THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA The Gastronomy Collection of George Holl .^e Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2006 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation ^ ^t ..<^/ "^ ^ » > - V .\ > . ^ ^ v*i: ^ -^ i ^^J|| l-*- :«K 4 ryvr ////^ Vl^y/. jr//rm/'r-j Coiiipletc it Ijiirersa Q¥, V7:^:~^(y:^ , r 4wr/orH C^(?(/Ai //A. — - adapted to tlie use of -— - ^ Y^n/ u^a//i'/^/^^\ v ■ • V// ^•/f''hf^via/ j /"//^/^^v- V/yv>>/v /^/'// MMLyiTrm TO ^.^^o YZ. Y' ■ ' yr/ /////// ' ///v///'/y// (/r/7yr^Afyy//y/ ///r.) v///y//y y^ 7 fyrorfyr?// y r ^~ / V/// ^. J.y/:yM And every otlicT Subject coiiiKHted with r #V ^^^ — " lU' N CVAY , ^ 18?*? Sfulp- iPw mm m .^' , * * ^ ^^j^'. f / THE COOK AND HOUSEKEEPER'S COMPLETE AND UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY; INCLUDING A SYSTEM OF MODERN COOKERY, IN ALL ITS VARIOUS BRANCHES, ADAPTED TO THE USE OF PRIVATE FAMILIES: ALSO A VARIETY OF ORIGINAL AND VALUABLE INFORMATION. RELATIVE TO BAKING, BREWING, CARVING, CLEANING, COLLARING, CURING. ECONOMY OF B15ES, OF A DAIRY, ECONOMY OF POULTRY, FAMILY MEDICINE, GARDENING, HOME-MADE WINES, PICKLING, POTTING, PRESERVING, RULES OF HEALTH, AND EVERY OTHER SUBJECT CONNECTED WITH DOMESTIC ECONOMY. BY Mrs. MARY EATON. EMBELLISHED WITH ENGRA VINGS. BUNGAY : PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY J. AND R. CHILDS. 1823. LiBfiAfiY INTRODUCTION. Nothing is more obvious, than that experience purchased by the sacrifice of independence is bought at too dear a rate. Yet this is the only consolation which remains to many females, while sitting on the ashes of a ruined fortune, and piercing themselves with the recollection of the numerous imprudencies into which they have been led, simply for the want of better information. Not because there is any want of valuable pubHcations, for in the present age they abound ; but rather because they contain such a va- riety of superfluous articles, and are too indiscrimi- nate to become generally useful. A young female, just returned from the hymeneal altar, is ready to exclaim on the first perusal, as the philosopher did who visited the metropoUs, ' How many things are here which I do not want !' The volume when pur- chased is often found to contain what is only or chiefly adapted to those who live in " king's houses," or " who fare sumptuously every day."" Indeed, it has been the failing of most works of this nature, that they have either been too contraqt- vi INTRODUCTION. Plan of the Work. ed, or too diffuse ; detailed what was unnecessary, or treated superficially what was in fact of most conse- quence to the great bulk of mankind. If it be ob- iected to the present work, that it exhibits nothing new ; that the experiments are founded upon the simplest rules of nature ; that most of the things have been rehearsed in various forms ; it is not necessary to deny or to conceal the fact, every other consider- ation having been subordinated to one leading ob- ject, and that is general utility. It is but jus- tice however to add, that many of the articles are perfectly original, having been extracted from a variety of unpublished manuscripts, obligingly and expressly furnished in aid of the present undertaking. A great number of outlandish articles are intention- ally omitted, as well as a farrago of French trifles and French nonsense, in order to render the work truly worthy of the patronage of the genuine English housekeeper. It may also fairly be presumed, that the superior advantages of the present work will immediately be recognized, not only as comprehending at once the whole theory of Domestic Management, but in a form never before attempted, and which of all others is best adapted to facilitate the acquisition of useful knowledge. The alphabetical arrangement present- ed in the following sheets, pointing out at once the article necessary to be consulted, prevents the drud- INTRODUCTION. vii Importance of Domestic Habits, and Acquirements. gery of going through several pages in order to find it, and suppUes by its convenience and universal adaptation, the desideratum so long needed in this species of composition. Importance of Domestic Habits and Acquirements. Though domestic occupations do not stand so high in the general esteem as they formerly did, there are none of greater importance in social life, and none when neglected that produce a larger portion of human misery. There was a time when ladies knew nothing beyond their own family concerns ; but in the present day there are many who know nothing about them. If a young person has been sent to a fashionable boarding-school, it is ten to one, when she returns home, whether she can mend her own stockings, or boil a piece of meat, or do any thing more than preside over the flippant ceremonies of the tea-table. Each extreme ought to be avoid- ed, and care taken to unite in the female character, the cultivation of talents and habits of usefulness. In every department those are entitled to the greatest praise, who best acquit themselves of the duties which their station requires, and this it is that gives true dignity to character. Happily indeed there are still great numbers in every situation, whose example viii INTRODUCTION. Importance of Domestic Habits and Acquirements. combines in a high degree the ornamental with the useful. Instances may be found of ladies in the higher walks of life, who condescend to examine the accounts of their servants and housekeepers ; and by overseeing and wisely directing the expenditure of that part of their husband's income which falls under their own inspection, avoid the inconveniences of embarrassed circumstances. How much more ne- cessary then is domestic knowledge in those whose limited fortunes press on their attention considera- tions of the strictest economy. There ought to be a material difference in the degree of care which a per- son of a large and independent estate bestows on money concerns, and that of one in inferior circum- stances : yet both may very commendably employ some portion of their time and thoughts on this sub- ject. The custom of the times tends in some mea- sure to aboKsh the distinctions in rank, the education given to young people being nearly the same in all. But though the leisure of the higher sort may very well be devoted to different accompHshments, the pursuits of those in a middle sphere, if less orna- mental, would better secure their own happiness, and that of others connected with them. We sometimes bring up children in a manner calculated rather* to fit them for the station we wish, than that which it is likely they will actually possess ; and it is in all cases worth the while of parents to consider whether the INTRODUCTiON. ix Importance of Domestic Habits and Acquirements. expectation or hope of raising their offspring above their own situation be well founded. There is no op- portunity of attaining a knowledge of family manage- ment at school, certainly ; and during vacations, all subjects that might interfere with amusement are avoided. The consequence is, when a girl in the higher ranks returns home after completing her edu- cation, her introduction to the gay world, and a con- tinued course of pleasures, persuade her at once that she was born to be the ornament of fashionable cir- cles, rather than descend to the management of fa- mily concerns, though by that means she might in various ways increase the comfort and satisfaction of her parents. On the other hand, persons of an inferior sphere, and especially in the lower order of middling life, are almost always anxious to give their children such advantages of education as they them- selves did not possess. Whether their indulgence be productive of the happiness so kindly aimed at, must be judged by the effects, which are not very favour- able if what has been taught has not produced humi- lity in herself, and increased gratitude and respect to her parents. Were a young woman brought to relish home society, and the calm deUghts of an easy and agreeable occupation, before she entered into the delusive scenes of pleasure, presented by the theatre and other dissipations, it is probable she would soon make a comparison much in favour of (No. 22.) b IIVTRODUCTION. Domestic Expenditure. the fornier, especially if restraint did not give to the latter an additional relish. If our observations were extended to the marriage state, we should find a life of employment to be the source of unnumbered pleasures. To attend to the nursing, and at least the early instruction of children, and rear a healthy progeny in the ways of piety and usefulness ; to preside over the family, and regulate the income allotted to its maintenance; to make home the agreeable retreat of a husband, fatigued by in- tercourse with a bustling world ; to be his enlightened companion, and the chosen friend of his heart ; these, these are woman's duties, and her highest honour. And when it is thus evident that high intellectual at- tainments may find room for their exercise in the multi- farious occupations of thq daughter, the wife, the mother, the mistress of the house ; no one can rea- sonably urge that the female mind is contracted by domestic employ. It is however a great comfort that the duties of life are within the reach of humbler abilities, and that she whose chief aim it is to fulfil them, will very rarely fail to acquit herself well. . ^ Domestic Expenditure. The mistress of a family should always remember, that the welfare and good management of the house INTRODUCTION. xi Domestic Expenditure. depend on the eye of the superior ; and consequent- ly that nothing is too trifling for her notice, whereby waste may be avoided. If a lady has never been ac- customed while single to think of family manage-^ ment, let her not on that account fear that she can- not attain it. She may consult others who are experienced, and acquaint herself with the necessary 'juantities of the several articles of family expendi- ture, in proportion to the number it consists of, to- gether with the value of the articles it may be neces- sary to procure. A minute account of the annual income, and the times of payment, should be taken in writing ; likewise an estimate of the supposed amount of each item of expense. Those who are early accustomed to calculations of this kind, will acquire so accurate a knowledge of what their estab- lishment demands, as will suggest the happy medium between prodigaUty and parsimony, without in the least subjecting themselves to the charge of mean- ness. Few branches of female education are so useful as great readiness at figures, though nothing is more commonly neglected. Accounts should be regularly kept, and not the smallest item be omitted to be en- tered. If balanced every week, or month at longest, the income and outgoings will easily be ascertained, and their proportions to each other be duly observ- ed. Some people fix on stated sums to be appro- xii INTRODUCTION Domestic Expenditure. priated to each different article, and keep the money separate for that purpose ; as house, clothes, pocket, education of children, &c. Whichever way accounts be entered, a certain mode should be adopted, and strictly adhered to. Many women are unfortunately ignorant of the state of their husband's income ; and jthers are only made acquainted with it when some spe- culative project, or profitable transaction, leads them to make a false estimate of what can be afforded. It too often happens also that both parties, far from consulting each other, squander money in ways that they would even wish to forget : whereas marriage should be a state of mutual and perfect confidence, with a similarity of pursuits, which would secure that happiness it was intended to bestow. There are so many valuable women who excel as wives, that it is fair to infer there would be few ex- travagant ones, if they were consulted by their hus- bands on subjects that concern the mutual interest of both parties. Many families have been reduced to poverty by the want of openness in the man, on the subject of his affairs ; and though on these occa- sions the women are generally blamed, it has after- wards appeared that they never were allowed to make particular enquiries, nor suffered to reason upon what sometimes appeared to them imprudent. Many fa- milies have fully as much been indebted to the pro- priety of female management, for the degree of INTRODUCTION. xiii Domestic Expenditure. prosperity they have enjoyed, as to the knowledge and activity of the husband and the father. Ready money should be paid for all such things as come not into weekly bills, and even for them some sort of check is necessary. The best places for pur- chasing goods should also be attended to. On some articles a discount of five per cent is allowed in Lon- don and other large cities, and those who thus pay are usually best served. Under an idea of buying cheap, many go to new shops ; but it is safest to deal with people of established credit, who do not dispose of goods by uniderselHng. To make tradesmen wait for their money is very injurious, besides that a higher price must be paid : and in long bills, articles never bought are often charged. If goods are purchased at ready-money price, and regularly entered, the ex- act state of the expenditure will be known with ease ; for it is delay of payment that occasions so much confusion. A common-place book should always be at hand, in which to enter such hints of useful know- ledge, and other observations, as are given by sensi- ble experienced people. Want of attention to what is advised, or supposing things to be too minute to be worth regarding, are the causes why so much ig- norance prevails on necessary subjects, among those who are not backward in frivolous ones. It is very necessary for the mistress of a family to be informed of the price and quality of all articles in xir INTRODUCTION. Domestic Expenditure. common use, and of the best times and places for purchasing them. She should also be acquainted with the comparative prices of provisions, in order that she may be able to substitute those that are most reasonable, when they will answer as well, for others of the same kind, but which are more costly. A false notion of economy leads many to purchase as bar- gains, what is not wanted, and sometims never is used. Were this error avoided, more money would remain of course for other purposes. It is not un- usual among lower dealers to put off a larger quan- tity of goods, by assurances that they are advancing in price ; and many who supply fancy articles are so successful in persuasion, that purchasers not unfre- quently go beyond their original intention, and suffer inconvenience by it. Some things are certainly bet- ter for keeping, and should be laid in accordingly ; but this appUes only to articles in constant consump- tion. Unvarying rules cannot be given, for people ought to form their conduct on their circumstances. Some ladies charge their account with giving out to a superintending servant such quantities of household articles, as by observation and calculation they know to be sufficient, reserving for their own. key the large stock of things usually laid in for extensive families in the country. Should there be more visitors than usual, they can easily account for an increased con- sumption, and vice versa. Such a degree of judg- INTRODUCTION. xv Domestic Expenditure. ment will be respectable even in the eye of domes- tics, if not interested in the ignorance of their em- ployers ; and if they are, their services will not com- pensate the want of honesty. A bill of parcels and receipt should be required, even if the money be paid at the time of purchase ; and to avoid mistakes, let the goods be compared with these when brought home. Though it is very disagreeable to suspect any one's honesty, and per- haps mistakes are often unintentional ; yet it is pro- per to weigh meat and grocery articles when brought in, and compare them with the charge. The butcher should be ordered to send the weight with the meat, and the checks regularly filed and examined. A ticket should be exchanged for every loaf of bread, which when returned will shew the number to be paid for, as talUes may be altered, unless one is kept by each party. Those who are served with brewer's beer, or any other articles not paid for weekly or on delivery, should keep a book for entering the dates : which will not only serve to prevent overcharges, but will show the whole year's consumption at one view. * Poole's complete Housekeeper's Account book,' is very well adapted to this purpose. An inventory of furniture, linen, and china, should be kept, and the things examined by it twice a year, or oftener if there be a change of servants ; into each of whose care the articles are to be entrusted, with a xvi INTRODUCTION. Choice and Treatment of Servants. list, the same as is done with plate. Tickets of parch- ment with the family name, numbered, and specify- ing what bed it belongs to, should be sewed on each feather bed, bolster, pillow, and blanket. Knives, forks, and house cloths are often deficient : these ac- cidents might be obviated, if an article at the head of every Kst required the former to be produced whole or broken, and the marked part of the linen, though all the others should be worn out. Glass is another article that requires care, though a tolerable price is given for broken flint-glass. Trifle dishes, butter stands, &c. may be had at a lower price than cut glass, made in moulds, of which there is a great variety that look extremely well, if not placed near the more beautiful articles. Choice and Treatment of Servants, The regularity and good management of a family will very much depend on the character of the ser- vants who are employed in it, and frequently one of base and dishonest principles will corrupt and ruin all the rest. No orders, however wise or prudent, will be duly carried into effect, unless those who are to execute them are to be depended on. It behoves every mistress therefore to be extremely careful whom she takes into her service ; to be very minute in UVTIIODUCTION. xvii Choice and Treatment of Servants. investigating character, and equally cautious and scrupulously just in giving recommendations of others. Were this attended to, many bad people would be incapacitated for doing mischief, by abus- ing the trust reposed in them. It may fairly be as- serted that the robbery, or waste, which is only a milder term for the unfaithfulness of a servant, will be laid to the charge of that master or mistress, who knowing or having well-founded suspicions of such faults, is prevailed upon by false pity, or entreaty, to slide such servant into another place. There are however some who are unfortunately capricious, and often refuse to give a character because they are dis- pleased with the servant leaving ; but this is an un- pardonable violation of the right of a servant, who having no inheritance, is dependant on her fair name for employment. To refuse countenance to the evil, arid to encourage the good servant, are equally due to society at large ; and such as are honest, frugal, and attentive to their duties, should be liberally re- warded, which would encourage merit, and stimulate servants to acquit themselves with propriety. The contrary conduct is often visited with a kind of retri- butive justice in the course of a few years. The ex- travagant and idle in servitude are ill prepared for the industry and sobriety on which their own ftiture welfare so essentially depends. Their faults, and the attendant punishment come home, when they have XX INTRODUCTION. Choice and Treatment of Servants. Good wages however are not all that a faithful ser- vant requires ; kind treatment is of far greater con- sequence. Human nature is the same in all stations. If you can convince your servants that you have a generous and considerate regard for their health and comfort, there is no reason to imagine that they will be insensible to the good they receive. Be careful therefore to impose no commands but what are rea- sonable, nor reprove but with justice and temper ; the best way to ensure which is, not to lecture them till at least one day after the offence has been com- mitted. If they have any particular hardship to en- dure in service, let them see that you are concerned for the necessity of imposing it. Servants are more likely to be praised into good conduct, than scolded out of bad behaviour. Always commend them when they do right ; and to cherish in them the desire of pleasing, it is proper to show them that you are pleased. By such conduct ordinary servants will often be converted into good ones, and there are few so hardened as not to feel gratified when they are kindly and liberally treated. At the same time avoid all approaches to familiarity, which to a proverb is accompanied with contempt, and soon destroys the principle of obedience. When servants are sick, you are to remember that you are their patron, as well as their master or mis- tress ; not only remit their labour, but give them all INTRODUCTION. iad Choice and Treatment of Servants. the assistance of food and physic, and every comfort in your power. Tender assiduity about an invalid is half a cure ; it is a balsam to the mind, which has the most powerful effect on the body; it soothes thQ ''^ sharpest pains, and strengthens beyond the richest cordial. The practice of some persons in sending home poor servants to a miserable cottage, or to a workhouse, in time of illness, hoping for their ser- vices if they should happen to recover, while they contribute nothing towards it, is contrary to every principle of justice and humanity. Particular atten- tion ought to be paid to the health of the cook, not only for her own sake, but also because healthiness and cleanliness are essential to the duties of her office, and to the wholesomeness of the dishes prepared by her hand. Besides the deleterious vapours of the charcoal, which soon undermine the health of the heartiest person, the cook has to endure the glare of a scorching fire, and the smoke, so baneful to the complexion and the eyes ; so that she is continually surrounded with inevitable dangers, while her most commendable achievements pass not only without •reward, but frequently without even thanks. The most consummate cook is seldom noticed by the mas- ter, or heard of by the guests, who, while they eagerly devour his dainties, and drink his wine, care very lit- tle who dressed the one or sent the other. The same observations apply to the kitchen maid or second xxii INTRODUCTION. Choice and Treatment of Servants. cook, who have in large families the hardest place, and are worse paid, verifying the old proverb, ' the more work the less wages/ If there be any thing right, the cook has the praise, when any praise is given : if any thing be wrong, the kitchen maid has the blame. For this humble domestic is expected by the cook to take the entire management of all roasts and boils, fish and vegetables, which together constitute the principal part of an Englishman's din- ner. The master or mistress who wishes to.enjoy the rare luxury of a table well served in the best stile, should treat the cook as a friend ; should watch over her health with peculiar care, and be sure that her taste does not suffer, by her stomach being deranged by bilious attacks. A small proportion of that at- tention usually bestowed on a favourite horse, or even a dog, would suffice to regulate her animal system. Cleanliness, and a proper ventilation to carry off smoke and steam, should be particularly attended to in the construction of a kitchen. The grand scene of action, the fire-place, should be placed where it may receive plenty of light. Too often the contrary practice has prevailed, and the poor cook is continu- ally basted with her own perspiration ; but a good state of health can never be preserved under such circumstances. INTRODUCTION. xxiii Necessity of Order and Regularity. ' ' Necessity of Order and Regularity, No family can be properly managed, where the strictest order and regularity is not observed. ' A house divided against itself cannot stand ;' and if the direction of its affairs be left to accident or chance, it will be equally fatal to its comfort and prosperity .^^ It is the part of a prudent manager to see all that is doing, and to foresee and direct all that should be done. The weakest capacity can perceive what is wrong after it has occurred ; but discernment and discretion are necessary to anticipate and prevent confusion and disorder, by a well-regulated system of prompt and vigorous management. If time be wisely economised, and the useful affairs transacted before amusements are allowed, and a regular plan of employment be daily laid down, a great deal may be done without hurry or fatigue. The retrospect would also be most pleasant at the end of the year, to be able to enumerate all the valuable acquirements made, and the just and benevolent actions perform- ed, under the active and energetic management of the mistress of a family. As highly conducive to this end, early and regular hours should be kept in the evening, and an early hour especially for breakfast in the morning. There will then be more time to ex- ecute the orders that may be given, which in general xxiv INTRODUCTION. Bad habit of keeping Spare Rooms. should comprise the business of the day ; and ser- vants, by doing their work with ease, will be more equal to it, and fewer of them will be necessary. It is worthy of notice, that the general expense will be reduced, and much time saved, if every thing be kept in its proper place, applied to its proper use, and mended, when the nature of the accident will allow, as soon as broken or out of repair. A proper quan- tity of household articles should always be ready, and more bought in oefore the others are consumed, to prevent inconvenience, especially in the country. Much trouble and irregularity would be prevented when there is company to dinner, if the servants were required to prepare the table and sideboard in similar order daily. As some preparation is necessary for accidental visitors, care should be taken to have con- stantly in readiness a few articles suited to such occa- sions, which if properly managed will be attended with little expense, and much convenience. Bad habit of keeping Spare Rooms, Though persons of large fortune may support an expensive establishment without inconvenience, it ill becomes those in the middle rank to imitate such an example. Nothing can be more ludicrous than the contrast exhibited between two families of this INTRODUCTION. xxv Bad habit of keeping Spare Rooms. description ; the one living in the dignified splen- dour, and with the liberal hospitality, that wealth can command ; the other in a stile of tinsel show, with- out the real appropriate distinctions belonging to rank and fortune. They are lavish, but not Hberal, often sacrificing independence to support dissipation, and betraying the dearest interests of society for the sake of personal vanity, and gratifying what is signi- ficantly termed ' the pride of life/ The great point for comfort and respectability is, that all the household economy should be uniform, not displaying a parade of show in one thing, and a total want of comfort in another. Besides the con- temptible appearance that this must have to every person of good sense, it is often productive of fatal consequences. How common it is, in large towns es- pecially, that for the vanity of having a showy draw- ing-room to receive company, the family are confined to a close back room, where they have scarcely air or light, the want of which is essentially injurious to health. To keep rooms for show belongs to the higher classes, where the house is suflSciently commo- dious for the family, and to admit of this also : but in private dwellings, to shut up perhaps the only room that is fit to live in, is to be guilty of a kind of self- destruction ; and yet how frequently this considera- tion escapes persons who are disposed to render their family every comfort, but they have a grate, a carpet, XXVI INTRO DUCTION. Bad habit of keeping Spare Rooms. and chairs too fine for every day's use. What a re- flection, when nursing a sick child, to think that it may be the victim of a bright grate, and a fine car- pet ! Or, what is equally afflicting, to see all the chil- dren perhaps rickety and diseased from the same cause ! Keeping a spare bed for ornament, rather than for use, is often attended with similar conse- quences. A stranger or a friend is allowed to occu- py it once in so many months, and he does it at the peril of his health, and even of his life. Another bad effect of keeping spare rooms is the seeing more company, and in a more expensive man- ner, than is compatible with the general convenience of the family, introducing with it an expense in dress, and a dissipation of time, from which it suffers in va- rious ways. Not the least of these is the neglect of parental instruction, which it is attempted to supply by sending the children at an improper age to school; the girls where they had better never go, and the boys where they get but little good, and perhaps are all the worse for mending. Social intercourse is not im- proved by parade, but quite the contrary ; real friends, and the pleasantest kind of acquaintance, those who like to be social, are repulsed by jt./ Tlje failure therefore is general, involving the loss of nearly all that is valuable in society, by an abortive attempt to oecome fashionable. INTRODUCTION. xxvii Setting out a Table. Settms: out a Table. "is The direction of a Table is no inconsiderable part of a lady's concern, as it involves judgment in expen- diture, respectability of appearance, the comfort of her husband, and those who partake of their hospi- tahty. It is true that the mode of covering a table, and providing for the guests, is merely a matter of taste, materially different in a variety of instances ; yet nothing can be more ruinous of real comfort than the too common custom of making a profusion and a parade, unsuited not only to the circumstances of the host, but to the number of the guests ; or more fatal to true hospitaUty than the multipHcity of dishes which luxury has made fashionable at the tables of the great, the wealthy, and the ostentatious, who are often neither great, nor wealthy, nor wise. Such ex- cessive preparation, instead of being a compliment to the party invited, is nothing better than an indi- rect offence, conveying a tacit insinuation that it is absolutely necessary to provide such delicacies to bribe the depravity of their palates, when we desire the pleasure of their company, and that society must be purchased on dishonourable terms before it can be enjoyed. When twice as much cooking is under- taken as there are servan^^, or conveniences in the kitchen to do it properly, dishes must be dressed xxviii INTRODUCTION Setting out a Table. long before the dinner honr, and stand by spoiling ; and why prepare for eight or ten more than is suf- ficient for twenty or thirty visitors ? ' Enough is as good as a feast \ and a prudent provider, avoiding what is extravagant and superfluous, may entertain her friends three times as often, and ten times as well. Perhaps there are few incidents in which the re- spectability of a man is more immediately felt, thai the style of dinner to which he may accidentally bring home a visitor. And here, it is not the multipKcity of articles, but the choice, the dressing, and the neat appearance of the whole that is principally regarded. Every one is to live as he can afford, and the meal of the tradesman ought not to emulate the entertain- ments of the higher classes ; but if two or three dishes are well served, with the usual sauces, the table linen clean, the small sideboard neatly laid, and all that is necessary be at hand, the expectation of the husband and the friend will be gratified, because no irregula- rity of domestic arrangement will disturb the social intercourse. The same observation holds good on a larger scale. In all situations of Hfe the entertain- ment should be no less suited to the station than to the fortune of the entertainer, and to the number and rank of those invited. The manner of Carving is not only a very neces- sary branch of information, to enable a lady to do the honours of the table, but makes a considerable INTRODUCTION. xxix Setting* out a Table. difference in the consumption of a family ; and though in large parties she is so much assisted as to render this knowledge apparently of less consequence, yet she must at times feel the deficiency ; and should not fail to acquaint herself with an attainment, the advantage of which is evident every day. Some people haggle meat so much, as not to be able to help half a dozen persons decently from a large tongue, or a sirloin of beef ; and the dish goes away with the appearance of having been gnawed by dogs. Habit alone can make good carvers ; but some use- ful directions on this subject will be found in the fol- lowing pages, under the article Carving. Half the trouble of waiting at table may be saved, by giving each guest two plates, two knives and forks, two pieces of bread, a spoon, a wine glass, and a tumbler ; and by placing the wines and sauces in the centre of the table, one visitor may help another. If the party is large, the founders of the feast should sit about the middle of the table, instead of at each end. They will then enjoy the pleasure of attending equally to all their friends ; and being in some degree relieved from the occupation of carving, will have an opportunity of administering all those little atten- tions which contribute so much to the comfort of their guests. Dinner tables are seldom sufficiently lighted, or attended ; an active waiter will have enough to do to attend upon half a dozen persons. XXX INTRODUCTION. Quality of Provisions to be regarded. There should be half as many candles as there are guests, and their flame should not be more than eigh- teen inches above the table. The modern candelabras answer no other purpose than that of giving an ap- pearance of pomp and magnificence, and seem in- tended to illuminate the ceiling, rather than to shed light upon the plates. Quality tf Provisions to he regarded. The leading consideration about food ought always to be its wholesomeness. Cookery may produce sa- voury and elegant looking dishes, without their pos- sessingany of the real qualities of food. It isat thesame time both a serious and a ludicrous reflection, that it should be thought to do honour to our friends and to ourselves to set out a table where indigestion with all its train of evils, such as fever, rheumatism, gout, and the whole catalogue of human diseases, lie lurking in almost every dish. Yet this is both done, and taken as a compUment. The practice of flavouring cus- tards, for example, with laurel leaves, and adding fruit kernels to the poison of spirituous liquors, though far too common, is attended with imminent danger : for let it be remembered, that the flavour given by laurel essence is the most fatal kind of poison. Children, and delicate grown-up persons, have often died INTRODUCTION. xxxi Quality of Provisions to be regarded. suddenly from this cause, even where the quantity of the deleterious mixture was but small. How infinitely preferable is a dinner of far less show, where nobody need to be afraid of what they are eating ; and such a one will always be genteel and respectable. If a person can give his friend only a leg of mutton, there is nothing of which to be ashamed, provided it is good and well dressed. Nothing can be of greater importance to the mistress of a family, than the preservation of its health ; but there is no way of securing this desirable object with any degree of cer- tainty, except her eye watches over every part of the culinary process. The subject of cookery is too ge- nerally neglected by mistresses, as something beneath their notice ; or if engaged in, it is to contrive a va- riety of mischievous compositions, both savoury and sweet, to recommend their own ingenuity. Yet it is quite evident that every good housewife ought to be well acquainted with this important branch of do- mestic management, and to take upon herself at least its entire direction and controul. This is a duty which her husband, children, and domestics, have a right to expect at her hands ; and which a solicitude for their health and comfort will induce her to dis- charge with fidelity. If cookery has been worth stu- dying as a sensual gratification, it is much more so as the means of securing the greatest of human bless- ings. xxxu INTRODUCTION Quality of Provisions to be regarded. A house fitted up with clean good furniture, the kitchen provided with clean wholesome-looking cook- ing utensils, good fires, in grates that give no anxiety lest a good fire should spoil them, clean good table- linen, the furniture of the table and sideboard good of the kind without ostentation, and a well-dressed plain dinner, bespeak a sound judgment and correct taste in a private family, that place it on a footing of respectability with the first characters in the country. It is only conforming to our sphere, not vainly attempt- ing to be above it, that can command true respect. 1. Haunch. Explanation of the Plate. VENISON. 1 2. Neck. I 3. Shoulder. 4. Breast. Hind Quarter. Sirloin. Rump. Edge Bone. Buttock. Mouse Buttock. Veiny Piece. BEEF. 7. Thick Flank. 8. Thin Flank. 9. Leg. 10. Fore Rib ; five Ribs. Fore Quarter. 11. Middle Rib; four Ribs. 12. Chuck ; three Ribs. 13. Shoulder or Leg of Mutton Piece. 14. Brisket 15. Clod. 16. Neck or Sticking Piece. 17. Shin. 18. Cheek. 1. Loin, be^ End. 2. Loin, Chump End. 3. Fillet. 4. Hind Knuckle. 5. Fore Knuckle. VEAL. 6. Neck, best End. 7. Neck, Scrag End. 8. Blade Bone. 9. Breast, best End. 10. Breast, Brisket End, 1. Sparerib. 2. Hand. 3. Belly or Spring. PORK. 4. Fore Loin. 5. Hind Loin. 6. Ltg. MUTTON. 1. Leg. I 4. Neck, best End. | 7. Breast. 2. Loin, best End. | 5. Neck, Scrag End. | A Chine is two Loins. 3. Loin, Chump End. | 6. Shoulder. 1 A Saddle is two Necks, I THE COOK AND HOUSEKEEPER'S COMPLETE AND UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY. -•►-♦-^ Acid, lemon: a good substitute for this expensive article, suitable for soups, fish sauces, and many other purposes, may be made of a dram of lump sugar pounded, and six drops of lemon essence, to three ounces of crystal vinegar. The flavour of the lemon may also be communicated to the vinegar, by an infusion of lemon peel. ACIDS, to remove stains caused by acids. See Stains. ACCIDENTS BY FIRE. Much mischief frequently arises from the want of a little presence of mind on such occasions, when it is well known that a small quantity of water speedi- ly and properly applied, would ob- viate great danger. The moment an alarm of fire is given in a house, some blankets should be wetted in a tub of water, and spread on the floor of the room where the fire is, and the flames beaten out with a wet blanket. Two or three pails of water thus applied, will be more effectual than a larger quantity poured on in the usual way, and at a later period. If a chimney be on fire, the readiest way is to cover the whole front of the fire-place with a wet blanket, or thrust it into the throat of the chim- ney, or make a complete inclosure with the chimney-board. By what- ever means the current of air can be stopped below, the burning soot will be put out as rapidly as a candle is by an extinguisher, and upon the same principle. A quantity of salt thrown into water will increase its power in quenching the flames, and muddy water is better for this pur- pose than clear water. Children, and especially females, should be in- formed, that as flame tends upward, it is extremely improper for them to stand upright, in case their clothes take fire ; and as the accident ge- nerally begins with the lower part of the dress, the flames meeting ad- ditional jftiel as they rise, become more fatal, and the upper part of the body necessarily sustains the greatest injury. If there be no as- sistance at hand in a case of this kind, the sufl'erer should instantly throw herself down, and roll or lie upon her clothes. A carpet, hearth rug, or green baize table cloth, quickly wrapped round the head and body, will be an efl'ectual preserva- tive ; but where these are notat hand, the other method may easily be adopt- ed. The most obvious means of pre- venting the female dress from catch- ing fire, is that of wire fenders of sufliicient height to hinder the coals and sparks from flying into the room ; and nurseries in particular should ne- ver be without them. Destructive fires often happen from the thoughtless- ness of persons leaving a poker in the grate, which afterward falls out and rolls on the floor or carpet. This evil may in a great measure be prevented by having a small cross of iron weld- E ' 1 AD U A I R ed on the poker, immediately above the square part, about an inch and a half each way. Then if the poker slip out of the fire, it will probably catch at the edge of the fender ; or if not, it cannot endanger the floor, as the hot end of the poker will be kept from it by resting on the cross. In cases of extreme danger, where the fire is raging in the lower part of the house, a Fire Escape is of great im- portance. But where this article is too expensive, or happens not to be provided, a strong rope should be fastened to something in an upper apartment, having knots or resting places for the hands and feet, that in case of alarm it may be thrown out of the window ; or if children and infirm persons were secured by a noose at the end of it, they might be lowered down in safety. No fa- mily occupying lofty houses in con- fined situations ought to be without some contrivance of this sort, and which may be provided at a very trifling expense. Horses are often so intimidated by fire, that they have pe- rished before they could be removed from the spot ; but if a bridle or a halter be put upon them, they might be led out of the stable as easily as on common occasions. Or if the harness be thrown over a draught horse, or the saddle placed on the back of a saddle horse, the same object may be accomplished. ADULTERATIONS in baker's bread may be detected,* by mixing it with lemon juice or strong vinegar : if the bread contains chalk, whiting, or any other alkali, it will immedi- ately produce a fermentation. If ashes, alum, bones, or jalap be sus- pected, slice the crumb of a loaf very thin, set it over the fire with water, and let it boil gently a long time. Take it off", pour the water into a vessel, and let it stand till nearly cold ; then pour it gently out, and in the sediment will be seen the ingredients which have been mixed. The alum will l>e dissolved in the 2 water, and may be extracted from it. If jalap has been used, it will form a thick film on the top, and the heavy ingredients will sink to the bottom. See Beer, Flour, Spi- rits, Wine. AGUE. Persons afflicted with the ague ought in the first instance to take an emetic, and a little opening medicine. During the shaking fits, drink plenty of warm gruel, and af- terwards take some powder of bark steeped in red wint. Or mix thirty grains of snake root, forty of worm- wood, and half an ounce of Jesuit's bark powdered, in half a pint of port wine : put the whole into a bottle, and shake it well together Take one fourth part first in the morning, and another at bed time, when the fit is over, and let the dose be often re- peated, to prevent a return of the complaint. If this should not suc- ceed, mix a quarter of an ounce each of finely powdered Peruvian bark, grains of paradise, and long pepper, in a quarter of a pound of treacle. Take a third part of it as soon as the cold fit begins, and wash it down with a glass of bran- dy. As the cold fit goes off', and the fever approaches, take a se- cond third part, with the like quan- tity of brandy ; and on the follow- ing morning fasting, swallow the re- mainder, with the same quantity of brandy as before. Three doses of this excellent electuary have cured hundreds of persons, and seldom been known to fail. To children un- der nine years of age, only half the above quantity must be given. Try also the following experiment. When the cold fit is on, take an tt^g beaten up in a glass of brandy, and go to bed directly. This very simple re- cipe has proved successful in a num- ber of instances, where more cele-. brated preparations have failed. AIR. Few persons are sufficient-* ly aware, that an unwholesome air is the common cause of disease. They generally pay some attention AIR A I R |o what they eat and drink, but sel- dom regard what goes into the lungs, though the latter often proves more fatal than the former. Air vitiated by the different processes of respi- ration, combustion, and putrefaction, or which is suffered to stagnate, is highly injurious to health, and pro- ductive of contagious disorders. Whatever greatly alters its degree of heat or cold, also renders it un- wholesome. If too hot, it produces bilious and inflammatory affections : if too cold, it obstructs perspiration, and occasions rheumatism, coughs, and colds, and other diseases of the throat and breast. A damp air dis- poses the body to agues, intermitting fevers, and dropsies, and should be studiously avoided. Some careful housewives, for the sake of bright and polished stoves, frequently ex- pose the health of the family in an improper manner ; but fires should always be made, if in the height of summer, when the weather is wet or cold, to render the air wholesome ; and let the fire-irons take care of themselves. No house can be whole- some, unless the air has a free pas- sage through it : dwellings ought therefore to be daily ventilated, by opening the windows and admitting a current of fresh air into every room. Instead of making up beds as soon as people rise out of them, a prac- tice much too common, they ought to be turned down, and exposed to dry fresh air from the open windows. This would expel any noxious va- pours, and promote the health of the family. Houses surrounded with high walls, trees, or plantations, are rendered unwholesome. Wood, not only obstructs the free current of air, but sends forth exhalations, which render it damp and unhealthy. Houses situated on low ground, or near lakes and ponds of stagnant water, are the same : the air is charged with putrid exhalations, which produce the most malignant effects. Persons oblisjcd to occupy such situations should live well, and pay the strictest regard to cleanli- ness. The effluvia arising from church-yards and other burying grounds is very infectious ; and pa- rish churches, in which many corpses are interred, become tainted with an atmosphere so corrupt, especially in the spring, when the ground begins to grow warm, that it is one of the principal sources of putrid fevers, which so often prevail at that season of the year. Such places ought to be kept perfectly clean, and frequently ventilated, by opening opposite doors and windows ; and no human dwell- ing should be allowed in the imme- diate vicinity of a burying ground.— The air of large towns and cities is greatly contaminated, by being re- peatedly respired ; by the vapours arising from dirty streets, the smoke of chimneys, and the innumerable putrid substances occasioned by the crowd of inhabitants. Persons of a delicate habit should avoid cities as they would the plague ; or if this be impracticable, they should go abroad as much as possible, fre- quently admit fresh air into their rooms, and be careful to keep them very clean. If they can sleep in the country, so much the better, as breathing free air in the night will in some degree make up for the want of it in the day time. Air which stagnates in mines, wells, and cellars, is extremely noxious ; it kills nearly as quick as lightning, and ought therefore to be carefully avoided. Accidents occasioned by foul air might often be prevented, by only letting down into such places a light- - ed candle, and forbearing to enter when it is perceived to go out. The foul air may be expelled by leaving the place open a suflicient time, or pouring into it a quantity of boiling water. Introducing fresh air into confined rooms and places, by means of ventilators, is one of the most im- portant of modern improvements.— Dvcrs, gilders, plumbers, refiners 3 ALA A LA of metals, and artisaus employed over or near a charcoal fire, are ex- posed to great danger from the viti- ated state of the air. To avert the injury to which their lungs arei;hus exposed, it would be proper to place near them a flat open vessel filled with lime water, and to renew it as often as a variegated film appears on the surface. This powerfully at- tracts and absorbs the noxious ef- fluvia emitted by the burning char- coal. — But if fresh air be necessary for those in health, much more so for the sick, who often lose their lives for want of it. The notion that sick people require to be kept hot is very common, but no less dangerous, for no medicine is so beneficial to them as fresh air, in ordinary cases, especially if administered with pru- dence. Doors and windows are not to be opened at random ; but the air should be admitted gradually, and chiefly by opening the windows of some other apartment which com- municates with the sick room. The air may likewise be purified by wet- ting a cloth in water impregnated with quick lime, then hanging it in the room till it becomes dry, and re- moving it as often as it appears ne- cessary. In chronic diseases, espe- cially those of the lungs, where there is no inflammation, a change of air is much to be recommended. In- dependently of any other circum- stance, it has often proved highly beneficial; and such patients have breathed more freely, even though removed to a damp and confined si- tuation. In short, fresh air contains the vitals of health, and must be sought for in every situation, as the only medium of human existence. ALABASTER. The proper way of cleaning elegant chimney pieces, or other articles made of alabaster, is to reduce some pumice stone to a very fine powder, and mix it up with verjuice. Let it stand two hours, then dip into it a sponge, and rub the alabaster with it : wash it with fresh water and a linen cloth, and dry it with clean linen rags. ALAMODE BEEF. Choose a piece of thick flank of a fine heifer or ox. Cut some fat bacon into long slices nearly an inch thick, but quite free from yellow. Dip them into vine- gar, and then into a seasoning ready prepared, of salt, black pepper, all- spice, and a clove, all in fine powder, with parsley, chives, thyme, savoury, and knotted marjoram,^ shred as small as possible, and well mixed. With a sharp knife make holes deep enough to let in the larding ; then rub the beef over with the seasoning, and bind it up tight with a tape. Set it in a well tinned pot over a fire, or rather a stove ; three or four onions must be fried brown and put to the beef, with two or three carrots, one turnip, a head or two of celery, and a small quantity of water. Let it simmer gently ten or twelve hours, or till extremely tender, turning the meat twice. Put the gravy into a pan, remove the fat, keep the beef covered, then put them together, and add a glass of port wine. Take off the tape, and serve with vegetables ; or strain them off, and cut them into dice for garnish. Onions roasted, and then stewed with the gravy, are a great improvement. A tea-cupful of vinegar should be stewed with the beef. — Another way is to take about eleven pounds of the mouse-buttock, or clod of beef, or a blade bone, or the sticking piece, and cut it into pieces of three or four ounces each. Put two or three ounces of beef drip- pings, and two large onions, into a large deep stewpan ; as soon as it is quite hot, flour the meat, put it into the stewpan, and keep stirring it with a wooden spoon. When it has been on about ten minutes, dredge it with flour, and keep doing so till you have stirred in as much as will thicken it. Then cover it with about a gallon of boiling water, adding it by degrees, and stirrmg it together. Skira it when it boils, and then put ALE A LM in a dram of ground black pepper, and two drams of allspice. Set the pan by the side of the fire, or at a distance over it, and let it stew very slowly for about three hours. When the meat is sufficiently tender, put it into a tureen, and send it to table with a nice sallad. ALE, allowing eight bushels of malt to the hogshead, should be brewed in the beginning of March. Pour on at once the whole quantity of hot water, not boiling, and let it infuse three hours close covered. Mash it in the first half hour, and let it stand the remainder of the time. Run it on the hops, half a pound to the bushel, previously in- fused in water, and boil them with the wort two hours. Cool a pailful after it has boiled, add to it two quarts of yeast, which will prepare it for putting to the rest when ready, the same night or the next day. When tunned, and the beer has done working, cover the bung-hole with paper. If the working requires to be stopped, dry a pound and a half of hops before the fire, put them in- to the bung-hole, and fasten it up. Ale should stand twelve months in casks, and twelve in bottles, before it be drank ; and if well brewed, it will keep and be very fine for eight or ten years. It will however be ready for use in three or four months ; and if the vent-peg be never removed , it will have strength and spirit to the very last. But if bottled, great care must be taken to have the bottles perfectly sweet and clean, and the corks of the best quality. If the ale requires to be refined, put two ounces of isinglass shavings to soak in a quart of the liquor, and beat it with a whisk every day till dissolved. Draw off a third part of the cask, and mix the above with it : likewise a quarter of an ounce of pearl ashes, one ounce of salt of tartar calcined, and one ounce of burnt alum pow- dered. Stir it well, then return the liquor into the cask, and stir it with a clean stick. Stop it up, and in a few days it will be fine. See Beer, Brewing. ALE POSSET. Beat up the yolks of ten eggs, and the whites of four ; then put them into a quart of cream, mixed with a pint of ale. Grate some nutmeg into it, sweeten it with sugar, set it on the fire, and keep it stirring. When it is thick, and be- fore it boils, take it off, and pour it into a china bason. This is called King William's Posset. A very good one may however be made by warm- ing a pint of milk, with a bit of white bread in it, and then warming a pint of ale with a little sugar and nutmeg. When the milk boils, pour it upon the ale ; let it stand a few minutes to clear, and it will make a fine cor- dial. ALEGAR. Take some good sweet wort before it is hopped, put it into a jar, and a little yeast when it be- comes lukewarm, and cover it over. In three or four days it will have done fermenting ; set it in the sun, and it will be fit for use in three or four months, or much sooner, if fer- mented with sour yeast, and mixed with an equal quantity of sour ale. ALLSPICE, used as an essence, is made of a dram of the oil of pimen- to, apothecaries' measure, mixed by degrees with two ounces of strong spirits of wine. The tincture, which has a finer flavour than the essence, is made of three ounces of bruised allspice, steeped in a quart of bran- dy. Shake it occasionally for a fort- night, and then pour off the clear liquor. A few drops of either will be a grateful addition to a pint of gravy, or mulled wine, or in any case where allspice is used. ALMOND BISCUITS. Blanch a quarter of a pound of sweet al- monds, and pound them fine in a mortar, sprinkling them from time to time with a little fine sugar. Then beat them a quarter of an hour with an ounce of flour, the yolks of three eggs, and four ounces of fine sugar, 5 ALM ALM adding afterward the whites of four eggs whipped to a froth. Prepare some paper moulds like boxes, about the length of two fingers square ; but- ter them within, and put in the bis- cuits, throwing over them equal quantities of flour and powdered sugar. Bake them in a cool oven ; and when of a good colour, take them out of the papers. Bitter almond biscuits are made in the same manner, except with this difference ; that to every two ounces of bitter almonds must be added an ounce of sweet almonds. ALMOND CHEESECAKES. Blanch and pound four ounces of al- monds, and a few bitter ones, with a spoonful of water. Add four ounces of pounded sugar, a spoonful of cream, and the whites of two eggs well beat- en. Mix all as quick as possible, put it into very small pattipans, and bake in a tolerable warm oven, under twenty minutes. Or blanch and pound four ounces of almonds, with a little orange-flower or rose-water ; then stir in the yolks of six and the whites of three eggs well beaten, five ounces of butter warmed, the peel of a lemon grated, and a little of the juice, sweetened with fine moist sugar. When well mixed, bake in a delicate paste, in small pans. Ano- ther way is, to press the whey from as much curd as will make two dozen t^ small cheesecakes. Then put the curd on the back of a sieve, and with half an ounce of butter rub it through with the back of a spoon ; put to it six yolks and three whites of eggs, and a few bitter almonds pounded, with as much sugar as will sweeten the curd. Mix with it the grated rind of a lemon, and a glass of bran- dy ; put a puff-paste into the pans, and ten minutes will bake them. iVLMOND CREAM. Beat in a mortar four ounces of sweet almonds, and a few bitter ones, with a tea- spoonful of water to prevent oiling, both having first been blanched. Put the paste to a quart of cream, Q and add the juice of three lemons sweetened ; beat it with a whisk to a froth, which take off on the shal- low part of a sieve, and fill the glass- es with some of the liquor and the froth. ALMOND CUSTARD. Blanch and beat four ounces of almonds fine, with a spoonful of water. Beat a pint of cream with two spoonfuls of rose-water, put them to the yolks of four eggs, and as much sugar as will make it tolerably sweet. Then add the almonds, stir it all over a slow fire till of a proper thickness, with- out boiling, and pour it into cups. ALMOND JUMBLES. Rib half a pound of butter into a pound; of fiour, with half a pound of loaf sugar powdered, a quarter of a pound of almonds beat fine with rose-water, the yolks of two eggs, and two spoon- fuls of cream. Make them all into a paste, roll it into any shape, and bake on tins. Ice them with a mix- ture of fine sugar, rose-water, and the white of an egg, beat up toge- ther, and lay the icing on with a fea- ther, before the jumbles are put into the oven. ALMOND PUDDINGS. Beat half a pound of sweet and a few bit- ter almonds with a spoonful of water ; then mix four ounces of butter, four eggs, two spoonfuls of cream, warm with the butter, one of brandy, a little nutmeg and sugar to taste. But- ter some cups, half fill them, and bake the puddings. Serve with but- ter, wine, and sugar. — For baked almond puddings, beat a quarter of a pound of sweet and a few bitter almonds with a little wine, the yolks of six eggs, the peel of two lemons grated, six ounces of butter, nearly a quart of cream, and the juice of one lemon. When well mixed, bake it half an hour, with paste round the dish, and serve it with pudding sauce. Small almond puddings are made of eight ounces of almonds, and a few bitter ones, pounded with a spoonful of water. Then mix four ounces of AME A NC butter warmed, four yolks and two whites of eggs, sugar to taste, two spoonfuls of cream, and one of bran- dy. Mix it together well, and bake in little cups buttered. ALMONDS BURNT. Add three quarters of a pound of loaf sugar to a pound of almonds, picked and cleaned, and a few spoonfuls of wa- ter. Set them on the fire, keep them stirring till the sugar is candied, and they are done. ALMONDS ICED. Make an iceing similar to that for twelfth-night cakes, with fine sifted loaf sugar, orange-flower water, and whisked white of eggs. Having blanched the almonds, roll them well in this iceing, and dry them in a cool oven. AMBER PUDDING. Put a pound of butter into a saucepan, with three quarteis of a pound of loaf sugar finely powdered. Melt the butter, and mix well with it ; then add the yolks of fifteen eggs well beaten, and as much fresh candied orange as will add colour and flavour to it, being first beaten to a fine paste. Line the dish with paste for turning out ; and when filled with the above, lay a crust over as you would a pie, and bake it in a slow oven. This makes a fine pudding as good cold as hot. AMERICAN CAKES, though but little known in this country, form an article of some importance in do- mestic economy: they are cheap, easily made, and very nutritious. Mix a quarter of a pound of butter with a pound of flour ; then, having dissolved and well stirred a quarter of a pound of sugar in half a pint of milk, and made a solution of about half a tea-spoonful of crystal of soda, salt of tartar, or any other purified potash, in half a tea-cupful of cold water, pour them also among the flour ; work up the paste to a good consistence, roll it out, and form it into cakes or biscuits. The light- ness of these cakes depending much on the expedition with which they are baked, they should be set m a brisk oven. AMERICAN SPRUCE. In the spring of the year, this valuable ex- tract is obtained from the young shoots and tops of the pine or fir trees; and in autumn, from their cones. These are merely boiled in water, to the consistence of honey or molasses. The bark and softer part of the tops and young shoots, being easily dissolved, make the finest es- sence; while the cones and bark of larger branches, undergoing only a partial so-lution, form an inferior article, after being strained from the dregs. Both sorts, when decanted » clear off, are put up in casks or bot- tles, and preserved for making spruce beer. ANCHOVIES. These delicate fish are preserved in barrels with bay salt, and no other of the finny tribe has so fine a flavour. Choose those which look red and mellow, and the bones moist and oily. They should be high-flavoured, and have a fine smell ; but beware of their being mixed with red paint, to im- prove their colour and appearance. When the liquor dries, pour on them some beef brine, and keep the jar close tied down with paper and lea- ther. Sprats are sometimes sold for anchovies, but by washing them the imposition may be detected. See ANCHOVY ESSENCE. Chop two dozen of anchovies, without ^^ bone, add some of their own liqJror strained, and sixteen large spoon- fuls of water. Boil them gently till dissolved, which will be in a few minutes ; and when cold, strain and bottle the liquor. The essence can generally be bought cheaper than you can make it. ANCHOVY PASTE. Pound them in a mortar, rub the pulp through a fine sieve, pot it, cover it with clari- fied butter, and keep it in a cool place. The paste may also be made 7 ANG AN G by rubbing- the essence with as much flour as will make a paste ; but this is only intended for immediate use, and will not keep. This is sometimes made stiffer and hotter, by the ad- dition of a little flour of mustard, a pickled walnut, spice, or cayenne. ANCHOVY POWDER. Pound the fish in a mortar, rub them through a sieve, make them into a paste with dried flour, roll it into thin cakes, and dry them in a Dutch oven before a slow fire. To this may be added a small portion of cayenne, grated lemon peel, and citric acid. Pounded to a fine powder, and put into a well- stopped bottle, it will keep for years. It is a very savoury relish, sprinkled on bread and butter for a sandwich. ANCHOVY SAUCE. Chop one or two anchovies without washing, put them into a saucepan with flour and butter, and a spoonful of water. Stir it over the fire till it boils once or twice. When the anchovies are good, they will soon be dissolved, and distinguished both by their colour and fragrance. ANCHOVY TOAST. Bone and skin six or eight anchovies, pound them to a mass with an ounce of fine butter till the colour is equal, and then spread it on toast or rusks. Or, cut thin slices of bread, and fry them in clarified butter. Wash three an- chovies split, pound them in a mor- tar with a little fresh butter, rub them tlm)ugh a hair sieve, and spread on t!rc toast when cold. Garnish with parsley or pickles. ANGELICA TARTS. Take an equal quantity of apples and angelica, pare and peel them, and cut them separately into small pieces. Boil the apples gently in a little water, with fine sugar and lemon peel, till they become a thin syrup : then boil the angelica about ten minutes. Put some paste at the bottom of the pattipans, with alternate layers of apples and angelica : pour in some of the svrup, 8 put on the lid, and bake them care- fully. ANGLING APPARATUS. Fish- ing rods should be oiled and dried in the sun, to prevent their being worm eaten, and render them tough ; and if the joints get swelled and set fast, turn the part over the flame of a can-' die, and it will soon be set at liberty. Silk or hemp lines dyed in a decoc- tion of oak bark, will render them more durable and capable of resisting the wet; and after they have been used they should be well dried be- fore they are wound up, or they will be liable to rot. To make a cork float, take a good new cork, and pass a small red-hot iron through the centre of it lengthways ; then round one end of it with a sharp knife, and reduce the other to a point, resem- bling a small peg top. The quill which is to pass through it may be secured at the bottom by putting in a little cotton wool and sealing wax, and the upper end is to be fitted with a piece of hazel like a plug, cemented like the other, with a piece of wire on the top formed into an eye, and two small hoops cut from another quill to regulate the line which passes through the float. To render it the more visible, the cork may be colour- ed with red wax. For fly fishing, either natural or artificial flies may be used, especially such as are found under hollow stones by the river's side, on the trunk of an oak or ash, on hawthorns, and on ant hills. In clear water the angler may use small flies with slender wings, but in mud- dy water a large fly is better : in a clear day the fly should be light co- loured, and in dark water the fly should be dark. The rod and line require to be long ; the fly when fas- tened to the hook should be allowed to float gently on the surface of the water, keeping the line from touching it, and the angler should stand as far as may be from the water s edge with the sun at his back, having a watchful ANT AFP eye and a quick hand. Fish may be intoxicated "and taken in the follow- , ing manner. Take an equal quantity of cocculus indicus, coriander, fenu- greek, and cummin seeds, and reduce them to a powder. INIake it into a paste with rice flour and water, roll it up into pills as large as peas, and throw them into ponds or rivers which abound with fish. After eat- ing the paste, the fish will rise to the surface of the w^ater almost motion- less, and may be taken out by the hand. ANTIDOTE to opium or lauda- num. The deleterious effects of opi- um, which are so often experienced in the form of laudanum, may in great measure be counteracted by taking a proper quantity of lemon juice im- mediately afterwards. Four grains of opium, or a hundred drops of laudanum, are often sufficient for a fatal dose ; but if an ounce of pure lemon juice, or twice that quantity of good vinegar be added to every grain of opium, or every twenty-five drops of laudanum, it will relieve both the head and the bowels ; and the use of vegetable acids cannot be too strong- ly recommended to those who are under the necessity of taking con- siderable doses of opiates. ANTS. Though it does not be- come us to be prodigal of life in any form, nor wantonly to seek its extinc- tion, yet where any species of ani- mals are found to be really noxious or annoying, the good of man re- quires that they should be destroyed. Houses are sometimes so infested with ants, that they are not to be endured. In this case, sprinkle the places they frequent with a strong decoction of walnut-tree leaves ; or f , take half a pound of sulphur, and a quarter of a pound of potash, and dissolve them together over the fire. Afterwards beat them to a powder, add some water to it; and when sprinkled, the ants will either die or leave the place. When they are found to traversegarden walls orhot-houses, and to injure the fruit, several holes should be drilled in the ground with an iron crow, close to the side of the wall, and as deep as the soil wilj ad- mit. The earth being stirred, the insects w ill begin to move about : the sides of the holes are then to be made smooth, so that the ants may fall ir as soon as they approach, and thej will be unable to climb upwards. Water being then poured on them, great numbers may easily be destroy- ed. The same end may be answered by strewing a mixture of quick lime and soot along such places as are much frequented by the ants ; or by adding water to it, and pouring it at the roots of trees infested by them. To prevent their descending from a tree which they visit, it is only ne- cessary to mark with a piece of com- mon chalk a circle round its trunk, an inch or two broad, and about two feet from the ground. This experi- ment should be performed in dry weather, and the ring must be re- newed : as soon as the ants arrive at it, not one of them will attempt to cross over. — Ant hills are very in* jurious in dry pastures, not only by wasting the soil, but yielding a per- nicious kind of grass, and impeding the operation of the scythe. The turf of the ant hill should be pared off, the core taken out and scattered at a distance ; and when the turf is laid down again, the place should be left lower than the ground around it, that when the wet settles into it, the ants may be prevented from return- ing to their haunt. The nests may more effectually be destroyed by putting quick lime into them, and pouring on some water ; or by put- ting in some night soil, and closing it up. APPLE TREES may be preserved from the innumerable insects with which they are annoyed, by painting the stems and branches with a thick wash of lime and water, as soon as the sap begins to rise. This will be found, in the course of the ensuing c «/ if* APP APP summer to have removed all the moss and insects, and given to the bark ^ fresh and green appearance. Other fruit trees may be treated in the same manner, and they will soon become more healthy and vigorous. Trees exposed to cattle, hares and rabbits, may be preserved from these depre- dators, without the expense of fence or rails, by any of the following ex- periments. Wash the stems of the trees or plants to a proper height with tanner's liquor, or such as they use for dressing hides. If this does not succeed, make a mixture of night soil, lime and water, and brush it on ^e stems and branches, two or three times in a year : this will effectually preserve the trees from being barked. A mixture of fresh cow dung and urine has been found to answer the same purpose, and also to destroy the canker, which is so fatal to the growth of trees. APPLES are best preserved from frost, by throwing over them a linen cloth before the approach of hard, weather: woollen will not answer the purpose. In this manner they are kept in Germany and in America, during the severest winters ; and it is probable that potatoes might be preserved in the same way. Apples may also be kept till the following summer by j)utting them into a dry jar, with a few pebbles at the bot- tom to imbibe the moisture which would otherwise destroy the fruit, and then closing up the jar carefully with a lid, and a little fresh water round the edge. APPLES DRIED. Put them in a cool oven six or seven times ; and when soft enough to bear it, let them be gently flattened by degrees. If the oven be too warm they will waste ; and at first it should be very cool. The biffin, the minshul crab, or any tart apples, are the best for drying. APPLE DUMPLINGS. Pare and slice some apples, line a bason with a thin paste, till it with the fruit, and close the paste over. Tie a cloth 10 tight over, and boil the dumpling till the fruit is done. Currant and dam- son puddings are prepared in the same way. APPLE FOOL. Stew some ap- ples in a stone jar on a stove, or in a saucepan of water over the fire : if the former, a large spoonful of water should be added to the fruit. When reduced to a pulp, peel and press them through a cullendar ; boil a sufficient quantity of new milk, and a tea-cupful of raw cream, or an egg instead ( f the latter, and leave the liquor to cool. Then mix it gradu- ally with the pulp, and sweeten the whole w ith fine moist sugar. APPLE FRITTERS. Pare some apples, and cut them into thin slices ; put a spoonful of light batter into a frying-pan, then a layer of apples, and another spoonful of batter. Fry them to a light brown, and serve with grated sugar over them. APPLE JELLY. Prepare twenty golden pippins, boil them quite ten- der in a pint and a half of spring water, and strain the pulp through a cullendar. To every pint add a a pound of fine sugar, with grated orange or lemon peel, and then boil the whole to a jelly. Or, having prepared the apples by boiling and straining them through a coarse sieve, get ready an ounce of isinglass boiled to a jelly in half a pint of water, and mix it with the apple pulp. Add some sugar, a little lemon juice and peel ; boil all together, take out the peel, and put the jelly into a dish, to serve at table. — When apple jelly is required for preserving apricots, or any sort of sweetmeats, a differ- ent process is observed. Apples are to be pared, quartered and cored, and put into a stewpan, with as much water as will cover them. Boil them to a mash as quick as possible, and add a quantity of water ; then boil half an hour more, and run it through a jelly bag. If in summer, codlins are best : in autumn, golden rennets or winter pippins. — Re(/ APP A PP apples in jelly are a different pre- paration. These must be pared and cored, and thrown into water ; then put them in a preserving pan, and let them coddle with as little water as will only half cover them. Ob- serve that they do not lie too close when first put in ; and when the under side is done, turn them. Mix some pounded cochineal with the water, and boil with the fruit. When sufficiently done, take them out on the dish they are to be served in, the stalk downwards. Make a rich jelly of the water with loaf sugar, boiling them with the thin rind and juice of a lemon. When cold, spread the jelly over the apples ; cut the lemon peel into narrow strips, and put them across the eye of the ap- ple. The colour should be kept fine from the first, or the fruit will not afterwards gain it ; and use as little of the cochineal as will serve, lest the syrup taste bitter. APPLE MARMALADE. Scald some apples till they come to a pulp ; then take an equal weight of sugar in large lumps, just dip them in wa- ter, and boil the sugar till it can be well skimmed, and is reduced to a thick syrup. Put it to the pulp, and simmer it on a quick fire a quar- ter of an hour. Grate a little lemon peel before boiling, but if too much it will be bitter. APPLE PASTY. Make a hot crust of lard or dripping, roll it out warm, cover it with apples pared and sliced, and a little lemon peel and moist sugar. Wet the edges of the crust, close it up well, make a few holes in the top, and bake it in a moderate oven. Gooseberries may be done in the same way. APPLE PIE. Pare and core the fruit, after being wiped clean ; then boil the cores and parings in a little water, till it tastes well. Strain the liquor, add a little sugar, with a bit of bruised cinnamon, and simmer again. Meantime place the apples in a dish, a paste being put round the edge ; when one layer is in, sprinkle half the sugar, and shred lemon peel ; squeeze in some of the juice, or a glass of cider, if the ap- ples have lost their spirit. Put in the rest of the apples, the sugar, and the liquor which has been boiled. If the pie be eaten hot, put some butter into it, quince marmalade, orange paste or cloves, to give it a flavour. APPLE POSTILLA. Bake cod- lins, or any other sour apples, but without burning them ; pulp them through a sieve into a bowl, and beat them for four hours. Sweeten the fruit with honey, and beat it fotir hours more ; the longer it is beaten the better. Pour a thin layer of the mixture on a cloth spread over a tray, and bake it in a slow oven, with bits of wood placed under the tray. If not baked enough on one side, set it again in the oven ; and when quite done, turn it. Pour on it a fresh lay er of the mixture,andpi'oceed with it in liko manner, till the whole is properly baked. Apple postilla is also made by peeling the apples and taking out the cores after they are baked, sweetening with sugar, and beating it up with a wooden spoon till it is all of a froth. Then put it on two trays, and bake it for two hours in an oven moderately hot. After this another layer of the beaten apples is added, and pounded loaf sugar spread over. Sometimes a still finer sort is made, by beating yolks of eggs to a froth, and then mixing it with the apple juice. APPLE PUDDING. Butter a baking dish, put in the batter, and the apples whole, without being cut or pared, and bake in a quick oven. If the apples be pared, they will mix with the batter while in the oven, and make the pudding soft. Serve it up with sugar and butter. For a superior pudding, grate a pound of pared apples, work it up with six ounces of butter, four eggs, grated lemon peel, a little sugar and 11 APP APR brandy. Line the dish with good paste, strew over it bits of candied peel, put in the pudding, and bake it half an hour. A little lemon juice may be added, a spoonful of bread crumbs, or two or three Naples bis- cuits. Another way is, to pare and quarter four large apples, boil them tender, with the rind of a lemon, in so little water that it may be exhaust- ed in the boiling. Beat the apples line in a mortar, add the crumb of a small roll, four ounces of melted butter, the yolks of five and the whites of three eggs, the juice of half a lemon, and sugar to taste. Beat all together, and lay it in a dish with paste to turn out, after baking. APPLE PUFFS. Pare the fruit, and either stew them in a stone jar on a hot hearth, or bake them. When cold, mix the pulp of the ap- ple with sugar and lemon peel shred fine, taking as little as possible of the apple juice. Bake them in thin paste, in a quick oven : if small, a quarter of an hour will be sufficient. Orange or quince marmalade is a great improvement ; cinnamon pounded, or orange flower-water, will make an agreeable change. APPLE SAUCE. Pare, core, and slice some apples ; put them in a stone jar, into a saucepan of water, or on a hot hearth. If the latter, put in a spoonful or two of water, to prevent burning. When done, mash them up, put in a piece of butter the size of a nutmeg, and a little brown sugar. Serve it in a sauce tureen, for goose and roast pork. APPLE TRIFLE. Scald some apples, pass them through a sieve, and make a layer of the pulp at the bottom of a dish ; mix the rind of half a lemon grated, and sweeten with sugar. Or mix half a pint of milk, half a pint of cream, and the yolk of an egg. Scald it over the fire, and stir it all the time without boiling ; lay it over the apple pulp with a spoon, and put on it a whip prepared the day before. APPLE WATER. Cut two large apples in slices, and pour a quart of boiling water on them, or on roasted apples. Strain it well, and sweeten it lightly. When cold, it is an agree- able drink in a fever. APPLE WINE. To every gallon of apple juice, immediately as it comes from the press, add two pounds of lump sugar ; boil it as long as any scum rises, then strain it through a sieve, and let it cool. Add some yeast, and stir it well ; let it work in the tub for two or three weeks, or till the head begins to flatten ; then skim off^ the head, draAv ofl* the liquor clear, and tun it. When made a year, rack it ofl", and fine it with isinglass. To every eight gallons add half a pint of the best rectified spirits of wine, or a pint of brandy. APRICOTS DRIED. Pare thin and halve four pounds of apricots, put them in a dish, and strew among them three pounds of fine loaf-sugar powdered. When the sugar melts, set the fruit over a stove to do very gently ; as each piece becomes ten- der, take it out, and put it into a china bowl. When all are done, and the boiling heat a little abated, pour the syrup over them. In a day or two remove the syrup, leaving only a little in each half. In a clay or two more turn them, and so con- tinue daily till quite dry, in the sun or in a warm place. Keep the apri- cots in boxes, with layers of fine paper. APRICOTS PRESERVED. There are various ways of doing this : one is by steeping them in brandy. Wipe, weigh, and pick the fruit, and have ready a quarter of the weight of loaf sugar in fine powder. Put the fruit into an ice-pot that shuts very close, throw the sugar over it, and then cover the fruit with brandy. Be- tween the top and cover of the pot, fit in a piece of thick writing paper. Set the pot into a saucepan of water, and heat it without boiling, till the brandy be as hot as vou can bear APR A RO your finger in it. Put the fruit into ajar, and pour the brandy on it. When cold, put a bladder over, and tie it down tight. — Apricots may al- so be preserved in jelly. Pare the fruit very thin, and stone it ; weigh an equal quantity of sugar in tine powder, and strew over it. Next day boil very gently till they are clear, remove them into a bowl, and pour in the liquor. The follow- ing day, mix it with a quart of codlin liquor, made by boiling and straining, and a pound of fine sugar. Let it boil quickly till it comes to a jelly ; put the fruit into it, give it one boil, skim it well, and distribute into small pots. — A beautiful pre- serve may also be made in the fol- lowing manner. Having selected the finest ripe apricots, pare them as thin as possible, and weigh them. Lay them in halves on dishes, with the hollow part upwards. Prepare an equal weight of loaf sugar finely pounded, and strew it over them; in the mean time break the stones, and blanch the kernels. When the fruit has lain twelve hours, put it into a preserving pan, with the sugar and juice, and also the kernels. Let it simmer very gently till it becomes clear ; then take out the pieces of apricot singly as they are done, put them into small pots, and pour the syrup and kernels over them. The scum must be taken off as it rises, and the pots covered with brandy paper. — Green apricots are pre- served in a different way. Lay vine or apricot leaves at the bottom of the pan, then fruit and leaves alter- nately till full, the upper layer being thick with leaves. Then fill the pan with spring w ater, and cover it down, that no steam may escape. Set the pan at a distance from the fire, that in four or five hours the fruit may be soft, but not cracked. Make a thin syrup of some of the water, and drain the fruit. When both are cold, put the fruit into the pan, and the s^rup to it ; keep the pan at a pro- per distance from the fire till the apricots green, but on no account boil or crack them. Remove the fruit very carefully into a pan with the syrup for two or three days, then pour off as much of it as will be necessary, boil with more sugar to make a rich syrup, and add a little sliced ginger to it. When cold, and the thin syrup has all been drained from the fruit, pour the thick over it. The former will serve to sweeten pies. APRICOT CHEESE. Weigh atf equal quantity of pared fruit and sugar, wet the latter a very little, and let it boil quickly, or the colour will be spoiled. Blanch the kernels and add them to it : twenty or thirty minutes will boil it. Put it in small pots or cups half filled. APRICOT JAM. When the fruit is nearly ripe, pare and cut some in halves ; break the stones, blanch the kernels, and put them to the fruit. Boil the parings in a little water, and strain it: to a pound of fruit add three quarters of a pound of fine sifted sugar, and a glass of the water in which the parings were boiled. Stir it over a brisk fire till it becomes rather stiff: when cold, put apple jelly over the jam, and tie it down with brandy paper. APRICOT PUDDING. Halve twelve large apricots, and scald them till they are soft. Meanwhile pour on the grated crumbs of a penny loaf a pint of boiling cream ; when half cold, add four ounces of sugar, the yolks of four beaten eggs, and a glass of white wine. Pound the apricots in a mortar, with some or all of the kernels ; then mix the fruit and other ingredients together, put a paste round a dish, and bake the pudding in half an hour. AROMATIC VINEGAR. Mix with common vinegar a quantity of powdered chalk or whiting, sufficient to destroy the acidity ; and when the white sediment is formed, pour off the insipid liquor. The powder Hi ART ASP is then to be dried, and some oil of vitriol poured upon it, as long as white acid fumes continue to as- cend. This substance forms the essential ingredient, the fumes of which are particularly useful in pu- rifying rooms and places where any contagion is suspected. ARROW ROOT. This valuable article has often been counterfeited : the American is the best, and may generally be known by its colour and solidity. If genuine, the arrow root is very nourishing, especially for weak bowels. Put into a sauce- pan half a pint of water, a glass of sherry, or a spoonful of brandy, grated nutmeg, and fine sugar. Boil it up once, then mix it by degrees into a dessert-spoonful of arrow root, previously rubbed smooth with two spoonfuls of cold water. Return the whole into the saucepan, stir and boil it three minutes. ARSENIC. The fatal effects of mineral poisons are too often ex- perienced, and for want of timely assistance but seldom counteracted. Arsenic and other baleful ingredi- ents, if used for the destruction of vermin, should never be kept with common articles, or laid in the way of children. But if, unfortunately, this deadly poison should by some m^istake be taken inwardly, the most effectual remedy will be a table- spoonful of powdered charcoal, mix- ed with honey, butter, or treacle, and swallowed immediately. Two. hours afterwards, take an emetic or an opening draught, to cleanse away the whole from the stomach and bowels. The baneful effects of ver- digris, from the use of copper boilers and saucepans, may be counteracted by the same means, if resorted to in time, and no remedy is so likely to become effectual. ARTICHOKES. Soak them in cold water, wash them well, and boil them gently in plenty of water. If young, they will be ready in half an hour • if otherwise, they will not be 14 done in twice that time. The surest way to know when they are boiled enough is to draw out a leaf, and see whether they be tender ; but they cannot be properly boiled with- out much water, which tends also to preserve their colour. Trim and drain them on a sieve, serve with melted butter, pepper and salt, and small cups. ARTICHOKE BOTTOMS, if dri- ed, must be well soaked, and stewed in weak gravy. Or they may be boiled in milk, and served with cream sauce, or added to ragouts, French pies, Szc. If intended to keep in the winter, the bottoms must be slowly dried, and put into paper ASPARAGUS. Having carefully scraped the stalks till they appear white, and thrown them into cold water, tie them up in small bundles with tape, and cut the stalks of an equal length. Put them into a stew- pan of boiling water a little salted, and take them up as soon as they begin to be tender, or they will lose both their taste and colour. Mean- while make toasts well browned for the bottom of the dish, moisten them in the asparagus liquor, place them regularly, and pour on some melted butter. Then lay the asparagus on the toasts round the dish, with the heads united at the centre, but pour no butter over them. Serve with melted butter in a sauce tureen, and separate cups, that the company may season with salt and pepper to their taste. — As this vegetable is one of the greatest delicacies which the gar- den affords, no person should be un- acquainted with the means of pro- ducing it in constant succession. Toward the end of July, the stalks of the asparagus are to be cut down, and the beds forked up and raked smooth. If the weather be dry, they should be watered with the drain of a dunghill, and left rather hollow in the middle to retain the moisture. In about a fortnight the stalks will ASS AST begin to appear, and the watering should be continued once a week if the weather be dry. Asparagus may thus be cut till nea^ the end of Sep- tember, and then by making five or six hot-beds during the winter, a regular succession may be provided ^ for almost every month in the year. To obviate the objection of cutting the same beds twice a year, two or three others may be left uncut in the spring, and additional beds made for the purpose. The seed is cheap, and in most places the dung may be easily procured. There is no need to continue the old beds when they begin to fail ; it is better to make new ones, and to force the old roots by applying some rotten dung on the tops of the beds, and to sow seed every year for new plants. ASSES' MILK, so beneficial in consumptive cases, should be milked into a glass that is kept warm, by being placed in a bason of hot water. The fixed air that it contains some- times occasions pain in the stomach ; at first therefore a tea-spoonful of rum may be taken with it, but should only be put in the moment it is to be swallowed. The genuine milk far surpasses any imitation of it that can be made ; but a substitute may be found in the following compo- sition. Boil a quart of water with a quart of new milk, an ounce of white sugar-candy, half an ounce of eringo-root, and half an ounce of conserve of roses, till the quantity be half wasted. As this is an astrin- gent, the doses must be proportioned accordingly, and the mixture is wholesome only while it remains sweet. — Another way. Mix two spoonfuls of boiling water, two of milk, and an egg well beaten. Sweet- en with white sugar-candy pounded : J this may be taken twice or thrice a I and kept firm on the top by a stone being laid upon it. If the swarm be not very numerous, two or three boxes will be suflScient. They should be made of wood an inch thick, that the bees and wax may be less aflect- ed by the changes of the atmosphere. This hive is so easily constructed, that it is only necessary to join four boards together in the simplest man- ner ; and a little cement will cover all defects. Within the upper part of the boxes, two bars should be fixed across from one corner to ano- ther, to support the combs. At the lower end of each box in front, there must be an aperture, or door, about an inch and an half wide, and as high as is necessary for the bees to pass without obstruction. The lowest is to be left open as a passage for the bees, and the others are to be closed by a piece of wood fitted to the aperture. A hive thus constructed may be enlarged or diminished, ac- BEE BEE cording to the number of boxes ; and a communication ^ith the internal part can readily be effected by re- moving the cover. BEE HOUSE. An apiary or bee house should front the south, in a situation between the extremes of heat and cold. It should stand in a valley, that the bees may with greater ease descend loaded on their return to the hive ; and near a dwel- ling-house, but at a distance from noise and offensive smells ; surround- ed with a low wall, and in the vici- nity of shallow water. If there be no running stream at hand, they ought to be supplied with water in troughs or pans, with small stones laid at the bottom, that the bees may alight upon them and drink. They cannot produce either combs, honey, or food for their maggots, without water ; but the neighbour- hood of rivers or ponds with high banks ought to be avoided, or the bees will be blown into the water with high winds, and be drowned. Care should also be taken to place the hives in a neighbourhood which abounds with such plants as will supply the bees with food ; such as the oak, the pine, the willow, fruit trees, furze, broom, mustard, clover, heath, and thyme, particularly bo- rage, which produces an abundance of farina. The garden in which the bee house stands, should be well furnished with scented plants and flowers, and branchy shrubs, that it may be easy to hive the swarms which may settle on them. See Bees, Hiving, &c. BEEF. In every sort of provisions, the best of the kind goes the farthest ; it cuts out with most advantage, and affords most nourishment. The best way to obtain a good article is to deal with shops of established credit. You may perhaps pay a little more than by purchasing of those who pretend to sell cheap, but you will be more than in proportion better served. To prevent imposition more effectually, however, it is necessary to form our own judgment of the quality and value of the articles to be purchased. If the flesh of ox- beef is young, it will show a fine smooth open grain, be of a good red, and feel tender. The fat should look white rather than yellow, for when that is of a deep colour, the meat is seldom good. Beef fed with oil cakes is generally so, and the flesh is loose and flabby. The grain of cow-beef is closer, and the fat whiter, than that of ox-beef ; but the lean is not so bright a red. The grain of bull-beef is closer still, the fat hard and skinny, the lean of a deep red, and a stronger scent. Ox- beef is the reverse; it is also the richest and the largest ; but in small families, and to some tastes, heifer- beef as better still, if finely fed. In old meat there is a horny streak in the ribs of beef : the harder that is, the older : and the flesh is not finely flavoured. BEEF BOUILLI. A term given to boiled beef, which, according to the French fashion, is simmered over a slow fire, for the purpose of ex- tracting a rich soup, while at the same time the meat makes its ap- pearance at table, in possession of a full portion of nutricious succu- lence. This requires nothing more than to stew the meat very slowly, instead of keeping the pot quickly boiling, and taking up the beef as soon as it is done enough. Meat cooked in this manner, aflords much more nourishment than when dressed in the common way, and i« easy of digestion in proportion to its tender- ness. The leg or shin, or the mid- dle of a brisket of beef, weighing seven or eight pounds, is best adapt- ed for this purpose. Put it into a soup pot or deep stewpan with cold water enough to cover it, and a quart over. Set it on a quick fire to get the scum up, which remove as it rises ; then put in two carrots, two turnips, two leeks, or two large ^1 BEE tEt onions, two heads of celery, two or three cloves, and a faggot of parsley and sweet herbs. Set the pot by the side of the fire to simmer very gently, till the meat is just tender enough to eat : this will require four or five hours. When the beef is done, take it up carefully with a slice, cover it up, and keep it warm by the fire. Thicken a pint and a half of the beef liquor with three table spoonfuls of flour, season it with pepper, a glass of port wine or mushroom ketchup, or both, and pour it over the beef. Strain the soup through a hair sieve into a clean stewpan, take off the fat, cut the vegetables into small squares, and add them to the soup, the flavour of which may be heightened, by adding a table-spoonful of ketchup. BEEF BROTH. If intended for sick persons, it is better to add other kinds of meat, which render it more nourishing and better flavoured. Take then two pounds of lean beef, one pound of scrag of veal, one pound of scrag of mutton, some sweet herbs, and ten pepper corns, and put the whole into a nice tin sauce- pan, with five quarts of water. Simmer it to three quarts, clear it from the fat when cold, and add an onion if approved. If there be still any fat remaining, lay a piece of clean blotting or writing paper on the broth when in the bason, and it will take up every particle of the fat. BEEF CAKES, chiefly intended for a side-dish of dressed meat. Pound some beef that is under done, with a little fat bacon or ham. Sea- son with pepper, salt, a little shalot or garlick ; mix them well, and make the whole into small cakes three inches long, and half as wide and thick. Fry them to a light brown, and serve them in good thick gravy. BEEF CECILS. Mince some beef with crumbs of bread, a quantity of onions, some anchovies, lemon peel, salt, nutmeg, chopped parsley, pep- 22 per, and a bit of warmed butter. Mix these over the fire a few minutes : when cool enough, make them into balls of the size and shape of a tur- key's egg, with an egg. Sprinkle them with fine crumbs, fry them of a yellow brown, and serve with gravy, as for Beef Olives. BEEF COLLOPS. Cutthm slices of beef from the rump, or any other tender part, and divide them into pieces three inches long : beat them with the blade of a knife, and flour them. Fry the collops quick in but- ter two minutes ; then lay them into a small stewpan, and cover theni^ with a pint of gravy. Add a bit of butter rubbed in flour, pepper and salt, a little bit of shalot shred very fine, with half a walnut, four small pickled cucumbers, and a tea-spoon- ful of capers cut small. Be careful that the stew does not boil, and serve in a hot covered dish. BEEF FRICASSEE. Cut some thin slices of cold roast beef, shred a handful of parsley very small, cut an onion into quarters, and put tliem all together into a stewpan, with a piece of butter, and some strong broth. Season with salt and pepper, and simmer very gently for a quarter of an hour. Mix into it the yolks of two eggs, a glass of port win^^ and a spoonful of vinegar: stir it quick, rub the dish with shalot, and turn the fricassee into it. BEEF GRAVY. Cover the bot- tom of a stewpan, clean and well- tinned, with a slice of good ham or lean bacon, four or five pounds of gravy beef cut in pieces, an onion, a carrot, two cloves, and a head of celery. Add a pint of broth or wa- ter, cover it close, and simmer it till the liquor is nearly all exhausted. Turn it about, and let it brown slight- ly and equally all over, but do not suffer it to burn or stick to the pan, for that would spoil the gravy. Then put in three quarts of boiling water ; and when it boils up, skim it care- fully, and wipe off with a clean cloth BEE BEE what sticks round the ei\ge and in- side of the stewpan, that the gravy may be delicately clean and clear. Let it stew gently by the side of the fire for about four hours, till reduced to two quarts of good gravy. Take care to skim it well, strain it through silk or muslin, and set it in a cold place. BEEF HAMS. Cut the leg of beef like a ham ; and for fourteen pounds weight, mix a pound of salt, a pound of brown sugar, an ounce of saltpetre, and an ounce of bay ^It. Put it into the meat, turn and ioaste it every day, and let it lie a month in the pickle. Then take it out, roll it in bran, and smoke it. Afterwards hang it in a dry place, and cut off pieces to boil^u* broil it with poached eggs. ^ BEEF HASH. Cut some thin slices of beef that is underdone, with some of the fat ; put it into a small stewpan, with a little onion or sha- lot, a little water, pepper and salt. Add some of the gravy, a spoonful of vinegar, and of walnut ketchup : if shalot vinegar be used, there will be no need of the onion nor the raw shalot. The hash is only to be sim- mered till it is hot through, but not boiled : it is owing to the boiling of hashes and stews that they get hard. When the hash is well warmed up, pour it upon sippets of bread pre- viously prepared, and laid in a warm dish. BEEF HEART. Wash it care- fully, stuff it as a hare, and serve with rich gravy and currant-jelly sauce. Hash it with the same, and add a little port wine. BEEF OLIVES. Take some cold beef that has not been done enough, and cut slices half an inch thick, and four inches square. Lay on them a forcemeat of crumbs of bread, shalot, a little suet or fat, pepper and salt. Roll and fasten them with a small skewer, put them into a stew- pan with some gravy ^ade of the beef bones, or the gravy of the meat, and a spoonful or two of water, and stew them till tender. Beef olives may also be made of fresh meat. BEEF PALATES. Smimerthem in water several hours, till they will peel. Then cut the palates into slices, or leave them whole, and stew them in a rich gravy till they become as tender as possible. Season with cayenne, salt and ketchup : if the gravy was drawn clear, add also some butter and flour. If the pa- lates are to be dressed white, boil them in milk, and stew them in a fricasee sauce ; adding cream, but- ter, flour, mushroom powder, and a little pounded mace. BEEF PASTY. Bone a small rump or part of a sirloin of beef, after hanging several days. Beat it well with a rolling pin ; then rub ten pounds of meat with four ounces of sugar, and pour over it a glass of port, and the same of vinegar. Let it lie five days and nights ; wash and wipe the meat very dry, and season it high with pepper and salt, nutmeg and Jamaica pepper. Lay it in a dish, and to ten pounds add nearly one pound of butter, spread- ing it over the meat. Put a crust round the edges, and cover with a thick one, or it will be overdone be- fore the meat is soaked : it must be baked in a slow oven. Set the bones in a pan in the oven, with no more water than will cover them, and one glass of port, a little pepper and salt, in order to provide a little rich gravy to add to the pasty when drawn. It will be found that sugar gives more shortness and a better flavour to meat than salt, too great a quantity of which hardens ; and sugar is quite as good a preserva- tive. BEEF PATTIES. Shred some dressed beef under done, with a little fat; season with salt and pepper, and a little shalot or onion. Make a plain paste, roll it thin, and cut it in shape like an apple puff. Fill it with mince, pinch the edges, and fry 23 BEE BEE them of a nice brown. The paste should be made with a small quan- tity of butter, egg and milk. BEEF PIE. Season some cut- tings of beef with pepper and salt, put some puff paste round the in- side of the dish, and lay in the meat. Add some small potatoes, if ap- proved, fill up the dish with water, and cover it with the paste. BEEF PUDDING. Roll some fine steaks with fat between, and a very little shred onion. Lay a paste of suet in a bason, put in the rolled steaks, cover the bason with a paste, and pinch the edges to keep in the gravy. Cover with a cloth tied close, and let the pudding boil slowly a considerable time. — If for baking, make a batter of milk, two eggs and flour, or, which is much better, pota- toes boiled, and mashed through a cullender. Lay a little of it at the bottom of the dish, then put in the steaks prepared as above, and very well seasoned. Pour the remainder of the batter over them, and bake it. BEEF SANDERS. Mince some beef small, with onion, pepper and salt, and add a little gravy. Put it into scallop shells or saucers, mak- ing them three parts full, and fill them up with potatoes, mashed with a little cream. Put a bit of butter on the top, and brown them in an oven, or before the fire, or with a salamander. Mutton may be made into Sanders in the same way. BEEF SCALLOPS. Mince some beef fine, with onion, pepper and salt, and add a little gravy. Put the mince into scallop shells or saucers three parts full, and fill them up with potatoes, mashed with a little cream. Lay a bit of butter on the tops, and brown them in an oven, or before the fire. BEEF STEAKS. To have them fine, they should be cut from a rump that has hung a few days. Broil them over a very clear or charcoal fire ; put into the dish a little minced shalot, a table-spoonful of ketchup. 24 The steak should be turned often, that the gravy may not be drawn out on either side. This dish re- quires to be eaten so hot and fresh done, that it is not in perfection if served with any thing else. Pepper and salt should be added when tak- ing it off the fire, and a bit of butter rubbed on at the moment of serving. If accompanied with oyster sauce, strain off* the liquor from the oysters, and throw them into cold water to take off the grit, while you simmer the liquor with a bit of mace and lemon peel. Then put in the oysters, stew them a few minutes, add a little cream, and some butter rubbed in a bit of flour. Let them boil up once, and throw the sauce over the steaks at the moment of sending the dish tolpible, BEEF STEW. Cut into small pieces four or five pounds of beef, with some hard fat. Put these into a stewpan, with three pints of water, a little salt and pepper, a sprig of sweet herbs, and three cloves. Cover the pan very close, and let it stew four hours over a slow fire. Throw in some carrots and turnips, cut intOj^i square pieces ; the white part of a ; leek, with two heads of celery chop- J ped fine ; a crust of bread, and two spoonfuls of vinegar. When done, put it into a deep dish, set it over hot water, and cover it close. Skim the gravy, and put in a few pickled mushrooms ; thicken it with flour and butter, make it hot, and pour it over the beef. BEEF TEA. Cut a pound of fleshy beef into thin slices ; simmer it with a quart of water twenty mi- nutes, after it has once boiled, and been skimmed. Season it, if ap- proved ; but a little salt only is suf- ' ficient. BEEF VINGRETTE. Cut a slice of under-done boiled beef three inch- es thick, and a little fat. Stew it in half a pint of water, a glass of white wine, a bunch of sweet herbs, an onion, andva bay leaf. Season it BEE B K K yith three cloves pounded, and pep- per, till the liquor is nearly wasted away, turning it once. Serve it up cold. Strain off the gravy, and mix it with a little vinegar for sauce. BEER. During the present ruin- ous system of taxation, it is extreme- ly ditticult, though highly desirable, to procure a cheap and wholesome beverage, especially for the labour- ing part of the community, to whom it is as needful as their daily food. Beer that is brewed and drunk at home, is more pure and nutricious than what is generally purchased at an alehouse ; an/ea/. Beef, mut- ton, veal, pork, house lamb, doe ve- nison, poultry and game. Fish as the last month. — Vegetables. Car- rots, turnips, parsnips, potatoes, skirrets, onions, leeks, shalots, cab- bage, savoys, colewort, spinach, car- doons, cresses, endive, celery, lettu- ces, salad, herbs. — Fruit. Pears, apples, nuts, walnuts, bullace, ches- nuts, medlars, grapes. December. — Meat. Beef, mut- ton, veal, house lamb, pork and ve- nison. — Poultry. Game, turkeys, geese, pullets, pigeons, capons, fowls, chickens, rabbits, hares, snipes, woodcocks, larks, pheasants, partridges, sea-fowls, guinea-fowls, wild ducks, teal, widgeon, dotterels, dunbirds, grouse. — Fish. Turbot, cod, bolibets, soles, gurnets, stur- geon, carp, gudgeons, codlings, eels, dorieg, shellfish. — Vegetables. As in the last month ; asparagus forced. — Fruit. As the last, except bul- lace. BIRCH WINE. The season for obtaining the liquor from birch trees, is in the latter end of February or the beginning of March, before the leaves shoot out, and as the sap be- gins to rise. If the time be delayed, the juice will grow too thick to be drawn out. It should be as thin ^nd clear as possible. The method of procuring the juice is by boring holes in the trunk of the tree, and fixing in facets made of elder ; but care should be taken not to tap it in too many places at once, for fear of in- juring the tree. If the tree is large, it may be bored in five or six places BIS BLA lit once, and bottles are to be placed under the apertures to receive the sap. When tour or five gallons have been extracted from diHerent trees, cork the bottles very close, and wax them till the wine is to be made, which should be as soon as possible after the sap has been obtained. Boil the sap, and put four pounds of loaf sugar to every gallon, also the rind of a lemon cut thin ; then boil it again for nearly an hour, skimming it well all the time. Into a cask that will contain it, put a lighted brim- stone match, stop it up till the match is burnt out, and then pour the li- quor into it as quickly as possible. When nearly cold, work it with a toast spread with yeast, and let it stand five or six days, stirring it two or three times a-day. Put the bung lightly in till it has done working ; then close it down, and let it stand two or three months. The wine may then be bottled, and will be tit for use in about a week. It makes a rich and salutary cordial, and its virtues are much relied on in con- sumptive and scorbutic cases. BISCUIT CAKE. One pound of flour, five eggs well beaten and strained, eight ounces of sugar, a little rose or orange flower water. Beat the whole thori^ughly, and bake it one hour. BISCUITS. To make hard bis- cuits, warm two ounces of butter in as much skimmed milk as will make a pound of flour into a very stift' paste. Beat it with a rolling pin, and work it very smooth. Roll it thin, and cut it into round biscuits. Prick them full of holes with a fork, and about six minutes will bake them. — For plain and very crisp bis- cuits, make a pound of flour, the yolk of an f^gg, and some milk, into a very stift" paste. Beat it well, and knead it quite smooth ; roll the paste very thin, and cut it into biscuits. Bake theni in a slow oven till quite dry and crisp. — To preserve biscuits for a long time sweet and good, no other art is necessary than packing them up in casks well caulked, and carefully lined with tin, so as to ex- clude the air. The biscuits should be laid as close as possible ; and when it is necessary to open the cask^ it must be speedily closed again with care. Sea bread may also be pre- served on a long voyage, by being put into a bag which has been pre- viously soaked in a quantity of liquid nitre, and dried. This has been found to preserve the biscuits from the fatal eflects of the wevil, and other injurious insects, which are destructive to this necessary article of human sustenance. BITTERS. Bruise an ounce of gentian root, and two drams of car- damom seeds together : add an ounce of lemon peel, and three drams of Seville orange peel. Pour on the ingredients a pint and half of boil- ing water, and let it stand an hour closely coyered : then pour oft' the clear liquor, and a glass of it taken two or three times a day will be found an excellent bitter for the sto- mach. — Or slice an ounce of gentian root, and add half a dram of snakes* root bruised, half a dram of saftVon, three quarters of a dram of carda- mom seeds, and the same of cochi- neal bruised together, and the peel of three Seville oranges. Sleep the ingredients in a pint of brandy four- teen days, shaking them together frequently ; then strain the tincture through apiece of muslin, and a tea- spoonful in a glass of wine may be taken two or three times a dav. BLACK BUTTER. Boil a pound of moist sugar with three pounds of gooseberries, currants, raspberries, and cherries, till reduced to half the quantity. Put it into pots covered with brandy paper, and it will be found a pleasant sweetmeat. BLACK CAPS. Divide and core some fine large apples, put them in a shallow pan, strew white sugar over, and bake them. Boil a glass of wine, the same of water, and 31 B LA BLA srweeten it for sauce. Or, take off a slice from the stalk end of some ap- ples, and core without paring them. Mix with grated lemon, and a few cloves in fine powder, as much sugar as will sweeten them. Stuff the holes as close as possible with this, and turn the flat end down on a stewpan ; set them on a very slow fire, with some raisin wine and water. Cover them close, and now and then baste them with the liquor: when done enough, black the tops with a sala- mander. B1.ACK INK. Infuse in a gallon of rain or soft water, a pound of blue galls bruised, and keep it stirring for three weeks. Then add four ounces of green copperas, four ounces of logwood chips, six ounces of gum arabac, and a glass of brandy. — To make ink of a superior quality, and fit for immediate use, prepare the following ingredients. Four ounces of blue galls, two ounces of chipped logwo d, two of sulphate of iron, one ounce and a half of gum arabac, half an ounce of sulphate of copper, and half an ounce of brown sugar. Boil the galls and logwood in six pints of spring or distilled water, until nearly three pints of water are evaporated, then strain it through a piece of flannel. Powder the salts in a mortar, dissolve the gum in a little warm water, then mix the whole together, and shake itfrequently for tw^o or three days ; during which time expose it to the air, and it will become blacker. Decant the liquor into stone bottles well corked, and it will be fit for use directly. Those who wish to avoid the trouble of such a process, will find an excellent sub- stitute in Walkden's Ink Powder rea- dy prepared, with directions how to use it. If a cup of sweet wort be added to two papers of the powder, it will give it the brightness of japan ink. BLACK LEAD. The best prepa- ration for cleaning cast-iron stoves is made of black lead, mixed with a 32 little common gin, or the dregs of port wine, and laid on the stove with a piece of linen rag. ^ Then with a clean brush, not too hard, and dip- ped in some dried black lead pow- der, rub the stove till it comes to a beautiful brightness. This will pro- duce a much finer black varnish ( n the cast-iron, than either boiling the black lead with small beer and soap, or mixing it with white of egg, as is commonly practised. BLACK PAPER, for drawing pat- terns, may easily be made in the fol- lowing manner. Mix and smooth some lamp-black and sweet oil, with a piece of flannel. Cover a sheet or two of large writing paper with this mixture, then dab the paper dry with a rag of fine linen, and prepare it for future use by putting the black side on another sheet of paper, and fasten- ing the corners together with a small pin. When wanted to draw, lay the pattern on the back of the black pa- per, and go over it with the point of a steel pencil. The black paper will then leave the impression of the pat- tern on the under sheet, on which you must now draw it with ink. If you draw patterns on cloth or mus- lin, do it with a pen dipped in a bit of stone blue, a bit of sugar, and a little water, mixed smooth in a tea cup, in which it will be always ready for use. BLACK PUDDINGS. The pig's blood must be stirred with a little salt till it is cold. Put a full quart of it to a quart of whole grits, and let it stand all night. Soak the crumb of a quartern loaf in rather more than two quarts of new milk made hot. In the meantime prepare the guts by washing, turning and scraping, with salt and water, and changing the water several times. Chop fine a little winter savoury and thyme, a good quantity of pennyroy- al, pepper and salt, a few cloves,some allspice, ginger and nutmeg. Mix these all together, with three pounds of beef suet, and six eggs w ell beat- BLA BLA en and strained. Have ready some hog's fat cut into large bits ; and as the skins are filling with the pudding, put in the fat at intervals. Tie up in links only half tilled, and boil in a ' large kettle, pricking them as they swell, or they will burst. When boiled, lay them between clean cloths till cold, and hang them up in the kitchen. When to be used, scald them a few minutes in water ; wipe, and put them into a Dutch oven. If there be not skins enough, put the stuffing into basins, and boil it co- vered with floured cloths. Slice and fry it when used. — Another way is, to soak all night a quart of bruis- ed grits in as much boiling-hot milk as will swell them, and leave half a pint of liquid. Chop a quantity of pennyroyal, savoury and thyme ; add salt and pepper, and allspice finely powdered. Mix the above with a quart of the blood, prepared as be- fore directed ; clean the skins tho- roughly, half fill them with the stuf- fing, put in as much of the leaf fat of the pig as will make it pretty rich, and boil as before directed. A small quantity of leeks finely shred and well mixed, is a great improvement. — A superior article may be made as follows : boil a quart of half-grits in as much milk as will swell them to the utmost, drain them and add a quart of blood, a pint of rich cream, a pound of suet, some mace, nutmeg, allspice, and four cloves, all in fine powder. And two pounds of hog's leaf cut into dice, two leeks, a hand- ful of parsley, ten leaves of sage, a large handful of pennyroyal, and a sprig of thyme and knotted marjo- ram, all finely minced ; eight eggs well beaten, half a pound of bread . cmmbs scalded in a pint of milk, with pepper and salt. Soak and clean the skins in several waters, last of all in rose-water, and half fill them with the stuffing. Tie the skins in links, boil and prick them with a clean fork, to prevent their breaking, and cover them with a clean cloth till cold. BLACKBERRY JAM. Put some red, but not ripe, blackberries into a jar, and cover it up closely. Set the jar in a kettle or deep stewpan of water over the fire, as a water bath ; and when it has simmered five or six hours, force the juice through a sieve. To every pint of juice, add two pounds of powdered loaf-sugar, boiling and scumming it in the same manner as for any other jam or jelly. This simple article is said to aflford eft'ectual relief in cases of stone or gravel : a tea-spoonful to be taken every night, and repeat- ed in the morning, if necessary. A good jam may also be made of ripe blackberries, in a similar manner ; and both, like other jams, should be kept in jars, closely tied over with brandy paper. BLACKBERRY WINE. Pick and clean a quantity of ripe blackber- ries ; to every quart of fruit, add a quart of cold water which has first been boiled. Bruise them well, and let the whole stand twenty-four hours, stirring it occasionally during that time. Express all the juice and run it through a sieve or jelly bag, on a pound and a half of sugar to each gallon of liquid. Stir it till thoroughly dissolved, put it in a well seasoned barrel, add a little dissolv- ed isinglass, and let it remain open till the next day ; then bung it up. This makes a pleasant wine, which may be bottled off in about two months. BLACKING for shoes is made of four ounces of ivory black, three ounces of the coarsest sugar, a table- spoonful of sweet oil, and a pint of small beer, gradually mixed together cold. BLACKING BALLS. Portable shoe-blacking, in the form of cakes or balls, is made in the following manner. Take four ounces of mut- ton suet, one ounce of bees-wax, one F 33 BL A • BOA o( sweet oil, and a dram each of powdered sugar-candy and gum-ara- bac. Melt them well together over a slow firci add a spoonful of tur- pentine, and lamp-black sufficient to give it a good black colour. While hot enough to run, make the compo- sition into a ball, by pouring it into a tin mould ; or let it stand till nearly cold, and then it may be moulded into any form bv the hand. BLADE-BOSiE OF PORK. Cut it from the bacon-hog, with a small quantity of meat upon it, and lay it on the gridiron. When nearly done pepper and salt it. Add a piece of butter, and a tea-spoonful of mus- tard ; and serve it up quickly. This dish is much admired in Somerset- shire. A blade-bone of mutton may be dressed in the same way. BLAMANGE. Boil two ounces of isinglass half an hour, in a pint and half of water, and strain off the cream. Sweeten it, and add some peach water, or a few bitter almonds ; let it boil up once, and put it into what forms you please. Be sure to let the blamange settle before you turn it into the forms, or the blacks will remain at the bottom of them, and be on the top of the blamange when taken out of the moulds. If not to be very stiff, a little less isin- glass will do. — For Yellow Bla- mange, pour a pint of boiling water upon an ounce of isinglass, and the peel of one lemon. When cold, sweeten with two ounces of fine su- gar : add a quarter of a pint of white wine, the yolks of four eggs, and the juice of one lemon. Stir all together, and let it boil five mi- nutes : strain through a bag, and put into cups. BLANKETS, if not in constant use, are liable to be moth-eaten. To prevent this, they should be fold- ed and laid under feather beds that are in use, and occasionally shaken. Wheu soiled, they should be washed, not scoured : and w^ll dried before ^4 they are laid by, or they will breed moths. BLEACHING OF STRAW. This is generally done by the fumes ot sulphur, in a place enclosed for that purpose : but to render the straw very white, and encrease its flexibi- lity in platting, it should be dipped in a solution of oxygenated muriatic acid, saturated with potash. Oxy- genated muriate of lime will also answer the purpose. To repair straw bonnets, they must be carefully rip- ped to pieces ; the plat should be bleached with the above solution, and made up afresh. BLUE INK. Dissolve an ounce of finely powdered verdigris, and half an ounce of cream of tartar, in three ounces of water. This will make a fine blue writing ink, which has the singular property of giving to an iron nail, immersed in it for twenty -four hours, a beautiful green colour. BOARDED FLOORS will pre- serve a beautiful appearance, if treat- ed in the following manner. After washing them very clean with soda and warm water, and a brush, wash them with a large sponge and clean water, observing that no spot be left untouched. Be careful to clean straight up and down, not crossing from board to board : then dry with clean cloths, rubbing hard up and down the same way. The floors should not be often wetted, but very thoroughly when done ; and once a week dry-rubbed with hot sand, and a heavy brush, the right way of the boards. If oil or grease have stained the floor, make a strong lye of pearl- ashes and soft water, and add as much unslaked lime as it will take up. Stii u together, and then let it settle a few minutes ; bottle it, and stop it close. When used, lower it with a little Mater, and scour the part with it. If the liquor lie long on the boards, it will extract their colour ; it must therefore be done BOl BO I with care and expedition. Stone work may be freed from stains in the same way. BOOKINGS. Mix three ounces of buck-wheat flour with a tea-cup- ful of warm milk, and a spoonful of yeast. Let it rise before the fire about an hour ; then mix four eggs well beaten, and as much milk as will make the batter the usual thick- ness for pancakes, and fry them in the same manner. BOILING. Cleanliness here is of great consequence ; and for this purpose all culinary vessels should be made of iron, or of other metals well tinned. The pernicious effects of copper or brass may be perceived by rubbing the hand round the inside of a pot or kettle made of either of those metals, and which has been scoured clean and fit for use ; for though it may not discolour the hand, yet it will cause an ofl'ensive smell, and must in some degree affect every article which is put into it. If cop- per or brass be used, they should be well cleaned, and nothing suffer- ed to remain in the vessels longer than is necessary for the purposes of cooking. In small families how- ever, block-tin saucepans and boilers are much to be preferred, as lightest and safest. If proper care be taken of them, and they are well dried af- ter being cleaned, they are also by far the cheapest ; the purchase of a new tin saucepan being little more than the expense of tinning a copper one. Care should be taken to have the covers of boiling pots fit close, not only to prevent an unnecessary evaporation of the water, but that the smoke may not insinuate itself under the edge of the lid, and give the meat a bad taste. A trl *^t or fish drainer placed in the be er to lay the meat on, and to raise it an inch and a half from the bottom, will pre- vent that side of it which comes next the bottom from being done too ipuch, and the lower part of the meat will be as delicately done as any other. Instead of a trivet, four skewers stuck into the meat trans- versely will answer the purpose, or a soup plate whelmed the wrong side upwards. With good management it will take less fire for boiling than for roasting, but it should be kept to a regular pitch, so as to keep the pot gently boiling all the time. If it boils too fast, it will harden the meat, by extracting too much of the gravy ; but if it be allowed to sim- mer only, or to boil gently, it will become rich and tender. The scum must be carefully taken off as soon as the water boils, or it will sink and discolour the meat. The oftener it is scummed, and the cleaner the top of the water is kept, the cleaner will be the meat ; and if a little cold wa- ter be occasionally thrown in, it will bring up the remainder of the scum to the surface. Neither mixing milk with the water nor wrapping up the meat in a cloth are necessary, if the scum be attentively removed ; and the meat will have a more delicate colour, and a finer flavour, if boiled in clear water only. The general rule for boiling is to allow a quarter of an hour to a pound of meat ; but if it be boiled gently or simmered only, which is by far the superior way, twenty minutes to the pound will scarcely be found too much. At the same time care must be taken to keep the pot constantly boiling, and not to sufl'er the meat to remain in after it is done enough, or it will become sodden, and lose its flavour. The quantity of water is regulated by the size of the meat ; sufficient to cover it, but not to drown it ; and the less water, the more savoury will the meat be, and the better the broth. It is usual to put all kinds of fresh meat into hot water, and salt meat into cold water ; but if the meat has been salted only a short time it is better to put it in when the water boils, or it will draw out too much of the gravy. Lamb, veal, and pork require rather more boiling than 35 BOt BOI other meat, to make them whole- some. The hind quarters of most animals require longer time to dress than the fore quarters, and all kinds of provision require more time in frosty weather than in summer. Large joints of beef and mutton are better a little underdone ; they make the richer hash ; but meat that is fresh slain will remain tough and hard, in whatever way it may be cooked. All meat should be washed clean before it is put into the boiler, but salt meat especially. A ham of twenty pounds will take four hours and a half in boiling, and others in proportion. A dried tongue, after being soaked, will take four hours boiling : a tongue out of pickle, from two hours an^ a half to three hours, or more if very large : it must be judged by its feeling quite tender. Boiling is in general the most econo- mical mode of cooking, if care be taken to preserve the broth, and ap- ply it to useful purposes. BOILED BACON. Soak it, and take off the rind before boiling. A pound of bacon boiled without the skin will weigh an ounce heavier than a pound boiled with it. Fat bacon should be put into hot water, and lean into cold water, when it is to be dressed. Young bacon will boil in about three quarters of an hour. Grate some toasted bread over it, and set it near the fire to brown it a little, before it is sent to table. BOILED BEEF. When the wa- ter boils put in the meat, whether beef or mutton, and take off the scum as it rises. If the scum be suffered to sink, it will stick to the meat, and spoil its colour. Turnips, greens, potatoes, or carrots with the beef, and caper sauce with the mutton. BOILED CUSTARD. Set a pint of cream over a slow fire, adding two ounces of sugar, and the rind of a lemon. Take it off the firetis soon as it begins to simmer ; as the cream cools, add by degrees the yolks of ei^ht eggs well beaten, with a ppoo'*- 3G ful of orange water. Stir it care- fully over a slow fire till it almost boils, and strain it quickly through a piece of thin muslin. Put it into cups, and serve it up cold. BOILED DUCK. Choose a fine fat duck, salt it two days, and boil it slowly in a cloth. Serve it with onion sauce, but melt the butter with milk instead of water. BOILED EELS. The small ones are best, provided they are bright, and of a good colour. After they are skinned, boil them in a small quantity of water, with a quantity of parsley, which with the liquor should be sent to table with them. Serve chopped parsley and butter for sauce. BOILED FOWL. For boiling, choose those that are not black- legged. Pick them nicely, singe, wash, and truss them. Flour them, and put them into boiling water: half an hour will be sufhcient for one of middling size. Serve with parsley and butter; oyster, lemon, liver, or celery sauce. If for dinner, ham, tongue or bacon is usually served with them, and also greens. — When cooked with rice, stew the fowl very slowly in some clear mut- ton broth well skimmed, and sea- soned with onion, mace, pepper and salt. About half an hour before it is ready, put in a quarter of a pint of rice well washed and soaked. Simmer it till it is quite tender, strain it from the broth, and put the rice on a sieve before the fire. Keep the fowl hot, lay it in the middle of the dish, and the rice round it with- out the broth. The broth will be nice by itself, but the less liquor the fowl is done with the better. Gravy, or parsley and butter, for sauce. BOILED HAM. Soak the ham in cold water the night before it is to be dressed, scrape it clean, and put it into the boiler with cold wa- ter. Skim the liquor while boiling ; let it not boil fast, but simmer only, and add a little cold water occasion- BOl BOL ally for this purpose. When the liam is done, take it up, pull off the skin carefully, and grate a crust of bread over it so as to cover it tolera- bly thick. Set it before the fire, or put it into the oven till the bread is crisp ; garnish it with carrots, or any thing that is in season. A ham of twenty pounds will require five hours boiling, and others in proportion. BOILED LEG OF PORK. Salt it eight or ten days ; and when it is to be dressed, weigh it. Let it lie half an hour in cold water to make it white : allow a quarter of an hour for every pound, and half an hour over, from the time it boils up. Skim it as soon as it boils, and frequently after. Allow plenty of water, and save some of it for peas-soup. The leg should be small, and of a fine grain ; and if boiled in a floured cloth, it will improve the colour and appearance. Serve it with peas- pudding and turnips. BOILED SALMON. Clean it carefully, boil it gently, and take it out of the water as soon as done. Let the water be warm, if the fish be split : if underdone, it is very un- wholesome. Serve with shrimp or anchovy sauce. BOILED TURBOT. The turbot kettle must be of a proper size, and in good order. Set the fish in cold water sufficient to cover it complete- ly, throw a handful of salt and a glass of vinegar into it, and let it gradually boil. Be very careful that no blacks fall into it ; but skim it well, and preserve the beautiful co- lour of the fish. Serve it garnished with a complete fringe of curled parsley, lemon and horse-radish. The sauce must be the finest lobster, anchovy and butter, and plain but- ter, served plentifully in separate tureens. — If necessary, turbot will keep two or three days, and be in as high perfection as at first, if lightly rubbed over with salt, and carefully hung in a cold place. ' BOILED TURKEY. A turkey will neither boil white nor eat tender, unless it has been killed three or four days. Pick it clean, draw it at the rump, cut off the legs, stick the end of the thighs into the body, and tie them fast. Flour the turkey, put it into the water while cold, let it boil gently half an hour or more, take off the scum, and cover the kettle close. Make the stuffing of grated bread and lemon peel, four ounces of shred suet, a few chopped oysters, two eggs, and a little cream. Fill the craw with stuffing, and make the rest into balls, which are to be boiled and laid round the dish. The stuffing may be made without oys- ters ; or force-meat or sausage may be used, mixed with crumbs of bread and yolks of eggs. Celery sauce or white sauce is very proper. BOILED VEAL. Dredge it with flour, tie it up in a cloth, and put it in when the water boils. A knuckle requires more boiling in proportion to its weight, than any other joint, to render the gristle soft and tender. Parsley and butter,bacon and greens, are commonly eaten with it. BOILERS. Copper boilers and saucepans are apt to become leaky, when they have been joined or mend- ed, or from bruises, which some- times render them unfit for use. In this case a cement of pounded quick- lime, mixed with ox's blood, applied fresh to the injured part, will be of great advantage, and very durable. A valuable cement for such purposes may also be made of equal parts of vinegar and milk mixed together so as to produce a curd : the whey is then put to the whites of four or five eggs after they have been well beat- en, and the whole reduced to a thick paste by the addition of some quick- lime finely sifted. This composion applied to cracks or fissures of any kind, and properly dried, will resist the effects of fire and water. BOLOGNA SAUSAGES. Cut into small pieces four pounds of lean beef, and add to it a pound of 37 BOO BOT diced suet, with the same quantity of diced bacon. Season with all- spice, pepper, bay salt, saltpetre, and a little powder of bay leaves. Mix the whole together, tie the meat up in skins about the thickness of the wrist, dry the sausages in the same manner as tongues, and eat them without boiling. BOLOGNA SOUP. Bind close with packthread, fifteen pounds of brisket of beef, and put it into a pot with water suthcient to cover it. Then add three large carrots, some good turnips, four onions, a bunch of sweet herbs, and half a white cabbage sliced and fried in butter. The pot must be well scummed be- fore the herbs are put in. It must boil very slow ly for five or six hours ; and when half boiled, prepare three or four pounds of loin of nmtton, with all the fat taken off, and put it into the pot. Flavour the soup with whole pepper, and a head of celery ; and to make it of a good colour, draw the gravy from a pound of lean beef over a slow fire, and add a la^ dle-ful to the soup, first carefully taking off all the fat. Having cut and dried the crust of a French roll, lay it in a stewpan with a little soup ; and after stewing it over a slow fire, place it with a slice in the soup tu- reen. The beef must be untied, and served up with chopped parsley strewed over it ; accompanied also with gravy sauce, a few capers, and some chopped carrots, thickened with the yolk of an egg. Add a lit' tie seasoning to the soup. BOOTS. Persons who travei much, or are often exposed to the weather, must be sensible of the im- portance of being provided with boots that will resist the wet. The following is a composition for pre- serving leather, the good effects of which vire sufficiently ascertained. One pint of drying oil, two ounces of yellow wax, two ounces of spirit of turpentine, and half an ounce of Burgundy pitch, should be carefully Z6 melted together over a slow fir^. With this mixture, new shoes and boots are to be rubbed in the sun, or at some distance from the fire, with a sponge or brush. The ope- ration is to be repeated as often as they become dry, and until they are fully saturated. In this manner the leather becomes impervious to the wet : the boots or shoes last much longer than those of common leather, acquire «uch softness and pliability that tl.ry ne^er shrivel or grow hard, and in that state are the most effec- tual preservation against wet and cold. It is necessary to observe, however, that boots or shoes thus prepared ought not to be worn till they become perfectly dry and flex- ible : otherwise the leather will be too soft, and the boots unservice- able. BOOT TOPS. Many of the com- positions sold for the purpose of cleaning and restoring the colour of boot tops, are not found to answer, and are often injurious to the leather. A safe and easy preparation is made of a quart of boiled milk, which, when cold, is to be mixed with an ounce of the oil of vitriol, and an ounce of the spirit of salts, shaken well together. An ounce of red la- vender is then to be added, and the liquid applied to the leather with a sponge. Or, mix a dram of oxy- muriate of potash with two ounces of distilled water ; and when the salt is dissolved, add two ounces of mu- riatic acid. Shake together in anor ther vial, three ounces of rectified spirits of wine, with half an ounce of the essential oil of lemon, and unite the contents of the two vials, keeping the liquid closely corked for use. It is to be applied with a clean sponge, and dried gently ; after which the tops may be polished with a proper brush, so as to appear like new lea- ther. This mixture will readily take out grease, or any kind of spots, from leather or parchment. ^ BOTTLES. The common prac- BOT BRA tice of cleaning glass bottles with shot is highly improper; for if through inattention any of it should remain, when the bottles are again filled with wine or cider, the lead will be dissolved, and the liquor im- pregnated with its pernicious quali- ties. A few ounces of potash dis- solved in water will answer the pur- pose much better, and clean a great number of bottles. If any impurity adhere to the sides, a few pieces of blotting paper put into the bottle, and shaken with the water, will very soon remove it. Another way is to roll up some pieces of blotting pa- per, steep them in soap and water, then put them into bottles or decan- ters with a little warm water, and shake them well for a few minutes : after this they will only require to be rinsed and dried. BOTTLING LIQUORS. Here the first thing to be attended to is, to see that the bottles be perfectly clean and dry ; if wet, they will spoil the liquor, and make it turn mouldy. Then, though the bottles should be clean and dry, yet if the corks be not new and sound, the liquor will be damaged ; for if the air can by any means penetrate, the liquor will grow flat, and never rise. As soon as a cask of liquor begins to grow vapid, and to lose its briskness, while it is on the tap, it should be drawn off immediately into bottles ; and in order to quicken it, put a piece of loaf sugar into every bottle, about the size of a walnut. To forward the ripening, wrap the bottles in hay, and set them in a warm place ; straw will not answer the purpose. When ale is to be bottled, it will be an improvement to add a little rice, a few raisins, or a tea-spoonful of moist sugar to each bottle. In the summer time, if table beer is bottled as soon as it has done working, it wdll soon become brisk, and make a very pleasant and refreshing drink. BOTTLED CURRANTS, See that the bottles be perfectly clean and dry, and let the fruit be gather- ed quite ripe, and when the weather is dry. The currants should be cut from the large stalks, with the small est bit of stalk to each, and care taken not to wound the fruit, that none of the moisture may escape. It would be best indeed to cut them under the trees, and let them drop gently into the bottles. Stop up the bottles with cork and rosin, and trench them in the garden with the neck downwards : sticks should be placed opposite to where each sort of fVuit begins. Cherries and dam- sons may be kept in the same way. BOTTLED GOOSEBERRIES. Pick some smooth gooseberries be- fore they are quite full grown, put them into gooseberry bottles lightly corked, and set them up to their necks in a copper of cold water. Put a little hay round the bottles to prevent their breaking, make a fire under them, and let the heat increase gra- dually ; let them simmer ten minutes, but not boil. Take out the fire, and let them remain in the copper till cold. Then take them out, dry the bottles, rosin down the corks close, and set them in dry saw-dust with their necks downward. BRAISING. To braise any kind of meat, put it into a stewpan, and cover it with fat bacon. Then add six or eight onions, a bundle of herbs, carrots, celery, any bones or trimmings of meat or fowls, and some stock. The bacon must be covered with white paper, and the lid of the pan must be kept close. Set it on a slow stove ; and according to what the meat is, it will require tv o or three hours. The meat is th«;a lo be taken out, the gravy nicely skim- med, and set on to boil very tf Fhf/ttiue. C iyii/iilrirol Boiler to l^phuvti on B, with its Cayer D . E Krimrtitiif fH-rforatiui rvlinihr to itc />torrt/ nit/ii/i V F CtHtre tor t/itto. f >.Cr CiHtlvnr. one to pack lyittnti tiie other. BRE BRE citron, orange, or lemon. Pour over an unboflecl custard of milk, two or three eggs, a few corns of pimento, dnd a very little ratifia, two hours at least before it is to be baked, and lade it over to soak the bread. A paste round the edge makes all pud- dings look better, but it is not ne- cessary. BREAD AND RICE PUDDING. Boil a quarter of a pound of rice in some milk till it is quite soft, put it into a bason, and let it stand till the next day. Soak some sliced bread in cold milk, drain it off, mash it line, and mix it with the rice. Beat up two eggs with it, add a little salt, and boil it an hour. BREAKFAST CAKES. Take a pound and a half of flour, four ounces of butter, a spoonful of yeast, and half a pint of warm milk. Rub the butter into the flour, and mix the eggs, yeast, and milk together. Put the liquid into the middle of the flour, and let it stand to rise for two hours. Make it into cakes, let them stand to rise again, and wash them over with skimmed milk before they are put into the oven. BREAST OF LAMB. Cut off the chine-bone from the breast, and set it on to stew with a pint of gra- vy. When the bones would draw out, put it on the gridiron to grill ; and then lay it in a dish on cucum- bers nicely stewed. BREAST OF MUTTON. Pare off the superfluous fat, and roast and serve the meat with stewed cucum- bers ; or to eat cold, covered with chopped parsley. Or half-boil, and then grill it before the fire : cover it with bread crumbs and herbs, and serve with caper sauce. Or if boned, take away a good deal of the fat, and cover it with bread, herbs, and seasoning. Thfen roll and boil it ; serve with chopped walnuts, or ca- pers and butter. BREAST OF VEAL. Before roasting it, take off the two ends to fry and t^tew, if the joint be large. or roast the whole together, and pour butter over it. If any be left, cut it into regular pieces, put them into a stewpan, and pour some broth over it. If no broth, a little water will do : add a bunch of herbs, a blade or two of mace, some pepper, and an anchovy. Stew till ihe meat be tender, thicken with flour and butter, and add a little ketchup. Serve the sweetbread whole upon it, which may either be stewed or parboiled, and then covered with crumbs, herbs, pepper and salt, and browned in a Dutch oven. The whole breast may be stewed in the same way, after cutting off the two ends. A boiled breast of veal, smothered with onion sauce, is also an excellent dish, if not old nor too fat. BRENTFORD ROLLS. Mix with two pounds of flour, a little salt, two ounces of sifted sugar, four ounces of butter, and two eggs beat- en with two spoonfuls of yeast, and about a pint of milk. Knead the dough well, and set it to rise before the fire. Make twelve rolls, butter tin plates, and set them before the fire to rise, till they become of a proper size, and bake them half an hour. BREWING. The practice of brewing malt liquor is but seldom adopted by private families in large towns and cities, owing probably to a want of conveniences for the pur- pose, and an aversion to the labour and trouble which it might occasion. But if the disagreeable filthiness at- tending the process in large public breweries were duly considered, to- gether with the generally pernicious quality of the beer oft'ered to sale, as well as the additional expense incurred by this mode of procuring it, no one who regards economy, or the health and comfort of his family, would be without home-brewed beer, so long as there were any means left of obtaining it. Beer as strong of malt and hops, when all the foreign ingredients are extracted, may be 43 BRE BRE manufactured at home at less than one third of what it could cost at a public brewery, besides the satis- faction of drinking, what is known to be wholesome, and free from any deleterious mixture. Twelve shil- lings for malt and hops will provide a kilderkin of beer far superior to one that could be purchased under license for a pound, while the yeast and the grains are sufficient to re- pay all the labour and expense of brewing. On every account, there- fore, it is desirable that the practice of domestic brewing were universally adopted. The health and comfort of the community would be increas- ed ; and by a larger consumption of malt, the growth of barley would be extended, and agriculture propor- tionably benefited. In order to this however, the enormous duty upon malt requires to be diminished or repealed. The farmer, unable to make three shillings a bushel of his barley, is suffering severely under this grinding taxation, as well as the consumer, who is compelled to pay a duty of four shillings and six-pence for every bushel that is converted into malt. — The best seasons of the year for brewing are March and Oc- tober, the weather in those months being generally free from the ex- tremes of heat and cold, which are alike injurious to the process of fer- mentation. If this is not in all cases practicable, means should be used to cool the place where the liquor is set for working in the summer, and of warming it in the winter : other- wise the beer will be likely to turn sour or muddy. The beer which is brewed in March should not be tap- ped till October, nor that brewed in October till the following March ; taking this precaution, that families of an equal number all the year round, will drink at least a third more in summer than in winter. — The most suitable water for brewing is soft river water, which having had the rays of the sun and the influence 44 of the air upon it, will more easily penetrate and extract the virtues of the malt. Hard water possesses an astringent quality, which prevents the goodness of the malt from being freely communicated to the liquor. If two parcels of beer be brewed in all respects the same, except in the quality of the water, it will be found that the beer brewed with soft river water will exceed the other in strength above five degrees, in the course of twelve months' keeping. Where water is naturally of a hard quality, it may in some measure be softened by exposing it to the action of the sun and air, and infusing in it some pieces of soft chalk. Throwing into it a quantity of bran while it is boiling, and before it is poured on the malt, will likewise have a good effect. — Previous to commencing the process of brewing, it will be neces- sary to ascertain the quantity of malt and hops, which of course will be regulated by the demands of the family, the convenience of cellerage, and other circumstances. Suppos- ing two or three sorts of liquor be required, six bushels of malt, and about three quarters of a pound of hops to each bushel, will make half a hogshead of ale, half a hogshead of table beer, and the same of small beer ; or about nine gallons of each to the bushel. But if in a smaller brewing, only two sorts are required, or the whole be blended info one, then eighteen gallons of wholesome beverage may be produced at some- thing less than three farthings a pint. — Having thus adjusted the propor- tion of malt and hops to the quan- tity of beer to be brewed, the next thing will be to heat water sufficient for the purpose. Meanwhile see that the brewing utensils be properly cleaned and scalded, and the pen- staff in the mash tub well fixed. Then put a quantity of boiling water into the mash-tub, in which it must stand till the greater part of the steam is gone off, or you can see BR£ BRE your own shadow in it. It will then be necessary that one person should pour the malt gently in, while ano- ther is carefully stirring it. A little malt should be reserved to strew over the mash in order to prevent evaporation, and then the tub may be covered over with sacks. If it be not sufficient to contain the whole at once, the mashing must be re- peated, observing that the larger the quantity that is mashed at once, the longer it will require to stand before it is drawn off. The mash of ale must be allowed to steep three hours, table beer one hour, and small beer half an hour afterwards. By this mode of proceeding, the boilings will regularly succeed each other, which will greatly expedite the busi- ness. In the course of mashing, be careful to stir it thoroughly from the bottom, especially round the basket, that there may be no adhesion, in any part of the mash. Previous to running it off, be prepared with a pail to catch the first flush, as that is generally thick, and return it to the mash two or three times, till it run clear and fine. By this time the copper should be boiling, and a con- venient tub placed close to the mash- tub. Put into it half the quantity of boiling water intended for draw- ing off the best wort ; after which ihe copper must be filled up again, and proper attention paid to the fire. Meanwhile, keep slopping and wet- ting the mash with the hot water out of the tub, in moderate quantities, every eight or ten minutes, till all the water is added to the mash. Then let off the remaining quantity, which will be boiling hot, and this will finish the process for strong beer. Boil up the copper as quick as possible for the second mash, whether intended for strong or small beer. Empty the boiling water into the tub by the side of the mash, as in the former instance, and renew the process. Great care is required in boiling the wort after it is drawn off, and the hops must be put in with the first boiling. In filling the copper with the wort, leave suffici- ent room for boiling, that there may be no waste in boiling over, and make a good fire under it. Quick boiling is a part of the business that requires particular attention, and great caution must be observed when the liquor begins to swell in waves in the copper. The furnace door must be opened, and the fire damp- ed or regulated to suit the boiling of the wort. In order to ascertain the proper time for boiling the liquor, lade out some of it ; and if a work- ing be discovered, and the hops are sinking, the wort is boiled enough. Long and slow boiling injures and wastes the liquor. As soon as it is sufficiently boiled, run the liquor through a cloth or fine sieve into some coolers, to free it from the hops, and to get a proper quantity cooled immediately to set it to work. If the brewhouse be not sufficiently airy to cool a quantity soon, the li- quor must be emptied into shallow tubs, and placed in a passage where there is a thorough draught of air, but where it is not exposed to rain or wet. The remainder in the cop- per may then be let into the first cooler, taking care to attend to the hops, and to make a clear passage through the strainer. The hops must be returned into the copper, after having run off four or five pail- fuls of the liquor for the first cool- ing, and then it must be set to work in the following manner. Take four quarts of yeast, and divide half of it into small wooden bowls or basons, adding to it an equal quantity of wort nearly cold. As soon as it fer- ments to the top of the basons, put it into two pails ; and when that works to the top, distribute it into two wide open tubs. Fill them half full with cool wort, and cover them over, till it comes to a fine white head. This will be accomplished in about three hours, and then both 45 BRE BR E quantities may be put to^etherr into the working tub, with the addition or as much wort as is sufficiently cooled. If the weather be mild and open, it cannot be worked too cold. If the brewing be performed in fros- ty weather, the brewhouse must be kept warm ; but hot wort must ne- ver be added to keep the liquor to a blood heat. Attention also must be paid to the quality of the yeast, or it may spoil all the beer. If it has been taken from foxed beer, or such as has been heated by ill manage- ment in the working, it will be^likely to communicate the same bad qua- lity. If the yeast be flat, and that which is fresh and lively cannot be procured, put to it a pint of warm sweetwort of the first letting off, when it is about half the degree of mi Ik- warm. Shake the vessel that contains it, and it will soon gather strength, and be fit for use. — Tun- ning is the last and most simple ope- ration in the business of brewing. The casks being well prepared, per- fectly sweet and dry, and placed on the stand ready to receive the liquor, first skim off the top yeast, then fill the casks quite full, bung them down, and leave an aperture for the yeast to work through. If the casks stand on one end, the better way is to make a hole with a tap-borer near the summit of the stave, at the same distance from the top as the lower tap-hole is from the bottom. This prevents the slovenliness of working the beer over the head of the barrel ; and the opening being much smaller than the bung-hole, the beer by be- ing confined will sooner set itself into a convulsive motion, and work itself fine, provided proper atten- tion be paid to filling up the casks five or six times a day. Another method of brewing, rather more simple but not more excellent than the above, may be adopted by those whose conveniences are more li- mited. For table beer, allow three bushels of malt to thirty-nine gal- 46 Ions of water, and a pound and a half of hops. Pour a third part of the hot water upon the malt, cover it up warm half an hour, then stir up the mash, and let it stand two hours and a half more. Set it to drain off gently ; when dry, add half the remaining water, mash, and let it stand half an hour. Run that into another tub, and pour the rest of the water on the malt ; stir it well, cover it up, and let it infuse a full hour. Run that off and mix all to- gether. Put the hops into a little hot water to open tlie pores, then put the hops and water into the tub, run the wort upon them, and boil them together for an hour. Strain the liquor through a coarse sieve, and set it to cool. If the whole be not cool enough that day to add to it the yeast, a pail or two of wort may be prepared, and a quart of yeast added to it over night. Before tun-r ning, all the wort should be put to-i" gether, and thoroughly mixed. When it has done working, paste a piece of paper on the bung-hole, and aftegti three days it may be fastened clos^.* In less than a month the beer will be fit for use. See Ale, Malt, B£GR BREWING UTENSILS. The most desirable object in the process of brewing is the fixing of the cop- per, so as to make the fire come di^ rectly under the bottom of it. Many coppers are injured, and rendered unserviceable, for want of proper attention to this particular. The method adopted by the most expe- rienced bricklayers is to divide the heat of the fire by a stop ; and if the door and the draft be in a direct line, the stop must be erected from the middle of each outline of the grat- ing, and parallel with the centre sides of the copper. The stop is nothing more than a thin wall in the centre of the right and left sides of the cop- per, ascending half way to the top of it; on the top of which must be left a small cavity, four or five inches BRE BRE square, for a draft of that half part of the fire which is next to the cop- per door, to pass through, and then the building must close all round to the finishing at the top. By this method of fixing the copper, the heat will communicate from the outward part of the fire round the outward half of the copper through the ca- vity ; as also will the furthest part of the fire, which contracts a con- junction of the whole, and causes the flame to slide gently and equally all round the, bottom of the copper. Considerable advantages result from this position of the copper. If the draught under it were suffered at once to ascend, without being thus divided, the hops would be scorched in the boiling, and liable to stick to the sides, which would considerably injure the flavour of the liquor, un- less kept continually stirring. It will also save the consumption of fuel, and preserve the copper much longer than any other method, as there will be no difl^iculty in boiling half a copper full at a time without doing it any injury. — The next arti- cle of consideration in this case is the Mash-tub. This should be pro- portioned to the size of the ^-opper, and the quantity of beer intended to be brewed. The grains should not be kept in the tub any longer than the day after brewing, as in hot wea- ther especially the grains begin to turn sour as soon as they are cold ; and if there be any sour scent in the brewhouse at the time the liquor is tunned, it will be apt to injure the flavour of the beer. — Tubs and Cool- ers require to be kept perfectly sweet and clean, and should not be used for any other purpose. In small houses, where many vessels are cum- bersome and inconvenient, it is too common to use the same tubs for both washing and brewing ; but this ought not to be done where it can be avoided ; and where it is unavoida- ble, the utmost care is necessary to give them a double washing, scour- ing, and scalding. Coolers also re* quire considerable care, or by th§ slightest taint they will soon con* tract a disagreeable flavour. TU\$ often proceeds from wet having in- fused itself into the wood, it being apt to lodge in the crevices of old vessels, and even infect them to such a degree, that it cannot be removed, even after several washings and scaldings. One cause incidental to this evil is, using the brewhouse for the purposes oT washing, which ought never to be permitted, where any other convenience can be had ; for nothing can be more injurious than the remains of dirty suds, left in vessels intended for brewing only. Nor should water be suffered to stand too long in the coolers, as it will soak into them, and soon turn putrid, when the stench will enter the wood, and render them almost incurable. More beer is spoiled for want of attention to these niceties than can well be imagined, and the real cause is seldom known or sus- pected ; but in some families, after all the care that is taken in the ma- nufacture of the article, the beer is never palatable or wholesome.