m^\ ^mm-\-i'i'^' AIDS IN LIBRARY .. .jRK WITH FOREIGNERS COMPILKt' MARGUERIi Pr evidence Put AND JOHN G, MOULi^ Haverhill Public Lib) CHUSETTS LIBRA M^j^y ' tJ^T* ^^if >*^^ ^S^S" ^•J^^S ^^/.^ !^^M ^p 1%ft'= ^p*' •»?3 S' ■A *«■» ■ fe #"4 ./S'^ g:;: .&.- %Sa " i- J- * , ^1 -* <- ' nT\- •^s"" e^ IS V "^^ ; ^}/ * ^"^ .i^;-: ^^'"'^ * ^ if- j*« <»'*'* ^ - ^1^ '^ > V "'■ fevi w ■r ^" " ^R' ^.' ^ ^g.' ^ ^^;''"'' , • ^"d > " "l^**" «*'s AIDS IN LIBRARY WORK WITH FOREIGNERS COMPILED BY MARGUERITE ^I^EID Providence Public Library AND JOHN G. MOULTON Haverhill Public Library REPRINTED FOR THE LEAGUE OF LIBRARY COMMISSIONS FROM THE MASSA- CHUSETTS LIBRARY CLUB BULLETIN MARCH, 1912 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION PUBLISHING BOARD 78 E. WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO 1912 ^^""k <^ ^ txC A% ,\'- OUR NEW AMERICANS Miss Marguerite Reid, Foreign Department, Providence Public Library. In the solution of our great national problem, the gravest before the American public, the assimilation of the immigrant, the public library has a responsibility to assume and an important duty to per- form. Thoughtful citizens are waking up to the feeling that the problem increases in importance in that it is overstraining our pow- ers of assimilation. When I visited the Immigrant Section of the "World in Boston", last year, I, too, was impressed with the im- mensity of the problem, almost into inactivity. It seemed to me useless to attempt to Americanize these masses that are entering our country yearly, over a million in 1911, separated from us, as they are, by habit, ideas of life, and language. Their ignorance of our lan- guage, our institutions, and standards of living, seemed to me to con- stitute a disadvantage both to them and to the community in which they would settle that was too serious to admit of solution. But upon reflection I remembered that the public library alone has not to solve the whole gigantic problem of immigration, but has simply to concentrate on the particular needs pf its community, the responsi- bility of which it will share with other existing educational agencies, the night school, Y. M. C. A., and philanthropic societies, with which it will co-operate and whose work it will supplement in this attempt at Americanizing an alien people. This paper is devoted to an effort toward a better understanding and finer appreciation of these strangers in our land, for if we en- lighten public sentiment and arouse sympathetic interest m their welfare, we have gone far towards solving a difficult problem. Sec- ondly, some definite suggestions as to ways and means of assisting these Americans in process are offered. In approaching this subject of the assimilation of the immigrant we are too apt to forget, it seems to me, that our foreign-speaking friend offers his contribution to the melting-pot, that he brings with him an inheritance of old-world culture. Emil Reich has called Italy, from which land most of our immigrants arrive, the "most gifted ji60366 ? WORK WITH FOREIGNERS nation in Europe", one that may contribute to our intellectual eleva- tion. The literary taste of the Italian, his love for the classics of his own literature is in marked contrast to the reading tastes of our na- tive public. A working-man, apparently illiterate, to judge by his appearance, will be thoroughly conversant with the classics of his native literature, not by title but by actual working knowledge, as evi- denced by an experience I had. An ordinary, rather rough appearing man asked me to help him find the sequel to the "Orlando Furioso" which I did not readily locate. I asked him if he were sure it wasn't the "Orlando innamorato", upon which the "Furioso" is based, that he had in mind, and he scornfully replied "No," that he had read it all, he wanted to locate the death of Orlando, and merely wished to know if we owned it. He was thoroughly at home in his subject, in spite of the fact that these three poems were written as long ago as the fifteenth century by different men, and yet, judging by his ap- pearance, were he an English-speaking member of society, we would have offered him Sherlock Holmes to bait him. It is well for us to remember that the Italian barber reads Dante with avidity and is more familiar with Shakespeare than many of us. The volumes of Carducci, the greatest poet of our day, are in steady demand, in spite of their rather awesome dress in a classic edition. The Italian prefers poetry and drama to fiction. Out of 1400 Italian volumes we have but 125 volumes of fiction. He enjoys the pictur- esque in literature, too, fairy tales, books of travel, and biographies of his country's heroes, — Christopher Columbus, Garibaldi, Victor Emmanuel. With the Jew a love of learning is inborn. His interest in mat- ters educational is most keen. One man, whom I had always pre- sumed to be a mechanic, surprised me one day by appearing with a Freshman cap on. One could see pride sticking out all over him in spite of the fact that his face was rather old for a cap. He had been in America for two years, working in a jewelry shop, where he had suffered from the unsympathizing jeers of co-workers who judged him an inferior. He had succeeded in passing the entrance exami- nations at Brown University and was registered with advanced standing in mathematics, leaving our native youth behind him in the jewelry shop. This is the most noticeable characteristic of the