UC-NRLF HS 1 r CO CM 1 tT ...-,...•;■■ O 1 ■•liii'.!'.! Q >- = »==q F 3BE BBE of the B^EpI i IP FEE (OF AMERICA) W. H. NEIDLINGER EEL ili m SERIES I. (For One, Two or Three PaHs) WALKING SONG WORK SONG BOO-GA-MAN THE SHELTERING FLAME BLESSING BOATING SONG MAMMY MOON BURN, FIRE, BURN OUR GUEST GOOD-NIGHT Complete, 25 cents the cop^ Also published separately with added piano accompani- ment, and illustrated by pictures for presentation of the songs accompanied by motion and pose, in eight numbers. Price 15 cepts each . '. ; • ^ ifi Camp Fire Girls (of America) 118 EAST 28th STREET NEW YORK CITY ,t?H^ H5 ^" V Walking Song The Lure of the Road SOPRANO ALTO I. II Allegro mf % Words and Music hy W. H. NEIDLLNGER ''•i>:i j w-^' p r ^ If r ^ ^ ' ^- ^'^ "^ A - long the road that leads the way, We trav - el ab it ^'•1-^ I J i i --i. J' ^ r I ^- J' i w A - long the road that leads the way, We trav el y b* B p " r I r f • d -&^ will, It - self a guide-post good e-nough To find both dale and !* ijj J ij. J'^ r 1^- J^' s i ^ ' t iJ- as it will, It - self a guide-post good e-nough To dale and ^ ii* ^^ ^m ^ f *t mTIM. hill: Our hearts are light, our cour-agehigh;The way is good and broad te ^ B " u. J l i i^^ r 1 ^- J^ J J ' ij^j i 'J ^ hill: Our hearts are light, our cour-agehigh;The way is goodandbroad- y n < . // ^ a ^^ ^ ^ i ? fefe B Give a cheer, give a cheer, give a cheer. Rah! Hur-rah! forthe*0-pen Road! ff Give a cheer, Hur-rah! Hur-rah! Hur-rah! forthe 0-pen Road! 335195 Copyright, 1912, hy W. ff. Neidli7iger For all countrios >< N.S.E.O. 4 J f\ I - _^ Fine Give a cheer, give a cheer, give a cheer, Rah! Hur- rah! for the -pen Road. k^i ^ ^ H KM' J.J J J I J. t^\ s ^< Give a cheer, Hur-rah! Hur-rah! Hur-rah! forthe 0-pen Road. mp S ^^ is>-=- i A - long the v/ay, We sing the live-long, live-long day, P f ji J 1 1 J, ji ? ^ s Tra- la -la! Tra - la -la! We sing all day, Or lif' ^'i-' il i^' H^ ^ ': f' 3^ s * Cvlto I) In the night, in the night We find our heart's de - light. A S W. in 1 W ^i the night, 17. our heart's de - light. m s i ^^ *==« long the way We sing the live - long, live -long day; ^'X J: j^ J ? r p 'r ^r ^ 'f "' f =^ T Or Tra - la - la Tra - la - la! We sing all day, D.S.al Fine pj''''Hv ^ ^ nr^ ' H ^ r^' i' ■'"'"' In the night, in the night' We find our heart's de - light. A k^ ^ a 1 1 ^ ^ ^t*^ in N.S.E.O. the night, our hearth de - light. A II Boating Song Across the Silver'd lake SOPRANO ALTOr ALTO II nd lib Andante grazioso Words and Music by W. H. NEIDLINGER PIAN (Only for S^O \ fiiJ) i ji ii J^ J j I J) iJt ^ • • — A - cross the sil-ver'd lake The moon-lit rip-pies break, Their J' I J i J '^^^ Jj! i^; ^ A - cross the lake The moon-lit rip-pies break, Their A fa tup ^ J i J ,^ ^ '^ J! J ,J ^ A - cross the lake The moon - lit rip • pies brealt. Their Andante grazioso te ^ (0»ly for < '"P rehearsal) I n»^___ J j J. ; j ^ i J J r j ^- J J 3 i. J i- : J U I '^it h Ui i "if, J I J! J' ft- ff ^ path a mag- ic high-way seems: is ^ We'll send our good ta^noe A i P f higb-way seems,Well send path a mag - ic our good