- — Barrels should be well cleaned with boiling water ; and if the bung-hole will admit, they should be scrubbed inside with a hard brush. If they have acquired a musty scent, take out the heads, and let them be well scrubbed with sand and fuller's earth. Then put in the head again, and scald it well ; throw in a piece of unslaked lime, and close up the bung. When the cask has stood some time, rinse it well with cold water, and it will then be fit for use. New casks likewise require attention, for they are apt to give the liquor a bad taste, if they be not well scalded and seasoned several days successively before they are used ; and old casks are apt to grow musty, if they stand any time out of use. To prevent this, a cork should be put into every one of them as soon as the cock or 47 BRE BRE fosset is taken out ; the vent and the bung-hole must also be well closed. The best way to season new casks is to boil two pecks of bran or malt dust in a copper of water, and pour it in hot ; then stop it up close, and let it stand two days. When the cask is washed and dried, it will be fit for use. BREWING MACHINE. Where a family usually consume ten gal- lons of beer, or upwards, in a week, there is a Brewing Machine lately invented, which will be found singu- larly convenient and advantageous, and comparatively of little expense. The use of it in brewing curtails the labour, shortens the time in which the operation may be performed, greatly diminishes the quantity of fuel, and may be placed within very narrow limits, in the house of any tradesman in the most crowded city. Eighteen gallons of good beer may be brewed with this machine in the course of six hours, or a larger quan- tity with a machine of proportionate dimensions, in the same space of time. The process is so simple, that it may be comprehended by any person of ordinary capacity, and once seeing the operation per- formed will be sufficient. In the common mode of brewing, the prin- cipal difficulty consists in ascertain- ing the degrees of heat necessary to the production of good beer, with- out the use of a thermometer ; but in the use of this machine, this diffi- culty is completely obviated. — The machine complete is represented by figure A ; and B, C, D, E, F, repre- sent its several parts. B is the bottom, made of strong sheet-iron, standing upon three legs. The hol- low part of it contains the fire, put in at a door, the latch of which ap- pears in front. The tube which projects upwards, is a stove pipe to carry off the smoke ; and the cir- cular pan that is seen between the legs, is a receptacle for the ashes or cinders that fall down through the 48 grate above. C is a sheet-iron ves- sel, tinned on the inside, the bottom of which fits into the top of B ; and the cock in C is to let off the wort, as will be seen hereafter. D is the lid of this vessel. E is made of sheet-iron, tinned inside and out, and full of holes to act as a strainer. It is to hold the malt first, and the hops afterwards ; it goes into C, as may be seen in figure A. In the middle of E is a round space, F, made of the same metal, and rising up from the bottom, having itself no bottom. It has holes in it all the way up, like the outer surface of E. — In preparing for brewing, the machine is put together as in A, ex- cept placing on the lid. The first thing is to put the malt, coarsely ground, into E, and no part into F, or into the circular space between C and E ; otherwise E cannot act as a strainer, when the liquor is drawn off; and in this consists its princi- pal use. Having put in the malt, then add the water which of course flows into any part of the vessel C. Stir the malt well with a stick, or with something that will separate it completely, so that no adhesion may be formed by the flour of the malt. This is very apt to be the case in the common mode of brewing, wheii' water is poured hot upon the malt ; but here the water is applied in a cold state, so that there is little trouble in separating the malt completely in the water. If the small machine be used, which is adapted to a bushel of malt, and the beer is to be fully equal in strength to London porter, then eighteen gallons to the bushel may be considered as the general estimate ; and for this purpose the first mash is to receive twelve gal- lons of cold soft water, which will produce nine gallons of wort. Hav- ing stirred the malt very carefully, light the fire under it, and get the liquor quickly to 170 or 180 degrees of heat. This may be ascertained by lifting off" the lid, and dipping BRE BRE the thermometer from tune to time into the centre F, and keeping it there a minute to give the quicksil- ver time to rise. While the mash is coming to this heat, stir the malt well three or four times. When the liquor has acquired its proper heat, put out the fire, and cover the whole of the machine with sacks, or some- thing that will exclude the external air. In this state the mash remains for two hours : the cock is then turned, and nine gallons of wort will be drained off. Put the wort into a tub of some sort, and keep it warm. Then put into the machine twelve gallons more of water, rekindle the fire, and bring the heat to 170 de- grees as soon as possible ; when this is done, extinguish the fire, and let the mash now stand an hour. Draw off the second wort ; and if only one sort of beer is wanted, add it to the first quantity. Now take out the grains, lift out E, clean it well, and also the inside of C. Re- place E, put the hops into it, and the whole of the wort into the ma- chine. Cover it with the lid, light the fire a third time, and bring the liquor to a boil as soon as possible. Let it boil a full hour with the lid off, and boil briskly all the time. The use of the centre F will now appear ; for the machine being near- ly full to the brim, the bubbling takes place in the centre F only, where there are no hops. There is a great boiling over in this centre, but the liquor sent up falls into E, and so there is no boiling over of C. When the full hour of brisk boiling has expired, put out the fire, draw off the liquor, leaving the hops of course in E. The Hquor is now to go into shallow coolers ; and when the heat is reduced to 70 degrees, lake out about a gallon of the liquor, and mix it with half a pint of good yeast. Distribute it equally among the different parcels of wort, after- wards mix the whole together, and (No. 3.) leave the liquor till it comes down to about sixty degrees of heat. The next removal is into the tun-tub, in which capacity C, without the addi- tion of E, will serve very well. While the liquor is cooling, remove the spent hops from E, the stove pipe from B, the ash-receiver from the bottom. The machine remain- ing now as a tun-tub, draw off the liquor as soon as it is down to 60 degrees ; or take it out of the cool- ers, pour it into the tun-tub, and put on the lid. If the weather be very cold, or the tun-tub be in a cold place, cover it with something to keep it warm. Here the fermenta- tion takes place, sometimes sooner and sometimes later ; but it gene- rally shows itself by a head begin- ning to rise in about eight or ten hours ; and at the end of eight and forty hours the head assumes a brownish appearance, and is cover- ed with yeast instead of froth. The beer is then to be tunned into well- seasoned casks, sweet and sound, or all the expense and labour will be lost. The cask being fixed on the stand in the cellar, and the beer ready, skim off the yeast, and keep it in a deep earthen vessel. Draw off the beer into a pail, and with the help of a wooden funnel fill the cask quite full. The beer will now begin to ferment again, and must be allowed to discharge itself from the bung- hole. When the working has ceas- ed, the cask is again filled up with the surplus beer ; and a handful of fresh hops being added, the bung is finally closed down. If the whole process has been properly attended to, such a cask of beer will be clear in a week ; and as soon as clear it may be tapped. Small beer may be tapped in less time. On a larger scale, or with casks of a smaller size, two sorts may be made, ale and small beer, taking the first wort for the former, and the second for the latter. — The advantages attend- H 49 BRE BRI ing the Patent Machine are very obvious ; for though the process appears to be minute, it is easily conducted, g,nd but little time is required for the purpose. In the common method of brewing, the water must be carried from the cop- per to the mash-tub, while the ma- chine serves for both purposes at once. Witli the common utensils the process is necessarily much slower, and the fuel consumed is nearly ten times as much ; but the great convenience of all is the little room required and the place of brewing. In the common way there is wanted a copper fixed in brick- work, and for a family of any consi- derable size a brewhouse is indis- pensable. On the contrary, the machine is set up opposite any fire place, and the pipe enters the chim- ney, or is put into the fire place. There is no boiling over, no slopping about ; and the operation may be performed upon a boarded floor, as well as upon a brick or stone floor. If there be no fire place in the room, the pipe can be projected through an opening in the window, or through flrthe outside of any sort of building, not liable to suffer from the heat of the pipe. Even a garden walk, a court, or open field will answer the purpose, provided there be no rain, and the mash-tub be kept suffici- ently warm. When the brewing is finished, the machine should be well scalded, rubbed dry, and kept in a dry place. The two coolers, G G, placed on different casks, have no necessary connection with the ma- chine. They are made of wood or cast-iron, of a size to fit one within another to save room. The Patent Machine is sold by Messrs. Need- ham and Co. 202, Piccadilly, Lon- don. The price of one for brewing a bushel of malt is £8, for tw*o bush- els £13, for three £18, for four £24, for five £30, and for six £33. If the article be thought expensive, a 50 few neighbouring families might unite in the purchase, and the mo- ney would very soon be more than saved in the economy of brewing. BRIDE CAKE. Mix together a pound of dried flour, two drams of powdered mace, and a quarter of a pound of powdered loaf sugar. Add a quarter of a pint of cream, and half a pound of melted butter ; a quarter of a pint of yeast, five eggs, with half of the whites beaten up with the yolks, and a gill of rose water. Having warmed the butter and cream, mix them together, and set the whole to rise before the fire. Pick and clean half a pound of cur- rants, put them in warm and well dried. BRIGHT BARS of polished stoves, may be restored to their proper lus- tre, by rubbing them well with some of the following mixture on a piece of broad-cloth. Boil slowly one pound of soft soap in two quarts of water, till reduced to one. Of this jelly take three or four spoonfuls, and mix it to a consistence with the addition of emery. When the black is removed, wipe them clean, and polish with glass, not sand-paper. BRISKET OF BEEF, if intended to be stewed, should have that part of it put into a stewpot which has the hard fat upon it, with a small quantity of water. Let it boil up, and skim it well ; then add carrots, turnips, onions, celery, and a few pepper corns. Stew it till it is quite tender ; then take out the fat bones, and remove all the fat from the soup. Either serve that and the meat in a tureen, or the soup alone, and the meat on a dish, garnished with ve- getables. The following sauce with the beef, will be found to be very excellent. — Take half a pint of the soup, and mix it with a spoonful of ketchup, a glass of port wine, a tea- spoonful of made mustard, a little flour and salt, and a bit of butter. Boil all together a few minutes, and BRO BRO pour it round the meat. Chop ca-^ pers, walnuts, red cabbage, pickled cucumbers, and chives or parsley, small, and place them in separate heaps over it. BROAD BEANS. Boil them ten- der, with a bunch of parsley, which must afterwards be chopped and put into melted butter, to serve with them. Bacon or pickled pork is usually boiled with the beans, but the meat will be of a better colour, if boiled separately. BROCOLI. To dress brocoli, cut the heads with short stalks, and pare off the tough skin. Tie the small shoots into bunches, and boil them a shorter time than the heads. A little salt should be put into the water. Serve them up with or with- out toast. BROILING. Cleanliness is ex- tremely necessary in this mode of cookery ; and for this purpose the gridiron, which is too frequently neglected, ought to be carefully at- tended to, keeping it perfectly clean between the bars, and bright on the top. When hot, wipe it well with a linen cloth ; and before using it, rub the bars with mutton suet, to pre- vent the meat being marked by the gridiron. The bars should be made with a small gutter in them to carry off the gravy into a trough in front, to prevent the fat from dropping into the fire and making a smoke, which will spoil the flavour of the meat. Upright gridirons are therefore the best, as they can be set before the fire, without fear of smoke, and the gravy is preserved in the trough un- der them. A brisk and clear fire is also indispensabb, that the bars of the gridiron may all be hot through before any thing be laid upon them, yet not so as to burn the meat, but to give it that colour and flavour which constitute the perfection of this mode of cooking. Never hasten any thing that is broiling, lest it be smoked and spoiled ; but the mo- ment it is done, send it up as hot as possible. BROILED COD. Cut the fish in thick slices, dry and flour it well ; rub the gridiron with chalk, set it on a clear fire, and lay on the slices of cod. Keep them high from the fire, turn them often, till they are quite done, and of a fine brown. Take them up carefully without breaking, and serve with lobster or shrimp sauce. BROILED EELS. Skin and clean a large eel, cut it in pieces and broil it slowly over a good fire. Dust it well with dried parsley, and serve it up with melted butter. BROILED FOWL. Cut a large fowl into four quarters, put them on a bird-spit, and tie that on another spit, and half roast. Or half roast the whole fowl, and finish it on the gridiron, which will make it less dry than if wholly broiled. Another way is to split the fowl down the back, pepper, salt, and broil it, and serve with mushroom sauce. BROILED HERRINGS. Flour them first, broil them of a good co- lour, and serve with plain butter for sauce. BROILED PIGEONS. After cleaning, split the backs, pepper and salt them, and broil them very nicely. Pour over t'hem either stew- ed or pickled mushroom's in melted butter, and serve them up as hot as possible. BROILED SALMON. Cut slices an inch thick, and season with pep- per and salt. Lay each slice in half a sheet of white paper, well butter- ed ; twist the ends of the paper, and broil the slices over a slow fire six or eight minutes. Serve them in the paper, with anchovy sauce. BROKEN CHINA. To repair any article of this description, beat some lime into the finest powder, and sift it through muslin. Tie sqme of it into a thin muslin, put on the edges of the broken china some 61 BRO BUG white of an ego;, and dust on a little lime as quickly as possible ; but be careful to unite the broken parts very exactly. BROTH. A very nourishing kind of broth for weakly persons may be made as follows. Boil two pounds of loin of mutton, with a large hand- ful of chervil, in two quarts of water, till reduced to one. Any other herb or roots may be added. Remove part of the fat, and take half a pint three or four times a day. If a broth is wanted to be made quickly, take a bone or two of a neck or loin of mutton, pare off the fat and the skin, set it on the fire in a small tin sauce- pan that has a cover, with three quarters of a pint of water, the meat being first beaten, and cut in thin bits. Put in a bit of thyme and parsley, and if approved, a slice of onion. Let it boil very quick, skim it nicely ; take off the cover, if likely to be too weak ; otherwise keep it covered. Half an hour is sufficient for the whole process. BROWN GRAVY. Cover the bottom of a stewpan with lean veal an inch thick, overlay it with slices ctf undressed gammon, two or three onions, two or three bay leaves, some sweet herbs, two blades of mace, and three cloves. Cover the stew- pan, and set it over a slow fire ; but when the juices come out, let the fire be a little quicker. When the meat is of a fine brown, fill the pan with good beef-broth, boil and skim it, then simmer it an hour. Add a little water, thickened with flour ; boil it half an hour, and strain it. Gravy thus made will keep a week. BROWN BREAD ICE. Grate some brown bread as fine as possi- ble, soak a small proportion in cream two or three hours, sweeten and ice it. BROWN BREAD PUDDING. Half a pound of stale brown bread grated, half a pound of currants, ditto of shred suet, sugar and nut- 52 meg. Mix it up with four eggs, a spoonful of brandy, and twice as much cream. Boil it in a cloth or bason of proper size three or four hours. BROWNING. Powder four oun- ces of double-refined sugar, put it into a very nice iron fryingpan, with one ounce of fresh butter. Mix it well over a clear fire ; and when it begins to frotb, hold it up higher : when of a very fine dark brown, pour in a small quantity of a pint of port, and the whole by very slow degrees, stirring it all the time. Put to the above half an ounce of Jamai- ca, and the same of black pepper, six cloves of shalots peeled, three blades of mace bruised, three spoon- fuls of mushroom and the same of walnut ketchup, some salt, and the finely-pared rind of a lemon. Boil gently fifteen minutes, pour it into a bason till cold, take off the scum, and bottle it for use. This article is intended to colour and flavour made-up dishes. BRUISES. When the contusion is slight, fomentations of warm vi- negar and water, frequently applied, will generally relieve it. Cataplasms of fresh cow-dung applied to bruises, occasioned by violent blows or falls, will seldom fail to have a good ef- fect. Nothing however is more cer- tainly efficacious than a porter plas-, ter immediately applied to the part affected. Boil some porter in an earthen vessel over a slow fire till it'be well thickened ; and when cold spread it on a piece of leather to form the intended plaster. BUBBLE AND SQUEAK. Boil, chop and fry some cabbage, with a little butter, pepper and salt. Lay on it slices of underdone beef, light- ly fried. BUGS. Dip a sponge or brush into a strong solution of vitriol, and rub it on the bedstead, or in the places where these vermin harbour, and it will destroy both them and BUL BUR their nits. If the bugs appear af- ter once using it, the application must be repeated, and some of the liquid poured into the joints and holes of the bedstead and head- board. Beds that have much wood- work require to be taken down and well examined, before they can be thoroughly cleared of these vermin, and the mixture should be rubbed into all the joints and crevices with a painter's brush. It should also be applied to the walls of the room to insure success ; and if mixed with a little lime, it will produce a lively yellow. The boiling of any kind of woodwork or household furniture in an iron cauldron, with a solution of vitriol, will prevent the breeding of bugs, and preserve it from rotten- ness and decay. Sulphur made into a paste, or arsenic dissolved in wa- ter, and applied in the same man- ner, will also be found an effectual remedy for the bugs. But if these do not completely succeed, take half a pint of the highest rectified spirits of wine, and half a pint of spirits of turpentine ; dissolve in this mixture half an ounce of camphor, and shake them well together. Dust the bed or the furniture, dip a sponge or brush into the mixture, wet them all over, and pour some of the liquid into the holes and crevices. If any should afterwards appear, wet the lacings of the bed, the foldings of the curtains near the rings, and other parts where it is at all likely the bugs may nestle and breed, and it will not fail to destroy them. The smell of this mixture is not unwhole- some, and may be applied to the finest damask bed without any fear of soiling it. It should be well shak- ed together, but never used by can- dle-light, for fear of its taking fire. BULLACE CHEESE. To every quart of full ripe bullace, add a quarter of a pound of loaf sugar finely powdered. Put them into a pot, and bake them in a moderate oven till they are soft. Rub thorn through a hair sieve ; to every pound of pulp add half a pound of loaf su- gar powdered, and in the meantime keep it stirring. Pour the pulp into preserving pots, tie brandy paper over ; and keep them in a dry place. When it has stood a few months, it will cut out very bright and fine. BUNS. To make a good plain bun, that may be eaten with or with- out toasting and butter, rub four ounces of butter into two pounds of flour, four ounces of sugar, a nut- meg, a few Jamaica peppers, and a dessert-spoonful of caraways. Put a spoonful or two of cream into a cup of yeast, and as much good milk as will make the above into a light paste. Set it to rise by the fire till the oven be ready, and bake the buns quickly on tins. — To make some of a richer sort, mix one pound and a half of dried flour with half a pound of sugar. Melt eighteen ounces of butter in a little warm water, add six spoonfuls of rose-water, and knead the above into a light dough, with half a pint of yeast. Then mix in five ounces of caraway comfits, and put some on them. BURNS. In slight cases, the juice of onions, a little ink or brandy rubbed immediately on the part af- fected, will prevent blisters. The juice of burdock, mixed with an equal quantity of olive oil, will make a good ointment for the purpose, and the fresh leaves of that plant may also be applied as a kind of plaster. Housleek used by itself, or mixed with cream, will affbrd quick relief in external inflamma- tions. \ little spirit of turpentine, or linseed oil, mixed with lime wa- ter, if kept constantly to the part will remove the pain. But warm vinegar and water, frequently ap- plied with a woollen cloth, is most to be depended on in these cases. BURNT CREAM. Boil a pint of cream with a stick of cinnamon, and some lemon peel. Take it off the fire, and pour it very slowlv into 63 BUT BUT the yolks of four eggs, stirring it tiil half cold. Sweeten it, take out the spice, and pour it into a dish. When cold, strew over it some white pounded sugar, and brown it with a salamander. Or, make a rich cus- tard without sugar, and boil in it some lemon peel. When cold, sift over it plenty of white sugar, and brown the top with a salamander. BUTTER. No one article of family consumption is of greater consequence than butter of a supe- rior quality, and no one requires more care and management. It possesses various degrees of good- ness, according to the food on which the cows are pastured, and the man- ner in which the dairy is conducted ; but its sweetness is not affected by the cream being turned, of which it is made. When cows are in turnips, or eat cabbages, the taste is strong and disagreeable ; and to remedy this, the following methods have been tried with advantage. When the milk is strained into the pans, put to every six gallons one gallon of boiling water. Or dissolve one ounce of nitre in a pint of spring water, and put a quarter of a pint to every fifteen gallons of milk. Or, in churning, keep back a quarter of a pint of sour cream, and put it into a well-scalded pot, into which the next cream is to be gathered. Stir that well, and do so with every fresh addition. — ^To make Butter, skim the milk in the summer, when the sun has not heated the dairy. At that season it should stand for but- ter twenty-four hours without skim- ming, and forty-eight in winter. Deposit the cream-pot in a very cold cellar, unless the dairy itself is suf- ficiently cold. If you cannot churn daily, shift the cream into scalded fresh pots ; but never omit churning twice a week. If possible, place the churn in a thorough air ; and if not a barrel one, set it in a tub of water two feet deep, which will give firmness to the butter. When the 54 butter is come, pour off the butter-^ milk, and put the butter into a fresh scalded pan, or tubs, which have afterwards been in cold water. Pour water on it, and let it lie to acquire some hardness before it is worked ; then change the water, and beat it with flat boards so perfectly, that not the least taste of buttermilk re- main, and that the water which must be often changed, shall be quite clear. Then work some salt into it, weigh, and make it into forms ; throw them into cold water, in an earthen pan with a cover Nice cool butter will then be had in the hottest weather. It requires more working in hot than in cola weather ; but care should be takcL at all times not to leave a particle of buttermilk, or a sour taste, as is too often done. — To preserve But- ter, take two parts of the best common salt, one part of fine loaf- sugar, and one of saltpetre ; beat them well together. To sixteen ounces of butter, thoroughly cleans- ed from the milk, add one ounce of this mixture : work it well, and pot down the butter when it becomes firm and cold. Butter thus preserv- ed is the better for keeping, and should not be used under a month. This article should be kept from the air, and is best in pots of well-glazed ware, that will hold from ten to four- teen pounds each. Put some salt on the top ; and when that is turned to brine, if not enough to cover the butter entirely, add some strong salt and water. It then requires only to be covered from the dust, and will be good for winter use. — In pur- chasing Butter at market, re- collect that if fresh, it ought to smell like a nosegay, and be of an equal colour throughout. If sour in smell, it has not been sufficiently washed : if veiny and open, it is probably mixed with stale butter, or some of an inferior quality. To ascertain the quality of salt butter, put a knife into it, and smell it when drawn out : BUT BUT if there is any thing rancid or un- pleasant, the butter is bad. Salt butter being made at different times, the layers in casks will greatly vary ; and it is not easy to ascertain its quality, except by unhooping the cask, and trying it between the staves. BUTTER DISH. Roll butter in different forms, like a cake or a pine, and mark it with a tea-spoon. Or roll it in crimping rollers, work it through a cullender, or scoop it with a tea-spoon ; mix it with grated beef, tongue, or anchovies. Gar- nish with a wreath of curled pars- ley, and it will serve as a little dish. 'BUTTERMILK, if made of sweet cream, is a delicious and very whole- some article of food. Those who can relish sour buttermilk, will find it still more light, and it is reckoned very beneficial in consumptive cases. If not very sour, it is also £ft good as cream to eat with fruit ; but it should be sweetened with white su- gar, and mixed with a very little milk. It does equally well for cakes and rice puddings, and of course it is economical to churn before the cream is too stale for any thing but to feed pigs. — ^The celebrated Dr. Boerhaave recommended the fre- quent use of sweet buttermilk in all consumptive cases, and that it should form the whole of the patient's drink, while biscuits and rusks, with ripe and dried fruits of various kinds, should chiefly be depended on as articles of food. For this purpose take the milk from the cow into a small churn ; in about ten minutes begin churning, and continue till the flakes of butter swim about pret- ty thick, and the milk is discharged of all the oily particles, and appears thin and blue. Strain it through a sieve, and let the patient drink it as frequently as possible. BUTTERMILK PUDDING. Warm three quarts of new milk, turn it with a quart of buttermilk, and drain the curd through a sieve. When dry pound in a marble mor- tar, with nearly half a pound of su- gar, a lemon boiled tender, the crumb of a roll grated, a nutmeg grated, six bitter almonds, four oun- ces of warm butter, a tea-cupful of good cream, the yolks of five and whites of three eggs, a glass of sweet wine and a glass of brandy. When well incorporated, bake in small cups or bowls well buttered. If the bottom be not brown, use a sala- mander ; but serve as quick as pos- sible, and with pudding sauce. BUTTERED CRABS. Pick out the inside when boiled, beat it up in a little gravy, with wine, pepper, salt, nutmeg, a few crumbs of bread, a piece of butter rolled in a little flour, and some vinegar or lemon juice. Serve it up hot. BUTTERED EGGS. Beat four or five eggs, yolk and white toge- ther ; put a quarter of a pound of butter in a bason, and then put that into boiling water. Stir it till melt- ed, then put that butter and the eggs into a saucepan ; keep a ba- son in your hand, just hold the saucepan in the other over a slow part of the fire, shaking it one way, as it begins to warm. Pour it into the bason and back again, then hold it over the fire, stirring it constantly in the saucepan, and pouring it into the bason, more perfectly to mix the egg and butter, until they shall be hot without boiling. Serve on toast- ed bread, or in a bason, to eat with salt fish or red herrings. BUTTERED LOAF. Take three quarts of new milk, and add as much runnet as is sufficient to turn it; then break the eurd, and drain off all the whey through a clean cloth. Pound it in a stone mortar, add the white of one and the yolks of six eggs, a good handful of grated bread, half as much of fine flour, and a lit- tle salt. Mix them well together with the hand, divide the whole into four round loaves, and place them upon white paper. After they are 55 BUT BUT well buttered, varnish them all over with a feather, dipped in the yolk of an egg stirred up with a little beer. Set the loaves in a quick oven three quarters of an hour ; while baking, take half a pound of new butter, add to it four spoonfuls of water, half a nutmeg grated, and sugar sufficient to sweeten it. Stir them together over the fire till they boil ; when sufficiently thickened, draw the loaves from the oven, open their tops, pour in the butter and sugar, and send them up with sugar strew- ed over them. BUTTERED LOBSTERS. Pick out the meat, cut and warm it, with a little weak brown gravy, nutmeg, salt, pepper, butter, and a little flour. If done white, a little white gravy and cream. BUTTERED ORANGES. Grate off a little of the outside rind of four Seville oranges, and cut a round hole at the blunt end opposite the stalk, large enough to take out the pulp and seeds and juice. Then pick the seeds and skin from the pulp, rub the oranges with a little salt, and lay them in water for a short time. The bits cut out are to be saved. Boil the fruit in fresh water till they are tender, shifting the water to take out the bitterness. In the meantime make a thin syrup with fine sugar, put the oranges into it, and boil them up. As the quantity of syrup need not be enough to cover them, turn them round, that each part may par- take of the syrup, and let them re- main in it hot till they are wanted. About half an hour before serving, put some sugar to the pulp, and set 56 it over the fire ; mix it well, and let it boil. Then add a spoonful of white wine for every orange, give it a boil, put in a bit of fresh butter, and stir it over the fire to thicken. Fill the oranges with it, and serve them with some of the syrup in the dish, with the bits on the top. BUTTERED ORANGE-JUICE. Mix the juice of seven Seville oran- ges with four spoonfuls of rose-wa- ter, and add the yolks of eight and the whites of four eggs well beaten. Strain the liquor on half a pound of sugar pounded, stir it over a gentle fire ; and when it begins to thicken, add a piece of butter the size of a small walnut. Keep it over the fire a few minutes longer, then pour it into a flat dish, and serve it to eat cold. If no silver saucepan for the purpose, do it in a china bason in a saucepan of boiling water, the top of which will just receive the bason. BUTTERED PRAWNS. Take them out of the husk ; warm them with a little good gravy, a bit of but- ter and flour, a taste of nutmeg, pepper and salt. Simmer them to- gether a minute or two, and serve with sippets ; or with cream sauce, instead of brown. Shrimps are done in the same manner. BUTTERED RICE. Wash and pick some rice, drain, and set it on the fire, with new milk sufficient to make it swell. When tender, pour off the milk, and add a bit of butter, a little sugar and pounded cinna- mon. Shake and keep it from burn- ing on the fire, and serve it up as a sweet dish. CAK C AL Cabbage. Wash and pick it care- fully, and if very large, quarter it. Put it into a saucepan with plenty of boiling- water, and a large spoon- ful of salt ; if any scum rises, take it off, and boil it till the stalk is ten- der. Keep the vegetable well co- vered with water all the time of boil- ing, and see that no smoke or dirt arises from stirring the fire. With carefui management the cabbage will look as beautiful when dressed, as it did when growing. The flavour of an old cabbage may be much im- proved, by taking it up when half done, and putting it directly into another saucepan of fresh boiling water. When taken up, drain it in a cullender. It may be chopped and warmed with a piece of butter, pep- per and salt, or sent to table whole with melted butter. Savoys and greens in general are dressed in the same way. CAKES. In making and baking cakes the following particulars should be attended to. The currants should be nicely picked and washed, dried in a cloth, and set before the fire. If damp, they will make cakes or pud- dings heavy. Before they are added, a dust of dry flour should be scat- tered among them, and then shaken together, which will make the cake or pudding lighter. Eggs should be beaten a long time, whites and yolks apart, and always strained. Sugar should be rubbed to a powder on a clean board, and sifted through a fine hair or lawn sieve. Lemon peel requires to be pared very thin, and with a little sugar beaten to a paste in a marble mortar. It should then be mixed with a little wine or cream, so as to divide easily among the other ingredients. After all the ar- ticles are put into the pan, they should be long and thoroughly beat- en, as the lightness of the cake de- l^ends much on their being well in- corporated. Both black and white plumb cakes, being made with yeast, require less butter and eggs, and eat equally light and rich. If the leaven be only of flour, milk and wa- ter, and yeast, it becomes more tough, and is less easily divided, than if the butter be first put with those ingredients, and the dough after- wards set to rise by the fire. The heat of the oven is of great import- ance for cakes, especially large ones. If not pretty quick, the batter will not rise ; and if too quick, put some white paper over the cake to pre- vent its being burnt. If not long enough lighted to have a body of heat, or it is become slack, the cake will be heavy. To know when it is soaked, take a broad-bladed knife that is very bright, and thrust it into the centre ; draw it out instant- ly, and if the paste in any degree adheres, return the cake to the oven, and close it up. If the heat is suf- ficient to raise but not to soak the baking, a little fresh fuel should be introduced, after taking out the cakes and keeping them hot, and then returning them to the oven as quickly as possible. Particular care however should be taken to prevent this inconvenience, when large cakes are to be baked. CAKE TRIFLE. Bake a rice cake in a mould ; and when cold, cut it round with a sharp knife, about two inches from the edge, taking care not to perforate the bottom. Put in a thick custard, and some spoonfuls of raspberry jam ; and then put on a high whip. CALF'S FEET BROTH. Boil two feet in three quarts of water till reduced to half the quantity ; strain it, and set it by. When to be used, take of the fat, put a large tea-cup- ful of the jelly into a saucepan, with half a glass of sweet wine, a little sugar and nutmeg, and heat it up I 57 C AL G A L till it be ready to boil. Then take a little of it, and beat it by degrees to the yolk of an egg, adding a bit of butter the size of a nutmeg ; stir it all together, but do not let it boil. Grate a little fresh lemon peel into it. — Another way is to boil two calves' feet with two ounces of veal, and two of beef, the bottom of a penny loaf, two or three blades of mace, half a nutmeg, and a little salt, in three quarts of water, till reduced to half the quantity. Then strain it, and take off the fat. CALF'S FEET JELLY. Boil two feet, well cleaned, in five pints of water |;ill they are broken, and the water half wasted. Strain it, take off the fat when cold, and remove the jelly from the sediment. Put it into a saucepan, with sugar, raisin wine, lemon juice and lemon peel. When the flavour is rich, add the whites of five eggs well beaten, and their shells broken. Set the sauce- pan on the fire, but do not stir the jelly after it begins to warm. Let it boil twenty minutes after it rises to a head, then pour it through a flan- nel bag, first dipping the j^lly bag in hot water to prevent waste, and squeezing it quite dry. Run the jelly repeatedly through the bag, until it is quite clear, and then put it into glasses or forms. The fol- lowing method will greatly facilitate the clearing of the jelly. When the mixture has boiled twenty minutes, throw in a tea-cupful of cold water ; let it boil five minutes longer, then take the saucepan oft' the fire covered close, and keep it half an hour. It will afterwards be so clear as to need only once running through the bag, and much waste will be prevented. — Another way to make jelly is to take three calf's feet, or two cow- heels, that have been only scalded, and boil them in four quarts of wa- ter, till it be half wasted. Remove the jelly from the fat and sediment, mix with it the juice of a Seville orange and twelve lemons, the peels 58 of three ditto, the whites and shells of twelve eggs, brown sugar to taste, nearly a pint of raisin wine, one ounce of coriander seed, a quarter of an ounce of allspice, a bit of cin- namon, and six cloves, all bruised and previously mixed together. The jelly should boil fifteen minutes with- out stirring, and then be cleared through a flannel bag. Take a lit- tle of f he jelly while running, mix it with a tea-cupful of water in which a piece of beet root has been boiled, and run it through the bag when all the rest is run out. The other jelly being cooled on a plate, this will serve to garnish it. Jelly made in this way will have a fine high colour and flavour. But in all cases, to produce good jelly, the feet should only be scalded to take oft' the hair. Those who sell them ready prepared generally boil them too long, and they become in consequence less nutricious. If scalded only, the li- quor will require greater care in re- moving the fat ; but the jelly will be far stronger, and of course allow more water. Jelly is equally good if made of cow-heels nicely cleaned, and will be much stronger than what is made from calf's feet. CALF'S FEET PUDDING. Boil four feet quite tender, pick off the meat, and chop it fine. Add some grated bread, a pound of chopped suet, half a pint of milk, six eggs, a pound of currants, four ounces of ci- tron, two ounces of candied peel, a grated nutmeg, and a glass of bran- dy. Butter the cloth and flour it, tie it close, and boil it three hours. CALF S HEAD BOILED. Clean it carefully and soak it in water, that it may look very nice, and take out the brains for sauce. Wash them well, tie them up in a cloth, with a little sage and parsley ; put them into the pot at the same time with the head, and scum the water while boiling. A large head will take two hours, and when the part which joined the neck becomes tender it is CAL CAL done. Take up the brains and chop them with the sage and parsley, and an egg boiled hard. Put them into a saucepan with a bit of butter, pep- per and salt, and warm them up. Peel the tongue, lay it in the middle of the dish, with the brain sauce round it. Strew over the head some grated bread and chopped parsley, and brown it by the ifire in a sepa- rate dish, adding bacon, pickled pork, and greens. CALF'S HEAD COLLARED. Scald the skin off a fine head, clean it nicely, and take out the brains. Boil it tender enough to remove the bones, and season it high with mace, nutmeg, salt, and white pepper. Put a layer of chopped parsley, then a quantity of thick slices of fine ham, or a beautiful coloured tongue skin- ned, and then the yolks of six nice yellow eggs stuck here and there about. Roll the head quite close, and tie it up tight, placing a cloth under the tape, as for other collars. Boil it, and then lay a weight upon it. CALF'S HEAD FRICASSEED. Clean and half-boil part of a head ; cut the meat into small bits, and put it into a tosser, with a little gravy made of the bones, some of the w a- ter it was boiled in, a bunch of sweet herbs, an onion, and a blade of mace. The cockscombs of young cockrels may be boiled tender, and then blanched, or a sweetbread will do as well. Season the gravy with a little pepper, nutmeg, and salt. Rub down some flour and butter, and give all a boil together. Then take out herbs and onion, and add a small cup of cream, but do not boil it in. Serve with small bits of bacon rolled up and forcemeat balls. CALF'S HEAD HASHED. When half boiled, cut off the meat in slices, half an inch thick, and two or three inches long. Brown some butter, flour, and slici^ onion ; and throw in the slices with some good gravy, truffles and morels. Give it one boil, skim it well and set it in a moderate heat to simmer till very tender. Season at first with pepper, salt, and cayenne ; and ten minutes be- fore serving, throw in some shred parsley, and a very small bit of ta- ragon and knotted marjoram cut as fine as possible. Send it up with forcemeat balls, and bits of bacon rolled round, adding the squeeze of a lemon. — Another way is to boil the head almost enough, and take the meat of the best side neatly off the bone with a sharp knife. Lay this into a small dish, wash it over with the yolks of two eggs, and co- ver it with crumbs, a few herbs nice- ly shred, a little pepper, salt, and grated nutmejr all mixed together first. Set the dish before the fire, and turn it now and then, that all parts of the head may be equally brown. In the mean time slice the remainder of the head, peel the tongue and slice it. Put a pint of good gravy into a pan with an onion, and a small bunch of herbs, consist- ing of parsley, basil, savoury, tara- gon, knotted marjoram, and a little thyme. Add a small quantity of salt and cayenne, a few trufilles and morels, and two spoonfuls of ketch- up. Then beat up half the brains, put it to the rest with a little butter and flour, and simmer the whole to- gether. Beat the other part of the brains with shred lemon peel, a lit- tle nutmeg and mace, some shred parsley and an egg. Then fry it in small cakes of a beautiful yellow brown. Dip some oysters into the yolk of an egg, and do the same ; and also some relishing forcemeat balls, made as for mock turtle. Gar- nish with -these, and small bits of bacon just made hot before the fire. CALF'S HEAD PIE. Stew a knuckle of veal till fit for eating, with two onions, a few isinglass shavings, a bunch of herbs, a blade of mace, £,nd a few peppercorns, in three pints of water. Keep the broth for the pie. Take oft' a bit of 59 C AL CAL the meat for the balls, and let the other be eaten ; but simmer the bones in the broth till it is very good. Half boil the head, and cut it into square bits ; put a layer of ham at the bot- tom, then some head, first fat and then lean, with balls and hard eggs cut in half, and so on till the dish be full ; but great care must be ta- ken not to place the pieces close, or the pie will be too solid, and there will be no space for the jelly. The meat must be first seasoned pretty well with pepper and salt, and a scrape or two of nutmeg. Put a little water and gravy into the dish, cover it with a tolerably thick crust, and bake it in a slow oven. When done, fill it up with gravy, and do not cut it till quite cold. Use a very sharp knife for this purpose, first cutting out a large piece, and going down to the' bottom of the dish : thinner slices may afterwards be cut. The different colours, and the clear jelly, will have a beautiful marbled appearance. A small pie may be made to eat hot, and will have a good appearance, if seasoned high with oysters, mushrooms, truf- fles and morels. The cold pie will Jceep several days, and slices of it will make a handsome side-dish. If the isinglass jelly be not found stiff enough, a calf's foot or a cow heel may be used instead. To vary the colour, pickled tongue may be cut in, instead of ham. CALF'S HEAD ROASTED. Wash the head perfectly clean, stew it with oysters, tie it together and spit it, baste it well with butter and flour rubbed smooth. Stew together some of the oyster liquor, gravy, butter and salt, with a few sprigs of mar- joram and savoury, adding a little claret, and pour the sauce over the dish. CALF'S HEAD SOUP. After the head has been thoroughly cleaned, put it into a stewpan with a proper quantity of water, an onion, some sweet herbs, mace and cloves, and 60 a little pearl barley. Boil it quite tender, put in some stewed celery, and season it with pepper. Pour the soup into a dish, place the head in the middle, and send it hot to table. CALF'S HEAD STEWED. Wash and soak it for an hour, bone it, take out the brains, the tongue and the eyes. Make a forcemeat with two pounds of beef suet, as much lean veal, two anchovies boned and wash- ed, the peel of a lemon, some grated nutmeg, and a little thyme. Chop them up together with some grated bread, and mix in the yolks of four eggs. Make part of this forcemeat into fifteen or twenty balls ; boil five eggs hard, some oysters washed clean, and half a pint of fresh mush- rooms, and mix with the rest of the forcemeat. Stuff that part of the head where the bones were taken out, tie it up carefully with packthread, put it into two quarts of gravy or good broth, with a blade of mace, cover it close, and stew it very slowly for two hours. While the head is doing, beat up the brains with some lemon-thyme and parsley chopped very fine, some grated nutmeg, and the yolk of an egg mixed with it. Fry half the brains in dripping, in little cakes, and fry the balls. When the head is done, keep it warm with the brain-cakes and balls ; strain off the liquor in which the head was stewed, add to it some stewed truf- fles and morels, and a few pickled mushrooms. Put in the other half of the brains chopped, boil them up together, and let them simmer a few minutes. Lay the head into a hot dish, pour the liquor over it, and place the balls and the brain-cakes round it. For a small family, half the head will be sufficient. A lamb's head may be done in the same way. CALF'S HEART. Chop fine some suet, parsley, sweet marjoram and a boiled egg. Add some grated bread, lemon peel, pepper, salt and mustard. Mix them together in a CAL C AL paste, and stuff the heart with it, after it has been well washed and cleaned. If done carefully, it is better baked than roasted. Serve it up quite hot, with gravy and melt- ed butter. CALF'S KIDNEY. Chop veal kidney, and some of the fat ; like- wise a little leek or onion, pepper, and salt. Roll the kidney up with an egg into balls, and fry it. — A calf's heart should be stuffed and roasted as a beef's heart ; or sliced and made into a pudding, the same as for a steak or kidney pudding. CALF'S LIVER, there are se- veral ways of making this into a good dish. One is to broil it, after it has been seasoned with pepper and salt. Then rub a bit of cold butter over, and serve it up hot and hot. — If the liver is to be roasted, first wash and wipe it, then cut a long hole in it, and stuff it with crumbs of bread, chopped anchovy, herbs, fat bacon, onion, salt, pepper, a bit of butter, and an egg. Sew up the liver, lard or wrap it in a veal caul, and put it to the fire. Serve it with good brown gravy, and currant jelly. — If the liver and lights are to be dressed together, half boil an equal quantity of each ; then cut them in a middling-sized mince, adda spoon- ful or two of the water that boiled it, a bit of butter, flour, salt and pep- per. Simmer them together ten mi- nutes, and serve the dish up hot. CALF'S SWEETBREADS. These should behalf boiled, and then stew- ed in white gravy. Add cream, flour, butter, nutmeg, salt, and white pepper. Or do them in brown sauce seasoned. Or parboil, and then co- ver them with crumbs, herbs, and seasoning, and brown them in a Dutch oven. Serve with butter, and mushroom ketchup, or gravy. CALVES. The general method of rearing calves consumes so much of the milk of ^ dairy, that it is highly necessary to adopt other means, or the calves must be sold to the butcher while they are young. A composition called linseed milk, made of linseed oil-cake powdered, and gradually mixed with skim-milk sweetened with treacle, has been tried with considerable effect. It must be made nearly as warm as new milk when taken from the cow. Hay tea mixed with linseed and boiled to a jelly, has likewise been tried with success. A species of water gruel, made in the following manner, is strongly recommended. Put a hand- ful or two of oatmeal into some boil- ing water, and after it has thickened a little, leave it to cool till it is luke- warm ; mix with it two or three pints of skim-milk, and give it to the calf to drink. At first it may be neces- sary to make the calf drink by pre- senting the fingers to it ; but it will soon learn to drink of itself, and will grow much faster than by any other method. According to the old cus- tom, a calf intended to be reared is allowed to suck for six or eight weeks ; and if the cow give only a moderate quantity of milk, the va- lue of it will amount to the price of the calf in half that time. By the method now recommended, only a little oatmeal or ground barley is consumed, and a small quantity of skim-milk. The calf is also more healthy and strong, and less subject to disease. Small whisps of hay should be placed round them on cleft sticks, to induce the calves to eat ; and when they are weaned, they should be turned into short sweet grass ; for if hay and water only are used, they are liable to swellings and the rot. The fatting of calves being an object of great importance, a greater variety of food is now provided for this purpose than formerly, and great improvements have been made in this part of rural economy. Grains, potatoes, malt dust, pollard, and turnips now con- stitute their common aliment. But in order to make them fine and fat, they must be kept as clean as pos- 61 AL C A N sible, with fresh litter every day. Bleeding them twice before they are slaughtered, improves the beauty and whiteness of the flesh, but it may be doubted whether the meat is equal- ly good and nutricious. If calves be taken with the scouring, which often happens in a few days after being cast, make a medicine of pow- dered chalk and wheat meal, wrought into a ball with some gin ; and it will aflford relief. The shoote is an- other distemper to which they are liable, and is attended with a violent cholic and the loathing of food. The general remedy in this case is milk, well mulled with eggs ; or eggs and flour mixed with oil, melted butter, linseed or anniseed. To prevent the sickness which commonly attends calves about Michaelmas time, take newly-churned butter, without salt, and form it into a cup the size of an egg ; into this cup put three or four cloves of bruised garlic, and till it up with tar. Having put the cup down the calf's throat, pour into its nostrils half a spoonful of the spirit of turpentine, rub a little tar upon its nose, and keep it within doors for an hour. Calves ought to be housed a night before this medicine is given. CALICO FURNITURE. When curtains or bed furniture of this de- scription are to be taken down f ^r the summer, shake oft* the b-osedu^f, and lightly brush them with a small long-haired furniture brush. Wip»' them afterwards very closely with clean flannels, and rub thtm with dry bread. If properU d«»iie, the curtains will look nearly a«» well as at first , and if the colour be not very light, they will not require washing for years. Fold them up in large parcels, and put them by carefully. While the furniture re- mains up, it should be preserved as much as possible from the sun and air, which injure delicate colours ; and the dust may be blown oflf with bellows. Curtains may thus be kept 62 clean, even to use with the linings after they have been washed or new- ly dipped. CAMP VINEGAR. Slice a large head of garlic, and put it into a wide-mouthed bottle, with half an ounce of cayenne, two tea-spoonfuls of soy, two of walnut ketchup, four anchovies chopped, a pint of vine- gar, and enough cochineal to give it the colour of lavender drops. Let it stand six weeks; then strain it off quite clear, and keep it in small bot- tles sealed up. CAMPHOR JULEP. Dissolve a quarter of an ounce of camphor in half a pint of brandy. It may thus be kept fit for use ; and a tea-spoon- fid taken in a wine glass of cold water will be fojind an agreeable dose. — Another way. To a quarter of an ounce of camphor, add a quart of boiling water, and a quart of cold. Let it stand six hours, and strain it ort' for use. CAMPHOR OINTMENT. Put half an ounce of camphor into an ounce of the oil of almonds, mixed with an ounce of spermaceti. Scrape fine into it half an ounce of white wax, and melt it over some hot wa- ter. CAMPHORATED OIL. Beat an ounce ofxamf)hor in a mortar, with two ounces of Florence oi*), till the camphor is entirely dissolved. This liniment is highly useful in rheuma- tism, spasms, and other cases of extreme pain. CANARIES. Those who wish to breed this species of birds, should provide them a large cage, with two boxes to build in. Early in April put a cock and hen together ; and whilst they are pairing, foed them with soft meat, or a little grated bread, scalded rapeseed and an egg mixed together. At the same time a small net of fine hay, wool, cot- ton, and hair should be suspended in one corner olMfte cage, so that the birds may pull it out as they want it to build with. Tame cana- CAN CAP ries will sometimes breed three or four limes in a year, and produce their young about a fortnight after tliey begin to sit. When hatched, they should be left to the care of the old ones, to nurse them up till they can fly and feed themselves ; during which time they should be supplied with fresh victuals every day, accompanied now and then with cabbage, lettuce, and chick- Aveed with seeds upon it. When the young canaries can feed themselves, they should be taken from the old ones, and put into another cage. Boil a little rapeseed, bruise and mix it with as much grated bread, mace seed, and the yolk of an egg- boiled hard ; and supply them with a small quantity every day, that it may not become stale or sour. Be- sides this, give them a little scalded rapeseed, and a little rape and ca- nary seed by itself. This diet may be continued till they have done moulting, or renewed at any time when they appear unhealthy, and afterwards they may be fed in the usual manner. CANCER. It is asserted by a French practitioner, that this cruel disoFrder may be cured in three days, by the following simple application, without any surgical operanon what- ever. Knead a piece of dough about the size of a pullet's egg, with the same quantity of hog's lard, the old- er the better ; and when they are thorougly blended, so as to form a kind of salve, spread it on a piece of white leather, and apply it to the part affected. This, if it do no good, is perfectly harmless. — A plaster for an eating cancer may be made as follows. File up some old brass, and mix a spoonful of it wdth mut- ton suet. Lay the plaster on the I cancer, and let it remain till the cure is effected. Several persons have derived great ^lefit from this ap- fpiias seldom been plication, and known to fail. CANDIED ANGELICA. Cut angelica into pieces three inches long, boil it tender, peel and boil it again till it is green ; dry it in a cloth, and add its weight in sugar. Sift some fine sugar over, and let thenj remain in a pan two days ; then boi the stalks clear and green, and let them drain in a cullender. Beat another pound of sugar and strew over them, lay them on plates, and dry them well in an oven. CANDIED FRUIT. Take the preserve out of the syrup, lay it into a new sieve, and dip it suddenly into hot water, to take off the syrup that hangs about it. Put it on a napkin before the fire to drain, and then do another layer in the sieve. Sift the fruit all over with double re- fined sugar previously prepared, till it is quite white. Set it on the shal- low end of sieves in a lightly-warm oven, and turn it two or three times : it must not be cold till dry. NVatch it carefully, and it will be beautiful. CANDIED PEEL. Take out the pulps of lemons or oranges, soak the rinds six days in salt and water, and afterwards boil them tender in spring water. Drain them on a sieve, make a thin syrup of loaf sugar and water, and boil the peels in it till the syrup begins to candy about them. Then take out the peels, grate fine sugar over them, drain them on a sieve, and dry them before the fire. CANDLES. Those made in cold weather are best ; and if put in a cool place, they will improve by keeping ; but when they begin to sweat and turn rancid, the tallow loses its strength, and the candles are spoiled. A stock for winter use should be provided in autumn, and for summer, early in the spiing. The best candle-wicks are made of fine cotton ; the coarser yarn con- sumes faster, and burns less steady. Mould candles burn the clearest, but dips afford the best light, their wicks being proportionably larger. CAPER SAUCE. Ad^ a table- spoonful of capers to twice the quan- 63 CAR C A^ tity of vinegar, mince one third of the capers very fine, and divide the others in half. Put them into a quarter of a pint of melted butter, or good thickened gravy, and stir them the same way as the melted butter, to prevent their oiling. The juice of half a Seville orange or le-; mon may be added. An excellent substitute for capers may be made of pickled green peas, nastursions, or gherkins, chopped into a similar size, and boiled with melted butter. When capers are kept for use, they should be covered with fresh scalded vinegar, tied down close to exclude the air, and to make them soft. CAPILLAIRE. Take fourteen pounds of good moist sugar, three of coarse sugar, and six eggs beaten in well with the shells, boil them to- gether in three quarts of water, and skim it carefully. Then add a quar- ter of a pint of orange-flower water, strain it off", and put it into bottles. When cold, mix a spoonful or two of this syrup in a little warm or cold water. CARACHEE. Mix with a pint of vinegar, two table-s-poonfuls of In- dian soy, two of walnut pickle, two cloves of garlic, one tea-spoonful of cayenne, one of lemon pickle, and two of sauce royal. CARMEL COVER. Dissolve eight ounces of double refined sugar in three or four spoonfuls of water, and as many drops of lemon juice. Put it into a copper skillet ; when it begins to thicken, dip the handle of a spoon in it, and put that into a pint bason of water. Squeeze the sugar from the spoon into it, and so on till all the sugar is extracted. Take a bit out of the water, and if it snaps and is brittle when cold, it is done enough. But let it be only three parts cold, then pour the wa- ter from the sugar, and having a copper form oiled well, run the su- gar on it, in the manner of a maze, and when cold it may be put on the dish it is intended to cover. If on 64 trial the sugar is not brittle, pour off the water, return it into the skillet, and boil it again. It should look thick like treacle, but of a light gold colour. This makes an elegant co- ver for sweetmeats. CARP. This excellent fish will live some time out of water, and may therefore get wasted : it is best to kill them as soon as caught, to pre- vent this. Carp should either be boiled or stewed. Scale and draw it, and save the blood. Set on wa- ter in a stewpan, with a little Chili vinegar, salt, and horse-radish. When it boils, put in the carp, and boil it gently for twenty minutes, according to the thickness of the fish. Stew the blood with half a pint of port wine, some good gravy, a sliced onion, a little whole pep- per, a blade of mace, and a nutmeg grated. Thicken the sauce with butter rolled in flour, season it with pepper and salt, essence of anchovy, and mushroom ketchup. Serve up the fish with the sauce poured over it, adding a little lemon juice. Carp are also very nice plain boiled, with common fish sauce. CARPETS. In order to keep them clean, they should not frequently be swept witj^ a wisk brush, as it wears them fast ; not more than once a week, and at other times with sprink- led tea-leaves, and a hair brush. Fine carpets should be done gently on the knees, with a soft clothes* brush. When a carpet requires more cleaning, take it up and beat it well, then lay it down and brush it on both sides with a hand-brush. Turn it the right side upwards, and scour it clean with ox-gall and soap and water, and dry it with linen cloths. Lay it on the grass, or hang it up to dry thoroughlv. CARRAWAY CAKE. Dry two pounds of good flour, add ten spoon- fuls of yeast, and Jkelve of cream. Wash the salt oi^of a pound of butter, and rub it into the flour ; beat up eight eggs with half the • -M CAJ^TTJVa* UU'e-l'C/Ut (// kjtt'J: i # CARVIJNTGr, >/ (rJovEMBER. Prepare a good heap of pasture ground, with the turf among it, to rot into mould for the borders. Transplant honey- suckles and spireas, with other hardy flowering shrubs. Rake over the beds of seedling flowers, and strew some peas straw over to keep out the frost. Cut down the stems of perennials which have done flow- ering, pull up annuals that are spent, and rake and clear the ground. Place hoops over the beds of ranun- culuses and anemones, and lay mats or cloths in readiness to draw over 132 them, in case of hard rains or frost. Clean up the borders in all parts of the garden, and take care to destroy not only the weeds, but all kinds of moss. Look over the seeds of those flowei^ which were gathered in sum- mer, to see that they are dry and sweet ; and prepare a border or two for the hardier kind, by digging and cleaning. December. During frost or cold rain, draw the mats and cloths over the ranunculuses; give the anemones a little air in the middle of every tolerable day ; and as soon as possible, uncover them all day, but draw on the mats at night. Throw up the earth where flowering shrubs are to be planted in the spring, and turn it once a fortnight. Dig up the borders that are to receive flower roots in the spring, and give them the advantage of a fallow, by throwing up the ground in a ridge. Scatter over it a very little rotten dung from a melon bed, and afterwards turn it twice during the winter. Examine the flowering shrubs, and prune them. Cut away all the dead wood, shorten luxuriant branches, and if any cross each other, take away one. Leave them so that the ais may have a free passage between them. Sift a quarter of an inch of good fresh mould over the roots of perennial flowers, whose stalks have been cut down, and then i-ake over the borders. This will give the whole an air of culture and good management, which is always pleas- ing. FLOWER POTS. As flowers and plants should enjoy a free cir- culation of air to make them grow well, sitting rooms are not very well adapted to the purpose, unless they could be frequently ventilated by opening the doors and windows. In every severe frost or damp wea- ther, moderate fires should be made in the rooms where the plants are placed, and the shutters closed at night. Placing saucers under th« FLU FOO pots, and pouring water continually into them, is highly improper: it should be poured on the mould, that it may filter through it, and thereby refresh the fibres of the plant. Many kinds of annuals, sown in March and the beginning of April, may be transplanted into pots about the end of May, and should be frequently watered till they have taken root. If transplanted in the summer sea- son, the evening is the proper time, and care must be taken not to break the fibres of the root. When the plants are attacked by any kind of crawling insects, the evil may be prevented by keeping the saucers full of water, so as to form a river round the pot, and rubbing some oil round the side. Oil is fatal to most kinds of insects, and but few of them can endure it, FLOWER SEEDS. When the seeds begin to ripen they should be supported with sticks, to prevent their being scattered by the wind ; and in wet weather they should be removed to a dry place, and rubbed out when convenient. August is in general the proper time for gather- ing flower seeds, but many kinds will ripen much sooner. To ascer- tain whether the seed be fully ripe, put a little of it into water : if it be come to maturity, it will sink to the bottom, and if not it will swim upon the surface. To preserve them for vegetation, it is only necessary to wrap the seed up in cartridge paper, pasted down and varnished over with gum, or the white of an egg. Some kinds of seeds are best en- closed in sealing wax. FLUMMERY. Steep in cold wa- ter, for a day and a night, three large handfuls of very fine white oatmeal. Pour it off clear, add as much more water, and let it stand the same time. Strain it through a fine hair sieve, and boil it till it is as thick as hasty pudding, stirring it well all the time. When first strained, put to it one large spoonful of white sugar, and two of orange flower \f a- ter. Pour it into shallow dishes, and serve it wp with wine, cider, and milk ; or it will be very good with cream and sugar. FOMENTATIONS. Boil two ounces each of camomile flowers, and the tops of wormwood, in two quarts of water. Pour oflf the liquor, put it on the fire again, dip in a piece of flannel, and apply it to the part as hot as the patient can bear it. When it grows cold, heat it up again, dip in another piece of flan- nel, apply it as the first, and con- tinue changing them as often as they get cool, taking care not to let the air get to the part aff'ected when the flannel is changed. — To relieve the toothache, pain in the face, or any other acute pain, the following anodyne fomentation may be ap- plied. Take two ounces of white poppy heads, and half an ounce of elder flowers, and boil them in three pints of water, till it is reduced one third. Strain oflf the liquor, and foment the part aflfectedr FOOD. In the early ages of the world, mankind were chiefly sup- ported by berries, roots, and such other vegetables as the earth pro- duced of itself, according to the original grant of the great Proprietor of all things. In later ages, espe- cially after the flood, this grant was enlarged ; and man had recourse to animals, as well as to vegetables artificially raised for their support, while the art of preparing food has been brought to the highest degree of perfection. Vegetables are how- ever, with a few exceptions, more difiicult of digestion than animal food ; but a due proportion of both, with the addition of acids, is the most conducive to health, as well as agreeable to the palate. Animal as well as vegetable food may be rendered unwholesome by being kept too long ; and when oflfens^ive to the senses, they become alike in- jurious to health. Diseased animals, 138 FOO FO O and such as die of themselves, ought never to be eaten. Such as are fed grossly, stalled cattle and pigs, without any exercise, do not afford food so nourishing or wholesome as others. Salt meat is not so easily digested as fresh provisions, and has a tendency to produce putrid diseases, especially the scurvy. If vegetables and milk were more used, there would be less scurvy, and fewer inflammatory fevers. Our food ought neither to be too moist, nor too dry. Liquid food relaxes and renders the body feeble : hence those who live much on tea, and other watery diet, generally become weak, and unable to digest solid food.. They are also liable to hys- terics* with a train of other nervous affections. But if the food be too dry, it disposes the body to inflam- matory disorders, and is equally to be avoided. Families would do well to prepare their own diet and drink, as much as possible, in order to render it good and wholesome. Bread in particular is so necessary a part of daily food, that too much care cannot be taken to see that it be made of sound grain duly pre- pared, and kept from all unwhole- some ingredients. Those who make bread for sale, seek rather to please the eye than to promote health. The best bread is that which is nei- ther too coarse nor too fine, well fermented, and made of wheat flour, or wheat and rye mixed together. Good fermented liquors, neither too weak nor too strong, are to be pre- ferred. If too weak, they require to be drunk soon, and then they produce wind and flatulencies in the stomach. If kept too long, they turn sour, and then become unwhole- some. On the other hand, strong liquor, by hurting the digestion, tends to weaken and relax : it also keeps up a constant fever, which exhausts the spirits, inflames the blood, and disposes the body to numberless diseases Beer, cider, 134 and other family liquors, should be of such strength as to keep till they are ripe, and then they should be used. Persons of a weak and re- laxed habit should avoid every thing hard of digestion : their diet re- quires to be light and nourishing, and they should take suflicient ex- ercise in the open air. Those wha abound with blood, should abstain from rich wines and highly nourish- ing food, and live chiefly on vege- tables. Corpulent persons ought frequently to use radish, garlic, or such things as promote perspiration. Their drink should be tea, coffee, or the like ; they ought also to take much exercise, and but little sleep. Those who are of a thin habit, should follow the opposite course. Such as are troubled with sour risings in the stomach, should live chiefly o» animal food ; and those who are af- flicted with hot risings and heart- burn, should have a diet of acid vegetables. Persons of low spirits, and subject to nervous disorders, should avoid all flatulent food, what- ever is hard of digestion, or apt to turn sour on the stomach. Their diet should be light, cool, and of an opening nature ; not only suited to the age and constitution, but also to the manner of life. A sedentary person should live more sparingly than one who labours hard without doors, and those who are aflSicted with any particular disease ought to avoid such aliment as has a tendency to increase it. Those aflHicted with the gravel ought to avoid every thing astringent ; and the scorbutic of every description, salted or smoked provisions. In the first period of life, the food should be light, but nourishing, and frequently taken. For infants in particular, it ought to be adapted to their age, and the strength of their digestive powers. No food whatever that has been pre- pared for many hours should be given them, especially after being warmed up ; for it creates flatulence^ FLO FLO heartburn, and a variety of other disorders. Sudden changes from liquid to solid food should be avoid- ed, as well as a multiplicity of dif- ferent kinds ; and all stimulating dishes and heating liquors, prepared for adults, should be carefully with- held from children. The common but indecent practice of introducing chewed victuals into their mouth, is equally disgusting and unwhole- some. Solid food is most proper for the state of manhood, but it ought not to be too uniform. Nature has provided a great variety for the use of man, and given him an appe- tite suited to that variety : the con- stant use of one kind of food there- fore is not good for the constitution, though any great or sudden change in diet ought as well to be avoided. The change should be gradual, as any sudden transition from a low to a rich and luxurious mode of living, may endanger health, and even life itself. The diet suited to the last period of life, when nature is on the decline, approaches nearly to that of the first : it should be light and nourishing, and more frequently taken than in vigorous age. Old people are generally afflicted with wind, giddiness, and headachs, which are frequently occasioned by fasting too long, and even many sudden deaths arise from the same cause. The stomach therefore should never be allowed in any case to be too long empty, but especially in the decline of life. Proper atten- tion to diet is of the utmost im- portance, not only to the preserva- tion of health, but in the cure of many diseases, which may be effect- ed by diet only. Its effects indeed are not always so quick as those of medicine, but they are generally more lasting, and are obtained with greater ease and certainty. Tem- perance and exercise are the two best physicians in the world ; and if they were duly regarded, there would be little occasion for any other. FOOD FOR BIRDS. An excel- lent food for linnets, canaries, and other singing birds, may be prepared in the following manner. Knead together one pound of split peas ground to flour, half a pound each of coarse sugar .and fine grated bread, two ounces of unsalted but- ter, and the yolks of two eggs. Brown the paste gently in a frying- pan, and when cold mix with it two ounces of mace seed, and two pounds of bruised hemp seed, separated from the husk. This paste given to birds in small quantities will pre- serve them in health, and prompt them to sing every month in the year. FORCEMEAT. This article, whether in the form of stuffing balls, or for patties, makes a considerable part of good cooking, by the flavour it imparts to whatsoever dish it may be added. Yet at many tables, where every thing else is well done, it is common to find very bad stuf- fing. Exact rules for the quantity cannot easily be given ; but the fol- lowing observations may be useful, and habit will soon give knowledge in mixing it to the taste. The selec- tion of ingredients should of course be made, according to what they . are wanted for, observing that of the most pungent, the smallest quan- tity should be used. No one flavour should greatly preponderate; yet if several dishes be served the same day, there should be a marked va- riety in the taste of the forcemeat, as well as of the gravies. It should | be consistent enough to cut with a knife, but neither dry nor heavy. The following are the articles of which forcemeat may be made, without giving it any striking fla- vour. Cold fowl or veal, scrapM ham, fat bacon, beef suet, crumbs of bread, salt, white pepper, pars- ley, nutmeg, yolk and white of eggs well beaten to bind the mixture. To these, any of the following may be added, to vary the taste, and give it a higher relish. Oysters, anchovv, 135 FOR FOR taragon, savoury, pennyroyal, knot- ted, marjoram, thyme, basil, yolks of hard eggs, cayenne, garlic, shalot, chives, Jamaica pepper in fine pow- der, or two or three cloves. FORCEMEAT BALLS. To make fine forcement balls for fish soups, or stewed fish, beat together the flesh and soft parts of a lobster, half an anchovy, a large piece of boiled celery, the yolk of a hard egg, a lit- tle cayenne, mace, salt, and white pepper. Add two table-spoonfuls of bread crumbs, one of oyster liquor, two ounces of warmed but- ter, and two eggs well beaten. Make the whole into balls, and fry them in butter, of a fine brown. FORCEMEAT FOR FOWLS. Shred a little ham or gammon, some cold veal or fowl, beef suet, parsley, a small quantity of onion, and a very little lemon peel. Add salt, nutmeg, or pounded mace, bread crumbs, and either white pepper or cayenne. Pound it all together in a mortar, and bind it with one or two eggs beaten and strained. The same stufting will do for meat, or for patties. For fowls, it is usually put between the skin and the flesh. FORCEMEAT FOR GOOSE. Chop very fine about two ounces of onion, and an ounce of green sage. Add four ounces of bread crumbs, the yolk and white of an egg, a little pepper and salt ; and if approved, a minced apple. This will do for either goose or duck stuflSng. FORCEMEAT FOR HARE. Chop up the liver, with an anchovy, some fat bacon, a little suet, some sweet herbs, and an onion. Add salt, pepper, nutmeg, crumbs of bread, and an egg to bind all toge- ther. FORCEMEAT FOR SAVOURY PIES. The same as for fowls, only substituting fat or bacon, instead of suet. If the pie be of rabbit or fowls, the livers mixed with fat and lean pork, instead of bacon, will make an excellent stuffing. The seasoning is to be the same as for fowls or meat. FORCEMEAT FOR TURKEY. The same stuflSng will do for boiled or roast turkey as for veal, or to make it more relishing, add a little grated ham or tongue, an anchovy, or the soft part of a dozen oysters. Pork sausage meat is sometimes used to stuff" turkies or fowls, or fried, and sent up as garnish. FORCEMEAT FOR TURTLE. A pound of fine fresh suet, one ounce of cold veal or chicken, chopped fine ; crumbs of bread, a little sha- lot or onion, white pepper, salt, nut- meg, mace, pennyroyal, parsley, and lemon thyme, finely shred. Beat as many fresh eggs, yolks and whites separately, as will make the above in- gredients into a moist paste. Roll it into small balls, and boil them in fresh lard, putting them in just as it boils up. When of a light brown take them out, and drain them be- fore the fire. If the suet be moist or stale, a great many more eggs will be necessary. Balls made in this way are remarkably light ; but being greasy, some people prefer them with less suet and eggs. FORCEMEAT FOR VEAL. Scrape two ounces of undressed lean veal, free from skin and sinews ; two ounces of beef or veal suet, and two of bread crumbs. Chop fine two drams of parsley, one of lemon peel, one of sweet herbs, one of onion, and add half a dram of mace or allspice reduced to a fine pow- der. Pound all together in a mor- tar, break into it the yolk and white of an egg, rub it all up well toge- , ther, and season it with a little pep- per and salt. This may be made more savoury, by the addition of cold boiled tongue, anchovy, shalot, cavenne, or curry powder. FOREHAND OF PORK. Cut out the bone, sprinkle the inside with salt, pepper, and dried sage. Roll the pork tight, and tie it up ; warm a little butter to baste it, and FRE PRE then flour it. Roast it by a hanging jack, and about two hours will do it. FOREQUARTER OF LAMB. Roast it either whole, or in separate parts. If left to be cold, chopped parsley should be sprinkled over it. The neck and breast together are called a scoven. FOWLS. In purchasing fowls for dressing, it is necessary to see that they are fresh and good. If a cock bird is young, his spurs will be short ; but be careful to observe that they have not been cut or pared, which is a trick too often practised. If fresh, the vent will be close and dark. Pullets are best just before they begin to lay, and yet are full of egg. If hens are old, their combs and legs will be rough : if young, they will be smooth. A good ca- pon has a thick belly and a large rump : there is a particular fat at his breast, and the comb is very pale. Black-legged fowls being moist, are best for roasting. FRECKLES. The cosmetics ge- nerally recommended for improving the skin and bloom of the face are highly pernicious, and ought by no means to be employed. Temperance in diet and exercise, with frequent washing and bathing, are the best means of preserving a healthful countenance. But those who desire to soften and improve the skin, may use an infusion of horseradish in milk, or the expressed juice of house- leek mixed with cream, which will be useful and inoffensive. Freckles on the face, or small discolourations on other parts of the skin, are con- stitutional in some cases ; and in others, they are occasioned by the action of the sun upon the part, and frequent exposures to the morning air. For dispersing them, take four ounces of lemon juice, one dram of powdered borax, and two drams of sugar: mix them together, and let them stand a few days in a glass bottle till the liquid is fit for Use, and then rub it on the face. But for chaps and flaws in the skin, oc'> casioned by cold, rub on a little plain unscented pomatum at bed- time, and let it remain till morning. Or, which is much better, anoint the face with honey water, made to the consistence of cream, which will form a kind of varnish on the skin, and protect it from the effects of cold. FRENCH BEANS. String, and cut them into four parts ; if smaller, they look so much the better. Lay them in salt and water ; and when the water boils, put them in with some salt. As soon as they are done, serve them immediately, to preserve their colour. Or when half done, drain off the water, and add two spoonfuls of broth strained* In finishing them, put in a little cream, with flour and butter. FRENCH BREAD. With a quar- ter of a peck of fine flour, mix the yolks of three and the whites of two eggs, beaten and strained ; a little salt, half a pint of good yeast that is not bitter, and as much lukewarm milk as will work it into a thin light dough. Stir it about, but do not knead it. Divide the dough into three parts, put them into wooden dishes, set them to rise, then turn them out into the oven, which must be quick, and rasp the bread when done. FRENCH DUMPLINGS. Grate a penny loaf,* add half a pound of cur- rants, three quarters of a pound of beef suet finely shred, and half a grated nutmeg. Beat up the yolks of three eggs with three spoonfuls of cream, as much white wine, and a little sugar. Mix all together, work it up into a paste, make it into dumplings of a convenient size, and tie them up in cloths. Put them into boiling water, and let them boil three quarters of an hour. FRENCH PIE. Lay a puff paste round the edge of the dish, and put in either slices of veal, rabbits or chickens jointed ; with forcemeat T 137 FRI FRI balls, sweetbreads cut in pieces, ar- tichoke bottoms, and a few truffles. FRENCH PORRIDGE. Stir to- gether some oatmeal and water, and pour off the latter. Put fresh in, stir it well, and let it stand till the next day. Strain it through a fine sieve, and boil the water, which must be small in quantity, adding some milk while it is doing. With the addition of toast, this is much in request abroad, for the breakfast of weakly persons. FRENCH PUDDING. Grate six ounces of brown bread, and shred half a pound of suet. Add four eggs well beaten, half a pound of currants picked and washed, a quar- ter of a pound of sugar, and a little nutmeg. Mix all together, tie the pudding up close in a cloth, and boil it two hours. Serve it up with a sauce of melted butter, a little sugar and sweet wine. FRENCH ROLLS. Rub one ounce of butter into a pound of flour ; mix one egg beaten, a little yeast that is not bitter, and as much milk as will make the dough tolera- bly stiff". Beat it well, but do not knead it : let it rise, and bake it on tins. FRENCH SALAD. Mince up three anchovies, a shalot, and some parsley. Put them into a bowl with two table-spoonfuls of vinegar, one of oil, and a little salt and mustard. When well mixed, add by de'grees some cold roast or boiled meat in very thin slices : put in a few at a time, not exceeding two or three inches long. Shake them in the seasoning, and then put more : co- ver the bowl close, and let the salad be prepared three hours before it is to be eaten. Garnish with parsley, and a few slices of the fat. FRICANDEAU OF BEEF. Take a nice piece of lean beef; lard it with bacon seasoned with pepper, salt, cloves, mace, and allspice. Put it into a stewpan with a pint of broth, a glass of white wine, a bundle of 138 parsley, all sorts of sweet herbs, a clove of garlic, a shalot or two, four cloves, pepper and salt. When the meat is become tender, cover it close. Skim the sauce well, strain it, set it on the fire, and let it boil till reduced to a glaze. Glaze the larded side with this, and serve the meat on sorrel sauce. FRICANDEAU OF VEAL. Cut a large piece from the fat side of the leg, about nine inches long and half as thick and broad. Beat it with the rolling pin, take off" the skin, and trim the rough edges. Lard the top and sides, cover it with fat bacon, and then with white paper. Lay it into a stewpan with any pieces of undressed veal or mutton, four onions, a sliced carrot, a faggot of sweet herbs, four blades of mace, four bay leaves, a pint of good veal or mutton broth, and four or five ounces of lean ham or gammon. Cover the pan close, and let it stew slowly for three hours ; then take up the meat, remove all the fat from the gravy, and boil it quick to a glaze. Keep the fricandeau quite hot, and then glaze it. Serve it with the remainder of the glaze in the dish, and sorrel sauce in a tu- reen. — The following is a cheaper way of making a good fricandeau of veal. With a sharp knife cut the lean part of a large neck from the best end, scooping it from the bones a hand's length, and prepare it in the manner above directed. Three or four bones only will be necessary, and they will make the gravy ; but if the prime part of the leg is cut off*, it spoils the whole. — Another way is to take two large round sweetbreads, and prepare them like veal. Make a rich gravy with truf- fles, morels, mushrooms, and arti- choke bottoms, and serve it round. FRICASSEE OF CHICKENS. Boil rather more than half, in a small quantity of water, and let them cool. Cut them up, simmer in a little gra- vy made of the liquor they were FRI FRI boiled in, adding a bit of veal or mutton, onion, mace, lemon peel, white pepper, and a bunch of sweet herbs. When quite tender, keep them hot, while the following sauce is prepared. Strain off the liquor, return it into the saucepan with a little salt, a scrape of nutmeg, and a little flour and butter. Give it one boil, and when ready to serve, beat up the yolk of an egg, add half a pint of cream, and stir them over the tire, but do not let it boil. It . will be quite as good however with- out the egg. Without the addition of any other meat, the gravy may be made of the trimmings of the fowls, such as the necks, feet, small wing bones, 2;izzards, and livers. FRICASSEE OF RABBITS. Skin them, cut them in pieces, soak in warm water, and clean them. Then stew them in a little fresh water, with a bit of lemon peel, a little white wine, an anchovy, an onion, two cloves, and a sprig of sweet herbs. When tender take them out, strain off the liquor, put a very little of it into a quarter of a pint of* thick cream, with a piece of butter, and a little flour. Keep it constantly stirring till the butter is melted ; then put in the rabbit, with a little grated lemon peel, mace, and lemon juice. Shake all together over the fire, and make it quite hot. If more agreeable, pickled mushrooms may be used instead of lemon. — To make a brown fricassee, prepare the rab- bits as above, and fry them in but- ter to a nice brown. Put some gravy or beef broth into the pan, shake in some flour, and keep it stirring over the fire. Add some ketchup, a very little shalot chop- ped, salt, cayenne, and lemon juice, or pickled mushrooms. Boil it up, put in the rabbit, and shake it round till it is quite hot. FRYING. This is often a very convenient' and expeditious mode of cooVmg ; but though one of the most common, it is as commonly performed in a very imperfect man- ner, and meets with less attention than the comfort of a good meal re- quires. A fryingpan should be about four inches deep, with a perfectly flat and thick bottom, and perpen- dicular sides. When used it should be half filled with fat, for good fry- ing is in fact, boiling in fat. To make sure that the pan is quite clean, rub a little fat over it, then make it warm, and wipe it out with a clean cloth. Great care must be taken in frying, never to use any oil, butter, lard, or drippings, but what is quite clean, fresh, and free from salt. Any thing dirty spoils the appear- ance, any thing bad tasted or stale spoils the flavour, and salt prevents its browning. Fine olive oil is the most delicate for frying, but it is very expensive, and bad oil spoils every thing that is dressed with it. For general purposes, and especially for fish, clean fresh lard is not near so expensive as oil or clarified but- ter, and does almost as well, except for coUops and cutlets. Butter of- ten burns before any one is aware, and what is fried with it will get a dark and dirty appearance. Drip- ping, if nicely clean and fresh, is almost as good as any thing : if not clean, it may easily be clarified. Whatever fat be used, let it remain in the pan a few minutes after fry- ing, and then pour it through a sieve into a clean bason. If not burnt, it will be found much better than it was at first ; but the fat in which fish has been fried, will not serve any other purpose. To fry fish, parsley, potatoes, or any thing that is watery, the fire must be very clear, and the fat quite hot, which will be the case when it has done hissing. Fish will neither be firm nor crisp, nor of a good colour, unless the fat be of a proper heat. To determine this, throw a little bit of bread into the pan : if it fries crisp, the fat is ready : if it burns the bread, it is too hot. Whatever is fried before 13% FR FR J the fat is hot enough, will be pale and sodden, and offend the palate and the stomach, as well as the eye. The fat also must be thoroughly drained from the fry, especially from such things as are dressed in bread crumbs, or the flavour will be im- paired. The dryness of fish de- pends much upon its having been fried in fat of a due degree of heat, they are then crisp and dry in a few minutes after being taken out of the pan : when they are not, lay them on a soft cloth before the fire, and turn them till they are dry. FRIED CARP. Scale, draw, and wash them clean ; dry them in flour, and fry them in hog's lard to a light brown. Fry some toast, cut three- corner ways, with the roes ; lay the fish on a coarse cloth to drain, and serve them up with butter, anchovy sauce, and the juice of a lemon. Garnish with the bread, roe, and lemon. FRIED EELS. There is a greater diff'erence in the goodness of eels than of any other fish. The true silver-eel, so called from the bright colour of the belly, is caught in the Thames. The Dutch eels sold at Billingsgate are very bad ; those taken in great floods are generally good, but in ponds they have usually a strong rank flavour. Except the middle of summer, they are always in season. If small, they should be curled round and fried, being first dipped into eggs and crumbs of bread. FRIED EGGS. Boil six eggs for three minutes, put them in cold water, and take off the shells, with- out breaking the whites. Wrap the eggs up in a puff paste, smear them over with egg, and grate some bread over them. Put into a stewpan a suflicient quantity of lard or butter to swim the eggs ; and when the lard is hot, put in the eggs, and fry them of a good colour. Lay them on a cloth to drain. FRIED HERBS. Clean and drain 140 a good quantity of spinach leaves, two large handfuls of parsley, and a handful of green onions. Chop the parsley and onions, and sprinkle them among the spinach. Stew them together with a little salt, and a bit of butter the size of a walnut. Shake the pan when it begins to grow warm, and let it ; e closely covered over a slow stove till done enough. It is served with slices of broiled calves' liver, small rashers of bacon, and fried eggs. The lat- ter on the herbs, and the other in a separate dish. This is the mode of dressing herbs in Staffordshire. FRIED MACKAREL. Stuff the fish with grated bread, minced pars- ley and lemon peel, pepper and salt, nutmeg, and the yolk of an tgg, all mixed together. Serve with an- chovy and fennel sauce. Or split the fish open, cut off their heads, season and hang them up four op five hours, and then broil them. Make the sauce of fennel and pars- ley chopped fine, and mixed with melted butter. FRIED OYSTERS. To prepare a garnish for boiled fish, make a batter of flour, milk, and eggs. Sea- son it a very little, dip the oysters into the batter, and fry them of a fine yellow brown. A little nutmeg should be put into the seasoning, and a few crumbs of bread into the flour. FRIED PARSLEY. Pick some young parsley very clean, and put it into a fryiogpau with a bit of butter. Stir it with a knife till it becomes crisp, and use it for garnishing. Or rub the picked parsley in a cloth to clean it, and set it before the fire in a Dutch oven till it is crisp. This is better than fried parsley, and may be rubbed on steaks, calf's liver, or any other dish of the kind. FRIED PATTIES. Mince a bit of cold veal, and six oysters ; mix them with a few crumbs of bread, salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and a very small bit of lemon peel. Add FRI FRO . the liquor of the oysters, warm all together in a tosser, but it must not boil, and then let it grow cold. Pre- pare a good puff-paste, roll it thin, and cut it into round or square pieces. Put some of the mixture between two of them, twist the edges to keep in the gravy, and fry them of a fine brown. If baked, it becomes a fashionable dish. All patties should be washed over with egg before they are baked. FRIED POTATOES. Slice them thin, and fry them in butter till they are brown ; then lay them in a dish, and pour melted butter over them. Potatoes may likewise be fried in butter, and served up with powder sugar strewed over them. Any kind of fruit may be fried in the same manner, and all batter should be fried in hog's lard. FRIED RABBIT. Cut it into joints, and fry it in butter of a nice brown. Send it to table with fried or dried parsley, and gravy or liver sauce. , FRIED SMELTS. Wipe them clean, take away the gills, rub them over with a feather dipped in egg, and strew on some grated bread. Fry them in hog's lard over a clear fire, and put them in when the fat is boiling hot. When they are of a fine brown, take them out and drain off the fat. Garnish with fried parsley and lemon. FRIED SOLES. Divide two or three soles from the backbone, and take off the head, lins, and tail. Sprinkle the inside with salt, roll them up tight from the tail and up- wards,and fasten with small skewers. Small fish do not answer, but if large or of a tolerable size, put half a fish in each roll. Dip them into yolks of eggs, and cover them with crumbs. Egg them over again, and then put more crumbs. Fry them of a beau- tiful colour in lard, or in clarified butter. Or dip the soles in egg, &qd cover them with fine crumbs of bread. Set on a fryingpan of the proper size, and put into it a good quantity of fresh lard or dripping. Let it boil, and immediately put the fish into it, and do them of a fine brown. Soles that have been fried, eat good cold with oil, vinegar, salt and mustard. FRIED TENCH. Scale and clean the fish well, dry and lay them be- fore the fire, dust them with flour, and fry them in dripping or hog's lard. Serve with crisped parsley, and plain butter. Percjfi, trout, and grayling may be done the same. FRIED TURBOT. Cut a small turbot across in ribs, dry and flour it, put it into a fryingpan, and cover it with boiling lard. Fry it brown, and drain it. Clean the pan, put in a little wine, an anchovy, salt, nut- meg, and a little ginger. Put in the fish, and stew it till the liquor is half wasted. Then take it out, put in some butter rolled in flour, with a minced lemon, and simmer them to a proper thickness. Rub a hot dish with a piece of shalot, lay the turbot in the dish, and pour the sauce over it. FRIED VENISON. Cut the meat into slices, fry it of a bright brown, and keep it hot before the fire. Make gravy of the bones, add a \iU tie butter rolled in flour, stir it in the pan till it is thick and brown, and put in some port and lemon juice. Warm the venison in^it, put in the dish, and pour the sauce over it. Send up currant jelly in a glass, FRITTERS, Make them of pan- cake batter, dropped in small quan- tities into the pan : or put apple into batter, pared and sliced, and fry some of it with each slice. Cur- rants, or very thinly-sliced lemon, make an agreeable change. Frit- ters for company should be served on a folded napkin in the dish. Any sort of sweetmeat, or ripe fruit, may be made into fritters. FRONTINIAC. Boil twelve 141 FRO FRU pounds of loaf sugar, and six pounds j of raisins cut small, in six gallons I of water. When the liquor is almost cold, put in half a peck of elder flowers ; and the next day six spoon- fuls of the syrup of lemons, and four of yeast. Let it stand two days, put it into a barrel that will just hold it, and bottle it after it has stood about two months. FROST AND BLIGHTS. When a fruit tree is in full blossom, the best way to preserve it from frost and blights is to twine a rope upon its branches, and bring the end of it into a pail of water. If a light > frost happen in the night, the tree ^ill not be affected by it ; but an ice will be formed on the surface of the water, in which the end of the rope is immersed. This experiment may easily be tried on wall fruit, and has been found to answer. If trees be infected with an easterly blight, the best way is to fumigate them with brimstone strewed on burning charcoal : this will effectu- ally destroy thelnsects, and preserve the fruit. Afterwards it will be pro- per to dash them with water, or wash the branches with a woollen cloth, and clear them of all gluti- nous matter and excrescences of every kind, which would harbour the insects ; but the washing should be performed in the early part of a warm day, that the moisture may be exhaled before the cold of the even- % ing approaches. FROSTED POTATOES. If soaked three hours in cold water, before they are to be prepared as food, changing the water every hour, these valuable roots will recover their salubrious quality and flavour. While in cold water, they must stand where a sufficiency of artificial heat may prevent freezing. If much frozen, allow a quarter of an ounce of saltpetre to every peck of pota- toes, and dissolve it in the water. ^^^ut if so much penetrated by the ^Hr 142 frost as to render them unfit for cu- linary purposes, they may be made into starch, and will yield a large quantity of flour for that purpose. FROTH FOR CREAMS. Sweet- en half a pound of the pulp of dam- sons, or any other scalded fruit. Put to it the whites of four eggs beaten, and beat up the pulp with them till it will stand up, and take any form. It should be rough, to imitate a rock, or the billows of the ocean. This froth looks and eats well, and may be laid on cream, cus- tard, or trifle, with a spoon. FRUIT. The method of preserv- ing any kind of fruit all the year, is to put them carefully into a wide- mouthed glass vessel, closed down with oiled paper. The glasses are to be placed in a box filled with a mixture of four pounds of dry sand, two pounds of bole-armeniac, and one pound of saltpetre, so that the fruit may be completely covered. The fruit should be gathered by the hand before it be thoroughly ripe, and the box kept in a dry place. FRUIT BISCUITS. To the pulp of any scalded fruit, put an equal weight of sugar sifted, and bea^ it two hours. Then make it into little white-f^per forms, dry them in a cool oven, and turn them the next day. They may be put into boxes in the course of two or three days. FRUIT FOR CHILDREN. To prepare fruit for children, far more wholesome than in puddings or pies, put some sliced apples, plums or gooseberries, into a stone jar, and sprinkle among them a sufficient quantity of fine moist sugar. Set the jar on a hot hearth, or in a sauce- pan of boiling water, and let it re- main till the fruit is well done. Slices of bread, or boiled rice, may either be stewed with the fruit, or added when eaten. FRUIT PASTE. Put any kind of fruit into a preserving pan, stir it till it will mash quite soft, and FRU FUE strain it. To one pint of juice, add a pound and a half of fine sugar; dissolve the sugar in water, and boil it till the water is dried up. . Then mix it with the juice, boil it once, pour it into plates, and dry it in a stove. When wanted for use, cut it in strips, and make paste knots for garnishing. FRUIT PUDDINGS. Make up a thick batter of milk and eggs, with a little flour and salt; put in any kind of fruit, and either bake or boil it. Apples should be pared and quartered, gooseberries and currants should be picked and clean- ed, before they are put into the bat- ter. Or make a thick paste, roll it out, and line sa bason with it, after it has been rubbed with a little but- ter. Then fill it with fruit, put on a lid, tie it up close in a cloth, and boil it for two hours. The pudding will be lighter, if only made in a bason, then turned out into a pud- ding cloth, and boiled in plenty of water. FRUIT STAINS. If stains of fruit or wine have been long in the linen, rub the part on each side with yellow soap. Then lay on a thick mixture of starch in cold water, rub it well in, and expose the linen to the sun and air till the stain comes «ut. If not removed in three or four days, rub oflf the mixture, and renew the process. When dry, it may be sprinkled with a little water. — Many other stains may be taken out by only dipping the linen into sour buttermilk, and drying it in a hot sun. Then wash it in cold wa- ter and dry it, two or three times a day. FRUIT FOR TARTS. To pre- serve fruit for family desserts, whe- ther cherries, plums, or apples, gather them when ripe, and put them in small jars that will hold about a pound. Strew over each jar six ounces of fine pounded sugar, and cover each with two bladders, separately tied down. Set the jars in a large stewpan of water up to the neck, and let it boil three hours gently. Keep these and all other sorts of fruit free from damp. FRUIT TREES. When they have the appearance of being old or worn out, and are covered with moss and insects, they may be revived and made fruitful by dressing them well with a brush, dipped in a solution of strong fresh lime. The outer rind, with all its incumbrance, will then fall off ; a new and clean one will be formed, and the trees put on a healthy appearance. FRUITS IN JELLY. Put half a pint of calf's foot jelly into a bowl ; when stiff, lay in three peach- es, and a bunch of grapes with the stalk upwards. Cover over with vine leaves, and fill up the bowl with jelly. Let it stand till the next day, and then set it to the brim in hot water. When it gives way from the bowl, turn the jelly out carefully, and send it to table. Any kind of fruit may be treated in the same way. FUEL. Coals constitute a prin- cipal article of domestic conveni- ence, especially during the severity of winter. At that season they of- ten become very scarce, and are sold at an extravagant price. To remedy this evil in some measure, take two- thirds of soft clay, free from stones, and work it into three or four bushels of small coals previously sifted : form this composition into balls or cakes, about three or four inches thick, and let them be thoroughly dried. When the fire burns clear, place four or five of these cakes in the front of the grate, where they will soon become red, and yield a clear and strong heat till they are totally consumed. The expense of a ton of this composition is but tri- fling, when compared with that of a chaldron of coals, as it may be pre- pared at one-fourth of the cost, and will be of greater service than a chal- dron and a half of the latter. Coal 143 \ FUE FUR dust worked up with horse dung, cow dung, saw dust, tanner's waste, or any other combustible matter that is not too expensive, will also be found a saving ii the article of fuel. Nearly a third of the coals consumed in large towns and cities might be saved, if the coal ashes were preserved, instead of being thrown into the dust bins, and after- wards mixed with an equal quantity of staallcoal, moistened with water. This mixture thrown behind the fire, with a few round coals in front, would save the trouble of sifting the ashes, and make a cheerful and pleasant fire. The Best Mode OP LIGHTING A FiRE. — Fill the grate with fresh coals quite up to the upper bar but one ; then lay on the wood in the usual manner, ra- ther collected in a mass than scat- tered. Over the wood place the cinders of the preceding day, piled up as high as the grate will admit, and placed loosely in rather large fragments, in order that the draft may be free : a bit or two of fresh coal may be added to the cinders when once they are lighted, but no small coal must be thrown on at first. When all is prepared, light the wood, when the cinders in a short time being thoroughly ignited, the gas rising from the coals below, which will now be affected by the heat, will take fire as it passes through them, leaving a very small portion of smoke to go up the chim- ney. One of the advantages of this mode of lighting a fire is, that small coal is better suited to the purpose than large, except a few pieces in front to keep the small from falling out of the grate. A fire lighted in this way will burn all day, without any thing being done to it. When apparently quite out, on be- ing stirred, you have in a few mi- nutes a glowing fire. When the up- per part begins to cake, it must be stirred, but the lower must not be touched. 144 FUMIGATION. To prevent in- fection from fever, take a handful each of rue, sage, mint, rosemary, and lavender, all fresh gathered. Cut them small, put them into a stone jar, pour on a pint of the best white-wine vinegar, cover the jar close, and let it stand eight days in the sun, or near the fire. Then strain it off, and dissolve in it an ounce of camphor. This liquid sprinkled about the chamber, of fumigated, will much revive the pa^ tient, and prevent the attendants from receiving the infection. Or mix a spoonful of salt in a cup, with a little powdered magnesia : pour on the mixture at different times a spoonful of strong vitriolic acid, and the vapour arising from it will destroy the putrid eflluvia. FURNITURE LININGS. These articles require to be first washed, and afterwards dyed of a different colour, in order to change and im- prove their appearance. — For a Buff or salmon colour, according to the depth of the hue, rub down on a pewter plate two pennyworth of Spanish arnatto, and then boil it in a pail of water a quarter of an hour. Put into it two ounces of potash, stir it round, and instantly put in the lining. Stir it all the time it is boiling, which must be five or six minutes ; then put it into cold spring water, and hang the ar- ticles up singly without wringing. When almost dry, fold the lining, and mangle it. — For Pink, the calico must be washed extremely clean, and thoroughly dried. Then boil it in two gallons of soft water, and four ounces of alum ; take it out, and dry it in the air. Meanwhile boil in the alum water two handfuls of wheat bran till quite slippery, and then strain it. Take two scru- ples of cochineal, and two ounces of argall finely pounded and sifted, and mix it with the liquor a little at a time. Put the calico into the liquor, keep it stirring and boiling, till the GAM G AM liquor is nearly wasted. Then take out the calico, wash it first in cham- ber lye, and afterwards in cold wa- ter. Rinse it in water-starch strain- ed, dry it quick without hanging it in folds, and let it be well mangled. It would be better still to have it callendered. — Blue. The calico must be washed clean and dried. Then mix some of Scott's liquid blue in as much water as will be sufficient to cover the things to be dyed, and add some starch to give it a light stiffness. Dry a small piece of the lining to see whether the colour is deep enough ; and if approved, put it in and wash it in the dye. Dry the articles singly, and mangle or callender them. FURS. To preserve them from the moth, comb them occasionally while in use. When not wanted, mix among them bitter apples from the druggists, in small muslin bags, sewing them in several folds of linen, carefully turned in at the edges. Keep the furs in a cool place, free from damp. G. Gad fly. 'Cows and oxen are often so distressed by the darts of the gad fly, that they rush into the water for refuge till night approach- es. The only remedy is to wash the backs of the cattle in the spring with strong tobacco-water, which would greatly prevent the generating of these vermin. When sheep are struck with the fly, the way is to clip oflf the wool, to rub the parts affected with powdered lime or wood ashes, and afterwards to anoint them with currier's oil, which will heal the wounds, and secure the animals from future attack. Or dissolve half an ounce of corrosive sublimate in two quarts of soft water, and add a quarter of a pint of spirits of tur- pentine. Cut off the wool as far as it is infected, pour a few drops of the mixture in a circle round the maggots produced by the flies, and afterwards rub a little of it among them, and the maggots will imme- diately be destroyed. GAME. Game ought not to be thrown away even after it has been kept a long time, for when it seems to be spoiled it may often be made fit for eating, by carefully cleaning and washing it with vinegar and (No. 7.) water. If there is danger of birds not keeping, the best way is to crop and draw them. Pick them clean, wash them in two or three waters, and rub them with salt. Plunge them into a kettle of boiling water one by one, and draw them up and down by the legs, that the water may pass through them- Let them remain in the water five or six mi- nutes, and then hang them up in a cool place. When drained, season the insides well wit-h pepper and salt, and wash them before they are roasted. The most delicate birds, even grouse, may thus be preserved. Those that live by suction cannot be done this way, as they are never drawn ; and perhaps the heat might make them worse, as the water could not pass through them ; but they will bear a high flavour. Lumps of charcoal put about birds and meat will preserve them from taint, and restore what is spoiling. GAME SAUCE. Wash and pare a head of celery, cut it into thin slices, boil it gently till it becomes tender ; then add a little beaten mace, pepper, salt, and nutmeg. Thicken it with flour and butter, boil it up, pour some of it in the u 115 GAR GEO dish, and some in a boat. I^mon pickle or lemon juice may be added to it. GAMMON. Take off the rind of the ham and gammon, and soak it in water ; cover the fat part with writing paper, roast, and baste it with canary. When done, sprinkle it over with crumbs of bread and parsley. Serve it with brown gravy, after it is well browned, and gar- nish it with raspings of bread. GARDEN HEDGES. A well trained hawthorn fence is the strong- est, but as it is apt to get thin and full of gaps at the bottom, the bar- berry is to be preferred, especially on high banks with a light soil. It, may be raised from the berries as easily as hawthorn, and will grow faster, if the suckers be planted early. The barberry puts up nu- merous suckers from the roots ; it will therefore always grow close at the bottom, and make an impene- trable fence. In trimming any kind of close hedge, care should be taken to slope the sides, and make it point- ed at the top : otherwise, the bot- tom being shaded by the upper part, will make it grow thin and full of gaps. The sides of a young hedge may be trimmed, to make it bush the better ; but it should not be topped till it has arrived at a full yard in height, though a few of the points may be taken off. The bottom of hawthorn hedges may be conveni- ently thickened, by putting in some plants of common sweet briar, or barberry. GARDEN RHUBARB. To cul- tivate the common garden rhubarb, it should not only have a depth of good soil, but it should be watered in dry weather, and well covered with straw or dung in the winter season. It will then become solid when taken out of the ground ; and if cut into large slices, and hung up in a warm kitchen, it will soon be fit for use. The plants may be taken up when the leaves are decayed, 146 either in spring or in autumn, while the weather is dry ; and when the roots are cleared from dirt, without washing, they should be dried in the sun for a few days before they are hung up. The better way would be to wrap them up separately in whited brown paper, and dry them on the hob of a common stove. Lemon and orange peel will dry re- markably well in the same manner. GARGLES. Common gargles may be made of figs boiled in milk and water, with a little sal-ammoniac ; or sage-tea, with honey and vinegar mixed together. A sore throat may be gargled with it two or three times a day. geese! The rearing of this species of poultry incurs but little expense, as they chiefly support themselves on commons or in lanes, where they can get at water. The largest are esteemed the best, as also are the white and the grey : the pied and dark coloured are not so good. Thirty days are generally the time that the goose sets, but in warm weather she will sometimes hatch sooner. Give them plenty of food, such as scalded bran and light oats. As soon as the goslings are hatched, keep them housed for eight or ten days, and feed them with bar- ley meal, bran, and curds. Green geese should begin to fatten at six or seven weeks old, and be fed as above. - Stubble geese require no fattening, if they have the run of good fields and pasture. — If geese are bought at market, for the pur- pose of cooking, be careful to see that they are fresh and young. If fresh, the feet will be pliable : if stale, dry and stiff. The bill and feet of a young one will be yellow, and there will be but few hairs up- on them : if old, they will be red. Green geese, not more than three or four months old, should be scald- ed : a stubble goose should be pick- ed dry. GEORGE PUDDING. Boil ve- GIB tJIL ry tender a handful of whole rice iu a small quantity of milk, with a large piece of lemon peel. Let it drain ; then mix with it a dozen ap- ples, boiled to a pulp as dry as pos- sible. Add a glass of white wine, the yolks of five eggs, two ounces of orange and citron cut thin, and sweeten it with sugar. Line a mould or bason with a very good paste, beat the five whites of the eggs to a very strong froth, and mix it with the other ingredients. Fill the mould, and bake it of a fine brown colour. Serve it bottom upwards with the following sauce : two glasses of wine, a spoonful of sugar, the yolks of two eggs, and a piece of sugar the size of a walnut. Simmer with- out boiling, and pour to and from the saucepan till the sauce is of a proper thickness, and then put it in the dish. GERMAN PUDDINGS. Melt three ounces of butter in a pint of cream, and let it stand till nearly cold. Then mix two ounces of fine flour, and two ounces of sugar, four yolks and two whites of eggs, and a little rose or orange flower water. Bake in little buttered cups half an hour. They should be served the moment they are done, and only when going to be eaten, or they will not be light. Turn the puffs out of the cups, and serve with white wine and sugar. GERMAN PUFFS. Mix together two ounces of blanched almonds well beaten, a spoonful of rose wa- ter, one white and two yolks of eggs, a spoonful of flour, half a pint of cream, two ounces of butter, and sugar to taste. Butter some cups, half fill them, and put them in the oven. Serve with white wine sauce, butter, and sugar. This is esteemed a good middle dish for dinner or supper. GIBLETS. Let the giblets be picked clean and washed, the feet skinned, the bill cut off, the head split in two, the pinion bones bro- ken, the liver and gizzard cut in four, and the neck in two pieces. Put them into a pint of water, with pepper and salt, an onion, and sweet herbs. Cover the saucepan close, and stew them on a slow fire till they are quite tender. Take out the oniott and herbs, and put them into a dish with the liquor. GIBLET PIE. Clean and skin the giblets very carefully, stew them with a small quantity of water, onion, black pepper, and a bunch of sweet herbs, till nearly done. Let them grow cold : and if not enough to fill the dish, lay at the bottom two or three slices of veal, beef, or mutton. Add the liquor of the stew ; and when the pie is baked, pour into it a large teacupful of cream. Sliced apples added to the pie are a great improvement. Duck giblets will do ; but goose giblets are much to be preferred. GIBLET SOUP. Scald and clean three or four sets of goose or duck giblets, and stew them slowly with a pound or two of gravy beef, scrag of mutton, or the bone of a knuckle of veal, an ox tail, or some shanks of mutton. Add a large bunch of sweet herbs, a tea-spoonful of white pepper, a large spoonful of salt, and three onions. Put in five pints of water, cut each of the gizzards into four pieces, and simmer till they become quite tender. Skin the $tew carefully, add a quarter of a pint of cream, two tea-spoonfu!s of mushroom powder, and an ounce of butter mixed with a dessert- spoonful of flour. Let it boil a few minutes, then put it into a tureen, add a little salt, and serve up the soup with the giblets. Instead of cream, it may be seasoned with a large spoonful of ketchup, some cayenne, and two glasses of sherry. GILDED FRAMES. These va- luable articles cannot be preserved from fly stains, without covering them with strips of paper, and siif- fering them to remain till the flics 147 G IN GIN are gone. Previous to this, the light dust should be blown from the gilding, and a feather or a clean brush lightly passed over it. Linen takes off the gilding, and deadens its brightness ; it should therefore never be used for wiping it. Some means should be used to destroy the flies, as they injure furniture of every kind, and the paper likewise. Bottles hung about with sugar and vinegar, or beer, will attract them ^ or fly water, put into little shells placed about the room, but out of the reach of children. ' GILLIFLOWER WINE. To three gallons of water put six pounds of the best raw sugar ; boil the sugar and water together for the space of half an hoar, and keep skimming it as the scum rises. Let it stand to cool, beat up three ounces of syrup of betony with a large spoonful of ale yeast, and put it into the liquor. Prepare a peck of gilliflowers, cut from the stalks, and put them in to infuse and work together for three days, the whole being covered with a cloth. Strain it, and put it into a cask ; let it settle for three or four weeks, and then bottle it. GINGER BEER. To every gal- lon of spring water a'dd one ounce of sliced white ginger, one pound of lump sugar, and two ounces of lemon juice. B©il the mixture near- ly an hour, and take off" the scum ; then run it through a hair sieve into a tub, and when cool, add yeast in the proportion of half a pint to nine gallons. Keep it in a temperate situation two days, during which it may be stirred six or eight times. Then put it into a cask, which must be kept full, and the yeast taken off* at the bunghole with a spoon. In a fortnight, add half a pint of fining to nine gallons of the liquor, which will clear it by ascent, if it has been properly fermented. The cask must still be kept full, and the rising particles taken ofi^" at the bung- hole. When fine, which may be 148 expected in twenty-four hours, bot- tle and cork it well ; and in summer it will be ripe and fit to drink in a fortnight. GINGER DROPS. Beat two ounces of fresh candied orange in a mortar, with a little sugar, till reduced to a paste. Then mix an ounce of the powder of white gin- ger, with a pound of loaf sugar. Wet the sugar with a little water, and boil all together to a candy, and drop it on white paper the size of mint drops. These make an ex- cellent stomachic. GINGER WINE. To seven gal- lons of water put nineteen pounds of moist sugar, and boil it for half an hour, taking off* the scum as it rises. Then take a small quantity of the liquor, and add to it nine ounces of the best ginger bruised. Put it all together, and when nearly cold, chop nine pounds of raisins very small, and put them into a nine gallon cask, with one ounce of isinglass. Slice four lemons into the cask, taking out all the seeds, and pour the liquor over them, with half a pint of fresh yeast. Leave it unstopped for three weeks, and in about three months it will be fit for bottling. There will be one gal- lon of the sugar and water more than the cask will hold at first : this must be kept to fill up as the liquor works oft", as it is necessary that the cask should be kept full, tili it has done working. The rai- sins should be two thirds Malaga, and one third Muscadel. Spring and autumn are the best seasons for making this wine. — Another. Boil nine quarts of water with six pounds of lump sugar, the rinds of two or three lemons very thinly pared, and two ounces of bruised white ginger. Let it boil half an hour', and skim it well. Put three quarters of a pound of raisins into the cask; and when the liquor is lukewarm, turn it, adding the juice of two lemons strained, with a spoonful and a half IN GLA of yeast. Stir it daily, then put in half a pint of brandy, and half an ounce of isinglass shavings. Stop it up, and bottle it in six or seven weeks. The lemon peel is not to be put into the barrel. GINGERBREAD. Mix with two pounds of flour, h|^f a pound of treacle, and half a pound of butter, adding an ounce of ginger finely powdered and sifted, and three quar- ters of an ounce of caraway seeds. Having worked it very much, set it to rise before the fire. Then roll out the paste, cut it into any shape, and bake it on tins. If to be made into sweetmeats, add some candid orange-peel, shred into small pieces. — Another sort. To three quarters of a pound of treacle, put one egg beaten and strained. Mix together four ounces of brown sugar, half an oimce of sifted ginger, and a quar- ter of an ounce each of cloves, mace, allspice, and nutmeg, beaten as fine as possible ; also a quarter of an ounce of coriander and cara- way seeds. Melt a pound of butter, and mix with the above, adding as much flour as will knead it into a pretty stiff paste. Roll it out, cut it into cakes, bake them on tin plates in a quick oven, and a little time will do them. Gingerbread buttons or drops may be made of a part of the paste. — A plain sort of gingerbread may be prepared as follows. Mix three pounds of flour with half a pound of butteri four ounces of brown sugar, and half an ounce of pounded ginger. Make it into a paste, with a pound and a quarter of warm treacle. Or make the gingerbread without butter, by mixing two pounds of treacle with the following ingredients. Four ounces each of orange, lemon, citron, and candied ginger, all thinly sliced ; one ounce each of coriander seeds, caraways, and pounded ginger, ad- ding as much flour as will make it into a soft paste. Lay it in cakes on tin plates, and bake it in a quick oven.* Keep it dry in a covered earthen vessel, and the gingerbread will be good for some months. If cakes or biscuits be kept in paper, or a drawer, the taste will be dis- agreeable. A tureen, or a pan and cover, will preserve them long and moist ; or if intended to be crisp, laying them before the fire, or keep- ing them in a dry canister, will make them^so. * GINGERBREAD NUTS. Care- fully melt half a pound of butter, and stir it up in two pounds of trea- cle. Add an ounce of pounded ginger^ two ounces of preserved le- mon and orange peel, two ounces of preserved angelica cut small, one of coriander seed pounded, and the same of caraway whole. Mix them together, with two eggs, and as much flour as will bring it to a fine paste. Make it into nuts, put them on a tin plate, and bake them in a quick oven. GLASS. Broken glass may be mended with the same cement as china, or if it be only cracked, it will be suflicient to moisten the part -^u with the white of an egg, strewing jf^ it over with a little powdered lime, and instantly applying a piece of fine linen. Another cement for glass is prepared from two parts of litharge, one of quick lime, and one of flint glass, each separately and finely powdered, and the whole worked up into a paste with drying , oil. This compound is very durable, and acquires a greater degree of hardness when immersed in water. GLASSES. These frail and ex- pensive articles may be rendered less brittle, and better able to bear sudden changes of temperature, by first plunging them into cold water, then gradually heating the water till it boils, and suff'ering it to cool in the open air. Glasses of every de- scription, used for the table, will afterwards bear boiling water sud- 149 GLO GOO deiily poured into them, without breaking. When they have been tarnished by age or accident, their lustre may be restored by strewing on them some fuller's earth, care- fully powdered and cleared of sand and dirt, and then rubbing them gently with a linen cloth, or a little putty. GLOVES. Leather gloves may be repaired, cleaned, and dyed of a fine yellow, by steeping a little saffron in boiling water for about twelve hours ; and having lightly sewed up the tops of the gloves, to prevent the dye from staining the insides, wet them over with a sponge or soft brush dipped in the liquid. A teacupful will be sufficient for a single pair. GLOUCESTER CHEESE. This article is made of milk immediately from the cow ; and if it be too hot in the summer, a little skim milk or water is added to it, before the ren- net is put in. As soon as the curd is come it is broken small, and clear- ed of the whey. The curd is set in the press for about a quarter of an hour, in order to extract the re- _jj^> mainder of the liquid. It is then put into the cheese tub again, broken small, and scalded with wa- ter mixed with a little whey. When the curd is settled, the liquor is poured off ; the curd is put into a vat, and worked up with a little salt when about half full. The vat is then filled up, and the whole is turn- ed two or three times in it, the edges being pared, and the middle round- ed up at each turning. At length, the curd being put into a cloth, it is placed in the press, then laid on the shelves, and turned every day till it becomes sufficiently firm to bear washing. .GLOUCESTER JELLY. Take rice, sago, pearl barley, hartshorn shavings, and eringo root, each one ounce. Simmer with three pints of water till reduced to one, and then 150 strain it. When cold it will be a jelly ; of which give, dissolved in wine, milk, or broth, in change with other nourishment. GNATS. The stings of these troublesome insects are generally attended with a painful swelling. One of the most effectual remedies consists of an equal mixture of tur- pentine and sweet oil, which should immediately be applied to the wound- ed part, and it will afford relief in a little time. Olive oil alone, un- salted butter, or fresh lard, if rub- bed on without delay, will also be found to answer the same purpose. They may be destroyed by fumiga- tion, the same as for flies. GOLD. To clean gold, and re- store its lustre, dissolve a little sal ammoniac in common wine. Boil the gold in it, and it will soon re- cover its brilliance. To clean gold or silver lace, sew it up in a linen cloth, and boil it with two ounces of soap in a pint of water: after- wards wash the lace in clear water. When the lace happens to be tar- nished, the best liquor for restoring its lustre is spirits of wine, which should be warmed before it is ap- plied. This application will also preserve the colour of silk or em- broidery. GOLD RINGS. If a ring sticks tight on the finger, and cannot easi- ly be removed, touch it with mer- cury, and it will become so brittle that* slight blow will break it. GOOSE FEATHERS. These be- ing deemed particularly valuable, the birds in some counties are pluck- ed four or five times in a year. The first operation is performed in the spring for feathers and quills, and is repeated for feathers only, be- tween that period and Michaelmas. Though the plucking of geese ap- pears to be a barbarous custom, yet experience has proved, that if care- fully done, the birds thrive better, and are more healthy, when strip- GOO GOO ped of their feathers, than if they were left to drop them by moulting. Giaese intended for breeding in farm yards, and which are called old geese, may be plucked three times a year, at an interval of seven weeks, but not oftener. Every one should be thirteen or fourteen weeks old before they are subject to this ope- ration, or they are liable to perish in cold summers ; and if intended for the table, they would become poor and lose their quality, were they stripped of their feathers at an earlier period. GOOSE PIE. Quarter a goose, season it well, put it in a baking dish, and lay pieces of butter over it. Put on a raised crust, and bake it in a moderate oven. To make a richer pie, forcemeat may be added, and slices of tongue. Duck pie is made in the same manner. GOOSE SAUCE. Put into melt- ed butter a spoonful of sorrel juice, a little sugar, and some scalded gooseberries. Pour it into boats, and send it hot to table. GOOSEBERRY FOOL. Put the fruit into a stone jar, with some good Lisbon sugar. Set the jar on a stove, or in a saucepan of water over the fire : if the former, a large spoonful of water should be added to the fruit. When it is done enough to pulp, press it through a cullender. Have ready a sufficient quantity of new milk, and a tea-cupful of raw cream, boiled together, or ai^egg instead of the latter. When cold, sweeten it pretty well with fine Lis- bon sugar, and mix the pulp with it by degrees. GOOSEBERRY HOPS. Gather the largest green gooseberries of the walnut kind, and slit the tops into four quarters, leaving the stalk end whole. Pick out the seeds, and with a strong needle and thread fas- ten five or six together, by running the thread through the bottoms, till they are of the size of a hop. Lay vine leaves at the bottom of a tin preserving-pan, cover them with the hops, then a layer of leaves, and so on : lay a good many on the top, and fill the pan with water. Stop it down so close that no steam can escape, set it by a slow fire till scald- ing hot, and then take it off to cool* Repeat the operation till the goose- berries, on being opened, are found to be of a good green. Then drain them on sieves, and make a thin syrup of a pound of sugar to a pint of water, well boiled and skimmed. When the syrup is half cold, put in the fruit ; give it a boil up, and re- peat it thrice. Gooseberry hops look well and eat best dried, and iu, this case they may be set to dry IH^ a week. But if to be kept moist, make a syrup in the above propor- tions, adding a slice of ginger in the boiling. When skimmed and clear, give the gooseberries one boil, and pour the syrup cold over them. If * found too sour, a little sugar may be added, before the hops thaf are for drying receive their last boil. The extra syrup will serve for pies, or go towards other sweetmeats. GOOSEBERRY JAM. Gather some ripe gooseberries, of the clear white or green sort, pick them clean and weigh them. Allow three quar- ters of a pound of lump sugar to a pound of fruit, and half a pint of water. Boil and skim the sugar and water, then put in the fruit, and boil it gently till it is quite clear. Break the gooseberries into jam, and put into small pots. — Another. Gather ^ some ripe gooseberries in dry wea- ther, of the red hairy sort, and pick off the heads and tails. Put twelve pounds of them into a preserving pan, with a pint of currant juice, drawn as for jelly. Boil them pretty quick, and beat them with a spoon ; when they begin to break, add six pounds of white Lisbon sugar, and simmer them slowly to a jam. They require long boiling, or they will not keep; but they make an excellent jam for tarts and puffs. When the 151 GOO*. GOO jam is put into jars, examine it after two or three days ; and if the syrup and fruit separate, tiie whole must be boiled again. In making white gooseberry jam, clarified sugar should be used ; and in all cases great care must be taken to prevent the fruit from burning to the bottom of the pan. GOOSEBERRY PUDDING. Stew some gooseberries in a jar over a hot hearth, or in a saucepan of wa- ter, till reduced to a pulp. Take a pint of the juice pressed through a coarse sieve, and mix it with three eggs beaten and strained. Add an ^unce and a half of butter, sweeten 'u well, put a crust round the dish, and bake it. A few crumbs of roll should be mixed with the above to give it a little consistence, or four ounces of Naples biscuits. GOOSEBERRY TRIFLE. Scald as much fruit as when pulped through a sieve, will cover the bottom of a dish intended to be used. Mix with it the rind of half a lemon grated line, sweetened with sugar. Put any quantity of common custard over it, and a whip on the top, as for other trifles. GOOSEBERRY VINEGAR. Boil some spring water ; and when cold, put to every three quarts, a quart of bruised gooseberries in a large tub. Let them remain two or three days, stirring often ; then strain through a hair bag, and to each gal- Ion of liquor add a pound of the coarsest sugar. Put it into a barrel, with yeast spread upon a toast, and cover the bung hole with a piece of slate. The greater the quantity of sugar and fruit, the stronger the vinegar. GOOSEBERRY WINE. When the weather is dry, gather goose- berries about the time they are half ripe. Pick them clean as much as a peck into a convenient vessel, and bruise them with a piece of wood, taking as much care as possible to keep the seeds whole. Now having 1 52 put the pulp into a canvas bag, press out all the juice ; and to every gal- lon of the gooseberries, add about three pounds offine loaf sugar. Mix the whole together by stirring it with a stick, and as soon as the su- gar is quite dissolved, pour it into a cask which will exactly hold it. If the quantity be about eight or nine gallons, let it stand a fortnight : if twenty gallons, forty days, and so on in proportion. Set it in a cool place ; and after standing the pro- per time, draw it off from the lees. Put it into another clean vessel of equal size, or into the same, after pouring out the lees and making it clean. Let a cask of ten or twelve gallons stand for about three months, and twenty gallons for five months, after which it will be fit for bottling off. GOOSEBERRIES PRESERVED. Gather some dry gooseberries of the hairy sort, before the seeds be- come large, and take care not to cut them in taking off the stalks and buds. If gathered in the damp, or the gooseberry skins are the least broken in the preparation, the fruit ■will mould. Fill some jars or wide- mouthed bottles, put the corks loosely in, and set the bottles up to the neck in a kettle of water. When the fruit looks scalded, take them out ; and when perfectly cold, cork them down close, and rosin the top. Dig a trench sufficiently deep to receive all the bottles, and cover them with the earth a foot and a half. When a frost comes on, a little fresh litter from the stable will prevent the ground from hardening, so that the fruit may more easily be dug up. — Green gooseberries may also be preserved for winter use, without bedding them in the earth. Scald them as above, and when cold, fill the bottles up with cold water. Cork and rosin them down, and keep them in a dry place. — Another way. Having prepared the gooseberries as above, prepare a GOO ^ GR A kettle of boiling water, and put into it as much roche alum as will har- den the water, or give it a little roughness when dissolved : but if there be too much it will spoil the fruit. Cover the bottom of a large sieve with gooseberries, without lay- ing one upon another ; and hold the sieve in the water till the fruit be- gins to look scalded on the outside. Turn them gently out of the sieve on a cloth on the dresser, cover them with another cloth, putting some more to be scalded, till the whole are finished. Observe not to put one quantity upon another, or they will become too soft. The next day pick out any bad or broken ones, bottle the rest, and fill up the bot- tles with the alum water in which they were scalded. If the water be left in the kettle, or in a glazed pan, it will spoil ; it must therefore be quickly put into the bottles. Goose- berries prepared in this way, and stopped down close, will make as fine tarts as when fresh from the trees. — Another way. In dry wea- ther pick some full grown but un- ripe gooseberries, top arid tail them, and put them into wide-mouthed bottles. Stop them lightly with n€w velvet corks, put them into the oven after the bread is drawn, and let them stand till they are shrunk one fourth. Take them out of the oven, fasten the corks in tight, cut oft' the tops, and rosin them down close. Set them in a dry place ; and if well secured from the air, they will keep the year round. Cur- rants and damsons may be preserved in the same way. GOOSEGRASS OINTMENT. Melt some hog's lard, add as much clivers or goosegrass as the lard will moisten, and boil them together over a slow fire. Keep the mixture stir- ring till it becomes a little brown, and then strain it through a cloth. When cold, take the ointment from the water, and put it up in galli- pots. GOUT. Gouty patients are re- quired to abstain from all fermented and spirituous liquors, and to use wine very moderately ; carefully to avoid all fat, rancid, and salted provisions, and high seasoned dishes of every description. The constant use of barley bread is recommended, with large doses of powdered gin- ger boiled in milk for breakfast. Absorbent powders of two scruples of magnesia, and three or four grains each of rhubarb and purified kali, should be taken during the inter- vals of gouty fits, and repeated every other morning for several weeks. The feet should be kept warm, sinapisms frequently applied to them, and the part affected should be covered with fiannel. GOUT CORDIAL. Take four pounds of sun raisins sliced and stoned, two ounces of senna, one ounce of fennel seed, one of cori- ander, half an ounce of cochineal, half an ounce of saff'ron, half an ounce of stick liquorice, and half a pound of rhubarb ; infuse them all in two gallons of brandy, and let it stand for ten days. Stir it occa- sionally, then strain it off, and bottle it. Take a small wine-glass full, when the gout is in the head or stomach ; and if the pain be not removed, take two large spoonfuls more. — Or take six drams of opium, half an ounce of soap of tartar, half an ounce of castile soap, one dram of grated nutmeg, three drams of camphor, two scruples of saffron, and nine ounces of sweet spirit of sal-ammoniac. Put them all into a wine flask in a sand-heat for ten days, shaking it occasionally till the last day or two : then pour it off clear, and keep it stopped up close for use. Take thirty or forty drops in a glass of peppermint two hours after eating ; it may also be taken two or three times in the day or night if required. GRANARIES. These deposita- ries are very liable to be infested X 133 G R A • G R A with weasels, and various kinds of insects. To prevent their depreda- tions, the floors of granaries should be laid with poplars of Lombardy. GRAPES. To preserve this va- luable fruit, prepare a cask or bar- rel, by carefully closing up its cre- vices to prevent access of the ex- ternal air. Place a layer of bran, which has been well dried in an oven ; upon this place a layer of bunches of grapes, well cleaned, and gathered in the afternoon of a dry day, before they are perfectly ripe. Proceed then with alternate layers of bran and grapes till the barrel is full, taking care that the bunches of grapes do not touch each other, and to let the last layer be of bran ; then close the barrel so that the air may not be able to penetrate. Grapes thus packed will keep for a twelvemonth. To restore their freshness, cut the end of each bunch, and put that of white grapes into white wine, and that of black grapes into red wine, as flowers are put in- to water to keep them fresh. It is customary in France to pack grapes for the London market in saw dust, but it must be carefully dried with a gentle heat, or the turpentine and other odours of the wood will not fail to injure the fruit. Oak saw dust will answer the purpose best. GRAPE WINE. To every gal- lon of ripe grapes put a gallon of soft water, bruise the grapes, let them stand a week without stirring, and draw the liquor oft' fine. To every gallon of liquor allow three pounds of lump sugar, put the whole into a vessel', but do not stop it till it has done hissing ; then stop it close, and in six months it will be fit for bottling. — A better wine, though smaller in quantity, will be made by leaving out the water, and diminishing the quantity of sugar. Water is necessary only where the juice is so scanty, or so thick, as in cjj^wslip, balm, or black currant wine, that it could Tiot be used without it. 154 GRAVEL. The gout or rheuma- tism has a tendency to produce this disorder ; it is also promoted by the use of sour liquor, indigestible food, especially cheese, and by a sedenta- ry life. Perspiration should be as- sisted by gentle means, particularly by rubbing with a warm flannel ; the diet regulated by the strictest temperance, and moderate exercise is not to be neglected. For medi- cine, take the juice of a horseradish, made into a thin syrup by mixing it with sugar ; a spoonful or two to be taken every three or four hours. GRAVEL WALKS. To preserve garden walks from moss and weeds, water them frequently with brine, or salt and water, both in the spring and in autumn. Worms may be destroyed by an infusion of walnut- tree leaves, or by pouring into the holes a ley made of wood ashes and lime. If fruit trees are sprinkled with it, the ravages of insects will be greatly prevented. GRAVIES. A few general ob-. servations are necessary on the sub-*J ject of soups and gravies. When there is any fear of gravy meat being spoiled before it be wanted, it should be well seasoned, and lightly fried, in order to its keeping a day or two longer ; but the gravy is best when the juices are fresh. When soups or gr.avies are to be put by, let them be changed every day into fresh scalded pans. Whatever liquor has vegetables boiled in it, is apt to turn sour much sooner than the juices of meat, and gravy should never be kept in any kind of metal. When fat remains on any soup, a tea-cupful of flour and water mixed quite smooth, and boiled in, will take it ofi^. If richness or greater consistence be required, a good lump of butter mixed with flour, and boiled in the soup or gravy, will impart either of these qualities. Long boiling is necessary to obtain the full flavour ; and gravies and soups are best made the day before GRA GRA they are wanted. They are also much better when the meat is laid in the bottom of the pan, and stew- ed with herbs, roots, and butter, than when water is put to the meat at first; and the gravy that is drawn from the meat, should almost be dried up before the water is added. The sediment of gravies that have stood to be cold, should not be used in cooking. When onions are strong, boil a turnip with them, if for sauce ; and this will make them mild and pleasant. If soups or gravies are too weak, do not cover them in boil- ing, that the watery particles may evaporate. A clear jelly of cow heels is very useful to keep in the house, being a great improvement to soups and gravies. Truffles and morels thicken soups and sauces, and give them a fine flavour. The way is to wash half an ounce of each carefully, then simmer them a few minutes in water, and add them with the liquor to boil in the sauce till quite tender. As to the materials of which gravy is to be made, beef skirts will make as good as any other meat. Beef kidney, or milt, cut into small pieces, will an- swer the*purpose very well ; and so will the shank end of mutton that has been dressed, if much be want- ed. The shank bones of mutton, if well soaked and cleaned, are a great improvement to the richness of the gravy. Taragon gives the flavour of French cookery, and in high gravies it is a great improve- ment ; but it should be added only a short time before serving. To draw gravy that will keep for a week, cut some lean beef thin, put it into a fryingpan without any butter, cover it up, and set it on the fire, taking care that it does not burn. Keep it OH the fire till all the gravy that comes out of the meat is absorbed, then add as much water as will cover the meat, and keep it stewing. Put in some herbs, onions, spice, aad a piece of lean ham. Let it simmer till it is quite rich, and keej> it in a cool place ; but do not re- move the fat till the gravy is to be used. GRAVY FOR FOWL. When there is no meat to make gravy of, wash the feet of the fowl nicely, and cut them and the neck small. Sim- mer them with a little bread brown- ed, a slice of onion, a sprig of pars- ley and thyme, some salt and pep- per, and the liver and gizzard, in a quarter of a pint of water, till half wasted. Take out the liver, bruise it, and strain the liquor to it. Then thicken it with flour and butter, and a tea-spoonful of mushroom ketchup will make the gravy very good. GRAVY FOR WILD FOWL. Set on a saucepan with half a pint of veal gravy, adding half a dozeft leaves of basil, a small onion, and a roll of orange or lemon peel. Let it boil up for a few minutes, and strain it off". Put to the clear gravy the juice of a Seville orange, Haifa teaspoonful of salt, the same of pep- per, and a glass of red wine. Shalot and cayenne may be added. This is an excellent sauce for all kinds of wild water-fowl, and should be s«nt .up hot in a boat, as some persons like wild fowl very little done, and without any sauce. The common way of gashing the breast, and squeezing in a lemon, cools and har- dens the flesh, and compels every one to eat it that way, whether they approve of it or not. GRAVY FOR MUTTON. To make mutton taste like venison, provide for it the following gravy. Pick a very stale woodcock or snipe, and cut it to pieces, after having removed the bag from the entrails. Simmer it in some meat gravy, with- out seasoning; then strain it, and serve it with the mutton. GRAVY SOUP. Wash and soak a leg of beef ; break the bone, and set it on the fire with a gallon of water, a large bunch of sweet herb*, two large onions sliced and fried 155 ORE GRE to a fiue brown, but not burnt ; add two blades of mace, three cloves, twenty berries of allspice, and forty black peppers. Stew the soup till it is rich, and then take out the meat, which may be eaten at the kitchen table, with a little of the i^ravy. Next day take off the fat, .vhich will serve for basting, or for common pie crust. Slice some car- ilots, turnips, and celery, and sim- mer them till tender. If not ap- jroved, they can be taken out before the soup is sent to table, but the flavour will be a considerable ad- dition. Boil vermicelli a quarter of an hour,, and add to it a large spoonful of soy, and one of mush- room ketchup. A French roll should be made hot, then soaked in the soup, and served in the tureen. GRAVY WITHOUT MEAT. Put into a bason a glass of small beer, a glass of water, some pepper and salt, grated lemon peel, a bruised clove or two, and a spoonful of wal- nut pickle, or mushroom ketchup. Slice an onion, flour and fry it in a piece of butter till it is brown. Then turn all the above into a small tosser, with the onion, and simmer it cover- ed for twenty minutes. Strain it oflf for use, and when cold take oflf the fat. GRAYLINE. Having scaled and washed the fish, then dry them. Dust them over with flour, and lay them separately on a board before *he fire. Fry them of a fine colour with fresh dripping ; serve them with crimp parsley, and plain butter. Perch and tench may be done the same Way. GREASE EXTRACTED. The ashes of burnt bones finely powder- ed, or calcined hartshorn, heated over the fire in a clean vessel, and laid on each side of the grease spot, if on books or paper, with a weight laid upon it to assist the effect, will completely remove it ; or the pow- der may be wrapped in thin muslin, and applied in the same manner. 15G When prints get foul and dirty, they may readily be cleaned in the same manner as linen is bleached, by be- ing exposed to the sun and air, and frequently wetted with clean water. If this do not fully succeed, the print may be soaked in hot water ; and if pasted on canvas, it should first be taken off" by dipping it in boiling water, which will loosen it from the canvas. The dirt occasioned by flies, may be gently taken off" with a wet sponge, after the print has been well soaked. Spots of white- wash may be removed by spirit of sea salt diluted with water. — If grease spots appear in leather, a diflferent process must be pursued. A paste made of mealy potatoes, dry mustard, and spirits of turpen- tine, mixed together, and applied to the spot, will extract the grease from leather, if rubbed oflf after it has been allowed sufficient time to dry. A little vinegar may be ad- ded, to render the application more A fTjp p f I] n I GREEN FRUIT. Green peach- es, plums, or other fruit, should be put into a preserving pan of spring water, covered with vine leaves, and set over a clear fire. When they begin to simmer take them off", and take the fruit out carefully with a slice. Peel and preserve them as other fruit. GREEN GAGES. In order to preserve them for pies and tarts, choose the largest when they begin to soften. Split them without paring ; and having weighed an equal quan- tity of sugar, strew a part of it over the fruit. Blanch the kernels with a small sharp knife. Next day pour the syrup from the fruit, and boil it gently six or eight minutes with the other sugar ; skim it, and add the plums and kernels. Simmer it till clear, taking off* any scum that rises ; put the fruit singly into small pots, and pour the syrup and ker- nels to it. If the fruit is to be can- died, the syrup must not be added : ORE a 111 \ for the sake of variety, it may be proper to do some each way. GREEN GOOSE PIE. Bone two young green geese, of a gooci size ; but first take away every plug, and singe them nicely. Wash them clean, and season them well with salt, pepper, mace, and allspice. Put one Jnside the other, and press them quite close, drawing the legs inward. Put a good deal of butter over them, and bake them either with or without a crust : if the lat- ter, a cover to the dish must fit close to keep in the steam. GREEN PEAS. Peas should not be shelled till they are wanted, nor boiled in much water. Put them in when the water boils, with a little salt, and a lump of sugar. When they begin to dent in the middle, f Mjjt them. Preparation being thus made, ^ take the opportunity of a fine morn- ing, about eight or nine o'clock, at which time most of the bees are out, gathering their harvest. The comb is to be cut through by means of a piece of iron wire, and the old hive 165 HIV HIV separated from the new one. An assistant must immediately place the cover, which should be previ- ously fitted, upon the top of the new one. The old hive is then to be taken to the distance of twenty or thirty yards, and placed firm upon a bench or table, but so as to leave a free space both above and below. The holes at the top being opened, one of the new boxes is to be placed on the top of the old hive, having the cover loosely fastened on it ; and is to be done in such a manner, by closing the intervals be- tween them with linen cloths, that the bees on going out by the holes on the top of the old hive can only go into the new one. But in order to drive the bees into the new hive, some live coals must be placed un- der the old one, upon which some linen may be thrown, to produce a volume of smoke ; and the bees feel- ing the annoyance, will ascend to the top of the old hive, and at length will go through the holes into the new one. When they have nearly all entered, it is to be removed gently from the old hive, and placed under the box already mentioned, the top or cover having been taken off. If it should appear the next morning that the two boxes, of which the new hive is now com- posed, do not afford sufliicient room for the bees, a third or fourth box may be added, under the others, as their work goes on, changing them from time to time so long as the sea- son permits the bees to gather wax and honey. When a new swarm is to be hived, the boxes prepared as above and proportioned to the size of the swarm, are to be brought near the place where the bees have settled. The upper box with the cover upon it, must be taken from the others. The cross bars at the top should be smeared >yith honey and water, the doors must be closed, the box turned upside down, and held under the swarm, which is then 166 to be shaken into it as into a com- mon hive. When the whole swarm is in the box, it is to be carried to the other boxes, previously placed in their destined situation, and care- fully put upon them. The inter- stices are to be closed with cement, and all the little doors closed, ex- cept the lowest, through which the bees are to pass. The hive should be shaded from the sun for a few days, that the bees may not be tempted to leave their new habita- tion. It is more advantageous how- ever to form artificial swarms, than to collect those which abandon their native hives ; and the hive here re- commended is more particularly adapted to that purpose. By this mode of treatment, we not only avoid the inconveniences which at- tend the procuring of swarms in the common way, but obtain the ad- vantage of having the hives always well stocked, which is of greater consequence than merely to increase their number ; for it has been ob- served, that if a hive of four thou- sand bees give six pounds of honey> one of eight thousand will give twen- ty-four pounds. On this principle it is proper to unite two or more hives, when they happen to be thick- ly stocked. This may be done by scattering a few handfuls of bahn in those hives which are to be united, which by giving them the same smell, they will be unable to distin- guish one another. After this pre- paration, the hives are to be joined by placing them one upon the other, in the evening when they are at rest, and taking away those boxes which arc nearly empty. All the little doors must be closed, except the lowest. If bees are kept in single straw hives in the usual way, the manner of hiving them is somewhat different. They are first allowed to swarm, and having settled, they are then taken to the hive. If they fix on the lower branch of a tree, it may be cut off and laid on a cloth, and the hive HIV HOG placed over it, so as to leave room for the bees to ascend into it. If the queen can be found, and put into the hive, the rest will soon fol- low. But if it be difficult to reach them, let them remain where they have settled till the evening, when there will be less danger of escaping. After this the hive is to be placed in the apiary, cemented round the bottom, and covered from the wet at top. The usual method of uniting swarms, is by spreading a cloth at night upon the ground close to the hive, in which the hive with the new swarm is to be placed. By giving a smart stroke on the top of the hive, all the bees will drop into a cluster upon the cloth. Then take another hive from the beehouse, and place it over the bees, when they will ascend into it, and mix with those already there. Another Way is to invert the hive in which the united swarms are to live, and strike the bees of the other hive in- to it as before. One of the queens is generally slain on this occasion, together with a considerable num- ber of the working bees. To prevent this destruction, one of the queens should be sought for and taken, when the bees are beaten out of the hive upon the cloth, before the union is effected. Bees never swarm till the hive is too much crowded by the young brood, which happens in May or June,according to the warmth of the season. A good swarm should weigh five or six pounds ; those that are under four pounds weight, should be strengthened by a small additional swarm. The size of the hive ought to be proportionate to the number of the bees, and should be rather too small than too large, as they require to be kept dry and warm in winter. In performing these several operations, it will be neces- sary to defend the hands and face from the sting of the bees. The best way of doing this is to cover the whole head and neck with a coarse cloth or canvas, which may be brought down and fastened round the waist. Through this cloth the motion of the bees may be observed, without fearing their stings; and the hands may be protected by a thick pair of gloves. HODGE PODGE. Boil some slices of coarse beef in three quarts of water, and one of small beer. Skim it well, put in onions, carrots, turnips, celery, pepper and salt. When the meat is tender, take it out, strain off the soup, put a little but- ter and flour into the saucepan, and stir it well, to prevent burning. Take off the fat, put the soup into a stew- pan, and stew the beef in it till it is quite tender. Serve up the soup with turnips and carrots, spinage or celery. A leg of beef cut in pieces, and stewed five or six hours, will make good soup ; and any kind of roots or spices may be added or omitted at pleasure. Or stew some peas, lettuce, and onions, in a very little water, with a bone of beef or ham. While these are doing, sea- son some mutton or lamb steaks, and fry them of a nice brown. Three quarters of an hour before serving, put the steaks into a stewpan, and the vegetables over them. Stew them, and serve all together in a tureen. Another way of making a good hodge podge, is to stew a knuckle of veal and a scrag of mut- ton, with some vegetables, adding a bit of butter rolled in flour. HOG'S CHEEKS. If to be dried as usual, cut out the snout, remove the brains, and split the head, tak- ing off the upper bone to make the chawl a good shape. Rub it well with salt, and next day take away the brine. On the following day cover the head with half an ounce of saltpetre, two ounces of bay salt, a little common salt, and four ounces ot coarse sugar. Let the head be often turned, and after ten days smoke it for a week like bacon. HOG'S EARS FORCED. Parboil 167 noQ HOK two pair of ears, Ojf take some that have been soused. Make a force- i§£Sit of an anchovy, some sage and parsley, a quarter of a pound of chopped suet, bread crumbs, and only a little salt. Mix all these with the yolks of two eggs, raise the skin of the upper side of the ears, and stuff them with the mix- ture. Fry the ears in fresh butter, of a fine colour ; then pour away the fat, and drain them. Prepare half a pint of rich gravy, with a glass of fine sherry, three tea-spoon- fuls of made mustard, a little butter gfltd flour, a small onion whole, and a little pepper or cayenne. Put this with the ears into a stewpan, and cover it close ; stew it gently for half an hour, shaking the pan often. When done enough, take out the onion, place the ears carefully in a dish, and pour the sauce over them. If a larger dish is wanted, the meat from two feet may be added to the above. HOG'S HEAD. To make some excellent meat of a hog's head, split it, take out the brains, cut off the ears, and sprinkle it with salt for ^ day. Then drain it, salt it again with common salt and saltpetre for three days, and afterwards lay the whole in a small quantity of water for two days. Wash it, and boil it till all the bones will come out. Skin the tongue, and take the skin carefully off the head, to put under and over. Chop the head as quick as possible, season it with pepper and salt, and a little mace or all- spice berries. Put the skin into a small pan, with the chopped head between, and press it down. When cold it will turn out, and make a kind of brawn. If too fat, a few bits of lean pork may be prepared in the same way, and added to it. Add salt and vinegar, and boil these with some of the liquor for a pickle to keep it. HOG'S LARD. This should be carefully melted in a jar placed in 168 a kettle of water, and boiled with a sprig of rosemary. After it has been prepared, run it into bladders that have been extremely well clean- ed. The smaller they are, the bet- ter the lard will keep : if the air reaches it, it becomes rank. Lard being a most useful article for fry- ing fish, it should be prepared with care. Mixed with butter, it makes fine crust. HOLLOW BISCUITS. Mix a pound and a quarter of butter with three pounds and a half of flour, adding a pint of warm water. Cut out the paste with a wine glass, or a small tin, and set them in a brisk oven, after the white bread is drawn, HONES. For joining them to- gether, or cementing them to their frames, melt a little common glue without water, with half its weight of rosin, and a small quantity of red ochre. HONEY. The honey produced by young bees, and which flows spontaneously, is purer than that expressed from the comb ; and hence it is called virgin honey. The best sort is of a thick consistence, and of a whitish colour, inclining to yel- low : it possesses an agreeable smell, and a pleasant taste. When the combs are removed from the hive, they are taken by the hand into a sieve, and left to drain into a ves- sel sufficiently wide for the purpose. After it has stood a proper time to settle, the pure honey is poured in- to earthen jars, tied down close to exclude the air. HONEY VINEGAR. When ho- ney is extracted from the combs, by means of pressure, take the whole mass, break and separate it, and in- to each tub or vessel put one part of combs, and two of water. Set them in the sun, or in a warm place, and cover them with cloths. Fer- mentation takes place in a few days, and continues from eight to twelve days, according to the temperature of the situati( n in which the opera- HOO HOP fion is carried on. During the fer- mentation, stir the matter from time to time, and press it down with the hand, that it may be perfectly soak- ed. When the fermentation is over, put the matter to drain on sieves or strainers. At the bottom of the vessels will be found a yellow liquor, which must be thrown away, be- cause it would soon contract a dis- agreeable smell, which it would communicate to the vinegar. Then wash the tubs, put into them the water separated from the other mat- ter, and it will immediately begin to turn sour. The tubs must then be covered again with cloths, and kept moderately warm. A pellicle or skin is formed on the surface, be- neath which the vinegar acquires strength. In a month's time it be- gins to be sharp, but must be suf- fered to stand a little longer, and then put into a cask, of which the bunghole is to be left open. It may then be used like any other vinegar. All kinds of vinegar may be strength- ened by suffering it to be repeatedly frozen, and then separating the up- per cake of ice or water from it. HOOPING COUGH. This dis- order generally attacks children, to whom it often proves fatal for want of proper management. Those who breathe an impure air, live upon poor sustenance, drink much warm tea, and do not take sufficient ex- ercise, are most subject to this con- vulsive cough. In the beginning of the disorder, the child should be removed to a change of air, and the juice of onions or horseradish ap- plied to the soles of the feet. The diet light and nourishing, and taken in small quantities ; the drink must be lukewarm, consisting chiefly of toast and water, mixed with a little white wine. If the cough be at- tended with feverish symptoms, a gentle emetic must be taken, of ca- momile flowers, and afterwards the foir^wiuig liniment applied to the pit (No. 8.) of the stomach. Dissolve one scruple of tartar emetic in two ounces of spring water, and add half an ounce of the tincture of cantharides : rub a tea-spoonful of it every hour on the lower region of the stomach with a warm piece of flannel, and let the wetted part be kept warm with flannel. This will be found to be the best remedy for the hooping cough. HOPS. The quality of this arti- cle is generally determined by the price ; yet hops may be strong, and not good. They should be bright, of a pleasant flavour, and have no foreign leaves or bits of branches among them. The hop is the husk or seed pod of the hop vine, as the cone is that of the fir tree ; and the seeds themselves are deposited, like those of the fir, round a little soft stalk, enveloped by the several folds of this pod or cone. If in the ga- thering, leaves or tendrils of the vine are mixed with the hops, they may help to increase the weight, but will give a bad taste to the beer ; and if they abound, they will spoil it. Great attention therefore must be paid to see that they are free from any foreign mixture. There are also numerous sorts of hops, varying in size, in form, and quality. Those that are best for brewing are gene- rally known by the absence of a brown colour, which indicates pe- rished hops ; a colour between green and yellow, a great quantity of the yellow farina, seeds not too large or hard, a clamminess when rubbed between the fingers, and a lively pleasant smell, are the general indi- cations of good hops. At almost any age they retain the power of preserving beer, but not of impart- ing a pleasant flavour ; and there- fore new hops are to be preferred. Supposing them to be of a good qua- lity, a pound of hops may be allow- ed to a bushel of malt, when the beer is strong, or brewed in warm z 169 HO U H O T weather ; but under other circum- stances, half the quantity will be sufficient. HOP-TOP SOUP. Take a quan- tity of hop-tops when they are in the greatest perfection, tie them in small bunches, soak them in water, and put them to some thin peas- soup. Boil them up, add three spoonfuls of onion juice, with salt and pepper. When done enough, serve them up in a tureen, with sip- pets of toasted bread at the bottom. HORSERADISH POWDER. In November or December, slice some horseradish the thickness of a shil- ling, and lay it to dry very gradually in a Dutch oven, for a strong heat would very soon evaporate its fla- vour. When quite dry, pound it fine, and bottle it. HORSERADISH VINEGAR. Pour a quart of the best vinegar on three ounces of scraped horseradish, an ounce of minced shalot, and a dram of cayenne. Let it stand a week, and it will give an excellent relish to cold beef, or other articles. A little black pepper and mustard, celery or cress seed, may be added to the above. HOUSE DRAINS. The smell of house drains is oftentimes exceed- ingly offensive, but may be com- pletely prevented by pouring down them a mixture of lime water, and the ley of wood ashes, or suds that have been used in washing. An article known by the name of a sink trap may be had at the ironmongers, which is a cheap and simple appa- ratus, for carrying off the waste wa- ter and other offensive matter from sinks and drains. But as the dif- fusion of any collection of filth tends to produce disease and mor- tality, it should not be suffered to settle and stagnate near our dwell- ings, and every possible care should be taken to render them sweet and wholesome. HOUSE TAX. As the present 170 system of taxation involves so im- portant a part of the annual expen- diture, and is in many instances at- tended with so much vexation and trouble, it concerns every house- keeper to be acquainted with the extent of his own liability, and of course to regulate his conveniences accordingly. It appears then, that every inhabited dwellinghouse, con- taining not more than six windows or lights, is subject to the yearly sum of six shillings and six-pence, if under the value of five pounds a year. But every dwellinghouse worth five pounds and under twenty pounds rent by the year,pay s the yearly sum of one shilling and six-pence in the pound ; every house worth twenty pounds and under forty pounds a year, two shillings and three-pence in the pound ; and for every house worth forty pounds and upwards, the year- ly sum of two shillings and ten-pence in the pound. These rents however are to be taken from the rates in which they are charged, and not from the rents which are actually paid. HOUSEHOLD BREAD. Four ounces of salt are dissolved in three quarts of water, and mixed with a pint of yeast. This mixture is pour- ed into a cavity made in a peck of second flour, placed in a large pan or trough. When properly kneaded and fermented, it is divided into pieces of a certain weight, and baked. Sometimes, in farm houses, a portion of rice flour, boiled pota- toes, or rye meal, is mixed with the flour,previous to kneading the dough. The rye and rice serve to bind the bread, but the potatoes render it light and spongy. — Or, for a larger quantity, put a bushel of flour into a trough, two thirds wheat and one of rye. Mix a quart of yeast with nine quarts of warm water, and work it into the flour till it becomes tough. Leave it to rise about an hour : and as soon as it rises, add HUN H YS a pound of salt, and as much warm water as before. Work it well, and cover it with flannel. Make the loaves a quarter of an hour before the oven is ready ; and if they weigh tive pounds each, they will require to be baked two hours and a half. HUNG BEEF. Make a strong brine with bay salt, common salt, and saltpetre, and put in ribs of beef for nine days. Then dry it, or smoke it in a chimney. Or rub the meat with salt and saltpetre, and repeat it for a fortnight, and dry it in wood smoke. HUNGARY WATER. To one pint of highly rectified spirits of wine, put an ounce of the oil of rosemary, and two drams of the essence of am- bergris. Shake the bottle well se- veral times, and let the cork remain out twenty-four hours. Shake it daily for a whole month, and then put the water into small bottles for use. HUNTER'S BEEF. To a round of beef that weighs twenty-five pounds, allow three ounces of salt- petre, three ounces of the coarsest sugar, an ounce of cloves, half an ounce of allspice, a nutmeg, and three handfuls of common salt, all in the finest powder. The beef should hang two or three days ; then rub the above mixture well into it, and turn and rub it every day for two or three weeks. The bone must be taken out first. When to be dress- ed, dip it into cold water, to take off" the loose spice ; bind it up tight with tape, and put it into a pan with a tea-cupful of water at the bottom. Cover the top of the meat with shred suet, and the pan with a brown crust and paper, and bake it five or six hours. When cold, take off* the paste and tape. The gravy is very fine, and a little of it is a great im- provement to any kind of hash or soup. Both the gravy and the meat will keep some time. The meat should be cut with a very sharp knife, and quite smooth, to pi event waste. HUNTER'S PUDDING. Mix to- gether a pound of suet, a pound of flour, a pound of currants, and a pound of raisins stoned and cut. Add the rind of half a lemon finely shred, six peppercorns in tine pow- der, four eggs, a glass of brandy, a little- salt, and as much milk as will make it of a proper consistence. Boil it in a floured cloth, or a melon mould, eight or nine hours. A spoon- ful of peach water may sometimes be added to change the flavour. This pudding will keep six months after it is boiled, if tied up in the same cloth when cold, and hung up, folded in writing paper to* preserve it from the dust. When to be eaten, it must be boiled a full hour, and served with sweet sauce. HYSTERICS. The sudden ef- fusion of water on the face and hands, while the fit is on, and especially immersing the feet in cold water, will aff'ord relief. Fetid smells are also proper ; such as the burning of feathers, leather, or the smoke of sulphur, and the application of strong volatile alkali, or other pun- gent matters to the nostrils. To efi'ect a radical cure, the cold bath, mineral waters, and other tonics are necessary. In Germany however, they cure hysteric aff'ections by eat- ing carraway seeds finely powdered, with a little ginger and salt, spread on bread and butter every morning, 173 ICE ILI I. Ice for ICEING. To prepare artificial ice for articles of confec- tionary, procure a few pounds of real ice, reduce it nearly to powder, and throw a large handful or more of salt amongst it. This should be done in as cool a place as possible. The ice and salt being put into a pail, pour some cream into an ice pot, and cover it down. Then im- merse it in the ice, and draw that round the pot, so as to enclose every part of it. In a few minutes stir it well with a spoon or spatula, re- moving to the centre those parts which have iced round the edges. If thp ice cream or water be in a a form, shut the bottom close, and move the whole in the ice, as a spoon cannot be used for that purpose without danger of waste. There should be holes in the pail, to let off the ice as it thaws. When any fluid tends towards cold, moving it quickly will encrease that tendency ; and likewise, when any fluid is tend- ing to heat, stirring it will facilitate its boiling. ICE CREAMS. Mix the juice of the fruits with as much sugar as will be wanted, before the cream is added, and let the cream be of a middling richness* ICE WATERS. Rub some fine sugar on lemon or orange, to give the colour and flavour ; then squeeze the juice of either on its respective peel. Add water and sugar to make a fine sherbet, and strain it before it be put into the ice-pot. If orange, the greater proportion should be of the china juice, and only a little of Seville, and a small bit of the peel grated by the sugar. The juice of currants or raspberries, or any other sort of fruit, being squeezed out, sweetened, and mixed with water, may be prepared for iceing in the same way. 172 ICEING FOR CAKES. Beat and sift half a pound of fine sugar, put it into a mortar with four spoonfuls of rose water, and the whites of two eggs beaten and strained. Whisk it well, and when the cake is almost cold, dip a feather in the iceing, and cover the cake well. Set it in the oven to harden, but suffer it not to remain to be discoloured, and then keep it in a dry place. — For a very large cake, beat up the whites of twenty fresh eggs, and reduce to powder a pound of double refined sugar, sifted through a lawn sieve. Mix these well in a deep earthea pan, add orange flower water, bare- ly suflScient to give it a flavour, and a piece of fresh lemon peel. Whisk it for three hours till the mixture is thick and white, then with a thin broad piece of board spread it all over the top and sides, and set it in a cool oven, and an hour will har- den it. ICEING FOR TARTS. Beat well together the yolk of an e^g and some melted butter, smear the tarts with a feather, and sift sugar over them as they are put into the oven. Or beat up the white of an egg, wash the paste with it, and sift over some white sugar. ILIAC PASSION. This danger- ous malady, in which the motion of the bowels is totally impeded or in- verted, arises from spasms, violent exertions of the body, eating of un- ripe fruit, drinking of sour liquors, worms, obstinate costiveness, and various other causes, which produce the most excruciating pain in the region of the abdomen. Large blisters applied to the most painful part, emollient clysters, fomenta- tions, and the warm bath, are amongst the most likely means ; but in many instances, this dfsorder is not to be controuled by medicine^ INC IND No reniedy however can be applied with greater safety or advantage, than frequent doses of castor oil : and if this fail, quicksilver in a na- tural state is the only medicine on which any reliance can be placed. IMPERIAL. Put into a stone jar two ounces of cream of tartar, and the juice and paring of two le- mons. Pour on them seven quarts of boiling water, stir it well, and cover it close. When cold, sweeten it with loaf sugar; strain, bottle, and cork it tight. This makes a very pleasant and wholesome liquor ; but if drunk too freely, it becomes in- jurious. In bottling it off, add half a pint of rum to the whole quan- titv. IMPERIAL CREAM. Boil a quart of cream with the thin rind of a lemon, and stir it till nearly cold. Have ready in a dish or bowl, in which it is to be served, the juice of three lemons strained, mixed with as much sugar as will sweeten the cream. Pour this into the dish from a large tea-pot, holding it high, and moving it about to mix with the juice. It should be made at least six hours before it is used ; and if the day before, it would be still better. IMPERIAL WATER. Put into an earthen pan, four ounces of su- gar, and the rind of three lemons. Boil an ounce of cream of tartar in three quarts of water, and pour it on the sugar and lemon. Let it stand all night, clear it through a bag, and bottle it. INCENSE. Compound in a mar- ble mortar, a large quantity of lig- num rhoditrtn, and anise, with a little powder of dried orange peel, and gum benzoin. Add some gum dragon dissolved in rose water, and a little civet. Beat the whole to- gether, form the mixture into small cakes, and place them on paper to dry. One of these cakes being burnt, will diffuse an agreeable odour throughout the largest apart- ment. INDELIBLE INK. Gum arabic dissolved in water, and well mixed with fine ivory black, will make writing indelible. If the writing be afterwards varnished over with the white of an egg clarified, it will pre- serve it to any length of time. INDIAN PICKLE. Lay a pound of white ginger in water one night ; then scrape, slice, and lay it in salt in a pan, till the other ingredients are prepared. Peel and slice a pound of garlic, lay it in salt three days, and afterwards dry it in the sun. Salt and dry some long pep- per in the same way : then prepare various sorts of vegetables in the following manner. Quarter some small white cabbages, salt them three days, then squeeze and lay them in the sun to dry. Cut some cauliflowers into branches, take off the green part of radishes, cut ce- lery into lengths of about three inches, put in young French beans whole, and the shoots of elder, which will look like bamboo. Choose apples and cucumbers of a sort the least seedy, quarter them, or cut them in slices. All must be salted, drained, and dried in the sun, ex- cept the latter, over which some boiling vinegar must be poured. In twelve hours drain them, but use no salt. Put the spice into a large stone jar, adding the garlic, a quar- ter of a pound of mustard seed, an ounce of turmeric, and vinegar suf- ficient for the quantity of pickle. When the vegetables are dried and ready, the following directions must be observed. Put some of them in- to a half-gallon stone jar, and pour over them a quart of boiling vinegar. Next day take out those vegetables ; and when drained, put them into a large stock jar. Boil the vinegar, pour it over some more of the vege- tables, let them lie all night, and complete the operation as before. 