Jew, that each and every one of them, eager for new knowledge, is gaining an education. He should be an inspiration to our American boys who are not handicapped by studying in a strange tongue. In early youth Jews have formed definite views on political, religious, and social questions, and have already evolved their philosophy of life. WORK WITH FOREIGNERS 3 Even before they can read English, they are familiar with the teach- ings of our English philosophers and scientists, Spencer and Darwin. In reading, their interest lies in books of philosophy and socialism that attempt a solution of the social problems through Zionism or some other idealistic form of government. They are a serious peo- ple, (frequently the children ask for sad books for their mothers) with, as some one has aptly said, "the burden of the Ages on their back". The immigrant is no barbarian. In fact, when I first took charge of the foreign department at our library, what impressed me most was the unfailing courtesy of my public. He invariably takes time to say "Good morning", and "Thank you", and "Good bye", for he has not yet acquired our American spirit of hurry. He has a keen appreciation of a kindness and a strong desire to reciprocate a kindly act, as is evidenced by gifts to our department. A few weeks ago came sixty volumes in Portuguese from the Portuguese consul. A Yiddish magazine is subscribed for by a Jew for the library. A young Greek gave us a copy of "Pilgrim's Progress" in Modem Greek, which, by the way, he said he had read six times. I wonder how many of us have gone through it once. It is a classic of our literature. He has been in this country two years, in Providence but a few months, and is a constant reader in the department and a book-borrower. I might mention, in passing, the facility of these people in acquir- ing languages. An Armenian who does not find anything that inter- ests him in Armenian will almost never turn away without a French book. I noticed with interest two girls and a young man, who could read both French and German besides Armenian, finally choose Ana- tole France's poetry to take home. The other day an Armenian asked for Emerson's "Conduct of Life" in English, and is at present coming to the department during his lunch hour to read it. Many of the better educated Jews will read Russian, Yiddish, and German, anyway, and sometimes French, Italian, and Spanish, too. A young Roumanian Jew about sixteen years old, who has been in America but three months, was reading a simple history of the United States, stories of famous American statesmen, and a geography of the United States in English. In the effort to convert our foreign-speaking population into in- telligent American citizens, the public library plainly has a duty to perform, the importance of which should not be undervalued. It is in a position to be one of the most important factors in this process of Americanization here in Southern New England, which is reputed 4 WORK WITH FOREIGNERS to be the most foreign section of the country, having cities counting a larger percentage of foreign birth and foreign parentage than New York, Chicago, or San Francisco. According to the Director of the Census, New England, once looked upon as the most essentially American section of the country, now has less than two-fifths of its population consisting of native born of native parentage. The li- brary should be prepared to take the initiative in making friendly advances and in leading these strangers in a strange land, by slow degrees, to an understanding of our language, laws, and customs. This interest and sympathy and friendliness make the stranger feel more at home in his adopted country and establish a new bond of sympathy between him and America. He feels grateful at the recog- nition of his needs and always maintains a delightful attitude toward those who assist him. Those who work with him, who come in con- tact with him, are always enthusiastic over this attitude. In the department devoted to this work at our library we have 10,000 volumes in fourteen different languages. Each literature is arranged in a separate section, where are the classics for those who will never have time or opportunity to study English and for those who learn to read English laboriously for business purposes only, but who seek their mother tongue for pleasure and inspiration. For those who are trying to learn English we have language manuals that teach the English language, inter-lingual grammars that are prepared especially for the adult immigrant with a vocabu- lary of trade that will help him practically in business English that he can make immediate use of. Then there are elementary reading books, for the most part in English, although some are written in the foreign languages, and books on civics that acquaint the Ameri- can in process with the fundamental principles of our government. These books give a short history of America and a few of its heroes, Christopher Columbus, Washington, Lincoln ; they generally include the Declaration of Independence ; and then go on to explain the Fire Department, the Health Department, the Street Cleaning Depart- ment ; — why rubbish must not be thrown into the streets, facts that are so well known to us, but are not understood at all by this new- comer. Such books, that help to interpret the rights of citizenship to these men who may become voters in five years, are being written in some of the foreign