ca j J J ^ I ^ J tJ ^^ f •s« path a mag - ic high - way seems, We'll send {^ J. j J. i r ^ J I J. ij- • ^ "(A P ^ ^^ ^s N.S.B.O. Copyright, 1912, by W. H. Neidlmger For all countrlei ''li i) Ji ^ ^^ -long that high -way, too, And fol - low where the moon - light here the moon - lieh ii * long that mag noe ic high - way, ^m w good ca - noe long that (p \ ^ y i-^j- ^ ^^ J. i y i ^ f T * r j cT; i r 1 1'" ^ r~rrr :;:=3i: gleams. * Ho! good fair-ies all, Heark-en to our call, ^ i * * mag - ic high - way. Ho! / good fair-ies, Ho! good fair-ies, "iM J J ,J I J J J I .J ^^ N< mag - ic high - way Fair ics all, hear our call, * r' i rrr -' r / r r r r" f r V / ^^^ iJ i .J ^ ^^ ^^ T"^ *f ^3 H r>' F f^' g l-'^^H ^ < e Come and frol-ic therewith us A - mid the moon's bright beams. A *f ^^ ^ Si ^ Frol ic 'mid the moon's bright beams. A ^ Come and frol N.S.E.0 » i p- f? ri J^ p- p I /Ti' ji ji -cross the sil - verd lake, The moon a mag - ic high-way seems-, We i ¥ m -cross the sil ver'd lake We f W the lake i come and dance, A r I r- / i 1 i. i i ^^ ^^ fe ^ f * T^ ffip g j:^ J' p- p I j_3 j^ ji ji C-T P P come to dance with you And frol - ic there a - mid its beams. We *F ^ f come to dance with you, to * W ^ f the lake, come and dance, to ^—7 f r ^^ J J J. a ^ F=f^ W/jt? ^ r r 4 ^ i'Ji i J . JQ j'Ji i' ^ j T) i jjTj)jjT i.ir I I w^^ come to dance with you, We come to dance with you,— We come to dance with you # J J ^ jl j J ijilJii^Lji'" ' dance with you, We come to dance with you,— to dance with you. N.S.E.O ^4^^ ' ^ p Ill Work Song Good Morrow, Fair Maid Allegretto Words and Music by W. H. NEIDLINGER SOPRANO ALTO 1. 11. 3^5 r-J J J. Good mor- row, fair maid, good mor- row, I greet you, I f \^ "^ 7 ^ 'w^wn Fair maid, fair maid, I greet you, Fair J^ J J 1 -3 ^m m . m • ' d hope in no mood for sor- row I meet you.Thereare dish-es to do, Mending, to .do, U I iM'^h^'U^^LUI,UJl, maid, fair maid, I meet you.Thereare dish-es to do, Mending to do. J r J) J j J c ^ ■> > ^ Cooking to do, Andsomethingforyou,yes,somethingforyou,0 plen-tyfor you! So Lots— to do— something for you,yes, something for you,0 plen - ty for you! ^• r ^g ^ i'- ft J J^i ff I i LJ C-XJ LJ I ^ ^'- P "^ ^' P I " shakeoff dull care,Hide that look of des-pair And get bus-y, get bus- y, get bus- y! Hide N.SB.O that look of des-pair And get bus-y bus-y, bus-y! Copyright, 1912^ by W.H. Neidli7iger For all conntrie* t : r r r r: r: ,i ^ J J ll fl s m d ^ Learnthesong-,andkiiowtliediff-rent parts, All goodwork is di- vis-i-ble by hearts; P i iiiH i iii.i,i,i . H i -t — r Leariithesong,andkiiow the parts, For all goodwork di - vides by hearts,So / ^ cresc. i m r r \^-'U '* ^=T=S 2 w-^ Learn the song-, and know the diff-rent parts,All work is di- vis-i-ble by hearts: C7*esc. Learn the song, and know the parts, For all good work di - vides by hearts. J f\^ nr] .1 ^ r n ^ ^ ^ g) Learn the song,andknowthe diff-rent parts, All goodwork is~~di - vis-i-ble by hearts. iiHH i ii ' iiii 1 / / ^ Learn the song, and know the parts,For all goodwork di - vides by hearts, So ^A f m ' r .