16 pp. W. 8. Stenger, Jerome B. Niles, W. Livsey, comrs. 1883/4 dept. ed. Harrisburg : L. S. Hart, 1885. 16 pp. " doc. ed. n. t. p. 16 pp. W. S. Stenger, W. Livsey, comrs. 1884/5 dept. ed. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1886. 15 pp. " doc. ed. n. t. p. 15 pp. W. 8. Stenger, Jerome B. NiUs, M. 8. Quay, comrs. 1885/0 dept. ed. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1886. 13 pp. " doc. ed. n. t. p. 13 pp. Chas. W. Stone, A. irtisoit Norris, W. lAvsey, comrt. 1886/7 dept. ed. Harrisburg : B. K. Meyers, 1887. 13 pp. " doc. ed. n. t. p. 13 pp. Chas. W. Stone, Thos. McCamant, W. B. Hart. 1887/8 dept. ed. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1888. 13 pp. Copy seen in Free Library of Pbila. 1887/8 doc. ed. n. t. p. 13 pp. Chas. W. Stone, Thos. McCamant, W. Livsey, comrs. 1888/9 dept. ed. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1890. 14 pp. " doc. ed. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers. 1890. 14 pp. J. H. Longenecker, Thos. McCamant, Henry K. Boyer, comrs. 1889/90 dept. ed. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers. 1891. 14 pp. " doc. ed. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1891. 14 pp. Wm. F. Harrity, Thos. McCamant, Henry K. Boyer, comrs. 1890/1 dept. ed. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1892. 14 pp. " doc. ed. n. t. p. 14 pp. Wm. F. Harrity. D. McM. Oregg, John W. Morrison, comrt. 1891/2 dept. ed. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers, 1893. 14 pp. " doc. ed. n. t. p. 14 pp. 1892/3 dept. ed. n. p., C. M. Busch. 1894. 13 pp. doc. ed. n. p., C. M. Busch, 1894. 13 pp. • In 1851/2 and 1852/3 the repts. are for the year ending Nov. 30; 1856/7 covers the period from Jan. 1, 1856-Mch. 31, 1857. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 643 DEBT: PUBLIC (STATE)— cont'd Sinking Fund— cont'd serial — cont'd 2 series — cont'd B — cont'd Checklist— (■(uit'il Wm. F. Ilarrity, D. UcM. Qregg. S. M. Jackfon, comia. 1803/4 dcpt. 0(i. n. p., C. M. Busoh, lS!)r>. 14 pp. doc. eil. n. p.. C. M. Uusch. ISOr,. 14 pp. Frank Reeder, Amos. H. Mylin, S. il. Jackson, coinra. 1894/5. n. p., C. M. Busch, IH'M. \2 pp. n. IL, C. M. Busch. 189G. 12 pp. Frank Iteedcr, Amos. H. Mylin, B. ,T. Haywood, comrs. 1895/6 dept. cd. n. p., W. S. Uiiy, 1897. 15 pp. " doc. od. n. t. p. 15 pp. Dai'id Martin, Amos. H. Mylin, B. ,1. Haywood, comrs. 189e/7 dept. ed. n. p., W. S. Kn.v, 1898. 14 pp. doc. ed. n. p., W. S. Itii.v. 1898. 14 pp. IF. W. driest, L. O. McCaulcy, J as. h'. lieacom, comrs. 1897/8 dept. ed. n. p., W. S. Uny. 1899. 12 pp. doc. ed. D. p., W. S. Uay. 1899. 12 pp. 1898/9 dept. ed. n. p., \V. S. Kay, 1900. 12 pp. doc. ed. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1900. 12 pp. IF. IF. Griest, L. O. McCauley, J. E. Barnett, comrs. 1899/00 dept. ed. n. p., W. S. Uay, 1901. 12 pp. doc. ed. n. p., W. S. Uay, 1901. 12 pp. IF. IF. Oriest, E. B. Hardenhergh, Frank Q. Harris, comrs. 1900/1 dept. ed. n. p.. W. S. Uay, 1902. 14 pp. doc. ed. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1902. 14 pp. 1901/2 dept. ed. n. p., W. S. Ray, 19o:i. 14 pp. doc. ed. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. 14 pp. Frank M. Fuller, E. B. ifardenhergh, Frank O. Harris, comrs. 1902/3 dept. ed. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1904. 13 pp. doc. ed. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1904. Frank M. Fuller, IF. P. Snyder, Wm. L. Mathucs, comrs. 1903/4 dept. ed. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1905. 14 pp. doc. ed. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1905. In Collected docs, as follows : 1857/8 in Legislative 1858/9 ;| '^ 1859/60 " 1860/1 " 1861/2 " 1862/3 " docs. 1859 doc. 9. Record 1859 1317. docs. 1860 doc. 10. Record 1860 60-61. " 1861 125-126 docs. 1862 doc. 36. " 1863 doc. 40. " 1864 doc. 41. Record 1863 31. 1864 356. 1863/4 1864/5-1865/6 not found, 1866/7 in House jol. 1868 : 357-358. 1867/8 not found. 1868/9 in Legislative docs. 1869/70 " docs. 1865 V. 1 doc. 41. 1870 doc. 11. 1871 doc. 43. 1870/1 " " " 1872 V. 2 iloc. 13. 1871/2 " •• " 1873 V. 1 doc. 10. 1872/3 • " " " 1874 v. 2 doc. 2. 1873/4 .' " " 1875 V. 3 Somf 1876/7: 2.) . Classification of loans showing that a gradual reduction of debt can be continued annually, and constitutional requirements more than fulfilled. (Same 1876/7: 3.) . By act of Mch. 20, 1877, sinking fund will have all of tax reed, on corporation stocks for present fiscal year, instead of 2/3, as provided by act of Feb. 12, 1876. (Same 1876/7: 3.) 1877/8. Loan act of Apr. 19, 1853 authorizing issue of bonds of state to such amt. as was required to take up the then over-due loans of state; redemption of bonds. {Same 1877/8: 4-5.) 1879. On the loan of Apr. 1. (A.R. comrs. of sinking fund 1878/9: 3-4.) 1881. Advertisement for proposals for Penn. state loan of ten millions of dollars. (Rept. of comrs. of sink- ing fund 1880/1: 16.) 1880/1-1904/5. Estimated revenue and payments. (Same 1879/80 (pp. 3-4)— same 1903/4.) 1883. State treasurer and sinking fund comrs.; suppl. act to the several acts rel. to those officers. (Legisl. Record 1883: 565-576; 840-843; 926-935.) . May 7. Rept. of state treasurer (Baily) in re- ply to Sen. res. requesting him to report whether he had carried to the acct. of the sinking fund all moneys in the treasury exclusive of moneys appro- priated to the sinking fund in excess of $500,000. (Same 1883 (v. 2); 2.507-2509.) Inchulcs schedule of apprns. of 1881 unpaid Apr. 1, 1883 and payable by Je. 1, 1SS3. . Receipts of sinking fund in excess of demands; no debt maturing until 1892; recommended that funds coming into state treasury be diverted from sinking fund to general fund. (Govs. mess. (Hoyt) Jan. 2, 1883: 4.) 1887. Amt. of sinking fund sufficient to meet principal of indebtedness of state maturing up to year 1912. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan., 1887.) 1888/9-1889/90. Operations of sinking; policy of sink- ing fund comrs.; public debt stmt, for each year; net amt. of state debt unprovided for, Nov. 30, 1890. (Same (Beaver) Jan. 6, 1891: 811.) 1889. Proposed investigation of transactions of sink- ing fund comrs. (Legisl. Record 1889: 964-971.) 1894/5-1895/6. Operations of sinking fund and public debt. (Govs. mess. (Hastings) Jan. 5, 1897: 4-7.) 1897/8. Operations of public debt and sinking fund. (Same (Hastings) Jan. 3, 1899: 2-3.) 1899. Increase of sinking fund; net debt over and above sinking fund Dec. 1, 1898; amt. of floating debt and ann. increase; no provision for paying it; preposterous to borrow money; impracticable to increase taxes; estimated revenue and expendi- tures; necessary to reduce expenditures; apprn. for common schools could be reduced — reasons for not recommending It; recommended that sec. 3 of reve- nue law (1891) be suspended for two years, thus allowing state whole amt. of taxes collected on money at Interest. (Same (Stone) Jan. 17, 1899: 3-5.) DEBT: PUBLIC (STATE)— cont'd Sinking Fund — cont'd no?i-serial — cont'd 1901. Liquidation of state debt; repeal of act requiring transfer of $100,000 annually from general to sink- ing fund recommended. (Same (Stone) Jan. 7, 1901: 3.) There arc two editions of this mess. ; paging varies slightly. DEBTORS 1791. Dec. 21. Rept. of committee on petition of Christopher Whipple, an insolvent debtor in Phila. gaol. (House jol. 1791/2: 37.) 1794. Rept. of committee on petition of David Brown resp. discharge of insolvent debtors in gaols. (Same 1793/4: 153.) 1795. Needed mitigation of laws resp. imprisonment for debt. (Govs. mess. (Mifflin) Dec. 4, 1795.) 1796. Rept. of committee on Govs. mess. rel. to im- prisonment for debt, revision of penal laws and state prison. (House jol. 1795/6: 308-309.) ■ 1797. Rept. of committee on part of Govs. mess. rel. f to imprisonment for debt. (Same 1796/7: 92-93.) 1802. Veto (M'Kean) of act for recovery of debts not exceeding $100, and to direct the manner of choos- ing constables. (Same 1802/3: 9-13.) 1804. Rept. of committee (Findlay) to inquire whether any alterations are necessary in laws resp. insolvent debtors. (Same 1803/4: 639-640.) 1805. Rept. of committee (R. Smith) on petition of sundry citizens for protection of furniture of widows from sale by their deceased husbands' creditors. (Same 1804/5: 489.) 1806. Rept. of committee (Sommer) to whom was re- ferred memorial from Phila. and vicinity resp. in- solvent debtors. (Sen. jol. 1805/6: 72.) 1807. Rept. of jt. committee (Pennell) on bill rel. to recovery of debts and demands, not exceeding $100, before a justice of the peace, etc. (Same 1806/7: 394-395.) 1809. Rept. of committee (Banks) to whom was re- ferred res. for preventing the sale of property for debt for a limited time. (House jol, 1808/9: 563.) 1810. Hundred dollar law [recovery before justice of peace of debt not exceeding $100]. Lancaster: W. Hamilton, n. d. 36 pp. 24°. Copy lu N. Y. Public Library. 1812. Rept. of committee (Groves) to whom was re- ferred res. rel. to repeal of the insolvent law for Phila. (House jol. 1812/3: 60-61.) 1813. Rept. of committee (Burnside) to whom were referred petitions from insolvent debtors of Phila. resp. repeal of law of Mch. 13, 1812, by which they assigned over their estates for the benefit of their creditors. (Sen. jol. 1812/3: 140-141.) • . Rept. of committee (Miner) apptd. to inquire into the expediency of providing by law, that cer- tain articles of the first necessity to the comfort of the poor, should be exempt from execution and secure from all legal process for debts hereafter to bo contracted. (House jol. 1812/3: 343-346.) 181G. Practice of insolvent debtors making assign- ments. (Govs. mess. (Snyder) Dec. 5, 1816.) 1822. Rept. of committee on the judiciary system (Gilmore) on res. rel. to bail of insolvent debtors. (House jol. 1822/3: 93.) 1831. Policy of abolishing imprisonment for debt (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 7, 1831.) J 834. Feb. 21. Rept. of committee on the judiciary system (Wallace) upon petition for repealing the law abolishing imprisonment for small debts. (House jol. 1833/4 v. 2: 657-658 (doc. 157).) I INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 647 DEBTORS— cont'd 1835. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (M'Cul- loh) upon petition rel. to abolisliing imprisonment for small debts. (Same 1834/5 v. 2: 206 (doc. 78).) 1836. Rept. from committee on the judiciary system (Spackman) on prayer of sundry petitioners for repeal of act abolishing imprisonment for debt, Jan. 16, 1836. {Same 1835/6 v. 2: 374 (doc. 76).) 1837. Propriety of exempting portion of a debtor's earnings from execution. (Govs. mess. (Rltner) Dec. 6, 1837.) 1839. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (Wil- liams) upon petition of lime burners and others. of Chester Co., for extension of lien law so as to render lime used as a fertilizer, a charge upon land to which applied. (Sen. jol. 1838/9 v. 1: 661.) 1841. Feb. 10. Rept. of committee on the judiciary (Law) on Inquiry into expediency of abolishing imprisonment for debt. (House jol. 1841 v. 1: 285.) 1843. Need of revision of act to abolish imprisonment for debt, etc. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 4, 1S43: 12.) 1845. Feb. 21. Rept. of committee on the judiciary system (Smith of Clearfield) rel. to repealing law abolishing imprisonment for debt. (House jol. 1845 V. 2: 389-391 (doc. 62).) 1849. Rept. of committee on the judiciary system (Bar- rett) rel. to the abolition of imprisonment for debt. (Same 1843 v. 2: 868-872 (doc. 153).) 1855. May 4. Veto (Pollock) of suppl. to act rel. to insolvents. (Sen. jol. 1855: 1023-1024.) . Remarks (Browne) on bill rel. to insolvents. (Legisl. Record Feb. 24, 1855: 2.) 1858. Veto (Packer) of act rel. to sheriff's sales. (Same 1858; 519-520.) 1859. Debate on suppl. to act exempting property to the value of $300 from levy and sale, etc. (Same 1859: 441-444.) 1861. Debate on bill rel. to judgments and executions. (Same 1861: 1047-1050; 1054-1058; 1071-1072.) 1869. Debate on suppl. to act to exempt property to the value of |300 from levy and sale, for rent. (Same 1869: 928-932.) 1874. Law exempting certain amt. of property of a debtor from levy and sale. (Govs. mess. (Hart- ranft) Jan. 7, 1874: 27-28.) 1875. On stay of execution. (Legisl. Record 1875: 961-964; 1041-1042; 1334-1335; 1368-1370.) — ■ — i Modification of exemption law of 1849 necessary for protection of families of debtors. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 6, 1875: 31.) 1876. Exemptions from levy and sale for rent, etc. (Legisl. Record 1876: 964-967; 1136-1140; 1168- 1172; 1524-1525.) 1877. Suggested that waiver of exemption law be made impossible. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 3, 1877: 24.) . Judgments and stay of execution; bill and debate. (Legisl. Record 1877: 377-383; 455-456; 515-522; 1007-1009; 1374-1378; 1392-1394; 1398-1399.) 1879. Exemption of property from levy and sale on executions and distress. (Same 1879 (v. 2): 1138- 1140.) 1881. Stay of execution. (Same 1881: 1278-1280.) . Je. 30. Veto (Hoyt) of act to authorize the comrs. of the several cos., excepting in cities of the first class and in cos. having special laws regulat- ing prisons, to discharge from prison all persons confined in jail without proc. under the insolvent laws; with text of act. (Bills filed in the office of the secy, of the commonwealth by the Gov. 1879/81: 43-44.) DEBTORS— cont'd 1883. Exemption of property to value of $300 from levy and sale on execution and distress tor reut. (Legisl. Record 1883: 1041-1042; 1293-1295.) . Veto of act to establish a more certain process by which the proprietors or managers of hotels, taverns, inns, boarding-houses, restaurants, or other establishments in wliich boarders are reed., may collect debts due for boarding by process of attach- ment; with text of act. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1883: 13-16.) 1889. Exemption of homestead from levy and sale; waiver of right. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 1, 1889: 21-22.) 1893. Veto of act to authorize trial of issues or stmt, and affidavit and taking of judgment for amt. ad- mitted to be due therein; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1893: 17-19.) . Veto of act rel. to debts not of record of dece- dents; with text of bill. (Same 1893: 82-83.) 1897. Veto of act to protect owner and agts. of stallions in collection of fees for services of said stallions, by lien upon colt; with text of bill. (Same (Hast- ings) 1S97: 64-65.) . Veto of act authorizing and empowering courts of common pleas to direct sale of real estate of In- solvent debtors by their assignees, etc.; with text of bill. (Satne (Hastings) 1897:3-5.) . Attachment of wages and salary; discussion on proposed bill. (Legisl. Record 1897 v. 1: 1074-1076.) 1899. Veto of act to amend act limiting duration of lien of debts of decedents other than those of record, etc.; with text of bill. (Vetoes 1899: 3-4.) . Veto of act providing for transfer of judgments and mortgages by holder thereof, at maturity, at request of debtor; with text of bill. (Same 1899: 39-40.) 1901. Veto of act to confer upon residents of Penn. the like exemption from lien, levy and sale of their property, on judgments obtained here for causes of action arising or investments made elsewhere, as is allowed by the homestead or exemption laws of the state, territory or country where the cause of action arose, or the investment was made, to citi- zens thereof ; with text of act. (Same (Stone) 1901: 57-58.) Laws 1804. An act for the recovery of debts and demands not exceeding $100 before a justice of the peace; etc. Phila.: Prtd., and for sale, by A. & G. Way, 1804. 19 pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. 1807. An act to alter and amend the several laws rel. to domestic attachments. Lancaster: Prtd. by W. Hamilton, 1807. 15 pp. 12°. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. 1812. New insolvent law. Phila.: J. Binns, 1812. 22 pp. Copy in N. Y. Public Library. 1842. An act to abolish imprisonment for debt and to punish fraudulent debtors, together with an act con- cerning executions. Harrisburg: Prtd. at the OfiBce of the Keystone, 1842. 16 pp. Copy seen In Penn. State Library. 1869. Text of act rel. to fraudulent debtors. (Legisl. Record 1869: 1541-1542.) DECHANT (WILLIAM H.) 1880-1885. Temperature and rainfall records at Schuyl- kill Haven. (2 A.R. bd. health 1886: 531.) DECHERT (PETER S.) Repr. from Franlilin Co., 1821/22-1822/23. Select Committee 1822. Mch. 30. Runaway negroes. (House jol. 1821/2: 1115-1116.) 648 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA DECKER (E. S.) County supt. of schools, 1866/7-1868/9 ; see Education. Penn. Pike Co. DEER; see FISH AND GAME DEFALCATIONS; see FINANCE (STATE). MISAPPRO- PRIATION, ETC. DEFECTIVES Maintenance; see that title Population; see that title DEFORD (JOHN H.) Repr. from Fayette Co., 1842-43. Committee on Banks 1842. Feb. 1. Reformation of banking system. (House jol. 1842 V. 2: 204-207 (doc. 72).) . Same, separate. Not seen. ITsunl no. of copies ordered prtd. (House Jol., 1843 V. 1: 271.) . Feb. 3. On establishment of a bank at Lock Haven. (Same 1842 v. 2: 209-210 (doc. 76).) 1843. Feb. 1. Banks and currency. (Same Jan., 1843 V. 2: 270-275 (doc. 58).) . Feb. 18. Issue of banks of a less denomination than $5. (Same Jan., 1843 v. 2: 319-320 (doc. 83).) Select Committee 1842. Jan. 14. Navigation of Ohio River. (House jol. 1842 V. 2: 84-88 (doc. 20).) DE FRANCE (ROBERT M.) Repr. from Jlercer, Vfnango and Warren cos., 1854. 1854. Sale of main line of public works. (Daily Leglsl Union v. 1 (no. 64): 310-311.) DE GORMO (CHARLES) 1902. Normal schools. (Penn. School Jol. v. 51: 241- 243.) DEGMEIER (J.) County supt. of schools, 1863/4 ; see Education. Penn Erie Co. DE HASS (CHARLES) 1837. Jan. 14. R.R. route to avoid inclined planes on Allegheny Portege. (House jol. 1836/7 app. to v. 2; 212-220 (doc. 113).) . Jan. 14-16. See Canals, etc.: Individual (State). Penn. Canal [and R.R.]; Proposed branches, under date Jan. 19, 1837. 1839. Jan. Survey and estimate of macadamized or block road from Laughlinstown to Chambersburg (A.R. canal comrs. 1837/8: 293-298.) Occurs In Sen. doc. ed. only. The rept. Is included In the separate edition of rept. of Hother Hoee Jan. 22, 1839 ; see Hoge. DEITRICK (CHARLES S.) County supt. of schools, 1853/4-1861/2. See Education. Penn. Monroe Co. DELAMATER (GEORGE W.) .Si'n. from Crawford Co., 1887/8. Conference Committee 1889. May 7. Street rwy. cos. (Sen. jol. 1889: 1069- 1075; House jol. 1576-1583.) DELANEY (JOHN C.) State Librarian 1883. Jan. 31. Relative to supplies furnished by con- tractor. (Sen. jol. 1883: 213-215.) DELAWARE (STATE) Associations Educational; see Education DELAWARE BREAKWATER; see HARBORS DELAWARE COUNTY Organized Sept. 26, 1789; formed of a part of Cheater. Agricultural Society; see Agricultural Societies: Individual Agriculture; see that title Banks; see Banks: Individual. Bank of Delaware Co.; State Bank Crops; see Agriculture. Crops Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs Fruit Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Fruit Education; see that title Geology; see Geological and Topographical Surveys Grasses; see Agriculture. Crops Health Board: see Public Health. Boards of Health: State High School; see Education. Secondary Industries; see Industries. Pottery, Clay and Glass Land; see that title Nuisances; see Public Health Schools in; see Education School Conventions; see Education. Conventions, etc. Small-Pox in; see Public Health Teachers' Institutes; see Education. Teachers' Institutes Typhoid Fever; see Public Health DELAWARE DIVISION CANAL; see CANALS, ETC.: INDI- VIDUAL (PRIVATE) DELAWARE RIVER Fish; see Fish and Game Improvement; see River Conservancy Quarantine; see Public Health DELAWARE WATER GAP, MONROE CO. See also Canals and Slackwnter Navigation. Diphtheria in; see Public Health. Diphtheria Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local DELAWARE AND HUDSON CANAL; see CANALS, ETC.: INDIVIDUAL (PRIVATE) DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL; see CANALS, ETC.: INDIVIDUAL (PRIVATE) DELAWARE AND SCHUYLKILL CANAL; see CANALS, ETC.: INDIVIDUAL (PRIVATE) DELL (JAMES G.) County supt. of schools, 1902/3-1903/4 ; see Education. Penn. Huntingdon Co. DELTA, YORK CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local DEMAIN (E. R.) 1896. Meteorological record at Harrisburg. (2 A.R. dept. agric. 1896: 802-803.) 1901. Temperature and rainfall, 1889-1900. (7 same 1901 pt. 1: 680-681.) DEMING (H. C.) 1904. Rept. as geologist of state bd. of agric. (10 A.R. dept. of agric. 1904: 459-462.) 1902-1905. Kept, as mineralogist of bd. agric. (8 same 1902 pt. 2 (pp. 42-46)— 10 same 1904.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 649 DEMING (H. D.) 1879-1887. Temperatures at Wellsboro. (A.R. secy. In- ternal affairs 1887/8 pt. 1: 148 A.) DEMME (C. R.) 1830. Eastern Penitentiary. (1 and 2 A.R. inspectors of Eastern Penitentiary 1829/30: 18-21.) DEMUTH (H. C.) Fish comr., 1887/8-1002/3 ; Bce Fish and Gnmc. DENHAM (DR. J. H.) 1897. Ensilase. (45 and 4C quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1S91: 204-207.) PENISON (GEORGE) Kppr. frrim Luzerne and Susquehanna cos.. 1815/16- l.SlG/17, 1827/8-1828/9; do. from Luzerne Co., 1829/30. [Select] Committee 1817. Mch. 11. Arrears of monev due commonwealth for land. (House jol. 1816/17: 598-600.) 1829. Feb. 28. Charges agst. David Scott, one of canal comrs. (Same 1828/9 v. 2: 014 (doc. 231).) Committee on Inland Navigation and Internal Improvement 1829. Feb. 19. Western division of Penn. Canal; con- tractors. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 592-595 (doc. 215).) . Apr. 7. Extension of Penn. Canal. (Some 1828/9 V. 2: 713 (doc. 314).) DENMARK Consumption in; see Public Health Dairy Industry See also Copenhagen. 1883. See Dairy Industry; this date. 1896. See same, this date. DENNING (WILLIAM) See Parks and Monuments. DENNIS (DANIEL) Claimant 1839. Donation land. (House jol. 1838/9 v. 1: 440.) DENNIS (PROF. JOSEPH) 1897. The road question. (3 A.R. dept. of agric. 1897 pt. 1: 300-303.) DENNY (HARMAN) Repr. from Allegheny and Butler cos., 1826/7-1827/8. Committee of Ways and Means 1827. Apr. 3. Collateral inheritances. (House jol. 1826/7 V. 2: 695-698 (doc. 280).) 1828. Mch. 12. Lottery to pay debts due by turnpike cos. in which state holds stock. (Same 1827/8 v. 2: 883-884 (doc. 246).) DENTAL COLLEGES; see EDUCATION DENVER, LANCASTER CO. Diphtheria in; see Public Health. Diphtheria DENTISTRY; see LICENSES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE; see AGRICULTURE DEPOSITS Public; see Finance: State. Public Deposits DEPRECIATION LANDS; see LAND DERICKSON (DAVID) 1867-1868. See Education. Penn., these dates. 1870. Jan. Rept. of comrs. to revise civil code. (Sen. jol. 1870: 133-134.) DERR (CHAS. W.) Count.v snpt. of Ri-hnols, in02/3-190,V4 ; see Kdueatlon. I'enn. Montour Co. DERR (F. C.) Count.T supt. of schools. 1881/2-1883/4 ; sec Education. Penn. Montour Co. DERR (H. H.) Fish conn-., 1883/4-1885/6 ; see Fish and Game. DERRY, DAUPHIN CO. Sanitation; see Public Health Small-Pox in; see Public Health DERSHEIMER (C. C.) 1894. Condition of agric. (53 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 133-134.) DESH (G. H.) City supt. of schools In .4IIentown, 1879/80; see Educa- tion. Penn. Allentnwn : do. Bethlehem, 1885/6- 1887/8 ; see Education. Bethlehem. DETRICK (CHARLES S.) 1860. New school houses in Monroe Co. (Penn. School Jol. V. 8: 232-233.) DETWILER (MARY STOWE) 1898. Williamsport Training School. (Charitable In- stitutions which reed, state aid in 1897 and 1898 . . . pp. 705-706) DE VERE (SCHELE) 1874. Art school in southern Germany. (Penn. School JoL V. 23: 10-12.) DEVERAUX (WM. H.) County supt. of schools, 1893/4-1895/6 ; see Education. Penn. Elk Co. DEVINE (EDWARD T.) 1892. After-school education. (Penn. School Jol. v. 40: 390-392.) DEVON INN, CHESTER CO. SEWAGE; see that title DEWART (LEWIS) Repr. from Northumberl.nnd Co., 1816/7-1820/1 ; Sen. do., 182:^-26 ; Repr. do., 1834/5-1837/8. Senator from Northumberland Co. Committee on Agriculture and Domestic Manufactures 1825. Jan. 12. On petition resp. domestic mnfres., sheep breeding, etc., in Susquehanna Co. (Sen. jol. 1824/5: 184.) . Feb. 9. Beaver Co. petition rel. to salt inspec- tors. (Same 1824/5: 406-407.) . Mch. 1. Bucks Co. agric. socy. and Penn. agric. socy. (Same 1824/5: 522-523.) [Select] Committee 1825. Jan. 10. On so much of auditor genl's. rept. as relates to expenditures for the year 1823/4. (Sen. jol. 1824/5: 173-174.) . Jan. 14. Same. (Same 1824/5: 192.) 650 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA DEWART (LEWIS)— cont'd Representative from Northumberland Co. Committee on Bridges and State and Turnpike Roads 1835. Feb. 25. State road in Luzerne Co. (House jol. 1834/5 V. 2: 586 (doc. 16S).) Claimant 1830. Mch. 19. Damages; Susquehanna Division of Penn. Canal. (Jol. bd. canal comrs. 1830/1.) DEWEES (J. H.) 1878. Jly. 8. Rept. of progress in the Juniata distr. on the fossil iron ore beds of middle Penn. (2d Geol. Survey, F: xlix, 1-139, pp.) DEWEY (JAMES A.) Supt. of township schooLs, 1S91,'2-1900/1 ; see Educa- tion. I'enn. NewiK)it township. DE WITT (JACOB) County supt. of schools, 1859/60-1862/3 ; see Education. Penn. Wyoming Co. DEWITT (WILLIAM R.) State Librarian Feb. 25, 1854-.Mch. 16. 1863. 1854. Mch. 30. Condition of the library. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 52) : 255; legisl. docs. 1854: 588-589.) 1862. Feb. 7. Expenses of library; estimated. (Legisl. docs. 1862: 1191 (doc. 61).) DICKERSON (J. W.) County supt. of schools, 1863/4-1865 ; see Education. Penn. Bedford Co. ; Kepr. from Bedford and Ful- ton COS., 1872. 1862. Irregular attendance. (Penn. School Jol. v. 11: 312-315.) DICKERSON (JOSHUA) Repr. county of Washington Co., 1810/11-1817/18 ; Sen. trum Washington and Greene cos., 1818/9- 1822; Secretary of Land Office, 1824-1829; see Ijand, the serial group. Committee on Claims 1821. Mch. 10. Petition from John M'Clean, a captain in the late war. (Sen. jol. 1820/1: 600.) DICKESON (M. P.) 1894. Nuisances at So. Media. (10 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1893/4: 126-127.) DICKEY, HAWK AND MARSHALL Claimants 1848. Feb. 17. Western Division of Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1848 v. 2: 346.) DICKEY (JESSE C.) liepr. from Chester Co., 1843-1845. Committee on Claims 1845. Feb. 13. Claim of Hepburn, Johnson & Heylman for work on North Branch Canal. (House jol. 1845 v. 2: 368 (doc. 53).) . Apr. 3. Claim of James Tait as clerk to the Nicholson comrs. (Same 1845 v. 2: 645-687 (doc. 101).) Committee on Vice and Immorality 1844. Mch. 29. Licensing oyster cellars for retailing ardent spirits. (House jol. 1844 v. 2: 417-418 (doc. 68).) DICKEY (JOHN) Supt. Beaver Division, Pennsylvania Canal ; Sen. from Beaver and Butler cos., 1833/4-1837 ; Canal comr. May 16, 183S-Jan. 23. 1839. Division Superintendent, Pennsylvania Canal. 1831-1834. Rept. as supt. of Beaver Division, Penn. canal. (A.R. canal comrs. 1830/1 (pp. 138-141) — same 1833/4.) Paging from Senate doc. cd. Senator from Beaver and Butler cos. [Select] Committee 1836. Mch. 18. Bank of Penn. (Sen. Jol. 1835/6 v. 2: 375-385 and foldg. table.) DICKIE (DR. A. M.) 1877. Our poultry interests, (v. 12. Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1877: 385-389; 1 A.R. bd. agric. 1877: 141-144; 244-248.) 1880. Poultry as a farm crop in Penn. (4 A.R. bd. agric. 1880: 205-207.) DICKINSON (A. B.), OF N. Y. 1854. May 1. Address before Tioga Co. Agric. Socy. (2 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1854: 298-308.) DICKINSON (JOHN W.) 1891. The normal school. (Penn. School Jol. v. 40: 206-208.) DICKINSON (MAHLON H.) Special agent apptd. by the Gov. to investigate prisons and almshouses, 1867-1869 ; see Maintenance. C^ounty Institutions. 1867. Dec. Prisons and alms-houses. (17 pp. (Exec, docs. 1867.) DICKINSON COLLEGE; see EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS DICKSON (A. S.) Fish conir., 1887/8; see Fish and Game. DICKSON (JAMES) County supt. of schools, 1875/6-1879/80 ; see Education. Penn. Allegheny Co. 1880. Local institutes. (Penn. School Jol. v. 28: 482- 483.) DICKSON (W. W.) 1853. Education ; its object and the best means of effect- ing it. (Penn. School Jol. v. 2: 28-32.) DICKSON (WILLIAM). 1829-1830. Rept. us supt. or supervisor of French Creek Division, Penn. Canal. (A.R. canal comrs. 1828/9 (pp. 225-228)— «omc 1829/30.) Paging from Senate doc. ed. DICKSON, LACKAWANNA CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local DIEHL (ANNA RANDALL) 1872. The Swedish scliool system. (Penn. School Jol. V. 20: 204-206.) DIEHL (D. P.) 1889. How to make the farm pay. (39 and 40 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1889: 291-296.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE Ol-' PENNSYLVANIA 651 DIFFENBACH (HY. L.) t'ouuty supt. of schools, 1854/5-1855/6 ; see Education. Poiiii. Clinton Co. 1855. Office of CO. supt. (Penn. School Jol. v. 4: 155-156.) . Penn. education. (Same v. 3: 381-284.) DIFFENBACH (J. G.) 1895. Typhoid fever at Northumberland. (11 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1894/5: 259.) DIFFENDERFFER (FRANK R.) 1879. Tobacco. (7 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1878/9: 274-276; 3 A.R. bd. asric. 1879: 181-192; Quart, rept. bd. agric. Je.-Aug. 1S79; 11-13.) 1880. Tobacco crop. (8 quarterly rept. bd. agric. Mch., Apr. and May 1880: 32-35.) 1881. Tobacco culture; by F. R. DiffenderfEer. (13 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1881 (pp. 22-29)— 14 same 1881: 54-79.) . Tobacco culture. (5 A.R. bd. agric. 1881: 72-94.) 1883. The tobacco season of 1SS3. (7 same 1883: 76-83.) 1890. Better road-making. (41 and 42 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1890: 185-189.) 1891. Tobacco season of 1891. (15 A.R. bd. agric. 1891: 108-112.) 1897. Tobacco growing in Penn. (3 A.R. dept. agric. 1897 pt. 1: 649-678.) DIGHT (JOHN M.) County supt. of schools, 1875/6-1877/8 ; see Education. Penn. Mercer Co. DILL (ANDREW H.) Sen. from Lycoming, Union and Snyder cos., 1871-73 : do. from Snvder. Perry, Northumberland and Union COS.. 1874-1877/8. Select Committee 1871. Apr. 21. Damages sustained by citizens of Chambersburg in the late war. (Sen. jol. 1871: 899-906.) DILLER (ADAM) Adj. gen., 1830-1845 ; see Militia, the serial group. DILLINGHAM (WILLIAM M.) Repr. from Chester Co., 1S.'!7/'3S. Select Committee 1838. Jan. 18. Dickinson College. (House jol. 1837/8 V. 2: 297-300 (doc. 93).) DILLSBURG, YORK CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Small-Pox in; see Public Health DIMMICK (SAMUEL E.) Attorney General, 1873-1874 ; for annual reports ; see Administration of Justice: State. DIMMICK (WILLIAM H.) Sen. from Susquehanna, Wavne and Wyoming cos., 1845- 1847. Select Committee 1847. Mch. 16. Publication of final rept. of geol. sur- vey of state. (House jol. 1847 v. 2: 393-395; Sen. jol. V. 1: 545-548.) DIMMICK (WILLIAM H.) Itepr. from W.iyne Co. 1874. Rept. of committee apptd. to investigate author- ship of circulars addressed to banks and bankers rel. to bill to repeal usury laws of the common- wealth. (House jol. Jan., 1874: 330-332.) A scheme originated by Dlnimlck, then a member of the House, for his private profit. Dimmlck anticipated any action by the House by resigning on Feb. 23, 1874. DIMOCK (ASA) Itcpr. from Susquehanna Co., 1830/.37-1837/:!8 ; Sen. from Bradford and Susquehanna cos., 1842-44. Select Committee 1838. Feb. 26. Institution for Instruction of the Blind. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 717-722 (doc. 141).) DINGMAN (DANIEL W.) Ilcpr. from Northampton and Wayne cos.. 1808/0- 1811/12 ; do. from Northampton, Wayne and Lebigb COB., 1812/3-1813/4. Select Committee 1812. Jan. 13. Claim of J. Craig to donation land. (House jol. 1811/2: 218-220.) . Jan. 9. Petition of executors of D. Brodhead resp. certain Luzerne Co. lands certified to Conn, settlers. (Same 1811/2: 184-185.) . Jan. 16. Petition of S. C. Seely resp. state lien on Nicholson lands. (Kame 1811/2: 245-247.) 1813. Jan. 8. Sale of unseated lands for taxes. {Same 1812/3: 164.) . Feb. 3. Petitions of stockholders in Harrisburg Bridge Co. rel. to site of the bridge. (Same 1812/13: 312-313.) . Mch. 11. Memorials agst. erection of public buildings at Blooming Grove, Wayne Co. (Same 1812/13: 513-514.) 1814. Jan. 19. Division of Wayne Co. and erection of public bidgs. at Blooming Grove. (Same 1813/4: 180-181.) DINSMORE (A. A.) County supt. of schools, 1879/80-1886/7 ; see Education. I'cnn. .Monroe Co. D'INVILLIERS (E. V.) 1883. The geology of South Mountain Belt of Berks Co. xxii, 441, 6 pp. illus. D 3 y. 2 of 2d geol. survey publications. 1886. Rept. on iron ore mines and limestone quarries of Cumberland-Lebanon Valley. (A.R. geol. survey 1886 pt. 4: 1409-1567.) -^-. Pittsburgh coal region. (Same 1886 pt. 1: xvi, 1-573, 9 pp., 6 pis., 4 diagrs., 2 maps in pockets.) 1889. Rept. on geology of the four counties Union, Snyder, Miffiin and Juniata .... xxiv, 420 pp., 2 maps. F 3 of 2d geol. survey publuations. 1895. Mauch Chunk red shale. (A.R. geol. survey 1895 v. 3, pt. 1: 1833-1853.) D'INVILLIERS (E. V.) AND OTHERS 1884. The geology of Centre Co. xviii. 464, 8 pp., map, illus. T 4 of 2d geol. survey publications. DIPHTHERIA: see PUBLIC HEALTH DISEASES Livestock; see Agriculture. Livestock. Inspection DISERT (H. A.) County supt. of schools, 18S1/2-1S86/7 ; see Education. Penn. Franklin Co. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Education; see that title DITCHBURN (ROBERT F.) City supt. of schools, 1885/6-1903/4 ; see EducaUon. Penn. Tamoqua. 652 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA DIVEN (WILLIAM) Repr. from York Co., 1822/23-182-1/25. [Select] Committee 1823. Feb. 4. Receipts of treasury affected by mode of declaring dividends by banks. ( House jol. 1822/3 : 444-445.) DIX (DOROTHEA LYNDE) 1845. Feb. 3. Memorial for state hospital for insane. (House jol. 1845 v. 2: 261-305.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1845. 59 pp. Copies In Hist. Socv. of Penn., Penn. State Library and N. Y. Public Library. . Same, another edition. Philadelphia: I. Ash- mead, 1845. 52 pp. Copies in Free Library of Phila.. Hist. Socy. of Penn.. library of the Library Co. of Phila., N. Y. Public Library and Penn. State Library. DIXON (GEORGE R.) Co. supt. of schools Elk Co., 1875/6-1886/7 ; see Educa- tion. Penn. Elk Co. ; Repr. from Elk Co., 1895/6 ; 1S99/00-1901/2. DOAK (ROBT.) Claimant 1833. Dec. 21. Military equipment. (House Jol. 1833/4 V. 2: 207.) DOBBINS (SAMUEL) Claimant 1835. Feb. 10. Property destroyed on the Conemaugh. (House joL 1834/5 v. 2: 548-550 (doc. 141).) DOCK (JACOB) Repr. from city of Phila., 1856-1857. See also Bingham and Dock. 1854. Mch. 30. Joint proposal with John Bingham to lease main line of public works. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 54): 264.) DOCK (MIRA L.) 1900. Farmers' library list. 30 pp. (Dept. of agric. bull. 65.) 1900. List of books for farmers' library. (6 A.R. dept. [24 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1900 pt. 1: 854-879.) 1902. Invalid's camp at Mt. Alto. (Rept. dept. of forestry 1901/2: 66-67.) . The invalid's camp at Mount Alto. (Som* 1901/2: 66-67.) DOG LAWS; see AGRICULTURE. LIVESTOCK DOMESTIC LABOR; see LABOR DONALDSON (S. B.) City supt. of schools, 1881/2-1883/4 ; see Education. Penn. New Castle. DONALSON (JOHN) Register Gen. of Penn.. 1789-1794 ; see Finance ; State, the serial group. DONATION LANDS; see LAND DONMOYER (MILTON T.) 1893. Grape growing. (51 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1893: 50-52.) Holland Land Co. (Sen. jol. 1805/6: DONORA, WASHINGTON CO. Banks; see Banks: Individual. Bank of Donora DORSEY (JOHN) Sen. from Phila. City and Co. and Delaware Co., 1806/7. Committee of Accounts 1809. Mch. 25. Prtrs'. estimates. (Sen. jol. 1808/9: 451.) Joint [Select] Committee 1807. Jan. 2. State of Penn. and Phila. banks. (Sen. jol. 1806/7: 61-63.) Select Committee 1806. Jan. 15. 103-104.) . Jan. 25. Petition of Benj. Nones, president of the Hebrew Congregation. {Same 1805/6: 125.) . Jan. 31. Phila. and Lancaster turnpike road. (Same 1805/6: 144.) . Feb. 1. On petition rel. to a floating bridge at Gray's Ferry. {Same 1805/6: 148.) . Feb. 1. Petition from Phila. for incorporation of a socy. for encouragement and sale of American mnfres. {Same 1805/6: 145-146.) . Mch. 3. Delay of Sen. journal in German. (Same 1805/6: 253.) . Dec. 8. Petition of Maria Rivardi for lottery to raise money to establish a school in Phila. (Same 1806/7: 20-21.) 1807. Jan. 29. University of Penn.; botanical garden. (Same 1806/7: 146-147.) . Apr. 1. Propriety of procuring U. S. law, estab- lishing weights and measures. (Same 1806/7: 442- 448.) 1808. Mch. 3. Weights and measures. (Sen. jol. 1807/8: 304-318.) . Same, separate, n. t. p. 35 pp. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1807/8: 318.) Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In Amer. Phllos. Socy. . Mch. 16. Petition of A. Bouchiere on sugar re- fining. (Satne 1807/8: 391.) Special Committee 1805. Dec. 16. Disposal of certain patent rights by lottery. (Sen. jol. 1805/6: 39-40.) DORSHAMER (WESLEY) 1893. Corn and potato culture. (51 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1893: 139-141.) DOTY (EZRA) Sen. from Mifflin and Huntingdon cos., 1808/9-1812 ; Repr. from Mifflin Co.. 181G/7. Committee on Domestic Manufactures 1810. Dec. 14. Rept. on petition of W. Eichbaum for aid in establishing plant for making wire. (Sen. jol. 1810/11: 43-44.) [Select] Committee 1817. Mch. 18. Bridge over Tuscarora Creek, Mifflin Co. (House jol. 1816/7: 634.) DOUGAL (D.) Claimant 1824. Donation land. (House jol. 1823/4: 460-463.) DOUGHERTY (JOHN) 1841. Rept. as supervisor of repairs on Allegheny Por- tage R.R. (A.R. canal comrs. 1838/9: 136-138.) Paging from Senate doc. ed. 1891. Compulsory education in 111. and Wis. (Penn. School Jol. V. 39: 384-385.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 653 DOUGLASS (D. B.) 1826. Aug. 9. Joint rept. with Wm. Strickland upon location ofWestern Division of Penn. Canal. (Kept. Canal comrs. [1826/7], first rept. Dec. lS2ri: 75-76.) 1829. Nov. 25. Survey of eastern termination of Penn. Rwy. (A.R. canal comrs. 1828/9: 275-284.) DOUGLASS (EPHRAIM) Claimant 1804. Mch. 22. Services in holding a court martial. (House jol. 1803/4: 639.) DOUTHETT (A. T.) County Bupt. of schools, 1860/1-1874/5 ; see Education. Penn. Allegheny Co. DOUTHETT (D. B.) 1893. Relation the farmer sustains to other people. (50 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1893: 61-66.) DOUTHETT (J. M.) 1894. Farm improvements. (52 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 45-46.) Appearance of bUlgs. and grounds. DOWNING (SAMUEL R.) 1887. The farmer and the newspaper. (34 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1887: 121-126.) 1889. Macadam road. (13 A.R. bd. of agric. 1889: 328- 335.) 1890. Labor vs. cash tax. (14 same 1890: 161-166.) . State aid for public roads. (41 and 42 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1890: 208-211; 14 A.R. bd. of agric. 1890: 175-178.) . Macadam roads. (41 and 42 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1890: 39-47.) . Road reform. (41 and 42 same 1890: 180-185.) 1893. State apprns. for public roads. (51 same 1893: 13-14.) 1893-1901. Rept. as chrm. of committee of bd. of agric. on roads and road laws. (17 A.R. bd. of agric. 1893 (pp. 148-152)— 7 A.R. dept. of agric. 1901.) Omitted 1S94, l.SOC-1900. 1894. Some road experiments. (18 A.R. bd. of agric. 1894: 277-283.) 1899. Application of local tax money. (Dept. of agric. Bull. 52: 75-79.) . Application of local tax money. (.Some 52: 75-79.) Local Local DOWNINGTON, CHESTER CO. Banks; see Banks: Individual. Downington Bank Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: DOYLESTOWN, BUCKS CO. Banks; see Banks: Individual. Doylestown Climate; see that title. Precipitation Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Nuisances; see Public Health Rainfall; see Climate Sanitation; see Public Health Typhoid Fever; see Public Health DRAINAGE; see AGRICULTURE. SOILS DRAKE (E. G.) 1889. Diphtheria at Antrim. (5 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1888/9: 589-590.) DRAVOSBURG, ALLEGHENY CO. Banks: see Banks: Individual. State Bank DREISBACH (JOHN) Kepr. from L'nlon Co.. lS27/8-lS2l?,/n. Committee on Bridges and State and Turnpike Roads 1829. Mch. 3. Road taxes in Venango Co. (House jol 1828/9 v. 2: 617 (doc. 236).) DRIFTON, LUZERNE CO. Climate; see that title Rainfall; see Climate Temperature; see Climate DRIFTWOOD, CAMERON CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local DRINKER (JOHN) Eepr. from City of Phlln.. 1811/12. Committee on Banks 1812. Feb. 3. Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank. (House Jol. 1811/2: 345; 347.) DROUTH; see CLIMATE DRUGGISTS Licenses; see that title DRUGS Inspection; see Food and Drug Law DRUM (AUGUSTUS) Sen. from Cle.nrfield, Indiana, Cambria and Armstrong COS.. 1849-50. Select Committee 1849. Apr. 6. Petition for compelling Penn. R.R. Co. to widen a channel of the Susquehanna River. (Sen. jol. 1849 V. 1: 784-785.) DRUMHELLER (JACOB) Repr. from Luzerne and Susquehanna cos., 1822/23- 1824/25 ; do. from Luzerne and Columbia cos., 1828/9-1832. Committee on Agriculture and Domestic Manufactures 1832. Feb. 4. On so much of Govs. mess, as relates to culture of the vine and mulberry tree; agric. and mnfg. socys. (Sen. jol. 1831/2 v.'l: 264-266.) DRY RUN, FRANKLIN CO. Typhoid Fever; see Public Health DUANE (WILLIAM J.) Repr. from City of Phila., 1809/10-1813/4, 1819/20. Committee on Militia System 1814. Feb. 4. Establishment of a military force at Erie. (House jol. 1813/4: 287-288.) Committee on Roads and Inland Navigation 1809. Jan. 16. Turnpike road from Perkiomen bridge to Reading. (House jol. 1809/10: 74-80.) — ' — . Jan. 8. Westmoreland Co. petition rel. to courts over roads and bridge over Turtle Creek. (Same 1809/10: 196-197.) . Dec. 21. Mercer Co. petitions for aid in road and bridge building. (Same 1809/10: 128.) . Dec. 21. Road to connect Centre and Newtown turnpike roads. (Same 1809/10: 130.) 1810. Jan. 3. Butler Co. petition for apprns. for im- provement of roads north and west of the Allegheny River. (Same 1809/10: 242.) . Jan. 18. French Creek. (Same 1810/1: 283-286.) . Jan. 24. Oil Creek. (Same 1809/10: 328-329.) 654 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA DUAKE (WILLIAM J.)— cont'd Committee on Roads and Inland Navigation — cont'd 1810. Jan. 27. Navigation of Connlaut (sic) Creek. {Same 1809/10: 354-355.) ■ — ■ — ■. Jan. 30. Tioga Co. petition for assistance in im- proving road from Williamsport to the N. Y. line. (.Same 1809/10: 380-381.) . Feb. 9. State road from Milesburg to Waterford. (Same 1809/10: 477-478.) . Feb. 14. Turnpiking of road from Callowhill St. to the northern Liberties. (Same 1809/10: 517- 518.) . Feb. 14. Road betw. West and North Branches of the Susquehanna. (Same 1809/10: 525-526.) . Feb. 14. West Branch of the Susquehanna. (Same 1809/10: 521-522.) . Feb. 14. Dovpningtown, Ephrata and Harrisburg turnpike road. (Same 1809/10: 593-594.) ■ . Feb. 14. Petition from Westmoreland Co. rel. to roads over Laurel Hill and Chestnut Ridge. (Same 1809/10: 524-525.) ■ . Feb. 14. Petitions rel. to a road from Wilkes- barre to intersect Lehigh & Berwick turnpike. (Same 1809/10: 526-527.) . Feb. 22. Road through the Delaware Water-Gap. (Same 1809/10: 593.) . Feb. 22. Cambria Co. roads. (Same 1809/10: 595.) . Feb. 23. Old Penn. road. (Same 1809/10: 606- 607.) — ■ — . Feb. 23. Road from Kelso's Ferry, Cumberland Co. to the Md. line. (Same 1809/10: 607-608.) . Feb. 26. Road from Harrisburg to Sunbury. (Same 1809/10: 628.) -^. Feb. 26. Road from Turtle Creek to Pittsburg. (Same 1809/10: 628-629.) — - — . Feb. 26. Road from Fishing Creek to Moore head's ferry. (Same 1809/10: 629.) 1813. Mch. 1. Centre turnpike CO. (Same 1812/3: 461- 462.) . Mch. 19. Reasons for adverse vote in passage of act refusing request of Union Canal Co. rel. to loan. (Same 1812/13: 571-576.) [Select] Committee 1809. Dec. 19. Petition of V. Moreau, an alien, for right to purchase and hold real estate. (House jol. 1809/10: 106-111.) 1810. Jan. 11. Dickinson College. (Some 1809/10: 221-222.) . Feb. 7. Powder magazine near Phila. (Same 1809/10: 461.) 1812. Dec. 7. Petition of Penn. Insurance Co., for re- newal of charter. (Same 1812/13: 42-43.) 1820. Jan. 28. (On so much of Govs. mess, as relates to the general state of domestic economy, the general stagnation of business and the practicability of a loan office etc.] n. t. p. 23 pp Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn., and in Library of Amcr. I'hilos. Socy. 1000 copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1819/20: 4GC.) ^— . Same. House jol. 1819/20: 416-428.) . Feb. 14. Docs. rel. to the extent and causes of the present general distress, n. t. p. 27 pp., 2 foldg. tables. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. Special Committee 1810. Jan. 15. Gideon Olmsted case. (House jol. 1809/10: 250-254.) . Same, separate. Not Been. Usiinl no. of copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 180»/10: 254.) DUBBS (DANIEL S.) 1898. The laws in regard to fences. (4 A.R. dept. [22 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1898 pt. 1: 325-327.) DUBOIS, CLEARFIELD CO. Banks; see Banks: Individual, Dubois Climate; see that title. Precipitation Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Schools in; see Education DUCK (WILLIAM) 1827. Apr. 2. See Harris (Robt.), this date. DUDLEY (CHARLES B.) 1889. Diphtheria at Galitzin, Cambria Co. (5 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1888/9: 88-89; 564-565.) 1888. Sanitary condition of Altoona. (4 same 1887/8: 1004-1009.) 1892. Fever at Philipsburg. (8 same 1891/2: 140-14L) 1894. Fever at Juniata College. (10 same 1893/4: 142- 145.) 1895. Soap boiling nuisance at Altoona. (11 same 1894/5: 215-216.) DUDLEY (PEMBERTON) 1881-1894. The decline of tubercular consumption in Phila.; by P. Dudley. (12 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1895/6 V. 1: 542-545.) 1894. Local sanitary assns. an aid to the local health bds. (10 same 1893/4: 332-334.) 1896. Sanitary mngmt. of contagious diseases of chil- dren. (Procs. and papers 9 state sanitary conven- tion 1896: 69-72.) DUDLEY HUNTINGDON CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local DUFFIELD (GEORGE) Reglstev General, lSOl-1805 ; see Finance: State, the serial group. DUFFIELD (THOMAS W.) Repr. from Phila. City, 1860-1862. 1862. Apr. 10. Protection of gas consumers in Phila. (Legist. Record 1862: 667-668.) DUFFY (JAMES) Fish conir. 1873-1883/4; see Fish and (!ame. DUFFY (T. N.) 1888. Statistics of rainfall at Milton, 1879-1882. (A.R. secy, internal affairs 1887/8 pt. 1: A 175.) DUHRING (LOUIS A.) 1899. Leprosy in Clearfield Co. (15 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1898/9 v. 1: 351-352.) DUNBAR, FAYETTE CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local DUNCAN (AUGUST) Fish comr., 1883/4-1885/6 ; see Fish and Game. DUNCAN (JAMES) One of comrs. apptd. in 1821 to ascertain owners of ground in frtmr of capital b1df;s. ; one of comrs. apptd. in 1821 to superintend furnishing of state capitol. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 655 DUNCAN (STEPHEN) Sen. from City nn Neither Senate ed. was found. For the original (Ohio) edition of this rept. and re- I>rlnts other than noted above, see the Ohio volume ■ ■I this Index, p. 10.""i4. See also helow, Penn., under date, 1838. 1852. History of education; by Elias Schneider. (Penn. School Jol. V. 1: 57-59; 76-80; 92-96; 113-116; 149- 152.) . Education' — its true end; by J. P. Wickersham. (.Same v. 1: 53-55.) . Education; by S. Preston. (Same. v. 1: 219-220.) . Essay on female education; by Martha Glass and Melissa Edgar. (Same v. 1: 250-252.) . The influence of national origin upon education in the U. S.; by John S. Crumbaugh. {Same v. 1: 312-313.) 1853. Female education: by Caroline Davis. (Same V. 1: 431-432.) . [Education!; ty T. H. Burrowes. (Same v. 1: 439-443.) . Mission of the American scholar; by T. P. Camp- bell. (Same v. 1: 44.5-448.) . Relation of the church, the state and the parent, to public education. (Same v. 2: 17-18.) — — . General education; by Simon Snyder. (Same V. 2: 12-13.) . The church and school question; bv Elias Schneider. (Same v. 2: 59-64.) — — . Education and the educator; by J. F. Stoddard. (Same v. 2: 87-88.) . Education the office of church and state unitedly; by J. V. Eckert. (Same v. 2: 57-59.) . Education: its object and the best means of effecting it; by W. W. Dickson. (Same v. 2: 28-32.) . Importance of natural science as a branch of education; by S. S. Holdeman. (Same v. 2: 119-122.) . On the promotion of education in common schools; by E. C. Benedict. (Same v. 2: 122-128.) . Rept. on the primary school — the teacher and the mode of instruction. (Same v. 2: 224-232.) A. M. Gow, J. p. Wickersham, S. D. Ingram. . Extr. from an English Review on education in the U. S. (20 A.R. supt. of common schools 1852/3: 7-8.) 1854. Education the readiest road to wealth; by E. C. Wines. (Penn. School Jol. v. 3: 185-192.) . Philosophy of education; by James Thompson. (Same v. 3.124-128.) . Education — its object; by W. B. Frew. (Same V. 3: 22-24.) . Summary of common school statistics for the different states. (Same v. 2: 316-317.) . The education needed in America. (Same v. 2: 315-316.) 1855. The slowness, yet extreme tendencies of educa- tional progress; by Thos. H. Burrowes. (Same V. 4: 60-64.) . Same. (Same v. 45: 205-212.) -^— . Education; by Jennie Beistline. (Same v. 4: 251-252.) . The country's demand for educated women; by D. S. Beale. (Same v. 4: 311-312.) . School govt.; by Ira C. Mitchell. (Same v. 3: 317-319.) . Address of J. B. Pradt, co. supt. of Potter Co., before teachers' institute [on education]. (Same V. 3: 376-381.) EDUCATION— cont'd 1855. Address of Dan. Grant before Perry Co. Educa- tional Conv. [on education]. (Same v. 4: 29-32.) — ^-. Intellectual development; by J. F. Stoddard. (Same v. 4: 88-92.) 1856. An enlighted public spirit in this country essen- tial to good schools. (Same v. 4: 328-330.) . What do we educate for? by S. S. Saul. (Same v. 4: 373-374.) . The American schoolmastei — his mission; by J. McD. Sharp. (Same v. 5: 52-58.) . The relation of Sunday and secular schools; by A. M. Gow. (Same v. 5: 169-176.) . Popular education; by S. P. Bates. (Same v. 5: 288-294.) 1857. Educationist motives, methods and ends; by Horace Greeley. (Same v. 6: 158-160.) . Common schools and crime; by E. Ryerson. (Same v. 6: 300.) . The value and uses of education ; by S. W. Tewks- bury. (SatJic v. 5: 364-368.) 1858. The true basis of education; by J. W. McCaskey. (Satne v. 6: 316-320.) . Relation of intellectual culture to physical labor. (Same v. 7: 348-352.) . Benefits of a general education; by Jesse H. Berry. (Same v. 6: 342-344.) 1859. The foundation principles of education; by G. B. Hotchkin. (Same v. 8: 60-64.) . Female education; by J. Hettenbaugh. (Same V. 8: 25-28.) 1860. The common school law — its object and its effects on American Socy.; by E. Guyer. (Same v. 9: 253- 256.) ■ . True education and its results; by M. 0. Crosby. (Same v. 9: 158-160.) . Education for labor; by E. Lamborn. (Same V. 9: 142-143.) 1861. Relation of common schools to civilization; by A. Smith. (Same V. 10: 148-150.) 1862. Irregular attendance; by J. W. Dickerson. (Same V. 11: 312-315.) . Educational statistics of Europe and America; bv John C. Ellis. (Same v. 11: 17-19; 51-53; 112- li4; 148-150; 174-176; 212-215; 240-242; 276-277; 304; 336-338; 364-366.) England, France, Russia. Austria. Prussia, Pontifical States. German States, United States. . The mission of woman to the common schools. (Same v. 11: 49.) . The importance of a thorough education of wo- man; by W. T. Hamilton. (Same v. 11: 46-48; 117- 123.) . Importance of educating the young; by R. M. Magee. (Same v. 10: 379.) • : Educational depts. in newspapers. (Same v. 11: 192-194.) 1862/3-1880/1. Educational matters in other states. In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1862/3 in v. 11 : 167-168 ; 198 ; 231 ; 259 ; 201-292 ; 355 1863/4 in V. 12: 4-5; 38; 104-105; 202 ; 229-230 ; 261-263 ; 326-327 131-132 ; 170 356-357, 354- 201- 1864/5 in v. 13: 6-7; 36; 88-89; 110-111; 134: 144- 145 ; 168-169 ; 193-194 ; 221-222 ; 248-249. 1865/6 In V. 14: 5-6; 72; 98; 124; 150; 202-204; 228; 1866/7 In V. 15 : 6: 28-29 ; 132 ; 213-214 ; 245 ; 294-295. 1867/8 in v. 16: 5-6; 171-172: 281-282. Given under the caption Educational Intelligence In 1868/9^in 'v^"i7: 133-136; 162-163; 190-191; 221-223; 246-248 : 301-304 : 398. „ ,,„ „, , 1869/70 in v. 18: 8-10: 96-99: 131-132; loS-159 : 214- 215: 243-248; 272-273: 329-331. 1870/1 In v. 19 : 10-12 ; 93-95 ; 150-151 ; 212-213 ; 309- 312. 660 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd 1871/2 In V. 20: 29-30; 167; 200; 234-236; 267-270; 301-304 : 336-337 ; 365-368 ; 401-403. Beginning with p. 167, given under the caption Miscel- lany ; this caption Is aiso used in v. 21 and 29. 1872/3 in V. 21 : 174-175. 1873/4-1879/80. Not found. lSSO/1 in v. 29 : 253-254 ; 340-341. 1863. American schools; their past, present and future; by John C. Ellis. (Penn. School Jol. v. 12: 13-14; 45-47; 116-117.) . Evils of irregularity in attendance and the remedy. (Same v. 11: 219-220.) . Effects of the war on female education. (Same V. 11: 289-290.) . What is the use of public education? by E. Lamborn. (Same v. 12: 42-43.) . American education; by L. W. Savage. (Same V. 12: 61-64.) 1864. The true objects and mode of education; by E. A. Weston. (Same v. 12: 314-316.) . Why the church should not, and the state should educate. (Same v. 12: 322-324.) 1866. A practical education; by Prof. Kellog. (Same V. 14: 163-166.) 1867. Table: statistics of city schools throughout the country. (Saine v. 15: 221.) 1867-1871. Stmt, compiled by National Bureau of Edu- cation, showing educational statistics of different states. ([36] A.R. supt. of common schools 1868/9 (pp. lix-lx) — [38] same 1870/1.) 1868. National dept. of education; fear of its discon- tinuance. (Penn. School Jol. v. 17: 126-127.) — — . The spiritual element in education; by Edwd. Brooks. (Same v. 17: 108-113.) . The subject and the object of education. (Same V. 17: 230-232.) Translated from the German of K. Borman by R. K. Buehrle. 1869. Family, school and church; by C. Corntorth. (Same v. 18: 142-144.) 1870. Politics in school affairs; by Alex. J. Prey. (Some V. 19: 191-192.) . Competitive examinations for national schools approved by National Assn. of School Supts. ([37] A.R. supt. of common schools 1869/70: xxiii-xxiv. ) 1871. The scheme to establish a national system of education. (Same v. 19: 249-252.) . Future educational development. (Same v. 19: 345-348.) . The ungraded school; by M. A. Newell. (Same V. 19: 258-259; 348-350.) ■ . American education progressive; by John Eaton, Jr. (Same v. 20: 113-118.) . Science in education; by Geo. Eastburn. (Some v. 20: 94-97.) . Common school education; by Geo. P. Hays. (Same v. 19: 263-264.) 1872. American system of education. (Same v. 20: 353-354.) Draft made by Secy. Northup of Conn, for Japanese Minister. . Education bill In Congress. (Penn. School Jol. V. 20: 324-325.) . Education in the nation; review of Gen. Eaton's rept. (.Same v. 20: 288-290.) . Education in Congress; a proposition to apply the proceeds of the public lands to the education of the people. (Same v. 20: 290-291.) . The school question in Europe. (Same v. 20: 211-212.) 1873. German and American schools; by Wm. H. Young. (.Same v. 22: 290-292.) . What can our public schools do to quicken the public conscience. (Same v. 22: 90-92.) . Review of educational magazines. (.Same v. 21: 256-258.) EDUCATION— cont'd 1873. Catholics for and agst. public schools (Same v. 22; 365- (Same Hays. (Same (Same T. 22: 217-218.) — ' — . Women as school directors. 366.) Extr. from R. I. bd. of educ. . Education pays; by Saml. Fellows. (Some v. 22: 52-53.) . The inner life of schools; by J. H. Shumaker. (Same v. 22: 179-183.) 1874. Liberal education; by Wm. P. Atkinson. V. 22: 316-318.) . Money value of education; by Geo. P. (Same v. 23: 90-94.) . The relations of crime and ignorance. v. 23: 51-52.) . Natural science and popular education; by Chas. F. Hines. (Some v. 23: 177-183.) 1875. The principals on which our schools are gov- erned. (Same v. 24: 6-11.) . Education and its sources. (Same v. 23: 385-386.) . The relation and duties of educators to crime; by J. B. Bittinger. (Some v. 24: 151-154.) . The organization of the educational forces in socy.; by Wm. S. Schofield. (Same v. 24: 117-128.) 1876. Ideal education in America; by Wm. T. Harris. (Same v. 25: 183-188.) . . Laws of health as applied to education; by Nel- son Sizer. (.Some v. 25: 21-24.) . Woman as a school officer; by H. E. Holcomb. (Same v. 25: 133-136.) . Laws of health as applied to education; by Nel- son Sizer. (.Some v. 25: 149-153.) . Esthetics of education; by Minnie Swayze. (Same v. 25: 153-156.) . Facts concerning foreign educational systems and policy; organization, bldg. and furnishing school houses, teachers and their preparation, course of study in elementary schools, Inspection or supervision of schools, secondary education, indus- trial schools, higher technical education, pedagogi- cal museums. ([43] A.R. supt. of public instruction 1875/6: xix-xlii.) 1877. Education for woman; by Minnie C. Swayze. (Penn. School Jol, v. 25: 351-353.) . Pedagogics abroad — the experiences of a self- trained teacher. (Same v. 26: 121-127.) Read before the College of Preceptors, London, May 20, 1877. . A thorough and efficient system of public schools; by Geo. L. Mavis. (Same v. 26: 69-73.) . American public education; by J. G. Holland. (Same v. 26: 211-212.) 1878. Supervision of schools: school superintendence, unpopularity of supts., superintendency in Cal. (Same v. 26: 328-332.) . Our common school education; by A. J. RickofT. (Same v. 27: 157-162.) From Ohio Educational Monthly. . Education in the South; Peabody fund. (Same V. 27: 183-184.) — — 1. Education concerning political duties; by L. H. Hugbee. (Same v. 27: 86-90.) . Co-operative adult education. (.SarHe v. 27: 92- 94.) — ■ — . Pedagogics abroad — facts concerning education In Europe. (.Same v. 26: 289-290.) . Supt.'s outline of education in Europe. ([45] A.R. supt. of public instruction 1877/8: xix-xxxli.) 1879. U. S. and our free school system. (Penn. School Jol. v. 27: 399-404.) Extrs. from rept. of French comn. to Centennial, trans- lated by It. K. Buehrle. . Parents and common schools; by A. D. Mayo. (Same v. 28: 268-270.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 661 EDUCATION— cont'd 1879. P''rulta of state education; by M. A. Newell. (Same v. 28: 223-226.) From M(l. Scliool .Toiiru;il. ■ . Practical education; by S. M. Gibbs. (Same v. 27: 343-345.) 1880. Education abroad: Netlierlands, Russia, Belgium, co-education in Italy, German universities; Swiss, Russian and Austrian universities. (Same v. 29: 73-74.) Woman's educational riglits in olden times. (Some V. 29: 15-17.) Education necessary to complete the work of reconstruction. (Same v. 29: 166-167.) From remarks of Pres. Hayes at Canton, Ohio. Extrs. from president's mess, on education. (Same v. 29: 291-292.) Education and crime. (Same v. 29: 12-14.) Synopsis of remarks of Supt. Brockway, prtd. In N. T. School Journal. The role of the federal govt, in public instruction. (Same v. 28: 345-348.) Translated from rcpt. of the French conin. by R. K. Buehrle. . Education and crime; story told by our penal institutions. (Same v. 28: 442-443.) 1881. Education in the south; by J. P. Wickersham. (Same v. 30: 120-122.) . The leading characteristics of Amer. systems of education; by J. P. Wickersham. (Same v. 30: 133- 140.) . The relation of innocent pupils to crime in school. (Same v. 30: 94-96.) . Education and crime; by J. P. Wickersham. (Same v. 30: 39-46.) -. Health and education; by J. Richardson. (Same v. 30: 20-22.) . Self-education; by C. Z. Weiser. (Same v. 30: 6-8.) 1882. European schools; by Sarah A. Stewart. (Same V. 31: 241-243.) From Wisconsin Journal of Education. . Temperance instruction in the common schools; by Mrs. M. H. Hunt. (Saiiif v. 30: 317-318.) . Training that educates; by F. W. Parker. (Same v. 31: 237-241.) — ■ — . Organization of distr. schools; by Herman Raab. (Same v. 30: 389-391.) P^rom Illinois School Journal. . School supervision; by Mr. Shaub. (Same v. 30: 345-349.) 1883. Educational progress in America; by Eugene Lawrence. (Same v. 31: 349-355.) . Scientific temperance in public schools; by Nar- cissa E. White. (Same v. 32: 107-108.) . Remarks of Benj. F. Butler on education. (Same V. 31: 380-381.) 1884. Citizenship and education; by J. L. M. Curry. (Same v. 33: 83-84.) . Educational needs and status of the South; by R. Bingham. (Same v. 33: 88-89.) — ' — ■. Needs in American education ; by Eva D. Kellogg. (Same v. 33: 93.) . Education and labor; by S. A. Baer. (Same V. 33: 100-104.) . Education at the south; by Dr. Mayo. (Same v. 33: 114-116.) . Necessity of a minister of education. (Same v. 33: 121-122.) . Thorough education a national defence; by Hamilton Wallace. (Same v. 32: 415-417.) . Supervision of schools; some practical thoughts. (Same v. 32: 362-364.) . Labor as an educator; by B. G. Northrop. (Same v. 32: 436-438.) EDUCATION— cont'd 1886. Temperance In its relation to education; by John Q. Stewart. (Same v. 36: 86-91.) . Summary of co. inspector's duties as given by George W. Ross, Minister of Education in Province of Ontario, Canada. ([53] A.R. supt. of public In- struction 1885/6: xviii-xix.) 1887. Relation of common school training to labor, and labor a valuable means of education; by James M. Coughlin. (Penn. School Jol. v. 36: 89-92.) . Tlie effect of general intellectual culture on manual labor; by T. H. Burrowes. (Same v. 6: 91-96.) 1888. Education vs. crime; by Supt. Walton of Chester Co. (Same v. 37: 101.) . Temperance instruction. (Same v. 37: 27-28.) . Relation of the scIiool to our social life; by E. E. Higbee. (Same v. 37: 204-207.) 1889. Common schools and Sunday schools; by J. P. Wickersham. (Same v. 37: 408-411.) . Relation and duties of education to crime; by J. Bittinger. (Same v. 37: 315-317.) 1890. The old and the new in education; by Mary Rockwood. (Same v. 39: 136-138.) . The new in education; by Edwd. Brooks. (Same V. 39: 97-104.) . Women in education ; extr. from speech of G. C. Fisher. (Same v. 39: 82-83.) . The schools of to-morrow; by A. E. Wlnship. (Same v. 39: 104-105.) 1891. 6th rept. of U. S. civil service comn. shows that a larger percentage from public schools than from academies pass the examinations. (Same v. 39: 352-353.) '. The public school and civil service reform; by Geo. Wm. Curtis. (Same- v. 39: 391-394.) . Scientific temperance instruction; by Anna E. Moore. (Same v. 40: 63-66.) . Temperance instruction; by Leila A. Cooper. (Same v. 40: 66-69.) 1892. The end and the means In public instruction. (Same v. 41: 127-129.) . Educational progress; by T. J. Chapman. (Same V. 41: 110-115.) ■ — ■ — . After-school education; by Edwd. T. Devine. (Same v. 40: 390-392.) . The studies in the public schools demanded by the times; by L. E. McGinnes. (Same v. 40: 399- 401.) Hygiene, civics, vocal music, manual training, moral training. . Education at Washington; national bureau of education. (Same v. 40: 416-418.) 1893. American schools for American citizenship; by Andrew S. Draper. (Same v. 41: 459-470.) 1894. The true standard of educational values; by Jos. Carhart. (Same v. 42: 327-329.) From Public School Journal. 1895. Libraries and popular education. (Same v. 43: 361-364.) 1900. The relation of publishers to education; by Pres. Passmore. (Same v. 49: 68-73.) . New demands in public school work; by Addison L. Jones. (Some v. 48: 368-372.) ^ Function of the public school; by Geo. Howell. (Same v. 48: 378-380.) . The free-school system. (Same v. 27: 260-264.) First chap, of the Rept. of the French Comn. to the Centennial Exposition made to the Minister of Public Instruction. Translation by R. K. Buehrle. 1901. Problem of school supplies; by Otis K. Stuart. (Same v. 49: 594-596.) 1902. Domestic science in common schools; by E. E. Miller. (Same v. 50: 504-507.) 662 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd 1904. What can teachers or normal children learn from the teaching of defectives? by Martin W. Barr. (.Same v. 52: 491-495.) Austria 1879. Pedagogics abroad: description of an Austrian state real-school; by Adolph Oppler. (Penn. School Jol. V. 27: 365-367.) Baltimore, Maryland 1S67. 37th ann. rept. of bd. of comrs. of public schools to the mayor and city councils of Bait. (Penn. School Jol. V. 16: 254-255.) Boston, Massachusetts See below, Massachusetts. Canada 1856. Education in Upper Canada. (Penn. School Jol. V. 5: 164-166.) Chicago, Illinois 1892. On the state school exhibit at Chicago. (Penn. School Jol. V. 41: 263-264.) China 1877. Education in China; by Dr. Leggre. (Penn. School Jol. V. 26: 4-6.) Delaware 1852. Res. adopted at ann. conv. of New Castle Co., Del., resp. school houses, cause of common schools in general, etc. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 331.) 1855. See below, Penn., Chester Co., this date, 1856. Educational condition of Del. (Penn. School Jol. V. 5: 123-125.) District of Columbia 1867. Education in the District of Columbia. (Penn. School Jol. V. 15: 248-250.) Egypt 1877. Education in Egypt. -(Penn. School Jol. v. 25: ^06-407.) From the London Saturday Review. 1880. Education In Egypt. (Same v. 29: 62-63.) England 1840. Letter from Frdk. A. Packard to the Gov. of Penn. in rel. to public schools in England. Harris- burg: Elliott & M'Curdy, 1841. 15 pp. Copies In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in Amer. Phil. Socy. 1841. Govs. mess. (Porter) transmitting, with com- munication, rept. of F. A. Packard, Dec. 15, 1840, on system of education now prevailing in England; school govt, and normal schools; comparison with Penn. schools. (Sen. jol. 1841 v. 2: 367-380.) 1852. Secular and religious education in England; by Mr. Cobden. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 275.) 1876. Public schools in England. (Snme v. 24: 401-403.) From the Western Journal of Education. . New education in England; by Andrew D. White. (Same v. 25: 323-324.) Florida 1866. Education of the treedmen in Florida; by L. M. Hobbs. (Penn. School Jol. v. 14: 232-233.) EDDCATION— cont'd France -status of primary education H. Harding. (Penn. School 1877. Pedogogics abroad- in France; by Chas. Jol. V. 26: 187-191.) 1880. Education in Germany and France; some sur- prising school statistics. (Same v. 28: 427-429.) Reprinted from New York Evening Post. . Education in France; by John E. Bradley. (Same v. 29: 373-374.) 1881. Foreign notes: Teachers' Assn. in Paris; too many studies in Swiss primary schools; notes of progress in France. (Same v. 30: 68-70.) Germany 1856. Student life in Germany. (Penn. School Jol. v. 5: 154-155.) . Sketch of lecture on the German system of edu- cation by B. S. Schneck. (Same v. 5: 286-288.) 1870. Education in Bavaria. (Same. v. 19: 170-171.) 1874. Art schools in Southern Germany; by Scheie deVere. (Same v. 23: 10-12.) 1875. Schools in Germany. (Same v. 23: 254-256.) 1877. The educational problem among the German ele- ment; by Saml. A. Baer. (Same v. 26: 109-113.) 1880. Status of public instruction in Saxony; sug- gestive facts for Penn. (Same v. 29: 43-47.) Translation from .Journal de I'Instruction Publlque. Hisher instruction, secondary instruction, primal^ instruction. . See above, France, this date. 1890. Is German education better than ours? by T. B. Noss. (Penn. School Jol. v. 39: 124-128.) Ireland 1872. National education in Ireland. (Penn. School Jol. V. 21: 160-161.) Japan 1881. Education in Japan; by Thos. C. Mendenhall. (Penn. School Jol. v. 30: 17-20.) From Ohio ]^;ducational Monthly. Maryland See also above, Baltimore. 1872. The public schools of Md. (Penn. School Jol. V. 20: 291-292.) 1873. Public schools in Md., 1825-1873; by Prof. Creery. (Same v. 22: 138.) . Review of the rept. of the Md. state bd. of educa- tion. (Same v. 22: 303-305.) Massachusetts 1872. How Boston brings her children to school. (Penn. School Jol. v. 20: 237-239.) 1877. The Russian system of Mechanic Art Educa- tion; as applied in the Mass. Institute of Technol- ogy; by J. D. Runkle. (Same v. 26: 162-164.) 1880. Saving in Boston schools. (Same v. 29: 240-241.) Menomonie, Wisconsin 1904. The ideal public schools of Menomonie, Wis. (Penn. School Jol. v. 52: 513-521.) A. M. Shaw, in the World's Work. Michigan 1857. Education in Mich.; by Wm. Travis. (Penn. School Jol. V. 6: 108-109.) 1876. Mich, schools; by Geo. G. Groff. (Some v. 25: 203-204.) 1882. School system of Mich.; by A. W. Potter. (Same v. 30: 435-438; 470-473.) 1892. Michigan's school system; by C. C. Taylor. (Same v. 40: 461.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 6G3 EDUCATION— cont'd Nebraska L. Snodgrass. 18S0. Teaching in Nebraska; by F. (Penn. School Jol. v. 28: 429-430.) New Jersey 1872. Free schools in New Jersey. (Penn. School Jol. V. 20: 326-327.) New York 1858. The educational system of New York; by Emer- son W. Keyes. (Penn. School Jol. v. 7: 152-160.) Ohio 1877. Education in Ohio; extrs. from 18 ann. rept. of comr. of common schools of Ohio. (Penn. School Jol. V. 20; 391-2.) Pennsylvania See also a history of education In Penn., private and public, elementary and higher, from the time the Swedes settled on the Delaware to the present day ; by J. P. Wlckersham, ex-supt. of public In- struction. Lancaster: Inquirer Publisblng Co., 1886. serial Annual Reports 1 series Under sec. 17, act of Apr. 1, 1834. 1834-1874. Ann. rept. supt. of common schools, for the year ending Dec. 31. 1-41. Harrisburg [18351-1874. Checklist James Findley, supt. 1. 1834 dept. ed. Not found. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1834/5 V. 1 : 538.) 1. 1834 doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 451-4,'5fi. 1. 1834 doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 587-502. 2. 1835 dept. ed. Crabb & Barrett, 1835-36. 7 pp., 4 foldg. tables. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. ; 1500 copies in Ger- man and 1000 In English ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1835/6 V. 1 : 36.) Usual no. ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1835/6 v. 1:32.) 2. 1835. In German. Not seen. See above, under [English] dept. ed. for order to print. 2. 1835 doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 46-50. 2. 1835 doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 5S8-597. Thomas fl". Burrowes, supt, 1836 Feb. 20 dept. ed. Suppl. rept. [to that of 1835]. Crabb & Barrett, 1835-36. 13 pp., 2 toldg. tnbles. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1500 copies in En- glish and 1000 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1835/6 V. 1 : 365.) Feb. 20. Same, in German. Not seen. See above, under [English] dept. ed. for order to print. 1836 Feb. 20 doc. ed. n. t. p. pp. 353-36;, 2 foldg. tables. 3. 1836 Feb. 17 dept. eO. Samuel D. Patterson, 1837. 31 pp., foldg. tables. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In Penn. State Library ; 2000 copies In English and 1000 in Ger- man ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1836/7 v. 1:400) 2000 additional in English and 1000 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1836/7 v. 1:424.) 3000 copies in English and 1500 copies In German ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1836/7 v. 1:562.) 3. 1836. Same. In German. Not seen. See above, under [English] dept. ed. for order to print. 3. 1836 Feb. 17 doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 339-365, foldg. tables. 3. 1836 Feb. 17 doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. pp. 533-560, 32 foldg. tables. 4. 1837 dept. ed. Thompson & Clark, 1838. 96 pp., 33 foldg. tables. 5000 copies In English and 1000 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1837/8 v. 1 : 421.) 1000 copies ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1837/8 v. 1:688-689.) 4. 1837. In German. Not seen. See above, under [English] dept. ed. for order to print. 4. 1837 doc. ed. (Senate.) n. t. p. pp. 470-612, foldg. tables. 4. 1837 doc. ed. (House.) n. t. p. EDUCATION— cont'd serial — cont'd Annual Reports — cont'd 1 series — cont'd Checklist— cont'd Vrant-is R. Shutik, supt. 5. 1838 dept. ed. Harrisburg: Boas & Coplan, 1839. 61 pp. Copy seen In Penn. State Library. 5000 copies In En- glish and 1500 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1838/9 V. 1 : 347.) .'iOOO copies In English and :i000 In German ordered prtd. (House Joi. 1838/9 V. 1 : K42.) 5. 1838. In German. Not so( n. See above, un " " " " 1851/2:15. 1835/53 « 20 M „ „ u 1852/3:22. 1835/54 " 21 " " " " 1853/4 : 160. 1835/55 " [22] " " " " 1854/5:346. 1835/56 « 23 " - " " 1855/6 : 136. 1835/57" 24 " " " " 1856/7 app. [1] p. 136. 1835/58 In 25 A.R. supt. common schools 1857/8 app. [2] p. 138. 1835/59 in 26 A.R. supt. common schools 1858/9 app. [2] p. 135. 1835/60 in 27 A.R. supt. common schools 1859/60 : 182. 1835/61 " 28 " " " " 1860/1 : 240. 1835/62 " 29 " " " " 1861/2 : 256. 1835/63 " 30 " " " " 1862/3 : 272. 1835/64 " 31 " " " " 1863/4:304. 1835/65 " 32 " - " " 1864/5 : 296. 2 series 1854/66-1854/04. General review of the system since its establishment, excluding Phila. In Documents as follows : 1854/66 in [33] A.R. supt. common schools 1865/6: 314. 1854/67 "[34] » •• " - 1866/7:366. 1854/68 " [35] " " " " 1867/8:378. 1854/69 " [36] " " " " 1868/9:350. 1854/70 " [37] " " " " 1869/70 : 342. 1854/71 " [38] " " " " 1870/1:340. 1854/72 " [39] ■• " " " 1871/2:368. 1854/73 " [401 " - " " 1872/3:338. 1854/74 "[41] " ^ " - 1873/4:324. 1854/75 " [42] " " public instruction 1874/5: 328. 1854/76 " [43] - " - - 1875/6:340. 1854/77 " [44] " - « " 1876/7:966- 067. 1854/78 in [45] A.R. supt. public instruction 1877/8 : 382- 383 1854/79' not found. 1854/80 In [47] A.R. supt. public instruction 1879/80: 402-403. 1854/81 In [48] A.R. supt. public instruction 1880/1 : 132- 133. 1854/82 In [49] A.R. supt. public instruction 1881/2 : 436- 437. 1854/83 In [50] A.R. supt. public Instruction 1882/3: 138- 139 1854/84'in [51] A.R. supt. public Instruction 1883/4 : 424- 425. 1854/85 in [52] A.R. supt. public instruction 1884/5 : 146- 147. 1854/86 in [53] A.R. supt public instruction 1885/6:448- 449. 1854/87 In [54] A.R. supt. public instruction 1886/7 (pt. 3] : 194-195. 1854/88 In [55] A.R. supt. public instruction 1887/8 [pt. 3] : 194-195. 1854/89 not found. 1854/90 in [57] A.R. supt. public Instruction 1889/90 : 372- 373. 1854/9l'ln [58] A.R. supt. public instruction 1890/1 : 396- 397. 1854/92 In 59 A.R. supt. public instruction 1891/2 : 428- 429. 1854/93 in 60 A.R. supt. public Instruction 1892/3 : 422- 423. 1854/94 in 61 A.R. supt. public instruction 1893/4 : 532- 533 1854/95 In 62 A.R. supt. public Instruction 1894/5 : 592- 595. 1854/96 in 63 A.E. supt. public instruction 1895/6 : 604- 607. 670 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd 1854/97 635 1854/9S 635 1854/99 611 1854/00 342 1854/01 673 1854/02 641, 1854/03 659, 1854/04 535 non-serial- 2 series— in 64 A.R. supt. In 65 A.R. supt. in 66 A.K. supt. in G7 A.R. supt. 345. in 68 A.R. supt. in 69 A.R. supt. in 70 A.R. supt. in 71 A.R. supt. —cont'd -cont'd public instruction 1806 7 : 632- public instruction 1897/8:632- public instruction 1898 9 : 608- public instruction 1899/00 v. 2 : public instruction 1900/1 : 670- public instruction 1901/2 ; 638- public instruction 1902/3 : 656- public instruction 1903/4 : 534- 1836. Review of progress of common school system. ([3] A.R. supt. of common schools 1836: 340-344.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. . Present condition of common school system. ([3] same 1836: 345-349.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. Estimates of means necessary to sustain and suc- cessfully prosecute operations of common school system. ([3] same 1836: 352-355.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. . Plans for improvement of common school system ; establishment of institutions for preparation of teachers; recommends a small compensation to directors, their secy, and treasurer; limitation of age for school attendance, etc. ([3] same 1836; 355-361.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. . Stmt, of operations of school system during year endg. Dec. 31, in all accepting distrs., which have been paid their state apprn. and have reported up to Feb. 14, 1837. ([3] sajrie 1836: table H.) . Summary of operations of common school system in each co. in state, for year endg. Dec. 31. ([3] some 1836: table " I.") . Stmt, showing no. of accepting, non-accepting, and unrepresented school distrs., in years 1834, 1835 and 1836 — in each of four classes of counties. ([3] same 1836: table B.) — ■ — . Stmt, of dividends of apprn. for school year 1837, due to accepting distrs. of state, which were unpaid on Feb. 15, 1837; and to all distrs. which were non- accepting and unrepresented, in respective joint meetings of May 2, 1836. ([3J same 1836: table K.) . Stmt, of whole no. of school distrs. in each co. showing those that were accepting, non-accepting, and not represented in 1834, 1835 and 1836. ([3] same 1836: table A.) . No. of school distrs. in state; no. accepting law; amt. of state apprn. for distr. distribution; opposi- tion to tax; apprn. out of surplus revenue recom- mended to procure school houses, etc.; addition to school fund recommended. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 6, 1836.) 1836-1841. Table: no. of distrs. each year which have and have not accepted [the common school system]. (8 A.R. supt. common schools 1840/1: 10.) 1837. Common school system has more than retained its ground through the test of the triennial ques- tion of its continuance or rejection; defect in law rel. to distr. acceptance; increase of school fund recommended. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 6, 1837.) . Rept. of committee on education (English) upon res. rel. to distribution of monies appropriated by state for common school purposes. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 304-305 (doc. 83).) . Capabilities and prospects of an educational sys- tem. ([4] A.R. supt. of common schools 1837: 475- 483.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1837. Amdmts. to common school law recommended by supt. ([41 same 1837: 513-514.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. . Great wants of educational system; increase of apprn. from state; improvement of teachers. ([4] some 1837: 483-494.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. . Details of common school system. ([4] same 1837: 495-513.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. . Beneficial results of common school system. ([4] same 1837: 494-495.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1837-1844. Distr. table of common schools, teachers, scholars, tax, apprn., receipts, expenditures for houses and lots, etc., for year endg. Dec. 31. ([4] same 1837 (table I)— 11 same 1843/4.) Continued below, under ii;ites 1850-1904. 1837-1904. Co. table of schools, teachers, scholars, tax, apprn., receipts, expenditures, houses and lots, with totals and averages in whole state for year. ([4] same 1837 (table K)— 71 same 1903/4.) 1838. Speech of Thaddeus Stevens in cause of educa- tion. (Penn. School Jol. v. 39: 333-337.) . Regulations tor common school distrs., prepared by Thomas H. Burrowes, supt. of common schools. Harrisburg: Elliott & M'Curdy, 1838. 16 pp. Copies In Library of Congress and in Amer. Phil. Socy. . Draft of a revised common school law; and of a law rel. to the preparation of common school teach- ers, with explanatory remarks, and a set of distr. regulations. Prepared by Tho. H. Burrowes, supt. Harrisburg: Prtd. by E. Guyer, 1839. 61 pp. . Letter from Thos. H. Burrowes, supt. of common schools, presenting his ann. rept; commenting on rept. of C. E. Stowe on elementary instruction in Europe made to Ohio Legisl. Dec. 19, 1837; and asking that he be given control over manner and form of prtg. his ann. rept. (Sen. jol. 1837/8 v. 1: 411-412.) See above, the general group for Stowe rept. . Increased apprn. for education in three years; increase in no. of schools and seminaries; no. of accepting distrs.; preparation of teachers; recom- mended that power of school directors on subject of taxation be curtailed. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 27, 1838.) . No. of children in schools at date and three years ago; comparative length of sessions; appms. (Same (Ritner) Dec. 27, 1838.) . Outline of system of common school instruction. (5 A.R. supt. of common schools 1838: 500-504.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1839. Table: whole no. of school distrs.; no. accepting, and no. of non-accepting. (6 same 1839: 196-197.) Paging from House doc. ed. . Rept. of supt. of common schools (Burrowes) ace. with bills rel. to common school system. (House jol. 1838/9 V. 2 [pt. 1]: 437-497 (docs. 57-58); Sen. jol. 1838/9 V. 1: 225-228.) 'i'he first bill Is an act to consolidate and amend acts rel. to common schools ; the second is regulations for common school distrs. . Same, separate. Harrisburg, 1839. 58 pp. Copy In Librar.v of Congress. . Rept. of committee on education (Butler) upon memorial of trustees of Socy. of equal rights, of Carlisle, Penn., for legisl. aid. (House jol. 1838/9 V. 2 [pt. 11: 640 (doc. 98).) . On educational system. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 15, 1839: 9.) . Amdmts. of common school laws suggested. (6 A.R. supt. of common schools 1839: 198199.) Paging from House doc. ed. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 071 EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1840. Extrs. from ann. distr. repts. for school year. (7 same 1839/40 app. B.) . Importance of early education as preventative to crime. (12 A.R. Inspectors of Eastern Penitenitary 1840: 10-11.) . Rept. of committee on education (Coplan) on Sen. res. directing enquiry into propriety of so amendinpr law establishins a general system of edu- cation by common scliools as to permit voters of different subdistrs. to retain or reject the sys- tem. (Sen. jol. 1840 v. 1: 455.) . Elections hold in accoptinfr distrs. to decide whether common school system should be continued. (7 A.R. supt. of common schools 1839/40: 149.) Paging from Sen. doc. od. . Alteration in time of closing ann. rept. of supt. made to correspond with school year. (7 same 1840: 147.) PaginK from Sen. doc. ed. 1841. Govs. mess. (Porter) transmitting a communi- cation from Fredk. A. Packard on the subject of school govt. (Sen. jol. 1841 v. 2: 367-380 (doc. 39).) . Veto (Porter) of bill making taxable citizens of school distr. competent jurors and witnesses in all questions wherein such school distr. is inter- ested, and for other purposes. (Same 1841 v. 1: 834-836; House jol. v. 1: 912-914.) . Table: names of non-accepting distrs.; no. of taxables in each according to enumerations of 1835 and 1839; and sum which will have accumulated for each, up to the 1st Monday of Je., 1842. (8 A.R. supt. of common schools 1840/1: 143-147.) Paging from House doc. cd. . Tables: no. of school distrs., schools, school houses, teachers, funds, scholars. (8 same 1840/1: 4-5.) . Non-accepting distrs.; financial status, etc. (8 same 1840/1: 17-18.) . Improvement in the common school systemi (8 same 1840/1: 12-17.) 