languages, but are not keeping pace with the need. As an incentive to the reading of English, we include an illus- trated book of travel that describes the respective countries in Eng- lish under each literature, trusting that the attractive pictures of WORK WITH FOREIGNERS 5 their own country, because of their familiarity, will induce them to read the English text that accompanies the pictures. Leaflets in five different languages that explain what steps are necessary in order that cards may be obtained and books taken from the library have been prepared at our library. These leaflets state the hours of opening and the rules in simple form and have an at- tractive cut of the library on the front cover. A supply of these is kept at the Registration Desk and when a new card is made out for borrowers of these nationalities one is handed to him. We have used them for advertising the department by distributing them to night schools and clubs, and have found them especially useful in reaching the parent through the child. Very little energy need be expended to attract adults, however, for they come to the library without much effort on our part and they need little attention after they do come, for, as I have tried to prove, they know their own literature better than we do. A small library could take care of many different languages without expert knowledge. It is interesting to note in this connection the following statements in the annual re- ports of two such institutions as the New York Public Library and the Boston Public Library. From the former we quote "The branches with the largest use are nearly all on the East Side of the city, where the foreign born and tenement house population is thickest, indicating the great popularity of thfe library with this part of the community. A study of statistics shows, further, that it is just this part of the population which is making most use of the library for study and reading of scientific, historical, sociological, and philosophical books." And the Boston Public Library finds that the "hunger for books is ) keen and universal among those being made into Americans". This leads me directly to a discussion of the aids in book selec- tion that have proved useful to us, a list of which is appended. The great difficulty encountered in making our selection of purchases in foreign literatures is this dearth of reliable book lists, a lack which is being remedied. Aside from the excellent articles in the Encyclo- pedia Britannica under the countries in which one is interested, and in addition to chapters on the literature of a country that are in- cluded in modern books of travel, some of which are mentioned in the list below, an important source of information is the public itself. Situated as we are in a university town, we are peculiarly able to get expert assistance from the superior immigrant. The willingness on the part of readers to assist and be of service in behalf of their fellow- countrymen has been a noticeable feature of our work. A young Russian, whom I well remember poring over his first American news- 6 WORK WITH FOREIGNERS paper less than six years ago, who in six months was registered as a sophomore at Brown University, and was graduated with high honors and now occupies a responsible position with the Boston and Maine Railroad, has been of invaluable assistance to us in selecting books and arousing the interest of Russian readers. Readers find it a pleasure to review a book for us and are eager to talk about their country and its literature. We have a Portuguese friend, a member of the Royal Geographical Society of Lisbon, who has met many of the literary lights of Portugual. She takes pleasure in talking of them, their personal appearance and literary position, which helps one place them in one's mind to a remarkable degree. She has a personal acquaintance with Camillo Castello Branco and has seen Herculano walk the streets of Lisbon as an old, old man. A Greek youth told me about the editor of an old magazine, for which I haven't had very much respect or interest heretofore, prob- ably on account of its unattractive binding, until he recounted the man's life work and brilliant intellect and personal appearance when he met him at the age of 94. After that the uninteresting old book put on a new face. A young Portuguese working as a bookkeeper in a business that employed rough men turned out to be a poet, whose sensitive ear was offended at our greeting "hullo," and who spoke the English language with a fine sense of its shades of meaning. Upon acquaintance he produced portraits of the King and the Queen Mother, autographed, and modestly explained that he had been one of a committee of university students to greet the King at the time he ascended the throne. It has been an education to me to meet these people. I never realized how narrow had been my knowledge of the literature of the world, until I had read Brandes' book on Poland, and essays on Russian and Portuguese and Swedish literatures. My sensations, I think, must have been similar to those of Keats "On first looking into Chapman's Homer". The library co-operates with the night schools, sending them lists of books that will assist both teachers and pupils. But, according to a little handbook published by the local Y. M. C. A., one-fourth of those who cannot speak English in Providence are untouched by the public school. These must be reached by some other means. Stereopticon