173 IN D INF Thus proceed till each set is cleansed from the dust they may have con- tracted. Then to every gallon of vinegar, put two ounces of flour of mustard, gradually mixing in a little of it boiling hot, and stop the jar tight. The whole of the vinegar should be previously scalded, and set to cool before it is put to the spice. This pickle will not be ready for a year, but a small quantity may be got ready for eating in a fortnight, by only giving the cauHflower one scald in water, after salting and drying as above, but without the preparative vipcgar : then pour the vinegar, which has the spice and garlic, boiling hot over it. If at any time it be found that the ve- getables have not swelled properly, boiling the pickle, and pouring it hot over them,will make them plump. — Another way. Cut the heads of some good cauliflowers into pieces, and add some slices of the inside of the stalk. Put to them a white cabbage cut in pieces, with inside slices of carrot, turnips, and onions. Boil a strong brine of salt and water, simmer the vegetables in it one mi- nute, drain them, and dry them on tins over an oven till they are shriveled up ; then put them into a jar, and prepare the following pickle. To two quarts of good vinegar, put an ounce of the flour of mustard, one of ginger, one of long pepper, four of cloves, a few shalots, and a little horseradish. Boil the vinegar, put the vegetables into a jar, and pour it hot over them. When cold, tiethem down, and add more vine- gar afterwards, if necessary. In the course of a week or two, the pickle will be fit for use. INDIGESTION. Persons of weak delicate habits, particularly the sedentary and studious, are fre- quently subject to indigestion. The liberal use of cold water alone, in drinking, washing, and bathing, is often suflicient to effect a cure. 174 Drinking of sea water, gentle pur- gatives, with bark and bitters, light and nourishing food, early rising, and gentle exercise in the open air, are also of great importance. INFECTION. During the pre- valence of any infectious disease, every thing requires to be kept per- fectly clean, and the sick room to be freely ventilated. The door or window should generally be open, the bed curtains only drawn to shade the light, clothes frequently changed and washed in cold water, all dis- charges from the patient instantly removed, and the floor near the bed rubbed every day with a wet cloth. Take also a hot brick, lay it in an earthen pan, and pour pickle vine- gar upon it. This will refresh the patient, as well as purify the sur- rounding atmosphere. Those who are obliged to attend the patients, should not approach them fasting, nor inhale their breath ; and while in their apartment, should avoid eat- ing and drinking, and swallowing their own saliva. It will also be of considerable service to smell vine- gar and camphor, to fumigate the room with tobacco, and to chew myrrh and cinnamon, which pro- mote a plentiful discharge from the mouth. As soon as a person has returned from visiting an infected patient, he ought immediately to wash his mouth and hands with vin^ear, to change his clothes, and expose them to the fresh air ; and to drink an infusion of sage, or other aromatic herbs. After the dis- order has subsided, the walls of the room should be washed with hot lime, which will render it perfectly sweet. INFLAMMATIONS. In exter- nal inflammations, attended with heat and swelling of the part af- fected, cooling applications and a little opening medicine are the best adapted ; and in some cases, cata- plasms of warm emollient hgrbs may be nised with advantage. NK NK INFLAMMATION OF THE EYES. In this case leeches should be applied to the temples ; and af- ter the bleeding has ceased, a small blister may be tried, with a little opening medicine. Much benefit has been derived from shaving the head, cutting the hair, and bathing the feet in warm water. If the in- flammation has arisen from particles of iron or steel falling into the eyes, the offending matter is best extract- ed by the application of the load- stone. If eyes are blood-shotten, the necessary rules are, an exclusion from light, cold fomentations, and abstinence from animal food and stimulating liquors. For a bruise in the eye, occasioned by any acci- dent, the best remedy is a rotten apple, and some conserve of roses. Fold them in a piece of thin cam- bric, apply it to the part affected, and it will take out the bruise. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. This is a complaint that requires great care. If the belly be swelled, and painful to the touch, apply flannels to it, dipped in hot water and wrung out, or use a warm bath. A blister should be employed as soon as possible, and mild emol- lient injections of gruel or barley water, till stools be obtained. The patient should be placed between blankets, and supplied with light gruel ; and when the violence of the disorder is somewhat abated, the pain may be removed by opiate clysters. A common bread and milk poultice, applied as warm as possi- ble to the part affected, has also been attended with great success : but as this disorder is very danger- ous, it would be proper to call in medical assistance without delay. INK. To make an excellent writ- ing ink, take a pound of the best Aleppo g^Us, half a pound of cop- peras, a quarter of a pound of gum arable, and a quarter of a pound of white sugar candy. Bruise the galls and beat the other ingredients fine, and infuse them together in three quarts of rain water. Let the mix- ture stand by the fire three or four days, and then boil it gently over a slow fire ; or if infused in cold wa- ter, and afterwards well strained, it will nearly answer the same pur- pose. Care must be taken to ob- tain good materials, and to mix them in due proportion. To pre- serve the ink from mouldiness, it should be put into a large glass bot- tle with a ground stopper, and fre- quently shaked ; but if a crust be formed, it should be carefully taken out, and not mixed with the ink. A little more gum and sugar can- dy may be added, to render the ink more black and glossy; but too much will make it sticky, and unfit for use. — Another method is to bruise a pound of good galls, black and heavy, and put them into a stone jar. Then pour on a gallon of rain water, nearly of a boiling heat, and let it stand by the fire about a fortnight. Afterwards add four ounces of green copperas or sulphate of iron, four ounces of log- wood shavings, one ounce of alum, one of sugar candy, and four of gum arable. Let the whole remain about two days longer in a moderate heat, stir the ingredients together once or twice a day, and keep the jar slightly covered. The ink is then to be strained through a flanneH put into a bottle with a little brandy at the top, well corked, and set by for use in a temperate place. A few cloves bruised with gum arable, and put into the bottle, will prevent the ink from getting mouldy ; and if some of superior quality be required, white wine or vinegar must be used instead of water. INK POWDER. For the con- venience of travellers by sea or by land, ink powders have been invent- ed, which consist of nothing else than the substances employed in the composition of common ink, pound- ed and pulverized, so that it be in- 175 INS IRI stantaneousl^i converted into ink by mixing it up with a little water. Walkden's ink powder is by far the best. INK STAINS. The stains of ink, on cloth, paper, or wood, may be removed by almost all acids ; but those acids are to be preferred, which are least likely to injure the texture of the stained substance. The muriatic acid, diluted with five or six times its weight of water, may be applied to the spot; and after a minute or two, may be wash- ed off, repeating the application as often as it is found necessary. But the vegetable acids are attended with less risk, and are equally ef- fectual. A solution of lemon or tar- tareous acid, in water, may be ap- plied to the most delicate fabrics, without any danger of in juring them : and the same solution will discharge writing, but not printing ink. Hence they may be employed in cleaning books which have Ijeen defaced by writing on the margin, without im- pairing the text. Lemon juice and the juice of sorrel will also remove ink stains, but not so easily as the concrete acid of lemons, or citric acid. On some occasions it will be found sufficient, only to dip the spotted part in the fine melted tal- low of a mould candle, and after- wards wash it in the usual way. INSECTS. The most effectual remedy against the whole tribe of insects, which prey upon plants and vegetables, is the frequent use of sulphur, which should be dusted upon the leaves through a muslin rag or dredging box, or fumed on a chaffing dish of burning charcoal. This application will also improve the healthiness of plants, as well as destroy their numerous enemies. Another way is to boil together an equal quantity of rue, wormwood, and tobacco, in common water, so as to make the liquor strong, and then to sprinkle it on the leaves every morning and evening. By 170 pouring boiling water on some to- bacco and the tender shoots of el- der, a strong decoction may also be made for this purpose, and shed upon fruit trees with a brush : the quantity, about an ounce of tobacco and two handfuls of elder to a gal- lon of water. Elder water sprinkled on honeysuckles and roses, will pre- vent insects from lodging on them. If a quantity of wool happen to be infected with insects, it may be cleansed in the following manner. Dissolve a pound of alum, and as much cream of tartar, in a quart of boiling water, and add two full gal- lons of cold water to it. The wool is then to be soaked in it for several days, and afterwards to be washed and dried. INSIDE OF A SIRLOIN. Cut out all the meat and a little fat, of the inside of a cold sirloin of beef, and divide it into pieces of a finger's size and length. Dredge the meat with flour, and fry it in butter, of a nice brown. Drain the butter from the meat, and toss it up in a rich gravy, seasoned with pepper, salt, anchovy, and shalot. It must not be suft'ered to boil ; and before serving, add two spoonfuls of vine- gar. Garnish with crimped parslev. INVISIBLE INK. Boil half an ounce of gold litharge well pounded, with a little vinegar in a brass ves- sel for half an hour. Filter the liquid through paper, and preserve it in a bottle closely corked. This ink is to be used with a clean pen, and the writing when dry will be- come invisible. But if at any time it be washed over with the following mixture, it will instantly become black and legible. Put some quick- lime and red orpiracnt in water, place some warm ashes under it for a whole day, filter the liquor, and cork it down. Whenever applied in the slightest degree, it will ren- der the writing visible. IRISH BEEF. To twenty pounds of beef, put -one ounce of allspice, IRO ITA a quarter of an ounce of mace, cin- itamon, and nutraeg, and half an ounce each of pepper and saltpetre. Mix all together, and add some com- mon salt. Put the meat into a salt- ing pan, turn it every day, and rub it with the seasoning. After a month take out the bone, and boil the meat in the liquor it was pickled in, with a proper quantity of water. It may be stuffed with herbs, and eaten cold. IRISH PANCAKES. Beat eight yolks and four whites of eggs, strain them into a pint of cream, sweeten with sugar, and add a grated nut- meg. Stir three ounces of butter over the lire, and as it melts pour it to the cream, which should be warm when the eggjs are put to it. Mix it smooth with nearly half a pint of flour, and fry the pancakes very thin ; the first with a bit of butter, but not the others. Serve up several at a time, one upon another. IRISH STEW. Take five thick mutton chops, or two pounds ofi^ the neck or loin ; four* pounds of potatoes, peeled and divided ; and half a pound of onions, peeled and sliced. Put a layer of potatoes at the bottom of a stewpan, then a couple of chops, and some of the onions, and so on till the pan is quite full. Add a small spoonful of white pepper, about one and a half of salt, and three quarters of a pint of broth or gravy. Cover all close down, so as to prevent the escape of steam, and let them stew two hours on a very slow fire. It must not be suffered to burn, nor be done too fast : a small slice of ham will be an agreeable addition. IRON MOULDS. Wet the in- jured part, rub on a little of the essential salt of lemons, and lay it on a hot Avaterplate. If the linen becomes dry, wet it and renew the process, observing that the plate is kept boiling hot. Much of the powder sold under the name of salt of lemons is a spurious preparation, and therefore it is necessary to dip the linen in a good deal of water, and to wash it as soon as the stain is removed, in order to prevent the part from being worn into holes by the acid. IRON POTS. To cure cracks or fissures in iron pots or pans, mix some finely sifted lime with whites of eggs well beaten, till reduced to a paste. Add some iron file dust, and apply the composition to the in- jured part, and it will soon becdme hard and fit for use. IRON AND STEEL. Various kinds of polished articles, in iron and steel, are in danger of being rusted and spoiled, by an exposure to air and moisture. A mixture of nearly equal quantities of fat, oil varnish, jand the rectified spirits of turpentine, applied with a sponge, will give a varnish to those articles, which prevents their contracting any spots of rust, and preserves their brilliancy, even though exposed to air and water. Common articles of steel or iron may be preserved from injury by a composition of one pound of fresh lard, an ounce of camphor, two drams of black lead powder, and two drams of dragon's blood in fine powder, melted over a slow fire, and rubbed on with a brush or sponge, after it has been left to cool. ISINGLASS JELLY. Boil an ounce of isinglass in a quart of wa- ter, with a few cloves, lemon peel, or wine, till it is reduced to half the quantity. Then strain it, and add a little sugar and lemon juice. ISSUE OINTMENT. For dress- ing blisters, in order to keep them open, make an ointment of half an ounce of Spanish flies finely pow- dered, mixed with six ounces of yel- low basilicon ointment. ITALIAN BEEF STEAKS. Cut a fine large steak from a ru4np that has been well kept, or from any ten- der part. Beat it, and season with pepper, salt, and onion. Lay it in A a 177 JAR J EL an iron stewpaii that has a cover to fit it quite close, and set it by the side of the fire without water. It must have a strong heat, but care must be taken that it does not burn : in two or three hours it will be quite tender, and then serve with its own gravy. ITCH. Rub the parts affected with the ointment of sulphur, and keep the body gently open by tak- ing every day a small dose of sul- phur and treacle. When the cure is effected, let the clothes be care- fully fumigated with sulphur, or the contagion will again be communi- cated. The dry itch requires a ve- getable diet, and the liberal use of anti-scorbutics : the parts affected may be rubbed with a strong decoc- tion of tobacco. IVORY. Bones and ivory may be turned to almost any use, by being softened in the following manner. Boil some sage in strong vinegar, strain the liquor through a piece of cloth, and put in the articles. In proportion to the time they are steeped in the liquor, ivory or bones will be capable of receiving any new impression. J. Japan blacking. Take three ounces of ivory black, two ounces of coarse sugar, one ounce of sul- phuric acid, one ounce of muriatic acid, a lemon, a table-spoonful of sweet oil, and a pint of vinegar. First mix the ivory black and sweet oil together, then the lemon and sugar, with a little vinegar to qualify the blacking ; then add both the acids, and mix them all well toge- ther. The sugar, oil, and vinegar prevent the acids from injuring the leather, and add to the lustre of the blacking.-- A cheap method is to take two ounces of ivory black, an ounce and a half of brown sugar, and half a table-spoonful of sweet oil. Mix them well, and then gradually add Jialf a pint of small beer. — Or take a quarter of a pound of ivory black, a quarter of a pound of moist sugar, a table-spoonful of flour, a piece of tallow about the size of a walnut, and a small piece of gum arable. Make a paste of the flour, and whilst hot, put in the tallow, then the su- gar, and afterwards mix the whole well together in a quart of water. JARGANEL PEARS. These may be preserved in a fine state, in the 178 following manner. Pare them very thin, simmer in a thin syrup, and let them lie a day or two. Make the syrup richer, and simmer them again. Repeat this till they are clear ; then drain, and dry them in the sun or a cool oven a very little time. They may also be kept in syrup, and dried as wanted, which makes them more moist and rich. JAUNDICE. The diet of persons affected with the jaundice ought to be light and cooling, consisting chiefly of ripe fruits, and mild ve- getables. Many have been effectu- ally cured, by living for several days on raw eggs. Buttermilk whey sweetened with honey, or an infu- sion of marshmallow roots, ought to constitute the whole of the pa- tient's drink. Honey, anti-scorbu- tics, bitters, and blisters applied to the region of the liver, have all been found serviceable in the cure of the jaundice. JELLY FOR COLD FISH. Clean a maid, and put it into three quarts of water, with a calf's foot, or cow heel. Add a stick of horseradish, an onion, three blades of mace, some white pepper, a piece of lemon ^ ♦ KET KET peel, and a good slice of lean gam- mon. Stew it to a jelly, and strain it off. When cold, remove every particle of fat, take it up from the sediment, and boil it vi'ith a glass of sherry, the whites of /our or five eggs, and a piece of lemon. Boil without stirring ; after a few mi- nutes set it by to stand half an hour, and strain it through a bag or sieve, with a cloth in it. Cover the fish with it when cold. JERUSALEM ARTICHOKES. These must be taken up the moment they are boiled enough, or they will be too soft. They may be served plain, or with fricassee sauce. JUGGED HARE. After clean- ing and skinning an old hare, cut it up, and season it with pepper, salt, allspice, pounded mace, and a little nutmeg. Put it into ajar with an onion, a clove or two, a bunch of sweet herbs, a piece of coarse beef, and the carcase bones over all. Tie the jar down with a bladder and strong paper, and put it into a sauce- pan of water up to the neck, but no higher. Keep the water boiling five hours. When it is to be served, boil up the gravy with flour and but- ter ; and if the meat get cold, warm it up in the gravy, but do not boil it. JUGGED VEAL. Cut some slices of veal, and put them into an earthen jug, with a blade of mace, a little pepper, salt, and nutmeg. Add a sprig of sweet herbs, and a bit of lemon peel. Cover the jug close, that the steam may not es- cape ; set it in a pot of boiling wa- ter, and about three hours will do it. Half an hour before it is done, put in a piece of butter rolled in flour, and a little lemon juice, or lemon pickle. Turn it out of the jug into a dish, take out the herbs and lemon peel, and send it to table garnished with lemon. JUMBLES. Powder and sift half a pound of fine lump sugar, and mix it with half a pound of dried flour. Beat up two eggs in a table- spoonful of orange or rose water, shred the peel of half a lemon very fine, mix the whole together, and make it into a paste. Cut the paste into fancy shapes, bake them slight- ly on tins, and take them out of the oven as soon as the edges begin to brown. K, Ketchup. The liquor obtained from mushrooms, approaches tlie nearest to meat gravy, in flavour and quality, of any other vegetable juice, and is the best substitute for it, in any of those savoury dishes intended to please the palate. But in order to have it wholesome and good, it must be made at home, the mushrooms employed in preparing ketchup for sale being generally in a state of putrefaction ; and in a few days after the mushrooms are gather- ed, they become the habitation of myriads of insects. In order to pro- cure and preserve the flavour of the vegetable for any considerable time, the mushrooms should be sought from the beginning of September, and care taken tp select only the right sort, and suqh as are fresh gathered. Full grown flaps are the best for ketchup. Place a layer of these at the bottom of a deep earthen pan, and sprinkle them with salt; then another layer of mushrooms, and some more salt on them, and so on alternately. Let them remain two or jthree hours, by which time the salt will have penetrated the mushrooms, and rendered them easy to break. Then pound them in a 179 ^ KEE KEE mortar, or mash them with the hand, and let them remain two days longer, stirring them up, and mashing them well each day. Then pour them in- to a stone jar, and to each quart add an ounce of whole black pepper. Stop the jar very close, set it in a stewpan of boiling water, and keep it boiling at least for two hours. Take out the jar, pour the juice clear from the settlings through a hair sieve into a clean stewpan, and let it boil very gently for half an hour. If intended to be exquisitely fine, it may be boiled till reduced to half the quantity. It will keep much better in this concentrated state, and only half the quantity be re- quired. Skim it well in boiling, and pour it into a clean dry jar ; cover it close, let it stewid in a cool place till the next day, and then pour it off as gently as possible, so as not to disturb the settlings. If a table-spoonful of brandy be added to each pint of ketchup, after stand- ing a while, a fresh sediment will be deposited, from which the liquor is quietly to be poured off, and bot- tled into half pints, as it is best pre- served in small quantities, which are soon used. It must be closely cork- ed and sealed down, or dipped in bottle cement, that the air may be entirely excluded. If kept in a cool dry place, it may be preserved for a long time ; but if it be badly cork- ed, and kept in a damp place, it will soon spoil. Examine it from time to time, by placing a strong light behind the neck of the bottle ; and if any pellicle appears about it, it must be boiled up again with a few peppercorns. No more spice is required than what is necessary to feed the ketchup, and keep it from fermenting. Brandy is the best pre- servative to all preparations of this kind. KEEPING PROVISIONS. When articles of food are procured, the next thing to be considered is, how they may be best preserv'ed, in or- 180 der to their being dressed. More waste is oftentimes occasioned by the want of judgment or of neces- sary care in this particular, than by any other means ; and what was procured with expense and difficulty is rendered unwholesome, or given to the dogs. Very few houses have a proper place to keep provisions in ; the best substitute is a hanging- safe, suspended in an airy situation. A well-ventilated larder, dry and shady, would be better for meat and poultry, which require to be kept a proper time to be ripe and tender. The most consummate skill in culi- nary matters, will not compensate the want of attention to this par- ticular. Though animal food should be hung up in the open air, till its fibres have lost some degree of their toughness ; yet if kept till it loses its natural sweetness, it is as detri- mental to health as it is disagreeable to the taste and smell. As soon therefore as you can detect the slightest trace of putrescence, it has reached its highest degree of ten- derness, and should be dressed im- mediately. Much of course will de- pend on the state of the atmosphere : if it be warm and humid, care must be taken to dry the meat with a cloth, night and morning, to keep it from damp and mustiness. During the sultry months of summer, it is difficult to procure meat that is not either tough or tainted. It should therefore be well examined when it comes in ; and if flies have touch- ed it, the part must be cut off, and then well washed. Meat that is to be salted should lie an hour in cold water, rubbing well any part likely to have been fly-blown. When taken out of the water, wipe it quite dry, then rub it thoroughly with salt, and throw a handful over it besides. Turn it every day, and rub in the pickle, which will make it ready for the table in three or four days. If to be very much corned, wrap it in a well-floured cloth, after rubbing it K IT KIT with salt. This last method will corn fresh beef fit for the table the day it comes in, but it must be put into the pot when the water boils. If the weather permit, meat eats much better for hanging two or three days before it is salted. In very cold weather, meat and vegetables touch- ed by the frost should be brought into the kitchen early in the morn- ing, and soaked in cold water. Put- ting them into hot water, or near the lire, till thawed, makes it impossible for any heat to dress them properly afterwards. In loins of meat, the long pipe that runs by the bone should be taken out, as it is apt to taint ; as also the kernels of beef. Rumps and edgebones of beef when bruised, should not be purchased. To preserve venison, wash it well with milk and water, then dry it with clean cloths till not the least damp remains, and dust it all over with pounded ginger, which will protect it against the fly. By thus managing and watching, it will hang a fortnight. When to be used, wash it with a little lukewarm water, and dry it. Pepper is likewise good to keep it. KIDNEY PUDDING. Split and soak the kidney, and season it. Make a paste of suet, flour, and milk ; roll it, and line a bason with some of it. Put in the kidney, cover the paste over, and pinch it round the edge. Tie up the bason in a cloth, and boil it a considerable time. A steak pudding is made in the same way. KITCHEN ECONOMY. Many articles thrown away, or suff'ered to be wasted in the kitchen, might by proper management be turned to a good account. The shank bones of mutton, so little esteemed in general, would be found to give richness to soups or gravies, if well soaked and brushed, before they are added to the boiling. They are also particu- larly nourishing for sick persons. Roast beef-bones, or shank bones of ham, make fine peas-soup ; and should be boiled with the peas the day before the soup is to be eaten, that the fat may be taken ofi*. The liquor in which meat has been boiled makes an excellent soup for the poor, by adding to it vegetables, oat- meal, or peas. When whites of eggs are used for jelly, or other purposes, a pudding or a custard should be made to employ the yolks. If not immediately wanted, they should be beat up with a little water, and put in a cool place, or they will soon harden, and become useless. It is a great mistake to imagine that the whites of eggs make cakes and pud- dings heavy : on the contrary, if beaten long and separately, they contribute greatly to give lightness. They are also an advantage to paste, and make a pretty dish beaten with fruit, to set in cream. All things likely to be wanted should be in readiness ; sugars of diff"erent sorts, currants washed, picked, and per- fectly dry ; spices pounded, and kept in very small bottles closely corked, but not more than are likely to be used in the course of a month. Much waste may be prevented by keeping every article in the place best suited to it. Vegetables will keep best on a stone floor, if the air be excluded. Meat in a cold dry place. Salt, sugar, and sweet- meats require to be kept dry ; can- dles cold, but not damp. Dried meats and hams the same. Rice, and all sorts of seeds for puddings and saloops, should be close covered to preserve from insects ; but that will not prevent it, if long kept. KITCHEN GARDEN. Here a little attention will be requisite every month in the year, as no garden can be long neglected, w ithout producing weeds which exhaust the soil, as well as give a very slovenly appear- ance. — January. Throw up a heap of new dung to heat, that it may be ready to make hotbeds for early cu- cumbers, and raising of annuals for the flower garden. Dig up the 181 ^IT KIT ground that is to be sown with the spring crops, that it may lie and mellow. Nurse the cauliflower plants kept under glasses, carefully shut out the frost, but in the middle of milder days let in a little air. Pick up the dead leaves, and gather up the mould about the stalks. Make a slight hotbed in the open ground for young sallads, and place hoops over it, that it may be covered m very cold weather. Sow a few beans and peas, and seek and destroy snails and other vermin. — Febru- ary. Dig and level beds for sow- ing radishes, onions, carrots, par- snips, and Dutch lettuce. Leeks and spinage should also be sown in this month, likewise beets, celery, sorrel, and marigolds, with any other of the hardy kinds. The best way with beans and peas, is to sow a new crop every fortnight, that if one succeeds and another fails, as will often be the case, there still may be a constant supply of these useful articles for the table. Plant kidney beans upon a hotbed for an early crop ; the dwarf, the white and Battersea beans, are the best sorts. They must have air in the middle of mild days when they are up, and once in two days they should be gently watered. Transplant cab- bages, plant out Silesia and Cos let- tuce from the beds where they grew in winter, and plant potatoes and Je- rusalem artichokes. — March. Sow more carrots, and also some large peas, rouncevals and gray. In bet- ter ground sow cabbages, savoys, and parsnips for a second crop ; and towards the end of the month, put in a larger quantity of peas and beans. Sow parsley, and plant mint. Sow Cos and imperial lettuce, and transplant the finer kinds. In the beginning of the month, sow Dutch parsley for the roots. The last week take advantage of the time, or the dry days, to make beds for aspara- gus. Clear up the artichoke roots, slip off the weakest, and plant them 182 out for a new crop, leaving four on each good root to bear, and on such as are weaker two. Dig up a warm border, and sow some French beans; let them have a dry soil, and ive them no water till they appear above ground. — April. On a dry warm border, plant a large crop of French beans. Plant cuttings of sage, and other aromatics. Sow marrowfat peas, and plant some beans for a late crop. Sow thyme, sweet mar- joram, and savoury. Sow young sallads once in ten days, and some Cos and Silesia lettuces. The seeds of all kinds being now in the ground, look to the growing crops, clear away the weeds every where among them, dig up the earth between the rows of beans, peas, and all other kinds that are distantly planted. This gives them a strong growth, and brings them much sooner to perfection than can be done in any other way. Draw up the mould to the stalks of the cabbage and cauli- flower plants, and in cold nights cover the glasses over the early cu- cumbers and melons. — May. Once in two days water the peas, beans, and other large growing plants. De- stroy the weeds in all parts of the ground, dig up the earth between the rows, and about the stems of all large kinds. Sow small sallads once in two days, as in the fomier mouth : at the same time choose a warm border, and sow some purslain. Sow also some endive, plant peas and beans for a large crop, and French beans to succeed the others. The principal object with these kinds of vegetables, is to have them fresh and young throughout the season. Choose a moist day, and an hour before sunset plant out some savoys, cabbages, and red cabbages. Draw the earth carefully up to their stems, and give them a few gentle waterings. — June. Transplant the cauliflow- ers sown in May, give them a rich ^ed, and frequent waterings. Plant out thyme, and other savoury herbs K IT KIT sown before, and in the same manner shade and water them. Take ad- vantage of cloudy weather to sow turnips ; and if there be no showers, water the ground once in two days. Sow brocoli upon a rich warm bor- der, and plant out celery, for blanch- ing. This must be planted in trench- es a foot and a half deep, and the plants must be set half a foot asun- der in the rows. Endive should also be planted out for blanching, but the plants should be set fifteen inches asunder, and at the same time some endive seed should be sown for a second crop. Pick up snails, and in the damp evenings kill the naked slugs. — July. Sow a crop of French beans to come in late, when they will be very accept- able. Clear all the ground from weeds, dig between the rows of beans and peas, hoe the ground about the artichokes, and every thing of the cabbage kind. Water the crops in dry weather, and the cucumbers more freely. Watch the melons as they ripen, but give them very little water. Clear away the stalks of beans and peas that have done bear- ing. Spinach seed will now be ready for gathering, as also that of the Welch onion, and some others : take them carefully off, and dry them in the shade. Take up large onions, and spread them upon mats to dry for the winter. — August. Spinach and onions should be sowed on rich borders, prepared for that purpose. These two crops will live through the winter, unless very se- vere, and be valuable in the spring. The second week in this month sow cabbage seed of the early kind, and in the third week sow cauliflower seed. This will provide plants to be nursed up under bell glasses in the winter. Some of these may also be planted in the open ground in a well defended situation. The last week of this month sow another crop, to supply the place of these in case of accidents ; for if the season be very severe, they may be lost ; and if very mild, they will run to seed in the spring. These last crops must be defended by a hotbed frame, and they will stand ouf and sdpply deficiencies. Sow cabbage lettuces, and the brown Dutch kinds, in a warm and well sheltered border. Take up garlic, and spread it on a mat to harden. In the same manner take up onions and rocambole, and shalots at the latter end of the month. — September. Sow vari- ous kinds of lettuces, Silesia, Cos, and Dutch, and when they come up, shelter them carefully. The com- mon practice is to keep them under hand-glasses, but they will thrive better under a reed fence, placed sloping over them. Make up fresh warm beds with the dung that has lain a month in the heap. Plant the spaAvn in these beds, Upon pas- ture mould, and raise the top of the bed to a ridge, to throw off the wet. Look to the turnip beds and thin them, leaving the plants six inches apart from each other. Weed the spinach, onions, and other new- sown plants. Earth up the celery, and sow young sallads upon warm and well- sheltered bordei;^. Clean as- paragus beds, cut down the stalks, pare off the earth from the surfa^ of the alleys, throw it upon the beds half an inch thick, and sprinkle o/er it a little dung from an old mebn bed. Dig up the ground where summer crops have ripened, and lay it in ridges for the winter. The ridges should be disposed east and west, and turned once in two months, td^ give them the advantage of a fallow. Sow some beans and peas on warm and well-sheltered borders, to stand out the winter. — October. Set out cauliflower plants, where they can be sheltered ; and if glasses are used, put two under each, for fear of one failing. Sow another crop of peas, and plant more beans ; choose a dry spot for them, where they can be sheltered from the 183 K 1 T K I 'I' winter's cold. Transplant the let- tuces sown last month, where they can be defended by a reed fence, or under a wall. Transplant cabbage plants and coleworts, where they are to remain. Take great care of the cauliflower plants sown early in summer ; and as they now begin to show their heads, break in the leaves upon them to keep off" the sun and rain ; it will both harden and whiten them. — November. Weed the crops of spinach, and others that were sown late, or the wild growth will smother and starve the crop. Dig up a border under a warm wall, and sow some carrots for spring ; sow radishes in a similar situation, and let the ground be dug deep for both. Turn the mould that was trenched and laid up for fallowing; this will destroy the weeds, and en- rich the soil by exposing it to the air. Prepare some hotbeds for sa- lading, cover them five inches with mould, and sow them with lettuces, mustard, rape, cresses, and radish. Plant another crop of beans, and sow more peas for a succession. Trench the ground between the artichokes, and throw a thick ridge of earth over the roots : this will preserve them from the frost, and prevent their shooting at an improper time. Make a hotbed for asparagus. Take up carrots and parsnips, and put them in sand to be ready for use. Give air occasionally to the plants under hand-glasses and on hotbeds, or they will suffer as much for want of it, as they would have done by gH^an exposure to the cold. — Decem- ber. Plant cabbages and savoys for seed : this requires to be done carefully. Dig up a dry border, and break the mould well ; then take > up some of the stoutest cabbage and savoy plants, hang them up by the stalks four or five days, and after- wards plant them half way up the stalks into the ground. Draw up a good quantity of mould about the stalk that is above ground, make it 184 into a kind of hill round each, and leave them to nature. Sow another crop of peas, and plant some more beans, to take their chance for suc- ceeding the other. Make another hotbed for asparagus, to yield a supply when the former is exhaust- ed. Continue to earth up celery, and cover some endive with a good quantity of peas straw, as it is grow- ing, that it may be taken up when wanted, and be preserved from the winter's frost. KITCHEN PEPPER. Mix in the finest powder, one ounce of ginger, half an ounce each of cinnamon, black pepper, nutmeg, and Jamaica pepper ; ten cloves, and six ounces of salt. Keep it in a bottle, and it will be found an agreeable addition to any brown sauces or soups. Spice in powder, kept in small bottles close stopped, goes much farther than when used whole. It must be dried before it is pounded, and should be done in quantities that may be used in three or four months. Nutmeg need not be done, but the others should be kept in separate bottles, with a label on each. KITCHEN UTENSILS. Conti- nual attention must be paid to the condition of the boilers, saucepans, stewpans, and other kitchen requi- sites, which ought to be examined every time they are used. Their covers also must be kept perfectly clean, and well tinned. Stewpans in particular should be cleaned, not only on the inside, but about a cou- ple of inches on the outside, or the broths and soups will look green and dirty, and taste bitter and poisonous. Not only health but even life de- pends on the perfectly clean and wholesome state of culinary .uten- sils. If the tinning of a pan hap pens to be scorched or blistered, it is best to send it directly to be re- paired, to prevent any possible dan- ger arising from the solution of 'the metal. Stewpans and soup pots should be made with thick round KIT KNU bottoms, similar to those of copper saucepans; they will then wear twice as long, and may be cleaned with half the trouble. The covers should be made to fit as close as possible, that the broth or soup may not waste by evaporation. They are good for nothing, unless they fit tight enough to keep the steam in, and the smoke out. Stewpans and saucepans should always be bright on the upper rim, where the fire does not burn them ; but it is not neces- sary to scour them all over, which would wear out the vessels. Soup pots and kettles should be washed immediately after being used, and carefully dried by the fire, before they are put by. They must also be kept in a dry place, or damp and rust will soon destroy them. Cop- per utensils should never be used in the kitchen ; or if they be, the ut- most care should be taken not to let the tin be rubbed off, and to have them fresh done when the least de- fect appears. Neither soup nor gravy should at any time be suffered to remain in them longer than is ab- solutely necessary for the purposes of cookery, as the fat and acid em- ployed in the operation, are capable of dissolving the metal, and so of poisoning what is intended to be eaten. Stone and earthen vessels should be provided for soups and gravies intended to be set by, as likewise plenty of common dishes, that the table-set may not be used for such purposes. Vegetables soon turn sour, and corrode metals and glazed red ware, by which a strong poison is produced. Vinegar, by its acidity, does the same, the glazing being of lead or arsenic. Care should be taken of sieves, jelly bags, and tapes for collared articles, to have them well scalded and kept dry, or they will impart an unplea- sant flavour when next used. Stew- pans especially, should never be used without first washing them out with boiling water, and rubbing them well with a dry cloth and a little bran, to clean them from grease and sand, or any bad smell they may have contracted since they were last used. In short, cleanlinesa is the cardinal virtue of the kitchen ; and next to this, economy. KNIFE BOARD. Common knife boards with brick dust,-soon wear out the knives that are sharpened upon them. To avoid this, cover the board with thick buff leather, and spread over it a thin paste of crocus martis, with a little emery finely powdered, and mixed up with lard or sweet oil. This will give a superior edge and polish to the knives, and make them wear much longer than in the usual way of cleaning them. KNUCKLE OF VEAL. As few persons are fond of boiled veal, it may be well to cut the knuckle small, and take ofi' some cutlets or collops before it is dressed ; but as the knuckle will keep longer than the fillet, it is best not to cut off the slices till wanted. Break the bones to make it take less room, wash the joint well, and put it into a sauce- pan with three onions, ao^^blade or two of mace, and a few pepper- corns. Cover it with water, and simmer it till quite done. In the mean time some macaroni should be boiled with it if approved, or rice, or a little rice flour, to give it a small degree of thickness ; but avoid putting in too much. Before it is served, add half a pint of milk and cream, and let it go to table either with or without the meat. — A knuckle of veal may also be fried with sliced onion and butter, to a good brown. Prepare some peas, lettuce, onion, and a cucumber or two, stewed in a small quantity of water for an hour. Add these to the veal, and stew it till the meat is tender enough to eat, but not overdone. Put in pepper, salt, and a little shred mint, and serve all together. Bb 185 LAM LAM Lamb, in purchasing this meat, observe particularly the neck of a fore-quarter. If the vein is bluish, it is fresh : if it has a green or yel- low cast, it is stale. In the hind- quarter, if there is a faint smell un- der the kidney, and the knuckle is limp, the meat is stale. If the eyes are sunk, the head is not fresh. Grass lamb comes into season in April or May, and continues till August. House lamb may be had in large towns almost all the year, but it is in highest perfection in De- cember and January. LAMB CHOPS. Cut up a neck or loin, rub the chops with egg, and sprinkle them over with grated bread, mixed with a little parsley, thyme, marjoram, and lemon peel, chopped fine. Fry them in butter till they are of a light brown, put them in a warm dish, garnished with crisped parsley. Or make a gravy in the pan with a little water, and butter roiled in flour, and pour it over them. LAMB CUTLETS. Cut some steaks from the loin, and fry them. Stew some spinach, put it into a dish, and lay the cutlets round it. LAMB'S FRY. Serve it fried of a beautiful colour, and with a good deal of dried or fried parsley over it. LAMB'S HEAD. A house-lamb's head is the best ; but any other may be made white by soaking it in cold water. Boil the head separately till it is very tender. Have ready the liver and lights three parts boil- ed and cut small : stew them in a little of the water in which they were boiled, season and thicken with flour and butter, and serve the mince round the head. LAMB PIE. Make it of the loin, neck, or breast ; the breast of house- lamb especially, is very delicate and fine. It should be lightly seasoned 186 with pepper and salt, the bone taken out, but not the gristle. A small quantity of jelly gravy is to be put in hot, but the pie should not be cut till cold. Put in two spoonfuls of water before baking. Grass lamb makes an excellent pie, and should only be seasoned with pepper and salt. Put in two spoonfuls of water before baking, and as much gravy when it comes from the oven. It may generally be remarked, that meat pies being fat, it is best to let out the gravy on one side, and put it in again by a funnel, at the cen- tre, when a little may be added. LAMB STEAKS. Quarter some cucumbers, and lay them into a deep dish ; sprinkle them with calt, and pour vinegar over them. Fry the steaks of a fine brown, and put them into a stewpan ; drain the cucum- bers, and put them over the steaks. Add some sliced onions, pepper and salt ; pour hot water or weak broth on them, and stew and skim them well. LAMB STEAKS BROWN. Sea- son some house-lamb steaks with pepper, salt, nutmeg, grated lemon peel, and chopped parsley : but dip them first into egg, and fry them quick. Thicken some good gravy with a little flour and butter, and add to it a spoonful of port wine, and some oysters. Boil up the li- quor, put in the steaks warm, and serve them up hot. Palates, balls, or eggs, may be added, if approved. LAMB STEAKS WHITE. Steaks of house-lamb should be stewed in milk and water till very tender, with a bit of lemon peel, a little salt, mace, and pepper. Have ready some veal gravy, and put the steaks into it ; mix some mushroom powder, a cup of cream, and a dust of flour ; shake the steaks in this liquor, stir it, and make it quite hot. Just l)e- LAM LAM fore taking up the steaks, put in a few white mushrooms. When poul- try is very dear, this dish will be found a good substitute. LAMBS SWEETBREADS. Blanch them, and put them a little while into cold water. Stew them with a ladleful of broth, some pep- per and salt, a few small onions, and a blade of mace. Stir in a bit of butter and flour, and stew them half an hour. Prepare two or three eggs well beaten in cream, with a little minced parsley, and a dust of grated nutmeg. Add a few tops of boiled asparagus, stir it well over the lire, but let it not boil after the cream is in, and take great care that it does not curdle. Young French beans or peas may be added, but should first be boiled of a beautiful colour. LAMBSTONES FRICASSEED. Skin and wash, dry and flour them ; then fry them of a beautiful brown in hog's lard. Lay them on a sieve before the fire, till the following sauce is prepared. Thicken nearly half a pint of veal gravy with flour and butter, and then add to it a slice of lemon, a large spoonful of mushroom ketchup, a tea-spoonful of lemon pickle, a taste of nutmeg, and the yolk of an eg^ well beaten in two large spoonfuls of thick cream. Put this over the fire, stir it well till it is hot, and looks white ; but do not let it boil, or it will cur- dle. Then put in the fry, shake it about near the fire for a minute or two, and serve it in a very hot dish and cover. — A fricassee of lamb- stones and sweetbreads may be pre- pared another way. Have ready some lambstones blanched, parboil- ed, and sliced. Flour two or three sweetbreads : if very thick, cut them in two. Fry all together, with a few large oysters, of a fine yellow brown. Pour off the butter, add a pint of good gravy, some asparagus tops about an inch long, a little nutmeg, pepper, and salt, two sha- lots shred fine, and a glass of white wine. Simmer them ten minutes, put a little of the gravy to the yolks of three eggs well beaten, and mix the whole together by degrees. Turn the gravy back into the pan, stir it till of a fine thickness without boiling, and garnish with lemon. LAMENESS. Much lameness, as well as deformity, might certainly be prevented, if stricter attention were paid to the early treatment of children. Weakness of the hips, accompanied with a lameness of both sides of the body, is frequently occasioned by inducing them to walk without any assistance, before they have strength suflicient to sup- port themselves. Such debility may in some measure be counteracted, by tying a girdle round the waist, and bracing up the hips ; but it re- quires to be attended to at an early period, or the infirmity will con- tinue for life. It will also be ad- visable to bathe such weak limbs in cold water, or astringent decoc- tions, for several months. If the lameness arise from contraction,, rather than from weakness, the best means will be frequent rubbing of the part affected. If this be not sufiicient, beat up the yolk of a new laid egg, mix it well with three ounces of water, and rub it gently on the part. Perseverance in the use of this simple remedy, has been snccessful in a great number of in- stances. LAMPREY. To stew lamprey as at Worcester, clean the fish care- fully, and remove the cartilage which runs down the back. Season with a small quantity of cloves, mace, nutmeg, pepper, and allspice. Put it into a small stewpot, with beef gravy, port, and sherry. Cover it close, stew it till tender, take out the lamprey, and keep it hot. Boil up the liquor with two or three an- chovies chopped, and some butter rolled in flour. Strain the gravy through a sieve, add some lemon juice, and ready-made mustard. LEA LEE Serve with sippets of bread and horseradish. When there is spawn, itniii3t be fried and laid round. Eels done the same way, are a good deal like the lamprey. LARKS. To dress larks and other small birds, draw and spit them on a bird spit. Tie this on another spit, and roast them. Baste gently with butter, and strew bread crumbs upon them till half done. Brown them in dressing, and serve with bread crumbs round. LAVENDER WATER. To a pint of highly rectified spirits of wine, add an ounce of the essential oil of lavender, and two drams of the es- sence of ambergris. Put the whole into a quart bottle, shake it fre- quently, and decant it into small bottles for use. LAVER. This is a plant that grows on the rocks near the sea in the west of England, and is sent in pots prepared for eating. Place some of it on a dish over the lamp, with a bit of butter, and the squeeze of a Seville orange. Stir it till it is hot. It is eaten with roast meat, and tends to sweeten the blood. It is seldom liked at first, but habit renders it highly agreeable. LEAF IMPRESSIONS. To take impressions of leaves and plants, oil a sheet of fine paper, dry it in the sun, and rub oflfthe superfluous moisture with another piece of pa- per. After the oil is pretty well dried in, black the sheet by passing it over a lighted lamp or candle. Lay the leaf or plant on the black surface, with a small piece of paper over it, and rub it carefully till the leaf is thoroughly coloured. Then take it up undisturbed, lay it on the book or paper which is to receive the impression, cover it with a piece of blotting paper, and rub it on the back a short time with the finger as before. Impressions of the minutest veins and fibres of a plant may be taken in this way, superior to any engraving, atid whioJi may afterwards 188 be coloured according to nature- A printer's ball laid upou a leaf, which is afterwards pressed on wet paper, will also pr<;duce a fine im- pression ; or if the leaf be touched with printing ink, and pressed with a rolling pin, nearly the same effect will be produced. LEATHER. To discharge grease from articles made of leather, ap- ply the white of an eg;g ; let it dry in the sun, and then rub it off. A paste made of dry mustard, potatoe meal, and two spoonfuls of the -spi- rits of turpentine, applied to the spot and rubbed off dry, will also be found to answer the purpose. If not, cleanse it with a little vinegar. Tanned leather is best cleaned with nitrous acid and salts of lemon di- luted with water, and afterwards mixed with skimmed milk. The surface of the leather should first be cleaned with a brush and soft water, adding a little free sand, and then repeatedly scoured with a brush dipped in the nitrous mixture. It is afterwards to be cleaned with a sponge and water, and left to dry. LEAVENED BREAD. Take two pounds of dough from the last bak- ing, and keep it in flour. Put the dough or leaven into a peck of flour the night before it is baked, and work them well together in warm water. Cover it up warm in a wood- en vessel, and the next morning it will be suflSciently fermented to mix with two or three bushels of flour : then work it up with warm water, and a pound of salt to each bushel. Cover it with flannel till it rises, knead it well, work it into broad flat loaves or bricks, and bake them as other bread. LEEK MILK. Wash a large handful of leeks, cut them small, and boil them in a gallon of milk till it become as thick as cream. Then strain it, and drink a small bason full twice a day. This is good for the jaundice. LEEK SOUP. Chop a quantity LEG LEM of leeks into some mutton broth or liquor, with a seasoning of salt and pepper. Simmer them an hour in a saucepan ; mix some oatmeal with a little cold water quite smooth, and pour it into the soup. Simmer it gently over a slow fire, and take care that it does not burn to the bottom. This is a Scotch dish. LEG OF LAMB. To make it look as white as possible, it should be boiled in a cloth. At the same time the loin should be fried in steaks, and served with it, garnished with dried or fried parsley. Spinach to eat with it. The leg may be roasted, or dressed separately. LEG OF MUTTON. If roast- ed, serve it up with onion or currant- jelly sauce. If boiled, with caper sauce and vep^etables. LEG OF PORK. Salt it, and let it lie six or seven days in the pickle, turn and rub it with the brine every day. Put it into boiling wa- ter, if not too salt ; use a good quan- tity of water, and let it boil all the time it is on the tire. Send it to table with peas pudding, melted but- ter, turnips, carrots, or greens. If it is wanted to be dressed sooner, it may be hastened by putting a little fresh salt on it every day. It will then be ready in half the time, but it will not be quite so tender. — To dress a leg of pork like goose, first parboil it, then take off the skin, and roast it. Baste it with butter, and make a savoury powder of fine- ly minced or dried and powdered sage, ground black pepper, and bread crumbs rubbed together through a cullender ; to which may be added an onion, very finely minced. Sprinkle the joint with this mixture when it is almost roast- ed, put half a pint of made gravy into the dish, and goose stuffing un- der the knuckle skin, or garnish with balls of it, either fried or boiled. LEG OF VEAL. Let the fillet be cut large or small, as best suits the size of the company. Takeout, the bone, fill the space with a fine stuffing, skewer it quite round, and send it to table with the large side uppermost. When half roasted, or before, put a paper over the fat, and take care to allow sufficient time : as the meat is very solid, place it at a good distance from the fire, that it may be gradually heated through. Serve it up with melted butter poured over it. Some of it would be good for potting. LEMON BRANDY. Pare two dozen of lemons, and steep the peels in a gal'lon of brandy. Squeeze the lemons on two pounds of fine sugar, and add six quarts of water. The next day put the ingredients toge- ther, pour on three pints of boiling milk, let it stand two days, and strain it off. LEMON CAKE. Beat up the whites often eggs, with three spoon- fuls of orange flower water ; put in a pound of sifted sugar, and the rind of a lemon grated. When it is well mixed, add the juice of half a lemon, and the yolks of ten eggs beaten smooth. Stir in three quar- ters of a pound of flour, put the cake into a buttered pan, and bake it an hour carefully. LEMON CHEESECAKES. Mix four ounces of fine sifted sugar and four ounces of butter, and melt it gently. Then add the yolks of two and the white of one egg, the rind of three lemons shred fine, and thejuiceof one and a half ; also one sasoy biscuit, some blanched al- monds pounded, and three spoon- fuls of brandy. Mix them well to- gether, and put in the following paste. Eight ounces of flour, six ounces of butter, two thirds of which must first be mixed with the flour; then wet it with six spoonfuls of wa- ter, and roll in the remainder.— Another way. Boil two large le- mons, or three small ones, and after squeezing, pound them well toge- 189 LEM L E M ^therin a mortar, with fo«r ounces of loaf sugar, the yolks of six eggs, and eight ounces of fresh butter. Fill the patti«pans half full. Orange cheesecakes are done in the same way, only the peel must be boiled in two or three waters to take out the bitterness : or make them of orange marmalade well beaten in a mortar. LEMON CREAM. Put to a pint of thick cream, the yolks of two eggs well beaten, four ounces of fine sugar, and the thin rind of a lemon. Boil it up, and stir it till nearly cold. Put the juice of a lemon into a bowl, and pour the cream upon it, stirring it till quite cold. White lemon cream is made in the same way, only put the whites of the eggs instead of the yolks, whisking it extremely well to a froth. LEMON CUSTARDS. Beat the yolks of eight eggs till they are as white as milk ; then put to them a pint of boiling water, the rinds of two lemons grated, and the juice sweetened to taste. Stir it on the fire till it thickens ; then add a large glass of rich wine, and half a glass of brandy. Give the whole one scald, and put it in cups to be eaten cold. LEMON DROPS. Grate three large lemons, with a large piece of double-refined sugar. Then scrape the sugar into a plate, add half a tea-spoonful of flour, mix well, and beat it into a light paste with the white of an egg. Drop it upon white paper, and put the drops into a lAo- derate oven on a tin plate. LEMON HONEYCOMB. Sweet- en the juice of a lemon to your taste, and put it in the dish that you in- tend to serve it in. Mix the white of an egg well beaten, with a pint of rich cream, and a little sugar. Whisk it; and as the froth rises, put it on the lemon juice. Prepare it the day before it is to be used. LEMON JUICE. In order to 190 keep this article ready for use, the best way is to buy the fruit when it is cheap, and lay it two or three days in a cool place. If too unripe to squeeze immediately, cut the peel off some of them, and roll them un- der the hand, to make them part with the juice more freely. Others may be left unpared for grating, when the pulp is taken out, and they are dried. Squeeze the juice into a china bason, and strain it through some muslin which will not permit any of the pulp to pass. Having prepared some small phials, per- fectly dry, fill them with the juice so near the top as only to admit half a tea-spoonful of sweet oil into each. Cork the bottles tight, and set them upright in a cool place. When the lemon juice is wanted, open only such a sized bottle as will be used in two or three days. Wind some clean cotton round a skewer, and dipping it in, the oil will be attract- ed ; and when all of it is removed, the juice will be as fine as when first bottled. Hang the peels up to dry, and keep them from the dust. LEMON MINCE PIES. Squeeze a large lemon, boil the outside till tender enough to beat to a mash. Add to it three large apples chop- ped, four ounces of suet, half a pound of washed currants, and four ounces of sugar. Put in the juice of a lemon, and candied fruit, as for other pies. Make a short crust, and fill the pattipans as usual. LEMON PICKLE. Wipe six le- mons, and cut each into eight pieces. Put on them a pound of salt, six large cloves of garlic, two ounces of horse- radish sliced thin ; likewise of cloves, mace, nutmeg, and cayenne, a quar- ter of an ounce of each, and two ounces of flour of mustard. To these add two quarts of vinegar, and boil it a quarter of an hour in a well-tinned saucepan ; or, which is better, do it in a jar, placed in a kettle of boiling water, or set the LEM L E M jar on a hot hearth till done. Then set the jar by closely covered, stir- ring it daily for six weeks, and after- wards put the pickle into small bot- tles. LEMON PUDDING. Beat the yolks of four eggs ; add four ounces of white sugar, the rind of a lemon being rubbed with some lumps of it to take the essence. Then peel and beat it into a paste, with the juice of a large lemon, and mix all toge- ther with four or five ounces of warm- ed butter. Put a crust into a shal- low dish, nick the edges, and put the above into it. When sent to table, turn the pudding out of the dish. LEMON PUFFS. Beat and sift a pound and a quarter of double- refined sugar ; grate the rind of two large lemons, and mix it well with the sugar. Then beat the whites of three new-laid eggs a great while ; add them to the sugar and peel, and beat it together for an hour. Make it up into any shape, put it on paper laid on tin plates, and bake in a mo- derate oven. Oiling the paper will make it come off with ease, but it should not be removed till quite cold. LEMON SAUCE. Cut thin slices of lemon into very small dice, and put them into melted butter. Give it one boil, and pour it over boiled fowls. LEMON AND LIVER SAUCE. Pare off as thin as possible the rind of a lemon, or of a Seville orange, so as not to cut off any of the white with it. Then peel off all the white, and cut the lemon into slices, about as thick as two half crowns. Pick out the peps, and divide the slices into small squares. Prepare the liver as for Liver and Parsley Sauce, and add to it the slices of lemon, and a little of the peel finely minced. Warm up the sauce in melted butter, but do not let it boil. LEMON SYRUP. Put a pint of fresh lemon juice to a pound and three quarters of lump sugar. Dis-W solve it by a gentle heat, skim it till the surface is quite clear, and add an ounce of lemon peel cut very t'hin. Let them simmer very gently for a few minutes, and run the syrup through a flannel. When cold, bot- tle and cork it closely, and keep it in a cool place. LEMON WATER. A delightful drink may be made of two slices of lemon, thinly pared into a teapot, with a little sugar, or a large spoon- ful of capillaire. Pour in a pint of boiling water, and stop it close two hours. LEMON WHEY. Pour into boil- ing milk as much lemon juice as will make a small quantity quite clear ; dilute it with hot water to an agreeable smart acid, and add a bit or two of sugar. This is less heat- ing than if made of wine ; and if in- tended only to excite perspiration, will answer the purpose as well. Vinegar whey is made in the same manner, by using vinegar only, in- stead of lemon juice. LEMON WHITE SAUCE. Cut the peel of a small lemon very thin, and put it into a pint of sweet rich cream, with a sprig of lemon thyme, and ten white peppercorns. Sim- mer gently till it tastes well of the lemon, then strain and thicken it with a quarter of a pound of butter, and a dessert-spoonful of flour rub- bed in it. Boil it up, stir it well, and pour the juice of the lemon strained into it. Dish up the chick- ens, and mix with the cream a little white gravy quite hot, but do not boil them together : add a little salt to flavour. LEMONS FOR PUDDINGS. To keep oranges or lemons for pud- dings, squeeze out the pulp, and put the outsides into water for a fort- night. Then boil them in the same water till they are quite tender, strain the liquor from them, and when they are tolerably dry, put them into any jar of candy that happens to be left 191 LEM Lie » from old sweetmeats. Or boil a small quantity of syrup of lump su- gar and water, and put over them. In a week or ten days boil them gently in it till they look clear, and cover them with it in the jar. If the fruit be cut in halves, they will occupy less space. LEMONADE. To prepare le- monade a day before it is wanted for use, pare two dozen lemons as thin as possible. Put eight of the rinds into three quarts of hot water, not boiling, and cover it over for three or four hours. Rub some fine loaf sugar on the lemons to attract the essence, and put it into a china bowl, in1;o which the juice of the lemons is to be squeezed. Add a pound and a half of fine sugar, then put the water to the above, and three quarts of boiling milk. Pour the mixture through a jelly bag, till it is perfectly clear. — Another way. Pare a quantity of lemons, and pour some hot water on the peels. While infusing, boil some sugar and water to a good syrup, with the white of an egg whipt up. When it boils, pour a little cold water into it. Set it on again, and when it boils take off the pan, and let it stand by to settle. If there be any scum, take it off, and pour it clear from the se- diment, to the water in which the peels were infused, and the lemon juice. Stir and taste it, and add as much more water as shall be ne- cessary to make a very rich lemon- ade. Wet a jelly bag, and squeeze it dry ; then strain the liquor, and it will be very fine. — To make a le- monade which has the appearance of jelly, pare two Seville oranges and six lemons very thin, and steep them four hours in a quart of hot water. Boil a pound and a quarter of loaf sugar in three pints of water, and skim it clean. Add the two liquors to the juice of six China oranges, and twelve lemons ; stir the whole well, and run it through a jelly bag till it is ouite clear. Then 192 add a little orange water, if ap- proved, and more sugar if necessary. Let it be well corked, and it will keep.- -Lemonade may be prepared in a minute, bj pounding a quarter of an ounce of citric or crystalised lemon acid, with a few drops of quintessence of lemon peel, and mixing it by degrees with a pint of clarified syrup or capillaire. LENT POTATOES. Beat three or four ounces of almonds, and three or four bitter ones when blanched, putting a little orange flower water to prevent oiling. Add eight ounces of butter, four eggs well beaten and strained, half a glass of raisin wine, and sugar to taste. Beat all toge- ther till quite smooth, and grate in three Savoy biscuits. Make balls of the above with a little flour, the size of a chesnut ; throw them into a stewpan of boiling lard, and boil them of a beautiful yellow brown. Drain them on a sieve, and serve with sweet sauce in a boat. LETHARGY. This species of apoplexy discovers itself by an in- vincible drowsiness, or inclination to sleep ; and is frequently attended with a degree of fever, and coldness of the extremities. Blisters and emetics have often procured relief. The affusion of cold water upon the head, and the burning of feathers or other fetid substances, held near the nostrils, are also attended with ad-* vantage. " LICE. Want of cleanliness, im- moderate warmth, violent perspira- tion, and a corrupted state of the fluids, tend to promote the genera- tion of this kind of vermin. The most simple remedy is the seed of parsley, reduced to a fine powder and rubbed to the roots of the hair, or to rub the parts affected with garlic and mustard. To clean the heads of children, take half an ounce of honey, half an ounce of sulphur, an ounce of vinegar, and two ounces of sweet oil. Mix the whole into a liniment, and rub a little of it on the LIN LIK head repeatedly. Lice which infest clothes, may be destroyed by fumi- gating the articles of dress with the vapour of sulphur. Garden lice may be treated in the same way as for destroying insects. LIGHT CAKE. Mix a pound of flour, half a pound of currants, and a Kttle nutmeg, sugar, and salt. Melt a quarter of a pound of butter in a quarter of a pint of milk, and strain into it two spoonfuls of yeast and two eggs. Stir it well together, set it before the fire to rise, and bake it in a quick oven. LIGHT PASTE. For tarts and cheesecakes, beat up the white of an e^g to a strong froth, and mix it with as much water as will make three quarters of a pound of fine flour into a very stifl" paste. Roll it out thin, lay two or three ounces of butter upon it in little bits, dredge it with a little flour, and roll it up tight. Roll it out again, and add the same proportion of butter, and so proceed till the whole is worked up. LIGHT PUFFS. Mix two spoon- fuls of flour, a little grated lemon peel, some nutmeg, half a spoonful of brandy, a little loaf-sugar, and one egg. Fry it enough, but not brown ; beat it in a mortar with five eggs, whites and yolks. Put a quantity of lard in a fryingpan ; and when quite hot, drop a dessert- spoonful of batter at a time, and turn them as they brown. Send the puflfs to table quickly, with sweet sauce. LIME WATER. Pour two gal- loiis of water upon a pound of fresh- burnt lime ; and when the ebullition ceases, stir it wp well, and let it stand till the lime is settled. Filter the liquor through paper, and keep it for use closely stopped. It is chiefly used for the gravel, in which case a pint or more may be drunk daily. For the itch, or other dis- ea8e8 of the skin, it is to be applied eilfinally. LINEN, Lineu in every form is (No. 9.) liable to all the accidents of mildew, iron moulds, ink spots, and various other stains, which prove highly in- jurious, if not speedily removed. In case of mildew, rub the part well with soap, then scrape and rub on some fine chalk, and lay the linen out to bleach. Wet it a little now and then, and repeat the operation if necessary. Ink spots and iron moulds may be removed, by rubbing them with the salt of sorrel, or weak muriatic acid, and laying the part over a teapot or kettle of boiling water, so that it may be afl'ected by the steam. Or some crystals of tartar powdered, and half the quan- tity of alum, applied in the same manner, will be found to extract the spots. The spirits of salts diluted with water, will remove iron moulds from linen ; and sal ammoniac with lime, will take out the stains of wine. Fruit stains may generally be re- moved by wetting the part with water, and exposing it to the fumes of brimstone. When ink has been suddenly spilled on linen, wet the place immediately with the juice of sorrel or lemon, or with vinegar, and rub it with hard white soap. Or add to the juice a little salts, steam the linen over boiling water, and wash it afterwards in ley. If ink be spilled on a green tablecloth or carpet, the readiest way is to take it up immediately with a spoon, and by pouring on fresh water, while the spoon is constantly applied, the stains will soon be removed . Scorch- ed linen may be restored by means of the following application. Boil two ounces of fuller's earth, an ounce of hen's dung, half an ounce of soap, and the juice of two onions, in half a pint of vinegar, till reduced to a good consistency. Spread the com- position over the damaged part, let it dry on, and then wash it well once or twice. If the threads be not actually consumed by the scorch, the linen will soon be restored to ita former whiteness. cc 193 LI V LOB LIP SALVE. Put into a small jar two ounces of white wax, half an ounce of spermaceti, and a quar- ter of a pint of oil of sweet almonds. Tie it down close, and put the jar into a small saucepan, with as much water as will nearly reach the top of the jar, but not so as to boil over it, and let it simmer till the wax is melted. Then put in a pennyworth of alkanet root tied up in a rag, with the jar closed, and boil it till it be- comes red. Take out the alkanet root, and put in two pennyworth of essence of lemon, and a few drops of bergamot. Pour some into small boxes for present use, and the re- mainder into a gallipot tied down with a bladder.— Another. An ounce of white wax and ox marrow, with three ounces of white pomatum, melted together over a slow fire, will make an agreeable lip salve, which may be coloured with a dram of alkanet, and stirred till it becomes a fine red. LITTLE BREAD PUDDINGS. Steep the crumb of a penny loaf grated, in about a pint of warm milk. When sufficiently soaked, beat up six eggs, whites and yolks, and mix with the bread. Add two ounces of warmed butter, some su- gar, orange flower water, a spoonful of brandy, a little nutmeg, and a tea-cupful of cream. Beat all well together, bake in buttered teacups, and serve with pudding sauce. A quarter of a pound of currants may be added, but the puddings are good without. Orange or lemon will be an agreeable addition. LIVER AND HERBS. Clean and drain a good quantity of spinach, two large handfuls of parsley, and a handful of green onions. Chop the parsley and onions, and sprinkle them among the spinach. Stew them together with a little salt and butter, shake the pan when it begins to grow warm, and cover it close till done enough over a slow fire. Lay on slices of liver, fried of a nice 194 browr, and slices of bacon just warmed at the fire. On the outside part of the herbs lay some eggs nicely fried, and trimmed round. Or the eggs may be served on the herbs, and the liver garnished with the bacon separately. LIVER SAUCE. Chop some li- ver of rabbits or fowls, and do it the same as for lemon sauce, with a very little pepper and salt, and some parsley. LIVER AND PARSLEY SAUCE. Wash the fresh liver of a fowl or rabbit, and boil it five minutes in a quarter of a pint of water. Chop it fine, or pound or bruise it in a little of the liquor it was boiled in, and rub it through a sieve. Wash about one third the bulk of parsley leaves, put them into boiling water, with a tea-spoonful of salt, and let them boil. Then lay the parsley on a hair sieve, mince it very fine, and mix it with the liver. Warm up the sauce in a quarter of a pint of melted butter, but do not let it boil. LOBSTERS. If they have not been long taken, the claws will have a strong motion, when the finger is pressed upon the eyes. The hea- viest are the best, and it is prefer- able to boil them at home. If pur- chased ready boiled, try whether their tails are stiffs, and pull up with a spring ; otherwise that part will be flabby. The male lobster is known by the narrow back part of his tail, and the two uppermost fins within it are stiff" and hard : those of the hen are soft, and the tail broader. The male, though generally smaller, has the highest flavour, the flesh is firmer, and the colour when boiled is a deeper red. LOBSTER PATTIES. To be made as oyster patties, gently stew- ed and seasoned, and put into paste baked in pattipans, with the addi- tion of a little cream, and a very small piece of butter. LOBSTER PIE. Boil two or LOB LOD three small lobsters, take out the tails, and cut them in two. Take out the gut, cut each into four pieces, and lay them in a small dish. Put in the meat of the claws, and that picked out of the body ; pick off the furry parts of the latter, and take out the lady ; beat the spawn in a mortar, and likewise all the shells. Stew them with some wa- ter, two or three spoonfuls of vine- gar, pepper, salt, and some pounded mace. A large piece of butter rolled in flour must be added, when the goodness of the shells is obtained. Give it a boil or two, and pour it into a dish strained ; strew some crumbs, and put a paste over all. Bake it slowly, and only till the paste is done. LOBSTER SALAD. Make a salad, cut some of the red part of the lobster, and add to it. This will form a pleasing contrast to the white and green of the vegetables. Be careful not to put in too much oil, as shell-fish absorbs the sharp- ness of the vinegar. Serve it up in a dish, not in a bowl. LOBSTER SAUCE. Pound the spawn with two anchovies, pour on two spoonfuls of gravy, and strain all into some melted butter. Then put in the meat of the lobster, give it all one boil, and add the squeeze of a lemon. Or leave out the an- chovies and gravy, and do it as above, either with or without salt and ketchup, as may be most ap- proved. Many persons prefer the flavour of the lobster and salt only. LOBSTER SOUP. Take the meat from the claws, bodies, and tails, of six small lobsters. Remove the brown fur, and the bag in the head ; beat the fins in a mortar, the chine, and the small claws. Boil it very gently in two quarts of wa- ter, with the crumb of a French roll, some white pepper, salt, two an- chovies, a large onion, sweet herbs, and a bit of lemon peel, till all the goodness is extracted, and then strain it off". Beat the spawn in a. mortar with a bit of butter, a quarter of a nutmeg, and a tea-spoonful of flour, and then mix it with a quart of cream. Cut the tails into piece*, and give them a boil up with the cream and soup. Serve with force- meat balls made of the remainder of the lobster, mace, pepper, salt, a few crumbs, and an egg or two. Let the balls be made up with a lit- tle flour, and heated in the soup. LODGINGS. The tenure on which the generality of houses are held, does not warrant a tenant to let, or a lodger to take apartments by the year. To do this, the tenant ought himself to be the proprietor of the premises, or to hold posses- sion by lease for an unexpired term of several years, which would invest him with the right of a landlord to give or receive half a year's notice, or proceed as in other cases of land- lord and tenant. Unfurnished lodg- ings are generally let by the week, inonth, or quarter; and if ever they be let by the year, it is a deviation from a general custom, and attended with inconvenience. If a lodger should contend that he agreed for a whole year, he must produce some evidence of the fact; such as a written agreement, or the annual payment of rent ; otherwise he must submit to the general usage of being denominated a quarterly lodger. In the case of weekly tenants, the rent must be paid weekly ; for if once allowed to go to a quarter, and the landlord accept it as a quarter's rent, he breaks the agreement ; the inmate then becomes a quarterly lodger, and must receive a quarter's notice to quit. More care however is still required in letting lodgings that are ready furnished, as the law does not regard them in the same light as other tenements. Such apartments are generally let by the week, on payment of a certain sum, part of which is for the room, and part for the use of the furniture^ 195 LO I LON which is attended with some diHi- culty. Properly considered, the payment is not rent, nor are the same remedies lawful as in unfur- nished lodgings. The best way to let furnished lodgings is to have a written agreement, with a catalogue of all the goods, and to let the apartments and the furniture for separate sums : in which case, if the rent be not paid, distress may be made for it, though not for the furniture. Persons renting furnish- ed apartments frequently absent themselves, without apprising the housekeeper, and as often leave the rent in arrear. In such a case, the housekeeper should send for a con- stable, after the expiration of the first week, and in his presence enter the apartment, take out the lodger's property and secure it, until a re- quest be made for it. If after four- teen days' public notice in the ga- zette, the lodger do not come and pay the arrears, the housekeeper may sell the property for the sum due. When a housekeeper is trou- bled with a disagreeable character, the best way to recover possession of the apartment is to deliver a written notice by a person that can be witness, stating that if thfe lodger did not quit that day week, the land- lord would insist on his paying an advance of so much per week ; and if he did not quit after such notice, he would make the same advance after every following week. In the city of London, payment may be procured by summoning to the Court ,^f Requests at Guildhall, for any sum not exceeding five pounds. In other parts of the kingdom there are similar Courts of Conscience, where payment may be enforced to the amount of forty shillings. LOIN OF MUTTON. If roast- ed, it is better to cut it lengthways as a saddle ; or if for steaks, pies, or broth. If there be more fat on the loin than is agreeable, take off a part of it before it is dressed ; it 196 will make an excellent suet pudding, or crust for a meat pie, if cut V€;ry fine. LONDON BREAD. According to the method practised by the Lon- don bakers, a sack of flour is sifted into the kneading trough, to mak^;^ it lie loose. Six pounds of salt, and two pounds of alum, are sepa- rately dissolved in hot water ; and the whole being cooled to about ninety degrees, is mixed with two quarts of yeast. When this mix- ture has been well stirred, it is strained through a cloth or sieve, and is then poured into a cavity made in the flour. The whole is now mixed up into a dough, and a small quantity of flour being sprink- led over it, it is covered up with cloths, and the lid of the trough is shut down, the better to retain the heat. The fermentation now goes on, and the mass becomes enlarged in bulk. In the course of two or three hours, another pailful of warm water is well mixed with the sponge, and it is again covered up for about four hours. At the end of this time, it is to be kneaded for more than an hour, with three pailfuls of warm water. It is now returned to the trough in pieces, sprinkled with dry flour, aud at the end of four hours more, it is again kneaded for half an hour, and divided into quar- tern and half-quartern loaves. The weight of a quartern loaf, before baking, should be four pounds fif- teen ounces ; after baking, four pounds six ounces, avoirdupois. When the dough has received its proper shape for loaves, it is put into the oven, at a heat that will scorch flour without burning, where it is baked two hours and a half, or three hours. LONDON PORTER. A late writer has given considerable infor- niation respecting the brewing of porter. His intention being to ex- hibit the advantages derived from domestic brewing, he has annexed ■^W^ LO N LON the pike of each article of the com- position, though it will be seen that the expense on some of the princi- pal articles has been considerably reduced since that estimate was given. £ s. d. One quarter of malt .220 8lb. of hops ... 12 Ql^ of treacle ... 2 8lb of liquorice root bruis- ed 8 8lb of essentia bina .048 8lb of- colouring ..048 Capsicum half an ounce 2 Spanish liquorice two ounces .... 2 India berries one ounce 2 Salt of tartar two drams 1 Heading a quarter of an onnce .... 1 Ginger three ounces .003 Lime four ounces ..001 Linseed one ounce ..001 Cinnamon bark two drams 2 Coals 3 14 3 Total expense £ 3 17 7 This will produce ninety gallons of good porter, and fifty gallons of table beer ; the cost of the porter at the large breweries being £7 10s. and that of the beer £1 Is. leaves a profit of £5 to the brewer. — The * essentia bina' is composed of eight pounds of moist sugar, boiled in an iron vessel, for no copp^ one could withstand the heat sufficiently, till it becomes of a thick syrupy con- sistence, perfectly black, and ex- tremely bitter. The * colouring' is composed of eight pounds of moist sugar, boiled till it attains a middle state, between bitter and sweet. It gives that fine mellow colour usu- ally so much admired in good porter. These ingredients are added to the first wort, and boiled with it. The * heading' is a mixture of half alum, and^ftlf copperas, ground to a fine powder. It is so called, from its giving to porter that beautiful head or froth, which constitutes one of the peculiar properties of porter, and which publicans are so anxious to raise to gratify their customers. The linseed, ginger, limewater, cin- namon, and several other small ar- ticles, are added or withheld ac- cording to the taste or practice of the brewer, which accounts for the diff'erent flavours so observable in London porter. Of the articles here enumerated, it is sufficient to ob- serve, that however much they may surprise, however pernicious or dis- agreeable they may appear, they have always been deemed necessary in the brewing of porter. They must invariably be used by those who wish to continue the taste, the fla- vour and appearance, to which they have been accustomed. — Omitting however those ingredients which are deemed pernicious, it will be seen by the following estimate how much more advantageous it is to provide even a small quantity of home- brewed porter^ where this kind of liquor is preferred. Ingredients necessary for brewing five gallons of porter. s. d. One peck of malt ... 2 6 Quarter of a pound of liquorice bruised 3 Spanish liquorice .... 6 Essentia 2 Colour 2 Treacle 2 Hops G Capsicum and ginger ..01 Coals 10 Total expense 4 8 This will produce five gallons of good porter, which if bought of the brewer would cost 8 4 But being brewed at home, for 4 8 Leaves a clear gain of . 3 8 ♦ 197 LON LON Ihis saving is quite enough to pay for time and trouble, besides the advantage of having a wholesome liquor, free from all poisonous in- gredients. Porter thus brewed will be fit for use in a week, and may be drunk with pleasure. To do ample justice to the subject how- ever, it may be proper briefly to no- tice the specific properties of the various ingredients which enter into the composition of London porter. It is evident that some porter is more heady than others, and this arises from the greater or less quantity of stupefying ingredients intermixed with it. Malt itself, to produce in- toxication, must be used in such large quantities as would very much diminish the brewer's profit. Of the wholesomeness of malt there can be no doubt ; pale malt especially is highly nutritive, containing more balsamic qualities than the brown malt, which being subject to a greater degree of fire in the kiln, is sometimes so crusted and burnt, that the mealy part loses some of its best qualities. Amber malt is that which is dried in a middling degree, between pale and brown, and is now much in use, being the most plea- sant, and free from either extreme. Hops are an aromatic grateful bit- ter, very wholesome, and undoubt- edly efl[icacious in giving both fla- vour and strength to the beer. Yeast is necessary to give the liquor that portion of elastic air, of which the boiling deprives it. Without fer- mentation, or working, no worts, however rich, can inebriate. Liquo- rice root is pleasant, wholesome, and aperient; and opposes the astrin- gent qualities of some of the other ingredients; it ought therefore to be used, as should Spanish liquo- rice, which possesses the same pro- perties. Capsicum disperses wind, and when properly used, cannot be unwholesome : it leaves a glow of warmth on the stomach, which is perceptible in drinking some beers. 1D8 ♦ Ginger has the same eff*ect as cap- sicum, and it also cleanses and fla- tours the beer. But capsicum be- ing cheaper is more used, and by its tasteless though extremely hot quality, cannot be so readily dis- covered in beer as ginger. Treacle partakes of many of the properties of liquorice ; and by promoting the natural secretions, it renders porter and beer in general* very wholesome. Treacle also is a cheaper article than sugar, and answers the purpose of colour, where the beer is intended for immediate consumption ; but in summer, when a body is required to withstand the temperature of the air, and the draught is not quick, sugar alone can give body to porter. Treacle therefore is a discretionary article. Coriander seed, used prin- cipally in ale, is warm and stomach- ic ; but when used in great quan- tity, it is pernicious. Coculus Indi- cus, the India berry, is poisonous and stupefying, when taken in any considerable quantity. When ground into fine powder it is undiscoverable in the liquor, and is but too much used to the prejudice of the public health. What is called heading, should be made of the salt of steel ; but a mixture of alum and coppera being much cheaper, is more fre- quently used. Alum is a great drier, and causes that thirst which some beer occasions ; so that the more you drink of it, the more you want. Alum likewiite gives a taste of age to the beer, and is penetrating to the palate. Copperas is well known to be poisonous, and may be seen in the blackness which some beer discovers. Salt is highly useful in all beers ; it gives a pleasing relish, and also fines the liquor. — ^These re- marks are sufiicient to show the propriety of manufacturing at home a good wholesome article for family use, instead of resorting to a public house for every pint of beer which nature demands, and which when procured is both expensive -and LON LON pernicious. And lest any objec- tion should be made, as to the diffi- culty and inconvenience of brewing, a few additional observations will here be given, in order to facilitate this very important part of domes- tic economy. Be careful then to procure malt and hops of the very best quality, and let the brewing vessels be closely inspected ; the least taint may spoil a whole brew- ing of beer. The mash tub should be particularly attended to, and a \\hisp of clean hay or straw is to be spread over the bottom of the vessel in the inside, to prevent the flour of the malt running off with the liquor. The malt being emptied in- to the mash tub, and the water brought to boil, dash the boiling water in the copper with cold wa- ter sufficient to stop the boiling, and leave it just hot enough to scald the finger, always remembering to draw off the second mash somewhat hotter than the first. The water being thus brought to a proper tem- perature by the addition of cold water, lade it out of the copper over the malt till it becomes thoroughly wet, stirring it well to prevent the malt from clotting. When the wa- ter is poured on too hot, it sets the malt, and closes the body of the grain, instead of opening it so as to dissolve in the liquor. Cover up the mash tub close to compress the steam, and prevent the liquid from evaporating. Let the wort stand an hour and a half or two hours af- ter mashing, and then let the liquor run off into a vessel prepared to re- ceive it. If at first it runs thick and discoloured, draw off a pailful or two, and pour it back again into the mash tub till it runs clear. In summer it will be necessary to put a few hops into the vessel which re- ceives the liquor out of the mash tub, to prevent its turning sour, which the heat of the weather will sometimes endanger. Let the se- con^mash run out as before, and let the liquor stand an hour and a half, but never let the malt be dry : keep lading fresh liquor over it till the quantity of wort to be obtained is extracted, always allowing for waste in the boiling. The next con- sideration is boiling the wort when obtained. The first copperful must be boiled an hour ; and whilst boil- ing, add the ingredients specified above, in the second estimate. The hops are now to be boiled in the wort, but are to be carefully strain- ed from the first wort, in order to be boiled again in the second. Eight pounds is the common proportion to a quarter of malt ; but in summer the quantity must be varied from eight to twelve pounds, according to the heat of the atmosphere. Af- ter the wort has boiled an hour, lade it out of the copper and cool it. In summer it should be quite cold before it is set to work ; in winter it should be kept till a slight degree of warmth is perceptible by the finger. When properly cooled set it to work, by adding yeast in proportion to the quantity. If con- siderable, and if wanted to work quick, add from one to two gallons. Porter requires to be brought for- ward quicker than other malt liquor : let it work till it comes to a good deep head, then cleanse it by adding the ginger. The liquor is now fit for tunning : fill the barrels full, and let the yeast work out, adding fresh liquor to fill them up till they have done working. Now bung the bar- rels, but keep a watchful eye upon them for some time, lest the beer should suddenly ferment again and burst them, which is no uncommon accident where due care is not taken. The heat of summer, or a sudden change of weather, will oc- casion the same misfortune, if the barrels are not watched, and eased when they require it, by drawing the peg. The only part which remains to complete the brewing, is fining the beer. To understand this, it is 199 LON LOV necessary to remark, that London porter is composed of three different sorts of malt ; pale, brown, and amber. The reason for using these three sorts, is to attain a peculiar flavour and colour. Amber is the most wholesome, and for home brew- ing it is recommended to use none else. In consequence of the subtle- ness of the essentia, which keeps continually swimming in the beer, porter requires a considerable body of finings ; but should any one choose to brew without the essentia, with amber malt, and with colour only, the porter will soon refine of itself. The finings however are com- posed of isinglass dissolved in stale beer, till the whole becomes of a thin gluey consistence like size. One pint is the usual proportion to a bar- rel, but sometimes two, and even three are found necessary. Particu- lar care must be taken that the beer in which the isinglass is dissolved, be perfectly clear, and thoroughly stale. — By attending to these di- rections, any person may brew as good, if not better porter, than they can be supplied with from the pub- lic houses. Many notions have been artfully raised, that porter requires to be brewed in large quantities, and to be long stored, to render it sound and strong ; but experience will prove the falsehood of these prejudices, which have their origin with the ignorant, and are cherished by the interested. One brewing under another will afford ample time for porter to refine for nse, and every person can best judge of the extent of his own consumption. Porter is not the better for being brewed in large quantities, except that the same trouble which brews a^peck, will brew a bushel. This mode of practice will be found sim- ple und easy in its operation, and extremely moderate in point of trou- ble and expense. LONDON SYLLABUB. Put a 200 pint and a half of port or white wine into a bowl, nutmeg grated, and a good deal of sugar. Then milk into it near two quarts of milk, frothed up. If the wine be rather sharp, it will require more for this quantity of milk. In Devonshire, clouted cream is put on the top, with pound- ed cinnamon and su^ar. LOOKING GLASSES. In or- der to clean them from the spots of flies and other stains, rub them over with a fine damp cloth. Then polish with a soft woollen cloth, and pow- der blue. LOVE. As health is materially affected by the passions, it is of some consequence to observe their sepa- rate influence, in order to obviate some of their ill effects. Love is un- questionably the most powerful, and is less under the controul of the un- derstanding than any of the rest. It has a kind of omnipotence ascribed to it, which belongs not to any other. * Love is strong as death ; many waters cannot quench it, neither can the floods drown it.' Other passions are necessary for the preservation of the individual, but this is neces- sary for the continuation of the spe- cies : it was proper therefore that it should be deeply rooted in the human breast. There is no trifling with this passion : when love has risen to a certain height, it admits of no other cure but the possession of its object, which in this case ought always if possible to be obtain- ed. The ruinous consequences arising from disappointment, which happen almost every day, are dreadful to relate ; and no punishment can be too great for those whose wilful con- duct becomes the occasion of such catastrophes. Parents are deeply laden with guilt, who by this means plunge their children into irretriev- able ruin ; and lovers are deserving of no forgiveness, whose treacherous conduct annihilates the hopes and even the existence of their friends. MAC MAG M Macaroni. The usual way of preparing macaroni is to boil it in milk, or weak veal broth, flavoured with salt. When tender, put it into a dish without the liquor. Add to it some bits of butter and grated cheese ; over the top grate more, and add a little more butter. Set the dish into a Dutch oven a quar- ter of an hour, but do not let the top become hard. — Another way. Wash it well, and simmer in half milk and half broth, of veal or mut- ton, till it is tender. To a spoonful of this liquor, put the yolk of an egg beaten in a spoonful of cream ; just make it hot to thicj^en, but not to boil. Spread it on the macaroni, and then grate fine old cheese all over, with bits of butter. Brown the whole with a salamander. — Another. Wash the macaroni, then simmer it in a little broth, with a little salt and pounded mace. When quite tender, take it out of the li- quor, lay it in a dish, grate a good deal of cheese over, and cover it with fine grated bread. Warm some butter without oiling, and pour it from a boat through a small earthen cullender all over the crumbs ; then put the dish into a Dutch oven to roast the cheese, and brown the bread of a fine colour. The bread should be in separate crumbs, and look light. MACARONI PUDDING. Sim- mer in a pint of milk, an ounce or two of the pipe sort of macaroni, and a bit of lemon and cinnamon. When quite tender, put it into a dish with milk, two or three eggs, but only one white. Add some su- gar, nutmeg, a spoonful of peach water, and the same of raisin wine. Bake with a paste round the edges. A layer of orange marmalade, or raspberry jam, in a macaroni pud- ding, is a great improvement. In this case omit the almond water, or ratifia, which Would otherwise bd wanted to give it a flavour. MACARONI SOUP. Boil a pound of the best macaroni in a quart of good stock, till it is quite tender. Then take out half, and put it into another stewpot. Add some more stock to the remainder, and boil it till all the macaroni will pulp through a fine sieve. Then add together the two liquors, a pint or more of boil- ing cream, [the macaroni that was first taken out, and half a pound of grated parmesan cheese. Make it hot, but do not let it boil. Serve it with the crust of a French roll, cut into the size of a shilling. MACAROONS. Blanch four ounces of almonds, and pound them with four spoonfuls of orange water. Whisk the whites of four eggs to a froth, mix it with the almonds, and a pound of sifted sugar, till re- duced to a paste. Lay a sheet of wafer paper on a tin, and put on the paste in little cakes, the shape of macaroons. MACKAREL. Their season is generally May, June, and July ; but may sometimes be had at an earlier period. When green goose- berries are ready, their appearance may at all times be expected. They are so tender a fish that they carry and keep worse than any other : choose those that are firm and bright, and sweet scented. After gutting and cleaning, boil them gently, and serve with butter and fennel, or gooseberry sauce. To broil them, split and sprinkle with herbs, pep- per and salt ; or stuff with the samCj adding crumbs and chopped fennel. MAGNUM BONUM PLUMS. Though very indifferent when eaten raw, this fruit makes an excellent sweetmeat, or is fine in the form of tarts. Prick them with a needle to prevent bursting, simmer them very gently in a thin syrup, put them D d 201 MAH MAR in a china bowl, and when cold pour the syrup over. Let them lie three days, then make a syrup of three pounds of sugar to live pounds of fruit, with no more water than hangs to large lumps of the sugar dipped quickly, and instantly brought out. Boil the plums in this fresh syrup, after draining the first from them. Do them very gently till they are clear, and the syrup adheres to them. Put them one by one into small pots, and pour the liquor over. Reserve a little syrup in the pan for those intended to be dried, warm up the fruit in it, drain them out, and put them on plates to dry in a cool oven. These plums are apt to fer- ment, if not boiled in two syrups ; the former will sweeten pies, but will have too much acid to keep. A part may be reserved, with the addition of a little sugar, to do those that are dry, for they will not re- quire to be so sweet as if kept wet, and will eat very nicely if boiled like the rest. One parcel may be done after another, and save much sugar, but care must be taken not to break the fruit. MAHOGANY. To give a fine co- lour to mahogany, let the furniture be washed perfectly clean with vine- gar, having first taken out any ink stains there may be, with spirits of salt, taking the greatest care to touch the stained part very slightly, and then the spirits must be instantly washed ofi^. Use the following li- quid. Put into a pint of cold-drawn linseed oil, four pennyworth of al- kanet root, and two pennyworth of rose pink. Let it remain all night in an earthen vessel, then stirring it well, rub some of it all over the ma- hogany with a linen rag ; and when it has lain some time, rub it bright with linen cloths. Dining tables should be covered with mat, oil cloth, or baize, to prevent staining ; and should be instantly rubbed when the dishes are removed, while the board is still warm. 202 , . MAIDS. This kind of fish, as well as skate, requires to be hung up a day before it is dressed, to prevent its eating tough. Maids may either be broiled or fried ; or if a tolerable size, the middle part may be boiled, and the fins fried. They should be dipped in egg, and covered with crumbs. MALT. This article varies very much in value, according to the qua- lity of the barley, and the mode of manufacture. When good it is full of flour, and in biting a grain asun- der it will easily separate ; the shell will appear thin, and well filled up with flour. If it bite hard and steely, the malt is bad. The diff'erence of pale, and brown malt arises merely from the different degrees of heat employed in the drying : the main object is the quantity of flour. If the barley was light and thin, whe- ther from unripeness, blight, or any other cause, it will not malt so well ; but instead of sending out its roots in due time, a part of it will still be barley. This will appear by putting a handful of unground malt in cold water, and stirring it about till every grain is wetted ; the good will swim, and the unmalted barley sink to the bottom. But if the barley be well malted, there is still a variety in the quality : for a bushel of malt from fine, plump, heavy barley, will be better than the same quantity from thin and light barley. Weight there- fore here is the criterion of quality ; and a bushel of malt weighing forty- five pounds is cheaper than any other at almost any price, supposing it to be free from unmalted barley, for the barley itself is heavier than the malt. The practice of mixing bar- ley with the malt on a principle of economy, is not to be approved ; for though it may add a little to the strength of* the wort, it makes the beer flat and insipid, and of course unwholesome. MARBLE. Chimney pieces, or marble slabs, may be cleaned with MAR MAR muriatic acid, either diluted or in a pure state. If too strong, it will deprive the marble of its polish, hut may be restored by using a piece of felt and a little putty powdered, rubbing it on with clean water. Another method is, making a paste of a bullock's gall, a gill of soap lees, half a gill of turpentine, and a little pipe clay. The paste is then applied to the marble, and suffered to remain a day or two. It is after- wards rubbed off, and applied a se- cond or third time, to render the marble perfectly clean, and give it the finest polish. MARBLE CEMENT. If by any accident, marble or alabaster hap- pen to be broken, it may be strongly cemented together in the following manner. Melt two pounds of bees' wax, and one pound of rosin. Take about the same quantity of marble or other stones that require to be joined, and reduce it to a powder ; stir it well together with the melted mixture, and knead the mass in wa- ter, till the powder is thoroughly in- corporated with the wax and rosin. The parts to be joined must be heat- ed and made quite dry, and the cement applied quite hot. Melted sulphur, laid on fragments of stone previously heated, will make a firm and durable cement. Little defi- ciencies in stones or corners that have been stripped or broken off, may be supplied with some of the stone powdered and mixed with melted sulphur : but care must be taken to have both parts properly heated. MARBLE PAPER. For marbling books or paper, dissolve four ounces of gum arabac in two quarts of wa- ter, and pour it into a broad vessel. Mix several colours with water in separate shells : with small brushes peculiar to each colour, sprinkle and intermix them on the surface of the gum water, and curl them with a stick so as to form a variety of streaks. The edges of a book pressed close may then be slightly dipped in the colours on the surface of the water, and they will take the impression of the mixture. The edges may then be glazed with the white of an egg, and the colours will remain. A sheet of paper may be marbled in the same way. MARBLE STAINS. To take stains out of marble, make a tolera- bly thick mixture of unslaked lime finely powdered, with some strong soap-l^y. Spread it instantly over the marble with a painter's brush, and in two month's time wash it off perfectly clean. Prepare a fine thick lather of soft soap, boiled in soft water ; dip a brush in it, and scour the marble well with powder. Clear off the soap, and finish with a smooth hard brush till the stains are all removed. After a very good rubbing, the 'marble will acquire a beautiful polish. If the marble has been injured by iron stains, take an equal quantity of fresh spirits of vitriol and lemon juice. Mix them in a bottle, shake it well, and wet the spots. Rub with a soft linen cloth, and in a few minutes they will dis- appear. MARBLE VEAL. The meat is prepared in the same way as potted beef or veal. Then beat up a boiled tongue, or slices of ham, with but- ter, white pepper, and pounded mace. Put a layer of veal in the pot, then stick in pieces of tongue or ham, fill up the spaces with veal, and pour clarified butter over it. MARKING INK. Mix two drams of the tincture of galls with one dram of lunar caustic, and for marking of linen, use it with a pen as common ink. The cloth must first be wetted in a strong solution of salt of tartar, and afterwards dried, before any attempt be made to write upon it. A beautiful red ink may also be pre- pared for this purpose by mixing- half an ounce of vermillion, and a dram of the salt of steel, with as much linseed oil as Mf*ll make it o^ U 2oa MAR ME A a proper consistency, either to use with a pen or a hair pencil. Other colours may be made in the same way, by substituting the proper in- gredients instead of vermiUion. MANGOES. Cut off the tops of some large green cucumbers, take out the seeds, and wipe them dry. Fill them with mustard-seed, horse- radish, sliced onion, ginger, and whole pepper. Sow on the tops, put the mangoes into ajar, cover them with boiling vinegar, and do them the same as any other pickle. Melons are done in the same way. MARIGOLD WINE. Boil three pounds and a half of lump sugar in a gallon of water, put in a gallon of marigold flowers, gathered dry and picked from the stalks, and then make it as for cowslip wine. If the flowers be gathered only a few at a time, measure them when they are picked, and turn and dry them in the shade. When a sufficient quan- tity is prepared, put them into a barrel, and pour the sugar and wa- ter upon them. Put a little brandy into the bottles, when the wine is drawn off. MARMALADE. For a cough or cold, take six ounces of Malaga raisins, and beat them to a fine paste, with the same quantity of sugarcandy. Add an ounce of the conserve of roses, twenty-five drops of oil of vitriol, and twenty drops of oil of sulphur. Mix them well to- gether, und take a small tea-spoonful night and morning. MARROW BONES. Cover the top of them with a floured cloth, boil and serve them with dry toast. MARSHMALLOW OINTMENT. Take half a pound of marshmallow roots, three ounces of linseed, and three ounces of fenugreek seed ; bruise and boil them gently half an hour in a quart of water, and then add two quarts of sweet oil. Boil them together till the water is all evaporated*, and strain off the oil. Add a pound of bees' wax, half a pound of yellow rosin, and two ounces of common turpentine. Melt them together over a slow fire, and keep stirring till the ointment is cold. MASHED PARSNIPS. Boil the roots tender, after they have been wiped clean. Scrape them, and mash them in a stewpan with a little cream, a good piece of butter, pep- ViPi* Rno sf^lf MASHED POTATOES. Boil the potatoes, peel them, and reduce them to paste. Add a quarter of a pint of milk to two pounds weight, a little salt, and two ounces of but- ter, and stir it all well together over the tire. They may either be served up in this state, or in scallops, or put on the dish in a form, and th^ top browned with a salamander. « MATTRASSES. Cushions, mat-' trasses, and bed clothes stuffed with wool, are particularly liable to be impregnated with what is offensive and injurious, from persons who have experienced putrid and inflam- matory fevers, and cannot therefore be too carefully cleaned, carded, and washed. It would also be pro- per frequently to fumigate them with vinegar or muriatic gas. If these articles be infested with insects, dis- solve a pound and a half of alum, and as much cream of tartar, in three pints of boiling water. Mix this solution in three gallons of cold water, immerse the wool in it for several days, and then let it be washed and dried. This operatiou will prevent the insects from attack- ing it in future. MEAD. Dissolve thirty pounds of honey in thirteen gallons of wa- ter; boil and skim it well. Then add of rosemary, thyme, bay leaves, and sweetbriar, about a handful al- together. Boil the whole for an hour, and put it into a tub, with two or three handfuls of ground malt. Stir it till it is about blood warm, then strain it through a cloth, and return it into the tub. Cut a toast, ME A MEA spread it over with good ale yeast, and put it into the tub. When the liquor has sufficiently fermented, put it into a cask. Take an ounce and a half each of cloves, mace, and nutmegs, and an ounce of sliced ginger. Bruise the spices ; tie them up in a cloth, and hang it in the ves- sel, which must be stopped up close for use. — Another way. Put four or five pounds of honey into a gal- lon of boiling water, and let it con- tinue to boil an hour and a half. Skim it quite clean, put in the rinds of three or four lemons, and two ounces of hops sewed up in a bag. When cold, put the liquor into a cask, stop it up close, and let it stand eight or nine months. MEASLES. In general, all that is needful in the treatment of this complaint is to keep the body open t)y means of tamarinds, manna, or other gentle laxatives ; and to sup- ply the patient frequently with bar- ley water, or linseed tea sweetened with honey. Bathe the feet in warm water ; and if there be a disposition to vomit, it ought to be promoted by drinking a little camomile tea. If the disorder appear to strike in- ward, the danger may be averted by applying blisters to the arms and legs, and briskly rubbing the whole body with warm flannels. MEAT. In all sorts of provisions, the best of the kind goes the far- thest ; it cuts out with most ad- vantage, and affords most nourish- ment. Round of beef, fillet of veal, and leg of mutton, are joints that bear a higher price; but as they have more solid meat, they deserve the preference. Those joints how- ever which are inferior, may be dressed as palatably ; and being cheaper, they should be bought in turn ; for when weighed with the prime pieces, it makes the price of these come lower. In loins of meat, the long pipe that runs by the bone should be taken out, as it is apt to taint ; as also the kernels of beef. Bumps and edgebones of beef are often bruised by the blows which the drovers give the beasts, and the part that has been struck always taints ; these joints therefore when bruised should not be purchased. And as great loss is often sustained by the spoiling of meat, after it is pur- chased, the best way to prevent this is to examine it well, wipe it every day, and put some pieces of charcoal over it. If meat is brought from a distance in warm weather, the butcher should be desired to cover it close, and bring it early in the morning, to prevent its being fly- blown. — All meat should be washed before it is dressed. If for boiling, the colour will be better for the soaking ; but if for roasting, it should afterwards be dried. Par- ticular care must be taken that the pot be well skimmed the moment it boils, otherwise the foulness will be dispersed over the meat. The more soups or broth are skimmed, the bet- ter and cleaner they will be. Boiled meat should first be well floured, and then put in while the water is cold. Meat boiled quick is sure to be hard ; but care must be taken, that in boiling slow it does, not stop, or the meat will be underdone. If the steam be kept in, the water will not be much reduced ; but if this be desirable, the cover must be re- moved. As to the length of time required for roasting and boiling, the size of the joint must direct, as also the strength of the fire, and the nearness of the meat to it. In boil- ing, attention must be paid to the progress it makes, which should be regular and slow. For every pound of meat, a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes is generally allowed, according as persons choose to have it well or underdone. In preparing a joint for roasting, care must be taken not to run the spit through the best parts of the meat, and that no •205 MEL MIC black stains appear upon it at the time of serving. MEAT SAUCE. Put to a clean anchovy, a glass of port wine, a lit- tle strong broth, a sliced shalot, some nutmeg, and the juice of a Se- ville orange. Stew them together, and mix it with the gravy that runs from the meat. MEAT SCREEN. This is a great saver of coals, and should be suffi- ciently large to guard what is roast- ing from currents of air. It should be placed on wheels, have a flat top, and not be less than about three feet and a half wide, with shelves in it, about one foot deep. It will then answer all the purposes of a large Dutch oven, a plate warmer, and a hot hearth. Some are made with a door behind, which is conve- nient ; but the great heat to which they are exposed soon shrinks the materials, and the currents of air through the cracks cannot be pre- vented. Those without a door are therefore best. MEDLEY PIE. Cut into small pieces some fat pork, or other meat underdone, and season it with salt and pepper. Cover the sides of the dish with common crust, put in a layer of sliced apples with a little sugar, then a layer of meat, and a layer of sliced onions, till the dish is full. Put a thick crust over it, and bake it in a slow oven. Cur- rants or scalded gooseberries may be used instead of apples, and the onions omitted. MELON FLUMMERY. Put plenty of bitter almonds into some stifi^" flummery, and make it of a pale green with spinach juice. When it becomes as thick as cream, wet the melon mould, and put the flum- mery into it. Put a pint of calf's foot jelly into a bason, and let it stand till the next day : then turn out the melon, and lay it in the midst of the bason of j^lly. Fill up the bason with jelly beginning to set, 206 and let it stand all night. Turn it out the next day, the same as for fruit in jelly : make a garland of flowers, and place it on the jelly. MELON MANGOES, there is a particular sort for preserving, which must be carefully distinguish- ed. Cut a square small piece out of one side, and through that take out the seeds, and mix with them mustard-seed and shred garlic. Stufl" the melon as full as the space will allow, replace the square piece, and bind it up with fine packthread, boil a good quantity of vinegar, to allow for wasting, with peppercorns, salt, and ginger. Pour the liquor boiling hot over the mangoes four successive days ; and on the last day put flour of mustard, and scraped horseradish into the vinegar just as it boils up. Observe that there is plenty of vinegar before it is stop- ped down, for pickles are soon spoiled if not well covered. Also the greater number of times that boiling vinegar is poured over them, the sooner they will be ready for eating. Mangoes should be pickled soon after they are gathered. Large cucumbers, called green turley, pre- pared as mangoes, are very excel- lent, and come sooner to table. MELTED BUTTER. Though a very essential article for the table, it is seldom well prepared. Mix on a trencher, in the proportion of a tea-spoonful of flour to four ounces of the best butter. Put it into a saucepan, and two or three table- spoonfuls of hot water ; boil it quick for a minute, and shake it all the time. Milk used instead of water, requires rather less butter, and looks whiter. MICE. The poisonous substances generally prepared for the destruc- tion of mice are attended with dan- ger, and the use of them should by all means be avoided. Besides the common traps, baited with cheese, the following remedy will be found MI C M IL both safe and efficacious. Take a few handfuls of wheat flour, or raalt meal, and knead it into a dough. Let it grow sour in a warm place, mix with it some fine iron filings, form the mass into small balls, and put them into the holes frequented by the mice. On eating this pre- paration, they are inevitably killed. Cats, owls, or hedgehogs, would be highly serviceable in places infested with mice. An effectual mousetrap may be made in the following man- ner. Take a plain four square trencher, and put into the two con- trary corners of it a large pin, or piece of knitting needle. Then take two sticks about a yard long, and lay them on the dresser, with a notch cut at each end of the sticks, placing the two pins on the notches, so that one corner of the trencher may lie about an inch on the dresser or shelf that the mice come to. The opposite corner must be baited with some butter and oatmeal plastered on the trencher ; and when the mice run towards the butter, it will tip them into a glazed earthen vessel full of water, which should be placed underneath for that purpose. To prevent the trencher from tipping over so as to lose its balance, it may be fastened to the shelf or dresser with a thread and a little sealing wax, to restore it to its proper po- sition. To prevent their devasta- tions in barns, care should be taken to lay beneath the floor a stratum of sharp flints, fragments of glass mix- ed with sand, or broken cinders. If the floors were raised on piers of brick, about fifteen inches above the ground, so that dogs or cats might have a free passage beneath the building, it would prevent the ver- min from harbouring there, and tend greatly to preserve the grain. Field mice are also very destructive in the fields and gardens, burrowing un- der the ground, and digging up the earth when newly sown. Their ha- bitations may be discovered by the small mounds of earth that are raised near the entrance, or by the pas- sages leading to their nests ; and by following these, the vermin may easily be destroyed. To prevent early peas being eaten by the mice, soak the seed a day or two in train oil before it is sown, which will pro- mote its vegetation, and render the peas so obnoxious to the mice, that they will not eat them. The tops of furze, chopped and thrown into the drills, when the peas are s6wn, will be an effectual preventive. Sea sand strewed thick on the surface of the ground, round the plants liable to be attacked by the mice, will have the same eff'ect. MILDEW. To remove stains in linen occasioned by mildew, mix some soft soap and powdered starch, half as much salt, and the juice of a lemon. Lay it on the part on both sides with a painter's brush, and let it lie on the grass day and night till the stain disappears. MILK BUTTER. This article is principally made in Cheshire, where the whole of the milk is churned without being skimmed. In the sum- mer time, immediately after milk- ing, the meal is put to cool in earthen jars till it become sufficiently co- agulated, and has acquired a slight degree of acidity, enough to under- go the operation of churning. During the summer, this is usually perform- ed in the course of one or two days. In order to forward the coagulation in the winter, the milk is placed near the fire ; but in summer, if it has not been sufficiently cooled before it is added to the former meal, or if it has been kept too close, and be not churned shortly after it has ac- quired the necessary degree of con- sistence, a fermentation will ensue ; in which case the butter becomes rancid, and the milk does not yield that quantity which it would, if churned in proper time. This also 7s the case in winter, when the jars have been placed too near the fire^ 207 MIL MIL and the milk nitis entirely to whey. MiXk butter is in other respects made like the common butter. MILK AND CREAM. In hot weather, when it is difficult to pre- serve milk from becoming sour, and spoiling the cream, it may be kept perfcfCtly sweet by scalding the new milk very gently, without boiling, and setting it by in the earthen dish or pan that it is done in. This me- thod is pursued in Devonshire, for making of butter, and for eating ; and it would answer equally well in small quantities for the use of the tea table. Cream already skimmed may be kept twenty-four hours if scalded, without sugar ; and by add- ing as much pounded lump sugar as shall make it pretty sweet, it will be good two days, by keeping it in a cool place. MILK PORRIDGE. Make a fine gruel of half grits well boiled, strain it off, add warm or cold milk, and serve with toasted bread. MILK PUNCH. Pare six oranges and six lemons as thin as possible, and grate them afterwards with su- gar to extract the flavour. Steep the peels in a bottle of rum or bran- dy, stopped close twenty-four hours. Squeeze the fruit on two pounds of sugar, add to it four quarts of wa- ter, and one of new milk boiling hot. Stir the rum into the above, and run it through a jelly bag till perfectly clear. Bottle and cork it close im- mediately. MILK OF ROSES. Mix an ounce of oil of almonds with a pint of rose water, and then add ten drops of the oil of tartar. MILK SOUP. Boil a pint of milk with a little salt, cinnamon, and sugar. Lay thin slices of bread in a dish, pour over them a little of the milk, and keep them hot over a stove without burning. When the soup is ready, beat up the yolks of five or six eggs, and add them to the milk. Stir it over the fire till it thickens, take it off before it curdles, 208 and pour it upon the breads in the dish. MILKING. Cows should be milked three times a day in the sum- mer, if duly fed, and twice in the winter. Great care should be taken to drain the milk completely from the udder ; for if any be suffered to, remain, the cow will give less every meal, till at length she becomes dry before her proper time, and the next season she will scarcely give a suf- ficient quantity of milk to pay the expences of her keeping. The first milk drawn from a cow is also thin- ner, and of an inferior quality to that which is afterwards obtained : and this richness increases progres- sively, to the very last drop that can be drawn from the udder. If a cow's teats be scratched or wounded, her milk will be foul, and should not be mixed with that of other cows, but given to the pigs. In warm wea- ther, the milk should remain in the pail till nearly cold, before it is strained ; but in frosty weather this should be done immediately, and a small quantity of boiling water mix- ed with it. This will produce plenty of cream, especially in trays of a large surface. As cows a^re some- times troublesome to milk, and in danger of contracting bad habits, they always require to be treated with great gentleness, especially when young, or while their teats are tender. In this case the udder ought to be fomented with warm water be- fore milking, and the cow soothed with mild treatment ; otherwise she will be apt to become stubborn and unruly, and retain her milk ever af- ter. A cow will never let down her milk freely to the person she dreads or dislikes. MILLET PUDDING. Wash three spoonfuls of the seed, put it into a dish with a crust round the edge, pour over it as much new milk as will nearly fill the dish, two ounces of butter warmed with it, sugar, shred lemon peel, and a dust of MIN MIT ginger and nutmeg. As you put it in the oven, stir in two beaten eggs, and a spoonful of shred suet. MINCE PIES. Of scraped beef, free from skin and strings, weigh two pounds, of suet picked and chopped four pounds, and of cur- rants nicely cleaned and perfectly dry, six pounds. Then add three pounds of chopped apples, the peel and juice of two lemons, a pint of sweet wine, a nutmeg, a quarter of an ounce of cloves, the same of mace, and pimento, in the finest powder. Mix the whole well together, press it into a deep pan, and keep it co- vered in a dry cool place. A little citron, orange, and lemon peel, should be put into each pie when made. The above quantity of mince meat may of course be reduced, in equal proportions, for small families. — Mince pies without meat, are made in the following manner. Pare, core, and mince six pounds of ap- ples ; shred three pounds of fresh suet, and stone three pounds of rai- sins minced. Add to these, a quar- ter of an ounce each of mace and cinnamon, and eight cloves, all finely powdered. Then three pounds of the finest powder sugar, three quar- ters of an ounce of salt, the rinds of four and the juice of two lemons, half a pint of port, and half a pint of brandy. Mix well together, and put the ingredients into a deep pan. Prepare four pounds of Currants, well washed and dried, and add them when the pies are made, with some candied fruit. MINCED BEEF. Shred fine the underdone part, with some of the fat. Put it into a small stewpan with some onion, or a very small t quantity of shalot, a little water, pepper and salt. Boil it till the onion is quite soft ; then put some of the gravy of the meat to it, and the mince, but do not let it boil. Prepare a small hot dish with sip- pets of bread, mix a large spoonful of vinegar with the mince, and pour it into the dish. If shalot vinegar is used, the raw onion and shalot may be dispensed with. MINCED COLLOPS. Chop and mince some beef very small, and sea- son it with pepper and salt. Put it, in its raw state, into small jars, and pour on the top some clarified but- ter. When to be used, put the cla- rified butter into a fryingpan, and fry some sliced onions. Add a lit- tle water to it, put in the minced meat, and it will be done in a few minutes. This is a favourite Scotch dish, and few families are without it. It keeps well, and is always ready for an extra dish. MINCED VEAL. Cut some cold veal as fine as possible, but do not chop it. Put to it a very little le- mon-peel shred, two grates of nut- meg, some salt, and four or five spoonfuls either of weak broth, milk, or water. Simmer these gently with the meat, adding a bit of butter rub- bed in flour, but take care not to let it boil. Put sippets of thin toasted bread, cut into a three-cornered shape, round the dish. MINT SAUCE. Pick and wash the mint clean, and chop it fine. Put it into a small bason, and mix it with sugar and vinegar. MINT VINEGAR. As fresh mint is not at all times to be had, a wel- come substitute will be found in the preparation of mint vinegar. Dry and pound half an ounce of mint seed, pour upon it a quart of the best vinegar, let it steep ten days, and shake it up every day. This will be useful in the early season of house lamb. MITES. Though they princip^ affect cheese, there are several spe- cies of this insect which breed in flour and other eatables, and do considerable injury. The most ef- fectual method of expelling them is to place a few nutmegs in the sack or bin containing the flour, the odour of which is insupportable to mites ; and they will quickly be removed, Le 209 MOC MO C without the meal acquhing any un- pleasant flavour. Thick branches of the lilac, or the elder tree, peeled and put into the flour, will hare the same eff'ect. Quantities of the largest sized ants, scattered about cheese-rooms and granaries, would presently devour all the mites, with- out doing any injury. MIXED WINE. Take an equal quantity of white, red, and black currants, cherries, and raspberries ; mash them, and press the juice through a strainer. Boil three pounds of moist sugar in three quarts of wa- ter, and skim it clean. When cold, mix a quart of juice with it, and put it into a barrel that will just hold it. Put in the bung, and after it has stood a week, close it up, and let it stand three or four months. When the wine is put into the barrel, add a little brandy to it. MOCK BRAWN. Boil two pair of neat's feet quite tender, and pick all the flesh off the bone. Boil the belly piece of a porker nearly enough, and bone it. Roll the meat of the feet up in the pork, tie it up in a cloth with tape round it, and boil it till it becomes very tender. Hang it up in the cloth till it is quite cold, put it into some souse, and keep it for use. MOCK TURTLE. Divide a calf's head with the skin on, and clean it well. Half boil it, take all the meat off in square pieces, break the bones of the head, and boil them in some veal and beef broth, to add to the richness. Fry some shalot in butter, and dredge in flower ^nough to thicken the gravy ; stir this into the browning, and give it one or two boils. Skim it carefully, and then put in the head ; add a pint of Ma- deira, and simmer till the meat is quite tender. About ten minutes before serving, put in some basil, tarragon, chives, parsley, cayenne pepper, and salt; also two spoon- fuls of mushroom ketchup, and one of soy. Squeeze the juice of a lemon SIO into the tureen, and pour the soup upon it. Serve with forcemeat balls, and small eggs. — A cheaper way. Prepare half a calf's head as above, but without the skin. When the meat is cut off, break the bones, and put them into a saucepan with some gravy made of beef and veal bones, and seasoned with fried onions, herbs, mace, and pepper. Have ready prepared two or three ox- palates boiled so tender as to blanch, and cut into small pieces ; to which a cow heel, likewise cut into pieces, is a great improvement. Brown some butter, flour, and onion, and pour the gravy to it ; then add the meats as above, and stew them to- gether. Add half a pint of sherry, an anchovy, two spoonfuls of walnut ketchup, the same of mushroom ketchup, and some chopped herbs as before. The same sauce as be- fore. — Another way. Put into a pan a knuckle of veal, two fine cow heels, two onions, a few cloves, pepper- corns, berries of allspice, mace, and sweet herbs. Cover them with wa * ter, tie a thick paper over the pan, and set it in an oven for three hours^ When cold, take off the fat very nicely, cut the meat and feet into bits an inch and a half square, re- move the bones and coarse parts, and then put the rest on to warm, with a large spoonful of walnut and one of mushroom ketchup, half a pint of sherry or Madeira, a little mushroom powder, and the jelly of the meat. If it want any more sea- soning, add some when hot, and serve with hard eggs, forcemeat balls, a squeeze of lemon, and a spoonful of soy. Thfs is a very easy way of making an excellent dish of mock turtle. — Another. Stew a pound and a half of scrag of mut- ton, with three pints of water till reduced to a quart. Set on the broth, with a calf's foot and a cow heel ; cover the stewpan tight, and let it simmer till the meat can be separated from the bones in proper pieces. MOO MOR Set it on again with the broth, add- ing a quarter of a pint of sherry or Madeira, a large onion, half a tea- spoonful of cayenne, a bit of lemon peel, two anchovies, some sweet herbs, eighteen oysters chopped fine, a tea-spoonful of salt, a little nutmeg, and the liquor of the oysters. Cover it close, and simmer it three quar- ters of an hour. Serve with force- meat balls, and hard eggs in the tureen . — An excellent and very cheap mock turtle may be made of two or three cow heels, baked with two pounds and a half of gravy beef, herbs, and other ingredients as above. * MOLES. As these little animals live entirely on worms and insects, of which they consume incalculable numbers, they may be considered as harmless, and even useful, rather than otherwise ; and it has been observed in fields and gardens where the moles had been caught, that they afterwards abounded with vermin and insects. But when the moles become too numerous, they are hurt- ful to vegetation, and require to be destroyed. Besides the common method of setting traps in their sub- terraneous passages, many might be dug out of the earth by carefully watching their situation and motions before the rising of the sun, and striking in a spade behind them to cut off their retreat. The smell of garlic is so offensive to them, that if a few heads of that plant were thrust into their runs, it would expel them fi'ora the place. MOONSHINE PUDDING. Put into a baking dish a layer of very thin bread and butter, strewed over with currants and sweetmeats, and so on till the dish is full. Mix to- gether a pint and a half of cream, the yolks of six eggs, half a grated nutmeg, and some sugar. Pour the mixture on the top of the pudding, and bake it three quarters of an hour. MOOR FO\VL. To dress moor fowl with red cabbage, truss the game as for boiling. Set them on the fire with a little soup, and let them stew for half an hour. Cut a red cabbage into quarters, add it to the moor if'owl, season with salt and white pepper, and a little piece of butter rolled in flour. A glass of port may be added, if approved. Lift out the cabbage, and place it neatly in the dish, with the moor fowl on it. Pour the sauce over them, and garnish with small slices of fried bacon. MORELLA CHERRIES. When the fruit is quite ripe, take off the stalks, prick them with a pin, and allow a pound and a half of lump sugar to every pound of cherries. Reduce part of the sugar to pow- der, and strew it over them. Next day dissolve the remainder in half a pint of currant juice, set it over a slow fire, put in the cherries with the sugar, and give them a gentle' boil. Take out the cherries care- fully, boil the syrup till it is thick, pour it upon the cherries, and tie them down. — Any other kind of fruit may be treated in the same way, only using such kind of juice to boil in the syrup as is most suit- able to the fruit to be preserved. It, is proper to put apple jelly over jam or preserved fruit, or to sift sugar over the tops of the jars ; and when cold, cover them with brandy paper. If the air be admitted, they will not keep. MORELLA WINE. Cleanse from the stalks sixty pounds of raorella cherries, and bruise them as to break the stones. Press out the juice, mix it with six gallons of sherry wine, and four gallons of warm wa- ter. Powder separately an ounce of nutmeg, cinnamon, and mace, and hang them separately in small bags, in the cask containing the liquor. Bung it down ; and in a few weeks it will become a deliciously fla- voured Avine. MORELS. In their green state 2U M U F MUL they have a very rich, high flavour, and are delicious additions to some dishes, or sent up as a stew by them- selves, when they are fresh and fine. When dried they are of very little use, and serve only to soak up good gravy, from which they take more ilavour than they give. MOSS. To destroy moss on trees, remove it with a hard brush early in the spring of the year, and wash the trees afterwards with urine or soap suds, and plaster them with cow dung. When a sort of white down appears on apple trees, clear off the red stain underneath it, and anoint the infected parts with a mix- ture of train oil and Scotch snuff, which will effectually cure the dis- ease. MOTHS. One of the most speedy remedies for their complete extir- pation, is the smell of turpentine, whether it be by sprinkling it on woollen stuffs, or placing sheets of paper moistened with it between pieces of cloth. It is remarkable that moths are never known to in- fest wool unwashed, or in its natural state, but always abandon the place where such raw material is kept. Those persons therefore to whom the smell of turpentine is offensive, may avail themselves of this circum- stance, and place layers of undress- ed wool between pieces of cloth, or put small quantities in the corners of shelves and drawers containing drapery of that description. This, or shavings of the cedar, small slips of Russia leather, or bits of cam- phor, laid in boxes or drawers where furs or woollen clothes are kept, will effectually preserve them from the ravages of the moth and other insects. MUFFINS. Stir together a pint of yeast with a pint and half of warm milk and water, and a little salt. Strain it into a quarter of a peck of fine flour, knead it well, and set it an hour to rise. Pull it into email pieces, roll it into balls with 212 the hand, and keep them covered up warm. Then spread them into raufiins, lay them on tins, and bake them ; and as the bottoms begin to change colour, turn them on the other side. A better sort may be made by adding two eggs, and two ounces of butter melted in half a pint of milk. Muffins should not be cut, but pulled open. MULBERRY SYRUP. Put the mulberries into a kettle of water, and simmer them over the fire till the juice runs from them. Squeeze out the juice, and add twice the weight of sugar. Set it over a slow fire, skim it clean, and simmer it till the sugar is quite dissolved. MULBERRY WINE. Gather mulberries on a dry day, when they are just changed from redness to a shining black. Spread them thinly on a fine cloth, or on a floor or table, for twenty-four hours, and then press them. Boil a gallon of water with each gallon of Juice, putting to every gallon of water an ounce of cinnamon bark, and six ounces of sugarcandy finely pow- dered. Skim and strain the water when it is taken off and settled, and put it to the mulberry juice. Now add to every gallon of the mixture, a pint of white or Rhenish wine. Let the whole stand in a cask to fer- ment, for five or six days. When settled draw it off into bottles, and keep it cool. MULLED ALE. Boil a pint of good sound ale with a little grated nutmeg and sugar, beat up three eggs, and mix them with a little cold ale. Then pour the hot ale to it, and return it several times to pre- vent its curdling. Warm and stir it till it is thickened, add a piece of butter or a glass of brandy, and serve it up with dry toast. MULLED WINE. Boil some spice in a little water till the flavour is gained, then add an equal quan- tity of port, with sugar and nutmeg. Boil all together, and serve with MUS M'US toast. — Another way. Boil a blade of cinnamon and some grated nut- meg a few minutes, in a large tea- cupful of water. Pour to it a pint of port wine, add a little sugar, beat it up, and it will be ready. Good home-made wine may be substituted instead of port. MUMBLED HARE. Boil the hare, but not too much ; take off the flesh, and shred it very fine. Add a little salt, nutmeg, lemon peel, and the juice of a lemon. Put it in- to a stewpan with a dozen eggs, and a pound of butter, and keep it stirring. MUSCLE PLUM CHEESE. Weigh six pounds of the fruit, bake it in a stone jar, remove the stones, and put in the kernels after they are broken and picked. Pour half the juice on two pounds and a half of Lisbon sugar ; when melted and simmered a few minutes, skim it, and add the fruit. Keep it doing very gently till the juice is much re- duced, but take care to stir it con- stantly, to prevent its burning. Pour it into small moulds, pattipans, or saucers. The remaining juice may serve to colour creams, or be added to a pie. MUSHROOMS. Before these are prepared for eating, great care must be taken to ascertain that they are genuine, as death in many in- stances has been occasioned by using a poisonous kind of fungus, resembling mushrooms. The eat- able mushrooms first appear very small, of a round form, and on a lit- tle stalk. They grow very fast, and both the stalk and the upper part are white. As the size increases, the under part gradually opens, and shows a kind of fringed fur, of a very fine salmon colour ; which con- tinues more or less till the mush- room has gained some size, and then it turns to a dark brown. These marks should be attended to, and likewise whether the skin can be easily parted from the edges and middle. Those that have a white or. yellow fur should be carefully avoid- ed, though many of them have a similar smell, but not so strong and fragrant, as the genuine mushroom. Great numbers of these may be pro- duced, by strewing on an old hot- bed the broken pieces of mushrooms ; or if the water in which they have been washed be poured on the bed, it will nearly answer the same pur- pose. MUSHROOMS DRIED. Wipe them clean, take out the brown part of the large ones, and peel off the skin. Lay them on paper to dry in a cool oven, and keep them in paper bags in a dry place. When used^ simmer them in the gravy, and they will swell to nearly their former size. Or before they are made into powder, it is a good way to simmer them in their own liquor till it dry up into them, shaking the pan all the time, and afterwards drying them on tin plates. Spice may be added or not. Tie the mushrooms down close in a bottle, and keep it in a dry place. MUSHROOM KETCHUP. Take the largest broad mushrooms, break them into an earthen pan, strew salt over, and stir them occasionally for three days. Then let them stand twelve days, till there is a thick scum over. Strain and boil the li quor with Jamaica and black pep- pers, mace, ginger, a clove or two, and some mustard seed. When cold, bottle it, and tie a bladder over the cork. In three months boil it again with fresh spice, and it will then keep a twelvemonth. — Another way. Fill a stewpan with large flap mush- rooms, that are not worm-eaten, and the skins and fringe of such as have been pickled. ThKow a handful of salt among them, and set them by a slow fire. They will pro- duce a great deal of liquor, which must be strained ; then add four ounces of shalots, two cloves of gar- lic, a good deal of whole pepper, 213 M t^ MUT ginger, mace, cloves, and a few bay h avcs. Boil and skim it well, and when cold, cork it up close. In two months boil it up again with a little fresh spice, and a stick of horse- radish. It will then keep a year, which mushroom ketchup rarely does, if not boiled a second time. MUSHROOM POWDER. Wash half a peck of large mushrooms while quite fresh, and free them from grit and dirt with flannel. Scrape out the black part clean, and do not use any that are worm-eaten. Put them into a stewpan over the fire without any water, with two large onions, some cloves, a quarter of an ounce of mace, and two spoon- fuls of white pepper, all in powder. Simmer and shake them till all the liquor be dried up, but be careful they do not burn. Lay them on tins or sieves in a slow oven till they are dry enough to beat to powder; then put the powder into s-mall bot- tles, corked, and tied closely, and kept in a dry place. A tea-spoonful of this powder will give a very fine flavour to any soup or gravy, or any sauce ; and it is to be added just before serving, and one boil given to it after it is put in. MUSHROOM SAUCE. Melt some butter with flour, in a little milk or cream. Put in some mush- rooms, a little salt and nutmeg, and boil it up together in a saucepan. Or put the mushrooms into melted butter, with veal gravy, salt, and nutmeg. MUSLIN PATTERNS. In order to copy muslin patterns, the draw- ing is to be placed on a sheet of white paper, and the outline prick- ed through with a pin. The white sheet may then be laid on a second clear one, and a muslin bag of pow- dered charcoal sifted or rubbed over it. The pierced paper being re- moved, a perfect copy may be traced on the other ; and in this way, pat- terns may be multiplied very expe- ditiously. 