1842. Rept. of committee on education (Huddleson) on res. directing inquiry into expediency of making such amdmt. to school law as will provide for rais- ing amt. of tax, in each school distr., equal to state apprn. for common schools In said distr., in addi- tion to taxes provided by law, and in lieu of said apprn., in case same shall be suspended or repealed. (Sen. jol. 1842 v. 1: 1046-1050, foldg. table.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 1500 copies in English and 500 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1842 v. 1 : 1065.) . Explanation of omission of voluminous tables from the ann. rept. (9 A. R. supt. common schools 1841/2: 4.) . No. of school distrs. first Monday In Je., exclusive of Phila., no. of accepting distrs.; no. of schools; length in session, no. of male and female teachers, and their salaries, cost of tuition. (9 same 1841/2: 5.) . Abstr. of distrs., reporting; by cos. (9 same 1841/2: table A.) . General condition of schools in state. (9 same 1841/2: 13-14.) . On a uniform course of Instruction in the com- mon schools. (9 same 1841/2: 26-28.) — - — : Duties of supt. of common schools leave Incum- bent little time for other duties as secy, of common- wealth. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 6, 1842.) . Favoring continuance of the common school system; advantages of popular education; means at the State's command; state support. (9 same 1841/2: 29-39.) EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1842/3. Table: distrs., schools, teachers and scholars in each CO. (10 same 1842/3: 15-16.) 1843. Suggested that no township be made to form more than one school distr. except In cases of peculiar necessity. (10 same 1842/3: 11.) . Condition of schools: no. of distrs.; no. report- ing; no. of teachers, male and female and their compensation: no. of pupils, male and female and cost of teacliing each; whole cost of instruction; do. fuel, etc.; do. school houses. (10 same 1842/3: 3.) . Beneficial effects of the system. (10 same 1842/3: 5-7.) . Progress of the system: accepting and non-accept- ing distrs.; etc. (10 same 1842/3: 8-9.) . Non-accepting distrs.; no.; apprn. accumulated for their use; inferiority of schools in these distrs.; advantages of adopting the school system. (10 same 1842/3: 10.) . Veto (Porter) of act rel. to forfeited recogni- zances, etc. (House jol. 1843 v. 1: 25-27; Sen. jol. 1843 V. 1: 31-33.) 1st two sections almost Identical with sees. 25 and 26 of act to provide for eiluc.ttlon of the poor in non-accepting school distrs. ; sec. 3 proposes to abolish office of surveyor gen., transfer the duties of the office to the secy, of the land office, etc. . Favoring the support of a liberal and enlightened system of education by common schools. (Govs, mess. (Porter) Jan. 4, 1843: 12.) 1S43/4. Table: schools, teachers, scholars, revenue, ex- penditure, etc., by distrs. and cos. (11 A.R. supt. common schools 1843/4: 20-55.) 1844. Continuance of common school system and state support urged. (11 sa?iie 1843/4: 16-17.) . Propriety of revising the school law and con- solidating the whole into one act. (11 same 1843/4: 16.) . List of non-accepting distrs., incl. all that did not draw their portion of the apprn. for 1844; by counties. (11 some 1843/4: 18-19.) . Non-accepting distrs.; no.; method of raising school moneys. (11 same 1843/4: 10.) . Formation and govt, of separate school distrs.; no. in state. (11 same 1843/4: 5.) . Importance of continuing the system of educa- tion. (11 same 1843/4: 16-17.) — — . School distr. defined; no. in state; no. reporting. (11 sa/ne 1843/4: 5-6.) . Propriety of revision and consolidation of school law. (11 same 1843/4: 16.) . Non-accepting distrs.; no.; requirements of law in reference to these distrs. (11 same 1843/4: 10.) . No. of pupils in schools; increase; irregularity in attendance. (11 same 1843/4: 7.) . " The vital interests of religion, morality, and civil liberty itself, are dependent upon .... our common schools and higher seminaries of learning." (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 3, 1844.) 1844-1845. No. of distrs. in the state, no. of accepting distrs. (12 A.R. supt. common schools 1844/5: 5.) 1845. Age of admission to public schools. (12 same 1844/5: 7.) . Length of school term. (12 same 1844/5: 7.) 1845-1875. Table: school system; no. of distrs., schools, teachers, salaries, scholars, state apprns., taxes, expenses, etc. ([3] A.R. bureau Industrial statistics 1874/5: 426.) 1846. Benefits of common school system; country schools; Phila. schools. (Govs. mess. (Shunk) Jan. 7, 1846.) — ■ — . Recommendations for Improving condition of schools. (13 A.R. supt. of common schools 1845/6: 7.) 672 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1846. School law should be so modified that when a distr. shall once accept its provisions, it shall con- tinue to be an accepting distr. (13 same 1845/6: 8.) 1847. Recommendations to remedy defects in school laws. (14 same 1846/7: 6-8.) . Communication from secy, of commonwealth and supt. of common schools (Miller), with estimate of contingent expenses of said offices. (House jol. 1847 V. 2: 240 (doc. 18).) 1848. Passage of a law to prevent ruinous effects of decreasing revenues for school purposes is recom- mended. (15 A.R. supt. of common schools 1847/8: 11.) . Suggested that legisl. arouse public attention on subject of common schools. (15 same 1847/8: 13.) ■ . Suggested that sub-distrs. should be governed by directors elected by themselves alone; to avoid conflict betw. directors and committees of sub- directors. (15 savie 1847/8: 10.) . Question of providing schools with maps referred to legisl. (15 same 1847/8: 14.) . Objections to practice of closing schools at end of 5 moB. (15 same 1847/8: 8-9.) 1848-1851. Tabular stmt, giving condensed view of operations of common school system for year. (14 same 1847/8 (p. 7)— 18 same 1851.) No returns for 1849. 1849. Imperfect state of repts. to school dept., which prevents a fair stmt, being made to legisl. (16 same 1848/9: 3-4.) . Want of an intelligible communication betw. distr. officers and the [state] supt (16 same 1848/9: 7-8.) . Suggested reduction of minimum time fixed by law for maintaining schools to a period of not less than 3 mos. (16 same 1848/9: 4.) . Common schools of state require legislative action in their behalf. (16 same 1848/9: 4.) . Inefficiency of distr. officers. (16 same 1848/9: 4-5.) . Common school system adopted throughout state. (Govs. mess. (Johnston) Jan. 6, 1849.) 1850. Remarlis on hist, of education. (17 A.R. supt. of common schools 1849/50: 8-9.) 1850-1851. Recommending reduction of no. of directors from 6 to 3. (17 same 1849/50 (p. 7)— 18 same 1850/1.) . Apptmt. of a supt. of each congressional distr. recommended; duties of same. (17 same 1849/50 (pp. 6-7)— 18 same 1850/1.) 1850-1870. Statistics of school attendance and illiter- acy. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 180.) 1850-1904. Distr. table of schools, teachers, scholars, revenue, expenditure, etc., for year endg. Je. (17 A.R. supt. of common schools 1849/50 (pp. 16-73) — 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted In 1850/1 iind 1851/2. Kor earlier tables, Bee above, under dates 1837-1844. 1851. Summary of school statistics: no. of distrs., schools, teachers, pupils, tax levied, state appm. paid, cost of teaching each pupil per quarter. (Penn. School Jol, v. 1: 2.) 1852. The common school system; by Paul Leidy. (Some V. 1: 411-416.) . Education not the office of the state; by John M'Caffrey. {Savie v. 1: 341-346.) . Address of J. W. Yeomans at opening of public school house in Danville. (Same v. 1: 252-256.) Education In I'enn. . Our free school law. {Same v. 1: 75-76; 109-110.) EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1852. State right in the business of education; by Ellas Schneider. (Same v. 1: 276-279.) . State of education in Western Penn.; by W. T. (Same v. 1: 247-250.) . Our free school law; by J. P. Wickersham. (Same V. 1: 142-143.) . Address on female education made at Olome Institute, by John U Gow. (Same v. 1: 221-224.) . Address of Gov. Bigler at dedication of Spring Garden Institute [advantages of education, etc.]. (Same v. 1: 286-288.) — ■ — . Communication from secy, of commonwealth (Hughes) transmitting decisions made by him as supt. of common schools. (Sen. jol. 1852 v. 2: 434- 440 (doc. 48); House jol. v. 2: 530-536 (doc. 49).) . Same, separate, n. t. p. 7 pp. Cop.v seen In Penn. State Library. . See below. Higher Education, this date. . Veto (Bigler) of act rel. to certain school distrs.; to authorize corporations to subscribe to stock of Penn. and Ohio R.R. Co., etc. (Sen. jol. 1852 v. 1: 347-350; House jol. 1852 v. 1: 366-370.) . Recapitulation of school statistics. (19 A.R. supt. of common schools 1851/2: 14.) . Recommended that provision be made for col- lection of debts due by a school distr. (19 same 1851/2: 4.) . Recommends that sub-distrs. be abolished; or, if retained, that details of present provisions be amended. (19 same 1851/2: 6.) . Provision recommended to provide a corporate name or title for each school distr., and for service of legal process therein. (19 some 1851/2: 4.) . Recommended that teaching of rudimental branches of education in all school distrs. be en- forced. (19 same 1851/2: 6.) 1853. State and county supts. ; by A. K. Browne. (Penn. School Jol. V. 2: 232-233.) . Irregular attendance; by Willis Westerly. (Same V. 1: 459-460.) . Education not the office of the state; by John M'Caffrey. (Same v. 1: 466-470.) . The duty of the church and state unitedly to educate the people; by J. V. Eckert. (Same v. 1: 405-408.) . Attacks upon our free schools and their vindica- tion; by R. P. Stebbins. (Same v. 1: 470-474.) . On the proposed new school; by H. Cock. (Same v. 1: 429-430.) — • — '. Progress of education in state. (20 A.R. supt. of common schools 1852/3: 5-6.) . Suggested that branches taught should be de- fined by law or by some tribunal, independent of popular prejudices, rather than left to arbitrary discretion of directors. (20 same 1852/3: 11.) . Abolition of sub-distrs. recommended and com- mittees. (20 same 1852/3: 11.) . Recommended repeal of all laws creating inde- pendent school distrs., as incompatible with har- monious operation of system. (20 same 1852/3: 12-13.) . Address of Gov. Bigler at opening of Penn. Female College, Harrisburg, Sept. 4. (Penn. School Jol. V. 2: 190-192.) [Education In I'enn. and education of women.] 1853-1857. See below, County Superintendency, these dates. 1854. See same, this date. . Right and duty of the state to educate her chil- dren and their teachers. (Penn. School Jol. v. 3: 52-57.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 073 EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1S54. Alteration in the law resp. the distribution of the state apprn. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1854: 16-17.) ■. Improved grade and character of common schools. (21 ynine 1854: 15.) . Reasons of A. B. Dunning for voting agst. act for regulation and continuance of education by com- mon schools. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 75): 366.) . Remarks (M'Clintock) on sec. 28 of bill regulat- ing and continuing the system of education by com- mon schools. (Kfimc V. 1 (no. 39): 188-189.) . Same. (Penn. School Jol. v. 3: 57-64.) . Explanation of omission of tables from rept. of 1854; tables of rept. of 1853 annexed. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 5-6.) . Abolition of township committees and indepen- dent distrs. (21 mmc 1853/4: 8.) . School laws of 1849 and 1854; comment. (21 same 1853/4: 7.) : Circular 1. to school directors called to fill the office of CO. supt. (21 same 1854: 149-151.) . Circular 2. to co. supts., accompanying copies of school laws, decisions, forms, teachers' certificates, etc. (21 same 1854: 151-154.) . Flourishing condition of common schools. (Govs. mess. (Bigler) Jan. 4, 1854.) . Suggested that school and apprn. year be made to end Dec. 1 to correspond with other depts. (Same (Bigler) Jan. 4, 1854.) 1854-1893. Tabular stmt, of progress In public instruc- tion under revised laws of 1854; distrs., schools and scholars, teachers, and cost of instruction, revenue and its sources, etc.. in 1854, 1862, 1872, 1881(7), 1892, 1893. (60 A.R. supt. of public in- struction 1892/3: 424-425.) 1854/76-1854/80. Stmt, of school system since Its establishment under present law. (4 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1876 (p. 801)— 8 same 1880.) Paging from Collected docs. Omitted 1S77-1879. 1855. Notes of visits to cos. by depy. state supt. (Penn. School Jol. V. 4: 164-165.) Indiana, Susquehanna, Luzerne, Wyoming, McKean, Berks, Butler, Allegheny. . Address [education in Penn.]; by A. L. Hayes. (Same v. 3: 319-320.) . The state interest in common schools; by Wm. G. Waring. (Same v. 3: 313-317.) . Free schools and means for their improvement; by J. P. Sherman. (Saine v. 4: 252-256.) ^ — . The common school system and teacher; by F. M. L. Gillelen. (Some v. 4: 26-29.) . Irregularity of attendance. (Same v. 4: 138-139.) . Address of H. L. Diffenbach at opening of the normal and select school at Howard. (Same v. 3: 381-384.) Penn. education, compared with other states. . Circular to directors resp. independent distrs. and other provisions of suppl. to school law. (Same V. 3: 360-362.) . Powers and duties of directors; extr. from charge to grand jury of Lancaster Co.; by A. L. Hayes. (Same v. 4: 123-124.) . Object and proper manner of conducting public examinations and exhibitions of schools. (Same V. 4: 222-224.) — ■ — . Advantages of the common school system of Penn. (Same v. 4: 218-227.) 43 EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1855. Notes on visitation of schools by state supt. (Same v. 5: 181-184.) Bucks. Westmoreland, Chester, McKean, Berks. Schuyl- kill, Canibrla, Susquehanna, Eric, Crawford, Mercer and Lawrence cos. . Special rept. en common schools. Not seen. Kntry from Howker. Intended for the first item entered below under 18r»i>? . Rept. of committee on education (Stewart) to whom were referred petitions and bills to annex parts of school distrs. to other distrs. (Legisl. Record Jan. 29, 1855: 2.) . School law of May 8, 1854, found to be highly beneficial. (22 A.R. supt. of common schools 1854/5: 7.) . " To improve the efficiency of this system, not only by perfecting our common schools, but by encouraging and aiding " one or more " higher literary institutions, in which teachers can be trained and qualified; and to increase the fund appropriated to educational purposes, are objects which will at all times receive my willing approval." (Govs. mess. (Pollock) Jan. 16, 1855.) . Sub-distr., endowment and sectarian features eliminated from new school law. (Same (Bigler) Jan. 3, 1855: 15.) . Past defects of school system. ([22] A.R. supt. of common schools 1854/5: 5-7.) 1855-1859. Aggregate statistical stmt.: schools, teach- ers and scholars. ([22] same 1854/5 app. (pp. 342- 345)— 26 same 1858/9.) 1856. Circular letter of Je. 9 to school directors recom- mends adoption of a mode of visitation. (23 same 1855/6 app. [2] pp. 141-142.) — ' — L Distr. supervision; circulars and forms. (23 sairie 1855/6 app. pp. 141-156.) . A glance at the common school system of Penn.; by John H. Hoopes. (Penn. School Jol. v. 5: 355. 358.) . Rept. on the no. of hours of school per day; by J. H. Orvis. (.S'ume v. 5: 92-93.) . Je. 9. Dept. of common schools; circular to directors. (Same v. 5: 116.) . On distr. superintendency. (Same v. 5: 113-114.) . The office of director; by T. H. Burrowes. (Same V. 5: 58-64.) . Rept. on infant schools; by Wm. H. Batt. (Same V. 5: 83-85.) — • — . Distr. supervision; by S. Blank. (Same v. 4: 331.) . Regular attendance. (Same v. 4: 365-366.) . Remarks [on the cause of education] by D. R. Randall. (Same v. 5: 19-23.) . Address of Wm. M. Burchfield [on the common school system, teachers, etc.]. (Same v. 5: 205-208.) . Rept. on the improvement of distr. supervision. (Same v. 5: 111-112.) . Distr. supervision; circular issued to boards of directors of state authorizing them to transfer duty of visiting schools in their distr. once a month, to secy. (23 A.R. supt. of common schools 1855/6: 20.) . Mo. rept. of visitation of schools of Conemaugh distr., Lancaster Co., Penn., specimen form. (23 same 1855/6 app. pp. 148-151.) . Penn. system of common schools; its points of excellence. (23 same 1855/6: 10-11.) . Circular letter explaining form of monthly rept. of visitation of schools. (23 same 1855/6 app. [2] pp. 143-147.) . Act of Mav 8, 1854; progress since its passage. (23 same 1855/6: 11-12.) 674 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1856-1864. Special statistics; school houses, school furniture, schools, teachers' ages, teachers' birth- place, experience in teaching, educational reading, permanent teachers, education of teachers, qualifi- cations of teachers. (23 same 1855/6 (pp. 7-10)— 31 same 1863/4.) No returns 1858/9, 1862/3. 1856-1903. Educational portion of the Governor's mes- sage.* In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1856 In V. 4 : 249-250. 1857-1872 not found. 1873 In T. 21 : 254-256. 1874 " V. 22 : 273-274. 1875 " V. 23: 270-271. 1876 " V. 24 : 275-276. 1877 not found. 1878 in V. 26 : 278-280. 1879 not found. 1881 in V. 29 : 313-317. 1883-1885 not found. 1887 in V. 35 : 322-324. 1888 " V. 37 : 285-287. 1889-1891 not found. 1893 in V. 41 : 338-345. 1895 not found. 1897 in V. 45 : 347-355. 1899 " V. 47 : 335-339. 1901 not found. 1903 in V. 51 : 364-366. 1856-1904. Comparative statistics: no. of schools, length of school term, no. of teachers, teachers' salaries, no. of scholars, average cost of instruction per mo., bldg. expenses, repairs, tuition, fuel and contin- gencies, rate of local taxation, etc. (23 A.R. supt. of common schools 1855/6 (pp. 5-7) — 71 same 1903/4.) Statistics vary : in 1860 et seq. state appm. is Included. 1857. Passage of act to separate dept. of common schools from office of secy, of state. (24 same 1856/7: 24-26.) . Distr. supervision; form of a term rept. of secy. of bd. (24 same 1856/7: app. A. 146-147.) . Comment on act of May 8, 1854, with discussion of its distinguishing features. (24 same 1856/7: 9-19.) . Growth of educational system. (Govs. mess. (Pollock) Jan. 7, 1857.) — ■ — '. Rept. on the relation betw. common schools and the higher institutions of learning; by J. R. Sypher. (Penn. School Jol. v. 6: 255-256.) . The school system; by S. B. M'Cormick. (Same V. 6: 137-139.) 1857-1858. Independent school distrs.; restriction of power of courts which create them. (24 A.R. supt. of common schools 1856/7 (p. 27)— 25 some 1858.) 1857-1860. General school statistics; no. of school distrs.; no. of schools; no. of pupils; no. of teachers, male and female; length of school term; average cost per pupil; salaries of teachers, male and female; tax; appm.; tuition, fuel and contingen- cies; cost of purchasing, building, renting and re- pairing houses; total cost of common school system in state. (27 same 1859/60: 3-5.) 1857/8. No. of pupils in public schools during year ending Je. 1, no. of schools, teachers, cost of in- structions. (Govs. mess. (Packer) Jan. 5, 1859: 8.) 1858. Remarks (Stephens) on further suppl. to act for the regulation and continuance of a system of education by common schools. (Legisl. Record 1858: 445-447.) • Educational has been given a broad Interpretation In these ex- tracts ; some of the material might well go under Maintenance, Public Health, Agriculture, etc. ; the messages are biennial, 1879- 1903. EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1858. Revised forms for teachers' monthly rept., di- rectors of school bds., form of bond. (25 A.R. supt. of common schools 1857/8 app. A, pp. 145-151.) . State supt.'s instructions to co. supts., directors, teachers and auditors. (25 same 1857/8 app. A, pp. 155-162.) Extrs. from current decisions, explanations and instruc- tions of state supt. of public instruction published in " Official " dept. of Penn. School Journal. . Educational life awakened. (25 same 1857/8: 13.) . Judicial decisions. (25 same 1857/8 app. A, pp. 175-182.) . Development of common school system. (25 same 1857/8: 18-19.) . Rights, duties and liabilities of the component parts of the common school system of Penn. (Penn. School Jol. v. 7: 313-320.) . Advantages of a borough superintendency. (Same v. 7: 43-44.) . Distr. supts. and their duties, etc. (.Same v. 7: 44-45.) . Distr. superintendency — female education; by John Hettenbaugh. (Same v. 6: 363-365.) 1858-1868. Stmt, showing growth of common school system in 10 years, excluding Phila. ( [35] A.R. supt. of common schools 1867/8: xvii.) 1859. See below. Normal Schools, State, this date. . Debate on suppl. to act for the regulation and continuance of a system of education by the com- mon schools. (Legisl. Record 1859: 533-534.) ■ . State supt.'s decisions rel. to school affairs of state. (26 A.R. supt. of common schools 1858/9 app [B], pp. 164-169.) . Misdirected education. (26 same 1858/9: 21-22.) . Penn. common and normal school policy; an ad- dress by T. W. Burrowes, framer of normal school law. (26 same 1858/9 app. [B], pp. 158-163.) . Primary instruction; a verbal rept. by Wm. A. Good. (26 some 1858/9 app. [B], pp. 170-171.) • •. School supervision; necessity of. (26 same 1858/9: 16-17.) . Importance of classification in our common schools; by A. B. White. (Penn. School Jol. v. 8: 191.) . The best plans to be adopted to secure punctual- ity and regularity in attendance of pupils; by C. W. Deans. (Some v. 8: 82-84.) . Rept. on the utility of introducing the higher branches of an English education into our common schools. (Same v. 7: 380-382.) [1859?] Office of director and duty of school boards; by Thos. H. Burrowes. 1860. Plans for improvement of the system: determi- nation of school month; requirement of oath of office from co. supts. and directors; duties of direc- tors; exemption of teachers from office and militia; tax on occupations, offices and single freemen; ex- emption of school loans from taxation; formation of distrs. (27 A.R. supt. common schools 1859/60: 14-15.) — • — L Little advance in the no. of schools during the past year. (27 same 1859/60: 6.) . Evils of irregular attendance of pupils at school; by Wm. S. Wilson. (Penn. School Jol. v. 9: 313-314.) . Educational position of Gov. Packer's address. (Same v. 8: 247-248.) . Pupils, schools, teachers, salaries, tuition, bldg. expenses and whole expense of system of common schools; comparison with results of 1854. (Govs. mess. (Packer) Jan. 4, 1860.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 675 EDUCATION— cont'd 7ion-serial — cont'd 1860-1862. Unpaid distrs.. with those Improperly entered as paid and paid with less than four months' school. (29 A.R. supt. common schools 1859/60 (p. 183)— 31 same 1861/2.) 1860/1. Estimate of sums requisite for the system generally (ann. state apprn. to distrs., aid to state normal schools, aid to teachers' institutes, salaries of CO. supts.); estimate for school dept. (salaries and positions, contingent expenses, prtg. and bind- ing and paper). (27 A.R. supt. common schools 1859/60: 10-14.) 1861. No law providing for ownership of property or settlement of accts. and payments or debts belong- ing to or due to independent distrs. abolished by courts; omission should be supplied. (28 same 1860/1: 28.) . Recommendation rel. to law authorizing convey- ance of unoccupied academy property for common school purposes. (28 same 1860/1: 28.) . Brief stmt, of successes and shortcomings of common school. (28 same 1860/1: 16-19.) . Review of origin and establishment of different Institutions in educational system, and of their relation to each other. (28 same 1860/1: 19-26.) . Suggestions for improvement in agencies and de- tails of general system, necessary to increased efficiency; with estimates. (28 same 1860/1: 26-31.) . Table: numerical statistics reported by co. supts.. under heads of houses, furniture and apparatus, teachers, teachers' certificates, mora! instruction, CO. visitation, institutes, distr. visitation and cost of distr. secys. (28 same 1860/1: 154-155.) . Expenses estimated by supt. of common schools (Burrowes) as necessary for common school system and school dept. 17 pp. (Legisl. docs. 1861: 1082- 1083.) . Sending scholars to adjoining distrs.; Supreme Court decision. (Penn. School Jol. v. 9: 271-272.) . Defects in common schools; by A. Smith. (Same v. 10: 174-175.) . Effect of the war on the schools; extrs. from repts. of CO. supts. (Same v. 10: 169-170.) Beaver, Butler, Cambria, Centre, Clearfield, Clinton, Cumberland. Dauphin, Pulton, Indiana, JeCEereon, McKean, Northumberland, Snyder, Tiaga, West- moreland. 1861-1862. Operations of common school system proper during year. (28 A.R. supt. of common schools 1860/1 (pp. 6-16)— 29 same 1861/2.) 1861-1864. Administration of dept. of common schools. (28 same 1860/1 (pp. 13-16)— 31 savte 1863/4.) No returns for 1862/3. 1862. Proposed amdmt. of school law. (29 same 1861/2: 21-24.) . Letter of instructions to traveling agt. (S. P. Bates) of common school dept. (29 some 1861/2: 26-27.) . Advisability of opening every scholastic Institu- tion having reed, state aid to visitation of proper officer of school dept. (29 same 1861/2: 32.) . Communication from supt. common schools (Burrowes) setting forth expenses estimated as necessary for common school system and school dept. (Legisl. docs. 1862: 1261-1263 (doc. 75).) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1862: 145.) . Debate on suppl. to act for the regulation and continuance of the common school system. (Same 1862: 271-274; 335-341; 591-592; 988.) — ' — u Effects of the war on the schools. (Penn. School Jol. V. 11: 35-36.) EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 18G2. School visitation by co. supts. (Same v. 11: 83- 84.) S. p. Bollmnn, J. H. Berry, W. W. Woodruff. . Letter of Thos. H. Burrowes, supt. of common schools, to Philip Krebs; exigencies of war do not justify closing schools. (Same v. 11: 67-68.) 1862. Instructions to S. P. Bates as traveling agt. of the school dept. (Same v. 11: 106-107.) 1863. Rept. of the traveling agt., S. P. Bates. (Same V. 12: 222-224.) . Review of school legislation of the year. (Same v. 11: 322.) . Acts and titles of acts rel. to education passed in 1863. (Same v. 11: 329-331.) . Visitation by co. supts. (Same v. 12: 68.) . Amdmts. to school laws; supt. advises a stable system. (30 A.R. supt. of common schools 1862/3: xvii-xviii.) — . Act of Apr. 22 making official duties of all school officers commence with school year. (30 same 1862/3: xviii.) . Rept. of depy. supt., Saml. B. Bates, on opera- tions in office and in state at large: plan of labor, preparation of blanks, work accomplished, colleges, academies and female seminaries, graded schools, city superintendency. (30 same 1862/3: xxv-xxxii.) . On favorable condition of common school system of state. (Govs. mess. Jan., 1863: 12.) 1864. Debate on suppl. to act for the regulation and continuance of a system of education of common schools. (Legisl. Record 1S64: 361-362.) . Tabular stmt, estimated upon the school rept. and rept. of auditor gen. for 1864; no. of mos. taught, wages of teachers, no. of scholars, tax levy, cost of instruction, etc., in each co. and distr. (Same 1866: 53-55.) . Inaugural address of A. N. Raub, pres. of Schuyl- kill Co. Educational Assn. (Penn. School Jol. v 13- 59-60.) [Education In Penn.] . Review of school legislation of the year. (Same V. 12: 352.) . Co. tabular stmt: numerical statistics, as re- ported by CO. supt., under heads of school houses, furniture, apparatus, schools, teachers, visitation, secys., distr. institutes, and moral instruction. (31 A.R. supt. of common schools 1863/4: 220-221.) . Urged that no law be enacted that shall impose additional duties upon school directors, duties In no way connected with administration of school system, or discharge of which will have a tendency in remotest degree, to bring that system into dis- repute. (31 sa7ne 1863/4: 45.) . War; effects of on schools. (31 same 1863/4: 42-43.) . Tabular stmt, of common schools in each co. (31 same 1863/4: 222-299.) . School law; new edition necessary; alterations and additions recommended. (31 same 1863/4: 45- 47.) 1864-1866. Estimates of apprns. needed for common school system generally, for school dept., for next school year. (31 same 1863/4 (pp. 15-16) — 33 same 1866.) 1864/73-1866/76. Table: educational growth [i. e. no. of graded schools, no. of supts., average salary of male and female teachers, cost of tuition, cost (or value?) of school houses, total cost incl. expenses- 676 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — con t'd of all kinds, no. of teachers who attended co. in- stitutes]. In Documents as follows : 1864/73 In 40 A.R. supt. common schools 1872/3 : Ix. 1865/72 " 39 " " " " 1871/2 : xl. 1865/74 " 41 " " " " 1873/4 : vlii. " Penn. School Journal v. 24 : 151. 1865/75 " 42 A.R. supt. public instruction 1874/5 : Ix. " 3 A.R. bureau indusfrial statistics 1874/5 1866/71 In 38 A.R. supt. common schools 1870/1 : x. 1866/76 " 43 " " public instruction 1875/6 : xlviii. 4 " bureau iniiustrial statistics 1876 ; 704. :419. I'enn. School Journal v. : 254. 1865. Estrs. from essays of co. supts. upon various topics connected with common school system of commonwealth. 66 pp. (32 A.R. supt. of common schools 1864/5. app.) . Attendance of pupils; Irregularity of. (32 same 1864/5: 18-19.) . Prospects in future for schools; effects of war. (32 same 1864/5: 16-18.) . See below, Higher Education, this date. . Attention directed to recent changes in school law. (Penn. School Jol. v. 13: 244-245.) . The relation of the educator to the state; by A. N. Raub. (Same v. 14: 65-66.) . The effect of the common school system upon parental education; by Edwd. Brooks. (Same v. 14: 62-65.) 1865-1866. No. of school distrs., schools, teachers, pupils, attendance, cost. (Govs. mess. (Curtin) Jan. 2, 1867: 10.) 1865-1867. Ann. statistical rept.; houses, furniture, ap- paratus, schools, examinations, teachers, visita- tions, distr. institutes, libraries, private schools. (32 A.R. supt. of common schools 1864/5 (pp. 294- 295) — [34] same 1866/7.) 1867 called Table A. . Table: distrs. unpaid because teachers were em- ployed without valid certificates. (32 same 1864/5 (p. 298)— same 1867.) 1866. Common school system; debate. (Legisl. Record 1866: 50-56.) . Recommended that more caution be observed in passing local and special laws rel. to schools. ([33] A.R. supt. of common schools 1865/6: xll-xlii.) . Suggested that all institutions, chartered by state, should be subject, to some extent, to state authority. ([33] same 1865/6: xlvi.) . School term; recommended that law be so amended as to require that schools be kept open in all common schools of state not less than 6 mos. in each school year. ([33] same 1865/6: xxxlx.) . Plan for bringing about a closer union among all educational institutions in state. ([33] same 1865/6: xxi-xxiv.) . Educational institutions which are not under state control or dependent upon state aid; com- ments on; loose manner of granting college char- ters. ([33] same 1865/6: xvi-xvii.) . More complete supervision of schools needed; suggested amdmt. to school law, providing for elec- tion of an ofBcer to be called a local supt. ([33] same 1865/6: x-xii.) . Classification of educational institutions of state. ([33] same 1865/6: xv.) . Efforts to awaken popular interest in education. ([33] same 1865/6: xiv-xv.) . Educational institutions which are partially under state control and partially dependent upon state aid; comment. ([33] same 1865/6: xviii-xx.) ' Paging from Collectca doca. EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1866/7-1868/9. Comparative stmt, of educational sta- tistics for each year. ([34] same 1866/7 (p. xxi) — 36 same 1869.) Houses, furniture, apparatus, schools, teachers, labor of CO. supts. 1866/7-1879/80. Stmt, showing condition of system for school year, excluding Phila. ([34] same 1866/7 (pp. vii-viii)— [47] same 1879/80.) 1867. C. R. Coburn apptd. supt. of common schools at expiration of his term in Je., 1866; resigned in Nov.; J. P. Wickersham apptd. in his stead. (Govs, mess. (Curtin) Jan. 2, 1867: 9-10.) . Importance of good school system. (Same (Geary) Jan. 15, 1867: 8-9.) — — . Increase of efficiency in the common school sys- tem. (Legisl. Record 1867: 223-225; 439-443; 508- 511; 1031-1036.) . Remarks (Kinney) on act to increase the effi- ciency of the common school system, and to foster schools for the education of teachers. (App. to Legisl. Record 1867: cl-cli.) . Propriety of extending minimum term to 6 mos. and increasing proportionally the state apprn.; by S. B. Heiges. (Penn. School Jol. v. 15: 206.) . Irregularity of attendance in schools; Jessie Newlin. (Same v. 15: 199-202.) . Design of common school system. ([34] A.R. supt. of common schools 1866/7: xxxvii.) . Changes in school law. ([34] same 1866/7: xxxix-xl.) . Plans for improvement of common school system. ([34] same 1866/7: xxxviii-xxxix.) . No. of school distrs., schools; graded schools; school directors; co., city and borough supts.; teachers; pupils; cost of tuition, bldg., contingen- cies; total expenses. (CJovs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 7, 1868.) . Table: educational statistics of jails, poor houses and mnfg. establishments. ([34] A.R. supt. common schools 1866/7: 374-375.) • . Necessity of increased legal school term. ([34] same 1866/7: xxxviii.) 1867-1868. Revision of the school law. (Penn. School Jol. V. 16: 58-61; 101-103; 132-134; 166-167; 189-193; 220-222; 245-248; 277-279; 308.) The revision "was by three comrs. apptd. by the Gov. : David Dericlison, Wayne McVeagh, Wm. Maclay Hall. 1867-1870. Non-accepting distrs. (Same v. 18: 332-333.) 1867-1871. Summary of visits made to counties by the state supt. of common schools. (Same v. 20: 297- 299.) 1867-1875. Table: distrs. that are unpaid because they have failed to forward to dept. their four months certificates or ann. repts. ([34] A.R. supt. of com- mon schools 1866/7 (p. 367)— 42 same 1875.) 1867-1876. Table: school terms, teachers salaries, at- tendance, tuition, school houses (value), total cost. (Penn. School Jol. v. 26: 365.) 1867/8-1878/9. Comparative stmt, showing condition of system for school year. Including Phila. ([35] A.R. supt. of common schools 1867/8 (p. xvi) — [46] same 1878/9.) . Comparative stmt, showing condition of system of common schools for each school year, excluding Phila. ([35J same 1867/8 (pp. x-xll)— [46] same 1878/9.) 1868. List of distrs. which obtained the right to borrow money, with the amts. (Penn. School Jol. v. 16: 348.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 677 EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1868. The two school systems of Pciin. {^ame v. 17: 116-117.) Schools of science mid of vice. . Neglected education of children in alms and poor houses. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 7, 1868.) . No. of school distrs. ; schools; graded schools; school directors; co., city and borough supts.; teachers; pupils; cost of tuition; bldg. and renting school houses; contingencies. (Same (Geary) Jan. 6, 1869: 9.) — — . An act rel. to non-accepting school distrs. ([35] A.R. supt. of common schools 1S67/8: xxiv.) . Table: relation of education and crime. ([35] same 1867/8: xlv.) . Table: distrs. refusing to put schools in opera- tion under system. ([35] siiiiie 1867/8: xxv.) . Table: progress of school system; statistics of year; increase over last year. ([351 same 1867/8: vii.) 1868-1872. Education vs. crimes; stmt, exhibiting school distrs., no. of schools, average age and educa- tion of convicts convicted of crimes agst. property as compared with those convicted agst. persons, as reed, from various cos. sending prisoners to peni- tentiary. (40 A.R. inspectors of Eastern Peniten- tiary 1868 (opposite p. 86)— 43 samr. 1872.) 1868-1873. Work of depy. [state] supts. ([40] A.R. supt. of common schools 1872/3: xi.) 1868-1875. Table: distrs. whose apprn. is withheld for consideration. ([35] sume 1867/8 (p. 380)— [42] same 1874/5.) 1868-1889. Stmt, showing value of school property of state, as estimated by school directors, or control- lers. ([35] same 1867/8 (pp. xvil-xix) — [56] same 1888/9.) Omitted in 18T2 and l.S.SS. 1868-1904. Table: condition and working of system as exhibited by repts. of supts. ([35] same 1867/8 (pp. 382-383)— 71 same 1903/4.) 1869. Notable educational events in Penn. ([36] same 1868/9: xi-xiil.) . Penn.'s school policy; discussed under heads, directorship, superintendency, distr. supts., teach- ers' examinations and certificates, school studies, uniformity of text books, attendance at scnool, school revenues, etc. ( [36] same 1868/9: xiii-xxviii.) . Table: no. of schools, no. of square miles, present salary and proposed salary of state common schools; by counties. ([36] same 1S68/9: xviii-xix.) . Review of legislation of 1869 rel. to schools; apprns. (Penn. School Jol. v. 17: 337.) . Non-attendance of children, principally in cities; neglected education of children in alms and poor houses. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 6, 1869: 9-10.) . No. of school distrs.; schools; graded schools; school directors; supts.; teachers; pupils; tuition; expenditures; value of school property. (Same (Geary) Jan. 5, 1870: 11.) 1869-1874. Stmt, showing what has been done under law of 1868, rel. to non-accepting school distrs. ([36] A.R. supt. of common schools 1868/9 (p. xlili) — 41 same 1873/4.) 1869-1879. Stmt, showing financial condition of school distrs. of state, excluding Phila. ([36] same 1868/9 (p. xxix)— [46] same 1878/9.) 1869-1880. Estimates of apprns. needed for general sys- tem and for support of school dept. for school year. ([34] same 1866/7 (pp. xviii-xix) — [45] same 1877/8.) EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1870. City superintendency; list of cities and borouglia that have elected supts. under the law. with com- pensation paid each supt. ([37] same 1869/70: xviii-xix.) . Review of school legislation of 1870. (Penn. School Jol. v. 18: 333-334.) . School directors; by G. D. Hunt. {Same v. 18: 301-302.) . No. of children in state not attending schools; no. in private schools; no. attending public schools. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 5. 18T0: 12-13.) — ■ — . No. of school distrs., graded schools, directors. CO. and other supts., teachers, pupils; increase over 1869; tuition, cost of building and renting school houses, contingencies, other expenditures; value of school property; salary of teachers. (Same (Geary) Jan. 4, 1871: 15.) . Five school distrs. have not conformed to law of 1848; Harmony Distr. (Same (Geary) Jan. 5, 1870: 11-12.) . Herbert Spencer opposed to support of schools bv taxation. (67 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1899/00 v. I: 1-ii.) . Aims of educational system of Penn. ([37] A.R. supt. of common schools 1869/70: xxiv-xxv. ) . Repts. of supts. showing obstacles in way of improvement in school affairs. ([37] same 1869/70: xiii-xv. ) 1871. No. of private schools, seminaries and academies in state, no. teachers and students employed therein; estimated value of property and ann. amt. reed, for tuition. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 4, 1871: 15-16.) . Distr. superintendency: remarks illustrated by repts. of the Mill Creek distr. and Wayne. (Penn. School Jol. V. 19: 339-340.) . Estimated value of school property In a number of cities and towns of Penn. (Same v. 20: 194.) . List of school distrs. authorized to borrow money. (Same v. 20: 164.) . Common relation of colleges and public schools to liberal education. (Same v. 20: 76-80.) . Retrospect of the Penn. school system; by H. C. Hickok. (Same v. 20: 80-82.) . Education in the Legislature; changes in text- books; city and borough supts.; normal school ex- aminers; apprns. to normal schools; apprn. to com- mon schools; apprns. to orphan schools; enlarged school dept. (Same v. 20: 3-5.) . Are our schools practical? by L. 0. Foose. (Same V. 19: 292-295.) . Female scliool directors; debate. (Legisl. jol. 1871: 648-663; 939-940.) . No politics in school affairs; suggestions. ([38] A.R. supt. of common schools 1870/1: xviii-xx.) . Proposed changes in school law; recommends passage of a supplement. ([38] same 1870/1: xxii- xxiii.) . Reconstruction of school dept. suggested. ([38] same 1S70/1: xvii-xviii.) . Work of enlarged dept. of common schools. ([38] same 1870/1: xvi-xvii.) . System of common schools in Penn. ; brief general outline. ([38] same 1870/1: xx-xxii.) . Stmt, exhibiting present condition of common school system, giving increase as compared with year 1865. ([38] same 1870/1: vii-viii.) . Suggested that respective duties of ward bds. of directors, and bd. of controllers of city, be more clearly defined. ([38! same 1870/1: x.) 678 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1871. Suggestion for law authorizing bds. of directors in cities and towns to appoint and pay school mis- sionary to visit parents of children not in school and endeavor to secure their attendance. ([38] same 1S70/1: xxvi.) 1872. No. of children of school age not attending school; legislation to remedy defect recommended. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 3, 1872: 18-19.) L Apprn. for common schools and soldiers' orphans' schools recommended. (Same (Geary) Jan. 3, 1872: 20.) . Independent schools; by Howard W. Gilbert. (Penn. School Jol. v. 20: 279-280.) . Summary of legislation of 1872 rel. to school affairs. (Same v. 20: 360-362.) . Value of school inspection. (Some v. 20: 323-324.) . Education and labor. ([39] A.R. supt. of com- mon schools 1871/2: xxvii-xxix.) . A school term of five months; law enacted rel. to. ([39] same 1871/2: xx-xxi.) . Stmt, showing school attendance and illiteracy in state of Penn. ([39] same 1871/2: Ixvili-lxxi.) . Constitutional provisions rel. to education. ([39] same 1871/2: xxiv-xxv.) . Schools for men; need of. ([39] same 1871/2: xxxii.) 1872-1878. List of city and borough supts.; salaries. In renn. School Journal as follows: 1872 in V. 20 : 308. 1873-1874 not found. 1875 in V. 23 : 408. 1876-1877 not found. 1878 In V. 26 : 427. 1873. Penn.'s method of supporting common schools. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 8, 1873: 19-20.) . 75,000 children in state do not receive advan- tages of educational system. (Same (Hartranft) Jan. 21, 1873.) . Education in the new Constitution. (Penn. School Jol. V. 22: 197.) . Practical defects of the common school system. (Same v. 21: 258-259.) . Universal education; the duty of the state to use force in securing it; by C. Cornforth. (Same v. 21: 209-21L) . How to seize property for school purposes. (Same v. 21: 265-266.) — ' — I Explanation of new school register. (Some v. 22: 174.) . The city superintendency. (Sam,e v. 22: 155-157.) . Enquiry about bogus diplomas proposed; debate. (Legisl. jol. 1873: 497-501.) . Imperfections of common school system. ([40] A.R. supt. of common schools 1872/3: xil-xili.) . Distr. finances should be secured. ([40] some 1872/3: xi-xii.) . Recusant dlstrs.; comment. ([40] same 1872/3: xil.) . General survey of education In Penn. ([40] some 1872/3: xx-xxxv.) ' '. Neglected children could be brought to school by: 1st. Passage of law making it duty of parents, etc., to see that children attend school, etc.; 2d. Estab- lishment In every co. home for friendless children or an industrial school; 3d. Making it duty of bds. of scliool directors, through competent agts., to see that law in reference to attendance at school Is obeyed, etc. ([40] same 1872/3: xxiv.) . Rept. of acting depy. supt. of common schools: educational condition of children employed In fac- EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd torles, iron works and mines, and found in alms- houses in the eastern part of Penn. (40 same 1872/3: xxxvi-xl.) W. W. Woodruff, acting deputy. 1873-1883. Tables: condition of schools, showing con- trast between 1873 and 1883; decrease in teachers' salaries. ([51] same 1883/4: xvl.) . Stmt, showing educational statistics of cities and boroughs having 5000 inhabitants and upwards. ([40] same 1872/3 (p. Ixx) — [50] same 1882/3.) 1874. Non-attendance; penitentiary statistics showing results of illiteracy. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 7, 1874: 13-14.) . School legislation under new constitution. (Penn. School Jol. v. 22: 245-248.) . Western Penn.; by M. B. Sloan. (Same v. 22: 272.) Inauguration of School for Mechanical Drawing ; Wash- ington Co. Institute ; do. Westmoreland ; do. Beaver. . Intermediate schools; by Geo. P. Hays. (Same V. 23: 152-155.) . Education under the new constitution; by J. P. Wickersham. (Same v. 23: 106-108.) — ■ — \ Local supervision of schools; by B. F. Shaub. (Same v. 23: 99-100.) . Notable facts and suggestions rel. to education in state. (41 A.R. supt. of common schools 1873/4: Ix-xii.) . Legislation needed rel. to system of public edu- cation. (41 same 1873/4: xii-xv.) . Distrs. without schools; Overfield, in Wyoming Co., last distr. to open free schools. ([41] same 1873/4: XXX.) . School term lengthened. (41 same 1873/4: xxix.) . The money value of education. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 102-111.) [1874.] School statistics of each sex and color at House of Refuge (Phila.) and Reform School (Pittsburg) : no. in attendance at last rept., no. admitted during year, school population for year, no. discharged from school in year and in attendance at close of year. (2 same 1873/4: 139.) 1874-1875. Rept. of depy. supt. of common schools. Rohert Curry, deputy 1874 in 41 A.R. supt. common schools 1873/4 : ixxiv-ixxli. Educational condition of children employed In factories, mills and mines In western part of stnte ; state normal schools ; soldiers' orphan schools ; county institutes ; etc. 1875 In 42 A.R. supt. public Instruction 1874/5 : xxxU-xllU. State normal schools ; county institutes ; text books ; school ofBcers and teachers. 1875 In Penn. School Journal v. 24 : 297-301. 1874/5. School statistics: no. of distrs., schools, teach- ers, their salaries, attendance, tuition, apprns., etc. (3 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1874/5: 418- 419.) 1875. Estimated value of school property of state. (3 same 1874/5: 420.) . Statistics of cities and boroughs having 5000 in- habitants and upwards. ([3] same 1874/5: 427.) Population, schools, teachers, scholars, tax and rate per cent, receipts and expenditures. . Propriety of investing bd. of education with sole responsibility of administering fund set apart out of receipts from gen. taxation for purpose of pro- moting common school instruction. ( [42] A.R. supt. public instruction 1874/5: x.) . The school as an agent of reform. ([42] samt 1874/5: xxix-xxxi.) . Is common school system endangered by sec- tarian schools? ([42] same 1874/5: xxvl-xxlx.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 679 EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1875. Revision of school laws; suggested that a special comn. be created with power to revise and codify all statutes rel. to schools, and to prepare such amdmts. to same as will adapt them to requirements of new constitution and growing wants of system of public Instruction; such comn. to report a bill embodying whole to legisl. ([42] same 1874/5: xviii.) . Distr. finances; law requires supts. to carefully examine financial stmts, of distrs. placed in their hands. ([42] savie 1874/5: x.) . School supervision. (Penn. School Jol. v. 23: 264-266.) 1876. Summary of educational statistics of the past year. (Same v. 25: 253-254.) . See below, Penn., this date. . Principles of foreign educational systems applic- able to Penn. ([43] A.R. supt. of public instruction 1875/6: xliii-xlvi.) - — . Suggested propriety of apptg. a comn. of compe- tent persons to revise the whole system of public education. ([43] same 1875/6: xlv.) . See below, Exhibitions, this date. . Growth of school system in ten years: no. of schools, value of property, expenditures, attendance at teachers' institutes. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 4, 1876: 7-8.) ^. Education in Penn. (Penn. School Jol. v. 25: 216-220.) Republication of outline appended to catalogue of state educational exhibit. . County and local supervision; by B. F. Shaub. (Some V. 25: 110-112.) . Synopsis of paper of W. C. Cattell on relation of technical schools to our educational system. {Same V. 25: 103-104.) . The new era in public schools; by F. A. Allen. (Same v. 25: 114-118.) . Auditing and publication of accts. of school bds.; text of law of 1876; accts. of Towr.nda Borough for year ending May 31, 1876. (Same v. 25: 378-381; 411.) . Estimated value of school property of state by cos. (4 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1875/6: 795.) Paging from Collected docs. ' — — . School statistics of cities and boroughs having 5000 inhabitants and upwards. (4 same 1875/6: 800.) Paging from Collected docB. 1877. Revision of methods and courses of studies, plan for building better and improved distr. school houses, and greater control by state are desirable changes in school system. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 3, 1877: 11.) . Education of the destitute. (Same (Hartranft) Jan. 3, 1877: 11-12.) . The great question [education of friendless chil- dren]. (Penn. School Jol. v. 25: 386-388.) . Municipal comn. on education in cities; the bill and its defence. (Same v. 26: 280-284.) . Change recommended in law rel. to election of supts. and their salaries. ([44] A.R. supt. of public Instruction 1876/7: xii-xiii.) . History of education; circular Issued to co. and city supts. of schools requesting preparation of a sketch of history of education in each co. and city except Phila. ([44] same 1876/7: xxii-xxiv.) — I — . School organization in cities; suggested features. ([44] same 1876/7: vi-vii.) 1877-1880. Revision of school laws recommended. ([44] same 1876/7 (pp. v-vl)— [47] same 1879/80.) No returns in 1878/9. EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1878. Condition of system of education. ([45] same 1877/8: v-vi.) . Suggested reform in course of study of public schools. ([45] same 1877/8: xvi.) . Labor question; value of education In relation to labor. ([45] same 1877/8: xvii-xvlii.) . Suggested propriety of extending power already possessed by bds. of directors in apptmt. of local supts. of schools. (145] same 1877/8: xvi.) . Advisability of thorough revision of school laws and codification of same. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 2, 1878: 8.) . The educational work; by Hiester Clymer. (Same v. 27: 116-119.) 1878-1880. Closer supervision; recommended that power already possessed by bds. of directors in matter of apptmt. of local supts. of schools be ex- tended. ([45] A.R. supt. of public instruction 1877/8 (p. xvi) — [47] same 1879/80.) Omitted in 1878/9. 1879. Education of boys connected with mines; law similar to that of Ohio should be enacted in Penn., compelling children betw. ages of 6 and 14 years to attend day school, etc. (Repts. of inspectors of mines 1879: 87-88.) 1880. No. of graded schools, ungraded, pupils, attend- ance, expenditures, value of school property, in- debtedness of distrs., balances in distr. treasuries. (Govs. mess. (Hoyt) Jan. 4, 1881: 6.) . A retrospect [of the school system] and some cautions; by B. F. Shaub. (Penn. School Jol. v. 29: 92-95.) . Course of study for ungraded schools; by S. B. Shearer. (Same v. 28: 480.) — • — . What can a supt. do to improve public sentiment in reference to schools; by Mr. Prather of Venango. (Same v. 28: 491-492.) . Graded course for city schools; by V. G. Curtis. (Same V. 28: 501-503.) . School visitation; by Mr. Ryan of Bradford. (Same v. 28: 508-509.) . Distr. supervision; by Mr. Hoffecker, Montgom- ery. (Same v. 28: 509-510.) . Strength and weakness of school directorship; by Mr. Horine, Montour. (Same v. 28: 511-512.) . Suggested that a law be passed as soon as possi- ble requiring either an ann. or biennial rept. of the supt. of public instruction and if ann., defining its character. ([47] A.R. supt. of public instruction 1879/80: v.) . Stmt, showing financial condition of school distrs. of state, including Phila. ([47] same 1879/80: xxxl.) — — . Relations of education and crime. ([47] same 1879/80: xiii-xvii.) . Popular interest in public education. ([47] same 1879/80: ix-xii.) . Weak places in public school system. ([47] same 1879/80: xii-xiii.) . Children not in school. ([47] some 1879/80: xvil.) . Children in poor-houses; legisl. action needed. (47 same 1879/80: xix-xx.) . Recommendations in supts.' repts. rel. to school system. ([47] same 1879/80: xxiv-xxvl.) . Stmt, showing changes in most important Items of school statistics, as compared with last year. ([47] same 1879/80: xxix-xxx.) 1881. Mistakes of our present schools; by A. M. Gow. (Penn. School Jol. v. 30: 113-117.) — — . Needed legislation on free school system; by J. Q. Stewart. (Same v. 30: 96-99.) 680 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1881. Education by common schools; debate. (Legisl. Record 1881: 1564-1566.) . Suggestions rel. to course of studies in various schools. ([48] A.R. supt. of public instruction 1880/1: vi-vii.) . Suggested that in grading of schools, and selec- tion of text boolvs and necessary apparatus, the law should require supervision of co. supt. ([48] same 1880/1: iv.) 1881-1904. Statistics [rel. to schools, teachers, pupils, tuition, apprns,, etc.]; important items, compared with those of preceding year; excluding Phila., and in Phila. ([48] same 1880/1 (pp. xi-xiii) — 71 some 1903/4.) 1882. Magnitude, character, and economy of work of public instruction. ([49] mme 1881/2: v-ix.) . Progress of work of public instruction and needed legislation to advance it. (49 same 1882: Ix-xiv.) . Suggestion that in cos. having 300 schools or more, the supt. should be authorized to employ asst. or depy. ([49] some 18S1/2: xi-xii.) . Expenditures of school system; value of school property; state apprns. to common schools, normal schools and soldiers' orphan schools; no. of school directors; teachers; pupils. (Govs. mess. (Hoyt) Jan. 2, 1883: 4-5.) — — . Needed changes in our school laws. (Penn. School Jol. V. 31: 139-141.) . Our school law: directors. (Same v. 30: 282-283.) 1882-1900. General and financial statistics of state and incorporated and other educational institutions, compiled from repts. of presiding officers for aca- demic year. (49 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1881/2 (pp. Ix-lxiv)— 67 same 1899/00.) 1883. Veto of act rel. to schools in cities of the 2d class, defining the powers and duties of the directors of sub-school distrs., and also of the officers of such cities, in the matter of the assessment and collec- tion of school taxes; with text of act. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1883: 93-96.) . Concurrence in recommendation of supt. of public instruction that minimum time for public schools to be open be enlarged to six months, and that apprn. by state to each distr. be based on attend- ance. (Govs. mess. (Hoyt) Jan. 2, 1883: 5.) . Review of the years' school legislation. (Penn. School Jol. V. 32: 75-76.) . Common school system; is instruction wrong in character and entirely unfitted for present age? ([50] A.R. supt. of public instruction 1882/3: ili- xiii.) 1883-1904. List of Penn. school officers. ([50] same 1882/3 (p. 140)— 71 same 1903/4.) 1884. Recommended that law fixing minimum school term at 5 mos. be so changed as to raise It to 6 mos. ([51] same 1883/4: x-xi.) . Recommendation; authorizing co. supts. to form within their resp. cos. discr. circuits, including not less than 30 teachers nor more than 80, each circuit to have a distr. supt. ([51] same 1883/4: xii.) . State supt. and popular education; by E. E. Higbee. (Penn. School Jol. v. 32: 379-381.) — ■ — . Over fifty years' record of common school prog- ress; by H. C. Hickok. (.S'ome v. 33: 43-52.) 1885. Our schools and our forests. (Same v. 33: 404- 406.) . Distr. supervision. (Same v. 33: 365-366.) . Minimum school term; debate. (Legisl. Record 1885: 465-469; 470-471.) EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1885. Supervision of common schools; debate. (Same 1885: 210-211.) . Tabular stmt, of distrs. which forfeited their claim to state apprn. ([52] A.R. supt. of public instruction 1884/5: xix.) . Veto of act to prevent acquisition of rights of way by user across lands belonging to schools, seminaries universities and colleges; ace. by text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1885: 7-8.) . Too great demands made upon common schools. ([52] A.R. supt. of public instruction 1884/5: v- viii. ) 1885-1890. Comparative statistics; general summary. ([52] same 1884/5 (pp. iii-iv)— [57] same 1889/90.) Omitted in 1886. 1886. School education vs. convicts. (14 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1886: 53-57.) : Progressive legislation; close distr. supervision should be made permissive not mandatory. (Penn. School Jol. V. 35: 242-244.) [1886.] Organization of the school system. (Same v. 39: 245-250.) From History of education in Penn. ; by J. P. Wlck- ershani. . Circular of committee of Penn. State Teachers' Assn. resp. length of school term. (Same v. 35: 211.) — — . Defects in Penn. school laws; by D. Brainard Case. (Same v. 35: 92-95.) . Comparative statistics; table: general progress of public schools of state, comparing repts. of 1876 and 1886, including Phila. ([53] A.R. supt. of pub- lic instruction 1885/6: vi.) . Children deprived of school privileges, and Irregularity of attendance. ([53] same 1885/6: x- xi.) 1886-1887. School supervision, suggested that distr. supts. be elected. ([53] sonic 1885/6 (p. xx) — 54 same 1886/7.) 1887. General summary rel. to public Instruction In state. ([54] same 1886/7: xi-xiii.) — — . Minimum school term extended to six mos. ([54] some 1886/7: iv-v.) . The civil service and the public schools; by T. P. Ballard. (Penn. School Jol. v. 35: 474-477.) . School legislation: six months school term and $1,500,000 apprn. (Same v. 35: 491-492.) . Significance of our recent school legislation; by E. E. Higbee. (Same v. 36: 232-233.) Apprn., six montjis' term, co. institutes. 1888. Necessity of passing law on adequate supervision in rural distrs. ([55] A.R. supt. of public instruc- tion 1887/8: viil.) . Distr. superintendency; by J. W. Sturdevant. (Penn. School Jol. v. 37: 105-107.) . Enforce the school law; duty of supt. In granting certificates. (Some v. 37: 24-26.) . Sectarian schools; state supt.'s decision. (Same V. 37: 181-182.) 1889. Review of Penn. school legislation for the session of 1889. (Same v. 37: 423-424.) . Address of Gov. Beaver at Lancaster Co. insti- tute. (Some V. 38: 219-222.) Penn. common school system. . Mission of the common school. (Some v. 38: 223-224.) . Distr. supervision; by G. W. Weiss. (Same v. 38: 93-96.) — — . Schools in the flooded distr.; some misappre- hensions corrected. (Same v. 38: 147-149.) . Steady advance in our common school work; by H. C. Hickok. (Same v. 38: 163-165.) INDEX TO nOCITMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA C81 EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1889. Supervision of public schools; debate. (Leglsl. Record 1889: 1279-1282; 1326-1328.) . Public scliool apprn.; debate. (Same 1889: 1854- 1860.) . School directors required to attend convention at CO. seat, once in three years for election of co. supt. and to attend ann. co. institute at least one dav; expenses. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 1, 1889: 13.') 1890. Educational questions as Dr. Hip;bee regarded them. (Penn. School Jol. v. 39: 201-217.) Modern methods of e(hicatlon ; lower nntl higher schools ; vacation ; examinations ; music ; school directors ; Arhor Day ; etc. • . Amts. reed, tor relief of schools of the flooded distrs. (Same v. 39: 38-39.) . Gov. Pollock and the common school system; by H. C. Hickok. (Same v. 38: 396-401.) . Our school system; steady growth and develop- ment — high schools and schools for manual train- ing. (Same v. 38: 416-419.) . Genesis of the distr. superintendency. (Same V. 38: 463-466.) 1891. Relation of the supt. to the school bd.; by C. F. Foster. (Same v. 28: 12-15.) . Closer supervision: responsibilities and duties of school directors; by Roland Thompson. (Same V. 39: 298-301.) . A quarter of a century of public education In Penn.; by Mary L. Dunn. (Same v. 40: 98-100.) . The common school legislation of Penn., 1776- 1854. (Same v. 40: 149-151.) . Our common school law of May 8, 1864. (Same V. 40: 184-185.) — '-^ The fight for free schools in Penn.; by James P. Wickersham. (Same v. 39: 497-509.) . Provision for organization of dept. of education in cities of 1st class, etc. (Legisl. Record 1891: 3106-3109.) . Opinion of atty. gen.; under act of May 8, 1854, depy. supt. of public instruction is authorized to draw warrants as provided by law. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1891/2 app. 21-22.) . School laws rel. to contagious diseases. (8 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1891/2: 197-199.) . Veto of act authorizing and regulating the tak- ing, use and occupancy of public burial places in cities of the 3d class for purposes of common school education; with text of act. (Vetoes (Pattlson) 1891: 57-59.) . Length of school term as compared with other states. ([58] A.R. supt. of public instruction 1890/1: v-vi.) . Organization of school directors. ([58] same 1890/1: Iv-v.) 1891/2. No. of pupils, schools, teachers, expenditures, value of school property, state apprn. tor education; Increase in each item. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 3, 1893: 27.) 1892. Circular letter sent out to school directors rel. to lengthening school term. (59 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1891/2: v.) . Some present needs of the public schools; by Dr. Lyte. (Penn. School Jol. v. 41: 98-101.) Closer supervision, compulsory education law, length of school term, teachers' certificates, salaries, taxa- tion, architecture. . Help for schools in poor distrs.; by N. C. Schaef- fer. (Some v. 41: 101-103.) EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1892. Needed legislation; by Saml. Transeau. (Same V. 40: 397-399.) Compulsory education; free text books; book on school architecture; school library; sanitary cans; pay- ment of salaries of city and borough supts. . State education — its purposes and needs; by ■W. M. Beardshear. (Same v. 40: 451-455.) 1893. Progress of schools; expenditures in 1850 and at date; "with free text-books, enthusiastic perform- ance of duty on part of more than 15,000 school directors .... and a law making distribution of apprn. for schools on basis of the average no. of school children in attendance, we will indirectly have a compulsory system of education." (Govs, mess. (Pattison) Jan. 3, 1893: 28-29.) . Veto of act authorizing supt. of public instruc- tion to place in public schools copy of Smull's Legis- lative Handbook, providing for revision of work, etc.: with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1893: 80-81.) . Veto of act to confer upon bds. of education power to sell public school property, etc.; with text of bill. (Same (Pattison) 1893:9-10.) . Veto of act creating office of asst. supt. of public schools in cities of second class. (Same (Pattison) 1893: 10-11.) . Legislation for annual enumeration of children of school age recommended. (Govs. mess. (Patti- son) Jan. 3, 1893: 28.) . Needed legislation; by John Morrow. (Penn. School Jol. V. 41: 378-381.) . Table: relative standing of cos. in reference to average length of ann. school term and average mo. wages of teachers employed, for school year endg. Je. 5. (60 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1892/3: xix.) . School bds. urged to abandon policy of a divided school year lest they forfeit school apprn. ([60] same 1892/3: xii.) . Debate on act to provide for the attendance of children in the schools of Penn. (Legisl. Record 1893: 1070-1073; 1298-1302.) . Discussion of act to extend the minimum school term to seven months. (Same 1893 v. 1: 835-842.) . Veto (Pattison) of act to confer upon the bd. of public education or any bd. of school directors in the several distrs. of the commonwealth, power to sell public school property. (Same 1893 v. 1: 1819.) . Veto of act creating office of asst. supt. of public schools In cities of the second class. (Same 1893 V. 1: 1819-1820.) — ^. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to qualifications of [local] supt. of schools holding professional certifi- cate. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1893/4 app. pp. 22- 23.) 1894. For more liberal state aid to co. distr. schools. (61 same 1893/4: vi.) . Directors arrange school year for a continuous term without change of teachers. (61 same 1893/4: V.) . Suggested that directors be given discretionary power to close schools with less than 10 pupils, but should furnish children thus deprived of school privileges free transportation to schools in adjoining distrs. (61 same 1893/4: vi.) . Policy of keeping church and state separate in schools. (61 same 1893/4: xii-xiii.) . Length of school term and teachers' salaries in Penn. as compared with other states. (61 same 1893/4: v-vi.) 682 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1894. No. of pupils, attendance, cost of school houses, rents, etc., cost of text-books, teachers' wages. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 1, 1895: 15.) . Our common schools; by W. U. Hensel. (Penn. School Jol. V. 43: 299-302.) . Some needed legislation; by R. K. Buehrle. (Same v. 42: 388-390.) . Sins of omission and commission in our common schools; bv S. T. Davis. (10 A.R. bd. of health, etc., 1893/4: 335-346.) 1895. Needed improvements in school system. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 1, 1895: 15.) . Are our public schools meeting the demands of the hour? by Prank S. Miller. (Penn. School Jol. V. 44: 116-119.) . Needed legislation; by James M. Coughin. (Some V. 43: 402-403.) . Appreciation of distinguished services to cause of education in Penn. (62 A.R. supt. of public in- struction 1894/5: xvi-xvii.) . Discussion of right use of books [i. e., educational use]. (62 same 1894/5: ix.) . Educational problem in Penn. (62 same 1894/5: vii.) 1895-1904. Stmt, showing no. of schools in several cos. having 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 mos. respectively, for school year endg. Je. 3. (62 same 1894/5 (pp. 598-599) — 71 same 1903/4.) . Stmt, showing no. of distrs. in several cos. having 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 mos. respectively, for school year endg. Je. 3. (62 same 1894/5 (pp. 596-597)— 71 same 1903/4.) . Average length of ann. school term by cos. for school year endg. Je. 3. (62 some 1S94/5 (p. 602) — 71 same 1903/4.) 1896. Factory and school. (63 same 1895/6: v-vi.) . Extravagance in purchase of school apparatus. (63 same 1895/6: xix-xxi.) . Work of supervision in schools; necessity for skilled supervision. (63 same 1895/6: xxv-xxviii.) . Recommended legislation for protecting and assisting children in securing an education. (7 A.R. factory inspector 1896: 6.) . Time saving, by elective principle in preparatory schools. (1 bienn. rept. of higher education 1895/6: 33-34.) . A dental school organized under charter from state of Mo.; legislation recommended to prevent intrusion into Internal affairs of state by law mak- ing power of other states. (1 same 1895/6: 7.) . What legislation is needed for the public schools; by D. P. Portney. (Penn. School Jol. v. 44: 349-350.) — . Same; by J. Q. Stewart. {Same v. 44: 347-349.) . Problem of government in schools in Penn. (63 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1895/6: xxiv-xxv.) . Can discontent of people be attributed to schools? (63 .?ome 1895/6: xxxii-xxxiii.) 1896-1900. Recapitulation of statistics rel. to educa- tional institutions. (63 same 1895/6 (pp. cxxxvi- cxxxvii)— 67 same 1899/00 v. 2.) 1897. School legislation by Chas. E. Quail. (Penn. School Jol. V. 45: 426-428.) Compulsory law, Boldiers' children In public scbools, forestry imd tree culture. . Debate on res. resp. support of common scbools. (Leglsl. Record 1897 v. 2: 3472-3474.) . Minimum school term; debate. (Same 1897 v. 1: 911-916.) . Veto (Hastings) of act to allow use of school houses for religious services. (Some 1897 v. 2: 2416.) . Same. (Vetoes (Hastings) 1897: 20-22.) EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1897. [Social, industrial and educational factors in Penn.]; by [James] Campbell. (8 A.R. factory in- spector 1897: 648-651.) Read at convention of International Assn. of factory Inspectors. . Veto of act regulating educational rights of school distrs. in election of supervisory principals; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Hastings) 1897: 17-18.) . The scope of our public school education; by J. L. Spalding. (Penn. School Jol. v. 46: 189-194.) . The educational opportunities of Western Penn.; by R. G. Ferguson. (Same v. 46: 58-66.) . Incorporating our small school into large graded ones; by R. B. Pox. (3 A.R. dept. [21 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1897 pt. 1: 295-296.) . Public opinion rel. to public education. (64 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1896/7: xiv-xvi.) . Objections to 7 mo. school term as minimum. (64 same 1896/7: xvii-xviii.) — — . Penn. history; advance in study of. (64 same 1896/7: xviii-xix.) 1898. Scientific temperance instruction in schools. (65 same 1897/8: ix-xi.) . The common schools of our cities in their rela- tion to the colleges and universities. (Penn. School Jol. V. 46: 487-490.) . Some new lines of co-operation among supts. (Same v. 46: 474-476.) . Educational struggle in colonial Penn.; by M. G. Brumbaugh. (Same v. 47: 65-71.) ■ — ■ — . Advance in standards of admission and gradua- tion. (2 bienn. rept. of higher education 1897/8: 15.) 1898-1900. List of educational Institutions from which no rept. was reed. (65 A.R. supt. of public instruc- tion 1897/8 (pp. cxviii-cxxi) — 67 same 1899/00 v. 2.) 1899. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to enumeration and enrollment of school children. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1899/1900: 32-33.) . What Penn. has done educationally; by M. G. Brumbaugh. (Penn. School Jol. v. 48: 68-70.) . Hist, of the school law; teacher and school; by John B. M'Pherson. (Some v. 48: 283-288.) . Classifying and grading of city schools; by E. E. Miller. (Same v. 47: 476-478.) . Should we have closer supervision of our schools by distr. supts. and how; by Anna Bodler. (Same V. 47: 412-416.) . A good director and his duty to-day in Penn.; by M. G. Brumbaugh. (Same v. 47: 417-420.) . Comparative study of school systems; by N. C. Schaeffer. (Same v. 47: 442-444.) . Increase in no. of schools, graded schools, teach- ers, pupils and value of school property for four years ending Je., 1898; amt. of money raised by apprn. and taxation. (Govs. mess. (Hastings) Jan. 3, 1899: 6.) . " Past legislative bodies have had a greater de- sire to legislate for the counties and school distrs. of the state than they had to legislate for the state, and .... have appropriated more money for the coming fiscal years than the anticipated revenues ...."; resultant indebtedness to school distrs. and normal schools; apprn. for educational pur- poses in 1898 and objects to which applied, compari- son with other states; apprns. In excess of revenue unjustified. (Same (Stone) Jan. 17, 1899: 1-2.) . Discussion of difference betw. earnings of un- educated and educated labor. (66 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1898/9: iv-vii.) — ' — r. Law passed rel. to employment of minors who do not speak English. (66 same 1898/9: vlll-lx.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 683 EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1900. The director as a factor in education; by Saml. Hamilton. (Penn. School Jol. v. 48: 435-441.) . Have we too much free education? by Manley 0. Brown. {Same v. 49: 241-245.) . What kind of schools Penn. ought to have; by Geo. P. Atherton. (Same v. 48: 441-443.) . Do the schools of the commonwealth meet our educational needs? by J. P. Welsh. (Same v. 48: 459-462.) . Same; by J. Garner. (Same v. 48: 463-465.) . Child study; special circular from child study dept. of Penn. State Educational Assn. (67 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1899/00 v. 1: xi-xv.) . Mandamus case rel. to apprn. to public schools involving right of a gov. to approve part of an item in an apprn. bill and disapprove another part of same item. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1901/2: xiii-xv.) 1901. Advantages of the union of all the educational forces of the state; by J. A. M. Passmore. (Penn. School Jol. V. 49: 467-469.) . Home schools for neglected children; by J. M. Coughin. (Same v. 49: 401-404.) . The supt. and the business mngmt. of schools; by Chas. Lose. (Same v. 49: 435-438.) . The state and the schools; by J. George Becht. (Same v. 50: 52-57.) . Some recent public school legislation; by E. 0. Lyte. (Some v. 50: 84-87.) . Veto of act rel. to attendance of non-resident children in a distr. in which their parents or guard- ians hold property; with text of act. (Vetoes (Stone) 1901: 25-26.) . Same. (House jol. 1901 pt. 2: 1765-1766.) — I — . Proceedings on act to authorize school directors of townships having population of over 5000 to employ one person as township supt. (Sen. jol. 1901 V. 2: 1841-1843; House jol. v. 2: 2249-2250, 2511- 2512.) . Act of Apr. 25, rel. to centralization of schools. (68 A.R. supt. of public Instruction 1900/1: vi-vii.) . Education and training for the young who are crippled about mines, factories, etc. (Rept. bureau of mines 1901: 46-47.) 1902. The duties of directors; by Saml. Hamilton. (Penn. School Jol. v. 50: 375-380.) . Money would be saved by harmonizing of acts of Jly. 15, 1897 and Jly. 11, 1901, so as to require but one enumeration of children during odd years. (69 A.R. supt. public instruction 1901/2: ill.) . Curriculum of study In schools should be revised. (69 same 1901/2: vlli.) 1903. Primary purpose of schooling. (70 same 1902/3: Iv-v.) . Benefit to public schools from payment of apprns. earlier than usual; increase in no. of schools and enrollment, etc. (Govs. mess. (Stone) Jan. 6, 1903: 4.) . Opinion of atty. gen. to supt. of public instruc- tion rel. to school law ; taxation^— expenses of assess- ment. (Blenn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 233-234.) 1904. Suggested that powers of school directors be en- larged so as to have universal education In state. (71 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1903/4: xi.) . Penn. history in schools. (71 same 1903/4: x-xl.) . Comments on America's public school system. (71 same 1903/4: vl-vil.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to public schools; no legal authority for certifying a half day as a day In matter of keeping open public schools. (Blenn. rept. of atty. gen. 1903/4: 305.) EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1904. Expediency of law compelling payment of pupil's tuition in more accessible schools in adjacent dis- tricts when distance to nearest school In his own district is over a mile and a half or road to said school is impassable during portion of year. (71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4: xi.) . Consanguinity of labor and education; by Wm. J. Tucker. (32 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1904: 25-30.) Address at 20th iinii. convention of chiefs ot bureaus ot labor stiitlHtlrs of America, at Concord, N. H., Jly. 12-10, 1()U4. . Care of the vision and hearing of school children; importance of making provision for systematic ex- amination of eyes and hearing of pupils of Penn. public schools urged. (20 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1903/4: 17.) . School supervision by N. C. Schaeffer. (Penn. School Jol. V. 52: 476-478.) Adams County serial 1855-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1855 In V. 4 : 112-113 ; 168-169 ; 358. 1856/7 In V. 5 : 5 ; 36 : 363. 1857/8-1860/1. Not found. 1861/2^ In V. 10 ; 230 ; 357. 1862/3 " V. 11 : 6 ; 104 ; 165 ; 197 ; 229 ; 257 ; 290. v. 12: 168: 335-336. V. 13: 5; 18; 110; 132; 167. V. 14 :4; 71 ; 147. V. 15 : 4 ; 78 : 180 ; 211 ; 243. V. 16 : 31 ; 104 ; 193. V. 17 : 66 ; 103 ; 138 ; 225 ; 306. 1869/70 " V. 18 : 103 ; 136 ; 220 ; 250 ; 276 ; 304 ; 334. 1870/1 " V. 19 : 37 ; 99 ; 149 ; 181 ; 243 ; 278 ; 307 ; 340 ; 375 1871/2 in V. 20:132; 166; 399. 1872/3 " V. 21 : 305. 1873/4 " V. 22 : 2o7. 1874/5 " V. 23. 1875/6 " V. 24 : 425. 1876/7-1881/2. Not found. 1882/3 in V. 31 : 38 ; 381. 1883/4 " V. 32 : 34 ; 231 : 303. 1884/5 " T. 33 : 205 ; 249 ; 496. 1885/6 " V. 34 : 338. 1886/7 " V. 35 : 251 ; 466. 1887/8 " V. 36 : 234 ; 340. 1888/9. Not found. 1890 In V. 38 : 387. 1890/1 " v. 39 : 230 ; 310 ; 439 ; 492. 1891/2 " v. 40 : 32 ; 278 ; 326 ; 377 ; 552. 1892/3 " V. 41 : 220 ; 314 : 362 ; 500. 1893/4 " V. 42 : 46 ; 92 ; 184 ; 229 ; 269 ; 321 ; 558. 1894/5. Not found. 1895/6 In V. 44 : 43 ; 325 : 568. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 248 ; 567. 1898 " V. 46 : 455 ; 568. V. 47 : 493 ; 538. 1863/4 1864/5 1865/6 1866/7 1867/8 1868/9 1899 - 1899/00 " v! 48 : 46"; 1387225 ; 267 ; 313 ; 420 ; 476 ; 519. 1900/1 " T. 49 : 165 ; 212 ; 259 ; 454 ; 587. 1901/2 " V. 50 : 45 : 214 ; 453 ; 561. 1902/3 " V. 51 : 189 ; 319. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 261 ; 307 ; 352 ; 399 ; 442 ; 509. B 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of common schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4 (p. 3-4) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 18S2/3 ; 1884/5 ; hist, sketch David Wills was co. supt. 1853/4-1855/8 ; R. HlU, 1856/7 : W. L. Campbell, 1857/8 ; J. K. M'llheny, 1858/9; John C. Ellis. 1859/60-1862/3; Aaron Sheely, 1863/4-1868/9. 1872/3-1889/90 ; J. Howard Wert, 1869/70-1870/1; P. D. W. Hankey. 1871/2; J W. Thoman. 1890/1-1898/9; H. Milton Roth, 1899/00-1903/4. 684 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSY1.VANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Adams County — cont'd non-serial 1834-1842. Free school system In Adams Co. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 8-9.) 1834-1867. See below. Teachers. Adams Co., these dates. 1854. Adams Co. — procs. of educational conv. (Penn. School Jol. V. 3: 176-177.) 1854-1875. Co. superintendency in Adams Co. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 9-10.) 1856. Address to the teachers' conv. of Adams Co.; by S. S. Schmucker. (Same v. 4: 317-320.) Allegheny City See also below, Allegheny Co. serial 1872/3-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (40 A.R. supt. common schools 1872/3 (p. 179-180) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch In 1876/7. John Davis, supt., 1872/3-1877/8: U H. Durling, 1879/80 ; John Morrow, 1881/2-1903/4. B 1874-1895. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1874 in v. 22 : 339. 1875-1882. Not found. 1883 In V. 31 : 339 ; 498. 1883/4 " V. 32 : 196 ; 270 ; 376. 1884/5 " V. 33 : 41 ; 373. 1886 " V. 34 : 375. 1887 " V. 35:467. 1888 " T. 36 : 342. 1889-1892. Not found. 1893 in V. 42 : 232. 1894. Not found. 1895 In v. 43 : 419. non-serial 1873. See below, Pittsburgh, this date. 1874. See same, this date. 1875. Extrs. from school rept. of Allegheny City. (Penn. School Jol. v. 23: 340-341.) School bldgs.. finances, etc. 1880. Review of 26th ann. rept. of bd. of controllers of Allegheny City. (Same v. 29: 293-294.) Allegheny County serial 1854/5-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. (22 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1854/5 (p. 7-14) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1. 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch in 1876/7. B. M. Kerr, co. supt., 1854/51850/7; Chas. W. Quick. 1857/8-1859/60; A. T. Douthett, 1860/1-1874/5; B 1855/6-1900. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1855/6 In V. 4 : 43-44 ; 142 ; 326. 185C/7-1859/60. Not found. in V. 9: 207; 324. " V. 10 : 230. " T. 11 :65: 165 " T. 12 : 227. Not found, in V. 14 : 201. " V. 15: 4 ; 292. Not found. 1861 1862 1862/3 1864 1864/5. 1866 1866/7 1867/8. 229 ; 257 ; 290 ; 354. 1868/9 in V. 17:40: 190; 225-226; 246. 1870 " V. 18: 220; 2.50; 272. 1870/1 " V. 19: 150; 190-191. 1872-1873. Not found. 1874 In V. 22 : 307. 1875-1881. Not found. EDUCATION— cont'd Allegheny County — cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd 1882 In v. 31 : 178. 1883-1885. Not found. 1886/7 in V. 35 : 251 ; 291 ; 333 ; 377 ; 422. 1887/8 " r. 36 : 36 ; 234 ; 268 ; 340 ; 383 ; 425 ; 460. 1888/9 " V. 37 : 182 ; 215 ; 253 ; 291 ; 326 ; 363. 1889/90 " v. 38 : 155 ; 191 ; 269 ; 387 ; 426. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 266 ; 310-311 ; 439 ; 492. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 32 ; 278 : 326 ; 377 ; 423 ; 469-470 ; 507. 1892/3 " V. 41 : 220 ; 265 ; 500. 1894 " T. 42 : 321. 1894/5 " v. 43 : 41 ; 325. 1895/6. Not found. 1896/7 in V. 45 : 248 ; 341. 1898 " V. 46 : 231 ; 317 ; 455 ; 500. 1898/0 " T. 47 : 192 ; 374. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 267 ; 566. 1900 " V. 49 : 165-166. non-serial 1856. Circular of co. supt. of Allegheny Co. to school directors; ann. repts. (Penn. School Jol. v. 4: 333.) 1857. Educational conv. in Allegheny Co.; procs. (Same v. 5: 283-286.) 1859. Judicial decisions in supreme court; Conley, et al. vs. school directors of West Deer township; abolish- ment of sub-school distr. by directors. (26 A.R. supt. of common schools 1858/9 app. [B] p. 172.) 1860. Synopsis of mtg. of school conv. in Pine dlstr. of Allegheny Co. (Penn. School Jol. v. 8: 334-335.) 1861-1869. Comparative stmt.: average no. of scholars, salary of teachers, etc. in Allegheny Co. schools. ([36] A.R. supt. common schools 1868/9: 4.) 1871. Allegheny Co.; normal schools, Pittsburgh high school; needs of Allegheny City; school library of Allegheny City. (Penn. School Jol. v. 20: 216-217.) 1872. Allegheny Co.: mtg. of Pittsburgh Teachers' Assn.; do. Allegheny Teachers' Assn.; school library of Allegheny City; normal school; county institute. (Same v. 20: 292-293.) Allentown, Lehigh County serial 1867/8-1903/4. Ann. rept. of city supt. of schools. (35 A.R. supt. of common schools 1867/8 (p. 273-275) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1S78/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch In 1876/7. R. K. Buehrle, supt. 1867/8-1877/8: G. H. Desh 1879/80 ; L. B. Landis 1881/2 ; 1892/3 ; Francis D. Raub 1S93/4-1903/4. B 1882-1893/4. [Educational notes.] In I\'nn. School Journal as follows : 1882 In V. 31 : 219. 