lectures, wherever they have been tried, have been suc- cessful in meeting large numbers of our new Americans, who show every evidence of interest and appreciation of the various events de- picted. Providence has recently become a port of entry for immi- grants, and coincident with this has arisen the Immigrant Educa- tional Bureau, which is arranging for lectures in foreign languages WORK WITH FOREIGNERS 7 ancl in English on such topics as will appeal to the immigrants and will assist them in becoming useful citizens. The outline submitted is most comprehensive. Our lecture room at the library is one of the halls used for these lectures. Here is an opportunity to present by means of the illustrated lecture the history and government of our city, state, and country ; to tell of our local industries ; and to explain our standards of sanitation and hygiene. These Americans in the making are remarkably susceptible to the influence of our national life and respond quickly to intelligeat sympathy. That they are easily Americanized is a remarkable and en- couraging fact. In 1911 two thousand eight hundred a day came to our land, desirous of a better opportunity for themselves and their chil- dren to enjoy life. If we are to assimilate the immigrant, we must stretch out the helping hand and welcome him. The initiative must be taken by us. It is our privilege to see that this problem, a prob- lem of such immense importance to the future of our country, is solved aright by helping to make these homesick strangers more con- tented in their new environment, and we can assist in a very definite way in turning them into intelligent, law-abiding American citizens. AIDS IN WORK WITH FOREIGNERS The following lists were compiled by Miss Marguerite Reid of the Providence Public Library, and some additions were [made by Mr. John G. Moulton of the Haverhill Public Library. The aim was not to give complete lists but to suggest material of recent date accessible to the average library. Under "Aids in selecting foreign books" the lists issued by book sellers and libra- ries will in many cases be sent free on application. The list of books on language as furnished by Miss Reid was enlarged from lists of the Haverhill, New York, and Springfield public libraries This list was prepared with the needs of the smaller libraries, in view, and when practicable books for first purchase were in- dicated. Prices quoted are approximately the publisher's prices, and from these usually a discount of 10% may be obtained. It is recommended that the smaller libraries should not attempt to import directly through agents in foreign countries but buy through the foreign booksellers in this country. Some of these book- sellers are noted under "Aids in selecting foreign books". 8 WORK WITH FOREIGNERS It is hoped that these lists are free from serious errors. The Secretary, Mr. Moulton, will be glad to receive notice of corrections or additions and will try to answer questions as to selection and pur- chase. If deemed advisable, a list of grammars and dictionaries for studying foreign languages will appear in a later Bulletin. BOOKS AND ARTICLES OF INTEREST IN THE WORK Balch, Emily Q. Our Slavic fellow citizens. Baring, Maurice. Landmarks in Russian literature. Brandes, Qeorg M. C. Poland. Campbell, J. Maud. Public library and the immigrant. New York Libraries, v. 1, p. 100-105, 132-136. Crawford, Virginia M. Studies in foreign literature. Devonshire, H. C. French books for our daughters. National Re- view, V. 48, p. 1022-1033. Ellis, Havelock. Soul of Spain. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Articles under countries— literature. Fitzmaurice-Kelly, James. Chapters on Spanish literature. History of Spanish literature. Francke, Kuno. German ideals of today. A history of German literature. Qosse, Edmund. French profiles. Hale, E. E., Jr. Dramatists of today. HapgOOd, Hutching. Spirit of the Ghetto. Harboe, Paul. Silhouettes of Swedish writers. Bookman, v. 24, p. 143-150. Heller, Otto. Studies in modern German literature. Howells, William D. Modern Italian poets. Huneker, James. Egoists. Iconoclasts. James, Henry, French poets and novelists. Jousselln, Stephane. Some French books that American women ought to read. Review of Reviews, v.' 32, p. 89. Kennard, Joseph S. ItaUan romance writers. Konta, Annie L. History of French literature. Kropotkin, Frinct. Russian literature. . WORK WITH FOREIGNERS 9 Lee, Elizabeth. Recent foreign literature. (Appears in "Library," an English quarterly, each number.) Mulliken, Clara. Reading list on modern dramatists. Phelp«, William Lyon. Essays on Russian'novelists. Prestage, Edgar. - English neglect of Portuguese literature. Academy, V. 43, p. 506. Ramsden, Hermione. The new myticism in Scandinavia. Nineteenth Century, v. 47, p. 279-296. Robertson t John Q. History of German literature. 5aintsbury, George. Later nineteenth century. V. 12 of Periods of European literature. Scandinavian novel. Living Age, v. 232, p. 1-19. Steiner, Edward A. Immigrant tide. On the trail of the immigrant. Stephens, Winifred. French novelists of today. Stories of the nations series. SymonSt Arthur. Studies in prose and verse. Symbolist movement in literature. Thayer, William R. Italica. Thorold, Alger. Six masters in disillusion. Van Norman, L. E. Poland. Villiers- Warden, Afrs. Spain of the Spanish. Waiiszewski, K. History of Russian literature. Wells, Benjamin W. Modem French literature. Modern German literature. Wiener, Lee. History of Yiddish literature in the nineteenth century. Zimmern, Helen. Italy of the Italians. Consult also articles on work with foreigners in Library Journal and Public Libraries. BOOKS FOR LEARNING ENGLISH FOR NON-ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLE (Books for first purchase are indicated with an asterisk.) TEACHING ENGLISH Adkins. An English course for evening students. Swan, Sonnen- schein. 