214 MUSTARD. Mix by degrees, the best Durham flour of mustard with boiling water, rubbing it per- fectly smooth, till it comes to a pro- per thickness. Add a little salt, keep it in a small jar close covered, and put only as much into the glass as will be used soon. The glass should be wiped daily round the edges. If for immediate use, mix tJie mustard with new milk by de- grees, till it is quite smooth, and a little raw cream. It is much softer this way, does not taste bitter, and will keep well. A tea-spoonful of sugar, to half a pint of mustard, is a great improvement, and tends much to soften it. Patent mustard is nearly as cheap as any other, and is generally preferred. MUSTY FLOUR. When flour has acquired ^ musty smell and taste, from dampness and other causes, it may be recovered by the simple use of magnesia, allowing thirty grains of the carbonate to one pound of flour. It is to be leavened and baked in the usual way of mak- ing bread. The loaves will be found to rise well in the oven, to be more light and spongy, and also whiter than bread in the common way. It will likewise have an excellent taste, and will keep well. The use of mag- nesia in bread making is well worthy of attention, for if it improves musty flour, and renders it palatable, it would much more improve bread in general, and be the interest of families to adopt it. The use of magnesia in bread, independent of its improving qualities, is as much superior to that of alum as cne sub- stance can be to another. MUTTON. In cutting up mut- ton, in order to its being dressed, attention should be paid to the dif- ferent joints. The pipe that runs along the bone of the inside of a chine must be removed, and if the meat is to be kept some time, the part close round the tail should be rubbed with salt, after first cutting M UT MUT out the kernel. A leg is apt to be first tainted in the fat on the thick part, where the kernel is lodged, and this therefore should be re- moved, or the meat cannot be ex- pected to keep well. The chine and rib bones should be wiped every day, and the bloody part of the neck be cut off to preserve it. The brisket changes first in the breast ; and if it is to be kept, it is best to rub it with a little salt, should the weather be hot. Every kernel should be taken out of all sorts of meat as soon as it is brought in, and then wiped dry. For roasting, it should hang as long as it will keep, the hind quarter especially, but not so long as to taint ; for whatever may be authorised by the prevailing fashion, putrid juices certainly ought not to be taken into the sto- mach. Great care should be taken to preserve by paper the fat of what is roasted. Mutton for boiling will not look of a good colour, if it has hung long. — In purchasing this meat, choose it by the fineness of the grain, the goodness of its colour, and see that the fat be firm and white. It is not the better for being young : if it be wether mutton, of a good breed and well fed, it is best for age. The flesh of ewe mutton is paler, and the texture finer. Ram mutton is very strong flavoured, the flesh is of a deep red, and the fat is spongy : wether mutton is the best. MUTTON BROTH. Soak a neck of mutton in water for an hour, cut off" the scrag, and put it into a stew- pot, with two quarts of water. As soon as it boils, skim it well, and simmer it an hour and a half. Cut the best end of the mutton into pieces, two bones in each, and take off* some of the fat. Prepare four or five carrots, as many turnips, and three onions, aU sliced, but not cut small. Put them soon enough to get quite tender, and add four large spoonfuls of Scotch barley, first wet- ted with cold water. Twenty minutes before serving, put in some chopped parsley, add a little salt, and send up all together. This is a Scotch dish, and esteemed very excellent in the winter. MUTTON CHOPS. Cut them from the loin or neck, broil them on a clear fire, and turn them often, or the fat dropping into the fire will smoke them. When done, put them into a warm dish, rub them with butter, slice a shalot in a spoonful of boiling water, with a little salt and ketchup, and pour it over the chops. The ketchup may be omit- ted, and plain butter used instead. MUTTON CHOPS IN DIS- GUISE. Prepare a seasoning of chopped parsley and thyme, grated bread, pepper and salt. Stoear the chops over with egg, strew the sea- soning on them, and roll each in but- tered paper. Close the ends, put them in a Dutch oven or fryingpan, and let them broil slowly. When done, send them to table in the pa- per, with gravy in a boat. MUTTON COLLOPS. From a loin of mutton that has been well kept, cut some thin coUops nearest to the leg. Take out the sineu^s, season the collops with salt, pepper, and mace ; and strew over them shred parsley, thyme, and two or three shalots. Fry them in butter till half done ; add half a pint of gravy, a little lemon juice, an^ a pieceof butter rubbed in flour. Sim- mer them together very gently for five minutes, and let the collops be served up immediately, or they will become hard. MUTTON CUTLETS. To do them in the Portuguese way, half fry the chops with sliced shalot or onion, chopped parsley, and two bay leaves. Season with pepper and salt ; then lay a forcemeat on a piece of white paper, put the chop on it, and twist the paper up, leav- ing a hole for the eifcd of the bones 215 M U T MUT to go through. Broil the cutlets oa a gentle fire, serve them with a little gravy, or with sauce Robart. MUTTON HAM. Choose a fine- grained leg of wether mutton, of twelve or fourteen pounds weight; cut it ham shape, and let it hang two days. Then put into a stewpan half a pound of bay salt, the same of common salt, two ounces of salt- petre, and half a pound of coarse sugar, all in powder. Mix, and make it quite hot ; then rub it well into the ham. Let it be turned in the liquor every day ; at the end of four days add two ounces more of* common salt ; in twelve days take it out, dry it, and hang it up a week in wood smoke. It is to be used in slices, with stewed cabbage, mashed potatoes, or eggs. MUTTON HASHED. Cut thin slices of dressed mutton, fat and lean, and flour them. Boil the bones with a little onion, season the meat, and warm it up with the gravy, but it should not boil. Instead of onion, a clove, a spoonful of currant jelly, and a glass of port wine, will make it taste like venison. MUTTON KEBOBBED. Take all the fat out ot a loin of mutton, and that on the outside also if too fat, and remove the skin. Joint it at every bone, mix a small nutmeg grated with a little salt and pepper, crumbs of bread, and herbs. Dip the steaks into the yolks of three eggs, and sprinkle the above mixture all over them. Then place the steaks together as they were before they were cut asunder, tie and fasten them on a small spit. Roast them before a quick fire ; set a dish un- der, and baste them with a good piece of butter, and the liquor that comes from the meat, but throw some more of the above seasoning over. When done enough, lay the meat in a dish. Prepare an addi- tional half pint of good gravy, put into it two spoonfuls of ketchup, 2i6 and rub down a tea-spoonful of flour with it. Give it a boil, skim off all the fat, and pour it over the mutton. Be careful to keep the meat hot, till the gravy is quite ready. MUTTON PIE. Cut steaks from a loin or neck of mutton that has hung some time ; beat them, and remove some of the fat. Season with salt, pepper, and a little onion. Put a little water at the bottom of the dish, and a little paste on the edge ; then cover it with a tolerably thick paste. Or raise small pies, breaking each bone in two to shorten it ; cover it over, and pinch the edges together. When the pies come from the oven, pour into each a spoonful of good mutton gravy. MUTTON PUDDING. Season some chops with salt and pepper, and a taste of onion. Place a layer of meat at the bottom of the dish, pour over them a batter of potatoes boiled and pressed through a cullender, and mixed with an e^^ and milk. Put in the rest of the chops, and the batter, and bake it. Batter made of flour eats very well, but requires more egg, and is not so good as potatoe. Another way is to cut slices off a leg that has been underdone, and put them into a bason lined with a fine suet crust. Season with pep- per and salt, and finely shred onion or shalot. MUTTON RUMPS AND KID- NEYS. Stew six rumps in some good mutton gravy half an hour ; then take them up, and let them stand to cool. Clear the gravy from the fat, and put into it four ounces of boiled rice, an onion stuck with cloves, and a blade of mace. Boil them till the rice is thick. Wash the rumps with yolks of eggs well beaten, and strew over them crumbs of bread, a little pepper and salt, chopped parsley and thyme, and grated lemon peel, fried in butter, of a fine brown. While the rumps are stewing, lard the kidneys^ and NAS NT.C set them to roast in a Dutch oven. When the rumps are ready,the grease must be drained from them before they are put in the dish ; the pan being cleared likewise from the fat, warm up the rice in it. Lay the latter on the dish, place the rumps round upon the rice, the narrow ends towards the middle, and the kidneys between. Garnish with hard eggs cut in halves, tue white being left on, or with different coloured pickles. MUTTON SAUCE. Two spoon- fuls of the liquor in which the mut- ton is boiled, the same quantity of vinegar, two or three shalots finely shred, with a little salt, put into a saucepan with a bit of butter rolled in flo'jr, stirred together and boiled once, will make good sauce for boil- ed mutton. MUTTON SAUSAGES. Take a pound of the rawest part of a leg of mutton that has been either roast- ed or boiled ; chop it quite small, and season it with pepper, salt, mace, and nutmeg. Add to it six ounces of beef suet, some sweet herbs, two anchovies, and a pint of oysters, all chopped very small ; a quarter of a pound of grated bread, some of the anchovy liquor, and two eggs well beaten. When well mixed together, put it into a small pot ; and use it by rolling it into balls or sausages, and fry them. If approved, a little shalot may be added, or garlick, which is a great improvement. MUTTON STEAKS. These should be cut from a loin or neck that has been well kept ; if a neck, the bones should not be long. Broil them on a clear fire, season them when half done, and let them be of- ten turned. Take them up into a very hot dish, rub a bit of butter on each, and serve them up hot and hot the moment they are done. — To do them Maintenon, half* fry them first, then stew them while hot, with herbs, crumbs, and seasoning. Rub a bit of butter on some writing pa- per, to prevent its catching the fire, wrap the steaks in it, and finish them on the gridiron. N. Nankeen dye. The article ge- nerally sold under this title, and which produces a fine buff colour so much in use, is made of equal parts of arnetto and common potash, dis- solved and boiled in water. The yellow colour called Dutch Pink, is made from a decoction of weld or dyer's weed ; and if blue cloths be dipped in this liquid, they will take the colour of a fine green. NAST URTIONS, if intended for capers, should be kept a few days after they are gathered. Then pour boiling vinegar over them, and cover them close when cold. They will not be fit to eat for some months ; but are then finely flavoured, and by many arc preferred to capers. (No. 10.) NEAT'S TONGUE. If intended to be stewed, it should be simmered for two hours, and peeled. Then return it to the same liquor, with pepper, salt, mace, and cloves, tied up in a piece of cloth. Add a few chopped capers, carrots and turnips sliced, half a pint of beef gravy, a little white wine, and sweet herbs. Stew it gently till it is tender, take out the herbs and spices, and thick- en the gravy with butter rolled in flour. NECK OF MUTTON. Thfs joint is particularly useful, because so many dishes may be made of it ; but it is not esteemed advantageous for a family. The bones should be cut short, which the butchers will Ff til7 N E*W N O K ^^ nut do unless particularly desired. The best end of the neck may be boiled, and served with turnips ; or roasted, or dressed in steaks, in pies, or harrico. The scrags may be stewed in broth ; or with a small quantity of water, some small onions, a few peppercorns, and a little rice, and served together. When a boiled neck is to look particularly nice, saw down the chine bone, strip the ribs halfway down, and chop off the ends of the bones about four inches. The skin should not be taken off till boiled, and then the fat will look the whiter. When there is more fat than is agreeable, it makes a very good suet pudding, or crust for a meat pie if cut very fine. NECK OF PORK. A loin or neck of pork should be roasted. Cut the skin across with a sharp pen- knife, at distances of half an inch. Serve with vegetables and apple sauce. NECK OF VEAL. Cut off the scrag to boil, and cover it with onion sauce. It should be boiled, in milk and water. Parsley and butter may be served with it, instead of onion sauce. Or it may be stewed with whole rice, small onions, and pep- percorns, with a very little water. It may also be boiled and eaten with bacon and greens. The best end of ^he neck may either be roasted, <>roiled as steaks, or made into a pie. NECK OF VENISON. Rub it with salt, and let it lie four or five days. Flour it, and boil it in a cloth, allowing to every pound a quarter of an hour. Cauliflower, turnips, and cabbages, are eaten with it, and melted butter. Garnish the dish with some of the vegetables. NELSON PUDDINGS. Put into a Dutch oven six small cakes, called Nelson balls or rice cakes, made in small teacups. When quite hot, pour over them boiling melted but- ter, white wine, and susjar. NEW CASKS. If not properly repared before they are used, new 2J8 casks are apt to give beer and other liquor a bad taste. They must there- fore be well scalded and seasoned several days successively before they are used, and frequently filled with fresh water. The best way however is to boil two pecks of bran or malt dust in a copper of water, and pour it hot into the cask ; then stop it up close, let it stand two days, wash it out clean, and let the cask be well dried. NEWCASTLE PUDDING. But- ter a half melon mould or quart basin, stick it all round with dried cherries or fine raisins, and fill it up with custard and layers of thin bread and butter. Boil or steam it an hour and a half. NEWMARKET PUDDING. Put on to boil a pint of good milk, with half a lemon peel, a little cinnamon, and a bay leaf. Boil it gently for five or ten minutes, sweeten with loaf sugar, break the yolks of five and the whites of three eggs into a basin, beat them well, and add the milk. Beat it all up well together, and strain it through a tammis, or fine hair sieve. Prepare some bread and butter cut thin, place a layer of it in a pie dish, and then a layer of currants, and so on till the dish is nearly full. Pour the custard over it, and bake it half an hour. NORFOLK DUMPLINS. iMake a thick batter with half a pint of milk and flour, two eggs, and a little salt. Take a spoonful of the batter, and drop it gently into boiling wa- ter ; and if the water boil fast, they will be ready in a few minutes. Take them out with a wooden spoon, and put them into a dish with a piece of butter. These are often called drop dumplins, or spoon dumplins. ' NORFOLK PUNCH, To make a relishing liquor that will keep many years, and improve by age, put the peels of thirty lemons and thirty oranges into twenty quarts €f French brandy. The fruit must be pared so thin and carefully, that not the NOS If OT Iteast'of the white is left. Let it in- fuse twelve hours. Prepare thirty quarts of cold water that has been boiled, put to it fifteen pounds of double-refined sugar, and when well incorporated, pour it upon the bran- dy and peels, adding the juice of the oranges and of twenty-four le- mons. Mix them well, strain the liquor through a fine hair sieve, into a very clean cask, that has held spirits, and add two quarts of new milk. Stir the liq*uor, then bung it down close, and let it stand six weeks in a warm cellar. Bottle off the liquor, but take care that the bottles be perfectly clean and dry, the corks of the best quality, and well put in. Of course a smaller quantity of this punch may be made, by observing only the above pro- portions. — Another way. Pare six lemons and three Seville oranges very thin, squeeze the juice into a large teapot, put to it three quarts of brandy, one of white wine, one of milk, and a pound and a quarter of lump sugar. Let it be well mix- ed, and then covered for twenty- four hours. Strain it through a jel- ly bag till quite clear, and then bot- tle it off. NORTHUMBERLAND PUD- DING. Make a hasty pudding with a pint of milk and flour, put it in- to a bason, and let it stand till the next day. Then mash it with a spoon, add a quarter of a pound of clarified butter, as many currants picked and washed, two ounces of candied peel cut small, and a little sugar and brandy. Bake it in teacups, turn them out on a dish, and pour wine sauce over them. NOSE BLEEDING. Violent bleeding at the nose may sometimes be prevented by applying lint dip- ped in vinegar, or a strong solution of white vitriol, with fomentations of the temples and forehead made of nitre dissolved in water. But as juleeding at the nose is often bene- ficial, it j>hould not be stidHScnly stopped. NOTICE TO QUIT. The usual mode of letting houses is by the year, at a certain annual rent to be paid quarterly : therefore unless a writ- ten agreement can be produced, to show that the premises were en- gaged for a shorter period, the law considers the tenant as entered for one whole year, provided the rent exceeds forty shillings per annum, and this consideration must govern the notice to quit. Every tenant who holds from year to year, which is presumed to be the case in every instance where proof is not given to the contrary, is entitled to half a year's notice, which must be given in such a manner that the tenant must quit the premises at the same quarter day on which he took pos- session : so that if his rent com- menced at Michaelmas, the notice must be served at or before Cad^- day, that he may quit at Michael- mas. If a tenant come in after any of the regular quarter days, and pay a certain sum for the remainder of the quarter, he does not commence annual tenant until the remainder of the quarter is expired ; but if he pay rent for the whole quarter, he is to be considered as yearly tenant from the commencement of his rent, and his notice to quit must be re- gulated accordingly. Should it hap- pen that the landlord cannot ascer- tain the precise time when the te- nancy commenced, he may enquire of the tenant, who must be served with notice to quit at the time he mentions, and must obey the warn- ing agreeably to his own words, whether it^ be the true time or not. If he refuse to give the desired in- formation, the landlord, instead of * on or before midsummer next,' must give in his notice, * at the end and expiration of the current yea^of your tenancy, which shall expfre next after the end of one half yt ar 219 OAT OAT from the date hereof.' If notice be given up to a wrong time, or a quar- ter instead of half a year, such warn- ing will be sufficient, if the party make no objection at the time he receives it. When premises are held by lease, the expiration of the term is sufficient notice to quit, without giving any other warning for that purpose. The following is the form of a landlord's notice to his te- nant : — * I do hereby give you notice to quit the house and premises you hold of me, situate in the parish of in the county of on or before midsummer next. Dated the day of in the year R. C— The fol- lowing is a tenant's notice to his landlord : — * Sir, I hereby give you warning of my intention to quit your house in the parish of on or before Michaelmas next. Dated the day of in the year C. R.' — ^These forms will also serve for housekeepers and lodgers, if * apartment' be added in- stead of * house or premises.' Care however must be taken to give the address correctly : * R. C. landlord of the said premises, to C. R. the tenant thereof.' Or, * To Mr. R. C. the landlord of the said premises.' NOTTINGHAM PUDDING. Peel six large apples, take out the core with the point of a small knife or an apple scoop, but the fruit must be left whole. Fill up the centre with sugar, place the fruit in a pie dish, and pour over a nice light bat- ter, prepared as for batter pudding, and bake it an hour in a moderate oven. NUTMEG GRATERS. Those made with a trough, and sold by the ironmongers, are by far the best, especially for grating fine and fast. NUTS. Hazel nuts may be pre- served in great perfection for several months, by burying them in earthen pots well closed, a foot or two in the ground, especially in a dry or sandy place. o. Oat cakes. Tliese may be made the same as muffins, only using fine Yorkshire oatmeal instead of flour. Anothci- sort is made of fine oatmeal, warm water, yeast and salt, beat to a thick batter, and set to rise in a warm place. Pour some of the bat- ter on a baking stone, to any size you please, about as thick as a pan- cake. Pull them open to butter them, and set them before the fire. If muffins or oat cakes get stale, dip them in cold water, and crisp them in a Dutch oven. OATMEAL. This article has un dergone a very considerable im- provement, since the introduction ^f what are termed Embden Groats, VMtnufactured in England it is true, ^ 220 out of Dutch oats, but of a quality superior to any thing before known in this country under the name of oatmeal, and which may now be had of almost all retailers at a mo- derate price. OATMEAL FLUMMERY. Put three large handfuls of fine oatmeal into two quarts of spring water, and let it steep a day and a night. Pour off the clear water, put in the same quantity of fresh water, and* strain the oatmeal through a fine sieve. Boil it till it is as thick as hasty pudding, keep it stirring all the time, that it may be smooth and fine. When first strained, a spoonful of sugar should be added, two spoon- fuls of orange flower-water two ox O IN OIN three spoonfuls of cream, a blade of mace, and a bit of lemon peel. When boiled enough, pour the flum- mery into a shallow dish, and serve it up. OATMEAL PUDDING. Pour a quart of boiling milk over a pint of the best oatmeal, and let it soak all night. Next day beat two eggs, and mix a little salt. Butter a ba- son that will just hold it, cover it tight with a floured cloth, and boil it an hour and a half. Eat it with cold butter and salt. When cold, slice and toast it, and eat it as oat- cake, buttered. OLD WRITINGS. When old deeds or writings are so much de- faced that they can scarcely be de- ciphered, bruise and boil a few nut galls in white wine ; or if it be a cold infusion, expose it to the sun for two or three da^s. Then dip a sponge into the infusion, pass it over the writing that is sunk, and it will instantly be revived, if the in- fusion be strong enough of the galls. Vitriolic or nitrous acid a little di- luted with water, will also render the writing legible ; but care must be taken that the solution be not too strong, or it will destroy the paper or the parchment which con- tains the writing. OINTMENTS. An excellent oint- ment for burns, scalds, chilblains, and dressing blisters, may be made in the following manner. Take eight ounces of hog's lard quite fresh, one ounce of bees' wax, and one of honey. Put them into a kettle over the fire, and stir it together till it is all melted. Pour it into a jar for keeping, add a large spoonful of rose water, and keep stirring it till it is cold. — Bad scalds and burns should first have a poultice of grated potatoes applied to them for several hours, and then a plaster of the ointment, which must be renewed morning and evening. — For blisters, a plaster of this should be spread rather longer than the blister, and put on over the blister plaster wheff it has been on twenty-four hours, or sooner if it feel uneasy. By this means the blister plaster will slip off* when it has done drawing, with- out any pain or trouble. — For chil- blains, it has never been known to fail of a cure, if the feet have been kept clean, dry, and warm. — An emollient ointment, for anointing any external inflammations, may be made as follows. Take two pounds of palm oil, a pint and a half of olive oil, half a pound of yellow wax, and a quarter of a pound of Venice turpentine. Melt the wax in the oil over the fire, mix in the turpen- tine, and strain oflf the ointment. OINTMENT FOR BURNS. Scrape two ounces of bees' wax into half a pint of sallad oil, and let it simmer gently over the fire till the whole is incorporated. Take it off" thje fire, beat up the yolks of three eggs with a spoonful of oil, and stir up all together till it is quite cold. OINTMENT FOR THE EYES. This is made of four ounces of fresh lard, two drams of white wax, and one ounce of prepared tutty. Melt the wax with the lard over a gentle fire, and sprinkle in the tutty, con- tinually stirring them till the oint- ment is cold. OINTMENT OF LEAD. This should consist of half a pint of olive oil, two ounces of white we^x, and three drams of the sugar of lead fine- ly powdered. Rub the sugar of lead with some of the oil, add to it the other ingredients, which should be previously melted together, and stir them till the ointment is quite cold. This cooling ointment may be used in all cases where the intention is to dry and skin over the wound, as in burns and scalds. OINTMENT OF MARSHMAL- LOWS. Take half a pound of marshmallow roots, three ounces of linseed, and three ounces of fennu- greek seed. Bruise and boil them gently half an hour in a quart of ONI OR A water, and then add two quarts of sweet oil. Boil them together till the water is all evaporated : then strain off the oil, and add to it a pound of bees' wax, half a pound of yellow rosin, and two ounces of conimon turpentine. Melt them to- gether over a slow fire, and keep stirring till the ointment is cold. OINTMENT OF SULPHUR. This is the safest and best applica- tion for the itch, and will have no disagreeable smell, if made in the following manner. Take four ounces of fresh iard, an ounce and a half of flour of sulphur, two drams of crude sal-ammoniac, and ten or a dozen drops of lemon essence. When made into an ointment, rub it on the parts affected. OLIVES. This foreign article, sent over in a state of preservation, requires only to be kept from the air. Olives are of three kinds, Ita- lian, Spanish, and French, of dif- ferent sizes and flavour. Each should be firm, though some are most fleshy. OMLET. Make a batter of eggs and milk, and a very little flour. Add chopped parsley, green onions, or chives, or a very small quantity ' of shalot, a little pepper and salt, and a scrape or two of nutmeg. Boil some butter in a small frying-pan, and pour the above batter into it. When one side is of a fine yellow brown, turn it and do the other : double it when served. Some lean ham scraped, or grated tongue, put in at first, is a very pleasant addi- tion. Four eggs will make a pretty omlet, but some will use eight or ten, and only a small proportion of flour, but a good deal of parsley. If the taste be approved, a little tarragon will give a fine flavour. Ramakins and omlet, though usu- ally served in the course, would be much better if they were sent up after, that they might be eaten as hot as possible. . ONION GRAVY. Peel and slice 222 some onions into a small stewpan, with an ounce of butter, adding cu- cumber or celery if approved. Set it on a slow fire, and turn the onion about till it is lightly browned ; then stir in half an ounce of flour, a little broth, a little pepper and salt, and boil it up for a few minutes. Add a table-spoonful of port wine, the same of mushroom ketchup, and rub it through a fine sieve. It may be sharpened with a little lemon juice or vinegar. The flavour of this sauce may be varied by adding tar- ragon, or burnt vinegar. ONION SAUCE. Peel the onions and boil them tender. Squeeze the water from them, chop and add them to butter that has been melted rich and smooth, with a little good milk instead of water. Boil it up once, and serve it for boiled rabbits, partridges, scrag or knuckle of veal or roast mutton. A turnip boiled with the onions* makes them milder. ONION SOUP. Put some car- rots, turnips, and a shank bone, in- to the liquor in which a leg or neck of mutton has been boiled, and sim- mer them together two hours. Strain it on six onions, sliced and fried of a light brown ; simmer the soup three hours, and skim it carefully. Put a small roll into it, or fried bread, and serve it up hot. ONIONS. In order to obtain a good crop of onions, it is proper to sow at different seasons. On light soils sow in August, January, or early in February : on heavy wet soils in March, or early in April. Onions however should not be sown so soon as January, unless the ground be in a dry state, which is not often the case at that time of the year : other- wise, advantage should be taken of it. As this valuable root is known frequently to fail by the common method of culture, the best way is to sow the seed successively, that advantage may be taken of the sea- sons as they happen. ORANGE BISCUITS. Boil OKA OR A whole Seville oranges in two or three waters, till most of the bitterness is gone. Cut them, and take out the pulp and juice; then beat the out- side very fine in a mortar, and put to it an equal weight of double-re- fined sugar beaten and sifted. When extremely well mixed to a paste, spread it thin on china dishes, and set them in the sun, or before the fire. When half dry, cut it into what form you please, and turn the other side up to dry. Keep the biscuits in a box, with layers of pa- per. They are intended for desserts, and are also useful as a stomachic, to carry in the pocket on journeys, and for gouty stomachs. ORANGE BRANDY. Steep the peels of twenty Seville oranges in three quarts of brandy, and let it stand a fortnight in a stone bottle. Boil two quarts of water with a pouiid and a half of loaf sugar nearly an hour, clarify ,it with the white of an egg, strain it, and boil it till reduced nearly one half. When cold, strain the brandy into the syrup. ORANGE BUTT^. Boil six hard eggs, beat theiti in a mortar with two ounces of fine sugar, three ounces of butter, and two ounces of blanched almonds beaten to a paste. Moisten with orange-flower water ; and when all is mixed, rub it through a cullender on a dish, and serve with sweet biscuits between. ORANGE CHEESECAKES. Blanch half a pound of almonds, beat them very fine, with orange- flower water, half a pound of fine sugar beaten and sifted, a pound of butter that has been melted care- fully without oiling, and which must be nearly cold before it is used. Then beat the yolks of ten and the whites of four eggs. Pound in a mortar two candied oranges, and a fresh one with the bitterness boiled out, till they are as tender as mar- malade, without any lumps. Beat the whole together, and put it into pattipans. ORANGE CHIPS. Cut oranges in halves, squeeze the juice through a sieve, and soak the peels in water. Next day boil them in the same till tender; then drain and slice the peels, add them to the juice, weigh as much sugar, and put all together into a broad earthen dish. Place the dish at a moderate distance from the fire, often stirring till the chips candy, and then set them in a cool room to dry, which commonly re- quires about three weeks. ORANGE CREAM. Boil the rind of a Seville orange very tender, and beat it fine in a mortar. Add to it a spoonful of the best brandy, the juice of a Seville orange, four ounces of loaf sugar, and the yolks of four eggs. Beat them all toge- ther for ten minutes ; then by gen- tle degrees, pour in a pint of boil- ing cream, and beat it up till cold. Set sorne custard cups into a deep dish of boiling water, pour the cream into the cups, and let it stand again till cold. Put at the top some small strips of orange paring cut thin, or some preserved chips. ORANGE-FLOWER CAKES. ^ Soak four ounces of the leaves of * the flowers in cold water for an hour ; drain, and put them between nap- kins, and roll with a rolling-pin till they are bruised. Have ready boiled a pound of sugar to add to it in a thick syrup, give them a simmer until the syrup adheres to the sides of the pan, drop it in little cakes on a plate, and dry them in a cool room. ORANGE FOOL. Mix the juice of three Seville oranges, three eggs well beaten, a pint of cream, a little nutmeg and cinnamon, and sweeten it to taste. Set the whole over a slow fire, and stir it till it becomes as thick as good melted butter, but it must not be boiled. Then pour it into a dish for eating cold. ORANGE JAM. Lay half a dozen oranges in water four or five days, changing the water once or twice every day. Take out the 223 O R A O R A oranges, and wipe them dry. Tie I them up in separate cloths, and boil them four hours in a large kettle, changing the water once or twice. Peel oft the rinds and pound them well in a marble mortar, with two pounds of hne sugar to one pound of orange. Then beat all together, and cover the jam down in a pot. ORANGE JELLY. Grate the rind of two Seville and two China * oranges, and two lemons. Squeeze the juice of three of each, and strain it ; add a quarter of a pound of lump sugar dissolved in a quarter of a pint of water, and boil it till it nearly candies. Prepare a quart of jelly, made of two ounces of isin- glass ; add to it the syrup, and boil it once up. Strain oft" the jelly, and let it stand to settle before it is put into the mould. ORANGE JUICE. When the fresh juice cannot be procured, a very useful article for fevers may be made in the following manner. Squeeze from the finest fruit, a pint of juice strained through fine mus- , lin. Simmer it gently with three quarters of a pound of double-re- fined sugar twenty minutes, and when cold put it into small bottles. ORANGE MARMALADE. Rasp the oranges, cut out the pulp, then boil the rinds very tender, and beat them fine in a marble mortar. Boil three pounds of loaf sugar in a pint of water, skim it, and add a pound of the rind ; boil it fast till the sy- rup is very thick, but stir it careful- ly. Then add a pint of the pulp and juice, the seeds having been re- moved, and a pint of apple liquor; boil it all gently about half an hour, until it is well jellied, and put it into small pots. Lemon marmalade may be made in the same way, and both of them are very good and ele- gant sweetmeats. ORANGE PEEL. Scrape out all the pulp, soak the peels in wa- ter, and stir them every day. In a week's time put them in fresh water, :>24 ; and repeat it till all the bitterness is extracted. Boil the peels in fresh water over a slow fire till they are quite tender, and reduce the liquor to a quantity sufticient to boil it to a thick syrup. Put the peels into the syrup, simmer them gently, take them out of the syrup, and let them cool. Lay them to dry in the sun, and the peel will be nicely candied. ORANGE PUDDING. Grate the rind of a Seville orange, put to it six ounces of fresh butter, and six or eight ounces of lump sugar pound- ed. Beat them all in a marble mor- tar, and add at the same time the whole of eight eggs well beaten and strained. Scrape a raw apple, and mix it with the rest. Put a paste round the bottom and sides of the dish, and over the orange mixture lay cross bars of paste. Half an hour will bake it. — Another. Mix two full spoonfuls of orange paste with six eggs, four ounces of fine sugar, and four ounces of warm but- ter. Put the whole into a shallow dish, with a paste lining, and bake it twenty miiyites. — Another. Ra- ther more than two table-spoonfuls of the orange paste, mixed with six eggs, four ounces of sugar, and four ounces of butter melted, will make a good pudding, with a paste at the bottom of the dish. Twenty minutes will bake it. — Or, boil the rind of a Seville orange very soft, and beat it up with the juice. Then add half a pound of butter, a quarter of a pound of sugar, two grated biscuits, and the yolks of six eggs. Mix all together, lay a pufi^ paste round the edge of the dish, and bake it half an hour. ORANGE TART. Squeeze, pulp, and boil two Seville oranges quite tender. Weigh them, add double the quantity of sugar, and beat them together to a paste. Add the juice and pulp of the fruit, and a little bit of fresh butter the size of a wal- nut, and beat all together. Choose a very shallo\y dish, line it with a OR A ORA light puff-crust, lay the orange paste in it, and ice it o\ r. Or line a tart pan with a thin puff-paste, and put into it orange marmalade made with apple jelly. Lay bars of paste, or a croquant cover over, and bake it in a moderate oven. — Another. Squeeze some Seville oranges into a dish, grate off the outside rind, throw the peel into water, and change it often for two days. Boil a sauce- pan of water, put in the oranges, and change the water three or four times to take out the bitterness : when they are quite tender, dry and beat them fine in a mortar. Take their weight in double refined sugar, boil it to a syrup, and skim it clean : then put in the pulp, and boil it till it is quite clear. Put it cold into the tarts, and the juice which was squeezed out, and bake them in a quick oven. Lemon tarts are made in the same way. ORANGE WINE. To six gal- lons of water put fifteen pounds of soft sugar : before it boils, add the whites of six eggs well beaten, and take off the scum as it^rises. When cold, add the juice of fifty oranges, and two thirds of the peels cut very thin ; and immerse a toast covered with yeast. In a month after it has been in the cask, add a pint of bran- dy, and two quarts of Rhenish wine. It will be fit to bottle in three or four months, but it should remain in bottles for twelve months before it is drunk: ORANGES. If intended to be kept for future use, the best way is to dry and bake some clean sand ; and when it is cold, put it into a vessel. Place on it a layer of oranges i or lemons with the stalk end down- I wards, so that they do not touch I- : each other, and cover them with the sand two inches deep. This will keep them in a good state of preservation for several months. Another way is to freeze the fruit, and keep them in an ice-house. When used they are to be thawed in cold water, and will be good at any time of the year. If oranges or lemons are designed to be used for juice, they should first be pared to preserve the peel dry. Some should be halved, and when squeezed, the pulp cut out, and the outsides dried for grating. If for boiling in any liquid, the first way is the best. ORANGES CARVED. With a penknife cut on the rind? "xny shape you please, then cut off a piece near and round the stalk, and take all the pulp out carefully with an apple scoop. Put the rinds into salt and water two days, and change the wa- ter daily. Boil them an hour or more in fresh salt and water, and drain them quite dry. Let them stand a night in plain water, and then another night in a thin syrup, in which boil them the next day a few minutes. This must be repeated four days successively. Then let them stand six or seven weeks, ob- serving often whether they keep well ; otherwise the syrup must be boiled again. Then make a rich syrup for the orana^es. ORANGES IN JELLY. Cut a hole in the stalk part, the size of a shilling, and with a blunt knife scrape out the pulp quite clear with- out cutting the rind. Tie each part separately in muslin, and lay them in spring water twojda^s, changin^^ ^he"water tWicFaTday . In the last /water boil them over a slow fire till they are quite tender. Observe that there is enough at first to allow for wastirfg, as they must be kept co- vered till the last. To every pound of fruit, allow two pounds of double- refined augar, and one pint of wa- ter. Boil the two latter, with the juice of the orange, till reduced to a syrup. Clarify it, skim it well, and let it stand to be cold. Then boil the fruit in the syrup half an hour ; and if not clear, repeat it daily till they are done. — Lemons are preserved in a similar way. Pare and core some green pippins, and G g 225 ORG ORG boiftfffet:^!^ waiter till it is strongly favoured with them. The fruit should not be broken, only gently pressed with the back of a spoon, and the water strained through a jelly bag till it is quite clear. To every pint of liquor put a pound of double-retined sugar, the peel and juice of a lemon, and boil the whole to a strong syrup. Drain off the syrup from the fruit, and turning each lemon with the hole upwards in the jar, pour the apple jelly over it. The bits cut out must undergo the same process with the fruit, and the whole covered down with brandy paper. ORANGES PRESERVED. To fill preserved oranges for a corner dish, take a pound of Naples bis- cuits, some blanched almonds, the yolks of four eggs beaten, four ounces of butter warmed, and sugar to taste. Grate the biscuits, mix them with the above, and some orange-flower water. Fill the pre- served oranges, and bake them in a very slow oven. If to be frosted, sift some fine sugar over them, as soon as they are filled ; otherwise they should be wiped. Or they may be filled with custard, and then the fruit need not be baked, but the cu«tard should be put in cold. ORANGEADE. Squeeze out the juice of an orange, pour boiling wa- ter on a little of the peel, and cover it close. Boil water and sugar to a thin syrup, and skim it. When all are cold, mix the juice, the in- fusion, and the syrup, with as much more water as will make a rich sher- bet. Strain the whole through a jelly bag ; or squeeze the jtlice and strain it, and water and capillaire. ORCHARD. Fruit trees, whe- ther in orchards, or espaliers, or against walls, require attention, in planting, pruning, or other manage- ment, almost every month in the year, to render them productive, and to preserve the fruit in a good state. — ^January. Cut out dead 22fl wdod aftd irriegular branches, clean the stumps and boughs from the moss with a hollow iron. Repair espaliers by fastening the stakes and poles with nails and wire, and tying the shoots down with twigs of osier. Put down some stakes by all the new-planted trees. Cut grafts to be ready, and lay them in the earth under a warm wall. February. Most kinds of trees may be pruned this month, though it is generally better to do it in autumn ; but what- ever was omitted at that season, should be done now. The hardiest kinds are to be pruned first ; and isuch as are more tender, at the lat- ter end of the month, when there Mill be less danger of their suffering in the wounded part from the frost. Transplant fruit trees to places wiliere they are wanted. Open a large hole, set the earth carefully about the roots, and nail them at once to the wall, or fasten them to strong stakes. Sow the kernels of apples and pears, and the stones of plums for stocks. Endeavour to keep off the birds that eat the bud ; of fruit trees at this season of the year. — March. The grafts which were cut off early and laid in the ground, are now to be brought into use ; the earliest kinds first, and the apples last of all. When this is done, take off the heads of the stocks that were inoculated the pre- ceding year. A hand's breadth of the head should be left, for tying the bud securely to it, and that the sap may rise more freely for its nou- rishment. The fruit trees that were planted in October should also b^ headed, and cut down to about four eyes, that the sap may flow more freely. — April. Examine the fruit trees against the walls and espaliers, take off all the shoots that project in front, and train such as rise kind- ly. Thin apricots upon the trees, for there arc usually more than can ripen ; and the sooner this is done, the better will the rest succeed. ORG ORG Water new-planted trees, plant the vine cuttings, and inspect the grown ones. Nip oft' improper shoots ; and when two rise from the same eye, take oft' the weakest of them. Weed strawberry beds, cut off" the strings, stir the earth between them, and water them once in two or three days. Dig up the borders near the fruit trees, and never plant any large kind of flowers or vegetables npon them. Any thing planted or sown near the trees, has a tendency to impoverish the fruit. — May. If any fresh shoots have sprouted upon the fruit trees, in espaliers, or against walls, take them oft". Train the proper ones to the walls or poles, at due distances, and in a regular manner. Look over vines, and stop every shoot that has fruit upon it, to three eyes beyond the fruit. Then train the branches regularly to the wall, and let such as are designed for the next year's fruiting grow some time longer, as their leaves will aflford a suitable shade to the fruit. Water the trees newly plant- ed, keep the borders about the old ones clear, and pick oft" the snails and other vermin. — June. Renew the operation of removing from wall trees and espaliers, all the shoots that project in front. Train proper branches to their situations, where they are wanted. Once more thin the wall fruit : leave the nectarines four inches apart, and the peaches five, but none nearer: the fruit will be finer, and the next year the tree will be stronger, if this precaution be adopted. Inoculate the apricots, and choose for this purpose a cloudy evening. Water trees lately plant- ed, and pick up snails and vermin. — ^JuLT. Inoculate peaches and nectarines, and take oft' all project- ing shoots in espaliers and wall fruit- trees. Hang phials of honey and wa- ter upon fruit-trees, to protect them from the depredations of insects, and look carefully for snails, which also will destroy the fruit. Keep the borders clear from weeds, and stir the earth about the roots of the trees ; this will hasten the ripening of the fruit. Examine the fruit trees that were grafted and budded the last season, to see that there are no shoots from the stocks. Whenever they rise, take them off", or they will deprive the intended growth of its nourishment. Attend to the trees lately planted, and water them often ; and whatever good shoots they make, fasten them to the wall or espalier. Repeat the care of the vines, take oft" improper or irregular shoots, and nail up the loose branch- es. Let no weeds rise in the ground about them, for they will exhaust the nourishment, and impoverish the fruit. — August. Watch the fruit on the wall trees, and keep oflT the devourers, of which there will be numberless kinds swarming about them during this month. Send away the birds, pick up snails, and hang bottles of sweet water for flies and wasps. Fasten loose branches, and gather the fruit carefully as it ripens. Examine the vines all round, and remove those trailing branches which are produced so luxuriantly at this season of the year. Suff'er not the fruit to be shaded by loose and un- profitable branches, and keep the ground clear of weeds, which other- wise will impoverish the fruit. — September. The fruit must now be gathered carefully every day, and the best t^me for this purpose is an hour after sun-rise : such as is ga- thered in the middle of the day is always flabby and inferior. The fruit should afterwards be laid iii a cool place till wanted. Grapes as they begin to ripen will be in continu- al danger from the birds, if not pro- perly watched and guarded. Trans- plant gooseberries and currants, and plant strawberries and raspberries : they will then be rooted before win- ter, and flourish the succeeding sea- son. — October. It is a useful practice to prime the peach and '227 . O 11 G O X nectarine trees, and also the vines, as it invigorates the buds in the spring of the year. Cut grapes for preserving, with a joint of the vine to each bunch. For winter keep- ing, gather fruits as they ripen. Transplant all garden trees for flowering, prune currant bushes, and preserve the stones of the fruit for sowing. — November. Stake up all trees planted for standards, or the winds will rock them at the bottom, and the frost will be let in and destroy them. Throw a good quantity of peas straw about them, and lay on it some brick bats or pebbles to keep it fast : this will mellow the ground, and keep the frost from the roots. Continue to prune wall fruit-trees, and prune also at this time the apple and pear kinds. Pull off the late fruit of figs, orit will decay the branches. — December. Pre])are for planting trees where they will be wanted in. the spring, by digging the ground deep and turning it well, in the place intended for planting. Scatter over the borders some fresh mould and rotted dung, and in a mild day dig it in with a three-pronged fork. Look over the orchard trees, and cut away superfluous wood and dead branches. Let the boughs and shoots stand clear of each other, that the air may pass between, and the fruit will be better flavoured. This ma- nagement is required for old trees : those that are newly planted are to be preserved by covering the ground about their roots. .ORGEAT. Boil a quart of new milk with a stick of cinnamon, sweet- en it to taste, and let it cool. Then pour it gradually over three ounces of almonds, and twenty bitter al- monds that have been blanched and beaten to a paste, with a little wa- ter to prevent oiling. Boil all to- gether, and stir it till cold, then add half a glass of brandy. — Ano- ther way. Blanch and pound three quarters of a pound of almonds, and 228 thirty bitter ones, with a spoonful of water. Stir in by degrees two pints of water, and three pints of milk, and strain the whole through a cloth. Dissolve half a pound of fine sugar in a pint of water, boil and skim it well ; mix it with the other, adding two spoonfuls of orange-flower water, and a teacup- ful of the best brandy. ORGEAT FOR THE SICK. Beat two ounces of almonds with a tea- spoonful of orange-flower water, and a bitter almond or two ; then pour a quart of milk and water to the paste. Sweeten with sugar, or capillaire. This is a fine drink for those who feel a weakness in the chest. In the gout also it is highly useful, and with the addition of half an ounce of gum arabic, it has been found to allay the painfulness of the attendant heat. Half a glass of brandy may be added, if thought too cooling in the latter complaint, and the glass of orgeat may be put into a basin of warm water. ORTOLANS. Pick and singe, but do not draw them. Tie them on a bird spit, and roast them. Some persons like slices of bacon tied between them, but the taste of it spoils the flavour of the ortolan. Cover them with crumbs of bread. OX CHEEK. Soak half a head three hours, and clean it in plenty of water. Take oft' all the meat, and put it into a stewpan with an onion, a sprig of sweet herbs, pep- per, salt, and allspice. Lay the bones on the top, pour on two or three quarts of water, and close it down. Let it stand eight or ten hours in a slow oven, or simmer it on a hot hearth. When tender skim off the fat, and put in celery, or any other vegetable. Slices of fried onion may be put into it a little be- fore it is taken from the fire. OX CHEEK SOUP. Break the bones of the cheek, wash it clean, put it into a stewpan, with a piece of butter at the bottom. Add half ox O \ 8 a pouiui of lean ham sliced, one parsnip, two carrots, three onions, four heads of celery, cut small, and three blades of mace. Set it over a slow fire for a quarter of an hour, then add a gallon of water, and sim- mer it gently till reduced to half the quantity. If intended as soup only, strain it off, and put in a head of sliced celery, with a little browning, to give it a fine colour. Warm two ouiices of vermicelli and put into it ; boil it ten minutes, and pour it into a tureen, with the crust of a French roll. If to be used as stew, take up the cheek as whole as possible ; put in a boiled carrot cut in small pieces, a slice of toasted bread, and some cayenne pepper. Strain the soup through a hair sieve upon the meat, and serve it up. OX FEET. These are very nu- tricious, in whatever way they are dressed. If to be eaten warm, boil them, and serve them up in a nap- kin. Melted butter for sauce, with mustard, and a large spoonful of vinegar. Or broil them very tender, and serve them as a brown fricassee. The liquor will do to make jelly sweet or relishing, and likewise to give richness to soups or gravies. They may also be fried, after being cut into four parts, dipped in^egg, and properly floured. Fried onions may be served round the dish,' with sauce as above. Or they may be baked for mock turtle. If to be eaten cold, they only require mus- tard, pepper, and vinegar. — Ano- ther way. Extract the bones from the feet, and boil the meat quite tender; then put it into a frying- pan with a little butter. After a few minutes, add some chopped mint and parsley, the yolks of two eggs beat up fine, half a pint of gravy, the juice of a lemon, and a little salt and nutmeg. Put the meat into a dish, and pour the sauce over it. OX FEET JELLW Take a heel that has been onlv scalded, not boiled, slit it in two, and remove the fat from between the claws. Simmer it gently for eight hours in a quart of water, till reduced to a pint and half, and skim it clean while it is doing. This strong jelly is useful in making calves' feet jelly, or may be added to mock turtle, and other soups. OX PALATES. Boil them ten- der, blanch and scrape them. Rub them with pepper, salt, and bread, and fry them brown on both sides. Pour off the fat, put beef or mut- ton gravy into the stewpan for sauce, with an anchovy, a little lemon juice, grated nutmegand salt. Thick- en it with butter rolled in flour: when these have simmered a quar- ter of an hour, dish them up, and garnish with slices of lemon. OXFORD DUMPLINS. Mix to- gether two ounces of grated bread, four ounces of currants, the same of shred suet, a bit of lump sugar, a little powdered pimento, and plenty of grated lemon peel. Add two eggs and a little milk ; then divide the whole into five dumplins, and fry them of a fine yellow brown. Made with half the quantity of flour, in- stead of bread, they are very excel- lent. Serve them up with sweet sauce. OXFORD SAUSAGES. Chop a pound and a half of pork, and the same of veal, cleared of skin and sinews. Add three quarters of a pound of beef suet, mince and mix them together. Steep the crumb of a penny loaf in water, and mix it with the meat; add also a little dried sage, pepper and salt. OYSTER LOAVES. Open a quart of fresh oysters, wash and^ stew them in their own liquor, with two anchovies, a bunch of sweet herbs, a blade of mace, and a bit of lemon peel. Drain off" the liquor, ^ boil up a quarter of a pound of but- ter till it turns brown ; add half a spoonful of flour, and boil it up again. Put in some pf the oyster 22%; ^ O YS O Y S liquor, with a little gravy, white wine, mace, nutmeg, a few cloves, and a small piece of shalot. Stew all together till it becomes as thick as cream ; then put in the oysters, and stew them a few minutes. Fry some bread crumbs in butter or sweet dripping till they are crisp and brown, drain them well, put in the oysters, and dish them up. — Another. Open the oysters, and save the liquor ; wash them in it, and strain it through a sieve. Put a little of the liquor into a tosser, with a bit of butter and flour, white pepper, a scrape of nutmeg, and a little cream. Stew the oysters in the liquor, cut them into dice, and then put them into rolls sold for the purpose. OYSTER PATTIES. Put a fine puff-crust into small pattipans, and cover with paste, with a bit of bread in each. While they are baking, take oft' the beard of the oysters, cut the oysters small, put them in a small tosser, with a dust of grated nutmeg, white pepper and salt, a taste of lemon peel, shred as fine as possible, a spoonful of cream, and a little of the oyster liquor. Simmer them together a few minutes, and fill the pattipans as soon as they are baked, first taking out the bread. A bread crust should be put into all patties, to keep them hollow while baking. OYSTER PIE. Open the oys- ters, take off* the beards, parboil the oysters, and strain off" the liquor. Parboil some sweetbreads, cut them in slices, place them in layers with the oysters, and season very lightly with salt, pepper and mace. Then jadd half a teacup of liquor, and the same of gravy. Bake in a slow oven ; and before the pie is sent to table, put in a teacup of cream, a little more oyster liquor, and a cup of white gravy, all warmed together, but not boiled. OYSTER SAUCE. Save the li- quor in opening the oysters, boi' it •230 with the beards, a bit of mace and lemon peel. In the mean time, throw the oysters into cold water, and drain it off*. Strain the liquor, put it into a saucepan with the oys- ters, and as much butter, mixed with a little milk, as will make sauce enough; but first rub a little flour with it. Set them over the fire, and keep stirring all the time. When the butter has boiled once or twice, take them off^, and keep the sauce- pan near the fire, but not on it ; for if done too much, the oysters will be hard. Squeeze in a little lemon juice, and serve it up. If for com- pany, a little cream is a great im- provement. * Observe, the oysters will thin the sauce, and therefore allow butter accordingly. OYSTER SOUP. Beat the yolks of ten hard eggs, and the hard part of two quarts of oysters, in a mor- tar, and put them to two quarts of fish stock. Simmer all together for half an hour, and strain it off". Hav- ing cleared the oysters of the beards, and washed them well, put them in- to the soup, and let it simmer five minutes." Beat up the yolks of six raw eggs, and add them to the soup. Stir it all well together one way, by the side of the fire, till it is thick and smooth, but do not let it boil. Serve up all together. OYSTER MOUTH SOUP. Make a rich mutton broth, with two large onions, three blades of mace, and a little black pepper. When strained, pour it on a hundred and fifty oys- ters, without the beards, and a bit of butter rolled in flour. Simmer it gently a quarter of an hour, and serve up the soup. OYSTERS. Of the several kinds of oysters, the Pyfleet, Colchester, and Milford, are much the best. The native Milton are fine, being white and fleshy ; but others may be made to possess both these qua- lities in some degree, by proper feeding. Colchester oysters come to market early in August, the P A I PA I Milton in October, and are in the highest perfection about Christmas, but continue in season till the mid- dle of May. When alive and good, the shell closes on the knife ; but if an oyster opens its mouth, it will soon be good for nothing. Oysters should be eaten the minute they are opened, with their own liquor in the under shell, or the delicious flavour will be lost. The rock oyster is the largest, but if eaten raw it tastes coarse and brackish, but may be im- proved by feeding. In order to this, cover the oysters with clean water, and allow a pint of salt to about two gallons ; this will cleanse them from the mud and sand contracted in the bed. After they have lain twelve hours, change it for fresh salt and water ; and in twelve hours more they will be fit to eat, and will con- tinue in a good state for two or ^hree days. At the time of high water in the place from whence they were taken, they will open their shells, in expectation of receiving their usual, food. The real Colchester or Py- fleet barrelled oysters, that are pack- ed at the beds, are better without being put into water; they are care- fully and tightly packed, and must not be disturbed till wanted for the table. In temperate weather these will keep good for a week or ten days. To preserve barrelled oysters however, the best way is to remove the upper hoop, so that the head may fall down upon the oysters, and then to place a weight upon it. This will compress the oysters, keep in the liquor, and preserve them for several days. Pain in the ear. This com- plaint is sometimes so prevalent as to resemble an epidemic, particular- ly amongst children. The most ef- fectual remedy yet discovered has been a clove of garlic, steeped for a few minutes in warm sallad oil, and put into the ear, rolled up in muslin or fine linen. When the gar- lic has accomplished its object, and is removed from the ear, it should be replaced with cotton, to prevent the patient taking cold. PAINT. Painted doors and win- dows may be made to look well for a considerable time, if properly clean- ed. A cloth should never be used, for it leaves some lint behind ; but take oflT the dust with a painter's brush, or a pair of bellows. When the painting is soiled or stained, dip a sponge or a bit of flannel in soda water, wash it off quickly, and dry it immediately, or the strength of the soda will eat ofl' the colour. When wainscot requires scouring, it should be done from the top down- wards, and the soda be prevented from running on the uncleaned part as much as possible, or marks will appear after the whole is finished. One person should dry the board with old linen, as fast as the other has scoured off the dirt, and washed away the soda. PAINT FOR IRON. For pre- serving palisadoes and other kinds of iron work exposed to the weather, heat some common litharge in a shovel over the fire. Then scatter over it a small quantity of sulphur, and grind it in oil. This lead will reduce it to a good lead colour, which will dry very quickly, get remark- ably hard, and resist the weather better than any other common paint. PAINTINGS. Oil paintings fre- quently become smoked or dirty, and in order to their being properly cleaned, require to be treated with 231 PAL '^ A N the greatest care. Dissolve a little common salt in some stale urine, dip a woollen cloth in the liquid, and rub the paintings over with it till the^r are quite clean. Then wash them with a sponge and clean water, dry them gradually, and rub them over with a clean cloth. PALING PRESERVED. The following cheap and valuable com- position will preserve all sorts of wood work exposed to the vicissi- tudes of the weather. Take some well-burnt lime, and expose it to the air till it falls to powder, without putting any water to it, and mix with it two thirds of wood ashes, and one third of fine sand. Sift the whole through a fine sieve, and work it up with linseed oil to the consistence of common paint, taking care to grind it fine, and mix it well toge- ther. The composition may be im- proved by the addition of an equal quantity of coal tar with the linseed oil ; and two coats of it laid on any kind of weather boards, will be found superior to any kind of paint used for that purpose. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. Persons of a full habit may find re- lief in bleeding ; but where it is ac- companied with nervou-s affections, as is generally the case, bleeding must by all means be avoided. Fre- quent bathing the feet in warm wa- ter, a stimulating plaster applied to the left side, and gentle exercise, are the most proper. PALSY. The luxurious, the se- dentary, and those who have suffered great anxiety and distress of mind, are the most subject to this disorder, which generally attacks the left side, and is attended with numbness and drowsiness. The parts affected ought to be frequently rubbed with a flesh brush, or with the hand. Blisters, warm plasters, volatile lini- ments, and electricity should like- wise be employed. The following electuary is also recommended. Mix an ounce of flour of mustard, and 232 an ounce of the conserve of roses, in some syrup of ginger ; and take a tea-spoonful of it three or four times a day. PANADA. To make panada in five minutes, set a little water on the fire with a glass of white wine, some sugar, and a scrape of nutmeg and lemon peel, grating meanwhile some crumbs of bread. The moment the mixture boils up, keeping it still on the fire, put in the crumbs, and let it boil as fast as it can. When of a proper thickness just to drink, take it ofl'. — Another way. Make the panada as above, but instead of a glass of wine, put in a tea-spoonful of rum, a little butter and sugar. This makes a very pleasant article for the sick. — Another. Put into the water a bit of lemon peel, and mix in the crumbs : when nearly boiled enough, add some lemon or orange syrup. Observe to boil all the ingredients ; for if any be added after, the panada will break, and not turn to jelly. PANCAKES. Make a light bat- ter of eggs, flour, and milk. Fry it in a small pan, in hot dripping or lard. Salt, nutmeg, or ginger, may be added. Sugar and lemon should be served, to eat with them. When eggs are very scarce, the batter may be made of flour and small beer, with the addition of a little ginger ; or clean snow, with flour, and a very little milk, will serve instead of egg. Fine pancakes, fried without butter or lard, are made as follows. Beat six fresh eggs extremely well, strain and mix them with a pint of cream, four ounces of sugar, a glass of wine, half a nutmeg grated, and as much flour as will make it almost as thick as ordinary pancake batter, but not quite. Heat the fryingpan tolerably hot, wipe it with a clean cloth, and pour in the batter so as to make the pancakes thin. — New England pancakes are made of a pint of cream, mixed with five spoon- fuls of fine flour, seven yolks and PAP four whites of eggs, and a very little salt. They are then fried very thin in fresh butter, and sent to table six or eight at once, with sugar and cinnamon strewed between them. — • Another way to make cream pan- cakes. Stir a pint of cream gradu- ally into three spoonfuls of flour, and beat them very smooth. Add to this six eggs, half a pound of melted butter, and a little sugar. These pancakes will fry from their own richness, without either butter or lard. Run the batter over the pan as thin as possible, and when the pancakes are just coloured they are ilone enough. PAP BREAD. To prepare a light nourishing food for young children, pour scalding water on some thin slices of good white bread, and let it stand uncovered till it cools. Then drain off the water, bruise the bread tine, and mix it with as much new milk as will make a pap of a moderate thickness. It will be warm enough for use, without setting it on the fire. It is common to add sugar, but the pap is better without it, as is almost all food intended for children ; and the taste will not re- quire it, till habit makes it familiar. PAPER. All sorts of paper im- prove by keeping, if laid in a dry place, and preserved from mould and damp. It is bought much cheaper by the ream, than by the quire. The expense of this article is chiefly occasioned by the enor- mous duty laid upon it, and the ne- cessity of importing foreign rags to supply the consumption. If more care were taken in families gene- rally, to preserve the rags and cut- tings of linen from being wasted, there would be less need of foreign imports, and paper might be manu- factured a little cheaper. PAPER HANGINGS. To clean these properly, first blow ofi" the dust with the bellows, and then wipe the paper downwards in the slightest manner with the crumb of t PA R a stale white loaf. Do not cross the paper, nor go upwards, but begin at the top, and the dirt of the paper and the crumbs will fall together. Observe not to wipe more than half - a yard at a stroke, and after doing all the upper part, go round again, beginning a little above where you left off'. If it be not done very light- ly, the dirt will adhere to the paper; but if properly attended to, the pa- per will look fresh and new. PAPER PASTE. To make a strong paste for paper, take two large spoonfuls of fine flour, and as much pounded rosin as will lie upon a shilling. Mix them up with as much strong beer as will make the paste of a due consistence, and boil it half an hour. It is best used cold. PARSLEY. To preserve parsley through the winter, gather some fine fresh sprigs in May, June, or July. Pick and wash them clean, set on a stewpan half full of water, put a lit- tle salt in it, boil and scum it clean. Then add the parsley, let it boil for two minutes, and take it out and lay it on a sieve before the fire, that it may be dried as quick as possible. Put it by in a tin box, and keep it in a dry place. WiketTwanted, lay it in a basin„ and" cover it with waim water for a few minutes before you use it. PARSLEY AND BUTTER. Wash some parsley very clean, and pick it carefully leaf by leaf. Put a tea- ^ spoonful of salt into half a pint of boiling water, boil the parsley in it about ten minutes, drain it on a sieve, mince it quite fine, and then bruise it to a pulp. Put it into a sauce boat, and mix with it by de grees about half a pint of good melted butter, only do not put so much flour to it, as the parsley will be sure to add to its thickness. Parsley and butter should not be poured over boiled dishes, but be sent up in a boat. The delicacy of this elegant and innocent relish, H h 233 ■:".l the paRl< depends upon the parsley being minced very fine. With the addition of a slice of lemon cut into dice, a little allspice and vinegar, it is made •^6to Dutch sauce. PARSLEY PIE. Lay a fowl, or a few bones of the scrag of veal, seasoned, into a dish. Scald a cul- lenderful of picked parsley in milk ; season it, and add it to the fowl or meat, with a tea-cupful of any sort of good broth or gravy. When baked, pour into it a quarter of a pint of cream scalded, with a little bit of butter and flour. Shake it rouud, and mix it with the gravy in the dish. Lettuces, white mustard leaves, or spinach, well scalded, may be added to the parsley. PARSLEY SAUCE. \nieD no parsley leaves are to be had, tie up a little parsley seed in a piece of clean muslin, and boil it in water ten ininutes. I >e this water to melt the butter, and throw into it a little boiled spinach minced, to look like parsley. PARSNIPS. Carrots and parsnips, when laid up for the winter, should have the tops cut off close, be clear- ed of the rough earth, and kept in a dry place. Lay a bed of dry sand on the floor, two or three inches thick, put- the roots upon it close together, with the top of one to the bottom of the next, and so on. Cover the first layer with sand two inches thick, and then place another layer "l of roots, and go on thus till the whole store are laid up. Cover the heap with dry straw, laid on tolerably thick. Beet roots, salsify, Ham- burgh parsley roots, horseradish, aud turnips, should all be laid up in the same manner, as a supply against frostyiireather, when they cannot be got out of the e^round. PARSNIPS BOILED. These re- ? quire to be done very tender, and may be served whole with melted butter, or beaten smooth in a bowl, warmed up with a little cream, but- ter, flour, and salt. Parsnips are 2:U F A K highly nutricious, and make an agree- able sauce to salt fish. PARSNIPS FRICASSEED. Boil them in milk till they are soft. Then cut them lengthways into bits, two or three inches long, and simmer them in a white sauce, made of two spoonfuls of broth. Add a bit of mace, half a cupful of cream, a little flour and butter, pepper and salt. PARSNIP WINE. To twelve pounds of sliced parsnips, add four gallons of water, and boil them till they become soft. Squeeze the li- quor well out of them, run it through a sieve, and add to every gallon three pounds of lump sugar. Boil the whole three quarters of an hour, and when it is nearly cold, add a Httle yeast. Let it stand in a tub for ten days, stirring it from the bottom every day, and then put it into a cask for twelve months. As it wt)rks over, fill it up everv day. PARTRIDGE BOILED. This species of game is in season in the autumn. If the birds be young, the bill is of a dark colour, and the legs inclined to yellow. When fresh and good, the vent will be firm ; but when stale, this part will look greenish. Boiled partridges require to be trussed the same as chickens : from twenty to twenty-five minutes will do them sufticiently. Serve them up with either white or brown mush- room sauce, or with rice stewed in gravy, made pretty thick, and sea- soned with pepper and salt. Pour the sauce over them, or serve them up with celery sauce. A boiled pheasant is dressed in the same man- ner, allowing three quarters of an hour for the cooking. PARTRIDGE PIE. Pick and singe four partridges, cut off the legs at the knee, season with pepper, salt, chopped parsley, thyme, and mush- rooms. Lay a veal steak and a slice of ham at the bottom of the dish, put in the partridge, and half a pint of good broth. Lay puft' paste on the edge of the dish, and cover with Pat PaV the same; brush it over with egg, and bake it an hour. PARTRIDGE SOUP. Skin two old partridges, and cut them into pieces, with three or four slices of ham, a stick of celery, and three large onions sliced. Fry them all in butter till brown, but take care not to burn them. Then put them into a stewpan, with five pints of boiling water, a few.peppercorns, a shank or two of mutton, and a little salt. Stew it gently two hours, strain it through a sieve, and put it again into a stewpan, with some stewed celery and fried bread. When it is near boiling, skim it, pour it into a tureen, and send it up hot. PASTE PUDDINGS. Make a paste of butter and flour, roll it out thin, and spread any kind of jam, or currants over it, with some suet chopped fine. Roll it up together, close the paste at both ends, and boil it in a cloth. PASTRY. An adept in pastry never leaves any part of it adhering to the board or dish, used in making it. It is best when rolled on mar- ble, or a very large slate. In very hot weather, the butter should be put into cold water to make it as firm as possible ; and if made early in the morning, and preserved from the air until it is to be baked, the pastry will be found much better. An expert hand will use much less butter and produce lighter crust than others. Good salt butter well washed, will make a fine flaky crust. When preserved fruits are used in pastry, they should not be baked long ; and those that have been done with their full proportion of sugar, require no baking at all. The crust should be baked in a tin shape, and the fruit be added afterwards ; or it may be put into a small dish or tart pans, and the covers be baked on a tin cut out into any form. PATTIES. Slice some chicken, turkey, or veal, with dressed ham. or sirloin of beef. Add some pars- ley, thyme, and lemon peel, chopped very fine. Pound all together in a mortar, and season with salt and white pepper. Line the pattipans with puff" paste, fill them with meat, lay on the paste, close the edges, cut the paste round, brush it over with egg, and bake the patties twenty minutes. PAVEMENTS. For cleaning stone stairs, and hall pavements, boil together half a pint each of size and stone-blue water, with two ta- ble-spoonfuls of whiting, and two cakes of pipe-clay, in about two quarts of water. — Wash the stone ^ over with a flannel slightly wetted in this mixture; and when dry, rub them with a flannel and brush. PAYMENT OF RENT. Rent due for tenements let from year to year, is commonly paid on the four quarter days ; and when the pay- ments are regularly made at the quarter, the tenant cannot be de- prived of possession at any other time than at the end of a complete year from the commencement of his tenancy. If therefore he took pos- session at Midsummer, he must quit at Midsummer, and notice thereof must be sent at or before the pre- ceding Christmas. A similar no- tice is also required from the tenant to the landlord, when it is intended to leave the premises. — Every quar- ter's rent is deemed a separate debt, for which the landlord can bring a separate action, or distress for non- payment. The landlord himself is the proper person to demand rent: if he employs another person, he must be duly authorised by power oi' attorney, clearly specifying the per- son from whom, and the premises for which the rent is due : or the demand will be insuflicient, if the tenant should be inclined to evade payment. The following is the form of a receipt for rent : — * Received of R. C. February 13, 1823, the sum 235 PEA PEA of ten pounds twelve shillings for a quarter's rent, due at Christmas last.' * £10 12 J. W. M.' PEA FOWL. These require to be fed the same as turkeys. They are generally so shy, that they are seldom to be found for some days af- iev hatching ; and it is very wrong to pursue them, as many ignorant people do, under the idea of bring- ing them home. It only causes the hen to carry the young ones through dangerous places, and by hurrying she is apt to tread upon them. The cock bird kills all the young chick- ens he can get at, by one blow on the centre of the head with his bill, and he does the same by his own brood, before the feathers of the crown come out. Nature therefore directs the hen to hide and keep them out of his way, till the feathers rise. PEA POWDER. Pound toge- ther in a marble mortar half an ounce each of dried mint and sage, a dram of celery seed, and a quarter of a dram of cayenne, and rub them through a fine sieve. This gives a very savoury relish to pea soup, and to water gruel. A dram of all- spice, or black pepper, may be pounded with the above, as an ad- dition, or instead of the cayenne. PEACH WINE. Take peaches, apricots, and nectarines, when they are full of juice, pare them, and take out the stones. Then slice them thin, pour over them from one to two gallons of water, and a quart of white wine. Simmer the whole gently for a considerable time, till the sliced fruit becomes soft. Pour off the liquid part into another ves- sel, containing more peaches that have been sliced but not heated ; let them stand for twelve hours, then pour out the liquid part, and press what remains through a line hair bag. Let the whole be now put into a cask to ferment, and add a pound and a half of loaf sugar to 236 each gallon. Boil an ounce of beaten cloves in a quart of white wine, and put it into the cask ; the morella wine will have a delicious flavour. Wine may be made of apricots by only bruising, and pour- ing the hot water upon them : this wine does not require so much sweetening. To give it a curious flavour, boil an ounce of mace, and half an ounce of nutmegs, in a quart of white wine ; and when the wine is fermenting, pour the liquid in hot. In about twenty days or a month, these wines will be fit for bottling. PEARL BARLEY PUDDING. Cleanse a pound of pearl barley, and put to it three quarts of milk, half a pound of sugar, and a grated nutmeg. Bake it in a deep pan, take it out of the oven, and beat up six eggs with it. Then butter a dish, pour in the pudding, and bake it again an hour. PEARLS. To make artificial pearls, take the blay or bleak fish, which is very common in the rivers near London, and scrape off the fine silvery scales from the belly. Wash and rub them in water ; let the wa- ter settle, and a sediment will be found of an oily consistence. A lit- tle of this is to be dropped into a hollow glass bead of a bluish tint, and shaken about, so as to cover all the internal surface. After this the bead is filled up with melted white wax, to give it weight and solidity. PEARS. Large ones, when in- tended to be kept, should be tied and hung up by the stalk. PEAS. Young green peas, well dressed, are one of the greatest de- licacies of the vegetable kingdom. They must be quite young ; it is equally indispensable that they be fresh gathered, and cooked as soon as they are shelled, for they soon lose both their colour and sweet- ness. Of course they should never be purchased ready shelled. To V E A 1> K A have them in perfection, tiiey must be gathered the same day that they are dressed, and be put on to boil within half" an hour after they are shelled. As large and small peas cannot be boiled together, the small ones should be separated from the rest, by being passed trough a riddle or coarse sieve. For a peck of young- peas, which will not be more than sufficient for two or three persons, after they are shelled, set on a saucepan with a gallon of water. When it boils, put in the peas with a table-spoonfiil of salt. Skim it well, keep them quickly boiling from twenty to thirty minutes, according to their age and size. To judge whether they are done enough, take some out with a spoon and taste them, but be careful not to boil them be- yond the point of perfection. When slightly indented, and done enough, drain them on a hair sieve. Put them into a pie dish, and lay some small bits of butter on the peas ; put another dish over them, and turn them over and over, in order to dif- fuse the butter equally among them. Or send them to table plain from the saucepan, with melted butter in a sauce tureen. Garnish the dish with a few sprigs of mint, boiled by them- selves. PEAS AND BACON. Cut a piece of nice streaked bacon, lay it in water to take out some of the salt, aud boil it with some dried peas, in » little water. Add two carrots or parsnips, two onions, and a bunch of sweet herbs. When the peas are done enough, pulp them through a culllender or sieve, and serve them over the bacon. PEAS CULTIVATED. Instead of sowing peas in straight rows, they should be formed into circles of three or four feet diameter, with a space of two feet between each circle. By this means they will blossom nearer the ground, than when enclosed in long rows, and will ripen much soon- er. Or if set in straight rows, a bed of ten or twelve ieet wide should be left between, for onions and carrots, or any crops which do not grow tall. The peas will not be drawn up so much, but will grow stronger, and be more productive. Scarlet beans should be treated in the same man- ner. PEAS AND PORK. Two pounds of the belly part of pickled pork will make very good broth for peas soup, if the pork be not too salt. If it has been in salt several days, it must be laid in water the night before it is used. Put on three quarts of soft water, or liquor in which meat has been boiled, with a quart of peas, and let it boil gently for two hours. Then put in the pork, and let it sim- mer for an hour or more, till it is quite tender. When done, wash the pork clean in hot water, send it up in a dish, or cut into small pieces and put with the soup into the tu- reen. PEAS PORRIDGE. Boil the peas, and pulp them through a cul- lender. Heat them up in a saucepan with some butter, chopped parsley and chives, and season with pepper and salt. PEAS PUDDING. Soak the peas an hour or two before they are boiled ; and when nearly done, beat them up with salt and pepper, an eg§, and a bit of butter. Tie it up in a cloth, and boil it half an hour. PEAS SOUP. Save the liquor of boiled pork or beef : if too salt, dilute it with water, or use fresh wa- ter only, adding the bones of roast beef, a ham or gammon bone, or an anchovy or two. Simmer these with some good whole or split peas ; the smaller the quantity of water at first the better. Continue to sim- mer till the peas will pulp through a cullender ; then set on the pulp to stew, with more of the liquor that boiled the peas, two carrots, a tur- nip, a leek, and a stick of chopped celery, till all is quite tender. The last requires less time, an hour will 23^ PER P ET do it. When ready, put into a tu- reen some fried bread cut into dice, dried mint rubbed fine, pepper and salt if needed, and pour in the soup. When there is plenty of vegetables, no meat is necessary ; but if meat be preferred, a pig's foot or ham bone may be boiled with the peas, which is called the stock. More butter than is above mentioned will be necessary, if the soup is required to be very rich. PENCIL DRAWINGS. To pre- vent chalk or pencil drawings from rubbing out, it is only necessary to lay them oh the surface of some skim milk, free from cream and grease ; and then taking off the drawing expeditiously, and hanging it up by one corner to dry. A thin wash of isinglass will also answer the same purpose. PEPPER POT. To three quarts of water, put any approved vegeta- bles ; in summer, peas, lettuce, spinach, and two or three onions ; in winter, carrot, turnip, onions, and celery. Cut them very small, and stew them with two pounds of neck of mutton, and a pound of pickled pork. Half an hour before serving, clear a lobster or crab from the shell, and put it into the stew, add- ing a little salt and cayenne. Some people choose very small suet dump- lings, boiled in the above, or fowl may be used instead of mutton. A pepper pot may indeed be made of various things, and is understood to consist of a proper mixture of fish, flesh, fowl, vegetables, and pulse. A small quantity of rice should be boiled with the whole. PEPPERMINT DROPS. Pound and sift four ounces of double-re- fined sugar, and beat it with the whites of two eggs till perfectly smooth. Then add sixty drops of oil of peppermint ; beat it well, drop it on white paper, and dry it at a distance from the fire. PERCH. When of a good size, as iu Holland, they arc a rcmark- 238 ably fine fresh-water fish, though not so delicate as carp or tench. Clean them carefully, and if to be boiled, put them into a fish-kettle, with as much cold spring water as will cover them, and add a handful of salt. Set them on a quick fire till they boil, and then place them on one side to boil gently for about ten minutes, according to their size. If to be fried, wipe them on a dry cloth, after they have been well cleaned and washed, and flour them lightly all over. Fry them about ten minutes in hot lard or dripping, lay them on a hair sieve to drain, and send them up on a hot dish. Gar- nish with sprigs of green parsley, and serve them with anchovy sauce. PERFUMERY. Oil of lavender and other essences are frequently adulterated with a mixture of the oil of turpentine, which may be dis- covered by dipping a piece of pa- per or rag into the oil to be tried, and holding it to the fire. The fine scented oil will quickly evaporate, and leave the smell of the turpen- tine distinguishable, if the essence has been adulterated with this in- gredient. PERMANENT INK. This use- ful article for marking linen is com- posed of nitrate of silver, or lunar caustic, and the tincture or infusion of galls ; in the proportion of one dram of the former in a dry state, to two drams of the latter. The linen, cotton, or other fabric, must be first wetted with the following liquid ; namely, an ounce of the salt of tartar, dissolved in an ounce and a half of water ; and must be perfectly dry before any attempt is made to write upon it. PETTITOES. Boil them very gently in a small quantity of water, along with the liver and the heart. Then cut the meat fine, split the feet, and simmer them till they are quite tender. Thicken with a bit of butter, a little flour, a spoonfed of cream, and a little pepper and PIC PIC salt. Give it a boil up, pour the li- quor over a sippets of bread, and place the feet on the mince. PEWTER AND TIN. Dish co- vers and pewter requisites should be wiped dry immediately after being used, and kept free from steam or damp, which would prevent much of the trouble in cleaning them. Where the polish is gone off, let the articles be first rubbed on the outside with a little sweet oil laid on a piece of soft linen cloth. Then clear it off with pure whitening on linen cloths, which will restore the polish. PHEASANTS. The cock bird is reckoned the best, except when the hen is with eg^. If young, its spurs are short and blunt ; but if old, they are long and sharp. A large phea- sant will require three quarters of an hour to boil ; if small, half an hour. If for roasting, it should be done the same as a turkey. Serve it up with a fine gravy, including a very smaii piece of garlic, and bread sauce or fried bread crumbs instead. When cold the meat may be made into ex- cellent patties, but its flavour should not be overpowered with lemon. For the manner of trussing a pheasant or partridge, see Plate. PHOSPHORIC MATCH BOT- TLE. Two thirds of calcined oyster shells, and one third of sulphur, put into a hot crucible for an hour, and afterwards exposed to the air for half an hour, become phosphorus. This is put into a bottle, and when used to procure a light, a very small quan- tity is taken out on the point of a common match, and rubbed upon a cork, which produces an immediate flame. If a small piece of phosphorus be put into a vial, and a little boiling oil poured upon it, a luminous bottle will be formed ; for on taking out the cork, to adniit the atmospheric air, the empty space in the vial will be- come luminous ; and if the bottle be well closed, it will preserve its illu- minative power for several months. PICKLE. For hams, lo»inrnes, or beef, a pickle may be made that will keep for years, if boiled and skim- med as often as it is used. Provide a deep earthen glazed pan that will hold four gallons, having a cover that will fit close. Put into it two gallons of spring water, two pounds of coarse sugar, two pounds of bay salt, two pounds and a half of common salt, and half a pound of salt petre. Keep the beef or hams as long as they will bear, before they are put into the pickle ; sprinkle them with coarse sugar in a pan, and let them drain. Then rub them well with the pickle, and pack them in close, putting as much as the pan Mill hold, so that the pickle may cover them. The pickle is not to be boiled at first. A small ham may be fourteen days, a large one three weeks, a tongue twelve days, and beef in proportion to its size. They will eat well out of the pickle without drying. When they are to be dried, let each be drained over the pan ; and when it will drop no longer, take a clean sponge and dry It thoroughly. Six or eight hours will smoke them, and there should be only a little saw-dust and wet straw used for this purpose ; but if put into a baker's chimney, they should be sown up in a coarse cloth, and hang a week. PICKLES. The free or frequent use of pickles is by no means to be recommended, where any regard is paid to health In general they are the mere vehicles for taking a certain portion of vinegar and spice, and in the crisp state in which they are most admired are often indigestible, and of course penicious. The pickle made to preserve cucumbers and mangoes, is generally so strongly im- pregnated with garlic, mustard, and spice, that the original flavour of the vegetable, is quite overpowered, and the vegetable itself becomes the mere absorbent of these foreign ingredi- ents. But if pickles must still be rega,rded for the sake of the palate, whntever becomes of the stomach. PI c PIC it will be necessary to watch care- fully the proper season for gather- ing and preparing the various arti- cles intended to be preserved. Fre- quently it, happens, after the first rveek that walnuts come in season, that they become hard and shelled, especially if the weather be hot and dry ; it is therefore necessary to purchase them as soon as they first appear at market ; or in the course of a few months after being pickled, the nuts may be found incased in an impenetrable shell. The middle of July is generally the proper time to look for green walnuts. Nastur- tiums are to be had about the same. Garlic and shalots, from Midsum- mer to Michaelmas. Onions of va- rious kinds for pickling, are in sea- son by the middle of July, and for a month after. Gherkins, cucum- bers, melons, and mangoes, are to be had by the middle of July, and for a month after. Green, red, and yellow capsicums, the end of July, and following month. Chilies, to- matas, cauliflowers, and artichokes, towards the end ofjuly, and through- out Au<;ust. Jerusalem artichokes for pickling, July and August, and for three months after. French beans and radish pods, in July. Mushrooms, for pickling and for ketchup, in September. Red cab- bage, and samphire, in August. White cabbage, in September and October. Horseradish, November and December. — Pickles, when put down, require to be kept with great care, closely covered. When want- ed for use they should be taken out of the* jar with a wooden spoon, pierced with holes, the use of metal in this case being highly improper. Pickles should be well kept from the air, and seldom opened. Small jars should be kept for those more frequently in use, that what is not eaten may be returned into the jar, and the top [kept closely covered. In preparing vinegar for pic||^f s, it should not be boiled in metal sauee- 240 pans, but in a stone jar, on a hot hearth, as the acid will dissolve or corrode the metal, and infuse into the pickle an unwholesome ingre- dient. For the same reason pickles should never be put into glazed jars, as salt and vinegar will pene- trate the glaze, and render it poison- ous. PICKLED ASPARAGUS. Cut some asparagus, and lay it in an earthen pot. Make a brine of salt and water, strong enough to bear an egg ; pour it hot on the asparagus, and let it be closely covered. When it is to be used, lay it for two hours in cold water ; boil and serve it up on a toast, with melted butter over it. If to be used as a pickle, boil it as it comes out of the brine, and lay it in vinegar. 'PICKLED BACON. For two tolerable flitches, dry a stone of salt over the fire, till it is scalding hot. Beat fine two ounces of saltpetre, and two pounds of bay salt well dried, and mix them with some of the heated salt. Rub the bacon first with that, and then with the rest ; put it into a tub, and keep it close from the air. PICKLED BEET ROOT. Boil the roots till three parts done, or set them into a cool oven till they are softened. Cut them into slices of an inch thick, cover them with vinegar, adding some allspice, a few cloves, a little mace, black pepper, horseradish sliced, some onions, shalots, a little pounded ginger, and some salt. Boil these ingredients together twenty minutes, and when cold, add to them a little bruised cochineal. Put the slices of beet into jars, pour the pickle upon them, and tie the jars down close. PICKLED CABBAGE. Slice a hard red cabbage into a cullen- der, and sprinkle each layer with salt. Let it drain two days, then put it into ajar, cover it with boil- ing vinegar, and add a few slices of red beet-root. The purple red PIC PIC cabbage makes the finest colour. Those who like the flavour of spice, will boil some with the vinegar. Cauliflower cut in branches, and thrown in after being salted, will look of a beautiful red. PICKLED CARROTS. Half boil some middle sized yellowish carrots, cut them into any shape, and let them cool. Take as much vinegar as will cover them, boil it with a little salt, and a pennyworth of saffron tied in a piece of muslin. Put the carrots into a jar ; when the pickle is cold, pour it upon them, and cover the jar close. Let it stand all night, then pour off the pickle, and boil it with Jamaica pep- per, mace, cloves, and a little salt. When cold, pour it upon the car- rots, and tie them up for use. PICKLED CUCUMBERS. Cut them into thick slices, and sprinkle salt over them. Next day drain them for five or six hours, then put them into a stone jar, pour boiling vinegar over them, and keep them in a warm place. Repeat the boiling vinegar, and stop them up again in- stantly, and so on till quite green. Then add peppercorns and ginger, and keep them in small stone jars. Cucumbers are best pickled with sliced onions. PICKLED GHERKINS. Select some sound young cucumbers,5pread them on dishes, salt and let them lie a week. Drain and put them in a jar, pouring boiling vinegar over them. Set them near the fire, co- vered with plenty of vine leaves. If they do not come to a tolerably good green, pour the vinegar into another jar, set it on a hot hearth, and when the vinegar boils, pour it over them again, and cover them with fresh leaves. Repeat this operation as often as is necessary, to bring the pickle to a good colour. Too many persons have made pickles of a very fine green, by using brass or bellmetal kettles ; but as this is (No. 11.) highly poisonous, the practice ought never to be attempted. PICKLED HAxM. After it haa^ been a week in the pickle, boil a pint of vinegar, with two ounces of bay salt. Pour it hot on the ham, and baste it every day ; it may then remain in the brine two or three weeks. PICKLED HERRING. Procure them as fresh as possible, split them open, take off the heads, and trim off all the thin parts. Put them into salt and water for one hour, drain and wipe the fish, and put them into jars, with the following preparation, which is enough for six dozen her- rings. Take salt and bay salt one pound each, saltpetre and lump su- gar two ounces each, and powdei and mix the whole together. Put a layer of the mixture at the bottom of the jar, then a layer of fish with the skin side downwards ; so con- tinue alternately till the jar is full. Press it down, and cover it close: in two or three months they will be fit for use. PICKLED LEMONS. They should be small, and with thiek rinds. Rub them with a piece of flannel, and slit them half down in four quar- ters, but not through to the pulp. Fill the openings with salt hard pressed in, set them upright in a pan for four or five days, until the salt melts, and turn them thrice a day in their own liquor till quite tender. Make enough pickle to cover them, of rape vinegar, the brine of the lemons, peppercorns, and ginger. Boil and skim it ; when cold put it to the lemons, with two ounces of mustard seed, and two cloves of garlic to six lemons. When the lemons are to be used, the pickle will be useful in fish or other sauces. PICKLED MACKAREL. Clean and divide the fish, and cut each side into three ; or leave them un- divided, and cut each side into five or six pieces. To six large mackarel, I i 241 PIC PIC take nearly an ounce of pepper, two nutmegs, a little mace, four cloves, and a handful of salt, all finely pow- dered. Mix them together, make holes in each bit of fish, put the sea- soning into them, and rub some of it over each piece. Fry them brown in oil, and when cold put them into a stone jar, and cover them with vine- gar. Thus prepared, they will keep for months ; and if to be kept longer, pour oil on the top. Mackarel pre- served this way are called Caveach. A more common way is to boil the mackarel after they are cleaned, and then to boil up some of the liquor with a few peppercorns, bay leaves, and a little vinegar ; and when the fish is cold, the liquor is poured over them. Collared mackarel are pre- pared the same way as collared eel. PICKLED MELONS. Take six melons, cut a slice out of them, and scrape out the seeds and pulp quite clean. Put them into a tin stewpan with as much water as will cover them ; add a small handful of salt, ^ and boil them over a quick fire. When they boil take them off the fire, put them into an earthen pan with the water, and let them stana till the next day. The melons must then be taken out and wiped dry, both with- in and without. Put two small cloves of garlic into each, a little bit of gin- ger, and bruised mustard seed, enough to fill them. Replace the slice that was cut out, and tie it on with a thread. Boil some cloves, mace, ginger, pepper, and mustard seed, all bruised, and s^e garlic, in as much vinegar as will cover them. After a little boiling, pour the whole, boiling- hot, upon the melons. They must be quite covered with the pickle, and tied down close, when cold, with a bladder and leather. They will not be fit for use in less than three or four months, and will keep two or three years. PICKLED MUSHROOMS. Rub the buttons with apiece of flannel, and ■^ 242 salt. Take out the red inside of the larger ones, and when old and black they will do for pickling. Throw some salt over, and put them into a stewpan with mace and pepper. As the liquor comes out, shake them- well, and keep them over a gentle fire till all of it be dried into them again. Then put as much vinegar into the pan as will cover them, give it one warm, and turn all into a glass or stone jar. Mushrooms pickled in this way will preserve their flavour, and keep for two years. PICKLED NASTURTIUM. Take the buds fresh oft' the plants when they are pretty large, but be- fore they grow hard, and put them into some of the best white wine vine- gar, boiled up with such spices as are most agreeable. Keep them in a bottie closely stopped, and they will be fit for use in a week or ten days. PICKLED ONIONS. In the month of September, choose the small white round onions, take off* the brown skin, have ready a very nice tin stewpan of boiling water, and throw in as many onions as will cover the top. As soon as they look clear on the outside, take them up with a slice as quick as possible, and lay* them on a clean cloth. Cover them close with another cloth, and scald some more, and so on. Let' them lie to be cold, then put them in a jar or wide-mouthed glass bottles, and pour over them the best white- wine vinegar, just hot, but not boil- ing, and cover them when cold. They must look quite clear; and if the outer skin be shriveled, peel it off". PICKLED OYSTERS. Opei* four dozen large oysters, wash them in their own liquor, wipe them di*y, and strain off" the liquor. Add a des- sert-spoonful of pepper, two blades of- mace, a table-spoonful of salt, if the liquor require it ; then add three spoonfuls of white wine, and four of vinegar. Simmer the oysters a few PIC PIC minutes in the liquor, then put them into small* jars, boil up the pickle, and skim it. When cold, pour the liquor over the oysters, and cover them close. — Another way. Open the oysters, put them into a sauce- pan with their own liquor for ten minutes, and simmer them very gent- ly. Put them into a jar one by one, that none of the grit may stick to them ; and when cold, cover them with the pickle thus made. Boil the liquor with abitof mace, lemon peel, and black peppers ; and to every hundred of these corns, put two spoonfuls of the best undistilled vi- negar. The pickle should be kept in small jars, and tied close with bladder, for the air will spoil them. PICKLED PIGEONS. Bone them, turn the inside out, and lard it. Season with a little salt and all- spice in fine powder ; then turn them again, and tie the neck and rump with thread. Put them into boiling water; when they have boiled a minute or two to make them plump, take them out and dry them well. Then put them boiling hot into the pickle, which must be made of equal quantities of white wine and white- wine vinegar, with white pepper and allspice, sliced ginger and nutmeg, and two or three bay leaves. When it boils up, put in the pigeons. If they are small, a quarter of an hour will do them ; if large, twenty mi- nutes. Then take them out, wipe them, and let them cool. When the pickle is cold, take the fat from it, and put them in again. Keep them in a stone jar, tied down with a bladder to keep out the air. In- stead of larding, put into some a stuffing made of yolks of eggs boiled hard, and marrow in equal quan- tities, with sweet herbs, pepper, salt, and mace, PICKLED PORK. The hams and shoulders being cut off, take for pickling the quantities proportioned to the middlings of a pretty large hog. Mix and pound fine, four oun- ces of salt petre, a pound of coarse sugar, an ounce of salprunel, and a little common salt. Sprinkle the pork with salt, drain it twenty four hours, and then rub it with the above mixture. Pack the pieces tight in a small deep tub, filling up the spaces with common salt. Place large peb- bles on the pork, to prevent it from swimming in the pickle which the salt will produce. If kept from the air it will continue very fine for two years. PICKLED ROSES. Take two peckrof damask rose buds, pick oflf the green part, and strew in the bottom of a jar a handful of large bay salt. Put in half the roses, and strew a little more bay salt upon them. Strip from the stalk a hand- ful of knotted marjoram, a handful of lemon thyme, and as rnuch com-^ mon thyme. Take six pennyworth of benjamin, as much of storax, six orris roots, and a little suet ; be;at and bruise them all together, and mix them with the stripped herbs. Add twenty cloves, a grated nut- meg, the peel of two Seville oranges pared thin, and of one lemon shred fine. Mix them with the herbs and spices, strew all on the roses, and stir them once in two days till the jar is full. More sweets need not be added, but only roses, orange flawers, or single pinks. PICKLED SALMON. Af^er scaling and cleaning, split the sal- mon, and divide it into convenient pieces. Lay it in the kettle to fill the bottom, and astmuch water as will cover it. To three quarts add a pint of vinegar, a handful of salt, twelve bay-leaves, six blades of mace, and a quarter of an ounce of black pepper. When the salmon is boiled enough, drain and lay it on a clean cloth; then put more salmon into thje kettle, and pour the liquor upon it, and so on^till all is done. After this, if the pickle be not smartly flavoured with the vine- gar and salt, add more, and boil it 243 PIC PIC quick three quarters of an hour. When all is cold, pack the dish in a deep pot, well covered with the pic- kle,, and kept from the air. The li- quor must be drained from the fish, and occasionally boiled and skim- med. PICKLED SAMPHIRE. Clear the branches of the samphire from the dead leaves, and lay them into a large jar, or small cask. Make a strong brine of white or bay salt, skim it clean while it is boiling, and when done let it cool. Take th^ sam- phire out of the water, and put it into a bottle with a broad mouth. Add some strong white-wine vinegar, and keep it well covered down. PICKLED STURGEON. The following is an excellent imitation of pickled sturgeon. Take a fine large ^ turkey, but not old ; pick it very nice- ly, singe, and make it extremely clean. Bdne and wash it, and tie it across and across with a piece of mat string washed clean. Put into a very nice tin saucepan a quart of water, a quart 1^ of vinegar, a quart of white wine, not sweet, and a large handful of salt. Boil and skim it well, and then boil the turkey. When done enough, tighten the strings, and lay upon it a dish with a weight of two pounds over it. Boil the liquoriialf anJiour; and when both are cold, put the tur- key into it. This will keep some months, and eats more delicately than sturgeon. Vinegar, oil, and su- gar, are usually eaten with it. If more vinegar or salt should be want- ed, add them when cold. Garnish with fennel. PICKLED TONGUES. To pre- pare neats' tongues for boiling, cut off the roots, but leave a little of the kernel and fat. Sprinkle some salt, and let it drain from the slime till next day. Then for each tongue mix a large spoonful of common salt, the same of coarse sugar and about half as much of salt petre ; rub it in well, and do so every day. In a week add another spoonful of salt. If rubbed 2;44 every day, a tongue will be ready in a fortnight ; but if only turned in the pickle daily, it will keep four or five weeks without being too salt. When tongues are to be dried, write the date on a parchment, and tie it ©n. Tongues may either be smoked, or dried plain. When a tongue is to be dressed, boil it five hours till it is quite tender. If done sooner, it is easily kept hot for the table. The longer it is kept after drying, the higher it will be ; and i£ hard, it may require soaking three or four hours.— Another way. Clean and prepare as above ; and for two tongues allow an ounce of salt petre, and an ounce of salprunella, and rub them in well. In two days after well rubbing, cover them with common salt, turn them every day for three weeks, then dev them, rub bran over, and smoke them. Keep them in a cool dry place, and in ten days they will be fit to eat. PICKLED WALNUTS. When they will bear a pin to go into them, boil a brine of salt and water, strong enough to swim an egg, and skim it well. When the brine is quite cold, pour it on the walnuts, and let them soak for six days. Change the brine, and let them stand six more ; then drain and put them into a jar, pour- ing over them a sufiicient quantity of the best vinegar. Add plenty of black pepper, pimento, ginger, mace, cloves, mustard seed, and horsera- dish, all boiled together, li^ut put on cold. To every hundred of walnuts put six spoonfuls of mustard seed, and two or three heads of garlic or, shalot, but the latter is the mildest. The walnuts will be fit for use in ^ about six months ; but if closely co- vered, they will be good for several years : the air will soften them. The pickle ^11 be equal to ketchup, when the walnuts are used. — Another way. Put the walnuts into ajar, cover them with the best vinegar cold, and let them stand four months. Then, piour off the pickle, and boil as much fresh vinegar as will cover the >vai. PIG VIG nuts, adding to every three quarts of vinegar a quarter of a pound of the best mustard, a stick of horse- radish sliced, half an ounce of black pepper, half an ounce of allspice, and a good handful of salt. Pour the whole boiling hot upon the wal- nuts, and cover them close : they will be fit for use in three or four months. Two ounces of garhc or shalot may be added, but must not be boiled in the vinegar. The pickle in which the walnuts stood the first four months, may be used as ketchup. PICTURES. The following sim- ple method of preventing flies from sitting on pictures, or any other fur- niture, is well experienced, and if generally adopted, would prevent much trouble and damage. Soak a large bunch of leeks five or six days in a pail of water, and wash the pic- tures with it, or any other piece of furniture. The flies will never come near any thing that is so washed. PIE SAUCE. Mix some gravy with an anchovy, a sprig of sweet herbs, an onion, and a little mush- room liquor. Boil and thicken it with butter rolled in flour, add a little red wine, and pour the sauce into the pie. This serves for mut- ton, lamb, veal, or beef pies, when such an addition is required. PIES AND TARtS. Attention should be paid to the heat of the oven for all kinds of pies and tarts. Light paste should be put into a moderate oven : if too hot the crust will not rise, but burn : if too slack, the paste will be heavy, and not of a good colour. Raised paste should have a quick oven, and well closed. Iced tarts should be done in a slack oven, or the iceing will become brown before the tarts are baked. PIGEONS. In order to breed pigeons, it is best to take two young ones at a time ; and if well looked after, and plentifully fed, they will breed every month. They should be kept very clean, and the bottom of the dovp-cotyC be strewed with sand once a month or oftener. Tares and white peas are their proper food, and they should be provided with plenty of fresh water. Star- lings and other birds are apt to come among them, and suck the eggs. Vermin likewise are their enemies, and frequently destroy them. If the brood should be too small, put among them a few tame pigeons of their own colour. Ob- serve not to have too large a propor- tion of cock birds, for they are quar- relsome, and will soon thin the dove- cote. Pigeons are fond of salt, and it keeps them in health. Lay a large piece of clay near their dwelling, and pour upon it any of the salt brine that may be useless in the family. Bay salt and cummin seeds mixed together, is a universal reme- dy for the diseases of pigeons. The backs and breasts are sometimes scabby, but may be cured in the fol- lowing manner. Take a quarter of a pound of bay salt, and as much common salt; a pound of fennel seed, a pound of dill seed, as much cummin seed, and an ounce of assa- foetida ; mix all with a little wheat flour, and some fine wrought clay. When all are well beaten together, put it into two earthen pots, and bake them in the oven. When the pots are cold, put them on the table in the dove-cote ; the pigeons will eat the mixture and get well. PIGEONS DRESSED. These birds are particularly useful, as they may be dressed in so many ways. The good flavour of them depends very much on their being cropped and drawn as soon as killed. No other bird requires so much wash- ing. Pigeons left from dinner the day before may be stewed, or made into a pie. In either case, care must be taken not to overdo them, which will make them stringy. They need only be heated up in gravy- ready prepared ; and forcemeat balls may be fried and added, instead of put- ting a stuffing into them. If for a $J45 PIG PIG pie, let beef steaks be stewed in a little water, and put cold" under them. Cover each pigeon with a piece of fat bacon to keep them moist, season as usual, and put in some eggs. — In purchasing pigeons, be careful to see that they are quite fresh : if they look flabby about the vent, and that part is discoloured, they are stale. The feet should be supple : if old the feet are harsh. The tame ones are larger than the wild, and by some they are thought to be the best. They should be fat and tender ; but many are deceived in their size, because a full crop is as large as the whole body of a small pigeon. The wood -pigeon is large, and the flesh dark coloured : if pro- perly kept, and not over roasted, the flavour is equal to teal. PIGEONS IN DISGUISE. Draw the pigeons, take out the craw very carefully, wash them clean, cut off the pinions, and turn their legs under their wings. Season them with pep- per and salt, roll each pigeon in a puff paste, close them well, tie them in separate cloths, and boil them an hour and a half. When they are un- tied be careful they do not break ; put them in a dish, atid pour a little good gravy over them. PIGEONS IN A HOLE. Truss four young pigeons, as for boiling, and season them with pepper, salt, and mace. Put into the belly of each a small piece of butter, lay them in a pie dish, and pour batter over them, made of three eggs, two spoonfuls of flour, and half a pint of milk. Bake them in a moderate oven, and send them to table in the same dish. PIGEONS IN JELLY. Save some of the liquor in which a knuckle of veal has been boiled, or boil a calf's or a neat's foot ; put the broth into a pan with a blade of mace, a bunch of sweet herbs, some white peppep^emon peel, a slice of lean ba- con, and the pigeons. Bake them, and let them stand to be cold ; but season them before baking. When done, 240 take them out of the liquor, cover them close to preserve the colour, and clear the jelly by boiling it with the whites of two eggs. Strain it through a thick cloth dipped in boil- ing water, and put into a sieve. The fat must be all removed, before it be cleared. Put the jelly roughly over and round the pigeons. — A beautiful dish may be made in the following manner. Pick two very nice pigeons, and make them look as well as pos- sible by singeing, washing, and clean- ing the heads well. Leave the heads and the feet on, but the nails must be clipped close to the claws. Roast them of a very nice brown ; and when done, put a small sprig of myrtle into the bill of each. Prepare a savoury jelly,' and with it half fill a bowl of such a size as shall be proper to turn down on the dish intended for serving in. When the jelly and the birds are cold, see that no gravy hangs to the birds, and then lay them upside down in the jelly. Before the rest of it begins to set, pour it over the birds, so as to be three inches above the feet. This should be done full twen- ty four hours before serving. The dish thus prepared will have a very handsome appearance in the mid range of a second coarse ; or when served with the jelly roughed large, it makes a side or corner dish, being then of a smaller size. The head of the pigeons should be kept up, as if alive, by tying the neck with some thread, and the legs bent as if the birds sat upon them. PIGEON PIE. Rub the pigeons with pepper and salt, inside and out. Put in a bit of butter, and if appro- ved, some parsley chopped with the livers, and a little of the same season- ing. Lay a beef steak at the bottom of the dish, and the birds on it ; be- tween every two, a hard egg. Put a cup of water in the dish ; and if a thin slice or two of ham be added, it will greatly improve the flavour. When ham is cut for gravy or pies, the under part should be taken, FlCjr Fl U rather than the prime. Season the gizzards, and two joints of the wings, and place them in the centre of the pie. Over them, in a hole made in the crust, put three of the feet nicely cleaned, to show what pie it is. PIG'S CHEEK. To prepare a pig's cheek for boiling, cut off the snout, and clean the head. Divide it, take out the eyes and the brains, sprinkle the head with salt, and let it drain twenty-four hours. Salt it with common salt and saltpetre; and if to be dressed without being stewed with peas, let it lie eight or ten days, but less if to be dress- ed with peas. It must first be wash- ed, and then simmered till all is tender. PIG'S FEET AND EARS. Clean them carefully, soak them some hours, and boil them quite tender. Then take them out, and boil a little salt and vinegar with some of the liquor, and pour it over them when cold. When to be dressed, dry them, cut the feet in two, and slice the ears. Fry them, and serve with butter, mustard, and vinegar. They may be either done in batter, or only fioured. PIG'S FEET AND EARS FRI- CASSEED. If to be dressed with cream, put no vinegar into the pic- kle. Cut the feet and ears into neat bits, and boil them in a little milk. Pour the liquor from them, and simmer in a little veal broth, with a bit of onion, mace, and lemon peel. Before the dish is served up, add a little cream, flour, butter, and salt. PIG'S FEET JELLY. Clean the feet and ears very carefully, and soak them some hours. Then boil them in a very small quantity of water, till every bone can be taken out. Throw in half a handful of chopped sage, the same of parsley, and a seasoning of pepper, salt, and mace in fine powder. Simmer till the herbs are scalded, and then pour the whole into a melon form. PIG'S HARSLET. Wash and dry some liver, sweetbreads, and fat and lean bits of pork, beating the latter with a rolling-pin to make it tender. Season with pepper, salt, sage, and a little onion shred fine. When mixed, put all into a cawl, and fasten it up tight with a needle and thread. Roast it on a hanging jack, or by a string. Serve with a sauce of port wine and water, and mustard, just boiled up, and put in- to the dish. Or serve it in slices with parsliey for a fry. PIG'S HEAD COLLARED. Scour the head and ears nicely, take off the hair and snout, and remove the eyes and the brain. Lay the head into water one night, then drain it, salt it extremely well with common salt and saltpetre, and let it lie five days. Boil it enough to take out the bones, then lay it on a dresser, turning the thick end of one side of the head towards the thin end of the other, to make the roll of equal size. Sprinkle it well with salt and white pepper, and roll it with the ears. The pig's feet may also be placed round the outside when boned, or the thin parts of two cow heels, if approved. Put it in a cloth, bind it with a broad tape, and boil it till quite tender. Place a good weight upon it, and do not remove the covering till the meat is cold. If the collar is to be more like brawn, salt it longer, add a larger proportion of saltpetre, and put in also some pieces of lean pork. Then cover it with cow heel to make it look like the horn. This may be kept in a pickle of* boiled salt and water, or out of pickle with vinegar : it will be found a very convenient article to have in the house. If likely to spoil, slice and fry it, either with or without batter. PIO SAUCE. Take a tea-spoon- ful of white gravy, a small piece of anchovy, with the gravy from the roasting of the pig, and mix the brains with it when chopped. Add 247 PI L PIP a quarter of a pound of butter, a lit- tle flour to thicken it, a slice of le- mon, and a little salt. Shake it over the fire, and put it hot into the dish. Good sauce may also be made by putting some of the bread and sage, which has been roasted in the pig, into good beef gravy, and adding the brains to it. PILAU. Stew a pound of rice in white gravy till it is tender. Half boil a well grown fowl, then lay it into a baking dish with some pepper and salt strewed over it. Lay truf- fles, morels, mushrooms, hard eggs, or forcemeat balls, any or all of them round it at pleasure ; put a little gravy into the dish, and spread the rice over the whole like a paste. Bake it gently, till the fowl is done enough. If it seem dry, cut a hole carefully at the top, and pour in some white gravy, made pretty warm, before it is sent to table. Partridges or pheasants are very nice, dressed the same way. PILCHARD PIE. Soak two or three salted pilchards for some hours, the day before they are to be dressed. Clean and skin the white part of some large leeks, scald them in milk and water, and put them in layers into a dish, with the pilchards. Cover the whole with a good plain crust. When the pie is taken out of the oven, lift up the side crust with a knife, and empty out all the liquor : then pour in half a pint of scalded cream. PILE OINTMENT. Cut some green shoots of elder early in the spring, clear away the bark, and put two good handfuls into a quart of thick cream. Boil it till it comes to an ointment, and as it rises take it off^ with a spoon, and be careful to prevent its burning. Strain the ointment through a fine cloth, and keep it for use. PILE$. If this complaint be oc- casioned by costiveness, proper at- tention must be paid to that circum- stance; but if it originate flbih 248 weakness, strong purgatives must be avoided. The part affected should be bathed twice a day with a sponge dipped in cold water, and the bowels regulated by the mildest laxatives. An electuary, consisting of one ounce of sulphur, and half an ounce of cream of tartar, mixed with a suf- ficient quantity of treacle, may be taken three or four times a day. The patient would also find relief by sitting over the steam of warm wa- ter. A useful liniment for this dis- order may be made of two ounces of emollient ointment, and half an ounce of laudanum. Mix them with the yolk of an egg, and work them well together. PILLS. Opening pills may be made '>f two drams of Castile soap, and two drams of succotrine aloes, mixed with a sufficient quantity of com- mon syrup. Or when aloes will not agree with the patient, take two drams of the extract of jalap, two drams of vitrioiated tartar, and as much syrup of ginger as will form them of a proper consistence for pills. Four or five of these pills will generally prove a sufficient purge ; and for keeping the body gently open, one may be taken night and morning. — Composing pills may consist of ten grains of purified opium, and half a dram of Castile soap, beaten together, and formed into twenty parts. When a quiet- ing draught will not sit upon the stomach, one or two of these pills may be taken to great advantage. — Pills for the jaundice may be made of one dram each of Castile soap, succotrine aloes, and rhubarb, mix- ed up with a sufficient quantity of syrup. Five or six of these pills taken twice a day, more or less, to keep the body open, with the assist- ance of a proper diet, will often effect a cure. PIPERS. Boil or bake them with^ a pudding well seasoned. If baked,* put a large cup of rich bwjtb into the dish ; and when done, b6il up together for sauce, the broth, some essence of anchovy, and a squeeze of lemon. PIPPIN PUDDING. Coddle six pippins in vine leaves covered with water, very gently, that the inside may be done without breaking the skins. When soft, take off the skin, and with a tea-spoon take the pulp from the core. Press it through a cullender, add two spoonfuls of orange-flower water, three eggs bea- ten, a glass of raisin wine, a pint of scalding cream, sugar and nutmeg to taste. Lay a thin puff paste at the bottom and sides of the dish ; shred some very thin lemon peel as fine as possible, and put it into the dish ; likewise lemon, orange, and citron, in small slices, but not so thin as to dissolve in the baking. PIPPIN TARTS. Pare two Se- ville or china oranges quite thin, boil the peel tender and shred it fine. Pare and core twenty pippins, put them in a stewpan, with as little wa- ter as possible. When half done, add half a pound of sugar, the orange peel and juice, and boil all together till it is pretty thick. When cold, put it in a shallow dish, or pattipans lined with paste, to turn out, and be eaten cold. PISTACHIO CREAM. Blanch four ounces of pistachio nuts, beat them fine with a little rose-water, and add the paste to a pint of cream. Sweeten it, let it just boil, and then put it into glasses. PISTACHIO TART. Shell and peel half a pound of pistachio nuts, beat them very fine in a marble mortar, and work into them a piece of fresh butter. Add to this a quar- ter of a pint of cream, or of the juice of beet leaves, extracted hy pounding them in a marble mortar, and then draining off the juice through apiece of muslin. Grate in two macarones, add the yolks of two eggs, a little salt, and sugar to the taste. Bake it lightly with a puff crust under it, and some little ornaments on the top. Sift some fine sugar over, before it is sent to table. PLAICE. The following is an ex- cellent way of dressing a large plaice, especially if there be a roe. Sprinkle it with salt, and keep it twenty four hours. Then wash, and wipe it dry, smear it over with egg, and cover it with crums of bread. Boil up some lard or fine dripping, with two large spoonfuls of vinegar ; lay in the fish, and fry it of a fine colour. Drain off the fat, serve it with fried parsley laid round, and anchovy sauce. The fish may be dipped in vinegar, instead of putting vinegar in the pan* PLAIN BREAD PUDDING. Prepare five ounces of bread crumbs, put them in a basin, pour three quar- ters of a pint of boiling milk over them, put a plate over the top to keep in the steam, and let it stand twenty minutes. Then beat it up quite smooth, with two ounces of sugar, and a little nutmeg. Break four eggs on a plate, leaving out one white, beat them well, and add them to the pud- ding. Stir it all well together, put it into a mould that has been well but- tered and floured, tie a cloth tight over it, and boil it an hour. PLAIN CHEESECAKES. Three quarters of a pound of cheese curd, and a quarter of a pound of butter, beat together in a mortar. Add a quarter of a pound of fine bread soaked in milk, three eggs, six oun- ces of currants well washed and pick- ed, sugar to the taste, a little candied orange peel, and a little sack. Bake them in a puff crust in a quick oven. PLAIN FRITTERS. Grate a fine penny loaf into a pint of milk, beat it smooth, add the yolks of five eggs, three ounces of fine sugar, and a lit- tle nutmeg. Fry them in hog's lard, and serve them up with melted but- ter and sugar. PLAIN PEAS SOUP. The re- ceipts too generally given for peas are so much crowded with ingredi- ents, that they entirely overpower the flavour of the peas. Nothinp; more is 2 K 241) ?LA PLA necessary to plain good soup, tban a quart of split peas, two heads of celery, and an onion. Boil all to- gether in three quarts of broth or soft water ; let them simmer gently on a trivet over a slow fire for three hours, and keep them stirring, to prevent burning at the bottom of the kettle. If the water boils away, and the soup gets too thick, add some boiling water to it. When the peas are well softened, work them through a coarse sieve, and then through a tammis. Wash out the stewpan, return the soup into it, and give it a boil up ; take off any scum that rises, and the soup is ready. Prepare some fried bread and dried mint, and send them up with it on two side dishes. This is an excellent family soup, produced with very little trouble or expense, the two quarts not exceeding the charge of one shilling. Half a dram of bruised celery seed, and a little sugar, added just before finishing the soup, will give it as much flavour as two heads of the fresh vegetable. PLAIN RICE PUDDING. Wash and pick some rice, scatter among it some pimento finely powdered, but not too much. Tie up the rice in a cloth, and leave plenty of room for it to swell. Boil it in a good quantity of water for an hour or two, and serve it with butter and sugar, or milk. Lemon peel may be added to the pudding, but it is very good without spice, and may be eaten with butter and salt. PLANTING. In rendering swampy ground useful, nothing is so well adapted as planting it with birch or alder, which grows spon- taneously on bogs and swamps, a kind of soil which otherwise would produce nothing but weeds and rushes. The wood of the alder is particularly useful for all kinds of machinery, for pipes, drains, and pump trees, as it possesses the peculiar quality of resisting injury from wet and weather. The bark 260 is also highly valuable to black dyers, who purchase it at a good price ; and it is much to be lament- ed that the properties of this useful tree are not duly appreciated, PLANTATIONS. Young planta- tions are liable to great injury, by being barked in the winter season. To prevent this, take a quantity of grease, scent it with a little tar, and mix them well together. Brush it round the stems of young trees, as high at least as hares and rabbits can reach, and it will effectually prevent their being barked by these animals. Tar must not be used alone, for when exposed to the sun and air, it becomes hard and bind- ing, and hinders the growth of the plantation. Grease will not have this effect, and the scent of the tar is high- ly obnoxious to hares and rabbits. PLASTERS. Common plaster is made of six pints of olive oil, and two pounds and a half of litharge finely powdered. A smaller quan- tity may of course be made of equal proportions. Boil them together over* a gentle fire, in about a gal- lon of water, and keep the ingre- dients constantly stirring. After they have boiled about three hours, a little of the salve may be taken out, and put into cold water. When of a proper consistence, the whole may be suffered to cool, and the water pressed out of it with the hands. This will serve as a basis for other plasters, and is generally applied in slight wounds and exco- riations of the skin. It keeps the part warm and supple, and defends it from the air, tvhich is all that is necessary in such cases. — Adhesive plaster, which is principally used for keeping on other dressings, con- sists of half a pound of common plaster, and a quarter of a pound of Burgundy pitch melted together. — Anodyne plaster is as follows. Melt an ounce of the adhesive, and when cooling, mix with it a dram of pow- dered opium, and the same of cam- N PLA phor, previously rubbing with a little oil. This plaster generally gives ease in acute pains, especially of the nervous kind. — Blistering plaster is made in a variety of ways, but seldom of a proper consistence. When com- pounded of oils, and other greasy substances, its effects are lessened, and it is apt to run, while pitch and rosin render it hard and inconvenient. The following will be found the best method. Take six ounces of venice turpentine, two ounces of yellow wax, three ounces of Spanish flies finely powdered, and one ounce of the flour of mustard. Melt the wax, and while it is warm, add the turpentine to it, taking care not to evaporate it by too much heat. After the turpentine and wax are sufficiently incorporated, sprinkle in the powders, and stir the mass till it is cold. When the blis- tering plaster is not at hand, mix with any soft ointment a sufficient quanti- ty of powdered flies, or form them into a plaster with flour and vinegar. PLATE. The best way to clean plate, is to boil an ounce of prepared hartshorn powder in a quart of wa- ter; and while on the fire, put in as much plate as the vessel will hold. Let it boil a little, then take it out, drain it over the saucepan, and dry it before the fire. Put in more, and serve it the same, till all is done. Then soak some clean rags in the water, and when dry they will serve to clean the plate. Cloths thus sa- turated with hartshorn powder, are also the best things for cleaning brass locks, and the finger plates of doors. When the plate is quite dry, it must be rubbed bright with soft leather. In many plate powders there is a mixture of^ quicksilver, which is very injurious; and among other disad- vantages, it makes silver so brittle that it will break with a fall. In coaimon cases, whitening, properly purified from sand, applied wet, and rubbed till dry, is one of the cheap- est and best of all plate powders. PLATING OF GLASS. Pour P L U some mercury on a tin foil, smootly laid on a flat table, and rub it gently with a hare's foot. It soon unites itself to the tin, which then becomes very splendid, or is what they call quickened. A plate of glass is then cautiously, passed upon the tin leaf, in such a manner as to sweep off the redundant mercury, which is not in- corporated with the tin. Leaden weights are then to be placed on the glass ; and in a little time the quick- silvered tin foil adheres, so firmly to the glass, that the weights may be re- moved without any danger of its fal- ling off. The glass thus coated is a common looking-glass. About two ounces of mercury are sufficient for covering three square feet of glass. PLOVERS. In purchasing plo- vers, choose those that feel hard at the vent, which shows t^^y are fat. In other respects, choose them by the same marks as other fowl. When stale, the feet are harsh and dry. They will keep a long time. There are three sorts of these birds, the grey, the green, and the bastard plo- ver, or lapwing. Green plovers are roasted in the same way as snipes and woodcocks, without drawing, and are served on toast. The grey ones may be roasted, or stewed with gravy, herbs, and spice. PLOVERS' EGGS. Boil them ten minutes, and serve them either hot or cold on a napkin. These make a nice and fashionable dish. PLUM CAKE. This is such a favourite article in most families, and is made in so many different ways, that it will be necessary to give a variety of receipts, in order that a selection may be made agreeably to the taste of the reader, or the quali- ty of the article to be preferred. — For a good common plum cake, mix five ounces of butter in three pounds of fine dry flour, and five ounces of the best moist sugar. Ac^^fgix oun- ces of currants, washed atid dried, and some pimento finely powdered. Put three spoonfuls of yeast into a 251 P LU PLU pint of new milk warmed, and mix it with the above into a light dough. — A cake of a better sort. Mix tho- roughly a quarter of a peck of fine flour well dried, with a pound of dry and sifted loaf sugar, three pounds of currants washed and very dry, half a pound of raisins stoned and chopped, a quarter of an ounce of mace and cloves, twenty, pepper- corns, a grated nutmeg, the peel of a lemon cut as fine as possible, and half a pound of almonds blanched and beaten with orange-flower water. Melt two pounds of butter in a pint and a quarter of cream, but not too hot ; add a pint of sweet wine, a glass of brandy, the whites and yolks of twelve eggs beaten apart, and half a pint of good yeast. Strain this liquid by degrees into the dry ingredients, beating them together a full hour ; then butter the hoop or pan, and bake it. When the bat- ter is put into the pan, throw in plenty of citron, lemon, and orange candy. If the cake is to be iced, take half a pound of double refined sugar sifted, and put a little with the white of an egg ; beat it well, and by degrees pour in the re- mainder. It must be whisked nearly an hour, with the addition of a little orange-flower water, but not too much. When the cake is done, pour the iceing over it, and return it to the oven for fifteen minutes. But if the oven be quite warm, keep it near the mouth, and the door open, lest the colour be spoiled. — Another. Dried flour, currants washed and picked, four pounds ; sugar pounded and sifted, a pound and a half ; six orange, lemon, and citron peels, cut in slices. These are to be mixed together. Beat ten eggs, yolks and whites separately. Melt a pound and a half of butter in a pint of cream ; when cold, put to it half a pint of yeast, near half a pint of sweet wine, and the eggs. Then strain the liquid to the dry ingre- dients, beat them well, and add of cloves, mace, cinnamon, and nut- meg, half an ounce each. Butter the pan, and put it into a quick oven. Three hours will bake it. — Another. Mix with a pound of well- dried flour, a pound of loaf sugar, and the eighth of an ounce of mace, well beaten. Beat up five eggs with half the whites, a gill of rose water, and a quarter of a pint of yeast, and strain them. Melt hal a pound of butter in a quarter of a pint of cream, and when cool, mix all together. Beat up the batter with a light hand, and set it to rise half an hour. Before it is put into the oven, mix in a pound and a half of currants, well washed and dried, and bake it an hour and a quarter. — For a rich cake, take three pounds of well-dried flour, three pounds of fresh butter, a pound and a half of fine sugar dried and sifted, five pounds of currants carefully cleaned and dried, twenty-four eggs, three grated nutmegs, a little pounded mace and cloves, half a pound of almonds, a glass of sack, and a pound of citron or orange peel. Pound the almonds in rose water, work up the butter to a thin cream, put in the sugar, and work it well ; then the yolks of the eggs, the spices, the almonds, and orange peel. Beat the whites of the eggs to a froth, and put them into the batter as it rises. Keep working it with the hand till the oven is ready, and the scorching subsided ; put it into a hoop, but not full, and two hours will bake it. The almonds should be blanched in cold water. This will make a large rich plum cake. — A small common cake may be made of a pound of dough, a quarter of a pouad of butter, two eggs, a quarter of a pound of lump sugar, a quarter of a pound of currants, and a little nutmeg. — Another. Take a pound and a half of fine white dough, roll into it a pound of butter, as for pie crust, and set it by the fire. Beat up the \olks of four eggs, with half eL\] PLU a pound of fine powdered sugar; pour it upon the mass, and work it well by the fire. Add half a pound of currants, well picked and wash- ed, and send it to the oven. Half the quantity of sugar, eggs, and but- ter, will make a very pleasant cake. — Another. A pound and a half of well-dried flour, a pound of butter, a pound of sugar, and a pound of currants, picked and washed. Beat up eight eggs, warm the butter, mix all together, and beat it up for an hour.— For little plum cakes, in- tended to keep for some time, dry a pound of fine flour, and mix it with six ounces of finely pounded sugar. Beat six ounces of butter to a cream, and add to three eggs well beaten, half a pound of cur- rants nicely washed and dried, to- gether with the sugar and flour. Beat all for some time, then dredge some flour on tin plates, and drop the batter on them the size of a walnut. If properly mixed, it will be a stiff* paste. Bake in a brisk oven. To make a rich plum cake, take four pounds of flour well dried, mix with it a pound and a half of fine sugar powdered, a grated nutmeg, and an ounce of mace pounded fine. When they are well mixed, make a hole in the middle, and pour in fif- teen eggs, but seven whites, well beaten, with a pint of good yeast, half a quarter of a pint of orange- flower water, and the same quan- tity of sack, or any other rich sweet wine. Then melt two pounds and a half of butter in a pint and a half of cream ; and when it is about the warmth of new milk, pour it in- to the middle of the batter. Throw a little of the flour over the liquids, but do not mix the whole together till it is ready to go into the oven. Let it stand before the fire an hour to rise, laying a cloth over it ; then have ready six pounds of currants well washed, picked, and dried; a pound of citron and a pound of orange peel sliced, with a pound of blanched almonds, half cut in slices lengthways, and half finely pounded. Mix all well together, buttfer the tin well, and bake it two hours and a half. This will make a large cake. — Another, not quite so rich. Three pounds of flour well dried, half a pound of sugar, and half an ounce of spice, nutmeg, mace, and cin- namon, well pounded. Add ten eggs, but only half the whites, beaten with a pint of good yeast. Melt a pound of butter in a pint of cream, add it to the yeast, and let it stand an hour to rise before the fire. Then add three pounds of currants well washed, picked and dried. Butter the tin, and bake it an hour. — A common plum cake is made of three pounds and a half of flour, half a pound of sugar, a grated nutmeg, eight eggs, a glass of bran- dy, half a pint of yeast, a pound of butter melted in a pint and half of milk, put lukewarm to the other in- gredients. Let it rise an hour before the fire, then mix it well together, add two pounds of currants carefully cleaned, butter the tin, and bake it. PLUM JAM. Cut some ripe plums to pieces, put them into a preserving pan, bruise them with a spoon, warm them over the fire till they are soft, and press them through a cullender. Boil the jam an hour, stir it well, add six ounces of fine powdered sugar to every pound of jam, and take it ofl" the fire to mix it. Then heat it ten minutes, put it into jars, and sift some fine sugar over it. PLUM PUDDING. Take six ounces of suet chopped fine, six oun- ces of malaga raisins stoned, eight ounces of currants nicely washed and picked, three ounces of bread crumbs, three ounces of flour, and three eggs. Add the sixth part of a grated nut- meg, a small blade of mace, the same quantity of cinnamon, pounded as fine as possible ; half a tea-sppionful of salt, nearly half a pint of milk, four ounces of sugar, an ounce of 253 P LU PLU candied lemon, and half an ounce of citron. Beat the eggs and spice well together, mix the milk with them by degrees, and then the rest of the in- gredients. Dip a fine close linen cloth into boiling water, and put it in a hair sieve, flour it a little, and tie the pudding up close. Put it into a saucepan containing six quarts of boihng water ; keep a kettle of boiling water near it, to fill up the pot as it wastes, and keep it boiling six hours. If the water ceases to boil, the pud- ding will become heavy, and be spoiled. Plum puddings are best when mixed an hour or two before they are boiled, as the various ingre- dients by that means incorporate, and the whole becomes richer and fuller of flavour, especially if the various ingredients be thoroughly well stirred together. A table-spoonful of trea- cle will give the pudding a rich brown colour. — Another. Beat up the yolks and whites of three eggs, strain them through a sieve, gradu- ally add to them a quarter of a pint of milk, and stir it well together. Rub in a mortar two ounces of moist su- gar, with as much grated nutmeg as will lie on a six-pence, and stir these into the eggs and milk. Then put in four ounces of flour, and beat it into a smooth batter ; by degrees stir into it seven ounces of suet, minced as fine as possible, and three ounces of bread crumbs. Mix all thoroughly toge- ther, at least half an hour before the pudding is put into the pot. Put it into an earthenware pudding mould, well buttered, tie a pudding cloth tight over it, put it into boiling water, and boil it three hours. Haifa pound of raisins cut in halves, and added to the above, will make a most admira- ble plum pudding. This pudding may also be baked, or put under roast meat, like a Yorkshire pudding. In the latter case, half a pint more milk must be added, and the batter should be an inch and a quarter in ♦ thickness. It will take full two hours, ^ and require careful watching ; for if 284 the top get burned, an unpleasant flavour will pervade the whole pud- ding. Or butter some saucers, and fill them with batter ; in a dutch oven they will bake in about an hour. — Another. To three quarters of a pound of flour, add the same weight of stoned raisins, half a pound of suet or marrow, cut small, a pint of milk, two eggs, three spoonfuls of moist sugar, and a little salt. Boil the pudding five hours. — To make a small rich plum pudding, take three quarters of a pound of suet finely shred, half a pound of stoned raisins a little chopped, three spoonfuls of flour, three spoonfuls of moist su- gar, a little salt and nutmeg, three yolks of eggs, and two whites. Boil the pudding four hours in a basin of tin mould, well buttered. Serve it up with melted butter, white wine and sugar, poured over it. — For a large rich pudding, take three pounds of suet chopped small, a pound and a half of raisins stoned and chopped, a pound and a half of currants, three pounds of flour, sixteen eggs, and a quart of milk. Boil it in a cloth seven hours. If for baking, put in only a pint of milk, with two additional eggs, and an hour and a half will bake it. — A plum pudding without eggs may be? made of three quarters of a pound of flour, three quarters of a pound of suet chopped fine, three quarters of a pound of stoned raisins, three quarters of a pound of currants well washed and dried, a tea- spoonful of ground ginger, and rather more of salt. Stir all well to- gether, and add as little milk as will just mix it up quite stiff". Boil the pudding four hours in a buttered ba- sin. — Another. The same propor- tions of flour and suet, and half the quantity of fruit, with spice, lemon, a glass of white wine, an egg and milk, will make an excellent pudding, but it must be well boiled. POACHED EGGS. Set a stew- pan of water on the fire ; when boil- ing, slip an eggy previously broken PO P U L into a cup, into the water. When the white looks done enough, slide an egg-slice under the egg, and lay it on toast and butter, or boiled spinach. As soon as done enough, serve them up hot. If the eggs be not fresh laid, they will not poach well, nor without breaking. Trim the ragged parts of the whites, and make them look round. POISON. Whenever a quantity of arsenic has been swallowed, by design or mistake, its effects may be counteracted by immediately drinking plenty of milk. The pa- tient should afterwards take a dram of the liver of sulphur, in a pint of warm water, a little at a time as he can bear it ; or he may substitute some soap water, a quantity of com- mon ink, or any other acid, if other things cannot be readily procured. — To obviate the ill effects of opium, taken either in a liquid or solid form, emetics should be given as speedily as possible. These should consist of an ounce each of oxymel squills and spearmint water, and half a scruple of ipecacuanha, accompa- nied with frequent draughts of water gruel to assist the operation. — Those poisons which may be called culina- ry, are generally the most destruc- tive, because the least suspected ; no vessels therefore made of copper or brass should be used in cooking. In cases where the poison of rirdi- gris has been recently swallowed, emetics should first be given, and then the patient should drink abun- dance of cold water. — If any one has eaten of the deadly nightshade, he should take an emetic as soon as possible, and drink a pint of vinegar or lemon juice in an equal quantity of water, a little at a time ; afad as sleep would prove fatal, he should keep walking about to prevent it. — For the bite of the mad dog, or other venomous animals, nothing is to be de- pended on for a cure but immediate- ly cutting out the bitten part with a lancet, or burning it out with a red- hot iron. — To prevent the baneful effects of burning charcoal, set an open vessel of boiling water upon the pan containing the charcoal, and keep it boiling. The steam arising from the water will counteract the effects of the charcoal. Painters, glaziers, and other artificers, should be careful to avoid the poisonous effects of lead, by washing their hands and face clean before meals, and by never eating in the place where they work, nor suffering any food or drink to remain exposed to the fumes or dust of the metal. Every business of this sort should be performed as far as possible with gloves on the hands, to prevent the metal from working into the pores of the skin, which is highly injuri- ous, and lead should never be touch- ed when it is hot. POIVRADE SAUCE. Pick the skins of twelve shalots, chop them small, mix with them a table-spoon- ful of veal gravy, a gill and a half of vinegar, half an anchovy pressed through a fine sieve, and a little salt and cayenne. If it is to be eaten with hot game, serve it up boiling : if with cold, the sauce is to be cold likewise. — Another way. Put a piece of butter the size of half an egg into a saucepan, with two or Jr three shced onions, some of the red outward part, of carrots, and of the part answering to it of parsnip, a clove of garlic, two shalots, two cloves, a bay leaf, with basil and thyme. Shake the whole over the fire till it begins to colour, then add a good pinch of flour, a glass of red wine, a glass of water, and a spoonful of vinegar. Boil it half an hour, take off the fat, pass the sauce through a tammis, add some salt and pepper, and use it with any thing that requires a relishing sauce. POLISHED STOVES. Steel or polished stoves may be well cleaned in a few minutes, by using a piece of fine-corned emery stone, and af- terwards polishing with flour of 255 POM PON emery or rottenstone. If stoves or fire irons have acquired any rust, pound some glass to line powder; and having nailed some strong wool- len cloth upon a board, lay upon it a thick coat of gum water, and sift the powdered glass upon it, and let it dry. This may be repeated as often as is necessary to form a sharp surface, and with this the rust may easily be rubbed off; but care must be taken to have the glass finely powdered, and the gum well dried, or the polish on the irons will be in- jured. Fire arms, or similar articles, may be kept clean for several months, if rubbed with a mixture consisting of one ounce of camphor dissolved in two pounds of hog's lard, boiled and skimmed, and coloured with a little black lead. The mixture should be left on twenty four hours to dry, and then rubbed off with a linen cloth. POMADE DIVINE. Clear a pound and a half of beef marrow from the strings and bone, put it into an earthen pan of fresh water from the spring, and change the water night and morning for ten days. Then steep it in rose watier twenty four hours, and drain it in a cloth till quite dry. Take an ounce of each of the •following articles, namely, storax, gum benjamin, odoriferous cypress powder, or of florence ; half an ounce of cinnamon, two drams of cloves, and two drams of nutmeg, all finely powdered. Mix them with the mar- row above prepared, and put all the ingredients into a pewter pot that holds three quarts. Make a paste of flour and the white of an egg, and lay itikpon a piece of rag. Over that must be another piece of linen, to W cover the top of the pot very close, that none of the steam may evapo- rate. Set the pot into a large copper pot of water, observing to keep it steady, that it may not reaeh to the covering of the pot iiat holds the marrtiw. As the water shrinks add more, boiling hot, for it must boil incessantly for four hours. Strain 25G the ointment through a linen cioth into small pots, and cover them when cold. Do not touch it with any thing but silver, and it will keep many years. A fine pomatum may also be made by putting half a pound of fresh marrow prepared as above, and two ounces of fresh hog's lard, on the ingredients ; and then observing the same process as above. POMATUM. To make soft po- matum, beat half a pound of unsalt- ed fresh lard in common water, then soak and beat in two different rose- waters. Drain it, and beat it, with two spoonfuls of brandy. Let it drain from this, then add some es- sence of lemon, and keep it in small pots. Or soak half a pound of clear beef marrow, and a pound of unsalt- ed fresh lard, in water two or three days, changing and beating it every day. Put it into a sieve ; and when dry, into a jar, and the jar, into a saucepan of water. When melted, pour it into a bason, and beat it with two spoonfuls of brandy. Drain oft' the brandy, and add essence of lemon, bergamot, or any other scent that is preferred. — For hard pomatum, pre- pare as before equal quantities of beef marrow and mutton suet, using the brandy to preserve it, and adding the scent. Then pour it into moulds, or phials, of the size intended for the rolls. When cold break the bottles, clear away the glass carefully, and put paper round the balls, PONDS. Stagnant or running water is often infected with weeds, which become troublesome and in- jurious to the occupier, but which might easily be prevented by suffer- ing geese, or particularly swans, to feed upon the surface. These water fowls, by nibbling the young shoots as fast as they arise, will prevent their growth and appearance on the surface of the water, and all the ex- pense which might otherwise be in- curred in clearing them awav. POOR MAN'S SAUCE. " Pick a handful of parsley leaves from the P O R POR stalks, mince them very fine, and strew over a little salt. Shred fine half a dozen young green onions, add these to the parsley, and put them into a sauce boat, with three table-spoonfuls of oil, and five of vinegar. Add some ground black pepper and salt, stir them together, and it is ready. Pickled French beans or gherkins cut fine, may be added, or a little grated horseradish. This sauce is much esteemed in France, where people of taste, weary of rich dishes, occasionally order the fare of the peasant. PORK. This is a strong fat meat, and unless very nicely fed, it is fit only for hard working people. Young pigs, like lamb and veal, are fat and luscious, but afford very little nutriment. Pork fed by but- chers, or at distilleries, is vei-y in- ferior, and scarcely wholesome ; it is fat and spongy, and utterly un- fit for curing. Dairy fed pork is the best. To judge of pork, pinch the lean ; and if young and good, it will easily part. If the rind is tough, thick, and cannot easily be impressed with the finger, it is old. A thin rind denotes a good quality in general. When fresh, the meat will be smooth and cool : if clam- my, it is tainted. What is called in some places measly pork, is very unwholesome ; and may be known by the fat being full of kernels, which in good pork is never the case. Bacon hogs and porkers are dif- ferently cut up. Hogs are kept to a larger size ; the chine or back- bone is cut down on each side, the whole length, and is a prime part either boiled or roasted. The sides of the hog are made into bacon, and the inside is cut out with very little meat to the bone On each side there is a large sparerib, which is usually divided into two, a sweet bone and a blade bone. The bacon is the whole outside, and contains a fore leg and a ham ; the last of these is the hind leg, but if left with the bacon it is called a gammon. Hog^s lard is the inner fat of the bacon hog, melted down. Pickled pork is made of the flesh of the hog, but more frequently of smaller and younger meat. Porkers are not so large as hogs, and are generally di- vided into four quarters. The fore quarter has the spring or fore leg, the fore loin or neck, the sparerib, and the griskin. The hind quarter has the leg and the loin. Pig's feet and ears make various good dishes, and should be cut off before the legs and cheeks are cured. The bacon hog is sometimes scalded, to take oft' the hair, and sometimes singed. The porker is always scalded. PORK CHOPS. Cut the chops nearly half an inch thick, trim them neatly, and beat them flat. Put a piece of butter into the fryingpan ; as soon as it is hot, put in the chops, turn them often, and they will be nicely browned in fifteen minutes. Take one upon a plate and try it ; if done, season it with a little finely minced onion, powdered sage, pep- per and salt. Or prepare some sweet herbs, sage and onion chop- ped fine, and put them into a stew- pan with a bit of butter. Give them one fry, beat two eggs on a plate with a little salt, and the minced herbs, and mix it all well together. Dip the chops in one at a time, then cover them with bread crumbs, and fry them in hot lard or drip- pings, till they are of a light brown. Veal, lamb, or mutton chops, are very good dressed in the same man- ner. ^ PORK GRISKIN. As fhis joint is usually very hard, the best way is to cover it with cold water, and let it boil up. Then take it out, rub it over with butter, and set it before the fire in a Dutch oven ; a few minut^will do it. PORK Jelly. Tak© a leg of well-fed pork, just as cut upr, beat it, and break the bone. Set it over a gentle fire, with three gallons of I. 1 257 EOR FOR ! water, and simmer it down to one. Stew with it half an ounce of mace, and half an ounce of nutmegs, and strain it through a fine sieve. When cold, take off* the fat, and flavour it with salt. This jelly is reckoned a fine restorative in consumptive cases, and nervous debility, a chocolate- cupful to be taken three times a day. PORK AS LAMB. To dress pork like lamb, kill a young pig four or five months old, cut up the fore- quarter for roasting as you do lamb, and truss the shank close. The other parts will make delicate pickled pork, steaks, or pies. PORK PIES. Raise some boiled crust into a round or oval form, and have ready the trimming and small bits of pork when a hog is killed. If these be not sufticient, take the meat of a sweet bone. Beat it well with a rolling-pin, season with pep- per and salt, and keep the fat and lean separate. Put it in layers, quite up to the top ; lay on the lid, cut the edge smooth round, and pinch it to- gether. As the meat is very solid, it must be baked in a slow soaking oven. The pork may be put into a common dish, with a very plain crust, and be quite as good. Observe to put no bone or water into pork pie : the outside pieces will be hard, un- less they are cut small, and pressed close. Pork pies in a raised crust, are intended to be eaten cold. PORK SAUCE. Take two oun- ^ ces of the leaves of green sage, an Bf ounce of lemon peel thinly pared, an ^ ounce ai minced shalot, an ounce of salt, haff a dram of cayenne, and half a dram of citric acid. Steep them for a fortnight in a pint of claret, shake it often, and let it stand a day to settle. Decant the clear liquor, and cork it up close. When wanted, mix a table-spoonful in a quarter of a pint of gravy, or m«ted butter. This will give a fine relish to roast pork, or roast goose. PORK SAUSAGES. Chop fat 2o0 and lean pork together, season it ^yith pepper, salt, and sage. Fill hogs' guts that have been thoroughly soak- ed and cleaned, and tie up the ends carefully. Or the minced meat may be kept in a very small pan, closely covered, and so rolled and dusted with flour before it is fried. Serve them up with stewed red cabbage, mashed potatoes, or poached eggs. The sausages should be pricked with a pin, before they are boiled or fried, or they will be liable to burst. PORK STEAKS. Cut them from a loin or neck, and of middling thick- ness. Pepper and broil them, and keep them turning. When nearly done, put on salt, rub a bit of butter over, and serve the moment they are taken off" the fire, a few at a time. PORKER'S HEAD. Choose a fine young head of pork, clean it well, and put bread and sage as for pig. Sow it up tight, roast it as a young pig, on the hanging jack, and serve it with the same kind of sauce. PORTABLE SOUP. Boil one or two knuckles of veal, one or two shins of beef, and three pounds of beef, in as much water only as will cover them. Take the marrow out of the bones, put in any kind of spice, and three large onions. When the meat is done to rags, strain it off*, and set it in a very cold place. Take oflf the cake of fat, which will do for common pie crusts, and put the soup into a double-bottomed tin saucepan , Set it on a pretty quick fire, but do not let it burn. It must boil fast and uncovered, and be stirred constantly for eight hours. Put it into a pan, and let it stand in a cold place a day ; then pour it into a round soup-dish, and set the dish into a stewpan.of boiling water on a stove, and let it boil. Stir it now and then, till the soup is thick and ropy ; then it is enough. Pour it into the little round part at the bottom of cups and ba- sons turned upside down, to form it into cakes ; and when cold, turn them out on flUnnel to dry. Keep POR POT them in tin canisters ; and when to be used, dissolve them in boiling water. The flavour of herbs may be added, by first boiling and straining off the liquor, and melting the soup in it. This preparation is convenient in travel- ling, or at sea, where fresh meat is not readily obtained, as by this means a bason of soup may be made in five minutes. PORTER. This pleasant beve- rage may be made with eight bushels of malt to the hogshead, and eight pounds of hops. While it is boiling in the copper, add to it three pounds of liquorice root bruised, a pound of Spanish liquorice, and twelve pounds of coarse sugar or treacle.