^ ' n II ii ' P a . -p—n ? RuVa-dub-a-dub, All goes in one tub, And ev-ry-bod-y owes a rub! rub! f II; J J J Jl ||J J J JIJ * J-V^lo 'Mp r r r r r r rr r, ^ Learn the song, and know the parts, And you! rr owe a rub! rub! N.S.E.O. 10 IV Mammy Moon Andante sostenuto Words and Music by W. H. NEIDLINGER SOPRANO ALTO I. n. pKnn^i i- i r-| ni| P De day is pas' en gone en what is done am done— Ef P P'^'l^ U-.-i ^ Mam - my Moon,. cresc. m 7 *' ^m i i. j> Yo' ain' done yo' bes' you 11 be de suf. -^ fHn' one; Ole s i ^^ ^' Mam my Moon. Time jes goes a - long en nev - er kin turn back, Not S / ^ i i V r' r Time jes nev - er kin turn back, cresc. m ■^ r-^ i ^^ d. <* aJ. • W. e - yen ef yo' train should run plumb off de track. De m i ^- ^m off de track. ^ r ef r yo' train. .N.S.E.O. Copyright, i9i2, by W. H. Neidlingcr For all countrlos 11 .^ iK r J n rj o I ^ r r' p I ^J ^^ ^J n on- lies' thing ez I kin see dat yo' kin do Is go ter bed, en sleep en res' de S i ^ ^ ^' Mam - my Moon, Mam - - my $ cresc. g i. J) I J:~i J-^i J:^ ^ ^ m whole night thro- Ole Mam-my Moon -'II watch de camp so yo' kin res' En ^ i i i i I '^ Watch de camp so yo' kin res', =s; Moon. nif ^^ ^ i git up in de rao'- nin' fit te.r do yo' bes Oh Moon, ^ IJ J J J J f T T r git r up den, '/^' V.OC.' do yo bes Mam - my Moon, rit. ^3 & ^ * ^ 3= ^P Mam-my Moon, Please keep watch un- til de mo - nin' light,— ^"i- J J J-j l i Moon, Mam - my f r Moon, Mam my N.S.E.O. ±2 J e > J J J J w I ^, ; I ^ ^ ^ J ^ ' i. ^ Please keep watch Mammy Moon, De fire's gwine out pret-ty soon: Please g n ji-j ij J. J j^jij-j I Please keep watch Mammy Moon, Fire's g-wine out pret-ty soon, Please S ^ ^^ ^^ watch a - way till an - ud - der day, Good ole Mam - my Moon. ^m m y^ — r= watch r till IT V- day FtT ole Moon. Good i n/p S Cross mah heart Mam-my Moon. Ter - mor-rer I'll be an "an- gel" coon, 111 S rnr^ ^^ Cross mah heart Mam-my Moon, — Cross mah heart, Mam-my Moon! Pleate i ^ ^ '' f p r ^ i ^ ^ ¥=* be a chile dat 'U make yo' smile, Good ole Mam-my Moon. J. — J _ I J m m s p— f ^jrf^ watch till day, Ole Mam - my Moon. N.S.R.O V 13 Boo- ga- man Better run away! Words and'Musio by W H. NEIDLINGER Allegro SOPRANO ( \ 9 \ V ij ^ and ALTO I ALTO II ^ i ^ UU^ 'gji' 'Jgi'i Bet-ter nm a-way, bet-ter run a-way, Pret-ty lit-tle mai4-eii S f s r" p r r I r r r I f p ^ f run a - way When the woods are black as night, That's the Boo-ga mp s When the woods are black as night, That's the Boo-ga J Q Q ^' ' i Q ^ S r r r^^ man's de - light; / Bet-ter run a-way! Bet-ter run a-way! ^ s rr ^^==^ t man's de - light; Boo • ga - man! Boo - ga - man! Prct - ty lit - tic maid - en, S -rui - \y 111 - iiu maia -■ en, ^n ^ i Pret - ty maid - en, bet »ter run a - way!. S ^ ^- ^ ^ 'J ^45 i ^^J ^ Pret - ty maid- en, bet-ter ran a-way, run a - way!. N.SJ.O. Copyright J 1912, hyW.H. Ncidlinger For all countries 14 . VI Burn, Fire, Burn! Poem from Ritual W. H. NEIDLINGER SOPRANO ALTO i.n Andante moderato J ^ f Flicker, flicker, flicker, flicker, flame! t ii i>h> |.|.?,,i^ ii'v,i i i,n^ ^ s Burn, fire, burn! burn, fire, burn! Burn, flick - er, flame!