1909. $1 00 10 WORK WITH FOREIGNERS Althouse. Business letters. Penn Pub. Co. 1910. .50 * Chancellor. Reading and language lessons for evening schools. Amer. Book Co. 1904. .30 * Studies in English for evening schools. Amer. Book Co. 1904. .30 Cody. How to do business by letter. School of English, Chicago. 1908. $1 00 Success in letter-writing, business and social. McClurg. 1906. .75 «Paustine and Wagner. A new reader for evening schools. Adapted for foreigners. Vocabulary in English, Swedish, Polish, Italian, and German. Hinds. 1909. .50 ♦Field and Coveney. English for new Americans. Vocabulary in English, Armenian, Modern Greek, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Syrian (Arabic;, and Yiddish. Silver, Burdett. 1911. .60 ♦Houghton. First lessons in English for foreigners in evening schools. Amer. Book Co. 1911. .40 ♦Hlilshof. Reading made easy for foreigners. Hinds. 1909. 3v. $1 20 ♦MintZ. First reader for new American citizens. Macmillan. 1910. .50 * The new American Citizen. Macmillan. 1909. .50 * A practical speller for evening schools. Macmillan. 1910. .50 New York City, Dept. of Education. Instruction to teachers in elementary schools. *0*Brien. English for foreigners. Houghton> MifHin. 1909. .50 ♦Prior and Ryan. How to learn Enghsh; a reader for foreigners. Macmillan. 1911. .55 Roberts. English for coming Americans. Y. M. C. A. Press. 1909. .50 English for coming Americans; first reader. Y. M. C. A. Press. 1909. .50 5harpe. First reader for foreigners. Amer. Book Co. 1911. .40 Thorley. A Primer of English for foreign students. Macmillan. 1910. .60 ♦Wallach. A first and second book in English for foreigners. Silver, Burdett. 1910. .50 WORK WITH FOREIGNERS n GRAMMARS AND HANDBOOKS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES ARMENIAN «Guliail. Elementary English grammar for Armenians. Groos. 1901. $1 00 Yeran. Armenian-English conversation. Author, 603 Massachusetts Ave., Boston. 1911. BOHEMIAN Jonas. Novy tlumac americky. Slavie, Racine, Wis. $1 50 BULGARIAN Qawriysky. Elementary English grammar for Bulgarians. Groos. 1908. .80 CROATIAN Lochner. Easy method for Croatians to learn English without a tedcher. Caspar. 1903. $1 50 DANISH AND NORWEGIAN ♦Elbe. Ku us paa 100 Timer i Engelsk. Kos. Copenhagen. 1910. $1 80 Hjelm and Witcomb. Guide to modern conversation in Danish and English. Behr. .55 Qoldschmidt. Engelsk til selvstudium. Gyldendal. 1901. .65 *PolygIott Kuntze. Danskeren i England. Georgi. .25 DUTCH Callsch-Witcomb. Modern conversation in Dutch and English. Behr. .60 *Coster. Kleine Engelsche spraakkunst. Groos. 1908. .70 Hofman. Leerboek der Engelsche taal. $1 00 ♦Polyglott Kuntze. De Hollander in Engeland. Georgi. .25 12 WORK WITH FOREIGNERS FINNISH NeilSen and Lundbeck. Suomalais-englantilainen sanakirja ja lause- oppi. Nielsen and Lundbeck, N. Y. 1908. .50 *Oppman. Englannin kielioppi. Edlundin, Helsingissa. 1904. .90 FRENCH Clifton. Manuel de conversation. Fran^ais-anglais. Garnier. .90 Connor. Manuel de conversation. Fran^ais-anglais. Groos. 1909. .60 *Mauron-Verrier. Nouvelle grammaire anglaise. Groos. 1907. $1 00 * Petite grammaire anglaise. Groos. 1911. .60 Ollendorff. Nouvelle methode pour apprendre I'anglais. Montreal. $1 00 ♦Polyglotte Kuntze. Le Fran^ais en Angleterre. Georgi. .25 Thlmm. L'anglais sans maitre. Marlborough. 1903. .50 GERMAN Ahn. Amerikanischer Dolmetscher. Steiger. .50 ^Baumann-Englisch. Der kleine Touissant-Langenscheidt. 1908. .90 Connor. Deutsch-englisches Konversationsbuch. Groos. 1909. .60 Flaxman. Handbuch der englischen Umgangsprache. Neff. 1905. .90 *Qaspey. Englische Konversations-Grammatik. Groos. 1911. $1 00 Hecker. Deutsch-englischer Wortschatz. Behr. 1907. .75 *Otto. Kleine englische Sprachlehre. Groos. 1909. .90 ♦Polyglot! Kuntze. Amerikanisch. Georgi. .25 Runge. Englische Gesprache. Groos. .50 Schlessing. Handbuch der englischen Konversationsprache. Tauch- nitr. 1907. .75 ♦Toussaint-Langenscheldt. Englische Unterrichtsbriefe. Langen- scheidt. 1908. $7 50 (The best, if it can be afforded.) HUNGARIAN ♦Dallos-Patterson. Gyakorlati Angol nyelvtan. Practical English grammar. WORK WITH FOREIGNERS 13 Qaspey. Angol t^rsalgasi nyelvtan. English conversational grammar. Kohanyi. Angol nyelvmester. English language teacher. Liberty Press, Cleveland. Polyglott Kuntze. A Magyar Angolorsz&gban. Georgi. .25 ITALIAN *Arbib-C08ta. Lezioni graduate di lingua inglese. Tocci. $1 00 Blont. Grammatica inglese italiana. $1 75 Cann. Grammatica della lingua inglese. $1 35 Clifton. Italian- English conversation. Gamier. .90 Fabbraccl and Witcomb. Modem conversation in Italian and Eng- lish. Behr. .60 Qaudenzl. Nuovissima grammatica accelerata italiana-inglese. Gau- denzi. 1900. $1 25 Qenzardi. Nuovo metodo per imparare la lingua inglese. 3v. Gnocchi. 1897. $2 00 r italiano e I'inglese. Paravia. .85 Lysle. L'inglese come si parla in Inghilterra. Streglio. 1904. $1 50 Metodo accelerate anglo-americano. $1 65 ♦Moore. Libro illustrato di lingua inglese. Heath. 