- PORTUGAL CAKES. Take a pound of well-dried flour, a pound of loaf sugar, a pound of butter well washed in orange-flower water, and a large blade of mace. Take half the flour, and fifteen eggs, leaving out two of the whites, and work them well together with the butter for half an hour, shaking in the rest of the flour with a dredger. Put the cakes into a cool oven, strewing over them a little sugar and flour, and let them bake gently half- an hour. PORTUGUESE SOLES. If the fish be large, cut it in two : if small, they need only be split open. The bones being taken out, put the fish into a pan with a bit of butter, and some lemon juice. Fry it lightly, lay it on a dish, spread a forcemeat over each piece, and roll it round, fastening the roll with a few small skewers. Lay the rolls into a small earthen pan, beat up an eg^ and smear them, and strew some crumbs over. Put the remainder of the e^g into the bottom of the pan, with a little meat gravy, a spoonful of caper liquor, an anchovy chopped fine, and some minced parsley. Cover the pan close, and bake in a slow oven till the fish is done enough. Place the rolls in a dish for serving, and cover it to keep them hot till the baked gravy is skimmed. If not enough, a little fresh gravy must be prepared, flavoured as above, and added to the fish. This is the Portu- guese way of dressing soles. PO,RTUGUESE STUFFING. Pound lightly some cold beef, veal, or mutton. Add some fat bacon lightly fried and cut small, some onions, a little garlic or shalot, some parsley, anchovy, pepper, salt, and nutmeg. Pound all fine with a few crumbs, and bind it with two or three yolks of eggs. This stuffing is for baked soles, the heads of which are to be left on one side of the split part, and kept on the outer side of the roll ; and when served, the heads are to be turned towards each other in the dish. Garnish with fried or dried parsley. POT HERBS. As some of these are very pungent, they require to be used with discretion, particularly basil, savoury, thyme, or knotted marjoram. The other sorts are milder, and may be used more freely. POT POURRI. Put into a large china jar the following ingredients in layers, with bay salt strewed be- tween. Two pecks of damask roses, part in buds and part blown ; vio- lets, orange flowers and jasmine, a handful of each ; orris root sliced, benjamin and storax, two ounces of each ; a quarter of an ounce of musk, a quarter of a pound of angelica root sliced, a quart of the red parls of clove gilliflowers, two handfuls of lavender flowers, half a handful of rosemary flowers, bay and laurel leaves, half a handful of each ; three Seville oranges, stuck as full of cloves as possible, dried in a cool oven and pounded, and two handfuls of balm of gilead dried. Cover all quite close, and when the pot is un- covered the perfume is very fine. POTATOE BALLS. Mix some mashed potatoes with the yolk of an eggy roll the mass into balls, flour them, or put on egg and bread crumbs, and fry them in clean drip- pings, or brown them in a Dutch 259 POT POT oven. — Potatoe balls ragout arc made by adding to a pound of potatoes, a quarter of a pound of grated ham, or some chopped parsley, or sweet herbs ; adding an onion or shalot, salt and pepper, a little grated nut- meg or other spice, and the yolks of two eggs. They are then to be dress- ed as potatoe balls. POTATOE BREAD. Weigh half a pound of mealy potatoes after they are boiled or steamed, and rub them while warm into a pound and a half of fine flour, dried a little before the fire. When thoroughly mixed, put in a spoonful of good yeast, a little salt, and warm milk and water suf- ficient to work into dough. Let it stand by4he fire to rise for an hour and a half, then make it into a loaf, and bake it in a tolerably brisk oven. If baked in a tin the crust will be more delicate, but the bread dries sooner. — Another. To two pounds of well-boiled mealy potatoes, rub- bed between the hands till they are as fine as flour, mix in thoroughly two large double handfuls of wheat flour, three good spoonfuls of yeast, a little saJt, and warm milk enough to make it the usual stifl'ness of dough. Let it stand three or four hours to rise, then mould it, make it up, and bake it like common bread. POTATOE CHEESECAKES. Boil six ounces of potatoes, and four ounces of lemon peel; beat the lat- ter in a marble mortar, with four ounces of sugar. Then add the potatoes, beaten, and four ounces of butter melted in a little cream. When well mixed, let it stand to grow cold. Put crust in pattipans, and rather more than half fill them. This quantity will make a dozen cheesecakes, which are to be baked half an hour in a quick oven, with some fine powdered, sugar sifted over them POTATOE FRITTERS. Boil two large potatoes, scrape them fine ; beat up four yolks and three whites of eggs, and add a large 260 spoonful of cream, another of sweet wine, a squeeze of lemon, and a little nutmeg. Beat this batter at least half an hour, till it be extreme- ly light. Put a good quantity of fine lard into a stewpan, and drop a spoonful of the batter at a time into it, and fry the fritters. Serve for sauce a glass of white wine, the juice of a lemon, one dessert spoon- ful of peach leaf or almond water, and some white sugar. Warm them together, but do not put the sauce into the dish. — Another way. Slice some potatoes thin, dip them in a fine batter, and fry them. Lemon peel, and a spoonful of orange-flower water, should be added to the bat- ter. Serve up the fritters with white sugar sifted over them. POTATOE PASTE. Pound some boiled potatoes very fine, and while warm, add butter suflicient to make the mash hold together. Or mix it with an egg ; and before it gets cold, flour the board pretty well to prevent it from sticking, and roll the paste to the thickness wanted. If suffer- ed to get quite cold before it be put on the dish, it will be apt to crack. POTATOE PASTY. Boil, peel,: and mash some potatoes as fine as possible. Mix in some salt, pepper, and a good piece of butter. Make a paste, roll it out thin like a large puff*, and put in the potatoe. Fold over one half, pinching the edges, and bake it in a moderate oven. POTATOE PIE. Skin some potatoes, cut them into slices, and season them. Add some mutton, beef, pork, or veal, and put in alter- nate layers of meat and potatoes. POTATOE PUDDING. To make a plain potatoe pudding, take eight ounces of boiled potatoes, two ounces of butter, the yolks and whites of two eggs, a quarter of a pint of cream, a spoonful of white wine, the juice and rind of a lemon, and a little salt. Beat all to a frotfa, sweeten it to taste, make a crust to it, or not, and bake it. If the pudding POT ♦ POT is required to be richer, add three ounces more of butter, another egg", with sweetmeats and almonds. - If the pudding is to be baked with meat, boil the potatoes and mash them. Rub the mass through a cullender, and make it into a thick batter with milk and two eggs. Lay some sea- soned steaks in a dish, then some batter; and over the last layer of meat pour the remainder of the bat- ter, and bake it of a fine brown. — Another. Mash some boiled pota- toes with a little milk, season it with pepper and salt, and cut some fat meat into small pie ';es. Put a layer of meat at the bottom of the dish, and then a layer of potatoe till the dish is full. Smooth the potatoes on the top, shake a little suet over it, and bake it to a fine brown. Mashed potatoes may also be baked as a pudding under meat, or placed under meat while roasting, or they may be mixed with batter instead of dour. POTATOE ROLLS. Boil three pounds of potatoes, bruise and work them with two ounces of butter, and as much milk as will make them pass through a cullender. Take nearly three quarters of a pint of yeast, and half a pint of warm water ; mix them with the potatoes, pour the whole upon five pounds of flour, and add some salt. Knead it well : if not of a proper consistence, add a little more warm milk and water. Let it stand before the fire an hour to rise ; work it well, and make it into rolls. Bake them about half an hour, in an oven not quite so hot as for bread. The rolls will eat well, toasted and buttered. POTATOE SNOW. The whitest sort of potatoes must be selected, and free from spots. Set them over the fire in cold water ; when they begin to crack, strain off the water, and put them into a clean stewpan by the side of the fire till they are quite dry, and fall to pieces. Rub them through a wire sieve on the dish they are to be sent up in, and do not disturb them afterwards. POTATOE SOUP. Cut a pound and a half of gravy beef into thin slices, chop a pound of potatoes, and an onion or two, and put them into a kettle with three quarts of wa- ter, half a pint of blue peas, and two ounces of rice. Stew these till the gravy is quite drawn from the meat, strain it off", take out the beef, and pulp the other ingredients through a coarse sieve. Add the pulp to the soup, cut in two or three roots of celery, simmer in a clean sauce- pan till this is tender, season with pepper and salt, and serve it up with fried bread cut into it. POTATOE STARCH. Raw po- tatoes, in whatever condition, con- stantly affbrd starch, diff*ering only in quality. The round grey or red produce the most, affording about two ounces of starch to a pound of pulp. The process is perfectly easy. Peel and wash a pound of full grown potatoes, grate them on a bread grater into a deep dish, con- taining a quart of clear water. Stir it well up, then pour it through a hair sieve, and leave it ten minutes to settle, till the water is quite clear. Then pour off the water, and put a quart of fresh water to it ; stir it up, let it settle, and repeat this till the water is quite clear. A fine white powder will at last be found at the bottom of the vessel. The criterion of this process being com- pleted, is the purity of the water that comes from it after stirring it up. Lay the powder on a sheet of paper in a hair sieve to dry, either in the sun or before the fire, and it is ready for use. Put into a wdl stopped bottle, it will keep good for many months. If this be well made, a table-spoonful of it mixed with twice the quantity of cold water, and ^ stirred into a soup or sauce, just .. before it is taken up, will thicken a ' J(| pint of it to the consistence of cream, fi This preparation much resembles 2G1 POT POT the Indian Arrow Root, and is a good substitute for it. It gives a fulness on the palate to gravies and sauces at hardly any expense, and is often used to thicken melted butter instead of flour. Being perfectly tasteless, it will not alter the flavour of the most delicate broth or gruel. POTATOES. The following is allowed to be a superior method of raising potatoes, and of obtaining a larger and finer growth . Dig the earth twelve inches deep, if the soil will ad- mit, and afterwards open a hole about six inches deep, and twelve wide. Fill it with horse dung, or long litter, about three inches thick, and plant a whole potato© upon it ; shake a little more dung over it, and mould up the earth. In this way the whole plot of ground should be planted, placing tiie potatoes at least sixteen inches apart. When the young shoots make their appearance, they should have fresh mould drawn round them with a hoe ; and if the tender shoots are covered, it will prevent the frost from injuring them. They should again be earthed, when the roots make a second appearance, but not covered, as in all probability the season will be less severe. A plen- tiful supply of mould should be given them, and the person who performs this business should never tread upon the plant, or the hillock that is raised round it, as the lighter the earth is the more room the potatoe will have to expand. In Holland, the potatoes are strangely cultivated, though there are persons who give the preference to Dutch potatoes, supposing them to be of a finer grain than others. They are generally planted in the fields, in rows, nearly as thick as beans or peas, and are sufi*ered to grow up wild and uncultivated, the object being to raise potatoes as small as possible, while the large ones, if such there happen to be, are thrown out and given to the pigs. The mode of cultivation in Ireland, where potatoes are found in the great- 262 est perfection, is far different, and probably the best of all. The round rough red are generally preferred, and are esteemed the most genuine. These are planted in rows, and only just put in beneath the soil. These rows are divided into beds about six feet wide, a path or trench is left between the beds, and as the plants vegetate the earth is dug out of the trench, and thrown lightly over the potatoes. This practice is continued all the summer, the plants are thus nourished by the repeated accession of fresh soil, and the trench as it deepens serves the purpose of keep- ing the beds dry, and of carrying off" the superfluous water. The potatoes are always rich and mealy, contain- ing an unusual quantity of wholesome flour. POTATOES BOILED. The ve- getable kingdom scarcely affbrds any food more wholesome, more easily procured, easily prepared, or less expensive than the potatoe ; yet al- though this most useful vegetable is dressed almost every day, in almost every family, — for one plate of pota- toes that comes to table as it should, ten are spoiled. There is however a great diversity in the colour, size, shape, and quality of the potatoe, and some are of a very inferior de- scription. The yellow are better than the white, but the rough red are the most mealy and nutritive. Choose those of a moderate size, free from blemishes, and fresh. It is best to buy them in the mould, as they come from the bed, and they should not be wetted till they are cleaned for cooking. Protect them from the air and frost, by laying in heaps in a dry place, covering them with mats, or burying them in dry sand. If the frost aff*ects them, the life of the vegetable is destroyed, and the pota- toe speedily rots. When they are to be dressed, wash them, but do not pare or cut them, unless they are very large. Fill a saucepan half full of potatoes of an equal size, and add as P.OT vojt much cold water as will cover them about an inch. Most boiled things are spoiled by having too little water, but potatoes are often spoiled by too much : they should merely be cover- ed, and a little allowed for waste in boiling. Set them on a moderate fire till they boil, then take them off, and place them on the side of the fire to simmer slowly, till they are soft enough to admit a fork. The usual test of their skin cracking is not to be depended on, for if they are boiled fast this will happen when the pota- toes are not half done, and the inside is quite hard. Pour off the water the minute the potatoes are done, or they will become watery and sad; uncover the saucepan, and set it at such a distance from the fire as will prevent its burning ; the surperfluous moisture will then evaporate, and the potatoes become perfectly dry and mealy. This method is in every respect equal to steaming, and the potatoes are dressed in half the time. POTATOES BROILED. Par- boil, then slice and broil them. Or parboil, and set them whole on the gridiron over a very slow fire. When thoroughly done, send them up with their skins on. This method is prac- tised in many Irish families. POTATOES IN CREAM. Half boil some potatoes, drain and peel them nicely, and cut into neat pieces. Put them into a stewpan with some cream, fresh butter, and salt, of each a proportion to the quantity of po- tatoes ; or instead of cream, put some good gravy, with pepper and salt. Stew them very gently, and be care- ful to prevent their breaking. POTATOES FRIED. If they are whole potatoes, first boil them nearly enough, and then put them into a stewpan with a bit of butter, or some nice clean beef drippings. To prevent their burning, shake them about till they are brown and crisp, and then drain them from the fat. It would be an elegant improvement, to flour and dip them in the yolk of an egg previous to frying, and then roll them in fine sifted bread crumbs : they would then deserve to be called potatoes full dressed. — If to be fried in slices or shavings, peel some large potatoes, slice them about a quarter of an inch thick, or cut them in shavings round and round, as in peeling a lemon. Dry them well in a clean cloth, and fry them in lard or drip- ping. Take care that the fat and the fryingpan are both perfectly clean. Put the pan on a quick fire ; as soon as the lard boils, and is still, put in the potatoe slices, and keep moving them till they are crisp. Take them up and lay them to drain on a sieve, and then send them to table with a very little salt sprinkled over. — To fry cold potatoes, put a bit of clean dripping into a fryingpan. When melted, slice in the potatoes with a little pepper and salt ; set them on the fire, and keep them stirring. When quite hot, they are ready. This is a good way of re-dressing po- tatoes, and making them palatable. POTATOES MASHED. When the potatoes are thoroughly boiled, drain and dry them well, and pick out every speck. Rub them through a cullender into a clean stewpan : to a pound of potatoes allow half an ounce of butter, and a spoonful of milk. Mix it up well, but do not make it too moist. After Lady day, when potatoes are getting old and speck- ed, and also in frosty weather, this is the best way of dressing them. If potatoes are to be mashed with onions, boil the onions, and pass them through a sieve. Mix them with the potatoes, in such a pi^portion as is most approved. POTATOES PRESERVED. To keep potatoes from the frost, lay them up in a dry store room, and cover them with straw, or a linen cloth. If this be not convenient, dig a trench three or four feet deep, and put them in as they are taken up. Cover them with the earth taken out 263 POT V or of the tcench, raise it up in the mid- dle like the roof of a house, and co- ver it with straw so as to carry oft' the rain. Better still if laid above ground, and covered with a sufficient quantity of mould to protect them from the jfrost, as in this case they are less likely to be injured by the wet. Potatoes may also be pre- served by suff'ering them to remain in the ground, and digging them up in the spring of the year, as they are wanted. POTATOES ROASTED. Choose them nearly of a size, wash and dry the potatoes, and put them in a Dutch oven, or cheese toaster. Take care not to place them too near the fire, or they will burn on the outside before they are warmed through. Large potatoes will require two hours to roast them properly, unless they are previously half boiled. When potatoes are to be roasted under meat, they should first be half boiled, drained from the water, and placed in the pan under the meat. Baste them with some of the dripping, and when they are brown- ed on one side, turn and brown them on the other. Send them up round the meat, or in a small dish. POTATOES SCALLOPED. Hav- ing boiled and mashed the potatoes, butter some clean scallop shells, or pattipans, and put in the potatoes. Smooth them on the top, cross a knife over them, strew on a few fine bread crumbs, sprinkle them a little with melted butter from a paste brush, and then set them in a Dutch oven. When they are browned on the top, take them carefully out of the shells, and brown the other side. POTATOES STEAMED. The potatoes must be well washed, but not pared, and put iiito the steamer when the wa^er bdls. Moderate sized potatoes will require three quarters of an hour to do them pro- perly. They should be taken up as soon as they are done enough, or 2G4 they will become watery : peel them afterwards. POTTED BEEF. Take two pounds of lean beef, rub it with salt- petre, and let it lie one night. Then lay on common salt, and cover it with water four days in a small pan. Dry it with a cloth, season it with black pepper, lay it into as small a pan as will hold it, cover it with coarse paste, but put in no liquor, and bake it five hours in a very cool oven. When cold, pick out the strings and fat. Beat the meat very fine, with a quarter of a pound of fine butter just warm, but not oiled, and as much of the gravy as will make it into a paste. Put it into very small pots, and cover them with clarified butter. — Another way. Take beef that has been dressed, either boiled or roasted ; beat it in a mortar with some pepper and salt, a few cloves, grated nutmeg, and a little fine butter just warm. This eats as well as the former, but the colour is not so fine. It is however a good way for using the remains of a large joint. POTTED BIRDS. Having clean- ed them nicely, rub every part well with a seasoning of white pepper and salt, mace and allspice in fine powder. Put them in a pan, lay on some butter, cover it with a paste of coarse flour, and a paper tied closely over. When baked and grown cold, cut them into pieces proper for helping, pack them close into a large potting-pan, and leave as little space as possible to receive the butter. Cover tkem with butter, and one third less will be wanted than when the birds are done whole. POTTED CHEESE. Cut and pound four ounces of Cheshire cheese, one ounce and a half of fine butter, a tea-spoonful of white pow- dered sugar, a little bit of mace, and a glass of white wine. Press it down in a deep pot. ' POTTED DAMSONS. Weigh the damsons, and wipe them dry POT POT one by one, allowing one pound of fine sugar to three jDOunds of fruit. Spread a little of the sugar at the bottom of the jar, then a layer of fruit, and so on till the jar is full. Then add three or four spoonfuls ot water, tie it down close, and put it several times into a cool oven. POTTED DRIPPING. Boil six pounds of good beef dripping in soft water, strain it into a pan, and let it stand to cool. Take off the hard fat, scrape off the gravy, and repeat it several times. When the fat is cold and hard, put it into a sauce- pan with six bay leaves, six cloves, half a pound of salt, and a quarter of a pound of whole pepper. Let the fat be entirely melted ; and when it has cooled a little, strain it through a sieve into the pot, and tie it down. Turn the pot upside down, that no rats or mice may get at it, and it will keep a long time, and make good puff paste, or crust for puddings. POTTED HARE. An old hare will do well for this purpose, like- wise for soup and pie. After sea- soning it, bake it with butter. When cold, take the meat from the bones, and beat it in a mortar. If not high enough, add salt, mace, pepper, and a piece of fresh butter melted in a spoonful or two of gravy that came from the hare. When well mixed, put it into small pots, and cover it with butter. The legs and back should be baked at the bottom of the jar, to keep them moist, and the bones be put over them. POTTED HERRINGS. Scale, clean, and season them well. Bake them in a pan with spice, bay leaves, and some butter. When cold, lay them in a potting pot, and cover them over with butter. They are very fine for a supper dish. POTTED LOBSTERS. Half boil them, pick out the meat, cut it into small pieces, season with mace, white pepper, nutmeg, and salt. Press it close into a pot, and cover (No. 12.) it with butter ; bake it half an hour, and then put in the spawn. When cold take out the lobster, and put it into pots with a little of the but- ter. Beat the rest of the butter in a mortar, with some of the spawn, mix the coloured butter with as much as will be sufficient to cover the pots, and strain it. Cayenne may be added, if approved. — Ano- ther way. Take out the meat as whole as possible, split the tail, and remove the gut ; and if the inside be not watery, it may be added. Season with mace, nutmeg, white pepper, salt, and a clove or two, in the finest powder. Lay a little fine butter at the bottom of the pan, and the lobster smooth over it, with bay leaves between ; cover it with but- ter, and bake it gently. When done, pour the whole on the bottom of a sieve ; and with a fork lay the pieces into potting pots, some of each sort, with the seasoning about it. W hen cold, pour clarified butter over, but not hot. It will be good the next day ; but if highly seasoned, and well covered with butter, it will keep some time. Potted lobster may be used cold, or as a fricassee, with a cream sauce. It then looks very nicely, and eats well, especially if there is spawn. Mackarel, herrings, and trout, are good potted in the same way. POTTED MACKEREL. Clean, season, and bake them in a pan with spice, bay leaves, and some butter. When cold, lay them in a pot for potting, and cover them over with butter. POTTED MOOR GAME. Pick, singe, and wash the birds nicely. Dry and season them pretty high, inside and out, with pepper, mace, nutmeg, allspice, and salt. Pack them in as small a pot as will hold them, cover them with butter, and bake in a very slow oven. When cold, take off the butter, dry them from the gravy, and put one bird into each pot, which should just fit. Add M m 265 p o r V o fr as much more butter as will cover them, but take care that it be not oiled. The best way to melt it is, by warming it in a bason placed in a bowl of hot water. POTTED PARTRIDGE. Clean them nicely, and season with mace, allspice, white pepper, and salt, all in fine powder. Rub every part well, then lay the breast downwards in a pan, and pack the birds as close as possible. Put a good deal of butter on them, cover the pan with a paste of coarse flour and a paper over, tie it close and bake it. When cold, put the birds into pots, and cover them with butter. The but- ter that has covered potted things will serve for basting, or for paste for meat pies. POTTED PIGEONS. Let them be quite fresh, clean them carefully, and season them with salt and pep- per. Lay them close in a small deep pan ; for the smaller the surface, and the closer they are packed, the less butter will be wanted. Cover them with butter, then with very thick paper tied down, and bake them. When cold, put them dry into pots that will hold two or three in each, and pour butter over them, using that which was baked in part. If they are to be kept, the butter should belaid pretty thick over them. If pigeons were boned, and then put in an oval form into the pot, they would lie closer, and require less butter. They may be stuffed with a fine forcemeat made with veal, bacon, and the other ingredients, and then th^y will eat very fine. If a high flavour is preferred, add mace, allspice, and a little cayenne, before baking. POTTED RABBITS. Cut up two or three young but full-grown rab- bits, and take off the leg bones at the thigh. Pack them as closely as possible in a small pan, after sea- soning them with pepper, salt, mace, allspice, and cayenne, all in very fine powder. Make the top as 206 smooth as possible. Keep out the heads and the carcase bones, but take off the meat about the neck. Put in a good deal of butter, and bake the whole gently. Keep it two days in the pan, than shift it into small pots, with some additional butter. When a rabbit is to be blanched, set it on the fire with a small quantity of cold water, and let it boil. It is then to be taken out immediately, and put into cold wa- ter for a few minutes. POTTED SALMON. Scale and wipe a large piece of salmon, but do not wash it. Salt it, and let it lie till the salt is melted and drained from it; then season it with pounded mace, cloves, and whole pepper. Lay in a few bay leaves, put it close into a pan, cover it over with butter, and bake it. When well done, drain it from the gravy, put it into pots to keep, and when cold cover it with clarified butter. Any kind of firm fish may be potted in the same manner. POTTED SHRIMPS. When boiled, take them out of the skins, and season them with salt, white pepper, and a very little mace and cloves. Press them into a pot, set it in the oven ten minutes, and when cold lay on butter. POTTED TROUT. Scale and draw out the entrails of the fish without opening the belly, give them a wash, and let them drain from the water. Season the fish well with salt, pepper, cloves, mace, and ginger. Lay them into a broad pan in two layers, cover them with butter, and then with paper. Lay some sticks across the pan to keep the paper up. Bake them moderately, then take them out and drain them. Put them into pots in two layers, and fill up the pots with clarified butter, as cool as it can be to run properly. Any other fish may be potted in the same way. POTTED VEAL. Cold fillet makes the finest potted veal, or it PO u I'OU inay be done as follows. Season a large slice of the fillet before it is dressed, with some mace, pejiper- corns, and two or three cloves. Lay it close into a potting pan that will but just hold it, kill the pan up with water, and bake it three hours. Then pound it in a mortar, and fla- vour it with salt. In pounding, put to it a little of the baked gravy, if the meat is to be eaten soon ; other- wise only a little butter just melted. When done, cover it over with but- ter. To pot veal or chicken with ham, pound some cold veal or the white of a chicken, seasoned as above, and place layers of it with layers of ham pounded, or rather shred. Press d wh each, and cover the whole with clarified butter. POTTED VENISON. If the ve- nison be stale, rub it with vinegar, dry it with a cloth, and rub it well with red wine. Season it with pep- per, salt, and mace, and put it into a jar. Pour over it half a pint of red wine, lay in a pound of butter, and bake it tender. When it is done, clean it from the bones and skin, and beat it in a marble mortar with the fat and gravy. Press it hard into the pots, and pour clarified butter over it. POULTICES. Common poultice is best made of white bread, put in- to boiling water till it is of a proper thickness. Then let it boil, and add a bit of lard, or a little sweet oil. Water answers the purpose better than milk, as the poultice thus made will retain the moisture longer. — A poultice to ripen tumours or swellings, should consist of two ounces of white lily roots, half a pound of figs, and two ounces of meal or bean flour. These are to boiled in water till it comes to a proper consistence ; the poultice is then spread on a thick cloth, applied warm, and shifted as often as it grows dry. — Carrot poultice is made of clean grated carrots mixed with water, so as to form a soft pulp. This is an excellent poultice to ease pain arising from a sore ; it not only cleanses it, but takes oft* the oft'en- sive smell which generally attends such complaints. It also afl'ords great relief in cancers, and should be changed twice a day. POULTRY. Previously to their being dressed, every description of game and poultry requires to be carefully picked, and neatly trussed ; every plug should be removed, and the hair nicely singed with white paper. In drawing poultry, care must be t.aken not to break the gall bag, for no washing will take off the bitter where it has touched. In dressing wild fowl, a brisk clear fire must be kept up, that they may be done of a fine yellow brown, but so as to leave the gravy in : the fine flavour is lost if done too much. Tame fowls require more roasting, and are longer in heating through than others. All sorts should be continually basted, that they may be served up with a froth, and ap- pear of a fine colour. A large fowl will take three quarters of an hour, a middling one half an hour, and a small one, or a chicken, twenty mi- nutes. The fire must be very quick and clear, before any fowls are put down. A capon will take from half an hour to thirty-five minutes, a goose an hour, wild ducks a quar- ter of an hour, pheasants twenty minutes, a small stufted turkey an hour and a quarter, turkey poults twenty minutes, grouse a quarter of an hour, quails ten minutes, and par- tridges about twenty-five minutes. A hare will take nearly an hour, and the hind part requires most heat. Pigs and geese require a brisk fire, and quick turning. Hares and rabbits must be well attended to, and the extremities brought to the quick part of the fire, to be done equally with the backs. POULTRY YARD. In the rear- ing of poultry, care should Ije taken to choose a fine large breed, or the "261 POU PO u ends of good management may be defeated. The Dartford sort is generally approved, but it is difficult to say which is to be preferred, if they be but healthy and vigorous. The black sort are very juicy, but as their legs are so much discolour- ed, they are not well adapted for boiling. Those hens are usually preferred for setting, which have tufts of feathers on their head ; those that crow are not considered so profitable. Some fine young fowls should be reared every year, to keep up a stock of'good breeders, and bad layers and careless nurses should be excluded. The best age for a setting hen is from two to five years, and it is necessary to remark which among them are the best breeders. Hens set twenty days, and convenient places should be provided for their laying, which will also serve for setting and hatch- ing. A hen house should be large and high, should be frequently cleaned out, and well secured from the approach of vermin, or the eggs will be sucked, and the fowls de- stroyed. Hens must not be dis- turbed while sitting, for if frighten- ed, they are apt to forsake their nests. Wormwood and rue should be planted about their houses ; some of the former should occasionally be boiled, and sprinkled about the floor, which should not be paved, but formed of smooth earth. The windows of the house should be open to the rising sun, and a hole left at the door to let in the smaller fowls ; the larger may be let in and out by opening the door. There should be a small sliding board to shut down when the fowls are gone to roost, to prevent the ravages of vermin, and a strong door and lock should be added, to secure the poultry from thieves and robbers. Let the hens lay some time before they are allowed to set, the proper time for which will be from the end ftf February to the beginning of 268 May. Broods of chickens are hatch- ed all through the summer, but those that come out very late require care till they have gained sufficient strength. Feed the hens well dur- ing the time of laying, and give them oats occasionally. If the eggs- of any other sort are put under » hen with some of her own, observe to add her own as many days after the others as there is a dift'erence m the length of their setting. A tur^ key and duck set thirty days, the hen only twenty. Choose large clear eggs to put her upon, and such a number as she can properly co- ver ; about ten or twelve are quite sufficient. If the eggs be very large^ they sometimes contain a double yolk, and in that case neither will be productive. When some of the _ chickens are hatched, long before the others, it may be necessary to keep them in a basket of wool till the others come forth. The day after they are hatched, give them^ some crumbs of white bread or grots- soaked in milk, which are very nou-" rishing. As soon as they have gain- ed a little strength, feed them with curd, cheese parings cut small, or any soft food, but nothing that is. ^ sour, and provide them with clean water twice a day. Keep the hen under a pen till the young have strength to follow her about, which will be in two or three weeks ; and be sure to feed the hen well. Poul- try in general should be fed as near- ly as possible at the same hour of the day, and in the same place, as this will be the surest way of collect- ing them together. Potatoes boiled in a little water, so as to be dry and mealy, and then cut, and wette and wood- cocks. They should be roasted without drawing, served on toast, and eaten with butter only. QUAKING PUDDING. Scald a quart of cream ; when almost cold, put to it four eggs well beaten, a spoonful and a half of flour, with nutmeg and sugar. Tie it close in a buttered cloth, boil it an hour, and turn it out carefully, without cracking it. Serve it with melted butter, a little wine, and su2:ar. QUARTER OF LAMB.^ A fore- quarter may either be roasted whole, or ia separate parts. If left to be cold, chopped parsley should be sprinkled over it. The neck and breast together are called a scoven. QUEEN CAKES. Mix a pound of dried flour, a pound of sifted su- gar, and a pound of currants, pick- ed and cleaned. Wash a pound of butter in rose water, beat it well, and mix with it eight eggs, yolks and whites beaten separately. Put in the dry ingredients by deji^rees, beat the whole an hour, butter little tins, teacups or saucers, fill them half full of batter, and bake them. Sift over them a little fine sugar, just before they are put into the oven. — Another way. Beat eight ounces of butter, and mix it with two eggs, well beaten and strained. Mix eight ounces of dried flour, the same of lump sugar, and the grated rind of a lemon. Put the whole to- gether, and beat it full half an hour with a silver spoon. Butter small pattipans, half fill them, and bake twenty minutes in a quick oven. QUEEN ANNE'S BISCUITS. A pound of flour well dried, half a pound of fine sugar powdered and sifted, a pound of currants well washed and picked, and half a pound of butter. Rub the butter into the 28G flour, then mix in the sugar and cur- rants ; add ten spoonfuls of cream, the yolks of three eggs, three spoon- fuls of sack, and a little mace finely pounded. When the paste is well worked up, set it in a dish before the fire till it be thoroughly warm. Make it up into cakes, place them on a tin well buttered, prick them full of holes on the top, and bake them in a quick oven. QUEEN ANNE'S KITCHEN. The economy of the royal kitchen a century ago, though not equal per- haps to the refinement of modern times, was sufficiently sumptuous ; and what it wanted in delicacies, was abundantly compensated by a profusion of more substantial dishes of truly English fare. The following are only a few specimens of the stile of cooking approved by queen Anne, sufficient to show in what manner royalty was provided for in the days of our forefathers. Under the ar- ticle of Roasting, a few particulars will occur. When a turkey, capon, or fowl was to be dressed, it was laid down to the fire, at a proper distance, till it became thoroughly hot. It was then basted all over with fresh butter, and afterwards dredged thinly with flour. The heat of the fire converted this into a thin crust, to keep in the gravy ; and no more basting was allowed till the roasting was nearly done, when it was once more basted all over with butter. As the meat began to brown, it was sprinkled a little with large salt, and the outside finished with a fine brown. It was sometimes the custom to baste such meats with the yolks of fresh eggs beaten thin, which was continued during the time of roasting. The following direc- tions were given for roast Veal. Chop some parsley and thyme very small. Beat up the yolks of five or QUE QUE six eggs with some cream, add the chopped herbs, some grated bread, a few cloves, a little mace and nut- meg, some currants and sugar. Mix these well together, raise the skin of the breast of veal, put the stuffing under it, and skewer it down close. Lay the veal before the fire, and baste it with butter. When suf- ficiently roasted, squeeze on the juice of a lemon, and serve it up. For roast Pig, chop up some sage, and sow it up in the belly of the pig. Roast and baste it with butter, sprinkled with a little salt. When roasted fine and crisp, serve it upon a sauce made of chopped sage and currants, well boiled in vinegar and water, the gravy and brains of the pig, a little grated bread, some bar- berries and sugar, all well mixed to- gether, and heated over the fire. Another way. Fill the belly of the pig with a pudding made of grated bread, a httle minced beef suet, the yolks of two or three raw eggs, three or four spoonfuls of good cream, and a little salt. Sow it up in the belly of the pig, lay it down to roast, and baste it with yolks of eggs beat thin. A few minutes be- fore it is taken up, squeeze on the juice of a lemon, and strew it over with bread crumbs, pepper, nutmeg-, ginger, and salt. Make a sauce with vinegar, butter, and the yolks of eggs boiled hard and minced. Boil the whole together, with the gravy of the pig, and then serve it up in this sauce. When a Hare is to be dressed, wash it well, and dry it in a cloth. Sow up a pudding in the belly, truss the hare as if it were running, and roast it. Make a sauce of claret wine, grated bread, sugar, ginger, barberries, and butter, boil- ed all together, and serve it up with the hare. — Boiled dishes were pre- pared in the following manner. If a capon, pullet, or chicken, boil it in good mutton broth. Put in some naace, a bunch of sweet herbs, a lit- tle sage, spinage, marigold leaves and flowers, white or green endive, borage, bugloss, parsley, and sor- rel. Serve it up on sippets of white bread. If to be dressed with cauli- flower, cut the vegetable into small heads, with about an inch and a half of stalk to them. Boil them in milk with a little mace, till they are very tender, and beat up the yolks of two eggs with a quarter of a pint of sack. Melt some butter very thick, with a little vinegar and sliced lemon. Pour this and the eggs to and fro till they are well mixed, then take the cauliflower out of the milk, and put it into the sauce. Having boiled the chicken tender, serve it upon sippets of white bread, finely carved, and pour the sauce over it. Pigeons are to be put into a skillet with some strong broth, or spring water. Boil and skim them, put in some mace, a bunch of sweet herbs, some white endive, marigold flow- ers, and salt. When finely boiled, serve them upon sippets of white bread, and garnish the dish with mace and white endive. Small birds, such as woodcocks, snipes, black- birds, thrushes, fieldfares, rails, quails, wheatears, larks, martins, and sparrows, are to be boiled in strong broth, or in salt and water. When boiled, take out the trails, and chop them and the livers small. Add some crumb of grated bread, a little of the liquor in which the birds were boiled, some mace, and stew them all together in some gravy. Beat up the yolks of two eggs, with a little white wine vinegar and grated nutmeg ; and when ready to serve, stir these into the sauce with a small piece of butter. Dish up the birds upon sippets of white bread, and pour the sauce over them with some capers, lemon finely minced, and barberries, or pickled grapes, whole. Caorots and onions boiled together in broth, separately from the sauce, are sometimes added to it. W^hen no onion is put in, rub the bottom of the dish witb a clove or two of 287 QUE QUI garlic. A Goose, before it is boil- ed, is to be salted for a day or two. Steep some oatmeal in warm milk, or some other liquor, and mix it with some shred beef suet, minced apples and onions, sweet htrbs chopped, and a seasoning of cloves, mace, and pepper. Fill the belly of the goose with this stuffing, and tie it close at the neck and vent. Boil and serve it on slices of bread, dipped in any kind of broth, with cauliflowers, cabbage, turnips, and barberries. Pour melted butter over it. A Wild Duck, being first drawn and trussed, must be parboiled, and then half roasted. Having carved it, put the gravy into a pip- kin with plenty of onion and pars- ley, sliced ginger, mace, some wash- ed currants, barberries, and a quart of claret. Boil all together, skim it clean, add some butter and sugar, and serve up the duck with the sauce poured over it. A Rabbit is to be boiled in salt and water. Chop some parsley and thyme to- gether, a handful of each, and boil it in a little of the liquor in which fhe rabbit is boiling. Then add to it three or four spoonfuls of verjuice, a piece of butter, and two or three eggs well beaten. Stir the whole together, thicken it over the fire, and serve up the rabbit with this sauce poured over it. — In the royal kitchen, a Florentine Pie was made of a leg of veal or mutton, cut into thin slices, and seasoned with sweet marjoram, thyme, savory, parsley, rosemary, an onion and a clove of garlic, all cut small. To these were added, nutmeg and pepper beaten fine, some grated manthet, a little salt, and the yolks of three or four raw eggs, to mix and make them adhere together. The meat is laid in a dish, with a crust under it, in- termixed with some thin slice* of streaked bacon. A few bay leaves and some oyster liquor are added, the dish covered with a crust, and baked. For a Veal Pie, cut a fillet into pieces, 288 about the size of walnuts, and sea- son them with cinnamon, ginger, sugar, and salt. Use a raised crust or dish, at pleasure, lay in the meat with roasted chesnuts peeled and quartered, dates sliced, and the marrow from two beef bones. Put on the top crust, bake the pie ; and when done, serve it up with the fol- lowing sauce poured into it. Beat- up the yolk of an egg with some white wine, cinnamon, ginger, and sugar. Heat it over the fire till it thickens a little, taking care not to let the egg curdle. Sauce for a loin of veal was made of all kinds of sweet herbs, with the yolks of two or three hard eggs minced very fine. They were then boiled up with some currants, a little grated bread, pounded cinnamon, sugar, and two whole cloves. The sauce was pour- ed into the dish intended for the veal, with two or three slices of an orange. A Cod's Head was directed to be dressed in the following man- ner. Cut the head large, and a go;)(' piece of the shoulder with it, and boil it in salt and water. Have pre- pared a quart of cockles, with the shelled meat of two or three crabs. Put these into a pipkin with nearly half a pint of white wine, a bunch of sweet herbs, two onions, a little mace, a little grated nutmeg, and some oyster liquor. Boil these till the liquor is wasted, then add three or four large spoonfuls of melted butter. Drain the cod's head well over a chaffing-dish of coals, and serve it up with the above sauce, taking out the bunch of herbs, and adding more butter, if required. Serve up the liver and roe on the sides of the dish. QUICK HEDGES. A great va- riety of difl'erent sorts of plants is employed in forming and construct- ing these hedges, as those of the hawthorn, the black-thorn, the crab- tree, the hazel, the willow, the beech, the elder, the poplar, the alder, and several other kinds, ac- QUI QUI cording to particular circumstances and situations. Whatever sort of plants may be employed for this purpose, the work should constantly be well performed in the first in- stance, and the hedges and plants be afterwards kept in due order and regularity by suitable pruning, cut- ting in, and other proper manage- ment. Excellent hawthorn hedges are raised by planting one row only at six inches asunder, rather than two rows nine inches or a foot apart. Those planted six inches apart do not require to be cut down to thick- en them at the bottom, and will form a complete protection against hogs, and in other respects form a beautiful and effectual fence. QUICKSILVER, when rubbed down and blended with unctuous matters, forms a sort of ointment, which is useful in the curing of dif- ferent diseases of the skin, as well as in destroying lice and other ver- min that infest animals of different kinds, which form the live stock of the farmer. It has also been found useful in its crude state in destroying insects on fruit trees. Take a small awl, and pierce sloping, through the rind, and into part of the wood of the branch, but not to the heart or pith of it ; and pour in a small drop or two of the quicksilver, and stop ' it up with a small wooden plug made to fit the orifice, and the in- sects will drop off from that very branch the next day ; and in a day or two more, from the other branches of the trees without any other punc- ture, and the tree will continue in full vigour and thrive well through the sunamer. Honeysuckles and other shrubs may be cleared of in- sects, by scraping away the top of the ground with a trowel, and run- ning an awl in the same sloping manner, into the main stem just above the roots ; but with the same caution as above, not quite to the inner pith, and then applying the (No. 13.) quicksilver. The insects will dtop off the day after the experiment, QUILLS. To harden and prepare them for use, dip them for a minute in some boiling water in which alum has been dissolved ; or thrust them into hot ashes till they become soft^ and afterwards press and scrape them with the back of a knife. When they are to be clarified, the barrels must be scraped and cut at the end, and then put into boiling water for a quarter of an hour, with a quan- tity of alum and salt. Afterwards they are dried in an oven, or in a pan of hot sand. QUINS FISH SAUCE. Half a pint of walnut pickle, the same of mushroom pickle, six anchovies pounded, six anchovies whole, and half a tea-spoonful of cayenne. Shake it up well, when it is to be used. QUINCE. The fruit of the quince , is astringent and stomachic ; and its expressed juice, in small 'quantities, as a spoonful or two, is of consider- able service in nausea, vomitings, eructations, &c. Quince trees are very apt to have rough bark, and to be bark-bound; in these cases it will be necessary to shave off the rough bark with a draw-knife, and to scarify them when bark-bound, brushing them over with the com- position. It is also advised to plant quince trees at a proper distance from apple and pears, as bees and the wind may mix the farina, and occasion the apples and pears to degenerate. These trees may be raised from the kernels of the fruit sown in autumn ; but there is no depending on having the same sort of good fruit from seedlings, nor will ^ they soon become bearers. But the several varieties may be continued the jame by cuttings and layers ; also^y suckers from such trees as grow upon their own roots, and like- wise be increased by grafting and budding upon their own pear-stocks p p 289 our QUI raised from the kernels in the same manner as for apples. Standard quinces, designed as fruit trees, may be stationed in the garden or orchard, and some by the sides of any wa- ter, pond, watery ditch, &c. as they delight in moisture. QUINCE JELLY. When quinces have been boiled for marmalade, take the first liquor and pass it through a jelly bag. To every pint allow a pound of fine loaf sugar, and boil it till it is quite clear and comes to a jelly. The quince seeds should be tied in a piece of muslin, and boiled in it. QUINCE MARMALADE. Pare and quarter some quince^, and weigh an equal quantity of sugar. To four pounds of the latter put a quart of water, boil and skim it well, by the time the quinces are prepared. Lay the fruit in a stone jar, with a tea- cupful of water at the bottom, and pack them with a little sugar strew- ed between. Cover the jar close, set it in a cool oven, or on a stove, and let the quinces soften till they become red. Then pour the syrup and a quart of quince juice into a preserving pan, and boil all together till the marmalade be completed, breaking the lumps of fruit with the ladle ; otherwise the fruit is so hard, that it will require a great deal of time. Stewing quinces in a jar, and then squeezing them through a cheese cloth, is the best method of obtaining the juice ; and in this case the cloth should first be dipped in boiling water, and then wrung out. QUINCE PUDDING. Scald six large quinces very tender, pare off the thin rind, and scrape them to a pulp. Add powdered sugar enough to make them very sweet, and a lit- tle pounded ginger and cinnamon. Beat up the yolks of four egg^jph^ith some salt, and stir in a pint of cream. Mix these with the quince, and bake it in a dish, with a puff crust round the edge. In a moderate oven, three 290 quarters of an hour will be sufficient. Sift powdered sugar over the pud- ding before it is sent to table. QUINCE WINE. Gather the quinces in a dry day, when they are tolerably ripe ; rub off the down with a linen cloth, and lay them in hay or straw for ten days to perspire. Cut them in quarters, take out the cores, and bruise them well in a mashing tub with a wooden pestle. Squeeze out the liquid part by degrees, by pressing them in a hair bag in a cider press. Strain the liquor through a fine sieve, then warm it gently over a fire, and skim it, but do not suffer it to boil. Now sprinkle into it some loaf sugar reduced to powder, and boil a dozen or fourteen quinces thinly sliced, in a gallon of water mixed with a quart of white wine. Add two pounds of fine sugar, strain off the liquor, and mingle it with the natural juice of the quinces. Put this into a cask, but do not fill it, and mix them well together. Let it stand to settle, put in two or three whites of eggs, and draw it oflT. If it be not sweet enough, add more sugar, and a quart of the best malmsey. To make it still better, boil a quarter of a pound of stone raisins, and half an ounce of cinna- mon bark, in a quart of the liquor, till a third part is reduced. Then strain it, and put it into the cask when the wine is fermenting. QUINCES PRESERVED. Wipe clean a quantity of golden pippins, not pared but sliced, and put them into two quarts of boiling water. Boil them very quick, and closely covered, till the water is reduced to a thick jelly, and then scald the quinces, either whole or cut in halves. To every pint of pippin jelly add a pound of the finest sugar, boil and skim it clear. Put those quinces that are to be done whole into the syrup at once, and let it boil very fast ; and those that are to be in halves bv themselves. Skim it care- R A B R A B fully, and when the fruit is clear, put some of the syrup into a glass, to try whether it jellies, before tak- ing it off the fire. A pound of quinces is to be allowed to a pound of sugar, and a pound of jelly al- ready boiled with the sugar. QUINSEY. For a quinsey, or inflammation of the throat, make a volatile liniment, by shaking toge- ther an ounce of Florence oil, and half an ounce of the spirit of harts- horn ; or an equal quantity of each, if the patient be able to bear it. Moisten a piece of flannel with the liniment, and apply it to the throat every four or five hours. After bleeding, it will seldom fail to lessen or carry off the complaint. R, Rabbits, wild ones have the finest flavour, and are by far the best. Tame rabbits are scarcely eatable, unless kept delicately clean. The doe brings forth every month, and must be allowed to go with the buck as soon as she has kindled. The sweetest hay, oats, beans, sow- thistle, parsley, carrot tops, cab- bage leaves, and bran, should be given to the rabbits, fresh and fresh. If not carefully attended, their own stench will destroy them, and be very unwholesome to those who live near them. Constant care is requi- site to prevent thi^ inconvenience. — When rabbits are to be dressed, they may have gravy and stufting like hare ; or they may be larded, and roasted without stufiing. For the manner of trussing a rabbit, either for roasting or boiling, see the Plate. If boiled, it should be smothered with onion sauce, the butter to be melted with milk in- stead of water. If fried in joints, it must be dressed with dried or fried parsley, and liver sauce made for it, the same as for roasting. Chop up the liver with parsley, and put it into melted butter, with pep- per and salt. If fricasseed, the same as for chickens. Young rab- bits are good in a pie, with force- meat as for chicken pie. — When rabbits areto be purchased for cook- ing, the follov/ing things must be observed. If the claws are blunt and rugged, the ears dry and tough, and the haunch thick, it is old. But if the claws are smooth and sharp, the ears easily tear, and the cleft in the lip is not much spread, it is young. If fresh and newly killed, the body will be stiff", and in hares the flesh is pale. They keep a good while by proper care, and are best when rather beginning to turn, it the inside is preserved from being musty. To distinguish a real leveret from a hare, a knob or small bone will be discovered near the foot on its fore leg. Tame rabbits may be bred with much success and or- namental eff'ect in a small artificial Avarren, in a lawn in the garden, made in the following manner. Pare off" the turf of a circle about forty feet diameter, and lay it on the out- side ; then dig a ditch within this circle, the outside perpendicular, the inner sloping, and throw earth sufficient into the middle to form a little hill, two or three feet higher than the level of the lawn ; the rest must be carried away. Then lay down the turf on the hill, and beat it well to settle. The ditch at bot- tom should be about three feet wide, andlfcree and a half deep, with two or three drains at the bottom, cover- ed with an iron grate, or a stone with holes, to carry off" the hasty rains, in order to keep the rabbits dry. 291 RA B RAD In the outside bank should be six alcoves, the sides and top support- ed, either by boards or brick-work, to give the rabbits their dry food in ; by their different situations some will always be dry ; six boxes or old tea-chests, let into the bank will do very well. If the ground be very light, the outside circle should have a wall built round it, or some stakes driven into the ground, and boards or hurdles nailed to them, within a foot of the bottom, to prevent the bank from falling in. The entrance must either be by a board to turd occasionally across the ditch, or by a ladder. The turf being settled, . and the grass beginning to grow, turn in the rabbits, and they will immediately go to work to make themselves burrows in the sides, and in the hill. By way of inducing them rather to build in the sides, to keep the turf the neater, make a score of holes about a foot deep, and they will finish them to their own mind ; and if there be a brick wall round it, it should be built on pillars, with an arch from each, to leave a vacancy for a burrow. Lu- cern, parsley and carrots are very proper food for them ; and they should also be fed upon some of the best upland pasture hay. Rabbits are subject to several diseases, as the rot, which is caused by giving them too large a quantity of green food, or the giving it fresh gather- ed, with the dew or rain hanging in fresh drops upon it, as it is over- moisture that always causes the disease ; the green food should therefore always be given dry, and a sufficient quantity of hay, or other dry food, intermixed with it, to counteract the bad effects of it. And a sort of madness often seizes them : this may be known by their tumbling about ; their heels; up- wards, and hopping in an odd man- ner into the boxes. This distemper is supposed to be owing to the rank- ness of their feeding ; and the ge- 292 nerai cure is the keeping them low and giving them the prickly herb called tare-thistle to eat as much as possible. They are also subject to a sort of scabby eruption, which is seldom removed. These should, however, be directly separated from the rest of the stock, RABBIT LIKE HARE. Choose a full-grown young rabbit, and hang it up three or four days. Then skin it, and without washing, lay it in a seasoning of black pepper and all- spice, in very fine powder. Add a glass of port wine, and the same quantity of vinegar. Baste it oc- casionally for forty hours, then stuff and roast it as hare, and with the same sauce. Do not wash off the liquor that it was soaked in. RADISHES. These are raised from seed by different sowings from the end of October till April, or the following month. They should have alight fine mould, and the more early sowings be made on borders, under warm walls, or other similar places, and in frames covered by glasses. The common spindle-root- ed, short-topped sorts are mostly j made use of in these early sowings, the seed being sown broadccist over the beds after they have been pre- pared by digging over and raking the surface even, being covered in with a slight raking. Some sow carrots with the early crops of ra- dishes. It is usual to protect the early sown crops in the borders, during frosty nights and bad wea- ther, by mats or dry wheat straw, which should be carefully removed every mild day. By this means they are brought more forward, as well as form better roots. When mats are used, and supported by pegs or hoops, they are readily applied and removed. A second more general sowing should be made in January or February. When the crops have got their rough leaf,' they should be thinned out, where they are too thick, to the distance of two inches. RAD RAD as there will be constantly more thin- ning by the daily drawing of the young radishes. When the weather is dry in March, or the following month, the crops should be occa- sionally well watered, which not only forwards the growth of the crops, but increases the size of the roots, and renders them more mild and crisp in eating. And the sowings should be continued at the distance of a fortnight, till the latter end of March, when they should be per- formed every ten days, until the end of April or beginning of the follow- ing month. In sowing these later crops, it is the practice of some gardeners to sow coss-lettuces and spinach with them, in order to have the two crops coming forward at the same time ; but the practice is not to be much recommended, where there is sufficient room. But in sowing the main general crops in the open quarters, the market-gar- deners generally put them in on the same ground where they plant out their main crops of cauliflowers and cabbages, mixing spinach with the radish-seed as above, sowing the seeds first, and raking them in, then planting the cauliflowers or cab- bages ; the radishes and spinach come in for use before the other plants begin to spread much, and as soon as those crops are all cleared off for use, hoe the ground all over to kill weeds and loosen the soil, drawing earth about the stems of the cauliflowers and cabbages. The turnip radish should not be sown till the beginning of March, the plants being allowed a greater dis- tance than for the common spindle- rooted sort. The seeds of this sort are apt to degenerate, unless they are set at a distance from that kind. The white and black Spanish ra- dishes are usually sown about the middle of July, or a little earlier, and are fit for the table by the end of August, or the beginning of Septem- ber, continuing good till frost spoils them. These should be thinned to a greater distance than the common sort, as their roots grow as large as turnips, and should not be left nearer than six inches. To have these roots in winter, they should be drawn be- fore hard frost comes on, and laid in dry sand, as practised for carrots, carefully guarding them from wet and frost ; as in this way they may be kept till the spring. In regard to the culture of the general crops, they require very little, except oc- casional thinning, where they are too thick, when the plants are come into the rough leaf, either by hoeing or drawing them out by hand : though for large quantities, small hoeing is the most expeditious mode of thin- ning, as well as most beneficial to the crop by loosening the ground ; in either method thinning the plants to about two or three inches distance, clearing out the weakest, and leav- ing the strongest to form the crop. In order to save the seed, about the beginning of May some ground should be prepared by digging and levelling ; then drawing some of the straightest and best coloured ra- dishes, plant them in rows three feet distant, and two feet asunder in the rows ; observing, if the season be dry, to water them until they have taken root : after which they will only require to have the weeds hoed down between them, until they are advanced so high as to overspread the ground. When the seed begins to ripen, it should be carefully guarded against the birds. When it is ripe, the pods will turn brown : then it must be cut, and spread in the sun to dry ; after which it must be thrashed, and laid up for use where no mice can come at it. In order to have the roots early, as in January or the following month, the method of raising them in hot-beds is sometimes practised. They should have eighteen inches depth of dung to bring them up, and six or seven inches depth of light rich mould. 293 "RAG RAI The seed should be sown moderate- ly thick, covering it in half an inch thick, and putting on the lights : the plants usually come up in a week or less ; and when they appear, the lights should be lifted or taken off • occasionally, according to the wea- ther ; and in a fortnight thin the plants to the distance of an inch and half or two inches, when in six weeks they will be fit to draw. Where there are no frames to spare, the beds may be covered with mats over hoops, and the sides secured by boards and straw-bands. And when in want of dung, if the beds be co- vered with frames, and the lights put on at night and in bad weather, the plants may be raised for use a fortnight sooner than in the open borders. — To raise them in constant succession, steep the seed in rain water for twenty-four hours, tie it up in a linen bag, and hang it in the sun all day. The seed beginning to shoot, is then to be sown in fresh earth well exposed to the sun, and covered with a tub. In three days the radishes will be produced fit for salad, and much more delicate than those grown in the common way. In the winter the seeds should be steeped in warm water, and the bag put in a place sufficiently hot to make them sprout. Then fill a tub with rich mould, sow the seeds in it, and cover them over closely with another tub, taking care to sprinkle them now and then with warm water. The two tubs closely joined should be set in a warm place, and in about a fortnight some fine salad will be produced. Radishes may be raised in this manner all the year round, and by the quickness of their growth they will be render- ed fine and delicate. RAGOUT OF EGGS. Boil eight eggs hard, then shell and cut them into quarters. Have ready a pint of good gravy, well seasoned, and thickened over the fire with two ounces of butter rolled in flour. When quite smooth and hot, pour it over the eggs, and serve theiu up. By using cream instead of gravy, this will make a fricassee. RAGOUT OF MORELS. Out them in long slices, then wash and drain them well. Put them into a stewpan with a piece of butter, some chopped parsley, a bunch of herbs, and some gravy. Simmer them over a gentle fire, and when nearly done, add a little pepper, salt, and flour. Set them over the fire, till the sauce is properly thick- ened. Stewed with a little water and a blade of mace, and thickened with cream, and yolks of eggs, they make a white ragout. Serve them with sippets of bread toasted. RAGOUT OF TRUFFLES. Peel the trufiles, cut them in slices, wash and drain them well. Put them into a saucepan with a little gravy, and stew them gently over a slow fire. When they are nearly done enough, thicken them with a little butter and flour. Stewed in a little water, and thickened with cream and yolk of egg, they make a nice white ragout. Truffles, mushrooms, and morels, are all of them very indigestible, and therefore not to be recommend- ed to general use. RAISED CRUST. For meat pes or fowls, boil some water with a lit- tle fine lard, and an equal quantity of fresh dripping or butter, but not much of either. While hot, mix this with as much fine flour as is necessary, making the paste as stiff as possible, to be smooth. Good kneading will be required for this purpose, and beating it with a roll- ing-pin. When quite smooth, put a part of it into a cloth, or under a pan, to soak till nearly cold. Those - who are not expert in raising a crust, jjpaay roll the paste of a proper thick- ness, and cut out the top and bot- i tom of the pie, then a long piece for j the sides. Cement the bottom to 1 the sides with egg, bringing the for- mer rather farther out, and pinching it At RAI both together. Put egg between the edges of the paste, to make it adhere at the sides. Fill the pie, put on the cover, and pinch it and the side crust together. The same mode of uniting the paste is to be observed, if the sides are pressed into a tin form, in which the paste must be baked, after it is filled and covered ; but in the latter case, the tin should be buttered, and carefully taken oft' when done enough ; and as the form usually makes the sides of a lighter colour than is proper, the paste should be put into the oven again for a quarter of an hour. The crust should be egged over at first with a feather. — Another. Put four ounces of butter into a sauce- pan with water ; and when it boils, pour it into a quantity of flour. Knead and beat it quite smooth, cover it with small bits of butter, and work it in. If for custard, put a paper within to keep out the sides till half done. Mix up an egg with a little warm milk, adding sugar, a little peach v.ater, lemon peel, or nutmeg, and fill up tli^ paste. — Another way. To four pounds of flour, allow a pound of butter, and an ounce of salt. Heap the flour on a pie board, and make a hole in the middle of it, and put in the but- ter and salt. Pour in water nearly boiling, but with caution, that the crust be not too flrmsey. Work the butter with the hand till it is melted in the water, then mix in the flour, mould it for a few minutes as quick as possible, that it may be free from lumps, and the stiffer it is the better. Let it be three hours before it is used. RAISIN WINE. To every gal- lon of spring water, allow eight pounds of fresh Smyrnas, and put them together in a large tub. Stir it thoroughly every day for a month, then press the raisins in a horse- hair bag as dry as possible, and put the liquor into a cask. When it has done hissing, pour in a bottle of the best brandy, stop it close for twelve months, and then rack it off free from the dregs. Filter the dregs through a bag of flannel of three or four folds, add what is clear to the general quantity, and pour on a quart or two of brandy, according to the size of the vessel. Stop it up, and at the end of three years it may either be bottled, or drank from the cask. If raisin wine be made rich of the fruit, and well kept, tke flavour will be much improved. — To make raisin wine with cider, put two hundred-weight o*f Malagas into a cask, and pour upon them a hogs- head of good sound cider that is not rough ; stir it well two or three days, stop it up, and let it stand six months. Then rack it into a cask that it will till, and add a gallon of the best brandy. If raisin wine be much used, it would answer well to keep a cask always for it, and bottle off one year's wine just in time to make the next, which, allowing the six months of infusion, would make the wine to be eighteen months old. In cider counties this way is found to be economical ; and if the wine is not thought strong enough, the addition of another stone or two of raisins would be sufficient, and the wine would still be very cheap. When the raisins are pressed through a horse-hair bag, they will either produce a good spirit by distillation, if sent to a chemist, or they will make excellent vinegar. — Raisin wine without cider. On four hun- dred-weight of Malagas pour a hogs- head of spring water, stir it well every day for a fortnight, then squeeze the raisins in a horse-hair bag in a press, and tun the liquor. When it ceases to hiss, stop it close. In six months rack it oflf into ano- ther cask, or into a tub ; and after clearing out the sediment, return it into the cask without washing it. Add a gallon of the best brandy, 295 RAS HAS stop it close, and bottle it off in six months. The pressed fruit may be reserved for making vinegar. RAMAKINS. Scrape a quarter of a pound of Cheshire cheese, and the same of Gloucester cheese, and add them to a quarter of a pound of fresh butter. Beat all in a mor- tar, with the yolks of four eggs, and the inside of a small French roll boiled soft iu cream. Mix the paste with the whites of the eggs previously beaten, put it into small paper pans made rather long than square, and bake in a Dutch oven to a fine brown. They should be eaten quite hot. Some like the ad- dition of a glass of white wine. The batter for ramakins is equally good over macaroni, when boiled tender ; or on stewed brocoli, ce- lery, or cauliflower, a little of the gravy they have been stewed in be- ing put in the dish with them, but not enough to make the vegetable swim. RASPBERRY BRANDY. Pick some fine dry fruit, put them into a stone jar, and the jar into a kettle of water, or on a hot hearth, till the juice will run. After straining it, add to every pint of juice, half a pound of sugar ; give it one boil, and skim it. When cold, put equal quantities of juice and brandy ; shake it well, and bottle it. Some persons prefer it stronger of the brandy. RASPBE^Y CAKES. Pick out some fine ripe raspberries, weigh and boil them. When mashed, and the liquor is wasted, add sugar equal to the first weight of the fruit. Take it off the fire, mix it well, until per- fectly dissolved, and then put it on china plates to dry in the sun. As soon as the top part dries, cut the paste into small cakes with the co- ver of a canister ; then turn them on fresh plates, and put tliem into boxes when dry, with layers of white paper. 296 RASPBERRY CREAM. Mash the fruit gently, and let them drain ; sprinkle some sugar over, and that will produce more juice. Then put the juice to some cream, and sweet- en it. After this it may be lowered with milk ; but if the milk be put in before the cream, it will curdle it. When fresh fruit cannot be obtained, it is best made of raspberry jelly, instead of jam. — Another way. Boil an ounce of isinglass shavings in three pints of cream and new milk mixed, for fifteen minutes, or till the shavings be melted. Strain it through a hair sieve into a bason; when cool, add about half a pint of rasp- berry juice or syrup, to the milk and cream. Stir it till it is well incor- porated ; sweeten, and add a glass of brandy. Whisk it about till three parts cold, and then put it into a mould till it is quite cold. In sum- mer, use the fresh juice ; in winter, syrup of raspberries. RASPBERRY JAM. Weigh equal quantities of fruit and sugar; put the former into a preserving-pan, boil and break it, stir it constantly, and let it boil very quickly. When most of the juice is wasted, add the sugar, and simmer it half an hour. By this mode of management the jam is greatly superior in colour and flavour, to that which is made by putting the sugar in at first. — Ano- ther way. Put the fruit in a jar, and the jar in a kettle of water on a hot hearth, and let it remain till the juice will run from it. Then take away a quarter of a pint from every pound of fruit, boil and bruise it half an hour. Put in the weight of the fruit in sugar, add the same quantity of currant juice, and boil it to a strong jelly. The raspberry juice will serve to put into brandy, or may be boiled with its weight in sugar, for making the jelly for raspberry ice or cream. RASPBERRY TARTS. Roll out some thin puff paste, and lay it in a pattipan. Put in the raspberries, tlAS RAT strew some fine sugar over them, cover with a thin lid, and bake the tart. Mix a pint of cream with the yolks of two or three eggs well beaten, and a little sugar. Cut open the tart, pour in the mixture, and return it to the oven for five or six minutes. — Another. Line the dish with puff paste, put in sugar and fruit, lay bars across, and bake them. Currant tarts are done in the same way. RASPBERRY VINEGAR. Put a pound of fine fruit into a china bowl, and pour upon it a quart of the best white wine vinegar. Next day strain the liquor on a pound of fresh raspberries, and the following day do the same ; but do not squeeze the fruit, only drain the liquor as dry as possible from it. The last time pass it through a canvas, pre- viously moistened with vinegar, to prevent waste. Put it into a stone jar, with a pound of sugar to every pint of juice, broken into large lumps. Stir it when melted, then put the jar into a saucepan of water, or on a hot hearth ; let it simmer, and skim it clean. When cold, bot- tle it up. This is one of the most useful preparations that can be kept in a house, not only as affording the most refreshing beverage, but being of singular efficacy in complaints of the chest. A large spoonful or two in this case is to be taken in a tumbler of water. No glazed or metal vessel of any kind should be used in this preparation. The fruit, with an equal quantity of sugar, makes excellent Raspberry Cakes, without boiling. RASPBERRY WINE. To every quart of well-picked raspberries put a quart of water ; bruise, and let them stand two days. Strain off the liquor ; and to every gallon add three pounds of lump sugar. When dissolved, put the liquor in a barrel ; and when fine, which will be in about two months, bottle it off*. To each bottle put a spoonful of brandy, or a glass of wine.. RATIFIA. Blanch two ounces of peach and apricot kernels, bruise and put them into a bottle, and fill it nearly up with brandy. Dissolve half a pound of white sugar-candy in a cup of cold water, and add it to the brandy after it has stood a month on the kernels, and they are strained off". Then filter through paper, and bottle it up for use. The leaves of peaches and nectarines, when the trees are cut in the spring, being distilled, are an excellent sub- stitute for ratifia in puddings. RATIFIA CAKES. Blanch and beat fine in a mortar, four ounces of bitter almonds, and two ounces of sweet almonds. Prepare a pound and a half of loaf sugar, pounded and sifted ; beat up the whites Oi' four eggs to a froth, and add the sugar to it a little at a time, till it becomes of the stiff'ness of dough. Stir and beat it well together, and put in the almonds. Drop the paste on paper or tins, and bake it in a slow oven. Try one of the cakes, and if it rises out of shape, the oven is too hot. The cakes must not be handled in making, but a spoon or a knife must be used. RATIFIA CREAM. Boil three or four laurel, peach, or nectarine leaves, in a full pint of cream, and strain it. When cold, add the yolks of three eggs beaten and strained, sugar, and a large spoonful of bran- dy sjtirred quick into it. Scald and stir it all the time, till it thickens. Or mix half a quarter of a pint of ratifia, the same quantity of moun- tain wine, the juice of two or three lemons, a pint of rich cream, and agreeably sweetened with sugar. Beat it with a whisk, and put it into glasses. The cream will keep eight or ten days. — Another. Blanch a quarter of an ounce of bitter al- monds, and beat them with a tea- spoonful of water in a marble mortar. Q q 297 11 A T H A t Rub with the paste two ounces of loaf sugar, simmer it ten minutes with a tea-cupful of cream, and then strain and ice it. RATIFIA DROPS. Blanch.and beat in a mortar four ounces of bit- ter almonds, and two ounces of sweet almonds, with a small part of a pound of fine sugar sifted. Add the remainder of the sugar, and the whites of two eggs, and make the whole into a paste. Divide the mass into little balls the size of a nutmeg, put them on wafer paper, and bake them gently on tin plates. RATS. The first step taken by rat-catchers, in order to clear a house, &c. of those vermin, is to allure them all together, to one pro- per place, before they attempt to destroy them ; for there is such an instinctive caution in these animals, accompanied with a surprising sa- gacity in discovering any cause of danger, that if any of them be hurt, or pursued, in an unusual manner, the rest take the alarm, and become so shy and wary, that they elude all the devices and stratagems of their pursuers for some time after. The place where the rats are to be as- sembled, should be some closet, or small room, into which all the open- ings, but one or two, may be se- cured ; and this place should be, as near as may be, in the middle of the house, or buildings. It is the practice, therefore, to attempt to bring them all together in some such place before any attempt be made to take them ; and even then to avoid any violence, hurt, or fright to them, before the whole be in the power of the operator. In respect to the means used to allure them to one place, they are various ; one of those most easily and efficaciously practised is the trailing some piece of their most favourite food, which should be of the kind that has the strongest scent, such as toasted cheese, or brcfiled red-herring, from 298 the holes or entrances to their ac- cesses in every part of the house, or contiguous buildings, whence it is intended to allure them. At the extremities, and in different parts of the course of this trailed tract, small quantities of meal, or any other kind of their food, should be laid, to bring the greater number into the tracks, and to encourage them to pursue it to the centre place, where they are intended to be taken ; at that place, where time admits of it, a more plentiful repast is laid for them, and the trailing repeated for two or three nights. But besides this trailing, and way-baiting, some of the most expert of the rat-catchers have a shorter, and, perhaps, more effectual method of bringing them together, which is, the calling them, by making such a kind of whistling noise as resembles their own call, and by this means, with the assist- ance of the way-baits, they call them out of their holes, and lead them to the repast prepared for them at the place designed for taking them. But this is much more difficult to be practised than the art of trailing ; for the learning the exact notes, or cries, of any kind of beasts or birds, so as to deceive them, is a pe- culiar talent, not easily attained to in other cases. And in practising either of these methods, great cau- tion must be used by the operator to suppress, and prevent, the scent of his feet and body from being per- ceived ; which is done by overpow- ering that scent by others of a stronger nature. In order to this the feet are to be covered with cloths rubbed over with assafcetida, or other strong smelling substances ; and even oil of rhodium is some- times used for this purpose, but sparingly, on account of its dear- ness, though it has a very alluring, as well as disguising effect. If this caution of avoiding the scent of th€ operator's feet, near the track, and in the place where the rats are pro- posed to be collected, be not pro- perly observed, it will very much obstruct the success of the attempt to take them ; for they are very shy of coming where the scent of human feet lies very fresh, and intimates, to their sagacious instinct, the pre- sence of human creatures^ whom they naturally dread. To the above- mentioned means of alluring by trailing, way-baiting, and calling, is added another of very material efficacy, which is the use of the oil of rhodium, which, like the marum syriacum in the case of cats, has a very extraordinary fascinating power on these animals. The oil is ex- tremely dear, and therefore very sparingly used. It is exhaled in a small quantity in the place, and at the entrance of it, where the rats are intended to be taken, particu-* larly at the time when they are to be last brought together in order to their destruction ; and it is used also, by smearing it on the surface of some of the implements used in taking them, by the method before de- scribed, and the effect it has in tak- ing off their caution and dread, by the delight they appear to have in it, is very extraordinary. It is usual, likewise, for the operator to dis- guise his figure as well as scent, which is done by putting on a sort of gown or cloak, of one colour, that hides the natural form, and makes him appear like a post, or such inanimate thing ; which habit must likewise be scented as above, to overpower the smell of his per- son ; and besides this he is to avoid all motion, till he has secured his point of having all the rats in his power. When the rats are thus enticed and collected, where time is afforded, and the whole in any house or outbuildings are intended to be cleared away, they are suffered to regale on what they most like, which is ready prepared for them ; and then to go away quietly for two or RAT three nights ; by which means those which are not allured the first night are brought afterwards, either by their fellows, or the effects of the trailing, &c. and will not fail to come duly again, if they are not disturbed or molested. But many of the rat-catchers make shorter work, and content themselves with what can be brought together in one night or two ; but this is never ef- fectual, unless where the building is small and entire, and the rats but few in number. With respect to the means of taking them when they are brought together, they are va- rious. Some entice them into a very large bag, the mouth of which is sufficiently capacious to cover nearly the whole floor of the place where they are collected ; which is done by smearing some vessel, placed in the middle of the bag, with oil of rhodium, and laying in the bag baits of proper food. This bag, which before laid flat on the ground, with the mouth spread open, is to be suddenly closed when the rats are all in it. Others drive or frighten them, by slight noises or motions, into a bag of a long form, the mouth of which, after all the rats are come in, is drawn up to the opening of the place by which they entered, all other ways of retreat being secured. Others, again, in- toxicate or poison them, by mixing with the repast prepared for them the cocculus indicus, or the nux vomica. A receipt for this purpose has appeared, which directs four ounces of cocculus indicus, with twelve ounces of oatmeal, and two ounces of treacle or honey, to be made up into a moist paste with strong beer ; but if the nux vomica be used, a much less proportion will serve than is here given of the cocculus. Any similar composition of these drugs, with that kind of food the rats are most fond of, and which has a strong flavour, to hide that of the drugs, will cquallv well 2981 " RAT RAT answer the end. If, indeed, the cocculus indicus be well powdered, and infused in strong beer for some time, at least half the quantity here directed will serve as well as the quantity before mentioned. When the rats appear to be thoroughly in- toxicated with the cocculus, or sicfc with the nux vomica, they may be taken with the hand, and put into a bag or cage, the door of the place being first drawn to, lest those which have strength and sense re-> maining should escape. By these methods, when well conducted, a very considerable part of the rats in a farm, or other house, and the contiguous buildings, may be taken and destroyed. But various other methods have been practised. — The following compositions are advised for destroying these mischievous creatures, and which are stated to have been attended with great suc- cess. First, to a quart of oatmeal, add six drops of oil of rhodium, one grain of musk, and two or three of the nuts of nux vomica finely pow- dered ; make them into pellets, and put them into the rat-holes. This, it is said, was at first greedily eaten, and did great execution ; but the wise animals, after a time, ceased to eat it. Secondly ; this consisted of three parts of oatmeal and one of stave's-acre, mixed well into a paste with honey. Pieces of this paste were laid in their holts, and again did great execution. Thirdly ; this is a method of destroying them by laying a large box down on its front side, with the lid supported open by a string over a pulley ; and by trail- ing toasted cheese and a red-herring from their holes to this box, and placing oatmeal and other food in it, which they are for a few nights to be permitted to eat unmolested ; and finally to watch them by moon- light, the inside of the box being painted white ; and, when many of them are seen, to let down the lid ; bv which contrivance sixty of them 300 are stated to have been taken at one time. — But though the usual ways of destroying rats are by traps and poison, it is advised never to use arsenic, or corrosive sublimate, for that purpose, except under particu- lar circumstances, as they are dead- ly poisons : nux vomica will gene- rally answer the end as well, without the danger. It is a very good plan, to prevent accidents, to enclose the traps in cases, having holes in the ends of them large enough to admit rats, but small enough to exclude dogs, cats, &c. As a bait for rat- traps, the following composition may be made use of with advantage. Take a pound of good flour, three ounces of treacle, and six drops of the oil of carraways : put them all in a dish, and rub them well toge- ther till they are properly mixed : then add a pound of crumb of bread. The traps baited with this mixture should be set as near their haunts as possible ; but, for two or three days, so as not to fall or strike on the rats going in, but letting them have free liberty to go in and out at pleasure, as this makes them fear- less. Some of the bait should also be laid at the rat-holes, and a little of it scattered quite up to the traps, and so on to the bridge of each trap, where a handful may be placed. It may also be proper to scent the traps with the following mixture, for the purpose of enticing the rats into them. Take twenty drops of the oil of rhodium, six or seven grains of musk, and half an ounce of oil of aniseed ; put them in a small phial, and shake it well before using ; then dip a piece of twisted paper or rag in the mixture, and rub each end of the trap with it, if a box trap, and put two or three drops on the bridge, leaving the paper or rag in the trap. Of whatever kind the trap is, it should be scented ; but once in a twelvemonth will be sufficient. Then throw some chaff mixed with a little wheat about the bottom of the RAT RAT trap, in order to deceive the rats ; fbl they are very sagacious, and will not enter a suspicious place. This will be necessary to be done only at the first time of setting the traps ; for, after some rats have been caught and have watered and dung- ed in them, rats will enter boldly when they find others have been there before them : . do not, there- fore, wash or clean out the trap, as some people do before they set it again, but let the dung and urine remain in it. Keep the places where the traps are set as private as pos- sible ; and when they are set for catching, mix no bread with the bait, as the rats will, in that case, be apt to carry it away. And it is useful, when the holes are found quiet, and that no rats use them, to stop them up with the following composition. Take a pint of com- mon tar, half an ounce of pearl- ashes, an ounce of oil of vitriol, and a good handful of common salt, mix them all well together in an old pan or pot. Take some pieces of pa- per, and lay some of the above mix- ture very thick on them ; then stop the holes well up with them, and build up the mouth of the holes with brick or stone, and mortar ; if this be properly done, rats will no more approach these while either smell or taste remains in the composition. But with a view to destroy rats in places where traps cannot be set, it is recommended to take a quart of the above bait, then to rasp into it three nuts of nux vomica, and add a quarter of a pound of crumb of bread, if there was none before ; mix them all well together, and lay it into the mouth of their holes, and in different places where they fre- quent ; but first give them of the bait without nux vomica, for three or four succeeding nights ; and when they find it agrees with them, they will eat that mixed with the nut with greediness. However, as it is frequently found that rats are very troublesome in sewers and drains, in such cases arsenic may be use and take out the brains, which chop, and put the sage and brains into half a pint of good gravy, with a piece of butter rolled in flour ; then cut your pig down the back, and lay him flat in the dish : cut oflf tb* two ears, and lay (;ne upon each shoulder ; take off the under jaw, cut it in two, and lay one on each side ; put the head between the shoulders, pour the gravy out of the plates into your sauce, and then into the dish. Send it to table garnished with a lemon. ROAST PIGEONS. Stuff them with parsley, either cut or whole, and put in a seasoning of pepper and salt. Serve with parsley and butter. Peas or asparagus should be dressed to eat with them. ROAST PIKE. Clean the fish we'l, and sew up in it the following stnflliug. Grated bread crumbs, sweet herbs and parsley chopped, capers and anchovies, pepper, salt, a little fresh butter, and an egg. Turn it round with the tail in its mouth, and roast it gently till it isr done of a fine brown. It may be baked, if preferred. Serve it up with a good gravy sauce. ROAST PLOVERS. Green plo- vers should be roasted like wood- cocks, without drawing, and served on a toast. Grey plovers may either be roasted, or stewed with gravy, herbs, and spice. ROAST PORK. Pork requires more doing than any other meat ; and it is best to sprinkle it with a little salt the night before you use it, and hang it up ; by that means it will take off the faint, sickly taste. When you roast a chine of pork, lay it down to a good fire, and at a proper distance, that it may be well soaked, otherwise it eats greasy and disagreeable. A spare-rib is to be roasted with a fire that is not too strong, but clear ; when you lay it down, dust on some flour and baste 319 RO A RO A it with butter : a quarter of an hour before you take it up, shred some sage small ; baste v our pork ; strew on the sage ; dust on a little flour, and sprinkle a little salt just before you take it up. A loin must be cut on the skin in small streaks, and then basted ; but put no flour on, which would make the skin blister ; and see that it is jointed before you lay it down to the fire. A leg of pork is often roasted with sage and onion shred fine, with a little pepper and salt, and stufl'ed at the knuckle, with gravy in the dish ; but a leg of pork done in this manner, parboil it first, and take ofi" the skin ; lay it down to a good clear fire ; baste it with butter, then shred some sage fine, and mix it with pepper, salt, nutmeg, and bread crumbs ; strew this over it the time it is roasting ; baste it again with butter, just be- fore you take it up, that it may be of a fine brown, and have a good froth ; send up some good gravy in the dish ; a griskin roasted in this manner cats finely. ROAST PORKER'S HEAD. Clean it well, put bread and sage into it as for a young pig, sew it up tight, and put it on a hanging jack. Roast it in the same manner as a pig, and serve it up the same. ROAST POTATOES. Half boil them first, then take off the thin peel, and roast them of a beautiful brown. ROAST PULLET. To roast a small hen turkey or a pullet with batter, the bird must first be boned, and filled with forcemeat or stuffing. Then paper it round, and lay it down to roast. When nearly half done, drop off the paper, and baste the bird with a very smooth light batter. When the first basting is dry, baste it again, and repeat this till the bird is nicely crusted over, aad sufficiently done. It will re- quire ten minutes or a quarter of an hour longer roasting than a bird of the same size in the common way, 32(1 on account of its being stuffed with forcemeat. Serve it up with white gravy, or mushroom sauce. ROAST QUAILS. Quails may be dressed and served up like wood- cocks ; or dressed with the insides stuffed with sweet herbs and beef suet chopped fine, and mixed with a little spice. They must roast rather a shorter time than woodcocks. ROAST RUMP OF BEEF. Let it lie in salt for two days, then wash it, and soak it an hour in a quart of claret, and a pint of elder vinegar. Baste it well with the liquor while roasting. Make a gravy of two beef palates cut thin and boiled, and thickened with burnt butter. Add to it mushrooms and oysters, and serve it up hot. ROAST SIRLOIN. When a sir- loin of beef is about three parts roasted, take out the meat from the under side, and mince it nicely. Season it with pepper and salt, and some shalot chopped very small. By the time the beef is roasted, heat this with gravy just sufficient to moisten it. Dish up the beef with the upper side downwards, put the mince in the inside, and strew it with bread crumbs ready prepared. Brown them of a fine colour on a hot salamander over the fire, and then serve up the beef with scraped horseradish laid round it. ROAST SNIPES. Snipes and land rails are dressed exactly in the same manner as woodcocks, but only require a shorter time in roast- ing. ROAST STURGEON. Put the fish on a lark spit, then tie it on a large spit, and baste it constantly with butter. Serve it with a good gravy, an anchovy, a squeeze of Seville orange or lemon, and a glass of sherry. — Another way is, to put into a stewpan a piece of butter rolled in flour, with four cloves, a bunch of sweet herbs, two onions, pepper and salt, half a pint of wa- ter, and a glass of vinegar. Stir it RO A 41 O A 6ver the fire till hot, then let it be- come lukewarm, and steep the fish in it an hour or two. Butter a pa- per well, tie it round, and roast it without letting the spit run through. Serve it with sorrel and anchovy sauce. ROAST SWEETBREADS. Par- boil two large ones, and then roast them in a Dutch oven. Use gravy sauce, or plain butter, with mush- room ketchup. ROAST TONGUE. After well cleaning a neat's tongue, salt it for three days with common salt and saltpetre. This makes an excellent dish, with the addition of a young udder, having some fat to it, and boiled till tolerably tender. Then tie the thick part of one to the thin part of the other, and roast the tongue and udder together. A few cloves should be stuck in the udder. Serve them with good gravy, and currant-jelly sauce. Some people like neats' tongues cured with the root, in which case they look much larger ; but otherwise the root must be cut off close to the gullet, next to the tongue, but without taking away the fat under the tongue. The root must be soaked in salt and wa- ter, and extremely well cleaned, be- fore it is dressed ; and the tongue should be laid in salt a day and a night before it is pickled. ROAST TURKEY. The sinews of the leg should be drawn, which- ever way it is dressed. The head should be twisted under the wing; and in drawing it, take care not to tear the liver, nor let the gall touch it. Put a stuffing of sausage meat ; or if sausages are to be served in the dish, a bread stuffing. As this makes a large addition to the size of the fowl, observe that the heat of the fire is constantly to that part, for the breast is often not done enough. A little strip of paper should be put on the bone, to pre- vent its being scorched while the other parts are roasting. Baste it well, and froth it up. Serv^with gravy in the dish, and plenty ofbread sauce in a sauce tureen. Add a few crumbs and a beaten egg to the stuffing of sausage meat. Another way. Bone your turkey very nicely, leaving on the pinions, rump, and legs ; then take the flesh of a nice fowl, the same weight of bread grated, and half a pound of beef suet, nicely picked ; beat these in a marble mortar, season with mace, one clove, pepper, nutmeg, salt beat fine, a little lemon peel shred very small, and the yolks of two eggs ; mix all up together very well ; then fill all the parts that the bones came out of, and raise the breast to the form it was before the bone was taken out ; sew up the skin of the back, and skewer down the legs close as you do a chicken for roast- ing; spit it and let it be nicely roast- ed : send good gravy in the dish. ROAST VEAL. Veal must be well done before a good fire. Cover the fat of the loin and fillet with paper. Stuff the fillet and shoulder in the following manner. Take a quarter of a pound of suet, parsley, and sweet herbs, and chop them fine. Add grated bread, lemon peel, pepper, salt, nutmeg, and an egg. Mix all well together, and put the stuffing safely into the veal. Roast the breast with the caul on : when nearly done, take it off, and baste and dredge the meat. L*y it in the dish, pour a little melted but- ter over it, and serve it up with salad, boiled vegetables, or stewed celery. ROAST VENISON. After a haunch of venison is spitted, take a piece of butter and rub all over the fat, dust on a little flour, and sprin- kle a little salt : then take a sheet of writing paper, butter it well, and lay over the fat part ; put two sheets over that, and tie the paper on with small twine : keep it well basting, and let there be a good soaking fire. If a large haunch, it will take full three hours to do it. Five minutes T t 321 ROA ROL befcyjje you send it to table take off the paper, dust it over with a little flour, and baste it with butter ; let it go up with a good froth ; put no gravy in the dish, but send it in one boat; and currant jelly melted, in another ; or if you have no currant jelly, boil half a pint of red wine with a quarter of a pound of lump sugar, a stick of cinnamon, and a piece of lemon peel in it, to a syrup. The neck and shoulder are dressed the same way ; and as to the time, it depends entirely on the weight, and the goodness of your fire : if you allow a quarter of an hour to each pound, and the fire be tolera- bly kept up, you cannot well err. A breast of venison is excellent dressed in the following way : flour it, and fry it brown on both sides in fresh butter : keep it hot in a dish, dust flour into the butter it was fried in, till it is thick and brown. Keep it stirring that it may not burn ; pour in half a pint of red wine, and a quarter of a pound of powdered sugar: stir it and let it boil to a proper thickness. Squeeze in the juice of a lemon, take off the scum very clean, and pour it over your venison, then send it to ta- ble. ROAST WHEAT-EARS. These birds should be spitted sideways, with a vine leaf between each. Baste them with butter, and cover them with bread crumbs w hile roasting. Ten or twelve minutes will do them. * Serve them up with fried bread crumbs in the dish, and gravy in a tureen. ROAST WILD DUCK. A wild duck or a widgeon will require twenty or twenty-five minutes roast- ing, according to the size. A teal, from fifteen to twenty minutes ; and other birds of this kind, in propor- tion to their size, a longer or a shorter time. Serve them up with gravy, and lemons cut in quarters, to be used at pleasure. ROAST WOODCOCKS. Whe- 322 ther for woodcocks or snipes, put a toast of fine bread under the birds while at the fire ; and as they are not to be drawn before they are spitted, let the tail drop on the toast while roasting, and baste them with butter. When done, lay the birds on the toast in a dish, and send it warm to the table. A woodcock takes twenty minutes roasting, and a snipe fifteen. ROBERT SAUCE. Put an ounce of butter into a pint stewpan, and when melted, add to it half an ounce of onion minced very fine. Turn it with a wooden spoon till it takes a light brown colour, and then stir into it a table-spoonful of flour, a table-spoonful of mushroom ketchup, the like quantity of port wine, half a pint of weak broth, and half a tea- spoonful of pepper and salt mixed together. Give them a boil, then add a tea-spoonful of mustard, the juice of half a lemon, and one or two tea-spoonfuls of vinegar, basil, taragon, or burnet vinegar. This sauce is in high repute, and is adapt- ed for roast pork or roast goose. ROLLS. Warm an ounce of but- ter in half a pint of milk, put to it a spoonful or more of small beer yeast, and a little salt. Mix in two J pounds of flour, let it rise an hour, j and knead it well. Make the paste into seven rolls, and bake them in a quick oven. If a little saflTron, boiled in half a tea-cupful of milk, be added, it will be a great improve- ment. ROLLED BEEF. Soak the in- side of a large sirloin in a glass of port wine and a glass of vinegar mixed, for eight and forty hours : have ready a very fine stuffing, and bind it up tight. Roast it on a hanging spit, baste it with a glass of port wine, the same quantity of • vinegar, and a tea-spoonful of I pounded allspice. Larding it im- proves tiie flavour and appearance : serve it with a rich gravy in the dish, with currant jelly and melted butter RO L ROT u\ tureens. This article will be found very much to resemble a hare. ROLLED BREAST OF VEAL. Bone it, take oft' the thick skin and gristle, and beat the meat with a rolling-pin. Season it with herbs chopped very fine, mixed with salt, pepper, and mace. Roll the meat in some thick slices of fine ham, or in two or three calves' tongues of a fine red, first boiled an hour or two and peeled. Bind the meat up tight in a cloth, and tie it round with tape. Simmer it over the fire for some hours, in a small quantity of water, till it is quite tender. Lay it on the dresser with a board and weight upon it till quite cold. Then take off the tape, and pour over it the li- quor, which must be boiled up twice a week, or it will not keep. Pigs' or calves' feet boiled and taken from the bones, may be put in or round the veal. The different colours placed in layers look well when cut. Boiled yolks of eggs, beet root, grated ham, and chopped parsley, may be laid in different parts to en- crease the variety, and improve the general appearance. ROLLED LOIN OF MUTTON. Hang the joint up till tender, and then bone it. Lay on a seasoning of pepper, allspice, mace, nutmeg, and a few cloves, all in fine powder. Next day prepare a stuffing as for hare, beat the meat with a rolling- pin, cover it with the stufling, roll it up tight and tie it. Half bake it in a slow oven, let it grow cold, take off the fat, and put the gravy into a stewpan. Flour the meat, and put it in likewise. Stew it till almost ready, and add a glass of port, an anchovy, some ketchup, and a little lemon pickle. Serve it in the gravy, and with jelly sauce. A few mush- rooms are a great improvement ; but if to eat like hare, these must not be added, nor the lemon pickle. ROLLED NECK OF PORK. Bone it first, then put over the inside a forcemeat of chopped sage, a very few crumbs of bread, salt, pepper, and two or three berries of allspice. Then roll the meat up very tight, place it at a good dis- tance from the fire, and roast it slowly. ROLLED STEAKS. Cut a large steak from a round of beef, spread over it a forcemeat, such as is made for veal, roll it up like collared eel, and tie it up in a cloth. Boil it an hour and a half, and when done enough, cut it into slices. Prepare a rich gravy, a little thickened, and pour over the steaks. ROMAN CEMENT. To make a mortar for outside plastering, or brick-work, or to line reservoirs, so as no water can penetrate it, mix together eighty-four pounds of drift- ed sand, twelve pounds of unslaked lime, and four pounds of the poorest cheese grated through an iron grater. When well mixed, add enough hot water, not boiling, to make it into a proper consistence for plastering, such a quantity of the above as is wanted. It requires very good and quick working. One hod of this mortar will go a gre^t way, as it is to be laid on in a thin smooth coat, without the least space being left uncovered. The wall or lath work should be first covered with com- mon hair mortar well dried. Suffolk cheese will be found to make the best cement. ROOK PIE. Skin and draw some young rooks, cut out the back- bones, and season with pepper and salt. Lay them in a dish with a little water, strew some bits of butter over them, cover the dish with a thick crust, and bake it well. ROSE WATER. When the roses are full blown, pick off the leaves carefully, and allow a peck of them to a quart- of water. Put them in a cold still over a slow fire, and distil it very gradually. Bottle the water, and cork it up in two or three days. ROT IN SHEEP. When sheep are newly brought in, it will preserve 323 ROY RUM their health to give them a table- spoonful of the juice of rue leaves, mixed with a little salt. If they are in danger of the rot, this mixture may be repeated every week or often- er, as the case requires. ROUND OF BEEF. Cut out the bone first, then skewer and tie up the beef to make it quite round. Salt it carefully, and moisten it with the pickle for eight or ten days. It may be stuffed with parsley, if ap- proved ; in which case the holes to admit the parsley must be made with a sharp-pointed knife, and the pars- ley coarsely cut and stuffed in tight. When dressed it shotfld be carefully skimmed as soon as it boils, and af- terwards kept boiling very gently. ROUT CAKES. To make rout drop-cakes, mix two pounds of flour with one pound of butter, one pound ot sugar, and one pound o currants, cleaned and dried. Moisten it into a stiff paste with two eggs, a large spoonful of orange-flower water, as much rose water, sweet wine, and brandy. Drop the paste on a tin plate floured, and a short time will bake them. ROYAL CAKES. Pat into a saucepan a quarter of a pint of wa- ter, a piece of ^tter half the size of an e^gf two ounces of fine sugar, a little grated lemon peel, and a little salt. When it has boiled about half a minute, stir in by degrees four spoonfuls of flour, keeping it constantly stirring all the time, till it becomes a smooth paste, pretty stiff", and begins to adhere to the saucepan. Then take it off the fire, and add three eggs well beaten, putting them in by degrees, and stir- ring the paste all the time to prevent its being lumpy. Add a little orange- flower water, and a few almonds pounded fine. Make it into little cakes, and bake them upon a sheet of tin well buttered. Half an hour will bake them in a moderate oven. ROYAL PUNCH. Take thirty Seville oranges and thirty lemons, 3:M quite sound, and pare them very thin. Put the parings into an earthen pan, with as much rum or brandy as will cover them. Cover up the pan, and let them stand four days. Take ten gallons of water, and twelve pounds of lump sugar, and boil them. When nearly cold, put in the whites of thirty eggs well beaten, and stir it and boil it a quarter of an hour. Strain it through a hair sieve into an earthen pan, and let it stand till next day. Then put it into a cask, strain the spirit from the parings of the oranges and lemons, and add as much more to it as will make it up five gallons. Put it into the cask with five quarts of Seville orange juice and three quarts of lemon juice. Stir it all together with a cleft stick, and re- peat the same once a dav for three successive days : then stop it down close, and in six weeks it will be fit to drink. RUFFS AND REEVES. These are to be trussed and skewered the same as snipes and quails. Place bars of bacon over them, roast them in about ten minutes, and serve with a good gravv in the dish. RUMP OF BEEF. Take a riimj* of beef, or about eight pounds < f the brisket, and stew it till it is quite tender, in as much water as will cover it. When sufficiently done, take out the bones, and skim off the fat very clean. To a pint of the liqiior, add the third part of a pint of port wine, a little walnut or mushroom ketchup, and some salt. Tie up some whole white pepper and mace in a piece of muslin, and stew all together for a short time. Have ready some carrots and tur- nips boiled tender and cut into squares, strew them upon the beef, putting a few into the dish. Truffles and morels may be added,. or arti- choke bottoms. RUMP SOUP. Two* or three rumps of beef will make a stronger soup, and of a far more nourishing RUM RUS quality, than a larger quantity of meat without them. It may be made like gravy soup, and thickened and flavoured in any way that is most approved. RUMP STEAKS. The best steaks are those cut from the middle of a rump of beef, that has been killed at least four days in moderate weather, and much longer in cold weather, when they can be cut about six inches long, four inches wide, and half an inch thick. Do not beat them, unless you suspect they will not be tender. Take care to have a very clear brisk tire, throw on it a little salt, make the gridiron hot, and set it slanting, ^ prevent the fat from dropping into the fire, and making a smoke. It requires more practice and care than is generally supposed to do steaks to a nicety ; and for want of these little atten- tions, this very common dish, which every body is supposed capable of dressing, seldom comes to table in perfection. It may be underdone or thoroughly done, as happens to be preferred. It is usual to put a table-spoonful of ketchup into a dish before the fire, with a little minced shalot. In broiling, turn the steak with a pair of meat tongs, and it will be done in about ten or fifteen minutes. Rub a bit of butter. over it, and send it up quite hot, garnish- ed with pickles, and scraped horse- radish. — If onion gravy is to be added, prepare it in the following manner. Peel and slice two large onions, put them into a stewpan with two table-spoonfuls of water, cover the stewpan close, and set ft on a slow fire till the water has boil- ed away, and the onions have got a little browned. Then add half a pint of good broth, or water with a large spoonful of ketchup, and boil the onions till they are quite tender. Strain off the liquor, and chop them very fine. Thicken the broth with butter rolled in flour, and season it with mushroom ketchup, pepper and salt. Put the onion into it, let it boil gently for five minutes, and pour it over the broiled steak. Good beef gravy, instead of broth, will make the sauce superlative. — If a cold rump steak is to be warmed up, lay it in a stewpan, with a large onion cut in quarters, six berries of allspice, and six of black pepper. Cover the steak with boiling water, let it stew gently for an hour, thicken the liquor with butter rolled # in flour, shake it well over the fire for five minutes, and it is ready. Lay the steaks and onion on a dish, and pour the gravy over them through a sieve. RUSKS. Beat seven eggs well, and mix them with half a pint of new milk, in which four ounces of butter have been previously melted. Add a quarter of a pint of yeast, and three ounces of sugar, and put them by degrees into as much flour as will make a very light paste, rather , like a batter, and let it rise before the fire half an hour. Then add some more flour, to make it a little stiflfer, but not much. Work it well, and divide it into small loaves, or cakes, about five or six inches wide, and flatten them. When baked and cold, slice them the thickness of rusks, and put them into the oven to brown a little. The cakes when first baked, eat deliciously buttered for tea ; or made with carraways, they eat well cold. RUSSIAN SAUCE. To four spoonfuls of grated horseradish, put two tea-spoonfuls of patent mustard, a little salt, one tea-spoonful of su- gar, and a suflicient quantity of vine- gar to cover the ingredients. This sauce is used for cold meat, but makes a good fish sauce, with the addition of melted butter. RUST. To prevent iron and steel from rusting, mix with fat oil var- nish, at least half, or at most four fifths of its quantity of highly recti- fied spirits of turpentine. This var- nish must be lightly and evenly 325 SAC S AF applied with a sponge ; after which the article is left to dry in some si- tuation not exposed to dust. Ar- ticles thus varnished retain their raetallic lustre, and do not contract any spots of rust. This varnish may also be applied to copper, of which it preserves the polish and heightens the colour. s, Sack cream. Boil a pint of raw cream, the yolk of an egg well beaten, two or three spoonfuls of white wine, sugar, and lemon peel. Stir it over a gentle fire till it be as thick as rich cream, and afterwards till it becomes cold. Then serve it in glasses, with long pieces of dry toast. SACK DUMPLINS. Grate the crumb of two penny rolls, add three quarters of a pound of suet cut small, three quarters of a pound of currants washed clean, a grated nut- meg, a little sugar, the yolks of eight eggs, and two wine glasses of sack. Make the paste into dumplins of a moderate size, tie them in cloths, and boil them two hours. Melted butter for sauce, with white wine and sugar. SACK MEAD. To every gallon of water put four pounds of honey, and boil it three quarters of an hour, taking care to skim it. To every gallon add an ounce of hops ; then boil it half an hour, and let it stand till the next day. Put it into a cask, and to thirteen gallons of the liquor add a quart of brandy. Stop it lightly till the fermentation is over, and then bung it up close. A large cask should be suffered to stand a year. SACKS OF CORN. Seeds, and various kinds of grain, are liable to damage when kept in sacks or binns, from the want of being sufficiently aired. Make a small wooden tube nearly the length of the sack, closed and pointed at one end, and per- 326 forated with holes about an inch asunder, nearly two thirds of its length from the point end. Then at the other end fasten a leather tube, and thrust it into the corn to the bottom of the sack. Put the pipe of a pair of bellows into the leather tube, and blow into it, so that the air may be diffused among the corn throughout the holes of the wooden tube. If corn be thus treated every other day after it is first put into sacks, it will prevent the damp sweats which would other- wise injure it, and it will afterwards keep sweet with very little airinsr. SADDLE OF MUTTON. When it has been well kept, raise the skin, and then skewer it on again. Take it off a quarter of an hour before serving, sprinkle on some salt, baste and dredge it well with flour. The rump should be split, and skewered back on each side. The joint may be cut large or small, ac- cording to the company : the latter is the most elegant. Being broad, it requires a high and strong fire. SAFFRON CAKE. Take a quar- ter of a peck of fine flour, a pound and a half of fresh butter, a quarter of an ounce of mace and cinnamon together, beat fine, and mix the spice in the flour. Set on a quart of milk to boil, break the butter in, and stir it* till the milk boils; take off all the butter, and a little of the milk ; mix with the fjpur apound of sugar beat fine, a penny-worth of saffron made into a tincture ; take a pint of yeast that is not bitter, SAG SAL and stir it well into the remainder of the milk ; beat up six eggs very well, and put to the \east and milk, strain it to the flour, with some rose- water, and (he tincture of saffron ; beat up all together with your hands lightly, and put it into a hoop or pan well buttered. It will take an hour and a half in a quick oven. You may make the tincture of saffron with the rose-water. SAGE is raised from seed, or from slips. To have it at hand for winter it is necessary to dry it ; and it ought to be cut for this purpose before it comes out into bloom, as indeed is the case with all other herbs. SAGE CHEESE. To make this kind of cheese, bruise the tops of young red sage in a mortar, with some leaves of spinach, and squeeze out the juice. Mix it with the ren- net in the milk, more or less, ac- cording as the taste and colour may be preferred. When the curd is come, break it gently, and put it in with the skimmer, till it is pressed two inches above one vat. Press it eight or ten hours, salt and tiirn it every day. SAGO. To prevent the earthy taste, soak it an hour in cold wa- ter ; pour off the water, and wash it well. Then ad(? more, and sim- mer it gently till the berries are clear, with lemon peel and spice, if approved. Add wine and sugar, and boil all up together. — If intend- ed for the sick, or those whom dis- ease has left very feeble, boil a tea- cupful of washed sago in a quart of water, and a taste of lemon peel. When thickened, grate in some gin- ger, and add half a pint of raisin wine, some brown sugar, and two spoonfuls of Geneva: boil all up- together. SAGO MILK. Cleanse the sago as in the former article, and boil it slowly in new milk. It swells so much, that a small quantity will be sufficient for a auart ; and when done, it will be diminished to about a pint. It requires no sugar or fla- vouring. SAGO PUDDING. Boil a pint and a half of new milk, with four spoonfuls of sago nicely washed and picked ; then add lemon peel, cin- namon, and nutmeg. Sweeten the pudding, mix in four eggs, put a paste round the dish, and bake it slowly. SAIL CLOTH. The old mode of painting canvas was to wet it, and prime it with Spanish brown. Then to give it a second coat of a chocolate colour, made by mixing Spanish brown and black paint ; and lastly, to finish it with black. This was found to hardea to such a degree as to crack, and eventually to break, the canvas, and so to ren- der it unserviceable in a short time. The new method, which is greatly superior, is to grind ninety-six pounds of English ochre with boiled oil, and to add sixteen pounds of black paint, which mixture forms an indifferent black. A pound of yellow soap, dissolved in six pints of water over the fire, is mixed while hot, with the paint. This compo- sition is then laid upon the canvas, without being wetted as formerly, and as stiff as can conveniently be done with a brush, so as to form a smooth surface. Two days after- wards, a second coat of ochre and black is laid on, with a very small portion of soap ; and allowing this coat an intermediate day for drying, the canvas is then finished with black paint as usual. Three days being then allowed for it to dry and harden, it does not stick together when taken down, and folded in cloths of sixty or seventy yards each. SALAD MIXTURE. Salad herbs should be gathered in the morning, as fresh as possible, or they must be put into cold spring water for an hour. Carefully wash and pick them, trim off all the dry or cankered leaves, put them into a cullender to 327 SAL SAL drain, and swing them dry in a coarse ckan napkin. Then pound together the yolks of two hard eggs, an ounce of scraped horseradish, half an ounce of salt, a table-spoon- ful of made mustard, four drams of minced shalots, one dram of celery seed, one dram of cress seed, and half a dram of cayenne. Add by degrees a wine glass of salad oil, three glasses of burnet, and three of tarragon vinegar. When tho- roughly incorporated, set it over a very gentle fire, and stir it with a wooden spoon till it has simmered to the consistence of cream. Then pass it through a tammis or fine sieve, and add it to the salad. SALAD SAUCE. Mix two yolks of eggs boiled hard, as much grated Parmesan cheese as will fill a des- sert-spoon, a little patent mustard, a small spoonful of tarragon vinegar, and a large one of ketchup. Stir them well together, then put in four spoonfuls of salad oil, and one spoonful of elder vinegar, and beat them up very smooth. SALADS. Cold salads are pro- per to be eaten at all seasons of the year, but are particularly to be re- commended from the beginning of February to the end of June. They are in greater perfection, and con- sequently more powerful, during this period, than at any other, in opening obstructions, sweetening and purifying the blood. The ha- bit of eating salad herbs tends con- siderably to prevent that pernicious and almost general disease the scur- vy, and all windy humours which oftend the stomach. Also from the middle of September till December, and during the winter, if the wea- ther be mild and open, all green herbs are wholesome, and highly beneficial. It is true that they have not so much vigour in the winter season, nor are they so medicinal as in the spring of the year ; yet those which continue fresh and green, will retain a considerable 328 portion of their natural qi^alities ; and being eaten as salads, with pro- per seasoning, they will operate much in the same way as at other periods of the }ear. It is a neces- sary consequence of cold weather, that the heat of the body is driven more inward than in warm weather, as the cold of the atmosphere repels it from the surface. Hence arises an appetite for strong and solid food, and strong drinks, which for want of temperance and care, lays the foundation for diseases that commonly make their appearance in the summer following. Eating freely of salads and other vegetables in the winter, will prevent in a great n easure these ill effects ; and if properly seasoned and prepared, they will warm the stomach, and be found exhilarating. The effect produced is in unison with all the operatittns of the human constitu- tion, while the use of strong stimu- lants excites to unnatural action, which is soon succeeded by a cold and chilling languor. Green herbs in winter are much more beneficial than is generally imagined ; they are particularly salutary to aged per- sons, and such as are subject to stoppages, or shortness of breath. In this case, instead of an onion, a clove of garlic may be put into the salad, which is a preferable way of eating it. This will open and \V'arm the stomach, and give a general glow to the whole system. — The following are the principal herbs used as salads. Basil, balm, borage, burnet, celery, chervil, colewort, coriander, corn-salad, cresses, en- dive, French fennel, lettuce, mint, mustard, nasturtiums, nettle-tops, parsley, pennyroyal, radishes, rape, sage, sorrel, spinage, tarragon, and water-cresses. Onions, both young and full grown, shalots, garlic, and chives, are all used as seasoning to salads. Red beet-root, boiled and cold, is often sHced into them. Se- veral of these herbs are very little SAL SAL :n use as salads, but there are none of them that may not be recom- mended as good for the purpose. The usual salads are too much li- mited to what is specifically called small salading, lettuce, celery, and endive. These are all excellent in their kind, but to prefer them to the exclusion of every thing else, is a mere prejudice. With a wish therefore to counteract it, and to provide a larger assortment of whole- some salads, the following particu- lars are given, with directions for preparing several different dishes of this description. In general it may be proper to observe, that salads of all kinds should be very fresh ; or if not immediately procured in this state, they may be refreshed by be- ing put into cold spring water. They should be very carefully wash- ed and picked, and drained quite dry in a clean cloth. In dressing lettuce, or small herbs, it is best to arrange them, properly picked and cut, in the salad dish ; then to mix the sauce in something else, and pour it to the salad down the side of the dish, so as to let it run to the bottom, and not to stir it up till used at table. This preserves the crisp- ness of the salad, which is one of its principal delicacies. With ce- lery and endive the sauce should be poured upon them, and the whole well stirre^Hogether to mix it equal- ly. Lettuce, -^hdive, and celery, may be ec^en with salt only; and if well chewed, as all salads ought to be, they often agree better than when mixed with seasonings. If mustard in salad sauces occasion sickness, or otherwise disagrees, cayenne pepper will often prove an excellent substitute. — The following salads are remarkably wholesome, and have a cooling and salutary ef- fect upon the bowels. 1. Take spinage, parsley, sorrel, lettuce, and a few onions. Then add oil, vinegar, and salt, to give it a high taste and relish, but let the salt rather predominate above ttie other ingredients. The wholesomest way of eating salads is with bread only, in preference to bread and butter, bread and cheese, or meat and bread ; though any of these may be eaten with it, when the salad is sea- soned only with salt and vinegar. It is not advisable to eat butter, cheese, or meat with salads, or any thing in which there is a mixture of oil. All fat substances are heavy of digestion, and to mix such as dis- agree in their nature, is to encrease this evil to a degree that the stomach can hardly overcome. 2. Prepare some lettuce, spinage tops, penny- royal, sorrel, a few onions, and some parsley. Then season them with oil, vinegar, and salt. 3. Another salad may be made of lettuce, sor- rel, spinage, tops of mint, and onions, seasoned as before. 4. Take spinage, lettuce, tarragon, and parsley, with some leaves of balm. Or sorrel, tarragon, spinage, lettuce, onions, and parsley. Or tops of pennyroyal, mint, lettuce, spinage, sorrel, and parsley. Or lettuce, spinage, onions, pennyroyal, balm, and sorrel. Or sage, lettuce, spinage, sorrel, onions, and parsley ; seasoned with salt, oil, and vinegar. 5. Make a salad of pennyroyal, sage, mint, balm, a little lettuce, and sorrel ; seasoned with oil, vinegar, and salt. This is an excellent warming salad, though the above are all of an exhilarating tendency. 6. Mix some lettuce, sorrel, endive, celery, spinage, and onions, seasoned as above. 7. Take the fresh tender leaves of cole wort, or cabbage plants, with lettuce, sor- rel, parsley, tarragon, nettle tops, mint, and pennyroyal ; and season them with salt, oil, and vinegar. If highly seasoned, this is a very warm and relishing salad. 8. For winter salad, take some tender plants of colewort, sorrel, lettuce, endive, celery, parsley, and sliced onions ; and season them as before. 9. Another winter salad may be U u 329 SAL SAL * made of lettuce, spinage, endive, celery, and half a clove of garlic. Season it well with oil, vinegar, and salt. This salad is very warming and wholesome. All these aromatic herbs are particularly proper for phlegmatic and weakly persons, as they have the property of warming the stomach, and improving the blood. To supply the want of oil in salads, make some thick melted butter, and use it in the same pro- portion as oil. Some sweet thick cream is a still better substitute, and will do as well as oil, especially as some persons have an aversion to oil. Cream also looks well in salads. A good salad sauce may be made of two yolks of eggs boiled hard, mix- ed with a spoonful of Parmesan cheese grated, a little patent mus- tard, a spoonful of tarragon vinegar, . and a larger one of ketchup. When stirred well together, add four spoon- fuls of salad oil, and one of elder vinegar, and beat them up very smooth. It is very common in France, amongst all classes of peo- ple, to dress cauliflowers and French beans to eat cold, as salads, with a sauce of oil, vinegar, salt, and pep- per. In some parts of France, raw salads, composed entirely of herbs growing wild in the fields, are in frequent use ; and for distinction sake, are called rural salads. The English, who are not so fond of pun- gent flavours, are in the habit of Jt substituting sugar instead of pepper and salt, where oil is not used, in order to soften the asperity of the vinegar. SALMAGUNDY. This is a beau- tiful small dish, if in a nice shape, and the colours of the ingredients be properly varied. For this pur- pose chop separately the white part of cold chicken or veal, yolks of eggs boiled hard, the whites of eggs, beet root, parsley, half a dozen an- chovies, red pickled cabbage, ham and grated tongue, or any thing well flavoured and of a good colour. 330 Some people like a small proportion of onion, but it may be better omit- ted. A saucer, large teacup, or any other base, must be put into a small dish ; then make rows round it wide at the bottom, and growing smaller towards the top, choosing such ingredients for each row . as will most vary the colours. At the top, a little sprig of curled parsley may be stuck in ; or without any thing on the dish, the saknagundy may be laid in rows, or put into the half-whites of eggs, which may be made to stand upright by cutting oflf a little bit at the round end. In the latter case, each half egg re- ceives but one ingredient. Curled butter and parsley may be put as garnish between. SALMON. If fresh and good, the flesh will be of a fine red, the gills particularly ; the scales very bright, and the whole fish stitt. When just killed there is a whiteness between the flakes, which gives great firmness ; by keeping, this melts down, and the fish is more rich. The Thames salmon bears the high- est price ; that caught in the Severn is next in goodness, and by some it is preferred. Those with small heads, and thick in the neck, are best. SALMON AU COURT-BOU- ILLON. Scale and clean a fresh salmon very well, score; the sides deep, to take the -Masoning; take of mace and cloves, antttwhite pep- per, a quarter of an) ounce each, a small nutmeg, and an ounce of salt ; beat these very fine in a mor- tar; cut a little lemon peel fine, and shred some parsley, mix all to- gether, and season the rish inside and out; then workup near a pound of butter in flour, and fill up the notches ; the rest put into the belly of the fish ; lay it in a clean cloth or napkin, roll it up, and bind it round with packthread, lay it into a fish- kettle, and put to it as much white wine vinegar, and water in an equal SAL SAL quantity, as will be sufficient to boil it in. Set it over a good charcoal fire, and when you think it is enough, draw it off your stove, so that it may but just simmer. Fold a clean nap- kin the length of your dish the fish is to go up in ; take up the fish, un- bind it, and lay it on the napkin. Garnish your dish with picked raw parsley, and horseradish. Send plain butter in a bason, and shalots chopped fine, and simmered in vine- gar in a boat. SALMON A LA BRAISE. Clean a middling salmon, take the flesh of a tench, or a large eel, and chop it very fine, with two anchovies, a little lemon peel shred, pepper, salt, nutmeg, and a little thyme and pars- ley ; mix all together with a good piece of butter, put into the belly of the fish, and sew it up ; put it into an oval stew-pan that will just hold it ; brown about half a pound of fresh butter, and put to it a pint of fish broth, and a pint and a half of white wine ; pour this over your fish ; if it does not cover it, add some more wine and broth ; put in a bundle of sweet herbs, and an onion, a little mace, two or three cloves, and some whole pepper tied up in a piece of muslin : cover it close, and let it stew gently over a slow fire. Before it is quite done, take out your onion, herbs, and spice ; then put in some mushrooms, truffles, and morels, cut in pieces ; let them stew all together, till the salmon is enough ; take it up care- fully, take off all the scum, and pour your sauce over. Garnish with horseradish, barberries, and lemon. Either of these is a fine dish for a first course. SALMON PIE. Make puff paste, and lay over your dish ; clean and scale a middling piece of salmon ; cut it into three or four pieces, ac- cording to the size of your dish, and season it pretty high with mace, cloves, pepper, and salt ; put some butter at the bottom, and lay in the salmon ; take the meat of a lobster cut small, and bruise the body with an anchovy ; melt as much butter as you think proper, stir the lobster into it, with a glass of white wine, and a little nutmeg ; pour this ove» the salmon, lay on the top crust, and let it be well baked. SALOOP. Boil together a little water, wine, lemon peel, and sugar. Mix in a small quantity of saloop powder, previously rubbed smooth with a little cold water. Stir it all together, and boil it a few minutes. SALT. The properties of com- mon salt are such as to render it an article of the greatest importance in the preparation of food, and in the preservation of health. If salt be withheld for any length of time, dis- eases of the stomach become gene- ral, and worms are gendered in the bowels, which are removed with great difficulty. In Ireland, salt is J| a well-known common remedy for ^ bots in the horse ; and among the poor people, a dose of common salt is esteemed a sufficient cure for the worms. It is supposed by some medical men, that salt furnishes soda to be mixed with the bile : without this necessary addition, the bile would be deprived of the qua- lities necessary to assist in the ope- ration of digestion. One of the greatest grievances of which the poor man can complain is the want of salt. Many of the insurrections and commotions among the Hindoos, have been occasioned by the cruel and unjust monopolies of certain unworthy servants of the East India Company, who to aggrandize their own fortunes have oftentimes bought up, on speculation, all the salt in the different ports and markets, and thus have deprived the ingenious but wretched natives of their only remaining comfort, salt being the only addition they are usually ena- bled to make to their poor pittance of rice. Many of the poor in Eng- land, previously to the late reduction 331 SAL SAL especially, have loudly lamented the high price of salt, which thousands are in the habit of using as the only seasoning to their meal of potatoes. Salt is also of the greatest use in tigriculture. From one to two bushels makes fine manure for an acre of land, varied according to the qua- lity of the soil. This answers better than almost any other compost. The Chinese have for ages been ac- customed to manure their fields by sprinkling them with sea water. The Persians sprinkle the timber of their buildings with salt, to prevent them from rotting. It is used in Abyssinia instead of money, where it passes from hand to hand, under the shape of a brick, worth about eighteen pence. In feeding of cat- tle, it is also found to be highly be- neficial. A nobleman who pur- chased two hundred Merino sheep ^ in Spain, attributes the health of his flock principally to the constant use of salt. These sheep having been accustomed to that article in their native land, it was thought ne- cessary to supply them with it, es- pecially in this damp climate, and in the rich pastures of some parts of this country. A ton of salt is used annually for every thousand sheep : a handful is put in the morn- ing on a flat stone or slate, ten of which, set a few yards apart, are sufficient for a hundred sheep. This quantity is given twice a week. Out of a flock of nearly a thousand, there were not ten old sheep that did not readily take it, and not a single lamb which did not consume it greedily. Salt is likewise a preventive of dis- orders in stock fed with rank green food, as clover or turnips, and it is deemed a specific for the rot. Horses and horned cattle are also very fond of salt : the cow gives more milk, and richer in quality, when salt is mixed with her food. The wild beasts of the American forests leave their haunts at certain seasons, and travel in company to 33 various places where salt is to be found. There they lick the ground on which the salt lies, or which is strongly impregnated by it. Cattle fed on grass which grows on the sea shore, are always fatter and in bet- ter condition, than those which graze on in land-pastures. Con- sidering its various uses in agricul- ture, as an article of food, and as a preservative from putrefaction, salt may be pronounced one of the most generally useful and necessary of all the minerals ; and it is truly la- mentable, that in almost all ages and countries, particularly in those where despotism prevails, this should be one of those necessaries of life, on which the most heavy taxes are imposed. Bay salt is a kind of brownish impure salt, ob- tained in France, Italy, and other countries, by evaporating sea water in pits. The principal part of bay salt sold in this country is however of home manufacture, being a coarse grained chrystalized salt, made dirty by powdered Turkey umber, or some such colouring material, to give it the appearance of a foreign article. The only utility which this salt appears to possess, beyond that of the common fine-grained salt usually found in the shops, is that it dissolves more slowly by moisture, and therefore is better calculated for salting of fish, and other animal substances, which cannot be wholly covered with brine. Basket salt is made from the water of the salt springs in Cheshire and other places. It differs from the common brine salt in the fineness of the grain, as well as on account of its whiteness and purity. It is principally used at table. SALT BEEF. Great attention is requisite in salting meat ; and in the country, where large quantities are often cured, this is of particular im- portance. Beef and pork should be well sprinkled, and a few hours afterwards hung to drain, before it S AI SAL IS rubbed with the salt. This me- thod, by cleansing the meat from the blood, serves to keep it from tasting strong. It should be turned every day ; and if wanted soon, it should be rubbed daily. A salting tub or lead may be used, and a co- ver to fit close. Those who use a good deal of salt meat will find it answer well to bull up the pickle, and skim it clean ; and when cold, pour it over meat that has been sprinkled and drained. — To salt beef red, which is extremely good to eat fresh from the pickle, or to hang to d'ry, choose a piece of the flank, or any part that has but little bone. Sprinkle it, and let it drain a day. Then rub it with common salt, bay salt, and a small proportion of saltpetre, all in fine powder. A few grains of cochineal may be add- ed. Rub the pickle into the meat every day for a week, and after- wards turning it only will be suffi- cient. It will be excellent in about eight days ; and in sixteen days it may be drained from the pickle. Smoke it at the mouth of the oven, when heated with wood, or send it to the baker's ; a few days will be sufficient to smoke it. A little of the coarsest sugar added to the salt, will be an improvement. Red beef boiled tender, eats well with greens or carrots. If it is to be grated as Dutch beef, then cut a lean bit, boil it extremely tender, and put it hot under a press. When cold fold it in a sheet of paper, and it will keep in a dry place two or three months, ; ready for serving on bread and but- I ter. — If a piece of beef is to be pre- pared for eating immediately, it should not weigh more than five or tsix pounds. Salt it thoroughly be- fore it is to be put into the pot, take a coarse cloth, flour it well, put the meat into it, and fold it up close. Put it into a pot of boiling water, and boil it as another piece of salt meat of the same size, and it will be as salt as if it had been id pickle four or five days. SALT COD. Soak and clean the piece intended to be dressed, and lay it all night in water, with a glass of vinegar. Boil it enough, then break it into flakes on the dish ; pour over it parsnips boiled, beaten in a mortar, and boiled up with cream. Add to it a large piece of butter, rubbed in a Httle flour. Egg sauce may be sent up instead, or the parsnip root whole. The fish may also be boiled without flaking, and served with either of the sauces as above. SALT FISH. Backlio, old ling, and tusk, are reckoned the best salt fish. Old ling and backlio, must be laid in water for ten or twelve hours, then taken out, and scaled very clean ; wash the fish, and let it lay out of water till you want to use it ; if it is the next day, it will be the better. When you dress it, put it into cold water, and let it do as gently as possible ; let it be boil- ed so tender, that you may put a fork into any part of it without sticking, then it is enough. Lay a clean napkin over your dish, take up the fish, lay it upon the napkin, and throw the corners over each other. Send it to table with egg sauce in a basin, parsnips sliced, and butter and mustard in a boat. SALT FISH WITH CREAM. Soak and boil some good barrel cod, till about three parts done. Divide it into flakes, put them into a sauce- pan with some cream, a little pepper, and a handful of parsley scalded and chopped. Stew it gently till tender, thicken the sauce with two or three yolks of eggs, and serve it up. SALT FISH PIE. Boil a side of salt fish as you would for eating ; cut a square bit out of the middle, about the bigness of your hand ; take the skin off the other, and take out all the bones ; mince this very 333 SAL SAL small with six eggs boiled hard ; season it with pepper, nutmeg, and beaten mace, then slice the crumb of French rolls thin into a pan, pour over it a quart of boiling milk, and let it stand to soak ; in the mean time, make a good puff paste, and sheet the dish all over; have in readiness the quantity of two spoon- fuls of parsley shred very fine, beat the bread well together, then put in the fish and eggs, and chopped parsley ; stir all well together ; melt about three quarters of a pound of butter, and stir it into the ingre- dients, with a gill of Mountain ; pour this into the dish, lay the square piece of fish in the middle ; lay on the lid, and bake it an hour, or a little more. — You may make ling, or stock-fish pie in this manner ; but you are to observe, that all the skin is to be taken off, and not to put a piece whole into the pie, ac- cording to this receipt ; but mince all the fish with the yolks of hard eggs, leaving out the whites, and adding a large spoonful of made mustard when you stir the ingredi- ents together, before you put them into the pie. . SALT PORK. To a hundred weight of pork or beef, take ten pounds of common salt, and half 'a pound of saltpetre. Let the meat be well cleaned from those particles of blood which hang about it when cut into four pound pieces : this is best done by washing it in salt and water, or brine that has been used, provided it be sweet. Lay, the meat in rows, and rub the upper side moderately with salt ; then place another layer of meat, and re- ' peat the operation as on the first layer. In this manner continue the same proportion of salt and salt- petre, till the whole quantity is heaped up in a tub, or some other vessel, not of lead, in order to pre- serve the pickle from issuing from it. In this state it must remain for 334 three days, then turn it into another tub, sprinkling it with salt in the act of turning the meat. When all is turned and salted, let the pickle procured by the first salting, be slowly poured about the meat. In this state let it remain for a week, and it will be excellent for home use. If wanted for exportation, pack it in this state into casks. But as the greatest care is required for its preservation, when sent abroad, a layer of salt must first be put into the barrel, and then a layer of meat, till the cask is full, taking care to use the hand only in packing in the pieces. When the barrel is headed, the pickle must be filtered through a coarse cloth ; and when perfectly fine, fill up the cask with the pickle to the bung hole. Let it remain in this state till the next day, in order to ascertain whether the cask be quite tight, and then bung it up. Beef or pork cured in this manner will not fail to keep any reasonable length of time. The too great rub- bing of meat will not keep it the bet- ter, it frequently retards the opera- tion of the salt by filling the outward pores of the meat only to the de- struction of the middle of the piece, which frequently perishes. SALTING OF BUTTER. After the butter is well worked up and cleared from the milk, it is ready for salting. The tub in which it is to be preserved being perfectly clean, should be rubbed in the whole in- side with common salt ; and a little melted butter should be poured into the cavity- between the bottom and the sides, before the butter is put in. Although common salt is ge- nerally employed on this occasion, yet the following composition not only preserves the butter more ef- fectually from taint, but also makes it look better, taste sweeter, richer, and more marrowy, than if it had been cured with common salt only. Take of best common salt two parts. SAL SAV saltpetre one part, lump sugar one part, and beat them up together in a mortar, so that they may be com- pletely blended. To every pound of butter, add one ounce of this composition : mix it well in the mass, and close it up for use. But- ter prepared in this manner will keep good for three years, and can- not be distinguished from that which is recently salted ; but it does not taste well till it has stood a fort- night or three weeks. To preserve butter for winter use, take some that is fresh and good in the month of August or September, and put it in- to an unglazed jar, in layers about two inches thick, till the jar is full, within three inches of the top. Make a strong brine of salt and wa- ter, boil and skim it ; and when it is quite cold, pour a sufficient quantity over the butter, so that the brine may be an inch deep. Tie paper over it, and set it in a cool place. When wanted for use, cut it no deeper than the first layer till that is all used. Then cut the se- cond in the same manner, and so on to the bottom of the tub or jar. By this means there will be no more than a part of one layer that is not covered with the brine. To make it eat like fresh butter, dip each piece into water when it is cut out of the jar ; or work it over again in '* fresh buttermilk or milk, and make it into shapes like fresh butter. It will eat much better with toast, than most of the fresh butter that is made in winter. It is a false idea, that butter, to be preserved for win- ter use, requires a greater quantity of salt : experience has proved the contrary. Butter salted in the com- mon way, and put in pots with brine over the top, retains its flavour, and is better preserved than by an ad- ditional quantity of salt. One more observation on the preservation of butter is necessary. It is univer- sally allowed that cleanliness is in- dispensible, but it is not generally suspected, that butter from being made in vessels or troughs lined with lead, or in glazed earthenware pans, which glaze is principally composed of lead, is too apt to be contaminated by particles of that deleterious metal. If the butter is in the least degree rancid, this can hardly fail to take place, and it can- not be doubted, that during the de- composition of the salts, the glazing is acted on. It is better therefore to use tinned vessels for mixing the preservative with the butter, and to pack it either in wooden vessels, or in jars of the Vauxhall ware, which being vitrified throughout, do not require an inside glazing. SAMPHIRE. This should be boiled in plenty of water, with a good deal of salt in it. Put it in when the water boils, and let it boil till quite tender. Serve it up with melted butter. SANDWICHES. Properly pre- pared, these form an elegant and convenient luncheon; but they have got much out of fashion, from the bad manner in whieh they are com- monly made. They have consisted of any offal or odd ends, that cannot be sent to table in any other form, merely laid between slices of bread and butter. Whatever kind of meat is used however, it must be carefully trimmed from every bit of skin and gristle, and nothing introduced but what is relishing and acceptable. Sandwiches may be made of any of the following materials. Cold meat, poultry, potted meat, potted shrimps or lobsters, potted cheese; grated ham, beef, or tongue; anchovy, sausages, cold pork ; hard eggs, pounded with a little butter and cheese ; forcemeats, and curry pow- der. Mustard, pepper, and salt, are to be added, as occasion re- quires. SAVOURY BEEF. The tongue side of a round of beef is best adapt- ed for the purpose ; and if it weighs about fifteen pounds, let it hang 335 SAY S A V two or three days. Then take three ounces of saltpetre, one ounce of coarse sugar, a quarter of an ounce of black pepper, some minced herbs, and three quarters of a pound of salt. Incorporate these ingredients by pounding them together in a mortar ; and if approved, add a quarter of an ounce of ginger. Take out the bone, and rub the meat well with the above mixture, turning it and rubbing it every day for a fort- night. When it is to be dressed, put it into a pan with a quart of wa- ter. Cover the meat with about three pounds of mutton suet chop- ped, and an onion or two minced small. Put the whole into a pan, cover it with a flour crust, and bake it in a moderate oven for six hours. Instead of baking it may be covered with water, and stewed very gently for about five hours ; and when sent to table, cover the top of it with finely chopped parsley. The gravy will be excellent for sauce or soup, or making of soy, or browning ; and being impregnated with salt, it will keep several days. That the suet may not be wasted, when the dish comes from the oven, take out the beef, and strain the contents ofe th pan through a sieve. Clarify the fat when cold, and it will do for frying. The meat should not be cut till it is cold, and then with a sharp knife to prevent waste, and keep it smooth and even. This is a most excellent way of preparing savoury beef for sandwiches, and for other elegant and economical purposes. SAVOURY JELLY. If to put over cold pies, make it of a small bare knuckle of veal, or of a scrag of mutton. If the pie be of fowl or rabbit, the carcases, necks, and heads, added to any piece of meat, will be sufficient, observing to give it a consistence by adding cow heel, or shanks of mutton. Put the meat into a stewpan that shuts very close, adding a slice of lean ham or bacon, 336 a faggot of different herbs, two blades of mace, an onion or two, a small bit of lemon peel, a tea-spoonful of Jamaica pepper bruised, and the same of whole pepper, with three pints of Vvater. As soon as it boils skim it well, let it simmer very slowly till it is quite strong, and then strain it. When cold take off the fat with a spoon first, and then, to remove every particle of grease, lay on it a clean piece of blotting paper. If not clear, after being cold, boil it a few minutes with the whites of two eggs, but do not add the se- diment. Pour it through a clean sieve, with a napkin in it, which has been dipped in boiling water, to prevent waste. SAVOURY PIES. Few articles of cookery are more generally ap- proved than relishing pies, if pro- perly made ; and there are various things adapted to this purpose. Some eat best cold, and in that case, no suet should be put into the force- meat that is used with them. If the pie is either made of meat that will take more dressing, to make it quite tender, than the baking of the crust will allow ; or if it is to be served in an earthen pie-form, the following preparation must be observed. For instance, take three pounds of a veiny piece of beef, that has fat and lean ; wash it, and season it with salt, pepper, mace, and allspice, in fine powder, rubbing them in well. Set it by the side of a slow fire, in a stewpot that will just hold it. Add about two ounces of butter, cover it quite close, and let it just simmer in its own steam till it begins to shrink. When it is cold, add more seasoning, forcemeat, and eggs. If in a dish, put some gravy to it before baking : if in a crust only, the gravy must not be added till after it is cold, and in a jelly. Forcemeat may be put both under and over the meat, if preferred to balls. SAVOURY RICE. Wash and pick some rice quite clean, stew i* S A V S A V ver} gently in a small quantity of veal or rich mutton broth, with an onion, a blade of mace, pepper and salt. When swelled, but not boiled to a mash, dry it on the shallow part of a sieve before the fire, and either serve it dry, or put it in the middle of a dish, and pour hot gravy round it. SAVOURY VEAL PIE. Make a good puff-paste, and sheet your dish ; cut the veal into pieces, sea- son it with pepper, mace, and nut- meg, finely beat, and a little salt ; lay it into the crust, with lamb- stones, sweetbreads, the yolks of hard eggs, an artichoke bottom boil- ed, and cut in dice, and the tops of asparagus ; put in about half a pint of water, lay pieces of butter over the top, put on the lid, and orna- ment it to your fancy. In a quick oven about an hour and an half will bake it. Make a caudle for it thus : take half a pint of strong veal broth, a gill of white wine, and the yolks of three eggs ; set this over the stove, and keep it stirring ; put in some grated nutmeg, and a little salt ; when it boils, if there is any scum, take it off ; pour in a gill of cream, keep it stirring till it simmers, then take the lid of your pie off carefully, and pour the caudle over it, shake it round, lay on the lid as exact as you can, and send it to table. You may do lamb this way. SAVOURY VEGETABLE*. Wash a dish with the white of eggs. Make several divisions with mashed potatoes and yolks of eggs mixed to- gether and put on the dish, and bake it of a nice colour. In the first division put stewed spinach, in the second mashed turnips, in the third slices of carrots, in the fourth some button onions stewed in gravy, or any other kind of vegetables to make a variety. SAVOY BISCUITS. Take six eggs, separate the yolks and whites, mix the yolks with six ounces of Bugar finely powdered, and the rind (No. 15.) of a grated lemon. Beat them to- gether for a quarter of an hour> then whisk the whites up it a broad dish till they are well frothed, and mix them with the yolks, adding five ounces of flour well dried. Stir the whole well together; then, with a piece of flat ivory, take out the bat- ter, and draw it along clean white paper to the proper size of the bis- cuit. Sift some sugar over them, and bake them in a very hot oven. They must however be carefully watched, for they are soon done> and a few seconds over the proper time will scorch and spoil them. SAVOY CAKE. Put four ^ggs into a scale, and then take their weight in fine sugar, powdered and sifted, with the weight of seven eggs in flour well dried. Break the eggs, putting the yolks into one basin, and the whites into another. Mix with the yolks the sugar that has been weighed, a little grated lemon peel, and a little orange-flower wa- ter. Beat them well together for half an hour, then add the whites whipped to a froth, and mix in the flour by degrees, continuing to beat them all the time. Then put the batter into a tin well buttered, and bake it an hour and a half. This is a very delicate light cake foi* serving at table, or in a dessert, and is pretty when baked in a melon mould, or any other kind of shape. It may be iced at pleasure. SAUCE FOR BOILED MEAT. The sauces usually sent to table with boiled meat, not poured over the dish, but put into boats, are the fol- lowing. Gravy, parsley and butter, chervil, caper, ouster, liver and parsley, onion, celery, shalot, and curry. The ingredients for com- pound sauces should be so nicely proportioned, that no one may be predominant, but that there may be an equal union of the combined fla- vours. All sauces should be sent to table as hot as possible, for no* thing is more unsightly than ihf* X X 337 S AU S AU surface of a sauce in a frozen state, ■ or garnished with grease on the top. SAUCE FOR BRAWN. Take a peck of bran, seven gallons of water, a pound of salt, a sprig of bay and rosemary. Boil the whole half an hour, strain it off, let it stand till it is cold, and then put it in the brawn. SAUCE FOR CARP. Rub half a pound of butter with a tea-spoon- ^ ful of flour, melt it in a little water, and add nearly a quarter of a pint of thick cream. Putin half an an- chovy chopped fine, but not wash- ed ; set it over the fire, and as it boils up, add a large spoonful of real India soy. If that does not give it a fine colour, add a little more. Turn it into the sauce tu- reen, and put in some salt and half a lemon. Stir it well to keep it from curdling. SAUCE FOR CHICKENS. An anchovy or two boned and chopped, some parsley and onion chopped, adding pepper, oil, vinegar, mus- tard, and walnut or mushroom ketchup. These mixed together will make a good sauce for cold chicken, partridge, or veal. SAUCE FOR CHOPS. To make a relishing sauce for steaks or chops, pound an ounce of black pepper, and half an ounce of allspice, with an ounce of salt, and half an ounce of scraped horseradish, and the same of shalot peeled and quartered. Put these ingredients into a pint of mushroom ketchup, or walnut pickle ; let them steep for a fortnight, and then strain off the liquor. A tea- spoonful or two mixed with the gra- vy usually sent up for chops and steaks, or added to thick melted butter, will be found an agreeahle addition. SAUCE FOR FISH. Simmer very gently a quarter of a pint of vinegar, and half a pint fif soft wa- ter, with an onion, a little horse- radish, and the following spices lightly bruised : four cloves, two 338 blades of mace, and half a tea-spoon< ful of black pepper. When the onion becomes tender, chop it small, with two anchoviea, and boil it for a few minutes with a spoonful of ketchup. Beat the yolks of three eggs, strain them, and mix the liquor with them by degrees. When well mixed, set the saucepan over a gen- tle fire, keeping the basin in one hand, into which toss the sauce to and fro, and shake the saucepan over the fire that the eggs may not curdle. The sauce must not be boiled, but made hot enough to give it the thickness of melted butter. — The following sauces for fish will be found excellent. — Lobster sauce. Take a lobster, bruise the body and spawn, that is in the inside, very fine, with the back of a spoon, mince the meat of the tail and claws small, melt your butter of a good thick- ness, put in the bruised part, and- shake it well together, then put in the minced meat with a very little nutmeg grated, and a spoonful of white wine ; let it just boil up, and pour it into boats, or over your fish. — Shrimp sauce. Put half a pint of shrimps, clean picked, into a gill of good gravy ; let it boil up with * a lump of butter rolled in flour, and a spoonful of red wine. — 0}ster sauce. Take a pint of oysters that are tolerably large ; put them into a saucepan with their own liquor, a blade of mace, a little whole pep- i per, and a bit of lemoir peel ; let them stew over the fire till the oysters are plump ; pour all into a clean pan, and wash them carefully, ] one by one, out of the liquor ; strain about a gill of the liquor through a fine sieve, add the same quantity of good gravy, cut half a pound of fresh butter in pieces, roll up some * in flour, and then put all to your oysters ; set it over a clear fire, shake it round often till it boils, and add a spoonful of white wine : let it just boil, and pour it into your bason or boat. — Anchovy sauce. S A U S A II Strip an anchovy, bruise it very fine, put it into hahf a pint of gravy, a quarter of a pound of butter rolled in flour, a spoonful of red wine, and a tea-spoonful of ketchup ; boil all together till it is properly thick, and serve it up. — Another. Half a pint of water, two anchovies split, a clove, a bit of mace, a little lemon peel, a few peppercorns, and a large spoonful of red wine ; boil all to- gether, till your anchovy is dis- solved ; then strain it off, and thick- en it with butter rolled in flour. This is the best sauce for skate, maid, or thornback. SAUCE FOR FISH PIES. Take equal quantities of white wine, not sweet ; of vinegar, oyster liquor, and mushroom ketchup. Boil them up with an anchovy, strain the li- quor, and pour it through a funnel into the pie after it is baked. Or chop an anchovy small, and boil it up with three spoonfuls of gravy, a quarter of a pint of cream, and a little butter and flour. SAUCE FOR FOWLS. Cut up the livers, add slices of lemon in dice, scalded parsley, some hard tggs, and a little salt. Mix them with butter, boil them up, and pour the sauce over the fowls. This will be found an excellent sauce for rab- bit or fowl, especially to hide the bad colour of fowls. Or boil some veal gravy, with pepper and salt, the juice of a Seville orange and a lemon, and a little port wine. Pour it into the dish, or send it up in a boat. SAUCE FOR GOOSE. Mix a table-spoonful of made mustard, and half a tea-spoonful of cayenne, in a glass and a half of port wine. Heat and pour it hot into the inside of a roast goose when it is taken up, by a slit made in the apron. What is sauce for a goose will not make bad sauce for a duck. It must be understood that this is not adapted to green geese or ducklings. SAUCE FOR HASHES. Chop the bones and fragments of the joint, put them into a stewpan, and cover them with boiling water. Add six peppercorns, the same of allspice, a handful of parsley, half a head of celery cut in pieces, and a small sprig of savoury, lemon thyme, or sweet marjoram. Cover it up, and let it simmer gently for half an hour. Slice half an ounce of onion, put it into a stewpan with an ounce of butter, and fry it over a quick fire for two or three minutes, till it takes a little colour. Thicken it with flour, and mix with it by degrees the gravy made from the bones. Let it boil very gently for a quarter of an hour, till it acquires the consistence of cream, and strain it through a fine sieve into a basin. Return it to the stewpan, season it a little, and cut in a few pickled onions, walnuts, or gherkins. Add a table-spoonful of ketchup or walnut pickle, or some capers and caper liquor, or a table- spoonful of ale, a little shalot, or tarragon vinegar. Cover the bot- tom of the dish with sippets of bread, to retain the gravy, and garnish with fried sippets. To hash meat in per- fection, it should be laid in this gra- vy only just long enough to get pro- perly warmed through. SAUCE FOR LENT. Melt some butter in a saucepan^ shake in a little flour, and brown it by degrees. Stir in half a pint of water, half a pint of ale, an onion, a piece of lemon peel, two cloves, a blade of mace, some whole pepper, a spoon- ful of ketchup, and an anchovy. Boil it all together a quarter of an hour, strain it, and it will make good sauce for various dishes. SAUCE FOR LOBSTER. Bruise the yolks of two hard boiled eggs with the back of a wooden spoon, or pound them in a marble mortar, with a tea-spoonful of water, and the soft inside and the spawn of the lobster. Rub them quite smooth with a tea-spoonful of made mus- tard, two table- spoon fills of salad S A U S AU oil, and five of vinegar. Season it with a very little cayenne, and some salt. Tarragon vinegar, or essence of anchovy, may be added occasionally. SAUCE FOR MINCED VEAL. Take the bones of cold roast or boiled veal, dredge them well with flour, and put them into a stewpan. Add a pint and a half of weak broth, a small onion, a little grated or finely minced lemon peel, half a tea- spoonful of salt, and a blade of pounded mace. Thicken it with a table-spoonful of flour rubbed into half an ounce of butter, stir it into the broth, and let it boil gently for about half an hour. Strain it through a tammis or sieve, and it is read^ to put to the veal to warm up, which is to be done by placing the stew- pan by the side of the fire. Squeeze in half a lemon, cover the bottom of the dish with sippets of toasted bread cut into triangles, and garnish the dish with slices of ham or bacon. A little basil wine gives an agreeable vegetable relish to minced veal. SAUCE^ FOR PARTRIDGE. Rub down in a mortar the yolks of two eggs boiled hard, an anchovy, two dessert-spoonfuls of oil, three of vinegar, a shalot, cayenne if ap- proved, and a tea-spoonful of mus- tard. All should be pounded be- fore the oil is added, and strained when done. Shalot vinegar is pre- ferable to the shalot. SAUCE FOR POULTRY. Wash and pick some chervil very carefully, put a tea-spoonful of salt into half a pint of boiling water, boil the cher- vil about ten minutes, drain it on a sieve, mince it quite fine, and bruise it to a pulp. Mix it by degrees with some good melted butter, and send it up in a sauce boat. This makes a fine sauce for either fish or fowl. The flavour of chervil is a strong concentration of the com- bined taste of parsley and fennel, but is more aromatic and agreeable than either. 