- m i fe J. ,, n.f unuui^uunu} B f A1.T0 II ^ m Whose hand a-bove this blaze is lift-ed Shall be with mafif-ic touch en-gift-ed,To mf ^^ ? m ^ Burn, fire! burn. fire! To k^ fr\ a J^y ^ ^^ b' ^ '^ { ^: Hi ^ ^^ \ ^ #■= — # i* warm the hearts of lone-ly mor - tals Who stand with- out their o - pen warm the hearts of lone-ly mor - tals Who stand with -out their o - pen ^^ nvp J J n ^ ^^^ r ' r r L^ r P "^ The torch shall draw them to the fire, — por - tals. ^ I'- l .- J^ ■» h. v g »zp J •' Jn .1. \ ^^ B r f rTT^ ^^ por - tals r r The torch shall draw them to the fire, — N.S.E.O. Copyright, 1912, by W. H. Neidlinger For all Countries 15 mf accel a tempo High-er, high-er, high- er, By de - sire. vif accel. I'^VrVr'^^^ Who - so shall stand by this ff\ ^ mp a tempo ^m ^^ High-er, high-er, high- er, By de - sire. Who - so shall stand by this i fr^ p hearth - stone, Flame - fanned, Shall nev - er stand a lone; j7 H U / ^ ' IM U ^ s hearth - stone, Flame - fanned. Shall nev - er stand a f- lone: f^p fnp more slowly S s P Whose house is dark and mpy more sloivly bare and cold, Whose house is m a ^^ f bare and cold, Whose house is f-f ^• Whose house is dark and J B rs XL ^ /Ts ^ ^m m f ^ eJ -o- dark and cold;. S ^ 1 This is his own! r\ m This is his own! f dark and COld;- ^a tempo Flick-er, f lick-er, flick-er, flick-er, flame! i i m iS^m P "t^ S Burn, fire, burn! burn, fire, burn! Burn, f f flick - er, flame.' ^ N< N S.E 0. 16 i!'"''rDDB[U^BOUlL^^ ALTOn Whose hand a-bove this blaze is lift-ed Shall be with mag-ic touch en-gift-ed^ To fe* >>!f m ^ Burn, fire! ^ burn, fire! ^ To |J.''''gl /^l^''' ^ ^m jr b* B warm the hearts of lone-ly mor-tals Who stand without their o-pen por-tals. Bum, fire, burn! ^ ione-ly mor-tals Who stand without their o-pen por-tals. Burn, fire, burnl • ^' warm the hearts of lone-ly mor-tals Who stand Poem from Ritual vn The Sheltering Flame Lay me to sleep W. H. NEIDLINGER Andante SOPRANO ALTO 1. 1] Lay me to sleep in shel-t'ring flame, O Mas-terofthe Hid- den I f ^'''' a j j Jl ii JyJ U i I ^r-^\fj^ ^ ^^^ ^ Lay me to sleep in shel-t'ring- flame, O Mas-terofthe Hid-den (One voice) nif s s s ^^ -« » gj izn -Q Fire; Wash pure, and cleanse for me My soul's— de - sire j J I ^j i hj 1^ ^ I J j J^^ s :§= :^ 8 I S ^' Fire; — Wash pure ray heart, and cleanse for me My soul's de - sire N.S.E.O. Copyright, 1912, hy W. H. Ncidlinger For aU Countries vm Our Guest 17 Words and Music by W H NEIDLINGER SOPRANO ALTOl II ^ Moderate # ^ ^ €M- ^ Our Guest, may he a - gain come soon, come soon, To W '^H'- UJH W Our Guest, may he a - gain come soon, come soon, To 7 , cor r ^ fefs^ mp fF r- pT7~r ^m d I 6" I US, to_the lake and _ to the loon From hill, or lake, or vale. The US, to_the lake and to the loon. From hill, or lake, or vale, The & i S f jm A P E f P wel - come "will not fail:_ Our Guest, may he a - gain come soon. f T fr ^rr;!