1882 '3 - V. 32: 77-78; 305: 411. 1S83/4 " V. 33 : 165-166 ; 460 ; 499 1885-1886. Not found. 1887 in T. 36 : 202. 1888-1889. Not found. 1890 in V. 38:391. " v. 39 : 233. 1891 " v. 40 : 240. 1892 " V. 41 : 269. 1893/4 " V. 42 : 93 ; 232 ; 324. Altoona, Blair County serial 1868/9-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of school. (36 A.R. supt. common schools 1S68/9 (p. 238) — 71 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch in 1870/ 7. John Miller, supt.. 1868/9-1873/4 ; D. S. Keith, 1874/6; 1903/4. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 685 EDUCATION— cont'd Altoona, Blair County — cont'd serial — cont'd B 1870-1901. [Educational notes.] In I'enn. School .Toiirual as follows: 1870 In V. 18 : 304 ; 3S4. 1870/1 " T. 19 : 37 ; 278 : 376 ; 3C3 ; 399. 1872 " V. 21 : 31. 1873. Not found. 1874 In V. 22 : 339. - V. 23: 175. 187r)-lSS0. Not found. ISSl In V. 30: 211. 1882-1KS4. Not found. 1885 In V. 34 : 77. 1880. Not found. 1887 In V. 35 : 336. " V. 3G : 80. 1888. Not found. 1889 In V. 37 : 433. 1890 " V. 38 : 471. " V. 39 : 268. 1891. Not found. 1892 In V. 40 : 426-427. " V. 41 : 2G9. 1893. Not found. 1894 In V. 43 : 43. ]8n5-l,s'.tt;. Not fnun.l. 1897 In V. 45 : 344. 1898-1900. Not found. 1901 In T. 49 : 353. non-serial 1855-1877. Table: growth of school system in Altoona: no. of teachers, no. of pupils, no. of mos. taught, average salary of male teachers per mo., no. of mills levied for school purposes, total amt. levied. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 657.) 1876-1900. Table: growth of system in Altoona. (67 same 1899/00 v. 1: 415.) Archbald, Lackaioanna County serial A 1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4: 171.) W. A. Kelly, supt. B 1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1904 in T. 52 : 354 ; 511. Armstrong County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of common schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4 (pp. 4-7)— 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch In 1876/7. John A. Campbell, supt., 1853/4-1855/6; R. W. Smith, 1856/7-1859/60; John A. Calhoun, 1860/1-1862/3 R. W. Smith, 1863/4-1865/6; J. A. Rlchey (or Rltchey), 1866/7-1867/8; Wm. Davis, 1868/9 Saml. Murphy, 1869/70; Hugh M'Candless. 1870/1 1871/2; A. D. Glenn, 1872/3-1879 80 ; G. S. Stock dill. 1881/2-1886/7: Marlln Bowser, 1887/8 1892/3 ; W. M. Jackson, 1893/4-1898/9 ; J. O Wolfe, 1899/00-1903/4. 1856-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1856 In V. 4 : 292. 1856/7 " V. 5 : 36 ; 314. 1857/8-1859/60. Not found. EDUCATION— cont'd 197 ; 220 ; 290. 1S2; 225; 267; 313; 356; 420; Armstrong County — cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd 1861 in V. 9 : 207 ; 239 ; 335. 1861/2 " V. 10 : 139 ; 167 ; 230 ; 325 1862/3 " V. 11:137; 165 '" ""' 1883/4 " V. 12: 294 ; 324. 1864 " V. 13 : 142. 1885 " V. 14 : 29. 1866/1807. Not found. 1868 In V. 16: 343. 1869 " V. 17:60: 226. 1870 " V. 18: 276; 304. 1870/1 •■ V. 19 : 14 ; 37 ; 181 ; 243 ; 278. 1871 " V. 20 : 60. 1872/3 " V. 21 : 65 ; 142 ; 171-172 ; 205 ; 389. 1874 " V. 22 : 330, 1874/5 " V. 23: 211 ; 313. 1876. Not found. 1877 In V. 25: 311; .-SSO. 1878-1881. Not found. 1881/2 In V. 30: 77 ; 171 ; 254 ; 365 ; 499. 1882/3 " V. 31 : 76 ; 178 : 217 ; 257 ; 337 ; 421 ; 454 ; 496. 1883/4 " V. 32 : 76 ; 158 ; 268 : 339 ; 373 ; 410. 1884/5 " V. 33 : 163 ; 205 ; 293. 1885/6 " V. 34 : 34 ; 108-169 ; 260 ; 296 ; 373. 1886/7 " V. 35 : 76 ; 168 ; 377 ; 422-423 ; 466. 1887/8 " V. 36 : 200 ; 268 ; 340 ; 425. 1889 " V. 37 : 253. 1890 " V. 38 : 387. 1891 " V. 39: 439. 1892 " V. 40 : 424. 1893 " V. 41 : 314. 1893/4 " V. 42 : 138 ; 184 ; 229 ; 269-270 ; 321 ; 368 ; 454. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 88 ; 193 ; 235 ; 370 ; 460 ; 553. 1895/G " V. 44 : 188 ; 238 ; 420 ; 468. 1897 " V. 45 : 389. 1898 " V. 46 : 317. 1.899 " V. 47 : 331. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 138 ; 476 : 519 ; 566. 1900/1 in V. 49 : 46 ; 166 ; 212 ; 259 ; 303 ; 351 ; 396 ; 454 ; 518; 567. 1901/2 In v. 50 : 45 ; 214 ; 305 ; 348 ; 397 ; 453 ; 519 ; 561- 562 ; 613. 1902/3 In V. 51 : 189 ; 233 ; 319 ; 367 ; 476-477 ; 569. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 215 ; 261 ; 307 ; 399 ; 442 ; 509 ; 554 ; 603. non-serial 1853. Veto (Bigler) of act to erect new school distr, in Armstrong Co. to be called Franklin. (House jol. 1853 V. 1: 213-214.) 1856/7-1876/7. No. of schools reptd. in Armstrong Co. in 1856/7 and 1876/7; per cent of increase. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 36.) Ashland, Schuylkill County serial A 1885/6-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (53 A.R. supt. public instruction 1885/6 (pp. 208-209) — 71 same 1903/4.) J. H. Mlchener. supt., 1885/6-1887/8; Wm. C Estler, 1888/9-1903/4. B 1869-1893/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1869 In V. 18 : 44. 1870-1883. Not found. 1884/5 In V. 33 : 251 ; 499. 1S86 " V. 34: 375. 1886/7 " V. 35 : 36 : 380, 1 888 " V. 36 : 463. 1889/90 " V. 38 : 39 : 391-392. 1891 " V. 39 : 357 ; 446. " V. 40 : 87. 1892 " V. 41 : 269. 1893/4 " V. 42 : 47 ; 370. non-serial 1894-1899. See below, Text-Books. Ashland. 686 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Beaver County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Kept, of co. supt. of common schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4 (p. 6-8)— 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch in 1876/7. Thos. Nicholson, co. supt. 1853/4-1854/5; Geo. Cope, 1855/6 ; R. N. Avery. 1856/7 ; T. C. Carothers, 1857/8-1862/3; J. X. Reed, 1863/4-1866/7; James Whitham, 1867/8-1S68/9 ; Geo. M. Fields, 1869/70- 1871/2; M. L. Knight, 1872/3-1874/5; BenJ. Franklin, 1875/6-1879/80; J. S. Briggs, 1881/2- 1883/4 ; J. M. Reed, 1885/6-1887/8 ; J. G. Hillman, 1889/90-1895/6 ; Chester A. Moore, 1896/7-1903/4. B 1855/6-1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows ; 1855/6 in V. 4 : 140 ; 166 ; 326. 1856-1857. Not found. 1858 in V. 7 : 15-16. 1859. Not found. 1860 in V. 8 : 233-234. 1861 " V. 9 : 239 ; 335. 1861/2 " V. 10 : 139 ; 167 ; 230 ; 325. 1862/3 " T. 11: 165-166; 197; 229; 257-258; 290; 322. 1864 " V. 12 : 260. " V. 13 : 35. 1865/6 " T. 14 : 14 ; 147-148. 1867. Not found. 1868 in V. 16: 193; 223. 1868/9 " V. 17 : 103 ; 138 ; 165 ; 226 ; 248 ; 280. 1869/70 " v. IS : 44 ; 62 ; 136 ; 220 ; 222 ; 304 ; 334. 1870/1 " V. 19 : 99 ; 243 ; 278 ; 307. 1871 " V. 20 : 60 ; 132 ; 166. 1872/3 " V. 21 : 65 : 266 ; 275. 1874 • V. 22 : 307 ; 308. 1874/5 " V. 23 : 211 ; 280 ; 313 ; 344. 1876 " V. 24 : 350 ; 425. 1877/8 " V. 25 : 243 ; 342. 1878-1881. Not found. 1882 in T. 30 : 408. 1883 " T. 31 : 301. " V. 32 : 231. 1884/5 " V. 33 : 205 ; 249 ; 328 ; 496. 1885/6 " V. 34 : 35 ; 169 ; 373. 1887 " T. 35 : 291 ; 377. 1888 " T. 36 : 425. 1888/9 " V. 37 : 146 ; 253 ; 326. 1889/90 " V. 38 : 38 ; 225 ; 387. 1890/1 " T. 39 : 39 ; 184 ; 230-231 ; 311 ; 353 ; 439 ; 492. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 87 ; 190 ; 278 ; 326 ; 424 ; 552. 1892/3 " V. 41 : 179 ; 265 ; 362 ; 453 ; 550. 1893/4 " V. 42 : 229 ; 366. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 41 ; 235 ; 370. 1895/6 " V. 44 : 43 ; 238 ; 278 ; 325 ; 373-374 ; 420 ; 568. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 200 ; 293 ; 389 ; 504 ; 567 ; 620. 1897/8 " V. 46 : 186 ; 274 ; 317 ; 365 ; 455 ; 500 ; 568. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 192 ; 282 ; 331 ; 374 ; 538. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 46 ; 182 ; 225 ; 267 ; 420 ; 566. 1901 " V. 49 : 212 ; 303-304 ; 351 ; 396 ; 454. 1901/2 " V. 50 : 45 ; 214-215 ; 305 ; 348 ; 397 ; 453 ; 519 ; 562. 1902/3 m v. 51 : 189 ; 233 ; 319 ; 367 ; 476-477 ; 569. 1904 in V. 52 : 352 ; 442 ; 509 ; 554 ; 603. non-serial 1861-1870. Table: progress made In Beaver Co. schools. ([37] A.R. supt. common schools 1869/70: 17.) Beaver Falls, Beaver County serial A 1881/2-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (49 A.R. supt. public instruction 1881/2 (pp. 196-198) — 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1882/3, 1884/5, 1886/7-1887/8, 1895/8. M. U. Knight. Bupt, 1881/2-1888/9; J. M. Reed, 18R9/90-1894/5 ; J. Y. MrKlnne.v. 1896/7; Chns. J. Book, 1897/8-1901/2; Edwd. Magulrc, 1902/3- 1903/4. EDUCATION— cont'd Beaver Falls, Beaver County — cont'd serial- cont'd B 1S81/2-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn . School Journa as follows : 1881/2 in V 30 211 ; 365 1882/3 " V. 31 41; 179; 423. 1883 V. 32 78; 196. 1884/5 " V 33 41 ; 208; 330; 499. 1886 V 34 375 1886/7 " V 35 36; 254; 380 467. 1887/8 " V 36 37; 202; 427. 1888 V 37 148 1888/9-1895 /6, Not found. 1896/7 in V 45 192 ; 296 ; 392 -393; 509. 1897/8 " V 46 277 ; 460 ; 503 1898/9 " V 47 45; 193; 286-287 ; 378; 495; 540. 1899/00 " V 48 47; 227 • 270 358 ; 478 1900/1 " V 49 47; 214; 458; 521. 1901 V 50 261 1902/3 " V 51 234 ; 323 ;370 ; 571 1903/4 " V 52 51; 262-263 ; 309; 402; 446 , 536; 605 Bedford Count}/ serial 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4 (p. 8-9) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1858/9, 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5 ; hist. sketch in 1876/7. T. R. Gettys, co. supt., 1853/4-1856/7; Henry Hecker- man, 1857/8-1859/60 ; Geo. Slgafoos, 1860/1- 1862/3 ; J. W. Dlckerson, 1863/4-1865/6 ; H. W. Fisher, 1866/7-1874/5; J. W. Hughes. 1875/6- 1879/80; John H. Cessna, 1881/2-1889/90; C. J. Potts, 1890/1-1898/9; J. Anson Wright, 1899/00- 1903/4. 1861-1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1861 in V. 9 : 207 ; 239 ; 324 ; 335. 1S61/2 " V. 10: 167-168; 230. 1862/3 " V. 11 : 36 ; 65 ; 104 ; 197 ; 229 ; 258 ; 290 ; 322. l,s63/4 " V. 12:4; 29-31; 37; 103; 168; 199; 227-228; 294: 324. 1864 " V. 13:110. 1865. Not found. 1866 in V. 15; 125. 1867 " V. 16 : 168. 1868/9 " V. 17:103; 133; 226. 1869/70" V. 18:15; 162; 222; 250; 272; 304; 334. 1870/1 " V. 19 : 99 : 149 ; 181 ; 243 ; 278 ; 376. 1S71/2 " V. 20:196; 264: 299. 1873 " V. 21 : 205 ; 266-267 ; 305. 1874 " V. 22 : 307. 1S74/5. Not found. 1875/6 in V. 24:181; 216; 350. 1876/7 " V. 25:207; 311; 378. 1877/8-1880/1. Not found. 1881/2 in V. 30 : 77 ; 171 ; 210 ; 254 ; 365 ; 408. 1882/3 " V. 31 : 38 ; 76 ; 178 ; 217 ; 257 ; 301 ; 337 ; 381 ; 421 ; 454 ; 496. 1883/4 In V. 32 : 231 ; 303 ; 410. 1884/5 " V. 33 : 163 ; 205-206 ; 328. 1886 " V. 34 : 338. 1887 " v. 35 : 377-378. 1887/8 " T. 36 : 200 ; 307 ; 340. 1889 " V. 37 : 291 ; 363. 1890. Not found. 1891 in V. 39 : 353 ; 439 ; 492. 1891/2 " V. 40:32; 87; 191; 238; 326; 377; 424; 552. 1892/3 " r. 41 : 89 ; 134-135 ; 181 ; 220 ; 265 ; 409 ; 500. 1893/4 " V. 42 : 184 ; 270 ; 366 ; 454 • .504 ; 558. 1894/5 " V. 43:41; 235; 279; 370-371; 415-416; 460; 504. 1895/6 in V. 44 : 43 ; 188 ; 238 ; 278 ; 421 ; 468 ; 568. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 43 ; 200 ; 248 ; 293 ; 341 ; 389 ; 504. 1897/8 " V. 46 : 137 ; 231 ; 274-275 ; 317-318 ; 865 ; 455 ; 500 ; 568. 1898/9 In V. 47:147; 192; 282; 374. 1899/00 " v. 48 : 182 ; 267-268 ; 420 : 566. 1900/1 " V. 49:166; 212; 259; 304; 351; 396; 454; 518 ; 567. 1901/2 In V. 50 : 305 ; 397 ; 453-454 ; 519 ; 582. 1903 " V. 51 : 319 ; 368 ; 477 ; 522. 1904 " V. 52 : 399 ; 509 ; 554-555. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 687 EDUCATION— cont'd Bedford County — cont'd non-serial 1863. Notes by the state supt.: schools In Bedford Co. (Penn. School Jol. v. 12: 108.) Berks County Rpft also below, PrlvMto. xerial 1853/4-1903/4. Kept, of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common school 1S53/4 (p. 8-13) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1S78.9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1SS4/5 ; hist, sketch lu 187G'7. Wm. A. Good, co. supt., 1853/4-1S59/60 ; J. S. Ermen- trout, 1S60/1-1S68/9 ; D. B. IJrunner, 1869/70- 1870/1, 1872/3-1873/4; John B. Holland, 1871/2; H. W. Fisher. 1874/5; S. A. Baer, 1875/6-1879/80; David S. Keck, 1881/2-1889/90 ; W. M. Zechman, 1890/1-1895/6 ; Eli M. Rapp, 1896/7-1903/4. B 1856-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1856 In V. 4 : 292 ; 327. 1857 " V. 5 : 314. 1858. Not found. 1859 In V. 8 : 35-36. 1860. Not found. 1861 In V. 9: 261 ; 290; 335. " V. 10 : 185-186. 1862. Not found. 1863 In V. 11 : 229 ; 290. 1864 " V. 12: 228; 324; 355. 1865/6 " V. 13 : 5 ; 35 ; 247. 1865/6 " v. 14 : 71 ; 148 ; 201 ; 226 ; 253. 1866/7 " v. 15 : 4 ; 24 ; 79 ; 125 ; 148 ; 266. 1867/8 " V. 16 : 135 ; 223. 1869 " V. 17 : 221 ; 226. 1870 " V. 18 : 276 ; 304-305 ; 334-335. 1870/1 " T. 19 : 181 ; 307 ; 376. 1871/2 " V. 20: 166; 299. 1873 " V. 21 : 369. 1873/4 " V. 22 : 142 ; 175 ; 275 ; 407. 1874/5 " T. 23:211 ; 344. 1875/6-1880/1. Not found. 1881/2 In V. 30 : 171 ; 254 ; 365 ; 408 ; 499. 1882/3 " V. 31 : 76 ; 178 ; 217 ; 257-258 ; 301 ; 337 ; 381 ; 421-422 ; 454 ; 496. 1883/4 in v. 32 : 76 ; 158 ; 231 ; 303 ; 373-374 ; 410 ; 449. 1884/5 " T. 33 : 80 ; 163 ; 249-250 ; 293 ; 328 ; 458. 1885/6 " V. 34:34-35; 76; 169; 260; 338; 373; 458; 495. 1886/7 in T. 35 : 76 ; 168 ; 251-252 ; 291 ; 333 ; 378 ; 423 ; 466. 1887/8 In T. 36 : 36 ; 79 ; 167 ; 200 ; 340 ; 383 ; 460. 1888/9 " V. 37:28; 146; 215; 253; 326; 394; 431. 1889/90 " V. 38 : 72 ; 191 ; 269 ; 387 ; 426 ; 469. 1890/1 " T. 39:231; 311; 353; 439; 492. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 32 ; 87 ; 191 ; 238 ; 278 ; 326 ; 424 ; 507 ; 552 1892/3 in v. 41 : 41 ; 89 ; 135 ; 179 ; 220 ; 265 ; 314 ; 409 ; 550. 1893/4 in V. 42 : 229 ; 454 : 504 ; 558. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 41 ; 235 ; 371 ; 416 ; 460. 1896 " V. 44:512. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 43 ; 200 ; 293 ; 504 ; 567 ; 620. 1897/8 " V. 46 : 42 ; 137 ; 186 ; 231 ; 275 ; 318 ; 365 ; 455 ; 568. 1898/9 In V. 47 : 44 ; 104 ; 147 ; 192 ; 282-283 ; 331 ; 374 ; 493 ; 538 ; 586. 1899/00 in V. 48 : 182 ; 225 ; 268 ; 313 ; 420 ; 476 ; 519. 1900/1 " V. 49:46; 259; 304; 351; 396; 454; 518-519; 567. 1901/2 In V. 50 : 45 ; 259 ; 305 ; 348 ; 397 ; 454 ; 519 ; 613 1902/3 " V. 51 : 189 ; 233 ; 319 ; 368 ; 477 ; 522 ; 569. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 50 ; 215 ; 261 ; 307 ; 352 ; 399 ; 442 ; 509 : 555 ; 603. non-serial 1854. Table: distrs. in Berks Co.: no. of schools, session, teachers, salaries, German schools, cost, tax, state apprns., cost of instruction, school houses, etc. (2 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 12-13.) 1855. Mtg. of Bucks Co. Educational Convention. (Penn. School Jol. v. 3: 370-371.) 1889. Acct. of convention of school dlreAors of Bucks Co. (Same v. 38: 53-55.) EDUCATION— cont'd Bethlehem, Northampton County serial A 1885/6-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (53 A.R. supt. public instruction 1885/6 (pp. 213-215) —71 same 190.3/4.) G. H. Dcsh. Hupt., 1885/6-1887/8; Thos. Farquar. 1888/9-1895/0; Geo. W. Twitmyer, 1896/7-1898/0: Fred. W. Robblns, 1000/1-1903/4. B 1884-1901. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1884 In V. 32 : 342. 1885 •• V. 33 : 295 ; 460. 1885/0 " T. 34 : 77 ; 170 ; 461 ; 496. 1888/9 " v. 37 : 184 ; 293 ; 328 ; 396 ; 433. 1889/90 " V. 38 : 39 ; 73 ; 192 ; 392. 1890/1 T. 39 : 40 ; 233 ; 314. 1891/2 « T. 40 : 473 ; 554-555. 1892/3 " V. 41 : 222 ; 269 ; 316. 1893/4 " V. 42 : 193 ; 232 ; 324 ; 460-461 ; 500. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 195 ; 555. 1896 " V. 44 : 281 ; 329-330 ; 515. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 44 ; 92 ; 393 ; 509 ; 624. 1898 " V. 46 : 503-504 ; 570. " V. 47 : 10.5. 1899/00" V. 48:139; 227; 270; 521. 1901 " V. 49 : 458. " T. 50 : 46 ; 307. Blair County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4 (p. 25-26) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5 ; hist, sketch In 1876/7. Hugh A. Caldwell, co. supt, 1853/4-1856/7 ; John Dean, 1857/8-1858/9 ; John Mitchell. 1859/60-1862/3 ; J. G. Counsman, 1863/4 ; Elexls Elder, 1864/5- 1868/9 ; John B. Holland. 1869/70-1874/5 ; John H. Stephens, 1875/6-1883/4 ; John H. Likens, 1885/6-1889/90 ; Henry S. Wertz, 1890/1-1901/2 ; T. S. Davis, 1902/3-1903/4. B 1861-1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1861 in V. 9 : 207 ; 239 ; 290 ; 335. 1861/2 " V. 10:168; 230; 357. 1862/3 " V. 11 : 6 ; 137 ; 166 ; 197 ; 229 ; 258 ; 290 ; 322 ; 354. 1863/4 In V. 12 : 37 ; 130 ; 168 ; 199-200 ; 228 ; 260. 1865 " V. 13 : 142. 1865/6 " V. 14 : 4 ; 148. 1867 " V. 16 : 31. 1868/9 " V. 17 : 66 ; 103 ; 138 ; 162 ; 165 ; 226 ; 280. 1869/70 " V. 18 : 8 ; 44 ; 222 ; 250 ; 276 ; 305. 1870/1 " V. 19 : 14 ; 99 ; 181 ; 243 ; 278. 1871/2 " V. 20 : 132 ; 363 ; 399. 1872/3 " V. 21 : 205 ; 267. 1874 " V. 22 : 307-308. 1874/5 " V. 23 : 175 ; 313 ; 344 ; 377. 1875/6-1880/1. Not found. 1881/2 in V. 30:171; 254; 365. 18S2/3 " V. 31 : 38 ; 337. 1884 " V. 32 : 3.39 ; 374. 1884/5 " V. 33 : 163 ; 370 ; 458. 1885/6 " V. 34 : 214 ; 296 ; 338 ; 373 ; 458. 1886/7 " V. 35 : 76 ; 252 ; 423. 1887/8 " V. 36 : 234 ; 340. 1888/9 " V. 37 : 215 ; 326 ; 394 ; 431. 1889/90 " T. 38 : 155 ; 269. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 184 ; 231 ; 311 ; 353 ; 439 ; 492. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 32 ; 191 ; 326 ; 377 ; 424 ; 470 ; 507 ; 552. 1892/3 " V. 41 : 41 ; 89 ; 135 ; 362 ; 409 ; 453 ; 500 ; 550. 1893/4 " V. 42:46; 229-230; 270; 321; 366-367; 454; 504 ; 558. 1894/5 In V. 43:41; 193; 236; 278-279; 325; 371; 416; 504. 1895/6 in v. 44 : 43 ; 90 ; 188 ; 238 ; 278 ; 374 ; 421 ; 512. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 91 : 389 ; 504 ; 567 ; 620. 1897/8 " V. 46 : 186 ; 231 ; 275 ; 365 ; 455 ; 500. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 44 ; 192 ; 283 ; 493 ; 586. 1900 " V. 48 : 313 ; 421 ; 566. 1901 " V. 49 : 454. 1902 " V. 50 : 397. " V. 51 : 215-216. 1903. Not found. 1904 In V. 52 : 399-400 ; 509 ; 555 ; 603, 688 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Blair County — cont'd non-sprial 1853/4. Township table (Blair Co.) : schools; teachers, no. and salaries; scholars; receipts and expenses. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 26.) Braddock, Allegheny Co. serial A 1893/4-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (61 A.R. supt. public instruction 1891/2 (pp. 135-136) —71 same 1903/4.) J. S. Kepfer. supt. 1893 '4-1898/9 : Geo. H. Lamb, 1S09/00-1901 :;: Grant Norris, 1902/3-1903/4. B 1894-1902. [Educational notes.] In Penn . School Journ.Ti as follows : 1894 In V. 42 :370 460 1895 " V. 43 374 419 ; 463. " ** V. 44 44-4 > 1896/ 7 " V. 45 44; 393; 509. 1898. Not found. 1899 in T. 47 496. " " V. 48 47. 1899/00 " V. 49 261; 307 ; 353-354 ; 521. 1901/ 2 " V. 50 261; 307- 308 ; 456 ; 564. 1902 " T. 51: 323-3 24; 524. Bradford, McKean Co. serial A 1881/2-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (49 A.R. supt. public instruction 1881/2 (pp. 199-200) — 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1882/3, 1884/5. Geo. F. Stone, supt., 1881/2-1886/7 ; Ella M. Boyce, 1887/8-1889/90; C. D. Bogart, 1890/1-1892/3; Henry R. Roth, 1893/4 ; E. E. Miller, 1894/5- 1903/4. B 1888-1896/7. [Educational notes for Bradford Borough.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1888 In V. 36: 271. 1889-1895. Not found. 1896/7 In v. 45 : 92 ; 344. 1882-1903. [Educational notes for Bradford City.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1882 In V. 31 : 219. 1883 " V. 32 : 196. 1884-1886. Not found. 1887 in V. 35 : 467. 1888 " V. 36 : 427. 1889. Not found. 1890 In V. 39: 40. 1891. Not found. 1892 In V. 41 : 269. 1893/4 " V. 42 : 186 ; 273 ; 324 ; 460. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 43 ; 506-507. 1895/6 " V. 44 : 91 ; 329 ; 376 ; 424 ; 515. 1897. Not found. 1898 In V. 46 : 322 ; 460 ; 570. 1899 " V. 47 : 333. " V. 48 : 167. 1900. Not found. 1901 In V. 49 : 458. 1902. Not found. 1903 In V. 51 : 524. " V. 52: 218. Bradford County aerial A 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4 (p. 14-24) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch In 1870/7. Emanuel Guyer. co, supt., 1853/4-1855/6; Chae. R. Coliurn, 1856/7-1862/3 ; Otis J. Chubbuck. 1803/4- 1888/9; Austin A. Keeney, 1869/70-1876/7; J. Andrew Wilt, 1877/8; Geo. W. Rvan, 1879/80- 1895/6 ; Heibert S. Putnam, 1896/7-1903/4. EDUCATION— cont'd Bradford County — cont'd serial — cont'd B 1856*898. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1856 in V, 5 : 5. 1857-1858. Not found. 1859/60 in v. 8 : 170-171 ; 201. 1861 " V. 9 : 239. " V. 10: 168. 1862/3 " V. 11:65-66; 197; 229; 258; 322 1863/4 " y. 12 : 37 ; 130 ; 227 ; 294. 1864 " V. i3 : 5. 1865/6 " V. 14:29; 71; 97; 226; 278. 1866 '7 " V. 15 : 5 ; 24 ; 126 ; 148 ; 243. 1867/8 " V. 16 : 135-136 ; 279. 1868/9 " V. 17 : 103 ; 138 ; 226 ; 248 ; 280. 1870 " V. 18 : 222 ; 250 ; 335. 1870/1 " V. 19:37; 149; 243; 278; 307. 1871/2 " V. 20: 132; 299. 1873 " T. 21 : 340. 1874-1876. Not found. 1877 In y. 25 : 378. 1878-1881. Not found. 1882 in V. 30 : 365. 1883 •' y. 31 : 337. 1884 " y. 32 : 374. 1885 " y. 33 : 370 ; 458. 1884. Not found. 1886 in y. 35 : 252. 1887-1892. Not found. 1893 In y. 41 : 455. 1894-1895. Not found. 1896 in y. 44: 421. 1897. Not found. 1898 In y. 46 : 318 ; 455-456 ; 568-569. non-serial 1853/4. Township table (Bradford Co.) no. of schools, teachers and their salaries, scholars, cost, receipts and expenditures. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 23-24.) [1854] -1875. Co. superlntendency in Bradford Co. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 83-84.) 1859. Judicial decisions; in court of quarter sessions of Bradford Co., In matter of application to remove 3 of directors of Albany school distr, for refusing to levy tax for bldg. purposes. (26 A.R. supt. of com- mon schools 1858/9 app. [B] 173-174.) Bristol, Bucks County serial 1885/6-1903/4. Ann. rept. supt. of schools. (53 A.R. supt. public instruction 1885/6 (pp. 217-218)— 71 same 1903/4.) Given as Bristol Borough, 1891/2-1903/4. Matilda S. Booz, supt., 1885/6-1895/6 ; Louise D. BoggB, 1896/7-1903/4. B 1885-1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1885 In v. 33 : 295. 1886 " V. 34 : 300 ; 461. U " V. 35 : 77. 1887/8 " V. 36 : 37 ; 342-343 ; 463-464 1889 " y. 38:228. 1890 " V. 39 : 85 ; 233. 1891 " V. 40:281. 1892/3 " V. 41 : 91 ; 222 ; 269. 1893/4 " T. 42 ; 93 ; 273 ; 507 ; 560. 1895 " V. 43 : 328 ; .')07. 1895/6 " V. 44 : 424 ; 569. 1896/7 " y. 45 : 92 ; 203 ; 344 : 509. 1898-1903. Not found. 1904 In V. 52:511; 536. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 689 EDUCATION— cont'd Bucks County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Kept, of co. aupt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 27-32; 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/'.i. 1880, 1. 1882/3, 1884/5 ; hlet. sketch In 1876/7. Joseph Fell. co. supt., 1853/4-1856/7; Wm. H. Johnson. 1857/8-1859 60: S. S. OvcrhoU, 1860/11867/8; Wm. P. Sharkey. 1868/9; Hugh B. Eiistburn, 1889/70-1873,6: W. W. Woodruff, 1876/7-1S86/7 ; W. H. Slotter. 1887/8-1901/2 ; A. S. Martin, 1902/3- 1903/4. B 1855/6-1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 18.'-)5/6 In V. 4 : 42 ; 111 ; 149 ; 342-343 ; 355. 1856 " V. 5 : 5-6. 1857-1860. Not found. 1861 In V. 9 : 207 ; 239 ; 324. 1861/2 " V. 10; 133; 230. 1862/3 " V. 11 : 137 ; 166 : 229 ; 258 ; 322. 1863/4 " V. 12 : 37 ; 103 ; 200. 1865 " T. 14 : 97. 1866/7 " V. 15 : 5 ; 126 ; 180. 1867/8 " V. >6 : 136 ; 168 ; 248. 1868/9 " T. 17 : 162 ; 165 ; 306. 1870 " V. 18 : 214 ; 250 ; 335. 1870/1 " V. 19:99; 181; 196: 264 265; 299; 307; 333; 340-341 : 363 ; 399. 1871 in V. 20 : 60 : 132 : 166. 1872/3 " V. 21 : 65 : 171 ; 305-306. 1873 " v. 22 : .30 ; 175. 1875 " V. 23 : 340. 1875/6 " V. 24 : 216 ; 350. 1877 " V. 25 : 342 ; 378. 1878-1880. Not found. 1881/2 In V. 30 : 210 ; 254 ; 365 ; 499. 1882/3 " V. 31 : 38 ; 178 ; 217 ; 258 ; 337 ; 381 ; 422 ; 454 ; 496-497. 1883/4 In V. 32 : 34 ; 76-77 : 158 : 231 ; 339 ; 374 ; 402. 1884/5 " v. 33 : 80 ; 206 : 250 ; 293 ; 328 ; 370. 1886 " V. 34 : 338 ; 458. 1887 " v. 35 : 423 ; 466 : 479. 1888 " V. 36 : 268 ; 307 ; 340. 1888/9 " T. 37 : 146 ; 253 ; 363 ; 394. 1890 " V. 38 ; 269-270 : 469. 1891 " V. 39:311; 439; 493. " V. 40 : 32 ; 278-279. 1892/3 " T. 41 : 220-221 ; 362. 1894 " V. 42 : 321-322. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 279 ; 325 ; 371 ; 504. 1895/6 " V. 44 : 43 ; 278 ; 325-326 ; 374. 1897-1898. Not found. 1899 in V. 47 : 374-373 ; 493 ; 538. 1900-1902 Not found. 1903 in V. 51 : 319 ; 368 ; 477 : 569. 1904 in V. 52 : 442. non-serial 1850. Rept. of committee on education (Lawrence) on petitions from Montgomery and Bucks cos., for repeal of school law so far as it relates to those cos. (Sen. jol. 1850 v. 1: 92-93.) . Same, separate. Not seen. 500 copies in English and 500 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1850 v. 1:93.) 1886. See below, Teachers' Institutes. Bucks Co., this date. Butler, Butler County serial A 1887/8-1903/4. Ann. rept. supt. city schools. (55 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4 (pp. 27-32)— 71 A.R. same 1903/4.) Ebenezer Mackey. 1887,8-1895/6; John A. Gibson, 1896/7-1903/4. B 1887/8-1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows ; 1887/8 in v. 36 : 238 ; 464. 1888 " V. 37 : 217-218. " V. 38 : 39. 1889. Not found. 1890 In V. 39 : 40. 1891 " v. 40 : 87. 44 EDUCATION- :ont'd Butler, Butler County — cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd 1892-1893. Not found. 1894/5 In V. 43 : 89 ; 507. 1895/6. Not found. 1896/7 In V. 45 : 44 ; 296. 1897/8-1900/1. Not found. 1901/2 In V. 50 : 261 ; 521. 1902/3 " V. 51:2;!4; 370-371. 1904 " V. 52 : 402 ; 536-537. Butler County See also below, Mercer Co. serial A 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4 (p. 32-33)— 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1H78/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5 ; hist, sketch in 1876/7. Isaac Black, co. supt.. 1853/4-1856/7 ; Thos. Balph, 1857/8-1858/9 ; Eugene Ferrero, 1859/60-1862/3 ; A. H. Waters, 1863/4-1865/6 ; J. H. Cratty, 1886/7- 1868/9 ; Saml. Glenn, 1869/70-1870/1 ; T. J. Chapman, 1871/2; R. H. Young, 1872/31874/5; J. B. -Matthews, 1875/6-1877/8; D. F. McKee, 1879/80; James H. Murtland, 1881/2-1883/4; W. G. Russell. 1885/6-1889/90; N. C. McCollough, 1890/1-1895/6; S. L. Cheeseman, 1896/7-1898/9; Howard I. Painter, 1899/00-1903/4. B 1856/6-1903. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1855/6 in T. 4 : 140-141 ; 292. 1856-1862. Not found. 1883 in V. 11 : 229 ; 258. 1864 " v. 12 : 238. 1865 " v. 14: 121. 1866-1869. Not found. 1870/1 In V. 19 ; 37-38 ; 99 ; 243. 1872 " V. 20: 333. 1873-1876. Not found. 1877 In V. 25 : 378. 1878-1880. Not found. 1881/2 in V. 30 : 171 ; 210 : 254 ; 365 ; 499. 1882/3 " V. 31 : 38 ; 76 ; 178 ; 217 ; 258 ; 301 ; 337 ; 381 : 454 ; 497. 1883/4 in V. 32 : 34-35 ; 77 ; 194 ; 231 ; 268 ; 303-304 ; 374 : 410; 449. 1884/5 In T. 33 : 39 ; 206 ; 370. 1885/6 " V. 34 : 169 ; 338 ; 373 ; 458. 1886/7. Not found. 1887/8 in v. 36 : 169 ; 209. 1888/9-1889/90. Not found. 1890/1 In T. 39 : 184 ; 311 ; 439 ; 492-493. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 238 ; 326 ; 507. 1892/3. Not found. 1894 in T. 42 : 454. 1895 " V. 43 : 460. 1896 " V. 44 : 468. 1897. Not found. 1898 in V. 46 : 318 ; 365 ; 456 ; 500. 1898/9 " T. 47 : 283 ; 331 ; 375 ; 493 ; 538. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 182 ; 225 ; 268 ; 313 ; 356 ; 421 ; 566-567. 1900/1 " V. 49:166; 212; 259; 304; 351; 396; 455; 519 ; 567. 1901/2 in V. 50:45; 215; 259; 305; 348; 397-398; 454; 519 ; 562. 1902/3 in V. 51 : 189190 ; 233 ; 319 ; 368 ; 477 ; 522 ; 569. 1903 " V. 52 : 50 : 216 ; 261 ; 307. Cambria County See also below, Private, serial A 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. (21 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1853/4 (p. 34)— 71 A.R. supt. public in- struction 1903/4.) Omitted 1862/3. 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3. 1884/5; hist, sketch In 1876/7. „ , ,^ „ „ Robt. L. Johnston. CO. supt.. 1853/4-1854/5; S. B. MCormick, 1855/6-1859/60; James M. Swank. 1860/1; W. A. Scott. 1861/2; Henry Ely. 18b2/3 ; J. Frank Condon. 1863/4-1865 6 ; Thos. J. Chap- man. 1866/71874/5; Hartman Berg. 1875/6- 1879/80: Lewis Str.iyer. 1881/2-1888 '7 ; J. W. Leech. 1887/8-1895/6; T. L. Gibson. 1896/7- 1901/2 ; U. T. Jones, 1902/3 ; Herman I. Jooea, 1903/4. 690 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Com brio County— cont'i serial — cont'd B 1855-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penu. School Journal as follows: 1855 In V. 4 : 167-168. 1856. Not found. 1857 in V.5: 314-315. 1858-1860. Not found. JII.V3'°v.l'(i:'l33;139;168;357. \ltl -;U; 228; 260. 1864/5 " v. 13 : 88 ; 132-133 ; 247. 1865/6-1866/7._ Not found \llV/l '•? "l'?;4 ! llVrst.'i^^. 248; 280 -. 301. liel/fo" v:is;l;'l5;i36:162;305. 1871 " V. 19:243; 307. 1871 " V. 20 : 166. 1872 - T. 21:65:142; 171. 1873-1874. Not found. il?i/7lnv:i;lll;342;378. 1877/8-1880/1. Not found. ilir/l '- v"t?;2l7=; m';'l37;'3fi-382; 422; 454. 1883/4 " V 32 151 1H4 ; 304 ; 410. lllvl "v. 33: 206; 250; 293. 1885 " v.34:76; 296-297 \lir/s " I: II ; 2^6 f ii f is ; 307 ; 383 ; 425-426 ; 460. 1 Bsslq^in V S7 • 28 • 215 ; 291 ; 326 : 363 ; 394 ; 431. llll/lo" vil'.isi 155 191 225; 270; 387-388; 426 lllo/l " V. 39 ; 39 ; 231 1 266 ; 353 ; 439 ; 493. 1891/2 " T. 40 : 32 ; 552. 1892/3 " y 41 : 265 ; 409 ; 500 ; 550. i893/4 " V 42 : 46 ; 230 ; 270 ; 322 ; 454-455 ; 558. lUi/t " v! 43: 88; 193; 279; 325; 371. 1895/6 " T 44 : 188 ; 326 ; 468-469. il96/7 " v! 45 : 43 ; 200 ; 341 ; 389 ; 620. 1897/8 " V. 46 : 275 ; 365 ; 500 ; 569. 1898/9 " V 47:192; 283; 375. 1899/00 " T. 48 : 138 : 182 ; 313. 1900/1 " V 49 : 212 ; 351 ; 396 ; 455 ; 567. 1901/2 - T 50:215 348:398; 519-520. 1902/3 « V. 51 : 190 ; 233 ; 319-320 ; 368 ; 477 ; 522 ; 569- ISOS/I"'" v. 52 : 50 ; 216 ; 352 ; 400 ; 442 ; 509 ; 555. non-serial 1809 Kept of committee (Ogle) to whom wae referred petition from Cambria Co. for a lottery for the benefit of an academy in Ebensburg. (House jol. 1808/9: 470-471.) . 1854-1875. List of co. supts. and their salaries m Cam- bria Co. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 115.) . ^ . . 1868-1874. Table: growth of school system in Cambria Co. ([42] some 1874/5: 32.) 1881-1886 Table: progress made and condition of Cam- bria Co. schools in 1881 and 1886. ([53] some 1885/6: 28.) 1890 See below, Public Aid, this date. 1898 Statistical stmt. : condition and growth of schools in Cambria Co. (65 A.R. supt. public instruction 1897/8: 26-27.) Cameron County serial A 1861/2-1903/4. Kept, of co. supt. of schools. (29 A.R. supt common schools 1861/2 (p. 55-56)-71 A.R. sunt public instruction 1903/4.) Chitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch Hlchird'chadwlck, Jr., supt.. 18C1/2-1862/3 ; Francis J. " Chndwlck. 1803/4-1865/6; ^ B.A^f °«°"'. ^?f Z^" 1874/5; N. II. Schcnck, 18i'VC-1881/. , H. y. Pearsali, 1883/4.1889/90 ; Ella 1 errlck 1890/1- 1895/8 ; Mattle M. Collins, 1896/7-1903/4. EDUCATION— cont'd Cameron County — cont'd serial — cont'd B 1862/3-1904. [Educational notes.] In renn. School Journal as follows : 1862/3 In V. 11 : 166 ; 202-204 ; 291 ; 322. 1864-1867. Not found. 1111/9 '? ;: II ; |r!l03 ; m -.^If^ ; m-191 ; 226 ; 306. 1871/2 " V. 20 : 60 ; 363. 1872 " V. 21 : 205. 1873/4 " V. 22 : 175 ; 308. 1874/5. Not found. 1875/6 In V. 24 : 216 ; 3o0. 1877 " V. 25: 425. 1878-1881. Not found. 1882 in V. 30 : 365. ?ls3/4 " V 3^ ■ 108- 231 : 268 : 339 ; 374 : 410. lllV/t " I: is ; let ; Soe ; 250 ; 293 ; 370 : 4|8 ; 496. 1885/6 " V. 34 : 35 ; 214 ; 297 ; 338 , 373 , 4S8. 1886/7 " V. 35 : 34 : 333 : 378. ^ :^-|?;iV^^^^;^^;394;431. If: ^- i ; it ! 11^ iiiUII-; an: 353; 440; 493. iioS/i " V. 42 ; 230 ; 270 : 504. 1894/5 " v. 43 : 41 : 325 ; 371 ; 504. 1895/6 " V. 44: 278: 421. 1897-1900. Not found. 1901 In V. 49 : 567. 1902 " V. 50 : 305. 1903 " V. 51 : 477. 1904 " v. 52 : 442-443. Carbon County serial A 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. (21 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1853/4 (p. 34-37 )-71 A.R. supt. public '°oL"t."d°\8S'l880/l, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch T H° sllwers CO sunt., 1853/4-1856/7 ; Thos. L. '■ Fos?r!?57/8-i862^3'; Reuben FHofford 1863/4- 1879/80; Thos. M. Balliet 1881/2-188d/4 , i. a. Snyder, 1885/6-1892/3; AS Beisel, 1893/4- 1901/2 ; Jas. J. Bevan, 1902/3-1903/4. B 1861-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In I'enn. School Journal as follows: 1861 In V. 9 : 335. 1861/2 " T. 10:168; 325. 1862 " V. 11 : 137. 1863. Not found. 1864 In V. 13: 133. 1865. Not found 1866 In V. 15:25; 126. „„ 1867/8 " V. 16:31; 104; 193. 1868/9 " v. 17 : 66 : 103 ; 221. 1869/70 " V. 18 : 15 : 162 ; 214. 1871 " V. 19 : 243. 1872-1880. Not found. lfer?^;!?;iUf5i8?^lT^18:301;337;422; liltf'^Tif:|^4(?f^^l5bl!^yt^7i;458. 1885/6 " V. 34 : 35 ; 297 ; 338. ^^^ 1886/7 " V 35 : 77 : 252 ; 291 ; 378. 1887/8 « V. 36:200: 307. „ „„^ liss/g " y! 37 : 28-29 ; 215 ; 326 ; 394. ?l^i!/90 ' l: i ; lU :'l-3-354 : 439 440. 1891/2 " v.40:32: 238: 377; 424. \ilU :;:ti;m:m;270;367;455. I; :vt!;l^; 1^ •2^5^:^469. i897 " V 45:248; .389-390; 504. iw7/8 " V 46: 275; 318; 501. 1^98 ■') " V 47:283; 331. IKOOOO " V 4.8 225 268 ; 313 ; 567. Iwil/l - v! 49 : 212 \ 259 ; 351 ; 455. 1901/2. Not found ^ i^Si/4'-;:5^i2r^;2lI;l55: 443:509. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 691 EDUCATION— cont'd Carbon County — cont'd non-serial 1853/4. Township table (Carbon Co.): schools, teach- ers and salaries, scholars, receipts and expenditures. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 37.) Carbondale, Lackawanna County serial A 1871/2-1903/4. Ann. rept. supt. city schools. (39 A.R. supt. common schools 1871/2 (p. 206-209)— 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omlttctl 1H7H/9, 18.S0/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch Matthew G. Ne'ar.v, supt., 1871/2-1878/7 ; D. N. Lathrop, 1877/8-1881/2; John J. Forbes, 1883/4-1898/9; ElmT B. Garr, 1899/00-1903/4. 1872-1903. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1872 in V. 21 : 65. 1873-1884. Not found. 1885/6 In V. 34: 170; 300. 1886/7-1898/9. Not found. 1899/00 in v. 48 : 270 ; 478. 1901 " V. 49 : 400. 1902. Not found. 1903 In V. 51 : 371 ; 524. Carlisle, Cumberland County serial A 1895/6-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (63 A.R. supt. public instruction 1895/6 (pp. 147-150) — 71 saine 1903/4.) Omitted 1901/2-1902/3. S. B. Shearer, supt., 1895/6-1900/1 ; John C. Wagner, 1903/4. B 1897-1904. [Educational notes.] In I'enn. School Journ.Tl ns follows : 1897 In V. 45 : 344. 1897/8 " V, 46 : 233 ; 277 ; 322-323 ; 369 ; 460 ; 504. 1898 " T. 47 : 45. 1899-1900. Not found. 1901/2 in V. 50 : 261 ; 456-457 ; 521. 1903. Not found. 1904 in V. 52 : 354 ; 446 ;-605. non-serial 1852. History, plan and condition of the common schools of Carlisle. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 291- 293.) Centre County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. co. supt. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4 (p. 38-40)— 71 A.R. supt. public in- struction 1903/4.) Omitted 1859/60. 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist. sketch in 1876/7. Wm. J. Gibson, co. supt., 1853/4-1856/7 ; J. I. Burrell, 1857/8-1858/9 ; Thos. Holahan. 1860/1-1865/6 ; R. M. M.ncee, 1866/7-1874/5; H. Meyer, 1875/6- 1879/80; D. M. Wolf, 1881/2-1889/90; David O. Etters. 1890/1-1891/2 ; C. L. Gramley, 1892/3- 1903/4. B 1856-1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1856 In V. 4 : 327. 1857. Not found. 1858 In V. 6 : 260-261. 1859-1860. Not found. 1861 In V. 9 : 261-262 ; 207 ; 239 : 335. 1861/2 " V. 10 : 139 ; 168 : 230 : 325 ; 357. 1862/3 " V. 11:6; 36; 60; 104-105; 160; 197; 229; 258 ; 291 ; 323 ; 354. 1863/4 " V. 12 : 4 ; 168 ; 260 ; 324. 1864/5 " V. 13 : 5 ; 142 ; 247. EDUCATION— cont'd Centre County — cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd 1865/6 In V. 14 : 4 : 71 : 97 : 220. 1866/7 " V. 15 : 126 ; 243 ; 207. 1867/8 " V. 16:104; 130; 193; 279; 343. 1808/9 " V. 17 : 66 ; 103 ; 133 ; 105 ; 301 ; 306. 1809/70 " T. 18 : 15 ; 103 ; 136 ; 102 ; 222 ; 243 ; 305. 1870/1 " V. 19:93; 99-100; 182; 243; 278; 308; 341; 376. 1871/2 In V. 20:60-61; 132-133; 166; 265; 299; 363; 399 1872/3 in V. 21:267; 306; 340; 401. 1873/4 " V. 22 : 30 ; 142 ; 308. 1874 " V. 23:211. 1875. Not found. 1876 In V. 24 : 350. 1877 " T. 25: 342. 1.S78-1880. Not found, 1881/2 In V. .30: 171-172: 305; 409. 1882/3 " V. 31 : 39 ; 178 ; ;TO1 ; 337 ; 382 ; 422 ; 454 ; 497. 1883/4 " V. 32 : 77 ; 231 ; 339 ; 374. 1884/5 " T. 33 : 80 ; 163 ; 206 ; 2.50 ; 328. 1885/6 " v. 34 : 35 ; 338 ; 458 ; 495. 1886/7 " T. 35 : 34 ; 333. 1887/8 " V. 36:200; 307; 426: 461. 1888/9 " v. 37:29; 182-183; 215-210; 1889/90 " V. 38 : 72 ; 225 : 388 ; 427. 291 ; 394-395. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 184 ; 231 ; 266 ; .354 ; 440 ; 493. 1891/2 " v. 40 : 32 ; 424 ; 473 ; 507. 1892/3 " T. 41 : 41-42 ; 266 ; 362. 1894 " V. 42 : 367. 1894/5 " V. 43: 41 ; 371. 1895/6 " V. 44 : 188-189 ; 374 ; 508. 1897 " V. 45:341. 1898 " V. 46 : 318. 1899. Not found. 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 In V. 48 : 356. " V. 49 : 396-397. " V. 50 : 398. " V. 51 : 368. " V. 52 : 400. non-serial 1854-1875. Co. superin tendency in Centre Co. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 146.) 1856. Centre Co. common schools. (Penn. School Jol. V. 5: 122-123.) Chambersburg, Franklin Co. serial A 1885-1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1885 in V. 33 : 373. 1886 " V. 34 : 340. 1886/7 " V. 35:30; 170; 254; 424; 467. 1887/8 " V. 36 : 37 ; 236 ; 343 ; 464. 1888/9 " T. 37 : 30 ; 148 ; 218 ; 396. 1889 " V. 38 : 39 ; 191. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 40 ; 233 ; 314 ; 495. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 35 ; 281 ; 329-330 ; 381 ; 510. 1892/3 " V. 41 : 43 : 137 : 222 ; 269 ; 455. 1893/4 " T. 42 : 186 ; 232 ; 324 ; 461. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 43 ; 89 ; 507. 1895/6 " V. 44 : 45 ; 281-282. 1896/7 " V. 45 ; 250 ; 296-297 ; 509. 1897/8 " V. 40 : 277 ; 460. 1899 " V. 47 : 378 ; 496 ; 586. " « V. 48 : 47. 1900. Not found. 1901 in V. 49 : 307. 1902. Not found. 1903 In V. 51 : 324. 1904 " V. 52 : 440. B 1885/6-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (53 A.R. supt. public instruction 1SS5/6 (pp. 219-222)— 71 same 1903/4.) Wui. H. Hockenberry. supt.. 1885/6-1895/6; F. E. Flckinger, 1896/7 ; Saml. Gelwlx, 1897/8-1903/4. non-serial 1865. On acct. of borough of Chambersburg being de- stroyed by fire, legisl. made a special apprn. to schools of this distr., and released citizens from payment of all school taxes for yr. 1864. (32 A.R. supt. of common schools 1864/5: 17.) 692 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd CheUenham Township, Montgomery County serial 1901/2-1903/4. Ann. rept. supt. schools. (69 A.R. supt. public instruction 1901/2 (pp. 186-188)— 71 same 1903/4.) Chas. A. Wagner, 1901/2-1903/4. B 1901/2-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Fenn. School Journal as follows : inoi/2 in T. 50 : 261 ; 307-308 ; 351 ; 400 ; 457 ; 521 ; 564. 1902/3 "' '"' ■'"■ """ '"' 1903/4 V. 51 : 191 ; 324 ; 371 ; 524. y. 52 : 218 ; 263 ; 309 ; 446. Chester City, Delaware County serial 1868/9-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of common schools. (36 A.R. supt. common schools 1868/9 (p. 238-241) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch In 1876/7. A. A. Meader, supt.. 1868/9-1874/5; A. Robinette, 1875/6-1877/8; Chas. F. Foster, 1879/80-1899/00; A. Duncan Yocum, 1900/1-1903/4. B 1882-1903. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1882 in V. 30 : 295. 1882/3 " V. 31 : 41 ; 77 ; 259 ; 302-303. 1883 " V. 32 : 36 ; 78 ; 196. 1884. Not found. 1885 In V. 33 : 499. 1885/6 " V. 34 : 77 ; 215 ; 301 ; 375. 1887/8. Not found. 1888/9 In v. 37 : 184 ; 328. 1890 •' V. 38 : 428. " V. 39 : 185. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 240 ; 330. 1892 " V. 41 : 222; 269. 1893/4 " V. 42 : 232 ; 273 ; 370. 1894 " V. 43 : 43. 1895 " v. 44 : 329 ; 424 ; 569. 1896-1897. Not found. 1898 In V. 46 : 460. 1899. Not found. 1900 in V. 48: 478. •• V. 49 : 214. 1901/2 " V. 50 : 262 ; 613. 1903 " V. 51 : 571. EDUCATION— cont'd Chester County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. (21 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1853/4 (p. 41-42)— 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5: hist, sketch in 1876/7. R. A. B'uthey, co. supt., 1853/4-1855/6; Franklin Taylor, 1856/7-1859/60; W. W. WoodruCf, 1860/1-1868/9; Geo. L. Maris, 1809/70-1871/2 ; Hiram F. Pierce, 1872/3-1873/4 ; R. M. Magee, 1874/5 ; H. Meyer, 1875/6; J. W. Harvey, 1877-1886/7; Jos. S. Walton, 1887/8-1895/6; Frank B. Bye, 1896/7- 1898/9: G. W. Moore. 1899/00-1903/4. B 1855-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1855 in V. 4: 110-111 ; 292; 326. 1856/7 " V. 5 : 6 ; 36-37 ; 313. 1857/8-1860/1. Not found. 1861 in V. 9 : 207 ; 239 ; 262 ; 290-291, 1861/2 " v. 10:98-99; 133; 230. 1863 " V. 11 : 36-37; 166. 1863/4 " V. 12 : 37 ; 103 ; 1.30 ; 169 ; 260 ; 324. 1864/5 " V. 13 : 5 : 88 : 1 10 ; 167 ; 192. Chester County — cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd 1865/6 in v. 14 : 71 ; 97 ; 122 ; 148 ; 226 ; 278. 1866/7 - V. 15:24-25; 126-127; 180; 211; 243; 267; 270. 1867/8 in V. 16 : 31-32 ; 136 ; 168 ; 223. 1868/9 " V. 17 : 40-41 ; 162 ; 190 ; 226. 1869/70 " V. 18 : 8 : 103 ; 131 ; 136 ; 158 ; 162 ; 220-221 ; 276 : 305 ; 335, 1870/1 " V. 19:10; 38; 100; 150; 243; 278-279; 308; 341. 1871/2 " v. 20 : 61 ; 133 ; 166 ; 265 ; 299 ; 334 ; 363 ; 399. 1872/3 " V. 21 : 31 ; 340; 401. 1873/4 " V. 22 : 308. 1874/5 " V. 23 : 30 ; 175 ; 280. 1876 " V. 24 : 425. 1877-1881. Not found. 1881/2 in V. 30 : 77 ; 172 ; 254 ; 365 ; 499. 1882/3 " V. 31 : 258 ; 301 ; 338 ; 422 ; 454 ; 497. 1883/4 " V. 32:77; 158-159; 194; 231; 268; 304; 339; "410 ; 449. 1884/5 In V. 33 : 80 ; 163-164 ; 206 ; 250 ; 293 ; 328 ; 371. 1885/6 " v. 34 : 169 ; 214 ; 260 ; 297 ; 373 ; 459 ; 495. 1886/7 " V. 35 : 77 ; 168 : 333 ; 378 ; 423 ; 505. 1887/8 " V. 36 : 36 ; 201 ; 234 ; 269 ; 307 ; 340-341 ; 383; 426; 461. 1888/9 in V. 37 : 29 ; 146 ; 183 ; 216 ; 253 ; 291 ; 326 ; 363 ; 305 1889/90in v. 38 : 38 ; 155-156; 225; 270; 388; 426-427; 469. 1890/1 in T. 39 : 84 ; 231 ; 266 ; 311 ; 354 ; 440 ; 493. 1391/2. Not found. 1892/3 in V. 41 : 42; 363; 410: 501 ; 362- 89-90 ; 136 ; 221 ; 266 ; 314 ; 550. 1803/4 in T. 42 : 230 ; 270 ; 322 ; 455 ; 504-505 ; 558. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 193 ; 236 : 279 ; 325 ; 416 ; 460 ; 504. 1895 6 " V. 44 : 43 ; 189 ; 238 ; 279 ; 326 ; 374 ; 421 ; 469; 512. 1896/7 in V. 45 : 248 ; 341 ; 620-621. 1097/8 " V. 46 : 275-276 ; 318-319. 1898/9. Not foUnd. 1900 in V. 48 : 519. 1901 " V. 49 : 304 ; 397 ; 455 ; 519. 1902 " V. 50 ; 348-349 ; 398 ; 454. 1903 " V. 51 : 320 ; 477. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 216 ; 352 ; 443. non-serial 1852. Oxford, Chester Co., educational conv.; acct. of procs. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 201-203.) 1854. Acct. of Chester Co. educational conv. (Same V. 3: 176-177.) 1855. Acct. of educational mtg. at Cochranville, Chester Co. {Same v. 3: 267-268.) . Educational tour in Chester and Delaware cos.; Penn. and New Castle Co., Del.; by E. Lamborn. {Same v. 4: 103-104.) 1855-1859. Table: no. of schools in Chester Co., no. of scholars, months taught, salary of males, salary of females, each year. (27 A.R. supt. common schools 1859/60: 36.) 1856. Mtg. of friends of education at Kennett Square, Chester Co. (Penn. School Jol. v. 4: 271-272.) 1869-1871. Conventions of school directors in Chester and Delaware cos. {Same v. 19: 301-302.) 1894. Semi-ann. conv. of Chester Co. school teachers; summary of proc. (10 A.R. bd. health 1893/4: 395-6.) Clarion County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. (21 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1853/4 (p. 43-44)— 71 A.R. supt. of pub- lic instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch in 1876/7. R W. Orr, co. supt., 1853/4-1855/6: J. G. M'Gonagle, 1856/7-1860/1 ; C. S. Walker. 1861/2-1862/3; G. S. Kelly, 1863/4-1868/9; J. E. Wood. 1869/70-1874/5; A. J. Davis. 1875/6-1881/2 ; J. G. Anderson, 1883/4 ; C F. McNutt, 1885 '6-1890/1 ; Jos. S. Walton, 1891/2-1893/4; W. A. Beer, 1894/31901/2; L. L. Himes, 1902/3-1903/4. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 693 EDUCATION— . 18fi2 3 - V. 11 : 1G6 ; 258 ; 291 ; 323. 1864 " V. 12 r294. ISCi-lSeg, Not found. 1870/1 In V. 19 : 100 ; 243 ; 308. 1871 " V. 20:61. 1872-1875. Not found. 1876 In V. 25 : 207 ; 243. 1877-1881. Not found. 1882 In V. 30 : 365-366 ; 409 ; 499-500. " V. 31 : 178; 218. 1883/4 - V. 32 : 159 ; 194 ; 231-232 ; 268-209 ; 304 ; 339 ; 375; 411 ; 449. 1884/5 In V. 33 : 40 ; 250 ; 328 ; 371 ; 458 ; 496-497. 1885/6 " V. 34 : 76 ; 260 ; 338-339 ; 373 ; 459. 1886/7 " V. 35 : 34 ; 252 ; 333-334 ; 466. 1888 " V. 36 : 307. " V. 37 : 253. 1889. Not found. 1890 In V. 38 : 388. 1891-1892. Not found. 1803/4 In V. 42 : 92 ; 367 ; 455 ; 505. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 41 ; 193 ; 279 ; 325-326 ; 371 ; 416 ; 460 ; 504. 1895/6 " v. 44 : 90 : 279 ; 326 ; 374 ; 421 ; 512. 1897/8 " V. 46 : 137 ; 319. 1899 - V. 47 : 493. 1900 " V. 48: 313. 1901. Not found. 1902 In T. 50 : 562. 1903 " V. 51 : 478. non-serial 1857. Acct. of convention of Clarion Co. school direc- tors. (Penn. School Jol. v. 6: 141-142.) Clearfield County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. (21 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1853/4 (p. 44-46) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1857/8, 1865/6, 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5. A. T. Schryver, co. supt., 1853/4-1856/7; L. L. Still 1857/8-1859 60: .leese Broomall, 1860/1-1861/2; C. B. Sanford, 1862/3-1864/5; Geo. W. Sn.vder, 1866-7-1871/2: .1. A. Gregory. 1872/3-1877/8: M. L. McQuown, 1879/80-1883/4 ; Mntt. Savage 1885/6-1889/90; B. C. Youngman, 1890/1-1895 6 G. W. Weaver, 1896/7-1899/00; E. C. Shields, 1900/1-1903/4. B 1856-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In I'enn. School Journal as follows: 1856 In V. 4 : 233. 1857-1860. Not found. 1861 in V. 9 : 207 ; 239. 1862 - T. 10: 230. 1862/3 " V. 11 : 66: 137; 229. 1863/4 " V. 12: 130; 324. 1865-1866, Not found. 1867 In V. 15 : 267. 1868 " V. 17: 1 ; 66; 165. 1869/70 " V. 18 : 15 ; 222 ; 276 ; 305. 1870/1 " V. 19: 182; 278. 1871 " V. 20 : fil : 133. 1872/3 " V. 21 : 205 ; 340 ; 369. 1874. Not found. 1875 In V. 23 : 313. " V. 24 : 181. 1876. Not found. 1877 In V. 25 : 378. 1878-1880. Not found. 1881/2 In V. 30 : 77 ; 172 ; 254 ; 366 ; 409 ; 500. 1882/3 " V. 31 : 39 ; 76 ; 178 ; 218 ; 258 ; 301 ; 338 ; 382 ; 422 ; 454 : 497. 1883/4 In V. 32 : 35 ; 77 ; 159 ; 194 ; 269 ; 304 ; 339 ; 374 ; 410: 449. 1884/5 In V. 33 : 40 ; 80 ; 164 ; 206 ; 250 ; 497. 1885 " V. 34 : 76. 1886/7 " V. 35 : 34 ; 466. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 184 ; 231 ; 266 ; 311 ; 354 ; 440. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 87 ; 191 ; 238 ; 279 ; 377 ; 424 ; 507 ; 552. EDUCATION— cont'd Clearfield County — cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd 1892/3 In V. 41 : 42 : 136 : 179 ; 314 ; 363 ; 501. 1894 " V. 42 : 322 ; 367-368 ; 505. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 236 ; 371 ; 553. 1895/6 " V. 44 : 43-44 ; 189 ; 421 ; 469 ; 512. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 200 ; 248 ; 293 ; 341 ; 389-390 ; 504 ; 567 : 621. 1897/8 In V. 46 : 137 ; 319 ; 365 : 456. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 147-148 ; 283 ; 331 ; 493 ; 538. 1900 " V. 48 : 356 ; 5U)-520. 1900/1 " V. 49 : 259 ; 304 ; 351 : 397 ; 455 ; 519 ; 567-568. 1901/2 " V. 50:45; 250; 305-306; 398; 454; 520; 562. 1902/3 " V. 51 : 100 ; 233 ; 320 ; 368 ; 477-478. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 50 ; 261 ; 400 ; 443 ; 509-510. 7ion-serial 1854-1875. Tabular stmt, of schools of Clearfield Co. under each supt., showing no. of pupils, no. of schools, no. of teachers (male and female), salary, average attendance and cost of each pupil per mo. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 177.) 1854-1877. Co. superintendency, salaries, etc. in Clear- field Co. (44 same 1876/7: 174.) 1853/4. Township table (Clearfield Co.): schools, teachers and salaries, scholars, receipts and ex- penditures. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 46.) 1874. Estimate of a central graded school in Huston distr., Clearfield Co. (Penn. School Jol. v. 22: 366- 367.) 1878-1883. Table: whole no. of schools, whole no. of pupils, average salaries of teachers, cost of con- ducting institute, etc., in Clearfield Co. for 1878 and 1883. ([51] A.R. supt. public instruction 1883/4: 51.) Clinton County serial A 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. (21 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1853/4 (p. 41-52)— 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3. 1884/5; hist, sketch In 1876/7. R. C. Allison, CO. supt., 1853/4 ; Hy. L. DilTenbach, 1854/5-1855/6; A. K. Brown, 1856/7; Jesse H. BerrJ, 1857/8-1862/3; W. W. S. Snoddy. 1863/4; Danl. Herr, 1864/5-1865/6 ; A. H. Strayer, 1866/7- 1869/70; A. D. Rowe, 1870/1; A. N. Raub, 1871/2; M. W. Herr. 1872/3-1877/8: Thos. N. Magee. 1879/80-18S3/4 ; I. L. McCloskey, 1885/6-1886/7; D. M. Brmigard. 1887/8-1892/3; W. A. Snyder, 1893/4-1901/2; Ira N. McCloskey, 1902/3-1903/4. non-serial 1853/4. Township table (Clinton Co.): schools, teach- ers and salaries; scholars, receipts and expendi- tures. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 52.) B 1856-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1856 in V. 4 : 292. 1857 " V. 5: 313. 1858. Not found. 1859 In V. 8 : 37-38 ; 199. 1860. Not found. 1861 in V. 9 : 239 ; 291 ; 335. 1861/2 " V. 10 : 99 ; 133 ; 168 ; 230 ; 325. 1862/3 " V. 11:6; 37; 66; 105; 166; 197; 229; 258; 291 * 323 1863/4 in V. 12 : 103 ; 324. 1864 " V. 13: 110. 1865/6 " V. 14: 121-122; 148; 174-175; 226. 1867 " V. 15 ; 211. 1867/8 " V. 16:169: 193. 1868/9 « V. 17 : 41 ; 66 ; 138 ; 165 ; 190 ; 226 ; 248 ; 280 ; 306. 1869/70 in V. 18 : 136 ; 158 ; 221. 1870/1 " V. 19: 14: 182; 243; 279; 308; 341; 3i6. 1871 " V. 20: 133; 166. 1872/3 " V. 21 : 65 : 171 : 306. 1873/4-1879/80. Not found. 694 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Clinton County — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1881/2 in V. 30; 1883 1883/4 ' 1884/5 ' 1885/6 ' 1886/7 ' 1887/8 ' 1888/9 ' 1889/90 ' 1890/1 ' 1891/2 ' 1892/3 ' 1894 1894/5 ' 1895/6 ' 1897 1898 I 1899/00 ' 1900 1902 1903/4 T. 31 V. 32: V. 33: T. 34: V. 35: V. 36: V. 37: V. 38: V. 39: V. 40: V. 41 : V. 42: V. 43: V. 44: v. 45 : V. 46: V. 47 : V. 48 : V. 50: V. 51 : . 52: 555; 603. B — cont'd 172 ; 366 ; 409. 382 ; 497. 232 ; 339-340. 164 : 206 ; 293 ; 328 ; 371 ; 458 ; 497. 169 ; 214 : 297 ; 373 ; 459 : 495. 77 ; 168-169 ; 334 ; 423 : 466. 36 ; 201 ; 234 ; 269 ; 307 ; 341 ; 383 ; 426. 183 ; 216 ; 291 ; 326-327. 72 : 156 ; 191 ; 225 ; 270 ; 388. 184 ; 231 : 354 : 440. 87 : 238 ; 326-327 ; 377 ; 507. 266 ; 410 ; 453 ; 550. 367 ; 455 : 505. 279 ; 371-372 : 460. 189 ; 374 ; 469. 390; 504: 567. 319; 456. 44. 268 ; 313. 190 ; 233. 320 ; 368 ; 478 ; 522 ; 570. 50 ; 216 ; 261-262 ; 307 ; 352 ; 400 ; 443 ; Coal Township, Northumberland Co. serial A 1899/00-1903/4. Ann. rept. supt. of schools. (67 A.R. supt. public instruction 1899/00 (pp. 189-191)— 71 same 1903/4.) Albert Lloyd, supt., 1899/00-1903/4. B 1899/00-1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1899/00 In T. 48 : 139 ; 183 ; 270-271 ; 478. 1900/1 " V. 49 : 47 ; 214 ; 261 ; 400 ; 458-459 ; 521. 1902. Not found. 1903 In V. 51 : 524-525. 1904 " V. 52 : 511-512. Coatesville, Chester County serial A 1902/3-1903/4. Ann. rept. supt. of schools. (70 A.R. supt. public instruction 1902/3 (pp. 199-201)— 71 same 1903/4.) W. T. Gordon, 1902/3-1903/4. B 1902/3-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1902/3 In V. 51 : 191 ; 234-235 ; 324. 1903/4 " T. 52 : 263 ; 354 ; 512. Columiia, Lancaster County serial A 1874/5-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (42 A.R. supt. common schools 1874/5 (p. 175-176) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 187879, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch In 1876/7. B. G. Amea, 1874/5-1885/6; S. H. Hoffman, 1886/7- 1897/8 ; Danl. Flelsher, 1898/9-1903/4. B 1885-1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1885 In V. 33 : 295. 18R5/6 " V. 34: 36; 301. 18H7. Not found. 1888 in v. 36 : 343. 1KS8/9 " v. 37 : 30 : 218; 396. 1889 " V. 38: 192. 1890/1 " v. 39 : 40 ; 314. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 281 ; 330 ; 427. 1892/3 " v. 41 : 222 ; 364 ; 501. 1893/4 " V. 42 : 47 ; 232 ; 370. 1895 " T. 43 : 328. " T. 44 : 282. 1896. Not found. EDUCATION— cont'd Columbia, Lancaster County — cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd 1897/8 in v. 46 : 139 ; 232-233. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 105 ; 378-379 ; 496 ; 586. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 315 ; 569. 1900 •' V. 49 : 167. inoi in V. 50 : 262 ; 308. 1902-1903. Not found. 1904 in V. 52 : 354. Columbia County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. ot co. supt. (21 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1853/4 (p. 53-54) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch in 1876/7. J. E. Bradley, co. supt, 1853/4 ; R. W. Weaver, 1854/5- 1856/7 ; Wm. Burgess, 1857/8-1861/2 ; J. B. Patton, 1862/3; Chas. G. Barkley, 1863/4-1871/2; W. H. Snvder, 1872/3-1879/80: J. S. Grimes, 1881/2- 1889/90; Wm. C. Johnston, 1891/2-1895/6; John K. Miller, 1896/7-1901/2 ; Wm. W. Evans, 1902/3- 1903/4. B 1855/6-1900. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1855/6 In V. 4 : 117 ; 292. 1857 " V. 5 : 315. 1858 " V. 6 : 299-300. 1859-1860. Not found. 1861 in V. 9 : 239-240 ; 335. 1862 " V. 10 : 325 ; 357. 1862/3 " V. 11 : 6« ; 137 ; 166 ; 197 ; 323. 1863/4 " V. 12 : 37 ; 169 ; 324. 1864/5. Not found. 1865/6 In V. 14 : 122 ; 148 ; 253 ; 278. 1867 " V. 15 : 148-149 ; 180-181 ; 292-293. 1868 " V. 16: 344. 1868/9 " V. 17 : 10-11 ; 103 ; 165 ; 221 ; 226. 1869/70 " V. 18 : 8 ; 15 ; 44 ; 272. 1870 " V. 19 : 182. 1871-1882. Not found. 1883 in V. 31 : 39. 1884 " V. 32 : 410-411. 1885. Not found. 1886 in V. 34 : 297. 1887 " V. 35 : 291 ; 466. 1888 " V. 36 : 269 ; 307. 1888/9 " V. 37 : 29 ; 216. 1890 " V. 38 : 388 ; 427. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 266 ; 311 ; 440 ; 493. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 33 ; 279 ; 377-378 ; 470 ; 507 ; 552. 1892/3 " V. 41 :42; 363. 1893/4 " V. 42 : 92 ; 230 ; 322 ; 455. 1894/5 " V. 43:88; 236; 279-280; 326; 416; 460; 461. 1895/6 " V. 44 : 279 ; 326 ; 416 ; 460-461. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 341 ; 505 ; 567. 1S97/8 " V. 46 : 42 ; 365 ; 456. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 283 ; 375 ; 493. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 138 ; 225-226 ; 313 ; 476. 1900 " V. 49 : 304. non-serial 1854-1875. Names of supts. in Columbia Co., when and how selected. (44 A.R. supt. of public Instruction 1876/7: 198.) 1855. Columbia Co. Educational Convention mtg. (Penn. School Jol. v. 3:, 301-302.) Connellsville, Fayette County serial A 1899/00-1901/2. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (67 A.R. supt. public instruction 1899/00 (pp. 453-454) —69 same 1901/2.) J. P. Wiley, supt. B 1900. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1900 In T. 48 : 316. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 695 EDUCATION— cont'd Conshohocken, Montgomery Co. serial A 1896/7-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (64 A.R. supt. public instruction 1896/7 (pp. 189-192) — 71 same 1903/4.) J. Horace Landls, supt., 1890/7-1902/3; E. B. Zlegler, 1903/4. B 1896/7-1900. [Educational notes.] In Ponn. School Journal as follows : 1896/7 In V. 45 : 92 : 297 ; 393. 1897 " V. 40 : 233. 1898-1S99. Not found. 1900 In V. 48 : 509. Carry, Erie County serial 1874/5-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (42 A.R. supt. common schools 1874/5 (p. 177-178) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 187S/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch in 1870/7. V. G. Curtis, supt., 1874/5-1881/2 ; A. D. ColegroTe, 1883/4-1901/2 ; Wm. W. Fell, 1902/3-1903/4. 1884-1903. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1884 In V. 32 : 233. 18^4/5 » V. 33 : 41 ; 208 460; 499. 1885/6 ** V. 34 : 260 261 ; 301 : 340. 1887 ** V. 35 : 336 ; 505-506. 1887/8 " V. 36 : SO ; 385 464. 1888/9 " V. 37 : 30 : 184 328-329. 1890 ** V. 38 : 471 1891 « T. 39 : 446 1892/3 " V. 41 : 269 ; 316 ; 364 ; 370-371. 1894/5 •* V. 43:43; 555. 1896 " V. 45 : 297 1897. No t found. 1898 in V 46 : 460. 1899-1900 Not found. 1901 in V. 49 : 354. 1902. No t found. 1903 in V 51 : 324. u u V. 52 : 309. non-serial . See below. Normal Schools. Twelfth District this date. Crawford County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. (21 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1853/4 (p. 54-57) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted in 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5 ; hist, sketch in 1876/7. S. S. Sears, co. supt., 1853/4-1855/6 ; J. Clifton Marcy, 1856/7; Saml. B. Bates. 1857/8-1859/60; S. R. Thompson, 1860/1-1863/4; H. R. Stewart, 1864/5; D. R. Coder, 1865/6; H. D. Persons. 1866/7- 1871/2 ; James C. Graham, 1872/3-1877/8 ; C. F. Chamberlain, 1878/9-1883/4 ; J. W. Sturdevant, 1885/6-1889/90 ; Geo. I. Wright, 1890/1-1895/6 ; E. M. Mixer, 1896/7-1901/2 ; John D. Goodwin, 1902/3-1903/4. B 1854-1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1854 In V. 2 : 334-335. 1855. Not found. 1856 In V. 4 : 232-233 ; 267-268 ; 326 ; 355. 1856/7 " V. 5 : 210 ; 315. 1857/8-1859/60. Not found. 1861 In T. 9:262; 324; 335. " V. 10: 170-171. 1862/3 " V. 11 : 166 ; 197 ; 291. 1863/4 " T. 12 : 37 ; 130 ; 109 ; 228 ; 294. 1865. Not found. EDUCATION— cont'd Crawford. County — cont'd scriai— cont'd B — cont'd 1866 In V. 14 : 278. 1867 " V. 15 : 149 ; 211 ; 267 ; 293. 1867/8 " V. 10 : 31 ; 104 ; 193 ; 279-280 ; 343-344. 1868/9 " V. 17 : 66 ; 190 ; 220 : 248 ; 280. 1809/70 " V. 18 : 103 ; Til. 1871 - V. 20: 01 ; 133. 1872/3 " V. 21 : 65 ; 142 ; 267 ; 340. 1874 " V. 22 : 30 ; 175. 1874/5 " V. 2.i: 211 ; 377. 1876. Not found. 1877 In V. 25 : 342. 1878-1880. Not found. 1881/2 in V. 30 : 254 ; 360 ; 409. 1882/3 » V. 31 : 178 ; 218 ; 337-338 ; 382 ; 422. 1883/4 " V. 32 : 35 : 194 ; 340. 1884/5 " v. 33 : 371 ; 459 ; 497. 1886 " V. 34 : 386 ; 260 ; 297 ; 339 ; 459. " V. 35 : 77 ; 252. 1887/8 " V. 36 : 79 ; 269 ; 341. 1888/9 " V. 37 : 253 ; 395. 1890 " V. 38 : 469-470. 1891 " V. 39: 311-312; 440. 1891/2 " V. 40: 279; 327. 1892 " v. 41 : 266. 1893 " V. 42 : 270. 1894-1897. Not found. 1898 in v. 46 : 365-366. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 283 ; 375 ; 493-494 ; 538. 1900. Not found. 1901 in V. 49 : 519. 1901/2 " V. 50:306; 562-563. 1902 " y. 51 : 362. 1003. Not found. 1904 In V. 52 : 352. Cumberland County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. (21 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1853/4 (p. 57-59) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Note that 1856/7 is inserted betw. Mercer & MiflJln cos. Oniitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch in 1876/7. Danl. Shelly, co. supt., 1853/4-1859/60 ; Jos. Mifflin. 1860/1-1862/3 ; Geo. Swartz, 1863/4-1868/9 : Wm. A. Llndsey, 1869/70-1871/2 ; D. E. Kast, 1872/3- 1877/8 ; S. B. Shearer, 1879/80-1886/7 ; A. J. Beitzel, 1887/8-1895/6; I. L. Bryner, 1896/7- 1901/2 : J. Kelso Green, 1902/3-1903/4. B 1855-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1855 In v. 4 : 143-144 ; 292 ; 326 ; 35" 1856/7 " V. 5: ISO; 211. 1858. Not found. 358. 1858 In V 8: 36-37. 1860. No : found. 1861 in V 9: 240; 335. " ** V. 10 91. 1862/3 " V 11 6; 197; 229 ; 258, 1863/4 " V, 12 103 : 130 ; 200 : 355. 1864/5 " V. 13 5; 110; 133; 192; 247. 1865/6 " V 14 148 ; 201 1866/7 " V 15 5; 25: 1 27 : 149 ; 243. 1867 ** V 16 31 ; 168-169, 1868/9 " V 17 66; 138; 165 190 ; 226 ; 280. 1869/70 ** V 18 162 ; 243 244; 250- 251; 335. 1870/1 ** V. 19 182 ; 308 1872. Not found. 1873 in V 21 :267 1874 " V. 22 308 1874/5 " V 23 143 ; 313 1875 ** V. 24 181 1876/7 " T 25 243 ; 311 ; 378 1878-1885 Not found. 1886 In V 34 : 373-374. 1887/8 ** V. 36 167 ; 234 235; 307 426 461. 1888/9 " V. 37 29; 146; 216; 291- 292; 395: 431. 1889/90 " V. 38 38; 156; 191 ; 225; 388-389 : 427 ; 470. 1890/1 " V. 39 184 231 ; 266 ; 312; 354; 440-441; 493. 1891/2 ** V. 40 238- 239; 279; 327 379 424 ; 473 ; 507. 1892/3 " V. 41 42; 136; 181; 266 363 453. 1893/4 " V. 42 46; 322; 455: 558 326. 1895 « V. 43 416 504-505. 1896 u T. 44 512- 513. 1896/7 " T. 45 341 ; 390 ; 505; 62 1. 696 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Cumberland County — cont'd serial — cont'd B— cont'd 1897/8 In T. 46 : 231 : 319 ; 366 ; 569. 1898/9 " T. 47 : 44 ; 586. 1900 " V. 48 : 567. 1901. Not found. 1902/3 In T. 51 : 190 ; 233 ; 320 ; 368 ; 478 ; 522. 1903/4 " T. 52 : 216 ; 262 ; 307 ; 352 ; 400-401 ; 443 ; 510 ; 555 ; 603. non-serial 1854. Acct. of Cumberland Co. education con v. (Penn. School Jol. V. 3: 145.) . Proc. of Cumberland Co. educational conv. (Some V. 3: 239-242.) Danville, Montour Co. serial 1895/6-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (63 A.R. supt. public instruction 1895/6 (pp. 154-158)— 71 same 1903/4.) J. C. Houser, supt., 1895/6-1900/1 ; Drie L. Gordy, 1901/2-1903/4. B 1895/6-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Tenn. School Journal as follows : 1895/6 in V. 44 : 239 ; 282 ; 329 : 376 ; 424 ; 515. 1896/7 " V. 45:44; 297; 624-625. 1897 " V. 46 : 43 ; 233. 1898. Not found. 1898/9 In V. 47 : 287: 496. 1899/00" v. 48: 227; 521. 1900/1 " V. 49 : 261 ; 354. 1901/2 " T. 50 : 457 ; 521 ; 564. 1902/3 " V. 51 : 235 ; 324 ; 525 ; 571. 1903/4 " T. 52 : 51 ; 263 ; 309 ; 446 ; 537. non-serial 1852. Sketch of condition of Danville schools. (Penn. School Jol. V. 1: 230-231.) Dauphin County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4 (p. 59-60)— 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5 ; lilst. sketcli in 1876/7. S. D. Ingram, co. supt., 1853/4-1865/6, 1872/3-1874/5 ; D. H. E. Iji Robs. 1866/7-1871/2, 1875/6-1883/6; R. M. McNeal, 1883/4-1898/9 ; H. V. B. Garver, 1899/00-1903/4. 1856-1899. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1856 in V. 4 : 268 ; 292 ; 358. 18.56/7 - V. 5: 180; 312. 1858-1860. Not found. 1861 In V. 9: 240; 335. 1862 " V. 10 : 325 ; 357. 1863/4 " V. 11:6; 105; 229; 258; 323. 1864/5 " v. 12 : 4 ; 37 ; 130 ; 228 ; 294. 1865/6 " V. 13:133; 142; 192. 1866/7 - V. 14 : 71 ; 148. 1867/8 ' V. 15 : 5 ; 79 ; 127 ; 293. 1868 " V. 16: 193. 1869/70 " V. 17 ; 41 ; 165 ; 306. 1870 " V. 18 : 15. 1871. Not found. 1872 In V. 21 : 142. 1873/4 - V. 22 : 275; 308. 187.5. Not found. 1876 in V. 24 : 425. 1877 " V. 25: 342, 18781880. Not found. EDUCATION— cont'd Dauphin County — cont'd serial — cont'd B— cont'd 1881/2 in V. 30 : 172 ; 254 ; 409 ; 500. 1882/3 " T. 31 : 178 : 338 ; 382 ; 422 ; 498. 1883/4 " V. 32 : 194195 ; 232 ; 304 ; 411. 1884/5 " V. 33 : 80 ; 206 ; 293 ; 371 ; 497. 1885/6 " T. 34 : 35 ; 76 ; 260 ; 297 ; 459 ; 495. 1886/7 " V. 35 : 34 ; 334 ; 423 ; 505. " V. 36: 79: 201 ; 269; 341: 1887/8 1888/9 " V. 37 : 146 ; 216 ; 292 ; 327 ; 363. 1889/90 " V. 38 : 270 ; 470. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 184 ; 354. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 191 : 239 ; 279 ; 327 ; 378 ; 508 1892/3 " T. 41 :136; 221 ; 314; 453. 1893 " V. 42 : 230. 1894 " V. 43 : 193. 1895 Not found. 1896 In V. 44 : 513. 1897 - V. 45:341-342; 390. 1898 " v. 47: 104. 1899 " V. 48 : 226. (21 A.R. supt. com- -71 A.R. supt. public Delaware County See also below. Private. serial A 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. mon schools 1853/4 (p. 60-63)- instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch in 1876/7. Geo. Smith, co. supt., 1853/4-1854/5 ; Chas. W. Deans, 1855/6-1862/3; J. W. M'Crncken, 1863/4-1867/8; Jae. W. Baker. 1868/9-1877/8; Albert Stewart, 1879/80-1886/7; A. G. C. Smith, 1887/8-1903/4. B 1856-1900. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1856 in V. 4 : 327. " V. 5 : 5. 1857-1860. 1861 in 1861/2 " 1862 1863/4 1864 1865/6 1867 1868/9 1869 1869/70 1870/1 1871/2 1872/3 1873 1874 1875. Not found. V. 9 : 240. V. 10: 91 ; 325; 357. V. 11 :6; 37; 105; 166. V. 12 : 130 ; 200 ; 260. 133 122; 148 T. 13: V. 14 : V. 15: V. 16: V. 17: v. 18: V. 19; V. 20: 201 : 226 ; 253 ; 278-279. 211-212; 243-244. 32; 169. 246. 96; 103; 158; 221; 335. ' ""' 376. 265. 149; 308 61 ; 133 ; V. 21 : 31 ; 205 ; 369 ; 401. - V. 22 : 30. " V. 23: 175. Not found 1876/7 in V. 25 1877/8-1881/2. 1882/3 in T. 31 1883/4 - V. 32: 195; 1884/5 " v. 33 : 293 ; 1886. Not found 1887 in V. 35 : 378, 1887/8 » V. 36 207; 378. Not found. 258 ; 382. 232; 340; 375. 371. 1888/9 " 1889/90 " 1890/1 " 1892 1892/3 " 1893/4 " 1894/5 " 1895/6 " 1896/7 " 1898-1899 167; 307; 341 ; 383; 461. V. 37:216; 327; 363; 431. V. 38 : 191 ; 270-271 : 389 ; 470, V. 39 : 39 ; 84 ; 260-267 ; 312 ; 354 ; T. 40:327: 508. V. 41 : 1.36-137; 316. V. 42: 138; 184; 270; 558. v. 43: 193-194; 326; 372. V. 44 : 279 ; 374 ; 469. V. 45 : 200 ; 293-294. Not found. 441 ; 493. 1900 in V. 48 : 422. non-serial 1853/4. Township table (Delaware Co.): schools, teachers and salaries, scholars, receipts and ex- penditures. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 63.) 1855. See above. Chester Co., this date. 1869-1871. See above, Chester Co., these dates. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 697 EDUCATION— cont'd Du Bois. Clearfield County serial 1894/5-1903/4. Ann. ropt. city supt. of schools. (A.R. supt. public instruction 1894/5 (pp. 157-160)— 71 same 1903/4.) Omitteci 1901/2. C. p. GnrrlBon, supt, isn4/!i ; W. L. Oreene, 1805/C- 1900/1; J. 11. Allemiin, ]902/:i-1903/4. B 1894/5-1902. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1894/5 In V. 4,S : 2:i9 : 282 ; 328 ; 374-375 ; 463. 1895/6 " T. 44 ; 45 ; 516. 1896/7 " T. 45: 45; 509. 1897 " T. 46 : 23,S. 1898. Not found. 1899 In T. 47 : 496. " V. 48 : 139. 19001901. Not found. 1902 In V. 50 : 351. Duncannon, Perry Co. 1898. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1898 In Y. 47: 287. Dunmore, Lackawanna Co. serial 1881/2-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (49 A.R. supt. public instruction 1881/2 (pp. 207-208) — 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1S82/3. 1884/5, 1892/3, 1895/6, 1896/7. L. R. Fowler, supt., 1881/2-1891/2; John E. Williams, 1893/4-1894/5 ; E. P. Bovard, 1897/8-1901/2 ; C. F. Hgban, 1902/3-1903/4. B 1882-1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1882 In T. 30 501. 1883 - v. 31 498. 1883/4 " V. 32 36; 196; 233; 411. 1884 " V. 33 41 ; 251. 1885/6 " V. 34 36 ; 215 ; 301 ; 461 ; 496. 1887 " V. 35 467. 1887/8 " v. 36 271; 464. 1888/9 « V. 37 184 : 329. 1889/90 « V. 39 228; 471. 18P0/1 " V. 39 233 ; 446. 1891/2 " V. 40 35; 240. 1892 " V. 41 43 ; 91 ; 180. 1893/4 " V. 42 232 ; 325. 1894/5-1896/7. Not found. 1897/8 In y. 46 233 ; 369 ; 460 ; 504 ; 570 1898/9 " v. 47 105; 333. 1899/00 " V. 48 271; 315; 569. 1900/1 " T. 49 47 ; 354 ; 459 ; 521. 1901/2 " V. 50 262 ; 457. 1903 " V. 51 371 ; 525; 571. 1904 " T. 52 309-310; 446-447. Easton, yorthampton County serial 1866/7-1903/4. Ann. rept. of supt. of schools. (34 A.R. supt. common schools 1866/7 (p. 273-276)— 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Easton Boroufrh ceases with 1871 ; from 1872-1904 Eas- ton [City] Is given ; omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5 ; hist, sketch in 1876/7. W. W. Cottingham, supt., 1866/7-1903/4. EDUCATION— cont'd Easton, Northampton County — cont'd serial — cont'd B 1871-1903. [Educational notes.] In V -1882 In V In Penn. School Journal as follows; 1871 1872 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887. 1888 1889 19:341. Not found. 31 : 423. " V. 33 : 41. " V. 34 : 77. " V. 35 : 254. Not found. In V. 35 : 464. 37 : 433. " V. 38 : 73. 1890 " V. 39 : 268. 1891-1892. Not found. 1893 In V. 41 : 316. 1894 " V. 43 : 43. l.S95-18n6. Not found. 1897 in V. 45: 509510. 1H9S " V. 46 : 570-571. 1899 " V. 47 : 586. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 271 ; 569. 1900 " V. 40 : 262. 1901 " V. 50 : 308. 1902. Not found. 1903 In V. 51 : 324 ; 571. Elk County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 18.53/4 (p. 64-65)— 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist sketch In 1876/7. Wm. B. GlUls, CO. supt.. 1853/4 ; C. R. Earle.T, co. supt., 1854/5-1860/1; Rufus Lucore, 1S61/2-1862/3, 1869/70-1874/5; James BInkely, 1863/4-1868/9; Geo. R. Dixon, 1875/6-1876/7 ; C. J. Swift. 1887/8- 1892/3; Wm. H. Devernux, 1893/4-1895/6; J. W. Sweeney, 1896/7-1903/4. B 1855-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1855 in V. 4: 140; 355. 1856-1859. Not found. 1860 in V. 8 : 201-202. 1861. Not found. 1862 in V. 10: 168; 325. 1863-1868. Not found. 1869/70 in V. 18 : 8 ; 335. 1870 " V. 19 : 38. 1871-1874. Not found. 1875/6 in V. 24 : 216 ; 350. 1877 " V. 25 : 342. 1878-1880. Not found. 1881/2 in V. 30: 172; 210; 1882/3 " V. 31 ; 218; 382; 1884-1886. Not found. 1887 in V. 36 : 307. Not found, in V. 37 : 431-432. 500. 454 ; 407. 1888. 1889 1890. Not found. 1891 in V. 39 ; 4-^1. 1892 " v. 40 : 424. 1893 " V. 41 : 410. 1894-1895. Not found. 1896 in V. 44 : 374; 513. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 91 ; 200 ; 248-249 ; 342 ; 505 ; 567. 1897/8 " v. 46 : 42 ; 137 ; 231 ; 276 ; 456 ; 501. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 44 ; 283 ; 331 ; 375 ; 494. 1899/00" V. 48:46; 313-314; 476. 1900/1 " V. 49 : 46 ; 212 ; 259 : 397 ; 455. 1901/2 " T. 50 : 215 ; 259 ; 306 ; 349 ; 520 ; 613. 1902/3 " V. 51 : 190 ; 320 ; 522-523 ; 570. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 50 ; 262 ; 307 ; 555. non-serial 1871. Veto (Geary) of act to authorize the school directors of the distr. of Ridgway, Elk Co., to sell and convey certain property. (Legisl. jol. 1871: xxlv.) 698 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Erie City serial 1866/7-1903/4. Ann. rept. of city supt. of schools. (34 A.R. supt. common schools 1866/7 (p. 276-279)— 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5 ; hist, sketch In 1876/7. H. S. Jones, supt.. 1866/7-1890/1 ; H. C. Mlsslmer, 1890/1-1903/4. B 1868/9-1899. [Educational notes.] In I'enn. School Journal as follows : 248. 1868/9 In V. 17 : 66 ; 138 ; 165; 226 18C9/70" V. 18:44: 162; 221; 222. 1870/1 " V. 19: 149; 244 ; 308. 1871 " T. 20:133. 1872 " V. 21 : 142 ; 171 ; 340 1873. Not found. 1874 In V. 22 : 339. 1875-1884. Not found. 1885 in T. 34 : 261. 1886-1891. Not found. 1892 in V. 40 : 330. " V. 41 : 43 ; 91. 1893-1894. Not found. 1895 In V. 43 : 463. 1896 " V. 44 : 516. 1897 " v. 46 : 139. 1899 " T. 47 : 379. Twelfth District, non-serial 1872-1876. Extrs. from Erie City rept. In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1872 in V. 20 : 294-295. 1873 " V. 21 : 335. 1874 " v. 22 : 335-336. 1875 " T. 23 : 373. 1876 " V. 25 : 191-192. 1876. See below. Normal Schools, this date. Erie County serial A 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. mon schools 1853/4 (p. 65-66)- instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1856/7, 1859/60. 1878/9, 1884/5 : hist, sketch In 1876/7. W. H. Armstrong, co. supt., 1853/4-1859/60; L. W. Savage, 1860/1-1862/3 ; J. Degmeler. 1863/4 ; L. T. Flsk, 1864/5-1868/9; C. C. Taylor, 1869/70- 1877/8- Chas. Twining, 1879/80-1S83/4 ; J. M. Morrison, 1885/6-1S88/9 ; Thos. C. Miller, 1889/90- 1895/6 ; Thos. M. Morrison, 1896/7-1901/2 ; Saml. B. Bayle, 1902/3-1903/4. B 1855-1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : EDUCATION— cont'd (21 A.R. supt. com- -71 A.R. supt. public 1880/1, 1882/3, 1855 in V. 3 : 294-295. 1856-1860. Not found, 1860/1 in V. 9: 207 ; 335. 1861/2 " V. 10: 139; 357. 1862/3 " V. 11:6; 37; 137: 166; 197; 229; 258. 1863/4 " V. 12 : 37 ; 130 ; 260 ; 355. 1864/5 " V. 13 : 5-6 ; 142 ; 167. 1865/6 " V. 14:122: 149; 175; 201; 279. 1866/7 " V. 15:79; 149; 212; 267; 293. 1867/8 " v. 16 : 32 ; 104 ; 169 ; 223 ; 280 ; 344. 1868/9 " V. 17 : 103 ; 138 ; 162 ; 248. 1869/70" V. 18:15; 44; 162; 272; 335. 1870/1 " V. 19 : 14 ; 149 ; 243-244 ; 341 ; 376. 1871 " T. 20 : 133. 1872 " v. 21 : 31 : 171. 1874 " V. 22 : 339. 1875 " V. 23: 211. " V. 24 : 181. 1876 " V. 25 : 207. 1877-1880. Not found. 1881/2 In V. 30 : 254 ; 368 ; 409. 1883 " T. 31 : 218; 301 ; 382. 1884 " V. 32 : 269 ; 304. 1885 " V. 33 : 371 ; 459. Erie County — cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd 1886 in V. 34 : 297 ; 459. 1887 " V. 35 : 505. 1887/8 " v. 36 : 36 : 269 ; 341. 1888/9 " T. 37 : 146 ; 216 ; 327 ; 363. 1889/90 " V. 38 : 191 ; 225-226 ; 271 ; 389 ; 427. 1890/1 " T. 39 : 39 : 231 ; 312 ; 441. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 33 ; 378. 1892/3 " V. 41 : 221 ; 266 ; 550. 1893 " V. 42 : 184. 1894-1895. Not found. 1896/7 in V. 45 : 249 ; 294 ; 342 ; 505 ; 567 1897 " T. 46 : 366 ; 456 : 501 ; 569 ; 501. 1898/9 •' V. 47 : 44 ; 283 ; 375 ; 494 ; 538. 1899/00 " T. 48 : 422. 1900/1 " v. 49 : 304 ; 397 ; 455 ; 519. 1901/2 '• T. 50:349. 1902/3 " T. 51 : 233-234 ; 320 ; 369 ; 478. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 443. non-serial 1854. Acct. of teachers' con v. at Waterford. (Penn. School Jol. V. 2: 285.) [1854-1877.] Co. superintendency in Erie Co. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 260.) 1855. Teachers' conv. at Waterford, Erie Co. (Penn. School Jol. V. 3: 274-277.) Fayette County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4 (p. 66-69) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3. 1884/5; hist, sketch In 1876/7. Joshua V. Gibbons, co. supt, 1853/4-1862/3; Geo. Venglev, 1863/4-1865/6; C. W. Wance, 1866/7- 1871/2"; J. V. Gibbons, 1872/3-1874/5; Wm. H. Cooke, 1875/6-1879/80; R. V. Rltenour, 1881/2- 1886/7 ; I^wis M. Harrington, 1887/8-1892/3 ; E. F. Porter, 1893/4-1898/9 ; J. S. Carroll, 1899/00-1903/4. B 1855-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1855 in V. 4 : 13-14. 1856-1858. Not found. 1859 in V. 8 : 171-172. 1860. Not found. 1861 in V. 9 : 262. 1861/2 " V. 10 : 99 ; 139 ; 230. 1862/3 " V. 11: 37 ; 323. 1863/4. Not found. 1864/5 in V. 13 : 142 ; 167. 1865/6. Not found, 1866/7 in V. 15: 127; 181. 1868 " V. 16 : 248. 1868/9 " V. 17 : 138 ; 165 ; 226 ; 248-249 ; 280. 1869 " V. 18 : 103. 1869-1875. Not found. 1875/6 in V. 24 : 181 ; 216 ; 350. 1876/7 " V. 25:207; 311; 378. 1877/8-1880/1, Not found. 1881/2 in V. 30: 172; 366. 1882/3 " V. 31 : 39 ; 178 ; 338. 1883/4 " V. 32 : 35 ; 159 ; 304. 1884/5. Not found. 1886 In V. 34 : 339. 1887/8 " V. 36:235; 269; 383. 1889 " V. 37 : 327. 1889/90 " V. 38 : 389 ; 427. 1891 " V. 40 : 279. 1892. Not found. 1893 in T. 41 : 363. 1803/4 " V. 42 : 270-271 ; 368 ; 456. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 41-42 : 280 ; 372. 1895 '6 " v. 44 : 189; 375. 1890/7 " V. 45 : 43 ; 294 ; 390 ; 605 ; 621. 1897/8 1K98/9 1900 r.HIO/l 1901/2 1902/3 1903/4 V. 46:42; 501 V. 47 : 375 ; 494 V. 48 : 567 v. 49 : 166 397. V. 50 : 215 ; 305 ; 306 ; 349 ; 454 ; 613. T. 51 : 190 ; 369. V. 52 : 50 ; 510 ; 603. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 699 EDUCATION— cont'd Fayette County — cont'd non-serial 1854. Proc. of an educational conv. held at Maple Grove School House. (Penn. School Jol. v. 3: 177-178.) Forest County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Kept, of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4 (p. 09) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1.S7S 0, ISSO, 1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch In lS7ti/7. John S. liars, co. supt., 18,';3/4-1855/6 ; Cyrus Blood, lSr)6/7-1858/9: Amos Eldrldge, 1859/60: Geo. W. Rose. 1860/1-1865/6; S. F. Kohrer, 1866/7-1874/5; H. S. Brockway, 1875/6-1879/80; J. E. Hlllnrd, 1881/2-1886/7; Geo. W. Kerr, 1887/8-1895/6; E. E. Stitzlnger, 1896/7-1903/4. B 1871-1901. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1871 in V. 19 : 308 ; 341. 1872-1874. Not found. 1875 in V. 23: 377. 1876-1880. Not found. 1881/2 In V. .30 : 172 ; 366 ; 500. 1882/3 " T. 31 : 39 ; 178 ; 33S ; 422 ; 497. 1883/4 " V. 32 : 35 : 77 ; 159 ; 195 ; 304 ; 340 ; 375 ; 411 ; 449. 1884 " V. 33 : 164. 1885. Not found. 1886 in T. 34:76; 169; 297; 339; 495. 1887. Not found. 1888 in V. 36 : 269 ; 307-308 ; 341 ; 383. 1888/9 " T. 37 : 146-147 ; 327 : 363. 1889/90 " T. 38 : 191 ; 226 ; 389. 1891 " v. 39 : 354 ; 441. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 279 ; 552-553. 1892/3 " V. 41 : 42 ; 266 ; 501. 1894 " V. 42 : 368 ; 558. " v. 43 : 280. 1895 " V. 44 : 44. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 200-201 : 390. 1897/8 " T. 46 : 186 ; 366 ; 569. 1899 " T. 48 : 226. 1900 " V. 48: 422. 1901 " V. 49 : 351 ; 397. Foster Township, Luzerne County serial A 1895/6-1898/9. Ann. rept. township supt. of schools. (63 A.R. supt. public instruction 1895/6 (p. 162) — 66 same 1898/9.) Jos. B. Gabrio. supt, B 1895/6-1899. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows ; 1895/6 in V. 44 : 191 ; 516. 1896/7 " V. 45:45; 250. 1898 " v. 46 : 323. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 287 ; 540. 1899 " v. 48 : 47. Franklin, Venango County serial A 1885/6-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (53 A.R. supt. public instruction 1885/6 (pp. 238-240)- 71 same 1903/4.) N. P. Kinsley, supt. B 1886-1893. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1886 In V. 34 : 301. 1886/7 " V. 35 : 254 ; 292. 18.88-1892. Not found. 1893 In V. 41 : 455. EDUCATION— cont'd Franklin County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 18.53/4 (p. 70-71) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1S78/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch In 1S70/7. J. M'Dowell. CO. supt.. 1853/4-1855/6; Hugh J. Pamp- bell, 1856/7 ; Philip M. Shoemaker, 1857/8-1868/9 ; A. McElwaln. 1S63/4-1865/6 ; Saml. Gelwli 1869/70-1871/2; J. S. Smith, 1872/3-1874/5; S. H Eby. 1875/61879/80; H. A. DIsert. 1881/2-1886/7; F. H. Slyder, 1887/8-1892/3; VV. V. Zumbro 1893/4-1901/2; L. F. BencholT, 1902/3-1903/4. B 1854-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In I'enn. School Journal as follows : 1854 In V. 2 : 270-271. 1855. Not found. 1856 In V. 4 : 355. 1857-1860. Not found. 1861 In V. 9 : 240. 1861/2 " V. 10: 168; 230. 1862/3 " V. 11 : 6 ; 197 ; 323 : 354. 1864 " V. 13 : 35. 1865 " V. 14 : 122. 1866 " V. 15 : 25. 1867 " V. 16 : 169. 1868/9 " V. 17:41; 190; 306. 1869/70" v. 18:15; 162; 214-215; 222; 251; 305; 335. 1870/1 " V. 19 : 100 ; 244 ; 308 ; 376. 1872 " V. 21 : 30. 1873 " V. 22: 175; 207. 1874-1880. Not found. 1881/2 In V. 30: 172; 210; 366. 1882/3 " V. 31 : 76 ; 218 ; 301. 1884 " V. 32:269; 411. 1884/5 " V. 33 : 293-294 ; 497. 1886 " V. 34 : 339. 1887 " V. 35 : 291. 1887/8 " V. 36 : 167 ; 235 ; 269-270 ; 308 ; 383-384 ; 426 : 461. 1888/9 in v. 37 : 29 ; 147 ; 183 ; 216 ; 253-254 ; 292 : 363 ; 395. 1889/90'ln v. 38 : 156 ; 226 ; 271 ; 289 ; 427 ; 470. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 184 ; 312 ; 354 ; 441-442 ; 493. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 33 ; 87 ; 191 ; 239 ; 279 ; 328 ; 424 ; 470 ; 553 1892/3 in T. 41:42; 137 ; 221 ; 266 ; 314 ; 410 ; 453-454 : 550. 1893/4 " V. 42 : 92-93 ; 138 ; 184 ; 271 ; 456 ; 505 ; 558. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 194 ; 236 ; 280 ; 326 ; 416 ; 553. 1895/6 " V. 44 : 189 ; 326 ; 469 ; 513. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 201 ; 342 ; 567. 1898 " T. 46 : 319 ; 501. 1899 " V. 47 : 538. 1900 " V. 48 : 356 ; 520. 1900/1 " V. 49 : 304 ; 568. 1902. Not found. 1903 In V. 51 : 320 ; 478 ; 523 ; 570. 1903/4 " T. 52 : 262 : 307 ; 352-353 ; 401 ; 443 ; 555. non-serial 1854. Proc. of Franklin Co. school conv. (Penn. School Jol. V. 3: 236-237,) Fulton County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. (21 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1853/4 (p. 71) — 71 A.R. supt. public in- struction 1903/4.) Omitted 1856/7, 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5 ; hist. sketch in 1876/7. E. Ross. CO. supt., 1853/4-1855/6 ; John S. Robinson. 1857/8; Geo. A. Smith. 1858/9; W. A. Gray, 1859/60-1862/3; John F. Davis, 1863/4-1884/5; John A. Woodcock. 1865/6 ; Hiram Winter, 1866/7- 1871/2; H. H. Woodall, 1872/3-1879/80; Jos. F. Barton, 1881/21886/7; B. W. Peck. 1887/8- 1892/3; Clem Chesnut, 1893/4-1901/2; Chas. E. Barton, 1902/3-1903/4. 700 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Fulton County — cont'd serial — cont'd B 1856-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journni as follows : 1856 In V. 4 : 232 ; 327. 1857-1860. Not found. 1861/2 in V. 10 : 139; 357. 1862/3 " V. 11 : 229 ; 258 ; 291. 1863/4 " V. 12 : 200 : 294. 1865 " V. 13 : 167. 1866-1870. Not found. 1871 In T. 19 ; 244. 1872-1873. Not found. 1874 in v. 22 : 339. 1875 " V. 23 : 280 ; 313. " v. 24 : 216. 1876. Not found. 1877 in V. 25 : 342. 1878-1880. Not found. 1881/2 in V. 30: 172; 366. 1882 " V. 31 : 218. 1883-1885. Not found. 1886 In V. 34 : 374. 1887. Not found. 1887/8 in v. 36: 167; 461. 1888/9 " V. 37 : 292 ; 327 ; 395. 1889 " V. 38 : 191 ; 226. 1890. Not found. 1891 in V. 39 : 312 ; 442. 1891/2 " V. 40: 191 ; 424-425; 508. 1892/3 " V. 41 : 221 ; 501. 1893/4 " V. 42 : 138 ; 184 ; 230 ; 271 ; 322 ; 368 ; 456 ; 558 1894/5 in v. 43 : 42 ; 194 ; 236 : 280 : 326 ; 372. 1895/6 " V. 44:189; 326; 375; 421; 469; 568. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 201 ; 294 ; 342 ; 390 ; 505 ; 567. 1897/8 " V. 46:186; 231; 319; 366; 456; 501. 1898/9 " v. 47 : 192 ; 375 ; 494 ; 538. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 182 ; 314 ; 356. 1900/1 " V. 49 : 46 : 213 ; 304 ; 455. 1901/2 " V. 50:215; 398; 563. 1902/3 " V. 51 : 190 ; 234 ; 320-321 ; 478 ; 570. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 50 ; 216 ; 401 ; 443 ; 510 ; 603. non-serial 1898. Table: apprn. salaries, rata-mills, school tax and casli on hand for several townships in Fulton Co. (66 A.R. supt. public instruction 1898/9: 60.) Germantown, Phila. Co. 1790. Rept. of committee on petition of trustees of public schools at Germantown, for aid. (Assem. jol. Feb., 1790: 184.) 1810. Rept of committee (Engle) on petition of trustees of public school in Germantown for aid; favorable. (House jol. 1809/10: 306-307.) 1837. See below, Individual Institutions. Haddington College, this date. Greene County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 185:5/4 (p. 147-148)— 71 A.R. supt. public Instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1S78/9, 1880/1. 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch In 1876/7. John A. Gordon, co. supt.. 1853/4-1856/7; A. J. M'Glumphy, 1857/8-1858/9; G. W. Baker, 1859/60; John A. Gordon, 1800/1 ; A. B. Miller. 1801/2- 1862/3; T. J. Tenl, 1803/4-1874/5: A. F. Silveus, 1875/6-1877/8; S. K. Hoge, 1879/80; Wm. M. Nlckeson. 1881/2-1883/4 ; J. S. Herrlngton, 1885/6-1886/7; A. J. Waychoff, 1887/8-1889/90; J. W. lams. 1890/1-1892/3; E. D. Stewart, 1893/4-1895/6; J. U llopton, 1896/7-1898/9; Geo. F. Martin, 1899/00-1901/2 ; John C. Stewart, 1902/3-1003/4. EDUCATION— cont'd Greene County — cont'd serial — cont'd B 1862-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1862 in V. 10 : 325. 1863 " V. 11:258; 291; 323. 1863/4 " v. 12 : 130 ; 324-325 ; 355. 1864 " T. 13 : 193. 1865/6 " V. 14:175; 226; 254. 1867-1869. Not found. 1870 in v. IS : 214. " T. 19 : 38. 1871-1875. Not found. 1876/7 in y. 25 : 243 ; 378. 1877/8-1880/1. Not found. 1881/2 In V. 30 : 172 ; 255 ; 500. 1882/3 " V. 31 : 76-77 ; 218 ; 497. 1884 " V. 32 : 375. 1884/5 " V. 33 : 206 ; 294 ; 371. 