3AUCE FOR QUAILS. Shred 340 two or three shalots, and boil them a few minutes in a gill of water, and half a gill of vinegar. Add to this a quarter of a pint of good gravy, and a piece of butter rolled in flour. Shake it over the fire till it thickens, and then serve it in the dish v/ith roast quails, or any other small birds. SAUCE ROBART. This is a favourite sauce for rump steaks, and is made in the following man- ner. Put a piece of butter, the size of an egg, into a saucepan ; and while browning over the fire, throw in a handful of sliced onions cut small. Fry them brown, but do not let them burn. Add half a spoonful of flour, shake the onions in it, and give it another fry. Then put four spoonfuls of gravy, some pepper and salt, and boil it gently ten minutes. Skim off the fat, add a tea-spoonful of ::^ade mustard, a spoonful of vinegar, and the juice of half a lemon. Boil it all together, and pour it round the steaks, which should be of a fine yellow brown, and garnished with fried parsley and lemon. SAUCE FOR STEAKS. When the steaks are taken out of the fry- ingpan, keep back a spoonful of the fat, or put in an ounce of butter. Add flour to thicken it, and rub it well over the fire till it is a little browned. Then add as much boil- ing water as will reduce it to the consistence of cream, and a table- spoonful of ketchup or walnut pickle. Let it boil a few minutes, and pour it through a sieve upon the steaks. To this may be added a sliced onion, or a minced shalot, with a glass of port wine. Broiled mushrooms are favourite relishes to beef steaks. Garnish with finely scraped horse- radish, pickled walnuts, or gherkins. SAUCE FOR VEAL. Mince any kind of sweet herbs with the yolks of two or three hard eggs. Boil them together with sonje currants, a little grated bread, pounded cifl- S A U SC A nanion, sugar, and two whole cloves. Pour the sauce into the dish intend- ed for the veal, with two or three slices of orange. SAUCE FOR WILD FOWL. Simmer a tea- cupful of. port wine, the same quantity of good meat gra- vy, a little shalot, a little pepper and salt, a grate of nutmeg, and a bit of mace, for ten minutes. Put in a piece of butter, and flour ; give it all one boil, and pour it through the birds. In general they are not stuffed as tame fowl, but may be .done so if approved. SAUSAGES. Chop fat and lean pork together, season it with sage, pepper, salt, and two or three ber- ries of allspice. Half fill some hog's guts that have been soaked and made extremely clean ; or the meat may be kept in a very small pan closely covered, and so rolled and dusted with a very little flour before it is fried. The sausages must be prick- ed with a fork before they are dress- ed, or they will burst in the frying. Serve them on stewed red cabbage, or mashed potatoes put in a form, and browned with a salamander. — The following is the way of making excellent sausages to eat cold. Sea- son some fat and lean pork with salt, saltpetre, black pepper, and all- spice, all in fine powder. Rub the mixture into the meat, and let it lie in pickle for six days. Then cut it small, and mix with it some shred shalot or garlic, as fine as possible. Have ready an ox-gut that has been scoured, salted, and well soaked, and fill it with the above stufling. Tie up the ends, and hang it to smoke as you would hams, but first wrap it in a fold or two of old mus- lin. It must be high dried. Some choose to boil it, but others eat it without boiling. The skin should be tied in different places, so as to make each link about eight or nine inches longf. . SAUSAGES WITH APPLES. Fry some sliced apples with the sau- sages, till they are of a light brown. Lay the sausages in the middle of the dish, and the apples round them. Or fry them without apples, and serve them up on fried bread, with mashed potatoes. Or put the sau- sages into boiling water, simmer them about five minutes, and serve them up with poached eggs, or roast- ed potatoes. SCALDS. When a burn or scald is trifling, and occasions no blister, it is sufficient to put a compress of several folds of soft linen upon it, dipped in cold water, and to renew it every quarter of an hour till the pain is entirely removed. When a burn or scald blisters, a compress of fine linen spread over with soft pomatum should be applied to it, and changed twice a day. If the skin is burnt through, and the flesh under it injured, the same pomatum may be applied ; but instead of a compress of linen, it should be spread upon a piece of soft lint, applied di- rectly over it, and this cover with a slip of simple adhesive plaster. For an extensive burn or scald, skil^l advice should immediately be ob- tained, as it always endangers the life of the suflferer. A linen rag dipped in laudanum, or spread thick with honey, will be sufficient in or- dinary cases. The pomatum pro- per, where any serious injury has been sustained, is made in the fol- lowing manner. Take an ounce of the ointmentcalled nutritum,the yolk of a small egg, or the half of a large one, and mix them well together. The nutritum may easily be made by rubbing two drams of cerus, or white lead, with half an ounce of vinegar, and three ounces of com- mon oil, and mixing them well toge- ther. If the ingredients for making nutritum are not at hand, to make the pomatum, one part of wax should be melted with eight parts of oil, and the yolk of an egg added to two ounces of this mixture. A still more simple application, and sooner 341 SCA SC A prepared, is to beat up a whole egg with two spoonfuls of sweet oil, free from any rankness. When the pain of the burn and all its other symp- toms have nearly subsided, it will be sufficient to apply the following plaster. Boil together to a proper consistence, half a pound of oil of roses, a quarter of a pound of red lead, and two ounces of vinegar. Dissolve in the mixture three quar- ters of an ounce of yellow wax, and one dram of camphor, stirring the whole well together. Take it off the fire, and spread it upon sheets or slips of paper, of any size that may be most convenient. For an adhesive plaster, melt four ounces of white wax, and add one or two spoonfuls of oil. Dip into this mix- ture, slips of moderately thin linen, and let them dry ; or spread it thin and evenly over them. — The follow- ing is a highly esteemed method of curing scalds or burns. Take half a pound of alum in powder, dissolve it in a quart of water ; bathe the burn or scald with a linen rag wet in -this mixture ; then bind the wet rag thereon with a slip of linen, and moisten the bandage with the alum water frequently, without removing it, in the course of two or three days. A workman who fell into a copper of boiling liquor, where he remained three minutes before taken out, was immediately put into a tub containing a saturated solution of alum in water, where he was kept two hours ; his sores were then dressed with cloths and bandages, wet in the above mixture, and kept constantly moistened for twenty- four hours, and in a few days he was able to return to business. — The application of vinegar to burns and scalds is to be strongly recom- mended. It possesses active powers, and is a great antiseptic and coi*- rector of putrescence and mortifica- tion. The progressive tendency of burns of the unfavourable kind, or ill-treated, is to putrescence and 342 mortification. Where the outward skin is not broken, it may be freely used every hour or two ; where the skin is broken, and if it gives pain, it must be gently used. But equal parts of vinegar and water, in a tepid state, used freely every three or four hours, are generally the best appli- cation, and the best rule to be di- rected by. — House-leek, either ap- plied by itself, or mixed with cream, gives present relief in burns, and other external inflammations. SCALD HEAD. This disorder is chiefly incident to children, and is seated in the roots of the hair. It is frequently cured by changing the nurse, weaning the child, and removing it to a dry and airy situa- tion. If the itching of the head be- comes very troublesome, it may be allayed by gently rubbing it with equal parts of the oil of sweet al- monds, and the juice expressed from the leaves of the common burdock, simmered together till they form a soapy liniment, adding a few grains only of pearlash. If this treatment be not sufficient, cut oft' the hair, or apply an adhesive plaster made of bees' wax, pitch, and mutton suet. After it is removed, the head should be washed with warm soapy water, and the whole body cleansed in a lukewarm bath. SCALDED CODLINS. Wrap each in a vine leaf, and pack them close in a nice saucepan : when full, pour in as much water as will cover them. Set the saucepan over a gen- tle fire, and let them simmer slowly till done enough to take the thin skin off when cold. Place them in a dish, with or without milk, cream or custard : if the latter, there should be no ratafia. Dust some fine sugar over the apples. SCALDED CREAM. Let the milk stand twenty-four hours in win- ter, and twelve at least in sum- mer. Place the milk pan on a hot hearth, or in a wide brass kettle of water, large enough to receive the SC A SCO pan. It must remain on the fire till quite hot, but on no account boil, or there will be a skim instead of cream upon the milk. Wheu it is done enough, the undulations on the surface will begin to look thick, and a ring will appear round the pan, the size of the bottom. The time required to scald cream depends on the size of the pan, and the heat of the fire ; but the slower it is done the better. When the cream is scalded, remove the pan into the dairy, and skim it the next day. In cold weather it may stand thirty-six hours, and never less than two meals. In the west of England, butter is usually made of cream thus pre- pared ; and if made properly it is very firm. SCALDING FRUIT. The best way of scalding any kind of fruit, is to do it in a stone jar on a hot iron hearth ; or by putting the ves- sel into a saucepan of water, called a water-bath. Vinegar also is best boiled in the same manner. SCALDING PUDDING. From a pint of new milk take out enough to mix three large spoonfuls of flour into a smooth batter. Set the re- mainder of the milk on the fire, and when it is scalding hot, pour in the batter, and keep it on the fire till it thickens. Stir it all the time to prevent its burning, but do not let it boil. When of a proper thickness, pour it into a basin, and let it stand to cool. Then put in six eggs, a little sugar, and some nutmeg. Boil it an hour in a basin well buttered. SCALLOPED OYSTERS. Hav- ing opened the oysters, and washed them from the grit, put them into scallop shells or saucers, and bake them before the fire in a Dutch oven. Add to them some crumbs of bread, pepper, salt, nutmeg, and a bit of butter, before they are set to the fire. — Another way. To fill four scallop shells, have a pint and a half of oysters, put them on the fire, in their own liquor, with a blade of mace, a little salt, and some whole pepper ; (put a salamander in the fire to be red hot,) grate some crumbs of bread suflicient for your shells ; butter the inside of theshells very well, and strew bread crumbs thereon ; take your oysters off the fire, pour them into a pan, take off the beards, and fill the shells ; grate a little nutmeg into every shell, put a spoonful or two of the liquor upon the oysters, and fill up the shells quite full with bread crumbs ; set them before the tire, and baste them with butter all over the bread, then set them upon a gridiron over a clear fire, for about half an hour ; hold your salamander over them, till they are of a fine brown, then send them to table for a side-dish. In the same manner do shrimps, muscles, or cockles. SCALLOPED POTATOES. When boiled, mash them with milk, pepper, salt, and butter. Fill some scallop shells, smooth the tops, set them in a Dutch oven to brown before the fire ; or add the yolk of an egg, and mash them with cream, butter, salt, and pepper. Score the top with a knife, and put thin slices over, be- fore they are put into the oven. SCALLOPED VEAL. Mince it fine, set it over the fire a few mi- nutes, with pepper and salt, a little nutmeg and cream. Put it into scallop shells, and fill them up with grated bread ; over which put a lit- tle butter, and brown them before the fire. SCARLET DYE. Wool may be dyed scarlet, the most splendid of all colours, by first boiling it in a solution of muris-sulphate of tin ; then dying it a pale yellow with quercitron bark, and afterwards crimson with cochineal. SCORCHED LINEN. Boil to a good consistency, in half a pint of vinegar, two ounces of fuller's earth, an ounce of hen's dung, half an ounce of cake soap, and the juice of two onions. Spread tliis com- 343 SCO SCO position over the whole of the da- maged part ; and, if the scorching were not quite through, and the threads actually consumed, after suffering it to dry on, and letting it ^ receive a subsequent good washing or two, the place will appear full as white and perfect as any other part of the linen. SCOTCH BARLEY BROTH. Cut a leg of beef into pieces, and boil it in three gallons of water, with a sliced carrot and crust of bread, till reduced to half the quan- tity. Strain it off, and put it again into the pot. Boil it an hour, with half a pound of Scotch barley, a few heads of celery cut small, a sprig of sweet herbs, an onion, a little minced parsley, and a few marigolds. Put in a large fowl, and boil it till the broth is good. Sea- son it with salt, take out the onion and herbs, and serve it up with the fowl in the middte. Broth may be made with a sheep's head chopped in pieces, or six pounds of thick flank of beef, boiled in six quarts of water. Put the barley in with the meat, and boil it gently for an hour, keeping it clear from scum. The articles before-mentioned may then be added, with sliced turnips and carrots, and boiled together till the broth is good. Season it, take it up, pour the broth into a tureen, with the meat in the middle, and carrots and turnips round the dish. SCOTCH BURGOO. This is a sort of oatmeal hasty pudding with- out milk, much used by the Scotch peasantry ; and as an example of economy, is worthy of being occa- sionally adopted by all who have large families and small incomes. It is made in the following easy and expeditious manner. To a quark of oatmeal, add gradually two quarts of water, so that the whole may mix smoothly. Stir it continually over the fire, and boil it for a quar- ter of an hour. Take it up, and stir in a little salt and butter, with or 344 without pepper. This quantity wiL provide five or six persons with a tolerable meal. SCOTCH COLLOPS. Cut veal into thin round slices, about three inches over, and beat them with a rolHng-pin. Grate a little nutmeg over, dip them into the yolk of an eg^, and fry them in a little butter of a fine brown. Pour off the but- ter, and have ready warmed half a pint of gravy, with a little butter and flour in it, the yolk of an eg;g, two large spoonfuls of cream, and a dust of salt. Do not boil the sauce, but stir it till it comes to a tine thickness, and pour it over the col- lops. — Another way. Take what quantity of veal you want, cut into collops, and beat it with the back of a knife ; season as above, and fry them in butter of a fine brown ; pour off the butter, and put in half a pint of good gravy, and a small glass of white wine : you may add what other ingredients you please. Roll a piece of butter as big as a walnut in flour, tos? it up, and when it boils, take off the scum very clean : let your sauce be thick enough to hang ; dish it up, and garnish to your fancy. — Another way : dressed white. Take three or four pounds of a fillet of veal, cut, in small thin slices ; then take a clean stewpan, butter it on the inside ; season your collops with beaten mace, nutmeg, and salt ; dust them over with flour, and lay them into your stewpan, piece by piece, till all your meat is in : set* it over the stove, and toss it up together, till all your meat be white. Put in half a pint of strong veal broth ; let them boil, and take off all the scum clean ; beat up the yolks of two eggs in a gill of cream, and put it to your collops, and keep it tossing all the while, till it just boils up; then squeeze in a little lemon, toss it round, and dish it up. Garnish your dish with sliced lemon If you would make a fine dish of it, when you put in your veal broth. SCO scu you must add morels, truffles, mush- rooms, artichoke bottoms cut in small dice, force-meat balls boiled, not fried, and a few cock's combs ; then garnish your dish with fried oysters, petit-pasties, lemon, and barberries. Remember when you make a made dish, and are obliged to use cream, that it should be the last thing ; for it is apt to curdle if it boils at any time. SCOTCH EGGS. Boil five pul- let's eggs quite hard; and without removing the white, cover them com- pletely with a fine relishing force- meat, in which, let scraped ham, or chopped anchovy, bear a due propor- tion. Fry of a beautiful yellow brown, and serve with good gravy in the dish. SCOTCH LEEK SOUP. Prepare a sheep's head, either by cleaning the skin very nicely, or taking it off, as preferred. Split the head in two, take out the brains, and put it into a kettle with plenty of water. Add a large quantity of leeks cut small, with pepper and salt. Stew these very slowly for three hours. Mix as much oatmeal as will make the soup pretty thick, and make it very smooth with cold water. Pour it into the soup, continue stirring it till the whole is smooth and well done, and then serve it up. SCOTCH PANCAKES. To a pint of cream beat up eight eggs, leaving out two whites, a quarter of a pound of butter melted, one spoon- full of flour, a nutmeg grated, three spoonfuls of sack, and a little sugar. When the butter is cool, mix all to- gether into a batter ; have ready a stove with charcoal, and a small fry- ingpan no bigger than a plate, tie a piece of butter in a clean cloth ; when the pan is hot rub this round it, and put in the batter with a spoon, run it round the pan very thin and fry them only on one side ; put a saucer into the middle of the dish, and lay pan- cakes over it, till it is like a little pyramid ; strew pounded sugar be- tween every pancake, and garnish the dish with Seville oranges cut in small quarters. SCOURING BALLS. Portable balls for removing spots from clothes, may be thus prepared. Dry some fuller's-earth, so that it crumbles in- to a powder; then moisten it with the clear juice of lemons, and add a small quantity of pure pearl-ash. Knead the whole carefully together, till it acquires the consistence of a thick elastic paste : form it into con- venient small balls, and dry them in the sun. To be used, first moisten the spot on the clothes with water, then rub it with the ball, and let the spot dry in the sun. After having washed it with pure water, the spot will entirely disappear. SCROPHULA. The principal dif- ficulty in curing the scrophula, or king's evil, arises from the circum- stance, that it may remain concealed for a long time, and thus become deeply rooted in the constitution before its effects are evident. The system requires to be strengthened by the free use of Peruvian bark, sea water and sea bathing, and mo- derate exercise in the open air. Hemlock plasters applied to the swellings, and drinking of milk whey, have also been found useful. But in the progress of the disorder, medice^l advice will be necessary. SCURVY. When the scurvy pro- ceeds chiefly from the long-continued use of salt provisions, it will be ne- cessary to take large portions of the juice of lemons, oranges, or tama- rinds ; to eat water cresses, scurvy grass, and fresh vegetables of every description. But where these cannot be procured, pickled cabbage, cu- cumber, onions, and other fruits, as well as horseradish and mustard, may be taken with considerable advan- tage. Take also a pound of water- dock roots, and boil them in six pints of water, adding an ounce or two of chrystals of tartar, till one third part of the liquor be evaporated ; and Y y 345 SEA S E A drink half a pint or more of it every day. Raw carrots eaten are also very good for the scurvy ; and during a voyage, they should be packed up in casks of sand and kept for use. If the limbs be swelled, or joints stiff, it will be proper to foment them with warm vinegar, or bathe them in luke- warm water. A valuable ointment may be made of a pound of fresh lard, and as much cliver or goose- ^ass as the lard will moisten. Boil them together over a slow tire, stir the mixture till it turns brown, and strain it through a cloth. Take the ointment from the water, and rub it on the parts affected. SCURVY GRASS ALE. Brew it as for other ale, omitting the hops ; and when the liquor boils, put in half a bushel of fine wormwood, a bushel of scurvy grass, and twelve pounds of sugar. This quantity of ingredients is sufficient for a hogs- head. SEA-KALE is a highly nutriti- ous and palatable culinary vegetable. It is an early esculent plant, the young shoots of which are used some- what in the manner of asparagus, and may, it is said, be grown by the me- thod of cultivation which is given hereafter, to a size and of a delicacy of flavour greatly superior to that which is commonly brought to the table. In the cultivation of it in the garden, the improved method which has lately been advised, is that of preparing the ground for it by trench- ing it two feet and a half deep, about the close of the year or in the begin- ning of it : when not that depth na- turally, and of a light quality, it is to be made so by artificial means, such as the applying of a suitable proportion of fine white sand, and very rotten vegetable mould : if the ground be wet in the winter season, it should be completely drained, that no water may stagnate in it near the bottom of the cultivated mould, as the strength of the plants depends Upon the dryness and richness of 346 the bottom soil. After which the ground is to be divided into beds, four feet in width, with alleys of eighteen inches between them ; then, at the distance of every two feet each way, five or six seeds are to be sown, in a circle of about four inches dia- meter, to the depth of two inches. This business should be performed in a strictly regular and exact man- ner, as the plants are afterwards to be covered by means of pots for blanching them, and the health and beauty of the crops equally depend upon their standing at regular dis- tances. If the seeds which were sown were sound and perfect, they will come up and shew themselves in the last spring or beginning sum- mer months ; which as soon as they have made three or>four leaves, all but three of the strongest and best plants should be taken away from each circle ; planting out those which are pulled up, which, when done by a careful hand, may be performed so as for them to have the whole of their tap-root in a spare bed for extra forcing, or the repairs of accidents. The turnip fly and wire worm are to be carefully guard- ed against, the latter by picking them by the hand from out of the ground, and the former by the use of lime laid round the young plants in a circle. When the summer months prove dry, the beds should be plentifully watered. As soon as the leaves decay in the autumn they should be cleared away, and the beds be covered with light fresh earth and sand to the thickness of an inch ; the compost thus used having laid some time in a heap, and been turned several times, so as to be free from weeds, and the ova of insects as well as grubs. Upon the sandy loam dressing, about six inches in depth of light stable litter is to be applied, which completes the work of the first year. In the spring of the second, when the pi nts are beginning to push, the SEA SEA stable litter is to be raked off, a lit • tie of the most rotten being dug in- to the alleys, and another inch depth of loam and sand applied. Cutting this year is to be refrained from, notwithstanding some of the plants may rise strong, and the beds managed exactly as before during this winter season. In the third season, a little before the plants begin to stir, the covering laid on for the winter is to be raked off, and an inch in depth of pure dry sand or fine gravel now laid on. Then each circle of plants is to be cover- ed with one of the blanching-pots already alluded to, pressing it firmly into the ground, so as to exclude all light and air, as the colour and fla- vour* of the shoots are greatly in- jured by exposure to either of them. When the beds are twenty-six feet long, and four wide, they will hold twenty-four blanching-pots, with three plants under each, making seventy-two plants in a bed. They arc to be examined from time to time, the young stems being cut, when about three inches above the ground, care being taken not to in- jure any of the remaining buds be- low, some of which will immediately begin to swell. In this way a suc- cession of gatherings may be con- tinued for the space of six weeks, after which period the plants are to be uncovered, and their leaves suf- fered to grow, that they may acquire and return nutriment to the root for the next year's buds. When seeds are not wanted, the flowers should be pinched off by the finger and thumb, as long as they appear. Where the expence of blanching- pots is objected to, the beds must be covered with a large portion of loose gravel and mats ; but the saving is trifling, when the time and trouble of removing and replacing the gravel, for the cutting of the crop and securing the plant, are considered. By this mode of ma- oagement, sea-kale is said to have been cut whicli measured ten, eleven, and even twelve inches in circum- ference, and that each blanching- pot on the average afforded a dish of it twice in the season. The blanching-pots for this use are some- what of the same shape and size as the large bell-glasses commonly em- ployed in market gardens for rais- ing tender vegetable crops, but made of the same materials as the com- mon earthenware, having a handle at the top. They may be about a foot and a half in diameter at the rim where they apply to the ground. Forcing sea-kale. — It is supposed that no vegetable can be so easily and cheaply forced as this, or re- quire so little trouble ; as the dung is in the finest state possible for spring hot-beds, after the common crop has been cut and gathered. The principal circumstance neces- sary in this business, is that of be- ing very attentive and particular in guarding against too great a heat. The temperature under the blanch- ing-pots should constantly be kept as near fifty-five degrees of Fahren- heit's scale as possible, and on no account higher than sixty at any time. In this intention, in either of the two concluding months of the year, as the sea-kale may be want- ed more early or late, a suitable quantity of fresh stable dung should ' be collected and prepared, to cover both the beds and the alleys from two to three feet in height ; as in the quantity to be laid on, a great deal must always be left to the judgment of the gardener, as well as to the state of the season as to mildness or severity. It should in- variably be well pressed down be- tween the blanching-pots, heat- sticks being placed at proper inter- vals, by the occasional examination of which the heat below will be readily shewn. When the dung has remained in this situation four or five days, the pots shojild be ex- amined to see the state of the vshoots 347 SEA SEA It not unfrequently happens that worms spring above the surface, and spoil the delicacy of flavour in the young shoots. In order to prevent this, it is best to cover it with dry sea-coal ashes, which have been sifted neither very small nor very large. Salt has also the power of destroying them in an effectual manner, without injuring the sea- kale. The crop, it is said, will be ready to cut and gather in three weeks or a month from the first ap- plication of the heat ; but as much danger and mischief are the conse- quence when this is violent, it is ad- vised to begin soon enough, and to force slowly, rather than in too quick a manner. It is likewise ne- cessary to cut the leaves off a fort- night or three weeks before they decay, in those plants which are in- tended to be forced at a very early period. It is also suggested that the blanching-pots used in forcing should be made in two pieces, the uppermost of which should fit like a cap upon the lower ; as the crop might then be examined at all times without disturbing the hot dung. Sea-kale is cooked, and sent to the table in the same manner as aspa- ragus. SEA SICKNESS. This disorder may in a great measure be prevent- ed, by taking a few drops of vitriolic aether on a bit of sugar dissolved in the mouth, or drinking a few drops of aether in water, with a little su- gar. SEA WATER. To render salt water fit for washing linen at sea, a quantity of soda should be kept at hand, and used for that purpose, as often as occasion requires. As much soda should be put into sea water as will render it turbid, and com- pletely precipitate the lime and mag- nesia which it contains. The water will then become sufficiently alka- line for the purpose of washing. SHAVING SOAP. Cut half a pound of fine white soap in thin 310 slices, add half an ounce of salt ot tartar, and mix them with full half a pint of spirits of wine. Put the ingredients into a quart bottle, tie it down with a bladder, digest it in a gentle heat till the soap is dis- solved, and let the air escape through a pinhole in the bladder. Filter the mixture through paper, and scent it with a little bergamot, or essence of lemon. It will have the appearance of fine oil. A small quantity mixed with water will produce an excellent lather, and is much superior to any other composition in washing or shaving. SEALING OF LETTERS. To secure letters from being opened, beat up some fine bean flour with the white of an egg, and make it in- to a paste. Use a little of it in the form of a wafer, close the letters with it, and hold the sealed part to the spout of a tea-pot of boiling water. The steam will harden the cement so that the letter cannot be opened without tearing, and will ren- der it more secure than cither wax or wafer. SEASONING. Though general rules may be given for stuffings and seasoning, yet much must be left to common discretion. The differ- ent tastes of people require more or less of the flavour of spices, salt, garlic, butter, and other ingredients ; and the proportions must of course be regulated accordingly, taking care that a variety of flavour be given to the different dishes served at the same time. The proper ar- ticles should be kept ready for use ; but if suet or bacon be not at hand, butter must be used instead, and fish gravy instead of stock or meat gravy. More depends on judgment and care than on the ingredients merely, of which the dish is com- posed. SEASONING MAHOGANY. Having provided a steam-tight wooden box, capable of holding sucii pieces of mahogany as are wanted SEE SEE for chairs or other purposes, a pipe from a boiler must be adapted to it, by means of which the box is to be filled with steam, to a temperature about equal to that of boiling wa- ter. The time required for wood an inch and a half thick, is about two hours ; and pieces of this thick- ness become sufficiently dry to work, after being placed in a warm room for twenty-four hours. By this treatment the wood is some- thing improved in colour, and the blemishes of green veins are entirely removed. The eggs also of any in- sect contained in the wood, will be destroyed by the heat of the steam. By this process, two important ad- vantages are gained. There is a saving of capital, vested in wood lying to season during several months ; and the warping of small pieces of wood is entirely prevented. SEED CAKE. Mix a quarter of a peck of flour with half a pound of sugar, a quarter of an ounce of all- spice, and a little ginger. Melt three quarters of a pound of butter, with half a pint of milk; when just warm, put to it a quarter of a pint of yeast, and work it up to a good dough. Add seeds or currants, let it stand before the fire a few minutes before it goes to the oven, and bake it an hour and a half. — Another way is to mix a pound and a half of flour, a pound of lump sugar, eight eggs beaten separately, an ounce of seeds, two spoonfuls of yeast, and the same of milk and water. Milk alone soon causes cake and bread to get dry. — Another. Break eigh- I teen eggs into a large pan, and leave f out eight of the whites ; add to them t two pounds of fresh butter, and with your hand work the butter and eggs till they are well mixed, and like thick barme ; put in two or three spoonfuls of sack, two pounds of lump sugar sifted, two pounds of fine flour, and two ounces of carra- way seeds, mix the sugar, flour, and seeds, well together, and set it be- fore the fire for half an hour, cover- ing it with a cloth, and *emember to put the flour, &c. in by degrees. Tin pudding pans are the best things to bake it in, and take care it be not over-done ; they will rise very high in the oven, and when they begin to sink again, they are baked enough. — A cheap seed cake. Take half a peck of flour, set a pint of milk on the fire, and break in a pound and a half of butter; when all the butter is melted, stir in half a pint of ale yeast that is not bitter. Take half an ounce of allspice beat fine, and a pound of sugar sifted ; mix these with the flour first, then make a hole in the middle of the flour, and pour in the butter, milk, and yeast. While you are working it, strew in some carraway seeds, and set it before the fire to rise ; bake it an hour and a half in a quick oven. It is best baked in two cakes ; if you make it in two, put currants in one, and carraway seeds in the other. — Seed cake the nun's way. To four pounds of the finest flour, add three pounds of double-refined sugar beat and sifted ; mix this with the flour, and set it before the fire to dry ; beat up four pounds of nice fresh butter to a cream, break three dozen of eggs (leaving out sixteen whites) and beat them up very well, with a tea-cupful of orange-flower water, strain them into the butter, and beat them well therewith ; take the flour and sugar, and mix in six ounces of carraway seeds; put these ingredients to the butter and eggs by degrees, and beating all conti- nually for two hours : butter a hoop, and bake it three hours in a mo- derate oven. If you please, you may add two or three grains of am- bergris. SEED WATER. Bruise a spoon- ful of coriander seeds, and half a spoonful of carraway. Boil them in a pint of water, strain them, beat 349 SEV SH A up the yolk of an egg and mix with the water, add a little sweet wine and lump sugar. SEEDS. To discover when seeds of any kind are fully ripe and good, throw them into a basin of water. If not sufHciently ripe, they will swim on the surface ; but when ar- rived at full maturity, they will be found uniformly to sink to the bot- tom; a fact that is said to hold equally true of all seeds, from the cocoa nut to the orchis. — Seeds of plants may be preserved, for many months at least, by causing them to be packed, either in husks, pods, &c. in absorbent paper, with raisins or brown moist sugar ; or a good way, practised by gardeners, is to wrap the seed in brown paper or cartridge paper, pasted down, and then varnished over. — To preserve seeds, when sown, from vermin. Steep the grain or seed three or four hours, or a sufficient time for it to penetrate the skin, or husk, in a strong solution of liver of sulphur. SHADS. They must be scaled very clean, then gut and wash them, dry them in a cloth, score them on the sides, rub them with butter, sprinkle salt over theip, and broil them of a fine brown ; boil sorrel, chervil, onion and parsley, chop it fine ; melt a piece of butter in cream sufficient for your sauce, then put in your herbs, season it with salt, pepper, and a little nutmeg, toss it up together, and pour over your fish ; or you may serve it with a ragout of mushrooms, or a brown sauce with capers, garnished with lemon. SEVILLE ORANGE POSSET. Squeeze Seville orange or lemon juice into a glass dish, or mix them together if preferred, and sweeten it well with fine sugar. Then warm some cream over the fire, but do not let it boil. Put it into a teapot and pour it into the juice, holding the teapot up very high, that it may 350 froth and curdle the better. Instead of cream, milk thickened with one or two yolks of eggs may be used, if more convenient. SHALOT. As the habits of growth in roots of this nature differ greatly in the different sorts, some requiring to be nearly or quite on the surface of the ground, while others stand in need of being a con- siderable depth below it, which has not been well attended to in the gar- den culture of such roots ; it may be readily supposed that these have considerable influence and effect on the growth of such root crops. In consequence of finding that crops of this root generally became mouldy and perished, and that they were usually planted, from the directions of garden cultivators, at the depth of two or three inches from the sur- face ; the injury, failure, and de- struction of such crops, were natu- rally ascribed to this cause. A few bulbs or bunches of this root were consequently divided, as far as pos- sible, into single buds or bulbs, and planted upon or rather above the surface of the ground, some very rich soil being placed underneath them, and the mould on each side raised to support them, until they became firmly rooted. This mould was then removed by means of a hoe, and the use of the watering-pot, and the bulbs of course left wholly out of the ground. The growth of the plants had now so near a resem- blance to that of the common onion, as not readily to be distinguished from it, until their irregularity of form, the consequence of the nu- merous germs within each bulb, be- came evident. The forms of the bulbs, however, continued constant- ly different from all those raised in the ordinary method, being much more broad, but of less length. The crop was a great deal better in qua- lity, and at the same time much more abundant in quantity. It may coH' I SHA SHE Sequently not be unworthy of the gardener's attention. — Garlic, ro- cambole, and shalot are chiefly used in ragouts and sauces which require to be highly flavoured, unless a sepa- rate sauce is made of them only ; and indeed, the mixing of animal juices in preparations of vegetables is by no means to be recommended, where the health is to be consulted. The substitution of butter and flour, yolks of eggs and cream, mushroom or walnut ketchup, is greatly to be preferred to rich gravies, in dressing of vegetables. SHALOT SAUCE. Put a few chopped shalots into a little gravy boiled clear, and nearly half as much vinegar. Season with pepper and salt, and boil it half an hour. SHALOT VINEGAR. Split six or eight shalots ; put them into a wide-mouthed quart bottle, and fill it up with vinegar. Stop it close ; and in a month the vinegar will be fit for use. SHALOT WINE. Peel, mince, and pound in a mortar, three ounces of shalots, and infuse them in a pint of sherry for ten days. Pour ofl^ the clear liquor on three ounces more of shalots, and let the wine stand on them ten days longer. An ounce of scraped horseradish may be added to the above, and a little, lemon peel cut thin. This is rather the most expensive, but by far the most elegant preparation of shalot. It imparts the onion flavour to soups and sauces, for chops, steaks, hash- es, or boiled meats, more agreeably than any other, without leaving any unpleasant taste in the mouth. SHANK JELLY. Boil fifteen shanks of mutton in three quarts of water. Two cow heiels, three calf's feet, or five sheep's feet, will an- swer the same purpose. Let them Hi stew no longer than to extract a good jelly, and when cold take off" the fat, and clear it from the settlement at the bottom. The jelly may be clear- ed with whites of eggs, and running it through a jelly bag. Orange or lemon juice, or wine, and sugar, may be added, as is suitable for the pa- tient. Wine however should never be given to any invalid, without the express permission of the medical attendant, as it may do more harm than good, unless used with great discretion. Much less should any kind of spirits be allowed, as they are of a much more dangerous na- ture than wine in such cases. SHARP SAUCE. Put into a sil- ver saucepan, or one that is very clean and well tinned, half a pint of the best white wine vinegar, and a quarter of a pound of pounded loaf sugar. Simmer it gently over the fire, skim it well, pour it through a tammis or fine sieve, and send it up in a basin. This sauce is adapted for venison, and is often preferred to the sweet wine sauces. SHEEP'S EARS. Take a dozen and a half of sheep's ears, scald and clean them very well ; then make a forcemeat of veal, suet, crumbs of bread, a little nutmeg, pepper, salt, and beaten mace, parsley and thyme shred fine ; mix these ingredients with the yolk of an eg^ ; fill the ears, and lay one over the other, press them close, flour them, and fry them in clean beef dripping, of a fine brown ; serve them up with gravy sauce in the dish, garnished with lemon. This is a pretty side dish. SHELFORD PUDDING. Mix three quarters of a pound of cur- rants or raisins, one pound of suet, a pound of flour, six eggs, some good milk, lemon peel, and a little salt. Boil it in a melon shape six hours. SHERBET. This liquor is a spe- cies of negus without the wine. It consists of water, lemon, or orange juice, and sugar, in which are dis- solved perfumed cakes, made of the best Damascus fruit, and contain- ing also an infusion of some drops of rose-water : another kind is made of violets, honev, juice of raisins, &c. 351 SHO SHO ft is well calculated for assuaging thirst, as the acidity is agreeably blended with sweetness. It resem- bles, indeed, those fruits which we find so grateful when one is thirsty. SHIN OF BEEF. A shin or leg of beef, weighing full six pounds, will make a large tureen of excellent soup. Cut half a pound of bacon into slices about half an inch thick, lay it at the bottom of a soup kettle or deep stewpan, and place the meat on this, after having first chopped the bone in two or three places. Add two carrots, two turnips, a head of celery, two large onions with two or ' three cloves stuck in them, a dozen black peppercorns, the same of Ja- maica pepper, and a bundle of le- mon thyme, winter savoury, and parsley. Just cover the meat with cold water, boil it over a quick fire, skim it well, and then let it stew very gently by the side of the fire for four hours till it is quite tender. Take out all the meat, strain off the soup, and remove the fat from the surface when cold. Cut the meat into small pieces, and put them into the soup, when it is to be warmed up for the table. A knuckle of veal may be dressed in the same way. SHINGLES. This disorder, of the same nature as St. Anthony's fire, and requiring a similar mode of treatment, attacks various parts of the body, but chiefly the waist, around which it appears in numer- ous pimples of a livid hue, and sel- dom attended with fever. No at- tempt should be made to repel the eruption ; the body should be kept gently open, and the part affected rubbed with a little warm wheaten flour. Then linen bags of oatmeal, camomile flowers, and a little bruised camphor may also be applied, which will effectually relieve the inflamma- tion. SHOE BLACKING. In three pints of small beer, put two ounces of ivory black, and one pennyworth of brown sugar. As soon as they 352 boil, put a dessert-spoonful of «»weet oil, and then boil slowly till reduced to a quart. Stir it up with a stick every time it is used ; and put it on the shoe with a brush when wanted. - — Another. Two ounces of ivory black ; one tea-spoonful of oil of vitriol, one table-spoonful of sweet oil ; and two ounces of brown su- gar ; roll the same into a ball, and to dissolve it add half a pint of vine- gar. — Another. Take ivory black and brown sugar candy, of each two ounces ; of sweet oil a table- spoonful; add gradually thereto a pint of vinegar, cold, and stir the whole till gradually incorporated. — Another. To one pint of vinegar add half an ounce of vitriolic acid, half an ounce of copperas, two ounces of sugar candy, and two ounces and a half of ivory black : mix the whole well together. — Ano- ther. Sweet oil, half an ounce ; ivory black and treacle, of each half a pound ; gum arabic half an ounce; vinegar, three pints ; boil the vine- gar, and pour it hot on the other in- gredients. — Another. Three ounces of ivory black, one ounce of sugar candy, one ounce of oil of vitriol, one ounce of spirits of salts, one lemon, one table-spoonful of sweet oil, and one pint of vinegar. — First mix the ivory black and sweet oil together, then the lemon and sugar candy, with a little vinegar to qua- hfy the blacking, then add your ■ spirits of salts and vitriol, and mix them all well together. N. B. The last ingredients prevent the vitriol and salts from injuring the leather, and add to the lustre of the black- ing. — Another. Ivory black, two ounces ; brown sugar, one oun.ce and a half ; sweet oil, half a table- spoonful. Mix them well, and then gradually add half a pint of small beer. — Another. A quarter of a ^ pound of ivory black, a quarter of ^ a pound of moist sugar, a table- spoonful of flour, a piece of tallow about the size of a walnut, and a •i ^ H C SHO wuatt jMece of g«ni arable. — Make a paste of the flour, and while hot put in tiie tallow, then the sugar, and afterwards mix the whole well toge- ther in a quart of water, and you will have a beautiful shining black- ing. SHOES. The best way of clean- ing shoes in the winter time is to scrape off the dirt with the back of a knife, or with a wooden knife made for that purpose, while the shoes are wet, and wipe off the remainder with a wet sponge, or piece of flan- nel. Set them to dry at a distance from the lire, and they will after- wards take a tine poHsh. This will save much of the trouble in clean- ing, when the dirt is suffered to dry on ; and by applying a little sweet oil occasionally, the leather will be prevented from growing hard. To secure the soles of shoes or boots from being penetrated with rain or snow, melt a little bees' wax and mutton suet, and rub it slightly over the edges of the sole where the stitches are ; this will be suflicient to repel the wet. Occasionally rub- bing the soles with hot tar, and dusting over it a small quantity of iron filings, will tend to fill up the pores of the leather, and preserve the feet dry and warm in winter. The practice of pouring brandy or spirits into shoes or boots, with a view to prevent the effects of wet or cold, is very pernicious, and often brings on inflammation of the bowels. The best remedy for damp feet is to bathe them in warm water ; and if they become sore or blistered, rub them with a little mutton suet. As many evils and inconveniences arise from wearing improper shoes, it may be necessary to observe, that an easy shoe, adapted to the size and shape of the foot, is of consi- derable consequence. The soles should be thick, and their extremi- ties round rather than pointed, in Older to protect the toes from being injui'ed by sharp stones, or other rough substaaces, that may occUf in walking. Persons wearing nar- row or fashionable shoes, merely for the sake of appearance, not only suffer immediate fatigue and languor when walking only a short distance, but are exposed to the pain and in- convenience of warts and corns, and numerous other maladies ; while the want of dry easy shoes checks the necessary perspiration, which extends its influence to other parts of the body. For children, a kind of half boots, such as may be laced above the ancles, ^re superior to shoes, as they not only have the ad- vantage of fitting the leg, but are likewise not easily trodden down at the heels, and children can walk more firmly in them than in shoes. SHORT BISCUITS. Beat half a pound of butter to a cream, then add half a pound of loaf sugar finely powdered and sifted, the yolks of two eggs, and a few carra- ways. Mix in a pound of flour well dried, and add as much cream as will make it a proper stiffness for rolling. Roll it out on a clean board, and cut the paste into cakes with the top of a glass or cup. Bake them on tins for about half an hour. — Another way. A quarter of a pound of butter beat to a cream, six ounces of fine sugar powdered and sifted, four yolks of eggs, three quarters of a pound of flour, a little mace, and a little grated lemon peel. Make them into a paste, roll it out, and cut it into cakes with the top of a wine glass. Currants or carra- ways may be added if agreeable. SHORT CAKES. Rub into a pound of dried flour, four ounces of butter, four ounces of powdered sugar, one egg, and a spoonful or two of thin cream to make it in- to a paste. When mixed, put cur- rants into one half, and carraways into the rest. Cut them into little cakes with the top of a wine glass, or canister lid, and bake them a few minutes on floured tins. z 2 353 SHO SH O SHORT CRUST, Dry two ounces of white sugar; after it has been pounded and sifted. Mix if with a pound of flour well dried, and rub into it three ounces of butter, so line as not to be seen. Put the yolks of two eggs well beaten into some cream, mix it with the above into a smooth paste, roll it out thin, and bake it in a moderate oven. — lAnother. Mix with a pound of line flour dried, an ounce of sugar pound- ed and sifted. Crumble three ounces of butter into it, till it looks all like flour ; and with a glass of boiling cream, work it up to a fine paste. — To make a richer crust, but not sweet, rub six ounces of butter into eight ounces of fine flour. Mix it into a stiflish paste, with as little water as possible ; beat it well, and roll it thin. This, as well as the former, is proper for tarts of fresh or preserved fruit. — Another. To a pound of flour allow six ounces of butter, and a little salt. Rub the butter well into the flour ,with the hand, till the whole is well united, and then put in a small quantity of cold water, just enough to mix it to a paste. Mould it quite smooth with the hand, and roll it out for use. SHORT PASTE. Rub a quarter of a pound of butter into a pound of flour, mixed with water and two eggs. Work it up to a good stiflf- «ess, and roll it out. If for sweet tarts, two table-spoonfuls of sugar should be added. SHOULDER OF LAMB ^FORCED. Bone a shoulder of Iamb, and fill it up with forcemeat ; braise it two hours over a slow stove. Take it up and glaze it, or it may be glazed only, and not braised. Serve with sorrel sauce under the lamb. SHOULDER OF LAMB GRILL- ED. Roast a shoulder of lamb till about three parts done, score it both ways into squares about an inch large, rub it over with yolks of egg, season it with pepper and 364 salt, and strew it over with bread crumbs and chopped parsley. Set it before the fire, brown it with a sa- lamander, and serve it up with gra- vy, mushroom ketchup, lemon juice, and a piece of butter rolled in flour. Heat it over the fire till it is well thickened. SHOULDER OF MUTTON. If intended to be boiled with oysters, hang it up some days, and then salt it well for two days. Bone it, sprin- kle it with pepper, and a little pound- ed mace. Lay some oysters over it, and roll the meat up tight and tie it. Stew it in a small quantity of water, with an onion and a few pep- percorns, till it is quite tender. Prepare a little good gravy, and some oysters stewed in it ; thicken this with flour and butter, and pour it over the mutton when the tape is taken off". The stewpan should be kept close covered. If the shoulder is to be roasted, serve it up with onion sauce. The blade-bone may be broiled. SHOULDER OF PORK. A shoulder or a breast of pork is best put into pickle. Salt the shoulder as a leg ; and when very nice it may be roasted, instead of being boiled. SHOULDER OF VEAL. Cut olF the knuckle for a stew or gravy, and roast the other part with stuff- ing. It may be larded, and served with melted butter. The blade- bone, with a good deal of meat left on it, eats extremely well with mush- room or oyster sauce, or with mush- room ketchup in butter. SHOULDER OF VENISON. The neck and shoulder are roasted the same as the haunch, and served with the same sauce. But if the shoulder is to be stewed, take out the bone, and beat the meat with a rolling- pin. Lay amongst it some slices of mutton fat, that have lain a few hours in a little port wine ; sprinkle a little pepper and allspice over it in fine powder, roll and tie it up tight. Set it in a stewpan that will S IC just hold it, with mutton or beef gravy, half a pint of port wine, with pepper and allspice. Simmer it close covered, and very slowly, for three or four hours. When quite tender, take off the tape, set the meat on a dish, and strain the gra- vy over it. Serve with currant-jelly sauce. This is the best way of dressing a shoulder of venison, un- less it be very fat, and then it should be roasted. The bone should be stewed with it. SHREWSBURY CAKES. ift one pound of sugar, some pounded cinnamon, and nutmeg grated, into three pounds of fine flour. Add a little rose water to three eggs well beaten, and mix with the flour; then pour into it as much melted butter as will make it a good thickness to roll out. Mould it well, roll it thin, and cut it into anv shape you please. SHRIMP pie!! Pick a quart of shrimps ; if they be very salt, sea- son them only with mace and a clove or two. Mince two or three an- chovies, mix them with the spice, and then season the shrimps. Put some butter at the bottom of the dish, and over the shrimps, with a glass of sharp white wine. The pie will not take long in baking, and the paste must be light and thin. SHRIMP SAUCE. If the shrimps be not ready picked pour over a lit- tle water to wash them. Put them to butter melted thick and smooth, give them one boil, and add the juice of a lemon. SHRUB. To a gallon of rum, put a quart of the juice of Seville oranges, and two pounds and a half of loaf sugar beaten fine, and then barrel it. Steep the rinds of half a dozen oranges in a little rum, the next day strain it into the vessel, and make it up ten gallons with wa- ter that has been boiled. Stir the liquor twice a day for a fortnight, or the shrub will be spoiled. SICK ROOMS. To purify sick yooms from noxious vapours, exha- SIL lations, and all kinds of infected air, put half an ounce of finely pulverized black oxide of manganese into a saucer, and pour upon it nearly an ounce of muriatic acid. Place the saucer on the floor of the infected apartment, leave it and shut the door, and the contagion will be completely destroyed. Muriatic acid with red oxide of lead will have a similar ef- fect. Sulphur burnt for the same purpose, has the power of overcom- ing the effects of noxious vapours. Shallow vessels filled with lime wa- ter are of great use in absorbing car- bonic acid gas, especially in work- shops where charcoal is burnt. Newly prepared charcoal will ab- sorb various kinds of noxious efflu- via, and might be used with consi- derable advantage for the purifica- tion of privies, if small pieces of it are strewed upon the floor. Never venture into a sick room if you are in a violent perspiration (if circum- stances require your continuance there for any time,) for the moment your body becomes cold, it is in a state likely to absorb the infection, and give you the disease. Nor visit a sick person, (especially if the com- plaint be of a contagious nature) with an empty stomach ; as this dis- poses the system more readily to receive the contagion. In attending a sick person, place yourself where the air passes from the door or win- dow to the bed of the diseased, not betwixt the diseased person and any fire that is in the room, as the heat of the fire will draw the infectious vapour in that direction, and you would run much danger from breath- ing in it. SILK DYES. Silk is usually dyed red with cochineal, or car- thamus, and sometimes with Brazil wood. Archil is employed to give silk a bloom, but it is seldom used by itself, unless when the colour wanted is lilac. Silk may be dyed crimson, by steeping it in a solution of ali»«i, and then dyeing it in the 355 SIL SIL usual way in a cochineal bath. Pop- py colour, cherry, rose, and flesh colour, are given to silk by means of carthamus. The process con- sists merely in keeping the silk as long as it extracts any colour, in an alkaline solution of carthamus, into ivhich as much lemon juice has been poured, as is sufficient to give it a iine cherry red colour. Silk cannot be dyed a full scarlet ; but a colour approaching to scarlet may be given to it, by first impregnating the stuff with murio- sulphate of tin, and after- wards dyeing it in equal parts of cochineal and quercitron bark. SILK STOCKINGS. To clean silk stockings properly, it is neces- sary first to wash them in a luke- warm liquor of white soap, then to rinse them in clean water, and wash them again as before. They are to be washed a third time in a stronger soap liquor, made hot and tinged with blueing, and rinsed in clean water. Before they are quite dry, they are to be stoved with brim- stone, and afterwards polished with glass upon a Mooden leg. Gauzes are whitened in the same manner, only a little gum is put in the soap liquor before they are stoved. SILKS CLEANED. The best method of cleaning silks, woollens, and cottons, without damage to their texture and colour, is to grate some raw potatoes to a fine pulp in clean water, and pass the liquid matter through a coarse sieve into another vessel of water. Let the mixture stand till the fine white particles of the potatoes are precipitated ; then pour off the liquor, and preserve it for use. The article to be cleaned' should then be laid upon a linen cloth on a table ; and having pro- vided a clean sponge, dip it into the potatoe liquor, and apply it to the article to be cleaned, till the dirt is made to disappear ; then wash it in clean water several times. Two middle-sized potatoes will be suf- ficient for a pint of water. The 056 coarse pulp, which does not pass through the sieve, is of great use in cleaning worsted curtains, tapestry, carpets, and other coarse articles. The mucilaginous liquor will clean all sorts of silk, cotton or woollen goods, without hurting or spoiling the colour. It may also be used in cleaning oil paintings, or furniture that is soiled. Dirtied painted wainscots may be cleaned by wetting a sponge in the liquor, then dipping it in a little fine clean sand, and af- terwards rubbing the wainscot with it. SILVERING. For silvering glass globes, and such kind of articles, one part of mercury, and four of tin, are generally used. But if two parts of mercury, one of tin, one of lead, and one of bismuth, are melted to- gether, the compound which they form will answer the purpose bet- ter. Either of them must be made in an iron ladle, over a clear fire, and be frequently stirred. The glass to be silvered must be very clean and dry. The alloy is poured in at the top, and shaken till the whole in- ternal surface is covered. SILVERING OF IVORY. Pre- pare a diluted solution of nitrate of silver, and immerse in it an ivory paper knife. When the ivory has become yellow, in that part where it is in contact with the fluid, take it out and immerse it in an ale glass containing distilled water, placed in a window. In a short time, by ex- posure to the rays of the sun, it will become intensely black. Take it out of the water, wipe it dry, and rub it with a piece of leather. The silver will now appear on the ivory in a metallic state, and the knife will retain its silvery coat for a long time. SILVERING ON SILK. Paint flowers or figures of any kind on a white silk ribbon, with a camel hair pencil, dipped in a solution of ni- trate of silver. Immerse this whilst wet in ajar of sulphurous acid gas, SIM SIM by burning sulphur under a jar of atmospheric air. The penciling will then assume a beautiful metallic brilliance. SINAPISMS. The sinapism is a poultice made of vinegar instead of milk, and rendered warm and sti- mulating by the addition of mus- tard, horseradish, or garlic. The common sinapism is made of equal quantities of bread crumbs and mus- tard, a sufficient quantity of strong vinegar, and mixing all together into a poultice. When a sinapism is required to be more stimulating, a little bruised garlic may be added. Sinapisms are employed to recal the blood and spirits to a weak part, as in the case of palsy ; they are also of service in deep-seated pains, as in the case of sciatica. When the gout seizes the head or stomach, they are applied to the feet to bring the disorder down, and are likewise applied to the soles of the feet in a low state of fever. They should not be suffered to lie on till they have raised blisters, but till the parts become red, and will continue so when pressed with the finger. SIPPETS. When the stomach is too weak to receive meat, put on a very hot plate two or three sippets of bread, and pour over them some beef, mutton, or veal gravy. Flavour with a little salt. SIMPLE WATERS. The most expeditious method of distilling wa- ters is to tie a piece of muslin or gauze, over a glazed earthen pot, whose mouth is just large enough to receive the bottom of a warming pan ; on this lay your herb, clipped, whether mint, lavender, or whatever else you please ; then place upon them the hot warming-pan, with live coals in it, to cause heat just enough to prevent burning, by which means, as the steam issuing out of the herb cannot mount upwards, by reason of the bottom of the pan just fitting the brim of the vessel below it, it must necessarily descend, and collect into water at the bottom of the receiver, and that strongly im- pregnated with the essential oil and salt of the vegetable thus distilled ; which, if you want to make spiritu- ous, or compound water of, is easily done, by simply adding some good spirits, or French brandy to it, which will keep good for a long time, and be much better than if the spirits had passed through a still, which must of necessity waste some of their strength. Care should be taken not to let the fire be too strong, lest it scorch the plants ; and to be made of charcoal, for continuance and better regulation, which must be managed by lifting up and laying down the lid, as you want to in- crease or decrease the degrees of heat. The cooler the season, the deeper the earthen pan ; and the less fire at first (afterwards to be gra- dually raised) in the greater perfec- tion will the distilled water be ob- tained. — As the more moveable, or volatile parts of vegetables, are the aqueous, the oily, the gummy, the resinous, and the sahne, these are to be expected in the waters of this process ; the heat here employed being so great as to burst the ves- sels of the plants, some of which contain so large a quantity of oil, that it may be seen swimming on the surface of the water. — Medical waters thus procured will afford us nearly all the native virtues of ve- j^etables, and give us a mixture of their several principles, whence they . in a manner come up to the express- ed juice, or extract gained there- from : and if brandy be at the same time added to these distilled waters, so strong of oil and salt, a com- pound, or spirituous water, maj be likewise procured, at a cheap and easy rate. — Although a small quan- tity only of distilled water can be obtained at a time by this confined operation, yet it co.mpensates in strength what is deficient in quan- tity. Such liquors, if well corked •^67 SKI SLA up from the air, will keep good a long time, especially if about a twen- tieth part of any spirits be added, in order to preserve the same more effectually. SIZE FROM POTATOES. One of the beneficial uses of potatoes, not perhaps generally known, is, that the starch of them, quite fresh, and washed only once, may be em- ployed to make size, which, mixed with chalk, and diluted in a little water, forms a very beautiful and good white for ceilings. This size has no smell, while animal size, which putrefies so readily, always exhales a very disagreeable odour. That of potatoes, as it is very little subject to putrefaction, appears, from experience, to be more durable in tenacity and whiteness ; and, for white-washing, should be preferred to animal size, the decomposition of which is always accompanied with unhealthy exhalations. SKATE. In the purchase of this article, observe that it be very white and thick. It requires to be hung up one day at least before it is dress- ed ; if too fresh, it eats tough. Skate may either be boiled, or fried in crumbs, being first dipped in egg. Crimp skate should be boiled and sent up in a napkin, or it may be fried as above. SKATE SOUP. This is made of the stock fish for soup, with an ounce of vermicelli boiled in it, a little before it is served. Then add half a pint of cream, beaten with the yolks of two eggs. Stir it by the side of the fire, but not on it. Serve it up with a small French roll warmed in a Dutch oven, and then soaked an hour in the soup. SKIRRETS. Hamburgh parsley, scorzonera, and skirrets, are much esteemed for their roots, the only part which is eaten. They should be boiled like young carrots, and they will eat very well with meat, or alone, or in soups. The shoots of salsify in the spring, from the 350 roots of a year old, gathered green and tender, will eat very nice, if boiled in the same manner as aspa- ragus. SLATE, a well-known, neat, con- venient, and durable material, for the covering of the roofs of build- ings. There are great varieties of this substance ; and it likewise dif- fers v^ greatly in its qualities and colours. In some places it is found in thick laminae, or flakes ; while in others it is thin and light. The co- lours are white, brown, and blue. It is so durable, in some cases, as to have been known to continue sound and good for centuries. How- ever, unless it should be brought from a quarry of well reputed good- ness, it is necessary to try its pro- perties, which may be done by striking the slate sharply against a large stone, and if it produce a com- plete sound, it is a mark of good- ness ; but if in hewing it does not shatter before the edge of the sect, or instrument commonly used for that purpose, the criterion is de- cisive. The goodness of slate may be farther estimated by its colour : the deep black hue is apt to imbibe moisture, but the lighter is always the least penetrable : the touch also may be in some degree a guide, for a good firm stone feels somewhat hard and rough, whereas an open slate feels very smooth, and as it were, greasy. And another method of trying the goodness of slate, is to place the slate-stone lengthwise and perpendicularly in a tub of water, about half a foot deep, care being taken that the upper or unimmersed part of the slate be not accidentally wetted by the hand, or otherwise ; let it remain in this state twenty- four hours ; if good and firm stone, it will not draw water more than half an inch above the surface of | the water, and that perhaps at the edges only, those parts having been a little loosened in the hewing ; but a spongy defective stone will draw SLE SLl ^ater to the very top. There is still another mode, held to be infallible. First, weigh two or three of the most suspected slates, noting the weight ; then immerge them in a vessel of water twelve hours ; take them out, and wipe them as clean as possible with a linen cloth ; and if they weigh more than at first, it denotes that quality of slate which imbibes water : a drachm is allowable in a dozen pounds, and no more. It may be noticed, that in laying of this material, a bushel and a half of lime, and three bushels of fresh-water sand, will be sufficient for a square of work ; but if it be pin plastered, it will take above as much more : but good slate, well laid and plas- tered to the pin, will lie an hundred h' years ; and on good timber a much longer time. It has been common to lay the slates dry, or on moss only, but they are much better when laid with plaster. When they are to be plastered to the pin, then about the first quantity of lime and sand will be sufficient for the purpose, when well mixed and blended toge- ther, by properly working them. Slates differ very much in thickness as well as colour, which suits them for different situations and purposes. A great deal of good slate of va- rious kinds is raised in different parts of Wales, and much excellent blue and other coloured sorts is procured from the northern parts of Lancashire, and other neighbour- ing places, as well as from different other counties throughout the king- dom. In some parts the slate is dis- tributed into three kinds, as the best, the middling, and the waste or com- mon sort. SLEEP. * Tired nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep,' is indispen- sible to the continuance of health and life ; and the night is appropri- ated for the recovery of that strength which is expended on the various exercises of the day. But sleep, as well as diet and exercise, ought to be duly regulated ; for too little of it, as well as too much, is alike in- jurious. A medium ought therefore to be observed, though the real pro- portion cannot be ascertained by any given time, as one person will be more refreshed by five or six hours sleep, than another by eight or ten. Children may be allowed to take as much as they please; but for adults, six hours is generally sufficient, and no one ought to ex- ceed eight. To make sleep refresh" ing, it is necessary to take sufficient exercise in the open air. Too much exertion will prevent sleep, as well as too little ; yet we seldom hear the active and laborious complain of restless nights, for they generally enjoy the luxury of undisturbed re- pose. Refreshing sleep is often prevented by the use of strong tea, or heavy suppers ; and the stomach being loaded, occasions frightful dreams, and broken and interrupted rest. It is also necessary to guard against anxiety and corroding grief: many by indulging these, have ba- nished sleep so long that they could never afterwards enjoy it. Sleep taken in the forepart of the night is most refreshing, and nothing more effectually undermines and ruins the constitution than night watching. How quickly the want of rest in due season will destroy the most bloom- ing complexion, or best state of health, may be seen in the ghastly countenances of those who turn the day into night, and the night into day. SLICED CUCUMBERS. Cut some cucumbers into thick slices, drain them in a cullender, and add some sliced onions. Use some strong vinegar, and pickle them in the same manner as gherkins and French o p 3. f m -^ SLICES OF BEEF. To prepare red beef for slices, cut off a piece of thin flank, and remove the skin. Rub the beef well with a mixture made of two pounds of common 359 SLi SLI salt^ two ounces of bay salt, two ouQces of saltpetre, and half a pound of moist sugar, pounded together in a marble mortar. Put it into an earthen pan, and turn and rub it daily for a week. Then take it out of the brine and wipe it, strew over it pounded mace, cloves, pepper, a little allspice, plenty of chopped parsley, and a few shalots. Roll it up, bind it round with tape, boil it quite tender, and press it. When cold cut it into slices, and garnish it with pickled barberries, fresh parsley, or any other approved ar- ticle. SLICES OF COD. To boil slices of codfish, put plenty of salt into some spring water. Boil it up quick, and then put in the fish. Keep it boiling, and skim it very clean. It will be done sufficiently in eight or ten minutes. Some small pieces may be fried and served round it. Oys- ter, shrimp, or anchovy sauce, should be served with it. SLICES OF HAM. Bacon or ham njay be fried, broiled on a grid- iron over a clear fire, or toasted with a fork. The slices should be of the same thickness in every part. To have it curled, the slices should be cut about two inches long, then roll- ed up, and a little wooden skewer passed through them. Put them in- to a cheese toaster or Dutch oven, for eight or ten minutes, turning the slices as they crisp. This is con- sidered the handsomest way of dressing rashers of bacon, but it is best uncurled, because it is crisper, and more equally done. Slices of ham or bacon should not be more than half a quarter of an inch thick, and will eat much more mellow if soaked in hot water for a quarter of an hour, and then dried in a cloth, before they are toasted. SLICES OF SALMON. When washed, wipe the salmon quite dry. Rub the slices over with a soft brush dipped in sweet oil, season with pepper and salt, fold them neatly 360 in clean white paper, and broil them over a clear fire. SLIGHT WOUNDS. When fresh wounds bleed much, lint dip- ped in vinegar or spirits of turpen- tine, may be pressed upon the sur- face for a few minutes, and retained by a moderately tight bandage ; but if the blood spirts out violently, it shows that an artery is wounded, and it must be held very firmly till a surgeon arrives. But when the blood seems to flow equally from every part of the wound, and there is no reason therefore to suppose that any considerable vessel is wounded, it may be permitted to bleed while the dressings are pre- paring. The edges of the wound are then to be gently pressed toge- ther, and retained by straps of stick- ing plaster. These may remain on for three or four days, unless the sore becomes painful, or the matter smells offensive, in which case the straps of plaster must be taken off, the parts washed clean with warm water, and fresh slips of plaster ap- plied, nicely adjusted to keep the wound closed. The slips must be laid over the wound crossways, and reach several inches beyond each side of it, in order to hold the parts firmly together. By keeping the limb or part very still, abstaining from strong liquors, taking only light mild food, and keeping the bowels open, all simple wounds may easily be healed in this manner. But poultices, greasy salves, or fill-, ing the wound with lint, will have an opposite effect. Even ragged or torn wounds may be drawn together and healed by sticking plaster, with- out any other salves or medicines. A broken shin, or slight ruffling of the skin, may be covered with lint dipped in equal parts of vinegar and brandy, and left to stick on, unless the place inflames ; and then weak goulard is the best remedy. Com- mon cuts may be kept together by sticking plaster, or with only a piece SLU SLU of tine linen rag, or thread bound round them. The rag applied next to a cut or wound of any kind, should always be of white linen ; but ca- lico, or coloured rags, will do quite as well for outward bandages. Im- portant wounds should always be committed to the care of a skilful surgeon. SLUGS. These reptiles do great damage in fields and gardens, espe- cially to crops of lettuces, cabbages, or turnips. Their track is perceived by the shining and slimy substance which they leave behind them. There are several kinds of these lit- tle animals. The white and brown leathery kind often even destroy the strong stems of young cabbage, and other similar plants. The destruc- tion of them has been suggested to be effected by the use of tar-water, sprinkled over the ground ; and also by having recourse to lime, in the preparation of the land for such crops. They conceal themselves in the holes and crevices, only making their appearance early in mornings and late in the evenings. The white slug or snail is likewise ver^ destruc- tive to young turnip crops, by rising out of the holes of the soils, on wet and dewy mornings and evenings. Rolling the ground with a heavy implement, before the sun rises, has been advised as a means of destroy- ing them in these cases. Slugs ot this sort are likewise very destruc- tive, in some districts, to the roots of corn crops, during the day-time, in the early spring months, while they lie concealed in the ground, by eating and devouring them ; and by coming out in the evenings, and during the night-time, to commit ravages on the blades, and other parts above the ground. Numbers of them are sometimes met with up- on the same plant, and they may easily be extirpated and removed from the land by the above practice, while they are at work, especially in moon-light seasons, and any fur- ^No. 16.) . ther injury to the crops be guarded against. Warm moist weather is always a great encouragement to their coming out of their hiding- places ; and advantage should con- stantly be taken of it for their exter- mination, as they suddenly retire under ground during the time of cold. The strong lands of other places are occasionally much in- fested with t«hem in the pea, bean, and rye crops and stubbles, as well as clover roots, when a wheat crop is put in upon them. The slugs, in v some cases, are of about half an inch in length, having their backs of a blueish cast in the skin part, and their under parts wholly of a white appearance. A mixture of sulphur and lime, made so as to be conveniently applied, has been found to be highly destructive of them in general. — The use of lime-water has lately been advised as an excellent and cheap mode of destroying slugs in gardens, as well as fields, in the second volume of the Transactions of the Horticultural Society of Lon- don. It is found to be far prefer- able, in this intention, to quick- ^j^ lime, which is liable to become too soon saturated with moisture, and rendered ineffectual. The manner of employing the water is after it has been newly made from stone lime, by means of hot water poured upon it, to pour it through the fine rose of a watering-pot over the slugs, which have been collected by means of pea-haulm, or some other similar substance, laid down on the ground in portions, at the distance of about a pole from each other. In proper weather, the slugs soon collect in this way, in great numbers, for shelter as well as to get food. . When a boy takes up the substance, and by a gentle shake leaves the whole of the slugs on the ground, another person then pours a small quantity of lime-water on them, and the boy removes the haulmy ma- terial to some intermediate place, 3 A _ 361 .^ iVI A .^ iVI A in order that the same practice may be repeated. By persevering in this method for a little while, the whole of the slugs may he destroyed, as the least drop of the water speedily kills them. This practice, it is sup- posed, will be found highly bene- ficial in the flower-garden, as by watering the edgings of box, thrift, or other kinds, the slugs will be kill- ed with certainty, even when the weather is moist. The application is considered simple, the effect cer- tain, and the expence trifling, whe- ther in the garden or the field ; a few pots only being required, in the latter case, to the acre, which can be made with a very small quantity of lime. And the labour is not of any material consequence, so that the whole charge will not, it is ima- gined, exceed five shillings the acre. — To prevent slugs from getting in- to fruit trees. If the trees are stand- ards, tie a coarse horse-hair rope about them, two or three feet from the ground. If they are against the wall, nail a narrow slip of coarse horse-hair cloth against the wall, about half a foot from the ground, and they will never get over it, for if they attempt it, it will kill them, as their bellies are soft, and the horse-hair will wound them. SMALL COAL. There is ge- nerally a great waste in the articl • of coal, owing to the quantity of dust found amongst it ; but this if wetted makes the strongest fire for the back of the grate, where it shou Id remain untouched till it is formed into a cake. Cinders lightly wetted give a great degree of heat, and are better than coal for furnaces, iron- ing stoves, and ovens. They should be carefully preserved and sifted in a covered tin bucket, which prevents the dispersion of the dust. SMALL POX. Previous to the appearance of the eruption, the pa- tient should be kept in a cool dry apartment, and abstain from all animal food, cheese, and pastrv. 362 • The diet should consist of cooling vegetables, ripe fruit, pearl barley, and sago. The drink may be bar- ley water, with a few drops of vine- gar or cream of tartar, or lukewarm milk and water ; but neither beer nor wine must be allowed. In case of an obstruction of the bowels, mild laxatives or clysters may be given ; and if the throat be affected, it should be gargled with vinegar and water. Warm fomentations should be applied to the neck, and mustard poultices to the feet. After the eruption has made its appear- ance, the recovery of the patient may be chiefly entrusted to nature, while proper attention is paid to diet and regimen. But if the pus- tules begin to disappear, blisters ought to be immediately applied to the calves of the legs, and parsley- root boiled in milk should frequently be eaten, in order to encourage the eruption. When the pustules sud- denly sink in, it denotes danger, and medical assistance should speedily be procured. In case of inoculation, which introduces the disease in a milder form, and has been the means of saving the lives of many thou- sands, a similar mode of treatment is required. For about a week or ten days previous to inoculation, the , patient should adhere to a regular diet ; avoiding all animal food, sea- soned dishes, wine and spirits, and should live sparingly on fruit pies, puddings, and vegetables. The same regimen must be observed as in the former instance, during the progress ! of the disease, and then, but little medicine will be required. SMALL RICE PUDDINGS. Wash two large spoonfuls of rice, ' and simmer it with half a pint of milk till it is thick. Put in a piece of butter the size of an egg, and nearly half a pint of thick cream, and give it one boil. When cold, mix four yolks and two whites of eggs well beaten, sugar and nutmeg to taste. Add grated lemon, and a SMO SMO little cinnamon. Butter some small cups, and fill them three parts full, putting at bottom some orange or citron. Bake them three quarters of an hour in a slowish oven. Serve them up the moment they are to be eaten, with sweet sauce in the dish, or in a boat. SMELL OF PAINT. When a room is newly painted, place three or four tubs full of water near the wainscot, and renew the water daily. In two or three days it will absorb all the offensive effluvia arising from the paint, and render the room wholesome. The smell of paint may also be prevented, by dissolving some frankincense in spirits of turpentine over a slow fire, and mixing it with the paint before it be laid on. SMELLING BOTTLE. Reduce to powder an equal quantity of sal- ammoniac and quicklime separately, put two or three drops of the es- sence of bergamot into a small bot- tle, then add the other ingredients, and cork it close. A drop or two of aether will improve it. SMELTS. This delicate hsh is caught in the Thames, and some other large rivers. When good and in season, they have a fine silvery hue, are very firm, and have a re- freshing smell like cucumbers newly cut. They should not be washed more than is necessary merely to clean them. Dry them in a cloth, lightly flour them, and shake it off*. Dip them in plenty of eggs, then in- to bread crumbs grated fine, and i plunge them into a good pan of j boiling lard. Let them continue f gently boiling, and a few minutes will make them a bright yellow- brown. Take care not to take off" the light roughness of the crumbs, or their beauty will be lost. SMOKED HERRINGS. Clean and lay them in salt one night, with saltpetre ; then hang them on a stick, through the eyes, in a row. Have ready an old cask, in which put some saw-dust, and in the midst of it a heater red-hot. Fix the stick over the smoke, and let them remain twenty-four hours. SMOKY CHIMNIES. The plague of a smoking chimney is pro- verbial, and has engaged consider- able attention from observers of va- rious descriptions. Smoky chim- nies in a new house, are such, fre- quently, for want of air. The work- manship of the rooms being all good * and just out of the workman's hands, the joints of the flooring and of the pannels of the wainscoting are all true and tight ; the more so as the walls, perhaps not yet thoroughly dry, preserve a dampness in the air of the room which keeps the wood- work swelled and close : the doors and the sashes too being worked with truth, shut with exactness, so that the room is perfectly tight, no passage being left open for the air to enter except the key-hole, and even that is frequently closed by a little dropping shutter. In this case it is evident that there can be no regular current through the flue of the chimney, as any air escaping from its aperture would cause an exhaustion in the air of the room similar to that in the receiver of an air-pump, and therefore an equal quantity of air would rush down the flue to restore the equilibrium ; ac- cordingly the smoke, if it ever as- cended to the top, would be beat down again into the room. Those, therefore, who stop every crevice in a room to prevent the admission of fresh air, and yet would have their chimney carry up the smoke, require inconsistencies and expect impossi- bilities. The obvious remedy in this case is, to admit more air, and the question will be how and where this necessary quantity of air from without is to be admitted, so as to produce the least inconvenience ; for if the dodr or window be left so much open, it causes a cold draft of air to the fire-place, to the great discomfort of those who sit there. 363 SMO SMO Various have been the contrivances to avoid this, such as bringing in fresh air through pipes in the jambs of the chimney, which, pointing up- wards, should blow the smoke up the funnel ; opening passages in the funnel above to let in air for the same purpose ; but these produce an effect contrary to that intended, for as it is the constant current of air passing from the room through the opening of the chimney into the flue, which prevents the smoke com- ing out into the room, if the funnel is supplied by other means with the air it wants, and especially if that air be cold, the force of that current is diminished, and the smoke in its efforts to enter the room finds less resistance. The wanted air must then indispensably be admitted into the room to supply what goes off through the opening of the chimney, and it is advisable to make the aper- ture for this purpose as near the ceiling as possible, because the heat- ed air will naturally ascend and oc- cupy the highest part of the room, thus causing a great diflerence of climate at different heights, a defect which will be in some measure ob- viated by the admission of cold air near the ceiling, which descending, will beat down and mingle the air more effectually. Another cause of smoky chimnies is too short a fun- nel, as, in this case, the ascending current will not always have suflicient power to direct the smoke up the flue. This defect is frequently found in low buildings, or the upper stories of high ones, and is unavoid- able, for if the flue be raised high above the roof to strengthen its draft, it is then in danger of being blown down and crushing the roof in its fall. The remedy in this case is to contract the opening of the chimney so as to oblige all the entering air to pass through or very near the fire, by which means it will be considerably heated, and by its rgeat rarefaction, cause a powerful 364 draft, and compensate for the shovt- ness of its column. The case of too short a funnel is more general than would be imagined, and often found where one would not expect it ; for it is not uncommon in ill-contrived buildings, instead of having a sepa- rate funnel for each fire-place, to bend and turn the funnel of an upper room so as to make it enter the side of another flue that comes from below. By this means the funnel of the up- per room is made short, of course, since its length can only be reckon- ed from the place where it enters the lower funnel, and that flue is also shortened by all the distance be- tween the entrance of the second funnel and the top of the stack ; for all that part being readily supplied with air through the second flue, adds no strength to the draft, espe- cially as that air is cold when there is no fire in the second chimney. The only easy remedy here, is to keep the opening shut of that flue in which there is no fire. Another very common cause of the smoking of chimnies is, their overpowering one another. For instance, if there be two chimnies in one large room, and you make fires in both of them, you will find that the greater and stronger fire shall overpower the weaker, and draw air down its fun- nel to supply its own demand, which air descending in the weaker funnel M'ill drive down its smoke, and force it into the room. If, instead of be- ing in one room, the two chimnies are in two different rooms commu- nicating by a door, the case is the same whenever that door is open. The remedy is, to take care that every room have the means of sup- plying itself from without, with the air its chimney may require, so that no one of them may be obliged to borrow from another, nor under the necessity of lending. Another cause of smoking is, when the tops of chimnies are commanded by higher buildings, or by a hill, so that the SMO SMO ■wind blowing over such emiueuces , falls like water over a dam, some- times almost perpendicularly on the tops of the chimnies that lie in its way, and beats down the smoke contained in them. The remedy commonly applied in this case is, a turn-cap, made of tin or plate- iron, covering the chimney above, and on three sides, open on one side, turning on a spindle, and which being guided or governed by a. vane, always presents its back to the wind. This method will generally be found effectual, but if not, raising the flues, where practicable, so as their tops may be on a level with or higher than the commanding eminence, is more to be depended on. There is another case of command, the re- verse of that last mentioned ; it is where the commanding eminence is farther from the wind than the chim- ney commanded. For instance, suppose the chimney of a building to be so situated as that its top is below the level of the ridge of the roof, which, when the wind blows against it, forms a kind of dam against its progress. In this case, the wind being obstructed by this dam, will, like water, press and search for passages through it, and finding the top of the chimney be- low the top of the dam, it will force itself down that funnel in order to get through by some door or win- dow open on the other side of the building, and if there be a fire in such chimney, its smoke is of course beat down and fills the room. The only remedy for this inconvenience is, to raise the funnel higher than the roof, supporting it, if necessary, by iron bars ; for a turn-cap in this case has no effect, the dammed up air pressing down through it in whatever position the wind may have placed its opening. Chimnies otherwise drawing well are some- times made to smoke by the impro- per and inconvenient situation of a door. When the door and chimney are placed on the same side of a room, if the door is made to open from the chimney, it follows, that when only partly opened, a current of air is admitted and directed across the opening of the chimney, which is apt to draw out some of the smoke. Chimnies which generally draw well, do, nevertheless, sometimes give smoke into the room, it being driven down by strong winds passing over S the tops of their flues, though not ^ descending from any commanding eminence. To understand this, it may be considered that the rising light air, to obtain a free issue from the funnel, must push out of its way, or oblige the air that is over it to rise. In a time of calm, or of little wind, this is done visibly ; for we see the smoke that is brought up by that air rise in a column above the chimney. But when a violent cur- rent of wind passes over the top of a chimney, its particles have re- ceived so much force, which keeps them in a horizontal direction, and follow each other so rapidly, that the rising light air has not strength sufHcient to oblige them to quit that direction, and move up- wards to permit its issue. Add to this, that some of the air may im- pinge on that part of the inside of the funnel which is opposed to its progress, and be thence reflected downwards from side to side, driv- ing the smoke before it into the room.* The simplest and best re- medy in this case is the application of a chimney-pot, which is a hollow truncated cone of earthenware placed upon the top of the flue. The in- tention of this contrivance is, that the wind and eddies which strike against the oblique surface of these covers may be reflected upwards in- stead of blowing down the chimney. The bad construction of ^re-places is another cause of smoking chim- neys ; and this case will lead us to the consideration of the methods of increasing the heat and diminishing 365 SMO SMO the consumption of fuel ; for it will be found that the improvements ne- cessary to produce the last-men- tioned end will also have a general tendency to cure smoky chimnies. On this subject the meritorious la- bours of Count Rumford are con- spicuous, and we shall proceed to give an abridged account of his me- thod. In investigating the best form of a fire-place, it will be ne- cessary to consider, first, what are the objects which ought principally to be had in view in the construction of a fire-place ; and, secondly, to consider how these objects can best be attained. Now the design of a chimney-fire being simply to warm a room, it is essential to contrive so that this end shall be actually at- tained, and with the least possible expence of fuel, and also that the air of the room be preserved per- fectly pure and fit for respiration, and free from smoke and all dis- agreeable smells. To cause as many as possible of the rays, as they are sent off from the fire in straight lines, to come directly into the room, it will be necessary, in the first place, to bring the fire as far forward, and to leave the opening of the fire-place as wide and high as can be done without inconvenience ; and se- condly, to make the sides and back of the fire-place of such form, and of such materials, as to cause the direct rays from the fire which strike against them, to be sent into the room by reflection in the greatest abundance. Now, it will be found, upon examination, that the best form for the vertical sides of a fire-place, or the covings, as they are called, is that of an upright plane, making an angle with the plane of the back of the fire-place of about 135 de- grees. According to the old con- struction of chimnies, this angle is 90 degrees, or forms a right angle ; but, as in this case the two covings are parallel to each other, it is evi- dent that they are very ill contrived 366 for throwing into the room, by re- flection, the rays from the fire which fall on them. The next improvement will be to reduce the throat of the chimney, the immoderate size of which is a most essential fault in their construction ; for, however good the formation of a fire-place may be in other respects, if the opening left for the passage of the smoke is larger than is necessary for that purpose, nothing can pre- vent the warm air of the room from escaping through it ; and whenever this happens, there is not only an unnecessary loss of heat, but the warm air, which leaves the room to go up the chimney, being replaced by cold air from without, produces those drafts of air so often com- plained of. But though these evils may be remedied, by reducing the throat of the chimney to a proper size, yet, in doing this, several con- siderations will be necessary to de- termine its proper situation. As the smoke and hot vapour which rise from a fire naturally tend up\vards, it is evident that it will be proper to place the throat of the chimney per- pendicularly over the fire ; but to ascertain its most advantageous dis- tance, or how far above the burning fuel it ought to be placed, is not so easy, and requires several advantages and disadvantages to be balanced. As the smoke and vapour rise in con- sequence of their being rarefied by heat, and made lighter than the air of the surrounding atmosphere, and as the degree of their rarefraction is in proportion to the intensity of their heat, and as this heat is greater near the fire than at a distance from it, it is clear, that the nearer the throat of a chimney is to the fire, the stronger will be what is commonly called its draught, and the less dan- ger there will be of its smoking, or of dust coming into the room when the fire is stirred. But, on the other hand, when a very strong draught is occasion€ thyme and parsley, and add a little pepper, cloves and mace. When these have boiled together some time, take the butter in which the fish was fried, put it into a pan over the fire, shake flour into it, and keep it stir- ring while the flour is shaking in ; then strain the liquor into it, in which the fish bones, herbs, and spice were boiled, and boil it together, till it is very thick, adding lemon juice to your taste. Put your fish into a dish, and pour the sauce over it ; serve it up, garnished with slices of lemon and fried parsley. This dish may take place on any part of the table, either in the first or second course. — Another way. Take a pair of large soles, skin and clean them well, pour a little vinegar, and strew some salt over them ; let them lay in this till they are to be used. When you want to boil them, take a clean stew-pan, put in a pint of white wine, and a little water, a faggot of sweet herbs, an onion stuck with three or four cloves, a blade of mace, a little whole pepper, and a little salt. When your soles are enough, take them up, and lay them into a dish, strain off the liquor, put it into the stew-pan, with a good piece of butter rolled in flour, and half a pint of white shrimps clean picked ; :^71 SOL SOR toss all up together, till it is of a proper thickness ; take care to skim it very clean, pour it over the fish. Garnish the dish with scraped horse- radish, and sliced lemon ; or you may send them to table plain, and for sauce, chop the meat of a lob- ster, bruise the body very smooth with a spoon, mix it with your liquor, and send it to table in a boat or bason. This is much the best way to dress a small turbot. SOLE PIE. Split some soles from the bone, and cut the fins close. Season with a mixture of salt, pep- per, a little nutmeg and pounded mace, and put them in layers, with oysters. A pair of middling-sized soles will be sufiicient, and half a hundred oysters. Put in the dish the oyster liquor, two or three spoon- fuls of broth, and some butter. When the pie comes from the oven, pour in a cupful of thick cream, and it will eat excellently. — Another way. Clean and bone a pair of large soles ; boil about two pounds of eels ten- der ; take off all the meat, put the bones into the water they were boil- ed in, with the bones of the soles, a blade of mace, whole pepper, and a little salt ; let this boil till you have about half a pint of strong broth. Take the flesh ofl* the eels, and chop it very fine, with a little lemon peel, an anchovy, parsley, and bread crumbs : season with pepper, salt, nutmeg, and beaten mace ; melt a quarter of a pound of butter, and work all up to a paste. Sheet the dish with a good puff-paste ; lay the forcemeat on the paste, and then lay in the soles; strain off the broth, scum it clean, pour over the fish a sufficient quantity, and lay on the lid. When it comes from the oven, if you have any of the broth left, you may warm it, and pour it into the pie. SOLID SYLLABUBS. Mix a ^uart of thick raw cream, one pound of refined sugar, a pint and a half of f\ne raisin wine, in a deep pan ; and 372 add the grated peel and the juice of three lemons. Beat or whisk it one way, half an hour ; then put it on a sieve, with a piece of thin mus- lin laid smooth in the shallow end, till the next day. Put it in glasses : it will keep good in a cool place ten days. SOMERSETSHIRE SYLLABUB. Put into a large china bowl a pint of port, a pint of sherry, or other white wine, and sugar to taste. Milk the bowl full. In twenty minutes' time, cover it pretty high with clout- ed cream. Grate nutmeg over it, add pounded cinnamon, and non- pareil comfits. SORE BREASTS. Sore breasts in females, during the time of suck- ling, are often occasioned by the improper practice of drawing the breasts, which is both painful and dangerous. If they get too full and hard before the infant can. be ap- plied, it is better to let them remain a few hours in that state, than to use any unnatural means, or else to present the breast to a child that is a few months old. It is the appli- cation of too great force in drawing them, placing a child to suck at im- proper times, the use of stimulating liquors and heated rooms, which frequently occasion milk fevers and abscesses in the breast. The nipple is sometimes so sore, that the mother is sometimes obliged to refuse the breast, and a stagnation takes place, which is accompanied with ulcera- tions and fever. To prevent these dangerous affections, the young mother should carefully protrude the nipple between her fingers to make it more prominent, and cover it with a hollow nutmeg several weeks previous to her delivery. But if the parts be already in a diseased state, it will be proper to bathe them with lime wa^^^er, or diluted port wine. After this the breast should be dressed with a little spermaceti ointment, or a composition of white wax and olive oil, which is mild and S OR SOU gentle. If this do not answer the purpose, take four ounces of diachy- lon, two ounces of olive oil, and one ounce of vinegar. Boil them toge- ther over a gentle fire, keep stirring them till reduced to an ointment, and apply a little of it to the nipple on a fine linen rag. If accompanied wiih fever, take the bark in electu- ary three or four times a day, the size of a nutmeg, and persevere in it two or three weeks if necessary. SORE EYES. Pound together in a mortar, an ounce of bole-am- moniac, and a quarter of an ounce of white copperas. Shred fine an ounce of camphor, and mix the in- gredients well together. Pour on them a quart of boiling water, stir the mixture till it is cold, and apply a drop or two to the eye, to remove humours or inflammation. A cooling eye-water may be made pf a dram of lapis calaminaris finely powdered, mixed with half a pint of white wine, and the same of plantain water. SORE THROAT. An easy re- medy for this disorder is to dip a piece of broad black ribband into hartshorn, and wear it round the throat two or three days. If this be not sufficient, make a gargle in the following manner. Boil a little green sage in water, strain it, and mix it with vinegar and honey. Or pour a pint of boiling verjuice on a handful of rosemary tops in a basin, put a tin funnel over it with the pipe upwards, and let the fume go to the throat as hot as it can be borne. A common drink for a sore throat may be made of two ounces of Turkey figs, the same quantity of sun raisins cut small, and two ounces of pearl barley, boiled in three pints of wa- ter till reduced to a quart. Boil it gently, then strain it, and take it warm. Sometimes a handful of salt heated in an earthen pan, then put into a flannel bag, and applied as hot as possible round the throat, ^ill answer the purpose. A fumi- gation for a sore throat may be made in the following manner. Boil together a pint of vinegar, and an ounce of myrrh, for half an hour, and pour the liquor into a basin. Place over it the large part of a fun- nel that fits the basin, and let the patient inhale the vapour by putting the pipe of the funnel into his mouth. The fumigation must be applied as hot as possible, and renewed every quarter of an hour, till the patient is relieved. For an inflammation or putrid sore throat, or a quinsey, this will be found of singular use if persisted in. SORREL SAUCE. Wash and clean a quantity of sorrel, put it in- to a stewpan that will just hold it, with a piece of butter, and cover it close. Set it over a slow fire for a quarter of an hour, pass the sorrel with the back of a wooden spoon through a hair sieve, season it with pepper and salt, and a dust of pow- dered sugar. Make it hot, and serve it up under lamb, veal, or sweet- breads. Cayenne, nutmeg, and le- mon juice, are sometimes added. SORREL SOUP. Make a good gravy with part of a knuckle of veal, and the scrag end of a neck or a chump end of a loin of mutton. Sea- son it with a bunch of sweet herbs, pepper, and salt, and two or three cloves. When the meat is quite stewed down, strain it off, and let it stand till cold. Clear it well from the fat, put it into a stewpan with a young fowl nicely trussed, and set it over a slow fire. Wash three or four large handfuls of sorrel, chop it a little, fry it in butter, put it into the soup, and let the whole stew till the fowl is well done. Skim it very clean, and serve it up with the fowl in the soup. SOUPS. It has generally been considered as good economy to use the cheapest and most inferior kind of meat for broths and soups, and to boil it down till it is entirely de- stroyed, and hardly worth giving to 373 sou sou the pigs. But this is a false fruga- lity ; and it is far better to buy good pieces of meat, and only stew them till they are tender enough to be eaten. Lean juicy beef, mutton, or veal, form the basis of good broth ; and it is therefore advisable to pro- cure those pieces which afford the richest succulence, and such as is fresh slain. Stale meat will make the broth grouty and bad tasted, and fat is not so well adapted to the purpose. The following herbs, roots, and seasonings, are proper for making and giving a relish to broths and soups, according as the taste may suit. Scotch barley, pearl barley, wheat flour, oatmeal, bread, raspings, peas, beans, rice, vermi- celli, maccaroni, isinglass, potatoe mucilage, mushroom, or mushroom ketchup, champignons, parsnips, carrots, beet root, turnips, garlic, shalots, and onions. Sliced onions fried with butter and flour till they are browned, and then rubbed through a sieve, are excellent to heighten the colour and flavour of brown soups and sauces, and form the basis of most of the fine relishes furnished by the cook. The older and drier the onion, the stronger will be its flavour, and the quantity must be regulated accordingly. Leeks, cucumber, or burnet vinegar ; celery, or celery seed pounded. The latter, though equally strong, does not impart the delicate sweetness of the fresh vegetable ; and when used as a substitute, its flavour should be corrected by the addition of a bit of sugar. Cress seed, pars- ley, common thyme, lemon thyme, orange thyme, knotted marjoram, sage, mint, winter savoury, and ba- sil. As fresh green basil is seldom to be procured, and its fine flavour is soon lost, the best way of pre- serving the extract is by pouring wine on the fresh leaves. Bay leaves, tomata, tarragon, chervil, burnet, allspice, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, clove, mace, black pepper, white 374 pepper, essence of anchovy, lemon peel, lemon juice, and Seville orange juice. The latter imparts a finer flavour than the lemon, and the acid is much milder. The above mate- rials, with wine and mushroom ket- chup, combined in various propor- tions, will make an endless variety of excellent broths and soups. The general fault of English soups seems to be the employment of an excess of spice, and too small a proportion of roots and herbs. This is espe- cially the case with tavern soups, where cayenne and garlic are often used instead of black pepper and onion, for the purpose of obtaining a higher relish. Soups, which are intended to constitute the principal part of a meal, certainly ought not to be flavoured like sauces, which are only designed to give a relish to some particular dish. The princi- pal art in composing a good rich soup, is so to proportion the several ingredients one to another, that no particular taste be stronger than the rest; but to produce such a fine harmonious rehsh, that the whole becomes delightful. In order to this, care must be taken that the roots and herbs be perfectly well cleaned, and that the water be proportioned to the quantity of meat, and other ingredients. In general a quart of water may be allowed to a pound of meat for soups ; and half the quantity for gravies. If they stew gently, little more water need be put in at first, than is expected at the end ; for when the pot is covered quite close, and the fire gentle, very little is wasted. Gentle stewing is incomparably the best ; the meat is more tender, and the soup better flavoured. The cover of a soup kettle should fit very close, or the most essential parts of the broth will soon evaporate, as will also be the case with quick boiling. It is not merely the fibres of the meat that affbrd nourishment, but chiefly the juices they contain ; and these sou sou are not only extracted but exhaled, if it be boiled fast in an open vessel. A succulent soup can never be made but in a well closed vessel, which preserves the nutritive parts by pre- venting their dissipation, yet the flavour is perhaps more wholesome by an exposure to the air. Place the soup kettle over a moderate fire, sufHcient to make the water hot, without causing it to boil; for if the water boils immediately, it will not penetrate the meat, and cleanse it from the clotted blood and other matters, which ought to go off in scum. The meat will be hardened all over by violent heat, will shrink up as if it were scorched, and afford very little gravy. On the contrary, by keeping the water heating about half an hour without boiling, the meat swells, becomes tender, and its fibres are dilated. By this pro- cess, it yields a quantity of scum, which must be taken off as soon as it appears. After the meat has had a good infusion for half an hour, the fire may be improved to make the pot boil, and the vegetables be put in with a little salt. These will cause more scum to rise, which must be taken off immediately. Then cover the boiler very closely, and place it at a proper distance from the fire, where it is to boil very gently and equally, but not fast. Soups will generally take from three to six hours doing. The better way is to prepare them the evening before, as that will give more time to attend to the dinner the next day. When the soup is cold, the fat may much more easily apd completely be re- moved ; and when it is decanted, take care not to disturb the settlings at the bottom of the vessel, which are so fine that they will escape through a sieve. A tammis is the best strainer, the soup appears smoother and finer, and the cloth is easier cleaned than any sieve. If you strain it while it is hot, let the tammis or napkin be previously soaked in cold water ; the coldness of the strainer will tend to coagulate the fat, and only suffer the pure broth to pass through. The full flavour of the ingredients can only be extracted by long and slow sim- mering, during which the boiler must be kept close covered, to pre- vent evaporation. Clear soups must be perfectly transparent, thickened soups about the consistence of cream ; the latter will require nearly double the quantity of seasoning, but too much spice makes it un- wholesome. To thicken and give body to soups and sauces, the fol- lowing materials are used. Bread raspings, potatoe raucilage,isinglass, flour and butter, barley, rice, or oatmeal and water rubbed well to- gether. Any of these are to be mixed gradually with the soup, till thoroughly incorporated, and it should afterwards have at least half an hour's gentle simmering. If it appears lumpy, it must be passed through a tammis or fine sieve. A piece of boiled beef pounded to a pulp, with a bit of butter and flour, and rubbed through a sieve, and gradually incorporated with the soup, will be found an excellent addition. If the soup is too thin or too weak, take oflf the cover of the boiler, and let it boil till some of the watery part of it has evaporated ; or add some of the thickening materials before mentioned. When soups and gravies are kept from day to day, in hot weather, they should be warm- ed up every day, and put into fresh scalded pans or tureens, and placed in a cool cellar. In temperate wea- ther, every other day may be suf- ficient. — It has been imagined that soups tend to relax the stomach ; but so far from being prejudicial in this way, the moderate use of such kind of liquid food may rather be considered as salutary, and aft'ord- ing a good degree of nourishment. Soup of a good quality, if not eaten too hot, or in too great a quantity, 376 sou sou is attended with great advantages, especially to those who drink but little. Warm fluids in the form of soup, unite with our juices much sooner and better, than those which are cold and raw. On this account, what is called Restorative Soup is the best food for those who are en- feebled by disease or dissipation, and for old people, whose teeth and digestive organs are impaired. After taking cold, or in nervous head- achs, cholics, indigestions, and dif- ferent kinds of cramps and spasms in the stomach, warm broth or soup is of excellent service. After intem- perate eating, to give the stomach a holiday for a day or two, by a diet on mutton broth, is the best way to restore its tone. The stretching of any power to its utmost extent, weakens it; and if the stomach be obliged every day to do as much as it can, it will every day be able to do less. It is therefore a point of wisdom to be temperate in all things, frequently to indulge in soup diet, and occasionally in almost total ab- stinence, in order to preserve the stomach in its full tone and vigour. — Cheap soups for charitable pur- poses are best made of fat meat, well boiled with vegetables. Much unreasonable prejudice has prevailed on this subject, as if fat was unsuit- able for such a purpose, when it is well known that the nutritious parts of animal and vegetable diet depend on the oil, jelly, mucilage, and sweetness which they contain. The farina of grain, and the seeds of ve- getables, contain more of the nu- tritious and essential parts of the plant than any other, as is evident from the use of celery seed, the eighth part of an ounce of which will give more relish to a gallon of soup, than a large quantity of the root or stalk. On the same prin- ciple, the fat is the essence of meat, nearly so as the seeds of plants are of their respective species. To es- tablish this fact, a simple cxperi- 37fJ ment will be sufficient. Boil from two to four ounces of the lean part of butcher's meat in six quarts of water, till reduced to a gallon. Thicken it with oatmeal, and the result of the decoction will be found to be water gruel, or something like it. But dissolve the same quantity of the fat of meat in a gallon of wa- ter, thicken it over the fire with oat- meal, and the result will be a very pleasant broth, possessing the iden- tical taste of the meat in a consi- derable degree, whether of beef or mutton. If some of the gelatinous parts of meat be added, the broth is then of a rich and nutritious qua- lity, and can be made very cheap. For example : take from four to six ouncesof barley, oatmeal two ounces, onions or leeks a small quantity ; beef fat, suet, or drippings, from two to four ounces ; celery seed half a spoonful, pepper and salt to give the soup a relish, and water sufficient to make a gallon. Boil the barley, previously washed, in six quarts of water, which when boiled sufficiently soft will be re- duced to a gallon. It will be ne- cessary to skim it clean in the course of the boiling, and to stir it well from the bottom of the boiler. The celery seed should be bruised, and added with the leeks and onions, towards the end of the process. The oatmeal is to be mixed in a lit- tle cold water, and put in about an hour before the soup is done. In the last place add the fat, melted before the fire, if not in a state of drippings, and season with pepper and salt. A few grains of cayenne would give the soup a higher relish. Wheat flour may be used instead of oatmeal, but in a smaller propor- tion. The addition of turnips, car- rots, and cabbages, will be a con- siderable improvement. The inten- tion of the oatmeal or flour is, by the mucilage they contain, assisted with barley broth, to unite the fat with the liquid, so as to form one uniform sou sou mass. Where the fat is suspended in the soup, and not seen boating on the top, by which it is rendered easier of digestion, and more readily convertible into good chyle, it is evident that it must be more palata- ble, as well as abundantly more nu- tritious. Some may think this kind of soup unwholesome, from the quantity of fat it contains; but a little reflection will shew the con- trary. Suet puddings and dumplins are *ot unwholesome, neither are mutton drippings with potatoes or other vegetables. In short, fat is eaten daily by all ranks of people, in some way or other, in much larger quantities than is prescribed for soup. A labouring man would find no difficulty in eating as much suet at one meal, in a flour pudding, or as much drippings as is necessary for a gallon of soup, in a mass of potatoes or cabbages ; while at the same time a quart of soup with a slice of bread, "would be a very hearty meal. In no other way could meat drippings be applied to so good a purpose, as in the manufac- ture of a gallon of soup, sufficient to give a dinner to a whole family. The quantity of fat or drippings ne- cessary for the soup is so small, that it may easily be spared from a joint of roast meat, while enough will remain for other purposes. When mutton dripping is made into soup, wheat flour is better than oat- meal ; but the mucilage of potatoe is better still, requiring only one ounce to the gallon. When pork is roasted, peas should be used in pre- ference to boiled barley, and the soup' will be very superior in flavour to any that is made with the bones of meat, or combined with bacon. Fat pork is eaten daily in large quantities, in most of the counties of England ; and in some parts, hog's lard is spread on bread in- stead of butter, besides the abund- ance of lard that is used by all ranks of people, in puddings, cakes, and pasties. Fat enters so much into the composition of our diet, that we could scarcely subsist without it ; and the application of it to soups is only a different mode of using it, and certainly more frugal and eco- nomical than any other. It may readily be perceived how soups made from lean meat might be im- proved by the addition of a little fat, mixed up and incorporated with a mucilage of potatoes, of wheat flour, oatmeal, peas, and barley. But where a quantity of fat swims on the surface of the broth, made from a fat joint of meat, and it can- not from its superabundance be united with the liquid, by means of any mucilage, it had better be skim- med off*, and preserved for future use ; otherwise the soup will not be agreeable, for it is the due propor- tion of animal and vegetable sub- stance that makes soup pleasant and wholesome. To make good soup of a leg of beef or an ox cheek, which is generally called stew, a pretty large quantity of the vegetable class ought to be added ; and none seems better adapted than Scotch barley, by which double and treble the quantity of soup may be made from the same given weight of meat. One pint of well prepared leg of beef, or ox cheek soup, together with the fat, will make a gallon of good soup at the trifling expense of four-pence. In the same way soups may be made from the stew of oeef, mutton, veal, or pork, choosing those parts where mucilage, jelly, and fat abound. Bacon is allowed to be a considerable improvement to the taste of veal, whether roasted or boiled ; and it is the same in soup. When therefore veal broth is made for family use, two ounces of fat bacon should be added to every gallon, melted before the fire or in a fryingpan. The soup should then be thickened with flour, potatoe starch, and barley. The last article should seldom be omitted in any 3 c 377 sou sou soup, it being so very cheap and pleasant, as well as wholesome and nutritious. Soup made of tripe is another cheap article. Boil a pound of well cleaned tripe in a gallon of barley broth, with onions and pars- ley, adding- two ounces of bacon fat, with salt and pepper. This pro- duces an extremely nutritious soup, from the gelatinous principle with which the tripe abounds. Cow heels, calves and sheep's feet, are also well adapted to the purpose. Excellent soups may be made from fried meat, where the fat and gravy are added to the boiled barley ; and for that purpose, fat beef steaks, pork and mutton chops, should be preferred, as containing more of the nutritious principle. Towards the latter end of frying the steaks, add a little water to produce a gravy, which is to be put to the barley broth. A little flour should also be dredged in, which will take iip all the fat left in the fryingpan. A quantity of onions should previously be shred, and fried with the fat, which gives the soup a fine flavour, with the ad- dition of pepper, salt, and other seasoning. There would be no end to the variety of soups that might be made from a number of cheap ar- ticles differently combined ; but per- haps the distribution of soup gratis does not answer so well as teaching people how to make it, and to im- prove their comforts at home. The time lost in waiting for the boon, and fetching it home, might by an industrious occupation, however poorly paid for labour, be turned to a better account than the mere ob- taining of a quart of soup. But it unfortunately happens, that the best and cheapest method of making a nourishing soup, is least known to those who have most need of it. The labouring classes seldom pur- chase what are called the coarser pieces of meat, because they do not know how to dress them, but lay out their money in pieces for roasting, 878 which are far less profitable, and more expensive in the purchase* To save time, trouble, and tiring, these are generally sent to the oven to be baked, the nourishing parts are evaporated and dried up, the weight is diminished nearly one third, and what is puichased with a week's earnings is only sufficient for a day or two's consumption. If in- stead of this improvident proceed- ing, a cheap and wholesome soup were at least occasionally substi- tuted, it would banish the still more pernicious custom of drinking tea two or three times a day, for want of something more supporting and substantial. In addition then to the directions already given, the follow- ing may be considered as one of the cheapest and easiest methods of making a wholesome soup, suited to a numerous family among the la- bouring classes. Put four ounces of Scotch barley washed clean, and four ounces of sliced onions, into five quarts of water. Boil it gently for one hour, and pour it into a pan. Put into a saucepan nearly two ounces of beef or mutton drippings, or melted suet, or two or three ounces of minced bacon ; and when melted, stir into it four ounces of oatmeal. Rub these together into a paste, and if properly managed, the whole of the fat will combine with the barley broth, and not a particle appear on the surface to off'end the most delicate stomach. Now add the barley broth, at first a spoonful at a time, then the rest by degrees, stirring it well together till it boils. Put into a teacup a dram of finely pounded cress or ce- lery seed, and a quarter of a dram of finely pounded cayenne, or a dram and a half of ground black pepper or allspice, and mix it up with a little of the soup. Put this seasoning into the whole quantity, stir up the soup thoroughly, let it simmer gently a quarter of an hour, and add a little, salt. The flavptir i' sou sou mav be varied by doubling the por- tion of onions, or adding a clove of garlic or shalot, and leaving out the celery seed. Change of food is ab- solutely necessary, not only as a matter of pleasure and comfort, but also of health. It may likewise be much improved, if instead of water, it be made of the liquor that meat has been boiled in. This soup has the advantage of being very soon made, with no more fuel than is ne- cessary to warm a room. Those who have not tasted it, cannot ima- gine what a savoury and satisfying meal is produced by the combination of these cheap and homely ingre- dients. SOUP WITH CUCUMBERS. Pare and cut the cucumbers, then stew them with some good broth, and veal gravy to cover them. When done enough, heat the soup with the liquor they were stewed in, and season it with salt. Serve up the soup garnished with the cucumbers. These will be a proper garnish for almost any kind of soup. SOUP A L' EAU. Put into a saucepan holding about three pints, a quarter of a cabbage, four carrots, two parsnips, six onions, and three or four turnips. Add a root of ce- lery, a small root of parsley, some sorrel, a bunch of white beet leaves and chervil, and half a pint of peas tied in a piece of linen. Add water in proportion to the vegetables, and stew the whole for three hours. Strain off the broth, add some salt, heat it and serve it up, garnished with the vegetables. SOUP GRAVY. Take some good juicy lean beef, free from sinews or other offal substance: or take the lean of a neck, or loin, or the fleshy part of a leg of mutton, or well- grown fowl, in the proportion of a pound of meat to a quart of water to beef, and rather less to mutton or fowl. Cut the meat in pieces, and let it stew ver^i gently till the pure gravy is fairly drawn from the meat, without extracting the dregs. The time required for this will vary according to the quantity, the pro- per degree of heat being of course longer in penetrating the larger por- tion. From an hour and a half to three hours, at discretion, will allow sufficient time for any quantity that is likely to be wanted at once for soup, at least in private families. When done, strain the gravy through a hair sieve into an earthen pot, and let it stand till cold. Take off the fat, and pour the gravy clear from the sediment at the bottom. SOUP MAIGRE. Melt half a pound of butter into a stewpan, shake it round, and throw in half a dozen sliced onions. Shake the pan well for two or three minutes, then put in five heads of celery, two handfuls of spinach, two cabbage lettuces cut small, and some parsley. Shake the pan well for ten minutes, put in two quarts of water, some crusts of bread, a tea-spoonful of beaten pepper, and three or four blades of mace. A handful of white beet leaves, cut small, may be add- ed. Boil it gently an hour. Just before serving, beat in two yolks of eggs, and a large spoonful of vine- gar. — Another. Flour and fry a quart of green peas, four sliced onions, the coarse stalks of celery, a carrot, a turnip, and a parsnip. Pour on three quarts of water, let it simmer till the whole will pulp through a sieve, and boil in it the best of the celery cut thin. — Another way. Take a bunch of celery wash- ed clean and cut in pieces, a large handful of spinage, two cabbage lettuces, and some parsley ; wash all very clean, and shred them small ; then take a large clean stewpan, put in about half a pound of butter, and when it is quite hot, slice four large onions very thin, and put into youjp butter ; stir them well about for two or three minutes ; then put in the rest of your herbs ; shake all well together for near twenty minutes, 379 so u sou dust in some flour, and stir them to- gether ; pour in two quarts of boil- ing water ; season with pepper, salt, and beaten mace : chip a handful of crust of bread, and put in ; boil it half an hour, then beat up the yolks of three eggs in a spoonful of vinegar ; pour it in, and stir it for two or three minutes ; then send it to table. SOUP WITH ONIOte. Blanch some small white onions in scalding water, peel off the first skin, and stew them in a little broth. When ready, lay them in a row round the edge of the dish intended for the soup. To keep them in their place, put a thin slip of bread rubbed with white of egg round the rim of the dish, and set the dish for a moment over a stove to fasten the bread. Slips of bread may be used in this manner to keep all kinds of garnish- ing to soups in their proper place. SOUP A LA REINE. Blanch and beat very fine in a marble mor- tar, three quarters of a pound of sweet almonds, with the white part of a cold roasted fowl. Slice to these the crumb of four small rolls, and then strain to it three quarts of good veal gravy, boiled with a blade of mace. Simmer these all together for a quarter of an hour, then rub them through a tammis, season it with salt, give it a boil, and serve it up with a small tea-cupful of cream stirred into it, and the slices of crust cut off the rolls laid on the top. — Another way. Have ready a strong veal broth that is white, and clean scummed from all fat; blanch a pound of almonds, beat them in a mortar, with a little water, to pre- vent their oiling, and the yolks of four poached eggs, the lean part of the legs, and all the white part of a roasted fowl; pound all together, as fine as possible ; then take three quarts of the veal broth, put it into a clean stew-pot, put your ingredi- ents in, and mix them well together ; chip in the crust of two French rolls 300 well rasped ; boil all together ovef a stove, or a clear fire. Take a French roll, cut a piece out of the top, and take out all the crumb ; mince the white part of a roasted fowl very fine, season it with pep- per, salt, nutmeg, and a little beaten mace ; put in about an ounce of butter, and moisten it with two spoonfuls of your soup strained to it ; set it over the st<.ve to be tho- roughly hot : cut some French roll in thin slices, and set them before the fire to crisp ; then strain off your soup through a tammis or a lawn strainer, into another clean stew-pot ; let it stew till it is as thick as cream ; then have your dish ready ; put in some of your crisp bread ; fill your roll with your mince, and lay on the top as close as possi- ble ; put it into the middle of your dish, and pour a ladleful of your soup over it ; put in your bread first, then pour in your soup, till your dish is full. Garnish with pet- ty patties ; or make a rim for your dish, and garnish with lemon raced. If you please, you may send a chick- en boned in the middle, instead of your roll ; or you may send it to table with only crisp bread. SOUP ALA SAP. Boil half a pound of grated potatoes, a pound of beef sliced thin, a pint of grey peas, an onion, and three ounces of rice, in six pints of water till re- duced to five. Strain it through a cullender, pulp the peas into it, and return it into the saucepan with two heads of sliced celery. Stew it ten- der, add pepper and salt, and serve it with fried bread. SOUR BEER. If beer be brewed ever so well, much will depend on the management afterwards, to pre- vent its becoming sour or vapid. Different conveniences of cellarage will materially affect beer. If the cellar is bad, there should not be more than six weeks between brew- ing and brewing. Where beer is kept too long in a bad cellar, so as sou sou to be affected by the heat of the weather, it will putrefy, though ever z. so well bunged. Hops ma> prevent ^ its turning sour, but will not keep it from becoming, vapid. It should be well understood, that there is no certainty in keeping beer, if not brewed at the proper season. In winter there is a danger of wort get- ting too cold, so as to prevent the process of fermentation ; and in the sununer, of its not beingcool enough, unless brewed in the dead of night. In temperate weather, at the spring or autumn, the spirit of the beer is retained, and it is thereby enabled to work the liquor clear ; whereas in hot weather, the spirit quickly eva- porates, leaving the wort vapid and flat, unable to work itself clear, but keeping continually on the fret, till totally spoiled. This is the obvious reason ft)r the use of sugar, prepared for colour, because sugar will bear the heat better than malt; and when thoroughly prepared, possesses such a strong principle of heat in itself, as to bid defiance to the hottest temperature of the air, and to ren- der its turning sour almost impos- sible. Clean casks are also essen- tial to the preservation of good beer. To keep the casks sweet and in order, never allow them to remain open ; but whenever the beer is drawn off, bung them up tight with the lees within them. In a good cellar they will never spoil. Should the c isks get musty, the following method will remedy the evil. Soak them well for three or four days in cold water, then fill them full of boiling hot wa- ter ; put in a lump or two of lime, shake it thoroughly till quite dis- j solved, let the casks stand about half an hour, then wash them out with cold water, and they will be clean an i sweet. If still apprehen- sive of the beer getting Hat or sour, put into a cask containing eiohteen gallons, a pint of ground malt sus- pended in a bacr, and close the bung perfectly. This will prevent the mischief, and the betr will improve during the whole time of drawing; it. When beer has actually turned sour, put in some oyster shells, calc necl to whiteness, or a little powdered chalk. Either of these will correct the acidity, and make it brisk and sparkling. Salt of tartar, or soda powder, put into the beer at the time of drinking it, will also destroy the acidity, and make it palatable. SOUR KROUT. Take some full- grown hard cabbages of the closest texture, and cut them into slices about an inch thick, opening them a little, that they may receive the salt more effectually. Rub a good deal of salt amongst them, lay them into a large pan, and sprinkle more salt over them. Let them remain twenty-four hours, turning them over four or five times, that every part may be alike saturated. Next day put the cabbage into a tub or large jar, pressing it down well, and then pour over it a pickle made of a pint of salt to a quart of water. This pickle must be poured on boil- ing hot, and the cabbage entirely covered with it. Let it stand thus twenty-four hours longer, when it will have shrunk nearly a third. Then take the cabbage out, and put it into a fresh tub or jar, pressing it down well as before, and pour over it a pickle made as follows. To one quart of the salt and water pickle which had been used the day be- fore, put three quarts of vinegar, four ounces of allspice, and two ounces of carraway seeds. This must be poured on cold, so as to cover the cabbage completely. Let it stand one day loosely covered, and then stop it down qu»te close. SOUR SAUCE FOR FISH. Boil two blades of mace in a wine glass of water, and half as much sharp vinegar, for a quarter of an hour. Then take out the mace, and put in a quarter of a pound of butter, and the yolk of an egg well beaten. Shake these over the fire one way 381 SPA Sl»A till the sauce is properly thickened, without suffering it to boil. SOUSE FOR BRAWN. Boil a quarter of a pint of wheat bran, a sprig of bay, and a sprig of rose- mary, in two gallons of water for half an hour, adding four ounces of salt. Strain it, and let it cool. ^ This will do for pig's feet and ears, as well as brawn. SOUSED STURGEONS. Draw and divide the fish down the back, and then into pieces. Put the fish into salt and water, clean it well, bind it with tape, and boil it very carefully in vinegar, salt, and water. When done lay it to cool, and pack it up close in the liquor it was boil- ed in. SOUSED TRIPE. Boil the tripe, but not quite tender ; then put it into salt and water, which must be changed every day till it is all used. When the tripe is to be dressed, dip it into a batter of eggs and flour, and fry it of a good brown. SOY. To make English soy, pound some walnuts when fit for pickling, in a marble mortar, very small. Squeeze them through a strainer, let the liquor stand to set- tle, and then pour off the fine. To every quart of liquor put a pound of anchovies, and two cloves of shalot. Boil it enough to make the scum rise, and clear it well. Add two ounces of Jamaica pepper, a quarter of an ounce df mace, and half a pint of vinegar. Boil it again, until the anchovies are dissolved and the sha- lot tender, and let it stand till the next day. Then pour off the fine, and bottle it for use. Strain the thick through a sieve, and put it by separately. When used for fish, put some of the soy to the usual anchovies and butter, or to plain butter. SPANISH CARDOONS. Cut them three inches long, leaving out any that are hollow and green. Boil them in water half an hour, and then put them into warm water to pick 382 them. Stew them with some broth, with a spoonful of flour mixed in it. Add salt, onions, roots, a bunch of sweet herbs, a dash of verjuice, and a little butter. When they are well done take them out, and put them into a good cullis, with a little broth. Boil them half an hour in this sauce to give them a flavour, and then serve them up. Let the sauce be neither too clear nor too thick, and of a fine light colour. SPANISH FLUMMERY. Scald a quart of cream, with a little cinna- mon or mace. Mix this gradually into half a pound of rice flour, and then stir it over a gentle fire till it acquires the thickness of jelly. Sweeten it to the taste, and pour it into cups or shapes. Turn it out when cold, and serve it up. Cream, wine, or preserves eat well with it, or it may be eaten alone as prefer- red. Oatmeal may be used instead of rice. SPANISH FRITTERS. Cut the crumb of a French roll into square lengths, of the thickness of one's finger, nutmeg, sugar, pounded cin- namon, and an egg. When well soaked, fry the fritters of a nice brown ; and serve with butter, wine, and sweet sauce. SPANISH PUFFS. Boil a stick of cinnamon, a piece of lemon peel, and a little sugar, in three quarters of a pint of water for ten minutes. Let it cool, then add three eggs well beaten, and shake iii three large spoonfuls of flour. Beat these well together, add three more ega:s, and simmer the whole over the fire, till it thickens almost to a paste. Drop this with a tea-spoon into boiling lard, and fry these little puff's of a delicate light brown. SPANISH SAUCE. Put some gravy into a saucepan with a glass of white wine, and the same of good broth. Add a bunch of parsley and chives, two cloves of garlic, half a bay leaf, a pinch of coriander seed, two cloves, a sliced onion, a carrot. SPA SPA half a parsnip, and two spoonfuls of salad oil. Stew these for two hours over a very slow fire. Skim off the fat, pass the sauce through a tam- mis, season it wiih pepper and salt, and use it with any thing as ap- proved. SPARERIB. Baste it with a very little butter and tiour ; and when done, sprinkle it with dried sage crumbled. Serve it with potatoes and apple sauce. SPARROW. A mischievous de- structive bird in corn-fields, and which should mostly be destroyed. It is observed, that were all the farmers in a neighbourhood to agree to their destruction, by offering re- wards for their heads, their num- bers might be lessened ; and that were the practice general, surely the whole race might be extirpated. It is supposed that six-pence a dozen the first year, nine-pence the second, and a shilling the third year, would nearly reach their complete extirpa- tion. To enforce which it should be considered how soon twelve spar- rows destroy twelve penny-worth of wheat. In Kent, they use a species of trap, which is very effectual in taking them. It consists of a small wicker basket, resembling a fruit- sieve of the London markets, with a cover of the same material fitted to it, and formed on the principle of the fish-pot, and the vermin trap, into which the entrance is easy, but the return difficult. These traps, which are an ordinary article of sale in the markets of the district, are constituted of brown unpeeledoziers. The diameter about two feet; the depth nine inches ; the cover is somewhat dishing, with a tunnel or inverted cone, in the centre, reaching to within an inch of the bottom of the basket ; the aperture or entrance, formed by the points of the twigs, of which the tunnel is constructed, being about an inch and a half in diameter. And the usual bait is wheat scattered in the basket. The number caught at once, is frequently more than theory would suggest; the contentions of a few that have entered, seldom failing to bring others to the combat. These mischievous birds, however, soon grow too cunning to be taken in any sort of trap to any extent, which has a chance of extirpating and destroying the race ; conse- quently some more effectual and certain plan, such as that suggested above, or some other, which is better and more fully adapted to the pur- pose, must be had recourse to in order to completely exterminate them, and prevent the injury they do annually to the farmer, in the destruction of his wheat and other ,, crops. Though these are only small birds, they destroy vast quantities of grain, much more than has indeed been commonly supposed. It is stated to have been calculated to have amounted to a hundred sacks of wheat besides the oats and bar- ley, in the course of only one season, in a township of no very great ex- tent in the north-western part of the kingdom. Where rewards or sums of money are paid for the taking or destroying them, no advantages are gained, except where there are sufficiently ample and proper regu- lations entered into and enforced, the whole district, parish, or town- ship, becomes partakers in the bu-^ siness. No languid or half measures will do any thing useful, or to the purpose, in this sort of undertaking. It is not improbable, but that these ^ destructive birds might be greatly 11 extirpated and thi-nned down in their numbers, by the use of some taste- less infusion of a strongly poisonous nature, either to the ears of the* grain at the time of harvest, or to the naked grain in the winter sea- son, when they are extremely eager for food, as they are constantly *«| found to remain hovering about i^ ^ houses or other buildings, where ^ the effects of such trials might easily 303 SPI SPt be ascertained. If such a method should succeed, the whole race might readily, and with great facility and certainty, be exterminated. SPASMS. An involuntary and painful contraction of the muscles mi?/ arise from various causes, and require different modes of treatment. But if no medical assistance be at hand, the application of volatile lini- ments to the part affected, a clyster with a little laudanum in it, or the warm bath, may be tried with ad- vantage. SPERMACETI OINTMENT. This is made of a quarter of a pint of fine salad oil, a quarter of a pound of white wax, and half an ounce of spermaceti, melted over a gentle fire, and kept stirring till the oint- ment is cold. SPICES. As it regards health, spices are generally improper ; but black pepper, ginger, and cayenne, may be esteemed the best. Nutmegs, cloves, mace, cinnamon, and all- spice, are generally productive of indigestion and headach, in persons of a weakly habit. SPIDERS. These industrious in- sects are generally loathed and de- stroyed, though they are extremely useful in reducing the quantity of flies, and serve as a very accurate barometer for the weather. When they are totally inactive, it is a cer- tain sign that rain will shortly fol- low ; but if they continue to spin during a shower, it indicates that the rain will soon be over, and that calm and fine weather will succeed. If the weather be about to change, a/id become wet or windy, the spider will make the supporters of his web ,very short ; but if the threads be extended to an unusual length, the weather will continue serene for ten or twelve days, or more, according to the length of the threads which support the web. The red spider however is very injurious and de- structive to different sorts of plants and fruit-trees, especially in forcing- 3^4 houses. It is found particularly so to those of the forced French bean, melon; peach, vine, cherry, currant, and sonje other kinds. The genera- tion and production of this insect are greatly caused and promoted by the dry warm heat that is constantly kept up in the houses which contain these sorts of plants and trees, and there are many other circumstances which combine in bringing it forth. It is an insect which has no wings, and the female is oviparous. Several different methods have been attempt- ed in order to the removal and de- struction of it. Constant daily wa- tering, or wa"shing the trees, are said to have the power of subduing it, but in the execution of the work, care is always to be taken that every part of the leaves be wetted, other- wise the insects shelter and save themselves in the dry parts, and are preserved from the effects of the water. Moisture conveyed in some way or other is certainly found to be 'hp most destructive, of any thing yei iliscovered, of these pernicious insects, as well as many others that infest hot-houses. Throwing weak lime-water in a plentiful manner on the under sides of the leaves, where these insects are commonly found, will, for the most part, soon destroy them. The following directions have been given for the destruction of this sort of spider, when it be- comes injurious to melon plants ; and the same may probably be found useful for those of the forced French bean, and some other similar kinds. In cases of dry weather, and^with a dry heat, melon plants are very subject to be infested with the red spider ; and the appear- ances of it may constantly be long noticed before the insects can be seen with the naked eye, by the leaves beginning to curl and crack in their middle parts. Whenever they are discovered to be in this state or condition, and there is fine \yarra sunny weather, the watering SPI SPl of them all over the leaves, both on the under and upper sides, is ad- vised ; a watering-pot, with a rose finely perforated with holes, or a garden-engine, which disperses the water in a fine dew-like manner, being employed for the purpose. The work should be performed ahout six o'clock in the morning, and the plants be shaded with mats about eight, if the sun shine with much power, shutting the frames down closely until about eleven ; and then admitting a small quantity of fresh air, letting the mats remain until about three in the afternoon, whea they should be wholly taken away. The shade which is thus afforded by the mats prevents the leaves of the plants from being scorched or otherwise injured by the action of the heat of the sun while they are in a wet cooled down state. Where a southerly breeze prevails, water- ing them again about three in the afternoon is recommended, shutting them up close as before, to keep the heat in, which causes a strong ex- halation of the moisture, and is greatly destructive of the spiders. In all these waterings, the water is to be thrown as much and as finely as possible on the under sides of the leaves, where the insects mostly lodge ; the vines or stems of the plants being gently turned in that intention, taking great care not to injure them, by which means the water is capable of being easily thrown over the whole of the under sides of the leaves, it being done in a gentle manner, in the modes al- ready suggested, so as not to wash up the mouldy matters unto the plants : the lights and sides of the frames which contain the plants, should also, at the same time, have water plentifully thrown on and ! against them. When these water- ings are finished, the vines or stems of the plants are to be care- fully laid down again in their former positions. And if the day be sunny, (No. 17.) the mats may be let remain, as aP ready directed, until the leaves of the plants become perfectly dry, air being admitted according to the heat that may be present at the time. It is likewise further advised as a precautionary measure, that, before the frames and lights, which are to contain plants of this sort, are employed, they should be well washed, both inside and out, first with clean water, and then with a mixture of soap-suds and urine ; a brush or woollen rag being made use of in the operation ; as by this method the ova or eggs of the spi- ders or other insects that may have been deposited and lodged in or on them, in the preceding season, may be cleared away and destroyed. The exhalations of the water which has been thrown upon the plants, ^ and the frames or boxes that con- tain them, may also be useful in kill- ing these insects, in other cases by keeping them in a close state. These washings should never, however, be performed in cold frosty seasons ; and the water made use of in such ^ cases should always be of the rain • or soft kind. ^ SPINACH. This vegetable re- quires to be carefully washed and picked. When that is done, throw it into a saucepan that will just hold it, sprinkle it with a little salt, and cover it close. Set the pan on the fire, and shake it well. When suf- ficiently done, beat up the spinach with some butter, but it must be sent to table pretty dry. It would look well, if pressed into a tin mould J in the form of a large leaf, which is M sold at the tin shops. A spoonful ^ of cream is an improvement. SPINACH CREAM. Beat the yolks of eight eggs with a whisk or a wooden spoon, sweeten it well, and add a stick of cinnamon, a pint of rich cream, and three quarters of a pint of new milk. Stir it well, and then add a quarter of a pint of spinach juice. Set it over a gentle 3 D ' 385 s^^ SPI stove, and stir it constantly one way, till it is as thick as a hasty pudding. Put into a custard dish some Na- ples biscuits, or preserved orange, in long slices, and pour the mixture over them. It is to be eaten cold, and is a dish either for supper, or for a second course. SPINACH AND EGGS. The spinach must be well washed, then throw a small handful of salt into a saucepan of boiling water, before the spinach is put in, and press it down as it boils. When it becomes tender, press it well in a sieve or cullender. Break the eggs into cups, and put them into a stewpan of boil- ing water. When done, take them out with a slice, and lay them on the spinach. Send them to table with melted butter. SPINACH PUDDING. Scald and chop some spinach very fine, four ounces of biscuit soaked in cream, the yolks of eight eggs beat up, a quarter of a pound of melted butter, a little salt and nutmeg, and sugar to your taste ; beat up all to- gether, and set it over the fire till it is stiff, but do not let it boil ; cool it, and bake it in pufF-paste ; or you may butter a bason, and boil it. — Another. Boil a pint of cream, with some lemon-peel, a blade of mace, half a nutmeg cut in pieces ; strain it off, and stir it till it is cold, then boil a good handful of young spinach tender; chop it very fine ; beat up eight eggs, leave out four whites, add some fine sugar pound- ed, and a glass of sack ; mix all well together, put it into the dish, with a pufF-paste at the bottom, and lay on the top candied orange and lemon cut in thin slices. Half an hour, or a little better, will bake it. SPINACH SOUP. Shred two Iiandfuls of spinach, a turnip, two onions, a head of celery, two car- rots, and a little parsley and thyme. Put all into a stewpot, with a bit of butter the size of a walnut, and a pint of good broth, or the liquor 386 in which meat has been boiled. Stew till the vegetables are quite tender, and work them with a spoon through a coarse cloth or sieve. To the vegetable pulp and liquor, add a quart of fresh water, salt and pep- per, and boil all together Have ready some suet dumplins the size of a walnut, and put them into a tu- reen, before the soup is poured over. The suet must be quite fresh, and not shred too fine. SPIRITS. Good pure spirits ought to be perfectly clear, pleasant, and strong, though not of a pun- gent odour, and somewhat of a vinous taste. To try the purity of spirits, or whether they have been diluted with water, see whether the liquor will burn away without leav- ing any mixture behind, by dipping in a piece of writing paper, and lighting it at the candle. As pure spirit is much lightjer than water, put a hollow ivory ball into it : the deeper the ball sinks, the lighter the liquor, and consequently the more spirituous. SPIRITS OF CLARY. Distil a peck of clary flowers in a cold still, and then another peck of flowers, adding to them the distilled liquor. Put to this a bottle of sack or sweet wine, and another peck of flowers, and put all together into a glass still. Let it distil on white sugar candy, with the addition of a little ambergris. SPIRITS OF LAVENDER. Take fourteen pounds of lavender flowers, ten gallons and a half of rectified spirits of wine, and one gallon of water. Draw off ten gallons by a gentle fire, or which is much better, by a sand-bath heat. To convert this into the red liquid known by the name of compound lavender spirits, take of the above lavender spirits two gallons, of Hungary wa- ter one gallon, cinnamon and nut- megs three ounces each, and of red saunders one ounce. Digest the whole for three days in a gentle heat. SPL SPO a»d then filtre it for use. Some add saftVon, musk, and amberg^ris, of each half a scruple ; but these are now generally omitted. SPIRITS bF SAFFRON. Pick eight ounces of English saffron very clean, cut it fine, and steep it twenty- four hours in a gallon of the best white wine. Put it into an alembic with three gallons of water, draw it off gently so long as the saffron tastes, and sweeten it with white sugar candy. Dissolve the candy in some of the weaker extract, after the stronger part is drawn off, by setting it on the fire, and then mix the whole together. SPITS. Roasting spits require to be kept bright and clean, and should be scoured with nothing but sand and water. If they are wiped clean, as soon as the meat is drawn from them, and while they are hot, a very little cleaning will be neces- sary. A very useful kind of spit is sold at the ironmongers, which sus- tains the meat without the necessity of passing it through, which is much to be preferred. SPITCHCOCK EELS. Take one or two large eels, leave the skin on, cut them iuto pieces of three inches long, open them on the belly side, and clean them nice'ly. Wipe them dry, smear them over with egg, and strew on both sides chopped pars- ley, pepper and palt ; a very little sage, and a bit of mace pounded fine and mixed with the seasoning. Rub the gridiron with a bit of suet, broil the fish of a fine colour, and serve with anchovy and butter sauce. SPLINTERS. To run splinters, prickles or thorns, such as those of roses, thistles, or chesnuts, into the hands, feet, or legs, is a very com- mon accident; and provided any such substance is immediately ex- tracted, it is seldom attended with any bad consequences. But the more certainly to prevent any ill ef- fects, a comprfess of iinen dipped in warm Winter, nlay lie a])plied to the part, or it may be bathed a little while in warm water. If the thorn or splinter cannot be extracted di- rectly, or if any part of it be left in, it causes an inflammation, and no- thing but timely precaution will pre- vent its coming to an abscess. A plaster of shoemaker's wax spread upon leather, draws these wounds remarkably well. When it is known that any part of it remains, an ex- pert surgeon would open the place and take it out ; but if it be unob- served, as will sometimes happen, when the thorn or splinter is very smail, till the inflammation begins, and no advice can be at once pro- cured, Ihe steam of water should be applied to it at first, and then a poultice of bread and milk, with a few drops of peruvian balsam, it is absolutely necessary that the in- jured part should be kept in the easiest posture, and as still as pos- sible. If this does not soon succeed, good advice must be obtained with- out delay, as an accident of this kind neglected, or improperly treat- ed, may be the occasion of losing a limb. In this and all cases of in- flammation, a forbearance from ani- mal food, and fermented Hquors, is alwavs advisable. SPONGE CAKE. Weigh ten eggs, add their weight in very fine sugar, and of flour the weight of six eggs. Beat the yolks with the flour, and the whites alone, to a very stiff froth. Mix by degrees the whites and the flour with the other ingre- dients, beat them well half an hour, and bake the cake an hour in a quick oven. — Another, without butter. Dry a pound of flour, and a pound and a quarter of sugar. Grate a lemon, add a spoonful of brandy, and beat the whole together with the hand for an hour. Bake the cake in a buttered pan, in a quick oven. Sweetmeats may be added if approved. SPOONMEATS FOR INFANTS. It is something more than a human 387 SPO SPO axfcni, that milk is for babes ; and as this forms the basis of nearly all the food from which their nourish- ment is derived, it is necessary to observe, that the best way of using it is without either skimming or boiling it. The cream is the most nutritious balsamic part of milk, and to deprive it of this is to render it less nourishing, and less easy of di- gestion, than in its pure state. In some particular cases skimmed milk may be preferable, but it may be adopted as a general rule, that new milk is the wholesomest and the best. If it stands any time before it is used, instead of taking off the cream, it should be mixed in with the milk. Boiling the milk, if it be only a little, fixes it, and entirely alters its qua- lities. As a proof of this, it will not afterwards afford any cream, but merely a thin skin. In this slate it is hard of digestion, and therefore apt to occasion obstructions. It is most proper for food in its natural state, or when only scalded. — One of the first and simplest preparations for infants is Bread Pap, made by pouring scalding water on thin slices of good white bread, and letting it stand uncovered till it cools. The water is then drained off, the bread bruised fine, and mixed with as much new milk as will make it of a tolera- ble consistence. It is then warm enough for use, without setting it upon the fire. Sugar is very com- monly put into this pap, but it is much better without it. The palate of the child will not require sugar in any kind of food, till habit makes it familiar.— Egg Pap is another suitable article for young children. Set a quart of spring water on a clear brisk fire. Mix two spoonfuls of fresh fine flour with the yolks of two or three eggs well beaten, add- ing a little cold water. When the water is ready to boil, stir in the batter before it boils, till of a suf- ficient thickness. Then take it oflf the fire, add a little salt, pour it into 388 a basin, and let it cool of itself till it become about as warm as milk from the cow. If eggs cannot be procured, a small piece of butter may be added with the salt, and stirred in gently till well mixed, to prevent its oiling. Eggs however are to be preferred. This food is extremely wholesome, aft'ords real nourishment, opens all the passages, breeds good blood and lively spirits, is pleasant to the palate, and grate- ful to the stomach. The frequent use of it purifies the blood and all the humours, prevents windy dis- tempers and griping pain, both of the stomach and bowels. From all the ingredients bearing a resem- blance to each other, no predomi- nant quality prevails, so that it may justly claim the first place amongst all spoonmeats or paps, and as food for infants it is next to the milk of the breast. In some cases it is much better, on account of the various diseases to which suckling women are subject, and the improper food in which they too frequently indulge. No other ingredients should how- ever be added to this kind of food, such as sugar, spices, or fruits, which tend only to vitiate the diet, and to render it less nutritious. This and other sorts of spoonmeat should be made rather thin than otherwise, and abounding with liquid, whether milk or water. All porridges and spoonmeats that are made thin, and quickly prepared, are sweeter, brisker on the palate, and easier of digestion, than those which are thick, and long in preparing. Food should never be gi en to children more than milk warm, and the pro- per way to cool it is by letting it stand uncovered to cool itself; for much stirring alters the composition, and takes off the sweetness. Cover- ing it down too, keeps in the fumes that ought to go off, and by exclud- ing the air, renders it less pure. — Flour Pap. To two thirds of new railk, after it has stood five or six SPO SPO hours from the time of milking, add one third of spring water, and set it on a quick clear fire. Make a bat- ter of milk and fine flour, and just as the milk and water is ready to boil, pour in the batter, and stir it a few minutes. When it is ready to boil again, take it off, add a little salt, and let it stand to cool. A good spoonful of flour is sufficient to thicken a pint of milk, or milk and water. This will make it about the thickness of common milk por- ridge, which is what will eat the sweetest, and be the easiest of di- gestion. This kind of food affords substantial nourishment, it neither binds nor loosens the body, but keeps it in proper order, nourishes the blood, and tends to produce a lively disposition. Pap prepared in this way is far more friendly to nature than in the common way of boiling, and may be constantly eaten with much better eff'ect, and without ever tiring or cloying the stomach. — Oatmeal Pap. Mix a pint of milk and water, in the proportion of two thirds milk and one third water, with a good spoonful of oatmeal, but it is best not to be too thick. Set it in a saucepan upon a quick clear fire, and when it is near boil- ing take it off". Pour it from one basin into another, backwards and forwards seven or eight times, which will bring out the fine flour of the oatmeal, and incorporate it with the milk. Then return it into the saucepan, set it upon the fire, and when it is again ready to boil take it off", and let it stand in the sauce- pan a little to fine, for the husky part of the oatmeal will sink to the bottom. When settled, pour it oflT into a basin, add a little salt, and let it stand to cool. This is an ex- cellent pap, very congenial to a weak constitution, affording good nourishment, and easy of digestion. — Water Gruel. Take a spoonful and a half of fresh ground oatmeal, mix with it gradually a quart of spring water, and set it on a clear fire. When ready to boil take it oflf, pour it from one basin into another, backwards and forwards five or six times, and set it on the fire again. Take it off" again just before it boils, and let it stand a little time in the saucepan, that the coarse husks of the oatmeal may sink to the bottom. Then pour it out, add a little salt, and let it stand to cool. When wa- ter gruel is made with grots, it must boil gently for some time. The longer it boils the more it will jelly ; but moderation must be observed in this respect, for if it be very long boiled and becomes very thick, it will be flat and heavy. A mistaken idea very generally prevails, that water gruel is not nourishing ; on the contrary, it is a light, cleansing, nourishing food, good either in sick- ness or in health, both for old and young. — Milk Porridge. Make some water gruel, and when it has stood awhile to cool, add to it about one third part of new milk without bo-il- ing. It may be eaten with or with- out salt. Milk porridge is exceed- ingly cleansing and easy of digestion, and is agreeable to the weakest stomach. There is also another way of making it, which some prefer. Stir a pint of water gradually into three large spoonfuls of fresh oat- meal, let it stand till clear, and then pour oflf the water. Put a pint of fresh water to the oatmeal, stir it up well, and leave it till the next day. Strain oft* the liquor through a fine sieve, and set it in a saucepan over a clear brisk fire. Add about half the quantity of milk gradually while it is warming, and when it is just ready to boil take it oflf, pour it into a basin, add a little salt, and let it stand to cool. This as well as the former porridge is very light, and proper for weak stomachs. — Indian Arrow Root is another excel- lent preparation for children. Put a dessert-spoonful of the powdered root into a basin, and mix with it 389 SPO SPO as much cold new milk as will make it into a paste. Pour upon this half a pint of milk scalding- hot, stirring it briskly to keep it smooth. Set it on the fire till it is ready to boil, then take it off, pour it into a basin, and let it cool. This may be made with water instead of milk, and some cold milk mixed with it afterwards ; or if the stomach be very weak, it will be best without any milk at all. Great care must be taken to procure the genuine arrow root, which makes a very strengthening and excellent food for infants or invalids. — Sago Jelly. Soak a large spoonful of sago for an hour in cold water, then pour off the water, add a pint of fresh water to the sago, and stew it gently till it is reduced to about half the quantity. When done, pour it into a basin, and let it cool. — Sago with Milk, Prepare a large spoonful of sago by soaking it for an hour in cold water, but instead of adding water afterwards, put in a pint and a half of new milk. Boil it gently till reduced to about half the quantity, then pour it into a ba- sin, and let it cool. — Tapioca Jelly. Wash two good spoonfuls of the large sort of tapioca in cold water, and then soak it in a pint and a half of water for four hours. Stew it gently in the same water till it is quite clear. Let it stand to cool after it is poured out of the sauce- pan, and use it either with or with- out the addition of a little new milk. — Pearl Barley Gruel. Put two ounces of pearl barley, after it has been well washed, into a quart of water. Simmer it gently till reduced lo a pint, then strain it through a sieve, and let it cool. — Rice Gruel. Soak two large spoonfuls of rice in cold water for an hour. Pour off the water, and put a pint and a quarter of new milk to the rice. Stew it gently till the rice is suf- ficiently tender to pulp it through a sieve, and then mix the pulp into the milk that the rice was st(y\ed in. Simmer it over the fire for ten minutes, and if it appear too thick, gradually add a little more milk, so as not to damp it from simmering. When done, pour it into a basin to cool.