^ iU \\. , I-'- " ^m i ^ wel - come will not fail:_ Our Guest, may he a - gain come soon Copyright, 1912, by W. H. Neidlinger For all Countries IX Blessing Andante Words and Music by W H NEIDLINGER SOPRANO ALTO « ^ at ^ «=■ If we have earn'd the right to eat this bread, Happy in-deed are we: mp ^m "J j-j i ^ JijU ^ oo If we have earn'd the right to eat this bread, Hap - py are we: N.S.E.O. Copyright, 1912, by W. H. Neidliiiger For all Countries 18 -^ M . . r ^ m ^ ztc ^m nip But, if un-mer-it- ed, Thou giv'st it us, May we more faith- ful be. But, if un mer-it-ed, Thou giv'st it us, ,May we faith -ful be. X Good -night Words and Music by W H. NEIDLINGER , ^ Sostenuto J f\ tup SOPRANO ALTO I. II P # fe Be - neath the qui - et sen - ti - nel stars, We now Qui - et stars , , r r r g^ We lie down to J ^^ mp m ? rest. May we a - rise to W greet the new day, Give it our wp i / ' ^ H ^ And g"ive to it our rest. Greet the day. J ^==i4 i^di ^ ace f=¥ ^ best./ Good - night, good - night, God o - ver / I I i \ all. P i ^ ^ s best. Good - night, good - night, God is o - ver_ all. N.S.E.O Co'pyright, 1912, by W. H. Neidlingcr YoT all Countries * * *• « CAMP FIRE GIRLS SING SONG is as old as man himself. All people of all races and degrees of civilization sing. When an Eskimo mother rocks her baby to sleep on her back, she sings many different lullabies. Stepping up and down with a short step in her narrow house, she tells her baby about the country and the people and the animals, but she most frequently sings: "Asarai, asarai Nunierbut, nunierbut, nunierbut Asarai, asarai Erkrosiumagalierbungor. " That means: "Your little hands, your little hands Are going to pick berries, to pick berries, to pick berries; Your little hands, your little hands Are going to wash all the clothes." And she goes on: "Your little hands shall scrape skins, your little hands shall kill seal, your little liands shall row boats. " In that manner she shapes the baby's attitude toward life, towards the work it is going to do in life, and helps to determine its psychic content. These suggestions will be strong forces in the child's life for they were sung into its conciousness before the words had meaning. All good mothers sing to their babies to quiet, to teach, to make them happy. Camp Fire Girls sing to help carry the ideals and traditions for which they stand. When they bring' these to others and make it part of their psychic content, they enforce the group spirit. Singing helps them keep the law of the Camp Fire : "Seek beauty, Be happy." Song also helps "Glorify Work." These songs are Written especially for the Camp Fire Girls, by W. H. Neidlinger. More will accumulate. They are adopted for use without accompaniment so they can be used anywhere and anytime. The accompaniment helps make them beautiful. Two parts can also be sung. To stand ol-'sit welf^J is'to breathe well. To breathe well is to sing well. Thus singing becomes a vital factor in attaining Health. CAMP FIRE GIRLS SING mm m ill J ! Il!l! UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY AK INITIAL rINEOJ 25 S„'h OP ASSESSED FOB '"^'^^'^tHE PENALTY Z"^^ looTo. -H%OA- ?--;;;„% FOURTH ^UU INCREASE TO so CEN^^^ ^^^^,H DAY DAY AND TO $^0" ^^^^___ OVERDUE. -"