1908. .40 *Pavla. Grammatica della lingua inglese. Groos. 1910. $1 35 * Grammatica elementare della lingua inglese. Groos. 1909. .75 ♦Polyglott Kuntze. L' Italiano in America. Georgi. .25 ♦Waller. Lezioni d'inglese per gl'italiani. Jenkins. 1911. $100 LITHUANIAN Laukis. Rankvedis angliskos kalbos. Lietuvos, Chicago. 1906. $1 50 MODERN GREEK Agglike methodos aneu didaskalou. Atlantis. $1 00 Atlantis. Neotate grammatike tes agglikes glosses. Atlantis. 1907. ♦Deffner. Mikra agglike methodos. Groos. $1 00 ♦KontOpOHloS. Grammatike tes agglikes glosses. Antoniade. 1883. .90 Ollendorphou methodos eis ten aggliken. Sidere. 1907. $2 40 14 WORK WITH FOREIGNERS Petraris. Manual of modern Greek and English conversation. Holtze^ 1898. $1 70 *Polyglott Kuntze. Ho Hellen en Amerike. Georgi. .25 ^Zoniados. Pleres helleno-agglikon kai agglo-hellenikon epistolarion^ Atlantis. 1910. $1 00 POLISH *Bergcr. Latwa metoda jezyka angielskiego. Gebethner. 1910. $1 20 Dyniewicz. Posrednik polsko-angielski. Author. Chicago. .60 Forster and Witcomb. Modern conversation in Polish and English. Neufeld. .60 Hecker. Systematical vocabulary. Polish- English. Behr. .60 *Ka8prowicz and Cornet. Manual of Polish and English conversa- tion. Holtze. 19C6. $1 10 *Po!ygIott Kuntze. Polak w Ameryce. (Polish and English con- versation.) Georgi. 1909. .25 PORTUGUESE *Bensabat. Nova grammatica pratica da lingua ingleza. $1 20 ConstanciO. Novo mestre inglez. Aillaud. $1 65 *Duarte. Manual da conversa9ao; Portuguez-inglez com a pronun- cia9ao. Gamier. .90 *Morelra. Grammatica da lingua ingleza. $1 25 Ollendorff. Novo methodo para aprender a lingua ingleza. $2 50 Perelra. O inglez sem mestre. $4 50 *Polyglott Kuntze. O Portuguez na Inglaterra. Georgi. .25 ROUMANIAN Ahn. Nouametoda pratica pentru a invata au in lesnire limba engleza. Polyglott Kuntze. Romanul in Englitera. Gtorgi. .25 RUSSIAN BoltZ. Conversations modernes en russe, fran9ais, anglais et ailamand. Behr. $1 20 Clifton. English- Russian conversation. Gamier. .90 WORK WITH FOREIGNERS 15 Cornet. Manual of Russian and English conversation. Holtze. 1897. $1 10 Qoffe. Object lessons in English for beginners. Weyermann. 1905. *11auff. Prakticheskaya grammatika angliskavo yazyka. Groos. 1902. $1 50 *Nurok. Prakticheskaya grammatika angliskavo yazyka. 1908. $1 80 *Polyglotte Kuntze. The Russian in England. Georgi. .25 SERVIAN Petroviteh. Elementary English grammar for the use of Servians. Groos. 1908. .70 SPANISH Butler and Ritter. El maestro de la conversacion inglesa. Appleton. 1892. .60 Bustamante and Clifton. Manual de conversacion. Garnier. .50 •Cortina. Ingles en veinte lecciones. Cortina. 1899. $1 50 Qarrin. Gram&tica inglesa. Hirschfeld. $1 10 Ollendorff -Vins:ut. El maestro de Ingles. Lockwood. 1893. $1 50 Palenzuela and Carreno. Metodo para aprender el Ingles. Apple- ton. 18%. $1 50 ♦Pavla. Gram^tica inglesa. Groos. 1908. $1 50 Gram4tica sucinta de la lengua inglesa. Groos. .55 *Polyglott Kuntze. El Espanol en Inglaterra. Georgi. .25 Robertson. Nuevo curso del idioma ingles. $2 50 SWEDISH Afzelius. Kortfattad engelsk grammatik for praktiska behof. Nor- stedt. .50 Calwagen. Engelsk spr°aklara. .25 Lipmanson and Witcomb. New guide to modern conversation in Swedish and English. 1^5. .60 May. I^robok i engelska sprake*. $1 25 16 WORK WITH FOREIGNERS *R0Stllthal. Masterskapssystemet. Larobok i engelska affars-och umgangesspraket af Svensson. Fritze. $1 00 *Polyglott Kuntze. Svensken i England. Georgi. .25 TURKISH Ahn. Practical method of learning English; tr. by Hakki. Constanti- nople. 1889. YIDDISH Ahn. The newest English method. Hebrew Pub. Co. .30 Harkavy. American letter writer and speller. Hebrew Pub. Co. * English teacher. Hebrew Pub. Co. $1 00 * Ollendorff's method to acquire a thorough knowledge of the English language. Hebrew Pub. Co. 1908. $1 50 ^Krantz. English teacher. Werbelowsky. .53 BOOKS ABOUT THE UNITED STATES FOR FOREIGNERS IN ENGLISH ^Bloomfield and others. A civic reader for new Americans. Amer. Book Co. 1908. .38 ^Chancellor. History and government of the United States for evening schools. Amer. Book Co. 1908. .30 Dole. The young citizen. Heath. 1909. .45 Forlong, C. J. Our future citizens: how to become a citizen. Author. Buffalo. Qreen, Hinckley and Allen. Manual for voters in Rhode Island. Authors, Providence. 1909. Howard. American history, government, and institutions. A manual of citizenship for young Americans and new Americans. Author, Windsor Locks, Ct. 1905. .65 Marriott. How Americans are governed in nation, state, and city. Harper. 1910. $1 75 WORK WITH FOREIGNERS 17 riarriott. Uncle Sam's business told to young Americans. Harper 1908. $1 25 *Mowry. First steps in the history of our country. Silver, Burdett 1907. .70 ^Relnsch. The young^itizen's reader. Sanborn. 1909. .60 ^Richman and Wallach. Good citizenship. Amer. Book Co. 1908 .45 Severance, Mary F. A guide to American citizenship. Author. 1909. Tappan. Our country's story. Houghton, Mifflin. 1902. .65 IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES FRENCH Bentzon. Lcs Americaines chez elles. Hachette. 1904. Bentzon. Femmes d'Amerique. Colin. 1900. Coulevain. Noblesse americaine. Ollendorff. 1907. Laboulaye. Histoire des Etats-Unis. 1620-1789. Durand. Ep. 1870. 3v. Leroy-Beaulleu. Les Etats-Unis au xxc siecle. Colin. 1904. Masseras. Washington et son oeuvre. Plon, Nourrit. 1889. Never5. L'^me americaine. Jouve and Boyer. 1900. ROHSiers. La vie americaine. Firmin, Didot. 1892. 