— Rice Milk. To four large spoonfuls of whole rice, washed very clean in cold water, add a quart of new milk, and stew them together very gently for three hours. Let it stand in a basin to cool before it is used. Another way of making rice milk is boiling the rice first in water, then pouring off the water, and boil- ing the rice with milk. A better way perhaps is, after washing the rice well, setting it over the fire for half an hour with a little water to break it. Add a little at a time some warm milk, till it is sufficiently done, and of a proper thickness. Let it simmer slowly, and season it with salt and sugar ; but for children the sugar had better be omitted. — Ground Rice Milk. Mix a large spoonful of ground rice into a batter, with two or three spoonfuls of new milk. Set a pint of new milk on the fire, and when it is scalding hot, stir in the batter, and keep it on the fire till it thickens, but it must not boil. It should be carefully stirred to prevent its burning, and cooled by standing by in a basin. — Millet Milk. Wash three spoonfuls of millet seed in coid water, and put it into a quart of new milk. Sim- mer it gently till it becomes mo- derately thick, and cool it in a basin till wanted for use. All those pre- j)arations which require some time in doing, also require the precautioa of being carefully stirred, to prevent their burning. — Drinks for young children, in addition to their diet, are best made of milk and water, whey, barley water, pearl barley water, apple water, and toast and water. For Milk and Water, put one third of new milk to two thirds of spring water. This is best drunk cold ; but if it must be warmed, it should be by putting warm water to SPO SPR cold fiiilk. It ought not to be made more than milk warm. For Whey, take a quart of new milk before it is cold, and put in as much rennet as will turn it to a clear whey. Let it stand till it is properly turned, and pour it off through a cheesecloth without pressing the curd, that the whey may be the purer. It may be drunk cold, or just warmed by set- ting it before the fire for a little while. If new milk cannot be had, other milk must be wanted to the degree of new milk. — Barley Water is made of a handful of common barley well washed, and simmered in three pints of water, till of a pro- per thickness for use ; but the longer the barley boils, the thinner the li- quor will become. Pearl Barley Water is made of an ounce of pearl barley, heated in half a pint of wa- ter over the fire in order to clean it. The water is then poured off, and a quart of fresh water added to the pearl barley. Simmer it half an hour, and if it appears too thick, add more water, but let it be kept warm, as any quantity of cold water would damp it too suddenly, and thus tend to spoil it. Both this and barley water may be used cold, or milk warm. — Apple Water. Slice into a jug two or three sound ripe apples, and pour on them a quart of scalding hot water. Let it stand to cool, and it will be fit for use. The apples should not be pared, as it takes off their spirit. — Toast and Water is made of a slice of white bread toasted quite dry, and of a dark brown colour. It is then put into a jug, and spring water poured upon it. After an hour it is fit for use. As all these preparations, both of drinks and spoonmeats, become flat and good for little by long stand- ing, it is better to make only such quantities of them at a time as will soon be used. When they are warm- ed up, no more should be done at once than is just sufficient for the occasion, as repeated warming in- jures the nutritious quality of every' thing. When it can be avoided H is better not to set things on the fire to warm them up, but to place them before or on the side of the fire. Care however must be taken not to let them dry and scorch, as it makes them very strong and un- wholesome. Some earthenware ves- sel should be used for this purpose, as less liable to produce an inj uri- nous effect. A very good method of warming things is by setting them in a basin over boiling water, or by placing them in it. SPRAINS. These generally pro- ceed from some external injury, at- tended with pain, swelling, and in- flammation. A fomentation of vine- gar, or ca^iy2hQXated.sjyiriU ofvi^ if applied immediately, will gene- rally be sufficient : if not, a fe w drops of laudanum should beaddeS. The Tomenitatibn' shoijTd~ be " fre-" quently renewed, and the sprained part kept in a state of rest and re- laxation. SPRATS. When quite good and fresh, their gills are of a fine red, their eyes and whole body beauti- fully bright. After being scaled and cleaned, they should be fasten- ed in rows by a skewer run through the heads ; then broiled, and served up hot and hot. SPRATS LIKE ANCHOVIES. Salt them well, and let the salt drain from them. In twenty-four hours wipe them dry, but do not wash them. Mix four ounces of common salt, an ounce of'bay salt, an ounce of saltpetre, a quarter of an ounce of sal-prunella, and half a tea-spoonful of cochineal, all in the finest powder. Sprinkle it amongst three quarts of the fish, and pack them in two stone jars. Keep them in a cool place, fastened down with a bladder. These artificial ancho- vies are pleasant on bread and but- ter, but the genuine should be used for sauce. SPRING FRUIT PUDDING 891 SPR STA Peel and wash four dozen sticks of rhubarb, put them into the stewpan with a lemon, a little cinnamon, and sweeten the whole with moist sugar. Set it over the fire, and reduce it to a marmalade. Pass it through a hair sieve, add the yolks of four eggs and one white, a quarter of a pound of fresh butter, half a nut- meg, and the peel of a lemon grated. Beat all well together, line the in- side of a pie dish with good puff paste, put in the pudding, and take it half an hour. SPRING SOUP. Put a pint of peas into a saucepan with some chervil, purslain, lettuce, sorrel, parsley, three or four onions, and a piece of butter. Shake them over the fire a few minutes, add warm water in proportion to the vegeta- bles, and stew them till they are well done. Strain off the soup, and pulp the vegetables through a tam- mis or sieve. Heat the pulp with three parts of the soup, mix six yolks of eggs with the remainder of it, and thicken it over the fire. When ready to serve, add this to the soup, and season the whole with salt. SPROUTS. Before the sprouts of greens are boiled, trim and wash them very nicely, and drain them in a cullender. Then put them into boiling water, with some salt thrown in, and sprinkle a little more upon the sprouts. Boil them very fast, and clear off any scum that may arise. When the stalks are quite tender, drain the sprouts off di- rectly into a cullender, or they will lose both their flavour and colour. Serve them up laid neatly in the dish with a fork, as that will not break them like a spoon. Borecole and Brussel sprouts, like all the cabbage species, should be boiled in plenty of water, changing it when about half done, and boiling them well. SPRUCE BEER. Pour sixteen gallons of warm water into a barrel, 382 with twelve pounds of molasses, and half a pound of the essence of spruce. When cool, add a pint of yeast, stir it well for two or three days, and put it into stone bottles. Wire down the corks, pack the bot- tles in saw dust, and the liquor will ripen in about a fortnight. SQUAB PIE. Prepare apples as for other pies, and lay them in rows with mutton chops. Shred some onion, and sprinkle it among them, and also some sugar. — Another. Make a good crust, and sheet your dish all over ; lay a layer of pip- pins, and strew sugar over them ; cut a loin of mutton into steaks, season them with pepper and salt ; lay a layer of steaks, then pippins ; then lay some onions sliced thin on the apples, then the rest of your mutton, and apples and onions over all ; pour in a pint of water, and lid your pve ; let it be well baked. STAFFORDSHIRE BEEF STEAKS. Beat them a little with a rollingpin, then flour and season, and fry them of a fine light brown, with sliced onions. Lay the steaks into a stewpan, and pour over them as much boiling water as will serve for sauce. Stew them very gently for half an hour, and add a spoon- ful of ketchup or walnut liquor, be- fore they are served up. STAFFORDSHIRE SYLLABUB. Put into a bowl a pint of cider, and a glass of brandy, with sugar and nutmeg. Pour into it some warm milk, from a large tea-pot, held up high, and moved over it. STAINS BY ACIDS. Wet the injured part, and lay on some salt of wormwood ; the» rub it, without diluting it with more water. Or let the cloth imbibe a little water with- out dipping, and hold the part over a lighted match at a due distance. The spots will be removed by the sulphureous gas. Another way ia to tie up some pearl ash in the stain- ed part, then scrape some soap into cold soft water to make a lather. STA STA and boil the linen till the stain dis- appears. STAINS IN MAHOGANY. If any kind of furniture get stained with ink, dilute half a tea-spoonful of oil of vitriol with a large spoonful of water, and touch the stained part with a feather dipped in the liquid. It must be watched, and not suffered to remain too long, or it will leave a white mark. It is better to rub it quick, and to moisten it again, if the stain be not entirely removed. STAINING OF BONE. This article must first be prepared, by being steeped for several days in a mixture of roche alum, vitriol, ver- digris, and copper filings, infused in white wine vinegar. When the in- gredients are dissolved, the mixture may be boiled with the bone in it, and it will take a fine green colour. By infusing brazil wood, French berries, or indigo in the vinegar, with a little roche alum, either red, yel- low, or blue may be produced. Ei- ther bone, ivory, or wood, may be coloured in this manner. STAINING OF PARCHMENT. Paper or parchment may be stained of a green colour, by gradually dis- solving some copper filings in aqua- fortis, or the spirits of salt, putting in the filings till the ebullition ceases. A solution of verdigris in vinegar, or the crystals of verdigris in water, will answer the same purpose. A fine crimson stain may be produced by a tincture of the Indian lake, made by infusing the lake several days in spirits of wine, and pouring off the tincture from the dregs. A beautif ,1 yellow may be formed from the tinc- ture of turm.eric, made in the same way. If the colours be wanted of a deeper cast, arnatto or dragon's blood may be added to the tincture. STAINING OF WOOD. To stain wood of a mahogany colour, put it into a mixture of oil of turpentine and pounded dragon's blood, and let it stand an hour over a slow fire. Whien taken off the fire, the wood may remain in the liquor all night. The dye may be made stronger or weaker, by using more or less of dragon's blood, and by a greater or less degree of digestion and boiling. The best wood for this purpose is plane tree, because it may easily be sawn and polished, and is beautifully veined and spotted. To stain wood a fine black, drop a little oil of vitriol into a small quantity of water, rub it on the wood, and hold it to the fire. It will then become a fine black, and receive a beautiful polish. STALKS OF BEET LEAVES. Trim and well wash the stalks of green and white beet leaves, and boil them in water, moving them fre- quently, to prevent the upper ones from turning black. When done enough, drain them in a cullender. Make a white sauce with a little flour and water, a piece of butter, some pepper and salt, and a taste of vinegar. Thicken this over the fire, and put in the stalks to stew gently for a few minutes, to give them a flavour. If the butter oils, it is a sign that the sauce is too thick. In this case add another spoonful or two of water, and shake the stewpan till the sauce recovers it appearance. STARCH is a substance which is extracted from wheaten flour, by washing it in water. All farinaceous seeds, and the roots of most vegeta- bles, aftbrd this substance in a greater or less degree ; but it is most easily obtained from the flour of wheat, by moistening any quantity thereof with a little water, and kneading it with the hand into a tough paste : this being washed M'ith water, by letting fall upon it a very slender stream, the water will be rendered turbid as it runs off, in consequence of the fecula or starch which it extracts from the flour, and which will sub- side when the water is allowed to stand at rest. The starch so ob- tained, when dried in the sun, or by a stove, is usually concreted info small masses of a long figure and 3 E 393 STA ST A columnar shape, which have a fine white colour, scarcely any smell, and very little taste. If kept dry, starch in this state continues a long time uninjured, although exposed to the air. It is not soluble in cold water ; but forms a thick paste with boiling- hot water, and when this paste is allowed to cool, it becomes semi- transparent and gelatinous, and being dried, becomes brittle, and some- what resembles gum. Starch, al- though found in all nutritive grains, is only perfect when they have at- tained maturity, for before this it is in a state approaching to mucilage, and so mixed with saccharine matter and essential oils, that it cannot be extracted in sufficient purity to con- crete into masses. Wheat, or such parts of it as are not used for human food, are usually employed for ma- nufacturing starch, such as the refuse wheat and bran ; but when the finest starch is required, good grain must be used. This, being well cleaned, and sometimes coarsely bruised, is put into wooden vessels full of water to ferment : to assist the fermenta- tion, the vessels are exposed to the greatest heat of the sun, and the water is changed twice a day, during eight or twelve days, according to the season. When the grain bursts easily under the finger, and gives out a milky white liquor when squeezed, it is judged to be suf- ficiently softened and fermented. In this state, the grains are taken out of the water by a sieve, and put into a canvas sack, and the husks are se- parated and rubbed off, by beating and rubbing the sack upon a plank : the sack is then put into a tub filled with cold water, and trodden or beaten till the water becomes milky and turbid, from the starch which it takes up from the grain. A scum sometimes swims upon the surface of the water, which must be carefully removed ; the water is then run off through a fine sieve into a settling- TC^sel, and fresh \vater is poured 3J)4 upon the grains, two or three times, till it will not extract an^ more starch, or become coloured by the grain. The water in the settling-vessels being left at rest, precipitates the starch which it held suspended ; and to get rid of the saccharine matter, which was also dissolved by the wa- ter, the vessels are exposed to the sun, which soon produces the acetous fermentation, and takes up such matter as renders the starch more pure and white. During this pro- cess, the starch for sale in the shops receives its colour, which consists of smalt mixed with water and a small quantity of alum, and is tho- roughly incorporated with the starch ; but this starch is unfit for medicinal purposes. When the water becomes completely sour, it is poured gently ofl" from the starch, which is washed several times afterwards with clean water, and at last is placed to drain upon linen cloths supported by hur- dles, and the water drips through, leaving the starch upon the cloths, in which it is pressed or wrung, to extract as much as possible of the water ; and the remainder is evapo- rated, by cutting the starch into pieces, which are laid up in airy places, upon a floor of plaster or of slightly burnt bricks, until it becomes completely dried from all moisture, partly by the access of warm air, and partly by the floor imbibing the moisture. In winter time, the heat of a stove must be employed to efl'ect the drying. Lastly, the pieces of dried starch are scraped, to remove the outside crust, which makes infe- rior starch, and these pieces are broken into smaller pieces for sale. The grain which remains in the sack after the starch is extracted, contains the husks and the glutinous part of the wheat, which are found very nu- tritious food for cattle. The French manufacturers, according to " Les Arts et Metiers," pursue a more eco- nomical method, as they are enabled, by employing an acid water for the ST A STA fermentation in the first instance, to use the most inferior wheat, and the bran or husks of wheat. This water they prepare, by putting a pailful of warm water into a tub, with about two pounds of leaven, such as some bakers use to make their dough rise or ferment. The water stands two days, and is then stirred up, and half a pailful of warm water added to it; then bciiig left to settle till it is clear, it is poured off for use. To use this water in the fermentation of the ma- terials, a quantity of it is poured into a tub, and about as much fair water is poured upon it as will fill the tub half full : the remainder of the tub is then lilled up with the materials, which are one half refuse wheat, and the other half bran. In this tub it continues to steep and ferment during ten days, or less, according to the strength of the leaven-water, and according to the disposition of the weather for fermentation. When the materials have been sutficiently steeped, or fermented, an unctuous matter, which is the oil of the grain, will be seen swimming on the sur- face, having been thrown up by the fermentation. This must l>e scum- med off; and the fermented grain, being taken out of the tub, is put into a fine hair sieve, placed over a settling-tub, when fair water is pour- ed upon it, and washed through the sieve into the tub ; by which means the starch is carried through the sieve with the water, of which about six times the quantity of the grain are used. The water stands in the settling tub for a day, and becomes clear at top ; when it is carefully laded out of the tub, leaving at the bottom a white sediment, which is the starch. The water which is taken off is sour, and is called sure water : this is the proper leaven for the first steeping of the ma^rials. The starch now obtained must be rendered marketable ; for which pur- ]^ose. as much water is poured upon U as will enable it to be pounded and broken up with a shovel, and thea. the tub is filled up with fair water. Two days after this, the water is laded out from the tub, and the starch appears in the bottom, but covered over with a dark-coloured and infe- rior kind of starch, which is taken off, and employed for fattening hogs. The remainder of the sediment, which is good starch, is washed several times, to remove all the infeiior starch ; and when this is done, about four inches of thick starch should be found at the bottom of each tub : but the quantity varies, according to the goodness of the meal or bran which has been used. It is evident that the refuse wheat, when employed for making starch, ought to aftord more, the whole being used, than the bran or husks ; but the starch so extracted is always of an inferior quality to that which is extracted from the bran of good wheat, parti- cularly in the whiteness of its colour. The starch in the different tubs is brought together into one, and there worked up with as much water as will dissolve it into a thin paste, which is put into a silk sieve, and strained through with fresh water. This water is settled in a tub, and afterwards poured off, but before it is so completely settled as to lose all its white colour : this renders the starch which is deposited, still finer and whiter ; and the starch which is dejjosited by the water so poured oil*, is of a more common quality. The starch, thus purified, is taken out of the bottom of the tubs, «and put into wicker-baskets, about eigh- teen inches long and ten deep, round- ed at the corners, and lined with linen cloths, which are not fastened to the baskets. The water drips from the starch through the cloths for a day, and the baskets are then carried up to apartments at the top of the house, where the floor is made of vei-y clean white plaster ; and the windows are thrown open, to admit a current of air. Here the hasliet^ 39i ST A ST A are turned downwards upon the plas- ter-floor, and the linen cloths, not being fastened to the baskets, follow the starch, and when taken oft", leave loaves, or cakes of starch, which are left to dry a little, and are then broken into smaller pieces, and left on the plaster-floor, till very dry. But if the weather is at all humid, the starch is removed from the plas- ter-floor and spread out upon shelves, in an apartment which is warmed by a stove, and there it remains till perfectly dry. The pieces are after- wards scraped, to remove the out- side crust, which makes common starch ; and the scraped pieces be- ing again broken small, the starch is carried to the stove, and spread out to a depth of three inches, on hurdles covered with cloths. The starch must be turned over every morning and evening, to prevent it from turning to a greenish colour, which it would otherwise do. Those manufacturers who are not provided with a stove, make use of the top of a baker's oven to spread the starch upon ; and after being thoroughly dried here, it is ready for sale. Starch may be made from potatoes, by soaking them about an hour in wa- ter, and taking off their roots and fibres, then rubbing them quite clean by a strong brush : after this they are reduced to a pulp, by grating them in water. This pulp is to be collected in a tub, and mixed up with a large quantity of clear water : at the same time, another clean tub must be provided ; and a hair sieve, not too fine, must be supported over it by two wooden rails extended across the tub. The pulp and water are thrown into the sieve, and the flour of starch is carried through with the water; fresh water must then be poured on, till it runs through quite clear. The refuse pulp which remains in the sieve, being boiled in water, makes an exceHent food for animals; and the quantity of this pulp is near seven-eighths of all the 396 potatoes employed. The liquor which has passed through the sieve is tur- bid, and of a darkish colour, from the extractive matter which is dis- solved in it. When it is suft'ered to ' rest for five or six hours, all this- matter deposits or settles to the bot- ^ tom, and the liquor which remains ' is to be poured oft" as useless ; and a large quantity of fresh water is thrown upon the flour, and stirred up : it is then settled for a day, and the water being poured oft', the flour will be found to have again settled in a whiter state. But to improve it, another quantity of water is pour- ed on, and mixed up with it ; in which state it is passed through a fine silk sieve, to arrest any small quantity of the pulp which may have escaped the first hair sieve. The whole must afterwards be suft'ered to stand quiet, till the flour is en- tirely settled, and the water above become perfectly clear ; but if the water has any sensible colour or taste, the flour must be washed again with fresh water, for it is absolutely necessary that none of the extractive matter be suft'ered to remain with it. The ftour, when thus obtained pure, and drained from the water, may be taken out of the tub with a wooden shovel, and placed upon wicker- frames covered with paper, to be dried in some situation properly de- fended from dust. When the ma- nufacture of starch from potatoes is attempted in a large way, some kind of mill must be used to reduce them to a pulp, as the grating of them by hand is too tedious an ope- ration. A mill invented by M . Baum6 is very complete for this purpose. In its general structure it resembles a large coft^ee-mill : the grater con- \ sists of a cone of iron plate, about seven inches in diameter, and eight inches, in height, the exterior sur- face of which is made toothed, hke a rasp, by piercing holes through the plate from the inside. This cone is fixed upon a verticlc axle, tvith a ST A STE handle at the top to turn it by ; and is mounted on the pivots of the axle, within a hollow cylinder of plate- iron, toothed withinside like the out- side of the cone ; the smallest end of the interior cone being uppermost, and the lower or larger end being as large as the interior diameter of the hollow cylinder. A conical hop- per is fixed to the hollow cylinder, round the top of it, into which the potatoes are thrown ; and falling down into the space between the out- side of the cone and the inside of the hollow cylinder, they are ground, and reduced to a pulp, when the in- terior cone is turned round by its handle ; and as the lower part of the cone is fitted close to the interior diameter of the cylinder, the pota- toes must be ground to a fine pulp before they can pass through be- tween the two. The machine, when at work, is placed in a tub filled with water ; and as fast as the grinding proceeds, the pulp mixes regularly with the water, ready for the process before described. Poland starch is reckoned the best : its quality may be judged of by the fineness of the grain, its being very brittle, and of a good colour. The price of starch depends upon that of flour ; and when bread is cheap, starch may be bought to advantage. If it be of good quality it will keep for some years, covered close, and laid up in a dry warm room. In the year 1796, lord William Murray obtained a pa- tent for manufacturing starch from horse-chesnuts. The method was to take the horse-chesnuts out of the outward green prickly husk, and either by hand, with a knife or tool, or else with a mill adapted for the purpose, the brown rind was care- fully removed, leaving the chesnuts perfectly white, and without the smallest speck. In this^state the nuts were rasped or grountf to a pulp with water, and the pulp washed with water through a coarse horse- hair sieve, and twice afterwards through finer sieves, with a constant addition of clear cold water, till all the starch was washed clean from the pulp which remained in the sieve; and the water being settled, deposit- ed the starch, which was afterwards repeatedly washed, purified, and dried, in the same manner as the potatoe-starch before described. We are not informed if this manufacture has been carried into eftect. The sour, nauseous, milky liquor obtain- ed in the process of starch-making, appears, upon analysis, to contain acetous acid, ammonia, alcohol, gluten, and phosphate of lime. The office of the acid is to dissolve the gluten and phosphate of lime, and thus to separate them from the starch. Starch is used along with smalt, or stone-blue, to stiffen and clear linen. The powder of it is also used to whiten and powder the hair. It is also used by the dyers, to dispose their stufi^s to take colours the better. Starch is sometimes used instead of sugar-candy for mixing with the co- lours that are used in strong gum- water, to make them work more freely, and to prevent their cracking. It is also used medicinally for the same intentions with the viscous sub- stance which the flour of wheat forms with milk, in fluxes and catarrhs, under various forms of powders, mixtures, &c, A drachm of starch, with three ounces of any agreeable simple water, and a little sugar, com- pose an elegant jelly, of which a spoonful may be taken every hour or two. These gelatinous mixtures are likewise an useful injection in some diarrhoeas, particularly where the lower intestines have their natu- ral mucus rubbed ofl^ by the flux, or are constantly irritated by the acri- mony of the matter. STEAKS FRIED. Moisten the pan with butter, put in some beef steaks, and when done, lay them on a dish. Put to the gravy that comes out of them, a glass of port wine, half an anchovy, a sliced shalot with 397 STE STE nutmeg, pepper, and salt. Give it a boil in the pan, pour it over the steaks, and send them hot to table. In a plainer wny, put a little flour and water into the pan with the gravy when the steaks are taken out, add- ing a spoonful of ketchup, an onion or siialot. The wine and anchovy may be omitted. Garnish with scra- ped horse-radish round the dish. STEAK PIE. Raise a crust pretty deep and thick. Divide a breast or neck of mutton into steaks, beat and season them with nutmeg, pepper, and salt. Add some sweet herbs cut very fine, two onions sliced, the yolks of three or four hard eggs minced, and two spoonfuls of capers. Scatter these among the steaks as they are laid into the pie. Put on the top crust, and let the pie soak in a mode- rately hot oven for two hours or lon- ger, according to its size. Have some gravy ready to put into it through a funnel, when it is to be served up. STEAK PUDDING. Make a paste of suet or dripping and flour, roll it out, and line a basin with it. Season the meat, and put it in. Co- ver it with the paste, pinch it close round the edge, tie it up in a cloth, and boil it two hours, but be careful notto break it. — Another way. Make a good paste, with suet shred very fine, and flour ; mix it up with cold water, and a little salt, and make your crust pretty stiflf; about two pounds of suet to a quarter of a peck of flour. Let the steaks be either beef or mutton, well seasoned with pep- per and salt ; make it up like an apple-pudding, tie it in a cloth tight, and put it into the water boiling. If it be a large pudding, it will take four or fiv« hours ; if a middling one, three hours. STEAKS ROLLED. After beat- ing them to make them tender, spread them over with any quantity of high seasoned forcemeat. Then roll them up, and skewer them tight. Fry the steaks in nice dripping, till they be- come of a delicate brown. Then take 398 them out of the fat in which they were fried, and put them into a stew- pan with some good gravy, a spoon- ful of port wine, and some ketchup. When sufficiently stew ed, serve them up with the gravy, and a few pickled mushrooms. STEAM. Steam is employed to great advantage for culinary pur- poses. It is made to communicate with vessels in the form of boilers, as a substitute for having fires un- der them, which is a great advan- tage, both in the economy of fuel, and in avoiding at the same time the nuisance of ashes and smoke. The most convenient application of steam for culinary purposes is, when it directly acts upon the substance to be heated. This has been generally eflected by placing the substance, whether meat or vegetables, in a vessel without water, and allowing the steam to enter and condense upon it. The most convenient ap- paratus of this kind we have yet heard of, consists of a cast-iron plate about thirty inches or three feet square, standing horizontally in a recess in the wall, like a table. Round the edge of this plate is a groove, about half an inch wide and two inches deep. Into this groove fits an inverted tin vessel, like a dish- cover. This is capable of being ele- vated and depressed by a pulley and chain, having a counterpoise, in or- der to expose the table at any time. The steam comes under the table and enters in the centre. The dishes to receive the heat are placed on any part within the groove, the steam being common to all. The water resulting from the condensation runs into the groove, and at a point short of the top runs off. The water which remains forms a complete water-lute, to prevent the escape of steam. The table being placed in a recess, like a common stone hearth, a small flue is placed over it to take away any steam that may escape when the covet is lifted up. The great quan- STE STE tity of hot water required in a scul- lery should be perpetually kept up by a supply of steam. For this" pur- pose a large cylindrical vessel of cast-iron should be elevated in a corner of the scullery, in order that water may be drawn from it by a cock. This vessel should be con- nected from the bottom with a cold- water cistern, the bottom of which is level with the top of the cylinder, by which the latter is kept constantly full. The hot-water cylinder is closed firmly at the top, and there- fore, when the air is allowed to es- cape, the water rises to the top. If now a pipe be connected with the top, coming down to where it is to be drawn off, if any portion is drawn out here, as much will come in at the bottom of the cylinder from the reservoir above. So far we have described this cylinder without its steam-vessel. Within this cylinder, and about the middle, is a distinct vessel, nearly of the width of the cy- linder ; but having a free space round the inner vessel about an inch wide. The depth of the inner vessel must be about one-sixth that of the outer one. This inner vessel must have no connection with the outer one, and must be so water-tight, that al- though it is surrounded with the water of the outer one, none should get in. The inner vessel is on one side connected by a pipe with a steam-boiler, having another pipe to allow the condensed water to run off, which may be preserved as dis- tilled water, and is valuable for many purposes. The heat arising from the condensation is communicated to the water in the outer vessel, the hottest being at the top, where the mouth of the exit-pipe is placed. When, therefore, a portion of hot water is dra.wn from the cock, the pipe of which comes from the top of the vessel immediately under the cover, an equal quantity comes in at the bottom from the reservoir. This tiseful apparatus is the invention of an ingenious economist of Derby, and is at present in use in his kit- chen. The art of boiling vegetables of all kinds in steam instead of wa- ter, might probably be managed to advantage, as a greater degree of heat might be thus given them, by contriving to increase the heat of the steam after it has left the water ; and thus the vegetable mucilage in roots and seeds, as in potatoes and flour puddings, as well as in their leaves, stems, and flower-cups, might be rendered probably more nutri- tive, and perhaps more palatable ; but that many of the leaves of ve- getables, as the summits of cabbage- sprouts, lose their green colour by being boiled in steam, and look like blam^hed vegetables. Steam has likewise lately been applied in gar- dening to the purpose of forcing plants of different kinds in the win- ter season, in order to have their produce at an early period, as to the cucumber, and some other ve- getables of a somewhat similar na- ture ; but the exact manner of its application in this intention, so far as we know, has not yet been com- municated to the public ; it is, how- ever, by some mode of flues, pipes, and other contrivances for conveying and containing it, so as that its heat may be uninterruptedly, equally, and regularly afforded to the roots of the plants which it is designed to push forward into the fruiting state. It is said to have been used in some instances in different parts of Lan- cashire with great success. But how far the expense and advantage of such a method may admit of and encourage its being introduced into general practice, have not, probably, yet been well or fully ascertained. If it should be found capable of per- fectly succeeding in this use, on more full and correct experience, it will, however, constitute not only a neat and clean, but an elegant mode of forcing plants into fruit at early seasons. 399 STE STE STEAMED POTATOES. The potatoes must be well washed, but not pared, and put into the steamer when the water boils. Moderate si- zed potatoes will require three quar- ters of an hour to do them properly. They should be taken up as soon as they are done enough, or they will beeome watery. STEEL. To transform iron into steel, put four ounces of cast iron into a crucible, with a considerable degree of heat. While in a state of fusion, immerse in it a polished iron wire of some thickness, and keep it there for some time, but not so lon^ as to fuse it. When cold, the wire will be so hard as to resist the action of a common file, being converted into steel. STEEL RUST. The prevention of rust, on such articles of furniture as are made of polished steel, is an ob- ject of great importance in domestic ft economy. The cutlers in Sheffield, when they have given a knife or ra- zor blade the requisite degree of polish, rub them with powdered quick-lime, in order to prevent them from tarnishing; and it seems that articles made of polished steel are dipped in lime water, before they are sent into the retail market. But when steel has contracted rust, the method of cleaning and polishing it is to oil the rusty parts, and let it remain in that state two or three days. Then wipe it dry with clean rags, and polish with emery or pu- mice stone, or hard wood. After the oil is cleared off, a little fresh lime finely powdered will often be found sufficient ; but where a higher polish is required, it will be necessary to use a paste composed of finely levi- gated bloodstone and spirits of wine. STEEL STOVES. To preserve them effectually from rust, beat into three pounds of unsalted lard, two drams of camphor sliced thin, till the whole is absorbed. Then take as much black lead as will make it of the colour of broken steel ; dip a rag 400 into it, rub it thick on the stove, and the steel will never rust, even if wet- ted. When the stove is to be used, the grease must be washed ofi' with hot water, and the steel be dried before polishing. STEWED ARTICHOKES. Wash and pare some Jerusalem artichokes, and part them in two. Boil them in a small quantity of gravy till almost done, and the liquor nearly consu- med. Then add some cream, a piece of butter rolled in tiour and a little salt, all in proportion to the number of artichokes. Stew them gently for ten minutes, and serve them up with sippets of white bread fried. STEWED ARTICHOKE BOT- TOMS. Boil some artichokes till about half done, and then take off the leaves and the choke. Trim the bottoms nicely, and stew them gently in some gravy, with a little lemon- juice or vinegar, and some salt, till they are quite tender. Before serving them up, wipe them dry, then lay them in a dish with sippets of toasted or fried bread laid r> und it, and pour some strong clear gravy over them. Dried artichoke bottoms may also be used for stewing, but should fir>t be soaked a little while in warm water. STEWED BREAST OF VEAL. Take a nice breast of veal, cut off the thin end, and boil it down for your sauce, with a faggot of sweet herbs, an onion stuck with three | cloves, two blades of mace, some I whole pepper and salt ; put to it a quart of water, and let it stew gently till half is wasted, then raise the skin off your breast of veal, and make a forcemeat of the sweet- bread first parboiled, a few crumbs of bread, a little beef suet, and some parsley shred very fine ; season it with pepper, salt, and nutmeg ; moisten it with a spoonful of cream, and an e^g ; mix all well together, and force your veal ; skewer it down close, dredge it over with flour, tie it up in a clean cloth, and let it boil STE STE an hour and a half. If your gravy is done, strain it off, and take off the fat very. clean ; blanch and beard half a pintof oysters, a gill of pickled mush- rooms, a little lemon-peel shred very fine : put this to your gravy, and thicken it with a piece of butter rolled in flour ; fry six or eight large oys- ters, dipped in batter for garnish. When your veal is enough, dish it up, and pour your sauce over. Garnish your dish with lemon, oysters, and barberries. STEWED BRISKET OF BEEF. Stew nine pounds of brisket of beef, in two gallons of water, for two or three hours over night. W hen made sufficiently tender, take out the bones, and carefully skim off the fat. Boil in some of the liquor a few car- rots, turnips, onions, celery, and white cabbage, till they become quite tendcT. Add some salt, and the re- mainder of the broth to the beef, and stew all together till sufficiently done. STEWED CALF'S LIVER LARDED. Take a calf's liver, and lard it, and put it into a stewpan, with some water, a bundle of sweet herbs, an onion, a blade of mace, some whole pepper, and a little salt; cover it close, and let it stew till it is enough ; then take up your liver, and put it into the dish you intend ; cover it over, and take out your herbs and spice ; skim off all the fat very clean ; put in a piece of butter rolled in flour ; boil it till it is of a proper thickness; pour it over your liver, and send it to table garnished with lemon. STEWED CARDOONS. Cut them into pieces, not more than five or six inches long. Take oft' the outward skin, and wash and scald them. Put them into a stewpan, with gravy enough to cover them, and let them stew gently till almost done, and the liquor nearly exhaust- ed. Add a small quantity of fresh '^ gravy, and continue stewing them gently till quite tender. Serve them up with sippets of toasted bread round the edge of the dish. If the gravy is not sufficiently seasoned, add a little salt and cayenne. STEWED CARP. Scale and clean the fish, and preserve the roe. Lay the carp in a stewpan, with a rich beef-gravy, an onion, eight cloves, a dessert-spoonful of Jamaica pep- per, the same of black pepper, and a glass of port or cider. Simmer it closely covered ; when nearly done, add two anchovies chopped fine, a dessert-spoonful of made mustard, a little fine walnut ketchup, and a bit of butter rolled in flour. Shake it, and let the gravy boil a few. mi- nutes. Serve with sippets of fried bread, the roe fried, and a good deal of horseradish and lemon. — Another way. Scale your carp, then gut and wash them very clean, and dry them in a cloth ; put a piece of butter in- to a stewpan, when it is hot, fry them as quick as you can, till they are of a fine brown ; boil the roes, then fry them of a fine gold colour ; take them up, and keep them hot be- fore the fire : then put to your carp half port wine and half water, as much as will cover them a little more than half way ; put in some thyme, pars- ley, a piece of lemon-peel, whole pep- per, a few cloves, a blade or two of mace, an onion, some horse-radish sliced, and two spoonfuls of ket- chup ; put on your cover, and let it stew very gently, till your fish is enough ; do not turn them in the pan, but with a ladle take some of the li- quor, and pour over your fish every now and then, while they are stew- ing, then cover them close again : When they are done enough, tdike them out of the pan with a slice, and take care not to break them ; put them into the dish you intend to send them to table in, then strain the liquor, and thicken it up with a piece of butter rolled in flour ; let it boil till it is pretty thick, pour the sauce over the fish, and garnish your 3 F 401 « T E STE dish with the roes, lemon» and horse- radisli, and send it to table. You may squeeze a little lemon into the sauce, if you like it, and add oysters fried in butter ; or you may stew them in cider, instead of wine, and it is very little inferior. Tench may be done the same way. — To stew carp white. Scale and gut your fish very clean, save the roes and melts, then stove them in some good white broth ; season them with mace, salt, whole pepper, an onion stuck with cloves, a faggot of sweet herbs, and about half a pint of white wine ; cover them close, and let them stew gently over a charcoal fire. Dip the roes and melts in the yolk of an egg ; flour them, and fry them of a fine brown, and have fried parsley and sippets ready. When the fish is near done, take out the onion and faggot, beat up the yolks of four or five eggs, take up the fish carefully, and put it into the dish you serve it in ; pour off the sauce, then strain it into a stewpan, and put in your eggs ; keep it stirring till it is as fine as cream, then pour it over the dishr Garnish with the roes, fried parsley, sippets, horseradish scraped, and lemon : send it as hot as possible to table. — A plain way to stew carp. Clean ^our carp very well, cut them in two, put them into a stewpan, with a little onion shred fine, pepper, salt, a little beaten mace, a few capers chopped small, and some crusts of bread chip- ped in. Then pour in a gill of white, and a gill of red wine, and as much water as will just cover them ; cover the pan close, and let them stew till they are enough, and the sauce grown thick. Serve it up with lemon and horseradish for garnish. STEWED CARROTS. Half boil, scrape them nicely, and slice them into a stewpan. Add half a tea-cup- ful of weak broth, the same quantity of cream, with pepper and salt. Sim- mer till the carrots are quite tender, but not broken. Before serving, 402 warm them up with a bit of butffef rubbed in flour. Chopped parsley may be added, if apjnoved, ten mi- nutes before serving. ,STEWED CELERY. Wash six heads, and strip ofl^" the outer leaves. Either divide or leave them whole, according to their size, and cut them into lengths of four inches. Put them into a stewpan with a cup of broth, or weak gravy, and stew them ten- der. Add two spoonfuls of cream, and a little flour and butter seasoned with pepper, salt, and nutmeg, and simmer them all togeth t. STEWED CHICKENS. Cut two chickens into quarters ; wash them clean, and put them into a stewpan, with half a pint of red wine, and a gill of water, an onion, a faggot of sweet herbs, seasoned with mace, pepper, and salt ; cover them close, and let them stew half an hour, then take the quantity of an e^g of butter rolled in flour ; take out the onion and sweet herbs ; shake it round till it is of a good thickness, and take off all the scum very clean : dish it up garnished with lemon. — To stew chickens for a tender stomach. Take J two nice chickens, and half boil m them ; then take them up into a small soup-dish ; separate all the joints, and add three or four spoon- fuls of the liquor they are boiled in, with a little beaten mace, and salt ;: then cover them close with another dish, and keep in all the steam ; set it over a clear stove, and let it stew till the chickens are enough, and send them hot to table in the same dish they were stewed in. STEWED COD. Cut a cod in slices, as you would for crimping, lay it in a clean stewpan ; season it with nutmeg, a little mace finely beaten, pepper, and salt, and a bun- dle of sweet herbs ; then pour in white wine and water an equal quan- tity, just to cover it : put on the cover, and let it simmer for six or eight minutes ; skim it very ckan. STE STE put in half a pint of shrimps clean picked, a good piece of butter rolled iu flour, and the juice of a lemon ;' cover it, and shake your pan round gently : as soon as it begins to boil, take oft' all the scum as it rises : if your sauce is of a proper thickness, your Hsh will be enough ; wipe the rim of the pan very clean, and slide the fish into your dish, taking care not to break it. Garnish with lemon and scraped horse-radish. — Another way. Lay the slices into a large stewpan, so that they need not be laid one upon another. Season with nutmeg, pepper, and salt, a bundle of sweet herbs, and an onion. Add half a pint of white wine, and a quar- ter of. a pint of water. Simmer it gently a few minutes, squeeze in a lemon, add a few oysters, tlie liquor strained, a piece of butter rolled in flour, and a little mace. Cover it close, and let it stew gently, shaking the pan often. When done take out the herbs and onions, and serve it «p with the sauce poured over it. STEWED CUCUMBERS. SHce them thick, or halve and divide them into two lengths. Strew over them some salt and pepper, and sliced onions : add a little broth, or a bit of butter. Simmer very slowly, and put in a little flour and butter before serving. — Another v/ay. Slice the onions, and cut the cucumbers large. Flour and fry them in butter, then stew them in good broth or gravy, and skim oft' the fat. STEWED DUCK. Haif roast a tluck, put it into a stewpan with a pint of beef gravy, a few leaves of sage and mint cut small, pepper and salt, and a small bit of onion shred as fine as possible. Simmer them a quarter of an hour, skim it clean, and add nearly a quart of green peas. Cover the stewpan close, and simmer near half an hour longer. Put in a piece of butter and a little flour, give it one boil, and serve all together in a dish. STEWED EELS. Melt an ounce of butter in a stewpan, add a hand> ful of sorrel cut in large pieces, a dozen sage leaves finely minced, five pounds of eels cut in pieces, and seasoned with pepper and salt. Then put in two anchovies boned and minced, half a nutmeg, and half a pint of water. Stew them gently together for half an hour, take out the onion, squeeze in a lemon, and lay toasted bread round the dish. Half this quantity will be suflicient for a small dish. — Another way. Take what quantity of eels you please ; after they are cleaned, fry them in butter, then pour the butter clear ofi*; put into your pan a bundle of sweet herbs, an onion stuck with two or three cloves, a blade of mace, some whole pepper, and a little salt; then add a ])int of red wine and wa- ter, and let them stew till they are tender: put the eels into a dish, strain oft' the sauce, and thicken it up with a piece of butter rolled in flour, or a piece of thickened burnt butter. Garnish your dish with horse-radish and lemon. — Another wav. Having cleaned your eels very well, cut them in pieces, put them into a stewpan, with a bundle of sweet herbs, an onion stuck with cloves, mace, whole pepper, and a little salt ; put to them a gill of white wine, half a pint of red, and a gill of water ; cover them close, and let them stew till tender ; strain oft' the gravy, thicken it up, and send it to table. — To stew an eel whole. Take a fine large eel, clean it well, force the inside with crumbs of bread, an anchovy cut fine, salt, pepper, a lit- tle nutmeg, and two or three oysters bruise), with some parsley shred fine ; fill the inside as full as you can, sew it up with fine thread, turn it round, and run a small skewer through it, to keep it in its folds ; put it into a small stewpan, with an onion stuck with cloves, and a fag- got of herbs ; put over it red wine ; cover the pan down very close, and let it stew gently till tender ; take 403 STE STE out the onion, &c. put the eel into a dish, and a plate over it ; thicken the sauce with butter rolled in flour, and squeeze a little lemon into the plate. If you have any forcemeat left, make them into small balls, and fry them ; put them into the sauce, give them a toss, and pour it over the eel. Garnish the dish with fried ovsters, horseradish, and lemon. "stewed ENDIVE. Trim off all tlie green parts of the endive, wash and cut into pieces, and scald it till about half done. Drain it well, chop it a little, put it into a stew- pan with a little strong gravy, and stew it gently till quite tender. Sea- son it with some pepper and salt, and serve it up as a sauce to any kind of roast meat ; or it eats well with potatoes. STEWED FOWL WITH CELE- RY. Take a fowl or turkey trussed short as for boiling, press down the breast-bone, put it into a clean stew- pan, with good veal broth, as much as will cover it ; season it with beat- en mace, pepper and salt, a faggot of sweet herbs, and an onion ; cover it close, and let it boil : in the mean time, take a large bunch of celery, cut all the white part small, and wash it very clean : if your turkey or fowl boils, take out the onion and herbs ; scum it very clean, and put in your celery ; cover it down close, and let rt stew till your celery is very tender, and your fowl likewise ; take a clean stewpan, and set it over your stove ; take up your fowl or turkey, and keep it hot ; pour your celery and sauce into your stewpan ; beat up the yolks of two or three eggs in half a pint of cream, and a large spoonful of white wine ; stir it till it is of a good thickness, and just at boiling squeeze in a little juice of le- mon, or a little mushroom pickle ; shake it round, and pour it over your fowl. Garnish your dish with lemon. STEWED FRENCH BEANS. Prepare some young beans as for boiling, and boji them in plenty of 404 water, with salt in it, till they are ra- ther more than half done. Drain them in a cullender, beat up the yolks of three eggs with a quarter of a pint of cream, put them into a stewpan with two ounces of fresh butter, and set it over a slow fire. When hot, put in the beans, with a spoonful of vinegar, and simmer them quite tender, stirring the mixture to keep it from curdling or burning. To stew French beans with gravy, pur- sue the same method, only instead of the eggs aud cream, put half a pint of gravy. Use only half the quantity of butter, and add that roll- ed in flour, to thicken up the whole after the beans are put in. The vine- gar should be omitted, and cayenne and salt added if required. STEWED GIBLETS. After very nicely cleaning goose or duck gib- lets, and removing the thick mem- brane from the gizzards, stew them in a little water. Season them with salt and pepper, and a very small piece of mace. Before serving, give them one boil with a cup of cream, and a piece of butter rubbed in a tea- spoonful of flour. STEWED GREEN PEAS. To a quart of peas add a quart of gra- vy, two or three lumps of sugar, with pepper and salt. Stew them gently till the peas are quite tender, and if the gravy is not suflniciently thick, add a piece of butter rolled in flour. If the peas are old, half boil them first in hard water, before they are stewed. Whether for young or old peas, the gravy must be strong. To stew tliem in a mild way, put a pint of young peas into a stewpan, with very little water, and two young lettuces cut small. Stew them gent- ly till the peas are tender, then add four spoonfuls of cream, a lump of sugar, and the yolks of two eggs. Stir the whole together over the fire for a short time, but do not allow it to boil. A little salt should be add- ed before serving up the stew. Ano- ther way is to take a quart of yowng STE STE I l^eas, a small onion sliced, two let- tuces cut small, and a sprig or two of mint. Put them into a stewpan, adding some salt, a little pepper and mace, and half a pint of hard water. Stew these gently for twenty minutes, then put in a quarter of a pound of butter rolled in flour, and a spoon- ful of mushroom ketchup. Keep the stewpan over the fire till the peas are quite tender, shaking it fre- quently, and never suffering them to boil. Receipts for stewing peas might be multiplied to almost any extent, for there is no one preparation in cookery perhaps more varied than this, though without any very material difference. STEWED HARE. Take off the legs and shoulders, cut out the back- bone, cut into pieces the meat which comes off the sides, and put all into a stewpan. Add three quarters of a pint of small beer, the same of wa- ter, a large onion stuck with cloves, some whole pepper, a slice of lemon, and a little salt. Stew it gently for an hour, close covered, and put to it a quart of gravy. Stew it gradually two hours longer, or till it is quite tender. Take out the hare, rub smooth half a spoonful of flour in a little gravy, add it to the sauce, and boil it up. Then add a little salt and cayenne, and put in the hare again. "When heated through, serve it up in a tureen or deep di'sh, adding port "Wine if approved. STEWED KNUCKLE OF VEAL. Take a knuckle of veal of about five pounds ; wash it clean, and put it into a clean stewpan, with two quarts of water, a faggot of sweet herbs, two blades of mace, an onion stuck fwith three or four cloves, some whole pepper, and a little salt ; put in a crust of the upper part of a loaf, co- ver it down close, and make it boil, then scum it very clean, and let it just simmer for full two hours. When you take it up, put your veal into the dish first, and strain your broth through a fine sieve over it, then take off all the fat very clean, and put some thin slices of French roll in your dish, and toasted bread cut in dice, in a plate. Serve it up hot. You may boil a quarter of a pound of rice in fair water, till it is very tender ; then strain it off ; and when you send your veal to table, lay your rice all over it. — Rice is better boiled by itself, for when you boil it with the meat, the scum is apt to disco- lour it, and make it eat greasy. STEWED LOBSTER. Pick the meat out of the shell, put it into a dish that has a lamp, and rub it down with a bit of butter. Add two spoonfuls of any sort of gravy, one of soy or walnut ketchup, a little salt and cayenne, and a spoonful of port. A lobster thus stewed will have a very fine relish. STEWED MUSCLES. Wash your muscles very clean, then put them into a large stewpan over a go«d fire ; put over them a coarse wet cloth doubled : when they begin to boil, take up the cloth ; if the shells are open, take them off the fire, and pick out the fish, beard them, and cut off the tongue : when you have picked about a quart, strain half a pint of the liquor to them, roll two ounces of butter in flour, add a glass of white wine, a little beaten mace, and squeeze in a little lemon juice ; let them stew till of a proper thickness, put toasted sippets in the dish, pour in the mus- cles, and send them to table. Cockles may be done the same way. STEWED MUSHROOMS. The large buttons are best, and the small flaps while the fur is still red. Rub the lars^e buttons with salt and a piece of flannel, cut out the fur, and take off the skin from the others. Sprinkle them with salt, put them into a stewpan, and add some pep- percorns. Let it simmer slowly till it is done, then put in a small bit of butter and flour, and two spoonfuls of cream. Give it one boil, and serve up the dish with sippets of bread. \^ 405 STE STE STEWED MUTTON CHOPS. Take some chops of the best end of a loin of mutton, or some slices out of the middle part of a leg. Season them with pepper and salt, lay them into a stewpan with some sliced onion, and cover them with water and a little gravy. When done on one side, turn the steaks on the other, and thicken the gravy at the same time with some butter and flour. A little shalot or ketchup, or both, may be added at pleasure. Twenty or twenty-five minutes will stew them, but long stewing will make them hard. STEWED ONICMS. Peel six large onions, fry them gently of a Hue brown, but do not blacken them. Then put them into a small stew- pan, with a little weak gravy, pep- per and salt. Cover and stew them gently two hours, and let them be lightlv floured at first. STEWED OX CHEEK. Soak and cleanse a fine cheek the day before it is to be eaten. Put it into a stewpan that will cover close, with three quarts of water; simmer it after it has first boiled up, and been well skimmed. In two hours put in plenty of carrots, leeks, two or three turnips, a bunch of sweet herbs, some whole pepper, and four ounces of allspice. Skim it often, and when the meat is tender, take it out. Let the soup get cold, take oft' the cake of fat, and serve the soup separately, or with the meat. It should be of a fine brown, which may be done by adding a little burnt sugar, or by frying some onions quite brown with flour, and simmering them with it. This last method improves the fla- vour of all soups and gravies of the brown sort. If vegetables are not approved, they may be taken out of the soup, and a small roll be toast- ed, or bread fried and added. Ce- lery is a great addition, and should always be served. When out of season, the seed of it gives quite as good a flavour, boiled in, and strain- ' 406 ed oflf. — Another way. Soak an ox cheek three hours, and clean it with plenty of water. Take the meat otf the bones, and put it into a stewpan with a large onion, a bunch of sweet herbs, some bruised allspice, pepper and salt. Lay the bones on the top, pour on two or three quarts of water, and cover the pan close with stout paper, or a dish that will fit close. Let it stand eight or ten hours in a slow oven, or simmer it by the side of the fire, or on a hot hearth. When done tender, put the meat into a clean pan, and let it get cold. Take oft' the cake of fat, and warm the head in pieces in the soup. Serve w ith any sort of vegetables. STEWED OYSTEPvS. Open the shells, separate the liquor from the oysters, and wash them from the grit. Strain the liquor, add to the oysters a bit of mace, lemon peel, and a few white peppers. Simmer them very gently, put in some cream, a little flour and butter, and serve them up with sippets. Boiled oys- ters should be served in the shell, and eaten with cold butter. STFAVED PARSNIPS. Boil the parsnips in milk and water, or milk alone, till fully half done. Slice and divide them into two, down the middle and across. Stew them gently with some good gravy, seasoned with pepper and salt ; and five mi- nutes before they are taken up, add apiece of butter rolled in flour. If parsnips are to be stewed white, put in broth and cream in equal quan- tities, instead of gravy. STEWED PEARS. Pare and quarter some large pears ; throw them "into water as soon as pared, and before they are divided, to pre- vent their turning black. Pack them round a block-tin stewpan, and sprinkle as much sugar over as will make them pretty sweet. Add le- mon peel, a clove or two, and some bruised allspice ; just cover them with water, and add a liule red liquor. Cover them close, and stpw STA STA three or four hours : when tender, take them out, and pour the liquor upon them. STEWED PEAS. Steep some old peas in water all night, if not fine boilers ; otherwise only half an hour. Put them into a stewpan of water, just enough to cover them, with a good bit of butter, or a piece of beef or pork. Stew them very gently till the peas are soft, and the meat is tender. If it be not salt meat, add salt and a little pep- per, and serve the peas round the meat. STEWED PHEASANTS. Stew your pheasants in a strong veal gra- vy. While they are simmering, prepare artichoke bottoms cut in dice, and some chesnuts roasted, blanched, and cut in four: let your pheasants stew till your gravy is half wasted, then scum it very clean, and put in your chesnuts and arti- choke bottoms ; season with a little beaten mace, pepper, and salt, a small glass of white wine, and a lit- tle juice of lemon. If your sauce is not thick enough, roll a piece of butter in flour, and let it boil up : in case any scum arises, take it clean oflf; dish your pheasants, and pour the sauce over them ; garnish with lemon. STEWED PIGEONS. See that they are quite fresh, carefully crop- ped, drawn, and washed ; then soak them half an hour. In the mean time cut a hard white cabbage in slices, as if for pickling, and put it in water. Then drain and boil it in milk and water ; drain it again, and lay some of it at the bottom of a stewpan. Put the pigeons upon it, but first season them well with salt and pepper, and cover them with the remainder of the cabbage. Add a little broth, and stew gently till the pigeons are tender ; then put among them two or three spoonfuls of cream, and a piece of butter and flour for thickening. After a boil or two, serve up the birds in the middle of the dish, with the cabbage placed round them. — Another way is to stew the birds in a good brown gravy, either stuft'ed or not; and seasoned high with spice and fresh mushrooms, or a little ketchup. — Another way. Take your pigeons trussed as for baking ; bruise the livers, and mix them up with a few bread crumbs, parsley, and a little lemon peel chopped small ; season it with mace, nutmeg, pepper, and salt ; work all up with a piece of butter, and stuff" the bellies of your pigeons ; tie up the necks and vents; then stew them with some butter, till they are brown all over ; put them into another pan that wjll just hold them, with as much strong gravy as will cover them ; let them stew till they are tender, then bruise an anchovy, a shalot shred fine, a piece of butter rolled in flour, and a spoonful of white wine ; let all boil together to a proper thickness ; scum very clean ; dish up, and gar- nish with crisp bacon and lemon. STEWED PIPPINS. Scoop out the core of'some golden pippins, pare them very thin, and throw them into water. For every pound of fruit, make half a pound of refined sugar into a syrup, with a pint of water. When skimmed, put in the pippins, and stew them quite clear. Grate some lemon over, be careful not to break them, and serve them up in the syrup. They make an elegant corner dish, or a dessert. — Another way. Pare your pippins nicely, cut them in halves, and take out the cores ; to a quart of spring water, put a pound of double refined sugar, and a piece of lemon-peel; boil it almost to a syrup ; take out the peel, and put in the pippins ; boil them till they are pretty tender, then draw them to one side of the fire, and let them stew till clear ; take them out carefully one at a time, and lay them in a china or earthen dish for use. If golden pippins are done this way, they are very little inferior to apricots, 407 SPL SPO STEWED PORK STEAKS. Cut some steaks from the best end of a loin or neck of pork. Take off the skin, and nearly all the fat, and fry them of a nice brown. Put the steaks into a stewpan, with good gravy enough to make a proper sauce to them, adding pepper and salt. Ten minutes before they are done, thicken the gravy with a piece of butter rolled in flour. A little shalot, or ketchup, or both may be added. STEWED POTATOES. Half boil some potatoes, drain and peel them nicely, and cut them into neat pieces. Put them into a stewpan with some cream, fresh butter, and salt, each proportioned to the quantity of pota- toes ; or stew them in good gravy, with pepper and salt. Simmer them gently till they are well done and be careful not to let them break. STEWED PRUNES. Stew some prunes gently in a little water, till the stones will slip out easily, but they must not be boiled too much. These are useful in fevers, or in any com- plaint where fruit is proper ; and when fruit more acid would not agree. STEWED RABBIT. Divide them into quarters, flour and fry them in butter ; then put them into a stew- pan, with some good gravy, and .a glass of white wine. Season with salt, pepper, and a sprig of sweet herbs. Cover them close, and let them stew till th-ey become tender. Strain off the sauce, thicken it with flour and butter, and pour it over them. STEWED RED CABBAGE. Slice a small red cabbage, or half a large one, and wash it clean. Put it into a saucepan with pepper, salt, and butter, but no water except what hangs about the cabbage. Stew it tender, and when ready to serve, add two or three spoonfuls of vinegar, and give it one boil over the fire. It may be eaten with cold meat, or with sausages laid upon it. — Another P way. Shred the cabbage, and wash it. Put it into a saucepan with 408 pepper, salt, some slices of onion] and a little plain gravy. When it is boiled quite tender, add a bit of but- ter rubbed with flour, a few minutes before serving, M'ith two or three spoonfuls of vinegar, and boil it up. — Another. Cut the cabbage very thin, put it into a stewpan with a small slice of ham, and half an ounce of butter at the bottom. Put in half a pint of broth, and a gill of vine- gar, and let it stew three hours co- vered down. When it is very ten- der, add a little more broth, salt, pepper, and a table-spoonful of pounded sugar. Mix these well, and boil it till the liquor is wasted. Then put it into the dish, and lay fried sausages upon it. STKWED RUMP OF BEEF. Wash it well, and season it high with pepper, cayenne, salt, allspice, three cloves, and a blade of mace, all in fine powder. Bind it up tight, and lay it into a pot that will just hold it. Fry three large onions sliced, and put them to it, with three carrots, two turnips, one shalot, four cloves, a blade of mace, and some celery. Cover the meat with good beef broth,, or weak gravy. Simmer it as gently as possible for several hours, till quite tender. Clear oft* the fat, and add to the gravy half a pint of port wine, a glass of vinegar, and a large spoon- ful of ketchup ; half a pint of beer may be added. Simmer for half an hour, and serve in a deep dish. The herbs to be used should be burnet, tarragon, parsley, thyme, basil, savoury, marjoram, penny- royal, knotted marjoram, and some chives ; a good handful all together. But observe to proportion the quan- tities to the pungency of the several sorts. Garnish with carrots, turnips, or trufiies and morels, or pickles of different colours, cut small, and laid in little heaps separate. Chop- ped parsley, chives, and beet root may be added. If there is too much gravy for the dish, take only a part S TE STE to season for serving, the less the better ; and to increase the richness, add a few beef bones and shanks of mutton in stewing. A spoonful or two of made mustard is a great improve- ment to the gravy. — Another way. Half roast the rump, then put it into a large pot with three pints of wa- ter, one of small beer, one of port vine, some salt, three or four spoon- fuls of vinegar, and two of ketchup. Add a bunch of sweet herbs, con- sisting of burnet, tarragon, parsley, thyme, basil, savoury, pennyroyal, marjoram, knotted marjoram, and a leaf or two of sage ; also some oni- r ons, cloves, and cayenne. Cover it close, and simmer it for two or three hours, till quite tender. When done lay it into a deep dish, set it over some hot water, and cover it close. Skim the gravy, put in a few pickled i^ mushrooms, truffles, morels, and oysters if agreeable, but it is very good without. Thicken the gravy with flour and butter, heat it with the above, and pour it over the beef. Forcemeat balls of veal, anchovies, bacon, suet, herbs, spice, bread, and eggs to bind, are a great improve- ment. A rump of beef is excellent roasted ; but in the country it is ge- nerally sold whole with the edge- bone, or cut across instead of length- ways as in London, where one piece is for boiling, and the rump for stew- ing or roasting. This must be at- tended to, the whole being too large to dress together. — Another way. Raise the lean next the chump-end; cut that bone off, but leave the chine-bone, then with two skewers fasten the meat as if the bone was not taken away : Put it into a pot |L. M'ith a little more water than will K cover it : Add parsley, thyme, two P or three large onions, a handful of I salt, whole pepper half an ounce, ^ half a quarter of an ounce of cloves, the same quantity of mace ; cover it close down, and stew it over a slow tire for three hours, till your beef is very tender. To make your sauce, (No. 18.) take two pounds of gravy beef, cut it in pretty thick slices, and flour them well; put a piece of butter into your stewpan, over a stove, or a quick fire. When that is brown, put in the slices of beef, and fry them brown, as quick as you can ; then add water as much as you think will be sufficient to make a very strong gravy ; cut an onion cross with pars- ley, thyme, pepper, and salt, two or three cloves, and a blade of mace ; let this stew till your gravy is very rich, then strain it oflf, and thickea it up with a piece of butter rolled in flour. STEWED SAVOYS. These may be done in the same manner as red cabbage ; but the better way is to boil the savoy in water till about half done, and then stew it. This takes ofl^ the strong flavour, and makes it much more agreeable. STEWED SCALLOPS. Boil them very well in salt and water ; take out the fish, stew them in some of their liquor, with a little white wine, two or three blades of mace, a little nutmeg, and a good piece of butter rolled in flour ; let them be thoroughly stewed, then pour in a little cream, shake your pan round, and squeeze in the juice of a Seville orange. Send them to table garnish- ed with baked sippets and orange. STEWED SOLES. Half fry them in butter, take out the fish, and put a quart of water or gravy into the pan, two anchovies, and a sliced onion. When they have boiled slowly for a quarter of an hour, put the fish in again, and stew them gently about twenty minutes. Take them out, thicken the liquor with butter and flour, boil it gently, strain it over the fish, and serve it with oyster, cockle, or shrimp sauce. STEWED SORREL. Wash it clean, and put it into a silver vessel, or stone jar, with no more water than hangs to the leaves. Simmer it as slowly as possible ; and when done enough, beat it up with a piece » G 409 STE STE of butter. This is very fine with a fricandeau, with roast meat, mack- arel, or any thing usually eaten with an acid sauce. The same thicken- ing may be added, as for spinach and sorrel. It is as well prepared in a stone jar set before the fire, only it requires a longer time. STEWED SPINACH WITH CREAM. Boil the spinach till nearly done enough, then squeeze all the water from it, and put it into a stew- pan, with a piece of butter and some salt. Stir it over the fire till the but- ter is well mixed in with it, and add as much cream as will make it of a moderate thickness. Shake it for a minute or two over the fire, and serve it up with sippets of bread, either fried or toasted. STEWED SPINACH WITH GRAVY. Pick the spinach nicely, then wash it well, and put it into a stewpan, with a few spoonfuls of water, and a little salt. Stew this till quite tender, shaking the pan very often to prevent its burning. When done enough, put it into a sieve to drain, and give it a slight squeeze. Beat the spinach well, then return it to the stewpan with some gravy, pepper, salt, and a piece of butter. Let it stew about a quar- ter of an hour, stirring it frequently. Serve it up either in a dish by itself, or witii poached eggs upon it, ac- cording to the occasion for which it is wanted. STEWED SPINACH WITH SORREL. Take spinach and sorrel, in the proportion of three fourths of spinach to one of sorrel. Pick and wash these very nicely ; cut them a little, and put them into a stewpan, with two or three spoonfuls of water. Keep them stirring over the fire, till they begin to soften and to liquify. Then leave it to stew at a distance over the fire for an hour or more, stirring it every now and then. Thicken it with a little flour, and when quite done, add some pepper and salt, and serve it up. This will 410 form an excellent sauce to all kinds of meat, or to eat with potatoes. Almost any kind of cold vegetables may be added to this stew. They should be put in just long enough to heat, and mixed in properly with the spinach before it is served up. STEWED TONGUE. Prepare a tongue with saltpetre and common salt for a week, and turn it every day. Boil it tender enough to peel, and afterwards stew it in a moderately strong gravy. Season it with soy, mushroom ketchup, cayenne, pound- ed cloves, and salt if necessary. Serve with truffles, morels, and mush- rooms. The roots of the tongue must be removed before it is salted, but some fat should be left. STEWED TURKEY. Have a nice hen turkey trussed close, and the breast-bone broken ; put it into a stewpan with a good piece of but- ter ; let the breast and pinions be glazed of a fine brown ; then put it into a stewpan that is very clean ; and a faggot of sweet herbs, an onion stuck with three cloves, two blades of mace, some whole pepper, and a little salt ; then put in as much strong broth or gravy as will just cover it ; cover it very clos^, and let it stew over a moderate fire, till you think it is tender ; in the mean time make some forcemeat balls of veal, &c. i and let them be fried of a fine brown, | in readiness. When your turkey is done, take it up, put it into your dish, and keep it hot ; strain ofl'your liquor into a clean stewpan, and scum it very clean : if it is not thick | enough, roll apiece of butter in flour; put in half a glass of white wine, and your forcemeat balls; toss up all together, till your sauce is of a good thickness; squeeze in a little lemon ; pour your sauce over the turkey, and garnish your dish with lemon. In the same manner you may do a large fowl ; and you may add morels, truffles, artichoke bottoms, &c. — Another. Put turkey or fowl into a stewpan, with a sufficient -quantity STE ST I of gravy or good broth, a head of celery cut small, whole pepper, and a sprig of thyme tied up in a muslin bag. When these are stewed enough, take them up, thicken the liquor with flour and butter, lay the meat in a dish, and pour the sauce over it. STEWED VEAL. Cut off the neck end of a breast of veal, and stew it for gravy. Make a forcemeat of the sweetbread boiled, a few crumbs of bread, a little beef suet, an eg^f pepper and salt, a spoonful or two of cream, and a little grated nutmeg. Mix them all together, raise the thin part of the breast, and put in the stuffing. Skewer the skin close down, dredge it over with flour, tie it up in a cloth, and stew it in milk and water rather more than an hour : if a large one, an hour and a half. The proper sauce for this dish is made of a little gravy, a few oysters, a few mushrooms chop- ped fine, and a little lemon juice, thickened with flour and butter. If preferred, the veal may be stewed in broth, or weak gravy. Then thicken the gravy it was stewed in, pour it over the veal, and garnish with force- meat balls. STEWED VENISON. Let the meat hang as long as it will keep sweet. Take out the bone, beat the meat with a rolling-pin, lay on some slices of mutton fat, sprinkle over it a little pepper and salt, roll it up light and tie it. Stew it in mutton or beef gravy, with a quarter of a pint of port wine,' some pepper and allspice. Cover it close, and simmer it as slowly as possible for three or four hours. When quite tender take off the tape, lay the meat on a dish, strain the gravy over it, and serve it up with currant jelly. STEWED WATER CRESSES. Pick and wash a quantity of water cresses, and boil them for a few mi- nutes. Drain and press them dry, chop them slightly, and put them into a stewpan, either with good gravy or cream, and a seasoning of salt and pepper. Add a thickening of butter rolled in flour, if necessary. Stew them gently for ten minutes, or a quarter of an hour, and serve them up with a garnish of sippets, of fried or toasted bread. STICKING PLASTER. Melt three ounces of diachylon with half an ounce of rosin, and when cooled to about the thickness of treacle, spread it upon a piece of smooth soft linen. STILTON CHEESE. This rich and relishing article is made in tht following manner. The night's cream is put into the morning's milk, with the rennet. When the curd is come, it is not broken, as is usually done with other cheese, but taken out whole, and put into a sieve to drain. Here it is pressed till it becomes firm and dry, when it is placed in a wooden hoop made to fit it, in order to prevent its breaking. After being taken out of the hoop, the cheese is bound with cloths, which are changed every day, till it is sufficiently firm to support itself. The cloths are then removed, and the cheese is rub- bed with a brush and turned every day. The rennet bag should be kept perfectly sweet and fresh : if it be in the least degree tainted, the cheese will never have a good fla- vour. STINGS. The stings of bees are often more virulent than those of wasps, and attended with more pain- ful effects. The sting being barbed, it is always left in the wound. When therefore a person is stung by a bee, the sting should be instantly extract- ed, or it will communicate more of its poison, according to the time it is permitted to remain. It should be carefully pulled out with a steady hand, for if any of it break in, re- medies will in a great measure be in- effectual. When the sting is com- pletely extracted, the wounded part should be sucked, and very little in- flammation will ensue. If a few drops 411 STO STO of the spirits of hartshorn be imme- diately rubbed on the part affected, the cure will be more speedily ac- complished. Another simple reme- dy is, a solution of indigo in water, or of potash, a little oil of tartar, or common sweet oil, rubbed upon the part. Honey and olive oil, or some bruised malloM's, may occasionally be substituted with advantage ; but their application should be repeated till the pain ceases. Rubbing on a little common salt, after it has been moistened, is also said to be an ef- fectual cure. If a wasp or bee has been incautiously swallowed in a glass of liquor, take a spoonful of common salt, or repeated doses of salt and water. This will immedi- ately kill the insect, and prevent the injurious effects of the sting. To remove the disagreeable itching which arises from the sting of gnats, wash the part directly with cold water ; or at night, rub on fuller's earth mixed with water. STOCK. To make a clear brown stock, for gravy or gravy soup, put into a stewpan with two quarts of water, a pound of lean beef, a pound of the lean of a gammon of bacon, all sliced. Add two or three scraped carrots, two onions, two turnips, and two heads of sliced celery. Stew the meat quite tender, but do not let it brown. When thus prepared, it will serve either for soup, or hfown or white gravy. If for brown, put in some soup colouring, and boil it a few minutes. STOCK-FISH. Put it into water, and let it remain there two days, shifting the water often ; then take it out, and clean the skin and inner part with a hard brush, and hang it up for one night in the air. In the morning put it again into water, and let it remain till the next morning, shifting the water often ; take it out, and hang it up for another day, when it will be fit for dressing. Roll up the fish round, and tie it close with a tape ; put it into a fish-kettle, the 412 water of which simmers when you put it on : let it remain simmering for three quarters of an hour, then let it boil for five minutes, and the • fish is enough. STOMACHIC TINCTURE. In low nervous affections arising from a languid circulation, and when the stomach is in a state of debility, the following tincture will be found to be strengthening and beneficial. An ounce and a half of peruvian bark bruised, and an ounce of orange peel, steeped in a pint of the best brandy, for ten days. Shake the bottle every day, then let it settle for two days, and decant off the clear liquor. Take a tea-spoonful of the tincture in a wineglass of water, twice a day, when the stomach feels empty and uneasy, an hour before dinner, and also in the evening. This agreeable aromatic tonic will procure an ap- petite, and aid digestion. Tea made with dried Seville orange peel, in the same way as common tea, and drunk with milk and sugar, has been taken by nervous persons with great J benefit. Sucking a bit of dried ' orange peel about an hour before dinner, when the stomach is empty, is very grateful and strengthen- ing:. STONE STAIRS AND HALLS. In order to clean these properly, boil a pound of pipe-maker's clay with a quart of water, a quart of small beer, and a bit of stone blue. Wash the stairs or the floor with this mixture, and when dry, rub it with flannel and a brush. STOPPLES. When a glass stop- ple is set fast, in a bottle or decanter, rub a drop or two of olive oil round it, close to the mouth of the de- canter, and place it near the fire. The oil will soon insinuate itself downwards, and the stopple may then be loosened by the hand, or by striking it lightly with a piece of softwood. Sometimes the rubbing of the neck of the bottle with a small key, and striking the head of the STO STO stopper, will be sufficient to loosen it, without the application of any oil. STORING. The storing of fruits, vegetables, and roots, has been per- formed in various ways, which are well known already ; but lately some better modes have been suggested for this purpose. For apples and pears, after they have been carefully gathered from the trees, and laid in heaps covered with clean cloths or mats for sweating, which is effected in three or four days, they remaining for that length of time afterwards, they are to be wiped separately with clean cloths ; when some glazed earthen jars are to be provided with tops and covers, and likewise a quan- tity of pure pit-sand, which is quite free from any mixture. This is to be thoroughly dried upon a flue. Then put a layer of this sand an inch thick on the bottoms of the jars ; above this layer of fruit, a quarter of an inch free of each other ; cover- ing the whole with sand to the depth of an inch ; then a second course of fruit is to be laid in, and again co- vered with an inch of the sand, pro- ceeding in the same way until the whole be finished and completed. An inch and a half in depth of sand may be laid over the last or upper- most layer of fruit ; when the jars are to be closed and placed in some dry situation, as cool as possible, but entirely out of the way of frost. The usual time at which each kind of such fruits should be ready for the table being known, the jars contain- ing such fruit may, it is said, be ex- amined, by turning out the sand and fruit together cautiously into a sieve. The ripe fruit may then be laid upon the shelves of the fruit-room for use, and the unripe be carefully replaced in the jars as before, but with fresh dry sand. Some kinds of apples managed in this way, will, it is said, keep a great while, as till July ; and pears until April, and in some sorts till June. It is not improbable but that many other sorts of fruit might be stored and preserved in somewhat the same way. Vegetables of the cauliflower kind have been stored and kept well through a great part of the winter, by putting them, when in full head, on a dry day, into pits about eighteen inches in depth, and much the same breadth, in a perfectly dry soil, with the stalks and leaves to them, the latter being carefully doubled over and lapped round the heads, instead Of hanging them up in sheds or other places, as is the usual practice in preserving them. In performing the work, it is begun at one end of the pits, laying the heads in with the root- stalks upper- most, so as that the former may in- cline downwards, the roots of the one layer covering the tops or heads of the other, until the whole is com- pleted. The pits are then to be closely covered up with the earth in- to a sort of ridge, and beaten quite smooth with the back of the spade, in order that the rain-water may be fully thrown off. Fine cauliflowers have been thus stored and kept for the occasional supply of the table until the middle of the following Ja- nuary. For storing and preserving different kinds of roots for common summer use, until the coming in or return of the natural crops, the fol- lowing method has likewise been proposed. As the ice in ic«-houses has commonly subsided some feet, as four, five, or more, by the beginning of the spring, it is proposed to de- posit in the rooms or vacancies so left empty, the roots that are to be preserved. As soon as any openings in the places have been well stuffed with straw, and the surfaces of the ice covered with the sort of material, case-boxes, dry ware, casks, baskets, or any other such vessels, are to be placed upon it, which are then to be filled with the roots, such as turnips, carrots, beets, celery, potatoes in particular, and some others. In cases where there are not ice-houses, 413 STO STR vegetation may be greatly retarded, and the roots preserved by storing them in deep vaulted cellars, caves, coal-pits, mines, or in any place seated deep in the earth. Potatoes have also been well stored and pre- served, it is said, by earthing them in small parcels, as about two bolls each, heaped up, and covered in the usual way with straw and earth ; which are turned over into other pits in the early spring, first rubbing oft all the sprouts or shoots, and having the roots well watered in small quan- tities as they are put into the other pits, the whole earthy covering being also well watered and beaten toge- ther at the time with the back part of the spade. This covering is to be made to the thickness of about two feet. The same practice or pro- cess is to be repeated every time the potatoes are turned over, which should be about once in three weeks, as the state of the weather may be. And where the pits or heaps are not in the shade, it is sometimes proper, when the season is very hot, to cover them with mats supported on sticks, so as to permit a free current of air between the mats and the heaps. In this way it is stated that these roots have been preserved quite plump and entire in the taste until the end of September, or till the suc- ceeding crop becomes perfectly ripe, so as to be used without loss, as that must always be the case where the roots are largely employed be- fore they are in a state of mature growth. It is asserted, too, that in this manner potatoes are even capa- ble of recovering in plumpness and taste, where they have been suffered, by improper exposure to air or heat, to become deficient in these qua- lities. STOVE BLACKING, for backs of grates, hearths, and the fronts of stoves, is made in the following man- ner. Boil a quarter of a pound of the best black lead, with a pint of small beer, and a bit of soap the size 414 of a walnut. When that is melted, dip in a painter's brush, and wet the grate, having first cleared off all the soot and dust. Then take a hard brush, and rub it till it is quite bright. A mixture of black lead and whites of eggs well beaten toge- ther, will answer the same purpose. STRAMONIUM. This celebated plant, commonly called the Thorn Apple, often grows on dunghills, and flowers in the month of July. Having lately been discovered as possessing very powerful medical properties, and as affording the most effectual remedy for the asthma, it is now frequently transplanted into gardens, though its odour is ex- tremely offensive. A kind of herb tobacco is made of the dried leaves, mixed with a little rosemary to pre- vent nausea, and a pipeful is smoked in the evening before going to bed. The practice should be continued for some time, or as often as asthma returns, and it will afford very sen- sible relief. The plant may easily be raised from seed ; but an elegant preparation of the stramonium, or the asthmatic tobacco, may be had of several medicine vendors in the kingdom. STRAWBERRIES. Sir Joseph Banks, from a variety of experiments, and the experience of many years, recommends a general revival of the now almost obsolete practice of lay- ing straw under strawberry plants, when the fruit begins to swell ; by which means the roots are shaded from the sun, the waste of moisture by evaporation prevented, the lean- ing fruit kept from damage, by rest- ing on the ground, particularly in wet weather, and much labour in wa- tering saved. Twenty trusses of long straw are sufficient for 1800 feet of plants. On the management of strawberries in June and July, the future prosperity of them greatly depends ; and if each plant has not been kept separate, by cutting off the runners, they will be in a state of STR STR confusion, and you will find three different sorts of plants. 1. Old plants, whose roots are turned black, hard, and woody. 2. Young plants, not strong enough to flower. 3. Flowering plants, which ought only to be there, and perhaps not many of them. Before the time of flower- ing is quite over, examine them, and pull up every old plant which has not flowered ; for, if once they have omitted to flower you may depend upon it they will never produce any after, being too old, and past bear- ing ; but to be fully convinced, leave two or three, set a stick to them, and observe them next year. If the young plants, runners of last year, be too thick, take some of them away, and do not leave them nearer than a foot of the scarlet, alpines, and wood, and fifteen or sixteen inches of all the larger sorts ; and in the first rainy weather in July or Au- gust, take them all up, and make a fresh plantation with them, and they will be very strong plants for flower- ing next year. Old beds, even if the plants be kept single at their proper distance, examine, and pull all the old plants which have not flowered. When the fruit is nearly all gathered examine them again, and cut off the runners ; but if you want to make a fresh plantation, leave some of the two first, and cut off all the rest. Then stir up the ground with a trow- el, or three-pronged fork, and in Au- gust they will befit to transplant. If you have omitted in July do not fail in August, that the runners may make good roots to be transplanted in September, for, if later, the worms will draw them out of the ground, and the frost afterwards will prevent Ihetn from striking root ; the conse- quence of which is, their not flower- ing the next spring; and you will lose a year. STRAWBERRY AND RASP- BERRY FOOL. Bruise a pint of scarlet strawberries, and a pint of raspberries, pass them through a sieve, and sweeten them with half a pound of fine sugar pounded, add a spoonful of orange-flower water, then boil it over the fire, for two or three minutes; take it off, and set on a pint and a half of cream, boil it and stir it till it is cold ; when the pulp is cold, put them together, and stir them till they are well mix- ed ; put the fool into glasses, or ba- sins, as you think proper. STRAWBERRY JAM. Dissolve four pounds of lump sugar in a quart of currant juice, then boil and scum it quite clean. Mash four quarts of raspberries, and mix with it. Let it boil quick, over a clear fire, for nearly an hour, or till the sugar and raspberries are quite mixed. This may be known by putting a little on a plate ; if the juice drains from the fruit, it must be boiled longer. When done enough, put it into pots, and the next day put brandy papers over them. Tie them down with another paper, and set the jars in a dry place. STRAWBERRIES PRESERVED. To keep whole strawberries, take equal weights of the fruit and double refined sugar. Lay the strawberries in a large dish, and sprinkle over them half the sugar in fine powder. Shake the dish gently, that the sugar may touch the under side of the fruit. Next day make a thin syrup with the remainder of the sugar, and instead of water, allow to every pound of strawberries a pint of red currant juice. Simmer the fruit in this, until sufficiently jellied. Choose the largest scarlet strawberries, be- fore they are dead ripe. They will eat well in thin cream, served up in srlasses. STRAWBERRIES IN WINE. Put a quantity of the finest strawber- ries into a gooseberry bottle, and strew in three spoonfuls of fine sugar. Fill up the bottle with madeira, or fine sherry. STRENGTHENING DRAUGHT. For weakly persons, any of the fol- 415 S T R ST U lowing preparations will be Jiighly beneficial. Put two calves' feet in two pints of water, and the same quantity of new milk ; bake them in a jar closely covered, three hours and a half. When cold remove the fat, and take a large teacupful of the mucilage, morning and evening. It may be flavoured by baking in it lemon peel, cinnamon, or mace : su- gar is to be added afterwards. — Or simmer six sheeps' trotters, with two blades of mace, a bit of cinnamon, lemon peel, a few hartshorn shavings, and a little isinglass, in two quarts of water till reduced to one. When cold, remove the fat, and take nearly half a pint twice a day, warming it with a little new milk. — Another way. Boil an x)unce of isinglass shavings, forty peppercorns, and a bit of brown crust of bread, in a quart of water, till reduced to a pint, and strain it. This makes a pleasant jelly to keep in case of sickness, and a large spoonful may be taken in wine and water, in milk, tea, soup, or any other way. — Or boil a quar- ter of an ounce of isinglass shavings with a pint of new milk, till reduced one half. Add a little sugar, and for a change a bitter almond. Take this at bed-time, but not too warm. Dutch flummery, jellies, orblamange, if not too rich, are also very strength- ening. STRENGTHENING JELLY. Put an ounce of isinglass shavings, with a few Jamaica peppercorns, and a toast of bread. Boil it to a pint, and strain it oflf. A large spoon- ful of the jelly may be taken in wine and water, milk, tea, or any other agreeable liquor. Or boil a quarter of an ounce of isinglass shavings in a pint of new milk, till it is reduced to half a pint, adding a bitter al- mond, or a little sugar, by way of change. STRONG GRAVY. Take a stewpan that will hold four quarts, lay at the bottom of it a slice or two of undressed ham or bacon, about a 416 quarter of an inch thick, and two pounds of beef or veal. Add a car- rot, a large onion with four cloves stuck in it, one head of celery, a bundle of parsley, lemon thyme, and savoury ; a few leaves of sweet basil, a bay leaf, a shalot, a piece of lemon peel, and a dozen corns of allspice. Pour on half a pint of water, cover it close, and let it simmer gently on a slow fire for half an hour, in which time it will be almost dry. Watch it very carefully, and let it take a nice brown colour. Turn the meat and herbs, to brown on all sides; then put in a pint of water to a pound of meat, and let it boil for two hours. It will now be formed into a rich strong gravy, easily con- verted into cuUis, or thickened gravy. STUCCO. A stucco for walls, &c. may be formed of the grout or put- ty, made of good stone-lime, or the lime of cockle-shells, which is better, properly tempered and suf- ficiently beat, mixed with sharp grit- sand, in a proportion which depends on the strength of the lime : drift- sand is best for this purpose, and it will derive advantage from being: dried on an iron plate or kiln, so as not to burn ; for thus the mortar would be discoloured. When this is properly compounded, it should be put up in small parcels against walls, or otherwise, to mellow, as the workmen term it ; reduced again to a soft putty, or paste, and spread thin on the walls without any under- coat, and well trowelled. A succeed- ing coat should be laid on, before the first is quite dry, which will prevent joints of brick-work appearing through it. Much depends upon the workmen giving it sufiicient la- bour, and trowelling it down. If this stucco, when dry, is laid over with boiling linseed oil, it will last a long time, and not be liable, when once hardened, to the accidents to which common stucco is liable. Liardet's, or, as it is commonly call- ed, Adams oil-cement, or stucco, is STU STU pfepared in the following manner : for the first coat, take twenty-one pounds of line whiting, or oyster- shells, or any other sea-shells cal- cined, or plaster of Paris, or any calcareous material calcined and pounded, or any absorbent material whatever, proper for the purpose ; add white or red lead at pleasure, deducting from the other absorbent materials in proportion to the white or red lead added ; to which put four quarts, beer measure, of oil ; and mix them together with a grind- ing-mill, or any levigating machine : and afterwards mix and beat up the same well with twenty-eight quarts, beer measure, of any sand or gravel, or of both, mixed and sifted, or of marble or stone pounded, or of brick-dust, or of any kind of metallic or mineral powders, or of any solid material whatever, fit for the pur- pose. For the second coat, take sixteen pounds and a half of super- fine whiting, or oyster-shells, or any sea-shells calcined, &c. as for the first coat ; add sixteen pounds and a half of white or red lead, to which put six quarts and a half of oil, wine measure, and mix them toge- ther as before : afterwards mix and beat up the same well with thirty quarts, wine measure, of fine sand or gravel sifted, or stone or marble pounded, or pyrites, or any kind of metallic or mineral powder, &c. This composition requires a greater proportion of sand, gravel, or other solids, according to the nature of the work, or the uses to which it is to be applied. If it be required to have the composition coloured, add to the above ingredients such a propor- tion of painter's colours, as will be necessary to give the tint or colour required. In making the compo- sition, the best linseed or hempseed, or other oils proper for the purpose, are to be used, boiled or raw, with drying ingredients, as the nature of the work, the season, or the climate requires ; and in some cases, bees' wax may be substituted in ptace of oil : all the absorbent and solid ma- terials must be kiln-dried. If the composition is to be of any other colour than white, the lead may be omitted, by taking the full propor- tion of the other absorbents ; and also white or red lead may be sub- stituted alone, instead of any other absorbent material. The first coat of this composition is to be laid on with a trowel, and floated to an even surface with a rule or darby, (i. e. a handle-float.) The second coat, after it is laid on with a trowel, when the other is nearly dry, should be worked down and smoothed with floats edged with horn, or any hard smooth substance that does not stain. It may be proper, previously to lay- ing on the composition, to moisten the surface on which it is to be laid by a brush with the same sort of oil and ingredients which pass through the levigating machine, reduced to a more liquid state, in order to make the composition ad- here the better. This composition admits of being modelled or cast in moulds, in the same manner as plas- terers or statuaries model or cast their stucco work. It also admits of being painted upon, and adorned with landscape, or ornamental, or figure-painting, as well as plain painting. — To make an excellent stucco, which will adhere to wood work, take a bushel of the best stone lime, a pound of yellow ochre, and a quarter of a pound of brown um- ber, all in fine powder. Mix them to a proper thickness, with a suf- ficient quantity of hot water, but not boiling, and lay it on with a new white-washer's brush. If the wall be quite smooth, one or two coats will do ; but each must be dry be- fore the next is put on. The month of March is the best season for doing this. STUCCO WASHES. The most beautiful white-wash is made of clean good lime mixed with skim milk 3 H il7 - ST U STU instead of water. For Blue wash, put four pounds of blue vitriol into an iron or brass pot, with a pound of the best whiting, and a gallon of water. Let it boil an hour, stirring it all the time. Then pour it into an earthen pan, and set it by for a day or two till the colour is settled. Pour off the water, and mix the co- lour with the white-washer's size. Wash the walls over three or four times, according as it may be neces- sary. To make Yellow wash, dis- solve in soft Mater over the fire equal quantities of umber, bright ochre, and blue black. Add as much white- wash as is necessary for the work, and stir it all together. If either cast predominates, put in more of the others, till the proper tint is ob- tained. STUFFINGS. Forcemeat or stuff- ing is generally considered as a ne- cessary accompaniment to most of the made dishes, and when con^- posed with good taste, it gives to them additional spirit and relish. It is often employed in making of patties, for stuffing of veal, game, and poultry. The ingredients should be so proportioned, that no one fla- vour predominates ; and instead of using the same stuffing for veal, hare, and other things, it is easy to make a suitable variety. The poignancy of forcemeat should be regulated by the savouriness of the viands, to which it is intended to give an ad- ditional zest. Some dishes require a very delicately flavoured stuffing, while for others it should be full and high seasoned. The consistence of forcemeats is attended with some difficulty ; they are almost always either too heavy or too light. They should be mixed perfectly smooth, and the ingredients thoroughly in- corporated. Forcemeat balls must not be larger than a small nutmeg. If for brown sauce, flour and fry them : if for white sauce, put them into boiling water, and boil them for three minutes : the latter are by 41 a far the most delicate. Parboiled sweetbreads and tongues are the principal ingredients for stuffing or forcemeat. Besides these, yolks of hard eggs, flour, bread crumbs, boil- ed onion, mashed potatoe, mutton, beef, veal suet, marrow, calf's ud- der or brains, veal minced and pounded, and potted meats. Also of garden herbs and roots, parsley, thyme, spinach, marjoram, savoury, tarragon, sage, chervil, basil, bur- net, bay leaf, truffles, morels, mush- rooms, leeks, shalot, onions, and garlic. Of fish, shrimps, prawns, crabs, .ysters, lobsters, and an- chovies. Of spices, pepper, mace, allspice, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cayenne, and cloves. These, with bacon and ham, form the principal ingredients for various kinds of stuff- ing. The liquids in general consist of meat gravy, lemon juice, syrup of lemons, essence of anchovy, mushroom ketchup, vegetable es- sences, and the essence of spices. STUFFING FOR GOOSE. Chop very fine one or two onions, and a little green sage. Add a large tea- cupful of bread crumbs, a very lit- tle pepper and salt, half the liver parboiled, and the yolks of two eggs. Incorporate the whole well together, put it into the goose, but leave a little room for the stuffing to swell. STUFFING FOR HARE. Two ounces of beef suet chopped fine, three ounces of fine bread crumbs, a little parsley, marjoram, lemon thyme, or winter savory ; a dram of grated lemon peel, half a dram of nutmeg, of shalot, and the same of pepper and salt. Mix these with an egg, so as to make them cohe- sive ; but if the stuffing be not of a sufficient consistence, it will be good for nothing. If the liver be quite sound, it may be parboiled, minced very fine, and added to the above. Put the stuffing into the hare, and sow it up. STUFFING FOR PIG. Rub STU SUB some of the crumb of a stale loaf through a cullender, mince fine a handful of sage, and a large onion. Mix these together with an egg, some pepper and salt, and a piece of butter. Fill the belly of the pig with the stuffing, and sow it up. Lay the pig to the fire, and baste it with salad oil, without leaving it for a moment. STUFFING FOR PIKE. Take equal parts of fat bacon, beef suet, and fresh butter ; some parsley, thyme, and savoury ; a small onion, and a few leaves of scented mar- joram shred fine ; an anchovy or two, a little salt and nutmeg, and some pepper. Oysters will be an improvement, with or without an- chovies ; add some crumbs, and an egg to bind. STUFFING FOR POULTRY. Mince a quarter of a pound of beef suet, (marrow is better,) the same weight of bread crumbs, two drams of parsley leaves, nearly as much of sweet marjoram or lemon thyme, and the same of grated lemon peel. Add an onion or shalot, chopped as fine as possible, a little grated nut- meg, pepper and salt. Pound all together thoroughly, with the yolk and white of two eggs. This is about the quantity for a turkey poult ; a very large turkey will take nearly twice as much. To the above may be added an ounce of dressed ham. STUFFING FOR VEAL. Take an equal quantity of grated bread and beef suet, shred very fine. Add parsley and sweet herbs chopped small, a minced anchovy, some nut- meg, pepper, and salt, and a little grated lemon peel. Mix these well together with raw egg or milk. This stuffing will do for roast tur- key or hare. • STURGEON. Fresh sturgeon should be cut in slices, rubbed over with egg, and sprinkled with grated bread, parsley, salt and pepper. Then fold the slices in white paper, and broil them gently. For sauce, send up butter, anchovy, and soy. — Another way. Clean the stur- geon, and prepare as much liquor as will cover it, thus : take a pint of vinegar, about two quarts of water, a stick of horseradish cut in slips, some lemon peel, two or three bay leaves, and a small handful of salt, boil it in this pickle, till you thin-k it is enough, and serve it with the following sauce : melt a pound of butter, with an anchovy bruised, a blade or two of mace, the body of a crab, or lobster bruised, a little ketchup, a small glass of white wine, half a pint of white shrimps, boil all together, till it is of a proper thick- ness, squeeze in some lemon, and scraped horseradish ; pour a little sauce over your fish, the rest send in boats. STURTIUMS. Gather them young and dry, and put them into a jar of old vinegar, which has been taken from green pickles and onions. The vinegar must be boiled afresh, or boil some fresh vinegar with salt and spice, and when cold, put in the sturtiums. SUBSTITUTE FOR CREAM. As milk or cream is difficult to pro- cure in some situations, particularly during a long voyage, a very good substitute may be found in beating up a fresh egg, and gradually pour- ing on boiling water to prevent its curdling. The taste of this compo- sition in tea will scarcely be distin- guished from the richest cream, and eggs may easily be preserved for a considerable length of time. SUBSTITUTE FOR GRAVY. Mix a gill of water, a gill of table beer, a spoonful of ketchup, an onion sliced thin, a clove or two, three or four peppercorns, and a little salt, all together. Melt a piece of butter, the size of an egg in a small sauce- pan, and when hot dredge in some flour, stirring it till the froth sub- sides, by which time it will be brown- ed. Add to it the mixture already prepared, give it a boil, and flavour 419 sue sue it with a very small quantity of the essence of anchovy. . SUeCORY. Wild white succory is only good to eat in salads. The green is used to put into cooling broths, and to make decoctions in medicine, eommon white succory is eaten in salads, and used for ra- gouts. First pick and wash it, then scald it half an hour in water, put it afterwards into fresh water, in order to press it well with the hands. Stew it with some broth, a little butter, and some cuUis, if any at hand. If not, brown a little flour to thicken the sauce. When done enough, take off the fat, season it nicely, and add a little shalot. Serve it under a shoulder, a leg, or neck of mutton, roasted. SUeKERS. The season for tak- ing up or transplanting suckers of trees and shrubs, is almost any time, in open weather, from October till March, being careful to dig them up from the mother-plant with as much and many root-fibrjes as possible, and trimming them ready for plant- ing, by shortening the long strag- gling fibres, and cutting off any thick-nobbed part of the old root that may adhere to the bottom, leaving only the fibres arising from the young wood ; though it is pro- bable some will appear with hardly any fibres ; but as the bottom part, having been under ground, and con- tiguous to the root of the main plant, is naturally disposed to send forth fibres for rooting; preparatory to planting them out, the stems of the shrub and tree-suckers should like- wise be trimmed occasionally, by cut- ting off all lower laterals ; and any having long, slender, and weak tops, or such as are intended to assume a more dwarfish or bushy growth, may be shortened at top in proportion, to form about half a foot to one or two feet in length, according to their nature or strength ; and others that are more strong, or that are design- ed to run up with taller stems, may 420 have their tops left entire, or short- ened but little : when thus taken up and trimmed, they should be planted out in rows in the nursery ; the weak suckers separately in close rows ; and also the shortened and stronger plants, each separately in wider rows ; so that the rows may be from one to two feet asunder, in propor- tion to the size and strength of the suckers : and after being thus plant- ed out, they should have the com- mon nursery-culture of cleaning from weeds in summer, and digging the ground between the rows in winter, &c. and in from one to two or three years they will be of a proper size for planting out where they are to remain : and some kinds of trees, large shrubs, &c. produce suckers strong enough in one season to be fit for planting where they are to remain ; as well as some sorts of roses, and numerous other flowering shrubs ; also some plants of the strong shooting gooseberries, cur- rants, raspberries, and others of similar kinds. It may generally be observed of such trees and shrubs as are naturally disposed to send up many suckers, that by whatsoever method they are propagated, whether by seeds, muckers, layers, cuttings, &c. they commonly still continue they* natural tendency in this respect. When it is, therefore, required to have any sorts to produce as few suckers as possible, not to over-run the ground, or disfigure the plants, it is proper, both at the time of se- parating the suckers, or planting them off from the main plants, and at the time of their final removal from the nursery, to observe if at the bottom part they shew any ten- dency to emit suckers, by the ap- pearance of prominent buds, which, if the case, should all be rubbed off as close as possible : as, however, many sorts of trees and shrubs are liable to throw out considerably more than may be wanted, they should alwavs be cleared away an- sue SUE hually at least, and in such as are not wanted for increase, it is proper to eradicate them constantly, as they are produced in the spring and summer seasons. Also numerous herbaceous and succulent plants are productive of bottom offset suckers from the roots, by which they may be increased. In slipping and plant- ing these sorts of offset suckers, the smaller ones should be planted in nursery beds, pots, &c. according to the nature of growth and tempera- ture of the different sorts, to have the advantage of one summer's ad- vanced growth ; and the larger ones be set at once, where they arc to remain, in beds, borders, pots, &c. according to the different sorts or descriptions of them. The suckers of many of the finer kinds of flower- plants, as in the auricula and others, may be separated or taken off from the parent plants any time between the month of February and that of August, as they may become of a proper size, or be wanted for in- crease ; but if they be not wanted for this use, they should never be suffered to remain. They can often be slipped off by the fingers, or a sharp piece of wood, without re- moving much earth, or the plants from the pots ; but when they are large, and cannot be thus separated with a sufficient number of fibres to their bottom parts, they may be taken out of the pots, and be re- moved by the knife without danger, which is perhaps the best way, as affording most fibres. The suckers of such old flower-plants, when they are wanted to blow strong, should always be taken off without disturb- ing the plants in the pots, especially when they are few. The suckers, in all cases of this sort, should con- stantly be planted as soon as pos- sible after they are slipped, in pro- per small upright pots, giving a slight watering at the time, with suit- able temporary shade. They should be placed in proper situations out of the droppings of trees. They thus soon become rooted. The suckers of such flower-plants must, however, never be removed after the latter of the above periods, as they have then done shooting, and are become inactive, and as the winter immediately succeeds, seldom do well, especially without great care and trouble. SUCKING PIG. When the pig has been killed and well cleaned, cut off the feet at the first joint, and put them with the heart, liver, and lights, to boil for gravy. Before the pig is spitted, chop a little sage very fine, mix it with a handful of bread crumb, a little pepper and salt, and sow it up in the belly. Lay it down to a brisk fire, rub it with butter tied up in a piece of thin rag, during the whole time of roasting. Take off the head while at the fire, take out the brains and chop them, mix them with the gravy that comes from the pig, and add a little melted a* butter. Before the spit is drawn, |i cut the pig down the back and bel- ly, and lay it in the dish. Put a little of the sauce over it, take the bottom jaws and ears to garnish with, and send brown gravy sauce to table, mixed with the bread and sage that comes out of the pig. Cur- rant sauce is frequently eaten with it. A moderate sized pig will re- quire about an hour and a half roast- ing. SUET. The proper way of treat- , ing suet, is to choose the firmest part as soon as it comes in, and pick it free from skin and veins. Set it in a nice saucepan at some dis- tance from the fire, that it may melt without frying, or it will taste. When melted, pour it into a pan of cold water. When it comes to a hard cake, wipe it very dry, fold it in fine paper, and then in a linen bag. Keep it in a dry cool place. Suet prepared in this way, will keep a twelvemonth. 421 S U 'Z SU F When used, scrape it fine, and it will make a good crust, either with or without butter. SUET DUMPLINS. Take a pound of suet, or the outward fat of loins or necks of mutton, and shred it very fine. Mix it well with a pound and a quarter of flour, two eggs, a sufficient quantity of railk to make it, and a little salt. Drop the batter into boiling water, or boil the dump- lins in a cloth. SUET DUMPLINS WITH CUR- RANTS. Take a pint of milk, four eggs, a pound of suet shred fine, and a pound of currants well cleaned, two tea-spoonfuls of salt, and three of beaten ginger ; first take half the milk and mix it like a thick batter, then put in the eggs, the salt, and ginger, then the rest of the milk by degrees, with the suet and currants, and flour enough to make it like a light paste. Make them up about the , bigness of a large turkey's egg, flat them a little, and put them into boiling water ; move them softly that they do not stick together, keep the water boiling, and a little more than half an hour will do them. SUET DUMPLINS WITH EGGS. Mix up a pint of milk, two eggs, three quarters of a pound of beef suet chopped fine, a tea- spoonful of grated ginger, and flour enough to make it into a moderately stiff* paste. Make the paste into dumplins, roll them in a little flour, and put them into boiling water. Move them gently for a little while to prevent their sticking together. If the dumplins are small, three quarters of an hour will boil them ; if large, the time must be proportioned to their size. They will boil equally well in cloths, which is often preferred for keeping the outside drier. SUET PUDDING. Shred a pound of suet ; mix with it a pound and a quarter of flour, two eggs beaten separately, some salt, and as little milk as will make it. Boil the 422 pudding four hours. It eats well the next day, cut in slices and broil- ed. The outward fat of a loin or neck of mutton finely shred, makes a more delicate pudcjing than suet. SUET PUDDING WITH EGGS. To a pound of beef suet chopped very fine, add six large spoonfuls of flour, a tea-spoonful of grated gin- ger, and a tea-spoonful of salt. Gra- dually mix with these ingredients a quart of milk, and four eggs well beaten. Boil it three hours in a buttered basin, or two hours and a half in a cloth well floured. SUFFOCATION. Immediately on discovering a person in this un- fortunate situation, whatever be the cause, the windows and doors ought to be opened ; the body undressed, covered with blankets, removed to the open air, and supported in a lean- ing posture on a chair. The patient's face should be sprinkled with vinegar, the pit of the stomach with water, and the legs plunged into a cold bath ; at the same time rubbing the skin with flannel, or a soft brush. Clysters of vinegar and water will also be useful, and an attempt should be made to promote sickness, by tickling the throat with a feather dipped in oil. When the patient is able to swallow, the most proper drink is vinegar and water, or infu- sions of mint and balm. SUFFOLK CHEESE. The curd is broken up in the whey, which is poured off" as soon as the former has subsided. The remainder, with the curd, is put into a coarse strainer, left to cool, and is then pressed as tightly as possible. After this it is put' into the vat, and set in a press to discharge the remaining whey. The curd is then taken out, broken again as finely as possible, salted, and returned to the press. SUFFOLK DUMPLINS. Make a very light dough with yeast, as for bread ; add a little salt, and use milk instead of water. Let it rise S UG SUP an hour before the fire. Round the dough into balls, the size of a mid- dling apple; throw them into boil- ing water, and let them boil twenty minutes. To ^certain when they are done enough, stick a clean fork into one ; and if it come out clear, they are ready to take up. Do not cut, but tear them apart on the top with two forks, for they become hea- vy by their own steam. They should be eaten immediately, with gravy or cold butter, or with meat. SUGARS. These being an article of considerable expense in all fami- lies, the purchase demands parti- cular attention. The cheapest does not go so far as the more refined, and there is a difference even in the degree of sweetness. Of white sugar that should be prefer- red which is close, heavy, and shin- ing. The best sort of brown sugar has a bright gravelly appearance, and it is often to be bought pure as imported. East India sugars are finer for the price, but not so strong, consequently unfit for ^vines and sweetmeats, but do well for common purposes, if good of their kind. To prepare white sugar pounded, roll- ing it with a bottle and sifting it, wastes less than pounding it in a mortar. SUGAR CAKES. Make into a paste a pound of flour, twelve ounces of fine sugar sifted, the yolks of two eggs, a little nutmeg, and orange- flower water. Roll it out thin, cut out the cakes with a tin or glass, sift sugar over them, and bake them in a quick oven. SUGAR PASTE. To a pound of flour put two ounces of loaf su- gar rolled and sifted, and rub in half a pound of butter. Mix it up with one eg§ well beaten, and cold water sufiicient to make it into a paste. Mould it with the hand till it is quite smooth, and roll it out for use. SUGAR VINEGAR. To every gallon of water, add two pourds of the coarsest sugar ; then boil and skim it thoroughly, and add one quart of cold water for every gallon of hot. When cool, put in a toast spread with yeast. Stir it nine days, then barrel it off, and set it in the sun, with a piece of slate on the bung hole. Make the vinegar in March, and it will be ready in six months. When sufficiently sour it may be bottled, or may be used from the cask with a wooden spigot and faucet. SUN FLOWER. The valuable properties of the sun flower are too much neglected, and might be ren- dered of general advantage. The leaves furnish abundance of agree- able fodder for cattle, the flower is enriched with honey for the bees, the dry stalks burn well, aflfording a considerable quantity of alkali from the ashes, and the seed is highly va- luable in feeding pigs and poultry. The cultivation of this plant cannot be too much recommended, and re- quires but little management. SUPPJER DISH. To make a pretty supper dish, wash a tea- cupfal of rice in milk, and boil it tender. Strain oflT the milk, lay the rice in small heaps on a dish, strew over them some finely-pow- dered sugar and cinnamon, and put warm wine and a little butter into the dish. SUPPERS. Hot suppers are not much in use where people dine late, nor indeed in ordinary cases. When required, the top and bottom of the table may be furnished with game, fowls, rabbit ; boiled fish, such as soles, raackarel, oysters, stewed or scalloped ; French beans, cauli- flower, or Jerusalem artichokes, in white sauce ; brocoli with eggs, stewed spinach with eggs, sweet- breads, small birds, mushrooms, scalloped potatoes ; cutlets, roast onions, salmagundi, buttered eggs on toast, cold neat's tongue, ham, collared things, sliced hunter's beef, buttered rusks with anchovies, 423 S W E S W E grated hung beef with butter, with or without rusks ; grated cheese round, and butter dressed in the middle of a plate ; radishes the same, custards in glasses with sip- pets, oysters cold or pickled ; pot- ted meats, fish, birds, cheese ; good plain cake sliced, pies of birds or fruit ; lobsters, prawns, cray fish, any sweet things, and fruits. A sandwich set with any of the above articles, placed on the table at a little distance from each other, will look well. The lighter the things, the better they appear, and glass intermixed has the best effect. Jel- lies, different coloured things, and flowers, add to the beauty of the table. An elegant supper may be served at a small expense, by those who know how to make trifles that are in the house form the greatest part of the entertainment. SUSAN PUDDING. Boil some Windsor beans, just as they begin to be black-eyed, till they are quite tender. Then peel them, and beat up half a pound of them very smooth in a marble mortar. Add four spoon- fuls of thick cream, sugar to taste, half a pound of clarified butter, and eight eggs, leaving out half the whites. Beat up the eggs well with a little salt, and white wine sufficient to give it an agreeable flavour. Line a dish with puff paste, add a pretty good layer of candied citron cut in long pieces, pour in the other ingre- dients, and bake it in a moderate oven three quarters of an hour. SWEEPING OF CHIMNIES. The common practice of employing poor children to sweep narrow chim- nies, is most inhuma,n and unwise : many lives are lost by this means, and much injury is done to the build- ing. The children being obliged to work themselves up by pressing with their feet and knees on one side, and their back on the other, often force out the bricks which di- vide the chimnies, and thereby en- crease the danger, itt case a foul 424 chimney should take fire, as the flames frequently communicate by those apertures to other apartments, which were not suspected to be in any danger. To avoid these con- sequences, a rope twice the length of the chimney should be provided, to the middle of which a bunch of furze or broom is to be tied, suffi- cient to fill the cavity of the chim- ney. Put one end of the rope down the chimney, with a stone fastened to it, and draw the brush after it, which will clear the sides of the chimney, and bring down the soot. If necessary, a person at top may draw the brush up again to the top of the chimney, keeping hold of the rope, and thus clean the chimney thoroughly without difficulty or dan- ger. SWEET HERBS. It is of some importance to know when the va- rious seasons commence for pro- curing sweet and savoury herbs, fit for culinary purposes. All vegeta- bles are in the highest state of per- fection, and fullest of juice and fla- vour, just before they begin to flower. The first and last crop have neither the fine flavour nor the per- fume of those which are gathered in the height of the season ; that is, when the greater part of the crop of each species is ripe. Let them be gathered on a dry day, and they will have a better colour after being preserved. Cleanse them well from dust and dirt, cut off the roots, se- parate the bunches into smaller ones, and dry them by the heat of a stove, or in a Dutch oven before the fire. Take them in small quantities, that the process may be speedily finish- ed, and thus their flavour will be preserved. Drying them in the sun exhausts some of their best qualities. In the application of artificial heat, the only caution requisite is to avoid burning ; and of this, a suflficient test is aflforded by the preservation of the colour. The common custom is, when .they are perfectly dried. S WE S WE to put them in bags, and lay them in a dry place. But the best way to preserve the flavour of aromatic plants, is to pick off the leaves as soon as they are dried ; then to pound and pass them through a hair sieve, and keep them in well- ' stopped bottles. — Basil is in the best state for drying, from the mid- dle of August, and three weeks afterwards. Knotted marjoram, from the beginning of July to the end of the month. Winter sa- voury, the latter end of July, and throughout August. Thyme, lemon thyme, and orange thyme, during June and July. Mint, the latter end of June, and throughout July. Sage, August and September. Tarragon, June, July, and August. Chervil, May, June, and July. Burnet, June, July, and August. Parsley, May, June, and July. Fennel, the same. Elder flowers, and orange flowers. May, June, and July. Herbs care- fully dried, are a very agreeable sub- stitute ; but when fresh ones can be had, their flavour and fragrance are much finer, and therefore to be pre- ferred. SWEET LAMB PIE. Make a good puff" paste ; then cut a loin of lamb into chops, and season with salt and nutmeg ; lay a paste over the bottom of your dish ; put in your chops, with a handful of currants washed and picked very clean ; lay on your lid, and bake it. When it comes from the oven, take off* the lid nicely, and pour over a caudle made of white wine, the yolks of eggs, a little nutmeg, and sugar pounded: lay the lid on again, and send it to y table as hot as you can. f SWEET MACARONI. To make a very nice dish of macaroni, boil two ounces of it in a pint of milk, with a bit of cinnamon and lemon peel, till the pipes are swelled to their utmost size without breaking. Lay them on a custard dish, pour a custard over them, and serve them up cold. SWEET PATTIES. Chop the meat of a boiled calf's foot, the liquor of which is intended for jelly ; two apples, one ounce of orange and le- mon peel candied, and some fresh peel and juice. Mix with them half a nutmeg grated, the yolk of an e^g, a spoonful of brandy, and four ounces of currants washed and dried. Fill some small pattipans lined with paste, and bake them. — To make patties resembling mince pies, chop the kid- ney and fat of cold veal, apple, orange and lemon peel candied ; add- ing some fresh currants, a little wine, two or three cloves, a little brandy and sugar. SWEET POT. Take three hand- fuls of orange flowers, three of clove gilliflowers, three of damask roses, one of knotted marjoram, one of le- mon thyme, six bay leaves, a hand- ful of rosemary, one of myrtle, one of lavender, half one of mint, the rind of a lemon, and a quarter of an ounce of cloves. Chop all together, and put them in layers, with pound- ed bay-salt between, up to the top of the jar. If all the ingredients cannot be got at once, put them in when obtained, always throwing in salt with every fresh article. This will be found a quick and easy way of making a sweet-scented pot. SWEET SAUCE. Put some cur- rant jelly into a stewpan, and when melted, pour it into a sauce boat. This is a more salubrious relish for venison or hare, than either spice or salt, and is an agreeable accompani- ment to roast or hashed meats. SWEETBREADS FRICASSEE. Cut the sweetbreads in pretty thick slices, boil them till about half done, with a little more water than just to cover them. Add a little salt, white pepper, and mace. Then some but- ter, the yolks of four eggs beaten with a little white wine, and some verjuice. Keep this over the fire, .shaking it well, till the sauce is pro- perly thickened. Serve it up with the juice of a Seville orange*Squeezed 3 I 425 SW E S W E over it. If it is to be a brown fri- cassee, fry the sweetbreads first in butter till the outside is browned. 3Hien pour away the butter, put wa- ter to the sweetbreads, and boil and finish them as before. An onion or a clove of garlic may be added to the water ; or if broth be used in- stead of water, it will make the fri- cassee more savoury. SWEETBREADS FRIED. Cut them into long slices, rub them over with egg, season with pepper, salt, and grated bread, and fry them in butter. Serve them up with melted butter and ketchup, garnished with crisped parsley, and thin slices of toasted bacon. SWEETBREADS RAGOUT. Cut them about the size of a walnut, wash and dry them, then fry them of a fine brown. Pour on them a good gravy, seasoned with salt, pepper, allspice, and either mushrooms or mushroom ketchup, adding truffles and morels, if approved. Strain, and thicken with butter and a little flour. SWEETBREADS ROASTED. Parboil two large ones ; when cold , lard them with bacon, and roast them in a Dutch oven. For sauce, plain butter and mushroom ket- chup. SWEETMEATS. Preserves or sweetmeats should be carefully kept from the air, and set in a very dry place. If they have only a small proportion of sugar, a warm situa- tion would not injure them ; but if they have not been sufficiently boiled, the heat will make them ferment, and the damp will cause them to grow mouldy. They should be in- spected two or three times in the first two months, that they may be gently boiled again, if not likely to keep. It is necessary to observe, that the boiling of sugar more or less, con- stitutes the chief art of the confec- tioner ; and those who are not prac- tically acquainted with the subject, and only preserve fruit in a plain way for family use, are not aware 426 that in two or three minutes, a syrup over the fire will pass from one gra- dation to another, called by the con- fectioners, degrees of boihng, of which there are six, and those sub- divided. Without entering, however, into the minutiae of the business, it is only necessary to make the obser- vation in order to guard against un- der boiling, which prevents sweet- meats from keeping ; and quick and long boiling, which reduces them to candy. Attention, without much practice, will enable a person to do any of the following sorts of sweet- meats and preserves, which are quite sufficient for a private family. The higher articles of preserved fruits may be bought at less expense than made. Jellies of fruit are made with an equal quantity of sugar, that is, a pound to a pint, and require no very long boiling. A pan should be kept for the purpose of preserving, of double block tin, with a bow handle for safety, opposite the straight one : and if when done with, it be carefully cleaned and set by in a dry place, it will last for several years. Pans of copper or brass are extreme- ly improper, as the tinning wears out by the scraping of the ladle. Sieves and spoons should likewise be kept on purpose for sweetmeats. Sweet- meats keep best in drawers that are not connected with a wall. If there be the least damp, cover them only with paper dipped in brandy, and laid on quite close ; and to prevent the mouldiness occasioned by in- sects, cover them with fresh paper in the spring. When any sweetmeats are to be dried in the sun, or in a stove, it will be best in private fa- milies, where there is not a regular stove for the purpose, to place them in the sun on flag stones, which re- flect the heat, and to cover them with a garden glass to keep off the insects. If put into an oven, take care that it be not too warm, and watch to see them done properly and slowly. When green fruits are s wo S YM to be preserved, take pippins, apri- cots, pears, plums, or peaches, and put them into a block tin preserving pan, with vine leaves under and over them, and cover them with spring water. Put on the tin cover to ex- clude the air, and set the pan on the side of the fire. When the fruit begins to simmer, remove the pan from the fire, pour off the water, and if not green, put fresh leaves when cold, and repeat the same. Take them out carefully with a slice, peel and do them as directed for the different kinds of preserves. When fruit is plentiful, and sweetmeats are wanted for tarts, divide two pounds of apricots just ripe, and take out and break the stones. Put the ker- nels without their skins to the fruit ; add three pounds of greengages, and two pounds and a half of lump sugar. The sugar should be broken in large pieces, and just dipped in water, and added to the fruit over a slow fire. Simmer it till reduced to a clear jam, but observe that it does not boil, and skim it well. If the sugar be clarified, it will make the jam the better. Put it into small pots, which art the best for pre- serving sweetmeats. SWEETMEAT PIES. Sweet- meats made with syrups are made into pies the same as raw fruit, and the same crusts may be used for them. Tarts made of any kind of jam are commonly made with a crust round the bottom of the dish, the sweetmeat then put in, and only lit- tle ornaments of crust cut with a jagging iron, and laid over the top. Sugar paste may be used if prefer- red. Little tartlets are made in the same way, only baked in tins and turned out. SWOONS. In a swooning fit, the patient should immediately be exposed to the open air, and the face and neck sprinkled with cold water. Pungent odours, or volatile spirits, should be held to the nos- trils, and the feet rubbed with hot flannels, or put into warm wa- ter. SYLLABUB. Put a pint of cider and a bottle of strong beer into a large punch bowl, grate in a nutmeg, and sweeten it. Put in as much new milk from the cow as will make a strong froth, and let it stand an hour. Clean and wash some cur- rants, and make them plump before the fire ; then strew them over the syllabub, and it will be fit for use. A good imitation of this may be made by those who do not keep cows, by pouring new milk out of a tea-pot into the cider and beer, or wine. — A fine syllabub from the cow. Make your syllabub either of wine or cyder, (if cyder, put a spoon- ful of brandy in) sweeten it, and grate in some nutmeg; then milk into the liquor till you have a fine light curd ; pour over it half a pint, or a pint of good cream, according to the quantity of syllabub you make : you may send it in the basin it was made in, or put it into cus- tard-cups, and tea-spoons with it on a salver. — To make very fine sylla- bubs. Take a quart and half a pint of cream, a pint of Rhenish, and half a pint of sack ; grate the rind of three lemons into the cream ; with near a pound of double-refined sugar ; squeeze the juice of three lemons into the wine, and put it to the cream ; then beat all together with a whisk half an hour, take it up together with a spoon, and fill the glasses. It is best at three or four days old, and will keep good nine or ten days. These are called the everlasting syllabubs. SYMPATHETIC INK. Write on paper with a solution of nitrate of bismuth, and smear the writing over with a feather, moistened with an infusion of galls. The letters which were before invisible, will now ap- pear of a brown colour. Or write with a solution of muriate of anti- 427 TA B TAB mony, and smear the writing over with a feather dipa^d in a solution of galls. The writmg"1)efore invisi- ble, will now turn yellow. Or write with a transparent infusion of gall nuts, and smear it over with a solu- tion of metallic salt ; and on a slight exposure to the air, the writing will turn quite black. If written with a solution of sulphate of iron, and rubbed over with a solution of prus- siate of potass, it will appear of a beautiful blue colour. SYRUP OF CREAM. Staid a pint of perfectly fresh cream, add to it a pound and a quarter of powdered lump sugar. Keep it in a cool place for two or three hours, then put it into small phials, holding one or two ounces each, and cork it cl||^. ■ f It will keep good thus for several weeks, and will be found very useful in voyages. SYRUP OF DIACODIUM. Steep two pounds and a quarter of poppy heads in a gallon of water, and let it infuse twenty-four hours. Boil the infusion till reduced to three pints, and add to it a pound and a half of sugar. SYRUP OF MULBERRIES. Put the mulberries into a jar, and the jar into a kettle of water over the tire, till the juice runs from them. Then squeeze the fruit, and add to the juice twice its weight in sugar. Set it over a slow fire, skim it clean, and keep it simmering till the sugar is all dissolved. T, Table beer, if the quality to be brewed is taken as a barrel, or six and thirty gallons, two busljels and a half of malt will be sufficient. The dimensions of the vessels may be supposed to correspond with those used in a moderate family, and the copper holding about thirty gal- lons. A quantity of boiling water being poured into the mash tub, is suffered to remain there till the steam is nearly all evaporated. The malt previously ground, is then thrown into the water, and thoroughly stir- red and mixed with it. This agita- tion of the malt and water, com- monly called mashing, is kept up for a quarter of an hour, by which the malt is more effectually brought into contact with the water, and a greater proportion of its soluble matter extracted. After this the mash tub is covered over in order to retain as much heat as possible, and the whole is suffered to remain 428 undisturbed for an hour and a half or two hours. At the end of that time, the water thus impregnated with the malt, in which state it is commonly called sweet wort, is slowly drawn off into another vessel. The quantity of water used in the first mashing is about twenty-five gallons; of which, not above fifteen are afterwards obtained, the rest being absorbed by the malt, with the exception of a small quantity carried off by evaporation. This first wort being drawn off from the malt, a fresh portion of hot water is thrown into the mash tub, and the process of mashing is repeated for ten minutes. The tub being again covered, the whole is suffered to re- main for about an hour, when a se- cond wort is drawn off. The quan- tity of water used in this second mashing^ is about fifteen gallons ; and the malt having already retain- ed as much water as is sufficient TAB TAB^ to saturate it, the whole amount of the fifteen gallons is afterwards recovered from the mash tub. About twelve gallons of hot water is now added to the malt, and the mix- ture being mashed for a few minutes, is suffered to remain another hour, in order to form a third wort. In the meantime a part of the two first worts is poured into the copper, with a pound and a half or two pounds of hops, and boiled for an hour, or an hour and a half; after which it is strained through a sieve into another vessel. The third wort is now drawn off from the mash tub, and being mixed with the remaining part of the first and second wort, it is boiled for an hour or more, with the hops used in the former instance. The three worts are then distributed into shallow vessels or coolers, and suf- fered to remain there till the liquor is reduced to a lukewarm state. It is then collected into the tun tub, and fermented with about a quart of yeast, which converts it into beer. But as table beer is sometimes brew- ed in considerable quantities for the use of large families, and in a still more economical manner, an esti- mate will be given, in order to show the saving that is made in private brewing. The following is a prepa- ration for ten barrels. £ s. d. Malt, one quarter . . 2 10 Hops, eight pounds . 10 Colouring, ditto . . 4 Spanish liquorice, 8oz. 8 Treacle, ten pounds .034 8 Ten barrels bought at the brewery at 16s. 8 Ten barrels brewed at home . ^. . . . 3 8 Clear gain . 4 12 Liquorice root and other flavour- iag substances may be added : what are here inserted are only the general requisites. — Another way of making a cheap and wholesome table beer, is to dissolve four pounds of coarse sugar in ten gallons of water. Then put in three ounces of hops, boil the whole for three quarters of an hour, and let it work as usual. It should be kept a week or ten days before it is tapped, and it will improve daily af- terwards, if not kept too long. Or for a still smaller quantity, put a pound of treacle to eight quarts of boiling wa- ter : add two bay leaves, and a quar- ter of an ounce of powdered ginger. Boil the whole for fifteen minutes, then let it cool, and work it with yeast. . TAINTED MEAT. When the weather is so hot that meat will scarcely keep from day to day, wrap ping it in a thin cloth dipped in vine- gar, and not wrung very dry, will help to keep it from being tainted. Or rubbing the meat with black pep- per will preserve it, and let it be hung up as usual. It is much better however, that meat should not be kept so long as to risk its being tainted. TAN GLOVES. To dye gloves to look like York tan or Limerick, put some saffron into a pint of water boiUng hot, and let it infuse all night. Next morning wet the leather over with a brush, but take care that the tops of the gloves be sewn close, to prevent the colour from getting in. TANSEY. To make a tansey, beat up seven eggs, yolks and whites separately. Add a pint of cream, nearly the same of spinach juice, and a little tansey juice, gained by pounding it in a stone mortar; a quarter of a pound of Naples bis- cuit, a glass of white wine, and a little sugar and nutmeg. Set all in a saucepan, just to thicken, over the fire ; then put it into a dish, lined with paste to turn out, and bake it. 429 t A N TAR — Another. Beat ten eggs very well with a little salt, half a pound of loaf sugar pounded, half a pint of spinach juice, and a spoonful of the juice of tansey ; mix them well to- gether, and strain it to a quart of cream ; grate in half a pound of Naples biscuits, and a nutmeg ; add a quarter of a pound of Jordan al- monds blanched and beat fine, with a little rose water, and mix all well together ; put it into a stewpan, with a piece of butter the bigness of a golden pippin. Set it over a slow charcoal fire ; keep it stirring till it is hardened ; then butter a dish very well, that will just hold it : put in the tansey, bake it in a moderate oven, taking care that it is not scorched. When it comes home, turn it upon a pie plate, cut Seville oranges in small quarters, and lay round it, and on the tansey, citron, and orange peel cut thin, with dou- ble refined sugar laid in little heaps between. If you have not Naples biscuits, grate seven ounces of the finest stale bread you have. — A boil- ed tansey. Cut the crumb of a stale penny loaf thin, pour over as much hot cream as will wet it, and cover it over till cold ; then beat and strain six eggs to it, a little lemon peel shred fine, a little grated nutmeg, and salt ; green it as you did the baked tansey, and sweeten it to your taste; stir all very well together, butter a bason, that will hold it, but- ter also a cloth to lay over the top, tie it tight, and boil it an hour and quarter ; turn it into a dish, and garnish with Seville orange ; stick candied orange cut thin on the top. TANSEY PUDDING. Grate four ounces' of bread, blanch two ounces of sweet almonds, and beat them fine in a marble mortar, with orange-flower water. Mix these, and four ounces of fine powdered sugar with the bread. Add five eggs, a little salt, a pint of cream, a grated nutmeg, half a pint of spinach juice expressed from the leaves, beaten in 430 a marble mortar, and strained through a cloth, and two or three spoonfuls of tansey juice beaten out and strain- ed in the same manner. Stir the whole together, and put it into a saucepan with a small piece of but- ter. Set it over the fire till it thickens, stirring it all the time, but do not let it boil. When done, cool it in a basin, then pour it into a dish well buttered, and bake it half an hour. Turn it out of the dish before it is sent to table, sift some fine sugar over it, and lay a Seville orange round it cut in pieces, and squeeze the juice upon it. TAPIOCA JELLY. Choose the largest sort, pour on cold water to wash in two or three times, and then soak it in fresh water five or six times. Simmer it in the same until it become quite clear, with a bit of lemon peel. Then add lemon juice, wine, and sugar. TAPIOCA PUDDING. Wash six spoonfuls of the large kind of tapioca, and stew it gently in a quart of milk till it is pretty thick. Let it stand uncovered to cool. Add two eggs well beaten with some salt, and sugar to the taste. Bake it with a crust round the edge of a dish, in a moderate oven, for an hour. TAR WATER. Pour a gallon of cold water on a quart of tar, and stir and mix them thoroughly with a ladle or flat stick, for the space of three or four minutes ; after which the vessel must stand forty-eight hours, that the tar may have time to subside ; when the clear water is to be poured off", and kept for use, no more being made from the same tar, which may still serve for common purposes. The general rule for taking it is, about half a pint night and morning, on an empty stomach, which quantity may be varied ac- cording to the case and age of the patient ; provided it be always taken on an empty stomach, and about two hours before or after a meal. Tar water cures indigestion, and gives T A R TAR a good appetite. It is an excellent medicine in an asthma ; it imparts a kindly? warmth, and quick circula- tion to the juices, without heating, and is therefore useful, not only as a pectoral and balsamic, but also as a powerful and a safe deobstruent in cachectic and hysteric cases. As it is both healing and diuretic, it is very good for the gravel. It is believed to be of great use in a dropsy, having been known to cure a very bad anasarca in a person whose thirst, though very extraordi- nary, was in a short time removed by the drinking of tar water. It is also believed to be the best and safest medicine, either for prevent- ing the gout, or for so strengthening nature against the fit, as to drive it from the vitals. It may likewise be safely used in inflammatory cases ; and, in fact, hath been found an admirable febrifuge, at once the safest cooler and cordial. The salts and more active spirits of tar are got by infusion in cold water ; but the resinous part is not to be dissolved thereby. Hence the prejudice which some, perhaps, may entertain against tar water, the use of which might inflame the blood by its sulphur and resin, as a medicine, appears not to be well grounded. It is observed by chemists, that all sorts of balsamic wood aflford an acid spirit, which is the volatile oily saltof the vegetable. Herein is chiefly contained their me- dicinal virtues ; and it appears that the acid spirit in tar water possesses the virtues, in an eminent degree, of that of guaiacum,and other medicinal woods. It is certain tar water warms, and therefore some may perhaps still think it cannot cool. The more eflfectually to remove this prejudice, let it be farther considered, that, as on one hand, opposite causes do sometimes produce the same eff*ect ; for instance, heat by rarefaction, and cold by condensation, do both increase the air's elasticity ; so, on the otiier hand, the same cause shall sometimes produce opposite eflfects. Heat, for instance, in one degree thins, in another coagulates, the blood. It is not therefore strange, that tar water should warm one ha- bit and cool another ; have one good eff'ect on a cold constitution, and another good efi^ect on an inflamed one ; nor, if this be so, that it should cure opposite disorders. A medicine of so great virtue in so many diflferent disorders, and espe- cially in that grand enemy the fever, must needs be a benefit to mankind in general. There are nevertheless three sorts of people to whom it may be peculiarly recommended ; sea- faring persons, ladies, and men of studious and sedentary lives. If it be asked, what precise quantity, or degree of strength is required in tar water ? It is answered, that the palate, the stomach, the particular case and constitution of the patient, the very season of the year, will dis- pose and require him to drink more or less in quantity, stronger or weak- er in degree. Precisely to measure its strength by a scrupulous exact- ness, is by no means necessary. It is to be observed, that tar water should not be made in unglazed earthen vessels, these being apt to communicate a nauseous sweetness to the water. Tar water is also re- commended in the plague, and for the distemper among horned cattle ; with what success must be left to experience. TARRAGON VINEGAR. Fill a wide-mouthed bottle with tarragon leaves, gathered on a dry day, just before the plant begins to flower. Dry the leaves a little before the fire, steep them a fortnight in the best vi- negar, and strain it fine through a flannel jelly bag. Pour it into half- pint bottles, cork them up carefully, and keep them in a dry place. This forms an agreeable addition to soups and salad sauce, and to mix with mustard. TARTAR WINE. Add to a quan- 431 TAR TAR tity of mare's milk a sixth part of water, and pour the mixture into a wooden vessel. Use as a ferment an eighth part of sour cow's milk ; but at any future preparation, a small portion of old koumiss will answer better. Cover the vessel with a thick cloth, and set it in a place of mode- rate warmth, leaving it at rest for twenty four hours. At the end of this time the milk will become sour, and a thick substance will be ga- thered on its surface. Now with a churn-stafF, beat it till the thick sub- stance just mentioned, be intimately blended with the subjacent fluid. In this situation leave it at rest for twenty four hours more. Afterwards pour it into a higher and narrower vessel, resembling a churn, where the agitation must be repeated as be- fore, till the liquor appear to be per- fectly combined. In this state it is called koumiss, the taste of which ought to be a pleasant mixture of sweet and sour. Agitation must be employed every time before it is used. This wine, prepared by the Tartars, is cooling and antiseptic. Sometimes aromatic herbs, as ange- lica, are infused in the liquor during fermentation. * TARTS. Sweetmeats made with syrups are formed into pies and tarts the same as raw fruits, and the same crusts may be used for them. Tarts made of any kind of jam are usually formed with a crust round the bot- tom of the dish, the sweetmeat is then put in, and little ornaments of crust placed over the top, made with ^jagging iron. Sugar paste is suita- ble for these. Little tartlets are made in the same way, only baked in tins and turned out. Take apples, or pears, cut them in small quarters, and set them over the fire, with a piece of lemon peel, and some cin- namon ; let them simmer in as much water as will cover them, till tender ; and if you bake them in tin patti- pans, butter them first, and lay over a thin paste ; lay in some sugar, 432 then the fruit, with three or four tea-spoonfuls of the liquor they were simmered in ; put in a little more sugar, and lid them over. If your tarts are made of apricots, green almonds, nectarines, or green plums, they must be scalded before you use them, and observe to put nothing to them but sugar, and as little wa- ter as possible ; make use of the syrup they were scalded in, as you did for your apples, &c. cherries, currants, raspberries, and all ripe fruits need not be scalded ; and if you make your tarts in china, or glass patties, lay the sugar at bot- tom, then the fruit, with a little more sugar on the top ; put no paste at the bottom, only lid them over, and bake them in a slack oven. You have receipts how to make crust for tarts ; mince pies must be baked in tin patties, that you may slip them out into a dish, and a puff paste is the best for them. When you make sweetmeat tarts, or a crocant tart, lay in the sweetmeats, or preserved fruit either in glass or china patties that are small, for that purpose ; lay a very thin crust on the top, and let them be baked no more than till your crust is nicely coloured, and that in a slow oven. If you would have a crocant tart for the middle of the table, or a side-dish, have a glass, or china dish, of what size you please, and lay in the preserved fruit of different sorts, (you must have a round cover just the size of the inside of your dish) roll out a sugar crust, the thickness of an half crown, and lay over the cover ; mark it with marking irons made on pur- pose for that use, of what shapes you please ; then put the crust, with the cover, into a very slack oven, not to discolour it, only to have it crisp. When you take it out of the oven, loosen it from the cover very gently, and when quite cold, take it carefully off, and lay over your sweetmeats, and it being hollow, you will see the fruit through it. TEA TEA if the tart is not eaten, only take off the Hd, and your sweetmeats may be put into the pots again. TEA. The habit of drinking tea frequently, and in large quantities, cannot fail to be injurious, as it great- ly weakens and relaxes the tone of the stomach. This produces indi- gestion, nervous trembling and weak- ness, attended with a pale, wan com- plexion. When tea is taken only at intervals, and after solid food, it is salutary and refreshing ; but when used as a substitute for plain nou- rishing diet, as is too commonly the case amongst the lower classes, it is highly pernicious, especially as large quantities of a spurious description are too frequently imposed upon the publie. The policy which compels a very numerous class to purchase this foreign article, for procuring which immense sums are sent out of the country, while the produce of our own soil is comparatively withheld by an exorbitant system of taxation, cannot be too severely condemned, as alike injurious to health, to the inte- rests of agriculture, and to the com- fort and industry of'the people. The duty on foreign tea has indeed been greatly encreased, but at the same time, so has the duty on malt and beer ; no encouragement therefore is given to the home consumption, but the money which ought to be paid for jthe production of barley and malt is given to the foreigner, while by the enormous price of the article, a pow- erful stimulus is furnished for at- tempting an illicit importation, and for the pernicious adulteration of what is now esteemed almost a com- mon necessary of life. It is desirable to lessen the injurious effects of tea as much as possible by mixing it with milk, which will render it softer and more nutritious. With the addition of sugar it may be made to form a wholesome breakfast for those who are strong and live freely, operating as a diluent for cleansing the bladder and kidnies, and the alimentary pas- (No. 19.) sages. Persons of weak nerves ought however to abstain from tea, as they would from drams and cordials, as it causes the same kind of irritation on the delicate fibres of the stomach, which ends in lowness, trembling, and vapours. Tea should never be drunk hot at any time, as it tends still more to produce that relaxation which ought to be carefully avoided. Green tea is less wholesome than black or bohea. TEA CAKES. Rub four ounces of butter into eight ounces of flour, mix with it eight ounces of currants, and six of fine Lisbon sugar. Add two yolks and one white of eggs, and a spoonful of brandy. Roll the paste about the thickness of a biscuit, and cut it out with a wine glass into little cakes. The white of the other egg beaten up, may be washed over them, and then they may be dusted with fine sugar. TEA-KETTLES. Hard water used for tea is apt to form an offen- sive crust inside the tea-kettle, which may be prevented by frequent clean- ing, or putting a flat oyster shell at the bottom. This will attract the stony particles that are in the water, and the concretion will be formed upon it. y V r^ X x\ TEA-POT S./ An ipljisiori of tea^/ al\i^ys''m6 Vg Tp B y i ( iet't;H ! alli ed than in one of stoi^e or eartheni'are. If boiling wat^r ;6e -poured int^ Jwo tea-pots, one ofhtrrgM sitvef £r po- lished tin, and the other off btack stoneware, and they be left in |a roqm of moderate temperature, hpvill be found that the former will jfetain its heat nearly twice as long as ahe other. Tea-pots of polished meta^jer there- fore to be preferred. TEATS. Sore teats, in Neat Cat- tle, is an affection in those of the cow kind, to which some are much more subject than others ; especially such as have newly or lately calved. When the teats of these aninjals are affected during the summer months, they often become ulcerated, and by ii K 433 TEE TEN the teazing of the flies, the cattle are rendered difficult to be milked ; they also become a very great nuisance at the periods of milking, as the dis- charges from them are apt, without much attention, to pass between t4ie fingers of the operator into the milk- pail, and spoil the milk. The affec- tion is caused by inflammation, ir- ritation, and too much distention of the parts by the milk. In order to the removal of it, the milk should be first frequently drawn, and the parts well washed with soft soap and warm water ; after which, a sub- stance composed of elder ointment and wax melted together, to which is then added a little alum and sugar of lead, in fine powder, may be used to the parts after milking at night and in the morning ; or a weak so- lution of white vitriol and a little su- gar of lead, in soft water may be made use of in the same way, in some cases, with more advantage. The addition of a little assafoetida, and such like substances, in powder, is, it is said, beneficial in the summer season in driving away the flies. Great care is to be taken to keep the teats as clean as possible during the time of cure. TEETH AND GUMS. In order to preserve the teeth and gums, they require to be cleaned very carefully ; for if the enamel of the teeth be worn off by an improper mode of cleaning, they will suffer more injury than by a total neglect. A common skewer of soft wood, bruised and bitten at the end, will make the best brush for this purpose. Once a week dip the skewer brush into a few grains of gunpowder, after they have been bruised, and it will remove every spot and blemish till the teeth appear beautifully white. The mouth should be well washed after the operation, to prevent any ill eflfects of the gunpowder. Teeth, if not regulary cleaned, are apt to contract a false kind of enamel which is in- jurious to the gums, leaving the 434 fangs of the teeth bare, so that they are soon destroyed, by being ex- posed to the air, and for want of being protected by the gums. This tartarous enamel must therefore be scaled off, that the gums may grow up to their proper place. Rasp- berries or strawberries eaten plenti- fully have been found to dissolve these concretions, and contribute to the preservation of the teelh and gums. Tooth powders and tinctures also have theii use. A very conve- nient powder may be made of char- coal pounded in a mortar, and sift- ed fine. Apply a little of it to the teeth twice a week, and it will not only render them beautifully white, but also make the breath sweet, and the gums firm and comfortable. The charcoal may be ground in water, and so preserved for use. A tincture for the gums may be made of three ounces of the tincture of bark, and half an ounce of sal ammoniac, mixed together. Dip the finger into a tea-spoonful of the tincture, and rub the gums and teeth with it, which are afterwards to be washed with warm water. This tincture not only cures the toothache, but pre- serves the teelh and gums, and causes them to adhere to each other. TENANT AT SUFFERANCE. When a lease is expired, and the tenant keeps possession without any new contract, he is deemed a tenant at sufferance. But on the landlord's acceptance of any rent after the ex- piration of the lease, the tenant may hold the premises from year to year, till half a year's notice is given. TENANT AT WILL. A tenant at will is one who holds an estate or tenement at the will of the land- lord, and may at any time be eject- ed. Meanwhile he is at liberty to leave when he chooses, on giving proper notice, and cannot be com- pelled to occupy. TENCH. These are a fine fla- voured fresh- water fish, and should T E N THI be kiiied and dressed as soon as oaujilit. Thev abound very niiich in the dykes of Lincolnshire. When they are to be bought, examine whe- ther the gills are red and hard to open, the eyes bright, and the body stiff. The tench has a slimy mat- ter about it, the clearness and bright- ness of which indicate freshness. The season for this delicate fish is July, August, and September. When to be dressed, put them into cold water, boil them carefully, and serve with melted butter and soy. They are also very fine stewed, or fricas- seed, as follows. 