1885/6 " v. 34 : 169 ; 459. 1886/7 " V. 35 : 77 ; 252. 1887/8 " V. 36 : 79 ; 167 ; 270 ; 384 ; 426 ; 461. 1888/9 " V. 37:147; 183; 254; 432. 1889/90 " V. 38 : 38 ; 226 : 389. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 267 ; 442. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 33 ; 191 ; 239 ; 279 ; 378 ; 470. 1892/3 " V. 41 : 42 ; 90 ; 137 ; 181 ; 266-267 ; 410 ; 550. 1893/4 " v. 42 : 93 ; 271 ; 322 ; 368 ; 456 ; 505. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 236-237 ; 280 ; 416. 1895/6 " V. 44 : 189 ; 279. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 43 ; 342 ; 391. 1898 " T. 46 : 456. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 104 ; 283 ; 375 ; 586. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 138 ; 268 ; 314 ; 422 ; 520 ; 567. 1900/1 " V. 49 : 166 ; 213 ; 351 ; 397 ; 455 ; 519. 1901/2 " V. 50 : 259-260 ; 306; 349; 454-455; 520; 613. 1902/3 " V. 51 : 190 ; 234 ; 321 ; 369 ; 478 ; 523. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 51 ; 216 ; 262 ; 307 ; 353 ; 443-444 ; 510 : 555 ; 603. non-serial 1855. Mtg. of Greene Co. Teachers' Convention. (Penn. School Jol. V. 3: 307-308.) Greensburg, Westmoreland County serial A 1897/8-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (65 A.R. supt. public instruction 1897/8 (p. 200)— 71 same 1903/4.) A. M. Wrant, supt., 1897/8-1901/2; E. J. Shlves, 1902/3-1903/4. B 1898. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1S9S in V. 46: 323. Harrisburg, Dauphin County serial 1868/9-1903/4. A.R. supt. city schools. (36 A.R. supt. common schools 1868/9 (p. 248-249)— 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9. 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5. D. S. Burns, supt, 1868/9-1877/8 ; L. O. Foose, 1879/80- 1903/4. B 1871-1903. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1871 in V. 19 : 308. 1872-1873. Not found. 1874 in V. 22: ■.VM. 1875-1882. Not found. 1883 In V. 31 : 423; 498. 1884. Not found. 1884/5 in V. r.i : 41 ; 208 ; 373 ; 460. 1885/0 " V. 34 : 30 ; 301 : 375. lSSO/7 " T. 35 : 254 ; 424. 1887/8. Not found. 1S8H/9 In V. 37 : 218; 293. 1890 " V. 38 : 428. " V. :«) : 40. 1801. Not found. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 701 EDUCATION— cont'd Hanisburg, DaupMn County- serial — cont'd -cont'd B- -cont'd 1802 in V. 41 •269 270. issia " V. 42 232. 1804 " V. 4;! 239. 1805. Not found. 1800 In V. 44 :516 180(i/7 v. 45 45; 510. 1807 " V. 46 43. 1808. Not foUD (1. 1890/00 In V. 48 227 ; 521. 1900/1 •' V. 49 261 400. 1001 *♦ V. 50 308. 1002. No foun d. 1903 In V. 51 324 ; 371. EDUCATION— cont'd Hazleton, Luzerne County — cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd 1806/7 In V. 45 : 92 ; 250 ; 344-345 ; 510. non-serial 1836-1877. Table: growth of public schools of Harris- burg; no. of schools, no. of teachers, no. of pupils, salaries in 1836, 1841. 1857, 1867, 1877. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 723.) Hazle Township, Luzerne Co. serial 1885/6-1903/4. Ann. rept. township supt. of schools. (53 A.R. supt. public instruction 1885/6 (pp. 243- 245)— 71 same 1903/4.) Joel Willlama. supt.. 1885/6-1886/7; P. F. Fallon. 1887/8-1889/90: Job. H. Jones, 1890/1-1892/3; John J. Mulhnll, 1893/4-189S/9 ; Jos. B. Gnbrio, 1899/00-1903/4. 1885/6-1900. [Educational notes.] In Penn 1885/6 in 1886/7 •• 1887/8 " 385. 1888/9 in 1889/ifO '• 1890/1 " 1891/2 " 1802/3 " 1893/4 " 561. 1894/5 In 555. 1895/0 in 1896/7 " 1.897/8 " 1808/9 " 1899 1900 . School Journal ns follows : T. 34 : 215 ; 301 : 340 ; 375 : 461 : 496. V. 35 : 36 ; 254 ; 255 ; 293 ; 336 ; 380 ; 424 ; 467. T . 36 : 38 ; 203 ; 237-238 ; 238 ; 309 ; 343-344 ; v. 37 : 148 ; 185 ; 218 : 255 ; 293-294 ; 365 ; 396. T. 38 : 39 ; 193 ; 229 ; 272 ; 302. V. 39 : 185 ; 233-234 ; 268 ; 314 ; 446 ; 495. V. 40 : 281 : 330 ; 381 ; 427 ; 510 ; 555. V. 41 : 181 ; 222: 316. T. 42 : 93 ; 186 ; 232 ; 273 ; 325 ; 371 ; 507 ; 560- V. 43 : 43 ; 89 ; 139 ; 283 ; 328 ; 375 ; 419 ; 463 ; V. 44 : 91 ; 191 ; 329 ; 424 ; 516 ; 569. V. 45:45: 250: 297; 510; 625. V. 46:139; 233; 323: 460: 571. V. 47 ;45: 193; 333; 496. V. 48: 227. V. 49: 47. Hazleton, Luzerne County serial 1875/6-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (43 A.R. supt. public instruction 1875/6 (pp. 190-194) — 71 name 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch in 1876/7. A. P. Supplee, 1875/6-1879/80; David A. Harman, 1881/2-1903/4. B 1882-1902/3. [Educational notes.] 1882 in V. 31 : 219. 18S3/4 " V. 32: 36: 196: 270; 411. 1884/5 " V. 33 : 208 : 251 ; 295. 1885 " V. 34 : 36 : 170. 1886 " V. 35 : 77-78 : 170 ; 254. 1887/8 " V. 36 : 202 ; 271 : 427 ; 464. 1888/9 " V. 37: 30: 148; 255; 433. 1890 " V. 38 : 157 ; 228. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 268 : 446. 1891 " V. 40 : 35. 1892/3 " V. 41 : 181; 455. 1894 " V. 42 : 371 : 461. 1895 " V. 43 : 328 ; 507 ; 555. 1895/6 " V. 44 : 191 ; 282 ; 376 ; 424 ; 516 1898 1899 1900 V. 40 : 323. V. 47 ; 287. V. 48 : 227. V. 49: 167; 214. 1901/2 " V. 50:46; 216; 457. 1902/3 " V. 51 : 191-192 ; 371 ; 525. Homestead, Allegheny County serial 1893/4-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (61 A.R. supt. public instruction 1893/4 (pp. 156-157) —71 same 1903/4.) John C. Kendall, supt., 1893/4-1902/3; James M. Norrls, 1903/4. B 1893/4-1902. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1893/4 in v. 42 : 232 ; 273 ; 461. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 89 ; 555. 1895/6 " v. 44 : 91 : 282 ; 516. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 203 ; 297. 1897 " V. 46 : 233. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 45 ; 379 : 540. 1900/1 " V. 49 : 167 ; 459. 1901 " V. 50 : 46. 1902 " V. 51 : 192. Honesdale, Wayne County 1861-1877. Acct. of Honesdale graded school, only one in Wayne Co., having regular course of instruction. (44 A.R. supt. of public Instruction 1876/7: 589.) Huntingdon, Huntingdon County serial A 1890/1-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (58 A.R. supt. public instruction 1890/1 (pp. 141-142) — 71 same 1903/4.) L. S. Shlmmel. supt, 1890/1-1892/3; W. M. Benson, 1893/4-1805/6: Klmber Cleaver, 1896/7-1901/2; E. R. Barclay, 1902/3-1903/4. B 1888-1903. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1888 in V. 37 : 30. 1889-1890. Not found. 1891/2 in V. 40 : 35 : 240 ; 281 ; 330 ; 381 ; 473 ; 510. 1892/3 " V. 41 : 222-223 ; 364-365 ; 455. 1893/4 " V. 42 : 47 ; 325 ; 461 ; 507. 1895 " V. 43: 419. 1895/6 " V. 44:45; 239; 282; 516. 1897 " V. 45 : 345 ; 510 ; 625. 1897/8 " V. 46 : 43 ; 233 ; 323 ; 369 ; 504 ; 571. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 287 ; 333 ; 496. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 227 ; 271 ; 315 ; 358 ; 521. 1900/1 " V. 49 : 261 ; 354 ; 521. 1901/2 " V. 50 : 46 ; 308 ; 351 : 457 ; 564. 1902/3 " V. 51 : 192 ; 235 ; 324-325. 1903 " T. 52 : 310. Huntingdon County See also below. Receipts and Expenditures. serial A 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. (21 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1853/4 (p. 72-73)— 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1859/60. 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5 ; hist. sketch in 1876/7. J. S. Barr. co. supt., 1853/4-1854/5 ; Albert Owen, 1855/6-1858/9 ; R. M'Divitt, 1860/1-1865/6 ; David F. Tussey. 1866/7-1871/2; R. M. M'Neal, 1872/3- 1877/8; W. R. Baker, 1879/80-1883/4; M. G. Brumbaugh. 1885/6-1889/90: S. G. Rudy, 1890/1- 1901/2 ; James G. Dell, 1902/3-1903/4. 703 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Huntingdon County — cont'd serial — cont'd B 1855-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1855 In V. 3 : 164-165. 1856 " V. 4 : 292 ; 356 ; 357. 1856/7 " V. 5 : 5 : 37 ; 313. 1858-1860. Not found. 1861 in T. 9 : 262 ; 291 ; 335. 1862/3 " V. 11 : 37 ; 229 ; 258 ; 323. 1863/4 " T. 12 : 130-131 ; 200 ; 294. 1865 " v. 13 : 247. 1866 " V. 14 : 226. 1867 " T. 15 : 244 ; 267. 1868 " V. 16 : 223 ; 344. " T. 17 : 66 : 165. 1869/70 " V. 18 : 215 ; 221 ; 272. 1871 " V. 19 : 149 ; 308. 1871/2. Not found. 1872/3 In V. 21 : 205 ; 267 ; 340. 1873/4 " V. 22 : 175 ; 207 ; 308. 1875 - T. 23 : 280. 1876-1881. Not found. 1882 In V. 30 : 366. 1882/3 " V. 31 : 39 : 301-302 ; 454. 1883/4 " T. 32:35; 77; 340. 1884/5 " V. 33 : 40 ; 80 ; 164 ; 206 ; 371 ; 497. 1885/6 " V. 34 : 169 ; 214 ; 260 ; 459. 1886/7 « V. 35 : 252 ; 291 ; 334. 1887/8 " V. 36 : 201 ; 270. 1888 " V. 37 : 183. 1889 " T. 38 : 72. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 85 : 184-185 ; 354-355 ; 442 ; 493. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 33 ; 191-192 ; 239 ; 328 ; 378 ; 553. 1892 " T. 41 : 221 ; 267. 1893/4 " V. 42 : 46 ; 93 ; 271 : 558. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 237 ; 326 ; 505 ; 553. 1895/6 " v. 44 : 189 ; 279 ; 326 ; 469. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 201 ; 391 ; 505. 1897/8 " V. 46 : 186 ; 319. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 192-193 ; 331 : 538. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 182 ; 314 ; 520 ; 567. 1900/1 " V. 49 : 213 ; 351 ; 455 ; 568. 1901/2 " V. 50 : 349 ; 563 ; 613. 1903 " V. 51 : 321 ; .H69 ; 478-479 ; 523 ; 570. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 307-308 ; 353 ; 401 ; 444 ; 510 ; 555 ; 603- 604. non-serial 1842-1875. Total attendance of both sexes, average at- tendance, cost per mo. per pupil, for 1842, 1857, 1865, 1875 in Huntingdon Co. (44 A.R. supt. of pub- lic instruction 1876/7: 293.) 1853/4. Table (Huntingdon Co.): schools, teachers, pupils, receipts and expenditures. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 73.) Hyde Park, Luzerne County In 1860 Hyde Park was annexed to the city of Scranton, composing the 4th-6th ; 14th-15th wards of that city, which at that time was located In Luzerne Co. serial A 1870/1-1876/7. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (38 A.R. supt. of common schools 1870/1 (pp. 228-230) —44 same 1876/7.) Hist, sketch In 1876/7. Jer. E. Hawker, supt., 1870/1-1875/6. B 1872. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1872 in V. 21 : 171. Indiana County serial A . 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4 (p. 73-77) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch In 1876/7. Saml. P. Bollman, co. supt., 1853/4-1862/3; Saml. Wolf, 186.3/4-1865/6, 1871/2-1877/8 ; A. J. Bolar, 1866/7- 1868/9; J. T. Gibson, 1869/70-1871/2; S. J. Craighead, 1879/80-1883/4 ; W. A. Cochran, 1885/6- 1889/90; A. M. Hammers, 1890/1-1898/8; J. T. Stewart, 1899/00-1903/4. EDUCATION— cont'd 1855/6-1904. Indiana County — cont'd serial — cont'd B [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows 1855/6 In V. 4 : 44-45 ; 113 ; 269 ; 292 1857 " V. 5: 210-211; 312-313. 1858. Not found. 1859 in V. 8 : 38-39 ; 172. 1860. Not found. 1861 in V. 9 : 240 ; 335. 1861/2 - V. 10: 168; 325. 1863 " v. 11 : 197 ; 258 ; 291. 1863/4 " v. 12 : 103 ; 355-356. 1864 " r. 13 : 167-168. 1865. N(tt found. 1866 in v. 14 : 175 1867/8. Not found. 1868/9 In V. 17 : 66 ; 1870 " V. 18 : 276. 1870/1 " T. 19 : 14 ; 1872-1873. Not found. 1874 in V. 22 : 339. 1875 " V. 23 : 280 ; 313 1876-1884. Not found. 1884/5 in V. 33: 207 ; 328 1885/6 " V. 34 : 76 ; 169 ; 495-496, 1886/7 in v. 35 326. ; 267. 191; 226. 279. 371-372 ; 497. 214 ; 297-298 ; 339 ; 374 ; 459 ; 1887/ 8 •' 18SS '9 " 1889/90 " 1890/1 " 1891/2 " 1892/3 " 1893/4 " 1894/5 " 1895/6 " 1896/7 " 1897/8 " 1899 1899/00" 1900/1 " 1902 1903 1904 34-252 ; 291 ; 334 ; 378 ; 423 ; 466 ; 505. V. 36 : 167 ; 235 ; 270 ; 308 ; 384 ; 461. V. 37 : 29 ; 147 ; 216 ; 292 ; 327 ; 395 ; 432. V. 38 : 38 ; 156 ; 226 ; 389. T. 39 : 39 ; 85 ; 185 ; 231 ; 267 ; 312 ; 355 ; 442. T. 40 : 33 : 191 ; 279-280 : 378 : 470-471 ; 553. V. 41 : 42 ; 137 ; 267 : 363 ; 550. V. 42 : 184 ; 368 ; 505. V. 43 : 237 ; 280 ; 372 ; 505. V. 44 : 279 ; 375 ; 421-422 ; 469-470. V. 45:43; 294; 391 ; 621. V. 46:42; 276; 306; 456-457; 501. V. 47 : 586. T. 48 : 46 ; 182 ; 226 ; 268 ; 422 ; 567. V. 49 : 46 ; 213 ; 215 ; 259. v. 50 : 349 ; 398 ; 520 ; 563. V. 51 : 470, V. 52 : 401. non-serial 1854-1875. Co. superintendency in Indiana Co. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 307-308.) 1874. Veto (Hartrantt) of act to annex farm of heirs of J. H. Cunningham, late of White township, In- diana Co., to borough of West Indiana, for school purposes. (Sen. jol. 1874: 114.) Jeannette, Westmoreland Co. serial 1899/00-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (67 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4 (pp. 511-512) —71 same 1903/4.) John \V. Anthony, supt. 1900. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1900 in V. 48 : 521. " " V. 49 : 261. Jefferson County serial (21 A.R. supt. com- -71 A.R. supt. public 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. mon schools 1853/4 (p. 78-79)- instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch in 1876/7. John C. Wagaman. co. supt., 1853/4-1854/5; Saml. M'Elhose, 1855/6-1863/4 ; S. VV. Smith. 1883/4- 1868/9 ; James A. Lowry. 1869/70-1874/5 ; G. Ament Blose. 1875/6-1879/80; Wm. A. Kelly, 1881/2-1883/4; J. H. IIUKhes, 1885/6-1895/6; n. B. Tcitrick, 1896/7-1903/4. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 703 EDUCATION— cont'd Jefferson County — cont'd serial — cont'd B 1855/6-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In IVnn. School .Inunial as follows: IS.S.i/e In V. 4 : 13 ; 1:30. 1857 " V. 5: 312; 327. 1858-1860. Not found. 1861 In V. 9 : 2!)1. 1861/2 " v. 10: 108; 231. 1862/3 " V. 11:0-7; 137; 220-230; 258. 1863 " V. 12 : 103. 1864-1868. Not found. 1869/70 In v. 18 : 103 ; 162 ; 222 ; 276 ; 305 : 336. 1870/1 ' V. 19 : 14 : 38 : 100 : 182 ; 308 : 341. 1871/2 " V. 20:133; 166; 196; 265: 363. 1872/3 " T. 21 : 30 ; 05 ; 171 ; 306 ; 340. 1873/4 " V. 22 : 30 ; 142 ; 175 ; 207 : 275 : 308 ; 339. 1874/5 " T. 23 : 143 ; 175 ; 211 ; 313 ; 377. 1875/6 " V. 24 : 210; 350. 1876/7-1880/1. Not found. 1881/2 In T. 30:77; 172; 211; 500. 1882/3 " V. 31 : 382 ; 422 ; 454 ; 497. 1883/4 " V. 32:35; 375; 411. 1884/5 " T. 33 : 40 ; 164 ; 250 ; 372. 1885/6 " V. 34 : 260 ; 339. 1886 " V. 35 : 169. 1887. Not found. 1888 In V. 36 : 308 ; 426. 1889/90 " V. 38 : 226 ; 389 ; 427. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 33 : 280 ; 378 ; 425. 1893 " T. 41 : 454. 1894 " T. 42 : 456 ; 558-559. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 237 ; 505. 1895/6 " V. 44 : 279. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 201 ; 204 ; 342 ; 505 ; 621. 1897/8 " V. 46 : 276 ; 366. 1898/9 " T. 47 : 193 ; 283-284 ; 375-376 ; 586. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 226 ; 422 ; 567. 1901 " v. 49 : 397-398 ; 519. 1902 " V. 50 : 398. 1903 " v. 51 : 479. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 308 ; 444. non-serial [1836-1837.1 Table: amt. of state aid reed, by each township in Jefferson Co. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 312.) 1854-1875. Co. superintendency in Jefferson Co. (44 same 1876/7: 314-315.) 1876-1900. Comparative statistics by distrs.: no. of schools, average salaries of teachers, no. of pupils enrolled, cost per mo. of each pupil, amt. of tax levied and state apprns. for 1876 and 1900 in Jef- ferson Co. (67 same 1899/00 v. 1: 186-187.) . Table: school distrs. formed since 1876 in Jeffer- son Co. (67 same 1899/00 v. 1: 187.) Johnstown, Cambria County serial A 1881/2-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (49 A.R. supt. public instruction 1S81/2 (pp. 218-221) —71 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1882/3. 1S84/5. T. B. .Tofiiiston. supt., 1881/2-1895/6; J. M. Berkey, 1896/7-1903/4. 1882-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In I'enn. School Journal as follows : 1882 In V. 30 : 295 ; 301 ; 305-306. 1883. Not found. 1884 In V. 32 : 342 ; 411. 1885. Not found. 1886 In V. 35 : 36. 1887-1891. Not found. 1892 In V. 41 : 180-181. 1893-1894. Not found. 1895 In V. 44 : 282. 1896. Not found. 1897 In V. 45 : 510. 1897/8 " V. 46 : 369 ; 504 ; 571. 1899 " V. 48: 271. 1900/1 " V. 49 : 167-168; 354; 459. 1902 " v. 50 : 351 ; 521. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 310 ; 354-355. EDUCATION— cont'd Juniata County serial 1863/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4 (p. 80) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omlttod 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch In lK7(i/7. David f.auBhlln. co. supt, 1853/4-1854/5; Wm. B. BurchHcld. 1855/6-185U/60 ; J. B. Porter, 1860/1- 1862/3; H. B. Zimmerman, 186.3/4-1865/0; Geo. W. Lloyd, 1866/7-1871/2; David B. Hoblnson, 1872/3- 1874/5; John .M. Gorman, 1875/6-1877/8; WelllnR- ton Smith, 1879/80-1883/4; W. E. Auman. 1885/6- 1880/90; John II. Carney. 1890/11892/3; Denny M. Marshall, 1893/4-1808/9; Oden C. Gortner, 1899/00-1901/2 ; H. C. Kllnger, 1902/3-1903/4. B 1856-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School .Tournnl as follows : 1856 In V. 4 : 292 ; 358. " V. 5 : 180. 1857-1860. Not found. 1861 In V. 9 : 262. 1861/2 " V. 10 : 99 ; 168 ; 357. 1862/3 " V. 11 : 137 ; 166 ; 197 ; 230 ; 258 : 291 ; 323. 1864 " V. 13 : 6. 1865 " V. 14 : 175. 1866. Not found. 1867 In V. 15 : 149 ; 181. 1867/8 " v. 16 : 136 ; 193. 1869 " v. 17 : 247 ; 249. 1869/70" V. 18 : 15 ; 44; 131132; 305; 329; 335. 1870/1 " V. 19 : 100 ; 149 ; 244 ; 341. 1871/2 " V. 20 : 166 ; 363. 1872/3 " V. 21 : 205 ; 267 ; 340 ; 369. 1873/4 " V. 22 : 142 ; 175 ; 207 ; 308. 1874/5 " V. 23 : 175 ; 344 ; 377. 1875/6 " V. 24 : 216 ; 350 ; 425. 1877 " T. 25 : 243 ; 311. 1878-1880. Not found. 1881/2 In V. 30 : 172 ; 255 ; 366. 1882/3 " V. 31 : 39 ; 7T ; 178-179 ; 338 ; 422 ; 497. 1883/4 " V. 32 : 159 ; 195 ; 232 ; 269 ; 304 ; 340 ; 375 ; 450. 1884/5 in V. 33 : 40 ; 164 ; 207 ; 250 ; 294 ; 328 ; 372 ; 459. 1885/6 " V. 34 : 35 ; 169 ; 214 ; 298 ; 339 ; 374 ; 459-460 ; 496. 1886/7 In V. 35 : 34 ; 252 ; 334 ; 378 : 423 : 466. 1887/8 « V. 36 : 30 ; 79 ; 167 ; 261 ; 235 ; 270 ; 308 ; 341 ; 426; 461. 1888/9 In V. 37 : 29 ; 147 ; 254 ; 292 ; 363-364 ; 432. 1889/90" V. 38:38; 156; 191; 226; 389; 470. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 85 ; 185 ; 231 ; 267 ; 312 ; 355 ; 442 ; 493. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 33 ; 87 ; 192 ; 239 ; 280 ; 328 ; 378 ; 425 ; 471; 508; 553. 1892/3 In V. 41 : 42 ; 90 ; 137 ; 179 ; 221 ; 267 ; 314 ; 363 ; 410 * 454 ■ 501 ■ 550-551 1893/4 In V. 42 : 93'; 138 ; 230 ; 271 ; 323 ; 368 ; 45C ; 505 ; 559 1894/5 in V. 43 : 42 ; 237 ; 280 ; 326-327 : 461. 1895/6 " r. 44 : 44 ; 238 ; 279 ; 326 ; 422 ; 513. 1896/7 " T. 45 : 43 ; 91 ; 294 ; 342 ; 505-506 ; 621. 1897/8 " V. 46 : 319-320 ; 457. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 284 ; 331 ; 494. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 356 ; 422 ; 476 ; 520 ; 567. 1900/1 " V. 49 : 46-47 ; 213 ; 259-260 ; 304-305 ; 351 ; 397- 398 ; 455 ; 519 ; 568. 1901/2 In V. 50 : 45 ; 215 ; 260 ; 306 ; 349 ; 398-399 : 455 ; 520; 563. 1902/3 In V. 51 : 190 ; 321 ; 479 ; 523 ; 570. 1903/4 " T. 52 : 216 ; 262 ; 353. non-serial 1902. See below, School Boards, this date. Kutztown, Armstrong Co. See also below. Private. 1860. Kutztown schools; by John H. Fitch. (Penn. School Jol. V. 8: 237-238.) Lackawanna County serial A 1879/80-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (47 A.R. supt. public instruction 1879/80 (p. 95)— 71 same 1903/4.) 1878/9 omitted. H. Evelyn Brooks, supt.. 1879/80-1883/4; N. S. Davli, 1885/6-1892/3; J. C. Taylor, 1893/4-1903/4. 704 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Lackawanna County — cont'd serial — cont'd B 1881-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Fenn. School Journal as follows : 1881 in V. 30: 1T2. 1882/3 " V. 31 : 39 : 179 ; 218 : 497. 1883/4 " V. 32:195; 232; 304; 411 ;-450. 1884/5 " V. 33 : 207 ; 328 ; 372. 1885/6 " V. 34 : 35 ; 298 ; 239 ; 374 ; 460. 1887 " V. 35 : 423. 1888. Not found. 1889 in V. 37 : 327 ; 364 ; 395. 1890 " V. 38 : 271. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 231 ; 442 ; 493-494. 1892 " V. 40 : 425 ; 471 ; 508 ; 553. 1892/3 " V. 41:90: 314-315; 363; 454; 501. 1893/4 " v. 42 : 138 ; 184 ; 230 ; 271 ; 323 ; 456-457 ; 559. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 42 ; 88 ; 237 ; 327 ; 372 ; 416 ; 461 ; 505 ; 553. 1895/6 in v. 44 : 90-91 ; 279-280 ; 327 ; 422 ; 470 ; 513. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 342-343 ; 391 ; 506 ; 567 ; 621-622. 1897/8 " T. 46 : 137-138 ; 231 ; 320 ; 366 ; 457 ; 501 ; 569. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 284 ; 376 ; 494. 1899/00 " v. 48 : 182-183 ; 226 ; 268 ; 356-357 ; 476 ; 520 ; 568. 1900/1 in V. 49:213; 260; 305; 398; 455-456; 519-520. 1901/2 " T. 50 : 45-46 ; 349-350 ; 455 ; 520 ; 613. 1902/3 " v. 51 : 190191 : 369 ; 479 ; 523 ; 570. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 216 ; 308 ; 353 ; 444 ; 510 ; 555-556 ; 604. Lancaster, Lancaster County See also below, L.Tncasterian System. serial A 1880-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (49 A.R. supt. public instruction 1879/80 (pp. 217-219)— 71 same 1903/4.) OmltJted 1882/3, 1884/5, 1896/7. R. K. Buehrle, supt. B 1856-1897. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1856 in V. 5 : 5. 1857-1881. Not found. 1882 in V. 30 : 501. 1883 " V. 31 : 383. 1884 " V. 32 : 376. " V. 33 : 41. 1885-1889. Not found. 1890 m V. 38 : 392. 1896 in T. 45 : 92. 1897 " V. 46 : 187. non-serial 1830. Rept. of select committee (Hamacher) rel. to public schools in city of Lancaster. (House jol. 1829/30 V. 2: 737-738 (doc. 321).) 1852. Ann. stmt, of the Lancaster City schools. (Penn. School Jol. V. 1: 21-23.) 1853. Laacaster common school commencement; acct. of. (Same v. 2: 37-43.) 1854. Regulations of the common schools of the City of Lancaster. (Same v. 3: 114-119.) 1856. Course of study in Lancaster City schools. (Same V. 5: 156-157.) 1874. Lancaster City's loss of state apprn. through failure to elect a city supt. of schools. (Same v. 22: 366.) . What Lancaster needs [in school bldgs., teachers, etc.]; by S. S. Rathvon. (Same v. 22: 361-363.) Lancaster County See also below. Private, serial A 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4 (p. Sl-85) — 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/4, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch in 1876/7. J. P. Wickor.sham, co. supt., 1853/41855/6; John S. Cnimbaugh, 1856 7-1857/8 ; Dnvld Evans. 1K58/9- 1871/2; B. F. Shaub. 1872/3-1881/2; M. J. Brecht, 1883/4-1903/4. EDUCATION— cont'd Lancaster County — cont'd serial — cont'd B 1850-1899/00. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1850 In V. 1 : 6-9. 1852/3 " V. 1 : 22-23 ; 38 ; 66-67 ; 83-84 ; 177-178 ; 238- 239 ; 463-464. 1854 in V. 2 : 303-304 ; 369-370. " V. 3 : 13-14 ; 107-109 ; 137-138 ; 165-166. 1855 " V. 4:12; 116-117; 292; 327; 337; 356. 1856/7 " V. 5; 5; ISO; 313. 1857 " V. 6: 130-137. 1858/9. Not found. 1859/60 in V. 8 : 143-144 ; 203. 1861 " V. 9 : 207 ; 240. 1861/2 " V. 10 : 133-134 ; 231 ; 325 ; 357-358. 1862/3 " V. 11:7; 37; 105; 137-138; 197; 230; 258; 323. 1863/4 in v. 12 : 37-38 ; 103 ; 131 ; 169 ; 200 ; 228 ; 260- 261 ; 325 ; 356. 1864/5 in v. 13 : 35-36 ; 88; 110; 133; 142; 168; 193; 270. 1865/6 In V. 14 : 29 ; 71; 97; 122-123; 201; 226-227; 253; 279. 1867/8 " V. 15:5; 26; 79; 127-129; 181; 212; 267. 1868/9 " V. 16 : 104 ; 136 ; 169-170 ; 223 ; 248-249 ; 344. 1869/70 " V. 17 : 41 ; 66 ; 103 ; 133-134 ; 138 ; 162-163 ; 191 ; 226 ; 247 ; 249 ; 280 ; 301-302 ; 306. 1870/1 In V. 18 ; 8 ; 44 ; 96-97 ; 103 ; 136 ; 158-159 ; 329- 330. 1871/2 in V. 19 : 14 ; 182. 1872/3 " V. 21 : 205 ; 267 ; 306 ; 401. 1873/4 " V. 22 : 142 ; 175 ; 308. 1875-1882. Not found. 1883 in T. 32: 269; 411. 1884/5 " T. 33 : 164 ; 250 ; 294 ; 328 ; 459. 1885/6 " V. 34 : 35 ; 169-170 ; 214-215 ; 298 ; 374 ; 460. 1886/7 " V. 35 : 169 ; 252 ; 334 ; 378-379 ; 423. 1887/8 - V. 36 : 201 ; 235 ; 384. 1888/9 " V. 37 : 147 : 183 ; 364. 1889/90 " V. 38 : 72-73 ; 191 ; 389-390. 1890/1 " v. 39 : 185 ; 231 ; 267 ; 355 ; 442-443. 1892 " V. 40 : 328 ; 378-379. 1892/3 " V. 41:90; 179-180; 410. 1894. Not found. 1895 in V. 43 : 461 ; 505 ; 553-554. 1896 " V. 44 : 513. 1897 " V. 45 : 567-568 ; 622. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 148 ; 193 ; 284 ; 331-332 ; 376 ; 494 ; 538- 539. 1899/00 in v. 48 : 226-227 ; 268-269 ; 314 ; 357 ; 422 ; 476- 477 ; 567-568. non-serial 1834-1S6S. Time of acceptance of present school system by school distrs. of Lancaster Co. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 333-334.) 1836-1876. Table: condition of school system in Lan- caster Co. in 1836, 1S56 and 1876; distrs. (no., no. having uniform text books, no. of graded schools, average no. of mos. taught) ; teachers (no. of males, females, average salaries) ; pupils (no. of males, females, average attendance, cost of pupil per mo.) ; receipts and expenditures. (44 same 1876/7: 334.) 1852. School fund: amt. to which each distr. in Lan- caster is entitled. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 83.) . Stmts, of Columbia borough and East Hemp- field distr. (Same v. 1: 37-38.) 1855. Washington Borough schools; new school house, examination of schools, dedication, etc. (Same V. 4: 50-52.) 1856. Circular of co. supt. of Lancaster Co. to school directors: school architecture, school apprns., normal institute, etc. (Same v. 4: 370.) Lansford, Carbon Co. serial A 1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (71 A.R. supt public instruction 1903/4: 215-217.) A. A. Kllllan, supt. B 1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1904 in v. 52 : 355 ; 447 ; 537 ; 605. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 705 EDUCATION— cont'd Larimer, Westmoreland County 1898/9. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (A.R. supt. public instruction 1898/9: 204.) Otis II. Wurnock. supt. Lawrence County serial A 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 85-87; 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omlttpd 1S7.S/0, 1870/80, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5 ; hist. sketch in 1876/7. Thos. Berrv. oo. supt.. 1853/4-1859/60; Stephen Morri- son. i86»'l-1865/6 ; G. W. M'Cracken, 1866/7- 1S68/9; Wm. N. Aiken, 1869/70-1877/8; D. F. Balph. 1879/80-1883/4 ; J. R. Sherrard, 1885/6- 1889/90: .T. M. Wiitson. 1890/1-1895/6; Thomns M. Stewart, 1896/7-1901/2; R. G. Allen, 1902/3- 1903/4. B 1855-1903/4. [Educational notes.l In Penn. School .Tournjil as follows : 1855 In V. 4 : 14; 135. 1850/7 " V. 5 : 188-189 ; 314. 1858-1859. NoK found. 1860 In V. 8 : 202-203. 1861 " V. 9 : 240. 1862 " V. 10 : 358. 1862/3 " V. 11 : 166 ; 2.30 ; 258 ; 291 ; 297-299 ; 323 ; 354. 1863/4 " V. 12: 131 ; 294. 1865 " v. 14 : 97. 1866-18R7. Not found. 1868/9 In V. 17 : 191 ; 226 ; 302. 1869/70" V. 18:251: 305. 1870/1 " V. 19 : 14 : 100; 244; 279: 308; 341. 1871/2 " V. 20 : 61 : 166 ; --'Og^OO ; 334 ; 363. 1872/3 " V. 21 : .30 ; 65 ; 142 ; 267 : 306 ; 340. 1873/4 " V. 22:142; 175: 308; 339. 1874/5 " T. 23 : 175 ; 211 ; 280 ; 313 ; 344. 1875/6 " V. 24:181; 216; 350. 1876/7 " T. 25 : 243 ; 378. 1877/8-1881/2. Not found. 1882/3 in V. 31 ; 39-40 ; 338 : 454-455. 1884/5 - V. 33 : 40 : 164 ; 207 ; 328 ; 459 ; 497. 1885/6 " V. 34 : 215 ; 298 ; 374 ; 460 ; 496. 1886/7 " V. 35 : 252-253 ; 423. 1887 " V. 36: 167-168. 1888-1889. Not found. 1890/1 In V. 39:312; 355; 443. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 192 ; 239; 379: 471; 553. 1892/3 " V. 41 : 42 ; 90 ; 180 ; 267 ; 315 ; 363-364 ; 410 ; 454 ; 551. 1893/4 In V. 42 : 231 ; 323 ; 368 ; 457. 1895 " V. 43 461. 1895/6 " V. 44 280; 327. 1896/7 " V. 45 294 : 391. 1898 " X. 46 276. 1899 " V. 47 494. 1900 " v. 49 305. 1903 " V. 51 369- 479. 1903/4 " V. 52 308 353 non-serial 1855-1900. Statistical table by decennial periods, ex- cepting 1895/00: growth of school system in Law- rence Co. (A.R. supt. public instruction 1899/00 V. 1: 234.) 1860-1876. Table: no. of schools, average no. of mos. taught, no. male and of female teachers, average salaries, no. of certificates Issued, no. of teachers examined, no. of visits by supts., no. of teachers attending institute, each year in Lawrence Co. (8ame 1876/7: 347.) Lebanon, Lebanon County serial A 1871/2-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (39 A.R. supt. common schools 1871/2: 227-229; 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1875/6-1876/7. 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5, 1898/9 ; hist, sketch in 1876/7. J. T. Nltraner, supt., 1871/2-1874/5, 1877/8-1889/90; John A. Robb. 1875/6; C.vrus Boger, 1891/2- 1897/8 ; R. T. Adams. 1899/00-1903/4. 45 EDUCATION— cont'd Lcbation, Lebanon County — cont'd serial — cont'd B 1890/1-1903. [Educational notes.] In I'enn. School Journal as follows : 1890 1 In V. 39:234; 268; 446; 495. 1891 " V. 40 ; 35. 1892/3 " V. 41 : 223 ; 270 ; 455. 1893 " V. 42 : 232 ; 27:). 1894-1896. Not found. 1807 in V. 45: 510. 1898/9. Not found. 1899/00 In V. 48 : 2:i7 ; 271 ; 315. 1900/1 " V. 49 : 261 ; 459. 1901 " V. 50 ; 210. 1902. Not found. 1903 In v. 51 ; 325 ; 371. Lebanon County serial A 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 87-88; 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1804/5, 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist. sketch in 1876/7. J. H. Kluge, CO. supt., 1853/4-1857/8 ; Franklin Phillips, 1858/9 ; Henry Uouck, 1859/60-1866/7 ; Wm. G. Lehman, 18G7/8-1873/4 ; Cyrus Boger, 1874/5 ; Wm. B. Bodenhorn, 1875/6-1887/8; J. W. Snoke, 1888/9-1903/4. B 1856-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1856 In T. 4 : 230. 1856/7 " V. 5: 211; 314. 1858. Not found. 1859 In T. 7 : 207-208. 1860. Not found. 1861 in V. 9 : 207 : 262. 1861/2 " V. 10 : 99-100 ; 168 ; 231 ; 326. 1862/3 " V. 11 : 16B ; 197 ; 258 ; 323. 1863/4 " V. 12 : 103 ; 169 ; 228. 1864 " V. 13 : 142. 1865 " V. 14 : 97. 1866/7 "V. 15 : 79 ; 181 ; 293. 1868 " v. 16 : 344. 1868/9 " v. 17 : 66 ; 138 ; 247 ; 280 ; 306. 1869/70 " V. 18 : 103 ; 244 ; 251 : 272 ; 305. 1870/1 " T. 19 : 38 ; 93 ; 244 ; 376. 1872 " V. 20 : 265 ; 334. " v. 21 : 205. 1873/4 " V. 22 : 30 ; 339. 1874/5-1883/4. Not found. 1884/5 In V. 33 : 40 ; 372. 1885/6 " V. 34 : 35 ; 374 ; 460 ; 496. 1886/7 " v. 35 : 253 ; 291 ; 379 ; 466. 1888 " v. 36 : 384. 1888/9 " V. 37 : 395 ; 432. 1889/90 " V. 38 : 73 ; 1.56-157 ; 226 ; 390 ; 427 ; 470. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 85 ; 185 ; 231 : 267 ; 312 ; 335 ; 443 ; 494. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 33-34 : 87 : 192 ; 239 ; 280 ; 328 ; 379 ; 425 ; 471 ; 509 ; 553 ; 555. 1892/3 In V. 41:137; 180; 221; 267; 315; 410; 454; 551. 1893 '4 m V. 42 : 46 ; 93 ; 185 ; 231 ; 323 ; 368 ; 457 ; 505 ; 559 1894/5 in v. 43 : 42 ; 88 ; 194 ; 237 ; 280 ; 327 ; 372-373 ; 416-417; 461 ; 505; 554. 1895/6 in V. 44 : 91 ; 190 ; 238 ; 327 ; 422 ; 470 ; 513-514 ; 568. 1896/7 In v. 45 : 43-44 : 91 ; 201 ; 249 ; 294 ; 343 ; 506 ; 568. 1897/8 In V. 46 : 137 ; 231 ; 457 ; 501 ; 569. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 44 ; 104 ; 284 ; 332 ; 376 ; 494 ; 539. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 46 ; 138 : 422-423 ; 520 : 568. 1900/1 " V. 49 ; 213 ; 260 ; 351-352 ; 398 ; 456 ; 520 ; 568. 1901/2 " V. 50 : 215 ; 455. 1902/3 " V. 51 : 369 ; 570. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 217 ; 308 ; 445. non-serial 1854-1875. Co. superintendency in Lebanon Co. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 360.) 1855-1900. Table: growth of schools in quinquennial periods in Lebanon Co. (67 same 1899/00 v. 1: 524.) Schools, teachers, scholars, tax and rate per cent, receipts. 706 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Lebanon County — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1871. Veto (Geary) of act granting to the school directors of the borough of Lebanon, the Potters' field of that place for school purposes. (Legisl. jol. 1871: XXXV.) 1872. Meeting of school directors of Lebanon Co. (Penn. School Jol. v. 21: 137.) Grade in teachers' Balaries, distr., graded and high schools, course of studies, school visitation. Lehigh County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Kept, of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 89; 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch in 1876/7. Chas. W. Cooper, co. supt., 1853/4-1854/.5 ; Tllghman Good, 1855/6-1856/7. 1860/1-1861/2: H. H. Schwartz, 1857/8-1859/60; Jacob Ross. 1862/3; E. J. Young, 1863/4-1871/2 ; .T. O. Knauss, 1872/3- 1892/3 ; Alvin Rupp, 1893/4-1903/4. 1862-1903/4. [Educational notes.] 1870 1871/2 1872/3 1873 1874 1875 1876. 1877 V. 16 : 104. V. 17:66; 134; 165; 221; 249. '"" 215. 150. 340. In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1862 in V. 10: 231. 1863. Not found. 1864 in V. 12:200-201; 356. 1864/5 " V. 13: 6; 110; 247. 1865 " V. 14 : 149. 1866/7 " V. 15:26; 79; 129; 149; 181; 293. 1867 ----- 1868/0 1869/70" v. 18:8; 132; V. 19: 38; 93; V. 20 : 166 ; 300. v. 21 : 205 ; 267 ; •• T. 22 : 207-208. " V. 23 : 143. " V. 24 : 181. Not found. in V. 25 : 342. 1878-1880. Not found. 1881/2 in V. 30: 172-173; 255; 500. 1882/3 - V. 31 : 179 ; 258 ; 382 ; 455. 1883/4 " V. 32:77; 159; 195; 269; 304; 340; 411-412. 1884/5 " V. 33 : 40 ; 164 ; 207 ; 250 ; 294 ; 328 ; 372 ; 459 ; 497. 1885/6 in T. 34 : 170 ; 298 ; 374. 1886/7 " T. 35 : 34 ; 169 ; 253 ; 291-292 ; 505. 1887/8 " V. 36 : 168 ; 201 ; 270 ; 308 ; 341 ; 426. 1888/9 " V. 37 : 29 : 254 : 364 ; 395. 1889/90 " v. 38 : 157 ; 226 ; 390 ; 427. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 267 ; 35.-) ; 443 ; 494. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 280 ; 379 ; 425. 1893 " V. 41 :454. 1893/4 " V. 42 : 93 ; 138-139 ; 185 ; 231 ; 271 ; 368-369 ; 457 ; 505 ; 559. 1894/5 in v. 43 : 88 ; 194 : 237 ; 280 ; 417 ; 461. 1895/6 " T. 44 : 91 ; 238-239 ; 280 ; 470 ; 514. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 44 ; 91 : 249 ; 294 ; 391 ; 622. 1897/8 " V. 46 : 186 ; 276 ; 569. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 193 ; 284. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 139 ; 423 ; 568. 1900/1 " T. 49:166; 260; 305; 352. 1901/2 " V. 50 : 46 ; 260 : 520. 1902/3 " V. 51 : 191 ; 321-322. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 217 ; 353-354 ; 401. non-serial 1834. Amt. paid to the different school distrs. in Lehigh Co. for education of poor. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 368.) 1860. Veto (Packer) of act rel. to common schools of borough of Allentown, Lehigh Co.: making it un- lawful to receive pupils under six years of age. (House Jol. 1860: 682-683.) Lewistown, Mifflin Co. 1862. The schools of Lewistown; by S. P. Bates. (Penn. School Jol. V. 11: 171-173.) EDUCATION— cont'd Lock Haven, Clinton Co. serial A 1871/2-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (39 A.R. supt. common schools 1871/2: 230-231; 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch in 1876/7. A. N. Raub, supt., 1871/2-1874/5; John A. Robb, 1876/7-1903/4. B 1872-1899. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1872 in V. 21 : 205. 1873-1882^. Not found. 1883 in V. 32 : 78. 1884. Not found. 1885 in T. 33 : 499. 1886 " V. 34 : 301. 1887 " V. 35 : 292. 1888 " V. 36 : 271. 1889-1891. Not found. 1892 in V. 41 : 223. 1893-1898. Not found. 1899 in T. 48 : 47. no7>serial 1855. Lock Haven schools; general rept. of directors. (Penn. School Jol. v. 4: 52.) Lower Merion Township, Montgomery County serial A 1891/2-1902/3. Ann. rept. township supt. of schools. (59 A.R. supt. public instruction 1891/2 (p. 163) — 70 same 1902/3.) J. I. Robb, supt. B 1891/2-1900. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1891/2 in V. 40 : 281 : 330. 1893 " V. 41 ; 316; 365; 455. 1894. Not found. 1895 in T. 44 : 282. 1896-1899. Not found. 1900 in v. 48: 521. Luzerne County See also above, Foster Township. serial 1854/5-1903/4. Rept. co. supt. (22 A.R. supt. common schools 1854/5: 246-247; 71 A.R. supt. public in- struction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist sltetch in 1876/7. John L. Richardson, co. supt.. 1854/5-1859/60; Abel Marcy, 1860/1-1865/6; H. Armstrong, 1866/7- 1871/2; W. A. Campbell, 1872/3-1877/8 ; .Tames M. Coughlln, 1879/80-1889/90; Torrence B. Harrison, 1890/1-1808/9; Frank B. Hopper, 1899/00-1903/4. B 1856/7-1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1856/7 in v. 5 : 5 ; 37 ; 278-279 ; 314. 1858 " V. 6 : 200 ; 339. " V. 7 : 92-94. 1860 " V. 8: 199-200. 1861 " V. 9 : 324. 1861/2 " V. 10:100; 134; 168; 231. 1862/3 " V. 11:37; 66; 166; 197; 230; 258. 1863/4 " V. 12 : 4 ; 201 ; 261 ; 325. 1864/5 •• V. 13 : 6 ; 36 : 133 ; 142 ; 247 : 270-271. 1865/6 " V. 14 : 97 ; 123; 149; 279-280. 1866/7 " V. 15:5; 26; 244. 1867/8 " V. 16: 136-137; 170; 344. 1868/9 " V. 17:41; 163; 165; 221. 1869 " V. 18 : 8-9. 1870 " V. 19 : 150. 1871. Not found. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 707 EDUCATION— cont'd 1872 in 187:!/ a - 187;)/4 " 1875 1876-1882. 1883 In 1883/4 " 1885 1886 1886/7 " 1887/8 " 461. 1888/9 in 1889/90 " 1890/1 " 443: 1891/2 In 553. 1892/3 in 1893/4 " 1894/5 " 1895/6 - 1896/7 " 1897/8 " 1898/9 " 1899/00 " 1900/1 " 1901/2 " 1902/3 " 1904 Luzer7ie County — cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd 399. 205 ; 401. 30; 275. 280. found. 302. 195; 304; 340; 411. 372; 459. 2!)9 ; 339 ; 374. i53 : 334 ; 379 ; 505. V. 20: V. 21 : V. 22: V. 23: Not V. 31: V. 32 : V. 33 : V. 34 : V. 35 : V. 30: V. 37 : V. 38: V. 39: 494. V. 40: V. 41 : V. 42: V. 43: V. 44: V. 45: V. 48: V. 47 : V. 48: V. 49 : V. 50: V. 51: V. 52: 30-37; 168; 201-202; 270; 341; 426 ; 147; 254; 327; 395; 432. 73 ; 226 ; 427. 85 ; 185 ; 231-232 ; 267 ; 312-313 ; 355 ; 34 : 192 ; 280 ; 328 ; 379 ; 425 ; 471 ; 509 ; 90; 267; 364; 410-411; 501. 271 ; 323 ; 369 ; 457. 194 ; 280 ; 327 ; 417 ; 461. 239 ; 280 ; 327 ; 375 ; 422 ; 470. 249 ; 294-295 ; 343 ; 508. 231 ; 320 : 366-387 ; 457. 44-45; 494. 183 ; 269 ; 314 ; 357 ; 520 ; 568. 305: 352; 398; 520; 568. 306; 350. 191 ; 322. 444-445. non-serial [18B4]-1872. Co. supts. in Luzerne Co. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 384.) 1860. Luzerne Co.: address on present aspects and claims of popular education. (Penn. School Jol. V. 8: 343-345.) By a committee apptd. at mtg. of co. institute in Dec. ; E. A. Lawrence. L. E. Judd, W. Liimonte, E. W. Matthews, E. Trescott. Lycoming County See also below. Private. serial A 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 90; 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, slsetch In 1876/7. J. W. Barrett, co. supt., 1853/4-1854/5 : E. B. Parlter, 1855/6-1856/7 ; Hugh Castles, 1857/8-1862/3 ; John T. Reed, 1863/4-1871/2 ; T. F. liahan, 1872/3- 1879/80 ; C. S. Rlddell, 1881/2-18S3/4 ; Chas. Lose, 1885/6-1892/3 ; J. Geo. Becht, 1893/4-1902/3 ; G. B. Mllnor, 1903/4. B 1855-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1855 In v. 4: 114-115; 292. 1850-1860. Not found, 1861 in V. 9 : 263. 1861/2 " V. 10 : 168 ; 231. V. 11 : 230; '" 1862/3 1863/4 1865 291 ; 323 ; 354. V. 12 : 169 ; 228 ; 356. V. 13 : 168. V. 14 : 30. 1866/7 " V. 15 : 149-150 ; 244. 1867/8 " V. 16 : 32 ; 137 ; 280. 1868/9 " V. 17 : 66 ; 103 ; 138 ; 165 ; 226 ; 249 ; 280 ; 306. 1869/70 " V. 18 : 15 ; 44 ; 103 ; 162 ; 251 ; 305 ; 335. 1870/1 " V. 19 : 14 ; 38 ; 100 ; 149 ; 182 ; 244 ; 308 ; 341 ; 376. 1871/2 In V. 20 : 61 ; 133 ; 166 ; 196 ; 265 ; 334 ; 363 ; 399. 1872/3 " V. 21 : 65 ; 267. 1873/4-1874/5. Not found. 1875/6 in V. 24 : 181 ; 216 ; 350. 1876/7-1880/1. Not found. 1881/2 In V. 30 : 255 ; 366 ; 409. 1882/3 - V. 31 ; 40 ; 258 ; 382 ; 455. 1883/4 " T. 32 : 35 ; 159 ; 195 ; 450. 1884/5 " V. 33 : 250-251 ; 294. 1886 " V. 34 : 299 ; 374 ; 460. 1886/7 " V. 35 : 35 ; 77 ; 169 ; 334-335. 1887/8 " V. 36: 168; 235. 1888/9 " V. 37 : 29 ; 147 ; 183 ; 216-217 ; 254-255 ; 292 ; 327 ; 364 ; 395. EDDCATION— cont'd Lycoming County — cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd 1889/90 In v. 38 1890/1 1891/2 1892/3 1893/4 1894/5 1895/6 1896/7 1898 1898/9 1900 1900/1 1901/2 1903 1903/4 V. 39 V. 40: V. 41 : V. 42: V. 43 : V. 44 : V. 45 : V. 46 : V. 47: V. 48 : V. 49: V. 50 : V. 51 : V. 52: .39: 39; 34 ; 221 139 42 ; 190 91; 457- 104 423 166 215 322 217 157; 185; 192: : 207 ; 185 237: ; 239 249; 458; ; 284 ; 520. 167; 216; ; 479 ; 308 226; 271 ; 390; 427; 470. 232; 207; 313; 44.3-444; 494. 239; .328: 379; 425; 471; 553. ; 315; 454 ; 551. ; 231 ; 323 ; 457 ; 505 ; .559. 280-281 ; 417; 461-462; 554. ; 375 ; 470 ; 514 ; 568. 343; 391. 501-502 ; 569. ; 376-377 ; 539. 305 ; 4.'")8. 306 ; 520. ; 570. ; 401; 445; 510; 004. 230 ; 258 ; 323. 7ion-scrial 1809. Rept. of committee (Satterlee) to whom was re- ferred petition from Lycoming Co. for a lottery to aid Athens Academy at Tioga Point. (House iol 1808/9: 285.) M'Kean County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 91-93; 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, slcetch in 1876/7. F. A. Alien, co. supt., 1853/4-1856/7; L. R. Wlsner 1857/8-1859/60; Warren Cowles, 1860/1-1862/3- C. CornfortUi, 1863/4, 1865/6-1866/7 ; Wallace W Brown, 1864/5 ; W. J. Mllilien, 1867/8-1871/2 ; W. H. Curtis, 1872/3-1879/80; M. O. Campbell 1881/2-1886/7; W. P. Eckels, 1887/8-1895/6 ; J. E Myers, 1896/7-1903/4. / , . . B 1855/6-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1S55/6 in v. 4:117-118; 292. 1857-1860. Not found. 1861 In V. 9 : 335. 1862 " V. 10: 139. 1862/3 " V. 11 : 166-167 1864-1868. Not found. 1869 in V. 17 : 249 ; 280. " V. 18: 15. 1870/1 " v. 19 : 38 ; 308. 1871 " V. 20 : 196. 1872. Not found. 1873 in V. 22: 175; 208. 1874/5 •' T. 23 : 175 ; 344. 1875/6-1880/1. Not found. 1881/2 in V. 30 : 173 ; 255 ; 366 ; 500. 1883 " V. 31 : 302 ; 338 ; 382 ; 455. 1883/4 " V. 32:35; 77; 195; 232; 289; 340; 375; 450. 1884/5 " V. 33 : 40 ; 164 ; 207 ; 251 ; 294 ; 328 ; 372 ; 497- 498. 1885/6 in V. 34 : 215 ; 299 ; 460 ; 496. 1886/7 " V. 35 : 36 ; 77 ; 169 ; 253 ; 292 ; 379. 1887/8 " V. 36 : 168 ; 202 ; 235 ; 270 ; 308 ; 341 ; 384 ; 461-462. 1888/9 In V. 37 : 147 ; 183 ; 217 ; 364 ; 395. 18S9/90 " T. 38 : 191 ; 226 ; 470. 1891 " V. 39 : 267. 1891/2 " v. 40: 34; 471. 1892/3 " V. 41 : 221 ; 267. 1894-1895. Not found. 1896 in V. 44 : 470. 1897 " V. 45 : 391-392 ; 506. 1898 " T. 46 : 458. 1898/9 " v. 47 : 284-285 ; 377 ; 494. 1893/00 " T. 48 : 183 ; 269 ; 423. 1900/1 " V. 49 : 305 ; 456. 1901 " V. 50 : 260. 1902. Not found. 1903 In V. 51 : 322 ; 480. 1903/4 " V. 52:308; 445; 510-511. non-serial [18541-1877. Co. superintendency In McKean Co. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 401.) 708 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd McKeespoi't, Allegheny Co. serial 1881/2-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (49 A.R. supt. public instruction 1881/2 (pp. 231-232) — 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1882/3-1884/5, 1901/2. T. F. Newlin, supt., 1881/2; Chas. W. Deane, 1885/6- 1887/8 ; P. A. Shanor, 1888/9-1892/3 ; H. F. Brooks, 1893/4-1900/1 ; J. Burdette Rlehey. 1902/3-1903/4. B 1883-1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1883 In V. 31 : 303. " V. 32 : 196. 1884/5 " V. 33 : 208 ; 373-374. 1886 " V. 34 : 170-171. 1886/7 " T. 35 : 254 ; 467. lJiS7/.^. Not found. 18SS 9 In V. 37 : 218; 396. ItsSO/ilO-' V. 38:39: 192; 392. ISPl " v. 30 : 446-447. 1H92 " V. 40: 427; 555. 1S93. Not found. 1894 in V. 42 : 461 ; 561. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 89 ; 239 ; 375 ; 507. 1895 " V. 44 : 283. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 250-251 ; 297 ; 510. 1897 " V. 46 : 277. 1898. Not found. 1899 in V. 48: 227. 190(1-1901. Not found. 1902 in V. 50 : 564. 1903. Not found. 1904 In V. 52 : 355. Mahanoy City, Schuylkill County serial 1881/2-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (49 A.R. supt. public instruction 1881/2 (pp. 229-230)— 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1882/3, 1884/5, 1895/6. Wm. L. Balentine, supt., 1881/2-1888/9 ; Frank Seward Miller, 1889/90-1894/5; W. N. Ehrhart, 1896/7- 1903/4. B 1869-1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 18:44. Not found. 1869 in 1870-1880. 1881/2 in 1882/3 1883/4 1884/5 1885/6 1886/7 1887/8 1889 1890 1891. Not found. 1892 In V. 40: 554 . 30 V. 31: V. 32: V. 33: V. 34: V. 35: V. 36 : V. 38: V. 39 11 219 196 41 ; 36; 78; 37; 39. 268. 295; 409. ; 303 ; 498. ; 270; 342. 166; 499. 261 ; 301 ; 496. 292-293; 380. 169; 202; 271. 1892/3 1893/4 " 1894/5 " 1896-1898. 1899 in 1900/1 " 1901 41:43; 91; 223; 316. V. 42 : 47 ; 186 ; 232-233 ; 371. T. 43 : 239 : 329. Not found. V. 47 : 490. V. 49 : 214 ; 307 ; 354 ; 521. V. 50 : 262. 1902. Not found. 1903 In V. 51 : 325. 1904 " v. 52 : 355. non-serial 1873. Acct. of school affairs of Mahanoy. (Penn. School Jol. V. 22: 136-137.) Mahanoy Township, Schuylkill Co. serial A 1891/2-1903/4. Ann. rept. supt. of township schools. (59 A.R. supt. public instruction 1891/2 (pp. 164- 165)— 71 same 1903/4.) Frank J. Noonan, supt., 1801/2-1901/2 ; Donl. F. Gulnan 1902/3-1903/4. EDUCATION— cont'd Mahanoy Township, Schuylkill Co. — cont'd serial — cont'd B 1892/3-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1892/3 in V. 41:180; 223; 270; 365; 455; 501. 1893 " V. 42 : 93 ; 232-233 ; 273. 1894/5 " V. 43:89; 239; 328-329. 1895/6 " V. 44 : 282 ; 516. 1897 " V. 46 : 277. 1898-1899. Not found. 1900 In V. 48 : 521. 1901 " V. 50:262. 1902. Not found. 1903 In V. 51 : 525. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 51 ; 310 ; 355 ; 447 ; 512 ; 605. Meadville City, Crawford County serial A 1866/7-1903/4. Ann. rept. of city supt. of schools. (A.R. supt. common schools 1866/7: 279-280; 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 187S/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch in 1876/7. G. W. Haskins, supt.. 1866/7-1867/8 ; W. C. J. Hall, 1868/9-1873/4; Snml. P. Bates, 1874/5-1879/.S0 ; Henry R. Roth, 1881/2-1885/6; H. V. Hotchklss, 1886/7-1899/00; U. G. Smith. 1900/1-1903/4. 1871-1903. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1871 in V. 19 : 308. 1872-1881. Not found. 1882 in V. 30 : 501. 1882/3 " V. 31 : 219 ; 339. 1883/4 " v. 32 : 78 ; 196-197 ; 233 ; 270 1884/5 " V. 33 : 81 ; 208 ; 330. 1885 " T. 34:171. 1886 " V. 35 : 254-255. 1887/8 " V. 36 : 202 ; 236-237. 1889 " V. 37 : 396. 1890 " V. 38 : 228. 1891 " V. 39 : 40. 1892 " V. 40 : 510. 1893. Not found. 1894 in V. 42 : 461. 1895. Not found. 1896 in V. 44 : 424. 1897-1899. Not found. 1900/1 in V. 49 : 261 ; 354. 1901/2 " V. 50:262; 457. 1903 " V. 52 : 218. 411. non-serial 1837-1877. Comparative view of free school Instruction in Meadville: no. of schools, no. of mos. schools open, no. of male teachers, salaries of males per mo., salaries of females per mo., whole no. of pupils, amt. of direct tax, amt. reed, from state apprn. in 1837, 1855, 1865, 1875, 1877. (44 A.R. supt. of public Instruction 1876/7: 747.) 1876. See below. Normal Schools, Twelfth District. Mercer County serial A 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 93-95; 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1869/70. 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist. sketch in 1876/7. James C. Brown, co. supt., 1853/4-1854/5 ; G. Lcander Eberhart, 1855/6-1856/7; O. W. Gllflllan, 1857/8; John A. M-Candless, 1858/9-1860/1 ; Jacob Miller, 1861/2-1867/8; N. W. Porter, 1808/9-1874/B ; J. M. Dight. 1875/6-1877/8: Andrew J. Palm, 1879/80-1883/4; S. H. McCleory, 1885/6-1889/90: M. E. Hass. 1890/1-1892/3; I.. R. Eckles, 1893/4- 1898/9 ; J. S. Fruit, 1899/00-1903/4. B 1855-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1855 in V. 4 : 41-42 ; 167 ; 292. 1856-1860. Not found. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA ?09 EDUCATION— cont'd 280. Mercer County — cont'd serial — cont'd B-^cont'd 1861 In T. n : 207. " V. 10:2;il. 1862/3 " V. H : (Hi ; 105 ; 167 ; 323. 1863 " V. 12: 131. 1864. Not fonml. 18C5/6 In V. 14 : 30 ; 123 ; 227 ; 1866 " V. 15: 120. 1.K67 S. Not founii. ISIl.S, In V. 17 : 101 ; 226. 1870 •• V. 18 : 305. 1H71 " V. 11) : 308-309 ; 370. 1871 2 " V. 20: 106; 334. 1873 " V. 21 : 306. 1874. Not foiinil. 1875 in V. 24 : 181. 1876-1882. Not found. 1883 in V. 32 : 159. 1884/5 •' V. 33:164-165; 207; 1885/6 " V. 34:35; 76; 170; 215; 18S0 7 " V. 35 : 169; 253. 251 328-329. 299 ; 374 ; 460. 1887, 8 V. 36 : 79 ; 202 235-236 ; 270 ; 308 ; 341 ; 462. 1888 '9 " V. 37:29; 217: 432. 1889/90 " V. 38 : 73 ; 157 ; 226 ; 390 ; 470. V. 30 : 39 ; 85 ; 185 ; 232 ; 267 ; 355-356 ; 444 ; 192 ; 239 ; 280 ; 328 ; 379 ; 425 ; 180; 221-222; 267; 315; 454. 27 ; 269 ; 314 ; 423 ; 477 ; 520 ; 1890/1 494. 1891/2 in v. 40 : 34 ; 509; 553. 1892/3 in V. 41 : 42 ; 1893 " V. 42 : 271 1894 " V. 43 : 281 1895-1898. Not found. 1899/00 in T. 48 : 183 ; 568. 1900/1 in V. 49:213; 260; 305-306; 352; 456. 10(11/2 " V. 50:260; 300; 350; 455; 520; 563. 1902/3 " V. 51 : 322 ; 369 ; 523. 1903/4 " v. 52 : 217 ; 262 ; 354 ; 445. non-serial 1854-1875. Co. superintendency in Mercer Co. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 410.) 1877. An educational convention; the school men of Mercer, Butler and Venango in council. (Penn. School Jol. V. 26: 143-144.) Middletown, Dauphin County serial A 1895/6-1903/4. Ann. rept city supt. of schools. (63 A.R. supt. public instruction 1895/6 (pp. 178-lSl) 71 same 1903/4.) H. H. Weber, supt, 1895/6-1898/9; II. J. WiclieT. 1899/00-1903/4. B 1895/6-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1895/6 in v. 44 : 91 ; 191 ; 282-283 ; 329 ; 516-517. 1897 " v. 45 : 345 ; 393 ; 625. " V. 46 : 139 ; 233. 1898. Not found. 1899 in V. 47 : 379. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 183 ; 271 ; 521. 1900/1 " V. 49 : 47 ; 168 ; 214 ; 307 ; 459. 1901/2 " V. 50 : 262 ; 308 ; 564. 1902/3. Not found. 1903/4 in V. 52 : 263 ; 537. Mifflin County serial 1853/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 96; 71 A.R. supt. public in- struction 1903/4.) Omitted 1863/4, 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist. sljetx;h in 1876/7. R. C. Ross, CO. supt., 1853/4-1855/6; A. M. Woods, 1856/7 ; Abram D. Hawn, 1857/8 ; A. J. Warner. 1858/9 ; Azariah Smith, 1860/1-1862/3 ; Martin Mohler, 1864/5-1868/9 ; J. M. Bell, 1869/70- 1874/5 ; W. C. Gardner, 1875/6-1877/8 ; W. C. McClenahen, 1879/80-1883/4 ; W. L. Owens, 1885/6-1889/90; J. A. Myers, 1890/1-1892/3; G. T. Cooper. 1893/4-1898/9; S. L. Hanawalt, 1899/001903/4. EDUCATION- -cont'd Mifflin County — cont'd serial — cont'd B 1855-1903. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School .Tonrnal as follows : 1855 In V. 4 : 111-112 ; 292 ; 320 ; 355 ; 1856 " V. 5:6; 211. 1857-1858. Not found. 1859 in v. 8: 100-101. 1860. Not found. 358. in V. V. 11 V. 12 V. 13 V. 14 V. 15 1861 1861/2 1862/3 1863/4 1864/5 ' 1865/6 ' 1866/7 ' 1868 1868/9 1869/70. 1870/1 in V. 19 1872 " V. 20 1872/3 " V. 21 1873/4-1880/1. 1881/2 in V. 30 1882/3 " V. 31 1883/4 '• y. 32 1884/5 " V. 33 498 1885/6 in V. 34 1886/7 " V. 35 9 : 291. 10: 100; 134; 66 ; 105 : 326 ; 358. !30 ; 291 ; 323 ; 354. 103 ; 228-229 ; 261. 110; 168; 247-248. 71; 175; 201; 253-254; 280. 129-1.30; 150; 212; 293. V. 16: 103-194. V. 17:66; 191; 226. Not found. 14 ; 309; 341. 265. 31 ; 267 ; 401. Not found. 77; 173; 211 ; 366; 500. 40; 179; 302; 338; 382; 422; 455. 35 ; 77 ; 195 ; 269 ; 304 ; 340 ; 411 ; 450. 40 ; 80 ; 165 ; 207 ; 251 ; 329 ; 372 ; 459 ; 505. 23 271-272; 373; 417; 462 ; 375 ; 422-423 343 ; 392 ; 506 586. 35; 170; 299; 339; 375; 460. 169 ; 253 ; 292 ; 335 ; 379 ; 423-424 1887/8. Not found. 1888/9 in v. 37 : 183 ; 217 ; 327. 1889/90" V. 38: 157 ; 271. 1890/1-1.892/3. Not found. 1893/4 in V. 42 : 93 ; 139 ; 185-186 ; 231 ; 369 : 458 ; 505 ; 559. 1894, 5 la V. 43 : 42 ; 194 ; 237 ; 281 ; 327 ; 505 ■ 554 1895/6 in v. 44 : 44 ; 190 ; 239 ; 280 ; 327 471 ; 514; 568. 1896/7 in v. 45 : 44 ; 91 ; 201 ; 249 ; 295 ; 568 ; 622. 1897/8 in V. 46:42; 138; 231-232; 276; 320-321; 36 502 ; 569. 1898/9 in V. 47 : 45 ; 148 ; 193 ; 285 ; 332 ; 377 ; 539 1899/00 " v. 48 : 46 ; 423 ; 477 ; 568. 1900/1 " V. 49 : 167 ; 352 ; 456. 1902 " V. 50 : 350 ; 455 : 613. 1903 " V. 51: 480; 570-571. non-serial 1855. Acct. of mtg. of Mifflin Co. school directors and teachers. (Penn. School Jol. v. 4: 108-109.) . Mifflin Co. circular to school directors and teach- ers. {Same v. 4: 111-112.) . Mifflin Co. school directors' convention. (Same V. 4: 24.) 1856. Acct. of mtg. of Mifflin Co. Teachers' Conv. (Same v. 4: 270-271.) Mifflin Towtiship, Allegheny County serial 1887/8-1900/1. Ann. rept. township supt. of schools. (55 A.R. supt. public instruction 1887/8 (pp. 155- 156)— 71 same 1900/1.) Omitted 1888/9, 1890/1-1895/6. John Collier, supt., 1888-1890 ; J. M. Reed, 1896/7- 1900/1. B 1888/9-1899. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1888/9 in v. 37: 185 ; 434. 1890 " V. 38 : 428. 1891-1898. Not found. 1899 In v. 47 : 333. Millersville, Lancaster County 1859. Model School at Millersville; description of. (26 A.R. supt. of common schools 1858/9: 12-13.) 710 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Milton, Northtimierland County serial 1891/2-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (59 A.R. supt. public instruction 1891/2 (pp. 173-174) — 71 same 1903/4.) i'"o"Goho%'*upt., 1891/2-1893/4; L. A. Beard8ley, iS94/5 1897/8 ; A. Relat Rutt, 1899/00-1903/4. B 1892-1904. [Educational notes.] In Pffnn. School Journal as follows : 1892 in V. 41 : 270. 1893/4 " V. 42 : 93 ; 233 : 325. 1894/5 " T. 43 : 43 ; 329. 1896 " V. 44 : 424. 1897-1898. Not found. 1899/00 in V. 48 : 358 ; 569. 1901 " v. 49 : 354. 1902 " V. 51 : 235. 1903. Not found. 1904 in V. 52 : 355. noTirserial 1S81. Veto (Hoyt) of act appropriating $10,000 to the Milton School distr. for the re-erection and pay- ment of public bldgs. destroyed by fire [May 14, 1880]; with text of act. (Bills filed in the office of the secy, of the Commonwealth by the Gov. 1879/81: 44-46.) For account of fire and re-building, see 47 A.R. supt. public instruction 1879/80 ; 139. Monroe County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4 (pp. 97-98)— «ame 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch In 1876/7. Chas. S. Detrick, co. supt., 1853/4-1861/2; John B. Storm, 1862/3-1863/4 ; Martin Mohler, 1864/5- 1866/7; ,T. B. Storm, 1867/8-1868/9; Jeremiah Fnittchey. 1869/70-1874/5; B. F. Morey. 1875/6- 1876/7 ; A. A. Dlnsmore, 1879/80-1886/7 ; J. W. Paul. 1887/8-1892/3; T. H. Sertass, 1893/4- 1898/9; H. L. Walter, 1899/00-1903/4. B 1861-1904. [Educational notes.] In renn. School Journal as follows : 1861 in V. 9 : 263. 1861/2 " V. 10: 168; 326; 358. 1862/3 " V. 11:105; 197; 230; 258; 261; 291; 323. 1863/4-1865/6. Not found. 1866/7 in v. 15 : 27 ; 79; 130; 181. 1867/8 " V. 16 : 104 ; 194 1869 " T. 17 : 247 ; 249. 1870 « V. 18 : 251. 1871 " V. 20 : 133. 1872/3 " T. 21 : 65 ; 205. 1874 " V. 22 : 275 ; 308 1875 " V. 23 : 344. » V. 24 : 181. 1876-1882. Not found. 1883 In V. 31 : 338. 1884 " V. 32 : 340-341. 1885. Not found. 1886 in v. 34 : 375. " V. 35 : 79-80. 1887/8 " V. 36 : 168 : 230 ; 270 ; 308; 341; 426. 1888/9 " V. 37 : 29 ; 255 ; 292 ; 395. 1889/90 " V. .38 : 73 ; 271 ; 390. 1890/1 " V. 39 : .39 ; 232 ; 313 3.56; 444. 1891/2 " V. 40:34; 192 ; 280 ; 379-380 ; 553-554. 1802/3 " V. 41 : 42 ; 137 ; 180; 315; 304; 411. 1893/4 " V. 42:46; 186 231 , 272; 369; 458: 559-560 1894/5 " V. 43:42; 88; 194; 237-238 ; 281 ; 327 ; 417 462 ; 505. EDUCATION — cont'd Monroe Counttj — cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd 1895/6 In V. 44:190; 280; 327; 423 ; 514. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 44 ; 91 : 295 ; 343 ; 506. 1897/8 " V. 46 : 232 ; 367 ; 458 ; 502. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 45 ; 285 ; 377 ; 494. 1899/00 " V. 48 ; 46 ; 183 : 269 ; 314 ; 357 ; 568. 1901 " V. 49 : 260 ; 352 ; 398 ; 520 ; 568. 1901/2 " V. 50 : 260 ; 350 ; 399. 1903 " V. 51 : 322. 1904 " V. 52 : 354 ; 445. non-serial 1853/4. Township table (Monroe Co.) : no. of schools, session, teachers and salaries, German students, cost of tax, state apprn., expenditures. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 98.) [1854]-1875. Co. superintendency in Monroe Co. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 419-420.) 1855 Acct. of Monroe Co. Teachers' Conv. (Penn. School Jol. V. 3: 230-231.) 1859. See below, Pike County, this date. Montgomery County serial A 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 99-103; 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch E. L.° A^ke^n^co. supt., 1853/4-1859/60 ;RobtCrulk- shank, 1860/1-1862/3; A. Rambo, 1863/4-1877/8, R F ko£Eecker, 1879/80-1902/3 ; J. Horace Landls, 1903/4. B 1855-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1855 in V. 4 : 166 ; 358. 1856. Not found. 1857 in V. 5 : 211 ; 313. 1858-1861. Not found. iiei/S '° v.l?:37;66; 230; 258-259; 291; 323. 1863/4. Not found. 1864/5 in v. 13 : 36 ; 133 ; 248. IK "^:5t;?^; It; 244; 267-268. 1867/8 " V. 16 : 104 ; 194 ; 223 ; 344. 1868/9 " V. 17 : 66 ; 191 ; 226. 1869/70. Not found. 1871 in V. 19: 341. 1872-1880. Not found. „ „ 1881/2 in V. 30 : 173 ; 255 ; 366 ; 409 ; 500. 1882/3 " T. 31:40; 455; 497. 1883/4 " V. 32 : 232 ; 341 ; 375 ; 411 ; 450. 1884/5 " V 33 : 165 251 ; 372 ; 459 ; 498. 1885/6 " V. 34 : 260 : 339 ; 375 ; 460 ; 496. 1886/7 " V 35 : 30 ; 253 ; '335 ; 379 ; 424. 1888 " V. 36 : 270 ; 341 ; 384. 1889 " V. 37 : 255 ; 328 ; 364 ; 396. 1889/90 " T. 38 : 227 ; 390 ; 427 ; 470. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 267-268 ; 444. _^ ,_^ 1891/^ " V 40 : 34 : 280 ; 328 ; 425 ; 471-472. 1892/3 " V. 41:267; 411; 454; 551. 1893 " V. 42 : 272. i894/5 " V. 43 : 194 ; 237 ; 417. 1896 " V. 44 : 327 ; 423. 1897-1898. Not found. 1899 in V. 47 : 494-495. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 314-315 ; 477. 1900/1 " T. 49:306; 4.56; 520. 1001/2 " V 50:260; 563. lto¥ " V 51 322 309 ; 480 ; 523 ; 571. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 50 ; 308 ; 445 ; 511 ; 536. non-serial 1850. See above, Bucl7ie 1872/3.) 1873. Western Penn.; by M. B. Sloan. (Penn. School Jol. V. 22: 222-223.) Establishment of a mechanics and news-boys school in Pittsburgh ; enrolment of pupils in Pittsburgh schools in Nov., teachers and sjilaries ; Washington school; Pittsburgh discipline; Forest Co. Institute; do. Cameron Co. . Pittsburgh: progress in education; high school, normal school, mute school, teachers' institutes. (Same v. 21: 364-366.) . Review of 5th ann. rept. of supt. of public schools of Pittsburgh. (Same v. 22: 334-335.) . Western Penn.; by M. B. Sloan. {Same v. 22: 139-140.) Pittsburgh and Allegheny City Items ; principally about teachers in the several schools. 1874. Three days in the Iron City. (Same v. 23: 26-27.) Inspection of Pittsburgh and Allegheny schools. 1878. Pittsburgh schools; address of supt. Luckey. (Same v. 27: 29-30.) 1890-1897. Table: length of time during which pupils attended public schools. (65 A.R. supt. public in- struction 1897/8: viii.) Pittston, Luzerne County serial A 1884. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (51 A.R. supt. public instruction 1883/4: 234-236.) Thad. SI. Conniff, supt. B 1884. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1884 in V. 32 : 306 ; 450. " V. 33 : 166. Plainfield, Cumberland Co. 1853. Acct. of Plainfield schools, Cumberland Co. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 419-420.) Plymouth Township, Luzerne County serial 1886/7-1891/2. Ann. rept. supt. of schools. (54 A.R. supt. public instruction 1886/7 pt. 2 (pp. 151-152) — 59 same 1891/2.) David B. Glldea, 1886/7-1891/2. B 1887-1892. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School .Tournai as follows : 1887 in V. 35 : 255 ; 336 ; 380 ; 424 ; 467. 1887/8 " V. 30 : 38 ; 238 ; 271-272 ; 309 ; 344 ; 427 ; 464. 1888/9 " V. 37 : 148-149 ; 185 ; 294 ; 365 ; 396 ; 434. 1889/90" V. 38:193; 229; 428; 471. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 269 ; 495. 1891/2 " V. 40:36; 193; 240; 281-282; 330; 381; 427; 510. 1892 " V. 41 : 43 ; 91 ; 137 ; 181 ; 270. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 717 EDUCATION— cont'd Potter County serial 1S53/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 114-116; 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Onilttcii 1,S78 9, 18S0/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch In 1876/7. M. R. Gaee. co. supt., 1853/4; J. B. Pradt, 1834 5- 1855/6: J. Henrtrlck, 1856/7-1859/60; Seth Lewis, 1860/1-1S62/3 : R. T. Clnflin, 1863/4-1865/6 : J. W. Allen, 1866/7-1877/8; A. F. Hollenbeck, 1879/80; Anna BuckBee, 1881/2-188G/7 ; H. H. Kles, 1887/8- 1892/3; Anna Bodler, 1893/4-1898/9; Otis A. Kilbourn, 1899/00-1903/4. 1856-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1856 In V. 4 : 266-267. 1857-1859. Not found. 1860/1 in V. 9 : 207 ; 240 : 324. 1861/2 •• v. 10:168; 326; 358. 1862/3 " V. 11 : 7 ; 38 ; 105 ; 198 ; 259 ; 291 ; 323. 1864 " T. 12 : 325. 1865. Not found. 1866 in V. 14 : 149. 1867-1868. Not found. 1869 in V. 17 : 226. 1870/1 in V. 19; 279; 342. 1871/2-1880/1. Not found. 1881/2 in v. 30 : 77 ; 211 ; 409 ; 501. 1882/3 " V. 31 : 179 ; 338-339 ; 383. 1883/4 " V. 32 : 159 ; 232 ; 269 ; 341 ; 375 ; 450. 1885 " V. 33 : 294. " V. 34 : 36; 170. 1886/7 " V. 35 : 77 ; 335 ; 424. 1888 " v. 36 : 270 ; 308 ; 342 : 384 ; 462. 1888/9 " V. 37 : 29 ; 147-148 ; 217 ; 328 ; 364 ; 432-433. 1889/90 " V. 38 : 227 ; 427-428. 1890/1 " T. 39 ; 85 ; 232 ; 356 ; 494. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 34-35 ; 87 ; 280 ; 329 ; 380 ; 426 ; 472 ; 554. 1892/3 " V. 41 : 91 ; 268 ; 364 ; 411 ; 454 ; 551. 1894 " V. 42 : 459 ; 506. " V. 43 : 282. 1895. Not found. 1896 in V. 45 : 295. 1897 - T. 46 : 186-187. 1898. Not found. 1899 in V. 47 : 332 ; 495. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 139 ; 183 ; 269 ; 358 ; 423. 1900/1 " V. 49 : 187 ; 306 ; 352 ; 399 ; 456 ; 520. 1901/2 " T. 50: 307; 520. 1902/3 " V. 51 : 322 ; 571. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 51 ; 402 ; 511. non-serial 1835-1877. Pecuniary agencies for schools of Potter Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 480.) 1854-1877. Co. superintendency in Potter Co. (44 same 1876/7: 478.) 1855. Proc. of Potter Co. Teachers' Convention. (Penn. School Jol. V. 3: 303-305.) 1862/76. Stmt, showing increase in 1876 over 1862 of no. of distrs., no. of schools, teachers, pupils, salaries, cost per mo. per pupil, state apprn., re- ceipts and expenditures in Potter Co. (A.R. supt. of public instruction 1S76/7: 481.) Pottstown, Montgomery County serial 1888/9-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (56 A.R. supt. public instruction 1888/9 (pp. 144-145) — 71 same 1903/4.) W. W. Rupert, supt. EDUCATION— cont'd Pottstown, Montgomery County — cont'd serial — cont'd B 1889-1901. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1889 in V. 37 : 258 ; 329 ; 365 ; 433. 1889/90 " V. 38 : 192 : 271 ; 392 ; 471. 1891 " V. 39 : 314 ; 447. 1892 " V. 40: 510. 1893-1895. Not found. 1896 In v. 44 : 329. 1897-1900. Not found. 1901 in V. 50 : 262. Pottsville, Schuylkill County serial 1866/7-1903/4. Ann. rept. borough supt. of schools. (36 A.R. supt. common schools 1868/9: 255-257; 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Given as Pottsville from 1871/2-1903/4. Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch In 1876/7. BenJ. F. Patterson, supt., 1868/9-1903/4. B 1868/9-1877. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1868/9 In V. 17 : 138 ; 165 ; 226 ; 249 ; 280 ; 306. 1869/70 " v. 18 : 162 ; 222. 1871 " V. 20: 167. 1872-1876. Not found. 1877 In T. 25 : 378. non-serial 1836-1877. Table: growth of Pottsville public schools: no. enrolled, average daily attendance, per cent of attendance, no. of teachers. (44 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1876/7: 789.) 1852. Public schools of Pottsville: no. of pupils, teach- ers, rules and regulations. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 100.) . Statistics of Pottsville schools. Feb.-June. [Same V. 1: 129.) 1868. Pottsville schools: difficulties In maintaining. (Sajne v. 17: 19-20.) 1871. School statistics of Pottsville: no. of children; no. in school; no. out of school. {Same v. 20: 58-59.) 1873. Education in Pottsville; by B. F. Patterson. {Same v. 21: 243-245.) Radnor Township, Delaware County serial 1897/8-1903/4. Ann. rept. township supt. of schools. (65 A.R. supt. public instruction 1897/8 (pp. 237- 238)— 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1902/3. Geo. H. Wilson, supt. B 1898. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1898 In V. 46 : 504. Reading, Berks County serial A 1871/2-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. schools. (39 A.R. supt. common schools 1871/2: 238-240; 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5, 1888/9- 1889/90. 1901/2 ; hist, sketch in 1878/7. Thos. Severn, supt., 1871/2-1877/8; R. K. Buehrle, 1879/80; Saml. A. Baer, 1881/2-1883/4, 1890/1- 1895/6; Thos. M. Balllet, 1885/6-1888/7; Z. X. Snyder, 1887/8-1888/9 ; E. Mackey, 1896/7-1900/1 ; Chas. S. Foos, 1902/3-1903/4. 718 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Reading, Berks County — cont'd serial — cont'd B 1872-1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1S72 In v. 20 : 300. 1873-1883. Not found. 1884 In V. 32 : 376. 1885. Not found. 1886 In V. 34 : 340. 1887/8. Not found. 1888/9 in V. 37 : 30 ; 149 ; 218 ; 293. 1890 " V. 38 : 271. 1891-1897. Not found. 1898 In V. 46 : 460. 1898/9 " V. 47: 149; 333. 1900 " V. 48 : 315. " V. 49 : 168 ; 214 ; 307. 1901. Not found. 1902 in V. 50 : 521. 1902/3 " V. 51 : 192 ; 525. 1904 " V. 52 : 310 ; 355 ; 447. non-serial 1854. Acct. of mtg. of Reading controllers. (Penn. School Jol. V. 3: 103-104.) 1856. Acct. of mtg. of bd. of controllers of the Reading School Distr. (Same v. 5: 155-156.) 1858. Reading bd. of controllers; rept. of committee on irregular attendance of teachers at the normal school and admission of pupils into public schools of Reading. (Same v. 6: 356-357.) . Synopsis of mtg. of Reading bd. of controllers. (Same v. 7: 76-77.) 1872. Review of ninth rept. of bd. of controllers of Reading school distr. (Same v. 21: 26.) Richland, Lancaster County 1826. Rept. of committee on education (Anderson) rel. to establishment of an academy in Richland, Lancaster Co. (House jol. 1825/6 v. 2: 158 (doc. 76).) Schuylkill County serial 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4 (pp. 118-126) — same 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hiet. sketch in 1876/7. Jonathan K. Krewson, co. supt., 1853/4-1862/3 ; Jesse Newlin. 1863/4-1879/80; G. W. Weiss, 1881/2- 1903/4. B 1855-1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1855 in V. 4: 142-143; 292. 1856. Not found" 1857 in V. 6 : 70-71. 1858 - V. 7 : 13-14. 1859-1860. Not found. 1861 in V. 9 : 207 ; 240. 1862 " V. 10: 358. 1863. Not found. 1864 in v. 12 : 229 ; 295 ; 325 ; 356. 1864/5 " V. 13 : 110 : 13:i : 143 : 16s ; 103 : 248. 1865/6 " v. 14:5; 123; 149-150 ; 280-281. 1866/7 " V. 15:5; 79; 130-131; 150; 182; 294. 1867/8 " V. 16 : 32 ; 171 ; 194 ; 223 ; 280 ; 345. 1868/9 " V. 17 : 11 ; 66 ; 165 ; 191 ; 226 ; 302. 1869/70 " V. 18 : 44 ; 104 ; 132 ; 251 ; 276 ; 305. 1870/1 " T. 19:15: 100101; 149; 183; 300. 1871/2. Not found. 1873 in V. 21 : 267. 1874-1881. Not found. 1882 In V. 30 : ,501. 1883 " T. 31 : 339. 1884 " V. 32 : 341. 1885 " T. 33 : 294 ; 329 ; 498. 1886. Not found. EDUCATION— cont'd Schuylkill County — cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd 1887 in V, 35 : 424. 1887/8 " V. 36 : 236 ; 271 ; 384 ; 462. 1888 " V. 37 : 29-30. 1889/90. Not found. 1890/1 in V. 39 : 268 ; 445. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 35 ; 472 ; 509. " " V. 41:42-43; 268; 411; 551. V. 42 : 231 ; 272 ; 369-370 ; 506. " V. 43 : 418 ; 554. " v. 44 : 376 ; 514. " V. 45 : 623. " V. 46 : 458 ; 570. " V. 47 : 495 ; 586. " V. 48:477. V. 49 : 458 ; 520. T. 50 : 46 ; 455. 1902/3. Not found. 1904 in T. 52 : 402 ; 536. 1892/3 1893/4 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1901/2 non-serial 1852. Schuylkill Co. educational conv. (Penn. School Jol. V. 1: 103-104.) 1853. Acct. of Schuylkill Co. educational conv. (Same V. 2: 166-169.) . Schuylkill Co. — procs. of educational conven- tion, held at Minersville. (Same v. 2: 44-45.) Scranton, Lackawanna County See also above, Hyde Park. serial 1867/8-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools of Scran- ton. (35 A.R. supt. public instruction 1867/8 (pp. 288-290)— 71 same 1903/4.) In 1867/8 and 1868/9 given under caption. Fourth District, Scranton City. Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch in 1876/7. Jos. Roney, supt., 1867/8-1886/7: Geo. W. Phillips, 1887/8-1894/5, 1902/3-1903/4 ; Geo. Howell, 1895/6-1901/2. B 1868/9-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1868/9 in v. 17 : 66 ; 138 ; 165 ; 226 ; 249 ; 280 ; 306. 1869/70 " V. 18 : 44 ; 104 ; 136 ; 222 ; 251 ; 276 ; 305. 1870/1 " V. 19 : 38 ; 149-150 ; 309. 1871/2 " V. 20 : 61 ; 167 ; 265 ; 399. 1872 " V. 21 : 171. 1873-1881. Not found. 1882/3 in V. 31 : 41 ; 77 ; 423. 1884 " V. 33 : 41. 1885 " V. 34 : 215. 1886. Not found. 1887/8 In V. 36 : 203 ; 343 ; 427. 1888/9 V. 37 : 30 ; 218 ; 329 ; 433. 1889/90 " V. 38 : 73 ; 158 ; 228 ; 471. 1890 " V. 39 40-41. 1891/2 " V. 40 282; 427. 1892 " V. 41 91. 1893/4 " V. 42 47 ; 233 ; 325 ; 461. 1894/5 " V. 43 44 ; 283 ; 329 507 1895 " V. 44 45. 1896-1902. Not found. 1903 in V. 51 : 325 ; 525. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 310 ; 512. non-serial 1873. See below, Teachers' Institutes. Armstrong Co., this date. Shamokin, Northumberland County serial 1877/8-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (46 A.R. supt. public instruction 1877/8 (pp. 219-221) — 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/0, 1880/1. 1882/3, 1884/5. F. M. Bates, supt., 1877/8-1879/80; Wm. F. Harpel, 1881/2-1900/1 ; Jos. Howerth, 1901/2-1903/4. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 719 EDUCATION— cont'd Shamokin, Northumberland County — cont'd serial — cont'd B 1881/2-1904. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School .Tournal ns follows : 18S1/2 In V. .■!0:2nr. ; 409; 501. 1882/3 V. SI : 41 : 303. 1883/4 " v. 32 : 7,S : 197 : 233 ; 270 ; .306 ; 342 ; 411. 1884/.'5 " V. 33 : 41 ; 81 ; 208 ; 330. 1885/6 " V. 34 : 36; 461. 1886/7 " V. 35 : 78 : 255 : 336 : 380. 1887/8 " T. 36 : 37-38 ; 80 ; 169 ; 309 ; 385 ; 464. 1888/9 - V. 37:30: 218: 293; 365. 1889/90 " V. 38 : 39 ; 73-74 ; 158 ; 192 ; 228 ; 271 ; 392 ; 428. 1890/1 In V. 39 : 41 ; 85 ; 234 : 269 ; 357 ; 447 ; 495. 1891/2 " V. 40:240; 282; 473; 510. 1892/3 " V. 41 : 365 ; 456. 1893/4 " V. 42:47; 273-274: 461; 508; 561. 1894/5 " V. 43:195: 375: .=^55. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 92 ; 251 ; 297 ; 625. 1897/8. Not found. 1898/9 In V. 47 : 105 ; 333. 1900 " V. 48: 315. 1901/2 " V. 50 : 262-263 ; 308 ; 351. 1902/3 " T. 51:192; 325; 525. 1904 " V. 52 : 447. Sharon, Mercer County serial 1881/2-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (49 A.R. supt. public Instruction 1881/2 (pp. 254-256) — 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1882/3, 1884/5. J. W. Cnnon, eupt., 1881/2-1895/6; J. A. Mcl..aughry. 1896/7-1899/00 ; D. F. Grler, 1900/1-1901/2 ; S. H. Hadley, 1902/3-1903/4. B 1885-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows: 1885 in V. 34 : 36. 1886/7 - V. 35 : 293 ; 506. 1888 " V. 36 : 427. 188S/9 " V. 37 : 30 ; 149 ; 365. 18S9 " V. 38 : 192-193 ; 227. 1890/1 " V. 39 :41 ; 357. 1892-1894. Not found. 1895 In y. 43 : 463. 1896 " T. 44 : 329. 1897 " V. 45 : 510. 1897/8 " V. 46: 460; 504. 1899. Not found. 1900 In V. 48 : 521. 1901. Not found. 1902/3 in V. 51 : 235 ; 325 : 525 ; 572. 1903/4 " v. 52: 263; 512; 537. Shenandoah, Schuylkill County serial 1874/5-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of scliools. (42 A.R. supt. of public Instruction 1874/5 (pp. 205- 206)— 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch In 1876/7. G. W. Bartch, supt., 1874/5-1883/4; L. A. Freeman, 1885/6-1892/3; Martin P. Whltaker, 1893/4- 1895/6; J. W. Cooper, 1896/7-1903/4. B 1882-1903. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1882 in V. 30 : 295. 1882/3 " T. 31 : 41 ; 77 ; 219 ; 303. 1883/4 " V. 32 : 270 ; 376. 1884/5 " V. 33 : 81 ; 251 ; 295 ; 374. 1885/6 " V. 34 : 77-78 ; 301. 1886/7 " V. 35 : 78 ; 255. 1887/8 " V. 36 : 237 ; 343 ; 464. 1889 " V. 37 : 293. 1890 " V. 39 : 185. 1891 " V. 40:36. EDUCATION- cont'd Shenandoah, Schuylkill County- serial — cont'd -cont'd B- -cont'd 1892 In V 41 270 1893/4 " v. 42 193 ; 274 ; 482 ; 561 1894/5 " V. 43 89; 329. 1895/6 " V. 44 45; 191 ; 283; 377; 1897. •^ot foun I. 425. 1898 In v. 46 : 504. 1899-1901. Not found. 1902 In V. 50: 351. 1903 " V. 52 : 263. Snyder County serial 1857/8-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (25 A.R. supt. common schools 1857/8: 130-133; 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/.3, 1884/5; hist, sketch in 1876/7. Danl. S. Boyer, supt.. 1857/8-1850/60 ; Saml. Alleman 1860/1-1862/3: Wm. Moyer. 1883/4-1871/2: Wm Noetlinp, 1872/.3-1876/7; W. P. Scharf. 1879/80; Wm. Moyer, 1881/2-1883/4 ; Danl. S. Boyer 1885/6-1886/7; Chas. W. Hermann. 1887/8- 1892/3; F. C. Bowersor, 1893/4-1901/2; Geo W Walbom, 1902/3-1903/4. B 1858-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1858 in v. 6 : 297-208. 1859/60. Not 'found. 1860/1 In v. 9 : 207-208 ; 240 ; 335 1862 -" --- 1862/3 1864 1864/5 1865/6 1866/7 1867/8 1868/9 1870 V. 10 : 326. V. 11 : 7; 230; 259; 323. V. 12 : 229 ; 295. v. 13: 6; 133 : 143: 168. V. 14 : 71 ; 123 ; 227. V. 15 : 5 : 182 ; 244-245. V. 16 : 32 ; 137 : 171 ; 249 ; 345. V. 17 : 41 ; 66 : 103 : 165 ; 222 ; 280 ; 306 V. 18 : 221 ; 251 ; 276-277 ; 305. 1870/1 " T. 19:15; 183; 279. 1871/2 " v. 20:133; 167; 363-364. 1873 " V. 21:306; 340; 401. 1873/4 " V. 22 : 208 : 339. 1874/5 " V. 23:211 ; 313. 1875/6 " V. 24 : 216 ; 350. 1876/7 " V. 25 : 243; 311. 1877/8-1880/1. Not found. 1881/2 in V. 30 : 173 : 211 ; 255 : 367 : 409 ; 501. 1882/3 " V. 31 : 40 : 179 ; 219 ; 339 ; 383 ; 455. 1884 " T. 32 : 305 ; 341 ; 37Et: 411. 1884/5 " V. 33 : 80 ; 165 : 207 ; 294 ; 329 ; 373 ; 459-460 1885/6 " V. 34 : 170 ; 260 ; 375 ; 461. 1886/7 " T. 35 : 253 ; 335 ; 379 ; 424 ; 466 ; 505. 1887/8 " V. 36 : 168 : 202 ; 236 ; 270 ; 308-309 ; 342 ; 384 ; 427 ; 454 ; 462-463. 1888/9 In V. 37:148; 184; 217; 255; 293; 328; 364; 396: 433. 1889/90 in V. 38: 157; 227: 271: 391; 428. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 40 ; 185 ; 232 ; 268 ; 356 ; 445 ; 494. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 35 ; 87 ; 192-193 ; 239 ; 329 ; 380 ; 426 509; 554. 1892/3 in V. 41 : 43 ; 91 ; 137 ; 180 ; 222 ; 268 ; 364 ; 454 501 ; 551. 1893/4 in V. 42 : 46 ; 139 ; 186 ; 272 ; 370 ; 459 ; 506-507 560. 1894/5 in V. 43 : 238 ; 373-374 : 418 ; 462 ; 506. 1895/6 " V. 44 : 190 ; 281 ; 376 ; 471 ; 568. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 344 : 507. 1897 " V. 46 : 138 ; 187 ; 232. 1898 " V. 47 : 285. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 46-47 ; 269 ; 358. 1900/1 " T. 49 : 213 ; 352-353. 1901/2 " V. 50 : 216 ; 563. 1802/3 " V. 51 : 191 ; 234 ; 322 ; 480, 1903/4 " T. 52 : 51 : 217 ; 262 ; 309 : 402 : 445 : 604. non-serial 1834-1849. Pree school troubles in Snyder Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 503.) 1854-1877. Co. superintendency in Snyder Co. (44 same 1876/7: 503-504.) 720 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Somerset County serial 1854/5-1903/4. Kept, of co. supt. (22 A.R. supt. public instruction 1854/5 (pp. 200-204)— 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hUt. sketch In 1876/7. Jos. J. Sfutzman. co. supt., 1854/5-1856/7, 1860/1- 1865/6; J. K. Miller, 1857/8-1859/60; N. B. Critchfield, 1866/7-1868/9 ; Wm. H. Sanner, 1869/70; James L. Pugli, 1870/1-1871/2; D. W. Will, 1872/3-1874/5; J. B. Whipkey, 1875/6- 1879/80; J. C. Weller, 1881/2-1886/7; J. M. Berkey, 1887/8-1895/6; E. E. Pritts, 1896/7- 1901/2; Danl. W. Seibert, 1902/3-1903/4. B 1857-1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1857 in V. 5 : 215-217. 1858 " V. 6 : 200. 1859/60. Not found. 1860/1 In V. 9 : 207 ; 240. 1861/2. Not found. 1863 in v. 11 : 323. 1864-1868. Not found. 1869/70 in v. 18 : 104 ; 162 ; 221 ; 335. 1870 " V. 19 : 101 ; 183. 1871/2 " V. 20 : 61 ; 133 : 196 ; 265 ; 363. 1872/3 " y. 21 : 205 ; 267. 1873 " V. 22 : 30. 1874/5 " v. 23 : 30 ; 175 ; 313. 1875/6-1880/1. Not found. 1881/2 in V. 30 : 173 ; 211 ; 255 ; 367 ; 409 ; 501. 1882/3 " v. 31 : 179 ; 219 ; 339 ; 383 ; 423 ; 455. 1883/4 " V. 32: 159-160; 232; 305; 375-376; 411. 1884/5 " T. 33 : 40 ; 329 ; 373. 1885/6 " V. 34 ; 77 ; 170 ; 260 ; 340 ; 375 ; 461. 1886/7 " V. 35 : 77 ; 292 ; 335 ; 424 ; 467. 1887/8 " V. 36 : 37 ; 80 ; 168 ; 236 ; 309 ; 427. 1888/9 " V. 37 : 148 ; 184 ; 217 ; 255 ; 364 ; 433. 1889/90 " v. 38 ; 39 ; 157 ; 192 ; 227-228 ; 391 ; 428. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 85 ; 232 ; 356 ; 494. 1891/2 " V. 40 : 35 ; 87 ; 239 ; 472 ; 509. 1892/3 " V. 41 : 43 ; 180 ; 208 ; 315 ; 411 ; 501. 1893/4 " T. 42 : 46 ; 186 ; 272 ; 324 ; 370 ; 459 ; 560. 1894/5 " T. 43 : 43 ; 195 ; 374 ; 506. 1895/6 " V. 44 : 44 ; 328 ; 514-515 ; 568. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 44 ; 202 ; 250 ; 295 ; 344 ; 392 ; 507 ; 568 ; 1897/8 '" V. 46 : 43 ; 138 ; 187 ; 277 ; 367-368 ; 502-503 ; 570. 1898/9 " T. 47 : 45 ; 148 ; 285-286 ; 332 ; 495 ; 539. 1899/00 " V. 48 : 47 ; 139 ; 183 ; 227 ; 269 ; 477 ; 568-569. 1900/1 " T. 49 : 47 ; 213 ; 260 ; 399 ; 458 ; 568. 1901/2 " V. 50 : 46 ; 260 ; 350. 1902/3 " v. 51 : 191 ; 322 ; 370 ; 480 ; 523 ; 571. 1903/4 " T. 52 : 51 ; 217 ; 354 ; 402 ; 445 ; 511 ; 604. non-serial 1873. See below, Teachers' Institutes. Armstrong Co., this date. South Bethlehem, Northampton County serial A 1888/9-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (56 A.R. supt. public instruction 1888/9 (pp. 153-154) — 71 same 1903/4.) Owen R. Wilt, supt. 1888/9-1902. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows 1888/9 In V. 37 : 218 ; 329 ; 365. 1889/90 " V. 38 : 228 ; 392 471. 1890 " V. 39 : 234. 1891 " V. 40: 381. 1892. Not found. 1893 In V. 41 : 310-317. 1894 " V. 42 : 462. 1895. No« found. 1896 in V. 44 : 425. 1897-1900. Not found. 1901 In V. 49 : 459. 1902 " V. 50 : 564-565. EDUCATION— cont'd South Chester, Delaware County serial A 1896/7. Ann. rept. borough supt. of schools. (A.R. supt. public instruction 1896/7: 251-252.) J. C. Ilockenberry, supt. B 1896/7-1898. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1896/7 in v. 45 : 251 ; 297 ; 345 ; 625. 1898 " V. 46 : 323. South Easton, Northampton County serial A 1886/7-1897/8. Ann. rept. borough supt. of schools. (A.R. supt. public instruction 1886/7 pt. 2 (pp. 161-162)— 64 same 1897/8.) Saml. S. Shull, supt., 1886/7-1894/5 ; A. J. Barre, 1895/6-1897/8. B 1887/8-1899. [Educational notes.] In Pe nn. School Journal as follows 1887/8 in V. 36 169 237 ; 385 ; 427 ; 464. 1888/9 " V. 37 184 256 433. 1889/90 " V. 38 158 471. 1890/1 " V. 39 269 495. 1892/3. Not found. 1893/4 in V. 42 47; 233; 462. 1894 " V. 43 283. 1895/6 " V. 44 239 283 ; 377. 1896/7 " V. 45 92; 251; 345 ; 393 ; 511 ; 625 1898 " V. 46 460 571. 1898/9 " V. 47 287 496. 1899 " V. 48 47. South Sharon, Mercer County serial A 1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4: 267-268.) C. G. Canon, supt. 1903/4. [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1903/4 In V. 52 : 310 ; 447 ; 512 ; 537 ; 605. Steelton, Dauphin County serial 1888/9-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (56 A.R. supt. public instruction 1888/9 (pp. 156-157) — 71 same 1903/4.) L. E. McGlnnes, supt. B 1888/9-1903/4. [Educational notes.] 1888/9 in v. 37 : 184-185 ; 218 ; 256 ; 293 ; 365 ; 396 ; 433. 1889/90 " v. 38 : 193 ; 228-229 ; 271 ; 392 ; 428 ; 471. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 41 ; 234 ; 314 ; 357 ; 447 ; 495. 1891/2 " V. 40:282; 427; 510; 555. 1892/3 " T. 41 : 91 : 365 ; 450. 1893/4 " V. 42 : 233 ; 274. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 44 : 329 ; 463. 1895/6 " V. 44 : 45 ; 191 ; 425. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 45 ; 251 ; 345. 1897/8 " V. 46 : 369 ; 4G0. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 105 ; 540. 1899 " V. 48 : 271. 1900 " V. 49 : 261-262. 1901. Not found. 1902 " T. 50 : 351-352. " " V. 51 : 235. 1903/4 " V. 52 : 51 ; 447 ; 537. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 721 EDUCATION— cont'd Strasburgh, Franklin County 1797. Rept. of committee on petition from Strasburgh, Franltiin Co., for aid in erecting a school house. (House Jol. 1796/7: 211-212.) 1852. Strasburg — its academy and former schools. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 66-67.) Sullivan County serial A 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. siipt. (21 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1853/4: 126-129; 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch in 1876/7. Klchiird Bedford, co. supt.. 1853/4-1856/7; C. J. Rlchiirdson. 1857/8-1859/60; H. Armstrong. 1800/1-1862/3; John \V. Mnrtin, 1863/4-1874/5; Edwin A, Strong, 1875/61877/8; J. Pennington, Little, 1879/80-18S6/7 ; Moses R. Black, 1887/8- 1892/3 ; F. W. Meylert, 1893/4-1901/2 ; M. R. Black, 1902/3-1903/4. B 1861-1902 [Educational notes.] In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1861 in V. 9 : 207 ; 336. 1862 " V. 10: 231. 1862/3 " V. 11 : 167 ; 198 ; 230 ; 259 ; 291 ; 324. 1863/4 " V. 12 : 169 ; 201. 1865 " V. 13 : 88. 1866-1868. Not found. 1869 in V. IS : 44. 1870-1875. Not found. 1876 in V. 24 : 425. 1876/7 •' V. 25 : 243 ; 342. 1877/8-1880/1. Not found. 1881/2 in V. 30 : 173 ; 255 ; 339. 1883 " v. 31:383; 455. 1883/4 " T. 32 : 233 ; 305 ; 376. 1884/5 " V. 33 : 207 ; 294-295. 1885/6-1886/7. Not found. 1887/8 In V. 36 : 168 ; 202 ; 236 ; 309 ; 342 ; 427. 1888/9 " V. 37 : 184 ; 328. 1889/90 " V. 38 : 328 ; 428. 1890/1 " V. 39 : 232-233 ; 445. 1891 " v. 40 : 280-281. 1892/3. Not found. 1893/4 In V. 42 : 186 ; 231 ; 507. 1894/5 " V. 43 : 238 ; 282 ; 328 ; 374 ; 462 ; 506. 1895/6 " V. 44 : 281 ; 376 ; 471 ; 515. 1897 " V. 45 : 507-508 ; 568 ; 623. 1898 " V. 46 : 321 ; 45S-459. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 45 : 148 ; 377. 1899/00. Not found. 1901 In V. 49 : 458. " V. 50 : 216. 1902 " V. 51 : 191. non-serial 1858-1862. See below, Teachers. Phila., these dates. 1876-1900. Table: growth and development of public schools in Sullivan Co. (67 A.R. supt. public in- struction 1899/00 V. 1: 337.) Suniury, Northumberland County serial A 1893/4-1903/4. Ann. rept. city supt. of schools. (61 A.R. supt. public instruction 1893/4 (pp. 199-201) — 71 same 1903/4.) C. D. Oberdorf, 1893/4-1898,9; Ira Shlpman, 1899/00- 1903/4. B 1893/4-1904. [Educational notes.) In Penn. School Journal as follows : 1893/4 in v. 42 ; 274 ; 325 ; 462 ; 508 ; 561. 1894/5 " v. 43 : 44 ; 89 ; 239 ; 463. 1895/6 " V. 44 : 91 ; 283 ; 377 : 425 ; 517. 1896/7 " V. 45 : 45 ; 92 j 297 : 345 : 511 ; 625. 1897/8 " V. 46 : 139 ; 233 ; 369 ; 504-505 ; 571. 1898/9 " V. 47 : 105 ; 287 ; 379 ; 496. 1899 " V. 48 : 183; 271. 1900/1 " V. 49 : 214 ; 307 ; 354 ; 521. 1901/2 " V. 50 : 216 ; 308 ; 352 ; 400. 1903 " V. 51 : 325. 1904 " V. 52:537. 46 EDUCATION— cont'd Susquehanna County serial 1853/4-1903/4 Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4: 129-130; 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch in 1876/7. Wlllard Richardson, co. Rupt.. 1853/41854/5 • ; B. F. Tewksbury, 1855/6 •-1858/9 ; W. Faurot for B. F Tewksbury, 1859/60; A. N. Bullnrd, 1800/1 1862/3; B. A. Weston, 1863/4-1865/0; W. W, Watson, 1866/7-1867/8; Alf. W. I. 1886. Education office; office room for co. supts. (Same V. 35: 244-245.) 1887. Should supts. have commissioned assts.? by James H. Hamilton. (Same v. 36: 92-94.) . City and co. supervision; by E. E. Higbee. (Same V. 35: 394-396.) 1889. Advisability of providing for expenses of school directors in attending co. conventions for election of CO. supts. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 1, 1889: 13.) 