5avine. Roosevelt intime. Juven. GERMAN Cronau. Drei Jahrhunderte deutschen Lebens in Amerika. 17th-19th century. Reimer. 1909. Kallmeyer, Charle5. How to become a citizen of the United States. (In English and German.) Author, 205 East 45th St., N. Y. Mtinsterberg. Die Amerikaner. Mittler. 1904. Naubert and Kuerschner. Land und Leute in Amerika. Langen- scheidt. 1909. .90 18 WORK WITH FOREIGNERS Sievers. Amerika. BibliogrAphisches Institut. 1894. Vay von Vaya and Luskod. Nach Amerika in einem Auswanderer- schiffe. Paetel. 1908. Zimmerman. Vierhundert Jahre amerikanischer Geschichte. 1492- 1892. Brumder. Milwaukee. 1893. ITALIAN Botta. Storia della Guerra dell' Indipendenza degli Stati Uniti d' America. 1775-1783. 1852. 3v. Caccia. Manuale delle leggi degli Stati Uniti ad uso degli Italiani in America. Giordano, N. Y. 1905. CantU. Vite parallele di Mirabeau e Washington. Sauvito. 1873. Carr. Guida degli Stati Uniti per I'immigrante italiano. Doubleday, Page. 1910. Causa. Vita e viaggi di Cristoforo Colombo. Salani. 1907. Cavallaro. Pionieri ed eroi della storia americana. Frugone, 178 Park Row, N. Y. 1907. Ellis. Guida per gPimmigranti italiani. New Jersey Immigrant Soci- ety. MOSSO. La democrazia nella religione e nella scienza. Studi sull' America. Treves. 1908. Pecorlni. Gli Americani. Treves. 1909. Prczlosi. Gl' Italiani negli Stati Uniti del Nord. Lib. ed. Milanese. 1909. Rossi. Un Italiano in America. 1899. Simonin. Attraverso gli Stati Uniti dall' Atlantico al Pacifico. Treves. 1876. Vita di Benjamino Franklin. Barbara. 1907. LITHUANIAN Simonin. Istorija Suwienytu Walstiju Amerikos. 1492-1895. Chicago. 1896. MODERN GREEK Canoutas. Greek-American guide and business directory. Author, 4 East 23 St., N. Y. 1911. (See Nation, v. 93, p. 17.) WORK WITH FOREIGNERS 19 VlastO and Qortzes. Historia ton Henomenon Politeion tes Ameri- kes. 1492-1908. Atlantis, 113-11*7 West 31 St., N. Y. (See In- dependent, Apr. 22, 1909, p. 869.) POLISH Kruszka. History a polska w Ameryce. Milwaukee. 1905. 13v. '\ Sienkiewicz. Listy z podroty. Szkice amerykanskie. Gebethner^ Ed. 1902. 2v. PORTUGUESE Colet. Infancias celebres. Benjamin Franklin. Guillard. 1896. RUSSIAN Channlns:. Istoria Soedinennykh Shtatov Sievernoi Amerike 15-76. 1865. 1897. SWEDISH Irvlns^. Kristofer Columbus. Bonnier. 1894. Laboulaye. Benjamin Franklins Sjelfbiografi och brefvexling. Bonnier. Ed. 1883. 5undbeck. Svenskarna i Amerika. Askerberg. 1900. YIDDISH Cahan. History of the United States. 1910. Harkavy . Columbus. Hebrew Pub. Co. The Citizen. Hebrew Pub. Co. Hermalin. Spanish- American war. 1898. Hlckey. Constitution of the United States. 1897. HorovitZ. Franklin. Heb. Pub. Co. 1907. Krantz. America before Columbus. Inter. Lib. Pub. Co. 1904. The history of America. "Progress." 1905. 20 WORK WITH FOREIGNERS IN SEVERAL LANGUAGES Pamphlets Langah, David. Citizen's manual of the United States constitution. (In English, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Yiddish.) 27p. Author, 825 Wash St., St. Louis. .25 North American Civic League for Immigrants. Messages for new comers to the United States. (In English, Italian, Yiddish.) 19p. 173 State St., Boston. United States Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization. In- formation for immigrants concerning the United States. (In 15 languages.) 7p. Gov't Printing Office. From National Society Sons of American Revolution, Washington, D. C. Of interest in this connection are the following lists : Elmendorf, Mrs. Helps in government and language for immigrants. Pub. Lib. March, 1911, p. 111-112. Holding, Anna L. Books about America in foreign languages; com- piled to aid in the selection of books for foreigners. N. Y, Libraries, April, 1910, p. 92-98. Providence Public Library. Books on America for Non-English speaking people. (Multigraph list.) AIDS IN SELECTING FOREIGN BOOKS L' Action sociale de la femme a V usage des bibliothecaires. Bibliographic du livre franfais. (Monthly.) 60c per year. See P. L. May, 1907, p. 189. A. L. A. List of French fiction. 28p. 1898. 5c. Selected list of French books. 35p. 1908. 25c. Selected list of German books. 58p. 1907. 50c. Annotated. Starred for first purchase. Selected list of Hungarian books. 12p. 1907. 15c. Annotated. Selected list of Norwegian and Danish books. 20p. 1908. 25c. Starred. Selected list of Swedish books. 45p. 1909. 25c. Starred. American association of foreign-language newspapers. New York. The unreached millions. 59p. 1909. WORK WITH FOREIGNERS 21 Atlantis. P. O. Station E. New York. Publisher of Modern Greek books. Catalogue. Bethleem, L*abbe. Pieces de theatre. 1910. 75c. Romans a lire et romans a proscrire. 1905. 75c. (Roman Catholic standpoint.) Bia^i, Quido. Best Italian reading. Supplement to "Rivista delle biblioteche e degli archivi", Jan., 1907, May-June, 1908. Refer- ence books, 3p. Children's books, 8p. Bjorck and Borjesson, now Albert Bonnier, 40 West 28th St., New York. Selected list of Norwegian and Danish books suitable for libraries. 32p. 1909. Selected list of Swedish books suitable for libraries. 24p. 1909. Boston Public Library. Russian literature. 13p. 1896. Works of fiction in the French language. 105p. 1892. Werks of fiction in German. 164p. 1905. Works of fiction in Italian. 25p. 1901, Brockhaus, F. A. Leipsic. Catalogue of foreign Literature. 258p. 1910. Hand-Katalog der neueren deutschen Literatur. 919p. 1908. Systematisches Biicher-Verzeichnis. 592p. 1910. Brooklyn Public Library. German books. 