'To fricassee tench white. Having cleaned your tench very well, cut off their heads, slit thenr in two, and if large, cut each half in three pieces, if small, in two: melt some butter in a stewpan, and put in your tench ; dust in some flour, and pour in some boiling wa- ter, and a few mushrooms, and sea- son it with salt, pepper, a bundle of sweet herbs, and an onion stuck with cloves : when this boils, pour in a pint of white wine boiling hot ; let it stew till sufficiently wasted ; take out the fish, and strain the liquor, saving the mushrooms ; bind your fricassee with the yolk of three or four eggs beaten up with a little verjuice, some parsley chopped fine, and a little nutmeg grated ; stir it all the time it boils, scum it very clean, pour your sauce over the fish, and send it to table. — To fricassee tench biovvn. Prepare your tench as in the other receipt ; put some butter and flour into a stewpan, and brown it ; then put in the tench with the same seasoning you did your white fricassee ; when you have tossed them up, moisten them with a little fish broth ; boil a pint of white wine, and put to your fricassee, stew it till enough, and properly wasted ; then take the fish up, and strain the liquor, bind it with a brown cullis, and serve it up. If asparagus or artichokes are in sea- son, you may boil these, and add them to your fricassee. TENCH BROTH. Clean the fish, and set them on the fire with three pints of water ; add some parsley, a slice of onion, and a few pepper- corns. Simmer till the fish is broken, the broth become good, and reduced one half. Add some salt, and strain it off. Tench broth is very nu- tricious, and light of digestion. THICK MILK. Beat up an egg, and add to it a tea spoonful of flour. Mix it smooth with a tea-spoonful of cold milk, and put to it a pint of boiling milk. Stir it over a slow fire till it boils, then pour it out, and add a little sugar and nutmeg. The saucepan should have a little cold water put into it first, to prevent the milk from burning at the bottom, or marbles boiled in it will answer the same purpose. THICKENED GRAVY. To a quart of gravy allow a table-spoon- ful of thickening, or from one to two table-spoonfuls of flour, according to the thickness required. Put a ladleful of the gravy into a basin with the thickening, stir it up quick, add the rest by degrees, till it is all well mixed. Then pour it back into a stewpan, and leave it by the side of the fire to simmer for half an hour longer, that the thickening may be thoroughly incorporated with the gravy. Let it neither be too pale nor too dark a colour. If not, thick enough, let it stew longer, or add to it a little glaze or portable soup. If too thick, it may be diluted with a spoonful or too of warm broth or water. THICKENED SOUP. Put into a small stewpan three table-spoon- fuls of the fat taken off the soup, and mix it with four table-spoonfuls of flour. Pour in a ladleful of tht soup, mix it with the rest by de- grees, and boil it up till it is smooth. This may be rendered more savoury by adding a little ketchup. The 435 T H O T HK soup shoultl be strained through a tamniis. THICKENING. Clarified butter is best for this purpose, or put some fresh butter into a stewpan over a slow clear fire. When it is melted, add fine flour sufficient to make it the thickness of paste. Stir it well together with a wooden spoon for fifteen or twenty minutes, till it is quite smooth, and the colour of a guinea. This must be done very gradually and patiently, or it will be spoiled. *Pour it into an earthen pan, and it will keep good a fort- night in summer, and longer in win- ter. Particular attention must be paid in making it ; if it gets any burnt smell or taste, it will spoil every thing it is put into. When cold, it should be thick enQugh to cut out with a knife, like a solid paste. This is a very essential ar- ticle in the kitchen, and the basis of consistency in most made dishes, soups, sauces, and ragouts. In mak- ing this thickening, the less butter and the more flour is used the better. They must be thoroughly worked together, and the broth or soup add- ed by degrees. Unless well incor- porated, the sauce will taste floury, and have a greasy disagreeable ap- pearance. To prevent this, it must be finished and cleansed, after it is thickened, by adding a little broth or warm water, and setting it by the side of the fire to raise any fat that is not thoroughly incorporated with the gravy, that it may be care- fully removed as it comes to the top. Some cooks merely thicken their soups and sauces with flour, or the farina of potatoe ; and others use the fat skimmings off" the top of broth, as a substitute for butter. THORNS AND SPLINTERS. To run prickles or thorns, such as those of roses, thistles, and chess- nuts, or little splinters of wood or bone, into the hands, feet, or legai^ is a very common accident, and pro- 436 vided any such substance be imme diately extracted, it is seldom at- tended with any bad consequences. But the more certain prevention is a compress of linen dipped in warm water, and applied to the part, or to bathe it a little while in warm water. If the thorn or splinter can- not be extracted directly, or if any part of it be left in, it causes an inflammation, and nothing but timely precaution will prevent its coming to an abscess. A plaster of shoe- maker's wax spread upon leather, draws these wounds remarkably well. When it is known that any part of the, splinter remains, an expert sur- geon would open the place and take it out ; but if it be unobserved, as will sometimes happen when the substance is very small, till the in- flammation begins, and no advice can at once be procured, the steam of water should be applied to it first, and then a poultice of bread crumb and milk, with a few drops of peru- vian balsam. It is quite necessary that the injured part should be kept in the easiest posture, and as still as possible. If this does not soon suc- ceed, good advice must be procured without delay, as an accident of this kind neglected, or improperly treat- ed, may be the occasion of losing a limb. In this and all other cases of inflammation, a forbearance from animal food and fermented liquors, is always advisable. THRUSH. This disorder in chil- dren affects the mouth and throat, and sometimes the stomach. In the former case it will be sufficient to cleanse the mouth with a little sage tea, sweetened with the honey of roses, and mixed with a dram of borax. In the latter, great benefit may be derived from a decoction of carrots in water, or an ounce of linseed boiled in a pint of water till reduced to a consistence, and sweet- ened with two ounces of honey, a table-spoonfid of which may be THY THY given occasionally. This complaint may generally be prevented by a due attention to cleanliness, daily washing and bathing the child in lukewarm water, washing its mouth after it has been applied to the l)reast, giving it pure air, and remov- ing any obstruction in the bow- els by the use of manna or tama- jinds. THYME. These plants may be easily raised from seed, by slipping the roots and branches, and by cut- tings ; but the seed method is seldom practised, except with the second sort, or garden thyme. The seed should be sown in the early spring on light, rich, dry ground, which should be properly dug over, and the surface be made moderately smooth with the spade. As the seed is small, it should not be sown too thick, or be covered too deep : the seed is best sown while the ground is fresh stirred, either broad-cast on the surface, raking it in lightly, or in flat shallow drills, earthed over thinly : the plants ap- pear in two or three weeks. It is ne- cessary to be careful to keep them well weeded, giving occasional light waterings in dry weather; and by June they will require thinning, es- pecially if the plants are to grow stocky, and with bushy full heads ; in which case they should be set out to six or eight inches distance ; when those thinned out may be planted in another place, in rows six or eight inches asunder, giving water till fresh rooted, keeping the whole clean from weeds by occasional hoeing between them in dry days, which will also stir the surface of the earth, and much improve the growth of the plants : they will be in perfection for use in summer, or early in autumn. Some think the common thyme best culti- vated for kitchen use in beds or bor- ders, in rows at least half a foot apart, employing for the purpose ei- ther the young seedling plants, which are fit to set out, or the root slips of '>ld plants, each of which soon in- crease into plants of bushy growths proper for being cropped for the above use. It may also often be well cultivated as an edging to herbary and other compartments ; in both of which methods the plants multiply exceedingly fast by offsets, and are abiding, furnishing the means of great future increase. Some should, how- ever, always be annually raised from seed in the above manner, as such plants possess a stronger aromatic quality than those from old ones. When it is intended to increase any particular varieties, and continue them the same with certainty, it can only be effected by slips and cuttings. In respect to the off'sets and slips, all the sorts multiply by off'sets of the root and slips of the branches : th^ rooted slips are the most expeditious method, as the old plants increase into many off'set stems rising from the root, each furnished with fibres ; and by taking up the old plants in the spring, &c. and slipping or dividing them into separate parts, not too small, with roots to each, and plant- ing them in beds of good earth, in rows half a foot asunder, giving wa- ter directly, and repeating it occa- sionally in dry weather till they have taken root, and begin to shoot at top ; they soon grow freely, and form good bushy plants in two or three months. The strong slips of the branches without roots, succeed when planted any time in the early spring season in a shady border, in rows four or five inches distant, giving due waterings ; and become good plants by autumn, when they may be plant- ed out where they are to remain. The cuttings of the young branches grow readily, the same as the slips, when planted at the same season in a shady place, and well watered. The common thyme is in universal use as a pot-herb for various culi- nary purposes ; it may also be em- ployed in assemblage with other small plants, to embellish the fronts of flower-borders, shrubbery clumps, 437 TIN TIN small and sloping banks, &c. placing the plants detached or singly, to form little bushy tufts, and in which the variegated sorts, and the silver thyme and lemon thyme particularly, form a very agreeable variety. The lemon thyme is also in much estimation for its peculiar odoriferous smell. Some of each of these sorts may also be potted, in order to be moved occasionally to any particular places as may be required, and under oc- casional shelter in severe winters, to preserve the plants more effectu- ally in a lively state ; likewise some of the raastick thyme. Spanish and Portugal thymes are also sometimes potted for the same purpose, and to place under the protection of a gar- den frame or greenhouse in winter, to continue them in a more fresh and lively growth ; and sometimes some of the smaller thymes are sown or planted for edgings to particular beds or borders for variety, such as the lemon thyme, silver-leaved and variegated sorts ; also occasionally the common thyme ; and all kept low, close and regular, by clip- ping them at the sides and tops an- nually in the summer season. All the several sorts and varieties pos- sess an aromatic quality, which principally resides in the leaves, whence it is imparted and affords a fine agreeable fragrance. But the first three kinds are much the most noted and valued in kitchen gardens, and more especially the common thyme, which is so very useful as a culinary herb. TIN COVERS. Properly to clean tin covers and pewter pots, get the finest whiting, which is only sold in large cakes, the small being mixed with sand. Powder and mix a little of it with a drop of sweet oil, rub the pots and covers well with it, and wipe them clean. Then dust over some dry whiting in a muslin bag, and rub the articles bright with dry leather. The last is to prevent rust, which must be carcfullv guard- 438 ed against by wiping thoroughly dry, and setting them by the fire when they come from table. If covers are once hung up without wiping, the steam will be sure to rust the inside. TINCTURE OF ALLSPICE. Bruise three ounces of allspice, and steep it in a quart of brandy. Shake it up occasionally and after a fort- night pour off the clear liquor. It makes a most grateful addition in all cases where allspice is used, in gravies, or to flavour and preserve potted meats. TINCTURE OF BARK.' To mal^e the compound tincture, take two ounces of Peruvian bark pow- dered, half an ounce of Seville orange peel, and half an ounce of bruised cinnamon. Infuse the whole in a pint and a half of brandy, let it stand five or six days in a close ves- sel, and then strain off the tincture. Take one or two tea-spoonfuls twice a day in any suitable liquor, sharp- ened with a few drops of the spirits of vitriol. This tincture is highly beneficial in intermitting fevers, and in slow, nervous, or putrid fevers, especially towards their decline. TINCTURE OF CINNAMON. This exhilirating cordial is made by pouring a bottle of the best brandy on three ounces of bruised cinna- mon. A tea-spoonful of it, and a lump of sugar, in a glass of good sherry or madeira, with the yolk of an egg beaten up in it, was formerly considered as the balsam of life. Two tea-spoonfuls of it in a wine glass of water, are at present a very pleasant remedy in nervous languors, and in relaxations of the boweJs. In the latter case, five drops of lauda- num may be added to each dose. TINCTURE OF CLOVES. Bruise three ounces of cloves, steep them for ten days in a quart of brandy, and strain off the tincture through a flannel sieve. It imparts an ex- cellent flavour to mulled wine. In all cases tinctures are to be preferred TO A TOM to essences, as aflfording a much finer flavour. TINCTURE OF LEMON PEEL. A very easy and economical way of obtaining and preserving the flavour of lemon peel, is to fill a wide- mouthed pint bottle half full of bran- dy or rum ; and when a lemon is used, pare off the rind very thin, and put it into the spirits. In the course of a fortnight the liquor will be strongly flavoured with the lemon. TINCTURE OF NUTMEG. Steep three ounces of nutmeg in a quart of brandy, and let it stand a fortnight. Shake it up occasionally, and then pour off the clear liquor. TINCTURE OF RHUBARB. Take two ounces and a half of rhu- barb, and half an ounce of lesser cardamon seeds ; steep them for a week in a quart of brandy, and strain off the tincture. To make the bitter tincture of rhubarb, add an ounce of gentian root, and a dram of snake root. The tincture is of great use in case of indigestion, pain or weakness of the stomach ; and from one to three or four spoon- fuls may be taken every day. TINGEING OF GLASS. The art of tingeing glass of various colours is by mixing with it, while in a state of fusion, some of the metallic ox- ides ; and on this process, well con- ducted, depends the formation of pastes. Blue glass is formed by means of oxide of cobalt; green, by the oxide of iron or copper; violet, by oxide of manganese ; red, by a mixture of the oxides of copper and iron ; purple, by the purple oxide of gold ; white, by the ox- ides of arsenic and of zinc ; yellow, by the oxide of silver, and by com- bustible bodies. TOAST AND WATER. Take a slice of fine and stale loaf-bread, cut very thin, (as thin a3 toast is ever cut) and let it be carefully toasted on both sides, until it be completely browned all over, but no wise blackened or burned in any way. Put this into a common deep stone or china jug, and pour over it, from the tea kettle, as much clean boiling water as you wish to make into drink. Much depends on the water being actually in a boiling state. Cover the jug with a saucer or plate, and let the drink stand until it be quite cold ; it is then fit to be used ; the fresher it is made the better, and of course the more agree- able. The above will be found a pleasant, light, and highly diuretic drink. It is peculiarly grateful to the stomach, and excellent for car- rying off the effects of any excess in drinking. It is also a most excel- lent drink at meals, and may be used in the summer time, if more agree- able to the drinker. TOASTED CHEESE. Mix some fine butter, made mustard, and salt, into a mass. Spread it on fresh made thin toasts, and grate some Gloucester cheese upon them. TOMATOES. These are chiefly used in soups and sauces, and serve as little dishes at table at any part of a dinner. When they are to be baked, cut the tomatoes lengthways in the middle, with the part where there is a rind downwards. Strew upon each a seasoning of pepper, salt, and sweet herbs chopped small. Set them in the oven till they arc soft, and serve them up, without any other sauce. The fruit of the purple egg plant is eaten, prepared in the same manner. TOMATA SAUCE. For hot or cold meats put tomatas, when per- fectly ripe, into an earthen jar. Set it in an oven when the bread is drawn, till they are quite soft; then separate the skins from the pulp, and mix this with capsicum vinegar, and a few cloves of pounded garlic, which must both be proportioned to the quantity of fruit. Add pow dered ginger and salt to taste. Some white wine vinegar and cayenne may be used instead of capsicum vinegar. Keep the mixture in small wide- 439 TON TOU ^ hiouthed bottles, vvcjll corked, and ill a cool dry place. TONGUES. When a tongue is intended to be eaten cold, season it with common salt and saltpetre, brown sugar, a little bay salt, pep- per, cloves, mace, and allspice, in fine powder, and let it lie a fort- night. Then take away the pickle, put the tongue into a small pan, and lay some butter on it. Cover it with brown crust, and bake it slowly till it becomes so tender that a straw would go through it. The thin part of tongues, when hung up to dry, grates like hung beef, and also makes a fine addition to the flavour of omlets. — To boil a tongue. If it is a dried tongue, soak it over night ; the next day put it into cold water, and let it have a good deal of room ; it will take at least four hours. If it is a green tongue out of the pickle, you need not soak it, but it will re- quire near the same time. About an hour before you send it to table, take it out and blanch it, then put it into the pot again till you want it, by this means it will eat the ten- derer. TONGUE AND UDDER. Clean the tongue nicely, rub it with salt, a vi?ry little saltpetre, and a little coarse sugar, and let it lie for two or three days. When to be dressed, have a fresh tender udder with some fat to it, and boil that and the tongue gently till half done. Take them very clean out of the water, then tie the thick end of the one to the thin end of the other, and roast thera with a few cloves stuck into the ud- der. Serve them up with gravy in the dish, and currant jelly in a tu- reen. A dried tongue to be boiled, requires to be previously soaked for ten or twelve hours. A tongue out of pickle is only to be washed, and boiled in the same way. It will take four hours to do it well, and for the first two hours it should only simmer. About an hour before it is done it should be taken up and 440 peeled, and then put into the boiler again to finish it. Serve it up with turnips nicely mashed, and laid round it. TOOTH ACH. The best possi- ble preventive of this disorder is to keep the teeth clean, as directed for the Teeth and Gums. If the gums be inflamed, recourse should be had to bleeding by leeches, and blisters behind the ears. A few drops of laudanum in cotton, laid on the tooth, will sometimes aft'ord relief. In some cases, vitriolic aether dropped on the cheek, and the hand held to the part till the liquid is eva- porated, is found to answer the pur- pose. But it is much easier to pre- scribe the means of preventing the disorder, than to point out a specific remedy ; and the nostrums generally given on this subject are either in- effectual or injurious. TOURTE CRUST. To make a crust for French pies called tourtes, take a pound and a half of fine flour, a pound of butter, and three quar- ters of an ounce of salt. Put the flour upon a clean pie board, make a hole in the middle, and put in the salt, with the butter cut into small pieces. Pour in the water carefully, as it is of great importance that the crust be rather stiff; and for this purpose there should only be just water enough to make it hold toge- ther so as to roll it out smooth. Work up the butter and water well together with the hand, and mix it in the flour by degrees. When the flour is all mixed in, mould the paste till it is quite smooth and free from lumps, and let it lie two hours be- fore it be used. This is a very nice crust for putting round the dish for baked puddinsfs. TOURTESOF FISH. Prepare the crust and put it into the dish, as for meat tourtes. Then take al- most any kind of fish, cut them from the backbone, and lay them in slices upon the crust, with a little bunch of sweet herbs in the middle, some salt TOU TR A and pounded spice, according to the taste. Lay butter all over the top crust, and bake it an hour and a half. Cut the crust round after it is baked, take out the herbs, skim off the remainder of the fat, pour on a sauce of fish gravy, and serve it up. Mushrooms are very nice in the sauce, and so are capers, but the flavour of the sauce must be re- gulated by the taste. Truffles and morels may also be put in, as in the meat tourtes. Eels, pike, salmon, tench, whiting, are proper for the purpose. Nothing makes a nicer tourte in this way than large soles, taking off the flesh from the back- bone, without the side fins. Lob- sters also make an excellent tourte, and oysters are very nice mixed with other fish. TOURTES OF MEAT. Prepare a crust of paste, roll it out, and line a dish with it not deeper than a common plate. Veal, chicken, pi- geons, sweetbread, or game of any kind, may be prepared as follows. Cut in pieces whichever is preferred, just heat it in water, drain it, season it with pepper and salt, lay it upon the crust without piling it up high, and leave a border round the rim of the dish. Place some pieces of but- ter upon the meat to keep it moist, and add truffles, mushrooms, morels, artichoke bottoms, or forcemeat balls, at pleasure. Cover the whole with slices of fat bacon, and then lay a crust over it exactly corres- ponding with that underneath. Glaze over the upper crust with yolk of egg, and set the tourte into an oven. When it has been in a quarter of an hour, draw it to the mouth of the oven, and make a hole in the centre of the crust to let out the fumes. Let it stand nearly three hours longer in the oven, then take it out, cut the crust round with the rim, take it oft", take out the bacon, and clear off any fat that may remain on the top. , Have ready a rich ragout sauce to pour over it, then replace the crust, and serve it up. This dish is ac- cording to the French fashion. TRANSPARENT MARMALADE. Cut the palest Seville oranges in quarters, take out the pulp, and put it in a bason, picking out the seeds and skins. Let the outsides soak in water with a little salt all night, then boil them in a good quantity of spring water till tender ; drain, and cut them in very thin slices, and put them to the pulp. To every pound, add a pound and a half of double-refined sugar beaten fine ; boil them together twenty minutes, but be careful not to break the slices. It must be stirred all the time very gently, and put into glasses when cold. TRANSPARENT PAINTINGS. The paper must be fixed in a straining frame, in order to place it between the eye and the light, when required. After tracing the design, the colours must be laid on, in the usual method of stained drawings. When the tints are got in, place the picture against the window, on a pane of glass framed for the pur- pose, and begin to strengthen the shadows with Indian ink, or with colours, according as the effect re- quires ; laying the colours some- times on both sides of the paper, to give greater force and depth of co- lour. The last touches for giving final strength to shadows and forms, are to be done with ivory black or lamp black, prepared with gum wa- ter ; as there is no pigment so opaque, and capable of giving strength and decision. When the drawing is finished, and every part has got its depth of colour and brilliancy, be- ing perfectly dry, touch very care- fully with spirits of turpentine, on both sides, those parts which are to be the brightest, such as the 'moon and fire ; and those parts requiring less brightness, only on one side. Then lay on immediately with a pencil, a varnish made by dissolving one ounce of Canada balsam in an 3 L 441 TR A TRA equal quantity of spirit of turpentine. Be cautious with the varnish, as it is apt to spread. When the varnish is dry, tinge the flame with red lead and gamboge, sHghtly touching the smoke next the flame. The moon must not be tinted with colour. Much depends on the choice of the subject, and none is so admirably adapted to this species of eflect, as the gloomy Gothic ruin, whose antique towers and pointed turrets finely contrast their dark battlements with the pale yet bril- ilant moon. The effect of rays pass- ing through the ruined windows, half choked with ivy ; or of a fire anjong the clustering pillars and broken monuments of the choir, round which are figures of banditti, or others, whose haggard faces catch the reflecting hght ; affbrd a pe- culiarity of effect not to be equal- ed in any other species of painting. Internal views of cathedrals also, where windows of stained ^lass are introduced, have a beautiful eff*ect. The great point to be attained is, a happy coincidence between the subject and the effect produced. The fine light should not be too near the moon, as its glare would tend to in- jure her pale silver light. Those parts which are not interesting, should be kept in an undistinguish- ing gloom ; and where the principal Hght is, they should be marked with precision. Groups of figures should be well contrasted ; those in shadow crossing those that are in light, by which means the opposition of light against shade is effected. TRANSPARENT PUDDING. Beat up eight eggs, put them into a stewpan, with half a pound of sugar finely pounded, the same quantity of butter, and some grated nutmeg. Set it on the fire, and keep it stirring till it thickens. Then set it into a basin to cool, put a rich puff" paste round the dish, pour in the pudding, and ])ake it in a moderate oven. It will cut light and clear. Candied orange and citron mav be added if approved. 442 TRASPLANTING OF FLOW- ERS. Ainiuals and perennials, sown in March or April, may be transplant- ed about the end t)f May. A showery season is preferable, or they must frequently be watered till they have taken root. In the summer time reast and passages, is itself easy of digestion, and helps to digest all hard or sweeter foods. It also cools and cleanses the whole body, ren- ders it brisk and lively, and is very efticacious in quenching thirst. No other sort of milkmeat or spoonmeat is so proper and beneficial for con- sumptive persons, or such as labour under great weakness and debility. It should be eaten with bread only, and it will be light and easy on the stomach, even witen new milk is found to disagree. If this soured milk should become unpleasant at first, a little custom and use will not only render it familiar, but agree- able to the stomach and palate ; and those who have neither wisdom nor patience to submit to a transient inconvenience, will never have an opportunity of knowing the intrinsic value of any thing. To these may be added a variety of other articles adapted to a state of sickness and disease, which will be found under their respective heads ; such as Beef Tea, Flummery, Jellies of various kinds. Lemon Whey, Vinegar Whey, Cream of Tartar Whey, Mustard Whey, Treacle Posset, Buttermilk, Onion Porridge, Water Gruel, and Wormwood Ale. TREES. Several different me- thods have been proposed of pre- venting the bark being eaten off by hares and rabbits in the winter sea- son ; such as twisting straw -ropes round the trees ; driving in small flat stakes all about them ; and the use of strong-scented oils. But better and neater modes have latelv been 450 suggested ; as with hog's lard, and as much whale-oil as w ill work it up into a thin paste or paint, with w hich the stems of the trees are to be gently rubbed upwards, at the time of the fall of the leaf. It may be done once in two years, and will, it is said, ef- fectually prevent such animals from touching them. Another and still neater method, is to take three pints of melted tallow to one pint of tar, mixing them well together over a gentle fire. Then, in the month of November, to take a small brush and go over the rind or bark of the trees with the composition in a milk-warm state, as thin as it can be laid on with the brush. It is found that such a coating does not hinder the juices or sap from expanding in the smallest degree; and the efficacy of the plan is proved, in preventing the attacks of the animals, by applying the liquid composition to one tree and missing another, when it was found that the former was left, while the latter was attacked. Its efficacy has been shewn by the experience of five ^ear^r. The trees that were gone over the first two years have not been touched since ; and none of them have been injured by the hares. — The Mossing of trees is their becoming much affected and covered with the moss-plant or mossy substance. It is found to prevail in fruit-grounds of the apple kind, and in other situations, when they are in low, close, confined places, where the damp or moisture of the trees is not readily removed. It is thought to be an indication of weakness in the growth, or of a diseased state of the trees, and to require nice attention in preventing or eradicating it. The modes of removing it have usually been those of scraping, rubbing, and washing, but they are obviously cal- culated for trees only on a small scale. How far the use of powdery matters, such as lime, chalk, and others, which are capable of readily absorbing and taking up the wetness TRE TRE that may hang about the branches, and other parts of the trees, by being well dusted over them, may be bene- ficial, is not known, but they would seem to promise success by the ta- king away the nourishment and sup- port of the moss, when employed at proper seasons. And they are known to answer in destroying moss in some other cases, when laid about the stems of the plants, as in thorn- hedges, &c. The mossing in all sorts of trees is injurious to their growth by depriving them of a por- tion of their nourishment, but more particularly hurtful to those of the fruit-tree kind, as preventing them from bearing full good crops of fruit by rendering them in a weak and unhealthy state. The following are substances destructive of insects infesting fruit shrubs and trees in gardening, or of preventing their injurious ravages and effects on trees. Many different kinds of sub- stances have been recommended for the purpose, at different times ; but nothing perhaps has yet been found fully effectual in this intention, in all cases. The substances and modes directed below have lately been ad- vised as useful in this way. As pre- ventives against gooseberry cater- pillars, which so greatly infest and injure shrubs of that kind, the sub- stances mentioned below have been found very simple and efficacious. In the autumnal season, let a quan- tity of cow-urine be provided, and let a little be poured around the stem of each bush or shrub, just as much as merely suffices to moisten the ground about them. This simple expedient is stated to have succeed- ed in an admirable manner, and that its preventire virtues have appeared to extend to two successive seasons or years. The bushes which were treated in this manner remained free from caterpillars, while those which were neglected, or intentionally pass- ed by, in the same compartment, were wholly destroyed by the de- predations of the insects. Another mode of prevention is proposed, which, it is said, is equally simple and effectual ; but the good effects of which only extend to the season immedi- ately succeeding to that of the ap- plication. This is, in situations near the sea, to collect as much drift or sea-weed from the beach, when oc- casion serves, as will be sufficient to cover the whole of the gooseberry compartment to the depth of four or five inches. It should be laid on in the autumn, and the whole covering remain untouched during the winter and early spring months ; but as the fruiting season advances, be dug in. This method, it is said, has answered the most sanguine expectations ; no caterpillars ever infesting the com- partments which are treated in this manner. Another method, which is said to have been found successful, in preventing or destroying caterpil- lars on the above sort of fruit shrubs, is this : as the black currant and elder bushes, growing quite close to those of the gooseberry kind, were not attacked by this sort of vermin, it was conceived that an infusion of their leaves might be serviceable, es- pecially when prepared with a little quick-lime, in the manner directed below. Six pounds each of the two first sorts of leaves are to be boiled in twelve gallons of soft water ; then fourteen pounds of hot lime are to be put into twelve gallons of water, and, after being well incorporated with it, they are both to be mixed well together. With this mixture the infested gooseberry bushes by fruit trees are to be well washed or the hand garden-engine ; after which a little hot lime is to be taken and laid about the root of each bush or tree so washed, which completes the work. Thus the caterpillars will be completely destroyed, without hurt- ing the foliage of the bushes or trees in any way. A dull day is to be preferred for performing the work of washing, Szc. As soon as all the 451 r K E TRE foliage is dropped otf from the bushes or trees, they are to be again washed over with the hand-engine, in order to clean them of all decayed leaves, and other matters ; for which pur- pose any sort of water will answer. The surface of the earth, all about the roots of the bushes and trees, is then to be well stirred, and a lit- tle hot lime again laid about them, to destroy the ova or eggs of the insects. This mode of management has never failed of success, in the course of six years' practice. It is noticed, that the above quantity of prepared liquid will be sufficient for about two acres of ground in this sort of plantation, and cost but little in providing. The use of about a gallon of a mixture of equal propor- tions of lime-water, chamber-ley, and soap-suds, with as much soot as will give it the colour and consistence of dunghill drainings, to each bush in the rows, applied by means of the rose of a watering-pot, immediately as the ground between them is dug over, and left as rough as possible, the whole being gone over in this way without treading or poaching the land, has also been found highly successful by others. The whole is then left in the above state until the winter frosts are fairly past, when thie ground between the rows and bushes are levelled, and raked over in an even manner. By this means of practice, the bushes have beeni constantly kept healthy, fruitful, and free from the annoyance of insects. The bushes are to be first pruned, and dung used where necessary. A solution of soft soap, mixed with an infusion of tobacco, has likewise been applied with great use in destroying caterpillars, by squirting it by the hand-syringe upon the bushes, while a little warm, twice in the day. But some think that the only safety is in picking them off the bushes, as they first appear, together with the lower leaves which are eaten into holes: also, the paring, digging over, and 452 clearing the foul ground between the bushes, and treading and forcing such foul surface parts into the bot- toms of the trenches! Watering cherry-trees with water prepared from quick-lime new burnt, and common soda used in washing, in the proportion of a peck of the for- mer and half a pound of the latter to a hogshead of water, has been found successful in destroying the green fly and the black vermin which infest such trees. The water should stand upon the lime for twenty-four hours, and be then drawn off by a cock placed in the cask, ten or twelve inches from the bottom, when the soda is to be put to it, being careful not to exceed the above proportion, as, from its acridity, it would other- M'ise be liable to destroy the foliage. Two or three times watering with this liquor, by means of a garden engine, will destroy and remove the vermin. The application of clay- paint, too, has been found of great utility in destroying the different in- sects, such as the coccus, thrips, and fly, which infest peach, necta- rine, and other fine fruit trees, on walls, and in hot-houses. This paint is prepared by taking a quantity of the most tenacious brown clay, and diffusing it in as much soft water as will bring it to the consistence of a thick cream or paint, passing it through a fine sieve or hair-searce, so as that it may be rendered per- fectly smooth, unctuous, and free from gritty particles. As soon as the trees are pruned and nailed in, , they are all to be carefully gone over ] with a painter's brush dipped in the above paint, especially the stems and large branches, as well as the young shoots, which leaves a coat or layer, that, when it becomes dry, forms a hard crust over the whole tree, which, by closely enveloping the insects, completely destroys them, without doing any injury to either the bark or buds. And by covering the trees with mats or can- TRE TRO vas in wet seasons, it may be pre- served on them as long as necessary. Where one dressing is not effectual, it may be repeated ; and the second coating will mostly be sufficient. Where peach and nectarine trees are managed with this paint, they are very rarely either hide-bound or at- tacked by insects. This sort of paint is also useful in removing the mildew, with which these kinds of trees are often affected ; as well as, with the .use of the dew-syringe, in promoting the equal breaking of the eyes of vines, trained on the rafters of pine stoves. Watering the peach tree borders with the urine of cattle, in the beginning of winter, and again in the early spring, has likewise been thought beneficial in destroying the insects which produce the above dis- I ease. Careful and proper cleaning f and washing these trees, walls, and other places in contact with them, has, too, been found of great utility in preventing insects from accumu- lating on them. TRIFLE. To make an excellent trifle, lay macaroons and ratifia drops over the bottom of a dish, and pour in as much raisin wine as they will imbibe. Then pour on them a cold rich custard, made with plenty of eggs, and some rice flour. It !t must stand two or three inches thick : f "•on that put a layer of raspberry jam, and cover the whole with a very high whip made the day before, of rich cream, the whites of two well- beaten eggs, sugar, lemon peel, and raisin wine, well beat with a whisk, kept only to whip syllabubs and creams. If made the day before it is used, the trifle has quite a dif- ferent taste, and is solid and far better. TRIPE. After being well washed and cleaned, tripe should be stewed with milk and onion till quite tender. Serve it in a tureen, with melted butter for sauce. Or fry it in small pieces, dipped in batter. Or cut the thin part into bits, and stew them in gravy. Thicken the stew with butter and flour, and add a lit- tle ketchup. Tripe may also be fri- casseed with white sauce. TROUGHS. Water troughs of various kinds, which require to be rendered impervious to the wet, may be lined with a strong cement of gypsum and quicklime, mixed up with water. Four fifths of pulverised coal or charcoal, and one fifth of quicklime, well mixed together, and infused in boiling pitch or tar, will also form a useful cement for this purpose. It requires to be of the consistence of thin mortar, and ap- plied hot with a trowel. TROUT. Open them along the belly, wash them clean, dry them in a cloth, and season them with pep- per and salt. Set the gridiron over the fire, and when it is hot rub the bars with a piece of fresh suet. Lay on the fish, and broil them gently over a very clear fire, at such a dis- tance as not to burn them. When they are done on one side, turn them carefully on the other, and serve them up the moment they are ready. This is one of the best methods of dressing this delicate fish ; but they are sometimes broiled whole, in or- der to preserve the juices of the fish, when they are fresh caught. Ano- ther way is, after they are washed clean and well dried in a napkin, to bind them about with packthread, and sprinkle them with melted but- ter and salt ; then to broil them over a gentle fire, and keep them turning. Make a sauce of butter rolled in ilour, with an anchovy, some pep- per, nutmeg, and capers. Add a very little vinegar and water, and shake it together over a moderate fire, till it is of a proper thickness. Put the trout into a dish, and pour this sauce over them. Trout of a middle size arc best for broiling. The gurnet or piper is very nice broiled in the same manner, and served with the same kind of sauce. Mullets also admit of the same 453 TRO TR O treatment. Trout are very com- monly stewed, as well as broiled ; and in this case they should be put into a stewpan with equal quantities of Champaigne, Rhenish, or Sherry w ine. Season the stew with pepper and salt, an onion, a few cloves, and a small bunch of parsley and thyme. Put into it a crust of French bread, and set it on a quick fire. When the fish is done, take out the bread, bruise it, and then thicken the sauce. Add a little flour and butter, and let it boil up. Lay the trout on a dish, and pour the thickened sauce over it. Serve it with sliced lemon, and fried bread. This is called Trout a la Genevoise. A plainer way is to dry the fish, after it has been wash- ed and cleaned, and lay it on a board before the fire, dusted with flour. Then fry it of a fine colour with fresh dripping ; serve it with crimp parsley and plain butter. TROUT PIE. Scale and wash the fish, lard them with pieces of silver eel, rolled up in spice and sweet herbs, with bay leaves finely powdered. Slice the bottoms of artichokes, lay them on or between the fish, with mushrooms, oysters, capers, and sliced lemon or Seville orange. Use a dish or raised crust, close the pie, and bake it gently. — Another way. Clean and scale your trouts, and cut off the heads and fins ; boil an eel for forcemeat; when you have cut oflf the meat of the eel, put the bones and the heads of the trout into the water it was boiled in, with an onion, mace, whole pepper, a little salt, and a faggot of sweet herbs ; let it boil down till there is but enough for the pie. Chop the meat of the eel very fine, add grated bread, an anchovy chop- ped small, sweet herbs, and a gill of oysters blanched and bearded, the yolks of two hard eggs chopped very fine, and as much melted but- ter as will make it into a stiff force- meat ; season the trout with mace, pepper and salt ; fill the belly with 454 the forcemeat, and make the re- mainder into balls ; sheet your dish with a good paste, lay some butter on that, then the trout and force- meat ; strain ofl' the fish broth, and scum it very clean, and add a little white wine, and a piece of butter rolled in flour; when it is all melt- ed, pour it into the pie, and lid it over ; bake it in a gentle oven, and let it be thoroughly done. TRUFFLES. The largest are the most esteemed ; those which are brought from Perigord are the best. They are usually eaten dressed in wine, and broth seasoned with salt, pepper, a bunch of sweet herbs, some roots and onions. Before be- ing dressed they must be soaked in warm water, and well rubbed with a brush, that no earth may adhere to them. When dressed, serve them in a plate as an entremet. The truflSe is also very excellent in all sorts of ragouts, either chopped or out into slices, after they are peeled. It is one of the best seasonings that can be used in a kitchen. Trufiles are also used dried, but their flavour is then much diminished. TRUFFLES RAGOUT. Peel the trufl[les', cut them in slices, wash and drain them well. Put them into a saucepan with a little gravy, and stew them gently over a slow fire. When they are almost done enough, thicken them with a little butter and flour. Stewed in a little water, and thickened with cream and yolk of egg, they make a nice white ragout. Trufiles, mushrooms, and morels are all of them very indigestible. ,. TUNBRIDGE CAKES. Rub six ounces of butter quite fine into a pound of flour ; then mix six ounces of sugar, beat and strain two eggs, and make the whole into a paste. Roll it very thin, and cut it with the top of a glass. Prick the cakes with a fork, and cover them with carra- ways ; or wash them with the white of an e^gy and dust a little white sugar over. TUR TUR TURBOT. This excellent fish is in season the greatest part of the summet-. When fresh and good, it is at once firm and tender, and abounds with rich gelatinous nutri- ment. Being drawn and washed clean, it may be lightly rubbed with salt, and put in a cold place, and it will keep two or three days. An hour or two before dressing it, let it soak in spring water with some salt in it. To prevent the fish from swelling and cracking on the breast, score the skin across the thickest part of the back. Put a large hand- ful of salt into a fish kettle with cold water, lay the turbot on a fish strain- er and put it in. When it is begin- ning to boil, skmi it well ; then set the kettle on the side of the fire to boil as gently as possible for about fifteen or twenty minutes ; if it boil fast, the fish will break to pieces. Rub a little of the inside coral spawn of the lobster through a hair sieve, without butter ; and when the tur- bot is dished, sprinkle the spawn over it. Garnish the dish with sprigs of curled parsley, sliced lemon, and finely scraped horseradish. Send up plenty of lobster sauce. The thickest part of the fish is generally preferred. The spine bone should be cut across to make it easier for 'm carving. F TURBOT PIE. Take a middling turbot, clean it very well, cut oflf the head, tail, and fins. Make a force- meat thus ; take a large eel, boil it tender, then take off the flesh ; put the bones of the turbot and eel into the water the eel was boiled in, with a faggot of herbs, whole pepper, an onion, and an anchovy ; let this boil till it becomes a strong broth. In the mean time, cut the eel very fine ; add the same quantity of grated bread, a little lemon-peel, an an- chovy, parsley, and the yolks of two or three hard eggs, and half a pint of oysters blanched and beard- ed ; chop alL these as fine as pos- sible ; mix all together with a quarter of a pound of melted butter ; and with this forcemeat lay a rim in the inside of the dish ; put in the tur- bot, and fill up the vacancies with forcemeat ; strain off" the broth, scum it very clean, and add a lump of butter rolled in flour, and a glass of white wine ; pour this over the fish. Make a good puff" paste, cover the pie with it, and let it be tho- roughly baked. When it comes from the oven, warm the remainder of the liquor ; pour it in, and send it to table. TURKEYS. When young they are very tender, and require great attention. As soon as hatched, put three peppercorns down their throat. They must be carefully watched, or they will soon perish. The hen turkey is so careless, that she will stalk about with one chicken, and leave the remainder, or even tread -z upon and kill them. Turkeys are violent eaters, and must therefore be left to take charge of themselves in general, except one good feed a day. The hen se!s twenty-five or thirty days, and the young ones must be kept warm, as the least cold or damp kills them. They must be fed often, and at a distance from the hen, or she will pick every thing from them. They should have curds, green cheese parings cut small, and bread and milk with chopped worm- wood in it. Their drink milk and water, but must not be left to turn sour. All young fowls are a prey for vermin, therefore they should be kept in a safe place where none can come. Weasels, stoats, and ferrets will creep in at a very small crevice. The hen«hould be under a coop, in a warm place exposed to the sun, for the first three or four weeks ; and the young ones should not be suf- fered to wander about in the dew, at morning or evening. Twelve eggs are enough to put under a turkey ; and when she is about to lay, lock her up till she has laid every morn- ing. They usually begin to lay in 455 TUR TUR March, and set in April. Feed them near the hen-house, and give them a little meat in the evening, to accus- tom them to roosting there. Fatten them with sodden oats or barley for the first fortnight; and the last fort- night give them as above, and rice swelled with warm milk over the fire twice a day. The flesh will be beau- tifully white and fine flavoured. The common way in Norfolk is to cram them, but they are so ravenous that it seems unnecessary, if they are not sufTertd to wander far from home, which keeps them lean and poor. — When fat turkeys are to be purchased in the market, in order to judge of their quality it is necessary to ob- serve, that the cock bird when young has a smooth black leg, and a short sj)ur. If fresh and sweet, the eyes are full and bright, and the feet moist and supple. If stale, the eyes will be sunk, and the feet stiflf and dry. The hen turkey is known by the same rules ; but if old, the legs will be red and rough. TURKEY PATTIES. Mince some of the white part, and season it with grated lemon, nutmeg, salt, a dust of white pepper, a spoonful of cream, and a very small piece of butter warmed. Fill the patties, and bake them. TURKEY PIE. Break the bones, and beat the turkey flat on the breast. Lard it with bacon, lay it into a raised crust with some slices of bacon under it, and well seasoned with salt, pepper, nutmeg, whole cloves, and bay leaves. Lay a slice of bacon over it, cover it with a crust, and bake it. When baked, put a clove of garlic or shalot into the whole in the middle of the crust, and let it stand till cold. The turkey may be boned if preferred. Duck or goose pie may be made in the same man- ner. TURKEY SAUCE. Open some oysters into a bason, and pour the liquor into a saucepan as soon as it is settled. Add a little white gravy, 456 and a tea-spoonful of lemon pickle. Thicken it with flour and butter, boil it a few minutes, add a spoonful of cream, and then the oysters. Shake them over the fire, but do riot let them boil. Or boil some slices oi fine bread with a little salt, an onion, and a few peppercorns. Beat it well, put in a bit of butter, and a spoonful of cream. This sauce eats well with roast turkey or veal. TURKISH YOURT. Let a small quantity of milk stand till it be sour, then Dut a sufticient quantity of it to new milk, to turn it to a soft curd. This may be eaten with sugar only, or both this and the fresh cheese are good eaten with strawberries and raspberries, as cream, or with sweet- meats of any kind. TURNIPS. To dress this valua- ble root, pare off" all the outside coat, cut them in two, and boil them with beef, mutton, or lamb. When they become tender take them up, press away the liquor, and mash them with butter and salt, or send them to table whole, with melted butter in a boat. Young turnips look and eat well with a little of the top left on them. To preserve turnips for the winter, cut oft' the tops and tails, and leave the roots a few days to dry. They should then be stacked up with layers of straw betvt'een, so as to keep them from the rain and frost, and let the stack be pointed at the top. TURNIPS MASHED. Pare and boil them quite tender, squeeze them as dry as possible between two trenchers, put them into a stewpan, and mash them with a wooden spoon. Then rub them through a cullender, add a little bit of butter, keep stir- ring them till the butter is melted and well mixed with them, and they are ready for the table. TURNIP BUTTER. In the fall of the year, butter is apt to acquire a strong and disagreeable flavour, from the cattle feeding on turnips, cabbages, leaves of trees, and other TUR TUR vegetable substaijces. To correct the offensive taste which this pro- duces, boil two ounces of saltpetre in a quart of water, and put two or more spoonfuls of it into a pail be- fore milking, according to the quan- tity of milk. If this be done con- stantly, the evil will be eflectually cured : if not, it will be owing to the neglect of the dairy maid. TURNIP FLY. To prevent the black fly from injuring the turnip crop, mix an ounce of sulphur daily with three pounds of turnip seed for three days successively, and keep it closely covered in an earthen pan. Stir it well each time, that the seed may be duly impregnated with the sulphur. Sow it as usual on an acre of ground, and the fly will not at- tack it till after the third or fourth leaf be formed, when the plant will be entirely out of danger. If garden vegetables be attacked by the fly, water them freely with a decoction of elder leaves. s TURNIP PIE. Season some mut- ton chops with salt and pepper, re- serving the ends of the neck bones to lay over the turnips, which must be cut into small dice, and put on the steaks. Add two or three spoon- fuls of milk, also a sliced onion if approved, and cover with a crust. TURNIP SAUCE. Pare half a dozen turnips, boil them in a little water, keep them shaking till they are done, and the liquor quite ex- hausted, and then rub them through a tammis. Take a little white gravy and cut more turnips, as if intended for harrico. Shake them as before, and add a little more white gravv. TURNIP SOUP. Take from a knuckle of veal all the meat that can be made into cutlets, and stew the remainder in five pints of water, with an onion, a bundle of herbs, and a blade of mace. Cover it close, and let it do on a slow fire, four or five hours at least. Strain it, and set it by till the next day. Then take the fat and sediment from (No. 20.) it, and simmer it with turnips cut into small dice till tender, seasoning it with salt and pepper. Before serving, rub down half a spoonful of flour with half a pint of good cream, and a piece of butter the size of a walnut. Let a small Toll simmer in the soup till fully moistened, and serve this with it. The soup should be as thick as middling cream. TURNIP TOPS. These are the shoots which come out in the spring from the old turnip roots, and are to be dressed in the same way as cab- bage sprouts. They make very nice sweet greens, and are esteemed great purifiers of the blood and juices. TURNPIKES. Mix together a quarter of a pound eacb of flour, butter, currants, and lump sugar powdered. Beat up four eggs with two of the whites, make the whole into a stiflf paste, with the addition jfb of a little lemon peel. Roll the paste ^ out thin, and cut it into shapes with a wine glass. The addition of a few carraway seeds will be an improve- ment. / TURTLE. The morning that you intend to dress the turtle, fill a boiler or kettle with a quantity of water suflnicient to scald the callapach and callapee, the fins, &c. and about nine o'clock hang up your turtle by the hind fins, cut off^ its head, and save the blood ; then with a sharp pointed knife separate the callapach from the callapee (or the back from the belly part) down to the shoul- ders, so as to come at the entrails, which take out, and clean them, as you would those of any other anima^' and throw them into a tub of clean water, taking great care not to break the gall, but cut it off the liver, and throw it away. Then separate eacb distinctly, and take the guts into another vessel, open them with a small penknife, from end to end, wash them clean, and draw them through a woollen cloth in warm water, to clear away the slime, and then put them into clean cold water 3 N 457 Tun T UR fiii they are used, with the other part of the entraib, whreh miist all be cut up small to be mixed in the baking dishes with the meat. This done, separate the back and belly pieces entirely, cutting away the four fins by the upper joint, which scald, peel off the loose skin, and cut them into small pieces, laying them by themselves, either in another vesjel, or on the table, ready to be season- ed. Then cut off the meat from the belly part, and clean the back from the lungs, kidneys, cSrc. and that meat cut into pieces as small as a walnut, laying it likewise by itself. After this you are to scald the back and belly pieces, pulling off the shell from the back and the yellow skin from the belly ; w hen all will be white and clean, and with the kitchen cleaver cut those up likewise into pieces about the bigness or breadth of a card. Put those pieces into clean cold wa- ter, wash them out, and place them in a heap on the table, so that each part may lie by itself. The meat, being thus prepared and laid sepa- rately for seasoning, mix two third parts of salt, or rather more, and one third part of Cayenne pepper, black pepper, and a spoonful of nutmeg and liiace pounded fine, and mixed together ; the quantity to be propor- tioned to the size of the turtle, so that in each dish there may be about three spoonfuls of seasoning to every twelve pounds of meat. Your meat being thus seasoned, get some sweet herbs, such as thyme, savoury, S^c. ^t them be dried and rubbed fine, and having provided some deep dishes to bake it in, (which should be of the common brown ware) put in the coarsest parts of the meat at the bottom, with about a quarter of a pound >f butter in each dish, and then some of each of the several par- cels of meat, so that the dishes may be all alike, and have equal portions of the different parts of the turtle ; and between each laying of the meat, strew a little of this mixture of sweet 4§^ liev]>s. Fill your dishes within an inch and an half, or two inches of the top ; boil the blood of the turtle, and put into it ; then lay on force- meat balls made of veal, or fowl, highly seasoned with the same sea- soning as the turtle ; put into each dish a gill of good Madeira wine, and as much water as it will conveni- ently hold ; then break over it five or six eggs, to keep the meat from scorching at the top, and over that shake a small handful of shred pars- ley, to make it look green ; which done, put your dishes into an oven made hot enough to bake bread, and in an hour and half, or two hours, (according to the size of the dishes) it will be sufficiently done. Send it to the table in the dishes in which it is baked, in order to keep it warm while it is eating. TURTLE FINS. Put into a stew- pan five large spoonfuls of brown sauce, with a bottle of port wine, and a quart of mushrooms. When the sauce lK)ils, put in four fins ; and after taking away all the small bones that are seen breaking through the skin, add a few sprigs of parsley, a bit of thyme, one bay leaf, and four cloves, and let it simmer one hour. Ten minutes before it is done, put in five dozen of button onions ready peeled, and see that it is properly TURTLE SOUP. The best sized turtle is one from sixty to eighty pounds weight, which will make six or eight tureens of fine soup. Kill the turtle the evening before ; tie a cord to the hind fins, and hang it up with the head downwards. Tie the fore fins by way of pinioning them, otherwise it would beat itself, and be troublesome to the executioner. Hold the head in the left hand, and with a sharp knife cut off the neck as near the head as possible. Lay the turtle on a block on the back shell, slip the knife between the breast and the edge of the back shell ; and when the knife has been round. TUR TUR find the breast is detached from the back, pass the fingers underneath, and detach the breast from the fins, always keeping the edge of the knife on the side of the breast ; otherwise if the gall be broken, the turtle will be spoiled. Cut the breast into four pieces, remove the entrails, begin- ning by the liver, and cut away the gall, to be out of danger at once. When the turtle is emptied, throw the heart, liver, kidneys, and lights, into a large tub of water. Cut away the fins to the root, as near to the back shell as possible ; then cut the fins in the second joint, that the white meat may be separated from the green. Scrape the fat from the back shell by skimming it, and put it aside. Cut the back shell into four pieces. Set a large turbot pan on the fire, and when it boils dip a fin into it for a minute, then take it oijt and peel it very clean. When that is done, take another, and so on till all are done ; then the head, next the shell and breast, piece by piece. Be careful to have the peel and shell entirely cleaned off", then put in the same pan some clean water, with the breast and back, the four fins, and the head. Let it boil till the bones will leave the meat, adding a large bundle of turtle herbs, four bay leaves, and some thyme. If two dishes are to be made of the fins, they must be removed . when they have boiled one hour. Put into a small stewpan the liver, lights, heart, and kidneys, and the fat that was laid aside. Take some of the liquor that the other part was boiled in, cover the stewpan close, and let it boil gently for three hours. Clean the bones, breast, and back from the green fat, and cut it into pieces an inch long, and half an inch wide, but suffer none of it to be wasted. Put all these pieces on a dish, and set it by till the broth is ready. To prepare the broth, put on a large stockpot, and line the bottom of it with a pound and a half of lean ham. cut into slices. Cut into pieces a large leg of veal, except a pound of the fillet to be reserved for force- meat ; put the rest upon the ham, with all the white meat of the turtle, and a couple of old fowls. Put it on a smart fire, with two ladlefuls of rich broth, and reduce it to a glaze. When it begins to stick to the bot- tom, pour the liquor in which the turtle was boiled into the pot where the other part of the turtle has been boiled. Add to it a little more sweet herbs, twenty-four grains of allspice, six blades of mace, two large onions, four carrots, half an ounce of whole pepper, and some salt. Let it sim- mer for four hours, and then strain the broth through a cloth sieve. Put into it the green part of the turtle that has been cut in pieces and nicely cleaned, with two bottles of Madeira. When it has boiled a few minutes with the turtle, add the broth to it. Melt half a pound of butter in a stewpan, add four large spoonfuls of flour, stir it on the fire till of a fine brown colour, and pour some of the broth to it. Mix it well, and strain it through a hair sieve into the soup. Cut the liver, lights, heart, kidneys, and fat into small square pieces, and put them into the soup with half a tea-spoonful of cayenne, two of curry powder, and four table-spoonfuls of the essence of anchovies. Let it boil an hour and a half, carefully skim- ming off the fat. Pound the reserved veal in a marble mortar for the force- meat, and rub it through a hair sieve, with as much of the udder as there is of meat from the leg of teal. Put some bread crumbs into a stewpan with milk enough to moisten it, add- ing a little chopped parsley and sha- lot. Dry it on the fire, rub it through a wire sieve, and when cold mix it all together, that every part may be equally blended. Boil six eggs hard, take the yolks and pound them with the other ingredients ; season it with salt, cayenne, and a little curry pow- der. Add three raw egG:^, nnx all 459 VAC VAC v;ell together, and make the force- meat into small balls the size of a pigeon's egg. Ten minutes before the soup is ready put in the force- meat balls, and continue to skim the soup till it is taken off the fire. If the turtle weighs eighty pounds, it will require nearly three bottles of Madeira for the soup. When the turtle is dished, squeeze two lemons into each tureen. It is also very good with eggs boiled hard, and a dozen of the yolks put in each, tu- reen. This is a highly fashionable soup, and such as is made in the royal kitchen ; but it is difficult of digestion, and fit only for those who * live to eat.' Foreigners in general are extremely fond of it ; and at the Spanish dinner in 1808, eight hun- dred guests attended, and two thou- sand five hundred pounds weight of turtle were consumed. TUSK. Lay the tusk in water the first thing in the morning ; after it has lain three or four hours, scale and clean it very well ; then shift the water, and let it lie till you want to dress it. If it is large, cut it down the back, and then across ; if small, only down the back ; put it into cold water, and let it boil gently for about twenty minutes. Send it to table in a napkin, with egg sauce, butter and mustard, and parsnips cut in sHces, in a plate. TWOPENNY. The malt beverage thus denominated, is not formed to keep, and therefore not likely to be brewed by any persons for their own consumption. The following pro- portions for one barrel, are inserted merely to add to gen*^ral information in the art of brewing. £ s. d. Malt, a bushel and a half 9 Hops, one pound . . 1 G Liquorice root, a pound and a half 1 6 Capsicum, a quarter of an ounce 1 Spanish liquorice, 2 ounces 2 Treacle, five pounds ..018 13 11 One barrel of twopenny, paid for at the publican's, 128 quarts, at 4rf. per quart 2 2 8 Brewed at home, coals in- cluded 15 Clear gain, 17 8 It is sufficient to observe respect- ing this liquor, that it requires no storing, being frequently brewed one week, and consumed the next. The quantity of capsicum in one barrel of twopenny, is as much as is com- monly contained in two barrels of porter : this readily accounts for the preference given to it by the work- ing classes, in cold winter mornings. Twopenny works remarkably quick, and must be carefully attended to, in the barrels. V. Vaccine inoculation. One of the most important discoveries in the history of animal nature is that of the Cow Pox, which was publicly announced by Dr. Jenner in the year 1798, though it had for ages been 160 known by some of the dairymen in the west of England. This malady appears on the nipples of cows in the form of irregular pustules, and it is now ascertained that persons inocu- lated with the matter taken from them V AR V AR are thereby rendered incapable of the small pox infection. Innumera- ble experiments have been made in different countries, in Asia and Ame- rica, with nearly the same success ; and by a series of facts duly authen- ticated, in many thousands of in- stances, it is fully proved that the vaccine inoculation is a milder and safer disease than the inoculated small pox ; and while the one has saved its tens of thousands, the other is going on to save its millions. With a view of extending the beneficial effects of the new inoculation to the poor, a new dispensary, called the Vaccine Institution, has been es- tablished in London, where the ope- ration is performed gratis, and the vaccine matter may be had by those who wish to promote this superior method of inoculation. The prac- tice itself is very simple. Nothing more is necessary than making a small puncture in the skin of the arm, and applying the matter. But as it is of great consequence that the matter be good, and not too old, it is recommended to apply for the assistance of those who make it a part of their business, as the ex«- pense is very trifling. VARNISH FOR BOOTS. To render boots and shoes impervious to the wet, take a pint of linseed oil, half a pound of mutton suet, six or eight ounces of bees' wax, and a . small piece of rosin. Boil all toge- ther in a pipkin, and let it cool to milk warm. Then with a hair brush lay it on new boots or shoes ; but it is better still to lay it on the lea- ther before the articles are made. The shoes or boots should also be brushed over with it, after they come from the maker. If old boots or shoes are to be varnished, the mixture is to be laid on when the leather is perfectly dry. VARNISH FOR BRASS. Put into a pint of alcohol, an ounce of turmeric powder, two drams of ar- natto, and two drams of saffron. Agitate the mixture during seven days, and filter it into a clean bot- tle. Now add three ounces of clean seed-lac, and agitate the bottle every day for fourteen days. When the lacquer is used, the pieces of brass if large are to be first warmed, so as to heat the hand, and the varnish, istobeapplied with a brush. Smaller ' pieces may be dipped in the varnish, and then drained by holding them for a minute over the bottle. This varnish, when applied to rails for desks, has a most beautiful appear- ance, like that of burnished gold. VARNISH FOR DRAWINGS. Mix together Jtwo ounces of spirits of turpentine, and one ounce of Ca- nada balsam. The print is first to be sized with a solution of isinglass water, and dried ; the varnish is then to be applied with a camel- hair brush. But for oil paintings, a different composition is prepared. A small piece of white sugar candy is dissolved and mixed with a spoon- ful of brandy; the whites of eggs are then beaten to a froth, and the clear part is poured off and incor- porated with the mixture. The paintings are then brushed over with the varnish, which is easily washed off when they are required to be cleaned again, and on this account it will be far superior to any other kind of varnish for this purpose. VARNISH FOR FANS. To make a varnish for fans and cases, dissolve two ounces of gum-mastic, eight ounces of gum-sandaric, in a quart of alcohol, and then add four ounces of Venice turpentine. VARNISH FOR FIGURES. Fuse in a crucible half an ounce ct tin, with the same quantity of bis- muth. When melted, add half an ounce of mercury ; and when per- fectly combined, take the mixture ^ from the fire and cool it. This sub- stance, mixed with the white of an eg§, forms a very beautiful varnish for plaster figures. VARNISH FOR FURNITURE, 46i V AR V AR This is made of white wax melted in the oil of petrolium. A light coat of this mixture is laid on the wood with a badger's brush, while a little warm, and the oil will speedily evaporate. A coat of wax will be left behind, which should afterwards be polished with a woollen cloth. VARNISH FOR HATS. The shell of the hat having been prepared, dyed, and formed in the usual man- ner, is to be stiffened, when perfectly dry, with the following composition, worked upon the inner surface. One pound of gum kino, eight ounces of gum elemi, three pounds of gum olibanum, three pounds of gum copal, two pounds of gum juniper, one pound of gum ladanum, one pound of gum mastic, ten pounds of shell lac, and eight ounces of frankin- cense. These are pounded small and mixed together ; three gallons of alcohol ai*e then placed in an earthen vessel to receive the pounded gums, and the vessel is then to be frequently agitated. When the gums are sufficiently dissolved by this pro- cess, a pint of liquid ammonia is added to the mixture, with an ounce ^ of oil of lavender, and a pound of gum myrrh and gum opoponax, dis- solved in three pints of spirit of wine. The whole of the ingredients being perfectly incorporated and free from lumps, constitute the patent water- proof mixture with which the shell of the hat is stiffened. When the shell has been dyed, shaped, and rendered perfectly dry, its inner sur- face and the under side of the brim are varnished with this composition by means of a brush. The hat is then placed in a warm drying-room until it becomes hard. This process is repeated several times, taking care that the varnish does not penetrate through the shell, so as to appear on the outside. To allow the perspira- tion of the head to evaporate, small holes are to be pierced through the crovv^i of the hat from the inside out- ward ; and the nap of silk, beaver* _ 46*2 or other fur, is to be laid on by the finisher in the usual way. That on the under side of the brim, which has been prepared as above, is to be at- tached with copal varnish. VARNISH FOR PAINTINGS. Mix six ounces of pure mastic gum with the same quantity of }>ounded glass, and introduce the compound into a bottle containing a pint of oil of turj)eRtine. Now add half an ounce of camphor bruised in a mor- tar. When the mastic is dissolved, put in an ounce of Venice turpentine, and agitate the whole till the turpen- tine is perfectly dissolved. When the varnish is to be applied to oil paintings, it must be gently poured from the glass sediment, or filtered through a muslin. VARNISH FOR PALING. A varnish for any kind of coarse wood work is made of tar ground up with Spanish brown, to the consistence of common paint, and then spread on the wood with a large brush as soon as made, to prevent its growing too stiff and hard. The colour may be changed by mixing a little white lead, whiting, or ivory black, with the Spanish brown. For pales and wea- ther boards this varnish is superior to paint, and much cheaper than what is commonly used for that pur- 1 pose. It is an excellent preven- tive against wet and weather, and if laid on smooth wood it will have a good gloss. I VARNISH FOR SILKS. To one A quart of cold-drawn Unseed oil, add 1 half an ounce of litharge. Boil them for half an hour, and then add half an ounce of copal varnish. While the ingredients are heating in a cop- per vessel, put in one ounce of rosin, and a few drops of neatsfoot oil, stirring the whole together with a knife. When cool, it is ready for use. This varnish will set, or keep its place on the silk in four hours ^ the silk may then be turned and var- nished on the other side. VARNISH FOR STRAW HATS. V EA V E A For straw or chip hats, put half an ounce of black sealing-wax powdered into two ounces of spirits of wine or turpentine, and place it near the fire till the wax is dissolved. If the hat has lost its colour or turned brown, it may first be brushed over with writing ink, and well dried. The varnish is then to be laid on warm with a soft brush, in the sun or be- fore the fire, and it will give it a new gloss which will resist the wet. VARNISH FOR TINWARE. Put three ounces of seed-lac, two drams of dragon's blood, and one ounce of turmeric powder, into a pint of well-rectified spirits. Let the whole remain for fourteen days, but • during that time, agitate the bottle once a day at least. When properly combined, strain the liquid through a piece of muslin. This varnish is called lacquer ; it is brushed over tinware to give it a resemblance to brass. VARNISH FOR WOOD. The composition which is the best adapt- ed to preserve wood from the decay occasioned both by the wet and the dry rot, is as follows. Melt twelve ounces of rosin in an iron kettle, and when melted, add eight ounces of roll brimstone. When both are in a liquid state, pour in three gallons of train oil. Heat the whole slowly, gradually adding four ounces of bees' wax in small pieces, and keep the mixture stirring. As soon as the solid ingredients are dissolved, add as much Spanish brown, red or yel- loW ochre, ground fine with some of the oil, as will give the whole a deep shade. Lay on this varnish as hot and thin as possible ; and some days after the first coat becomes dry, give a second. This will preserve planks ^ and other wood for ages. VEAL. In purchasing this article, the following things should be ob- served. The flesh of a bull calf is the firmest, but not so white. The V fillet of the cow calf is generally pre- ferred for the udder. The whitest meat is not the most juicy, having been made so by frequent bleeding, and giving the calf some whiting to lick. Choose that meat which has the kidney well covered with fat, thick and white. If the bloody vein in the shoulder look blue, or of a bright red, it is newly killed ; but any other colour shows it stale. The other parts should be dry and white : if clammy or spotted, the meat is stale and bad. The kidney turns first in the loin, and the suet will not then be firm. This should care- fully be attended to, if the joint is to be kept a little time. The first part that turns bad in a leg of veal, is where the udder is skewered back : of course the skewer should be taken out, and both that and the p«rt un- der it wiped every day. It will then keep good three or four days in hot weather. Take care also to cut out the pipe that runs along the chine of a loin of veal, the same as in beef, to hinder it from tainting. The skirt of the breast of veal is likewise to be taken off, and the inside of the breast wiped and scraped, and sprinkled with a little salt. VEAL BLANQUETS. Cut thin sUces otF a fillet of veal roasted. Put some butter into a stewpan, with an onion chopped small ; fry them till they begin to brown, then dust in some flour, and add some gravy, and a faggot of sweet herbs, seasoned with pepper, salt, and mace ; let this simmer till you have the flavour of the herbs, then put in your veal ; beat up the yolks of two eggs in a little cream, and grated nutmeg, some chopped parsley, and a little lemon peel shred fine. Keep it stir- ring one way till it is smooth, and of a good thickness : squeeze in a little juice of orange, and dish it up. Garnish with orange and barberries. VEAL BROTH. To make a very nourishing veal broth, take oflf the knuckle of a leg or shoulder of veal, with very little meat to it, and put it into a stewpot, with three quarts of 4G3 V E A V E A water. Add an old fowl, four shank- bones of mutton extremely well soak- ed and bruised, three blades of mace, ten peppercorns, an onion, and a large slice of bread. Cover it close, boil it up once, and skim it carefully. Simmer it four hours as slowly as possible, strain and take off the fat, and flavour it with a lit- tle salt. — Another way. Take a scrag of veal, of about three pounds ; put it into a clean saucepan, with a tea-spoonful of salt ; when it boils, scum it clean ; put in a spoonful of ground rice, some mace, a faggot of herbs, and let it boil gently for near two hours, or till you have about two quarts : send it to table with your ve&l in the middle, toasted bread, Und parsley and batter in a boat. VEAL A LA CREME. Take the best end of a loin of veal, joint it, and cut a little of the suet from the kidney. Make it lie flat, then cut a place in the middle of the upper part about three inches deep and six inches long, take the piece out and chop it, add a little beef suet or beef marrow, parsley, thyme, green trufiles, mush- rooms, shalots, lemon peel chopped fine, and season it with pepper, salt, and a little beaten allspice. Put all together into a marble mortar, add the yolks of two eggs, and a little French bread soaked in cream. Pound the ingredients well, fill the cavity with the forcemeat, and cover it with a piece of veal caul. Then tie it down close, cover the whole with a large piece of caul, and roast it gently. When to be served up, take off' the large caul, let it colour a little, glaze it lightly, and put un- der it a white sauce. A fillet of veal • may be done in the same way, in- # stead of using plain stuffing for it. VEAL CAKE. Boil six or eight eggs hard ; cut the yolks in two, and lay some of the pieces in the bottom of the pot. Shake in a little chopped parsley, some slices of veal and ham, and then eggs again ; shak^ 464 ing in after each, some chopped parsley, with pepper and salt, till the pot is full. Then put in water enough to cover it, and lay on it about an ounce of butter : tie it over with a double paper, and bake it about an hour. Then press it close together with a spoon, and let it stand till cold. The cake may be put into a small mould, and then it will turn out beautifully for a supper or side dish. VEAL COLLOPS. Cut long thin collops, beat them well, and lay on them a bit of thin bacon of the same size. Spread forcemeat over, sea- soned high, and also a little garlic and cayenne. Roll them up tight, about the size of two fingers, but not more than two or three inches long. Fasten each firmly with a small skewer, smear them over with egg, fry them of a fine brown, and pour a rich brown gravy over. — To dress collops quickly in another way, cut them as thin as paper, and in small bits, with a very sharp knife. Throw the skin and any odd bits of veal into a little water, with a dust of pepper and salt. Set them on the fire while the collops are prepar- ing and beating, and dip them into a seasoning of herbs, bread, pepper, salt, and a scrape of nutmeg, having first wetted them with egg. Then put a bit of butter into a fryingpan, and give the collop& a very quick fry ; for as they are so thin, two minutes will do them on both sides. J Put them into a hot dish before the ' fire, strain and thicken the gravy, ' give it a boil in the fryingpan, and pour it over the collops. The ad- dition of a little ketchup will be an improvement. — Another way is to fry the collops in butter, seasoned only with salt and pepper. Then simmer them in gravy, either white or brown, with bits of bacon served with them. If white, add lemon peel and mace, and a little cream. VEAL CUTLETS. Cut the veal into thin slices, dip them in the yolks VEA VEA of egg, strew them over with grated bread and nutraeg, sweet herbs and parsley, and lemon peel minced fine, and frv them with butter. When the meat is done, lay it on a dish before the fire. Put a little water into the pan, stir it round and let it boil ; add a little butter rolled in flour, and a little lemon juice, and pour it over the cutlets. Or fry them without the bread and herbs, boil a little flour and water in the pan with a sprig of thyme, and pour it on the cutlets, but take out the thyme before the dish is sent to table. VEAL GRAVY. Make it as for cuUis ; but leave out the spices, herbs, and flour. It should be drawn . very slowly ; and if for white dishes, the meat should not be browned. VEAL LARDED. Take off* the under bone of a neck of veal, and leave only a part of the long bones on. Trim it neatly, lard and roast H^ it gently with a veal caul over it. ..Ten minutes before it is done, take ^ff the caul, and let the veal be of la. very light colour. When it is to be served up, put under it some sor- rel sauce, celery heads, or asparagus tops, or serve it with mushroom sauce. VEAL OLIVES. Cut some long thin coUops, beat them, lay them on thin slices of fat bacon, and over these a layer of forcemeat highly seasoned, with some shred shalot and cayenne. Roll them tight, about the size of two fingers, but not more than two or three inches long. Fasten them round with a small skewer, rub egg over them, and fry them of a light brown. Serve with brown gravy, in which boil some mushrooms pickled or fresh, and garnish with fried balls. VEAL OLIVE PIE. Having pre- pared the veal olives, lay them round and round the dish, making them highest in the middle. Fill it nearly up with water, and cover it with paste. When baked, mix some gravy, cream, and flour, and pour it hot into the pie. VEAL PATTIES. Mince some veal that is not quite done, with a little parsley, lemon peel, a dust of salt and nutmeg. Add a spoonftii of cream, gravy sufficient to moisten the meat, and a little scraped ham. This mixture is not to be warmed till the patties are baked. VEAL PIE. Take some of the middle or scrag of a small neck, and season it, adding or not a few slices of lean bacon or ham. If wanted of a high relish, add mace, cayenne, and nutraeg, to the salt and pepper ; also forcemeat, and eggs. To these likewise may be adde 1, truffles, morels, mushrooms, sweetbreads cut into small bits, and cocks' combs blanched, if approved. It will be very good without any of the latter additions, but a rich gravy must be prepared, and poured in after baking. — To make a rich veal pie, cut steaks from a neck or breast of veal, season them with pepper, salt, nutmeg, and a very little clove in powder. Slice two sweetbreads, and season them in the same man- ner. Lay a puff paste on the ledge of the dish, put in the meat, yolks of hard eggs, the sweetbreads, and some oysters, up to the top of the dish. Lay over the whole some very thin slices of ham, and fill up the dish with water. Cover it with a crust, and when taken out of the oven, pour in at the top, through a funnel, a few spoonfuls of good veal gravy, and fill it up with cream ; but first boil and thicken it with a tea-spoonful of flour. VEAL AND PARSLEY PIE. Cut some slices from a leg or neck of veal ; if the leg, from about the knuckle. Season them with salt, scald some pickled parsley, and squeeze it dry. Cut the parsley a little, and lay it at the bottom of the dish ; then put in the meat, and so on, in layers. Fill up the dish with new milk, but not so high as to S o 4^5 V E A VE A touch the crust. When baked, jx>ur out a little of the milk, and put in half a pint of good scalded cream. Chicken may be cut up, skinned, and dressed in the same way. VEAL PORCUPINE. Bone a fine large breast of veal, and rub it over with the yolks of two eggs. Spread it out, and lay on it a few slices of bacon, cut as thin as pos- sible. Add a handful of parsley shred fine, the yolks of five eggs, boiled hard and chopped, and a little lemon peel finely shred. Steep the crumb of a penny loaf in cream, and add to it, seasoning the whole toge- ther with salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Roll the veal close, and skewer it up. Cut some fat bacon, the lean of boil- ed ham, and pickled cucumbers, about two inches long. Place these in rows upon the veal, first the ham, then the bacon, and last the cucum- bers, till the whole is larded. Put the meat into a deep earthen pan . with a pint of water, cover it close, tS? and set it in a slow oven for two hours. Skim off the fat afterwards, and strain the gravy through a sieve into a stewpan. Add a glass of white wine, a little lemon pickle and caper liquor, and a spoonful of mushroom ketchup, and thicken the gravy with a bit of butter rolled in flour. Lay the porcupine on a dish, and pour the sauce over it. Have ready pre- pared a thin forcemeat, made of the crumb of a penny loaf, half a pound of beef suet shred fine, the yolks of four eggs, and a few oysters chop- ped. Mix these together, season the forcemeat with cayenne, salt, pep- per, and nutmeg, and spread it on the veal caul. Having rolled the whole up tight, like collared eel, bind it in a cloth, and boil it an hour. When done enough, cut it into four sHces, laying one at each end, and the others on the sides of the dish. Have the sweetbreads ready pre- pared, cut in slices and fried, and lay them round the dish, with a few mushrooms pickled. This is allowed 4m to make a fine bottom dish, when game is not to be had. VEAL ROLLS. Cut thin slices of either fresh or cold veal, spread on them a fine seasoning of a very few crumbs, a little chopped bacon or scraped ham, and a little suet, parsley, and shalot. Or instead of the parsley and shalot, some fresh mush- rooms stewed and minced. Then add pepper and salt, and a small piece of pounded mace. This stuff- ing may either fill up the roll like a sausage, or be rolled with the meat. In either case tie it up very tight, and stew very slowly in good gravy, and a glass of sherry. Skim it very carefully, and serve it up quite ten- der. — Another way. Take slices of • veal, enough to make a side dish ; lay them on your dresser, and lay forcemeat upon each slice ; roll them up, and tie them round with coarse thread. Rub them over with the yolk of an egg, spit them on a bird spit, and roast them of a fine brown. For sauce, have good gravy, with morels, truffles, and mushrooms,** tossed up to a proper thickness. Lay your rolls in your dish, and pour your sauce over. Garnish with lemon . VEAL SAUSAGES. Chop eijual quantities of lean veal and fat bacon, a handful of sage, a little salt and pepper, and a few anchovies. Bent all in a mortar ; and when used, roll and fry it. Serve it with fried sip- pets, or on stewed vegetables, or on white collops. VEAL SCALLOPS. Mince some cold veal very small, and set it over •*' the fire with a scrape of nutmeg, a little pepper and salt, and a little cream. Heat it for a few minutes, then put it into the scallop shells, . and fill them with crumbs of bread. Lay on some pieces of butter, and brown the scallops before the fire. Either veal or chicken looks and eats ^I'ell, prepared in this way, and lightly covered with crumbs of fried bread ; or these may be laid on i» little heaps. "k ; V EG VEG VEAL-SUET PUDDING. Cut the crumb of a threepenny loaf into slices, boil and sweeten two quarts of new milk, and pour over it. When soaked, pour out a little of the milk ; mix it with six eggs well beaten, and half a nutmeg. Lay the slices of bread into a dish, with layers of cur- rants and veal suet shred, a pound of each. Butter the dish well, and bake it ; or if preferred, boil the pud- ding in a bason. VEAL SWEETBREAD. Parboil a fine fresh sweetbread for five mi- nutes, and throw it into a basin of water. When the sweetbread is cold, dry it thoroughly in a cloth, and roast it plain. Or beat up the yolk of an e^g, and prepare some fine bread crumbs. Run a lark spit or a skewer through it, and tie it on the ordinary spit. Egg it over with a paste brush, powder it well with bread crumbs, and roast it. Serve it up with fried bread crumbs round it, and melted butter, with a little mushroom ketchup and lemon juice. Or serve the sweetbread on toasted bread, garnished with egg sauce or gravy. Instead of spitting the sweet- bread, it may be done in a Dutch oven, or fried. VEGETABLES. There is nothing in which the difference between an elegant and an ordinary table is more visible, than in the dressing of ve- getables, especially greens. They ■^ may be equally as fine at first, at one place as at another, but their look and taste afterwards are very diff'erent, owing entirely to the care- less manner in which they have been prepared. Their appearance at table however is not all that should be considered ; for though it is certainly desirable that they should be pleas- ing to the eye, it is of still greater consequence that their best qualities should be carefully preserved. Ve- getables are generally a wholesome diet, but become very prejudicial if not properly dressed. Cauliflowers, and others of the same species, are often boiled only criaj), to preserve their beauty. For the look alone, they had better not be boiled at all, and almost as well for the purpose of food, as in such a crude state they are scarcely digestible by the strong- est stomach. On the other hand, when overboiled they become vapid, and in a state similar to decay, in which they afford no sweet purifying juices to the stomach, but load it with a mass of mere feculent matter. The same may be said of many other vegetables, their utility being too often sacrificed to appearance, and sent to table in a state not fit to be eaten. A contrary error often pre- vails respecting potatoes, as if they could never be done too much. Hence they are popped into the saucepan or steamer, just when it happens to suit, and are left doing, not for the time they require, but till it is con- venient to take them up ; when per- haps their nutricious qualities are all boiled away, and they taste of no- thing but water. Ideas of nicety and beauty in this case ought all to be subservient to utility ; for what is beauty in vegetables growing in the garden is not so at table, from the change of circumstances. They are brought to be eaten, and if not adapted properly to the occasion, they are deformities on the dish in- stead of ornaments- The true cri- terion of beauty is their suitableness to the purposes intended. Let them be carefully adapted to this, by being neither under nor over done, and they will not fail to please both a cor- rect eye and taste, while they consti- tute a wholesome species of diet. A most pernicious method of dressing vegetables is often adopted, by put- ting copper into the saucepan with them in the form of halfpence. This is a dangerous experiment, as the green colour imparted by the cop- peras, renders them in the highest degree unwholesome, and even poi- sonous. Besides, it is perfectly un- necessary, for if put into boiling 467 VEG VEG water with a little salt, and boiled up directly, they will be as beauti- fi>lly green as the most fastidious person can require. A little pearl- ash might safely be used on such an occasion, and with equal effect, its alkaline properties tending to correct the acidity. Many vegeta- bles are more wholesome, and more agreeable to the taste, when stewed a good while, only care must be taken that they stew merely, with- out being sufl'ered to boil. Boiling produces a sudden effect, stewing a slower effect, and both have their appropriate advantages. But if pre- parations which ought only to stew, are permitted to boil, the process is destroyed, and a premature effect produced, that cannot be corrected by any future stewing. In order to have vegetables in the best state for the table, they should be gathered in their proper season, when they are in the greatest perfection, and thS,t is when they are most plentiful. Forced vegetables seldom attain their true flavour, as is evident from very early asparagus, which is altogether inferior to that which is matured by nature and common culture, or the mere operation of the sun and cli- mate. Peas and Potatoes are sel- dom worth eating before midsum- mer ; unripe vegetables being as in- sipid and unwholesome as unripe fruit, and are liable to the same ob- jections as when they are destroyed by bad cooking. Vegetables are too commonly treated with a sort of cold distrust, as if they were natural enemies. They are seldom admit- ted freely at our tables, and are often tolerated only upon a sideboard in small quantities, as if of very infe- rior consideration. The effect of this is like that of all indiscriminate reserve, that we may negatively be said to lose friends, because we have not the confidence to make them. From the same distrust or prejudice, there are many vegetables never wsed at all, which are nevertheless 468 both wholesome and palatable, par- ticularly amongst those best known under the denomination of herbs. The freer use of vegetable diet would be attended wi;h a double advan- tage, that of improving our health, and lessening the expense of the table. Attention should however be paid to their size and quality, in order to enjoy them in their highest degree of perfection. The middle size are generally to be preferred to the largest or the smallest ; they are more tender, and full of flavour, just before they are quite full grown. Freshness is their chief value and ex- cellence, and the eye easily discovers whether they have been kept too long, as in that case they lose all their verdure and beauty. Roots, greens, salads, and the various pro- ductions of the garden, when first gathered, are plump and firm, and have a fragrant freshness which no art can restore, when they have lost it by long keeping, though it will impart a little freshness to put them * into cold spring water for some time before they are dressed. They should neither be so young as not to have acquired their good qualities, nor so old as to be on the point of losing them. To boil them in soft water will best preserve the colour of such as are green ; or if only hard water be at hand, a tea-spoonful of potash should be added. Great care should be taken to pick and cleanse them thoroughly from dust, dirt, and insects, and nicely to trim off the outside leaves. If allowed to soak awhile in water a little salt- ed, it will materially assist in cleans- ing them from insects. All the uten- sils employed in dressing vegetables should be extremely clean and nice; and if any copper vessel is ever used for the purpose, the greatest atten- tion must be paid to its being well tinned. The scum which arises from vegetables as they boil should be carefully removed, as cleanliness is essential both to their looking and V E G VEG eating- well. The lid of the saucepan should always be taken oft' when they boil, to give access to the air, even if it is not otherwise thought neces- sary. Put in the vegetables when the water boils, with a little salt, and let them boil quickly ; when they sink to the bottom, they are generally done enough. Take them up im- mediately, or they will lose their co- lour and goodne»s. Drain the water from them thoroughly, before they are sent to table. When greens are quite fresh gathered, they will not require so much boiling by at least a third of the time, as when they have been gathered a day or two and brought to the public market. The following table shows when the va- rious kinds of vegetables are in sea- son, or the time of their earliest na- tural growth, and when they are most plentiful, or in their highest perfection. Artichokes, — Jerusalem do. Angelica stalks, Asparagus, Beet roots, Boricole, Cabbage, Red ditto, White ditto, Cardoons, Carrots, Caulifiowers, Celery, Chervil, Corn Salad, Cucumbers, Endive, Kidney Beans, Leeks, Lettuce, Onions, Parsley, Parsnips, Peas, Potatoes, Radishes, -^Spanish ditto, July, September, Sept. November, May, June, April, June, Dec. January, November, January May, July, July, August, October, Nov. December, May, August, June, August, Sept. November, March, May, May, June, July, September, June, October, July, August, Sept. December, April, July, August, November, February, March, July, October, June, August, June, November, March, June, August, September, Scarlet Beans, Small Salad, Salsify, Scorzonera, Sea Kale, Shalots, Savory Cabbage, Sorrel, Spinage, — Winter ditto. Turnips, Turnip tops, Windsor Beans, July, August, May, June, July, August, July, August, April, May, August, October*, Sept. November, June, July, March, July, Oct. November, May, July, April, May, June, August, VEGETABLES AND FISH, Pick, wash, and chop some sorrel, spinage, small onions or chives, and parsley. Put them into a ste wpan with fresh butter, a good spoonful of lemon or Seville orange juice, or vinegar and water, some essence of anchovy, and cayenne pepper. Do these gently over the fire till the vegetables are tender, then put in the fish, and stew them till well done. VEGETABLE ESSENCES. The flavour of the various sweet and sa- voury herbs may be obtained, by combining their essential oils with rectified spirit of wine, in the pro- portion of one dram of the former to two ounces of the latter ; by picking the leaves, and laying them in a warm place to dry, and then filling a wide-mouth bottle with them, and pouring on them wine, brandy, or vinegar, and letting them steep for fourteen days. VEGETABLE MARROW. Take off all the skin of six or eight gourds, put them into a st^wpan with water, salt, lemon juice, and a bit of butter, or fat bacon. Let them stew gently till quite tender, and serve them up with rich Dutch sau<::e, or any other sauce hig:hly flavoured. VEGETABLE PIE. Scald and blanch some broad beans, and cut in some young carrots, turnips, ar- tichoke bottoms, mushrooms, peas, onions, parsley, celery, or any of these. Make the whole into a nice 469 VEG VEN stew, uith some good veal gravy. Bake a crust over a dish, with a lit- tle lining round the edge, and a cup turned up to keep it from sinking. WIren baked, open the lid, and pour iu the stew. VEGETABLE SOUP. Pare and slice tive or six cucumbers, add the inside of as many cos-lettuces, a sprig or two of mint, two or three onions, some pepper and salt, a pint and a half of young peas, and a lit- tle parsley. Put these into a sauce- pan with half a pound of fresh but- ter, to stew in their own liquor half an hour, near a gentle fire. Pour on the vegetables two quarts of boil- ing water, and stew them two hours. Rub a little tlour in a tea-cupful of ;vater, boil it with the rest nearly twenty minutes, and serve it. — Ano- ther way. Peel and slice six large onions, six potatoes, six carrots, and four turnips ; fry them in half a pound of butter, and pour on them four quarts of boiling water. Toast a crust of bread quite brown and hard, but do not burn it ; add it to the above, with some celery, sweet herbs, white pepper, and salt. Stew it all together gently four hours, and strain it through a coarse cloth. Put in a sliced carrot, some celery, and a small turnip, and stew them in the soup. An anchovy, and a spoonful of ketchup, may be added if approved. VEGETABLE SYRUP. To a pint of white wine vinegar, put two pounds of the best brown sugar. Boil them to a syrup ; and when quite cold, add two table-spoonfuls of paregoric elixir, which is made in the following manner. Steep in a pint of brandy a dram of purified opium, a, dram of flowers of ben- jamin, and two scruples of camphor, adding a dram of the oil of anni- seed. Let it stand ten days, occa- sionally shaking it up, and then strain it off. This added to the above composition, forms the cele- brated Godbold's Vegetable Syrup. 470 The paregoric elixir taken by itself, a tea-spoonful in half a pint of white wine whey or gruel at bed time, is an agreeable and efl'ectual medicine for coughs and colds. It is also ex- cellent for children who have the hooping cough, in doses of from five to twenty drops in a little water, or on a small piece of sugar. The ve- getable syrup is chiefly intended for consumptive cases. VELVETS. When the pile of velvet requires to be raised, it is only necessary to warm a smoothing iron, to cover it with a wet cloth, and hold it under the velvet. The vapour arising from the wet cloth will raise the pile of the velvet, with the assistance of a whisk gently passed over it. To remove spots and stains in velvet, bruise some of the plant called soapwort, strain out the juice, and add to it a small quantity of black soap. Wash the stain with this liquor, and repeat it several times after it has been al- lowed to dry. To take wax out of velvet, rub it frequently with hot toasted bread. VENISON. If it be young and good, the fat of the venison will be clear, bright, and thick, and the cleft part smooth and close : but if the cleft is wide and tough, it is old. To judge of its sweetness, run a very sharp narrow knife into the shoulder or haunch, and the meat will be known by the scent. Few people like it when it is very high. VENISON PASTY. To prepare venison for pasty, take out all the bones, beat and season the meat, and lay it into 'a stone jar in large pieces. Pour over it some plain drawn beef gravy, not very strong ; lay the bones on the top, and set the jar in a water bath, or saucepan of water over the fire, and let it sim- mer three or four hours. The next day, when quite cold, remove the cake of fat, and lay the meat in hand- some pieces on the dish. If not sufficiently seasoned, add more V EN V E R pepper, salt, or pimento. Put in soniC of the gravy, and keep the re- mainder for the time of serving. When the venison is thus prepared, it will not require so much time to bake, or such a very thick crust as usual, and by which the under part is seldom done through. A shoul- der of venison makes a good pasty, and if there be a deficiency of fat, it must be supplied from a good loin of mutton, steeped twenty-four hours in equal parts of rape, vinegar, and port. The shoulder being sinewy, it will be of advantage to rub it well with sugar for two or three days ; and when to be used, clear it per- fec ly from the sugar and the wine with a dry cloth. A mistake used to prevail, that venison could not be baked too much ; but three or four hours in a slow oven will be sufficient to make it tender, and the flavour i will be preserved. Whether it be a shoulder or a side of venison, the meat must be cut in pieces, and laid s^ with fat between, that it may be pro- I portioned to each person, without k breaking up the pasty to find it. Lay I some pepper and salt at the bottom of the dish, and some butter ; then the meat nicely packed, that it may be sufficiently done, but not lie hol- low to harden at the edges. In or- der to provide gravy for the pasty, boil the venison bones with some fine old mutton, and put half a pint of the gravy cold into the dish. Then lay butter on the venison and cover as well as line the sides with a thick crust, but none must be put under the meat. Keep the remainder of the gravy till the pasty comes from the oven ; pour it quite hot into the middle by means of a funnel, and mix it well in the dish by shaking. It should be seasoned with pepper and salt. — Another way. Take a side of venison, bone it, and season it with pepper and salt, cloves, and mace finely beaten ; cut your veni- son in large pieces, and season it very well with your spices then lay it into an earthen pan ; make a good gravy of two pound of beef, and pour this gravy over the venison ; take three quarters of a pound of beef suet, well picked from the skins, wet a coarse cloth, lay your suet on it, and cover it over, and beat it with a rolling-pin, till it is as fine as butter; as your cloth dries, wet it, and shift your suet, and put it over the top of the venison ; make a paste of flour and water, and cover the pan, and send it to the oven to bake ; it is best baked with a batch of bread ; when it comes from the oven, and is quite cold, make a pufl^-paste; lay a paste all over your dish, and a roll round the inside, then put in your venison with th« fat, and all the gra* vy, if the dish will hold it ; put on the lid, and ornament it as your fancy leads. It will take two hours and a half in a quick oven. A sheet of i>^per laid on the top, will prevent it frOm catching, and the crust will be of a fine colour. By baking your venison in this manner, it will keep four or five days before you use it, if you do not take off" the crust. VENISON SAUCE. Boil an ounce of dried currants in half a pint of water, and some crumbs of bread, a few cloves or grated nutmeg, a glass of port wine, and a piece of butter. Sweeten it to your taste, and send it to table in a boat. VERJUICE. Lay some ripe crabs together in a heap to sweat, then take out the stalks and decayed ones, and mash up the rest. Press the juice through a hair cloth into a clean vessel, and it will be fit to use in a month. It is proper for sauces where lemon is wanted. VERMICELLI PUDDING. Boil a pint of milk with lemon peel and cinnamon, and sweeten it with loat sugar. Strain it through a sieve, add a quarter of a pound of vermi- celli, and boil it ten minutes. Then put in the yolks of five and the whites of three eggs, mix them well toge- ther, and steam the pudding an hour 471 VIN VIN a«d a quarter, or bake it half an hour. VERMICELLI SOUP. Boil two ounces of vermicelli in three quarts of veal gravy, then rub it through a tammis, season it with salt, give it a boil, and skim it well. Beat up the yolks of four eggs, mix with them half a pint of cream, stir them gra- dually into the soup, simmer it for a few minutes, and serve it up. A little of the vermicelli may be re- served to serve in the soup, if ap- proved. — Another way. Take two quarts of strong veal broth, put into a clean saucepan a piece of bacon stuck with cloves, and half an ounce of butter worked up in flour ; then take a small fowl trussed to boil, break the breastbone, and put it into your soup ; stove it close, and let it stew three quarters of an hour ; take about two ounces of ver- micelli, and put to it some of the broth ; set it over the fire till it is quite tender. When your soup is ready, take out the fowl, and put it into your dish ; take out your bacon, skim your soup as clean as possible ; then pour it on the fowl, and lay your vermicelli all over it ; cut some French bread thin, put it into your soup, and send it to table. If you chuse it, you may make your soup with a knuckle of veal, and send a handsome piece of it in the middle of your dish, instead of the fowl. VICARAGE CAKE. Mixapound and a half of fine flour, half a pound of moist sugar, a little grated nut- meg and ginger, two eggs well beaten, a table-spoonful of yeast, and the same of brandy. Make it into a light paste, with a quarter of a pound of butter melted in half a pint of milk. Let it stand half an hour before the fire to rise, then add three quarters of a pound of currants, well washed and cleaned, and bake the cake in a brisk oven. Butter the tin before the cake is put into it. VINEGAR. Allow a pound of lump sugar to a gallon of water. 172 While it is boiling, skim it carefully, and pour it into a tub to cool. When it is no more than milk warm, rub some yeast upon a piece of bread and put into it, and let it ferment about twenty-four hours. Then tun the liquor into a cask with iron hoops, lay a piece of tile over the bung- hole, and set it in the kitchen, which is better than placing it in the sun. It will be fit to bottle in about six months. March is the best time of the year for making vinegar, though if kept in the kitchen, this is of less consequence. A cheap sort of vine- gar may be made of the refuse of the , bee hives, after the honey is extract- i ed. Put the* broken combs into a ' vessel, and add two parts of water : expose it to the sun, or keep it in a warm place. Fermentation will suc- ceed in a few days, when it must be well stirred and pressed down to make it soak ; and when the fer- mentation is over, the matter is to belaid upon sieves to drain. The .'J yellow liquor which forms at the bot- i tom of the vessel must be removed, the vessel well cleaned, and the li- quor which has been strained is to be returned to the vessel. It will immediately begin to turn sour ; it should therefore be covered with a cloth, and kept moderately warm. A pellicle will be formed on the sur- face, beneath which the vinegar ac- quires strength : it must be kept standing for a month or two, and then put into a cask. The bung- hole should be left open, and the vinegar will soon be fit for use. The prunings of the vine, being bruised and put into a vat or mash tub, and boiling water poured on them, will produce a liquor of a fine vinous qua- lity, which may be used as vinegar. — Another method. To every pound of coarse sugar add a gallon of wa- • ter ; boil the mixture, and take off* the scum as long as any rises. Then pour it into proper vessels, and when sufficiently cooled put into it a warm toast covered with veast. Let it VIP VIP work about twenty-four hours, and then put it into an iron-bound cask, fixed either near a constant fire, or where the summer sun shines the greater part of the day. In this si- tuation it should not be closely stop- ped up, but a tile or something simi- lar should be laid on the bunghole, to keep out the dust and insects. At the end of three months or less it will be clear, and fit for use, and may be bottled off. The longer it is kept after it is bottled, the better it will be. If the vessel containing the liquor is to be exposed to the sun's heat, the best time to begin making it is in the month of April. VINEGAR FOR SALADS. Take three ounces each of tarragon, sa- vory, chives, and shalots, and a hand- ful of the tops of mint and balm, all dry and pounded. Put the mixture into a wide-mouthed bottle, with a gallon of the best vinegar. Cork it down close, set it in the sun, and in a fortnight strain off and squeeze the herbs. Let it stand a day to settle, and filter it through a tammis bag. VINEGAR WHEY. Set upon the fire as much milk as is wanted for the occasion, and when it is ready to boil, put in vinegar sufficient to turn it to a clear whey. Let it stand some minutes, and then pour it off. If too acid, a little warm water may be added. This whey is well adapt- ed to promote perspiration. Lemon or Seville orange juice may be used instead of vinegar. VINGARET. Chop some mint, parsley, and shalot; and mix them up with oil and vinegar. Serve the sauce in a boat, for cold fowl or meat. VIPERS. The bites of such rep- tiles should constantly be guarded against as much as possible, as they are not unfrequently attended with dangerous consequences. Animals of the neat-cattle kind are more liable to be bitten and stung by these reptiles, than those of any other sort of live stock. Instances have been known where the tongues of such cattle have been even bitten or stung while grazing or feeding, which have proved fatal. Such stock are, how- ever, seldom attacked by reptiles of the adder kind, except in cases where these are disturbed by the animals in pasturing or feeding ; which is the main reason why so many of th^m are bitten and stung about the head, and occasionally the feet. There are mostly much pain, inflammation, and swelling produced by these bites and stings ; the progress of which may commonly be checked or stopped, and the complaint removed, by the use of such means as are directed below. A sort of soft liquid of the liniment kind may be prepared by mixing strong spirit of hartshorn, saponace- ous liniment, spirit of turpentine, and tincture of opium, with olive oil ; the former in the proportion of about two ounces each to three of the last, incorporating them well together by shaking them in a phial, which will be found very useful in many cases. A proper quantity of it should be well rubbed upon the afi'ected part, two or three times in the course of the day, until the inflammation and swelling begin to disappear, after the bottle has been well shaken. In the more dangerous cases, it may often be advantageous to use fo- mentations to the affected parts, es- pecially when about the head, with the above application ; such as those made by boiling white poppy-heads with the roots of the marshmallow, the leaves of the large plantain, and the tops of wormwood, in the quan- tities of a few ounces of the first, and a handful of each of the latter, when cut small, and bruised in five or six quarts of the stale grounds of malt liquor. They may be applied fre- quently to the diseased parts, rub- bing them afterwards each time well ^ith the above soft liquid liniment. Where there are feverish appear- ances, as is often the case in the summer season, a proper quantity of blood may sometimes be taken 3 P ' 473 IJ M B UNI away with great benefit, and a strong purge be afterwards given of the cooling kind with much use. In slight cases of this kind, some think the continued free use of spirit of hartshorn, given internally, and ap- plied externally to the affected partsr, is the best remedy of any that is yet known. As they are so dangerous, these reptiles should always be de- stroyed as much as possible in all pastures and grazing grounds. u Udder sweet pie. Eithef par- boil or roast a tongue and udder, slice them into tolerably thin slices, and season them with pepper and salt. Stone half a pound of sun raisins, raise a crust, or put a puff crust round the edge of a dish, place a layer of tongue and udder at the bottom, and then some raisins, and so on till the dish is fiiU. Cover the top with a crust, and when the pie is baked, pour in the following sauce. Beat up some yolks of eggs, with vinegar, white wine, sugar, and but- ter. Shake them over the fire till ready to boil, and add it to the pie immediately before it is sent to table. ULCERS. Ulcers should not be healed precipitately, for it may be attended with considerable danger. The first object is to cleanse the wound with emollient poultices, and soften it with yellow basilicon oint- ment, to which may be added a little turpentine or red precipitate. They may also be washed with lime water, dressed with lint dipped in tincture of myrrh, with spermaceti, or any other cooling ointment. UMBRELLA VARNISH. Make for umbrellas the following varnish, which will render them proof against wind and rain. Boil together two pounds of turpentine, one pound of litharge in powder, and two or three pints of linseed oil. The umbrella is then to be brushed over with the varnish, and dried in the sun. UNIVERSAL CEMENT. To an ounce of gum mastic add as much highly rectified spirits of wine as will dissolve it. Soak an ounce of isinglass in water until quite soft, then dissolve it in pure rum or bran- dy, until it forms a strong glue, to which add about a quarter of an ounce of gum ammoniac well rub- bed and mixed. Put the two mix- tures in an earthen vessel over a gentle heat; when well united, the mixture may be put into a phial, and kept well stopped. When wanted for use, the bottle must be set in warm water, and the china or glass articles having been also warmed, the cement must be applied. It will be proper that the broken surfaces, when carefully fitted, should be kept in close contact for twelve hours at least, until the cement is fully set, after which the fracture will be found as secure as any other part of the vessel, and scarcely perceptible. 474 W AL WAL VV. Wafers. Dry some flour well, miK with it a little pounded sugar, and finely pounded mace. Make these ingredients into a thick batter with cream. Butter the wafer irons, and make them hot ; put a tea- spoonful of the batter into them, bake them carefully, and roll them off the iron with a stick. WAINSCOTS. Dirty painted wainscots may be cleaned with a sponge wetted in potato water, and dipped in a little fine sand. For this purpose grate some raw potatoes into water, run the pulp through a sieve, and let it stand to settle ; the clear liquor will then be fit for use. If applied in a pure state, without the sand, it will be serviceable in cleaning oil paintings, and similar articles of furniture. When an oak wainscot becomes greasy, and has not been painted, it should be wash- ed with warm beer. Then boil two <]uarts of ale, and put into it a piece of bees' wax the size of a walnut, with a large spoonful of sugar. Wet the wainscot all over with a brush dipped in the mixture, and when dry, riib it bright : this will give it a fine gloss. WALNUT KETCHUP. To make the finest sort of walnut ketchup, boil or simmer a gallon of the ex- pressed juice of walnuts when they are tender, and skim it well. Then put in two pounds of anchovies, bones and liquor ; two pounds of shalot, one ounce of mace, one ounce of cloves, one of whole pepper, and one of garlic. Let all simmer to- gether till the shalots sink ; then put the liquor into a pan till cold ; bottle it up, and make an equal dis- tribution of the spice. Cork it well, and tie a bladder over. It will keep twenty years, but is not good at first. Be careful to express the juice at home, for what is sold as walnut ketchup is generally adulterated. I Some people make liquor of the out- side shell when the nut is ripe, but neither the colour nor the flavour is then so fine. — Another way. Take ^ four quarts of walnut juice, two quarts of white wine vinegar, three ounces of ginger sliced, two ounces of black pepper bruised, two ounces of white pepper bruised, half a pound of anchovies ; let these sim- mer gently, till half the quantity is evaporated ; then add to it a quart of red wine, two heads of garlic, the yellow rind of eight Seville oranges, or half a pound of dried orange pee! cut very small, and forty bay leaves : give it one boil together, then cover it close in an earthen vessel, and let it stand till it is cold. When it is cold put it into wide-mouthed quart bottles ; and into each of the ♦ bottles put one ounce of shalots skinned and sliced ; cork the bottles close, and put them by for two months, when it will be fit for use. The shalots will likewise eat very ' fine when taken out, though they will look of a bad colour. — Another way, for fish sauce. Take walnuts, when they are fit for pickling, bruise them well in a marble mortar, and strain off the liquor from them through a cloth, let it stand to set- tle, pour off the clear, and to every pint of it add one pound of ancho- vies, half a quarter of an ounce of mace, half a quarter of an ounce of cloves, half a quarter of an ounce of Jamaica pepper, bruised fine ; boil them together till the anchovies are dissolved ; then strain it off", and to the strained liquor add half a pint of the best vinegar, and eight shalots ; just boil it up again, pour 475 WAT WAX They were worked in the same man- ner, and tunned and kept in the same cellar ; a proof that the water only could be the cause of the dif- ference. Dorchester beer, which is generally in much esteem, is chiefly brewed with chalky water, which is plentiful in almost every part of that county : aud as the soil is mostly chalk, the cellars, being dug in that dry soil, contribute much to the good keeping of their drink, it being of a close texture, and of a dry qua- lity, so as to dissipate damps ; for it has been found by experience, that datnp cellars are equally inju- rious to the casks and the good keep- ing of the liquor. Where water is naturally of a hard quality, it may in some measure be softened by an exposure to the sun and air, and by infusing in it some pieces of soft chalk ; or when the water is set on to boil, in order to be poured on the malt, put into it a quantity of bran, and it will have a very good eflfect. WATER CAKES. Dry three pounds of fine flour, and rub into it a pound of sifted sugar, a pound of butter, and an ounce of carraway seeds. Make it into a paste with three quarters of a pint of boiling new milk ; roll the paste very thin, and cut it into any form or size. Punch the cakes full of holes, and bake on tin plates in a cool oven. WATER GRUEL. Mix by degrees a large spoonful of oatmeal with a pint of water in a saucepan, and when smooth, boil it. Or rub the oatmeal smooth in a little water, and put it into a pint of water boiling on the fire. Stir it well, and boil it quick, but do not suffer it to boil over. In a quarter of an hour strain it oflf, add salt and a bit of butter when eaten, and stir it together till the whole is incorporated. To make it however in the quickest manner, mix a spoonful of ground oatmeal very smooth, with as much hot wa- ter as will just liquify it. Then gra- dually pour upon it a pint of boiling 478 water, stirring it all the time to keep it smooth. It may be cooled by pouring it from one basin to ano- ther till it is fit to drink. Water gruel made in this way is very smooth and good, and being prepared in a few minutes, it is panicularly useful when wanted in haste, to assist the operation of medicine. WATER PIPES. To prevent their freezing when full of water, preserve a little circulation by leav- ing the cock dripping ; or by tying up the ball cock during the winter's frost, the water may be preserved for use. Care should be taken how- ever to lay the pipe which supplies the cistern in such a position as not to retain the water, and of course it will not be liable to freeze. WATER SOUCHY. Stew two or three flounders, some parsley leaves and roots, thirty peppercorns, and a quart of water, till the fish are boiled to pieces, and then pulp them through a sieve. Set over the fire the pulped fish, the liquor that boiled them, some perch, tench, and flounders, and some fresh leaves or roots of parsley. Simmer them to- gether till done enough, and serve in a deep dish. Slices of bread and butter are to be sent to table, to eat with the souchy. WAX. Bees' wax is obtained from the combs, after the sweet and liquid parts are extracted, by heat- ing and pressing them between iron plates. The best sort is firm and hard, of a clear yellow colour and an agreeable odour, similar to that of honey. New wax is tough, yet easily broken ; by long keeping it becomes harder and more brittle, loses its colour, and partly also its fragrance. With a view to bleach the wax, it is cut into small pieceis, melted, and poured into cold water. In this state it is exposed to the sun, afterwards melted again, poured in- to water, and exposed to the air, two or three times over, till it is perfectly blanched. It is then dis- WEE WEL solved for the last time, cast into flat moulds, and again exposed to the air for a day or two, in order to render it more transparent. WAX PLASTER. This is made of a pound of yellow wax, half a pound of white rosin, and three quarters of mutton suet, melted to- gether. This forms a proper plaster for blisters, and in other cases where a gentle dijjestive is necessary. WEAK EYES. Dimness of sight, arising from weakness or inflamma- tion, is best relieved by frequent washing of the eyes with cold water. If this do not succeed, the following solution may be applied. Dissolve four grains each of the sugar of lead and crude sal-ammoniac, in eight ounces of water, to which a few drops of laudanum may occasionally be added, and bathe the eyes with it night and morning. A tea-spoon- ful of brandy in a cup of water will also make good eye-water, or a little simple rose water may supply the place. WEDDING CAKE. Take two pounds of butter, beat it to a cream with the hand, and put in two pounds of fine sugar sifted. Mix well to- gether two pounds of fine dried flour, half a pound of almonds blanch- ed and pounded with orange-flower water, and an ounce of beaten mace. Beat up sixteen eggs, leaving out three whites, and put to them half a glass of sack, and the same of brandy. Put a handful of the flour *nd almonds to the sugar and butter, then a spoonful of the eggs, and so on till they are all mixed together. Beat it an hour with the hand, add two pounds of currants, half a pound of citron, half a pound of orange peel, and two spoonfuls of orange- flower water. Butter the tin, and bake it three hours and a half. An iceing should be put over the cake after it is baked. WEEDS. Weeds are in their most succulent state in the month of Ifc Jane, and there is scarcely a hedge border but might be rendered use-' ful by mowing them at this season, but which afterwards would become a nuisance. After the weeds have lain a few hours to wither, hungry cattle will eat them with great free- dom, and it would display the ap- pearance of good management to embrace the transient opportunity. WELCH ALE. To brew very fine Welch ale, pour forty-two gal- lons of hot but not boiling water, on eight bushels of malt ; cover, it up, and let it stand three hours. Mean while infuse four pounds of hops in a little hot water, and put the water and hops into a tub ; run the wort upon them, and boil them together three hours. Strain oft' the hops, and reserve them for the small beer. |P Let the wort stand in a high tub till cool enough to receive the yeast, of which put in two quarts of the best quality : mix it thoroughly and often. When the wort has done working, the second or third day, the yeast will sink rather than rise in the mid- dle : remove it then, and tun the ale as it works out. Pour in a quart at a time gently, to prevent the fer- mentation from continuing too long, which weakens the liquor. Put paper over the bung-hole two or. three davs before it is closed up. WELCH BEEF. Rub three ounces of saltpetre into a good piece of the round or buttock. After four hours apply a handful of common salt, a quarter of a-n ounce of Ja- maica pepper, and the same of black pepper, mixed together. Continue it in the pickle a fortnight, then stuff it with herbs, cover it with a thick paste, and bake it. Take oflf the paste, pour the liquor from it, and pour over it some melted beef suet. WELCH PUDDING. Melt half a pound of fine butter gently, beat with it the yolks of eight and the whites of four eggs. Mix in six ounces of loaf sugar, and the rind 479 W ET WHE of a lemon grated. Put a paste into a dish for turning out, pour in the batter, and bake it nicely. WELCH RABBIT. Toast a slice of bread on both sides, and butter it. Toast a slice of Gloucester cheese on one side, and lay that on the bread ; then toast the other side with a salamander, rub mustard over, and serve it up hot under a cover, WENS. These are prevalent chiefly among the inhabitants of marshy countries, bordering on rivers and standing waters, especially among females, and persons of a delicate habit ; but they very often arise from serophula. Camphor mixed with sweet oil, or a solution of sal ammo- niac, have often been applied to these tumours with success. In Der- byshire, where this disorder greatly prevails, they use the following pre- paration. Fifteen grains of burnt sponge are beaten up with a similar <}uantity of millipede, and from eight to ten grains of cinnabar antimony. The whole is to be mixed with honey, and i. taken every morning before WESTPHALIA HAM. Rub the ham with half a pound of coarse sugar, let it lie twelve hours, then rub it with an ounce of saltpetre pounded, and a pound of common salt. Let it lie three weeks, turning it every day. Dry it over %< wood fire, and put a pint of oak sawdust into the water when it is boiled. — Another way. Take spring water that is not hard, add saltpetre and bay salt to it till it will bear an egg, the broad way, then add a pound and a half of coarse sugar ; mix all together, and let the ham lay in this pickle a fortnight or three weeks ; then lay it in the chimney to dry. When you boil it, put some hay into the copper with it. You may keep the pickle as long as you please by often boiling it up. WET CLOTHES. When a per- son has the misfortune to get wet, 4R0 care should be taken not to get too near the fire, or into a warm room, so as to occasion a sudden heat. The safest way is to keep in con- stant motion, until some dry clothes can be procured, and to exchange them as soon as possible. WHEAT BREAD. To make it in the most economical way, the coarsest of the bran only is to be taken from the flour, and the second coat, or what is called pollard, is to be left in the meal. Five pounds of the bran are to be boiled in some- what more than four gallons of wa- ter, in order that, when perfectly smooth, three gallons and three quarts of clear bran water may be poured into and kneaded up with forty-six pounds of the meal ; adding salt as well as yeast, in the same way as for other bread. When the dough is ready to bake, the loaves are to be made up, and baked two hours and a half in a tolerably hot oven. As flour when thus made up will imbibe three quarts more of this bran liquor than of common water, it evidently produces not only a more nutricious and substantial food, but increases one fifth above the usual quantity ; consequently it makes a saving of at least one day's consump- tion in every week. If this meal bread were in general use, it would be a saving to the nation of nearly ten millions a year. Besides, this bread has the following peculiar pro- perty : if put into the oven and baked for twenty minutes, after it is ten days old, it will appear again like new bread. WHEAT EARS. To roast wheat ears and ortolans, they should be spitted sideways, with a vine leaf between each. Baste them with butter, and strew them with bread crumbs while roasting. Ten or twelve minutes will do them. Serve them up with fried bread crumbs in the dish, and gravy in a tureen. WHEY. Cheese whey is a very WHI WHI wholesome drink for weakly persons, especially when the cows are in fresh pasture. Tending to quench thirst, and to promote sleep, it is well adapt- ed to feverish constitutions. It is the most relaxing and diluting of all drinks, dissolving and carrying off the salts, and is a powerful remedy in the hot scurvy. WHEY BUTTER. The whey is first set in mugs, to acquire a suf- ficient degree of consistence and sourness for churning, either by the warmth of the season, or by a fire, as in the making of milk butter. Sometimes the green and white whey are boiled together, and turned by a little sour ale. When the green whey is boiled alone, it is necessary to keep it over the fire about half an hour, till it begins to break and separate, but it must be allowed to simmer only. The process is much the same as in milk butter, but it will keep only a few days, and does not cut so firm as the butter which is made of cream. WHIGS. Mix with two pounds of fine flour, half a pound of sugar pounded and sifted, and an ounce of carraway seeds. Melt half a pound of butter in a pint of milk ; when as warm as new milk, put to it three eggs, leaving out one white, and a spoonful of yeast. Mix them well together, and let the paste stand I - four hours to rise. Make them into - whigs, and bake them on buttered tins. — Another way. Rub half a pound of butter into a pound and a half of flour, add a quarter of a pound of sugar, a very little salt, and three spoonfuls of new yeast. Make it into a light paste with warm milk, let it stand an hour to rise, and then form it into whigs. Bake them upon sheets of tin in a quick oven. Carraway seeds may be add- ed if preferred. — Another way Take two pounds and a half of flour, dry it before the fire, and when cold rub in a quarter of a pound of fresh butter, and six ounces of sugar ; (No. 21.) mix half a pint of yeast that is not bitter, with warm milk, put this to the flour with some carraway seeds ; mix all together to a light dough, set it before the fire to rise, then make it into what shape you please ; bake them in a slack oven. You may add allspice beat fine, instead of carraways, if you please. — Ano- ther way. Take a pound and a half of flour, add a quarter of a pint of ale yeast to half a pint of warm. milk, mix these together, and let it lie by the fire half an hour ; then work in half a pound of sugar and half a pound of fresh butter to a paste; mak6 them up, and let them be put into a quick oven. WHIPT CREAM. Take a quart of thick cream, the whites of eight eggs well beaten, with half a pint of sack ; mix all together, and sweeten it to your taste, with double-refined sugar ; (you may perfume it if you please, with a little musk, or amber- gris, tied in a piece of mushn, and steeped a little while in the cream) pare a lemon, and tie some of the peel in the middle of the whisk, then whip up the cream, take off the froth with a spoon, and lay it in the glasses, or basons. This does well over a fine tart. WHIPT SYLLABUBS. Put some rich cream into an earthen pot, add some white wine, lemon juice, and sugar to the taste. Mill them well together with a chocolate mill, and as the froth keeps rising take it off with a spoon, and put it into sylla- bub glasses. They should be made the day before they are to be used. Syllabubs are very pretty in the summer time made with red currant juice, instead of lemon juice. — Ano- ther way. Take a quart of cream, boil it, and let it stand till cold ; then take a pint of white wine, pare a lemon thin, and steep the peel in the wine two hours before you use it ; to this add the juice of a lemon, and as much sugar as will make it very sweet ; put all together into a 3q 481 WHI W HI howl, and whisk it one way till it is pretty thick, fill the glasses, and keep it a day before you use it. It will keep good for three or four days. Let the cream be full mea- sure, and the wine rather less ; if you like it perfumed, put in a grain or two of ambergris. — Another way. To a quart of thick cream put half a pint of sack, the juice of two Se- ville oranges, or lemons, grate the peel of two lemons, and add half a pound of double-refined sugar well pounded ; mix a little sack with su- gar, and put it into some of the glasses, and red wine and sugar into others, the rest fill with syll^ub only. Then whisk your cream up very well, take off the froth with a spoon, and fiU the glasses carefully, as full as they will hold. Observe, that this sort must not be made long before they are used. WHITE BREAD. This is made the same as household bread, ex- cept that it consists of fine flour unmixed. The water to be used should be lukewarm in summer, and in very cold weather it must be hot, but not so as to scald the yeast. Bricks are made by moulding the loaves long instead of round, and cutting the sides in several places before they are put into the oven. WHITE CAKES. Dry half a pound of flour, rub into it a very little pounded sugar, one ounce of butter, an egg, a few carraways, and as much milk and water as will make it into a paste. Roll it thin, cut it into little cakes with a wine glass, or the top of a canister, and bake them fifteen minutes on tin plates. WHITE CAUDLE. Boil four spoonfuls of oatmeal in two quarts of water, with a blade or two of mace, and a piece of lemon peel ; stir it often, and let it boil a full quarter of an hour, then strain it through a sieve for use ; when you use it, grate in some nutmeg, sweet- en it to your palate, and add what 482 white wine you think proper : if it i» not for a sick person, you may squeeze in a little lemon juice. WHITE CERATE. Take four ounces of olive oil, half an ounce of spermaceti, and four ounces of white wax. Put them into an earthen pipkin, and stir the mix- ture with a stick till it is quite cold. WHITE GRAVY. Boil in a quart of water a pound and a half of veal, from the knuckle or scrag end of the neck. Add a small onion, a bunch of sweet herbs, a blade of mace, a little whole pepper and salt. After an hour's simmering over the fire, strain off" the gravy, and it is ready for use. WHITE GRAVY FOR SOUPS. To a few slices of lean ham, add a knuckle of veal cut in pieces, some turnips, parsnips, leeks, onions, and celery. Put them all into a stewpan with two quarts of water, and let it simmer till the meat is nearly ten- der, without allowing it to colour. Add to this half as much clear beef gravy, and boil it an hour, skimming off' the fat very clean. Strain it, and set it by for use. WHITE HERRINGS. If good, their gills are of a fine red, and the eyes bright ; as is likewise the whole fish, which must be stiflf and firm. Having scaled, drawn, and cleaned them, dust them with flour, and fry them of a light brown. Plain or melted butter for sauce. WHITE LEAD. White oxide of lead is often adulterated by the car- bonate of lime. To detect this pour four drams of pure acetous acid, over a dram of the suspected oxidfe. This will dissolve both oxide and chalk ; but if a few drops of a solu- tion of oxalic acid be now poured in, a very abundant white precipi- tate of oxalate of lime will take place. WHITE PAINT. An excellent substitute for white oil paint may be made of fresh curds bruised fine. WHI WHI and kneaded with an equal quantity of slacked lime. The mixture is to be well stirred, without any water, and it will produce an excellent white paint for inside work. As it dries very quickly, it should be used as soon as made ; and if two coats be laid on, it may afterwards be po- lished with a woollen cloth till it be- com^es as bright as varnish. If ap- plied to places exposed to moisture, the painting should be rubbed over with the yolk of an egg, which will render it as durable as the best of oil painting. No kind of painting can be so cheap ; and as it dries speedily, two coats of it may be laid on in a day and polished, and no offensive smell will arise from it. WHITE POT. The antient way of making a white pot is to put the yolks of four or five eggs well beaten to a pint of cream, adding some pulps of apples, sugar, spices, and sippets of white bread. It may be baked either in a dish, or in a crust. — Another way. Beat eight eggs, leaving out four whites, with a little rose water ; strain them to two quarts of new milk, and a small nutmeg grated, and sugar to your taste ; cut, a French roll in thin slices, and lay in the bottom of a soup dish (after buttering it) then pour over your milk and eggs, and bake it in a slow oven. WHITE PUDDINGS. Pour two pints and a half of scalding hot milk upon half a pound of Naples biscuits, or bread ; let it stand uncovered, and when well soaked, bruise the bread very fine. Add half a pound of almonds well beaten with orange- flower water, three quarters of a pound of sugar, a pound of beef suet or marrow shred fine, a quarter of an ounce of salt, ten yolks of eggs and five whites. Mix the whole thoroughly together, and put it into i the skins well prepared, filling them but half full, and tying them at pro- i pel distances like sausages. The skins must be carefully cleaned, and laid in rose water some hours before they are used. Currants may be used instead of almonds, if preferred. WHITE HOG'S PUDDINGS. When the skins have been well soak- ed and cleaned, rinse and soak them all night in rose water, and put into them the following preparation. Mix half a pound of blanched almonds cut into seven or eight parts, with a pound of grated bread, two pounds of marrow or rich suet, a pound of currants, some beaten cinnamon, cloves, mace, and nutmeg ; a quart of cream, the yolks of six and whites of two eggs, a little orange-flower water, a little fine Lisbon sugar, and some lemon peel and citron sliced, and half fill the skins. To know whether it be sweet enough, warm a little in a panikin. Much care must be taken in boiling, to prevent the puddings from bursting. Prick them with a small fork as they rise, and boil them in milk and water. Lay them in a table cloth till cold. WHITE ONION SAUCE. Peel half a dozen white Spanish onions, cut them in half, and lay them in a pan of spring water for a quarter of an hour. Boil them an hour, or till quite tender, drain them well on a hair sieve, and then chop and bruise them fine. Put them into a clean saucepan with flour and butter, half a tea-spoonful of salt, and some cream or good milk. Stir it till it boils, rub the whole through a sieve, adding milk or creani to make it of a proper thickness. This is the usual sauce for boiled rabbits, mut- ton, or tripe ; but there requires plenty of it. WHITE SAUCE. This favourite sauce is equally adapted to fowls, fricassee, rabbits, white meat, fish, and vegetables ; and it is seldom ne- cessary to purchase any fresh meat to make it, as the proportion of that flavour is but small. The liquor in which fowls, veal, or rabbit have 483 WHI WHI been boiled, will answer the pur- pose ; or the broth of whatever meat happens to be in the house, such as necks of chickens, raw or dressed veal. Stew with a little water any of these, with a bit of lemon peel, some sliced onion, some white pep- percorns, a little pounded mace or nutmeg, and a bunch of sweet herbs. Keep it on the fire till the flavour is good; then strain it, and add a little good cream, a piece of butter, a very little flour, and salt to your taste. A squeeze of lemon may be added after the sauce is taken off^ the fire, shaking it well. Yolk of egg is often used in fricassee, cream is better, as the former is apt to curdle. WHITE SOUP. Take a scrag of mutton, a knuckle of veal, after cutting off" as much meat as will make collops, two or three shank bones of mutton nicely cleaned, and a quarter of very fine undressed lean gammon of bacon. Add a bunch of sweet herbs, a piece of fresh lemon peel, two or three onions, three blades of mace, and a dessert-spoon- ful of white pepper. Boil all in three quarts of water, till the meat falls quite to pieces. Next day take oflf the fat, clear the jelly from the sediment, and put it into a nice tin saucepan. If maccaroni be used, it should be added soon enough to get perfectly tender, after soaking in cold water. Vermicelli may be add- ed after the thickening, as it requires less time to do. Prepare the thick- ening beforehand thus : blanch a quarter of a pound of sweet almonds, and beat them to a paste in a marble mortar, with a spoonful of water to prevent their oiling. Then mince a large slice of cold veal or chicken, and beat it with a piece of stale white bread ; add all this to a pint of thick cream, a bit of fresh lemon peel, and a blade of pounded mace. Boil it a few minutes, add to it a pint of soup, and strain and pulp it 484 through a coarse sieve. This thick- ening is then fit for putting to the rest, which should boil for half an hour afterwards. — To make a plainer white soup, boil a small knuckle of veal, till the liquor is reduced to three pints. Add seasoning as above, and a quarter of a pint of good milk. Two spoonfuls of cream, and a little ground rice, will give it a proper thickness. The meat and the soup may both be served together. — Another. Take a scrag or knuckle of veal, slices of undressed gammon of bacon, onions, mace, and simmer them in a small quantity of water, till it is very strong. Lower it with a good beef broth made the day be- fore, and stew it till the meat is done to rags. Add cream, vermicelli, a roll, and almonds. WHITE WINE WHEY. Set on the fire half a pint of new milk ; the moment it boils up, pour in as much sound raisin wine as will completely turn it, and until it looks clear. Let it boil up, then set the saucepan aside till the curd subsides, and do not stir it. Pour the whey oflf, add to it half a pint of boiling water, and a little lump sugar. The whey will thus be cleared of milky particles, and may be made to any degree of weakness WHITINGS. These may be had almost at any time, but are chiefly in season during the first three months of the year. In choosing them, the firmness of the body and fins is chiefly to be looked to ; and in places where there is no regular supply of fish, it will be found an accommodation to dry them for keeping. The largest are best for this purpose. Take out the gills, the eyes, and the entrails, and re- move the blood from the backbone. Wipe them dry, salt the inside, and lay them on a board for the night. Hang them up in a dry place, and after three or four days they will be fit to eat. When to be dressed^ WIL WfL skin and rub them over with egg, and cover them with bread crumbs. Lay them before the fire, baste with butter till sufficiently browned, and serve them with egg sauce. WHITLOWS. As soon as the disorder is apparent, the finger af- fected 13 to be plunged into warm water, or the steam of boiling water may be applied to it. The applica- tion must be very frequently repeat- ed the first day, and the complaint will soon be dispersed. Unfortu- nately however it is too generally supposed, that such slight attacks can have only slight consequences, and hence they are too apt to be neglected till the complaint has con- siderably increased. But in this state no time should be lost in re- sorting to skilful advice, as the dan- ger attending these small tumours is much greater than is usually ima- gined. WHOLE RICE PANCAKES. Stew half a pound of whole rice in water till it is very tender, and let it stand in a basin to cool. Break it small, put to it half a pint of scalded cream, half a pound of cla- rified butter, a handful of flour, a little nutmeg and salt, and five eggs well beaten. Stir these well toge- ther, and fry them in butter or lard. Serve them up with sugar sifted over them, and a Seville orange or lemon cut and laid round the dish. This preparation may be made into a pudding, either baked or boiled, and with currants added or not, as approved. Three quarters of an hour will bake it, and an hour will boil it. WHOLE RICE PUDDING. Stew very gently a quarter of a pound of whole rice, in a pint and a half of new milk. When the rice is tender, pour it into a basin, stir in a piece of butter, and let it stand till quite cool. Then put in four eggs, a little salt, some nutmeg and sugar. Boil it an hour in a basin well buttered. WILD FOWL. Season with salt and pepper, and put a piece of but- ter into each ; but the flavour is best preserved without stuffing. To take off" the fishy taste which wild fowl sometimes have, put an onion, salt, and hot water, into the dripping pan, and baste them with this for the first ten minutes : then take away the pan, and baste constantly with butter. Wild fowl require much les3 dressing than tame : they should be served of a fine colour, and well frothed up. A rich brown gravy should be sent in the dish ; and when the breast is cut into slices, before taking off" the bone, a squeeze of lemon, with pepper and salt, is a great improvement to the flavour. WILD DUCKS. A wild duck, or a widgeon, will require twenty or twenty-five minutes roasting, ac- cording to the size. A teal, from fifteen to twenty minutes ; and other birds of this kind, in proportion to their size, a longer or a shorter time. Baste them with butter, and take them up with the gravy in, sprinkling a little over them before they are quite done. Serve them up with shalot sauce in a boat, or with good gravy, and lemons cut in quarters. WILTSHIRE BACON. The way to cure Wiltshire bacon is to sprin- kle the flitch with salt, and let the blood drain oflf for twenty-four hours. Then mix a pound and a half of coarse sugar, the same quantity of bay salt, not quite so much as half a pound of saltpetre, and a pound of common salt. Rub this mixture well on the bacon, turning it every day for a month : then hang it to dry, and afterwards smoke it ten days. The quantity of salts above mentioned is sufficient for the whole hog. WILTSHIRE CHEESE. This is made of new milk, a little lowered with water and skim milk. The curd is first broken with the hand and dish, care being taken to let the whey run off* gradually, to prevent its carrying away with it the fat of 485 #IN WIN the cowl. For thin cheese the curd is not broken so fine as in Glouces- tershire ; for thick cheese it is crushed finer still. The whey is poured oft' as it rises, and the curd pressed down. The mass is then pared down three or four times over, in slices about an inch thick, in order to extract all the whey from it, and then it is pressed and scald- ed as before. After separating the whey, the curd is sometimes broken again, and salted in the cowl ; and at others it is taken warm out of the liquor, and salted in the vat. Thin cheeses are placed in one layer, with a small handful of salt ; and thick ones in two layers, with two handfuls of salt; the salt being spread and rubbed uniformly among the curd. WINDSOR BEANS. These should be boiled in plenty of water, with a little salt, and be put in when the water boils. Serve them up with boiled bacon, and parsley and but- ter in a boat. WINDSOR BEANS FRICAS- SEED. When grown large, but not mealy., boil, blanch, and lay them in a white sauce previously heated up. Warm them through in the sauce, and serve them up. No beans but what are of a fine green should be used for this dish. WINDSOR PUDDING. Shred half a pound of suet very fine, grate into it half a pound of French roll, a little nutmeg, and the rind of a lemon. Add to these half a pound of chopped apple, half a pound of currants clean washed and fried, half a pound of jar raisins stoned and chopped, a glass of rich sweet wine, and five eggs well beaten, with a little salt. Mix all thoroughly to- gether, and boil it in a basin or mould for three hours. Sift fine sugar over it when sent to table, and pour white wine sauce into the dish. WINDSOR SOAP. Cut the best white soap into thin slices, melt it over a slow fire, and scent it with 486 oil of carraway, or any other agree- able perfume. Shaving boxes may then be filled with the melted soap, or it may be poured into a small drawer or any other mould ; and after it has stood a few days to dry, it may be cut into square pieces ready for use. WINE. The moderate use of wine is highly conducive to health, especially in weak and languid ha- bits, and in convalescents who are recovering from the attacks of ma- lignant fevers. Hence it forms an extensive article of commerce, and immense quantities are consumed in this country. But nothing is more capable of being adulterated, or of producing more pernicious eff'ects on the human constitution, and therefore it requires the strictest at- tention. A few simple means only will be sufficient to detect such adulterations, and to prevent their fatal consequences. If new white wine, for example, be of a sweetish flavour, and leave a certain astrin- gency on the tongue ; if it has an unusually high colour, dispropor- tionate to its nominal age and real strength ; or if it has a strong pun- gent taste, resembling that of brandy or other ardent spirits, such liquor may be considered as adulterated. When old wine presents either a very pale or a very deep colour, or possesses a very tart and astringent taste, and deposits a thick crust on the sides or bottom of glass vessels, it has then probably been coloured with some foreign substance. This may easily be detected by passing the liquor through filtering paper, when the colouring ingredients will remain on the surface. The fraud may also be discovered by filling a small vial with the suspected wine, and closing its mouth with the finger : the bottle is then to be inverted, and immersed in a basin of clear water. The finger being withdrawn, the tinging or adulterating matter will pass into the water, so that the W IN ^IN p former may be observed sinking to the bottom by its own weight. Wines becoming tart or sour, are frequently mixed with the juice of carrots and turnips ; and if this do not recorer the sweetness to a sufficient degree, alum or the sugar of lead is some- times added ; but which cannot fail to be productive of the worst effects, and will certainly operate as slow poison. To detect the alum, let the suspected liquor be mixed with a little lime water. At the end of ten or twelve hours the composition must be filtered, and if crystals be formed, it contains no alum. But if it be adulterated, the sediment will split into small segments, which will ad- here to the filtering paper on which it is spread. In order to detect the litharge or sugar of lead, a few drops of the solution of yellow orpiment and quicklime should be poured into a glass of wine. If the colour of the liquor change, and become succes- sively dark red, black or brown, it is an evident proof of its being adul- terated with lead. As orpiment is poisonous, it would be better to use a fe\y drops of vitriolic acid for this purpose, which should be introduced into a small quantity of the suspected liquor. This will cause .the lead to sink to the bottom of the glass, in the form of a white powder. A so- lution of hepatic gas in distilled wa- ter, if added to wine sophisticated with lead, will produce a black se- diment, and thus discover the small- est quantity of that poisonous metal ; but in pure wine, no precipitation will take place. The following pre- paration has been proved to be a sufficient test for adulterated wine or cider. Let one dram of the dry liver of sulphur, and two drams of the cream of tartar, be shaken in two ounces of distilled water, till the whole become saturated with hepatic gas : the mixture is then to be fil- tered through blotting paper, and kept in a vial closely corked. In orr, or any other conspicuous part of the dwelling, which will be deem- ed legal, and stand instead of a deed o^f re-entry. • Yeast. This is the barm or froth which rises in beer, and other rnalt liquors, during a state of fermenta- tion. When thrown up by one quantity of malt or vinous liquid, it may be preserved to be put into another, at a future period ; on which it will exert a similar ferment- ative action. Yeast is likewise used in the making of bread, without which it would be heavy and un- wholesome. It has a vinous sour odour, a bitter taste arising from the hops in the malt liquor, and it reddens the vegetable blues. When it is filtered, a matter remains which possesses properties similar to ve- getable gluten ; by this separation the yeast loses the property of ex- citing fermentation, but recovers it again when the gluten is added. The addition of yeast to any vege- table substance, containing saccha- rine matter, excites fermentation by generating a quantity of carbonic acid gas. This very useful sub- stance cannot always be procdred conveniently from malt liquor for baking and brewing : the following method will be found useful for its extemporaneous preparation. Mix two quarts of soft water with wheat flour, to the consistence of thick gruel; boil it gently for half an hour, and when almost cold, stir into it half a pound of sugar and four spoonfuls of good yeast. Put the whole into a large jug, or earthen vessel, with a narrow top, and place it before the fire, that by a moderate lieat it may ferment. The fermenta- tion will throw up a thin liquor, which pour off and throw away ; keep the remainder in a bottle, or jug tied over, and set it in a cool place. The same quantity of this as of common yeast will suffice to bake or brew with. Four spoonfuls of this yeast will make a fresh quan- tity as before, and the stock may always be kept up, by fermenting the new with the remainder of the former quantity. — Another method. Take six quarts of soft water, and two handfuls 2 to a gallon of which add a piece of dried barm, about the size of a goose's egg. The proportion indeed must depend upon its quality, which experience only can ascertain. The malt infusion must be nearly milk warm when the yeast is crumbled into it : for tv^ hours it will froth high, and bake two bushels of flour into well-fermented bread. A decoc- tion of green peas, or of ripened dry peas,^ with as much sugar as will sweeten it, makes fairer bread than the malt infusion ; but it will take a larger quantity of dried yeast to produce fermentation. It was usual some years ago to reduce porter yeast to dryness, and in that state it was carried to the West Indies, where it was brought by means of water to its original state, and then employed as a ferment. — Another method of preserving yeast. Take a quantity of yeast, and work it well with a whisk till it becomes thin ; then have a broad wooden platter, or tub, that is very clean and dry, and, with a soft brush, lay a layer of yeast all over the bottom, and turn the mouth downwards that no dust can fall in, but so that the air may -come to it, to dry it. When that coat is very dry, lay on another ; do so till you have asmuch as you in- tend to keep, taking care that one coat is dry before you lay on ano- ther. When you have occasion to make use of this yeast, cut a piece off; 'and lay it in warm water ; stir it till it is dissolved, and it is fit for use. If it is for brewing, take a whisk, or a large handful of birch tied together, and dip it into the yeast, and hang it up to dry ; when it is dry wrap it up in paper, and keep it in a dry place ; thus you may do as many as you please. When your beer is fit to work, throw in one of your whisks, and cover it over ; it will set it a working as well as fresh yeast. When you find you have a head suflicient, take out your whisk and hang it up. If the yeast Y EA YEL is not all off, it will do for your next brewing. YEAST CAKES. The inhabi- tants of Long Island in America are in the habit of making yeast cakes once a year. These are dissolved and mixed with the dough, which it raises in such a manner as to form ' it into very excellent bread. The ^ following is the method in which these cakes are made. Rub three ounces of hops so as to separate them, and then put them into a gal- lon of boiling water, where they are to boil for half an hour. Now strain the liquor through a fine sieve into an earthen vessel, and while it is hot, put in three pounds and a half of rye flour, stirring the liquid well and quickly as the flour is put in. When it has become milk warm, add half a pint of good yeast. On the ' following day, while the mixture is fermenting, stir well into it seven pounds of Indian corn meal, and it ^ ^will render the whole mass stiff like ^dough. Thia dough is to be well kneaded and rolled out into cakes about a third of an inch in thickness. These cakes are to be cut out into large disks or lozenges, or any other shape, by an inverted glass tumbler or any other instrument ; and being placed on a sheet of tinned iron, or on a piece of board, are to be dried by the heat of the sun. If care be taken to turn them frequently, and to see that they take no wet or moisture, they will become as hard as ship biscuit, and^may be kept in a bag or box, which is to be hung up or kept in an airy and perfectly dry situation. When bread is to be made, two lakes of the above-men- tioned thickness, and about three inches in diameter, are to be broken and put into hot water, where they are to remain all night, the vessel standing near the fire. In the morn- ing they will be entirely dissolved, and then the mixture is to be em- ployed in setting the sponge, in the same way as beer yeast is used. In making a farther supply for the next year, beer or ale yeast may be used as before ; but this is not necessary where a cake of the old stock re- mains, for this will act on the new ,^ mixture precisely in the same way. If the dry cakes were reduced to powder in a mortar, the same re- sults would take place, with perhaps more convenience, and in less time. Indian meal is used because it is of a less adhesive nature than wheat flour, but where Indian meal cannot easily be procured, white pea-meal, or even barley-nieal, will answer tHe purpose equally well. The principal art or requisite in making yeast cakes, consists in drying them quick- , ly and thoroughly, and in preventing ^ them from coming in contact with the least particle of moisture till they are used. YEAST DUMPLINS. Make a very light dough as for bread, only in a smaller quantity. When it has been v^jorked up, and risen a sufficient time before the fire, mould it l^U> good sized dumplins, put them rato boiling .water, and let them boil twenty minutes. The dough may be made up with milk and water if preferred. These dumplins are very nice when done in a potatoe steam- er, and require about thirty-five minutes, if of a good size. The steamer must not be opened till they are taken up, or it will make the dumplins heavy. Dough from the baker's will answer the purpose very well, if it cannot conveniently be made at home. The dough made for rolls is the most delicate for dumplins. If not eaten as soon as they are taken up, either out of the water or the steamer, they are apt to fall and become heavy. Eaten with cold butter they are much bet- ter than with any kind of sauce, ex- cept meat dripping directly from the pan. The addition of a few cur- rants will make good currant dump- lins. YELLOW BLAMANGE. Pour 493 YEL YOR a pint of boiling water to an ounce of isinglass, and add the peel of one lemon. When cold, put in two ounces of sifted sugar, a quarter of a pint of white wine, the yolks of four eggs, and the juice of a lemon. Stir all well together, let it boil five minutes, strain it through a bag, and jHit it into cups. YELLOW DYE. There is a new stain for wood, and a yellow dye for cloth, which consists of a decoction of walnut or hickory bark, with a small quantity of alum dis- solved in it, in order to give perma- nency to the colour. Wood of a white colour receives from the ap- plication of this liquid a beautiful yellow tinge, which is not liable to fade. It is particularly for furniture made of maple, especially that kind of it which is caUed bird's eye, and which is commonly prepared by scorching its surface over a quick fire. The application of the walnut dye gi^'^s a lustre even to the darkest shades, while to the paler and fainter ones it adds somewhat of a greenish hue, and to the whiter pafts various "-tints of yellow. After applying this stain to cherry and apple wood, the wood should be slightly reddened with a tincture of some red dye, whose colour is not liable to fade. A handsome dye is thus given to it which does not hide the grain, and which becomes still more beautiful as the wood grows darker by age. Walnut bark makes the most per- manent yellow dye for dyeing cloth of any of the vegetable substances used in this country. Care should be taken that the dye be not too much concentrated : when this hap- pens, the colour is far less bright and delicate, and approaches nearer to orange. It is hardly necessary to add, that the dye should be boil- ed and kept in a brass vessel, or in some other which has no iron in its composition. A lively yellow colour for dyeing cloth, may be produced from potato tops. Gather them when 404 ready to flower, press out the juice, mix it with a little water, and suffer the cloth to remain in it for twenty- four hours. The cloth, whether of wool, cotton, or flax, is then to be dipped in spring water. By plunging the cloth thus tinged with yellow, into a vessel of blue dye, a brilliant and lasting green is obtained. YELLOW LEMON CREAM. Pare four lemons very thin into twelve large spoonfuls of water, and squeeze the juice on seven ounces of finely powdered sugar. Beat well the yolks of nine eggs ; then add the peels and juice of the lemons, and work them together for some time. Strain the whole through a flannel, into a silver saucepan, or one of very nice block- tin, and set it over a gentle fire. Stir it one way till it is pretty thick, and scalding hot, but not boiling, or it will curdle. Pour it into jelly glasses. A few lumps of sugar should be rubbed hard on the lemons before they are pared, to attract the essence, and give a better colour and flavour to the cream. YORKSHIRE CAKES. Mix two pounds of flour with four ounces of butter melted in a pint of good milk, three spoonfuls of yeast, and two eggs. Beat all well together, and let it rise ; then knead it, and make it into cakes. Let them first rise on tins, and then bake in a slow oven. — Another sort is made as above, leaving out the butter. The first sort is shorter ; the last lighter. YORKSHIRE KNEAD CAKES. Rub six ounces of butter into a pound of flour till it is very fine, and mix it into a stiff paste with milk. Knead it well, and roll it out several times. Make it at last about an inch thick, and cut it into cakes, in shapes ac- cording to the fancy. Bake them on an iron girdle, and when done on one side turn them on the other. Cut them open and butter them hot. They also eat well cold or toasted. Haifa pound of currants well washed and dried may be added at pleasure. YOU YOU YORKSHIRE HAMS. Mix half a pound of salt, three ounces of salt- petre, half an ounce of sal prunella, and five pounds of coarse sugar. Rub the hams with this mixture, af- ter it has been well incorporated, and lay the remainder of it upon the top. Then put some water to the pickle, adding salt till it will bear an egg. Boil and strain it, cover the hams with it, and let them lie a fortnight. Rub them well with bran, and dry them. The above ingredients arc sufficient for three good hams. YORKSHIRE PUDDING. Mix five spoonfuls of flour with a quart of milk, and three eggs well beaten. Butter the pan. When the pudding is brown by baking under the meat, turn the other side upwards, and brown that. Set it over a chafing- dish at first, and stir it some mi- nutes. It should be made in a square pan, and cut into pieces before it comes to table. YOUNG FOWLS. The follow- ing will be founjd to be a nice way t)f dressing up a small dish. Bone, singe, and wash a young fowl. Make a forcemeat of four ounces of veal, two ounces of lean ham scraped, two ounces of fat bacon, two hard yolks of eggs, a few sweet herbs chopped, two ounces of beef suet, a tea-spoonful of lemon peel minced fine, an anchovy, salt, pepper, and a very little cayenne. Beat all in a mortar, with a tea-cupful of crumbs, and the yolks and whites of three eggs. Stuff the inside of the fowl, draw the legs and wings inwards, tie up the neck and rump close. Stew the fowl in a white gravy ; when it . , is done through and tender, add a^ large cupful of cream, with a* bit of butter and flour. Give it one boil, add the squeeze of a lemon, and serve it u-p. YOUNG ONION SAUCE. Peel a pint of button onions, and lay them in water. Put them into a stewpan with a quart of cold water, and let them boil for half an hour or more, till they are quite tender. They may then be put to half a pint of mushroom sauce. 496 ♦ % FINIS. i J. AND n. CIIII.DS, PniNTERS, BUNGAY. » * •' « * # •^> \ /^ t