1890. Election of supts.: let the best man be chosen. (Penn. School Jol. v. 38: 377-379.) . Address to school directors in view of the ap- proaching election of supts. (Some v. 38: 385-386.) 1891. See below. Laws, this date. . [Co.] supervision; laborious duties of supt. ([58] A.R. supt. public instruction 1890/1: iv.) 1892. Pay for school directors. Suggested that ex- pense of attending triennial convention for elec- tion of CO. supts. be borne by distrs. to be benefited. (59 same 1891/2: vii.) 1893. Veto (Pattison) of act providing for expenses of school directors in attending triennial conven- tion to elect CO. supt., etc. (House jol. 1893: 1150.) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1893 v. 1: 1777.) — . Same, with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1893: 5-6.) . Opinion of atty. gen.; act of May 28, 1893, rel. to salaries of co. supts. of common schools, should be read as if it contained words 290 instead of 190. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1893/4 app. pp. 32-33.) . Discussion of act providing for the expenses of the school directors of Penn. in attending the tri- ennial convention to elect the county supt. and also for the same in attending the annual county direc- tors' institute or assn. (Legisl. Record 1893 v. 1: 700-703.) . Decision of atty. gen. (Hensel) rel. to act fixing CO. supts." salaries. (Penn. School Jol. v. 42: 91-92.) . Text of act rel. to salaries of co. supts. (Savie V. 42: 40-41.) 1895. The superintendency — its bearing upon the efficiency of our schools. (Same v. 44: 182-184.) 1896. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to salary of co. supt. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1895/6: 166.) 1899.. Veto of act amending act prescribing mode of fixing salaries of co. supts. of co. schools, etc.; with text of bill. (Vetoes 1899: 16-18.) . Circular letter to supts. (Penn. School Jol. v. 47: 583.) 736 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd County Superintendency — cont'd Reading 1879. The Reading superintendency; dispute; decision by supt. of public instruction. (Penn. School Jol. V. 28: 61-63.) Dairying; see Dairy Industry. Dairy Education Degrees See also below, Medical. 1893. Abuse of literary degrees. (60 A.R. supt. public instruction 1892/3: iv.) 1895. See below, Laws, this date. 1896. Penalty for granting fraudulent degrees. (1 bienn. rept. of higher education 1895/6: 34.) . Large no. of institutions exercising degree con- ferring power; recommended that all institutions having right to grant degrees be compelled to obtain approval of council before change in char- ters, names, location or constitution of their governing body be allowed. (1 same 1895/6: 4-5.) . Standard of admission established by Council as requirement for institutions applying for right to confer liberal or technical degrees. (1 same 1895/6: 30-32.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to right to confer de- grees possessed by colleges having charters from CO. courts and filing with supt. of public instruc- tion stmt, of assets of f 100,000 or over. (1 same 1895/6: 41-45.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to colleges, authority to confer degrees. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1895/6: 139-144.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to power of colleges to confer degrees. (Same 1895/6: 26-27.) 1897. Title of M. D. conferred upon hostler by Inde- pendent Medical College of Chicago, for $25; other abuses. (2 bienn. rept. of higher education 1897/8: 8-9.) 1898. Degrees should mean more — indicate longer courses of study. (2 same 1897/8: 11-12.) . The new degree — M. S. D. (Machinalis scientlse doctor). (2 same 1897/8: 28-29.) 1900. Description of " degree factory " in Chicago en- titled "Western University." (3 same 1899/00: 584.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public instruction. . Diplomas granted by Mt. Hope College of Ohio not recognized in Penn.; letter from atty. gen. of Ohio, rel. to status of Mt. Hope College, showing iniquity of degree mills. (3 same 1899/00: 579-580.) raging from Rept. of supt. of public instruction. 1902. Letter sent out by National College of Law of Nashville, Tenn., offering to confer title L.L.D. for $10. (4 same 1901/2: 904-905.) I'liging from Rept. of supt. of public instruction. 1904. W. M. Farr (trafficker in degrees) summoned before asst. atty. gen. of U. S. to show cause why he should not be denied use of U. S. mail. (5 same 1903/4: 601.) I'nging from Kept, of supt. of public instruction. Denominational Schools; see below, Private Schools Dental Colleges See also below, Penn. College of Dental Surgery, Phlla. Dental College. 1896-19(M. Tabular stmt, showing names of colleges of dental surgery, location, name and title of officer In charge, date of organization or foundation, date of charter, no. of yrs. in course, no. of instructors, etc., enrollment of students. (1 bienn. rept. of EDUCATION— cont'd Dental Colleges — cont'd higher education 1895/6 (pp. 12-13) — 5 same 1903/4.) No returns 1901/2. Beginning with 1897/8, called General and Financial Statistics and contains fol- lowing additional items : no. of students from other states : from other countries ; no. since founding ; no. graduated at last commencement ; whole no. of graduated since founded ; no. of vols. In library ; average ann. cost per student : average cost of board per weels ; estimated value of bldgs. and grounds ; estimated value of apparatus. Department of Public Instruction See also below, School Boards : State. 1844. Separation of offices of secy, of commonwealth and supt. of common schools recommended; supt. of schools should be able to give his whole time to to the duties of that office. (11 A.R. supt. common schools 1843/4: 15.) 1854. Separation of the school from the state dept. discussed. (21 same 1853/4: 18.) 1855. Suggested that a small addition to ann. apprn. be made for employment of one additional clerk in dept. of common schools. ([22] same 1854/5:4.) 1857. Passage of act to separate department of com- mon schools from office of secy, of state. (24 same 1857: 24-26.) 1858. See below, Teachers' Institutes, this date. — ' — . Communication from supt. of common schools (Hickok) transmitting estimate of contingent ex- penses and clerk hire of his office. (Legisl. docs. 1858: 678-679 (doc. 72).) 1859. Communication from supt. of common schools (Hickok) transmitting an estimate of contingent expenses, clerk and messenger hire of school dept. (Same 1859: 983 (doc. 62).) . Suggested that dept. of public instruction stand separate in govt. (Govs. mess. (Packer) Jan. 5, 1859: 8.) . Dept. of public instruction should be in posses- sion of sources and subjects of information shed- ding light on crime, natural defects, etc.; control literary and scientific institutions dealing with these subjects. (Same (Packer) Jan. 5, 1859: 9.) . Educational portion of Govs. mess. (Packer). (Penn. School Jol. v. 7: 227-229.) 1861. See above. Education. Penn., this date. 1862. See same, this dale. 1862-1864. Estimates of expenses of school dept. for next year. (29 A.R. supt. common schools 1861/2 (pp. 24-25)— 31 same 1863/4.) 1863. Communication from supt. of common schools (Burrowes) rel. to contingent expenses of his office; estimates for 1863/4. (Legisl. docs. 1863: 1293 (doc. 58).) 1864-1866. See above. Education. Penn., these dates. 1864/5. Estimate by supt. of common schools (Co- burn) of contingent expenses of his office. (Legisl. Record 1865: 205.) 1869. Reply of supt. of common schools (Wickersham) to Senate inquiry as to no. of employes in the dept., character of their employment, salaries, necessity for them and whether any reduction in forces or expenses can be made. (Penn. School Jol. v. 17: 249-252.) 1871. Apprn. to pay salary of another depy. to assist with outdoor work of dept. suggested. ([38] A.R. supt. common schools 1870/1: xl.) 1875. Name of school dept. changed from dept. of common schools to dept. of public instruction. ([42] same 1874/5: xvii-xviii.) 1877. Communication from supt. of public instruction (Wickersham) showing inadvisability of reduc- tion of his staff or their salaries. (House jol. 1877: 172.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 737 :DUCATI0N— cont'd Department of Public Instruction — cont'd 1896. Dept. of public instruction: method of transact- ing; business; publications. (Bionn. ropt. atty. gen. 189r./6: 284.) Drawing in Schools Sfo niso above, Art Education. 1871. Drawing in public schools; by Louis Bull. (Penn. School Jol. v. 20: 39-41.) From Conn. School Jol. . Drawing in public schools of Mass. (Same v. 20: 169-172.) 1872. Drawing — its introduction into common schools; by Gilbert Butler. (Same v. 21: 177-179.) 1873. For provision for introducing free-hand and mechanical drawing into all public schools of state. (40 A.R. supt. common schools 1872/3: xxxlv.) 1874. See below, Industrial, etc., this date. 1875. Drawing in the public schools; by Chas. Milton Carter. (Penn. School Jol. v. 23: 331-333.) . Industrial drawing; by J. V. Montgomery. (Same v. 24: 82-87.) 1876. Teaching of drawing in the common schools. (Legisl. Record 1876: 1096-1100.) 1877. A mechanic's argument; linear or free-hand drawing in the public schools; by Jacob Reese. (Penn. School Jol. v. 25: 358-359.) 1879. Drawing in schools; by Walter Smith. (Same V. 28: 103-105.) . Advantages of drawing; by J. V. Montgomery. (Same v. 28: 130-133.) 1880. What is industrial drawing; by W. S. Good- nough. (Same v. 29: 5-7.) 1881. Drawing in ungraded schools; by W. S. Good- nough. (Same v. 29: 487-4S9.) 1892. Drawing in public schools; by H. T. Bailey. (Same v. 41: 106-110.) 1901. Educational value of drawing; by Wm. A. Mason. (Same v. 50: 110-113.) Philadelphia 1876. Practical plan for introduction of drawing Into the schools of Phlla. (Penn. School Jol. v. 25: 337-338.) 1883. Description of work of Phila. normal art school. (Same v. 31: 492-494.) Pittsburgh 1873. See below, Teachers' Institutes. Armstrong Co., this date. Evening Schools 1852. Educational and other advantages of evening schools. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 301-302.) . Abstr. of rept. of Jefferson Female Night School. (Same v. 1: 391-392.) 1855. Public night schools. (Same v. 4: 37; 98-99.) 1875. Night schools, their necessity in mining and mnfg. towns. (Same v. 25: 34-35.) From rept. of state bureau of statistics. . Night schools: their necessity in mnfg. towns. ([3] A.R. bureau of Industrial statistics 1874/5: 429-430.) 1883. See below, Laws, this date. 1895. Night schools; how should they be organized? who should teach them? what subjects should they Include? by Supt. Baer. (Penn. School Jol. v. 43: 390-392.) . Evening schools In state: suggestions for Im- provement. (62 A.R. supt. public Instruction 1894/5: xil-xlU.) 47 EDUCATION— cont'd Drawing in Schools — cont'd Schools — cont'd 1896-1898. Table: evening schools: no. in each co., duration, teachers, salaries, contingent expenses. (63 same 1895/6 (pp. cxxxviii-cxlv) — 65 same 1897/8.) 1900. The city night school; by Wm. F. Harpel. (Penn. School Jol. V. 48: 381-385.) 1903. Evening high schools; by H. R. Brunner. (Same V. 52: 129-133.) Exhibitions See also below, Receipts and P^xpendltures. 1868. Books and documents sent to represent Penn. in " Model American School House " at Paris Exposi- tion. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 7, 1868.) 1872. Centennial exposition; res. rel. to educational exhibit. ([39] A.R. supt. common schools 1871/2: xxvi-xxvii.) — ■ — . Extr. from rept. of national comr. of education concerning proposed centennial exposition in Phila. (Penn. School Jol. v. 20: 387-388.) 1873. American education at the Vienna Exposition. (Same v. 21: 216-217.) 1875. Extract from circular of information to those desiring to prepare educational material for Cen- tennial Exposition. ([42] A.R. supt. public instruc- tion 1874/5: xx-xxl.) . Centennial Exposition: paragraphs from an ad- dress by supt. rel. to exhibit by public schools. ([42] same 1874/5: xvlii-xx.) . Penn. at the Centennial Exposition of 1876; by Dr. Wickersham. (Penn. School Jol. v. 24: 108-111.) . Education in the Centennial Exhibition. (Same V. 23: 350-352.) . Classification of educational material adopted by the Centennial comn. (Same v. 24: 22.) . Education at the Centennial. (Same v. 23: 318- 321.) . Our national centennial; details of arrange- ments for the exhibition of 1876. (Same v. 24: 209-210.) 1876. Centennial Exposition: forms issued by the dept. ; application for space. (Same v. 24: 347-348.) — ■ — . List of Centennial contributions reed. (Same V. 24: 175-176; 243; 348-349.) . Circulars resp. Centennial Exhibition. (Same V. 24: 317-321.) . The centennial: notable points in the educational displays of foreign nations. (Same v. 25: 29-31.) . International exhibitions; their educational in- fluence. (Same v. 25: 16-19.) . The Penn. educational hall: description. (Same v. 25: lta-149.) . Special school exhibits: scientific technical and industrial school display at the centennial exposi- tion; by S. R. Thompson. (Some v. 25: 156-159.) — — . Education in the U. S.: centennial exhibits of states in the south and west. (Same v. 25: 170-174.) . Centennial exposition; exhibit of the bureau of education. (Some v. 25: 238-239.) . Centennial exposition: opening day and main bldg. (Same v. 24: 391-401.) . Education in the U. S.: centennial exhibits of Eastern States. (Same v. 25: 87-89.) . Penn.'s educational display. (Same v. 24: 412- 414.) . Contributions to Centennial Fund. (Same v. 24: 387-388; 425.) . The centennial: educational exhibits of foreign nations. (Same v. 25: 82-86.) 738 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Exhibitions — cont'd 1S76. Centennial Exposition. Catalogue of the educa- tional exhibit of the state of Penn., with an app. con- taining an outline of the system of public instruc- tion in the state. Lancaster: The Inquirer P. & P. Co., 1876. 88 pp., 1 leaf, illus. Copies seen in Free Library of Pliila. and In HlsL Socy. of Penn. . State educational exhibit at Centennial Exposi- tion; description of. ([43] A.R. supt. public in- struction 1875/6: vii-xviii.) . Penn. at the Centennial Exposition of 1876; in- formation to those desiring to prepare educational material for exhibition. 1875. Not seen. Entry from Bowlier. . Centennial papers issued by dept. of public in- struction concerning state educational exhibition at Centennial. ([43] A.R. supt. public instruction 1875/6: Ixxxii-ci.) -^ — . Table: contributions to centennial fund made by school directors in each co. ([43] same 1875/6: cil-cvii.) . Table: contributions of societies and individuals [to centennial fund]. ([43] same 1875/6: cviii.) 1877. Educational exhibit at Centennial. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 3, 1877: 13.) 1878. The great exposition at Paris: education at the exposition; by J. P. Wickersham. (Penn. School Jol. V. 27: 177-183.) 1891. Columbian Exposition; suggestions of U. S. Comr. Harris. (Same v. 40: 189.) 1892. The attitude of city systems of schools to the Columbian Exposition; by L. O. Foose. {Same V. 40: 385-387.) . Columbian exposition; display from the public schools of Penn. (Same v. 40: 497-498.) 1893. Educational exhibit at the World's Fair. (Same v. 42: 51-52.) 1903. See above. Education. Penn., this date. . Educational exhibit at St. Louis; preparation for. (70 A.R. supt. public instruction 1902/3: ix.) St. Louis Exposition; summary of preparations, etc. (Penn. School Jol. v. 52: 336-338.) — — . The educational exhibit of Penn. at the La. Purchase Exposition. {Same v. 52: 209-212.) 1904. School exhibit at St. l^uis; res. passed by Na- tional Educational Assn. in favor of the establish- ment of a permanent school exhibit at Harrisburg. 1 71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4: ix-x.) . Educational exhibit at St. Louis World's Fair. (Penn. School Jol. v. 52: 559-562.) Expenditures; see below, Receipts and Expenditures Friends' Schools; see below, Private Schools Geology in Schools See Geological Survey, etc., under dates 1903-1904. German in Schools 1818. Rept. of committee (Purdon) to whom was re- ferred memorial of ministers, vestrymen and church wardens of the German Lutheran congrega- tion in vicinity of Phila. rel. to instruction of poor children in German language. (House Jol. 1818/9: 61-62.) 1834. Rept. of committee on education (Read) on petitions from Pittsburg for provision by law for the education of poor children in German. (Sen. jol. 1833/4 V. 1: 644.) Berks County 1854. See above. Education. Penn. date. Berks Co., this EDUCATION— cont'd Graded Schools See also below. Rural Schools. 1856. Graded schools; by Abel Marcy. (Penn. School Jol. v. 5: 166-167.) . Rept. on graded schools; by R. W. Weaver. {Same v. 5: 106-107.) . Rept. on graded schools in town and country; by A. K. Browne. {Same v. 5: 81-83.) 1858. Graded schools; value of. (25 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1857/8: 19-20.) 1863. Graded schools defined. (Penn. School Jol. v. 12: 35-37.) 1864. Graded schools; comments on. (31 A.R. supt. of common schools 1863/4: 27-29.) 1870. Graded schools; reasons in favor of. ([37] same 1869/70: xvli-xviil.) . Circular to co. supts. requesting information rel. to graded schools, etc. (Penn. School Jol. v. 19: 180- 181.) 1871. A graded course of study applicable to schools of all classes. (Penn. School Jol. v. 20: 99-100.) 1874. Graded schools; objections and advantages. {Same v. 22: 281-283.) . Schools graded; progress in. (41 A.R. supt. of common schools 1873/4: xxix-xxx.) 1883. Defects in our system of graded schools; by T. M. Balliet. (Penn. School JoL v. 32: 109-112.) [1886.] On the grading of schools; general principles involved, with some suggestions for their applica- tion; by Thos. H. Burrowes. (Some v. 35: 219-223.) 1891. Graded schools; by A. P. Young. (45 and 46 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1891: 72-76.) Rural scliools. 1892. Promotions in graded schools; by David A. Har- man. (Penn. School Jol. v. 40: 392-394.) Higher Education College and University training. See also above. Degrees ; Dental Colleges ; also below. Law Schools ; Medical : Pharmaceutical ; Theo- logical ; Individual Institutions. serial Under sec. 10, act of June 26, 1895. 1895/6-1903/4. Bienn. rept. on higher education In Penn. submitted by College and Univ. Council. Checklist 1. 189,5/6. n. p. C. M. Busch, 1896. 49 pp.* 2. 1897/8. n. p. W. S. Ray, 1899. 71 pp. 3. 1899/00. n. p. W. S. Ray, 1901. 226 pp. 4. 1901/2. n. p. W. S. Ray. 1902. 32 pp. Copy seen in Free Library of Phila. 5. 1903/4. Not found. In Documents as follows : 1. 1895/6 In 64 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1895/6 ; 625-675. 2. 1897/8 in 65 A.R. supt. of public Instruction 1897/8 : 093-761. 3. 1899/00 in 67 A.K. supt. of public instruction 1899/00, V. 2 : 573-793. 4. 1901/2 in 69 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1901/2 : 899-928. 5. 1903/4 In 70 A.R. supt. of public instruction 1903/4 : 599-627. non-serial 1755-1830. List of universities, colleges and academies In Penn., with date of their institution. (House jol. 1832/3 V. 2: 651-652.) 1779-1832. Table: universities and colleges chartered by state before 1834, with certain grants made to them. (48 A.R. supt. public instruction 1881: 1.) Univ. of Penn.; Dickinson College; Franklin and .Marshall College; Washington and Jefferson Col- lege ; Allegheny College ; Western University ; Lafayette College ; Madison College ; Penn. College. • Has no t. p. Imprint taken from cover. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 739 EDDCATION— cont'd Higher Education — cont'd 1786-1838. Rept. of state treasurer (Sturgeon) rel. to aint. of money appropriated to colleges and acade- mies of state. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 275-1278.) 1787-1896. Policy of N. Y. contrasted with Penn.: high standard set by Regents of University of N. Y.; fraudulent issue of degrees by Penn. colleges in early days; improvement under mngmnt. of College and University Council. (1 bienn. rept. of higher education 1895/6: 2-3.) 1793. Rept. of committee on subject of seminaries of learning. (House jol. 1792/3; 243-244.) Univ. of Tenn.. Dickinson College anil " another college to be established wcstwaril of the Allegheny Mts." 1818. See below. Secondary Education, this date. 1830/1. Tabular view of colleges in U. S. (4 A.R. supt. common schools 1837: table C facing p. 612.) 1831/9-1864. See below, Secondary Education, these dates. 1836. See below, Public Aid, this date. . Stmt, of condition of colleges which have reed. aid from state and have reported. ([3] A.R. supt. of common schools 1836 table F.) . See below. Secondary Education, this date. 1837. See same, this date. . Suggested, a bill to discourage establishment of any more colleges at expense of those already in operation. ([4] A.R. supt. of common schools 1837: 516-517.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. . Abstract from repts. of colleges, showing their course of study, classes, time of a full course, im- provement, govt, and future prospects with general remarks. ([4] same 1837, table B.) 1837-1839. College table of students, expense, property, debt, revenue, and expenditure. ([4] savie 1837 (table A)— 6 savie 1839.) In the Sen. doc. ed. of this rept., the table Is found betw. pp. 60 and 61, that Is in the midst of a bank rept. 1838. Speech of Thaddeus Stevens in favor of the bill to establish a school of arts In Phila., and to endow the colleges and academies of Penn. Harrisburg: Prtd. by T. Fenn, 1838. 12 pp. Copies seen in Free Library of Phila. and in Univ. of Penn. 1838-1841. See below, Receipts and Expenditures. Higher Education, these dates. 1840. See below, Secondary Education, this date. 1841. Provision of sec. 4, act of April 12, 1838, rel. to ann. apprns. to colleges, academies and female seminaries. (8 A.R. supt. common schools 1840/1: 8-9.) . No. of colleges receiving a state apprn.; sum reed.; no. of pupils; tuition; expense per pupil. (8 same 1840/1: 10.) . Table: colleges, location, no. of students; tuition; ann. expense; amt. of state apprn. (iiame 1840/1: 142.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1842. See below, Secondary Education, this date. . General condition of colleges; Allegheny, Lafay- ette, Madison, Marshall, Penn. and Washington have reported. (9 A.R. supt. common schools 1841/2:9.) . Nine colleges receive aid from the state; amt. paid; no. reporting; no. of students and cost per pupil. (9 same 1841/2: 8.) — ' — . No. of academies which reed, part of apprn. un- der law of 1838; amt. reed, from treasury; no. re- porting; pupils and tuition, etc. (9 same 1841/2: 9.) 1843. Colleges, academies and female seminaries: small no. reporting; no. receiving a state apprn.; amt. reed, by each class; pupils; continuance of public bounty recommended. (10 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1842/3: 4-5.) EDUCATION— cont'd Higher Education — cont'd 1844. Colleges, academies and female seminaries; pro- vision of act of Sept. 29, 1843, as to state apprn.; withdrawal of obligation to report to the supt. of common schools; regret that state aid has been withdrawn. (11 same 184.3/4: 10.) 1852. The relation of schools and colleges; by I. \V. Andrews. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 156-160.) 1859. Collegiate system of the U. S.; by J. R. Loomis. {Same v. 11: 25-32.) 1860. Memorial to the Legislature" from representa- tives of Penn. colleges in behalf of pecuniary aBSis- tance. (Same v. 8: 226-227.) 1861. Observations on colleges and college instruction; by S. P. Bates. (Same v. 11: 204-208.) [1861/3.1 Table: balance sheet (no. of profs., students, income, expenditure, gain or loss) of Dartmouth, ^Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Union, Hamilton, Univ. of N. Y., Univ. of Rochester, (v. 6 Rept. trans. state agric. socy. 1861/3 app. p. 10.) 1862. See below. Secondary Education, this date. — ■ — . The proper condition, relations and course of studies of the colleges. (Penn. School Jol. v. 11: 95-96.) 1862-1878. Statistics of colleges: name, president, loca- tion, professors, students, expenses, library and apparatus, property, debt, income, expenditures. (29 A.R. supt. common schools 1861/2 (pp. 265- 266)— 45 same 1877/8.) Omitted in 1876/7. 1863. See above. Education. Penn., this date. [1864.] Table: educational resources of more promi- nent Amer. colleges, (v. 6 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1861/3 app. p. 5.) Bowdoin, Dartmouth, Harvard, Amherst, Brown, Yale, Columbia. N. Y. University, N. Y. Free Academy, Union College, Rochester University, Vassar, Princeton, University of Penn., I'hila. High School, Glrard College, University of Mich., University of III. . Table: source of income and expenditure for Harvard, Yale and Columbia, (v. 6 same 1861/3 app. pp. 6-7.) 1865. Relation of common schools to higher institu- tions of learning in our system of education; by J. H. Shumaker. (Penn. School Jol. v. 14: 58-61.) . Denominational colleges. (Same v. 14: 103.) . See below. Secondary Education, this date. 1866. See above, Education. Penn., this date. . The colleges of Penn. (Penn. School Jol. v. 15: 44-46; 75-78.) Their position in the school system. 1867. See below. Secondary Education, this date. . Relation of common schools to higher institu- tions. (Penn. School Jol. v. 17: 48-50.) 1868. Proposed legislation rel. to colleges. (Sam^ v. 16: 349-350.) . College bill presented to legisl. entitled " an act rel. to incorporation, recognition, and support of colleges; history of. (35 A.R. supt. common schools 1867/8: xxxiii-xxxviii.) . For some well devised plan for aiding colleges now in operation. ([35] same 1867/8: xxxviii.) 1869. State aid for higher education: by R. Audley Browne. (Penn. School Jol. v. 18: 108-111.) 1869-1878. Table: condition and statistics of colleges. (36 A.R. supt. common schools 1868/9 (pp. Iv-lvi) — [45] same 1877/8.) 1870. The preparation of American youth for college; by J. H. Shumaker. (Penn. School Jol. v. 19: 105- 111.) 740 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Higher Education — cont'd 1870. Table: statistics of colleges; date of foundation, total no. of graduates, no. of professional tutors, whole no. of students, estimated total yearly ex- penses, no. of volumes in library, value of apparatus, income from invested funds, rents, etc., income from tuition. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 164.) Repeated In 2 A.R. bure:ui of iDdustrlal statistics, 1873/4, p. 124. 1870-1896. Growth of colleges in equipment, faculty, students. (1 bienn. rept. of higher education 1895/6: 34.) 1870/1900. Table: college and university statistics for 1870 and 1900: name of institution, location, no. of instructors, no. of students, no. of vols, in library, estimated value of apparatus, whole amt. of endow- ment fund, total assets (for 1900 only). (3 same 1899/00: 792-793.) Paging from rept. of supt. of public instruction. 1871. No. of colleges in state, no. of instructors and students therein, no. of volumes in their libraries. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 4, 1871: 16.) . Higher education. (Penn. School Jol. v. 19: 252-256; 314-318.) . Extrs. from inaugural address of new president of Yale (Noah Parker). {Same v. 20: 172-174.) Higher educ. and the past, danger of a superficial culture, requisites of a thorough college, value of different studies. . See below. Truancy, this date. 1872. Expediency for granting liberal apprns. to col- leges and seminaries suggested by supt. ([39] A.R. supt. common schools 1871/2: xxv.) 1873. The state in its relation to higher education; by Andrew D. White. (Penn. School Jol. v. 22: 286-289.) . A national university; by Pres. Eliot (Harvard). {Same v. 22: 115-117.) 1875. Table: source of income and expenditure for Harvard, Yale and Columbia. ([3] A.R. bureau in- dustrial statistics 1874/5: 437.) . See below, Secondary, this date. 1877. Relation of colleges to common schools; by Thos. G. Apple. (Penn. School Jol. v. 26: 73-76.) . Our higher education; the Univ. of Penn. {Same V. 26: 134136.) 1881. Late school administration and the colleges; necessity for higher education. {Same v. 29: 478- 482.) 1882. Organization of colleges; by David J. Hill. {Same V. 31: 120-123.) 1886. The relation of the college to the public school; by M. H. Richards. {Same v. 35: 115-117.) 1888. See below. Secondary, this date. 1892. The college as a trustee; by Chas. F. Thwing. (Penn. School Jol. v. 40: 4.')9-460.) . College and business. {Same v. 40: 466-468.) . See below. Secondary Education, this date. 1893. See same, this date. . Address of Gov. Pattison on " The State and Higher Education," delivered at formal opening of engineering bldg. of Penn. State College. (A.R. bd. of trustees of Penn. State College 1893 app. 2, pp. 118-123.) (1895.) Table: no. of students from each normal school in attendance at colleges and universities. (1 bienn. rept. of higher education 1895/6: 29.) 1895. See below. Laws, this date. 1896. Educational work of denominational colleges. (1 bienn. rept. higher education 1895/6: 24-25.) . Comparative benefit derived from normal schools and colleges. (1 same 1895/6: 28-30.) EDUCATION— cont'd Higher Education — cont'd 1896-1904. List of Penn. colleges and universities [un- professional], location, name and title of officer in charge, date of organization or foundation, date of charge, no. of yrs. in full course, no. of instructors, enrollment of students. (1 same 1895/6 (pp. 37-40) —5 satiie 1903/4.) Omitted in inOl/2. Beginning with 1S97/8, called General and Financial Statistics .and contains following additional items: No. of students from other states ; from other countries ; no. since founding ; no graduated at last commencement : whole no. of graduates since founded; no. of vols. In library; average ann. cost per student ; average cost of board per weefe ; estimated value of bldgs. and grounds ; estimated value of apparatus ; amt. of endowment funti- 1897. The functions of a national univ. ; by Lewis R. Hartley. (Penn. School Jol. v. 46: 118-121.) 1898. The relation of the common school to the college; by W. J. Holland. {Same v. 46: 381-385.) . Bequest of Dr. T. W. Evans to city of Phila. for founding museum and dental college. (2 bienn. rept. of higher education 1897/8: 28.) . Benefits of college library and laboratory. (2 same 1897/8: 19-20.) . Entrance requirements of colleges and profes- sional schools. (2 sajtie 1897/8: 16.) . Efforts on part of higher institutions of learn- ing to elevate profession of teaching, through sum- mer schools, Saturday classes, etc. (2 same 1897/8: 37.) . Description of college observatories: Western University; University of Penn.; Haverford Col- lege; Franklin and Marshall College (Daniel Schnell); Lehigh University; Bucknell University; Allegheny College; Penn. College; Central High School; Washington and Jefferson College; Lafay- ette College. (2 same 1897/8: 20-23.) . Extr. from H. W. Rogers' address, rel. to swindle of National Univ. of Chicago, by selling diplomas at home and abroad. (3 same 1899/00: 578.) I'aging from Kept. supt. of public instruction. 1900. Prosperous condition of Penn. colleges. (3 same 1899/00: 685-586.) I'aging from Rept. of supt. of public instruction. •. Mutual relation of colleges and schools; by Wm. A. Lamberton. (Penn. School Jol. v. 49: 61-65.) 1901. Higher education in Penn. — why so limited? by W. W. Rupert. {Same v. 50: 136-138.) . See below. Secondary, this date. 1904. Too much attention given to inter-collegiate athletics. (5 bienn. rept of higher education 1903/4: 601.) Paging from Rept. supt. of public Instruction. COLLEXSE AND UNIVERSITY COUNCIL Created by sec. 5, act of June 26, 1895. See also above, Higher Education, the serial group. 1895. Act creating a College and University Council and imposing a property qualification as a condi- tion of chartering new institutions with power to confer degrees. (62 A.R. supt. public instruction 1894/5: iv.) . Organization of College and University Council. (1 bienn. rept. of higher education 1895/6: 3-4.) 1895-1903. College and University Council; names of members. (62 A.R. supt. public instruction 1894/5 (p. 609)— 70 some 1902/3.) No returns In 1896/7, 1897/8, 1899/00-1801/2. 1898-1902. Same. (2 bienn. rept. of higher education 1897/8 (p. 3)— 5 same 1901/2.) Receipts and Expenditukes; see below, that title INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 741 EDUCATION— cont'd Indian Schools serial t'lulcr net of Apr. 18. Isr.G. 1856-1858. Rept. of co. supt. of Warren Co. on school for Complanter Indians. In Documents as follows : 1856 In 23 A.R. supt. common schools 1855/6:288- 289. I85T in 24 A.R. supt. common schools 1850/1, app. [1], pp. 210-247. 1858 In •2r> A. It. supt. common schools 1857/8, app. [1], p. 155. n07i-serial 1742-1747 (?). Acct. of attempts to educate Shamokin Indians. Northumberland Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 454.) 1820-1873. Acct. of educational worlt among Corn- planter Indians in Warren Co. (44 name 1876/7: 563-564.) 1856. Cornplanter Indians; establishment of school for benefit of. (23 A.R. supt. of common schools 1855/6: 21.) 1859/60. See above, expenditures, this date. 1878. Education among the Cornplanter Indians: corresp. of the Indians and the supt. of public in- struction. (Penn. School Jol. v. 26: 277-278.) 1879-1881. School at Carlisle in behalf of Indians; acct. of. (48 A.R. supt. public instruction 18S0/1: ix.) 1880. Indian education; by R. B. Davenport. (Penn. School Jol. V. 29; 207-209.) . What shall be done with the Indians? (Same V. 28: 327-328.) Their education at Hampton, Va., and Carlisle. Penn. ; V. S. Govt, plans. 1881. Indian training school at Carlisle. (.Same v. 30: 31-33.) 1882. Training school for Indian youth at Carlisle barraclis. (Same v. 30: 403.) 1884. Indian education at Hampton; by S. C. Arm- strong. (Same v. 33: 90.) 1892. The U. S. Indian schools; by David S. Keck. (Same v. 40: 543-544.) 1895. Cornplanter Indians; increased apprn. asked; also new school bldg. (62 A.R. supt. of public in- struction 1S94/5: xvi.) 1896. Opinion of atty. gen.; school bd. of Carlisle hav- ing been elected under special act of 1850, repealed by act of Je. 7, 1895, is a de facto bd. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1895/6: 132-133.) 1903. Cornplanter Indian School; apprn. for erection of a combined school house and teachers' home. (70 A.R. supt. public instruction 1902/3: vi.) Receipts and Expenditures; see below, that title Industrial and Technical See also below. Manual TrHiniufr: also below. Individual Institutions. Master Builders* Mechanical Trade School ; Willinnison Free School of Mechanical Tnuies : also Maintenance. Dependents. Soldiers' Orphans. 1873. Technical education; by Gilbert Butler. (Penn. School Jol. V. 21: 245-250.) . Systematic technical education; by Gilbert But- ler. (Same v. 21: 345-348.) 1874. The alphabet of technical education; by Gilbert Butler. (Same v. 22: 341-344.) . Mettray; the French Reform and Industrial School. (Same v. 23: 45-46.) 1875. The industrial education of women; by S. R. Thompson. (Same v. 24: 156-158.) . Industrial education; by H. S. Jones. (Same V. 24: 90-92.) EDUCATION— cont'd Industrial and Technical — cont'd 1877. Industrial education; by M. A. Newell. (Same v. 26: 153-100.) — ■ — . Industrial and half-time schools; by Anna C. Garlin. (Same v. 26: 241-243.) From .V. E. Journal of Education. 1878. Industrial schools in Europe; by B. G. Nortlirop. (Same v. 26: 403-405.) 1879. The beginning of industrial education; by M. A. Newell. (Nome v. 28: 105-107.) . Mtg. of dept. of industrial education fof National Educational Assn.). (Same v. 28: 105-108.) : Technical education for women; by Hannah M. Shepard. (Same v. 28: 229.) . Industrial education in Europe as it relates to agric; by J. P. Wickersham. (.Same v. 28: 161-166.) . Same; by J. P. Wickersham. (3 A.R. bd. agric. 1879: 145-151.) 1880. Farm schools for girls; description of a French Institution; by Aurelia C. Folliero, an appointee of the Italian govt. (Penn. School Jol. v. 29: 367- 369.) . Industrial education beyond the Atlantic. (Same V. 29: 3-5.) Extrs. from " apprenticeship schools in France," by Silvanus Thompson. . Industrial school for girls in Paris, France. (Same v. 29: 74-75.) -^. Technical training; by E. E. White. (Same v. 29: 147.) 1881. The industrial schools of Paris; good example for Penn. (Same v. 30: 3-4.) . Industrial training in schools: something to make the rising generation self-supporting. (Same V. 30: 163-164.) . Industrial education in Europe: Germany, Austria, Saxony. (.Some v. 30: 203-204.) 1883. Industrial education of America compared with that of Europe; by F. Jaekel. (7 A.R. bd. agric. 1883: 276-281.) 1885. Sewing in school. (Penn. School Jol. v. 33: 269- 270.) . Industrial feature of education; by Chas. A. Riddle. (.Som* v. 34: 95-98.) 1888. Industrial education; by T. V. Powderly. (Same V. 37: 109-111.) 1889. Industrial education; by N. C. Schaeffer. (.Some V. 38: 98-100.) . Same; R. W. McCIaughrey. (Same v. 38: 106- 108.) . Professional education by D. 0. Kellogg. (Same V. 37: 382-383.) 1890. Some German [manual training or industrial! schools; by J. C. Monaghan. (Same v. 39: 181-182.) . Industrial training: a hint; [practical training in pencil sharpening, bookcovering, etc.]. (Same v. 39: 182-183.) 1891. Industrial education; by Prof. S. N. Davis. (45 and 46 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1891: 138-142.) 1893. Scientific and technical schools; by Francis A. Walker. (Same v. 41: 435-438.) PENNSYLVANIA 1832. Rept. of committee on agric. and domestic mnfres. (Drumheller) on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to culture of the vine and mulberry tree; encouragement socys. for promotion of agric. and mnfrs. (Sen. jol. 1831/2 v. 1: 264-266.) Kecommended that committee on education be Instructed to inquire Into expediency of establlshins a com- petent no. of academies or schools, in which aRric. and mechanical emplo.vment shall be combined with literary and scientllic Instruction. 742 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Industxial and Technical — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1S34. Rept. ot committee on education (Anderson) on petition of D. De Quenaudon for aid in establish- ment of a scliool devoted to useful sciences. (House jol. 1833/4 V. 1: 158.) 1838. Remarks of Mr. Garretson of Tioga in the House of Representatives on the bill to establish a school of arts. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Packer, Barrett and Parke, 1838. 12 pp. Copy seen in Anier. Phil. Socy. 1858. Industrial training: practicability; farm schools. (2 A.R. farmers' high school 1857/8: 64-65.) 1863-1891. Industrial education; by D. E. Robinson. (15 A.R. bd. agrlc. 1891: 277-281.) Hist, sketch of industri.Tl education In Penn. 1870. Professional instruction; modification of law needed. ([37] A.R. supt. common schools 1869/70: xlx-xx.) 1872. Technical education should receive more atten- tion; no. and character of art schools in a few of countries of Europe. ([39] same 1871/2: xxix-xxxii.) 1874. Industrial education indispensable to state; by Chancellor Woods. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 111-123.) . Chancellor Woods on technical education. (Penn. School Jol. V. 23: 113-119.) . Instruction of technical kind needed; instruction in drawing and trades suggested. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 7, 1874: 13.) . Industrial schools; propositions recommended to legisl. (41 A.R. supt. common schools 1873/4: xxv-xxvii.) . Depts. of technical instruction in connection with high schools. (41 same 1873/4: xxvil.) 1875. Table: statistics of schools for scientific and pro- fessional instruction. ([42] same 1874/5: Ixxxiv.) . Propositions as to what can be done in direction of education for work. ([42] same 1874/5: xxiv- xxvi.) . See above, Compulsory Education, this date. . On desirability of introducing industrial educa- tion Into common schools. (Govs. mess. (Hart- ranft) Jan. 6, 1875: 7-8.) . Summary ot ann. income and expenditure of an industrial college. ([3] A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1874/5: 454.) . Recommendation that mechanical, industrial, etc., education be made part of high school course. (46 A.R. inspectors of Eastern Penitentiary 1875: 34-35.) . Education vs. crime; importance of industrial education to youth of Penn. as preventative agst. crime. (46 same 1875; 11-39.) 1876. Vast expenditure for educational purposes should ensure instruction in industrial occupations. (Govs, mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 4, 1876: 8.) . Proposed petition to the Legislature on the sub- ject of industrial education. (Penn. School Jol. V. 25: 251.) 1876-1877. Necessity ot a system of trade education for youth in Penn. (47 A.R. inspector of Eastern Penn. 1876 (pp. 22-25)— 48 same 1877.) 1877. Necessity of industrial art education; efforts of Penn. Museum and School of Industrial Art in this respect; beginning for industrial education furnished in specimens of gcol. survey. (Govs, mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 3, 1877: 13-14.) . Technical education — the missing link supplied. (Penn. School Jol. v. 26: 175.) Prep.irntory dept. at the Polytechnic College of the State of Penn. EDUCATION— cont'd Industrial and Technical — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1877. Education for work; suggested establishment of workshop schools. ([44] A.R. supt. public instruc- tion 1876/7: xvii-xxii.) 1878. Decline ot system of apprenticeship, decadence of skilled labor and rapid increase of common day laborers; influence of labor-saving machines; trades unions and labor organizations; remedy for de- moralized conditions must come through industrial schools and workshops; aids to industrial educa- tion; Phila. Museum and School of Industrial Art. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 2, 1878: 18-20.) — I — . Letter of A. L. Kennedy, pres. of Polytechnic College, Phila. on industrial education. (Penn. School Jol. V. 26: 347-348.) . Remarks of Gov. Hartranft on Industrial Edu- cation. (Same v. 27: 214.) 1879. See above, Compulsory Education, this date. ■. Establishment of industrial schools by dept. of industrial training organized in connection with the International Exhibition, Phila.: one of silk culture and one of mechanic arts. (Penn. School Jol. V. 27: 429.) 1880. Industrial school to be established by bd. of mngrs. of Phila. Assn. of Mnfrers. of Textile Fab- rics. (Same v. 29: 395.) . Industrial education in our common schools; by Elizabeth Lloyd. (Same v. 29: 275-276.) 1883. How far can industrial arts be introduced in our public schools; by R. M. Streeter. (Same v. 32: 65-70.) 1884. Industrial schools: supply of skilled labor from native population diminishing; mechanical train- ing of youth of vital importance; establishment of industrial schools would do much, but revision of common school system would do more; education of youth in mechanical arts commended to atten- tion of legisl. (12 A.R. bureau of industrial sta- tistics 1884: viii-ix.) 1886. Suggested that act approved Je. 25, 1885, author- izing central bds. of education in cities of 2d class to establish and maintain schools for instruction in mechanic arts and kindred subjects, should be extended to all cities of 10,000 or more inhabitants. ([53] A.R. supt. public instruction 1885/6: xvii.) . Course in mechanic arts. pp. 100-104. (Penn. State College Bull. 13 (1 series).) . Same. (Rept. Penn. State College 1886: 314-318.) 1887. Reform and enlargement of educational system; industrial manual training; civics. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 18, 1887: 7-9.)* . Apptmt. of industrial education comn. by Gov. Beaver. (Penn. School Jol. v. 36: 265-266.) 1888. Exhibit of industrial work: what Phila. has done and is doing. (Same v. 36: 454-455.) — ■ — . Industrial training; how far practicable in normal schools. (Same v. 37: 211.) . Conference of industrial comn. with normal school principals. (Same v. 37: 261-278.) 1889. List of members of Industrial Education Comn. and work of comn.; manual training; apprn. for equipment of normal schools in manual training recommended. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 1, 1889: 11-13.) — — . Rept. of the comn. on industrial education, with appendices. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1889. 592 pp., pi., illus. Geo. \V. Athcrton, Adam II. Fetterolf, Nathan C. Schaeffer. Geo. .1. I/Uckey. Theodore \V. Bean. . Same. (Legisl. Record 1S89 (v. 2); 2796-2920.) 1891. See below. Normal Schools. State, this date. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 743 EDUCATION— cont'd Industrial and Technical — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1893. Apprenticeship and industrial schools. (21 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1893: 1-86 D.) . Same, separate, n. p., C. M. Busch, 1894. 86 pp. . New engineering bldg. of Penn. State College. (Penn. School Jol. v. 41: 420-422.) . Ilept. of special committee apptd. by coran. of soldiers' orphan schools to visit manual training or industrial schools. (Some v. 41: 347-354.) St. Louis MiiDual Training School. Indiana Soldiers and Sailors Orph.Tns' Home, Clikago .Manual Train- ing School, Toledo Manuel Tr.ilning School, Univ. School, Cleveland, Ohio, and others. 1894. Bldg. trades: replies reed, to inquiries as to whether acquiring linowledge of a trade by serving an apprenticeship or by acquiring useful knowledge in technical schools be most desirable. (22 A.R. bureau industrial statistics 1894: B. 5-19; 357-446.) 1895. Need of industrial training in public schools. (Govs. mess. (Hastings) Jan. 15, 1895.) Northumberland County serial A 1853/4-1903/4. Rept. of co. supt. of schools. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1853/4 (pp. 109-110)- — same 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9. 18S0/1. 1882/3, 1884/5; hist, sketch in 1876/7. John J. Relmensnyder, co. supt. 1853/4-1859/60; Jacob Ulp, 1860/1-18G5/6; J. W. Haunt, 1866/7-1867/8; W. J. Wolverton, 186S/9, 18S1/2-1886/7 ; Saul Shipman, 1869/70-1874/5 : H. H. Bartholomew, 1875/6-1877/8 ; Wm. B. Boal, 1879/80 ; \V. B. Bloom, 1887/8-1892/3; Ira Shipman, 1893-4- 1898/9 ; BenJ. Apple, 1899/00-1903/4. Pittsburgh 1873. Pittsburg; need of an industrial school for neglected children. ([40] A.R. supt. common schools 1872/3: xvii.) Ibon Industrial Schools 1878. [Legislation rel. to] Iron Industrial Schools. (Penn. School Jol. v. 27: 8-10.) PrlDCipally extra, from a speech of Senator Holben. . Remarks (Holben) on the Iron Industrial School bill. (Legisl. Record 1878 (v. 2): 2450-2453.) A state school for Instruction in mnfre. of articles from iron and steel. 1879. Debate on act to establish the Iron Industrial Schools of Eastern and Western Penn. {Same 1879: 126-130; 217-219.) ■. Iron Industrial Schools. (Same 1879 (v. 2): 1819-1822; 2007-2008.) 1881. Iron Industrial School bill; debate. (Som« 1881: 1220.) . Iron industrial schools; proposed establishment of one to be known as Eastern Iron Industrial School of Penn. and the other as the Western Iron Industrial School of Penn. (Same 1881: 778-784; 1077-1078.) Kindergartens 1857. The kindergarten. (Penn. School Jol. v. 6: 220- 224.) From Saturday Evening Post. 1874. Boston kindergartens; by Louise C. Moulton. (Same v. 23: 156-158.) . The kindergarten; by Edgar Bourloton. (Same V. 22: 319-320.) 1875. The nature of kindergarten instruction; by Elizabeth R. Peabody. (Same v. 23: 245-248.) . The kindergarten — what is it; by Mrs. Woolson. (Same v. 24: 32-34.) by N. S. Dodge, by Rachel S. Walk, week; by Eleanor schools; by EDUCATION— cont'd Kindergartens — cont'd 1876. A kindergarten in London; (Same v. 24: 305-307.) . The kindergarten display; (Same v. 25: 159-160; 194-195.) 1878. Record of a kindergarten Beebe. (Same v. 27: 12-14.) . Kindergarten work in common Rachel S. Walk. (Same v. 27: 103-107.) 1879. The relations of the kindergarten to the school; by W. T. Harris. (Same v. 28: 101-102.) 1880. Kindergartens in connection with normal schools: procs. of Minn, normal school bd. (Same V. 29: 328.) 1895. Limitations of kindergarten work; by D. A. Harman. (Same v, 44: 107-110.) 1898. Discussion during session of State Teachers Assoc, on kindergarten. (Same v. 47: 91-98.) . The kindergarten; by Geo. J. Luckey. (Same V. 46: 481-482.) . The kindergarten in the public school; by L. O. Foose. (Same v. 46: 482-487.) 1901. Kindergarten conference. (Same v. 50: 122-127.) 1903. Same. (Same v. 52: 144-153.) . Kindergartens in Penn. (70 A.R. supt. public instruction 1902/3: vi-vii.) Lancasterian System Acts of ISlS and April 1. 1822 establishing the first (Phlla.) and second (Lancaster and incorporated borouglis) School Districts of Penn. resp., both required instruction upon the Lancasterian or monitorial plan. The bd. of controllers of the First District employed Jos. Lancaster [of Londoo, England] for a number of years to develop the system. Schools under the Ltincusterlan plan were also established at Harrlsburg. Pittsburgh, Erie and other places. 1822. See above. Education, Penn., this date. 1825-1828. See same, these dates. 1832. Rept. of committee on corporations (Uhule) upon Lancasterian School, in Borough of Milton. (House jol. 1831/2 v. 2: 583 (doc. 127).) Law Schools 1896. Entrance requirements of law schools should be advanced. (1 bienn. rept. of higher education 1895/6: 15.) 1896-1904. Table: names of law schools, location, name and title of officer in charge, date of organization or foundation, date of charter, no. of yrs. in full course, no. of instructors, enrollment of students. (1 same 1895/6 (pp. 16-17)— 5 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1901/2. Beginning with 1897/8, called General and Financial Statistics and contains following additional items : no. of students from other states ; no. from other countries ; no. since founding ; no. graduated at last commencement ; whole no. of graduates since founded : no. of vols. In library ; average ann. cost per student ; average cost of board per week ; estimated value of bidgs. and grounds ; estimated value of apparatus ; amt. of endowment fund. Laws See also above. Compulsory Education. N. H. serial 1842-1903. The common school laws of Penn, with e.x- planatory instructions and forms [and decisions,* 1853 et seq.]. Checklist 1842. Harrlsburg : Prtd. by M'Klniey and Lescure, 1842. 32 pp. A compilation of the school laws of Penn.. with explana- tory instnictinns and fi>riiis. by the supt. Copy seen in I'enn. State Library. 1843. Harrlsburg : I'rtd. by V. Best, 1843. 36 pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of i'enn. and in Penn. State Library. * The first page of each number of the Penn. School Journal con- tains decisions, instructions, etc., by the state superintendent. 744 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Laws — cont'd serial — cont'd Checklist — cont'd 1844-1845. Not found. 1846. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure. 1846, vl, 28 pp. Copy seen In Free Library of Phlla. 1847-1850. Not found. 1851. Harrisburg : T. Fenn & Co., 1S51. 15 pp. 8°. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. 1000 copies in En- glish and 5000 In German ordered prtd. (House jol. 1851 V. 1 : 353.) 1852. Not found. 1853. Harrisburg : T. Fenn & Co.. 1853. xi, 34 pp. Copies seen in Free Library of Phlla., in the N. Y. Public Library and In Penn. State Library. 2000 copies in English and 500 in German ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1853 V. 1: 133.) 1854. Harrisburg : A. B. Hamilton. 1854. 55 pp. Copies seen in Amer. Phil. Socy., in library of the Library Co. of Phlla. and in Penn. State Library. 1855. Harrisburg: A. B. Il-imllton, 1855. 103 (1) pp. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn.. library of the Library Co. of Phlla., in the Free Library of Phlla. and in Penn. State Library. 1856. Not found. 1857. Harrisburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1857. 142 pp. Copies seen in Free Library of Phlla., library of the Library Co. of Phlla., in the N. Y. Public Library .ind in Penn. State Library. 1858-1861. Not found. 1862. Harrisburg: A. B. Hamilton. 1862. 119 pp. Copies seen in Free Library of Phila. and in Penn. State Library. 1863-1865. Not found. 1866. Harrisburg : Slngerly & Myers, 1866. xx, 207 pp. 16°. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in Mercantile Library, Phila. 1867-1869. Not found. 1S70. Harrisburg : B. Slngerly, 1870. vl, 276 pp. 16°. Copies seen in Free Library of Phlla., Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in the N. Y. Public Library. 1871-1872. Not found. 1873. Harrisburg; B. Slngerly, 1873. vl. 229 pp. 16°. Copy seen In Free Library of Phlla. and in Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1874-1875. Not found. 1876. Harrisburg: B. F. Meyers, 1876. vi, 213 pp. 16°. Copy seen In Free Library of Phila. 1877-1878. Not found. 1879. Harrisburg; L. S. Hart, 1879. vl, 307 pp. 24°. Copies seen in Free Library of Phila.. Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In the N. Y. Public Library. 1880-1881. Not found. 1882. Harrisburg: L. S. Hart, 1882. vi, (1) 324 pp. 12°. Copies seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in the N. Y. Public Library and in the Penn. State Library. 1883-1884. Not found. 1885. Harrisburg ; L. S. Hart, 1885. vl, 288 pp. Copies seen In the B'ree Library of Phila. and In the N. Y. Public Library. 1886-1887. Not found. 1888. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers. 1888. v. 213 pp. 16°. Copies seen In Free Library of Phila., in the N. Y. Public Library and In Penn. State Library. 1889. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1890. v, 213 pp. 16°. Copy seen in Free Library of Phila. 1890. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1890. v, 213 pp. 16°. Copy seen in Free Library of Phlla. 1891. None published. 1892. Harrisburg : E. K. Meyers. 1892. vl, 222 pp. Copy seen in Free Library of Phila. 1893. None published. 1894. n. p. C. M. Busch, 1894. v. 1, 270 pp. 16°. Copy seen In Free Library of Phlla. ; also In Library of Congress. 1895. None published. 1890. Harrisburg: C. M. Busch, 1896. vi, 395 pp. 16*. 1897. Harrisburg : C. M. Busch, 1897. vlii, 450 pp. 16°. 1898. None published. 1899. llnrrlshurg: W. S. Ray, 1899. vl, 462 pp. 16°. 1900. Ncine puhliKhed. 1901. H.irrlsburg: W. S. Ray, 1902. vl, 484 pp. 18°. 1902. None published. 1903. Harrisburg : W. S. Ray, 1903. vl, 408 pp. 16°. non-serial 1834. An act to establish a general system of educa- tion by common schools. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 18?.4. 11 pp. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and in Amer. Phil. Socy. 1500 copies in English and 500 In German ordered prtd. . Text of first common school law. (Penn. School Jol. V. 16: 51-54.) EDUCATION— cont'd Laws — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1835. An act suppl. to an act to establish a general system of education by common schools. Rept. by Mr. Anderson of Del., chrm. Harrisburg: Prtd. by Welsh & Patterson, 1835. 6 pp. Copies seen in library of the Library Co. of PhUa., Hist. Socy. of Penn. and Amer. Phil. Socy. 1836. An act to consolidate and amend the several acts rel. to a general system of education by com- mon schools, together with explanatory instruc- tions and forms for carrying the same into opera- tion; by the supt. of common schools. Harrisburg: Prtd. by T. Fenn, 1836. 32 pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. — ■ — . Text of school law. (Penn. School Jol. v. 23: 211-213.) . Text of revised school law. (Same v. 16: 128- 130.) 1837. An act to consolidate and amend the several acts of Assem. rel. to a general system of education by common schools, together with explanatory in- structions and forms. 2d ed. Harrisburg: E. Guyer, 1837. 32 pp. Copies seen In Amer. Phil. Socy., in Fenn. State Library and In Library of Congress. . Same; different title [House ed.]. Rept. of the supt. of common schools ace. with bills relating to the common school system. Harrisburg: Boas & Coplan, 1839. 61 pp. Copy seen In Amer. Phil. Socy. 1839. Draft of common school law. Harrisburg: E. Guyer, 1839. 61 pp. Copy seen In Amer. Phil. Socy. Has date 1838 on title page. . Same. (Sen. jol. 1838/9 v. 2: 166-221.) 1848. Text of local act for collection of school taxes. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 26.) East Lampeter, West Lampeter, and Leacock townships. 1849-1870. Text of acts rel. to schooling of minors. {Same v. 21: 305.) 1852. Extrs. from pending school law; co. examiners and school visitors. {Same v. 1: 389-391.) 1854. An act for the regulation and continuation of the common school system in Penn. Harrisburg: A. B, Hamilton, 1854. 17 pp. Copy seen In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. . Same. (Penn. School Jol. v. 2: 378-385.) . Text of law rel. to co. supts. {Same v. 2: 333- 334.) 1855. Text of suppl. to common school law. n. t. p. 2 U. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. [1857.] Penn. state normal schools; an act to provide for the due training of teachers, for the common schools of the state; drafted by Thos. H. Bur- rowes. 8 pp. Copy In Library of Congress. 1857. Text of school laws passed in 1857. (Penn. School Jol. V. 5: 375-376.) — — . Text of state normal school law. {Same v. 44: 220-223.) . Same. {Same v. 6: 7-9.) . Laws rel. to common schools of Penn. 37 pp. (24 A.R. supt. common schools 1856/7 app. [B].) 1857-1859. Text of state normal school acts. (Penn. School Jol. V. 8: 195-197.) 1859. Penn. normal school laws. Harrisburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1860. 14 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. — . Supplement to act of May 20, 1857 which pro- vides for training of teachers for common schools of state. (26 A.R. supt. common schools 1858/9 app. [B] pp. 145-146.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATK OF PENNSYLVANIA 715 EDUCATION— cont'd Laws — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1862. Text of further suppl. to act for the regulation and continuance of a system of education by com- mon schools. (Penn. School Jol. v. 10: 292-295.) 1864. Text of acts rel. to common schools passed In 1864. {Same v. 12: 360-362.) 1865. Text of act suppl. to act for regulation and con- tinuance of a system of education by common schools. (Same v. 13: 251-252.) 1867. Text of suppl. to act for regulation and continu- ance of school system; with explanations. (Same V. 15: 271-275.) . Text of law rel. to teachers' certificates. (Same V. 16: 285.) 1869. Text of act rel. to collection of school tax in school dlstrs. (Legisl. Record 1869: 1415.) 1871. Text of new school laws. (Penn. School Jol. v. 20: 59-60.) 1874. Text of school laws passed in 1874. {Same v. 23: 61-62.) 1875. Text of act. rel. to election and apptmt. of trus- tees for the state normal school. {Same v. 23: 376- 377.) 1878. Text of bill regulating salaries of co. supts. {Same v. 26: 428.) 1883. Text of act rel. to permanent certificates of teach- ers in common schools. {Same v. 32: 76.) . Text of act rel. to free evening schools. {Same V. 32: 157-158.) 1885. Text of act rel. to teachers' tenure of office. {Same v. 34: 75-76.) — ■ — . Text of act rel. to purchase of text-books. (Same V. 34: 75.) . Text of act regulating the collection of taxes in the several boroughs and townships. {Same v. 34; 295-296. ) 1887. Text of law requiring payment of teachers while attending institutes. {Same v. 35: 465; v. 36: 34- 35.) 1889. Text of act constituting each city of the 3d class a single school distr., providing for the election of its school controllers, levy and collection of its taxes and mngmt. of its affairs. {Same v. 38: 28-29.) 1891. Text of act requiring co. comrs. to provide co. supts. with an office at the co. seat. {Same v. 40; 275-276.) 1892. Text of law requiring publication of ann. finan- cial stmts, of school bds. {Same v. 40: 551-552.) 1893. Text of act rel. to high schools in boroughs, etc. {Same v. 42: 274-277.) . Text of acts rel. to normal school apprns. {Same V. 42: 41-42.) . Text of act rel. to free text-books. {Same v. 42: 39-40.) 1895. Text of act to provide for incorporation of insti- tutions with power to confer degrees, etc. (1 bienn. rept. of higher education 1895/6: 46-49.) . Text of act rel. to high schools. (Penn. School Jol. V. 44: 84-85.) . Text of act rel. to incorporation of institutions of learning and conferring degrees. {Same v. 44: 87-89.) . Text of act rel. to compulsory attendance. {Same V. 43: 550-551.) • — — . Text of act rel. to free public libraries in school distrs. {Same v. 44: 86-87.) 1897. Text of school laws passed in 1897. {Same v. 46: 90-96.) 1901. Same, in 1901. {Same v. 49: 516-518; 618-621.) . Same. (Sajjie v. 50: 41-44; 167-170; 352-353.) 1903. Same in 1903. {Same v. 51: 518-522; 567-568.) W. S. upon the will and M. Balliet. {Same education; by J. L. (Same v. 52: EDUCATION— cont'd Laws — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1903. Acts of Assem. rel. to education Ray, 1903. 26 pp. CoploB Boon In I'eDD. State Library and Id Library of Congress. Manual Training Sec also bolow, Tndlvlrhinl Institutions; Berean. Manual TralnlnR and Industrial School. 1880. Manual training at St. Louis; new movement in the West. (Penn. School Jol. v. 28: 389-393.) 1885. The educational value of manual training; by Chas. H. Ham. {Same v. 34: 140-141.) 1888. Manual training; by A. H. Fetterolf. {Same V. 37: 112-113.) . Same; L. W. Miller. {Same v. 37: 115-116.) 1895. The Elmira reformatory of New York: manual training and intellectual discipline. {Same v. 43: 3-4.) 1897. Manual training: its effect upon the character; by Thos. v. 45: 453-456.) 1900. Art and manual training in Todd. {Same v. 48: 375-378.) 1903. Manual training; by C. B. Conelly. 77-80.) . Manual training in theory and practice; by Herbert R. Jacques. {Same v. 52: 153-156.) . Manual training and technical education; by Thos. M. Balliet. {Same v. 52: 330-334.) . Manual training in high schools; by M. L. Lan- bach. (Same v. 52: 133-135.) GERMANY 1880. What Germany is doing for girls. (Penn. School Jol. v. 29: 395-396.) OHIO 1852. Description of Roach [Manual Labor! School at Massilon, O. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 207-208.) PENNSY'LVANIA 1833. Rept. of committee on education (Matthias), rel. to manual labor academies. (House jol. 1832/3 v. 2; 562-571 (doc. 168).) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by H. Welsh, 1833. 14 pp. Copy seen in Univ. of Penn. Library and In Amer. Phil. Socy. 1834. Rept. of committee on education (White) upon the petition rel. to the Manual Labor Academy (Baptist) in Western Penn. (House jol. 1833/4 V. 2: 660-661 (doc. 160).) 1856. Sketch of a plan for a free state manual labor Univ.; by Sharon Tyndale. (Penn. School Jol. v. 5: 139140.) 1887. Manual training and industrial education. ([54] A.R. supt. public instruction 1886/7: vii-x.) 1888. Manual training; review of efforts making in Penn. (Penn. School Jol. v. 37: 170.) . How and to what extent can manual training be engrafted on our system of public schools? by Chas. H. Ham. (Same v. 36: 349-350.) 1889. Manual training; provisions of bill proposed by industrial education comn. {Same v. 37; 319-320.) See above Industrial and Technical for rept. of comn. 1890. Manual training in the public schools; encour- agement. {Same v. 39: 37-38.) 1890-1892. Manual training taught in schools. ([57] A.R. supt. public instruction 1889/90 (p. v)— [59] same 1891/2.) 1891. Remarks of Supt. Luckey on manual training. (Penn. School Jol. v. 39: 419-420.) 1902. Manual training as related to the public school course; by C. B. Connelley. {Same v. 50: 502-504.) 746 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Manual Training — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1903. Manual training; progress in establishment of schools of. (70 A.R. supt. public instruction 1902/3: v-vi.) Philadelphia 1885. The manual training and technical schools of Phila.; by E. J. James. (13 A.R. bureau of in- dustrial statistics 1885: 1-16.) . Education of the hand; new manual training school in Phila. (Penn. School Jol. v. 34: 162-163.) 1886. Extr. from rept. of pres. of bd. of education of Phila. urging manual training in lower grades. (Saine v. 35: 287-288.) ST. LOUIS, MO. 1880. See above, the general group, this date. Tidioute, Warren Co. 1888. Manual training in the public schools of Tidioute. (Penn. School Jol. v. 36: 375-376.) Medical Schools See also below, Individual Institutions. Medlco- Chlrurgical ; Phila. Polyclinic and College for Graduates in Medicine ; etc. 1872. Rept. of special committee (Randall) on in- vestigation of facts concerning alleged corrupt issu- ing of medical diplomas by medical colleges. (Sen. jol. 1872: 723-725.) . Same, separate [with testimony]. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, 1872. 134 pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. 1881. Sale of diplomas; proceedings agst. American Univ. of Phila., Eclectic Medical College of Penn. and agst. Phila. University of Medicine and Sur- gery; means advanced by citizen of Phila. who should be recompensed; system of registration of medical diplomas recommended. (Govs. mess. (Hoyt) Jan. 4, 1881: 26-27.) 1888-1889. Names of medical colleges, and no. of gradu- ates from each college practicing in Penn. (A.R. secy, internal affairs pt. 1 1887 (pp. 314A-316A) — same 1888/9.) 1894. Extracts from the jol. of the select committee of the Senate apptd. to investigate the facts con- cerning the alleged corrupt issuing of medical diplomas by medical colleges existing under the laws of Penn. [1872], and from the rept. of the atty. gen. for 1879 and 1880. Philadelphia, Oct. 15, 1894. 8 pp. Copy seen in Free Library of Phila. On p. 8 is a note by J. H. Gendell, special counsel with the atty. gen. of the state in the matter of the revoking of the charters in 18bO. 1896. See below, Teachers, this date. . Natural centers for schools of medicine: Phila. and Pittsburgh — flourishing condition of schools. (1 bienn. rept. of higher education 1895/6: 6-7.) . Standard of admission into schools of medicine should be advanced. (1 same 1895/6: 6.) 1896-1904. Table: names of medical colleges in state, location, name and title of officer in charge, date of organization or foundation, date of charter, no. of yrs. in course, no. of instructors, etc., enrollment of students. (1 same 1895/6 (pp. 8-9) — 5 same 1903/4.) No returns 1001/2. Beginning with 1897/8, called General and Financial Statistics and contains following additional items : no. of students frijiu other states; from other countries; no. since founding; no. graduated at last commencement : whole no. of graduates since founded ; no. of vols, in library ; average cost of board per weeli ; estimated value of bidgs. and grounds : estimated value of apparatus ; amt. of endowment fund. EDUCATION— cont'd Medical Schools — cont'd 1898. Preliminary examination of medical students; higher standards should be insisted upon. (2 same 1897/8: 10-11.) . Effect of examinations held under supervision of [state] medical council. (2 same 1897/8: 10.) Military Schools 1849. In favor of establishment of a state military institute. (A.R. adj. gen. 1849: 10-11.) 1862. That provision be made for military instruction of youth. (Govs. mess. (Curtin) 1862: 13.) 1889. Schools of instruction for non-commissioned and commissioned officers of National Guard. (A. R. adj. gen. 1889: vi.) 1898. Military drill a desirable feature of higher educa- tion. (2 bienn. rept. of higher education 1897/8: 20.) Moral Training 1858. See below. Teachers' Institutes, this date. 1878. Moral training in the public schools; by Wm. Mueller. (Penn. School Jol. v. 26: 290-295.) 1890. Need of moral training in our schools; by R. M. McNeal. (Same v. 39: 9.='.-97.) Museums 1877. Pedagogical museums; by S. P. May. (Penn. School Jol. V. 26: 78-88.) — — . Proposed museum of industrial art. {Same v. 25: 371-372.) 1878. An educational museum; by Jacob Ennis. (Same V. 26: 406-407.) Nature Study 1855. A plea for the study of natural history in the common schools; by Wm. Darlington. (Penn. School Jol. V. 4: 156-160.) 1900. Nature study reference library for use in public schools; arranged by M. L. Dock, from lists fur- nished secy, of agric. 21 pp. (Dept. of agric. bull, no. 64.) . A course in nature study for use in the public schools; by L. Miller. 117 pp. (Same no. 63.) 1901. Jly. 18. Veto of concurrent res. providing for the publication of 20,000 copies each of Bull. No. 63 of the Dept. of Agric, " A Course in Nature Study for Use in the Public Schools " and Bull. no. 64 of the Dept of Agric, " Nature Study Reference Library." (Vetoes (Stone) 1901: 82.) Naval Schools See also below, Individual Institutions. Nautical School Ship. 1889. Establishment of a nautical school; debate. (Legisl. Record 1889: 427-428.) Negro See also below, Individual Institutions. Chambersburg Industrial Kindergarten and Business School for Colored Children ; also Institute for Colored Youth, Phila. 1854. Schools for negroes and mulattoes. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1854: 17.) 1880. Education for the colored people of the South; Peabody Education fund. (Penn. School Jol. v. 29: 74.) . The negro in the south and his education; by Supt. Ruffner. (Same v. 28: 415-416.) 1888. Tlie education of the American negroes; by Chas. L. Fry. (Same v. 37: 240-244.) 1895. Progress of the negroes in the South. (Same V. 43: 493-494.) Ilauiptou Institute; Tuskegee. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 747 EDUCATION— cont'd Negro — cont'd Alleghemj County 1880. Opinion of supt. of public instrurtion rel. to separate schools for colored chiUiren in Allegheny City. (Penn. School Jol. v. 29: 251-252.) . Action of Teachers' Assn. of Allegheny Co. rel. to separate schools for colored cliildren. (Same V. 29: 391-392.) Normal Schools: County 1858. Doubtful propriety of co. supts. becoming paid professors In co. normal schools. (Penn. School Jol. V. 7: 98.) Allegheny County Normal School 1855. Allegheny Co. Normal School: announcement. (Penn. School Jol. v. 3: 293.) Centbe County Normal School 1855. Sketch of Centre Co. Normal School. (Penn. School Jol. V. 4: 144-145.) . Centre Co. Normal School: announcement. (Same v. 3: 292.) 1866-1877. Co. normal school organized in Centre Co. 1866, by Supt. Magee at Rebersburg; 18721874 held at Centre Hall; 1875-1877 at Milesburg. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 140.) Lancaster County Normal School See below, Normal Schools ; State. 2d District. Mifflin County Normal School and Institute 1857. Mifflin Co. Normal School and Institute; descrip- tion; by S. Z. Sharp. (Penn. School Jol. v. 6: 148- 149.) Phila. Normal School for Girls 1872. Commencement of Girls' Normal School of Phila. (Penn. School Jol. v. 20: 293-294.) 1876. Description of new bldg. erected for Phila. normal school for Girls. (Same v. 25: 233-234.) Wayne County Normal School 1873. Acct. of Wayne Co. normal school; attendance at CO. institute. (Penn. School Jol. v. 22: 219.) Normal Schools: Private Excelsior Normal School 1859. Visit to the Excelsior Normal School of Carvers- ville, Bucks Co. (Penn. School Jol. v. 8: 200-201.) . Visit to the Excelsior Normal School. (Same V. 8: 200-201.) 1860. Work of the Excelsior Normal School. (Satne V. 9: 46-47.) Juniata Valley Normal School 1867-1877. Hist, of Juniata Valley Normal School in Perry Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 468-469.) Plum Creek Normal School 1874-1877. Plum Creek Normal School in Armstrong Co. — denominational. (44 A.R. supt. public instruc- tion 1876/7: 35.) Normal Schools: State See also above, Association. 1874. The national normal school at Lebanon, Ohio. (Penn. School Jol. v. 22: 278-280.). 1879. Meeting of dept. of normal schools [of National Educational Assn.]; abstr. of procs. {Same v. 28: 95-98.) 1891. The normal school; by John W. Dickinson. (Same v. 40: 206-208.) From New England Journal of Education. EDUCATION— cont'd Normal Schools: State — cont'd CONNECTICUT 1850. Extr. from 5th ann. rept. of supt. of common scliools of Conn.; normal schools. (Penn. School Jol. V. 1: 373-370.) [1851.] Extr. from 1st annual circular of the state normal school at New Britain, Conn. (Same v. 1: 376-378.) NEW YORK 1853. N. Y. State Normal School; its history and con- dition; extr. from supt.'s rcpt. (Penn. School Jol. V. 1: 408-410.) 1871. The N. Y. state normal schools. (Same v. 19: 218-220.) 1879. Conclusions of committee apptd. by the N. Y. Assembly to investigate N. Y. state normal schools. (Same V. 28: 57-58.) 1892. New York's normal school system. (Same v. 40: 546-549.) PENNSYLVANIA See also below, Receipts and Expenditures. See also, Maintenance. Dependents. Soldiers' Orphans. serial See also below, under the several districts. 1899-1904. Proceedings of the ann. meetius of the bd. of principals of the state normal schools of Penn. Checklist 1899. n. p., W. S. Ra.v, IFIOO. 20 pp. 1900. n. p., W. S. Ray, IflOl. GO pp. 1901. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1002. 34 pp. 1902. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. 32 pp. 1903. D. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. 32 pp. 1904. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1905. 44 pp. Copies of all of the above were seen in the Library of Congress; 1904 also in the Free Library of Phila. non-serial 1831/9-1864. See below, Secondary Education, these dates. 1839. Establishment of normal schools recommended. (6 A.R. supt. common schools 1839: 194.) Paging from House doc. ed. Repeated in 1849, 1852, 1853, 1855, 1856. 1843. Normal schools: necessity of provision for the education of teachers; advantages of a normal school. (10 same 1842/3: 7-8.) 1852. On the establishment of normal schools. (Penn. School Jol. V. 1: 300-301.) 1853. Rept. on state normal schools; by Dr. Burrowes. (Same v. 44: 215-220.) . [Committee] rept. on normal schools. (Same V. 2: 83-87.) 1854. Normal schools; by L. Alleman. (Same v. 2: 334.) 1854-1859. Penn. normal schools; review of legislation. (Same 1857: 323-327.) 1856. Need of a normal school in Susquehanna Co. (Same v. 5: 160-161.) . Rept. on normal instruction; by J. F. Stoddard. (Same v. 5: 257-260.) — ■ — . Efforts making that point with certainty to the establishment of state normal schools, etc. (Govs. mess. (Pollock) Jan. 1, 1856.) . Synopsis of a proposed law' rel. to normal schools; ways and means for executing such a plan. (23 A.R. supt. of common schools 1855/6: 18-20.) . Objects to be accomplislied by establishment of normal schools. (23 same 1855/6: 17-18.) 1857. Plans and specifications of normal school bldgs. (24 same 1856/7: app. A, pp. 157-171.) . Normal school correspondence. (24 same 1856/7 app. A, pp. 148-156.) 748 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Normal Schools: State — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1857. Act of May 20, 1857 with discussion of plans for normal schools. (24 some 1856/7: 20-23.) — • — . State normal schools; comment. (24 same 1856/7: 19.) . Renewed recommendation rel. to establishment of state normal schools. (Govs. mess. (Pollock) Jan. 7, 1857.) . The normal school bill. (Penn. School Jol. v. 5: 339-340.) . Proposed normal school in AUentown. (Same V. 5: 352.) . 'Normal schools; European and United States normal school; wants of the Penn. normal school. (Same v. 6: 194-195.) . Normal school law and policy; by Henry C. Hickok. (Same v. 44: 223-226.) . Normal school bill; comment by Dr. Burrowes. (Same v. 44: 227-229.) . Speech by Geo. W. Brewer on the normal school bill. (Same v. 44: 260-263.) . Same. (Same v. 6: 22-24.) . Normal school corresp. (Same v. 6: 284-288.) Corresp. of the supt. of common schools with principals of Lancaster Co. Normal School (Millersville) and Cumberland Co. Normal Co. School. . See above, Laws, this date. 1857-1859. See same, these dates. 1858. See below, Teachers' Institutes, this date. . State normal schools; comment. (25 A.R. supt. common schools 1857/8: 15-16.) 1859. See above. Education. Penn., this date. . Remarks (Ramsdell) on bill to incorporate a normal school in connection with Westminster College. (Legisl. Record 1859: 237-238.) . Debate on act to establish a normal school in connection with Westminster College. (Same 1859: 221-222; 282.) : Veto (Packer) of act to provide for education of certain common school teachers in Westminster College, New Wilmington, Lawrence Co. (Sen. jol. 1859: 550-552; House jol. 1859: 707-708.) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1859: 428; 456; Penn. School Jol. v. 7: 325-326.) . See above. Laws, this date. . Recommended that requirements of act of May 20, 1857 be firmly maintained, and that no normal school be recognized as a state institution, except in pursuance of thorough and impartial inspection now required under act. (26 A.R. supt. common schools 1858/9: 14.) . Contingent apprn. to state normal schools recom- mended. (26 same 1858/9: 14.) . Penn. common and normal school policy; an address by T. W. Burrowes, LL. D., framer of nor- mal school law, Dec. 2, 1859. (26 same 1858/9 app. IB], pp. 158-163.) — • — . Provisions of normal school act and supplement of special interest. (26 some 1858/9 app. [B], pp. 157-158.) . Future policy rel. to normal schools. (26 same 1858/9: 13-14.) . Normal school movements: inspection of nor- mal school at Edinboro; private normal schools; appms. required for state normal schools. (26 same 1858/9: 15-16.) . Defects avoided and advantages proposed by state system of normal schools. (Penn. School Jol. V. 7: 355-356.) . Upland Normal School; bldg. and object. (Same V. 7: 293-294.) EDUCATION— cont'd Normal Schools: State — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1860. The work of the normal school; by John M. Gregory. (Same v. 9: 187-192.) . A plea for normal schools. (Same v. 9: 152-154.) — ^ — : Normal schools necessary to the establishment of a profession of teaching; by J. P. Wickersham. (Same v. 9: 119-123.) . Normal schools; the vitalizing agency of our public schools; by H. D. Walker. (Same v. 9: 28-32.) . The state normal school. (Same v. 8: 193-194.) Importance : more normal schools needed ; how they can be obtained. 1861. See below, Teachers, this date. . Recommendation in regard to apprn. for normal schools. (28 A.R. supt. common schools 1860/1: 29.) . Suggestion for some additional inducement to distrs. to send students to normal schools on dis- trict acct. (28 same 1860/1: 29.) 1S62. The state normal schools: status. (Penn. School Jol. V. 11: 162-164.) . Course of study for normal schools; by J. P. Wickersham. (Same v. 11: 85-87.) . Rept. on normal school bldgs. (Same v. 11: 87- 89.) 1863. Our state normal schools. (Same v. 12: 98-100.) Progress of the system. 1864. Same; by J. A. Cooper. (Savie v. 13: 43-44.) 1865. Suggestion for further apprn. to normal schools on condition that amt. given be applied directly to aid young men and women preparing themselves for teachers. (32 A.R. supt. common schools 1864/5: 25.) . Recommendation rel. to payment of traveling ing expenses to principals of state normal schools. (32 same 1864/5: 14.) . Normal schools; recommended that a large pro- portion, if not whole amt. of state apprns. should be applied directly to aid young men and women in preparing themselves for teachers. (32 same 1864/5: 25.) . Recommended that an apprn. of $5,000 be made to each of the three state normal schools in opera- tion, upon condition that 4/5 of sum appropriated to each shall be used to lessen expenses of students of proper age, who attend school for sole purpose of qualifying themselves for business of teaching; remaining 1/5 to be applied to purchase of furni- ture and apparatus. (32 savie 1864/5: 28.) . See above. Education. Penn., this date. 1865-1904. Table: statistics of normal schools; by distrs. (32 A.R. supt. of common schools 1865 (p. 201)— 71 same 1904.) Professors, students, libraries, value of property, debt*, expenditures, income, etc. 1866. Our state normal schools. (Penn. School Jol. v. 15: 1-3.) Detects. . Recommended that an apprn., to be distributed in a manner similar to that adopted in 1865, be made to state normal schools, and in addition, an apprn. of $5000 be given to State Normal School of 3d distr. ([33] A.R. supt. common schools 1865/6: xliv-xlv. ) 1866-1878. Course of study adopted for normal schools. ([331 some 1865/6 (pp. 329-330)— [45] same 1877/8.) No returns 1S67/8-18C0/70, 1871/2-1S7G/7. [1867.1 Rept. upon state normal schools, n. t. p. 30 pp. Not seen. Entry from Bowkcr. 1867. Relation of co. supts. to state norqial schools; by John S. Ermentrout. (Penn. School Jol. v. 15: 205-200.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 749 EDUCATION— cont'd Normal Schools: State — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 7ion-scrial — cont'd 1867. Now normal schools: points to be considered in establishmont. (Savie v. 15: 239-241.) . State normal schools; rept. of offlclal visitations to. ([341 A.H. supt. common schools 1866/7: 385- 394.) 1868. State normal schools; conclusions in regard to system. (I35| same 1867/8: xlv-xlvii.) ■ •. Relation of normal scliools to a general system of education; by A. N. Raub. ( I'enn. School Jol. V. 17: 113-115.) . Improvement of our normal schools. {Same V. 17: 155-157; 185-186.) . The state normal scliools: review of chapter in ann. rept. of the supt. of common schools. {Same V. 16: 216-218.) . State divided into 12 normal school distrs. under act of 1857; no. organized; attendance. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 7, 1868.) 1869. No. of normal schools in state; attendance; grad- uates; schools at Bloomsburg, Columbia Co. and California, Washington Co., to go into operation during year. {Savie (Geary) Jan. 6, 1869: 10.) -^. State normal schools; by I. 0. Best. (Penn. School Jol. V. 18: 138-142.) 1870. Condition of normal schools; attendance, gradu- ates and teachers in 1869. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 5, 1870: 12.) . Five normal schools recognized by state; no. of pupils reed, into them since their recognition, no. enrolled at date, no. of instructors, volumes in libraries, value of bldgs. and grounds and of furni- ture and apparatus. (Same (Geary) Jan. 4, 1871: 15.) — — . Normal schools; by J. H. Shumaker. (Penn. School Jol. v. 19: 288-289.) . Justice to our normal schools. {Same v. 19: 270- 271.) Penn. normal school system distinguished from other systems. . Mtg. of normal school principals; modification of course of study. {Same v. 20: 130-131.) • . The growth of normal schools. {Same v. 20: 107-108.) 