105p. 1907. Yiddish books. Bulletin, Oct., 1909. Ip. Buffalo Public Library. Books in German. 155p. 1908. Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh. Fiction in foreign languages. See Classified catalogue and lists of additions. Annotated. CilicagO Public Library. Books in foreign languages. See Bulletins. Books in the Bohemian language added during 1894-1906. Bull. no. 70. 7p. Danish-Norwegian and Swedish literature. 32p. 1890. Dutch literature. lOp. 1891. French literature. 144p. 1890. German literature. 89p. 1890. Russian books. 5p. 1890. Yiddish books. 6p. 1907. Christiania University Library. Katalog over boker skikket for folkeboksamlinger. 1906, 131p. 1907, 23p. 1908, 46p. See P. L. Dec, 1907, p. 397. Cincinnati Public Library. Finding list of French, Italian, and Spanish prose fiction. 24p. 1904. Finding list of German prose fiction. 44p. 1903. 22 WORK WITH FOREIGNERS Cleveland Public Library. Catalogo dei libri italiani. 23p. 1906. Detroit Public Library. Katalog dziel polskich. 122p. 1907. Supplement. Bull. no. 21. lOp. Druckertnan, Simon, 50 Canal St., New York. Yiddish catalogue. 50p. 1910. Fabietti, E. and Locatelli, A. Saggio di catalogo modello. Milan. 76p. 1908. 50c. Starred. Fumagalli, Q. Cento migliori libri italiani. 16p. 1908. Grand Rapids Public Library. Lithuanian books. Bull. April, 1911. 2p. Qyldendal Publishing Co. 821 W. North Ave., Chicago. Catalogue of Danish and Norwegian books. Harrasowitz, Otto. Polish lists. Leipsic. (Gives titles in English.) Hartford Public Library. Lithuanian books. Bulletins. Hauff , N. S. Catalogue of Norwegian literature. 1883-1907. See L. J. Feb., 1910, p. 95. Hebrew Publishing Co., 83-87 Canal St., New York. Yiddish books. Hoeplit Ulrico. Milan. Libri italiani diletteratura,scienzaed arte. 491p. Migliori libri italiani consigliati da cento illustri contemporanei. 434p. 1892. 75c. Scelta delle migliori opere della letteratura italiana moderna. 283p. 1911. Holyoke Public Library. Catalogue de livres imprimes dans la langue franfaise. 16p. 1910. Italian Book Co., 520 Broadway, New York. Italian books of every description. 92p. 1912. Lemcke and Buechner, 30 W. 27th St., New York. Catalogue raisonne of world literature. Pt. 1. German literature. 36p. 1894. Annotated. (Supple- ments varying from 4 to 28p. issued continually.) Pt. 2. French literature. 36p. 1895. Annotated. (Supplement 16p. Annotated.) Pt. 3. Spanish literature. 27p. 1903. Annotated. Liste des ouvrages acceptes par la Commission Central des Bibliotheques flunicipales de Paris. Annual. See L. J., Jan., 1908, p. 13. WORK WITH FOREIGNERS 23 Uvraria Perreira, 132-138 Rua do Ouro, Lisbon. Catalogue of Portuguese books. lOp. Mabie, H. W. Blue-book of fiction. Foreign fiction. 6p. Globe- Wernicke Co., Cincinnati. 1911. Milwaukee Public Library. Vollstandiger Katalog der deutschen Bucher. 118p. 1910. Minneapolis Public Library. French literature. 44p. 1909. German literature. 27p. 1907. Scandinavian literature. 47p. 1908. Newark Public Library. Various lists. (Multigraphed.) New Bedford Public Library. Katalog der Biicher in den deutschen und anderen Sprachen. Portuguese books. P. 39-48. 1903. Supplement. Mo. Bull. June, 1907, p. 517-518. Catalogue des livres fran9ais. 32p. 1911. Catalogue of Yiddish books. New York Public Library. Bohemian book list. 88p. 1911. Current periodicals in Circulating Department. Poriodicals in foreign languages. 2p. 1910. Dutch and Flemish book list in Mo. list of additions, April, 1910, p. 94-95. Hungarian book list. 24p. 1910. Hungarian book list. Supplement. 3p. 1911. Italian book list. (In preparation.) List of books for foreigners who wish to learn English in Mo^ list of additions, Jan., 1907. p. 71-72. Polish book list. 8p. 1910. Pfeilstticker, Berlin. Besten Bucher aller Zeiten und Literaturen. 1890. 20c. Polish Book Importing Co., 83 Second Ave., New York. Poradnik dla crytajacych ksiazki. 144p. 1909. Polish National Alliance, 1406-1408 W. Division St., Chicago. Katalog biblioteki. 5000 titles in Polish. 2000 titles in Lithuanian. Providence Public Library. Multigraph lists. Books on America for non-English speaking people. 1911. List of Italian books. 1911. List of Yiddish and Hebrew books. 1911. Reading list on German literature. 5p. 1911. (Titles suggested by Prof, von Klenze of Brown University.) 24 WORK WITH FOREIGNERS Revue Critique des Livres Nouveaux. Monthly, $1.25 per year. Ritter and Flebbe, 120 Boylston St., Boston. Foreign book cata- logues, especially French, German, and Italian. Literarische Neuigkeiten. Quarterly. San Francisco Public Library. Finding list of French fiction. 23p. 1911. Schoenhof Boole Co., 128 Tremont St., Boston. Foreign book catalogues, especially French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Children's books in foreign languages. Springfield Public Library. A few books to aid foreigners in learn- ing English. 2p. In Wisconsin Lib. Bulletin v. 4. P. 12. St. Louis World's Exposition. German library. 1904. Volck- mar, Leipsic. Stechert, Q. E. & Co., 151 W. 25th St., New York. Foreign book catalogues, especially German. Thieme. Guide bibliographique de la litterature franyaise de 1800- 1906. Welter. 1907. $3 75 University of Illinois Library. Representative li«t of 150 of best foreign novels in English translation. 6p. Wisconsin Free Library Commission. Traveling libraries. Bohemian group. German group. Norwegian group. Polish group. XUO 3 4.4 Z \0 3 S \^^^^