1872. Apprns. to normal schools; debate. (Legisl. jol. 1872: 403-406; 910-913.) . A visit to the normal schools; by C. L. Ehrenfeld. (Penn. School Jol. v. 21: 120-121.) . Normal school convention held at Harrisburg. {Same v. 20: 329.) . Normal schools; comment. ([39] A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1871/2: xviii-xix.) 1873. State normal schools, their origin, etc. (Penn. School Jol. V. 21: 259-261.) — ■ — . Our normal school policy; by J. A. Cooper. {Same V. 22: 94-96.) . Normal schools and model schools or schools of practice. {Same v. 22: 163-164.) . Procs. of normal school con v. Dec. 2. {Same V. 22: 220-222.) . Circular convening a normal school con v. {Same V. 22: 220.) . Apprn. to normal schools; debate. (Legisl. jol. 1873: 804-810.) . Normal schools; change from original policy. ([40] A.R. supt. common schools 1872/3: xviii-xx.) 1873-1874. Proceedings of comn. apptd. by legisl. to distribute apprn. made to state normal schools. ([40] Sfime 1872/3 (pp. xl-xli)— 41 same 1873/4.) The comn. consisted of the Gov., supt. of commoQ schools and atty. gen. EDUCATION— cont'd Normal Schools: State — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA—cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1874. Normal schools; special legislation marring sys- tem should be carefully avoided; state should fix, by positive enactment its relation to schools. (41 same 1873/4: xi.) . See below. Teachers, this date. 1874-1875. See above. Education, these dates. 1875. See above. Laws, this date. . Apprn. to state normal schools considered. (Legisl. Record 1875; 1319-1320.) . Summary of procs. at normal school mtg. (Penn. School Jol. V. 23: 312.) . Normal schools; figures showing progress of. ([42] A.R. supt. public instruction 1874/5: xiilxiv.) 1876. Improved metliods resulting from normal schools; legislative aid justifiable. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 4, 1876: 9.) . State normal school apprn. considered. (Legisl. Record 1876: 1747-1751; 1973-1976.) . Our normal school policy. (Penn. School Jol. V. 24: 229; 335-336.) . The state normal schools; recommendations towards their reorganization. {Same v. 25: 254- 255.) . Our state normal schools; their internal weak- ness. {Same v. 25: 237-238.) . Do our normal schools pay; by Edwd. Brooks. {Same v. 25: 212-213.) State normal schools; by C. L. Ehrenfeld. {Same v. 25: 97-100.) 1877. What the normal schools need. {Same v. 26: 60-61.) . Distribution of apprn. to normal schools. {Same V. 26: 185.) Rept. of comn., Gov. (Hartranft), atty. gen. (Lear), supt. ot public instruction (Wlckersham). . Debate: act making apprn. to normal schools. (Legisl. Record 1877: 911-913.) . Normal schools; paper showing how money appropriated by acts approved April 18, was dis- tributed by comn. therein apptd., among state nor- mal schools, and conditions imposed upon them. ([44] A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: ix-xii.) . Necessity of raising standard of normal schools and fixing legal status of teachers; financial aid desired. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 3, 1877: 12-13.) 1878. Necessary to provide for future wants of normal schools. {Same (Hartranft) Jan. 2, 1878: 8.) — ' — . Normal school conference; summary of procs. (Penn. School Jol. v. 26: 286-287.) . Normal school course; rept. of committee on re- vision of the course of study. {Same v. 27: 32-33.) . Debate on bill rel. to judgments agst. the normal school. (Legisl. Record 1878 (v. 2): 1377-1382.) : Normal schools; resume rel. to. ([45] A.R. supt. public instruction. 1877/S: x-xi.) 1879. Circular to normal schools concerning prepara- tion of classes for graduation. (Penn. School Jol. V. 28: 158.) . Apprn. to normal schools. (Legisl. Record 1879 (V. 2): 1924-1926.) . Penn. normal schools: rept. of the French comn. (Penn. School Jol. v. 27: 281-282.) . The normal school system of Penn.; by Edwd. Brooks. {Same v. 27: 297-302.) — ^. State normal schools; by J. A. Cooper. {Same V. 27: 367-368.) . Objections to normal schools; extrs. from the Press. {Same v. 27: 430-432.) 750 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Normal Schools: State — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1880. Normal schools — the views of a practical teacher; by J. H. Major. (Some v. 28: 349-350.) . The relation of normal graduates to the profes- sion; by Miss H. E. Brooks. (Same v. 28: 498-499.) . Normal school certificates and diplomas. {Same V. 29: 40-41.) . Norma! school depts. in universities. (Same v. 29: 147-148.) . Instruction in normal schools; by G. L. Osborn. (Same v. 29: 148.) — — . Normal school stmt.: date of recognition, stu- dents, property, expenditures, state apprns., etc. ([47] A.R. supt. public instruction 1879/80: xxii.) 1881. Normal school appm. (Legisl. Record 1881: 1728-1731; 2083.) . Normal schools: mistakes as to their profes- sional work. (Penn. School Jol. v. 30: 155.) . No. of students at normal schools in 1880; value of property; contributions in establishment, pri- vate and state; debts; ann. apprns.; plan for re- moval of indebtedness. (Govs. mess. (Hoyt) Jan. 4, 1881: 7.) 1882. State normal schools; indebtedness; suggested change in law regulating bd. of. examrs. ([49] A.R. supt. public instruction 1881/2: xiv-xvii.) — — . See below. Secondary, this date. . Ideal normal school course. (Penn. School Jol. v. 31: 105-108.) . Province of our model schools. (Same v. 31: 101-103.) 1883. State normal schools; question of appm. (Legisl. Record 1883: 694-698; 819-829; 994-999.) — ■ — . State aid to normal schools; their indebtedness. (Govs. mess. (Hoyt) Jan. 2, 1883: 5.) . Our normal schools and their defects; by A. N. Raub. (Penn. School Jol. v. 32: 97-100.) 1884. Recommended legislation that fund appropriated to public schools be enlarged so as to embrace pro- visions for state normal schools. ([51] A.R. supt. public instruction 1883/4: viiix.) 1885. Appm. for state normal schools considered. (Legisl. Record 1885: 973-977; 1262-1265.) . State normal schools; by J. R. Burns. (Penn. School Jol. V. 34: 8-11.) . Our state normal schools. (Same v. 34: 70-72.) Practical work, etc. 1886. Our normal school policy. (Same v. 34: 365-367.) . Synopsis of mtg. of normal school principals. (Same v. 34: 368-369.) . The state normal schools of Penn.; by G. M. Philips. (Same v. 35: 100-104.) . State normal schools; suggested that senior year be given to professional training. ([53] A.R. supt. public instruction 1885/6: xi-xiii.) . Suggested act requiring all students in state normal schools upon entering graduating class and upon leaving it, to take a state-test, covering in full all studies of normal school curriculum. ([53] A.R. supt. public instruction 1885/6: xiii.) 1887. The normal school question. (Penn. School Jol. v. 35: 397-406; 429-450.) Extrs. from the PrcHS. . The normal schools: higher education for women secured, teaching a profession, etc. (Same v. 36: 31-32.) 1888. State normal schools: only tue best and most scholarly teachers should be employed. (Same v. 37: 23.) EDUCATION— cont'd Normal Schools: State — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1888. Our normal schools; by Wm. Noetling. (Same V. 37: 162-163; 236-237; 3S3-3S6.) . See above. Industrial Education, this date. 1889. Ready and waiting — a word to our state normal schools. (Penn. School Jol. v. 38: 25-26.) . State normal schools; apprn. discussed. (Legisl. Record 1889: 1395-1398; 1803-1804.) — • — . No. of normal schools in state; normal school at Centreville awaiting recognition; destruction by fire of bldgs. at Lock Haven; state aid should be extended; industrial training and knowledge of fundamental law should be included in course of study. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 1, 1889: 13.) 1890. Endowments for state normal schools; the vast future of influence before these schools; necessity for well-endowed professorships. (Penn. School Jol. V. 39: 176-178.) . Defects of normal schools; by Wm. Noetling. (Same v. 39: 23-27.) — — . Suggestion that state normal schools should con- tinue to receive liberal support of state. ([57] A.R. supt. public instruction 1889/90: vi.) 1891. The academic side of normal school training; by A. E. Maltby. (Penn. School Jol. v. 40: 113-115.) . Same; by L. S. Shimmell. (Same v. 40: 115-117.) . State normal schools; increased demand upon them because of increased apprn. (Same v. 40: 231-232.) . Our normal schools; private endowments for normal school professorships. (Same v. 40: 276- 278.) . Introduction of manual training into curriculum of normal schools recommended. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 6, 1891: 13.) 1891-1893. Rept. of state treasurer (Jackson) rel. to amt. of money appropriated by Legislature to normal schools. (Sen. jol. 1895: 542-543.) 1892. The genesis of our state normal school system; by H. C. Hickok. (Penn. School Jol. v. 41: 227-231.) — — . Practice teaching in normal schools; by Wm. Noetling. (Same v. 40: 441-442.) 1893. No. of teachers gathered into normal schools annually; usefulness of schools. (Govs. mess. (Pat- tison) Jan. 3, 1893: 28.) . See below. Teachers, this date. . See above. Laws, this date. 1894. See below. Secondary, this date. [1895.] See above. Higher Education, this date. 1895. Professional training in normal schools; by D. C. Murphy. (Penn. School Jol. v. 44: 132-136.) 1896. Relation of the normal school to the public school; by G. M. D. Eckels. (Savie v. 45: 118-123.) . Same; by D. F. Fortney. (Same v. 45: 124-126.) •. Our relation to our normal school; by J. R. Flickinger. (Same v. 45: 366-369.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to state normal schools; allowance to pupils upon graduation. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1895/6: 161-162.) 1897. Our state normal schools; by Wm. Noetling. (Penn. School Jol. v. 45: 331-332.) 1898. Relation of normal schools to colleges and uni- versities. (2 bienn. rept. of higher education 1897/8: 15-16.) 1899. Should our normal schools do more pedagogical and less preparatory and academic work? by H. V. Hotchkiss. (Penn. School Jol. v. 47: 424-426.) . Normal schools; by D. J. Waller. (Same v. 47: 427-428.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 751 EDUCATION— cont'd Normal Schools: State — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 7>on-serial — cont'd 1900. What nre the normal schools doing, and what might they do for the public schools; by M. J. Brecht. (Same v. 49: 113121.) — ■ — . Normal school course lengthened by addition of one year. (67 A.R. supt. public instruction 1899/00 V. 1: V.) . Legislation needed to empower supt. of public instruction to endorse at his discretion, normal school diplomas and permanent certificates issued in other states. (67 sume 1899/00 v. 1: v-vi.) . Courses of study for Penn. state normal schools. (67 same. 1899/00 v. 2: 560-563.) 1901. Free tuition in state normal schools; apprn. for. (68 same 1900/1: iv.) 1902. Desirability of continuing apprn. making tuition free at state normal school. (69 same 1901/2: viii.) . New normal school course. (69 same 1901/2: iv-v.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to right of normal school to issue bonds — construction of act of May 20, 1857 and May 22, 1901. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1901/2: 17.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to priority of Hens of mortgages upon normal school real estate — con- struction of act of May 22, 190L (Same 1901/2: 44-45.) — — . Normal schools: necessity for better financial support; by Chas. de Garmo. (Penn. School Jol. V. 51: 241-243.) From American Education. . See below, Education. Secondary, this date. 1903. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to quarterly repts. of normal schools showing deficit in maintenance acct. before receipt of state apprns. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1903/4: 102-103.) 1904. Are our normal schools up to the standard of the state? by J. D. Anderson. (Penn. School Jol. v. 52: 413-417.) . Same; by J. R. Flicklnger. (Same v. 52: 417- 419.) . See below, Education. Secondary, this date. First Distbict, West CHESTjat See niBo Quarto-Centennial history of the West Chester Stnte Nonml School of the first dlstr. at West Chester. lS71-18f>6 : bv Andrew Thomas Smith. West Chester : The Village Record Print, 1896. 63 pp., pis. Copy In Free Library of Phlla. serial 1870/1-1903/4. Rept. of principal. (38 A.R. supt. com- mon schools (pp. 363-365)— 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted In 1876/7, 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5. non-serial 1870. West Chester State Normal School; laying of comer-stone. (Penn. School Jol. v. 19: 125-127.) 1871. Acct. of opening of the West Chester State Nor- mal School; description. (Same v. 19: 299-301.) . Opening of West Chester Normal School. (Same V. 20: 156-157.) 1872. Abstr. of accts. of West Chester state normal school. (Some v. 21: 26-27.) 1873. See below. Third District, this date. 1880. See below. Second District, this date. 1881. See same, this date. 1893. Proceedings on act making apprn. to State Nor- mal School of first district. (House jol. 1893: 2118- 2119.) k Rept. of conference committee (Snyder) on act making apprn. to State Normal School of first dis- trict. (Sen. jol. 1893: 1657-1658.) EDUCATION— cont'd Normal Schools: State — cont'd Ui.strrt, Miijj;hsville serial 1859-1903/4. Rept. [of principal], (26 A.R, supt. com- mon schools 1858/9 app. (2J (pp. 145-103) — 71 same 1903/4.) 18G4/5. 1876/7. 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5 omitted. non-serial 1857. Lancaster Co. Normal School enlargement. (Penn. School Jol. v. 6: 58.) . Lancaster Co. normal school; Its history, present condition and future prospects. (Same v. 6: 112-114.) — ■ — . Mtg. of citizens of Lancaster, York and Lebanon cos, to consider enlargement of Lancaster Co. nor- mal school. (Same v. 6: 114120.) 1859. State normal school: official visitation and recog- nition of normal school of 2d dlstr. (Same v. 8: 212-224.) • . State Normal School; Lancaster Co. Normal School the first recognized under act of May 20, 1857. (26 A.R. supt. common schools 1858/9: 11-12.) . Lancaster Co. Normal School recognized as State Normal School, Dec. 2 — first one in state. (44 same 1876/7: 335.) 1860. Institution established in second normal distr. (Lancaster, York and Lebanon cos.), in compliance with law of 1857, recognized as state normal school; state aid to such institutions. (Govs. mess. (Pack- er) Jan. 4, 1860.) 1861. Debate on apprns. to normal schools at Millers- ville and Edinboro. (Legisl. Record 1861: 671-679; 701-703.) 1862. See below. Fifth District, this date. — ' — . Rept. on the condition of the state normal school of the 2d distr.; by Saml. P. Bates. (Penn. School Jol. V. 11: 156-160.) 1876. See below. Twelfth District, this date. 1880. Notes on normal schools: Millersville, Edinboro, Kutztown, Bloomsburg, West Chester, Lock Haven. (Penn. School Jol. v. 29: 174-175.) Mngmt.. equli)nient, hlilgs. — — . The spirit of the normal schools. (Same v. 29: 229.) From repts. of prlnoip.ils. Millersville. Edinboro, Mans- field, Kutztown, West Chester, Shlppensburg, Cali- fornia, Indiana, Lock Haven. 1881. Opening of the normal schools: improvements and prospects. (Same v. 30: 164.) Millersville, Mansfield. Kutztown. Bloomsburg. West Chester, California. Locls Haven, Indiana, Edinboro. Shlppensburg. . Trouble at Millersville Normal School. {Same v. 30: 29-30.) 1903. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to public institutions — school store; selling of supplies by a trustee of State Normal School at Millersburg prohibited. (Bienn. rept atty. gen. 1903/4: 303-305.) Thibd District, Kutztown serial 1866-1903/4. Rept. [of principal]. (33 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1865/6 (pp. 327-328)— 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1876/7, 1878/9, 18S0/1, 1882/.^, 1884/5. non-serial 1860-1877. See below. Individual Institutions. Fairview Academy, this date. 1866. See above. Normal Schools. State, this date. 1873. Our normal schools: Kutztown, Edinboro, Mans- field, Bloomsburg, Millersville, West Chester, Shlp- pensburg. (Penn. School Jol. v. 22: 63.) No. of graduates, pupils in attendance, etc. 1880. See above. Second District, this date. 1881. See same, this date. 752 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Normal Schools: State — cont'd TiiiED DisTEicT, KuTZTOwx — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1892. New bldg. at Kutztown Normal School. (Penn. School Jol. V. 41: 171-172.) 1893. Rept. of conference committee (Green) on act making apprn. to State Normal School, located at Kutztown. (Sen. jol. 1893: 1584-1585.) . Proceedings on act making apprn. to State Nor- mal school, Kutztown. (House jol. 1893: 2077-2078.) FOUBTH DiSTBICT, EAST StROUDSBUBG serial 1893/4-1903/4. Rept. of principal. (61 A.R. supt. public instruction 1S93/4 (pp. 217-218)— 71 same 1903/4.) non-serial 1875. Normal school in fourth distr. ; by J. L. Richard- son. (Penn. School Jol. v. 24: 78-79.) 1893. Official recognition of normal school of 4th distr.. East Stroudsburg. (Same v. 41: 451-542.) FiTTH Dlstrict, Mansfield serial 1863-1903/4. Rept. [of principal]. (30 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1862/3 (pp. 276-278) — 71 same 1903/4.) 1863/4. 1S64/5, 1876/7. 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5 omitted. non-serial 1856. The Mansfield normal school, Allegheny Co. (Penn. School Jol. v. 5: 157-158.) 1862. Official inspection and recognition of the state normal school of the 5th distr. {Same v. 11: 201- 202.) — ■ — . For apprn. to be made to normal school of 5th district at Mansfield, and to old institution of 2d district at Millersville. (29 A.R. supt. common schools 1861/2: 21.) 1863. Recommended that a sum equal to that of last year be given to Mansfield State Normal School by state. (30 same 1863: xvii.) . Mansfield State Normal School for Fifth distr. recognized by state authorities, Dec, 1862. (30 same 1863: ix-xi.) 1873. See above. Third District, this date. 1881. See above, Second District, this date. Sixth District, Bloomsbubo serial 1866/9-1903/4. Rept. of principal. (36 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1868/9 (pp. 365-366)— 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1876/7, 1878/0, 1S80/1, 1882/3, 1884/5. non-serial 18661877. Hist, of state normal school at Bloomsburg, Columbia Co., incorporated in 1866 as Bloomsburg Literary Institute. (44 A.R. supt. public instruc- tion 1876/7: 198.) 1869. See above. Normal Schools. State, this date. . Official recognition of state normal school of the 6th distr. (Penn. School Jol. v. 17: 277-279.) 1870. State normal school established at Bloomsburg, Columbia Co. [1869]; comment. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 5, 1870: 12.) 1873. See above. Third District, this date. 1880. See above, Second District, this date. 1881. See same, this date. Seventh Distbict, SHii'i'EN.snuBO serial 1870/3-1903/4. Rept. of principal. (40 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1872/3 (pp. 247-251)— 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1876/7, 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5. EDUCATION— cont'd Normal Schools: State — cont'd Seventh Distkict, SurppENSBUBG — cont'd non-serial 1857. Opening of Cumberland Co. normal school. (Penn. School Jol. v. 5: 346.) 1873. Location and description of Cumberland Valley state normal school, Shippensburg. (Sam* v. 21: 336-337.) . Official recognition. (Same v. 21: 338.) 1873. See above. Third District, this date. 1880. See above. Second District, this date. 1881. See same, this date. Eighth District, Lock Haven serial 1877/8-1903/4. Rept. of principal. (45 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1877/8 (pp. 253-254)— 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5. non-serial 1866-1877. Hist, sketch of Normal School at Lock Haven. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 735-738.) 1873. Central Normal School, Lock Haven; extr. from a " History of Lock Haven." (Penn. School Jol. v. 22: 23-24.) . Laying of comer stone of Central Normal School, Lock Haven. (Same v. 22: 58-59.) 1877. Official papers concerning recognition of the normal school, Sth distr.. Lock Haven. (Same v. 26: 151-152.) . Lock Haven normal school; history, bldgs., etc. (Same v. 26: 179-181.) 1880. See above, Second District, this date. 1881. See same, this date. 1889. Relief of Central Normal School Assn.; bill and debate. (Legisl. Record 1889: 1226-1228.) . Destruction of state normal school at Lock Haven by fire; memorial of trustees. (Same 1889: 1019.) . See above. Normal Schools. State, this date. 1891. Reestablishment of Central Normal School at Lock Haven, destroyed by fire; improvements at Clarion; manual training in Normal Schools. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 6, 1891: 13.) Ninth District, Indiana serial 1875-1903/4. Rept. of principal. (42 A.R. supt. public instruction 1874/5 (pp. 236-238)— 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1S76/7, 187S/ii, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5. non-serial 1869-1877. Hist, of state normal school of 9th distr., in Indiana Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 309.) 1874. Act to aid the Indiana normal school of Penn. (Legisl. jol. 1874: 1211-1212.) 1875. New normal school at Indiana. (Penn. School Jol. V. 24: 23-26.) 1S76. Description of Indiana (Penn.) normal school. (Same v. 24: 357-359.) 1879. Debate on proposed mortgage of the Indiana normal school. (Legisl. Record 1879 (v. 2) : 1291- 1292; 2052-2054.) 1880. See above, Second District, this date. 1881. See same, this date. 1893. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to apprn. for Indiana Normal School bldg. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1893/4 app. p. 37.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 753 EDUCATION— cont'd Normal Schools: State — cont'd Tenth Ui.sruit-r, I'oT history of |irlv^iti> norm.'il schoolH In WMShliiK'ton Co.. from which Ihi- Stole Normal School of tin- Tc'iith District lluiilly developed, see 44 A.K. supt. public Instruction 1870/7:580. serial 1873/4-1903/4. Rept. of principal. (41 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1873/4 (pp. 233-235)— 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1876/7. 1878/9, 1880/1, 1882/3, 1884/5, non-serial 1859. Veto (Packer) of act to Incorporate the Cali- fornia seminary, Washington Co. (Penn. School Jol. V. 7: 326-327.) 1868. Laying of corner stone of state normal school of 10th distr. (California). (Same v. 17: 101-102.) 1869. See above. Normal Scliools. State, this date. 1874. Official recognition of Southwestern Normal Col- lege, at California. (Penn. School Jol. v. 23: 28-29.) . Normal school at California; history. (,Same v. 23: 22-23.) 1880. See above, Second District, this date. 18S1. See same, this date. Eleventh District, Slippery Rock (Centbeville Bor- ough) serial 1889-1903/4. Rept. of principal. (56 A.R. supt. public instruction 1888/9 (p. 76)— 71 name 1903/4.) non-serial 1889. See above. Normal Schools. State, this date. — — . Official recognition of Centreville Normal School. (Penn. School Jol. v. 37: 325-326.) 1891. Rept. of conference committee (Showalter) on act making apprn. to Slippery Rock State Normal School, Butler Co. (Sen. jol. 1891: 1493-1494.) 1893. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to apprn. for Slippery Rock State Normal School. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1893/4 app. pp. 47-48.) TwELPTH District, EniNuoRo' Known as the Northwestern St.nte Normal School. serial 1860/1-1903/4. Rept. [of principal]. (28 A.R. supt. common schools 1860/1 (pp. 249-253) — ^71 some 1903/4.) Omitted 1864/5, 1876/7, 1878 9, 18S0/1, 1882/3. 1884/5. non-serial 1857. Edinboro normal school; by C. W. Twichell. (Penn. School Jol. v. 6: 199.) Location, bldga., etc. 1859. See above, the general group, this date. 1860. Memorial from Erie Co. rel. to normal schools; Edinboro normal school. (Daily Legisl. Record 1860: 226.) 1861. See above. Second District, this date. . Inspection and recognition of the state normal school of the 12th distr. (Penn. School Jol. v. 9: 271; 284-288.) 1861-1877. Hist, of Normal School in Erie Co., at Edin- boro. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 261- 262.) 1862. Rept. on the condition of the state normal school of the 12th distr. at Edinboro; by S. P. Bates. (Penn. School Jol. v. 11: 188-192.) 1873. See above. Third District, this date. 1876. Some Penn. schools. (Penn. School Jol. v. 25: 201-203.) Normal schools at Edinboro and Mansfield; systems of education in Krie, Corry and Meadville ; village schools. From .V. 1'. School BuUctin. 1880. See above, Second District, this date. 1881. See same, this date. 48 EDUCATION— cont'd Normal Schools: State — cont'd TwKLhTii UinTKK r, Kdi.mioho' — cout'd 1887. Investigation of State Normal School at Edin- boro'. Not seen. ICntry from Bowker. TniRTEE.NTH DISTRICT, CLABION serial 1887-1903/4. Rept. of principal. (54 A.R. supt. public instruction 1S86/7 pt. 2 (pp. 193-194)— 71 same 1903/4.) non-serial 1887. Official recognition of normal school of 13th distr.. Clarion. (Penn. School Jol. v. 35: 377.) . Acct. of opening of Clarion SUite Normal School, 13th distr. (.S'lme v. 35: 368-370.) 1891. Proceedings on act appropriating sum to state normal school of 13th distr. Penn. (Sen. jol. 1891: 1576-1577; 1641-1642; House jol.: 1930-1931.) Pennsylvania School Journal; see below, School Journals Pharmaceutical See also below. Individual Institutions. Phila. College of I'harmacy. 1896-1904. Table: names of colleges of pharmacy, loca- tion, name and title of officer in charge, date of organization or foundation, date of charter, no. of yrs. in full course, no. of instructors, etc., enroll- ment of students. (1 bienn. rept. of higher educa- tion 1895/6 (pp. 10-11)— 5 same 1903/4.) No returns iu 19U1/2. Beginning with 1897/8 called General and Financial Statistics -and contains following additional items ; no. of students from other states ; from other coun- tries; no. since founding; no. graduated at last commencement : whole no. of graduates since founded ; no. of vols, in library ; average ann. cost per student ; aven-ge cost of board per week ; esti- mated value of bldgs. and grounds ; estimated value of apparatus. Physical Training 1855. Development of the physical faculties. (Penn. School Jol. v. 4: 214-218.) 1860. Physical education; by L. T. Beam, (Same v. 8: 379-382.) 1861. Gymnastic exercises in the schools. (.S'lme v. 10: 5-6.) . Physical training. (Satne v. 10: 14-16; 44-46; 74-76; 107-110; 140-142; 171-174; 234-236; 265-267; 301-303; 359-361; 366-368; v. 11: 21-22.) . Physical training in the public schools; by J. P. McCaskey. (Same v. 10: 281-285.) 1875. Physical training in public schools; by Lelia E. Patridge. (Same v. 24: 97-98.) 1878. Practical methods of physical culture in schools; by Lelia E. Patridge. (Same v. 27: 78-80.) 1890. Physical culture in schools; by Oliver Edwd. Janney. (Same v. 39: 162-163.) 1891. Veto (Pattison) of act rel. to study and practice of physical culture in public schools of all cities of commonwealth. (House jol. 1891: 1000.) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1891: 1589.) . Same; with text of act. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1891: 5-7.) 1893. Veto (Pattison) of act rel. to the study and practice of physical culture in the public schools in cities. (Legisl. Record 1893 v. 1: 1580.) . Same; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1893: 7-8.) 1894. Physical culture; by A. D. Pinkham. (Penn. School Jol. v. 43: 108-113.) 1895. Physical culture and physical training in the public schools. (Same v. 44: 96-97.) 1896. Physical culture; by May C. Ermentrout. (Same V. 45: 115-117.) 754 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Physical Training — cont'd 1897. The necessity of compulsory physical education in the public schools; by Randolph Faries. (13 A.R. bd. health, etc. 1896/7 v. 1: 290-295.) 1899. Physical culture as an agency of reform amongst the voung; by Miss Margaret MacMillan. (Penn. School Jol. V. 48: 113-114.) . Physical training; by C. E. Ehinger. (Same v. 47: 505-509.) 1901. Purpose and limitations of physical training in city schools. (Same v. 49: 410-411.) 1902. Physical culture in the public schools; by A. D. Pinkham. {Same v. 50: 419-423.) 1904. Physical education of children; by David A. Harman. (Same v. 52: 497-500.) Private Including denominational schools. See also below. Individual Institutions. serial 1899/00-1903/4. Private educational institutions: Rept. of the supt. of public instruction, with general and statistical repts. of colleges, universities and other educational institutions, and names and post office addresses of the heads of these institutions. Checklist 1899/00. n. p.. W. S. Rav. 1901. 124 pp. 1900/1. n. p.. W. S. Ray. 1902. 02 pp. Copies of this and the preceding rept. were seen in the Free Library of Phila. 1901/2. Not found. 1902/3. n. p., W. S. Ray. 1904. 76 pp. 1903/4. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1904. 24 pp. . Same. (67 A.R. supt. public instruction 1899/00 (pp. 756-791)— 71 same 1903/4.) The statement in the report of 1899/00 is not separated from that rel. to higher educational institutions. non-serial 1813. Rept. of committee (Binder) to whom was re- ferred memorial of the school committee of the Lutheran Church of St. John in Phila. for leglsl. aid. (Sen. jol. 1812/3: 285.) 1834. See above. Manual Labor, this date. 1852. Denominational schools; bv Elias Schneider. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 367-373.) 1853. Denominational schools. (Same v. 1: 453-454.) Kept, of a committee of the Allegheny Teachers' Assn. 1877. State and denominational schools; by J. T. Valen- tine. (Same v. 26: 129-131.) 1900. Catholic parochial schools; by P. R. McDevitt. (Same v. 49: 100-102.) Berks County 1729-1876. Hist, of Lutheran and Reformed schools in Berks Co. at Tulpehocken, Oley, Longswamp and Moselem. (A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 60.) 1741-1877. Acct. of Catholic schools in Berks Co. (Same 1876/7: 62-63.) 1742-1872. Moravian schools in Berks Co. (Same 1876/7: 63.) 1746-1759. Acct. of educational work of Muhlenberg and Schlatter, organizers of Lutheran and Re- formed Church in America; charity schools — Berks Co. (Same 1876/7: 64-65.) 1790-1871. Hist, of schools of Friends or Quakers in Berks Co. (Same 1876/7: 61-62.) Cambria County 1877. List of denominational schools in Cambria Co. (A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 114.) Delaware County 1746-1877. Friends' schools in Delaware Co. (A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 242-245.) EDUCATION— cont'd Private — cont'd Kutztovm, Armstrong Co. 1755-1805. Acct. of parochial school at Kutztown, Arm- strong Co. (A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 65.) Lancaster County 1733-1877. Acct. of denominational schools in Lan- caster County and city. (44 A.R. supt. public In- struction 1876/7: 326-329.) Lycoming County 1874-1876. Description of Catholic private school in Bastrass township, Lycoming Co. (A.R. supt. pub- lic instruction 1876/7: 398-399.) Philadelphia 1788. Petition from ministers of German Lutheran congregation in Phila., praying for grant of part of unappropriated lands within state, for endowment of a charity school for education of youth of said congregation. (Assem. jol. Oct., 1788: 19.) 1806. Rept. of select committee (Dorsey) on petition of Maria Rivardi for privilege of raising money by lottery to establish a young ladies' seminary in Phila. (Sen. jol. 1806/7: 20-21.) 1807. Rept. of committee (Sergeant) to whom was referred petition of Maria Rivardi for authority to raise $20,000 by way of lottery. (House jol. 1807/8 pt. 1: 32.) . Petition from Maria Rivardi of Phila., for au- thority to raise $20,000 — by way of lottery, for pro- curing a suitable bldg. for a young ladies' academy. (Same 1807/8 pt. 1: 10.) 1808. Memorials in favor of petition of Maria Rivardi to raise money by lottery for erection of a seminary in Phila. (Same 1807/8 pt. 1: 162.) 1810. Rept. of [select] committee (Shearer) on peti- tion of trustees of Roxborough schoolhouse, Phila. Co., for aid; favorable. (Same 1809/10: 380.) Union County 1854-1877. Hist, of Union Seminary (Methodist) in Union Co. (A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 545-546.) Wayne County 1877. Acct. of parochial schools in Wayne Co.: Sisters', German Lutheran (1853) and German Hebrew School. (A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 591- 592.) Public Aid Sec also below, Individual Institutions ; Indiana Acad- emy, Lock Haven Academy, TTniv. of Penn., etc. See also below, note under School Fund. 1833. State aid to educational institutions recom- mended. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 4, 1833.) 1836. Table: condition of colleges, which have reed, state aid, and have reported. ([3] A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1836: table P.) . Stmt, of condition of academies which have reed. aid from state and have reported. ([3] same 1836: Table E.) 1883. See above. Normal Schools, this date. 1890. Table: receipts for schools of flooded districts in Cambria Co. ([57] A.R. supt. public instruction 1889/90: 22-24.) 1891. Basis of distribution of state aid; suggested change. ([58] same 1890/1: vi-vlli.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 755 EDUCATION— cont'd Public Aid — cont'd 1S91. Opinion of atty. gen.; it is riglit and duty of auditor gen. to require an itemized quarterly stmt, from directors of an institution receiving state aid, and to satisfy liimself tliat such money Is applied to purposes defined in act. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1891/2 app. 29.) 1894. Unequal distribution of state aid ; bv H. S. Wertz. (Penn. School Jol. v. 42: 390-392.) Public Instruction, Department of; see above. Department of Public Instruction Quakers; see above, Private Schools. Berlcs County Reading Circles 1885. Teachers' reading circles in Mich., Wise, and 111. (Penn. School Jol. v. 34: 73-74.) 1886. Penn. State Reading Circle; committee; courses of study. (Same v. 35: 209-210.) . Teachers' reading circles; by H. H. Spayd. (Same V. 35: 96-98.) 1903. Reading circles in state. (70 A.R. supt. public instruction 1902/3: viii.) Receipts and Expenditures 1820/1-1843/4. Expenditures for education. (A.R. audi- tor-gen. 1820/1— ,sa»ie 1843/4.) 1828/9. See below. Education: Individual Institutions. Dickinson College, this date. 1835. Table: list of cos. that have been paid state apprns. for school purposes with date of payment, under act of Apr. 1, 1834. ([2] A.R. supt. of com- mon schools 1835: betw. pp. 50 and 51.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1835-1839. Stmt, of receipts of several common school distrs. from state treasury and from school tax since commencement of system, and expenditures for purchasing, building, and repairing school houses. (6 same 1839: 626.) Piiglng from Sen. doc. od. 1835-1840. Table: approximate apprns. reed, and to be reed, per 100 taxables by accepting school distrs. (5 same 1838: 502.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1835-1841. Table: receipts and expenditures of the several common school distrs., exclusive of Phila. (8 same 1840/1: 11.) 1835/42-1854/1904. See above. Education. Penn., these dates. 1836. Stmt, of dividends of state apprn. for years 1835 and 1836, paid since date of last annual rept. ([3] A.R. supt. common schools 1836, table D.) 1836-1841. Table: ann. receipts from state and co. treasury, sums expended in purchasing and erect- ing school houses, and no. of scholars educated in each year. (8 same 1840/1: 125.) Paging from Collected docs. 1836/7-1851/2. See Education: Individual Institutions. Dickinson College, these dates. 1837. Letter from the secy, of the commonwealth (Bur- rowes) and auditor general (Hobart) ace. with a rept. on the expenses of general education and stmts, of the common school fund and the valuation and taxation of real and personal estate for 1835. Read in convention Je. 22, 1837. Harrlsburg: Prtd. by Thompson & Clark, 1837. 23 pp. Cop.T Seen in the Ilist. Socy. of I'enn. . Table: apprn. for school year 1837, paid since last ann. rept.; also apprn. for 1838, paid to distrs. which have not reported for year just closed, and are consequently not included in Table I, together with amt. of tax assessed on latter. ([4] A.R. supt. of common schools 1837: table H.) EDUCATION— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd 1840/1-1843/4. Tabular stmt. rel. to common school apprns.: amt.; sum drawn; sum undrawn. (House jol. 1845 V. 2: 375-383 (doc. 69).) Snbmlltod by supt. of common schools (MUUer), Feb. 20, is-t.l. In compliance with House res. of Feb. 13, 1845. 1841-1843. Table: amt. annually paid to counties for educational purposes. (Govs. mess. (Porter) 1844: 15.) 1841-1850. Table: state tax and other revenue derived from several counties of commonwealth and pay- ments made to them resp. for common schools. (A.R. auditor general 1849/50: 88-118.) 1841/2. Amt. paid to supporting distrs., amt. of school tax levied, amt. of school apprn. paid to accepting distrs. (9 A.R. supt. common schools 1841/2: 5.) . Amt. paid for instruction in reporting distrs., amt. paid for fuel and contingent expenses; amt. paid for school houses. (9 same 1841/2: 5.) 1842. Table: aggregate amt. due to non-accepting distrs. of each co. on first Monday in Je. (8 same 1840/1: 147.) Paging from Collected docs. 1842-1875. Stmt, of receipts (state apprn., taxes, etc.) and expenditures (school houses, bldgs., fuel, sala- ries, etc.) in 1842, 1857, 1S65 and 1875, for Hunting- don Co. (44 same 1876/7: 293.) 1844. Amt. of state apprn. paid to accepting distrs.; school tax levied upon the distrs. themselves; amts. expended for instruction, houses, etc. (11 same 1843/4: 7.) 1844/5-1903/4. Expenditures for common schools. (A.R. auditor gen. 1844/5 (pp. 32-33)— .some 1903/4.) From ISSO to 1904, the Department of Public Instruc- tion is given under the caption Expenses of Gov- ernment. 1845. Amt. of ann. state apprn. to common schools; proportion to each taxable; amt. undrawn. tl2 A.R. supt. common schools 1844/5: 6.) 1846. Apprn. for current year; deductions to which it is subject. (12 same 1844/5: 6.) 1854. State apprn.; compensation of co. supts. (21 same 1854: 18.) 1856-1904. See above. Education, Penn., this date. 1859/60. Expenses of the distrs. during the year: school taxes, state apprn.; unpaid distrs.; apprn. to Cornplanter Indians. (27 A.R. supt. common schools 1859/60: 7-10.) 1S60-1S61. Table: state apprn. and application thereof. (28 same 1860/1: 11.) 1861-1868/9. List of school warrants issued. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1861 In V. 9 : 268 ; 296-298 ; 327-328 ; 359-361. 1861/2 " V. 10 : 9-12 ; 35-36 : 68 ; 103 ; 136 ; 165 ; 193 ; 228 ; 262 ; 291-292 ; 327-328. 1862/3 in V. 11:8-10: 39-41; 87; 106; 139; 169; 199; 204 ; 233 ; 261-262 ; 293-294 ; 297-299 ; 325-326 ; 358- 357. 1863/4 In V. 12:6-8; 40-41; 66-67; 106; 133; 172; 329- 331 : 357-359. 1864/5 in V. 13 : 7-9 : 38-39; 65-66; 90-91; 113; 134; 146 • ; 170 ; 195-196 ; 222-223 ; 250-251 ; 271-273. 1865/6 in v. 14 : 7-9 ; 31-33 : 46-47 ; 74 ; 100 ; 125 ; 151 : 177 : 205 : 229 ; 256 : 282-284. 1866 7 in v. 15 : 8-10 ; 31-33 ; 46-48 ; 82-83 ; 135-136 ; 216 ; 275: 300-301. 1867/8 in v. 16:11-13; 39-40; 110-116; 142-143; 177; 314 ; 350-351. 1868/9 in V. 17 : 16-17. 1861-1869. Financial operations of common school sys- tem; receipts and expenditures by distrs. and by common school dept. (28 A.R. supt. common schools 1860/1 (pp. 9-13)— 36 same 1868/9.) Omitted in 1S62/3. 1869 called stmt, showing flnancial condition. • This volume has two pagings. viz. one starred and one unstarred. 756 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures— cont'd 1861/2. Table: amt expended during year for prtg. and binding exclusive of paper, of which no separate acct. has been rendered. (29 same 1861/2: 16.) 1861/2-1865/6. See below, Individual Institutions. School of Design for Women. 1861/6-1867/72. Cost of tuition and total expenditures of common school system in each six year period. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 8, 1873: 19.) 1867. Expenditures for advertising conventions. ([34] A.R. supt. common schools 1866/7: xvii.) 1867-1890. Table: apportionment of apprns. for school purposes, and expenditures of dept. for the several divisions of the general system. ([34] same 1866/7 (pp. xvi-xvii)— 57 same 1889/90.) 1873/4-1882/3. See below. Individual Institutions. Mechanics' High School. 1874. Money spent for school bldgs. (41 A.R. supt. of common schools 1873/4: xxviii.) 1875. Publishing distr. accts.; several publications unnecessary; bill. ([42] same 1874/5: xi-xii.) 1882-1900. See above, Education. Pennsylvania, these dates; 1888/9-1891/2. See Education: Individual Institutions. Academy of Natural Sciences, these dates. 1888/9-1895/6. See Education: Individual Institutions. Phila. Polyclinic and College for Graduates in Medi- cine, this date. 1888/9-1903/4. See below, Penn. Museum and School of Industrial Art, these dates. 1895. Amt. of ann. apprn. for common schools. (Govs, mess. (Pattison) Jan. 1, 1895: 15.) 1899/00-1902/3. See Education: Individual Institu- tions. Nautical School Ship, these dates. Huntingdon County 1842-1875. Table: receipts and expenditures for school purposes of Huntingdon Co. ([44] A.R. supt. pub- lic instruction 1876/7: 293.) 1875-1899. Table: receipts and expenditures for years 1875 and 1899 of Huntingdon Co. schools. {Same 1899/00 V. 1: 174.) Warren County 1872. Table: acct. of disbursement of apprn. for War- ren Co. ([39] A.R. supt. common schools 1871/2: 184.) Centennial Bureau 1876. Table showing detailed acct. of receipts and ex- penditures of centennial bureau. ([43] A.R. supt. public instruction 1875/6: xcix-ci.) HioHEB Education 1838. Table: amt. paid quarterly to each university and college incorporated by act of Apr. 12, 1838. (5 A.R. supt. common schools 1838: 903.) Paging from House doc. cd. 1838-1841. Table: aggregate sum paid each year to colleges, academies and female seminaries; no. of scholars each year. (8 same 1840/1: 9.) 1839. Names of colleges, their location and amt. of quarterly payments made to each authorized by act of Apr. 12, 1838. (Same 1839: 639.) I'liglng from Senate doc. ed. 1841. College and academy table: medium cost of tuition per pupil for one year, medium ann. expense per pupil and sum reed, from state for one year. (Same 1840/1: 139-142.) I'liglng from Collected docs. 1842. Amt. paid to colleges, academies and female seminaries. (9 same 1841/2: 9.) EDUCATION— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd Higher Education — cont'd 1867/9-1869/73. See below. Education. Individual In- stitutions. Lincoln University, these dates. 1895. Apprns. to higher institutions of learning. (62 A.R. supt. public instruction 1894/5: iii-iv.) Department of Public Instruction 1859/60-1865/6. Expenses of the dept.; salaries, con- tingent expenses, prtg., binding, etc. (27 A.R. supt common schools 1859/60 (p. 10) — 33 same 1865/6.) 1867-1874. Stmt, showing expenditures of dept. of com- mon schools for general system. ([34] same 1867 (p. xvi)— 41 same 1873/4.) 1867-1889. Do., its own support. ([34] same 1866/7 (pp. xviixviii) — [56] same 1888/9.) 1874. Money paid out by school dept. (41 same 1873/4 (pp. xxviiixxix.) Indian Schools 1861-1904. Table: apprn. and expenditures for Corn- planter Indian school. (A.R. supt. common schools 1860/1 (p. 15)— 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1SG4-1865. 1873-1876. Table: expenditures of state apprn. for Indian school at Jennosedaga, Warren Co. (40 same 1872/3 (p. 165)— 43 same 1875/6.) NoBMAi Schools 1861/2. Expenditures on acct. of No. Western State Normal School, Erie Co. (A.R. auditor gen. 1861/2: 95.) 1861/7-1S61/81. Table: amt. of state apprns. to normal school of twelfth distr. (34 A.R. supt. common schools 1866/7 (p. xxviii)— 50 same 1882/3.) 18G1/81 occurs in both 18S1/2 and 1882/3 repts. . Table: amt. of apprns. to normal school of 3d distr. (34 same 1866/7 (pp. xxvii-xxviil) — 50 same 1882/3.) 1867/81 occurs In both 1881/2 and 1S82/3 repts. — ' — . Table: amt. of state apprns. to normal school of 2d distr. (34 same 1866/7 (p. xxvii) — 50 same 1882/3.) 1861/81 occurs In both 1881/2 and 1882/3 repts. 1863. Stmt, showing sum appropriated for Mansfield State Normal School. (Same 1863: ix.) 1863/7-1863/81. Table: amt. of apprns. to normal school of 5th distr. (34 same 1866/7 (p. xxviii) — 50 same 1882/3.) 1863/81 occurs In both 1881/3 and 1882/3 repts. 1867. Expenditures in recognizing normal schools. ([34] same 1866/7: xvii.) 1868. List of state apprns. to normal schools. (Penn. School Jol. v. 16: 313.) 1869-1869/81. Table: amt. of state apprns. to normal school of sixth distr. (36 A.R. supt. common schools 186S/9 (p. xlii)— 50 same 1882/3.) 1860/81 occurs In both 1881/2 and 1882/3 repts. 1869/71-1871/5. Stmt, of amt. of apprns. paid to assist schools to obtain recognition as state normal schools. In Documents as follows : 1809/71 in [38] A.R. supt. of common schools 1870/1: xlvli. 1809/72 In [39] A.R. supt. of common schools 1871/2: xllx. 1869/73 In [40] A.R. supt. of common schools 1872/3: IvUi. 1871/4 In [-11] A.R. supt. of common schools 1873/4: Ixxxli. 1871 /.'i In [42] A.R. supt. of common schools 1874/B : Ixlv. 1869/74-1869/81. Table: amt. of state apprns. to normal school of tenth distr. (41 A.R. supt. common schools 1873/4 (p. Ixxx)— 50 same 1882/3.) 1809/81 occurs In both 1881/2 and 1882/3 repts. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 757 EDUCATION— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd Normal Sctkioi.s — cont'd 1871-1871/81. Table: amt. of state apprns. to normal scliool of first distr. (38 .■mine 1870/1 (p. xliv)— 50 Kdiiic 1SS2/3.) 1871/Sl occurs in both 1881/2 and 1882/3 reptu. . Tabic: amt. of state apprns. to normal school of seventh distr. (40 samp 1872/3 (p. Ivl) — 50 same 1882/3.) 1871/81 occurs In hoth ISHl '2 unci 1882/3 repts. 1872/5-1872/81. Table: amt. of state apprns. to normal school of eighth distr. (44 A.R. supt. public in- struction 1876/7 (p. xli)— 50 same 1882/3.) 1872/81 occurs in both 1881/2 and 1882/;! repts. 1873/6-1873/81. Table: amt. of state apprns. to state normal school of ninth distr. (43 same 1875/6 (p. Ixiii)— 50 .same 1882/3.) 187;!/S1 occurs In both lSSl/2 and 1882/3 repts. 1874. List of apprns. to normal schools. (Penn. School Jol. V. 23: 210.) 1874-1881. Normal schools; stmt, showing indebted- ness and state apprns. (148] A.R. supt. public in- struction 1880/1: xlviiixlix.) 1862/3-1864/5. Expenses: state normal schools. (A.R. auditor gen. 1862/3 (p. lOD—same 1854/5.) 1884-1904. Table: distribution of state aid to normal school students. ([51] A.R. supt. public instruction 1883/4 (p. xxiil)— 71 mme 1903/4.) Secondary Education 1830-1852. Stmt, of moneys appropriated to colleges and academies. (House jol. 1853 v. 2: 369-371 (doc. 39).) 1836. Stmt, of money and land given by Penn. to her academies and colleges up to present time. ([3] A.R. supt. common schools 1836. table G.) 1838. Table: female seminaries in operation, and amt. paid by state treasurer quarterly. (5 same 1838: 901.) . Table: payments made by state treasurer to academies. (5 same 1838: 902.) . Apprns. made to female seminaries, academies, and colleges by act of Apr. 12, 1838. (5 same 1838: 504-507.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1838/9-1838/41. Stmt, showing amt. paid to academies and female seminaries authorized by act of Apr. 12, 1838. (6 same 1839 (p. 638)— 8 same 1840/1.) tliven for current year only in 18;i0/40. 1839. Table: names, counties and quarterly receipts of the female seminaries. (6 same 1839: 644.) Paging from Senate doc. ed. 1841. Table: female seminaries, medium cost of tuition for one year, whole expense of pupil per annum and amt. of state apprn. (8 same 1840/1: 138-139.) Paging from Collected docs. 1842. See above. Higher Education, this date. Rural Schools See also Agriculture. Education. 1855. Graded schools in rural distrs.; by Robt. Lowry. (Penn. School Jol. v. 4: 188-192.) 1856. Graded schools in rural distrs.; by H. C. Herr. (Same v. 5: 7-8.) 1857. Graded schools In town and country; by R. N. Avery. (Same v. 6: 127-128.) 1858. Graded schools in the country; by John H. Hoopes. (Same V. 6: 341-342.) 1859. Rural graded schools established. (26 A.R. supt. common schools 1858/9: 20.) 1860. Grading schools in rural distrs. (Penn. School Jol. V. 8: 326-326.) EDUCATION— cont'd Rural Schools — cont'd 1872. Grading of country schools; by S. S. Jaclt. (Same V. 21: 36-38.) 1874. Grading schools in rural distrs. (Same v, 22: 333-334.) 1876. Foreigners looking at our country schools. (Same v. 25: 31-33.) 1878. Country scliools and tlieir organization; by James Johonnot. (Same v. 27: 189-194.) . Country scliools; how can a co. supt. benefit them? by Mary Allen West. (Same v. 27: 10-11.) 1884. The mngmt. of ungraded country schools; by John Swett. (Same v. 33: 60-66.) 1888. How can we improve our common schools in the rural distrs.? by A. H. Berlin. (12 A.R. bd. agric. 1SS8: 288-293.) 1890. For law for closer school supervision in rural districts. ([57] A.R. supt. public instruction 1889/90: v.) 1892. The possibilities of the rural school; by Jos. S. Walton. (Penn. .School Jol. v. 40: 437-439.) . Graded country schools. (Same v. 41: 169-171.) 1893. The supervision of country schools; by D. J. Waller. (Same v. 41: 403-406.) . Rural schools not advanced as well as city schools: consolidation of two or more rural schools into one well equipped school recommended. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 3, 1893: 27.) 1896. Graded worli in rural schools; by J. M. Berkey. (Penn. School Jol. v. 45: 143-147.) . Consolidation of country schools and free trans- portation of pupils; by R. S. Macnamee. (Same V. 44: 334-337.) . Same; by S. C. Weadley. (Same v. 44: 337-338.) 1897. The rural school, its relation to farming, by J. G. Becht. (.Same v. 45: 538-540.) . Lack of school facilities in rural distrs.; should be supplied with facilities equal to those in towns; effect on agric. and population; township high school. (Govs. mess. (Hastings) Jan. 5, 1897: 12- 14.) 1898. Rural schools — their past and future; by Herbert S. Putnam. (Penn. School Jol. v. 47: 51-54.) 1899. Necessity of making rural schools more thorough and increasing facilities for high school education recommended. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 3, 1899: 7-8.) . The school and the farm. (66 A.R. supt. public instruction 1898/9: ix-x.) . Rural school sanitation; by A. G. Gotwald. (Penn. School Jol. v. 47: 434-436.) 1900. Consolidation of country schools and transporta- tion of scholars by use of vans; by H. H. Longs- dorff; with appendix of abstracts of laws rel. to consolidation and transportation in Mass., Conn., R. I., N. H., Ohio and Penn. (6 A.R. dept. agric. 1900 pt. 1: 480-540.) 1901. The advantages and disadvantages of a uniform course of study for the rural scliools of the state; by Eli M. Rapp. (Penn. School Jol. v. 50: 130-132.) 1902. Centralization of rural schools; by Lewis D. Bonebnike. (Same v. 50: 365-369.) . Necessity of a higher education in the rural distrs.; by M. Trimble. (8 A.R. dept [26 A.R. bd.] agric. 1902 pt. 2: 251-255.) 1904. Centralization and consolidation of rural schools; by E. M. Rapp. (Penn. School Jol. v. 52: 430-434.) Sabbath Schools 1867. Sabbath schools; comments. ([341 A.R. supt. common schools 1866/7: xli.) 1889. See above, the general group, this date. 758 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Sabbath Schools — cont'd Local For mnterial relating to school boards acting as bds. of health, see Tublic Health. Boards of Health ; Local. 1874. General financial mngmt. of school bds. (41 A.R. supt. common schools 1873/4: xxix.) 1891. Je. 8. Veto of act to confer upon the bd. of education in cities of the first class power to sell public school property, etc., with text of act. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1891: 46-47.) 1899. Regulation of Lancaster township school bd. (15 A.R. bd. healUi, etc. 1898/9 v. 1: 795.) 1902. Deadlocks in school bds.; suggested that no. of directors in townships be reduced from 6 to 5. (69 A.R. supt. public instruction 1901/2: i-ii.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to vacancy in school bd. of Fermanagh township, Juniata Co. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1901/2: 30-32.) 1904. School bd. and bd. of health; administration of schools should not be mixed with functions of a bd. of health. (71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4: vii-viii.) School Boards State See also above, Dept. of Public Instruction. 1866. A bd. of education suggested. ([33] A.R. supt. common schools 1865/6: xxiv-xxv.) School Census 1841. Suggested that county comrs. be required to re- turn the no. of children of school age. (8 A.R. supt. common schools 1840/1: 7.) . Table: no. of children in Penn. betw. the ages of 5 and 15; do. in Phila.; do. in non-accepting distrs. ; do. in accepting distrs.; no. of scholars in the common schools in 1841. (8 same 1840/1: 6.) 1868. A school census of children in state recom- mended. ([35] same 1867/8: xli-xlii.) 1873. Recommended that legisl. make provision for taking a school census at time of making next triennial assessment throughout state and every third year thereafter. ([40] same 1872/3: xiv.) 1882. Expediency of law requiring school directors to make ann. census in resp. districts of all children who are not attending any school. ([55] A.R. supt. public instruction 1887/8: vi.) 1884. Children out of school; recommends census of all children of school age in every school distr., in- cluding no. enrolled in public schools, no. in actual attendance, no. in private and parochial schools, no. of illiterates, and no. employed in factories and mines under legal age. ([51] same 1883/4: xii-xiv.) 1893. Legislation to provide for ann. enumeration of children of commonwealth. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 3, 1893: 28.) 1894. School census; necessity of. (61 A.R. supt. public instruction 1893/4: vi-vii.) 1896. Stmt, showing no. of children betw. ages of 8 and 13 yrs. returned to co. comrs. by assessors of their respective cos. (63 same 1896: xl-xUi.) 1902. Double enumeration of children; suggested that acts of Jly. 15, 1897 and Jly. 11, 1901 requiring enumeration of children betw. ages of 6 and 16 yrs. be harmonized so as to require one enumeration. (69 same 1901/2: ill.) School Fund 1821. N. J. res. resp. Md. res. proposing apprn. of public lands for educational purposes and N. H. res. on the subject. (House jol. 1821/2: 275-276.) EDUCATION— cont'd School Fund — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA- -cont'd 1S21. Rept. of committee on education (Raquel) on Md. rept. rel. to apprns. of public land for support of common schools. (Sen. jol. 1820/1: 656-657.) . Md. rept. rel. to apprns. of public land for educ. purposes, showing values accruing to states. (Same 1820/1: 577-591; House jol.: 760-773.) . Vt. rept. and res. on Md. res. rel. to apprn. of public lands for support of the schools. (House jol. 1821/2: 128-129; Sen. jol. 1821/2: 83-85.) . N. H. rept. on communication of Md. rel. to apprn. of public lands for educational purposes. (Sen. jol. 1821/2: 30-33; House jol. 1821/2: 33-36 J •. Ky. res. rel. to portion of public lands of U. S. as means of creating fund for promoting education and right of states to part of same. (Sen. jol. 1821/2: 215-217.) . Attention directed to Md. rept. and res. resp. a public fund for support of education. (Govs. mess. (Hiester) Dec. 5, 1821.) . Rept. of committee on education (Reed) on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to a communication from Md. legisl. to Penn. legisl. rel. to apprns. of public lands for the purposes of education. (House jol. 1821/2: 133-134.) . Rept. of committee on education (Wurts) on Md. res. on subject of apprn. of public lands for support of schools. (Sen. jol. 1821/2: 73-76.) . Same, separate. Not seen. Usual no. of copies ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1821/2: 76.) 1822. Ohio proc. rel. to rept. and res. of Md. on apprn. of portion of public lands to certain states for sup- port of schools. (Same 1821/2: 333-335.) . Md. rept. rel. to apprn. of public lands to certain states for support of schools; etc. (Same 1822/3: 41-50.) . Govs. mess, transmitting N. J. res. resp. procs. of Md. legisl. rel. to apprn. of public lands to cer- tain states, for support of schools, and papers rel. to Northumberland Bridge Co.; with ace. docs. (Same 1821/2: 195-202.) . Govs. mess. (Hiester) submitting copies of pro- ceedings of Ohio legisl. rel. to rept. and res. of Md. on subject of an apprn. of a portion of the public lands to certain states for the support of schools. (House jol. 1821/2: 596-614.) Doc. included. ■. Govs. mess. (Hiester) with Mass. docs. rel. to Md. res. on apprn of public lands to certain states for support of schools; Mass. docs. rel. to Ohio rept. resp. U. S. Bank; speech of Cornplanter, an Indian chief, resp. his grievances; with ace. docs. (Sen. jol. 1821/2: 432-450.) . Govs. mess. (Hiester) with copies of procs. of legisl. of N. C, on subject of rept. and res. of legisl. of Md., rel. to an apprn. of public lands to certain states for support of schools; etc. (House jol. 1822/3: 68-77.) 1823. Rept. of a committee in N. Y. legisl. on rept. and res. of Md., N. H., N. C, Ky. and Mass. on subject of claim originated by Md. to grants of lands from U. S. for purposes of education. (Same 1823/4: 26-31.) . Rept. of committee [of III. legisl.] to whom waa referred rept. and res. of Md., N. H., N. C, Ky. and Mass. rel. to claim originated by Md. to grants of lands from U. S. for educational purposes. (Govs, mess. (Hiester) Dec. 4, 1823 [ace. doc.].) 1867. The Peabody fund. (Penn. School Jol. v. 16: 3-4.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 759 EDUCATION— cont'd School Fund — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA Penn. has uo permnnout sciool fund, the schools being supporti'd by state iipprns. and kx'al taxation. In 1788, (JO. 000 acres of land were set aside for the en- dowment of [)ubUc schools ; It is thought that tills apprn. went to county acadei.iles. In IH^il a second common school fund was est.-ibllshcd consisting of an unknown area of state lands ; the fund was esti- mated at JL.'iOO.OOO ; before 1870 it had entirely disappeared. See also above. Receipts .■nid Kxpcndltures. 1796. Petition reed, from Quakers stating injustice of general tax lexy for support of scliools, they liaving already establisiied and maintained schools. (House jol. 1795/6: 134.) 1799. Rept. of committee on subject of lands granted for use of public schools. (Same 1798/9: 460.) 1805. Revenue will meet demands for ordinary pur- poses; policy of creating additional fund for public education and of the militia. (Govs. mess. (M'Kean) Dec. 5, 1805.) 1813. Sale of unseated lands for taxes has ceased to be source of revenue in some cos.; forfeiture of such lands to commonwealth, owner to have right of redemption for short period on payment of double tax, penalty or forfeiture to form a school fund, suggested. (Same (Snyder) Dec. 13, ISIO.) 1814. Stmt. rel. to grants to academies. (A.R. auditor gen. 1813/4.) 1821. Claim of original states to portion of public lands for support of schools. (Govs. mess. (Hiester) Dec. 5, 1821.) 1824. Suggested that ann. apprn. for educational pur- poses would in few years raise fund equal to uni- versal diffusion of education. (Same (Schulze) Dec. 9, 1824.) 1828. Means should be devised to establish a school fund and confer education on every family in state; need emphasized by employment of children in mnftories. (Same (Schulze) Dec. 4, 1828.) . Protest of Moses Sullivan and others agst. bill to provide a fund in support of a general system of education in Penn. (Sen. jol. 1827/8: 563-564.) . Rept. of committee on education (Kelly) rel. to providing fund for gen. system of education. (Same 1827/8 [v. 1]: 177-180.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by S. C. Stambaugh, 1828. 5 pp. Copy seen in Penn. State Library. 1831. Foundation made for raising fund for education ; devising of system. (Govs. mess. (Wolf) Dec. 7, 1831.) 1834. Communication from auditor gen., ace. with a rept. from comrs. of common school fund, in obedi- ence to res. of Dec. T.5. (House jol. 1834/5 v. 2: 117-119 (doc. 51).) . How school taxes are to be collected. ([1] A.R. supt. common schools 1834: 452-45S.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1834/97. Amt. appropriated for public schools [in Penn.] the first year (1834) and for 1897; total amt. appropriated since its adoption. (8 A.R. fac- tory inspector 1897: 651.) 1835. Recommended that all school funds should be paid directly to the distr. treasurer. ([27] A.R. supt. common schools 1835: 48-49.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed, ■. No. of taxables should be ratio by which appor- tionment of state apprns. should be made. ([2] same 1835: 48.) I'aglng from Sen. doc. ed. 1835/6-1841/2. Apprns. and education unpaid Nov. 1. (p. 59)— same 1841/2.) Omitted 1838/9, 1840/1. EDUCATION— cont'd School Fund — cont'd I'i'^NNSYLVANIA- -cont'd balances of apprns. for (A.R. auditor gen. 1835/6 1836. Stmt, of amt. of tax, voted to be raised by joint meetings of different cos., held on May 2, 1836. ([3] A.R. supt. common schools 1836: table C.) 1837. See above, Education. Penn., this date. — ■ — . Repeated recommendation to add ?100,000 a year to ann. apprn. for instruction. (Govs. mess. (Rit- ner) Dec. 6, 1837.) . Rept. of committee on education (MiddlecoCE) on expediency of investment of portion of surplus revenue, interest to be paid into school fund for common school purposes. (Sen. jol. 1836/7 v. 1: 481-482.) . Opinion of supt. that addition to ann. apprn. should not be a fixed sum but one bearing a certain proportion to taxable citizens of state; recom- mended that ann. state apprn. shall equal hereafter, one dollar for each taxable citizen. ([4] A.R. supt. common schools 1837: 484-485.) Paging from Sen. doc. ed. 1838. Rept. of committee on education (Kauffman) rel. to apprn. of interest arising from Penn.'s share of the surplus revenue, to the general school fund. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 1: 479.) ■ . Advisability of curtailing power of school direc- tors on subject of taxation. (Govs. mess. (Ritner) Dec. 27, 1838: 166.) 1841-1843. Table: taxes reed, each year; amt. paid out for education each year. (Same (Porter) Jan. 3, 1844.) . Same, in detail. (Sen. jol. 1844 v. 2: 62-65 (doc. 13).) Submitted by auditor gen. (Packer). 1841-1847. See Taxation: State, these dates. 1842. Relative to levy of a distr. tax in order to receive part of state apprn.; ambiguity of law. (9 A.R. supt. common schools 1841/2: 14-16.) . On special law rel. to school taxation in Dela- ware Co. and borough of Chambersburg, Franklin Co. (9 same 1841/2: 16.) . On manner of levying school tax. (9 same 1841/2: 16-19.) . Table: aggregate amt. due to non -accepting distrs. of each co., on first Monday in Je., 1842. (8 same 1840/1: 147.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1842/3. Table: portion of state apprn. due at state treasury to each non-accepting distr. (10 same 1842/3: 13-14.) 1843. Funds: undrawn balance of apprns. due to non- accepting distrs.; provisions of law in regard to this sum; suggestions about its payment when the system is adopted. (10 same 1842/3: 10.) 1844. Funds: common school fund first established by act of Apr. 2, 1831; nature of that fund; school fund of 1834; do. 1836, 1837, 1838, 1843, 1844; apportion- ment of the fund; undrawn balance of apprns. made under act of 1834. (11 same 1843/4: 10-12.) . Modification needed of law resp. standard of school taxation. (11 same 1843/4: 14.) . Amt. of state apprn., amt. of school tax levied by distrs., amt. expended for instruction, exclusive of Phila. (11 same 1843/4: 7.) 1845. Rept. of supt. common schools (Miller) rel. to apprns. due to accepting and undrawn by non- accepting school distrs. (Sen. jol. 1845 v. 2: 296-302.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1845. 10 pp. Copy seen In Penn. State library. . Reasons of Wm. L. Banning and others for their vote agst. apprn. of $200,000 for common school purposes. (House jol. 1845 v. 1: 501.) reo INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd School Fund — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1845. State apprn. for school system should be fixed and permanent. (Govs. mess. (Porter) Jan. 8, 1845.) . Levy of school tax by school directors. (12 A.R. supt. common schools 1844/5: 6-7.) . Failure of 39 accepting distrs. to receive apprns. in 1845. (12 same 1844/5: 6.) 1846. Recommended that directors be authorized to raise sufficient sum of money to establish competent no. of schools in each distr. and to keep them open 6 months in the year. (13 same 1S45/6: 6.) . Suggested that clause in sec. 4 of act of 1836 vphich limits taxes to be assessed to 3 times amt. of state apprn., ought to be repealed or modified. (13 same 1845/6: 6.) 1848. Suggested abolition of distr. meetings, called to authorize directors to lay additional tax, and the substitution of power to directors to increase amt. of tax, as in exercise of sound discretion would be adequate to school purposes. (15 same 1848: 9.) . Passage of a law rel. to amt. of tax to be raised in several distrs., based on standard authorized by act of Apr. 12, 1838 recommended. (15 same 1848: 12.) 1848-1853. Frauds on dept. by which state apprn. is drawn without necessary tax being collected. (15 same 1847/8 (p. 11)— 20 same 1853.) 1848/9. State tax and common schools: no. of taxable persons; valuation of real and personal estate for taxable purposes, aggregate amt. of state tax assessed in several cos. of commonwealth for 1848 together with amt. of tax received from each co. during 1849 and amt. of state apprns. to common schools for same year. (A.R. auditor gen. 1848/9: 84-85.) 1849. Rept. of secy, of commonwealth (Haines) rel. to amt. due Nov. 1, 1845 to such non-accepting school distrs., from which undrawn school apprns. were taken by act of 1843, as remained non-accepting distrs. Apr. 11, 1848. (House jol. 1849 v. 2: 184- 188 (doc. 17).) . Recommended that additional school funds be raised by a tax on lineal inheritances. (16 A.R. supt. common schools 1848/9: 12-13.) 1850-1851. Collection of school tax should be simplified. (17 same 1850 (p. 7)— 18 same 1851.) 1852. Provision recommended for clear power to sell real estate In use, with view to investing again for school purposes. (19 some 1851/2: 6.) . Recommended power to levy a special tax to purchase ground and erect school bldgs. (19 same 1852: 5.) . Recommended that stock in banks chartered or re-chartered since Apr. 16, 1850 be taxed. (19 same 1852: 4-5.) . Recommended that adequate means for collec- tion and enforcement of school tax be provided. (19 same 1852: 4.) . See above, the general group. Lancaster Co., this date. 1853. Table: state apprns. for common schools. (Penn. School Jol. V. 2: 19). . Suggested re-enactment of law providing by ex- press direction for securing balances standing agst. collectors of school tax, by judgments upon certifi- cates. (20 A.R. supt. common schools 1853: 13.) . Recommended that collector of state and co. rates and levies, or some other suitable person, be authorized and required to collect school taxes, with same compensation and under same regula- tions as are provided by law for collection of state and CO. taxes. (20 same 1853: 13.) EDUCATION— cont'd School Fund — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1854. Circular 3 to co. supts. [resp. state apprn.]. (21 same 1854: 154-155.) 1855. Suggested that law prescribing manner of assess- ing taxes for school purposes be modified and amended so as to secure more exact justice and efficiency. (22 same 1855: 14.) . General state apprn. should be larger. (22 same 1854/5: 12.) 1855-1861. List of cos. with aggregate no. of taxables in each. (22 same 1855 app. (p. 347) — 28 same 1861.) 1861 onlled Corrected Co. Table. 1856. List of distrs. which have not drawn their state apprn. (Penn. School Jol. v. 13: 67.) . Remarks (Lott) on apprn. to common schools. (Daily Legisl. Record 1856: 362.) — — . Discussion resp. apprn. to common schools; apprn. of revenue from tavern and restaurant licenses to the support of common schools. (Some 1856: 295-298.) . Increased state apprn. recommended. (23 A.R. supt. common schools 1855/6: 20-21.) 1858. Continuance of state apprn. recommended. (25 same 1857/8: 20.) 1859. Increase of state apprn. recommended. (26 same 1858/9: 22-23.) . Veto (Packer) to exempt certain school property from taxation. (House jol. 1859: 32-33; Sen. jol. 1859: 42.) Marklevllle Normal Institute, I'erry Co., a private insti- tution. . Same. (Legisl. Record 1859: 20.) . Remarks (Coffey) in behalf of an increased state apprn. to common schools. (Legisl. Record 1859: 491-492.) 1860. Increase of ann. apprn. for education justified. (Govs. mess. (Packer) Jan. 4, 1860.) — ' — '. Diminution in school tax since 1857; increased means of the school system. (27 A.R. supt. common schools 1859/60: 6.) . Sources of pecuniary means of the school system; amt. expended in 25 years. (27 same 1859/60: 7.) 1861. For deduction of certain percentage from amt. assessed for prompt payments In unseated lands and addition of like proportion it not paid in sec- ond year. (28 same 1860/1: 28.) . Necessity for increased pecuniary means. (28 same 1860/1: 26.) . The maladministration of distr. school funds; by James M. Swank. (Penn. School Jol. v. 9: 269- 270 [i. e. 369-370].) 1861-1875. School distrs. unpaid. (28 A.R. supt. of common schools 1860/1 (p. 241)— [42] same 1874/5.) 1862. The mode of levying school tax. (Penn. School Jol. v. 10: 332-336.) Republished In v. 12 : 10-13 ; v. ],■! ; 274-278. . School apprns. by the Legisl. (Same v. 10: 321- 322.) — — . Liquor fines and school funds. (Same v. 11: 136.) 1862-1865. List of unpaid distrs. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 18G2 in V. 11 : O.S. 1863 " V. 12: 1.33. 1864. Not found. 1865 In T. 14 : 126. 1863. Expediency of some method of distributing state apprn. among several distrs. of state upon reliable basis. (30 A.R. supt. common schools 1862/3: xvl.) 1863-1864. Change of basis upon which apprn. to com- mon schools is made; subject submitted to legisl. with suggestion that apprn. be made upon a reliable basis. (30 same 1862/3 (pp. xv-xvi)— 31 same 1863/4.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 761 EDUCATION— cont'd School Fund— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1864. Distribution of tlie school fund; debate. (Legisl. Record 1864: 85-87; 164165.) — ' — L Act of Mch. 17 repealed so much of sec. 29 of general apprn. bill as relates to distribution of state apprn. to school distrs. of state. (31 A.R. supt. common schools 1863/4: 41.) 1865. School apprns.; normal schools; debate. (Legisl. record 1865:477-479; 507-509.) . Apportionment of state apprn., suggested plan for division of state apprn. (32 same 1864/5: 22-24.) 1866. Larger state apprn. for school purposes recom- mended. (33 same 1865/6: xxxix-xli.) . Rept. of special committee (Householder) apptd. to rept. a more uniform system of revenue tor com- mon school purposes, etc. (Legisl. Record 1866: 405-406.) 1867. Suppl. act. resp. common schools; school tax. (Same 1867: 171-174.) . Table: no. of non-accepting school distrs., and amt. of state apprn. forfeited by each, in 1866 and 1867 and total forfeited since and including 1860. ([34] A.R, supt. common schools 1866/7: xv.) . Recommendation for increase of state apprn. for common schools. ([34] sonic 1866/7: xxxviii.) 1868. Petition for increase of state apprn. for common schools. ([35] same 1867/8: xxi.) . For apprn. wherewith to pay additional depty. supt. ([35] same 1867/8: xxii.) — ■ — . Table: distrs. paid, in addition to their apprn. for 1868. ([35] same 1867/8: xxlv.) . State apprn. for 1868; distrs. forfeited; with- held; unpaid; non-accepting. (Penn. School Jol. V. 17: 166.) . Apprn. of $500,000 to common schools. (Same V. 16: 315.) 1869. List of distrs. which obtained the right to bor- row money during 1869, with the amts. (Same v. 69: 338.) — — . For increase of state apprn. for support of com- mon schools. ([36] A.R. supt. common schools 1868/9: xxvi.) . See above. Laws, this date. 1870. Increase of state apprn. asked. ([37] A.R. supt. common schools 1869/70: xv-xvii.) . List of distrs. which obtained the right to bor- row money during session of 1870, with amts. (Penn. School Jol. v. 18: 332.) 1870-1872. Table; population (1870), taxables (1871), state apprn. to common schools (1872). (Same v. 21: 63.) 1871. Suggestion that taxes for school purposes be levied and collected by school authorities. (A.R. supt. common schools 1871: x.) 1873. 1,000,000 ann. apprn. to public schools provided by proposed constitution. (Penn. School Jol. v. 22: 207.) 1874. Increased apprns. to common schools. (41 A.R. supt. common schools 1873/4: xxviii.) 1874-1881. Table: indebtedness and state apprn. as per rept. of each school. ([48] A.R. supt. public In- struction 1880/1: xlviii-xlix.) 1875. Taxation for support of schools; circular of in- formation issued rel. to maximum school tax. (42 same 1875: xliv-xlvii.) — I — . Thirteen mill school tax; decision reversed which made 10 mills the maximum tax that could be levied on real estate. (42 same 1875: xv-xvi.) . Propriety of not dividing public school funds, and of non-exemption from taxation for school pur- poses. ([42] same 1874/5: xxviii.) EDUCATION— cont'd School Fund — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1875. Taxation for the support of schools; by J. P. Wickersham. (Penn. School Jol. v. 23: 278-279.) . The tax for bldg. purposes. (Same v. 23: 313.) 1877. Suggestion rel. to taxes for school purposes, to be levied by bd. collected in its name, and money paid out on its orders. (44 A.R. supt. public In- struction 1876/7: vii.) 1878. Letter from supt. of public instruction (Wicker- sham) rel. to fund out of which co. supts. are paid. (Legisl. Record 1878 (v. 2): 1694.) . Suggested that legisl. find a way to place money in treasury at time law requires it to be paid out. ([45] A.R. supt. public Instruction 1877/8: vi-vii.) 1879. State apprns. for school purposes; by J. P. Wickersham. (Penn. School Jol. v. 27: 397.) — — . List of distrs. to which apprns. of 1878 are still due. (Same v. 28: 158.) — ■ — •. Letter from supt. of public instruction (Wicker- sham) requesting information as to how much, if any of apprn. made in 1878 for support of common schools, state normal schools and soldiers' orphan schools remains unpaid. (Sen. jol. 1879: 529-530.) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1879: 830.) . Stmt, showing anprns. already made for general system for next year. ([46] A.R. supt. public in- struction 1878/9; xix.) 1880. Stmt, showing apprns. required for general sys- tem for 1881 and 1882. ([47] same 1879/80: xxxv.) . Delay in payment of state apprns.; extract from letter to state treasurer. ([47] same 1879/80: vi-ix.) . New legislation required for benefit of the school fund; by Mr. Shaub. (Penn. School Jol. v. 28: 469- 470.) . State treasurer's (Noyes) explanation rel. to non-payment of state apprn. to common schools. (Same v. 28: 513.) — ' — . Letter from state supt. of public instruction (Wickersham) to state treasurer rel. to payment of state apprn. to common schools. (Same v. 28: 335.) . Letter of supt. public Instruction (Wickersham) to state treasurer on the subject of unpaid apprns. to schools. (Same v. 29: 39-40.) . Recommendation: provision of sufficient funds to allow school districts to be paid as soon as their money is due and they are entitled to receive it. ([47] A.R. supt. public instruction 1879/80: vili.) 1881. Apprn. for common schools. (Legisl. Record 1881: 2250-2252.) 1883. Apprn. to common schools; debate. (Same 1883 (v. 2): 2546-2550.) . Suggestions rel. to basis of distribution of school fund to no. of children rather than value of taxables and recommendation that legal length of school year be Increased. (Govs. mess. (Hoyt) Jan. 2, 1883: 5.) . Veto (Pattison) of act to equalize taxation for school purposes in independent school distrs. formed from parts of more than one co. (House jol. 1883: 716.) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1883: 1899-1900.) . Same; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1883: 3-5.) 1884. Amt. and distribution of school fund. ([51] A.R. supt. public instruction 1883/4: xvi-xviii.) — — ■- For apprn. sufficient to secure carefully prepared work on school architecture for information and use of school directors of state. ([51] same 1883/4: vlil.) 763 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd School Fund — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1884. Propriety of enlarging fund appropriated to pub- lic schools so as to embrace provisions for state normal schools. ([511 same 1883/4: x.) 1885. Change in distribution of common school fund recommended, basing same on census of children to be benefited rather than on base of taxables. (.Same (Pattison) Jan. 6, 1885: 11-12.) . Act rel. to making of valuations for municipal and school taxes and water rents in cities of 3d class considered. (Legisl. Record 1885: 1231-1233.) 1886. Table: taxes for various school purposes. (53 A.R. supt. public instruction 1886: vii.) . Suggested that state apprn. for school system be increased. ([53] same 1885/6: x.) 1887. Act passed giving increased apprn. of $500,000 to public schools. ([54] same 1886/7: iv.) . The increased apprn.; by John B. Elkins. (Penn. School Jol. V. 36: 139-141.) 1888. Increased apprn.: payment and object. (Same V. 36: 451.) 1889. Opinion of atty. gen.; a warrant cannot be properly drawn upon school fund when a certificate properly sworn to is not presented to supt. of public instruction, until more than 3 years have elapsed after school year for which apprn. is made. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1889/90 app. pp. Ixii-lxiii.) 1889-1903. Table: estimated value of school property in COS., cities, and boroughs having supts. (56 A.R. Bupt. public instruction 1889 (pp. ix-x) — 70 same 1903.) Omitted in 1894. 1890. Suggested increase in ann. apprn. to lengthen school term. ([57] same 1889/90: iv.) 1891. Ann. apprn. for schools made five times sum named in constitution. ([58] same 1890/1: v.) . Desirability of more liberal provision by appro- priating to each distr. tax of at least ten mills for school purposes. (Same 1891: vii.) . Apprn. to public schools. (Legisl. Record 1891: 2735-2738.) . Favorable results from Increase in ann. apprn. and lengthening of school term; larger increase of apprn. recommended; no. of schools and pupils in state; ann. expenditures for school system. (Govs, mess. (Beaver) Jan. 6, 1891: 12.) Advisable anit. of increase suggested on p. 8 of same message. . The schools and taxation. (Penn. School Jol. v. 40: 183.) . Levying school taxes; debate. (Legisl. Record 1891: 294-295.) 1891/2-1903/4. Amt. of taxes collected for school pur- poses; increase or decrease over preceding year. (A.R. secy, internal affairs pt. 1, 1891/2 (pp. 169- 170 A)— .same 1903/4.) 1892. School funds paid to Phila. at end of calendar year instead of end of school year. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1891/2: ix-x.) . Suggested that grant of apprn. to any school distr. should be made dependent upon holding of a single term. (59 A.R. supt. public instruction 1891/2: iv.) 1893. See Taxation: Local, this date. (Vetoes (Patti- son) 1893: 128129.) . Effects of increasing ann. apprn. to 5 millions. (60 A.R. supt. public instruction 1892/3: vii-ix.) . Debate on bill proposing changing basis of dis- tribution of the state apprn. to common schools from the number of taxable citizens to the number of schools. (Legisl. Record 1893 v. 1: 2480-2483.) EDUCATION— cont'd School Fund — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1893. Schools and the apprns.; by David McMulIen (Penn. School Jol. v. 42: 253-255.) . Payment and distribution of state apprn. (Same V. 42: 182-183.) . Basis upon which distribution of common school funds is made; should be based on attendance, (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 3, 1893: 28.) 1894. State school funds — proper distribution of the state apprn. (Penn. School Jol. v. 42: 361-363.) . State apprn. should be distributed more equit- ably to the schools. (Same v. 43: 275-278.) ^. Opinion of atty. gen. (Hensel) on taxation of school bonds. (Penn. School Jol. v. 43: 193.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to payment of special apprns. made to common schools by act of Je. 6, 1893. (Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1893/4 app. p. 94.) . Limit betw. 5 and 10 per cent of ann. apprn. to a distr. should be fixed to prevent reckless expendi- ture of public money. (61 A.R. supt. public in- struction 1893/4: X.) . Desirability of adopting more equitable method of distributing state apprn. to public schools. (61 same 1893/4: vi.) 1895. Distribution of state apprn.; explanation. (Penn. School Jol. V. 44: 42.) 1896. Instructions about school apprn. (Same v. 45: 42.) ■ . Suggested change in method of distribution of school apprn. (63 A.R. supt. public instruction 1895/6: xxi-xxii.) 1897. The state apprn. for schools; by H. H. Quimby. (Penn. School Jol. v. 45: 383-385.) . Distribution of school apprn.; necessity for re- form in method; suggestions. (CJovs. mess. (Hast- ings) Jan. 5, 1897: 11-12.) . Unwise expenditure of school funds; suggested legislation rel. to maximum to be spent upon appa- ratus for ungraded schools. (64 A.R. supt. public instruction 1896/7: v-vii.) . New method of distribution of state apprn. (64 same 1896/7: vii-viii.) . Debate on bill resp. the distributing of school apprns. (Legisl. Record 1897 v. 2: 2890-2894.) 1898. Results of new law for distribution of state apprn. (65 A.R. supt. public instruction 1897/8: v-vii.) . State school apprn. for school year endg. Je. 6. (65 same 1897/8: 636-637.) . The school tax laws; by James G. Hays. (Penn. School Jol. V. 47: 310-313.) . Table: apprns. to each co. under old system; do. new system. (Same v. 46: 567.) . What reforms are needed to secure the earlier distribution of the state school fund; by Wm. McGeorge. (Same v. 46: 385-389.) . Same; by Edwd. A. Weaver. (Some v. 46: 389- 390.) . Same; by J. P. Elkin. (Same v. 46: 390-391.) 1898/9. Anit. of taxes collected for school purposes, exclusive of state apprns. (7 A.R. dept. agrlc. 1901 pt. 1: 223-224.) 1899. Distribution of apprn.; by Hugh Crelly. (Penn. School Jol. V. 47: 410-411.) — I — . New method of distributing apprn. to common schools; rate per child and per teacher; effect of new law shown by school distr. in Lycoming Co.; policy of New York in making wealthy sections contribute toward education of children in distrs. with least taxable property; relative amts. reed, by N. Y. and Phila. (Govs. mess. (Hastings) Jan. 3, L899: 6-7.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 763 EDUCATION— cont'd School Fund — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— confd 1900. Distr. of state apprn.; amt. for each co. (Penn. School Jol. V. 4S: 559.) . Veto of part of apprns. to common schools; ques- tion of rlglit of gov. to reduce an item in a gen. apprn. bill. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1899/00: xxxviii- xliv.) 1901. Brief of argument of John P. Elkin, atty. gen. on behalf of the state treasurer in proceedings by mandamus brought in the common pleas of Centre Co., to compel the payment of the apprn. provided by act of May 13, 1S99, known as " the school apprn." n. t. p. 48 pp. Copy seen In Free Library of Thlla. . Debate on apprn. for support and maintenance of public schools. (Legisl. Record 1901 v. 2: 3167- 3171.) . $11,000,000 appropriated for two years beginning Je. 1, 1899; Gov. withheld approval from $1,000,000; increased revenue; passage of bill appropriating $1,000,000 to common schools for two years ending Je. 1, 1901 recommended. (Govs. mess. (Stone) Jan. 1, 1901: 3-4.) There are two editions of this mess. ; paging varies slightly. . School rates of taxes. (7 A.R. dept. agric. 1901 pt. 1: 173-175.) . $12,000,000 apprn. for educational purposes. (68 A.R. supt. public instruction 1900/1: ii.) . Distribution of apprn.; suggested that high school apprn. be increased so that it could be made applicable to all high schools regardless of location. (68 same 1900/1: iii-iv.) . Circular letter to co. supts. rel. to apprn. to township high schools. (Penn. School Jol. v. 50: 163-164.) . Supreme Court decision resp. school apprns. (Same v. 49: 556-562.) . New school apprns. and legislation. (Same v. 50: 162-163.) . For passage of bill appropriating $1,000,000 to the common schools of state to be distributed pro- portionately under existing laws for biennial term. (Govs. mess. (Stone) Jan. 1, 1901: 4.) 1902. The school apprn.; by C. Tyson Kratz. (Penn. School Jol. V. 50: 414-418.) . Taxation for school purposes; by Nathan C. Schaeffer. {Same v. 51: 34-40.) . Commonwealth vs. Harnett, state treasurer; opinion of court of common pleas of Centre Co. on right of Gov. to veto part of item or apprn. to public schools; opinion of Supreme Court. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1901/2: 60-76.) 1904. Suggested that funds raised by taxation for school purposes should not be diverted from original purpose. (71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4: vii-viii.) . Recommended that ann. apprn. to schools be kept at present sum. (71 same 1903/4: viii.) School Holidays 1893. Act of May 31 leaving determination of school holidays in hands of directors or controllers. (60 A.R. supt. public instruction 1892/3: xi-xii.) School Houses and Grounds See also below. Sanitation. 1869. School houses. (Penn. School Jol. v. 18: 20-22.) Extr. from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction of 111. 1871. School architecture. (Same v. 19: 352-354.) From Educational suppl. of Harper's Bazar. 1873. A chapter for directors; erecting school houses. (Same v. 21: 378-380.) From the Toronto Journal of Education. EDUCATION— cont'd School Houses and Grounds — cont'd BELGIUM 1876. Kingdom of Belgium: govt, plan of constructing and furnishing school houses. (Penn. School Jol. V. 25: 321-323.) MASSACHUSETTS 1897. School houses in Mass.; by J. A. Moore. (8 A.R. factory inspector 1897: 636-642.) Read nt convention of InternatlounI Assn. ot factory Inspectors. PENNSYLVANIA 1850. Suggested that authority be given to directors to locate school houses in their resp. distrs., in such situations as would best promote Interests of sub- distrs., and providing for any damage sustained by owner of property. (17 A.R. supt. common schools 1849/50: 8.) 1852. Plan for a country school liouse. (Penn. School Jol. V. 1: 387-388.) — — . See above. School Fund, this date. 1852-1853. Recommendation: provision for a school architecture, thereby to promote economy in bldg. (19 A.R. supt. common schools 1851/2 (p. 3)— 20 same 1852/3.) 1854. Plans for improved school architecture. (21 A.R. supt. common schools 1854: 15-16.) 1855. Penn. school architecture. A manual of direc- tions and plans for grading, locating, constructing, heating, ventilating and furnishing common school houses. Tliomas H. Burrowes, editor. Harrisburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1855. viii, 276 pp., pi. 4°. Copies in Free Library of Phlla. and in Library of Congress. . Suggested that cost of book on school architec- ture should not properly be taken from ann. apprn. for school purposes, but that a sum of money, sufficient for payment of all expenses incurred sliould be especially appropriated for that purpose. (22 A.R. supt. common schools 1854/5: 13.) . Circular to common school directors rel. to school architecture. (Penn. School Jol. v. 3: 290-292.) 1856. School grounds: size, enclosure, improvement; by J. P. Wickersham. (Same v. 35: 175-181.) . School houses; by John H. Hooper. (Same v. 4: 359.) 1857. Voluntary efforts for the improvement of school houses and grounds. (Same v. 6: 128.) 1859. See below, Text-Books, this date. 1860. Outlay for school houses and effect on the length of the school term and compensation of teachers. (27 A.R. supt. common schools 1859/60: 5.) 1861. Our rural school houses. (Penn. School Jol. v. 10: 43-44.) 1863. Debate on selection of school sites by school directors. (Legisl. Record 1863: 554-558.) 1864/73-1866/76. See above, Education. Penn., these dates. 1869. School sites and school grounds; by J. P. Wick- ersham. (Penn. School Jol. v. 17: 284-288.) 1872. Era of school house building. ([39] A.R. supt. common schools 1871/2: xx.) 1874. See above. Expenditures, this date. 1876. Advisability of adopting some plan of aiding dis- trict school bds. in erecting and furnishing school houses. ([43] A.R. supt. public instruction 1875/6: xliii.) 1878. Suggestions rel. to school architecture. ([45] same 1877/8: xiv.) 1880. Same. ( [47] same 1879/80: xxvii.) 764 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd School Houses and Grounds — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1882. Necessity of specific apprn. to publish book en- titled "Penn. school architecture." ([49] same 1881/2: X.) 1884. Same. ([51] same 1883/4: vi-viii.) . School-bldgs. and grounds; recommendation for condemnation of school bldgs. unfit for school pur- poses. ([51] same 1883/4: vi-viil.) . Concerning school grounds; by Chas. H. Slilnn. (Penn. School Jol. v. 33: 223-225.) 1886. School architecture; legisl. urged to repeat act approved May 8, 1855 and appropriate sufficient funds to carry it into execution. ([53] A.R. supt. public instruction 1885/6: xxiii.) 1887. Value of school property; necessity of a work on school architecture; by R. K. Buehrle. (Penn. School Jol. V. 35: 315-316.) 1889. Efficiency of schools and health of children de- pendent upon school bldgs.; requiring plans for new school bldgs. to be submitted to dept. of educa- tion, suggested. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 1, 1889: 13.) 1891. The school house yard; by S. Edwd. Paschall. (Penn. School Jol. v. 40: 309-311.) . School architecture; by Supt. Walton of Chester. {Same v. 39: 415-418.) 1894. Plan of school house; by J. W. Leech, {fiame v. 42: 472-474.) — ■ — : Increased attention paid to school architecture. (61 A.R. supt. public instruction 1893/4: Iv-v.) 1896. Standard plans for school houses; by Jos. S. Walton. (Penn. School Jol. v. 44: 339-343.) 1897. Should the erection of school bldgs. be regulated by act of Assembly? by A. M. Sloan. (13 A.R. bd. health, etc. 1896/7 v. 1: 320-329.) 1898. Progress of schools; new bldgs. (65 A.R. supt. public Instruction 1897/8: iv-v.) Allegheny County 1873. Table: showing estimated value of school build- ings; grounds and furniture of Allegheny Co. ( [40] A.R. supt. common schools 1872/3: 180.) Bradford County 1860. School houses in Bradford Co. (Penn. School Jol. V. 8: 294.) Cambria County 1860. New school houses in Cambria; by S. B. McCor- mick. (Penn. School Jol. v. 8: 293-294.) Duncannon, Perry Co. 1873. Description of new school house at Duncannon. (Penn. School Jol. v. 22: 220.) Erie County 18711876. Table: no. of school bldgs. erected by bd. of Erie Co. and their cost. ([43] A.R. supt. public in- struction 1875/6: 183.) Gettysburg, Adams Co. 1858. Commendation of school houses in Gettysburg. Scranton and Hyde Park. (Penn. School Jol. v. 7: 97.) Hyde Park, Lackawanna Co. See above, Gettysburg. EDUCATION— cont'd School Houses and Grounds — cont'd Huntingdon County 1858. Veto of act to extend to Walker township, Hunt- ingdon Co., the provisions of the act to authorize the school directors of the borough of West Pitts- burg, Allegheny Co. to select sites for school houses. (House jol. 1858: 482-483; Sen. jol. 1858: 420-421.) Exercise of right of eminent domain. . Same. (Legisl. Record 1858: 251-252.) Lancaster, Lancaster Co. 1852. New school houses in Lancaster City distr. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1; 84.) McKeesport, Allegheny Co. 1873. See below, Teachers' Institutes. Armstrong Co., this date. Monroe County 1860. New school houses in Monroe Co.; by Chas. S. Detrick. (Penn. School Jol. v. 8: 232-233.) Mount Joy, Lancaster Co. 1873. New school house at Mount Joy. (Penn. School Jol. V. 22: 120-122.) Palmyra, Lebanon Co. 1904. Inspection at Palmyra, on acct. of site for public school bldg. rel. to sanitary condition of said site. (20 A.R. bd. health, etc. 1903/4: 124.) Philadelphia 1852. Public school houses in Phila.: description. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 361-362.) Scranton, Lackawanna Co. See above, Gettysburg. Reading, Berks Co. 1896. Girls' high school in Reading; new bldg. (Penn. School Jol. v. 45: 84-86.) Shenandoah, Schuylkill Co. 1892. Letter from supt. of public schools of Shenan- doah, on dangerous condition of public school bldg.; Improper building of walls. (8 A.R. bd. health, etc. 1891/2: 720-721.) L. A. Freeman. York County 1899-1900. ^ Table: school houses occupied, how heated, where located and no. of rooms in each, York Co. (67 A.R. supt. public instruction 1899/00: v. 641.) School Journals serial 1 series 1844. The common school journal of the state of Penn. published under the supervision of the supt. of common schools. ■Checklist V. 1. Nos. 1-11. Not found. No. 12. Dec. 15. 1844. Pblladelpbia : Edwd. C. Blddle ; Harrlsburg: Illokok & Cantlne, 1844. vili pp. and pp. 353-376. Copy seen In Amer. Phil. Socy. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 765 DUCATION— cont'd School Journals — cont'd serial — cont'd 2 series 1852/3-1903/4. The Penn. school journal [organ of the Penn. State Teachers' Assn. and of the dept. of common schools or public instruction] . Checklist Thomas H. llurrowcs, editor V. 1. 18n2/3. Lancaster: Myers & Wiley, n. <1. 47S pp. Copy In the I'enn. State Library and nos. 7-12 In the Library of Congress. V. 2. 18f):i, -J. Lancaster: Myers & Wiley, pp.* tt V. ;i. 1854. Lancaster: W. B. Wiley, n. (I. W. B. Wiley, 1855. 384 pp.* t t W. B. Wiley, n. (1. 40'J pp.* t t W. B. Wllev. n. cl. ' * W. B. Wiley, n. (1. W. B. Wiley, n. d. W. B. Wiley, n. d. W. B. Wiley, n. d. 384 pp.* T W. B. Wiley, n. d. 382(1) T. 4. 1855/6 V. 5. 1S56/7, V. 6. 1857/8, V. 7. 1858/n, V. 8. 1850/60. L:incaster V. !). 1800/1. Lancaster T. 10. 1861/2, V. 11. 1862/3, pp.* t V. 12. 18(>3/4 jinoaster : L:incaster : Lancaster : Lancaster : Lancaster : I.4inca8ter : 394 386 pp. • t i 386 pp.* + t 384 pp.* t t 384 pp.* t t 384 pp. Lancaster : W. B. Wiley, n. d. 3.50 pp.* t No. 1 of this volume Is also In the N. Y. I'ublic Library. V. 13. 1864/5. Lancaster: W. B. Wiley, n. d. 2i)4 pp.* t V. 14. 1865/6. Lancaster: W. B. Wiley, n. d. 300 pp., 1 le.if.* t V. 15. 1866/7. Lancaster: W. B. Wiley, n. d. 310 pp.t t Also In the N. Y. Public Library, excepting nos. 5. V. 16. 1867/8^' Lancaster: W. B. Wiley, n. d. 376 pp.. 1 1. Complete copies of this volume were seen in the Penn. State Library and In the Library of Congress; nos. 1-6 are In the Mercantile Library. Phlla., and nos. 1-6, 8-12, in the N. Y. Public Libr.iry. V. 17. 1868/9. Lancaster : Wylle & Griest, 1868. 356 pp. 1 1* t V. 18. 1869/70. Lancaster: Wylle & Griest. 1869. 348 pp., 1 1.' 19. 1870 1. pp.* t t Lancaster: Wylle & Griest, 1870. 378 ./. P. ^^'ickerfthnm, editor V. 20. 1871 '2. Lancaster: Wylle & Griest, 1871. 404 pp.* t i V. 21. 1872/3. Lancaster: Wylle & Griest. 1872. 404 pp.* t t V. 22. 1873/4. Lancaster: Inquirer Prtg. & Pub. Co., 1873. 404 pp.* t V. 23. 1874/5. Lancaster: Inquirer Prtg. & Pub. Co., 1874. 410 pp.* V. 24. 1875/0. Lancaster: Pearsal & Gelst, 1875. 429(1) pp.* t V. 25. 1876/7. L:ineaster: Pearsal & Geist, 1876. 466 pp.. 5 11.* t t V. 20. 1877'8. Lancaster: Inquirer Prtg. & Pub. Co.. 1877. 430(2) pp.* t t V. 27. 1S78/9. Lancaster: Inquirer Prtg. & Pub. Co., 1878. 430(21 pp.* t t V. 28. 1879/80. Lancaster : Inquirer Prtg. & Pub. Co., 1879. 518(2) pp.* t t V. 29. 1880/1. Lancaster: Inquirer Prtg. & Pub. Co., 1880. 518 pp., 4 11.* tt T. 30. 1881/2. Ijincnster; Inquirer Prtg. & Pub. Co., 1881. 504(2) pp.* t t E. E. Higbee. V. 31. 1882/3. Lancaster: 1882. 500(2) pp.* t t T. 32. 1883/4. Lancaster: 1883. 452(2) pp.* t t v. 33. 1884/5. Lancaster: 1884. 500(4) pp.* ft V. 34. 1885/6. Lancaster: 1885. 502(2) pp.* t t V. 35. 1886/7. Lancaster : 1886. 510 pp.* t V. 36. 1887/8. Lancaster: 1887. 468 pp.* t V. 37. 1888/9. Lancaster : 1888. 430 pp.. 1 1.* t V. 38. 1889/90. Lancaster 1889. 472 pp.* t D. J. WaUer, V. 39. 1890/1. Lanc^ister: 1890. 540 pp.* t V. 40. 1891/2. Uincaster: 550 pp.* t. V. 41. 1.S92/3. LTucaster: 554 pp., pi.* t editor Inquirer Prtg. & Inquirer Prtg. & Inquirer Prtg. & Inquirer Prtg. & Inquirer Prtg. & Inquirer Prtg. & Inquirer Prtg. & Inquirer Prtg. & editor Inquirer Prtg. & WIckersham Prtg. Wickersham Prtg. Pub. Co., Pub. Co., Pub. Co., Pub. Co.. Pub. Co., Pub. Co., Pub. Co., Pub. Co.. Pub. Co., Co.. 1891. Co.. 1892. EDUCATION— cont'd School Jouraals^ont'd aerial — cont'd 2 scries — cont'd Nathan C. Schaeffer^ editor Checklist — cont'd V. 42. 1893/4. Lancaster 1893. 502 pp.* t V. 43. 1894/5. L.ancaster 1894. 556 pp.* t V. 44. 1895/6. Lancaster 4, 570 pp.« t V. 45. 1896/7. Lancaster 626 pp.* i V. 46. 1897/8. Lancaster 572 pp.* t V. 47. 1898/9. Lancaster : WIckersham Prtg. Co, 588 pp.* t V. 48. 1899/00. Uancaster 570, 4 pp.* + V. 49. 1900/1. Ijincasler; 4. 022 pp.* t V. 50. 1901/2. Lancaster : 4, 614 pp.* t V. 51. 1902/3. Lancaster: 4, 574 pp.* t V. 52. 1903/4. Uincaster: 4, 606 pp.* t V. 53. 1904/5. I-ancaster: 502. 4 pp.* ;■ Wickersham Prtg. & Pub. Co.. WIckersham Prtg. & Pub. Co., Wickersham Prtg. Co., 1885. WIckersham Prtg. Co., 1896. WIckersham Prtg. Co., 1897. 1898. WIckersham Prtg. Co., 1899. WIckersham Prtg. Co., 1900. WIckersham Prtg. Co., 1901. WIckersham Prtg. Co., 1902. WIckersham Prtg. Co., 1903. WIckersham Prtg. Co., 1904. noji-serial 1828. Rept. of committee on education (Bonsall) rel. to petition of Jesse Torrey Jr., for legisl. aid to publish the Moral Instructor; adverse. (House jol. 1827/8 V. 2: 654-655 (doc. 164).) 1839. Suggested publication of a common school jour- nal under supervision of supt. (6 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1839: 195.) Paging from House tloc. ed. Itepeated in 1845/6. 1843. Common school journal to be published; en- couragement recommended. (10 A.R. supt. common schools 1842/3: 11.) 1844. Common school journal, published in Phila. under the editorial care of Prof. Hart, of the Central High School; recommended that it be supplied to bds. of directors. (11 same 1843/4: 1'2-13.) . Common school journal ; first no. published in Jan., 1844; recommended that arrangements be made for supplying each board of school directors with at least one copy. (11 same 1843/4: 13.) 1845. "The Common School Journal" commended; its resumption favored. (12 same 1844/5: 9.) 1850-1870. The past of the Penn. School Journal. (Penn. School Jol. v. 19: 123-124; 154-157.) 1852. On educational periodicals, etc.; by Thos. C. Rogers. (iS'nme v. 1: 109.) 1856. Penn. School Journal; benefits of. (23 A.R. supt. common schools 1855/6: 22.) 1862. Catalogue of school journals of other states. (Penn. School Jol. v. 11: 101-104.) 1900. Recommended that " Penn. School Journal " be restored and that apprn. therefor be made by legisl. (67 A.R. supt. public instruction 1899/00 v. 1: vi-vii.) School Libraries 1863. Books and school libraries; by Sir John Simeon. (Penn. School Jol. v. 12: 208-214.) From LTpper Canada Journal of Education. CONNECTICUT 1852. Formation, by-laws and regulation of the East Berlin School Library, Conn. (Penn. School Jol. V. 1: 338-339.) • Copy in the Penn. State Library. t Copy In Library of Congress. i Copy in Mercantile Library, Phila. 766 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd School Libraries — cont'd MASSACHUSETTS 1840. List of works already publistied and of others in course of publication for Mass. School Library. (7 A.R. supt. common schools 1839/40 app. C.) PENNSYLVANIA 1824. Letter from Thos. J. Rogers soliciting legisl. patronage for his Biographical Dictionary, wliich he desires to make a national school book. (Sen. jol. 1823/4: 217.) . Kept, of committee (Burnside) on letter of T. J. Rogers, with his compilation of American Biogra- phy, etc. {Same 1823/4: 567-568.) . Rept. of committee on education (Hutter) to whom was referred new Biographical Dictionary compiled and published by T. J. Rogers. (House jol. 1823/4: 965.) 1825. Rept. of committee on education (Sullivan) to whom was referred part of Govs. mess. rel. to Bi- ographical Dictionary published by Thos. J. Rogers. (House jol. 1824/5 v. 2: 166-167 (doc. 88).) 1839-1840. Suggested establishment of common school libraries in every distr. (6 A.R. supt. common schools 1838 (p. 199)— 7 sam^ 1839/40.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1841. Practicability of establishing school libraries. (8 same 1840/1: 14.) 1843. Efforts making in behalf of school libraries. (10 same 1842/3: 5-6.) 1853. School libraries; by D. S. Kieffer. (Penn. School Jol. V. 1: 428-429.) . School libraries; by J. S. R. (Same v. 1: 458-459.) 1854. School and distr. libraries. (Same v. 3: 131.) . School and distr. libraries; by James C. Chal- lens. (.Same v. 3: 208-211.) 1856. Rept. of committee on education (Getz) rel. to supplying common schools with Webster's Un- abridged Dictionary. (Legisl. docs. 1856: 406-407 (doc. 42).) . Same. (Daily Legisl. Record 1856: 119.) . Same. (Penn. School Jol. v. 4: 260.) . Distr. libraries. {Same v. 5: 116-118.) . Discussion (House) of bill rel. to providing Webster's Dictionary tor common schools. (Daily Legisl. Record 1856: 289-290.) 1857. Rept. on distr. libraries; by Rachel D. Griscom. (Penn. School Jol. v. 6: 219-220.) 1858. Establishment of school libraries; by John Bar- ker. (Same v. 6: 380-384.) . Teachers' libraries; passage of an act to secure this property recommended. (25 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1857/8: 15.) 1864. Distr. libraries; measures suggested. (Penn. School Jol. V. 12: 198-199.) 1865. School libraries. (Same v. 14: 68.) . Same. (Same v. 13: 218, 238-239.) 1883. The organization of libraries in city schools; by R. K. Buehrle. (Same v. 32: 61-65.) 1886. How to start a school library. (Same v. 34: 341.) 1890. School libraries; by L. E. McGinnes. (Same v. 39: 130-132.) 1891. The school library; auxiliary influence. (Same v. 39: 483-484.) — ' — . School libraries should be developed. (58 A.R. supt. public instruction 1890/1: vlii-ix.) 1892. Wlckersham Memorial Library. (Penn. School JoL v. 41: 68-69.) Pedngogical Library nt Hurrlsburg, pro()osed. EDUCATION— cont'd School Libraries — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1894. Suggested enactment of a law authorizing direc- tors to use a portion of ann. apprn. for purpose of establishing and maintaining school libraries. (61 A.R. supt. public instruction 1893/4: x.) 1895. See above. Laws, this date. 1896. Suggestion requiring distr. supts. to make full stmt, of progress in school libraries. (A.R. supt. public instruction 1895/6: xxiii.) . Progress in establishment of school libraries. (63 same 1895/6: xxiii-xxiv.) 1899. The library as an adjunct to the school; by J. K. Wildman. (Penn. School Jol. v. 47: 421-423.) . School libraries; by Wm. Howard Day. (Sanie V. 47: 420-421.) 1900. School libraries; by Wm. H. Shed wick. (Same V. 49: 320-321.) 1901. Public school library; by Wm. Wynkoop. (Same V. 49: 598-600.) . School libraries; by L. Fleming. (7 A.R. dept. [25 A.R. bd.] agric. 1901 pt. 2: 267-269.) Clarion County 1898. Table: status of library question in Clarion Co. (A.R. supt. public instruction 1897/8: 38-39.) Montgomery County 1827-1876. List of libraries in Montgomery Co. and date of establishment, connected with schools, col- leges and academies. (A.R. supt. public Instruction 1876/7: 428.) PottsviUe, Schuylkill Co. 1862. Description of common school library in borough of Pottsville. (Penn. School Jol. v. 10: 322.) West Chester, Chester Co. 1857. Establishment of a school library at West Chester. (Penn. School Jol. v. 6: 140-141.) 1858. List of books presented to school library of West Chester public school by Jesse C. Green. (Sam,e V. 6: 338-339.) School Sanitation 1854. Rept. on the study of physiology in common schools and the best mode of ventilating school houses. (Penn. School Jol. v. 3: 215-219.) 1855. Heating and ventilation. (Same v. 3: 264-265.) 1856. Ventilation; by John L. Gow. (Same v. 4: 366- 367.) 1861. The ventilation of our school bldgs. (Same v. 10: 114-116.) 1875. School hygiene; by J. N. Fradenburg. (Same v. 23: 248-251; 283-284.) . Sanitary conditions of schools. ([42] A.R. supt. public instruction 1S74/5: xxi-xxiv.) . School hygiene; questions propounded to teach- ers in regard to condition of pupils, teachers, schools, eta ([42] same 1874/5: xliii-xliv.) 1878. School ventilation. (Penn. School Jol. v. 26: 332-334.) From National Teacher. . Same; by Amos Row. (Same v. 26: 295-296.) 1879. Intellectual unfortunates; medical inspection of schools. (Sayne v. 28: 189-190.) 1880. Ventilation and hygiene; by Dr. Weaver. (Same v. 29: 451-454.) . School hygiene. (Same v. 29: 162-164.) From iledical News, Phlhi. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 767 EDUCATION— cont'd School Sanitation — cont'd 18S5. Hygienic teaching in tlie public schools; by Miss Tillie S. Boo/,. (Same v. .■!4: 120-122.) . Law requiring physiology and hygiene to be taught in public schools. ([521 A.R. supt. public schools 1S84/5: xi-xii.) 1887. School hygiene. (Circular no. 25, state bd. health.) •. Same. (10 A.R. bd. health, etc. 1893/4: 412-418.) . Same; revised. (17 . same 1900/1: 712-718.) 1888. School hygiene. 7 (1) pp. (Circular no. 26, state bd. health.) . Same. (4 A.R. bd. health, etc. 1887/8: 462-468.) . Same. (Penn. School Jol. v. 37: 1-4.) 1889. Sanitary supervision of schools in Canada. (Same v. 37: 379-382.) 1891. Ventilation of school bldgs. inadequate. ([58] A.R. supt. public instruction 1890/1: v.) . School hygiene, (Circular no. 33, state bd. health.) For the difTerent editions, etc., of tills circular, see above, the serial group. Circulars. . School hygiene; by Geo. G. Groff. (Penn. School Jol. v. 39: 302-304.) 1892. School house ventilation. (Same v. 41: 205-206.) 1894. School sanitation; by A. Foster Mullin. (Same V. 43: 177-179.) — i — . School hygiene; by S. D. Risley. (Same v. 43: 163-172.) . State bd. of health circular to bds. of school directors and controllers [sanitation], (Sa7)ie v. 42: 477-479.) 1895. Legislation designed to prevent spread of con- tagious diseases and to improve sanitary condition of school houses and surroundings. (62 A.R. supt. public instruction 1894/5: vi.) 1896. School houses; improvement in sanitation. (63 same 1895/6: xiii-xvii.) . How diseases are contracted at school; by Louis Schneider. (Procs. and papers 9 state sanitary conv. 1896: 28-31.) 1898. School hygiene, ventilation, heating, etc. by John P. Jackson. (Penn. School Jol, v. 46: 429,) — ■ — : Hygienic and sanitary safeguard of the school- house; by F. R. Brunner. (Same v. 46: 391-394.) , Same; N. B, Lowman, (Same v. 46: 394-398.) . The teacher's duty concerning sanitation in the average school room; by C. E, Pease, (Same v, 47: 348-350.) 1899. Eyesight and ventilation; by C. M. C. Campbell. (Same v. 48: 280-282.) . Sanitation; improvement needed. (66 A.R. supt. public instruction 1898/9: x-xi.) 1900. School hygiene; by A. J. Beilzell. (7 ann. mtg. associated health authorities and sanitariums 1900: 9-16.) 1901. School hygiene no, 3 rel, to acts " for better protection of health and morals of school children " and " to promote cleanliness and healthfulness in and about public schools." (17 A.R. state bd. of health and vital statistics 1901 v, 2: 712-721,) Chester 1886, Heating and ventilation of public school bldgs., as illustrated by the system introduced into the new high school bldg. at Chester; by D. W. Jefferis. (2 A.R. bd. health, etc. 1885/6: 320-324.) Clarion, Clarion County 1892. Inspection of Clarion public school, Clarion Co. (8 A.R. bd. health, etc. 1891/2: 168-170.) EDUCATION— cont'd School Sanitation — cont'd Lansford 1898. Inspection at Lansford, Carbon Co., on acct, of condition of school room, (15 A.R, bd. health, etc, 1898/9 v, 1: 197-198.) Philadelphia 1886, Overwork and sanitation in the public schools of Phila., with remarks on the influence of overwork in production of nervous diseases and insanity, by C. K. Mills. (2 A.R. bd. health, etc. 1885/6: 291-312,) 1896. Regulations of school rooms [in Phila.]; corresp. rel. to. (12 .same 1895/6 v. 2: 830-831.) Size, ventilation, etc. School Savings Banks 1891. School savings banks; by G. M, Philips, (Penn. School Jol. V. 39: 411-412.) School Tax; see above, School Fund Secondary Schools High schools, academies and seminaries. See also above. Private Schools; see also below, under individual Institutions, the several academies and seminaries. 1852. Communism in high schools; by John S. Crum- baugh, (Penn, School Jol. v. 1: 175-177.) 1872. Academies; by J. H. Shumaker, (Same v, 20: 239-241,) 1873, Public high schools; by J, H, Shumaker. (Sanw V, 21: 311-314.) — ■ — , Upper schools; by Dr. McCosh. (Same v. 22: 112-115.) . Rept, on high schools; by M. N. Horton. (Same V. 22: 153-154.) 1S74. The high school; by M. N. Horton. (Same v. 23: 101-104.) 1875. Argument for high schools; by Supt. Ellis of Rochester, N. Y. (Same v. 23: 273-274.) , The co-relation of preparatory schools and uni- versities; by D. Copeland. (Same v. 24: 73-74,) 1878. Pedagogics abroad — higher secondary education in Scotland. (Same v. 26: 391-396.) 1879. Secondary education in Paris; by John E. Brad- ley. (Same v. 28: 308-310.) , The public high school and its benign influence; by B. M. Reynolds. (Same v. 28: 33-34.) From ,V. E. Journal of Educatio7t. . High schools; do they educate the rich at the expense of the poor? (Same v. 28: 53-54.) — — '. Meeting of dept, of higher education [of National Educational Assn.], (Same v. 28: 99-100.) 1880. High schools; by Mr, Luckey, (Same v, 28: 473- 475,) , The importance of having the primary, secondary and collegiate education fit into each other; by James McCosh. (Same v. 29: 151-152.) 1881. The high school question; by L, H, Darling, (Same v, 30: 106-110.) 1882. High school and normal school; by Supt. Baer, (Same v, 30: 337-340.) 1886, The high school question; by R. M. Streeter. (Same v, 35: 126-128.) 1888. On the duty of the higli school to support the college; by W. T. Harris. (Same v. 37: 44-53.) 1890, A plea fo rthe academy; by Washington Gladden, (Same v. 39: 152-154.) 1892. The high school from the college president's standpoint; by Dr. Moffat. (Same v, 41: 116-118.) 1894. The place of the high school; by E. T, Jeffers, (Same v. 42: 393-395.) , The relation of high and normal schools; by J, I, Robb, (.Same v. 42: 379-380,) , High schools in Minn., Wise, and Mass. (61 A.R, supt. public instruction 1893/4: viil.) 768 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Secondary Schools — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA serial 1901/2-1903/4. Public high schools. Rept. of the supt. of public instruction, with names and post office addresses of school officers, high school principals, members of committees on permanent certificates and high school statistics. Checklist 1901/2. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1903. 110 pp.* 1902/3. n. p., W. S. Ray, 1904. 52 pp.* 1903/4. n. p., W S. Ray, 1904. 24 pp.* non-serial 1755-1830. See above, Higher Education, these dates. 1784-1830. Table: academies, seminaries, and schools incorporated by state before 1830, with certain apprns. granted to them. (48 A.R. supt. public in- struction 18S0/1: li-lii.) 1795. Constitutional injunction tor establishing semi- naries of education. (Govs. mess. (Mifflin) Dec. 4, 1795.) 1S05. " It remains with you, by making an adequate provision for men and science in public seminaries, to introduce a general system of education." (Same (M'Kean) Dec. 5, 1805.) 1815. Few of seminaries aided by grants from legis- lature have gone into operation on liberal scale; establishment of free schools not carried into effect. (Same (Snyder) Dec. S, 1815.) 1818. No seminary in interior of state where prepara- tion for ministry or for higher branches of mechan- ics can be made; youth forced to seek other states; pecuniary relief of Dickinson College at Carlisle, suggested, or consolidation of funds and interests of two or more literary institutions and establish- ment of a university in the central part of state. (Same (Findlay) Dec. 3, 1818.) 1820. Endowment of academies; conditions should be attached to all grants of money. (Same (Findlay) Dec. 7, 1820.) 1821. Money granted to academies, in many cases ex- pended for bldgs., leaving inadequate funds to em- ploy teachers. (Same (Hiester) Dec. 5, 1821.) 1822. See above. Education. Penn., this date. 1831/9-1864. Apprns. made by state to academies, semi- naries and colleges 1831-1839, upon condition that said institutions should educate, free of charge, a specified no. of teachers; this proved unsuccessful and normal schools were established. (31 A.R. supt. common schools 1863/4: 30.) 1836. Joint res. approved by Executive, Apr. 1, gives dept. of common schools power to demand repts. from colleges, academies and seminaries. (29 same 1861/2: 25-26.) . Stmt, of condition of academies which have reed. aid from state and have reported. ([3] same 1836, table E.) . Academies and colleges, summary of repts. from; academic and collegiate systems. ([3] same 1836: 361-364.) I'agiDK frcjin Sen. *Utc. ed. . See above, Public Aid, this date. 1837. Rept. of committee on education (Jackson of Columbia) rel. to aid to sundry colleges and acade- mies. (Hou^e jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 739-740 (doc. 235).) . Same, separate. Not Been. Usual no. of copies were ordered prtd. (HouBe J(il. 1R:(0/7 v. 1:803): 1000 In English and .'JOO in German. (lb., 1836/7 v. 1 : 806.) . Abstract from repts. of academies, showing their course of study, classes, time of a full course, im- provement, govt, and future prospects, with general remarks. ([4] A.R. supt. common schools 1837 table E.) EDUCATION— cont'd Secondary Schools — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 7ion-serial — cont'd 1837-1839. Table: no. of students, expense, property, debt, revenue and expenditure of academies. (4 same 1837 (table D)— 6 same 1839.) 1838. See above. Higher Education, this date. 1838-1839. Female seminaries; table: pupils, expense, property, debt, revenue and expenditure. (5 A.R. supt. common schools 1838 (table C) — 6 same 1839.) 1838-1841. See above. Receipts and Expenditures, these dates. 1839. Female seminaries which have been entitled to state apprn. with amt. of quarterly receipts. (6 A.R. supt. common schools 1839, table C.) . Academies; do. (6 same 1839, table B.) 1840. Stmt, of state treasurer (Read) of apprns. to colleges, academies, and female seminaries. (House jol. 1840 V. 2 [pt. 1]: 449-452 (doc. 86).) 1841. See above. Higher Education, this date. • . No. of academies receiving a state apprn.; amt. reed.; average no. of pupils; tuition; expense per pupil. (8 A.R. supt. common schools 1840/1: 9-10.) . No. of female seminaries receiving state apprn.; sum reed.; average no. of pupils; expense per pupil. (8 same 1840/1: 9.) — ■ — : Table: female seminaries; location, no. of pupils no. preparing to teach, tuition, expense per pupil incl. bd.; amt. of state apprn. (Same 1840/1: 138- 139.) Paging from House doe. ed. . Table: academies; location; no. of pupils, no. preparing to teach common school, tuition per pupil; expense per pupil, sum reed, from state. (Same 1840/1: 139-141.) Paging from House doc. ed. 1842. Disregard of provision of law of Apr. 1, 1836 re- quiring colleges, academies, etc., receiving aid from the state, to report to the supt. of common schools; legal provision for compelling the repts. suggested. (9 same 1841/2: 8.) . Need of more high schools; Central High School of Phila. (9 same 1841/2: 22-23.) . No. of female seminaries in state, no. reporting and amt. paid them, tuition, etc. (9 same 1841/2: 9.) 1844. Colleges, academies and female seminaries; withdrawal of ann. state apprn.; effect. (11 same 1843/4: 10.) 1849. Establishment of high schools recommended. (16 sayne 1848/9: 11.) 1852. List of academies and seminaries in Penn. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 164-165.) — — . Grammar schools — salaries; by E. Lamborn. (Same v. 1: 71-73.) 1853. An academy in each school distr. ; by J. V. Eckert. (Same v. 2: 10.) . Union schools; by Wm. Travis. (Same v. 2: 139-140.) 1855. Should the higher branches be taught in our public female schools; by Lizzie E. Kenyon. (Same V. 4: 250.) — - — . College preparatory schools. (Legisl. Record 1855: 131-133.) 1856. Address of Wm. Strong at commencement of Reading High School. (Penn. School Jol. v. 5: 132- 135.) |The high school.] 1862. Course of study in high schools, academies and seminaries. (Same v. 11: 89-91.) . Relation of the common high school to the academy and female seminary. (Same v. 11: 91-92.) • Copy seen in Free Library of Phlla. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 709 EDUCATION— cont'd Secondary Schools — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA^confd jton-serial — cont'd 1862. Relation of high schools academies and female seminaries to the lower schools and to the colleges. (Same v. 11: 92-95.) 1863. The union schools of Western Penn. (Same v. 12: 43-44.) 1860. County academies: grants of money or land have not been productive of equivalent benefit; its use in different cos.; general law recommended, authorizing the conveyance of academy property, by the trustees, to the common school distr. within which it is situated; such a course would lead to the establishment of efficient high schools. (27 A.R. supt. common sctiools 1859/60: 15-16.) 1860-1862. List of co. academies; grants by state, bldgs., ground, value, funds, no. of students, condition. (27 A.R. supt. common schools 1859/60 (p. 191)— 29 same 1861/2.) Omitted in ISGO.'l. 1862. Suggestions as to [amt. of legisl. aid to be given] colleges, academies, seminaries and high schools. (29 same 1861/2: 31-32.) — ^ — . Colleges, academies, seminaries and high schools; brief review. (29 same 1861/2: 25-31.) 1862-1867. Statistics of high common schools; location, principal, instructors, pupils, library and appa- ratus, property, revenue, expenditures. (29 same 1861/2 (p. 273) — [34] same 1866/7.) 1862-1874. Statistics of academies and seminaries: name and location, principal, instructors (no. and salaries), scholars, library and apparatus, expenses, property, debt, revenue, expenditures. (29 same 1861/2 (pp. 268-271)— 41 same. 1873/4.) 1863. See above. Education. Penn., this date. 1864. A few more academies, well endowed and well patronized, so that they will support a good corps of teachers of 1st grade, are demanded by wants of educational system. (31 A.R. supt. common schools 1863/4: 33.) 1865. Colleges, seminaries, and academies; suggested whether it would not promote cause of general edu- cation in state to have all educational interests brought under scope of legislative authority, and all chartered institutions placed to a certain extent within control of school dept. (32 same 1864/5: 19-20.) 1867. N6. of colleges and academies reporting to school dept. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 7, 1868.) 1868. Grammar and high schools should receive en- couragement. (Same (Geary) Jan. 7, 1868.) [1870.] Statistics of academies, seminaries and female colleges; location, instructors, pupils, library, appa- ratus, tuition, board, value of bldgs. and grounds. (1 A.R. bureau of statistics of labor and agric. 1872/3: 165.) 1872. Graded union schools — the example of Troy. (Penn. School Jol. v. 20: 339-341.) 1873. Propriety of special apprn. out of common school fund to every public high school. ([40] A.R. supt. common schools 1872/3: xxvii.) 1874. Statistics of academies, seminaries and female colleges. (2 A.R. bureau [industrial] statistics 1874: 125.) Name, location, no. of instructors, no. of pupils, no. of vole, in library, value of apparatus, cost of tuition per yr., cost of board per wk., value of bldgs. and grounds. . See above. Industrial, etc., this date. 1875. See same, this date. 1876. High schools in the common school system. (Penn. School Jol. v. 24: 381.) 49 EDUCATION— cont'd Secondary Schools — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1877. High schools; discussion of objections to. ([441 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: xliixv. ) 1881. Table: no. of universities, colleges, academies and seminaries, other schools not public, total no. of students for year 1880, total no. of instructors for year 1880, by cos. ([48] same 1880/1: liiiliv.) 1885. Rept. of conference committee (Glenn) on act rel. to principals and teachers of public, high, and normal schools of Commonwealth. (House jol. 1885: 1561-1562.) 1891. Supplanting of academies. ([58] A.R. supt. pub- lic Instruction 1890/1: x.) 1892. Colleges and high schools; co-ordination of courses of study increasing. (59 same 1891/2: ix.) 1893. Advisability of setting apart share of ann. apprn. for strengthening liigh schools which come up to required standard. (60 same 1892/3: xiii.) . Suggested conference of representatives of best colleges and secondary schools to agree upon a minimum high school curriculum. (60 same 1892/3; xiii.) . Veto of act to regulate manner of electing trustees of academies; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1893: 101-102.) . Township high schools; evolution. (Penn. School Jol. V. 42: 89-90.) . Our high schools in their relation to colleges; by A. 'Wanner. (Savie v. 41: 398-399.) . The extension seminary and its opportunity; by M. G. Brumbaugh. (Same v. 41: 419-420.) •. See below. Laws, this date. 1893/4-1896. Penn. secondary schools have larger in- come than those of any other state in Union; amt. in 1893/4. (1 bienn. rept. of higher education 1895/6: 35.) 1894. Relation of high school to the college in Penn.; by Lewis R. Hartley. (Penn. School Jol. v. 42: 318- 321.) . A more efficient system of high schools suggested. (61 A.R. supt. public instruction 1893/4: ix-x.) 1895. Secondary schools in Penn. (62 same 1894/5: xi-xii.) • . See above. Laws, this date. . Township high schools. (Penn. School Jol. v. 43: 365-368.) . Township high schools, teachers and their quali- fications; by Geo. L. Hamm. (Same v. 43: 435-437.) . Scheme of secondary education in Penn. (Same v. 44; 47-56.) 1896. More high schools and extended courses of study recommended for rural districts. (1 bienn. rept. of higher education 1895/6: 28.) . Secondary and higher education; suggested apprn. to establish a system of township high schools. (63 A.R. supt. public instruction 1895/6: vi-viii.) . Expediency of making liberal apprn. to aid high schools. (63 sa77ie 1895/6: viii.) 1897. Distr. high schools; by H. S. Martin. (Penn. School Jol. V. 46: 14-16.) . The township high school [of Penn.]; by J. Hamilton, illus. 23 pp. (Dept. of agric. bull. no. 21.) — ' — . Ought there to be townsliip high schools? by S. L. Barr. (3 A.R. dept. [21 A.R. bd.] agric. 1897 pt. 1: 294-295.) 770 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Secondary Schools — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1897-1904. Table; rept. of high schools: location, name of principal, course of study. (64 A.R. supt. public instruction 1896/7 (pp. 636-659)— 71 same 1903/4.) From 1898-1902 the Items in the table are : location, no. of mos. schools were open, enrollment, graduates, teachers, course of study ; in 1903 and igo-l the course of study is omitted and the name of the principal added. In using the Index to the 1903 rept. note that p. 575 is erroneously used for p. 675. 1898. For appm. to foster township high schools. (65 same 1897/8: v.) . True function of the high school in the public school system; by W. W. Kelchner. (Penn. School Jol. V. 47: 85-88.) 1899. The public high school; Its practical value in a system of schools; by A. F. Nightingale. (Same V. 47: 383-385.) . More high schools; by J. B. Rlchey. (Same v. 47: 428-433.) . Making of a high school course; by S. A. Baer. (Same v. 47: 480-482.) . Township high schools; by J. A. Herr. (Dept. of agric. Bull. 52: 30-35.) . No. of high schools reporting to dept., attend- ance; township high schools. (Govs. mess. (Hast- ings) Jan. 3, 1899: 7-8.) 1899. The country high school; necessity of. (5 A.R. dept. [23 A.R. bd.] agric. 1899 pt. 1: 31-32.) 1899-1903. List of Penn. High School principals. (66 A.R. supt. public instruction 1898/9 (pp. 612-617) — 69 same 1901/2.) 1900. The shortening of the college course from the standpoint of the high school. (Penn. School Jol. V. 49: 157-158.) . Centralization of the distr. high school. (Same V. 48: 445-451.) — ' — . Specialized high school work for industrial com- munities. (Same v. 48: 394-397.) 1901. Relative attendance at high schools and colleges in Mass. and Penn. (Same v. 50: 134-136.) . Apprn. in aid of township high schools. (68 A.R. supt. public instruction 1900/1: ii-iii.) . Course of study recommended for high schools established in fall of 1901 (68 same 1900/1: 903- 906.) 1902. Recommended that apprn. in aid of high schools be doubled at next session of legisl. (69 same 1901/2: vi-vii.) . Is secondary education a success? by Isaac C. Ketler. (Penn. School Jol. v. 51: 114-120.) 1902-1904. List of township high schools entitled to apprn. (69 A.R. supt. public instruction 1901/2 (pp. 643-644) — 71 same 1903/4.) 1903. Expediency of more liberal legislative aid regard- ing township high schools. (70 same 1902/3: ix.) . List of township high schools entitled to apprn.; amts. (Penn. School Jol. v. 52: 306-307.) — ' — . Circular resp. distribution of apprn. to township high schools. (Same v. 52: 261.) . High schools of Penn.; by Peter Roberts. (Same V. 52: 230-235.) . Secondary education conference. (Same v. 52: 126-135.) . Definite work of the high school; by W. F. Zieg- ler. (Same v. 52: 128-129.) . High school course of study; by W. D. McFarland. (Same v. 52: 108-llL) 1904. What relationship should exist betw. the high schools and the state normal schools; by Theodore B. Noss. (Procs. of ann. mtg. of bd. of principals of state normal schools of Penn. 1902: 26-33.) EDUCATION— cont'd Secondary Schools — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1904. The high school in relation to the college; by Miss M. Carey Thomas. (Penn. School Jol. v. 52: 473-476.) — ' — . Suggested that an inspector of high schools be apptd. (71 A.R. supt. public instruction 1903/4: ix.) Amityville, Berks County 1820-1852. Hist, of academies at Amityville. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 71.) Athens, Bradford County 1830. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (Parke) rel. to removal of academy in town of Athens to the town of Towanda, Bradford Co. (House jol. 1829/30 V. 2: 606-607 (doc. 196).) Bedford, Bedford Co. 1861. Description of Bedford Union School. (Penn. School Jol. V. 9: 282.) Birdsboro, Berks County 1820-1871. Hist, of academies at Birdsboro in Berks Co. (A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 71-72.) 1845. Carlisle, Cumberland County See below, Phila., this date. Carmichaeltown, Greene County 1831. Rept. of committee on education (Morris) on petitions from Greene Co. for alteration of law establishing an academy at Carmichaeltown. (Sen. jol. 1830/1 [V. 1]: 176-177.) Centre County 1804. Petition from Centre Co., stating conditions upon which certain property was to be devoted to use of an academy or public school, and soliciting incor- poration of such an institution. (Sen. jol. 1803/4: 259.) Delaware County 1872. High school movement in Delaware Co. (Penn. School Jol. v. 20: 328-329.) Easton, Northampton Co. 1894. New high school bidg. at Easton. (Penn. School JoL V. 43: 233-234.) Erie County 1854. Rept. of the Erie Co. Educational Socy. on pro- posed plan of a high school. (Penn. School Jol. v. 2: 326-330.) Lancaster, Lancaster Co. 1876. New high school bldg. in Lancaster: dedication. (Penn. School Jol. v. 24: 276-280.) Leechburg, Armstrong County 1855-1875. Hist, of Leechburg academies — Armstrong Co. (A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 34-36.) Leechburg Academy (founded by citizens) and Leech- burg Lutheran Academy. New London Cross Roads, Chester County 1811. Rept. of committee (Cunningham) to whom was referred petition from Chester Co. for establish- ment of an academy at the New London Cross Roads. (House jol. 1810/1: 187-188.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 771 EDUCATION— cont'd Secondary Schools — cont'd Norristown. Montgomery Co. 1880. New high school bldg. at Norristown. (Penn. School Jol. V. 29: 178-180.) Philadelphia 1842. See above, Secondary Education, this date. 1845. High schools in Phlla. and Carlisle. (12 A.R. supt. common schools 1844/5: 10.) 1859. Establishment of a female high school in Phlla. (Penn. School Jol. v. 8: 39-40.) 1902. Our oldest high school; dedication of Boys' Cen- tral High School, Phlla. (Same v. 51: 274-280.) Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co. 1871. Dedication of new high school bldg.; history of the school. (Penn. School Jol. v. 20: 158-159.) Pottsville, Schuylkill County 1839. Kept, of committee on education (Paul) upon petition of citizens of Schuylkill Co., for incorpora- tion of a Female Seminary at Pottsville. (Sen. jol. 1S38/9 V. 1: 381-382.) Tioga Point (Athens), Bradford County 1797-1872. Acct. of first academy of Bradford Co., located at Tioga Point (Athens). (A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 84-85.) Venango County 1812. Rept. of committee (Dale) on petition of in- habitants of Venango Co., praying that aid be granted to establish academy in Venango Co. (House jol. 1811/12: 334-335.) 1854-1877. Hist, of academies in Venango Co. (A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 560-561.) Waterford, Erie County 1811. Rept. of committee (Smith) on petition of in- habitants of Erie Co. for incorporation of academy in town of Waterford and for other purposes therein mentioned. (Sen. jol. 1810/11: 226.) Receipts and Expenditures; see below, that title Soldiers' Orphans' Schools; see Maintenance. Soldiers' Orphans Superintendent of Common Schools Office created in 1834 ; title changed to superintendent of public insti-uction in 1875 : see below. See also above, Department of Public Instruction. 1859. See above. County Superlntendency, this date. Annual Report; see above, the serial group Superintendent of Public Instruction See also above. Department of Public Instruction. 1891. Decision of state superlntendency, by Supreme Court. (Penn. School Jol. v. 40: 335-371.) Right of D. J. Waller to offlce of supt. of public Instruc- tion. 1892. Case of school supt.'s apptmt. to offlce. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1891/2: xxvii-xxvlil.) 1893. Salary of Penn. state supt. of public instruction compared with that of city supt. school principals, etc. (Penn. School Jol. v. 41: 401-402.) 1897. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to duties of supt. of public instruction In preparing blanks for enroll- ment of school children. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1897/8: 37-38.) Annual Rbs-ort; see above, the serial group Tardiness 1877. Tardiness; by H. B. Buckham. (Penn. School Jol. v. 26: 10-12.) EDUCATION— cont'd Teachers 1843. Letter from Lemuel Stephens to the supt. of common schools [on the training of teachers in Germany]. (10 A.R. supt. common schools 1842/3: 17-28.) 1848. Rept. of Merrill Richardson apptd. by supt. of common schools in Conn., to hold conventions or schools for teachers in several cos. of state. (1& same 1847/8: 16-36.) 1849. Extract from "Theory and Practice of Teach- ing," by David P. Page, principal of state normal school. New York. (16 .■. 18r>4. Not found. ISBf. In V. 3 : 209-271. " V. 4 : 245-247. 1Hr,7 " V. : 231-2:12. 1858 •• v. 7: 168109. 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Centre Co. In Penn. ScIhioI .lol. as follows ; 1872 In V. 20 : 2\vs : 1857 In V. 6 : 200-202. 1858 " V. 7 : 170-171 ; 201-204 ; 3fin-.'?07. 18.-9/60" V. 8:178-179; 275-279; .'ifiS. 18C1 ■' V. 9 : 202. 1858. Synopsis of meeting of East Donegal Teachers' Educational Institute, Lancaster Co. (Penn. Scliool Jol. V. G: 358-359.) 1863. See above, Franltlin Co., tliis date. 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Lancaster Co. In Penn. School .fol. ns follows: 1872 in V. "0: 263. 1873 V. 21 : 268. 1882. Condensed rept. of procs. of Lancaster Co. Insti- tute. (Penn. Scliool Jol. v. 31: 263-288.) Lawrence County 1851-1876. Teachers' institutes In Lawrence Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 347.) 1852. Lawrence Co. Teachers' Institute. (Penn. School Jol. V. 1: 133; 266.) 1852-1859. Procs. of Lawrence Co. teachers' institute. In Penn. Sch col Jol. ns follows; 1852 in V. 1 1853-1854. No 1855 in V. 4 1856 " V. 5 1857/8 " V. 6 1859 " V. 8 : 104-106. t found. : 181-182. 158-159; 181-183; 179-180. 192-193 ; 322-324. 329-330. 1861 See below. Westmoreland Co., this 1863 See above. Delaware Co., this date. 1871 . See above, Bedford Co., this date. 1873. Institute campaign in School Jol. V. 21: 269.) date. Lawrence Co. (Penn. Lebanon County 1855-1857. Teachers' institutes in Lebanon Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7; 359-360.) 1855-1860. Procs. of teachers' institute in Lebanon Co. In Penn. School Jol. ns follows : 1855 In V. 4 ; 300. 1856. Not found. 1857 in v. 6:211. 1858 " V. 7:271-272. 1859. Not found. 1860 in v. 8 : 239-240. 1863. Notes on co. Institutes; by S. P. Bates. (Penn. School Jol. V. 11: 331-332.) Lebanon. Bucks. Montgomery. 1864. Notes by the state supt.: institute in Lebanon Co.; do. Schuylkill Co. (Same v. 12: 333-334.) 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Lebanon Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1872 In v. 20 : 299. 1873 " v. 21 : 269. Lehigh County 1863. See above, Franklin Co., this date. Luzerne County 1855-1859/60. Procs. of Luzerne Co. teachers' institute. In Penn. School Jol. ns follows : 1855 in V. 4 : 244-245. 1856-1857. Not found. 1858 In V. 6: 330. 1858/9 " V. 7:12; 171-172; 367-368. 1859/60 " V. 8 : 109 ; 180-182 ; 207-208 ; 368-369. 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Luzerne Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows ; 1872 in v. 20 : 333. 1873 " V. 21 : 307. EDUCATION— cont'd Teachers' Institutes — cont'd Lycoming County 1872. Institute campaign in Lycoming Co. (Penn. School Jol. V. 20: 263.) McKcan County 1857-1859. Synopsis of meeting of teachers' institute in M'Kean Co. In I'nnii. School Jol. as follows : 1857 in V. 6 : 202-203. 1858 " v. 6 : 303. " V. 7 : 138-139. 18.'')9 " v. 8: 182. 1868-1876. Teachers' institutes in McKean Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 402.) Mercer County 1856-1860. IHercer Co. teachers' Institutes. In Penn. School Jol. ns follows : 1856 In V. 5 ; 127. 1857 " V. 6: 237-239. 1858 " T. 6 : 199-200. 1859 " V. 8 : 208-209. 1860 " V. 9 : 202. 1857-1858. Synopsis of meeting of teachers' joint in- stitute in Mercer and Crawford cos. In Penn. School Jol. ns follows: 1857 in V. 6 : 268. 1858 " V. 7 : 272. 1871. See above, Bedford Co., this date. 1873. Institute campaign in Mercer Co. (Penn. School Jol. V. 21: 269.) Mifflin County 1857-1859. Synopsis of meeting of teachers' institute in Mifflin Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1857 in V. 6 : 268. 1858 " V. 7 : 139. 1859 " V. 8:110-111; 240-241. 1861. See above, Juniata Co., this date. 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Mifflin Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows ; 1872 in V. 20 : 263. 1873 " V. 21 : 341. Monroe County 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Monroe Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1872 In V. 20; 263. 1873 " v. 21 : 269. Montgomery County 1855-1857. Procs. of Montgomery Co. teachers' insti- tute. In Penn. School Jul. as follows : 1855 in V. 4 : 151-152. 1857 " V. 6 : 269. 1858-1861. Synopsis of meeting of Montgomery Co. teachers' institute. School Jol. as follows : . 6 : 358-359. . 7 : 35-37 ; 336-337. . 8 ; 47 : 208 ; 337-338. . 9 : 202-203. In Penn. 1858 in 1858/9 " 1859/60 " 1861 1863. See above, Lebanon Co., this date. 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Montgomery Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1872 in V. 20 : 262. 1873 " V. 21 : 204. 782 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Teachers' Institutes — cont'd Montour County 1855. Procs. of Montour Co. teachers' institute. (Penn. School Jol. V. 4: 106-107.) 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Montour Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1872 in V. 20 ; 264. 1873 " V. 21 ; 307. Northampton County 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Northampton Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1872 in V. 20 : 264. 1873 " V. 21 : 367. Northumberland County 1855-1859. Procs. of Northumberland Co. teachers' in- stitute. In Penn. School Jol. as follows: 1855 In V. 4 : 247-249 ; 302-303. 1857 " V. 5 : 281 ; 353. " V. 6 : 269-270. 1858. Not found. 1859 in V. 7 : 240-241. " V. 8 : 338-339. 1861. See above, Juniata Co., this date. 1863. Notes on co. Institutes; by S. P. Bates. (Penn. School Jol. V. 11: 299-300.) Northumberland, Warren and Wayne cos. 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Northumberland Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows ; 1872 In V. 20 : 263. 1873 " V. 21 : 306. Perry County 1857-1859. Synopsis of meeting of teachers' institute in Perry Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1857 In V. 6 : 270. 1858 ■' V. 7 : 272-275. 1859 " V. 8: 241. 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Perry Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1872 in V. 20: 264. 1873 " V. 21 : 307. Philadelphia 1868. Phila. teachers' institute: too much act of assem- bly compulsion. (Penn. School Jol. v. 17: 155.) 1871. Review of teachers' institute of Phila. (Same V. 19: 303.) . Acct. of quarterly mtg. of teachers' institute of Phila. (Same v. 20: 159-161.) 1877. See Education: Individual Institutions. School of Design for Women, this date. Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co. 1871. Acct. of annual institute of Pittsburgh teachers. (Penn. School Jol. v. 20: 125-126.) 1873. Institute campaign in Pittsburgh. (Same v. 21: 204.) — • — . Western Penn.; by M. B. Sloan. (Same v. 22: 204-206.) Pittsburgh Quarterly Institute, Oct. 17; Crawford Co. Institute, Venango Co. Institute. Potter County 1857-1859/60. Synopsis of meeting of teachers' insti- tute in Potter Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows: 1857 In V. 6: 270-271. 1859/60 ■• V. 8 : 209-210 ; 304. 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Potter Co. In Penn. School Jol. us follows: 1872 In T. 20 : 262. 1873 " T. 21 : 204. EDUCATION— cont'd Teachers' Institutes — cont'd Schuylkill County 1851-1875. Teachers' institutes in Schuylkill Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 494-496.) 1853. Procs. of Schuylkill Co. Teachers' Institute. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 394-395.) 1856-1858. Teachers' institute. In Penn. School Jol. as follow.s : 1850 In v. 5 : 217-219. 1857 " v. 6: 214-218. 1858 " V. 7: 104-106; 139-141. 1864. See above, Lebanon Co., this date. 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Schuylkill Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1872 In V. 20 : 262-263. 1873 " V. 21 : 341. Snyder County See also below, Union County. 1858-1859. Synopsis of meeting of teachers' institute in Snyder Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1858 In V. 7: 241-242. 1859 " V. 8 : 242-243. 1872^873. Institute campaign in Snyder Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1872 in V. 20 : 264. 1873 " V. 21 : 341. Somerset County 1855. Somerset Co. teachers' institute. (Penn. School Jol. V. 4: 243-244.) . Abstr. of procs. of meeting of Somerset Co. Teachers' Institute. (Same v. 3: 230.) 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Somerset Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1872 in V. 20 : 264. 1873 " V. 21 : 307. 1873. See above, Armstrong Co., this date. Sullivan County 1871. See above, Bedford Co., this date. 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Sullivan Co. In Penn. School Jol. us follows ; 1872 in V. 20 : 262. 1873 " V. 21 : 204. Susquehanna County 1853-1877. Co. institutes in Susquehanna Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 528.) 1854. Abstr. of procs. of Susquehanna Co. Teachers' Institute. (Penn. School Jol. v. 3: 277-281.) 1857. Acct. of institutes held In Susquehanna Co. (Same v. 6: 60.) 1873. Institute campaign In Susquehanna Co. (Same V. 21; 268.) Tioga County 1836-1877. Teachers' institutes in Tioga Co. (44 A.R._ supt. public instruction 1876/7: 541.) 1857-1859. Synopsis of meeting of teachers' institute in Tioga Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1857 In V. 6 : 209-210. 1858 " V. 7 : 204-205. 1859 " V. 7: 17-19: 210-211. 1871. See above, Bedford Co., this date. Union County 1854-1877. Teachers' institutes in Union Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7; 550.) 1855-1857. Procs. of teachers' institute of Union and Snyder cos. In Penn. School Jol. as follows: 1855 In V. 4 : 174-176. 1856 " v. 5 : 322. 1857 " V. 6:271. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 783 EDUCATION— cont'd Teachers' Institutes — cont'd Union County — cont'd 1857-1859. Synopsis of meeting of Union Co. teacliers' institute. In Poiin. Sohool .Tol. ii.s follows: 1857 In T. B: H.-i-Uti. 1858 " V. 7 : -J-l'J 21.'!. IS.")!! " V. K : 24U' -24:!. 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Union Co. In I'enn. School ,Tol. as follows : 1872 In V. 20 : 263. 1873 " T. 21 : 270. Venango County 1860. Synopsis of meeting of teacliers' institute in Venango Co. (Penn. Scliool Jol. v. 9: 202.) 1861. See above, Crawford Co., tliis date. 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Venango Co. In Penn. School .Tol. as follows: 1872 In V. 20 : 262. 1873 " V. 21 : 341. 1873. See below, Pittsburgh, this date. Warren County 1842-1877. Teachers' institutes in Warren Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 662-563.) 1852. Warren Teachers' Institute. (Penn. School Jol. V. 1: 133.) . Organization of the Warren Co. Teachers' Insti- tute. (Some V. 1: 166-168.) 1854. Acct. of Monongahela Teachers' Institute. (Same V. 2: 367-369.) 1858-1859. Synopsis of meeting of teachers' institute in Warren Co. In I*enn. School .Tol. ns follows ; 18.58 In V. 7 : 368-369. 1859 " T. 8 : 182-183. 1861. See above, Crawford Co., this date. 1863. See above, Northumberland Co., this date. 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Warren Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows: 1872 in v. 20 : 263. 1873 - T. 21 : 204. 1873. See above, Armstrong Co., this date. Washington County 1849-1877. Acct. of school conventions, (i. e. insti- tutes) in Washington Co. (44 A.R. supt. public Instruction 1876/7: 581-584.) 1853. Procs. of Washington Co. Teachers' Institute. (Penn. School Jol. v. 2: 171-172.) 1854. Same. (Same v. 3: 149.) 1855. Extr. from minutes of the Polemic and Educa- tional Institute for Somerset Township, Washing- ton Co. (Same v. 3: 368-369.) 1858-1859. Synopsis of meeting of teachers' institute in Washington Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows ; 1858 In V. 6 : 359-360. 1859 " T. 7 : 244-245. 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Washington Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows: 1872 In V. 20: 264; 333. 1873 - V. 21 : 341. 1874. See above. Education. Penn., this date. 1877. Description of Somerset (Washington) Co. Teachers' Institute. (44 A.R. supt. public instruc- Uon 1876/7: 504.) EDUCATION— cont'd Teachers' Institutes — cont'd Wayne County 1856. Acct. of teachers' Institute in Wayne Co. (Penn. School Jol. v. 5: 37.) 1859. Synopsis of meeting of teachers' Institute in Wayne Co. (Same v. 7: 369.) 1863. See above, Warren Co., this date. 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Wayne Co. In Penn. School .lol, as follows : 1872 In V. 20: 203. 1873 " V. 21 : 26!). 1873. See above, Normal Schools: County. Wayne Co. Westmoreland County 1853-1877. Co. institutes in Westmoreland Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 606.) 1855-1859. Teachers' institute in Westmoreland Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1855 In V. 4 : 370-372. 1856-1857. Not found. 1858 in V. 6: 33n-.s:il. 1859 " T. 7 : 275-270. 1857. Acct. of distr. institutes in Westmoreland Co. (Penn. School Jol, v. 6: 235.) 1861. Notes by depy. supt.: co. institutes in West- moreland and Lawrence cos. (Same v. 10: 132-133.) 1872-1873. Institute campaign in Westmoreland Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows: 1872 in V. 20 : 264. 1873 " V. 21 : 341. 1873. See above, Armstrong Co., this date. 1874. See above. Education. Penn., this date. Wyoming County 1858-1859. Synopsis of meeting of teachers' institute in Wyoming Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1858/9 in V. 7 : 243-244 ; 337-338 ; 369-370. 1859/60" V. 8:211-212; 339. 1867. First teachers' institute held in Wyoming Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 610-611.) 1871. See above, Bedford Co., this date. 1873. Institute campaign in Wyoming Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1873 In V. 21 : 270. York County 1854-1865. Co. institute in York Co. (44 A.R. supt. public Instruction 1876/7: 622.) 1855. Procs. of York Co. teachers' institute. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1855 In V. 3 : 373-374. " V. 4 : 242-243. 1857-1860. Synopsis of meeting of teachers' institute in York Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1857 In V. 6: 271. 1858 " V. 6 : 360. 1859 " v. 7 : 245-247. 1860 "■ V. 8: 243-245. 1863. Notes by the state supt: York Co. teachers' in- stitute; do. Dauphin Co. (Penn. School Jol. v. 12: 302.) 1872-1873. Institute campaign In York Co. In Penn. School Jol. as follows : 1872 in V. 20 : 299. 1873 " V. 21 : 307. Normal Institutes 1855. Lancaster Co. Normal Institute; object, loca- tion, instruction, expenses, etc. (Penn. School JoL V. 3: 292.) . Description of Lancaster Co. Normal Institute. (Same v. 3: 356-357.) 784 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Teachers' Institutes — cont'd Normal Institutes — cont'd 1856. Acct. of 2d sess. of Mercer Co. Normal Institute. {Sa7ne v. 5: 215.) . See above, Teacliers. Westmoreland Co., this date. 1857. Procs. of Susquehanna Co. normal school [insti- tute]. (Penn. School Jol. v. 6: 178-179.) 1858. Acct. of Mexico institute, Juniata Co. (Same V. 6: 263-264.) 1859. See above, School Fund, this date. 1865. Work of Curry's Normal Institute, Pittsburgh. (Penn. School Jol. v. 14: 79.) 1868. Normal institutes, as distinguished from teach- ers' institute and normal school. (Same v. 16: 286.) 1871. Acct. of Normal Institute at Rebersburg, Centre Co. (Same v. 20: 124.) . Efforts to establish normal institute at Brod- headsville, Monroe Co. (Same v. 19: 302-303.) 1873-1876. Normal schools (that is, normal institutes) in Venango Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 560.) 1875. Normal institutes; bv J. Baldwin. (Same v. 24: 4-6.) 1876. Teachers' institutes vs. normal institutes; by Amos Row. (Some v. 24: 303-305.) SuMMEB Schools 1902. Summer schools in other states; apprn. for such schools in Penn. recommended. (69 A.R. supt. pub- lic instruction 1901/2: v-vi.) 1903. Summer schools in Penn.: no., attendance, bene- fit, etc. (70 sanie 1902/3: viii.) 1904. Recommended that small apprn. for summer schools be continued for further trial during next two years. (71 same 1903/4: ix.) Wages 1849. Inadequate salaries of teachers. (16 A.R. supt. common schools 1848/9: 6.) 1852. See above, Secondary Education, this date. 1853. Female teachers' salaries; by Jefferson Neff. (Penn. School Jol. v. 2: 175-176.) 1854. Salary of teachers; by J. S. (Same v. 2: 304- 305.) 1856. Rept. on salaries of female teachers; by Rachel A. Shryock. (Same v. 5: 255-256.) 1860. Comparative salaries of male and female teach- ers. (27 A.R. supt. common schools 1859/60: 6.) 1864. Increase of teachers' salaries. (Penn. School Jol. V. 13: 31.) 1864/73-1866/76. See above. Education. Penn., these dates. 1865. Compensation of teachers; by Geo. H. Rauck. (Penn. School Jol. v. 14: 109-111.) 1869/70. Tables: cost per pupil and average salaries paid to teachers in the principal boroughs and cities of the state. (Same v. 19: 334.) . Table: average salaries of school officers and teachers in 42 cities of the U. S. (Same v. 19: 368- 369.) 1872. Compensation of teachers; by Edwd. Shippen. (Same v. 21: 84-86.) . More liberal compensation for teachers recom- mended. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 3, 1872: 19.) 1873-1883. Tables: condition of schools; contrast betw. 1873 and 1883; decrease in teachers' salaries. ([511 A.R. supt. public instruction 1883/4: xvi.) 1873-1904. Table: salary of male and female teachers per mo. ([50] same 1882/3 (p. xvl)— 71 same 1903/4.) 1874. Teachers and their salaries. (41 A.R. supt. of common schools 1873/4: xxxl.) EDUCATION— cont'd Teachers' Institutes— cont'd Wages — cont'd [1883.] Salaries of teachers; some facts regarding education in Penn.; by J. P. Wickersham. (Penn. School Jol. V. 32: 332-334.) 1886. For larger state apprn. for increasing teachers' salaries and for closer supervision. ([53] A.R. supt. public instruction 1885/6: x.) 1887. Increase the salaries; a million and a half for the public schools. (Penn. School Jol. v. 36: 22-24.) 1888. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to compensation of teachers for attendance at institutes. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1887&8 app. 19-20.) 1891. Better salaries under the increased apprn. will insure better schools, with more wise adjustment of the teaching force. (Penn. School Jol. v. 40: 232-234.) 1892/3. Table: relative standing of cos. in reference to average length of ann. school term and average monthly wages of teachers employed for school year endg.,Je. 5. (60 A.R. supt. public instruction 1892/3: xix.) 1892/3-1903/4. Average monthly wages of female teachers for school year ending June 5. (60 same 1892/3 (p. xxi)— 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted in 1893/4. . Average monthly wages of male teachers for school year ending Je. 5. (60 same 1892/3 (p. xx) — 71 same 1903/4.) Omitted in 1894/5. 1894. Length of school term and teachers' salaries in Penn. as compared with other states. (61 same 1893/4: v-vl.) . See above, Education. Penn., this date. 1899. Grading teachers' salaries; by H. H. Green. (Penn. School Jol. v. 47: 436-438.) 1901. Grading of teachers' salaries; by Supt. Adams. (Same v. 49: 421-425.) 1902. Minimum salary for public school teachers; by D. J. Waller, Jr. (Same v. 51: 267-269.) . Same. (Procs. of ann. mtg. of bd. of principals of state normal schools of Penn. 1902: 11-16.) . Same; Saml. Weir. (Same 1902: 16-20.) . Salaries of public school teachers; by T. B. Noss. (Same 1902: 20-23.) . Suggested that minimum salary of teachers be raised. (69 A.R. supt. public instruction 1901/2: vii.) 1903. Teachers' salaries; increase in. (70 same 1902/3: i-il.) . On the minimum salary bill. (Penn. School Jol. V. 51: 515-516.) 1904. Comparison of teachers' salaries in cities and rural distrs. in Penn. (71 A.R. supt. public in- struction 1903/4: vi.) Adamis County 1866. Table: salaries of male and female teachers in Adams Co. ([34] A.R. supt. common schools 1866/7: 8.) Caml)ria County 1869-1872. Table: gradual growth of salaries in Cam- bria Co. ([39] A.R. supt. common schools 1871/2: 31.) Clinton County 1877-1900. Table: wages and state apprns. for years 1877, 1887 and 1900 for Clinton Co. (67 A.R. supt. public instruction 1899/00 pt. 1: 127.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 785 EDUCATION— cont'd Teachers' Institutes — cont'd Wages — cont'd Latvrcnce County 1878-1891. Table: lowest and highest average salary of male and female teachers of all distrs. and year when paid in Lawrence Co. (67 A.R. supt. public instruction 1899/00 v. 1: 243.) Lebanori County 1876-1887. Table: teachers' salaries in Lebanon Co. ([55] A.R. supt. public instruction 1887/8: 74.) Lycoming County 18641869. Table: average salaries of male and female teachers in Lycoming Co. ([36] A.R. supt. common schools 1868/9: 159.) Middletown County 1899. Table: teachers' salaries in Middletown. (66 A.R. supt. public instruction 1898/9: 211.) New York City 1904. The salaries of the teachers in N. Y. City; by Wm. H. Maxwell. (Penn. School Jol. v. 52: 357-363.) Philadelphia 1879. Revision of salaries of teachers in Phila. (Penn. School Jol. V. 28: 149-150.) . Salaries in Phila. (Same v. 27: 353-354.) 1903. Teachers' salaries in Phila. {Same v. 52: 299- 304.) Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co. 1892. Schedule of salaries for high schools in Pitts- burgh. (59 A.R. supt. public instruction 1891/2: 184-185.) Technical; see above, Industrial and Technical Text-Books CALIFORNIA 1891. Cal. experiment in state mnfre. of school text- books. (Penn. School Jol. v. 39: 296-298.) From N. Y. School Journal. ILLINOIS 1875. State uniformity of school books in III. (Penn. School Jol. v. 23: 321-323.) MASSACHUSETTS 1877. Free text-books. (Penn. School Jol. v. 26: 264- 266.) From rept. of the school committee of Salem, Mass. MINNESOTA 1877. Minn, text-book scheme. (Penn. School Jol. v. 26: 181.) From Educational Weekly. OHIO 1891. Ohio on text-books. (Penn. School Jol. v. 39: 485-486.) PENNSYLVANIA 1823. Rept. of committee on education (Wurts) on petition of Hezekiah Burhaus asking that his " Critical Pronouncing Spelling Book " be supplied to all children at co. expense; unfavorable. (Sen. jol. 1822/3: 385.) 1829. Rept. of committee on education (Lombaert) rel. to Brown's American Grammar. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 669-672 (doc. 278).) 60 EDUCATION— cont'd Text-Books — cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1829. Rept. of committee on education (Bonsall) rel. to petition of John Torrey for legisl. aid in publish- ing school books. (Same 1828/9 v. 2: 681 (doc. 288).) 1835. Rept. of committee on education (Read), directed to a sy.stem of school books for use in the common schools. (Sen. jol. 1834/5 v. 1: 643.) 1837. Catalogue of school books presented to supt. ([4 1 A.R. supt. common schools 1837, table F.) 1837-1839. List and no. of books used in such of school distrs. as reported on subject for 1837. ([4] »«m« 1837 (table G)— 6 .siime 1839.) 1841. List of books and no. of distrs. (of those that reported) in which each kind was used in 1841. (A.R. supt. common schools 1840/1: 147-149.) I'iiglng from House iloc. ed. 1842. Need of proper system of text-books. (Govs, mess. (Porter) Jan. 6, 1842.) 1844. Lack of uniformity of text-books. (11 A.R. supt. common schools 1843/4: 14-15.) 1849. An improper selection of text-books. (16 same 1848/9: 7.) . Suggested that a printing press be established to publish such books as might be recommended at ann. meeting of co. supts. free of expense. (16 same 1848/9: 10.) 1852. Text-books; by J. P. Wickersham. (Penn. School Jol. V. 1: 238-240.) 1853. Rept. on the uses and (Same v. 2: 89-92.) 1854. Uniformity of text-books. 1855. Uniformity of text-books. . Circular of co. supt. of Smith) rel. to selection of v. 3: 358.) . Rept. on text-books. (Same v. 4: 153-155.) 1855. Uniformity of text-books required by act of 1854. (22 same 1854/5: 12.) 1856. Rept. on the necessity of uniformity in text- books. (Penn. School Jol. v. 5: 108-111.) 1857. Uniformity of text-books. (Same v. 6: 125.) . See above, Teachers, this date. 1859. Occasional statistics; text-books, directors' school visits, school houses. (26 A.R. supt. com- mon schools 1858/9: 9-10.) 1860. Instructions to directors on the selection of text- books. (Penn. School Jol. v. 9: 139-141.) 1862. Teacher and text-book. (Some v. 11: 195-196.) 1863. County uniformity of text-books. (Same v. 12: 34-35.) 1868. Want of uniformity and frequent changes of books in public schools. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 7, 1868.) 1873. Petition from school directors of the First Ward, City of Allegheny, asking passage of an act creat- ing a comn. on text-books. (Legisl. jol. 1873: 284.) 1874. Frequent changes of school books. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 7, 1874: 12.) — — . Uniform text-books in schools; debate. (Legisl. jol. 1874: 1468-1481; 1487.) . State uniformity of text-books; reasons for supt.'s opposition to bill. (41 A.R. supt. common schools 1873/4: xviii-xxv. ) . Defeat of the book-bill. (Penn. School Jol. v. 22: 391-392.) . Pending bill in Legisl. rel. to uniformity of text- books. (Same v. 22: 368; 399-400.) . Free text-books; bv Thos. Tash. (Some v. 23: 52-54.) . Cheap text-books. (Same v. 23: 21-22.) abuses of text-books. (Same v. 3: 99-100.) (Same v. 3: 348-351.) Delaware Co. (Geo. school books. (Same rse INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION— cont'd Text-Books- cont'd PENNSYLVANIA- -cont'd 1875. State uniformity of text-books. (Same v. 24: 59-60.) . See above, Education. Penn., under dates 1874- 1875. 1877. Free text-books; by Edwd. Searing. (Penn. School Jol. V. 26: 191-193.) 1877-1880. Free text-books, recommended that text books be furnished without charge to pupils In public schools. ([44] A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7 (pp. vii-ix)— [47] same 1879/80.) Omitted In 1879. 1878. Debate on bill rel. to purchase of school books. (Legisl. Record 1878: 672-673; 754-759; 863-867.) . Act to prevent frequent changes in school books; debate. .(Same 1878 (v. 2) : 1910-1912.) 1879. Debate on act to prevent the frequent change In common school books in the several counties. {Same 1879: 484-489.) 1880. When can a school dlstr. change text-books; opinion of Judge Acheson. (Penn. School Jol. v. 28: 336-337.) . Free school books; by B. F. Patterson. (.Same V. 28: 470-472.) 1881. See above, Education, this date. 1882. For bill which will vest purchase of all neces- sary school books in discretion of proper school directors. ([49] A.R. supt. public instruction 1881/2: xiil.) 1883. Change of school books; [free text-books]. (Legisl. Record 1883: 1811-1814.) 1884. Same. (51 A.R. supt. public instruction 1883/4: xiv.) 1885. See above. Laws, this date. 1887. Uniformity of text-books; county and state uni- formity neither practicable nor desirable. (Penn. School Jol. V. 35: 455-459.) . Uniformity of text-books; objections to county uniformity. (Same v. 35: 418-419.) 1888. Text-books and legislation pertaining thereto; by E. E. Higbee. (Same v. 37: 37-39.) . Free text-books; by J. P. Wickersham. (Same V. 37: 39-44.) 1891. Uniformity of school books. (Legisl. Record 1891: 807-812; 877-878; 2614.) • . Our text-books [plea for free text-books]. (Penn. School Jol. V. 39: 436-437.) . The text-book question. (Same v. 39: 349-351.) — — . Rept. of committee on education (Cochrane) on investigation of book trust, known as Amer. Book Co. (House jol. 1891: 832-836; Sen. jol. 1891: 765- 769.) The Senate rept. was submitted by Hines. . Same. (Legisl. Record 1891: 1366-1367.) . See above, Compulsory Education. Penn., this date. — — . Free text-books; advantages of. ([58] A.R, supt. public instruction 1890/1: ix.) 1893. For enactment of such legislation as will insure free text-books for all children. (Govs. mess. (Pat- tlson) Jan. 3, 1893: 27.) . See above. Laws, this date. . Free text-book act. (60 A.R. supt. public instruc- tion 1892/3: vi-vil.) . Progress in distrs. where free text-books were introduced; legislation recommended to secure free text-books everywhere. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 3, 1893: 27.) . Editorial on the state school book scheme. (Penn. School Jol. v. 41: 406-407.) . Free text-books in higher grades; by H. C. Misslmer. (Same v. 41: 385-386.) EDUCATION— cont'd Text-Books— cont'd PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd 1893. Discussion on bill authorizing school directors to purchase school books out of the distr. fund. (Legisl. Record 1893 v. 1: 1201-1206.) 1894. Effects of free text-book law. (61 A.R. supt. public instruction 1893/4: lil-iv.) 1895. Furnishing of text-books and school room sup- plies satisfactory and cause of increase in school attendance. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 1, 1895: 15.) 1897. Rept. of conference committee (Focht) on House bill to further amend sec. 1 of act authorizing school directors to purchase school books out of district fund. (House jol. 1897: 1853-1854.) . State text-books; by Wm. McGeorge, Jr. (Penn. School Jol. V. 45: 417-419.) . Same; by I. A. Cleaver. (Same v. 45: 419-421.) 1899. Change of text-books; by D. F. Fortney. (Same V. 47: 406-409.) — ' — I Evils of free text-books and how to remedy them; by A. Wanner. (Same v. 47: 455-456.) 1900. Use and abuse of free text-books; by A. Relst Rutt. (Same v. 48: 429-431.) — ' — . Necessity of definining powers and duties of school bds. in purchasing of school books. (67 A.R. supt. public instruction 1900 v. 1: Iv.) Ashland 1894-1899. Table: average cost per pupil for text-books per year, and average cost per four years in Ash- land. (61 A.R. supt. public instruction 1893/4 (p. 131)— 66 same 1898/9.) Clearfield County 1857. Mtg. of delegates from school distrs. in Clear- field Co. to consider selection of text-books. (Penn. School Jol. V. 6: 59-60.) Erie County 1879. Studies and text-books: recommendations by an Erie Co. committee. (Penn. School Jol. v. 28: 56- 57.) Philadelphia 1874. Text-books in Phila. (Penn. School Jol. v. 22: 349-351.) WISCONSIN 1877. Free text-books; rept. of committee of Wis. bd. of education. (Penn. School Jol. v. 26: 20.) Theological See nlso below. Individual Institutions ; Allegheny Theo- logical Semin.ary, Crozler Theological Seminary, Divinity School, Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Mead- ville Theological School ; Moravian College and Theological Seminary : Phila. Theological Semi- nary ; Reformed Presbyterian Theological Semi- nary ; Theological Seminary, etc. 1896-1904. List of theological seminaries in state, de- nomination; location, name and title of officer In charge, date of organization or foundation, no. of wks. open during yr., no. of yrs. in course, no. of instructors, enrollment of students. (1 bienn. rept. of higher education 1895/6 (p. 20)— 20 same 1903/40.) No returns 1901/2. Beginning with 1897/8. called General and Financial Statistics and contains following additional Items : no. of students from other states : from other coun- tries ; no. since founding : no. graduated at last commencement ; whole no. of graduates since founded : no. of vols, in library : average ann. cost per student ; average cost of board per weeii ; esti- mated value of bldgs. and grounds ; estimated value of apparatus; amt. of endowment fund. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 787 EDUCATION— cont'd Truancy St'O also above. Compulsory Education. 1856. Rept. on truancy — its causes and effects; by C. W. Deans. (Ponn. School Jol. v. 5: 85-88.) 18G6. Truancy; by J. L. Pickard. (Some v. 14: 271- 274.) Extr. from aim. rept. as supt. of Chicago, III., public sctiools. 1869. Absenteeism and its correction; by J. C. Gil- christ. (Savic V. 18: 104-106.) 1871. Non-attendance at scliools; by J. H. Shumaker. (Same v. 19: 217-218.) . Non-attendance at school; by Wm. McComsey. (Same. v. 19: 262.) . Extr. from rept. of school committee of New Bedford, Mass., rel. to truant officer. {Same v. 20: 106.) . Great questions to be met rel. to (1) truant, vagrant, and neglected children; (2) a more com- plete provision for higher education; (3) a closer union between common schools and colleges. ([38J A.R. supt. common schools 1870/1: xxiii-xxxi.) 1873. Easton rules rel. to absenteeism on part of high school pupils. (Penn. School Jol. v. 22: 219.) 1874. Truancy in N. Y. (Same v. 24: 419-420.) 1894. Truancy and irregular attendance; by S. A. Baer. (Same v. 42: 401-403.) 1899. Truants and incorrigibles; by Dora Keene. (Same v. 48: 70-76.) 1903. Powers of attendance officers; by L. O. Foose. (Same v. 52: 118-120.) University Extension 1891. University extension; by Geo. R. James. (Penn. School Jol. V. 40: 124-127.) 1892. University extension; a new departure in educa- tion. (Same v. 41: 357-359.) — — '. Home study work of university extension. (Savie v. 40: 293-295.) . Acct. of 2d ann. session of national conference on Univ. Extension. (Same v. 41: 321-330.) PORTO RICO 1902. Porto Rico: schools, past, present and future. (Penn. School Jol. v. 50: 585-588.) Abstr. of a p.Tper read by Geo. G. Groff. . Progress of education in Porto Rico. (Same v. 50: 486-488.) PRUSSIA 1868. Education in Prussia. (Penn. School Jol. v. 17: 22.) From Iowa School Journal. 1871. Education in Prussia; by J. W. Hoyt. (Same V. 20: 5-7.) 1878. Pedagogics abroad — the systems of schools in Prussia and Russia. (Same v. 26: 359-362.) RUSSIA See above, Prussia. SCOTLAND 1879. Pedagogics abroad: the schools of Edinburgh in Scotland; by S. H. M'Collister. (Penn. School Jol. v. 27: 331-333.) From H. E. Journal oj Education. SWEDEN 1872. The Swedish school system; by Anna Randall Diehl. (Penn. School Jol. v. 20: 204-206.) 1876. Swedish schools at the Exposition. (Same v. 25: 179-181.) EDUCATION— cont'd University Extension — cont'd SWITZERLAND 1871. Schools of Switzerland; by B. G. Northrop. (Penn. School Jol. v. 20: 139-141.) 1874. The Swiss schools. (.Same v. 23: 54-55.) 1880. Education in Switzerland; by A. Relchenboch. (Same v. 29: 379-380.) 1881. See above, France, this date. SYRIA 1883. The schools in Syria; by Miss S. B. Loring. (Penn. School Jol. v. 31: 347-349.) UTAH 1872. School affairs in Utah; by W. V. Davis. (Penn. School Jol. v. 20: 372-374.) 1884. The Utah problem as related to education; by J. M. Coyner. (Same v. 33: 84-85.) VIENNA, AUSTRIA 1879. The public schools of Vienna, Austria; by T. B. Noss. (Penn. School Jol. v. 28: 343-345.) EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS Academy of Fine Arts 1873. Laying of corner-stone at Academy of Fine Arts in Phila. (Penn. School Jol. v. 21: 221-222.) Academy of Natural Sciences 1888/9-1891/2. Disbursement on account of bldgs. for Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila. (A.R. auditor gen. 1888/9 (p. 237)— same 1891/2.) Albion Academy 1838-1862. Hist, of Albion Academy, in Erie Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 261.) Albright College 1881-1904. Albright College: hist, of development, etc.; consolidation with Central Penn. College under name Albright College; bldgs., endowment, value of bldgs., equipment, etc. (5 bienn. rept. of higher education 1903/4: 602-603.) Paging from rept. of supt. of public Instruction. Allegheny College See also above. Higher Education, under dates, 1779- 18:^2. 1815-1900. Hist, sketch of Allegheny College— Mead- ville; by J. W. Thomas. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 587-591.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public instruction. 1822. See above, Education. Penn., this date. 1842. See above. Higher Education, this date. 1863. Rept. on the organization and present condition of Allegheny College; by S. P. Bates. (Penn. School Jol. V. 11: 285-288.) 1896. See below. University of Penn., this date. [1898.] Cost of gymnasium and armory of Allegheny. College. (2 bienn. rept. of higher education 1897/8: 25.) 1898. Movement under way to add $200,000 to endow- ment of Allegheny College. (2 same 1897/S: 26.) 1901-1902. Allegheny College: additions to equipment (Newton Observatory, new chapel, library, endow- ments). (4 same 1901/2: 908.) Paging from rept. of supt. of public instruction. 1903-1904. Allegheny College: increase in endowment, in attendance, future prospects. (5 same 1903/4: 603.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public instruction. r88 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Allegheny Theological Seminary 1825-1900. Hist, sketch of Allegheny Theological Seminary — Allegheny; by Prof. J. McNaugher. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 591-594.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. Allentown Academy Est-ibllshed by act of Mch. 18^ 1814. 1824. Rept. of committee on education (Sullivan) on academy in borough of Northampton, Lehigh Co. (House jol. 1824/5 v. 2: 456 (doc. 226).) Allentown Seminary 1852. Allentown Seminary; history and work. (Penn. School Jol. V. 1: 200-201.) American University of Phila. 1880. Institution of proceedings agst. The American University of Phila. and the Eclectic Medical Col- lege of Penn. for selling diplomas and otherwise abusing their franchises. (Rept. atty. gen. 1879/80: 1-3.) Avery College 1901. Veto of act making an apprn. to Avery College, of Allegheny City. (Vetoes (Stone) 1901: 67.) Beaver College 1872-1904. Beaver College: date of charter (seminary until 1902); beginning of college work, improve- ments, etc. (5 bienn. rept. of higher education 1903/4: 604.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. 1873. See below, Lafayette College, this date. Beavertown Academy 1804. Rept. of committee (Lyle) to whom was re- ferred petition and representation of trustees of Beavertown Academy, resp. land granted the in- stitution by act of 1800. (Sen. jol. 1803/4: 369.) 1805. Rept. of committee (Laycock) on petition of trustees of Beavertown Academy rel. to sale of certain lands granted for the use of said academy. (House jol. 1804/5: 570-571.) Bedford Academy 1811. Rept. of committee (Weaver) on petition of Bed- ford Academy and sundry inhabitants of Bedford Co., for grant of money. (Sen. jol. 1810/11: 368- 370.) 1812. Rept. of committee (Ogle) to whom was re- ferred subject of Bedford Academy; grant of sum of money recommended. (House jol. 1811/12: 176- 177.) Beech Woods Academy 1805. Rept. of committee (Poe) to whom was referred petition of trustees of Bellefonte Academy for legisl. aid. (Sen. jol. 1805/6: 31.) 1813-1857. Acct. of Beech Woods Academy at Bethany and of its successor, University of Northern Penn., located at Bethany, Wayne Co. (44 A.R. supt. pub- lic instruction 1876/7: 590-591.) Bellefonte Academy 1810. Rept. of committee (Rankin) on petition of trustees of Bellefonte Academy for aid; favorable. (House joL 1809/10: 516-517.) Berean Manual Training and Industrial School 1901. Veto of act making an apprn. to the present Berean Manual Training and Industrial School. (Vetoes (Stone) 1901: 65.) Blairsville Academy 1842-1877. Brief hist, of Blairsville Academy, Indiana Co. (44 A.R. supt. public Instruction 1876/7: 308.) EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Blairsville Female Seminary 1853-1877. Date of opening of Blairsville Female Seminary (Indiana Co.) and commendation of Its work. (44 A.R. supt. public Instruction 1876/7: 308.) Bloomfield Academy 1838-1877. Hist, of Bloomfield Academy, Perry Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 467-468.) 1854. The Bloomfield Academy, Perry Co.; condition of the institution, etc.; by C. Roth, Jr. (Penn. School Jol. v. 2: 245-246.) Brooke Hall Female Seminary 1856-1877. Hist, of Brooke Hall Female Seminary in Delaware Co. — Prot. Episcopal. (A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 246-247.) Bryn Mawr College 1880-1902. Hist, sketch of Bryn Mawr College: de- velopment, organization, fellowships, scholarships and expenses, group system, entrance require- ments, students' assn. for self-govt. (4 bienn. rept. of higher education 1901/2: 908-914.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. 1885. Bryn Mawr College; inauguration. (Penn. School Jol. V. 34: 200-204.) 1892. Inspection of Bryn Mawr College, Montgomery Co., on acct. of location of infirmary. (8 A.R. bd. health, etc. 1891/2: 160-161.) 1896. See below. University of Penn., this date. [1896.] Power of conferring degrees granted to Bryn Mawr College. (1 bienn. rept. of higher education 1895/6: 5.) 1902. Bryn Mawr College: destruction of Denbigh Hall by fire — rebuilt; donations and improvements made with them. (4 name 1901/2: 908-909.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public instruction. 1904. Bryn Mawr College: description of new hall and power plant, new library, apartment house for use of men of faculty, mineral collection; college be came weather bureau station in 1903; athletics; exhibit at La. Purchase Exposition. (5 same 1903/4: 604-606.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. Bucknell University 1846-1900. Hist, sketch of Bucknell University— Lewis- burg: incorporation, real estate, apparatus and library, endowments, courses of study, presidents and professors, graduates and students, affiliated schools; by J. H. Harris. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 594-597.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. 1896. See below. University of Penn., this date. 1900-1902. Bucknell University — Lewisburg: amt. col- lected for endowment and improvement, erection of laboratory for physics, no. of vols, added to library. (4 bienn. rept. of higher education 1901/2: 914.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. 1903-1904. Bucknell University: addition to endow- ment, equipment. Increase in attendance, establish- ment of chair of pedagogy. (5 name 1903/4: 606.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. Bucks County Academy 1795. Rept. of committee on petitions from trustees of Academy of Bucks Co.; trustees of Lower-Dublin Academy; trustees of Union Academy in borough of Easton, Northampton Co.; aid recommended. (House jol. 1794/5: 166.) 1796. Rept. of committee on petition of trustees of academy of Bucks Co.; favoring incorporation and endowment. (Same 1795/6: 187-188.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 789 EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Bucks County Academy — cont'd 179C. Itept. of committee on petition of trustees of Bucks Co. Academy for legisl. aid. (Same 1796/7: 76.) 1798. Rept. of committee on petition of trustees of academy and free scliool of Bucks Co. at Newtown for legisl. aid; favorable. (Same 1797/8: 72.) Bustleton Academy 1803. Rept. of committee (Jones) resp. lottery In be- half of Bustleton Academy, Phlla. Co. (Sen. jol. 1802/3: 297.) 1812. Rept. of committee (Holmes) on petition from Bustleton Academy, praying for aid. (House jol. 1812/13: 113.) Butler Academy 1812. Rept. of committee (Ix)wrle) to whom was re- ferred petitions from trustees of Butler Academy for legisl. aid. (Sen. jol. 1812/13: 51-53.) California Seminary of Washington County 1859. Veto (Packer) of act to incorporate California Seminary of Washington Co. (House jol. 1859: 946-948; Sen. jol. 1859: 774-779.) Cedar Hill Seminary 1852. Cedar Hill Seminary: location, description and work. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 23-24.) Chicago University 1891. The Chicago University; endowment of |10,- 000,000. (Penn. School Jol. v. 40: 80-81.) Canonsburgh Academy 1797. Rept. of committee on petition from trustees of Canonsburgh Academy for pecuniary aid. (House jol. 1796/7: 300.) Carmichaeltown Academy 1828. Rept. of committee on education (Kelley) on petition from Greene Co. for transfer of funds of Carmichaeltown Academy to the use of one to be established at Waynesburg. (Sen. jol. 1827/8: 547.) Central High School, Phila. 1836-1900. Hist, sketch of Central High School— Phila.; by F. S. Edmonds. (3 bienn. rept. of higher edu- cation 1899/00: 598-603.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public instruction. 1839. Rept. of committee (Brlttain) rel. to charges agst. controllers of Central High School in Phila. (House jol. 1838/9 v. 2 [pt. 1]: 988-991 (doc. 181).) 1898. Dept. of commerce opened in Central High School for Boys, Phlla.; proposed course of study. (2 bienn. rept. of higher education 1897/8: 29-33.) 1902. Central High School— Phila.: no. and value of vols, in library; value of apparatus, furniture, etc.; value of bldgs. and grounds; description of bldg. erected; mounting of 15 in. telescope. (4 same 1901/2: 914-915.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public instruction. Central Penn. College See also above. Albright College. [1902.] Two church schools (United Evangelical) located at New Berlin and Myerstown consolidated as Central Penn. College and endowment raised. (4 bienn. rept. ot higher education 1901/2: 903.) Paging from Rept. ot supt of public Instruction. Chambersburg Academy 1796-1877. Hist, sketch of Chambersburg Academy In Franklin Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 274.) 1879. See below, Tuscaxora Academy, this date. EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Chambersburg Industrial Kindergarten and Business School for Colored Children 1901. Veto of act making an apprn. to the ChamberB- burg Industrial Kindergarten and Business School for Colored Children, at Chambersburg, Franklin Co. (Vetoes (Stone) 1901: 65-60.) Columbia University 1868-1870. Hist, of Columbia University (Armstrong Co.). (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 34.) Coudersport Academy 1807-1877. Hist, of Coudersport Academy, Potter Co. (44 A.R. supt public Instruction 1876/7: 476-477.) Cross Creek Academy 1828-[1861]. Hist, of Cross Creek Academy, Washing- ton Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 577-578.) Crozer Theological Seminary See also below. Upland Normal Institute. 1866-1900. HIsL sketch of Crozer Theological Seminary —Upland; by Rev. M. G. Evans. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 603-606.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public in.struction. Divinity School 18G2-1900. Hist, sketch of Divinity School of Prot. Episcopal Church— Phila.; by E. T. Bartlett. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 700-701.) Paging from rept. of supt. of public instruction. [1896.] Power of conferring degrees granted to Divin- ity School of Prot. Episcopal Church, Phila., with limitation that degrees in civil and canon law by council are confined to D. C. L. (1 same 1895/6: 5.) Danville Academy 1818-1877. Hist of Danville Academy in Montour Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 435.) Dayton Union Academy 1852-1877. Establishment and hist, of Dayton Union Academy. (M. E.), Armstrong Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 31-32.) Delaware County Institute of Science 1833-1877. Brief sketch of Delaware Co. Institute of Science. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 249.) Dickinson College See also above. Higher Education, 1832. serial Under act of Feb. 13, 1S26. 1826/7-1831/2. Ann. financial stmt. In Collected docs as follows: 1826/7 in Senate Jol. 1827/8 : 84-88. under dates 1770- House 1827/8 " Senate " " House 1828/9 - Senate " " House 1829/30 " Senate " " House 1831/2 " Senate " House 1827/8 V. 2 : 67-72. 1828/9 V. 2 : 360-361. 1828/9 V. 2 : 406-407. 1829/30 V. 1 : 127-128. 1829/30 V. 2 : 557-558. 1830/1 V. 1 : 103-104. 1830/1 v. 2 : 567-568. 1831/2 V. 1 : 296-297. 1831/2 T. 2:611-612. non-serial 1783-1900. Hist, sketch of Dickinson College — Carlisle; by J. L. Pilcher. (3 bienn. rept. ot higher educa- tion 1899/00: 606-611.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. 1791. Rept. of committee apptd. on petition of trustees of Dickinson College, and on petition of trustees of college, academy and charitable school of Phila.; appms. recommended for each. (House jol. 1790/1: 225-226.) 790 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Dickinson College — cont'd 1792. Kept, of committee to whom were referred memorial of trustees of Univ. of Penn. and of trustees of Dickinson College; pecuniary aid recom- mended. (Same 1791/2: 179.) 1793. See above, Higher Education, this date. 1794. Rept. of committee on petition of Trustees of Dickinson College; apprn. recommended. (House jol. 1793/4: 322.) 1795. Rept. of committee on petition of Trustees of Dickinson College; bill fot their relief recom- mended. (Same 1794/5: 152.) 1798. Rept. of committee on petition from Dickinson College for legisl. aid; favorable. (Same 1797/8: 157-158.) 1806. Rept. of committee (Fenton) on petition in be- half of trustees of Dickinson College, for exonera- tion of a certain debt. (Same 1805/6: 106-107.) . Memorial on behalf of trustees of Dickinson College, resp. needs of the College. (Sen. jol. 1805/6: 153.) . Rept. of joint committee (Hart) on amdmts. to act for relief of Dickinson College. (Same 1805/6: 189.) 1810. Rept. of select committee (Duane) on memorial of trustees of Dickinson College praying for legisl. aid. (House jol. 1809/10: 221-222.) 1818. See above. Secondary Education, this date. . Relief of Dickinson College from pecuniary em- barrassments or establishment of University in central part of state. (Govs. mess. (Pindlay) Dec. 3, 1818.) 1821. Resuscitation of Dickinson College. (Same (Hiester) Dec. 5, 1821.) 1822. See above. Education. Penn., this date. 1828. Rept. of [select] committee (King) on proceed- ings of Dickinson College, in borough of Carlisle in connection with provisions of laws making dona- tions to that institution. (Sen. jol. 1827/8 [v. 1]: 492-495.) 1828/9. Stmt, of manner in which state's annuity to Dickinson College has been expended. (Same 1829/30 v. 1: 127-128.) 1836/7-1851/2. Revenue from Dickinson College lands. (A.R. auditor gen. 1836/7 (p. 2i)same 1851/2.) Omitted 1840-1851. 1838. Rept. of select committee (Dillingham) apptd. to examine situation and prospects of Dickinson College. (House jol. 1837/8 v. 2: 297-300 (doc. 93).) . Rept. of committee (Pearson) apptd. to visit Dickinson College. (Sen. Jol. 1837/8 v. 1: 198-201.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Thompson & Clark, 1838. 6 pp. Copy seen io Hist. Socy. of Penn. 1852. Scholarships in Dickinson College. (Penn. School Jol. V. 1: 165.) 1896. Denny Memorial bldg. added to Dickinson Col- lege bldgs. — uses. (2 bienn. rept. of higher educa- tion 1897/8: 25.) 1904. Dickinson College: destruction by fire of Denny Memorial Bldg.; rebuilding; raising of funds. (5 same 1903/4: 606-607.) Paging from Kept, of supt. of public Instruction. Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport 1863. Rept. on Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport; by S. P. Bates. (Penn. School Jol. v. 11: 319-320.) Doeville Seminary 18(?). Situation and work of Doeville Seminary (in Armstrong Co.). (44 A.R. supt. of public instruc- tion 1876/7: 33.) EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Doylestown Academy 1804. Rept. of committee (S. Smith) on petition of trustees of Doylestown Academy for raising money by lottery. (House jol. 1804/5: 81.) Doylestown Union Academy; see below, Union Academy Drexel Institute 1891-1902. Drexel Institute: scope of work; date of dedication, cost, etc. (4 bienn. rept. of supt. of higher education 1901/2: 926-928.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. 1891-1904. Drexel Institute: enrollment, size of teach- ing force, no. of depts. organized, library school (1892), date of foundation, amt. of gifts. (5 same 1903/4: 607.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public instruction. Dry Run Academy 1874-1877. Location, cost, condition, etc., of Dry Run Academy, Franklin (io. (A.R. supt. of public in- struction 1876/7: 274.) DundofE Academy 1833-1839. Establishment of Dundoff Academy in Sus- quehanna Co.; state aid given in 1839. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 525.) Easton Union Academy 1805. Rept. of committee (Barnet) to whom was re- ferred the memorial of trustees of Easton Union Academy for legisl. patronage. (House jol. 1804/5: 348.) Eclectic Institute; see below, West Branch High School Eclectic Medical College See above, American UniTerslty. Edinboro Academy, Erie County 1863. Rept. of committee of conference (Twitchell) on act rel. to Edinboro Academy, Erie C)o. (House jol. 1863: 779.) Eldersridge Academy 1832-1877. Hist, sketch of Eldersridge Academy in Indiana Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 308-309.) 1854. Sketch of the Eldersridge Presbyterial Academy. (Penn. School Jol. v. 2: 323-325.) Elderton Academy 1864-1877. Establishment and work of Elderton Acad- emy in Armstrong Co. (44 A.R. supt. public in- struction 1S76/7: 35.) Elysburg Academy 1849-1877. Hist, of Elysburg Academy in Northumber- land Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 460-461.) Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary 1773-1900. Hist, sketch of Evangelical Lutheran Theo- logical Seminary — Mt. Airy, Phila. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 611-613.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public instruction. Fairview Seminary 1860-1877. Hist, sketch of Fairview Seminary in Berks Co. and of Keystone State Normal School, into which it merged in 1865. (44 A.R. supt. public in- struction 1876/7: 72-73.) Fayetteville Academy 1852-1860. Brief sketch of Fayetteville Academy, Franklin Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 275.) Forest Academy; see Forests and Forestry Frankford Academy 1810. Rept. of [select] committee (Shearer) on peti- tion of trustees of Frankford Academy for aid. (House jol. 1809/10: 527-528.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 791 EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Franklin Academy, Berks Co. 18361838. Organization, pupils tuition, date of in- corporation (in order to draw ann. apprn. of state), trustees, etc. of Franl— . Organization of Polytechnic College of Penn. at Phila. (Govs. mesa. (Bigler) Jan. 4, 1854.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 797 EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Polytechnic College of Penn. — cont'd 1857. Commendation of Polytechnic College of Penn., in Phila. (Same (Pollock) Jan. 7. 1857.) 1859. Utility of Polytechnic College of Penn., in Phila. (.S'HHic (Packer) Jan. 5. 1859: 10.) 1871. Polytechnic College of Penn.: history and work. (Penn. School Jol. v. 20; 181-182.) Pottsville Institute 1832-1853. Organization and work of Pottsville Insti- tute. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7; 776-777.) Nnmi' thaiiKi'ii to Pottsville Aouilemy In 1847. Reading Academy 1837. Rept. of [select] committee (Leet) on charges preferred agst. trustees of Reading Academy. (Sen. jol. 1836/7 V. 1; 524-532; House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 718-725 (doc. 223).) lllst. (17lS8-18;iTl of the Academy, Its property, funds raised by lottery, present condition, etc. . Same, separate. Not seen. 1000 copies in English and 1000 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. ls:t(?/7 : 532.) Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary 1856-1900. Hist, sketch of Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary — Allegheny; by D. B. Wil- son. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 688-689.) Faffing from Rept. of supt. of public instruction. Rutledge Institute 1887. Laying of corner stone of Rutledge Institute, Morton, Delaware Co. (Penn. School Jol. v. 36: 50-52.) St. Frances College 1850-1877. Acct. of St. Frances College near Loretto, Cambria Co. (44 A.R, supt. public instruction 1876/7: 114.) St. Vincent College 1846-1900. Hist, sketch of St. Vincent College— Beatty ; by C. Stehle. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 691-694.) Paging from Rept. of supt of public instruction. College was outgrowth of purchase of Sportsman's Hall in 1790. by Kev. Theodore Browers. St. Vincent's Seminary 1868-1900. Hist, sketch of St. Vincent's Seminary— Germantown; by C. R. Maloy. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 689-690.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. Includes brief hist, of Liizarist Community or Vincentian Fathers from 1625 (from 1818 in U. S.). School of Design, Pittsburgh 1866. Appeal of School of Design in Pittsburgh for aid. (Legisl. Record 1866: 555-556.) School of Design for Women, Phila. serial 1864-1865. Ann. rept. In Collected docs, as follows : 1864 In Legisl. docs. 1865:1110-1111. 1865 " ^ " 1866 : 872-875. non-serial 1861/2-1865/6. Expenses for Phila. School for Design for Women. (A.R. auditor gen. 1861/2 (p. 95) — same 1865/6.) 1864. Debate on proposed apprn. to the scliool of de- sign, Phila. (Legisl. Record 1864: 669-670; 889-890.) — — . See also Maintenance. Penn., this date. 1877. General apprn. bill; debate, with reference to apprns. to Teachers' Institute of Phila. and Phila. School of Design for Women, keeping public grounds in order, etc. (Legisl. Record 1877: 616- 628.) 51 EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Sharon Female Seminary 1852. Sharon Female Seminary; situation, work, etc. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 130-131.) Sheffield Scientific School 1876. Description of Sheffield Scientinc School, Yale College. (Penn. School Jol. v. 25: 209-212.) Slate Lick Classical Institute 1865-1872. Hist, sketch of Slate Lick Classical Insti- tute in Armstrong Co. (Presbyterian). (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 35.) Smcthport Academy 1829-1857. Hist, of Smethport Academy, McKean Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 400-401.) Strain's School 1856. Strain's School opened In Perry Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 470.) Strasburg Academy 1855. Education at Strasburg Academy, Lancaster Co. (Penn. School Jol. v. 4: 103.) Susquehanna Collegiate Institute 1857. Memorial to the legisl. by trustees of Susque- hanna Collegiate Institute, soliciting apprn. (Daily Legisl. Record 1857 no. 61: 2-3.) 1860. Susquehanna Institute (Presbyterian) opened, in Perry Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 470.) Susquehanna University 1858-1900. Hist, sketch of Susquehanna University — Selinsgrove; by C. W. Heisler. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 694-697.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. 1st organized under name of The .Mission Institute. Swarthmore College 1864-1877. Organization and work of Swarthmore Col- lege. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 247- 248.) 1869-1900. Hist, sketch of Swarthmore College — Swarthmore; by E. H. Magill. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00; 697-699.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. 1879. Swarthmore College and its new departure [training teachers]. (Penn. School Jol. v. 27: 277- 279.) 1881. See above, Haverford, this date. 1896. See below, University of Penn., this date. [1903-1904.] Swarthmore College; enrollment, new bldgs. and their cost, improvements, value of library (vols.), amt. of endowment fund, amt. of apparatus, value of library, value of bldgs. and grounds. (5 bienn. rept. of higher education 1903/4: 612.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. Theological Seminary, Canonsburg 1829-1853. Short acct. of Theological Seminary in Canonsburg (later Xenia), Washington Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 579.) Theological Seminary of Reformed Church 1824-1900. Hist, sketch of Theological Seminary of Reformed Church in U. S. — Lancaster; by E. V. Gerhart. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 703-706.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public instruction. 1825-1877. Brief hist, sketch of Theological Seminary of Reformed Church in U. S. at Lancaster. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 340.) Theological Seminary of Reformed Episcopal Church 1887-1900. Hist, sketch of Theological Seminary of Reformed Episcopal Church— Phila.; by C. Allen. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00; 707- 709.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public instruction. 798 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Theological Seminary of Reformed Presbyterian Church 1807-1900. Hist, sketch— Theological Seminary of Re- formed Presbyterian Church in No. America — Phila.; by D. Steele. (3 bienn. rept. of higher edu- cation 1899/00: 701-703.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public instruction. Thiel College 1869-1900. Hist, sketch of Thiel College— Greenville. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 710- 712.) Paging from Ropt. ot supt. of public instruction. 1903-1904. Thiel College: closed, acct. of proceedings leading to this action; consolidation with Greens- burg Seminary and prospects of opening college. (5 same 1903/4: 613-614.) Paging from Rept. of supt of public Instruction. Tulpehocken Academy 1831-1862. Hist, of Tulpehocken Academy and its suc- cessor, Stouchburg Academy, in Berks Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 71.) Tuscarora Academy 1879. Statistics from J. H. Shumaker; Tuscarora Academy (1853-1868); Chambersburg Academy (1868-1878). (Penn. School Jol. v. 27: 315.) Union Academy, Doylestown 1804. Rept. of the committee (Pugh) apptd. on the petition ot the trustees for the Union Academy in Doylestown, Bucks Co. (House jol. 1803/4: 701.) 1841. Rept. of committee on judiciary system (Flem- ing) on memorial of trustees and subscribers to the Union Academy at Doylestown, Bucks Co., resp. title to the lot. (Sen. jol. 1841 v. 1: 234-235.) United States Military Academy 1882. West Point and Annapolis: Penn. and competi- tive examinations. (Penn. School Jol. v. 30: 449- 450.) 1883. U. S. Military Academy at West Point. (Same V. 31: 341-344.) Views of a recent graduate. From Army and Navy Register. United States Naval Academy 1871. Course of study, etc., at U. S. Naval Academy. (Penn. School Jol. v. 20: 43-45.) 1882. See above. United States Military Academy, this date. Union Academy, Newtown See above, Buclts County Academy. University of Northwestern Pennsylvania See above. Beech Woods Academy. University of Pennsylvania See also above. Higher Education, under dates 1779- 1832. serial Under act of Sept. 30, 1791. 1818-1898. Abstract of state of funds. In Collected docs, as follows: 1818 in House jol. 1818/9:280-281 """ " " 1819/20:782. 1820/1 : 478-479. 1821/2: 273-274. 1822/3: 220-221. 1822/3 : 386. 1823/4 : 6:0-611. 1823/4 : 989. 1824/5 : 582-583. 1824/7) v. 2 : 406. 1825-1828. Not found. 1829 in .Senate Jol. 1829/30 v. 1 : 319-320. " " " 1829/30 V. 2: 683-684. 1830/1 V. 1 : 239-240. 1830/1 V. 2: 751. 1831/2 V. 1 : 298-299. 1831/2 V. 2: 614-615. 1832/3 V. 1 : 556-557. 1832/3 V. 2:621. 1833/4 V. 1 : 326-327. 1833/4 V. 2 : 624. EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd University of Pennsylvania — cont'd 1834 in Senate Jol. 1834/5 v. 2 : 392-395. " ** House " ifi^j/=:«T '» . KQo 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 18_30 1831 18_32 1833 Senate House Senate House Senate House House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House 1835 » 18^36 " 18_37 " 18_38 " 1839 " 18_40 " 1841 " 1842 " 1843 " 18^44 " 1845 " 1846 " 1848 " 1849 " 1850 " 1851 ;; 1852 Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House 1834/5 T. 2 : 539. 1835/6 V. 2 : 770-771. 1836/7 V. 2 : 457-458. 1836/7 V. 2 : 730-731. 1837/8 V. 2 : 620-621. 1837/8 V. 2 : 705. 1838/9 V. 2 : 419-420. 1838/9 V. 2 pt. 1 : 638-639. " 585. 699-700. 319-320. 444-445. 82-83. 239-240. " 1840 V. 2 " 1840 V. 2 " 1841 V, 2 " 1841 V. 2 " 1842 V. 2 " 1843 V. 2 " 1844 : 300-301 " 1845 V. 2:213. 1845 V. 2 : 373 " 1846 V. 2 " 1846 V. 2 1847 V. 2 279. 301-302. 273. 1847 V. 2 : 270. 1848 V, 1848 V. 2 1849 V. 2 1849 V. 2 1850 V. 2 1850 V. 2 1851 V. 2 1851 V, 1852 V. 1852 V. 2 1853 V. 2 ; 1853 V. 2 ; 352. 384. 351. 415. 274. 304. 529. 2 • 545. 589. 1853 " legislative docs. 1854 " » 1855 " " 1856 " " 1857 " •• 1858 " » 1859 '■ " 1860 " " 1861 " - 1862 - - 1863-1864. Not found. 1865 In Legislntlve docs. 1866-1897. Not found. 1898 in Sen. jol. 1899 v. 2 677. 418. 354. 1854:415. 1855:432-433. 1856 : 366. 1857 : 83. 1858 ; 413. 1859 : 709-710. 1860 : 1039. 1861 : 806. 1862: 872. 1863 : 888. 1866 V. 1 : 737-738. : 1324-1326. non-serial 1749-1900. Hist, of development of University of Penn. (free school at first); also hist, of development of following depts.: medical dept.. University Hospi- tal, dept. of dentistry, veterinary dept., dept. of philosophy, law dept.. University Museum, Uni- versity library, Wistar Institute of anatomy and biology, dormitories and Houston Hall, Franklin [athletic] field; by Q. Y. Burk. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 712-724.) Paging from Rept. ot supt. of public Instruction. 1792. See above, Dickinson College, this date. 1793. See above. Higher Education, this date. 1794. Rept. of committee on petition of trustees ot University of Penn. praying for equivalent and additional bounty for confiscated property given them by state. (House jol. 1793/4: 319-320.) 1797. Rept. of ocmmittee (Coats) on petition from faculty of Uaiversity of Penn. resp. inadequate compensation. (Sen. jol. 1796/7: 167.) 1799. Receipt of letter from Edward Fox, treasurer ot Univ. of Penn. dated Apr. 3, 1799, enclosing stmt, of funds of that institution. (Same 1798/9: 301.) 1800. Sale of state property betw. Market and Chest- nut sts., Phila., to University of Penn.; amt. reed.; premises subject to ground rent which state is bound to discharge. (Govs. mess. (M'Kean) Nov. 21, 1800.) 1801. Letter from comptroller gen. (Donaldson) rel. to loans made by state to Univ. of Penn. (House jol. 1800/1: 299-300.) 1804. Rept. of committee (Ferguson) apptd. on peti- tion of trustees of Univ. of Penn. [for remittance to the Univ. of last Instalment of debt due to com- monwealth for the President's House]. (Same 1804/5: 93.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 799 EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd University of Pennsylvania — cont'd 1807. Rept. of committee (Dorsey) on memorial of professors of University of Penn. for donation of money to establish a botanical garden. (Sen. jol. 1806/7: 146-147.) 1809. Rept. of committee on claims (Ogle) on petition for remission of certain monies held by the Uni- versity of Penn. (House jol. 1808/9: 508-509.) 1822. See above, Education. Penn., this date. 1839. Rept. of University of Penn. to supt. of common schools. (6 A.R. supt. common schools 1839: table L.) 1863. Rept. on the Univ. of Penn.; by Saml. P. Bates. (Penn School Jol. v. 11: 371-376.) 1872. Phila. : dedication of new bldg. at Univ. of Penn. and laying of corner stone of new bldg. for academy of natural sciences. (Sume v, 21: 198-200.) 1875. Apprn. to Univ. of Penn.; debate. (Legisl. Record 1875: 918-924.) 1877. See Education. Higher Education, this date. . Debate on bills appropriating money to the Univ. of Penn. and to Jefferson Medical College of Phlla. (Legisl. Record 1877: 762-764; 1404-1406.) 1884. New biological school to be opened by Univ. of Penn.; by J. T. Rothrock. (Penn. School Jol. v. 32: 407-408.) 1887. Veto of act to make apprn. to the Penn. Working Home for Blind Men, for the erection of work- shops; act to make apprn. to the veterinary hospi- tal of the Univ. of Penn.; with text of acts. (Vetoes (Beaver) 1887: 74-76.) 1889. Partial veto of bill to make apprn. to Veterinary Hospital of Univ. of Penn.; with text of bill. (.Same (Beaver) 1889: 70.) . Petition for chair of forestry in Univ. of Penn. (5 A.R. bd. health, etc. 1888/9: 599-600.) 1892. See Public Health. Sanitation, this date. 1896. Rept. of Univ. of Penn.; brief review of history of the institution; general condition. (House jol. 1897: 662.) A financlul stmt, wns also transmitted but does not occur in the .Tournal. — • — . Free scholarships at University of Penn., Bryn Mawr, Western University of Penn., Bucknell Uni- versity, State College, Washington and Jefferson College, Muhlenberg and Ursinus colleges, Swarth- more College, Haverford College, Allegheny Col- lege, Franklin and Marshall College. (1 bienn. rept. of higher education 1895/6: 26-27.) . University of Penn.: nearest approach of Penn. to " full university," i. e., one having depts. of law, medicine, theology and philosophy; lacks dept. of theology; in attendance ranks 3d among higher in- stitutions in America; scholarships and fellowships and their value; value of equipment, bldgs., etc. facilities for research and Investigation and work accomplished in that line, etc. (1 same 1895/6: 21-22.) 1896-1904. Table: name and title of officer in charge, no. of yrs. in course, no. of Instructors, enrollment of students — Dept. of Veterinary Medicine, Univ. of Penn., Phila. (1 same 1895/6 (p. 14)— 5 same 1903/4.) Omitted 1901/2. Beginning with 1897/8. called General and Financial Statistics and contains following additional Items: no. of students from other states ; no. from other countries no. since founding: no. graduated at last commencement ; whole no. of graduates founded ; no. of vols, in library ; average ann. cost per student ; average cost or board per week ; estimated value of bldga. and grounds ; estimated amt. of en- dowment fund. 1897. Veto of act making apprn. to trustees of Uni- versity of Penn.; with text of bill. (Vetoes (Hast- ings) 1897: 270-272.) EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd University of Pennsylvania— lic instruction. Upland Normal Institute 1852-1877. Hist, of Upland Normal Institute, founded by J. P. Crozier, and of Crozier Theological Semi- nary (Baptist) in Delaware Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 247.) Ursinus College 1869-1900. Hist, sketch of Ursinus College — CoUege- ville; by Henry T. Spangler. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 725-728.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public instruction. 1896. See below, University of Penn., this date. Vanderveer's (Dr.) School, Easton 1828-1854. Acct. of Dr. Vanderveer's school, Easton. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 701-702.) 800 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Villanova College 1S41-1877. Hist, of Villanova College in Delaware Co., conducted by Brothers Hermits of St. Augustine of Hippo. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 246.) 1842-1900. Hist, sketch of Villanova College; by T. C. Middleton. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 728-731.) Paging from Rcpt. of supt. of public instruction. Wagner Free Institute of Science 1871. Wagner Free Institute of Science; by J. W. Shoe- maker. (Penn. School Jol. v. 19: 261-262.) Warren Academy of Science 1903. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to Warren Academy of Sciences; organization of corporation for purpose of " educating public by exhibiting mechanical, agricultural and horticultural products," not within act of Je. 14, 1887. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1903/4: 25-28.) Warren Union School 1858. Rept. on work of Warren Union School; by Chas. Twining, principal. (Penn. School Jol. v. 6: 335- 336.) Washington Academy 1787-1877. Hist, of Washington Academy (Washing- ton College after 1806), Washington Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 579.) Non-sect:irliin but largely supporteil bv Prpsbvteri.Tns .Tnd occasionally reed, state apprn's. (1826. 1831- 1834). 1796. Rept. of committee on memorial of trustees of academy of Washington for legisl. aid. (House jol. 1796/7: 76-77.) Washington College See also above, Washington Academy. 1822. See above. Education. Penn., this date. 1828. Rept. of select committee (Knight) on memorial of trustees of Washington College, and also peti- tions of sundry inhabitants of Washington Co. for legisl. aid. (Sen. jol. 1827/8 [v. 1]: 258-260.) 1842. See above. Higher Education, this date. Washington Institute 1853-1871. Hist, sketch of Washington Institute, Columbia. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 679-680.) Washington and Jefferson Coll. See .ilso above, Higher Education, under dates 1779- 1832. 1781-1900. Hist, of development of Washington and Jefferson College — Washington: origin (in minis- ter's private schools), academies (Washington, 1787-Canonsburg, 1794), Jefferson College (1802- 1865), Washington College (1806-1865), Washing- ton and Jefferson College (1865-1900); by J. D. Moffat. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 731-736.) Paging from Rcpt. of supt. of public Instruction. 1872. Sketches of our colleges: Washington and Jeffer- son College. (Penn. School Jol. v. 21: 203-204.) 1873. See above, Lafayette College, this date. 1896. See above. University of Penn., this date. 1902-1904. Washington and Jefferson College: addi- tions to endowment at centennial of chartering of Jefferson College, Oct., 1902, and since. (5 bienn. rept. of higher education 1903/4: 615.) Paging from Ucpt. of supt. of public instruction. 1903 [1. e., 19021. Acct. of centennial of Washington and Jefferson College Oct. 12, with )ist of donations. (4 same 1901/2: 925.) Paging from Kept, of .supt. of public Instruction. EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Waterford Academy 1811-1877. Organization and work of Waterford Acad- emy in Erie Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 260.) 1893. Veto of act making apprn. to Waterford Academy at Waterford. Erie Co., with text of bill. (Vetoes (Pattison) 1893: 79.) Waynesburg College 1810-1900. Hist, sketch of Waynesburg College (Greene Academy 1810-184?); by A. B. Miller. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 736-740.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public instruction. 1851-1877. Hist, of Waynesburg College. Greene Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 286-288.) 1900-1902. Waynesburg College: value of the various additions and improvements since Je., 1902. (4 bienn. rept. of higher education 1901/2: 924-925.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. 1903-1904. Waynesburg College: amt. of addition to endowment. (5 same 1903/4: 615.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public instruction. Wellesley College 1880. Model university for women at Wellesley. (Penn. School Jol. v. 28: 287-304.) From A'cip York Times. West Branch High School 1852-1876. Hist, of West Branch High School [Eclectic Institute] located in Jersey Shore, Lycoming Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 398.) Presbyterian Institution. West Chester Academy 1859. Sketch of the West Chester Academy (1811- 1859). (Penn. School Jol. v. 8: 8-9.) West Chester Young Ladies' Female Seminary 1838. Rept. of committee on education (Darragh) on memorial of West Chester Young Ladies' Female Seminary for legisl. aid. (Sen. jol. 1837/8 v. 1: 429.) Western University of Penn. See also above, Higher Education, under dates 1779- 1S32. 1787-1900. Hist, of Western University of Penn. (Pitts- burg Academy 1787-1819); by W. J. Holland. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 740-747.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. 1838. Rept. of select committee (Pearson) apptd. to visit Western Univ. of Penn. at Pittsburg. (Sen. jol. 1837/8 V. 1: 735-737.) 1896. See above. University of Penn., this date. 1897-1898. Endowments to Western University. (2 bienn. rept. of higher education 1897/8: 26-27.) 1898. Acct. of celebration of 110th anniversary of Western University, Mch. 23-25, as an academy, 75th as university. (2 same 1897/8: 28.) 1903-1904. Western University of Penn.: additions to equipment and their cost. (5 same 1903/4: 615.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. Westminster College 1852-1877. Hist, of Westminster College, New Wil- mington, Lawrence Co. (44 A.R. supt. public in- struction 1876/7: 346-347.) 1852-1900. Hist, sketch of Westminster College — New Wilmington; by M. Barnes. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 747-750.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. 1859. See Education. Normal Schools: State, this date. . See above, Education. Teachers, this date. 1871. Debate on suppl. to act incorporating the West- minster collegiate institute; relation of the college to the people of Westminster. (Legisl. jol. 1871: 244-245.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 801 EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Westminster College — cont'd 1S98. Description of science liall of Westminster Col- lege. (2 bienn. rept. of liigher education 1897/8: 25-26.) [1901-1902.] Westminster College: amt. added, to en- dowment; improvements. (4 same 1901/2: 925-926.) rnalDK fiDtn Uopt. of supt, c.f pulillc liiMtnu-tlon. [1903-1904.1 Westminster College: amt. added to en- dowment; lengtliening of courses of study. (5 same 1903/4: 615.) raKlng from Ropt. of supt. of public Instructlou. Wickersham School 1884. Dedication of Wickersham School in Pittsburgh. (Penn. School Jol. v. 33: 247-248.) Wilkesbarre Academy 1804-[?1. Hist, of Wilkesbarre Academy, Luzerne Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 387-388.) 1809. Rept. of committee (C. Smith) to whom was referred petition of trustees of Wilkesbarre Acad- emy for a loan of money paid in mistake by Saml. Bryan to comrs. of Luzerne Co. (House jol. 1808/9: 372-374.) 1810. Rept. of committee (Palmer) to whom was re- ferred memorial of president and trustees of the Wilkesbarre Academy for pecuniary aid. (Sen. Jol. 1809/10: 289-290.) Williamsburg Academy 1847-1851. Date of erection, chartering, cost of Wil- liamsburg Academy in Blair Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 88.) 1853-1877. Hist, of Williamsburg Academy in North- ampton Co. (44 same 1876/7: 448-449.) Williamson Free School of Mechanical Trades 1889. Williamson Free School of Mechanical Trades. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 1, 1889: 14.) Wilson College 1868-1900. Hist, sketch of Wilson College — Chambers- burg; by S. A. Martin. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 751-753.) raging from Rept. of supt. of public instruction. 1876. Location, cost and work of Wilson College, Franklin Co. (44 A.R. supt. public Instruction 1876/7: 276-277.) [1901-1902.] Wilson College: cost of new bldgs. and equipment. (4 bienn. rept. of supt. of higher educa- tion 1901/2: 926.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. [1904.] Wilson College: new bldgs., apparatus; be- quest; enrollment of pupils. (5 same 1903/4: 615- 616.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. Woman's Medical College of Penn. 1860-1900. Hist, of Woman's Medical College of Penn. — Phila.; by Clara Marshall. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 753-755.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. Womelsdorf Union Academy 1828-1876. Hist, of Womelsdorf Union Academy In Berks Co. (44 A.R. supt. public Instruction 1876/7: 71.) Wyoming Seminary 1844-1872. Hist, of Wyoming Seminary, Kingston. Luzerne Co. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 385.) 1852. Wyoming Seminary at Kingston; attendance, terms, scholarships. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 293- 294.) York County Academy 1787-1877. Hist, sketch of York Co. Academy. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 834-836.) EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd York County Academy — cont'd 1804. Rept. of committee (Pennell) on petition from the CO. and town of York for a further donation In aid of their academy. (House jol. 180.3/4: 657.) 1811. Rept. of committee (Nace) on petitions of Protestant Episcopal church of St. John at York and others, for repeal of law taking academy In York Co. out of hands of church. (.Vome 1810/11: 549-551.) York Collegiate Institute 1873. See above, Lafayette College, this date. 1873-1877. Organization, cost, work, etc. of York Col- legiate Institute. (44 A.R. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 838-839.) EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NORTHERN PENNSYL- VANIA; see EDUCATION. ASSOCIATIONS EDWARDS (J.) 1888. Statistics of rainfall at Chromedale. (A.R. secy. Internal affairs 1887/8 pt. 1: A179.) EDWARDS (J. F.) 1889. Rwy. sanitation in Penn. (5 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1888/9: 264-273.) EDWARDS (J. J.) Repr. from Schuylkill Co., 1881/2 : member of com- mittee apptd. bv the Gov. In 1881 to Investigate House of Refuge, Phlla., and reformatory at Hunt- ingdon. EDWARDS (RICHARD S.) Commissary-General, 1883, 1891-1893 ; see MlUtia, the serial group. EDWARDS (T. D.) County supt. of schools, 1853/4 ; see Education. Warren Co. EDWAKDSDALE, LUZERNE CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local EELS; see FISH AND GAME EGBERT (S.) 1900. Medico-Chirurgical College; 1848-1900. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 647-651.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction EGGS Inspection; see Food and Drug Law EGLE (WILLIAM H.) State Librarian Mch. 3, 1887-Jan. 31, 1899. EGYPT, LEHIGH CO. Climate; see that title. Precipitation Education; see that title Rainfall; see Climate Temperature; see Climate EHLER (Q. F.) 1873. Compulsory education. (Penn. School Jol. v. 21: 348-349.) EHMANN (J.) 1888. Organizations of glass workers. (16 A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1888: 30-37 F.) 802 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EHRENFELD (CHABLES L.) State Librarian, Feb. 4, 1878-Sept. 15. 1882; see Libraries. 1872. A visit to the normal schools. (Penn. School Jol. V. 21: 120-121.) 1876. State normal schools. (Same v. 25: 97-100.) EHRENFELD (N. F.) 1898. Small-pox In Homer City and Indiana. (15 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1898/9 v. 1: 287-288.) 1903. Goitre at Canoe Ridge. (20 same 1903/4: 103- 105.) EHRENFIELD, CAMBRIA CO. Small-Pox in; see Public Health EHRHART (W. U.) : sup Mahanoy City. City supt. of schools 1896/7-1903/4. See Education. "aha EICHELBERGER (FREDERICK) Repr. from York Co., 1800/1-1802/3; 1815/6-1817/8; Sen. from York and Adams cos., 1819/20-1823. Representative froTn York Co. [Select] Committee 1818. Mch. 5. Memorial of Cornelius Dysart resp. pub- lication of his method of preventing cut worms from destroying com. (House Jol. 1817/8: 570.) EIKHOFF (H. J.) 1897. Blowers and exhaust fans. (8. A.R. factory in- spector 1897: 643-645.) ELDER (ELEXIS) County supt. of scbools 1864/5-1868/9 ; see Education. Blair Co. ELDRED (GEORGE J.) Repr. from Clinton, Lycoming and Potter cos., 1854 ; do. from Clinton Co., 1879/80. 1854. Mch. 31. Sale of main line of public works. (Daily Legisl. Union v. 1 (no. 60): 289-290.) ELDRED (NATHANIEL B.) Repr. from Northampton. Wayne and Pike cos., 1822/3- 1827/8 ; Canal Comr., 1829 ; one of Penn. comrs. who made an agreement with N. J. comrs. Dec. 5, 1829 In regard to use of the Delaware River for canal purposes. ELDRED, McKEAN CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Scarlet Fever; see Public Health Typhoid Fever; see Public Health ELDRIDGE (AMOS) County supt. of schools 1859/60 ; see Education. Forest Co. ELEANOR, JEFFERSON CO. Small-Pox in; see Public Health ELECTIONS Expense; see Finance: State. Expenditures ELGIN (W. F.) 1904. Rept. on inspection of vaccine propagating estab- lishments in Europe, n. p., W. S. Ray, 1904. 30 pp. It Is erroneously stated that this report Is an extract from the 20th annual report of the state board of health. ELIOT (CHARLES W.) PRES. OF HARVARD 1873. A national university. (Penn. School Jol. v. 22: 115-117.) ELIZABETH, ALLEGHENY CO. Banks; see Banks: Individual. State Bank Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local ELIZABETHTOWN, LANCASTER CO. Banks; see Banks: Individual. Elizabethtown Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local ELIZABETHVILLE, DAUPHIN CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local ELK COUNTY Organized Apr. 18, 1843 ; formed of a part of Jefferson, Clearfield and McKean. Crops; see Agriculture. Crops Farm Wages; see Labor. Wages. Farm Geology; see Geological and Topographical Surveys Land; see that title Livestock; see Agriculture. Livestock Schools in; see Education Teachers' Institute; see Education ELKIN (JOHN P.) Repr. from Indiana Co., 1885/6-1887/8 ; Depy. Atty. Gen., 1895-1898 ; Atty. Gen.. 1899-1902 for ann. repts. see Administration of Justice. State. Deputy Atty. General 1895. Authority of bds. of health. (11 A.R. bd. of health 1895: 470-471.) . Opinion resp. slaughter house nuisance. (11 same 1895: 469.) . Gas Co. (Rept. secy, commonwealth 1894/6: 58- 60.) . Je. 21. Use of apprn. by a cotmcll for a specific purpose cannot legally be used for any other pur- pose. (10 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1895: 471-477.) 1896. Apr. 14. Compulsory school law. (Penn. School Jol. V. 44: 510-512.) 1898. What reforms are needed to secure the earlier distribution of the state school fund. (Same v. 46: 390-391.) ELKLAND, TIOGA CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health. Local ELLENBERGER (I. C. M.) City supt. of schools, 1899/00-1903/4 ; see Education. T.vrone. ELLICOTT (ANDREW) Secretary of Land Office 1801-1808 ; see Land, the serial ELLIOTT (F. R.), OF CLEVELAND 1872. Mingling of evergreens with orchard trees in fruit orchards. (Rept. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1871/2: 374-375.) Paging from v. 8 Rept. trans, state agrlc. socy. ELLIOTT (S. B.) 1879. Beehive coke ovens. (7. A.R. bureau of Indus- trial statistics 1878/9: 568-571.) ELLIOTT (VICTOR A.) County supt. of schools 1863/4, 1865/6 ; see Education. Tioga Co. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 803 ELLIOTT, ALLEGHENY CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local ELLIS (D. L.) 1891. Different varieties of wheat and their flouring (lualitics. (45 and 46 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1891: 142-149.) ELLIS (ISAAC) 1890. Construction and care of public roads. (41 and 42 quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1890: 211-214.) 1893. Road legislation. (50 same 1893: 38-40.) ELLIS (JAMES) Uepr. from Schuylkill Co.. 1870-1871. Select Committee 1871. Jan. 25. Publication of daily proceedings of legisl. (House jol. 1871: 167-170.) . Feb. 7. Circulation among people of Dally Legis- lative Journal. (Same 1871: 260-261.) ELLIS (JOHN C.) Repr. from Adams Co., 1854 ; Co. Supt of Schools. 1859/60-1862/;i ; see Education. Adams co. ; Repr. from Columbia, Montour, Wyoming and Sullivan COS., 1863-1884. County Supt. of Schools, Adams Co. 1862. Educational statistics of Europe and America. (Penn. School Jol. v. 11: 17-19; 51-53; 112-114; 148- 150; 174-176; 212-215; 240-242; 276-277; 304; 336- 338; 364-366.) 1863. American schools — their past, present and future. {Same v. 12: 13-14; 45-47; 116-117.) ELLIS (JOHN H.) 1894. Employment of minors working in tobacco. (5 A.R. factory Inspector 1894: 477-479.) ELLIS (WILLIAM COX) Repr. from Lycoming, Potter and M'Kean cos., 1825/6- 1829/30. [Select] Committee 1827. Feb. 16. Organization of courts of common pleas. (House jol. 1826/7 v. 2: 494 (doc. 219).) Select Committee 1827. Feb. 21. Purchase of books rel. to canals and internal improvement. (Sowte 1826/7 v. 2: 526-527 (doc. 230).) ELLMAKER (AMOS) Repr. from Dauphin Co., 1812/13 ; do. from Dauphin and Lebanon cos., 1813/14. Committee on Judiciary 1814. Feb. 1. Courts of quarter sessions in Allegheny Co. (House jol. 1813/4: 264-265.) [Select] Committee 1812. Dec. 11. Petition of Samuel Agnew for aid in establishing vaccine institution at Harrisburg. (House jol. 1812/13: 67-69.) 1813. Jan. 12. Land in Harrisburg. (Same 1812/3: 182-183.) ELMER (C. J.) 1853 Feb. 17. Wants of our common schools [compe- tent teachers]. (Penn. School Jol. v. 1: 432-433.) ELMHURST, LACKAWAITNA CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local ELWELL (WILLIAM) Uopr. from Bradford Co., 18421843. Committee on Judiciary 1841. Feb. 4. Phlla. and Trenton R. R. Co. (House jol. 1842 v. 2: 212-216 (doc. 79).) 1842. Jan. 26. Rept. on " an act to provide for the more effectual punishment and prevention of crimes heretofore punishable with death " . . . . Harris- burg: Henlock & Bratton. 1842. 8 pp. Copy seen in Hist. Socy. of Penn. Usual no. ordered prtd. (Sen. Jol. 1842 v. 1:331); 500 copies of the minority rept. ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1842 V. 1 ; 172.) ■ Same. (House jol. 1842 v. 2: 195-200 (doc. 65).) Feb. 4. Rel. to act in relation to the Phlla. and Trenton R. R. Co. Harrisburg: Henlock & Bratton, 1842. 13 pp. ^^-. Mch. 22. Nicholson Court of Pleas. (House jol. 1842 v. 2: 705-717 (doc. 128).) Jly. 7. Court of general sessions for city and co. of Phila. (Same 1842 v. 2: 792-795 (doc. 174).) Committee of Ways and Means 1843. Jan. 28. Salaries and perquisites of office. (House jol. Jan., 1843 v. 2: 225-226 (doc. 54).) Select Committee 1843. Mch. 2. Majority rept. on petitions for impeach- ment of David R. Porter. (House jol. 1843 v. 2: 402-409 (doc. 92).) ELY (HENRY) County supt. of schools, 1862/3 ; see Education. Cam- bria Co. ELY (JOHN H.) 1894. What shall we do with our wheat? (53 quarterly rept. bd. agric. 1894: 89-90.) EMAUS, LEHIGH CO. Diphtheria in; see Public Health. Diphtheria Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Slaughter House; see Abattoirs EMBALMERS Licenses; see that title EMINENT DOMAIN 1858. Veto (Packer) of act to extend to Walker town- ship, Huntingdon Co., the provisions of act to authorize the school directors of the borough of West Pittsburg, Allegheny Co., to select sites for school houses. (Sen. jol. 1858: 420-421; House jol. 1858: 482-483.) Exercise of right of eminent domain. . Same. (Legisl. Record 1858: 251-252.) 1903. Veto of act conferring upon cities right of emi- nent domain for removal of obstructions from streams, etc.; with text of bill. (Vetoes 1903: 89- 92.) . Right of eminent domain; defect in r.r. law with reference thereto. (Govs. mess. (Pennypacker) Jan. 20, 1903: 3-4.) . Veto (Pennypacker) of act authorizing comrs. of public parks within cities of commonwealth to appropriate private property adjoining any public park for park purposes, etc. (House jol. 1903 pt. 2: 1448.) EMERSON (ANN) Claimant 1797. Claim for donation land. (House jol. 1796/7: 148-149.) 804 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EMERSON (GOUVERNEUR) 1853. Sept. 17. Address before agric. socy. of Chester Co. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 181-197.) EMERY (J.) 1873-1878. Temperatures at Williamsport, Lycoming Co. (A.R. secy, internal affairs 1887/8 pt. 1: 146 A.) EMERY (LEWIS, JR.) Kepr. from M'Kean Co.. 1879/80: Sen. from Tioga, Potter and M'Kean cos., 1881/2-1887/8. Senator Special Committee 1885. Apr. IS. Official acts of J. C. Delaney, Senate librarian. (Sen. jol. 1885: 782-786.) EMERY (N. M.) 1900. Lehigh University. (3 blenn. rept. of higher edu- cation 1899/00: 638-643.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. EMLEN (GEORGE) Repr. from City of Phlla., 1818/9-1822/3: Sen. do. 1823/4-1826/7 ; Repr. do. 1827/8-1829/30. Representative [Select] Committee 1819. Jan. 12. Susquehanna and Marietta Trading Co. (House jol. 1818/9: 224.) EMLENTON, VENANGO CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local EMPLOYMENT; see LABOR EMPORIUM, CAMERON CO. Climate; see that title. Precipitation Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Small-Pox in; see Public Health Temperature; see Climate ENEU (JOSEPH) Repr. from Phlla. Co., 1846. Select Committee 1846. Mch. 7.* Abrogation of capital punishment. (House jol. 1846 v. 2: 430-431 (doc. 68).) . Same, separate [incl. majority rept.]. Harris- burg: J. M. G. Lescure, 1846. 12 pp. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn.. Library of the Library Co. of Phlla. and In the Amer. Phil. Socy.. Phlla. 2000 copies In English and 500 In German ordered prtd. (House jol. 1846 v. 1 : 375.) ENFIELD (A.) 1895. Scarlatina at Bedford. (11 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1894/5: 253.) 1897. Typhoid fever at Cumberland Valley. (13 some 1896/7 V. 1: 213-214.) ENGELMAN (D.) 1886. Overflowed lands in Luzerne Co. (2 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1886: 99-102.) ENGLE (ENOS B.) 1893. Rept. as chairman of committee on fruit and fruit culture to bd. of agric. (9 A.R. dept. [27 A.R. bd.] of agric. 1903: 252-254.) ENGLAND Education; see that title ENGLE (HENRY M.) Repr. from Lancaster Co., 1871 ; Chrm. of general fruit committee, Penn. Fruit Growers' Socy.. 1876; see Agriculture. Crops. Fruit, Pennsylvania, under dates 18721905. Chrm. Fruit Committee, Penn. Fruit Grotcers' Socy. 1873. What is best preparation of ground for an (Rept. Penn. fruit growers' socy. 1872/3: and if so, why? orchard. 34-38.) 1874. Do fruit trees require pruning, (Same 1873/4: 111-113.) Paging from app. v. 9 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1875. Fences vs. hedges. (Sa?ree 1874/5: 30-33.) 1878. Penn. apples for export. (2 A.R. bd. agric. 1878: 577-579.) . Wheat. (Quarterly rept. bd. of agric. Sept., Oct. and Nov., 1878: 39-41.) . Best varieties of fruit for Penn. (2 A.R. bd. agric. 1878: 76-78.) 1882-1885. Rept. as chairman of committee on fruit and fruit culture. (6 A.R. bd. of agric. 1882 (pp. 165- 167)— 8 same 1884.) 1885 Is found In 28 quarterly rept. bd. of agric. 1885 : 44-46. 1888. Rept. as chrm. of committee on grasses and fod- der crops. (12 same 1888: 62-63.) . Possibilities of fruit culture in Penn. 1888: 222-224.) 1890. Experience with hedge fences. (Rept. Hortic. Assn. 1890: 47-48.) (12 same State • Erroneously dated Feb. 27 In House Jol. t. 2. ENGLE (JAMES) Repr. from Phlla. Co., 1801/2-1809/10. Committee on Claims 1807. Dec. 16. Claim of W. M'Cormick to donation land. (House jol. 1807/8 pt. 1: 69-70.) . Dec. 16. Claim of J. Norris to donation land. (Same 1807/8 pt. 1: 68-69.) . Dec. 30. Claim of heirs of R. Mercer to dona- tion land. (Same 1807/8 pt 1: 109-110.) . Dec. 30. Claim of S. Kookcoogee to donation land. (Some 1807/8 pt. 1: 117.) . Dec. 30. Escheated estate of F. Gotzinger. (Same 1807/8 pt. 1: 110-111.) 1808. Jan. 5. Claim of S. Brady to donation land. (Same 1807/8 pt. 1: 151-152.) — — . Jan. 6. Petition of Wm. Foster rel. to publica- tion of laws in a Pittsburgh paper. (Same 1807/8 pt. 1: 158.) . Feb. 16. Claim of R. Chambers to donation land. (Some 1807/8 pt. 2: 113-114.) . Mch. 17. Claim of M. Sechler to donation land. (Same 1807/8 pt. 2: 314.) Committee on Roads and Inland Navigation 1805. Jan. 4. Susquehanna and Juniata lotteries. (House jol. 1804/5: 144.) . Jan. 31. Ohio River. (Same 1804/5: 243-244.) . Jan. 31. Navigation of the Big Mushannon Creek. (Same 1804/5: 243.) . Feb. 7. State road from Bald-Eagle Nest to Le Boeuf. (Same 1804/5: 294.) . Feb. 14. Petition from Lycoming and North- umberland COS. for grant of money for a road. (Same 1804/5: 332.) . Mch. 8. State roads from Bedford to Pittsburgh. (Same 1804/5: 456-457.) — — . Mch. 11. Somerset Co. petition for aid In build- ing a bridge over the Little Youghigheny (sic) River. (Some 1804/5: 468.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 805 ENGLE (JAMES)— cont'd Committee on Roads and Inland Navigation — cont'd 18U5. Mcli. ir,. Road from I'iltshurgli to Big Beaver. {Savie 1804/5: B05.) . Mch. 15. Wlsconisco Creek. (Sajwe 1804/5: 501- 502.) [Select] Committee 1803. Jan. 14. Petition for road from the Rising Sun tavern to Shoemakertown, et<;. (House jol. 1802/3: 182.) 1804. Defence agst. cliarge of criminality in connection with monopoly bill. (Sanie 1803/4: 419-422.) . Jan. 2. Petition of Fourth Presbyterian Church in Phila. to raise $10,000, by lottery, (i'ame 1803/4: 118-119.) . Jan. 6. Greenwich Is. (Same 1803/4: 174.) 1806. Jan. 15. Phila. Bank. (Same 1805/6: 163-165.) . Feb. 26. Petition of J. Barclay, inspector gen. of gun powder for remuneration of moneys expended in erection of a bldg. (Same 1805/6: 384.) 1808. Jan. 1. Publication of laws and jola. (Same 1807/8 pt. 1: 127-129.) 1810. Jan. 22. Public school in Germantown. (Same 1809/10: 306-307.) ENGLISH (W. T.) 1898. Leprosv at Pittsburgh. (14 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1897/8 v. 1: 254-258.) ENGLISH (WILLIAM) Repr. from Phlla. Co., 1836/37 ; Supt. of motive power and supervlBor of repairs, on Columbia and Phila. R.R., 1847, 1849 ; see Canals, etc. : Individual, Penn. Canal and R.R., Columbia and Phlla. division. 1854. Dec. 7. Claims on main line of public improve- ments. (Legisl. docs. 1855: 58-64 (doc. 3).) The other comrs. were William Williamson and ,Tohn C. Magill. . Same, separate. Harrlsburg: A. B. Hamilton, 1865. 11 pp. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In library of the Library Co. of Phlla. Committee on Education 1837. Jan. 13. Distribution of school monies. (House jol. 1836/7 V. 2: 304-305 (doc. 837).) ENGLISH (WM.), AND OTHERS 1837. Apr. 3. Bank of U. S. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 1: 1085-1086.) ENNIS (JACOB) 1878. An educational museum. (Penn. School Jol. v. 26: 406-407.) ENOCH (THOMAS) Canal commls-sloner, 1826-1828. ENSWORTH, ALLEGHENY CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local EPHRATA, LANCASTER CO. Climate; see that title. Precipitation Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local Rainfall; see Climate EPIDEMICS; see PUBLIC HEALTH EPIZOOTIC; see AGRICULTURE. LIVESTOCK. INSPEC- TION ERIE, ERIE CO. \7Sl,. Payments on acct. of [laying out) towns of Erie, Franklin, Waterford and Warren, and post at Le UcBiif. (A.R. register gen. 1795: 13.) Banks; see Banks: Individual, Bank of Commerce at Erie, Bank of Erie, Erie Bank, Erie City Bank Climate; see that title Commerce; see that title Diphtheria in; see Public Health. Diphtheria Harbor; see Harbors Health; see Public Health Land; see that title Parks; see Parks and Monuments Quarantine; see Public Health Rainfall; see Climate Riots; see that title Savings Banks; see Banks: Individual Savings Banks, Erie, German Savings Institution Schools in; see Education Temperature; see Climate Tiachoma in; see Public Health ERIE CANAL (N. Y.); see CANALS, ETC.: INDIVIDUAL (STATE) ERIE CANAL CO.; see CANALS, ETC.: INDIVIDUAL (PRI- VATE) ERIE COUNTY Organized .Mch. 12, 1800 ; formed of a part of Allegheny. Administration of Justice; see that title. County Agricultural Society; see Agricultural Societies: Individual Agriculture; see that title Crops; see Agriculture. Crops Fairs; see Agriculture. Fairs Fruit Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Fruit Geology; see Geological and Topographical Surveys High School; see Education. Secondary Land; see that title Manufactures; see Industries, etc. Roads; see that title Savings Banks; see Banks: Individual Savings Banks. Erie, People's School Conventions; see Education. Conventions, etc. School Houses; see that title Schools in; see Education Small-Pox in; see Public Health Teachers' Association; see Education. Associations Teachers' Institute; see Education Text-books; see Education ERIE PURCHASE; see LAND ERMENTROUT (JOHN S.) County supt. of schools, 1880/1-1868/9; see also Educa- tion. Berks Co. 1867. Relation of co. supts. to state normal schools. (Penn. School Jol. v. 15: 205-206.) 1878. Compulsory education. (Same v. 27: 107-113.) 806 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA ERMENTROUT (MAY C.) 1896. Physical culture. 117.) (Penn. School Jol. v. 45: 115- ERNST (CHARLES J.) 1899. Small-pox in Jefferson Co. (15 A.R. bd. of health, etc. 1898/9 v. 1: 318.) ERRETT (RUSSELL) Senator from Allegheny Co., 1868-1870. Committee on Public Printing 1869. Feb. 24. Bates's Military History; publication. (Sen. Jol. Jan., 1869: 427-429.) Special Committee 1869. Jan. 26. Inquiry into propriety of establishing a bd. of state charities. (Sen. jol. 1869: 153-203.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, 1869. 53 pp. Committee comprised Messrs. Wllmer Worthington, Russell Errett, and J. P. Wlckersham. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In Penn. State Library. ERWIN (WILLIAM) Sen. from Bucks Co., 1808/9-1816. [Select] Committee 1816. Mch. 9. Obstructions in Delaware River. (Sen. jol. 1815/16: 317-320.) ESCHEATS; see LAND ESH (D. B.) 1888. Poultry for profit. (37 and 38 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1888: 9-12.) ESH (N. H.) 1893. The care of farm animals. (51 same 1893: 48- 50.) ESPLEN, ALLEGHENY CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local ESPY (GEORGE R.) Repr. from Crawford and Venango cos., 1827/8 ; Repr. from Venango Co., 1836/7-1837/8; State Libra- rian. 1839-1840 ; one of comrs., 1840, to erect an addition to auditor general's office ; see Public Build- ings. Representative from Venango Co. Committee on Claims 1837. Feb. 23. Petition of H. M'llvaine & Co. on acct. of damages on canals. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 578 (doc. 186).) [Select] Committee 1837. Feb. 2. Education of deaf and dumb children. (House jol. 1836/7 v. 2: 477^82 (doc. 150).) . Same, separate. Not seen ; 3000 copies were ordered printed In English and 1500 copfes In German, (flouse jol. 183G/7, p. 397.) 1838. Feb. 26. Institution for Instruction of Deaf and Dumb. (Same 1837/8 v. 2: 715-717 (doc. 140).) . Same, separate. Rept. of the select committee (Espy) to visit the Penn. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. Harrisburg: Packer, Barrett and Parke, 1838. 5 pp. Copy seen In Library Co. of Phlla. ESPY, COLUMBIA CO. Nuisances; see Public Health ESSINGTON, DELAWARE CO. Diphtheria in; see Public Health. Diphtheria Nuisances; see Public Health ESTEP (JAMES) Repr. from Westmoreland Co., 1819/20-1820/1. [Special] Committee 1821. Jan. 30. Obstructions to navigation at Cone- wago Falls. (House jol. 1820/1: 454-456.) . Same, separate, n. t. p. 2 pp. Copy in Amer. Phil. Socy. Usual no. ordered prtd. (House Jol. 1820/1 ; 455.) ESTIMATES Receipts and Expenditures; etc. ESTLER (WILLIAM C.) see Finance: State. Receipts, City supt. of schools, 1888/9-1903/4 ; see IMncatlon. Ashland. ETTERS (DAVID 0.) County supt. of schools, 1890/1-1891/2 ; see Education. Centre Co. ETTLA (GEORGE H. [R.?]) Repr. from Lancaster Co.. 1875/6-1877/8. Committee of Conference 1878. May 23. On acts rel. to game and game fish. (House jol. 1878: 1455-1463.) EVANS (BARTON D.) Supt. of Public Printing and Binding. 1888/9-1890/1 ; see Public Printing, the serial group. EVANS (CADWALADER), JR. Repr. from Phlla., 1814/15, 1829/30. See also Finance : State. Misappropriation of Funds : Nicholson. Representative Committee on Banks 1814. Dec. 20. Rept on res. rel. to ascertaining no. of banks which have gone into operation under act to regulate banks. (House jol. 1814/15: 73-74.) Select Committee 1830. Apr. 5. State and condition of Penn. Canal. (House jol. 1829/30 v. 2: 758-760 (doc. 342).) EVANS (DAVID) Western State Penitentiary comr., 1818 ; see Mainte- nance ; Individual Institutions ; Repr. from Mont- gomery Co., 1848-50 ; County supt. of schools, 1858/9-1871/2 ; see Education. Lancaster Co. EVANS (FRANCIS W.) 1889. Does farming pay? (39 and 40 quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1889: 237-239.) EVANS (FREDERICK) Repr. from Northumberland Co., 1808/9-1811/12. Committee on Claims 1811. Feb. 2. Claim of Messrs. Jordan and Whiteside for plastering the President's House in Phlla., in 1796. (House jol. 1810/1: 382-383.) 1812. Jan. 31. Claim of J. Thompson to donation land. (Same 1811/2: 338.) . Jan. 31. Claim of T. Church to donation land. {Same 1811/2: 338-339.) . Feb. 4. Petition of John Hewson resp. monies loaned him by state. (Bame 1811/2: 358-359.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 807 EVANS (FREDERICK)— cont'd [Select] Committee 1808. Dec. 15. Maritime rishts. (House jol. 1808/9: 57-58.) Usual no. of copies ordered pi td. 1812. Jan. 9. Petition of John Dunlop rcsp. purchase of lands sold by state under lien on property of J. Nicholson on which there was a prior claim. (House jol. 1811/2: 186-187.) EVANS (GRIFFITH) Kepr. from City of Plilla.. 1817/18. Committee on Banks 1818. Jan. 30. Susquehanna Bank. (House jol. 1817/18: 347.) . Jan. 31. Tax on dividends of banks; issue of small notes. (Same 1817/8: 352.) . Feb. 7. Petition from Marietta and Susque- hanna Trading Co. (.Same 1817/8: 401.) . Mch. 2. Farmers' Bank of Lancaster. (Same 1817/8: 542.) [Select] Committee 1818. Feb. 10. Laws regulating auctions. (House Jol. 1817/8: 415.) EVANS (HENRY S.) Repr. from Chester Co., 1847-1849 ; Sen. from Chester and Delaware cos.. 1852-1854 ; do. from Chester, Delaware and Montgomery cos., 1871-1873. Senator Select Committee 1854. Feb. 4. On that part of Govs. mess. rel. to sale of public works. (Legisl. docs. 1854: 328-340.) EVAJfS (JOHN C.) Repr. from Berks Co., 1844-1S.J2 ; Sen. from Berks Co., 1856-1858. Representative Select Committee 1844. Apr. 23. Berks Co. Bank. (House jol. 1844 v. 2: 449-458 (doc. 80).) EVANS (JOSEPH R.) 1844. Dec. 16. Rept. as chrm. of comrs. for sale of Delaware Division of Penn. Canal. (Sen. jol. 1845 V. 1: 23-24; House jol. 1845 v. 2: 16 (doc. 3).) EVANS (M. G.) 1900. Crozer Theological Seminary; 1866-1900. (3 bienn. rept. of higher education 1899/00: 603-606.) Paging from Rept. of supt. of public Instruction. EVANS (OLIVER) Repr. from Phlla. Co., 1858-1859. 1858. See Grltman (P. C). EVANS (SAMUEL) Repr. from Fayette Co., 1827/8-1828/9. Committee on Estates and Escheats 1829. Apr. 7. Purchase of real property of habitual drunkards. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 714 (doc. 315).) [Select] Committee 1829. Apr. 23. Ga. res. rel. to tariff, domestic mnfres. and internal improvement. (House jol. 1828/9 v. 2: 761-762 (doc. 344).) EVANS (WILLIAM W.) County supt. of schools, 1902/3-1903/4 ; see Education. (Jolumhia Co. EVANS CITY, BUTLER CO. Banks; see Banks: Individual. Citizens' Bank of Evansbiug EVANSBURGH, BUTLER CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local EVENING SCHOOLS; see EDUCATION EVERETT, BEDFORD CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local EVERGREENS; see FORESTS AND FORESTRY EVES (C.) 1883. The use of special fertilizers for corn. (7 A.R. bd. agric. 1883: 263-264.) EVES (FRANCES M.) 1889. Introductory address at MillvlUe Institute. (39 and 40 quarterly repts. bd. agric. 1889: 73-75.) EVES (H. W.) 1888. [Importance of agric. in the nation, state and county.] (37 and 38 quarterly repts. bd. of agric. 1888: 107-108.) EWING (JOHN H.) Repr. from Washington Co., 1835/36; Sen. from Wash- ington Co., 1838/39-1842 ; Member of bd. of state centennial supervisors of permanent exhibition bldg., 1874 ; see B^xhlbltlons. Phlla. Senator Committee on Private Claims 1840. Jan. 31. Damages sustained by John White & Co. on Schuylkill inclined plane of Phila. and Co- lumbia R.R. (Sen. jol. 1840 v. 1: 158-159.) . Feb. 15. Phila. and Columbia R.R. (Same 1840 V. 1: 228.) . Feb. 24. Wm. Montgomery; petition resp. work and materials on Susquehanna Division of Penn. Canal. (Same 1840 v. 1: 265.) Select Committee 1839. Feb. 4. Rept. of select committee (Ewlng) apptd. to examine the Western Penitentiary, to- gether with the ann. rept. of that Institution. (Sen. jol. 1838/9 V. 1: 359-361.) . Same, separate. Harrisburg: Prtd. by E. Guyer, 1839. 16 pp. Copy seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and Amer. Phllos. Socy. 2000 copies In English and 300 In German ordered prtd. (Sen. jol. 1S3S/9 v. 1 : 362.) EXECUTIVE MANSION; see PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: STATE EXEMPTIONS Military Duty; see Militia EXETER, LUZERNE CO. Health Board; see Public Health. Boards of Health: Local EXHIBITIONS 1867. Rept. of committee on trial of implements before N. Y. State Socy. (v. 7 Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1864/70: 62-68.) Plows, cultivators, harrows, seeders, planters, diggers. 1887. Veto of clause in act providing for participation in celebration of the centennial anniversary of the Federal Constitution, providing ?25,000 for the entertainment of guests. (Vetoes (Beaver) 1887: 88-89.) 808 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA EXHIBITIONS —cont'd 1889. Centennial celebration (1887) of framing of Federal Constitution; amt. of apprn. unexpended; publication of volumes connected therewith; cele- brations to be held in New York and Washington commemorating Washington's inauguration; Paris Exposition; Penn.'s representation. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 1, 1889: 40-41.) LONDON, 1851 1851. Res. adopted at agric. convention resp. exhibi- tion of wool at World's Pair to be held in London. (1 A.R. trans, state agric. socy. 1853: 29.) PARIS, 1867 1868. Paris Exhibition; Penn.'s exhibit of books and docs. rel. to various depts. of state. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan., 1868.) VIENNA, 1873 1873. Apprn. for comrs. to Vienna Exposition. (Legisl. jol. 1873: 1160-1162.) . Rept. of special comrs. to Vienna Exposition. Not seen. Entry from Bowker. Receipts and Expenditures 1875. Amt. paid to Vienna comrs. (A.R. auditor gen. 1874/5: 111.) PHILADELPHIA, 1876 serial 1 series 1874. Rept. of bd. of state centennial supervisors of permanent exhibition bldg. for state. Checklist No separate copies were found. In Documents as follows : 1874 In Sen. ]oI. 1874 : 163-165. " Legisl. jol. 1874 : 93-94. Wm. Blgler, pres. : Alex. Henry. A. G. Fell, J. O. James, J. H. Shoenberger, Wm. M. Lyon, G. R. Messersmith, J. H. E>wing, A. Pardee. 2 series [1877-1878.] [Repts. of bd. of centennial managers.] Four members of the boaid were appointed by the Gover- nor .Te. 11. 1875. viz.: A. (i. Curtin, ,1. H. Shoen- berger, Geo. Scott, Foster W. Mitchell ; the other two members were Danl. J. Morrell, U. S. Centen- nial comr., and Asa Packer, alternate comr. for Penn. Mr. Scott died Apr. 10, 1876 and James A. McCrea was commissioned his successor Apr. 28, 187C. Checklist [1877. Jan.] Preliminary rept. of Penn. bd. of cen- tennial managers, with a list of the officers and meml)ers of the bd. and of the associated charities. Made to the Legisl. at the session of 1877. n. p., n. d. 102 pp., illus. Copies seen In Hist. Socy. of Penn. and In Penn. State Library. 1878. Jan. 1. Penn. and Centennial Exposition, com- prising preliminary and final repts. of Penn. bd. of centennial managers, etc and series of articles rel. to industries, resources and capabilities of commonwealth. 2 vols. 3 pts. Phlla. : Prtd. for Penn. bd. of centennial managers, by Gillln & Nagle, 1878. V. 1. pt. 1. xxxlll, 250 pp., lUus. V. 1. pt. 2. 268 pp. V. 2. pt. 3. XT, 473, 57 pp., map, dlagrs. Contents : pt. 1. Preliminary rept. made to the Legisl. In 1877 and final rept. In 1878. pt. 2. Industries, resources and statistics. pt. 3. Diagrams of Exposition bidgs., catalogue of exhibi- tors, awards, etc. In Collected docs, as follows : [1877] In Legisl. docs. 1877. v. 2 : 1269-1329. 11878] " ■' " 1878. V. 7, doc. 40. EXHIBITIONS— cont'd PHILADELPHIA, 1876— cont'd non-serial 1871. Govs. mess. (Geary) resp. proposed Centennial exhibition. (House jol. 1871: 449-451; Sen. jol. 1871: 522-523.) . Same. (Legisl. jol. 1871: 306.) 1872. The centennial of Amer. Independence — its rela- tions to agi-ic. — U. S. Report, (v. S Rept. trans, state agric. socy. 1871/2: 192-216.) Hist, of organization, committees, grounds, etc. 1873. Preparations for Centennial in 1876; Centennial bd. of finance; apprn. for erection of bldgs. recom- mended; also recommended that committee on federal relations consider propriety of asking Con- gress to make apprn. for expenses of national comrs. (Govs. mess. (Geary) Jan. 8, 1873: 41-44.) . Duty to support Centennial Exhibition. (Same (Hartrantt) Jan. 21, 1873.) . The Centennial Celebration; debate. (Legisl. jol. 1873: 213-216; 232-234; 910-938.) . Communication from D. J. Morrell, Penn. Cen- tennial comr., resp. organization of the comn., plans, funds, etc. (Legisl. jol. 1873: 249-250.) 1874. The International exhibition: origin, invitation to foreign nations, action of foreign countries. (2 A.R. bureau of statistics 1873/4: 361-366.) . Debate of act to provive for a permanent centen- nial exposition bldg. in Phila. (Legisl. jol. 1874: 726-736; 1056-1066.) . Communication from Gov. (Hartranft) rel. to centennial exhibition. (Sen. jol. 1874: 162-165.) . Preparation for Centennial; donation and dedi- cation of site. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 7, 1874: 6-8.) 1875. Preparations for the Centennial at Phila. in 1876. {Same (Hartranft) Jan. 6, 1875: 11-13.) . Communication from director gen. of U. S. Cen- tennial Commission on state exhibits, etc. (Sen. jol. 1875: 206-208.) A. T. Goshorn. . Same. (Legisl. Record 1875: 254-255; 294.) 1876. Suppl. to act to provide for apptmt. of bd. of centennial mngrs., etc.; debate. {Same 1876: 1318- 1324.) . On apptmt. of state centennial mngrs. (Same 1876: 724-727.) — ■ — . Centennial; Penn. display; apprn. recommended; arrangement should be made for transportation and encampment of militia. (Govs. mess. (Hart- ranft) Jan. 4, 1876: 19-21.) . The Centennial international exhibition. ([4] A.R. bureau of industrial statistics 1875/6: 807- 900.) Paging from Collected docs. Names of members of D. S. Centennial comn. ; do. officers ; Centennial board of finance ; members of foreign comns. ; bldgs. (size and description of each) ; opening ceremonies of International exposi- tion ; no. of exhibitors from each country ; system of awards; Judges; distribution of awards; visitors; transportation (goods and passengers); the press and the exhibitfon : Penn. at the Cen- tennial — subscriptions, Penn. bldg., municipal bldg., educational hall, etc., Penn. Da.v, addresses, list or awards to Penn. and her exhibitors. . Penn. bd. of centennial mgrs. ; [circular; Invita- tion to opening ceremonies], n. t. p. 2 11. 4°. Signed by A. C. Mullen, sec.v. Copy seen in Illst. Socy. of Penn. . The centennial exposition: U. S. govt, bldg.; Smithsonian exhibit; metals and minerals; land animals; fish comn.; dept. of agric; light-house service; signal service bureau; patent office; post- office dept. (Penn. School Jol. v. 25; 3-14.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA 809 EXHIBITIONS— cont'd PHILADELPHIA, 1876— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1876. Description of Centennial h\ilg3. Same v. 25: 44-80.) Muoliincry h.-ill. fiprlc hull, woriu-n's juivilhrn, hortleul- liilvil liall. .fprilal cNhlblts. iirt n.illcr.v. 1877. Success of Ontennial; benefit. (Govs. mess. (Hartranft) Jan. 3, 1877: S."").) — — . Debate on removal of state capital to Phlla.; centennial bUlgs. (Legisl. Record 1877: 180-185; 203-212; 246-252.) . Govs. mess. (Hartranft) resp. gift of Penn. bldg. and furniture to the city of Phila. (.S'riwc 1877: 769; 784.) 1883. Centennial Exposition; final settlement of affairs. (Same 1883: 253-254.) Receipts and Expenditures 1871/2-1877/8. Expenses of centennial conin. (A.R. auditor gen. 1871/2 (p. 40)— .same 1877/8.) 1875/6-1876/7. Expenses of Penn. bd. of centennial mngrs. (Same 1875/6 (p. 9l)—same 1876/7.) 1876. No. of visitors and amt. reed, for admissions at Centennial exhibition. ([4] A.R. bureau of indus- trial statistics 1875/6: 855.) Paging from Collected dot's. 1876/7. Expenses for Centennial Exposition. (A.R. auditor gen. 1876/7: 96.) NEW ORLEANS, 1885 1885. Preamble and res. adopted by citizens of Penn. at a meeting held in New Orleans, La., rel. to apprn. for Penn. exhibit at New Orleans exposition. (Sen. jol. 1885: 440-441.) . Discussion resp. apprn. on acct. of Industrial and Cotton Exposition at New Orleans. (Legisl. Record 1885: 12-14; 61-62; 104-107; 160-161.) CHICAGO, 1S93 "World's Columbian Exposition." 1891. Rept. of conference committee (Thomas) rel. to act to provide for collection, arrangement and dis- play of products of state at World's Columbian Exposition in 1893. (Sen. jol. 1891: 1115-1117.) . Organization of comn. to supervise part of Penn. in Chicago Exposition recommended; apprns. and bldg. (Govs. mess. (Beaver) Jan. 6, 1891: 25-26.) . Penn. exhibit at World's Columbian Exposition. {Same 1891: 2223-2236.) . Communication from Geo. R. Davis resp. state bidgs. at World's Columbian Exposition. (Legisl. Record 1891: 301.) [1892.] Comr. to World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. 190 pp. Not seen. Entry from Bowker. 1893. Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to sale of World's Fair bldg. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1893/4 app. pp. 44-45.) . Penn. comn. for World's Columbian Exposition; apprn.; purposes to which applied; Penn. bldg. (Govs. mess. (Pattison) Jan. 3, 1893: 48-49.) . Opinion of atty. gen. rel. to World's Fair comn.; contract for erection of bldg. (Bienn. rept. atty. gen. 1893/4 app. pp. 18-19.) . Reply of Gov. (Pattison) to res. rel. to expenses of bd. of World's Fair Mngrs. and state of apprn. made in 1891. (Sen. jol. 1893: 561-564.) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1893 v. 1: 946-950.) . Rept. of executive committee of bd. World's Fair Mngrs. of Penn. on subject of a further apprn. (Same 1893: 629-634.) . Rept. of sub-committee of committee on Centen- nial affairs (Riter) on investigation of World's Pair Commission. (House jol. 1893: 1220-1226.) . Same. (Legisl. Record 1893 v. 1: 1927-1929.) EXHIBITIONS— cont'd CHICAGO, 1893— cont'd 1893. A condensed stmt, of work done by women in instruction, reform, philanthropy and miasions during one fiscal year in Penn., to which is added a stmt, on the industrial work of women In the state, with statistics. Compiled under the auspices of tlie state committee on Woman's Work for the World's (.'olumbian Exposition. Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, 1893. 138 pp., pi. Copies seen In I'enn. State Library nnd In the Free I/lbrnry of I'hlla. [1893.1 Penn. and the World's Columbian Exposition. Rules, regulations and classification, with intro- ductory chapter on the resources of the common- wealth. Harrisburg. E. K. Meyers, n. d. 191(1) pp. Copies men iu Free Library of I'hllH. nnd In the r